> Rarity and Fluttershy: Just One Night > by CapNTilfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Generous Offer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sighed heavily she got out of her car in Fluttershy's driveway. For one of the very few times in her life, she cursed her generosity as she neared the door. She was helping out a friend in need and giving her time to be with someone. She should focus on that, not her current... "condition". Fluttershy had recently decided to be a surrogate mother for a friend of hers, and Rarity and her friends were all helpful and supportive of her decision. Several months had passed since then, and now she's carrying twins full term. Unfortunately, Rarity just happened to be aroused by pregnancy. Thankfully, she had thus far been successful in hiding that fact from her friend... to her knowledge, at least. However, something told her this was going to be a long and difficult night as she knocked on the door. A couple of moments passed and the door opened up, revealing Fluttershy, who was wearing a heavy yellow turtleneck sweater with a green skirt. She smiled warmly at Rarity. "Thanks for coming over," she said. "Come on in!" Rarity stood still for a moment as she averted her eyes from Fluttershy's large breasts, only to end up staring at her friend's massive pregnant belly. Dear lord, it was so perfectly round! "Rarity?" Rarity blinked, then shook her head rapidly. "Goodness, darling, I'm sorry!" She blushed, and walked inside to the living room. Tonight was going to be long and difficult indeed... She reached her destination and took a good look around. Fluttershy's living room was fairly large with a brown hardwood floor. A red rug with a flower in the middle stood in the center of the room. A glass coffee table sat atop it with a box of several teas. Raspberry Leaf, Dandelion Leaf and Nettle Leaf tea packets were inside. Pictures of several animals lined the light yellow walls and an entertainment center with a turned-off television sat in front of a large window, allowing sunlight to shine in while watching during the daytime. Fluttershy sighed as she sat down on her white couch, then stretched with a yawn. Rarity stared attentively at her friend's rotund midsection, internally praying she'd get a peek at her bare belly. Fluttershy's sweater began to rise slowly, almost agonizingly so as Rarity grit her teeth. Come on, come on!! It rose until she could just barely see the lowest part of her pregnant belly, then her friend finished her stretch. Dammit! Close, but not close enough! Rarity blinked in surprise at herself. What was she thinking?! Fluttershy was her friend, not a hot piece of meat! What was her problem? She wiped some sweat off her brow, then took a deep breath and exhaled. She could do this. Years spent acting like a true lady were not going to go to waste tonight if she could help it! "Rarity?" Rarity shook her head rapidly, coming back to her senses. "Yes, darling?" "Is everything okay? You seem a bit distracted." Rarity laughed to hide her nerves from Fluttershy with a wave of her hand. "Of course, Fluttershy! Nothing to worry your pregnant-I mean pretty little head over!" She slapped her head with the palm of her hand with a grunt of frustration, then dragged it down her face. Sighing, she turned to face her friend. "Will you excuse me for a moment? I have to use the little girls' room." Fluttershy nodded and smiled. "Of course." Rarity smiled back and walked over to the bathroom, closing the door. She filled the bathroom sink near to the brim with cold water and took a deep breath. She couldn't stand cold water, but this was a desperate time and an old trick just might help. She plunged her face into the water for one second, then gasped as she threw her head back with a shudder. It seemed the trick had worked, as she was no longer aroused. She grabbed a towel and dried her face off as the water drained, then went back to the living room. "Goodness," Fluttershy said as Rarity returned. "You took a long time in there. Are you sure you're okay?" Rarity took another deep breath, then sighed. "Yes dear, I assure you that I'm fine." She sat down on the couch next to Fluttershy, who raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You look like you're sweating." Rarity blinked and felt her forehead. She missed a spot! Damn! "Let me help you with that." Fluttershy grabbed a tissue, then leaned into Rarity as her large pregnant belly grazed the back of her friend's hand. Rarity flinched as she felt her panties dampen while Fluttershy wiped her sweat off. Once her friend finished, she got back up. "I-I-I'll be back in a moment!" She sprinted to the bathroom and closed the door. "Dammit, Rarity, keep it together!" She filled the sink up with cold water again, and dunked her face in it. This time she made sure that her face was completely dry before venturing back to the living room. "Third time's the charm..." Rarity returned to the living room to see Fluttershy smiling warmly. She sat back down on the couch and sighed heavily as her mind buzzed with activity. She didn't know how much longer she'd last! "Rarity." Rarity sighed again, then felt a warm and gentle touch as Fluttershy took her by the hand. She looked up to see her friend wearing that same smile. "Rarity. I can tell when something's bothering you." Fluttershy ran her thumb across the back of her hand. "It's okay," she said softly. Rarity gazed deeply into Fluttershy's eyes. Those opal portals gazed back, reassuring her that no matter what, everything was going to be just fine... "You can tell me anything." Rarity relaxed considerably as she continued staring into those supportive eyes. "I..." she took a deep breath and steeled herself. This was it. The moment she was dreading. "I... find pregnancy sexually attractive." She turned her head away, deeply embarrassed and ashamed of herself. Silence hung in the air for several tense moments. "I know." Rarity's head turned rapidly to face Fluttershy. "What." Fluttershy giggled. "I've known for a while now. The way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. Your eyes tend to wander towards my breasts or belly." Rarity's blush intensified as she looked away again. "Rarity, when we were in high school together, you, me, and the others were given those same looks during our time there! We were very, very attractive then. We all still are. So I know what I'm talking about." Rarity nodded. "But you know what?" Rarity couldn't bring herself to face Fluttershy. "We may have been attractive, but out of all of us? You were the hottest girl in high school." Rarity felt Fluttershy let go of her hand and move away to the other side of the couch. "So many students wanted you in bed. To hear you scream their names in the night... to get a glimpse of that perfect body..." Rarity blinked, then looked up. She gasped audibly as she saw an expression on Fluttershy's face she had never seen before... Pure, unadulterated lust. "Just like me." Fluttershy whispered seductively as she got on all fours and began to slowly crawl towards Rarity. "Your luscious lips... your tantalizing legs..." She licked her lips, inching closer and closer to her prey. "Your mesmerizing hips... your gorgeous breasts..." Rarity began sweating again. She could scarcely believe what she was hearing and seeing! Was this the same Fluttershy she had known all these years?! Fluttershy stopped and sat on the back of her legs with a lascivious grin. "Let me make one thing clear. My attraction to you is physical, and only physical." She gently caressed her large gravid abdomen in front of Rarity with a seductive moan. "And I know you feel the same way." Rarity gulped, fighting every urge and impulse that ran through her mind. She wanted to let Fluttershy finish before she inevitably went off the deep end. "So," Fluttershy said alluringly as she resumed her slow crawl. "I have a deal for you. For tonight. Just one night. We let loose our inhibitions and fuck each other until we're both satisfied." She stopped inches away from Rarity's face and breathed down her neck, then whispered in her ear. "Are you willing to accept such a generous offer?" Rarity smiled widely, then whispered back. "More than willing." And with that, she planted her lips on Fluttershy's, and their mouths opened in a deep and passionate kiss as their tongues fiercely lashed at each other. Fluttershy moaned softly as she ran her gravid abdomen over Rarity's stomach, then broke the kiss with a wet smack. "You wanna rub my huge pregnant belly now?" Without so much as a word, Rarity swiftly positioned herself behind Fluttershy, causing her to yelp as she sucked her friend's neck and dipped her hands to the bottom of her sweater. Savoring the moment, she gently caressed her large gravid abdomen with a moan of lust, fanning the flames of her desire. Fluttershy sagged, enjoying the attention she had wanted from Rarity after all this time. She closed her eyes, only to be kissed by her friend again, only harder and more passionate as she moved her hands up to Fluttershy's bra, circling her nipples with her thumbs. Fluttershy ran her hands through Rarity's hair in approval with a moan until her nipples were completely erect, then she broke the kiss and tossed her yellow sweater to the side, completely baring her massive pregnant belly and light pink maternity bra. Rarity grinned with glee, then dragged her tongue all over Fluttershy's rotund midsection, kissing it every so often as she dipped a hand underneath her friend's skirt. She stopped, savoring the moment until Fluttershy looked up. At that second, Rarity all but shoved her pointer and middle finger inside her love canal, resulting in a prolonged moan. "I don't care if my cum permanently stains my skirt and panties, I need this release!" Rarity leaned in to Fluttershy with a whisper. "Better hold on tight, then." She slowly licked her friend's neck, and thrust in and out vigorously as she used one of her free hands to grope one of her tits. Fluttershy spasmed, then moaned heartily. Oh god, why didn't it feel this good when she fingered herself? "I hope you don't think I was unaware of how hot I was and still am." Rarity grinned lewdly. "I slept around with plenty of our peers." She kissed Fluttershy deeply with a seductive moan as her tongue lashed furiously, then broke it, trailing saliva until she wiped it off. "Photo Finish, Octavia Melody, Toe Tapper, Jet Set, Pokey Pierce, Sweetie Drops..." Fluttershy moaned and panted as she felt a massive orgasm begin to build. "Those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head." Rarity leaned in to Fluttershy's ear. "Oh, by the way... you're the only one out of all of our friends I hadn't fucked yet." Fluttershy neared her breaking point. She could hardly think straight! "If you wanted to have sex with me, dear Fluttershy..." Rarity whispered seductively. "...All you had to do. Was. Ask." With that, she added her middle finger and thrust inside her friend with all of her might. Fluttershy shrieked as she was struck with one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever experienced. She squirmed and twitched, riding it out as best she could until finally, she sighed in bliss. Rarity gazed at Fluttershy seductively. "You want these 'tantalizing legs'?" She took off her shoes and pantyhose. "These 'mesmerizing hips'?" She caressed her hips as she removed her blue skirt, revealing a pair of soaked panties, then took off her white shirt, revealing a black lacy bra. "These...'gorgeous breasts'," she whispered, fondling herself as she licked her lips. "You want me to scream your name?" She chuckled. "You're going to have to prove you're worthy of it." She struck a sexy pose and waited patiently for Fluttershy to make her next move. Fluttershy stared at Rarity, mouth agape. Never had she seen her friend put her hotness on display before! She removed her green skirt, revealing her now cum-stained pink panties. She knew her friend's weakness, at least, so she could use that to her advantage. "Raaarityyy..." She used her most seductive singsong tone. "I'm so very heavily pregnant..." she rubbed her huge belly slowly, making sure to keep her hands in the center. "With twins..." She continued forward. "I'm still very, very horny." She swayed her hips as she closed in on her prey. "Oh," she said casually. "I almost forgot." she grinned widely. "I'm two weeks overdue." Fluttershy then grabbed Rarity and kissed her deeply as she shoved her middle and pointer finger inside her. She grinned inwardly as she felt Rarity run her hands around her rotund midsection, moaning like a beast in heat in her mouth. Breaking the kiss, she smiled. "Oh you poor, poor, thing," she whispered. "You must be so very pent up after all you've seen..." she gently rubbed her belly again. "...and felt. Just let it all out, Rarity. I know you want to." Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs, climaxing her hardest in recent memory. Stars filled her vision as she rode out the electricity coursing through her, jerking in fits and starts. With one last moan, she took a deep breath, then sighed. Fluttershy caressed Rarity's cheek. "Feel better?" "That was heavenly," Rarity said breathily as she nodded. "But I think we both know that that's not enough for either of us." She reached behind Fluttershy and undid her bra, freeing her large breasts. Fluttershy giggled as she did the same for Rarity. "True." She leaned in and kissed her again as they both grabbed each other's racks and played with them, moaning softly at the sensations they were experiencing. The kiss was broken and they stared at each other. The real fun was about to begin. Rarity took the initiative, grabbing Fluttershy's panties and tossing them away. She then dove into Fluttershy's pussy, licking furiously as she positioned her own above her friend's face. Fluttershy twitched violently, then took Rarity's panties and tossed them aside. She grabbed her friend's killer ass, then drank from her honeypot as she felt her large gravid abdomen being rubbed again. The living room was filled with moaning and slurping, and the air was filled with the scent of sex, lust and passion. Rarity moaned loudly. "I-I-I'm gonna cum!" Fluttershy redoubled her efforts, and was rewarded with a loud moan and a splattering of orgasmic juices, which she lapped up happily as she felt her own climax inbound. "D-Don't s-stop!" She arched her back, crying out Rarity's name as she came hard all over her friend's face. "Keep going," Rarity asked. "Keep going," Fluttershy moaned out, and they continued until they came together, harder than before. Rarity sighed. "I... I have one more in me." She got behind Fluttershy, who sat on her legs. "Can you dig your heel into my vagina?" "Of... of course," Fluttershy said, nearly out of breath. She did so, and heard a hearty moan in response. "I think... you know what to... do." Rarity gently rubbed Fluttershy's massive pregnant belly as her friend put every last erg at her disposal to pleasing her. Rarity's tongue lolled out as an even stronger orgasm began to build in a rather quick amount of time. "Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh...F-F-F-Fluttershyyyyyyyy!" She came as she locked up, then nearly fainted and hit the floor had Fluttershy not caught her and laid her down gently. Fluttershy and Rarity panted, looking into each other's eyes, unable to move. "Worth it," Fluttershy said between breaths. "Yes... Indeed it was." Rarity smiled and snuggled Fluttershy, basking in the afterglow. "Oh, Rarity?" Fluttershy said as she felt fatigue take its toll on her. "Yes?" "Let's just leave tonight between the two of us. I can get Applejack to... help..." Fluttershy started snoring. Rarity smiled warmly, and slowly fell asleep. She would never forget this night as long as she lived.