> Mistakes Were Made > by Devela > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Running > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You feel a hollow as you run through the muddy streets, your claws squelching with foot fall. After a moment you stop to catch your breath, the heavy rain pouring down without a chance of stopping. You don't care, you're already soaked from running already. The chill of the wind doesn't even bother you compared to the chill in your heart. You put a claw against the wall.beside, eyes looking up towards the skies as tear drops mix with the rain as they fall from your eyes. You didn't have long to stand there and reflect before an ear piercing scream broke the entire silence and tranquility of the rain. Your eyes darted everywhere before you looked back behind you. Lights began suddenly flicking on from the other side of town. Doors flying open and the rush of hooves in mud rushing towards the source of the scream. Your eyes stung as you turned away and started to run again. A fear gripped you as you ran, not caring where you went as images flashed in your vision. ‘A splotch of purple amidst blond and white. Your heart thumped at it as anger flashed in your eyes. The feeling swelled inside you as you gave slow growl, inching back away from the cracked doorway. The soft squeaking of a bed in motion accompanied the soft gasps of a heart's desire.’ Now all you felt was sadness and regret. So focused on your memories you never realized you had entered the dark forest. So many times have you been warned upon entering it, but no one ever listened save you. Now you ignored all care as you sought a way to get away from the pain inside. ‘A flash of silver and then a burst of red. A hand squeezed tighter to silence any noise. Another flash of silver before all the white was pink.’ Something caught your foot, making you stumble before you righted yourself. Your focus righted itself onto the area in front of you before a beam of yellow cross well above your head. Voices yelling in despair, anger, or sadness filled the air but you ignored them and kept running. Ahead there was a large chasm approaching, a perfect place to end the pain and suffering you felt now. The deep regret over what had happened now filled you and drove you onward. Finally with a smile grazing your lips you ran over the edge. The sweet bliss of darkness below calms your nerves as the release you craved was approaching you. A blur of rainbow filled your sight as the fall stopped and rage engulfed you. Someone dared take your sweet escape away. ‘Rage boiled inside before green erupted out of from between clenched teeth. The kiss you finally craved had arrived. Now you watched as the gem of your heart began melting, the flames dying away.’ You wouldn't go back to face the judgement of others, stares of those who wouldn't understand, hatred over something done in passion and love, or the cruel gaze of disgust over what had happened. Your side of the story wouldn't matter, you weren't like them. When did they ever care about the opinion or nature of those who weren't like them. So you struck out with your claws, sinking then across the arms that held you. It took a moment but the fall resumed again. You turned back over to face the sky above, the tingle of magic reaching towards you already. No, they would not deny you this. A great echoing roar filled the gorge as flames erupted from your maw. The magic stopped trying to reach for you but instead protected the one who tried to stop you in the first place. You kept the flames going quickly before you felt the first prick of a stone. It all brought a smile to your face before the escape you crave in darkness enveloped you. > Forgetting Myself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You didn't feel anything, no emotions tugged at you. No smile crossed your lips as you floated through the small town you had lived in. No smiles grazed any faces as everyone had black hats upon their heads, from the young to old all worn the same black hat with a screen wrapped around the brim. A group of five sat amongst themselves as silence was all the town was. No laughter escaped anyone's mouth, not even a single word as the color dulled with each minute that passed by. The town had began to shuffle towards the small group, who were seated on a row of benches before a large black wooden box. It was easily seven feet long and six feet across. There was two parts to the lid, but neither were open as you approached. . Something crossed before you as scotches of white in the grayscale of color that the world had become to you. Slowly you crossed over towards the box, looking at those in the front. You didn't recognize anyone at all, the faces seemed strange and names didn't come to you. That didn't feel right, right? You felt odd as if you should know those five in front the most. The horned one most of all, but nothing came to you. Something crept into your mind that made you think they weren't important so you simply forgot who they were, but who were you even. A frown crossed your lips for a moment as you tried to think. Your name, family, friends, anything about you at all that would tell you who you were. A chill started to envelope you as the slow realization began to from. You didn't know who you were, like you had forgotten or been forgotten by everyone you knew in life. How was that possible you didn't know but it scared you. Your attention turned to the patches of white, but it seemed you were late to confront them. Both started to glow for a moment before rising up towards the sky.