The Hunter and the Hunted

by Marezinger Z

First published

The girls look to uncover the mystery of a series of break-ins while the school deals with an obnoxious new student.

It begins with the report of a break-in on the news and leads into a mystery that Sunset and her friends find themselves looking into. At the same time, a new student at Canterlot High begins making waves that ripple across the student body. Sunset begins to question just who this boy is as their sleuthing starts to point to him being involved.

Chapter 1

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 1:

Sunset stirred at the sound of her alarm and groggily reached over to silence the jarring noise. With a yawn, she kicked her legs over the side of the bed and stood; adjusting her twisted pajamas, she headed for the bathroom to start her day. Going through the motions of her morning routine, she readied herself for school. As she passed through the living room she turned on the T.V. and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. Opting for a portable, bacon and egg sandwich, the morning news caught her attention with a breaking report.

“This morning the owner of Grand Illusions, a family owned magic shop, reported a devastating break-in to the police.” The reporter began. “The owner reported nothing stolen, but his shop suffered an estimated $12,000 in damages. He was quoted as saying it looked as if wild animals had run through his shop. This marks the third, similar break in this month with two other locations around town having suffered near identical incidents. As of this time there are still no suspects.”

“Trixie is going to blow a gasket when she hears that.” Sunset said to herself. “Like we need any more weirdness happening around here.” Once finished prepping her sandwich she scooped up her backpack and headed out. The familiar trip to school was as unremarkable as ever and as she passed through Canterlot High’s front doors she immediately heard the boisterous voice of her ‘Great and Powerful’ friend.

“This attack on magic cannot stand!” Trixie shouted from the middle of the main hall to anyone who would listen. “This baseless attack is surely the work of narrow minded people who cannot open their minds to the world of the mystical! I’ve been going to that store since I was as little girl and I ask you all to help me aid in its restoration!”

Sunset waved to get her attention. “Trixie!”

Trixie settled down as she approached. “Sunset, I trust you heard what happened?”

“Yeah, I saw it on the news. Sorry to hear.”

“Well, at least someone seems to care.” Trixie said snidely as she glared at the passing students who were eager to avoid her. “I’m trying to start a fundraiser to help the owner rebuild but…” She looked back down the hall angrily. “Some people can’t seem to be bothered!” She yelled, her voice reverberating through the hall.

“That’s great of you Trixie.” Sunset put a calming hand to her shoulder. “But a little more honey and a lot less vinegar might net you some more progress. Let me know when you get set up though, you can count on my help.”

“Thank you, Sunset.” Trixie noticed Snips and Snails coming in through the front door, immediately setting herself on them for aid.

Sunset laughed and continued down the hall. Along the way she came across Rainbow Dash hanging out with Applejack next to her locker. “Morning.” She greeted.

“Howdy Sunset.” Applejack tipped her hat.

“What’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nothing new.” Sunset leaned against the lockers. “Did you two hear about that third break in this morning?”

“Yeah, Trixie told us all about it.” Rainbow Dash said with a heavy eye roll.

“To be honest, things like that aren’t all that uncommon.” Applejack noted.

“I know, but something about it just seems abnormal.” Sunset twisted her lips in thought. “I mean, who trashes a magic shop?”

“Who knows?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Probably some punk kids.”

“I guess.” Sunset shook off her nagging thoughts on the matter. “So, what’s new in hallway gossip?”

“Apparently somebody finally got into it with that new student yesterday afternoon.” Applejack informed.

“Oh yeah… Hunter, right?” Sunset recalled hearing the name before. “I forgot about him, I think I’ve only seen him like two times since he showed up.”

“Not surprising.” Applejack nodded. “He’s in one of my classes; quiet as a church mouse and only opens his mouth when the teacher calls on him. Doesn’t even so much as attempt to be friendly to anyone and if someone tries, he gets pretty snippy with them.”

“Yeah well, his mouth was open yesterday.” Rainbow Dash said with a hint of distaste. “I heard that Soarin tried to call him out on his attitude and Hunter started laying into him like it was his job or something.”

“Wow.” Sunset said with a hint a surprise. “I haven’t even talked to him so I really can’t say one thing or another. Maybe he’s having a hard time adjusting to a new school.”

The five minute bell interrupted their conversation and the girls hurried along to their first classes. Come lunch time the cafeteria came alive with the bulk of the student body. Sunset and her friends claimed a central table and as they ate they overheard upset muttering from the table behind them which was populated by members of the soccer team.

“Check it out, there he is.” One of the boys pointed towards the double doors as he saw Hunter enter the cafeteria.

“Dude, just let it go.” Another said. “He’s not worth it.”

“You want to let him get away with what he said?” The first boy asked.

Across the room, Hunter grabbed a tray and stepped in line. He waited quietly as the students ordered their food from Granny Smith. When he finally reached the front he looked over the choices grimly. “This is the same food from yesterday, isn’t it?” He asked with a crooked smile.

Granny sighed heavily. “Made fresh, every day.”

“You certain, I’m pretty sure I recognize that carrot on the left.”

“What do ya’ll want?” Granny asked dryly.

“I’ll go with the vegetable soup. It’s the thing that looks the most like the thing it’s supposed to be.” He chuckled to himself.

“You know, if you think you can whip up something better you’re more than welcome to jump back here and show me how it’s done.” Granny eyed him as she placed a bowl of soup on his tray.

“That’s okay, if I ever get desperate for better food I’ll just go to jail.” He returned her look.

“Hmph, well I never.” Granny grumbled.

“Well you should, you might like it.” He tipped his head to her as he headed off to find a table. As he sat and took out his spoon he heard a voice call out at him.

“Hey!” The three members of the soccer team started over.

“Oh goody.” Hunter sighed as he set his spoon down and turned to them. “Yes?” He asked, his voice drenched in sarcastic interest.

“We heard what you said about Soarin yesterday.” The angry player at the group’s head said. “He may have let it slide but don’t think the rest of the team is going to be that easygoing.”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “Oh please, so I made fun of a soccer player. So what?” He stood. “It’s not like we’re in Europe where that’s a capital offense.”

“You piece of…”

“Hey hey!” Sunset came over and grabbed his shoulder. “Knock it off before campus security shows up.”

“Better listen to Bacon Braids here.” Hunter smiled.

“Yeah, just calm…” Sunset paused. “Bacon Braids?”

“Are you really going to stand up for this guy?” The student asked.

“I’m not standing up for anything, I’m just trying to keep you from doing something stupid.” Sunset gestured around to show that their scene had captured everyone’s attention.

“Fine.” The three of them backed off and returned to their table.

Hunter sat back down but noticed that Sunset sat across from him. “Please, have a seat.” He eyed her with a hint of irritation.

“You can take the attitude down a notch, I just wanted to talk.”

“Well that makes one of us.” He noted as he began eating.

“Hey, I’ve been the new kid too.” She shrugged. “I know it isn’t always easy.”

“It is for me, I change schools a lot.”

“Can’t imagine why.” Sunset smiled.

“Ha, ha… not bad.” He nodded. “Look, you strike me as the kind of person who likes to step up and step in.” He stopped eating and stood. “But you should be careful where you step.” He put his fists on the table and matched eyes with her. “Mine fields don’t care who’s walking on them, everyone gets blasted just the same.” With that, he abandoned his food and headed out of the cafeteria. Sunset watched him go and reflected on the encounter.

“Sunset.” Twilight and Rainbow Dash came over to check on her. “What did he say?”

“Nothing nice I bet.” Rainbow Dash folded her arms. “Told you he was jerk.”

“Sure seems like it.” Sunset said.

“Come on, lunch is almost over.” Twilight waved her back towards the table. “Let’s finish eating.”

“Yeah.” Sunset rose and followed them back over to the others.

The rest of the day went smoothly and as the final bell rang, Sunset made her final trip to her locker before making for the front doors.

“Sunset, darling.” Rarity called to her as she walked.

“Hey Rarity.” She turned mid step and waved.

“I’m going to meet Fluttershy for an early dinner, would you care to join?” Rarity asked as she caught up to her.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing going.” Sunset nodded as they continued on together. As the pair left the building they came across Flash and Micro Chips standing at the bottom of the front steps.

“Hey, Sunset.” Flash waved. “Word is going around you had more than a ten second conversation with Hunter.”

“That really such a big deal?” She asked as they joined them.

“Well dear.” Rarity began. “He does seem to be rather… how I should put this, insufferable.”

“I don’t know.” Sunset thought. “He told me he’s changed schools a lot. He didn't say why, but going through that would take its toll on anyone.”

“Well, I suppose if that’s the case it could affect his outlook.” Micro Chips surmised. “I mean, he might not feel it worth making friends if he suspects he won’t be around long enough to get close to them.”

“Listen.” Sunset eyed the boys. “How about you and the other guys try to get in with him.”

“Uh…” Flash ran his fingers though his hair. “I suppose we could.” He looked to Micro Chips. “What do you think?”

“Nothing positive.” He admitted. “But I’m willing to try.”

“Great.” Sunset applauded their willingness. “I’ll meet you guys after school tomorrow and you can let us know how it went.” They parted ways and the girls went to meet Fluttershy at the Sweet Shoppe.

Chapter 2

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 2:

Hunter arrived at school by bus the following morning and threw his backpack over his shoulder as he prepared to enter the grounds. He checked his watch before quickly heading inside. His first two classes were as inconsequential as he usually found them and upon their end he headed outside to pull out his phone and make a call. Wandering away from any passing students as he spoke, he hung up as he noticed Flash approaching him.

“You must be lost.” Hunter looked him over. “Valedictorian tryouts are that way.” He pointed back the way he came.

“Not lost at all.” He said as friendly as possible. “I came by to say hi and see how things were.”

“Peachy.” Hunter smiled. “Is that all?”

“It just seemed like things have been rough for you since you got here, which isn’t what Canterlot High is all about. I thought it’d be cool to get to know you and help you start settling in around here.”

“That’s a horrible idea.” Hunter said plainly. “Haven’t you heard what a terrible person I am?”

“What? No.”

“Damn, I’m going to have to fire my P.R. guy.” Hunter saluted. “Thanks but no thanks.” He quickly headed back inside leaving behind a confused Flash. Hunter’s third class passed by and as the school took its twenty minute break before its next class period, he went to the library to use the computers. He called up the local news page and began looking through the articles, only to be interrupted by another voice.

“Greetings.” Micro Chips said as he came over with Snails.

Hunter closed his web browser and sighed inside. He turned in his chair and crossed his legs. “Hey… Microsoft.”

“Micro Chips.” He corrected.


“So, a fellow library lounger eh?” He asked as he sat beside him.

“Is that a thing?” Hunter asked. “Please tell me that’s not a thing.”

“It’s not… never mind.”

“So what do you want, Chess Club?

“Well, speaking of clubs.” Micro Chips began. “I came to ask if you’d like to be a part of the Ogres and Oubliettes gaming club with us. Since you’re new, I figured you hadn’t had a chance to look into all that Canterlot High has to offer.”

“Ogres and… what now?” Hunter furrowed his brow.

“Ogres and Oubliettes.” He repeated dramatically. “A game where the only limits are your imagination.”

“And the player’s guide.” Snails added.

“Yes… and the player’s guide.” Micro Chips conceded.

“Oh my god.” Hunter mumbled under his breath. “Look, fantasy really isn’t my strong suit.”

“Come now.” He thematically gestured. “As a man of science, even I can release my mind and indulge in the idea of the fantastic.” He pointed to the sky. “Picture it; lost dungeons, terrifying creatures and a hoard of treasure. It will be a conquest for the ages.”

Hunter stared up at him with dead eyes. “Your mom’s a conquest for the ages.”

Micro Chips physically deflated and let out a heavy sigh. “For the sake of comradery… I’m going to ignore that.”

“Really?” Hunter said, almost impressed. “You’re harder than I thought.” He stood and slapped Micro Chip’s shoulder. “Going to have to take a raincheck though. I’d… like to know the touch of a woman again before I die.” With a short wave he left the library to head to his next class. “Man, what is it with this school.” He muttered as the hurried down the hall. After the fourth class it was time for lunch. Deciding to avoid the cafeteria he ate what he brought in his backpack while sitting in a quiet part of the rear field.

“My dude!” Sandalwood’s voice hailed.

“You have got to be shitting me.” Hunter said in shock as he watched him come closer.

“Seems like you found a nice place to chill.” He squatted down beside him.

“It was.” Hunter said wistfully. “Can I help you?”

“Just wanted to introduce myself man, names Sandalwood.” He held out his hand but Hunter didn’t budge. “Ha, not the hands on type, I can respect that.”

Hunter checked his watch. “Hey, only fifteen minutes of lunch left… shouldn’t you be picking the crumbs out of your dreads before class?”

Sandalwood ran his hand over his hair. “Don’t let the look fool you. These locks are pristine.”

“Your parents must be proud.” Hunter smiled.

“Hey, where do you think I got them from?” Sandalwood held out his phone and displayed a picture of him with his parents, both of whom sported dreadlocks.


“If you ever want to chat or kick the bag, my friends and I are always down to hang out. The eco club also does a weekly meditation session in the park.”

“No thanks, Captain Planet.” Hunter rose.

“That’s okay, it isn’t for everyone but it’s open to anyone.” He smiled.

“You… are irritatingly impossible to annoy.” Hunter admitted.

“Dude, inner peace will see us through any storm.” He said tranquilly as Hunter headed off.

Following his fifth class, Hunter went to his locker to swap books for his final class. As he dug through his belongings, a large shadow came over him. He spun around with an exhausted groan. “Listen, I can’t take any more…” His eyes widened as he took in Bulk. “Good god, what are they feeding kids these days.”

“Hey, we haven’t officially met yet. I’m Bulk.”

“That you are.” Hunter closed his locker and took a few steps back.

“I’m friends with Flash, he said I should stop by.”

“To what? Ask me if I even?”

“No, just to say hi.” Bulk laughed. “You’ve been here for about two weeks now but people are saying you’re pretty closed off. I know how that is, people used to avoid me because they were scared. I learned to express myself and wear my heart on my sleeve, to let others know that there’s nothing to be afraid of. You act standoffish but I bet you’ve got a good inside that's just waiting to be let out.”

“Oh lord, he has the soul of a poet.” Hunter shook his head. “I promise you my insides are just as awful as my outsides.” He looked up at him pleadingly. “What do I have to do to make that clear to everyone? Kick a puppy… set fire to an old folk’s home… just tell me and I’ll do it.”

Bulk just laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Nobody is all bad. When you’re ready to come out of that shell, we’ll be here waiting.”

“You keep thinking that, brotein.” Hunter gave up and walked around him. “Just don’t wait up.” With a halfhearted wave he continued on to his last class.

Following the final bell, Flash and his friends gathered out front to wait for Sunset. As she came out she approached them with hopeful eyes but the looks on their faces soon dissolved that optimism.

“Didn’t go so well I take it?” She asked.

“That’s one way to put it.” Micro Chips answered.

“Yeah, he really doesn’t seem too keen on getting close to anyone.” Flash shrugged. “In fact, he seemed shocked that I didn’t already think he was someone to avoid.”

“He basically said the same thing to me.” Bulk noted.

“I feel that.” Sandalwood nodded. “The dude’s got some bizarre vibes.”

“Sorry Sunset.” Flash sighed. “I’m all for giving people chances, but sometimes people are just lone wolves.”

“Well, thanks for trying guys.” She said as they all started off for home.

“Hey Sunset!” Trixie’s voice rang out.

Turning back to the school, Sunset saw her running over at full speed. “Everything okay, Trixie?”

“Absolutely.” She smiled proudly. “I’ve already got good progress on my fundraiser. Actually, I’m headed downtown now to talk to the owner and was wondering if you’d come with?”

“No problem.” Sunset gave her a thumb up.

“Thanks, bus fares on me.” Trixie promised as she grabbed Sunset’s wrist and eagerly pulled her along. Forty five minutes on the bus and short walk found the pair on the doorstep of Grand Illusions. Trixie began knocking on the barred door and a pair eyes peeked from behind a curtain. They heard the door unlock and the old owner of the shop opened the door for them.

“Trixie.” He smiled warmly.

“Hello Mr. Haas.” She gestured back to Sunset. “This is my friend Susnet, can we come in?”

“Certainly.” He stepped back and allowed them in, locking the door behind them. “I see you saw the report on the news.”

“Yes, that’s why we’re here.” Trixie proclaimed. “I wanted to come and let you know that I, and some of the students at Canterlot High, will be working to raise money to assist in repairs.”

His old eyes cheered at the news. “Thank you Trixie, something so wonderful could only come from my best customer.”

As Trixie began explaining the details, Sunset slowly started to wander the store. She observed the smashed cases and damaged shelving until happening upon something of note. The door to backroom was nearly off its hinges and on the floor she saw a padlock. Kneeling down, she picked up the lock and noticed that it wasn’t just broken, the metal casing was torn like paper. Peeking back past the counter she saw that Trixie and the owner were still occupied so she squeezed past the door and went into the rear room. Pulling out her phone and activating her flashlight app, she scanned the room which was in no better shape than the main sales floor. The walls in the room were bare, concrete block and on the right hand wall she discovered three large gashes. “What in the world?” She got closer and ran her hand over them, the scars were nearly two inches across at their widest point. She called up her camera and snapped a picture.

“Sunset?” Trixie’s voice drifted back to the store room.

Sunset quickly killed the light and hurried back out. “Over here.” She waved as she headed back over.

“Mr. Haas said he’s going to provide some merchandise so I can hold a raffle.” Trixie said excitedly.

“Great, that should generate some more buzz.”

“Can you make it if I plan some things for this weekend?”

“Absolutely.” Sunset nodded. “Just tell me when and were.”

They said their goodbyes to the owner and stepped back out onto the street. Sunset started following Trixie towards the bus stop but did a double take as something across the street caught her eye. Quickly looking to the opposite side of the road, she noticed a familiar face. “Hunter?” She tried to focus through the traffic to verify.

“Sunset!” Trixie called. “We're going to miss the bus!”

Sunset glanced over to see Trixie waving her over and when she turned back she lost sight of him. “Coming!” She said as she slowly resumed pace. On the bus ride back she quietly texted the photo she took to Twilight and Fluttershy, asking them what they thought and that she’d see them tomorrow. She laid her head back and closed her eyes, her intuition rattled more than ever.

Chapter 3

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 3:

Twilight texted Sunset the next morning asking her to show up to school early to meet with her and Fluttershy. Sunset obliged and set out an hour early, heading to the bleachers overlooking the soccer field as Twilight instructed.

“Hey.” Sunset sat down beside them. “Sorry for hitting you up out of the blue yesterday.”

“It’s okay.” Twilight said as she pulled her phone out, calling up the photo. “So where did you take this?”

“At that magic store that was broken into.” Sunset explained. “Trixie knows the owner and is helping raise money for him, I went with her yesterday to see him. What do you two make of it?”

“Well.” Fluttershy rubbed her chin. “It’s definitely an animal, but not one that I know. I can’t think of anything that size that would be wandering around downtown.”

“Based on the size of the marks and the distance between them, the closet approximation I could figure is a bear.” Twilight relayed her analysis.

“But there are only three marks, even if it was a bear, there aren’t any species with only three claws.” Fluttershy added. “The only animal with that kind of claw is a sloth. There are also certain types of wild cats that have that claw, but there’s no way a feline could do that to solid concrete.”

“Agreed.” Twilight nodded. “I checked into recent history of animal sightings that have taken place in the city. Nothing recorded even comes close.”

“I knew it, there’s something fishy going on.” Sunset thought she would feel relief at her hunch being verified, but the avenues that opened up as a result were nothing to be excited about. “I can’t be sure… but…” She paused, not knowing if she should finish her thought.

“What?” Twilight urged her on.

“I think I saw Hunter down by the magic shop.”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know… I’m pretty sure it was him.” Sunset shook her head. “It’s just too much of a coincidence.” She continued. “Looking back, he showed up not long after the first incident was reported. He told me himself that he moves constantly and... I just feel that something is off with him.”

“We don’t even know what this thing is.” Twilight pointed out. “And we certainly don’t have any evidence to support what you’re claiming.”

“I know.” Sunset nodded. “But we’ve dealt with enough at this point for me to trust my instincts.”

“I trust them too” Fluttershy laid her hand on her knee, seeing how anxious about all this she was. “What do you want us to do?”

Sunset looked down at her hand. “I know what I’d like to do…. but I won’t.” She sighed. “If I’m wrong I’d be completely violating his privacy. We’re just going to have to keep an eye on him, that’s all we can do for now.”

“Alright.” Twilight nodded. “In the meantime, I’ll look into those other break-ins and see if I can find some connective tissue between them.”

“Good idea.” Sunset agreed. A slow murmur began to arise from the grounds as students began to show up. Seeing that school would start soon, the trio began heading for the main building.

The day droned on as usual until lunch. Hunter braved a return to the cafeteria, sitting as far removed as possible from the crowd. His eyes were affixed to this phone while he picked at his food; glancing up he noticed Sandalwood and Micro Chips coming over. He laughed to himself and set his phone down.

“Dreads, Microcosm… as I live and breathe.”

“Chips.” Micro Chips said flatly as they sat across from him.

“Right.” Hunter said with a deep nod. “So, to what do I owe the irritation?”

“Well my dude, to be honest we came to give you a friendly warning.” Sandalwood informed. “I’m always understanding when someone isn’t feeling the world around them, but there’s a lot of unhappy buzz around the school about you and it’s starting to make its way to the faculty.”

“Do tell.” Hunter set his elbows on the table.

“Some guys on the soccer team went to Principal Celestia about you, they aren’t the only ones either.” Sandalwood further explained.

“Man, who knew this school was so sensitive.” Hunter scoffed.

“Well, you have been leaving fires in your footsteps ever since you got here.” Micro Chips added.

“Hey man.” Sandalwood looked at him with a genuine concern. “I know you want to walk alone, but we’re just trying to help here. We’d hate to see…”

His words were interrupted by a quick blur that ran up to their table and snatched Hunter’s backpack. Hunter whipped around to see a pair of boys hoisting his pack up and laughing. He immediately stood and his typically flippant face grew hard and his eyes narrowed fiercely. “You’ve got about ten seconds to give that back before the fast food place down the street loses its future manager.”

“Scary.” The larger boy holding the pack dangled it in front of him. “What’s the matter, you seem to love dishing it out smart guy, but you can’t take it?”

“That’s five seconds.” Hunter said sternly.

“Whoa dudes.” Sandalwood jumped up and got between them. “No one wants a fight.”

“Speak for yourself, Green Peace.” Hunter retorted.

“Don’t defend him.” The second boy said. “This dick has been nothing but trouble since he showed up at this school and we’re sick of it.” He turned his eyes back to Hunter. “If you hate it here so much then feel free to leave.”

“Hey!” Applejack joined the mix with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “If y'all think someone is being a jerk than acting like a bigger one isn’t going to help.”

“Yeah.” Pinkie chimed in. “You’re the ones starting problems here.”

“If he wants it back, all he has to do is take it.” The first boy said confidently.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so?” Hunter leapt forward with impressive speed and grabbed his wrist, wrenching it and forcing him to drop the pack. He kicked the boy’s knee in the wrong direction and sent his leg out from under him; as he toppled Hunter pulled his arm behind his back and up towards his shoulder in one smooth motion. The boy cried out in pain and all Hunter had to do was look at his friend to make him back off.

“That’s enough!” The room went silent at the sound of Principal Celestia’s voice. “Let him go this instant!” Hunter released his hold and stepped back, his hands in the air. “What in the world is going on here?” She demanded as she approached them.

“This kid is nuts!” The boy shouted, clutching his shoulder. “He almost broke my arm!”

“Don’t start a fight then complain about losing it.” Hunter said remorselessly.

“Principal Celestia.” Sandalwood went to her. “It really wasn’t Hunter’s fault.”

Celestia looked about at who was present. “Hunter, my office, now.” She pointed towards the door; Hunter took up his backpack and started off. “You go and see the nurse, I’ll talk to you later.” She promised as his victim stood, bitterly walking away. “You five come with me, I want to hear exactly what happened.”

“Yes Principal Celestia.” Applejack acknowledged.

Within the Principal’s office, Hunter sat before the desk and Celestia and Luna entered not long after. They sat across from him while Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Sandalwood and Micro Chips took positions around the room.

Celestia let out a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. “Alright, what happened?”

“He stole my backpack, I took it back.” Hunter said plainly.

“And you felt that was the best way to handle the situation?” Celestia asked.

“They tried the peaceful way first.” He gestured to the others. “Negotiations broke down though.”

“Is that true?” She looked over the group.

“Yeah.” Sandalwood nodded. “Hunter really didn’t do anything.”

“Surprising as that may be.” Micro Chips threw in.

“Hey.” Hunter looked over at him. “Whose side are you on Micropeen?”

“Chips!” Micro Chips shouted in exasperation, the exchange eliciting an inadvertent snort from Rainbow Dash. “Don’t encourage him!”

“Micro Chips, don’t yell.” Luna eyed him.

“I know Hunter here ain’t the sweetest rose in the garden.” Applejack said. “But those guys were picking a fight.”

“Which brings us to our next point.” Celestia sat back in her chair. “Hunter, you may not have started the altercation but you aren’t exactly free of blame. Luna and I have had numerous concerns and complaints come in about your behavior around campus.”

“Not to mention your penchant for name calling.” Luna added.

“They’re pet names.” Hunter defended. “They’re not mean.” He glanced over at Pinkie. “Back me up here, sugar rush?”

“He he, that’s actually kind of sweet.” Pinkie smiled.

“See.” Hunter said conclusively.

“I beg to differ.” Micro Chips said, not wholly happy with his end of the stick on this.

“In any case.” Celestia recalled their attention. “The fact that so many have felt the need to voice this in such a short time says something.” She sighed. “I know you’re new and everyone goes through an adjustment period. But you’re actively antagonizing the students here which is something I won’t stand for.”

“With all due respect.” Hunter folded his arms. “School isn’t about being popular or meeting people, it’s about academics; and mine speak for themselves.”

“I won’t argue that you’re excelling in your classes.” Celestia admitted. “But I hold my school to a higher standard than just passing grades. I need you to start turning things around immediately… or I’m going to have to take more drastic action.”

Hunter sighed. “Okay, okay.” He nodded. “I can’t afford to get kicked.”

“It’s easy.” Rainbow Dash leaned in with a grin. “All you have to do is stop being a professional jerk.”

Hunter looked at her with hard eyes. “It’s not easy okay… I had it rough. My dad was… pretty abusive.” Rainbow Dash recoiled at the statement and the room shared grim looks.

“Dude… I’m sorry.” Sandalwood put his hand on his shoulder. “We had no idea.”

Hunter leaned closer to him. “Me either till about fifteen seconds ago.”

A collective groan filled the room. “Are you kidding me!?” Rainbow Dash glared at him, mad at herself for feeling regret at her words a moment ago.”

"You can't believe a thing he says." Micro Chips gestured to Hunter with frustration. "He's always lying."

"That's true." Hunter nodded as he leaned closer to Applejack. "But by saying that's true that means I'm not always lying." He clarified.

“Students, please.” Celestia raised her hands to silence the banter. “Hunter, even if you didn’t start the fight today it doesn’t change the fact that you physically assaulted another student. I have no choice but to issue you a suspension for the rest of the week. I want you to go home and think about what we’ve discussed and come back on Monday to start anew.”

Having no choice but to admit defeat, Hunter nodded and stood. “Yes Principal.” He grabbed his pack and left the room. With ten minutes till the next class, the hall was lined with students getting their things ready. As he neared the door he looked over and saw Derpy waving at him. The corner of his mouth rose in a light smile and as he passed her he pointed a finger gun at her. “Hey D. You know if keep not looking at me like that we’re going to have a problem.” She laughed as he continued on and left the building.

Across the hall, Sunset and Rarity saw the exchange and immediately went to her. “Darling.” Rarity looked at her with disappointment. “You shouldn’t let him talk to you that way.”

“Oh it’s okay.” Derpy said. “He’s really nice.”

“What?” Sunset asked incredulously.

“He is.” Derpy insisted, pulling out a pink box of muffins from her locker. “I sell these muffins I bake for extra money and since his first day he’s bought one every morning. And even though I only charge two dollars he always gives me five because he says they’re worth it.”

“He… does?” Sunset asked, having a hard time believing the story.

“We’re talking about Hunter, right dear?” Rarity shared Sunset’s confused look.

“Of course silly.” Derpy put the box back and zipped up her backpack. “He says a lot of crazy things, but I can tell he doesn’t really mean them.” With that she put on her backpack and waved as she headed off.

As Sunset and Rarity stood there considering what they just heard; Rainbow Dash and Pinkie came down the hall and joined them.

“Well, Hunter went and got himself suspended.” Rainbow Dash reported

“What?” Sunset reeled at the change in gears. “What happened?”

“A couple of guys took his backpack.” Pinkie began. “And then they were like… ‘You’re a big meanie and we don’t like you’. She said in a snooty voice. “And Hunter was all like... ‘Give me that or there’ll be trouble’. She said in a deadpan voice. “And then they were like… ‘Ooh, scary’. She said in a sarcastic voice. “And then Hunter was like… ‘Hi-Ya’. She grabbed Rainbow Dash’s arm and pulled it behind her. “And then they…”

“They get it!” Rainbow Dash pulled her arm back.

“Well.” Rarity said through a thoughtful breath. “I’m certainly getting mixed signals here.”

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’ll explain later, we need to get to class.” Sunset said as the bell rang.

That night, long after the final lingering students left for the day, the evening janitor stepped from one of the classrooms he had just finished tending. As he readied his cart to move to the next, he overheard the terrible sound of metal screaming in protest as it was shredded. A deep growl followed and the confused man froze in fright. He stared down the hallway, eyes unblinking and breath all but held. A large shadow casted by the moonlight stretched across the perpendicular hall. He tried to put his shaking hand in his pocket to pull out his phone and as he fumbled a massive frame stepped into his field of vision. The darkness of the hall shaded it from view but the moonlight at its back highlighted its powerful frame. A pair of orange eyes stared into his and he immediately turned and ran.

Chapter 4

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 4:

Sunset awoke early to her phone receiving a text. She looked at the clock and saw that it was six in the morning, forcing her eyes open she reached for her phone and unlocked the screen. Opening her messenger, she read that school was cancelled due to a campus emergency. Seeing this woke her fully and she climbed out of bed. After going to the bathroom, her phone chimed again, this time with a text from Twilight that instructed her to check the channel 7 news. Hurrying out into the living room, Sunset turned on the television and sat on the couch. Flipping over to channel 7, she tuned in during the middle of the report.

“…damaged doors, walls and lockers. As in previous occurrences, no items were removed from the premises. However, this particular incident had an eyewitness. A Mr. Allenby, who works as janitorial staff, was present during the incident although his account is leaving authorities baffled. Mr. Allenby is on record as saying that a giant, orange eyed beast was stalking the halls. Law enforcement who inspected the scene found no clear evidence of this ‘monster’ and are dismissing the claim as overactive imagination at the sight of the real perpetrator.”

The reported segued into another story and Sunset immediately called Twilight. “Twilight? I just saw the report.”

“Seems we have some confirmation now.” Twilight said. “The police may not believe, but given what we know so far, I certainly do.”

“Yeah. Listen, I’m going to group text the others and ask them to meet up at the diner at noon. Can you make that?”

“No problem, I have some information you’re going to find interesting anyhow.” Twilight informed. “I’ll see you later.”

“Right, bye.” Sunset hung up and immediately sent out her message.

As the sun reached its peak in the sky, the girls assembled in a corner booth at the diner. After ordering some drinks to validate their use of the booth, Twilight pulled out her notebook and opened it up.

“Okay, just to make sure we’re all caught up and on the same page.” Twilight spun the computer around and displayed the photo Sunset took in the magic shop. “This was found in Grand Illusions and after some debate, we’ve determined it to be the claw mark of an unknown species. With this recent break-in at the school and the report from Mr. Allenby, we can reasonably conclude that we’re dealing with some form of magical creature. I looked into the prior two incidents that were reported.” She called up articles she had saved on the matter. “The break-ins were at the amphitheater grounds and the movie studio we were invited to by Canter Zoom.”

“Well, except for the magic shop, all the places that were hit are places where Equestrian magic was being used.” Sunset concluded.

“Correct.” Twilight nodded. “I tried looking into the magic shop but I couldn’t find anything remarkable about it, so it doesn’t really fit into the pattern.”

“It is a magic store.” Rainbow Dash said between sucks on her straw. “Maybe it thought there was actual magic in there.”

“As silly as that is, we can’t rule it out.” Twilight looked to Sunset. “Do you know of any creatures from Equestria that fit this pattern or description?”

“No.” Sunset shook her head. “Doesn’t sound familiar.”

“Maybe it’s from this world.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Maybe it’s from outer space!” Pinkie said, slapping her palms on the table dramatically. “Like the mind sucker from planet Viamax.”

“That sounds… less likely.” Applejack stirred the ice in her glass as she thought. “But whatever world this thing is from, what the heck are we supposed to do about it? It’s tearing up places like a wild bull… how do you even fight something like that?”

“Indeed.” Rarity nodded. “I’m certainly not fond of the idea of getting into a fist fight with a giant monster.”

“There’s something else.” Sunset interrupted. “I don’t know how or why, but I know that Hunter has something to do with that thing.”

“Hunter?” Rainbow Dash repeated.

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that a new student showing up coincided with some kind of threat.” Fluttershy admitted.

“He’s definitely got a mean streak.” Applejack nodded as she recalled the fight in the cafeteria.

“I don’t know.” Rarity shook her head.

“How can you not know?” Rainbow Dash eyed her skeptically. “He practically wears a sign on his back that says ‘jackass’.”

“Well.” Rarity folded her hands neatly on the table. “It’s just that when he left the school yesterday he said something quite rude to Derpy; but she insisted that he was nice to her. She said he overpays her every morning for muffins she sells.”

“That’s funny.” Pinkie Pie rested her elbows on the table and her head in her overlapped hands. “Lyra said something like that too.”

“She did?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I was talking to Octavia in class about him being suspended; Lyra overheard me and said she was kind of surprised. She said that just the other day she got stuck downtown and ran into him, he called a Lyft for her and paid for her ride home.”

“That’s hard to believe.” Applejack said. “I mean, y’all should have heard him yesterday; he slings insults and craziness like some kind of demented auctioneer.”

“He’s certainly appearing to be an enigma.” Twilight confessed. “But we can’t ignore the fact that the school was attacked the same night he was suspended.” She turned her computer back around and began opening another file. "There's also these." She spun the computer around again. "I went through all the photographs that were taken at both of the prior incidents. See anything familiar?"

The girls all leaned in and checked the screen. "It's him." Sunset pointed to the screen. "Hunter's in both of these."

"Both were taken by local paper photographers within twelve hours of the news broadcasts on television." Twilight folded her computer closed.

“Looks like Sunset is right.” Rainbow Dash leaned back. "So what's the plan?"

“I’m going to get into the school tonight and see if I can find any more clues.” Sunset said surely.

“You can’t break into school grounds.” Twilight whispered as she looked around to see if anyone heard the bold statement.

“Technically, I’ll just be going in through the already broken into door.” Sunset rationalized her plan.

“You shouldn’t go alone.” Rarity noted. “I’ll… go with you.”

“You don’t have to risk yourself too.” Sunset refuted. “I’ll take responsibility for this one.”

“And what if that thing shows up again?” Applejack asked. “If you two are going, then so am I.”

“Well I'm not going to miss out this.” Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Me either.” Pinkie nodded.

The girls looked to Fluttershy and Twilight. “Um… I don’t… okay.” Fluttershy sighed as she caved.

“Fine.” Twilight huffed. “But if we get arrested I’m blaming everything on you; and I'm getting my own lawyer." She said as she pointed at Sunset.

“Deal.” Sunset agreed to the terms. “Meet up there at ten.” With a round of agreement the girls separated for the time being.

Sunset arrived at the school around 9:45 to make sure the area was clear before her friends showed up. As expected, the doors were taped off but there were no signs of any kind of patrol. The others soon arrived in staggered succession and once everyone was present, they headed into the main building. The dull glow of the night time lights did little to help them see, they used their phones as flashlights to get a better look at the damage. Some of the classroom doors were kicked in and many of the lockers along the wall has been torn open. Parts of the walls were damaged and even some of the halogen lighting elements in the ceiling.

“This destruction is so… random.” Twilight whispered. “What’s its goal?”

“Can’t really say.” Sunset ran her hand over one of the damaged lockers. “Almost seems like it’s looking for something.”

A sharp noise echoed through the silent building causing all of them to jump. Fluttershy went behind Pinkie and held onto her shoulders. “What was that?”

“Sounded like a locker closing.” Rainbow Dash glanced over at Sunset.

“Let’s go.” Sunset said bravely as they moved down the main hall. They headed around towards the second block of classrooms and proceeded towards the rear of the building until their lights shined on a lone figure. “Hunter.” Sunset said as he turned to face them.

Hunter looked them over with a hint of shock but just smiled and clicked his tongue. “Well, a group of young ladies wandering around a spooky building in the middle of the night. All you need is a van and a dog and you’d be in business.”

“What are you doing here, Hunter?” Sunset ignored his barbs.

“I came to get some things I left in my locker.” He looked about the damaged hall. “Haven’t you heard, this place isn’t very safe.”

“You really expect us to buy that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah.” Applejack took over. “You get suspended, this place gets ransacked and now you just happen to be here in the middle of the night. You’re going to have to do better than that.”

“Okay, here’s the truth.” He raised his hands peacefully. “I’m secretly in love in Principal Celestia and I came to leave a letter professing my feelings on her desk.”

“Really?” Pinkie asked in amazement.

“He’s lying, dear.” Rarity shook her head.

“Quit playing around!” Sunset shouted. “We know some kind of creature was behind this and we know you have something to do with it.”

Hearing her say that made his face change dramatically. “Look.” His voice shifted to a far more serious tone. “I don’t know what you and the babysitter’s club here think is going on, but you need to drop it, now.”

“Or what?” Sunset challenged.

“Remember what I told you about mine fields?” He asked. “I know you girls aren’t exactly normal, but don’t think a little magic automatically gives you the upper hand here.”

“He knows about our magic?” Fluttershy looked to Sunset sharply.

“That’s it.” Rainbow Dash balled her fist. “Let’s get him already.”

“Not so fast, speedy.” Hunter pulled a road flare out of his jacket pocket and lit it, the flash of burning nitrate filled the hallway and blinded them. As they recovered they could hear his footsteps running down the hall.

“After him!” Sunset ordered and they began to give chase.

Rainbow Dash used her speed to run ahead and caught up with him near the science lab. “Too slow, tough guy.” She cut him off.

“You know, I'm not really a fan of fast women.” He smiled as he dug in his pocket.

“Then you’re going to hate me.” She activated her speed again but Hunter threw down a series of pellets that burst into smoke. Rainbow Dash became lost in the fog and ran into the lockers, knocking herself silly.

“Little something I swiped from Trixie’s locker.” He waved and ran onward as she slumped to the floor in a daze. Hunter sprinted towards the bathrooms and doubled back towards the front. “Geez, seven girls chasing after me in the middle of the night and I’m running away from them. What a life I lead.” He stopped short as he came across Applejack. “Oh, hey Ellie May.”

“You’re as slippery as a greased pig.” She rolled up her sleeves. “Fortunately, I’m a blue ribbon champion when it comes to catching greased pigs.”

“She’s single guys, can you believe it?” He gestured to an invisible audience. Applejack rushed in and he locked hands with her, a bit taken by her strength. Applejack activated her magic and immediately overpowered him. He let his body go limp and she lost her balance as her momentum sent them into the lockers and pressing her up against him. “Oh my, I do declare.” He said in a gimmicky southern accent as he kissed her nose.

“Hey!” She jumped back and began wiping her face. “What the heck do y’all think you’re doing!?”
Hunter extracted a small canister from his back pocket. He ran up to her and pressed down on the nozzle at its top, releasing a quick shot of aerosol into her face. She quickly went cross eyed and fell into his arms. “Nighty night, cowgirl.” He laid her on the ground and continued on. Further down the hall he happened upon Fluttershy who stood alone in his path. He readied himself but she just stood there.

“Can you… please surrender?” She asked timidly. “I’d really appreciate it.”

Hunter shook his head and slowly walked up to her, he gently put his hand on her shoulder and patted it as he walked by. He worked his way back towards the main hall and was stopped by Pinkie and Twilight.

“Hold it right there mister!” Pinkie held out her hand.

“Man you girls are persistent.” He sighed.

“Persistent is my middle name.” Pinkie said, giving him the stink eye.

“I thought it was Diane?” Hunter eyed her.

Pinkie flustered and stamped her foot. “Who told you?” She pulled a handful of confetti out of her pocket and charged it. “Take this!” She hurled it at his feet and it exploded in a colorful blast.

He jumped back and looked at her in surprise. “Damn, who thought it was good idea to give you the high explosives?

“I’ve got this.” Twilight focused her telekinetic magic and took hold of him. He lifted into the air, struggling to balance himself.

“Not bad, book worm.” Hunter commended. “But I’m guessing that little trick of yours requires a lot of concentration.” He reached down and pressed something on his belt, an ear piercing pitch filled the hall and Twilight and Pinkie reflexively covered their ears. Hunter dropped from the air and landed hard on his back; rolling over, he left the device on the floor as he got up and sped past the girls. Hunter neared the front doors but found Sunset and Rarity blocking his exit.

“I’ll trap him.” Rarity said as she formed four diamond constructs and surrounded him with them. She pulled them in and pinned him between them.

“Diamonds really are a girl’s best friend.” Hunter said through a hard breath as he struggled against his confines.

“Give up.” Sunset approached him. “Whatever you’re up to, it needs to stop.”

“Tempting offer, bacon weave.” Hunter smiled through his efforts. “But I’m afraid that isn’t an option.” He pushed hard and opened enough room to fall to the floor, the constructs clanged together and he rolled out from under them. Quickly jumping to his feet, he started to run but Sunset grabbed his arm; as she did her eyes went white and she saw a flash of his memory. He broke free of her grasp and rushed past Rarity, fleeing the school and disappearing into the night.

“Blast it all.” Rarity groaned. “He’s good.”

“I know where he’s going.” Sunset headed for the door.

“What?” Rarity asked in confusion.

“I’m going after him, take care of the others and get out of here!” Sunset called back and she ran out into the darkness.

Chapter 5

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 5:

Hunter ran several blocks until reaching a vacant commercial building. He headed inside and stopped to finally take a breather.

“Damn it.” He put his hands to his knees and shook his head. “Not my week.” He headed through the empty lobby and onto the stark sales floor. In the corner was a modest set up featuring a mini fridge, a hot plate sitting atop a folding table, a metal folding chair, two large duffel bags, a foot locker and a sleeping bag. Opening the fridge, he took out a bottle of water and nearly downed it a single swig. He sat in the chair and laid his head back, closing his eyes as he considered what to do.

“Hunter!” Sunset’s voice rebounded off the empty walls.

Hunter’s eyes shot open and he looked back towards the lobby to see an exhausted Sunset before him. “Seriously?” He asked himself in disbelief as he rose from the chair and breathed out a heavy sigh. “You part bloodhound or something?”

Sunset raised her palm to him. “I can see people’s memories when I touch them, I saw this place in your mind when I grabbed you.”

“Ugh… I hate magic.” He groaned. “Listen, I don’t know what you think is happening but I’m not the bad guy here.”

“I want to know what that thing is that’s running around the city and what you have to do with it.” Sunset demanded. “Are you controlling it?”

“No.” Hunter shook his head. “Look, you are your friends are way more involved in this than you should be. For your own good you need to just forget what happened tonight and leave it be.”

“Not going to happen.” Sunset refuted. “If you won’t tell me the truth then I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep my friends, my school and my home safe.” She turned her back to him. “While I’m at it, I think I’ll just drop an anonymous tip to the police about you and your little hideout here. Maybe you’ll talk to them.”

Hunter let out a silent curse. “Sunset.” As she turned back he lowered his head and slowly nodded. “Alright, you win.” He wandered over to a display platform and sat on it; patting the spot next to him.

Sunset walked over but just stood in front of him. “I’m listening.”

“I’m not involved with that creature… I’m trying to hunt it down.” He laid his palms on the platform as he leaned back to look up at her. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but your happy hamlet here happens to be an epicenter for paranormal activity.”

“Yeah, I have.”

“Well, did you think you were the only one?” He asked.

“What do you mean?”

“There are a lot of different groups that keep an eye on stuff like this, and they’ve been paying a lot more attention to this city in particular lately.” He laid a hand to his chest. “I work for the government, specifically an off the book department of national security that handles situations like this.”

“What?” Sunset lowered her guarded stance.

“No B.S. this time.” He held his hand up in promise. “I’ve been watching the activity in this city for some time now. I’ve dug up reports on some of the odd things that seem to happen around here. I also know about your little musical showdown with those three evil pole dancers.” He pointed his finger at her. “And although I don’t know exactly what you are, I know you’re not from this world. I did some digging on you and your friends after I saw you all in action and while they have legal records, social security numbers and birth certificates… you don’t.”

Sunset stood stunned at his words, a deep fear set in as she realized the scale of what she was dealing with in Hunter. “So… people know about us.” Her mind raced, thinking of all the danger her friends were in.

“Hey, don’t sizzle that bacon on your head worrying.” Hunter saw the look in her eyes. “I told you that I know about this stuff, I haven’t reported anything about you or your friends to my H.Q.”

She looked at him a bit surprised. “You… haven’t.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I know you're good people; and at the end of the day you’re all just girls trying to live your lives as normally as possible.” His eyes grew grim. “I know what would happen if my agency did find out about you… I won’t do that to you.”

Sunset finally sat beside him. “Well, thank you.”

He nodded. “That’s why I didn’t want you involved, I’m trying to protect you guys and that school.”

They sat quiet for a few moments. “So, a real life super spy huh?” Sunset asked with an amazed laugh.

“We prefer the term ‘field agent’.” He smiled. “But basically.”

“Wow.” She rested her arms on her knees and stared at the wall. “So you’re not really a student?”

“I am and I’m not.” He juggled the question in his mind. “I was recruited early, they use me to infiltrate places where standard agents can’t go… schools, youth groups, large scale gatherings. You know, because when a grown ass man spies on a group of teenage girls it’s generally considered creepy.”

Sunset actually laughed at that. “Point taken.”

“But I’m like you though, no past.” He said in a distant voice. “Technically, I don’t even exist.”

“How so?”

He paused for a moment, eventually leaning back and taking off his jacket. “Here, you said you can read memories right?” He held his bare arm out to her. “Go ahead.” Sunset hesitated at first but slowly took his arm in both hands. As her eyes lit up she saw a myriad of flashing images fly through her mind. An orphanage, men and women in suits, other children like himself, a vicious training program… she let go and took several deep breaths. “Not pretty huh?”

“I’m... I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, can’t really complain given the ways my life could have gone.” He shrugged. “They do treat me well and I’m doing my part to keep people safe so…” He left his thought hanging.

Sunset took a good look at him; his face, voice and mannerisms all so different from what she was accustom to. “It’s all an act isn’t it?” She finally asked.


“You, at school.”

He laughed. “Well… let’s just say it’s about 60/40.”

“Why?” She questioned.

“My first few missions I made friends, got close to some people, played the part of an outstanding young citizen; but every time, once the mission was over, I disappeared.” He thought back to his earlier years in the field. “It sucked… a lot. Each time reminded me that I’m never truly a part of the places I go or a part of the lives of the people I meet. I’m just a ghost who shows up and then fades away, like I never even was.” He let out a halfhearted chuckle. “After a while, I decided that the best thing to do was to just push everyone away immediately; that way I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.” He looked to her with a regretful smile. “There are a lot of schools across the nation that hate my guts… but they’re safe, that’s what’s important.”

She smiled at him. “Guess you’re not so bad after all.”

“Don’t get carried away now.” He stood, his usual smile returning. “I don’t need you falling for me or anything.”

“Oh, you do not have to worry about that.” They looked into each other’s eyes and started to laugh.

“There he is!” The room was filled with Pinkie’s booming voice.

“What the hell?” Hunter looked over and saw the other girls in the doorway.

“Don’t worry Sunset, we’re here to help!” Twilight shouted as they began charging.

“Hold it!” Sunset jumped in front of Hunter with her arms spread, her friends screeched to a halt in confusion. “It’s okay, he’s on our side.”

“Since when?” Rainbow Dash eyed him angrily.

“Long story short…” Sunset glanced back at him and he nodded. “He’s a monster hunter for the government.”

“What!?” Pinkie asked with wide eyes. “You mean like the men in black!?”

“Well, I’m much cooler than that, but yeah.” Hunter wryly confirmed.

“And you believe him?” Rarity asked.

“I verified his story.” Sunset wiggled her fingers. “I saw everything.” She lowered her arms. “How did you find me anyway?”

“I tracked your phone.” Twilight fixed her crooked glasses. "So wait, if he work's for the government then does that mean that we're on some kind of watch list?" Panic began to fill her voice. "Like as in the FBI or the CIA... who may know something about my experiments or that time I hacked into a satellite so I could get a better look at the eclipse!?"

"You hacked into a satellite?" Hunter asked with a smile.

"No!" Twilight shook her head. "Of course not!"

"Calm down!" Sunset cried. “Hunter knows everything, about us and all the craziness that’s gone on in the city. But he hasn’t told anyone about the seven of us.”

“So, truce?” Hunter asked as he looked over the girls.

“Well alright.” Applejack looked him up and down. “But I’m keeping an eye on you.”

“Fair enough.” Hunter went to his chair and sat.

“So, you know what that creature is?” Fluttershy asked as she joined him and sat on the folding table.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “It’s called the álííl ayą́, roughly translates into ‘magic eater’. It’s some kind of beast from native folklore that seeks out and consumes magical energy.

“I guess Twilight was right then.” Fluttershy looked back to her. “It is attacking places where Equestrian magic was used.”

“Equestrian magic?” Hunter repeated.

“Equestria is the world I’m from.” Sunset explained. “I’m actually… a pony.”

“Makes sense.” Hunter nodded.

“It does?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“Yeah, he’s taking that a lot smoother than we did.” Rainbow Dash noted.

“Hey, you think that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard?” Hunter laughed. “This is low key compared to some of my past missions.”

“Okay then.” Twilight recaptured their attention. “But if it’s tracking Equestrian magic that doesn’t explain the magic shop.”

“Actually I think I can explain that one.” Hunter raised his hand as if in class. “I looked into that store after the attack and it had just received a collection of acquisitions by the owner. Transaction records said that some of what he got ahold of was from a foreclosed curio shop. I’m guessing something in that shipment was one of your Equestrian artifacts.”

“Great, another one.” Pinkie frowned. “How many artifacts does Equestria have anyway?”

“We’ll deal with that later.” Applejack waved off the question. “What are we supposed to do about this alley-whatever.”

“I can stop it.” Hunter assured. “But I can’t get a clear lock on its movement pattern.” He drummed his fingers on his leg. “You said all the locations are where magical events went down, right?

“Yes.” Twilight nodded.

“I'm not fully up to snuff on everything. Is there anywhere else something like that has happened in the city?”

“Equestria Land.” Rarity quickly answered. “All the business with Vignette, she was using magic all over the park.”

“The theme park, huh?” Hunter looked up at the ceiling. “Alright, I’ll set up some surveillance there and see if we can catch this thing in the act.” He laughed to himself. “Kind of nice having some help for a change.”

“Hey, it pays to have friends.” Sunset said as she proudly looked over her own.

“I guess it does.” Hunter said thoughtfully as he stood. “Well, I don’t know about you, but running around all night has got me starving. The 24 hour place around the corner is open, how about it? I’m buying.”

“Well, I am a might hungry.” Applejack admitted.

“It’s never too early for breakfast.” Pinkie eagerly agreed.

“Great.” Hunter went to Sunset and put his arm around her. “I don’t know what it is, but something about ol’ sunny side up here just puts me in the mood for breakfast.”

“You’re really not going to knock that off, are you?” She asked with a half-smile.

“What?” Fluttershy looked between the two of them.

“He’s convinced my hair looks like bacon.” Sunset said, not amused by the idea at all.

Pinkie covered her mouth and let out a long snort. “Oh my gosh, it totally does.”

“Don’t start!” Sunset warned. “You know what, for that I’m ordering extra.” She slid out from under Hunter’s arm and headed for the exit.

“I can live with that.” He chortled as he followed the girls out.

Chapter 6

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 6:

The school remained closed for repairs on Friday which gave the students a three day weekend. Having connected with Hunter to some degree, Sunset invited him to hang out with her and the others. He accepted and said he’d be at the park down the road from the school. Sunset and Twilight had already met up so they headed there to join him.

Hunter sat at one of the many bench/table combos that dotted the open area. He noticed the girls approaching and offered a short wave. “Egghead and bacon, no better way to start the day.” He grinned with open arms.

“Hi Hunter.” Sunset said with a shake of her head as she and Twilight sat.

“This is my first day off in a long time.” Hunter spun around on the bench to face them. “So what’s on the agenda?”

“Just relaxing.” Sunset said. “Everyone’s still worn out from last night.”

“Yeah, my ears are still ringing.” Twilight stuck her finger in her ear and twisted it.

“Sorry about that.” Hunter tipped his head humbly.

“That was an impressive little device.” She admitted.

“Operates at eighty decibels.” Hunter explained. “Five below the threshold for permanent damage.”

“How… reassuring.” Twilight said as sincerely as possible.

“Hey, I never know what I’m going to go up against, best to be prepared for anything.” Hunter shrugged.

“So there are magical creatures native to this world.” Sunset said conclusively.

“Mythology isn’t just something people pulled out of their ass.” He ran through the catalogue of experiences in his mind. “Every myth, legend and tall tale is based on some level of truth… some more than others.”

“It’s so common and accepted in Equestria.” Sunset noted. “We embrace those things and accept them as part of our world.”

“Yeah well, humans have a tendency to automatically fear and hate what doesn’t fit neatly into the little box we’ve created for ourselves.” He rested his thumb on his chin. “Even then, the percentage of us that do each have their own way of looking at such things.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well, some think creatures like the álííl ayą́ should be protected and studied, some think they should be killed outright to protect humanity and some think they can be used as tools or weapons.” He breathed a mocking laugh. “I know all three, which is why I’m always careful of just what I relay back to my superiors.”

“Aren’t you afraid of what might happen if they find out you keep things from them?” Sunset asked.

“Field agents like me operate with complete autonomy. The brass and pencil pushers are too scared and think they’re too valuable to set foot on the front line, so they leave everything to our discretion.”

“So what do you think about these creatures?” Twilight asked, keen to get a read on his moral compass.

“Nothing is across the board.” He shook his head. “I deal with things on a case by case basis. I’ve seen creatures that were essentially harmless and I’ve had to kill some that were a clear and present threat to everything around them. I know that answer makes me an enemy to both sides of the argument; but most of the time the ones crying foul aren’t the ones out here dealing with this shit.” He sighed as he hated getting that serious about anything. “But hey, we’re not here to talk shop, right?” His smile returned.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash called to them as she, Applejack and Pinkie Pie hurried over. “Hunter.” She said shortly.

Hunter saw the bandage on her head. “Hey Skittles, how’s the noggin?”

“Sore.” She sat beside Twilight as Applejack and Pinkie sat on either side of Hunter.

Hunter glanced over at Applejack who bore a similar look on her face. “Oh come on, we ate pancakes together. I thought we were cool now.”

“You may not be the bad guy but that doesn’t mean we’re all fire keen on ya.” She pointed at him. “Don’t think I forgot about the sleeping gas.”

“I was only defending myself against your freakish, barnyard strength.” He smiled innocently.

“No more fighting.” Pinkie protested. “I say we just let bygones be bygones.”

“Alright.” Applejack huffed.

“Thanks, candy girl.” Hunter patted her back.

“I mean so what if Hunter is a secret agent who’s been watching every little thing we do for months on end, invading our privacy and collecting data on us for his personal use.” Pinkie shrugged. “He’s our friend now.”

Hunter looked at her blankly. “No ‘off’ switch on you, is there?” He noticed the girls looking at him funny. “Okay, don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not like I set up cameras in your houses or something.” He turned to Rainbow Dash. “Which reminds me, you might want to get that mole on your back looked at.”

The girls turned their attention to her. “What!?” Rainbow Dash scowled at him. “I don’t… shut up!”

“Take it easy.” Sunset laughed as she waved her down. “You know he’s just screwing with you.”

“I am.” Hunter promised. “Although I will say that I was changed man after watching Applejack churn butter for an hour.” He slyly grinned over at her.

“That does it!” Applejack pounced on him and they toppled off the bench and began wrestling in the dirt. “I’m going to beat the sass outta you!” Her voice carried over as they rolled around.

“Shouldn’t we stop them?” Twilight asked.

“He’s fine.” Sunset brushed it off.

“Ah girls, hello.” Rarity said as she and Fluttershy approached from the opposite direction. She observed the scene and sighed. “I see Hunter is fitting in well.”

“Hey, get off me!” Hunter’s voice drifted over to them. “You’re going to make your brother jealous!”

“As good as can be expected.” Sunset smiled as she looked to Rainbow Dash. “Dash, get her off of him before she kills him.”

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she got up and headed over.

“He certainly seems to have grown on you.” Rarity said, noticing the amused look on Sunset’s face.

“It’s hard to explain.” Sunset looked up at her. “You didn’t see what I saw when I touched him… he’s been through a lot, probably more than most.” She admitted. “The fact that he stays so positive about his life at all is pretty amazing. We all have our coping methods and our way of expressing ourselves… I guess this is his.” She looked back at the wrestling match before her. “Sure, it’s obnoxious and hard for anyone to deal with; but now that I know where it’s coming from, I don’t know, it’s not so bad.” A short laugh of consideration escaped her. “Derpy was right, he talks crazy but it’s clear to me that he doesn’t really mean any of it.”

“Calm down, AJ!” Rainbow Dash pleaded as she dragged Applejack away from Hunter. “We need him alive… for now anyway.”

“Let me go, I ain’t through with that forked tongued sidewinder!” Applejack growled, her heels digging trenches in the dirt.

Hunter dusted himself off and sat back down, his clothes a mess and his hair frazzled. He cleared his throat and looked to Sunset. “Don’t be jealous, but I think Freckles and I just got to second base.”

“Well, next time we’re not stopping her.” Sunset smirked. “So I suggest you stop messing with her.”

Applejack sat back down, Rarity stood behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. “Now now, let’s save all this energy for our real enemy.”

“Speaking of which.” Hunter began as he fixed his hair. “I pulled the floorplan for Equestria Land and that’s going to be a big job. Any chance I could deputize a couple of you to give me a hand?”

“I’ll go!” Pinkie excitedly raised her hand.

“Okay.” Hunter slapped the table a few times and looked to Fluttershy. “Hey, you can communicate with animals, right Dolittle?”

“Um… yes.” She nodded.

“That could come in handy, how about it? Want in?” He raised his brows questioningly.

“We won’t be doing anything illegal, would we?” She asked hesitantly.

“Don’t worry, I work for the federal government which gives me higher authority than the state police.” He put his thumb to his chest. “Anything comes up, I’ll vouch for both of you.”

“In that case, I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad.” Fluttershy perked up.

“Perfect, I reviewed the security regimen and shift schedules for the entire employee register. Park closes early on Sunday and the staff reduces to two night guards by eight o’clock. We’ll go in then.”

“Cool!” Pinkie turned to Fluttershy, bouncing in her seat. “We get to be spies!”

Fluttershy smiled, her cheeks a light red. “Yay spying.” She raised her fist to the air.

Leaving the park, the group spent the day about town; visiting their usual spots and grabbing lunch while they were at it. The girls slowly became accustomed to Hunter’s antics; while his verbal jabbing was relentless, it was apparent he genuinely cared in his own way. As the afternoon wore on and the group slowly thinned, only Sunset and Hunter remained as he walked her home.

Hunter laced his hands behind his head as he walked. “Got to say, this was nice. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a day like today.”

“Pretty sure they feel the same way.” Sunset laughed, recalling various exchanges he had shared with her friends over the day. “But that’s good to hear.” She thought for a moment. “You know, I’m going to be helping Trixie tomorrow down at Grand Illusions. Some of the other students will be there too… you want to help out?”

“Sure, why not.” He said gingerly.

“This is a fundraiser event though, so I’m going to need you to be less… you.” She smiled over at him.

“Yes ma’am.” He promised.

“Okay, it starts at ten.” Sunset explained. “Trixie said she’s already got $3,277 in donations so far, the goal is $12,000.”

“Alright, I’ll be there.”

As they came upon Sunset’s house he bid her goodnight. As he walked off, he pulled out his phone and put in a call for something that he felt could come in handy for tomorrow.

Trixie was quite proud of what she was able to put together. Having gotten a permit from the city, the sidewalk outside of Grand Illusions resembled a localized street fair. Trixie had her raffle wheel setup with intent to award a prize every hour for the initial five hours. Lyra and Bon Bon had set up a popcorn cart and grill to sell hotdogs. Derpy sat peacefully at a table with an assortment of muffins for sale. Zephyr Breeze was playing his acoustic guitar for a little ambiance and Photo Finish was offering professional level portrait photography. Sunset had showed up early to help set up and the opening hour showed promise with a good deal of foot traffic. Hunter showed up about eleven, as he neared the scene Sunset noticed him and met with him.

“Sorry I’m late, Sunny; had to deal with something real quick.” He looked over the event. “Nice little set up.”

“Yeah, it turned out even better than we expected.” Sunset concurred. “So far so good too.”

“Nice.” He nodded. “Food, prizes… and that nice homeless man is playing guitar.”

“Hunter.” She toned with a warning smile.

“I’m kidding.” He hugged her shoulder. “How about a photo to commemorate?”

“Sure.” She laughed and nodded.

He led her over to Photo Finish who was wrapping up with a customer; as the three girls left, Hunter stepped up to her. “Guten Nachmittag Fräulein.” He smiled.

She perked up at the sound of her native tongue, surprised even further by who was speaking it. “Du bist der unruhestifter Hunter, Du sprichst Deutsch?”

“Ein bisschen.” He nodded. “Wie wäre es mit einem bild von mir und dem speck hier oben?”

Photo Finish laughed heartily and nodded. “Na sicher. Komm näher und ich werde ... die magie durchführen.”

Hunter and Sunset stood against the backdrop and posed for the camera. Photo Finish took a series of rapid shots as dramatically as possible. Once finished, she scanned through them until she found the one she liked best and sent it to the wireless photo printer she brought. As it popped out, she boldly signed it and handed it to Hunter. “Vielen Dank.” He said with a wave as they moved along.

“Okay, that was pretty impressive.” Sunset admitted.

“Crazy stuff happens all over the world, I’ve had to pick up a few languages along the way.” He modestly explained. As Sunset returned to what she was doing, Hunter smiled as he came upon Derpy’s table. “Heya D.” He waved.

“Hunter.” She stood and looked at him with disappointed eyes. “You got suspended.”

He nodded and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I did something stupid. How unlike me, right?” He put ten dollars down on the table. “Here, I owe you for two days’ worth of muffins.”

She took the money and put it in her register, as she closed the box she looked at him with a knowing smile. “You’re feeling better now, I can tell.”

Hunter let out a small gasp at her empathetic astuteness. “Yeah, I am.” He nodded.

“I’m glad.” She hugged him. “No more doing stupid things then, right?”

He smiled and put his arms around her. “I promise, can’t go letting you down again now, can I?” Sitting back down, Derpy bagged up two muffins for him and he returned to Sunset who was helping Trixie. The bulk of the day went fairly well with the morning traffic being mostly the elderly and families. As afternoon set in, the demographic shifted to the hustle and bustle of daytime workers and other teens who were far more apathetic to the cause.

“Ugh, these people have no consideration.” Trixie huffed as she stepped off her box and lowered the microphone, her over the top requests for help now falling on deaf ears. “So busy with their own lives they can’t spare a thought for others.”

“Don’t get too down, Trixie.” Sunset put her hand to Trixie’s back. “Day’s still young and we’ve been doing great.”

“I know.” Trixie nodded.

“Fundraising isn’t just about appealing to people’s good nature.” Hunter said as he joined them. “As nice as that sounds, you’ll find that well runs dry pretty quick.”

“Then what else is it about, Mr. Expert?” Trixie eyed him judgingly.

“It’s about guilt tripping and emotional low blows.” He took the mic from her. “I’ll demonstrate, that is if I have permission?” He smiled over at Sunset.

She nodded. “Go get em’.”

With a nod in return, Hunter stepped on the box and raised the mic to his lips. “Alright everyone, listen up!” He called out, the change in tone catching some odd looks. “Yeah that’s right, talking to all of you.” He glanced around. “Hey, you too Bluetooth!” He pointed at a man walking by and talking into the hands free device. “For those of you too busy playing Sudoku to watch the news, we’re raising money for the owner of this store. A victim of the recent string of break-ins around the city. Now I’m sure you’re asking, ‘But Hunter, why should I care about some old guy who sells squirting boutonnières and hats with rabbits stuffed into them?’. Well I’ll tell you. This store has been in business for almost forty years, family owned and operated the whole time. Hell, he probably sold your dads’ whatever lame trick they used to impress your mothers the night you were conceived.” He gestured over the gathered crowd. “So how about you all pull your heads out of your asses, put your hands in your pockets and give a little to support a local business; you know, as opposed to the big, money grubbing corporations you’re always bitching about.” He held a single finger to the sky. “1 dollar, that’s all it would take to make a difference. I’ve watched about a thousand people walk by, if each one of them gave only a dollar that would be a solid grand raised for a good cause. What else are you going to spend that dollar on?” He pointed to random man with a bit of a gut on him. “A candy bar you damn sure don’t need?” He pointed to teen boy. “A condom you’re damn sure not going to use?” He waved the crowd over. “Come on, if you don’t like what I’m saying then come over here and prove me wrong.” The crowd began to move in and business slowly started to pick up again. Hunter hopped down and handed the mic back to Trixie.

“That was amazing.” Sunset looked at the now bustling crowd. “Vulgar, but amazing.”

“That’s what my tombstone is going to say.” He said with a bow.

“Thanks.” Trixie smiled at the sight.

“No problem.” He patted her shoulder.

The rest of the day went by calmly and as everyone began packing up, Trixie counted their total earnings. “$9,842 dollars.” She let out a small squeal of delight. “Not quite our goal but plenty enough to help Mr. Haas.”

“That it is.” Mr. Haas said with a wide smile as he joined Trixie and Sunset at the raffle table. “Thank you so much for this, all of you.”

“Happy to help.” Trixie handed the money over proudly.

“Hold up.” Hunter came over. “I was so busy running my mouth I forgot to donate myself.” He threw a check down on the table, the amount reading $2,158. “That should make $12,000.”

“Hunter.” Sunset looked at him in shock.

“Young man.” Mr. Haas picked up the check. “I…”

“Hey.” Hunter held his hands up. “Don’t worry about it. I had a feeling we might not make the full amount so I moved some money around last night just in case.” He smiled. “Besides, never ask where donation money comes from. Unless the guy is Italian or something, then it’s probably mob money.” He gave Trixie a wink.

“Thank you.” Near the point of tears, the old man lowered his head in thanks.

“It’s all because of 3rd person over here.” He gestured to Trixie. “She’s a pretty amazing lady once you get past the ego, the attitude, the voice, the…”

“You’re ruining the moment.” Trixie said grimly.

“Then my work here is done.” With a graceful wave he started off. “I’ll see you at school.”

“He makes it very hard to completely like him.” Trixie noted as she looked to Sunset.

“Yeah, that’s kind of his thing.” Sunset nodded. “Come on, let’s finish packing up.” The duo returned to work as the sun began to set on the busy day.

Chapter 7

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 7:

Sunday was busy for Hunter. He spent the morning checking the equipment he planned to set up around Equestria Land; ensuring charged batteries, functioning relay to his phone and clear readings. Come the afternoon, he headed into town and rented a car under an assumed name, loading the trunk with the four bags worth of equipment once he got it back to his home base. Having taken the girl’s numbers, he checked in with Pinkie and Fluttershy to make sure they were ready for the night’s activity. Once he received confirmation from the pair, he let them know that he would pick them up around seven. He retrieved Fluttershy first, her brother giving him a suspicious look from the living room window as she got into the car.

“What’s up with man bun?” He asked as she slid into the passenger seat.

“Oh, he’s just being a protective brother.” She giggled.

“Is that so.” Hunter smiled. “Can I borrow you for sec?”

“What?” Fluttershy blushed as Hunter put his arm around her and pulled her close. He leaned forward, making sure to match eyes with Zephyr as he waved and pulled off.

“Sorry.” Hunter released her as they left sight of the house. “Just wanted to give him something to lose sleep over.”

Fluttershy laughed. “Hey, if you drive then why do you take the bus to school?” She asked as she settled back in her seat.

“The fewer things people can tie me to the better.” He explained as he lowered his window, the fresh night air filling the car. “All part of the cover. I just rented this for the night because I wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of lugging this stuff by foot.”

“You certainly have to take a lot of things into consideration.”

“You learn as you go.” He shrugged. “There isn’t exactly a manual on how to do my job. My first few missions I did all kinds of things I’d slap myself for if I did them now.”

Fluttershy smiled as she watched the houses roll by. “It’s weird to hear you talk about this so casually. It all seems so incredible to the rest of us.”

“Well, to be honest it’s nice to have someone to talk about it with.” He admitted. “Getting my cover blown wasn’t on the top of my to-do list, but I can’t say I feel too bad about it.” After about fifteen minutes he pulled up in front of Pinkie’s house. He honked the horn and they waited patiently.

“Hello!” Pinkie’s head popped up in his window causing them both to jump.

Jesus Christ.” Hunter eyed her.

“Ha ha, didn’t even see me did you?” She asked as she began climbing into his window and onto his lap.

“What are you…?” He pressed himself against the seat as she washed over him and slipped into the back. “Wow.” He said through a sharp breath.

“Just practicing my spy skills.” Pinky sat on the edge of the back seat and leaned forward.

Hunter glanced down and saw that she was wearing a skin tight, black jump suit. “That’s a good look on you.”

“Thanks.” She said with a sly grin. “This isn’t my first rodeo you know. I helped Rainbow Dash spy on the Crystal Prep team during the friendship games.”

“I thought she said you almost got the two of you caught about ten times and then you ran away when they saw you.” Fluttershy said, recalling Rainbow Dash’s description of the events.

“Pssh.” Pinkie scoffed. “She always exaggerates that story.”

“My boss would kill me if he could see me now.” Hunter smiled to himself as he started for the theme park.

When they arrived at the park grounds, Hunter pulled into the farthest spot of the rear lot. He popped the trunk and hopped out to retrieve the gear.

“Wow.” Fluttershy looked around. “So quiet, it’s kind of eerie.”

“Nothing here now that wasn’t here in the daytime.” Hunter said as he pulled the bags from the trunk.

“Except maybe a giant, magic eating monster.” Pinkie clarified.

“Duly noted.” Hunter closed the trunk. “Now, let me show you what we’re working with.” He sat on the back of the car as they gathered around him, putting his foot on the first bag. “These are motion sensors, they detect movement based on pre-programmed parameters that I've entered. I set them high because I don’t need my phone going off every time a mouse runs by. They need to be placed close to the ground, hidden from view but with a clear shot at the major travel paths through the park. The top of their casings are lined with a bed of stainless steel points that have been laser cut to less than a millimeter in thickness; they can be attached to almost any surface with the exception of glass and stone.” He put his foot on the second bag. “These are thermal sensors, they detect the heat signature of anything moving past them. Pretty self-explanatory but they need to be placed at medium height off the ground.” He tapped his foot on the third and fourth bags. “These are the cameras, they send live feed to my phone twenty-four hours a day. These are custom models that recharge themselves off of a solar battery to maintain long term use in the field. They need to be placed high, not only to give me a better vantage but so they can recharge themselves over the day.” He put his foot back on the ground. “With me so far?” He glanced between the girls.

“Um… yeah.” Fluttershy nodded, albeit unsurely and Pinkie wiggled her hand in the air suggesting a cursory understanding.

“Good enough.” Hunter nodded. “Horse Whisperer, I’m putting you in charge of the cameras.” He looked to Fluttershy. “This area is filled with rats, bats and other furry friends you can get to help you place them in the best positions.”

“Okay.” She nodded.

“Pixy Stick, I’m trusting you with the motion sensors.”

“You can count on me.” Pinkie assured.

“Here, put these on.” He pulled two watches from his pocket and handed them out.

“Ooh, they match perfectly.” Pinkie held the black watch against her outfit.

“Fashion sense aside, we’ll need these to sync up once we get started.” He noted. “Put these on too.” He handed each of them a pair of disposable gloves. “No finger prints, be mindful of your hair at all times as well.” He instructed. “If you cut yourself or anything let me know, leaving blood behind is a big no-no.” He thumbed towards the park. “Alright, let’s get moving and see what’s what.” They took up the bags and headed for the rear of the park which was barricaded by a high, block wall. Hunter led them to a locked, staff gate and knelt before it. “This is a path that leads between two of the rides, used mainly as a quick exit for employees.” He informed as he pulled a multi tool, lock pick out of his pocket and dealt with the simple padlock. Passing through, they stepped out into the main grounds and huddled together inside of a gift kiosk.

“What now?” Fluttershy asked.

“We need to find out the guard’s rotation.” Hunter whispered. “They’re walking the park as we speak but I don’t know where they are exactly, we need to wait for them to pass so I can figure how long it’s taking them to make a round and how far apart they are from each other.

“Whoa.” Pinkie said as she absorbed his analysis. “You’re really good at this stuff.”

“Well I have to have at least one redeeming quality.” He smiled.

As they waited, one of the guards passed by and the other followed twenty minutes after. As the second one moved along, they sat for about fifty minutes before the first one returned.

“Okay, that’s the rotation.” Hunter said as he peeked out to ensure he was gone.

“So we’ve got twenty minutes after the first and fifty minutes after the second.” Fluttershy concluded.

“Right.” Hunter checked his watch. “Sync up your timers for twenty and let’s get started.”

The girls did so and they moved out. Pinkie bounded, crawled and slithered along the ground to set up a series of motion sensors in the area they were in. Fluttershy found some helpful rats and an owl to help her place cameras in the highest spots she could find. Hunter found optimal but camouflaged spots for the thermal sensors, making sure to keep an eye on his two apprentice agents. Hiding between guard sweeps, they went through the major areas of the park until they had worked their way back to where they'd started. Quickly moving back through the employee exit, Hunter reset the padlock and the trio headed back towards the car.

“We did it.” Pinkie quietly cheered. “We rock.”

“That was pretty thrilling.” Fluttershy admitted.

“You did well.” Hunter checked his watch, seeing that it was nearly one in the morning. “That would have taken me all night to do alone. Thanks for the help.”

“Anytime.” Pinkie gave him a thumb up.

“So what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Like it or not, we play the waiting game.” Hunter answered. “I’ll keep an eye on the feeds and readouts until I get a hit. Once it shows, I'll let you know and we move in and do what needs to be done.” As they came to the car, Hunter put the empty bags in the trunk while the girls got in. He jumped in the driver’s seat and fired up the engine.

“Now, the most important part of field work.” Hunter twisted around in his seat. “The final check.” He shifted his eyes between the two of them. “Did you erase the texts I sent you?”

“No.” Fluttershy shook her head.

“Go ahead and do that now.” He advised. “You never want to leave a trail that someone could use to trace your job back to you.”

“Oh, good idea.” Pinkie said as they deleted the messages from their phones.

“And always return your equipment.” He eyed the watches he gave them. “Ditch the gloves too, I’ll burn them.”

“Right.” Fluttershy nodded and they handed the watches and gloves over.

“Congratulations on your first, successful mission.” He said with a sincere pride. “Looks like you two have some agent in you after all.” Fluttershy and Pinkie high fived as Hunter headed out of the lot to get them home.

Monday morning saw the reopening of the school and also Hunter’s return from suspension. Hunter sighed as he got off the bus and started for the main building. He saw Flash and the other boys talking near the entrance and offered them a wave as he approached.

“Well, well, well.” He smirked. “If it isn’t my favorite boy band, Guys Wide Shut.”

“Hunter.” Flash looked at him with a bit of surprise. “Sandalwood told us what happened. Sorry you got the worst of it.”

“It’s okay.” He nodded. “They’re right, I went overboard in that situation.”

“How, unexpectedly self-aware of you.” Micro Chips noted.

“Ha, yeah.” Hunter looked them over. “Listen, the last few days have been pretty… eventful; put a lot of things into perspective.” He smiled. “I know I was hard on you guys; and I know that you damn sure didn’t have to give me the time of day much less try to be nice. I’m sorry.”

They looked at each other in complete shock. “Uh, no problem.” Flash said slowly.

Sandalwood smiled and held his fist out. “Glad to see you found your flow, dude. Everything's cool.”

“Thanks, Natural Fibers.” Hunter bumped him back.

“Same here.” Bulk nodded. “I knew you’d find your way out of that shell.”

Hunter held his hand out to Micro Chips. “How about it, Micro Transaction?” Hunter asked. “We cool?”

He took Hunter’s hand, shaking his head with sigh. “Yeah.”

“Alright.” Sandalwood nodded. “Good way to start the day.”

“So does this mean you’re going to be nice to everyone now?” Flash asked.

“Well… nicer.” Hunter shrugged. “I’m still going to be me.” He promised. “But hey, who knows, after awhile we might be tighter than Bulk’s shirt.” He patted his shoulder. “See in class, Hair Gel.”

As Hunter went in they shared bemused looks. “Well, it’s a start.” Flash admitted.

Hunter walked the halls and saw Principal Celestia hanging flyers on the bulletin board. She noticed him and ceased her work to call him over. “Hunter, I hope you used your time away wisely.” She said sternly but with genuine concern.

“I did.” He nodded. “Made a few friends too.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.” The news brought a relieved smile to her lips.

“I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the… butt.” He censored himself. “Won’t happen again, not too much anyway.”

Celestia was amazed at the change in him. “I’m glad, welcome back Hunter.” She smiled warmly.

Hunter nodded and continued down the hall, a part of him actually looking forward to seeing how the rest of the day would play out.

Chapter 8

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 8:

After the final bell, Sunset attended a short meeting with the committee in charge of planning the upcoming summer dance. When she finally did leave the school she was surprised to see Hunter sitting on the brick wall that bordered the school grounds. He was staring at his phone and running his thumb over the screen repeatedly.

“Hey, Hunter!” She called as she started over to him.

Hunter looked over his shoulder, raising his legs and spinning around on the wall to face her. “If it isn’t the Pancetta Porcupine herself.” He said with a broad grin.

“How many more nicknames for me do you have?” Sunset asked with a curious smile.

“You’d be happier if I didn’t tell you.” He put his phone back in his pocket.

“Anything yet?” She hopped up beside him on the wall.

“No.” He shook his head. “That’s the thing about wild animals, they don’t keep schedules.”

Sunset looked back at the school. “So how was your first day back? You didn’t get called to the office so it must have been pretty good.”

He laughed and nodded slowly. “Yeah, it was. Which was a really odd feeling.”

“I’ll bet.” She chuckled.

Fluttershy’s car pulled up in the bus drop off zone. Rarity leaned out the passenger window and waved to them. “We’re here darling, ready to go?”

“Be right there.” Sunset called back. “We’re doing a movie and mini golf tonight, want to tag along?”

“That’s okay.” Hunter politely declined as they jumped down and walked over to the car. “I’ve got some work to do.” He opened the rear door for her and she slid in next to Applejack. “If I want to check in I’ll just use the satellite imaging.” He closed the door and patted the roof as he walked off.

As Fluttershy pulled away from the curb, Rarity twisted around and peered over the back of her seat. “He… was joking about the satellite, right?”

“I have no idea.” Sunset laughed as she put on her seatbelt.

They met the others at the theatre and were able to unwind as they took in the movie. By six o’clock they were teeing off on the mini golf course; at the fourth hole the girls stood idly by while Rainbow Dash went for her fourth, consecutive hole in one.

“Watch in awe, ladies.” She said as she pulled her club back. “Annnnnd boom!” She knocked the ball and it ricocheted through the first curve and rolled smoothly through the second, ultimately passing through the raised obstacles and moving down the green until falling into the cup. “Aw yeah!” She pumped her fist. “They’re going to have to make a new course because this one isn’t even a challenge anymore.”

“Awesome job, Rainbow!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yes, we’re very happy for you, darling.” Rarity dryly toned as she shooed her over to take her own shot.

“That jealousy I hear, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash snickered as she moved over to the sideline with Applejack and Twilight. “I can’t help it if I’m a champ at mini golf.”

“Sure that’ll come in real handy on your résumé.” Applejack poked her in the ribs with her club.

“Quit it.” Rainbow dash batted the club away as Twilight giggled at their back and forth.

The night carried on as the girls worked their way across the course. While Sunset waited her turn on the tenth hole, her phone began to buzz. Checking it she saw a message from Hunter; she immediately opened it and gasped at the information. “Hey!” Sunset called their attention. “I just got a message from Hunter, he got a hit at the theme park and he’s headed there now.”

“Oh my.” Fluttershy held her hand to her chest. “We need to get there and help him.”

“Most certainly, let’s get moving.” Rarity agreed.

“Hold on.” Rainbow Dash stopped her. “How are we supposed to get there? Twilight, Pinkie and I took the bus.”

“We’ll just have to make due with Fluttershy’s car.” Sunset concluded. “Hurry.”

Leaving their clubs on the course they sprinted back to the parking lot. The piled into Fluttershy’s modest car as best they could. Applejack sat in the back left with Rarity on her lap, Rainbow Dash sat in the back right with Twilight atop her and Pinkie was squished between them all. Sunset leapt in the passenger seat and as Fluttershy got in she began her usual pre drive check.

“It’s the dri…”

“Fluttershy.’ Sunset cut her off. “Monster, Equestria Land, now please.” She begged.

“Oh, right.” She nodded and sped out of the lot.

“Whoa.” Rarity struggled to steady herself as they took a turn. “Applejack dear, could you hold me a bit more securely.”

“If I hold you any tighter I’m gonna have to propose.” Applejack mumbled, her cheek pressed against Rarity’s back.

“Fluttershy.” Rainbow dash poked her head out from behind Twilight. “You might want to think about getting a bigger car.”

“Keep it down for a second.” Sunset rapidly waved her hand as she answered her phone. “Hunter? Yeah, we’re on our way.” She listened for a moment. “Okay, be there as quick as we can.” She pocketed her phone. “He said to go to the rear gate you were at before.”

“Got it.” Fluttershy nodded.

With some gentle encouragement from the peanut gallery, Fluttershy rushed them to the park grounds. As the car pulled into the lot they saw Hunter waiting by the rear wall. She parked close to him and the girls spilled out of the car.

“Ok, we’re…” Sunset paused as she saw Hunter. His casual wear was gone, replaced by a black, custom tailored ACU with carbon fiber reinforcement and steel toed boots. He held a caliber 13, compressed air dart gun in his hands and had a M17 modular side arm strapped to his right leg. A pair of flashbangs hung from his hip and an M11 EOD knife was holstered to his arm.

Hunter saw her surprised stare and offered a calming smile. “Hey, I don’t have magic so I need all this stuff”

“Sorry." She centered herself. "It's just easy to forget that you're actually a soldier."

“You do look pretty awesome though.” Rainbow Dash gave him the once over.

"Oh stop." He feigned embarrassment. "If you make me blush it'll ruin my camo."

“So is that ail-a-whatchamacallit in there?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah.” Hunter nodded. “It’s wandering the park near the boardwalk.”

“So what precisely is the plan?” Rarity inquired.

“Well, I’ve already incapacitated the security guards, so the goal is to put the big guy to sleep.” Hunter gestured with his tranquilizer gun. “We need to wear him down though so the darts can take effect, otherwise it’ll just burn through the sedatives. Normally that would be difficult, but I’m hoping your magic will give us the edge.”

“Alright, let’s get him.” Pinkie started for the gate.

“Slow down, G.I. Jellybean.” Hunter blocked her. “You need to be careful, this thing eats magic remember? As soon as you activate your abilities it’s going to target you. We can use that though, keep your distance and pull its focus in multiple directions. I’ll stay on top of it in close quarters.”

“Okay.” Sunset nodded and checked with the others who relayed their understanding of the tactics.

“Let’s move.” Hunter took point as they followed him into the park. Keeping low, they made a beeline for the boardwalk. As they neared the location, they could hear growls and chuffs bouncing off the steel of the silent rides. Entering the long hallway of games, they finally saw the beast as it investigated the ring toss booth. Standing near thirteen feet tall, the hulking mass of muscle and fur lumbered about. Its body resembled a bear but its movements were more akin to a gorilla’s. The creature’s head bore many similarities to a coyote, made all the more fierce by piercing orange eyes.

“He’s a lot bigger than I estimated.” Twilight whispered.

“I’m sure he’ll be flattered to hear that.” Hunter said as he pulled a flashbang from his side. “Cover your eyes.” He whipped the canister across the ground and at its feet; instinctively turning towards the sound, its curiosity was rewarded with a blinding light. Releasing an angry roar, the blinded animal began swiping at air. “Go!” Hunter ordered as he ran out; firing two darts into its chest to get the ball rolling.

As the creature’s sight returned, it zeroed in on Hunter and charged. Hunter ran at it and rolled between its legs as it clawed at him. A giant, diamond construct slammed into its side as it started to turn. Staggering back a few feet, the beast braced its claws on the barrier and began forcing it back.

“He’s so strong.” Rarity said as she pushed back for all she was worth.

“I gotcha covered.” Applejack ran to the strength tester and took up the sledge hammer. Magically enhancing her strength, she started to spin on her heels until launching the hammer like a bullet. It collided with one of the trunk-like legs and as it lost balance Rarity was able to force it to the ground. Hunter rose and fired three more darts into its flank before falling back. Further enraged, it went to all fours and targeted Rarity. The advance was interrupted by a barrage of baseballs fired from a pitching machine manned by Sunset and Fluttershy.

“Over here, ugly!” Sunset shouted, getting it to begin heading in their direction.

“Go for its eyes!” Hunter signaled to Pinkie Pie.

“Righty-o.” Pinkie ran alongside it and tossed some of her volatile confetti in its face. As it blew, the creature was blinded yet again and she somersaulted away as it furiously pounded the ground.

“I’ve got him!” Twilight used her magic to envelop the struggling animal, yanking as hard as she could she brought it to the ground once again. Hunter ran in and fired another three darts into its left arm. In a reflex action, its claw lashed out in response and slashed Hunter’s side; his clothes tore and he was sent careening across the ground.

“Hunter!” Sunset ran to his side and pulled him back, worriedly observing the trail of blood he was leaving on the ground.

Noticeably more sluggish, it started to rise again and pursue Hunter. “My turn!” Rainbow Dash ran over to the wall climb and snatched up the ropes; using her unmatched speed she wrapped the ropes around its arms and tied them together. “Aj!” She tossed the end of the rope to Applejack who engaged in an epic game of tug-o-war.

“H…here.” Hunter handed the dart gun to Sunset. “Keep on him.”

“Go, I’ve got him.” Fluttershy knelt beside Hunter.

“Right.” Sunset charged and began firing darts into its exposed side. Hunter watched it stumble towards the large junction box that distributed power to the boardwalk. He pulled the firearm from his leg and fired at the main line that fed into the box; it severed and went limp over the beast’s shoulder.

“Hit the primary breaker!” Hunter pointed to the nearby control.

“Right.” Twilight ran over and pulled the red lever. A massive surge of electricity was sent through the weary animal, it let out a pained roar and collapsed in a smoking heap. Twilight shut the electricity off again and everyone held their breath in hopes that the battle was over. The exhausted creature's head rolled to the side, its eyes glazed over and its breathing became rhythmic.

"We got him!" Pinkie jumped in celebration.

"Nice." Rainbow Dash high fived Rarity.

"Girls!" Fluttershy called them over.

“Hunter.” Sunset ran back to them with the others at her heels.

“We need to call an ambulance immediately.” Twilight reached for her phone.

“No.” Hunter shook his head. “I’m fine, you need to get out of here.”

“We’re not going to leave you like this.” Fluttershy refuted.

“You have to.” He grabbed his side and struggled to his feet. “I have to call the extraction team and you can’t be here when they arrive. I’ll contact you later.”

“Alright.” Sunset nodded reluctantly.

“Hey, that was some impressive work.” He smiled. “Good job.” He balanced himself on the wall of a booth as the girls ran back towards the parking lot. Once he was sure they were far enough away, he pulled out his phone and put in the call.

Chapter 9

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The Hunter and the Hunted

Chapter 9:

Not surprisingly, Hunter wasn’t at school the next day; but he did send a group text to his friends that merely contained a thumbs up. Though they were eased by the knowledge that he was okay, their minds and bodies were still worn by the events of the prior night. They powered through the day with the goal of collapsing when they got home. Hunter returned to school the next day, stitches in his side but otherwise in one piece. With the threat of the álííl ayą́ behind him and the prospect of another day with his new friends in front of him, he felt a welcome peace of mind that he hadn’t enjoyed in some time. As he approached the school he was rushed by a pink blur.

“Hunter!” Pinkie hugged him. “You’re back.”

“Watch the stitches, Candycane.” He let out a pained laugh as he hugged her back.

“Oops.” She backed off with an innocent grin. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll live.” He lifted his shirt to show her the bandages. “Field medic patched me up.”

“Everyone’s been worried about you.” She pointed back to the school. “Come on, let’s catch them before class.”

Pinkie led him to the others who were gathered around Sunset’s locker. “Miss me?” He asked as they joined the semi-circle.

“Hunter.” Sunset smiled in relief. “We were starting to get nervous not hearing anything.

“Sorry, yesterday was pretty busy.” He apologized. “I had to meet with an agency superior for a debriefing and file my official report on the álííl ayą́.”

“So, it’s over?” Twilight asked.

“As far as the government is concerned, yeah.” He nodded.

“What happened to the álííl ayą́?” Fluttershy queried, her compassion for animals extending even to the dangerous creature.

“You’ll be happy to know that our fuzzy friend is resting comfortably at a black site, containment facility. He’ll be observed and studied, but they’ll go easy on him.”

“Guess the city can finally rest easy at night.” Applejack noted.

“All in a day’s work for us.” Rainbow Dash dusted her shoulder off proudly.

“You aren’t wrong, Stripes.” Hunter admitted. “You ladies were pretty amazing out there. I’m just sorry I can’t give you the credit you deserve.”

“That’s quite alright, darling.” Rarity assured. “While I’m all for adoration I don’t think the government would give us the kind of attention we’d prefer.”

The five minute bell rang above their heads. “Well, at least pop quizzes are the worst thing we have to worry about now.” Hunter laughed. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

Hunter was able to relax and enjoy his day. He even started speaking up in class and participating, much to the surprise of his teachers and classmates. In this third class that he shared with Twilight, Mrs. Cheerliee was going over the planned debate.

“Alright students.” She looked over the ensemble. “Don’t forget that sixth period today is being replaced with a student debate in the auditorium. Our two top teams will be competing to decide who is going to represent the school in the annual, inter-district debate competition. Now, we still need a moderator and we’re running short on time. I know it isn’t a fun job but…”

“I’ll do it.” Hunter raised his hand, the class turning back in their seats to make sure they heard him correctly.

“Oh, Hunter.” Mrs. Cheerilee looked at him in surprise. “How wonderfully unexpected.”

“Mrs. Cheerilee?” Micro Chips raised his hand. “Please, no… I’m begging you.”

“Micro Chips.” She looked at him disapprovingly. “That is quite rude, especially when Hunter hasn’t shown much interest in things like this so far. I think it would be a splendid idea.” She looked back to Hunter. “Thank you Hunter, I’ll let Principal Celestia know.”

“Oh sweet Hawking.” Micro Chips laid his head to the desk.

At lunch, Hunter went to meet the girls in the cafeteria. After making nice with Granny Smith to atone for the laundry list of remarks he made about her food, he sat down beside Applejack; batting his eyes at her sweetly.

“Tray’s distance.” Applejack bumped his tray over.

“Still hiding your feelings?” He asked as he scooted over.

“Ha.” She scoffed. “I’ll keep an eye on my pigs and when they start flying, I’ll give ya a call.”

Pinkie snickered at them. “I think you’d make a cute couple.”

“You hush.” Applejack pointed at her threateningly.

“Did you hear that Hunter is going to be moderating the debate today?” Twilight asked.

“Yes actually.” Rarity smiled at him. “Micro Chips is simply ecstatic.”

“Oh I can’t wait to see this.” Sunset chuckled as she took a bite of her sandwich.

“About that.” The shadow of Principal Celestia rolled over the table.

Hunter smiled up at her. “Good afternoon, Lady Principal Ma’am sir.”

“Hello Hunter.” She walked around to him. “I’m very happy to hear that you’re going to be participating in this afternoon’s event.”

“Happy to help.”

“That being said.” She eyed him. “I do have some instructions for you. Firstly, mind your language.”

“Done.” He nodded.

“Secondly, stick to the topics that are provided. No ad lib.”

“No problemo.” He nodded again.

“Thirdly, you must use the student’s actual names.”

“Ehhhh.” He twisted his lips in thought.

“Hunter.” She sighed.

“You got it.” He gave her the OK sign.

“Alright then, I’ll see you all in the auditorium.” She headed over to another table to address some other matter.

“You know, for the first time I’m actually excited to go to one of these things.” Rainbow Dash perked up. “No offense Twilight.”

“Gee, thanks.” Twilight gave her an insincere smile.

Following fifth period the student body migrated into the auditorium, slowly filling the bleacher seats as the podiums and metal chairs were set up in the building’s center. Celestia and Luna sat in the front and Hunter went to them to claim his microphone.

“Reporting for duty.” He saluted.

“Here you are.” Celestia handed him the mic while giving him an almost pleading look to control himself.

“Don’t worry fearless leader, you have my word you’ll live to regret this.” He smiled and headed out onto the floor.


“Yes?” Luna looked down and saw her extended hand.

“Hold my hand.” Celestia requested with a sigh.

“Of course.” Luna took her hand and patted it tenderly.

Hunter strode out as the two teams took their seats in the chairs. He raised the mic to his lips and gazed out over the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers of all ages… even the ones we can’t calculate.” He gestured over to Mr. Cranky Doodle. “My name is Hunter and I will be hosting today's speech spectacle.”

“Whose idea was that!?” One of the student’s called out, stirring up a low murmur from the crowd.

“Who said that?” Hunter asked with a smile as he looked into the seats, a few of the students pointed out the heckler. “Him? Right there?” Hunter focused on the boy. “Hey Chuckles.” He pointed at him. “Why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be down at the hardware store with the rest of the tools?” The boy stammered as the crowd began to laugh. “Listen, was giving me a microphone in a public setting a mistake? Maybe, but sometimes you just have to buckle down and live with your mistakes. Ask your parents, they’ll say the same thing.” The student clammed up as louder laughter followed Hunter’s words.

Celestia’s head fell into her hand as she groaned. “There there.” Luna patted her back supportively.

“Now, as I was saying.” Hunter continued. “Let’s get this communication confrontation going!” The students actually started applauding. “We’re starting hard and heavy with this one.” He pointed to the left. “In this podium, weighing in at I have no clue, because she refuses to tell me how much she weighs. The siren of science! The know-it-all knockout! The Ayatollah of I told you so! Twilight Spaaaaarrrrrrkllllle!”

Twilight was shocked when students began cheering as she went to her podium. “Um… thank you.” She waved.

“And in this podium.” He gestured to the opposite side. “Weighing in at ninety-one pounds, an even hundred if you leave him out in the rain for a while. The terror-byte who will give you a hundred and fifty gigs in a nanosecond! The master debater himself! Microooooo Chiiiiiiiips!” Micro Chips was cheered on as well as he stepped up to his podium and waved to the crowd.

And with that, the debate was on. Sunset watched with a wide smile, finally seeing the real Hunter in full force and the entirety of the school eating it up as they laughed and cheered along with his over the top introductions for the teams and smart remarks about the topics. Even Celestia accepted Hunter’s antics, marveling at how good he was at controlling the crowd. Even though the debate ended with a victory for Twilight’s team, Hunter had the crowd making them all feel like champs. As the event wrapped up and the school emptied for the day, Hunter headed to Celestia’s office to catch her before she left. He poked his head in the door and rapped on the doorframe a few times.

“Hunter.” She put the forms she was looking at down and waved him in. “Come in.” She smiled as he sat. “I have to admit, that was a fantastic job you did with the debate.” She tilted her head in consideration. “Tap-dancing on inappropriate, but fantastic still. Would you consider moderating for the debate competition?”

“I would… but I won’t be here.” He sighed. “That’s why I stopped by, my dad is being reassigned again so I’ll be taking the act on the road.”

“Oh.” She frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. Got to keep my record consistent, right?” He sat back in the chair. “My parent’s will be in touch to finalize everything, but as of today you're officially free of me.” He laughed as best he could.

Celestia let out a saddened breath and nodded. “Hunter, can I at least say one last thing as your Principal?”

“You bet.”

“I don’t know what happened to bring about this great change in you, but you’re leaving here different from when you arrived.” She began. “I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you, constantly being on the move… you must feel like you don’t belong anywhere.” Her face lit with a tender smile. “But know that you will always belong here, no matter how far you may travel. I might not have known you for long and we definitely had a rough start, but I am proud to have had you as one of my students and I’ll certainly miss you.”

For the first time in a long time, Hunter didn’t know what to say. “Thanks.” He finally managed.

“Take care Hunter, I wish you the best.” She rose and held out her hand.

He stood and shook her hand. Upon leaving her office he stopped and leaned against the lockers as he started to cry, Celestia’s heartfelt goodbye having struck something deep within him. He ran his finger under his eye, looking down at the dampness on the tip. “Well how about that.” He smiled as he pushed himself off the lockers and continued down the hall.

Sunset got a text from Hunter around five o’clock, asking her to meet him at the vacant office where he was staying. She quickly got ready and headed downtown to see him. Entering the cold and empty building, she found him sitting on a single chair; the rest of his things nowhere to be seen save for a single bag. Seeing this confirmed what she already knew.

“You’re leaving then?” She asked.

“Yeah.” He nodded unenthusiastically. “Sorry I didn’t say anything at school but… I just wanted to enjoy the day.”

“I understand.” She nodded and sat down on an empty display box.

Hunter rose and sat back down beside her. “I want to thank you, not just for helping with the case but for knocking some sense into me. I didn’t realize just how detached I had allowed myself to become, but being around you and the others showed me that I don’t have to close those parts of myself off to do what I do. Leaving still sucks, but I’d rather leave with happy memories than bad ones.” He stood with a heavy sigh, looking down at her with a smile. "So, thanks for being too stubborn to push away.”

Sunset felt herself tear up, she quickly stood and put her arms around him. “I’m really going to miss you, Hunter.”

He held her tightly and rested his cheek against her head. “I’ll miss you too, Sunset.”

Sunset looked up at him with damp eyes and a tilted smile. “Ok, hearing you say my name at this point is just weird.”

“I figured by now you’d be sick of the nicknames.”

“Actually, I’ve gotten used to it.” She admitted.

He nodded. “Well alright then, Bacon Bristles.”

“Much better.” They laughed as they held onto each other.

A short cough caught their attention. “I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything.” Rarity said as she and the others entered.

“Oooooh.” Pinkie giggled. “I think we are.”

“Oh shut up.” Sunset said as she wiped her eyes.

“You girls come to make sure I’m leaving?” Hunter asked.

“I kind of guessed what you wanted to talk about.” Sunset explained. “So I told them to come too.”

“And we’re glad she did.” Rarity said as she went to Hunter. “We most certainly want the chance to say goodbye.” She gave him a hug of her own. “It definitely won’t be the same without you, darling.”

“At least I know this city is in good hands with all of you.” He went over to Pinkie and held his arm out. “And so ends another adventure with Sherriff Hunter and the Cotton Candy Kid.” He said in his best western drawl.

Pinkie hugged his side. “I hope we can go on another one sometime.”

“Me too.” He looked over at Fluttershy. “But in the meantime, you and agent Zookeeper here can keep an eye on things, right?”

“You can count on us.” Fluttershy nodded as she hugged his other side.

“And as for the mad scientist.” He shook his finger at Twilight. “Keep your nose clean, I don’t want to be sent after you because you end up making a doomsday device or a rogue A.I.”

“You have my word to not to do anything that affects society on a global scale.” She smiled.

“Good enough.” He laughed and turned to Rainbow Dash, holding out his hand. “Speedy. You’ve made me change my mind about fast women.”

“What a coincidence.” She grabbed his hand. “You’ve made me change my mind about snarky jerks.” She pulled him in and hugged him.

Hunter slowly moved over to Applejack, simply smiling and opening his arms. She rolled her eyes, trying to hide a small smile as she stepped into his arms. “I think I’m going to miss you most of all, Scarecrow.” With a grin, she activated her magic and squeezed him. “Ow, okay okay.” He laughed.

“I can’t believe I’m actually gonna miss you too.” Applejack shook her head in disbelief. “You be careful now.”

“Hey, the only thing I’d ever let kill me is you.” He promised. “Oh, one last thing.” He pulled a small card and pen out of his pocket as he wandered back over to Sunset. “I have to either destroy or turn in everything I used while I was here, including my phone.” He explained as he started writing. “But, if something crazy ever happens and you feel like you could use some more firepower, you can use this number to reach me.” He handed the card to Sunset.

“Thank you.” Sunset put it safely in her pocket.

“Remember, that’s for emergencies only.” He reminded. “Not for, oh I don’t know, if you wanted to get together for dinner or...”

“Goodbye Hunter.” Sunset cut him off with a laugh.

“Right.” He waved as she and the others gave him a last goodbye as they headed out. With a placid smile he took up his personal bag and shut off all the lights before leaving the building. Heading for the bus stop he waited for about twenty minutes before the next bus arrived. He sat in the back and laid his bag in the seat adjacent to him as the bus hissed and continued its route. Getting comfortable, he put his hands in his jacket pockets and felt something in the left, he quickly pulled his hand out and discovered a photo. It was picture of Sunset and the girls, flipping it over he found the message 'we're always with you' written on the back. He laughed as he wiped a forming tear from his eye; returning the photo to his pocket he laid his head back and watched the city fly by as the bus sped along.