Loving Self While Being Apart of the World

by Script Nova

First published

Loving others in order to love self

A old creator thats have been reborn ends up meeting a filly, in order to be with him. Thinking of keeping things inside will make him end up hurting her too. He has to go through this just to have what he once lost.


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This day has been like most days for Ponyville, as two ponies that weren't related living with each other. Well, they started to know one another since both has felt like they didn't belong or not want to be apart of Equestria. A little white earth pony was living with an alicorn, since she mostly end up being with this alicorn. Not because how handsome he was but also seeing him being lonely just like her. Her name was Somepony, Somepony didn't have parents like some fillies and had powers like an alicorn. All her life she never know her parents yet along not knowing what have happened to them.

Somepony was woken up from the sun being at the foot of Legend's bed like a cat, “Mmm, Big Bro are you there?” No pony respond she lift herself up looking at the head of the bed. “I hear you but I don’t see you.”

Legend was a light green alicorn who had a mane that's whit and spiky. He's very old, but seems like he's still in his twenties if not thirties, been a part of the world since the first pony has walked the earth. However, he did end up being reborn to what he is now. Though he didn't want to be seen or known because of a past he ones had. Somepony didn't care about that, she just saw how lonely he was just like her and stuck with him to where she saw him as a big brother.

Snoring was heard but very small. Somepony pulled the sheets off seeing a small alicorn that’s the size of a baseball. She used a hoof gently shaking the small alicorn.

“Not now Sis, just let me sleep a bit longer.” She now put more presser on him, then picked him up shaking him. “H-hey! Somepony I told you I want to—” Now being fully awake, he saw her bigger then him. “Sis? Did you go through a growth per?”

“No Big Bro, you just shrunk.”

“What do you mean?” She shaking him again. “I’m fully awake you know?”

“Something must have happened while you were sleeping, like using your magic agents yourself.”

“You sure I’m not still dreaming?” Shaking him the third time. “Could you please stop doing that?”

Somepony put him down on the bed looking down at him, “Looks like I’ll call you Little Bro instead of Big Bro.”

“Oh no. We’re going to undo this in some way.” Legend tries to lit up his horn but nothing happens. His magic was too small to do anything. Being very frustrated he walked to the edge of the bed falling off. Somepony was able to catch him in time landing in her hoofs.

“You should watch what you’re doing otherwise you’ll end up getting hurt.”

“Right now I want to undo whatever I did in my sleep.”

“Aww, but why when you look so adorable. I want you to be my dolly.” Giving him big eyes that glow starting to be excited.

“Sis! I swore to Celestia if you dare put a dress on me I’ll—”

“Too late!” Legend was now in a pink dress with a bow on his horn and a wig on his head. “Now aren’t you the cutest doll ever?”

Legend had a mean look on his face feeling embarrass, “Why must you do this to me?”

Somepony didn’t listen, she just keeps on playing until he finally snapped causing a spark that end up hurting Somepony's hoof leaving a burnt spot, “Legend, you hurt me.”

“Well good! I don’t want to feel like an action figure!”

Somepony started to tear up feeling like she was being unwanted, the mark Legend made on her hoof didn’t bother her much more than those words, “You don’t want to be around me?”

“I didn't say that. Just don’t like this.”

“IT STILL HAS TO DO WITH ME!” Tears were now starting to fall down like a waterfall off her face on to the floor. “You don’t want me around even when you’re not small! I make you happy, why can’t you do the same for me?!”

Legend couldn’t say anything else after hearing that. It was true because he has been so worried about what happened when he was once evil. Things started to float because of Somepony’s emotions even making Legend float as well. Legend moved his wings to push himself to her face getting her to stop crying she looked at him with a sad and mad look.

“I’m sorry I make you feel that way. I understand you like to be happy all the time and want me to be around regardless.” He used his little hoofs to hold Somepony’s snout as he hugged her. Everything dropped with her holding Legend to stay at her face, “Are you better now?... Big Sis?”

“Haha, *sniffle* Yes.” She let go of him as he flows away deciding to continued being a doll. She now was happy again seeing him now being okay with being small, “Thank you Big Bro.”

“Just call me Little Bro, at least until we figure this out.”

Hours have passed, with Somepony falling asleep from being exhausted with all the crying and using telekinesis, along with playing with Legend. Legend just waited until she finally went to sleep taking off the doll clothes. Staying a feet away from her, still thinking about his past along with her's. Still feeling new to the whole friendship along with wanting to be around other ponies even though he feels like they still know who he is even with erasing their memories. More or less, it doesn't stop him want to be around this filly that looked up to him.

Legend just laid next to her as he very much enjoyed the warmth of her body while slowly drifting off to her heart beat.

Somepony opened one eye looking at him snuggling her then end up turning him back to normal size. He didn't wake up feeling his body grow, just moved his head a little given her a boop on the nose. She smiled, "Thank you Big Bro." Then closed the one eye.

Happyness in a Eclipse

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"Come on Big Bro, we're going to miss the Eclipse that's about to happen!"

I didn't care much for eclipses since I have seen a lot of them in my time. Yes, they're excited to see every one hundred years, but when you start to live for all eternity you start getting sick of it. Celestia and Luna decide to do it again after so long, heck I would do it anyway just to mess with both of them being as I still have some of my godly powers.

"Big Brooo! Why do you have to be so slow?!"

As much as I want to ignore her, I can't. All because of how much she made me feel. I always keep to myself from other ponies just because of the cruelty I have toward everypony else, I've used the seventh element just to erase any form of memory of me, as well as my appearance. Though, my old creation still knows who I am and want me to change back just to finish what I have started. A killer, destroyer, and creator that makes creatures to harm other creations. Looking at this sweet filly, I can't. Not after what she has done for me. Giving me so much love, kindness, and understanding. The things I ignored until my beloved gave up everything in order to stop me, then... Wanted to forgive me afterwards.

"Big Bro? Why did you stop? Is there something on your mind? Would you tell little sis what's been bothering you?"

Oh how I wish I could tell her, but I also don't want her to be afraid of me. So, I just show my sadness. Though that just wants her to ask even more.

"Oooh, it's nothing Sis."

"Now don't be lying to me. Tell me Big Bro!

Great, now she's giving me those big cute eyes. That always gets me to say what's on my mind.

"Hey you two, why in the world you taking so long? You better get up here before this eclipse completely happens." Enerdragon, one pony that I was glad to meet when I first came to ponyfield though I question him since he seemed a trouble maker, he was ok to have around.

At a little hill was the place where we watched the eclipse, the main six mostly the main seven was there waiting for us. This was the first time I have ever met Sunset Shimmer. I have heard many stories of her being reformed, along with being aloud to visit Equestria. As we all looked at the sky, Sis sit right next to me while we waited.

"Look Big Bro! The moon and sun are about to come together! Will it be dark when this happens?"

Oh, dear... I forgot how dark it really gets when this happens. All I could say, "Yes. Just make sure, you stay close to me."

Darkness has now fallen, with a few fillies screaming. Everything was pitched black like I was expecting. I felt Sis's little hoofs wrapped around my arm feeling her shivering of being scared.

A pony came up to me from behind whispering in my ear. It was Sunset and she knew what I once was from along time ago, but never question me just seeing as I keep to myself while worrying about my little sister, "Do you really think you should hide what you once were?"

"It's... Better this way. Because I'm still here like this. One of the few alicorns left, in hopes of Celestia and Luna to not remember me."

"She knows you're troubled and wants you to open, but you don't. Keeping this will hurt you even more, along with the others around, and will even create something that you won't be able to defeat."

What is she talking about? I can face everything that could harm my sister... Can I?... Now I think about it, I didn't have the power I ones have. After using that seventh element, I separated my magic to give to two very specific unicorns.

The eclipse lasted longer than it should of, and then I decided to be head level with my sister's while she saw my horn glow right in front of her. Magic shot out as I created a wave of stars and colors to fit for the eclipse here. Her eyes brighten along with a smile shown on her face.

"I'm glad you were going to like this."

"Like it?! I love it! Never thought an eclipse would be this beautiful!"

"Yeah... Glad you liked what I did."

"Though I see why you do something like this in order to make me happy, it's because it makes you happy. I may not know your past, but you'll never stop being my big brother."

Those words, I thought weren't true. Until she end up saying them. I put my wing around her holding her close.

"I love you Big Bro!"

"I love you too... Little Sis."