> The Story of PsychoMane > by PsychoMane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Ponyville Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PsychoMane had always lived his life in the dark. He rarely ever had any true social interaction with other ponies. He instead enjoyed being alone and to do things on his own. PsychoMane grew up in Cloudsdale. His parents had left him with his grandfather when he was born, he had never met them. He had passed flight school, barely, when he was a colt. One of his wings is slightly larger then the other, making it hard for him to soar through the sky as easily as other pegasus. When he was finished with school he moved out from his grandfather's home into an apartment complex in the outskirts of Cloudsdale. He still had not earned his cutie-mark. It wasn't until he got his first job that he discovered who he was. He was always interested with the mixing and brewing of potions, so he found a job as an apothecary's assistant. He loved learning new ways to mix common herbs and ingredients into potions. He soon began experimenting with different mixes, using them to try an add a benefit rather then just a medical use. With lots of focused studies, he soon prepared a potion, that he believed, could make someone live their dream. Once whoever drank it he or she would see the world laid out as a dream. Instead of regular white clouds they may see cotton candy clouds, instead of streets they could see licorice, anything that a dream could entitle. He believed it would be a good way to relax or stay calm. He was almost done preparing the brew when his hoof slid across the surface of his broken down counter top. A loose nail had cut into his leg. He was too excited with the new mix to care or notice. A drop of blood from the fresh wound dripped off of his leg into the brew. He proceeded to finish mixing the potion. He poured it out and then, anxious to see the effects, swallowed it down. He screamed as the room spun. He heard cringing voices yelling from, what seemed like, inside the walls. He saw the sky outside close into a blood red curtain. He heard shuttering cries from what sounded like strangled foals. His ears bled from the crackling thunder and loud blood curling wails. He ran out doors looking for somepony, anypony to help him. He stared in horror as Cloudsdale began to fall out of the sky. He screamed in anguish as his home town began plunging into a dark abyss. He awoke a few hours afterwards, lying on the floor of his apartment. Confused and dazed PsychoMane took a few minutes to realize what had happened. The potion had worked, but not how he had predicted. The special mix he had prepared was capable of producing a nightmare or rather turning the world into a nightmare. He made a horrible discovery when he looked over his body to make sure he was okay, he had obtained his cutie-mark. It was a red potion with dark clouds surrounding it. Over the years PsychoMane learned that the potion wasn't temporary but rather a permanent effect. At seemingly random times he would induce into the nightmarish world within the darkest workings of his own mind. He couldn't control it, he began to wonder what was real and what wasn't. However the handicap didn't keep him from mixing new brews in the comfort of his own home, but his fear of the outside world caused by his mind kept him from leaving his apartment. He asked a friend to pick supplies up for him time and time again so he could continue working on his mixes. One day he decided to try and discover a way to reverse the effects of the nightmare potion. He did research on the herbs and ingredients he had used that horrible day. PsychoMane discovered a new recipe that didn't stop the nightmare world, however it did suppress it. It kept the darker place of his mind that the nightmare potion had created quarantined. With the new potion and his refreshed self doing great he decided to go out and find another job. He was fired from his older one due to him not showing up for almost 4 years. He found a new job relatively quick. An opening to be a scientist at a factory not too far from his own apartment. A job as a scientist would not seem easy to pass for, however his experience with potions landed him the job quite easily. The job consisted of mixing up, not potions, but gases. The gases were used for adding more uses to the weather. One for example could be administered into clouds causing them to change colors. They could also be used for medicine. Since,pegasi fly, they could soar through a cloud of gas and inhale the medicine rather then have to drink it. The job was easy enough for PsychoMane to fulfill his duties. --------------------------------- Just outside of Ponyville stood a caramel brown pegasus with dark red and purple spiked hair eyeing the small town from a hill. *This is it, Ponyville*, PsychoMane thought to himself. He had worked for a few years at the gas testing laboratory in Cloudsdale, however a mishap with a chemical had caused some 'minor' problems. He was booted from the city and now needed a new home. He remembered visiting Ponyville a while back when he worked with the apothecary. It was a quiet and nice little town every time he had visited. Not too much noise and the people seemed friendly enough. He decided that it would be a perfect place to lay down his claim. He wanted to go and forget all of his past troubles here. He had bought a home near the Ponyville marketplace that was affordable for him. He still had quite a lot of bits saved up after his job in Cloudsdale. PsychoMane trotted casually into Ponyville, hoping to get to his home quick. He had lightened up to ponies more, but he was still not too comfortable around others. As he walked through the town he noticed the little fillies and colts playing, the animals roaming freely, and the ponies happily strewing about. *this place is more care free then Cloudsdale*. Cloudsdale was always a busy get-everywhere-quick-hurry place, not like that of Ponyville. PsychoMane was strolling through the market when he saw a hyper pink mare with vivid cotton candy like hair bouncing happily. *How in the hay does she BOUNCE*. She continued on when she noticed PsychoMane. She stopped in front of him, eye to eye. PsychoMane felt uncomfortable and let out a soft "hello". The pink pony didn't respond, rather she gasped really loud, and jumped straight up into the air. She zipped off in the other direction. *that was ...strange*, was all PsychoMane's mind could process. Confused by everything that had just happened, PsychoMane continued on to his new home. It was beginning to turn noon as PsychoMane arrived at his new home. Just when his hoof was about to open the door, he heard a loud noise from above. He looked up and saw a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail performing corkscrews and spins while taking out every cloud in sight. PsychoMane just stood their in awe as she hunted each cloud down like a predator attacking its prey with deadly accuracy, not shifting his gaze for a moment. PsychoMane rather enjoyed aerial feats such as those. He remembered going to a wonderbolt's derby once for his birthday when he was younger. He loved it. Impressed by the sheer awesomeness of the performance, PsychoMane stepped into his house joyfully. It was a decent sized home with one bedroom, one bathroom, a balcony, and kitchen that was linked with the living room. PsychoMane had brought very little with him. He only had two boxes which he had carried on his wings. He laid them down on the living room floor. His stomach growled loudly from the tension as he leaned back up. He decided it would be a good idea to go out and get some food. As PsychoMane trotted out his front door he heard a strange motor like sound. He turned his head to see a small orange pegasus with a ruffled purple mane riding a scooter. The filly zoomed right past him and down the street. *that's some impressive power for a little filly* was all he thought. PsychoMane was unsure what to think of this town. He headed down the road in search of nourishment. PsychoMane was surprised at the large selection of food and other goods that all the stands supplied in the marketplace. He visited a carrot stand and purchased a few of the mouth watering substance. He looked for a good spot to enjoy his food. He saw an unoccupied picnic table that was shaded from the sun, which was good considering the blazing heat of the hot summer day. He parked himself at the table. He was just about to take a bite of his delicious carrots when he heard a loud scream. He looked over to see that the scream was coming from the dress maker's store. "This is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!", was shouted through the store and most of the streets. PsychoMane was startled, but nopony was rushing to help her or anything. He figured that she must just be overreacting or she's downright insane and yells a lot. He went with the first choice considering an insane person probably wouldn't be trusted with needles and sewing equipment. After PsychoMane had finished his meal he decided that he should head back home to unpack what very little he had brought. He got up and headed back to his house. He decided to take another path to his house. He traveled out onto a dirt path that went around the outside of Ponyville. He was looking around admiring the trees and ponds. He heard the wind flow through and rustle the leaves. He heard the sound of birds singing, and the bunnies hopping about. *This is so wonderful, it sounds like celestia herself is orchestrating it*. PsychoMane's attention was focused on everything but the path. He was stopped abruptly by a yellow pegasus with silk like pink hair. "Stop" , she told PsychoMane. PsychoMane halted and saw a family of ducks passing just behind the pegasus. "Sorry, i wasn't looking where i was headed", PsychoMane manage to say. The pegasus however wasn't paying attention to him, rather she was talking to the ducks." There you go little guys, you be careful now". She flew off with the family of ducks into the trees. *At least they care for the animals well here.* PsychoMane knew he was going to have to get use to seeing the little creatures around here. Continuing down the path PsychoMane spotted a farm not too far in the distance. He saw a pale green pony sitting in a old rocking chair, and two ponies one orange, and one red kicking the trees. Apples fell all over the ground and into the buckets they had placed. Another pony, who must've been a school filly was collecting the apples off the ground and placing them in the buckets. *How do the apples fall but not the leaves?*.He decided it was best not to think about logic when he had already seen a hopping pony. A few minutes passed and PsychoMane had made it back to his house. He went inside and approached the two boxes he left on the floor. He began to unpack the first one. Just a few things were in the box. A dusty photo album, a few ingredients, and some old working goggles. As PsychoMane reached for the next box he heard a loud thud from the outside. He peeked out of his door to see a box on his doorstep. It was a pink box with blue dots, and yellow ribbons. It looked like a present. PsychoMane opened the box and was startled by the confetti that shot out from the inside. "Ahhh!", he screamed. Recovering from the shock he looked inside at the bottom of the box. It was a small envelope. He pulled it out and carefully opened it, cautious that something else doesn't jump out at him. He pulled the letter out from the envelope. "You are invited to your own surprise party at Sugar Cube Corner, there'll be games and dancing and sweets and pin the tall on the pony ". *Why would i get invited to MY own surprise party*. PsychoMane thought for a second that it was a joke. He figured, joke or not, he hadn't had a nice treat in quite a while. *A cupcake would be really good*. Figuring that he had nothing better to do he reached the conclusion to go get some cupcakes. He galloped off down the street with tasty cupcakes on his mind. As he arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, he noticed Something was off. The bakery's lights had all been turned off and the door was propped halfway open.*Is there really a party waiting for me in there?*. PsychoMane decided he might as well find out for himself. He poked his head through the door. "Is anypony here?" He said quietly. He opened the door further and continued on inside. "SURPRISE!", Everypony screamed. Even though he had a letter to alert him about the surprise, it still hit him like a freight train. "AHHH!", PsychoMane yelled. "What is this?". He stood shocked by all the ponies that were there. The store was decorated with streamers and balloons around every table and counter. Games were set up, and food was laid out all around. The pink pony he had been greeted by upon entering the town hopped towards him once more. "Its a party, silly!", she said. "B-but.. why?", was PsychoMane's response. "Because your new here", she said cheerfully. "Y-you do this for everypony that's new?" "Yep!" PsychoMane ran out of words to speak to the mare, instead he just muttered something illegible under his breath. "Come on! You need to meet my friends!", the pink pony led PsychoMane over to a table where five other ponies were waiting. PsychoMane stared at the group of ponies while the pink one started introductions. "This is Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, and I'm Pinkie Pie!", Pinkie pie said while pointing at each pony as she announced their names. PsychoMane instantly recognized a few of the ponies sat in front of him. Rainbow Dash was the one he saw clearing the clouds with the impressive acrobatics. Fluttershy was the one escorting the family of ducks, and Applejack was one of the two earth ponies he had seen bucking apple trees on the farm he passed. "Uh.. hello", was all he could manage to say to them all. "Well howdy there, its plum nice ta have us a new pony here in our swell town", Applejack had spoke. *she has a different dialect that I've never heard, then again this is an earth pony town. Guess i should figure some speak differently*. With a closer look he noticed the three red apples she had for a cutie-mark. "Yes, it is always a pleasure making new friends", Twilight said. *her name makes sense considering her coat being colored purple and her cutie mark being stars*. "It is simply divine to have another pony here in Ponyville", said rarity *i recognize that voice...she was the one screaming during my meal from that dress shop. She has a sophisticated accent. I wonder if she's from somewhere else*. He was surprised to see that her cutie-mark was three diamonds, instead of a dress or something. "Awww yeah, another pegasus. Awesome.", Rainbow Dash said. *after what I've seen her name makes perfect sense*. PsychoMane took note of her 'rainbow lightning' cutie-mark. "Umm....H-hi" , was all Fluttershy could say. *she must not be much of a talker, considering her name and all*. He figured her three butterflies cutie-mark represented her wellness with animals, based on what he had seen before in the woods. "Well...it's nice to meet you all really, but i must be going home", PsychoMane didn't much like the attention, and would rather be at home by himself. "But we haven't even caught your name yet ", Rarity asked with a brow raised. "Oh, I'm PsychoMane" PsychoMane told her bluntly. "I really must be getting home". "Oh so soon", Pinkie Pie spoke in a less enthusiastic tone. "Sorry, there's much to be done with unpacking and all." "Okie dokie lokie" Pinkie Pie said said back as her regular perky self. "Take some cupcakes with you!" *how had she known i wanted cupcakes?* PsychoMane figured it must've been a lucky guess. "Thanks", was all PsychoMane said as she placed a tray of cupcakes on his back. "Bye everypony", PsychoMane said as he approached the door eager to get away from all the attention. -------------------------------------- PsychoMane awoke in his bedroom. *where am i, what happened*. He felt a piercing pain at the back of his neck "AHHHH!" PsychoMane screamed. "WHERE AM I!?" "The beginning of the end", a dark eerie voice screeched as a shadowed figure walked down the room towards PsychoMane. "WHAT IS THIS!", he yelled louder this time. "This is your tomb...."