> Return of the Earth Defenders > by Predator2525 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue It began long ago, on the battlefields of the Second World War. Two Japanese scientist's sought to harness, immense, and powerful artifacts that had been buried beneath the Earth for Centuries. They believed that this power would ensure Japan's ultimate victory, but they could have never imagined, what else their research would un-earth, until it was far...far too late. My Name is Godzilla, I'm going to tell you how these stories began. A long journey... A supernatural universe... A strange new life... A huge war..... RETURN OF THE EARTH DEFENDERS > Chapter 1 Return of the Earth Defenders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Return Of the Earth Defenders The female reporter was nervous, she hadn't exactly reported something so big as this, then again Japan had mostly done it's job of keeping the huge secret that they were told by the government. How long had it been, 4 years? Interesting, and yet there was no sign of them, they all simply vanished as if they were ghosts. She sighed mentally, taking in a huge deep breath, she just hope thing's didn't go wrong. Soon a man entered from the studio, looking at her. "Ma'am they're ready for you" He told her "Thank you, I'll be there shortly" The woman smiled, as she straightened her uniform. She got onto the stage, and pronounced the news. "Konichiwa Japan, it has been four years since the Xillian Invasion, and all of humanity has gotten back on it's feet, as of this very moment there is no Kaiju activity in the last four years. The government has been working on a project that will allow humans to communicate with the Kaiju that saved our world, we the people of Japan keep their existence.... secret, as of this moment we all ask this question, WHERE IS GODZILLA?" Pacific Ocean, a few miles from Japan. The three massive Warden Gunships flew as fast as they could, their search lights on, their tow cables at the ready, and their weapons primed just in case. Their radios were still connected to their conversation with the Japanese scientist who was behind the great work, and the American general who helped keep the Kaiju's existence a secret from civilians of other countries. The general approached the scientist, as they watched the connection feed's of the Warden Gunships "You really think your device will work?" The general asked. "I specifically designed the communication device for other different Kaiju....I'm sure it will work" The scientist reminded. "Still what makes you think they'll find him?" The general asked. "I don't know, but I hope they do find him before time runs out" The scientist answered. "We've got a hit on something deep in the ocean....WE'VE GOT A STRONG ONE!!!!!!!!" The female soldier shouted through the comms. "It's him....All Wardens activate winches, and pull him up, but don't harm him, we need him alive" The general warned them "Yes sir" They replied. The giant winches lifted the 300 foot tall Kaiju into the air. If eyes could talk this would be a very rare, and amazing creature. Godzilla the King of Monsters, The most powerful creature, in the known, and unknown dimensional Multiverse's, he was also known as the God of Nature, but since he represented It's wrath they gave him the nickname of the title "Nature's Thunder"; he was power incarnate. Godzilla let the Wardens take him, he could destroy them here, and now, but this time seemed different. Japan Military Docked base, Japan As Godzilla pretended to wake from his slumber he looked around as humans watched him, behind a huge glass window. He saw a door, he could leave if he wanted to but chose not to, he felt the communication device latched on his ear as he looked at the humans "Godzilla....can you hear us?" The scientist asked. "Why have you brought me here?" Godzilla asked speaking in English with the device clearly working. "We want to know about our planet's past, of when your kind was around, do you know anything?" The scientist asked. "No, the only evidence is that when time itself began, a species known as the Ancients created the Kaiju, but some served an evil called the Dark Master, because of him he created the Mutants, as those two went at war a third race called the Ultra Alien's sought to destroy both sides, making a three way war, until the Kaiju were sealed in stasis, all dimensions broke off, from Terra, and we were all sealed into stasis, but woken up by your wars" Godzilla explained "Will you help us learn more?" The scientist asked. "No, I'm done fighting for you humans, leave me be" He growled. He then left through the open door. They all sighed, but the American general patted the scientist on the back. "Don't worry He'll come back" the General smiled Orion Space Station: Earth's Orbit Orion Fox walked on the bridge of the station greeted by the technician and a Synaptic Robot. They had monitored all incoming, and outgoing ships. Suddenly an alarm caught the technicians attention. "Sir unknown asteroid heading into orbit" The technician told him. "Onscreen" Orion ordered. As the screen popped up a huge asteroid was spotted, soon it shattered like glass, all pieces incinerated as a small blue sphere entered Earth's Atmosphere. "Strange what was that?" Orion asked out loud. "CAPTAIN ALIEN FLAGSHIP, AND KAIJU DETECTED!!!!!!!" the technician shouted. "RAISE THE SHIELDS, ARM THE WEAPONS!!!!!!" Orion shouted. "TOO LATE!!!!!" the technician screamed as the station was blown to bits . Back on Earth Godzilla looked at Tokyo from a far distance. "I don't get it, was I created organically to build or destroy....why can't I remember?" Godzilla asked himself. Soon he saw the blue orb enter the atmosphere, and then the alien vessels as the sky went dark. "Pfft, pathetic humans, I waste my time" Godzilla growled as he began to walk away, until a voice called him out by name. "Godzilla", the voice spoke. The blue orb transformed into a floating Godzillasaurus as it looked at him. "Who are you how do you know my name?" Godzilla asked. "We are the key to your past, but you must end the war we started, and to do that you must Re-unite the Earth Defenders" the Godzillasaurus spoke. "That was a one time deal" Godzilla growled as he looked at the Ancient. "You must find your past, you wanna know what your meant to do this is your chance" the Ancient told him. "..." Silence then.. "Fine" Godzilla told him as he swam into the waters as his journey was just beginning > Chapter 2 Old Comrades, or Frenemies? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Old Comrades, or Frenemies? Infant Island was Godzilla's first destination. It was going to be a bit tough to bring back the Earth Defenders, back together again, but he did relish such a fact. Here he was going to recruit his old frienemy or comrade Mothra. Mothra was the brains of the Earth Defenders. Although many times people thought that Mothra was female however this was a false rumor, as Mothra was in fact definetly male, he did help out as much as he could which Godzilla did relish in his aid. Godzilla headed to Infant Island as he saw the Fairies of Mothra seeing his presence. Not wanting to have a battle on his hands he gave a respectful bow, as the fairies used a magical energy, as Mothra approached seeing Godzilla once again. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my old friend Godzilla question are you here to talk or to fight?" Mothra asked. "I'm here to bring the Earth Defenders back together again, along with helping us find out our past" Godzilla explained. "Well then count me in although our next recruit won't be too thrilled seeing you again" Mothra warned. "Don't worry about it" Godzilla smiled. They both then went to another island to find their next team member. Knowing this wasn't going to start on good terms. Anguirus was always the "fight first ask questions later" type of guy, as being said member of the Earth Defenders, though he seemed to bounce back from helping them out, or fighting against them, but they mostly found him siding more with the Earth Defenders than he did of the Aliens. As they approached the very earthy like island, they saw a small mini dirt mountain exploded as Anguirus himself exited as he growled seeing Godzilla. "Godzilla I should have known it was you, time for a re-match" Angurius smiled as he readied for battle. "Anguirus I'm not gonna fight you I'm just here to talk" Godzilla warned. "I'll let some steam off you first" Anguirus growled as he rolled into a giant wrecking ball of death as he ricoched off the dirt, and rock hurling himself at Godzilla. Godzilla used his tail to knock Anguirus into a rocky mountain. Anguirus was unable to un-curl in time as he slammed into the hard rocky mountain soil, as he collapsed to the ground. He got up a bit disoriented, but able to listen to him. "S-so w-what d-did y-you want to t-talk about?" Anguirus asked a bit dazed before snapping out of it, he then saw Mothra in the background. "Let me guess your here to get the old band back together?" Anguirus asked. "Yup" Mothra replied. "All right I'm in, but don't worry I know where Rodan flew off" Anguirus explained. "Then lead the way" Godzilla answered. Anguirus lead the other two to yet another island. Mothra flew above the ocean, while Godzilla swam into the water, and Anguirus using his ball attack to bounce himself great distance's above sea level. The island they had arrived at was covered with sky high rocky pillars that were covered in thick fog, covering said pillars as they both looked around. Rodan was consider the hotheaded Kaiju of the Earth Defenders. He was hotheaded for being the fastest creature alive, which was technically true. While most people expected Anguirus to be labeled a hothead, he wasn't as hotheaded as Rodan, though usually when he wasn't on the battlefield Rodan was mostly quiet, and usually kept to himself, but would not hurt to talk or chat when he felt like it, or needed to. It was hard for them to locate Rodan in this strange yet huge massive fog. "Anguirus use your sound roar to bring Rodan to us" Godzilla ordered. "Your the boss" Anguirus smiled. He let out a sonic roar, through the giant sky of thick fog. They heard Rodan's thundering sqwauk, and saw his fiery shape crash into the soil as he stood up seeing his company. "You know I was expecting for a re-match with Godzilla, but since all of you are here I'm guessing your putting the Earth Defenders back together?" Rodan asked. "Indeed" Godzilla answered. "Well then count me in" Rodan smiled. "Now there is only one member for us to find" Godzilla told them. "Why can't it just be the four of us?" Anguirus asked. "Because the whole team isn't complete without Baragon, and he's still handy" Godzilla explained. "UGH fine, but I'm not gonna like it" Anguirus grumbled. "Get use to it" Godzilla replied as they journeyed to an island they hadn't visited in years......Monster Island. Still surprisingly there, instead of sunk into the ocean like other islands. As they could arrive they still saw the old government buildings rust in decay. Baragon was sometimes as smart as Mothra, but not wanting to be a glory hog, or have an out of control rivalry, as that had gotten out of hand with an evil plot from there enemies. Baragon decided to be the oddball of the group, a role he really enjoyed. He would have bizarre tastes that grossed others out, sometimes he was very chatty, and could be a bit of a pervert too, sometimes everyone would tell him to shut up, and other times would relish in all of there witty comebacks, or dialogue whichever came first. As they got there a huge whirlpool of mud approached the surface as Baragon crawled out of the whirlpool, similar to how a zombie crawls out of a grave. The purple subterranean creature had smiled, seeing his comrades. "Awesome the team's back together once again, so where are we heading?" Baragon asked. "To Tokyo we have our past's to discover, and some aliens to stop" Godzilla explained. "All right then let's kick some ass" Baragon grinned as the Earth Defenders, re-united, journeyed to their new destination unaware there adventures just beginning. > Chapter 3 Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Contact As the Earth Defenders arrived to Tokyo they were greeted by the Aliens, and the Alien flagship that accompanied them. Of course it was there main enemies they hated the most, who just so happened to make up the Alien Faction. Orga the Muscles of Aliens, armed with a Gauss Mass Drive Cannon or G.M.D.C. for short. Believe it or not, Orga was pretty dangerous when killing people, it spoke to him, but above all that he was ugly. MechaGodzilla, Godzilla's failed mechanical copy. People always thought machines were better than organic materials, but of how many times he wrecked MechaGodzilla multiple times, he'd make you think otherwise. MechaGodzilla was mostly an angry, lifeless, droid. Gigan the Aliens most loyal second in command. The leaders never had a problem not putting Gigan in a situation that they felt were uncomfortable. He was always loyal to the Aliens, plus he always dis-tasted every other faction he came across, the Aliens used him wisely, and he was a deadly cybernetic Kaiju, even if he put his vendetta against Mothra aside to uphold his missions. This time Gigan was in his 2.0 upgraded form sporting his mechanical chainsaw hand's which Gigan loved the upgrade as a reward for his servitude for them courtesy of Xillian technology. Finally the leader, The Black God himself, and one of Godzilla's most hated, and wanted Kaiju besides the Mutant's leader, King Ghidorah. He was always leading the The Dreaded Alien Armada faction to it's evil glory of conquering, destroying, or terraforming worlds, and it seems like they had come to finish what the Xillian couldn't. "So the Earth Defenders are finally here, I was hoping you'd show" King Ghidorah grinned. "You say that like it's a good thing" Godzilla smirked. King Ghidorah grinned as he smiled at his enemy. "AAAAHHH Just like old times isn't it Godzilla, you, and your team here, defeating my team, what happened to going solo?" Ghidorah asked. "I decided to go back to being overkill, or do you still like me kicking your ass by myself?" Godzilla asked. "On the contrary I'm glad, cause now I can obliterate you all in one blow" Ghidorah thundered. Before they could react, a small electricity attack, made them realize who else was here, it was none other than the Mutant Faction who were one or two more Kaiju characters bigger than the Alien Faction themselves. Obsidious the scout of the Mutants, his lava was mostly used to find his enemies, but when things went his way it usually swapped things up with relying on brute strength, he could only growl as he stared at his enemies. Destroyer, or as some prounouced Desteroyah, the muscle of the Mutant faction. He was big powerful, and very destructive with his Anti-Oxygen power's, also known as Micro Oxygen, and was pretty much a living Oxygen Destroyer, in there first battle it took Godzilla's superform to eliminate his enemy, but these day's, he could do it without having to rely on his full power, if he timed his movements just right. Battra, Mothra's twin brother, and also had a deep rivalry with his butterfly twin, was second in command to the loyal Mutant faction as well. Battra was mostly trust worthy, but the leader made sure he would keep Battra in line, if not he would ensure the most deemed punishment for him. Battra, and Mothra were mostly related to one another, bit never called themselves brother. Finally the Leader SpaceGodzilla, now more powerful thanks, to a new Kaiju dark magic he discovered. Although he wasn't exactly powerful enough to defeat Godzilla with his new magic, to which he tried, and failed. SpaceGodzilla was still a force, and a major threat to be reckoned with, and boy did their hatred for each other run deep, but they also had respect for one another, although that was very unlikely during this day. "Well, well, both of you guys really thought you'd have all the fun without me huh?" SpaceGodzilla growled, as the other Mutant's cackled. "So then the gangs all here, this makes my plan even better" King Ghidorah grinned. "And what would that plan be?" Anguirus pondered. "Oh trust me, when our Alien Flagship, shrinks all of you down to height of 9 Feet, and I can crush you all permanently" Ghidorah growled. "Not if were fighting all of you" Godzilla growled, as all three faction's clashed. Godzilla taking on both Ghidorah, and SpaceGodzilla. Mothra taking on Battra, and Gigan, Anguirus taking MechaGodzilla, Rodan taking Destroyer, and Baragon facing Obsidious, and Orga. Destroyer lowered his horn, and charged like a giant rhinocerous as he slammed into Rodan with brute strength, breaking a bunch of ribs. Rodan had the wind knocked out of him, but got up,breathing as he readied his next move, while his healing factor took care of his wounds. Rodan's speed attacked Destroyer from all sides knocking his enemy off balance. Destroyer toppled, but quickly jumped back up as his tail knocked Rodan out of the sky, and into a building which had been evacuated. By the monster, those deep underground bunkers were designed to withstand the massive battle's outside since it had food, water, and lighting. Rodan then took flight, and used his speed, flying around Destroyer as fast as he could, creating a very destructive Flame-Nado. One thing Destroyer couldn't stand was heat. As Destroyer charged outward from the flames, the heat had taken it's toll, but only made him pass out from exhaustion as he was still breathing. Rodan didn't have the time to finish him off. As he flew to help his comrades. Mothra struggled to gain an advantage as they both blocked, and fought with their attacks as best they could. At least until Rodan's toe claws picked up his prey, Gigan as he flew a few feet away for more room to fight, and chucked him into a building. Gigan got up growling at his enemy. "THAT'S IT BIRD BRAIN, YOU'VE ANNOYED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!!!" Gigan growled. He raised his revving chainsaw's, and slammed then into the ground causing him to spring forward with his talons into the air. Rodan barely dodged the attack, but Gigan tail threw him off guard, before Gigan activated his jet thrusters using a quick slice, to make Rodan crash into a building hard. Rodan groaned as Gigan approached Chainsaw's ready to kill. Using some remaining strength, Rodan began to use his wings as he flew around in a quick circle facing Gigan as he air somersaulted, and slammed into Gigan, knocking the cyborg high into the air into for him onto a building with harsh impact. Gigan began to get back up, but a blast from Rodan's lasers kept him down as he stayed out of the fight for now. Rodan then went to re-group with Godzilla. Meanwhile Battra, and Mothra dueled against each other. Battra spun his body wildly his wing's smashing into Mothra's face before a laser attack knocked Mothra back. As Battra charged, Mothra emitted a Rainbow Light blinding Battra, before body slamming into the ground sending Battra fifty feet in the air before landing into a building with harsh impact, as Battra remained unconscious. As Mothra re-grouped, Anguirus began taking on MechaGodzilla as he slammed into him trying to get past the bot's body shield. However he was having trouble getting past it. "You really think you can stop me pathetic Kaiju" MechaGodzilla cackled. Anguirus then looked at a small hole that left MechaGodzilla's head unprotected. Hiding a small grin, Anguirus rolled into a wrecking ball of death as he ricoched off buildings, and concrete as he positioned himself, and slammed into the exposed spot as a loud crunch was heard, as the massive dirt explosion practically buried MechaGodzilla who had trouble getting back up. "Stay down" Anguirus growled ad he began to re-group with the others. Baragon easily dodged Orga, and Obsidious attacks, but also watched them go at it. This was to easy, they were so distracted on killing each other that Baragon could easily take both down, as they fought, his mud whirlpool did the trick, dragging them both down getting attacked by Baragon' s whirling claws, and launched into the air hitting the ground hard. Baragon used his agility, and fire breath to make sure they got out of his way, as he re-grouped with the others. Godzilla smashed, thrashed, and ruined both King Ghidorah, and SpaceGodzilla mostly disarming them. King Ghidorah planned to use a massive stomp attack, but Godzilla quickly dodged, grabbing the tails of his enemy, and hurled King Ghidorah well away from them turning his attention to his brother, SpaceGodzilla. "We face each other again don't we G'rakta" SpaceGodzilla grinned. "I thought I told you not to call me that, or maybe your comfortable with being called, Dr'rakta" Godzilla grinned. "WHY YOU INSOLENT MOTHERFUCKER THAT'S IT PLAY TIME IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!" SpaceGodzilla roared as they both clashed. Godzilla used his claws to swipe at SpaceGodzilla who retaliated with a massive tail slam. Angry, and annoyed, Godzilla used a tail slam back, before firing his Atomic Breath at his brother, forcing him back. Godzilla stared at SpaceGodzilla, as his eyes were glowing with blue fire, and his dorsal plates glowing blue. But before he could fire again, a number of strange vines held him, and his team in position. "Good timing sister" SpaceGodzilla grinned spitting blood from his mouth. "Sorry I'm late, but you know how much I love to make an entrance" Biollante smiled with her side mouth. Godzilla's half-sister Biollante which was odd considering she was a Kaiju mutated plant, mutated with his genes, none the less at an earlier time, but because the spirit of a decrease human woman was in there making Biollante the only female Kaiju in existence. Luckily, Godzilla had known she would appear, and had prepared for her unexpected arrival. He charged his Atomic Nuclear Pulse, causing Biollante to screech in pain dropping the Earth Defenders. Before she could retaliate, a green beam fired, shrinking her to a small height Godzilla looked over to see that the ship now has clear firing range on it's enemies due to the confusion while Ghidorah helped target the ship's attacks. Godzilla moved quickly as it took a little while for the weapon to re-charge, as it fired, shrinking Anguirus to a small size. The other Kaiju were trying to spread out to be less equeal targets, but the fights made them a bit weary as they waited for their teams to re-group. "You won't be able to stop my plan this time Godzilla, for I am firing this weapon on you" Ghidorah smiled as he ordered for the recently charged weapon to fire at Godzilla, but as it did, Godzilla's quick reacting changed everything as it collided with the un-controlable power of Godzilla's Atomic Breath. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" King Ghidorah roared as the collided beams caused a massive explosion affecting all of the Kaiju, but the affects were different to all of those who were already shrunk. The flagship, and the shrinking weapon were vaporized, and that was the only prototype. All of the Kaiju emerged as they were all shrunk down to a size of 9 feet (except for Destroyer, and Biollante who stood at a height if 18 feet, and 12 feet tall) "YOU FOOL DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?!?!?!?!?!?" Ghidorah roared. "What was necessary to stop you" Godzilla growled as Ghidorah, and his Alien Amarda brethren began there retreat as they were now marooned on Earth. "This isn't over Godzilla mark my words, YOU WILL PAY" Ghidorah growled as they fled. SpaceGodzilla also growled as he also tended to flee with his army. "We'll fight soon G'rakta, but next time on other terms" SpaceGodzilla growled as the Mutants retreated. "So is that it, do we retire?" Anguirus asked. "No while we are still small, I can still feel the full power, and strength we had when we were still full sized. Were still as destructive as before, and so are our enemies" Godzilla explained. "Sounds like it's going to get intersting" Anguirus chuckled. "Good work, all of you succeded" The Ancient spoke. "So tell us who are we?" Godzilla asked. "You will remember in due time, but know this you were created to protect humanity not destroy it" The Ancient nodded. "Well then perhaps it's time we got to work" Godzilla smiled as the other Earth Defenders cheered. As th Ancient vanished they saw the same general from earlier approach in a Warden. He let a long whistle as he saw the state Tokyo was in. "Looks like you boys did a number on this place" The general said in suprise. "They re-built Tokyo before, they can put this place together again" Godzilla smiled. "At least it just a few building's destroyed, and some wrecked concrete" Anguirus smiled. "Well then you boys are being re-assigned to an underground place in Manhattan" The General explained. "The Big Apple, heh I always wanted to go there" Anguirus grinned. "Well then let's go" Godzilla smiled as the Warden that housed them headed to their destination confident, and interested in their new perceptive size. > Chapter 4 Our new Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Our new Home The flight to Manhattan was a very long flight, especially with the Warden staying hidden through the clouds. Time seemed to be extremely slow, especially as time went by with what felt like hearing the tick's of a ticking clock ringing in your mind. Finally the pilot speaking up on the P.A. seemed to snap the Earth Defenders out of there current state of minds "Were approaching the New Jersey Island setting down now, activating cloaking device" The pilot spoke, as they descended from cloud layer. "Why can't we just land in Manhattan itself?" Anguirus asked. "Too risky, people spotting a Military Warden would immedietly get us spotted, plus with all the aircraft flying in, and out of the heart of the city, it's too crowded" Godzilla explained. "All right, get us to the first checkpoint" Anguirus told the pilot who nodded in response. The Warden landed at a soft spot, before the Earth Defenders journeyed down to the blocked off military camp. As the Earth Defenders got out, they both approached a number of Special Agents "Report is it them?" The man asked. "Oh gee, what were you expecting I hope it wasn't a "Big Giant Monster" Bunch OOOOOOHHHH" Anguirus said sarcastically. "It's them" The general confirmed. They both stepped forward still noticing that it was practically raining, and muddy, but eh what else was new? "So how are we going to get into the city undetected?" Angurius asked. "I have the answer to that boys" A gruffed man spoke. They turned around to see a tall man in a green uniform that made Godzilla smile. "Well I'll be dammned if it isn't the legendary military man himself Luitenant Morgan of the 95th B.N. Army Rangers" Godzilla grinned as both of them did an arm grab, then broke out in laughter as they shook hand, and claw. "Actually your the one who is more legendary, than me since you are the Original Godzilla after all" Morgan chuckled. "So how do we get inside our new base, when we need to get inside the city undetected?" Angurius asked. "Some Special Ops, have volunteered as vehicle transportation, you will all be separated in different locations, going different paths to avoid suspicion plus, each vehicle for you five are different colors, and modules" Morgan explained. "Sounds like a plan" Godzilla smiled. "Fascinating" A voice spoke as another familiar face was poking out from behind Morgan. This was his legendary M military Scientist Floyd, who had whitish, grey hair. "Scientist Floyd" Godzilla mumbled. "I wish I would have the opportunity to study you fascinating specimens more" Floyd pondered adjusting his glasses. "Hey dirtbag were here to assist your government not be your experiments SO HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!" Anguirus growled. Floyd stood up with a new posture giving Anguirus a dirty glare, which Anguirus returned threatingly. Morgan let out an amused chuckled as he stared at Floyd. "I like these guys already they sure know how to give you a hard time Floyd" Morgan teased. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!" Floyd growled at the Liutenant. "Now, now, that's no way to speak to your superior officer" Morgan giggled. Floyd let out angry mumbles as he walked away, getting a few laughs from the others. "We'd better get going" Godzilla told them. This earned a nod from the others which they agreed, as they went into the vehicles that pulled up to them. The driver who was mostly dressed in a black tuxedo almost similar to the Men in Black, although looking more like a Kaiju government secret agent, but then again what could they expect with working with such a strange organization. They all each got into the cars they were each assigned to, as they drove from the military base, and without suspicion into the Jersey highway. From there the bridge took them off to into the heart of Manhatten, near the entrance each vehicle that carried the Earth Defender's separated onto different highways. Thankfully, all the windows could barely be seen through with how black it was. All the vehicles met up near, an alleyway as all of the Earth Defenders got down the rain, hiding there Kaiju forms. Using a crowbar, they destroyed the gate over the manhole cover leading down below ground. Throughout the mucky sewer lines the agents stopped at a brick wall, they kicked it down revealing a secret military bunker that looked abandoned sometime. "This military bunker used to be a secret observation post for the 95th Ranger Regiment before the 95th Regiment was disbanded, it should work for all of you, plus we'll here is the communication frequency for the base on New Jersey Island or you can report to the secret cover music building just, do reports at night" The agent explained. "No problem we'll get things set up" Godzilla nodded as they moved some of the stuff they were given inside. The bunker had at least 5 guest rooms, and 5 other rooms, each had guns, suits, and apparently some unused giant compartments that were left untouched or un-used. "Hmmm I could do a lot of tinkering in this place" Mothra smiled pulling out some tools he wanted to try. "Hmmm odd guns, and suits I don't think we'll be using them that much though" Anguirus thought. "You never know Anguirus....you never know" Godzilla gestured. "UGGGH it's going to take us FOREVER to clean, and fix this bunker up to the right condition's" Rodan groaned. "Unless we put 😉 more than just our backs into it huh?" Baragon grinned smugly. They all nodded, and grinned in response. Using some or there Kaiju powers, and what was on them they safely, and surprisingly cleaned, and fixed the bunker up without having problems. Come to think of it, they did in practically record time. Setting up communications, radios, furniture, a TV, a refrigerator, getting power, using some outside internet, and private channels for the radios to keep there base hidden from the outside, it seemed perfect, but still, none of them had any idea what to do with the garage which housed the militray suits and weapons labeled with the strange Icon, or apparently the giant empty almost two missile silo's that the base housed. Mothra still cleaned, and ironed the suits, and kept the guns clean, and still stocked with ammo, in case anyone else needed to use them. By then it was supper time, and everyone one was beat, and hungry. "So what are we going to eat?" Anguirus asked. "I can cook us some nice duck chowder" Baragon grinned. "When someone like you cooks it, doesn't that glue us, and people's mouth's shut?" Anguirus asked. "Oh yeah I forgot about that, well I'm out of ideas" Baragon shrugged. "I've got an idea" Anguirus grinned. "What exactly do you plan on doing Anguirus?" Godzilla asked in a wary tone. "I'm just going out to get some pizza, anything wrong with that!?!?!" Anguirus shrugged. "How are you going to get a hold of one without getting spotted?" Godzilla asked. "Just watch me, I'll pull it off" Angurius grinned as he vanished. "Ya know people might just thing this setup is copying something else" Baragon shrugged. "Well let me remind you all, us being in this situation is only TEMPORARY not PERMANENT after Tokyo itself re-build's, what has been destroyed the Japanese government is having us transferred from here to a military base in Tokyo" Godzilla reminded. "Yeah then we get to walk in broad daylight with the entire city knowing our secret" Mothra reminded. "At least there's Pro's, and Con's to both" Rodan snarled as they went back to relaxing when......"HEY THERE'S A TRAINING ROOM BACK HERE, I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT BEFORE!!!!!!!!" Rodan shouted to them. ***** Meanwhile just outside in the mucky sewer set up a pair of strange rats were sniffing around trying to find some food. What they soon found was a very strange glowing, black, purple, and green canister. The canister was not labeled at all. As it oozed out from a small hole from the broken glass tube it was placed in. Rat's, being rat's they sniffed, and found it quite interesting, moving in the rat's began devouring the strange goop. However it had a very abnormal side affect. The rat's themselve's after eating said goop, began to glow, and mutant. They at least grew to a 4 to 5 foot tall height, there eyes glowing blank red, their little hairy tails grew long, and disgusting, their big hairy toe's, and toenails grew with the sights. There bodies all became more shapeshifty, bendy, and weird. They also had strange abnormal vocal patterns that made them hissed as they scattered hoping to let others know who ruled these sewers. ***** As Anguirus came back with the Ham, Anchovies, Bacon, and Pepperoni Pizza they all loved meat, neck it was close to the organic meat that there kind favored, and devoured. It was hard to order said toppings, but after the government had given them some form of money while they were having there car ride it was now much easier. The guy who gave Anguirus the pizza wasn't freaked out, as Anguirus explained about picking up pizza's for the costume party. The pizza man only laughed, and ordered the pizza. "Man you kids sure have your strange costume fetishes" The man chuckled. "Thanks" Angurius smiled after remembering getting said pizza, as he went to bring supper to the other team members...until he heard what sounded like Baragon. "H-hey A-Anguirus.....I-I got something to s-show you" The Baragon like voice stuttered. Anguirus was very cautious something just didn't feel right, his own mind was screaming that something was wrong, but there was only one way to be certain. "Oh well you'd be excited by the pizza I just brought" Anguirus grinned. "W-what p-pizza?" The voice stuttered. Putting the pizza off to the side Anguirus growled as he readied himself in a battle stance. "YOUR NOT BARAGON, SO WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?!?" Anguirus fumed. The shapeshifting mutant rat screeched changing to it's original form, and tackling Anguirus, pinning him to ground, and snapping at him. "GET OFF ME YA FUCKING RUNT!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus roared as he tossed the rat, around then grabbed it, and tore it's head from the rest of its body as warm blood sprayed on him, and around him. He managed to brush, the blood off him, and also found the pizza box covered in the rat's blood, as he cleaned it off. "UGGGH, you disgusting bleeder's" Angurius growled. Surprisingly the pizza was okay, and un-tainted, the pizza box, was not. "Great now everyone's not gonna like this" Anguirus groaned, as he went back into the secret bunker door entrance. He brought the pizza to one of the counter's their bunker had. "Ooh pizza" They all smiled as the pizza box was opened as they each got there slices. Mothra went into the freezer pulling out a surprisingly unfrozen container as he opened it revealing the small, strange black organic meat. "G-energy on our pizza's?" Mothra asked. "SUUUUUUURRRREEEEEE" The others droned on with glowing white eyes as they each picked, and devoured the small organic meat. G-energy, was the fuel, and lifeblood, of all Kaiju alike, and there favorite food source, however they could not have too much, if they did it would cause a massive de-stabalization in there powers causing the destruction of Earth, and possibly all life in the universe INCLUDING the Kaiju that just ate it so yeah, it was best for them, and everyone to not overeat. As they devoured there delicious tasty meal, some went back for the pizza, as they both liked to eat, just the pizza in general. This continued, until Baragon noticed something while getting his second slice of pizza. "WHAT DIED ON THE PIZZA BOX!?!?!?!?!?!?" Baragon shouted in confusion. "Oh yeah, um about that.....I kinda fought a strange shapeshifting rat, on my way back, I don't think they look friendly" Anguirus chuckled. "That doesn't sound too good looks like we have a pest problem to deal with" Godzilla stated. "Action.....ALL READY, huh and I thought it was going to be a boring first day" Anguirus grinned, before the power of the base went out putting them in permanent darkness. "Well Fuck" Anguirus groaned. As the rat's moved into the Government base they sniffed around trying to find the quarry that they were after. They sniffed the area only to find practically nothing, the area was almost empty, but in there hiding spot's, waiting for the right moment's to strike, and strike they did. The Rat's that had came in through the front door never knew what happened, as the Earth Defenders jumped down, and easily gutted them like they were nothing. As the last rat's were found, and hunted down, except one being captured. All of them waited, as the agent's they contacted a bit later caged the mutant superpowered creature, and hauled it to a secret off site facility for testing. "Well that was fun" Angurius smiled. "Indeed although at least that wasn't even remotely challenging, and I felt like I was stomping on little bugs, no offense Mothra" Godzilla reminded, the Kaiju butterfly grinned as he smiled. "None taken" Mothra grinned. They both went back inside to relax after such a hard working day. > Chapter 5 A troubled DJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 A troubled DJ The party was very lively, and it was starting to wind down, as the female DJ who was using her tables, managed to pack up, as she was paid for the night. She met up with her agents as she got into the van, and she strapped herself in the third back seat, until she arrived at her complex. She told her agents that they could take off for the rest of the night. As she went into her bathroom, she went to her bathroom sink counter, and began washing her face. She looked at herself in the mirror, and sighed. She felt like she was not who she was. She was a very bizzare human, if she could call it that. Her hair was dark blue, with light blue stripes that flowed with the rest of her hair. The surprising thing was it definetly wasn't dyed, or altered in some way, but it was genetic, down to her hair's roots. She took off her goggles, showing she had pink, or magenta like eyes. That alone was very odd. On top of that her skin seemed pale, but it was still pale, even if she was getting a lot of sunlight beaming on her body. Even her name didn't feel right. She went by the name Jewel, but that just..... didn't feel right......at all. When her friends, Melinda, and Melissa, found her in a Manhattan alleyway. They gave her a name, when she didn't remember who she was. They helped her get a job, and for her to live in this place, as she found out she was a very good DJ, but to her she felt like she was born with that talent. She remembered living in a certain place. Equis......Equa......Eques..... "RRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" She growled in frustration. Why? Why couldn't she remember? Her head hurt from trying to remember something. It even felt a bit worse than that too. Every time she heard her stage name "The Vineyard Scratch" it also seemed to spark her trying to remember her actual real name. Vinya.....Vinyel.... COME ON SHE was so close, and yet she couldn't still remember. WHY? At that point her phone buzzed as she recieved a text from her friend Melissa. "Hey" Her friend texted. "UGGGH Hey" Jewel responded with a groan. "Still no luck?" Melissa asked. "No, sometimes when I feel like I'm so close to remembering I don't get anywhere" Jewel replied. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll remember, but hey if it helps, how about we go to the All Nighter library tonight, Melinda has agreed to come along" Melissa texted. "Sure I'll be able to do it after I get off of work" Jewel replied. "Great see you there 😋" Melissa replied. Jewel then decided to call it a night as she went to bed falling asleep. ***** It was 10:00,when she woke up. She yawned, as she got up, brushed her teeth, took a shower, did her hair, ate both breakfast, and lunch in one go, after all she was kind of hungry. She managed to catch up on some of her shows on Netflix, before 5:00 came where she had already gotten dressed for work, and put on her famous goggles. She didn't know why, but those goggles seemed to speak to her. As her agent's packed up her equipment and went into the van. She prepared herself for the night, as she was driven to the first party where she was going to play her music. What she found odd to herself was that she seemed attached to her DJ tables, and didn't know why. Without warning a loud crashing sound made her jump in response. At first it sounded like her van had crashed into something, but in fact it was the opposite, something else crashed into the van. Whatever it was it definetly didn't sound like a vehicle. It didn't even sound like a motorcycle, or a motorscooter either. It was small, yet, could crash with heavy force, surprisingly she was fine, and decided to investigate. She got out of the van, heading towards the strange sounds. Her Agents tried to ask for her to come back, but she ignored them. As she got closer to the sounds, she soon found the source. In a small alleyway was the Earth Defenders fighting a bunch of Alien Robots. Anguirus rolled into a wrecking ball of death as he began to grind against the concrete sending spikes of it, at his enemies. They mostly used their claws, and their bodies to wreck the robots with little damage in such a confined space. Mothra used a small wind tunnel to destroy the robots with ease, as he was fighting the ones that were coming after him. Rodan fought more until he accidently slammed one into a wall rocking a nearby complex. "HEY KEEP IT DOWN OUT THERE!!!!!!!" An old lady shouted at them. "Sorry" Rodan cried as he went back to focusing on the Alien robots. All of them were un-aware that Jewel was sitting there watching the entire thing. Soon almost all the robots had been defeated, the last remaining ones, picked up there scrapped metal friends, carrying them out there without traces of them being there. Then Godzilla noticed Jewel staring at them. "WE'VE BEEN SPOTTED EARTH DEFENDERS VANISH!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla thundered. In the blink of an eye, Mothra used his wings, as all five of them vanished like ghosts, with no trace of ever being there. Jewel then searched the entire, or more alleyways, and there was still no sign of them. She ponders her thoughts, but decided to figure it out later. As she got back in the van the agent's asked a few questions, but she brushed them off as she told them she was fine, but decided to keep an eye out, if those things, did return . ***** Back at the secret bunker the Earth Defender's panted from the battle as he they all heavily breathed. "Shit, shit, shit, I THOUGHT WE WOULDN'T BE SPOTTED SO EASY" Anguirus panted. "Yeah, I know, but there was something.....off, about that woman" Mothra pondered. "What do you mean by off?" Godzilla asked. "I don't know what to tell ya G, it's like she had her own aura, but it felt like it was from another dimension, but it was lost" Mothra explained. "We might have to keep, an eye out for this woman Mothra, besides if it helps there is an All Nighter library that might help you out a bit, see what you can find about the bot's, and that strange woman, and do it in disguise" Godzilla ordered. "Will do" Mothra nodded as he got ready for his interesting task. ***** After her job of going to different parties, being the DJ, Jewel finally met up with her friend's Melinda, and Melissa. "JEWEL!!!!!!" They cried as all of them embraced her in a hug. "So are you ready to see if we can help you find your memories?" Melinda asked. "Sure, I might also investigate.....something else" Jewel sighed. "And what would that be?" Melissa asked. "I'll.......talk about it later" Jewel sighed as they went into the library. Trying to research of her was not helping, only making her more puzzled. She felt so close, and yet even in an easy information library like this was trying to find a needle in a haystack. She decided to start with the books, as she explored some of the shelves. As she looked through the books, she felt something brush against her rear, as she felt a small tingle of pleasure run down her spine. She turned around to see a man, in jean's, dark clothing, and a black hoodie. "My apologies" The man told her. "I-its okay" She blushed. "Hmmm, do you have a name miss?" He asked. "I'm......." Jewel stopped still not feeling that saying her name was Jewel, still oddly didn't feel right. She shook it off, and replied. "I'm Jewel" Jewel told him. "Such a nice name, In Mos.....er Matt" He quickly changed his original sentence. "Nice to meet you" She smiled, as they both shook hands. She shuddered as it felt like she was shaking a weird furry wing, and not a human hand. Matt seemed to notice this. "My apologies, my shakes, seem to have, an un-settling affect on people" He told her. "Oh no, no i-its okay" She replied kindly. She then realized that maybe he could help her. As she asked him about the five strange creatures she saw. He had brought her to a private section of the library, made sure no one was looking, and explained who, and what the Earth Defender's really were. "Is that who they are?" Jewel asked. "Yes, but they need to keep a low profile, plus I'm not sure you want to go down this path that they wish to follow" Matt told her. "But I want to know, and see this Mothra character" She told him. "No, I-I can't do that" Matt told her. "PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" She begged. "Alright.....He'll find you, and meet up with you when the right time comes" Matt told her. "Thank you" She smiled warmly. "Don't mention it" Matt told her. They both waved goodbye going there separate ways, as she went back to trying to find the two strange word's that plagued her mind. ***** Mothra was thankful that the disguise worked on Jewel. He glanced at her as she walked back to the books, as he let out a small sigh. She shouldn't be involved in our war......too bad she's cute, hmmm I wonder what she is, she's definantly not a human, human's don't emit Aura's He shook his head as he went to a nearby computer. Researching the metal alloy, he found a sample of, he found a strange metal, that had been rumored. Comet Metal Alloy, but why, why is Ghidorah, not trying to find, or use a stronger metal.....what is he planning? Why does he need this many bots, what is Ghidorah planning? Mothra thought before clearing the computer search, he then left, the building as Jewel watched him go. As she turned back to her computer. She typed the key words to find it, apparently there was no such luck, maybe these Earth Defender's could help her find out more. At the end of the day, Jewel had thanked her friend's, as she walked to her complex, got inside, and plumped her body on the bed. As she sighed internally. She looked to see that her window was cracked open, and floating inside her bedroom, was Mothra. "You wanted to see me?" Mothra asked. "Indeed I did, and maybe I can help your team" Jewel told him. "This isn't your fight, this isn't your war, do yourself a favor, stay out of it" Mothra warned. "B-but m-maybe you can help me, I don't seem to remember who I am, and I feel like I'm out of place" Jewel stuttered. "I think I can sense that coming from you, but even I don't know if I can help you" Mothra told her. "C-can you stand still....f-for a minute?" She asked. "S-sure" Mothra replied. Jewel crept out of her bed, slowly reached her hand out, and touched his surprisingly soft stomach. She let out a gasp, as she had a small blush on her cheeks. "Maybe you being different isn't so bad" She smiled. "Sometimes, but sometime's it's hard to be what you were chosen to be" Mothra replied, as she soon let go. "I'll make you a deal, I'll comeback Tommorow night, and have the team I work with, investigate your odd appearance" Mothra told her. "Oh....I-I don't know, m-my boss won't let me, because of my work tommorow" Jewel stuttered. "Leave that to me, I know some buddies who can help you out" He told her. This in return brought a warm blushing smile on her face. "A-Alright then tommorow night it is" Jewel smiled. "See you then" Mothra grinned, as he went out the window, and silently flew off. She then noticed something that made her a bit puzzled. "How exactly did a 9 foot tall butterfly go in, and out of my tiny window without breaking it???" She asked herself before she shook it off, and decided to get some rest for the night. ***** The small sedan car, pulled up to the tall office building. Out stepped none other than Luitenant Morgan as he looked up from getting out of the aedan like car. "This is it, this is the building" Morgan told himself. Mothra had explained the situation to Morgan, and he knew that this was necessary, for all he knew this woman named Jewel, could be a dangerous weapon without realizing it, and he knew that the Mutant's, and the Alien's would love to get there hands on her. Going inside with a some agent's, they pushed through the office suite, and saw a woman who was the front desk trying to stop them. "SIR YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE WITHOUT......AAACCCKKK" She squeaked, as two government agent's forced her on the desk. "I don't need an appointment or a search warrent" Morgan growled as he stormed through the office area. When he, and the other agent's arrived, their was Jewel's music boss, Mr. Finch. "Hello Mr. Finch" Morgan told him. "Who are you, and what do you want?" Mr. Finch asked. "My name is Luitenant Morgan, of the U.S. Army Rangers" Morgan answered. "Hey man, I don't want any trouble, I did nothing wrong" Finch stammered. "Now, now Mister Finch, were here for one of your music contracts, one about a certain DJ, named Jewel" Morgan told her. "Hey man, Jewel is one of my most popular DJ's, and helps me get a lot of business, I ain't giving her up" Finch growled. "We just need you to sign our new contract, that will have us take her off your hands" Morgan replied. "No dice" Finch snarled. Morgan pulled out a pistol, and with a loud slam, put it on the table, and kept it close to him. "Now, now Mister Finch, I can assure you my unit, including me, always get what they want, I can easily kill you, with ease, and make it look like you committed suicide. We can vanish like a ghost even in a popular city like this, I don't think you wanna take that risk, do you Mister Finch?" Morgan asked. Silence, before he spoke. "Fine" He groaned. Mr. Finch signed the document, as Morgan put the gun,away in one of his pockets, as Mr. Finch handed them the paper. "Thank you, your decision pleases us, come let's leave" He motioned the agent's as he got up from his chair turned, and began to walk,away. "Who the hell are you people?" Mr. Finch asked. "You'll never know" Morgan teased as he closed the room ad all of then left the building. ***** As It was now the next night. Mothra found Jewel, and they both went to the Earth Defender's. As they both had there introduction's. After a while they said they could look for it. As this happened, an idea sprang to Jewel's mind. "Hey, can my band, and I play a song for you, I can just tell them, that you were at a costume party?" Jewel asked unable to contain the excitement in her voice. They all looked at each other, a bit unsure, but then Mothra approached them. "Come on guys, we both can use the relaxation, after all the robots, and Jewel's case has been running us dry" Mothra told them. "Oh.......Alright fine, but it has too be in your complex, and we have to be able to sneak in, and out" Godzilla warned her. "Don't worry, whenever my friend's, and I would practice, our basement was very, very private, I can't wait" She beamed quickly giving Mothra a kiss on his furry cheek, than ran off beaming with energy. The Earth Defender's all gave Mothra smug looks. "Sounds like someone likes you Mothra" Baragon grinned. "N-NO SHE DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted, while hiding a small blush "As much fun as it is to tease Mothra, let's just see what kind of song's will they sing" Godzilla explained. "I'm interested on what they would perform" Baragon pondered. When they went to see said band to play the other human's were pretty normal. What suprised Mothra was that they all wore jet black sleazy suits, that showed off some of their cleavage. "Did any of you predict, them wearing anything like this?" Mothra whispered. "No I'm suprised there wearing these" Godzilla whispered as they began to play there song. The five of them gave a round of applause that was kind of different for each other. "That was kinda creepy, but hey there good singers" Anguirus whispered. "Indeed" Godzilla whispered back. "Ooh, hey Mothra. Why don't you come up here, and sing with us" Jewel beamed. "OH I don't know....." Mothra shyed away. "OH COME ON!!!!!!" The ladies grinned. Mothra decided to go up on stage. They made the music more lively, as they played their next, and final song. They all applauded as they all smiled. Melinda, and Melissa, both deciding to go home. "Thanks for singing with me again" Jewel smiled. "It felt nice singing once again" Melinda smiled. "By the way Jewel, I couldn't help, but notice the googly eyes you gave the guy in the "Butterfly suit"" Melissa winked. "A-are you k-kidding, I DON'T LIKE HIM!!!!!!!" Jewel shouted her face warming up with a blush. "I think it's cute, look Jewel I think you should try it, it may see me very weird relationship, but I think you can give it a shot" Melinda smiled. "MEEEE.....DATE HIIIIIMMMMMM, I'M.......HUMAN, HE'S A BUTTERFLY!!!!!!!" Jewel shouted. "Just do it Jewel, he seems nice, and who knows, maybe it wasn't coincidence" Melissa shrugged as they left. Jewel cluched her heart, and she made up her mind, it wad time for her to decide. As all of the Earth Defender's, began to say, goodbye to Jewel for the night, she quickly grabbed Mothra before he could leave. "Hey Mothra....." Jewel stuttered. "Yeah?" Mothra asked, stopping in his tracks. "Mothra I......I....." Jewel stuttered choking on saying the word's. "What is it.....SPIT IT OUT" Mothra told her. "I love you" She blurted out. "W-what" Mothra stuttered completely shocked. At that point she quickly mashed her lips, with his strange black like, mouthy lips. Soon after a while, she broke the kiss as she panted. They both stood there, (Or rather Jewel Stood there, Mothra just floated in the same spot) Jewel found it very strange, that such a kiss, felt a bit erotic. "B-but J-Jewel y-your a.......and I'm a......." He stuttered, before Jewel silenced him. "Details....details" Jewel smiled. "So do you wanna go out on a date?" Mothra asked. "Sure.....tommorow night?" She pondered. "Tommorow night" He told her. They both smiled as Mothra flew off, with Jewel watching him leave into the night sky, a small smile spread across her face. A month later "So I accidently get whacked into Ghidorah, and I starting attacking Godzilla thinking I was attacking Ghidorah, and Ghidorah was only applying the heat to the battle, giving Godzilla a bit of a tough time" Mothra told her. Jewel giggled in response, as she could see through his human disguise. Thankfully to a little device he whisked up. She could see him, as Mothra, while other humans saw him as a human. He smiled, before taking a small sip of his soda. She smiled as she gazed at her mate to be, unfortuanetly there was no girlfriend or boyfriend, for Kaiju it was just in between. "I can't believe this is our 12th date" Jewel realized. "I know time, flies.....but I really feel were super close to finding who you really are" Mothra told her. Over the last month if she wasn't dating Mothra, the Earth Defender's had trouble finding out who she was. But Mothra told her after this date night he had something to tell her. "You came to tell me something what is it Mothra?" Jewel asked. "On the day you first saw me in the alleyway, we tried to find out afterword, what Ghidorah is up to" Mothra told her. "What is it?" Jewel asked. "He's been creating, an advanced Alien Armada robot army, to rule another dimension entirely. He is using a dimensional portal, we tracked a package part to where he built it, and tonight were going to stop him, and if we have to go into another dimension to stop him, we'll do it, thankfully the Ancients have provided Godzilla with the power to get us back, just in case they close the portal" Mothra explained. "THAT'S HUGE!!!!!!!!!" Jewel shouted, thankfully not getting anyone's attention. "Yeah it is" Mothra told her. After that they both wrapped up their date, quickly giving him a good luck kiss, before he quickly journeyed to the others. Good luck.....My handsome butterfly she smiled as she went to her complex to get some sleep. As she lay in her bed, something hit her, as if a cracked had formed, and all her memories ran back into her head. She knew what her name was, why she was good at being a DJ, and how she got here. She......was.....Vinyl Scratch, from Pony Equestria. And She remembered how she got here. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU VINYL, YOU WENT, AND SCREWED UP EVERYTHING AGAIN!!!!!!!!" Octavia screamed. "WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I LIVE WITH A WHINY BITCH, WHO DOESN'T TELL ME SHE'S BRINGING A STALLION DATE HOME, WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed. "GO AHEAD LEAVE I HAVE HIM NOW, AND I DON'T NEED YOU!!!!!!!!" Ocativa shouted. "FINE!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed slamming the door. Torn up, she sighed as she began walking away. As she journeyed to a strange part of the Everfree forest, before a bright light clouded her vision. Vinyl then realized what had happened the light transported her into a differemt dimension entirely, when she woke up, she felt strange, she didn't feel pony, or human anymore. She got up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her body was white, her eyes the same color her horn sticking out of her forehead, she stood 8 feet tall. Her tail above her cute human like butt. Her hair was now her wavy mane, she also noticed her breast's were on her chest, instead of lower near her privates, she was now, an Anthromorphic Unicorn mare, she still had her cutie Mark, and her eyes the same way. She put her white hand on her heart, and thought despite all of her not remembering who she was, now that she knew,her love for Mothra stayed the same. What was she going to tell him now? > Chapter 6 DIMENSIONAL Kombat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 DIMENSIONAL Kombat Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, RAIDEN, and the defenders of Earthrealm, fought off the strange Netherrealm demons, that called themselves the Elmental's. There mission was simple, use the Jinsei to open up a huge portal that could destroy Earthrealm. As they all fought there enemies, Raiden used his Electric Fly, to take down most of his enemies while Johnny Cage, and Soyna Blade were tearing down the Netherrealm demon armies. The three leaders began to get away,getting to the Jinsei, as Raiden went after them, while the others held them back. As The Elemental's journeyed inside. Raiden used his lighting to teleport inside. As the Elemental's were in the middle of starting the portal. "You will not harm the Jinsei the Elder God's command it" Raiden growled. They hissed in response as they both engaged him. Raiden easily destroyed the first two, as they were easy. As the final one let the portal continue as he prepares for combat against him. Raiden immedietly used his Electric Fly, followed, by an electrocution, and lighting orb attack, then his X-Ray, completely stunned Raiden finished him off, with one of his fatalities. Soon the portal itself exploded, as Raiden was thrown out, and all the other demons, were incinerated. The Jinsei remained untouched as all of them got up from the battle. "Raiden what happened?" Sonya asked. "I do not know, but thankfully I sense the Jinsei, is safe" Raiden replied. "UUUGGGGHH, MY BELL IS SERIOISLY WRUNG" Anguirus groaned as he got up recovering with the others from the explosion. "UUUHHH, Guys.....where are we?" Mothra asked. As they all looked around Earthrealm. "I don't think we're in Terra anymore" Godzilla told his teammates. They heard the sound of guns cocking, as they saw Raiden, Johnny Cage, and Sonya Blade, and the other soldiers. "You are not suppose to be at this sacred temple" Raiden warned. "Stand down stranger, you have no idea, who your up against" Godzilla growled. "How do we know your not working for the Elemental's" Sonya questioned. "How do we know you are not working for King Ghidorah?" Godzilla asked with a growl. Raiden then moved the others aside, as he looked among the Earth Defenders. "Who is the leader among you?" Raiden asked. Godzilla stepped forward with a serious look in his eyes. "That would be me" Godzilla thundered. "If you are who you say you are, then you will honor me,with your Kombat, one on one, choosing to end in death or mercy" Raiden announced. "If that is so, I accept your challenge" Godzilla told them. The rest of the Earth Defenders, the soldiers, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage stepped back as both of them faced each other. They both stood in front of each other ready to fight. Raiden used his Electric Fly, but Godzilla backflip kick, kicked Raiden high into the air, then blasted him with his Atomic Breath. Raiden hit the ground as Godzilla let out a roar of intimidation. Raiden got up shaking it off. "Your powers seem familiar, but I hope that wasn't a fluke" Raiden said readying for another battle. Raiden then teleported as he used his Electrocution move on Godzilla. This move had almost no effect, as Godzilla used his Atomic Emp Pulse to counter attack. As Raiden was knocked back, Godzilla then used his tail to knock Raiden back even further, he then used a combo, combining his recent attack with a head punch, a head butt, and a backflip kick. As Raiden landed on the ground. Then Raiden triggered his X-Ray, as he knocked Godzilla high into the sky. Raiden then shocked him with his shoulder. Then called down some lighting, as Godzilla was slammed into the ground, and bounced into the air, Raiden then kneed him into the stomach. To Raiden's suprise, the only damage, Raiden actually did made a small drop of blood come from his lips. Godzilla only wiped it from his mouth. "Looks like it isn't looking good for you" Godzilla growled. He then used three claw slashes, and then pushed Raiden back, with his Atomic Breath, then fired almost full force, knocking Raiden back. Raiden was now on the ground, as he was out of the fight. Raiden looked up seeing Godzilla as he growled. "Finish me" Raiden told him. Godzilla began to charge up his Atomic Breath ready for a final attack, but then stopped. "I have killed, and destroyed many of my enemies, if you were my enemy I would finish you, but I finally recognize you......Thunder God Raiden" Godzilla finished. Raiden panted as Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage, helped the injured Raiden up. "There's only one creature, in all of the universe who matches your description, I welcome you to Earthrealm, Gojira, God of Nature" Raiden spoke. "Wait a minute....wait a minute.....he's an Elder God?" Johnny Cage asked. "Not exactly, perhaps it's best if we could talk near by" Godzilla told them. "I know a place" Raiden told him, and his team, as they all went to their next destination. Special Forces Headquarters, Earthrealm "The Elder God's, are a smaller branch if you will, who are designed to look after their realm, sometimes some dimensions have more guardians than one. However the Elder God's also serve someone, who makes sure our dimension is fighting it's own battles, they are called the Ancients, and their champion.....is Godzilla" Raiden explained as Godzilla looked at them. "So what are you doing here......IN OUR WORLD?" Johnny Cage asked. "In our world we had recently uncovered a plot from, our enemy team, the Alien's had gathered a massive Alien Robot army, to conquer an entire different dimension. We arrived to stop them, the battle was very fierce, but a huge malfunction occured as we had heavily damage the portal construct. We then ended up here instead, and something tells me if we made it into this dimesion, then something tells me the Alien's also made it too" Godzilla explained. "That explains you, and your team's arrival" Sonya shrugged. "It could be worse, there's a very small chance that other creatures also entered this world as well" Godzilla explained. "So what's Ghidorah's next move?" Raiden asked. "Well he's got three options, his first is to find a way home, and rebuild his army, the second he could use his small army to attack Outworld, or the third, give Shinnok's body back in exchange for his aid" Godzilla explained. "This is troubling news, however I believe it will be my best interest to investigate personal matters" Raiden told them as he walked off. "Who knows where they ended up" Johnny Cage shrugged. ***** King Ghidorah woke up as he found himself in Earthrealm. Thankfully he saw that Gigan was also awake, and judging by his look, he had scouted the area, while the others were out. "Gigan report" King Ghidorah, snarled. "We only have a half an army of the Robots left, and it's just us Alien Kaiju, and the Earth Defenders, we have landed in Earthrealm" Gigan reported. "So Godzilla ruined everything.....AGAIN!!!!!!!!" Ghidorah growled. "I have also detected, an Outworld army, heading in an usual direction, near an unknown signal" Gigan explained. "Show me" King Ghidorah ordered. As the rest of the Alien Kaiju roster managed to wake up, Ghidorah told then what they were going to do, and their armies began marching. As Ghidorah, had Gigan lead the way, to the unknown source as they finally came to it, they were suprised by what they found. "It's a temple for the Yautja, BUT WHY IS IT HERE!?!?!?!?" Gigan asked confused. "It appears even some Yautja did journey to other dimensions years ago, and they must have this temple guarded" King Ghidorah explained. All the while sensing a presence similar to the temple in front of them. They soon came into contact, with Kotal Khan, and his Outworld army, who was almost a few distances to the Yautja temple, except Ghidorah, and his armies were in the way. "And just who are you?" Kotal Khan asked. "We are the Dreaded Alien Armada if you wish to seek this temple, speak" Ghidorah told them. "I seek this temple, for it will provided, me the granted gift to defeat Thunder God Raiden, ad I have plans to battle him again" Kotal Khan growled. "This is a temple, in which where you would find into death, if you wish to proceed, you must defeat the last of my army" Ghidorah ordered as the Alien Robots charged to their death. After the destruction, a few of the Outworld soldiers remained along with the generals, Ermac, Erron Black, FerraTor, and Reptile. "I suggest you hit the trail" Erron Black told them. "Perhaps it's a good idea, take the temple, my job is done here" Ghidorah growled, as he led the Alien's to another destination. "What did you do that for.....we need our army" Gigan growled. "Even if we had the requirement's we needed for fighting with Shinnok, our army would still be useless either way, but don't worry Shinnok, can still be useful to me in other ways" Ghidorah grinned. "What about Kotal Khan, and his people finding the Yautja Temple?" Gigan asked. "Oh don't worry.....he won't get very far" Ghidorah smiled sinisterly. Kotal Khan then had his men move forward, as they now began to walk towards the temple now relaxing, un-aware that there men began disappearing. Kotal Khan then noticed most of his soldiers missing. Without warning a small blue ball was fired, as it vaporized one of the soldiers heads, as he fell to the ground dead. The last soldier got snagged by a trap, as he vanished, before a small rain of blood came down. All of them had stopped in there tracks listening for their quarry. They heard something quick running across the trees, but could not find the source of the sound. "Ermac" Kotal asked. "I sense something is with us, yet I cannot described it's exact location" Ermac replied. Another whooshing sound was heard in the trees, then they heard a strange haunting laugh. "Whoever you are.....Show yourself" Kotal Khan ordered. A huge boom echoed, as the Yautja came down with his weapons ready. This was Yautja Predator Blood, an Elite of his clan, he had what looked like Cheetah light bending paint, on his helmet, and one of his clawed fingers a Yautja Promise ring. If this mission was a success, it would be time for him, to go back home, to his wife, and family. The Yautja drew his blades, hungry to taste the kills, to feel the fresh warm blood splash across his face. "Take it down" Kotal Khan ordered. FerrarTor was the first to die. They both stepped forward, ready to rip him to shreds, but Blood, was looking forward to the challenge. He then took off his Elite mask as he wanted to face them, Warrior to Warrior. As Tor fell to the ground dead minus his head, Ferra didn't even get to react quick enough, as Blood sliced her head off with ease. At that moment Kotal Khan, Ermac, and Reptile charged, ready to destroy their new threat. Erron Black decide that this battle wasn't worth winning, and with that decided to retreat from the soon to be dying leaders of Outworld. Blood managed to hold all three of them off with ease, having enough he used his Celtic Spear to knock them back, before using a permanent snare trap on, Kotal Khan, and Ermac, while turning to face Reptile. After picking up his Smart Disc, and holding readying his Plasma Caster, the sound of one of his trap's snapping away, as Ermac charged trying to attack, but Blood dodged the blow with ease. He then readied for his next battle, this time facing Ermac. Blood set aside Ermac's skull, and spine as he saw Kotal Khan cut himself down as he faced Kotal Khan. Kotal Khan readied his weapon his breath feeling heavy. "If you wish to kill me, then fight me, Warrior vs. Warrior, you will not win" Kotal Khan growled as he placed his sword aside facing the Elite Yautja known as Blood, it was time for the final battle between cat, and mouse, as Blood drew his blood soaked Wristbracer Yautja Blade's. As Erron Black ran away he could make out the sound, of Kotal Khan' s distant dying scream. Yautja Predator Blood now walked away, with the skulls, and spines of both Ermac, and Kotal Khan. He left the other dead bodies to rot, away as intended. He had also picked up his Elite Yautja Mask, and put it back on. It was time for him to put his new trophies, aside, for he had one more prey to find, that he had been tracking in this world, and would not rest until he found it, and hunted it. Meanwhile Both Kitana, and Lui Kang were visited by the master who they served, under at least for now inside the Netherrealm . "You finally showed up, why couldn't you come here earlier?" Lui Kang asked. "Because my identity, should remain hidden, I have come here to warn you both, that the Alien Armada, has come to recruit Shinnok for his plans" The mysterious figure replied. "You mean, there able to give his body back?" Kitana asked. "Indeed" The man replied. "Shall we prepare Netherrealm' s defenses?" Lui Kang asked. "No let, them take Shinnok, I have a plan in case he escapes, it will help crush two birds with one stone" The man growled, before teleporting. "Well then I guess we should be prepared" Kitana told him, to which they both nodded. Back at the Special Forces Headquarters, everyone mostly decided to relax off. As Some of the Earth Defenders had decided to check the cafeteria. Raiden, Godzilla, and Mothra deciding to work together most of the time, as Sonya Blade decided to eat her own lunch. She noticed that her office chair was missing from her desk, angered, and frustrated, she let out a deep breath before deciding to go to lunch with her daughter Cassie Cage. As they both went in, Cassie Cage, had the time to familiarize herself with the Earth Defenders. As Cassie Cage, and Sonya Blade had sat down at an almost empty lunch table. As,they both began to eat their lunches. Cassie Cage pointed outward, as Sonya Blade, was greeted with an annoying sight. Baragon was strolling into the cafeteria in her rolling office chair. He acted like he owned the place, as he had his head titled back, with a stupid smile in his face. As Sonya Blade, and Cassie Cage had finished their meals, as she went over giving Baragon an angry glare. Baragon looked at her with a grin on his face. "Oh hey Blondie what's the hap's I'm just strollin' around this awesome chair" Baragon grinned. "THE NAME IS SONYA BLADE, AND THAT'S MY CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonya growled her face contorting with anger. "Details, details" Baragon grinned trying to wave her off. "RETURN MY CHAIR, BACK TO MY OFFICE.......NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonya Blade roared. Baragon used his feet to push the chair out as fast as he could. Sonya Blade then groaned. As she went back to her seat next to Cassie. "I take it your not happy?" Cassie asked. "How can Raiden put up with them, they are very bizzare" Sonya groaned sipping her drink. "Mom.......what do you think about them......the Earth Defenders?" Cassie asked. "Well, the bug, is pretty smart, the black lizard seems like a good leader, the firebird is mostly silent, the tough one could use some discipline, and the purple one...." Before she could finish she was interrupted. "OOOOCCCUUUUUPPPPYYYYYYY THE CAAAAAFEEEEETEEERRRRRRRIIIIAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A familiar voice shouted. Both of them had turned to see that Baragon had returned, having a paper mask over his face, holding a sign saying "Occupy the Cafeteria" As he continued shouting that word over, and over again. Cassie watched as she saw her mother go over to Baragon, and began speaking with him. She saw Baragon tell her mother something and smiled. "EEEEEERRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Sonya squeaked before storming out the door. At that point Baragon walked over, and ended up sitting across, from Cassie Cage. "I must applaud you I don't think I've seen my mother that angry before" Cassie grinned. "Sometimes it's fun annoying other's, but to be honest it's something that,I don't get into much, mostly because some females can get the wrong signals" Baragon explained, as he decided to sip some of the soda he brought with him. "Can I ask a you a few questions, just out curiosity?" Cassie replied. "Go ahead" Baragon answered. "How many females creatures of your kind do you have in our world?" Cassie Cage asked. "WELL the only one we've found so far, that is still alive is.......well Biollante, and she's evil" Baragon answered. ["So have you ever had girlfriend's before?" Cassie asked. "Not really no, after all we mostly have been focusing on the battles ahead, although Mothra did gain a girlfriend though, although we don't exactly know what she is" Baragon told her. "If it's that bad, why don't you try for some guys?" Cassie suggested. "EEEWWWWW, AHHHH GROSS, KAIJU DON'T PLAY DAAAAATTTT SSSHIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!" Baragon spat in disgust. "Oh......sorry" Cassie shuddered. "Its okay, but yes, all Kaiju's don't do gay marriage, it's considered revolting to us, but that doesn't mean we dis-respect other relationships on those, just if it doesn't got too far" Baragon explained. Somewhere else, two Earthrealm soldiers, went down by the long dark docks. They both had been patrolling as they were armed with FN FAL Assault rifles, after still patrolling over one section.. They both looked around as one of the men approached. "Well, that pretty much sums it up, that area patrolled, and still nothing new" One of the soldiers spoke. "Indeed, our job is a bit boring, but still is ok, hey did you hear about the last time one guy patrolled this area" The guard mentioned. "Yeah, then Kano got to him, and next thing we know it's a two guard operation" The guard chuckled. "Well looks like we've only got one part to scout, I'm going to check out the western sector" The soldier told him. "Careful over there.......its dark" The other soldier teased. "Ha, ha very funny, Oooohhh I'm so scared" The guard replied in a mocking tone, before checking it out. "Pfft, thinks he can scare me huh, what a joke" The guard grinned. As he patrolled the area, he then noticed a small pool of acid on the docks. "Well that's odd, why is this here?" The guard said investigating it. As he studied it, he failed to notice, A new type of Ultramorph , dip down facing it's prey. It let out a quite hiss, as it pulled out its built in scale blades. The Ultramorph began spinning his arms in huge circles, as it's bladrs constantly sliced his arms, legs, and other parts of his enemies body, acting as a quick disgusting grinder. Shredded the first guard to bits, the Ultramorph snuck after the next guard. It once again withdrew it's massive blades, and attacked the guard, using the mouth like tongue, to kill him through his skull. The Ultramorph moved on as it searched for more prey. Not to far away, Yautja Predator Blood had looked at his equipment. Finally the new Ultramorph he was ordered to make sport of. This was his,final assignment on this planet, this creature had evaded him months, but he managed to stop it from creating a Xeno hive in some far away lands. Now ready Blood pursued, ready to end his assignment once,and for all. Meanwhile, as Sonya, and the others went out of the way, while Raiden, Godzilla, and Rodan decided to get some lunch. As Johnny Cage stood around bored, he decided to leave for lunch as well, but then he headd a loud bang behind him. Johnny Cage turned around facing the Ultamorph itself. As it let out its echoing hiss. "It's game over man" Johnny Cage whined. The Ultramorph hissed in response before it charged. Johnny Cage managed to dodge it's blows, and returning some of his own. As they both battled, the Ultramorph had enough, as it used it's body, and size, to pin Johnny Cage down. It then gave him a nasty scratch on his face, until it readied it's mouth for another kill, until Raiden had zapped it with lightning, as the Ultramorph hissed then fled. As Johnny Cage was helped up, by Raiden, and the Earth Defenders assisted him. "W-what.....was that?" Johnny Cage panted. "That was an Ultramorph, we'd better find it before it kills anyone else" Godzilla told them. "Sound the alarm" Johnny Cage told them. The alarm went off as all of the Special Forces soldiers began to scrambalize, running to get their weapons as they began their search. As they began, they noticed Jacqui Briggs, and Takada running with them. "When did you get back?" Cassie asked. "Just now, what's going on?" Jacqui asked. "Trouble" Cassie replied. As they all journeyed outside, she saw a group of soldiers trying to go in, but getting killed. "General we've found the creature, but I don't think it's alone" The soldier replied. A loud roar of another creature was heard as it impacted on the ground as they all seperated forming a circle. With his cloaking device de-activated as Blood had revealed himself. The Ultramorph then jumped down with small scratches, as all of the soldiers prepared there weapons, but Godzilla warned them, and General Blayde to stand down. "This is a personal battle, let them fight each other" Godzilla warned which they did. The Ultramorph, and Yautja Predator Blood gave each other sinister glares as they both readied for battle. "They look like they know each other" Jacqui spoke. "They should for generations, the Aliens have been impregnating the Yautja, and the Yautja have been hunting, and killing the Xenomorphs, they know what each other's species, just by looking at each other" Godzilla explained. The Ultramoprh, and Blood prepared for their battle. With the severed head off his kill, his job was finally done. He had defended the Yautja Temple from Outworld's armies as they were no longer a quarry, and he had also held the head, which would soon be the skull of his original quarry, the Ultramorph. He cloaked, as he had gotten into his ship as it began flying high into the sky, he flew outside ready to activate the all dimensional traveler. He began his journey to his wife who wasn't a Yautja, but almost human, it was strange, but she was a hunter, and she used her hunting powers proudly as she hunted for the Yautja benefits she was certainly very handy, and now it time for him to head home. After said battle back in Earthrealm the Earth Defenders found out something. "Ghidorah had just sent us a beacon, he has successfully revived Shinnok, and now he wants us to meet face to face" Godzilla explained. "I'll fly the shuttle" Jacqui Briggs stated as she got ready. "I'm coming to" Johnny Cage nodded as the Earth Defenders, Johnny Cage, and Jacqui Briggs all followed the beacons transmission leading to Radien's Sky temple. As the helicopter touched down they all jumped down as there were the Alien's, D'vorah, and Shinnok. They all went after each other as they faced off. Johnny Cage seemed to face MechaGodzilla. "Oh look a robot" Johnny Cage smirked. "I am more than a simple robot you fool I am MechaGodzilla" MechaGodzilla growled. "Hey is it mechanically possible for you to fuck yourself?" Johnny Cage asked. They both fought to there best, but MechaGodzilla seemed more skilled as he fought Johnny Cage, as he pinned his opponent to a tree. "Pathetic Human" MechaGodzilla growled until Godzilla came out of nowhere, and ripped MechaGodzilla's,head off his body in one go. "Until we meet again my weak mechanical counterpart" Godzilla growled as he dropped the head. Sure enough Ghidorah teleported his body back to the Kaiju realm Anguirus then faced D'vorah as he growled in disgust. "I hate bugs like you" Anguirus growled. "My Children will feast on your guts" D'vorah sqwauked. "How about I stomp you into jelly" Anguirus grinned, as D'vorah used her swarm attacks, she found her bugs were doing nothing against Anguirus's hard thick shell, and skin. At this point it was too late to find alternative combat means, as Anguirus rolled himself into a wrecking ball of death, and just smashed her to a gooey bloody mess. Jacqui Briggs then engaged Gigan, the Alien's second in command. "You are a pathetic human, who brings shame to all cybernetic kind" Gigan growled. "I carry these arms with pride of my father" Jacqui growled. "Then he is an even bigger fool than you are" Gigan growled. Soon they haf fought each other, but Jacqui was overpowered by Gigan before he could finish her off, Mothra dove in to face his all time rival. As they both fought with fury as Godzilla faced Shinnok. "Gojira" Shinnok growled. "The fallen Elder God" Godzilla thundered. "I will make sure you become deceased" Shinnok growled. Shinnok battled Godzilla with his moves, his levitation, and bone attacks, Unfortuanetly Godzilla managed to chomp away at his attacks, and got to Shinnok himself as he sliced diced, and eventually destroyed Shinnok. As King Ghidorah opened a portal bringing Orga, and Gigan with him. Immedietly the Earth Defenders chased after them, as unfortuanetly Raiden got sucked in along with the a mysterious someone else. The others tried to retrieve Raiden but were too late as the portal closed. > Chapter 7 DIMENSIONAL Injustice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new Circle of Trust building helped. Batman overlooked the people who were being trained by others. Much had happened in the past few years, some of the recent victims were arrested after Brainiac' s Invasion. Thanks to this building's construction, they were close to reviving Supergirls city, and Metropolis. They thankfully learned more with Brainiac in his new cell, His ship used to slowly to undo the process, while some of the heroes that were on Superman's side were locked up, or took a new treaty that involved back up. Wonder Woman, escaped them was later found dead in a jungle environment. Since Aquaman seemed to have his people rule over Atlantis with justice of killing people, Batman told him that if they changed their justice rule's, they would stay out of sea's of Atlantis. Of course Aquaman refused, and attempted an attack. Thankfully, Batman survived as Aquaman was locked up, but since they didn't have much choice Black Manta ended up ruling Atlantis with a new peace treaty. To Batman's surpise, and for everyone else. Black Manta actually honored the deal, and mostly wouldn't step in unless it was a matter of importance. Not only that, but Cheetah one of the criminal's vanished without a trace. Some did come back as a threat, but were locked away in Arkham Asylum, and Superman was still in the Phantom Zone. As The new trainees were still being trained as there was the Flash, Supergirl, Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Starfire, Catwoman, and of course Harley Quinn. Meanwhile in Arkham Asylum a small portal opened as the Earth Defenders, Raiden, and an unexpected Sub-Zero appeared in the cell like area. There were small whisper's before Godzilla approached Brainiac's Cell. "Well, well, well the failed Alien known as Brainiac, the so called False Order" Godzilla thundered. "So.....they did send someone to clean up there mess, humanity breed's chaos, I am order" Brainiac told him. "YOU were never order Brainiac, you would have been, but you had your own plans, you didn't bring true order to this planet, you only added more chaos" Godzilla snarled. "So it is true no can truly decieve the God of Nature, tell me what are the Ancient's plan's to fix this broken timeline?" Brainiac asked. "There is a storm heading our way.....Superman will soon escape from his prison in the Phantom Zone, for too long as he caused too much chaos, this imprisonment is the last straw, and I am here to end a corrupted friend who has been swallowed by the blackness of evil" Godzilla explained. "So that's it, that's the order of the Ancients...Assasintate the Kryptonian known as Superman" Brainiac replied. "Indeed however I also come to engage my own enemies from the great war, and thankfully I brought my company, as for you.....well you can just stay in this cell, and rot" Godzilla smiled as he readied the Earth Defenders for their confrontation. As the Earth Defenders had snuck in, they had began their way out, as they ran into Starfire. "Who are all of you?" She asked. "We do not mean any harm Tamaranian, we all seek an audience for the one known as Batman" Godzilla told her. "That doesn't seem very convincing" Starfire told him. "Search my spirit Tamaranian, my intention's are true" Godzilla challenged. She did search, but then sighed. "Follow me then" Starfire replied. As she began walking to where Batman was, she looked at Godzilla with a sorrowful look."You hide a very wounded heart" Starfire told him. "In the past days of the great war, I have lost a child, and a wife, and I am not proud for the innocent lives I have taken that haunt's me to this day" Godzilla explained. "You have friend's that surround you, and are important, you seem a lot like Batman" Starfire mentioned. "Unlikely, however we may be similar he revel's himself in the Shadow's while I seek light" Godzilla told her. As they both had an audience with Batman. "So this Ghidorah creature plan's on releasing Superman, and using him for his own purposes?" Batman asked. "Indeed, and we need to act fast" Godzilla replied. "How can we find this Ghidorah, before he reveal's himself to us?" Batman asked. "I can have Mothra help you at least try to monitor Alien, or other dimensional activity" Godzilla answered. "How come we never used this technology in Terra?" Anguirus asked. "USE YOUR HEEEEEAAAADDDD ANGUIRUS, GHIDORAH, AND SPACEGODZILLA USED BOTH THEIR TYPES OF MAGIC, AND TECHNOLOGY TO BLOCK THEIR SIGNALS OTHERWISE, WE WOULD HAVE FOUND THEIR HIDING PLACE'S A LONG TIME AGO!!!!!!!!" Godzilla scoffed. "Oh yeah right sorry was a little stumped there" Anguirus commented. "Good now while Batman, and Mothra get to work, how about Me, Sub-Zero, and Raiden help train the recruits" Godzilla suggested. "Only the best should recieve my instructions" Sub-Zero told them. "Just give it a rest Sub-Zero" Godzilla groaned to which he nodded. Godzilla decided to go first as he was going to help train Supergirl. "So your a Godzillrian" Supergirl told him. "Actually my species name is pronounced Godzillasaurus" Godzilla corrected her. "Godzi........lets just get this over with" Supergirl told him as they readied to begin there sparring. Supergirl flew at Godzilla with full speed, but Godzilla's Atomic pulse stopped her, in her tracks. As she fell to the ground with a heavy blow she could almost not fly straight. "M-my powers, how did you......." Supergirl started to ask, before Godzilla answered her. "My power's have been known to breach impossible defenses, it seems your Kryptonian blood, has an abnormal reaction to my power's" Godzilla growled. Supergirl got back up a little dizzy, but definetly alive. After there sparring session Godzilla managed to heal her, as after they both nodded to each other Godzilla began to think.Just as I thought that's why the Ancients expected my arrival here, my powers are the only thing besides Kryptinite that can affect a Kryptonians Blood, that's one of the reasons why I was sent here As Godzilla looked at Supergirl he smiled. "You show much potential Supergirl, but you still need more training from Batman, but do not be mad that spar helped me find a hypothesis for a certain crisis" Godzilla told her. "Oh well that's a relief" Supergirl sighed as they both stood aside watching Sub-Zero, and Firestorm duel next as they approached each other. As Firestorm got up, Sub-Zero looked at him with a sense of respect. "You have much potential, but your reaction time is sloppy, if you want to be able to survive stronger opponents, work on your speed" Sub-Zero nodded, to which Firestorm gave a respectful bow. As they both got off, Raiden then faced Blue Beetle as he planned to help hone his talents, as Raiden readied for there fight. "Impressive, but you were unfocused in the first round, stay more on task, and you'll be better in future fights" Raiden informed. "Sorry it's with these past few years, everything has been.......well different" Blue Beetle explained. "I understand, Blue Beetle perhaps the direct timing will come" Raiden explained as they left the sparring area. "FOUND SOMETHING!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. The others then rushed to there position. "What did you find?" Batman asked. "There's activity detected in Slaughter Swamp, we've picked up the identities of Orga, Poison Ivy, and Deadshot" Mothra explained. "Batman I think it would be best if me, and Sub-Zero should go, we'll be handle these three" Godzilla told him. "Sure you don't want a third partner to tag along?" Batman asked. "No thanks I'm good" Godzilla replied. They both went off as they took a new Circle of Trust Shuttle. Time seemed to go by pretty slow, as they finally arrived near Slaughter Swamp. As Godzilla, and Sub-Zero stepped out they saw the numbers of troops there. "Lets walk in, and walk out" Godzilla told them, which made Sub-Zero nod. As they all walked up, the soldiers instantly noticed them. They all pulled out there weapon's as Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath vaporizing them immedietly. Godzilla, and Sub-Zero then approached the three villains, as they gave each other nasty look's. "I'll take Orga, and the weird plant lady, Deadshot's all yours" Godzilla told Sub-Zero as they,both went into battle. As Godzilla fought both Orga, and Poison Ivy with ease, he decided to take things in a different course. He used his Atomic Pulse to knock Orga aside as he faced Poison Ivy. "You do not have the heart for the green as you should command" Poison Ivy snarled. "You sound like my half-sister Biollante yet, you are not her" Godzilla growled. "Then you will die" Poison Ivy huffed. As Poison Ivy started fighting she was immedietly caught off guard, with Godzilla's fast, wild, and deadly attacks she was trying to repel everything, but he was too quick as he easily fought her with fury rendering her unconscious. Finally Godzilla turned his attention to Orga. "I don't have to kill her, but I do get to kill you" Godzilla growled as he cracked his knuckles. "I've been itching to fight you once again Godzilla, and now I get the chance" Orga growled. "Try to stop me" Godzilla snarled. They both clashed as Godzilla used his tail to knock Orga off balance, then headbutted him into the massive warehouse. Godzilla then overcharged his Atomic Breath as he fired it once more, as the entire warehouse blew up sky high. This knocked Sub-Zero, and Deadshot out of the way, before they got up, ready to fight. Godzilla stared at the smoldering wreckage, before he saw a bright green beam made Orga's body vanished. Looks like he's back in the Kaiju world, back to the problem at hand Sub-Zero, and Deadshot, both got up as they both faced each other ready for a fight. As Deadshot was unconscious they both noticed that they didn't find much. "No sign of Ghidorah, or Gigan" Godzilla told Sub-Zero. "It seems we were sent on a fool's errand" Sub-Zero replied. "Indeed this party was meant as a distraction, Ghidorah must have Black Adam, and is now using him to free Superman" Godzilla explained. "How exactly will this Superman not take Ghidorah down at first sight?" Sub-Zero asked. "He'll force Superman to do his bidding knowing him, and Keizer Ghidorah, they always pull off last minute suprises" Godzilla explained. They both picked up the unconscious Deadshot, and Poison Ivy, as they tighed them up, in some new bonds. They both took the prisoners aboard the shuttle as they both headed back to base. However none of them failed to notice that in the swamp water's a mysterious figure surfaced as he looked around. He had no idea, how he got here, but all he wanted to do was kill, kill, and kill. He started his journey back into the lake, as he headed for a big city area. Ki-Ki-Ki-Ma-Ma-Ma At that moment a purple portal open as a familiar Fire Ninja came through he had tracked the target from Earthrealm to here. Scorpion watched the big shuttle fly away as he landed. "Good luck Quai Liang" Hanzo sighed as he went back to his task at hand. He could tell that the being was headed for a certain house, and he knew that those victims would be in trouble. Scorpion then began to go after his target. ***** Oliver Queen, and Black Canary were having some time with their children, both of them having a wonderful time taking care of the little one's. Thankfully none of their kids figured out about there secret life's, and they kept it like that. As they both enjoyed the day, soon it was bed time for the kids. As they prepared the kids getting ready they heard the sound of banging at their front door. Oliver could tell this wasn't a knock on the door, but rather someone trying to break in. "QUICK GET THE KIDS TO SAFETY!!!!!!!!" Green Arrow shouted as he quickly grabbed a secret back up stash of his bow, and arrows ready to defend his home from the intruder, while Black Canary took the kids to safety. At that moment the banging stopped, as Jason Voorhees walked right through the front door, literally. "OH HEEEEELLL NO" Green Arrow gulped as Jason Voorhees approached, attempting to slash him with his machete. Oliver dodged his attacks barely as he tried to shoot some arrows at him, but they did little to no effect on Jason Voorhees. As Jason prepared for a final attack, Scorpion used a new move to knock him outside the popular house, and into a nearby alleyway. They both got up, as they readied to fight. Scorpion picked up the head of Jason Voorhees he knew his job was finished, creating a portal back to the Netherrealm, while also helping him open another portal to home. Oliver sighed as he secretly tucked the bow, and arrows away. "Uggghh, boy I'm going to have to repair the door.......again" Oliver sighed as he checked on his family while those two were gone. ***** Ghidorah, and Gigan both went to the icy area, that they had been to before. "Are you sure this is the place?" Ghidorah asked. "Indeed, this is the best area I can find to open the door to free Superman, and we will help end all crime" Black Adam answered. As they arrived the Phantom Zone opened revealing Superman as he stepped out from the Phantom Zone, as,he broke his chains. "Who are you?" Superman asked. "I am King Ghidorah of the Dreaded Alien Armada, and as of this moment you will help me defeat Godzilla, and rule this word" Ghidorah growled. "I'm going to have to take a pass on that" Superman replied. "Oh goody I was hoping you would refuse" King Ghidorah smiled as he lit up his mouths, and struck Superman with electricity causing him to feel weak. "Just as I predicted my Green Alien Lightning has an abnormal affect against your body I can use it on you anytime I wish, you are a dog, a pet Superman, and my powers are your leash" Ghidorah growled. "F-fine" Superman sighed. Black Adam secretly began to charge up some electricity, but Gigan put a Chainsaw up to his neck. "Nuh-uh-uh you better power down, and do what my master say's, or I will shred you to bits" Gigan warned. Black Adam obeyed as he powered down his Lightning. "Good one last thing try to double cross me, and I'll kill you both myself" Ghidorah warned as his plan began to fall in place. Back at the Circle of Trust Headquarters they both tried to figure out where Ghidorah was, thankfully Poison Ivy, and Deadshot had been put in Arkham Asylum. As they both tried to figure it out. Mothra got something. "Hey guys Ghidorah just sent a new beacon" Mothra told them. "Looks like Ghidorah has freed Superman, now he just want's us Earth Defenders" Godzilla told them. ["I'll go" Batman told them. "Me too" Supergirl volunteered. "It will be the entire Earth Defenders, Supergirl, Batman, Raiden, and Sub-Zero" Godzilla told them, as they all nodded. Before they began Supergirl, and Batman quickly followed Godzilla as they went to a private area. "Your hiding something aren't you?" Batman asked. "I was wondering if you two would figure it out" Godzilla smiled. ["What is it?" Supergirl asked. "You won't like it if I tell you" Godzilla warned. "Try us" Batman said bluntly. "You war with Superman has unleashed chaos across the cosmos, this world was broken once, and after Brainiac, it was broken again, the Ancients have had enough, you are slowly losing your entire universe, because of war, my new orders that if Superman were to ever become free again, I am to assassinate him" Godzilla told him. "B-but you can't do that, I'm suppose to help protect Kal-El" Supergirl told him. "Protect him......from what, you have defeated Brainiac, and most of the villains that have entered this world, Darkseid, Dark Khan, and Brainiac. Besides your typical criminals, there is no threat left to face you, you don't need to protect him, and his heart has been swallowed by evil. The only option I have is to kill him, but if it eases your mind Supergirl, I will do my best to reason with him.....One......Last........Time" Godzilla warned. Supergirl sighed as she looked at him with sorrow. "And.....what happens if he refuses, and you do kill him?" Supergirl asked. "Then we should bury him as a friend we lost age's ago" Godzilla told them. Batman, and Supergirl nodded. "You'll cross that bridge later" Batman nodded. As they all began to go after the last of the Alien's, and Superman. They soon arrived seeing Ghidorah, Gigan, Black Adam, and Superman. "Well, well, well finally" Ghidorah smiled as the fight began. Raiden managed to knock Black Adam aside as he faced his lightning quarry. As Black Adam was knocked out after his tough fight with Raiden, Godzilla took on both Gigan, and Ghidorah. Superman stayed on the side lines waiting for his opportunity to be free, from Ghidorah's clutches. Godzilla manages to rapidly kick Gigan' s face multiple times, before firing his Atomic Breath as it destroyed Gigan for the time being. Ghidorah growled, as he used his lightning attack on Godzilla more, and more. Ghidorah then tried a massive stomp attack, but Godzilla backflip kicked him in the air, then fired his Atomic Breath, as Ghidorah quickly vanished through a portal to the Kaiju world, before it quickly closed. "See you on the other side" Godzilla growled as Superman, was now free. "Another bad guy destroyed, but I AM NOT GOING BACK INTO THE PHANTOM ZONE!!!!!!!" Superman growled. "I know Superman, but I ask you as someone who has been in your shoes once, you have killed so many people, villain's, innocents, and worse, but in my heart I share the same pain as you do....." Godzilla began. Superman began listening as he heard those words. "......The pain you have blurred, and buried beneath the blood soaked bodies, of those you have murdered, yes the pain of your very......own.......memory. You were in love, and lost so much.....You know what events I speak of Superman, you remember that day, when Joker messed with your head, and it changed you" Godzilla explained. "I know how you feel, but this......this you isn't the answer for making the pain go away, it's time you moved on, I ask one last time for your sake,and your friend's, start your path to redemption" Godzilla told him. "I.......I.......can't I have to make sure that every criminal, does not live again" Superman thundered. "Then you leave me no choice, but to do this" Godzilla growled. Superman flew full speed, but Godzilla grabbed him, and threw him hard into the ground. Superman got up as he fired his,eye laser, but Godzilla used a more powerful blast from his Atomic Breath to blind him. Godzilla then used his claws, as he began slashing, and punching continuing to pound him, slash him, and more. Brutally wounded, Godzilla lifted Superman up, and in one swift movement broke his spine, causing him to scream. Godzilla then threw him, hard into a building. Superman had no strength left as he couldn't get back up. Godzilla stood in front of Superman, his eyes blank, atomic blue his dorsal plates, glowing the same color while his eyes were fully white with light as he prepared the final blow. Having no choice Godzilla unleashed it, as his Atomic Breath burned Superman as the blow killed the Kryptonian. Supergirl saw the deed she did not wish to see, been done. She turned her head into Godzilla shoulder as he comforted her as he looked at deceased friend. "Had Superman chose not to stray from the path of evil, the Joker had put him on......we might not be burying him today" Godzilla told her. As after that, Bruce Wayne held a funeral for Superman, as they took his bodie's remains, and had Godzilla burn the rest of it. After the end of the funeral, Godzilla opened a portal to the Mortal Kombat realm, as Raiden, and Sub-Zero said there goodbye's. ***** Unknown to anyone Superman fist broke through his grave, in the black night sky as,he growled, in his new zombie form. "BIZZARO ANGRY BIZZARO WILL HAVE REVENGE ON BLACK LIZARD!!!!!!" Bizzaro growled. ***** "Thank you perhaps I was wrong about you five, you seem like capable warriors, I could have the five of you as members of the Circle of Trust, you could help teach the new recruits" Batman told them. "Thanks......but no thanks, we still have a war to stop in our own dimension plus, we tend to roll just fine with the five of us" Godzilla smiled. "UUUUGGGGHHHH, CAN WE GO HOME ALREADY I WANNA GET BACK, AND RELAX" Anguirus smiled as they all waved goodbye, heading to their home dimension. "Were home, finally" Anguirus sighed, and everything is back where we left it nice" Anguirus smiled. "Well let's get back go it" Godzilla smiled, as they enjoyed their time off. However in the house of Anthro Vinyl Scratch she felt her heart beat a bit faster as she sensed her soon to be mate, Mothra was home she looked out to the night sky, and smiled. "I hope your prepared my love, for soon I may make a proposition that will change our lives" She sighed as she looked at the stars. > Chapter 8 Becoming One with the Beat (CLOP) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Becoming One with the Beat After they had gotten back, the Earth Defenders began to unwind again. As there dimensional adventure was troubling, but with good times, it had been a few days since that happened, and they were now getting rest, until Mothra showed up with a new smile. "Hey guys I've been working on a new invention that the Ancients helped us with" Mothra smiled. "All right Mothra, show us what you have come up with" Godzilla answered as all the Earth Defenders went to a new part of there added bunker. There they saw a console, and a portal arch. "Since we had to go to the Ancients last time, I used it to create a multi portal, that can teleport us to any dimension we please" Mothra smiled. "Please tell me you reduced the dilemma of headaches of travel when you use said portal" Anguirus groaned. "Indeed" Mothra answered. "Alright then, do you plan on testing the machine?" Godzilla asked. "I can, but it may take a little while, I've sent fruit, and objects through, and back without a problem, but having life-forms go through it that may take a little while" Mothra answered. "So then why did you bring us in here?" Anguirus asked. "Because I want to power it on, and show you what the portal's look like" Mothra smiled. "Fire away" Godzilla smiled. Mothra powered the device up, as a portal formed. "Wow it works" Mothra smiled. Without warning small sparks began to fly from the console, and now, it started to suck everything in. The wind was strong slowly pulling the Kaiju in. "ANCHOR DOWN, MOTHRA SHUT IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. "I'M TRYING!!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted, as he made his way to the console, as all of them used their claws to keep a hold on the floor. Rodan could feel his wings starting to get to an updraft, as he felt himself slipping. Soon his wings went up, and his claws let go. "ROOOODAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus, and Baragon shouted as they jumped to grab Rodan as the portal closed, after they went through it. "Mothra report!" Godzilla spoke. "All three of them got separated, but I tracked them to which dimensions there at, I can bring all of them back, but I need to modify the portal as fast as I can, also a bonus, I made sure the console can contact them to when they can return home for all three" Mothra explained. "Get to work Mothra, I need them back here ASAP, before King Ghidorah may notice our team's separation, and may try something new" Godzilla warned. "On it" Mothra replied as he began to get to work. Meanwhile, Vinyl Scratch turned, and twisted in her bed trying to go to sleep, but couldn't find such strength. Vinyl woke up again wanting to bang her head on the table. Why, Why her? Vinyl Scratch didn't mind finding out her past, but now she had a new problem after Mothra had departed. She felt a familiar feeling that she had forgotten that she was trying to watch herself for, she was in heat. Her aching nethers begging to be touched by a stallion or a mate. Ever since Mothra's return it only became much harder for her to wait until it blows over. Melinda, and Melissa barely visited her to stay away from her heat cycle, but they didn't mind Vinyl's new form, but they only gave her advice when she needed. Fed up, with everything Vinyl texted Melissa. "Hey are you up?" Vinyl asked. "I am now that you woke me up, what's the problem Vinyl?" Melissa asked. "I can't take It anymore, my heat is so unbearable, and upon Mothra's return I don't know what to do" Vinyl groaned. "What do you mean?" Melissa asked. "I want him to take care of my heat, and once that happens I can't go back after that" Vinyl whined. This part she wasn't lying about, according to Mothra like, Equestrian Dragon's If you mated with a Kaiju you would instantly become husband, and wife except with a few differences. After the deed had been done, both the male, and female would have a Kaiju bonding ring formed on their body; different couple, different ring designs. "I love Mothra so much, and I don't wanna do this because I feel like I only would do it for my personal gains" Vinyl groaned. "Do you love Mothra?" Melissa asked. "I do, I know it's sounds stupid, and ridicoulous, but it's true I can't live without him" Vinyl replied. "Then tell him about your dilemma, tell him your feelings if you continue to bottle this up it will drive you crazy" Melissa replied. Vinyl thought about it, and decided to go through with it, she went, and put on some new clothes as she quickly, and quietly journeyed to there secret bunker base. As she arrived letting out a sigh, as she journeyed inside. It was strange to see none of the Earth Defenders around, but she did here some clanking sound's from a new room as she journeyed to it. Mothra continued to work on the portal console as he tried his best to figure it out, but was running into roadblocks. "DAAMIIIITTTT!!!!!!" He shouted smashing his wing on a nearby table. "What am I missing, how can I get the portal to function properly?" Mothra groaned as he looked down at the console. He then heard familiar footsteps. He let out a heavy breath, as he looked at his love. He was suprised by her Anthro look, and actually smiled. "Wow so that's the true dimensional look you were gifted, hmm hello Vinyl my love" Mothra smiled weakly. "How did you know?" Vinyl asked. "Vinyl I am a very smart Kaiju, after getting hint's from the Ancients, I pieced everything together" Mothra told her. "Oh.....t-thank you" Vinyl blushed. "If your here for me to help you get home, you'll have to wait, the portal isn't exactly ready to journey you back to your own world, At least until I can figure out how to bring, Angurius, Rodan, and Baragon from whatever kind of dimension there in" Mothra groaned. Vinyl approached him as she sat down. "I'm not going home" Vinyl told him flatly. "Why not?" Mothra asked. "Mothra even after finding out my past I still realized I love you no matter who I am....." She spoke doing her best not to stutter. "I love you with all my heart, your a very strange, and odd creature, but your smart, peaceful, and kind, and I don't want to lose what we have that's special, but since these past many weeks of our dates, I've come to you with a big decision for both of us too make......." Vinyl breathed as she prepared to let out something she wanted to say. "W-what is it?" Mothra asked. "Mothra I wanna marry you" She blurted out. Complete silence filled the room as Mothra stared at her. "WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!?!?!?!?!?" Mothra shouted. "Why me.....out of many humans In the world you pick me A Kaiju? Why?" Mothra asked. "Because out of all the kind ponies in Equestria, and the humans of this world, I've never met anyone or fallen in love with someone like you, and I love you with all my heart, and I recently entered my heat cycle, which is why I came to you, to talk to you first, if you do want to wait I'm ok with it, and for you to make your decision" Vinyl told him. Mothra took a deep breath then he let his heart pour out. "Vinyl I admit I wasn't very trustworthy of you, but since you felt so bad, and there was no convincing you otherwise; but as I got to learn more about you it was so crazy, and stupid yet I never felt so......happy, we are still fighting a war, and if we do go through with this, you'll be joining our war. I'm okay with having you as both a partner, and a wife, and soon we may even raise a child, but I want to be one hundred percent sure are you okay with this?" Mothra asked. Vinyl stared into his strange insect like eyes, her eyes sparkling with a powerful glow. "I am, I love you so much" She replied as there lips met once more, as they kissed passionetly. As they separated she gave Mothra bedroom eyes. "Shall we take this to your quarters?" Vinyl cooed. "You mean, you want to do it, NOW?" Mothra asked. "Would you want the others to come through to hear us?" Vinyl asked. "Good point, besides There massive Kaiju, they can take care of themselves" Mothra smiled. They both hurried to Mothra's quarters as they giggled, and chuckled, as Mothra closed, and locked his door. "Hey bug boooooyyyyy" Vinyl cooed. Mothra turned around as his bug eyes almost popped out of his sockets. Vinyl Scratch was now nude in her Anthro Body as she looked at him with a seductive gaze. Her breasts were a perfect AA-cup breast's, showing off her blue nipples. She had nice curved hip's showing off her music symbol Cutie Mark. Her marehood was blue, just the perfect size, and glistening wet. "Y-your beautiful" Mothra stuttered. Vinyl giggled as she smiled. "I'm all yours stud" She growled. She then went to the bed as Mothra hurried behind. Mothra was a few inches taller, than her as she gave him seductive look. "Hang on a minute" Mothra told her as he glowed, as the abdomen below his waist opened like a flower, as it had a string of strange wet fluids revealing to her is phallus. Vinyl blushed, and was also curious at the sight. "Oh my" She whispered. "Is it bad?" Mothra asked. As she was sitting upright on the bed with Mothra towering over her she once again spoke. "It's a bit more bigger than I imagined, but why is your dick, rainbow?" Vinyl asked. "It's a Kaiju thing, different male Kaiju different types of phalluses" Mothra answered. Vinyl smiled as she looked at him. "I like it" She grinned. She reached her hand forward, as she grabbed the insect like phallus, the shear heat emitting of it, made her body shudder. "Oooh it's so.....hypnotic" she shuddered. Mothra only smiled as he kissed her once more, but then his Imago legs, began to clutch, and grope her breasts, keeping her nipples pinched with the little legs. "Uuuuuhhhh M-Mothra d-don't stop, squeeze them hard" She moaned. Answering his lover's final request, Mothra squeezed her breasts more causing Vinyl to arch her back. "OOOOHHHH BUCK!!!!!!!!!" She cried as she panted. Mothra rubbed his phallus along her lips, as Vinyl let out a small whimper, as her hips bucked a little. Vinyl then spread her pussy lips apart as she began to pant. "Stick it inside me, please" Vinyl begged. Mothra nodded as his Imago legs still squeezing her breasts, and pinching her nipples, as he went inside her. "UUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH YEEEESSSSSSSS" Vinyl screamed as she came her body shaking from her orgasm, her back arched as her mind felt like entering euphoria. Mothra let a small insect shrill as he felt her clamp down on him. Letting her recover, Vinyl smiled glad to be claimed only by him. Mothra began his fluttering thrusts inside of her. Vinyl wrapped herself around him letting him pound her fast, and hard. It felt like an almost mystical spiritual aura crawled inside her own body increasing the pleasure through her legs, breasts, and spine. Vinyl entered a very new euphoria that was on a huge cloud nine level, her entire mind going blank, her vision going completely white, as she enters pure pleasure. They both kept going at it. "UUUUUHHHH, UUUUUUUUUHHHHHH, HUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH, YEEEEESSSSSSS, MOOOTTTTHRRRAAAA UUUUUUUHHHHHH BUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed as Mothra slammed almost wildly into her. They both were getting close to a limit. "Vinyl I'm g-gonna......" He started before Vinyl cut him off. "CUM INSIDE ME PLEASE, GET ME PREGNANT, BUCK UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed, as they both climaxed. Mothra pumping his Kaiju seed into her. Strange pumping sounds were made, as the action, made Vinyl bounce more onto his phallus, as Vinyl had her tongue lolled out her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body was shaking from such a hard climax. Mothra collapsed on her, thankfully not squashing his beloved. Vinyl's vision returned her heat completely gone. Mothra wanted to move, but Vinyl kept him locked with him still buried inside of her. "That.......was........A....M....A.....Z.....I......N.......G" Vinyl panted. "I've never knew that having sex, felt that good in my entire life" Vinyl panted. "Technically it isn't since you mated with a Kaiju, the more powerful the Kaiju the more pleasure you recieve from you Kaiju mate during sex" Mothra explained. Vinyl stared at him in shock, then kissed him passionetly. "I love you my husband" Vinyl cooed. "And I you, my beautiful wife" Mothra smiled. Vinyl looked at one her hands, and there on her index finger, was in fact a wedding ring. Engraved on It was the symbol of Mothra, in rainbow colors. On one of Mothra's legs, was a ring that had Vinyl's Cutie Mark embedded on it in dark blue, light blue, and white colors. She smiled as she let him relax on her, as she clutched her a bit bulged cum filled belly. "I'm definetly going to be pregnant after this" Vinyl sighed happily. "Indeed, and I really can't wait" Mothra grinned as they kissed passionetly, before falling asleep. Hours later After they both got up, a strange blue liquid surrounded Mothra's phallus cleaning it, as it made him tingle, after that his phallus retreated back in its abdomen shell. They both then use Mothra's shower as they both got cleaned. Mothra then got out with Vinyl as she put on a nice bra, and panties. She then got dressed, in a uniform that Mothra had made for her that housed the Earth Defenders symbol on it. "It suits you" Mothra smiled, which Vinyl replied with a wink. After their lovemaking, Mothra had figured out what he was missing to get the portal working as he finally finished it. "YESSSSS, now let's hope the others are ok" Mothra replied, as Vinyl watched him work, as her new uniform did give him a good view of her cleavage. As he got the first portal ready, to retrieve Anguirus. > Chapter 9 Dimension gone Batty (Cloppy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Anguirus screamed as he smashed into a huge part of the ground, as he looks behind him, as he got up, and ran to the portal, but it closed. "NO DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted, but was too late. "Well........Fuck" Anguirus cursed. He then got Mothra's message as he groaned. "Great, I have to wait till Mothra repairs the portal while I'm trapped in this dimension" He growled. He looked up to see it was night time, and that he was in a dark forest. He began moving along as he heard wolves howl. He came across, an abandoned wooden shack, sitting there rotting in decay. He decided to go further as he found out where he was. Ahead was apparently another dimensional Equestria, where he was looking at a Transylvania like Ponyville. It seems all the houses were mostly dark, until he spotted what appeared to be a cross between a hotel, and a bat pony strip club. "Oooooooh Boy, I'm not gonna like this" He groaned as he went inside. As he did this hus face went flat from what he saw. There was a bar table with the bartender serving booze. And on the other side, a pole dancing stage that was, strangely empty. He could also see a lot of Bat Pony mares were wearing different types of jewelry, and wearing certain typed lingerie which kept their legs spread showing off there marehoods. Anguirus groaned as he went to the bar table as he sat between two stallions, both apparently drunk. "WHOOOOAAAAA" the drunk stallions said in response. "Check out this fricking dude" One of the stallions hiccuped. "D-Did an Armadillo get born with an ugly face Hahahahaha" The stallion laughed in his drunken haze, and so did the others. Anguirus could feel some anger bubbling inside his core, but he calmed himself. He looked at the bartender who seemed to have an amused face. Anguirus looked at the stallion's judging by there faces, and body structure they looked like a bunch of tough annoying jerks who acted like they own the bar. Apparently the bat pony mares seemed to keep their distance from these two as well. Anguirus smiled one remark, would be there last mistake. "This is a Bat Pony strip club, you corn flake, and no freaks are invi....." Before the stallion could finish, Anguirus struck with huge speed. Anguirus quickly ripped off, the stallion's head with one swift moment, as the dead body fell on the floor. "S-son of a....." The stallion quaked in shock. All eyes turned to Anguirus. "Fare warning I'm one creature you should not fuck with so scram.....OR ELSE" Anguirus snarled bearing his fanged teeth, in a threatening growl. "O-ok man y-you do that" The stallion whimpered before running out of the area full speed. Some of the guys disposed of his body, while the others went back to work. "Hey buddy, no murdering in the bar, next time I'll have security take you away" The bartender warned. "I'll bare that in that mind" Anguirus smiled. Soon a huge mug of Apple Cider, was handed to him. "Here our strongest, and best drink of the county all yours" The bartender smiled. "How much do I owe you?" Anguirus asked. "Well since you killed one of those stallion jerks who come in here, and ruin everything, and scared the other one out for good, I'll pay your tab" The bartender grinned. "Thanks" Anguirus smiled. He then drank the Cider with ease, it tasted bubbly, and sparkly, with the rich flavor of biting into an apple. "Hmm, it does taste nice" Anguirus smiled. The bartender was shocked as he saw the drink not affecting Anguirus. "Pal that's our strongest drink, how is it not giving you a huge buzz like our other customers?" The bartender asked. "My species has a specific designed liquids, to repel all germs, and unhealthy liquids....in other words I can't get drunk" Anguirus explained. "You aren't from around here are ya?" The bartender asked. "No" Anguirus answered. "I see, what kind of species are ya?" The bartender asked. "Well technically I'm a non-winged dragon mixed with Armadillo DNA" Anguirus replied. "Wait a minute, I think I've heard of a creature like you, are you a Kaiju?" The bartender asked. Anguirus raised an eyebrow as he was a bit suprised. "You catch on pretty quick pal" He replied. "Duuuuuudeee I thought you guys were just an urban myth, for little children's bedtimes" The bartender told him. "I can assure you we are very real" Anguirus replied. "Why aren't you gigantic as told?" The bartender asked. "Yes we actually are, or well at least I was until a shrinking weapon explosion, happened in a recent battle, thankfully my powers, and strengths are still at there fullest" Anguirus smiled, after finishing his bottle of Apple Cider. "So how goes that war, is it still going on?" The bartender asked. "Yes it is" Anguirus answered. "You should take one of the bat pony mares in this club with you" The bartender said bluntly. "PPPPFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT, WHAAAATTTTTT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus shouted suprised, after spitting out some of his cider. "Come on man, y'all live in the darkness of war too long, you need a sexy bat pony mare to keep you company" The bartender grinned. Anguirus studied the bartender hoping for him to be kidding, but it looked like he was serious. "Well......I don't know" Anguirus stuttered. "Well there is Moondrop, Blue Moon, and Dawn, they are the most hottest mares of the club, maybe you should try with them" The bartender suggested. "Nah, I'd rather have a true love life with the most rarest bat pony" Anguirus sighed drinking his Apple Cider. "Ah you seek the Bat Pony princess herself, I like the way you think" The bartender grinned. He quickly whispered into Moondrop's ear, who giggled like a little school filly, as she ran to her bat pony friends. She quickly whispered in there ears, and they ran like hurried school children, the three of them having those stupid giggles. "What did you mean, by the Bat Pony princess?" Anguirus asked. "She's the most rarest, exotic, and beautiful bat pony of the entire club, and she's also a Succubus, careful you'll have to break past her desire though" The bartender warned. "Well then I like a challenge" Anguirus grinned. "Here she's performing on stage now" The bartender smiled. The stage lights opened, and the most sexiest bat pony exited the stage. Flutterbat's skin glowed in the stage light, as she began her erotic dancing that attracted all the males. As her danced for some of the male audience's as she had a half lidded gaze as she wowed everyone with her sexual temptation. Anguirus gazed at the beautiful bat pony who winked at him. As the show ended everyone was suprised to see her get off stage. Everyone's heart's payed still to see if she would kill, or reject him. Flutterbat approached her quarry as she spoke to Anguirus. "So I here you want to catch this beauty, but can you handle this Succubus?" She growled. "The more important question is, can you handle this Kaiju? If I am considered special, and not completely ugly then tell me this Succubus, why did you come out of your den?" Anguirus asked. Immedietly Flutterbat's face became shocked, and she felt her cheeks warm up H-How h-he's so charming how is he getting past me? How is he turning my love magic, back at me? Flutterbat's mind questioned, she had come across few male creatures where her love magic didn't affect them, but this creature was slingshotting it directly back at her. "I.....I... *ahem* Maybe its because I might be affectionate, tell me are you worthy to have me?" Flutterbat asked. "I have fought many battles, and dangers, tell me Succubus, how would it feel for me to take you to my world, where I can take your sexual desires.....and you" Anguirus grinned. Her face went beat red, as that steamy image, made her have a very lewd face. "Well, well it seems you are worthy......Management Leader, take us to a private room" Flutterbat growled. They both went upstairs to the private room that they ordered. As they both sat on the luxury bed, as Flutterbat gave Anguirus a normal smile. "I'm suprised a creature like you was able to reflect my Succubus charms back at me, so who are you?" Flutterbat asked. They both began introducing, and talking to each other. Flutterbat seemed to feel more warmed around him, as she talked openly. Angurius also learned that she wasn't always the mare he saw her she was now. When she was Fluttershy, she hung out with her friends, and fell in love with Discord, a draconiquis, but everything in her life went wrong. As her friends seemed to fight over every little thing, it ended up driving each other completely insane, resulting in most of then killing each other, and other's around them. Flutterbat lost the draconiquis she was wanting to marry, Discord, and soon she lost her friends being the only one to escape their insanity, before there deaths. After that she became Flutterbat, the Princess of all bat ponies, and a Succubus, and then here she was. Flutterbat also liked Anguirus's backstory, and also warmed up to him. "Well, I know we wanna take things slow, but I-Im in heat, is there anyway you can satisfy me, without......well ya know" Flutterbat blushed. "I do" Anguirus smiled after thinking it over. "W-will you take me w-with you when it's time to leave?" Flutterbat asked showing an innocent face. "A-are you sure, I mean we are in the middle of a war" Anguirus warned. "Please.....take me with you" She pleaded, before Anguirus let out a sigh. "Ok.....I will" Anguirus told her. She quickly rewarded him with a cute hug, which he kindly returned. Soon after, Flutterbat ripped off the undergarments as she spread her legs, showing him her marehood. I hope I don't regret this Anguirus sighed. He then inserted his tail into her marehood. "UUUUUUHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat whimpered, feeling his tail go inside her, as Anguirus was thankful he retraced the spikes on his tail so that they wouldn't harm her. Flutterbat, felt most of his tail stretching her inner walls. He could only fit so much, but he didn't want to harm her, Flutterbat new this, as with a lewd face, her tongue lolling out as she nodded for him to continue. He the began with a steady, but fast rhythm within his tail. "UUUUUHHHHHH AAAAAHHHHHNNNNN, *pant* *pant* UUUUUUHHHHHH OH CELESTIA I-IM GONNA AAAAAAAAHHHHHNNNNNNN UUUUUHHHHH" Flutterbat screamed as she came. Her juices soaking his tail. He pulled back, as she gave him a nod, as he sucked his tail clean. "Did that help?" Anguirus asked. To Flutterbat's suprise, it did help, her heat was completely gone. "Yes" She sighed softly as she fell asleep on her bed. Anguirus cleaned the sheets, and some of her, as he saw her roll up in a little curly yellow ball sleeping with a peaceful look on her face. This made Anguirus smile. Awwww She's adorable He thought to himself. He then felt his translator ping, as a dimension to home opened up. Her grabbed the sleeping Flutterbat, careful not to disturb or hurt her, and placed her on his back. "Well Flutterbat, it's time you crossed through the looking glass" Anguirus smiled. He entered the portal to his home dimension, and was greeted, by Mothra, and Vinyl Scratch. "Anguirus, thank goodness, we found......" Mothra went silent as he saw a naked Anthro Flutterbat laying stomach down on his back. "H-hey that's.......Flutterbat" Vinyl realized. "Anguirus where did you......" Mothra began to start, but Anguirus cut him off. "Don't ask, if you have some clothing that fits her, I need it NOW" Anguirus snapped. "I know where to get some" Vinyl winked before she disappeared. Anguirus took Flutterbat to his quarters, as he gently laid her down on his bed. He was suprised, checking her Anthro transformation. She had cute bat wings, she had the biggest pair of breasts she had ever seen, and she had a bigger marehood. "Hmm, must be part of her Succubus nature in the Kaiju realm" Anguirus shrugged. After a while Vinyl Scratch and Mothra returned with a suit designed just for her, and the perfect sized undergarments. He set them besides her, as he then went outside closing the door, as he let her sleep. After he had explained the situation to Mothra, Mothra nodded. "Well it sounds like she could be of good help" Mothra grinned. "It's nice to have another Equestrian pony here with me" Vinyl smiled. "Agreed, Now let's find Rodan" Mothra smiled as they both began there search, with the help of Anguirus. > Chapter 10 Passion of the Flames > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Passion of the Flames The Captain of the Wonderbolts herself, Spitfire entered her office letting out a sigh. She felt tired after her long day of shouting at the recruits, which she enjoyed. However what she didn't show very often was she was still a mare, and a bit of a softie. After such a day of recruiting, and training troop's she smiled at seeing the new recruits so full of wonder. She sighed sadly, she used to be like that, one with the flames. Back then she wasn't even the Captain, she was a pretty little hothead during then. She remembered her partner, and marefriend, as she opened a secret door compartment showing her with a picture of her, in a Wonderbolts outfit, smiling to the camera with her smiling yet blushing marefriend Whirlnado. She missed their naughty moments in the locker, their cuddles, and practicing to winning speed flight races. It made them laugh, and smile, then came the day she won the title of Captain of the Wonderbolts. What was suppose to be a proud amazing day, turned into her most saddest nightmare. She remembered how it was. It was the last leg of the race, both her, and her friend speeding as fast as they could. Then everything changed they were about to pull off the win, when Whirlnado, had made a wrong move. She had dipped her wing to tight in the final turn, causing a huge spinnout. She gasped as she saw,her friend slam into the wall, launched miles in the sky, blood spraying from her body, then heavily crashing onto the outer bound's. The race stopped as everyone went to get Whirlnado medical attention. However she didn't make it to the hospital in time, as she perished. Spitfire's world came crashing down. The old fire in her heart died, she use to wear her hair so wildly, and fiery, after Celestia apologized, she gave her the title of Captain of the Wonderbolts. She shaved her mane into the dead military cut. She remembered the tears she shed back then. She then picked up a small little Equestrian radio, as she made it play a song on it, that Whirlnado had played her. Spitfire cut off the music as she sighed as she wiped a small tear from her eye. She put the music radio, and picture back in her secret desk drawers. She felt a yawn come on, as she did some of her paperwork. As she continued she felt tired, and floaty? She felt so weird.....why? Soon Spitfire fell asleep on her desk. As she drifted away she woke up seeing her body fly high above the cloud's, as she felt confused, everything seemed stormy, yet dreamy. "W-where am I, what's happening here?" Spitfire asked out loud her voice echoing. She then saw a crow letting out a few caws, before it burst into flames, making Spitfire gasp. Hovering around her in a circle were weird little creatures that were in fire, yet were not burning up. "W-what are you?" Spitfire asked. "We are the Fire Zoni, he has returned you must help him get back" The Fire Zoni said in a cute unison voice. "W-who is he?" Spitfre asked. "The one who will help re-ignite the flames of passion you lost long ago" The Fire Zoni answered in unison. "I-I don't understand who is the one?" Spitfire asked. They all stepped aside as a small glow was seen hidden between the clouds. "All hail the true God of Speed" The Fire Zoni said in unison, she saw the glow look like a massive flames in the shaped of a strange firebird like creature rapidly approaching her, as she heard Rodan's thundering sqwauk. Immedietly Spitfire bolted awake from the dream her body sweating. She looked in the mirror as she saw her old harmless flames lit around her body before quickly vanishing, a feeling she had not felt in years. She could feel something, speaking to her heart, and her flaming aura, calling to her as she felt a warmth, she hadn't felt in a long time. It seemed paper would have to wait, it was time for her to find what was calling her. ***** The portal opened as Rodan was flung out spiraling out of control, before regaining flight speed in middle air, as he balanced himself with his super flight speed, before halting in mid-air still flapping his wings. "Great now I'm almost fricking nowhere......" Rodan grumbled, as he got Mothra's message. ".....And I have to wait until Mothra re-opens the portal, well I could wait or I could get back by myself if I fly fast enough, here goes nothing" Rodan smiled kicking his flight into top gear the flames radiating off his body. Meanwhile Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash flew slowly above the sky, as Rainbow Dash was a bit bored, but hoping she wasn't on a wild goose chase. "Spit's, are you sure the thing you dreamed even exists I mean it does sound a bit far fetched" Rainbow Dash told her. Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire became pretty good friends over the past few years, they mostly talked, chat or even laughed. There was a time Spitfire tried to pursue her, but she had eyes, for a stallion she liked. "I don't know Dashie, I haven't felt the flames I used to emit, in such a long time, especially after having such an incident, but it feels so strange, different than last time, it seems happy, but this.....it feels like something's calling me, trying to bring warmth to what I lost" Spitfire explained, touching her heart with her hoof. "That......sounded so deep Spit's I didn't know you had that side" Rainbow Dash replied a bit suprised. "I use to be similar to you Dashie, risky, cocky, full of determination, but after I became Captain all of that vanished away" Spitfire replied. Without warning both Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash heard the boom, as Spitfire heard that same thundering sqwauk as Rodan raced past by, both of them barely dodging the tearing flammable wind ripping through the sky. "WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Rainbow Dash shouted. "My answer, COME ON WE CAN'T LOSE IT!!!!" Spitfire shouted both engaging there super flight speed's. Rodan looked behind him, seeing both Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash. Trying to catch me huh, alright then let's see how good you fly Rodan thought. He then punched his flight speed, as all three of them began there little cat, and mouse game. Rodan flew with huge speed, as Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash tried to step up there game. "Man this guy is fast" Rainbow Dash shouted as they continued to fly after him. "Let's see what I'm up against" Rodan grinned as he stopped snapping him backward. He flew backward arching high as he saw Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash in a blur barely missing their head's, and back's, as time seemed to slow. Pegasi huh, let's see if your skilled enough to catch me Rodan smiled as time resumed before he spun his body, and boosted off. Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash, twisted there bodies, and boosted themselves after him without losing speed. Rodan snarled as he came to a maze of tress. As he flew in weaving to, and fro, dodging them without crashing. "We can't follow him in that minefield" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Go over it" Spitfire ordered as they flew over the trees, before speeding after him. They were still on his tail, as Rodan growled. "Alright then no more playing around, let's see you survive the Suicide Run" Rodan growled as he channel his speed launching himself high into the sky, as Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire followed. Rodan kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing. Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash were trying there best to tough it out, but Rodan was reaching to break Equestria' s Atmosphere. "S-Spitfire I d-don't k-know h-how long I can hold out" Rainbow Dash grunted trying her best not to loose consciousness. "K-keep on it" Spitfire grunted trying not too lose herself either. Rodan passed through the Stratosphere, two layers away from exiting from the planet. There bodies not being able to take it, Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash blacked out, as there bodies began to fall, there unconscious bodies gradually picking up speed as they continued to fall. Rodan saw this, and couldn't let them perish from this height. He flew as fast as he could, burning through the atmosphere as he reached Rainbow Dash first. Using a small part of his superform, he jumpstarted Rainbow Dash before quickly dis-enaging. Rainbow Dash woke up too see the same creature dove down as fast as he could, trying to catch an unconscious Spitfire before she hit the ground. Rodan sped up, dodging multiple portals not wanting to entering a time portal even though he was at a time warp speed. He caught Spitfire in time, but was too late too fully pull up. "OOOOOHHHHH SHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!" Rodan cried as he used his entire body to protect Spitfire as he crashed into the ground hard, hearing the sound of bones break, trees getting destroyed, and dirt erupting everywhere. Rainbow Dash raced to Spitfire who slowly began to wake up. She saw the huge destruction, and quickly checked her body to she was fine, she then saw Rodan was not. He was unconscious, bleeding in bad places, as Rainbow Dash, and Spitfire saw the damage. "Come on, let's get him to hospital QUICK!!!!!!!" Spitfire shouted as, they dragged Rodan to the nearest hospital from there landing sight. Lucky for them the hospital wasn't far away, as The Main 6, and Celestia stared at Rodan. "Interesting" Celestia spoke. "Well Celestia?" Twilight asked. "I've never seen anything like it, it's defiantly not a Pegasi, or a Phoenix" Celestia replied. "What is it?" Twilight asked. "In my dream it was called the God of Speed" Spitfire told them. "Unbelievable" Celestia replied. "What is this God of Speed?" Twilight asked. "It's a creature that I only thought to be a myth, there was a creature that was a cross between a Phoenix, and a Firebird, it was the first creature to be given super speed, and it weaponized that speed, becoming the God of Speed, the fastest, and dangerous of us all" Celestia explained. Soon Nurse Redheart, rolled in with small X-Rays. "Suprisingly he's okay, he'll be ready to fly in a few hours" Nurse Redheart told them. "A FEW HOURS?!?!?!?!?!?" They all shouted in unison. "Is something wrong?" Nurse Redheart asked. "I saw the fall this guy took he should be out for a few weeks, maybe a month" Spitfire told her. "I now, but then I got my X-Ray results of his wounds, internal, and on his body I found something interesting" Nurse Redheart explained showing the X-ray. "He broke some ribs, had internal bleeding, and a few outside cuts...." Nurse Redheart began. "....but after checking on him while you all got here I did another X-Ray, and found this" Nurse Redheart told then as she showed another X-ray showing the wound's again. "H-he's almost completely healed, b-but how?"] Rainbow Dash asked. "It seems this creature has a strange cell, that "repairs" bone structure, and heals it's own tissue, but I also noticed something else" Nurse Redheart told them. "What is it Darling?" Rarity asked. "When his wounds healed, there were no marks or scars from the cuts, except for these" Nurse Redheart said, shining a UV light. "WHOOOOOAAAHHHH!!!!!!" They all said in wonder as he was covered in head to toe with multiple scars. "When he was dragged in, these deep pink scars on his skin were showing, and the weirdest thing is there all different. Some of them are purple bruises, as if hit by a tail, or iron, the rest are nasty bite marks, slash marks, deeeeeep cuts, burn wounds, and even lightning wounds, these are ALL OLD SCARS!!!!!!!" Nurse Redheart exclaimed. "Whoever he is, it's seems like he's a fighter, and a hard one at that" Celestia told them. "I'm more worried, about what exactly did those to him, if it was multiple creatures, then it's defiently ones I do not want to meet" Twilight shuddered at the thought. "I hope you all don't mind, but I'll stay with him" Spitfire announced. "Are you sure Spitfire?" Celestia asked. "Yes, but I want to be alone" Spitfire assured. Some of the others wanted to speak up, but Celestia halted them, and nodded. They all left leaving Spitfire with Rodan alone. Soon Night began to fall, as Rodan began to wake up, as he looked around seeing he was in the hospital. "W-where am I?" Rodan asked. Spitfire groaned waking up, as she looked at him. "Y-your in a Ponyville hospital, you saved me, and Rainbow Dash from the huge fall, and we took you here while we were unconscious" Spitfire told him. "Well then I guess I owe you one" Rodan smiled. "W-why did you s-save me?" Spitfire asked. "Not even a creature like you deserves a death like that, however I sense a deeper conversation you would like to share?" Rodan asked. "Well I'm Spitfire" Spitfire introduced. "I'm Rodan" Rodan introduced. "Why do I feel, so strongly sort or connected to you?" Spitfire asked. "You have a more stronger connection connected the Element of Fire, my aura, and they have been ignited for a short while, but I also sense in you a great pain, a pain of loss that has diminished, and dimmed such a passionate fire that rages within your spirit" Rodan told her. Spitfire looked away, a small blush forming on her face. She sighed still feeling such a sad moment. She explained the story to Rodan, and he was all ears. "Believe it or not Spitfire, I've almost been in your shoes" Rodan told her after she finished. Spitfire looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Y-you do?" Spitfire sniffled. "Indeed" Rodan goes over his backstory him being the Aliens, the friends he lost, the mistakes he made, and of course the innocent lives he took, that he regretted. "T-that s-sounds.......awful" She sniffled. "I know, and I am forced to live with that every single day" Rodan told her. Spitfire couldn't take it anymore, she rushed to him with tears in her eyes, as she began to cry. "WHY, WHY, WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE ME, I LOVED HER WHY, WHHHHYYYY?!?!?!?!?" Spitfire cried as she began sobbing into Rodan's, spikey chest, avoiding the small spikes. Rodan embraced her singing soothing tones, as she cried. Then he spoke. "Sometimes in life, we lose the ones we love the most, the hardest part is always moving on, but we gotta do it, if not for our sake, for there's, but we will always remember them in our hearts" Rodan told her. Spitfire stopped crying as she looked up at him. "T-thank you" She whispered. "Your welcome" Rodan smiled as he wiped away her tears, then placed his claws on her cheeks affectionately. ["Mmmm" She hummed, as she let his claw stroke the middle her cheek. She then looked into those calm yet firey eyes, and for once in a long time......she smiled. Her body once again ignited with those harmless flames, as her mane grew back on her head. She was very beautiful, her mane was on most of her head, near her eyes, most of it was crimson, but still very firey, with traces of orange,and yellow, her long mane flowing freely, like flames. She looked very stunning with such a beautiful face. "Wow.....you have re-ignited the flames inside you, and I must say Spitfire......your beautiful" Rodan smiled. "R-really?" Spitfire asked. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on" Rodan told her. Spitfire turned away a little trying to hide the blush on her face. However nothing could last forever, a familiar beeping confirmed Rodan's worst fears, as a portal opened in front of them. "W-what' s that?" Spitfire asked. "My way home, it is time I leave" Rodan told her as he began to get up, and walk through it. "WAIT!!!!!!!" Spitfire shouted as she ran up to him. "Please don't go" Spitfire told him. "I can't I don't belong here, I belong there in Terra, and there's a war I have to finish, I can't let innocents suffer more" Rodan told her. "THEN TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!" Spitfire shouted. "Take you......with me, I mean I told you Terra is no better than this place its...." Before Rodan could finish Spitfire cut him off. "Please I can't stay here I wanna know what's on the other side...but before I go, can I take care of something?" Spitfire asked. Rodan sighed. "Make it quick" Rodan told her, she nodded as she zoomed out quickly. She bursted into her office as she packed her old Wonderbolts jumpsuit, taking off her Captain's uniform. She heard a small groan as she turned around seeing Rainbow Dash asleep on her desk. She went to her friend, and motioned her to wake up. "Hey Dashie....wake up" Spitfire told her. Rainbow Dash got up, and let out a small yawn. "Spit's, why aren't you at the hospital, did that creature wake up?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Dashie, I have to leave, your the Captain of the Wonderbolts now" Spitfire told her. "WHAAAAAATTT, WHY, CAN'T I COME WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?!?" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Where I'm going you cannot follow" Spitfire ensured her. "W-will you c-come back?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Probably not" Spitfire told her. "But why, why are you leaving I don't want you to go" Rainbow Dash cried as she held her friend. "I know Dashie, but it's something I have to do, I know you'll be a good Captain, I can feel it, but my journey with you end's here, it's time I went, and discovered more" Spitfire told her. They both hugged one last time. As they looked at each other as they smiled. "Hey don't shout at the recruits" Rainbow Dash teased. "I LIKE YELLING AT THE RECRUITS" Spitfire grinned. "Hard-ass" Rainbow teased. "Recruit" Spitfire teased back as they both shared a heart warning giggle before Spitfire zoomed off with her packed stuff, and went to Rodan. "Ready?" Rodan asked. "Ready" She smiled wearing her Wonderbolts jumpsuit, as they both went into the portal to the Kaiju world. As they both came out the other side. Spitfire noticed her new Anthro body. She had medium sized breasts, a nice cute rear, and her jumpsuit made her look a bit sexy. "Another one?" Mothra groaned. "Nice to see you too Mothra" Rodan smirked. "SPITFIRE!?!?!?!?!" Vinyl asked. "VINYL!?!?!?!?!?" Spitfire asked in surprise. Before they could speak Mothra spoke. "I'd get use to it, your not the only pony who's staying in our world as well, Flutterbat's sleeping upstairs" Mothra explained. "W-wow, were a naughty little bunch aren't we" Spitfire blushed. "Let me guess Anguirus brought Flutterbat through?" Rodan asked. "Yup" Mothra replied. "We better get Baragon Back FAST!!!!!!" Rodan warned. "Yeah I got a bad feeling he might be in trouble" Mothra answered as he immedietly went to work. > Chapter 11 For the love of Cupcakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 For the love of Cupcakes As Baragon entered through the dimension, his landing was not very well planned, and he was knocked unconscious. A little giggling mare smiled as she saw her new play toy, dragging him into her dungeon. Inside a dungeon, Baragon woke up tighed down, on a dissection table. "Oh boy this is not good" He grumbled. At that moment the giggling, and laughter of none other than Pinkamena Diane Pie, with that insane wide eyed look can into his view. "OH HI THAT'S NOT YOUR AVERAGE FRIENDLY FACE NOW IS IT" Baragon shuddered. "Hee, hee, hee, oh don't worry I'm only going to dissect you, and turn you into a delicious cupcake" Pinkamena smiled. "Hmmmm" Pinkamena thought to herself as she scanned Baragon's body. "Hmmm you have very hard scales, I may require a better cutting tool" Pinkamena thought as she went over to her dissection table. Baragon could easily rip these restraints, and get free, but since he actually got a playback message from Mothra, waiting was his best option, maybe he could stall this mare? Baragon tried to run some thought's through his head, until he noticed Pinkamena having a nice curvy rear. An evil Cheshire the cat grin spread across his face as he raised his tail, and in one swift moment spanked her rear. "EEEEEPPPPP" Pinkamena cried turning to him with an angry pouted face, with a huge red blush. "D-DID YOU JUST SPANK MY ASS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Pinkamena cried. "Why not after all it's a nice ass to spank" Baragon smiled giving her a sly wink, sending her in a bit of a parraled frenzy. "I....GHHH....GHHHH....S-SHUT UP YOU, T-THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE A TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!" Pinkamena shouted. "It's not really terrifying for me.....perv" He said, acting like he was looking away. "I'M NOT THE PERVERT YOUR THE PERVERT, YOU......YOU......YOU" Pinkamena stumbled trying to form words, as her face was scrunched, but sporting a deep red blush. "Who exactly are you calling a You You?" Baragon asked. "SHUT UP YOU PERVERT!!!!!" Pinkamena whined as she frantically searched for her cutting tool. Finally finding it she grabbed it with having an evil smile on her face. "Finally onto the dissection" she smiled, raising the blade. ".....Do it, end my suffering, I've suffered enough being alive for so long, but I at least had a beautiful creature to end it for me" Baragon said sadly. Pinkamena tried to lower the blade,trying to dissect him, but she felt something that she hadn't felt in a long time. Her heart ended up stopping her, unable to finish it as she lowered her blade. "Why didn't you do it, I'm right here....KILL ME!!!!!!!" Baragon roared. "I.....I can't" Pinkamena told him. "Why not?" Baragon asked. "Because of my....my....." Pinkamena went silent. Baragon let his tail un-curl, and pull Pinkamena close to him. "Perhaps, this will spark something" Baragon told her, as his lips met with her's. Pinkamena was suprised, but found the kiss to be erotic. "MMMMMM" She moaned happily returning it with such passion. After they separated. Small tear's began to form in her eyes, as she slowly started crying. "I sense your level of hurt, comes from great pain" Baragon told her. "It....it is" She sniffled. "Would you like to tell me such a story?" Baragon asked. "Indeed, when I was Pinkie Pie, I met a young colt, that was so cute, and full of wonder, but he had cancer, and could barely step outside, I would take him outside, and we would have so much fun, then I would return him to his hospital bed due to his condition...." Pinkamena explained. "Go on" Baragon told her. "....I used to love his smile so much, and one day we had our first kiss, and it was very passionate, and I end up falling in love with him" Pinkamena sniffled. "There's more to the story isn't it?" Baragon asked. "Indeed, when the day came, I asked if I could take him out on a date, but on that day disaster struck. I heard that he was dying, I remember dropping the gifts I had for him, and running to the hospital, and I got to see him die. It tore me up so much, that I became....this, Pinkamena, my alter ego. I tried to hide the pain, thinking it would go away, but when you....you told me I was beautiful, I realized I couldn't run away from those memories......Why me?" Pinkamena asked before she began crying. Baragon felt bad, as she sat in a little ball, crying, and sobbing. Baragon broke his chains silently, as he approached her, and began to sing a song he once heard on TV that would hopefully make her feel better. Pinkamena began to wipe her tears away from her eyes. "T-thank you" Pinkamena smiled. "Your welcome" Baragon smiled as he told her about her past as Pinkamena felt s bit more relieved, and gave him a hug. After that Baragon recieved Mothra's message as the portal soon "There's my cue to get back" Baragon smiled. "Can I come with you?" Pinkamena asked a loud flavoring poof coming from her mane, as,she was relieved to be Pinkie Pie once again. "Why not?" Baragon smiled. They both journeyed through the portal as they saw Anguirus, Rodan, and Mothra. "YOU BROUGHT ANOTHER ONE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Mothra groaned. "Hey she's been through a lot so fuck you" Baragon growled back. Pinkie Pie explored her new, yet nude Anthromorphic body. "It's gonna take some getting used to.....OOH MY BOOBIES ARE ON MY CHEST NOW" Pinkie dqueaked, while Mothra cringed. "Baragon just get her some clothes on" Mothra whined. "Sure thing" Baragon shrugged, as a bouncing nude Pinkie Pie went with them. "Well the crew is back, we've got new company, and there's much to discuss, boy this is going to be a bit tough to explain" Mothra groaned as he prepared for the new reports. > Chapter 12 Return to Tokyo (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flutterbat groaned, as she woke up from her nap, as she looked around, realizing she was in a room she did not recognize. At that moment Anguirus came into his room. "Your up" Anguirus smiled. "Indeed, but where are we?" Flutterbat asked. "Your in the Kaiju world, and right now your in my room" Anguirus explained. "Oh.....this is nice" She smiled. "We also have some new company from other Equestrian dimension's, we have Spitfire, Vinyl Scratch, and Pinkie Pie" Anguirus answered. "PINKIE PIE IS HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?" She asked in a shocked tone. "Indeed want to go say hi?" Anguirus asked. Flutterbat got up, quickly got dressed in the clothes next to her, gave Anguirus a quick peck on the cheek, as she flew down at light speed. As she flew down Pinkie Pie exited a room with new clothes on. "PINKIE PIE!!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat shouted. "FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie squealed as they both ran up to each other giggling like crazy as Anguirus, and Baragon came across them smiling. "Oh it's so good to see that another you is here" Flutterbat chuckled. "Indeed Flutters.....Hmmm went back to being a bat pony again?" Pinkie Pie smirked. "Y-yeah it kinda suits me now" Flutterbat blushed. After a while Vinyl Scratch, and Spitfire came wearing the same Earth Defenders soldier uniforms as they all did. They were suprised as it fit them so well. "All right all four of you get comfortable with each other, we going to talk to Godzilla, and some military official's of having you four stay here" Mothra explained as they both went into Godzilla's quarters. "So what has your lives been like?" Pinkie Pie asked. Vinyl sat down as she began to explain her side of the story. "Well what do we do G, should they leave?" Mothra asked. "And let you four live your lives without those pretty babes? Heck no, they stay, besides we could use four of them in our unit, true they may not be powerful as us, but that doesn't mean they can't kick some ass" Godzilla explained. "Your one to talk G, when are you going to get a girl of your own?" Anguirus teased. Godzilla gave him death glares with snarl's as Anguirus gasped at his mistake. "Sorry G didn't know you were still.....sensitive about that subject" Anguirus panted. "Its all right, I'm sure you didn't mean harmful intention's, right now we need to do one more thing" Godzilla warned as he contacted Luitenant Morgan. "This is perfect, THIS WORKS PERFECTLY!!!!!!" Morgan buzzed with excitement. "How exactly?" Godzilla asked. "Well the only country that can except them into your unit, is Tokyo, and your in luck it's been re-built, we also have a new base, set for all of you over here, plus Type-3 Kiryu has a mission over there that requires your attention" Morgan explained. "All right then we'll tell them the good news, and we'll be there as soon as possible" Godzilla informed him. "Your welcome" Morgan replied before shutting the channel off. "Dude we finally get to return to Tokyo, where we all get to walk out in broad daylight" Anguirus smiled, as they all left the room as to fetch the other four. "AAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!" Spitfire, Flutterbat, and Pinkie Pie cooed, you married Mothra, congratulations" They both smiled as Vinyl blushed. "H-hard to believe, but true" Vinyl stuttered. As the Earth Defenders also congratulated Mothra on his marriage to Vinyl, but they both approached them after the four ponies wrapped up their talk. "Well?" Spitfire asked. "They've agreed to add you on the team, but we're also being re-assingned so pack your stuff" Godzilla informed. "Where are we going?" Flutterbat asked. "Tokyo...." Godzilla answered. "......And I know just the vehicle to get us there" Mothra smiled, as he brought them all to one of the silo's. "I-is that...." Anguirus stuttered as the Earth Defenders approached a familiar vessel. "WOOOOWWWW" Vinyl, Flutterbat, Pinkie Pie, and Spitfire said on unison impressed at such a voice. "Impressive isn't she...The S.S. Gotengo is the pride of the Earth Defense force's fleet, she can do a lot of things, and some new tricks with upgrades I gave her" Mothra smiled. The vessel was definetly an Earth like spaceship, with new alloyed armor, and a huge drill on the front, all the while with missile pods, a huge jet thruster system, and by the look of it able to travel anywhere, almost literally. "Mothra how did you repair this, the last time I saw this vessel, I blew it out of the sky during the Xillian Invasion" Godzilla told Mothra. "Well that General that had to depart our unit, well he left this wreck as a present, ever since then besides the dimensional adventures, I've been fixing, and modifying this baby up" Mothra smiled. "Well then let's get going" Godzilla smiled as they all went inside the Gotengo, as Mothra, Anguirus, and Baragon were at the control's, as Godzilla sat in the captain's chair. "All right were lifting off, activating the cloaking device so that no one spot's us" Mothra told them, as the vehicle launched high into the air heading for it's destination. The flight to Tokyo was a long one, as they finally arrived, they saw a very tall, tall building, as it flashed the symbol of the Earth Defenders. "There it is........our rendezvous" Godzilla pointed out as Mothra nodded, bringing the Gotengo in for a nice, soft landing as it finally touched down. They were all greeted by Luitenant Morgan. "Well, well, Morgan so glad you came meet us" Godzilla smiled. "Likewise" Morgan bowed as he introduced himself to Vinyl, Spitfire, Pinkie Pie, and Flutterbat. "All of your room's have been chosen to you all, Flutterbat, Pinkie Pie, and Spitfire are all in separate room's, the Earth Defenders get there own rooms, plus Vinyl, and Mothra share the same room, the refrigerator is on the bottom level, there's a garage, and this place does have defenses, also I suggest all of you take your time knowing this place, before Godzilla, and Rodan embark on there mission" Morgan informed. They all nodded as they both explored after getting everything un-packed. Mothra was grateful to get Vinyl's stuff un-packed in their new quarters when he heard Vinyl speak. "Aww man they gave me a second set of table's? I only want, and need one, plus it's easier to replace the parts for what I have than to buy, or get another one" Vinyl groaned as she sighed. Mothra was a bit puzzled, but then a thought came to his mind, quietly he closed the door, and locked it as he slowly approached his wife. She was bent over in such a perfect spot as he quietly slipped her pants off, and began to rub her folds through her panties. "MMMMMM" Vinyl moaned from such pleasuring tingle's going down her spine. "I might have a use for said table" Mothra grinned. "Mothra s-stop y-your making me horny" Vinyl moaned. "Well then I'll make you feel even better" Mothra grinned as he set her on top of the tables, taking off her shirt, wet panties, and bra, seeing her wet marehood, and erect nipples. He used his Imago legs, as he began rubbing, and pinching her dripping pussy "MMMMMMMMM BUCK, MOTHRA" Vinyl moaned louder. "Do you want me to take you, my lover?" He whispered into her ear, making her shudder. "DO IT, DO IT PLEASE I NEED YOU INSIDE ME!!!!!!" Vinyl begged. Mothra pulled out his big rainbow rod, as he shoved it in, feeling inside her love tunnel, her back to his stomach, and his Imago legs, squeezing her breasts, and pinching her erect nipples. "OOOOOOHHHHH BUCK, I MISSED YOU INSIDE OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl moaned loudly. Mothra began his thrusts going deep inside her as she met him with a hard bounce, her breast's bouncing as his legs were squeezing them, further increasing her pleasure. She felt that same amazing feeling of being on Cloud 9, the pleasure she induced, was so amazing that she loves it, and she loved him. As she continued bouncing, Mothra drew her close, there bodies touching as he began whispering in her ear. "You like this don't you Vinyl.......me bucking you like this, sitting you on this table, squeezing your breasts, and pinching nipples, as I pound your dripping flower?" Mothra asked. "OOOOH OOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH" Vinyl moaned in a much more hornier voice. Mothra was whispering to her in such a dirty tone, and it was driving her even more crazy for him. As her thrust's sped up, her eyes going backward in her head in ecstasy. "Here I am playing you like a DJ table, and now I'm upping the tempo" Mothra whispered in her ear. "OOOOOHHHHHH BUUUUUCCCCKKK MOTHRA BUCK, BUCK, BUCK, BUCK, BUCK, BUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK IM CUMMING AAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed as she came very hard, as Mothra once again pumped her with his speed. The table was ruined, but that didn't matter, as he had greatly pleasured his wife, as they both collapsed onto the bed, Vinyl clutching her bloated cum filled belly, as she snuggled her husband. "F-fuck Mothra t-that was so amazing, you always know how to drive me wild" Vinyl shuddered, and panted as he cuddled her. "I love you" He whispered. "I love you too" Vinyl smiled as they kissed passionetly before they went to sleep. After their lovemaking Mothra felt his body use that same liquid to clean his rod, before letting it go back in, as Vinyl took a shower. They both then decided to take rest, while Godzilla, and Rodan prepared for their next mission. > Chapter 13 Mutant vs. Machine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 Mutant Vs. Machine As Mothra got out from his quarters, he saw that Rodan, and Godzilla had waited for Anguirus, Baragon, and Mothra to report with Morgan. "Hey what's going on, I thought it was going to be you just you two?" Mothra asked. "The situation has changed, they need the Kaiju themselves to sort this problem out" Godzilla explained. Soon they all heard the sound of her thrusters firing as a familiar GDF machine touched down. As Vinyl, Flutterbat, Pinkie Pie, and Spitfire came into the room. Type-3 Kiryu looked like a more advanced MechaGodzilla with missile's, drill fists, and mounted guns with wires. "Wow he looks like a mechanical version of you" Spitfire realized. "He is Type-3 Kiryu was an original design of my first body until the Oxygen Destroyer killed me, but I've since outclass, my own mechanical couterpart, and he's been with the government ever since" Godzilla explained. "Lizard breath" Kiryu teased. "Trash can" Godzilla teased back. As they both shared a sort laugh. "So when do we all leave for this assignment?" Vinyl asked. "Actually we need the four of you here, there's a possibility this place can get attacked while your gone, we need all of you as a backup to co-ordinate an attack" Godzilla explained. "How can they attack us from a big city?" Flutterbat asked. "Ooh, ooh out there" Pinkie Pie smiled as she saw a huge field area to Mt Fuiji. "That could be an ideal place for an ambush" Pinkie Pie pointed out. "Exactly Pinkie, which is why we need you all on the second for of the base, you would all have a better chance of spotting enemy company" Godzilla told them. "Alright we'll be ready, come on girls" Spitfire mentioned as they managed to get ready. Trying to peace together the correct weapons. "So what's our assignment?" Godzilla asked. "One of our units M.O.G.U.E.R.A. was sent on a mission to investigate a strange warehouse that looked suspicious, M.O.G.U.E.R.A's code was soon discovered to be hacked, by an unknown source, we have some mercenaries investigating something else, so we need the five of you to bring Moguera back online" Type-3 Kiryu explained. "Sounds like it's more complicated then we realized, if someone hacked Moguera's code it was probably for a good reason, and something tells me it's going to be for very big plan's" Godzilla stated. "I have a location of Moguera's position, we need to investigate it effective Immedietly" Type-3 Kiryu told them. "Well come on guys, let's go help a friend in need" Godzilla told them as they entered the Gotengo flying off, as they followed Kiryu who flew through the sky. As soon as they got near the location of Moguera, they both made the Gotengo land out of sight, while jumping out of it mid-flight, thanks to a wrist pad, designed for Mothra's Imago legs as they all jumped out of the ship, and onto the ground. As they both got up from there landing, Type-3 Kiryu stayed a bit hovered in the sky as the other's began there investigstion of the area. Pretty soon, they had come across M.O.G.U.E.R.A. He had gone through a new itteration, and judging by his look, it seemed he was armed with some new weapons. "Enemy signature detected activating engagement protocols" Moguera announced. "Uh-oh" Anguirus said as all of them scattered from Moguera's Plasma Laser Gun. M.O.G.U.E.R.A. started out as a project to kill Godzilla, but the two ended up teaming up, when they first fought the appearance of SpaceGodzilla. Since then the people who piloted Moguera would only be used if Godzilla ever teamed up with the government again. It looked like ever since the new Earth Defenders contract that was signed on the way to New York, Moguera had been a busy GDF, and now someone was messing with his head. Moguera continued firing his Plasma Laser Gun, only to be unable to hit his opponent's as they kept dodging. "Unable to land hits, switching to Auto Laser" Moguera quirked. His new weapon arm retreating inside his limb, as his old arm replaced it, as they both moved, and fired blue lasers. "STAAAAYYY CLEAR OF THOSE LASERS!!!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted as they ducked, weaved, and dodged his attacks. "Launching spiral grenade missiles" Moguera growled as it fired it's weapon. Two long missile's swerved out before knocking Anguirus off balance. Moguera then took out his new arm that Godzilla noticed as it fired a new shot, that caused a massive explosion, sending them all flying, as Moguera searched for his enemies. At that moment Godzilla was fast, and quick enough, before knocking Moguera flat on his back. Moguera activated his jet thruster's attempting his escape. "No you don't" Godzilla growled leaping high into the sky, and grabbing one of his legs, before hurling him using some of his strength, as Moguera landed harshly on the ground. As the Earth Defenders, and Kiryu approached. Moguera, began to twitch a little, before getting his body up. "Unknown virus discovered attempting purge" Moguera sqwauked before shutting down, and rebooting. At that moment Moguera looked up seeing the Earth Defenders"G-Godzilla?" Moguera asked regaining conscious. "Welcome back old friend" Godzilla smiled. He knew that after the shrinking incident's it took a little while for Mogeura, and Kiryu to get to there size along with still being lethal, plus not to mention the new personalties, that they were given. "Moguera what happened?" Godzilla asked. "I don't know I was out here searching for a strange signal, and the next thing I knew my firewall's were hacked by an Alien signature" Moguera explained. "Gigan" Mothra growled. "Or MechaGodzilla, did anyone one else accompany you?" Godzilla asked. "Come to think it......No it's just me?" Moguera answered. Godzilla's eyes went wide in horror. "MOTHRA DO YOU HAVE CAMERA ACCESS TO THE BASE!?!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla asked. "On it" Mothra replied as he instantly checked everything. "Weird.....the base is untouched no radar contacts, nothing to disguise any vessels, nothing" Mothra shrugged. "So if it's not the base, and it's not us.......who are they attacking?" Anguirus asked. Soon the switch clicked inside Godzilla, and Kiryu's minds. "THE MERCENARIES!!!!!!!!" They both said in unison. They all quickly scrambled there vehicles, as they went to them as fast as they could. Sure enough they came across the small band of mercenaries as they were over-swarmed by some alien robots intent of shutting them down. They were holding there best up, but they look exhausted, and even wounded to continue such a harsh battle. "Ready the turrets, on my Mark 3......2......1......Fire" Godzilla ordered as the Gotengo's side guns fired as the kill's helped some of the mercenaries get a stronger ground. Soon after the Earth Defenders jumped down, greeted by Scout, Demoman, Soldier, Pyro, and of course Heavy (Yes there from TF2, however not all of them were added to Battle Nations so it's just these characters) "Need some help here" Soldier shouted. "On it" Godzilla replied as all of them charged forward easily destroying the huge wave of alien robot's to almost no end. As they finally got inside the warehouse they were investigating, all of them were greeted with a surprise. A huge blue crate opened up, revealing shiny new alien robots except these were different. "T-those.....are......" Rodan spoke in a shocked tone. "Yes, those are Mecha-Rodan's" Godzilla finished for him. As the new Mecha-Rodan's powered themselves up, as they quickly took to the skies. Rodan, and Mothra instantly launched skyward, as they all had trouble fighting the very hyper fast machines. Soldier bravely rocket jumped multiple times, before using his shovel to knock some out of there fast speed, as they hit the ground, becoming scrap metal. Demoman, began planting some sticky bombs as her prepared for his attack. He then blasted himself high into the air, as he quickly switched to his other grenade weapon firing it multiple times only with the speed of the Mecha-Rodan's going so fast, that the bombs bounced off, and rained everywhere. Some managed to dodge the raining bombs. "HEY DEMOMAN WATCH IT YOU ALMOST BLEW UP YOUR COMRADES!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted before battling more Mecha-Rodan's who were fighting the other Earth Defenders on the ground. Pyro then airblasted himself high into the sky as he pulled out his flamethrower, and began burning them. After a while one of the Mecha-Rodans in the sky blew up, Unfortuanetly it also triggered a chain reaction causing all of the other Mecha-Rodan's flying into the sky to be blown up by the flames. Pyro shook his flamethrower up, and down, watching the metal created Kaiju to explode, and burn. As the air force part was wiped out, They overcame the ground force Mecha-Rodan's destroying the last of them. "Man I'm glad that's over" Anguirus sighed. "HEY GUYS YOU SHOULD ALL COME, AND TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. They all quickly rushed to where Mothra was, to see a gigantic garage probably the biggest they have ever seen. "Those bots that we just fought were here to distract us......IT WAS ALL JUST A DISTRACTION" Godzilla realized as he picked up what seemed to be a small piece of metal. "Godzilla what's going on?" Anguirus asked. "Ghidorah has been one step ahead of us without even realizing it. He has been creating a new Mecha army with his new skills, he must have a manufacturing plant, he used Moguera to distract us, and then these bots to ship the last of his new Mecha machine's to his manufacturing plant" Godzilla explained. "What's he going to do?" Anguirus asked. Godzilla paused before letting out his reply. "He's going to attack our new base" Godzilla told them. "THE MARES......THEY WON'T BE PREPARED TO FEND OFF AN ATTACK ON THIS SCALE!!!!!!!!!" Baragon theorized. "I've sent the Gotengo to automatically fly back to base, so we have to think of something to get us back there" Mothra told them. "How fast can you get the five of us back to base?" Godzilla asked Rodan. "You had me at fast" Rodan smirked as with lightning super speed. They all arrived back to there new base with lightning quick speed. "W-why are all of you back?" Spitfire asked as the other four mares came to them from their posts. "We're going to have company, AND FAST!!!!!!" Godzilla told them. "EVERYONE TO THE BRIEFING ROOM IMMEDIETLY!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted as Morgan, the Mares, and the Earth Defenders entered the briefing room. "We found out that Ghidorah had Moguera, and the Team Fortress mercenaries distracted, just recently they shipped a new supply of Mecha, Earth Defenders to what we think might be an Alien hovering machine factory, but we don't know where it is" Godzilla sighed a bit puzzled. "I got some pilots who are ready to launch in the re-furnished ME262 German Jet fighters, I can offer them as scout planes" Morgan told then. "Perfect, help them search between the two points of where Moguera, was hacked, and where the warehouse the mercenaries found was" Godzilla told them. "Got it I've given the orders, and their on there way" Morgan told them. "Great, now comes the Robot Invasion force" Godzilla told him as he began to think "The first thing we have to deal with is the air support, the Mecha-Rodan's, are super fast, and the Mecha-Mothra's are very skilled ariel combatants" Godzilla explained. "Hey Morgan does your unit still have those RS17 Shadowwasp's?" Godzilla asked. Morgan scoffed. "You kidding me, we still have all of those unit's ready to go" Morgan smiled. "Good those should be enough, especially with what there capable of" Godzilla smiled. RS17 Shadowwasp's were the fastest, fighter military jets ever made. They were similar to an SR-71 Blackbird except while that plane was un-armed, the Shadowwasp's, were armed with Lighting guns, capable of shorting out any system. "What about the Mecha-Mothra's?" Morgan asked. "For those the best aircraft capable of taking those mechs down is probably going to take a combined effort, of UD-4L Gunships, plus the effort of some L-60 Hawker Hurricanes" Godzilla explained. "Those will definetly do" Morgan agreed. The UD-4L Gunships seemed to be an inspiration of an Orcs aircraft, which were turbo fan VTOLs that were in a game series known as Command, and Conquer. She only carried Twin Miniguns, but she had a lot of armor. L-60 Hawker Hurricanes was mostly a re-furnished British World War 2 Plane, The Hawker Typhoon. She was usually a back up support to Gunships, and other planes, it was amazing how useful old propeller fighter planes could be used these days, in a strange world like this. "Now comes the hard part, the ground forces" Godzilla told then as he viewed the area. "The problem is getting past the Mecha-Anguirus's, and Baragon's the MechaGodzilla copies will be easy to kill, plus the vehicles that transport them, can act as battering ram's" Godzilla explained. "Were going to need....A LOT OF FIREPOWER!!!!!!!!" Mothra groaned. "Morgan do you know what vehicles can take care of those huge transports?" Godzilla asked. "Hmmm.....the best vehicles to help would be the Plasma Tanks, the NT-1 Mechanical tanks, and the Demolisher's" Morgan explained. "Perfect we will be occupied with the MechaGodzilla's, and the Mecha-Anguirus's" Godzilla smiled. The Plasma Tanks were just huge Plasma Tanks, with huge shot's. NT-1 Mechanical tanks almost resembled T-600 Titan's from Call of Duty except a bit different. There cannons were so big, that they shot a huge clusterbombing shot, or a huge shot, that penetrated, a lot of armor. Plus the twin machine guns, on both of it's bodies, emptied itself of a lot of bullets, when firing them. The Demolishers were basically cranes armed with wrecking balls, only a bit taller. "What about the Mecha-Baragon's?" Spitfire asked. "That's where you girls come in.....Spitfire, you Vinyl, Pinkie Pie, and Flutterbat will be driving L7-Drillworm tanks they go underground, and they can shred the Mecha-Baragon's to bits" Godzilla explained. "WE GET TO BE IN TANKS.....THAT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie cried. "Good now let's all prepare for the attack" Godzilla ordered, as many soldiers, scrambled to there orders as they readied for battle. As Mothra got ready, Vinyl had time to approach him, and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Be careful" Vinyl told him in a worried tone. "You too" Mothra told her, as they exchanged a quick hug, before readying for battle. As hours passed, they all waited in there positions, ready for the attack. It had become foggy, the wind blowing the sea like air that passed there faces. Soon they all saw the huge transport vehicles, as an ambient song seemed to be place in there head's as their enemies approached. Soon all of the Robots were unleashed, as Godzilla led his team, and the human soldiers to there glory as they attacked. The battle was intense, both armies clashing, doing there best to destroy each other. As the battle raged on, and on needless to say the Alien Armada new Mecha Bot's, were caught heavily off guard, the Earth Defenders were doing the best they can to win. For the Alien Armada Mecha's it was a losing fight. The Mecha Rodan's did there best to try to get through to the base, but the Shadowwasp's zoomed in using there lightning rod's to shock 'em, and watch them explode. The Mecha Mothra's were shot down by UD-4L Gunships, and the L-60 Hawker Hurricanes. The Earth Defenders easily destroyed, Godzilla, and Anguirus's Mecha counterparts. As the Mecha Baragon's did there best. They all try to dig to attack the base from below ground, however Spitfire, Pinkie Pie, Vinyl, and Flutterbat's Drill tanks, cut them off drilling them into fresh scrap metal. The Armada Mecha's were losing, and they knew it. Desperate, the giant tank transport's began to start there engines ready to ram them all down with cargo still inside. Godzilla noticed as he had prepared For this. "NOW!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. Immedietly some of the Mechanical Tanks began to walk out on all four legs as Morgan was with them. The Plasma Tanks, and the Demolishers were ready. The Demolisher's triggered a combined ground pound causing the transports so sink in a ditch big enough for the transports to get stuck. "Ready.......SHOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!" Morgan shouted as the Mechanical Tanks, and the Plasma tanks fired their heaviest rounds. The transports, melted, and exploded in to baked scrap metal, along with its cargo now destroyed. However it wasn't easy, up in the sky some of their vehicles did get shot down in the conflict, but many more took there place. Soon the last of the Mecha Alien Army had been destroyed. As they both cheered, one of the men went up to Morgan, and whispered in his ear. "GODZILLA!!!!!!!" Morgan shouted, as the Earth Defenders responded to them being called. Spitfire, and her friends got out of the tank, relishing in the victory. Rodan was quickly able to tell her, that they had World War 2 Planes named by her. Spitfire tried to hide it, but she found herself oddly blushing at that remark. However they all soon followed Godzilla as they came to Morgan. "What is it?" Godzilla asked. "They found the manufactuing plant that has been creating these, I can give you the co-ordinate's, but it's a one way shot, and after this massive battle, it will be a while before we can all scramble" Morgan told them. "THERE ISN'T TIME, WE NEED TO HIT THEM NOW, OTHERWISE OUR BASE, AND TOKYO WILL FALL!!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. "What's the casualties?" Mothra asked. "A third of our pilot's were killed when there parachutes were cut when ejecting from the planes, and a quarter of our ground troops got pretty beat up , at least one or two dead" Morgan replied. "Can the Me262 Pilots still help us?" Godzilla asked. "There is a chance, but you would all need a vessel to get there it's miles in the sky, and it's a bit protected, you'd need to leave now" Morgan instructed. As if on cue, they heard the sound of thrusters coming in seeing there vessel return. "There's the Gotengo, let's go" Godzilla smiled as there vessel came down, as they prepared to hop into a side window. "WAIT!!!!!!!" Vinyl cried as she quickly grabbed Mothra, and gave him a kiss on his strange black lips before ending it with her eyes looking at him with both love, and worry. "Please come back to me" Vinyl sighed. "DON'T WORRY I WILL!!!!!!" He shouted back as the Gotengo's thruster engines let out a huge roar as Mothra was now inside the Gotengo with the others. Godzilla instructed them the co-ordinates as they engaged the thruster's, heading to the co-ordintaes they were given. On there way, they had a quick conversation with the pilot's as two Me262 German Jet fighters formed up on the Gotengo. Godzilla noticed the paintjob, and the pilots, these guys were aces, no doubt about it. As they went to the co-ordinates, Godzilla knew Ghidorah chose his hiding spo'ts very well, and all of them were surprised. The giant factory looked like a giant T.H.O.R. Missile system. It was also guarded by two, actual T.H.O.R. Missile system's. The pilots then opened a channel "You big guns take the factory, we'll take it's body guards" The pilots told them. The Earth Defenders noted this, as they all splitted up. "ACTIVATING FULL WEAPONS BLAZE!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted as all the guns including the Maser Drill fired everything at the new factory, tearinf down the alien shield, and it's armor, and finally breaking through. Soon the Earth Defenders exited out of the vehicle, as the Gotengo began to go around taking out factory defenses to clear the exfil. They faced some of the new robots, and the Alien bots. They both began running forward, and quickly slashing them with ferocious speed. Godzilla kept his eyes forward, as they all saw his goal and sight as they got close to Ghidorah's cockpit. As they came across, Ghidorah's alien throne room, he saw two alien guards standing outside. Godzilla opened his claws out as the robots began firing at him, and the other Earth Defenders followed behind. Godzilla kept his eyes, and thoughts on Ghidorah as he instantly sliced the two guards heads off, and charging through without giving a second look. (MANS DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT THEM DOE, DAT'S BAD-ASS) Finally, they all came across, Gigan, Orga, MechaGodzilla, and Ghidorah. "GHIDORAH!!!!!!!" Godzilla thundered. "As they suffer we shall conquer" Ghidorah smiled. "As you talk we punch your face" Godzilla smirked. "Wouldn't it be faces, I mean he is a Hydra Alien Dragon with three heads, I mean how does that work?" Anguirus asked. "You are very funny" Ghidorah rolled his eyes. "Well I've enjoyed this, but it's time for me to take my leave" Ghidorah smiled as he punched a button activating a self destruct sequence as the Aliens prepared to escape. As the Earth Defenders approached to stop them, MechaGodzilla charged in, knowing to be left behind. "Its only us now, Godzilla this WILL be the last time we face each other, as I will always be the better Godzilla" MechaGodzilla growled. "UNLIKELY, it's time I put you behind me.....One will live, the other will die, it's time I end you.....ONCE, AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!" Godzilla growled. "RRAAAAAAAHHHHHH" Both of them roared as they clashed. They both attacked with their huge claws as the place around them began to collapse. MechaGodzilla fired his hand missile, and then his eye beam, as Godzilla parried his every move. MechaGodzilla angrily started attacking with robotic rage. Godzilla managed to overpower, and overcome his mechanical counterpart, and smashed him multiple times, making massive dents. Finally Godzilla sucked in electrical lightning around him as he charged up a very powerful blast of his Atomic Breath, it glowed it's bright blue glow as it destroyed, MechaGodzilla in a huge blue fireball. As they all ran out of the collapsing air factory, they all had the Gotengo rendezvous with them, as they jumped high into the sky, and enter the Gotengo, as the two ME262 German Jetfighters went back to base. A small alien vessel left before it's stopped, as Ghidorah quickly got out of the vehicle as he charged up his body,with gold lighting,before sending three massive version's of his lightning beams as it hit the Gotengo's engine. "WE'RE HIT, WE'RE HIT MAYDAY, MAYDAY,MAYDAY!!!!!!!!" Mothra tried shouting in the comms, but they couldn't get back to base in time. As the Gotengo slowly began to lose it's thruster powers, they noticed they were going to crash in an area, that almost didn't appear on the map. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted as the Gotengo crashed into a land that was unknown to them. > Chapter 14 The Lost Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 The Lost Kingdom The Earth Defenders groaned, as they got up from a rough, crash landing. "Is everyone alright?" Mothra groaned as all of them got up. "Well, a few broken bones, and some huge cuts, but nothing our healing factors can't handle" Godzilla replied. "Phew, then we're all right" Mothra replied as they all groaned. Getting back on there feet, or in Mothra's case wings. They still saw the old scars glowing from there new wounds, they had a lot of battle's, and gained many lethal scars from there Kaiju enemies; As they both kicked the trapped hatch out, and exited the Gotengo. The Gotengo itself was a huge mess, half of the bottom hull, and middle of the ship was destroyed, smashed into the ground leaving piles of burnt, twisted scrap metal "AAAAHHH nuts the Gotengo's completely wrecked, I can't repair her in time" Mothra groaned. "So how do we get home?" Angurius asked. "Well first I think it's best we destroy our wrecked ride, so that no one find's it, and tries to replicate our weapon in the wrong hand's" Mothra stated. "Good idea, Rodan, Baragon, on my command we both fire everything at our own vessel 3.....2.....1....FIRE!!!!!" Godzilla ordered. They both combined there new firing attack's on the Gotengo, as it was blown up sky high. As they saw it burn. "Now the question is.....where are we?" Anguirus asked. They looked up into the sky seeing a purple dome surrounding a good few distances. "Are we being kept prisoner's underneath a dome?" Mothra asked. "No these look like a transdimensional energy dome, as it's hiding this place from view to the rest of the world" Godzilla explained. "HEEEEY, WHY DOES THIS PLACE LOOKS LIKE THE MEDIEVAL TIMES!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus asked. Godzilla then began to think as he collected his thoughts. "I've heard about this place, in the Middle Ages, a king, and his men found an ancient artifact, that not only made them immortal, but it sealed itself away from the rest of the world in a parallel dimension, and it can only appear once every 63 years" Godzilla explained. "Hey, perhaps they have a way for us to get back" Mothra smiled. "We need to wait here for a while before we can move out, our healing factors are still recovering from the crash, you know how long that will take" Godzilla explained. "Fine, I'll see if there is anything I can scrounge up" Mothra smiled as the others began to form a plan. "There's a lake nearby I'm going to bathe in, I'm getting dry scales again" Godzilla grumbled as he began his walk to the nearby lake. Little did Godzilla realize, that his journey to this kingdom would change his life entirely. ***** In the Lost Kingdom's second palace there stood a princess who looked at herself in the mirror, as she sighed. She wasn't human, her species was a Godzillasaurus, at first she thought she was a dragon when her adopted father first found her as a giant egg, but the magical device she had shrank her down a few meters, originally she was 298 feet tall. She was the last of her kind, safely protected in her father's kingdom, too bad none of the people in her kingdom loved her for who she was. She looked in the mirror, she was practically a reptillian goddess, her scales were mostly cyan, with her underscale's, that ran from underneath her chain to her tail, that were colored bright pink. She also had a strange feather at the end of her tail, but she also had thick dorsal plates from the tip of her neck, down her back, and near the tip of her tail. She resembled Ember the Dragon, but had only had a few changes due to being a Godzillasaurus. Her name was Shifter, Princess Shifter, her father gave her that name, because she wielded a strange phase out, and phase in that almost helped her other powers. Exhausted for an entire day, she decided to go exploring outside of the kingdom with the dimensional barriers extense. She smiled walking through the small forest not wearing anything, but to be honest she didn't need to because they were hidden in skin pouche's. As she journeyed through the area, she seemed to notice a small strange blue glow from one of the lakes, as curiosity got the best of her, she decided to investigate, soon an angelic hypnotic music began to come from the lake. Soon the glow exited, and her heart stopped. She couldn't believe her eyes, as she stared at Godzilla. She couldn't believe it, she wasn't the only one left, in front of her was a wet, male Godzillasaurus. His skin was jet black, like the night the sky, mixed with a dark, teal, and a very deep water oceanic blue. Floating around his body were two dimensional spirit siren's that always sang, when a Godzillasuarus swam in there waters; the creatures began to move, swaying, and dancing as they sang like angels. After their beautiful singing the spirit siren's vanished back into the lake, as Godzilla shook the water off from his scales like a dog would if it ever got wet. As Godzilla began walking back, he sensed something, a presence, making his animalistic instinct seemed to be......un-alarmed. Strangely enough the presence he felt seemed to make Godzilla, feel a level of relaxation he was not familiar with. As Godzilla turned around, Shifter was quick enough to use her teleportation power to disappear. Such a scent that made him pause. What is this instinct that I feel, it almost feels like my heart is racing Godzilla thought to himself. At the same time back into Shifter's castle quarter's, she breathed heavily, feeling her heart beat a bit quicker than expected. Wow that male Godzillasaurus looked kinda cute, but looks can only go so far, I hope he passes my test Shifter thought with a blush, before getting ready for what her father had prepared. Meanwhile Godzilla, had found the Earth Defenders as night had approached. Mothra managed to get a bit of shut eye, but then saw that Godzilla didn't sleep a wink. "Hey G, what's keeping you up?" Mothra asked. "After my recent bath in the lake, on the way back, I felt a presence a warmth that I haven't felt since I had........her" Godzilla replied. Mothra's tiredness was replaced by shock, as he spoke. "Forgive me, but I've never seen you bring up that sensitive event in YEARS!!!!!!!!" Mothra exclaimed. "I know but now it's a presence I want to approach, but after what happened that day......well" Godzilla sighed, before Mothra rested a wing on his shoulder. "Look G, her death was not your fault, you were both young, stupid, acting on your basic instincts you were teenager, not the wise creature we see before us now, and besides you got your revenge, if it's the same thing again, then go for it, and who knows, she could be a tough fighter like you" Mothra shrugged. "Thanks Mothra I needed that, make sure you wake the others up at dawn, cause that's when we explore this Lost Kingdom, and see if we can find away home" Godzilla ordered. "No problem G, I'll just make sure that they don't chew my head off" Mothra smiled as he went back to sleep on his part off the grass, as since everything else had been blown to shreds. Godzilla finally decided to get some shut-eye, as they all seemed pretty tired. As morning itself arrived, they all journeyed through the forest area, eventually coming across the kingdom itself. It looked like a very small kingdom, a few buildings here, and there, except for what looked like a battle arena, and the king's castle, probably where he lived, but other than that, that was it. "All right spread out, see what all of you can find any information useful, and meet back here as soon as possible" Godzilla answered. As they all searched for answers, as after a while they soon met back up. "Anything?" Godzilla asked. "Not much, the local's said the king rarely bring's in a random person or creature to have an audience" Anguirus explained. "Then perhaps we should stand out a little more" Godzilla smiled. "Hey.....question is it me, or is this place a little........" Mothra implied, before Godzilla spoke. "No it isn't you something about this Kingdom, is indeed a little off, I'd stay alert if I were you" Godzilla warned. "So what now?" Anguirus asked. Godzilla tried to think, when what looked like an old poster, got his attention. "This might help, it says here that whoever win's the competition of this upcoming gladiator arena, in this here kingdom, will win a prize from the princess herself, she might now some thing's, including how to help us get home" Godzilla explained. "How about you enter the gladiator arena, you have a higher chance of survival" Anguirus mentioned. "Fair enough that should do" Godzilla nodded as he, pretty much went to the arena sign up. All of the people there had some deadly gladiator challenges ready, and some gladiator's, as they readied for battle. Princess Shifter went to the throne, as she got a good view of the battle. The king was near her side as he began his announcement. "People, and creatures of the Lost Kingdom, we proudly present another of this year's being out of this dimension gladiator battle, the winner of this competition, passing through the first three deadly attacks will, win a prize that the princess will share, now let the games.......BEGIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" The king announce as the crowd cheered. There were a total of 50 gladiator's participating as the first few batches didn't make it to the end. Shifter rolled her eyes seeing, as none of them even had the skill to pass through the challenges. She sighed, this was going to be yet another boring year. "Ouch glad that guy is being wheeled out of here with some medical help" The king chuckled as the crowd laughed, Shifter let out a sigh. "Our 50th, and final contestant......." The king boomed, as he readied to make another announcement; Shifter sighed as the king was about to make his announcement, but the king quickly leaned over whispering to one of his guards. "Your kidding......" He whispered. "I'm not, he volunteered, and he's just behind those gates" The guard point's out. The king then stood up, as he cleared his throat, a beginning to resume his announcement. ".......Our final contestant, the most rarest specimen, and very surprising to not be the only one, for us he's been asleep for a very long time, and has been in multiple harsh battles, and is apparently the most powerful of his kind......introducing a MALE GODZILLLASAURUS......GODZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The king boomed. Shifter went wide eyed, as she stood at the edge of her throne as she gazed in shock. She watched the same Godzillasaurus from last night walk out from the gates. In the broad magically created daylight, she could see him more. He was indeed the same color as she saw him earlier, but he had more detail. He had a strange device attached to his ear, dangling near his mouth. His dorsal plates were red, and green like, while her's were mostly a cyan blue. "The first challenge, he must face a battle against men, with armor, and heavy weapons, let the game begin when you are ready fighter" the king told him. Godzilla noticed Shifter, as she gave him a beaming smile. Godzilla was wide eyed, he couldn't believe it, but another female of his kind. Godzilla looked at the king, as he would have question's to ask later. Godzilla rose his fist signaling he was ready. The gladiator's came out with there weapons, ready to fight. Godzilla almost scoffed. "Please this isn't even a challenge" Godzilla growled. The gladiator's began their slow approach, as Godzilla easily cut then down with a few claw swipe's, some of the crowd groaned in dissapointment, as they wanted more. Godzilla snarled, well then if they wanted a show he'll give them a show. As the next armed gladiator's came out with their weapons, and armor. As he had easily wounded them, Godzilla let his heart run free, as something amazing happened. He charged his Atomic Breath, as it began to suck in raw blue lightning as his dorsal plates glowed blue, his eyeballs glowing with blue flame as his mouth glowed blue, and fired his Atomic Breath, as the new energy did a lot more damage, as they were all vaporized from his Atomic Breath, making sure he did the damage he needed; Shifter was impressed. Wow his Atomic Breath is much more deadlier than mine Shifter thought to herself. The crowd let out a few cheers, as A familiar song began to play in Godzilla's ears. After Godzilla finished the first round the King spoke. "And now the second challenge, let's see if you can handle being surrounded, by multiple un-armed warrior's with armor". The king announced. The gates opened, and multiple men charged at him, as Shifter was concerned why he wasn't trying to find an opening, just standing there as they charged. As they all dogpiled him, Godzilla activated his Atomic Nuclear Pulse, as the blast incinerated all of his opponents who were near him. Godzilla got up, not even feeling the bruises; all of them applauded. I.......I've never been able to do that before.... Shifter pondered. She was getting even more, and more shocked, and she couldn't believe that this male, was blowing her mind, her heart beating at a very fast pace. "Amazing you've never failed the audience, we might have our first winner of the games, but only if you pass......THE FINAL CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!" The king boomed as a giant machine with strange magic was emminating from him. "This is our greatest gladiator weapon, if you best this contraption you win the entire event, careful it has replicated what you just showed us" The king mentioned. A wide grin came across his face as he smirked. Well then, perhaps it's time I showed my full hand Godzilla smiled, he then gave Shifter a wink, as she picked up on that gesture. He's up to something, what has he not shown besides his full power? Shifter asked her inner thoughts asked, suddenly without warning, Godzilla's entire body began to glow blue, then the glow itself turned red. Godzilla hovered a few feet from the sky has a giant godlike power infused with his very being. All of the audience fell silent in shock. Godzilla's body was black, with red details. His dorsal plates glowed red, as huge firey red blotches were on his stomach, back, and chest. His dorsal plates now glowed with red burning power, small power's of steam emminating from his body Godzilla smiled as he was once again in a superform, he now controlled. Nuclear.....Burning.......Godzilla. The gladiator machine swung a magical ax, but it didn't even penetrate, nor give him new wounds. Burning Godzilla didn't even flinch. He then grabbed it's arm, and with ferocity ripped it off with his mouth. He then quickly ripped of the arms, and limbs of his enemy with brute savagery, Ffnally Burning Godzilla lifted the tail, and kicked the machine high into the sky. Burning Godzilla side's glowed with shined a red light, as it triggered an even more powerful blast of his Burning Atomic Breath, as it sent the machine high into the sky, and made it explode, in a medium nuclear explosion in the sky. As the Arena shook all of them cheered as they chanted their winner's new name, as Godzilla powered down his superform. "LADIES, AND GENTLEMAN, OUR FIRST WINNER......GODZILLA!!!!!!!" The king boomed. As Godzilla bowed, the king noticed the other Earth Defenders as his guest's. "Well then fine warrior, your friend's get to stay in the castle guest quarter's for the next few days, and now for your reward, by our princess.....Shifter" The king smiled as she came down to him with a smile. A roar of wolf whistles filled the air, along with a round of applause. As both of them stared into each other's reptillian eyes; there eyes both glowed a strange blank pink, before they quickly shook the look off. Both of their eyes widened after what they witnessed. "Your award, is you get to spend the night with the princess.......In her quarters 😏😏😏😏😏😏" The king grinned as more howl's went into the air. "WAIT........WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla shouted in dis-belief. Shifter only giggled as she smiled. "Come follow me" She said warmly as Godzilla followed her, a bit suprised. She had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard in his entire lifetime. As night began to dawn on them Shifter smiled as she took him to her quarters. To Godzilla's suprise her quarters looked quite homey, of course it seemed she had a strangely desgined bed, that seemed to help sooth her scales. "Wow these are some nice digs" Godzilla smiled. "Thank you" Shifter said softly as they both got onto the bed as Shifter. "Can I ask you a question?" Shifter asked. "Sure" Godzilla answered. "How many of our kind....are there?" Shifter asked. "Not many, most of our kind is gone, I am surprised of your existence, not only that, but there two other's who have mutated out kind's blood with their own, for power, and evil" Godzilla explained. "WHO WOULD DO THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Shifter shouted angrily. "The Mutants, who else, we live in a time of war, and much has time has passed since then" Godzilla explained. He looked down with something that felt like was nagging him, Shifter could sense it coming from him. "I'm not the only female Godzillasaurus you've been with......have I?" Shifter asked. "No" Godzilla answered. "Who was she?" Shifter asked. "Her name was G-girl, she never really rembered her real name, and she liked it when I called her that......" Godzilla sighed as he spoke again. ".....back then we were mostly acting on instinct, when we first saw each other, we made a stupid mistake getting together, as we decided for it to re-populate our kind, but when one of my enemies murdered her in cold-blood, I felt a rage unlike anything I've ever felt before take over, and I killed that Kaiju permanently, as I never saw it again, one day the egg that she gave planted hatched, and I ended up raising Godzilla Junior all by myself....." Godzilla told her. "T-that's awful" Shifter whined. "It was, and it only got worse, after raising my son to carry on my legacy, I fought my most deadliest opponent, and that creature murdered him, in fury I destroyed him, but to his day he is still alive, and to this day he remain's a huge threat" Godzilla explained. Shifter used her aura to see through what his scales were hiding, she saw multiple, deep scars, and wounds, this male Godzillasaurus had a her long story to tell of those scars. "You carry a lot of scars, you've shown me just how much you have suffered" Shifter sighed."I'm Shifter" Shifter introduced. "I....am Godzilla" Godzilla introduced they both smiled after such an introduction as her hand accidently touched his, she gasped. "Y-your scales there.........strangely soft" Shifter said in amazement. "Hmm, oh I think whenever I'm in an eased state they become like a pillow so......what are you doing?" Godzilla asked. Shifter held his claw over her cheek, as her eyes were closed as she had a warm smile over her face. "Mmmmmm........Soooo Soooffffftttttt" She sighed after feeling his claws. Godzilla had a small blush on his cheeks, as soon as she let go. "Come, sleep you won't have to worry, I won't try any funny business" Shifter told Godzilla. Godzilla smiled as he felt a bit more re-assured. "Good, I won't either" Godzilla stated, as they both got into the covers of the bed. As both of them fell asleep, it felt a bit awkward, to say the least, but soon they got comfortable. They had been really tired as they slept throughout most of the day, before both of them woke up. It was the afternoon, Godzilla was the first to get up, as he stretched his back, hearing a few pops from his back. He then heard a small groan, as Shifter also got up yawning. "So what can I help you with?" Shifter asked. "My friends, and I are trying to get home, as we have a war to get back to, our vessel crashed, do you have any other way for us to get back?" Godzilla asked. "Sure I know that if I borrow the artifact in our kingdom, I should be able to transport you guys home, but can you at least stay, there's going to be a feast in your honor, for you, and your friends tonight?" Shifter asked. "Mmm......alright it can't be that bad" Godzilla answered. "Thanks" She beamed. As Godzilla began to get up, an unknown force yanked him back to the bed. "WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla cried being yanked backward. "EEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!" Shifter squeaked as it felt like she was trying to be yanked forward. Both of there bodies got tangled as they were inches from kissing each other. Both of them blushed as they both untangled themselves. They both raised their tails as, they found that in their sleep, their tails intertwined, increasing both of there blushes further. They both unraveled there tail's as they had a bit of awkward silence. "I.....I'm sorry I didn't mean to......" Godzilla stuttered before Shifter spoke. "No, no, i-its okay" She smiled. They both looked into each other's eyes, that same pink glow emminating from their pupils. Their bodies feeling extremely hot, as Shifter slowly inched torward's him. They soon both snapped out of it, as they both had a blush on their face's. "I.......I gotta go, I'll s-see you at the festival" Godzilla stammered, before leaving her quarters as Shifter felt her racing heart. It happened again, and she couldn't believe it at all. Godzilla was hiding nearby as he panted, trying to calm himself down. He knew what was happening, and only heard rumors about it, but only experienced it once, he was lucky that controlling his instinct's, also helped control what was happening between him, and Shifter. Both of them had imprinted on one another, a habit of instinct for his species. This was an instinct from Dragon's or Godzillasaurus's, however unlike Dragon's there were Mis-Imprints, if a Godzillasaurus wasn't interested in a female that imprinted on him, over time the more he ingored her instinct the more it faded away. Something in his heart, was hoping this wasn't a Mis-Imprint, the look in her eyes, beautiful like a reptillian goddess, she was just begging for him to take her right then, and there, but he wanted to take his time with Shifter, unlike when he met his.....other wife. As Godzilla got up going around, he found his fellow teammates. "So how were your guests quarters?" Godzilla asked. "REEEELAAXXXIIINNNNNG.......but....." Anguirus stuttered acting suspicious. "But what?" Godzilla asked. "I don't know, I noticed a room that only the king would go into, and here's the thing he told me that only he, and he alone is allowed to enter that room, nobody else. Not even his adopted daughter, and from what I heard, he cares for her very much" Anguirus explained. "Ok.....now something is DEFINITELY OFF, about this place, perhaps after the festival were invited too we should ask the princess if she know's something about this" Godzilla told them. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, festival.....what do you mean by festival?" Anguirus asked. "The king, and the princess, are having us join them for an outdoor feast tonight, however they also mentioned a festival that there having, in honor of the Godzillasaurus's" Godzilla explained. "Huh, maybe then we can at least get some info on the king" Anguirus shrugged. "By the way, how was your night with the princess, anything happen😏😏😏😏😏😏???" Baragon asked with a perverted smiled. "Nothing that your perverted mind has thought of, no, but she see me nice after we both introduced ourselves" Godzilla explained. "AAAAHHHH Taking it slow G, I see you fam, I see you" Mothra smiled. As night time came, they both went to the outside feast, as the king saw the Earth Defenders approach. "Ahhh welcome, so glad all of you can join us, come come sit, sit, there's some delicious meat, fruit, and wine for all of you" The king smiled. "Thank you" Godzilla spoke. "So I heard you have an interesting vessel that crash landed" The King implied. "Yes indeed" Godzilla answered. "Is it........salvagable?" The king asked. Godzilla looked at the king. "Yes.....yes it is, in fact we were planning to go back for it" Godzilla lied. "No need, I will send a team to salvage, and repair it" The king smiled. Anguirus quickly leaned over to Godzilla and whispered in a hush voice. "How did he know about our ship, it was in a small patch of land too far out in the kingdom to be seen?" Anguirus asked. "Something tells me the king is not who he says he is, all the more reason to find out what's really going on, while I talk to the princess, you investigate that room" Godzilla whispered. "Got it" they whispered. After enjoying the meals, Godzilla saw that the cook was female, but then Godzilla realized something about what she was doing, that made him spit out his wine. The cook noticed this, and approached him. "What's the matter our guest not enjoying the meal?" The cook cooed. "Y-y-your naked" Godzilla stammered with a blush. The rest of the Earth Defenders realized this, also causing them to spit out their wine, as they realized it. The cook was not wearing anything at all. Her breast's were big, and a bit bouncy, as she only gave him a seductive gaze. "Oh....enjoying the view?" The cook asked. "Uh...Uh.....Uh......" Godzilla stammered, unable to form words. The cook giggled, before approaching closer to him. "I see it's my breast's that have you interested, well go on then, play with them a little" She winked. Godzilla saw the free invitation, and decided to heed her advice. He reached out, and began touching her breast's pawing them with his claws, and giving them grope's. "MMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM" The cook moaned, as after a while Godzilla stopped. "I hope you enjoy your free sample, if you want some more of me, all the female's will be in the pink room of the castle" She smiled as she went back to work, while giving her rear a teasing shake, hoping to get him to chase her. "You are a very special lad, I haven't seen her act so forward in year's" The king complimented. "Your Majesty, WHAT......FESTIVAL.....ARE......WE......CELEBRATING!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla panted with desperation. "It's a festival from the Godzillasuarus species, I think it is known as "The Godzillasaurus Tribal Moon Festival"" The King explained. "OOOOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Godzilla groaned. "Uhhhh....G-Godzilla w-what is t-the G-Godzillasuaurs T-Tribal M-Moon F-Festival?" Anguirus quivered. "The Godzillasaurus Tribal Moon Festival is a festival that the Godzillasaurus's had before, and during the war, in the festival all of the males would eat, some good food, and wine, while all female's who attended, wore nothing on. After everyone's meal, they would send out the dancer female's to show off their nude bodies to the males with the help of the tribal painting they wore, the female dancers would then chose a male in the crowd to take away to a private room,and give him the night of his life....." Godzilla explained taking a sip of his wine. "......If there were still some males left, the cooks, would take them too a separate tent, or inner building where all of them would have a huge orgy, without no private room's for any of them" Godzilla explained. "Oh......Hell......No" Anguirus whimpered. "Indeed, we have the tribal music, the stage, and some of the tribal dancing item's that go with it, get ready, the show starts in two minutes" The king smiled. "T-two m-minutes" Rodan said going pale. "Yep.....no, wait there starting early, as matter fact it looks like there starting now" The king stated, as all there eyes darted forward. Sure enough the foreign music began to play as Shifter, and other females all began the tribal dance, on stage. None of them wore ant single type of clothing, and as for Shifter her feminine part's were on display. A lot of the males were sporting erections as least for the most part. The Earth Defenders had trouble controlling there's. Except of course Mothra, being married to Vinyl made her body the most beautiful wife of all time, and because of that seeing them on stage, he wasn't interested. Godzilla had a bit of trouble, as all of them wore strange tribal painting's, with interesting moon like patterns. The dance was a cross between erotic tempation, self grinding, and mostly showing off there nude bodies. The other Earth Defenders then fainted from the show......except Mothra, and Godzilla. "Huh, well I take care of these three idiots" Mothra shrugged, dragging Rodan, Anguirus, and Baragon away. Shifter then began to walk up to Godzilla her eyes in a gaze, and a very seductive sway to her hips. "Hi handsome"[color] Shifter cooed softly. Which almost made Godzilla lose his cool. "S-S-Shifter y-you w-were g-great dancer" Godzilla stuttered, with a small blush. Shifter also giggled, but tried to hide an apparent blush. "C-come on then l-lets g-go spend some t-time together" She smiled. "I'd be honored" Godzilla approved. As Godzilla, and Shifter approached her quarter's he stayed inside the bedroom, while she washed the tribal paint off. Godzilla did his best to stay focused. Focus Godzilla......FOCUS, we need to know if she really is clueless, or if she's in league with her father Godzilla thought, shaking the steamy thoughts that were trying to burrow into his head, but to no avail. Soon Shifter came out of her private stone castle pool, as she shook the water off her body. Her feminine part's no longer on display, but hidden like Godzilla's were. "Shifter.....I need you to ask a personal question" Godzilla spoke. "What do you want to ask me?" Shifter asked. "Are you aware that your father goes into a secret room, that you, and no one else is allowed to go through?" Godzilla asked. "Yes, and it also puzzles me, but there's also more, a few days after, my father was a very sweet man when he found me, but after he had been running tests on some of the artifacts, one day he started acting......different like he was somebody else" Shifter explained. "Hmmmm, I think it's time you join me, and my team to find what's behind that door" Godzilla told her. "Sounds like a plan" Shifter nodded as they went out of her quarter's, meeting up with the Earth Defenders. "You guys had a good act, pretending to faint" Godzilla told Rodan, Anguirus, and Baragon. "We're lucky he only knew Godzillasaurus's he thought we were just useless sidekicks" Anguirus smiled. "Pfft, dumbass" Rodan scoffed. They both opened the secret door as they stepped inside. They both found small pods, which contain what looked like deceased people, making them gasp. "T-these, a-are the people of the kingdom all of them" Anguirus realized. "Yes apparently deceased as well" Godzilla pointed out. They both noticed a strange glowing black, and purple orbs that looked creepy. "Black Nanopods, this is not a good sign" Godzilla explained. They opened a final pod, as inside was the king himself. "F-father.....no, it....it can't be" Shifter sniffled. Godzilla then began to slowly piece thing's together, he then noticed a stand that looked like it could hold one Soul Summoning Key, except the key itself, was missing. "But if that's the king then....." Anguirus began before Godzilla spoke "You don't want to know who is really in charge" Godzilla growled, as Godzilla held Shifter, before she stopped crying. "There's only one thing left to do" Godzilla growled, as the Earth Defenders, charged to the throne room. They came across the very demonic looking creature. He had four strange masked heads, with bug legs, wasp wings, a scythe hand, a mauled acid spewing chin, a reptillian tail, Pteradacyl wings above the wasp wings, and giant eyes as he growled. "Wow you are UUUUUUGGGGLLLLLYYYYY" Anguirus groaned. "I should have know all of you were on to me, I am the Infecta-king for years I have been trapped in that Soul Summoning Key, keeping this dimension afloat, but now I must go, and conquer the real world" The Infecta-king snarled. "Not gonna happen pal" Godzilla snarled. "Oh I will do it, my Infected children, deal with them" The Infecta-king ordered. A wave of super soldier zombies known as the Infected, began to charge at the Earth Defenders. As all of them fought them fought the Infected off. Their were Infected Creepers, Stalkers, Bullfrogs, Cannoneers, Hunters, Colossus and Crawlers. The Bullfrogs ran on all fours, with acid buckets fused on their chin's. The Creepers, were basically one-armed walkers. The Cannonners had an Anti Tank weapon, fused on their chests. The Proto Stalkers tele-jumped, and slashed with a scythe that replaced one of their arms. The Colossus, were the giant muscular ones, and did a lot of damage. The Hunters were basically Zombies with Pteradactyl wings growing out their sides. The Crawlers walked on all fours except they had Spider legs growing out their sides, and were able to spew acidic webbing. As they dodged the critical attacks, and acid, they ovepowered, their enemies trying to kill them with their powers. Shifter's powers were very interesting, her Pink Atomic Breath did a lot of damage, but the interesting thing was she had a shadowcloak. She built up energy as she vanished before re-appearing with pink fire around her body, that burned her enemies to death; Godzilla was impressed by her power's. As the Infected were killed, Black Nanopods rolled out of there bodies, but they also popped like giant warts, spewing blood everywhere. "EEEEWWWWWW, THESE THINGS ARE GROSS" Anguirus cringed, as he removed one of his claws from the dead, infected body. Soon a portal opened, but the Earth Defenders had killed all of the Infected of the Lost Kingdom. Having no time, the Infecta-King threw the Summoning Key into the portal. Godzilla, and Shifter ran up, and sliced the Infecta-King in half. His body began to disappear in black smoke as his body blew up, purple blood spewing everywhere. Soon the Lost Kingdom began to collapse, as they all saw the portal open to there world. "THAT'S ARE WAY HOME LET'S GO!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted. "WAIT!!!!!!!!" Godzilla cried, as he turned to Shifter. "Shifter there's almost nothing left for you here, so we're giving you a choice, leave this place start over with us, and become a member of the Earth Defenders, or stay here?" Godzilla offered. Shifter was now faced with a choice, she would either stay in her home alone, or leave it behind, and go with Godzilla. She swore, even though his mouth wasn't moving, it sounded like Godzilla was singing her a song. "Let's go" Shifter told him, as Godzilla grabbed her claw, as Shifter, Godzilla, and the Earth Defender's vanished through the portal. > Chapter 15 Fall of Stalingrad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 Fall of Stalingrad The giant portal opened in the sky, as The Earth Defenders including there new member, Shifter began to free-fall high from the sky into what looked like a war zone, over the Russian city Stalingrad. "THIS WAS PART OF THE PLAN GODZILLA!?!?!?!?!?!" Anguirus shouted through the wind. "NOT EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted back as all of them began to free fall, when Godzilla noticed something. "Hey that falling corpse, he's got a parachute" Godzilla shouted as they all sky dived towards the dead body. Soon they reached it. "Pull the reserve" Anguirus shouted, as they pulled the parachute as the portal above faded. All of them grabbed a hold of the parachute except Rodan, and Mothra. The Parachute was marked E.D.F. for Earth Defenders Force. As they began their descent, they dodged what looked like a gigantic version of an Infected Hunter. Rodan super-speed upward, as he began to help clear the skies. Godzilla also noticed that there were Sopwith Spiderwasp's. V47 Kittyhawks, F-51 Hellfires, B10-C Boars Mk2's, and Bigfoot Skybuses in the Sky. Sopwith Spiderwasp's were built from the Sopwith Aviation Company. They were Bi-planes that had their twin machine guns, mounted between the two wing set's they had. The plane was similar to a MiG-15 with a few differences it carried two machine guns, and four missile launchers. The F-51 Hellfires were choppers that looked similar to the CH-47 Chinnok except it had Flamethrower's on the side. B10-C Boars Mk2 were fast fighter jets which looked similar to A-10 Thunderbolts 2, which was nicknamed the Warthog. They had cool flames painted on everyone of these planes too, and were armed with a Minigun, and two missile launchers. Finally the AD7-Bigfoot Skybusses were re-furbished C-47 Cargo Aircraft from World War 2, and were constantly dropping new ground troopers. As they all jumped down, they came across Type-3 Kiryu. "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS!?!?!?!?" Kiryu shouted. "WE GOT HOLED UP IN ANOTHER DIMENSION, PLUS WE MAY HAVE ANOTHER TEAMMATE TO ADD IN WHICH I FILL YOU IN LATER!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted through the mass battle zone. "An artifact crash landed here not too long ago, and it's been spawning these Infected in the city. The Russian government is wanting us too keep the fighting contained inside this city, as long as that artifact is pumping out Infected, it's a losing fight" Kiryu explained. "All right then, Mothra, help Rodan control the skies, Anguirus, Baragon, Shifter we'll keep the fight to the ground, have you ordered correct type of troops, and units?" Godzilla asked. "Yes in fact here comes some of our heaviest ground forces" Kiryu told him as they brought the vehicles, and troops. The first type's of troops were female soldiers who were trained as Zombie Slayers. Zombie Slayers had a chain sword (similar to Scorpion's weapon except it has the blade of a katana on it) they also carried a Crossbow, with Flaming Arrows, and Explosive Arrows. The next one was a Zombie Hunter he had a Chainsaw, A double barrel Shotgun, and a Baby Velicoraptor, which savagely attacked it's prey, unless if it ate a Black Nanopod, it could not be Infected. Next were Marksman They were carrying a rifle that resembles a Barret M82.50 Caliber Anti Material Rifle, finally ending the fray were Heavy Gunner's who carried a Minigun. Soon the new vehicle's began to roll in as they prepared for combat. They had brought, Heavy Tanks, Medium Tanks, Armor Plated SUV's, Super Tanks, and Brutalizers. Heavy Tanks were re-furbished Kliment Voroshilov Tanks, from World War 2. The Russian's were eager to get in this fight, and they brought there own armor as well. It had One cannon, and a machine gun. Next were the Super Tanks which were similar to M1 Abrams Tank, except they had a twin cannon instead of one Artillery Cannon, plus a twin barreled machine gun. Armored Plated Suv's were black Suv's that had strange tread wheels, but also had an M6 Concealed Minigun, and a Concealed Missile launcher, that fired clusterbomb shots. Medium Tank's were an interesting combination of the British Mk 4 Tank, the French Char B1 Tank, and a modified International Tank. It had a Medium Tank Gun, and a machine gun. Brutalizer's were tanks that looked like weaponized combines. He also noticed some Mechanized Troopers, who were a little late for the party. This Mech suit that these troops had were a combination of the Catapillar P5000 Powder work loader, and a construction echo suit (AVP Requiem) except there were differences. It had a Flamethrower, Stinger Missiles, and it's traditional crushing claw. All of them charged, as they all fought the Infected Horde, with reckless abandoned. The Zombie Slayers doing there job slicing, and scorching there enemies to death. The Zombie Hunter's, let the baby Raptors take on the Infected with ease, there small fast jaws able to surprisingly, still rip flesh from bone. The Hunters themselves were doing a good job, using there Chainsaws, and Double Barrel Shotguns, to shoot, and shred their enemies. The Marksman were stationed behind, but they took there time, headshotting the Infected with their Barret 50. Cal Sniper Rifles. The Heavy Gunners, and their hand held Minguns were shredding there enemies with a lot of lead. The Earth Defenders all helped charged through, but with these creatures constantly spawning, some help would have been appreciated. As they fought the Medium Tanks, Super Tanks, and Heavy Tanks fired there powerful cannons, causing a lot of destruction. As they were slowly pushing forward Godzilla realized, that he needed a bit more firepower, or just one move. "SUV'S DRILL 'EM DEEP!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. As Godzilla said this, all the Amor played SUV's stopped firing their Miniguns. The Miniguns then began glowing orange, charging up a new magazine round, as used bullets erupted from the sides as massive bullet's in a giant laser form spewed everywhere causing mass destruction as it vaporize most of the Infected. This gave the Earth Defenders the advantage they needed, as they pushed even harder, slicing, and drilling through their enemies. After getting through, Godzilla finally reached the Soul Summoning Key, as he ripped it from it's crash sight, and with the help of his claws, crushed it. This caused a massive displacement as all the remaining Infected, became shut down, the magic no longer being able to control them. Godzilla looked around, and sighed. Some tanks, and vehicle sat wrecked, and destroyed. Some trooper's killed by the slashing hoard. "Kiryu Casualties?" Godzilla asked. "At least 120 soldiers were killed trying to fend them off, we also lost some vehicles" Kiryu explained. "There sacrifices were not in vain, we were between them, and stopping, an Infected Outbreak occuring" Godzilla warned. "The Russian government is putting this city on quarintine, they'll take care of the rest, while we pack up, and go home" Kiryu noticed. "Good" Godzilla nodded. "Where is your home you told me about?" Shifter asked approaching Godzilla. Kiryu didn't really take a look at her during the battle, but now looked at her with shock. "W-who is s-she?" Kiryu asked. "A new member of our team, we found her on the way, and brought her with us" Godzilla explained. "I c-can't believe it.......a female, how powerful is she?" Kiryu asked. "Well I'd say she's about equally matched as me" Godzilla explained. "Well then who am I to say no for her to join, Morgan will like this news" Kiryu smiled as they prepared for the ride back. Back at the base the Earth Defenders were greeted by the other ponies, who ran up to them excited. Vinyl hugged Mothra ever so tightly, as Flutterbat did the same thing. "Your back, you were gone for an entire day" Vinyl whined. "I was so worried about you" Flutterbat cried. "You were worried......about me?" Anguirus asked. Flutterbat stepped away doing her best to hide a small blush. "Ladies I want to introduce to you a new team member, this is Shifter she'll be staying with us for a while, and I trust you wonderful ladies to help her fit in" Godzilla explained. "Okie Dokie Loki" Pinkie Pie squeaked as she, Spitfire, and Flutterbat showed her around. "It's good to have you back.....all of you" Vinyl smiled. "It's good to be back" The Earth Defenders sighed. "Why did you need a ride, what happened?" Morgan asked getting off, a BC-1 Snake Helicopter that he used to get himself here. "Well us, and the Me 262 German Jet fighters managed to take out the Machine Factory, and in the process allowed us to eliminate MechaGodzilla, however the rest of the Aliens got away....." Godzilla explained. "So MechaGodzilla is finally gone, that's one step closer to ending the war what else?" Morgan asked. "We managed to escape the collapsing building, but Ghidorah shot the Gotengo down, and into the Lost Kingdom, there we met Shifter, and took her with us after stopping, an Infected Invasion, but the Summoning Key slipped through our claws" Godzilla growled. "So that's why we got Infected in Staligrad, at least you stopped it from getting out of hand" Morgan sighed. "Agreed, but not without some losses" Godzilla explained. "I also got new report's looks like Ghidorah is going a step back from the battle" Morgan explained. "Ghidorah made a mistake, that's why he shot us down, it also costed him MechaGodzilla, one of his General's, he's going to be very hidden until a knew plan surfaces, we may not see him for a while" Godzilla explained. "What about the Mutants?" Morgan asked. "The Dark Magic the Infected were created by including the Infecta-King, appear to be similar to him he must have wanted us to find that kingdom, now that his two plans failed he's going to think of a different strategy as well" Godzilla explained. "Man, big attacks from both the Aliens, and the Mutants back to back in under two days, sheesh were exhausted" Morgan groaned. "The worse is yet to come" Godzilla warned, as they all journeyed inside the Tokyo base ready to just have the night off. > Chapter 16 Back to the Grind (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 Back to the Grind Many months had past, since the Fall of the Stalingrad city. Everything had been so slow, but some things had changed. Flutterbat, and Anguirus, over the past few days, actually had fallen in love, and admitted there feeling's for one another. On top of that, they've also been dating, although it's hard for them to have a private date, when the Japanese papparazi want autographs, or try to ask questions. Still the restraunt, and movie order's were able to get the crowd away from them, when they just wanted to be alone. Now it was somewhere in October, and it was almost close to being Halloween, so things had been mostly quiet. As all of them began to relax, Morgan soon came to Godzilla, as he was straightening everything. "Luietenant Morgan, to what do I owe you such a pleasuring visit?" Godzilla asked. "I need you, and your team on a new mission" Luitenant Morgan answered. "With all due respect Luitenant, until said Halloween passes, I'd prefer to do the mission you have for us so that I can do it solo" Godzilla reminded, as Morgan gave him a puzzled look. "Why do you need to request this mission to be solo?" Morgan asked. "Can you keep something between us?" Godzilla asked. "Indeed, I'm listening" Morgan answered. Godzilla looked around as he brought Morgan to his quarters, shutting the door. "Something has been happening to me......something bad" Godzilla began. Morgan, gave Godzilla his full unbridled attention. "Go on" Morgan told him. "Ever since the month of October came, I've been feeling......off, I had unknown blackouts, unknown gamma radiation spike's, and vivid nightmares" Godzilla explained. "What kind of nightmares?" Morgan asked. "Well when I have this nightmare, I see a demon with my face, bound in chains, but every time I have these nightmares, each chain slowly begins to break" Godzilla explained. "Hmmmm......this is indeed troubling news, it might be an evil being that is a part of your subconscious" Morgan explained. "What do I do then?" Godzilla asked. "Perhaps it need's bodies for it to kill in order to be satisified" Morgan wondered. "What do you have in mind?" Godzilla asked. "Well your in luck, on the new mission I need a Kaiju to be captured by will, you would fit that category" Morgan explained. "Sounds fair enough, but if they do capture me, whatever you do.....DO........NOT..........FOLLOW!!!!!!!" Godzilla warned. "Agreed, and if you start to go a little out of hand, I'll make sure your team, and other military vessel's are on standby to take you down, as a safety pro-caution" Morgan explained. "Sounds like a plan" Godzilla smiled as they both exited. "All right team listen up, it seems I am going on a solo mission, if something goes wrong, Morgan will send all of you in as back up" Godzilla told them. "Ok G we'll keep our ear's open" Mothra stated as they all nodded, as he, and Morgan went back to the base. Mothra felt a bit bored, but then he decided he needed some time to think. Getting up, he hovered to his quarters, trying to think of what he could do in the meantime. Waiting for communications was boring, especially with how long it took. As he entered his quarters, Vinyl Scratch was playing with her tables, while sitting on her bed. Mothra grinned as an idea formed in his mind. Sneaking behind her, he readied his Imago legs. He then slowly began to grope, and massage Vinyl's breast's. "MMMMMM, M-Mothra p-please s-stop y-your driving me crazy" Vinyl whined. "We've been thinking too much about these recent battle's, plus helping Shifter fit in, why don't we have a little fun?" Mothra growled still rubbing, and groping her breast's. Mothra could feel that her nipples were getting erect. "M-Mothra p-please s-stop I-I can't control m-myself w-when you.....OOOOOHHHH" Vinyl moaned, as she felt herself getting aroused. "Come on my sexy DJ, don't you want me to play your records?" Mothra whispered. Mothra knew how to push his wife's buttons, and that did the trick. Vinyl put the table's aside as she turned around before locking lips. There kiss becoming very sensual as their tongues battled, as Viny let out muffled moan's. As they separated, Vinyl used her magic to make the door behind then shut, and lock. She quickly took off her shirt, and her pant's as she then kissed him again, grinding her crotch against his abdomen as she let out more muffled moan's. She then broke the kiss, as she panted heavily. Vinyl unclasped her bra, and took off her pantie's, showing her moist, dripping flower. Mothra went over as his Imago legs, touched her breast's again, groping, and squeezing them as he pinched her dark blue nipples. "OOOOHHHHHHH" Vinyl moaned loudly, feeling herself get wetter. Vinyl then turned around as she spread her hind legs. Her back arched, as her breast's rubbed against the sheets. Mothra towered over her as he brought out his raging boner. His Imago Legs once again grabbed a hold of her breast's as he squeezed them hard, while tugging at her erect nipples. "UUUUUUHHHH M-MOTHRA P-PUT IT IN PLEASE!!!!!!" Vinyl whined the heat in her nethers aching to be quenched. Mothra then inserted his rainbow dick inside her pussy. "BUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK Y-YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl moaned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she felt him pulse inside her. "MMMMMM Mothra I love that rod of yours" Vinyl panted. "I know how to push my wife's buttons, do you want me to give it to you, the roughest sex you'll ever have?" Mothra whispered. "O-OH GODESSESS YES, PLEASE YES I NEED IT, I WANT IT, I WANT YOU TOO POUND ME WITH ALL OF YOUR INSTINCT, AND MUSCLE PLEASE BUCK ME HARD!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl squealed, giving into the massive amount's of pleasure she was receiving from Mothra. "Good girl" Mothra whispered. He then began his thrust's as rough, and fast as he promised, forcing him to grit his black lips from how tight her walls were. Multiple love drunk heart's began to cloud Vinyl's vision as she entered a very new euphoria. "UUUUUHHHHH, UUUUUUHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHH, AAAAAHHHHNNNNN, YEEEEESSSSS, OH BUCK, OH BUCK, OH BUCK, OH BUCK HHHHHNNNNNNNN M-MOTHRA!!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed, as he pounded into her. "M-MOTHRA I-I'M G-GONNA OH BUCK, OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" Vinyl screamed, as they climaxed feeling their seed's mix as Vinyl's body quaked. The two collapsed, as Mothra laid on top of her. Vinyl sighed in bliss, still feeling him inside of her, and still feeling his legs clutching her breasts. "Mmmm, what did I ever do to deserve such an amazing husband like you?" Vinyl asked. "You went out on a crazy limb, even when you were told not to interfere" Mothra explained. "You know, I'm glad that I met up with you to regain my pony memories, and to be honest even after this whole war thing I would still go back, and fall In love you once more" Vinyl smiled. "To be honest, it was an event I didn't see coming, but I'm glad I found you, I didn't think I would ever fall in love with a mare like you, I guess I was wrong" Mothra smiled. As the two of them snuggled up, as a thought came into Vinyl's mind. She quickly got up, and gave Mothra a serious look. "M-Mothra I have something to tell you" Vinyl stuttered. "O-okay" Mothra replied a bit uncertain. Vinyl reached into a drawer, and pulled out a small medical item she had used earlier as she held it up for him to see. "Mothra......I'm pregnant" Vinyl told him. Mothra felt his blood go cold as she said those words. "A-and......." He stammered as Vinyl smiled holding him. "Yes, Mothra your the father" She smiled. Mothra quickly, hugged her happily as he let out something that he had not let out in centuries......tears of happiness. She smiled, thankful that he was happy. As they exited out of there quarters, Pinkie Pie raced out of nowhere as she gave Mothra, and Vinyl a hug. "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PREGNANCY WE SHOULD THROW A PARTY!!!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Not right away Pinkie we still have to keep an eye out, if Godzilla can come back from his mission, then we can throw the party" Mothra told her. "Okie Dokie Loki" Pinkie Cried. The others were soon announced the news, as they all congratulated both of him. "Wait, wait a minute HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A KAIJU, TO IMPREGNATE A MARE!?!?!?!?!?!?" Spitfire shouted. Mothra, and Anguirus began to give each other a peculiar look. "You wanna tell her or should I tell her?" Anguirus asked. "I think it's best if we both tell her" Mothra answered. "Tell me what?" Spitfire asked. "Spitfire every single Equestira Dimension, INCLUDING the original Equestria carries a fragment of a huge sectioned of land of Terra. In fact Terra has been around a lot longer than Equestira has" Mothra explained. "Think of it is this, Equestira is a branch, Terra is the tree that grew that branch" Anguirus explained. "Exactly so it is possible for a Kaiju to get any Equestrian life-forms pregnant, whether it would be a Dragon, a Griffon, an Earth Pony, a Pegasaus, a Unicorn, hell even, an Alicorn can get pregnant from a Kaiju" Mothra explained. "Is that why all of you are cautious when it comes to sex, because you can get another female creature pregnant?" Spitfire asked. "Ding, ding we have a winner" Mothra stated. "U-unbelievable" Spitfire stuttered. "Kaiju are such majestic creatures aren't they?" Mothra smirked. "Except for the evil one's, but were pretty bad-ass" Anguirus smiled. "Here, here my brudda" Mothra smiled, as they did a motion similar to a fist bump. "This just got interesting, although I wonder what Godzilla is up to?" Spitfire pondered. ***** The BC-1 Snake Helicopter seemed to stalk the train from a distance. Godzilla could oversee his target, as he was ready to do some smashing. "WHAT OTHER VEHICLES, DID MORGAN ASSIGN TO THE MISSION!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla shouted through the blades. "YOUR GOING TO BE TOUCHING DOWN WITH FIELD AGENTS, NINJAS, SPECIAL AGENTS, BLOOD NINJAS, SHADOW AGENTS, AND SHINOBI!!!!!!" The pilot shouted. "THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!!!!" Godzilla shouted over the blades, as he, and his assigned squadron jumped down with stealth. The Field Agents had a pistol similar to the Mauser except it had a silencer, they were also armed with an EMP Dart, and a Gas Grenade. Ninjas, were armed with a Katana, Shurikens, and a Smoke bomb (Of Course) the Army Special Agents were armed with Shadow Teleportation, A 9mm Pistol with a suppressor, an EMP blow dart gun, and Gas Grenades, they also had on Night Vision Goggles. Blood Ninja were armed with a Flame Katana, Shurikens, and a Gas Grenade. Shadow Agents were female agent's who had pony tail's. The Shadow Agents had a Grappling Hook, 9mm Pistol with a Silencer, Stun bullets for their pistol, and a Mini Alien Saucer Drone, that fires Cluster Bombs. Shinobi were armed with a Katana, Shurikens, and Gas Grenades. As they saw two guards, Godzilla instantly crushed them with his own bare claws, as he growled at them. He then burst through the door of the Cabboose as he journey inside as the train's ahead seemed empty. As he, and the other soldiers journeyed in, soon electrical chains appeared as a trap had been sprung, taking hold of Godzilla. "IT'S A TRAP, QUICK, GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted as more enemy soldiers charged at them, as the Ninja, Blood ninjas, and Shinobi used there skill's to quickly slice them out of the way. They all managed to get back safely as a female scientist soon approached Godzilla. "Hmmm, finally another perfect specimen, I wonder what species you are?" The scientist asked. "Go sit on a Land Mine" Godzilla growled. "Fiesty, you'll be the perfect specimen to dissect in our secret base" The scientist smiled, as she took the train to it's intended destination. As Godzilla was still restrained by the blue energy chain's, he watched as he was dragged into what appeared to be an abandoned castle, as the scientist strapped him in a dissection table."Now what will we find out about you?" The scientist wondered preparing the tools. "YOU ARE MAKING A VERY BIG MISTAKE I WOULDN'T TRY THIS!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla warned. "Oh hush you don't scare me" The scientist smiled, as the dissection began as you could hear Godzilla's screaming roar's. After a while the scientist began to get her results, her guards had kept everything under control. Meanwhile Godzilla laid healed, and unconscious on said dissection table, thanks to his healing factor. In the Earth Defenders base, Flutterbat felt a horrible chill run down her spine, as she looked out the window. "Hey Flutters, you okay?" Anguirus asked. "Get Shifter, I have a feeling, Godzilla will need her help" Flutterbat warned. Back at the scientist's base, the lights began to turn off, on there own. The Moon turned red with blood, a dark red misty cloud hovered over the castle. Godzilla's body began to shake wildly, a clock began to chime with the sound of old church bells. The bells chimed louder, and louder, and louder forcing the guards, guarding Godzilla down on their knees from their eardrums hurting then the bell's chiming finally stopped as everything was in pitch blackness. They all looked around until one of then spotted what looked like Godzilla, but was different. It's eyes were bloodshot, it's pupils were blood red it's eyeballs black, and bleeding. It's claws was also blood red, grown to be 5 feet long, and razor sharp. It's also had on dorsal plates, it's face warped, and twisted. It was floating off the grown demonically it's body covered from head, to toe, in warm blood that was constantly oozing around him. The demonic creature grabbed the guard, and with a swift movement ripped him in half. He then pulled out the guards, intestines, and wore them as a scarf. Now......it........was......his........turn. > Chapter 17 Nightmare Godzilla (Gore, and Horror) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 Nightmare Godzilla At the stone door of the castle, the power was out, all of the guard's began panicking trying to find out what was going on, as some of the guard's stood next to the door of the room where Godzilla was dissected. As they tried to figure out what was going on, the men began to hear rapid knocking coming from the door itself, as it suddenly became locked. Not even ten seconds later after the knocking. "Open the fucking door, OOOOOOPPPPPEEEEENNNNNN TTTTHHHHEEEEE DOOOOOORRRRRR, AAAAAAAAHHHHHH, NYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" The men screamed, rapidly, and almost banging on the locked door, before multiple scream's of pain was heard, by the constantly slashing behind that door. "SOUND THE ALARM, SOUND THE ALARM!!!!!!!" One of them shouted. Nightmare Godzilla had easily shredded his prey, as he then broke down the huge door. The soldier pulled out an assault rifle, and began firing at the creature, but to no avail. Nightmare Godzilla used a strange magic hoisting him up with his handing, before breaking his bones, then ripping his body apart letting blood, guts, and his organ's to splatter on the floor. Another soldier began to fire his weapon as well, but Nightmare Godzilla used his magic to pull out a mincer machine, and insert the guard, leg's first as he shredded him to bit's. Blood erupted everywhere, as the soldier had a very gooey death. Nightmare Godzilla began to think, as he vanished, ready to find his next kill. In a small creepy area, one of the Enginners was testing out a new furnace, that had huge melting tempatures. The furnace itself was used to breakdown the forged metal, that they needed to recycle. Next to him a woman stood making sure he was doing everything right, as soon as she began her small talk with him, she began hearing strange voices, one's that would belong to a six year old girl. "D-do you h-hear that?" The woman asked. "What?" The Enginner asked. "I think I'm hearing thing's perhaps I'll go clear my head" The woman stated as she wondered off; the Enginner only shrugged. "Okay"[color] He said to her. As she began walking along, she kept hearing that little girl voice. "P-please i-its cold out here p-please l-let me in" The voice whispered. "Hello" The woman called out in the darkness. It then began to feel very dark, and creepy. Without warning almost all ths place around her, was filled with blood, and darkness as she was hearing quiet snapping sound's. She was probably guessing that now was a good time as ever to turn back, no her ear's had to be playing tricks on her. As she pressed on further she froze, as her body was now shaking in fear......SOMETHING RED WAS DRIPPING ON HER. She looked to the ceiling as blood dripped, and poured from the ceiling.....up ahead she saw Nightmare Godzilla who just stood there floating demonicly, and staring off into a crayon drawing of brown mountain's. Nope, she was out with every ounce of her strength she turned, and ran, but Nightmare Godzilla's reflexes kicked in as he grabbed an axe, and with super strength threw it at her as the blade sliced her arm off, and knocked into the air, landing on the ground with an ugly crunch. Nightmare Godzilla then approached her as he began slicing, and punching her lower torso until it was nothing but her intestine's. Nightmare Godzilla then dragged the dead body as he came across a hook before he hung the top torso upside down by tying the intestines on said hook. "Such a nice decoration" He cackled, taking time to enjoy his kill. Soon he floated to where the Engineer was, who was still working on the furnace. "So your finally back, huh, good maybe you can help me out" The Engineer motioned un-aware it was someone else. Nightmare Godzilla grabbed the man, and shoved him into the hot furnace as his magic fixed, and cranked the furnace temperature to it's maximum heat. The Enginner squirmed, and struggled as the hottest flames muffled his scream's. Nightmare Godzilla then pulled out the bloody melted skull, and smashed the face of the dead body into the steel outer furnace, causing his skull to shatter like glass. He then threw the dead body down onto the ground as Nightmare Godzilla used his Blood teleportation, to find his quarry. Once again he found more soldiers, as they fired there assault rifles at him, but with no effect. His Nightmare Atomic Breath vaporized most of his enemies, other remaining soldiers he gutted like a fish letting there organ's spill onto the floor. One last soldier who was still intact continued firing bullets at him. Nightmare Godzilla then used his Blood Magic to take a huge piece of the castle wall without causing the whole castle to collapse. He then converted them into a million knives, all blade's pointing toward the soldier. "Prepare to be skewered" Nightmare Godzilla growled. The multiple kinves took out his eyes, ribs, spine, and basically turned his body into mush. He the saw another soldier charge from behind, only to use his magic to swing him into the ceiling, and slam him on the ground. He then user four magical clamps to lock him in place, and keep his legs apart. Nightmare Godzilla pulled out a Chainsaw, started it up, and drove it into the ground. Using his magic he rode the chainsaw like a tiny miniature ball. "YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Nightmare Godzilla screamed in-humanly as he drove the chainsaw shredding the soldier crotch first, all the way to the head, making a disgusting mess, of blood, and brain fluid. As he looked at his killed prey, he bent down picking up a human heart that he found from one of his kill's. His twisted jaws opened wide as he ate it crunching it into little bits, blood pouring from his teeth, and swallowed. "Mmmmm, needs a bit more taste, but not bad" Nightmare Godzilla grinned, as he finally head after his quarry. The only two left was the scientist, and her assistant. They were frantically searching for a way out as Nightmare Godzilla had taken over the castle building, and had sealed them in. She, and her assistant finally found a locked door, that she struggled to use her key's to unlock it. Without warning a loud sound disrupt then below as Nightmare Godzilla appeared with a huge bushwacker shredding tool. "Good evening doctor, it's time for your examination, and your dissection" Nightmare Godzilla grinned as he pursued with the giant saw. The assistant activated those energy chains, but Nightmare Godzilla broke free of them, and sawed the assistant in half through the metal door. This created a small hole, as the scientist began squeezing through the gap trying to get out. She could almost get out, but Nightmare Godzilla shredded her in half with the Bushwacker, throwing the tool down, he used his magic to fix the door, and slammed it into the scientist's dead body, crushing it completely. Then using his strength, he broke down the door with sheer force. Finally free, Nightmare Godzilla smiled as disturbing song began to play in his head. This vid does have an audio glitch, but I hope you like it so enjoy. As Nightmare Godzilla teleported, he landed in alleyway ready to make his move. He was ready to do some more killing, when an unknown feeling flooded him. As Anger began to course through his insane mind, Nightmare Godzilla heard a beautiful singing that began to calm him down. After searching with the rest of the Earth Defenders, Shifter had finally found Godzilla, but she needed to calm him down, bring him back to her, thus she quickly hugged him, as he was about to retaliate, she began to sing. Suprisingly Shifter's singing, calmed the demonic creature down, the blood, demon form fading, as Godzilla stopped floating as he collapsed into the ground. Shifter shifted (wasn't trying to make it pun) to a better position, as she hugged Godzilla again, now facing him. Godzilla hugged back relieved that the Nightmare was over, as all of them head back to base. ***** "What exactly was that Godzilla, you looked terrifying!?" Anguirus asked. "I don't know, it call's itself Nightmare Godzilla, I think during my old days, I......kept that creature deep in the back of my subconsious mind, chained it up, and prevented it from ever controlling my body, I think that whatever that creature was is something that should not be discovered, or disturbed" Godzilla explained. "I agree, perhaps it's best if we watch what we say toward's you" Anguirus shuddered. "I don't think that's necessary, whatever that thing is, it only likes coming out on October, other than that, he stays silent" Godzilla told them. "Still we need for it to take pro-cautions, when were round you, it looked like you were about to start a rampage" Mothra warned. "I will start asking the Ancients to give one of you Magic Sealing cuffs, just in case if it got out of hand again" Godzilla explained. "But if we don't get it done in time, maybe Shifter should still sing to you" Rodan shrugged. "Seems like a good idea if she's okay with it" Godzilla nodded. "S-sure" Shifter stuttered. After reporting in with Morgan, he managed to get everything, and was a bit glad Godzilla took care of it. As they all continued to go back to there relaxing activities, Godzilla approached Shifter. "By the way, Shifter you are a beautiful singer" Godzilla told her.Shifter heard these words, and quietly looked away her cheeks lit up in a small, yet warm blush. "T-thank y-you" She smiled as they continued. > Chapter 18 Kaiju Christmas (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 Kaiju Christmas Who knew that time could fly by so fast. Godzilla learned the news of Vinyl's pregnancy, and suprisingly took it well. They did throw a party two days later, because they were still a little on edge, ever since they heard of the Nightmare Godzilla incident taking place. Godzilla could still pace back in forth, as he continued with the new festival day. A thought still lingered in the back of his mind, which he didn't want to bring up to ruin such a nice festival which was a peaceful time. Why hadn't the Aliens, or the Mutants attempt another huge strike? Instinct seemed to tell Godzilla that they were planning something bigger this time, and that worried him. Even after these past two month's Vinyl's pregnancy was definetly beginning to show. She walked around with a bulged belly, as she had to fit into different clothes. Thankfully Morgan had helped provide such materials as he was always beaming with a smile, and would fist bump Mothra saying he was a very proud Kaiju, and indeed Mothra was, especially with how thing's were going. As for Anguirus, and Flutterbat those two went on more dates, and were now even more madly in love, except they showed their love, by teasing each other sexually, which to be honest was funny as its best, and made there time at the base, much more interesting. What also happened, was Rodan, and Spitfire also admitted there love for one another, and also were dating whenever they could, same thing with both Baragon, and Pinkie Pie, Aaaahhh, the young love was in the air, not only was it a good day, but to be honest, he had been having a crush on Shifter, and he wanted to confess his love to her, but to be honest it also scared him especially what happened all those years ago. Other than that today was also enjoying the festivities that this beautiful Christmas had brought. A small Christmas tree had been brought in, as they began decorating said Christmas tree. They also got a visit from Morgan's team that he enjoyed the company with. They brought Floyd, back again, and some team members he had heard about. The first one was Seargent Ramsey, who was always carrying, and firing his Minigun, honestly he loved using it. Next was the Mechanic of the group Zoey, she was redhead, with a bit of freckles, similar to Applejack, however she wasn't a cowgirl. She mostly was a bit nerdier than Applejack, but still had that honest charisma. Next was the one, and only idiot of the group Private Perkins. This kid was a trooper who was recently recruited, who was optimistic, clueless, and sometimes was still able to annoy people. As they all decorated Perkins soon approached Ramsey holding a small crate. "Where do I put these grenades sir?" Perkins asked holding the box carelessly. "YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH PERKINS YOU IDIOT, WATCH HOW YOU HOLD THOSE, YOU COULD HAVE BLOWN US BOTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ramsey shouted carefully grabbing the box. "Sorry sir" Perkins shrugged. "Goddammit Private I ought to shoot you dead" Seargent growled. "That's wonderful to know sir" Perkins sighed. As Mothra flew things up to put the correct ornaments, Vinyl watched him with a smile on her face, as she rubbed her pregnant belly affectionately. There were times, Mothra had to get her different types of food, due to her pregnancy. Of course her craving's were odd. She wanted salads, eggplants, lettuce, and even wanted a burger. It was mostly vegetable related, but sometimes it would change things up. Unfortuanetly Mothra had to lock up his refrigerator, to keep her from going hog wild, off the food she ate, but hey no one said taking care of a pregnant mare was easy business. In fact it kept Mothra from going out most of the time, he wouldn't go outside, unless a mission was too important. After finally finish the tree, both of them wiped their eyebrows. "Phew, finally finished now what should we eat?" Godzilla asked. "Actually Godzilla I need you, Mothra, Anguirus, Baragon, and Rodan to do something for me" Morgan explained. They all came to Morgan, as they looked at him. "What is it?" They all asked in unison. "There having a Christmas Festival for the military boy's stationed at the New Jersey Island, all of you are chosen to play two music song's you like it could be rock or heavy metal, or whatever" Morgan shrugged. "Who the hell listen's to rock music at a Christmas festival?" Anguirus asked. "Apparently these people do" Godzilla shrugged. "Do I have to go, I mean I should stay hear, and watch over Vinyl" Mothra told Morgan. "I'M NOT USELESS YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vinyl shouted at him. Mothra quickly shook had scared look on his face, as he shuddered. "I didn't say that hun, after all I don't want something to happen to our child" Mothra told Vinyl, which made her soften up. "Besides, I would have you come along, and play your tables, but your carrying an unborn little one, and that's a no-no" Morgan told her. "I-I know, please come back to me" Vinyl whined giving Mothra sparkling eyes. Mothra hovered down, and kissed her forehead as she hummed happily. "Don't worry my love we won't be gone long" Mothra told her which made Vinyl give him a warm smile. They both took the re-built Gotengo Mark 2, it was finally re-constructed, and it had a lot of new improvements, as the ship was still helpful. As they both took off, the other's began to relax waiting for the Earth Defenders to return not wanting to start opening the Christmas presents without them. Shifter, Spitfire, Pinkie, and Flutterbat, sat down with Vinyl as they all began to talk. "You really must be proud of having this baby Vinyl" Spitfire smiled. "Indeed, at first when I told Mothra about this I was hoping he didn't want to have a baby since he seemed so focused on the war, but then he told me that it helped keep his mind off the war, being able to have peace without having to go kill someone, or fight a huge battle against the same old Kaiju enemies" Vinyl explained. "All of them are so caring, he called it "our baby", he really does love you" Spitfire smiled. "Indeed, and I'm glad he's my husband" Vinyl sighed happily. "The others aren't so bad either there so fun to be around, but Baragon is my favorite, sometimes when I'm alone with him, I want him to pin me down, and buck me like a horny whorse, like the beast he is" Pinkie snarled as the others stared at her, their faces completely red in a huge blush. "P-PINKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Spitfire shouted. Pinkie Pie realized her mistake, and began to blush. "Oops heh heh......d-did I say,that out loud" Pinkie Pie blushed. "W-well I have always thought what it would b-be like" Flutterbat admitted her face turning crimson. "NOT YOU TOO!!!!!!" Spitfire whined. "Haven't you thought similar kinky thought's about Rodan?" Shifter asked, causing Spitfire to turn more crimson. "That's what I thought" Shifter smiled as they all got a good laugh. "You know I really like have a chat with you girls" Vinyl chuckled. "Indeed, although something puzzles me" Shifter thought. "What is it?" Flutterbat asked. "Why is there team called Earth Defenders?" Shifter asked. "Because they earned the title of what they did in a year of 2002 it wasn't humanitie's finest moment, as they had deleted the evidence of it, but I remember that event very well" Zoey said as she sat down. "What story is that Zoey?" Pinkie Pie asked. "You see back then, all the Kaiju's were there original size, however none of them could speak, the government was different, the Xillian Invasion didn't happen until 2 years later..." Zoey explained. "We ended up capturing a lot of the famous Kaiju, putting them all under lock up on a place called Monster Island, it was there that a huge breakout occurred, freeing all the Kaiju including the Earth Defenders who were each on there own path, as they escaped. All of the escaped inmates were forced to forge alliance's. Godzilla, and Anguirus both became allies, as they fought Destroyer, on Monster Island, from there it changed....." Zoey explained. "Godzilla went on his own path, but then returned to Monster Island, discovering a new type of crystallized power source, however Godzilla discovered, that it had corrupted Baragon, driving him mad, not only that, but an Alien cyborg who came after the crystal power source Godzilla had two options, destroy Baragon, or destroy the Crystal's, he took the second option, and both ended up teaming up to defeat the cyborg Megalon....." Zoey explained. "WAIT WHO'S MEGALON!?!?!?!?!?" Spitfire asked. "Another Alien cyborg, a dirt digger like Baragon, except he is a beetle" Zoey answered. "Wait......How many Kaiju are there?" Vinyl asked. "Millions, millions of Kaiju stretched out through the entire universe, some out in different dimensions, while all the others stayed here" Zoey answered. "Well if there is more here, where are they?" Flutterbat asked. "Most of them are dead, killed one by one, by Godzilla's claws, before, and during the Xillian Invasion, however there are two that remain unaccounted for, or have been missing, and both of them are enemies. Megaguirus a deadly dragonfly with lethal energy draining magic, speed, and sonic wing attack, and last, but not least Megalon, the Alien's cyborg beetle with a laser, drill attacks, and impressive underground combat techniques" Zoey explained. "WHOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH" All of them said in unison amazed of what Godzilla did. "So back to the story, how did they get called the Earth Defenders" Pinkie Pie asked. ".....Oh right, well then.....Megalon journeyed to Seattle in, America, where both Rodan, and Godzilla found Megalon, powered up by a new type of crystal, as both of them teamed up taking him down. Finally when an Alien race known as the Vortak, sent a supersized King Ghidorah to take over the world, there plan's were foiled, by an allied combat of Mothra, and Godzilla, all five together, not only did they take on the biggest global threat, but they also did the impossible......" Zoey breathed. "And what would that be?" Shifter asked. ".....Together these five Kaiju not only did they take out the Mutants plan, which would have ripped our entire planet apart, but they also repelled, an ENTIRE Alien invasion held on this battleground, here in Tokyo they had saved humanity, and Earth from two major schemes from two different evil's, at THE EXACT SAME TIME, AND WON" Zoey explained. "WHAAAAAATTTTT!?!?!?!?!?!?" They all shouted in complete shock. "Y-you mean j-just five, those five Kaiju, alone, as a team......DID THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Shifter shouted. "Indeed thankful for being saved, the human's named this unstoppable team, the Earth Defenders" Zoey finished. "T-THAT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!" Spitfire cried. "Now you see, why they have a high clearance for the government, and after what they did, even after their disagreements, and the Xillian Invasion being stopped, they only became more popular" Zoey complimented. "T-they really are very special" Flutterbat admitted, hiding a small blush as dreamy thought's of Anguirus, began to cloud her head. "They are, I've honestly never heard or met such creatures in my entire life" Zoey smiled as she left. "Oooooohhhh, now I'm getting steamy thoughts" Spitfire drooled, as all of them had to fan themselves off. "I wonder what there doing right now?" Shifter thought. ***** As Godzilla, and the other Earth Defenders both stood in front of the audience they got ready to play there first song's. "This really doesn't make sense" Anguirus whispered. "Just roll with it" Mothra whispered as they began there play the first song they had planned. The military audience cheered from there song, as they smiled. Godzilla sighed as all of them quickly got a drink, ready to prepare their voices. "Alright boys, ready for the next song?" Godzilla asked. "WERE READY!!!!!!!" They answered enthusiastically as they began to sing their next song. As the song ended they all cheered, as the Earth Defenders wished them all a Merry Christmas, as they piloted the Gotengo Mark 2 back to base. "I wonder what our Christmas presents will be when we get back?" Anguirus pondered. "Wait, and see Anguirus.....Wait, and see" Godzilla grinned. As they got back all of them had there Christmas presents ready to open. "Alright so who's got presents for who?" Godzilla asked. "Well I have one for Anguirus, but I'll go last" Flutterbat smiled, hiding a blush. "I also have a present for Mothra I want to save till the end as well" Vinyl smiled. "All right then, so that leaves a present for, Morgan, Zoey, Ramsey, Floyd, and even Perkins" Godzilla announced. "Let's have the Luitenant go first" Ramsey said. "Alright, careful it's fragile" Godzilla warned. Morgan began to open his present carefully as he pulled a bottle out that made him grin. "ZOOOOWWWEEEEE!!!!!!!" Morgan smiled holding what looked like, Alien whine. "On one of our dimensional mission's, I managed to secretly barter this off from a certain Yautja GO EASY ON THAT STUFF!!!!!!!" Godzilla warned. "Oh I will I want to save this bottle for a special occasion" Morgan smiled. "Alright Zoey, your present is next" Mothra smiled throwing her the present. "OOF" She grunted before beginning to open it, as she gasped seeing a tiny pink teddy bear. "AAAAWWWW, Its perfect to wear on my belts, Thanks guys" Zoey smiled. "Indeed, now Ramsey your up, Godzilla if you please" Anguirus smiled, as Godzilla pulled up a huge heavy wrapped wooden crate. "WHOOOOAAAAA!!!!!!!" They all said in Suprise. Ramsey unwrapped it revealing a wooden crate to which he opened. "A GOLDEN MINIGUN, I ALWAYS WANTED THIS!!!!!!!" Ramsey cried. "Your welcome bud, all right now Floyd it's your turn" Baragon smiled handing him a small box. Floyd soon pulled out his present, and groaned. "A snowglobe.......REALLY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Floyd whined as they all began laughing. "No not really the snowglobe was just a prank, that Morgan pulled, I'll get your real present" Baragon smiled getting ready to grab it. "I HATE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!!!!" Floyd growled at Morgan. "Awwww come on Floyd, have some fun, it's Christmas" Morgan groaned. As he opened up his real present, he smiled. "A new tranquilizer gun, nice my old one, was getting a bit beat up" Floyd smiled. "Hey nothing wrong with that" Baragon complimented. "Alright Perkins your up" Rodan smiled as he pulled out Perkins present handing it to him. As Perkins put down the snowglobe he took from Morgan since Floyd didn't want it, he opened his present, as his eyes lit up, and smiled. "OOOOOOH, Boar Matriarch Beef Jerky" Perkins smiled as he sniffed the package. "You know this reminds me, where we had to put on those pieces of ham on Perkins, to make him a distraction against some wild boars" Zoey remembered. "Who said I was a distraction, I thought we were flirting Zoey" Perkins replied. Everyone instantly face-palmed, and groaned as after that, they turned to Flutterbat, and Vinyl Scratch. "All right, since I assume you have their present's, which one of you will go first?" Godzilla asked. "I will" Flutterbat breathed, as she approached Anguirus. "Anguirus.....I have something to tell you" Flutterbat told him. "Ok?" Anguirus replied confused. "Anguirus for the last few months after we met, I really liked how you took care of me, and how much laugh's we've had. I've fallen very madly in love with you, and you have fallen madly in love with me, and I enjoy our teasing at times, and I worry about you every time when you go on mission's, which is why I have come to this decision....." Flutterbat breathed, as she looked Anguirus dead in the eyes."Anguirus.....will you marry me?" Flutterbat asked. Everyone else's jaw dropped at those words. "Y-yes, I-I will" Anguirus stuttered, still a bit awestruck at her words. "HAAAAHEEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!" The Earth Defenders cheered, as everyone clapped, and smiled. "Congratulations you two" Baragon smiled. "Thank you.....b-but" Anguirus stuttered. Flutterbat smiled as she began to walk away, as she gave him bedroom eyes. "I'll be waiting for you in your room big boy" She cooed seductively as she went upstairs with a sway of her hips. "She's such a tease" Anguirus groaned, as he headed on up the stairs. "Well they won't be back for a while" Godzilla grinned. "M-Mothra, I've been f-feeling very horny lately so one sentence, YOU, ME, BED NOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!" Vinyl growled. "Lead the way my lady" Mothra smiled as they journeyed upstair's. "Looks like they won't be back for a while either" Godzilla smiled. In that moment Morgan, and the others took off, while Spitfire, Pinkie Pie, Baragon, and Rodan all went upstairs tuckered out leaving Godzilla, and Shifter alone. "Tell me, just how powerful are your powers?" Shifter asked. "OH HO HO, are you giving the Mighty Godzilla, a flirty sparring challenge?" Godzilla smirked teasingly. "Indeed shall we see what happens?" Shifter asked as they began to head to the training room. "Let's find out" Godzilla smirked, itching to spar with her. ***** As Anguirus journeyed up the stairs, he went into his bedroom, as he shut the door, and locked it. "Turn around handsome" Flutterbat cooed as he was given a very sexy sight. Flutterbat was sitting on the end of the bed, with a pen in her mouth, and glasses on that made her look sexy. She wore the tiniest panties, and mini skirt, that didn't cover her rear, as her legs were spread revealing her sexy big pussy. She also, wore a ripped white half t-shirt that showed off her E- cup sized breast's, and her bright pink nipple's. "W-whoa" Anguirus stammered. "Come, and get me you sexy Kaiju" Flutterbat growled. Anguirus went to her bed, as he locked lips with her, as she moaned deeply into the kiss. Soon he broke the kiss as Anguirus used his claws, shredding the ripped t-shirt, panties, and her mini skirt. Flutterbat shuddered with a new thrill that made her more wet, as she spit the pen out of her mouth, giving him her bedroom eyes. Anguirus then brought out his rod, as Flutterbat gazed at it. It was like a Dragons, but with small nubs that would touch her in all the right places. "Ooooh, your going to be perfect" Flutterbat growled. Anguirus then got close to her as he began to grope her massive breast's with his claws, also while pinching her nipples. "MMMMMMMM" Flutterbat moaned loudly from his claws. Anguirus then grabbed his rod, and slid it into her giant pussy. "UUUUUUUUUHHHHHH" Flutterbat moaned loudly feeling her wall's constrict around him, as such a contact emitted a lewd squelching sound. Flutterbat was very, very wet, she felt his amazing aura, as his rod touched the best spot's of her pussy. Flutterbat looked at her beloved, giving him a speechless stare. She then started moving, as there hip's met the lewd sound's of flesh slapping together. Her bouncing was very erotic, but mostly slow with a bit of speed. This made Anguirus grab, and squeeze her breast's more as he saw, how erotic her bouncing was, and hearing her moan's. "UUUUUHHHNNNN, UUUUUHHHHNNNN, AAAAAAAHHHH, AAAAAHHHHHH AAAAHHHHHNNNN UUUUUUHHHHH, UUUUUHHHHNNNNN AAAAAAAHHHH AAAAAAAAHHHHH AAAAAAHHHH" She moaned as she felt her lover's thrusts, he was now as deep as he could go, going at a faster rhythm. "UUUUUUUUUHHHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHHNNNN, AAAAAAAHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHNNNN, OOOOOHHHHNNNN, OOOOOOHHHHNN, OH, OH, OH, OH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOOOOOHHHHNNNNNNNN" Flutterbat screamed as Anguirus pumped his seed, slowly inside of her, as she came hard, her entire body quaking. As they collapsed onto the bed, Anguirus on top, and still inside of her, Flutterbat sighed happily. As she had felt the aura on her finger glow. Anguirus looked as he saw the new wedding ring on his claws. It had Flutterbat's Cutie Mark on it while Flutterbat's wedding ring, had Anguirus's figure on it as she smiled letting him stay inside. "Buck, that was very.......amazing......sex" Flutterbat panted. "You were wonderful, I'm definitely glad I have these huge breast's, and naughty nether lips to myself" Angurius growled. "P-please, don't tempt me, to ride you further, my mind can't take much" Flutterbat sighed as,her body shuddered. "Alright then" Anguirus smiled as they fell asleep. Meanwhile Mothra, and Vinyl went into their room closing, and locking the door. Vinyl took off her clothes, with the help of Mothra, as they kissed passionetly, before approaching the bed. Mothra had to admit, pregnancy did wonder's on Vinyl's body. Her breast's had gotten bigger to a pair of B-cup's as a result, plus she was more sensitive. Vinyl gave him a pleading look, as she spread her hind legs, revealing her dripping flower. Mothra began to use his Imago legs, as he began to rub, and play with her clit. "UUUUUUUHHHHHH" Vinyl shivered, as she had a lewd look on her face. "I must say pregnancy has done wonder's for your sexy body" Mothra growled, as Vinyl blushed. "Y-you still t-think I-I' m sexy, you must really like to buck your pregnant wife" Vinyl growled, while also blushing. "Oh I know so, and I'm going to make sure you enjoy it" Mothra growled. He then took his rainbow rod, and slid it inside her pussy. "OH BUCK, UUUUUUUUUHHHHH, OH YEAH" Vinyl panted, as Mothra bent down as he carefully grabbed her breast's with his Imago Legs, as he groped, and squeezed sucking the milk coming from her breast's. "UUUUUUHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHH YEEEESSSSS, UUUUUUUHHHHH, I WAITED FOREVER TO BE MILKED" Vinyl whined, her body shuddering. "Ready to begin?" Mothra asked. "P-Please t-take me" Vinyl shuddered. Mothra gave her slow gentle thrust's, while still drinking the milk from both of her breasts. "UUUUUUHHH, UUUUUUUUUHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHH, OH YES, BUCK, BUUUCCCKKKK, UUUUUUUHHHH, UUUUUUHHHHH, S-SO GOOOOOODDDD" Vinyl panted, and whined, as Mothra continued. Soon both of them, began reaching their limit. "V-Vinyl b-baby I'm g-gonna......." Mothra stammered, before a hollering Vinyl cut him off. "INSIDE, DO IT INSIDE PLEEEEAAASSEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" She screamed as they both climaxed as they rested together. "Ooooh that was the best" Vinyl shuddered. "S-satasfied?" Mothra asked. "Very, normally if you were a stallion, I'd go another round, but after that Ooooh, that was great" Vinyl shuddered, as Mothra gently laid on top of her. "Your amazing Vinyl" Mothra smiled. "So are you.....my love" Vinyl smiled as they both kissed passionetly, before snuggling together falling asleep. Godzilla, and Shifter finally arrived at the training center as they began there sparring. Shifter used her Shadow cloak move, to be unpredictable, as she would dart around dodging his attacks, as he continued. "Tee hee, hee, I'm going to get you Godzilla" Shifter cried playfully, as she carefully dodged his attacks, before slapping his ass,with her tail. Godzilla blushed, making Shifter giggle as he growled. "Oh your gonna get it missy" Godzilla growled, as he came bursting at her with ferocious speed. Panicking a bit, Shifter did her best to evade him, bit to no avail, as Godzilla came out of nowhere, pinning her to the ground as he gently leaned forward, and sensually licked her nose. Immedietly Shifter's face turned completely crimson. "D-did y-you j-just L-LICK ME!?!?!?!?!?!?" Shifter asked. "Godzilla uses lick, it's super effective" Godzilla replied, with a wide grin. Shifter tried to get off, but Godzilla kept her pinned. Soon both of them started laughing from their precarious event as they both sighed. Godzilla then noticed how beautiful she looked; Shifter could see the look in his eyes, as her heart began to beat in excitement, as both of them tried to control their imprintive instincts. Godzilla lowered down, as Shifter didn't stop him. Soon there lips touched, as Shifter shivered from such a delightful kiss. Shifter moaned as she enjoyed such a sensual kiss, tongue, and all as both of them separated, panting for much needed air. "G-Godzilla.....I-I love you" Shifter stuttered, admitted her feelings. "I love you too, Shifter" Godzilla smiled as they shared another sensual kiss, before deciding to call it a night. Meanwhile somewhere else, a portal began to open as a familiar figure stepped out. "I found you black lizard, and now Bizarro will have his revenge" Bizzaro growled as he began to get prepared. > Chapter 19 Bizzaro's Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sunlight had approached as Mothra, Vinyl, Flutterbat, and Anguirus woke up to the morning sun, feeling refreshed. They both decide to use there shower's to wash of there deeds (Except for Mothra who just used that weird gel his body ejected, to clean himself) However the next morning seemed relaxing. As all of them headed down getting some food, and wandering if there was any enemy activity. "Anything?" Mothra asked ad he greeted Godzilla. "No still, nothing the Aliens, and the Mutants haven't made a single move, but the're up to something I can't just figure out what" Godzilla pondered looking at the huge informational board. "Do you think Ghidorah dissapeared?" Mothra asked. "No Ghidorah doesn't just disappear, not with us around" Godzilla answered. "Do you think he left the planet, to get reinforcements?" Mothra asked. "If he did then we need to make sure we're on guard, there's no telling how much of a fleet, Ghidorah would actually bring" Godzilla explained. "Then we will defiently be on guard" Mothra noted, as he then stared at Godzilla. "So......what were you up to?" Mothra asked. "Shifter, and I both revealed that we love each other very much, and it felt good to get it off my chest" Godzilla sighed. "So the Mighty Godzilla finally get's back to dating a female of his kind" Mothra smiled. "Don't make such a big deal out of it, you old rogue" Godzilla grinned, giving Mothra a slight nudge as they laughed. "So still can't wait for your wife to give birth to your child?" Godzilla asked. "Yeah, my wife is just so amazing, and I'm glad I have her all to myself" Mothra sighed happily, as Godzilla grinned. "There's nothing wrong with that man, loving a mare like her so much, that you only want your love to be her's, and her's alone is a rare trait to admire these days" Godzilla grinned. "Yeah, others mostly cheat, have a one night stand, or do just gay stuff.....BLECH!!!!!!!!" Mothra groaned in disgust. "True however we cannot control said lives, as long as they are careful of what they percieve" Godzilla explained. "Can't argue about that" Mothra shrugged. As the day mostly perceived of boredom, Godzilla felt a presence he had not sense in a while, but knew what it was. As the others had all woken up, carrying on with a normal off day that didn't involve such combat. "Mothra, can you be in charge while I'm gone there is something I must take care off" Godzilla told him. "Your not going after the Mutants, or Aliens alone are you?" Mothra asked. "No, however there is a personal matter that I must take care of" Godzilla stated. "Maybe it's best that Anguirus is in charge, cause I think it's best if I come with you" Mothra stated. "Very well" Godzilla noted. "Awwww, come on Mothra can't you stay?" Vinyl whined, overhearing the last part of there conversation. "I would my love.....I would, but something tells me it's best if I tagged along" Mothra stated. "YOU'D BETTER COME BACK TO ME SAFE, AND SOUND!!!!!!!!" Vinyl shouted. "Don't worry I will" Mothra smiled as both of them walked out the building before heading to an abandoned warehouse. "Where are we going Godzilla?" Mothra asked. "To destroy the Injustice dimensional Superman, who has foolishly followed me here" Godzilla told him, Mothra giving him a pondering look. "Are you sure, after all you killed that Superman during our dimensional hop-over's" Mothra replied. "Superman's power isn't exactly free of dark magic, it is possible that his corruption went so deep, that event after death it brought him back to life" Godzilla explained. "But why would he come after you?" Mothra asked. "One, I was the one who overpowered, and killed him, in the first place. Superman saw my awesome power, and wanted more from it, that way he could finally defeat Batman, and thus he journeyed here to take it then go back" Godzilla explained. "He does know that he's on a fool's errand right?" Mothra asked. "Unfortuanetly no, and that will cost him his life just as it did before" Godzilla explained. As they approached the abandoned warehouse Godzilla stared at Bizzaro, as he snarled, showing one of his fanged pointy teeth. "Bizzaro, has finally found you black lizard, now Bizzaro will take your power" Bizzaro grumbled. "Your are a fool to think you can easily take my power Bizzaro, and that will cost you dearly, just as it did last time" Godzilla warned. At that moment Bizzaro charged forward, as Godzilla stopped his super punch, and tossed the zombified Superman into a wall, as it dented, causing Bizzaro much pain. "Your even a much weaker species than I expected" Godzilla grunted. Bizzaro used his heat vision to fire, but Godzilla dodged it as it was inches from his head. Bizzaro then charged, while firing his heat vision, but Godzilla used his Atomic Nuclear Pulse to hit him multiple times in the stomach, as Bizzaro went high into the sky, and flat through the warehouse's ceiling, and wall. Bizzaro got up, ad he blew his frost breath, only for Godzilla to break free of being frozen instantly. "I've been captured in the ice before, you really don't think I didn't enhance my experience after that?" Godzilla growled. Bizzaro then charged, enraged, as a loud slicing sound was heard as a pool of red blood splattered on the floor. Bizzaro's entire body became shredded, as Godzilla held up the head, of what used to be a very good superhero. "How the Mighty hero, has fallen" Godzilla growled as he crushed the head with his two bare claws. "That's the end of that" Mothra smiled. "Indeed, now come, it's time we journeyed back to base" Godzilla smiled. Mothra nodded as they both began there journey back to base, hoping to await what would happen next. > Chapter 20 The Horrors of Bug Island (Birth Chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20 The Horrors of Bug Island After the battle against Bizzaro, and the upcoming new year. Godzilla had a feeling that there peaceful moment's would soon come to an end. He expected a move, either an Alien Invasion from King Ghidorah, or a massive Dark Magic move from SpaceGodzilla. Still for now, he was to enjoy most of their peaceful moments. Vinyl Scratch was also due to give birth any day now, which all the more reason to keep Mothra behind. Mothra was going to help share his healing factor's to make sure that both, Vinyl, and the baby itself would both make it through. As Godzilla, and the others also watched Vinyl pretty much 24/7, Godzilla heard the sound of a BC-1 Snake helicopter slowly begin to touch down as he saw Morgan get out. "Well, well, well Luitenant it has been a while since your last visit has it not?" Godzilla asked. "Indeed I'm here on both the Cuban, and African government apparently they have a mission for you, and your selected team" Morgan explained. "With all due respect Luitenant were are really cut short, and I don't know if we can go on this mission" Godzilla warned. "Can you at least take, Baragon, Anguirus, and Rodan with you?" Morgan asked. "Indeed, but that would mean Shifter would have to stay behind with the others to make sure nothing bad happens when Vinyl gives birth to Mothra's child if such an emergency were to occur" Godzilla explained. "Understood, then I will de-brief you inmedietly" Morgan told them, as Godzilla, Anguirus, Baragon, and Rodan followed Morgan. "So what is the mission you have for us?" Godzilla asked. "A few years back, the Cuban, and African government were working on a naturistic project on an almost remote island, it use to be a tourist destination, where there laboratory would make these new mushroom barrel's, that would help the island's wildlife, to flourish even with the tourist development building taking place, however something went wrong with the chemical mushrooms the government were using at the time" Morgan explained. "What happened?" Anguirus asked. "Apparently the Mushrooms they used ended up making the insect's grow to humongous size, but also became carnivorous, and began attacking the tourists. The lab was destroyed, all the scientist slaughtered, and most of the tourists were killed, and eaten. The island itself has been abandoned for many years, but has been monitored closely.....recently some of the creatures that still feed on the mushrooms, have now started evolving to the point, where they can now get off the island itself" Morgan explained. "Ok that sounds pretty bad" Rodan stated. "Indeed, however it has gotten worse, the African government built a bomb that could bury the island under the sea, however they've reached a problem" Morgan stated. "What's the problem?" Godzilla asked. "A strike force has to clear out all the creatures on Bug Island, before detonating the bomb. Africa sent out it's best Militia to take care of the job, but they failed, and were forced to retreat; after that one of my squad's was sent in for the job, and they were forced to retreat as well both suffering a huge loss of casualties. The island itself is too savage for them to survive which is why I told them that I'd talk to a secret Japanese force to send there best...... which is you guys, we need you too take out all the creatures, and blow up the entire island....you are to leave imemdietly" Morgan stated. "Alright then let's go" Godzilla stated as they loaded the bomb onto the Gotengo, and Baragon took the control's. "Hate to say it Baragon, now we rely on your super secret smart side" Anguirus sighed. "Don't worry boys, I've got your back, which is why I'm flying the Gotengo, time to go" Baragon smiled, as he punched in the co-ordinates as the Gotengo's thrusters fired, as they both took to the skies. The Gotengo raced as fast as it could, the bomb secure in place, and on standby. Finally, the Gotengo came across the beach area of the island, at this point they all dropped down as Baragon set the controls so that the Gotengo itself flew, around surveying the Island. "No carnivorous Creatures, on the beach? WHY ARE THERE NONE OF THE INFECTED CREATURES ON THE BEACH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus shouted. "There must be some other way there going to be able to get off the Island" Godzilla realized "Well we better find it......FAST otherwise those creatures could infect more creatures, and maybe even us" Anguirus responded, as they continued journeying into the Island jungle. They soon came across a sign that stopped them, in their tracks. Welcome to Bug Island, the Nature Tourist attraction that will take away your life problem's "Yeah that's not creepy at all" Anguirus said sarcastically. Soon multiple loud stomping noises was heard as they all saw huge tarantulas that almost bared a resemblance to Kumonga. "WHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" They shouted, as the arachnids attacked. The Earth Defenders got to work slicing, and dicing the killer bugs, pummeling through them, as blood stained there claws. All in all, they had fought over three huge waves, of giant tarantulas. "Oh man.....I HATE THIS ISLAND!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus groaned, as they both continued throughout the area. As soon as they got onto a rocky path, they all heard a loud buzzing sound. "Uh.....guys......whats that sound?" Rodan asked cautiously, as two swarms of bugs charged at them. "BEEES!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted. "OH NO WE GOT BEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Rodan cried as they all used their power's, doing there best to bring down the killer infected swarms. The tarantulas, were easy, the bees were more difficult, as this swarm was smart enough to scatter enough, no matter how much they fired. They began to start using there stingers which caused them some pain, getting angry, Godzilla activated a huge blast of his Atomic Nuclear Pulse frying all of the bugs. Thankfully the bee stings didn't infect them yet, and they were able to wipe the bugs out. However another loud buzzing sound was heard, as a different flying creature chased after then. "Aww you gotta be fucking kidding me" Anguirus groaned. "Dragonflies" Godzilla growled, as the infected dragonflies began to swarm them, however they were much more easier to deal with. They soon came to a huge fork in the road, one went to a swamp, and the other too a cave. "Well boys, should we go to the cave, or the swamp?" Godzilla asked. "Maybe it's best we go to the swamp first, then go after the cave, when it's close to night time" Baragon told him. "He's right that does sound much better" Anguirus agreed. "Alright let's go" Rodan noted as they all went into the swamp. As they journeyed in, they were attacked by infected snakes, water striders, mosquitos, and piranhnas. "Aw great" Anguirus, as they battled like mad, trying to fend off the evil creatures. Godzilla dove into the swamp waters, as he fought the piranhas face to face eradicating the fish. Rodan used his laser's, and firey heat, to roast the mosquitos alive. Baragon, and Anguirus wrestled the snakes, and slashed them in half using there razor sharp claws. As another wave of mosquitos came swarming in, Godzilla breached the swamp waters with a suprise attack from his Atomic Breath vaporizing the bugs with all of them eradicating everything in the swamp. They soon went back onto the path that made them come across the cave. The swamp itself took a lot longer to get through as it was now dusk. As they entered the cave, they managed to see that it had lit up algae as they also ran across some new bugs, that were on the wall's of the cave. "AAAAAAANNNNNNNTSSSSSSS, BIG ONES!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted, as the ant's began to crawl off the wall as they all fought through the powerful armies, doing there best to destroy the bugs, while pushing forward. They continued along the stalagmites, and path's they found, fighting off more of the ant's that attacked off the cave walls. "Sheesh no matter if you go left or right there will always be ants in here" Anguirus grunted as they began slashing, and slaying them all, even with the help of their powers. They reached a new section of the cave, what looked like giant boulder's rolling down at them, which were revealed to be something else. "ROLLIE POLLIES!!!!!!!!" Baragon realized. "Nobody outroll's me....not even fucking Rollie Pollies" Anguirus snarled as he bared one of his fanged teeth. He then rolled into a wrecking ball of death as he rolled up a huge dust cloud before going full force as he instantly smashed into them. Their entire bodies, expolde in gut's, and blood, as he smashed them with one huge roll in his wrecking ball form. Soon Anguirus uncurled from his form, bug blood on his shell. "NIIIICCCEEE SHOT!!!!!!!" Godzilla complimented. "Lets just move" Anguirus groaned. They continued through the cave, as they came across a small area with camp lanterns, and wooden tables, along with dead human skeletons. "Um......why are there skeletons in a place that looks safe?" Rodan asked. In that moment two little holes on the wall opened up, as small brown jumping insects, began to come at them. "FLEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!" Rodan shouted. They all fought the small swarm of infected fleas that, tried to destroy them. The fleas were a bit more trickier to hit, but they managed to destroy them, all in a while, getting a few nicks. Godzilla then used some of the furniture to plug up the small holes so that no more fleas would come in. At this point they all heard a huge rumbling from a cave stone. "MORE FLEAS ARE TYRYING TO BREAK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Anguirus realized. "HELP ME SEAL THE DOOR!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted, as they nodded. They used the table's to keep the boulder from being destroyed, keeping the bugs out. Godzilla then used his Atomic Breath to seal the area in which they came into this section of the cave. "That should hold us off for the night" Godzilla panted. They all put one of the lanterns down as they all sat down in a small circle. "Hey......what do you guys think you'll do if we finally destroy Ghidorah, I mean other than the Mutants, there's nothing left for us to do?" Anguirus asked. "Well to be honest if we do destroy both sides, I think retirement should be in order" Godzilla explained. "Why is that?" Rodan asked. "Think about it, were creatures built for fighting, and destruction, once our enemies are gone, there will be nothing else for us to do, I think the best thing we should do is settle down, get married, and watch our children grow up" Godzilla explained. "True, that actually does sound nice, marrying Pinkie Pie would be wonderful" Baragon sighed. "I could say the same for both me, and Godzilla when I talk about Spitfire, and Shifter, it doesn't really sound like a bad idea" Rodan smiled. "I wonder if after all of it, we'll leave a legacy behind?" Anguirus pondered. "Perhaps, but then again perhaps not" Godzilla replied. Soon they all went to sleep, some taking turns to be watching in the night. ***** Everything seemed alright back, at the base, as everything was seeming all right. As Mothra, and Vinyl mostly snuggled up on the couch of the downstairs area. A slight pain in her belly came, as Vinyl's eyes widened. "MOOOOTTTHHHRRRAAAAA!!!!!!!" Vinyl shouted jerking him awake from his nap. "Yeah?" Mothra asked yawning as he was still waking up. "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!!!!" She gasped, immedietly Mothra was fully alert. "THE BABY'S COMING......RIGHT NOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Mothra shouted. "Y-yeah.....RRRRRRHHHH" Vinyl grunted, the pain growing even more. "PINKIE PIE, SPITFIRE, SHIFTER GET HERE QUICKLY!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. They all ran as fast as they could as Vinyl groaned in pain, as Mothra helped eased Vinyl into a better position. "What is it?" Spitfire asked. "Spitfire, Shifter I need you to help, Vinyl stay in this position while I help deliver our baby, Pinkie get a lot towels, and some warm water" Mothra instructed. "Okie Dokie!!!!!!" Pinkie cried racing off, as fast as she could to get the required item's. "Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Spitfire asked. "I've helped a lot of pregnant women give birth to their children a while back, I know exactly what to do" Mothra replied, as his body began to glow, as his aura slowly helped keep Vinyl, and the baby alive. Pinkie Pie came back, as Mothra instructed her to put the towel's underneath Vinyl's lower waste, and the water near him as it helped ease the birthing. "Ok Vinyl hun, when I will count then tell you to push, ok?" Mothra told her. "Okay....I trust you" Vinyl told him. "Okay......one........two......three......PUUUSSSSHHH!!!!!" Mothra shouted. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Vinyl screamed, as a glowing light as their baby came out; Vinyl panted as she smiled. They heard the infant crying as they sighed happily. "Its a girl" Vinyl realized. "W-wait are you seeing, what I'm seeing?" Pinkie Pie asked, as they all looked at the newborn infant. She was an Anthro Unicorn, however there was also a change, she had changeling like eyes, and Mothra's butterfly wings. "I-its......" Vinyl stammered. "....A Hybrid, part Anthro Unicorn, Part Kaiju" Mothra revealed. "Goo, goo agoo" The little one cooed as her little eyes opened, as she saw both her mother, and father's faces as she cooed happily as they both snuggled her, both shedding tears of joy. "AAAAAAAWWWW!!!!!!" Spitfire, Flutterbat, Shifter, and Pinkie Pie smiled, as they all saw the strangely adorable baby. "Mothra she's beautiful" Vinyl sighed. "She is, what should we name her?" Mothra asked. "Angel, she looks like an Angel" Vinyl smiled. "Then that will be her name, welcome to the world our little Angel Scratch" Mothra smiled. Angel Scratch Birth date February 2nd 2009 Gender: Female Species: Hybrid (Part Anthro Unicorn, Part Butterfly Kaiju) Information saved to all Government Military records. ***** As morning itself arrived once again as Godzilla, and the others woke up, and that point they still heard the banging from the boulders as the same fleas were trying to get in. "UUUGGGGHHHH, DON'T THOSE BUGS EVER QUIT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus groaned. "Well now that there re-charged, and ready to go, let's get a move on" Rodan sqwauked. "All right then" Godzilla smiled as he walked up using a huge blast from his Atomic Pulse, as it destroyed a lot of the bugs, However infected termites now began to crawl in, as they all quickly fired at the disgusting white bugs. As Anguirus mostly used his wrecking ball form, crushing them to death, all of them followed Anguirus, only to come across more bugs. "AH GREAT THESE ANTS AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus whined as they fought them with more fury than ever before, however everything changed when they fell into a rushing huge river, as the dodged rocks, while balancing themselves, and still killing a lot of the ants, that were going down the river with them. "WATERFALL!!!!!!!!" Baragon shouted as they all fell into the huge deep, waters below. At this point they battled Infected alligators, piranhnas, and even infected birds. Finally breaching what appeared to have been a lake, they came to a stop to a huge temple. As they continued on, they coming across a giant infected praying Mantis. "Awww gimme a break" Anguirus whined while the others still caught there breath fighting the giant praying mantis as it tried to gut them, which proved unsuccessful, as all of them sliced off the legs, and threw it into the temple mountain killing it instantly. "Phew.....finally a breath" Anguirus sighed as they nodded. "That's it, one more area, and we can drop the bomb on this island, and go home" Godzilla told them. "Thank God for that" Rodan breathed as they all continued forward. They didn't battle much, just a few mosquitos here, and there, and maybe a third of a wave of tarantulas, but other than that, that was it. They came across, what appeared to be the lab itself, or rather what was left of it, as most of it was just rotting rubble. However they did see the canister's that housed the mushrooms as well, along with what were giant spider web's stretched around the lab. "I got a bad feeling about this" Anguirus grumbled. Soon a loud screeching sound was heard, as a giant Infected Purple Tarantula, with Giant Infected Mushrooms, that housed infected wasps appeared as it let out a threatening roar. They each dodged it's massive legs as they retaliated with massive hits, and with their powers. Bees began to flood out from the mushrooms, on the tarantula. Baragons fire toasted the bees, as Godzilla's Atomic Breath Destroyed more bees, on the tarantula's back, making the arachnid screech in agony. At that point Godzilla snarled, as his,jaws locked onto one of its legs, and with pure super strength ripped it from it's torso, as the Tarantula howled in pain. Godzilla spit the leg out, and with all their combined power, blew up the entire creature with its blood, and guts everywhere. However they all heard a loud poof come from the infected mushrooms, as its powder landed on some vines. As the vines began to twist and grow, soon becoming alive, and infected. The plant's began to attack, but Godzilla had dealt with Biollante before, this creature was of no exception. Godzilla sucked in all the Lightning around him, as a powerful blast of his Atomic Breath Vaporized the vines, as all of them hit the ground deceased. "Baragon......call.......the......Gotengo, we're leaving" Godzilla ordered, while Baragon nodded as the Gotengo finally arrived, as they all got inside preparing to drop the bomb. Un-aware to them that tiny normal butterflies took in the last of the infected mushroom powder, as they began there transformation. As they gave the order, the bomb itself dropped, and caused a huge explosion as the entire island began to sink beneath the ocean. "THAT'S that" Anguirus sighed. "GODZILLA LOOK!!!!!!!!" Baragon shouted, pointing on screen seeing a giant infected purple butterfly began to fly away, with other butterflies."ITS TRYING TO ESCAPE THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!" Baragon shouted. "Baragon charge up the Phaser, and Fire" Godzilla ordered. Baragon nodded as, he charged up the drill phaser, as he constantly fired the giant weapon, killing the butterfly as its lifeless body fell into the sea, it's body no longer infected."Now, that's that" Godzilla smiled as they all flew there vessel home. As they arrived back at the base, they were all greeted with huge, but also happy humming. Vinyl was humming happily as she was breastfeeding Angel. "Well, well, looks like someone got us a new guest" Godzilla smiled looking at Angel. "We named her Angel, and were lucky to have her" Vinyl smiled. Angel was making adorable sucking noises, as she enjoyed her mother's milk. "You are very lucky" Godzilla smiled as he saw Mothra. "So how was the mission?" Mothra asked. "You don't wanna know" Anguirus answered, as they all went to relax, and also enjoyed seeing the newborn Angel Scratch, however somewhere in Tokyo a portal opened revealing a huge Frost bird that looked exactly like Rodan. The giant frost bird let out a huge snarl, as he knew where, and when he would arrive. "Do not hold your peace Rodan, for I.....am coming for you" The mysterious Kaiju growled as he took off. > Chapter 21 The Flames of Desire (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day's seemed mostly slow passing, and it was most enjoyable. Almost an entire week had gone by, and well things changed ever since Christmas, Rodan, and Spitfire were dating most often, and to be honest she was pretty lucky to be with him. She was also lucky to help out with Vinyl's birth; Angel was fun to have around, and to be honest she was wondering if she, and Rodan should take the next step, but during the mean time, they mostly stayed quiet. Spitfire began to wonder if she should marry Rodan. The thought did cross her mind, and to be honest it made her enjoy a nice day off. "So were going to have more time off today, no missions?" Angurius asked. "None it seems it's more of a slow day" Godzilla stated. "Well at least it gives an excuse for Mothra, to stay behind" Anguirus noted. "Mothra it's more important that both a father, and mother take care of their newborn daughter, ESPECIALLY if it's during a war" Godzilla explained. "True that" Angurius smiled as they both watched Vinyl, and Mothra take care of Angel. Angel laughed, and giggled, as she played with Vinyl's fingers, and Mothra's wings. She then shot little tiny rainbow dot from her horn. As she giggled, playing with it like a ball. "Huh....she defiently has my Rainbow Laser beam, but it'll take time before it can become a powerful weapon" Mothra realized. "Daddy goo go" Angel cried. "Aww did you hear that she called you Daddy" Vinyl smiled at Mothra. "She's so adorable" Pinkie Pie smiled. "Dada goo go gaga" Angel cried. "I think she wants you to show her how to use her Rainbow Laser beam" Vinyl giggled. "Moi.....teach my baby how to use my destructive laser beam, but it take's time, she can't master it in one go" Mothra told her. "He's right, it took us year's to master all of our powers, and were still learning new stuff to this very day" Godzilla explained. "Ga ga ga!!!!!" Angel whined. "Okay, okay, okay, she apparently will take no for an answer" Mothra sighed as he brought his daughter near his wings. "Okay my little one in order for you to use your Rainbow Laser, you must think of bubbles...." Mothra began. "BUBBLES!?!?!?!?!?!?" Anguirus asked confused. "....Rainbow bubbles, feel it well up in your horn, charge the surging spark...." Mothra demonstrated, his tendrils then charging up in a rainbow light. ".....Then FIRE!!!!!!!!" Mothra smiled as he shot the laser as Godzilla began to to put out the three huge fires that Mothra's Rainbow Laser made. "EASY YOU TWO DON'T BURN THE BASE DOWN!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. Angel's eyes sparkled in wonder, as she fired a little tiny line, that bounced off the wall, a mirror, then hit Baragon's ass. "AAAAAHHHHHH FIRE, FIRE!!!!!!!" He screamed running up, and using the shower to put it out. Angel let out a pouty whine, as her Rainbow Laser wasn't at big, or amazing as her father's. "Do not be upset my little Angel, it takes time....when your little body grows older, so will your powers, for a young one like you, being able to fire a laser at all, is very impressive" Mothra told her, as she squealed in delight as she began to fire her Rainbow Laser with much more control, and concentration. Soon she sighed happily from how much she used. At this point Angel began to get hungry, as she whined. "Weird, why isn't she wanting my milk?" Vinyl asked, instantly something clicked into Mothra's mind. "I know what to do BE RIGHT BACK!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted, as he raced into the kitchen, and came back with a baby bottle with black liquid. To everyone suprise they watched as Angel grabbed to bottle, and began sucking on it, becoming satisfied, and quiet as Vinyl looked at him suprised. "How did you know?" Vinyl asked. "To be honest after her birth, if she had powers like us, then I managed to take a slug of G-energy, blended it down for her to be fed" Mothra explained. "OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted realizing what it meant. "What's G-Energy?" Spitfire asked. "It is the life-force, and favorite meal, of all Kaiju alike, it helps re-charge, or make us more powerful, however one must not consume too much, or else massive instabsility, and a planet killing explosion, or worse" Godzilla explained. "I see" Spitfire nodded, as Angel ended up consuming the entire bottle. She sighed from such a pleasant meal, she began to cry, but Mothra held her near him, as he burped his youngling which was a loud burp nonetheless. Soon she started crawling up to her mother getting close to her chest. "Looks like she wants Momma's milk for desert" Mothra grinned. "I spoil you too much" Vinyl pretended to whine, but then began to breastfeed Angel which she drank as little as possible, before getting tired, and began to fall asleep. Soon Flutterbat went up to Anguirus as she smiled wearing a cute bunny hairbret on her forehead. "Hey Anguirus wanna go on a picnic with me?" Flutterbat asked. "Sure thing my dear" he smiled as they both went on there tiny little outing. "H-hey Rodan y-you want to go for a little flight?" Spitfire asked. "Sure" Rodan smiled as they were quick to go off into the skies. ***** Anguirus, and Flutterbat laughed, and smiled, as they continued laughing as they both had a good time. They were on a grass field that seemed very soft that made them enjoy There time together. Both of them had a small meal enjoying each other's time, as they laughed before looking lovingly into each other's eyes. Anguirus held his wife's cheek as she shut her eyes, and leaned into his clawed hand, as she smiled. "God, you look so beautiful Flutterbat"Anguirus smiled. Flutterbat smiled as they soon leaned close to each other, as their lips met. She moaned happily into the kiss, as they soon separated, giving him a nice smile. "I'm so glad I have a husband like you"Flutterbat smiled, as they kissed passionetly again. She loved the way he kissed her, as she shuddered from the kiss, as they separated, taking in air. Anguirus looked around noticing the spot of the place they were in. "Flutterbat is this picnic area, a private spot?"Anguirus asked. "Indeed, I did want to have a private picnic with my husband after all"She winked. A small grin came over Anguirus's face. "Oooh, well in that case it gives me time to have some fun" Anguirus grinned as he groped her breast, and kissed her sensually as a loud muffled moan escaped her lips. As Anguirus let go as he put his finger down low, and began to rub her pussy. "MMMMMMMM, Anguirus y-you w-wanna d-do it here?" Flutterbat whimpered. "Why not after all hasn't it been a fantasy, getting rutted savagely like an animal outside on a private field" Anguirus whispered. "Ooooooohhhh Anguirus I-I......Buck it" Flutterbat smiled, as she began to take off her clothes. She threw her shirt off, and her pant's revealing her huge bra, and panties. She then took her undergarments off, as her huge breast's, and her pussy, were all bare to Anguirus. She kept the bunny ears on' as it made her look even cuter. She spread her hind leg's, Anguirus getting a better view of her dripping flower, as she was on her side, cupping one of her huge breast's, her giant pink nipples erect. "B-buck me in this position Anguirus" Flutterbat whined. Anguirus looked at his rod, as he inserted himself inside Flutterbat's pussy, as he grabbed both of her huge breast's, squeezing her nipples. "OOOOOHHHHH BUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!" Flutterbat moaned' as she felt her inner walls clench on his rod. Anguirus began with large slow thrust, as he began bucking his wife as hard, and as deep as he could go. "OOOOOHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHH, OOOOHHH GOD YOUR SO BIG!!!!!!!" Flutterbat moaned. Anguirus then began to buck her faster, as her moan's became sexier as her pleasure was so amazing. "UUUHHHH, UUUUHHHH, UUUUUUHHHH, AAAAHHHHHN *Pant* *Pant* UUUUHHHH OOOOOHHHH" Flutterbat squealed, lewd smack's were made from Anguirus's thrust's, which made Anguirus realize something. "Wow, your very wet my love" Anguirus grunted. "I-I CAN'T HELP IT, Y-YOUR DICK IS HITTING THE DEEPEST PART'S OF MY PUSSY, IT'S TOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat whined. Anguirus loved hearing her moan's, she was too sexy. He began plowing her rougher, harder, and fast, driving his mare wild. "OOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, BUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK ANGUIRUS I'M CUUUUUUMMMMMMIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat squealed. Anguirus grabbed her breast's hard, as he pinched her nipples as hard ,as he could as that did the trick. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHNNNNN, UUUUUUUHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat squealed, as she felt the back of her head tingle like mad, her entire spine filled with tingles, her body shaking hard, her entire vision filled with stars as she came very hard. Her love juices escaped her, while Anguirus pumped her full of his seed, as her belly bulged a bit as soon, as all of there mixed fun spilled out of her pussy, while some stayed inside of her. Anguirus laid himself down as he snuggled her. "W-wow......that was so amazing.....Mmmmmm, you really know how to push my button's" Flutterbat shuddered. "I love you so much Flutterbat" Anguirus sighed. "Mmmmm, I love you too Anguirus, I'm really glad I met you" She sighed. As they quickly exchanged a quick kiss, before falling asleep cuddling in the grass. "H-hey Anguirus?" Flutterbat smiled "Yes" Anguirus groaned. "I'm pregnant" Flutterbat smiled. Anguirus smiled back, as they began to fall asleep. Meanwhile both Spitfire, and Rodan flew high above the sky, as she was wearing her Wonderbolts suit. As they flew high into the sky, both of them laughing, looking at each other, and smiled. They both stared into each other's eyes, as they started to get closer to one another, however a big frosty blur slashed him, and kidnapped Spitfire. "SPITFIRE!!!!!!!" Rodan screamed, before proceeding after Spitfire his heart racing, as he sped faster than ever. The blue frosty blur was finally stopped, as Rodan slashed the blur, as the Frost bird, Pteranadon collided hard into a building. Rodan held Spitfire bridal style as he sighed. "Are you all right?" Rodan asked Her. "I'm fine thank's" Spitfire sighed as after that Icy Blur crashed into him, as he fought the strange creature, as he looked at the creature that bared his resemblance. "Who are you?" Rodan asked. "I am the creature destined to be your, rival......I am Rakdan" Rakdan snarled. "You tried to take MY SPITFIRE!!!!!!!" Rodan thundered. "Oh so she is yours, I was hoping you two would be together, as a threat before my arrival" Rakdan chuckled. "What do you want?" Rodan asked. "Simple I want to fight you, alone, if you refuse I make sure everyone dies" Rakdan snarled. Rodan stood silent as Spitfire watched him stare dagger's at Rakdan. "You got it" Rodan snarled, as Rakdan grinned sinisterly. "See you around Firebird" Rakdan snarled, before blasting off with new speed. ***** "ARE YOU SERIOUS, YOU ACCEPTED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla shouted. "Do you really think you can pull this off?" Baragon asked, as Rodan looked at him with serious eyes. "I have too, not just for Spitfire's sake, but for Angel's sake as well"Rodan warned. Mothra, and Vinyl looked at each other, before Mothra spoke. "If I were in your position I'd do the same thing, think about it if you were in his shoes, I think it's safe to say all of us would do it" Mothra told them, to which they nodded, Rodan beginning to prepare himself. ***** Rodan, finally approached Rakdan who had been waiting for him at a huge highway."I wasn't certain you'd come" Rakdan grinned. "I don't back down from a challenge" Rodan grinned, as both of them got next to each other. This was a battle race, that they were competing in, the winner was whoever survived. As they both prepared for battle, Spitfire secretly watched from nearby as she smiled. "Good luck" She whispered. "Thanks I won't need it" Both Rakdan, and Rodan said unison, as they didn't know why, but they felt like saying that for some reason. Both took off at lightning speed, as they began to face each other. Rakdan hit the ground with hard force, and was barrel rolling hard, crashing into the ground, as a lot of blood escaped from his wounds. Rodan growled, his entire body lit with fire, as his eyes were also inflamed, as he snarled at Rakdan. "IF.....YOU......COME......NEAR.......SPITFIRE AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!" Rodan snarled, as he used his super speed, and picked up a suprised Spitfire who squeaked in response, and flew off. Rakdan let out a huge snarl, but then smiled. "Next time my rival, next time we will face each other for real" Rakdan said, as he limped away. Spitfire smiled, as she laughed hugging Rodan. "Your ok" She smiled. "Of course did you doubt me?" Rodan smirked. Spitfire blushed a little, but then gave him an affection hug. "I can't imagine a world without you" Spitfire whispered. Rodan hugged her back, while they still flew into the sky. Then Spitfire gave him a playful look. "Try to catch me Speedy" Spitfire giggled, as she flew off with quick speed. Rodan only grinned, as he charged up his Elemental Super Speed, and sped after her, soon tackling her in a huge cloud that seemed to hold them up which was bizzare, but they didn't care. Rodan began tickling her, as Spitfire was laughing uncontrollably. "S-STOP......STOOOOOOPPP!!!!!!" Spitfire laughed. "Say Uncle" Rodan grinned. "OK, OK, UNCLE, UNCLE!!!!!!!!!" Spitfire laughed, as they both stayed on such a warm cloud, laughing. They soon stopped laughing, as they both let out a happy sigh. They both looked deeply into each other's eyes, as they kissed passionetly. Spitfire moaned happily into the kiss, before they separated. Spitfire looked at him before a red blush becoming apparent on her face. "R-Rodan c-can we d-do it?" Spitfire stammered. Rodan was suprised, as he sort of developed a blush of his own. "Y-you mean y-you wanna...." Rodan shuddered, before Spitfire put a finger over his beak. "Its okay....I trust you" Spitfire nodded. Rodan smiled as he began to nibble on her neck softly, enlicting a loud moan from her lips. He began to slowly pull down the zipper of her Wonderbolts suit as she was wearing nothing underneath. Her DD-cup breast's bounced freely from there state, showing him her orange nipples. He continued to tease her with his claws, as he unzipped the uniform, as he stared at her winking slit. A small passionate fire seemed to ignite around them, unknowing to both that the cloud they were on, was an invisible fire cloud that hid them from view, but did not harm them. "Your beautiful" Rodan whispered as he stared at her winking slit, and her orange nipples on her soft breast's. Rodan bent down, and gave her clit a small nibble. "UHHH" Spitfire moaned softly Rodan then used one of his claws, as he cupped one of her breast's, and pinched the nipple. "OOOOHHHHH" Spitfire moaned, as her arousel began to peak even more. Rodan then inserted his claws inside her pussy. "UUUUUUHHHHHH!!!!!!" Spitfire moaned loudly, as Rodan began working his claws, in and out of her. "UUUHHHH, UUUUHHHH, OH BUCK, OOOOHHHHHH" Spitfire moaned, as Rodan soon stopped. Before Spitfire could complain Rodan took his crimson colored rod, and inserted inside her pussy. "OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Spitfire screamed, as she felt her walls tighten around him, as he bent down his chest pressing into her breast's. The small little nubs on Rodan's chest rubbing up against her breast's, and nipples sent shivers down her spine. Rodan then began to buck her as hard as he could, as Spitfire began letting out horny moan's. "OOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOHHHH, I LOVE YOU RODAN, NNNNNHHHHH YOUR FEEL GOOD INSIDE OF ME!!!!!!!" Spitfire cried, as Rodan only increased his tempo making her very wet. "S-Spitfire I-Im gonna......" Rodan began before Spitfire interrupted him. "CUM INSIDE ME, I NEED YOU TO CUM IN ME SO BAD!!!!!!!!!" Spitfire whined, which Rodan did. They both hollered in pleasure, as both of them came hard, Rodan pumping her with his seed. They both looked down to see their new wedding ring's, both of them had a flame engraved on it. "Passion of the Flames" Rodan smiled. Spitfire chuckled, but wrapped her hind legs around him as she kept him inside of her, both of them fell asleep, locked in that position. > Chapter 22 Valentine's Day (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As it was a few day's, or maybe two week's after Valentine's day, Godzilla could tell that after Rakdan's speed attack, that a new move probably from the Aliens, was that they were going to invade. He didn't perceive himself as crazy, but sometime the craziest solution is actually what need's to be heard of. Today he simply could rest easily, as tonight was his tenth date with Shifter. They had been going out for a while, and to be honest they enjoyed it. After all it was Valentine's Day. Mothra, and Vinyl decided to spend their Valentine's day to tend to their baby Angel. Honestly he couldn't blame them after all taking care of an infant hybrid, was a huge responsibility for the most part that is. Rodan had something planned for Spitfire, plus just recently, Spitfire decided to help Morgan out with some paperwork, which he had gone over with her, and she had spent most of her time working in a nearby office, she had. Rodan told him that what he had for her was a surprise. Flutterbat, and Anguirus also had some other plans for this Valentine's dat, but not only that today was the day either Baragon or Pinkie Pie would propose to each other. All of them stayed casual silent, as Pinkie Pie let out a playful giggle as she tackled Baragon with Suprise. "AAAAAAHHHHH, PINKIE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Baragon shouted in suprise. "Hee hee oh come on silly don't you like suprises?" Pinkie asked. "Well then again I can't really complain" Baragon shrugged. "Oh silly, as a matter of fact let's enjoy our special Valentine's Day" Pinkie cried bringing out a party cannon, she had made in this world, of course it was very different, but it still had that same look to it. A Valentine's party was both fun for everyone, all of them being able to have a few laughs, and enjoy themselves. However soon Pinkie Pie approached Baragon."H-hey Baragon c-can I tell you something?" Pinkie Pie asked. Baragon nodded as he turned his attention to her. "Baragon, we've known each other for so very long, and my love for you is undying, you freed me from my mistakes, and brought out the best Pinkie Pie I've ever been in a long time.....which is why I want you to marry me" Pinkie Pie confessed. Baragon looked at her with a shocked look on his face. Baragon thought it over, but then he gave her an affectionate stare. "Only if your ok with this Pinkie, I mean I don't want to do it if you don't" Baragon explained to her. "But I do, I really do want this, because I love you for who you are" Pinkie smiled, as both of them kissed passionetly. As soon, as their lips separated, Pinkie Pie gave him a giggle, and a bedroom eye stare. "Come, and get me" She cooed, as she made a beeline for Baragon's quarters, with Baragon himself close behind. It was in most of these moments that everyone began to spilt up. Flutterbat, told Anguirus to meet her up in there quarters, for his surprise. Rodan only grinned, as he began to sneak quietly into Spitfire's office, a wide mischevious grin plastered on his face. Godzilla turned to his beautiful Shifter, as she flashed him a smile. "Ready for our Valentine's Picnic my love?" Godzilla asked. "Of course my love" Shifter smiled. "You look super cute" Godzilla teased. "I DON'T DO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!" Shifter shouted her face now crimson, as she had an adorable pouty face. "Your so Tsundere" Godzilla smiled, as he gave her a soft kiss on the neck, as Shifter shuddered. "Oh....I can't stay mad at you forever" Shifter smiled, as they went off to spend some time together. ***** Baragon ran after Pinkie Pie as fast as he could, as he had made it into his, or soon to be there quarters. He quickly closed the door, and locked it, as Pinkie Pie had already ditched her pant's, revealing that she was wearing absolutely nothing underneath. Baragon approached her, as he hoisted her on a small counter. Pinkie's flower was soaked with arousal, the heating getting to her, as she lifted her shirt up, but still kept it on, as her DD-cup breast's came into view. Baragon liked what he saw, as he began to grope her breast's and squeeze her nipples. "UUUUUHHHHH, P-Please Baragon C-Cream me, please Cream my pie" Pinkie Pie shuddered. Making sure she didn't want to wait long, Baragon brought his purple almost human like rod, and quickly shoved it inside her pussy. "YEEEEEEESSSSS, BUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!" Pinkie moaned, as her legs pulled him close, as he went deeper into her, hitting her womb. "NNNNNNNN, YEEEEAAAHHHH" Pinkie sighed feeling him inside of her, as she let him bend down as his chest squeezed her breast's, rubbing, and teasing her nipples. Pinkie Pie looked at him with pleading eyes, begging to be ravaged. Baragon took the hint, as he let his beastly desire take over, his pupils shrank revealing his Kaiju nature as he bucked her at a very rapid speed. "OOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, YES I'M YOURS, I'M YOUR PERSONAL TOY, LOVE ME, USE ME, NNNNNNNN BUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK, AAAAHHHH, AAAAHHHHHH, UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHNNNNNNN" Pinkie Pie squealed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, her eyes going into the back of her head, as Baragon bucked her over the counter like there was no tommorow. Pinkie Pie was losing her mind, feeling his rod hit the deepest part's of her pussy, and with the squeezing, and grinding of her breast's being played with from his chest's movements, it was too much. "I'M CUMMING.....I'M CUMMMING DO IT INSIDE, GET ME PREGNANT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie begged, before she came hard, her belly becoming a little swollen from how much they both came. She felt wonderful, as she felt him pump his seed inside of her. Baragon soon snapped out of his beast like state, as he rested on Pinkie Pie still inside her. They both panted from their heavy make out session. "My goodness Pinkie, you really like it rough" Baragon panted, to which Pinkie began her response. "I-its the kind of pony I am, though I will say, having you rut me like that is amazing" Pinkie Pie shuddered, as they snuggled on the counter. "You really want to sleep like this?"Baragon asked. "MMMMM, yes let's snuggle in this position, I don't feel like getting up, and going to the bed" Pinkie Pie sighed. They both now had wedding rings on their finger's Pinkie Pie's wedding ring had the shape of Baragon engraved on the ring, while Baragon's, had Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark engraved on it. "I love you Pinkie" Baragon smiled. "I love you too, my sweet" Pinkie Pie smiled before they both closed their eyes, and fell asleep. ***** Anguirus began walking up the long stairs, as he was going to his quarters, all be it he was curious, as to what Flutterbat's suprise was. He smiled, after both had cherished her pregnancy he couldn't wait for her to give birth to their newborn. Anguirus opened the door, as he was met with a stunning suprise. On their bed, was a nude Flutterbat, her beautiful eyes stared directly at him, with a bedroom gaze, her hind legs were defiantly well spread, as pink frosting written in the words "Happy Valetines" on both her butt cheeks. He also saw her flower, dripping with arousal, and small milk leaking from her now much larger breast's. "Suprise, my love do you like your present?" Flutterbat cooed seductively. Anguirus closed the door, and locked it, as he went over to her with a smile. "Indeed, and I'm going to give you a good ride" Anguirus growled. He approached her as he licked the pink frosting off her butt cheeks, making her shiver. Anguirus then went lower, as he gave her pussy a huge lick. "UUUUUHHHHH" Flutterbat moaned. Anguirus only smiled as he then grab, and squeezed her huge breast's, as leaked out milk. "NNNNNNN, BUCK YES" Flutterbat groaned, as she only grew wetter.Anguirus then made her sit on his lap, his entire rod entering her pussy. "OOOOOOOHHHHH BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat shuddered, as a lewd sound was emitted as Anguirus began his thrusting. "OOOOOOHHHHHH, YES, I MISSED IT WHEN YOU WERE INSIDE ME!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat cried. Angurius grinned as he lifted her up, and down. "Y-you k-know h-how m-much w-would you moan if I rutted you hard in a bathtub?" Anguirus grinned as her arousel became more apparent, as Anguirus pushed deeper inside of her. "OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" Flutterbat squealed as she came hard. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, as he pumped his seed inside of her. Both of them collapsed on the bed, as they began to snuggle. "Mmmmm, you really know how to turn me on Anguirus" Flutterbat shuddered. "I can't help it, after all your a naughty mare" Anguirus growled. "A naughty mare, who likes to get fucked hard in the pussy from her Kaiju husband" Flutterbat growled, before he began to rub Flutterbat's belly affectionately. "I can't wait until our little one enter's the world" Anguirus smiled. "I can't wait either" Flutterbat smiled as they both fell asleep. ***** Rodan looked at Spitfire's office as he grinned; Spitfire sighed as she got out of her chair, as she stretched her body. Rodan snuck in silently as he slowly crawled toward his wife. He was like a predator, and she was his prey. Rodan was quite, as Spitfire sighed, feeling a little bit hot under the collar. Soon Rodan pounced, as Spitfire was suprised. "EEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!" Spitfire cried, as Rodan then used a huge flap of his wings, blowing all of her clothes off, without ripping them. "H-HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?" Spitfire shouted in alarm. "I have my way's" Rodan growled as he made her spread her legs. "R-Rodan w-what are y-you AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Spitfire squealed, as Rodan's rod entered her pussy. Rodan put one of her arm's around his neck, and one of her hind leg's around his waist, allowing his rod to go deeper inside of her. "AAAAAAAHHHHNNNN, OOOOOHHHHH" Spitfire cried. Rodan began rapidly thrusting in, and out of her snatch "UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UUUUUUHHHHH, UUUUUHHHHHHHH, YESSSSSSS" Spitfire cried, as her breast's bounced wildly. "S-Sneaking......NNNNNNN....In here to........AAAAAHHHHHH.....B-buck a superior officer........UUUUUHHHHNNNN......Y-you.......OOOOOHHHHH......Naughty boy" Spitfire, said between moans. At that point Rodan increased his rhythm even more, as he grinned. "You don't seem to be complaining, after all this is your Valentine's present" Rodan snarled. "OOOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, B-B-BUCK R-RODAN I-I'M CUMMING......OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" Spitfire screamed, as they both came, as Rodan pumped his seed inside her, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. They both rested on the chair as Rodan sat down first, his rod still inside of Spitfire. "Ooooohhh I needed that" She shuddered, before they both quickly cleaned themselves off. Spitfire then used a small remote to lock her office front door. "Paperwork can wait, right now let's rest" Spitfire yawned as she rested her head next to his neck, her breast's pushing into his chest as they both slept. ***** Both Shifter, and Godzilla smiled as they enjoyed their picnic, Shifter looked especially cute as she stuffed her face full of a sandwhich. Godzilla could only stare at her with a smile on his face. Shifter noticed his staring as she turned away blushing. "S-stop staring at me" She stuttered, as Godzilla only laughed. In that moment they both finished eating, when Godzilla got an idea. "How about we go for a run?" Godzilla asked. "Only if you can catch me" Shifter smiled, as she ran off, Godzilla only growled as he chased her as for once he forgot about the invasion, the war, and all his problems, for now their was only him, and Shifter. As he chased her he began to hum a tune that played into his mind. Soon the chase came to an end, as Godzilla tackled Shifter, as it ended with Godzilla on top of her. Both of them let out wonderful laugh's, as they all sighed happily staring into each other's eyes. Soon Godzilla closed the distance, as their lips met. "MMMMMMMM" Shifter moaned muffedly as she suprisingly enjoyed it, as the two separated. Shifter extended her claws, and touched Godzilla's chest, sensing his aura glow. "I Love you" Shifter sighed. "I love you too" Godzilla replied as they both kissed passionetly, in the grass. Shifter sighed as she looked back at the base. "We should get going" Shifter told him. Godzilla got up, as he sighed wanting to continue, but both knew for the best. "Indeed after all I believe Baragon, and Pinkie Pie have a special dinner for us" Godzilla smiled. "Sure let's go" Shifter smiled, as both of them began there run back to the base. As they ran back to the base a thought ran through Shifter's mind. Soon Godzilla soon, the day of us being a married couple will come, but for now, we are both still not ready soon, my body will be your's......you sexy reptile Shifter's inner thought's growled. As all of them were back at the base with a party going on. Thankfully the intemant couples, cleaned themselves up, before attending said party. Both of them drank some beverages, and had some laughs. "Awww, such a good time to have a wonderful Valentine's evening" Godzilla smiled. "Indeed, Mothra said he'll come to us soon, right now he's taking care of a broadcast" Vinyl explained, while drinking some water. Without warning as they enjoyed the party, Mothra charged in. "GODZILLA I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. "Mothra can't it wait?" Godzilla asked. "NO, I JUST GOT AN EMERGENCY BROACAST THE ALIENS ARMADA INVADED US, WHILE WE WE'RE BUSY, THE ARMY RANGER'S THEY RE-ESTABLISHED COMMUNICATIONS WITH US, HALF OF NEW YORK HAS BEEN DESTORYED, AND IS STILL........UNDER ATTACK, WE'RE STILL TRYING TO REPEL THE BLOCKADE AROUND EARTH, THERE CALLING ALL OF US IN!!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. In that moment.....time slowed down, everyone had a look of horror on their face. No one spoke a single word, Godzilla dropped the glass of soda he was drinking earlier as if slowly fell, before touching the floor, the glass cup, shattering into a million pieces. Godzilla soon shook it off. "LET'S SCRAMBLE!!!!!!!" Godzilla snarled. As they prepared for battle. Vinyl, and Flutterbat both stayed behind as Vinyl held Angel, as they saw Shifter, Pinkie Pie, Spitfire, Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, and Baragon all boarding the Gotengo and heading directly to battle. "Be safe my love" Flutterbat, and Vinyl said in unison. Pony Equestira at Twilight Sparkle's Castle. Octavia paced around heavily her hooves tapping along the ground, in that moment Twilight Sparkle came to Octavia. "WELL, ANYTHING!?!?!?!?!?!?" Octavia shouted. "My guess is that judging from how Vinyl disappeared, I think she entered another dimesnion" Twilight explained. "Do you know how to get me there so I can find her?" Octavia asked. "I can, but I might have to go along with you, including my friend's" Twiight Sparkle answered. "I really do, I owe Vinyl an apology, but why are you coming?" Octavia asked. "Octavia the world Vinyl could have been teleported to may have unknown danger's, who knows what is lying beyond those doors" Twilight Sparkle shivered at the thought of what horror it could have. Little did they know, that they would be going into a world, that there pony mind's could not imagine. > Chapter 23 INVASION!!!!!!! (Birth Chapter 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23 INVASION!!!!!!!!! The Gotengo flew miles into the sky, as they arrived, only to see things were just as bad as they feared. The Alien Armada had the human's in New York out numbered by a six to one margin, most of the American advanced military weapon's Godzilla had heard of on the Island of New Jersey were still intact, as the battle was going on inside the huge city. "About time, we're glad that we were able to sneak away, and fix the communications, any plan's?" Morgan asked. "Were going to need even bigger firepower than last time, we need Mortar Team's, Gunners, Hvy Grenadiers, Armadillos, Bazooka Squad's, plus RPG troopers, also add Turtlesheller's, and Juggernauts" Godzilla ordered. Mortar Team's usually had one man, as they fired Light Mortars, Gunners were Machine Gunners who could attack both ground, and air targets. The weapons itself was a re-furbished MG 08 Machine gun from World War 1, Heavy Grenadiers had a huge Grenade launcher that fired triple shots, and one in an X formation called "The X Strike" Bazooka Squad's, had two people carrying, and using a bigger size Bazooka than normal, armed with a bigger missile for both ground, and air units. The RPG trooper's carried a Soviet RPG 7. The Turtlesheller was a Riot Shielded 90mm Mortar Launcher, it could take a few hits, and keep on firing. "Good those troops can help us both ground, and air wise, they have armor on the ground how much do we need?" Morgan asked. "For armor we need Recon Vehicles, Aries. Light Artillery, Hailstorm's, Gun Trucks, Mortar Trucks, Pumas, Tank Killers Heavy Artilleries, Light Tanks, Rocket Trucks, Meerkats, Earthshakers, Mega Tanks, Boom Busses, and Mechanized Artillery" Godzilla ordered. "Yeah were definitely, gonna need all of that" Morgan nodded. Recon Vehicles were Soviet BRDm-2's, except they were armed with twin Miniguns, Aries were a small re-furbished Cannon that was used as Artillery, Light Artillery units, were a small Howitzer that fired three shells, and a Chemical shell, Hailstorms, were re-furbished Katyusha Rocket Launcher trucks, but were a little quicker on it's Rocket reload speed, Gun Trucks were 6 wheeled trucks, with a Tank Cannon Strapped to them, Mortar Trucks, were a combination between a Gun Truck, and a Tank but carried a Mortar Launcher with high explosive rounds. Pumas, we're re-furbished Alvis Saracen armored car's except it had a cannon, Tank Killers were re-furbished M50 Ontos except their Recoiless Rifles, now launched Barrages, and also had an option to BLAST EVERYTHING, Heavy Artillery was similar to the Light Howitzer with the same attacks however the difference was the Heavy Artillery was a giant single barreled Howitzer, while the Light Artillery, was a smaller dual one, The Light Tanks were re-furbished Renauldt FT's that were from WW, except had an Auto Shell, Rocket Trucks looked like a strange Semi Truck that had 8 Rocket Launchers on it. Meerkats were jeeps armed with a Single Guided Missile Launcher that used a two man crew to operate. Earthshaker's were drone operated Artillery Cannon's, with a lot of Artillery power. Mega Tanks had an 80mm Cannon, two machine guns, and two Multi Rocket Launchers. Boom Busses, were Minivans armed with Sonic Weapons, and Mechanized Artillery were a 6 legged Mech, that was armed with LR-200 Auto Cannon, and a multi Box Rocket Launcher. "Perfect what about Air units?" Morgan asked. Godzilla began thinking again, as he handpicked the other units. "We'll need V-14 Mavericks, Thundercloud F-10's, C17 Winged Mammoths, Attack Drones, and R5-B17 Shadow Hornets, and if those don't work use the Sentinel Ships" Godzilla ordered. V-14 Mavericks were re-furbished F-84 Thunderjets armed with two Tri Miniguns, and missile launchers, the C17 Winged Mammoths were re-designed Bell Boeing V-22 Ospreys as they carried Napalm rounds, parachutes troops, and were armed with Machine guns. Attack Drones were re-designed Predator Drones, and R5-B17 Shadow Hornets were sister planes of the R17 Shadow Wasps. "Allright ready we'll be awaiting for you in the battle" Morgan nodded, as said units finally arrived. "Rodan I need you in the sky, help the air support clear a path to the destroyers, cruisers, and Flagships, Mothra please tell me you have a ship that can help us get to the Orbital Defendse?" Godzilla asked. "Working on it" Mothra replied as he began his work. "Anguirus, Baragon, Pinkie Pie, Spitfire, and Shifter all of you will help the ground forces, I'll be on the roof helping to destroy the giant ships, NOW LET'S DEFEND OUR HOME!!!!!!" Godzilla encouraged. Everyone cheered, as they all went to work with said units, as they all began their lethal fights against their enemies. Rodan took to the skies using his super speed to destroy as many fighter as he could, along with the air units. The ground units were also heavily suppressed from all the fire of the enemy robots, and armor. As Rodan helped clear the skies, Godzilla, now on the roof saw his first opening as he saw an Alien Destroyer vulnerable. His Atomic Breath charged up as he sucked in bolts of lightning to increase his power's, as he fired at the destroyer. The motlen radioactive breath, breached through the ship's shield as it blew a huge hole through the ship's armor. The cruiser slowly began to descend multiple explosion surrounding it, before the entire Destroyer exploded in a massive fireball. "WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!" Rodan cried at the progress, as he began to clear more fighters. Godzilla then spotted a Flagship, that Rodan had weakened, that was now trying to escape. Godzilla fired a powered blast of his Atomic Breath again as the ship was hit, and fell backwards before exploding in another huge fireball. The ground units were holding out, but the air units weren't. "Morgan, we need those Sentinals, our air support cannot withstand these ships" Godzilla reported. "Alright there on their way" Morgan replied. The Prototype Sentinel Fighter ship's, jumped out of Hyper space as they began to battle the other fighter's, both of them being able to last much longer against the fighters. Godzilla was firing his Atomic Breath, as much as he could bringing down more of the cruiser invasion force. Meanwhile as Morgan battled his enemies he saw a battle hardened Ramsey come in. "WE AREN'T DOING ENOUGH DAMAGE SOME OF THOSE ALIEN CRUISERS, AND OTHER MAJOR SHIPS ARE COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!" Ramsey shouted. "Command this is Luitenant Morgan unleash Experiment X17 BRING IN THE RAIN!!!!!!!!" Morgan shouted. "Copy Experiment X17 Online, assuming position" they answered. A huge box shaped robot with a Single eye, and two giant arms approached. It's long snake like arms glowed green as it destroyed 5 cruisers in a single whack. Both Godzilla, and Expirement X17 began to destroy the enemy ships, as their battle continued on, however Godzilla was soon attacked, by a shrunk enemy, he was not expecting to fight, as he faced a familiar Cyborg that had been missing for sometime. "Megalon" Godzilla growled. Megalon was shrunk down to the same size as Godzilla, as he smiled. "Normally if I was normal size I'd crush you right now, but since I am to replace MechaGodzilla which you destroyed, I get to kill you" Megalon smiled. "Should have gone with the un-fair approach, now you will be destroyed" Godzilla growled. Megalon fired his green laser from his antennae knocking Godzilla off the roof, and into a building, as Megalon pursued. Godzilla stood up as Megalon then picked up a huge part of a wall, and threw it at his quarry, only for Godzilla to throw it back, as it hit Megalon, causinf him to stagger back. Godzilla then launched himself into the air, as he landed, and gave Megalon a quick uppercut, followed by a slash of his claws, and then a tail attack, as Megalon crashed into another building hard. Godzilla launched high into the air, and gave Megalon a crushing attack, bringing the entire building down. Megalon soon un-drilled himself from the rubble, as he was limping a little from Godzilla's huge slam attack's. As he began walking away from the destroyed building the smoke from said destroyed building revealed a fully charged, Atomic Breath Godzilla, his eyes inflamed blue, as he gave Megalon an attack from behind as Megalon tool the huge hit, before collapsing to the ground his body exploded killing him. "A long forgotten Alien, finally destroyed" Godzilla thundered, before getting back to the roof, and continuing to help out. ***** "Ok I have the spell worked out, and I am able to find, and help us retrieve Vinyl" Twilight smiled to her friend's. "I really hope wherever she is, is in a nice beautiful place" Rarity dreamed. "I also, have adjusted the spell so that we can have our clothes on, cause the last time I tried to go into Sunset Shimmer's dimension, I accidently went through naked" Twilight shivered. "That is very wise thinking darling" Rarity smiled. "Hah, I wonder if my Equestrian doppleganger is cooler than I am" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Oh....my...t-this is definetly going to be an interesting t-travel" Fluttershy stammered. "Everyone ready?" Twilight asked. The Main 6 nodded, and so did Octavia who volunteered. Twilight Sparkle activated the spell, as they were transported into the dimension they sought, except for Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Those two were very confused, and panicking a bit, as to why they were left behind; as for Octavia, and the other four......they arrived. "T-this feels, super weird" Octavia shivered as she, and the others realized they had Anthro bodies. "What is this?" Rarity asked as she explored her new Anthro body. "Weird, I've never had a body like this before....its oddly comfortable" Twilight answered. "Hey where's Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie they should be right behind us?" Applejack asked. Much to Twilight's suprise both Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie weren't with them. "They must still be back in Equestria, I think some sort of barrier blocked them from coming through" Twilight explained. "I wonder why?" Rainbow Dash shrugged. Twilight Sparkle looked at the alleyway of some New York buildings. "Ok......I'm seriously confused, this isn't a dimension I recognize it's.......different" Twilight Sparkle realized. They all then heard a loud roar as two Sentinel Fighters zoomed in across the battle. She heard explosions around them, it sounded like they were in the middle of a war zone. As they all stepped out of alleyway, all of them were shocked, as they saw the fleet of Alien Armada ships, hovering in the sky seeing the battle itself take place. At that moment a pair of Alien Armada robots spotted them, as Twilight Sparkle saw the evil machines point their Miniguns at them, and began to open fire, as Twilight had them take cover behind a building. "TWILIGHT WHAT DO WE DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I-I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!" Twilight shouted back. Godzilla was fighting the ship's above them, as he soon saw the Alien Armada robots shooting there weapons at Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Octavia. Godzilla sensed their aura' s as he realized that they were from Vinyl's world. What are they doing here? Great look's like I have to save their asses Godzilla thought, as he lept downward towards them. Twilight, ducked behind the small concrete wall with her friends, and Octavia, waiting for help. Without warning a loud booming thud was heard a few inches from them. Twilgith,,and her friends avoid getting dust in there eyes as they all saw a giant blue glow, seeing the shadow of Godzilla's form in the smoke. T-they both stared in shock seeing a never before seen lizard that they never expected to see. Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath, as he destroyed the Alien robots, as he stopped. The dust cleared, the robots clearly destroyed, as he turned now being more seen than ever to Twilight, and her friends. "Quick, come with me if you want to live" Godzilla warned. Twilight, and her friends nodded, as they followed the strange black lizard through mass gunfire, and other battles. Finally Godzilla came across Pinkie Pie who at the moment, was using an Assuslt Rifle she made, to take down some of the robot's. "PINKIE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Twilight Sparkle, and her friend's shouted. "TWILY......HOW YOU ALL ALIVE I........Oh......just stick with me, and Godzilla will explain everything later" Pinkie Pie told them. "WHO'S GODZILLA!?!?!?!?!?!?" They all shouted very confused. Godzilla went back, as he had to keep fighting for the planet he lived on. Finally after the long fightning itself was over, almost all of New York was in nothing, but ruin from the massive Invasion. At that point Godzilla, Mothra, Baragon, Anguirus, and Rodan head to the New Jersey Islannd, as Pinkie Pie, brought Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Octavia, Spitfire, and Shifter. Twilight, and her friend's were even more confused as they both stood there rubbing there head's. "Mothra do you have anything?" Godzilla asked. "Indeed I've made our new warship it's on it's way, the Olympus Mons, MK 2, however we've run into a small problem, both Vinyl, and Spitfire are on board" Mothra explained whispering the last part. "Oh great you might want to get your medical hand's ready I think I might know why there on board.....QUICK EVERYONE INSIDE!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted as all of them clamored in the vessel. "Shall we begin launch sequence?" Mothra asked. "Not yet we have gues'ts first" Godzilla explained, as he turned his attention to Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Octavia. "May I ask what your doing in this dimension?" Godzilla asked. "Sorry......I-I'm........Twilight Sparkle" Twilight Sparkle introduced. "I'm Godzilla, now may I ask what your doing in this dimension?" Godzilla asked. "We came looking for my friend Vinyl Scratch" Octavia explained. Godzilla sighed. "Walk with me, I'll explain to you what's going on, and where Vinyl Scratch is" Godzilla explained. "O-Ok" Twilight answered a bit hesitant. "In case you are wondering your in dimension, Terra, a dimension full of strange, and exotic creatures that have never been seen before with great destructive powers known only as Kaiju" Godzilla explained. "I've never heard of this dimension before" Twilight Sparkle answered. "Of course not, their are multiple dimensions, but out of all the most popular ones, some people think that this dimension alone is a myth" Godzilla explained. "That makes more sense" Twilight theorized. "Hey what were those strange ships, and robots you, and Pinkie were fighting earlier?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Those were ships of the Alien Armada led by King Ghidorah, and his Alien Kaiju General's, in case you haven't noticed this dimension has been fighting a war that had existed for as long as time itself began" Godzilla explained. "T-that's terrible" Twilight Sparkle whined. "Do not worry we've had our best day's, it's considered natural" Godzilla replied. He then took a deep breath as he faced all of them. "I now have a question for all of you, how long has Vinyl been missing?" Godzilla asked. "Almost a month why?" Octavia asked. "Its been more than a month for us Octavia, Vinyl has been here for over a year" Godzilla answered. "I-is she alright?" Octavia asked. "Yes, however when she arrived, she lost her memories, and was disguised as human, but when we helped her re-gain her memories she was in an Anthro body like the one's you all have now" Godzilla explained. "Do you know where she is?" Octavia asked. "I do, but before you can see her I must tell you something that complicates you being here" Godzilla explained. "Ok" Octavia pondered. "Upon Vinyl's arrival she met us in a most precarious situation, but after a while she met one of my friend's Mothra, and he promised her to help re-gain her memories" Godzilla explained. "Awww how kind of him" Rarity smiled. "There's more, as it took them a bit of a long time Vinyl fell in love with Mothra, at first she liked him, and when she got her memories back, she was torn she new we could help her get back to her own dimension.....but......" Godzilla stuttered, before all of them fell silent, until Rarity smiled. "S-she was still in love with Mothra" Rarity spoke. "Indeed, Vinyl made a choice, and well you can guess by her absence what her choice was" Godzilla explained. "She loved him so much that she stayed with him" Octavia realized. "Exactly" Godzilla agreed before he showed Vinyl who had Angel on a little strapped backpack carrying her. "Both got married a few months back, and two months ago, she had a child, Angel Scratch" Godzilla explained. "B-but what does that mean?" Octavia stammered. "If Vinyl goes back to her home dimension now, that baby could grow up without knowing her father" Godzilla explained. Octavia realized the hard choice she would make. "Can I talk to Vinyl?" Octavia asked. "Of course" Godzilla told her as she slowly approached Vinyl. Twilight began to also go up to them, but Godzilla stopped them. "Let them sort this out, on there own" Godzilla warned. Twilight was about to make a complaint, but Godzilla gave her a threatening glare, as he bared one of his fanged teeth in a snarl. Twilight backed off, as they watched Octavia approach her friend. Vinyl smiled, but then watched as her friend approach. "T-Tavi?" Vinyl asked. "H-hi Vinyl" Octavia waved. "TAAAAVVVIIIIII" Vinyl cried as she hugged her friend, as Octavia hugged her back. "You came to visit me how sweet" Vinyl smiled. "Actually I came here to take you back" Octavia told her. Vinyl's smiled faded, as she sighed. "T-Tavi I was wanting to go back, but......I can't leave here, and Mothra can't come with me, until he finishes the war.....I have to stay here" Vinyl told Octavia. "L-look Vinyl I'm sorry about that day, I shouldn't have........" Octavia started before Vinyl smiled. "It's alright Tavi, I'm glad you were able to find another stallion....besides, I found mine" Vinyl smiled, as she looked at Mothra who was talking with Anguirus. "Thank you Vinyl, but can I ask you something?" Octavia asked. "Sure Tavi, what is it?" Vinyl asked. "Are you happy here?" Octavia asked. Vinyl looked back as she smiled. "Yes I'm very happy here Tavi, I have friend's, and a husband I love very much, and my place will always be with them" She smiled, as she saw Mothra, and Anguirus laughing from there conversation as Vinyl smiled. Tear's enveloped both their eyes, as both of them gave each other one last hug. "Twilight could only pull this spell off once, I'm really going to miss you Vinyl" Octavia sobbed. Vinyl held her friend, as she let out tear's of her own. "I'm going to miss you Tavi" Vinyl smiled then Mothra flew to Godzillla. "GODZILLA THE BLOCKADE WE HAVE TO STRIKE NOW!!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. "Octavia, it's time to go" Godzilla told her. Octavia nodded, as Godzilla opened the portal to their Equestira. "Once you get through, you'll get your normal pony form's back, THERE'S NO TIME GO!!!!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted. "BYE VINYL!!!!!!!!!!!!" Octavia shouted, as Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Octavia vanished through the portal, as Vinyl smiled. "Goodbye Tavi" Vinyl explained wiping her tear's away. "Mothra Innitiate Launch Sequence" Godzilla ordered. As the Olympus Mons engines roared to life. As the Olympus Mons began to pilot itself a question entered Godzilla's mind. "Hey Mothra where exactly did you find this gigantic spacecraft?" Godzilla asked. "Oh it was found on Mars, the military helped give it to me, as I helped upgrade it, after I re-built the Gotengo, at least before Vinyl gave birth, but couldn't finish it without watching Angel" Mothra smirked as a little coo came as Angel poked her little head out of the backpack. As the Olympus Mons made it to space, it's super laser glowed, and discharged destroying, an entire cruiser as it exploded. "The Super laser is re-charging, perhaps it's time you used the new weapon Godzilla" Mothra advised. "WHAT NEW WEAPON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla shouted. "I created a Godzilla Power Cannon for you to use, it will hold the power surge of your Atomic Breath, it will help us destroy most of the Alien Blockade" Mothra explained. "Get me to it" Godzilla ordered, as he used a teleporter, putting himself in the cannon's barrel. The cannonc opened, the vacuum of space coming through. Godzilla embedded his claws, and tail into the floor, making sure he didn't get sucked away. "Godzilla Power Cannon online" Mothra said over the comms. "Firing Godzilla Power Cannon" Mothra answered. As Godzilla gathered all the access energy as he charged his Atomic Breath. Godzilla then unleashed the massive power, from his mouth. A huge beam escaped the front of the Olympus Mons as it destroyed most of the entire ship's, except leaving two cruisers, and a Flagship all three ship's began to retreat, but Mothra quickly fired the Super laser as he damaged one of the crusier's right as it jumped hyperspace. "Godzilla I got a trail to the cruiser that we just shot, it may hold the co-ordinates to Ghidorah's world" Mothra reported. "Did all of our human military men get on board this ship?" Godzilla asked. "Yes" Mothra nodded. "Pursue" Godzilla ordered as the Olympus Mons, activated it warp speed, and pursued after the limping cruiser. "It will take us a few hours for us to get there" Mothra nodded. "Good, now Vinyl what are you, and Flutterbat doing here?" Godzilla asked. "We got in this ship to come help, we had no idea we'd go with you this far" Vinyl explained. "Well can't go back now, so might as well bring you with us, so just be careful both of you" Godzilla warned. Vinyl nodded, but then Godzilla noticed Flutterbat's disappearance. "Hey where's Flutterbat?" Godzilla asked. "She said she was going to the bathroom, yet I don't understand it, but she should have been back by now" Vinyl realized. "AAAANNNGUUUIRRUSSSS!!!!!" Flutterbat squealed in pain. "Oh no" Godzilla realized. "BARAGON TAKE THE CONTROLS!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. Baragon took the Olympus Mons control as, both Mothra, and Anguirus ran to Flutterbat, as she was on her knees shaking. "M-my water broke" Flutterbat stuttered. "WHAAAAATTTT, BUT THE BABY ISN'T DUE UNTIL TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!" Anguirus shouted in shock. "NO SHIT SHERLOCK, TELL THAT TO THE BABY!!!!!!!!" Flutterbat yelled, as Mothra hoisted Flutterbat on a nearby stretcher, as he quickly moved her into the medical bay with Anguirus close to follow. Anguirus shared his aura's healing power's keeping her, and their baby alive. "Ok on the count of three Flutterbat I need you to push ok?" Mothra asked. "Okay" Flutterbat nodded. "One.......Two.........THREE!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Flutterbat screamed as the baby came out. "Its a boy" Mothra smiled. The baby had Anguirus's body, but Flutterbat's eyes, and color. "He's beautiful" Flutterbat cried with happiness, as Anguirus was also teary eyed. "What do we call him?" Flutterbat asked. "How about Rocky, our little Rocky" Anguirus asked. "Sure that will be his name....Rocky" Flutterbat smiled. Rocky Shy Gender: Male Birth Date: March 5th 2009 Species Hybrid (But mostly similar to Kaiju father Anguirus) Record saved to Military Database. They all smiled as soon Morgan came up from down below. "All the soldiers vehicles, and fighters are set, were ready for the invasion of Ghidorah's world" Morgan answered. "Good were taking a small detour, were heading to find a wrecked Alien cruiser that has the information we need" Godzilla explained. "All right then....It's time we saw what lie's ahead" Morgan sighed. > Chapter 24 Crash Site (Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The beacon led the Olympus Mons to an almost jungle like, backwater planet. Godzilla saw the strange planet, it looked very different from anything else he had seen. Anguirus, and Flutterbat mostly stayed together with one another, as they took care off Rocky, and Mothra, and Viny also took care of their child, Angel. Angel, and Rocky both giggled, and laughed having fun playing with each other, with their parents watching over them. "Baragon are you sure that's where their cruiser went down?" Godzilla asked. "Indeed I have the last burning signature of the limping cruiser crashing down there" Baragon answered. "All right, Rodan, Spitfire, and Shifter all of you are coming with me down to the planet's surface" Godzilla explained. "Godzilla three unidentified ships coming out of hyperspace" Baragon reported as three strange unknown exited hyperspace. "This be Captain Slag of the Space Pirates surrender ye cargo, so, we can plunder yer ship" The pirate captain spoke. "Is he serious?" Rodan asked. Baragon fired the super laser, eradicating the captian's flagship in one blow, as the other two cruisers instantly retreated, going into hyperspace. "Cowards" Rodan scoffed. "Anyway......Morgan your our communications, let us know if we have any other un-wanted guests" Godzilla explained. "Indeed" Morgan nodded, as Rodan, Spitfire, Shifter, and Godzilla got into the Gotengo, and launched towards the planet's surface. As the Gotengo finally landed at it's destination. Godzilla checked the wreckage from the schematics. "It seem's during the trajectory crash, the Cruiser spilt in half, the front half of the ship is not to far from here, Rodan, Spitfire stay with the ship, Shifter I need your help to come retrieve the device" Godzilla explained. "Ok" Shifter nodded, as they both exited the vehicle, and began walking through the strange alien jungle. As they both moved along, Shifter looked at Godzilla with a serious expression on her face. "H-hey Godzilla....w-what so you think you'll do after the war is over?" Shifter asked. Godzilla paused for a minute, as he sighed. "S-Shifter.....I-I'll tell you when I get a chance right now, I need to focus on the mission" Godzilla told her. "Ok" Shifter nodded. They both journeyed to the the front half of the wrecked cruiser, as they went inside, seeing both the crash marks, and a huge scorch mark where the super laser hit. Godzilla then noticed that the flash drive of the co-ordinates to the Alien Armada home world in one of the Alien robot's hands. "Looks like robot realized he wouldn't make it back by the time the ship was too badly damaged, He must have tried to evacuate with the data, but it looks like he was unlucky" Godzilla realized, picking up the Alien Drive as he transfered the information to a new drive. Both Shifter, and Godzilla sighed going back to the Gotengo, until a loud thundering rumble caused green rain to pour down on them, as some of it made there skin sizzle. "Acid Rain, we need to find cover fast were not going to make it to the Gotengo in time, and we can't stay out here, or all the acid rain will melt our skin faster than we can heal ourselves" Godzilla explained. "IN HERE!!!!!!!" Shifter shouted, as they both leaped up high on a huge mountain, taking shelter in the cave, Shifter had spotted. Godzilla noticed that the Gotengo had a weather shield up, as it prevented it's metal from being harmed by the acid rain. "Looks like we'll be here for the rest of the night" Godzilla realized as, both he, and Shifter closed the cave's opening using huge stone. Godzilla turned around, as he let out a roar, finding that there were suprisingly no alien lifeforms in the cave itself. Godzilla then used his Atomic Breath making a stone fire, as both he, and Shifter helped get warm near the fire. "Godzilla, please.....what will you do after the war?" Shifter asked. "Retirement probably, heck I might even think of settling down, and having a family" Godzilla shrugged. Shifter felt her aura glow, now was the right time. "How about we start now" Shifter smiled, crawling seductively towards Godzilla. "W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?!?!?!?!?!?" Godzilla shouted in a huge blush. "G-Godzilla I have loved you with all my heart, and I want us too get married, our instinct's to run wild" Shifter relied softly. "B-but S-Shifter....." Godzilla stammered as Shifters claw's touched his chest, showing a glow that confirmed what her aura told her. "Our aura's our ready, we.......must......help.......create......life........" Shifter spoke' as she shuddered from his touch. "S-Shifter....a-are you sure you want this?" Godzilla asked. "I do....because I love you so much" Shifter whispered. Godzilla then leaned closer to her. "I love you too" Godzilla smiled, as they kissed passionetly. They both moaned into each other's mouths, as they panted for air, after breaking the kiss. Both their eyes glowed pink, but this time they didn't hold the emotion back. There heart's, and bodies felt like they were hot with a wild fire. Soon Godzilla stared at her body, as Shifter stood up putting her arm behind her head, posing like a nude super model. Her DD-cup pink breast's with her light blue nipples made her look like a reptillian goddess; Godzilla also admired her sexy belly button, and her small pink slit. Shifter also let out a hungry growl, as she saw his huge girthy rod. "Oh my, your a big one" Shifter growled. "I was 300 feet tall in my original form what were you expecting?" Godzilla asked. "Good point" Shifter snarled, as she motioned Godzilla to come forward. Godzilla approached her, as he kissed the nape of her neck, making Shifter shudder in pleasure. Both of their tails intertwined, before wrapping around their bellie's, and waist. Shifter felt her breast's, and sensitive nipples, rub against Godzilla's chest."UUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!!" Shifter moaned loudly. Both of them carefully laid against the hard floor, not caring if it was a hard or soft floor. Godzilla then began to insert his rod deep inside Shifter's pussy. "OOOOHHHHH GODDESSES, YEEEESSSSSS, NNNNNN FUCK THAT FEELS GOOD!!!!!!!!!" Shifter whined. Shifter, adored the immense pleasure that was coursing through her entire body. Godzilla let out a beasty growl, as he began pounding her pussy hard. "UUUUUUUHHHHHH, UUUUH, UUUUUUH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH, UH , UH ,UH, UH, UH, UH!!!!!!!!!" Shifter squealed, as Godzilla only added more to her pleasure. Godzilla continued growling until she heard his echoing voice. "S-Shifter I-I'm G-gonna....." Godzilla began before Shifter answered him. "B-BAKKA P-PLEASE CUM, CUM INSIDE ME UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH, UUUUUHHHHHHH" Shifter screamed, as Godzilla thundering posterior hilted inside her. He pumped his seed deep within her, as her cum mixed with his. Godzilla collapsed lightly, as they stayed in the position they were, tail's intertwined, there bodies were one. Two wedding ring's formed on both their claws, however their rings were more interesting than others. Godzilla's ring was embedded with a symbol that was the right half of a giant tree, in a blue glow. Shifter's ring was embedded with a symbol exactly like Godzilla's except it the left half of the same tree, and glowing pink. When they both rested a strange new glow of pink, and blue Godzillasaurus energy cleaned both of their bodies, from their said love making. "S-Shifter?" Godzilla asked. "Hmmmm?" Shifter asked tiredly. "Why did you call me Bakka?" Godzilla asked. "When a female Godzillasaurus is very much in love with her male, she calls him a nickname when he makes her reach her first pleasure peak. To me Bakka is the name that I think about is best for you. Your strong, powerful, and destructive, but you also have the most kindest heart I've ever seen in my entire life, plus being in love with you makes me want you to do naughty reptillian things to my body......you sexy reptile" Shifter growled playfully. "Well I'm going to like the name, and I have one for you Goddess" Godzilla growled making Shifter tingle. "Mmmmm, let's get some rest" Shifter smiled as they both fell asleep in the love position they started in. Finally morning came, as Shifter had gotten up, as Godzilla stretched feeling a bunch of bones crick, as he smiled. "Man that feels good" Godzilla grinned, he then looked to see Shifter had made a small crack from the huge stone, as she smiled. "The Acid Rain storm has passed" Shifter told him. Godzilla looked down, and frowned seeing his morning wood. Godzilla smiled seeing Shifter's part's still on display. Godzilla only grinned, as he walked over to her, and shoved his rod into her pussy. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Shifter moaned loudly. "You want to have a quicky?" Godzilla asked. "Oooohhh I do here....." Shifter smiled, bending over in a doggystyle position. Godzilla grabbed her breast's groping them, and pinched her nipples. "NNNNNN BAKKA, YOUR TOO GOOD TO ME!!!!!!!" Shifter panted. "Here I go my Goddess"[color] Godzilla growled, as he pounded her pussy hard. "UH, UUUUUHHHH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH"[color] Shifter screamed, as both of them came hard, as Godzilla pumped her with his seed. "Mmmmm that was too good" Shifter groaned, before said mystical energy cleaned them from their lovemaking. "I'd go a third round, but we still have to get the information back to base" Godzilla explained. "I know Bakka, but that doesn't mean we can still have some fun when we're done" Shifter winked. "Oh trust me I will dominate you again when the time comes my sexy goddess" Godzilla growled, making her tingle with pleasure, but left with him out of the cave grinning from ear to ear. I love my strong, powerful, destructive, and sexy reptillian husband Shifter's inner thoughts sighed. As both of them got back, Rodan gave them a bored look. "Took you long enough, got a copy of the drive?" Rodan asked. "Got it. now let's get us out of here" Godzilla ordered. "On it" Rodan replied as he took off, and then smiled. "So you to finally got married, huh?" Rodan asked. Shifter blushed, but Godzilla grinned. "YOU SENSED THE WEDDING RINGS ENERGY DIDN'T YOU😏😏😏😏😏" Godzilla grinned mischeviously. "Guilty as charged, so the Earth Defenders have married five very sexy creatures" Rodan smiled. Both Shifter, and Spitfire turned red, from what he meant behind his compliments. "Indeed" Godzilla smiled. "Why are we so damm lucky?" Rodan asked. "I don't know sometimes fate weaves interesting webs for us all" Godzilla explained. "True dat" Rodan replied, as the Gotengo returned to the Olympus Mon's, all of them were happy of Shifter, and Godzilla's marriage. However turning to the task at hand, Godzilla showed the location to the Alien Armada home world. Godzilla found it to be on the conquered planet of Vortakkia an Alien planet that King Ghidorah, reigned dominion over of this planet. "That's our target Morgan, scramble the invasion force, it's time to strike" Godzilla growled. The time had come, to defeat the Aliens......once, and for all. > Chapter 25 Ghidorah's Last Stand (Or is it?) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25 Ghidorah's Last Stand (Or is it?) The Olympus Mons came out of hyperspace, arriving at Ghidorah's home world. They both saw multiple Flagship, and Cruiser's blockading the Alien world. "Hoooollllyyyy......" Anguirus stuttered seeing the blockade as Rocky had fallen asleep. "Can we take on that many ship's, and still land this vessel?" Rodan asked. "Of course we can, I'll be in the Godzilla Power Cannon room, Morgan I need you to launch some of the Sentinel Fighters. Rodan, Spitfire, and Baragon both of you use the Gotengo to keep some or those ship's back, Mothra you pilot the Olympus Mons, and fire the super laser gun's" Godzilla ordered. "On it" All of them said in unison, as they both began their massive space battle. "Godzilla Power Cannon.......FIRE!!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. Godzilla anchored down in the cannon room, as he fired his Atomic Breath with the cannon's enhanced power. The first shot eradicated five Flagship's, and five Cruisers in one shot. Mothra charged up the Super Laser, and destroyed another cruiser. There were at least thirty Destroyers, twenty Cruisers, and twenty Flagships. As the Alien fleet opened fire, the Gotengo managed to punch through the wave of fighters as it began attacking the Destoryer's. Alien Fleet lost three Destroyers, as the Godzilla Power Cannon , and the Super Laser re-charged. Without warning, an even more powerful shot from the Godzilla Power Cannon destroyed ten Flagships, and ten Cruisers, not only that but the Super Laser destroyed an Alien Destroyer. The Olympus Mons, was taking medium damage from the fleet. The Alien fleet only had five Flaghsips, five Cruisers, and twenty four Destroyers left. As the Alien fleet fired back. trying to deafeat the gigantic new, and improved Olympus Mons Flagship, which was taking a lot of the harsh punishment. The Gotengo got even closer as it destroyed three more Destroyer's. Even an ace Sentinel Fighter got lucky. as it managed to take down another Destroyer before being destroyed Godzilla then used another powerful blast from his Godzilla Power Cannon, as his blast took out all of the Destroyer's breaking the back of the blockade. Another shot from the Super Laser took out a Flagship' destroying it in pieces. The damage of the fleet had lessened. As the last part's of the Alien fleet continued to fire the Gotengo managed to take out two cruisers, while a group of fighter's took out the last three cruisers. With only five vulnerable flagships left Godzilla only smiled, as all the fighter's that were able to get to there target, took out three Flagship's, while the Gotengo destroyed one. The last remaining Flagship, was eradicated by the Olympus Mon's super laser. The Olypmus Mons itself had taken light heavy damage, but still it could still continue. As it went to the planet, the Gotengo, Olympus Mons, and fighters began to descend to the surface. As Ghidorah's Alien Castle settled on a red desert, the ships landed, as they saw small artillery, lots of tanks and troops. "YOUR GOOD TO GO MORGAN!!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted as Godzilla, Anguirus, Baragon, Rodan, and Mothra went out with the invasion force joined by Morgan. "FOR THE EARTH, FOR OUR PEOPLE......ATTACK LIKE THERE IS NO TOMMOROW!!!!!!" Godzilla shouted, as the humans cheered in there space suits charging into battle. M2014 Laser Gunners, Railgun Tanks, Railgun Buggies, Laser Troopers, Laser Snipers, Laser Tanks, Plasma Troopers, Plasma Tanks, Railgun Snipers, Anti Gravity tanks, Railgun Techs, Plasma Field Technicians, Railgun Troopers, and Laser Technicians all charged out of the Olympus Mons following the Kaiju, while Plasma Turrets, Artillery Plasma Cannons, and Unmanned Laser Turrets defended their cruiser. M2014 Laser Gunners were armed with an X2009Heavy Laser Minigun. Railgun Tanks were Medium Tanks except carrying powerful High Velocity Shots. Railgun Buggies were armored dune buggy armed with a powerful Railgun with High Veloctoy Shot projectiles. Laser Troopers carried a single shot blue lasered Dragon's breath gun. Laser Snipers had X51 Sniper rifles who could shoot normally, and no scope there enemies. Laser Tanks were combination of both Medium Tanks, and Railgun Tanks, it carried an 88mm Laser that had huge firing ratio, and new laser bullet penetration. Plasma Troopers had an upgraded Dragon's Breath Beam weapon. Plasma Tanks had a Plasma Cannon, and two Dual Plasma Energy Orb Launcher's. Railgun Snipers had Railgun Sniper rifle's, that packed quite the kick. Anti-Gravity Tanks were perfect for fighting in this environment, they were armed with a 120mm Pulse Cannon, a Laser, and twin Multi Rocket Launchers. Railgun Tech's with Railgun like MGs, that fired from the ground, and the air. Plasma Field Technician's, had a hand held Plasma Cannon to use. Railgun Troopers had a more Electrical Powered Railgun, that was very effective. Laser Technicians were trooper versions, and were a bit similar to the Railgun Sniper. Plasma Turret's were Riot Shielded, and fired beam teams energy, Artillery Plasma Cannon's wase a huge Plasma Artillery Cannon. Unmanned Laser Cannons were Riot Shielded Drone Laser Cannons, that had precison attacks. As the Earth Defenders charged after their enemies, the Aliens really had not counted for the humans to be this organized, and this powerful with their new weapons. The Aliens fought against the humans, but the Earth Defense force was too overwhelming. Gigan, and Orga charged out of the castle headquarters as they assisted in battle. Gigan did most of the huge destruction, before Mothra charged out of nowhere, smashing him into the castle itself as both him, and Gigan faced each other. "Gigan this rivalry between us......end's today" Mothra screeched. "I agree, YOU WILL DIE!!!!!" Gigan snarled, as he revved up his chainsaw's ready to end his enemy. Both Mothra, and Gigan began there battle as they fought with ferocity. Gigan charged with his chainsaw drag attack, as he readied his pinching mandibles. Mothra dodged, did a winged 180 spin, and shot his Rainbow Laser at Gigan. The blast shot Gigan off the edge before activating his foot jets, as he faced Mothra again. Gigan fired his laser, but Mothra quickly dodged his attack's, before firing Gigan from an angle knocking him back, before charging into Gigan. Mothra smashed Gigan through the building then whirlwind winged attacked him, smashing Gigan's face almost over, and over again, before blinding him, then charged through, slicing Gigan in half. Mothra then used his laser destroying, Gigan in the process, as Mothra sighed. "That's one of my rival's.....finally destroyed" Mothra sighed. Orga fired his massive cannon, but he was soon pinned down, by the tanks, and the soldiers. As Orga could not re-taliate Rodan finished him off with super speed claw's slashing Orga to bits. Rodan smiled at the deceased Orga with a growl. "Organ Regeneration Defect" Rodan sighed. Godzilla then jumped into the throne room of the castle as he faced Ghidorah. "King Ghidorah your involvement in the war, end's today" Godzilla growled, as Godzilla finally faced his alpha rival Ghidorah. Both of them charged, and matched teeth with claw. Godzilla pulled off lucky punches, as Ghidorah then tail swiped him, then did a massive stomp attack. Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath blinding Ghidorah, as he tail swiped Ghidorah, and fired his Atomic Breath. Ghidorah then jumped up into the air, and fired his air laser attack. This knocked Godzilla back, as Ghidorah did three air neck swipes from his three Hydra neck, and head's. Godzilla then got up, and backflip kicked Ghidorah in the air, then fired his Atomic Breath as it destroyed the middle of Ghidorah's head. Ghidorah became super weak, and used the last of his energy drawing in green lightning, and fired massive green lightning bolt's from his last two heads, forcing Godzilla back. Godzilla re-taliated with an Atomic Breath vaporizing the left head. Ghidorah fell on his knees, as the mighty Godzilla had his eyes enflamed blue, as he stared at his enemy. "The Alien Armada's reign is over" Godzilla snarled, as blood poured from Ghidorah's final mouth, he chuckled. "Even if you kill me Godzilla, the Alien Armada will rise again" Ghidorah chuckled. Godzilla's dorsal plates began to glow bright blue, as his Atomic Breath charged up, as he fired, blowing up Ghidorah's body. The humans cheered relieved that the threat of the Alien Armada was over, as the Olympus Mon's took everyone home. They all ended up had to abandon it' as the vessel had finally summed up to the hit's it recieved, after they landed it. They all got back to Earth safely, all of them watched the Olympus Mon's becoming destroyed. "Godzilla during the invasion of Earth, we lost over 200 soldiers, and almost 250 civilians in the invasion, and when attacking the Alien home world, we lost 150 troops" Morgan sighed. Godzilla sighed sadly. "Their sacrifices were not in vain, they helped us stop, an enemy, but at a grave cost, one day Terra will know the meaning of peace" Godzilla sighed as they began their cleanup. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Comet Trail (Son of Rodan, and Spitfire) Gender: Male Birth Date: April 2nd 2009 Species: Hybrid (Mostly Pegasi, but has Rodan's wings, powers and speed has mothers personality) Profile added to Military Database. Sugarcakes (Daughter of Pinkie Pie, and Baragon) Gender:Female Birth Date: July 25th 2009 Species: Hybrid (Mostly Earth Pony, but has claws, ears, and purple skin of father, and mothers personality) Profile added to Military Base. "Come on, Shifter you can do this I'm with you" Godzilla told her, as a pregnant Shifter was in labor in the wrecked New York underground. All of the new, and old Earth Defenders with them, hoping for the best in such quick time. "Ok.....on 3.......ONE........TWO.......THREE!!!!!!!" Mothra shouted. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Shifter screamed before holding, Godzilla's, and her newborn baby. It was, a female pink Godzillasaurus, "She's beautiful" Shifter smiled. "How about we name her Amber?" Godzilla asked with a warm smile. "Amber it is" Shifter smiled. Amber Gender: Female Birth Date August 12th 2009 Species: Godzillasaurus File added to black box Military Database Morgan soon charged in panting. "ALL OF YOU HAVE TO GO NOW, THEIR COMING, AND I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!!!!!!!!!" Morgan shouted, as all of them looks at the dimensional portal. "One day you'll figure this out, I know what they say isn't true, but for now all of you need to hide in that dimension, it's the only place the human government can't reach you" Morgan sighed. "We will return" Godzilla nodded. "JUST GO!!!!!!" Morgan shouted, as they all vanished through the portal, as they landed on new ground, while Morgan destroyed the dimensional teleported. As they all arrived, they found themselves in almost a very similar place. "W-where did you take us?" Vinyl stammered. "The only place that I could think of to be safe........Anthro Equestria" Godzilla answered as they now faced a new situation.... To Be continued in Mark of the Ancients (Book 2)