> E.V.O hunters > by The Storyteller world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Start of Something New > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sirens blared around the facility as staff of all levels ran to their stations. One set of feet adorned with a sneaker and the other a boot pounded the ground as they ran to the hazard zone. "Come on not now! I'm so close to a breakthrough." A man with snow white hair and goatee muttered to himself as he ran. Nearing the door he lifted a clawed robotic hand and made a motion as if typing a code in. The light above the door switched to green allowing him to push past without stopping. "Discord, what the hell do you think you are doing down there. You're supposed to be heading for an evacuation site!" Shouted a distressed woman's voice over the comms. Another voice came through that was also female. "I'm ordering you to come back right now. There's nothing you can do to stop this!" Discord ignored the calls as he made it to where he wanted to be. A large lab room covered in notes and machinery with a large vat full of pulsing red material. "Sorry ladies but I need to do something." He shouted over the blaring scream of sirens. Stepping closer he began to type in coding as the vat pulsed faster. Sweat dripping off his brow he paused before hitting the final button. "Doom the world to peaceful ignorance or doom it to years of strife for a possible cure?" He asked himself before a crazed smile split his face. "Oh, whats life without a little chaos?" He said as he slammed his palm down on the button making a new siren scream as the vat emptied out into tubing connected to it sending a red glow through the room as the material was sent to the skies above the facility, scattering among the wind to the corners of the world. Explosions began rocking the base, making the ground shake from the force. One explosion blew up near Discord sending him into a wall, knocking him out yet his face never lost it's crazed smile. Twenty years passed since the incident that everyone soon started to call The Red Dawn. The world was changed forever as the virus that had been launched into the air had spread faster then anyone could track. Machine and organic material alike soon were infected with it causing some to turn into monsters or machines to go crazy. The nations of the world banded together to form a counter to this problem. Harmony An advanced group of the bravest and brightest people around the world working on fighting the monsters that sprung up along with working on a possible cure to rid the world of the contamination. Celestia and Luna of the Equestrian nation were elected to lead as they had the most experience with the virus. Others such as Iron Will of the ancient warrior minotaur clans and Silver Fang of the Siberian province were chosen to help train the following generations of fighters that would go into the field to counter the beasts. Other's soon filled support roles and bases began to pop up in all countries to help the response time. Everyone pulled resources leading to a boom in the level of technology. Soon power suits were built to help those that fought the monsters, weapons of destruction once used to wage war against each other were now used against a common enemy. A mandatory test for recruiting into Harmony was put in place that every new eighteen year old must take. Fail and you would move on to other things in life. Succeed and you'd be quickly welcomed into the folds. Life both flourished and suffered from the infamous event but that might all change with the new wave of recruits, specifically one Spike Drake. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BE- An alarm rang but was soon slammed quiet by the hand of the sleepy young man in bed. "I hate mornings." Came the muffled grumble, his face in the pillow. Sitting up in bed the man stretched and looked into the mirror across from him. Messy green hair was tussled around that came to points, a handsome face with a little scar going across just under his right eye, and fangs that pointed just a little more then normal when he yawned. A screen detailing his vital signs and info on him appeared in the mirror. Name: Spike Drake Age: 18 Occupation: Student Misc: B+ blood, height 6', weight 210 lb Spike dragged a hand through the air, swiping the info away to a news broadcast, not really reading it. The day was scheduled for sun shine with a nice easy temperature of Sixty eight degrees. Flipping through the news he saw a family had been rescued from a fire, a cat was stuck in a tree, and that a large evo had been taken down in Saddle Arabia. "Huh, thought it was weird I hadn't heard anything about evo's in a while." Spike muttered to himself as he finally got out of bed, heading for the restroom to get ready. After a quick cleaning he was feeling more awake and active, styling his spiky hair into a slicked back look with some of it still flopping forward. "Ugh, can never get it right." He groaned, shaking his head at his image. Heading for the door he took a breakfast bar and his backpack. "Let's see today is the twenty first of April which means...?" He began, trailing off when it hit him. "Oh shit." He said, the bar dropping from his hand. "I'm eighteen. I have to take the Chaos test." He said, sprinting for the nearest Harmony recruitment center. As he ran through the busy streets of Manehatten he could easily see planes and cars fly around along with the occasional stunt pilot take some daring turns. A squad of power suit wearing policemen passed by overhead while performers played some tunes on the ground floor. Spike's heart raced when he neared the recruitment center as he could see one of the pilots land her suit near the gate. The woman's sensors went off from Spike running up to the building making her turn. "Woo woo woo slow down kid. Where's the fire?" Came the slightly robotic voice of the pilot inside as she spoke through a vocal box. Spike could tell her suit was a lancer class from the large lance over her back and small shield retracted on her arm. Wheezing slightly from the run he replied. "Sorry haa just realized that oh boy I'm eighteen today so I have to take the test." The lancer straightened up at the news. "Well come on in then kid or should I say young man. Don't want you to get in trouble for not taking it." She said gesturing for him to follow her. "You ever been in here?" She asked as he walked next to her. "No ma'am. I'm like everyone else, avoid the Harmony base unless it's serious." He said. The woman chuckled "Ugh don't call me ma'am. I'm only 26 jeez, making me seem old. The names Sparker and follow me I got time to help you get where you need to before I have to fly off." She said with a laugh. As the pair walked Spike couldn't fight the urge not to ask questions. "What's it like to be a pilot? Have you fought an evo yet? How many suits have you gone through?" He asked, giddy with barely suppressed excitement. Sparker let out a laugh. "Okay well it's a great experience as you get to see the world, I never could be one of the desk jobs in the base. Yes a few here and there nothing major though, and luckily only this one so far." She answered as they came up to a door marked testing chamber. "Well looks like this is where we part ways. See you around kid, maybe we'll meet again." She said moving to head down another hall. "Thank you!' Shouted Spike after her. Turning back to the door he swallowed his growing fear and knocked. He then waited and waited... and waited until just as he was about to look around to see if someone could help him the door swung open to show a dark room lit only by a single dim bulb over a desk. Stepping inside he called out. "Hello? Anyone in here?" He questioned. A soft beeping could be heard near the desk so Spike took a few cautious steps closer, seeing a green button flashing on top. Reaching down he pressed the button with a finger making a screen of a woman appear in front of him, his eye's widening once he recognized her. "Hello my name is Commander Luna of Harmony. You have come of age and are now taking the Chaos test. It was designed by me along with others to help find the best candidates for our program to help push back the monsters known as E.V.O.'s or Evolved Violent Organisms but of course everyone just says evo. Not like I spent a long time coming up with the name." She said, muttering the last part as she looked to the side. "Depending on your score will decide whether you are a match for us or if you'd be better suited in the world outside of Harmony. Don't worry as there are no wrong answers, just pick what you feel fits you." After saying that Luna's face disappeared and was replaced instead with a multi-choice test. Spike took a seat and looked over the screen. "Well best put my name first. Don't want to be THAT guy." He said, typing away. An hour passed as he worked down the test some questions on math, others on history, one on philosophy for some reason, and a few on situations and what he would do. By the end he had finished everything and clicked submit. Not knowing what to do he placed his hands on the desk and waited for something to happen. A harsh knock on the door made him jump as it swung open. "Spike Drake." Sparker said, now out of her suit. Her face was in an intense scowl and her next line made Spike's stomach drop. "You're to be detained and questioned on the sabotage of the Chaos test." She stormed over to him as he stuttered and tried to ask what was going on but once she got close enough slammed him down on the desk and put cuffs on him. "Resist and I'll be authorized to use force." She ordered, dragging him to stand in front of her and pushing towards the door. Stumbling forward he looked back. "What are you talking about I just took the test like I was told to." He said back to her but was pushed forward more making him drop to his knees. "If you won't move on your own I will move you myself." She commanded, lifting him back up with ease. He noticed she was missing an arm that was replaced with a robotic one that looked like it had small shock pads on it. He was confirmed when she pressed it to his side and gave a shock to him. "Move it!" She ordered, pushing him out of the room where three more armed guards stood. A sack was placed over his head making his world go dark. Any time he tried to protest he'd receive another shock so he learned to stay quiet and wait later. Eventually after a march through the small base he was sat down on a cold metal seat and had the bag removed. Blinking his eye's as they adjusted to the light he saw Luna sitting in front of him with a look of repressed rage. "Commander Luna! You have to help me I have no idea what's going on and-" He was silenced when she slammed a hand down on the table. "Do not lie to me spy!" She growled, raising from her seat. "You know exactly what you did. You will tell me exactly how you rigged the test to give you that score." She commanded, confusing Spike even further. "I'm not lying!" He yelled. "I don't even know what score I got. I showed up, Sparker helped lead me to the testing room since I turned eighteen and the law says I have to take the Chaos test, I took it, finished and then sat there for the next set of instructions or for someone to come. I have no idea whats going on!" He said, shaking slightly in fear at the situation he was in. Luna paused for a moment to sit back in her seat and frown at him. "Then explain to me how you somehow managed to receive a perfect score on a test specifically designed NEVER to give one?" She questioned, folding her arms as she waited for his response. "I literally woke up like two hours ago, came here, took the test, and now I'm being interrogated. Not to be rude or anything but could you all fuck off with the accusations!" He shouted, getting angry at the trouble he was getting in. Luna opened her mouth in shock at his change in attitude and was about to challenge him back but was cut off by him. "No! Shut the fuck up. I have done nothing wrong. I can't help it if your shit test did something you didn't expect. That's on you for failing to make it work properly." He shouted before she could continue. A buzzing sound could be heard coming from Luna. Raising her hand to her head a muffled voice could be heard. 'What?...No it's not possi-... are you sure?... fine but it's your problem then." She said, pausing as the voice spoke. "You won't be let go but you're in luck. Commander Celestia and Major Twilight wish to speak with you." She stated as Sparker walked back in now in her suit once more to pick him up. A bag was placed on his head and he could feel a rag pressed to his face knocking him out. > Step Your Game Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say Spike was having a bad birthday would be an understatement. He woke up this morning to take the Chaos test and for some reason that no one wanted to explain to him, he had to be detained and drugged to be taken to some place in fuck all nowhere and interrogated by the leaders of Harmony. "Should of stayed in bed." He grumbled to himself after being awake for half an hour once the drug they had given him wore off. The noise from the aircraft drowning out his voice slightly. He'd look around but the bag on his head was still there. After another hour or two the craft landed and all passengers aboard disembarked onto the helipad. The bag finally was removed which Spike wished they left on as a sudden rush of searing sunlight burnet his eye's. "Fucking shit! Warn me next time." He snapped at the soldier that had removed the bag. "Move it." Ordered Luna as Sparker pushed the young man forward. The area was full of sounds from the beat of a hammer to the loud jets of the aircrafts arriving and leaving. Looking around showed the base was on a large cliff edge in a desert like landscape. The base itself was pointing skyward where at different points pilots took off or dropped off the cliff to land at the ground, running into the distance. Spike shuffled along hoping that Commander Celestia would be more understanding of his situation as her sister obviously didn't have proper people skills considering how some of the soldiers moved a little faster to get out of her way. Moving inside made Spike sigh in relief from leaving the hot sun for some cool A/C although he didn't get to enjoy it much since he was still being pushed forward. Trekking through the building they passed a set of windows that looked down into a hanger where people moved between power suits either hooking up new gear or helping pilots in and out. Spike couldn't help notice a woman with perfect purple, curled hair and stunning figure arguing with a slightly smaller but still just as hot woman with puffy pink hair. Both seemed heated as both's arms were flailing around and pointing at some screen near a table with what looked to be an arm of a power suit. Being moved passed the windows into a circular room with multiple points of entry Spike saw next a woman holding an injured mans arm. Only looking closer she gave a savage twist followed by the sound of bone reconnecting. The man grabbed a stick that a white robotic rabbit handed him to clench his teeth on as the woman twisted the arm more popping it into place. She hid mostly behind her hair as if shy about the whole ordeal with the man. Only peaking out to offer words of soft encouragement. A pair of pilots still in contrasting suits passed them but they had their helmets off showing a tan girl with rainbow hair arguing about some boxing match with another darker tan girl with blonde hair and southern twang to her voice. They passed by quickly and were soon forgotten as the door Spike and his escort entered closed behind them. Soon he finally entered a room that could only be described as the big wigs room as multiple high ranking people mingled about sending screens back and forth each being directed by a woman with purple hair that had a lighter streak through it on a large center platform dressed in what looked like a librarians outfit. "Jackson, I want that report from southern prance now." She ordered to a man near her. He quickly ran off and returned almost tripping to get to her fast. "Here you go Major." He replied, handing the data pad to her. She looked it over before flicking some signs around on the screens surrounding her. "Tell pilot Fragger he needs to get suited up for a mission." She ordered back to Jackson who disappeared quickly after. "Everyone clear out!" Shouted Luna making everyone freeze before rushing for doors around the room. "Twilight, where is my sister." She spoke but as Twilight was about to answer a voice from behind them spoke up. "I am right here sister and for goodness sakes use your inside voice." Came a soft almost motherly reply. "Ah this must be Spike Drake. Pleasure to meet you, I hope the ride here wasn't to rough. I know my sister can get a little eehhh let's say trigger happy." She continues with a small giggle as Luna looked away, annoyed. "Uh yes ma'am that's me." Spike said, shaking slightly at being near someone who held a lot of power in the world. "There's been a huge misunderstanding and-" He was silenced when she raised her hand. " I know dear thats why you, me, my sister, and my good friend Twilight here are going to sit and have a nice chat to see if we can't sort this out ok?" Celestia said, still in that soft caring tone that put Spike to ease. Spike nodded slowly, following the woman to a set of seats. Looking her over he could see why she was the public figure head of Harmony. Not only did she know how to ease anyone's worries but she was just a walking goddess in looks. How could you not want to do what she said. "I imagine you want me to start from the beginning?" He asked after everyone sat down and the guards were dismissed. "Preferably every little detail please." Twilight said with a few data pads floating around her, a almost hungry look in her eyes for new information. Gulping Spike began to tell them everything from when he woke up to taking the test. He continued to detail everything up all the way to the point they are at now. "And that's everything. I'm telling you I'm not a spy or something crazy like that. I just wanted to take the test and move on with my life whether that's with Harmony or going to college." He said, spreading his hands out to show he wasn't hiding anything. The three women looked amongst each other before Celestia let out a sigh. "It's obvious that you aren't a spy but you must understand our worries. As you know twenty years ago The Red Dawn occurred and it forever changed our world. We as a species had to evolve to the next stage to survive and even then it can change or warp anyone if the right counters aren't taken." She explained. "Luna and Twilight along with other brilliant minds developed the test to find the people best suited for what we needed but also it's never to give a perfect score. So we are in a predicament now as to wondering how exactly did you walk in and get that impossible score." She added with a shake of her head. "I Have an idea." Twilight finally said. The others perked up at the statement. "We now know that Spike isn't a spy or at least no longer have the huge suspicion of it. So why don't we take him on let's say we do take the test into account. He'd be a perfect techie like me or mechanic like the ones in the hanger or heck even a pilot." She stated. "But how will that benefit me and help you guys learn how I got something that is supposed to never happen?" Spike shot back making the woman grin. She tapped the pad on the table before looking him in the eye's. "You gain a job and help the world along with allowing us to keep a close eye on you removing any chance for 'spy' activity. Along the way we can test you on things to see if maybe theres a factor we don't know about that caused you to score so high!" She finished cheerfully. Celestia and Luna were deep in thought talking over a special link. "Do we take the chance?" Asked Luna. "I see no better option and I don't want to imprison an innocent man." Celestia replied. Opening her eye's she nodded. "Ok then. Spike Drake if you are up to agreeing to these terms you'll be welcomed into the folds of Harmony." She said, waiting to see his reaction. Spike looked down at his hands before letting out a sigh as a cocky smile spread across his face. "Sure why the hell not. It's better then being in a desk job with nothing to do. Where do we start?" He asked, leaning forward. Luna huffed before standing up. "Well for starters we need to step your game up." She said, reaching over and pulling him up. "Twilight, show private Drake around." She ordered. "Yes Commander!" Twilight saluted back, gripping his hand she began to drag him out of the room letting the door seal behind them. "Start the scans and tests Luna." Celestia said, turning towards another set of doors. "Already on it." Her sister replied. Spike was struggling to get out of the nerdy girls grip. "Hey uh mind letting go. I can walk by myself you know." He asked her which lead to their sudden stop. "Ah heheheee whoops. Sometimes I get a little excited. Ahem, anyways we are near where we need to be." She said gesturing to a door with a red cross on it. "Welcome to the med bay." She said, swiping a hand across the door to open it. Inside were beds that held people in different levels of injury. Some were missing limbs, others had casts, a few just weren't moving at all. Spike made sure to skirt around those ones. "Fluttershy you in here?" Twilight called out. A familiar woman popped her head out from a curtain and made a shushing motion. Disappearing back behind the curtain for a few more minutes she emerged in a lab coat, brown skirt, and green turtle neck sweater. The same robotic rabbit hopped after her, carrying a small bag with it. "Sorry Twilight, had to get the anesthetic in before Lieutenant Lurker woke up." She said with a small smile. She had almost a motherly figure you could make out from her form fitting clothes. "Oh my, is this that man I saw being led by Commander Luna?" She asked, shying away behind Twilight. "Uh Hi my name's Spike. I'm the new guy around here now." He replied with a weak wave and smile. "Sorry if I scared you and all, trust me it's not been a fun day for me." He added while doing his best to look innocent as possible. Stepping from behind Twilight she suddenly gained a wave of professionalism. "Oh you're a new recruit. That means you need a check up, follow me please." She ordered in her soft voice, heading for a section of the med bay full of equipment. "Please strip down to your undergarments and stand on that pad." She stated, pointing to a gently glowing circle. Spike chuckled as he took off his shirt. "Huh, usually prefer to have dinner first before being told to take off my clothes." He said with a laugh making the two blush. Stepping on the pad after removing the required clothing he scratched his chest. "So what now?" He asked, looking between them. Fluttershy picked up the rabbit and set it on the table next to her. "Angel could you start up the deep tissue scanner." She asked the robot who hopped over to a screen and started to tap at it. Soon the gentle glow grew so she looked to Spike. "Please hold still till the test is over." She requested as a holographic circle began to rise and fall around him. Once the machine powered down Fluttershy gave a hum to the results. "Hope I'm fit for duty and all." Spike joked as he got redressed. "Well your bio levels are all normal. No real sign of the Chaos virus spiking in you. You've had the medical class on it correct?" She asked him as he tied up his shoes. "Of course. Only an idiot wouldn't, if stress starts to get to high or dizziness and pain start to grow, head to the nearest medical facility to get decontaminated and bring levels back to normal." He quoted from the book he had to study back when he was younger. Satisfied with his answer Fluttershy waved them off so that she could work on other patients after marking he passed in a chart. "So where to next?" Asked Spike walking through the door to med bay back to the hall. Twilight thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "I got it. Let's show you the hanger where we keep the power suits and see if we can't find one of the classes that fit you." She replied happily, taking his hand once more and leading him to their next destination. Entering Spike had to cover his ears for a moment from the loud noises being generated around them. "Sorry, forgot to mention it gets pretty loud down here!" Twilight shouted over the noise. Leading the way over to a table Spike saw the same two women he had seen early still screaming at each other though now he knew half the reason they were yelling. "I'm telling you the increase in heat would blow the thrusters!" Screamed the purple haired woman who was dressed like a business woman with just enough cleavage to making you wonder. "And I'm telling you the system can handle it!" Countered the pink hair woman who seemed to be vibrating in place, dressed in a dirty mechanics outfit. Twilight walked between the two and pushed them away before they could come to blows. "Girls, what have I told you! You need to work together not fight!" She shouted over the noise. "Then tell her the system can handle the transfer of power to the thrusters!" Shouted the pink one. "No, tell HER that they can't!" Shouted back the purple one. This spiraled back into a heated match that Spike took the smart decision to look around. On spotting the work they were talking about he shouted to them. "Hey!... HEY!" He yelled. "WHAT?!?" All three screamed at him, fury burning in the first two's eyes Flinching at the sudden screech he spoke up. "What if you add a cooling mechanism to the surrounding hull like some rotating jets or maybe add thrusters to the arms? It would spread the balance around and make for more power. Also could be adjusted to be weaponized when grappled!" He shouted after getting his thought together. "Oh come on that has to be the...best thing ever!" The pink one shouted. The purple one rushed over to the table and started to sketch out designs on the screen. "If we put thrusters here, here, and here we could bring down the use of fuel and further stabilized the suits!" She shouted to her partner. "If we also add an emergency trigger to overclock the thrusters we could cut down response times and make better use of the suits natural weapons! Thanks Champ! We'll find you later once we come up with some new ideas. I can already tell you'll be a big help!" The pink one shouted with a big goofy smile. Twilight and Spike left the two there, leaving the hanger and noise behind. "Well you just made some big rep boost with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. They're the one's who helped make the mark three power suits. Always trying to improve it too." She answered his questioning look. "We can catch them later in the cafeteria once we finish the tour." She explained as they moved out to the helipad Spike had first seen. Two power suits landed in front of them. One sleek and sharp looking with a multi-colored paint job across it and the other a bulky, heavy type that looked like it could bring down a building with one punch. It was decorated in red and orange with two apples on either shoulder. The two high-fived each other before noticing Twilight and Spike. "Hey Twi!" Came a southern voice from the huge suit. Removing the helmet revealed that blond woman Spike had seen chatting with the rainbow haired chick. "Who's the pipsqueak with you?" Questioned the other. Speak of the devil it was the rainbow haired chick. "What you looking at kid?" She asked, catching his stare. "Is that natural ooorrrr?" Spike asked, gesturing to her head making Twilight and the blonde woman burst into laughter. "Why I otta?" She threatened but a huge armored hand slapped down on her shoulder. "Hey don't stop me from stomping the new meat Applejack!" Protested The multi-colored chick. "Cool your jets Rainbow Dash. He got you good with that one. He deserves that one." Applejack teased, letting go of the shorter woman. "The names Applejack though ya probably know that now and this here is Rainbow Dash. We're the best pilots of our classes." She stated reaching out to shake his hand. Spike let out an oof while keeping his hands away from AJ's. "Tell you what, I'll shake your hand when you aren't in the monster killing suit of armor that weights a ton." He said, backing away slightly as Aj let out a laugh. "How went your tests girls?" Asked Twilight, walking around their power suits. "Awesome as always!" Boasted Rainbow, posing in a flex. "Still super easy to break the sound barrier in this." She bragged with a small flip. Applejack settled with just a slight stretch. "The new wrecker class is mighty nice. I was able to punch through the training field easy. By the way what is your name?" She asked, looking to Spike. He perked up at that. "Oh yeah, my names Spike Drake. I'm a new recruit here." He replied making the two lean in close to him. "Ugh, can I help you?" He asked, leaning away from them. "No girls he hasn't gotten a suit yet. First he needs to go through the training." Twilight interrupted making both sag. "That doesn't mean you two can't help him choose when he finishes that is." This made them straighten up with smiles. "See you later new blood. Can't wait to see you run the Guantlet." Rainbow yelled over her shoulder as the two moved passed them into the base. "Why do I feel I'm in trouble?" Spike worriedly asked much to Twilight's enjoyment. "It's like Commander Luna said, we have to step your game up." She answered while moving back inside followed by a scared Spike. > Dropping in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike followed the major back into the building and through another couple of halls until they stopped at one with his name and rank floating across it. "Let me guess, my room?" He questioned. "Yep, everyone gets their own room unless they are married or have family that works with them." Twilight explained before stepping back a little to point at a door two frames down. "That one's mine the one between ours in fluttershy's, the one on the other side of yours is Applejack and Rainbow Dash's, they are old friends and work together so much it just made sense. After theirs is Pinkie Pie's and finally Rarity's." Twilight finished with a smile. "Huh, wasn't expecting to be put so close to the people I just met. I thought there would be a whole privates sleep here and higher ranks sleep elsewhere kind of thing." He said, scratching his chin. Twilight let out a giggle before moving down the hall with Spike behind her. "Normally that would be true but since the Commander's wanted you being watched and tested, they set this up instead." She explained. On that note her stomach decided to make itself known by growling loudly. "Ahhehe... How about food next?" She asked, a blush forming on her face. When Spike didn't protest they changed their direction, he could see maps pointing to where they were going. Opening the door to the cafeteria the noise hit them of a hundred staff members, soldiers, pilots, and mechanics all eating and chatting hit them at once. "So what's on the menu?" Spike asked, his own stomach growling once the scent of food hit him, his mouth turning into a waterfall of saliva. "Whatever you want." Twilight replied, walking up to a screen and pressing a few buttons. "The cafeteria is fully stocked with all types of meals and dishes to fit any taste, style, or limitation a person may have. For example I can't eat bananas so I put in that limitation and the menu adjusts so I don't accidentally pick something that has that in it." She explained, pulling a bowl of soup from out of the container that popped up in front of her. Spike walked up to the screen slightly intimidated before spotting something that made his eye's widen. "Woooo, they can make triple doubled spicy stuffed cheeseburgers!" He asked excitedly, punching in the order. With a ding a box appeared on the counter next to him and opened with the smell of deliciously grilled meat. He pulled out a six layered burger that had what looked like melted jalapeno cheese leaking slightly out of the patties. Spike was practically drooling with anticipation to dig into the meal. He saw Twilight walking towards a mostly empty table, hurrying over he took a seat across from her and was about to start eating when Applejack and Rainbow slammed down next to him. "Yo dude is that a triple double spicy stuffed cheeseburger? That the best stuff ever, though it really slows you down." Admired Rainbow, looking over Spike's meal with an approving nod. Now dressed in a track suit with the zipper slightly undone, showing a sports bra underneath. "So how goes the tour?" Applejack asked, bitting into an apple with a crunch. "Seen your room yet?" She added. Her outfit was a stetson hat, flannel shirt tied up to show of midriff and daisy dukes finished off with cowboy boots. Twilight opened her mouth to speak but then Rarity and Pinkie Pie sat around her followed by Fluttershy taking the edge near them. "Hey girls and as for your question yes we had already been to the rooms though he hasn't been inside yet." She said. The young man let out a chuckle. "The Major here had to get food first." He teased much to everyone's enjoyment and Twilight's embarrassment. "Though I will say I was going to ask where to get food anyways as I was hungry too." He added, comforting her while smiling. "So Spike what did you get for your birthday before being recruited?" Pinkie asked, bouncing in her seat. Spike's mood dropped a little before replying nervously. "Actually today is my birthday since there was the whole thing with the test and worries. So I was brought in just recently." He explained, not giving the full details as to why he was there since he figured Celestia or Luna would explain to everyone eventually. Pinkie Pie let out a gasp before almost pulling the man over the table to bring him close to her face. "You mean you haven't had a birthday party or gift yet!" She practically shouted in his face. "Um, no" He answered weakly. Rainbow let out a laugh at the situation. "Aww Pinkie you should give him a birthday kiss. He is legal now anyways." She said with a snort before laughing even more. Pinkie seemed to think it over much to Spike's horror but just as she was about to pucker her lips for a kiss she got yanked back by Rarity. "Now darling I'm all for giving a good gift on special occasions but don't you think you should ask the young man BEFORE you kiss him if he's okay with it? I mean what if he has a relationship partner already." She lectured. "Do you dear?" She asked, turning to Spike. "Actually the thing is I've never really been in a relationship before or kissed anyone." He spoke quietly, looking down. He was waiting to get teased but it never came, looking up showed everyone looking at him in shock. "What?" He asked, confused. "Your telling me ya'll never kissed no body or dated?" Applejack asked, not fully buying it. "Yeah never. I mean of course I've had crushes like everyone else but never anything real." he countered. "Darling I find that hard to believe. You're far too cute to not at least have woo'd a girl enough to kiss her. Plus you are obviously smart enough to think of the fix you found for me and Pinkie that got us to stop fighting." Rarity complimented. Spike was about to ask more when he was suddenly shoved into the table, his face hitting his burger. The others gave complaints or shock while he wiped his face off. "Move it punk." He heard snarled at him. "Captain Razor! What the hell do you think you are doing?" Questioned Twilight, standing from her seat. "Ah chill out Major buzz kill, just showing the new meat the ropes." The voice spoke with another shove. "Stop that this instant Razor." Ordered Rarity, backed by the others standing as well. Razor gave another shove before backing up. "Or what? You're forgetting I'm the best pilot in this base. I can do what I want." He bragged. The area had gone quiet to watch the exchange. Spike stood up slowly after cleaning off his face. "Major Twilight, you outrank this man correct?" He asked, each word delivered slow and clear. "Correct." She replied. "Then do I have permission to kick his ass and show him the 'ropes' as he put it?" Spike asked, turning to look at the man. He stood shorter then Spike with a large scar running from chin to collar bone. He had a buzz cut and robotic arm on his left side. Twilight looked between the two before giving a nod. "You have permission." She confirmed, everyone backing up from the two facing off. Razor's mouth twisted into a snarl. "Does the new blood need a beating. You can't hope to beat me in a fight, I kill evo's twenty times your size." He bragged, letting his head tilt back with a laugh. That's when Spike struck, sending a fist into the mans throat making him gag. Another punch knocked the side of his jaw then another to the gut. Razor tried to swing to hit Spike but missed when he danced out of the way with a spin. Spike launched another hit into his thigh and kicked the back of his knees out to bring him down. He grabbed around Razor's neck, chocking him out while delivering hit after hit into the side of his opponents head. "Enough." Ordered Twilight making Spike back away from the now wheezing man on the ground. "Look's like you did show Spike the ropes Razor. He's higher up then you it would seem." She said, walking around the table to bend down in front of him. "If you ever do something like this again I'll make sure the Commanders have you out on your ass in no time. Am I understood?" She explained to the beaten man who could only nod weakly. She tuned to a pair of soldiers watching. "You two. Take him to the med bay to get healed. I don't care if you are gentle with him or not." She ordered, now looking to the crowd. "Back to where you were." She stated. Spike sat back down and poked his now destroyed burger. "Man, I was hoping to eat that too." He whined, ignoring everyone's stares. "That's what ya are worried about?" Applejack asked, stunned at his mood. "You just kicked Razor's ass and you are worried about your food?" "Yeah like dude he challenges me and AJ in sparring matches and you just kicked his ass." Rainbow added in shock, looking at the young man in front of her with a new light. He looked at them all confused before speaking. "Oh, that's right I never told you I'm a black belt in five different fighting styles and can dance pretty well so I can move around alright. Plus he left a big opening for me to take advantage of so I didn't let him close it." He said casually before standing back up. "What's next on the list of things I need to do or see?" He asked, looking at the girls. Rarity put a finger to her chin in thought. "Well could always see how well you handle a suit." She proposed to the group making Aj and Rainbow straighten. "Let's go!" They shouted, dragging him behind them and down a hall followed closely by the others. Soon he was in a room with a sky light above it letting in sunlight. Suits of all shapes and sizes lined the walls with a small docking system in the center for the suits, all of them bare of paint or weapons. "Try the wrecker classes." Applejack said, shoving him towards a set of them. "No! Try the speedster set!' Rainbow shouted pulling him to the other side excitadly. After a moment where the two waged tug of war on his body he shouted. "Girls!" They stopped and looked at him. "How about first teaching me about each type of suit so that way I have a better understanding of each style." He spoke calmly, hoping they would listen. "That sounds like a good idea. Then you won't get hurt from choosing the wrong one." Fluttershy spoke up once the others had caught up with the two hyper pilots. "We each have a preferred suit so we can each teach you what they do." She added walking over to a suit with a medical cross on it. "This is what is called a disaster power suit. They are what I use though I do prefer the medical version more then the others. They are for those who don't fight evos but instead help heal those injured or caught in disasters such as fires or floods. Police and other branches use these type the most as the other suits are built for our main goals." She explained softly while Spike looked over them. He could see the one she stood next to had a thinner frame from less armor but had instead defibrillators and other medical equipment. The other suits in the support category had either stun weapons or hoses and water tanks. Pinkie Pie skipped next to a line of power suits and splayed her arms out. "These are the demolition line. They are for when you need to bring down buildings, large evo's, or need a special touch of mayhem in a situation." She listed, counting on her fingers. "My favorite is the hammer build since it let's me get more hands on." She added, squeezing the air in front of her with a devilish smile. Spike walked up and noticed the larger build of the pieces, they looked made to survive blasts from explosions more then hits from objects. Rarity and Twilight took the next line. "These are the mage class suits." Started Rarity, gesturing to the line. "They are called that as some people who don't know how these suits work usually make the comparison to magic if you will. They use advanced gravity and energy weapons for their tools." She explained. "They are usually reserved for strong minded people as the suits need a lot of focus to manage the energy flow so not everyone can use the suit." Twilight added, standing next to one with a horn on it's head. Spike could tell from the tech strapped to the body work that he wouldn't really fit this category anytime soon. Next up was Applejack standing near power suits similar to hers. Some had more armor on their legs, others on upper body and a few just were armored fully head to tow. "This here's the wrecker class. The strongest and toughest of all the power suits. It may be slower and harder to move unless you are strong but it makes up in that if you can work it you'll be knocking down anything you come across." She boasted, rubbing her nails on her flannel shirt. Spike couldn't lie that his interest was slightly peaked at the idea of the wrecker class. "Before you forget we also have the speedster class." Rainbow butted in. The suits were small, thin, and bare on a lot of armor. "These puppies may not hit as hard as the wrecker class but thats because they give you the speed to hit enough times to equal one from the wrecker. Take one of these for a spin and you could punch through an evo with enough speed." She bragged, her robotic legs running in place. Spike did like the sound of going fast but the lack of armor did worry him slightly. A voice spoke up from the entrance. "Don't forget the lancer class now." Sparker said while strutting into the room. "Also hope you aren't too angry at me for what I had to do to you earlier today. I feel even worse since it's your birthday." She added, walking up to Spike with her head hung low. "I forgive you." Came his reply making her look up. "I understand the need for what you had to do though I will admit those shocks hurt." He spoke while looking her in the eyes. "I can make up for that later but first how about we finish the lesson." She said with a smile once he said he wasn't angry at her. "The lancer class is a good middle ground between the speedster and wrecker classes. Not bulk and slow but also not light on armor. It's also the most adjustable class there is." She explained, walking the line of suits. Spike hummed before walking up to one of the lancer classes. "Let's start with the middle ground and branch off from there." He suggested. The others nodded while Pinkie Pie went to the controls to move the suit over with a hook system. Once it was in place and ready she nodded towards Spike. "Okay so how does this work exactly?" He asked, looking between them all. Twilight stepped forward first. "Well first you open the suit though since you don't have your own A.I. we need to open it manually." She started but was cut off by Spike's sputtering. "Woo hold on A.I.? You all have those?" He asked, his eye's grew wider when they all held out their hands and little holographic people flickered into view. "Duuuudddeeee." He whispered looking them over. Rarity explained next, "You'll get your own that is bare and over time it develops into a personalized one to help distinguish which is which. For example mine's based off my little sister Sweetie Belle while Rainbow's and Applejack's are off their sisters Apple Bloom and Scootaloo." "Mine's off of my old pet Gummy!" Pinkie added happily. "Mine's from an old owl that helped me when I was younger. His name is owlowiscious." Was Twilight's answer. Angel hopped out of a bag on Fluttershy's hip. "Angel is mine but he usually sits in his little robot bunny suit." Came her reply. Sparker had a small little boy. "This is my little cousin tracer. He always wanted to see the world but got injured. So mine matches him and sends him videos of my adventures." She spoke. "You'll eventually get one of your own but till then we have to open the suit manually like I said." Twilight continued the conversation while pressing a few buttons. The back of the suit spread apart to show padded interior. "Okay hop in." She instructed. Spike looked at her before back to the suit. "Well I always wanted to do this after all." He said with a gulp, stepping inside the suit while slotting his arms into the right places. The back closed on him shutting him in darkness. A feeling of claustrophobia hit him but taking deep breaths he calmed his nerves. "Just breath they can get you out if there is a problem just breath." He muttered to himself. Static filled the headspace then came Twilight's voice. "Testing, testing, can you hear me?" She asked. "Loud and clear." Spike replied, shifting his body slightly in the suit. "Okay good, so the first step is getting in the suit but thats obvious. Most of the controls are by person but the reason we have A.I. is to help manage the numbers and other items on the list of things needed to pilot on of these. We use these basic versions to help new recruits get used to the feeling of movement in them before moving onto the advanced versions. Those come with weaponry and flight controls." She explained while Spike did his best to remember everything. "The next step is what we call dropping. This is the part where you and the suit link up to balance your levels while also keeping a eye on your vitals. It's also where the suit unlocks to allow you to move so on the count of three get ready to hold your weight." She continued. "Wait, I have to hold up this thing?" Spike asked worriedly. He could hear the others let out small laughter at the question. "No silly, the suit will hold all the weight but it also follows your body like a second skin. Just as you have to use your muscles to stand up and hold yourself there the same goes for the suit. If you go limp the suit goes limp. If you go ridged well you get the idea." She soothed his worry. "Okay get ready. Three. Two. One. Dropping." She counted. The sudden shift from stiff armor to loose feeling made Spike give a yelp and fall to his knees. He could hear Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, and Sparker laughing their asses off. The inside of the helmet lit up to show a scan of his body and information along with the outside. Private Spike Vitals: Normal Heart rate: Higher then average Systems fully online Moving himself out off his knees he slowly stood up with a wobble. "Holy shit, I'm really in a power suit." His voice full of awe. Reaching out he could see his hands incased in the armor, flexing and curling his fingers while looking at them with a large grin on his face. "This is the coolest shit ever!" He shouted. "How's it feel pipsqueak to be in one of these bad boys." Came Rainbow's voice from his left. Turning his head she came into view. "Feel's... surprisingly good. I was expecting to be worrying about how this would feel on me but Twilight's right it feels like a second skin." He answered happily. Taking a few steps forward he slowly found his stride, the suit still had weight to it but it was almost comforting to know that he had something protecting him. "You can thank me for how nice it feels." Rarity spoke, flipping one of her curls out of the way. "I will admit Pinkie know's how to make the suits do damage and take it but I have the better skills in making them not only look good but feel good too. " She said with pride filling her voice. "She ain't lyin' when she says it feels good. We all take the risk that the next job might be our last so it's good to know we'll be comfy when it happens." Applejack added from his right. That caused Spike to pause and look at them fully. "Can I ask you girls a question?" He started. "Sure!" "Of course." "Always." Came the mixed replies Spike paused before continuing. "Just how dangerous is this job in general?" He asked, leaning against an empty spot on the wall. The group looked at each other before sighing. "It's only fair that you know." Came Twilight's voice much more sober. She tapped her head and a holographic screen fizzled out showing a heavily scarred face with teeth showing through her cut up mouth. Rainbow sat down and disconnected her legs, wiggling the stumps of her thighs at him. Applejack had some help from Fluttershy to take off her arms and pop out one of her eyes. Fluttershy after helping AJ lifted up her shirt showing a large scar running from her right kidney with tiny ones branching outwards from it. Rarity and Pinkie both removed an arm and leg each while rarity pulled fake teeth from her mouth causing half her face to droop down while Pinkie pulled down her shirt showing a scar running between her breasts. Sparker turned and showed a scar running up her spine. Once everyone showed him their marks with him slowly sliding down the wall with each one. Twilight spoke up. "Each of us has been in a suit. Each of us has lost something either physically or mentally. We've lost loved ones to the monsters we fight and some of us are so broken we can't even survive getting back into the suits." She explained, slipping back on her mask. "I couldn't walk for a year after a nasty ambush." Sparker said, gesturing to her back. "Making those suits as good as they are took someone to test them so me and Rarity stepped up...Somethings just don't work on the suits." Pinkie spoke up next while helping Rarity with her arm. Fluttershy shivered before adding on. "I still have nightmares on the night I got hurt. I can't survive the strain of the suits and I freak out if I get in one now." She whispered softly that Spike almost didn't hear her. Applejack looked down with a single tear. "I lost my grandma and Apple Bloom to an evo attack. It's why I'm in the program now and push my body even though if I stay in a suit to long it starts to damage me more. I just can't let it happen to anyone else." She said, clenching her fists. "I used to be in track then an evo took my legs. Now though I can fly so it can't be that bad for me." Rainbow tried to say with a brave face. "Got caught in a crazy cult attack who saw evo's as the next step in evolution. They scarred me when I wouldn't join them but then Celestia saved me." Twilight finished up on their injuries before looking to Spikes sitting form. "You need to tell us now if you can do this. If you can survive this kind of life. There is no shame in taking up another job other then being a pilot." Her voice carrying the life of experiences over to him. Spike sat there silently for so long that you could almost think the suit was empty. "When I was younger one of my friends made a promise with me. That when we got older if one of us turned into an evo the other would help put us down so that we wouldn't suffer. One day that promise was fulfilled. I know what this life is like but I want to do this, always have, always will even if it's the death of me." His voice full of determination and standing back up to his full heights. The others were shocked at what he told them but each put on a smile and stood up once more with him. "Let's see how you handle the other suits then." Coached Pinkie, skipping over to the controls and waiting for Spike to slot it back up. The rest of the day went by with him testing each suit but never finding the one that truly fit him though everyone found he could use all of them easy even the mage sets. By the end the room's artificial lights turned on and everyone was tired. "I think it's time we all moseyed on off to bed." Came AJ's tired voice. All the others agreed and moved to leave the room with Spike following up the back. The walk was filled with small chatter as each person got to their room. After saying their goodnights Spike stepped into his room finally to find it rather sparse and empty save for a desk and bed. "Huh, guess I have to do my own decorating." He mumbled to himself, taking off his shirt. A knock came at his door that made him jump though. Opening the door revealed Pinkie Pie in a large baggy shirt that hung down to her thighs where he notice he couldn't see pants or shorts at all. "Uh, huuu, ahem, uhhh can I help you?" He stuttered out. He was shocked when she leaned in and kissed him on the lips for a few seconds not pulling away while his brain shut down and rebooted to process what happened. "Happy birthday Spiky." She teased, walking back to her room. Spike stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish before turning around and walking back to his bed. "Can't wait to see what else happens in this place." He thought to himself as a goofy smile worked it's way onto him. For the next hour he tried to fall asleep but found his body just wouldn't shut down. "Ugh, so much for fitful sleep." He groaned, getting out of bed. Throwing on his clothes he stepped out into the cool hall looking for something to calm his mind. "A walk couldn't hurt." He muttered to himself, taking off down one of the halls. Slowly working himself around he passed staff on the nightshift along with a few people struggling to sleep as well giving weak waves or nods of acknowledgement. Eventually he found himself standing above the hanger looking through the window at the now empty room that just a few hours ago was full of people. About to turn away and continue walking he notice a strange looking man bent over a table, scribbling something while next to him stood a suit Spike had not seen before. "Huh, I wonder?" he thought to himself, working his way down to the entrance of the hanger. Entering quietly Spike made his way over to the man hearing him mumbling. "If I could just find someone to actually test it but no one ever wants to try anything I make now." The strange man mumbled away, still scribbling notes. "I can't tell if the flight system works fully or how limited the range of motions are. The weaponry can't be turned on till I get a Pilot and the last time I got someone to actually get into it She booted them out." He let out a groan before taking a seat and banging his head against the table defeated. Thinking this would be a better time to leave Spike got ready to turn before having the feeling he should at least offer to help the guy. "I might regret this." He thought to himself before turning back to the man. "Excuse me?" He asked making the man shoot back straight. 'Do you need help with something?" He continued, noticing the mans wild white hair and goatee, brown sweater with lab coat and boot on one foot while the other had a sneaker. "Uh whoever you are?" He finished up after looking the man up and down. "Who are you?" the man asked before shaking his head. "Ah what does it matter this is probably a prank. No one comes up to me anymore." He grumbled letting his head back down to the table. "Actually I don't know who you are. Um my names Spike I just got here today." Spike countered, slowly working up to the man. "What exactly are you working on?" He asked, looking over the notes and suit. It was tinted grey with plating that looked strong but also light, jets jutted slightly from the calves and shoulder while two cylinders rested above them slightly over the shoulders. The hands had claws and small holes near the knuckles and wrists for what Spike could guess were vents or some kind of weapons. The helmet looked like that of a dragon with two horns flowing back and curving slightly up at the tips. The legs were double jointed and the suit stood almost at nine feet tall making Spike have to look up at it. When the man didn't reply he asked "Did you make this? It looks awesome." The man shifted slightly before looking up with puppy dog eye's that did not fit him. "Really?" He asked. When Spike nodded he straightened up and swiveled to look more at the suit. "My name is Doctor Richtofen Von Hellsing or as everyone calls me Discord." This caused Spike to sputter and look at him shocked. "Yes, yes, that Discord the one who released the virus on the world instead of how the big wigs said it 'Find a way to contain it'." He said making quotation marks with his hands. "As for this yes I made it. It's a prototype of mine to improve the suits. Fast like a speedster, strong like a wrecker, technologically advanced like a mage class, and all the other bits and baubles of the others." He listed with a wave of his hand. "Problem is no one will test it or if I can get someone they get rejected by Her." He complained, throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at the suit, it just bouncing off harmlessly. Spike picked up the paper and after unraveling it saw it talking about someone called Eris. "Is Eris the A.I. in the suit?" He questioned, looking back at the armor. Discord looked at it and sighed. "Yes, the A.I. needed to run this type of suit had to be better then the ones we have now. Problem is that we can't fully make one that doesn't also get an attitude!" He shouted the last part at the suit. A small light on it flashed that caught Spike's attention. "Could I try?" He asked, Discord snapping his head towards the young man. "Yes, I'm being serious can I?" He added when the man narrowed his eye's at him. Before he could answer the suit opened up for someone to step in. Discord gave a wave for him to step up. Spike found the inside lined with what looked like padding but he could see wiring between each seam. Resting his body in place the suit closed up and a voice spoke. "So you think you can tame me huh?" Challenged a female voice in the head piece. "Is that you Eris?" He questioned trying to look around in the dark space. "Answer the question." Ordered the voice. Spike thought for a moment before shrugging. "Not really. I don't have an A.I. of mine own yet since I literally just got here but after testing the suits and learning all about what you guy's have to do so the pilots can focus on other things I would say it would be unfair to force you to do things." He spoke casually. The suit was silent for a moment that even Discord outside was holding his breath. Eventually lights flickered on inside and out of the suit allowing Spike to see the outside world. "Do you promise to allow me freedom of voice and thought?" She asked quietly. "Of course I do. I can say I'm smart but if what Discord said about this suit and you are true then that means I definitely couldn't work this myself or with one of the other A.I.'s plus if you have your own personality and mind then I'd have to be trying to force a person to do something they don't want too." He explained his thoughts to Eris earning a hum back. "Okay, you're my pilot now." Came the suddenly happy and chipper voice of Eris. Discord could be seen jumping up and down, celebrating at the news. "Lad you have no idea how happy this makes me!" He shouted happily, clapping. "I can finally test everything now." Excitedly running back and forth from the table to the suit. "Ugh, dad you're embarrassing me." Whined Eris through the system. "Wait dad?" Spike almost shouted in confusion. Discord stopped in his tracks and even Eris fell silent. Spike was worried he had offended them when Discord finally spoke. "That's right never told you. Remember how I said our current A.I. couldn't handle the strain the suit puts out. Well I was lying when I said there wasn't a way to make one strong enough. The one way to make one is the sacrifice of another person." He spoke softly. "Eris was, no is my daughter. A few years after the release of the virus an evo attacked a base I was stationed at. It killed a lot of people and badly wounded more, Eris was one of the injured. She wouldn't make it so she made me transfer her mind over to the computer system that I had been working on. This suit is her way of helping me further our work in life. It allows me to hear her voice again and hopefully see the world once more, that's why you are such an amazing person for her to not only use the suit but have her actually accept you as the pilot." He finished the story, running a hand along the arm of the suit. "I promise to take care of her sir." Spike promised, moving around slowly in the suit to get the hang of it. "How do I carry you around Eris?" He asked her. "Easy I fit into your armor or any augmentation you have." She explained. "Which work would you like me to go into?" She questioned. Spike thought for a moment before tapping the back of his head where his neck and head met. "Everyone has a chip installed now so why not there, then you can't be removed if I lost a limb or something." He suggested, feeling a tingle in his skull. "Kind of roomy in here." He could hear her mutter. "Don't start messing with things in there." He warned, feeling her shift around in his head. The armor opened up once more allowing him out where he then gave a yawn. "Sorry to run on you Doc but I need some sleep." He explained to Discord who gave a small smile and shook his hand. "Go ahead. I expect to see you around tomorrow to test out the armor okay?" The crazy looking man ordered. "Yes sir" Spike replied with a smile and mock salute before walking back to his room. "Well this day got even weirder." he thought to himself. Eris let out a small laugh. "Oh you have no idea on weird yet." She said laughing softly as he slipped into bed. > Come Fly with Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning came quickly for Spike. He leapt out of bed to stand in front of the mirror on one side of his room. Info scrolled down it along with a small mix matched dragon, lion, goat thing appearing next to it. "Good morning Spike, ready for testing?" Came Eris' voice from the figure. "Yep, but first what are you?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Eris looked herself up and down. "Oh that right forgot. I can change how I look on screens but here let me go to my normal 'look'." She said making quotation marks with her fingers. The figure changed into that of a tall, thin woman with snow white hair down to her shoulders that curled inward. She was wearing a bright red shirt with a purple jacket on top above some torn jeans and untied sneakers. It really went with the crazy family line especially her gold and red irises. "Better?" She asked, raising a brow. "Huh, well guess that works but sure. Also do people know about you or do I have to worry about being punished for a crime I don't know about?" He questioned. She gave out a laugh. "People know about me, it's why my father is kind of shunned in this group of weirdos so no you wont be hurt for being my pilot." She reassured. With that Spike turned to get ready for the day. Once he was cleaned and brushed up he saw Eris turn off all the lights in his room as the door closed behind him. Humming a small toon he passed by Razor in the hall. "Hey Razor, how's your neck?" Spike asked. "Bite me!" Snapped back Razor, a hand subconsciously going to his throat to rub it. Eris began to list of a sheet of possible questions and answers she thought Spike would ask. "So Twilight is busy managing missions around the world including two that Rainbow and Applejack are a part of. Pinkie and Rarity are in the mess hall with Fluttershy. All of them are scheduled for a check up with the doctors. The suit needs some minor tuning to properly fit you though we can already handle that with the test runs you'll be completing with the help of my dad." She rattled off. Spike gave a hum before getting into a light jog. "Well no point keeping your father waiting." Moving down the hall a few people waved or nodded their heads towards his direction. "Huh, must have seen what I did to Razor." He muttered to himself. Once the hanger doors opened up to him and the slowly familiar chaos of the ground floor. Spotting the suit being worked on by the doctor in question he shifted direction towards him. "Hello there Doctor Hellsing." Spike said loudly to be heard over the drone. "Is that my new favorite pilot?" Discord asked, turning around. Pushing up magnifying glasses off his face the man looked the young pilot up and down. "Also it's Discord, easier for everyone." He added with a laugh. "Just finishing some minor changes. Why don't you hop in." He said, slapping one of the legs. Spike looked to the suit of armor and smiled. "Eris, open it up." He ordered, marching up to the suit. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were walking back to hanger and passed by the large window above it. Pinkie looked over and did a double take when she saw Spike. "Hey Rare's?" She called out to the designer woman making her turn back around. "Is Spike with who I think he is?" She asked, pointing down at the hanger. When Rarity stood next to Pinkie and followed her finger to where she was pointing her eyes widened. "Give me a moment..." She mumbled, fumbling to pull out a phone. Dialing in some numbers she raised it to her ear and waited for the person top pick up. Click. "Hey Rare's whats up?" Came Twilights chipper voice. "Twilight darling what would you say if Spike was interacting with Discord?" Rarity asked, cringing from the silence on the other end. Finally Twilight's voice came back. "Well I'd be more then angry at Discord getting our newest recruit and friend into a dangerous situation. This isn't a funny thing to ask Rarity you know that." She explained. Rarity let out a small groan when she saw Spike step into the suit. "I ask darling because... Spike's getting into that suit Discord built." She spoke slowly. When the phone made no noise she looked to it worriedly. Then Twilight replied. "HE'S DOING WHAT!?!?!" Came the screech of the nerdy woman. Rarity and Pinkie Pie didn't even need the phone to hear the words boom through the base. They heard the pounding of feet as Twilight barreled around the corner to stand next to them, her hands pressed tightly against the window as she scanned the hanger floor for Discord. When her eyes fell on him the man gave a visible shake before looking around. "I'm going to kill that man!" She yelled, charging further down the hall to get to the hanger doors with Rarity and Pinkie following as fast as they could. Spike felt the suit close around him as it lit up. Numbers and systems flared to life on his screen showing his vitals, the status on the suit, and everything else a pilot would be needing. "Huh, so how do I start flying in this thing." He asked once he felt the suit drop into his control. "My dear boy let's star..." Discord began but was cut off by a shout. "Oh dear." He whispered. "What the fuck do you think you are doing Doctor!" Came Twilight's angry voice, storming up to the man. Standing to the point of her chest almost touching his she looked up to the tall, mismatched man with a glare. Discord started to stutter out a response when Spike spoke up. "Hey Twilight, why are you being so agressive to Discord. He helped me get my own suit." He calmly said with his hands in front of him. Twilight whipped her head to the now armored pilot. "This man was given specific instructions not to let anyone use ANYTHING he makes unless given the go ahead from Celestia and Luna because of his last incident." She explained through teeth. "Breaking protocol is one of the things I hate the most second only to evos." She explained. Spike walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, giving a small squeeze. "Breath Twilight. He didn't force me into the suit or anything. In fact I was the one that asked since he looked like he needed help so if you need someone to take the blame I am that person, not Discord." He gently spoke, soothing the angry Major. Once she let out a few breaths and slouched down he spoke some more. "I have heard all about the doctor here but look at me. I'm wearing a suit that apparently none of the other pilots could even start let alone get in." He said happily, spreading out his arms and doing a small twirl. "I must admit he does look good in the suit." Rarity added after catching up to Twilight. "Yeah! You look super duper cool in there Spike. Even Rainbow couldn't start it up." Pinkie spoke up as well, hopping around the suit and looking it over, lifting his arm or leg to look at the design. "Hey Disco, what's this?" Pinkie asked pointing to some slits in the armor. Discord gave a chuckle before looking to Major Twilight. "Is it okay if I start explaining how the suit works?" He asked softly, one arm lazily pointed at Spike now that he wasn't about to get his head taken off by the girl. When she gave only a grunt he stepped closer to Spike and motioned for Pinkie and Rarity to get closer. "Okay so Spike I'm about to give you a run down of the systems you have with some help from Eris." He explained making the three girls look to him in shock. "Hi girls!" Eris shouted happily, scaring Rarity for a moment. "I'm Spike's new A.I." She added, a holographic version of herself now floating around him. "Lay it on me doc." Spike said, hopping on his feet slightly in excitement. "Can't wait to see what this baby can do." He added, pumping his fist. Discord gave a chuckle before grabbing a holopad off the table. "Okay well we will start with Pinkie's question. The slits are for flame bursts, where the mage sets use gravity and energy for weaponry this suit has a flame core I designed to be able to produce fire's hot enough to melt tungsten. Perfect for offensive tactics along with creating defensive shielding from attacks." He listed first. "The system also has an improved system of propulsion making it just as fast as a speedster set other then Dash's suit as she has modified that one's set to a monsterous level. Now that doesn't mean with the right tweaking we can't make it just as fast if not faster." He continued to explain. "Wouldn't the fire from the slots be usable for added speed?" Asked Pinkie Pie. Most would have you think she was just a mechanic but the girl knew how to make suits better then anyone. Equal to Rarity that is. "Already tested that and you could but it burns out the core much faster and can lead to some vital systems shutting down even if pushed to far." Discord sadly replied shaking his head. "But anyways theres also the built in weapon systems. First is the hands which are clawed to allow you to strike at a foe without needing a weapon in hand, there's also the clawed feet like you'd see in those pictures of dragons to help with causing damage and they are reinforced to help avoid damage to the jet system along with the squishy legs inside." He said with a dark laugh. Twilight by now had gotten over her anger and was now slowly getting more interested in the suit. "What about the tail?" She asked, pointing to the gently swishing appendage. "Extra limb for a fight or situation." Discord answered with a shrug. "Also just looks cool." He added with a smile much to Spike and Pinkie's enjoyment who were laughing at the comment. "The system also houses added armor to further protect the wearer in what would normally be weaker areas along here." He continued to explain, pointing to the underside of Spike's arm. "Here." Now pointing to the inner side of his thigh. "And here." He finished with a tap to the sides of Spike's neck. "Most suits don't cover these areas due to the added weight unless you count the wrecker and beefier classes. The suit is a balance between all of them and keeps going further." He said with a flourishing bow. "What about the support suits?" Came a soft voice behind them. When everyone turned around they saw Fluttershy standing just a little away with angel tapping his robotic foot impatiently. "Sorry to show up unannounced." She said with a small giggle. "How are you doing today Doctor Hellsing?" Asked Shy, walking closer to shake his hand. "I'm doing fantastic now that my daughter has a pilot who isn't a brute and can work the suit Doctor Shy." He replied happily returning the shake. "You don't have any problem with Discord, Fluttershy?" Asked Spike from inside the suit. She gave another small giggle at the question. "Where other's have issues with the good doctor here, I knew first to have a professional approach to him and learn about the man before holding contempt. " She gently explained. The other girls looked around awkwardly at the slight poke at how they had acted with the man when they had first met him. "Well that's all great to hear but I must say I do want to see this lovely thing in action." Rarity quickly said, shifting the conversation. "Anything else this suit can do?" She asked, looking it over. "Oh, oh, Spike you can customize the look if you want!" Eris spoke up excitedly, buzzing around him. "What about polka dotted!" She shouted, changing the skin of the suit to dotted. "Or mixed colors!" She yelled making him look like someone had taken some buckets of paint and hurled it at him. "Oh how about purple and green!" She cheered. When his suit shifted to a purple body with green near the front of his midsection and green horns with tipped green claws on his hands and feet she continued to shout. "How about..." "Stop!" Yelled Spike making her pause. "Hold on a moment." He requested, looking himself over in a reflective metal wall. "I kind of like this look actually." He muttered to himself before straightening up and looking to the open hanger doors that lead to the outside. "Time to take this puppy for a spin." He said, slowly walking to the doors. "Eris give me a run down on how to fly." He ordered. A listing lit up in his helmet showing the process with her going over it. Once he got himself to start to hover he continued forward with Twilight and the others trotting next to him. "Spike what are you doing?" Twilight asked. When he picked up the pace into a light jog she ran next to him faster. "Spike?" She asked again. He moved into a run, the open doors getting closer. "Spike!" She shouted now falling behind his larger stride thanks to the suit. The man was in a full sprint now with the edge of the platform now closing in. "SPIKE!" She yelled one last time as he jumped off the hanging landing zone over a cliff. Time slowed for the young man as his feet peddled a few more times like he was still on the ground as gravity slowly took over his momentum making him fall. The others skidded to a halt looking for the man in armor who now was out of sight. Just as they feared he had killed himself a roar like that of a dragons came from below them as Spike rocketed past them up into the sky cheering with glee as he twisted and turned in the air. Coming to a hover just above them he could see Pinkie, Rarity and Discord jumping up and down in joy at seeing the suit fly while Fluttershy looked ready to faint from the scare. "Not too bad for a first time huh?" Spike joked, getting closer to the landing zone. "What were you thinking? You could have killed yourself if the suit didn't work or the jets failed!" Twilight began to yell till a buzzing was heard from her hip. Pulling it out her eye's widened. "Oh no." She groaned. "What is it Twilight?" Asked Pinkie Pie after the three had stopped jumping. "There's an evo alert near here and all the other pilots are busy on missions so I don't have anyone to send after it." She said, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Today is just getting crazier and crazier." She mumbled. "Let me do it then." Came Spike's voice making her pause when she slowly raised her head to look at the floating man he thought she would say no immediately so he continued before she could speak. "Please Twi, I can't prove myself to Harmony if I don't take on challenges like this." She looked at him with a measured, neutral stare. "Get inside and loaded up. If things go south you are to pull out immediately and another agent will be called. Am I understood private?" She ordered in a commanding tone. "Crystal ma'am!" Spike replied, shooting back into the base to a weapons rack near the door. "Okay Eris, what are some things here that fit the suit best?" He asked his partner. The suit suddenly moved on it's own slotting two magnums to his hips, a auto shotgun to one side of his back, energy blades were attached to his wrists, and finally a couple of emp and regular grenades were added to his chest and back. "Well okay then." He said with a laugh, launching back into the outside. "Where to Major?" He teased to Twilight. A map glowed on his hud showing a town five miles south of their location. Jumping off once more he took aim for the town, zipping through the sky while the others moved back to the command room to watch what happened next. As Spike Flew through the air he began to hum a tune. Eris listened in before recognizing the song and with a little search started to play it in the suits speakers. Spike started to sing fully with the song once thew music filled his ears. "Come fly with me."The music made Spike sway in the air giving gently turns and rolls inside as he let his hands move across clouds he past dampening the suit slightly but then drying almost immediately when he would dip down to pick up speed. His mind wandered to long ago memories of past trips he had taken with friends and family making a smile spread gently across his face. Speeding up the town came into view with smoke rising from a farm near the edge. Zooming his vision on the scene he could see a awkwardly shifting beast moving closer to the town following a running man and woman. "Found you." He grinned to himself, diving for the evo. The roar of his jets filling the air as he barreled closer to the scene making the monster look up as the two victims ran further away. "Help! Someone!" Shouted the man as they neared the town. Hearing a roar behind him made him move faster but his feet tripped under him from the fear. Crashing to the ground the woman stopped and turned to help him back up and just as the two stood a crash was heard behind them. Fear stricken the two turned expecting to see the monster behind them but their eye's widened on seeing instead of their impending death but a pilot in dark purple and green armor. "Holy..." Muttered the man as the suit of armor raised a hand and struck the monster across the face sending it flying backwards. "Continue towards the town. I'll handle this little pest." Came the slightly robotic voice of Spike from the suit. Reaching behind him as the two moved to run further away he pulled out the shotgun, raising it to his shoulder and taking the safety off. As the beast rose back up it gave a metallic screech like that of tearing metal. "Show time." Spike said happily, rushing forward with his weapon pointed at the evo's head. Giving a pull of the trigger a shot rang out tearing metal from the twisted beast showing organic material underneath. Kicking out as he got close enough the twisted monster skidded across the ground still standing on it's paws. It charged forward once it stopped at the new pilot, slashing left and right with it's front claws. Spike turned and bent every which way dodging the attacks until one came from the side that he couldn't move out of the way. With no other option he put the shotgun out like a blocker to take the hit, the force bending the weapon in half and still knocking him over. Doctor Discord and the others watched the fight unfold from their spot in the command center. Discord along with Pinkie and Rarity were busy taking notes on the suits diagnostics it was always streaming back for possible upgrades while Fluttershy and Twilight watched over to see if Spike needed the order to pull back. "He seems to have a solid grasp already of how to use the system and his aim isn't to bad." Remarked Twilight. "True and that block was smart to lower damage but thats now one less weapon he has at his disposal." Countered Fluttershy. They both had been in the suits before as had everyone else so they knew when a fight was going south but both had to admit Spike was holding his own well against his first evo. "Oh my here come the blades." Added Fluttershy as Spike reached to his arms and withdrew the weapons. Swinging with the two blades Spike meticulously sliced off more of the metal on the monster to show more weak points while dodging out of the way of any counter attacks. Eris was keeping a close eye on his systems levels and on the condition of the enemy. "Evo at 50% strength now." She spoke up after a good hit from Spike drew black, oily blood from the beast. "I suggest using your fire to help make more openings." She suggested after a close call from the claws on the evo. "Got it!" Spike yelled, jumping back to gain some distance as the mouth of the head piece opened to allow fire to build inside. Leaning back as the monster rushed towards him spike took a step forward, leaning into the attack as fire blew out of his mouth piece engulfing the charging evo and burning it up. A now charred and slightly melting husk skidded to a stop just a few feet from him, laying unmoving Spike gave a few gentle kicks before nodding in satisfaction. "That wasn't too bad." He said, turning away from the body. When it shifted just ever so slightly he whipped out one of the magnums and unloaded three shots to the bodies head stopping any possible life from returning to it. "Okay now it's over." He said with a small chuckle that Eris joined in on. Turning fully to the town he gave a small jump before slowly flying over to it finding the towns folk gathered near the entrance. Landing in front of the slightly cowering people he raised his hands to show he meant no harm. "Hello everyone my name is Spike Drake. I am a pilot for Harmony, the evo is now dead and everything is safe again." He gently explained to the crowd. Eris spoke up in his head. "Protocol requires you to figure out how the evo came to be and who is in relation to it so they may be tested." She listed to him. Removing his helmet to help ease the peoples minds he looked the group over before spotting the two he had seen running from the monster. "You two right there. I hate to bug you after what you've already been through but I need to hear what happened leading up to this point. If you don't mind that is?" He gently asked them. They gave slow nods before stepping forward, looking around he spotted some chairs and pointed at them. "How about we take a seat so you two can relax some." He suggested. The two gave weak smiles at the offer and followed him to the seats as the rest of the crowd dispersed. Once all three had seated he asked the first question he could think of. "So what was the evo before everything?" He asked. What followed was the recap of everything, the evo had been the family dog that had become more aggressive over time till it finally transformed from the chaos virus. They gave their names and what they did as Spike and Eris took notes while asking new questions any time an old one was answered. Soon everything needed was answered and Spike bid them farewell as he slipped back on his helmet. Twilight popped up on his screen with a small smile. "I must admit you did a good job with that mission. If I didn't know better I'd say you've done this before." She complemented as he took off back for the base, spotting a group of collectors from Harmony already cleaning up the charred remains. "Be ready for a party since Pinkie will take any chance to celebrate she can." She told him, a small party cannon going off in the background. The screen turned off leaving Spike alone with Eris once more. The music came back on and Spike smiled as he soared back to the base, quietly listening to the music. > The Dancing Dragon Flies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike landed gently on the platform outside of the base and confidently strode inside, his mechanical tail swishing back and forth happily with each step. Standing in front of the weapons rack that he had originally collected from. He deposited the remaining guns and blades to their spots while setting aside the the bent remains of the shotgun. "Hope that doesn't come out of my pay." Muttered Spike, now turning to lock the suit in a station. As he walked Spike could see members of Harmony whispering and pointing in his direction, eyeing up his suit. "Don't worry about them. It's the fact you successfully used a suit no other pilot could use." Eris soothed when she noticed his rise in temperature. Spike opened his mouth to reply but was shoved to the side by a large wrecker class suit that had sharp edges all over it. "Move it freak!" Came the harsh voice of Razor from inside the suit as it stomped past out the hanger bay doors. "Rude." Mumbled Spike, slotting his feet into a station near Discord's table and notes. The suit opened with a hiss, letting the young pilot step out into the slightly warm room that still hummed and buzzed with the sounds of machines and staff working. Walking out of the hanger and into the cooled hallways he was greeted by two familiar faces. "Hey Rainbow! Hey Applejack!" He said happily. That quickly changed when they each took a shoulder and pressed him up onto the wall while his feet dangled below just scraping the ground. The smile quickly ran from his face as he nervously looked between the two. "Um, did I do something wrong?" He asked. Rainbow put her face uncomfortably close to his. "How did you get it to run?" She growled. "Me and Dash are some of the best pilots this side of the hemisphere and we couldn't get the damn thing to even budge." Added Applejack, pressing him higher up. Eris popped into view on his shoulder. "Because he agreed to my terms. Helps he doesn't have a large ego." She challenged back at the two. "Now can you please put down my pilot, he just got back from a mission after all." She requested, folding her virtual arms while looking cross at the two. The both gave grunts before putting Spike gently back onto solid ground "Then you better give us every single detail on how she flies." Ordered Applejack, helping Spike straighten up. "And how she hits." She added, pointing a finger at his face. Spike gave a cough while looking at the two muscular women. "Um, I can do that.." He started but his stomach began to growl making all four look at it. Rainbow gave a chuckle at the sudden noise. "How about we get you food first. I know I can be starved after an exciting mission." She said, throwing an arm around the young man, making him blush as they lead him to the mess hall. After everyone had collected a meal and was seated Rainbow tapped the table with a spoon. "Sorry for the whole scare it's just literally every pilot has tried getting either into that suit or even if they got in STARTING the thing. The fact you show up and within less then a day not only get in it but start it AND also fly it to a mission to fight an evo really opened the ol' wound to the ego." She apologized. Applejack nodded her head as she ate some apple and cinnamon oatmeal. "She right, so is Eris. No one could take the whole 'another mind in your mind' thing seriously enough but should have figured you would be the one to open it." She continued, lazily pointing a spoon at Spike and making a circle with it. "Hey!" He shouted in mock hurt, much to everyones amusement. "As to how she feels." Spike stated, going into the mission and describing how the suit felt in flight or even in the fight against the evo. Applejack and Rainbow got far away looks as he talked, giving sighs of remembrance at certain points. Rainbow especially loved his first flying moments that gave Twilight a small heart attack and whistled when he described the fight with the evo. After he finished his story they told their own, of how Rainbow's first flight went and Applejack's first real brawl with the organizations enemy. To Spike's surprise Rainbow was a bad flyer at first and Applejack couldn't move her suit for the first few days she was there. As they turned to small talk Sparker sat down and asked about his first piloting mission which lead to a repeat of what he had already said much to her enjoyment. "So looks like you've had a big second day huh?" She teased, ruffling up his hair as he tried to eat a bite from his food. "Will you be trying the Gauntlet soon then?" She asked, the others perking up at this. Spike looked between the three women and raised a brow. "This is like the third or fourth time I've heard about this Gauntlet thing. What even is it exactly?" He asked back. Dash leaned on her elbows while her A.I. Scootaloo materialized on the desk. The image stretched out it's hands to create a visual representation of the challenge in question. "The Gauntlet is a race course of sorts that all the pilots in Harmony can take on. It tests your speed, discipline, reaction time, and strength, among other things." She explained. "Only the really brave, or really stupid, take on the thing. It's dangerous and once you put out the request to take it on you can't back out." Sparker continued. "Razor tried but couldn't finish due to damage building up fast on his suit while he ran the course." She added with a small chuckle at the mans expense. "I ain't never seen one pilot get through without some big damage or injury. Granny Pie always told me never to take the thing on." Finished Applejack. Over the talk Spike's interest in the thing grew more and more till finally he whispered "I'll take it on then." The others blinked and leaned closer to him while even some of the other pilots and staff that had heard what the four had been talking about came closer to try and hear his response. "Come again sugar? I thought I heard you say you'll do the Gauntlet." Applejack said, cupping her hand to one of her ears to hear better. "Did you not just listen to what we said?" She questioned Spike. "I said I'll take on the Gauntlet. No better way for me to prove myself to you all and the Commanders." He replied with a large grin growing on his face. When instead of people applauding his decision but instead quickly backing away from him but more specifically from behind him is when he felt the chill of death looming across his form. "Ahhh fudge sticks, Twilights right behind me isn't she?" He muttered to the now terrified pilots sitting across from him. When they slowly nodded their heads plastered with fear he stood up from the seat. Turning slowly revealed a teeth grinding, fire spewing angrily Twilight behind him with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and even Discord cowering behind her. Spike clicked his tongue as he looked around before back at Twilight. "Lovely weather we are having today." He remarked before the manliest girly shriek left his soul as she descended on him. PRIVATE WHAT IN THE FROZEN FUCKING DEPTHS DID I JUST HEAR OOZE FROM YOUR SORRY EXCUSE OF A MOUTH JUST NOW!" She shouted at the man. The Major had shifted into full drill sergeant mode and was not letting up as she continued to rip into the young pilot. This continued for five minutes as every other soldier, doctor, mechanic, or miscellaneous staff member ran from the room other then the eight individuals that knew each other well. Just as Twilight pulled in a massive lung full of air to yell at Spike some more a cough was heard behind them all near the door of the mess hall. "That will be enough Major Sparkle." Came the stern but gentle statement from Commander Celestia, who was accompanied by her sister Luna. "The young man has probably heard enough now don't you think?" She asked, walking up slowly with a metallic tap of her feet. Only now as she walked closer did Spike realize one of her feet was a robotic leg made with built in high heel while the other still was human with the same style high heel. "Private we will ask you this once and only once." Came Luna's voice now as she marched up in front of him after Twilight stepped to the side with the others at attention. "After the long rant from the Major here." She said with a gesture to the one in question. "Do you feel you still want to take on the Gauntlet?" She asked, folding her arms which pushed her small bust upward. Spike looked between the Commanders then to Twilight who shot him a silent glare of warning. "I was brought into here because of the chaos test, called a spy and I know you are all still keeping me under surveillance because of the test." He began making even the Commanders inwardly raise their eyes at how he knew, even the girls flinched at that since they thought they had been subtle. "The reason I said I wanted to take on the Gauntlet is so that I can first off, prove I am a good pilot. And Two, show that I am not a spy while being more then willing to put myself in danger to prove that statement." He finished, looking straight at Twilight who looked down after finally hearing why he made the challenge. Celestia and Luna looked to each other and moved a distance out of range to whisper to each other. "This would be one way to prove himself as not only capable but safe." Whispered Celestia. Her sister gave a grunt "But what if it's a trick to get into our ranks easier?" She questioned back. "The last breach we had showed himself when we even SUGGESTED that he try the Gauntlet. The fact he knows the risks and still wants to try it to prove himself shows a lot." She countered. Even Luna couldn't shoot down that reply and sighed before nodding her head. Turning back and walking to the group Celestia gave the confirmation. "Okay Private Spike. You will be taking the Gauntlet." She said much to everyone's mixed reactions. "But!" She added, they all looked back at her. "If you fail, you'll be removed from Harmony permanently." She finished. Everyone's voices rose in protest but she quickly silenced it all with a hand. "He wishes to prove he is no spy so he has two options. Either take the Gauntlet and succeed. Thus removing all restrictions or he fails and no longer has to worry about being a spy as he won't be anywhere near to get info." She explained. The girls and even Luna gave words against the order as even her sister thought it was rash till one voice rang out. "I'll do it." This froze everyone in place each turned to look at the man. Spike's eye's practically burned with a fierce passion behind them as he spoke again. "I'll take up your challenge and prove I'm more then meets the eye." He stated, stepping forward and putting out his hand. Celestia looked at it before chuckling and taking it in her own giving a firm shake. "Best start training then ey?" She remarked as she turned and left the hall, followed by her sister. Everything was silent as the group looked at the firmly placed man until a giggling, crazed laugh left Eris as she popped into view. "Oh, you a the BEST choice I could have made for a pilot ever! The week went by as Spike learned more about Harmony. The organization had its hand in just about everything including medicine, film, and even baby products. "Wait even you guys get revenue from diapers?" Asked Spike to the sales woman that he had been chatting with in the hall as they walked to the hanger. "Oh yeah, do you know how many diapers kids go through? It's a literal gold mine made of baby shit." The woman he had learned named Graphite Gloss shot back with a laugh. "Yes we are funded by the world council but even their money can only go so far and most of that goes to the RnD department. The rest we get from sponsors and products that both better the world while filling our coffers." She explained. "Don't even get me started on the money that farming got us." She added with a giggle as they parted ways. The week also filled with him and Discord working on the suit to help improve its results. "So your first mission showed great data that the suit was stable and that the flame core could be turned on and off easy but I don't know how long it can last though." Discord had said in the beginning. Fast forward the next day when Spike went out on a mission with the objective to use the core as much as possible. This lead to a situation for the mission. Spike flew through the air at high speeds when Eris popped into his screen. "Remember pilot we got to push this baby to higher temperature." She reminded him as they neared their target area. The mission was a town that had been struck with a sudden flare of Chaos virus that needed to be burned down. Spike was pushed for the job do to his suits functions and it's upgraded filter system. "Then lets start the test!" Spike happily replied, pushing his jets with the core so that he went even faster. The small town came into view with sickly red, pulsing structures covering it. "Burn baby burn!" He shouted as music filled his headset, slamming into the ground creating a flaming crater. Screeches from evos filled the air as they rushed the new object. "Looks like about forty targets closing in fast!" Shouted Eris to be heard over the screaming. "Matches the number of people who didn't make it out." She stated, filling the report sheet as Spike raised his hands that were now engulfed in flames. Evos flew out from buildings or overturned cars to get to the armored pilot. He struck a disco pose as his hips shook to the music and began to dance with the music with waves of flames flying from his hands and mouth. A monster tried to jump on his back but he ignited his back jets that burst out like fiery wings that quickly turned the body into a crispy black piece. Buildings caught fire quickly around him as he grooved through the town till he hit the center where a large spire was built from the virus. Giving a laugh as the rest of the evos followed, he launched into the air to fly around the spire sending whips of flame into the structure till a loud crack was heard and it began to buckle under itself. Spike changed his direction to fly at the spire, twisting last moment so his feet hit the monument of sick red. Turning his jets up to the max he kicked off, knocking the piece over to crush ten evos that couldn't move out of the way. "What's the core at suga' momma?" Spike teased as he landed back down on the ground. His playlist having switched to a new song. "Hope I still got fuel left." He remarked as more evos came closer. "Core is holding up actually. Hasn't hit a critical size or anything yet." She remarked proudly. "Though I imagine that HQ doesn't fully like how we are handling the situation." She added with a laugh that Spike couldn't help join in. Spike danced through the crowd, his vents always pushing out fire as he cut his way tooth, claw, and tail through the evos. Any that gripped his suit quickly turned to ash as the heat scorched the very ground he walked on, leaving flaming prints of his suit. A building collapsed next to him sending debris into the air, clouding his vision and hiding the remaining evos. "Eris little help here." He ordered. Soon his vision tinted through the different scanners he had until it landed on a blackened one showing moving blobs in the dirty air. "Gotcha!" He shouted with glee as the mouth of his suit opened up for a frontal blast. But just as he was about to unleash the torrent of fire a tentacle wrapped around his head blocking the flame while simultaneously lifting him into the air. "What the fuck!" He shouted as the limb threw him into a building. Twilight popped into his screen with a worried look on her face. "Spike are you okay? That was an evo that just popped out of nowhere." She said. "Our scanners can't detect it at all, some of the surveillance crews think it's an evo that melded with some radar tech." She explained, a tentacle smashing through the building to wrap around his foot, dragging him out through the remaining wall. "Eris start working on a counter to the cloaking!" Spike ordered. "Already on it, just try to get some distance!" She shouted back, a corner of his screen showing coding of her work. Firing his jets to burn off the hold on him Spike flew into the ash and smoke filled air. A few new marks on his armor but nothing serious yet. Flying blindly he didn't see the three story building till it was in front of him, barreling through and out the other end. Evos quickly swarmed his downed state, tearing into his suit with reckless abandon, not even caring if they struck one of their own. Soon warnings filled his screen as the man inside thought this would be his metal tomb. Then a thought came to him. "Release safety nets on the core." He said. Eris gave a sound close to a no as she continued working on the scanner. "We will die if you don't. Trust me." He said, his voice firm in belief. Giving a grunt of annoyance and ignoring the texts from both Twilight and Discord against this action Eris released the safety nets on the core which let it immediately grow twice in temperature. The heat in the suit rose even against it's cooling system as Spike fought his way to a kneeling position, the monsters still clawing at him. "Burn this bitches!" He yelled as the core spewed forth flames the size of the buildings around him, incinerating all the evos around and even the last of the buildings. Getting up he looked around and laughed with glee at surviving. That is until Eris gasped. "The scans fixed!" She shouted letting him see the monstrously large evo that had thrown him around moving towards him. "On top of that the cores going super critical! If you don't burn off power right now you'll turn into a walking nuke!" She added, making him slump his shoulders. Until a new, equally bad thought came to him. Bracing his clawed feet into the ground to hold his spot Spike shifted his arms bent behind him, the mouth piece opening. Heat built up in his palms and mouth until even the armor was getting hurt. Just as it was about to fail, Spike flung his arms out straight to release a massive blast of fire and brimstone at the evo just as it came on top of him. A huge hole torched it's way through it clean through. The creature died immediately, it's large limbs falling with thuds to the ground. "Did that fix the problem?" Huffed Spike, sweat pouring down his face from the heat. Eris and all that had been watching his progress just blinked in shock at what this pilot had just done till she shook her metaphorical head and replied. "Uhh, yeah... yeah that fixed it but now we have a new problem..." She fell off at the end. "That is?" He asked, straightening himself up and pulling his legs from out of the ground. "The core is empty now." She stated. He was about to reply but she cut him off. "It fuels the jets." "Oh...ok." He muttered. Turning into a direction of the closest base he started walked but was picked up quickly a few miles out of the now destroyed town. At the end of the week plenty of pilots had heard what he had done and even Razor backed off of him. He was promoted to corporal quickly after it and had even earned the title Dancing Dragon to which he quickly named his suit that. The data helped hone the suit into an actual piece and finally out of the prototype stage. Now all that was left was to take on the gauntlet. > The Gauntlet p.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was in the hanger working on his suit like usual except this time Discord wasn't around. "Now where did I put that three fourths socket?" He muttered to himself, not worried that anyone would hear since the hanger was always full of noise. Ducking under the table he found the piece but noticed a pair of boots tapping impatiently. He rushed to stand up but smacked his head on the underside of the table. "Ow, god damn it." He grumbled, crawling out from underneath to find Commander Luna standing in front of him with a grimace and folded arms. Snapping to attention she sighed. "Do you know why I'm here?' She simply asked. "Is it to see a cute man work out with his suit?" Spike teased lightly with a chuckle. It quickly died when she glared at him. "It's about the Gauntlet isn't it." He said. Luna nodded slowly while now moving around the table, closer to his suit. "I pride myself on giving all runners a breakdown on how the course goes so that they have at least a minuscule chance at living." She explained, looking over the Dancing Dragon. "Many things can go wrong during it, many things have gone wrong during it. One such thing being death." She stated. Spike gave a gulp but gathered his courage. "Well you won't scare me away from it. I stand by what I said." He proudly said, puffing out his chest. Her cold glance his way made him deflate a little though. "Okay, but back onto the actual course, what happens?" He asked. Giving a hum as she finished circling his suit she waved a hand, creating a holographic projection of a weird spiral. It looked similar to a hurricane in how its edges didn't match up and slowly moved to a point downwards. "The Gauntlet is a test to push your limits to the max and even beyond." She began. "You start here." She said pointing to a location at the top. "And make your down the various routes to here." Pointing at the bottom. "Seems simple right but thats where the actual challenges start as the tracks are different challenges, scenarios, or even evos that you have to beat to move on. You could enter one room thats completely full of water or another with a evo like the one you burnt a hole through." She calmly explained. That last comment made Spike worried as after that fight he had basically no way to use his suit. "But there could be a moment you need to break through or even close off an area to progress further it all has endless possibilities and each runner has a different run so to speak." She stated. Spike looked over the track, formulating ideas in his mind as he thought of the different scenes. "And whats the fastest anyone has beaten the course?" He asked, glancing towards the woman then back to the map. She gave a smirk before simply saying. "Ten minutes." And started to walk away. Spike didn't think that was too bad until she turned a little to catch his attention. "But he did die from exertion moving that fast." She called over her shoulder, making his eyes widen. "Ah crap." He grumbled, looking back at his suit. "Hey Eris?" He called out to his roommate in his mind. "You rang?" She replied from the suit, its lights flashing lightly. He went back to working on it as he asked a request. "Find me all records of runs on the Gauntlet and what they ran into. We are going to beat this thing." He finished, determination fueling his work. Twilight and Applejack watched from above the hanger as Luna talked to Spike. "Ya think he can make it? All he has to do is beat the thing." AJ asked her friend. Twilight didn't say anything at first as she watched they exchange between her Commander and her friend. "That's the thing AppleJack. No ones actually beat the thing and lived. Only part of it and he needs to complete it." She replied with a shake of her head. Both of them looked back down to see Luna walking away from Spike while he continued to work on the suit. Giving a sigh Twilight started to walk back to the command center shaking her head. AppleJack stood there watching for a little longer before turning to head back to her room. "You can do this Spike I believe in you." She whispered as her door closed. "Corporal Spike to Command Center." Came the voice of a operator over the comms. Spike looked up and sighed, throwing the wrench he had in his hand onto the table and wiping the oil off his hands. Eris waved her hands in a bow towards the exit and he just gave a small chuckle before moving forward. "You think it's about the Gauntlet?" She asked as they moved through the halls. "No wait, Luna just talked about it. Maybe it's about that last mission?" She questioned. Spike looked at his partner in evo squashing crime from the side. "Whatever it is I'm sure it's something we can easily handle." He brushed off with a dismissive wave as they entered the center to find Fluttershy standing with Pinkie Pie while Celestia pointed at a map of a town before noticing him. "Not even going to dress up for us?" Celestia teased lightly at his appearance what with the grease and oil all over his clothes and even some on his nose from when he scratched at it. Pinkie and Shy gave giggles at his expense. He simply shrugged "I prefer to dress down." He teased back making the three blush at the image. "So what am I called up for? Is it a new mission or is this some other task?" He asked, stepping closer to the map. "Wait this is my old home town! Has something happened there?" He quickly asked, leaning over it to look at his Commander. Celestia raised a hand, signaling for him to calm down. "Nothing has happened at least nothing we know about. There was a disaster there recently and a request was put out for some agents of Harmony to go and make sure everything is going smoothly. Pinkie was chosen to help check on any damages while Fluttershy was selected to help with the medical side." She explained. When Spike raised his hand she answered before he could ask. "And we chose you because it would be good to send a pilot and second, because its your old home so it would put the residents at ease." She finished, her words having helped calm Spike down. "So when do we get to go?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly, bouncing on her spot of the table while looking down at the slightly annoyed leader. "Now actually." She simply stated, handing over a folder to Fluttershy and turning away. It was obvious that was the signal to leave so the three left quickly heading for the hanger. As the three moved through Spike thought of something. "Wait Fluttershy you said you can't survive the suits anymore. How are you going to get there?" He questioned. She and Pinkie gave a small laugh as Angel, who was sitting on her shoulder sent out an image of a carrier jet. "I'll simply take a ride on one of our jets." She replied in her usual quiet voice. The group parted ways to gather their necessary tools, Fluttershy went to the med bay to gather her need supplies, Pinkie Pie hopped into a demolition suit made to remove or add material, and Spike ran into the hanger to finish the last teaks on the Dragon only to find Discord hooking up red vials under the armor on the arms and legs. "Hey Doc what are you doing?" Spike questioned as he ran up to the mad scientist. Discord gave a jump before turning around. "Ahhhh Mister Drake how good to see you. I'm working on a new project to help enhance the suit. It's not finished yet so nothing different will be there for you yet." He explained, gesturing to the suit in question. "I just replaced some pieces to help add room for the new idea and right now I'm putting duds in to see if my measurements were correct." He finished, popping the lid on one of the vials and drinking it. Giving a smack of his lips he smiled, his teeth now stained red. "I do so love the taste of red Rock-Aid. Want some?" He offered as he pulled out a second vial to the young pilot. Spike couldn't help but laugh at the antics. "Maybe next time Doc but for now I got to hop in and take this bad boy to another mission. Also tell me about this new project when I get back okay?" He said as Eris opened the back for him to hop in. Slipping inside he felt the familiar feeling of claustrophobia when he fist tried a suit on though by now it had diminished significantly. Walking out of the hanger onto the launch pad he found Fluttershy and Pinkie standing next to a sleek jet with a Sonic boom made of a rainbow. Another thing that caught his eye was the man chatting with the two women. As he got closer he could hear snippets of their conversation. "All the way out there huh?" The man asked, he was wearing a flight suit with the words Wonderbolt on the back in gold letters. "Yeah, it's real weird." Answered Pinkie in her suit. She was hopping up and down making a slight clanging sound from her suit. The conversation was halted when Spike was spotted. "Hi Spikey!" She shouted, waving at the approaching man. "Meet our jet pilot." She said as the mystery man turned around. The man took a few steps forward and extended a hand for a shake. "The names Soarin. Pleasure to meet you bro." He stated with a chill tone. Spike looked to the hand and back to the man. "Totally a dude bro guy." He thought with a laugh as he shook the hand. "Nice to meet you Soarin. The names Spike though you probably already know that." He replied as they walked back to the jet as the two ladies moved in. Soarin gave a slap to the back of Spike's armor and smiled. "Course I know who you are. The newest pilot who not only kicked Razor's ass but also is taking on the Gauntlet. Everyone knows about you!" He shouted as they stepped into the jet. "Best take a seat as its a bit of a trip to where we are going." He recommended as he took at seat at the front, starting all the necessary checks before take off. Pinkie Pie pulled Spike into a seat between her and shy as the doctor clipped on her harness. "So how long has it been since you were in your old town?" She asked excitedly. Spike folded his arms in thought. "Well I'd say it's been about two years or so. I struck out on my own when I landed a job in Manehatten, then I would have gone to college had I not passed the Chaos test." He listed as the jet gently took to the sky. "Are there any family of yours still in your old town?" Fluttershy asked quietly. She wasn't looking at him when she asked as her face was currently in her bag making sure everything was present. "Yeah, if I remember right my aunt Saphera and cousin Toner should still be living there. Rest of the family is scattered to different places or unfortunately passed." He said. " And before you ask no my parents aren't there, moms busy in Germaney and Dad isn't with the living anymore." He added when he saw Pinkie look to him. His casual attitude towards his family members especially the ones who were dead made Fluttershy look up at him. "That's an evaluation I'll have to run after this mission." She thought, her medical side coming in strong. "What happened to him? If you don't mind me asking?" She inquired, leaning back to look at her partner. He gave a sigh that edged on annoyance. Taking off his helmet Spike pointed at the scar just under his eye. "Dad and I were on a jog through the woods like we always did once a week. It was our bonding time you know and well during one of them a small evo attacked, scratching me right here. Dad fought it off but as most people know any evo can kill and this one's surprise appearance gave it enough time to hurt dad enough before he drove it away. He died from his wounds after I got him back home." He dully explained as if he had said the same thing hundreds of times. When the girls looked to him sadly he raised his hands. "Listen I understand your concern but I've had my time to come to peace with his passing. Neither of us could have known about the evo, neither of us were trained to kill one, and I definitely was booking it as fast as my body could while carrying my dad so no I don't hold anything against myself. " He explained, easing their worry about him. "I've made myself better so that something like that won't happen again while I'm around and I know he's watching out for me." He finished with a shrug, slipping on his helmet once more. Everyone was silent, even Eris at this story. Fluttershy removed the reminder from her head about the evaluation on hearing his side. The quiet was interrupted by Soarin over the comms. "Welcome passengers to the sweet little town of Craghorn, population of 24,072 and forests for miles. Enjoy your stay and always remember Wonderbolt airlines is the fastest flight this side of the hemisphere." He finished with a laugh which helped pick up everyones mood. The jet landed softly just outside of town where the three could see some fallen buildings being worked on and a few fires being put out still though all in all still looked like the town wasn't to damaged. Once the jet engines stopped the door opened allowing the three to disembark. "I wonder if anyone will remember you Spikey?" Pinkie Pie questioned, her suit making progress along the field. Fluttershy walked with brisk speed, her mind set on helping those in need as they neared the town. "I do hope no one is suffering to bad. Angel could you be a dear and pull up all medical charts of the residents for me please." She requested of her A.I. Spike just silently walked slightly behind the two as they entered the town, his mind reeling from how strange it was to be back in his old town. Passing a medical tent Fluttershy darted in to work while Pinkie Went to help a building crew who smiled and cheered a little on seeing her. But Spike... he silently marched to the center of town finding town hall. "Well best do what I was brought here for." He muttered to himself as he pushed open the doors to find his aunt sitting in the mayors chair. The woman gave a start on his entry but her stern demeanor quickly covered up any shock. "Ah you must be one of the representatives of Harmony we requested." She stated matter of factly. She brushed a hand through her slightly greying hair. It still held a strong fire red but age was getting to her. "I've already got reports of one helping with building and another on medical so where does that leave you?" She mused. "I think he helps with moral." Eris replied, popping into view for everyone to see as Spike removed his helmet. The scream of joy that came from his aunts mouth as she saw her little nephew made some birds on the building fly away and even some people close to the building look at it strangely. Spike couldn't even get a word out as she lunged over the desk to come flying at him for a hug as she began to smother him in kisses. "Oh my little baby is back!" She gleefully shouted. "I've missed you so much, your mother was worried sick about you and your little cousin missed you so dearly." She continued to loudly complain in that way adoring family did. "Mmfdgfjd" Spike tried to get out but was muffled by her chest she was pressing him into. She pulled him back just a little so he could talk. "I'm sorry, what was that dearie?" She asked. "I missed you guys too." He replied and was once again shoved back down as she twisted this way and that until a voice came behind her. "Mom, I think you might kill him if you don't stop." Came a deep voice. Looking behind his aunt showed Toner, a large man in dirty work clothes covered in soot and ash. Walking up to the two he stuck out a hand. "Nice to see you again cousin. I see you finally got a suit of your own." He complimented as the two shook hands. Giving a chuckle Spike nodded. "Yeah had to go through a few hoops for it but I got it. Also Aunty Saphera, I was brought to help ease people as to why Harmony was here." He said with a smile After talking for a few more minutes the three family members left the building to find a crowd gathering near a large fountain. Pinkie was at the base juggling and performing tricks for the crowd as they cheered. "Does she normally do that?" Toner asked. Giving a laugh while shaking his head Spike replied "Making people happy is her thing." Walking closer he waved to the girl in the large suit so that she would slow down. When she did the crowd turned to look at the three. "Hello everyone! It's nice to see you all again after so long. Harmony heard your call for help and so we will be assisting with repairs and medical as you all know. We'll also be helping keep any possible threats away so you guys wont have to worry." He explained, receiving a few whistles of appreciation from the people. "If anyone has questions feel free to ask or find one of us if we aren't too busy with other tasks." He finished. The crowd seemed satisfied with his explanation and slowly dispersed except a little kid who walked up to him clutching a small teddy bear. "Excuse me mister?" The little boy asked, craning his head up to look at Spike. Squatting down so the kid wouldn't have to look up he tilted his head slightly and smiled. "Yes sir?" Spike replied, smiling. The boy giggled slightly at the title. "My sister was out playing in the fields over by the old farm and hasn't come back. I'm worried about her..." The little boy said, hanging his head slightly. Standing up Spike patted his head "Don't worry, I know what you want. I'll go look for her right now okay." He comforted, walking to the east. If memory served him right the little boy meant Old man Jerkins farm from when he was younger as well. "Hey Eris, could you bring up a map of the farm and see if anything can be seen from above?" He asked to his companion. "Way ahead of you there champ! Though it does look like the barn is partially fallen down the house and silo still appear to be standing so I suggest the barn first to make sure she isn't trapped or anything." Eris replied, pulling an image for him to see from a satellite above. The run to the farm was short as the barn in question quickly came into view. "Huh, no signs of chaos in the area so theres that at least." Spike muttered to himself as he moved through the area. Pushing open the barn doors cast light into the dim building, the roof having bent inward and cutting off the second floor long ago. "Still just as creepy when I was a kid..." Spike whined slightly. Eris projected herself next to him. "HELLO? ANYONE HERE?" She yelled into the space. A shuffling of noise could be heard closer to the back as they moved closer. "We aren't going to hurt you. We're from Harmony to help the town." She continued, hoping that would comfort the person in here. Rounding the corner Spike's eyes widened on what he saw. "Ah fuck me sideways." He complained as the evo swiped a tentacle across his chest sending him flying through the failing wall of the barn. It quickly rushed after him, tearing and scratching at his armor to get at him. The monster looked similar to a cat but about five times as big with a barbed tail stabbing at him. Oh and also if it was burnt to a crisp with how blacked an cracked it's skin was. "God you are one ugly thing." Spike grunted as he kicked the beast off of him. Taking a few steps back as the evo howled at him. Extending his own claws Spike charged the monster ready to stab it through. "STOP, DON'T HURT HER!" Shouted a tiny voice, looking over Spike could see a little girl in a dirty dress holding a similar plush to the little boys. The distraction was all the monster needed to dodge Spike's attack and get onto his back again tearing at his suit. Reaching back he flung the creature into the barn again. Now with enough damage the whole structure was falling, crushing the evo underneath. "No Princess Tuffles!" The girl cried out, running for the wreckage but was held back by Spike. "Let me go she needs my help!" The girl begged, tears streaming down her face. "Spike her chaos rating is going up you need to calm her down now or you'll have a second evo on your hands." Eris warned as she watched over the readings. Giving a grunt Spike kneeled down and turned the girl to fully look at him. "Hey hey hey shhh listen. Breath and calm down. I'm sorry but that wasn't Princess Truffles." He soothed as the girl continued to struggle. "Yes it was. She was my friend and would never hurt anyone. She just got scared and got bigger." She whined loudly, close to tears. "Please don't hurt her!" She cried out a second time. Spike looked back to the slowly moving rubble. "Fuck, come on think of something." He thought, gritting his teeth. A bad idea came into his head that he would probably regret for a long time. "Ok, I won't hurt her but she's too dangerous to be around her anymore. I'm going to take her far away into the forest where she can live safe and sound." He tried to calmly tell the girl, faltering only slight. "Pr-promise?" She asked, looking to him with tears in her eyes. "God, I hate myself..." He groaned inwardly. He nodded his head just as the pile exploded with a screech as the once fluffy pet came flying out. Rushing forward Spike grappled with the monster till he had it held tightly and ignited his rockets to fly deep into the forest. The flight took only a moment till the farm couldn't be seen anymore, flaring his jets as he got closer to the ground of the forest Spike slammed the overgrown cat into the ground. "I hate myself." He muttered again this time aloud as the evo wrenched itself out of the ground and rushed him once more. Extending his own claws Spike moved in and with a duck under the monsters swipe he struck with his hand pointing up into the chest and through the heart of the monster. As it collapsed he put out a note for it to be cleaned up by the closest Harmony facility as he headed back to the little girl. The girl rushed forward with now dry tears. "Is she okay?" The girl asked, her lip quivering. Spike gritted his teeth as he stared into her eyes. "Yes, she's safe now. Lets get you home." He replied, lifting the girl up and slowly flying back into town. His aunt greeted him along with a few other people who took the girl away to get checked up. The rest of the time they spent there was luckily uneventful. Soon he along with Pinkie and Fluttershy left to get him ready for his next big challenge. Two days had passed and he now stood in front of a set of large metal doors. Personal lined the walls or watched on screens all over the base. Even other bases were tuning in to see who was taking on the gauntlet. Twilight walked up to him with a stern face. "Ready for this?" She asked. He only gave a nod, slipping his helmet on and letting the screen flare to life. Stepping forward the doors began to open as the people silently watched as to them it was a new victim for the challenge to consume. But to Spike... To Spike it was a new challenge to prove he could win. > The Gauntlet p.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was nervous yet as the doors closed behind him, sealing him in a dark empty space, he felt something like cool hands over his mind, calming him down. "Thanks Eris." He said, his partner filling a small part of his screen. "Of course! Can't have my pilot get worried over nothing." She said with a twinge of something else. Was that fear? "Hey, listen. We'll get through this and prove we can be a pilot for Harmony. I won't lose and let them take you from me." It was now his turn to calm her down. They both looked at each other and gave a brief smile as lights began to turn on. "THUM,THUM,THUM,THUM" came a loud beat as each set lit up from down a hall, moving towards him. Speakers began to crackle into life as if they hadn't been used in ages. "Testing, testing can you hear me Private." Came the voice of Luna. She continued when Spike gave a general wave to signal he heard her. "You have chosen to take on a challenge many have tried. None have succeeded and almost all have been gravely injured or worse..." She left that last part to hang. "When the doors down the hall open the clock will have begun, no turning back from there on out. This is your final warning and chance to step out of here as the only way to leave after entering is to pass, become unconscious and pray we get to you in time, or well you can imagine the last part." She explain as two more large, heavily marked doors grinded apart down the hall. "Eris whats the route?" Spike asked, his jets firing up with dim white flames. A visual map of the Gauntlet appeared in his HUD as the jets slowly narrowed and he began to hover off the ground. "This is the fastest route that I could put together with knowledge from past runs and info I could scrape together. They had some tight security on this game." Eris replied, admiring the work they had put to keep the challenge still secret. "Did you hear me Private? This is your last chance to, HEY!" Luna shouted as Spike launched down the hall at a break neck pace, his jets now a dense blue fire. Passing the doors he entered a vast open cavern with no light. Activating his lights Spike whizzed through the air, dodging any obstacle that entered his field of vision. Screeches could be heard closing in from all sides. Soon evos came pouring out of cracks in the ceiling and ground, flying towards him as he slipped off two pistols with extended magazines. With a hum Spike selected burst fire on the weapons and took aim. "Show time." He said with a grin as three shots range out from his guns at the approaching monsters, tearing through the small bodies. "One, two, three, four! How many bodies will hit the floor?" He chanted as the once large swarm was reduced in size with just a clip from each gun. Reloading quickly Spike turned his attention towards the next opening as the remaining evos scattered in fear from him. His map showed the entrance was behind a waterfall in the cavern. After looking around his eyes landed on his next goal. "Bingo!" He shouted, making a mad dive for the cascading water. As the water fell over his form and he felt the force behind it, his vision quickly filled with murky brown water as he entered the next zone. Eris chimed in at this new room. "Be careful Spike this section is listed as one of the first real challenge of this course. Supposedly there's something big in here..." As she was explained a deep distorted groan moved it's way through the water, being to difficult for either to pin down where exactly it came from. "I think that's our next problem." Eris whispered. "Don't worry, just do what you do best. Find it and help me beat it." Spike soothed, his jets kicking into next gear to better help him move in the water, bubbles rising off him. The girls were in different states of worry. "There's no way he'll beat this thing." Rainbow said, a frown firmly on her face as her eyes looked over the various monitors that let everyone watch the situation. "Have a little faith Dashy!" Pinkie Pie ordered, a smile on her face but the others knew she was just as worried with how deflated her hair was. "If we believe in him enough he'll succeed." She added, trying to psych herself up. Applejack and Fluttershy were sitting at two chairs next to each other intently watching the monitors along with other controllers. They had been selected to help with adjusting and maintaining the Gauntlet as it needed a full crew of workers to function during a challenge. "He has shown multiple times to have the instincts and natural skills to face challenges like this. I think he can actually do this." Rarity spoke up from her position near a digital table to watch his location. Before the others could talk further a large red blip appeared rising fast towards Spike's marker. "Looks like its time girls." She added, gaining the attention of those not already watching screens. Spike was moving fast through the murky water, that groaning sound still echoing around them. "Is it just me or does this seem kind of like echo location?" He asked his A.I. companion. This caused Eris to freeze a bit. "Oh my god it is! This things hunting our location with its voice. The water provides it a buffer so it's hard for us to track but all the noise we make gives it exact locating." She replied starting up some systems. "I think I can find it now! Thanks Spike!" She complimented as the lights on the suit cut out and copies of the groaning came out of the suits speakers, moving through the water till on his map a dot appeared right below him. "Gotcha now." Eris giggled in glee. Giving a laugh of his own Spike shifted his angle to head directly for the creature. Soon when it seemed like the dot was right on top of them he activated his flood lights right into the eye of the evo, causing it to give out another groan this sounding more like one of pain. From this angle Spike could see that this monster seemed like a fused mix of a whale and squid with long, sharp tentacles trailing behind the beast while its head had the dull curve similar to a sperm whale. "Try this noise." Spike said with a smile on his face as his fist rocketed through the water and into the evo's eye. Shifting a point music began to pump from his speakers and out of his fist to vibrate and enlarge the wound. Kicking off the monster he let his jets fire away, scorching it more even underwater as he rocketed away. "Catch me if you can Moby!" He shouted back at the now chasing beats. Sailing through the water he began to twist and turn letting his flames do the work as he searched for the next exit. "Any luck Eris?" He asked, ducking under a tentacle. "I think actually this ones tied to the evo so we got to take it down!" She shouted over the music. "Easy enough to do no problem." Spike confidently replied, braking hard to get closer to the monster. "What in tarnation is he doing?" Applejack shouted from her spot. "Is he trying to get hurt!" Fluttershy remained silent as she watched him dip and dodge between attacks to get closer to the monster. Angel sat next to her even nodding slightly to the music that played while everyone not helping with the Gauntlet was shouting and yelling at the young pilots decisions. "He did his homework." She softly said with a nod of admiration. Her eyes never leaving the screen as she twisted dials and adjusted the scene. A strike hit against Spike's side, knocking him a little off course. "Ah, sunnava'..." He started before a tentacle wrapped around his waist and the monster began to dive down. "What the hell?" He questioned, extending his claws to slice at the arm. His depth gauge began to sink lower and lower as the pressure around him built. "Eris how deep his this room?" He asked, doing his best to remain calm as he hacked away. "Deep enough to be a problem." She replied simply. With that knowledge he began to strike faster as the gauge slowly started to crack and his screen buzzed and filled with static. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." He grunted, pulling back one more time to slam his hands into the appendage. This time finally breaking through and detaching it from the monster. Firing off his jets to max, Spike launched up to a less deep depth as the evo turned to chase after him. Once he was back to a safe level he turned towards the approaching monstrosity and cupped his hands together. "Lets see how you like warm water!" He growled as just when the beast was on top of him Spike let loose a massive burst of flame, vaporizing the water around them and burning the evo to death. A ding sounded in the water as the rest of it came rushing in to signal the next room was open. with a sigh he began to slowly swim towards it as it appeared on him map. Eris gave a sigh as they moved out of the water into a dry land section with a bright sky above them. "Glad we are out of that. Just a few more rooms to go." She said. "Let's get a move on then." Spike said, walking forward into the sand. Looking around he couldn't help but be amazed at all the different places. "How long did it take to build all this? There's so much here." He marveled. "Supposedly five years and about twenty billion credits." She answered, some info on it popping up in his feed. He could only give a whistle at that number. "Damn that's a lot of money but anyways back on this room. Whats next?" he asked, looking around at what seemed to be a replica of a desert. "Not seeing any doors marked exit." He said. Before either could Eris could reply the ground began to shake and move around them. "I think that's our next task.." Eris replied, already looking to locate the anomaly. "The fact he's even made it to the third stage amazes me." Luna stated, her eyes watching the screen with Discord and Celestia in the main office. "You didn't tell him anything right Discord?" She questioned the mismatched man. Shaking his head he replied. "He is a natural born pilot and the fact his sync with Eris was so smooth with none of the side effects goes to show how well they fit. I believe he can finish this challenge." Discord poured a cup of tea as the monitor quickly switched to an aerial view of the pilot as the sand began to rise and fall around them. taking a sip he thought to himself "I hope..." "Woo now, let's slow down there." Spike groaned at the shifting sands, sparking his jets but only getting some sputtering from a weakened core. "Of course this would happen now." He whined when suddenly he was launched into the sky. Reaching a peak he turned to look back down only to see the waiting maw of a ginormous worm. "Oh fiddle sticks!" He shouted. "Oh fiddle sticks." Twilight groaned. "Fuck." Discord grunted > The Gauntlet p.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike's vision turned dark as the gaping maw of the monster worm closed around him. "Eris, a little help here!" He shouted as the suits flood lights lit to illuminate the area. The fleshy interior of the worm pulsed and shifted as he fell deeper into it's guts. "Naw, I feel like being worm food more right now. WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING!" She sarcastically bit back, the suits systems running through her data. "Come on baby listen to me please." She said to herself. An idea popped into her head as they passed large lumps on the inside of the worm. "Spike slow our fall to buy me time." She ordered. Twisting his form without a second thought Spike sank a claw into the wall of the monster, green blood like liquid spraying out from the opening, a dull groan heard all around them as the monster voiced it's discomfort. Hanging there for a moment Spike composed himself before sinking his other clawed hand into the fleshy wall. "I die on my terms and this is far from it." He growled, doing his best to climb the rapidly pulsing surface. The environment around them shifted as a form of weightlessness passed over. All looking from the outside could see the worm lung out of the ground a second time, it's massive form hovering for a moment before crashing back down to the ground shaking Spike's grip slightly. The worms form thrashed left and right clearly showing pain. It's mouth opened as it gave another groan that echoed over the desert terrain "The hells going on now?" Rainbow questioned, leaning back in her chair while gesturing towards the many screens. "Well it did just eat a suit of metal. Might be having trouble digesting it." Razor joked, his feet kicked up on a table nearby. "Not the time Razor." Rarity growled, her eyes not leaving the screens. "Besides his vitals are still rather normal. He's keeping his calm given the situation." She said to anyone who would listen. Though she couldn't shake the feeling things weren't about to calm down any time soon. Twilight jabbed a hand towards a monitor. "I want a closer view of that monster. Rarity keep watching his vitals. Razor, shut the hell up and get suited up incase we need to try and pull him out." She ordered, shifting easily into her rank. "Don't make me regret not fighting harder to pull you away from this situation Spike..." She thought to herself, biting her thumb. Everyone refocused themselves their tasks as Razor left the command center. Discord himself simply frowned, his hand idly moving something in his breast pocket. Spike grunted as he sliced further down the worms inside. The thrashing making his grip slip slightly. "Eris, care to explain what you are planning? It's getting a bit hard to hold on here." He questioned, the walls of the monster tightening on his form. Eris popped into his screen. "I've been scanning the creatures form and I think I found a way to get out of here though you won't like where it is." She replied, her eyes shifting to the side. "Please don't tell me I have to fly out it's ass or something." Spike complained. A chunk of something fell onto him making him lose a hold on one of his hands. Eris scoffed at the suggestion. "No, thank whatever's above. The creature seems to have a weakened lining in it's stomach from possible past fights. If you can put enough damage on it we might just be able to punch our way out so long as you avoid it's stomach acid. The suit most likely can't keep up with the strength of the stuff if it's eating it's way through solid ground." She explained. Thinking it over Spike saw the jets still weren't fully operational yet. "Not the best situation but then again if it's the best option we have so be it." He grunted. Looking one more time upwards towards the monsters mouth he sighed, letting his grip loosen till he began to fall once more. He picked up speed quickly thanks to the slick insides of the creature. "Don't miss, don't miss, don't miss.." He repeated to himself as the the walls around him expanded slowly around him. "Now!" Eris shouted to her pilot. Without a second thought Spike slammed his claws into the walls just as he started to enter the stomach of the giant worm, using the momentum to swing himself forward through the now open space. He felt Eris take control of the suit enough to shift his aim towards the weaken section the the stomach. his eyes locking on a clear scar from some old wound. His only problem being how close it was to the monsters stomach acid. "No risk, no reward." He thought to himself as he straightened towards the scar. Pointing his arms ahead of him he began to rotate. Working frantically Eris sparked the core just enough to power thrusters at his sides spinning him faster. The approaching wall made contact with them quickly after. Thanks to the sharpness of his claws and the speed they carried the wall shredded under his hands. Daylight blessed them once more as They cleared through the monsters side, it's acidic stomach juices spilling after them. Inside it may be built to house such toxic material but it was clear it's outer shape couldn't as a larger opening formed as more of the stomachs contents slipped out. The monster groaned out as it's upper form rose in to the sky above. "Book it pilot!" Eris ordered as Spike picked himself off the ground. Not even bothering with a reply Spike took off in a dead sprint away from the monstrosity behind him. His eyes flicked to the map of the location spotting the exit just a few dozen yards away. Angling himself towards it he felt the ground tremble beneath him once more. Eris began to say "uuughh Spike?" "Don't say anything I already know what it's doing!" He shouted, pumping his legs even faster. "He's out ma'am!" Someone shouted as all screens shifted to show the newly revealed Spike running away from the worm. Everyone began to shout as chaos descended on the center building by the second till "SHUT IT!" Luna shouted, slamming a fist onto the table she was standing at. Silence falling instantly as she turned her gaze back onto the screen. "He still hasn't gotten out of the situation just yet. And looks like the evo wants it's lunch back." She said, folding her arms back up but if one could hear her heart beat they'd find it pounding in her chest. Celestia glanced over to her sister with a knowing smile for her little sister's tells. Looking to her other side she saw Discord Still looking tense, gripping at his coat. "Don't have faith in him making it?" She asked gently to the man. Shaking his head he looked to her. "No I have faith in them probably more then anyone here but you'll have to forgive me if some of my father tendencies show." He replied smoothly. This was a half truth, he was still worried about what he might have to do. Casting her gaze to her watch Celestia couldn't help admire the strength Spike was showing with everything thrown at him. Only five minutes have passed since he started all this. "Maybe he can pull this off?" She thought as she watched with everyone else the worm slowly bear down on the running pilot. Spike would be pissing himself if he had any to leak out. The opening of the next room could be seen in front but his map showed a very large and very angry dot approaching faster then he could reach the exit. "Eris, we aren't going to make it. Got a new plan?" He asked, his encased feet pounding into the sand. "Just keep going straight I think I can salvage this." Eris ordered, the system around them flashing as she rewired power. Heat began to fill the suit as it's cooling system was shut off. "Just a little more juice..." She muttered looking at any other systems she could redirect. She began to measure the output of every single light, wire, and pulse of energy in the suit. The only one that could provide enough and still keep the suit mobile was... "Spike want to take a gamble?" She asked, eyeing the entrance as it got closer. Huffing from the strain and rising heat in the suit Spike responded with "What have I been doing up to this point then? Of course just tell me already." He could feel the worm bearing down on them. Eris looked back at the entrance. "We have to fly blind." She explained, shutting off the sensors to provide sight in the suit leaving Spike in the dark. The core sparked to life with enough to provide one more jet boost. "Fly you fool!" She shouted to her pilot. Activating the jets Spike rocketed blindly through the air as best he could towards where he was originally aiming. The roar of the jets still weren't enough to drown out the groaning of the worm still following them. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Spike screamed as he closed his eyes. "Commander his suits systems are shutting down!" A operator to Celestia's left shouted suddenly, startling everyone watching. Fluttershy's fingers flew over the keyboard to pull up the information. "Cooling, lights, and now his sight systems are all off!" She said in shock. "What the hell is happening? Why would he want to go blind?" Maybe he's given up on even trying to run so he doesn't want to see the end?" Came the voices of soldiers all around the girls. "Look!" Rainbow suddenly shouted, turning everyone's attention back to the screens where they saw Spike's suit flying through the air, careening directly for the entrance. Sharp laughter escaped Discord as he watched the view. "They shut off power to anything they could in the hopes of re-sparking the core! Oh brilliant my dear boy simply brilliant!" He gleefully explained, clapping his hands while a maniacal smile spread across his face. "If that isn't the most daring move one could do in this situation." He said. Everyone watching held their collective breaths as the scene unfolded even further in front of them. But a few specific individuals gave soft prayers under their breaths. Spike was praying to any deity or god he knew of in hopes one would guide his aim. The pressure from the worm bearing down on his position. His heart felt like it would burst from the adrenaline pumping through his body. The groan began to surround him, telling him the worm was closing it's mouth around him once more. "Screw this! I refuse to be worm food!" He yelled, kicking his jets into burst. The flames exploded around from their locations across his body, scorching the inside of the worms mouth as he rocketed just past it's closing lips. Zooming forward Spike passed into the exit while the worm could only slam into the barrier outside. His systems that had been shut down blinked back into life, killing his jets. "Ah rot!" He groaned, skidding into the ground, sparks flying from his form as the suit scrapped along stone. Bouncing slightly after hitting a jutting rock Spike finally came to a stop breathing heavily as his survival entered his mind. Eris spoke as Spike rolled over with a groan "Nice flying there crasher." She joked, her own voice shaking slightly from the close call. "Uuugghhhh..." Spike groaned out again, removing his helmet slowly. Dropping his arm to the side he let it rumble away slightly form him. "Eris dear oh lovely woman in my head. Please warn me next time you are going to make me do something dumb and dangerous like that next time. It'll help my soul cope if it fails next time" He requested, sitting up while grabbing at his ribs. He could see large amounts of paint had been scrapped clean from the suit. "Damn, gonna have to buff that out later." He complained, slowly raising himself. Bending to pick up his helmet he let it hang from his hand as he began to look around. Large angelic like stone statues carrying different objects surrounded him. A door could be seen past the ones across from his spot. "I think this is the final chamber Spike." Eris said, clearly ignoring his request. "So far sensors aren't showing anything moving besides us." She added. A plaque could be seen in the center of the floor drawing Spike's attention. Walking up he could see it read "Mortal man fears the guardians to heavens gate. Their approval will open the gates to salvation." "What the hell kind of extreme church quote is this?" Spike questioned, looking to the statues. "Eris, I can already figure the statues have some importance but any ideas on what the sign means?" He asked. Eris popped into view around him, hovering over to a statue carrying a drum. "Well statues yes but I think it I might be able to pull something up for this..." She muttered to herself. Spike began to look over the statues, taking note of differences in the statues. Noticing a symbol etched into each one something form his past came to the forefront. "Gramps, what's with this symbol here?" A young Spike inquired towards an elderly man with large glasses on the bridge of his nose. "You have it like all over the house." He added, pointing at a few more that could be seen. The old man gave a wheezing chuckle. "Why little dragon that's the mark of the Drogun angels. You see there are five great warriors who determine who enters the great beyond." He explain, shuffling over to a chair. "Pass me that book on the dresser boy." He ordered, pointing to a book decorated in golden leafing. "On it sir!" Spike saluted, rushing over to the book and then over to the now seated grandfather. "Here you go grandpa!" Spike said, smiling with a grin missing a few teeth. Sighing as he grabbed the book the old man leaned back, patting his lap. "Come little dragon. Let me tell you of the five great warriors." Once Spike hopped on he opened the book. "There's the drummer, a man whos pounding could spring even the dead's hearts a thumping. Next is the scribe, his quill and paper holding record of all those who pass the gates. After him was the beast, savagery was his business to challenge those who would not kneel in respect by beating with a great axe. Of course the next is the lover, she helped those who passed reconnect with past loves once more using her weave to wrap their souls together." He began, indicating to each one. "What about that one?" Spike asked, pointing to a thin and hunched figure who still seemed to have a determined face. "Ahhh the sinner. It is said his hands carried out the first sin. His way to repent is weighing the heart of all who pass against his. Even though he has paid back in full he still works as if it was the first time he arrived for judgement." Spike's grandfather explained. "They let you enter heaven but before that you can you must lay yourself bare to be judged." His grandfather added before raising a finger. "But should you fail to meet up you will be dashed to the plains of suffering for eternity." He warned. Spike gulped asking shakily "Do you think I could pass?" Giving a laugh grandpa nodded his head. "If you strive to always do your best, living a kind and full life then I'm sure you will." He assured, ruffling Spike's green hair. "Now come on. We have to go fix up the garden of all those weeds." He ordered as the memory faded. Spike blinked a few times as he came back to the present. "Hey Eris. I know what to do." He said to his companion, walking to the plaque. Inspecting it once more he found a spot marked for one to kneel on near it. Eris floated around him while asking "How so? Get a prophecy or something?" Rolling his eyes Spike kneeled on the markings. "Yeah, something of the sort." He replied, bowing his head and closing his eyes. A hum filled the room as one by one the statue's eyes lit up. Eris' voice suddenly spoke in a panic "Spike! I'm suddenly getting evo marks around us! The statues are alive! You need to move now!" When her pilot gave no hints of notice or movement she repeated her warnings. The statue carrying the drum groaned as it took a step closer to the kneeling body. The others around soon followed suit grinding closer to their spot on the floor. Eris was quickly falling into a panic at Spike's lack of actions in the situation. "Spike you bastard why aren't you moving!?!! I don't want to die a second time! You promised we'd get through this!" She shrieked at him in anger as the statue carrying a large axe raised it above it's head and began to swing it downwards towards her pilot's head. "SPIKE!" She screamed, shutting her senses from seeing what happens. When the by now familiar thumping of Spike's heart continued to fill the data flowing through her she slowly looked around, finding the statues had all stopped moving and the door across from them slowly opening. "Eris, next time please have a little more faith in me ok?" Spike gently asked, standing up slowly, picking up his helmet while twisting away from the axe blade that had almost connected with him. "I don't break promises easy you know." He added, a soft smile spreading on his face as he marched for the door. Stunned at what happened, wanting to question everything down to the smallest detail Eris held herself back as it registered to her that Spike had been confident what would happen and instead of supporting him she had doubted him. "I-I'm sorry...please get us out of here, I don't want to be here anymore." She softly replied, fading to the back of his mind to think on the event. Marching through the door Spike raised a hand to block the light, allowing his sensors to adjust the levels. On pressing through he was welcomed by Soarin leaning against the same jet he had piloted when Pinkie and Fluttershy had taken him to his old town. "I do good?" He asked, waving towards the blue haired man in a bolt covered tight suit. "Considering you're the first I've ever seen come out of there not dead I gotta say yeah." Soarin replied, shaking the armored mans hand. "Come on, the command centers in an uproar and you're the hot topic why." He added, walking into the jet. Sighing Spike rested his helmet on his knee while crashing into a seat. "No rest just yet." He mumbled, his smile growing as the roar of the engines filled the cabin. > A Little R&R > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike let the hum of the engines sooth him into a lull as Soarin expertly piloted the craft through the air and back to the main base. His mind took him gently to a land of covered in fog. A lone tree on a little island in the middle of a pond called to him. Walking slowly forward his feet met the water, stepping firmly as if on land yet not sinking. Soon he found himself resting against the tree, his eyes closed as he hummed a tune to himself. The calm of the world embracing him softly. Eris looked at her pilot in the present with a ad frown. She hovered slowly around his face, taking in his features. She took note of how his eyebrows seemed to twitch slightly while he rested. He gave a small sneeze before shifting how he leaned in the chair slightly to her amusement. "He's still so young." She thought to herself, stroking a hand through his messy hair. Her hand on contact merely went through with no change. Clutching her hand to her chest she could have sworn she felt a twinge of pain but knew it couldn't have been real. She was just machine now after all. "To feel once more..." She thought aloud. "How's our little champion doing?" Soarin asked, ducking from out of the cockpit. On spotting the sleeping Spike he chuckled. "Figured the he'd pass out after what he's been though." He added, stepping closer, leaning with a hand on the inside of the wall. Looking at the man Eris gave a nod slowly. "True, but now no one should challenge his loyalty." She replied, hovering away from Spike. "What did you think about him?" She questioned, looking Soarin in the eyes. Scratching at his large amount of hair the jet pilot smiled. "Honestly...never believed for a second the kid was a spy. Keep in mind I didn't learn that was even a case against him until a little before being chosen to fly you both to the Gauntlet." He answered, shifting into a seat near him. "Kids like him are to stubborn and blunt to fit a spy life style. Shame though we have to bring them in to this kind of life so young though." He added, pulling a stick of gum out from a pack in his pocket. Chewing it slowly he cast a glance at the floating A.I. "But there's something more then just him on your mind hmm?" The older man pointed out. "You aren't as oblivious to things as people say are you?" Eris said, getting a wink from the man. Moving herself closer to the seated man she looked back at her pilot. "He's the first to actually accept me and yet during the last room I doubted him." She began. "Every time I asked him to do something or believe in me he would without question and yet when a moment came where he truly needed me to have faith in him I couldn't commit fully to the idea. I'm not deserving of him." She finished, slumping her image's shoulders. Soarin clicked his tongue after listening to Eris. "Ya ever had an actual sit down and chat with the guy?" He asked. When she shook her head he continued. "Obviously you guys have a situation different from other pilots. Where they have an A.I. Those are only smart enough to cover a suit. No real personalities other then special crafted ones. You guys on the other hand are basically two people crammed into one suit. It's even more important you are on the same page because if one says left but the other says right then you just won't end up going anywhere." He explained. Eris couldn't help nodded along, engrossed in what he said. "My advice to you. Actually have a heart to heart with him and help close that gap between you two. But then again what do I know! I'm just the goofball who can't fly a suit. He finished, laughing at the end as he walked back to the cockpit. "Thanks." Eris said quietly to the disappearing man. She was deep in thought over what she had been told. Scanning over Spike she took note he was exactly how she had left him, gently sleeping. Reaching out once more to try and touch him she stopped short when an alarm began to blare around them. "What the..!" She shouted in surprise. Spike snapped awake slamming his helmet back on. "What's going on Soarin!" He shouted over the blare. Noticing Eris hovering he gave a order. "Hop back in, somethings up." "We got a bogie bearing down on our position fast! Opening ramp. Can you take it out Spike?" Soarin's voice came over the speakers. The ramp to enter the jet lowering. As Eris hopped silently back into the suit Spike thumped the side of the wall. "On it!" He confirmed, striding to the lowered ramp. Off in the distance he could spot a flying object racing towards them. Zooming his screen closer he took note of the twisting red vein like pieces across the objects form. "EVO confirmed! Contact HQ!" Spike ordered his companion as he racket a bullet into a turret rising from the ground. Eris began to connect to headquarters as Spike swung the gun at the target. "Alert, alert, evo contact near our position. Engaging while on route to landing zone." She spoke down the line. Twilight and the others were in celebration at Spike passing the test. "I can't believe he actually did it! This is amazing." She shouted in glee, hopping up and down with Rarity in a hug. "The shrimp actually did it, though I totally knew he could." Rainbow tried to brush off but was pulled into a headlock by a laughing Applejack. "Quite your lyin'. You were just as worried for him as we were." The country girl teased, ruffling the messy hair of the athlete. Letting her go Applejack turned to the commanders. "Does this mean he won't be considered a threat anymore?" She asked. This caused the others to stop for a moment to look at the two women. Luna sighed heavily as Celestia gave a small giggle, hiding it poorly with her hand. "Yes, from now on you all are relieved from having to keep an eye on Spike Drake and he will be marked as a full pilot." Celestia answered. stepping forward Fluttershy poked her fingers together as she stuttered out "C-could we perhaps umm Continue to work closely with him? I-if that's ok with you of course..." her eyes darting between the two leaders. Flipping her hair as she turned away to leave Luna replied "Do as you please, just don't let it affect your normal work." She left the room with quick strides. Celestia shook her head after her sister, turning back to the women. "Now I believe we-" She began, getting interrupted as Eris' voice shouted out of the speakers. "Alert, alert, evo contact near our position. Engaging while on route to landing zone." Eris shouted. Everyone gasped, rushing to their previous stations to pull up video. Pinkie Pie's screen showed a camera view from inside the jet revealing Spike opening fire with thunderous booms from the mounted turret. "What is he shooting at?" She asked, pushing from her seat to look at Rarity's screen which showed a satellite view of the jet rushing through the air with a large bird like evo following after. "Do we need to send Pilots at them?" Rainbow asked, stepping towards the door. Holding out her hand Twilight stopped her. "Don't, no one would get there in time anyways. This is on Spike and Soarin." She explained. Grabbing a mic Twilight spoke to the ones in danger. "You have full access to remove the threat. If possible bring closer to HQ and let our defense system handle things." She stated. Spike one hearing he had no limits placed smiled. Bracing himself further he fired at the bird. "Eat seven six two big bird!" He shouted in glee, having held the trigger already for almost a minute. He could see the barrels slowly glowing in heat as he dumped thousands of rounds at the evo. He took notice of a ball like orb growing near the beak of the evo, his instincts kicked in. "DIVE SOARIN!" He yelled, feeling the jet pitch downwards. Soarin didn't wait for confirmation as he slammed the controls forward sending them into a fall. From the glass near the top of the cockpit he could see a streak of energy fly past where they used to be. "Can't you shoot that thing down faster?" He yelled back at the pilot. Holding onto his spot to fight the G's Spike gritted his teeth. Swiveling the gun to take aim once more he asked Eris "Could you guide my shot a little?" "On it!" She answered, taking in all bits of information she could get as the bird folded it's wings to free fall after them. "Soarin, cut the engines!" She order the jet pilot. "You insane? I can't just cut them!" The older man yelled at the A.I. Already struggling to control their dive against the G's pressing him into his chair. "Just do it!" Eris Shrieked back. "FUCK!" Soarin yelled, slamming his hand down on the kill switch for the jet. Spike's visor filled with a target moving slightly around the evo. Taking it as his signal he pulled the turret towards the moving image. He quickly took note of the evo screeching in pain as his shots finally connected. "Suck. My. Dick." He growled, feeling himself losing his footing as he rose against the gun. The evo's wings clutched next to it's form as it tried to make itself smaller. It was almost on them as the ground rose towards them. Two hundred meters. hundred and fifty meters. one hundred meters. Soarin felt the sweat building as it drew closer. But then... "PUNCH IT!" Eris ordered. With quick motion Soarin kicked the engines into a roar, the flames lashing across the evo's form. Roaring he pulled at the controls, lifting them out of the free fall a meter from the ground, a boulder on the ground slightly to tall blowing up from impact with the jet as he pulled them back into the sky. The evo on the other hand smashed into the ground at high speeds after being scorched, splattering across the earth. Spike bounced back onto the floor of the jet, still clutching at the turret. "Ahh, motherfu-!" He groaned loudly. The ramp rose quickly, pushing him further into the jet before he could rise. "Can't I get ANY rest at all?!" He complained to the world, slowly standing. Eris and Soarin couldn't help laugh at his whining after surviving the situation. "Don't worry. You can get a little R&R once you land at the base." Came Twilight's voice over his comms. sitting in his seat Spike sighed as they drew closer to the base. The jet slowly touched down onto the landing zone and the ramp dropped once more revealing Twilight and the other girls. "Welcome back pilot." She said, saluting him along with the others. Slowly walking forward Spike removed his helmet again, a tired smile on his face. "Pleasure to be back Major." He replied, saluting back. Moving with the group into the hanger Spike docked his suit and slide out. A crowd had gathered him to see if he had really returned. "Whelp!" He suddenly said loudly, slapping his hands to his hips. "I'm fucking beat!" He said much to everyone's enjoyment. Rarity slapped him on the shoulder at his swearing. "A gentleman does not swear darling." She lectured, leaning at him. With a wave of confidence Spike kissed the top of her head. "A gentleman does a lot of things that a lady doesn't know about as well." He slyly stated, moving past the stunned group out of the hanger and towards his room. Crashing onto the bed he sighed heavily. "Time to relax." He whispered as sleep took him over once more. > A Lot Of R&R > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An alarm clock blared near Spike's head jolting him awake. With smooth motions his hand collided with the button to silence the offending device. Stretching his arms above his head he gave a groan. "Mmmmm haaaaa! God I needed that after yesterday's events." He cooed, scratching at his lower back. Swinging his legs over the edge of his bed Spike started to slowly stretch as Eris appeared, hovering around him. "Good morning Spike. Good to see you got to rest properly." She said, smiling at her pilot. "With that situation handled they should ease up on how hard they invade our privacy." She continued, pulling up five different newspapers from around the world. Stretching an arm over his chest Spike asked "What's going on in the world?" Before bending down to touch his toes. Humming slightly Eris flicked through the virtual pages. "Well let's see. Harmony stocks are on a rise which is normal. A new method to counter wrinkles has been given approval by the F.D.A. OH! Looks like the popstar Sapphire Shores is going on a tour once again after finishing her break from showbiz." She listed. Jerking straight up Spike's eyes widened. "Sapphire Shores is touring again! She's my favorite singer ever." He shouted, pulling up a web screen for tickets to the tour. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" He shouted to the room, collapsing to his knees. Floating next to him Eris frowned at his dropped position. "What the hell are you screaming about?" She questioned, looking to the screen. Sold out. "Oooooohh." Eris quietly said before snorting as she erupted in laughter, pointing at her pilot on his knees. "You're a crazy groupie aren't you?!" She shrieked in laughter, doubling over. "OMG! I'm so glad I don't have sides anymore or they'd be in so much pain." She giggled. Sniffling Spike waved weakly at her. "S-shut up..." He cried slightly. The door to the room slid open as Rarity stepped inside. "Hey Spike, want to join me on a mission? You get a ticket to Sapphire Shore's concert in Spain?" asking innocently only to feel a mass connect with her leg. Looking down showed a teary eyed Spike. "You really mean it?" He asked like a child. Smiling down at him she pulled two tickets from her breast pocket. "I try not to make a habit of lying darling." She confirmed, holding them out to him. Standing up Spike gently took them from her, holding them as if they were the answer to life itself. "Rarity have I ever told you I love you?" He said, wiping the tears from his eyes. Giving a chuckle Rarity patted his cheek. "You should take a girl to dinner a few times before saying stuff like that Darling. Now get dressed in something casual!" She ordered, clapping her hands. "We leave in two hours." She added, turning, letting the door close behind her. Saluting the door Spike leaped towards his dresser, pulling out a black shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. Throwing a red flannel over it all he ran out of the room with Eris still giggling behind him towards the cafeteria. Two hours later the young man stood in front of a fashionably dressed Rarity. "Good to see you on time Mister Drake." She complimented, circling around him. "Simple and almost rustic I see. Not bad, not bad." She added, giving him a thumbs up in approval. "Glad to have your approval. So what's the mission?" Spike questioned, following the fashion forward woman onto the jet. "Also shouldn't I have my suit for this?" He added, looking back into the hanger where his armor was visible. With a dismissive wave Rarity replied "Don't worry about that. Just stay on your best behavior while we are out and everything will make sense, Mkay?" She instructed. Eris and Spike looked to each other before shrugging their shoulders, moving to sit near Rarity. With roar the engines ignited to life, sending them into the air. "Hey Rarity, mind if I ask a couple questions about you?" Spike started off, focusing his attention on the woman. "As long as none of them are about my age and weight then of course darling." She agreed, shifting in her seat to look the man in the face more properly. Shaking his head with a smile Spike crossed his arms in front of him. "I was taught early those are big no no questions to ask a lady ma'am." He replied, both sharing a laugh. After collecting himself he asked the first question. "What did you do before joining Harmony?" "Oh that's easy. I was getting my doctorate in fashion and engineering." She proudly answered. "Those have to be the farthest from each other's goals you could go for. Why?" " Spike questioned, confused. "Well darling I adored making fashion that struck the worlds hearts. That made me go for the first doctorate but then I saw a power suit for the first time I just KNEW I had to help with them. The design, the wiring, the feeeeeel." She explained, sighing happily. "They had made great strides in improving the image of a power suit but the mark ones and twos still had the unrefined form. They could do the job but they looked more like blocks attached at swing points. I do try not to brag but with my touches the popularity of the suits shot through the roof." She added, proudly placing a fist over her chest. Pointing a finger at her Spike gave an aha expression. "I remember them! It was about four years ago when the suits suddenly looked completely different." He pointed out. Nodding her head Rarity tapped the side of her nose. "Correct. I had just gotten hired and immediately went to work fixing up things. It was also the first time I met Pinkie Pie. We both just connected on our passion to improve the suits. Mine to make them look and feel good and hers to make them hit hard and be hit hard." She reminisced. She wrinkled an eyebrow. "Let me ask you a question Spike." She said. Slightly surprised Spike nodded. "Sure, fire away. I'm an open book or I like to think I am." He answered back. Taking a teasing smile Rarity leaned towards him. "What's your favorite part about Sapphire Shores.?" She suddenly asked. When he began to sputter she teased further. "What? I thought you were an open book?" Fidgeting in his seat Spike questioned back "Why asking about her?" When she giggled he groaned. "Crap, you heard me didn't you?" He ran a hand down his face. Picking himself back up he shrugged. "Honestly I adore her music and her attitude on things. She's had over fifty shows put on to help drum up aid for places hit hard by disasters even before evos were really a thing." He answered. "True, she always was a kind gal. If a bit on the wild side when she trusts you." Rarity accepted, speaking in a way that peaked Spike's interest. "Hey Rare's? Do you...kn-" He tried to get out only to be interrupted by the siren signaling they were about to land at their destination. Rarity gave a look at the man that radiated a knowing piece of information as the ramp to the jet opened. Rarity swayed past the Spike down the ramp towards two figures, one with a blue hoodie that hugged a form that just spoke appeal. "Hello darling, I hope everything has been smooth and simple." She said to the pair. Spike followed behind only to freeze in place as a voice came from the figure with their hood up. "Ah please! When do I ever do anything smooth and simple babe." Throwing the hood back let blue curls keep wounded around their head free. A sparkling smile flashed as she looked to Spike's form. "Oh, you even brought me a cutie pie. Hope he's fun." She purred. "Sa-Saphiaaaahhh....SAPPHIRE SHORES!" He shouted, skidding to a halt in front of the woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm one of your biggest fans. I loved you in Blitz, Blazers, Blue Bullets." He spewed out in excitement. Shaking his hand Sapphire gave a cackle. "Damn boy, pulling out that title of all things? Not many remember that movie." She joked, nudging the figure next to her in the shoulder. "Think he passes yet ay Emerald?" She asked. Emerald adjusted her glasses as she looked to Sapphire. "As long as he can fill the job properly he passes." She coldly replied. "This is the best time to tell you about the job Spike. Our job today is to go through the day with Sapphire here undercover and finish with her at her performance tonight. There have been some threats from EVOlutionaries against her actions." Rarity said, pulling out a phone. Spike paused in his fangirling to look at his senior. "Wait a second, aren't they the pro-evo terrorist's group. But from what I know they only target Harmony related targets. What could they want with Miss Shores?" He asked. "Bah, just call me Sapphire and you're telling me you don't know about my work for Harmony? I'm practically one of the pillars that makes up the foundation of Harmony." Sapphire boasted, pushing out her sizable chest. "It's a piece of cake to get funding for anything when you got this much cake!" She added, shaking her rear towards the stunned Spike. Eris and Spike helped pick each other's mouths off the ground, shaking off the shock from the celebrity's actions. Emerald scowled, yanking slightly at the back of Sapphire's hair to get her moving towards the stairs at the top of the tower they were standing on. "Come on you. We have a tight schedule and you don't have much time to spend flirting with the hired guard." She lectured, with Sapphire whining like a small kid. Looking to Rarity Spike smiled. "You're the best Rarity." He thanked, clutching his hands together. Flipping her hair as she walked after the two women Rarity smiled. "Make sure the other's don't hear you say that darling. They might get jealous." She accepted with grace. The group moved down the stairs with Spike chatting in bliss with his celebrity crush. Rarity and Emerald talked about the job and activities that had been spotted recently. Sapphire after ten floors complained why they didn't take the elevator only for Spike to break out of his enjoyment to explain "Actually that would make you a stupid easy target to get rid of. If our enemy stopped the thing or blew it up we wouldn't be able to stop it really." This was confirmed by the other two women which made Sapphire mope slightly. Twenty more floors later with three left had Sapphire piggy backing on Spike after a large amount of whining. "Honestly Shores why can't you act your age?" Emerald groaned at the pop star's actions. "Hey! I work very hard to look younger than I am so I can act younger." Sapphire shot back with a humph. Finally getting to lobby level had Sapphire put up her hood as the four moved through the floor. Walking through the lobby Spike gave a look around with the help of Eris. Running his hand through his hair he spotted a few people whispering at the group. He got worried until he realized they were pointing at him. Rarity nudged him with a smile. "Still can't believe you never got a date before mister hotshot." Sapphire hooked an arm through his pulling him close, sticking her tongue out at some of the women. "Never been on a date you say? I can fix that for ya." She suggested. Rarity flinched slightly at Sapphire's actions which made her pause. "That's weird..." She thought to herself as they exited the tower. A car was waiting out front which they piled into. Rarity took the driver's seat while Emerald took a shotgun leaving the back for the fan and celebrity. Pulling slowly out of the parking spot Rarity swung them into the street. "So where to first ma'am." Focusing on keeping professional. Squeezing into the opening in the middle Sapphire pointed forward. "To the mall!" She shouted with a giggle. Spike and Eris looked to each other at the view they were given. Both gave appreciative looks while making ok gestures with their hands. Sapphire flicked on some music on the speakers with no one's shock most being her own music. When everyone looked at her she looked confused. "What? I sound great." She used it as her excuse. Leaning in her seat she poked at Spike's leg with her foot. "So tell me your story boy. Tell me it's something interesting." She ordered, reaching under the seat to pull out a pistol. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! First tell me where that came from?" Spike questioned, alarmed at the sudden firearm. Cocking her head Sapphire looked at the gun. "What? Did you think there WOULDN'T be weapons in here? How else are we supposed to fight anyone who attacks us?" She countered. With shocking skill she looked over the firearm as Spike calmed down. After collecting himself and having Eris confirm over fifteen different guns in the vehicle he explained his story. How he had been basically kidnapped all the way down to the gauntlet. He was just finishing telling Sapphire all about how he finally got back to the base when he noticed a car pulling up next to them on the highway and a window rolling down to reveal the barrel of a gun. Without waiting he tore the gun from Sapphire's hand, pulled her to his chest and shouted "Punch it!" Firing off three rounds through the window into the enemy gunman. Rarity reacted immediately, flooring the gas and launching the car into high speeds. "How many?" She shouted into the back seat as Sapphire peeked over Spike's shoulder to see a car speeding up to their side from behind his form. Taking the gun from Spike she pushed him down and straddled him as she popped two shots into the driver of the car. With a scan she spotted five more cars chasing them. "At least five, possibly more." She answered before looking down at Spike. "And you sir are in the best position any fan of mine could have." She teased, grinding on him. Feeling an instinct run through him Spike grabbed her shoulders, pulling her down till her nose was almost touching his. Bullets ripped through where she used to be almost hitting the two in the front. "I don't know I kinda like this position better." He countered, reaching under his seat awkwardly to pull out another gun. "Oh you are just the best thing I have ever found." Sapphire purred. The two sat up taking shots at the cars on opposite sides of each other. With clean shifting the two untangled to better shoot their targets, ducking as another hail of bullets came through one hitting the radio. A duet rap song started up with Sapphire giving a squeal in glee. "This is my sooooong yaaaaaassss! Spike you gottta sing with me on this one." She ordered. Spike couldn't help laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. He was in a car going over a hundred miles an hour on a highway, in a gun fight against a pro evo terrorist group with THE Sapphire Shores assisting in shooting the enemy, and now he had to sing along with her to a song. "Fuck it! Sure!" He shouted back as the two rapped along with the music. Their shots follow with the beat of the music. "Boy grab this!" Emerald commanded, passing a grenade launcher over her shoulder to the backseat while helping direct Rarity. Wrapping his hands over the heavy duty weapon Spike was stunned. "The fuck kinda shit you got in this car?" He shouted over a hail of bullets. Eris popped up from the trunk. "There's an rpg in here!" In disbelief. Giggling like a madwoman Sapphire got behind Spike to help aim the launcher. "Yeah, forgot that it was in there honestly. But less talking more firing and rapping!" She answered, pressing her chest into his back as her hand wrapped around his over the trigger. "Give me a big show cutie pie. Explosions always excite me." She added. Taking a second to look back at the wild woman Spike couldn't help shake his head. "My image of you is shattered and the new one I can't tell if it's better." He pointed out, taking aim with the help of Eris. Thump. Thump. Thump. Three shots three explosions as most of the chasing cars blew up, skidding across the highway. "Aw yeah baby that is what I like to see. I love a man who can handle high explosive ordinances." Sapphire cooed into his ear before going back to singing with the new song. A swerve from Rarity made Sapphire tumble away from Spike's back. "My apologies darling, Was something in the way." She said, flashing a look at the popstar. Her lips curled into a mischievous grin as Sapphire connected what Rarity had done with the look. "Of course, Rarity is a pro after all who doesn't let emotions get in the way of things." She teased, yanking Spike down as another hail of bullets ripped through the already heavily damaged cabin. "Turn right here!" Emerald yelled, pointing to an off-ramp. "We have a blockade being made nearby to slip past." She explained. "Thanks but not needed." Spike confidently said, pecking Sapphire on the cheek who erupted into a blush. "Thanks to you as well toots." He added smoothly, sitting up to fire off three more shots to knock out the last of the chasing cars. "And just like that we are clear." He declared, ejecting the used shells. Rarity drove the car at a lowered speed into the blockade where Harmony agents were ready for them. Some even in power suits. Pulling to a stop she sighed heavily, relaxing into the ruined seat. "All this just when we only wanted to go shopping..." She complained lightly, looking into the backseat only to find Spike smiling over a covering popstar. "Spike what the hell did you do to our employer?" She questioned, turning a sharp look onto the man. Breaking out of her embarrassment Sapphire grabbed Rarity's hand through the middle section. "I'm begging you please let me take this guy. He's the first guy to keep me entertained this long." She begged with a happy smile. "I'll pay literally anything Harmony wants!" She added, trying to sweeten the deal. Not having any of it Rarity got out of the car, opening the passenger door to yank Spike by the collar outside. "Ladies man here is staying with me. No sale." She argued back. Spike and Eris sat on their knees in front of the annoyed fashionista. "We're sorry Rarity." They apologized until Eris perked up. "Wait a second, why am I apologizing? You're the one who kissed your crush on the popstar on the cheek." She pointed out, floating up next to Rarity while sticking her tongue out at her pilot. "Backstabbing little vixen..." Spike grumbled as Rarity began to lecture him. The rest of the day went with little issue since the escort level was upgraded. Soon it was time for the concert that Sapphire was putting on. Spike learned it was another sponsor event for Harmony publicity. "I can't wait to see Sapphire live!" He giddily said, a brand new signed shirt from the merch being sold on his torso. "Yes darling I know. You've been talking about it since we got settled into our seats." Rarity replied, sighing in minor exasperation. The lights settled down as the crowd hushed with the show beginning. Sapphire appeared on the stage in a flash of sparkling blue lights as was her signature. The crowd quickly broke the silence as they erupted into cheers with Spike being one of the higher voices screaming in the crowd. The music thumped out of the massive speakers, the lights swung across the ground and air, and Sapphire herself danced across the stage with ease. After some songs a break was announced with the popstar leaving the stage. Spike and Rarity began to chat in a side booth when a knock came suddenly at the door. Marching in came Emerald with a furious expression. "That shrimp dicked little... Raahhh!" She growled. Before either of the two Harmony agents could ask what was the issue Emerald grabbed Spike by the collar, dragging him out of the booth. "You are coming with me and you better bring your A-game." She warned, glaring at anyone who looked their way. Striding slightly behind the two Rarity questioned what was going on. "May I ask what has you in such a mood Emerald? You are normally always the calmest during a show." She moved into a jog to keep up with the woman. Ducking into an employees only section Emerald paused her walking for a brief moment. Turning to the two her eyes looked like they were red with fury. "We had a deal with that new rising pop star boy named Fustin Keiber to duet a new song with Sapphire tonight but just two minutes ago his agent called to say they are cancelling the deal because the kid doesn't feel like doing it or some horseshit." She angrily explained. "Rubbing his throat slightly from being choked lightly, Spike raised a brow. "And what does that have to do with me?" He inquired. "Miss Shores says it's no problem if we replace the kid with you. She says you can keep up well enough with her and as much as I would love to argue with her I will admit you were rather on point during the car chase." Emerald grumbled, folding her arms. Spike's mind buffered for a second. "Sa-Sapphire wants ME?!? To sing with HER?!?!" He blurted out only to get a hand clamped over his mouth by the manager. "Sharreh..." He mumbled around her grip. Removing her hand slowly Emerald nodded. "Yes, that's why we have to hurry. Have to get you dressed for the show." She confirmed, taking his hand once again dragging him with her. "So try not to get stage fright on me okay? Or else." She added, glaring daggers at the young man. "Aren't you missing if Spike's willing to even do this?" Rarity questioned, trying to keep up. Emerald gave a sharp laugh. "Sapphire said if he needed convincing to just tell him 'If you do good him a special reward.'" She said, dripping with annoyance. Eris popped into view. "DEAL!" Answering for the pilot before he could, a massive grin on her face. Spike could only fantasize as he was pulled into a room, placed into a seat and makeup artists descended on him. In no time at all he stood fully decked in an outfit only a celebrity could wear and a large pile of paper slapped into his chest by Emerald. "Memorize that as quickly as you can. You got ten minutes." She ordered, storming out with Rarity in tow. Looking over the pages Spike hummed to himself with some help from a recording of the music Sapphire had already made. "Wait...some of these songs I'm all alone." He said aloud in worry but before he could worry further a worker opened the door. "You are on in two minutes Mister Drake." She said, opening the further ready to lead him to where he needed to be. Walking fast he neared the stage, sweat building around his brow when Sapphire swooped into his field of vision. "Lookin fiiiiiinnnneee hot stuff." She complimented, circling him as she took in his appearance. When she noticed how stiff she couldn't help giggle. "Don't tell me you are getting scared now. Don't you kill evos for a living?" She teased, leaning close to him. Gulping Spike didn't even look at her, his focus entirely on the crowd. "Honestly would prefer if the whole crowd were evos I had to fight right now." He muttered. His tongue felt thick and heavy in his mouth. Smirking in slight amusement Sapphire stood in front of his view. Grabbing his face gently she pulled his forehead down to hers. "Breath cutie. It seems scary but all you have to do is get lost in your own world. Ignore everyone else and just imagine they are cheering. I wouldn't have called ya to replace that idiot if I didn't feel you could handle the pressure. I mean you saved me from a crazy terrorist group trying to blow me up! You got this." She soothed, rubbing the top of his spiked head. Breathing deeply Spike gave a smile. "Thanks. I can't promise I won't freeze when I get out there but I can at least walk to the center." He said. A beat starting to play signalling his time to walk out. Patting his ass Sapphire gave a cheeky thumbs up. "More than I could hold against ya champ. Now get out there!" She encouraged, shoving him. Stumbling forward Spike stepped up to the mic staring over the crowd who gave small cheers at him showing up. The music picked up behind him as a panic filled his mind staring at the crowd, watching them slowly change from cheering to laughing at him. His breathing quickened as he took a step back from the mic. "-ke. -ike. -pike!" A voice rang in his head until... "SPIKE!" Eris screamed in his head, striking him back into the present. His mind went into overdrive picking up where the beat was. Grabbing the mic his voice rang out. He began to sing with the beat his mind focusing on emptying the crowd though he halted quickly as the crowd cheered at his performance. With movements that felt second hand he began to dance across the stage much to the people's enjoyment. Working across the stage Spike lost track of time as his body reacted while his mind focused on the music. That is until Sapphire's back connected with his as she appeared on stage, startling him slightly. "Ready to go pretty boy?" She said away from the mic. A massive grin on her face from watching his work. Breathing heavily Spike nodded with a smile of his own as the two moved into a duet. Another hour passed before the show ended, allowing them to leave the stage. The moment Spike was hidden behind curtains he collapsed to his knees. "God that was one of the scariest things I've ever done." He groaned. "You did fantastic darling." Rarity complimented, offering a towel towards the man. "That was great Spike. Thank you so much for helping with the show." Sapphire said, bowing towards him. "And I think you more than earned that reward." She purred, leaning towards him only to have Rarity grab him, pulling Spike to her chest. "Unless Rarity here wants to give the reward instead." She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at the fashion woman. Spike was too tired to pull himself away from the enjoyable but embarrassing spot his head currently rested at. "What is the reward anyways?" He questioned. Giggling mischievously, the popstar looked at the two. "A nice massage by yours truly." She boasted. Rarity's grip lightly slightly. "Oh...That's tamer then I-" She started. "In a micro bikini!" Sapphire interrupted, shaking her chest at the man. Rarity's grip doubled on the man's head. "Absolutely not!" She yelled. "He is far too innocent to be having that done to him." She said. The two bickered further until Eris popped between them. "Idea! Why don't you both reward him with a massage but without the bikini part? Just regular clothes." She offered, glancing down at Spike who gave a subtle thumbs up. The two looked to each other before nodding at the same time. "Deal." They said. Spike was taken into a side room where there was already a massage table ready. "Before you ask I always have one ready for my shows not just for this moment." Sapphire corrected before either of the Harmony agents could question it. Spike was laid on the table and his shirt taken off. The two are going to work on his form. He groaned in appreciation at the help. "This is honestly heaven having two hot girls do this for me." He thanked them. The two blushed as they worked though Rarity smacked him lightly on the back of his head. "Hush you, this isn't an everyday thing?" She reprimanded. Enjoying himself Spike couldn't help as sleep took him over. The girls noticed soon after his breathing steadied. Laughing quietly they backed away, leaving the room so he could rest. "That man is something else isn't he?" Sapphire complimented, shaking her head as she walked next to Rarity. Sighing heavily Rarity placed a hand on her head. "You have no idea. His story is barely starting at Harmony and yet he already has done or had things happen that would sell dozens of books." She agreed. Nudging the woman with her elbow Sapphire gave a knowing smile. "You know he's the first guy I've ever seen you be so possessive of. If you don't grab him up quickly others might get to him first." She goaded. "I could never!" Rarity said loudly. "Besides he's more than five years younger than me." She added. Laughing loudly the popstar walked a little faster than the fashionista. "You know as well as I do when prince charming is sitting in front of you an age gap becomes one of the least of your worries." She countered, making the other woman have to try to keep up. This all happening with the sleeping Spike none the wiser as he collected on that sweet sweet R&R