> SunDash Beginnings > by WittyNameTFM > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sunset takes action > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset sat at the school's soccer field. The athletes running alongside each other and passing the ball between them. Her friend running almost double time compared to her teammates. “Hey Sunset.” A voice to her left called. She looked over to spot her blonde friend. She tilted her hat back, taking a seat on the bleachers beside her. “What'd y'all need ta talk about?” “Hey Applejack, remember that talk we had about you and Rarity?” She asked. “Yeeeeeah?” She lifted a brow. “Well...remember how I said I supported you...but didn't know how I felt?” She glanced away. “Where's this goin’, Sunset?” “I know how I feel.” She said with a smile. “I understand how you feel.” “Ya do?” Applejack asked with a smile. “Did y'all find someone ya fancy?” “Well...” Sunset glanced to the field as Dash wiped her brow with the bottom of her shirt, the breeze blowing over her exposed abs before she dropped her shirt, leaning on her knees to catch her breath. Applejack looked from Dash to Sunset, who was watching the girl closely. “Rainbow? Seriously?” “...What? She's confident, talented, tough...and under that exterior...kind, caring and pretty cute.” She listed off. “Plus those abs…” She blushed lightly. “So long as it aint just about how she looks… I'll help you out.” She pat her shoulder. “Maybe you can reign that filly in.” “I...think I should be offended?” “Oh...right. Pony.” She coughed. “How about this...ask her to go to the gym with her. Betcha she'll be excited to have a workout buddy.” “Working out sounds like a drag though…” “If y'all end up dating, I can guarantee this will come up one day.” She said. “Y'all aint gotta be as ripped as she is..just show interest in it… She'll be blown away that she has someone to talk to about it.” “How do you know?” “Rare did the same thing when she tried to get to know if I was interested. She visited the farm a lot.” She whistled. “That girl can wear a sundress, I tell ya.” She cleared her throat, nodding her head at the girl on the field. “Wait for her to hit the showers and catch her afterwards. Or...dip out and shoot her a text.” She shrugged. “You're right. I gotta make the move...before someone else notices her.” She nodded. “I got yer back. Remember that.” She winked before standing to head out. “Oh...and if y'all catch her after a shower...betcha she'd like a milkshake.” She said as she headed down the bleachers. *** Rainbow exited the locker room, her hair still a little damp, but thankfully smelling way better than before she walked in. She stretched, reaching in her pocket for her phone. “Hey Rainbow.” “ACK!” She jolted off the ground, tripping over her feet and hitting the ground. She rolled to her back to glare up at her. The glare faded when she realized who it was. She snickered. “You got me good Sunset.” “Didn't really mean to…” She held out her hand. Dash took it and pulled herself up. “What's up? I spotted you on the bleachers. Cheering the star player on?” She struck a pose. “Always.” Sunset smiled. “And I was cheering you on too.” She elbowed her gently. Dash grumbled, but smirked. “Hah hah.” “You busy?” “Gotta get home before it's too late. What's up?” “Wanna get a milkshake with me? I can run you home after?” “On that sick bike?!” “Mmmhmmm.” She nodded as she hummed. “I am SO down.” She grinned brightly. “Y'know the bad girl look worked for you, but also having a bike? You're like...almost as cool as me.” “That's high praise from the head of the Rainbow Dash fan club.” “Scootaloo's the head of my fan club.” She corrected. “Of course. My bad.” She took a step forward, Dash following. “So, did you actually stay to watch my practice?” “Yep.” “Nothing dangerous and magical is happening right? You're usually a 'go home’ person.” “Nope.” She shrugged. “I like watching you play soccer. Practice isn't as entertaining though.” She turned to face her. “Do. Not. Try to make it more entertaining. You will hurt yourself and have to sit out the actual games.” “I wasn't gonna suggest anything like that!” She lied. “Uh huh…” Sunset smirked, as they walked to her bike. “I have a second helmet…” She said, taking off her jacket and handing it to her. “Uhh...what's this for?” “Just in case. The reason bikers wear leather jackets is for extra padding...and if you were to fall off and skid, your arms and back would be protected.” “Oh. Th-Thanks…” She said, putting on the slightly larger jacket the sleeves went to her knuckles. She was hit by Sunset's perfume. The jacket smelled really nice. Kinda flowery...but not in a girly way. She shook her head, putting on the helmet and climbing on behind her. “Hold on to me.” She instructed before feeling the arms wrap around her waist. She took off, not breakneck. Residential area...and leading into town. *** Within minutes they were sitting in a booth. Sunset hadn't asked for her jacket back...so Rainbow kept it on. They ordered their usual drinks and sat across from one another. “Y'know, practice feels like it goes by faster with someone there. Thanks.” “No problem. You...were running circles around everyone. How hard do you train outside of practice?” “I hit the gym about 4 times a week…and have some weights in my room. Small weights. Building up mass would slow me down in the field.” “Like you've got enough muscle to show.” Sunset teased. Dash pouted, pulling her arm from the sleeve, flexing it and showing off her muscle. Sunset blushed lightly. “Yeah, awesome, isn't it?” “Very.” She breathed before clearing her throat. “Hey uh...do you think maybe we could go to the gym together sometime..?” Dash's eyes widened as an excited grin before taking her free hand. “You have no idea how long i've been waiting for one of you girls to want to come with!” She suddenly cupped her own cheeks. “I'd have a spotter...we could do team exercises…” She gasped. “I'd have a partner for any pickup games-Sunset! Of course!” She said loudly. Sunset watched the girl shift through so many emotions...all of them were adorable in their own right...but her excitement was heart melting… “Dash. Keep in mind I'm nowhere near as fit as you...all of that would have to come in time...plus I dunno if I can manage multiple trips a week...so let's start slow, okay?” She nodded enthusiastically before...whatever the ‘cool’ equivalent to squealing excitedly was...because there was no way Rainbow just did that. Sunset rolled her eyes at the thought. “This is gonna be so awesome!” Sunset smiled at her excitement. *** Three weeks of two gym days a week...Sunset's whole body ached. Rainbow helped her to sit and gave her a bottle of water. “Take it easy today. I'll finish up and we can go. I promise.” She said. “Thanks for being so understanding...I kinda fell off the exercise stuff after the fall formal…” Sunset admitted, looking down. “You had a lot going on at the time. It's completely understandable.” She turned to begin her sets. Sunset idly watched her as she moved about, lifting small weights a set number of times, using different machines, she noted Rainbow's leg strength was unreal for a girl her age. About an hour passed before Dash walked over, wiping her brow with the sweatband on her wrist. “Ready to go?” She asked. “Sure.” Sunset stood. “Y'know, from now on, I'm going to give you a little more leeway when you go on about how awesome you are.” “Oh? Why's that?” “Because now I know how hard you work to keep up that bravado.” She nudged her. Dash chuckled. “Yeah, yeah… hey, got any plans after this?” “Nope. I didn't expect to wimp out and figured we'd be here longer.” “No shame in taking a rest. Pushing too often ends in injuries.” She said. “Coming from someone who's strained muscles...and came close to tearing them before...I know when to take breaks.” “Woah, really?” “Yup. My left shoulder. It's why I focus on soccer now. I used to try too many sports at once. They each require different skill sets, obviously. But my dumb ass thought I could handle 6 days a week of practice and gym...and school life.” She scratched the back of her head. “I didn't have anything else going for me at the time.” “Was that when I..” “Yeah.” She looked down. “But that's in the past, you're better now. Wanna come by my place? We can chill out and watch a movie or something.” “I'd like that.” Sunset smiled softly. *** Sunset and Rainbow leaned against one another, sitting on her bed as the tv played. Dash glancing over at the girl beside her. “Hey Sunset...what caused all of this?” “You asked me if I wanted to-” “You know what I mean. Almost a month of gym visits..? You hang out with me more often…” “I like you Rainbow.” She said simply. “I want to understand the things you like, and hopefully understand you better before I take the plunge.” “You...like me?” “You've got a lot going for you. Cute. Determined. Strong...sexy.” She hesitated for the first time since beginning this…’confession’. “Plus...I caught sight of your abs in gym...and” she exhaled, fanning herself with her hand and a giggle. “You...really think all of that about me?” Rainbow asked, her voice now just above a whisper. “I can control myself. Especially if you say no...but I figured I'd try.” She smiled down at her. “Would you like to-” “Yes.” Rainbow said suddenly. “Wh-Really?” “Sunset...dunno if you know this...but people have been drooling over you since before you were bitchy and mean. Now that I know the person beneath that...and she thinks I'm hot? Fuck yeah I'm gonna go for it.” “Well...I do think you're hot.” She chuckled. “You really like my abs that much..?” “You have no idea.” Sunset sighed, feeling Dash's hand connect with her own. Sunset squeezed gently before she felt a hesitant peck on her cheek. She smirked softly, seeing the deep red on Rainbow's face. “What was that?” “Sh-Shut up.” Dash felt lips press to her's and her eyes widened. Sunset retreating, not pressing her any further. “Last chance to back out…” Sunset teased. “No way…” Dash looked up at her...stars in her eyes. Sunset found herself blushing at the sight. “Then its official.” She spoke quietly. “Before we go any further...do I need to keep it a secret for you?” “Tell whoever you want.” Dash smirked, still blushing. Sunset pressed their lips together again, Dash finding the wherewithal to wrap her arms around Sunset's neck, the former bully turning to face her as she put her hands on the bed to balance herself. Rainbow parted, panting softly as Sunset's eyes soaked in the expression. Dash blushed a little darker before pulling her down on top of her into a hug. “Dash..are you okay?” She asked. “Did I-” “I'm good… I just… I guess I'm processing.” She chuckled. “I never thought I had a chance. I thought you found me annoying...but I couldn't help it.” “You're not annoying, Rainbow.” Sunset hugged her back. “Believe it or not...people here are touchy about girls liking girls.” She said, as if it were secret knowledge. “I was kinda worried you'd be grossed out by it.” “Nah. Girls are better looking than guys.” Was all Dash said before she let Sunset push herself up. Looking up at Sunset, hovering above her gave Dash many thoughts… “I can almost see steam coming off your face. You wouldn't happen to be thinking naughty thoughts about your brand new girlfriend...would you?” “Can you blame me..?” She asked with a sheepish smile. “Nope. But I'm willing to respect your boundaries if you're unsure-” “Sunset. We've been friends for almost two years…it isn't like we're looking for some stress relief with this. I want a serious go at something with you…” Sunset took her turn to blush, smiling down at her. “M-Me too…” “And as two consenting adults...if we want to, we can.” She crossed her arms, looking up at her. “Isn't it kinda early in the relationship..? Doesn't this typically-” “Sunset...almost nothing about our relationship is gonna be storybook.” Dash chuckled. Sunset nodded. “Well, I mean…” She bit her lip, looking down at the girl's torso that she'd been straddling this whole time. “I'll give you permission to touch my abs~” Dash sang teasingly. “...Deal.” Sunset smirked up at her. *** Sunset drew her hands up Dash's sides before they took her cheeks, kissing her again. Rainbow let out a breath between the kisses, sounding an awful lot like a moan. Sunset pulled away, smirking at the blushing girl beneath her. She panted, trying to catch her breath. “If you're gonna tease me...I'll take over.” She breathed, looking away, flustered. Sunset simply pushed off the bed, drawing her hands up her sides, pulling up her shirt and tossing it aside. Dash looked her over, the workouts had been showing her arms were toned...her midsection was nice and flat...she inspected a little harder… “You're on your way to your own six-pack.” Dash grinned. “Oh no. If you have your own will mine still be as big a selling point?” She teased. Sunset picked up dash's arm, bringing her hand to rest on the outside of her bra. “You know better than that…” she smirked as the athlete began to explore the feel of the fabric she was allowed to touch now. Sunset held her head back, moaning softly when Dash managed something enticing. It was clear she'd never had this opportunity before. “Hey Dash?” Sunset asked, taking her hand. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, concerned. “No, no, maybe you should take over. I'll give you some tips if you need it...but this could be a good start for you and...us.” She smiled down at her. After some shuffling and moving, some clothes tossed aside and a lot of kissing… Dash was now above a bare chested Sunset. She savored the moment, leaning down to kiss her throat. She made little errors, Sunset correcting her. Rainbow was like a sponge here...taking in as much as she could. She'd left a large hickey on her shoulder...and found Sunset's breasts were her new favorite things ever...for the moment. She kissed one before licking her nipple, glancing up for confirmation. At the small gasps and pants...she continued. Her hand resting on her hip. “Rainbow...you've never been with a woman before...right?” She asked. “Haven't uh..been with anybody...really…” Dash said quietly. “I'm your first..? They're missing out…” She smiled down at her, reaching to guide her hand to the zipper of her skirt. Dash unzipped it and sunset lifted her hips as she pulled away both the skirt and her panties. She sat back, looking over her longtime friend...and new girlfriend. “You're...so beautiful…” she mumbled. Sunset blushed dark. “Y-You already have me in bed...stop flattering me.” She looked away. “Never. Because as long as we're a thing...I'm gonna remind you of that.” She smiled genuinely. Sunset shifted up to kiss her again, pulling away and holding her shoulders. “Lose the clothes.” She said with a hungry smirk. Dash leaned back, reenacting Sunset's undressing. A sports bra covered her modest chest...she felt a little self-conscious, but Sunset was naked...so she could manage too… Off the bra went and Dash slipped off the bed to roll down her pants and underwear. “Boxers?” Sunset chuckled. “I don't wear skirts so much...boxers are nice…” she shrugged, still a little nervous. “C'mon.” Sunset stood beside her, pulling her into a hug. “We're past the hard parts...now we try to have fun.” She said quietly. “You were doing wonderfully. And you have such a nice body. There's no need to be shy here. I'm giving you the lead because I'm very comfortable with another girl. You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, okay?” Dash nodded, hugging her back. “I...dunno what I'd do if you weren't so understanding…” She admitted. “Probably be turned off of girls forever…” Sunset said. “So...what's next?” She asked. Dash hummed in thought before easily lifting and depositing Sunset on the bed. “You're here to have fun too...so make sure you tell me if I do something wrong or if you don't like it. Okay?” Sunset nodded, blushing up at the girl before she jolted, feeling Dash's knee grinding against her lower lips. Rainbow kissed her gently, rocking her own dampness against Sunset's leg. Sunset moaned into the kiss, already been worked up into a tight knot by Dash's foreplay. As unintentionally effective as it turned out to be. Rainbow felt pressured to not have an itchy trigger finger. She knew herself well enough to make herself orgasm more than once in a session...but this was still too early. Though...Sunset would probably be flattered. She pulled away, panting. “C-Can I..?” “Until I say stop, you can do what you like.” Sunset chuckled. “Rainbow, really. You're a confident person. Show some confidence. You've already almost made me cum...and we've barely done anything.” She assured. Dash nodded before reaching down, her middle finger sliding up the wet folds as she kissed her left breast, tongue joining to tease as she listened to the girl immediately squeak at the touch, covering her mouth to muffle a loud moan. The guitarist's fingers were as rough as her own...but the foreign feel of them were so much better… She bit her lip as Dash curled her finger in, slowly circling it as she pulled it out and moved it back in. “Aw, fuck…” She gripped her sheets. “Y-You sure I'm your f-first..?” She panted, Dash feeling a bit of pride in the question. “Preeetty sure. Why? Am I doing it well?” She smirked up at her. “You watched videos about this...haven't you?” “What teenager doesn't watch porn, Sunset?” She smirked, dipping her index finger in also, alternating them before she felt the walls around her fingers clench...and hear Sunset's breath hitch in her throat. “No way.” Dash looked up at the blushing girl...quickly remembering to keep moving her fingers as she coaxed her orgasm to last longer. Her palm was drenched as Sunset slowed to panting mess. She breathed tiredly. “Sorry. I...wow…” She covered her eyes with her forearm, trying to hide her embarrassed face.” “Sunset. That was awesome.” She heard, glancing down at the beaming athlete. “I can't believe I made you cum so hard...that means I can only get better.” Rainbow smirked, standing. Sunset’s legs felt like jelly as she pushed herself to lay back on the bed. “I got an idea for a reward..if you'd like.” Sunset smirked. Rainbow nodded excitedly. “Well my whole body is still pretty numb...I think I can manage another way to even the score.” Sunset instructed Dash to hold onto her headboard...straddling her head. Dash's eyes immediately went wide. She clambered up her bed quickly. Sunset giggling at her. She breathed in the excitement on her girlfriend...before she kissed her lower lips. Dash biting her lip to stifle a moan. Sunset's tongue drew shapes along the folds, teasingly dipping in...but frustratingly not enough. Then suddenly Dash felt the wet muscle deeper and Sunset's nose poked her clit from time to time...if it was intentional or not, she wasn't sure...but holy shit. “Christ, Sunset…” She panted, gripping the headboard tighter, focusing all she could on not cumming right away. Sunset hummed in response...the vibration making her girlfriend shudder. She could tell she was close. The twitching was a dead giveaway. But she eased her along...trying to give as much as she could before- “Shit! I-I'm…” Sunset's hands grasped her hips, holding her in place as her tongue coaxed her orgasm out...drinking in her essence as the athlete writhed above her. Sunset pulled away from the messy kiss, Dash shifting to let her up. Rainbow opened her mouth but froze at the sight, Sunset licking her lips of the mess she had made. She felt her body move...Sunset blushed as Dash kissed her deeply, the rebel girl returning it, sharing in her bounty before easing Dash back against the bed. “Hey Sunset...under my bed…” Rainbow blushed darker. “Could you...uh…” Sunset chuckled, leaning over her to reach under and pull out an average sized toy. “Naughty Dash.” She smirked. “Shut up...like you don't have one..” “Oh I have like six.” Sunset chuckled. “But I also live alone so they're...strategically placed.” She looked over the toy. “Could you uh…” She tilted her head. “I think...this should 'count’ y'know?” “You want me to…” She looked at the toy. “Are you sure you want me to do this..?” Dash nodded firmly. “You are my first. No amount of missing equipment is gonna change that.” Sunset kissed her again as she eased the toy into her. *** School the next day was a little difficult. They'd crashed afterwards...and woke up almost late. Sunset wore a mix of her clean clothes from her gym bag...and one of Dash's night shirts, a custom jersey. Her jacket covered the name on the back, but on the front it had Rainbow's number from the soccer team. Though only Fluttershy knew that as one of her night shirts. Rainbow walked alongside her, their fingers entwined and smiles on their faces. “That was quicker than I imagined…” Applejack muttered. “Guess not everyone's scared to talk about their feelings.” She glanced to Rarity who blew her a kiss from across the hall.