> Love Heat > by karnazom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dang! Anon! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have been working in the Pie family stone farm for a couple months now, ever since you arrived in this world they call Equestria You have been sometimes labeled as an stranger in this anthropomorphic world of Ponies, Where there are Three types of them One Unicorns, Pegasus, and Finally earth Ponies In which they taught you an basic history in this place. And finally an Alicorn an combine of the three types in the unicorn race of which you met an particular royalty, Twilight Sparkle. She was the one who accidentally Summoned you in this world when she experimented with some spell or something, You do not know actually because all you heard from her is hazy due head trauma from your head. You were sent to the hospital that day and She’s currently trying to Correct the spell to sent you back home, Even until today! And so You remained in Twilight’s castle whilst she research on how to get you back home, But not until you met some of her friends who Visits the castle almost everyday, and you even partake on “Some” of their misadventures too, You did not expect know the fact that they are all teachers and Twilight is the principal of the Academy, while her friends do enjoy your company But they kept urging you to get a job instead of being an Slouch on Twilight’s castle all day. In which they are right after all You think about it and coupled with the previous experiences on earth as an Seasoned miner and quarry worker for an while you said “Sure, I’ll Get a job, But do you have Any Mining jobs?” They said Yes, And recommended The Stone farm of where the Pink Mare kept on babbling about her family with. You finally got an job after eight days in your stay in Ponyville and you next stop was; The Pie family Stone farm And now To the present after the Reflective Musing for Maybe about Minutes, you sit up in your bed after blankly staring at the ceiling and got yourself ready to throw your clothes on. But not until and knock came in your door, Groaning silently at the event you knew that this is one of the -Almost- Daily routine of the morning in the workdays, You stood up and grudgingly opened the door reluctantly twisting the old handle and with an audible Creak. You were met with an typical sight You first looked at her Yellow-ish eyes, She was wearing her bedroom clothes which involves an white tank top, And a grey pajama pants, She has an dark gray coat and you Have to admit that it looked Fluffy when you try to imagine it, Her mane is An short gray, and finally her tail is just like her mane with the exception of an longer length. She looked quite irritated, knowing what she is going to say you interrupted her. As she was about to open her mouth you Did in “Morning, Limestone” You said in a almost monotone tone that’ll make the certain emotionally numbed mare proud “Morning, Anon! ” Limestone Spatted “Hurry Up! Before You eat cold bread again!” She Spats out again, You decided to talk to her why she’s doing this Again “Why Do you keep doing this?” You conferred, unsure if she does it again Her muzzle Scrunched “*Mmrf*, It’s because I still don’t trust you on all of this, even though you managed to get everyone’s trust, I still don’t believe You. Now if you’ll excuse me” She turned and proceeded to trot to the kitchen or maybe to the quarry, not sure where she’s going and don't care. You sighed as the typical morning was always like this, especially at work days when it keeps getting more and more frequent. Stretching upwards and grinding the spine to make an audible *pop*, You raised your arms to elbows and turn on both side which copied an similar effect. Exhaling an temporary relief you made your way downstairs and found your food on the family table which almost extends from the wall to the other, you always wondered how they managed to Fit the entire table is unknown but that’s not the first question you ever had when you encounter an grossly bizarre twisted Pink Mare, When encountered you’ll be left baffled and deciding to just leave it alone. Looking at the Remains of the food, a note was left in the table. Indicating that you overslept for an bit it reads Anon As you know we allowed you to oversleep due to you having overexertion yourself yesterday, We hope that you feel mended after waking up. After that you’ll have to work on getting the Eastern passage, The Northern passage is blocked by an boulder, Maud and Igneous are currently working on. Alas one last matter before the task in hand, Limestone is coming with you on the eastern passage with you, Forgive her but the job involved is an two pon man job and you have to have an partner for safety reasons, as always Happy Mornings! You stared at the note for seconds, until the train for thought came in, You were Confused as though why do they have you assigned with Limestone as your partner, The family knows that She hates you, you mean you know that they are all busy and all Igneous is with Maud, Marble is with Quartz but Her! You emitted displeasure as the thought of her eyeing you with judgement was prominent and very imminent than, But you continued to go anyway knowing full well what’s going to happen when jelly and salt mix together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are limestone pie , and you are currently throwing your pick on a deposit, As you automatically swing up and down. mining for raw minerals and in exchange for bits, decoration to some noble snob in the middle of Canterlot, It’s like an clockwork to you ever since you were an filly when the first you earned your Cutiemark to your Marely years, It’s been almost always about managing you family business instead of your own happiness, since your sister Pinkie had been working as an teacher at the friendship academy, Maud Graduated at the university and Marble becoming more of an sculptor. You were always busy and merchandising and mining in the quarry to spend some quality time with your sisters and your ‘Friends’. Life goes one, but he came along, That Annoying Brat doesn’t have any idea what life is in this farm. He seemed to always be curious at things and often leave an mark to your mines and passages like almost every time, You asked one of your family to write him an note to work on the Western passage because you were working in the Easter passage. It is an dangerous passage mainly because of the complex cave system that Maud concluded, her expertise are astounding you have to admit and she is helping Mom and Dad with their business too, But she spends much of her time continuing her studies on geographic and stuff that you don’t even know off. Leaving You, to interact with the Hairless monkey in the house, everyday you have to wake him up before dawn of the morning, and often try to avoid him as much as possible, because each times he is close to you, he makes you feel the familiar churning inside again ,, like you chest is filled with air or something, And You don’t like that feeling because its has alot of bad memories to come with it. Striking at the deposit again The mineral collapsed and the chunks that are left are scattered across the stone floor, You repeated the process of mining when you ears suddenly flicked, indicating that somepony is coming to help you with your job, You imagined that it is Marble since she was busy sculpting for her patron this morning. As the hoofsteps gets louder and louder you eyes went wide a bit as those hoofsteps were not hooves at all and it sounded like…Footsteps! You Instantly knew who it is going to be and You don’t want to hear about it. dropping your pickaxe on the ground, you swiped the sweat on you forehead and confront the Man who is looking for some encounter. You stomp your way into the steps and confronted Anon, whose wearing he’s work clothes which consisted of an safety helmet, an Miners jacket which compliments his grey pants with some large pockets and a pair of Boots on his legs, You stared at his eyes, In which in turn he stared at your eyes with incredulous stare. “You were saying?” He Started, breaking the silent between the two of you “What Are You doing here?” You responded, prying his intention. “Well, I’m here to help” He replied. “Who’s the one telling you to help me?” You interrogated him, drawing information as much as possible. “It was on a piece of paper” My eyes widen at the mention of a piece if paper, I knew I should’ve wrote the letter myself and not one of my family members, as you were about to wonder who wrote the paper he politely coughed indicating that we should work soon. “C’mon limey lets go, I don’t want to hear any of your excuses too” and with that he turned away and walked to the Eastern passage Mine. Leaving me in a darkness of my own brooding . You were aggravated to say at least as to who wrote the paper made me work with this good for nothing banana-eating-monkey! I ignored the flying feeling in my chest, so I just decided to avoid mining next to me for the rest of the day instead! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon, you are currently striking the stone deposits and some ores in front of you, You kept swinging it up and down knowing Where to hit it, It’s took you approximately two months to get the hang of this at first it washard work, in contrast the second time was now not bad and now it’s an just an chore like any other now. Continuing your mining business like a golem, You decided to look at your surroundings since mining absent mindenly can get pretty stale. Looking over at the right You saw chunks and even boulders of deposits where Limestone mined when you were still relaxing in the house for a few minutes, it seems she working herself up again, lanterns light up the passage creating shadows as you moved around the tunnel. Peeking at your left, You saw Limestone Pie, She was wearing her work clothes which included an Yellow helmet with an flashlight on top, usually she wears safety garments like vests and Padded pants and Boots but now, She still wore her white tank top when you wake up in the morning when you inspect her closer an Damp of heat was flushing in her muscle and veins, Her Pants were The safety padded ones and were colored grey mistaking her legs as missing, and finally her safety boots that were colored black. *Clank* Snapping out of Your train of thoughts You gazed at her face curiousity of what she is thinking, the lantern just at the angle on her left created an scenery of her glossy sweat. you stopped what you did and Looked at her closer, She Is! Her coat must’ve caught some cave water and somehow latched itself on her furry coat, but that was it, She looked reddish and her eyes idly looked at what she is doing instead of her surroundings, Now that you think about her appearance you looked at her At a New Light. Literally! She stopped what she is doing and turn around to maybe get some rest and perh- “What are you looking At!” She swiftly snapped, focusing her look at your eyes with your own, you were distracted caught that you improvised on the spot. “Why is your coat Wet?” you impulsively replied, unsure if she’ll be angry or not. Now it was her turn to go silent, As she jerked back she replied in a Stammering manner “w-Well, I Fell On a Well. Okay? Now, I’ll just go and get some rest!” She burst out of the cave and exited outside, Stomping her hoof with force enough to shake the ground itself if she has too. You decided to replay what you had learned, She went silent when you asked her about her coat being wet and She Went complete bazooka when she realized she needed an rest? Hmm, It does not answer anything so you’ll just have to get the answers on your own, Call it Special operations For the night. But right after this mining session cause you still have quartz to mine, You wonder how their parents have Vacation under these conditions. _-_-_-_One Walk to the farmstead later_-_-_-_ It’s been minutes since you abandoned your session (for safety reasons), Limestone wasn’t there at all not any time really, It was strange for her to skip an Mining session that definitely raised your suspicions on her but you couldn’t tell. As you approached the door An certain excellent poker face Pony Was at the door; She has her eyes Blue but emotionless eyes, She was currently wearing her casual grey dress coat that extends to her knee caps, Her coat was grey as the rest of her sister with one exception, Her Purple hair lay on her back She stares at awaiting your response you decided too “Hey Maud” You scratched your back, unknown whether to tell her or not but you decided to tell the truth anyway “Have you seen Limestone around?” “Yes, She outside, inside bathroom” Dull as always “Thanks, Oh, and by the way, Where is Igneous and Quartz?” You asked an quick question “Dad Is delivering The slabs to the market this afternoon which is today, and Mother Is in the back of the house washing grime off clothes” She then tilted her head to your side and said “And Marble is over there, coming to the house” Turning around you indeed saw marble coming over the house to rest maybe, She was wearing her typical Safety garments as if she was recently done with her session, She was shy as far as you can tell, literally she avoids you almost every turn you did, she would either Hide or run and you rarely chat with her and only lasted seconds before doing her shyness again, you looked at her go to her hiding spot and Disappeared completely just like the Yellow Mare in Ponyville. Maud went inside the house and you followed her inside and Find yourself in a nice living room, It was an average room to be exact it had an Red couch that can accommodate 4 person or Ponies at this point, and Two extra sofas and a table in the middle of it, There was an portrait of an quarry above the couch, there was an stand with an single drawer and a flower vase at the top of it, The flower long expired it’s lifespan and was dulled and dead inside and out, You have to admire the scene even the simplest of things can be very inspiring in some sort of way or another. Looking at the old living room, You launched yourself at the couch, mind you, you took off your boots before you jumped in the couch. Landing softly on top an large creak was heard as the springs did it’s work to adapt at your weight and With an loud surprising relief you took your time to wriggle on the top of the couch and made cracking noises to further relax your bones to the core, You closed your eyes intending an short nap wouldn’t be so bad when ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are limestone Pie, and you are currently resting on the on your bed, after the surprised rant in which you skipped an mining session, you hurriedly came to your bed and plot down there for the rest of the day, You Tried to avoid him but he's such an Puppy always following you around, every time You tell him to go away from you, he always comes back, curious like an Dog following his master around. After you arrived at your bed you laid there for the rest of the day, your stomach growled at you for forgetting lunchtime but that was not important, what is important is to make an effort to bury This Bothersome feeling, It felt like as if your heart was inflating and your stomach was filled with butterflies, You Disliked it. You don’t like These strange feeling this Man Is giving you, But it seems to keep following you no matter what you do or do to Him Hours after laying down on your bed. Here you are, still as angry as before You don’t know the reason why anger is your primary emotion, Maybe it’s because of you or are you that unattractive? Your not sure. As you wriggle at your bed again, An sudden thought of Him Washed over you, like an unexpected flood, It filled your mind like an schoolfilly having an best friend for the first time. And suddenly, an unexpected pleasure emanated on your chest, specifically on your… You suppressed the thought of doing such things to your body, but as time grew on, the temptation was Getting stronger and tougher to scale out. “*Groannnn* Agh! Fine!” You thought to yourself angrily as you gave in to the tempting feeling. You slowly lifted off your tank top until up to the base of the neck where it hanged there. It's been months since you got off the last time, You tardily Reached out to you mammary gland and slightly brushed them off An vocal yet silent moan escaped you, You tried to subdue the feeling to keep going but the enticement was too great to pass up, so You continued Brushing you left gland and vocally moaned Seconds passed as your Moans turned louder and louder as you encircled you nub and not-so-rough circlement, the thought of Him Was dominating your mind, and you cannot help but say his name out loud in a whisper. Bringing out your submissive side more often “Ahmm, Oh-hhh, A-an-“ you stopped at your whisper as your eyes went wide open and a sudden gasped erupted out of your vocal cords, Your Mind was losing control and your body was giving up to the primal control. You were brushing your left nub, while the other nub was being pinching and pulling it out, An tightness was forming around your crotch awaiting for something to happen. You kept on proceeding, your mind was almost numb, and The pleasurable feeling was getting Too good And tried to keep it as such as possible, When you suddenly you felt an damp wetness under your… Your eyes widen, as you suddenly throw your top tank back to cover your naked chest and stomach. You pulled your pants down and found out that you were secreting a little bit, An panty which was colored Pink with an stripe of white, was found dewy wet, you quickly reacted and changed your panties. Then suddenly an knock came on your bedroom door. And it answered in a parental tone “Limestone Pie, supper is ready get thy grub before it thy cold!” Your father shouted, apparently you were spending so much time in your bedroom, and was busy stimulating yourself that you actually forgot about dinner. Despite being upset of being unable to 'get off' a good squirt, you nonetheless hurriedly put on the clothes, knowing that 2nd times works the charm when you are alone inside your room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon. you woke up from your nap minutes ago when Igneous rock the Father of the four sisters already called everyone for supper before bed, you said that your going to eat your food later and right now you are Going to an phase in which is our greatest enemy; Getting up Seriously every time yo try to get up the Couch keeps calling you to lay down and stay down on the comfy couch, after the hard session and literally carrying Thousand kilograms of stone obstacles. No wonder that you were lazily stuck with the couch, With an final push you Rise up from the couch and finally got an grip together on and finally managed to get off the couch despite your bod protesting. You Walked toward the kitchen table where the remains of the food was untouched, The table candle glowing Orange indicating that you are indeed late for dinner now, You opened the tray and found tomato soup with some salt rocks as spice, you never understood how rocks became herbs but in this magical place of Equestria Everything may exist even rocks! Picking up the bowl of soup you noticed that there are two bowls, staring at the soup for second you go back to sipping of your own since that soup belongs to someone else, You can’t see it but You can feel it like you made an Mistake eating right now instead of later, Bah! You’re hungry as an hound you haven’t eaten lunch today because you forgot about it. Grabbing the spoon on the table left, you pulled a stool and sat down pulling my spoon without an fork, really this is just an soup with some unknown pulps in it what else could you ask? You scooped the soup inside it's mini-bowl, and placed your lips on the things neck so you can do all the work of the tongue. in vegetative way you continue of putting it in and out and again, like life it's a bit depressing without illusion casted on it. In truth you were daydreaming about what to do tomorrow Igneous says that tomorrow is the big break and we should all have a little vacation due to all the Bits we earned during our very hard work this month, in which you first heard it you celebrated with an fist in the air. A audible suspire was heard, slightly startling me with sheer disappointment, you looked at the source of where the sound came from and I already found it. “Limestone? What are you doing here?” You asked since two bowls placed in a table is NOT a date with Limestone. “Anon, What are You Doing here!?” she mirrored my reaction except she sounded like she shouted instead of asking softly “I asked you first” you responded quickly, taking another scoop of my soup. “You first Anon” she mouthed, trying to convince you that you should go first, In which you admitted conceded. “*sigh* I came here to eat my soup, limestone” You sarcastically replied at her attitude, Now that you think about it she looked a little more aggressive than the last time. What is going o- “Don’t call me that!” she suddenly Retorted, looking at her she looked somewhat frustrated? “Okay, Why are you really here?” The you was tired of her subtle charade, Trying to avoid him like Marble. Well except marble is a , much nicer than her to be honest in equivalence. “I’m here for grub of course” Her faced scrunched, turning her body away from the food and from him too, she was one step away from the door until the You interrupted her step by asking “Wait, Did you ate your lunch?” You asked, seeing her grumpy, kind a reminds you of an hungry rabbit, Hmm maybe this is the reason why she’s grumpier than usual maybe she’s just hungry as you are. She looked at you like she’s been ridicule by something, she turns to face you “I don’t need your-“ as if on cue Her stomach growled at her like and earthquake, she was to say something of a snap but sometimes logic wins “Your food is in the cover, It’s the only dish in the Table, and also it’s the usual experience dish” with the exception of yours of course, since you are the Only creature in this Place to able put salt without the effect of narcotics Limestone was spied over the coverings and slowly nodded, finally referring to judgement. She lifted the cover an joined in the eating, except she’s in the other side of the table. “uh, what are doing there?” you conferred, Asking why she’s behaving so strangely today, your mind is forming an argument point while you await her response, she skipped an session on the quarry, you hear wild noises when you arrived at your home (probably a jackhammer), and your doors were next to each other like across the each Limestone stared at you with her typical angry face, coupled with her rash voice she said” What does it looked like, I’m eating here” she waved you off, trying to change the subject You ignored the gesture and asked another question “ Why are you so weird today? Like the time you skipped an session is when you were sick but now-". “It’s Because I cramped an ankle that’s why!” she Reasoned, her eyes focused on the back of my cheeks Now you didn’t believe it one bit partly because she’s an earth pony and she’s very stronger than you but mostly because she’s never skipped an session aside from serious things, you pressed on. “is that the, Only reason” You raised an eyebrow, putting stress into her psychology, its an trick where everyone learned when they want their mom to buy something for them. “Yes! Of course!” she responded, but looking deeper into her you found that she is avoiding eye contact with you and her eyes sight scattered everywhere in the room, her stool, and her body... You have no idea what ‘s gotten into her, she ducked under the table, but you saw an glimpse of her face before she does she looked very nervous when you took a closer look to her, her cheeks were tangee red? Maybe she’s embarrassed about something that o don’t know off so you again had to say something “You alright?” You raised an hand to touch her shoulder, she was looked like she is brooding under the you stood up and Walked to the other side of the table, leaving your food behind mind you your going to have to finish it later, until you were next to her, You reached out your hand, you were now inches away, An inch until. You softly patted her shoulder…- ------------------------------- You are Limestone Pie. You suddenly felt something being pressured on your shoulder after you put your head under the table, you instantly raised you head and saw, Anon patting your shoulder. You swiftly swat his hands and arm off your shoulder and stood up on bot of you legs hooves pushing the Stool chair you were sitting down on to the wall. Self-consciously you stared at his eyes with fury and rage “ Why the buck did YOU! Just Do!” you yelled voice slightly cracking at him, Impulsively triggered by something he did. He jerked back and proceeds to stare back at you eyes, with intent on cracking You “ What are you talking about! I didn’t do anything except trying-“ He suddenly cuts himself like an deer caught on headlights “Tried What?!” You questionabily yelled at him, trying to talk him out. “Trying to get you to say, You looked like you were disturbed by something!” he raised his voice at you, seemingly had an trigger of sense. Your cheeks heat up an little, by the tone he does sound like he care for you no matter what. “I don’t need your help! I W-was just thinking on how to, to-…” You were left temporarily speechless, You were not expecting him to care for you at all! And coupled with the facts that he his not doing anything to embarrass you, you can’t say anything… Split seconds later passed, Anon again intrude to you with an afflicted tone “Limestone, is- is everything okay?” He worriedly looked into your eyes, You chest was now fluttering wildly with strange tingly feelings and your stomach felt like it was filled with hot air, too hot air to be exact, You tried to stare everywhere but his eyes were fixated on yours so you can’t do anything but watch at him, going with his stare at you. "Limestone?” he interrupted, trying to snap you out of it. You flinched a little and he visibly saw it and was now moving to you, You took an step back and another and another, You almost tripped by the stray stool while backing away, until the cycle continues until your back was against the wall, Looking at the human before you, at this point Your cheeks were now hot red as your eyes were wide opened and staring at him, The feeling on your Stomach was concerning as you lined yourself against the wall. He looked oddly at you, Like it’s his first encounter with an old Mare or something, he slowly reached his hand at you, Directly aiming at your body looking intent on tapping you, He doesn’t seem to see what’s going on with your body and mind, in a state of Mild panic you slide across the wall fast and reached the Door handle, opened it, and tripped on your hooves but quickly got back up fast, You did not see him as you flight to your room was imminent and you were now on manual control of yourself until you reached you room. Protected, and away from him You were lying on your bed after jumping in, with tears on your eyes, You were very confused and very befuddled-like, This Feeling is so strong and Very powerful you just had to wonder what this is, You Placed your hand on your chest and breathed in and out as you looked at the ceiling. Today, is very strange and very Tearfully stranger. Urges and lust, You don’t know what’s going on anymore, Just so many complicated feelings, *Sigh* Maybe tomorrow you’ll forget about this mess as a whole. And with that you declared sleep is an option and went to placed your short hair against the soft but firm pillow and went to slumber early… … ... …But you didn’t You opened your eyes Disturbed by the early events and past events, You just can’t to get any sleep at all!? You were angry for an bit and realized what you were thinking. You were thinking about Him! Groaning silently, wiping your whole face downward until you mouth was extended out and returned, you bit your right lip and tighten you hands, But then out of all of a Sudden! The feeling on your chest, Stomach and face didn’t faded instead it latched into your Head and was stuck in a loop, Your mind kept replaying the elapsed event, and you seem to can’t get your mind off Him you groaned again but this time it sounded like an…Moan? Looking down at your body you saw that your mind was not in a right place, your hand was groping softly at your own breast, while the other was scraping your Bossoms. You stared at yourself for an second and was again flooded with the events, You moaned for a while, you bit your lip as the loud noise was barely audible. You massaged your own breast using your left hand, lightly brushing your nipple with you palm, Your other hand was now scraping you Bossom harder and firmly, in which in turn you lustfully moaned inside you mouth, moments passed and the lustlfuly moment continued, You were now massaging your breast harder, And you now removed your pants and kicked it up to the ground in order to get rid off it as soon as possible, You lustfully scraped your bossom and in turn elicited an excited panting out from your mouth. You bit your tongue gently in an attempt to stop it from hang in your mouth. Lust was now in your mind and you continued your efforts an little harder, Vigorously you scrapped your self in your bossom until you penetrated yourself using your tallest finger and you emanated an loud yet whisper gasp and you could feel your nipples erected hard, you stopped massaging it and pulled it, the thought of Him dominating You was making more electric feeling, an a Strong feeling came into your bossom, You tardily felt the pressure on your groin region and finally an dam has bursted, the world stopped for seconds the bliss and the idea of him dominating you was humiliating and tried to shook it off, Your eyes widen. You just wetted your own bed. You just layed there hazily, trying t to coax yourself to sleep and succeeded *Sigh* “Going to wash it tomorrow” And with that you felt fatigued by your efforts, and went to sleep. You frowned at the mentation of him in your dreams > -And then events happend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon, currently cleaning the house floor; the last time you were introduced to Pinkie’s cupcakes were your last. Literally it tasted like a thousand sugar bombs going into your mouth at once and you managed to survive the taste, and after that you Got yourself into an sugar rush and messed up your room and furnitures, even though your room was dull where there was nothing but spartan designs: A curtain to cover the sun from waking you up from sleep, An normal bed with a white pillow, white blankets and not comforters which was adequate by you; since you used to be an miner, And mineworkers worked days and hard every day to get some ores or stroke jackpots once you fine a vein of ores. After all that work for 17 hours depending on the conditions of the miners , was very tiresome and you managed to adapt to it’s claustrophobic, dark and literally smelly conditions, sleeping on a formal bed was very rare in the mines, so all you have is an blanket and rocks to sleep in, a pack of soil if you're lucky! Shaking the nostalgic thought, You observed at the room again, it has a nightstand next to the bed and on top of it is a lamp with glowing crystals inside it, enough to illuminate the room but not enough to reach the radius, there are some clothing hangers on the top of the table, which currently has your casual clothes and everyday clothing’s in it. How could you forget your only pairs of briefs. And a chair, in which you used the back to hang and put your other miscellaneous things as well. The floor has your footprints, muddy and dirty, you do not know if you were or this filthy but don't bother with is since your room was least of concerns. Spying at your everyday clothes ,you finally caught the train of thought, it was leisure day, which means more silly self-riddles for yourself. After you finished hand-swiping your room and threw some branches outside the window you slowly started to emerge out. Your room may be dirty and poor (compare to other ponies rooms) But it’s better than anything you ever had in your entire poverty life and possibly homeless. Stroking your fingers on your chin you think." What do I do?", That was the question you asked yourself ever since you transported here and arrived at the rock farm, you know that you had an hard time reading books since you were just homeschooled when you were just an young age, And interacting and helping others just may creep peop-Ponies out since you are an entirely new creature in Equestria , the first interaction you had was that minty green pony who was named Lyra Heartstrings and her best friend Bon-Bon. The first interaction started when you began walking outside like an cave person, not knowing what to do and expect from this world, You eventually decided to explore the town rather than slouching in Twilight’s castle all the time. You walked around and found somethings that caught your eyes, A candy shop. Instantly you knew what you are going to do when you see any candies, you buy. You fast walked toward the candy shop eager to buy an candy no matter what the price was, feeling a bit silly by my overestimated emotion. After opening the shop door you found varieties of candies that for the first time makes you want to cry and gobble them up, Picking an chocolate bar you gone to the counter in a instant the store was empty at that time and thanking Lady Luck for the convenience. Ringing the bell was easy, the irky part was that minty green mare, at first her eyes widen in awe seeing you for the first time and in person, She then observed you with curiosity then raised her finger and slowly reached for yours, of course your natural reaction to any creep was to retract your hand, she stopped and finally spoke to you and reassured that this was for research purposes, you were hesitant but you let her. You stretched your hand at her and she immediately goes for it, She examined the hand and kept comparing her fingers with yours, you were confused of to why she’s doing. slowly she squealed in joy, saying that your hands are dexterous than other ponies, You were dumbfounded by her exclamation and she explained knowing what was on your mind, apparently pony hands are much bigger than human hands are a capable of strong thing but not dexterous things. One thing leads to another and finally the her best friend Bon-bon was in front of the door, she hastily pushed Lyra away from me saying that don’t creep our guest and other things in which I ignored since I was busy fishing my pocket for that candy, She introduced herself and became acquaintances after that, Lyra and Bon-bon suggested that we could visit their shops anytime if you need cheap discounted candy, in which I thanked them both since I was in a mood on that time, after leaving the shop I saw the last glances on their face, Which were bright smiles plastered on both of them. And now You regretted not buying enough candy that’ll last you for Days, and before that you just in a hurry since the train was on it’s way to the rock farm anyway. Sitting on the floor you contemplate on what you are going to do next, you already cleaned your room, and you already finished eating your breakfast and other things, but. Something came into your mind, Limestone! You jerked your head forward eyes wide opened, you were just confounded of too why you thought of her But thinking again you were just suspicious of her behavior on those last 2 days ago, and the streak of occurrences and arguments you had with her for the last three days since the first you mined at the quarry. Looking forward on getting some candy you think to yourself and ask that is it a necessity and the answer is yes. But in a serious question of the day was the investigation of Limestone; and how her unsual feeling that is buried deep within you and was never surfaced until now. Curiosity is now dominant while the little part is falling in Hearts, The last part you shook it off Looking at the doorway you stared at it, thinking whether you pursue your curiosity or not you took your time until, You have to. Your curious about her and what going in her head and you’ll intend on finding something no matter what, with exceptions of dangerous situations of course But first you need to get dressed in simple clothe- _-_-_-_One unorthodox garment dressing later_-_-_-_ It was so much more difficult than you thought it would be, accidentally wearing your shirt backwards, tripping on your pants and no briefs, Yes you’ll never try That again, Ever! Although you feel that you forgot something but you ignored in favor of the current situation Shocking your head, you looked down the staircase before proceeding since the stairs oftentimes get creepy creaks which you found Discomforting which in turn made you more careful in life. Descending down the stairs, you caught a sight of Limestone And she is heading straight toward the showering area, since some ‘pony’ broke the bathroom door by accident and you weren’t the one who broke it, it was said that the hinges were broken and the door was Partially dented in the middle and everyone assumed that the culprit behind it might’ve slipped and smashed the door by accident, and everyone agreed with you and after that you held your breath and exhaled in relief You were wondering what’s on Limestone’s mind, she seems to be distressed all the times she looked at you it’s almost uncanny appearance to an beautiful Women in earth. Anyways back to the task at hand You hid yourself between doorways and any obscure areas like tables in which you ducked in, you kept on following her all the way to the outer radius, she looked back again without intentions, you hid in the rocks, you Saw her carrying her towel and clothes, temporary retardation was now on the loose… You were following her for minutes and you didn’t even realized that you were on the forest river, You almost forgotten that the Rock farm is near to an lake. It felt like you just teleported from the farm to here it was indescribable defying any expression that I had it was mysterious but it’s my life anyway You looked around on your surroundings, there were tall shrubs of green and Trees, some tree barks were penetrated by the pecking bird (You are unsure what they are called), Clear sky blue was all you see when you looked up accommodated with some perfectly placed clouds as the birds chirped and insects made insect sounds, and looking at the river was Limestone, Naked You turned down to the ground, realizing that you just committed an crime, Stalking an Wom-Mare. You stared at her for seconds until you recovered and fumbled down to the bush, You are furiously trying to erase the image that you saw of her body, she completely was completely submerged in the water with the exceptions of her head, Her perfect curved bottom, Her Furry chest and fluffy body she Looked Huggable to be honest but. Well all ponies are, but there’s a big difference in this! You made an internal monologue of yourself, debating if this was wrong or Extremely wrong! You were following Limestone all the way to the forest river and she didn’t see you coming and this was a n bad news if she finds out about it! Deciding to sneakily run away from her as far away as possibly you Slowly paced n placed your footings slowly and steady until- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone Pie, and you were now rubbing yourself furiously in the forest you want to make this bath as swiftly and fast before an creeping temptation seduces your very own min- *SNAP* You froze when you heard an noise, a noise that you quickly turned around and saw a bush being disturbed by your sensitive ears, you quickly concluded that it’s an camera being triggered but it sounded more like a stick but it’s like obviously an camera. Turning your whole body, not caring if you forgot to wear your clothes you proceeded to chase the mysterious stalker in the forest, You know it’s irrational to chase some pony into the forest but this time you were too blinded by anger to care nor realize it, Marching towards the shore completely resurfacing your body from the water, you landed on the shore and proceeded to chase the Stalker that you have on your hands, you can hear the sounds of your hoof steps, Stomping hard on the ground indicating that you do Not Appreciate stalkers that well Thanks to your sensitive ears you heard where the sound was coming from and You blindly followed it not seeing through the foliage, trees were being slammed and bushes and shrubs were being stomped on or being made into an natural barrier between you and your stalker, All the while you were teetering in your mind back and forth as to What your going to do with the stalker, Sure you’ll destroy It’s camera but of what’s going to be it’s fate. Well your going to have to report it to the Guards or better yet! Force labor since the guy or gal snapped an picture of you without its permission, And it gave you enough motivation to push through a camped forest leaves, but unknown to you the leaves and this chase was Giving you an unintentional pleasure jolting in your body, leaves tinkling your two chest bulge, and the branches tickling your docks. It indefinitely made you excited for a short amount of time Shaking your head off the though the chase goes on for a few seconds by this time, The Mysterious stalker was now turning right in order to subvert you to another area but unknown to it you spotted an flaw in it’s idea there was an shortcut to the way it goes, Flanking him would be an precise word, it Has no idea what’s going to hit it. “Hit or miss” You muttered to yourself, preparing an suitable position to Slam on ‘Him’ you saw ‘his’ body and now you were certain that he was now an male. Preparing to flank him on the his side you charged at him with a force of an earth pony strength trying to subdue him without breaking an Pony bones in him. You were eventually heard by the Stallion apparently caught off guard he said something to you “Limestone Wai-!” You Slammed on his chest and he suddenly flew backwards toward to another tree and he landed there perfectly in the middle, And you finished your muttering earlier and added “I guess I never miss” You smiled, and walked toward the stallion who was stalking you, You never did saw his face since you were blinded sided by the forest, You trotted towards him and find an Eye widening sight “Uh, oh” you cupped your hands together, covering your whole lips and nuzzle, as in if time has stopped all of the sudden, It was Anon, He was there back against the wall wheezing and coughing up, he was not couging blood yet but the wheezing was rea;;y concerning especially of how he explained that human are weak and are easily be broken, I rushed at him as fast as my both legs can carry me and slide on the ground toward him. I held him on his shoulder and said “Are you okay! Anon!” I practically screamed at his face, trying to get him to respond, he Wheezed at the moment and said “I’m *Coughing* Not great, chest hur- *Wheeze* Everywhere” he put an emphasis on the end “Anon! You idiot!” I gently Slap my hand on his head, softly I choked a sob to stop myself from crying too much tears “Why didn’t you tell me you were here!?” I yelled at him, Making sure he heard all I said at him “I-it wa-as an ba*Coughing* -dea, *Sharp inhale* I should’ve shouted instead of*Grunt*” I placed my arm with his arm tangling both arms, essentially helping him stand up by doing the one pony carry that I learned when Father had an accident on the farm, I stood on both hooves and half carried him back to the farm, wherever it is. He easily complied and helped himself too, it’s a good thing he’s strong enough to carry himself or else I would’ve carry him all by my lonesome sel-, I Shook my head and continued to walk limp him back to the farm. “Limey*Graon* Where we going?” He asked, my eyes went wide opened when he said the last thing my friend told me, I gripped his arm tight enough to crush something and shot a glance in front of his face and said “Don’t. Call. Me That!” Anon’s cry of agony was heard when I squeezed at his arm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon, And OH MY GOD! EVERYTHING HURTS EVERYWHERE. You were constantly in pain when you try to move, At when you first landed on the ground at the collision of the tree your chest was in so much pain that you actually produced an tears in your eyes but you managed to blink it all back, Now This is the testament that something Is Wrong with Limestone She never was this aggressive before and coupled with her changing in moods, no wonder that you were so curious but right now is NOT the time to rethink everything you did to her and Never as k the question if you ever dotted on her Feelings or somethings And now you were currently limping while Limestone guides you back to the farm and helps you walk by tangling her arm with your arm(Your not sure what’s that called), And now your current mental state is in shambles, You were hurt and you’ll be probably be scarred by this event because when she slammed on you it didn’t hurt it was the Sudden collision that Cause the chest paint, Maybe something in your lung is broken or possibly some of you veins are ruptured, how did you learned all of this, Well when you are in the mining passage and some doctor is always there to chat up, You’ll pickup on medicine at a quicker pace because of your inquisitive nature rather than being naïve, It did one good when one of your friends in the eastern passage broke his ankle and you were able to Splint his leg using Your pickaxe you saved him from a permanent crippling injury. But right now you were currently being carried by Limestone and she’s breathing huffingly as the previous chase left the two of you disoriented due to the chase being so fast in a short amount of time “Don’t’ give up on me!” Limestone Yelled at you as she continues to carry you despite the struggle “I a-am” You stuttered Knowing that your breathes are getting shorter as more redness creeps in to your eyes Suddenly as the two of you walked towards the inner rim of the farm, your body suddenly gave up an rolled over the rock hill, The rolling process was painful and often saw glimpses of limestone coming down to get me, Limestone was Caught off trail and was shocked as you were shocked that you cognitive system and your body stopped working all of the sudden, You continued to roll down the steep rocky hill until you Fell… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone Pie, And your gaze at the hole on the ground lasted for an Nanosecond before you jumped off inside the hole in order to save Anon, And now you are falling to this sinkhole like cave that was unknown to you still and blindly tried to save Anon, cool air streaked both of your privates bot in the chest and at the crotch, You were about to call him stupid for giving up but that doesn’t matter now, now is the time to save anon. You landed on a watercave, You did not forget that you weren’t wearing your clothes but you soon forget about it for you are trying to swim down the cave You successfully dived deep down the cave where you opened your eyes in search of Anon, You looked, up, left, right, and in between until you found him on the deep down, You swam down regardless whether you Drown or not you dived down, despite your blunt hooves you managed to grab him and Used your hand to swim upside again, It was slow, You Were now frantically trying your best to swim back to the surface panic was in set of mind, You felt something loosening on Anon;s grip, it was your hand An dark thought came to your survival instinct that you should let Anon go in order for You to survive…You Can’t You were halfway above the surface when all of the sudden your vision were starting to fade away, blackness, You animalistic Instinct was fully controlling your mind,Terrified and dazed, You used an last resort you swam with all your strength and Pray that you’ll succeed, the instinct the closing darkness the, you Exhaled underwater and Kept on swimming back to the surface determined to Save yourself, you resurfaced and with an blunt inhale you kept on breathing until you find, No Anon in your hands, You quickly Dived down the water. A Now determined you was diving back to the Underwater and found anon sighing his last breath underwater. You grabbed him and gripped him tightly and resurfaced him with you. You were floating with him and What you found on you hand in Anon’s mouth was sticky, Red ,Blood You Frozed when you find Anon in this condition, You were terrified sure but saving Anon’s life was more important and you snapped out of it, you were afraid that you will not find any Solid surfaces but slowly found an Platform on the cave, You swam Into the surface and placed Anon First and climbed yourself second. You looked at Anon and checked his breathing, he was breathing but very faint, you were in a panic attack at this point but recovered yourself in a short time. Due to your Very limited experience in the water you had no idea what you are doing but then Suddenly you remembered as if on miracle the younger you used to Swim in the ocean and saw one stallion drowned on the Beach, he was dragged ashore and An lifeguard came in and Breathed Inside his mouth and pushed his chest and the stallion spit out water, And You asked an question on how he did it, She said “Little Filly I kissed him on the mouth and breathed in it” Wasting no time, I opened his mouth and And kissed him and breathed in in order for him to, Aspiring you gently pushed his chest aware that he was fragile, you pushed, And another you did it 4 times until he made an audible gasp, you were relieved and did it again, you felt that it is not enough so you breathed in him again one last time, And He spit out a lot of water and some red, he gasped and took very sharp breathes and Agonizing exhales. He gave you an thumbs up, which means positive sign and he passed out peacefully You were so relieved that he lived after all that you’ve been through, you shifted and sat down next to his laying body which was lying on it’s back, whilst you sit back and waited for something. You pondered Why, you continued to tear up realizing some flaws while you were enrage, He did stalk you and he is an perverted good for laughs Man but when you realized of How you treated him for the last hours, Something in Your heart was broken, Cracking You First slammed him to the tree and maybe broke his spine or possibly his rib cage, You must ruptured some of his veins, repairable sure but it caused him quite an pain trip, All because of…You Now that you chewed over the subject, Reminding the last days you treated, you realized that you treated him horribly for the last days and beyond, you were so distracted by the Feeling that- You heartaches all of the sudden, the instant guilt was very painful like something is pulling your chest away, You Crawled to yourself legs on body and face arms over head, You cupped your own head in despairing guilt, it was almost unbearable and you were busy sobering yourself with self-inflicted pain, You stayed in this state for seconds until you let the floodgates down, You were now guilty and the searing feeling of forgiveness was very tempting and appealing and was the most rational explanation you had, Not only that! If your Mother and father finds out that you broke Anon, You’ll possibly be kicked out of the house, And the scary part go to Jail! For assault and the near death of Anon, Not only were you scared but also angry, blaming him for all the problems that caused you but then you realized that the problem was not him but You were too the problem, You sobbed an little harder now loudly tearing up and mouth wide open slightly wetter than normal An snot came out of your nuzzle and you sneezed it out into the cave water, you know it’s disgusting but this was not the feeling right now, right now it has been Minutes since the two of you got stuck in this cave, With you naked and Afraid while Anon get’s to keep his all wet clothes, you didn’t want to do this but you carried him further inland the cave the deeper it is the more light you’ll find and go, Hey! Maybe you’ll find one of Maud’s tunnel down here if you are lucky, You continued to drag him but not enough will was put to the test, so you just sat on the cold cave floor there brooding on what course of action you’ll take, But it’s obvious your going to apologize to him first and Hope for the best that he’ll forgive you. An warmth came into you’re heart, it was not the heatness coming from you, it’s coming from your stomach and chest, an heat which was Very seducing “Why NOW!” > Anon got slammed! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Hello darkness my old friend You are Limestone Pie, and right now you were staring at the under cenote which was interchangeably called an ‘Sinkhole’, you were staring at the hole in the sky pondering and wondering when you’ll take actions to find your way out of this caverns, and to make things worse you’re the only pony stuck in this cave without any garments at all except… You shake the dirty thought away and stand up and continued your way out of here, it’s been minutes since the past events happened and fell down this cenote, to make matters worse you have been brooding the entire time when you stared up the hole. You kept blaming yourself and framing! You being as the Culprit of this act, you stood here, ready for her judgement by the time Anon wakes up. Your eyes instantly widen as your lust-guilted mind is confused of which to feel and not to feel, it was an flurry in emotions to be blunt to yourself, looking at the water like an pond, you leaned forward looking to see your reflection and you did, what reflected was an mare with teary-red eyes with an light apple green pupils, with an messy opalish gray mane and ruined coat, so much for bathing, you complained to yourself. Your eyes threatened to bring back the tears that you previously shed, it completely took you minutes to shed all the tears until your eyes were red dry, you beaten yourself too much to stand up again your legs started to feel like brittle bones as your mind felt like it’s going to explode of all the things you think. Suddenly with a flick of your right tuffy ear a groan was heard, it was at that time that you panicked as you pick yourself up as quickly as possible and try to act normally. --------------------------- You are Anon, and right now you felt really dizzy to be honest, when you first felt something EVERYTHING hurts especially your chest. Lungs mouth shoulders and etc, it stings almost every time you move and if you did move the pain tripled so you decided to do the logical thing and the next-worst to, You groaned, you have no idea where you are and you do not remember what you did previously so you just kinda laid there, unmoving and silently alive you think Seconds passed and things gets a lot clearer than a silver platter, You remembered running, you remembered that you rolled on Something, You remembered drowning and hitting felt a sharp hit or trauma perhaps on your forehead, and the final thing that you remember is the face of…Limestone You were in a daze of confusion as to why Limestone was in your memory, All of those thing were of What you remember and you bet that has something to do with it, you felt an tug on your undescribable kneecap and the taste disappear as fast as it appeared. Then by all of an sudden, darkness started to appear on all corners of your eyes, as they overtake you the last thought was of Limestone caressing you back to your home. ---------------------- You are Limestone Pie, after you touched Anon on his chest he soon blacked out of consciousness again, You were startled when he started to shake, you wanted to punch him for scaring you but you know better than to let your emotions run wild again, and then just like that he passed out. You were now currently staring at your self, doubting if you ever can find your way out of this sinkhole Alive and well, you looked around the cavern and thought to yourself, if you can find a way out your going to drag anon all the way out, This is your duty now to help him and maybe save him, you blushed at the thought of him thanking you, all the self-hatred all the insecurity of him chewing you out was now gone when the moment he was still breathing and alive, You tighten you fist and again stood up, with your new found determination, You are going to find a way out of this cave. And with that resolution and with an newly renewed Resolve and vigor, you trot to anon’s body and carried him within your arms, You looked at him with discontent as you place his face away from you and into the empty cavern walls, you carried him to the cave and passages to find a way out … 20 Min l8r … It’s been minutes now since you started this perilous journey deep into the cavern, you eventually find a ascension path on the passages and passed the interconnected cave systems, You continued to complain to yourself that Anon face always stares at your face and pervertedly at chest, you almost didn’t mind when he mumbles when he is asleep but you decided to push forward, harder this time in a attempt to clear out any thing that is related to his activities or him As you pushed the rock out of the way, you saw an some gems and Ores to mine at, this was an jackpot since this spot is concentrated with gems and other materials, So you decided to mark your progress by kicking the stone and live an mark in it, After that task is done, you looked at Anon you constantly checked him for any signs of discomfort because that is often the sign of mishandling, after you saw his face he looked fine and sleeping, you blushed at the alluring sight when until you slipped on you hooves and landed on the cave floor, You grunted scanning at anything that made you slip out and found the culprit of what did it, it was an stone, Kicking the stone in anger you crushed it beneath your hoof after you stand up straight again, The Bruised stomach left an mark on you coat so you decided to take an rest for an moment near the glowing gems and Mushrooms, you are not sure why mushrooms glow in the dark but you’re not in position to complain again. You sat down on the cold cave floor, contemplating your next move, until you reached to the point of bored ponder, sometimes you have no idea what to do at times so you just like sit there and do nothing. It would be certainly nice if this doesn’t happen in the first place, but its too late and luck is Not on your side today Laying down on the floor, dampness still creeping in your coat you rested doing nothing. You waited for minutes on the end until you Had to think of something or the boredom of suspense will pressure you to continue on, So you decided to pass the time by thinking of Him. You tried to shake it off but it doesn’t want to, so you indulge into the topic of to why he’s doing the stalking thing, You Imagined him stalking you into the river, you reached your destination and created an scenario that he is Masturbating to your body Your head flinched a little at the thought of that, You tried to avoid the thought one last time as you started to shake your head in an attempt, failed. Sighing in defeat you continued the simulation You thought of him trying to catch an glimpse of your rose, you simulated everything that happened today so you washed your tail and brushing your mane with your hand, He stroke his rod furiously as you lower your upper body and saw the finally anticipated bossom of yours… You continued the simulation, Unknown to you the ‘simulation’ has turned into an stimulation to your body, You slowly imagined him gently stroking his rod, as in real life you pinched your winking clit, aroused you imagined him saying words of compliments to your body which in turn aroused you even more, A moan was heard when you started to rub your already naked body, your teats harden as the penetration of your bossom started. You continued brushing your bossom and penetrating it ever so often, You imagined him stroking his rod faster as you stimulated yourself faster, penetrating yourself faster inside and out. You were now moaning in the cave with Anon inside and you Masturbating in front of his unconscious body as you now-shamefully did it but you mind is too stricken by lust to think properly, You were thinking of him, And How you wanted Pinching you harden teats , and in turn made you more sexually aroused, Moaning loudly as your voice was echoing in the cave, mouth wide open as your tongue hangs outside, You imagined him saying that his going to do with you, his phantom touches, imagining him doing all of those things except you, you said to yourself “Y-Yes! Auhhh-AHHH!” You screamed in pleasure and pain as you accidentally hit your hymen and secreted at the same time, basking in the afterglow, it felt as it if was your most important day that you ever did in your life, panting slightly you came back to your shameful self. You looked at what you did, You saw an puddle of your secretion on the cold cave floor and with an hint of your red, you just can’t believe that you almost broke your hymen in the first time of years and the last time it almost broke was- You shook at the unwanted memory as you looked Anon whom was found sleeping peacefully at himself slightly snoring once in a while, you looked at him and wondered of how he was an heavy sleeper but you didn’t ask the question since obviously he is unconscious, Maybe this is the reason why he liked to sleep in his bed Seconds passed as your resting session ended, You continued to find your way out of this cave ----------- ----------------- You are Anon, And right now you are currently trying to find the light of this world, As you slowly approached the light you opened up your eyes and saw that you are miraculously back at your room unscathed and unclear. You had no idea what is going on and now you are looking at the leftovers, shirts and your belongings not until the familiar voice came in “Anon! get your food before they are gone!” An ‘Specific’ mare shouted downstairs, You sighed knowing that this is going to be one of those regular days, You put on your pants and ran downstairs to meet your food, But “Why aren’t you wearing any shirt!?” Limestone responded on her usual grumpy voice, seemingly flustered? “What are you talking about? I’m always this is my usual road you know” You replied, Knowing full well that she Knows your schedule, But what made this moment strange? “Ugh!” She bolted out of the room and went into her room, the stares of her family was on you as they perplexedly looked at you with blinking eyes except for one “…Whats wrong with her” You turned to the family, and brow present in your face “we artn’t sure, perhaps she may need more rest after all the task she’s done yesterday” Igneous answered, in his old English tone-ish “Maybe if it’s best to just leave her alone, she seems to be more aggressive and stranger as it late” their mother replied, trying to make up her mind whether what to do, you know because she’s doing the finger thing where she- “What do you mean?” You asked, curiously prying information about Limestone’s behavior lately “Maybe it’s best if you ask her, B-but not right now” She stuttered at her contradiction and looked down and continued to feast on her meal You stared at your food, and seeing at yourself . You were not sure what’s gotten into Limestone’s mind today and yesterday the last two days and… Well, how did you last this long with her in this She behaved strangely and aggressive everytime your near her and now it gotten to the point that she’ll beat you up just for it, the number one question is, Why. Why now and most importantly why do you care about her well-being at almost every turn, there was an time when you just stared at her You can sense some serenity on her eyes despite the hollow pits that you called reality, Maybe you just naturally care for people or maybe something deep within you sparked and was now taking control over your actions for her Or perhaps you just misunderstood her or must’ve triggered something eversince you arrived here maybe that’s what “Anon?” Maud snapped you out, in her usual monotone voice as the family stared at you when you went emptily stared at your soup “Are you alright Anon?” their mother replied, responding to me when I stared at the wall for maybe like minutes so I said “Yeah, I’m fine just thinking how to lure Limestone out of it” And with that, you marched out of the room like limestone but in a calm fashion, as you took careful steps toward her room like the place is filled with landmines or something trappy You saw them tilting their head in discombobulationm ,bemused, as you walked out of the room leaving your still hot food to be cold as you marched towards Limestone’s room trying to figure her impression on the table, You gently place your hand to knock but then, an idea came into your head that instead you should carefully open the handle to catch an glimpse of her doings, you can hear some shuffling inside the room and some sharp creaks of her either bed or floor or maybe both, you took an deep inhale an a long sigh as you placed your hand on the handle and slowly twist it expecting it to create an loud creak but it didn’t which made you thank your lucky stars You slowly twisted the handle until it stopped and gently pushed the door out of the way and stopped until it was an gap, you took a peek on the gap knowing that you couldn’t hear her you just watched her actions instead, You started to have second thoughts about this- “*wet sounds*”you snapped your eyes focusing on where the sound was coming from”, Ohh-HH*Schilcking sounds*”You swear that you heard tha- “. Haa-Ahh!” You heard wet sound as you looked where the noise was coming from but you can’t since her room was completely dark and you can’t see even the biggest object which is her wardrobe, She may have closed her window, you were now red blushing as you fantasized of what kind of sound that she is producing, Maybe she’s moaning because she May have been masturbating inside, you were not sure if you were This oblivious since you used to be an ignorant simpleton whilst in your mining career, you learned an lesson that when strange sound were made there maybe something wrong with it, like the time you were with an buddy and he said he’ll check the other passage, minutes later you heard dripping noises and shouted to him that stop peeing in there, but what you found was not a man peeing instead, an man bleeding in his right forearm after you had enough of the lewd noises that he made. Anyway back to the topic you- “*Schilck* oaahhh-hmmm” You continued to hear strange noises inside her room, So deciding to do this Hollywood stealth style, you step back and walked toward the flaming lamp and turned it off with an blow of an wind in your mouth, You Now then had an silent room that can look suspicious but normal at the same time and marched toward back to the doorway, Blindly you slowly opened the door quietly as you kept on hearing organ noises or something, you were determined to find out what she’s doing, You slowly creeped inside her room and was halfway across to the middle Then suddenly, like an lightning from an cloudless sky, you realized what you were doing, You were stalking this mare’s business, one thing is certain that you do NOT interrupt lady stuff, both of your mother and father taught you that after spying on your neighbor’s house top roof window, You were always an sneaky kid back then,Shaking your head from the nostalgic pleasure, You appeasely walked backwards in an smaller than smaller panic you stumbled and stub your head into something. IT’S THE CHAIR! You were sure that it made sounds that can frighten a cat but in this situation this cat was an Fluffy Pony mare who happens to be in her bed doing some lady business, And then…You freezed like and human caught in the headlights, literally “Anon” She Spoke, with and full tone of anger Limestone was there staring at you with unaware eyes but those eyes were now replaced with an furious narrow as you covered your eyes from the bright light as you adjust into the light, But she did not give you time to run as she jumps out of her bed and landed near you ready to kick your head to the moon, You dodged her kick in time as she instead kicked her chair, “Nhngghhh” you stumbled into the ground as she marched toward you, In a reaction you stood up and jumped towards her and kick but you did not timed your kick and instead kicked her under her kneecaps and she slide off as you mirrored the act but instead landed on the ground, Why do you two always fight when you did nothing wrong. You both fell on each other as Limestone grunted as you accidentally hit her with your kneecap in her stomach as she quickly crawled over to you, You were now panicking at this pont as you flayed to struggle to her superiority of strength and fights as you tried to crawl off in a similar pace but instead she catched up with you and shifted the balance and you were no being dominated by this mare You tried to push her away as far from you as possible put it was almost near-impossible at this point, She quickly made an move and pinned your hand and shoulder unto the floor and you swear the wooden floor made an sound and you double swear that your hand made an cracking sound too, But ignoring the obvious pain, Swaring under ou skull you quickly try to crawl off blindly as the darkness was now your enemy and you do not where your going since your visions hazed as the blurry vision coupled with her, you were in a Very good panic You tried to move your arms and hands, didn’t work she must’ve pinned it too hard on the floor you wondered how you never felt the pain, You thrust your hips upwards hoping to get off in her lower part, You hit her crotch or something you’re unsure what you hit because of the darkness but right now don’t care, You flayed in response of this growing desperation, your legs was being strangled and was now also proven to be Also pinned down your lower body using Her own lower body, You were now in a mess, you swear that the struggles were heard outside and inside your mind “A-Anon, S-s Stop!” She demanded, but you didn’t listen to her as you continued to struggle against her body, in the corner of your eye you blindly saw her hands still pinning your hand, despite the contradiction you imagined it You continued to struggle for few more seconds as you felt something being brushed off in your lower body specifically in your crotch, you were the one brushing her, you hoped that you’ll eventually slip off her and run to the door, instead you heard moans and suppressed panting behind her breath. “*ngh*, Anon Sto-o Stop!” She stuttered as she continued to suppress the audible moaning and panting, But you didn’t care what she says since she was the one who pinned you down on the floor so hard that you are in a Panic to escape, with a final thrust she loosen her grip on your hand and shoulder, enough for you to escape in, You successfully escaped her and you were now currently on the run to your room and with an erratic flow of movement you slammed you leg on the doorway but managed to catch yourself before falling unto the ground. “ANON! G-ET BACK HERE YOU DEVIANT!” Limestone shouted on the top of her lungs, her voice cracked a bit, As you passed the hallway overlooking the stairs and rooms you saw an glimpse of the family going to their beds, Except you ignored all of them, Dazed, confused and amnesia Because she may have hit your head a little too hard you ran back to your room hoping that she’ll not follow you on your way You managed to get back to your room and on bad timing too, since you forgot to clean the floor you slipped on a slippery Something and fell down the floor After you locked the handle and door, instead of recovering you just laid there unmoving and heart beating and just wanted to get some rest and change your wet pants since you must’ve peed on your own while fighting, you touched the damp area and put your finger on your nose to confirm that it’s… It’s not pee, Hmm maybe it was spilled water or something. Looking at your room- *White light* ---------------------- You are Limestone Pie, You were carrying Anon in this cave for hours now and you were now sure that your almost at the surface since you can hear some echoes of birds in the distance, You looked for the noise and found the exit, sighing in relief you followed the light and finally exited the cave systems, Looking at Where you are, there was an moon in the sky, Indicating that you were In that cave for maybe hours or a day, AGH! You missed an Session again! All because of hi- Wait, You can’t blame him for this, heaving a loud exhale you walked around the now forested area, looking at the moon it was raised recently by Luna, you must hurry to get to dinner before your food getes cold and before Anon. Catching up at the speed, You looked at Anon, You shifted your body and found that he is still unconscious albeit sleeping, You gently placed him on the ground and checked his wounds or any signs of bruises or open wounds, Checking his shirt you pulled it and found nothing except for an large bruise on both of his shoulders, you regrettably pull back his shirt and gaze at his head, His back head is Not find, he has bruises on his sides and not to mention an blow on the head will do any good. All in the sake you arrogated that he is a Bad shape since you don’t have any experience with Medicine and another factor that he is An completely different species, You wiped your face and groaned that you have a lot to explain with an Hint of Fear and uncertainty. You started to walk to the tallest tree that you can find and luckily found one in five steps, Climbing the tree carefully knowing that these hooves aren’t built for climbing like his, you slowly made your way up and found an dotted wasteland on the direction, Finally founding the location of where your going you carefully descended on the tree and jumped down to save time, grabbed anon and carry him on your shoulders, And Ran to the family house… … After the run towards the farm, you finally arrived and was now oncoming to the door, ready to burst and explain 3 2 1, you twisted the handle and swing the door wide open, not bothering to close it back. You find your family in the midst of eating their food, Maud looked at you, Marble squeaked under the table, Father and Mother are staring at Anon and questioning on why is Anon carried like that And They Saw You… Ignoring the blushing faces you snapped and said “No time for that! We gotta get Anon to a Bed!” You immediately ran towards the guest room and just like that you heard Hoovesteps as you ran across the hallway, presumably your Mother And Father getting the Medicin- You were Completely startled when Anon Started to groan while he’s eyes were closed , Twisting the Handle as you ran toward the bed while Anon Placed his hand on your face while carrying him, You Gently placed him on the bed and patted him in reassurance, and said “It’s going to be Alright, I got you” You say Gently, uncharacteristically kind manner “W-Whu?” he slurred, trying to figure out what you just said, as he flay his arms around like his falling “Where am i?” he asked, His actions getting uncomprehensible as time goes on, Something is going wrong here, then you realized that he is panicking about the whole Battered body thing, You think of an choices You reached up to his hands and grabbed it gently and swiftly as you other hand was placed on his face to face him to you and looked at him in the eye and say that “Don’t worry, You’ll be alright-“ Your heart started to get heated up as the air in your stomach was in full blow “- I promise that Nothing will happen to you” You caressed his cheek and heartedly mingled his breath with your, Making your heart Flutter even More You stayed with him for a few seconds ignoring your Burning red cheeks as you successfully calmed him down and finally you slowly made your face closer to his and ready to give him Something but- Retracted your whole body, Not knowing what has gotten into you, you backed away from him and Looked at your right that your Mother and Father arrived just in time, You father approached you with an questionable and interrogating face “Why has Happenth Limestone?” He Asked “we’ll explain later after I put on my clothes” You dismissed your father quickly as you made your way into your room, as the Ache in your chest is beginning to grow. You quickly tried to crush these feeling but it can’t be help, Growling in confused anger you increased your march across the hall and into your room Slamming the door close Inside you room you jumped on the side of your bed and groaned in the blankets, As today was such a Very complicated one and Now is your time to Rest, trying your hardest to fall asleep… You just Can’t You Can’t, you’ve been thinking of how he’ll think of you when you injured him, he’ll think that you are a weirdo when you held his hand just like that, You think of him as your greatest obstacle in life, the lack of sign of falling to sleep, You teared up a bit in confusion, fear and anger, as the strange Strong feeling in your chest was starting to bother you now. > On Da bed sla-Anon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone Pie, And it’s been a day since the ‘Accident’ happened, and you awaited Mother’s punishment to come ever since and looked everywhere for her to pounce on you for Getting Anon injuries and lecture, You always cared for your family and, Anon they considered him as part of the family ever since he proved himself in the mine and I have been undermining him like almost constantly and tried to annoy him as much as possible, But now it ends here, You awaited for your mother to wake up from her sleep since you wake up early in the morning for your session You still have a lot to wait for her to show up, until a creak was heard across the room You sighed to yourself almost shamefully and walked towards the creak, you slowly trot towards the noise and your cognition to speak hitched since He must’ve told her about what happened, You lowly walked towards your mother who looked very well rested of her sleep, as you approached her you said as you fiddled with your fingers “Am I in trouble?” You asked, trying your best to hold something “No, Why would you think that?” She asked, seemingly bewildered by my sudden vulnerability I was about to confess until I realized that anon didn’t tell mom about the ‘Accident’ , at first you felt a pang of confusion as to why Anon didn’t tell mom about that but then it was replaced with immeasurable feeling discombobulation, it was Anon that you victimized and suddenly he didn’t do any thing to upset you and yet he still didn’t tell her, you annoyed him at every turn and yet… “Hey mom, what’s going happen to Anon?” I asked, certain that she’ll take him to the hospital Your mother stroked her chin to cheeks for a while and it also made your mother looked kinda cute in the process but that’s just your head talking and then, as if she figured it out, she said “You’ll be taking Anon to the Ponyville Hospital” She said, trying to be firm At first I was confused as to Why do I have to take him to the Hospital when you can and number two, is that I am Also concern of Anon’s health too, The bargain was benevolent both side benefitting each other while also taking my time too, And after you escort Anon to the hospital you’ll go back to your mine sessions maybe for a few days…Alone, A pang of perplexiveness of this conflicting situation reflects your face “ Limestone, Are you alright, you suddenly scrunched your face after of what I say, Maybe your uncomfortable with anon by your side. I’ll take him to the hospital then” And with that your mother walked away, with a range of awe of this feeling you stopped her “Wait! I’ll take him to the hospital!” I halted her, and she turned around and saw me hand on the air signaling that I accept the task She Smiled and placed her shoulder on my arm as you lowered your hand and said “Take care of him there, wait for him to wake up and tell him what has happened to him, yes?” She says and requesting You to watch over him while in your stay to ponyville, Possibly for a week if he healed fast enough, your heart flutter suddenly at the thought of taking care of him in the hospital but that is not the point of all of this right now. “Really?” Your mother replied, seemingly relieved by your proposition “Bu, you said it to yourself that you disliked him” You mother said, contradicting your claims Now you were on a contradicting pickle asto all the things that you have done to him are now coming to you with a full force of a pickaxe, you can lie sure but once you do it it would stick to you the rest of your life and IF she finds out about it you’ll be scolded that’s for sure but, What about telling the truth? It’s an easy was, but a hard way and a chance of going to jail by chance or, The unthinkable…. Or the third option, Both halves “I was responsible of Anon’s injury mom, if I hadn’t been there he would’ve been alright” I faked, Trying my best to say for the best Now it was a speech of error as to know you mother now raised her eyebrow on you for soe reason, then she said it “Then, Why were you naked when you arrived here? Did you two Did Something” She smugly smiled, Ready to giggle, expecting for you to don’t tell the truth Now you were blushing at this point, you unintentionally implied that the two of you were, doing Somethings so you countered “No Mom! We didn’t I was trying to take a bath when it all happened!” You counteracted , trying to spell off the heat on your cheeks and body “*Giggle*, Of course sweetie, it’s only natural for growing Mar-“ I cutted her off, trying to cut all the thoughts about him “MOM!” I Shouted, embarrassed to no end, She respected My decision and stopped giggling in a Silly manner and exposed vulnerability of my being “Okay I’ll stop” You mother did, and she turned around and said “don’t forget to bring the crutches with him Limestone!” And with that she Heads to the kitchen where she would departed to cooking breakfast. It was silent and you were thinking of what she just said and your lower body was heating up and you cheeks were flustered as the thought of Staring at his Stallionhood As small as it is laughable Did made you a bit aroused unto this day, you kept thinking of yesterday’s misadventures. Snapping out of it, you walked in inside the doorway and found the guest room which have a clean bed, a vase filled with fresh flowers on top of the single table, a stool ,chest and the Washed-Out blue Curtains in the Side-opening window. Looking at the bed was Anon. You felt bad of his conditions, He has a Bandage on his side of his head, and various Aids on his body and cream were applied on his chest, you looked down on his stomach and find a Mascul- , Shaking your head to clear the forthcoming conception of how his stamina works, His legs were exposed as the blanket was on the ground crumpled down and fallen down, He was there staring at your eyes as you shake the thoughts you approached him in his bedside --------------- You are Anon, And you were currently on a bed, it was Not yours since it’s from the guest room instead of your old dusty room, anyway you were relaxing until She Came inside the room like a unconfident mare trying ask a woman or something, She siftly walked towards you and pulled a stool next to her and sit next to you besides the bed, She slowly sat and with a Low creak of the floor she opened her mouth “Anon” She singled out “Are, are you alright now?” She Asked, seemingly worried of something and stares at you with intent on her eyes “Yeah, I’m going to be greenlight” You put a small smile, she put up a confused face of what the slang means “It means I’m alright” You informed, gaining a open mouth and a nod, she continued “how’s you’re, head Anon?” She placed a smile on her face in a cute and sweet face, You were now beginning to realize of the strange behavior she’s having but you nonetheless said “It’s alright, hurts every time I move it to something solid” You say as you slowly rubbed your temple She looked concern at you and replied “Is it too bad?” “Yeah, it stings”… The two of you just sat there, awkward silence soon dawned the room as the two of you hear the breathing the two of you produce with the exception of small but hearable explosives being detonated meaning that the mine is being, well mined. You stared at your hands and turn to look Limestone in the eye, which provoked an similar stance except she just sat there, unmoving and chest in and outing, she suddenly opened her mouth but shut them down slower than she would’ve did. So you decided to intervene “So, How are you?” you started, still staring at her beauti- Stern eyes, You tried your best to avoid these growing Overpowering feelings that is incubating inside of your chest and head, It’s strange that you can’t look away from her even though you remember that she injured you partially and didn’t tell her mom about the broken memory, you stared at her even though she’s- “I’m alright just the same day as every other day” Her voice seemed strained but it was easy to pick up, you read her and sensed that something is bothering her being, The erratic avoidance of your gaze, the nervous tail and her obviously low voice. “Hey Limestone” She perked her ears up and looked at you in the eye “Did something went wrong” You questioned, Knowing that this first question is really cliché but it’s the most basic of it all “well, what do you think, Your bone is broken, and you are presently lying on a bed” She retorted, The most strangest part is that she answered rather hesitantly and lower volume of her voice, Okay this is getting strange at every moment, so you decided to press on “Yeah it hurts a lot, by the way are you feeling alright?” You questioned, wondering of what the day is going to be You observed her, she looked stricken and seemed unprepared by your interrogation, She continued her silence for several seconds making you uncomfortable of the silence until “ Limestone” You said her name, which in turn her eyebrows moved upwards ,she looked down on her pants and slowly fidgets her fingers around, and tried to hide her face by using her unkempt mane as a blocker, You find the sight cute as she looked like she was pouting but she’s not and combined with her furry coat she looked like a teddy bear to your eyes, huggable and lovably cute “Yes” She squeaked, hiding her voice now “Are you alright?” You asked again, trying to coax her into talking but it seems to you it backfired when she hangs her face and looked at the ground, and whispered something to herself, concerned you decided to ask again but as you were about to open your mouth she said it first “It was my” she trailed off, contemplating and looked like she’s choosing the right word to say and said “ I’m alright” She lighten up a bit, raising her head forward in a characteristic, herself You looked at her amused, seeing the Limestone you know come back in a blink of an eye, she vacantly looked at your chest and shoulder for seconds but you ignored it since you felt like it was Natural, And then you decided to do idle chats instead since she’s back from her usual mood “Hey, so how’s the farm coming up” You put a a smile trying to look confident in front of her She smiled a little and says “The farm’s great, in fact it’s been better since Marble ‘Accidentally’ Found a concentration of rubies and diamonds in which were the diamond dogs haven’t dug up yet” She then gained confidence and talked a little bit more “And more so I am going to take you to the hospital since I was the-“ She cuts herself by closing her maw and you just swore that she just produced a single sweat, Or do horses sweat you don’t know, Probably magic Decided to move the subject away since it made her nervous and you can talk about it later and- WAIT WHAT!? Did she just said that she’s the one who is going to take you to the Hospital, You just realized of how Slow your ear can be, especially at the extent of these injury, or maybe the injury did something to you and you never know, or maybe You misheard her You just have to ask “I’m sorry what?” You questioned her, Making her see look like a deer in headlights, or whatever that phrase means, She Blinked owlishly and she quickly arosed from her seat and fast walked toward the door “I need to check on something” She blurted out quick but you understood, She stopped and pointed at you and “Stay Right there” And before you can reply she was already outside, Dang her legs were fast You were left to this room all by yourself and alone in this room, It was one of those days that you just sat around doing nothing just like last month ago when you don’t have any jobs those times around, Welp time to delve into a memory, since you do not have anything to think about at least ----------- You are Anon in the past, And you were now currently playing with your rock toys that you carved out and hand-picked from your days in the quarry, And right now you were setting up the imaginary stealthy soldiers next to the imaginary grunts, you said imaginary since the rock were carved out specifically The round Anthracite rocks was the stealth, The bulky Gneiss rocks were Grunts and ect and forgotten some of the rock figures You were pushing and pulling the rocks like a child who got his first Mini army toys, You still do this until you were an adult since this was one of form of entertainment that you have in your life since you arrived here, you continued to play at the toys until, and small creak was produced in front of me and suddenly, the door went wide open! It was Limestone! And Marble! How and Why were they in your room snooping around at your toy- You mean Rocks toys and got to saw that, Limestone was staring at you with a untuned attitude at first, But when she saw you with your rocks, her expression changed from untuned to holding a Sudden burst of Laughter, Marble too was holding her laughter since the position of how you were holding your toys was the main attraction. At this point you were Blushing out of embarrassment And wanted to go back in time and slap yourself from getting caught, they, In a Minutes Let their laughter trail off into a fond memory and finally asked what am doing “What are you doing?” Marble first asked, making me fliched a little as she usually doesn’t ask first “Well, I was just, uhh playing games? Yeah I was just playing games” you smiled sheepishly knowing full well that they are going to laugh at my failed attempt on persuasion, they giggled and Limestone Asked “Hey, we were just checking in you and see what those Mouth noises was all about and I finally found the Foal” She snickered satisfyingly and the two of idly looked at my room, while on that they announced of to why they were here “Hey Anon, You wanna join us on our trip to Ponyville, Since Maud was still searching for a new Passage and it is the weekends it’s a relatively good weather today so I thought that we could all walk together” Marble lag behind Limestone as she nervously combed her hair using her hands, It was Really Adorable seeing her blush like that just because they want to hang out, So You “Agreed, Just let me get my Walking clothes, Give me a second” You ‘Walking clothes” Was actually just a long sleeved that extends to your elbow Shirt, and was colored brown like the conditions in this farm, You actually received this shirt from their Father, who Hasn’t used them since he was a you Stallion, You take off your upper sleeping garment, not bothering to change the pants since the Blanded colored pants was just another comforts that you like, anyway You Pulled up your upper garment and slowly aimed at the chair and threw it, as it sails across the room you looked at the Two mare ogling at something and was generally at you, you did not know because they turned their heads around as You reorient your face to theirs and back to the clothing that you had been keeping As you finally went inside he clothing, you pulled the shirt one last time down and looked at them and noticed something on Limestone’s cheeks, She was tange red and was blinking her eyes feverishly and looked everywhere, You unknowingly snapped her out of it when you Asked her that she is ready to go “Yeah, Let’s go! Were going to miss the train” Marble replied instead of Awaiting for Limestone to respond The Strange things today was Marble being More Confident and less anxious about her conscious, and Limestone Being all Silent and rock still, She shaked her head one time and followed Marble, You too Soon followed, inadvertently you stared at her bottom and saw an jiggling and fluffy- ------ You are Anon in the present, And you are now violently Shaking your head as you attempt to erase the dirty thought about limestone and her bossom, calling yourself a pervert was not enough and you were now a deviant, or whatever that means you don’t know but it sounded like it’s related to what your talking about Gazing at both of your hands, you instinctively Looked a them as if they were a mirror to your spirit, You looked at that spirit with natural confusion and mand-made question of Why? Why do you always thought of her when in some situation that can make any sane person madder than the time when the woment tied you to a poll because you spoiled one of her ‘friends’ Why is that you always tried to ignore her whenever she gets fumed up by you or not, you interpreted her as one of your angry mining bosses and there snotty attitude but she’s more than that, She is kinds to her sister and everyone- or in their case everypony, She respects others like their equals and she even tried to bake with her sister Pinkie pie despite all the contradictions about her she is a good-hearted Mare whom was just Very Unusual to you everytime she’s near you. You Looked at the window and wondered, what will the world throw in to you next, you can’t just Stop thinking about her. Her thighs, Her body, her Very furry body. The sinful temptation was getting into your mind despite how secular igneous is to all, Feeling the tightness in your pants, you decided to go against it but, the more yo tried to resist it the more you fall unto it’s grasp, it’s like trying to get out of a quicksand the more you struggle the more you fall into it, the enticement was inevitable Making your hands way up your crotch, You brushed you clothing tightness a little, then you looked around the room and see if anyone is spying on yo, you didn’t say ‘Anypony’ since there are ponies, coast is clear You slowly pulled your pants to down to your legs and covered your legs with blankets just in case they open up unannounced, you leaned down and saw your own penis and it’s erected state, it looked soft and warm when you touched it tentatively, by touching it’s tip you felt an sudden electricity of pleasure into your veins, sighing in preparation you touched it again and this time you stroked it down to your balls, You moaned a bit as to this is your first time masturbating to anything before, You used to do this when you were a child once you saw you mother and father doing it but your too lust minded to think properly, You felt your fingers around the penis and stroke and brush it slowly, the pleasure was getting good at the same you want to think of a female mounting you, You stroke it faster and firmer, all in the same time thinking about her And her humping you and fantasizing her talking to you “Yes,-ah,Too good a-Ah”You whispered as you completely were oblivious of something but you didn’t care, you care about letting this feeling go fleeting, You suddenly felt a little Too good and cognitively stroke it a little faster making humping sound on the bed and your moans getting a little louder but still silent, you whispered something to yourself one last time before it got out of hand Your Penis was now peeing something about an Very thick white fluid coming out of your tip, as the you keep pumping out of your body the feeling was Fantastic and extraordinarily good, time looked as if it stopped and you felt grand for the first time in ages, But as fast as it came, you opened your eyes and saw your thick white fluids covering the blanket that you threw when you let out your final finish, You looked down on the bed and realized that you made a Very thick mess on the bed, You just hope that you can explain things to ms.Pie about this Looking forward at satisfaction you saw an glimpse of the door being slightly opened, you were shocked at first since somepony must’ve spied on you, waiting for seconds later you realized that it was just like that and no pony was spying on you, *Whew* It was a relief, Grabbing the blanket which was still covered with your thick white juice you grabbed it and turned it upside down on the floor as you pulled your pants up and shifted yourself in the bed, uncomfortably trying to find a perfect spot to sleep in, but ignorant to you somePony Was having a hard time trying to relieve herself just because she saw you, hmm your going to finish it later. > Oof! things are heating up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone, and you are currently in the bathroom showering yourself and scrubbing your light grey coat slowly. You slowly start and turn the knob on the shower and turned it to the left for the water to come out, the shower head on top of you pours cold water unto you but can’t feel it since you have your fur to cover you, as you scrub yourself you were daydreaming about what happened today. What you saw on that room was reprehensible and it made your stomach turn in rebuke as the response in your heart was felting, you were minding your own business when all of the sudden you hear creaking noises of the bed, of course at first you thought of Anon doing things on the bed again like jumping on his last bed and accidentally broke the bed frame. Forcing him to sleep on the floor mattress which was basically a floor bed, he doesn’t seem to be knowing that he’s behavior around the family was foalish and acts like a colt on the bed, immature was the right word for him as he was never heard of making any sexual jokes or puns at all. Scrubbing a little harder you thought to yourself, “Why am I going to take Him to the hospital? And most importantly why do I have to?” You thought as what mother said to you was inhinging and confusing, why would your mother chose you instead of other ponies? Maud was a good example, she points out to the fact rather than emotions and is really effective of getting things done, and even Marble can do it, she may be shy and anxious and it worsen with the recent heartbreak with Big Mac, she didn’t leave her room for days but she can manage to do it, but the question that keeps nagging your mind is that why you instead of them. As you slowly finished scrubbing your arm, you lowered your sponge to your chest you know when you will get aroused so you carefully scrubbed it. Why did Anon have to do this to me? It was one of those moments of where you felt vulnerable to anything at any time you realized that but your emotional mind doesn’t. Why does he have to keep on approaching you like a lost puppy… fleeting you decided abruptly decided to continue your task. You managed to finish showering and dried yourself with a towel, it took minutes since your coat sponged all the water inside. Taking seconds to dry your coat once more you looked at the floor before stepping outside of the shower and Walked forward to you clothes, since the bathroom was a mx of a toilet, sink, and shower it was a fortunate time to have a large enough space to change clothes, overlooking the dropped towel you simply decided to pick it up after brushing your teeth, picking up the toothbrush you scrub it with some coal and you brushed your teeth, As you absent-mindenly do the task, you looked on the mirror and see yourself, now It was never a problem for a mare to see herself in a mirror but as you looked closer, the guilt manifested itself and your perspective of the mirror turned into.. Him. He laughed at you and taunting that you will never find a special some pony because you are always grumpy, and ugly. You tightened your grips and was ready to punch the mirror until by some miracle you calmed down and found out that it was just an illusion of your guilt. You spit out the spongy toothpaste and gargle at the water faucet and spit it out as well, after the ‘little’ sad memory. You clothed in your typical white sleeveless shirt, and a special brown pants without any pockets, you grabbed the towel in the floor and placed it in the sink, determined to wash it next time, you walked out of the bathroom and find yourself going to the guest room, where anon currently resides, as you almost touched the door handle you hear creaking noises inside the room as the sensitive flicking ear was any indication, You can felt your ear flinching by the noises and you were now curious of what Anon do in his free time, You slowly turn the knob and without a click you slowly open it and push the door gently and slowly as the door used to be so loud in the past, as the gap was big enough for your eyes you took a peek inside and what you saw inside was an enduring sight. It was Anon on the bed, well he obviously was already on the bed due to him going to rest but what particular movement was going on was strange, His arm was visibly going up and down on his crotch, and since the door was meant to see the bed diagonally, you can clearly see the bed creaking inside. Feeling the sudden anticipation, you looked at the corners of the hallways to make sure no pony sees this, it’s clear. Slowly placing your hand onto your crotch again, you looked at Anon in the gap, keeping in mind that the door is sensitive you carefully sat kneeled down and rubbed your lower bossom. It’s blocked by the layers of clothing but nonetheless you felt it. The sudden arousal caught your mind out of surprise and you realized that it was too late, You slowly rubbed your bossom until syncing with Anon’s humping on the bed, You heard Anon moan on the bed as he slowly fastered his pace of supposed masturbation, and you too increased as well. The feeling was heavenly was a perfect case as you doubled your efforts to come to yourself, not minding that you were already clothed. Then as the show started and ended You heard Anon wisp audibly “Yes,-ah, too good a-Ah”Your ears flicked at that and then he increased his pace, making the bed hump loudly but not enough to cause disturbance, you can hear his moans getting a little louder as he whispered something for the last time “Limey” You suddenly stopped at that word, and then he came. Thick white semen came out of his stallionhood and he grunts with satisfaction and a mirthful feeling came to him, but you cannot say that you experienced the same, when you stopped rubbing yourself you didn’t come at all instead you were left out of it, essentially blocking you from receiving the same experience as he have. Suddenly he looked at the forward at the door and instantaneously you avoid his gaze with a slide to the floor, You were in total anxiousness when he almost saw you, You stayed silent for seconds but he didn’t came to the door, with a sigh of relief you stood up with your legs and hooves some dampness escaped your bossom, but it’s not enough to be noticeable from the outside so you decided to change clothes again since you too like all mares at some point cared about cleanliness too, but the suffocating memory of this is definitely going to stay like this. As you arrived at your room which is newly being fixed since the farce of you and anon you have go walked to your closet, opened it and picked out another pair of panties to replace your recently wet one and within seconds you changed it and came out as good as new, looking to your bed the vivid image of anon was despising but at the same time comforting, You shook your head at the first part and instead focused on packing your things to ponyville hospital, Your stay there will be days if not a week until his health comes back to normal again. Grabbing your old reliable saddleback, you set the clothes that you will wear whilst in your stay in the hospital and with a final garment inside you zipped the bag and carried it at your back, looking in your room one last time you depart ready to go to the hospital and escort him there. -------------- You are Anon, You were now relaxing at the bed and no ‘pony’ seems to bother you for the whole hours since you and Limestone are the only ones not working, after she announced that she’ll escort you to the hospital was shocking at first as to why would she volunteer instead of the other ponies to begin with, sighing you quickly accepted that term and ever since then you awaited for her but nor before you stimulating yourself was any other easy. Blinking in boredom you fluttered your arm to make it look like it’s flying in order to entertain yourself, suddenly the door creaked open and as you looked at the door it was limestone carrying a Backpack on her shoulder and some briefcase presumably for you, she put down the briefcase and said, “C’mon Anon, We don’t wanna miss the train” she said in her usual raspy voice, gesturing you to get up. She walked towards you and helped you stand up and said “You alright now?” she asked, and a pint but noticeable worriedness. You said, “Yeah, I’m alright now, food can do miracles you know?” You placed a small smile as the memory of you eating food and restoring your body myth was becoming true, but others still deter you from trying to eat all the pastries in the past. “What’s so funny?” Limestone asked, questionably, snapping you from a funny and memorable memory of your past. “Heh, Nothing. Just some good memories about my past self” You giggled a bit. When you turn to face Limestone she looked sad at all of the sudden, like all the way frowning and stuff like that. You lightly tapped her arm when all of the sudden she slaps it at the speed of light, being surprised was an understatement, more like astonishment. You fixated at her eyes, when you saw it, it was covered with anger outside but as you looked deeper as she stepped back a bit you can see sadness in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” You carefully asked, making sure she doesn’t lash out at you for being too pryful She simply stood there as you too stood still, as quickly as it started she calmed down a bit and looked at with simple expression, like Maud does “Let’s go, were going to be late” she again gestured you to follow her and fast walked away from you. The day keeps getting weirder and weirder, first it was her behavior yesterday, which resulted in this state and now she’s now behaving like she’s being chased or something when you said a particular word to her or mostly she hears it. Deciding to just follow her while your train of thought goes wild with speculations as to why of her demeanor. Staring at her back her mane was well washed as well as her tail when you looked at her closely, looking closer you actually ogled at the sight of her flank which was swaying left and right, the jiggling was hypnotizing and was very captivating you in a cold of a moment snapped out of it knowing that staring at her flank was wrong, especially of what happened in the bed that you slept in, you just hope that they wouldn’t smell anything from it. As she reaches the door handle she quickly turned the knob and opened it wide for you motioning you to keep up faster, you obliged even though it hurts a little to your lungs. You passed the doorway and was now currently outside of the Pie family house which was still a wasteland of rocks. As you gazed around the view you noticed that Limestone body language that indicates that she is uncomfortable, how do you know? Well her tail seems to twitch sometimes and he ears flickers too with the tail, you don’t know but ponies are like dogs, at least to your knowledge. “Hey, Limestone!” You called out to her, she turned to you with an unamused face and said “What?” “Where’s my bags?” You questioned as thought to not any bags at all. “Well, there already on the train, that’s the reason why I called you seconds ago” Limestone replied, rather nonchalantly as if she tried to hide something from you, you have been getting signs like these for days and heck! Many days before this accident where she slammed you to a tree, but the question now is how would she react to you knowing that you that she was the one who did it while you relaxed while she unconcernedly whalst out, that raises the question. Did she did That on purpose of anger, resentment, anger? You have no idea but that thought scared you more than, death Shaking your head of the depressing topic, you looked back at the bright side again, she is taking you to the hospital and you’ll recover soon and enough with that you’ll be good as new again, unless you have developed some sort disability after the injury, that is highly unlikely to ever happen but the thought worried you too nonetheless, adding it to the anxiousness list. Your train of thought was interrupted when a loud *Ahem* was heard, it startled you a bit as it grabbed your immediate attention. As you were in deep thought when worried, looking for the source of the noise you looked at Limestone whom was about to ‘cough’ again at you for being too distracted. “You alright, Anon? You looked as if you stared at something bad” Limestone roughly voiced her concern, she was- No you were now in the train station and it was fast! You do not know of how but you’re going to ask her anyway. “How did we get here so fast?” You scratched at the back of your head, confused of the event. “What are you talking about?” Limestone almost crossed her arms against each other but she, You were about to, but refused to do that in her respect. “I mean, seconds ago I was thinking of-, something and then we are in the train station like all of a sudden. To me at least” You tried to explain but you stutter in your attempt, You flayed your hands up signaling that you gave up and stopped trying to argue with her, you caught her giving a quick giggle but it was fast that you didn’t even notice it, you thought it was a sigh. “Well you were staring in front of me when we came all the way here though” she gave a short *Hmph* and turned to the rail tracks in front of her, awaiting for the train to arrive “Mother already paid for the train, to both of us” she put an exclaimed into it, she turned back to you and said “You better behave in the ride, Anon” You nod and gave her an affirmative sign, she approves and after that the both of you stared in front of the scene. The train stop seems to be empty aside from the booth which was occupied by a pony and was ‘manning’ it. You looked at your surrounding impatiently trying to quench the thirst of entertainment, it was boring because there was nothing to pla- You mean nothing to do in this place, it was deserted and there was just dust and some Pony was in charge of the booth and you bet that he or she is sleeping in there or napping, whichever. Deciding to try and do some idle chat with limestone, You looked back at her again and this time, the question is going to be relevant. “Where’s the chairs?” You asked, in response she looked at you with confusion and with a sudden realization she said “There are no benches, because this place is supposed to bring in hauls in not passengers, *sigh* I suppose that you’ll have to sit on some bags anon” she turned to the right and walked towards, passing you nearby She continued to walk to the now seen door and was almost there, Meanwhile you looked at her go to the supposed closet but then as you look deeper into her you can see something jiggling like two moons in one, You realized that you were staring at your friend’s butt and was ogling at the sight of it, Why do you always have to stare at Her but, You feel a heat coming into your head and so you quickly have to find a way to distract yourself but how? You looked down on the wooden planked floor, sat down legs crossed and played with your hands as if it was a stick figure and a toy, this was probably the most weirdest thing ever but it worked not only were you mildly entertained but also diverted your attention off her butt, ah nuts! Now her butt is now inside your head, agh! Every time you think about it the more that you want to grab her by the cheeks and fondle with it, as you tried to fight back the incoming fantasy you valiantly tried but failed repeatedly to erase it off your mind, why are you thinking of her that way why now instead other days after the incident that happened… And why did you forgive her for that incident? It doesn’t make sense to you, after everything she tried from antagonist you, to even tried to kick you out of the house for the lightest reason, why did you forgive her for that? Hmm, maybe it was something that you do not know off maybe you learned something that day, or she changed today, and maybe she felt bad for slamming you in the first place, looking at the place… It’s boring and nothing to do in here, there maybe some benches that you can roleplay with some stick figure hands, except you can’t seem to see any benches at any sides looking left and right there were none, and- “Here you go!” a sudden familiar voice came and with a loud *Thud* A bag landed next to you and startling you a bit before realizing what was happening. Limestone then began to stack one case with another case after that she gestured you to “sit”. You obliged and walked slowly towards the improvised seat, a noiseless creak was not heard off and you finally sat comfortably for seconds. Without thinking, you quickly bring a topic at hand while she is in the mood to talk. “When is the train going to arrive?” you asked, needing to know information. She placed her fingers in her chin and stroked it and she said while out warding her hand off “Ah, don’t know when, you’re not the only one who is impatient here” she looked at the left rail clearly staring at any moving objects but found none. You on the other hand, decided to keep talking to her, coaxing her into spilling the information because you are still ever curious of why she did it and what is in her mind all the time. “Hey, Limestone” You called out, waving your arm a bit. She turned around and looked at you with a squint of an eye “What?” she said in a more raspingly voice, clearly a bit annoyed? You took an inhale and spoke. “Are you alright? You’ve been acting strange today and not only today but for the last weeks” You pressed, making it sound matter-of-factly. She froze, like really stiff froze as if she was found out on something then she- “I-I don’t know wh-what you’re talking about” –stuttered, you were about to say the word when she just blurted it all at once, you were now determined to find out the truth no matter what. Kinda reminds you of the last time though. “Limestone, tell me what’s wrong?” You stood up from your improvise seat and approached her with every determination you have. She looked nervous at you and you were staring her at her strong Lime green eyes clearly showing body languages like twitching ears, fiddling fingers and… heavy breathing? “Alright, just-“ she stepped away from you “-leave me, Alone!” she suddenly shouted. This was highly unusual for her to be THIS Desperate, especially of what the two of you been through. You reached your hands to her shoulders, she stepped back but you paced at her quickly and touched her on the shoulders and fully grope her shoulders. She was squirming and shaking, you felt it but you don’t care for the moment. She is clearly troubled with something and it made you feel something inside of you too but you let it passed by. You said “Limey-” You said gently said, but soon come to regret that choice, she flinched, hard. When you said that Nickname she immediately slapped your hands and she then pushed you away from her using her very strong arms to move you with force away from you, she’s really strong, maybe years of mining made her hands strong too, but you let the idle thoughts dissipate as you soon hit the ground on the back and you were relieved that you did not hit the improvised seat next to you. You hear hoofsteps near your legs but as you rise up she sat down next to you and firmly pressed her index finger at your temple and said “Do. Not. CALL. ME. LIMEY.” she slowly and angrily put out the words in front of her mouth, the way of how she spoke them made you blood freeze and you entire being freeze as well, but despite all of these you were determined. “But, why?” You softly spoke, scared of what she might do next. “Did I stutter?” she simply stated, clearly doesn’t like repeating herself as she pressed the index finger harder on your chest, you squirmed to the ground again since you were too scared to even resist her anger, you knew that she wouldn’t kill you but you were still scared regardless. “N-no but I’m just wo-worried for you” You carefully choose those words, still fearing her intimidation She soften a bit, by bit you mean a very small time. She looked at you with judging look, and with final seconds of silence she said, “Why?” A simple question but a very hard one to answer, You realized that you don’t have an answer to that since you made the idea short lived rather than a long lived one, she noticed your silence and she responded with a menacing tapping of her left hoof making a light *tap* sounds with every land on the floor. The situation got awkward, now you wanted to go back and tell yourself not to do this, but you have to, since it was a minutes ago. You started “Because,” but you trailed off, *Oof* hard luck! You still don’t know what to say in front of her face, you were certain that you know what you were doing but you forgot! Dang It! And so the tapings of her hoof made everything more awkward and more menacing than it is, with every tap it made you ran a million a series of predictions of how will she react or how will she understand you. This was every socially awkward person’s nightmare because she keeps staring at your eyes and tapping her hoof impatiently for you to give her the answer. But, wait! You rewind a specific memory and then you finally have found the way to break this awkwardness. “Because, y-you’ve been acting so -strange today and yesterday, that’s t-the reason why I was worried about you, Limestone” You spoke her first name in order to ease the rage in the past, well by past you mean the few minutes ago. She looked back at you with confused face as she scans you for any hints of lies, she didn’t found a single one. “Don’t worry about me, worry about other things like yourself Anon” she forces as she trot back to the railway, she looked at the right railway and found a figure moving there at a very fast speed, it was strange but it was fast coming to the train station. Then at this moment you realized that this was the train coming to pick you up all the way to the east part of Equestria town, Ponyville, the two of you stared at the train, and immediately the two of you went to work as you did the minimal things while Limestone does the heavy lifting, like carrying a large bag full of clothes inside of it maybe. As for you ,well, things will work out for today…Until the train arrives that is > Train ride around the world (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Anon, when you briefly said that the train is strange and is fast approaching, you meant it as the train emitted a strange vibe around it, as if it was a ride of your life or something but regardless of it you continued on knowing that the practice of perception is useless since you always spend time underground and is uncaptured of using short sighted vision, also it made you a tunnel vision eyes when the time of your mining days were good days, Anyways You fixated your eyes at Limestone whose doing most of the hard work, carrying the heavy bags and briefcases for the hospital, you don’t know what contained in those bags briefcases but you guessed that it’s filled with clothes since you assumed that Every woman and mare carry clothes every time, looking at the right you saw the train slowly approaching you, you knew that the train is slowing down and is now approaching the train station in a slow speed but it’s good enough “Anon, get those things over here!” You hear Limestone complaining loudly as she stares at you with blustering mouth, you comply and proceeded to carry the lightest bag you can carry since your arms ar still injured, especially the slammed one, you slid your fingers on the right strap and roughly pulled the left strap onto your shoulder, but you let the other strap hang loosely since the slammed shoulder is giving you trouble in carrying it. Finally the train arrived in a spectacular manner that it stopped in the perfect time and the heart shaped structure was seen in the in front of it and also in in sides too. You see Limestone carrying 3 bags and 2 briefcases using her arms which flex in a sexy manner, as for you, you only carried one knapsack, which embarrassed you since it damaged your masculinity and manliness, you know the reason but still it stings “C’mon lets go” A raspy voice was heard and you listened to Limestone and stepped inside the coach and found a comfortable seats, once inside you only saw a handful of Ponies inside with a exception of a Feathery pony with a beak on her face and a very very Fluffy stature, in which you admired a bit since you always wanted to own a bird since you were a kiddo You and Limestone walked inside the coach together, the two of you got a bit cramped but managed to slip to a crack in the bags, You looked at Limestone and saw her effortlessly carried the bags on her back, It made sense since the Ponies in this world looked like equines in your world except more cute and fluffy, once you stepped inside you were finding a seat for the two of you to sit in you found one behind the beaked Pony and called out Limestone “Hey! Over here” You called Limestone, in which in turn her ears heard it and she walked toward the seats that you are pointing, you placed the bag above you and slowly made our was to the window, Limestone arrived and placed all the heavy things above you too, after that done she looked at you and sighed, she sat down next to you but you can tell that she’s putting much distance to you as much as possible but it was almost impossible since the seats can only accommodate two ponies at once, but you are no pony and their size compare to you was rather a bit larger than them, so proceeding to gaze at the window you noticed the train is starting to move out of the train station and unto the next one, looking at the back of the seat you found no one except some’ponies’ There were five passengers in this train, one is a beaked pony which you don’t know the name of the creature, and the second one is a fancy dressed with a white black blue coat and a white mane and tail, the other one’s well, the other one is a light oranged stallion with a hat and with a expression that you can probably tell is a in fact a cowboy or something you’re unsure since you can’t judge a character when you approach it, as you were about to look at another one Limestone pulls you back to your seat You were pulled down unto your seat, you were a bit surprised but quickly asked a question to Limestone “What was that?” You huffed, as you began to adjust to our seat “Don’t kneel on your seat, you looked like a foal who likes watching birds” Limestone disapproves, as she still stared at you “Well you try getting any fun and you’ll know what my problem is” You linked as you try to find a reason to it “Oh I had ‘fun’ alright, stopping you from making a scene in the train” Limestone stops you yet again from rising from your seat “shesh what’s your problem with me Limestone, I never even made fun of you and yet your still acting like your my wife or something” You remarked in a witty joke trying to make her mad but coursing her attitude to your advantage, but something unexpected happened “W-what?!” Limestone blurted, as she retracts her hand as she shuffled away from your seat “What did you say?” she questioned, earning your face with a confused one “What?” You were confused at this point seeing her being susceptible unexpectedly, seeing her glaring eyes at you, you said carefully “Nevermind that” You scratched your head and looked at the window, you suddenly became too timid to even broach the topic since you and her are on the train, so talking about the topic is a scary discussion so you ignored her The rest of the trip went on like that, it was a daylight sight, the hills past you and some trees also past run past the window and the air was circulating inside the coach so it was a nice change of pace in the train, the train has no interest at all since you left you ‘things’ in the farm, minutes passed and the value of activities were increasing in every breath you take so you decided to talk to Limestone instead You turn to the grey coated mare “Limestone” You speak up, she turn to you and responded “What? “I was thinking” You fiddled with your fingers “thinking of what?” she breathes a bit heavier and a silence was being menacing to both of you, she stares at you like she’s expecting something from you “Want to play rock paper scissors?” You asked, making up an activity Her ears went droop for a moment before standing up again “rock, paper, scissors?” she contemplated, but then decided to play the game which made you sigh in relief as the activity just started As the two of you played it for minutes, Limestone is getting the better of you, she’s got 2 points whilst you have a single 1, she’s good at this game since her tactics was staring at your eyes and other distractions a bit, you were not sure if it’s genuine or not she is winning the game and the two of you were in a mini finale 4 Points for you, and 4 points for her, neither of you wanted to lose as the two of you stared at each other’s eyes and stared longer, taking a inhale you shake your hand and readied yourself. You saw Limestone and she is ready to take her victory as well as you are, A down and… “Yes!” Limestone shouted, as she satisfied with the victory over you, she pumped her fist up in the air and grinned as if she won some kind of bet, You groaned, however you have a trick up your sleeve and your read y to activate it, whether it works or not you don’t care You chuckled earning you with a confused face of Limestone and said “The winner is the loser!” You pointed “ Your the winner” You Grinned “What?!” Limestone said in bewilderment “that doesn’t make any sense Anon” she crossed her arms, and gave you a rightful stare “Well” You contemplated, trying to make up a excu- reason of why, you snapped your fingers internally and said “I was the one who declared the game so I make the rules” You tried to hold back a grin trying to not to laugh at this exposition She then, predictably got a bit angry at this “What are you talking about!” she then uncrossed her arms and said, “ I won fair and square!” she pointed her index finger at you, you knew that you were just ‘horsin’ around with her but the ways she said it make her look like she took everything you said seriously and she must’ve been angry for being cheated, you saw her countless time being cheated before but not this fast, looking at her you calmly said ‘Limestone, calm down I was just kidding” You put a small reassuring smile for her to calm down, in a instant she calmed down and then she proceeded to go back to her seat swiftly, what you didn’t know is that her ears are a little droopy after that- “sorry about that Anon” she grumbled, and you were surprised by this, she apologized to you and that was just a small thing to do, but you nonetheless “Apology accepted” you pat her at her shoulders, then feel her entire shoulder flinch at the sudden physical touch of you, she quickly recovered then moved back to her seat, then an obvious awkward silence covers both of you, The unnerving silence was boring nothing but the sounds of train engines and smokes and the environmental view to see only, you pondered fo a while until “Anon” Limestone started, yo turn to see her and expecting for another reply “Why were you always like acting like a foal sometimes” Limestone questioned, you scan her face to see anything but you found none, so you decided to be honest “Because, that’s how I cope” she raised an eyebrow and said “Cope with what?” her interest turning to you “Cope with, life” You took a deep breath to take another story “You see, back when I was a kid I used to be loved with my mother and father, they told me stories , folklores and other important things to remember, Then one day… you know what, forget about it” You waved your hand “let’s just get to the point already, anyways when my Mother disappear I forced myself to work in the mines despite my age difference, the miners in my childhood home was desperate for some manpower so they illegally recruited me into their club, me as a kid heard this and decided to join them since I could help out with my father who is in the middle of a mid life crisis, low money, small food, and little entertainment, so I had to use my imagination to get it done and that’s it.” You finally exhaled sadly, as the painful memory was too much to handle for a full story so you avoided that part Limestone was staring at you with something since you can’t really tell what’s in her mind, sadness, regret, something? You’re not sure so you awaited for her to response and say a word “Did” she motioned “Did you enjoyed your life there?” she asked, you have no idea why she said that question but decided to just answer the question “No, it was bad, people were prone to accidents in that mine since it was rumored that It was hauntd by occultive spirits, but that’s another story” You shuffled in your seat and said “I didn’t enjoy my life there, and there was no way of entertainment in that place so I had to resort to my hands and talking to myself which was fun for a while until i had to stop before it becomes a daily habit” You scratched your back once again in embarrassment since after the Weird incident where you talk to yourself was funny in it’s right it was still weird even to you today, and you didn’t even have a comment in that incident so you let it slide Limestone took your ramblings well and said “so” she drifted off trying to think of a word to speak and spoke “How is your leg?” she asked, seemingly out of nowhere, but you decided to respond blindly since you don’t know why “It’s fine, it hurts a little to walk, maybe I sprained it while running or whatever, But my stomach hurts sometimes but nothing too serious about it though” You rubbed your stomach “Nothing to worry about” you added Your reassurance was heard of and her voice went calmer under expectation, but it’s a bit of a start actually since her voice seemed to crack a bit since you two board this train and started talking about personal matters, so you decided to keep pressing gathering snippets of information to get her to talk of why she’s like this so you do just that “ since I talked about myself how about you talk a little about yourself too” Limestone turned to see a back of a compartment seat leaned down and started to relax under the pressure “Alright, ask away” she grumbles, as if she’s enduring something you are not sure though “so how did you grow up Limestone?” You asked, since you explained on how you lived it is time for her too to explain , and obviously trying to get a perspective also. She gives you nod how you even know is still unknown but you knew “well, where to begin. Grew up in a traditional family, a good father and mother always worked in mines and quarries, never found love “she visibly scoffed at that for some reason “ Always been angry because of the event “ You heard teeth being grinded “ but all in all it’s life” and with that she ended her story, You were surprised at Limestone for being so cynical about her life, she had a good beginning but as the story progress it got worse and worsend over the years, due to her vagueness you can only imagine the life she had to went through You leaned to her and patted her in the back, earning you another flinch of her back even though you felt it only. “Thanks, now I feel lamer than a Lignite” Limestone commented, not showing her emotions, she is exceptionally good at it actually, you can’t tell if she’s mad or just scared at this, you do not kno- “But I supposed I still owe you for something right?” she smiled, suddenly turning the conversation, maybe to hide something, you in turn said “yeah, a favor” You sighed “ about that” You scratched the surface and there is no going back “ we need to be serious about this” You placed your arm on her shoulder, turned her around, which earned you a flouting face of Limestone and said “What is your problem at the train station?” You interrogated, knowing full well that things are about to hit the fan She looked shocked as well as furious at the sudden attempt of aggressive prying “What?!” Limestone outcried “What are you Talking?!” she booped your nose with hers as the two of you battle wills “The anger” You counted “ the emotional randomness” Your face push her nuzzle a bit “The fact that you keep blaming all your misfortunes on me, Why?” You said in a clear crispy voice, tying to pierce her mind with your words, but you were not strong enough to penetrate her “It’s because it’s True! You’ve been a pain to my lank since you arrived in the farm!” she vehemently Whisper-shouted, as she pointed her index finger at you and pushed you using her muzzle, you were not going to back down this time (again) “For What!?” You exclaimed, as you didn’t believe any of her dejections “For stealing my job and Always making me feel!!” she shouted, finally couldn’t contain any of her slowly boiling anger, she then proceeded to push her face to you like bunting you in the face She pushed you so well that she managed to knock you down to your seats, and your pretty sure that the passengers are uncomfortable with this so they just wisely ignored this tantrum and continued on being passengers “Is that the only reason?” You calmly asked, knowing that shouting isn’t going to help you out on being decisive, and also trying to spare your throat to being rasp like hers “Of course not! There’s the Weird noises Every night!” You were utterly not surprised by that, you’ve always had been a weird snorter at night, long story short, it was due to some naval problems, and she was not the only one expressing her complaints since your body has been doing this since you reached your pubescent or something “ Always hesistant on somethings!” you have no idea what’s she’s talking about “ And also for a being-“ she stopped mid sentence as Ponies and a hippogriff was now staring at her rant, she reacted by sitting down and whispered “ Pervert” she softly said it, making your eyes go wide with assumptions and other embarrassing things that you wouldn’t dare talk about You were so stunned in fact that you stood there after saying that word, so essentially you were stuck around, Limestone noticed this and said “That’s not the only list that I have” she whispered at you rather grudgingly, You now regret having her in this train towards Ponyville hospital, and now it was too late, the trip got too awkward to say anything so the both of you just sat down on your own seats and waited for something to happen interestingly but there was none --- You looked at the window as the scenery between a wasteland turned into a beautiful green and various colors too, You looked up and down on the moving fast landscape and admired “How did they know that there world would be perfect?” You asked to yourself, You world was none to perfect to be honest, Daily poverty, activities against the totalitarian state governor, and Certain vendetta against families and communities was made worse by it. Staring at the few certain landscapes you were amazed of how just amazing there world can be You looked to your next seat passenger which is Limestone, you looked at her and saw that she’s leaning on the passenger seat in front of you, you looked at her closely and saw that her eyes keep blinking and her breaths are longer and delayed, and looking at her body postre she’s using her spine as a rope? You can’t describe it but it’s like a hammock, out of a blues, yo looked deeply into her body more and more until you were hypnotized by her- Shaking our head all of a sudden, you realized what you are doing and the suspense of this was killing you, What are you Feelings for her!! You do not know the answer cause you suddenly got too confused by this unexpected climax, one seconds ago you were enjoying next thing ou know it’s all about, well, her You are however limitedly believe that you are familiar with the feeling for a bit, but your still unsure about her thought because she’s being more random than ever before, maybe she’s not feeling well and is taking her pain to you, maybe that’s the answer, --- -as the woman came to the dangerous cave, she avoided the grasp of sunlight in order to remain unseen from her enemy, as before she said that her enemy came following her, Raffling his hands and struggling to carry himself through the stunned effect, He looked at the cave in a aimless directions until he stopped and said- “Ah!” You suddenly jumped at your mind when a unexpected pressure came into your shoulder, it took you seconds to register it when you found, Limestone She was leaning on your shoulder and you heard some snores on the way you search, You fixated your eyes on her face and see that she is sleeping and passed out, maybe due to exhaustion by mining all by herself or just plain tired You were in a conflict here, on the other side was to brush her aside and let her get some space, on the other hand, you were content with it and you rather let her sleep on your shoulders even if it hurts so much to you Landing on a conclusion you let her sleep on you, It hurts and you knew it but… it’s good, in it’s own right to be honest, you have no idea what the indepth feeling this is but there’s more to it than meets the heart, afterall She looks down right cute when she sleeps like that, not like you first saw her like that before in fact, you were certain that you saw her sleep like that in the Bed accident, maybe she’ll not forget about it although you were looking forward on chatting with her that day, maybe it was something you don’t know Attempting to daydream was an utter failure due to the pain and pressure that is being created in your shoulder, and now is the time to endure the pain, Looking at Limestone whom was sleeping peacefully cute she occasionally makes a squirm when you move around which makes you remark her rare side of her since it was a rarity But *Ouch* it does hurt when you try to move around… --- Looking at the window for the many times before, you tiredly looked at Limestone as many time now and it never gets old an time soon, because that face she makes when she sleeps is just so precious to you, Never get tired of her making that face although the pain is resisting to do so, it’s just so worth it…to you of course Placing your fingers to her mane, you slowly stroke her mane and gently rubbed her head as you softly made a squirm from the pain, it was soothing to say at least but when she wakes up from this it’ll be worth it from anything You started to feel something familiar again, and you, this time knew what is in you chest right now, it was one of those things that your ancestors and you mother and father knew throughout their whole lives, but they didn’t teach you that, because they know that they’ll never able to see you again in the after-…It was love, Your eyes suddenly bulged out in surprise as the realization was all in a single word and your heart is beating so fast from this ecstatic feeling, since when? You retraced it and you found out it was since your heart found out about it. The sudden astonishing disclosure of your self was like a revelation, it was totally unexpected and bullets of sweat started to come out of you as to prior of the realization, how did you come this far without realizing what you have in stored for her was true and was not just a part of the feeling that you had in your mind- Thousands of scenarios ran in your head, some imitating the others while the fact that you still had Limestone over your shoulder was scary fact, You then proceeded to calm down and looked at Limestone and slowly took a deep breath in and out, slowly and gently, you’ll be arriving at the train station towards Ponyville, and you hope that Limestone will stay by your side and help you sort out these feelings burning up inside of you, and hopefully ask if she feels the same way as you do > To the needles?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone, and right now you feel very refreshed as you slowly come back to reality after a Very good and long nap on the seat, as you slowly go back to your original sense you notice something on your cheek and in you shoulder too, you felt it as living and moving and occasionally moves around synching your movements too, then slowly, you realized that you were sleeping on someone’s shoulder and they didn’t tell you about it? You were going to give him a piece of your thoughts You groggily stiff yourself and looked at the direction of where the noise was coming from as after you stood up you heard a Manly groan. Then suddenly it hits you, it was “Anon!” You made a utter low exclaim, which made Anon snort in surprise as he looked at you with a Very surprised tone “Wha?!” he stammered completely caught off guard You were about to speak but he caught you first “Limestone, Finally your awake” He Sighed in relief, which left you confused of to why, You scanned him and he doesn’t appear to be making any suddens You were about to open you mouth when he again cuts you off “ It’s okay Limestone, no need to apologize about it” He smiled giving you a sense if reassurance, You were confused and you wanted answers “Why do I have to apologize?” You hoarsely voiced, not knowing what the obvious that he was stating He seemed perplexed by your sudden outburst , he seemed to be blinking out wild and as you were about to say another word, history repeated itself “What?” Anon reacted “Why do you have to apologize, is because you’ve been sleeping on my broken shoulder” He calmly explained and grunted when your elbow unknowingly stumbled on his very bruised shoulder, “Sshhhhhh” He drifted his hiss of pain and continued “see?” You looked down on his body and sniffed at his shoulder, you always knew your scent so it wasn’t that hard since he his near you and was currently looking at your act He decided “uhh, what are you doing?” He questioned not knowing what your doing, of course you only heard him and did not respond, as you finished the act you can only imagine what pain he is in, so you decided to apologize again You sighed in uncharacteristic manner and said “I’m sorry” you mumbled and in your thoughts you said ‘forgive me’ as you felt a little-no a unusually great regret and fear, this is not normal You looked down and breathed in using your nuzzle and out, then you realized that seconds ago you were literally angry at him for no reason and the next thing is that you were in a regretted stat, you dare not to look at him and you tried to push the imploding feeling inside your chest and you were not doing a very great job at it. Until you felt something in your cheek, a hand You face was lifted up and was forced to face him and he said “Hey I said you don’t need to apologize, it’s alright” he said, trying to restore your confidence through persuasion. It worked and you almost hugged him on the spot if it wasn’t for the awkwardness that brought with it “Ponyville Station!” An conductor shouted in the back as if she have done this many times before, She gruffly looked at everycreature and said “Remember your things! I don’t want any complains about missing luggages!” And with that she promptly return to her station which is in the front seat of the tn Then the next seconds was filled you and Anon putting your down bags in response of the Mare’s request, You carried the heavy looking bag but and placed it on your shoulder, elbows and hands, you sighed softly to the bag’s weight, Anon carried his too, just one which is a bit pathetic sight to you but laughable in it’s own, Looking down on the floor to avoid bumps by the chair, you rockily moved out of your seat and almost bump into the seat’s platform, your in the hallway of the train, and looking at Anon he looked like he is struggling in which shoulder he would use by carrying the bag with, the scene depicts him mirroring the same act as you did except he keeps switching the bag. Then a light pressure was on your shoulder, you looked at the direction and listened “M’am could you please move already” An Hippogriff was politely asking you to move out of his way and you nod and said to Anon “I’ll meet you outside Anon!” You said those words as you simultaneously move outside to meet with him there You clumsily bumped into objects and recently Somepony who didn’t see you coming with such a large amount of bags, Your struggle continued but as you looked back Anon was already on the Line of Ponies whom are looking at him curiously and possibly asking question of what he is , you already know what’s going to happen so you proceeded to go outside You finally freed yourself from the continuing struggle that is the ‘train Lines’, Looking at the train entrance you saw Ponies and Creatures flow out of the train, You saw an Hippogriff, Pegasus’s, Unicorns, Earth Ponies and a human, You impatiently approached him and said “What took you long?” You asked, wondering why he took so long on the train to simply get out and meet you He scratched his head and said “Well. The ponies in there were really curious so I chat with them for a bit and tried to leave, But they were like fillies that were too curious so I ended up getting a block” He exhaled through his nose and said “nothing too serious, just some desperate questions” You blinked, and gave him a nod of understanding, you already knew that Ponies across Equestria knew of Anon due to the State he was in, so you shrugged the thought and said “Let’s go, the hospital is this way Anon” You gestured him and he soon followed, Mostly unknown to you, you were blushing when you said his name and it compelled you to tell him the truth of why your always so irregular when around him but you decided to keep your mouth zip, as soon as you are done escorting Anon to the hospital the sooner your going to visit your sister here, or maybe she will who knows You shrugged it off and as you walked around Ponyville, As you walked towards the Hospital with Anon, an bubble of thought came to you, Your sister. She knows Everypony in this town and she’s going to come to you in three, two, one “Limestone!” An cheery voice was heard, in front of you, This is going to be a Very Long day ------ You are Anon, and right now, you were bewildered of how an Pink strip just came out of nowhere and started to talk in a fast way as possible, And then, you realized it “Pinkie-“ Then you were flashed out “Limestone! I’m glad that you came to Ponyville with me! Are you hear for a visit or are you here for the-“ Pinkie stopped When Limestone placed her hand on her maw, making incomprehensible sounds in the muffled tone but somehow managed to make it cheerful rather than a typical soft one “Pinkie, I’m just here to visit the hospital and-“ Again like Limestone before me, was interrupted by her, With a gasp “What happened to you shoulder!?” she pointed out with her index finger” Did Somepony hurt you Nonny! Was it a Meanie? Maybe a spider Wait! Maybe it’s a” Again Pinkie was once again stopped by Limestone’s fingers, you Also took the Liberty on explaining the the situation to make her shut, Because she can talk your ear off sometimes and when you talked about it about her friends they said “You’ll get used to it” Is all they said to you when you try to broach the topic “Pinkie, can you see us visiting the hospital” Pinkie shaked her head and Limestone again exclaimed” Look, were going to discuss this After we Let him go to the hospital” Pinkie’s ear flicked and said “We” She repeated, while simultaneously smiling and grinning, (It’s my trick! “You heard me right Pinkie, You are going to point where the hospital is so we can get this over with” Limestone asked, while gazing for the hospital “Okie dokie lokie! Follow me!” She hopped on the ground and keep doing it like her typical self, the two of you proceeded to follow the Pink Mare Which is Hopping and while keeping a smile on her face on the doing --- Looking nervously at the field and a sign that clearly displays says ‘Ponyville Hospital’ you just hoped that the treatment would be swift or if you are lucky just a check-up, in honesty you were nervous, at the white plain walls of the hospital, the beeping sounds of the monitors, the traumatizing pain in the mine It made a chill in your bone as you shudder at the sight, smell, and phantom hearing of the past you Suddenly in the midst of thinking a voice snapped you out of it “You alright there Anon?” you drew your head back a little then saw Limestone staring at you behind her shoulder, She seems to be reading you and you tried to hide the fact buuut “are you thinking of something” She asked you a question, yeah you’re not going to lie to her and the reason is that she’s a living lie detector at times and your not going to take any chances when she’s trying to get you a favor or something “Yeah” You nodded trying to get her off your trail, but she caught up “What do you mean by that?” She interrogated, making a offensive stance “I was just thinking of other stuff, you know daydreaming” you threw an excuse to avoid the topic, but Limestone’s determination and will was strong so “daydreaming, of what?” she flatly said, but as you looked closely she seems to be, tinted red in her cheeks, but nonetheless it could be your imagination “Of…” You didn’t thinked this far, it left you in a vulnerable position to be coarse “You can tell me what’s bothering your mind Anon” She then fixated both of her eyes on you while simultaneously let her sister Pinkie to lead them “*Sigh*” You blushed slightly “the hospital” You hesitantly said, making sure it has characters of a scared man She giggled a bit, and you went wide eyed at how cute her giggles are, and even how feminine she is, in so you naturally blushed at how she is, making you want her She covered her mouth to avoid another gag and said “you sound scared at the hospital aren’t you?” She then sounded a bit, sympathetic? You lowly nodded and said “Yeah, because of something” You lowered your head a bit as the full blown memory made your day a bit more depressing…then Pinkie came along “ Everythings okay Anon” you were startled when she said, that “your not under that meanie babonie that you call you boss” she carefully, yet cheerfully tried to dispel the gloom that is my past Limestone was standing there, absorbing the information like some kind of sponge, she looked at me and said “Yeah, your not in your old world Anon” that also cheered me up, making me a bit stronger on a resolve level, she smiled in acknowledgment and nodded before saying “Let’s go, And lets hope it’s quick “ And with that, Pinkie hopped and closed her eyes while doing it, How she does it still alludes you curiosity but, meh its Pinkie Pie she defies some logic in argument of reasons sometimes. Looking at the dreadful sight again, you opened your eyes and saw an normal looking looking hospital, clearly an sight to be not scared off, there are Ponies that are comforting their Foals, fillies and Colts that are scared of the hospital as you do, some are given candy while others where on a verge of tears but they were comforted by snuggles and nice words, It was heartwarming and an unexpected sight from a hospital that you visited from. Walking to the reception area you looked at the receptionist whom is writing some medical something something, You do not know what it is but at least you can pretend to understand it. Limestone cleared her throat which coincidentally caught the attention of a rather half-occupied receptionist and said “is there an reserve for Anon?” Limestone asked, The nurse nodded and said “This room, here” She handed a note and a key was with it, Limestone then nodded and the receptionist lazily picked up an piece of paper on her side and grumbled to herself and the way she mover he r lips she must’ve said ‘I’m busy’ Looking at the walls it was grey white and it kinda looked as if it was more of a shelter than a hospital one, but at least its sanitary one. Looking at the hallways nurses and doctors all marched busily than the receptionist at the back, they’re all saying medically stuff related, you may know the basic of first aid but this is just another level. Sighing as if it was spiting you decided to talk to Limestone “Where’s the room Limey?” You said her nickname but as soon as you realize an sharp joint hit was pressured on your back, a clear expression of pain was in you face if you could see it, it was like comb hitting at you in full speed except the comb is living one, ‘man, earth ponies are strong’. “I said don’t call me that” An seethed voice was emanating from your behind, you peered over your shoulder and saw Limestone clearly narrowing her eyes at you while Pinkie was just standing there mouth wide open enough for a something to happen. “Pinkie” She fixated her baby blue eyes at you “close your mouth, you may eat a fly at that” You grinned in a instant at that random joke, You then laughed at your own corny and overused joke as too Pinkie laughed, you humorously griped you kneecap and kneeled down at the funny joke at the expense of the crutch, but you don’t care this was really a good moment and you wanted it to be a bliss As the final laughter came out of you. You looked at Pinkie as she smiled at you proudly and then you looked at Limestone whom was also grinning at the joke that you made, She must’ve laughed too if she’s smiling. Amazing of what you can do with laughter “so, where’s my room?” you asked, feeling a bit more confident now “In here” Limestone then approached the door and twisted the door handle to find a typical hospital room, a bed, fresh water, a night stand with a chair and a curtain near the bed. You looked at the room with dull as you wondered if all hospital room looks like this or did it copied the ones you laid on. Limestone then guided you to you bed, you then turned on your back and sat down on the bed, the hospital bed was comfortable unlike the one that you experienced, Pinkie bough out her color pen and started to draw some art, but Limestone stopped her before she does, Where did she got the pen from? “Alright, were going to wait for the doctor to check on you” Limestone assured as she pulled out the chair from the nightstand and sat down, Pinkie then proceeded to scoot with Limestone and in response Limestone sighed, the way they are sitting is a bit awkward because the chair is small for the two of them to fit so they looked like they are lying on each others back, chuckling heartedly the two of them shot a look at you of why are you laughing and said “What’s funny?” Pinkie asked, not understanding the humor “Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you that I used to have a little brother” you announced, Limestone Nodded in understanding and Pinkie’s ear flicked, she stared at you with a widest smile and said “You have a little brother” it was not repeat, it was a joyful geeing You chuckled even more “Yeah. And he’s a feisty one, brave but is really, how do you say it? Take in, ask question later guy” you chortled at a particular event “Oh! Oh! Do you have any stories about the two of you, Limestone already told you ours, but know it’s your turn” she insisted, you put a small smile and said “Alright, no need” You cleared your throat before swallowing a lump and readied to tell a story “once me and my brother used to hang out in the river stream, we were following a stag with slings and conker so we can wrestle with it just for funs” The two of them listened with anticipated silence. “I almost caught it but not before kicking me with his hooves but it just so happens to give my brother enough time to throw the weak tie conker onto the stag’s leg, essentially tripping him, when we realized what we’ve done we tried to high five, but he fell unto a rotten log, after the incident he was sent to the shaman’s house because he was covered in poop, spiders and caterpillar infused poop” the two sisters looked disgusted but they were trying to restrain something “ I don’t know how poop managed to get there but it was disgusting and it basically made my brother scared of logs, when he turned 9 he never went to a single forest ever since. The end!’ You huffed in expiration and happiness and looked at them for a second time. And right now, it was just a time to continue the storytelling, but Pinkie would probably insist so yeah, you’ll just see > Hospital visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are Limestone Pie, you are currently strolling the roaring streets of Ponyville marketplace. The place was filled with Ponies and occasional Somecreatures buying and selling wares and goods to this place. The streets were filled and traffic was expected with me and my Sister Pinkie, we are currently trying to squeeze through the crowd and unto Pinkie’s foster guardian and their foalsitter. Naturally I got a little grumpy and salty with the people that touched me, but Pinkie was there to guide me out so I skipped that part, and as I monologue we were approaching the bakery that Pinkie works for. She said ‘that the Cakes are currently on their little vacation with the foals and they were going back tomorrow, and tomorrow is going to be another work day for her and today where going to have a ‘little’ discussion on things.’ “I don’t get it Limey? Why are you being so mean to nonnie when he’s around?” Pinkie asked as she hopped to the front door. “I don’t know, I guess I’m still distrustful after the-“ A finger lightly pressed your lip, making you stop talking about the very depressing topic. “But you said you don’t want to talk about It anymore?” She tilted her head in confusion while still pressing her finger your maw, you pried it off slowly and said, “Well learning lessons is really important and all, but..” you sit up on your chair to make this as comfortable as possible, “..history repeats itself, you know” You gave your sister a knowing stare and she nodded at that response. “So wait? How are you going to tell Nonnie about this? You said in your letters that you sent, that you’ve treated him bad ever since he arrived on the farm” She gave you a questioning tilt while simultaneously maintaining her giddy up self, sometimes you question her act sometimes. “That’s what I feared” you sighed insecurely and gave droop down you ears as Anon would likely reject you for everything you did when he stayed in farm. Maybe you were just too harsh on him for something as little for dropping a fork on the floor. You began to think anxiously about Anon, how would he react on how would you help to control your temper that is very fiery inside and your very commanding attitude, you don’t know. You and your sister are just sitting quietly inside her room, sitting on the chairs, each of you thinking different but the same root of processing on how to apologize to Anon… Of what felt like minutes has passed, you shot a stare at Pinkie again, she gasped while pointing up her accusing finger up in the sky. “I got it! We should invite him to a party!” Pinkie brain-childed as she disappeared and reappeared in front of you and placed a paper note in front of you and said “You are invited to Pipsqueak’s Birthday party Limestone Pie and also our special guest, Anon!” She raised her arm and flaid it around and said “It is going to be fun!” And with that she descended downstairs but can still hear her happy cry of joy downstairs. You blinked of the sudden surge of randomness, but you better hope that Pinkie didn’t planned on anything crazy between you and Anon, because if she did well, you better prepare the scarf to cover yourself. . . . You are still Limestone and right now you are throwing a ball in front and back to you, kind off when prisoners are bored and found a bouncy ball, you have no idea what to do though. Mother said that you should watch over Anon when in your visit in Ponyville but she did include you to socialize with you bubbly sister and with her other friends, the town went on undergoing changes ever since the newly made school of friendship was made near Princess Twillight’s castle. You were in awe and astonishment when you see everycreature in there, it was a sight but you didn’t have enough time to tour around the place because you need to watch over Anon, speaking of which you looked at the clock in the wall and saw the time. Gazing at the clock for a while you sighed and grumbly paced a few things yourself, you grab a few trinkets when you were visiting the market and go towards Ponyville hospital which is in the middle of nowhere, you grabbed your jacket inside your packed backpack and go outside. The cold in Ponyville was really nortorious when in night, especially when it’s near hearts warming eve. You can see your vapor leaving your warm body and your furred hand without any feature of nails, unlike Anon’s of course. Things inside the little bag were bouncing a little including the currency inside, keeping yourself warm. You blew a warm breath on your cupped mouth, it was warm and lively that you even rubbed it on your fur. Then you looked at Ponyville’s local flower stand, they all have so many varieties but at the same aim, to please the giver, maybe you should give Anon a flower and apologize to him for lashing at him for giving you the weird feelings whenever he is near you, and perhaps you two would be friends… if it wasn’t for the experience that you had with colts when you were younger. You sighed and decided to approach the mare occupying the stand and politely said. “How much for a flower” Your voice was much deeper than you anticipated but it would do. His ears flicked and shot you a stare and a his eyebrow raised quickly and said, “Sorry I was daydreaming” He excused herself to straighten himself and said, “What can I get you?” “Any flower that is cheap” you tried to diminish the conversation as you were currently not that much in the mood right now. “Ah of course, here’s the cheapest that we have available right now ma’am” You grabbed a single yet good conditioned flower that is colored yellow, you do not know what types of flower this is since you live in a farm rock, you sighed thinking of how much the damage would be on your bits. He fixated his eyes and mouthed, “How much?” you waited while he was still calculating the damage albeit slowly He shifted his seat and said, “Are you new in Ponyville?” he added whilst also pointing at you. Your attention was perked and you responded by nodding, ever since Pinkie’s misadventure happened you were practically being a sister to her in this place for once. The mare all of a sudden had his eyes went to you and said, “Wait, I think I recognize you” You rolled your eyes and said “Of course you do” you were expecting a kind and graceful acknowledgement but instead he went to the obvious path. “You’re Pinkie’s sister right?” He said almost excitedly, it did not amused you though. “Yes, that’s right” You did not came here to chitchat with a stranger, but you can talk abou- “Also are you the ‘Victim’ from that crazed stallion?” He asked in his ignorance. Your ears went up and stared at him with concealed strong disappointment as well with anger. He looked at you for a few millisecond and then his mind registered. He cupped both hand on her big mouth while his eyes went wide in astonishment and said “Oh! I’m so sorry for being so insensitive, It’s just that I had no idea- I’ll just s-stop talking now” He nervously let out a breathy sighed as he tried to make the situation less awkward. You on the other hand were partially flooded with such a painful memory that you even managed to cringe expressively. The stallmare looked at you worriedly and squeaked “I’m sorry” He whispered as he looked at you with apologetic eyes. You regain composure and added “It’s okay, just don’t be impulsive alright?” even though he offended you beyond, he did apologize so you just have to forgive him. But that doesn’t mean you fully forgave him yet. You decided to just end it and dismissively said “Just give me the flowers” You flowed the words with unchanging expression that’ll make your sister Maud take her attention to you. He nodded and added another profused apologies before finally giving you the flowers with discreet discounted prices. “It’s on the me” She says before the two of you exchanged goodbyes. As you trotted towards an closing street, the sidewalks were filled with stalls of whom, the Ponies and a Griffon were closing it at near midnight. The walk was uneventful and filled with lingering sensation of enlightenment of Luna’s moon. You looked at the sky while also keeping you eyes on the street, the moon was refreshing this time of the day, your mind then flashed slowly to the Mare’s comment when she actually knew what happened to you. Maybe she heard the right rumor or she heard the it from a friend or something, you do not know but the anxiousness is sticking to you, but deciding to let go of the past is never an easy feat and you knew it since you can’t let these grudges go. you may have been a little sexist nonetheless you have to try and let go. Sighing with vapor coming out of your maw you looked forward and readied yourself for an apologizing to Anon, with internal monologue on your side to keep yourself steady on your speech of apology 'Maybe love can change anypony's mind, hmm maybe' with that you head off into the snowing fog. . . . You are Anon, right now you are currently looking at the hospital window, which is next to you fortunately enough. You focused your view on the bland but intentional village house, you saw a mare and a stallion both holding the hands of their filly the simple yet heartwarming sight was enough for you to rememerge the memory of home and it's peaceful content, You never told Twilight the whole story about your home, in fact you actually lied about thankfully Applejack wasn't there when you did it, that mare is a living lie detector most of the times when you are with her, the last time you were caught lying, she urged you to come up clean and honest with your words, And you said sure then changed your mind after the encounter. A knock came came in and a greetful sight came to you in full force, It's Pinkie and her friends, err some of them anyway. What you saw was Pinkie, Applejack and Twillight with some'creatures' behind them, you widen your eyes then quickly calmed down, 'Why now!' you hufffed, obviously displeased with the situation since you worked at the rock farm for a reason. "That's a human?" A orange reptilian emphasized, with a quality of tomboy-ish voice "thought he would be much bigger." she then vaped a small cloud of smoke out of her nose. You unexpectedly smirked at that remark and said "that's the way the cookie crumbles" in which she returend with a confused eyebrow 'Now since when do lizards have eyebrows?' Twilight intervened up and said "Sorry for the inconvenience Anon but the students insist on seeing you, Since your the only one in this world." Twilight ended it with a sheepish hand movement, which indicates something since you don't know body reading about hor- Ponies. Twilight then inhaled asa if waiting for a perenial moment"A i would like to introduce you to-" "Your a human!" A colorful voice came out of nowhere and felt a vibration on your cot, forcing you to turn around and see what the ruckus was about. Looking at the perpetrator she was beneath your bed studying your limp and neck, as you looked at her, she has a beak and a purple hued fluff with a blue fin like hair 'What?' . "Oh wow what is this, *Gasp* what is this!" The the griffon then proceeded to touch my nose, much to my discomfort i assumed this looks cute on a outside perspective but to me this is just plain w-. "Ow, Stop it" I cupped my nose in annoyance, She is just like Pinkie when i first met the 6 heroines, Doesn't know about personal space and needs to backup since her 'fingers' are basically dull toothpicks "Give me some personal space will you?" I basically just whispered the shout since i know she is Pinkie alike, Well in a birb. "Oh, sorry mister" She sheepishly scratched her head and backed off the bed, leaving you comfortable once again in your own personal space with a reliefed sigh you asked why are they all here. Twilight's ear flicked and said " We are just here to visit you here Anon, and also ask you how you are doing" Twilight said in a benevolent way as possible, trying to appeal both sides of her and your's. You look behind her and saw another figure, this time an bug, and by that you mean it's unbelievable, a colorful yet soft looking bug came behind Twilight, She has a pink back and a dull grey front, this was strange and really, what would you expect a anthropod being anthropomorphize was beyond science, it is supernatural. "h-hello, Mr Anon" you snapped out of your disbelief and saw the bug was staring at you with timid intentions, you can tell since it her body gestures are showing. "What are you?" You requested, still in a disbelieving trance. She looked a bit surprised before introducing herself "My name is Ocellus and i'm a changeling" She added "I'm surprised you haven't, heard of us" She then finished and goes back being quiet, maybe because of your far off stare or maybe the room was staring at her, who knows. You suavely adjusted your blanket and get in a comfortable position, maybe the trip to the hospital won't be so bad afterall. "so" you started "what now" you smirked as you settled in a awkward moment, with the living lie detector. "For starters" an lazy yet liberal voice was heard on the far corner, You looked on that corner and saw a anthropomorphize earth pony whom was staring at you with liberal lifestyle "Who are you?" He pointed at you and his friends looked at you with eager and (some) impatient intent. You took a breath and let it all out "My name's Anonymous(you) and i'm a human who is stuck in this world, with a grumpy mare" You smirked, and they were confused. . . . And you are Limestone Pie, Always grumpy yet with a gentle heart, You looked at the hospital in the snowing fields, The pathway towards the hospital was snowed clogged, snowflakes were reigning down with beatiful anticipations and snow was covering the path like a sand. You were just done furnishing your apology monologue and maybe it's time to say sorry to Anon, you know that this is below you but you just have to, without conditions too. As you were about to take another step you saw one of the flowers blow off out of the bonquet, you catch it in midair before it blow off far away from you. 'Ugh! how long is this blizzard going to end?!' You thoughtfully vented the frustrations, you were emotionally tired and needed and scape to all this strss, maybe this is your trial of being mean to Anon almost everytime you see...unless you were sympphatizing a wrong cause, you made your way back into the yesterdays and history, he snucked into your room, he (maybe) planned ahead his actions or maybe you are overthinking the situation. "Agghhhh!" you groaned in strained distressed, just were you about to apologize to him you went over your head and screwed it up, a clash of thoughts washed over you and amidst it all is an abducted apology letter, a speech to say you are sorry ad held your actions against him for the past history. *Thunk* "Ow!' you snapped out of your discomforting resonant once you hit something in front of you, you looked forward and sheepishly looked at any bystaders that sa it, you collided with a wall without looking. This time though, you were shaking breathing shortening as you looked at the bonquet of flowers that you hed in your limb, what now? you lost the nerve to apologize to Anon and worst of all you are awrily twisted a put-on thought apology in a meddling conflict of your own, you- "Limey!" an brigh voice came out of nowhere and in a instant you inwardy cursed whatever spirit that you have upsetted. a squish on you cheeks were felt, though it were mittens Pinkie owned, she made it smell like vanilla somehow. "You were gone for a looong time and now you are here-" you discreetly tried to hide the bonquet of flowers on your back and with a twitch of your own sibling she sensed it "*Gasp* What is that for!?" She basically pointed at the bonquet you have in a awkward position, without the consent of physics of course. You tried to play it cool and hastily scrawled up an excuse "Just for some, uhh, Creature" you put up a awkward smile as you were now distressed as you tried to make up other reasons, coupled with other dealings you can't focus all senses properly. She pouted and putting her fingers up her chin and said "hmmmm" she narrowed her eyes and eventually squinted it for trying to hard, you were now ready to bolt out of th hospital and go back to th rock farm and rater go there instead, but- "Ohhh! it's for Anon right!" she suddenly guessed correctly, she didn't see your sstartled face as you sputter of how your own sister knew about your former plan. "Well just on't stand there" she grabbed your shoulders and pushed you inside the room "go get her Filly!" she cheerfully shouted as she excitedly closed the door behind you while also pushing you inside. You, mean while were thinking of how to escape this situation, you were already stressed before but now was the perfect time to call it beyod stress, you were now scared. . . . You are Anon, and right now you were trying to avoid Applejack's gaze as she kept on staring at you with her brutally honest mind, heart and mouth, in which you learned to respect and fear as you and Ocellus, the Changeling as 'she' was called since they're insects they sometimes do not have any gender and instead asexual, maybe that or you were misinformed when you grew up but whatever. "So, uh if this is not a bad question but, where do you live before you were here in Equestria?" The wuggly bug asked in a timid voice, Seriously you could cuddle all of the living things in this room because somehow they all looked cuddly when you see them, you learned to bury all of those thoughts aside as it would emberass you in the future, but also them too getting hug by a small gorilla you are. "Uhmm, mister Anonymous why were you laughing?" The changeling, Ocellus noticed and you replied. "Something funny" Then dismissed it with a wave of a hand, although Applejack was here you knew she was going to interject anytime soon if you aren't careful with your words. The Ocellus's 'ears' perked up and added "You didn't answer my question" She then stared at your eyes and waited for a answer. "Well my home was near a mining company" Apllejack's right ear flicked, you noticed and tried to tell more half-truths " I was raised by my parents, me, ma, pa, and bebby bear were a family" A stang came right in the home " Ma was a -a " you stuttered but came to a relatively close truth " Cashier, which is closely resembles a stallmare, and my Dad was a acolyte, he served the church and faithfully put his life to me, ma and bebby bear." You forced a smile as the memories of your family grasps you. Apllejack knew your sorrows and said "A'ight, it's enough questions fer today" She then whistled and rounded the students towards the door, they were dicontent and expressed it by saying words and plain groans, but nevertheless accepted, they were near the door with Apllejack behind them... but not before a familiar figure came. "Oh come on Pinkie just let me go!" A rash voice came, 'Yep, it's definitely her' Then another push came "C'mons sis! You two will get together and apologize to him!" Apologize? Limestone? mind confused. "I-" Limestone then saw you staring at her and she frozed a bit but not before Pinkie gave another push and succesfully grabbed Twillight by the arm then zipped away and closed the door with a loud thunk. "..." "..." We stared at each other wordlessly and tried to throat the words out but can't, and she seems to unable to do it either, She walked towards the chairs that were brought in and sat on one, she then opened her maw but nothing came, wordless. Snapping out of it you spoke first "Close you mouth or else a fly would get inside" She became annoyed and tensed that she closed her mouth shutly and angrily said "Shut it Anon! The room is not even dirty either" She narrowed her eyes and tried to impose herself as big and threatening, instead made her looke cute like a dog trying to command another puppies inside her box. Having enough of the reaction you continued the conversation through "You know Limey, yo-" Suddenly being cut off by the sudden move, you grab something in your face and were unable to hide the surprise from you face, She bought you a bonquet of flowers. Trying to hide a blush was a hard move, especially when Ponies think that hated you, was secretly having a crush on you and would not admit it! Or they don't cause you know, secluded mining family and stuff. Pickinup the bonquet, you stared at her unexpectedly at her sudden outburst when all along she was going to give you flowers instead of a smacking on your cheeks. She and you went silent for a while and the only sound was made was the loud pain moaned in separate room of the hospital, 'its nice of them to give me such a space' "Soo, Anon I uhh" she uncharacteristically spoke up, which is unlike and almost below her "sorry for" she mumbled "The stuff that I did to you and you don't deserved it really" she then smiled,e corner of her mouth twitched and you lately noticed it. Obviously she was forcing her smile so you get to the cue too, "Me too" you then scritched your top head in comfort, the bed is really ni- No focus you're apologizing to Limestone. "For what exactly?" She poked quietly, which was VERY unlike her, curios you asked why she's like this "Limey, wh-" you were then cut off by a grunt that resembles a frustrated bull and interjected "Stop calling me Limey Anon"...rejection? "Sorry to say this Anon but" she then pried her hands open stared at her own hands and added " I think this isn't what I wanted" she then looked at the small desk next to your bed. "I know" her ears perked, then looked straight at your eyes wit hopeful intent. "You do?" "Yeah"