The metal HAWKEN

by NinjaTurtle

First published

A fifteen years old boy and his mech, DB, go on a mission but never returned. What happened to them?

Connor Irons is a fifteen years old boy and his prototype mech, DB, go on a mission to stop the enemy. They succeed but as they were returning, something goes wrong. Instead of returning to base, he disappeares. Question is, where did they and what does DB stand for?

Based on the game HAWKEN with a few changes. For example, since there's not much, if any, lore, I'm creating my own.

Chapter 1 Mech-stake

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Chapter 1

Running down the corridor, Connor Irons was still fiddling with his equipment. His thick black hair bouncing on his head and his chunky body moving at a speed unusual for an adult, he turned the corner to the hanger, alarms blaring. He was a fifteen years old boy with the letters DB stitch in green on his shoulders.

Alert, alert, all riders suit up for engagement. Repeat, all riders suit up for engagement” called the captain over the mic.

As Connor rounded the last corner, he saw his partner climbing the ladder to his HAWKEN mech. He had a heavy brawler class with a shotgun arm on the left and a rocket launcher on the right.

Good luck, kid. Let's see if those improvements work.” he said as he pulled the hatch over his head.

Connor's mech was a light gray medium mech with lime green trimmings. On both shoulders, the letters DB were painted. The left arm was a machine gun and the right arm had the prototype hand. It was a double pod homing rocket launcher but had one removed for the hand and hidden extendable blade to replace it.

DB, pick me up.” I said, getting ready for the hand to pick him up. Not being an adult like the others made it difficult for me to get to the hatch on the top of the mech.

“Affirmative sir, welcome back.” the machine replied in its mechanical voice. The hand reached for its rider, picked me up and put me on its roof. I quickly opened it and dropped in. I activated all the systems and prepared for the warp.

Warp drive ready, riders ready.” came the captain's voice.

Yes sir!
Yes sir!”

"Ok then, warping you to ground level. Good luck.” said the captain before the world suddenly disappeared.

Just as fast, the world reappeared and we sprung into action. The environment before us was of the old refugees bunkers. The winter snow had settled and the centre post was seeable from here. The hill in front of us had the remainings of the people before they were moved to a safer place.

Let’s get this over with, I missed breakfast for this” I thought. Before I could get there, I saw the two enemy mechs emerge from the post.

One of the mechs was a small scout and the other was a medium mech. The scout had two explosive weapons and the small fuel tank on the back of the cockpit. It had the typical rust orange colour with white lining. The other was a black or dark gray with two medium miniguns. It also had the white lining. They both had the letters HTKB on the side.

Hey, their the hire to kill brothers. They apparently wiped out a team of 4 together without any help! This just got a hell of a lot worse if they find us.” Came my partner over to mic.

Shush then or they’ll find us.” I said in a hushed voice. We watch as the continued round the post, out of sight.

Take the medium out first, then the scout.” I said, walking my mech around a pillar of stone, followed by the heavy mech.

We reached the right side of the post and behind the enemy rider. I turned my mech to my partner and did what could be considered a nod with my mech before turning back to aim my guns.

We opened fire.

The enemy mech could only turn around before the volley of bullets and rockets blasted him. I quickly used my thrusters to boost over to him and used the blade to stab the core before hovering. The mech went limp and the small nuclear core exploded. Probably from hearing the commotion, the scout mech appeared and started shooting. The was ineffective as we turned our attention to him. Before he could take anymore damage, he darted around the corner, followed by the four rockets that exploded.

That wasn't so hard, let's see what was so important that they had to hire them two morons. I hope it is something important. That'll mean more pay for us.” said my partner, unfolding the mechs shields back up.

We slowly walked to the post. The post was a square based pyramid with a cube taken from the centre and a entrance on all four sides. The was also a block a bit in front of the entrance that were used as cover for mechs when the enemy attacked. The top was a platform that often had people sat there, looking up at the stars. Other times it was a look out point for other riders to look for trouble.

In side the post, a portable transmitter was found. It was flashing and give off the occasional beep. The poles around the centre pole span slowly while it was supported by four clamps that attached it to the ground.

I examined the device and contacted the captain, saying “Found the transmitter, looks like they still think this place is a bunker. If I am not mistaken, they planned on bombing the place from orbit.”.

Good work riders, prepare to warp back.” Reported the captain, with the chatter and commotion behind him evident.

Just as he said that, the scout mech, still heavily damaged, through a jammer at us. My partner was gone before it affected him, I was not so luck. Normally, it would disrupt the warp so much it would stop. But since it was only a weak one and the warp was already sending me, neither happened I just disappeared in an explosion.

Canterlot palace

Celestia had just finished with the day court and was on her way to her room to retire for the day. She was about to lower the sun for Luna to raise the moon when a sudden spike of pain ran through her horn.

Sister, did thou feel that too?” cried Luna as she teleported into the room. Judging by the way she was rubbing her horn, she had felt it as well.

Celestia turned to face her. “Yes but I do not know what it is. This is new to me.” said Celestia, turning back to the sun and processing to lower it. Off in the distance, she could see a faint bit of smoke from the Everfree forest.

Have you lettered Twilight about this?” asked Luna.

No, but I shall in a moment. Her and her friends can handle whatever it is sister. Now could you raise the moon Lulu.” said Celestia, pulling a quill, pot of ink and paper out with her magic.

Oh yes, I shall see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight Tia.” Luna said before teleporting away.

Celestia started to write her letter on the paper.

Dear My faithful student Twilight sparkle,

Earlier, me and my sister felt something appear in the Everfree forest and I would like you and your friends to investigate. Please be careful as we don't know what it is or if it is dangerous. I shall be sending two royal guards to assist you that should be there by tomorrow.

If you find something of importance, please send me a letter.

Your faithful teacher,
Princess Celestia.

Once she was done, Celestia walked over to the door, opened it and said to the guard,”I would like you two guards to go to ponyville now and accompany the main six explore the mysterious crash there.”.

Yes Princess.” they both said in unison and trotted off.

As they left, Celestia closed the door and went to bed. As she drifted of the sleep, she thought to herself,Be safe My Little Pony's.

End of chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Discovery

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Chapter 2

Ow. That was the only thing I could say. First the pain of the body that got smacked around in the cockpit. As I got up, the pain of a headache decided to join. Waiting for it to stop a bit, I opened my eyes. Since I was still in my mech, there were no blinding lights.

“Rider, are you OK?” asked the mech, its monotone voice bringing me to my senses.

Yeah, just a bit bruised, that's all. How are you DB?” I said, hoping there in no damage.

“Map, offline. All other systems online. Repair drone operational, but it cannot fix the map. It short circuit instantly every time.” it replied.

OK, well let's look around. Can you bring up the display. I also want a scan of the area for any living animals, just in case of any predators. If you find a town or something, even better.”. I hoped there was a settlement because that means intelligent life or human. If I found any predators, I could use them as food if worst comes to worst.

The display lit up and showed a forest. The ground around me was scorched from the arrival. The forest itself wasn't that bad. The trees were dense and crooked making it dark, perfect for animals to hide. But aside from that, it was a normal forest. The audio started and now I could hear the birds chirping, bushes moving in the wind and the river that I could see to my right.

“Scanning...scanning...scan. Three life forms engaging on our position. Average size of a big dog or wolf. Likely hostile, caution warranted.” DB informed me. I raised the machine gun to ready myself, just as I saw the multiple sets of glowing green eyes. I used my thrusters to make a roar sound to try and scare them off.

One of the wolf's, probably the alpha, barked and two of the wolf's jumped at us. Not thinking about it, I fired and disintegrated then with bullets. I soon saw that they were made out of wood. Wooden wolf's. Before I could question it more, the other two and the alpha attacked. I locked on to the wolf in the centre and fired my missiles. It blow up with sticks and splinters flying everywhere. The the alpha and the other wolf were knocked down. The other wolf got up and started to circle me. The alpha did the same in the opposite direction trying to get behind me.

The wolf's both jumped at the same time, hoping to now double team me. I dashed forwards them 180 thrusted to turn around as they fell to the ground. I shot them with my rockets before dashing in to grab one. The grunt wolf shattered, leaving a injured alpha left. It could barely stand. I grabbed it, lifted it up, then slammed it into the dirt. For safe measures, I crushed it under my foot, before turning to where I saw them enter.

Them remaining eyes quickly vanished into the bushes.

That's new. Hey, DB, could you file them down, just in case we encounter anymore of them.” I said, looking at my work.

“Yes sir. Warning new life forms detected. Average size of a small horse. Eight of them moving in a group, suggest hiding.” warned DB. I quickly ran towards a dense area of trees and bushes and got the mech to crouch.

1 hour earlier, Ponyville

Twilight was frantically dashing around the library, packing stuff for the trip to the Everfree forest. Her friends Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie, were waiting for the guards to get here while trying to calm Twilight, which seemed impossible.

Twilight, if ya keep acting like that, ya gonna blow a fuse harder than a buck trees.” Applejack said, her country accent showing in everword.

Yeah! If you carry on, you'll be too tied to help at all. And if this another threat, we need you to do that awesome thing with the elements.” added Rainbow dash as she nodded in the air.

But girls, this could be big. I did my research but all possible legends say that the next catastrophic event isn't till next two months after and if Celestia sent royal guards, this must be important. It's in the Everfree forest as well which means it could be dangerous. An if it's dangerous, I need to prepare and I -” Twilight sparkle didn't get to finish the sentence as there was a knock on the door.

Ooh, ooh, I got it, I got it!” said pinkie enthusiastically as she bounced towards the door. As she opened the door, the royal guards stood up straight.

We have come to escort you through the forest. Everyone ready? ” asked the guard to the left. He was a earth pony stallion with a brown coat and a red mane and tail with white lines streaking through them. He wasn't as big as big Mac but had just as much muscle. His cutie mark was one of a shields overlapping to make a heart.

The sooner the better so we have longer to look for whatever it is. We don't want to be out too long otherwise we could run into unwelcome company.” said the mare. She an pegasus pony and was like Applejack in build but had a pitch black mane on a solid white coat. Her cutie mark was of a sword with a wing instead of a blade.

This stopped Twilight as she walked towards the door.

OK, let's go girls.” she said, walking with the guards.


After a while of looking, Rarity started complaining ”Uuhhh, this mud is staining my hooves. At this rate, it’ll never come out.”.

Well, if I knew what i should be look'n for, we could find it.” said Applejack.

Um, I could ask, animal friends.” peeped Fluttershy, who was timidly stayed away from the trees.

Darling, that's a lovely idea! We should be able to find it faster and get out of these horrid woods.” said Rarity, now looking at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy quickly found one of her animal friends and asked it if it had seen something appear.

Oh, my...really...OK…thank you birdy. Now fly back to your next little nest..” said Fluttershy, as the robin flew off.

What did he say?” asked Twilight.

It was a she, not a he. But she said that was some kind… metal monster.” said Fluttershy.

As if on queue, sound of explosions started to rattle through the forest. After some time, they all saw three TIMBERWOLVES run off. They all stood there slacked jawed except Fluttershy, who was hiding behind Twilight.

What was that!?! It came from this direction, come on. Let's go!” said the stallion, running into the forest with the others in tow.

Present time

I sat there as I saw the eight technicoloured pony's. Three of them had wings, two had horns and the other three had neither. They all had little pictures on their butts and two of them had gold armour.

Is that real gold. If I had that much gold I would be set, although it's an awful choice for armour. I mean, its heavier, weaker and harder to work with the than Iron or steel. It's just too flashy as well.” I whispered.

The pony's looked like it was made by a five year old. Coming from a fifteen years old, that's something. They were looking at the smoldering remains of the wooden wolf's.

Where's it gone, something that can make timberwolves run wouldn't run from us? It can't have gone far.” said the purple horned one.

I just sat there replaying that in my head. That pony just talked! Pony's can't talk! This can't be real! This can't be real!. I suddenly saw that the cyan and rainbow haired pony was getting a bit to close. The orange and blonde one was also a bit too close for comfort. As it search the bushes, I heard the metallic clang of their hooves on my mechs feet.

Then everything happened at once.

At that, I sprang into action. Using the mechs hand, I grabbed the orange pony thing and ran. It screamed which now destroyed any stealth I had. I started to run into the forest, pony in hand, and occasional dashed to the side to avoid a tree the appeared in front of me.

I used the boost as much as possible as the cyan pony was slowly catching up on me before I suddenly turned and continued to move. The orange pony in my mechs hand was holding on for what looked like dear life. Behind the next row of trees, I saw a clear area, perfect to lose the pony's.

As I came to a clearing, I saw a huge canyon. I quickly hovered up with my remaining fuel then pointed my thrusters up to send me falling to the bottom. The pony in my hand had fainted due to the fall and had stopped giving my location away. After landing, I turned and saw a little cave in the rocks which was big enough for the mech. I quickly hid in there and stopped, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Where's it gone!?! Something that big can't just disappear. We need to find it and Applejack.” one of the pony's said. So her name is Applejack, heh. Sounds fitting. I thought, now looking at the pony. The picture on the orange pony's hind quarters were three, red apples.

How can a thing of that size just up and move, even Rainbow dash here struggled to catch up on it with those heat jet things on its back? And I don't think it could survive a fall like this!” came a male voice which likely came from the only male, the brown and red winged one, if he was correct.

It could have gone down this way! Come on, let's see if we can find this metal beast!” and after that he heard the sounds of their hooves run off.

Holy crap, that was close. You OK DB? I know you hate using all the fuel but it was the only way to out run the rainbow haired pony.” I asked, letting the thrusters cool off and the fuel recharge.

“Affirmative, no damage done. What should we do with the orange “pony” here?” inquired the AI.

Well, since your too big, you should stay and make sure the ponys OK and doesn't escape. I'm going out to find food. Some fruit and veg for her and me and some meat for later.” I said, now considering having to feed the pony herbivore and myself.

I climbed out the hatch and jumped to the ground. I had a quick stretch because my legs had gone stiff due to not moving them for at least 6 to 7 hours and my arms due to having the work the controls rapidly. At least 7 different areas popped and cracked.

Ahh, much better. Alright, I'll be back in 2 hours, 3 tops. Try to not make any unnecessary loud noises. Remember the taser is the pony escapes or screams, just in case.” I said as I left my water bottle with the pony and went off in search of food.

1 and a half hours later.

I had my small minigun on my back and the silenced pistol in my hand, looking for any meat. I had more than enough fruit and vegetables for me and my guest, enough wood for a fire but no meat to cook. In a forest of timber wolves and perfect hiding places for predators, there was not an animal in sight anywhere.

I soon found something, a large lion,bat, scorpion hybrid, which was feasting on a badger corpse, unaware of my presence. It was bigger than a normal lion, had big bat wings that were not proportional to the weight of the beast and a scorpion tail the length of its body. Like a scorpion, it probably had a poison in it. The claws on the beast were the huge and it probably had the muscle to dent the mech, if it was really trying.

I slowly aimed the gun, not wanting to miss my shot at dinner.


The beast's head pretty much exploded out the other side. Looking at it now, I would need both hands to carry this, so I put my gun in its holster and heaved the beast over my shoulder. As i started to walk back, I thought. That dinner sorted, I should get back before it gets dark. I'd have to be lost in here at night. The clearing was ahead as I saw the sun in the sky.

Then it just fell.

I nearly dropped the beast as I saw this. WHAT THE FUCK!!! The sun just fell…I thought as the moon suddenly moved up the in the sky...and now the moon is raising!!! What is this wacky place! I'm still considered a child and even I wouldn't come up with a world as messed up as this!

For the sake of my sanity, I decided to ignore it. I continued to the cave. I just jumped down a few rocks and landed near the entrance to the cave. The mech, standing in front of the entrance, was on low power mode, recharging. I dumped the wood and food to the side, deciding that I would set it up later.

The pony was still out cold. She had curled up and layer on the floor where the mech had placed her. The big bottle of water I left wasn't touched. From where I was standing, she looked like she was shivering. This, I wasn't surprised by as we were in a airy trench in a freezing cave. I took of my jacket of, leaving my protective gear on and placed it over her

I took this as a chance to skin and dissect the beast and start a fire.

This is going to be a long night, isn't it?” I said to myself as I made a fire.

End of chapter 2

Chapter 3 Dinner discussions

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Chapter 3
Dinner discussions

Ugh…” Applejack groaned, coming back to her senses. First sense was smell as she pick the sent of fruit and vegetables being cook. She could smell the smoldering wood and something else that she couldn't identify.

The next sense was touch as she noticed how cold it was. Applejack also felt some kind of clothing over her. With the help of sight, she looked at the makeshift blanket. It was grey, heavy and had multiple pouches, two sleeves, and green stitch letters that she couldn't read as they were scrunched up on the clothes.

The final senses returned, and with that, she woke up. She glanced around, looking for the metal monster. She saw it crouched in the entrance to the cave. It must be asleep. She thought. Before she could leave, she noticed a weird rope that had her left hind leg, keeping her stuck in the cave.

Your awake, thank god. I was worried I hurt you or put you in a comma. Good timing too, diners nearly done.” came a young voice in the other corner of the cave. It was sitting weirdly next to a fire, cooking some food.

W-what tha hay are ya!?!” Applejack shouted, getting into a fighting pose.

I'm a human. Names Connor, your name's Applejack, right? Come over here, you look freezing and I would like my jacket back.” said the “human” near the fire.

Applejack cautiously walked over to it, getting a better look at the creature. He had a mostly flat face, with a nose that stuck out and ears on the side on its head. Looking at it, she could see the clawless paw it had. It was wearing some kind of blocky cloths that had some weird black cylinder with two handles and three tubes sticking out of it. It had smaller one next to it, only with one handle and one tube.

When she got close enough, he grabbed his jacket and put it on.

The creature went back to using its weird paw to hold a stick, which it used to stir the soup it was making. If it is making a fruit and veg soup, it can't be so bad. She thought.

Where am I and what ya want with me?” she asked, still wary of the creature.

Oh, well… I grabbed you and ran when you found me. Kind of a spur of the moment idea. I thought that if I ever run into the ponys, I could use you so they don't attack me on sight. Your in a cave I found in this canyon after we jumped down.” it answered.

Wait, YOU grabbed me? I thought it was the metal monster?” she said questioningly.

Oh, I see now. You think my mech and I are separate beings, right? No, the mech, although it has an AI, is controlled by me.” it stated, now looking at her.

Ya mean like how we control tha weather and the seasons? Or like how ponies have pets?” said Applejack, now interested in the “mech”.

What, you control the weather! Never mind. To answer the question, neither. I control it like a very advanced remote control toys, with functional weapons, abilities and a hand. It can only do as it is told. Watch this.”. It turned to the mech and called out to it. “Hey, DB, come over here, will you. I'd like to show you off.”.

Now getting a good look at the giant, it was strange. It had one of those clawless paws on its right, with a pointy stick hidden in the wrist, most likely a sword. It had a coned head cylinder on its foreleg. On its shoulder, it had a large spike. The left foreleg had a metal box with one of those tubes extending out of it. It didn't have one of the spikes on its shoulder but it did have an openable hatch on it. The thing was mostly coloured black and gray, with thick green lines. What could be called an eye was a bright, glowing blue. And it was staring at her.

“Hello, I'm HAWKEN mech De-11Bea-27, but I'm called by DB by most. Only the mater knows my battle legend name. I am a medium bruiser mech with a machine gun and homing missiles, an extendable blade, a holographic projector, direction changing thrusters and a temporary energy shield. I also have a radar, advance logic core and a self rechargeable power core. I am designed to use hit and run tactics with my thrusters and close quarters fighting with my hand and blade. I have survived a total of 31 missions.”. After finishing it's rant in it's monotone voice, it crouched down to look at them.

Well said. Aaand… done, foods cooked. Come on Applejack, you need to eat.” said the creature, pouring some soup I to one of the bowls it had.

Applejack slowly turned back to the fire to collect her food. But, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the piece of cooked meat in front of the creature. She stood there staring at it. This things is a carnivore! She also now saw the skin of a manticore hanging just outside the entrance, still dripping blood with the head missing.

What?...Oh, is it the meat? You think I'm a carnivore?”. Applejack nodded. “Well don't worry. I'm not going to eat you. You an intelligent species, and I'm not a pure carnivore. My species are omnivores, meaning we can eat meat AND plants. As long as there's animals that aren't pets, are worth the the energy and are not intelligent, I won't eat them. Besides, the beast…”,“Manticore” she added, ”right, the manticore should have enough meat for a day or two, so I don't have to worry about it.” it finish, making Applejack a bit calmer, now she knew it wouldn't eat her. She didn't question it as Fluttershy had taught her that some animals are meat due to nature, which cannot be helped.

She sat down and started to eat.

Canterlot palace, Princess Celestia.

Celestia had finished her morning pancake's, and was heading to the Day court. As she closed the door, she saw some green flamed smoke. The smoke flowed towards her then formed a letter. Knowing who it was from, she continued to walk and started to read the letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

While looking for this thing, we heard explosions and then saw Timberwolves running AWAY! Hoping to find it, we went to the place they ran from. The area was scorched as if a dragon had been here. As we searched, Applejack found and tapped it's foot which gave of a metallic clang.

The metal monster, which is what we've called it, suddenly snatched her and ran. It is ten times taller than us and is fast. Not even Rainbow dash could keep up. It then went into a clearing near the deep canyon and disappeared. We can't find it or Applejack.

I've looked at every book I've got and can't find anything on it. Please hurry down to ponyville when possible, with some guards, to help us find them.

Your faithful student
Twilight sparkle.

As Celestia read this, she stopped. Turning around to one of the royal guards, she spoke, “Guards, go and assemble a team and go to ponyville. I shall be there in the royal chariot soon. I will inform you of the task when we get there. Also, cancel the Day court for now till we get back.”. At this they both saluted and ran of to inform the others and suit up.


The two guards stood still in their golden armour, waiting for a response from the Princess. The stallion fiddled with his hooves, being one of the ponys who got a good look at the thing. The thoughts of what it could do made him nervous. If it attack Ponyville, it could do lots of damage and not be stopped as it was made off metal, was matching speeds with Rainbow dash and the power to take on Timberwolves and make them flee. It could have more tricks up its metaphorical sleeves because the only saw it for a minute at most.

Will you stop that? You look nervous which isn't good for our image.” huffed the mare, annoyed at how he was acting.

Our image will be even worse if they find out we couldn't stop Applejack, an element of harmony, from being foalnapped by a metal monster we just found and lost. Now you see why I'm worried, Blade wing.” snapped the stallion.

Oh, using names now are we, blocked heart?” replied Edge wing, emphasis on his name.

Before they could continue to argue, Twilight finally came out with the reply.

I've got the Princesses letter!” said the ecstatic mare.

What's it say?” asked Rainbow, getting bored of waiting.

Dear Twilight sparkle,

I am sorry this happened. I and more royal guards are coming to assist in the capture of this metal monster. Together we shall find your friend and this monster.

If you could assemble a more detailed description of the creature, it shall help immensely. We should be in ponyville in two days. Till then, I don't want anyone entering the Everfree forest as a royal decree till this metal monster is contained and Applejack is safe. Stay safe my little pony.

Your faithful teacher,
Princess Celestia.

What!?! She wants us to do nothing for two days!?! Applejack could be hurt or is being eaten by that thing!?!” shouted Rainbow as she hovered in the air.

Yes! If we go looking for it, it could take another one of us. Then there would be four until it came and took the rest of us.” reasoned Twilight, looking at Rainbow with a serious face.

The cave, Connor

I had just finished my dinner and was watching the pony finish here. At this point, I had a good view of her. She had blonde hair which was tied at the end and a orange coat. She had big eyes and the picture of the three red apples.

Breaking the silence, I asked ”So, tell me about this world as it is much different to mine. For example, you said that pony's control the weather. But in my world, that should be impossible.”.

OK. Pegasus have magic in their hooves and wings to let them fly and touch clouds. Earth ponies, like maself, have magic all over ma body to help crops grow faster. Unicorns concentrate all their magic in their horns, which lets them use it to do spells and stuff. The alicorns are the most powerful as they have traits from all three. The strength of an earth pony, the flight of a pegasus and the power to do magic. They help rule Equestria and raise and lower the moon.” she explained in her southern accent.

Huh, well, in my world, magic doesn't exist. And certainly no one moves the sun or moon. They move on their own due to gravity and physics, no magic in at all.” I said, making her stop dead.

I know a friend that would be mighty happy to meet ya and ya knowledge. But I have a question. If magic don't exist, them how's ya friend over there work? I don't see no steam engine.” she asked, now confused.

I laughed slightly, “Steam power? We haven't used that to power machines for hundreds of years. We still have vintage steam trains as special events or museum attractions but most things now are powered by electricity. Or, if it is big enough like DB here, nuclear power generators are used.” I answered.

What's “new- clear” power?” inquired Applejack.

Technically, it is nuclear fission and/or fusion. Or more easily understood definition is the splitting of large , unstable atoms and the combining of very small atoms. An example of fission is Uranium-236, which splits and creates a lot of energy but it makes very harmful chemicals. An example of fusion is the combination of Hydrogen isotopes, which make the most energy but are incredibly hard to maintain.” I explained, hoping it made sense.

Oh, I see. We have theories on tha sort a thing but none has bin proven.” said Applejack, surprising me.

We continued to talk about the difference of our world's till she fell asleep. Deciding to get her out of the wind, I picked her up and moved her to the back of the cave. As soon as she touched the floor, she curled up, trying to preserve any heat that she had.

Hey, DB, do you have a heater with you to try and keep her warm?” I whispered to my mech, trying not to wake her.

“Negative sir, although I can fit near the back and use the heat vents as a radiator. Will that suffice?” DB said, lowering his speakers volume.

Yeah, that should do. I'll sleep in the cockpit. Could you pick me up?” I asked, waiting for his huge metallic hand to pick me up.

“Yes sir, goodnight Connor.”. His hand wrapped around me and lifted me up a good 7.5 metres before I reach his roof. I climbed on, opened the hatch, squeezed in and snuggled into my seat.

At the back of my head, I could just feel the trouble of tomorrow, which unsettled me as my eyes drifted closed. Let's hope it isn't too bad. I thought, unknowing that Murphys law had heard me and was smiling insanely.

End of chapter 3

Chapter 4 Mechanical intro

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Chapter 4
Mechanical into

The cockpit was warm. About the only thing he recognised in this new world. The seat was comfortable, the place was warm and the feeling of his limb's on his body. For only being fifteen, he was strong, smart and had gone through a lot for his age. In fact, that was how he became a rider in the first place.

He got up to reach the mechs hatch, the common pops of his body waking the limb's. The heavy opening was pushed up and over. He grabbed the ledge, pulling himself up and out. After he moved about, he then closed the hatch.

Hey, morning DB. How are you? Could you put me down?” I said, rubbing the last remaining sleep out of my eyes.

“Morning sir.” DB said to me, raising his appendages to pick me up. I crawled over and held on. The cold fingers wrapped around me and safely moved me to the ground.

“Sir, I have noticed a significant increase of power of my abilities. My ammo has also been replenished without my knowledge. Would you know about this?” asked the robot.

I wondered how that could happen. “Maybe it's the magic? I don't know. At least it has no bad side effects.”. As i said that, I heard a certain pony stir awake.

Mornin’.” called Applejack, already awake enough for speech.

Hi. I assume you slept well.” I said.

Yeah, although a woulda preferred a bed.” she said.

Well, since we're awake, how about breakfast?” I suggested, seeing that we still had a lot of food still from yesterday.

Rainbow dash's house.

Snoring, still asleep, Rainbow dash laid in her cloud house bed. After turning over, she felt something slowly nip her hoof. Dash turned to the offender with a small yelp.

Oh, hi tank.” she said, now looking at a small tortoise with a copter on its shell. He smiled as he moved back so Rainbow could get up.

Her rainbow coloured mane was a mess as her cyan blue coated body rolled out of bed. She opened her magenta coloured eyes fully and yawned herself to the real world. She flew down to the kitchen, her pet slowly following.

She fed tank and went on her morning flight. She liked it. In the air, less things can bother you and you truly feel free. She also liked the exercise so she could one day qualify for the wonderbolts.

The route consisted of a quick trip around the Everfree forest, over ponyville and back home. This didn't include the little detours and naps inbetween, although they made up most of it. But throughout the flight, she couldn't stop thinking about the big thing that could out run her and disappear.

She was about ten minutes into the flight when Rainbow saw a huge, gray and bulky figure disappear behind a tree. The thing had the familiar green trimmings and the recognisable letters on its shoulder, DB.

She gasped.

That's the metal monster! I have to see where it is going.” said Dash, quietly flying near it.

She saw it walk on two legs like last time through the clearing they were at yesterday. She then saw a weird flame like those on a oven come out of two things on its back . This propelled it into the air with a muffled roar. It stopped them and plummeted to the ground. Before collision, it spewed it's flames again and landed with a relatively quiet thud while kicking up a bit of dust.

It walked a bit towards a cave in the side of the canyon. The foot steps leaving prints the size of a pony and made the small pebbles around it shake. It turned around, looking into the sky. Before it could see her, she flew away. Now with the knowledge of where it is, Rainbow Dash sped her way to ponyville while also creating a sonic rainboom in her path.

As Rainbow Dash landed at the door of the library she knocked on the door loudly. This resulted in a crash and a few quiet grunts from the pony within. A few seconds went by till she heard any sounds from the tree house.

It's a public library so you don't have to knock! The doors unlocked!” called Twilight from with in the literal tree house. She was using her magic to levitate books back to their respective place.

Twilight! I saw the metal monster. I was on my normal flight then I saw it walk to the clearing then it flew with these weird flames on its back then it landed and walked to a cave and then - humf…” she was stopped when Twilight put a hoof to her mouth.

Rainbow Dash, slow down.” Twilight sparkle said using her magic to levitate a quill, ink and paper, “Alright, now tell me everything you saw.”.

Canterlot palace, Princess Luna.

I shall destroy you all! Ha ha ha ha haaaaa...
What happened?...
Please stand back...
And what are you, disrespectful thing?...
We are here for you!...

Luna shot up, sweat running down her dark blue coat. She was breathing heavily and felt nervous. She was confused by voices in it as there were only two she knew.

What was that? It must have been a vision like those of my sister. But who were those three voices? And why did one sound so mechanical? I shall inform my sister as soon as possible.” said Luna, hurrying to her sisters room.

She darted down the corridors, avoiding guards and staff as they went about there business. As she got there, she noticed that there were no guards at her door. She opened the door to Celestia's room. She looked at the lightly coloured room and golden trimmed bed. There were books and scrolls on her desk, a balcony on the other side of the room and rug near a fire place, which was opposite the bed on the left. But throughout the big room, Celestia was nowhere to be found.

She must be on the train. I shall write a letter to her and get a night guard to send it.” she said to herself. But what did the vision mean?

The Princess headed back to her room where she knew her guards were standing.

Cave entrance, Connor

We had gone out to test the equipment and returned. The shield was far stronger, easily stopping a full missles cluster without a scratch. The holograms were somewhat physical in that it could be touched and felt but still let bullets thrown stone's at it pass through. The rage core was only half full and stayed there. The radar had not changed, neither did the HUD. The AI said that he seems to be able to recharge faster as well.

He still didn't know what that rainbow coloured sonic boom was, but it wasn't much of a concern. What ever did it couldn't be any danger. Applejack had unknowingly lead him to the discovery that this place had medieval to early and late 18's. The best thing they had were cannons, swords, spears, bows and arrows and the solar princesses.

The greatest danger to me were Griffin's or the changelings. The Griffin's had a better army and weapons. The changelings could shape shift and could apparently eat love.

"OK, that's the test done. Now we just need to figure out how to get back home." I said as I left the cockpit. The manticore skin was now dry and looked good. The clean bowl and new fire wood, both of which were stacked nicely, sat by the left wall.

"Hey there, ya back." said Applejack, watching as I climbed out the top of the mech.

"Hi, we're back." I said from on top of the machine. "Hey, Applejack, I've got an idea. If you can guide me to ponyville, maybe we can sort out the problem that I probably caused by nabbing you. I mean, I don't think they were happy with me and DB here for that. And, you can get back to ponyville to see friends and family instead of this cave."

"Yeah, sure thing partner. Ma family's gonna be so happy." said Applejack.

With a plan for tomorrow, I felt better. I wouldn't have to worry about being found or attacked by pony's. Tomorrow's going to be good.

End of chapter 4

Chapter 5 meet'n'greet

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Chapter 5
Meet 'n’ greet.

The train chugged along with its huffing and puffing audible from their cart. Celestia sat in her seat as stoic as normal. The guards watched out the window, most looked as unemotional as her. They had their weapons ready, or at least nearby. The other few looked slightly agitated.

The guards then started to move. Some moved to the entrance and the others around Celestia. This gave the indication that they were soon to be at ponyville. The small town was now visible out the window.

Your highness, we are almost there.” said the guard in charge with a cold voice. He was a earth pony stallion with a gray coat and a light blue mane. His cutie mark was a bow made of the sound sign. His name was mono bow.

Thank you. Are the guards ready?” she asked.

Yes, but some are nervous because of the description of this “metal monster”.” replied the guard.

The train gave a small jerk as it came to a stop. Guards filed out and Celestia got up from her seat. She walked out the train cart and headed for the library. As she did so, the ponys of ponyville got curious and looked at her.

Celestia wasn't fussed about the stares pony's gave her as it was normal. She wasn't fussed about the murmurs the ponys shared as it was expected. She was not fussed about the sudden stiffening of the ponies as it was common. Celestia was fussed about the conditions of why she was here.

A force that could take on timberwolves, get away from trained guards and Rainbow Dash’s speed and foalnap Applejack. A being the size of a two stories building and made of metal. A monster that could survive or thrive in the Everfree forest.

She snapped out of her day dream as they reached the library. One of her guards knocked on the door and waited. The door then swing open with a ecstatic purple unicorn made standing there.

Princess! Your here! ” called Twilight sparkle.

Yes, I am. Shall we discuss the monster inside?” Celestia asked, cutting to the chase.

Oh, yes. Of course, come in Princess. ” said Twilight in a polite but rushed tone.

She moved out the way to let Celestia in, as well as a few guards.

Connor Irons, Everfree forest.

Getting the mech up a canyon was slow. It only had one useful arm to help. It wasn't difficult as we had done it before but it did take a while. Sharing a cockpit with a pony did not make it better and constant fidgeting made it even more uncomfortable. I swear, if that pony doesn't stop I'm going to-. The rest of that sentence stopped as the mech got to the top.

OK, you can get out of here now. DB, lower the pony, will you? “ I said, opening the hatch and lifting her out. That itself wasn't easy as she had a lot of weight, muscle or not.

“Yes sir. Applejack, please hold on. “ DB instructed as he raised it's arm. Hesitantly, she put her forelegs over the side as he wrapped the fingers around her. DB lowered her to the floor, where she got off.

I climbed back in. “OK, Applejack, lead the way. “ I said through the speakers. She nodded and we walked. On our walk, I saw many animals flee. I even saw the glow of the timberwolves eyes, but not for long as they would soon turn and run. That first fight must have shown I'm the alpha predator here now. They won't come anywhere near us unless they want to be turned to charred fire wood.

Through the trees, I started to see a small village. It looked somewhat medieval like it though but the colours were all of. There was pink, white, purple and all the other in the rainbow. It was like someone had painted a picture on a computer but was only allowed fully saturated colours. That went for the ponies as well. They were just as colourful.

Among the village, I saw armoured ponies everywhere. They must be here for me. Wow, I know of overreacting but to bring a small army? I hesitated. Applejack saw this and spoke up.

Come on now, if we want ta show your not evil so, ya have to keep up. “ she encouraged, resuming our walk.

The moment I was in the village, every pair of eyes were upon me in an instant. Everyone froze where they were. To break the silence, I spoke up.

Uhhh, I come in peace? “. I'm an idiot.

Ponyville library

It was quiet in the library as Celestia read the description of the metal monster. Twilight sparkle had gone to continue her research and the guards stayed by the door.

Twilight was pulling more book's out when she heard a few screams and shouts. They stopped just as fast when a loud bang sounded off. The same bang sound that came from the monster before we saw the timberwolves run off!

She, the Princess and the guards opened and exited through the door to see it standing their, possibly speaking to the royal guards that had it surrounded. They appear over to see what was going on. The Princess Celestia’s longer legs have her the advantage as she got there first.

The thing looked at the Princess and spoke in a voice that sounded like it had been recorded, “Thank god, maybe you can talk to armoured horses with pointy sticks to back down cause I'd rather not be harmed for returning a pony I admittedly kidnapped.”. The voice sounded young, which was surprising to hear from a being this big.

Why are you here?” Celestia asked, the authority in her voice obvious.

Well, I felt sorry for nabbing the pony. So, in return for a safe arrival, I helped her get to this place. But these idiots tried to attack me, even after I said I came on peace.” it responded disrespectfully. It acted as if it was talking to somepony about getting there dog off their lawn, not like it was talking to royalty.

Connor Irons, edge of ponyville.

The tall white pony, with her crown and regalia, was probably the Princess of this place, if not Queen. She stood there for a moment, thinking, then she spoke again. “Guards, stand down. I shall talk with this thing. Please follow me. ” she said, although I didn't appreciate being called a thing.

“Sir, are you positive this is the best course of action? “ questioned the AI, not fully understanding my plan.

Yep. If this goes well, we'll have food and a place to stay. “ I said.

Snapping back into the real world, I noticed the big pony stop and turn at me. Her horn glowed.

“Sir, power signature detected and directed at us. Scanning... scanning…this power it ineffective.” DB noted.

Her horn stopped glowing and she looked at us with a surprised, wide eyed stare.

What spell made you? “ she asked, trying to sound calm.

You can answer this one DB. “ I said, knowing he would give a better answer than me.

Turning on the speakers, DB started “I was not created by any spell or magic. My creators made me from metal, screws, nuts and bolts.”.

Where are you from? There is no way you could be made from metal and not magic.” she said, now losing her calmness.

“ I was created on planet Earth, a planet dominated by technologically advanced, non-magic, species.” said DB.

While he was talking, I was picking up my gear to get out. I wouldn't need much, just my pistol and ear piece. I waited till they had reached a quiet point in the conversation, and opened the hatch. As I climbed out, I saw the guards jaw drop. Some raised there spears at me while others stood there in shock and/or confusion.

Hey DB, put me down, will you? “ I said, ignoring everyone now staring at me.

“Yes sir. “ replied the mech as it picked me up and put me on the floor.

You can close your mouths, alright. “ was what I told the guards when I turned to them. They all did, with some embarrassed faces showing.

Applejack, town hall.

Applejack was bombarded with questions and concerns.

Darling, are you alright?
What was it like?
What's its name?
Does it like parties!?
What does
How was it ?
What was-

Just stop! One at a time! A can't answer all of ya questions at once! ” shouted Applejack. She then started to answer the question. “I'm doing fine and well. It weren't so bad as he promised not to hurt me. His name is Connor Irons, the thing ya saw was a rideable robot, or mechs as he said, called DB. I don't know if he likes parties. He's an omnivore, meaning it eats meat and plants. He was quite nice, although he is a bit of a youngin. I think he said that he’s a “hoo-man”.”. They all stared at her.

A moment's silence passed when the door opened up and Princess Celestia and a few royal guards entered.

Following behind them was a clothed biped with black hair, a chunky and possibly muscled form around the same height as the alicorn, excluding the horn. His clothes were grey and slightly baggy. He had a L-shaped device at his side and a small, black ear plug in his ear. He had a little stick with a metal tip and a black tube in the centre. On his shoulders, in green, he had CI stitched on it.

Oh, hi Applejack. I take it these are your friends. “ is what it said as soon as it saw then. He broke from the group and walked over. They noticed how he walked. He lifted one leg, leaned forward so slightly, it may as well be non-existent. The leg would connect to the ground and he straighten up. This process repeated with the other leg.

Yeah, ya right. These are ma friends from ponyville. The purple one is Twilight sparkle, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, the white one is Rarity, the cyan one is Rainbow Dash and the yellow one is Fluttershy. “ Applejack said, pointing at each pony respectfully.

Nice to meet you. I hope DB didn't scare you to much. “ it laughed, remembering the look on their face. Priceless.

Pfff, me, scared? Nah, I'm too awesome to be scared. “ said a cocky sounding Rainbow Dash.

Really now? Is that true? Wait here, I'll go get DB. “ he said before going to the door and opened it so they could see the giant of metal. “Hey! DB! Come over here! I've got some ponies that want to see you. “.

“Yes sir.” said the mechanical voice. It was shortly followed by light rumbles as the metal monster came into view.

Go on Dash. Go say hi to my friend. He doesn't, or like can't, bite. “ he said, grinning.

To prove her point, she flew to it. She got halfway before hesitating and stopping. It still looked menacing.

“Hello Rainbow Dash. My name is De-11Bea-27, or DB for short. “ it said.

Uuhhh...h-h-hi. N-nice to see y-you. “ she stuttered

“You are stuttering. This indicates a disorder or that you are slightly afraid. If you refuse this, you will be lying. “ DB said, leaving the biggest burn mark on her pride that they ever saw.

OK, DB. That's enough. Thank you. “ said the “hoo-man”, a massive grin still on his face. “Well, it was nice meeting you and all, but I have a conversation with a horse to have. “ he said as he walked off, leaving all but Applejack slack jawed.

“I shall see you later rider. Pony's, if you would like to talk, I shall accept. I will park myself around the back of this tree house. “ said the robot before walking off and leaving the ponies behind.

End of chapter 5

Chapter 6 Barn bored

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Chapter 6
Barn bored

After filling out forms and letters, the revelation of the pen and a few pointless warnings, I was finally allowed back out of the building. The only thing was to work out where me and my mech could stay. I went to find DB or the ponies. The walk through town was uneventful as no-one came anywhere near me.

I saw the familiar metal foot that appeared around the library. I walked over to give him the news. He was crouched behind the tree, in low power mode. This was his version of sleep. I continued round as I saw smaller ponies staring at DB in awe.

Did you know, some people don't like being watched in their sleep? “ I said, drawing their attention. They froze. I chuckled a bit. “If you want to talk to him, you could ask? He did say that if anyone wanted to chat, he wouldn't mind. “.

Uuhhh...what is it? “ asked the orange and purple one. She had wings but they looked a bit small.

From behind, DB 'woke up’ and replied. “I am a HAWKEN mech, a drivable machine with the ability to walk the same as my creators. We are built for many different jobs such as farming and law enforcement. “. All three squeaked. The cuteness of all three rivaling every pair of cute puppy dog eyes I have ever seen.

DB, do you know where the ponies are? “ I inquired.

“Yes sir. They split up not to long ago. Twilight is in the library, Fluttershy went to her cottage, Rarity went to home, pinkie mentioned a party, Rainbow Dash flew of to a cloud and Applejack went to her farm. “ DB informed me. The three children continued to stare at us.

Well, since she works on a farm, we'll go to Applejack first. A farm will have barns and that should be big enough to houses you. “ I thought out loud. “You know the way to the farm? “.

“Negative. She walked off before I could track. “ he said, his monotone voice never changing.

One of the children spoke up, “Ah know where it is. “.

Wonderful. Would you guide us there? “ I said.

Yea, sure thing. “ said the yellow one. She had a red bow in it's red hair. It shared a southern accent with Applejack.

With that, we left for an apple farm. It was right on the edge of town, meaning I could do stuff without scaring ponies with my mere presence. It also gave me a job if it was good. All I could ask for.

As we arrived of the farm, a huge, muscle looking, red pony walked pass. He looked up and saw me. Unlike everyone else, he just turned and continued his work. He said nothing. Well, at least he didn't go running off, screaming.

Just then, we saw Applejack. She was hauling a big cart of apples. She saw us and waved.

Howdy Connor, DB. What brings ya to the farm? “ She asked, as she resume pulling her cart.

Well, I need a place to stay, so I was going to ask if I can stay in the barn? It should be big enough to house DB and me. I'll even help around the farm if you want. “ I offered, knowing it was a tempting deal.

Well, you'll have ta talk ta granny smith about that. She makes the rules here. “ Applejack replied.

OK. But in the meantime, DB could help you pull carts as a show that we can work. He is easily strong enough to pull carts around. “I said, walking towards the house near the barn.

Outside the farm house, on the decking, was a skinny, old, pony with a greenish coat. She was in a rocking chair, asleep. Like the other farm workers, had a apple picture on her butt. Thinking that in her old age she might be a bit hard of hearing, I called out to her.

Hey! You granny smith? “. This woke her up and she looked over at me.

What ya want! Shouting at me while ah am asleep. “ she said in the southern accent of the family.

Applejack sent me here to talk to you about getting a job here. Can we also sleep in the barn since we don't have a place to stay? “ I asked.

Can ya buck a tree like them? “ she said. I smiled. Buck, not fuck.

If you mean hitting trees to get apples down like them, no. But me and my partner can do something equally as good. “ I said, already thinking of a way to knock the apples down.

Prove it. “ Granny smith said.

Turning around, I saw DB not doing anything for now. “DB. Come over here please. I want to prove something. “. He stomped over to us. I looked at a patch of trees with baskets under them. Telling the mech what to do, I watched as he positioned himself in the centre of the patch. He stood there for a second before raising his leg…

...and he brought it down hard in an earth shaking slam. The tremors of the stamp shook the trees and their apples fell. It was a bit too powerful as apples from far of trees fell.

Looks like he stomped a bit to hard. I'll remember not to do that. “ I commented. I turned to see granny looking impressed.

How many days can ya do? “ she said.

Five days a week. Saturday and Sunday I would like off for personal reasons. This means I'm hired, right? “ I asked.

Yep, ya hired. “ Granny smith said, with a happy tone in her voice.

3 hours later.

Me and DB had finished a good portion of the farm and were in the barn. I had got bored but with nothing to do, I just sat there. I let out a heavy breath, not knowing what to do.

I'm bored. “ I said to myself, seeing I would come up with an idea if I did. Surprisingly, I did. “Hey, DB, could you play some music? “.

“Yes sir, playing songs on the 'im bored’ playlist. “ said the robot.

Link to song Timber.

As it started, I decided to sing along.

Outside the barn.

Applejack and big Mac were putting the carts of apples away. As they did so, Twilight and the others came over. Big Mac walked off to help granny cook dinner.

Hi Twi. Whatcha doing over here? “ Applejack asked.

We all came to see the creature and his friend. The cutie mark crusaders said that they came here looking for you. “ answered Twilight.

Yes, I mean those horrid cloths of his could at least be washed. A creature that intelligent should know that. “ Rarity commented.

"I've never seen something like that before. I would like to meet him…if that's OK? “ Fluttershy added quietly.

I want to meet the mech, I think he called it? I'd like to see him keep up with me. “ said Rainbow Dash, still not happy from earlier.

And I want to know his favourite flavour. “ Pinkie finished, bouncing on the spot.

At their surprise, they heard music coming from the barn. It was quite loud. Ponies in ponyville came to investigate as well. There was also singing. It fit perfectly with the music and everyone was silent as the song progressed.

The music sounded like country side music, with a harmonica and the rhythm. By the end of it, a third of ponyville was standing or sitting there, looking in amazement.

The barn door opened up and the creature walked out. It saw the crowd of ponies and froze. Before he could move, the crowd cheered, causing him to blush and back a step.

Darling, that was simply amazing. We never knew that you had such talent to sing. “. At that, he blushed even more.

Heh,heh,heh. It's more of a pass time than a talent. “ Connor said, looking nervous.

Hey, maybe you could sing at your party. Or for ponyville. Then you can make lots of friends. “ Pinkie said, enthusiastically.

He shook his head vigorously, “Nope. Nope. Nope. Never. I'm not doing that. Stage fright and that most of my favourite songs are a bit... violent. The fact I'm on an alien world also doesn't help. “.

He looked at the sky. He then looked to his lower torso which give a grumble as a reply.

Anyone know where to get something to eat? “.

Celestia, ponyville.

Celestia, after listening to the music, returned to the chariot to take off. The royal guards were finishing planning on who was to stay and watch the creature. As she continued to the chariot, a thestral, one of Luna’s bat ponies, flew in.

Your highness, Princess Luna has sent you a message of emergency. “ She said, bowing before her. She then hoofed over the letter for Celestia to read.

Dear Celestia,

During your absence, I have had a vision, much like the ones you have received. Although I saw nothing, I had heard the voices of five ponies. One was Twilight, another was you, my dear sister.

The other three were voices I have not heard before. One was a adult mare, which sounded like the problem that the vision warns of. The other two were different. One was robotic in nature, with a slight echo. The final voice was of a colt or young stallion.

I hope this monster of metal has shed some light on the situation and that they were dealt with. I would like to know what it was.

Your sister,

Celestia rolled it back up and tucked it under her wing. “Thank you, I shall be returning soon. As one of Luna's guards, it is up to you weather to return so soon after landing. Or, you can stay with the other guards to watch over the creatures. If you want to return, you may ride in the chariot with me. “ Celestia said, her offer not going unappreciated.

I shall stay to see these creatures. Thank you for your offer, your highness. “ said the bat pony before walking off.

Celestia got in her chariot and the pegasus started to fly, heading back to canterlot.

Everfree forest

There it is. The metal monster. It seems to have made peace with them ponies. “.
Yes, and it is friendly with the Princess. “.
It doesn't matter. The titans have returned to us to take their rightful place. “.
But, will it cooperate? “.
Maybe not willingly, but it shall obey us. “.
Yes. But we must act when it is alone or asleep. “.
When will the army be ready? We will need all the power we can gather. “.
In a week. The army has had to take precautions for the Everfree to travel safely or be lower in troop numbers. “.
We should rest up for the night. I shall see you soon. “.
I agree. There is nothing left to discuss. Goodnight. “.
Tomorrow, we shall it in its full glory. I will begone now. “.

Connor Irons, barn.

I was just opening the hatch to enter the cockpit. It was warm and comfortable, although, it did smell a bit now. Climbing down, I positioned myself in to the seat. DB was already in low power mode, meaning most things but the essential were turned off.

One of these essential systems was the radar. It told me if anything approaches the machine. It had been useful when watching out for enemies and other humans back home. Now it helped detect anyone trying to get close to the mech while it 'slept’.

One such blip on the radar had shown one figure standing outside the barn for a while. Then they just left.

I found this suspicious as I went to check what happened. Climbing down a ladder, I reached the ground and walked to the door. On the ground was a symbol of some kind, with a massive being in the middle. I walked over to it and erased it from the floor with my boots. What was that symbol? Oh well.

I returned to the ladder and I climbed back up. I crawled onto the mech, then towards the hatch. Dropping in to the cockpit, I tried to go to sleep for the third time. I soon did.

End of chapter 6

Chapter 7 Human style

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Chapter 7
Human style

Yawning and stretching, my body cracked. The satisfaction of my joints no longer being locked was welcome every morning. I opened my eyes to see the inside of my cockpit and the turned off display. With a shove and a extra crack on the spine somewhere, the hatch opened.

I moved over to the ladder next to DB that helped get up and down. I got down and went to the barn door. The sun took offence as I did so and blinded me with its bright rays. I lifted a hand to shield it.

As I regained my vision for the second time this morning, I saw the many apple-less trees and the town of ponyville over in the distance. I could take a stroll before I go to work. It would do me some good to have some exercise. With that, he started to walk in the direction of town.

The walk was quiet and peaceful. Hardly anyone was about and, if you listened really close, you could hear the snores of ponies still asleep. The only places that seemed active were the bakery that they went to yesterday, which was called sugar cube corner and the library they passed on the way into town.

He desided to go to the library, since he could have breakfast later. It was a literal tree house, with leaves and everything. He tried the door, which opened silently, and stepped in. Books lined most of the walls. Let’s see if there are any good books.

As he picked one up, someone shouted at him. “Hey! What are you doing here!? “. The voice was young compared to myself. I turned to see a big lizard looking at me.

I was about to pick and read a book. That’s what libraries are for. Besides, the door was unlocked, so I thought it was open. ” I spoke. I continued to pick the book and sit on the chair. It was a bit small, but then again, it wasn’t built with him in mind. The lizard walked off to the door to what he could guess was the kitchen.

Spike, what is going on? Who are you talking to? “ said a familiar voice. The sound of hoof steps indicated the approach of the pony. She came down the stairs and looked over at me.

Hi. “ I said with a little wave.

Oh, hi Connor. Since your here, could I ask some questions? I want to know what your world is like. “ Twilight sparkle said.

Meh, don’t see why not. How about we take turns. Then we can both learn from this. “ I suggested.

This answer suddenly caused many bits of paper, inks and quills to hover behind Twilight. “OK. So what are you? “ was the first question.

My race is simply called Humans. We are basically super intelligent apes. Now my question. Who was the little one you called spike? “ I asked. After the scribbling stopped, she replied.

He’s a dragon. I hatched him myself as an exam and he has been my number one assistant ever since. “. I raised an eyebrow. Real dragons, huh. This place just got better. “So, what are humans like? “.

If you mean as individuals, then that is impossible to answer as everyone is different. But as a species, the best word is survivalist. We are without claws, sharp teeth or strong muscles, but we are the dominant species on our world anyway. We have no predators or competition other than ourselves. “ I explained. This got Twilight staring at me. “Hmmm, what is magic? I’ve never seen magic before. In fact, magic doesn’t exist where I’m from. “ I asked.

As those words left my mouth, she stopped. The papers, inks and quills were put away slowly. Her face stared at me with wide eyes and a jaw that could have touched the floor. The entire room was silent. She whispered something that I couldn't hear. “What did you just say? “.

Magic... doesn’t...exist… “ was all she muttered. Out of nowhere, she then sprang at me with a face of anger. My brain was going on autopilot and I move to the side to avoid a purple blur of fury. I ran out the door and sprinted to the farm with the pony after me.

Luna, canterlot

Luna was just getting up after dealing with the moon. She was heading to the royal breakfast room to meet up with her sister. As she got to the door and opened it, she saw Celestia eating her pancake’s.

Good morning, dear sister. I assume the metal monster was dealt with. “ said Luna, wanting to know what happened. As she sat down, she took her morning coffee and took a sip.

Celestia looked up and smiled. “Yes, but not the way you think. The metal monster is really a machine that has a basic AI. It was also driven by a young boy, although I don’t know what age he is. It brang Applejack back without harm. The most fascinating thing is that they are unaffected by magic and have no magic at all. “ Luna nearly choked on the coffee she had in her mouth and nearly did a spit take.

WHAT!?! How is that possible!?! Everything has magic, yet a younger alien and his machine lack any!?! “ Luna shouted.

I do not know. I used magic to scan them to see what the machine was made of, but my magic did not do anything. My magic floated over its body like a boat on water. It is not hostile though, and is living in ponyville with guards keeping an eye on him. “ Celestia informed Luna.

They continued to talk for the rest of breakfast until Celestia looked at the clock.

It appears to be time for the day court. No doubt they will be moaning about my absence yesterday. “ Celestia sighed.

I shall see you later, dear sister. “ Luna said as the both went their separate ways. “I shall look for this creature in his dreams tonight. “ she planned as she went to her bedchamber to get her royal regalia on.

Connor Irons

OK, OK, jeez. You need to calm down. I said in MY world that magic doesn’t exist. This is not true here, I get it. Now will you calm down. “ I said as I tried to calm the pony before she chased after me again.

But that shouldn’t be possible. Everything has magic. The animals, the trees, the ground. Even the sun and the moon. If there’s no magic how do they move? “ She rambled, somehow not able to grasp that my world has no magic.

Umm, that will take a bit of explaining. “. I looked for a stick to draw in the dirt. “Right, this is the sun, that’s us and this is the moon. “ I said as I drew them in their respective place. “Gravity pulls on the Earth but the Earth’s momentum moves it sidewards. These forces combine to create an orbit. The Earth also spins on a axis. When your side of the Earth is facing the sun, it’s day and when it’s not facing the sun, it’s night. 365 day are in a year, which is how long it takes to orbit the sun. The moon is tidally locked in orbit around the Earth. “.

I finished drawing the the diagram of the lecture. Twilight had summoned paper, ink and quills again and started to write and draw it.

We’re not the only planet in the solar system. There’s Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and then the four gas giants. There’s also a few dwarf planets like Pluto. We have also seen far of galaxies with there own suns, planets and moons but we haven’t found any life elsewhere. Well, except now, but it’s not official, so it doesn’t count. “ With my lecture on the solar system and the galaxies done, I looked into the sky. It was now mid day if I had to guess. This thought made my stomach quickly growl it’s reminder.

We walked into town, still asking and answering each others questions. The bakery was near as I could smell the food from here. Huh, why does it look so dark in there? I pushed the door open.

As I did so, all the lights turned on, a crowd of ponies cheered and a pink pony appeared in my face.

SURPRISE! Welcome to…” SMACK!

I had, out of reflex, punched the pony in the face. She was on the ground with a bloody nose, crying. The crowd of ponies had gasped.

Shit, sorry! I didn’t mean to do that! You scared me and I acted by reflex! “ I said quickly, using my shirt sleeve to wipe away the blood. “Someone get a tissue. “ I commanded before a tissue box was thrown at me. I caught it and used a tissue to block pinkies nose.

Are you OK? “ I asked, feeling guilty for what I’ve done.

Yeah, I’m OK. Sorry for surprising you. It’s that your new and I hadn’t gave you a welcoming party. “ she said, joy returning to her voice.

Well, if there’s still a cake, then there’s still a party. “. And with that, the pony was back on her feet, or hooves, and cried “YAY!!! “.

The party was fun and the cake delicious, if a bit small. I had talked with the other ponies. Of those I remember the names of, there was Octavia, Vinyl scratch, Derpy I think and Mrs and Mr cake.

After more apologies, I left for the farm. I had a job and I need to work. As I got to the farm, DB was walking out of the barn.

“Morning rider, ready to start work? “ said the mech. His voice was as monotone as ever.

Yep. Got to find Applejack first so we know where to get the apples. “ I said as I walked off to find the apple mare, with the DB following me.

When we found her, she was bucking trees. “Hey there, yer just in time. A was gonna come looking for ya. “ Applejack said.

We planned where we were to work and headed out with me in the cockpit.

Alright, so we just repeat what we did yesterday, just not to much force. “ I said.

“Affirmative. 50% power stomp. “ Reported DB. He stomped and the nearby apples fell. Slowly picking up the baskets with the metallic hand and stacking them in the cart. We cleared this area and went back to the barn to unload. This repeated for another six times before we were finished. Luckily, we had finished before anyone else.

Hey, DB. How are your joints? You haven’t used them much and I don’t want you to lock up. “. This was normally the mechanic’s job, but since there wasn’t one around, the responsibility was now fully mine.

“Negative rider, although I map of this place is advised. “ DB addressed. It was a good point. With that, we decided on running a few laps around the farm while scanning it to get a proper mapping. We then ran the outskirts of town for a map of there as well. We had done three laps around each which only took an hour or two.

“Mapping complete. Returning to the farm. “ Informed DB.

Hey, have we checked the weapons, aside from the timberwolves? We might need to calibrate the weapons. “ I said as the problem came to mind.

“Affirmative, weapons have been tested. The fight with the timberwolves automatically calibrated the weapons. “ said DB.

OK then. Let’s head back. “ I said, now knowing that most things were sorted.

Luna, Dream Realm

Princess Luna was searching the dream doors, trying to find the creature. It was an hour after the moon went up. Most looked like they were made of wood and were painted in bright colours, with their cutie mark on them. If they didn’t have one yet, it was coloured on there coat and mane.

Then a strange door appeared. It looked like it was made from metal. There was no markings on the door, neither was there much colour.

This must be the creatures door. It is strange. “ Luna stated. She went over to it and tried to open it with her magic. It didn’t moved at all. She then pushed with a hoof and it opened much more easily. This creature truly is resistant to magic.

As she walked in, she saw two boys in a room. One was holding a strange device that glowed on the screen and reacted to the creatures touches. He was lying on its back, on a big bed compared to her. It had thick black hair, brown eyes, a relatively flat face and was wearing some simple clothing from top to bottom. He had weird appendages like those of a dragons claw, but without the sharp ends.

The other was watching a bigger screen with a controller of some kind in its appendages. This one had ginger hair and looked younger than the other. He also had glasses and was dressed in simple clothing with a flag she had never seen printed on it. It looked like many overlapping crosses, with the main colours being red, blue and white. They looked completely different yet, she guessed they were related.

The eldest one started to talk.

Hey, Haydon. What you playing? “. Luna recognised that voice as the one she heard in her vision, if a bit calmer.

Minecraft. What you doing? “ replied the ginger one.

Just watching stuff on YouTube. What you have tomorrow. “ said the eldest.

I think I have PE tomorrow. You? “.

I’ve got an art mock exam tomorrow. “.

Sucks to be you. “ said the youngest with a chuckle.

Remember, I’ve got kickboxing classes tomorrow. This means you’ll be watching the dog and doing the chores. “ shot back the eldest.

They continued to chat.

Hey, mind getting out of the way. It’s getting to the good part. “. Luna turned around to see the eldest creature sitting in a chair, watching.

Who are you? “ said Princess Luna, examining the creature.

Names Connor Irons. Now, who are you? “ he said, leaning forwards in his chair.

I am Princess Luna. Princess of the moon and of the dream realm. “ she said in a royal voice.

A grin spread across Connor’s face. “Nice. In that case… “ he disappeared. Luna looked around but couldn’t find him. “...BOO!!! “. Luna jumped with a scream and turned around to see the creature laughing hard.

Ha, ha ,ha ,ha. Oh, you should have seen your face. Priceless. “ it said.

How dare you do such things to a princess! Does thee not know who I am! “ Shouted Luna.

Honestly, I don’t care. This is my dream. I’m a lusive dreamer, so I have full control of this place. “ he said. To prove a point, a bag of what could presume to be sweets was dropped into his hand. Another packet landed on her head with a THUD.

This is going to be so much fun… “ said the creature.

End of chapter 7

Chapter 8 Royal trip

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Chapter 8
Royal trip

The dream with Princess Luna was fun. I played around then we started to talk. Mostly insignificant things like who the ginger one was and how did I get here. The answer to the first question was he was my half brother by blood of different fathers. The second answer was basically a perfectly timed sequence of unfortunate events. Having pleased her mind for valuable info, I continued to play in my dream as she watched.

At one point, I showed her a scene of a film I loved. The theme was robot boxing, where a father and son find a robot and get so close to the top, that they became the people's champion. I showed her the last fight and my own imaginary bot. She was interested but time was up before she could try it.

Waking up from such a good dream like this was bad. Being woken up by knocking was worse. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was only 5:00 in the morning, which really made things as bad as possible.

Connor, get up! You have a letter from the Princess! Wake up and read it! “ called the annoyance.

I will in an hour. It is to God damn early for this. The Princess can wait one hour. “ I called back. The banging continued. Letting out the humans wake up growl, I finally had enough. “Grrr… fine...I'm up. You better have breakfast or else. “. Having made my demands and hearing a small gulp, I got up and out of the mech.

“Morning rider, would you like to be lowered? “ DB asked.

Yeah. Bring me down. I apparently have mail. “. The cold metal hand gripped me and I was lifted into the air. The ground slowly grew as I got closer to the floor. Once I was touching ground, the hand let go and DB stood up.

Alright, I'm up. Now where is this letter and where is my breakfast? Cause if I don't get any with in the next…five minutes, you may have a demonstration on how humans hunt for meat. “ I said as a letter was handed to me before a purple flash.

Dear Connor Irons and DB,

I have sent this as an invitation to come to canterlot. Me and my sister, Princess Luna, would like you to come to the royal palace. Here, we can talk more in-depth about important matters involving you.

A train will come to pick you up. It will also have a flatbed cart for your partner. When you arrive, there will be guards prepared to guide you to the castle. Here, you can demonstrate your equipment and tools. We have accommodations for you so you may stay over night and food to satisfy your diet.

While you are here, representatives of the other kingdoms will be there and you will have to attend one of the meetings. This is so they know about you. We shall see each other shortly.

Princess Celestia.

Great…diplomats. The food and bed better be worth it. I rolled the message backup and stuck it in one of the pouches on my armour. Not long later, the purple flash appeared again with a few sandwiches in hoof.

I picked one up. Before I could bite it, I saw a flower sticking out of it. Opening the sandwich, I saw many little daisy's in the food. I put it back with a wary look and picked up a cheese sandwich.

So, what did the Princess say? “ Twilight sparkle asked, using her magic to hover the rejected daisy sandwich to eat.

Diplomats, canterlot, good food, a bed, free transportation. You know, the usual buttering someone up to get you to like them more. Basically, I have a meeting with the Princess. “ I said as if it was no big deal.

Really. I'll go tell my friends. I'll be back. “ said Twilight.

Don't bother with Rarity, I have to go there anyway for some clothes. “ I said. I walked off as DB went to the train station to wait.

As I reached the boutique, I opened the door. This rang a little bell that notified my arrival.

I shall be there in a minute, darling. “ Rarity called out. The sound of hoof steps came down the stairs. As she reached the bottom, I waved.

Hey. I came here because you are apparently the best seamstress in town. I need a suit and casual wear. Nothing too fancy. Just something simple and stylish for the suit and even more simple and practical for the casual. Humans like simple designs so they can see all the details without being distracted. For the casuals, joggers or slightly baggy jeans with a plain black, white or a shade of green T-shirt will do. I also need it today, if possible. “ I explained. She processed the information and pulled out a tape measure.

This certainly sounds like a challenge. Could you just stand here so I can measure you. “. She got to work measuring. After five minutes, she was done and had gone to work on the clothes themselves. It was another hour before she appeared with two sets of casuals and a suit set.

Thanks. How much is this? “ I asked, pulling out a few coins.

Oh, nothing darling. The challenge and pride of such clothes was the payment. I am the first pony to make clothes for an alien after all. “ said Rarity.

Thanks, in that case…” I left a few bits on the counter and turned, “...and I shall see you when I get back from my visit. “. I left before she could hand the money back, meaning she would have to keep it.

I walked over to the train station with my new cloths under my arm. DB was moving over to the flatbed of the train that must have arrived while I was in the shop. On the platform waiting for me were two guards. One was a earth pony stallion and one was a pegasus mare.

Hey, you must be the guards that will be guiding us. Wait... aren't you the two that chased me when i ran? “ I said as I saw the familiar colour scheme.

Yes, I am blocked heart. And this here is…” he stopped as the other guard continued the sentence. “...Blade wing. We are here to make sure you don't cause trouble on the train. “.

We boarded the train. I put the clothes on the seat next to me while the guards sat opposite me.

Half an hour later

After a while in silence on the train, I spoke up. “So, why are you two royal guards? “. The first to respond was the one called blocked heart.

I became a royal guard as a family tradition. Every first sibling grows up to be a royal guard in someway, shape or form. My dad is a commanding officer in Baltimare. I also like helping defend those who can't defend themselves. “ he said, now sitting up straight.

I joined because it was the only job I could qualify for. I couldn't get a proper education. I also had a track record for escaping the law. It was either jail or job. “ she said.

Believe it or not, but I am a soldier myself, even though I am under age. The story how is long and complicated, so here's a super simplified telling. After an incredible feat of bravery and skill, I was give the job. I was to do, eat and sleep in the same conditions as everyone else with no exceptions. I even got the rights to wield and use weapons early as well, which is cool. “ I said.

How old are you? You look young but that could just be how your species is. “ Blade wing asked with curiosity.

I'm 15. Birthdays on the 30th of May. Technically, I don't legally class as an adult yet. “ I stated.

And what about the machine? How old is it? “ Blocked asked.

I don't know his day of creation but he is around...10 months old. He has spent 7 of them in action though. Also, IT is a HE. “ I said.

So he has a gender? I thought he was a machine. “ was the next question.

DB is a machine and doesn't have a gender but the voice of his AI sounds male. He also doesn't mind and often identifies as a male. “ I answered. “So, what weapons do you have? “.

I have a standard issue sword and a magically enhanced bow. ” said Blade.

I have a sword and shield. Both are standard issue ones. What weapons do you have? “ questioned Blocked.

I have two weapons. One is a modified minigun with three rotating barrels. It was made so people can carry it, although it's a bit heavy. Every rotation is three small projectiles fired. It spins ten times a second. That's 30 bullets a second, or 1800 bullets a minute. My other weapon is a handgun. It is a single shot gun that is small and versatile with a firing speed of four a second. “ I explained. They looked at me with parts disbelief and parts amazement.

The train started to jerk as it started to slow down. As the train stopped, I got up, picked up my stuff and then walked towards the door. As the door was opened, I stepped out. The station was packed with ponies. In the crowd, I saw more gold armour wearing ponies.

I, the guards and DB walked over to the guards. As they looked at us, their eyes hovered to the biggest in the group. They looked at the rest of us quickly, not wanting to look at the towering mech in his single blue monitor light.

They said nothing and walked off with us close behind. Blocked heart and Blade wing had the sides with DB at the back.

The civilians kept giving curious, frightened or amazed looks at the huge machine. The children were in awe as the giant robot walked pass while the parents were concerned at the unknown thing. These were similar reactions from home. Children loved to dream of riding these symbols of hope and power. The adults were worried as the appearance of the weapons meant a battle.

Up ahead was a castle that should have been in a builders worse nightmare. It was hanging of the side of a mountain with so little support, it was concerning. But aside from the weird place of construction, it was relatively beautiful. The marble stone was polished and the yellow and gold highlights gave it the royal appearance.

As we advanced to the entrance, the number of faces dropped but the intensity of their disgust increased. They were probably the snobby lot of the ponies. We got closer to the door to the castle which was huge.

The door opened and the snobbiest pony we ever met passed through it. He had a white coat and a blonde mane. He was tall and big but not so much as Big Mac. He was wearing a suit collar thing.

Guards! What is this foul creature doing here?! Remove it at once! “ He ordered. This was already a lovely start.

If you do, you will be disobeying the Princesses. Don't believe me, I have their letter right here. “. The guards did not move.

How dare you answer back. If these pathetic guards won't remove you, looks like I shall do it myself. “ he said. As he advanced, he stole a guards sword in his magical grip. The guards moved away from the little confrontation.

You can try. “ I said as his sword was swung at me.

I stepped back, avoiding the lazy attack. Once it had passed where I was, I sprang forward and gave a decent right cross. This was followed by a left push kick, a jab, cross, jab combo, and a back leg roundhouse kick. The snob was sent back, got up and charged me. I side stepped and side kicked him. The pony skidded on the floor away from me with a black eye, and a few bruised areas. He didn't get up but he was definitely alive, if the groans of pain were correct.

I turned to see the guards struggling to hold a straight face. This was either because they found it funny, or they found my handy work impressive.

I turned back to the door to see the Princesses heading towards us, unaware of the beating that had just happened. As they approached us, I waved. The guards got back into place and they bowed.

Greetings Connor Irons and DB. I trust your journey was pleasant. “ Celestia said.

I and a guard tried to hold a giggle. “Yes, it was. I've already demonstrated some simple human martials arts as well. “ I said. As we went into the castle, the guards left outside the door broke out in hysterics once they thought we were out of ear shot. Wonder what about. It must be the asshole I fought. If i were made to take orders from him, I would do the same.

End of chapter 8

Chapter 9 Story time

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Chapter 9
Story time

The castle was huge. This place would put many other castles to shame with its designs, although our castles are bigger. The countless pieces of gold would make the poorest person rich beyond their wildest dreams. And yet the guards wear it like it is a common metal.

We continued to walk and soon came to a door. All I could smell was the delicious food that lied within. The doors were opened by the guards and what stood before me would make any animal drool.

There was food covering the entire table. Mostly salad and fruits. In front of every plate was the name of their species .But in two places was the best cooked meat I'd ever seen, with one saying the word 'hooman’.

Princess, you’ve spelt human wrong. It's H.U.M.A.N. ” I said. I walked over to it and flipped it over so the name was against the table.

Aah, my apologies. I can have it rewritten later. Meanwhile, we can wait for the other guest to arrive. “ Princess Celestia said in a royal tone of voice.

As if fate heard her, the representative walked in. One was a zebra. The body shape was almost identical to a ponies. The only difference was the colour scheme which followed the same black and white striped patterns of normal zebras back home.

The other one a bird or hawk with a body ponies shape. It had wings, a beak, talons and a more brown colour scheme. He had also bring a sword with it, warrior race.

The final one was a bipedal bull. He had hands like mine and a dull blue colour. Like a bull, it had horns and a muscular build.

All three representatives went to their seats, each giving a different glare.

Welcome. I can guess you now know why we are here? “ Celestia asked, getting nods as a reply.

Good. Do you have any questions? “ She said.

Yes. What is this creature that was found? “ asked the hawk thing which looked at me. The sound of the voice was male.

I am a human. My species are basically super intelligent apes. We are omnivores and have no magic, relying entirely on technology. What are you? “ I said.

I am a Griffin. We are a proud race of fearless warriors. “ said the Griffin.

I am a Minotaur. The most technologically based people here. We can test who is more technical advanced after this. “ he said.

And I am a zebra, the most spiritual of us. It is a pleasure to meet you without the normal fuss. “ rhymed the zebra. Hey talks in rhyme. That is going to get annoying fast.

Princess Luna spoke up. “Of what stage of your races life are you at? You act like an adult but you look young. “.

Well, I am mature for my age. I'm a teenager in my species, being 15 years old. We reach adulthood around age 18. “ I said.

What is your races like? Is it like these ponies who like peace or the Griffin's who like battles? “ asked the minotaur.

My races is a bit of all. We like peace like the ponies but get into bisputes on how it should be kept and get into fights over it like you Griffin. It's during these times we make quite a bit of technological advances, like Minotaurs. One of the most powerful power sources today were made as a weapon, a bomb, to make an entire country surrender in two uses...and we have thousands of these. “ I explained as I heard scratching of paper and quill.

So your race likes peace, which it fights for. But cannot settle it about it before a war? “ added the Zebra.

Essentially. We were in a war as you brought me here. “ I said saddly.

How does someone so young as yourself get brought into a war. “ asked the Minotaur.

I let out a sigh. “That is a long story. You might want to get comfy.”...

Huntington, England, Mech R.and.D facility. 8 months ago.

I was on a school trip. We were being lead around a Research and Development centre for the mechs. The one that caught my eye the most was the Bruiser mech with the Hellfire missle pods changed into a mechanical hand with a hidden blade and only one missile pod. It was also explained that it had a experimental A.I in it.

As the instructors and the teachers explained the mechs to the group, me and my friends talked at the back about our favourites so far. The group moved towards the next chamber with the Heavy c-class mechs.

As the teacher opened the door, there was shouting coming from the other side of the room, behind he bay shutters. There was a bit of silence before…


…the shutters exploded and men with guns stormed the building. They shot the instructors and the soldiers present. The teacher was rushing the students out. Since I was the most behind in the group, I made it to the door last. As I got there, the guns went off and a few sparks flew off the door.

I ducked back behind a crate while my door to escape was slammed shut. My heart thundered in my chest as the adrenaline worked it's magic.

Sir, we have a heat signiture over here. “ one of them said. I looked around the corner and found the eyes that had found me. SHIT!!! I ran to a different crate, closer to the door we entered in. Gun fire told me the had spotted me and shear luck was saving me from having a bullet make a messy hole through me.

I skidded behind a solid, metal crate and the bullets gave the sharp metallic clang with sparks as they hit the corner. The sound of the boots slamming on the ground got louder and louder as the people advanced on my location.

As they rounded the corner, I stood up and backed up away from them.

Looks like it's just a child. Don't kill him. Just tie him up and take him away. No harming him unless you have to. “ said the man. Two from the group of eleven walked towards me as I walked backwards, away from them.

My back hit a panel and stopped my progress as the men continued towards me. No one noticed the lighting of the wires or the cables connected to a mech moving. No one noticed the whiring of the motors in the machine. I notice the light blue eye looking around. It looked at me as I mimed the words ‘Help me ’.

It saw this and crouched. Everyone saw this as the mechanical parts moved in there loud, cluncky matter. Its first words sounded just like those in movies and books

“Warning, unregistered citizens armed. One civilian child, possibly in danger. Please drop your weapons now. “.

They replied by shouting and…no...him.

“Civilian in danger. Must protect.” he said as he used his machine gun arm to block some of the bullets. The mechanical hand reached for me and put me on the top of his body, near the hatch. Taking the gesture, I climbed in.

Inside the mech was a joystick with buttons on the left, an wired, mechanical glove on the right and countless buttons inbetween. The display was showing the men firing at his to hardly any effect.

With a much quieter voice, the mech talked to me. “Untrained civilian piolet. Starting ingrain sequence. “ and with that, the inside of the machine lighted up with countless different colour lights.

The pain was incredibly painful, which made no sense like everything else. This procedure meant that, temporarily, any capable civilian could pilot the mech. The knowledge being forced into my head was ingraining with no small amount of hurting and I think I cursed every curse word in the common human mental dictionary, which is pretty huge.

The next second, and it was nothing more than a small headache. This was numbed as the feeling of adrenaline reappeared. The sound of the men still firing filled the silence. I unconsciously used the mechs gun to bat those too close away then fired the machine gun to shred everyone except the the that talked. He had gave orders not to kill me, so I was returning the gesture.

I looked at the cockpit again and recognised every button as if I had been doing this for years.

I had no time to continue that train of thought as I saw enemy re-enforcements. There were two Medium, b-class, assault mechs and one Heavy c-class brawler mech.

“Hostile mechs targeted. Warning, out numbered three to one. Suggest retreat or strategies. “ he said.

We should engage. The school group is still locked in the other hanger and theirs no one left. Here's the plan. Take out one of the mediums and highly damage the other. After that, we can focus on the heavy and then focus on the last medium. “ I said, doing the details in my head.

Putting the plan into motion, we used the thrusters to boost forward. Catching the enemies in surprise, I locked on and fired at the left most medium mech. Staying out of the brawlers effective range, I got closer and continued to shoot at the medium mech one and damage them.

Medium mech two started to engage me and protect there team. As he dashed into the line of sight, the rockets locked on to him and were fired while the machine gun was still being fired at medium mech one.

I saw the heat level on my guns raise, meaning I had to stop shooting. I activated the damage absorption and closed in on medium mech one. Extending the blade, I slashed at him, which took them by surprise and they fell. As all mechs do, they fell limp and exploded a few seconds later.

Still taking damage from their weapons, I ran back to the hanger to get behind cover so I could safely use the repair drone as the medium mech repaired their damage and the heavy mech advanced on me. Healing the mech from 34% to 82%, I prepared my only working attachment.

I slipped out from cover and used the newly recharged thrusters to launch me into the air. Once I was directly above them, I aimed the thrusters to boost me down to the ground and do damage to their hull. This also confused him but not enough as he turned and shot the mechs shotgun. I had to run around them to stay out of the spread of the gun. Planning on finishing him off, I used the blade again and stabbed it as far into their cockpit as possible.

The final mech had finished his repairs and was getting into an effective range. I retracted the blade and locked the missles onto them. Once they were locked, I aimed to the right to curve the rockets, making them harder to dodge. I fired the cooled down machine gun and worked on finishing him.

The medium mech fired his two medium miniguns, dealing lots of damage. The rockets final hit, knocking the aim off. I used this to get within melee range and used the fist the way it was currently more useful for. A fist.

The equation force is mass multiplied by acelleration was being put to use. I used a very heavy, metal fist and punched the enemies mech very fast. The results were a cockpit that collapsed in on itself.

We walked back to the hanger and I climded out of the cockpit.

Hey, could you lower me to the ground? “ I said. As I was doing so, I heard the door open with the soldiers entering. All they saw was one men staring in awe at a child and a prototype mech with lots of unconscious enemies outside and mech wreckage outside.

Present day, royal dinning room.

After a lot of explaining, parents worrying and legal stuff, I was offered to work as a mech rider. This was a achievement that was worth the bragging rights. Me and DB have been partners ever since. “ I finished. I had finished my food while telling the story. Complements to the chef.

Everyone one was quiet. That was until the Griffin spoke up in a joyful, hardy cheer.

Your a warrior. Ha,haa! Taking the odds like that and get to tell that tale is a sign of strength. When the king hears this, you'll be in the good books of the Griffin kingdom. “ this was a surprised reaction, but not unwanted by any means.

A strong tale from just a boy, stopping those who seek to destroy. “ the Zebra rhymed.

That is a tale worth its place in books. If written properly, it would be a great story for the young. “ commented the Minotaur.

I agree. This story is worth written down. I will have this written by some royal writers later. It is getting close to the time I lower the sun and my sister raises the moon. I will have a guard guide you to your rooms. “ Celestia said as she got up. She walked off to the balcony while me and the other representatives are lead to our rooms.

As I entered mine, I walked over to the bed and took my armour off. With only the under clothes on, I fell asleep on the royal guess beds.

End of chapter 9

Chapter 10 Demonstration

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Chapter 10

As I woke up, I looked out the window to see the sun on the rise. I climbed out of bed and changed my clothes. I got dressed into my causal stuff, which was a black pair of joggers, a black T-shirt with green trimmings and a black hoodie with a green inner lining. It was comfortable and warm.

I opened the room door and walked out. Outside my door were Blocked heart and Blade wing. They were stood at attention and had their weapons and armour on.

Morning, how are you two? “ I greeted.

Oh, morning Connor. How was your meeting with the Princesses and the other representatives? “ Blocked heart asked.

It was fine. I told them the story of how I joined the military. It took so long that, by the time I had finished, the meeting was over. I think they might rewrite it. If you want to know the story, ask the guards that were there cause I can't be bothered to retell it. “ I answered.

Got anything plans for today? “ she asked.

Maybe a demonstration of my mech to test and show off the weapons and abilities, but that's after breakfast. You know where to get it? “ I questioned them.

Yeah, it's this way. Follow us. “ Blade said.

As we walked down the halls, I looked at the guards. Those that were looking at me soon snapped back to attention. The staff workers have wondering looks as they passed and the nobility were looking in disgust. As if I care about them.

The dining hall door opened as we approached and I sat at the table where I sat yesterday. One of the chef's came over.

Good morning, what can I get for you? “ He said.

Could I have bacon and eggs? If not, toast will do. “ I said not missing the little look of fear on his face.

Ah, yes…it will be out shortly sir. “ the chef said as he trotted away.

Good morning Connor. It's good to see you this morning. How was the accommodations? “. I turned to see the Princess enter the room, her sister not far behind.

Oh, hi. The bedrooms were fine. How’re you this morning? “ I greeted. They took their space at the table as a chef came and went with their orders. To start a conversation, Luna spoke up.

Oh, we are fine. So, what is your world like? “ asked Luna as the chef came back with my order.

I ate a piece of bacon before speaking. “Well…it's pretty good. I mean yeah, it has it's bad history, but it's from these mistakes that we improve. No one is good or bad. Everyone is a bit of both but look one or the other to other people. Also, the fact we don't have magic is made up for in our technology. We went to the moon a few decades ago. “ I said before continuing with my breakfast.

Your race has gone to the moon!?! How!?! How could thous lunar guardian allow this!?! What crime did they commit to deserve so!?! “ Cried Luna as she stood up.

We don't have a 'lunar guardian’. We built a spaceship that got a few people on the moon and back. Since then, we've sent a rover to mars, a satellite out of our solar system, figured out how planets and stars form, looked at planets light-years away and we might send people to mars permanently to live there in the future. “ I said to the moon Princess.

Then how does the moon move? How does the sun get raised in the day? “ Luna asked, not so loud this time.

I finished the egg in my mouth first before replying. “Ask Twilight sparkle. I told her already and I don't wish to explain it again. “.

The chef was now coming out with a plate of pancakes with syrup that went to Celestia and another plate with toast which went to Luna. I was finishing the last egg on my plate as I saw DB out the window. At the same time, DB turned and saw me. DB then turned back to the ground, going back to what he was doing.

Well, looks like I'm done. I'm going outside to check on DB. See ya later. “ I said as I got up and left. Outside the door was Block and Blade.

Are you my private guard or is it just so happens that you two are the ones always being stuck with me? “ I asked.

Yep. Since no one volunteered for it, we were given that job. They said that we've spent the most time with you and you were more familiar with us. “ Blade said as we started to walk

We look forward to the demo you were scheduled to do as well. We've seen it's speed but not it's weapons or powers. “ Blocked said.

Oh, your in for a real surprise. Have I told you that there are mechs bigger or faster or stronger than mine? Or how we have created things that could level this entire mountain top and have effects in other countries? “ I rhetorically asked as we continued to walk.

We made it to the courtyard. There was an obstacle course, a sparring area, a mess hall and a armoury. Over by a field, DB stood with a few guards around him. I called out to him.

Hey! DB! Over here! “. With that, the mech walked over to me while getting a lot of glances by the guards. One in the sparring area was to busy and didn't see the punch that connected to him in the face.

“Hello Connor. “ DB said in the unique monotone voice of his.

Morning. Urm, we have a demonstration to do today. Just to test all the weapons and abilities, mostly to show off to the guards what we can do. “ I informed.

“Affirmative. Would you like to enter the cockpit? “ He asked.

Naaa, I'll climb in later. Do you know a place to test the equipment? “ I said as I looked around.

“There is a range nearby for them as they still use bows and arrows. “ DB said.

Huh. Well, OK then. We can go there later. Now I just need to find something to do in the meanwhile. Do we have any video games? “ I said.

“Sir, you have a console controller in the rider compartments. I can use the holographic projector to display games on the wall for you to play. “ DB suggested.

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Have you got need for speed on there? “ I asked. The guards nearby now looked in confusion and muttered between themselves.

“Yes, I have need for speed payback downloaded. “ said DB.

OK. Let me grab my controller and then start a new game. “ I said as I was lifted up and put on the mechs head. I climbed into the cockpit, lifted the seat and looked for the controller.

The rider compartments were there so they could store stuff of there's. Some had photos of family or snacks. In my compartments, I had a picture of me, my brother and my mother. I also had two bags of sweets, one being mint inpearls and the other being butter sweets. I had five live ammo mags packed in the corner. Finally, at the bottom, was my father's old console controller for the PS4 but with a different of my mech and me being printed on the touch bar.

I climbed back out and DB put me back on the floor. We both walked over to the most plain wall we could find. DB used his projector to put the game on the wall. The title screen loaded up as the guards, now too intrigued, came over to watch.

I pressed a button and the cinematic cutscene started. I watched as the sound and growing size of the group watching made more ponies curious and then them to came over to watch. I watched the last part of the cutscene play out as the game play finally started.

A few minutes later.

I played up to the point that I picked my first car of the game. I had played this game so many times, I knew what car I wanted before the option dialogue finished. I looked at the crowd of ponies watching me play the game.

Alright, DB, you can save and turn it off now. Time for the demonstration. “ I said as the guards broke from their trance and went back to whatever they were doing, although I could still hear them mutter and talk as they did so.

What was that? “ Blocked heart asked with a look of fascination on his face.

That was a game from my world. One of my favourites as well. “ I said.

We walked over to the range DB had found earlier. A few guards with bows and arrows were there and looked at us as we arrived.

OK, let's get this done. Fire the machine gun at one. “ I ordered. After a couple of loud bangs from the weapon, one of the hay bail targets had been torn up.

Good. Right, lock on and fire missles. “ was the next instruction. He took a second to lock on then he fired a cluster of four missiles at a target, which exploded on impact.

Good. Now, test the holographic projector. “. His left shoulder opened slightly one of the portable projectors casted a 3D model of DB. Aside from a very faint flicker, it looked identical. It moved around for a bit then I turned off. I walked over to it, picked it up and brought it back. I handed to DB. He put it back in his shoulder.

OK, just need to test the jets. Can you hover out there, do a down crash and then walk back. “ I said as he did so. The roar of the thrusters was a bit loud but nothing too major. When DB did the down crash, the entire ground shook and some guards lost there balance. He walked back.

Well, looks like everything is in working order. “ I told myself.

“Yes, all systems functional. Hull integrity is at 100%. Repair drone operational. R-core at 34%. “ DB stated.

Great. Go back and power down for now. I'll come to see you tomorrow. “ I said as I turned back to the castle. I heard DB's steps as he walked off.

Celestia, throne room.

Celestia went back to sitting on her throne with Luna in the one next to her. They had been watching the machine use its weapons. The power and technology behind it was far beyond anything ponies have build. And to think his race had no magic, wings, claws or razor teeth. All they had was their own intelligence.

That was truly an impressive display, was it not, dear sister? “ said Luna. She was the most fascinated by the demonstration.

Yes, it was. But I wonder why they would need such tools of destruction. What was he doing before arriving here? “ she inquired.

True, but I have been in his dreams. He truly is just a teenager with a sense of humour. He rarely mentions our ranks as Princess and talks normally to us. He appears to not care which is so very rare these days. “ Luna replied.

But what if he turns evil? The elements of harmony might not work on such a magic-less opponent and our guards would never stand a chance against his might. “ said Celestia, now worrying a about these possibilities.

Luna looked blankly at her. “But what reasons would he have? He has only made one mistake and he made up for it. If thee get to know him better, you would see he is not that bad. “ Luna reasoned.

Celestia signed. “I guess you're right. We should get to him better. Let's go to meet up with him. “ she said.

Celestia got up from her throne and walked out of the throne room, with Luna following behind.

Connor Irons, Palace entrance.

I pulled out the magazine of live ammo and loaded the paintball mag into my handgun. These paintballs were specifically made for me. The were all coloured a bright, lime green that could glow in the dark. I cocked it and looked at the two guards next to me.

What are you doing? “ Blocked heart asked, looking curious.

I'm going to do something funny and stupid. “ was all I said. I didn't want them to know, it was going to be a surprise.

What were those green pellets you put into the device? “ Blade wing asked, looking equally as curious.

Those are paintball rounds. Instead of firing live, deadly, ammo, I can use these to fire a splat of green, glow in the dark, paint. It also stains clothing, which is why commanders banned it from being used on uniforms but they are otherwise harmless. “ I said as I looked for my targets.

They turned the corner and saw the targets. Before they noticed me, I shot both targets on their flanks. Both said “Oooww!! “ from both of them. The princesses turned to see a new green splat of paint firmly stained on their rear. Then both Luna and Celestia turned to me before I letter it back down the hall. Worth it.

I ran through the hall as the anger rulers chased closed behind. I made my way back into the courtyard and ran for the bushes. I jumped over and did a roll before resuming my sprint into the other, bigger and more effective hiding bushes.

I hid behind a bush near the entrance to a hedge maze and stopped, front to stay as quiet as possible. Soon, I heard the hooves of the princesses hit the ground and stop as they looked for him.

Over three hours later, they found him. After another hour, he was free from there ranting, although, seeing their now obvious marking just made him snicker and giggle. By the time they were done, it was 4pm. He was also happy he was returning to ponyville tomorrow.

End of chapter 10

Chapter 11 Which one?

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Chapter 11
Which one?

I woke up to the morning sun, once again, trying to blind me. Like every other time, it does temporarily but not for long as I turned from it. I got out of bed and put my clothes and holster on. I then put my handgun in its holster and a mag in my pocket. The miniguns, rest of my mags and clothes were put in a bag that they had gave me.

I walked out to see my personal escorts outside the door. Blocked had his sheathed sword and a nicely made shield. Blade had her bow and a quiver of arrows on her back.

Morning. Ready to go? “ I asked. They both turned to see me.

Yep, just waiting on you and your partner. “ Blocked said.

We continued to talk as we passed through the halls. At one intersection of the halls, I saw Luna, still with the paintball marking from yesterday's fun. She gave me a mix of a smile to look happy to the guards and a glare that was aimed at me with intent of harming. We left her to her doings as we resumed our walk to the exit.

As we left the castle doors, we saw lots of ponies around. I turned and new to the courtyard, here DB had resigned. His body seemed to have been polished, as the mechs surface was now shiny and clean. I could see my own face on it.

Hey! DB! Time to go! “ I said quite loudly to him. The machines woke up similarly to a human. First comes motor control, then thought, then speech. DB's motors number as he moved. His passive blue monitor, or his equivalent of an eye, blinked on softly. Then came thought and speech.

“Morning rider. “. I gestured him to follow and then walked, following the guards. We walked through the city to the train station. More stares greeted me as I looked around at the crowds. I gave them not a thought as I wasn't worth it.

We arrived at the train station. The train had a flatbed cart on the back for DB, as expected. I carried my bag onto the train and sat on the weird chairs and looked out the window. The train finally starts of back to ponyville.

Ponyville train station.

Twilight sparkle and her friends, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. The train was expected to arrive soon and they all wanted to welcome Connor and his machine back.

I can't wait for Connor to get back. Maybe I should throw a 'welcome back’ party. “ Pinkie said excitedly. Twilight looked at her.

Don't make it a surprise party. You don't want a sore nose again, do you? “ she warned.

Yeah...that wasn't very nice…” pinkie said, rubbing her nose.

I'd be mighty nice of him ta help with the final trees in ma farm. “ Applejack said.

And I would love to make more clothes for him. His fashion is so unique. Practical and simple, but stylish. “ Rarity added.

The train started to become visible in the distance and was heading towards the station. It slowed down as it neared the station. The brakes let out a quiet screech. The train then stopped and the passengers got off. A few seconds later, two royal guards got off. A step behind them was then filed they were waiting for.

He was dressed in a black hoodie, black joggers and had a belt with a pouch for his weird L-shaped devise. He had a bag with a multi-tubed device and his other clothes on his back.

Hello. Good to be back. ” Connor said. He walked towards the group of friends.

Hey! Your finally back! What took you so long? “ Rainbow asked.

Either your short patience or the speed of the train. I guess option one. “ he said as he turned to go and get him mech.

He came back after a minute with DB. As he and the ponies walked of, DB we to the farm. The two guards stayed at the train station.

They talked about what they had done while he was away. As Connor retold his side of the story of the paintball trick he pulled on the princesses and how they would have a bright boost green mark, which earned a few gasps and laughs.

They were about to enter the library when something happened. Something's jumped from behind the house and tackled Connor to the ground. The group turned around as three Connor's got up. They looked at eachother and froze. One of them spoke up.

What the fuck? “ said the middle one, which Twilight mentally labeled C2.

Your a fake! “ C1 said, pointing at C2.

I'm the real one. You two are the fakes. “ said C3.

Only one way to find out. Copy everything I do. “ C2 said.

He, and the others, raised his right arm and the made a fist. They then put it down. The second action was to move the left arm over his stomach, clench a fist, then drop his arms again. They then all quickly used their right arm to swipe their side and hold their arms out straight at each other.

As they did so, they noticed a difference. C3 was holding the black, L-shaped devise.

There can only be one of me, sorry. “.


C1 and C3 fell down after the device went off. They then erupted into green flames. A second later, as they touched the floor, the flames suddenly died, leaving two changelings. Both had a hole leading to the brain on their heads.

First day back and I've already done something. Great. “ the real Connor said calmly. He put the device away. His clothes were now covered in dust and dirt. Connor grunted and held his side, a little pain evident on his face. All the ponies starred but couldn't say anything.

Two thuds came as Rarity and poor Fluttershy fainted and hit the ground.

We should get you to the hospital. Applejack, Pinkie, could you carry them since you two are the physically strongest here? “ Twilight asked after here snap back to attention.

Sure thing, Twi. “ Applejack said in the accented voice.

Okie, dokie, lokie. “ Pinkie enthusiastically said.

I'll go tell them your coming. See ya. “ Dash said before zooming off.

Connor Irons, ponyville hospital

We walked to the hospital. Fluttershy and Rarity were still out for the count. I held my side where I'd been tackled and landed on a stone. It hadn't done much but bruise but they insisted I went, even if it was nothing so they know what a healthy human looks like compared with a damaged human next time I arrive.

We walked in. The place looked like old 20th century hospitals back on earth. There were desks, waiting chairs, a little area to entertain children and a bookshelf for adults. The walls were white with plants spaced around the room.

We walked up to the receptionist and she looked up.

Hello, how may…?” she said as her eyes fell upon me. When stood up, I was almost double the size of the ponies. So when she saw me look over her, I might have scared her.

We’re the ones Rainbow Dash said were coming. Fluttershy and Rarity have fainted and Connor, here, has hurt his side when two changelings attacked. “ she explained, while the receptionist nodded worriedly and pressed a button on her desk.

Two doctors came out the double doors and took the fainted ponies. A nurse came out and looked at me.

You must be the human we were expecting. If you would kindly follow, please? “ she said. I did as told and followed. We entered a room with a window and a simple medical bed. Having done this before, I sat on the bed.

What has seemed to have happened? “ the nurse asked.

I was with Twilight and her friends when two things who looked like me tackled me. Apparently, they are called changelings, according to Twilight here. I fell on my side on a small stone on the ground. I've dealt with them, so don't worry. “ I simplified.

Ah, well, let's have a look. “. I lifted my shirt to show the forming of a lovely bruise. There was also my only scar as well. Although I was still a child, inad some muscle here too, but they didn't seem to have noticed.

Hmm...looks like it's just a bruise. While your here, I would like to examine you, if that is okay with you? “ said the nurse.

Fine, but no super detailed examinations. I don't feel comfortable giving all the information just yet. “ I said. She pick up a quill and started jotting stuff down. I told her important details and facts. Stuff like species name, appearance, diet, gender and common traits. Twilight was also copying the work for herself.

Then came the thousand pound question.

How did you get that scar? “ Twilight asked. Ding, ding, ding! Well done, you get the thousand pound reward.

That's actually a funny story. I guess you have time to hear it? “ I said.

The nurse looked at her clock on the wall. “I suppose so. ” she said.

Okay then. So I was at home… “...

2 years ago.

It was a Saturday as I lounged on my bed. My brother was playing a game on his console. He was losing and was getting anger because of it. With his anger came cursing. I was getting annoyed as I couldn't hear what I was watching.

Ginge, do you mind being quiet please? “ I asked nicely.

Oh, fuck off Connor. Urrr...this game! “ He said loudly.

If it is that bad, play a different one. Just be quieter. “ I said again.

Fuck sake, this game is so unfair...I SHOT HIM. Urrr!. “ Haydon pretty much shouted.

Before I could continue to moan at him, he through his controller. It then shattered against the wall near me. A few shards fell on me harmlessly. Then the clock that was there, fell. It landed on the sharp shards and cut my side.


Connor, present day

I went to the hospital that day, had stitches and am left with a scar. It looks epic to the other soldiers until they hear the story. “ I finished. They had paid close attention and only scribbled when necessary.

That was an interesting story. Looks like our time is up. When are you next available so I may schedule another examination of you? “ the nurse said.

Any time Saturday or Sunday between 11am and and 4pm. “ I replied.

Hmmm... I shall see you Saturday at noon. “ she said.

OK. “ I said as I got off the table and walked out the door. I walked back down the corridor to the waiting room.

My side still hurt but it wasn't too bad. I entered the waiting room again to see Rarity and Fluttershy awake again. I decided to leave them and go back to the farm to meet up with DB and tell Granny Smith and Big Mac I was back.

I walked around town, in the open, so no one could tackle me like earlier again. I also kept an eye and an ear out for any suspicious activity.

I kept this up all the way to the farm. DB was pulling multiple carts of apples with Big Mac behind, pulling one cart. It was quiet funny to see the strength difference, even though he knew it would be way stronger anyway.

I saw Applejack giving the tree a hard kick on a worn part of the tree, under where the branches spilt from the truck. I noticed that all the trees had this spot on there truncks. He judged the strength of the kick to be harder than his normal kicks, but if he used a round house kick from either leg to get something close. Can't hurt to try.

He walked up to a tree with some apples left on it, baskets under it and looked for the spot. After locating it, he got into a quick fighting stance with his left leg forward. He threw his back leg around and pivoted on his left foot, resulting in a good kick.

Only an apple fell from the tree, which he caught as it fell next to him. He looked after the tree again. He looked at the farm mare again. He then kicked the tree harder than last time. More apples fell I to the basket, but not anything major as the tree still had a lot on it. He gave up with that and continued on his job of finding Granny smith.o

End of chapter 11

Chapter 12 Exercise

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Chapter 12

It had been a week since the changelings problem. I had continued my work on the farm although I did get some odd looks from ponies and heard some, admittedly funny, rumours about me. Rumours including that I was an alien, a secret race that has only just appeared to a monster waiting to eat them all. One was true but the rest I found funny. They would even come up to me and ask about the rumours.

I was finishing the final trees of the summer as DB pulled the apple filled carts. The other farm ponies were storing their apples while I saw Twilight spying on the mech, not aware of the radar that could detect her before she detected me. I ignored it and carried on as DB reached the barn.

Hey! Applejack! Got the last of the apples. “ I called through the mic. She turned around and saw DB with carts full of apples.

Alrighty, I'll packs these up and ya can go. Thanks for ya the help on the farm. “ Applejack said back.

I got out of the cockpit and DB lowered me to the ground like so many times before. DB went to the edge of the forest to scan wildlife and record them. He had been doing that for a while and had got a decent amount of data. He couldn't handle magic, though, so he put that in a separate folder for later reasoning. But the excuse “it's magic” fitted for now for me.

I walked through town. While DB got information by scanning, I got information out of Twilight. It was easy. Say I would like to know about something or someone and turn on a recorder I attached to my clothes. She would start a lecture which I zoned out off. I would then give the recorder to the mech and he would store it.

What I did learn is that they had their own dictators and use the power of magic and magical artifacts to defeat them. Nightmare moon, Sombra, discord and others. I told her about our dictators like Hitler and Stalin. She was horrified to say the least.

I got to and entered the library. I picked up a book that seemed interesting and sat down. Usually, back home, I would watch YouTube or listen to audio stories. My favourite topics were HFY's and things like that. This book was like them but had totally different aliens and no humans.

I sat and read for around an hour and a half before leaving for food. I headed for sugar cube corner and looked around the streets as I passed shops and houses. Ponies were walking around, some with suspicious cloaks or some with saddlebags on their backs.

The stalls lined the street with different products and snacks. He walked up the a stall that seemed to sell some fruits and vegetables. I'll have some fruit. Can't get fat now. I saw the sign and picked the banana on the shelf. I paid and went to walk off.

Hey! Get back here with that! “ She said.

Yes? “ I questioned.

That's worth more than 3 bits. Pay up or I'll get the guards on you. “ said the stall mare.

No. The sign CLEARLY states 3 bits a banana. I paided 3 bits so take it or leave it. “ I continued to walk off.

Behind me I could heard her move from the stall, then come and charge me. I turned and saw her nearly a meter away. Her closed in, turned and went to buck. I dashed right and caught the leg, then tugged to pull the remaining legs from under her as she went down.

I turned around again and sped walked off. Around me I saw ponies moving. I was almost to the path straight to the farm till some hooded ponies blocked my path. I didn't bother checking the other directions as I heard the paths fill with hoof steps. The ones in front parted and let three more important cloaked ponies pass.

One had a evil violet colour which shimmered in the light. It looked smooth and silky. The pony underneath was slim and agile from his reasoning. The fur that was exposed on the legs was blood red.

The other was the opposite. A blood red cloak made of a sturdy fabric judging from the carelessness of the wearer. Speaking of which, this pony was a tank compared to other ponies, he even put Big Mac to shame with the amount of raw strength he possibly had. The fur of this pony was a dark purple colour.

The last one was a medium of the two. It had a pale purple colour fur under a black and gold cloak. The pony was of a average size and had a bow and arrow set under the cloak, well covered but still seeable. There was a dagger strapped to its left foreleg and the protution in the cloak head area gave that the pony was a unicorn.

This seems to be our true masters, the titans, tamer. Seems a pity it is so frail. “ said the feminine pony in with the red fur.

Such a pitiful this thing holds such power. “ the masculine male said.

Well, if it is compliant, it shouldn't be a problem. “ said what I guest was the leader.

Mind telling me why you are surrounding me? Do any of you have a problem? “ I said, remaining neutral. I had secretly unclipped my gun so it was ready for a quick draw. I only had this mag though, so it would need to be used sparingly.

Twilight sparkle, library.

She had got back to her library and was filing in her research. She had been secretly gathering data on the mech without Connor Irons noticing. She had nearly got caught but it was a fluke. Twilight had calculated that the mech could lift a less than a tonne due to observations. But without proper testing, she couldn't confirm it.

It was nearly mid-day when there was a racket outside. Twilight trotted down the stairs and looked outside. Ponies were walking or running away from a crowd of cloaked ponies on the border of town. She looked harder and saw Connor as his height made it so he stood over everyone. He had his casual clothes on.

Twilight sparkle went outside to get a closer look at what was going on. She closed the tree house behind her and walked around the crowd. At the front, she could make out three ponies that stood out due to their coloured cloaks.

She was now in range of hearing of the conversation.

Give us you titan. “ demanded a mare.

First, he's called a mech. Secondly, no way am I giving him to you. “ Connor replied. He appeared to be calm although surrounded.

Comply or be killed. Your choice. “ a stallion said.

Neither, you are going to get out of my way or I will show you how I tamed the mech. “ he threatened.

That was your final warning. “ said a deep voice. The crowd tightened and the three cloaked ponies took off their clothes.

The bright red pony dashed across the distance to catch the human by surprise. In fact the human dashed to the side almost like his mech but without the rockets on the back. He landed and kicked her as if kicking a door. She went backwards as he then turned to face both the armed and muscular stallions.

The one with a bow and arrow shot but missed due to the humans odd proportions. The muscled pony charged him while the armed pony reloaded. Connor stood there, waiting. When the dark purple stallion was almost a two hoofs away, Connor, from a quick crouch, jumped up and over the charging pony. As the armed stallion was aiming, he charged him.

He seemed to notice the red mare now sprinting at him. She jumped to tackle him. Connor suddenly dropped down and to his side to slid under her. He rolled over, got up, and headed for the archer. He fired but missed by a fraction, but the sharp edge did catch his cheek. This didn't even phase him as he neared. Connor used more of his unique martial art and brought his leg over his head and down upon it.

This made the archer step back which only gave more space for him to move as he did so. He brought his right leg round and caught the archer in the face. To confirm knock out, he kicked the pony hard in the genital area then kicked his head again. He turned to see the two other ponies looking at him challengingly. The look on the humans face wasn't viewable from where Twilight stood. The human lifted his hand to wipe his cheek, and looked at the blood.

The two ponies charged him and Connor charged them. The two ponies had faster max speed but the acceleration of the human was surprisingly quick. His two legs acted like a spring every time he put them down, one after another in a constant rhythm. As they were about to collide, the red mare jumped to tackle while the dark stallion piled on more speed. Connor dived to the side and rolled up, turned and fired the horrible black 'L’ shaped block.


The loud crack of the weapon shocked everyone. The sound was so loud that the crowd forgot the two other arena fighters. The dark muscled stallions right hind leg was crippled with a hole lodged in it. He cried in agony and rage as he ignored his leg to pounce on Connor. But Connor sidestepped and whacked the pony on the back of the head with a THUD which knocked him out cold.

Only the agile red mare was left. They circled each other and glared. The red mare had focused, cold and angry eyes. Twilight could now see Connor's face. It wasn't anger or cold or in anyway evil. The look in his eyes was a mix of predator and planning, which to Twilight, was worse.

Connor charged first. He shouted no battle cry, or threat. He just bolted. This shocked the mare, but not enough as she dodged him. She lifted her right foreleg and swing to hit him in the stomach area. The human deflexed it and threw a punch of his own. The punch went straight down to strike at the back of the head for a knockout. It missed as the mare moved as fast as the leaves in the wind. But if she was that, Connor was its shadow, almost perfectly blocking and dodging skills. What damage he did take, he show no sign of pain other than a single, quick grunt.

But, as if the sun was now blocked by the clouds, then all the ground in a shadow. Connor was tripped up by the mare as she swept his legs from under him. He landed on his back with a THUD while the mare went to try and strangle him. Connor saw this, rolled and jumped her. Now she was caught off guard and fell. The human wasted no time knocking her out with a firm whack to the head.

He raised his weapon to the sky and fired two shots. The crowd silenced as Connor spoke with a voice with enough authority to rival the princesses. The look on his face, which was bruised by a sneaky punch and the cut still showing a line off blood red liquid, showed nothing but the stare that froze hearts to death.

“Surrender or I will kill you just as fast. Those gunshots were to call my mech here. So surrender or face a quick, painless, messy death. “ Connor said with no emotion. A child that became a constant visitor to the library, helped the farm and held a smile almost all the time was now a focused, dangerous and commanding creature.

DB, farm edge

DB was running to the gunshots. The leg motors hardly showed sign of strain and the mech was plowing across the field to his rider. He turned and saw a crowd surrounding Connor. They looked likely to attack.

Hostiles surrounding friendly
Machine gun ammo: 100%
Rocket ammo: 100%
Thruster fuel: 100%
Logic core: 98%
R-core: 34%
Announcing warning

“Warning, rider in hostile position. Surrender immediately. “ said DB. All the ponies looked at him in awe and fear. All the unicorns lit up their horns and tried to cast a spell on the mech. He was covered in multiple glows of magic.

Hostile actions
Retrieve rider for safety
Eliminate hostiles
Protect civilians
Record data

DB took a step forwards, making the ponies in the way jump and move to avoid getting squashed. He picked up Connor and placed him on the hull. He climbed in and gripped the controls. The cloaked ponies now pulled off the cloaks and presented weapons.

Spears tried to stab and wound but some of them just snapped on impact. The archers shot arrows at the hull that bounced off the metal. The unicorns had their horns glowing and firing everything they had. The mech lifted his leg and gave a hard stomp to the ground.

Nearly all the ponies lost balance, which made them easy targets. He fired one missile pod and then thustered backwards. The explosives landed and blew up. This turned all but a few into red mush. DB tuned to them but did not fire.

Connor exited the cockpit with his minigun in hand. DB lifted him back down. Connor walked up to them and spoke.

Do you surrender? “ he asked.

They both sat there, shaking, and nodded. Neither one wanting to disturb the human in fear of their lives.

End of chapter 12

Chapter 13 Aftermath

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Chapter 13

I no longer cared. Everypony avoided the human due to the death I caused, but when faced with life or death, I know my answer. I hadn't got away unscathed by any means, with cuts and bruises over my body. The deep cut on my cheek had to be sealed and others plastered. My muscles ached and were sore. I could've fought for longer but that was more chance of me being fatally injured.

The same nurse I saw last time entered with clipboard in her magic. She had a grim look. I didn't care.

Hello. You seem to have multiple bruises and cuts. Nothing serious. We advise you take it easy for a while. The steri strips can be removed in five days. Please prevent them from getting wet or it will come off. “ she said, using multiple short sentences.

I looked at my hand, clenched it and released. I said my thanks and got up. I went to pick up my minigun, which I had brought just in case of backup of reinforcements. The ponies didn't know what it was but not a single pony had the guts to ask at the moment. I rested the barrel on my left shoulder so I could use my right hand. With a wave I left her.

I left the hospital and walked out of town. I headed for the farm, which was the currently most isolated place I could go to to think. On the way out, I saw the two guards stare at me. I just walked away. I past the two ponies that survived and looked at them as they looked back in fear. The three leaders I knocked out were also being treated as I walked past.

I continued my walk to the farm. I planned on going to the Everfree forest. There, I could do what I want in peace. Maybe even hunt another manticore or something while I'm at it. It had been a while since he had meat, and he wanted better food.

DB was monitoring the edge of the forest. He walked past without a word. DB did not question him, which he expected.

The forest was dark and slightly worrying, but natural. The creepy silence was welcoming to the racket from earlier. The small rustling of the bushes gave away the wind or the small critters inside. I stopped and looked around.

A rabbit jumped from the bushes and past me. Running prey means chasing predators. I readied my gun, with the extra mags holstered in his pockets, and aimed. I waited patiently. Soon, a huge, long necked, multi-headed, golden scaled creature walked through the tree line.


I didn't bother with the heads, I mean, it's a hydra! Hopefully, it's reproductive factor didn't apply to its other organs. Or…

I fired my pistol as I ran, aiming for the vital organs and chest area. As I got far enough away, I hid behind a tree and put my pistol away. I pulled my minigun from behind my back and revved it up.

I stepped out from behind the tree and let loose. The hydra was riddled with bullets that ripped through the scales. The scales came back, and so did the internal organs. But they grew back with an extra one as well, and there's only so much space inside that body.

The hydra charged me as the onslaught continued to tear through its flesh and body. It screeched in pain and stretched its neck to get me. It got closer and closer but eventually fell to the hail of lead. It's healing factor stopped as the once predator became my prey.

Celestia, canterlot castle.

Celestia was getting up from court, all the nobles finally satisfied. She walked down the halls to her bed chambers to take a break. She also wanted to send time with her sister today as they had arranged to walk together in the royal gardens later.

As she opened her door, the familiar green smoke appeared and she received a message. The scroll formed and she caught it in her magical grip. Celestia opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Princess Celestia

There was a fight in ponyville today. Multiple ponies, possibly a cult by their actions, attack Connor Irons. He fought their leaders and knocked them out. He then called in his mech which, after being provoked, attacked and KILLED all but two. The unconscious ponies are being treated for head trauma and the survivors are petrified of him. There were no other casualties other than that.

Connor later walked of, even after only mild treatment for wounds that would looked very painful, and has not been seen or heard since. His mech reported seeing him enter the Everfree forest but has not been heard of since and gunshots were heard coming from the forest.

Many town folk want him gone because he is too dangerous while others are trying to defend him by saying he was defending himself in his way. The guards don't want to go after him incase Connor takes it as a hostile gesture and attacks.

We await for your answer.

Your faithful student
Twilight sparkle.

Celestia re-read the letter before walking out her chamber to go find Luna. She needed to know of this situation. If the human was going rouge, then he could be a threat to Equestria. Or if he was defending himself, however brutal, he needed to be calmed and helped.

She walked through the huge doors to the palace garden and saw Luna standing nearby.

Ah, hello sister, how are you? ” she said before realising the look on Celestia face. “Sister, what is wrong? “ she asked before her sister handed her the scroll. Celestia could see the her sisters reaction to the letter as it was one of shock, confusion and surprise.

What shall we do? The human has shown it is willing to harm others for its survival, but it did what he thought was right. It also has its partner that can save him and take on our small military itself from afar. “ Luna said, which didn't help Celestia with the dilemma.

We might have to appear in ponyville to confront him if this goes further. ”said Celestia.

I could go to him dreams to calm him, although he does the mind power to push me out. “ Luna said, looking at Celestia.

I shall have royal guards go look for him but not confront him. I shall send Twilight a letter on what to do. “ she said as they started their walk through the garden.

Twilight, golden oak library

Twilight paced her floor, worried about what was going to happen. Connor had walked out into the Everfree forest, which was to dangerous to search, and hadn't returned yet. While there, she had heard shots from what he called a “gun”, the loud bang easily recognisable.

Spike was sorting the books like normal, but was now curious to what had happened outside.

Hey Twi, what happened out there that got you so worried. All I heard was ponies walking away from something and later a loud sound like an explosion. After that, the town went mostly silent. “ Spike said, still moving books around.

Connor was attacked by a group of ponies who wanted him huge machine, going on about titans or something. He knocked out their leaders and used his “L” device he calls a gun. The thing that instantly killed a changeling.“ Twilight said.

Spike stopped and looked at her. “He killed changelings! “ he almost shouted.

Yes, he did. Anyway, he then used it again to call his mech. The cult attacked it. This caused it to go hostile and killed most of them with a single blast from his cylinder on its arm. It shot out multiple smaller cylinders which exploded when they hit the ground. ” she said. Spike then let his jaw drop.

He has explosives it can launch! Did anyone survive? ” asked Spike.

Only the unconscious leaders he fought and two other cultist survived. “ answered Twilight.

Spike let his jaw drop.

Twilight then took the papers about the mech and Connor and proceeded to write more about them on it. Her notes on them were ordered from there appearance, their behaviour and then miscellaneous facts. In her spare time, she tried to think of any reason why they had there traits.

Twilight continued her writing for some time. By the time she looked up, it was night and she turned in for the night. Her writings were left, orderly on her desk. She climbed up on the bed and snuggled under her sheets. The darkness of sleep peacefully closed in and took her.

Connor Irons, Everfree forest

The campfire flickered in the darkness, bringing light to a forest more homely than anywhere in Equestria. The forest was a wild and uncontrolled thing that played by the rules. Predators ate prey, and that is how it should stay. The hydra meat roasted on a stick, releasing a nice smell that told of delicious food.

Not having anything to talk to, I sat there and watched the fire. I would swivel my head around and look around just in case of animals wanting my food. Luckily, the other animals were nowhere to be seen, not even other manticores or hydras.

I hadn't wasted the hydras scales either. I had a big patch of useable hydra skin I would probably turn into fingerless gloves and another strap to go on my uniform. I might have to ask to use some of Rarity's needles and threads, although, I wouldn't be able to tell her what for without her screaming or passing out.

He took the hydra roast off the fire and blowed on it. After cooling it a bit, I took a bite. Surprisingly, it didn't taste like chicken. It tasted more like beef but not as tough. By the time I had finished the meal, the fire was starting to die down. Better get some sleep.

He picked up his stuff and placed it by a tree, which i covered with branches to hide it from other things. I then climbed a tree and got comfy, not sleeping on the ground in case a predator finds me. The trees were, to my surprise, relatively soft as far as wood went.

I drifted to sleep. Not long later, I was dreaming. It wasn't anything interesting, just my reimagining of my house as I remembered it. I sat there peacefully.

Peacefully until a familiar pony entered.

I turned to face Luna, the green stain not appearing on her side. She stood there in a royal manner and had a serious face. If I had learnt anything, I learnt that ponies relied heavily on body language, and hers wasn't good.

I'm going to guess you are here to either punish me, tell me off or you want answers to a question. If so, I'm not bothered. “ I said, frustration in my voice.

We understand you are not in a pleasant mood, but these matters are serious. We only want to know if you are going to harm more ponies? “ said the moon Princess.

Depends. I only killed in self defence and I showed mercy to the others that survived. I mean, I could of killed them, but I didn't. Besides, think of it from my point of view. I'm stuck on a alien planet, with alien culture, alien nature OTHER than the the Everfree forest and i am vastly outnumbered. My only hope is in some 'magical’ ponies to help, if I can go back at all. So tell me, what reason would I have to further harm ponies, unless my life is on the line? “ I finished. Luna had froze during the long rant.

"But can we save a moaning and ear ache for a personal meeting? I'd rather like to forget the whole thing. " I said, quickly doing something to distract her.

I switch the dream location. We were now in the mech hangers from the base I was assigned to, filled with other mechs, no people and was lit by the ceiling lights. The walls were barren of anything interesting, other than screws and bolts. The multitude of mechs I had in here were all mostly different classes, with two heavies, four mediums and a small mech.

Luna broke out of her stupor and looked around. Her gaze wandered at the different war machines. She seemed to be most interested in one of the bigger ones, the seeker it was called. I smiled as her eyes finally fell back on to me.

What is this place? “ the Princess said, looking a bit surprised at the different mechs.

Mech hanger. Where they stayed when not in use. Just the first place that came to mind. “ I looked at her.

End of chapter 13

Chapter 14 Day off

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Chapter 14
Day off

Connor was still in his dreams, Luna looking around. I projected DB somewhere in here, along with other mechs I've seen, worked with or fought against. The otherwise empty hanger was quiet and not full of mechanical whirring and motors whining.

I take it you like these then. “ I said, trying to stop the conversation we had not a minute ago. It seemed to work.

Well, they are a wonder as they are made of no magic. How your people did this, we would never know. “ Luna said.

Well, since your here, may as well let you have one. It's a dream after all and you can have it the way you want it. I will still use DB, even in my dreams. “ I said, letting said mech walk over.

Luna walked over to one of the medium mechs, an assault mech with both arms being miniguns. It was a good mech, while being the bane of his mech. It had no paint job like mine at the moment. Luna did try to use her magic, which worked slightly, and gave it a decent colouring of dark blues, light blues and some black.

Nice choice. “ I said. Luna flew up and into her mech. After two crashes and a trip to the floor, she got the basic controls. Since it was a dream, you could just make your own controls which helped.

I walked out, Luna following. The open field outside was littered with holes, ditches and a single undamaged road, just as I remembered it. I turned the mech to communicate with her.

Hey. How'd you feel for some target practice? “ I asked through the link. She took a while to respond. She was probably trying to find the communication link button.

Um, sure. What targets? “ she asked.

I grinned maniacally.”Each other. “ I said before bolting away to one of the wreckages which I could hide behind. As I reached it, Luna finally open fired. We continued our friendly battle as we exchanged useless information like favourite food, sibling squabbles and funny stories.

I eventually woke up in the dark tree, with only some light visible from in the tree. Looking down, my stuff seemed to still all there. I climbed down and picked up my stuff. The pistol, ammo, minigun and newly acquired golden scaled skin didn't add up to that much weight, although that didn't mean it was light by any means.

I walked out the forest, onto the apple tree farm land. It was my day off, so I decided I could go to Twilight so she could get her notes she had been gathering on me and DB, apparently in secret. But before all that, I would have to drop off my stuff in the barn.

I headed to the barn before a orange mare blocked my path.

And where do ya think your going’? You got some explainin to do, mister. “ Applejack said.

I guess its about yesterday. If that's the case, I've already explained it to Princess Luna and I hate repeating myself. “ I said in a uncaring voice.

Well, ya going to, so get explaining. “ she said.

I sighed. “Fine. I used self defense to stop ponies from killing me. If you can't take it, don't give it was something I was taught by my mum. So if they can try and kill me, I will try to kill them. Turns out they were not prepared for their weapons to either snap or bounce off upon impact, or for me to have explosives I could use. “. I finished my rant.

Applejack looked shocked. Geez, ponies are too soft. I looked at Applejack as she broke from her frozen state.

But ya killed ponies. That's just not right. “ she said. I sighed.

Look, I was protecting myself the way I was taught. My saying is it could be worse. I mean, I could of killed them all. “ I said. I went to walk away. This time, I was allowed past. In the barn was DB. I placed my stuff to the side. I took my pistol with me, just in case.

I left the barn and headed to ponyville. The path there had prints from DB's foot. This just showed me that DB could book it when it was needed. This was reassuring. At least I could have backup if or when I needed it.

I entered ponyville and looked around. The ponies were skittish whenever i walked past, and move out of my way with worried looks. I proceeded to the library, not caring for the looks of others.

I opened the door and looked around. It seemed empty, so I had a look around. I went to the shelves to have a look. Most were non fiction and science books, with the occasional fiction book in-between.

Behind me was the doorway to the kitchen, which i could see a sink and cutlery. I decided to stay out of there as this was not my house. Beside that were stairs that probably lead up to Twilight's room. Again, I decided to stay out of there.

That was until, from up the stairs, a piece of paper fluttered down. It looked like the wind blew it down, probably a open window. Curiosity killed the cat. Luckily, I'm a human. I picked it up and flipped it to see the writing.

Human defense.

Connor Irons has shown his fighting style when faced with multiple opponent's. His fighting style seems to revolve around quick but effective attacks. They seem able to use each part of their bodies without danger of unbalance even on two legs. Their senses can also detect combatants out of their view.

The human shows impressive acceleration compared to ponies, although they have a lower max speed. This might of help primitive humans ambushing prey or help modern humans dodge attacks by quickly accelerating there bodies out of harm. His body is good at remaining balanced and steady, even on two legs. This helps the human change his posture to make him a difficult target.

Connor's upper limbs he called arms end in appendages called 'hands’ which are highly articulate, as previously discussed. They can clench them into a ‘fist’, which is dense and boney and have less surface area. This helps deliver much more force. Their body is also relatively thin, which helps avoid attacks.

Despite this, they seem to have a way of absorbing damage such as multiple cuts and bruises without much response until after combat. This may be caused by chemicals in his body. How such resistance to pain in a relatively compact frame is possible has yet to be discussed with the human.

I found this interesting as I saw what information Twilight sparkle had gathered. I looked up the stairs, now debating whether to go up there or not. I thought about it and then quietly snuck up. The wood made no creeks as I went up.

Up here, there were more books, scrolls and a desk with paper on it. I also saw the slightly opened window, which was over Twilight's bed with her still in it. Spike had his bed not far off but closer to the stairs, although he was nowhere to be seem. There was a simple rug in the middle which had books littered over it.

I walked over to the desk and carefully took the papers on it. I then crept back down the steps to read them. Most of them were observations, one had a rough sketch of my body, one had a sketch of the solar system and there were a few blank pages. Reading some of the notes, I thought I would write one page myself. I grabbed a blank page and a pencil, since the ink and quill were hard to write with.

Primitive Humans

Humans, or more scientifically known as homo sapiens, are a evolved form of ape (not monkey). We are omnivores and are very intelligent. This intelligence helped humans become apex predators and live in a world without magic or any other intelligent life.

Humans use persistent hunting as there way of hunting animals. This is done by chasing prey to exhaustion. Once the prey is to tired to escape, humans would then kill the animal and bring them back to their group. To help, humans have no fur and can sweat which lets our bodies vent heat away to prevent overheating.

We also knew how to farm crops and use traps to catch food. This was caused by our increasing intelligence and the need for more as human populations increased. Humans can also craft simple tools like spears from simple long sticks or clothing to help keep us warm from animal skins.

Modern Humans

In the present day, humans have created machines that can fly around the planet while being a few tons in weight, spacecraft to take humans to other places, although humans have only reached our moon so far with controlled rovers on Mars. We have bombs that can level cities in a single use and cause near incurable illnesses for decades after.

Our global population is less than 8 billion and with humans on all continents, excluding the North and South poles of our planet. Due to the separation of these places, they developed their own laws, religion and culture. This often causes conflict between two different places. But most just either ignore or accept them.

I finished writing on the page, looking at a job well done. I went to take them back up when I heard movement from upstairs. Judging by the groan and yawns, I guessed it was Twilight. The following hoof steps confirmed this as I backup from the stairs.

She reached the bottom step before finally noticing me.

Oh, hi Connor. What are you doing here? “ she asked. She looked at the papers in my hand.

I found one of these notes down here, so I had a look. I even wrote one myself. A bit of history and some facts. “ I replied. I offered the notes which levitated towards her. She had a quick read of it before neatening the papers.

Oh, thank you. “ she said, still somewhat tired. Twilight shook her head to wake herself up.

Urr, could you help with these notes? Most of them are speculation and guesses. “ Twilight sparkle said as she, once again, materialized ink and quills out of thin air.

I'll go first. So, why is there more female ponies than males? “ I asked. I was a question I had thought of but like never to be bothered to ask. It was also valid since the only males in this village I know of are Big Mac, the ticket pony at the station and a doctor I saw at the hospital.

Oh. Urr, ponies have a unbalanced gender ratio. I think it was four mares to each stallion. But it is a bit more obvious in ponyville. “ she said. She then spoke up and gave her question. “What powers your machine. I can't think of any energy that can produce the energy requirements for it. “.

He runs on nuclear fission. “ I said, but got a blank look in return. “Do you know about atoms? “ I asked, getting another blank look.

OK. Can I have a pencil and paper to demonstrate. “. Both objects appeared in front of me, which I recognized as the one I used earlier.

Atoms are the building blocks of everything, aside from quarks, but I don't know about to explain them. Atoms are made from protons, neutrons and electrons. The proton and neutrons are doing in the center with electrons around the outside. “I said, stopping to let the information sink in as I finished the helium atom diagram and kept drawing the process of fission.

If an atom is too big, it will split into more smaller, more stable atoms, as well as emit three types of radiation. This radiation can cause other big particles to split or rip electrons off other atoms. This causes a chain reaction of very high energy reactions which the mech can use to power it self. “ I finished. I looked at the very interested pony, which I had just explained nuclear fission to. I handed her the sheet as she filed it with other bits of paper.

Your kind has proven the theory of the atom? That isn't even a well established theory here, but you just explains and drawed evidence of it? “ she questioned.

We proved,edited and improved the theory till it is now accepted as fact and has been quite reliable. “ I replied.

The next hour was nothing but Twilight going through theories to see if they were true or not. Some of the theories I still remembered from science in school, like the theory of evolution. But others were so stupid, I laughed at, like the theory of friendship, although I was told of for it later by Twilight.

While trying to explain why the earth is not flat, spike came through the door. He had a shopping bag held in his claws. Side said bag was some apples and other bits of food. The rest was hidden at the bottom. He walked into the kitchen and exchanged greetings with Twilight, while I sat there.

Hmm, looks like I have to go. See you tomorrow? “ I said is I got up and popped some joints.

Yeah, OK, see you tomorrow.” Twilight said as I got up and left the library.

End of chapter 14

Chapter 15 Declaration

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Chapter 15

Me and DB were up, eight in the morning, helping with the storing of the apples. Applejack and Big Mac were putting them away while we brought the apples to them. This was to be the last thing they needed to do before cider season.

In the cockpit, the smell of me was getting annoying and I had notice that there was a fair amount of dirt on and in the mech. I would have to clean him after we had finished work. That would be a pain if I had not for some help in the matter.

That's the last of them. “ I said, pulling in the last load.

Alrighty then. Thanks for ya help. Ah meet ya at the barn. “ she said her thick accent.

With that, DB and I walked back to the barn, where we had agreed to help me clean the mech. Outside the barn were buckets of water, sponges, ladders and some clean rags. DB positioned himself near the door of the barn as I got out. He letter me and put me on the ground. Semi waited for the farm ponies, I started setting ladders against him, then got a sponge and started to clean.

Eventually, Applejack showed up to help.

Hey, Applejack. “ I said from the other side of DB, cleaning his right shoulder.

Howdy Connor. “ she replied, grabbing herself a sponge. She started with his left leg and foot.

Things had gotten relatively back to normal, although 'normal’ is not a word used commonly. The other ponies were not as scared, Twilight didn't try spying on me as much and there were no other incidents since the titan cult attack.

Speaking of which, later investigation, they found that a few of the cultist were changelings. This enforced my now growing disliking of them. The fact that this was the second time these bugs had attacked me in a month was not funny.

It also raised the question 'why?’ . Why attack me? Why not some other poor schmuck? Why attack at all? Why was I so important? I could of carried on, but it would help answer the ever increasing list of questions.

Getting bored, I decided to strike up a conversation.

So, Applejack, how are you? “ I said with one of the most reliable conversation starters. Works every time.

Ah'm fine. How're you? “ she asked.

Fine. So, any plans today? “ I said.

Na, ah I don't have many plans. Ah might go meet up this the girls. What plans do ya have? “ she answered.

I'm going to be helping DB with the information he's gathered. I also want to try and find out why these changeling things keep attacking. “ I said, moving down the ladder to start on the elbow and lower arm.

Everfree forest edge

Queen Chrysalis stood on the edge of the forest, hidden by the thick trees and bushes. She watched as the stupid ponies wandered around and unaware of her precious children amongst them. Her children that had critical roles in Equestria's down fall. Her children that had been murdered by these new things.

These new things showed to be a threat. The smaller creature named 'Connor Irons’ was smarter and seemed to control you the bigger creature. It was male, judging by its voice, and wore clothing at all times. It held devices that could kill in less than a second and a even bigger on that she could only presume was much worse.

The bigger thing, which had been called a 'mech’ but the changelings called 'DB’ due to the letters on its body, had weapons unseen before. It could launch coned cylinders which exploded on impact, the power to make the ground shake when it stomps and a body that could make spears, arrows and magic look like flies. It never seemed to eat or drink and yet it could do all this without even breathing.

She would make them pay when she ruled and no one could stop her. Not even the six elements of harmony. Not even the princesses. No-one.

< Queen, we are in position. Orders. > said one of the many drones telepathically. This one was located in canterlot and had served as her intel gatherer.

< Well done. Stay undercover till my arrival. > said Chrysalis, looking away from the oblivious ponies.

< Yes, your highness. > it replied.

< Changelings in ponyville, come and report. > Chrysalis called, getting a small group of 'yes, your highness’ in return. She waited in the forest, continuing to think of the plan and how it would never fail. Not this time.

Connor Irons, 2 hours later

I climb down the ladder as through the sponge into a bucket. DB was now clean, his green lining, initials, repair drone and exposed plating were now clean, the unpainted surfaces shining in the sun. His weapons were cleared of muck while the cockpit was cleaned and freshed.

That's a mighty fine job there, ain’t it? “ Applejack said, looking up and down at the now clean mech in all its glory.

Yep. I've not had him this clean since last month. “ I said.

DB stood up and looked himself over.

“Motors cleared. Weapons cleared. Surface cleared. Efficiently cleaned. “ he said. If he had any emotion, he probably show thankfulness and happiness, but we got his monotone and flat voice.

Well, ah'm gonna be busy, so see ya later. Oh, and thanks for ya help. “ I said as I walked towards the barn to get my stuff. Applejack nodded and turned towards ponyville.

Alright, let's go DB. “ I said as I pick up my minigun, pistol, mags and attached my ear piece I had got out of the cockpit earlier. I wanted to be prepared for anything. The list would include anything from another manticore or hydra to a small army to a portal to god knows where.

The Everfree forest, which wasn't as bad as people said it was, closed in as we passed through the orchard of apple trees. The contrast between the two was obvious. The bright and colourful world that they controlled down to the weather compared to the wild, untamed and natural forest which ran the rules of nature. The most scary place to ponies was more home like to me.

As we entered it's boundaries, the colourful, cartoon like world turned more realistic and spooky. I could feel the eyes of many animals of lots of sizes look at me, knowing what I could do. Me and DB passed through the trees and investigated the possible points of entry for these changelings. Some spots showed promise but others didn't.

I had got out to get a better look on the ground. As we headed towards the fourth place, we saw three or four ponies walk into the forest. This was unusual as the ponies commonly warned against going in. I followed them, hoping to either know what they were doing, or set up a prank to scare them if they were local ponies out here for no good reason.

“Warning, unusual energy signature detected. “ said DB, which made me jump as it came so suddenly.

They moved into the forest with little to no fear, which was furthering my curiosity. They stopped before a big tree for a second. From behind the tree, a much bigger changeling appeared. It was the size of the princesses, which means small than me not including the horn. This changeling also had more holes and a thinner frame than the others.

Well. That's where their coming from. Wonder what their doing? “ I said through the ear piece. DB was now holding off to avoid detection, so I had to keep him informed.

Well, what do you have on these new creatures? “ said the obvious changeling, which I could guess was female from the voice. The ponies dropped there disguise and revealed there true changeling nature.

We have four that he has devices that can cripple or kill and only produces a loud bang as a side effect. He also has a much bigger one that we haven't seen used yet, but looks much more dangerous. The creature can fight effectively on its two legs and use its upper limbs for combat. It has shown he can withstand a few well place hoofs and bucks to its body. He didn't show fatigue in the fight. “ one of the drones said.

With only common knowledge of how home bugs like bees work, I assumed that the bigger female changeling was a queen and these were her drones. This also meant that killing her would majorly interrupt their society.

But I decided to not shoot yet. If I could tell what they're plan is, I could prepare for it or warn others. I also didn't like the thought that they could disguise again and run out in pony form, causing me to look evil as I would be 'attacking innocent ponies’.

Well done. Have you prepared? “ the queen said.

Yes, changelings are in position and have a view of the elements. When the attack commence, they will have them, your highness. “ said a different drone, but since they all looked and sounded similar, he couldn't be bothered to track which one said it.

Excellent. The invasion shall go as planned. “ said the queen. The changelings nodded and walked off, assuming their disguises again. The queen’s horn lot up and she vanished. I turned and walked away.

DB, you get that? “ I asked through the mic.

“Affirmative. “ he said back through the mic.

Can you track them? Might be good to keep an eye on them. “ I said as I headed back to DB.

“Affirmative, tracking targets. Targets picture acquired. Unique energy signature recorded. “ he said as he came into view. The dark metal grey blending somewhat with the shadows of the trees.

OK, mark this location. We might check here again and hopefully see them. Alright, pick me up and let's go. “ I said, now in front of DB as his glowing blue monitor eye looked at me.

He did so, his cold metallic figures holding me with practiced ease. He put me down on top and moved toward the hatch, opened it and climbed in. We turned and we walked out the forest while minimising the noise made by DB's foot.

We made it out the forest and walked towards the barn. We walked around the orchard to save time. When we got there, DB crouched and I got out and climbed onto the barn support beams and upstairs storage, which had been my home for the time being with all my stuff.

DB got up and looked at me now that we could look eye to eye, metaphorically speaking.

Right, let's see what we’ve learnt. I'm the only human and your the most advanced piece of machinery on the planet. We live with magical ponies the colour of the rainbow, sometimes literally, with others including Griffin's, minitores, zebras and changelings. At the moment, the changelings are planning an invasion with a already set up plan and are majorly pissed at us for killing them. I miss anything? Oh yeah, the princesses move the sun and moon. “ I said, retelling my situation in hopes this would make more sense.

It didn't.

“Affirmative. Suggested plan. Wait and let their plan start. If we warn the ponies, changeling spy's and report this and change plans and/or postpone the attack. If we keep it a secret, we can disrupt their plan. Advice precautions for following days. “ DB said in his flat voice which gave a professional tone to what he said.

I sat there, thinking on what to do. On one hand, we could tell the ponies but possibly have the changelings notice this or we could keep quiet till the attack starts. One side means Equestria would be ready for them but the other gave us the element of surprise.

We’ll stay quiet for now, but after the first attack, we inform the ponies. “ I decided, looking at the mech. It was the best we could do, which wasn't saying much in the scheme of things.

It was now mid-day, with the rest of the day to go. He would probably spend it exercising or reading. He climbed down the ladder placed to the side and walked out the barn. A few laps around the orchard then some reading at the library.

End of chapter 15

Chapter 16 patient waiting

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Chapter 16
Patient waiting

The moment I got up from the makeshift bed up in the barn, the joints popped and cracked in there satisfying way. My body way loosened after being cramped in the same position all night. The usual morning groans came with, never missing out on the morning stretch.

I turned to DB, who was in his version of a nap. Still aware of his surroundings through audio and radar, but not using more specific senses like sight. He had also kept a sensor out for the changeling energy signature, which gave them away due to them having to use their powers to disguise.

We talked more about it yesterday. A good point arose from the discussion, which was that we needed to work on melee attacks. That is because not many things use range but, instead, they brawled and would fight in close range. This meant we had to come up with a new fighting style for DB which was heavily focused on melee, like his sword.

Speaking of such, the sword in his wrist had gone blunt where it hadn't been sharpened. I would sharpen it later today, but it would need to be done. The equipment was fine from DB's scans and the repair droid was in top shape.

I climbed down to the barn floor in my second pair of casual clothes, which I had got in the time between the first and second attack on me. It was a maroon, short sleeved shirt with my initials on it in white. I had some normal black boxers on underneath my plain black tracksuit bottoms, again, with my initials sewed in on both sides in green. I had a holster around my waist with my pistol fitting snugly in its spot.

I walked out with a hand shielding my eye from the sun, which tried anyway to assault my eyes. I looked around, not seeing anyone yet. I started my normal morning walk to ponyville. To the library till I got hungary, usual at nine or ten, then head for sugar cube corner, to the street markets if too full of people.

I slowly removed my hand and started to walk, squinting a bit as my eyes adjusted. The path wasn't that long, although it would be a good exercise track if he were a pony. The path to ponyville still had DB's large footprints in the ground. It wasn't long till I got to the still sleepy town.

I walked to the library and tried the door. Surprisingly, it was locked. This would mess with my schedule today but it wasn't anything to bad. I went to go and see what else was around. Walking down the street, I saw a sweet shop, post office, town hall, houses with colours of the rainbow and a leisure and spa centre.

I had a look at these shops and, going with the gut, went to go to the sweet shop. I tried the door, which opened. A bell went off, signifying someone had entered. They apparently weren't paying attention as I moved around the shop. I had a look at all the types of candies. Everything from bon bons to fudge to gobstoppers.

I picked up some fudge and sour apple sweets. I went to the till to pay for them when the shopkeeper finally saw me after whatever they were doing. I walked over and put them on the counter. She tried to act normal, measuring and sorting them in the same way she would do for a customer. But when she had to speak to me, she froze up.

Urrr, that'll be bits...please. “ she said. I put my hand in my pouch of money on the holster and pulled out seven coins.

Thank you...have a nice day. “ said the pony. I took the bags and walked to the library to see if it was unlocked now.

The pony's started wondering out of their houses. I went to check the library again. As I passed ponies, they looked with caution. These looks were lessened when I smiled at them, although it did cause one or two to run off.

I tried the handle for the library. This time it opened, revealing Spike and Twilight with a plate of pancakes. I stopped as we all looked at each other awkwardly. I stepped in a grabbed the book i had picked before. I sat down, back to them as they continued to eat. Twilight spoke first.

Hi Connor. How are you? “ Twilight sparkle said, trotting over to see me.

I'm fine. You? “ I said, looking at her.

i'm good. So, anything interesting happen? ” she asked.

Nah. I cleaned DB yesterday, but that's about it. “ I lied. I didn't want her knowing. I couldn't trust her, just incase she was a changeling. I couldn't trust anyone except DB.

You do anything interesting yesterday? “ I asked.

Nope. Just organising the notes about you. “ she responded, as she pulled out a stack of paper.

Need anything checking? It would make the data authentic with the only actual human agreeing with it. “ I said. I was handed the stack as she pulled ink and quills out of nowhere.

Could you, please? I'll rewrite them properly o you find one or leave it if it's all well and good. It might even make it into a official text book. Maybe even viewed by proper scientist. “ Twilight said enthusiastically at the notice of this.

We went through the pages. Most were correct, except the ones that tried to explain my magic resistance/immunity. Those I had to explain to Twilight that the entire world I came from had no magic, but she insisted that a world without magic shouldn't exist at all. She finally, and begrudgingly, accepted that and we moved on.

It was mid-day before we stopped, having discussed and corrected all the notes. We even made new ones, such as our inner biology and history, although I did have to give the child friendly version for her. That was hard when trying to explain the Holocaust or the detonation of a nuclear bomb in populated places.

I got up, a few pops from the stiffened joints. Twilight physically cringed at this.

Urg. Why does your body do that? Its weird. “ she asked, give a look of disdain for the noise.

I don't know the specifics behind it, but it's caused when our joints arm cramped or remain the same way for too long. It's basically our joints popping back into a more comfortable position. It doesn't hurt either, even satisfying sometimes. “ I said. To prove a point, I intertwined my fingers and pushed out, bending them back enough for them to pop and click, but not enough to hurt at all.

Twilight cringed again at the sound, clearly not liking it.

Please don't that again. “ Twilight said.

Well, I've got to go. See you later or tomorrow. “ I said before heading to the door. I opened it and left.

It was around ten in the morning. On the streets of ponyville, ponies walked around, the town now in full swing. I walked off towards the apple farm to sharpen DB's arm blade and to do some exercise. If the changelings want to attack, then I wanted to be prepared for them. I then realized that I had nothing to sharpen it with.

I would have to look for a blacksmith before going to the farm. I turned around and walked back into town. I strolled up and down the various lanes and paths till I came across a place that looked like a blacksmith shop. It was on the outer parts of town, not surrounded by buildings.

I opened the door, which lead to a counter and a few seats. On the counter was an old style till and a little bell. I walked up and rang the bell. I soon heard commotion from a back area, and a pony at out.

Oh, hello. Your the human I've been hearing about, right? What can I do for you. “ said the stallion. He had an apron on and was covered with dust, smoke and sweat. It was obvious that he had not long done something.

Yeah, urm, do you have anything for sharpening blades? “ I asked. He looked curious.

Yep, sure do. Why do you need it? “ he asked.

Oh, I need to sharpen my mechs blade. He has one back at the barn but it's got blunt since it's not been used much. I just need to sharpen it...urr...what's your name? “ I said, looking at him curiously. I lied about it to not give away the fact the blade was in his arm, incase of changelings.

Names Furnace burn. If you just wait a bit, I'll get a grinding stone for you. “ Furnace said, then he walked off. I went and sat on a seat. A minute or two later, he came out with a white stone. I got up and walked back over to the till. The stone had a worn down side and had clearly seen use before.

I picked it up and weighted it. It was reasonable hefty and was too big to fit in my pockets, meaning I would have to carry it in my hand.

Thanks. I'll bring it back later today if that's OK. “ I said.

Alrighty then. Come back anytime. Don't brake it or your paying for it. “ he warned as I left.

I walked out into the street and on the path to the orchard. After a good half an hour stroll, I arrived at the barn. DB was crouched in low power mode. He soon got up upon my entrance, looking at me with his calm, blue monitor.

“Hello rider. How was your day? “ said the mech.

It was fine, nothing interesting. Found a blacksmith shop though and got a grinding stone to sharpen your blade. “ I said, raising the stone so he could see.

“Affirmative. Extending blade. “ he said. The blade extended from his right arm. The blade was around three quarters of my height in length. It was mostly straight till it got to the end, where it converges into a sharp point.

He lowered it so I could reach and I started to grind way. It took a good two hours to get the blade sharp and clean. The blade was sharp enough to cut wood with ease and it was so çlean, you could see you reflection in it.

DB retracted his newly sharpened blade. I took the grinding stone and looked at DB.

Mind giving me a ride there. It's on the outer parts of town so we should be able to get there without walking passed too many tight gaps. “ I said.

He picked me up put me on his head. I climbed over to the hatch and then down into the cockpit. We walked out of the farm and towards the town. As we neared, we turned and walked the outer parts of town. I soon saw and pointed out the blacksmith's shop. We walked towards it and I got out.

As I was put on the floor, I walked over to the entrance and stepped inside.

Hello. I'm here to return the grinding stone. “ I called out. Furnace burn trotted around the corner a second later.

Ah, thanks. “ he said, looking the stone over for any damage.

Alright, see ya then. “ I said as I left.

I left shop and walked over to DB, who was getting stares from children and glances from adults. I got in and we left for the barn. We took it slow, enjoying the quiet out in the empty land. It took us a while to get back. DB entered the barn and I got out onto my living space.

It was now ten pass one and we still had a lot of time to kill. I spent a good amount of time making a makeshift punching bag from a bunch hay and straw tied together with rope. I hung it near the beam near my bed. It hung there at around my height. It felt great to use one of these again, even if it wasn't like the ones at home.

Doing all of that had made time fly by as next time I knew, I was called for dinner and I went to bed not long after. DB was in low power mode, although he still kept him radar on just in case.

End of chapter 16

Chapter 17 First wave

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Chapter 17
First wave

I woke up to the sound of silence. The sound that drove people equally crazy and calm. The sound that told us we were alone. The sound that was rudely interrupted by my yawns, stretches and joints popping into place.

I stood up and got dressed, an auto function I did without much active thought. I had gotten dressed into my black and green set. I had black joggers with two green stripes running down them, a black shirt with green seems and my initials on the short sleeves and a black hoodie with green seems. The hood had green on the inside and the sleeves also had my name written on them. I had my holster and pistol around my waist.

I climbed down the ladder to the barn floor, planning on a little lap around the orchard as exercise. I opened the door as the sun shone from the sky. Not today, sun. I thought as I shaded my eyes before the sun could punish them. Once my eyes adjusted, I started to walk. I would slowly pick up the pace as I warmed up.

Around the farm was peaceful. Birds chirped and sang from the trees while I strolled on the ground. The occasional wild animal I saw hurried and scurried over the earth floor. I turned the corner as I started to lightly jog between the apple orchard and the Everfree forest. The animals in there were much more active, squirrels and rabbits running around through bushes and into long patches of grass.

I allowed my mind to daydream as I jogged the circumference of the farm. I soon reached the end of my route, having finished at a pace of a fast jog and only just starting to sweat. My mind had drifted to the subject of changelings and what there plan could be. If they had spies in the castle, how many? If she had the elements of what's-its-name, where would she take them?

If I'm a threat, what would they do to stop me?

I walked towards town. The ponies would just be waking at this time and the Twilights library should be opened by the time I got there. The path gave me a good rest as I steadily made my way to town. I entered and looked around. Ponies were setting up stalls and shops were sorting shelves out. I walked inwards towards the library and opened the door.

Luna, Canterlot

Luna walked towards the royal dining room to get breakfast. She would also meet Celestia there so they could chat before royal court started and the nobles try to gain more money than they need.

She opened the door to find Celestia wasn't here yet. Although this was strange, it wasn't unheard. She sat down at the table as the waiters took her order of simple pancakes and syrup. Celestia then entered the room.

Good morning, sister. How're you this morning? “ she greeted, sitting in her seat.

I am fine, sister. “ Luna said. The waiter came and went as they took Celestia's order.

And how is Connor? “ she asked.

He is quite fine last time I spoke with him. I had not seen him since the night after the indecent in ponyville. “ she said. The waiters came back with two plates of pancakes, one for each princess.

They continued to talk as they ate. Celestia had eaten here first as she got up to leave.

I shall see you later in court. “ Celestia said as she left and Luna got up.

She was about to leave before the door opened to reveal Celestia walking back.

Hello sister. What are thou doing back? Did you not just leave for court? “ Luna said questionably.

I had accidentally left one of my royal hoof guards here. “ she said. Luna looked down and, sure enough, she was missing one of her golf guards.

Luna continued to walk towards the courtroom. As she entered, she was surprised to see Celestia sitting on her throne.

Sister, what are thou doing here? I had just seen thee in the dining room. “ Luna said. Celestia just gave a blank look.

What do you mean? I went to my chambers and then straight here after breakfast with you. “ Celestia said, confused.

But you went back for a dropped hoof guard, did you not? “ she said.

No? I didn't wear them to breakfast. I put them on afterwards and came here. “ Celestia said.

They both looked at each other before they both said “Changelings. “.

Queen Chrysalis

She walked down the corridor, disguised as Princess Celestia, towards the castle vault. If she wished for this plan to run smoothly, she would need to remove any threats, such as the elements of harmony.

Young Princess Luna had been so easy to fool. Chrysalis would take amusement of this afterwards, of how she had tricked everypony and none noticed. Of how she was right under their noses and in plain sight without being suspected.

She then had the thought of the beast. The creature that could ruin her almost perfect plan. Almost perfect. It could have been perfect if the creature had not appeared out of nowhere and disrupted the plan. She had tried to remove it but failed both times and had killed the changelings in the process. But she had a very special surprise for him and the ponies later.

She arrived at the vault door, which had royal guards stationed on the outside. She prepared her voice to match Celestia and spoke.

Guards, could you open the door? “ She asked. The guards complied without hesitation with a “yes, your highness. “. The door opened slowly, due to its weight of being made of solid Iron.

Inside the vault was huge. The amount of gold neatly stacked over on the side shined in the light of the sun through the window as she walked past them and towards her main prize. Up on the pedestal hovered the six elements.

In her magic, she took the elements and turned to leave. She saw the Princesses walking down the hall. Chrysalis turned to the window and started to fly up. She could hear them now galloping down the hall as she reached the window. She undisguised and blasted the window just as they entered. She leapt out the window and flew off.

Behind her, she saw the pegasus royal guards following. She made it outside the as her Changelings flew up and stopped the guards, allowing her to escape.

< Well done, my Changelings. Let us continue to the next phase. > Chrysalis said.

As a reply, she heard multiple voices all saying the same phrase.

< Yes, your highness. >

Twilight sparkle, golden oak library

Twilight was currently engrossed in Connor's description of human education and learning. She was surprised that young humans would learn things so advanced. Learning complex maths and scientific theory at the age of 14 - 16. They could learn how the actions of the PLANET happen and why, code on computers more advanced than any currently invented and were taught how to craft with wood.

The worst thing was that most people forgot some of their education as they leave school because it becomes useless. All that knowledge wasted. It would drive her mad. Fortunately, Connor only left school a few months ago and retained most of his knowledge.

"So, what is it like after education? " She said, her eagerness showing.

"Well, most go for further education. Others, like myself, get a job. " said Connor.

"What was your job? All we know is that you were part of your military. " Twilight said.

"Well, I worked for the skirmish and point capture divisions. I work with a group that consist off me and three others. When I came here, they were on leave with me next after I had completed the mission. I never made it home though. " Connor said, sounding a bit sad as he finished his sentence.

"What was that team like? " she said.

"Well, we were known as Devil team. There was Daniel Frankes, code name Devil's Dad. He was the leader and the oldest of us all. Then there's Steve Field, code name Devil's Runner. He is the nuttiest of us all and is our scout. Annabelle Knight, code name Devil's Wife. She was the only female and was the demolition expert. Then me and DB. My code name was Devil's Child as I was the youngest. DB had his code name as Devil's Beauty. We worked as the ambusher and suppression. ". He finished his brief rundown of his old team.

Before she asked what they were like, she her a familiar girl and whoosh of flames, just before spike walked down the stairs with a letter in hand.

"Letter from the Princess. " Spike said as he gently tossed the scroll over. She caught it in her magenta coloured magic. She unrolled it and read the content.

Dear Twilight sparkle

We require you and your friends at the castle as soon as possible. Queen Chrysalis had infiltrated and stole the elements of harmony and has got away. We fear she may be planning another invasion.

I have already organised your tickets, which should be at the bottom of the page.

Your royal teacher,
Princess Celestia.

Twilight re-read the letter again just to be sure before she spoke.

"Quick, we need to gather our friends and get to canterlot. Princess Celestia saids that the Changelings might be invading. " she said a bit to suddenly as Connor Irons jerked back from the outburst, although he also seemed to have perked up at the last bit.

Twilight passed the letter to him, letting him read it for himself. He looked at the bottom, at the tickets strapped there.

"Well, I'll see you when you get back then. " Connor said.

"What do you mean? Your coming too, right? " she asked, confused at his statement.

"Nope. Look. There's only six tickets, one for you and the other five for your friends, not me. Besides, I don't need to go anyway. " he said dismissively. He got up to head for the door.

"But what happens if they attack while we're there? You could help stop them. " Twilight argued, trying to convince him to come.

"What if they attack ponyville after you leave? It would be defenceless. Besides, if they do attack, the guards should help protect you whereas there aren't many guards here. " Connor said back. Twilight thought about it, realising he was right.

He pick up a book, which he was borrowing, and walked out after saying goodbye. She turned around and walked upstairs to get some stuff packed. Spike was laying in his bed reading a comic.

He looked up at her as she entered her room. "Hey Twi. Whatcha doing? " he asked curiously while also going back to his comic.

"Packing. That letter Princess Celestia sent told us to go to Canterlot. She said that Changelings attacked the castle and stole the elements. " she said.

"Changelings? But didn't we stop them? " said Spike questionably.

"Yes, but that apparently didn't stop them for good. " Twi replied. She started simply levitating things over. Stuff like paper, quills and ink. As she put them in a bag, she turned around and headed towards the door.

As she stepped out, Twilight walked towards the street corner with her saddle bags over her back. She looked up at the clear blue sky and and saw the birds and occasional pegasus fly over. She carried on trotting as she saw the earth and unicorn ponies walking about and some entering the busy street lane.

She walked out of the library and proceeded to go to her closest friend. That would be Pinkie pie, then Rarity, then Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. She turned the corner of the street and on walking.

She walked past multiple stalls and shops till she got to the end of this lane, opposite sugar cube corner. Just before she entered, she felt like being watched, but after turning around to find no one, she excluded such childish feelings.

End of chapter 17

Chapter 18 Pony protection

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Chapter 18
Pony protection

I sat in the barn, on my bed as I played my games on the hologram projector projecting it onto the wall. I had set it up a while ago and usually played games if i wasn't exercising, at Twi's or helping on the farm. It reminded me of home enough to not forget.

Behind me stood DB. He was resting there and was probably working through the copious amounts of data he or I had recorded or discovered. He still had his green linings, which I thought would of been scratched off by now, and his eye bulb hadn't broke yet. Surprised his wiring hasn't snapped either.

I got up and walked towards the ladder as I began to feel hungry. I climbed down and went outside. As I walked towards the apple's house, I heard DB stir up behind me. He got up and walked off somewhere. I had my Comms in my ear as I had been using them as earphones, so I wasn't worried about him. Also the fact he could take on a small pony army gave me reassurance enough.

I opened the door and entered, shutting it behind me. From the kitchen, I heard Granny Smith. From the silence elsewhere, I gathered that Apple Bloom was out crusading and Big Mac was working at the stall. I could already smell the apple pie from where I stood and I saw apple fritters on the table. There were usually leftovers after the apple family was finished, which used to be binned, but instead, are given to me. Even if I was also given a portion, I could probably eat the leftovers as well.

"Hey Granny Smith. Got anything for me? " I asked.

"Yep. Ah have some apple pie bakin' and ya got some soup on here side. " she said, not even turning to face me. The soup on the side was one of the few things that DIDN'T contain apples. It was still warm and smelled delicious. With the clean spoon on the side, I sat at the table and ate.

Once I was done, I placed the bowl in the sink. "Thanks for dinner, see you tomorrow. " I said as I headed towards the door.

"Ya welcome. See ya tomorrow youngin'. " Granny called back. I closed the door behind me.

I was going to head to the barn until DB's voice came through the comms I still had on.

"Warning, warning, warning, hostiles sighted in ponyville. Repeat, hostile sighted in ponyville. Possibly changelings, ponies in danger. Meet at town edge. " DB said in his emotionless tone. If he had emotional tones, this would be panic.

I ran to the barn first to grab my minigun, which I slung over my back. I then pegged it towards ponyville. From my view, they were packed on the train station side of town and working there way out, taking everything with them.

I heard DB running behind me, which meant he was engaging on my current location. As we ran, the town's features became clearer. Smoke was rising from a house or two, some of the houses had burn marks and others just had holes in their walls.

I stopped and turned around. DB was also slowing down. He lowered to pick me up and then continued to walk while I climbed in. I landed in the cockpit and put my minigun that was on my back to the side so I could sit back. DB's monitors turned on as he displayed everything I needed to know. Radar, weapon ammo and heat, targeting radical, hull integrity and my abilities and equipment.

DB had walked his way to sugar cube corner, which hasn't been taken yet, and voiced myself through the mic.

"Alright, everyone needs to evacuate now! Get to the schoolhouse at the edge of town! I'll deal with the changelings! " I shouted, getting a quick response as the ponies ran past me to the schoolhouse.

As the ponies ran, they caught the attention of changelings as they started coming after them and towards me. This group was roughly made of 30 to 50 of the pests. DB aimed and fired. We took out a good half of them before more showed up. Although we were holding them, even we could only do so much.

DB fired use his hellfire missiles to deal with a large portion of them as we continued firing the machine gun. We couldn't hold this as the weapons got close to overheating. We stopped firing and got to a fighting stance. DB extended his arm blade. Come get some, then.

The changelings engaged first. Some tried to ram us while the others shot spells. The spells had no effect, so we focused on the ramming ones. We took a swings, catching one or two every time. He then grabbed one from the air. He had done with enemy pilots as he crushed it in his hand, then through the corpse at the spell using ones.

DB and I stepped back to give ourselves breathing room. We also checked the weapons, both of which had cooled by now. We pushed them back as their rapidly decreasing numbers failed to keep up with our killing speed.

Now with such low numbers, DB and I went around and hunted the last of them. We stomped on them like bugs which also sent the little tremors which made them take flight or stumble. Both of these made it easier to hit as the stumbling ones were exploded with the missiles and the flying ones were shot down.

We finished off the changelings with some gun fire just before it overheated. The very few of at least a hundred flew off. They would probably get back to their queen and tell them about my carnage. Or they would die of injuries and / or blood loss.

"DB, looks like we are going to canterlot castle after all. " I said.

We turned around to walk towards the ponies. Hey had all grouped near the school house and were frantically looking and talking. They were, at least, till they saw me and DB walk out.

"He did it! They saved us! " called a familiar voice from the huge crowd which spontaneously cheered. They were giving hugs and raising hooves.

"Can you check for changelings amongst the crowd?" I asked after turning the radio off.

"Affirmative. Scanning... Scanning…No changelings found. " DB said to me, making it much easier for me.

I climbed up and out the cockpit and was lifted down. I looked at the crowd then behind me. "Come on DB, we need to get a move on if we are ever make it to Canterlot. " I said. DB followed and we walked towards the station. The train was there but it seemed that the changelings had derailed the front of the train.

BD knew my thoughts before even needing them said as he picked me up and started walking. He had done the calculations and showed that we would get there early the day after tomorrow at the latest...

Applejack, Canterlot

Applejack walked with her friends to the castle. The city seemed to be busy with jobs or errands as they were totally ignored. They had guard escorts via the princesses orders and were guided through the crowds on the street and to the gate.

She noticed there were more guards around the castle. Pegasus guards roamed the sky while earth ponies and unicorns were patrolling the grounds. The closer they got to the throne room, the more guards were around. As they walked into the room, Princess Celestia, who was currently on her throne, looked over and smiled.

"Ah, my little ponies. Thank you for coming on such short notice. " Princess Celestia said, smiling at all of us.

"Yes, your highness. We came as soon as we could. " said Twilight sparkle as we all bowed.

"Well, as you have probably noticed, we have had to increase the number of guards. This is due to the latest problem. " explained Princess Celestia. The ponies knew of the latest indecent as Twilight had told them on the train here.

"What do we need to do? Whatever it is, we can handle it, Princess. " Twilight said, getting Applejack and her friends straighten up.

"I need you to get the elements of harmony back from Chrysalis and use them to stop her and the other changelings. " the Princess said.

"Yes, we will get them back as soon as - ". Twilight was cut off mid-sentence by a royal guard entering the room. The guard was clearly nervous and had sweat over his coat, under his armour. He also seemed to have a few cuts and bruises, although not serious.

"Your highness. Ponyville has been attacked by changelings. Last I saw before flying here was the metal creature running towards ponyville. By now, the town may be gone but we are unclear. " the guard said.

The ponies were shocked. They're homes might be gone and all they're friends captured. They needed to get those elements back as soon as possible.

"Assemble a squad of guards and go to ponyville to help the ponies. Twilight, you and your friends shall stay here for the night and can depart tomorrow as to keep you safe for the time being. " Celestia said.

The guard bowed and left. Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy also bowed and left with their goodbyes. They were walking down the hallway towards their room. The silence was broken by Twilight as they turned a corner.

"Do you think ponyville's going to be OK when we get back? " she asked.

Rarity was quick to respond.

"Of course darling. They'll be fine. " she said.

"Yeah, of course! Connor can take em. He and his mech could take on a small army if he wanted. Those bugs don't stand a chance! " Rainbow Dash said proudly.

"Connor could easily take em. Ah saw 'im beat a manticore quicker than a snake strike. He has his weird weapons, he oughta be fit as a fiddle. " Applejack said, recalling the time she saw him eat manticore meat.

"Yeah. Connor can take those meanies on easy as pie. He could be all like this and that and take that and those meanies wouldn't stand a chance. " Pinkie said, waving her arms in a way to replicate his movements.

Fluttershy stayed silent as she was probably worried about her animals and the other ponies.

They arrived at their room. It was a typical royal guest room with a neat living room, a tidy kitchen, four separate rooms, one being a bathroom and the others being bedrooms meaning that they would need to share. The walls were decorated in marble and had windows giving a beautiful view of the garden outside.

Then rooms were split Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and Twilight and Rarity. Applejack started unpacking a few bits and pieces that she had brought. She looked over to see RD napping on her bed. After she was finished, Applejack walked out the room.

In the kitchen was Pinkie Pie, Twilight was on the sofa with a hefty looking book, Rarity was stitching a nice hat together and Fluttershy was also in her room sleeping. Applejack took her seat on the sofa and tried to start a conversation.

"So, do ya think Connor's gonna be OK? " she asked.

"From what I saw when he fought those cultist ponies, he'll come through. He actually said something like this would happen. " Twilight said, looking up from her book, after book marking it of course.

"Wait, really? " Applejack asked.

"Yeah. He was there when I got the letter. " said Twilight.

"So why didn't he come along? " Applejack questioned.

"The Princess only put six tickets in the letter. I said 'what if we're attacked?' and he replied with 'what happens if ponyville is attacked?'. He said that the royal guards could protect us but pointed out that there are not many guards in ponyville. So he stayed behind. Kind of surprised he was right. " Twi explained.

They continued talking, Pinkie or Rarity commenting every now and then. The ponies soon followed the pegasus's example and they all went to bed. They would need their energy for tomorrow.

End of chapter 18

Chapter 19 Worthy challenge

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Chapter 19
Worthy challenge

I was walking beside DB as we continued our journey to Canterlot. I had not long woke up and decided to walk stretch my sleeping joints. We were walking over an especially grassy and hilly terrain with the morning sun shining on us. I ate the sweets I had stashed in DB as breakfast because I didn't have much of a choice.

DB seemed to be fine as the sun reflected off parts of his metal chassis that weren't dirty. His green linings were still holding on with some flaking off due to the heat. His single blue 'eye' watched the terrain carefully. His heavy body left prints in the ground as we progressed the distance between us and our destination.

"So, DB, what do you think is going to happen? I wouldn't be surprised if they attack while we're there at Canterlot. " I said to strike up some conversation on this boring journey.

"Uncertain. Possibilities include ambush at gates, ambush before we reach our destination or carry on attack with more force due to our presence. " he said in his monotone voice.

"I hope it isn't possibility two or we could be in serious trouble. We've got no cover, no support or way to request it from here. " I said looking up at DB.

We walked for a good while just sightseeing as we walked to Canterlot. The calm before the storm.

"Warning, warning, unidentified signitures detected. Highly similar to changelings. Proceed with caution. " DB said. I looked out and couldn't find anything.

"Ok then. Pick me up. Let's be ready for the fight. " I ordered, DB following them.

I climbed in but let DB remain in control as I observed the display. I still couldn't see the changelings but I could see where DB found the signals.

One changeling, bigger than the usual popped into existence before me. DB zoomed in so I could see. It was the queen.

"Hello there, beast. What a great pleasure to meet you in pony. " she said in so much sarcasm, I could see it.

I turned on the mic and replied. "Hello pest, nice to see you again. " I said. She appeared not to notice the 'again' part of my sentence.

"I AM NO PEST YOU INSIGNIFICANT CREATURE. I am queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, and soon-to-be ruler of Equestria. " Chrysalis shouted.

"I am sorry, your majesty, but I don't care. If your going to throw threats, it ain't gonna work. " I said.

"I shall do more than 'throw threats', beast. I shall show you my latest weapon and destroy you. Show yourselves, my minions! " she shouted.

At that moment, at least twenty or thirty giant changelings appeared. They were the same height as DB and were bipedal. Their legs were like those of the minotaur and the arms were similar to DB's. These changeling-things were covered in a smooth shell like the normal Changelings with hole and two horns on their heads. From the look of it, they didn't have wings though.

"May I introduce the Titanlings! " Chrysalis said with so much pride, I thought her ego might surpass a certain pegasus.

She pointed a hoof and the Titanlings charged. DB fired his weapons into the crowds of enemies. Their armour, though thick, wasn't thick enough to stop heavy duty bullets and missiles.

"Twenty-four hostiles remaining. Warning, warning, weapon overheat.. " DB said to me. DB stopped firing. We extended the blade, ready to engage in close quarters combat. The first one to reach me was simply stabbed in the gut, piercing into the Titanling and ripping its guts out. The next one swung a punch at us. We stepped back then raised the blade, cutting into its head.

Two more engage simultaneously. We swung the blade diagonally and caught both of them. We raised it again and slashed the other way, catching them again and spilling their blood. The weapons were half cooled, meaning they would ready in one or two seconds.

A Titanling threw a punch. Being too close to dodge, DB raised his hand and caught it. The machine gun, now cooled, was lower and fired into its torso. DB used the machine gun only, slowing the overheating and taking out five more enemies, two kills being headshots which were as effective as on anything else.

We switched between slashing and hacking and shooting. Four more fell to a combo of the blade and gun. The Titanlings started grouping up. As they all charged together, I came up with an escape route. We couldn't back up, we couldn't use the guns as we would still be outnumbered and out matched.

"DB! Jump over them, now! " I said. DB responded. He used his thrusters to fly over them while I took care of the controls allowing DB to do so. While over them, we shot them with the machine gun and hellfire missiles. As we landed, DB re-extended the blade which he had retracted to use the missiles.

"Five hostiles remaining. Weapon heat at 72%. R-core at 58%. " DB said as I read the stats.

"OK, keep weapon usage to a minimum. Focus on melee until weapon heat it below 20%. " I ordered. The Titanlings had turned to face us now. Their numbers low, they engaged together. The first to reach us was greeted with a blade to the face, cutting it in two. As it's corpse fell, two more followed. The one in front went to punch when DB sliced it's arm off, swiftly followed by a push kick sending it flying back.

The one behind avoided it's compatriot and charged us. DB used the underside of the machine gun as a mace and whacked it in the head. As it stumbled, it was shot in the head, making it explode. The one in front of us raised its arms and brought them down. DB caught it's left arm with his right hand and it's right arm with the underside of the machine gun.

As the Titanling pushed down, the sound of DB's arm motors whirring and the grunts of the thing could be heard in the cockpit. I picked up my minigun, opened the hatch and stood up. This meant my shoulders were above the hatch as I lined up the minigun, beginning to spin it up.

"Eat metal and fuck off. " I said. I then pulled the trigger and saw its face turned to swiss cheese. I sat back into my cockpit and place the minigun back besides my seat.

"Alright, is that all of them? " I asked.

"Negative. One enemy remai…" DB was saying before we were knocked forward. DB continued forward to regain balance and put distance between us and the final Titanling. It snarled, showing mandibles that I hadn't noticed. It swung a punch at us and it connected as we were unprepared. DB took over and went defensive as I retrieved my senses.

When I took control, we went from defensive blocks to dodges and counters. It swung another punch with its right arm at us too close to dodge. I raised the machine gun arm to block and threw a punch with DB's arm. The punch knocked it back. We extended the blade and swung as soon as it gain balance. Its head was cut from the body as it collapsed to the ground.

"No enemies remaining. Hull integrity 79%. R-core 61%. " DB reported.

"Good. I'll get out and look around. You use the field repair drone to heal up. If this is a portion of the pest's army, we're going to need all the strength we can get. " I said.

After a quick heal and observations of the Titanling corpses, we continued with our journey to Canterlot. The journey to save Equestria. The journey of a lifetime.

Applejack, Canterlot

Applejack had woken up early like she was used to. The other ponies, not including Twilight, were still asleep. She quietly walked out to the dining hall with Twilight to get something to eat.

"So, Twi, how're ya this mornin'? " she said.

"Oh, I'm fine. I got up early to finish reading a book and to sort the papers I gathered on Connor. " Twi said, looking over.

"Really? Ya been taking note on Connor and you've not told us. " Applejack said, acting surprised.

"Well...yeah. But Connor comes round the library often so I usually ask a few questions or observe him doing things. " she said.

"So ya interrogated him and ya spied on 'im. " Applejack said jokingly.

"No. In fact, he sometimes goes through the new ones and edits them to make it accurate. He even wrote a page or two himself. I was sorting the pages and rewriting them to make a book on humans. Or, at least an entry in the book of the different races. " Twi explained.

"Well, do ya think Connor's OK? Ah know ya saw 'im fight those cultist ponies but a Changeling swarm ain't no easy task. " Applejack asked, wanting a truthful answer.

"Connor himself can't take on the Changelings but his robot partner, DB, could take them on. If anything, he could take them on and come out with a dent or two but that would be it. I don't know what they would do afterwards though. For all I know, he could be on his way here. " Twilight said.

"Ah highly doubt that. The distance between Ponyville and Canterlot castle would mean he'd have ta travel for a day or two . " Applejack replied.

As they walked into the dining hall, they saw the princesses already eating.

"Good morning Twilight sparkle and Applejack. I hope you had a good night sleep. " Celestia said, a reasonable stack of pancakes in front of her covered in syrup.

"Yes, I hope thee slept well. " Luna said after swallowing a piece of toast in her mouth.

The two ponies sat at the table. They both asked of a simple breakfast of one or two pancakes. As they did so, Fluttershy entered the room as well and quietly took her seat.

"So, princesses, have you heard back from ponyville? " Twilight asked.

"Ah, yes. They sent a message through spike this morning. They say the citizens are mostly unharmed aside from some scratches and bruises. " Celestia said.

"Wha' about Connor? Did any of 'em see say anything? " Applejack asked.

"The letter said that the Changelings attacked but we're quickly defeated by Connor Irons and his mech. He and his partner were last seen heading off toward Canterlot by foot by themselves. " the princess said.

"So Connor Irons is on his way here? Why? He stopped the invasion in ponyville. That should be it. " Twi said.

"We suspect that he thinks there will be another invasion in Canterlot. If he is true, we need to warn the guards. " Luna said, concerned be this implication.

They continued talking about this issue while also waiting for the others to get up. Once all of them were awake and filled in on what was going to happen, the mane six went back to their room to pack for the oncoming adventure ahead.

Once they had packed, the ponies met up with the princesses one last time.

"Good luck, my little ponies. Come back safely. " Celestia said.

"We will, your highness. " Twi said. We turned to leave until we looked up into the distance.

Flying in was a huge cloud of Changelings, the black cloud looked like a floating blob. It looked like it was pulsing, fidgeting and bulging. It moved up the mountain like a flock of birds.

Under the swarm were giants that became visible once they reached the level surface. They moved like an army towards the border of Canterlot. The giant creatures moved slowly as the swarm descended down towards the border.

The ponies and princesses watched in horror as the huge army effortlessly made their way into Canterlot. The Applejack backed up a few steps, followed by Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Fluttershy was frozen in place and Twilight looked up at the princesses for guidance. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen currently, though.

They all retreated into the castle as guards flooded out to stop the invasion. But the princesses knew their guards were not enough. They would need a miracle.

End of chapter 19

Chapter 20 Devils work

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Chapter 20
Devils work

The ponies and the princesses ran through the castle, making their way to the throne room which they knew the guards were stationed. Luna and Celestia shot down the occasional Changeling with magic as they went down the hall.

As they reached the door to the throne room, the guards opened it and hurried them in. They shut the door behind them. The ponies caught their breath as they heard the commotion outside. There were windows in this room so they could see the fight as Changelings swarmed the city.

Outside the door, Blade Wing and Blocked Heart stood guard. They had been called to duty as soon as Captain saw the oncoming swarm. Blade had her standard sword, bow and arrows and armour on. Blocked also had his sword, shield and armour and was standing on the other side of the door.

"Did you hear what happened to ponyville? " Blade asked, not turning to look at Blocked as she did.

"That it was attacked and now the swarms here, yeah. " Blocked replied

"No. Apparently Connor save ponyville and walked off afterwards. If the captain's right, he could be on his way here. " Blade corrected.

"I highly doubt that. There's no way he'd take on the whole swarm out there. His machine is amazing, don't get me wrong, but it can't take on the sheer number of them. " Blocked reasoned with her.

"What if, by whatever means, he does get here intact. I think it would give up a fighting chance, right? " she said.

"Well...maybe. But that is a very big 'what if'. " He said.

"I wouldn't keep your hopes up, pony. He won't be coming to save you. " said a changeling that had teleported in front of them. The two guards were blasted by her magic before Chrysalis let herself into the throne room.

Connor Irons, outside Canterlot

"Shit. We're too late. " I said.

I saw smoke rise from buildings. DB and I were just nearing the border, which had been torn down. The place was in chaos as the Changelings flew around and Titanlings looked over the civilian ponies.

"Warning, we are heavily outnumbered. Request alternate plan. " DB said flatly.

"Split up. There's lots of buildings here I can run between for cover and it will mean I can get to the castle quicker. You draw attention and keep the Titanling troops busy. " I said, loading my equipment on to me. That was my pistol in my holster, two extra mags, my minigun and my ear Comms.

"Affirmative, caution advised. I shall provide a distraction and cover fire. " he said.

I got out the cockpit and was lowered to the ground. "Good luck DB. " I said to him

"Good luck, rider. " was his response as I ran into the city.

I stuck to thin streets and small alley ways where I could move faster without being seen. I rounded a corner then immediately ducked back as a load of Changelings patrolled the area. I peeked around the corner to get a closer look. The Changelings were surrounding a group of guard's near the corner I was hiding behind.

Pulling out my pistol, I aimed around the corner. I aimed and fired, surprising all of them except for one of the Changelings, which collapsed with a hole in its head. The bugs started moving in my direction, probably because the gun was quite loud.

I put the pistol away and prepared my minigun. I spun it up. As soon as the Changelings turned the corner, they were shredded by a hail of bullets. They fell easily and all landed lifelessly on the hard stone ground. I walked over to the guard's, putting my weapons way.

"You all OK? " I asked.

"Yeah. We're good now. Thanks for the help. "the said one of the guards.

"Your welcome. Is everyone evacuated? " I said. If not, my job just got harder.

"We think so. We got as many ponies out as possible. " he replied.

With that, I left and continued my path towards the castle.

As I snuck behind another group of Changelings, I retreated into a toy shop as one turned my way. At first I thought nothing of it until a certain thing came into view. I walked over to it in the sport section and picked it up. I smiled before sticking it down my back. I went back to the door and sneaked away.

I would of, at least, but was spotted by some Changelings behind me I hadn't noticed. Once I had noticed them, I legged it as fast as I could. They seemed to be keeping up, even slowly gaining.

Ahead of me, were stalls, knocked over rubbish and a waiting group of Changelings. As I headed, they landed to make a roadblock to stop me. As I grew near, I prepared to turn to avoid them but the alleys and side streets were also blocked.

So, once I was two metres away from the roadblock, I prepared to jump. This meant piling on speed till I was half a metre away. After that I jumped into the air and over the Changelings who obviously not expected me to do that.

"DB, request assistance ASAP! " I shouted into my ear piece.

"Affirmative. On route to your location. Prepare for weapon fire. " he said back as I continued running.

I now had a small army behind me as I neared the final stretch to the castle. From around a building, a Titanling stepped out, completely blocking me in. I was going to and turn into a side street to hide or fight but I heard a familiar sound.

The hellfire missiles flew overhead and exploded behind me. The Titanling in front looked up and was met with machine gun fire as DB jetted himself over a building with his thrusters. I turned around and pulled out the minigun. Once spun up, I shot down the remaining pest that survived.

"Thanks. Don't know what I'd do without you. " I said.

"Your welcome. Hostiles incoming. I shall provide cover fire and protect the castle. " DB said.

He started to move around and the castle walls to engage enemies of to the side while I ran into the castle.

As I entered, I was met with a pile of royal guards. I checked a few of their pulses and was relieved that they were alive but unconscious. I also found a good deal of Changeling bodies as well.

I turned the corner to find more royal guard and Changeling bodies. There was one pony, however, that was awake.

"Prince blueblood?! You OK?! " I part asked, part shouted.

"Yes, I'm fine, human. Such pests are not a worry. What are you doing here, at the castle? " he said, his snarkiness lost for the time being.

"I managed to over hear part of their plan. I came here to help stop and help you lot. " I said.

"Good. You need to get to the throne room. That was where the princesses went. I shall protect this entrance. Now go, shoo, get out of my sight, human. " he said, the end part of the sentence probably because he remembered the last time we met.

I move down the halls. After a few turns, two flights of stairs and more unconscious bodies later, I reached the Changelings guards. They had stolen the weapons off the previous owners, the guards, and each wielded a sword at least. In this corridor alone were at least five of them.

Connor pulled out his pistol and looked at the ammo. He had five shots left with two full, twelve bullet mags.

He stepped out of the corner and fire two shots. The Changelings had time to look before two of them collapsed like a sack of potatoes. The other three ran towards me. I was able to get another head shot before having to dodge. The two bugs nearly caught me as I side jumped out the way.

I pounced on the closest one, sending us crashing to the ground. I them picked it up and threw it at the other. They were quite heavy, meaning the one being thrown didn't go too far or too fast. They crashed into each other. The one I chucked got up first and was met with a bullet. I went to shoot the other but as I shot, it teleported away.

I thought it had gone to the queen. That was before being tackled to the ground from behind. I rolled over, only to be greeted by a hoof to the face. Ow! It lifted it's hoofs again and went to punch me. This time I caught it, rolled us over so I was on top, and punched the Changeling. I repeated the punching until it didn't move anymore.

I got up. I was a out of breath as I stood there panting. Once I was good to go, I loaded a new mag into my gun and proceeded down the royal halls. I walked the halls, being careful of one's hidden behind corners, patrols near windows and avoiding fights I knew I couldn't handle.

Celestia, throne room

Celestia and Luna were currently standing protectively in front of the ponies, their horns ready to blast queen Chrysalis if she tried to harm them.

"You shall not harm any of my little ponies, Chrysalis. " Celestia said. She was bluffing slightly as she was defeated by the changeling queen before.

"That's right, dear sister. Thou shall not harm our ponies or thou shall pay the price. " Luna said. Celestia knew she was also bluffing because Luna was still a tad bit weaker and was not caught up to modern combat magic.

"You cannot do anything to me. The Changelings have already taken the city and soon, all of Equestria! There is nothing you can do to stop me now if you want to save you little ponies. " the queen said, smiling smugly at the ponies. Celestia knew this, hence the only reason she hadn't blasted her yet, otherwise she would have done so.

"You will not harm our ponies, or you shall face the power of the moon. " Luna said, her calmness and composure not as strong as hers as Luna let her temper show.

"And what shall you do, Luna? You could not stop me the first time, you didn't stop me getting the elements and you can't stop me now. I have an army, you currently do not. " Chrysalis boasted as Changelings entered the room.

Luna, not holding back anymore, fired her magic at the Changelings. She hit and took two down before she and Celestia, who had charged up a shot of magic to also blast the Changelings later, her tackled and glued down by the changeling's cocoon glue. This was the same stuff that Celestia had been caught in last time.

"Princess! Don't worry, we'll stop them! Right girls! " Twilight shouted, getting multiple positives from her friends.

"I wouldn't if I were you, or my Changelings will absorb the love out of the princesses where they stand. So stay where you are until Equestria is officially mine and my Changelings may take all the love so we may live on! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa! " Chrysalis said, laughing triumphantly.

The ponies stood there, unable to do anything. They couldn't attack, they didn't have the elements, Shining Armour and Cadence were in the crystal empire and all of the guards were defeated or occupied keeping the ponies safe.

Celestia couldn't move her legs as they were sprawled out and stuck to the floor. But that didn't stop her from hearing sounds that were coming from outside the throne room. A loud and constant whirring and cracking sound unlike anything she had heard before was coming from outside.

Slowly, everyone could hear this sound as it neared the room. As it got louder, occasional thuds could be heard. One thud hit the door. Following it, many little bits of the door were shot through by projectiles to fast to see.

As the loudness of it went down suddenly, everypony waited for something to happen. They were not expecting to see Connor holding a relatively big weapon to violently kick open the door and shout "EVERYONE DOWN NOW! " before he released waves apon waves of weapon fire from his human technology.

The ponies heeded the warning and dove to the ground, Celestia and Luna already stuck to it. The queen also heard this and laid down. The other Changelings were not so lucky as they were gruesomely shredded mid-air and landed with a familiar thud. The ponies seemed to be fine.

Celestia suddenly felt pain in her hoof but held it as she worried moving in pain might also get her shot again. She could feel it bleed and as the projectile went fully through her front right hoof. It hurt immensely but she was in no position to do anything.

Once the weapon stopped firing, Connor let it spin down. Once it had stopped and he had everypony's attention, he spoke.

"Hello Chrysalis, ya miss me? " .

End of chapter 20

Chapter 21 Primal fight

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Chapter 21
Primal fight

Twilight, Canterlot castle

Twilight was standing there stunned at the entrance Connor Irons had made. On one side, he had come to save them and all of Equestria. On the other side, however, he had brutally murdered multiple Changelings without hesitation or any looks of regret.

As Connor stood there, she could see the rips in his clothes and cuts and bruises on his body. None looked to be serious but Connor did look slightly out of breath. He had something stuffed down his back, which from her angle, she couldn't see.

"How is this possible? There is no way you could of defeated my Titanlings. It's not possible. " Queen Chrysalis said, looking at him.

"Well, it is possible, otherwise I wouldn't be here. " Connor said back with a smirk on his face.

"Grrr. You shall pay for the changelings you have taken. " the queen said as she started to get angry.

"You shouldn't have sent them on a suicide mission, then. Unlike the ponies here, I have no problems fighting back. " he said. He put down his minigun which he then pushed to the side. It slid across the floor with a push from his leg and scraped the floor as it left scratch marks.

"Your weapons shall not save you this time. Neither will the metal monster of yours, beast. It shall not survive the hive. " Chrysalis said.

"Really? Because, last time I checked, he was fine. Your hive must not be as strong as you think it is. " Connor pointed out, continuing to anger the Changeling Queen.

"Fine, I shall deal with you myself, then. " Chrysalis said. She charged up her horn as if she was going to blast something.

"Bring it on. " he taunted.

Chrysalis released her magic dead center on Connor's chest. He flinched out of reflex as the magic hit, then flowed around him like a log in the river. The blast carried on behind him, hitting the floor. When she looked at him, the magic seemed to have no effect at all.

"Takes more than magic to stop me. " Connor said.

He charged forwards. Chrysalis turned around and went to buck him. Connor sidestepped and avoided it. He threw a punch that landed on the back of Chrysalises head. He then kicked her in the face.

Connor moved around Chrysalis till they were facing each other. Connor advanced this time. He held his arms up in a defensive way, then snapped them out in punches. The punch was dodged and Chrysalis countered with a hoof to the gut. Connor grunted. He folded his arm and knocked his elbow with her head.

As Chrysalises head was knocked down, Connor brought his knee up hard and hit her in the jaw. He backed away, moving himself around, looking for an opening. Chrysalis backed up as well, trying to regain balance and to charge her horn up.

She shot him again once she was ready. Connor raised his arms up and blocked it. As he blocked it, Chrysalis charged. Connor had enough time to avoid a head on collision but was still knocked by it. She stopped and reared up, sending a buck at him. He stepped back narrowly dodging the kick.

As they attacked, blocked and countered, Twilight sparkle pulled herself together.

"Girls, we need to help the princesses. Quickly. " she said quietly. They all nodded and split up. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy helped Luna. Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie went to help Celestia.

"Princess, are you alright? " asked Twilight.

"Yes, I will survive. Connor's weapon has wounded my hoof though. " Celestia said. Looking at the hoof, it was bleeding badly for such a small hole. The projectile had gone straight through, hitting bone and muscle along the way.

"I shall use some fabric as a temporary bandage, Princess. " Rarity said, using some material provided by pinkie who had it in case of a 'fabric emergency'.

While Rarity bandaged the injury, Twilight and Pinkie Pie started to get the glue that held down the princess off. It was a mostly stiff, goo-y substance. She used her magic to pry it off. Most of it came off after a good minutes of tugging.

"Look out, Twilight! " Celestia said.

Pinkie Pie and Twilight looked up as they were pulling the last one off. Connor nearly rolled into them, having just been bucked square on.

He got up slowly. His breath was ragged and deep. He was cut and bruised, every open area showing them in detail with her close proximity to the human. Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Celestia got a look at his face. It didn't contain the normal happiness that it normally had, but was replaced with a dangerously focus stare. It gave her the chills as the humans stare reminded them more and more of a hunting predator than an intelligent ape.

Connor pounced forwards, charging at a surprised Changeling Queen. He twisted his torso a full 90° to the left to avoid a hoof aimed at his chest. He then punched her in-between the eyes with his right arm as he twisted his torso back to normal.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie removed the last of the glue as Celestia was helped up. She was unable to use her injured hoof. Luna was already up and was watching the fight with wide eye interest. She watched as the human contorted his body in ways only he could and fought with speeds that made pegasus's look slow.

Connor grabbed a right hoof in his left hand as it was swung. He then gripped it, using the holes in her legs to help. He put his right foot on her chest and pushed sharply. He let go of the leg as her body slid backwards. She went to get up, but was kicked in the torso, sending her sliding.

This time she got up, Chrysalis put energy into her horn and swung her head in a sliding movement. The magic formed a blade, cutting into the floor and ceiling. Connor dodged it and advanced on her. Chrysalis made another magic blade wave that went horizontal. Connor dropped back, sliding feet first under it, then getting back on his feet and carried on advancing quickly.

Chrysalis, Canterlot castle

Chrysalis was getting tired of the human, who was more of a nuisance than she suspected. She blasted him with magic again. The results were the same as it hit dead center in his face as it left no mark. Chrysalis moved in to hit him as it was the only way to do any reasonable damage.

Connor blinks a few times before moving again. He didn't move fast enough as she threw a hoof into his chest. He grunted and reacted by punching her with his weird paws. Chrysalis stepped back and turned around to buck him.

Connor saw this and dodged at the last second. As he moved around Chrysalis, he placed himself at her side. He then kicked her. The beast then quickly raised its leg up, over her body, before forcing it down and hitting her back. Chrysalis side stepped and regained her stance.

He moved in while keeping his upper appendages, which she guessed were arms as they were similar to minotaurs, up and in a guard position. He twisted his body the moment he was in range and kicked Chrysalis round the side of the head. As that leg landed, he picked it up and swung it the other way, kicking her in the face again.

She caught her balance in time to see the beast about to throw a punch. She only just moved her head down in time to avoid it but she lost balance in her front hooves. Chrysalises head moved forwards.


The human moved back, his left hand over the lower right part of his torso. As he did so, he breathed deeply and looked down at his wound. Chrysalis could feel his blood on her horn as it moved down it. It was warm.

Connor stood there for a few seconds. She and the pathetic ponies behind her looked at him, wondering what he would do. Connor looked at Chrysalis before falling to the ground. At this, Chrysalis turned to the ponies with a evil smile.

"Looks like I have defeated the only thing stopping me from taking Equestria. Now there is no one to stop me. " she said as the ponies looked at her with a mixture of emotions.

"You'll not get away with this, Chrysalis! " Twilight said in an attempted to sound confident.

"Yeah! You won't get away with this. " said Rainbow Dash, staring her in the eyes.

"Darn right. Ya gonna pay for this here mess. " Applejack stated, joining the others in there attempts to either intimidate her or make themselves feel better.

"Thou shall see justice if you continue. And I will make it as unpleasant as possible for your crimes. " Luna said, standing up straight in dignity if only to make herself feel good.

"You think you can stop me. Canterlot is mine by now and I will soon rule Equestria and have all the love my hive will ever need. The hive shall feed till full on your little ponies and there is nothing you can do about it. " Chrysalis monologues, not paying attention to the ponies.

She then looked at them to see a mixture of emotions. One of the more dominant ones being fear, which she could taste from where she stood.

"Hahahahahaha. I can taste the fear on your faces. Now you understand that you have no hope or way to escape, you finally accepted your fates. " she said. The ponies didn't move. Chrysalis stopped to think of why they, all of a sudden, froze in place. Once she stopped, she could feel it.

It wasn't temperature or sound. She couldn't smell anything and, although it was present, she couldn't sense any movement. She could sense an emotion though. An emotion so strong it crowded her emotions sensing abilities. An emotion so raw, it could overpower any love she had ever absorbed. An emotion so bitter, Chrysalis almost gagged.

She turned around slowly to see the source of all this emotion, but was met with a nightmare-ish figure standing there. It radiated anger and rage from every fibre of its body. She saw that Connor Irons had got up.

He had his head down so that she couldn't see his face. The beast had his back hunched a little while his left hand was still over the stab wound. The right arm was dangled down by his side. He slowly raised his head, letting everyone in the room see his face.

On it was a face of primal rage. It made angry manticores look like evil kittens and deadly hydra's look like annoyed lizards. His wide eyes shook wildly but we're focused on Chrysalis, who was now staring into his eyes. Connor was showing his teeth. They weren't as sharp or deadly as any other predator but the meaning was still there.

Chrysalis saw him use his right arm to grab a handle for something behind his back. She had noticed it but forgot to see what it was. He took a few steps. His legs wobbled and shook at the action of keeping himself standing. He got close enough and then stopped.

Before she could register any movement, Connor pulled out the item and swung.


The thing hit Chrysalis on the side of the face as her head was whacked to the right. It cracked the thin chitin shell and might have broken her nose. She could feel her green blood slowly leak from the cracks. Chrysalis looked at Connor in time to see the object in his hand.

He was now holding a wooden bat with two hands. On the bat, it had some of her blood staining the sides as well as some splinters which were shaken loose by the first swing. He was winding up for another swing before Chrysalis had regained enough concentration to do anything about it.


The second swing was much harder as her head was hit to the left. It shattered the chitin shell on the other side of her face which was bleeding and was holding onto nothing but her skin. She was also certain now that the beast had broken her nose now that her head had stopped moving.


She couldn't look up before the bat was smashed straight down on her head. She was sent, chin first, to the floor. In front of her, as she opened her eyes, was a red covered, hole filled, sharp and long cone. It had her green blood at its base, which told her what she feared.

The monster had completely snapped her horn off.

She was already in so much pain, she didn't scream, no matter how much she wanted to.

She tried to get up, but only managed to get the front part of her body to stand as her back legs gave out. She looked up one more time to see Connor already sending the bat down with as much force as he could muster. She closed her eyes.

When it hit, she didn't feel it. She soon fell unconscious, not sure if she'd wake up.

Luna, Canterlot castle

Luna watched in horror as Connor beat the Changeling Queen to death with a bat. He had stopped and stood there motionless. He dropped the bloody and broken bat to the floor. The only movement was his chest moving as he breathed and his legs that shook slightly.

"Connor? " she asked. There was no reply. Luna tried again a tiny bit louder.

"Connor, are you alright? " . There was still no reply or recognition that she had said anything.

"Connor? " she tried once more.

After a second, there was a reply. Connor collapsed to the floor.

End of chapter 21

Chapter 22 Positive results

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Chapter 22
Positive results

Luna, Canterlot hospital

Luna and the mane six were in the waiting room. Luna sat there with a towel on her back as she waited for the doctors and nurses to come out with news of her sisters and Connor's conditions. The reason she had a towel on her back was to cover the blood stains.

She had got the blood stains when she had to carry the human down to the hospital as she was the only one naturally strong enough. Her sister was injured and Connor's high magic resistance, which she believed just meant near magic immunity, slowly sapped the magic abilities of the ponies. This meant that even the strongest earth pony wouldn't be enough as their added strength due to their magic would be slowly weakened and they couldn't just teleport their using magic.

As she waited, one of the doctors came out with a board in his magic.

"How are they, doctor? " Luna asked calmly.

"We are just putting Princess Celestia's hoof in a sling and then she'll be out. The wound will be fine as long as she keeps off it for the next few weeks. " he said, looking at the board.

"And Connor? " she questioned.

"They are still cleaning up his wounds. From what I've seen, he has lost quite a bit of blood. We are also not as familiar with his biology but he seems to be in a stable condition so far. Healing him is taking longer due to the fact that magic doesn't work on him or on the equipment which has been in contact with him for prolonged periods of time. " explained the doctor.

The door behind him opened as Celestia walked out, her hoof in a sling meaning she had to walk on three limbs. They had cleaned off the Changeling glue from her coat while her mane was still waving. Luna smiled and trotted over to her.

"Hello Luna, how are you? " Celestia said as she smiled.

I am well, sister. " she said.

Luna carefully hugged her Celestia, being wary of her hoof.

"Princess, are you alright? " Twilight said, getting up to greet her.

"Yes Twilight, I am fine. How are you and your friends? " she asked.

"I'm fine Princess. So is everypony else. " Twilight replied before looking back at her friends. They all have confirmation of this.

"Wonderful. How is Canterlot? " Celestia asked.

"Canterlot is already under repairs. We were lucky that the citizens escaped. Only a few were injured although some of the guards have been hospitalised. The rest are in good enough condition and are helping in repairs to the castle. " Luna explained as they started to walk towards the exit.

They left the hospital and slowly walked down the streets. Everypony could see the damage to Canterlot and the ponies fixing it. Luna could see the Earth ponies pulling carts of bricks and other materials while the pegasus and unicorns worked on putting the materials into place.

As they neared the castle, Luna and the others could see the damage on it. There were multiple broken windows, holes in the walls and the main gate just hanging on a hinge. Ponies were pulling carts of bags from the castle, which had seen better days.

They walked into the castle and were greeted by the entrance by some of the royal guards. The princesses and the ponies split up to go to their respective rooms. The sisters walked towards their rooms together as it was on the same side of the castle.

"What happened to Connor ? I hope he recovers from his battle. " Celestia said.

"The doctor said that the healing process is slowed due to their lack of knowledge on him and his magic-canceling properties. But he is at least stable, according to him, so I hope he heals. " said Luna as she remembered his fight with Chrysalis.

"As do I, dear sister. He helped save Equestria of his own free will and shall be rewarded for his actions. " said Celestia. Luna could then see a question formed in her sister's mind as they turned a corner.

"What is wrong, sister? " Luna asked.

"What happened to his machine? He must of rode him here to make it on time but I have not seen it since. " she said back.

Luna was going to say something but she then actually thought of it in her head.

"I do not know. " Luna admitted. "He should be around Canterlot. It is too big to hide. ".

DB, Canterlot.

DB walked the walls surrounding Canterlot. He had been keeping himself on a time schedule, which was to walk the walls of Canterlot, then the castle walls and finally the main Street back to the start. DB also stopped at the hospital to check on his rider every other pass, which was every four hours.

The time, according to his internal clock which he had linked with times in Equestria, was 8:31. It was still bright out and would stay like this until approximately 9:30. DB's had given himself orders in his riders absence, which were to protect his rider, protect the ponies and eliminate all hostiles.

The houses he passed were not as badly damaged as he would have thought. Some walls had holes, windows were shattered and the streets were covered in dents. But DB knew that this was compared to battles he had recorded. Battles with explosives, bullets and other machines that could stomp on or through. Not against a race that had not advanced past steam engines, bows and arrows and candle lights.

As he walked, he went through his readings again.

Hull integrity: 100%
Repair drone integrity: 99%
Machine gun ammo: 82%
Rocket ammo: 93%
Time left on power core: 82 days: 18 hours: 43 minutes: 25 seconds
Thruster fuel: 100%
Logic core: 100%
R-core: 63%

DB walked around the town to the castle wall. Ponies were finishing up the repairs they could do and stabilising the ones they would do tomorrow. Some returned to their own houses while others filed into hotels.

He reached the end of the street and proceeded to walk the castle walls. The time was now 8:35. DB continued his walk and wouldn't stop until told otherwise by his rider.

Twilight sparkle, Canterlot

The mane six walked along the castle halls towards their rooms.

"Do you think...umm...Connor will be OK? " Fluttershy said quietly, although everypony still heard her.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, darling. He is in good care. " said Rarity who tried to cheer her up.

Applejack then added her part. "Ah hope so cause that was a hell of a fight. ".

"I agree. But, from my notes on humans, I think he'll survive. " Twilight said hopefully. She had read that humans were made for endurance, from Connor's notes, but she wasn't sure the extent of it.

"And once he's better, we can throw him a 'thanks for saving Equestria' party. " Pinkie pie said enthusiastically.

"That would be lovely, darling. But it had been a long day and I would like to get some beauty sleep. " said Rarity just before letting out a lady like yawn.

Rainbow Dash said "Yeah, I agree with Rarity. Let's go get to our rooms and hit the hay. ".

They reached the door to their room. They all trotted in. Twilight went to get a drink as her friends headed to their beds. Twilight walked towards her bed, before looking down at the work she had left earlier. She stacked all of it together and made a mental note to make new notes tomorrow.

She put the notes on the side table before going to bed. It didn't take long before she fell asleep. Soon enough, everypony was asleep.

Next morning.

Twilight woke up just after the sun was raised like every morning. After getting out of bed, she made her way to the living room. Applejack was already up and was packing her stuff to return home later. She turned around and saw Twilight.

"Mornin' Twi. Ah ya alright? " she said in her accent.

"Yeah, I'm OK. How are you? " Twilight said.

"I'm alright. Gotta pack ma stuff for so ah can get back to the farm. " Applejack answered.

She turned back around to continue packing while Twilight picked up some quills and ink to start writing. She magiced over some plain paper and started to write.

Human combat.

Although they look like minotaurs, Human combat styles are very different. They seem to rely on speed, dodging and endurance. For example, the fight between Connor Irons and Chrysalis.

In this fight, Connor seemed to focus on dodging and counter attacking rather than minotaurs that rely on power and durability. He would punch and kick after a missed attack. Though these attacks were not as powerful as a buck from a pony, they would slowly wear down the opponent. Humans seem to be able to move their bodies quickly in odd ways to avoid hits while maintaining balance so they can use their upper appendages to attack.

Human bodies don't seem to be made for taking hits. Their skin is easily pierced by sharp objects like the tip of a changeling horn. This was evident with the amount of scratches and the stab wound from the fight in Canterlot. This may be why they rely on dodging as they can't handle too many hits and it could also be another function of his clothes.

Although Connor had fought his way up the castle, he still had the energy to fight. During the fight, it was Chrysalis that was slowing due to exhaustion. Even after a serious injury, he had the strength to beat a Changeling Queens skull in with a bat could possibly dent a metal tube. This was before fainting due to blood loss.

Twilight finished her writing as she looked up. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity were now up as well. Rainbow Dash was just coming out of her room. With everyone awake, they all headed towards the dining room.

The halls they walked down were slightly cracks in places but the repair workers had fixed most of the walls. The door to the dining room were guarded by four royal guards compared to the normal two. The paint on the door looked scratched but otherwise unharmed.

Inside the room, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were already sitting down and eating. The mane six went and sat down.

Twilight then started the conversation. "Hello princesses, how are you? " she asked.

Celestia answered first. "I am fine, Twilight. This injury is not too bad although it is proving to be a hindrance. ".

Celestia moved her hoof a bit as if to show the now limited movement it had.

"Yes sister, but we have suffered greater wounds than that in our long lives. " Luna said, trying to cheer her up.

"That looked awfully nasty when ya got it but it seems to be just dandy now. " said Applejack.

"But what about Connor. He had a hole in his side that looked bad. He was leaking blood all over Princess Luna's back. I doubt that he is anywhere near fine and healthy. " Rainbow dash said.

"I have had a fresh doctor's report on his condition. He is stable but is unconscious from blood loss. Doctors have said that he also has a small lack of certain proteins, percifically, ones found commonly in meats. The doctors dealing with Connor Irons have said he can awake sometime later today or tomorrow. " explained Princess Luna.

Pinkie gasped. "That means I have to go to plan a party for him. Gotta go, see ya later, bye. " she said before disappearing out the door.

The princesses and the rest of the mane six continued to chat and eat. Rarity and Applejack wanted to go home as they had work to do. Twilight would also be going back to her library to see Spike. Fluttershy needed to go home to look after her animal friends. Rainbow dash needed to go home to help sort ponyville's weather and to look after her tortoise, tank.

After breakfast, the five of the mane six left for Canterlot station. They bought their tickets, got on the train and departed at 9:00. They did see DB walk pass the station as they left. He disappeared behind a building as the train sped off to ponyville.

End of chapter 22

Chapter 23 Control regained

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Chapter 23
Control regained

Connor Irons, Canterlot hospital

My mind woke up numb and irritated.

I slowly began to get feeling back in my body. I couldn't move but not through lack of trying. I could feel the itchy bandages, the mask on my face and a slight pain in my side. In the air, I could smell the hand ( or hoof, one or the other ) sanitizer, my sweat and blood and something else. I could hear the beeping of the monitor, the sound of hooves on hard flooring and the mask that made me sound like that character from those old films. Who was that character, Dark Vader or something.

Other than that, I was unaware of anything. I couldn't see or move even if there was something.

I just laided there as my mind came up with random questions to pass the time. One such question was why the bandages were so irritating and the blanket too thin. Answer, they were made with creatures with fur in mind. I didn't have fur to keep me warm or to shield my skin from the uncomfortable fabric.

One by one, I went through questions. I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the bandages and the wound it was covering. It was also in the morning. The only way I could tell it was day outside was due to the fact that I could still 'see' light through my eyelids, like how you can see light through your fingers if you put a torch under it.

There was also the slight warmth of the sun. This warmth was so comforting, I went back to sleep, as if it made a difference to my state.

Not long after entering my dream, I was greeted by a guest.

"Hi Luna. Nice seeing you here. " I said as she looked stepped in.

She smiled and responded. "Yes, it is good to see you again. ".

"So, whatcha doing here? " I asked.

Luna looked down a bit before taking. "I came to inform you of your condition. You were…"

"Stabbed by the horn of the bitch I beat to death with a bat I got from the sports section of a shop? Yeah, I know. I think I broke the bat on that last hit. Hope it could be repaired. Even better, get a durable metal one. More weight means more power and it will be easy to use... " I trailed off at the end, going on about the practicalities of a metal baseball bat.

Luna looked at me surprised and confused. "You remember the event? This is most uncommon. Most ponies wouldn't remember and think that they fell asleep until waking up and then they remember. " she explained to me.

"Well, I'm not a pony, as it has clearly been proven, so comparing me to one isn't the best thing. Also, I may have lost blood, but I can think consciously so it means I'm alive. " I said. Luna looked at me in surprise again.

"You seem very aware and yet you are not conscious. " she said with what could only be sarcasm. Sarcasm is universal, go figures.

"Well, I did wake at one point but I couldn't move or look around. I can still feel, smell and hear but I just can't move or look around. While I'm on the subject, could you please get bandages which don't itch and irritated like hell? Or a thicker blanket so I can stay warm cause I'm freezing here. " I said.

"I shall see want can be done for you. Do remember that you fought a Changeling Queen? A worthy opponent for any creature, let alone one that isn't native to this world. " Luna said. This brought up a problem I had forgotten about since my arrival because of all the things that had happened.

"Oh, and one more thing? ".

"Yes? Want is it? ".

"Could you start looking into a way to send me home? It's nice, here and all, but I belong home with my family, friends and other humans. " I asked.

Luna smiled. "I shall have the night mages start their work tomorrow. " .

With that, she turned and walked out the door which hung mid-air, surrounded by realm made of food, walking trees and flying TV's.

Blocked heart, Canterlot castle

He was waiting patiently for the doctor to say he could go. He had been in the hospital since yesterday and was in no way happy about it. In the bed next to his was Blade wing. She had gone back to sleep despite being completely fine.

He had overheard that Connor was here but couldn't go and confirm this due to being bed bound. When ever he asked how he was doing, they would say he is doing fine but none of them would tell me what happened to him. All he knew was that he fought the Changeling Queen and won.

He looked up at the nurse that entered the room.

"Hey. " said Blocked, already knowing what was going to happen.

"Hello. I am giving you and your partner one last check-up before we can send you home. " she said with a nice smile all the staff had.

The check-up was quick. Just some checks to see if we were fully healed then we were done. But before we left, we went to the desk.

"Excuse me? " he said.

The doctor turned around. "Yes? How may we help you? ".

"Is it possible to go visit Connor Irons? I heard he was here? " Blocked asked. Blade wing was now behind him having just got out of the check-up.

"Yes, but be careful as he was very badly injured. He's in room 333. " said the doctor.

The pair of them started they're walk to the room they had been told.

"How bad do you expect his wounds to be? " Blade asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was just unconscious or if he was missing a limb. No-one had any idea how badly a fight like that could go. " Blocked replied.

"Well, remember the weapons he showed us. Those would easily give him an advantage. "

"Yeah, but that big one wouldn't be helpful in close quarters like the fight with the Queen. The smaller one could only hold so many of those projectiles. He would most likely used melee. That's what I've heard, at least. " Blocked explained, remembering the first proper conversation with Connor on their way to Canterlot with him.

"Yeah. I heard that he fought the Changeling Queen with a bat. He apparently whacked Chrysalis so hard, it splintered. " said Blade.

They arrived at the room and walked in. On the bed was Connor, who was only covered by a sheet. The machines next to him beeped and they could see his chest rise and fall slowly. The exposed arms had bandages and now looked quite thin now compared to Blocked's foreleg without the clothing covering the arm.

"Geez, he looks like he fought a manticore. How'd he survive this? " Blade asked as she saw Connor.

Blocked looked over at her. "I don't know. We were both knocked out by three Changelings. He must of took on half the castle just to get to the Queen. " he said.

"His actions were quite astounding, I must say. He shall be rewarded and praised for his actions. It seems he already has one gift. " said a royal voice behind the two ponies.

Both Blocked and Blade whirled around to see Princess Luna and immediately bowed.

"No need to bow, ponies. I am here for the same reason you are. To visit the human hero. " Luna said in a more friendly and less authoritative tone like she normally had.

Another sound was heard from behind Blocked heart again.

"Uuuhh… ".

All of them turned to look at Connor as he moved slightly. He used his arms to move his body up the bed to prop his back against the headboard. They could all see him bare his teeth in pain as he did so, which made them all nervous subconsciously.

"Ahh, Connor. You are awake, I see. " said Luna.

"Yeah, I'm up. Uuuhh, my back. " Connor groaned. He then interlaced his fingers together and extended the palms out. This made small popping sounds which Blocked didn't like.

Connor went to get out the bed but then quickly decided not to.

He looked at all the ponies before saying "Where are my clothes? " .

"They were removed to help heal your wounds. " said the Princess.

"Why do you need you clothes anyway? We only wear clothes on special occasions. We wear our armour whenever we're on duty but that's it. " Blade asked.

Connor started blushing. "Uhh...well...unlike you ponies...human... reproduction bits aren't covered or hidden. So we have a nudity taboo which means we always wear clothes. " explained Connor. He readjusted up a little more. The bandages around his torso were now visible as he continued.

"The only time we don't is when the adult thing and when we wash. Some sleep nude but most do have sleep wear. " he finished.

With that, Blocked and Blade blushed. Luna nodded.

"Understandable. I shall see what can be done. " she said.

The door to the room opened to reveal a nurse.

"Oh, your awake. I'm sorry, but if you three could please leave, I can check on Connor's health. " said the nurse. Blocked, Blade and Princess Luna all left the room and walked towards the waiting room.

"Wow. Even after fighting half a castle worth of Changelings and taking on the Queen, he wakes up just a day later. How good is that boy? " Blocked said.

"He's one amazing creature. I doubt anything could pull off the same trick. Did you see the wound on his stomach? How could he fight with a wound like that? " Blade added.

Luna smiled a bit.

"It was a truly great battle. I haven't witnessed a dual like his for a thousand years. " Luna said.

"Wait, you were there? Could you tell us what really happened? We've asked around but no one will tells what happened. " she asked.

Luna recounted her side of the story. From Chrysalis defeating them to Connor's entertance and his collapses. She told them how he moved and how he could weave passed most hit.

5 minutes later

"...and after he...finished her, he was able to stand till he fell unconscious. " Luna finished.

Blocked was shocked at the power of the human. Saved a village with his mech and was able to get to Canterlot on time to help eliminate them. He looked at his partner to see her face with the same awe as his.

Before they could say anything about it, they looked over to see Connor finally coming out. He held a bag, probably with medication, and a long stick much he used to help walk. Under his left arm, he held a package that had been in the room.

"Hey. " he said simply as he walked towards them. All of them could see the limp in his step but the stick he had helped.

"Hello Connor. " Luna said.

Blade wing shook her head before talking. "Hi Connor. " she said.

He came over as they got up. They all then headed for the exit.

"So, how are you? " asked Blocked

"It could be worse. This will definitely suck for the next few days. " he replied, getting a chuckle from Blade and Blocked and a smile out of Luna. They talked and walked towards the castle.

As they entered the busy main street, the ponies started murmuring. To what Blocked could hear, most were saying good things with the occasional bad thing.

They also happened to pass DB.

"Hey! DB! " he called.

"Hello rider. You seem to be in good health. The castle is protected like ordered. Do you have any other orders? " DB asked in his oh-so familiar monotone voice.

"Well you can keep patrolling or you can go rest. I don't mind as you deserve a break. " Connor said with a smile as he spoke with his partner.

"Affirmative, I shall go rest my power supply after I finish my cycle, rider. " he said before walking off again.

They made it to the castle where they were surprisingly met with Celestia.

"Hello, Connor Irons. It is good to see you. " she said.

"Hey. It's good to be back. " he said.

Connor and the princesses then walked off while Blade wing and Blocked heart went to the armoury to collect their armour and prepare to go back into duty.

End of chapter 23

Chapter 24 Settled in

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Chapter 24
Settled in

Applebloom, ponyville, 1 week later.

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were in the middle of the orchard.

"Do ya think he's here? " asked Applebloom.

"I don't know? Did you see him Sweetie? " Scootaloo said.

Sweetie shook her head. "No. I haven't seen him. " she said.


The trio looked around and the noise.

"What was that? " she asked nervously.

"Ah don't know. Maybe it's a rabbit or some other critter. " Applebloom replied.


This time they all looked at the same bush that was hidden under a tree.

"Hey, Applebloom. Why don't you go check it out? " asked Sweetie Belle.

"Nu-uh! You do it! " Applebloom said back.


This time the noise came from a different bush.

The three copies slowly backed away from the bushes. There was another rustle but they didn't react to it, to busy backing away.


The fillies stopped. They all turned around slowly.

"Your it. " Connor said before running.

The ponies looked at scootaloo before running, laughing all the way, from her as she was now it in their little game. They had been at this since Connor finished his chores. He would often play with them, mainly because there was nothing else to do and he could keep an eye on them for their parents.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been curious about Connor and DB since they arrived but never got round to talking to them. After only a day of his return, though, they finally went up to him and talked. Connor, having been used to his younger brother and still being young enough, found playing with them fun.

Applebloom also knew what happened at Canterlot because she got Connor to tell her, as long as she didn't let anyone else but her and the other crusaders know. She saw the scar on his side but was assured that humans can survive worse.

They played till Applejack, who was preparing the barn for winter, called them.

"Applebloom, Connor, Grannies got ya dinner! Come 'n' get it! " she shouted Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went home as they faced towards the house for dinner.

Connor Irons

After dinner, which was good as always, i headed for his bed in the barn. I had made himself quite home-y in there and had setup things he didn't even have back home.

Though the memories of home did get to me every now and again, I knew that it would be fine. Even if I don't go back, which made me sad as i would miss his family, I would be remembered as a hero here unlike at home where I would be another soldier who got my money at the end of the month.

I walked in, climbed up the ladder which i had firmly tied to the ledge and moved to my bed. Next to my bed was the present i had brought back but had forgotten about. I read the label quickly before opening it.

Dear Connor Irons.

As Captain of the royal guard, I am happy and grateful to hear of your heroic actions against the Changelings and the saving of canterlot, the princesses and my sister. As a reward and a present, some guards of their own free-will built this for you.

Sincerely from
Captain Shining Armour.

I didn't recognize the name of the captain but I may of had an idea of who had got the gift.

I opened it up to find a bat. This one, however, was a metal bat which had a black coating of some material with some engraved writing on it. On one side, it had my name 'Connor Irons'. On the other side, it had what I could only assume was the name they had given the bat itself, 'Dark Beauty'. A bat called DB. Funny idiots. These engravings were filled with a lime green colour that almost glowed in the dark.

I picked it up and got a feel for the bat. The white fabric grip of the bat was nice and the bat was pretty balanced in my hand. I gave a few test swings, even picking up a pebble he found and hit it. It connected and the stone left a small dent in the wood.

I slid it down his back. It connected to the magnetic metal plate on my back which normally held my minigun. I then did a quick practice of drawing it from his back. It put up a little resistance to being pulled from the plate, which was good as he now knew it wouldn't just fall off during combat.

It was already late after dinner due to days getting shorter to allow the weather ponies to make snow more easily. It was now really dark outside with only the moon to light it up. I got changed into some pajamas, which I had gotten from Rarity a few days ago, and went to bed.

As I fell asleep, I awoke in my dreams. I had always been a lucid dreamer but since coming here, they were more vivid and they appeared quicker. This surprised me a bit but not much the first time. I had a nightmare of Chrysalis, but it was quickly dispelled by Luna who had to create her weapon outside my dream before entering to combat my nightmare as I was immune and/or highly resistant to magic. This includes any use of it in my dreams.

Since then, most things had returned to normal. Luna came in whenever she had no dreams to protect and would give status reports on the progress of the research to send me home. One time, she brought Celestia into my dreams as she was curious on how what a lucid dream was. Let's just say, I knew of a slight addiction, obsession, favorite thing of the princess.

It was sitting peacefully in a deck chair with a Coca Cola in one hand and a MC Donald's bag to my left on the dream table. I just sat there as I watched the clouds which projected happy and funny memories down. After watching the memory of me on my 15 birthday, which was the last time most of my family was in one place, I heard a door open, which allowed Luna to step in.

"Hey Luna, how are you? " I said to her as I pulled out the MC Donald's burger.

"We are fine Connor. How are you? " Luna said, walking over to sit in a chair I made appear for her.

I smiled. "I'm fine. I finally opened the present I got from the royal guards. It's a really nice looking baseball bat with nice engravings on it. Say thanks to...what was his name?...oh yeah, Shining Armour. " I said as I ate my burger, which was perfectly the way I ordered it unlike the real ones people get which is only half of what they ordered and the other half of the stuff they put in them to increase the price.

Although a dream, I could see slight discomfort in Luna as I ate the meat, but it was shook off she sat down.

"You seem dedicated to the choice of going home. Why? What do you miss so much? " Luna asked.

"I miss my family. Don't get me wrong, it's nice here, but you can only make friends here. You can't make family. This world wouldn't handle my family anyway. " I said as I summoned my drink to my hand.

"Oh, why is that? Surely you jest as no family can be that bad. " she said.

I smiled. "My family isn't bad, it's just not good. Lots of people in my family have learnt how to twist the laws and can exploit every one. And since they are technical doing all of it legally, they get away with it. " I said.

"What else do you miss so much? You could always start a family here, in Equestria " said Luna, now very interested.

"I miss the luxuries I had and the world I lived on. I miss eating proper human food and the sights of the glowing cities far in the distance. " I said as I looked up.

"I miss days and I could just lay on the sofa or being out with my old friends. I miss watching the moon slowly and naturally move up at night or the sun's haze through my window in the morning. I even miss Britain's traditional weather. " I listed. I then sighed.

Luna stayed quiet for a moment to take in everything she had heard.

"I miss home…"

The dream scape slowed and darkened. Memories, more vivid than ever, played around then. Memories of his mom and brother. Memories of school and home. Memories of holidays out with his nan or the view of space as the ships left of the other worlds.

One memory slowly appeared in front of them.


"Oh, come on! I've got to go. ".

"No you don't. You've got, like, another five minutes before you leave. ".

"Yeah! Five minutes till the ship leaves without me! Idiot. ".

"Now, now, boys. No arguing. I just need one picture before you go to show your nan. ".

"Fine. But be quick. ".

"Smile. ".


"What was that? " Luna asked, stunned at the clarity of such a memory in the dream scape.

"The last time I saw my family…" I said.

"Who were they? " Luna asked, a bit slower.

"My mum and brother. I don't have a dad, he died in the army, so that makes this my family. " I said.

"I'm sorry. We did not mean to bring up such memories. " she apologized.

I shook my head. "It isn't your fault. You didn't know. " I replied.

"As much as we would like to stay, we must be on our way. " Luna said before heading for the dream door.

"Bye. See you soon. " I said as I waved bye.

Over 2 months later

It had been nearly 3 months since my arrival in Equestria. In that time, I had moved my stuff into a single floored house of my own, which had a barn for DB built next to it. It was a plain ordinary house on the outer parts of town so I did have to scare anyone when me or DB went hunting for meat.

Aside from the new living space, not much had changed. I worked for the Apple family till winter when there's not much to do and worked part time as a royal guard stationed at ponyville.

For DB, he still had his monotone voice but was a fan of the colts and fillies since he is a giant mech right out of any decent comic. I was even asked by comic writers if they could use DBs design in their work. I got a good bit of money from that agreement.

I became friends with most of the town at this point. Everyone knew me and DB, the hero's from the everfree forest, which was one of our titles.

I headed over to Twilight library. I went there often to read the latest comics, from the guys that asked about DB, to see what they had done. Me and spike got into conversations about comics occasionally when he and I had nothing to do.

As I entered the library, I saw spike sweeping the last of the dust. Twilight was asleep on the sofa with books piled around her like a fort. The only indication of life was the movement of her chest and the quiet snores.

"Hey Spike. " I whispered as not to wake the book for monster.

"Hi Connor. The new comics are here. Want to go out and have a look? " Spike asked just as quietly.

"Sure. You go grab them, I'll take the rubbish over there out, yeah? " I said, gesturing to the bin bag by the kitchen table.

"OK. I'll be right back. " he whispered before going to get the comics.

As I put the rubbish by the door, which would be taken by the bin ponies later, spike appeared with the comics in his claws. We smiled and headed for sugar cube corner.

We talked as we walked. Spike was happy that he now had someone to talk with other than the CMC. I completely understood that. Those three were a bit too willing to get their cutie marks. I wonder if there is something that they wouldn't do.

We spent the next half an hour reading and discussing the comic. Pinkie eventually joined us as well and brought cupcakes with her. Connor was happy here.


Connor smiled as they relaxed. Just like home.

The end of The metal HAWKEN.