The Slumberland Files: Apple Fritter's Private Party

by DougtheLoremaster

First published

Apple Fritter trots through the door into an underground sex dungeon within the realm of dreams. What awaits her?

In an alternate reality, the popularity of ponies and creatures of the My Little Pony Television Show is directly tied to their social status in the realm of Equestria. Celestia, the ruler of the realm, has passed a law dictating that a pony's popularity is directly tied to how much sex they are allowed to enjoy each day or night. The royalty; Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence are all in the lap of luxury as are the rest of the Mane 6 (Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Starlight). What about those the community has forgotten or perhaps flat out ignored? What should they do about their pent up frustration?

Unbeknownst to her sister Princess Luna has opened up a special realm within the World of Dreamers. This realm will secretly allow any pony to violate the law of sexual prohibition for the lower class and allows the entrant to live their deepest desires, whatever they may be. To enter this underground dungeon, a pony or creature must simply dream themselves saying the following phrase. "Luna is best Princess."

Many ponies as well as other creatures have traversed through the doors to this fantasy realm. This is one such tale. Remember, though, what occurs in this realm must never see the light of day. For that is the way of Slumberland.

Apple Fritter, a virtual unknown by bronies everywhere. Only appearances are the Apple Family Reunion and the My Little Pony Movie during the "We got this together" song. This tale revolves around her.
Fetish Type: Lesbian Anilingus

Apple Fritter's Private Party

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Apple Fritter slammed down the bag of groceries onto the counter. It wasn't fair. One year ago, Princess Celestia had announced a list having appeared before her. The list spoke of a television show in another dimension which their lives were broadcast for all to see. Having read the list to the populace of Equestria, it was determined certain beings were more popular than others. Once this was revealed, everything in Equestria changed. Everything became tied to the standings within the show. A simple activity such as shopping for ingredients for homemade Apple Fritters had become a nightmare for those whose popularity was below the top 100. Sadly, even standing in line now took forever. Ponies higher on the list than her cut in line and declared their VIP rights as dictated by Celestia's royal decree.

The frustrated mare opened the bag and took out a package of cupcakes, that Pinkie Pie herself had packed for her at Sugarcube Corners. Muttering, she slowly unwrapped one and chomped on it. Sure her social standing was almost non-existent and as an introvert she was fine with that.

Apple Fritter was a very submissive pony. She truly wanted nothing more than others happiness but now her own status of popularity was affecting her love life. Everything was tied to the standings in the community for those who watched the show. Including sexual interactions. To have sex in Equestria, a being now must be on the list of top 100 characters. She wasn't even on the list. Her pent-up frustration for the past year had only gotten worse as lately all she could see was just how attractive any and everypony around her was. Mare...stallion...anypony would do. Thanks to that rotten decree however, by law she wasn't allowed to seek such pleasures.

She unwrapped another cupcake and caught a look at her posterior in the mirror. Lately, the stress had driven her to an obsession with eating. Her form had grown much larger as a result. She sighed and threw down the half-eaten cupcake in disgust. Ugh, my ass is getting fat. There is no way any pony will find me attractive if this keeps up. That's when she saw it. A small pink envelope emblazoned with a capital P tucked in beside the cupcakes. Wondering what it was, she cautiously opened it. Inside she found a letter, and her eyes widened with hope as she read the following:

To Apple Fritter,

I know you're frustrated. That's an understatement

You come into my shop nearly every day to order cupcakes. While I appreciate your business, you don't live in Ponyville and the trek to my shop isn't a quick one. I mean, I live in Manehatten so...she isn't wrong. I don't just go for the cupcakes, though.

It's been a year since the new law was made by Celestia and I can see it in your eyes every time you order from me. You're flustered. She has no idea how flustered I get ordering cupcakes from her.

You want some pony to give you excitement, passion, a party of your own. Is she offering to be that somepony?

It's not well known, but there is a solution. All you have to do is go to sleep tonight and dream the phrase, "Luna is best princess."Is she serious?

Trust me, it will change everything. Don't let Celestia know, though. Interesting

With Love,

Pinkie Pie,

P.S. Your plot looks amazing. Bet it would be delicious with some frosting. DAMN HER! That's playing dirty!
Apple Fritter bit her lip. That Pinkie Pie was so lucky and her flirting was so torturous. Oh, how she would love to have a private party from that wonderful mare. That carefree attitude, that fluffy mane, those baby blue eyes. The things she wished she could do to her.Ugh it just isn't fair. Still that letter was a bit strange. Go to sleep and dream the phrase 'Luna is best princess', huh? Well, I guess I have nothing to lose.

An hour later, Celestia began lowering the sun. After drinking a warm cup of apple cider, Apple Fritter snuggled her plump rump under a warm blanket and resting her head on the pillow slowly drifted off to sleep. A curious scene appeared before her in the dream realm. Pinkie Pie had saucily strutted over to her as was her normal dream, however, once she got to Apple Fritter, she held up a sign. The sign stated in bold letters: Say the words, trust me.

The forgotten Apple's eyes widened as she remembered. She meekly whispered the treasonous phrase. "Luna is best princess."

At once she found herself in the doorway of a building. She stared in disbelief as she looked around. The walls were lined with red velvet. Torches lined the walls leading to a desk at the back of the room. The carpet had the following stitched into it: Love. Pleasure. Happiness.

At the desk sat a bored looking black furred alicorn with a magazine in her hooves. As Apple Fritter approached the desk the alicorn greeted her warmly. "Welcome to Slumberland, Apple Fritter. How may I help you?"
Apple Fritter said meekly. "Princess...Luna? I...I'm not sure why I am here. Or even what here is."

The Princess of the Night spread her hooves in a gesture of welcoming. "Where is here? Here is the place where any pony can experience their deepest and most sensual of fantasies. I'm sure you like many others, have felt the irritation brought on by my sister's questionable law. You are here because the 'seven year itch' has driven you to call on my name."
The earthpony was confused. "Isn't this the same as having a dream?"

Luna smiled and spoke warmly. "No, this is a special dimension. You will feel everything that happens in the most physical of ways. Every caress, every orgasm, every pleasurable sensation. They will be felt by your body in Equestria."

Apple Fritter was elated but was rather cautious."Can you tell me what the price of such a thing is? Will I owe bits? Servitude? Free fritters from my kitchen every breakfast?"

Luna shook her head. "There is no cost. As for what it takes? Just think of your most wanted fantasy. What you desire most in the depths of your heart. Be it mare...Stallion or anything in between. Do you want to be in charge, dominating and teasing? Or perhaps you want to be bound in the most obscene of ways? Do you desire a taboo fetish? Perhaps you want to be forced to submit, or maybe you desire to force a submission?"

Apple Fritter's eyes went wide with excitement as Luna continued. "Any desire, any fetish any fantasy...will become a reality in this realm all you have to do is merely think about it. Go on give it a try."

No sooner had Luna finished speaking then Apple Fritter found herself in her home sitting in her easy chair. I...what? Was that real or? At that moment her doorbell rang.

Rushing to the door and not really expecting visitors, Apple Fritter opened the creaking wooden door. CREAK! Her eyes went wide with disbelief. Standing before her was the mare she fantasized about most, the earth pony who wrote the book on parties. No way... "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here?"

The pink pony didn't miss a beat and upon blowing confetti from her hoof looked at the startled Apple and spoke in a quick and hyper voice. "I came to see you of course, sweetie!"

Apple Fritter was non-plussed. Feeling suddenly shy and blushing as Pinkie ran her hoof slowly through the green mane, she listened as Pinkie spoke again. "Are you gonna invite me in?"

"Um...c-come in, Pinkie"

Moving aside she watched as Pinkie Pie strutted in full of confidence as if she owned the place. Truly this isn't what I think it is...she just wanted to be friendly, nothing else... The pink earthpony began speaking in her hyper manner once more as she slowly trotted towards Apple Fritter, who was standing before her. As she spoke Apple Fritter nervously began to back up. "I came all this way from Ponyville to see you and I ran out of cupcakes."

Slowly backing up, Apple Fritter nervously spoke. "A-are y-y-you hungry?"

Pinkie continued advancing as her tone and speech grew slower and silkier. "I am starving. Perhaps you could show me some of that fa-mous Apple family....hospitality?"

The green-maned Earth pony felt her back hit the front of her easy chair as she stuttered, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I-I could m-make s-some Ap-apple Fritters f-f-for you, if you wish?"

Pinkie's eyes had narrowed in a sultry stare. As she licked her lips in a predatory fashion, she placed her hooves on either side of the hapless Apple as Apple Fritter fell back onto the sofa. Her words gave no room for misunderstanding. "Mmmmm an apple fritter sounds delightful. A warm, moist and delectable apple fritter would hit the spot indeed. But don't bother making one, you'll fill my hunger quite nicely. "

Pinkie Pie pushed Apple Fritter backwards into the easy chair. Lowering her head down, she stuck her tongue out and gingerly drew a small circle with it; dragging it around the rim of her slit. Apple Fritter drew in a sharp breath at the warm, wet touch of the pink party pony. This is really happening!

Pinkie began dragging her tongue slowly up against the very tip of the slit, which was slowly becoming wetter as Apple Fritter bit her lip. "mmmmmph!" Thank you Luna, Thank you! The gentle tingling sensation of Pinkie nibbling on her velvety folds caused Apple Fritter to moan in ectasy. "Ohhhhmmmmfph!

The party pony began teasing the helpless Apple as she plunged her tongue deep within the fleshy goodness of her core. Apple Fritter squeezed her eyes shut and squirmed in pleasure. Pinkie grabbed her legs and pinned them down as she gummed the sensitive tissue and flicked the clit with her tongue, just barely moving it with her tongue each time. "Ungh! Sweet Luna of the Astral Heavens! Pinkie that's so good!"

Pinkie Pie raised her head to look Apple Fritter in the eyes. Her snout was glistening from the lust that was flowing from her playmate. "MMmmmmMMMmmm that's my line, sweetie! My compliments to the chef, truly the best Apple Fritter I have ever tasted. "

The completely seduced earth pony moaned happily while blushing profusely. Pinkie Pie continued with a gleam in her eyes. "However, that's enough for my appetizer time for the main course!"

With that she lowered her muzzle once more and with aggressive desire began lapping the lucky Apple Fritter, causing her to spasm. The pleasure rocketed up her spine and her body twitch as she desperately tried to control her muscles, which spasmed uncontrollably with desire. Her slit grew slick with lust, the sounds of Pinkie Pie lapping her velvety goodness was soon coupled with the noisy squishing of her pleasure.


Unable to stay still and squirming from the sensation of having her sacred place explored by Pinkie's roaming tongue, Apple Fritter wrapped her hindlegs around Pinkie's head and pulled her head in flush against her slit. Pinkie was unfazed and took the action as an invitation to go deeper. She began using her teeth to nibble the inner core of the squirming earthpony, her snout buried in the wet confines of Apple Fritter's walls. "mmmhmmmm"

The hot breath of Pinkie on her inner core was almost too much for the normally shy pony. Wave upon Wave rocked her epicenter as the floodgates of pleasure were unleashed, Apple Fritter unable to hold it back anymore. "OooohOHhhhhh PIIIiiinkiEEEEEEEEEE!"

Breathing heavily, she glanced down to see Pinkie, with her face glistening from the lust of her playmate, looking into her eyes with a smile on her face. "Best. Dinner. Ever."

Staring at her for a moment, Apple Fritter broke into laughter, glancing at the ceiling. "That was absolutely amazing, Pinkie! I needed that...what are you doing?"

Pinkie had gotten onto her hooves and trotted over to a saddlebag she had brought with her. Now she was rummaging through it muttering to herself. Apple Fritter could barely make out the words. "Nonononono...not big enough, wrong shape, no that's not that won't do...AHA there it is!"

As she stood up, Apple Fritter noticed the strange tube in her hooves. "Pinkie...what is that?"

Pinkie Pie had a strange glint in her baby blue eyes as she responded. "Silly it's a cupcake baster!"

The green maned earthpony had a look of concern on her face. "W-why do you h-have that?"

Pinkie Pie now stood in front of Apple Fritter and giving her a roguish grin, gently booped her on the nose with a pink hoof. "Wellll...obviously since dinner is over it is time for my dessert, you silly filly!"

Apple Fritter's eyes went wide as Pinkie inserted the tip of it into her plot. "I mean after all, I told you it would be delicious with icing!"

The earthpony shivered as the pink party pony squeezed the tube filling her insides with the chilling sensation of refrigerated icing. "Ooohbrrrr Pink-Pinkie! That's s-s-so c-c-cold!"

Pinkie Pie set aside the tube once it was empty and stood on her hindlegs leaning close enough for Apple Fritter to feel her hot breath upon her neck. "Now we just have to wait, for that warm, moist deliciousness to cool down."

Apple Fritter whimpered with want, but Pinkie whispered. "Meanwhile, we can entertain ourselves with a party game I like to call, Bobbing for Apples."

The yellow earthpony's eyes went wide as Pinkie leaned in and gently placed her muzzle against the moaning earthpony's in a passionate liplock of love. "mmm."

Apple Fritter and Pinkie both closed their eyes in absolute bliss as the two earthponies swore they could hear fireworks going off and feel a spark of untold passion arc between them. Meanwhile, the freezing sensation had slowly dulled from within Apple Fritter's plot. Please never let this end.

Slowly, Pinkie pulled back as a bead of saliva dripped down from her muzzle. Then before Apple Fritter could react, the pink earthpony began slowly dragging her tongue up Apple Fritters neck as she moaned in excitement. "mmmphmOHmmm"

The incoherent speech seemed to make Pinkie more aggressive as she gently nibbled the collarbone of the yellow earthpony. Apple Fritter threw back her head in ecstasy, her green mane waving all over the place. Panting profusely she gently wrapped a hoof around Pinkie and screamed in passion as the party pony took her left hoof and gently after licking it dragged it across the exposed stomach of Apple Fritter. This caused the Apple's fur to stand on end with chills, shivering as the moist hoof was combined with Pinkie tugging at her collarbone with her teeth. "UNGHMMMmmmmmOH!"

Just then the sound of a kitchen egg timer could be heard. Pinkie Pie paused, causing Apple Fritter to open her eyes in curiousity. "What's wrong?"

She was met with a very playful grin as Pinkie Pie replied. "Time for dessert!, turn over."

Apple Fritter slowly turned over in the chair and put her hooves on the back of it as she attempted to mentally prepare herself for what was to come. However, the instant she had finished sticking her very plump flank in the air, Pinkie had her muzzle firmly pressed into her plot.

Moments later, Pinkie froze. Apple Fritter was squeezing her muscles in panic and whimpering in fear. Slowly standing upright the pink party pony leaned in close and whispered softly and tenderly in her partners ear. "I know you've never experienced any...pleasures in that area, sweetie, but I need you to trust me. I pinkie promise you. You will love it."

Apple Fritter suddenly relaxed her muscles. Submissive by nature and completely trusting of Pinkie, she calmed down and spoke just three words making Pinkie smile wide. "I trust you."

Moments later, the sensation of Pinkie's tongue lapping the icing out of her plot caused Apple Fritter to moan in elation. She could feel the wet tongue slowly scooping the icing from within her hindquarters and it felt amazing. Apple Fritter was no virgin. The Apple Family was known for being sexually active upon reaching mare or stallionhood. She had experienced the wonder of sex many times. This however was something new and she was loving it. "OH MY LUNA!"

Her scream of lust echoed off the walls and for just a moment the forgotten Apple swore she could trot upon the very heavens of the Celestials themselves. The pleasure was like nothing she had ever felt before. The nerves in her flank were coursing with sensation. Apple Fritter closed her eyes as she reveled in the moment. "Ommmooooh th-thats the spot!"

Pinkie wasn't letting up either gently squeezing and occasionally biting the plump rump of the yellow earthpony. As Apple Fritter squirmed and moaned with lust, Pinkie too, was reveling in the taste of the icing mixed with her partner's desire. "mmMMMMMMmmmm"

The moaning issuing from the pink pony deep within the depths of her plot caused the walls of Apple Fritter to quake. Her muscles spasmed, and she nearly blacked out from the many waves of pleasure quaking her from within. Panting, Apple Fritter was completely exhausted. She closed her eyes, completely oblivious to the world around her.

Opening her eyes once more a while later, she found herself in front of Princess Luna at the desk once more. "I-what? Where's Pinkie?"

The Lunar Princess laughed and said. "So how was it?"

Apple Fritter spoke rapidly. "That was amazing! It felt so real!"

Princess Luna grinned and passed her a pink envelope. "Hold that thought and take a look at this."

Taking the envelope in her hooves, Apple Fritter's eyes went wide. On the envelope was a Large 'P'. Tearing into the envelope, she read the following message:

That was easily the best party I have ever had the pleasure of attending. A delicious dinner and an amazing dessert from the hostess. Not to mention the party game, I had a blast. Also no, that wasn't a dream. Looking forward to it again. Just remember the pass phrase and I will be there in a heartbeat. Cross my heart hope to cry and stick a cupcake in my eye,

Your playmate in Slumberland,

Pinkie Pie XOXOXO

Princess Luna watched as Apple Fritter looked up from reading the letter. "I-I don't know how or why y-you would do this for me but, your majesty you really are the best princess!"

Winking, the night mare spoke teasingly. "Don't forget it. The sun has risen once more so the night has ended. Sadly, that means your visit to Slumberland has ended for the night. Hopefully, we will see you again."

Apple Fritter felt amazingly refreshed as she headed for the doorway back to Equestria, her pent up stress completely gone. Having said her goodbyes, she exited Slumberland. As Princess Luna watched her go, she pressed a button on a strange device at her side. With a CLICK the device ejected a rectangular black object upon which Luna wrote on in a rich pink ink: "Apple Fritter's Membership Card."

Smiling to herself, she trotted to a nearby room and placed the black object on a bookshelf, where hundreds of others were resting. Each one sported the name of a pony time has forgotten. "Another satisfied customer."