> Chip Away at the Queen. > by Shilo_Yuuga > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shifting, Burning Coals. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thou truly believe that this is the correct course, my sister?” “We are not a spiteful people. Kindness is a sum of parts, one of which is forgiveness.” “But such a burden it is. And unto an innocent of noble intent. I fear we perhaps have taken our plan beyond our values of kindness.” “No. They are the only souls incorruptible by her wiles. She does not need magic to restore her power. Only those riddled with vice and weakness.” “Perhaps she, of all villains, is beyond help?” “If I had my doubts, I would’ve never considered this. But she is little more than a normal unicorn, now. A mare of deep, burning hatred that we must heal if we desire peace.” “I suppose that is correct… but the methods-” “We shall see. Equestria has bested foes greater than her. Besides, the human is more than capable of managing his herd.” Anonymous awoke from a peaceful slumber when a rattle shook his modest home. Quaking energy drew him from bed and onto his feet so he could discover what was making such dreadful noise in his house. The morning light weakly shone through the window panes in warm and fluid shades, helping his tired eyes adjust to the world. In his boxers and shirt, the human found the ground floor assaulted by some messy intruder. “I made quiche.” A voice chirped with both feminine and deeply maniacal tones. A flowing mane of stunning ebony emanated outwards from the grey, sour face of the Queen. Eyes, piercing like needles glowed in deep tinges of sickly green and complimentary crimson of a most unnatural look. Fangs and tusks easily peeked out of her pillowy lips when she grinned, anticlimactically glimmering with a hunger long forgotten by civilized minds. Her horn jut out of her skull in an arch of fiery red, only a ring strapped to its shaft keeping the devious pony from disintegrating all she saw. The curves of femininity hid beneath the flowing coat of black, only the belly of this threatening creature covered by a cutesy apron. Queen Umbra. The bane of the Crystal Empire. The darkest sorceress of all unicorns. Master of the mind and deceiver of weak hearts. Once, she stood poised to conquer the entirety of the empire on her own, powered only by magic and her own hunger for power. Now, she had been demoted to “rehabilitation” in Anon’s home. Restricted to her original, physical, unimpressive form. For a diabolical conspirator… she was a little chubby. Perhaps busier sitting than jogging, these days. Regardless of her rotund haunches, or Anon’s severe doubts over her cooking, he nonetheless proceeded forward as if anyone else had offered him food. True to his word to the princesses, he would at least try to follow his appointed mission and help the misguided “Queen.” She stared him in the eyes with piercing orbs of mal-intent, as if waiting for him to stick his finger in a bear trap and laugh. Anon took the warm tin of breakfast in hand and inspected it quickly. Untrained eyes spotted the problem instantly. “There are razor blades in this quiche.” He said dryly, gently placing it in the garbage. Umbra shrugged at him, removing her messy apron and throwing it in his face. “My mistake, once again the nuances of this culture confound me!” The delightful little mare hummed, taking an expensive pastry and an iced coffee from the counter in her magic. Neither had been touched by the storm she had left in the kitchen. “Make your own then. If my kindness won’t be appreciated here, the Queen shall retire once again.” With lifted tail and haughty trot, the black pony made her way to the cushy sofa placed square in the middle of the living room. A pile of blankets became wrapped about her and mountains of pillows supported her ever-fattening body. Perfectly perched to watch the human get to work cleaning her disaster. Anon could not know why he and his wife were chosen to shoulder this burden. Why on Earth he, a simple human living a simple life, would be held responsible for the coaching of such profound evil. His wife was no Element of Harmony, nor great warrior, or even a mare of high regard in the town. Derpy Hooves lived her life gleefully as a child, barely keeping her job with cataclysmic disasters wrought on the postal service every other month by her lack of coordination. Truly, she wasn’t any great savior of missguided sociopaths, like Umbra. Regardless, Anon was stuck with his lot and complaining never improved his situation. Rather than sulk, it had become easier to ignore the eternally sassy Queen and just carry on with his life. Perhaps with time, she might even come around and befriend him. He could already imagine Umbra never again putting razors in his food, sprinkling irritating spices in his underpants or shredding all his family pictures into ribbons. “Good morning, Bubby.” The sweet voice of relief called out to her human, following after the grey Pegasus as she fumbled down the stairs. Delirious from fatigue, Derpy sauntered to his side and nuzzled herself into the burly human naturally as ever. Even if the top of her head barely came up to his chest, Anon always found it easy to give his mare the sugar she needed. Bending down leisurely, the human planted an adoring smooch right between the sleepy mare’s nostrils. “Morning. You want some breakfast, Mushy?” His wife shook her head lazily, all the while stretching out great wings of silky feathers and alluring smells. Umbra visibly scoffed at the affection both displayed. “Oh it’s alright. I’m not hungry this morning anyway.” She said with an adoring smile, rearing up so she could return the smooch. Her warmth was intoxicating and feminine, a magnetic cloud that tugged at every facet of Anon with hooks and chains. The tired human embraced his wife quickly and squeezed her softness. Their kiss tickled down from their lips to their very hearts in pangs of exciting energy and soothing relaxation all at once. Truly, for such a short contact, the feel of Derpy’s lips energized Anon. “Watch the grump then, Mushy. I’m gonna make some coffee and head out in a few.” The cross-eyed mare wondered about the kitchen and living room as Anon worked, waving to Umbra with a soft hoof as well. “Whatcha' doing? I thought it was Saturday?” “It is. But we gotta have more wood for the fire. Snow’s gonna come down soon.” She nodded as Umbra hissed at her. “Yes please. Don’t do me a favor and freeze to death. That would be ever so bleak.” She grumbled, laying around in a display of shocking laziness. Anon huffed and sipped from his mug. “Any more out of you and we’ll go into town. I’m sure that “annoying” and “noisy” farmer’s market will have plenty more to look at for a few hours.” The dark pony shivered at his threat and glared daggers at him from under her cover. “Now guys, be nice!” Derpy interjected, hopping up onto the couch with Umbra and unwisely giving her a pat on the side. “Bubby can get his break and we can have some mare time! Don’t you think that’ll be fun?” “I think I’d rather be skinned alive.” “Oh shush! You’ll see, Miss Grumpster-dumpster! Anon, Bubby?” She squealed, turning towards you with the brightest of grins. “Don’t you think Umbra would look cute with a new mane? I bet I could do a really great braid if she lets me!” The dark sorceress popped up from her blanket wrapping with teeth bared and eyes wide. This expression quickly softened, however, once she and the hulking human nearby exchanged eye contact. “Yeah… show her some mare time. That oughta' take the fire out of her.” “Mare time” was worse than Umbra imagined. She was funneled into the upstairs bathroom shortly after Anon had gone. Locked inside with Derpy behind her, she stared at herself in the mirror whilst the ditsy blonde fumbled about with all sorts of products and tools. How far a deity could fall. Once a Queen owed everything… now a simple mare. A squat and chubby fool filled with hatred for those that had forced her here. Celestia and Luna swirled in her mind like fish in pond. Hapless and stupid fish that she eagerly waited to pluck out of the water the instant she had the upper hand. They were foolish to think she could be tamed. They were even more mistaken in believing that a hairless ape and a deformed commoner could turn her! All she had to do was bide her time. Play her cards right. Get the right people on her side and she’d be back on track for her devious plan. Soon, “mare time” would only be a distant memory whilst she sat atop a throne of ancient stone and sipped wine from the princess’ skulls. “Wooooooow! You have got so much hair!” Derpy giddily commented as her hooves combed through the billowing and curly mane of her brooding friend. It was true, the curls and tumbles of black silkiness carried all the way from her head, to the her knees in length and blooming body. Derpy absolutely fawned over such a shape, fluffing up the expanses of mane and brushing through its innumerable strands. “Tell me, Derpy… why have you settled on this lanky beast?” Umbra cooed, never taking her hypnotic eyes off herself in the mirror. Derpy visibly thought about it in the bright lights of the bathroom, still feeling through the circling cloud of dark hair she had a hold of. “Lanky who?” She asked, innocently clipping hair pins here and twisting braids there. “The beast. The one that lacks fur that you call a husband?” “Oooooh! You mean Anon?” “Yes. Tell me what you see in him.” The queen demanded with a quickly waning patience. “I dunno… hehe. He’s just… he’s… he’s my husband. I like him.” Derpy tittered, blushing ever so slightly beneath her fur and flicking her tail in a filly’s excitement. Her heart was already skipping beats at the thought of him. How he’d hold her. How powerful and safe he felt. What boiling pleasure he could bring her. Just the warmth of his presence and the happiness she brought him set her belly ablaze with a glee Umbra so violently hated. She had to suppress her gag reflex in watching Derpy swoon like some school yard hussy crushing on a young stud. “Indeed… but what do you SEE in him? Hm?” She added, much to Derpy’s confusion. “Do you see a bottom to his well of love? Perhaps a crack in his fortitude?” Derpy blinked as the words crept from her companion’s lips like oozing sludge. Her deep voice of cruel intent rattled through the mare’s bones like a sound straight from the heavens. A tingling sensation of strange attraction, as if a polite knock had come to her mind’s door. Naturally however, Derpy’s mind reacted differently than normal to the intrusion of Umbra’s persuasive powers. “Not really. I’m not sure what you mean, but he’s really strong! He bought this house and let me live with him. Also, Anon’s always been nice to me. Just loves it when I bake him things or give him smoochies.” She said with the same childish energy as usual, souring Umbra’s already nasty glare. “But you must see that he is not compatible. With us. Ponies aren’t meant to mingle with his kind.” “Oh no. He’s a stallion. I double checked.” She stated simply, sloppily braiding the bushels of black on Umbra’s head into a somewhat elegant twist. “Ugh, no! His kind. Derpy, one day he will yearn for a mare of his form. And you will be forgotten about. I have seen this many times in my years.” Umbra hissed, finding that the mental barrier put up by her target’s sheer ignorance thwarted her far better than any magical ward. “Don’t be silly! Me and Anon are married! He doesn’t even like griffons, anyway!” She giggled and bushed up the somewhat off-kilter knit she had made, tossing it on either one of Umbra’s shoulders. “He is a stallion, my dear. They lust. It is in the very nature.” Derpy paused with a bow in her mouth, as if only now Umbra’s sharp words had pierced her mind. Her ears flicked and the bundle of red fell from her teeth in a nervous squeak. “Well… he kinda does that. I think. But it’s really my fault.” Umbra cracked a sickening grin of teeth and vile pleasure. “I’m not saying you should do anything… yet. I’m only warning you. Don’t be surprised if you are abandoned. Anon smells of disloyalty.” At that moment, Derpy twitched in a confused recoil. “Abandon? No, no, no! I thought you were talking about how he likes to rump-bump all the time!” Umbra’s heart burst in her chest in aggravation. “He LOVES that! I’m telling you! Every other night he’s poking on me and rubbing me, like a kitty!” Umbra glowered at the mirror and simply waiting on Derpy to finish her disgusting tirade. All the while simmering in her own stew of frustration. “Not that I don’t like it. He’s really good at it! With those fingers and those muscles… ooh and his big chest… makes me all warm inside.” She melted against Umbra’s shoulder, spared a quick and painful death by the ring restricting her magic. “I think it’s fun. Even though we haven’t made babies yet. I’d really like to have babies soon. OOH! Maybe that would make you feel better? You like babies, don’t you, Umbra? You could watch them and play with them when we finally make them! Doesn’t that sound nice? Auntie Umbra?” The dark sorceress slammed her face into the counter with a deep groan. This “rehabilitation” would be far more painful than she could’ve ever imagined. Some hours later she was able to escape “mare time” and get back to her bed of soft garments and warm peace. She allowed her mane to stay braided and fixed in exchange for a speedy run from Derpy’s yapping mouth. She swore that if she heard one more story about Anon’s “famous” back rubs, the Queen would drown herself in the toilet. But thankfully, she had her silence again. Anon came back through the front door, but she paid him little mind. At least he could keep quiet. The human likewise paid the brooding mare on his couch less attention, choosing instead to side step that proverbial land mine and attempt to enjoy the rest of his icy afternoon. He sifted through the cupboard and retrieved the one potion that cured his ailments. Hard liquor poured into a pair of tiny, squat glasses perfect for sipping from. Its benign appearance belied the boiling intensity of the flavor within, something that Anon assumed Umbra could appreciate. He carefully sat next to her sulking figure and placed a shot before her on the coffee table. At least something to ease the tension. Rubbing his face with tired and cold hands, he spoke quietly so the crackle of the nearby hearth wouldn’t be outmatched. “I understand this isn’t the greatest thing that could’ve happened for you. Really, I do.” He started, not looking the dark mare in her bewitching eyes. “Feels like a real mess, I’m sure. But trust me when I say, it’s not bad. Not bad at all.” Umbra rolled her eyes at him and magicked the glass closer to her lips with quite some difficulty. As if she were attempting to drink from a led ball. “Pfft… you know nothing of my humiliation.” She barked at him with a similar volume. “They call me cruel and spiteful? Ha… I’d rather them to have beheaded me than subject me to this foul punishment.” Anon huffed and sipped his stinging drink along with her. Both shuddered at its sizzling feel as it moved through their guts. “Hm. I’m just trying to say. I didn’t want you in my house. You don't wanna be in my house. But, here we are. Both of us kinda got shafted on this one.” He grumbled, staring down at her now with the displeasure keen on his features. It was then and only then, that Umbra saw something in him that she hadn’t before. As if new stone had been revealed under centuries of grime and moss, a startling appearance struck her. Anon’s usual face of ugly lines and disgusting features now bore an all new manner of… allure. His masculine jaw, his stern brow, those piercing eyes. She could see in him, even in a face so different to those of her own kind, that he was serious. That he was not to be trifled with. That he was the man of this house. She could sense the authority behind his eyes, orbs of brilliant color that stung her right to the heart with barbs of attraction. Never had Umbra felt this intimidated. This small. This aroused. Her tail flicked and her expression softened ever so slightly, a heat building around her face as she ripped her gaze from his. What could possibly be so enthralling? What sort of magic was he using on her? Was this elixir they shared really a love potion disguised? She had to know, lest her bubbling mind make her do something she’d regret. Like show weakness to this vile human. “What is this potion you serve to me? It’s… unique.” Anon gave just the slightest little laugh before finishing his own share.   “You don’t have it, here. I happened to have a bottle with me when I came from my world.” He said, his own cheeks flushing red with the tinge of alcohol. “Made out of corn, yeast and water. Whisky.” Umbra nodded her head and took another sip of the fiery drink. It tickled her tongue and perked her mind, rousing it from a bored delirium of sitting around all day in a stew of hostility. She seemed to enjoy it, swishing it over her teeth and tongue to absorb its full flavor. In truth, she was really trying to discern what manner of potion it was. Imagined or not, she didn’t trust it. She needed Anon away from her as soon as possible. He grinned at her as if his guard had been lowered, beckoning the Queen to join him in a moment of friendship. At least until she turned her head and spit directly in his face. “There, commoner. I have improved your vile drink.” She hissed defensively, placing her glass back on the table and hoping that he’d take his handsome face somewhere else. The human slowly and thoughtfully stood up before wiping the smear of warm spittle from his face. She could feel his anger. She could feel the pounding heart in his chest as it shouted and screamed for him to take action. The masculine component within him loomed over her, sending electric zings of excitement that Umbra did her best to hide. “I am trying really, REALLY hard to be nice to you.” He said, clenching his fists tightly until the blood ran from his knuckles. “If you wanna fight me on this one, then remember this little tidbit. The harder you make this, the worse it’s gonna get for us.” The sheer anger in his voice kept peeling away at her shell, picking and pulling at her composure. How dearly she lacked companionship. Umbra never even knew this weakness lay in her. Perhaps it had been too long since she had known the authority of a stallion. The safety of male muscles. The thrill of being told what to do, for once. “Threaten me as you will, human.” Umbra chided in return, covering her wild blush with hooves of blanket. “I don’t make threats. I only do what I promise to do. Get yourself together, or maybe the princesses will cook up something even worse for you.” “What could be worse than this? Hm? You believe I can sink lower?!” She snapped at him, staring up at his leviathan shape. His deep breaths restrained a hidden anger, one that a slight part of her wished to see. Like wanting an animal to strike just to observe their raw power. Anon knelt down to meet her snarling face, whispering heavily. “We considered sticking you with Pinkie Pie. But Luna reminded us that in Equestria it’s illegal to torture ponies to death.” He huffed and trot off to his wife once more, leaving Umbra to bathe in her own miasma of arousal. “Bubby? Is everything okay?” Derpy hummed from upstairs, silenced quickly by what sounded like a deft kiss. “Forget about it. I got us stocked up for the winter… just need some down time.” “Anon you- OOH! That’s my… nnf.” Umbra’s ears couldn’t help but stand at attention, drinking in the rustling and bumping of Anon and Derpy’s “bonding.” “This is really nice. Gah… your hands are cold, Bubby.” “Like you don’t love it.” Anon answered back with a tone that melted Umbra’s mind. If only SHE could have a stallion that would talk to her like that. A stallion that wouldn’t quiver and yelp when her massive cloud of black magic engulfed him for a night’s fun. As ridiculous as it sounded to her, she was hanging onto every little word and sound the two made. Listening closer and closer until she was staring at the ceiling slack jawed and dripping with interest. “Mmph! Oh wowie-wow! NNG! A-anon!” Bumping and creaking sounded through the house, coupled with Derpy’s muffled cries of pleasure and bliss. Umbra could hear when Anon desperately covered her mouth, only to produce an all new symphony of melodic whimpers and squeals. She could feel the imaginary fingers digging at her coat. The strength he would use to snap her lips shut. The weight of his body holding her own down. The force of his hips beating against her rump as he claimed his territory. Her heart always lay with stallions of strong spirit and dominant tendencies and Anon sounded as if he could easily fit this role. Her eyes closed and pictured his touch creeping down her body. A stout hand grasping her throat whilst the other explored her marehood. Finally. Someone to match her. A shameful display, one that woke her from a fog of arousal before too long. An equal to contend to, a challenge to wake her mind from a millennia long stupor. All these centuries without a stallion worthy of her love. A stallion that could earn her respect. She found her sheets sullied and her surroundings silent once more, say for the fire warming the house. She touched her lips below and found the sugary juices flowed readily from within like rivers of shame. “Curses.” She mumbled, rolling about in a fit of satisfaction and heated yearning. The poor Queen could already tell the loving pair’s audible displays would be an all new kind of torment for her. > The Stone Cracks. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Stone Cracks. “My Sister, I can feel shifts in him. He is growing angrier by the day.” “I know. I have seen in it in him as well.” “Doth thou not worry? Shall we not consider that this may be his will weakening? The ice of winter need only the slightest crack in order to sink within and freeze.” “I am aware. But I am not worried.” “Are you not concerned that our stone may burst? Frigid and scarred by her wrenching and prying?” “No, my dearest Sister. His soul is her bane. What she does to him, will only combat her. The more that Umbra wishes to torment, the stronger he shall become.” “And if you are wrong? If this careful and dangerous game you play sinks the ship we stand upon?” “Then his wife shall be our buoy. She doesn’t know it, yet. But her fortitude far outpaces even the most profound evil.” Icy barbs carried on the wind in the middle of Ponyville’s market. Hissing along with a presence of discomfort, any exposed flesh was stripped of its heat and left bare. Fur and scarfs stood as a motley line of defense against it, but nothing could outpace nature’s endurance. Pony and human alike wandered about the square under the pelting punishment of winter’s front. “This… is the most profound evil I have ever seen.” A charcoal colored mare spoke to herself, wrapped up in a scarf of grey and yellow. Her flowing mane of twisting black kept most of her inner heat trapped against her, but the lashing winds saw fit to send shivers through her bones. The frozen tundra was nothing like this. Without her omnipresent and powerful magic, every little chill and tingle hit her mortal frame with a hammer’s force. An unbelievably freezing stint at the market, one worsened every second by her chaperone. “Nah, see? This one looks brown at the tip.” “I’m telling you, it’s fine.” “Hey, I ain’t serving rotten stuff to my family! Lemme pick a fresh one, or don’t charge so much.” “Nothing I sell is ‘rotten’ ya blubbering goof! And keep your voice down, will you?!” “Two bits, or replace it. Maybe someone else wants mushy carrots, but not me.” Umbra groaned loud as she could in a display of utter discontent, hoping Anon would perhaps show her mercy and move on. Many eyes were trained on her as she stood there and waited for him to wise up while her hooves were beginning to sink into the crunchy mud below. An air of judgement constantly surrounded her when she walked about this town. “Anonymous, by the powers that be, take your produce and GO!” “Just a second, woman. I’m trying to get a good deal, here.” The green-eyed sorceress moaned in absolute dread as the words left his lips. “Two bits or fresh. Take it or leave it.” Carrot Top sneered at him and scrunched her snout before relenting under the human’s haggling. “Two bits.” He smirked and paid her readily. “See, that’s how you do it.” Anon stated as he rejoined with Umbra. He opened the sack of newly acquired vegetables, removing a snack for himself in the form of a celery stick. “Them carrots weren’t even a little rotten! Cut the brown out and it’s just as good.” “Absolutely fascinating. I labor to learn more of this process.” The fuzzy mare answered with not hint of joy of energy in her voice. She carried herself still with a haughty and royal gait, albeit one that now sagged with the exhaustion of constant irritation. She had been walking around this market for hours now, swallowing every tidbit of useless information Anon spewed at her. Her humiliation had reached an all time high, the dress of a commoner and the stares of the townsfolk submerging her in a quagmire of anger. How she yearned to cast off these warm scarfs and magical inhibitors and use her powers. The turn everything she saw into a thin misting of ash and feel silence once more. To right the wrongs against her and seize what was clearly hers. The giddy thoughts of destruction and death distracted her from the painful reality long enough for a concerned Anon to pat on her neck. “Umbra? Hey. You dozing off on me?” She grunted and shook her head back to attention before quickly scoffing at him. “Don’t you touch me, human. Your filthy hooves will no doubt lace my coat with your stink.” She barked, despite the fact Anon wore gloves. Rather than back down from her, the burly human redirected their slow walk deeper into the marketplace. She had to follow him closely, part of the wards the Princesses levied binding her being to his own with invisible chains. “Alright, alright. I see you’re a little miffed right now. That’s cool.” Anon cooed, his voice both condescending and comforting at once. “C’mon. I’ll get ya hooked up for your troubles. You’ve been real good during our walk, so I figure you earned it.” “I am no dog for you, Anonymous. Consider your words careful-” “I know, woman. Jeez.” He grumbled, stopping before a most fragrant and homely stand. The apple family stood poised and stocked with all manner of delicious products, a slight fire going behind their stall in order to keep a massive vat bubbling away. Cinnamon, allspice and apple syrup linger through the air with an immediately soothing and familiar scent. A calming aura that only the most laborious and quality family could produce time and time again in Ponyville. The two were exceedingly lucky to catch the Apple’s between rushes of ponies seeking their treasures. “Big Mac. Looking well.” Anon greeted the hulking stallion leaning against the wooden counter. The pony man only nodded slightly in agreement, his green eyes transfixed by the ugly scowl Umbra cast on him. For such a squat and squishy looking mare, her unnaturally colored eyes could deliver a bone-chilling stare. “You guys still got that hot cider stuff? I need two of ‘em.” Once again the bulky stallion nodded, though much slower and considerate this time. A predator watched him closely and showed piercing fangs of pearly white. He needed to get away from her as soon as he could, even his unshakable composure could not handle Umbra. His sister however, who idly stood behind his beastly profile, was not so shaken. Applejack huffed and eyed the Queen with the same intense distrust and judgmental glower she always had. But now, the playing field was even. Umbra could be genuinely threatened in her weak and helpless state. “Anon. Evil witch.” She greeted. The charcoal pony’s nostrils flared and her eyes sharpened, skewering AJ with a spear’s sharpness. “Hey Applejack. How’s the winter been treating you guys?” “Good as it can… how’s it been lookin’ after this one?” Anon shrugged once more, placing his money on the table when the mugs of hot drink came. “Not as bad as I thought, really.” “Been awful quiet. You really put a muzzle on her, big man.” “Silence yourself, laborer!” Umbra snapped, snarling like a feral beast towards the farmer. “Oh no, YOU silence YOURSELF!” AJ retorted, rearing up on her stand to gain a height advantage. Umbra followed her lead, pushing Anon out of her way to make a point. However, she still couldn’t hope to match the height of Applejack’s muscular and powerful form on her hind legs. “Nasty, schemin’, good for nothin’ snake!” “Rancid, odorous, foolish cur!” “Evil, heartless, killer!” “Hideous, ignorant, moronic peasant!” Their noses nearly met in the display of thoughtless anger. The sheer energy pouring off them both was enough to silence every pony nearby and draw their attention to this exchange. Neither side would back down and continually raised the tension. Stubbornly, even when Applejack puffed out her toned chest in a display of dominance, Umbra only met it with her own fluffier and flabbier front. “That’s enough out of you.” Anon groaned in exasperation whilst grabbing Umbra by her snout. He effectively silenced her with his vice grip, sealing her mouth shut and manipulating her by the face quite easily. The whines and whimpers of resistance were nothing under his pushing and incredible strength. With only a second’s work, Anon had put Umbra back down on all fours and sent her into a squirming panic. “Sorry about that. She’s a little touchy about the whole ‘overthrowing’ thing.” Anon said, mostly to Big Mac. AJ responded with a stern huff of victory and tossed the mane from her harsh eyes. “Ya’ll oughta’ keep that one on a leash. Make sure she don’t bite nobody ‘round-” Anon similarly snapped her snout shout with his fingers. “AH! That’s enough out of you too! Don’t encourage her!” He commanded, forcing AJ to soften somewhat and return to her original stance. “Alright, alright! Dang, how’d ya get so strong, Anon?!” AJ grunted, taking his money and rubbing her sore snout. All the while, Umbra had hardly given up her attempts to yank her face out of the stony grasp the human maintained on her. “I dunno. Just always been that way.” He commented without much interest, taking their things and shouldering his sack of produce. “Heck, if’n ya need work, come on down sometime! We could use a boy strong as that.” “I’ll consider it. You guys take care.” It was only then that he allowed Umbra to open her mouth, instantly feeling regret for it when she sputtered and attempted to bite his fingers off. At the very least, AJ had turned around and stopped antagonizing the Queen. “Anonymous, you swine! How dare you handle me like that!” Umbra complained, all the while blushing under her coal fur. Truth be told, his raw strength had taken her by surprise. A welcomed surprise that tickled her in ways she wasn’t willing to admit. To feel such an authoritative and decisive grasp on her body was akin to blowing on heated coals and igniting the fire from within them one more. Of course, had he noticed in the slightest that she had enjoyed his little touch, she wouldn’t have hesitated to douse his face in the heated drinks he carried with him and stop the conversation right then and there. “A swine, huh? Really getting creative with the insults.” He snickered, gingerly sitting on the first empty bench they came across. With both mugs in hand and a satchel slung over his shoulder, the human was glad to take the weight off his spine and let himself relax slightly. “What’re you doing?” Umbra prodded sharply. “WE are having a drink. It is cold and you’ve been good. So c’mere.” The Queen reluctantly clambered onto the bench and mindfully left a foot of space between herself and the yammering man. “I obey no commands…” She grumbled inaudibly, quickly taking the offered mug in her lap rather than her weak magic. “What is this concoction?” Umbra questioned as Anon slugged back a healthy share for himself. “It’s a Hot Granny. Apple cider, cinnamon, spices and some secret ingredient that makes it tingle in your belly. Good stuff.” He answered, eagerly watching her. Naturally, the dark and brooding Queen was quite slow to accept such an explanation. Slowly and deliberately, she brought the mug to her lips and sipped only the tiniest helping of steamy brew into her maw. The feeling was instant and intense. A zing of spice that crashed on the tongue and washed over the entire mouth in a wave of comforting warmth. Sizzles and pops and creeps of deliciousness leached into every crevice of her maw and rushed through her nose until her entire face could feel the pungent flavor. Rocket speed forced it down her throat and into her belly, bursting out in a dazzling, sensational glow of delight she hadn’t felt in many eons. It must’ve been good, for she could hear the wretched chuckling pouring out of Anon’s mouth nearby. “So?” He asked, earning a bashful glare. “It is tolerable.” She grunted, enjoying a much larger swig once more. Her smug companion leaned back against the cold wood and drank in the winter goodness while it lasted. The heat of a good drink, the warmth of love in his heart and the cool winds to temper it all. Among the bustling ponies, there was safety and comfort to be found. A shadowing group long adjusted to him and his strange form such that he had become like one of them. Just another face among the kind and quiet people of Ponyville. It was this memory of older times that nurtured his waning sympathy for Umbra. Despite being a pony herself, she still stuck out any place she went. A jet black and fuzzy mare that bore a demonic horn and eyes so fearsome in color and shape that she more resembled a wild animal than any normal pony. He knew how it felt to watch as passerby stared and skittered away in a nervous show of distrust. True, he hadn’t attempted a violent overthrow of a monarchy. But the sentiment remained the same. His eyes tracked over her rotund, charcoal body and examined it for something to bring up. Perhaps a conversation starter that would wipe the expression of disgust and boredom off her face. “I like the bow.” He state, taking a single lock of her silky mane in hand to examine the red tie holding the end together. Umbra lifted an eyebrow and hissed at him as if he had presented her with a hunk of rubbish. “What nonsense do you speak of? I do not wear bows in my glorious mane.” He showed her the offending piece, expecting her to slap his hand from her hair or perhaps just spit in his eye. Instead however, Umbra did something unexpected. She softened and looked away from him stiffly. “Oh… that. It was not my doing. A relic from that accursed ‘mare time’ with your wife.” She replied with a husky voice lower in volume than her normal speech. Her ears pinned back against her head, as if she were trying to hide behind a slight bit of cover. “I like it! Red really is your color.” She scoffed at him and had another greedy drink of her Granny. “Do not give me such flattery. If your tongue was so silver, I would’ve already cut it out and made a crown of it.” Anon snickered once again at her seemingly bottomless hostility. The weave of mane dropped from his hand as it reached out and combed through to her shoulder. Her muscles twitched and her skin tensed like his fingers were hot pokers jabbing at the hide beneath. Her eyes met his, a gaze of killing seriousness meeting one of welcoming mirth. “Jeez, Umbra. You come up with that just today? Or did you have to really think about that one?” His gamble paid off, earning him not a slap in the face, but a nervous whine. “I don’t know, Anonymous. We are a thousand years old. We have much time to dream up proper ways to insult the likes of you.” His moving and stroking and squeezing fingers burned a hole through her and straight down to her very heart. The Queen’s sharp and calculating mind snapped and tore in strange ways like something brand new was happening to her. A shocking and jarring experience that her infinite wisdom and knowledge was unable to handle or comprehend. “Well there’s something new. You look great for your age.” “Anonymous!” She blabbered in embarrassment, finding herself totally unable to strike him in her usual manner. Instead, all the poor mare could do was flick her tail at him like a flirty school filly. What was happening to her? What was this crowbar in her heart peeling away at the crust of a millennia of bitterness? How could this putrid beast be eating his way into her core like fire on a log? She had to stop him. She had to say something, her defenses were rapidly failing. Every shield and wall of her personality began to crumble under the slight rubs along her back. The heat of another living body dripped through his glove and impregnated her fur with the enjoyment of contact. It was all at once alarming, maddening and unstoppable. Anon commanded tides against her, lashing her will to resist down and down with tidal waves of charm. “What’s the matter? Not used to compliments or something?” He asked confidently, Umbra’s savior coming in a most unorthodox shape. “Bubby? Umbra? Are you guys ready to go?” Derpy asked, her satchel bags bulging with food. Her gleeful smile and waiting eyes offered an avenue of priceless escape to the desperate mare. “YES. Let me leave this awful place at once!” She blubbered, hopping off the bench and trotting behind Derpy as if she were a pillar against Anon’s coaxing hands. Her hot granny came with her to be eagerly sipped behind the pillowy shape of the gray pony’s rear. The walk home allowed her to cool off the built up heat of such a tense moment. Steam seemed to pour out of her ears and rump with the excitement boiling off and her body returning to its defensive posture. Once again, the Queen found the strength to walk proud with head high among her “servants.” Derpy rode on Anon’s back as if she were his backpack, albeit one totally free of any weight. He happily carted her without question, naturally shouldering the mare and heaving every item in either hand like it was nothing. Truth be told, if Umbra could, she would’ve liked such treatment as well. It would do well to spare her hooves from the slushy mud below and allow the sloshing contents of her warm belly to settle comfortably. Regardless, she had to tolerate the sugary pair smooching and yapping the entire trip home, enduring their sickening love even after all parties had locked the door shut and shuffled back into the warmth of the house. Umbra ripped her blankets off the couch and created a nest before the hearth, allowing the radiating heat to soothe her tired muscles. “We’re making soup tonight. You in?” Anon called from the kitchen whilst the rustle of bags and cabinets could be heard. Umbra didn’t reply, choosing instead to cover her head with a fold of soft covers. “Mh… that means she REALLY wants soup.” Anon said with confidence, turning to his cutting board to resume his work. “I missed it, what did she say?” Derpy questioned above a pot of water set to boil. “Nothin’. I just know she does.” The mare naturally felt confusion strike at her husband’s words. Her squishy body moved in close and grappled onto his back so that their faces could close as possible and still not interrupt his vital cooking. “Where’d you learn that? Is it a human thing?” “Nah. I just learned it from you. Whenever you’re being grumpy, you lay down and don’t say anything. THAT’S when you want soup.” Cogs and gears and switches ticked along in her simple mind attempting to unravel his words, instead finding that her process of disjointed thoughts quickly derailed and left her clueless. “Learned it from me?” She asked in bewilderment. The playful snicker Anon let out was deeply infectious to poor Derpy and wasted no time in poisoning her little mind. She inched down and rested her snout against his ear to make sure not a soul could hear besides her husband. “What else did I teach ya?” Anon knew this mood in her. His mind had been conditioned by years of her love to know exactly what she wanted and how. Best of all, he knew exactly how to deliver. “Well… I know that when you kick your legs in your sleep, that’s a good dream. Or when you eat a whole bag of pretzels by yourself, you’re sad and need some sugar.” Derpy cooed in wonder, nibbling on the lobe of his funny ear. “I know when you put on those stripey socks, don’t mean you’re cold.” She giggled at him and kicked on his back with hind hooves powered by childish energy. “What DOES it mean, mister Smarty Pants?” Anon could hardly contain his bursting need to please her. The cork holding in his will to blurt out something lurid and nasty shortly before throwing her to the counter and ravishing her drab figure twitched and faltered under the pressure of her overbearing attention. But he held strong. Rather than turn the evening into another awkward display for his guest, the human took hold of his mare’s mane and pulled her even closer. “Means you wanna get warm with Bubby.” He huffed into the slight space between their noses, finishing off the speech with a kiss. A light and adoring smooch untainted by the bubbling lust within them both. A smooch between man and mare that one could show to their children and not scar them for life. A pure display of love that melted Derpy into a barely coherent mess of pony bits and fluttering wings. “Mmmmph… I love you Bubby.” She mumbled as her hooves barely kept their grip on his broad shoulders. The human graciously carted her about as he cooked and prepared the dinner for the night, all the while watching snow pile outside of the windows. Darkness consumed the land and dumped the helping of snow in a blinding flurry of thick chunks and dusty crystals. The front of white rapidly piled up on the icy ground beneath in airy and doughy hills forged from unbelievable cold. One would be left blind, freezing and helpless in the streets of Ponyville, for even the streetlights were totally blotted out by the blizzard attack. It was in this torrent of snowfall that Anon finished his soup, a winter-time treat that he rarely made by always meticulously considered. Steamy smells flooded the kitchen and plumed outwards as he ladled it into heaping bowls. Umbra had drifted off into a state somewhere between sleep and dying of boredom before the clink of ceramic on hardwood woke her from the lulling trance. “Eat up. It’s still good cold, but way better warm.” Anon commanded as he and Derpy reclined on the couch. The man and pony squirmed and wiggled into position awkwardly at first but quickly melded together into a great pile before too long. Anon lay on his back in utter relaxation as Derpy used him like a mattress. Her haunches mushed down on his hips and her head came to rest below his chin, a bowl of soup placed precariously in the fold of his arm. Umbra found it both revolting and alluring all at once. On one hand, the Queen could hardly stand the squeaks and giggles of content that Derpy let out when Anon’s powerful hands combed down the small of her back and scrubbed over the sides of her flank. But then again, she could only imagine what luxury it must’ve been to be fed and cuddled simultaneously. Anon made it look effortless, spooning him and his woman helpings of broth and still managing to massage the grey pony into a paste atop him. The charcoal mare huffed to herself and refused to look any longer. Her green eyes of frustration trained back onto the smoldering logs warming her front and the soup she had to eat. At the very least, Anon had remembered her preference for the biggest serving. She WAS a Queen, after all. Churning in a clean broth, celery, rice, peppercorns, carrots and onions mingled together with an appetizing scent. Generally she would consider anything made in a pot and served via ladle “dirty peasant grog,” but her empty stomach could see no other sustenance. She was still adjusting to food, her previous ethereal state allowing her to subsist on nothing but the magical energies of the tundra. But in her mortal form, her ancient vices of gluttony began to catch up with her. A timid taste of the concoction left her shattered and stirring with great conflict. She would never compliment Anon to his face, never admit weakness to the enemy and be so weak. Her reputation lay on the line, no followers would ever serve a Queen that could be thwarted by a bowl of soup! The shingles of black crust peeling off her heart spelled her doom quickly, though. Before too long she found herself drinking straight from the bowl like a starving farmer back from the fields. It was delicious. “Mh… Anon I must admit. You are not an atrocious cook.” Umbra mumbled through wet lips. The human opened a single eye as he continued scratching on the back of Derpy’s head. “Oh yeah?” The Queen shifted her covers slightly, pulling them over her enormous and fluffy mane like a hood.. “You’re only an awful cook.” Anon couldn’t help but laugh quietly to himself. “I’m making progress, at least.” “Indeed, whatever you wish to call it.” She grumbled, chugging down yet more warm and smooth broth. The entire bowl disappeared within a matter of minutes, as if poured straight down a drain leading to Umbra’s stomach. Her somewhat bulbous and silky belly jiggled with the mass of nourishing food. But much as it burned her to do it, she needed seconds. With her magic being so powerfully restrained, there was no way she could ever get herself another helping without spilling it all over her face. She tactfully and quietly approached the dazed couple, who had also put an entire bowl away between them. Anon was at least gracious enough to ignore her until she poked his face rudely with the warm ceramic. “More.” She chided him without receiving a response. “Awaken and heed your Queen! MORE.” The mare nearly punched Anon with her bowl, beating him in the cheek mercilessly. “Lemme get that for you. Bubby needs his snooze.” Derpy offered with the sweetest of squeaks. The wobbly mare stood and took the dish away from the angered Queen, sparing Anon’s face further harassment. Waiting for her helping however, Umbra’s eyes couldn’t help but creep over the figure of the reclined human. The man wore little more than his pants and undershirt, allowing just enough exposure to light a fire in her already churning guts. She admired the smooth and firm surface, warm to the touch like a stone set out in the spring sun. Writhing with lazy life and eternally welcoming to her, she could feel the pull that Derpy must’ve been hypnotized by. Her lips twitched and her ears flicked, quickly checking to see if Anon was watching her. Luckily, his eyes remained closed and gave her perfect cover. Her nostrils flared at the faintest hint of his masculine scent. A unique and subtle aroma of manliness that she had rarely seen in her life. A lure to mares, coaxing them closer and closer without ever speaking a word. Umbra mindlessly stepped forward with the greatest caution, listening closely for Derpy. The wifely mare struggled to get the portion into it’s dish, allowing her housemate to ogle her husband freely. The dark sorceress could already imagine what it must’ve felt like to have such a cushion of stallion all to herself. To greedily spread out on his broad body and listen to the music of his heart beating against her ear. How wonderful it would be to have his fingers combing through her monstrous mane and relaxing every muscle. The more she dreamed up such beautiful images, the more lurid she allowed herself to become. Perhaps just a little brush of his knee against her waiting marehood. Or a slight dribble of her hot affection on his loins. The smell of which would ignite male instincts and begin the righteous affection. A king’s girth would be the only size that she could imagine for Anon’s hulking frame of muscle and sinew. A pride worthy of her royal garden that would breed her with shocking skill. His power holding her down and his voice hollering to the mountain tops in her name. Soft and wet mare meeting hard and fast human in a sloppy coitus so loud that the town would assume Umbra had become a demon once more. It would be a coupling to rival all others, even dragons would quake upon hearing their lust. Her eyes closed and her tailed lifted, just the slightest bit of release leaving her inflamed folds and splattering on the carpet between her legs.   “Here ya go, Umbra!” Derpy cheered with unnecessary volume that deeply startled the delirious Queen. She twitched and flared in magical energy with her defensive reflexes taking over. A crimson bolt fired from the end of her menacing horn and struck the bowl Derpy kept a slippery hold on. Tragically, the contents and the heavy dish tumbled right onto Anon’s snoozing face like a waterfall of shame. Silence gripped the house when he sputtered and kicked about in distress, flinging particles of delicious soup and mushy vegetables all around him. “BUBBY!” Derpy whined, landing on his chest and cupping his shaking head in her hooves. Quite a goose egg began to form his skull had been bashed by the heavy bowl, purple spots bleeding outwards where his blood vessels had been burst open. “Why did you do that?!” Derpy barked at Umbra with surprising strength in her voice. Umbra had to pull back from the wild, yellow eyes staring holes through her face in sudden surprise. “What’d he do to you?!” “Cease these harsh words, child! It was an accident on my part, nothing more!” Umbra answered, backing down with a shiver in her spine. Embarrassment began to eat away at her like salt water at a ship’s hull. A horrible gnawing sensation crept through her that worsened with each moment Derpy guarded Anon. “Pfuh… bleck… I’m gonna stop cooking for you, woman. My face can’t take anymore.” Anon said quietly underneath the watchful stance of his wife. Her wings flared defensively, splaying out to make her appear bigger and more threatening to the predator she saw in Umbra. Her dark colored adversary took the hint and backed off from her territory. “Idiots! You know not when pure misfortune strikes you!” She barked, bashfully covering herself in the cloak of blankets strewn out on the floor. The Queen rushed in a most unbecoming manner toward the stairs, flinging herself up them with angst trailing behind. “I am not the source of all your mistakes, Derpy!” Her final words for the night came with a crack in her voice that elevated its pitch to humiliating levels. Umbra threw herself into the vacant room and slammed the door behind her, making sure everyone knew just how furious she was. But Derpy was still unshaken, for her human needed consoling and nurturing if he were to return to full health. Once the mess had been cleaned from the couch, Derpy cleaned the mess from Anon himself. Both sat in the upstairs bathtub and scrubbed the grimy film from his face. Derpy made sure his hair was especially spotless, her tangles of human locks more precious than any amount of wealth the whole of Equestria. Her hooves smeared and lathered copious amounts of shampoo into his scalp, careful washing freeing him of any unwanted bits or smells besides his own lovely aroma. It was such a process that Anon grew tired of her compulsive scrubbing, reaching out and taking her by the barrel in his arms. “That’s enough of that.” He huffed, mushing her backwards into his chest and securing the blushing mare. “Anymore washing and you’re gonna hit the bone.” He mumbled into her ear, running his palm over her underside to feel the pure bliss of her wet coat. Derpy didn’t relax immediately, still bent on healing Anon as soon as possible. But the more he massaged her down, the less concern she showed. Before too long, both were limp and still in the water. Anon was glad to have his peace, at least. Just a moment to himself so he could enjoy his mare’s feel and weight bearing down on his chest. Her wings twitched and shuddered against his pectorals while her legs kicked gently in the water. The dock of her tail brushed against his manhood in provocative ways he knew she didn’t intend, but the man wasn’t keen on exploiting this. He was sure Derpy didn’t feel the need either. “Anon?” Derpy questioned quietly, running a hoof along the beefy forearm that acted as a brace across her chest. “Yes, Baby?” “What do you think made Umbra so mean?” The human shrugged and thought over his answer for a moment or so. “I couldn’t tell you.” Derpy smeared her snout against the hard and steady muscle in his bicep. “Do you think she’s just like that? Like all the ponies in town say?” “Mh… probably not.” He answered, groggily adjusting himself so Derpy’s chin came barely an inch above the waterline. “There’s really not many ‘bad’ people… or ponies. They just think they’re evil or mean or whatever and they stick with it.” Derpy turned herself ever so slightly on his chest, just enough to meet his gaze. “But she hurt you Anon. And she’s always yelling at you. That’s not what good ponies do!” He shook his head and embraced her tight, allowing his muscles to clench down on her mushy and chubby body. “Alright look, here’s the difference. You know timber wolves?” She shook her head, absentmindedly making small circles on his belly with an affectionate hoof. “See, timber wolves are like that because that’s just the way they are. They don’t choose that life, they just live it.” He answered, Derpy seemingly getting only parts of it. At least judging by the cross eyes rolling about in her sockets. “Ponies are different. A pony chooses to be mean, even if they really aren’t. So, therefore, they can also choose to be nice. It’s our job to point them in the right direction. You see what I’m getting at?” He waited for her response, only to watch her ears pin to her head and her face smothered down into his neck. “Right… no. Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a plan.” He grumbled, peacefully hoisting his mare up and out of the tub. Perhaps by morning, the tension will have died down in the house. > Can't Dam the River. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can’t Dam the River. “I am a drop in a sea of vast idiocy.” “Where did I leave those keys?” “I’ll make a good carpet weaver, one day.” “Eeyup.” “Can you be a good stallion and still be afraid of spiders?” Countless thoughts fired past the ears of the keen night princess. In her lair of towering books shelves, satin sheets and constellations maps Luna lay in the very middle of it all. A trance of focus and magic engulfed her as she worked and exercised her gift. The dream trotter scoured over the litany of sleeping thoughts and vivid dreams within her domain. An endless show that called out in unison to her for all manner of things. Some for help, other for wealth and more without structure or reason to their ramblings. Thousands of years of practice had taught her how to hone in on those in true need. Which ponies were in true need of guidance from the ruler of their expansive land. Under the cover of silence and skilled movement, she shifted and oozed through the mental fields of dreams until the one she sought lay exposed. A reddened and rash dream, rife with emotion and projecting intense energy. She could smell this one, it was so intense. Sooty ash and wet steel, like war soaked with rain. Umbra’s mind really had one track, she found. Dipping into the sphere of the sorceress’ mind, Luna discovered the genuine scope of her drive. The entirety of Canterlot rested under a canvas of red sky in a state of utter ruin. Buildings and ponies spread out like a farmland of nothing but crackling blackness sizzling with unnatural heat. Lashing winds carried the stench of rotting meat and rust melded together in a vile potion. Flying above the carnage, her teal eyes spied the tower she called home and the occupant looking out over the anarchy. Umbra, crowned and dressed, admired her work. A desolate wasteland of suffering, death and slavery. But one that was loyal only to her. The pure content she showed in a horrorscape like this brought churning bubbles of sickness and anguish to Luna’s face, even the most horrific of nightmares were unlike this clear and crisp image of doom. Something had drawn the Queen away from her window, as if a voice called to her from within the ruined castle. Luna was sure to exploit this opportunity and probe deeper into the mare’s twisted mind. A shadow in form and deathly silent, the night princess blended into the stone walls and dusty floors of the old castle. Just behind Umbra’s flowing cloak of red and white, she made sure to catch every little detail. “The General has arrived on time. He says his mission in old Ponyville was successful, but he needs to discuss details with you, Majesty.” Her assistant mumbled helplessly, avoiding eye contact with the winding rows of chained slaves waiting to be assigned their duties. “Prepare the main chamber and be quick about it. I shall need the entire night to speak properly with him.” The young assistant only nodded in agreement, hurriedly jotting everything down on a clipboard the unicorn’s magic could barely bear to hoist at eye level. “Your other meetings have been cancelled, per your request, Glorious One! What shall we do with the ambassadors?” “Behead them and clean their skulls. I so desire more decorations for my wardrobe.” The black mare stopped before a great pair of hulking doors, ones that Luna recognized as the barrier between the castle and the outside pavilion. Burned inside and out, their black and crusty masses creaked with enormous volume when slaves began to pull them open. Familiar faces forced to carry ropes in iron muzzles so the Queen could command them at any time. All this suffering paled in comparison to the sight the seething princess laid eyes on next. Clad head to toe in heavy armor of hammered steel, a figure unlike that of a pony stepped forward. Leaving the hellscape behind him, this hulking beast clanked and clattered like he were filled with buckles and clasps beating against one and other in a drum. A warrior with a demon’s shape, spines of metal that seemed utterly useless in any situation other than intimidation brought a crooked grin the rotten Queen’s snout. Stopping just before the squat mare, the anthropomorphic monster knelt down and set his blade aside. Astutely and respectfully, the horror let its helmeted head droop down in honor of the ebony mare. “Oh mighty and righteous Umbra, she who hath bested her foes and taken all that can be taken. I beg you to welcome me into your home.” It rumbled with a voice she knew. One muffled under roasted metal. “Stand, my lovely. This home is your own, so says I.” Umbra replied, shivering and lifting her tail when the monster stood tall once more. “Come. We have much to discuss.” Luna hid herself away in the grand hall they chose to spoke in, her heart sinking with such terrible sights plastered all around. The heads of her allies and friends behind glass, priceless relics resting in a great fire and the walls of her eternal home painted over with the face of a dramatic tyrant. Umbra was sure and boastful of her power, leading the marching metal man to a most unusual set up. A sofa lay in the center of this grand hall, surrounded by silky sheets and cushions of the finest knit. “Unwelcome ones begone.” Her voice roared through the room, sending all the servants skittering away like cockroaches under the sunlight. Knowingly and brashly, the mare turned about and faced her only guest. “Your Master wishes to see that face. Take it off.” She commanded, her grin toothy as a tiger’s. The figure did as he was commanded, thoughtfully sliding the heavy helm from his head to reveal a surprising person below. Anon, his face smeared with soot and his features much darker than Luna remembered, presented himself. His own cocky smile revealed the effects of corrupting magic in him. Sharpened teeth, unnatural eye color and darkened skin brought on by ancient and forbidden magic. It morphed flesh and bone just as much as it did one’s mind, permanently scarring the user with obvious signs of devious intent. Anon looked the part as Umbra did, setting his heavy and menacing helmet down on the nearest surface. “How I’ve longed to be commanded by you, once more.” He said, his voice rattling through Luna’s ethereal body in thunderous waves. Umbra mewed in giddy excitement, clambering onto the enormous couch elegantly. “Then do as I say and come here, my love.” He happily obliged her, sitting close to the relaxing Queen. It was a wonder his spiky and ridiculous armor didn’t shred the cushions beneath him, spines of black and bladed plates nesting naturally as he leaned forward. Hands clasped in shadowy gauntlets reached out to take her hoof in their metallic and sharp fingers. Claws ran across the steel of her graceful shoe in only the most gentle and loving ways, bringing it to the mouth of the deformed human for a kiss. The smooch brought Umbra obvious and visible pleasure, her ears perking and flicking when the warmth of human lips met her body. “Mmmph… it has been far too long since I’ve felt your devotion, my Love.” “And it has been a travesty that such rabble has kept me from giving it.” He replied quickly, smooching up her leg in loving pecks. She giggled and tossed her brilliant mane of bushy black. “Oh? Did you miss me, dear? Was your heart yearning for the glory and grace of your Queen?” By the time she had finished her sentence, the human had reached her neck with his loving touches. Teeth hardened into fangs nibbled at the fur and flesh, tickling her ever so slightly. “You don’t know the half of it, your Brilliance. Without the sight of your divine beauty, I hardly have the patience for combat.” She crooned and flexed her muscular neck as he worked such magic on her. An invitation to worship further that wasn’t ignored. “Rrrrrg, tell me more.” Anon snickered against her, bringing one of his hands to her cheek and cupping it in a sharp grasp. “Every day without your glory is like fire burning my flesh. My eyes roast and itch without your powerful visage to give me strength. Serving your righteous cause is my only reason for being, my entire purpose in this life, my Queen.” She and him stared into one and other’s eyes, so deeply entranced by the swirling vitriol within. Umbra swooned for this atrocious slaughterer of the innocent and the helpless. A metal clad monster she had perverted out of a well meaning human that meant no harm to anyone. Now, Anon was little more than a slave to do her dirty work and speak nothing but praise about her. “Show me your teeth, snap your jaw at me once more.” Anon requested, a rare time that he could ask anything from the Queen. Umbra dutiful clapped her jaws at him, gnashing her pearly fangs mere millimeters from the tip of his nose. Meaty clunks of her muscular maw apparently were quite exciting to Anon, making his entire body quake in response. “RRG! Yes! Such peerless beauty in you!” He huffed, holding her head adoringly between razor fingers. “Come and partake in this beauty, my love! Your Master lusts to feel your strength around here once again!” Luna could hardly stand to watch anymore, even if her very purpose here was to keep watch on Umbra. Bathing in this wretched dungeon picked at her heart from every angle, an unbelievable aggravation she couldn’t stand. But at the same time, her eyes couldn’t pull away when the monstrous Anon leaned forward and kissed the ebony mare. Umbra moaned through his maw as their blackened tongues tied together sloppily and noisily. Slurping, smacking and slobbering against one and other, the two were clearly motivated by nothing other than pure lust. Umbra bent to the strength of her human, leaning backwards under his encroach of wet kisses. She twitched and quivered at the feel of his cold, metal hands combing over the curves of her body. Claws that could easily slice through bone were now commanded to love and comfort her. Anon brutalized her with his heated kisses, pushing the rotten Queen further and further until she lay pinned beneath him. Her legs wrapped about his torso and narrowly dodged the slicing plates of his heavy armor, embracing her slave and drinking in his power. “Uuuaaaghh! Nnf- yes, yes! Ooooh, you insatiable beast!” She gasped before diving back in for another wet and gnashing smooch. Their fangs clacked together and their tongues blasted through one and other’s lips in stabbing motions of lusty release. “Mmwuah! Cease, stop! Stop!” She howled under him, her arms wrapped tightly about his neck. “Remove that plate, do it now!” The rude little mare barked at him, accelerating the process with her intrusive magic. The human barely had time to undo buckles and clasps before her red aura began ripping things off of him and flinging them across the room. Some so hard, that the metallic dress embedded stiffly in opposite walls of the hall. His cuirass and gauntlets were gone, exposing his bare chest of scars and burns and thick muscles. His bare hands reached for his greaves, but found them both restrained under further magic. “No! Leave them on… I adore such an imposing bottom half.” Umbra hissed, spreading both legs in her reclined position. “You’re admiration of this armor is endless, my Queen. Perhaps I should just show my devotion in full battle dress?” “No, my Love. For then, I’d never get the proper use of those fingers.” Her eyes focused sharply on his dexterous digits, eager to have them once more. Anon responded smartly, bringing himself close to her exposed hips. The heat radiating off of her boiling, pulsing and oozing marehood brought droplets of sweat to his face. Despite the omnipresent fires of Umbra’s new kingdom, nothing could match the heat of her body. Anon huffed for breath near her steamy entrance, mindfully running fingertips over the contours of her dark folds. “Rrrrg… too true, my Master. I would be deeply saddened without the opportunity to feel your most beautiful piece with my very hands.” He mumbled with heavy voice, marveling at her sopping cunt and its wafting musk. “You love it, don’t you?” “Yes, yes! I cannot get over it!” He replied, clearly growing more bothered and heated from the silky and wet texture. “I’ve never seen such perfection and beauty in another creature. Yours is simply divine!” The Queen hollered in feminine whines as the human spread her gash, drawing himself near to her winking entrance. “It’s maddening. Your body trumps all that live, Mighty Umbra.” His words earned him a pat on the head by her haughty hoof just moments before he rammed a pair of fingers into her clenching tunnel. The Queen bucked and writhed like a worm pulled from the Earth when the pleasure zapped through her spine and wrecked her mind. “Mmph! Anonymous, you beast!” Her booming calls echoed off the stone walls in shaky tones, rattling the ancient foundation of the castle. His digits dug deep into her vortex of flesh and gushing nectar, the winking bulge of her clitoris subjected to harsher stimulation. Anon clamped his maw over her pulsing button, suckling and lapping on it like a primitive animal. Luna could hear the slurps and gulps of Umbra’s muscular tunnel flexing about him, squeezing and milking movements sucking his pumping fingers endlessly and hungrily. A third slowed neither down, only serving to drive the Queen wilder with shrieks of delight and send more of her sticky pleasure gushing across the sofa. Her eyes rolled about in their sockets helplessly, a black tongue falling from her open mouth in a state of lurid ecstasy. Her heart pounded inside her walls, pulsing so hurriedly that Anon could feel it within her. The canal nearly broke his fingers with the godly pressure it could deliver in all directions. “Yessss! You love this, my Majesty?” She couldn’t respond, merely huffing and hollering rhythmically as a train engine. “Cry for me, Umbra! Shout to the heavens your love for me!” He hissed and pressed with titanic force on her squishy love. His fingers plowed through flesh and folds alike without compromise or mercy until they were stopped by the firm barrier to her womb. A clenched cervix that quickly faltered and spasmed when he touched it stood as the only thing between his encroaching digits and her most fertile garden. The kicking mare grit her fangs together and shrieked like fire had been lit on her face. His touch pounded and beat on her deepest and most sensitive spots, each and every nerve within tweaked like a musician skillfully plucking at the strings of an instrument. Wild bolts of pleasure shot through her uncontrollable body, bubbling away an semblance of sense of dignity. “NNF- MMMMMH! YES!!! By the divine, YES! Give me all you can, my King! Breed me endlessly! I want all of you! All of you and more!” She cried to the very clouds, a shattering orgasm literally tearing apart the reality around her. Pulsing contractions of agonizing pleasure destroyed the fabric of her dream with rippling distortions of failing control. Her mind shifted priority from the visage of this nightmarish castle, back to the inky blackness of the empty dream realm. Luna was catapulted out, along with the furnishings of the room in a blast of release. A swirling mess of a climax, the Night Trotter watched from afar as Umbra’s dream sputtered and flickered into nothingness. A moment of silence passed while the disturbed princess got her thoughts back together in a state of alarm. Without another word, she rose from her trance in a sweaty haze of strain. “Anon… by the Moon, what have we done?” She gasped quietly, rising to shaky hooves and quickly leaving her room behind. A message had to be taken to her sister before too long. Luna trot with speed and purpose for her sister’s chambers. Celestia had to know that Umbra’s mind still lay rife with horror and lust for power. The Princess could only imagine what a mind twisted and contorted by evil like hers could do when stuck in a helpless town of easily influenced laborers. Bursting through the door’s of her Sister’s chambers, Luna was keen to wake the sleeping alicorn with both volume and shakes of magic. “Celestia, rise! Riseth ye!” Her alabaster sister rolled slightly in her enormous nest of satins and silks, only opening a single eye for Luna. “Umbra remains untouched by our plan! She only grows more ambitious under the Human’s watchful eye!” Celestia grumbled and sat up in her bed to properly respond. “My sister… the sun hasn’t even come over the horizon. Is this really necessary?” Luna recoiled with insult painting her face. “What? Hath ye ears to hear me?! I am speaking of dire matters!” Celestia grinned inexplicably at her straining sibling. “Luna… do you remember what I said?” The Dream Trotter did not soften her expression at this question. “The harder she pushes, the more resistance he will offer. Did I not assure you properly?” “I hath seen her dreams. She doesn’t relent, she is only stewing in her own vices and lusts.” “She hasn’t had much time to adjust, I would assume she would be this way.” “She is too dangerous. We were mistaken to think one corrupted as her could be swayed by our values.” “He is stronger than you credit him for. His is a soul that she fears.” “I fear you are delusional, sister. You put too much faith in one human.” “I understand your fears, truly I do. But I would never trust a mind like hers to just anyone without consideration.” “I suppose you wouldn’t… though your rashness is documented, sister.” “Then we compromise. If within a month she has not turned on her old ways, we act. If within a month she has made progress, we carry on as usual.” “You are a gambler, my sister.” “And you are a pragmatist. That is why we rule together.” > Melodramatic Mess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melodramatic Mess. Umbra felt the ethereal hand of reality slap her to life in the very early morning. A sudden and uncomfortable awakening in a place she didn’t quite remember, bathed in darkness and freezing cold. Under the blankets, the air smelled heavy and pungent with her own steamy fumes of sweat and mindless pleasure. An aroma she wasn’t used to, centuries having passed since she was even a normal mare and not a cloud of evil vapor. “Typical… how disgusting.” She grumbled, lifting her head from underneath the igloo of blankets she had piled around herself. Just barely visible from the cloak of the darkness, she could make out the contours of the guest bedroom she had retreated into the night prior. Rubber ducky patterned drapes, picture frames she had ripped the photos out of and old furniture she’d imagine only a peasant grandma would cherish. The cozy feel annoyed the Queen to no end and brought her disgust rather than comfort. Even worse, the bitter cold of the snow raining outside had dropped the temperature within Derpy and Anon’s abode. A bone chilling air descended on her, encouraging the helpless mare to hide deep in her cocoon of blankets and quilts. Then again, she found the more she pushed back, the less comfortable her splatters of sticky fluids became. Mashing against her rump and painting her raw cunt with the quickly cooling filth, her own wet dream had come back to bite her. She snarled quietly at such defiance, wondering what she could possibly do. A thought struck her, but a thought that instantly angered her. An idea so stupid, so ill-conceived and revolting that Umbra was ready to chide herself for imagining it. A perverted and idiotic plan that would never work and should have never been brought up in the first place. Perhaps Anon and Derpy’s bed might have a spot for her. The words stung like bees in her mind, kicking wildly just as her legs did as they tried to get comfortable. To no avail they contorted and wiggled within the weave of blankets, each step of progress somehow letting in the biting air of the frigid room. Her patience began to wear thin and her need for rest heavier on her mind. Maybe muscling in on Anon and Derpy’s turf wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Given how pliant and tolerant of her they had been, Umbra hardly doubted they would be so cruel as to bunt her from their bed. So, humiliated and grumbling, Umbra wrapped herself in a robe of blankets for the long journey. The wet spot quickly drew in the cold and amplified it, bringing her back a terrible chill as she waddled through the halls. Seemed the entire house was icy cold, her breaths faintly condensing before her snout. Stealthily as a chubby mare could, Umbra nosed her way through their door and crept into the fragrant bedroom. An awful little maneuver it was to get past the ajar door. Umbra’s hips had widened beyond her memory and caught bumps from every jut and jab hiding out of her view. The cushion of her warm flesh meant she didn’t hurt in the slightest, but her pride took a severe beating when her flank clapped on not only the door, but its frame, the nearby bureau and the nightstand. The couple’s room always smelled powerfully of Derpy, a distinctively sweet and feminine scent that laced into everything with all her shedding fur and feathers. Clothes of both man and mare littered the floor, each article carefully dodged by the graceful steps of the wrapped Queen. She came closer and closer to the bed spread, her heart pounding and her blood running cold as the air around her. “Anonymous? Anonymous, wake.” She whispered so quietly that even her own ears struggled to pick up on the sound. No response came to her, boiling her belly with rage. “Dim witted human! Anonymous!” She barked, still quietly as possible in the shrouded room. She leaned closer in frustration to inspect the lump she assumed was the rude human ignoring her. Instead however, all she discovered was one slumbering mare drooling on her pillow. “Muh-muh… buh… bring me all the toast… Bubby.” Derpy cooed to herself, fluttering her wings underneath the heavy blankets piled high on her warm body. Umbra scoffed at the ridiculous display before her. Where could Anon possibly be at this hour? It was still pitch black, severely cold and so still in the house that it seemed impossible he could be hiding somewhere she could not immediately find out. The grouchy and groggy Queen quickly snuck from the bedroom and set about her search for this source of warmth she desperately needed. Nothing in the bathroom. No movement in the pantry. Not a breath in the kitchen. Only the living room proved fruitful in anyway, in that she learned why it had become so cold. The fireplace Anon was normally responsible for maintaining had disintegrated to embers, leaving nothing but the simpering coals. The lack of flames meant no real heat moved through the house, enraging Umbra. She righteously sought him out with even further zeal, combing through the house until she discovered a yet unseen door. A narrow piece just behind the kitchen she had failed to notice in her short time here. Her thinning patience commanded she open the door and storm down the rocky stairs she encountered. A cellar that had been hidden from her knowledge. A cellar that stank deeply with the scent of manliness. She could smell him in the air, a sweaty and funky creep of warmth that only unwashed muscles and pumping testosterone could really produce. It both abhorred and lured her, a line hooked into her cheek that pulled the Queen deeper and deeper into this den of stink. She turned the slight corner to find Anon himself, standing there with great metal bars and masses of stone all around him. Sweat glistened in the valleys and contours of his developed muscles, painting an unreal picture for Umbra to behold. She could not put the words to her attraction. Alien sensations cracked off in her mind like firecrackers on a far off horizon with no control. Ambient light blasted from a nearby lantern and perfectly outlined each and every little detail on him. Umbra had to stop and let her mouth open, a sudden flash of imagery blinding her rational mind. Sharp teeth, dark skin, powerful fingers. A quick spark that woke her from a deep trance, the Queen gathered herself quickly and huffed up the energy to speak. He hadn’t noticed her just yet, still focused on doing curls with homemade weights rather than keenly watching his back. Frankly, she was insulted by his obliviousness. To Umbra, at least, it was clear she had just come in. The clop of hooves, the rustle of blankets, her heated and heavy breaths- did he truly hear none of it? She could only imagine that he was ignoring her, angry like a bratty child over that ridiculous soup incident. Quick to pass judgement, a weak red energy grasped onto the bar he lifted and pressed downwards with all the strength Umbra had. A weight that normally wouldn’t crush a walnut, but when applied to a bar laden with a crude and heavy load… “C’mon! RRRG! GUH! C’mon, man! DO IT!” The veins in his neck bulged so thick and strained, it seemed the blood would burst from him any second. Zings of pain blasted through his muscles as they struggled to lift the last bit of weight holding them down until he couldn’t handle it any longer. His joints were mere moments from giving out under the strain of intense work and an intrusive unicorn. “GUUAH!” He groaned, dropping the concrete straight on the floor with quite a racket. Umbra huffed and showed her chest indignantly. “That will teach you to ignore your Queen, human! Now face us and be addressed!” The man jumped and whipped about in shock like someone had jabbed him in the back. “WHOA!!! What’re you doin’ down here?!” He gasped, sucking for breath and dripping with his fatigue. “You have let the fire go out and now, I am freezing straight into my grave upstairs!” Anon rolled his eyes at her with absolute exhaustion. “Are you for real right now?” “I am most certainly ‘for real’ you absolute cretin! Fix the fire and perhaps I won’t lash you with my tongue further, like you deserve!” Umbra commanded, earning little more than Anon’s absolute surrender. He groaned and pulled a rather large weight custom made from a hunk of stone. “Umbra, I gotta ask you something.” He said, peacefully offering her another seat. She only stared at him in a mix of confusion and frustration. “C’mon then. Have a seat.” “Are you commanding me, human?” “For the love of God.” He moaned, rubbing the sweat from his brow. “Relax and just sit down. I’ll light the fire again in a minute.” Umbra only humored him to speed up the process. Truth be told, if she had to endure this maddening scent any longer the blankets wrapped about her would only be further sullied by her excitement. Her bubbly rump mushed into the hard stone beneath her, molding and squishing around the shape like melting rubber. “Make it quick, vile human. Lest this fetid air bring up my dinner.” She scolded, naturally refusing to look him in the eye. “Lemme just ask you. Do you think this situation is MY first choice?” “Do I really care?” “The answer’s no. But that doesn’t mean I’m sitting here all day and night brooding on and on about it. Okay?” He begged, his voice absolutely laden with strain from his exercise. “I’m trying my best to work with you. I don’t want this to be any more painful than it already has to be. Don’t you feel the same way?” “I FEEL you should be boiled alive. Along with every other child that oppos-” “Oh my God, SHUT UP.” A sudden roar ruffled the fur on Umbra, more so than any noise she had heard in decades. Groaning glaciers and writhing magic could barely put up a match to Anon’s aggravated and echoing voice. Her jaw snapped shut and her eyes widened in the absolute shock of seeing this human lose his composure right before her. “BE QUIET and let me talk you spoiled demon!” Standing up briskly and stiffly, the human absolutely lorded over the still and silent mare. “I have no idea what kinda idea you got stuck in your thick skull, but I am the MAN of this house! You understand me?! You live here, you follow MY rules!” Every sentence brought him closer to her, a domineering wall of flesh and sweat crushing Umbra in until the heat from his belly warmed her snout. “Those asinine princesses stuck you with me for God knows what reason and all I’ve done is try my best with you! I’m being nice as I can be while your fat butt just eats all my food and messes up my house! Not anymore!” Their noses genuinely touched in the suffocating proximity he pushed himself into, making his point abundantly clear when the pulsing veins in his forehead shimmered to the bewildered Queen. “Last chance. Learn some respect, or I will destroy you. Whatever those Princesses say doesn’t matter anymore. I am DONE playing games with you, Umbra!” Moments ticked by while their eyes locked together. Like chains, Umbra could feel the pull of his links melding perfectly to her own. A gravity so severe and powerful that her mind’s eye began to flicker in and out of focus. The familiarity of his shape, his scent and his voice all brought her back to same image she had been dreaming on. Sharp teeth, dark skin… and hypnotizing eyes. Pupils and irises that pulled her in closer and closer until she submitted to them. The vice had a hold on her heart and squeezed the fetid and old drippings of affection from her. She needed to be close, just enough to know the touch of another living body. Cold and tired and aroused, Umbra’s body surrendered to the strength in Anon and let their lips touch together. Just the slightest touch of man and mare, wet and warm and tingly. Electrically charged and powerful, the brief moment of his stolen affection relaxed her instantly. Key word of course, being “brief.” Anon jerked backwards in surprise and confusion, his eyes fluttering with the most befuddled expression a human could make. Umbra matched his look, albeit one that was laced with far more embarrassment than his. Suddenly, she felt very naked and bare before Anon. As if the kiss were recorded before an auditorium of cackling school fillies and she were some massive joke between them all. Heat burned her cheeks and panic gripped her heart, hazing over her mind and judgement. “Okay… uhm… this is… new information to me.” Anon said, his once stiff and grabbing fingers raising up in defense. Umbra, twitchy as she was at the moment, didn’t really realize that his open hands were retreating from her. In her state of heated humiliation, the mare could only do what came naturally. Her teeth snapped onto the nearest finger with a bear trap force, crushing the bone within and gnashing the flesh into torn ribbons. “WHAAAAAAAA!!!” Anon’s reaction was quick and violent, heaving up the Queen and sending her flying through the basement air. Her jaws were forced to let go of his hand at the peak of her arch above him. Just a second more hang time on his crushed digit and she would’ve taken it right along with her. The wiggling mare crashed against a wall and gracelessly hit the ground with a meaty smack. “AUGH! RRRG! You rotten little mutant!” Anon hollered, cupping his rapidly bleeding hand. Umbra meanwhile, struggled mightily to get herself back together after such a massive blow. Never in her life had she been tossed, literally head over hooves, through the air. The impact had bruised her squishy skin and beat the air out of her smooth curves. “Anonymous- ECH! You ape! How could you-” She was silenced by his sticky hand grabbing her hind leg between crushing fingers. Poor Umbra once again found herself slung through the air and careening into a rack packed tightly with Derpy’s old records. Her thick skull kindly cracked part of the thinner wood, dazing her even worse than the previous throw. “That’s enough out of you!” Anon huffed as rushing adrenaline dulled the throbbing sting in his hand. Umbra’s blurry vision traced up and down the cellar for a solution, a weapon to defend herself with. In her absolute panic, anything could serve as a proper defense. Her magic ceased something weakly and swung it into the cloudy view before her, hopefully striking home. Anon was likewise beat in the mouth with a yet unseen box attacking him from the darkest corner. A box forceful enough to knock him down to the cold ground and just miss a stone weight with his head. Now bloodied in both hand and lip, Anon had been sufficiently slowed so that Umbra could stand on shaky hooves. “Barbarous beast! Idiotic animal! H-how dare you strike me! Have you any idea what you do?!” Umbra’s great display of anger was really quite useless in the face of Anon’s own, his body lashing out with a predator’s speed the moment she came close enough. Sinewy, powerful and thick arms grasped her all around and even more monstrous muscles ripped her from her perch. All four hooves flopped through the air as Anon dragged her to his side, laying both out with an arm crushing the mare’s windpipe. Anon’s fold of bicep and forearm was given even more leverage when his other arm pressed on the back of her head. A scissoring vice perfectly catching her meaty neck in the middle. The punishment was severe, a sincere strangling from a creature so inconsolable that Umbra found no aegis from his abuse. Her body bucked and kicked on his slick legs fruitlessly, only bruising him slightly on the rare occasions her strikes actually landed. “Ghk! What’s the matter?! Nothin’ smart to say now?!” Anon growled into her ear, threatening to break her neck. Her hurried gasps of magic only worsened her situation, a blow to Anon’s face from any box she could get tightening the grip. “Augh! Gimme one reason not to pop your head off! SAY IT!” Anon shouted. Umbra could barely draw breath, nonetheless speak. Her ears flicked and her eyes rolled helplessly in their sockets. Faced with imminent and a very real danger, the Queen could no longer rely on her arcane knowledge. For the first time in eons, she was utterly defenseless. No spell, nor circumstance could best this foe. So, she broke. Like a ship snapping in two as it sinks, Umbra’s will finally gave way. Tears rolled down her cheeks and whines of loss crept out of her throat. A high pitched whimper stopped Anon’s furthering grip, finally earning Umbra at least some reprieve. She gasped for breath and coughed raggedly, all the while curling her legs in tight against her barrel. “What the… are you crying?” Anon asked, more than ready to resume his death grip if the pony was bluffing. He expected her to lash around and rip his throat out. He half expected for Umbra to simply explode into some mess of flailing hooves and kicking haunches that would beat further sense out of him. But unfortunately, the signs of genuine crying were all there. Derpy had taught him what to look for in mares when their breakdowns were genuine. If his wife was pushed beyond her tolerance, her legs would pull in, her tail would tuck, breath hitch and all her muscles would tense up until she felt like a stone. Anon mindfully poked Umbra’s back, she was indeed clenching herself together as Derpy did. “BEGONE! Lest you wish to kill me now, just leave this place!” She whined, sniffling and hiding her face under a billowing mane of black. “I’m a ‘rotten mutant!’ A failure!” Anon rolled back from her wisely, but decided against the rest of her commands. It was times like this that the dangerous game of “comfort the mare” began. “Why must I be so unlucky?! What terrible deity forces this fate on me?!” Umbra whimpered in her mane, blabbering helplessly on the damp floor in quivering sniffles. “You hate me, Anonymous! As all do! It would be better if I were never created!” Anon rubbed his bruised head before quickly realizing one of his hands was now lame from a certain pony bite. “I don’t hate you.” “Of course you do! You would readily end me! You’re just too spineless to do it!!!” She lashed at him, but failed to disturb the human from the exhausted and motionless stance. Had it been any other mare or any other time, Anonymous would’ve quickly begone and let some other, more qualified stallion take his place. But for now, he would have to do. The man moved in and scooped the resisting mare up, but deflected most of her expected guile. “RRG?! Put me down! Stop your assault! Have you no shame?!” She berated, still getting hoisted up into his bare arms and smeared against his chest. The Queen soon found that the combination of fatigue, pain, blankets and human warmth melted her down into a hot slag. A motionless goo of sorts that could neither thrash nor complain. Squeezed in an all new manner and carried so effortlessly, Umbra could only relax in the luxury of it. Her voice quiet down into little more than a slight murmur as Anon carted her out of the wet cellar and into the chilling living room. Absolute freezing temperatures couldn’t reach the reclined Queen any longer. In her cage of muscles, warmth and her own abundant fur, the mare lay completely safe from the world. She held a pout for the sake of her image, but gladly let her eyes relax in his secure arms. Incredible what such limbs could do. She saw first hand their capabilities to ruin, destroy and wreck on command with respect lacing her vision. For the first time since she had met the human, her mind could perfectly picture each potential in him. Anon’s arms were just as good for cuddling as they were for killing. Shuffles and bumps came quickly before a sizzling, like fire belching back to life slowly but surely. Anon used his good hand to mix fresh logs back into the smoldering embers, a task he had neglected to do before descending into his routine. As bright flames began to lick up the sides of the roasting wood, the human set his nasty bundle of mare and chub onto the ground just in front of the hearth. She was dearly displeased when the floor touched on her bare rump, but made little protest. A short whine later she was laid out in the fire’s embrace as Anon went into the dark depths of the kitchen for some unknown reason. Upon his return he brought a pair of iced coffees from the fridge, a box of bandages and shirt retrieved from the laundry basket. Each got a single coffee, the box sat between them and Anon redressed the upper half of his body. Dressed loosely in shorts and his thin shirt, the Human sat next to the mare with plenty of space to keep her comfortable. In that moment of silence, not a word was spoken for quite some time. A time for both to readjust and simply stare into the fire before trying to unpack their outburst. Anon wrapped gauze about his mangled finger and swished the new fluids dribbling into his mouth. Umbra flexed her uncomfortably stiff muscles and new bruises, all the while creeping closer and closer to the fire for its vital warmth. Both were glad to have coffee as the weak beams of sunlight cut through the thick clouds outside. “How could you ever agree to this?” Umbra asked, but in a way that Anon couldn’t have expected. Her royal, haughty and mighty accent had been dropped in favor of her natural speaking voice. For the very first time, he heard the sweet tune of her speech clear as it was meant to be. She spoke quietly and with much consideration under her soggy blankets. “What kind of situation makes a human accept a monster such as myself into his home?” Anon didn’t answer immediately. The human mulled over in his mind the right words to properly reply. “A lot of things. There were a lot of things that fooled me into thinking this was a good idea.” He replied, finishing the wrap on his hand. “Celestia told me that if this worked out, if I could turn you around… well. She said she’d give me my marriage license.” Umbra’s ears flicked to attention at his words, turning towards him like radar dishes. “Marriage license?” “Right. I’m not really a ‘full citizen’ yet. Needed to do her a favor if I want all the same rights and privileges as a pony.” “You angered her? Broke the law?” “No, nothing like that.” He said, sipping from his cool cup in the freezing room. “I dunno if you noticed, but I’m not exactly from around here.” He said, gesturing his bruised and sore body. “You and the silly mare are not truly wed?” The human’s solem headshake confirmed this terrible fact. “Right. Just a thing between us at the moment. I’m hoping one day we can make it legal but… eh. I’m having doubts these days.” “Perhaps if you DID kill me, they’d hand it over just as fast?” “I was strictly forbidden from killing you.” He grumbled, attempting a scratch and prodding himself in the eye with his manky finger in the process. “So that’s why you hesitated? Hm?” “Again. A lot of reasons. I lost my cool. We both did.” He groaned when adjusting himself, both weight lifting and pony bites taking their toll. “Would you? If there wasn’t a treasure dangling just before your nose?” “I don’t think so. I don’t like it when people cry. Don't like the idea of spending my life in whatever bizarre prison they have in Equestria for freaks like me.” Umbra scoffed and pawed at her tear stains self-consciously. “T’was only a diversion… a Queen does not cry.” “Sure. Sure…” Dismissive undertones in the human’s voice would’ve normally peeked terrible feelings of irritation in Umbra. But this was certainly no normal situation. “Frankly though, if you bite off another one of my fingers, I WILL totally whoop you again.” “Ugh, so be it. I will restrain myself if it prevents another encounter with your ape-like strength.” “Do it so you don’t have to deal with Derpy. She goes straight berserk whenever she feels her ‘property’ is threatened.” “Derpy is one I do not worry about. She is defensive but harmless.” “I wouldn’t wanna challenge that woman. I don’t know what kinda dangerous you are, but Derpy can pull off some wild moves when she’s edgy.” Umbra giggled into her blanket pillows and turned her body towards the slouching man. A single eye opened and to match a playful smile. “Anonymous… are you truly aware of ‘what kinda dangerous’ I am?” She asked, surprising Anon. “Not really. I don’t read the papers.” She snickered and locked her eyes to his. “I led an army of slaves in an attempt to overthrow the Crystal Empire so I could begin a thousand year reign of blood and despair.” Pure silence lingered between the two, shrouding Anon in both shock and disbelief. It seemed he really, really had to do more research if and when the princesses approached him again. “Uhm… when was this?” He asked, stupidly holding his coffee in a single hand. “Three weeks ago.” The human averted his gaze back to the fire with a pensive breath of air. Seconds ticked by in peace, allowing him to think over something smart and clever to say. “Hm… and they didn’t just kill you for that?” “My question exactly.” > Occupy the Body. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Occupy the Body. “Hm….” “Whatcha you thinkin’ about, Bubby?” “I’m thinking there’s way more snow than usual.” Anon said, all three occupants of his house observing the wall of frost pile up in the shape of their front door. A white beast tall as a pony’s snout had settled over the town and sealed most in their homes. Derpy and Anon were but partially stuck, seeing how their front door opened into the house, rather than outwards. “Please tell me there’s no need to trample through that miserable front?” Umbra whined, sipping a piping hot coffee in the morning sun. “I don’t see a reason to. Unless Derpy REALLY wants to go to work?” He and his wife exchanged glances quickly. But Derpy’s mind had already been set the moment when snow hit the ground. She was a professional, by all accounts, but professionals have standards. Her standards didn’t include snow. She naturally flapped up into Anon’s grasp and locked onto him with arms around his neck. “Right then. Hunker down.” Anon shut the door firmly, carting his mare in one arm and scratching himself with the other. “Bubby? What happened to your finger?” Derpy asked from her nest of muscle and man just as he collapsed onto the couch. “This?” He asked, flexing his raw and red bandaged fingers. Umbra twitched at the implication, quickly hoping he wouldn’t endict her for the act. Pushing Anon too far had already proven quite disastrous for her. No one could guess the carnage Derpy would reek on the bruised Queen if she knew the damage her husband had suffered. “It’s the craziest thing. I went downstairs to do my work out, right? And wouldn’t ya know it, a ‘coon was hiding in the basement.” Derpy lay across his chest and belly like melted cream on a pie, but still rose to attention with his story. “A ‘coon?” “Mh-hm. Big ‘ol raccoon. Bit me right in the hand when I was getting him out.” Derpy’s rudimentary mind processed the information and slowly turned it all into images for her to picture. A laborious process that left even Anon sweating in anticipation. Her nose scrunched and her wings fluttered in the strain of such intense thinking. “What about the cut on your lip?” She squeaked, gently poking his mouth where an obvious and raw split parted his flesh. “Raccoon did it.” A further moment of thinking put both her housemates on edge, like a pot that threatened to boil over. “Raccoon got your face? But Bubby, that don’t make no sense. I gotta fly to get to your face, it’s too high up! How would-” Her husband acted quick and seized her cheeks in his palms, squishing them up and down and all around. “MMPH, FPPPT, ANON!” She squealed in a wiggle of messy flails and giddy yips. “Mushy. You’re worrying about nothing. Relax, why don’t ya?” She laughed and pushed through his facial assault in a ram of affection. Her silky and warm lips found his once again for a slight smooch. “How about some breakfast? That oughta' get everyone happy and warm, right?” “I guess so, Bubby.” Derpy replied with the dopiest of grins a mare could have. She straddled her man’s torso still, refusing to move at first. “You promise that bad ol’ raccoon isn’t in the basement anymore?” She murmured, inspecting his painful digit with unfocused eyes. “Hundred percent. Won’t happen again.” The human replied, not so subtly eyeing up Umbra. The charcoal Queen rolled her eyes at him, thankful to be spared the wrath of a silly mare but unwilling to let him win. “Well alright… I believe you.” The wifely mare took her husband’s hand in her wing tips for a quick and soothing smooch to help heal the torn flesh below. “There! Now it’ll get better faster.” “Right on, Baby.” Her human lifted himself from the couch and set her down in his spot to keep it warm. Derpy snuggled in against the pillow he had used, embracing it like it were a substitute Anon. His back turned on the pair of ponies lounging in the living room, both still in view from the kitchen but totally inaudible. Umbra watched him go all the while, marveling at his mesmerizing legs. She caught herself watching them work, fixated as one would be by a complex mechanism in motion. Bit by bit, she could almost see what appealed to Derpy. Though she still assumed only Derpy, in her “unique” ways, could actually marry a human. Especially one like Anon. She herself couldn’t imagine what a husband like him would be. Someone constantly challenging her, pestering her, irritating her. She pictured him like a fly in her face, one that wouldn’t be swat down easily and never took a hint. But a certain part of her mind, tucked away in the very back of her thoughts and screaming its lungs out, also painted a terrible picture of affection and care. Images of the wedded pair locked together in love and safety burned into her mind until Derpy quickly faded out and turned into herself. Yellow replaced with flowing black, curvy grey transformed to squishy charcoal and that idiotic smile overtaken with Umbra’s own toothy grin. The idea of rubbing her scent into his clothes and skin blurred her vision and sent powerful shivers through her body. He would be hers, marked for all to discover wherever he went. He would say- “I’m loyal to Umbra. She’s my wife. I do everything for her.” Like a good servant. He would be better to her than the best trained slave could ever hope. He’d treat her like she deserved to be. A Queen, one above all other mares in the world. It tickled her deeply and quickly wiped off the sharp frown from her snout. Twitching lips resisted a smile, but only through intense concentration. The pent up emotions nearly burst from her face when she attempted to crush them back down, waking her from the boring doldrums of lazing around. “Umbra?” Derpy called out from the couch, resting her neck on a pillow. “What is it, child?” Umbra spat with her usual venom faltering. “Why’re you angry all the time?” Such an innocent question, but one that the Queen never thought of. The words bounced about in her skull for a moment or two before they even began to make sense. “I am angry because…” She started just before losing every word she intended to say. An entire argument dissipated the moment Umbra attempted to piece it together, having to scramble for another avenue of explanation. “I was sealed in a glacier for a hundred years. Only for my plans to run afoul because of a baby dragon hardly capable of modest calligraphy.” Derpy stared as if she didn’t quite get it. Try as she did, the pudgy mare struggled to pass her words through a fog of ignorance. “How come?” Umbra snapped her eyes to the silly little mare. “Why’d they put ya in the ice? Being mean is bad, but freezing a pony is REALLY mean.” “You’re telling me, child.” The unicorn answered, her fangs glimmering with the dancing fire light. “I wanted what they had. Power, fame and fortune. All was supposed to be mine.” “Not a stallion?” Derpy blurt rudely. The Queen flinched, her question striking right at her belly with an icy spear of indignance. “A stallion? Pfuh! No use for them. I am a Queen. That is good enough.” She could see in Derpy’s eyes the calculation of a response. Some internal wires must’ve crossed or a nerve blown somewhere in her brain, for Derpy’s next sentence seemed poorly chosen. “That wouldn’t make me angry. I’d be really sad!” The simple mare’s words struck home in the center of Umbra’s being. A lurch of energy hit her from within like the bolts of a ship bursting inwards with water pressure. Something wasn’t quite right. How could Derpy be making a point more sophisticated than a foal’s ramblings? Umbra’s face visibly softened into one of distinct vulnerability, the absolute worst expression she knew how to make. “I mean, stuck in ice with no hubby to keep me warm? Or make me soup? Or give me rump bumps?” Images of such travesty deeply bothered Derpy. So much so that the mare had to banished the very notion from her mind before it caused her further discomfort. “Kinda makes sense why you’d be so grumpy all the time.” The sorceress reacted quickly but didn’t think her words through. “Bah. Stallions and I do not mix. They’ve always feared my intellect and never look beyond their own small minds.” She let such a thing slip, only to regret it milliseconds later. Derpy’s ears perked in a bright curiosity. “Umbra… have you never had a colt friend before?” Deadly silence gripped the pair, cracking the Queen like pottery hitting a wall. “What of it, peasant?” “That’s crazy… what’s a mare supposed to do without a coltfriend?” “I gain colossal power through ancient magic and craft intricate plans to exact my will.” “But who's gonna look at the plans? And who's back would you rub with your magic if you don’t have a hubby?” “It is for myself. For I am the only one I need to please.” “You give back rubs to yourself?” She was answered by a discontent growl. “Derpy. I believe you and me are misunderstanding one and other.” “But I understand you just fine?” “Do you, child?” Umbra huffed, pinning her ears to her skull under the harsh questioning. “Of course I do. Being alone is just the worst, what’re you supposed to do when things go bad? Who’re you supposed to turn to?” Wheels spun in Derpy’s mind and clicked together between her ears in simple mechanisms. Ideas sprung forth half formed, but in such a way that made Derpy pop a smile. Her rolling eyes locked onto Umbra as best they could in a somewhat threatening posture. “I have an idea!” “This is a most startling development.” Umbra lied. Derpy wheeled about on her hind legs until she faced the kitchen, flapping her wings in utmost excitement. “BUBBY!” She called out, flicking her tail from side to side. “Yeah, Baby?!” Anon answered with equally absurd volume. “I know what’ll make Umbra happy! And it’s not even killing you, like she always says!” Umbra lifted her sleepy head from her pile with an air of concern hovering about her features. She watched Anon return with skepticism painting his face. “Oh yeah? How’d you come up with that?” Derpy inexplicably chose to whisper it to him in a hushed nuzzle in his ear. She spoke a surprisingly long string of words and babbles, all the while giggling and smiling with joyful energy. “No.” Her husband replied, turning to leave. “Bubbyyyyyyy!” Derpy chided, taking hold of his shirt tail in her teeth. “No, Baby. I ain’t doin’ that.” Anon pressed more firmly, pulling his garment from her maw. “Please Bubby? Just give it a chance! I promise she won’t throw stuff at you again! If she does, I’ll just get in the way!” The pony begged, literally bouncing on her hooves. The cushions squeaked and moaned as she did, the increasing speed of her little hops demonstrating the severity of her need. “No, Mushy.” “Please?” “No.” “PLEASE?!” “NO.” Anonymous had made his point clear, but Derpy was far more driven than one would give her credit for. She sniffled and scrunched her snout in a shrinking display. Her wings tucked tightly against her sides and her ears fell downwards with heart rushing weight. “Snf… snrk… okay Anon. That’s alright.” She murmured, wiping her clumsy eye with a hoof. Umbra could see the human collapse like a brick wall. The moment noises of sadness hit his ears, the poor man was weak and pliant to his wife’s ridiculous wills. “Oh Baby, c’mon!” He groaned, reaching down onto the couch and abducting the tearful mare. “Stop it now! Don’t cry! You know I hate that mess!” He blubbered, genuinely cradling his grown wife like she were some newborn. Derpy continued her emotional assault in jamming her face into the fold of his neck. “SNF! W-will you do it then? Won’t you at least give it a chance?” “Fine, fine! Just enough with the tears baby, jeez!” The man begged with loving fingers combing over the warm hill of Derpy’s rotund belly. His goofy wife instantly stabilized and smiled once more like the fire had come back to her heart. “Great! Is breakfast done?” She chirped, eagerly smooching his nose. The defeated human could only sigh. “Just lemme put the final touches on and we can start this.” He replied, the dread heavy on his voice. Umbra shifted uncomfortably in her place while her hosts made their noise. Unsure of what terrible wave was about to crash down on her, the charcoal mare was only consoled by the singular notion that it couldn’t possibly be worse than Anon’s previous little outburst. She waited quietly for a moment until both returned with terrible tools in hand. Anon with breakfast bagels and Derpy with a brush. “I do not like this.” Umbra interjected whilst the two surrounded her. Anon knelt by her side and placed her massive helping in front of her, the smell of butter, poppy seeds and warm bread helping to distract from Derpy landing opposite of him. “Don’t you worry, Umbra! Anon gives the best back rubs in town!” The realization sent her harsh gaze straight to the man’s face. He appeared just as fearful as her, though for clearly different reasons. “Back rub? What are you, mad?!” She moaned in exasperation. “Yeah, Derpy. You mad or something?” Her husband accused, only to be answered by a slight laugh from his silly wife. “Of course not! No mare out there can be made when they get a back rub, right Bubby?” The human found himself far more concerned with the glare Umbra was giving him. Despite showing her true colors just this morning, he was still quite weary of putting his hands on her. She showed her pearly fangs, as if to remind him of what they were capable of. “Don’t you dare, human.” She hissed, Derpy nodding in defiance. “Do it, Hubby.” One clearly trumped the other, in Anon’s mind. When commanded by Derpy, even his own safety was totally out matched by her wants. If she wanted, he was obliged by the thrashing tides within to do as she wished. Thusly, his good hand reached out firmly and quickly to grasp Umbra just below her shoulders. The surprisingly loose skin there moved in fluid and soft motions with his pressure, creeping and stroking around his intrusion. She twitched and bucked, but then quickly fell into a state of silent acceptance. Her teeth sank back behind her lips, her eyes struggling to stay open under his influence. “Augh… s-stop, human… stop.” She murmured, her tiny voice carrying just far enough for no one to hear. Anon worked his skills in relaxing the mare, combing through the silky pelt until he reached just above her tail. Running against the grain of her ebony fur, his fingernails raked downwards and into the sensitive skin. He could feel the prey animal response of such a crawling scratch, twitching muscles just beneath the surface quivering and tensing at first. It took quite a hard rub down to get her to full recline, most mares not nearly as defensive as Umbra could be. Red pupils skewered him with their laser focus, never giving him a moment to take a breath as he touched her. “Rrrrg…” She groaned, flexing and working her squishy limbs. Submission washed over her, consuming her body and commanding it to move. Each stroke and scratch and rub drove her mad in delight. Like a spell had been cast over each muscle and joint, the very fiber of her being unwound from the near eternal bunch she was. The tension leaked out of her open mouth, lidded eyes and flaring nostrils. It was clear to her now, even if she didn’t have words to put the thoughts into. Umbra could now never truly go back. Her previous mentality lay obliterated and turned to sand under the influence of this unlikely pair. The mare couldn’t even muster a growl when Derpy began to gently brush the knots and kinks out of her monstrous mane. “See, Bubby?” “Guess it really does work on ANY mare.” “I told you! She loves it!” Derpy squeaked, running the brush and her own hooves through the gigantic body of black Umbra carried about. The innumerable little fibers were perfectly soft and fragrant, smelling subtly of mellow coffee and fruity lavender. Anon’s arms sank up to this elbows when he pushed up to her neck and bathed in her locks of oddly welcoming mane. A surreal experience, to rub down a murderous Queen until she was nothing but a barely conscious puddle on his floor. She was so incredibly soft in every facet of her body. Her neck scrubbed against his palms with downy and pillowy grace. Her shoulders and sides mushed under the slightest pressure, as if his hands were massaging jello instead of mare. Her hips were especially absurd, the meaty and girthy nature of her haunches perfecting a feminine shape. Her tail flicked and covered her genitals from his view, but Anon could tell she was positively plump below her pelvis. Mushy and squishy cheeks clenched and shook when he scratched dutifully above her dock. “Like a big baby… are you okay, Umbra?” Derpy chuckled, looking down upon the flabbergasted face below. “Nng…” Was all she could choke out in her state of delirium. Derpy and Anon shared a smile, one that prompted Derpy’s gleeful smile. “Oh! Do her belly, now! That’ll seal the deal!” Anon was still quite slow to follow his wife’s commands, but he ultimately didn’t have a choice in the matter. Umbra made no noise or movements of resistant when the powerful man took her by the hind legs and rolled her over. The sorceress flopped into place with a most unbecoming jiggly, all four legs hung in the air and her teats clapping slightly. Both Anon’s hands attacked her gut, stroking and loving and relaxing her underside with trained grace. Her fur was even thicker there, like the bottom of a fuzzy cat. His fingers could disappear entirely below the carpet of fragrant pony fluff, and her stomach visibly curved around each one of his digits. Her heart rate was steady and smooth against his fingers, pulsing through thick veins and thumping against his palm like the tick of a clock. Derpy’s diligent brushing left Umbra’s curly and full mane smooth and shiny. Billows of fluff had to be literally combed through, but Derpy was more than used to such a procedure. Anon had witnessed his wife and her weekly book club brush each other for hours on end during particularly heated discussions. Most of the dark cloud had been gone through by this point, leaving an ocean of black around Umbra’s face. The poor Queen stared helplessly into the ceiling with breath rushing through her snout. Her legs grasped onto Anon’s arm when he rubbed particularly low on her tummy, locking him near her warm and fleshy nipples jealousy. She wanted him to touch them, she needed him to give her that last bit of satisfaction. The murkiness of her mind pressed any concern for Derpy from her thoughts. Her carnal, simple and ancient self wanted to have the full experience a human could give her. It was a good effort, but a failure in the end. She couldn’t possibly hold his strength with her fluffy thighs no matter how hard she clenched. He could tell, of course. But he would not be slowed. Anon brushed through her tummy fluff and all the way to her chin in slow strokes of bustling power. She could simply not believe what was happening to her, how a single human could blast her out of her own mind through his talented affection. His hand left her sprawled form behind, but she didn’t mind anymore. Everything flowed like a babbling creek through a peaceful wood. Such perfect silence within her mind, the chorus of shrieking voices that berated her with shame and anger calmed to a low murmur. Her nirvana had been found, completely laid out under the ministrations of two peasants armed only with a brush and a pair of hands. “There, ya happy now?” “Mh-hm! Umbra looks like a million bits, Bubby!” Derpy took brief flight from her spot next to Umbra back to the couch and gracefully took up her warm spot. She fluttered her eyes towards the human crouching over the poor Umbra in an act of most loving invitation. “C’mere, Bubby. I wanna lay on you some more.” The house lay dormant in a state between absolute peace and deathly silence. Snow covered and shivering with internal warmth, the timbers of the quaint home shielded all within from the harsh blizzard. Umbra found for the first time in many decades that was content to lay and bask in the fire. No scheming, or plotting or brooding. Just the joy of a body reclined and the warmth of company in the air. Derpy and Anon lay on the couch nearby while everyone ate and lazed around through the ticking hours. The weak sunlight blasted through the thick clouds above until the evening brought the streaming beams down to a trickle. Just the slightest ambient brightness outside could shine through the windows of the house. Anon had at least dug books out of the basement in boredom, allowing him and Derpy to pass time while Umbra pretended to be dead on their floor. Anon would’ve enjoyed such a night. No more biting or yelling or drama. Just the best Equestria could offer a human like him. He would’ve been content and happy… had it not been for his wife scooting up his body and pushing the innocent human’s book down. They met gazes in a bonding twist of devious mare and tired human. His dull eyes, glazed over from hours of reading, were far outmatched by the golden irises rolling around in lidded sockets. “Mushy.” He greeted, running fingers through her silky soft mane. Her scent stuck to his palm and fingers in marking wipes of love, her own body madly wanting to claim him as her own personal lover boy. She didn’t need to say a word in the awkward shuffle her squishy legs and wide hips did. Derpy sauntered up his mountainous figure until her soft snout bopped against his nose, bringing both close enough to taste the other’s breath. “Hi Bubby.” She chirped quietly, never once taking her good eye away from his face. Anon adjusted slightly, just enough to keep her ham of a thigh from mashing his jewels. “Hi Mushy.” He answered, bringing both hands to her hips for a trained and well practiced cuddling. Derpy had spent long enough lounging on him, now she needed the full treatment. It was the natural order of things, after all. If the guest of the house got a full pet-down from Anon, it only made sense that the top mare got her sugar as well. She ravenously sought out her righteous entitlement, kissing Anon with noisy pecks of adoring speed. “Mwauh! Mwuah! Mmmmmmwauh!” She cooed repeatedly in the embrace of her husband. He held her steadfast and rubbed over the rolling hills she called her rear without skipping a beat. “You think Umbra will mind the noise?” Anon asked into Derpy’s nose, their eyes falling onto the motionless Queen as she slept next to an open book and an empty plate once populated by snacks. “She can see if she wants.” Derpy answered, pressing her head to his with both love and authority. Anon couldn’t resist the chuckle bubbling up from his chest. “Taking charge, Mushy? Feeling like top mare?” She couldn’t nod, but he could tell she was deathly serious about asserting her position. Even if she didn’t have words to put to her actions. “I wanna love on my Bubby.” She squeaked, flapping her twitching wings in spasms of enjoyment. Anon’s hands grasping onto the meaty handles her rump provided sparked all manner of reaction in her simple mind. Least of which, the dripping between her rotund thighs. “I wanna love him. Right now.” She pushed her face into his without coordination or control, like a train ramming into the station. The human naturally accepted her intrusion with a snicker and a squeeze around her writhing barrel. “Gimme kisses, Bubby.” She commanded, stealing swipes and licks from his lips before his body turned on her. The mare found him turning onto his side and pinning her shoulders tightly against the back of the couch. Derpy had been locked into a tight coffin of upholstery on one side and a wall of muscle on the other. The entire time, she was kept plenty busy contending with his lashing tongue invading her mouth. Whimpers and moans and gasps became suppressed underneath Anon’s powerful frame. Nothing could escape, but more importantly, nothing wanted to escape. Derpy utterly submitted to his masculine ministrations in body and mind within seconds. Her thoughts blanked out into a lull of accepting nothingness bent on feeling every ridge and texture in his maw. Her body melted into a limp mess of limbs, fur and feathers that her husband eagerly grasped between scissoring arms. She was both helpless and beyond safe, the most secure spot in all Equestria belonging to Derpy. She knew with total certainty that in her cage of muscle, bone and man that nothing could touch her. Locked tight in the brace of ever increasing lust, it was only Anon she had to contend with. And naturally, this was no issue to the chubby mare. She eagerly wrapped her forehooves about his neck and brought his face in close for a more thorough kissing. All the while, her sensitive teats brushed up and down on the tingling fabric of his shirt and shorts. Expert tweaking and tickling he never even intended to give her. Her song of pleasure and satisfaction grew higher and higher in pitch before she broke away from the tangled tongues their slobbering bond had become. Both sucked for breath in the heady and thick fog of Derpy’s musk, her scent of need clouding Anon’s mind. “You wanna take this upstairs, baby?” He asked in a hushed groan. Derpy nodded weakly, squeaking for him to hold her. He did just as we asked, cupping her cheeks in one arm and her shoulders in the other. The mare compressed tight against him and sopped his shirt with her rapidly growing rainfall of needy fluids. If ever there was a time that Derpy was ready, this was it. The walk was mercifully short, just a stride up the stairs before she found herself tossed into the nest and assaulted by him once more. Clothes were instantly banned from the bed, Derpy savagely tearing them from his body in wild bites and uncoordinated nips. Had it not been for Anon jerking them off at his own pace, she would’ve only covered him in more slobber and fur. Both stark naked, panting and staring one and other in the eye, Anon took hold of her shoulders. “Tonight, you first.” Derpy gladly accepted such a statement and bent to his whim. Her rump raised while her head lowered onto a perfectly placed pillow. Another few were stuffed under her legs, allowing her somewhat round and bulging belly to have ample support. A mare like Derpy couldn’t have been expected to stand upright during her entire sugar-time. Sprawled out on her pile of cushions, the waiting girl squirt a vagrant piddle of her excitement onto the bed spread. “Guaaaah… NNF!” She gasped, locking up at the initial contact of Anon’s lips to her own. The sweet, sopping and sticky fluids pouring out of her winking opening absolutely floored her human. The flavor of sweet and salty tangs that sparked excitement on the tongue drove him mad each and every time he dipped into her honey pot. The flowing nectar gushed with each and every little lick, making sure that no single second passed without Anon half drowning against her rear. His face gravitated in tighter and tighter between her squishy cheeks as she was feasted on, Derpy’s most lurid of fantasies bursting to life just behind her. His arms snapped upwards and grabbed into her foal bearing hips madly as her husband pressed his face hungrily against her rear. Every feature sank into her squishy behind and found no discomfort in the ample cushion she provided. Her puckered and flexible tailhole rested and twitched against his nose while he madly sucked on her meaty opening, imparting her most potent of musks. An earthy and raunchy creep that Anon desperately craved whenever the mood to breed so struck him. He knew it to be hers, but a version that stank of perversion and animalistic lust. All of her sensitive nethers scrubbed and molded to him like rubber, sputtering from her boiling hot depths an elixir of mare cocktail that he drank without question or hesitation. The gasping, groaning and kicking mare bit her lip to keep tethered to reality, but futility quickly set in once she felt his probing tongue pressing and slathering against her inner canal. She could not fight her nature, the simple mare ficking her tail madly and bucking back into his face with neck-breaking force. He grunted and moaned into his cover of pony rump, but was more than resilient enough to tolerate her backwards beating. Especially when he was rewarded with a splashing geyser of her affection. A sudden hydraulic burst of pleasure that flowed from deep within’ her belly. The fountain had nowhere to go but from her clenching tunnel to his mouth in a straight shot of unbroken lovers. An airtight seal kept most of her yellowish and musky fluids locked between them, but the sheer pressure of it made sure that at least some would stain the bed spread. An explosive release like that consistently created thick drippings of equine mess that ran off of Anon’s chin. He laboriously pulled off of her devastated rump with her sugary flavor and her funky aroma painting his face with a thick coating. He sure a shower would hardly put a dent in the pure scent of it all, but it hardly mattered. Anon quickly found that Derpy was nowhere near exhausted by her orgasm. In fact, the shuddering and gasping mare quickly recovered and pushed her husband onto his back. A rare moment of control flashed in her gaze, spelling out her truest desire plain as could be. “Gimme babies, Bubby.” She grunted, sucking for breath and mashing slurping lips against his girth. He barely found the strength just to nod. “I wanna have your babies. Lots of ‘em. I wanna be full of your foals, Anon!” She whined, mashing on his hips harder and harder as the seconds ticked by without him cramming inside her. “I wanna be a big Momma and have all your pretty colts and fillies, Bubby!” He hissed as her scrubbing marehood aggravated his already needy and desperate length, his hands grasping each side of her behind to stop the assault on his mind. “Okay, okay! Y-yeah! All the babies you want! Just put it in already!” He barked, veins straining in his neck from the boiling pressure within. Derpy fumbled only for a moment or so before she felt the familiar rod sinking right inside. Hardly any resistance stopped his rightful entry, only a wet and lurid “slurp!” accompanying Anon’s penetration. “Guh! Criminy!” He gasped and strained, crushing her soft chub between his fingers. His mare likewise lost any semblance of grace or dignity the moment his pulsing head nudged her cervix. “MMMPH! Y-yes, yes! Just like that, Bubby!” She crooned, arching her back and slapping her broad end against his hips. She rode with an uneven and panicked pace, working more with the feel rather than any rhythm. Her jiggly hips and buttocks clapped together noisily as the two worked together in the dark room they called a nest, a staccato of whines, hisses and grunts. “Anon feel so GOOD! EEK! Gimme more, Bubby!” She smiled broad as possible and met his eyes with her own once more. Anon was struggling to keep up with her, his sexual stamina challenged again by his wife’s obsessive style of breeding. He was never given a moment of rest, the very moment of entry starting the mad race to insemination. She yearned wildly for his gushing seed to sow her gardens with generations to come. “Easy, woman! Guh! You’re beatin’ me to death!” Anon warned from underneath a deafened and dauntless mare. She couldn’t care less that he was stretched beyond his means and totally unadjusted to riding of this caliber. Normally Derpy was more than happy kneeling under her man and allowing him to do what came naturally. But tonight, she just couldn’t help herself. She desperately needed to feel the “WHAP” of her buttocks against the thick meat of his thighs. Derpy NEEDED to have his entire length buried within her, drilling her uterus with an unreasonable force. Her suckling lips and crushing caverns milked him well and good, draining all the stamina from the poor human before too long. Just as she began to feel the burn in her underdeveloped muscles, a boiling eruption spurned her to bury him deep as he could go. Right to his very root, she could feel his testes pumping the sacred dose into her belly. “ECH! GHK!” Anon huffed through grit teeth as his climax fired off within his wife. Ropes of alabaster crashed within her guts and filled every crevice within her. Sticky and stringy white rushed to fill even the tightest void within the mare and fruitlessly probe for fertile ground. Incompatible genes mixed together in a toxic soup of man and mare, one that was wasted in a gush onto the bedspread. Derpy had grown too full and pressurized, forcing Anon out at the very last second and splattering their combined loves onto the sheets. The sweet smell filled the entire room with its presence, lulling each into a sleepy trance. Poisonous fumes of passionate loving helped Derpy to collapse over Anon in a shapeless mass. His wife became embraced in the palace of his arms once again like a righteous Queen sitting atop her throne. Perfectly placed and ruling over her domain, Derpy licked her husband’s chin. “That one felt like twins, Bubby.” “Yeah, yeah, Baby.” “I bet this is the one. This time, we’ll have our little foals.” “Of course.” He gasped, knowing better. Anon shrouded them in a cover of blankets, allowing the billowing musk to built up for a layer of heat in the cool house. Derpy couldn’t take her eyes off him, grinning ear to ear pridefully. “Pretty, pretty foals. Just as pretty as you.” He comforted, earning a kiss on the neck for his efforts and a mare against his belly. “I love you, Anon.” Derpy hummed, closing her rolling eyes for a well deserved rest. Anon knew it was hardly late in the evening, but he too felt a nap wouldn’t hurt anyone. His eyes drifted shut as well, spinning out of reality and into the inky blackness of sleep. Today, he made progress. Today, he got to lay around and not worry about work. Today, he earned himself a restful night with his mare. Tomorrow, hopefully he’d do it all again. And still keep all his fingers. > So Close. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Close. Morning came, bringing the same lull of inactivity. Derpy, Anon and Umbra grew more and more bored as the time kept ticking forward. Nothing seemed to be happening all at once. Records, books and food failed to bring some fun into the atmosphere. Even burning things in the fireplace brought no levity to the group, Umbra especially frustrated by the blizzard’s boring air. Perched by the window and freshly fed with warm breakfast, the dark Queen stared out over the scape of melting white and sloshy snow. She hadn’t said a word all morning, keeping herself robed in blankets and ignoring the pair behind her. Anon had dressed up for a trek in the cold, piling more wood on the fire and getting harassed by his mare. “But Bubbyyyyyyy!” She whined, taking hold of his pants in her teeth. “Shush, Mushy.” He scolded. “I can’t go without coffee.” “But the stalls won’t even be open!” “Doesn’t mean I can knock on the guy’s door, right?” She whined and hopped up onto his shoulders, attempting to weigh her husband down with her pudgy body. “Anon it’s too cold! Humans don’t have no fur, how will you survive?!” She winged endlessly into his ear, Anon having to peel the wiggly woman off his back like a gnarly bandaid. “Chill, honey. I won’t be long.” He grunted, taking hold of her under her arms and bringing her in for a kiss. Derpy resisted at first, but quickly found that her man’s adoring embrace melted away any concern. She flopped against him and nuzzled hard into his neck. “It’s just getting some coffee grounds. Won’t be more than ten minutes.” The man combed through her mane with his fingers, relaxing his wife as best he could. She whined and attempted to burrow into his jacket and act as his personal body warmer. Sadly, Derpy was placed squarely on the couch. “Keep an eye on this one. Won’t be long.” Anon huffed, waiting until Derpy nodded in confirmation before turning himself around and going out the door. The snow was still up to his hips in depth, his trek slowed by the painful process of blowing through it and the heavy jackets keeping him warm. The gray pudge hopped up onto the same platform as Umbra’s sulking figure, watching him go through the window. “Hey! Hey you, jerkwad!” He shouted to the sky, flagging down a weather pony who was none too happy with his address. “Who you callin’ a jerkwad, monkey-man?!” “What’s with all the snow?! You idiots gotta parse it out, man!” “Eat my flank, furless!” “Eat MY flank!” They bickered back and forth as Anon walked, Derpy huffing in need until the window fogged up. Umbra kindly wiped it with a blanket covered hoof, turning to face her host. “Your affection for him is… enchanting.” The sorceress whispered. Her compatriot ruffled her wings and kept her ditzy eyes focused as best she could on the figure slumping his way into town. “He’s my Bubby.” Was all she really had to say, twisting Umbra’s face into a rare smile. A smile birthed not from guile, devious intent or any condescending hatred. Strangely, she felt a genuine grin cross her snout, one that came only from warmth and care. It used to sicken her to think of such sappy, gushy things. But exposed to the undying love pouring out of Derpy, Umbra soon discovered she admired it. A devotion similar to her own, if not perhaps misplaced. Like she hungered for power and control, Derpy ravenously craved the love of her husband. She had witnessed the drive up close time and time again, a single minded pursuit that drove her to doggedly chase Anon. Umbra thought, for a brief moment at least, if she were as maddly driven as Derpy she wouldn’t have been thrown in a position like this. “You… you are admirable in your love, Derpy. This I must admit.” The yellow maned mare pinned her ears back in slightly confusion, turning her head but flicking her eyes back to the horizon without fail. “Did you just say something nice?” “I suppose you and your husband have finally gotten your hooks in me.” Derpy felt befuddled and gleeful at once, an emotional cocktail her goofy mind was all too used to. She lightened her expression of concern, grinning to the green eyed Queen seated before her. “I’ve been thinking, child.” “What about?” Derpy questioned, scooting until her haunches bumped into Umbra’s. The ebony woman flinched at the touch, but quickly melted in submission. “About you and your human. The life you live… the life I once lived.” She pulled her gaze back to the disturbed snow outside, the sun bathing it with radiant waves of blinding light. She sighed and adjusted herself slightly, slumping against Derpy’s supportive shoulder. “There is no future for me, not the way I thought.” Umbra admitted, her voice slow and heavy with the burden of defeat and relief. Derpy slung a wing over the mare’s shoulder, embracing her in friendship. “What I thought I desired, I no longer recognize. Money, power, control- I hardly remember the joy they brought me.” Derpy didn’t quite understand, but wisely kept her mouth shut as the Queen poured her guts out. She figured the more Umbra talked, the better for everyone. “I cannot lie anymore. I envy what you have. The dominion you rule. It is far from the glamour that I once lusted after, but in a way, it’s glorious. I wish… I wish I could be part of it.” Derpy snapped to attention at that, pulling away from her snuggly compatriot for a moment. She and her exchanged glances, Derpy’s eyes especially surprised and confused. “Wha- huh? Like a… like a herd?” Derpy gasped, gritting her teeth somewhat at the idea. Umbra stood straight with the posture of an indignant scholar, flipping the bushel of mane from her eyes. She had come so low, that it seemed nothing really mattered anymore. Her position, her old goals, her old drives- none of these vices that had made her the mare she was before would help her now. Stubborn as she could be, the olden sorceress wasn’t dumb. She understood that the princess’ had pinned her down and left her no choice. Somehow, some way, her last and most formidable obstacle was the bewildered wife sitting next to her now. “I humbly ask you, Derpy. Will you share your stallion with the likes of me, for the purposes of affection and care?” The dark woman asked with pomp and composure to her tired voice. She lifted her chin as if it were the old ways, when mares competed fiercely to herd up with stallions of political clout or princes of enormous wealth. Derpy was genuinely stumped, more so than usual. Unlike a math question, or a confusing passage in a book, the words coming out of Umbra confused AND threatened her. She felt pangs in her heart of unassured fear, a sensation like some predator was stalking her from the concealment of dark brush. Her snout scrunched and her ears flicked, the angst consuming her. “I don’t… that’s… I don’t know.” Derpy answered, earning Umbra’s snicker. “I understand you are quite ‘attached’ to him. Fear not, I intend to respect the sanctity of your ehm... marriage. Strange as it may sound, coming from me.” Derpy swished the prospect in her mind, but found that its feel and taste never came back quite right. She drew harder and harder breaths as her brain demanded more oxygen to think through this strange proposal. “I didn’t know you like him.” She mumbled. “Have I another option? You are the only ones that have shown me kindness in this town, despite my resistance.” Derpy was naturally resistant to her goading tone of voice and charms, but she was equally stuck as Umbra. To deny was to potentially worsen Umbra’s state and fail the mission set on her family by Celestia. But to accept a herd with her? That would lessen her status with Anon. She would no longer be his one and only. His snuggle-buggle. His pretty, pudgy mare. She’d have to share with Umbra, of all ponies. The pony flared her nostrils at the thought of Umbra getting equal space in the nest with her, the intrusion into her territory flaring up ancient and primordial aggression in the mare’s mind. Umbra could watch each emotion flicker over her face, unsure of what she could say to lessen the tension twisting Derpy’s face. “I have gone too far, I see.” “No, no!” Derpy yipped, pulling the Queen closer with her wing. “It’s just a lot. You know?” Derpy whined, trying to figure out exactly how’d she work out such an arrangement. “I could… I could give it a try, I guess. You really think a herd with Anon would make you nicer? Nice enough to stop threatening to peel all the skin off his face and eat his heart?” The sinister Queen laughed weakly and fluttered her eyelashes at the concerned and motherly mare she sat with. “If you will have me. You ARE the top mare here.” Derpy giggled a little, but quickly dropped the slight smile it brought her. She fidgeted in her spot and chewed her lip with the pensive thought a banker might give a risky loan. Umbra waited patiently for her to decide, scooting ever closer until she could nuzzle into Derpy’s neck. “I beg of you… have mercy on this old Queen. She has nothing left in this world.” Umbra crooned, the pointy end of her crimson horn poking Derpy in the cheek. “It is either this, or eternal imprisonment. Believe me when I say this, child. I am helpless. Harmless.” Derpy shivered at the Queen’s touch, totally unconditioned to the feel of another mare’s silky soft body. “Okay. I’ll give it a chance.” Derpy finally spoke, turning stiffly to face Umbra once more. “But I’ll be watching you.” She hissed, her eyes fixing unto Umbra’s with a startling focus. It was so frightening that even the dark Queen, green and red in the eyes had to pull back in terror. “If you EVER hurt my Bubby, I will destroy you.” She growled, the voice creeping out of her lips completely different to her normal squeak. A grown mare spoke now, clearly articulating with a tyrant’s power. “I will break every single bone in your body and make it look like an accident. When they put you in the ground I will be there. Laughing. And no one will ever know it’s me who broke you in half. Do you understand me?” Umbra swore she could feel a slight squirt from her nethers below. A twinge of excitement from the domineering mare hiding just behind the visage of silly old Derpy. She huffed in flustered excitement, nodding weakly. “Yes.” Derpy’s eyes instantly unfixed and rolled about in their sockets, both of them drawn to the door by a sudden burst of noise. “BAH! What a mess, man!” Anon barked, carting his precious coffee in his arms and soaked to the bone with melted frost. He put his things on the counter and ripped his heavy clothes off, stripping down to his boxers alone so he could rid himself of the freezing moisture that turned his jacket into a freezing weight crushing on his shoulder. “Gah, Jesus! Baby, you were right. That was an awful idea. Colder than a witch’s…” His profanity was stopped upon seeing his wife and grouchy housemate huddled together with looks of utter seriousness. He sighed and place his hands on his hips, watching as Derpy’s eyes locked onto his face and Umbra’s on his male girth. “What’s going on in here? You guys look like someone just died.” He barked, the pair of ponies both wearing expressions that concerned him. Derpy swallowed and stepped off her perch, approaching her husband and placing a hoof on his thigh. “Bubby… can we talk for a second?” She asked, the words the perfect phrase to put fear in any man’s heart. They mares sat him on the couch and carefully laid out their painful conversation from before. Gently and affectionately, Derpy pitched the idea to him as Umbra watched. She figured, despite Derpy’s limit vocabulary and habit of simplifying her points, it would be better for him to hear from his wife. Perhaps it would lessen the shock, even if Anon already knew somewhat of her ‘feelings’ toward him. He sat there with blank expression and sipped his coffee, listening to the words pouring out of his wife’s mouth. Never once did he pick up a smile or a frown, focused intensely on the new information. “So? What do you think, Bubby?” Derpy finally said, taking his arm into her grasp and pressing against his shoulder. Umbra sat on the other end of the couch, watching with great trepidation. Anon cast unsure glances to her and speared her nervous heart with his judgmental glower. “Do you have any idea what she’s talking about?” He asked the Queen, Derpy pouting at her ignorant man. “Anon! I just told you what she said!” She huffed in frustration. “I won’t lie, Baby. Sometimes when you start talking for a while, you wander off topic. I caught about half of what you were trying to say.” “What?!” The gray wife moaned. “Yes… I believe you lost focus around the second tangent concerning your latest dream.” Derpy whapped on Anon’s meaty chest with a hoof, frustrated with both her house mate’s inability to follow her incoherent babble. “Help me out, woman.” Anon begged Umbra. “A herd. Me. The gray one and you.” “Oooooooh. See, now I get it.” Anon said, patting his wife’s back despite her nasty look. “What say you, then?” Umbra asked, yearning dearly inside for him to agree. She saw his face brighten in welcoming warmth, perhaps opening up to her. “You’re insane.” Anon answered, Umbra gasping at such harsh words. “ANONYMOUS!” She snapped, Derpy likewise guffawing at his answer. “Bubby!” He laughed and shook his head in utter disbelief. “You’re messing with me, right? Like, this has to be a joke?” Umbra rose to her hooves and snarled at him, hurt and driven far beyond her patience. Her stance did little to dissuade him from laughing maniacally at them both. “Look at her! Look at that face! She’s totally trying to mess with my head, Derpy!” He poked her snout and enraged the Queen, foolishly taking her fuming countenance as a ruse. “Must I demonstrate my stance?! Shall I prove to ye how authentic my demands are?!” She barked at him, her increasing volume rattling the timbers of the house. “Yeah! Why not?!” He laughed, leaning in to match her intense tone. “Prove it! I DARE you, woman! Make me believe you wanna be in a herd for real! Make me believe you won’t just whip around and bite me in the butt as soon as I turn my back on you! DO IT.” The dark Queen lurched forward and planted her lips to his in order to silence his insolent words. Her chubby legs plowed forward with sufficient force to knock the entire posse from the couch and onto the carpet below. “MMPH! I have waited too long for this!” She snarled, gasping for breath before diving back in. Her tongue madly dug into Anon’s face and slathered his teeth, painting his maw with her breakfast breath. He kicked and wriggled beneath her, struggling to push the fluffy pony off him. She suffocated the hapless human with her embrace, squeezing hard enough to restrict his breath and moaning so loud his ears rang. Derpy put her best effort in to save her husband, clearly seeing how overwhelmed Anon had become from the blinded Umbra. Her hooves dug under her arms and pried against her ribs, ripping the smooching slaver from her husband. “Umbra! Umbra, that’s enough! He gets it!” She shouted, the entire group wiggling around with such a racket that the neighbors grew concerned. Umbra knocked over the coffee table and sent several things crashing to the floor, exchanging the human’s lips for Derpy’s. “WHOA!” Anon gasped, watching the mare take his wife to the floor in a sopping tango of lip and tongue. She smothered poor Derpy in his mouthy kisses, grasping her head between her hooves for ample leverage. “You are not safe, either! I will prove to both of you the depth of my devotion!” She barked and went back to kissing the flabbergasted Derpy, whether she wanted it or not. Derpy hardly put up a fight, so taken aback by the sudden affection that her mind drew nothing but a blank. Normally, she was quite a fan of smooches in any case. But from another mare? That was simply unheard of to her! She wasn’t sure what to do, whether to fight and deny it or just accept the soft and plush touch of this wild mare. Anon made the call for them both, grabbing Umbra by the mane and ripping her suckling mouth from his wife. He had to fight her off of him too, holding her tightly by the neck with both hands. “ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! Stop the kissing, Jesus Christ!” He gasped, thick droplets of spittle oozing from the Queen’s lips and onto his shirt. She sucked for breath like the rest of them, wiping her sodden lips with a hoof. “Have I properly proven myself, then?” Anon drank from his mug with a hand that never stopped shaking. Sat on the floor with a mare on either side of his lap, his mind attempted to unpack the insanity unfolding around him. Umbra, hostile and hateful of his every fiber, had just dropped the bomb on the entire household in perhaps the least graceful manner he could imagine. His wife, equally molested by her rampant “proof,” rubbed her lips with a hoof in constant disbelief of what just transpired. Their royal housemate had snuggled up against Anon’s side, apparently confident enough in her display to take her place by his side. All were quiet in the crackle of the fire, some still tasting Umbra on their lips. “So… you really weren’t kidding?” He grumbled, feeling his new herd mate nod against him. “Okay… Jeez.” He rubbed his face with an exhausted hand stained by the scent of the Queen’s bushy fur. “Derpy? What did you say?” He asked his wife, who stayed pinned to his side. She shrugged and shared a sip from his mug. “I said it was okay.” He sighed and carefully laid a hand across Umbra’s shoulders. She shuttered and pressed her snout against his side, scrubbing her nostrils against his rippling muscles and hard ribs. “Uuuuuugh… you’re killing me.” Umbra snickered and licked his side, forcing a jolt of surprise from him. “Well? Go on, human. Tell us what you think.” Anon scowled down at, watching the brazen Queen lap a helping of coffee from his mug. “Will it make you less of a demon?” She nodded simply. “Will you behave for once?” The mare didn’t answer, pursing her lips pensively rather than providing him with any comforting assurance. The human shook his head and grumbled to himself, squeezing the only good mare in the house tight. “Don’t make me regret this.” Umbra took his acceptance of her too far for his liking, but there was little he could say about it. Stuck in the house with little else to do, both his ponies worked out their pecking order. He would lay back with a boring book, just trying to kill time and become beset by needy mares. Derpy was first, used to her normal perch right on his stomach with her head on his chest. But Umbra complicated things, worming her way in against his legs and poking her sharp horn in Derpy’s rump. She hadn’t shared in such a long time that it felt purely unnatural when another mare rested on her man. The wife would harrumph and attempt pushing her competitor away, only for the Queen to go adjust herself into an even worse position. Her snout never drew far enough away from his crotch, prompting intense bitterness from its rightful owner. Umbra popped the proverbial cork and let all the pressure within her flow free. Without shame or resistance she poured out over Anon and let her curiosity roam over him. Her huffing sniffs and snorts of his scent drew his sweet maleness over her mind, bringing in the smooth and delicious flavor. He was intoxicating to her, forbidden fruit flavors melding with masculine spice that she was totally unused to. Especially when her sensitive and mushy snout pressed against his limp and sinewy girth through the thin fabric baring her access to it, her entire body quaked sharply. Derpy, on the other hand, huffed and watched from the corner of his vision. Vigilant to protect her man’s honor, she would subtly beat on Umbra’s face with her tail when she placed noisy kisses on Anon’s bulge. Her efforts were clear in their message, but the simultaneous reveal of her winking lips and puckered behind betrayed her. The Queen quite enjoyed their form and lingering scent, swearing she could pick up her sugary and salty mark on Anon. The human himself was finding it rather difficult to concentrate. Two chubby mares worth of weight mushed down on his body and a lusty mouth constantly tickling him in the most sensitive of spots. Especially when the pointy tips of Umbra’s fangs grazed across his shaft, his entire body would jerk and jolt underneath her. “You having fun down there?” He asked with a frustrated huff. She giggled from behind Derpy’s rotund and wide flank. “No quite yet.” She chirped back, her voice taking an entire new tone that neither of the pair had heard before. No more righteous indignation, only a playful femininity that sent shivers down the spine. A haughty huff, toned by lusty ooze that suckled the scent of his now exposed manhood. He bucked hard enough to almost flip Derpy over when the telltale feel of a warm tongue lapped up the bottom of his bell-end. “GUH! A little fast, aren’t we?!” He grunted, watching her kiss and lick up the bottom of his shaft. “Oh please, Anon. I am only making up for my difficulty before.” She crooned, deviously popping his entire head into her mouth. Normally he was no man to deny a mare her fun. But when his wife was fuming with jealousy on his belly, there was tremendous pressure on him to at least do something. “Umbra, c’mon! Maybe this can WAAAAAIT?!” He groaned and arched his back, her vicious and aggressive slobbering sparking painful tremors of orgasmic bliss through his body. Derpy whined and spun herself about, pushing Umbra off her man’s meat with a hoof. The Queen’s left quite a trail behind in strings of her frothing spittle clinging to the end of Anon’s pounding head. Derpy glared deeply into her lusty eyes, serious as a heart attack. “Get. Off. Him.” She threatened, pulling his shaft closer to her mouth. “You’re not doing it right.” The wife gasped before plunging his tip down her snout. She shoved him deeper than she was accustomed to, slurping his pulsing rod past her tonsils and gagging herself. “NNG! Son of a- STOP!” He commanded fruitlessly. Umbra licked her slick lips at Derpy’s display, watching her take more than she could handle. The poor wife was clearly no porn star, struggling to hold his shaft in her throat longer than a split second. Her own oral flavor washed Umbra’s away so it couldn’t further sully her breeding ground. She pulled back roughly to catch her breath, thankful that her bubbly rump held her writhing human down enough to keep him pliant. Her gushing marehood lathered his bare chest with vagrant squirts of excitement, lacing the entire room with the boiling essence of mare love. Umbra’s own scent soaked into the couch, imparting her fruity and girly stink into its fibers. “Ooooh, Derpy your skill is most admirable!” She snickered, her heart pounding as her tongue traced up the veiny and twitching length of her new human. “But allow me to demonstrate the PROPER way that a mare works a stallion.” She had no experience with stallions whatsoever, but nonetheless put herself to work. Umbra slurped his girthy head into her mouth and subjected it to a thorough rub down. Anon twitched and huffed and groaned, forced to endure her snaking and winding tongue. “RRRG! S-stop! Criminy, have mercy on me, woman!” He moaned, barely putting up a fight to the hungry mares grinding him down to a nub. Umbra’s wiggly and wet tongue lavished his tip with affection and unbridled excitement, quickly growing tired from the feverish work she did. It exhausted her mouth to do this, but her racing mind forbade her from stopping. Derpy marveled at her hunger, exposed to this new side of Umbra and finding she quite liked it. To watch her mouth gulp and slurp on Anon’s erect manhood burned her to the very core with all manner of erotic and furious feelings. Before too long, she was muscling in again. Mushing Umbra’s snout with her own, she attempted to evict the Queen from her righteous property. She could taste both the sorceress and her husband, groaning as both human penis and mare tongue lashed at her mouth. Umbra pressed down on her snout with her chin, feeding the mare inch after inch of human in the steamy miasma of growing heat. “There we go. Yes, how appropriate that his wife does the hard work, hm?” She growled and listened to the struggled gagging of Derpy working herself to her limit. Her wings were stiff as wooden boards, fueled by this all new experience that ruined her composure. Umbra hissed and nuzzled between Derpy’s eyes with kisses of goading guidance. “Finish him. I wish to see what your human can do.” Anon was pushed beyond his endurance the moment he felt the Queen’s tongue lap across his testes. Like a dam breaking and flooding an unsuspecting village, his orgasm burst through his body in thrashing pressure. A release of tremendous volume squirt into Derpy’s mouth and laced her throat with his taste, the seed she so madly craved tainting her tongue. Both her eyes rolled over in their sockets at the flavor, pounding surges through his flesh feeding her rope after rope of delicious seed. She couldn’t help herself, panicked and hungry noises escaping her throat with embarrassing pitch much like her expulsions of gooey affection did her marehood. Umbra adored the sight, total submission achieved just from mouthing this powerful human’s organ. “Mmph, look at you! Milking your stallion just as a good wife should.” Derpy pulled off with a gaping jaw, slack and dripping with the white leavings of a man most satisfied. Umbra took the opportunity like a scavenger starving for affection, mashing her mouth to Derpy’s and sharing her masculine meal. The mixing of the potent cocktail sent both into a dizzy delirium, sweet sounds of mare moaning and human gasping lacing the minds of all involved. None could deny the sheer nastiness of it all. How right it felt to be wrong with the new addition to the family. Anon lay panting for breath, sweating bullets as his mares snuggled up higher on his body. Derpy- naturally- sunk her sticky face in the crook of his neck. Umbra nudged her way under his arm, laying her head on his shoulder and invasively painting his skin with the fetid fluids still clinging to her fur. He gripped them both and squeezed their features adoringly, especially the mountain of round and firm fat on either one’s buttocks. “I… urgh. I do not regret this, yet.” > He Who Hunts, Feasts. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He Who Hunts, Feasts. “Augh, urg, NNF! C-curse you. Curse you all. Boil in simmering oil!” “C’mon, chunky! Only a few more steps!” “UUUUUNGH!” A most displeased, sweaty and worn out Queen sauntered off the dirt path in uneasy motions. Loopy and listing from side to side, her jiggling mass of fat and anger was able to galavant far enough to complete her exercise. And not a single clop further. Her rolls of charcoal darkness collapsed completely at the feet of her diabolical and demented torturer. “See? Not so bad at all!” He snickered down at her writhing, wheezing figure with utter cruelness in his voice. Anon lowered himself down to sit with her upon the grassy knoll overlooking Ponyville. Brisk wind from the previous snow was still blowing through the rapidly budding branches surrounding them, but all of the flurry had melted away after a short time. Life had sprung back into the land and in some ways, back into the home of Anon and Derpy. Their newest herd member took some time to get use to and was certainly rough around the edges when it came to affection. Umbra especially struggled with the dynamics of Derpy and Anon’s tight bond when trying to snuggle in on her human. Silently understood to be the top mare, Derpy was always granted first pick of her roost when cuddle time came. Naturally, the grey pudge would always pick the premium real estate and shove herself face first into the crook of Anon’s neck with a bedding of masculine sternum to support her. Meanwhile, Umbra was forced to find her way around the human’s unusual form. Some parts were quite soft and suitable for her to lounge on, while others were bony hard and bruised her in the night. Though she could always set up on Anon’s other shoulder and share his neck with her herdmate, a flurry of sleeping hooves would always bop her snout when she tried to sleep. Derpy was not a mare she needed to tangle with when time for sleep was upon her. Over the last few weeks, Umbra had found a spot that at least suited her needs adequately. Pointing her rump at Anon’s face, sprawled out on his side, she could use his meaty thigh as the perfect pillow. The stiff muscles of before were just now disappearing thanks to several nights of deeply peaceful sleep. It was truly the first time her constantly ticking and racing mind knew such a peace. An all consuming warmth that emanated out from her chest and percolated through every layer of her figure until all her mind fixated on was resting her exhausted mind. At least until Anon ruined it all with his wretched running. “You still out?” The human asked, stroking his mare’s head with a loving hand. Her massive mane of ebony curls had been tied back into a sloppy bun by his wife, but sprigs and dangles of hair still jutted out from the curve of her skull in sweaty droops. Umbra didn’t respond quickly, still reeling from the absolute strain her body had been forced into. “Never in my life have I been so mistreated. Anon, your cretinous ways will be the end of me!” She whined and hissed at him, showing her teeth while still accepting his pets. His loving laugh and powerful hands helped her to her hooves, just enough so she could sit next to him. All Umbra’s weight settled on his shoulder, the slouched posture taking the load from her rotund hips and putting it into more capable hands. “Truly. I am disgusting.” He answered, smooching between her sickly, green eyes. The mare chirped and pressed into his lips, having grown practically addicted to his attention. Without much else to occupy her mind, Anon could see she needed at least some outlet to release her energy. But exercise could definitely be scratched from the list. “You did good. That was a whole half mile without stopping.” He complimented her as best he could and delivered constant strokes to her bulging sides. Umbra still sucked for breath between her fangs, but slowly calmed to a more stable exhaustion. “Augh… and you do this every day?” She whined, shivering when his tactile fingers ran along the length of her spine. “Nah.” He answered, rubbing along the fluffy curve of her belly. “I wouldn’t be winded for another mile.” She rolled her eyes at the man and let the quiet of the forest consume them. Bathing in the cool, crisp air of the coming spring, Umbra sighed with a mixture of content and conflict. Her mind turned through questions as the pair looked over the quaint town she now had to call home. Lights whimpered in the early evening light, shadows cast by a low sun giving all a warm and dull sheen. Her heart slowed to a constant and easy beat, her skin tingling with the cold where it could touch her. Basking in the delight of stillness, the dark sorceress turned her eyes to the similarly stoic human. He didn’t sweat near as much as she did, but where the moisture had touched his figure a most masculine and intoxicating scent lingered. The sweet and raunchy aroma moved through and filled her entire face with its tingle, drawing the mare closer without her even realizing it. She rested her chin against his shoulder and spoke softly. “Anonymous?” He didn’t turn his head, instead only gripping her tighter with the arm slung across her back. “Yeah?” “May I ask you a question?” He shrugged his shoulders and allowed her to speak further. Umbra chewed on her words thoughtfully, trying to be certain that her pitch would hit its mark. “Can I call you… perhaps you would… nevermind.” He snickered again and shook her gently like a babe. “Pfft, c’mon. You gotta do better than that.” She huffed and attempted to bat away the hand going for her neck. “Silence. T’was a useless question in the first place.” Her light slaps failed to keep his petting away from her soft underbelly, a gesture of squeezing scratches quickly wearing down her ability to stay focused. “Oh shut up. Is the mare that bit my finger off really being so coy?” She whined and grabbed hold of his manky hand in her hooves. The digit in question was still quite scabbed over and raw from her less than loving bite. The sight of it ate at her pounding heart like acid, forcing her to kiss the broad tooth marks. Anon flinched slightly at the touch, but allowed her to finish the healing smooch. “May I call you… I uhm…” She struggled furter, earning Anon’s loving back rubs to help the words along. “My King. May I call you such?” Anon knew better than to laugh. He had learned from Derpy that a mare rarely joked about this kind of thing. Had it been a stallion, or another human, he would’ve eagerly guffawed at an idea like such. But given the solemn and intense stare skewering his head from the chubby little pony curling against his side, the human thought better than to joke. “By all means.” Umbra huffed with a sweet relief rushing through her veins that lifted her tail. “Then, my King, may I ask you something else?” “Please.” “When do you plan to tell Derpy?” Anon somehow knew just what “tell” his mare spoke of. The one throbbing, aggravated and raw question he had been pushing back until the last possible moment. The pebble that had rolled downhill until it was a raging snowball. With a stout grumble, the human scratched the stubble lining his chin in thought. “I dunno. I was hoping to put that off. Maybe adopt a little one when she’s not looking and surprise her.” Umbra scoffed at his idea with a judgemental smile. “My King would honestly believe such a trick would fool her?” “Your King kinda does.” Umbra nibbled at his soggy shirt with playful giggles. “And when she eventually finds out?” He drew a sharp, inward breath at the thought alone. “Well… not like she can divorce me, right?” Umbra rolled her eyes at the darkness of his answer. “Pfeh. For all the foolishness you have endured, those corpulent princesses ought to grace you with a pregnant mare!” “Yeah. The one thing I need is another mare.” She stopped her joking laughter and threw her eyes to his with confusion. “By the divine, my King? Are you so ignorant?” “What’re you on about, woman?” Umbra threw the dangling hairs of her mane from her eyes in arrogant arches. “Perhaps you are unaware of the extent that magic may be used? Maternity is a matter of spellcraft, if one is gifted enough.” “Dumb it down for me, honey.” Umbra hissed at his ignorance, but complied all the same. “They could give Derpy the child she desires, if they so choose! Bah, I’m certain that their ‘vast and expansive’ ‘knowledge’ of the arcane could pull off something so trivial.” Silence gripped them once again in the sweet clearing of grass. Anon stared forward into the swishing foliage with nary a sound or move to his body. Umbra pressed tightly into him regardless. “Aw man… I really hope they don’t know that spell.” He whined, falling onto his back in exasperation. “Otherwise I might have to start writing some complaints.” Umbra eagerly took up the spot normally hogged by the opportunistic wife of Anon. Sprawling over his chest and facing his grievous expression, she could finally drink in the sensation of his stout heartbeat thumping against her own. “You accept this revelation with poise, my King.” Anon groaned and let himself flop without a hint of rigidity under the squishing weight of his mushy Queen. “It’s better for me not to get worked up because it worries people… or ponies. Whatever.” She could positively smell the bubbling energy in his belly, the quickening beat of his heart almost bouncing her entire weight with each pulse. “Forget them! My King, if your rage grows then express it! What manner of stallion asks permission to be angered when he is wronged?!” “I freak people out enough, woman. I don’t need to go yellin’ and hollerin’ and carrying on.” She beat on his chest with her hoof in defiance. “My King. I order you, as your Queen, to express this anger. It is a waste of energy to keep it inside.” She lied, rather excited to see him flip the switch from civilized man to wild beast like he had before. Anon groaned and pushed the mare off of him, standing with a strange fatigue Umbra wasn’t familiar with. A crushing slowness brought on not by physical exertion, but emotional exhaustion. Anon turned away from her and looked off into the swaying brush nearby with the most sullen of expressions. Then, the proverbial cork burst.   A terrific cascade of hollering, yelling and thrashing broke out in ringing explosions throughout the forest. Surrounding foliage whimpered and shuddered when Anon’s lips spewed forth a tidal wave of expletives, curses and condemnations. Alien words of shrieking rage cut through the air and hit Umbra straight in the face with shocking fright. Never had she seen such an outburst of concentrated rage and frustration, even from cornered beasts gnashing their teeth and snarling with puddles of enraged drool. The human stomped and kicked and punched all around him, subjecting trees and logs to his flurry of hits that scattered bark and crunched the joints in his hands. She winced at his hits, albeit a reaction that came with other ‘twitches’ in her lower form. Sitting on the grass, the power of Anon’s rage moved through her and jolted her nethers to action. Squeezing motions simmered inside her belly and moved through her marehood, clenching turning to winking and winking to oozing onto the Earth below. Her heart skipped beats when the dull thwacks of bony knuckles connected to bursting tree trunks, raw strength forcing the rotten fibers to explode out in a satisfying fan. She bit her lip almost to a blood stub, her crimson pupils tracing the exertion of his monstrous frame with every devastating blow and mesmerizing curse. Hot blood rushed through every tiny vein in his body at insane pressure, reddening his skin and bringing the heat to his face. Growling and snarling, Anon finally turned to face the cowering little pony watching his expulsion of rage. White teeth glimmered in the weak sun, zapping her prey-animal mind with pangs of ancient fear. “Rrrg… RRRG! That enough for you?! Huh?! You satisfied?!” He barked, the last tails of his boiling rage still stabbing forward with wild abandon. The innate, male energy within him radiated in a poisonous fog around him. Umbra readily absorbed this sickening aura, swept off her squishy belly by his presence. The mare in her instantly submitted, pushing her head down and her tail up. “M-muh…” She squeaked, helplessly winking herself into a mess before his very eyes. Anon clenched his shaking hands, the catharsis of meaningless shouting having super charged his immediate energy. He stared down at the drooling mare, grunting as he knelt down and snapped his fingers. “C’mere.” He ordered. She was slow at first, simultaneously skittish near such a capable predator and so sodden between her thighs that standing simply felt embarrassing. “NOW!” He barked, beating on the ground dominantly. She meeped and hopped to his command, shakily standing before her man with bottomless hunger in her eyes. Her heart pounded within her heaving ribs, brewing in a stew of arousal. Especially when his warm fingers curled around her neck, squeezing gently on the delicate tubes and muscles there. “My King, I-” “Shut up, mare.” Anon hissed, pulling her closer to him. Her snout was mere inches from his nose, thumbs stroking on her cheeks and teeth bare in her face. “I need you to be good and squishy, right now. Don’t be difficult with me, you understand, woman?” His words cut through the air like a sword through fat, his warm breaths tickling Umbra’s snout. “Mmmph, nng… show me mercy?” His fingers clenched around her neck, squeezing just hard enough to let her know who was in control. “What I say?” He hissed, leaning forward until poor Umbra was slung out on her back. She lay beneath him and kicked in the air with helpless wiggles of arousal and fear. Her blood ran hot like molten metal, rushing to engorge her lips with puffy thickness and oozing affection. “I said be quiet, mare. You’ve got work to do.” He snarled and bit into her neck, making sure his gnashing insciscors hit right at her jugular. The mare squealed and squeezed around him in a bid for more. Anon knew well how to play Umbra, by now. After weeks of watching her melt under the slightest show of aggression, it was clear as day what his strategy would be. Had it not been for Derpy’s intense demand that Umbra “wait her turn” in terms of actual penetration, Anon would’ve eagerly speared her before this. Frustration of dealing with her mess and general desire had become pressurized up until this point and his mind could wait no longer. She hollered and yipped freely in the forest, each little bite and scratch exciting her mind beyond compare. Even his rubbing, invasive and firm bulge was simply outclassed by the ministrations of his snarling maw. She knew how easy it was for him to utterly ruin her, just one bite separating life from death. Her back legs twitched uncontrollably, the signals blasting from her racing mind sending them into a tizzy of confusion. Clearly, it had been far too long since she had felt the touch of a stallion. The moment she looked down and felt flesh on flesh contact between them, her marehood simply exploded in delight. Spasms of clenches and erupting fluids interrupted Anon’s attempt to thrust inside her. Her breaths became short and choppy, pounding pleasure surging through her entire form like someone had just stabbed her in the belly. “My King! OOOH s-stop! I beg you!” She wailed, earning only a series of nibbles on her cheek as consolation. “Please, please! It has been too long! I can’t-” She was silenced when the first stretch ratcheted through her spine. Tickling intensity rocketed through her unprepared and quivering body as Anon’s girth force its way into her. His throbbing head burrowed into her crushing, pink and slick tunnel with the same ease a breeze would blow through an open  window. “MMPH! NNG!” She gasped and groaned under him, meeting his eyes with helplessness scaring her features. “Real tough, for a slaver.” He hissed, flexing his hips in the slightest bit to send her into a delirium of moans and squeals. Hardly an inch of him was slurping into her canal, but it was more than enough to shock her system. “C’mon, woman! Is that all you got?!” He hissed, pinning down her wiggling arms and beginning with easy and shallow thrusts. The mare heaved and whined, unable to rip her gaze from his. Anon looked purely tyrannical from this angle, his flexing muscles and glimmering teeth stabbing at her heart with excitement. “Shoulda’ done this in the first place! Would’ve saved me the trouble of dealing with your sass!” He didn’t laugh as he chided her, nor did he smile in levity. Rather, his words came punctuated by thrusts into her gooey innards. Umbra yipped and hollered, but tried desperately to suppress herself. It was simply overwhelming to her, the warm fullness of a stallion surging through her so natural and comforting that it startled her very being. The sorceress was unsure of how to even handle the slightest movement within her, all confidence and control melting away like butter on a platter. All she could do was take his quickening jabs and hope her body wouldn’t explode from the pressure within. “Gonna mess you up, woman! Ain’t nothin’ you can do now!” He snarled and curled his arms about her in a tight brace of supporting muscle. She was pinned firmly in place as his hips began to pound back and forth with clapping music coming from beneath them. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and her drool pooled on the ground just next to her head. Her mind shut down and her body clenched for the assault descending upon it. Anon hunched over her and let his work be done with hurried movements. Wet and gooey walls hugged his encroaching girth as it bred new territory and claimed his mare. Scraping against her silky walls, his pulsing manhood throbbed and shuddered inside her joyously. Derpy mave have been the uncontested champion of softness, but Umbra had the edge in tightness. Almost virginal in her stretch, Umbra’s canal of mare affection mashed down without rhyme or reason. Unlike Derpy’s experienced love, Umbra’s muscles contracted without kneading motions or soothing strokes. Only wild strength guided her movements, desperately grabbing onto Anon and trying to keep him stuck within. Fruitless as that was, it made for an amazing experience. Anon felt as if he were breeding a funnel, impossible tightness only overcome by animalistic strength. Her breathing became labored and concerningly loud, like someone who was just saved seconds before they drowned. Naturally, submerged in a haze of sexual release, Anon didn’t pay much mind to her needy noises. “GHK! ACK! MY KI-ING!” She bellowed, forced into a strain staccato by the constant bounce of a stallion’s thrust. Her orgasm was ignored in the furious assault, totally buried under inconsiderate and brutal thrusts. Anon only slowed in the slightest when he felt his own climax begin to creep through his muscles. His testes pulsed with production and surged forth a mighty tide of white for his new herd mate. Painfully sharp zaps of pleasure pulsed all the way from his “head” to his head, bulging out veins in his neck and testing his composure. Umbra couldn’t believe how it felt to be bred by a male. The first squirt drenched her insides and flooded past her cervix without halt. Her belly warmed with fiery enjoyment as her most carnal itch was finally scratched in deliveries of thick white. Stringy goodness blasted twice more before a sudden rip of motion left her gaping canal void and dripping. Confused, the mare looked down with tongue hanging out and eyes lazy. Just in time for a stroking maleness to hit her square in the nose with an unbelievably high-pressure jet. She squeaked but found it impossible to dodge the next two when Anon held her by the mane. His powerful fingers snapped the band holding her mane in place, an explosion of hair coinciding with the bursts of sperm covering her face. Coming down from such a unique ecstasy took time and consideration. The dark Queen, made pliable and soft by the little “tussle” with Anon, had to be scooped up and carried. She refused to move, understandably drained of all her energy. Anon could see how readily she basked in the feel, constantly stroking her rotund belly with a hoof just as Derpy did the first time they had laid together. Her tongue had tasted his sweet seed and developed a love for it at that very moment, suddenly understanding Derpy’s intense infatuation. She rode reclined and sleepy in his arms, the flowing locks of her mane curling around his muscles and hanging nearly down to his knees in a river of ebony. Umbra couldn’t help but leak as they walked, forcing Anon to meander through the less populated routes in town. They left a trail of mare and human drippings, but neither seemed to really care. Umbra buried her face in Anon’s firm pectoral, curling up tight until she looked more like a tire than a pony. Back in their warm home, a welcoming scent of food welcomed the pair back. Anon carted the exhausted mare right to his wife, observing the special meat dinner sizzling in the pan just for him. Derpy fluttered about the stove lazily and with little control, perfectly attuned to her husband's presence the moment he entered her space. She placed a smooch on his lips without greetings of warnings. “Hey, Baby.” Anon grunted, adjusting the mare in his arms. Derpy kept her content grin and went for another in her needy jabs of affection. “How’d the run go?” Derpy questioned simply, poking the unresponsive mass of black in the human’s arms. He snickered and shook her slightly, only able to get the slightest bit of gurgles from the dark Queen. “It’s not her forte.” > Virtuous Patience. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtuous Patience. Umbra looked out over the circle of mares tentatively gathered before her at the dinner table. The clock ticked away in the suffocating silence and tweeted with the time of two PM finally coming. She could no longer put it off. Her trial by fire was here and it was going to be wretched, somehow she just knew it. The Queen sighed with heavy heart and opened the book before her, feeling all eight of the judgmental eyes weighing upon her. Had it not been for the “encouraging” session with her human minutes prior to this, she may have been unfit for the challenge. The dark Queen cleared her throat and straightened her posture to elect a more scholarly and respectable position. “Good afternoon everypony, welcome to this week’s meeting of the Ponyville Book Club. I hope you are all well?” She addressed the waiting audience with poise and care, lifting her snout to perfect the appearance of astuteness. Twilight Sparkle shifted in her seat uncomfortably and nodded weakly. Fluttershy allowed the passing breeze to brush locks of bubblegum hair from her teal eyes. Rarity smiled without an ounce of sincerity. And Berry Punch rested her pounding head on the thin tome before her. “I guess so… Where’s Derpy, if you don’t mind me asking?” The purple Princess prodded, her words sweet but her gaze accusing as could be. Umbra did her best to ignore the ravenous irritation she felt each and every time she heard Twilight’s voice. “Derpy is sick. She hasn’t been feeling well this week and couldn’t make it.” “Aren’t we in her house?” Rarity questioned, pushing Umbra’s patience even further. “She’d rather lie in bed, for now. In the meantime, I have read this week’s chapter and I’m perfectly sure I can lead a discussion.” Fluttershy probably had something to say, but failed to form any words to counter the ebony mare seated at the head of the table. “I thought it was great!” Berry blurted, flipping open her book and grinning ear to ear. “That part where they was in the desert? And all they water got sucked up by a sandworm? And then his teeth fell out?! Best part, hooves down!” She said, slurring her words and flicking her ears. Every mare in the party quietly opened their own books during her onslaught of words and spittle. Twilight took the opportunity to straighten her pages and clear her throat. “Alright… how about we start with you, Umbra? What did you think of the chapter?” Once again, the eyes flew to charcoal mare. She hummed with disdain, but wisely kept it to herself. “I felt as if the author were harkening back to the oppressive era of King Tiburous and his legislation against the farming communities of Saddle Arabia. His mentions of hunger, constricting the sand into water and yearning for shade from the oppressive sun follow the patterns of early Arabic manuscripts from that time and I see many uses of their style in his diction. This chapter especially enlightens the use of synonyms, repetition and alliteration in points to truly tribute to this culture.” She finished off the diatribe of scholastic analysis with a sip of her warm tea, both ears pert and perky beneath the stares of her befuddled colleagues. “I found it an easy read in the waning hours of the evening. I would prefer more advanced material myself, but that is neither here nor there.” Once Twilight had pulled herself back together and shaken the stars from her eyes, she was able to break the silence. “That’s a ehm… much more nuanced reply than we usually get.” She said, with a smile almost cracking in half. “Yes, Dear! I had no idea you were so learned!” Rarity chirped, glad that someone had actually read the more drab and wordy part of the book. Naturally, she better was specialized in the hot romance chapters than any meatier section concerning the inner meaning of literary nonsense. “Mh. Yes. Well, contrary to popular belief, I was not always a Queen. Once upon a time, I too was a student of magic.” Umbra said with memories fading back to her more innocent times centuries ago. “I studied under the greatest unicorns of that time. Starswirl the Bearded penned his ‘Dynamics of Southern Mysticism’ while I was his apprentice.” Spiddle fired forward from the otherside of the table in a shower of tea and utter shock. Twilight had become tense and her eyes wide like the saucers holding the fine cups of warm drink below. Rarity hardly dodged the mist of frothy fluid, Berry Punch’s unflinching face taking most of it. “YOU studied under Starswirl the Bearded?!” She barked at Umbra, earning the seering grin of the Temptress. “For a time… would you happen to recall his work ‘On the Metrics of Crystal and Horn?’” Her fangs glimmered in the sunlight with flashes like a foreboding sign. “Of course I have! I’ve read it cover to cover at least a hundred times!” The spastic Princess answered with a bounce in her seat. “Then you know of the missing pages?” “I wish. I’ve gone to every Library this side of Equestria and not a single copy I’ve found has them.” Umbra giggled and leaned in closer to the heaving mare. “Allow me to spin a quick tale, then.” She said, earning every ear present even if most hardly understood the context off her devious story. “That miserable old goat refused to allow me into his lab and conduct the experiments I would need in order to finish my degree. ‘Far too dangerous for a journeymare such as you! Allow me!’ Well, after a grand fortnight of this tripe I had enough! I took from the manuscript the pages I had authored and tucked them away… into the hearth! HA! He did not have my work, NOR my knowledge on the power quantities of crystals!” Silence and tension once again ran rampant through the room. Hardly a mare laughed at her story, the only one that could possibly be in on the joke stabbing Umbra through the neck with hateful eyes. Twilight pursed her lips and ground her hooves into table with rage bubbling up inside her belly. The destruction of knowledge. The humiliation of a historical figure. Those atrocious, red bows hanging in the scattered locks of black mane. All of these things yearned for punishment. They called out to the princess to act and to right the wrongs of this deviously evil witch nervously sitting before her. Had it not been for her intense concentration and discipline, the spastic princess may have done something rash… “Twilight? Darling? Are you feeling well?” “Me? Of course! I just- GHK- THINK IT’S SUCH A NICE STORY!” She blurted her words with visible strain brewing in her belly and sputtering out of her mouth. Umbra delighted in the scene of her opponent whimpering and struggling before her. “Appears you require more tea.” Umbra snickered placing a hoof to her mouth and calling out into the other room. “Anon?! My sweet stallion?! Bring the table another helping of tea!” Quiet shuffling followed from within the kitchen, rousing the beast from within off the couch and into the dining room. The human wore slacks and a thin undershirt, fruitlessly attempting to relax after a week of work. “I’m coming, i’m coming. Jesus.” He grumbled, carting one of Derpy’s family dishes with pots and cups jingling on top. Umbra loved to watch him work, drinking in his powerful form ever so carefully pouring tiny helpings of warm tea into Twilight's petite cup. His thick and muscular fingers gracefully worked for her and showed such gentle care in delivering the goods he was burdened with. Not to mention, the more she bossed him around ordering him to deliver tea and snacks, the more she could flaunt her prize. Ever the prideful, Umbra absolutely delighted in allowing every mare at the table to gawk and admire her possession. Anon was her stallion, her King, her treasure and her most adored belonging. In the calm lulls of night she would whisper such things to him, cooing and hissing almost silently into his ear. Proclamations of ownership, vows of loyalty and edicts of “royal” affection. Naturally, this would normally only last until Derpy returned from the washroom and resumed her post on Anon’s neck. Still, pushed to second on the totem pole, Umbra found she could grow used to her status in the herd… at least somewhat. Under Derpy’s golden eyes, the dark Queen would restrain herself to only “acceptable” advances on their stallion. But when “Momma” wasn’t around… “Girls? I’m sure you’ve met my stallion?” Umbra chided, grinning ear to ear with sick glee. “Why of course!” “Several times.” “He the monkey one?” The human rolled his eyes and attempted to set the platter of tea and crispy cakes on the table. “Ah-ah! No, my stallion. Don’t clutter the space.” Umbra commanded, earning quite a groan. “Ugh, you’re killing me, woman.” Dutifully and without much more complaint, he did as he was told and removed the offensive dishware. Umbra was still unfinished with him. “You see? See how he obeys me! Such is a good stallion, in any herd. The princesses would be blessed to have a male such as mine!” She snickered as the mares before her stared on in slight confusion. The wicked Sorceress pulled her man close with a reaching hoof pawing at his hip. “Come, come! Let your Queen show you off!” She chided and tugged him closer to her side. “Yes we’ve met him before.” Twilight interjected. “It’s true, dear. We’re very familiar with Anon.” “I never really met him…” “Nonsense! You only know the prim and proper Anon.” Umbra continued, nuzzling into the man’s side with an adoring snout. She eagerly expressed his manly aroma, the foreign musk of a human male still lighting up the marish portions of her mind with exciting energy. Her King had grown used to it, almost. “Look at this.” The Queen lifted his shirt ever so slightly and exposed the tone muscles of his underside. Very little fat came between the skin and pure strength, giving his abdomen quite the ice-pack shape. Twilight and Rarity lifted eyebrows, Fluttershy desperately averting her eyes to avoid exposing her blush. “Look, look, ‘tis nothing but fine breeding in MY stallion!” Umbra’s hoof tapped on his belly, the surface of human flesh giving very little under pressure. “I have never seen such a form to any other creature. Is it not divine? Mh. I would let you touch it, but that would simply be so uncouth!” Umbra showed her fangs in an ecstatic smile, as if she were gaining the upper hand on her captive audience. None of the ponies exactly frothed at the mouth for the opportunity. “I would like to touch…” Fluttershy quietly whimpered, but she was quickly drowned out by an uproar of retching, gagging and coughing from the other room. Somewhere in the house, Derpy was clearly bursting at the seems and expelling massive amounts of… something. Ears perked and eyes gravitated toward the ceiling, such moans of discomfort hard to ignore. “Oh my, she really IS sick.” Rarity commented, Twilight hopping down from the table. “What’s wrong with her, Anon?” Twilight questioned as Umbra put her arms about Anon to keep him from escaping her aggravating affection. “I dunno. She’s just been barfing for days, man. Every morning, every night. Won’t eat nothing but crackers and milk.” The purple princess chewed her lip for a moment, the intricate mechanisms turning in her mind. “Would it be alright if I talked to her?” The man shrugged, pushing the invasive mare snout out of his shirt. “Pfft. You can try. I doubt she’s really in the mood.” Derpy wasn’t in the mood, indeed. Her grey fluff flopped back onto the mattress of her nest, both wings working in flutters and bends to wrap herself back up in blankets for a vital rest. Her body quivered and shook in strange ways, as if something within moved unlike it had before. Heat shuddered through her and weakened every muscle until they were utterly useless to her. She could hardly breathe, sucking for breath through both nostrils and maw like a mare drowning in heat. Spittle soaked her pillow from her chomping at it for hours. Her teats were bloated and itchy, fruitless hoofing at them only further irritating them. Now she could hardly relax, reclining on her side with Anon’s puffy pillow between her thighs to keep the pressure off them. In a state such as this, the sound of her bedroom door opening hardly concerned her. “Derpy? Derpy are you in here?” “Yessum.” She replied quietly, huffing the warm air of her nest. Twilight carefully meandered in, picking up a most potent scent. Sweaty, musty, salty pangs of funk crept through the air of the bedroom, imparting a lurid stench of “activity” to the nose. She did her best to ignore it, hardly able to think what kind of thing could fill an entire room with the rankness of breeding. “Are you… you alright? Anon says you’ve been sick.” She goaded gently as she could manage. “Uh-huh.” Derpy answered, barely answering either question. “Hm… well what’s wrong? I’m sure I could help you feel better.” The grey mare wiggled under her thick blankets, slowly and groggily turning in her bed to face the Princess. “My tummy hurts… and my nin-nins are all sore.” She whined and huffed in exhaustion, though Twilight didn’t seem to understand entirely. “Ehm… ‘Nin-nin’s?’” The mare before her flopped and lazily rolled around for a moment or so, posthumously exposing her belly to the now flabbergasted Twilight. The smell alone was enough to force her to step back, like hot mare folds after two hours in the summer sun. She was unprepared for what she saw, fat and swollen teats almost visibly pulsing between Derpy’s legs. Her nipples were jutting out like udders and emanating such heat that the princess’ nose warmed. “OH MY- okay!” She gasped, gathering herself as best she could when shrouded in the funk of a heated mare. It was clear that something was up with Derpy, something perfectly natural but unexpected. Twilight was only partially aware of the mare’s desire for pregnancy, something that only came up when wine was served at the book club instead of tea. But she never imagined that it would come to fruition, it was impossible after all. But now, her careful and considerate mind began to reconsider. “Uhm… okay eh… this is… right.” She had never seen a mare so “full” before. Derpy’s belly was already unbecomingly round and squishy, but combined with her engorged teats, it was totally unseemly. The mare could hardly move with all the mass weighing her down, everything jiggling with her slightest move. Twilight wasn’t one for staring at mares, truly she much preferred anatomical charts of stallions in her free time, but the little she had read could most likely help her to make an assumption. Fatigue, strange odors, nausea and enlarging of the breasts could only mean one thing. But Twilight had to be sure. Her ear came to rest on her belly, making absolutely sure that the sickly mare’s nipples weren’t brushing against the side of her head. Gurgling from within and sloshing hit her immediately, like the ocean was bobbing up and down inside of Derpy. Strange motions from inside felt different than the normal mumbling of digestion and churning organs. Twilight didn’t put her ear to bellies very often, but even she could see something was changing. Derpy took a particularly sharp breath for whatever reason, the added pressure of air in her lungs causing an ever-so slight dribbling of white to burp from her pulsating nipple. “Derpy, this is a strange question. But may I see your… uhm… your behind?” The mare before her raised her eyebrows, both her golden irises crossing more than usual. “My rump? You think my rump is making me sick?” “No, not exactly. I just think it would help me-” “Okay!” Derpy chirped, more than happy to have someone as smart as Twilight Sparkle to help her. Trusting and simple as she was, the grey pudge had no issues in putting her faith in someone as regal and learned as the Princess of Friendship. Twilight was not prepared for the sheer readiness of the movement, and thus quickly found that the whipping butt in front of her put her right in the “splash zone.” Vagrant drops of yellowish, sugary fluid splattered on her nose and cheeks like hot rain and sent her spiraling back in shock. From the slight peek she was granted, Twilight could already make an educated guess as to what was going on. “Augh! PFUH! ECK!” She spat and wiped her face, only smearing the musky, marking fluids into her fur. “By Celestia…” She murmured, somewhat transfixed by Derpy’s undulating and steaming rump. Her vulva winked continuously, weakly clenching at the air with copious drippings matting the fur all around it. Her clitoris jittered within it’s hood, straining for attention within her chubby and slick lips. Even her squishy and rounded pucker moved, every muscle below her waist pulling and clenching in opposing directions. The folds of her musty behind punched and relaxed almost with the rhythm of her heart, the flow of blood concentrated so tightly in her nethers that one could almost see pink in the fields of grey. “How’s it look? Is it bad? Do you think Anon will notice if my rump looks weird?!” Derpy whined, lashing her tail from side to side in angst. Twilight cleared her throat and averted her eyes once the spectacle had worn off. “No, no! Everything’s just fine! You’re just… well I think you’re…” Downstairs, the show and tell hadn’t come to an end. Despite her diminished audience, Umbra still prattled on with pride and ponce. “And I tell you. His strength is simply unending! He lifts me with such ease and carries me everywhere! I doubt the princesses have a chariot THIS luxurious!” Rarity had long since stopped paying attention, already well versed from Derpy about Anon and his details. Fluttershy could hardly continue listening, so transfixed on the idea alone of riding a human everywhere that her belly sprouted fiery butterflies. “Isn’t that right, my stallion? Are you not completely loyal to me?” Anon shrugged and thanked some unknown force for interrupting her. Umbra was cut off by the heavy giddy taps coming from the stairs, dancing hooves making quite a racket. They came closer in very short order, the jiggling mass of joy and glee stalking her man with purpose and drive. Derpy rounded the corner with the biggest smile Anon had seen yet, her cross eyes frighteningly focused right on her human’s face. “Mushy?” He asked, setting Umbra down despite how hard she tried to cling to him. Derpy didn’t reply, sewing the air with a strange worry and tension. With dominance over the situation, Derpy bit her lip and let her wings snap into stiff peaks. “Buns in the oven!” She yipped beginning to hop around much as her chubby body could allow. She literally danced in slight circles and giddy leaps, wiggling all around the room in joyous celebration. “Buns in the oven, buns in the oven, buns in the oven! Daddy put buns in the oven and Momma hopes it’s a dozen!” She repeated in song, chanting the childhood rhyme again and again with increasing volume. The explosive celebration rocked the book club for hours afterwards. The house rang out with song and praise, music blasting from the record player and ponies brought in to congratulate. Haphazard and patch work, the impromptu festivities were at Derpy’s excited behest and attracted nearly all her friends from town. It was such a moment, that the wine had to be brought out and toasted to the couple. Derpy toasted with tea, instead. It was best to keep such poison away from her, newly minted mother that she was. It was a noisy cavalcade that took hours to wind down, crowds of friends and well-wishers slowly dispersing and returning to their homes. Twilight was the last to leave, graciously wishing well on the couple and vowing to write Celestia the moment she had a quill and paper. Turning to leave, Anon shut the door and turned to his herd. One was so energized by the news, she could hardly hold still long enough to be seen. The other s burned him with eyes so hateful and jealous, that his heart stopped beating for several seconds. The odd mix of tension remained through the rest of the day. At the dinner table, during the herd bath and even as Anon brushed his teeth in a rare moment of solitude he could feel murder creeping behind him. Frothing drippings falling from his lips, he offhandedly spotted Umbra sitting in the mirror. “You alright?” He asked, trying to appear unfazed by her sharp stare. Umbra huffed in frustration when he didn’t turn around to address her. Like a King ought to. “I’m sure you’re very pleased, my King.” She hissed, that old Umbra breaking through the surface in the atrocious tone of her voice. “The seeds are finally sewn. How… wonderful.” Anon kept brushing nonetheless. “You alright?” He asked again, firmer and more direct. Umbra shook her head with a smile, snickering quietly to herself. “Heh, heh… yes. All is well. For now. But I am no fool, My King.” He turned to face her now, if only to scold her with his tired eyes. “I hope that this new addition to our herd will not divide your attention too sharply. Hm? Is that a guarantee you can make to me?” “Oh my God.” Anon groaned in dissatisfaction. His head turned away sharply from his nagging mare, inviting her to press tighter by entering the bathroom and shutting the door. “As your Queen, I heavily implore you to consider the dynamics of this bonding between us. Unbreakable as it may be, you’d be wise not to strain it.” She scolded him, sitting atop the toilet seat to proper meet his eye level. “You’re doing that thing again. That thing where you start making me really, really mad.” He huffed, rinsing his mouth and spitting with aggravation. Umbra scoffed at his foolishness. “I am making YOU mad?! You surely jest!” She baffed his hips with her hoof, ineffectually chastising him for a crime he didn’t know was committed. “Already you are showing signs of favoritism. I saw just how you acted during that party! You hardly paid any attention to your Queen! YOUR QUEEN!” She huffed with indignance, just about spitting on him with the force of her displeasure. Her human rolled his eyes at the yapping mare. “You hardly carried me, you poured me not a drop of wine and you failed to even kiss me once in the presence of others! Are we a herd, or not, my King?” “Alright. C’mere.” He grunted, seizing the the wiggly and squishy Queen in his arms. “Ugh! Attempting to make up for lost loving it useless now! I am already quite angry with you, my King!” She barked and pushed against him without fail, but couldn’t escape his adoring grasp. Sitting on the seat, Anon placed Umbra’s wide rump in his lap and curled an arm about her neck. Cradled like this, their noses could touch and their lips just barely meet. “Listen here, now. It’s gonna be different with Derpy being all pregnant and needy-” “And moody. You ought to know of a broodmare’s moodiness.” “Sure, sure. But don’t make such a fuss about.” “Bah! Look at you, attempting to assuage me with pleas of mercy.” He could only chuckle at that, using his free hand to grasp her chin and force her to meet him. “Look at me… who’s my Queen?” “This shall not abate my-” “Answer me. Now.” Umbra wanted to scold him once more and lash him for the ignorance he so brazenly showed without realizing it. But with eyes like needles drilling into her heart and a tone so deeply commanding, her mind cracked under the pressure. “It is I. I am your Queen.” “Good.” He said, delivering a loving kiss to her lips. His Queen melted under the administration of sugary love, submitting to his force and pawing at his chest with both hooves. Her little moans and whimpers of delight tickled his teeth and moved through his bones while her tongue desperately attempted to enter his mouth. Pokes and prods only met stern teeth, a taxing King pulling her back by a handful of dark mane. “Who’s my pretty, curvy, diabolical Queen?” Umbra giggled with a rope of his spittle clinging to her chin. “Me?” “Hundred percent.” He finished off the guarantee with a bite to her neck, scraping his canines across her ticklish skin. “EEE! My King!” She squealed, smiling and squeezing his thick torso with both arms. He stroked her back and through her pillowy mane, holding onto her until he felt no more opposition. Umbra pulled back and stared him with the same adoring and love-drunk eyes she always had when it was her time for snuggles. “Now then. Am I gonna have to hear anymore sass about not getting enough kisses?” Umbra crooned and licked her fangs under his domineering form. “Perhaps not anymore.” He huffed and pulled her mane tight, threatening to rip it out while he showed his own set of predatory pearls. “Yes or no?” The Queen wisely acquiesce to his demands. “Nng-! Never again, my King!” Peace made, at least for now, the herd gathered in the bed. Anon sat in the middle, as he always did and found that he wasn’t flanked on either side by tonnes of mare. Umbra took up her usual spot, reading from his chest with her chin rested on his pectorals, but Derpy had abandoned her normal roost. HIs right side was oddly cold and light without her chub to keep him warm. Instead, Derpy had taken to watching the two from the foot of the bed, almost entirely unblinking in her uncanny surveillance. Naturally, only one eye really watched the pair, the other scanning the the ceiling for no apparent reason. As much as Anon enjoyed his mare’s face, the strength of her eye contact nonetheless put him off. “Mushy? Is everything alright?” He asked with a hand casually set on Umbra’s shoulder. Derpy’s wings fluttered and shifted on her back, coaxing and planning with devious intent. “Yessum… we’re just thinking.” She murmured, her voice noticeably quieter. “‘We?’” Her husband answered, Umbra looking up from her tome to meet her imposing herd mate’s glare. Anon’s pudgy wife licked her lips hungrily, scraping at the sheets with giddy hooves. “Me and the foals. We’re just thinking about something.” Anon and Umbra exchanged worried glances in the weak light of the evening. “We’re feeling a little naughty.” Derpy yipped, whipping her golden tail from side to side. “Mh. This is sentiment I can agree with.” The opportunistic Queen huffed, her own tail lifting ever so slightly under the blankets. Perhaps tonight, Derpy wouldn’t be so prudish and actually allow her to breed Anon properly. “It’s late, Baby.” “But we wanna play before bedtime!” Derpy giggled, blushing intensely and chomping playfully on Anon’s toes. “Ah jeez. Here we go again.” The human groaned, rubbing his face as his wife wiggled herself to death. “What is it, my King?” “Whenever she gets likes this, it always means-” “Roleplay!” Derpy interrupted, barking with a happy snap and standing in the bed. “Your wife is one for roleplay? Truly this is an interesting development!” Umbra met Derpy’s excitement and stood in the bed along with her, both visibly dripping onto the sheets with slight oozes of excitement. Their tired human had little choice now, taking the initiative and removing his boxers. “Fine. I didn’t wanna sleep anyway.” He grumbled, sitting up and tossing his underwear aside. “What’s it gonna be this time, Babe?” Derpy grinned evilly and kept herself away from Anon, standing just outside of his petting range. Unlike every other instant that her mind chugged with thought, she showed no strain from thinking or intense problem solving. In this moment, her thoughts were clear and concise. “We wanna see Umbra get rump-bumped. Hard.” She stated without a hint of doubt or hesitation, confidence running through her veins. Unlike the dark mare across from her, who broke out into a cold sweat of anticipation. “Really?” “Yeah. Really.” Derpy laid back and propped her head up with folds of soft blankets. “My tummy’s too full for Bubby-time. I wanna watch and let her take the bumping.” Her royal compatriot stirred on her hooves, inching closer to Anon until she could nuzzle him in the neck. “Finally! I enjoy this new Derpy!” She cooed, licking her human’s jaw. “Bubby? You be the scary monster, who attacks poor mares lost in the woods!” “Ugh…” Anon huffed, not feeling very monstrous at the moment. “Me and Umbra will be the little camper mares, who can’t do anything to protect ourselves!” All the while she proclaimed her intentions, the wifely mare couldn’t stop rubbing her somewhat distended and squishy belly in glee. The intensely funky scent of mare stink flooded the room continuously, poisoning the atmosphere with an undeniably arousing fog. Umbra drank it in readily, already turning about on the mattress so her rump was exposed to Anon. “Ooooh, what a truly despicable idea!” She giggled, showing a rare smile and wiggling her behind from side to side. “Come, ‘monster!’ Don’t want to miss an opportunity to take advantage of us, do you?” Anon lazily and groggily climbed out of bed, stretching himself and preparing for his little performance. “Hold on. Gotta limber up.” He mumbled, popping joints and adjusting muscles. Silence gripped the room aside from his slight grunts and groans of strain, seconds growing heavy with anticipation and fevered mare winking. Then he pounced. Practiced and trained by Derpy herself, Anon was well versed in the art of attacking mares without hurting them. He leapt onto Umbra and totally disabled her with a flurry of panicked moves and grabs. Her hooves soared through air and her body was flung about in intense motions of flopping violence. “UGH! UNF! My King!” She whined, struggling against him and pushing back against the crushing grip he had. Derpy couldn’t help but giggle as she hooved at her engorged lips. “Oh my goodness! A monster! Help! He’s got my friend!” She cried out to no one in particular. Anon wrestled the helpless Queen for several minutes before slowing down, biting her all over and pretending to beat her into submission. Not that Umbra was in need of being beaten, her pathetic resistance posed hardly any threat at all to the domineering human holding her face to the mattress. “Rawr.” He growled, grinding against her backside with a shaft positively dripping with his power. Ebony lips kissed and slurped along his length when it scrubbed into them, molding muscles clenching and pulling at him in a desperate plea for penetration. He teased and tortured her, purposely missing his mark several times and sliding all up and down her needy marehood. “Nnnf! Derpy! Make him stop!” She groaned, fingers crushing her skull and a smile rampant across her muzzle. “I can’t! I can’t do anything- NNF! He’s too strong!” The grey mare corrected, viciously rubbing at her nethers while “the monster” claimed another victim. “Don’t do it, Mr. Monster! Please don’t stick it in her butt! Don’t!” She begged, huffing for breath. The sorceress tensed up at the mention of such a thing, already quivering when Anon’s rounded crown poked and prodded against her rubbery pucker. “Rawr.” Anon repeated, wrapping a meaty arm around the Queen’s belly and the other about her neck. Just a slight squeeze was enough to choke her, rendering her totally pliant and vulnerable. Her smile was gone now, replaced with a fearful whimper. “W-wait! Don’t do that! Don’t touch my-EEEEEEE!” Her high pitched squeal of pinching pain pierced through the walls of the house and echoed into the streets. Wet from her sloppy marehood and feeling Umbra’s heartbeat inside, the devious human had no problem with causing such a wild noise to escape her. Never had he penetrated such a hole before, the crushing, slurping, squeezing tightness uniform in severity and maddeningly sweet. He swore each and every wrinkle tingled and shocked through his system when his firm shaft scraped against them, the unprepared anus below quaking in terrified and pleasured motions. Umbra’s eyes rolled back into her head and her fangs clenched tightly in absolute strain. This was an all new feeling of domination, a violation of her private and dirty parts that no stallion was meant to claim as his own. She felt utterly used, abused and disrespected in all forms. Only a monster would breed a mare in this way! An animal, beastly in their disposition and wild in their heart, was the sole creature capable of such a calloused and perverse act! To hold a mare down, choking her, squeezing her and shoving themselves into her defenseless tailhole for their own pleasure, was beyond foul and indecent. It was wrong and disgusting in her mind, the very act an insult to the pleasure of mares. And she adored it. The disregard for her comfort and pleasure ironically rocketed her enjoyment through the very limits she could imagine. Her belly swelled with fiery fullness that leaked through every bone and fiber of her body like percolating water in soil. She could trace each vein, ridge and curve on his shaft with her insides, the clenching vortex of flesh and muscle perfectly fit for her King’s love, if not purpose built for it. “GHK! HHHURK!” She gurgled, blushing wildly and letting a stream of tears roll down her cheeks. Anon pushed mercilessly back and forth in adoration of how his Queen tensed and relaxed around him. At full depth, his testes would touch against her splattering lips and drip with her soddening juices of enjoyment. When retracted back to his crown, the gasket of crushing black mare would follow him in a clenching grip that refused to let him be. He could tell he was testing her, verging on breaking her down and destroying her brain even more thoroughly than their first breeding. But he didn’t care. He was a monster, after all. Derpy, on the other hand, readily devoured the show with drool oozing from her lips. Wonder widened her goofy eyes and pounding pulses raced through her heart, explosions of delight and arousal coursing through her veins in rivers of concentrated energy. She had never seen a breeding like this, especially from an angle as advantageous. Her eyes could trace the slapping, pendulum motion of her husband’s testes and observe how they appeared to swell with manly seed brewing inside. The view was surreal and unusual, aiding her to better picture a real monster ravaging Umbra. The dark Queen was clearly outmatched in every way imaginable. The “monster” controlled her breathing, penetrated her and gripped her tightly with each limb. He could snap her in half, if he wanted. But instead, the monster showed the deepest form of cruelty a male could show, callously and unflinchingly raping a mare who had done him no wrong. She could never fight back, totally at his mercy and suffering the worst fate imaginable. But Derpy couldn’t get enough. The very idea of Umbra alone being wasted on such a incredible and potent shaft lit up her mind with an excitement she had never felt before. Her interest in mares was practically non-existent before this point, but now she had serious grounds to reconsider. “Nnf, p-please Mr. Monster! Aah! Just let her go! We prom-EEE-ise to never come back!” She wailed into the chaos, her climax bursting with such pressure that the soaking squirt hit Anon in the face. He twitched and looked away as best he could, only faltering slightly in his violent “rape.” Arms circled tighter around Umbra’s neck and threatened to burst her veins under the crushing with orgasmic bliss. Had it not been for the mass reaming her butthole, Umbra would’ve surely burst like a balloon. “HURK! RRF!” She gurgled and wheezed, the monster finishing his business with her poor and destroyed body. Semen pumped into her belly and gushed through her bowels in surging waves of warm stickiness. Fluttering gasps of tingles tickled up the mare’s spine and added onto the pile of burning ecstasy in her mind, mixing perfectly with the sheer discomfort of being treated so harshly. Squeaks and gasps came with each pulse of his girth, the size increasing in spasms to accommodate the river of seed he flooded her butt with. Everything burned with the perfect ache of pleasure, the brazen invasion of her anus so brilliantly done that Umbra just couldn’t believe it. Even when Anon brutally ripped himself from her guts and plugged her gaping ring with four of his fingers, the tyrannical slaver had no words. “Ugh… God… that monstrous enough for you, Baby?” Derpy lulled her head just enough to make eye contact from her reclined bliss. Bathing in the aftermath of a fantastic climax and delirious from exhaustion, she could just about nod. “Buh… uh-huh.” She affirmed, allowing her Husband to embrace her tight and bring his Momma mare back into the cuddling fold of his arms. “Good… that was a blast.” He admitted, smooching her slick lips and nestling her in the crook of his arm. She naturally wiggled right in, filling each gap like molten lead casting a mold. His arm snaked about her neck and rubbed on her belly, gracing the baby somehow added to her guts. From this vantage, he wondered how he missed such an addition, the movement in her was undeniably childish and foreign. “I love you Bubby.” She cooed in his ear. “Yeah… wanna see something gross?” She perked with curiosity, smiling ear to ear as Anon reached out to the devastated sorceress strewn out like a dead deer. “Hey Umbra!” He warned, her little gurgle of response suppressed by a mouthful of spittle. Anon pressed down on the side of her belly with one aggressive motion, causing unflattering geysers of his seed to burst from her loosened hole. “ULCK!” She grunted, air and alabaster firing without control and drenching the blankets. “Ooooooh!” Derpy giggled, hiding her face behind Anon’s muscles to avoid getting splashed. “Nasty, man.” Anon snickered, Umbra growling to herself before being absorbed into the cuddle mass. She was hoisted to his side and cradled into his arm, equally as pathetic and squishy as her grey counterpart. “Ugh… you are disgusting.” She scolded, still more than happy to accept his kiss on her lips. “You know you love it.” While she couldn’t deny that fact, she could pout about it. The room grew quite and peaceful once again, man and mare resting and regaining their strength from the exertion of their coupling. Derpy bathed in her human’s smell and presence, so deeply pleased that she thought perhaps this entire day was nothing more than a dream. But each time she felt the touch of her man’s skin, heard the labored breaths of an exhausted Umbra and squeaked from the kick inside her, she knew it to be true. Life was better than fiction. “About time you gave me some fucking babies, Bubby.” The human and Umbra instantly rose from their near-slumber. “WHOA.” “My goodness, Derpy!” They barked at her. “What? What’d I say?!” She questioned, squeezing onto Anon’s leg with her jiggly thighs. “God, woman. Watch your language. What’re we, animals?” “Have control over yourself. ‘Tis a lurid and obscene thing to swear!” She shook her head and dismissively. “Alright, alright! I was just saying, shit.” “DERPY!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “My Sister, you seem troubled this morning.” “As any would be. We have done as you asked and it has left us feeling unclean.” “Unclean? Whatever for?” “We have spent our free time manipulating human sperm across vast distances at your behest. ‘Tis a misuse of our time and power.” “I implore you to think of it differently. Had such a thing not secured peace for our time, his efforts would’ve been in vain. And by consequence, our own.” “Ugh… We know this to be true. But regardless, We think back to how our mother would feel observing such a disgusting practice.” “Upset as she may have been, you have done the right thing. A tremendous good has been accomplished.” “And thou art still drafting the marriage certificate? And the citizen’s mark?” “Indeed. I will have it shipped out within the week.” “Wondrous. Then you have handled the legal business, as we agreed. While it pains Us to ask, shall we take time and enchant his… expulsions, for the other mate as we have done for the human’s wife?” “By the divine, no. One of her is atrocious enough." > Epilogue: As All Should Be. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: As All Should Be. “And I say unto you! This produce is below even my Husband’s standards! I demand a lower price, or I shall take my business to a more reputable source.” “Sisters save me.” Carrot Top whined, staring a bespectacled and sun-hat adorned Umbra in the face as she hammered down her patience. The dark Queen stood defiant and valient in her struggle, refusing such slightly browned carrots for her purchase. “Two lowly coins for the bunch. Not four.” “I’ll take four.” “Two.” “Four!” Carrot barked, begging for this entire family of man and mare to simply leave her be. The market was already quite crowded on this fine summer morning and the line forming behind the sassy Sorceress was growing discontent with her speed. Or lack thereof. “Three.” Umbra finally said, raising her chin haughtily. “‘’Tis my final offer, thievery as it may be on your part.” “Stars above, if it will make you go away!” Umbra smiled giddily to herself and paid with victory. Not only had she secured an impressive deal that her “husband” was sure to find most pleasing, but the whole of her grocery shopping was now complete. Left alone for the first time since she had come to this dirt farm of a village, the charcoal mare was given enough trust to venture into town unaccompanied. True, she could feel the prying eyes of the Elements tracking her every move and the burning pull of magical wards, but such a notion couldn’t drag down her blooming confidence. Umbra trot with pride and glee in the intense sun, Anon’s old sunglasses and Derpy’s straw hat shielding her from most of its boiling rays. She could remember a time where she would’ve scoffed at an outfit so… “quaint.” Grey and yellow saddle bags, red bows tying her mane into tight braids, hats and sunglasses? All once seemed so common and humiliating. But by now, she hardly cared. Her mind had been softened by the acidic love of her “husband” and herd mate such that, going back to her old ways was impossible. Her life was here, now. Among the common folk and with her painting The walk home went better than usual, on this bright day. The warmth soothed her round hips, the wind carried sweet scents of blossoms and the foliage around her puffed out with astonishing volume. Life surrounded her, hugging in from all sides like warm arms that contrasted marvelously to the glacier she once called a prison. Ponies no longer stared at her as if she were a massive rat skulking through the streets. After spending so long in the town, many only sneered to themselves or averted their gazes. An improvement, for certain. The Queen didn’t care much about the eyes on her, the mare’s attention was focused elsewhere when her house came into view. Her human was still working outside just where she left him, albeit sweatier and dirtier. The winter had done terrific damage to Derpy’s garden and in her current state, she was in no mood to fix it. So Anon dutifully deployed himself to rebuild plots, string wire and shovel loam. It was tedious and messy work, soaking him to the bone with musky sweat and shining his smooth skin. Umbra had to marvel at him for a moment or two before disrupting the human’s work with her presence. “My, my, my. The King laboring in the fields like a peasant? Hmph. Truly you are monarch connected with his people.” The panting human could only laugh to himself, throwing another heaping shovelful of dirt onto the pile. “My, my, my. The Queen giving her man lip? Truly you are looking for an excuse to get your butt beat.” His spade gently slapped against her rotund bottom, jiggling the ever-increasing mountain of cushion that piled onto her hips. The sorceress squeaked and jumped from the touch of dirty metal, scowling at her man with the most devious of grins. “Get in the house and get me a drink. I’m almost done here.” He huffed and returned to his work, but couldn’t shake the feel of burning eyes stinging his back. “And what makes you think you can command me so crassly? Do you mistake me for a common house mare of the olden ages?” Anon shrugged and wiped the pouring sweat from his brow. “Pfft. What? You want me to ask nicely now?” “Perhaps? You ought to show your Queen more respect, Sire. Lest she grow dissatisfied and deny you her fertile garden!” Anon really snickered at her foolish presumptuousness, him and his mare equally amused. “My beautiful and Illustrious Queen? May I procure from ye a drink to sate my thirst and soothe my pains of labor? I would be ever so thankful!” Umbra held her head high. “Of course, my King. It would be a pleasure.” And so she went, bouncing on her hooves with each little step like a musical instrument animated by pure content. Traipsing through the wonderfully warm and open cottage, Umbra found no issue in casting her things aside and prowling for the ice box. At least she thought as much, before the chorus of whines and squeals from upstairs stopped her. The high pitched cries for attention sparked in her deepest mind like a flickering flame in the dead of night. An out of place, but still entirely natural startling that caught her off guard and commanded her full attention. Being a mare, the sounds of a baby’s voice instantly grabbed her attention. Conditioned by evolution and biology to respond with haste, the chubby Queen wandered off her “royal” drink fetching mission and made for the stairs. The upper floor was awash with the smells and sounds of motherhood. Derpy had done an excellent job fitting the role as a model nurturer. Baby powder, mare musk and the heaving aroma of the child’s less sanitary moments hung in the air heavy and thick like pollen in the spring. Wading through it, Umbra pushed her way into the nest and discovered a nearly passed-out Derpy slung across the bed, her suckling foal just out of reach of her bloated teat. “Goodness above, Derpy?” Umbra chided, trotting in naturally and standing by her herdmate’s side. The loopy mother turned a single eye towards the dark intruder, smiling weakly. “Oh… hey Umbra… mind helping me out a little? I’m a little tired… can you push the baby up to Momma’s nin-nin?” Often as Umbra did just that, she truly began to tire of watching Derpy nurse. Certainly not out of any ire or disgust, quite the opposite. She longed to feel young lips on her, nourished little muscles pulling life and energy from her very being in needy gulps and loving pats. Derpy often breastfed on her side, her teats genuinely so large these days that her nipples dangled too close to the floor for the foal to reach. Umbra could surely do just as well, she WAS a matured and healthy mare after all! She imagined that Derpy and Anon would be nothing but thankful if she were to take up the mantle of part-time wet nurse, but the sorceress had yet to even dare bringing it up. Dedicated as Derpy was, she could never imagine coming between her and the babe she mothered so affectionately. But poor Derpy had suffered so much in the last week. With the foal demonstrating her father’s thick headed zeal, it was nearly impossible to manage the budding unicorn. When the child wasn’t gently floating through the air with the care free weightlessness of a cloud, she was attempting to trot through the house and find her father’s knives wherever the may have been tucked away. The frazzled pegasus barely had the energy to get out of bed, much less move a baby six inches to her nipple. So, like a good herd mate and dutiful mare, Umbra took control of the situation in the only way she knew how. “Rest now, dear mother. I shall assist you.” Her voice, still laced with the seering undertones of pure evil and deceit, initially alarmed Derpy in the hushed tone it came in. The charcoal mare took her whining child and placed her on the floor, watching the young pony wobble slightly before finding her hooves. Staring up at her Aunt with penetrating eyes of yellow, the babe hardly flinched in the face of the fanged Queen. “Child. I command you, as fellow herd member of the King Anonymous, to nurse. Approach.” Her legs spread slightly in a show of faux-confidence. Umbra didn’t have the slightest clue what she was doing, but the foal seemed perfectly comfortable with the arrangement. Babbling quietly to itself and curiously waddling forward, Derpy’s child sniffed about the bushy undercarriage of her Aunt to find the prize her belly so desired. Tickling zings of excitement shot through Umbra’s body as the poking and prodding baby nuzzled around her, searching for a teet. Her belly was still quite round and ungainly, some kinks in her thick fur fooling the child here and there before she found proper purchase. “A-ah! Ooh…” The wretched slaver cooed, baring her teeth to a smiling Derpy as her warm breast was suckled. “Did she get it?” Derpy huffed, pulling her blankets back over her body to conserve the little energy left in her. Her legs were floppy and gelatinous in form, but still unnaturally cocked like a crossbow in case of danger. Motherly strength was a phenomenon that no unicorn scholar truly understood, but all knew to respect it. Lest they be kicked to death by an enraged mare. Surveyed by the doting eyes of her mother and fed an all new flavor of milk, the tiny filly beneath Umbra’s belly couldn’t be more pleased. This Momma may have been far more wiggly, smaller in the breast and prone to ticklish spasms, but the flavor was maddening. Whereas her biological mother was creamy, rich and thick with nutritious fat, Umbra was somewhat leaner frame produced a milk bold in flavor and complex in feel. It washed over the mouth in a tide of smoothness, slicking the tongue and imparting the most unique manner of deliciousness that only another living body is capable of producing. Thinner and easier to drink, the foal eagerly slurped and pulled and nipped at the inexperienced mother with far more hunger than before. “NNG! EE!” Derpy had to giggle at the first timer struggling to keep her hooves steady. “Tickles, doesn’t it?” “C-certainly not! You’re child is just- GUH! -just as giddy as her father!” She whined and kicked her back leg, deeply enjoying the sensation crashing over her. Alien like Anon’s love, but sweet like his grasp, it all felt so natural. She couldn’t imagine life without such a rewarding haze descending on her, every fiber of her being devoting at least some part of its energy to this sacred act. It was almost as if every sip of milk the child drank fed her as well. That every mouthful of life was a shock of glee to her system. True, it didn’t energize her like lovemaking did. Nowhere near the exploding, erupting and volcanic power that over took Umbra in bed, this euphoria was of an entirely different composition. She couldn’t help but smile and let her eyes droop closed with the lazy weight of satisfaction. A true, refined and pure satisfaction she had never felt in all her waking days, but knew she needed. “Uuuuurrrgh… Derpy, I must say. If you are in need of a nurse for you child, I would… Derpy?” She asked the sleeping mare, flopped flat on her back and snoring wetly to herself. Drool trickled down the crease of her lips and traced the curve of her face, all the while gurgling up from her throat in sleepy mumbles of relaxation. Even evil old Umbra couldn’t be mad about such a thing, choosing instead to address the foal freshly finished with her breast. White stains circumscribed the little one’s face, left overs from her big dinner. “Come, child. Let us recline with the King. Your Aunt is sure that he yearns for your company.” The babe didn’t answer with words, making up for her relative muteness by nestling up against Umbra’s leg. The loving pushes and prods warmed her blackened and crusty heart, at least up until the foal burped directly into her face. True to her word, the Queen did bring the mumbling foal to her father in short order. Returning from his toil in the “fields,” the filthy human was more than ecstatic to see his little creation reaching out for him from Umbra’s back. “There’s my little demon!” The man boasted, cackling happily as he scooped the bundle off her Aunt’s shoulders and held her in a single hand against his chest. The little mare floundered against her father with the best approximation of a hug she could manage. Spread eagle and giggling uncontrollably, the tiny mare embraced her beastly parent without care. Far as she was concerned, Anonymous was as worthy a Dad as any normal stallion out there. “Giving Momma the run around, ‘ey?” He snickered, patting the baby and earning another thunderous burp. “How’s the brood-mother?” Umbra shrugged and finally accomplished her task of retrieving his precious drink. “She sleeps in peace and exhaustion. But the child is fed, my King.” Her human was dearly pleased, taking his swig and his herdmate in his arm. A hand on his drink and his muscles curling about her neck, the beefy human dragged the wiggling mare toward the Couch of Doom. “Good. Good. No more mood swings for this old man tonight!” He barked in glee, flopping down on the Cushions of Conception with a mighty heave of man and mare. Umbra happily crashed down with him, grasping onto her human much as the babe did. Her arms squeezed tightly as they could, lashing them together like dock and vessel. Perhaps it was this feeling of intense security, of loving rapture and protection, that put their foal into an easy sleep. The little one’s enormous eyes closed dreamily when her father cradled her so, her Auntie just at her side and keeping an ever diligent watch. Truly, there was no place in Equestria safer and warmer for a child to be, then there on that lowly couch. “My King, art thou finished with that menial labor for the day? I do so hope the answer is yes.” “Why you gotta call it that? Sheesh, every King has to pick up a shovel sometimes, woman.” Umbra shook her head and smooched his sweaty cheek, tasting the bits of loam and the rain of sweat there. “When his Queen and concubine wait eagerly for him to return home? Pfuh. Had it been by MY design, you would rarely leave my loving gaze.” Anon pat his mare on the back and scraped fingers through her dark carpet of fur. Still warm as ever, but the fluff shed readily and grew thinner in the summer months. “Did you just call my wife a concubine?” His Queen didn’t answer, choosing instead to gnaw and pull at his shirt with her razor-like teeth. “Nnnrf… silence.” She commanded quietly, pining for his bare flesh to glimmer in the sun once more. Anonymous struggled somewhat with her needy moves, constantly juggling a sleeping child whilst Umbra sloppily disrobed him. Still without her magic and naturally unfamiliar with his clothing, the dark pony only got his shirt off and slung across the room when he allowed it. “Come. Give your Queen her reward.” Umbra sullied her clean and groomed face with his sweaty musk the moment she had such an opportunity. Smearing her snout against his slick front, her nostrils flared and her mouth watered in the throngs of his flavor. It was a scent she had grown very accustomed to, so much so that it hardly crossed her mind to lap at his muscles and taste the salty tangs of masculinity on him. Her “King” could see where this was quickly going, reluctantly forgoing his previous plans of peace and quiet. “Never can let a man have a drink, huh? Always gotta be something with you two… er, three.” His silent Queen continued nursing herself on his presence, mindlessly burying herself in as much human funk as she could. Still holding a baby in his free arm, Anonymous had to act quickly before things grew even more awkward. An arm snaked under Umbra’s rear and allowed him to hoist her up. Carting both mare and babe, the shakey man carefully made for crib settled across the room. At the very least, if his herdmate was bent on a night of affection, his child would still be within ear-shot. “Bubbyyyyyyyy?” A dreary and groggy voice called from the steps just as he took his first step. “Oh my God- Yes, Mushy?” He called back, the constant tickle of Umbra’s tongue on his body throwing off his already precarious balance. His wife stood at the bottom of the stairs with an unkempt mane and eyes so terribly crossed she was more than likely blinded by them. Her hooded lids stared at him longingly, drool dripping from her lips and woozy sways pushing her rotund body side to side. “Guh-buh… muh… Bubby-boo.” She gurgled, trotting up to him like a zombie possessed by a need to snuggle. He knew all too well what that strange language meant and her message displeased him greatly. Derpy wanted a squeeze, but he was in no position to oblige her. “Son of a- hold on just a sec, Honey! Lemme uh…” He attempted to put Umbra back onto the couch, the slightest bit of gravity triggering her jaw to snap shut on his pectoral. “ACK! Stop, woman!” He barked, sharp teeth digging into his flesh to anchor her in place. She growled in return and refused to heed his warning, bruising his already tired body with her atrocious biting. He seethed and found no other option than to lift her back up and allow her to continue. Teeth marks already formed on his chest, healing kisses applied by the Queen doing little to quell the billowing purple building beneath his skin. “Crazy woman! God, can’t do nothin’ with you!” He hissed, feeling the tell-tale weight of a squishy pegasus settling on his back. His new backpack almost dragged him to the floor with her careless clinging, the distribution of weight so skewed to her hips that the arms around his neck pulled down like a noose. “Mmmmmh… Bubby bubba.” She cooed into his ear, smiling gaily as she strangled her husband. He coughed and gagged, struggling more than ever to keep a solid grasp on his babe. “HURK… NO GOOD… LOUSY… MARES!” He gasped between the few and strained breaths he could manage. Limping forward with the weight of the entire universe squeezing down on his body, the poor human had to exert himself to the very limit of his ability. Strong as he may have been, without oxygen, proper balance or preparation his raw strength meant nothing here. Delicately balancing his baby in one, outstretched arm, his quivering form was just barely able to slink toward her crib. “C’mon! C’MON! Just… one… more… INCH!” He gasped, Derpy exhaling in his ear and Umbra brushing his chest hair to try and throw off his aim. His fingers slipped free from the snoozing child and let her bounce harmlessly onto the padded bed below, safe and sound from the prying hooves of the devious mares. Anon gagged in relief, finally able to exert himself properly and sling his mares back into order. Derpy was taken by the neck and slung like a bag of pennies into his waiting grasp. Umbra, conversely, was only given stout flexes of muscle so the bicep she rested against would tense up and beat some sense into her. Anon now had a good grasp on his ladies, both of which stared up at him with simultaneous cries of need. “You two trying to kill me or something?! God, it’s like I’m running a circus in here!” He berated fruitlessly, each mare too love-drunk to pay his outburst much attention. Jostle them as he would, Anon could find no way to shake them back to reason. “Ppppppppbt.” Derpy answered by blowing a raspberry on his shoulder. Her warm slobber somehow signaled to him that this was a losing battle, one he could only win by outright surrendering to the whims of his herd. “Ugh. Absolutely helpless.” He hissed, a shockwave rushing over his form when a naughty hoof poked and prodded at his groin. Umbra’s leg pushed down on his inexplicably erect manhood below, tilting it like it were a lever connected to his spine. It flopped back up with elastic strength the moment she slipped off, drawing every female eye that weren’t those of a baby. “Bubby big.” Derpy giggled sleepily, watching as Umbra drew gasps and growls out of their man. Anon couldn’t help but buck and huff whenever she so crassly pressed him, the Queen more than satisfied with how easily she could manipulate her masculine puppet. “Guh- give it a rest!” He barked, his back arching and his heart skipping beats as the merciless slaver refused his order. “Is something wrong, My King? Art thou… distracted?” She snickered darkly to herself, his eyes communicating an intense swathe of emotions and thoughts. She played with dangerous toys, teasing him in such a way. Both mares knew what a heated and frustrated Anon do, but both continued to taunt the beast held back with only the slightest leesh. The human surprised his dark Queen, his sudden dropping of her necessary to keep her teeth from ripping into his skin again. “EEE! No!” She whined as she bounced onto the cushions of the couch. The dark mare scrambled in a hurried attempt to get back to him, but found she was utterly defeated by a sheet of grey softness descending upon her. The overwhelming weight of a chubby Derpy laid down on her frame with Anon’s guidance, burying her underneath a lazy hug. “Bah! Begone, Derpy! I am courting!” Derpy wiggled with slight discomfort, at first. But her Husband's hands scratching down the length of her smooth back prevented any resistance to his nasty plan. “No. Mushy stay.” His simple words were like gospel to her, pinning the grey pegasus down and forcing her to obey. Derpy and Umbra were pressed into a tight hug then, their breasts mashing together just below the soft cushions of their bellies. Whilst neither mare was particularly familiar with the dynamics of cuddling something that wasn’t a beefy human, they fit together like puzzle pieces once adjusted and comfortable. “What is the meaning of this?! I demand that you get off me!” Umbra whined, still fighting to wiggle free of the weight pressing down on her. Their snouts threatened to touch if even the slightest bit of pressure was applied, their bellies hiking their hips up but their noses down. Wiggling and whining underneath her herdmate, Umbra was more or less exposed to the whims of her husband. A pair of clenching, twitching, meaty marehoods stared Anon in the face, dotted by a pair of similarly active tailholes. Buttocks piled onto one and other, grey burying black with such squishy effectiveness that the human could hardly even see Umbra from his vantage point. Despite this, his shaft still prodded and poked about the messy piling of pony, tickling each mare into yips and yaps of excitement. “MMPH! Derpy! Allow me to have at my King this instant!” Derpy was pinned by a pair of muscular, commanding hands on her back. She wriggled without fail, but found that her human could easily out pace whatever struggle she put up. “I- EEEE! I can’t! Bubby!” She yipped, her exhausted folds barely finding the energy to ooze creamy excitement down onto Umbra. Anon drank in the wild pair and their combined scents of pure sweetness, pungent flavors of intense marishness burning into his senses like fire. “Calm down now. Ain’t nothing strange going on here. Just a herd cuddle, right?” He snickered deviously to himself and slid his head against Umbra’s pulsing lips, the sweet nectar within gushing in spasms of delight with just the most gentle touch. “Hnnf! My King! Just- GUH!” The dark Queen seized up with a grinding stop when Anon penetrated her, sliding himself into her crushing depths once again with a noisy and lurid creep. Derpy could carefully trace each and every little notch on her husband’s girth, her clit dragging along the top of his maleness in a maddening fashion. It thoroughly cooled the fire in her belly, lulling the mare into her most comfortable state for love making, limp and lazy. “OOoooh… t-tummy tickles feel gooooood.” Derpy moaned into the huffing, snarling face of the Dark Queen. The pair smushed noses together and found themselves becoming tangled into a tighter and tighter net of limbs and fur. Hooves kicked and helpless squeals were heard, but little could stop the inevitable. Anon heartlessly slid back and forth with the ease of a hydraulic machine, plowing through quivering flesh and sinking down to his root in soothing motions. Umbra was one that needed a good relaxing before one could truly feel her. Fun as it was to take any mare by surprise and ruin her unsuspecting gash, this particular woman hid her potential behind a wall of tensed, agitated muscle. Careful coaxing and gentle scrapings from a girthy male helped her to be more receptive, lessening the death grip she held firm around Anon until her goading tunnel lovingly massaged up and down his shaft. Rather than mindlessly fighting to rip his pride off, Umbra’s quivering, puffy and ebon lips were eventually kneaded into a submissive and silken toy for Anon to breed as he saw fit. “Mmmmrrph! My King- OOOH!” She whined carelessly and with high volume, rattling the very timbers of the house with her bellows. It was astonishing that Dinky wasn’t shaken from her sleep by the music of a pleasured mare. Anon naturally picked up his pace as things got into the swing of the moment, flowing juices from two lusty, matured mares greasing his work until he glided through Umbra without issue. It was maddeningly warm and soft, each muscle inside of his mare pulling and kneading and sucking on his rod with nothing but affection behind its strength. Even Derpy’s pulsing clit tickled the top of his pistoning girth, double cushioning from four fat buttocks allowing him to imagine that his entire lower half was encapsulated inside a very naughty cloud. “Nnrf, does it feel good, Aunty Umbra?” Derpy groaned, staring into the flabbergasted face of her herdmate. She reveled in the sight of such a spirited and skillful breeding, the unfocused nature of her eyes allowing the pudgy woman to observe both Umbra’s far-away expression and the jostling of meaty buns behind her. She kissed the dark lips of the wretched Slaver, surprised to see the mare return the favor. “Bubby gonna give you babies, Aunty! Sweet little foals just for you!” It was a confused pleasure, random and foreign signals firing off inside Umbra’s mind like fireworks on a pitch-black night. She didn’t know why Derpy’s tongue drove her so wild, why the weight of her belly accentuated the mind bending pleasure of her King’s love. She couldn’t even pin down why the idea of his children sewing her garden aroused her so, but she hardly felt the need to explain any of this or justify the slightest twinge of delight. All of it washed over her like a rushing river consuming a rock, a dauntless flow swallowing her in the rampaging heat and funk of the moment. Anon grasped tight to Derpy’s rump for leverage, bumping her back and forth as he aggressively punched into Umbra. His shaft would move all the way from throbbing head to pumping base, engorged glans running along inside with a most lurid slurp to follow. Meaty and inflamed as a mare’s arousal naturally is, the nasty slapping and gooey splatters carried all throughout the house in a staccato of love. He pressed his head to Derpy’s shoulders, mushing down on the sweaty and wiggly sandwitch as he finished his sacred business. Jammed between her pumping and raging husband on one side and a beautiful goddess of undiluted evil on the other, Derpy had no problem climaxing with her herd. The trio of explosions was as violent as it was wet. Gushing streams of feminine excitement nearly forced Anon away from his breeding grounds. Hydraulic bursts of yellowish and creamy affection stained both the couch and his remaining clothes, soaking him with the marking musk of his herd. The smell was intoxicating, adding to the overwhelming crash of the orgasms wracking through the stuttering pile. Umbra could feel each and every molecule of seed ejaculating inside her, the warm and sensitive interior of her birth canal tracing the splattering arcs of maleness as they came. Her cervix  was treated as little more than a mere suggestion, immense pressure forcing sputterings of seed straight through its puckered barrier and allowing the useless brew to lace her womb. It did nothing for her, fruitless cells attempting to pollinate an alien flower, but the sensation was enough to make any mare lose her mind. So, the afterglow was suitably muggy and exhausted. No one involved could do much besides lie there and bask in the glory of what just transpired, sloppy and confused kisses flying in many directions and from all parties. Eventually- perhaps because he was the only one not physically ruined by the experience- Anon straightened the messy mares into place and settled into his roost. A pony on either side, arms grasping their backs in possessive safety, he allowed peace to consume his house again. The best kind of peace, one where not a word was spoken and not a sound was made. Truly marvelous peace and quiet, say for the labored pants of mares and the occasional hiccup from a healthy babe.