> Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night! > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Summons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Friday afternoon and it had been a rather unpleasant week in Colgate's office. Given that school was out for Hearth's Warming Break, many of her patients had been bratty foals who had not been taking care of their teeth. What angered her further is that just to get the foals' cavities filled before the holiday, she had to schedule their fillings for the weekend. While Colgate would allow the occasional Saturday appointment, this time it was all day Saturday and all day Sunday. Things had not gone all that well for her billing assistant, Amethyst Star either. All week long parents had been complaining about how they had not met their deductible and were having to spend the money they would have spent on Hearth's Warming gifts on their co-pays. As the final patient of the day left, Amethyst groaned, "Ugh, if I have to hear one more pony bitch about their bill, I'm going to smack them!" Colgate was in an equally unpleasant mood, "Lucky you, all you have to worry about is taking their money, I have had to put up with bratty foals all week." She lit her horn up in anger and continued, "And thanks to me wanting a week long break after the holiday, I'm going to be here all weekend long filling those brats' cavities." Just as Colgate was about to continue on with her rant both mares noticed something, they saw something glowing. Colgate was the first to say anything, "What the hell is that glowing?" She then noticed that her and Amethyst's cutie marks were glowing. While they didn't know a ton about it, they knew enough about what others had gone through that she knew what it was. "The map!" Colgate shouted. The two saw replicas of their cutie marks fly off their flanks and take off towards the castle. The two were in such a state of shock over being called by the map that they completely forgot to lock the door on their way out. As they raced into the castle and arrived, Twilight was standing there in a state of shock. She stood there with her mouth hanging open watching the cutie marks floating over the map. Colgate was the first to say anything, "Twilight, what's wrong? You look like you're about to drop over in shock." Colgate's voice snapped Twilight out of her shock. Once she saw they were there she said, "Colgate, Amethyst, I'm just shocked that you're being called by the map. Never before have ponies that aren't that close to me or my friends been called." Amethyst saw that their marks were floating right over Twilight's castle. "Here?" She asked. "The map is calling us to your castle?" They then watched in shock as an image of the mirror appeared on the map and their marks began to circle over it, causing Twilight to be in further shock. "You two are getting called to the human world!" "Human world?" Colgate scoffed, "Everypony knows there are no such things as humans." "Yeah, they're nothing but the stuff of comic books and old legends." added Amethyst. Twilight replied, "Actually they do exist. I have visited the human world a few times." She then saw something strange happen with their marks, they began to have blood dripping off of them. When Twilight saw this she freaked out, "Blood on your cutie marks? Are you two going to have to stop two friends from killing each other?" Amethyst became nervous, "Stop friends from killing one another?" Colgate sighed, "Oh it's probably just something due to the lighting in here, I doubt there is blood on them." "You're probably right." Twilight replied. "Come on, let's get you two on your way." Twilight motioned for them to follow her up to her chambers where she activated the mirror. Once it was activated, Twilight offered some information, "I want to warn you two, when you get there you will not have magic and you will wind up having to walk upright." Both mares couldn't help but chuckle, "Walking upright, no magic? Yeah sure Twilight, whatever?" Twilight sighed, "Just wait you two, you'll see when you get there." She then pointed towards the mirror and added, "Well good luck, you two stay safe." Colgate replied, "Don't worry Twilight, we will." Neither one of the two were exactly thrilled about the prospects of not having magic and having to walk upright. As they headed through the mirror, they found themselves flying through a swirling portal of colors before finally crashing on the floor on the other side. When they finally came to, they realized that Twilight was indeed right about what would happen, that they did become humans. They both had trouble standing up but luckily for them there was a bed right next to them. They could hear voices downstairs so they knew they had to be quiet. Colgate whispered, "We've wound up in somepony's bedroom. I never knew this thing took you into houses, I wouldn't think it would do that." Amethyst too whispered, "I didn't either." She held on to the bed and continued, "Let's go investigate the talking. Maybe we can get this problem taken care of and get back home pretty quick." As they both got up and held onto the bed, it was hard for them to even stand up completely, much less walk. They knew that they would have to get the walking thing down before too long and just hoped that the inhabitants of the house wouldn't react too negatively to their unexpected visit. > Arrival and Exploration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the two finally got to where they could walk, they began to head in the direction of the talking. It would not be long until they would be frustrated over an obstacle that would make their getting to their destination much harder, stairs. Both threw their arms up in frustration wondering how they would manage to get down them given they were humans. Very slowly though they were able to get down them and then they were just around the corner from the voices. Before making their presence known and seeing what they were there to do, they decided to listen in. "Kids, you need to eat your supper or we will be late for church." "Sorry daddy, it is just that I'm so excited for Santa to come!" "Yeah, I can't wait to see what he brings for us tonight!" "Well Santa won't come if we don't go to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus." "Ok daddy, we'll hurry up and finish!" As the two listened in, they couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Neither one had any idea of what Christmas was nor had they ever heard of Jesus. Once they had finished their meal, they got up which immediately prompted Colgate and Amethyst to quietly go into another room, one in which they wouldn't be spotted. They would be delighted though once the family got bundled up and left the house. When they left and the front door closed, the two breathed a sigh of relief. "What in Equestria are they talking about? What in the name of Celestia is Christmas?" asked Amethyst. "And that Jesus guy, why would they need to celebrate somepony's, I mean someone's birth?" added Colgate. The two left the room and Colgate continued, "Let's explore this place and see if there is anything that may give us an idea on what we have to do." The two began to explore the house and would be surprised when they got to the living room. Right in front of them stood a Christmas tree along with numerous decorations that were so familiar to them. "A Hearth's Warming Tree?" gasped Amethyst. "And look at all these other decorations, they look just like the decorations we have at home!" added Colgate. The two decided to take a closer look around and take a look at the gifts under the tree. On the tags they saw the words 'Merry Christmas.' This confused the two as everything looked like Hearth's Warming to them but it was worded differently. They then saw other things that were not so familiar, a cross and a manger decoration up on the mantle. Amethyst approached the mantle, picked up the manger decoration and showed it to Colgate. "Look at this, this thing has a baby, some adults, animals and a bright star on it." "I see that." Colgate then picked up the cross and added, "A t? I wonder what this is for." "I don't know." replied Amethyst. She then approached the tree, knelt down and began to look at envelopes that were by the presents. Her curious side took over as she continued, "Hey Colgate, think we should see what is in these envelopes?" "Sure, there might be money in them!" replied Colgate. They both sat down and began to open the cards. They would not be thrilled when there was no money in them but as they began to read the cards, they couldn't help but be sickened. Colgate read one out loud "Mommy and Daddy, We are so happy that we can share this Christmas together. You two truly are a wonderful gift from God and we are thankful to Him that we have you two in our life. Love Your Kids, Sally and Billy" Colgate gagged, "Ugh, such sentimental nonsense. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting." "I know." added Amethyst. She then began to read one as well "Christina sweetie, Christmas is always a special time of year but having you as part of my life makes it so much better. I thank God everyday that He brought us together and I am so happy to have you as my wife. Love, Jeremy" Amethyst too began to gag, "Colgate, read this. This is one of the sappiest, most disgusting things I've ever read." Colgate took the card and immediately a scowl developed on her face, "Yuck! The way this card reads you'd think that guy would be lost without her." She then got a smile on her face, "I think I know why we got sent here." "Really?" asked Amethyst. "Yes," Colgate began to laugh, "to cleanse this world of four overly sappy, overly sentimental and absolutely disgusting individuals!" Amethyst too began to smile, "Well shall we find some weapons to take care of them with?" "Yes, but first let's open some of their presents and see what kind of stuff humans get one another for this holiday." laughed Colgate. The two began to tear into the gifts the same way a foal would on Hearth's Warming morning and were somewhat surprised when they began tearing into Sally's gifts. Amethyst held one of the gifts up and gasped, "Colgate, look at this! Pony figures, ponies that look somewhat like us." Colgate grabbed the figures and while they did look somewhat like them, they also looked different. She went as far as to open the packaging and hold the figures. She pointed out, "Ugh, look at these things. Those eyes are so small, they're so fat and look at those cutie marks, you'd think they were just generic things painted on." Amethyst grabbed the package and said out loud, "Kid Connection, huh?" She then tossed the package to the side and continued, "Let's look at some of the others." Colgate grabbed another, a much smaller one and opened it. In it she found a gold locket in the shape of a heart. She looked closer and saw the name Christina on it. Along with the locket was another card, "For you Christina. You mean the world to me and I could never imagine life without you. Love Jeremy" Colgate read out loud. Amethyst too opened one and found a simple gold band with a note and read it out loud, "Jeremy, you truly are the most wonderful man in the world. I cherish every day I have with you and want you to know that I love you more than anything. Love Christina" Both of them developed deeper scowls on their faces, "Good grief, this sounds sappier than the sappiest garbage ponies share with one another on Hearts' and Hooves Day." sneered Colgate. "Ugh, we have got to do something here. They are probably ruining these kids!" groaned Amethyst. She got up and continued, "Now to find some things to put these sappy humans in their place." "Let's do this." Colgate agreed. The two got up and began to explore the house. The first place they headed to was the kitchen where Amethyst immediately found some sharp knives. She got a smile on her face and laughed, "Colgate, I think these will do the trick!" "They very well could." Colgate replied. She then saw another door and decided to open it and explore what was on the other side. In the room she went into, there were all sorts of tools, a car and other devices she was unsure as to what it was. She approached one device that looked familiar, a chainsaw. She thought it might help them in achieving their goals. After examining it for a minute, she figured out how to turn it on. When she got it turned on, she lost her grip on it for a moment and it wound up cutting through a wooden work bench. When she saw this, she knew this would be perfect. Once she picked it up and got it turned off, she carried it back into the house to show Amethyst. When she got back into the kitchen, she held her weapon up and laughed, "Check this out Amethyst, I think this will be perfect!" "A chainsaw?" asked Amethyst. She then began to laugh, "Oh you're really blood thirsty tonight, aren't you!" "You bet I am. After reading all that sappy garbage they wrote to one another and seeing the gifts they gave one another, I now know our mission was to come and spill some blood." laughed Colgate. The two weren't exactly how much time had passed but figured that it wouldn't be too long until the family would wind up getting home. Colgate ordered, "Grab a few butcher knives and let's go lay in wait. That sappy family should be getting home before too long." The two turned off the light and headed into a more secluded room and laid in wait. The two had huge smiles as they waited for them to get home, waited to take care of a family that they felt would do nothing but cause their world problems. Most of all though, they knew that the map had sent them there to take care of them and knew they couldn't return home failures. > Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours had passed and the family was finally getting home. While Colgate and Amethyst had begun to get a bit tired standing in the dark, a new wave of energy pulsed through them, the energy of excitement knowing that soon they would be spilling blood. When they saw lights come on, Amethyst readied herself to attack. Colgate saw this and whispered, "Not yet, let's let them get settled in first!" Amethyst wasn't thrilled but quietly agreed. When the family headed into the front room and saw that some of their gifts were open, they weren't exactly happy. "Mommy, daddy, what happened?" "Someone broke in and opened our gifts" *begins to cry* "But why would someone do that, especially on Christmas Eve!" "I don't know sweetie but we all still have some gifts to open." The family sat down by the tree and began to exchange the remaining gifts that Colgate and Amethyst hadn't opened. Colgate and Amethyst peered from behind the corner and noticed that despite what they had done, the family was still laughing, talking and enjoying one another's company. This was another sign to the two that the map had sent them to take them out. Both readied themselves to attack until they heard the father suggest that they sing some Christmas carols before they went to bed. One part of the two wanted to simply attack right then and there but another part of them wanted to listen to the carols. The first carols they sang didn't mean much to the two but once they heard them began to sing "Silent Night," they decided the time had come. Colgate snickered, "Oh this night is going to be anything but silent and holy!" Colgate fired up her chain saw and Amethyst grabbed her knives as they charged into the living room. All four jumped up and the father yelled, "What the...." Before he could finish his sentence, Amethyst pounced on him and rammed the knife into his gut. He fell to the floor and was screaming in agony. When the wife went after Amethyst to stop her from harming her husband any further, Colgate charged at her and struck her with the chain saw, cutting a huge gash into her abdomen. As the parents lay on the floor screaming in agony, the children were cowering in a corner crying. If there was one thing that Colgate despised, it was children not behaving in a calm manner. She headed over to the corner, chainsaw running and yelled, "Would you brats shut up?" The girl continued to cower down and cry but the boy knew that he couldn't be scared if he was to save his parents. He yelled, "No, you hurt mommy and daddy!" He began to charge at Colgate but right as he got a couple feet away from her, she swung down the chain saw and cut the top of his head. His cries became louder and Colgate's fury became worse. She grabbed him by the head, began slamming it on the floor and yelled, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" When the boy wouldn't stop crying, she took her chain saw and did the one thing she knew would shut him up, she cut his head clean off. When she did this, the girl's cries became even louder. Her cries did not anger Colgate though, they amused her. She took the boys head, threw it at the girl and laughed, "Catch!" The girl was unable to catch the head and it hit the girl in the face. The girl was terrified but she knew that if she didn't try to stop Colgate and the woman that was with her, that they would all perish. She charged at Colgate and yelled, "You bitch, how dare you kill my brother." The fact that what appeared to be such a good and pious little girl cussed actually amused Colgate, "You know something, maybe you are worth sparing after all." The girl continued her charge but would be stopped dead in her tracks when Colgate held out the chain saw and the girl ran straight into it. While it did not kill the girl, it did do a ton of damage to her, enough that the girl's screaming turned into more of a whimper. Finally the girl had gone quiet enough that she could hear Amethyst yelling for assistance, "Colgate, get in here! I can't handle them on my own!" Colgate grabbed the girl by the hair and drug her into the kitchen where she had done quite the job on the parents, yet they still drew breath and the husband was still struggling. She approached the two parents and threw their daughter down next to them. She laughed, "Hey, you see this? This is what happens when you raise loud and obnoxious children." Despite the man having multiple stab wounds and being in a great amount of pain the husband yelled, "What did you do to her, what did you do to our daughter?" He then noticed his son was missing and yelled, "And what did you do to Billy? What did you to our son?" Colgate laughed before heading into the living room to retrieve his head. She grabbed it and then threw it on top of the man. She laughed, "You know sir, had he just shut up like a good boy when I ordered him to, he wouldn't have wound up like this." Both the mother and the father not only began to cry loudly, but also began to shout obscenities at the two. Both Colgate and Amethyst could tell by the way that they were behaving that this was probably something that they rarely if ever did and this was something that couldn't help but make them laugh. "Wow, when I first saw your family, I never once thought you'd use such language." laughed Colgate. "Maybe you aren't so pure after all." added Amethyst. Despite having been weakened by blood loss, the husband tried to get up. "You two are going to pay for this, you two will pay for killing my son." He was getting up much quicker than what either Amethyst or Colgate would have liked so Colgate struck him with the chainsaw again, knocking him back down. While all he could do at this point was scream in agony, his wife again began to shout profanities at them. Amethyst noticed that she too was trying to get up, probably to try and save her husband. She was actually able to get up and slapped Amethyst. This sent Amethyst into a fury, "So this is how it's going to be huh? You really want this? Fine then, you can have it!" Amethyst slugged her and knocked her back to the floor. In her fury, Amethyst pounced on her and began to ram her knife into her violently. While Colgate was yelling for her to stop so her death could be drug out, her yells were unheard. Amethyst killed the wife and even after she had passed, she continued to stab the corpse in a violent fury until Colgate finally grabbed her. "Stop it Amethyst. She is dead." ordered Colgate. She then pointed at the two remaining family members and added, "We still have two more to go. You handle the little girl, I'll handle the man, alright." "Very well." Amethyst sighed. Amethyst headed to where the little girl was laying and discovered that she likely did not have much longer to live and the father was in the same situation. Colgate had turned off the chainsaw and decided she really wanted to drag the husband's death out. She ordered, "Amethyst, give me a good sharp knife. I have special plans for this one." Amethyst had a feeling that Colgate was going to take this to a whole new level. "Oh you do? This should be fun!" Amethyst laughed. Amethyst handed Colgate the knife and Colgate ripped the husband's shirt off, fully revealing his cut torso. She then began to stare at his torso with a look of desire and snickered, "I can't help but wonder, what do a human's internal organs look like?" When the husband heard this, he tried to get up and yelled, "No, you are not going to cut me open!" He began to struggle as Colgate held the knife over him and this was unacceptable in her eyes, completely unacceptable. She grabbed him by the head and began to slam it violently into the floor until she had given him bad enough of a concussion that while he would still be aware of his surroundings, he would not be struggling much of any. Once she figured she could get to work, she took the knife and began to cut him open. The knife that Amethyst had given her wasn't quite working as well as she would hope. She knew she needed a bigger one. "Amethyst, could you find a larger knife? This one is too small." Colgate requested. "Just a minute." Amethyst replied. It took her a couple minutes but Amethyst found the largest knife the family had and took it to Colgate. She was pleased with it and got back to work on the man. While it took her a while and the husband did shake a couple times, eventually Colgate got him cut open and was able to get a fair amount of the meat cut off the ribs, enough that his organs were exposed. She cast her gaze towards the daughter and ordered, "Amethyst, bring her over here, I think she needs to see what makes her daddy tick." Amethyst grabbed the girl by the hair and drug her over to where her father was laying. She threw her down and laughed, "See this kid, this is what makes your daddy tick!" Despite being disoriented, this still sent her into a rage. She screamed, "How could you do this? How could you do this to my daddy?" Amethyst smacked her and laughed, "Why?" She then got a smirk on her face and continued, "You see kid, a map told us to come here and put and end to your family's miserable sappiness." "Don't worry kid, our mission is almost complete." Colgate added. She was kneeling over the father and decided to do something that would horrify the daughter. She pulled the man's heart out from his chest cavity and held it in her hands. She gave the girl an intense look and asked, "Shall I kiddo? Shall I put him out of his misery?" The girl screamed, "No." She tried her best to get up but simply couldn't. That would not deter her though as she crawled over to Colgate and yelled, "You will not kill my daddy!" When she said this, a funny thought began to run through Colgate's mind. She said, "Alright, I won't." She ordered the girl to hold her hands out and she placed the beating heart in her hands. She laughed, "I won't kill your daddy but if you value your life, YOU will be the one to kill your daddy!" The girl's eyes shrank as she sat there next to her father. She yelled, "No, I will not kill my daddy!" Colgate grabbed a knife, held it to the girl's throat and ordered, "Take a bite out of his heart and I will let you live. Refuse, and well you know what will happen, right?" The two could see anger and fear in the girl's eyes and Amethyst decided to throw something in that may cause the girl to do what Colgate was expecting out of her. "You know kid, if you do what she wants, we will take you with us to a place where you can be healed and start a new life." Colgate added, "After all, it would really suck to live here and have no family, wouldn't it?" The prospect of surviving and being healed did sound good to the girl but having to go with the two women who had killed her brother and mother and would be responsible for the death of her father far outweighed being able to live. She shouted, "No, I will not kill my daddy!" "Very well then," Colgate sighed "I have no choice but to put an end to your miserable, pathetic life." Before the girl could say anything further, Colgate slashed the girl's throat and allowed her body to drop. Once the girl dropped, Colgate grabbed the heart and said, "Well sir, the time has come. The time for my friend and I to have finished our mission has come." The man let out a moan, "Please don't, please don't kill me." Amethyst mocked, "Please don't kill me, please don't kill me!" The man let out a frustrated sigh and that was all the more Colgate needed to hear, she took his heart and took a bite out of it, causing him to let out one final scream before falling silent. Colgate then stood up and said, "Mission complete, now let's get going." Amethyst objected, "You know, I thought you would want to see if they have anything else we could take home with us and sell." "Very well, let's get to looking before we leave." She saw a diamond ring on her left hand. She removed it and said, "Well, this might make for a good horn ring!" Amethyst replied, "Yeah it would." Now let's look around and see if there is anything else that we can take. The two headed back into the front room and began to go through the few gifts that had yet to be opened. While they were hoping to find some more pretty things that they may be able to sell in Equestria, the only things they found were clothing, other toys and a couple of tools meant for the husband. Colgate asked, "Well shall we? I don't know about you but I miss being a pony and I miss my magic!" Amethyst replied, "Yes, let's get going. I'm ready to be a unicorn again." > The Return Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After having killed a whole family, opening some of their gifts and taking some things from them that may be of value in Equestria, Amethyst and Colgate felt satisfied. They felt as though they had completed their mission and were ready to head home. Before returning home though, they decided to do one final search of the house to make sure that there weren't any more valuables that perhaps they could take home. When they returned up to the bedroom where they arrived, they looked around and saw a safe. Colgate approached it and said, "You know, before we go we really should try to get into this!" "I don't know" replied Amethyst "how are we supposed to even get in there?" Colgate leaned down, pressed her ear to the door and began to turn the combination lock, listening to each click. I did not take her long to get into it. When she opened it, her eyes lit up in delight. There were all sorts of things in there that she knew she could get money for. There were diamond necklaces, golden plates and even some gold bars. Colgate's eyes grew wide as she commented, "Wow, there is so much in here! There are so many things in here we could sell for a lot of money and then take a MUCH NEEDED vacation!" Amethyst wasn't so sure about her plans. She knew that Colgate tended to be on the greedy side but thought that this was going too far. "So how are we going to get this home? What are we going to tell Twilight when we show up with all these valuables and how will we get them back without dropping everything?" Colgate saw a backpack of paper bills in there and dumped them out figuring human money would have absolutely no value. She proudly held the bag up and laughed, "With this!" Colgate began to put all the valuables, including the gold bars, in the bag and readied to zip it up until she made a suggestion, "You know Amethyst, you might want to put that ring in here. I doubt it will just show up on your horn." Amethyst removed the ring and placed it in the backpack. Colgate then zipped it up and faced the mirror they came through. She asked, "Shall we now? Shall we go back home?" Amethyst replied, "Yes but we're going to have to do a ton of lying to Twilight you know. especially about being covered in blood and having a bag full of valuables!" "I know." replied Colgate. The two then turned towards the mirror and walked through. As they were returning to Equestria, they found themselves flying through a portal of colors before finally returning to Equestria. Unlike it was when they arrived in the human world, they simply walked out once they arrived. The moment they returned, their cutie marks began to glow, with blood dripping from them like they were when they were called by the map. Colgate saw this and proudly stated, "Mission complete Amethyst, mission complete." Much to their surprise, Twilight was not waiting for them in her bedroom but once they got downstairs, they were greeted by her. She embraced them, "Welcome home ladies!" She saw their marks glowing and added, "It looks like you completed your mission." "Yep, we did." replied Amethyst. Twilight then noticed that Colgate had saddlebags on and that both of them were covered in blood. Twilight's pupils shrank as she said, "Why in Equestria are you two covered in blood?" She knew how Colgate could be when she got pissed off and thought that perhaps someone went a little too far, "Did someone piss you off? You didn't murder anyone did you?" Colgate lied, "Well you see, we wound up arriving in some family's house and they were all fighting so we decided to try and get them to settle down." Amethyst added, "And when we tried, they attacked us and we had to fight back in self-defense! I wouldn't think spilling blood counts as murder if we spilled their blood in self-defense." Colgate continued, "And besides, our marks are glowing so we must have fixed the problem." She then began to laugh, "Maybe they were causing their neighbors problems and we were sent there to wipe them out!" Twilight then tried to grab Colgate's saddle bags but would be stopped when Colgate grabbed them in her aura. Twilight knew that this was probably a sign that they were full of valuables and gasped, "You killed them and then stole some of their stuff?" She became more angry and continued, "How in the name of Celestia did this happen? How could the map have called you to murder a family AND steal their valuables!" Colgate began to laugh as Twilight became angrier, "Maybe that map of yours is calling ponies on murder missions now too!" Twilight again tried to take Colgate's saddlebags and was able to remove them and when she looked inside, she was stunned, "What the hay? Diamond Jewelry and gold bars?" Colgate ripped her saddlebags away from Twilight and yelled, "Hooves off! That stuff is OURS!" Twilight again tried to take the saddlebags until Amethyst fired a bolt of energy at her and laughed, "Finders keepers Twily!" She then calmed down a bit and suggested, "Come on Colgate, let's go!" Colgate nodded and the two ran out of the castle. They couldn't help but laugh as they heard Twilight yelling at them as they raced towards Colgate's home. Once they arrived they were pleased. Colgate led her into her bedroom where she had a safe. She suggested, "Let's put these in here for now and then tomorrow, we can go sell this stuff and hopefully be gone before all that disgusting sappiness of Hearth's Warming Eve strikes!" Amethyst suggested, "I'm all for it but I think we probably should shower first. We can't stay covered in blood!" Colgate agreed, "Yeah, we don't want ponies thinking we murdered somepony!" After showering, the two decided the time to go and sell the things they stole. Amethyst suggested, "Well shall we? Shall we go and sell this stuff before Twilight comes and tries to steal it, claiming we committed some sort of crime?" Colgate grabbed the saddlebags and said, "Sounds like a plan. If we get enough for this, I say we go to Las Pegasus and hit the casinos!" Her voice became happier as she continued, "If we strike it rich, I can bring in a pediatric dentist and never have to work on some bratty foal ever again!" "Agreed, now lets go to that gold dealer and then get out of town." Amethyst replied. As the two left her house and headed towards the gold dealer, they looked around in suspicion. They had a feeling that Twilight was probably lurking around in a bid to steal their stuff and keep it for herself. In the end, they were able to sell all the items they stole for a great amount of money, much more than they had dreamed of. Once they left the gold dealer Colgate suggested, "Shall we, shall we go and strike it rich?" "Let's do it and hopefully we'll come back rich!" replied Amethyst.