> The Intruders Of The Night > by Moon Doge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Intruders Of The Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond the horizon the sun was setting slowly on the land of Equestria as the lovely orange and reddish glow of the sun shows over a hill near by Ponyville. The night was slowly coming to the residents of Ponyville as most of them have headed back home for the day, after a busy day full of business, tomfoolery and just the typical day in the town. It was time to head home and enjoy the rest of the night with loved ones or with some needed alone time and rest. Celestia was sitting out on the balcony as she watched her sun slowly dip lower from the horizon of Equestria, while her sister was slowly stirring awake and ready for her duties of the night to help out her loyal subjects have a peaceful rest and try her best to help out those with nightmares that plague their minds so that they can finally feel rested and not worry about being woken up and shaking from a nightmare or episode of anxiety and stress. Luna yawned as she sat up in her bed. Stretching a bit as her bed sheets covered most of her body, except for her feet. She didn't like them getting warm. She soon removed the sheet and revealed her sleeping attire of just in her bra and underwear. mostly black but having a bit of a dark blue to at least the waistband and straps of her bra, showing a little design of a crescent-moon on her right breast and a full moon design on nearly the hip of her underwear. She swings her legs out from the bed and down onto the floor. She stretched a bit more and yawned, showing her smooth belly as she finished up stretching, she stood up from the bed, not aware of two little guest in her room. Two small feral ponies which she had just crushed into a bloody stain on the floor. They didn't instantly get crushed into a mush at first, they were trapped under her lovely pedicured blue feet as she stretched. Though when she stood up their bodies couldn't take the sudden and tremendous weight so then Luna worked her magic and brought the moon out into the sky above Equestria. Luna smiled as Celestia yawned. "Have a good nights rest my dear sister" Celestia nods and walks off. "Thank you Luna. I'll see you in the morning as usual." Luna watched Celestia walk off to her room till she shut the door. Luna then looked back at the moon and leaned against the balcony railing as she sighed. Enjoying the moons glow, she stood there for a good half hour till she walked back to her room to get dressed. In the bedroom of Luna's room a few small feral ponies run around trying to figure out how to get out of the now massive royal room of Luna's and hoping that they could escape without her finding them or doing something worse to them or end up getting crushed by just her simple actions, as some of them saw before the night fell. Seeing her crush those two ponies, a Pegasus stallion and an earth pony mare into nothing but just a gory mush on her feet and some bits on the floor. They were kind of scared of the massive moon princess of what she could do to them with just simple movements and actions that would have seem harmless to them if they were normal size, a certain pony laid on the floor near the dresser in Luna’s room. While next to it was some kind of desk with a mirror for the princess. He seemed fast asleep, snoring softly on the cold yet smooth marble floor. Then Luna walked in, still in her bra and underwear as she closed the door behind her. Where a couple of ponies were to try and escape without her knowledge. Some tried escaping through the door when she opened it but not many made it through. Only at least three made it past the door while another one got stuck between the door and the wall frame for the door, only to be split in half from the force of the door closing. From that force a gust of wind blasted past the ponies near the door, for them it was a loud, booming and powerful force that launched them across the floor to get smacked into a near by wall and get the breath knocked out of them or be knocked out from the force itself, some laying unconscious on the floor as Luna walked past some still able to look at her as her large feet boomed on the marble floor, shaking the ground a little for the ponies as some ran off to grab their friends that were knocked out from the door being shut. Though a few got unlucky and were crushed under her feet with ease and without a care from the princess who still hadn't noticed the ponies running around in her room or the few looking up at the big princess in terror and fear of them being next to be crushed by her. She left little spots of smashed and unrecognizable bodies of feral ponies as she walked over to her dresser. A brown coffee colored pony groaned a little as he awoken from his deep slumber, he was a bit dazed as he opened his eyes, everything still a bit of a blur to him as he tried looking around. He took off his glasses and huffed on them a bit and rubbed them to see if it was just his eye wear messing with him again. Though he rubbed his bare eyes a bit to be sure. He put his glasses back on to see to the right of him a few gory and bloody messes on the floor. He didn't recognize at first till he stood up and moved a bit closer out of the dresser to see it was a left over pony body that had been crushed with some kind of heavy force and weight. Nothing left but just a mush of a former pony on the floor. He didn't know what caused this and was kind of worried. Though as he looked around more his concern grew a bit more as he noticed he was tiny in a room not so familiar to him. "Well I better get ready to help out my loyal subjects for the night. For at least the ones that are heading off to bed. Though I still have a bit of time to wait before the majority of them are heading off to bed" Luna stepped forward to the dresser and didn't notice the small brown coffee colored pony near the opening of the dresser as he stepped out a bit more, looking at the ponies that were just as small as him, running around in the room trying to find an escape or the few that were too scared to move and or shocked by their fellow ponies being crushed knowingly by their princess or not, they didn't care much for the difference. The brown coffee colored pony was confused and a little scared as he looked around till he looked up to see a giant blue foot coming down towards him. His eyes widen as he quickly jumped to the right, out of the way of Luna's foot as it came colored pony. He watches with lust and arousal as he still looked up at the lovely body of Luna, mostly her underwear. The other ponies weren't all that interested in the looks of Luna as they tried getting out of the room. Some grouped up and what was left of them was a couple of them. including the two on top of Luna's bed as they couldn't figure out how to get down and a stallion near the foot of Luna's bed. He was out cold and some thought he was dead possibly. Though no one bothered to check and left him there. He was slowly coming too as he heard the other ponies discussing on a plan to escape this room. The ponies on the bed weren't all that worried about an escape when Luna was bent over at the dresser getting dressed as her seemingly large posterior was in view for them to see. They didn't feel much shame of looking at Luna in such a way when they both agreed that the princess of the moon was certainly the prettiest and good looking royal sister. Debatable though not many would complain to a view of a full moon in their sights. The pony near the foot of Luna's bed finally woke up from what it seemed like coming back from the afterlife. He groaned a bit as his body wasn't all that ready to move, though he could see and look around his surroundings. He was pretty confused where he was. Though he figured out quickly he was shrunken. He kept looking till he saw a familiar large pony. That pony was Luna. From his perspective he could see a little pony between her legs. He couldn't tell exactly who it was, though he could tell they seemed to enjoy their situation. Miko slowly stood up to his hooves as he looked up to Luna bending over to shut the drawer where she got her footwear from. He blushed a bit looking at the pantie-clad butt of Luna. He sometimes did have little dreams like this. Luckily Luna didn't visit him that much...Or. Maybe she has and just never hinted at it. He shook his head to get out of his blank gaze of Luna's moon butt to focus on what he needed to do. So he trotted off to get a closer look at who the pony was between Luna's legs. Luna finished up putting her footwear on and now opening another drawer and pulled out a dress. It had a sort of short skirt on it. Luna opened it as it seemed to be kind of a zip up and button the back kind of dress. She did just that with ease and looked herself over. She was happy to look her best for the night. She then looked on the desk to see her gauntlets she wore. So she grabbed them and started putting them on. She still hadn't figured out Swin was underneath her getting a good up- skirt of her underwear. Which had driven the stallion over the edge with his arousal as his shaft had harden as his blushed deepen and was burning his face with heat as he started rubbing his shaft to the view he had, hoping Luna wouldn't move as he satisfied his arousal and deep ecstasy as he jerked off to non-other then Luna and her lovely and sexy looking up-skirt. He panted as he rubbed faster, his mind seeming to shut off as exciting pleasure and ecstasy floods into his thoughts and seem to erase all the fears and worries he had as he enjoyed himself and the view he had. Miko moved up closer as he ran along the wall from the bed to near the desk with the mirror on top of it. He stopped as he was near the stool that set in front of the desk looking up to the giant princess from the left side of her as she was getting ready. Luna worked at her gauntlets and soon fixing herself up. Miko looked down to see it was a familiar pony. It was Swin! He blushed as he noticed he was jerking one out to the princess. Miko was kind of embarrassed. though he sort of understand his circumstance. Miko looked up to hear Luna sigh a bit and comment on herself and mostly her works as she wanted to look her best. Swin kept rubbing his hard shaft as he was getting closer to climax, Luna had looked down at her feet to soon see something odd...She leaned down to get a better look at the small creature to only see it was a pony. A tiny one that was...She gasped and then huffed, giving the small stallion an angered look. "Oh how dare you do such a thing in the presence of your princess! Such disgusting and perverted behavior! Ugh, I should have you executed for this! Though this won't be in public..." She lifted her right foot over Swin as he rubbed faster, knowing his time was going to be up soon, though leaving out with such a great view and such pleasure he couldn't see much of a better way to go. Luna growled and then brought her foot down on top of Swin. Miko gasped as she slammed down onto his friend, though it seemed that he wasn't finished off or well turned into a red mush and stain on Luna's foot. No she seemed to hold her foot on him, though this kind of caused a bit of discomfort to Swin as she pressed on him a bit. She prepared to torture him in his last moments, with the lower half of his body under her foot. though his hard and erected member was in-between her toes. The coffee brown stallion groaned a bit from the pressure on him, squirming a bit under her foot. Soon Luna moved her foot a bit, her soft flesh of her toes rubbed on his little member causing him to moan out as his body sort of locked up, his member throbbing and aching to burst his pent up load out onto the floor of Luna's room and on her beautiful feet. This only angered Luna more as she couldn't believe such a little pervert had sneaked into her room and to now nearly blow one off to her just upset her more. She huffed and lifted her foot again as Swin panted and moaned more, looking up at the beautiful moon princess and her up-skirt. Soon his little body convulsed a bit in a sort of thrust fashion and he climaxed, biting his lip as his fluids shot out of his member, onto the marble floor and a bit on his belly as he panted heavily from the massive amount of pure ecstasy going through his body. Luna huffed. "Well, at least you get your happy ending you despicable perv. Now! Time to say goodbye to this world. Hope you're happy with your decision to do such a disrespectful act to royalty such as me, for I Luna aren't some kind of sexual object to look over and have sick and perverted arousal towards!" Swin didn't hear much of what she said since he was in heaven at least in his eyes as Luna soon smashed right down on him, this caused the stallion to cry out a bit in pain as Miko could hear a few clear pops. Luna soon slowly pressed down on him, pressing Swin more into her smoothed sole of her foot, though it wasn't a pleasant feeling as she grinds on him, causing a few more of his bones to crack and pop out of place, the stallion starting to cry from the pain as Luna pressed down harder, sort of chocking him out as it seemed one of his ribs had punctured his lung, he gasped and in fits of anguish as the pain soon subsided and Luna finished him off. Crushing him into nothing but a bloody and sticky mess of himself on the floor and on her foot. She lifted her foot off the remains of the stallion after grinding on his remains a bit. Miko watching on in horror and terror as he heard his friend cry out in pain and then now turned into nothing but a bloody and sticky mess on the floor made him sick and near to tears to see his friend now just a bloody mess on the marble floor. "That ought to teach him to not be such a disgusting pervert to royalty, let alone one of the sisters like me...Hmph...Now. Where was I with getting ready. Ah right. Straightening my mane out. Seems a bit of a mess" She walked over to her desk, which she didn't notice the little dark gray stallion next to the stool she sat at, which caused him to run off fast to the left side leg of the desk, hoping to not get caught and be met with the same faith as Swin. Luna sighed as she sat down on the stool, soon focusing on straightening her mane and other kinds of fixes she needed to make. Miko wiped the tears welling up in his eyes as he looked up to her as she comments on her look. She then sets her huge left foot near the left leg in front of Miko. He gets startled from the little shake of the marble floor as he looked up at her foot. Luna made some final adjustments and fixes to her look as Miko looked on. His little eyes were glued to her feet. he thought that Luna always had some very nice feet. So pretty and well-keep, her soles looking so soft he could use them as a bed to rest his weary head on. Luna moved her toes a bit as she was fixing her mane some more, causing Miko to blush some as she was unknowingly doing this in front of him. He could admit the best part of her feet were her toes and well, the paint she had on her toes was a very nice touch to them. Her toes had a basic dark background and a crescent moon for each toe. Which Miko quite liked as his little eyes looked on. Luna soon finished up and looked herself over in the mirror for one last check. She stood up, which got Miko’s attention. He snapped out of his trance state and soon focused back onto his last task. To get out of this room with being spotted or worse just crushed into a bloody pulp on the marble floor. Luna looked around her room a bit, having a sort of being watched feeling to her, though she shrugged it off as she started to focus on her task for the night. “Alright. Same as usual Luna, search through dreams and help out any subjects in need.” She said to herself. She looked over to the clock on the table near her bed. She had some time before having to start her job, so she walked around a bit in her room, as she does so, the ponies on the cold marble floor starting to panic as they start feeling the rumbling and booms from the feet of the princess start up again. They panicked and frantically scattered trying to get anywhere safe from her feet, going under any furniture in the room or anything to keep them out from the open. A group of seven ponies were galloping as quick as they could to get to safety, two of them carried their knocked out friends on their backs as they tried getting away from the giant feet coming towards them, the extra weight slowing them down some as they exerted great amounts of effort into their muscles as the 2 doing this tried to keep up with the 3 ponies up front of them for. Luna’s large deadly feet where coming closer to them as she was unaware of their struggles as her feet stomped down on some ponies that froze up from the sight of her or where still traumatized by the events that have accord so far, that they either froze in paralyzing fear or accepted their fate. Luna kept strolling through her room, unaware of the chaos happening beneath her feet as the group in front of her feet disparately were trying to escape as a few ponies hiding watched on. Though their hopes of getting away faded away as Luna’s giant dark blue foot came down upon them, soon enough display of blood squirting out from under her foot spread across the marble floor and a loud popping and crunch could be heard through out the room as Luna stepped away from the large mess and was walking over to the front of her bed. Plenty of bloody mushed bodies of ponies left on her feet as she left a few prints of blood on the marble floor as she kept walking. As she got closer to the front of her bed a little mare panicked and tried to escape but it was too late as Luna’s foot came down on the lower half of her body. The little mare cried out in pain as at least 3 where hiding under the bed, watched on in horror as their newer ally is slowly being tortured by the princesses foot. Luna sighs some as she looks at the clock, twisting her foot some which caused more pain to the little mare and screaming as she sobs and ask for help but she knew it was too late for her. Luna had raised the front of her with her heel still set on the marble floor and the lower half of the mare, she scrunches her toes some as she takes in a deep breath, soon setting her foot down on the other half of the mare and crushing her upper body with the sole of her foot and her big toe pressing down on the little mares head. The little mare gives one last cry of anguish and even some kind of forgiveness, though she hasn’t done anything wrong to deserve this. Soon her head gives away to the pressure and a sickening crunch is heard as a spray of blood lands on the marble floor a few feet away from the three under the bed, they coil back in fear and disgust of what just happened, one of them gets down on their knees of their legs and pukes from the sickening feeling in their gut. They were safe but...The guilt of survival was certainly going to stick with them. Miko looked on a bit of the situation happening to only wince at the loud pop and crunch he heard. He shudders, hopping it won’t happen to him. He thinks to himself that has to make a move or he may never be able to get out of here. So he builds up the courage to take off from his position and try to get to the door, as he ran under the desk and the dresser, soon galloping out in the open of the marble floor, ponies from their hiding spots watching on seeing if he’ll make it. Luna kept looking around till she noticed a small figure running across her floor. She turned to her body to face the door and started to walk over to the small figure. Which as soon as Miko heard the loud booms coming closer to him, his gut sank and fear was settling in his stomach. So he ran faster to try and get away before getting stomped on, he panted from his efforts getting closer to the opening below the door, his hopes were high as his goal was in sight, he was so focused he didn’t hear how close Luna was, he kept galloping as he got closer and closer, he smiled a bit as he was about to escape but soon a dark shadow loomed over him and then crashed down in front of him. He yelped as he fell backwards and hard onto his back from the powerful blast from whatever fell in front of him. He groaned as he laid sprawled out on the marble floor. Luna bent down some to look at the little figure and quickly figured out it was another little feral pony. She huffs a bit as she seems annoyed by the presences of these little creatures. “Great, another one in my chamber. Rrgh. Guess you’ll be joining the other little pest I crushed earlier.” Miko was dazed from being knocked back but he soon focused after a bit of ringing to only hear what Luna was saying. His focused snapped back quickly as he panicked knowing that he was going to be crushed, he lifts his fore-legs up and starts begging to Luna. “P-Please don’t crush me, I didn’t look at you in that way my princess!” Luna just scoffed at his pleading and begging. “Oh quit your whining and accept your pathetic end you little annoyance!” She scolded him and lifted her right foot over him, clenching her fist and gritting her teeth as she was fuming at this point. Miko gasped and tears started welling up in his eyes, he tried one last time to beg for his life but Luna brought her foot down on top of him and hard, he cried out in pain as two of his ribs snaps. “Aah! N-No please I don’t want to be met with the same faith as my friend!” He cries out, sobbing as she presses down harder, his little body sort of pressing into her sole as her toes loom over his little face. “And why should I don’t turn you into a bloody pulp on my floor for trespassing in my room?!” She says as she clenches her teeth and growls. “If you didn’t want to be punished for intruding in my private space and before my work, then you shouldn’t have gotten spotted and I’m not going to easily forgive such little annoyances like yourself and your little friend that gave me such a disgusting display of his perverted behavior!” She yells this out in a very powerful way to Miko as he sobs some more from the discomfort and pain shooting through his body. He tries one more time to get her to stop. “PPlease, I know what he did, I didn’t look at you in such away! A-Aah, please, please don’t crush me! I-I’ll do anything for you, I’ll follow your commands, M-My moon goddess!” He cries out some more from her pressing down a bit harder, his body feeling like it is about to burst into a mushed mess on the floor. Luna huffs a bit as he starts begging but then soon perks up to his offer. She thinks this over and told herself that...Maybe he could be of some use, so she lessens her weight on the little dark gray stallion. “Oh really huh? Well...I suppose I could give you a chance to show your worth to me...” She smirks a bit. “But! Don’t take it for granted or you will be crushed into a bloody pulp with no further questions!” She says authoritatively as the little stallion shakes some from the adrenaline running through his body. Miko nods. “Y-Yes my goddess. I’ll keep that in mind.” He sighs as he lays his head back, wincing as he breathed in sharply. Luna lifts her foot off his little body and sets it besides him and now stands with a dominate stance over him. “Good. Now my little subject, I’ll be putting you to work soon and if you do a satisfying job then maybe you won’t be another stain on my foot.” Miko looks back up and nods. Luna grins and then picks up the tiny stallion. He winces some and groans from the pain. Luna realizes this and lights up her horn. “Oh right. Here, I’ll fix you up. I don’t want a little worker like you not able to fully satisfy me so take this as a little agreement between us.” Her magical aura engulfs Miko as she fixes up his little body. He winces a bit as his bones are fixed up and a bit of bruising on his body fades. He sighs and pants some from the little spell she did on him. “Oh...Heh. Um. Thank you my um...Goddess.” He looks at her face and smiles a bit nervously, thinking over if he can do a good job for her. She chuckles some, seeing his nervous expression and soon starts walking over to her bed. She thinks over of what she is going to make this little stallion do for her to show his worth. She grins as she gets the idea of letting him clean her feet. Since she noticed that their kind of...Messy with the stain of Swin and unaware to her plenty of other ponies that she has crushed without much concern since she was unaware of their presence. Luna soon gets over to the right side of her bed, turning her back to it as she looks at Miko and grins some before crouching down and setting her little subject down on the marble floor at her feet. She stood back up and was bent over a little to look at her little subject, as she wiggled her toes some, seeing the reaction of Miko's which was a blush and seeing him bite his bottom lip. She giggles a bit at that and grins. She then looks behind her to sit down to only see two little ponies on the bed looking up at her rump. She huffs and gives them a bit of an angered look as they noticed that she was staring at them but then her expression soften and she grins at the two little ponies. One an earth pony mare and the other a pegasus stallion as they look at her a bit confused, though as soon as Luna gave them a bit of a giggle and a slit sway of her hips, they guessed that she was starting to like the eyes that are upon her posterior so the two ponies willing keep watching and look on in a bit of awe. Luna smirks a bit at this and purposely bends over some more, her short skirt riding up her back some and soon revealing her pantie-clad butt to them. The pegasus stallion gives off a bit of a whistle before his wings shoot up and stiffen from the view and the little earth pony mare looks on in excitement with a blushing red face to seeing the glorious "moon" of Luna's that she has heard so much about. Luna giggles and sways her hips some to give them a little more then just staring at her large rump. "Well. Glad I got two little subjects that love the view of my moon~" She giggles some more and then smirks. "I bet you wouldn't mind a closer look huh?" She winks at them, which causes both to blush deeply and nod in eagerly agreement. Luna chuckles and scoots back a bit to have her legs press up against the sheet and mattress of her bed as her large pantie-clad butt looms over the two. The mare and stallion blushing deeply and sort of shaking from their excitement and sort of fear with having such a large, royal moon above them, as Luna gives another slit sway of her hips and then says. "Well, here comes your close up to the moon!" She then plants her large rump down on the bed, pressing down on the two ponies as the pegasus gets mashed under her left butt cheek and the earth pony mashed under the camel toe of her panties soon a few pops can be heard from the impact of her butt on the two ponies. A cry of pain comes out from the pegasus mouth as his stiffened wings are broken from the impact of the large "moon" on his little body and another from the earth pony, her right fore-leg and one of her ribs snapped from the heavy impact as well from Luna's camel toe as she wiggles a bit in pain, against Luna's camel toe. This gives the princess a bit of a pleasuring feeling going up her body. She hums some at this, leaning over a bit to the left which put more pressure down on the little pegasus stallion, causing a few more pops to be heard from his little bones, as she takes her finger and rubs the mare against the camel toe of her panties, which causes the little mare to scream a bit in pain from her broken limbs being pressed on and being pressed up against the camel toe, which the pressure of it feels like it is going to break her little body in half. Luna blushes some as this does cause quite a bit of pleasure for her before she laughs as she enjoys this quite a bit. "Haha...Well. I'm glad one of you were so willing to become a little cushion for my butt and a nice little toy to please your lovely moon goddess, so I guess you little pervs did have some use in you~" She wiggles her rump on the mattress, which elected more cries of pain as more limbs and bones snapped from the pegasus as he sobs from the torture his given from just her dark blue pantie-clad cheek. He struggles some under her cheek as he begs her to stop and not turn him into a mushed mess on her ass cheek. This gave Luna a bit of an idea as she smirked. "Well. I'm not letting a little perv like you to live but at least be grateful for the way your going out. Certainly not many ever get close to this royal moon but I suppose since you aren't enjoying your position. I might as well end your pain and that annoying begging of yours." She then lifts her left butt cheek a bit, the stallion trying his best to plead for his life as he winced from lifting his fore-legs up to her butt cheek. This causes Luna to chuckle and then slowly bring down her ass cheek on the little stallion, he cries out one more plead before being smothered by the dark blue pantie-clad cheek and then squished into a mess of blood and remains on her panties and the bed sheet, she giggles and wiggles her rump a bit. "Oh he felt good to crush into a mushed mess. Now for you little mare you wouldn't want to be met with the same faith as him do you? Smashed into nothing but a stain on my ass just like his pathetic little body did. I kind of wonder how it would feel to do the same with you~" She laughs and smirks as she can hear the little mare sobbing from hearing about her friend but soon fear striking through her body from the last sentence of what Luna said, she started frantically squirming and kicking against Luna's camel toe as she threw insults and calling Luna a monster for doing such a thing. This wasn't helping the little mares case all that much since Luna had drowned her out as she gasped a bit from the squirming and little taps on her camel toe from the mare as she blushes, biting her lip and closing her eyes with a slight hum, clearly enjoying the pleasure from the squirming and kicking of the little mare. Luna leans up a bit flattening her feet on her cool floor as she bends over some and brings her hand and places a finger on the little mares figure against her camel toe, which caused the mare to respond in a bit of shock and then continue her squirming and tapping on Luna's camel toe. Which Luna was loving as she blushes some more soon taking the little mare and rubbing her up and down her camel toe slowly, pressing on her back some more to cause her to be more frantic with her struggle against her, which just caused more pleasure for Luna as she bite her lip trying to keep from moaning. The little mare started noticing that where she was being rubbed up against was getting warmer and...Wet? She sniffed a bit smelling a certain musk that would seem. Familiar to her. Luna couldn't hold it back and let out a soft moan, soon giving away to the nice sensation up her body, causing her to pant lightly. The little mare gasped as she realized that she was being used as a little pleasure toy! "Oh...So d-disgusting!" She cries out as she squirms more frantically and cursing at Luna as she rubbed her little form against her warm, wet camel toe faster the frantic her large feet over Miko a bit. "And. Being a kind princess to the ones that obey and serve me, I'll give you a little reward for being a good little subject~" She giggles and moves her feet a bit from side to side, waiting for Miko to respond. Miko snaps out of his little daze to see Luna moving her feet a bit from side to side, kind of memorizing to the little stallion as he perks his ears up to what she has to say and blushes some at what she wanted him to do and then suggested quite a nice reward at the end of this. He thought it over and was very curious about what it possibly could be and well...It would be better then being made a stain on her feet...He takes a deep breath and then moves up closer to her feet and having his little figure towered over by her feet. He takes a whiff of the scent of her feet and gags a little not expecting the kind of mixture from her large feet but he collects himself, panting a bit as he tries to get use to the smell of a bit of sweat to the strong scent of blood from the crushed remains. before he presses his muzzle into her he sighs and sucks it up even if he felt kind of sick with having to lick off the remains of his...Friend. He sniffs a bit which causes his eyes to water from the strong scent of the blood and the sort of sweet scent coming from her feet. He takes a deep breath and collects himself, working himself up a bit to power through this especially with now his friends crushed remains on the princesses right sole. Luna sighs as she puts her hand on her right cheek and idly wiggles her toes waiting for her little foot servant to start licking and cleaning her gorgeous feet. Miko takes a deep breath and ready to press his whole muzzle into the soft dark blue flesh of Luna's sole. He was nervous but yet. Excited which he thought was odd but he already has wasted enough time as he notices Luna move her feet a bit closer to him. He shudders some from the strong mixture of smells but then he plunges his muzzle into the soft dark blue sole of her foot and starts licking up the remains of a few crushed ponies. Luna gasped a bit from the sudden press into her sole and then the nice soft, warm licks on her sole, she cooed softly feeling him work on her feet as she grinds her hips into the mattress, electing some more squirming against her camel toe, which made Luna bite her lip and exhale deeply, clearly a surge of pleasure goes through her body from the squirming of the little mare on her excited camel toe and now the decent foot worship Miko is doing. Miko gags and coughs some as he tries his best to clean off her soles also trying to keep the thought of that his licking up some of the remains of his friend. He chokes a bit from the thought which raises a bit of curiosity from Luna. "Hm? What's the matter? Can't handle a bit of cleaning of just my feet? Maybe you aren't as fit to the task as I thought you were..." She looks at the little dark gray stallion with discontent as he looks up to her and is shaking out of fear that he might be crushed for being a failure at pleasing the moon goddess. He acts instinctively as he groveled before her feet, choking on the welling up of filth on her feet which wasn't that pleasant to his taste buds as he coughs a bit more, though he toughs it out which kind of helped as he really got into serving his moon goddess, giving her soft soles long and wet licks, that were making her soles spotless it seemed as he pressed his fore hooves into the plush flesh of her feet and slightly gyrating them as a response to his worshiping was greeted with sighs, hums and even lowly moans of pleasure as Luna enjoys every minute her little foot servant takes on making her feet look pristine for her and seems to being loving it from the devoted attention to them and seeming to be in love with such godly feet in front of him. After an hour later Miko had finished he was panting with exhaustion and his tongue hanged out as the taste of Luna's feet lingered in his mouth but at least he was done and he looked over her feet that looked nearly spotless. Luna perks up to feel the worshiping of her feet stop and she looks down at Miko. "Done with your job my little servant?" Miko nods and Luna smiles, and sets her feet down on their sides and on each side of Miko, which caused the little stallion to jump a bit from the light boom of her feet being set down. Luna looks over her soles and wiggles her toes some glad to see that Miko had done such a great job. "Aah, amazing work my little subject! I didn't think a pony like you could do something like this." She looks on a little bit of awe, which Miko see's and he smiles weakly trying to straighten himself up to her. "T-Thank you princess. I certainly didn't want to disappoint you." Luna grins. "Well I'm glad you wanted to do your best for me~" She giggles and then puts a finger to her lips. "Hhmm...I think this kind of effort and work deserves more then just a compliment and thanks for it..." She then slowly brings her feet together. Miko notices this and looks at both the large feet approaching him from both sides slowly. He looks up to Luna a bit nervous as adrenaline goes through his body. "Y-You're not going to be...C-Crush me are you my goddess?" He asked with a bit of fear in his voice. Luna smiles sweetly and giggles. "Of course not! You don't need to be scared my little subject, I'm just giving you a little "reward" for your effort and well. Why not feel the handy work you've done on my feet? I'm sure my soles will be quite plush and hold you in a snug embrace~" Miko's cheeks brighten in a red hue as he listen to Luna's words now looking to her large blue soles coming in closer and closer to him. He thought about the feeling of her soft soles and it made him shudder some as he bites his lip. He hadn't let himself feeling any kind of excitement or even arousal for that matter! But now with the princess seeming to approve for me to feel this way, since he noticed she giggled and smiled at his reaction to his situation. He exhales some before her large soles press up against him. He yelps as they squish his little body and suspend him up off the ground being held by the soft and plush blue soles. Luna grins as she holds Miko between her feet seeing the little stallion squirm some between them, which caused her to hum some and lightly rub her soles together on him. He yelps as his body is lightly rubbed on and groans a bit from the added pressure of her action, his cheeks burning a brighter red as he somewhat enjoys his little body being pressed and rubbed on by Luna's feet. Luna sighs some and leans back a bit pressing down on the little mare that still was underneath her wet camel toe on the bed, which made this little mare cry out from more sharp pain and hitting on the camel toe again as her whole body was just used as a toy of pleasure for the princess as she rubs and slightly presses on Miko's little body. She cooed softly and then bites her lip as she feels pleasure on her camel toe again and the nice feeling of Miko's little body between her soles as he squirms a bit and seems to be fighting against his deeper feelings for the princess and her gorgeous feet as he whimpers a bit and his cheeks turn a darker red hue as she see's him biting his lip. She chuckles some as she keeps playing with Miko and slightly grinds her hips down on the little mare beneath her butt which caused a few more little pops sending shuddering pleasure up the princesses body, causing her to moan softly from the pleasure. Miko bites his lip harder as he pants some and his cock unsheathe and was hardening and being slightly rubbed by Luna's plush sole flesh, causing the little stallion to groan some from Luna pressing into his little body more, a shot of adrenaline going through his body causing him to shudder as he was a bit scared of being crushed by Luna's feet but it was exhilarating for his arousal as his cock hardens and fully erects, twitching slightly as Miko keeps struggling against the pleasure that Luna was giving him. Luna grins as she pants some from her pleasure seeing Miko was quite enjoying her little act of just rubbing her feet on him. She chuckles and presses on him a bit which elected a bit of a cry out from Miko. Luna hums and thinks of doing something for her little subject. "I can see you are quite enjoying your reward~" She smirks some, Miko looking up to her and gasping a bit as he notices his erected member and trying to hide it as Luna keeps teasing the little guy and still rubbing his little body with her soft soles. "I-I suppose so. Heh. P-Please I'm no perv princess I-" Luna giggles and squeezes Miko a bit causing him to let out a moan, which makes his cheeks burn a darker red as he smiles shyly up to Luna. "Relax my little subject, just enjoy yourself~" She lightly lessens the pressure on his body and lets him slip down a bit causing some pleasure to his little body soon his hooves touching the floor and he stands up again as Luna moves her feet away from him. She bites her lip as she bounces a little on the mare underneath her warm, wet camel toe as her little pleasure toy sobs and cries for mercy as of now she's lost feeling in her lower regions. Luna moans some and sighs as she enjoys dragging out these pleasurable moments. "Aah. Well, my little subject. I got more in-stored for you. Something for that little "issue" you have between your legs~" Miko chuckles a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed by his arousal but still curious to what Luna had plan. Luna took her left foot and move her big toe towards Miko. Miko looked at it curiously as it comes to him and then presses on the front of him. He groans a bit from the toe pressing into his face and chest then yelps as it knocks him over on his back and grunts from the sudden landing on the marble floor. Luna smirks a bit as she brings her left foot over Miko's and looms it. Miko's eyes widen as her large foot looms over him, he shakes a bit still the excitement through his body just rushing through and he notices the smell of Luna's foot flooding his sense's like it was when he was close to them the couple of times he has been. Luna chuckles lowly to the stallions reaction and then moves her foot back to her toes over his lower half. She brings her foot down and letting his little member being held between her two of her toes which she feels Miko shudder some to the pleasure of his member touching up against her soft toes. Miko bites his lip and tries to hold back his growing arousal as Luna placed his cock between two of her soft toes, he gasped some and tried pressing his fore hooves down on something as he idly thrust his hips up pressing on the top part of her sole as his cock rubs up and down her toes, making him whimper some and biting his lip harder and his panting increases as he starts to enjoy the pleasure more. Luna pants some as well as she grinds her hips down a bit more, getting more squirming from her little toy under her camel as she blushes and feels Miko thrusting slowly up and down in-between her toes. She smiles and slightly wiggles her toes to rub his little hard member some more. Miko gasps softly and coos from wiggling her toes on his member as he pants and lets himself just enjoy his reward. Luna keeps up the rubbing as Miko lays there now softly moaning and cooing to the soft and pleasurable touches to his member, mumbling some and Luna able to hear some that it is about her. "Mmmh...A-Aaah...L-Luna...M-My..Goddess of the...NNight.." He moans a bit louder as his light thrusting quickens a bit which Luna took as he was getting closer to his orgasm. Luna moans softly as she could feel she was getting close to her orgasmic pleasure from her toy under her ass as she keeps pleasuring Miko, gripping his member with her toes more and rubbing it up and down more, which the stallion bites his lip and arches his back a bit as he enjoys the now increased pleasure, whimpering some till he smiles some then his face sinks back into a face of enjoying immense pleasure from just Luna's toes. Luna grins seeing Miko quite enjoying himself as she idly rubs her hips enjoying her pleasure as she keeps up the rubbing for Miko and lightly squeezing his cock, causing a few little cries of pleasure and grunts from it. Miko at this point seemed completely lost in the euphoric feeling of his reward and surprised his held out so along with such beautiful toes and Luna's way of pleasuring him and a bit of a tease to his orgasm as he was close only for her to pull back a bit and him to whimper and looking up to Luna. She grins and sightly wiggles her toes that he noticed had a bit of pre-cum on them a bit. Miko blushes deeply and whimpers some as his expression was basically begging for Luna to continue with pleasuring him. Luna giggles and gladly obliges and places her toes back over his little cock and rubs up his length a bit quicker, which with the rush of pleasure coming through his body again he cries out some and felt nearly about to burst over her toes. Luna pants some as she grinds her hips more and feelings more pops, and cracks, with the nice mix of screams and the nice little moans of Miko filling her ears. She bites her lip and wiggles her toes on Miko's little cock as it twitches some and the little guy trying to hold his orgasm back. Though after another minute passes and soon Miko's body arches and he seems to lock up as he cums and spurts his juices over Luna's delicate toes as she keeps rubbing his spurting cock to squeeze out any kind of fluid from his sack that was pent up inside. Miko pants as his orgasm finishes and he lays there drained and yet loving the ecstasy feeling over his body as Luna removes her toes from his now flaccid member and grins seeing his love juices on her toes as she spreads them a bit and chuckles. "Geez quite a bit for a little stallion~" She bites her lip as she feels a nice spurt of pleasure through her body and soon moans as she orgasms and soaks her underwear at her camel toe with her juices as well, causing the little mare pressed up against it to gasp in disgust to know that her pain is just the princesses pleasure! Luna coos at feelings the squirming still continue and snickers at the cries of disgust and insults to Luna for just being a sadistic bitch. Luna's orgasm soon ends and she leans back on her hands on the bed as she enjoys her euphoric feeling as well, panting some as her body relaxes. Luna brings her left foot up and then leans down and licks off the cum from her toes and cleans it off, then swallows it down and hums. "Hhhmm...Not that bad tasting I'll admit. Though I might ask the expert that is under my ass right now~" She snickers and presses her camel toe into the mare some, shoving her muzzle into the soaked and musky camel toe, causing her to yell out and her stomach fluid nearly coming up in her mouth as Luna laughs at her predicament. Miko chuckles some as he sits ups, panting lightly as he looks up to Luna. "Heh. G-Glad you've enjoyed your little toy there and what I've done so far!" He smiles brightly which Luna responds with a giggle. "Mhm, you should be and yes I'm very happy with your performance and service so far~" Luna bends down letting the little mare have a rush of fresh air attack her nostrils as she gasp and struggles a bit to breath. Luna picks up Miko which he squeaks a bit and smiles shyly being brought close to Luna's face, her eyes looking into his as she smiles and then lets her tongue hangout as she sits back down, causing some more organs of the little mare to burst into a mess on her camel toe and a few more of her bones to snap in half under the weight of it. Luna hums some to the feeling of the warmth of blood and the pops and snapping of bones. "Hhmmm...I think you need a bit of help cleaning yourself off~" She says softly as she takes her tongue and slowly licks up Miko's little body which the little gray stallion gasped and shudders some to the wet and warm appendage going up the front of his body and licking up some of the cum that gotten on his body. Luna's tongue soon clears his head and she coils it back into her mouth and swallows the contents she had licked up. She rubs her throat a bit and smiles. "Well, now you're all clean my little subject and I'm glad you enjoyed your reward for your hard work for your lovely goddess of the night." Miko smiles shyly and nods. "Mhm, anything for the lovely moon goddess." He chuckles some and Luna giggles some with his cute little chuckle. She then sets Miko down on the dresser next to her bed as she looks behind her and leans herself to the left and she looks down to see the little mare that was sobbing silently and then gasped to see Luna looking down at her. "Y-You...Bitch! How could you be this cruel to me!? Just for even just your sick pleasure!" She yells at the princess and gags in disgust. "You make me sick and to think you are a ruler over me! You aren't my ruler, you're just an evil, sadistic being that hasn't changed since she was banished to the moon!" Luna grits her teeth and then moves herself over and her right butt cheek looming over the mare. "How dare you throw such words at your princess! And I treat you like this because all you could do was enjoy your perverted nature as you gauged at me without my knowledge till I found you and your little friend!" The little mare looks up at the giant pantie-clad cheek loom over her in fear and gulps as she realizes this is truly the end of her. "Well. Consider yourself lucky...You won't be subjected under my rule anymore. Though. I'm more then happy to get rid of an annoyance like you!" Luna brings her butt back down the mare lifting her fore legs weakly as she begs one last time for true forgiveness this time only to be crushed in a violent manner and just splattered on the large butt cheek and the underwear of Luna's. The princess huffs some and grinds on the remains of that little bitch of a mare. Miko watched this happen and blushes a bit from the display of Luna's anger. He was glad he wasn't on the bad side of Luna and certainly hoped to never be turned into mush on any part of her elegant body. Luna stands up and looks over to Miko. Her expression softens and she walks over to the dresser and takes her finger and pats the little stallions head with it. Miko chuckles some to this and enjoys the nice little pat. "Sorry you had to see that. But she served her purpose and so she wasn't of much use and well...Certainly after being so mangled." She snickers and then picks up Miko. "Oh but at least I get to keep a little subject that is more then happy to serve me and be under my protection~" Miko blushes some and rubs the back of his head with his fore hoof. "Heh, you flatter me too much princess." Luna giggles and gives the tiny gray stallion a kiss. Which Miko squeaks as the front of his little body is pressed against her wet lips and then blushes as she pulls away and leaves his fur a bit fluffed and messed up from the kiss. She giggles and grins "I don't mind it. I make sure the ones who serve me the best get to know that they are special in a way." Luna then sets Miko back down on the dresser and then opens a drawer and digs in it to find a certain item she has kept for some time. Miko looks over the lip of the dresser and tries to see what Luna was looking for. Though soon she had shut it and was hiding something behind her back. She gave Miko a playful grin which Miko smiled back shyly kind of nervous of what she has behind her back. She then grabs him and sets him down on the floor at her feet. Miko keeps looking up to her very curious to what she has. She then brings out a leash in her right hand and she leans down and unattached the collar to put around Miko. Miko blushes and was about to flee but soon his neck was being secured in a leash that had the little metal piece that said "royal pet" on it. Miko struggles some on the leash kind of panicking. Which Luna frowns a bit at this action and taps her foot, causing Miko to jump and look back up at Luna. "Now, now. Don't panics it is just a collar on a leash I know it seems a bit weird but..." Luna chuckles a bit, seeming to be happy with a mental image she has. "I was wondering if you my little subject Miko..." She holds the leash out for Miko to see. "Would like to be my royal pet?" Miko blushes at her question and smiles shyly, kind of liking the idea but still a bit unsure of it. "U-Um...I'm very flattered Luna and really a part of me wants to accept...Though..." Luna's expression sadness a bit at this. "Oh. I probably should have...Waited a little longer for this but...You are just perfect for the position Miko..." She lifts her foot up over him and splays her toes and shows off her lovely soft blue sole causing her to smile a bit with Miko's reaction, biting his lip and his cheeks burn a darker red as he looks up to Luna teasing him. He couldn't help but feel this overwhelming feeling of love for his lovely moon goddess that he felt certain with his decision, that he wanted to be Luna's pet for as long as he lives. "A-Alright! Yes, yes! I would love to be nothing more but your royal pet Luna!" Luna giggles and smiles. "I knew you would come around Miko. So. As of now you will be my little pet and you'll get to serve your beautiful goddess of the night~" She brings her foot down and presses down on Miko which he squeaks from being a giant foot pressed on him but soon he hums and gives her large blue sole a lick. She shudders and smiles. "You certainly are going to be the best little royal pet to me Miko~" She lifts her foot off and Miko nods and blushes. "Love you my goddess of the moon~" Luna blushes and smiles. "With great affectionate back to you my little pet~" She brings her foot up slightly and presses her big toe on his face and feels a tiny kiss put on it. She giggles some and then moves her foot forward and starts walking to the door of her room. "Come on my pet, I got some other duties to take care of before I start my nightly work." Miko swishes his tail and then yelps a bit as his tugged on by the collar and comes trotting along and stays close to Luna's feet as they walk out of the room and Luna closes the door behind them. Leaving the few dots of messes on the floor and the wet stain with the mix of red on the bed. For the few that were still alive in Luna's room. They would forever remember the events that transpired in the royal chamber of Luna's but no one else would ever know of what happened this night as they all were too minuscule to be heard and would be squished like the little vermin some where if they ever tried to escape or did manage to escape to only be crushed by some other large being without a single thought of them. The ponies in Luna's room most likely will join their friends in their own painful demise to an unaware princess and her large deadly feet or much worse if they get spotted...