> A Stinky Torture Session (Scat) > by StillFunk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1) Sniff Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After chasing you for quite a while, Twilight had finally captured you, and now, you found yourself tied up on the floor of a torture chamber, with metal locks pinning your arms and legs to the ground, and with a thick gag in your mouth, preventing you from breathing that way. Twilight was standing in front of you with a grim smile on her lips, she was a very happy mare at the moment, and she had decided to celebrate her victory the evilest way possible. "so..." she said and took a step closer, "may I hear you call me Twi again!" she snared that last sentence right in your face, adding a thick layer of saliva to your face. Was that why she had captured you? Forgetting to call her princess was one thing, but not even using her whole name had pissed her off for real. You might have been able to avoid a hard punishment if you had apologized right away, but instead, you had done the stupidest thing you could possibly have done and tried to escape, forcing Twilight to get all sweaty and burned out chasing after you. And for that alone you could expect pretty much the worst punishment imaginable. She took a step closer and looked around the many torture devices, filling out the room, after a moment's thinking she shook her head, and said "naah, fun stuff indeed, but not quite... Embarrassing enough. Hmmmmm" There was a pause, before she slowly turned her attention back to you, with an evil smile manifested on her purple lips, and a casually sadistic look in her eyes tat pierced your soul. "Oh, I have an idea." She turned her body around, revealing her round, purple butt to you, before lowering it down upon your face, where she stopped a couple of inches away from impact. "Here's what you are going to do if you don't want to spend the rest of your life as my torture toy, you will smell my asshole, you will inhale deeply over and over, as long and as often as I take a seat upon you, till the day I release you, deal?" She didn't expect an answer do to your tight gag, but apparently she took the tears in your blank eyes, and muffled whimpering as a yes. With your "Deal" confirmed, she slowly sat her ass down, the movement downwards separated her butt cheeks perfectly from each other, giving you a good look at the little pink hole that would soon make you suffer. You felt her ass cheeks touch the sides of your face, and at that very moment you caught the strong scent of her anus, it was still an inch away from your nose, and the stench was only an appetizer of what awaited you as your sensitive nostrils would be pressed against her stinky asshole, but it was already very unpleasant. As nose and anus finally touched, you felt an instant urge to throw up, you had never done anything like this, and the musky smell was too much to take even a single whiff of, but Twilight demanded you to sniff it, and as her prisoner you where to do exactly as she told you to. You took a small breath, but didn't feel like any air was gained, do to Twilights anus being placed tightly against your nose, and the stench was so overpowering that the outcome was nothing but still empty lungs and teary eyes, "Smell it harder!" Twilight yelled, as she leaned back, putting more weight on your face. You felt your nose being pushed inside, there was nothing you could do as your nose was literally swallowed up by Twilight's stinky rectum. You needed air, and you had to obey your torturer. You inhaled as deeply and as powerfully as you possibly could, putting every bit of effort you had in you into that breath. Twilight's ass was so tight around you, that you could barely get any air through, and it took about twenty full seconds to fill your lungs up even once, and it was so stinky that you could literally feel your stomach turn as you sniffed. You felt your eyesight lose you, as you inhale the polluted air. Not that there were much to see, except Twilights half big butt and the tail lying down over your face, but it was still a terrifying experience. "Again!" Twilight demanded angrily after you emptied your lungs of her plot air. She was impatient with your exhaling. As soon as you're done, you struggle to fill your lungs a second time, though this time was different... A couple of second into the breath Twilight stopped her own breathing, her asshole suddenly loosened up a bit around you, but before you could ask yourself whether or not this was an act of mercy or the opposite, your question was brutally answered by a stench even fouler than before, she farted, she farted straight into your nostrils, your lungs were being filled with Twilights personal methane gas. She laughed at you and weaved her wings to keep the fart from reaching her own sense of smell. "How does that smell?" She teasingly asked with a huge grin on her face, "Properly not as stinky as this one!" Her asshole expanded again, you closed your eyes and prepared for the intensified stench once more, but nothing could have prepared you for the torment she was about to bring upon you. A forceful blow of stinky, bassy ass-air escaped her rectum, it lasted for at least five seconds where it just got weaker and weaker, until it was just a silent, warm wind like its predecessor. "Ahhhhh" She sighed in relief, while you struggled to keep yourself conscious in the stinky cloud of what Twilight had just mercilessly unleashed upon you. You began emptying your lungs so you could fill them again, this was a relieving process, since it would force the eggy farts out of your lungs and into the air where it would have gone under normal circumstances, but Twilight's gas smelled so terrible, that you could actually still feel the putrid stench on its way out, and Twilight was beginning to get impatient with your exhaling, "Empty out faster! I need to fart again, and I think I can feel a wet one coming, I don't want you to miss out on a moist stinker on your first day." Twilight's words made you die a little inside. Even though it had been mere minutes, it felt like you'd already been through hours of torture, but she was just getting started. You blew the last of Twilight's ass gas out of your lungs, and inhaled the musty, foul stench of her dirty anus once more. Suddenly, Twilight moved her ass around a bit, you felt her buns harden around your face, making an airtight seal around you, you stopped your breath, there was nothing to breath. "No oxygen to disturb the smell of this one, prisoner," Twilight said. "Don't worry, I'll let you breathe again in a second, I'll let you breathe in a perfectly moistured stink-bomb. I'll let you tinker with the worst torture I can possibly bring you without using any devices, other than my unwashed butt, and the air from inside it." You felt her anus pushing against your nose. It was getting moist. A wet fart began to force its way out of her mare-rump, and into your poor lungs. You inhaled the nasty gas Twilight was so kindly passing you, there was no air, not a bit, just a long moist stink-bomb of a fart, being forced directly into your nose from Twilight's open asshole. It was like she had dipped her ass in spoiled milk before unleashing it, because it leaked putrid ass moisture into your nostrils as you sniffed, making your lungs feel damp like a stinky rainforest. It made a bubbly deep sound as she passed it. It smelled waaaay worse than the once before, the moisture smelled strongly like her anus did, as it was leaked inside you from her bubbling butt. The fart itself smelled a lot like the one before, rotten and vile, but this time it was also strongly tainted by a more fecal smell. You saw Twilight's tail swing around over your head while mercilessly torturing you with her foul fart clouds and filthy anus. You were getting lightheaded from the oxygen-deprived air she provided you with. You heard her sigh in relief before a particularly nasty fart, much dryer and airier than the once you just sniffed moments ago forces its way into your respiratory system. You passed out, listening to her groin as she finished off... When you wake up again, Twilight is still lying on top of you, but her ass is now facing away from you, you were facing her, with her menacing evil smile turned right at you. Your lungs were in a bad condition, and your breathing felt heavy, furthermore, you were having a terrible stomach ache. But the butt-sniffing was over, and the fart-smelling was done... For now, and the air you breath felt somewhat fresh for being inside a torture chamber. "You was gone for quite a while there, prisoner, but now when you are back, let us continue," Twilight said. She then rose up, and turned around once more. You began to struggle, but stopped as you saw Twilight's mad glance. "Do you rather want me to rack you, prisoner?" She asked while giving you an irritated look. She dropped her ass on your face at full force, trying to break your nose, because you had struggled against the restrains giving to you by your torturer, her. You didn't know if it had worked, it definitely hurt, but it's properly not broken, and Twilight seemed to have drawn a likewise conclusion, and rose again to make another hard drop with her heavy ass. Crack*, you had now been properly punished for struggling, and the sniffing could continue. You smelled her anus for a couple of minutes, before the farting started again, very wet ones with a still growing aftersmell of feces. Suddenly she stops, and raises her thick plot from its seat. "Don't think I'm done with you for today," she says and walks towards the door that you can only dream to walk through. "I just have to go use the..." She stops mid-sentence. She stands there for a moment, then she glances back at you, with an intrigued look in her eyes and a rather cruel smile. "Say, running away from me for so long, hasn't that left you hungry, perhaps?" > 2) Eat my Shit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She turns around once more, and with a light chuckle, she slowly trots towards you. You hear every hoofstep echo against the chamber walls, as she's approaching her seat once more. You are not so dumb as to not know her intentions. Still, you try to convince yourself that she just wanted to keep you fed before going, and that you were just interpreting her wrong. She's almost upon you now, and your fragile self-insurance seizes to be effective. Adrenaline kicks in. You try not to struggle but you can't help it. You only pull against your bindings lightly, whimpering and crying in dismay, before she looms over your body. "I thought I made it clear that you're not allowed to struggle!" She said, slowly planting her hind hoof on your genitals, crushing them lightly, whilst firmly looking you in the eyes, with a dominant expression. Still whimpering, you let your body go limb. "That's better." She smiles at you. The gag in your mouth disappears and you start breathing through it, inhaling greedily to support your racing heartbeat. While you're face to face, and able to speak, you quickly consider if there's anything you could possibly say to change her mind, and not just make the situation worse for you. This was your only chance if you didn't want to eat feces. "Do you have something to say?" Twilight said, noticing your overthinking expression. She has a brow lifted, and a superior smile. She's waiting. Oh, shit. Don't keep the mare that gets mad when you're to slow at exhaling waiting. "P-Princess." You say but you're suddenly interrupted as she adds pressure to the hoof she's still holding on your balls, making you whine, and strain your body. "Princess* is not good enough, not while we're in here. In here, I'm your Royal Torturer, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Now, try again." "Royal Torturer, Princess Twilight Sparkle." You start, having not thought any further. "Yes, prisoner." "I-I beg you, please don't do this. I promise I will sniff your anus obediently for as long as you want, just, please don't do thi-hi-his." You break down crying towards the end of your sentence. For a moment, Twilight looks to be thinking. Then you feel the pressure of her hoof a little harder, as her expression turns to that of someone who has just been told something incredibly moronic. "So, if I don't do this, then in return, you will do something that I expect you to do regardless. What kind of a bargain is that. Are you trying to tell me that's you'd disobey me if I did it? How well do you think that would turn out for you!?" "No, wait, sorry, it wasn't meant like that!..." "And now you try to address me without using my title. Tell me, was that not how you ended up here in the first place? You've wasted your chance. Now, you better be on your very best behavior, and serve me obediently, I will not tolerate anything less." With those angrily spoken words, she steps off of you and turns her curvy, mare-body around, once again presenting you with her rump, before lowering it down towards your face. You close your eyes and brace yourself. She stops just shy of sitting down. Her ass stench fills your lungs once more. "Now, here's how this is going to work. You're going to open your mouth. I'm not going to restrain it because you will keep it open for me. Then, I will defecate into it. When I pinch off my load, you will immediately start eating it. Once you swallow, you will poke my anus with your tongue to indicate you are ready for more. Then, when I'm finished, I'll sit back, relax, and let you smell my shit-covered anus. Now open it!" Slowly, and reluctantly, you open up your mouth. It takes an astonishing amount of willpower to obey Twilight's orders and get yourself positioned for her next, disgusting act of torment. As soon as your mouth is open, Twilight sits down on your face once again. This time, with her anus right on top of your mouth, ready to deliver into it, a smelly load of shit. Your already rabbit heartbeat speeds up even more as you hear the mare strain herself, putting pressure on her asshole. A loud braying fart erupts into your mouth and the taste of her eggy ass gas assaults your tastebuds, making you gag in disgust and tear up even further. But you don't struggle. You lay still for her. She farts into your mouth again, sighing as she passes her nasty gas. This is suffering. You feel her ass fur expand around your lips as her tight, dirty anus opens up, and she begins to work out the first log of steaming, stinky shit. It's a big, girthy, somewhat solid log of foul fecal matter. You gag even harder as her turd slides down your tongue and into the back of your mouth, where she pinches off her load and lets it drop down. A moment later, due to the force of her falling log, you find yourself deepthroating her disgusting piece of princess poop. You wrench as it effortlessly drops by your uvula, pushing your already active gag reflexes into overdrive. "There we are." Sighs Twilight, as she finally sets her fecal monstrosity free from its intestinal prison... "Now, Eat it." It's not an easy order to obey with the bitter, tangy and rancid taste of her poop holding you in a state of nausea, and with her dump so far down your throat, you seem incapable of getting it back up so you could chew it. "I SAID EAT MY SHIT, YOU FUCKING PEASANT!!" Twilight yells while bouncing and wiggling her butt around in your face, making the shit log thrash about at the back of your mouth in the process, smearing its nastiness all over your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Her movements makes the turd break, and while a piece of it is still stuck in your throat, most of it is now free to move around. You lift it up towards your teeth with your tongue, forcing you to taste its foulness to its fullest while to carry it to its destination. Then, as you feel its soft surface mushed against the back of your teeth you slowly begin to close your mouth as much it possible, while Twilight is sitting on it, and chew her nasty dump. "That's better." She proclaims. "But be quick about it. I do not intend to hold in the rest of this all day. If you take too long I will punish you, I promise you that." As you grind up her shit with your teeth, your saliva mixes with it, carrying a brown nasty liquid down your mouth and into your throat, increasing the putrid taste even further and lubricating the filthy lump still blocking out your esophagus. It begins to slide down, supported by the brown mixture of spit and scat, flowing down alongside it. Meanwhile you've turned her turd into a nasty dough that you can gulp down. Which you do as quickly as your disagreeing body allows you to. Your stomach is rumbling and trying to push it back up, but you manage to fight the nausea, and keep it down. Lightly you push the tip of your tongue against her puckered butthole, indicating that she could shit again. "About time!" She snares, as you feel her anus expand once more. Slowly, an equally sized shit log begins to slide into your mouth. You're smart this time, and block it with your tongue, so you wouldn't get it stuck in your throat again. It plops out of her butt, and falls down on your tongue. You begin to move it upwards, and chew it. Soon you've eaten another log of Twilight's shit. The vomit inducing feeling that her scat brought upon you made you wait a bit before licking her asshole again. She didn't get mad at you for this, though, seeing that you were still much faster at swallowing you been with her previous scat-cake. She opens her ass again, trying to shit again, but only a thick , filthy fart escapes her rectum. "Guess that's all for now, toilet." Twilight says, lifting her ass off of your face. As she rises, the strong smell of her feces oozes out of your mouth, making you wrench. "Oh, you don't like my shit scent?" Twilight giggles. "Well too bad, because you're going to smell my butt now, and it miiiight just be a teeny tiny bit... you know, covered in it." She backs up her thick plot, hovering her stained asshole right above your nose, forcing you to inhale the foul smell of her scat from an even closer distance. The fact that you just ate this makes your stomach turn more than it already did. Slowly she lowers her anus down upon your nose, taking a seat on your face yet again. She makes sure that her plothole aligns perfectly with your nostrils, as she lets the weight of her body push down on you. You feel the unwiped shit on her asshole push it's way into your nose, plugging it up and preventing you from breathing with it. You dry heave through your mouth, tasting shit with every breath, and just a hint of the pussy on top of it as well, but that's quickly stopped as well as the gag magically reappears, leaving you with no real way of breathing. You start struggling once more, but then Twilight clears the throat as a clear indicator that you were still not permitted to do that. You stop struggling, surely expecting to choke to death in her shit, but she wouldn't let you die. "Worry not, prisoner, I'll help you breathe." Twilight tenses, and a moment later a powerful, breying cloud of stinky ass gas erupts out of her asshole, forcing her shit further into your nostrils, but opening up a passage between anus and nose, so you can sniff her rectum properly. "Sniff." She commands in a tone that's oozing with dominance. You inhale the incredibly stinky cloud of fart-gas she just unleashed upon you. It's sulphuric, tangy smell is reinforced by the stench of her shit and ass musk. Her seal of smeared poop against your nose leaves no room for any air that's not from her asshole, so upon exhaling, you have to wait for another fart to breathe again. You didn't have to wait long, before she gasses you once more, allowing you another stinky breath. You sniff her fart obediently as it's the only air you're allowed. It's making you lightheaded. Soon, upon sniffing enough of those farts, you drift into unconsciousness... Knocked out by her stinky ass once again.