> Oviposition > by headless_rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. A Shitty Mutation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’d been a busy month for Twilight. First there was her brother’s wedding during which changelings invaded Canterlot, then there was her trip to the Crystal Empire to defeat that crystal-obsessed smoke monster. Finally things calmed down and she once again enjoyed a good night’s sleep in her warm comfy bed.   But when Twilight awoke the next morning, she lay on a cold, hard stone surface. Her body ached as she blinked awake and looked at her surroundings. It took a moment to clear her head and she wondered if she was still dreaming. This was no dream though; it seemed too real. She realized that she was in a cave and that it smelled like a rancid clogged outhouse. Had an animal relieved itself in here? No, it was too intense, as if she was sitting next to a huge pile of feces, and the slimy floor didn’t help. She focused and strained to see in the dark, trying to figure out what kind of cave she found herself in. The slime on the floor was green, and there were slimy green pods nearby, the same kind changelings used during the invasion. Chills ran through her at the realization, but also confusion; why would they bring her here and not have her in a pod already? When Twilight’s senses recovered, she realized there was someone nearby, only a few feet away. To her surprise it was none other than her brother Shining Armor. He leaned against a wall with his front hooves bound to the stone behind him with disgusting sludge. More of it binded his hind hooves to the floor with his legs spread wide. Twilight looked at his face, resisting the urge to stare at his best bits with his current position. They’d sealed his muzzle shut too, but he was awake, staring at Twilight as if wanting to speak. “Shining!” Twilight sputtered as she stood on wobbling legs. “What are you doing here?… what am I doing here? We have to get you out!” It might have been a changeling, but Twilight doubted it. That sweat and the terror in his eyes was too real, but at least he wasn't brainwashed again. She tried to activate her horn to blast at the restraints, but the energy fizzled. She felt her magic there, but it was blocked. An anti-magic field? “Mmmph!” Shining said, trying to get her attention but unable to get his point across. It only then occurred to her that whatever terrified him might be standing right behind her. Twilight took a deep breath and turned. Just as she feared, a figured loomed above her with a wicked grin on her face: Chrysalis. Maybe Twilight should have upped the security at her library so evil bug queens wouldn’t carry her off in the night. Too bad she wasn't a princess with her own castle. “You really need to observe your surroundings,” smirked Chrysalis.  “Welcome to my place, by the way.” “Chrysalis!” Twilight took a defensive stance and faced her. “What are you up to this time? You’ll...” “Never get away with this, I know,” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “And then I will tell you my evil plan so you can come up with a way to stop me. I think I’ll wait until I know you’ll help with it though before I explain.” “I would never help you!” Twilight’s anger rose until her voice echoed through the cave which come to think of it wasn’t smart. “If you lay a hoof on my brother...” “I won’t hurt your brother,” Chrysalis said as she stepped closer, body creaking in the creepiest manner possible. “You’ll do that yourself. In fact, let's do it differently. Instead of telling you my evil plan, I’ll tell you yours.” “Y-you can never make me!” Twilight said, but she had her doubts as she held in tears. She grew quieter though because she was a little curious. Chrysalis stepped until she was inches from Twilight, the stench of goo smelling stronger on her than anything else here. Twilight took a step back and covered her nose with a hoof, but the stench permeated the air in the cave. “You WILL swear loyalty to me,” said Chrysalis. “Then you will ensure your brother dies in screaming agony, then join me as my new princess and help me take over Equestria.” Twilight stared in disbelief; this was nonsense. Instead of immediately replying, Twilight scanned the dark cave for any way out. But it was hopeless. She saw movement in the shadows and heard grinding chitin as forms moved, the occasional set of glowing eyes peering at her through the darkness. There were also some pretty grotesque wet noises, but either way there were countless changelings between her and wherever the exit was. “I will never do any of that!” Twilight hyper-ventilated as the turned back to Chrysalis. “And even if I can’t stop you, do you really think Celestia will take my disappearance laying down?” “She’ll take ME laying down eventually,” grinned Chrysalis. “In every royal hole. Oh-ho, you just set yourself up for that one. But no, I’m not worried. Did you forget how easily I dispatched her? She’s getting frail in her old age. Unlike you; you're fresh and have more magical potential than any of them; the perfect second-in-command for my armies.” Shining screamed through his gag but Twilight couldn’t make out what he said. She turned to him, their eyes meeting in apology to one another that neither could save the other. Twilight hoped that's all she had to apologize for by the end. “I won’t hurt you, brother,” Twilight promised. “I swear, and I won’t...” Twilight attempted a heroic speech, but her words devolved into a gasp as Chrysalis’ larger form walked over her to stand above her. The crackle of chitin and wetness of Chrysalis’ chest against her back felt grotesque, but what made her gasp was worse. The plates of Chrysalis belly split open with a slick noise and a fleshy protrusion emerged to flop out against Twilight’s plot. It didn’t take much to guess what it was as it slowly stiffened against her. Her stomach churned, and she nearly lost her dinner on the cave floor right away. Twilight instinctively pressed her virgin hind legs together and tried to move forward, but a jagged hoof wrapped around her chest.   “No!” Twilight cried out. “You have a… penis?! You can’t be serious, you wouldn’t... do that!” “So prudish that you can't even say the word 'rape'?” Chrysalis purred as her organ pulsated against Twilight’s soft rear. “Mmm, it’s technically an ovipositor, but feel free to call it my throbbing cock; I don't mind. And I would. I will break you, savor the sobbing and struggling of your hot unwilling body, and educate you why rape is SO much more delicious than boring consent.” “P-please,” Twilight begged though she knew it wouldn’t work. “I-I’ve never… please I can’t… like this.”   Chrysalis purred as she leaned to lick the tears from Twilight’s face, her tongue leaving a trail of slime that burned at Twilight’s eyes. The green chitin wrapped about Chrysalis’ gut split up the belly and folded out, grasping Twilight’s body with pincers and digging into her soft pony flesh to hold her. It seemed the queen’s biology centered on holding down her partner. “A virgin? Oh-ho!” Chrysalis chuckled. “This old and never had sex? Ponies are SO uptight. I’ve seen newborn grubs fuck their pony egg sack, and each other, in one giant orgy. As the pony dies screaming from having it burst out of their body, of course. Sometimes they even come back over the next few days to bone the corpse.” “No!” shrieked Twilight, blood oozing from where the pincers gripped her as she flailed. “Oh Celestia save me! Please somepony save me!” “That’s it!” groaned Chrysalis as she lined up her ovipositor. “Resist! I want to see you go from begging your impotent goddess for help to begging to assist in her defilement!” Chrysalis let her victim anticipate her brutal rape as she pushed the tip against Twilight’s slit. For a moment she pressed just enough for Twilight’s vulva to stretch with the threat of invasion. Twilight’s screams devolved into nonsense as she clawed her hooves at the floor, desperate to pull herself away before Chrysalis desecrated her most sacred place. She saw Shining close his eyes, only for Chrysalis to pry his eyelids open. He twitched as she tore them off, trying to scream but just gagging into the hardened goo covering his muzzle. She wiped the blood away, making certain he had to watch his sister’s humiliating corruption. “No looking away,” Chrysalis panted to Shining. “Watch as your beloved sister becomes the egg-slut that will murder you!” Chrysalis wanted Twilight to suffer before she enjoyed it later, so rammed her hips hard. She gave zero time to adjust as her meat pushed past Twilight’s virginity, drops of blood drooling down the length as she pressed further. This was no comfortable pony cock, sharp spines expanding outward and clawing along her sensitive walls to pull itself deeper like a quilled snake.   It only took a second to force its sharp head through her cervix, but by then a thousand painful paper cuts filled Twilight’s vagina. The acidic goo burned into the injured flesh more as her cervix tore open and the tip of Chrysalis’s ovipositor pushed at the back of Twilight’s unused womb.   As she made long deep thrusts, Twilight felt like the razor barbs were slicing her tunnel into ribbons of flesh. Yet somehow it held together as bloody green goop drooled down their thighs from the hole as if the secretions were holding the torn flesh together. Chrysalis moaned as she leaned to put her ear right next to Twilight’s muzzle, savoring her agonizing screams while they lasted.   “Fuck yes!” Chrysalis drooled onto Twilight’s face as Twilight gagged on her putrid breath. “Such beautiful screams! Oh it’s so tempting to just run you through with my lady-cock on the spot just to feel you deathgasm around it! But I’ve already done that to so many ponies today, I shouldn’t over-indulge.” The horrifying organ was made to cause maximum pain. Or was it? The only thing more disturbing than her torment was how quickly it dulled as if the barbs were tiny needles infecting her blood with a perverse drug. Within a dozen pumps, a chill of pleasure shoot through Twilight’s body atop the pain, or maybe that was pain and she changed her opinion on it? That terrified Twilight more than anything so far; learning to enjoy this was the worst fate imaginable! Whatever she did, she wouldn’t let the thought of laying eggs inside her brother’s delectable body tempt her! Yet just thinking of that meant she was already sinking. She clenched her teeth in frustration as she slowly went from hating the pain to wanting it to hurt worse. She'd rather hate it worse than start to enjoy this. Chrysalis laughed and turned to one side so that Shining could see penetration. She yanked Twilight’s matted tail out of the way so that Shining saw the bleeding hole dripping with fetid slime.  He couldn't take his eyes off it, watching Twilight's stretched labia twitch with each stroke as it slid over the pain stick. “Have a good look, darling,” Chrysalis smirked. “You’ve wanted to fuck this hole for so long. Well now you will get it, but you won’t enjoy making babies with your sister as much as you thought you would.” She grinned down to Twilight. “Do you know how I lured him to an insecure location to nab him? By impersonating you and telling him I wanted to meet somewhere private to live out our incest fantasies. He showed up actually thinking you wanted to lose your virginity to him! Then he came inside even when 'you' said you weren't on foal control but wanted him to knock you up. Isn’t that hilariously hot?” From the intense blush shining through Shining’s light fur in the darkness, she wasn’t lying. Twilight was too panicked to feel sick at him though, especially since she had similar fantasies about him. Shining tried to look away but Chrysalis turned his head back with her magic. Twilight blushed too, but kept eye contact with her brother.   Why was she having these thoughts? The knowledge that he wanted to cheat on his super hot wife with Twilight didn’t help. It helped less when her eyes drifted downward and realized that Shining’s bits had spilled free of his sheath at the thought. Her eyes snapped up to look into his in an effort not to think of how fun it would be to make eggs from his fertile spunk. Chrysalis quieted her taunting but only because she got too into it to talk. With a violent shiver, she grasped Twilight’s hips with both hooves, pincers digging further like nails in Twilight’s side, and hammering the long jagged bug organ into Twilight. All that hurt before felt better and better, and soon Twilight’s squeals passed from pain to pleasure, not that the two sounded much different. Even as her pleasure increased, she sobbed more bitterly than before, horrified as her mind softened beneath Chrysalis’s magic. She felt chills at the realization that taking part in her own brother’s gruesome egg-murder might be as inevitable as it was arousing. Wait! Don’t think like that! “Fuck yes!” Chrysalis shouted as Twilight’s pussy convulsed around her spiny rape tube, hot wet flesh rolling over her length. Every unwilling twitch was a torrent of pleasure for her as she tortured and reformed her hated enemy at the same time.   Chrysalis turned Twilight’s body back towards Shining, waddling closer while still thrusting. She pushed Twilight’s head down towards her brother’s groin when in range. Twilight’s shriek ceased as Chrysalis forced her muzzle down onto Shining’s cock. Twilight gagged but her queen didn’t stop until her nose pressed against Shining’s belly. Her magic grasped Twilight’s tongue and forced her to lap at her brother’s sweaty ball sack. Shining arched his back and moaned, then clenched his teeth and tried to not enjoy raping his sister’s throat. Despite her swollen throat gagging on his length though, Twilight rolled her hips back against Chrysalis. Twilight clenched her face at first, expecting the slime covered dick to taste disgusting, but her eyes widened it didn’t. Actually the entire sludge filled room smelled better than before, or at least less rotten. Everything about this experience became better the longer it went on, but she strained not to enjoy it. She told herself everything about it was disgusting, from blowing her hot brother to getting boned by the bug queen she loved so much. Hated! She meant hated! Chrysalis shivered above her at the exhilarating sensation of Twilight's shivering body beneath her, but the gleam in her eyes said more would soon follow. Chrysalis lifted Twilight’s hind legs off the ground, jack-hammering her against Shining before her own surge.   The changeling’s body undulated grotesquely as sticky royal jelly burst through her ovipositor. The flesh tube swelled with the viscous goo as it flooded Twilight’s innocent pussy, filling her body and twisting her soul as it filled her womb. Twilight felt the poisonous dark magic flowing through her and feared what it would change her into. Twilight’s body convulsed as Chrysalis continued to let off like a hose inside her. Her womb filled to overflowing, bloating like a water balloon before it burst open. The massive pulse of pain and pleasure flooded between her internal organs, her whole torso now bloating. Everything inside boiled, yet the nonsensical rush of bliss through Twilight’s body countered the unendurable agony as changeling dick sap infested everything. When she withdrew, Twilight’s pussy drooled blood-spattered gunk for a moment before the magical mutagen sealed it shut, locking her swollen body shut to work its magic. Twilight tried to scream when her throat pulled off of her brother’s shaft, but instead just squeaked as Chrysalis flipped her onto her back. She tried to add an agonized grunt after, but even it sounded happier than she intended.   “What’s happening?” gagged Twilight when she could speak again. “Why does it burn? Why does it feel so...” “Good?” Chrysalis finished the word that Twilight feared using. “You're changing, and I need not tell you into what. Such a selfless sacrifice I'm making, giving you such a gift instead of watching you die like you deserve. But still: we still have one more thing ensure you survive the transformation. Oh you will love this.” Chrysalis turned around atop Twilight as she lay on her back. The bug queen shook her plot at Shining mockingly, then lowered herself onto Twilight. Twilight watched as the ovipositor retracted into her body with a long slurp, like a thick strand of a gutted pony's delicious intestines. Damn it, she had those thoughts again! She tried hard to think it looked like a giant noodle being slurped up instead. It disappeared as if shrinking back into Chrysalis’s clit, drawing attention instead to the gaping wet changeling gash and tight unclean ass. Both glowed green from within as if still charged with dark magic. “Ugh, disgusting,” Twilight lurched, then her eyes grew as she watched Chrysalis’ anus tense and flex. “No… no you wouldn’t!”  “How many times will you say I wouldn't before you realize there's nothing I wouldn't do to get off on pony suffering?” Chrysalis grinned and looked at Twilight between her front legs, salivating and showing her gleaming fangs. “This will get a lot more disgusting by pony standards, but no worries. You’ll love it, because you're not a pony anymore.” Twilight sputtered as Chrysalis sat on her face, rubbing the grimy slit against her muzzle. Pussy juice and sweat from the queen’s generous behind burned at her eyes, yet she saw every detail as her dark vision improved. Every moist fold of her pussy and pulsing wrinkle of her ass were crystal clear, and Twilight couldn't close her eyes or look away. She tried not to salivate and failed. Chrysalis pushed her hot pussy against Twilight's nose, rubbing it firmly against her. Her glowing pussy juice drooled into Twilight's muzzle, tasting like sweet honey, and Twilight couldn't stop from rubbing her nose into it. Twilight knew it shouldn't taste good to her, but she couldn't stop. She traced her trembling tongue over it and licked the juice off her gums as it drooled into her maw. She stopped herself short of ramming her tongue inside Chrysalis's cooch, but didn’t keep her tongue from lapping at those silky outer folds. Twilight's insides grew warmer as the jelly inside bubbled between her organs and infested every corner. She slipped into an unblinking trance, not snapping out of it even when Chrysalis rubbed her slick pussy against one of Twilight's open eyes. She let the stinging fluid puddle there in her eye sockets. Chrysalis's tail hole flexed and sputtered out a disgusting burst of air, snapping Twilight out of it. The changeling moved her behind lower, holding Twilight's maw open with her magic as she settled her rear over it.   Her numb body didn't want to struggle even when she realized Chrysalis was about to shit down her throat. She shivered as each touch of her queen sent odd waves of pleasure through her as if setting her aflame with lust.   Twilight ceased her struggles when she realized something else was wrong. She slid one hoof along her belly and when she drew it back it was covered in her purple fur as it came out in clumps. Yet despite the painful-looking bloody clump of fur, Twilight had to restrain herself from yanking out more because it felt so amazing. “Please don't,” Twilight gagged as another fart drew her attention back to the other problem. She didn't have time to get more out as the asshole opened wide and a slimy brick oozed out into Twilight's mouth. As Twilight gagged on the grotesque flavor, more slop flooded her muzzle and oozed out the edge like diarrhea.   Twilight tried to spit it out, but Chrysalis forced her muzzle shut with her magic, forcing her to swallow the slop or choke to death on it. Though she would have rather suffocated than continue, Twilight swallowed on reflex. She vomited it back into her muzzle only to take it down again. It took half a dozen tries before it stayed in her belly. “Adorable,” laughed Chrysalis, pulling her muzzle open again and letting another thick brick slide out.   Chrysalis pried Twilight's throat open with a sliver of magical energy, then let loose. Creamy turds flopped into Twilight's mouth one after the other, sliding down into her throat whether she wanted to swallow or not. Her back arched and her body heaved, but Chrysalis shoved them down into her gut. Her attempts to vomit were countered by more shit rammed down her throat. The flood of slime in her pussy evened out over her body as it burst from her womb, but now her belly swelled more from the overload of changeling crap. It overflowed when no more fit. Chrysalis pulled her ass upward, but continued to squeeze an impossible amount from her anus. Twilight twitched and kicked as rancid shit buried her face until she couldn't breathe. She tried to, but only got lungs-full of the acidic goo spewing from Chrysalis's asshole. She felt dizzy as her pony body asphyxiated, but she didn't pass out like she knew she should. Twilight's disgust turned to more outright fear as she ceased trying to vomit. It had tasted less nasty, and by the time she breathed the fluid in, she realized that it tasted amazing. It was like thick sweet candy honey. Before Twilight knew it, she leaned to cup her muzzle over Chrysalis's asshole to suckle the next chunk from her. She slathered it around her gums with her tongue, wanting more of the delicious flavor. Chrysalis laughed, but had other things in mind. She stood tall over Twilight, but kept pushing out more. The warm slop splattered onto her chest, dripping down over her belly. The queen covered her whole body in it, not allowing one inch to go free. Rather than struggle, Twilight rubbed it onto her skin, writhing on the cave floor as it burned pleasure into her flesh.   She rubbed her fur off, her skin coming off like wads of wet paper to uncover firm chitin. She hated what was happening but couldn't stop herself from egging it on. It just felt so amazing.   The slimy pile of waste solidified around the outer edge, forming a cocoon around her body. Twilight's body floated upwards as the chrysalis formed around her, enjoying the warm slime now encompassing her entire body. Something was definitely wrong, her flesh hardening and her mane and tail falling out, replaced by thick strands of frill like Chrysalis's own. Twilight stared through the translucent side of her new bed, drawing deep breaths of the thick soup. She lapped her tongue around to taste as much as possible. She saw her brother sitting there staring at her, and for a moment she stared back, unable to stop a wicked grin forming on her own face.   He wasn't erect now, but his shaft looked no less scrumptious. She imagined it sliding into her pussy, stretching it out even more than Chrysalis did with his girth as he pumped seed into her. Then she'd be able to pump eggs back into him? She wasn't sure how that worked, but it sounded... horrible! She shook her head, trying not to have those thoughts. Yet without her wanting it, both forehooves moved between her legs to rub herself. Her belly opened right above her pussy and a long fleshy appendage extended. Before Twilight knew what happened, she stroked her own newly minted ovipositor. She wanted nothing more than to ram it belly-deep into Shining's tight virgin asshole so he’d incubate their murderous young. But wouldn't that kill him? Eggs hatching and bursting out wasn’t an easy way to go, and she'd never wish harm on her brother. So why did the thought make her hot? “Are you enjoying yourself in there?” Chrysalis purred, her voice muffled and echoing from outside. “How disappointing. I figured you would struggle for much longer before giving in. I suppose you must make your brother suffer more so I can still have my amusement.” Chrysalis's magic grasped Twilight within the tub of goo, making her tremble with each touch. She pulled Twilight's plot upwards to the edge, yanking her tail out of the way. This time she didn't press to Twilight's pussy but against her tail hole instead. That was somewhere Twilight never intended to be penetrated, and an hour ago she would have panicked at the mere thought of something entering her exit. But now was different. She squeezed her behind as the tip nestled against her pucker, rolling her hips back against it.   Twilight felt ill, but no longer because of disgust at what was happening to her. Now she was sick at her own insatiable urge to pleasure her queen. She gasped as Chrysalis penetrated her again, breathing in a load of the shit-slime within her pod as the ovipositor forced deep. She flexed her ass, trying her best to massage Chrysalis's lady dong. It stung at first, but Twilight flexed her hips and thrust back, anyway. Chrysalis slid her hooves over the slime egg that contained Twilight, holding her around the hips with her magic and pulling her back, using her like a giant fleshlight toy. Twilight opened her muzzle and though she couldn't moan, her body convulsed as Chrysalis's belly smacked her behind and the queen once again worked into a forceful motion. Several times Twilight tried to stop herself, not wanting to bring pleasure to the wicked creature. Every time she tried though, she gave up on the idea faster. She finally went limp, undulating her hips as Chrysalis drilled her from behind.   She kept her eyes on Shining Armor, adjusting more to her environment so she saw his blurry form even through a solid foot of delicious changeling shit. He stared in abject horror, and Twilight’s pussy churned in desire just looking at that. She still resisted the need to harm him, yet she couldn't deny how incredible it would be to feel him writhe as he suffered unimaginable agony. As she imagined it, she slid her hooves downward and stroked her own ovipositor. As she did so, she realized that chunks were coming out of her limbs. The bones within had disintegrated into nothing, instead filtering to the outside to make solid chitin. This allowed holes to form through where the bone used to be.   Twilight ceased stroking for a moment to explore them, finding an appropriately sized hole in each. She slipped one midway up her left front leg against her own tip, pushing through the hole and stroking up and down. She then slid her other front leg down over it too using a hole near the hoof, stroking both slowly. Twilight could get used to this body and hoped that even if she escaped she got to keep it. There was a brief relapse of panic when her horn detached from her head like a loose tooth, but she felt a second one split her skull and push upwards. A jagged changeling horn like Chrysalis's pushed out, longer than Twilight's unicorn horn had been. It should have been excruciating to experience, but like everything else now it felt amazing. “Good,” moaned Chrysalis, taking it slower to enjoy Twilight's body shifting around her shaft. “Enjoy your new form, you will find so many uses for it.” “Chrysalis I...” Twilight spoke, not even sure how through the slime, but she was getting more used to it. She didn’t speak much though as it devolved into a moan. “Fuck me my queen.” The words slipped out so fluidly that she didn't even realize she said it for almost a minute. When she did, she couldn't summon enough energy to be alarmed at herself. “Not too much,” smirked Chrysalis and grasped Twilight's hooves with her magic, dragging them off her shaft. “I want your first load to be the one that impregnates your brother, that sets him on the path to a slow agonizing death.” “Oh, my Queen, I can't wait,” Twilight moaned, then shook her head again. “No, stop... I would never...” “There it is,” grinned Chrysalis as she sped her movements once again. “Resist, I wonder... how long it will take... oh who cares, here mine cums.” Chrysalis's body spasmed against her as she pushed another load into Twilight. This time Twilight savored every moment of the flood, feeling globs of it surge through the flexible appendage into her ass. Her body bloated again, flooding her whole system as it went all the way through, releasing the pressure by spewing out of her muzzle. The royal jelly was a lighter shade than the shit, so she saw swirls in the surrounding gunk. She was in heaven. “There we are,” Chrysalis shivered again as she pulled free. “I will leave you here to finish cooking, but I'm sure some of our subjects would love to keep you company. Why don't you get to know them?” Forms lurking in the darkness moved forward. Twilight hadn't noticed, but she saw them much better now, as she could the expansive cave. Even through the cocoon, she saw it was less a literal cave and more a hive structure. She couldn't help but wonder if they built the whole thing from hardened changeling shit. That was so hot. “Have your way with her all you want,” Chrysalis commanded the approaching drones. “But only up her ass and throat, you can all fuck her pussy raw later. And leave the stallion untouched. He's for her; I want her to be directly responsible for his demise.” A changeling mounted the bubble that contained Twilight from the front, pushing his cock through the surface and into the slime. Twilight didn’t even think before eagerly opening her muzzle and engulfing it. What would have tasted disgusting before was more savory than honeysuckle cocaine soup. She made use of her lengthened tongue, wrapping around it several times before slurping it down her throat and working it hard. A second one pushed in from behind and she impaled herself on him so violently that he squealed in delight. She clenched and worked him with her asshole, milking him for sweet changeling cum. Her whole body spasmed, so worked up that the mere touch of a dick was to put her in constant orgasmic bliss. She reached her front hooves out from either side, slipping them down over the shafts of drones on either side and worked their slick cocks. She felt over the wicked barbs and knots and couldn’t wait until they banged her full on too. Yet these four weren’t the only ones. There were dozens of drones in the room, and she wanted every one of their dicks inside her one after another. She had becoming a slut for changeling dong and loved it. Drone after drone used her, but her eyes stayed on Shining as he cried there in his restraints. The entire time her mind fought between how suitable he was as an egg sack and how she didn’t want to hurt him. But in the back of her mind she knew which way that argument would end, and that she would love it when it did. > 2. A Reverse Impregnation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight tried to count how many drones had their way with her, but lost count when she passed out at around 30 in each end. She didn’t know how long she remained unconscious being drilled by one changeling dick after another, but hoped it was for a long time. Had she known sex was this fun, she might have studied less and spent more time at Pinkie’s more colorful parties. When she awoke, her eyes adjusted to the darkness, but she was still in the slimy orb full of royal jelly and changeling shit. It was ice cold by now, but she still opened wide, running her tongue around her to taste more, like the most delicious ice cream she’d ever tasted. Her tongue slid across a glob of drone cum left there, slurping it up and smearing it around her gums before taking a large swallow of the mixture. As her head darted about to find more spots of spunk like the cock-addicted slut she now was, she felt her hooves over her new body. The chitin had hardened, and she felt less mushy inside, though she still felt the bubbling magic of her new form. As she flexed, the plates on her back seemed to split apart, but after a moment of confusion, she realized the plates folded out into insectoid wings. As her magic worked again, she used it to feel over every inch of her form, enjoying her new shape. Could she change form now? She wasn’t sure how to do that yet, but was certain she’d learn fast. There was so much one could do with such powers. She could fuck Cadance as Shining before she found out they took him or rape one of the CMC and make them think their big sister did it. She could even ruin Celestia and Luna’s reputations by committing perverse and tyrannical acts as them. The list of potential fun never ended, and the ideas felt too normal now to be too appalled at. Twilight’s more keen senses worked wonders, and she sensed Chrysalis approaching before she spoke up. She loved the way Chrysalis’ chitin plates creaked and chattered as she moved, even though it used to creep her out. She could even sense her mind as if her hive connection was developing.   “Are you awake?” Chrysalis asked as she approached. “You satisfied quite a few of my children, your brothers.” It took a moment for Twilight to realize why the surrounding slime didn’t muffle the words. Chrysalis spoke into her mind as if testing the ability to order her with telepathy. It felt so soothing for Chrysalis to speak inside her head. The voice felt so different from before, like a mother’s song rather than a monster’s growl. Twilight looked at Chrysalis and felt love swell from within her. She’d gone from being terrified of her to wanting nothing more than to serve and pleasure her, even if it meant corrupting or murdering all she… Wait, no, how could she think that? A spot of reluctance gnawed in her mind. For a moment she avoided the thought of what Chrysalis would ask her to do next. Because she knew if she did, it’d turn her on immensely.  Chrysalis smirked more as Twilight battled within her mind as if reading her like a book. Hot. Chrysalis pulled Twilight’s head upward out of the encasement, a bubble of liquefied changeling turds forming and popping as her head emerged. She took a breath of air as goo bubbled out of her lungs. She spent a minute to expel the goo, poking a hoof out to pull herself further out of her encasement.   Twilight shivered in the cool air of the hive egg chamber as she pulled further out. Chrysalis leaned in as her head emerged and they engaged in a long kiss, playing their tongues together as she made out with her new mother.   She couldn’t believe how much she’d hated Chrysalis before, but she could do nothing but love her now. She knew Chrysalis didn’t love her in return and that she was merely getting off on a hated enemy’s corruption, but it didn’t matter.  In fact, that was even more arousing. “How do you feel, my daughter?” smirked Chrysalis as she pulled away from the kiss. She spoke aloud, no doubt for the benefit of Shining's inferior brain that couldn't hear her otherwise. “Covered in your cold stale shit,” moaned Twilight. “I want to fuck you again Mother, please let me fuck you.” “After getting boned by several hundred drones you want to go for more?” Chrysalis laughed. “Or are you stalling? You know who I want you to fuck next.” Twilight grew silent and took another deep breath, brain fighting all the lustful emotion streaming through her. She hadn't even realized it when she said it, but she supposed she was stalling. “Are you ready to ride your brother’s cock?” asked Chrysalis. "I should probably explain a bit. See, I pumped you full of infertile eggs. You're going to harvest your brother's sperm to fertilize them, then pump them back into him to incubate." "That seems... over complicated," panted Twilight. "But fun," purred Chrysalis. "Besides, I wouldn't be much of a villain if my plan wasn't more complex than it needed to be. Ready?" “I am definitely ready to fuck my brother,” admitted Twilight.  She'd been having naughty thoughts about that ever since she'd walked in on Cadance riding it when she was a filly, but never thought she'd fulfill them. “Are you ready to implant him with your eggs afterward?” asked Chrysalis as her voice darkened. “After you do, he'll go through months of agony as they grow within him, not even able to sleep. While your eggs incubate inside him, drones will rape him dozens if not  hundreds of times; they tend to get amorous with the egg sacks. When they hatch, he’ll die screaming as they tear their way out of his body, then your children will have an orgy with you, one another, and his corpse. Well... our children. I guess in a way they belong to all three of us.” “I-I,” stammered Twilight. “Please don’t make me do that. I don’t want to hurt my brother. C-can't I just fuck him?” “Oh, but you do want to,” purred Chrysalis, lapping at Twilight’s face. “You just haven’t admitted it to yourself yet. Here, let me help; it's the least I can do.” Chrysalis' magic tugged the glob that gagged Shining. Shining coughed and looked over to Twilight as the queen removed the gag. She looked in his eyes as she wrestled with her own reluctance while he looked back at her in abject terror at what she might do to him. “P-please Twily,” Shining begged, voice weak and barely audible. “Please don’t do this, this isn’t you. You don’t have to become what she wants. She only wants to use you to get her rocks off, then she'll kill you too!” "Don't be silly," Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "I won't murder her for quite a while unless she disobeys. And when I do kill her, she’ll cream the whole way into deaths’ door." “No, I won’t hurt you, brother,” Twilight promised, but didn’t believe herself. “I swear I…” She looked to Chrysalis. “How did this help, Mother?” “She’s not your mother, Twily!” Shining cried loud enough to echo. "She's not?" Twilight shook her head, confused. "Wait, of course. I-I don't know what I'm thinking, my mind is so foggy." “Because if you hear his begging,” purred Chrysalis. “You can learn to savor his suffering. Come now, child, milk him for his precious seed. That is an order from your queen and mother. Do it, or I guarantee I will find a more painful... or maybe I can't. Do it anyway.” “I can’t,” Twilight said, but her body didn’t agree.   She crawled the rest of the way out of her pod, body shiny with a thick layer of goo. Though she thought about fleeing, she staggered towards her brother instead. Without even meaning to, she raised a hoof to stroke Shining’s face, the other massaging his shaft. Even in her current form, the touch of an incestuous hoof was enough, and his shaft emerged whether or not he wanted it.   “This isn’t right Twily,” Shining shook his head as tears rolled down his face. “But you wanted to fuck me, BBBFF,” panted Twilight. “Don’t you still want to fuck your sister’s hot pussy? Mother says you agreed to do it with her when you thought she was me, that you cheated on Cadance to get your fat cock inside me, even thinking you'd impregnate me. Well now you can do both.” “I'm not denying what I wanted,” Shining cringed as she slid her hooves all over him. “But not like this Twily. I want you as  you, not as what she turned you into.” Twilight had never seen her brother look as sexy as he did now, terrified and huddled in a corner of a dark cave as he awaited a horrible death at her own hooves. She pushed herself belly to belly with his warm and inviting body, her sticky wings spreading as her arousal grew and her belly pincers pricked at his chest. He cried out in disgust as she rubbed her sticky slit against his shaft, but couldn’t keep it from throbbing against her. Even now, terrified and confused, he wanted her soggy cunt more than anything. “Come on, BBBFF,” panted Twilight as she licked his face. “It won’t hurt just to fuck, it’ll feel amazing.” “Au contraire,” smirked Chrysalis. “Any changeling would love that pussy, but a natural changeling pussy is excruciating to lesser life forms. Your fuck tunnel is lined with spines that will make him feel like he’s fucking a superheated sock full of broken glass. Then after he cums you will eat those big beautiful balls to make sure you get every drop inside you. Believe me, he doesn’t know the meaning of pain yet.” “Oh that is so hot,” groaned Twilight. “I mean… no… I can’t...” "It is hot," smirked Chrysalis. "And you were right about one thing: It will feel amazing for both of you, but in different ways." Twilight’s body ignored her protest as she ground her slit against Shining, allowing fresh honey to drool down over him. She leaned in and kissed him, forcing her tongue into his muzzle and chasing his own which tried not to touch her. Shining coughed as she pulled away. Twilight’s body ignored every attempt to pull away from him. “Twily,” Shining panted. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.” “I won’t,” Twilight lied to herself more. An instant after she promised not to, she pushed herself against his tip and he tensed as his sister’s labia spread over his tip. He jerked as tiny claws wrapped around the head of his cock and crawled down his length, pulling him inside her. Shining’s shaft stretched her slick vagina, sending waves of pleasure through her, but tears streaked her face at the same time. “I’m so sorry!” Twilight sobbed. “I can’t stop! It feels too good, and we have to get Mother off!” Shining squealed so loud he went hoarse as he felt her jagged inner walls slide down his length. She squeezed him, tiny needles jamming into his pulsing flesh to inject venom to keep him rock hard inside the pain pit.  He made several more attempts to protest, jolts of pain stopping him each time. His words dissolved into wailing as his body drowned in pain he never thought possible. Twilight rolled her eyes back as she savored every curve and vein as her lips washed over them. Her cunt lips popped over her medial ridge and sank deeper until his tip nuzzled the entrance to her womb. He cried out again, but when Twilight opened her muzzle to comfort him, she lapped the tears off his face instead with her demonic forked tongue.  She rolled her eyes back and moaned when she saw the look of utter betrayal on his face. No one could cause him the agony that Twilight could; she was the perfect one to murder him in this perfect method. As her body convulsed with a mixture of unconstrained lust and the futile effort to stop herself, she rolled her hips. She'd gone from being an uptight virgin to a master of hip movements in just a day, having practiced with the hundreds of ass fuckings she’d gotten, body learning even while she floated unconscious in Chrysalis' liquefied turds.   She made one last attempt to stop herself and push away, but instead pulled closer and shared a deep, unwanted kiss. The vibration of his screams lit her body with pleasure as they sobbed together. Though he felt the pain, the emotional agony they experienced together was the same. Yet the fire of fear and agony in his eyes only made her pussy churn its tiny daggers around his shaft as it ripped in and out. “T-Twily,” Shining gagged. “Kill me! If you have any love at all left... just snap my neck!” “W-what?” Twilight asked in confusion as she continued her movements, hips adjusting her motions to find which ways made him twitch and suffer the most. “You can’t stop yourself, Twily,” Shining sobbed. “I can even forgive that, but put me out of my misery before you lose yourself completely, don’t let me suffer like this please!” “No,” moaned Twilight as she licked his wide-open eyes. “I can’t kill you, BBBFF.”   “I know you don’t want to hurt me,” Shining coughed. “But you...” “No, that’s not it,” Twilight arched her back. “I WANT to hurt you, more than I've wanted anything in my entire life. But I don’t want to kill you yet; I want you to suffer. Oh Shining… I’m going to cum so hard when you die screaming, but first I want to prolong your agony as long as possible!” “Oh Celestia, no,” Shining shook his head, realizing she was already too far gone. “Twilight what would Celestia think if she saw you now?” "What would she think?" Twilight froze only a moment before recovering her movements. "She's think 'How can my beloved student be brutally raping me like this?'. That's what I'd do if she was here... but don't worry. I'd still do you first; raping or even murdering a near-goddess won't take precedence over my beloved BBBFF." “That’s it, my loyal new daughter,” Chrysalis moaned from behind her. “Let me help more so you can feel your prey struggle.” Chrysalis’ magic pried Shining’s limbs off the wall, breaking the slimy bondage to give him freedom to kick, not that his stiff joints were strong enough to do anything of use. Still, he surprised Twilight by kicking at her as hard as he could with all four legs. She surprised herself more though by how well she took it, her weak unicorn body no longer holding her back. She let him beat his hooves impotently against her, enjoying every moment of his resistance. “Please I’ll do anything just kill me!” Shining shrieked before he had another gagging fit. Twilight just put her ear to his muzzle to take in his sweet pleas of mercy. “I’m really doing it!” moaned Twilight. “I’m raping my own brother! Torturing him! I’ll enjoy every moment of your slow agonizing death, then I’ll fuck your rotting corpse in celebration!” “Oh-ho,” Chrysalis purred, both front hooves between her thighs as she masturbated to Twilight’s misdeeds. “You’re learning fast. There’s nothing quite like banging a corpse you made yourself. You make me jealous though; I have no siblings or parents to kill. And while murdering my more disappointing children can be fun, it's not the same when I've popped out thousands.” “I'd love to do this to my parents too,” moaned Twilight. “I want to use my family for egg sacks, and corrupt my friends to do the same to theirs!” “Hm, I'll consider letting you murder your parents too,” smirked Chrysalis. “But only if you're good.” Her tone was the same a pony might use offering a foal some ice cream later. “Twily listen to yourself,” Shining gasped, forcing the words out between screams. “Don't you hear what you sound like?” “I am!” Twilight groaned. “Do you think I’m saying this for your benefit? It’s so hot to hear myself say such horrible things aloud! And more, for my queen and mother to hear me say it!” For a moment all Twilight could care about was her brother’s tortured cock inside her. As the spines and teeth extended inside her pussy, the only reason the shaft wasn’t torn into ribbons was the poison the spines injected. His cock swelled, stretching her out more and gaining a gangrenous feel as her new cunt twisted and squeezed with each stroke of her hips. As she forced him deeper into her womb, the acidic goo still contained within washed over his length, stinging at the wounds. Twilight held his head in her front hooves and looked over his face, savoring his wide eyes and tongue drooling out the side of his muzzle as his sanity slipped away in a sea of agony. She felt her muscles tighten more but staved off her own climax, wanting his suffering to last as long as possible. All he could do now was gurgle and convulse beneath her. Twilight's scientific curiosity remained though, and she wondered if he was beyond feeling further injury beneath the ocean of torment. She grasped one of his forelegs, bending it back at the knee. With her new strength, she cracked it without effort and bone splintered through flesh. His body spasmed harder, and he tried to wail one more time. In delight she twisted the limb more, breaking it at every joint, seeing how many times she could snap the bone with it still attached. Every crack elicited another delightful spasm, even seeming to make his cock jump within her. She kept grinding it apart, not stopping until there was nothing left in the tangled limb to break. “Don’t worry,” Chrysalis encouraged, coming closer and sliding a hoof over Twilight’s sweaty body. Changelings wouldn't normally have sweat glands, but she'd instinctively shifted them in to be that much grosser. Chrysalis appreciated it. “This isn’t close to the most pain he’ll feel. You’ll get to see him suffer so much more before his end.”   Chrysalis reached her other hoof to mash at his ball sack, swollen from the magical venom, but also tightening. Shining held off his own climax in desperation, somehow knowing it would be the most painful thing he’d ever felt. Twilight saw that dread in his eyes and licked her lips in anticipation. Before that though, the pressure building up in Twilight’s nethers broke through. The orgasm hit her so hard that she almost passed out, for a moment only able to flop about atop her brother’s wet shivering body. Her pussy squeezed in a fit of convulsions, milking Shining like a vacuum and demanding his incestuous seed. He couldn’t hold back under the assault and came hard. He had thought it couldn’t get much worse, but his toxic shaft stung like a thousand angry hornets as it forced his sperm through. She shrieked as his balls emptied through him, pumping his sister full of incestuous seed with incredible force. His maimed dick couldn't withstand that force. The cuts he suffered gave, spouts of cum springing through flesh before his cock came apart, bursting into a fleshy soup as blood and cum continued to dump into Twilight’s body from the stump. Lost in the intense shock, he could only watch and shiver as Twilight yanked off, belly swollen with his seed. She rolled her eyes back at the churning within as she leaned downward, slurping at the stump and nursing out his blood. The sliver of hope that he’d bleed to death soon disappeared as she tore the remaining flesh away and gagged up a lump of slime to seal over the resulting wound. Twilight wasted no time before her next task, looping her tongue around his heavy spent ball sack. He barely had time to cringe before her new fangs sank into his right testicle and sent new waves of agony. She chewed on it slowly, tearing it into bits but keeping it attached to him as long as she could so he could experience every little rip of flesh. Once she worked it into wet mulch, she pulled the other testicle inside her maw to do the same. As she pulled her head back, the gunk from his groin oozed downward to seal the wound, keeping him alive whether or not he wanted to be. Twilight purred as she looked at his shocked expression. She grasped his hips, tugging him away from the wall to fall onto his back on the floor and forcing his hind legs open. His gaze twitched and looked down as her ovipositor flopped out onto his belly where his pride and joy used to be. Though she thought it’d be difficult, now that she was here, Twilight had no reluctance. She no longer saw her brother, but a fleshy egg sack primed for their load of young. She wanted to create her first batch for her new queen, to create an army so that more and more ponies could experience this kind of agony. Images of her friends, family, and mentors struggling as they were raped swam through her head and lady shaft sprung again to full erection. Shining opened his muzzle once more, trying to beg for death once more, but only gagged hard. His body discolored now as Twilight’s poison coursed through him, his fur coming out in clumps. Boils broke through his flesh and his tongue swelled to make speaking even more difficult. “Stop trying to complain,” Twilight licked her lips. “Take your sister’s dick like a good faggot, you deserve this after what you and Cadance did to Mommy. Die knowing something just as horrible with happen to that slut of a wife you never deserved.” Twilight knew he should hate her now, but no more than she hated herself. Yet she couldn’t stop, the incredible feeling of power and pleasure driving her forward. She pushed her tip against his tight little asshole, forcing it in as hard as she could. The slick surface throbbed with effort before piercing his virgin asshole. Shivering as he clenched in pain around her, she drove her ovipositor deeper, pressing against the first bend in his intestines and curling around with its increasingly prehensile length. “Oh yes, you’re doing so well,” Chrysalis purred, stroking Twilight’s wings as she worked. “The magic in you is so strong, you won’t have to wait long before your eggs are ready to implant. Make Mommy proud. Prove you have what it takes to enslave ponykind.” Shining reached the point where he could only stare at her horrifying face in abject terror, bits of his balls still hanging off her teeth as she grinned down at him. She grasped his flanks and hammered her hips, lifting his rump off the hive floor and stabbing his asshole with her dick.   The barbs on her ovipositor weren’t as damaging as her pussy since she didn’t want his body tearing open and ceasing to be a suitable sack. All the same, the slime all over it stung like he was having lemon juice poured onto his wounds.   “Mmm, I bet you wish you’d stuck with me now, darling,” Chrysalis stroked Shining’s clenched face with one hoof as she masturbated her sloppy ovipostior with the hole of another hoof. “You could have been my general, you could have done what she’s doing to you to that slut Cadance, but no, you decided you’d rather be an egg sack.” Twilight wasn’t sure if he understood her or if Chrysalis just liked hearing herself talk, but she didn’t care. As long as she was feeling this bliss and pleasing her new mistress, she’d be happy forever.   “Oh Mother, I feel it, this...” Twilight felt pressure building within her, eggs sizzling in magical goo as they prepared to ruin her brother’s body. “I feel like I might explode.” “Don’t do that, child,” smirked Chrysalis. “As amusing as it’d be to see your body torn apart and fuck your remains, I still need you for my conquest. I do want to be clear on that, I’m recruiting you because it will be humiliating to Celestia, not because I care for you.” “Mmm, we can always fuck his remains,” moaned Twilight, not needing Chrysalis to care to enjoy this. “Together! I want to have a threesome with my Queen and my brother’s cold rotten corpse!” “Now you’ve got it,” grinned Chrysalis. “Ponies are just a source of food and a flesh sack to lay our eggs, nothing more.” Twilight tried to continue her flirting, but a surge of bliss pierced her mind like she’d never felt. It was like every nerve in her body was having a drug-fueled orgy and all cumming at once. She felt her whole body undulate grotesquely, then clench, knocking the breath out of her as it pushed thick gelatinous eggs down through her ovipositor. The way her lady cock distended, one might think it would be painful, but it felt even better than having her pussy stretched with her brother’s cock. She felt as much pleasure as her brother felt pain as she splurted out the first egg, several more pushing through already.   Continuing to ram his meaty asshole, Twilight pushed more inside. At first they pushed up through his intestines, but soon it was too much to contain. His inner flesh tore apart and his body bloated as more eggs pushed through the strands of his intestinal tracks. Her shivered more, the clutch of eggs forming within him showing through his tightly stretched flesh.   “Yes incubate our incestuous offspring you slut,” groaned Twilight. “And when they tear their way out of your body, I’ll let them gangbang me on top of your corpse!” Shining’s three good legs splayed out, his body stiffening as it filled with eggs. Twilight felt magic surge within her, more power than she’d ever felt as the aura that had contained her pony magic now helped her new changeling magic flourish.   But when his body couldn’t contain any more eggs, Twilight hadn’t expelled all that she could. She felt more stirring within her, yet feared filling him further. He looked as if he were just her brother’s skin stretched thin around their egg clutch. Any more might make him burst, not only causing inferior young but also cutting his delicious suffering short. That wouldn’t do. It took all her will, but she cut off her flow, holding the rest of her clutch within her own body. Somehow it was easier to exert this willpower intending to prolong his suffering than it was intending to save him. How delightful. “Could you not fit them all?” grinned Chryslais, licking the side of Twilight’s face. “My poor dear, but it’s a good problem to have. It means your magic exceeds what even I predicted. To make so many eggs, oh dear… I may have to murder you once I have Equestria under control just to make sure you don’t get too powerful.” “Mmm, whatever you want Mother,” moaned Twilight. “Just promise if you do, you’ll make my demise even more painful than his!” “Well I’ll do my best at least,” smirked Chrysalis. “It’s the least I can do for my perverted new daughter.” Twilight turned to kiss Chrysalis, then looked back down at her brother. It wasn’t just being filled with eggs that changed him. His whole body seemed to mutate, unneeded organs dissolving to make way for eggs, his flesh hardening to protect his contents, leaving only what his body needed to keep him warm, alive, and fuckable while they incubated.   His eyes were wide with agony as if the magic wouldn’t allow him to pass out. He keenly knew of every little twitch of agony and would be until they hatched. By then, it was doubtful he’d even remember a time before his life was pure torment. “I tell you what,” grinned Chrysalis. “I had a present for you anyway, and it will be a perfect place to put the rest of your eggs.” “Is it someone I know?” asked Twilight. “I… fuck… oh… “ As her arousal subsided, Twilight’s mind had one brief flash of sanity where she looked down at Shining and pondered her actions. She had become a monster, butchering her brother for no other reason than sexual bliss.   “A-are egg sacks necessary?” panted Twilight, hoping to at least ease her guilt by telling herself it was just changeling biology that they couldn’t help. “Oh goodness no,” Chrysalis chuckled. “It doesn’t even help in the long run, though they come out more well formed, which means they can burst into orgy as soon as they tear their way out. That’s rather amusing.” So it was solely for her pleasure; Twilight couldn’t decide if that was hot or not now that she was afterglowing. “Mmm,” Chrysalis licked Twilight’s check and smiled as if knowing what she was thinking and savoring Twilight’s guilt-suffering. “Be a good girl and think about what you’ve done while I get your gift. Don’t worry, I think this will shatter the last bit of your pesky pony morals.” As Chrysalis fluttered off, Twilight stared down at her brother, eyes as wide as his. She knew she should kill him, put him out of his misery now while Chrysalis was gone. His eyes looked up at her pleading to do just that, a glimmer of hope that his suffering may be over soon.   But Twilight’s look of concern twisted into a smile. No, despite her guilt, this was too hot to end. “I’ll always remember you, brother,” Twilight panted. “Long after I cum hard to your death, I’ll masturbate to this memory, the moment I tore off the shackles of morality and entered a life of bliss.” She hated herself more, but his expression as she explained herself was priceless. Twilight burned it into her mind to savor forever. She then put a hoof on her belly, still swollen from the eggs that still needed deposited, wondering where she’d get to put them. > 3. A Lustful Addiction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Chrysalis left, Twilight stared at the writhing form of her brother. He looked bloated to the point of bursting, so she hoped she didn’t overdo it. She’d hate for him to tear open early and die before he’d suffered longer. She poked him hard with a hoof to make sure he wasn't unconscious and grinned when he twitched in pain. In the back of her mind still burned that raging guilt, but she knew that would soon fade. Because now rather than fear the total loss of her sanity, she looked forward to Chrysalis driving her to new demented heights. She couldn’t believe she’d ever wasted her time on friendship. Once her dark-vision improved, the cave didn’t seem so dreary. Nor did it frighten Twilight; being surrounded by cocoons and the writhing forms of other egg sacks felt comforting. She wasn’t sure who the other egg sacks were, most mangled and mutated beyond recognition. She could only tell they were alive by poking them with her magic and seeing if they squeaked, idly molesting what holes and cocks she could find with her magic. There were still many other changelings nearby though none interacted with her since they finished banging her. Perhaps Chrysalis told them to let her finish before jumping her bones again. Strangely she didn’t need to talk to them though. She’d started to pick up what they were thinking even without that. There was a buzzing in her head like a crowd of distant voices growing clearer though she couldn't quite make it out yet. Most of their thoughts centered around raping dying or dead ponies in the egg chamber, or other reasonable desires like wanting to fuck the newborns as soon as they hatched. It seemed the only reason they ever came into the egg sack chamber was to feed or fuck the egg sacks.  Feeding was done in the same way Chrysalis had encased Twilight, by shitting down their throat. Then they’d have their way with them at least once before leaving. Twilight had to admit, the idea that their normal lives, all the things they loved, came to an end so that they could be a rape sack for a few months then die, was really arousing. They‘d already broken a few egg sacks, the corpses barely recognizable now as ponies. That didn’t exempt them from the drone affection though. Twilight watched eagerly while one drone fucked what looked like the lower torso of a butchered pony. The dead mare’s upper body and most of her hind legs was nowhere to be seen, so Twilight could see his cock poke out the other side like a broken fleshlight, maggots in her rotten flesh squirming around his dick.. The drone shot her a grin when he saw Twilight masturbating her slit with one hoof and ovipositor with the hole of another hoof as she watched him. She wanted to stagger over and suck his cock as it exited, but she wasn’t sure if Mommy wanted her doing anything else before she got her gift. Speaking of maggots, the whole chamber was crawling with vermin, but she quickly got used to the flies crawling over her as if they weren’t there. She looked forward getting to fuck a pony corpse in that rotted condition, and felt pride though when she realized that such disturbing thoughts no longer caused her guilt. She couldn’t wait to study all of this new magic Chrysalis exposed her to. She supposed she could still learn things between rape sessions. While Twilight doubted that the hive had an extensive library, it'd be easy to swipe books from any library in the world. She could even get some from the restricted sections that she'd been forbidden to read before. She wanted a full education before she assisted in the downfall of the prude that denied her one. Either way, the aroma of slime, shit, and rotting pony corpses was so much better than before, and Twilight could detect the subtle difference between the three with her improved nostrils. Everything about her new body was superior. While she’d never thought of herself as power-hungry, maybe that was because she’d never tasted true power to know how good it felt. “I see Mommy’s new slut waited so patiently,” Chrysalis said as she approached. “Mommy‘s so proud.” Twilight turned and smiled as she saw Chrysalis. Chrysalis casually stepped over a changeling that was having his way with a severed pony head’s eye socket and walked towards Twilight. She carried a small object in her magic. Or maybe not a simple object; it was a filly. It wasn’t any that Twilight was close to, but it was one she knew: Dinky Do. She was the daughter of that wall-eyed disaster that was always delivering Twilight’s mail, though not always to Twilight, and she couldn’t help but think how nice it would be to deprive that bitch of her daughter. The gray foal was just waking up, and when she did, she began sobbing at the scene that surrounded her, wriggling but helpless in Chrysalis’s grasp. Twilight couldn’t imagine how terrifying this must be to a filly. The thought made her pussy churn, but that made Twilight a little sick at herself again. She knew right away that Chrysalis would ask her to kill Dinky, and she hadn’t thought as much about extinguishing a foal’s life. Somehow she foalishly assumed that foals weren’t used as egg sacks. But why wouldn’t they? To a changeling, they were just a meat sack of a different size, not to mention a tighter cock hole.   “Do you like my gift?” Chrysalis chuckled as if sensing Twilight’s renewed reluctance. She raised her voice over Dinky’s crying. “Such an innocent little creature, the weak remnants of pony morality in your mind probably think her undeserving of this fate. Perhaps we should let her go instead so she can go back to Mommy and tell her the delightful things she saw.” Twilight would have thought Chrysalis was speaking sarcastically, but now that her hive link was forming, she knew she wasn’t. That was surprising; maybe even Chrysalis had limits? No, that didn’t seem right. There was no reason Chrysalis would hesitate to murder a filly; there had to be something more to this. “Well um,” Twilight tried to rationalize to not have to kill a foal. “An adult pony would provide more... room... my queen.” “Indeed,” smiled Chrysalis, then plopped Dinky onto the slimy ground in front of Twilight. “But do you need the room? Or more importantly, do you WANT the room? You don’t have too many eggs left inside, so why fuck a loose adult hole when you can plow a tight underage one? Besides, working for me, this won’t be the youngest hole you fuck. You’ll be fucking fetuses barely old enough to even have a hole.” “No please I just wanna see Mommy!” Dinky cried out Dinky tried to gallop away the moment Chrysalis released her, but Twilight grasped her by the tail in her own magic, the little one running in place for a few seconds before collapsing and sobbing once again. The sight of the frightened filly should have horrified Twilight, but it didn’t. She pushed her hind legs together, more fearful of her own burning desires. “So then, Twilight,” Chrysalis grinned. “I’ll leave it up to you. If you release this innocent foal, I’ll let her go back to her family unharmed, neither you nor her receiving any negative repercussions from the act. I’ll get a less innocent pony for you to implant your remaining eggs. Or you can sink your ovipositor into this pure virgin cunt and cut her life brutally short. Your choice, but you know which one will get Mommy the hardest.” Again, Chrysalis felt honest, so for a moment Twilight stared at Dinky. She couldn’t believe she was even considering torturing a foal to make herself cream harder. Besides, this was obviously a bit of a test, and Twilight loved passing tests. Before when she was a virgin, nothing got her off more. “T-Twilight?” Dinky asked. She strained but saw the resemblance. “Y-you’re Twilight?” “Y-yes,” Twilight stammered. “I’m still me, I just had some... upgrades.” “Oh thank Celestia,” sighed Dinky. “Please hurry and take me home, please I don’t want to spend another second here! I want to see my Mommy and friends, I won’t tell on you for being here I swear!” How adorable; Dinky assumed that Twilight would never harm her. The former purple pony had a good reputation in Ponyville. Even with Twilight’s condition, the naïve little filly thought she would save her. That level of trust would be so easy, and sexy, to shatter. So rather than jump at the opportunity to ease her own guilt, Twilight stared for a moment. As the hope in Dinky’s eyes faltered, Twilight realized that she’d started drooling at the little one. To see this child swollen full of eggs and suffering would be so unbelievably hot. To know she was cutting short the life of something as innocent as a foal… it made Twilight’s pussy drool with evil desire, her ovipositor slipping free of its slit and pulsing. Twilight decided and felt a huge weight lifted off of her. She couldn’t be more thankful to Chrysalis because she’d offered far more than just a tight foal to fuck. This was how Twilight would extinguish her outdated morals once and for all and extinguish the last light of good within her. Her new mother would replace her guilt with the freedom of not caring how others suffered for her own pleasure, for the pleasure of her queen. “Beg for your life,” Twilight salivated at Dinky, wanting to hear her pleading voice more before she silenced it forever. She’d heard many fillies cry, but never experienced the pleasure of hearing one beg for her life. “W-what?” Dinky shook her head, fresh tears streaming down her face. “A-are you really Twilight? T-Twilight would save me.... please I’ll be a good filly, I’ll do anything I’ll even eat cheese-covered broccoli!” “Do you know what rape is, little filly?” Twilight asked as she lapped and savored tears from Dinky’s face, leaving a trail of slime there. She rolled her eyes back at both the taste of hear tears and the rather silly plea. “H-huh?” Dinky’s body shivered as Twilight stroked it and rubbed her jagged hoof against the little one’s nethers. “S-stop touching me like that I... I...” “It means I fuck you when you don’t want me to,” explained Twilight. “Or have you not learned that word. I have sex with you. But instead of for breeding, it’s for my personal pleasure, so I can see you die screaming as the eggs I implant tear out of your body.”   Dinky’s eyes widened, so she at least knew what sex was, then wider at the death threat. Of course it’d take a stupid foal not to know when they lived in a nudist society where public breeding was rude but not illegal. The little ones mind broke at the concept of doing it to someone that didn’t want it though, and more so at the ‘die screaming’ part.   “Please don’t,” was the best comeback the little mind could levy against her. “Have you made your decision?” Chrysalis asked, but from the look of delight, and that she was masturbating both her pussy and ovipositor while she watched, she knew. “Let the innocent one go home to its mommy, or make it suffer for your mommy’s delight, and your own.” “Her fear is delicious,” moaned Twilight. “How could I let her go?” It really was, and Twilight wondered if changelings were limited to feeding on love. Maybe it was any intense emotion, because the more her senses developed, the more this room felt like a feast with the torment of living egg sacks. Chrysalis’s grinned widened further. “That’s it, I knew you’d pass any test of loyalty I gave you,” Chrysalis grinned. “I admit you’re a little experimental, but it seems like it’s working. Once all my children can feed on fear instead of love, taking over Equestria will be so much easier. Terror is so much easier to illicit in inferior life forms.” Dinky’s begging devolved into sobbing, the sweet high-pitched squeal only a foal could make. Twilight rolled her eyes back, putting her ear to Dinky’s muzzle to savor the chorus. The sound of a foal fearing for its life was the most beautiful noise that had ever graced Twilight’s ears. She held Dinky in her magic, squeezing to feel her struggles, and brought her sweet underage plot to the tip of her ovipositor. For a moment she allowed the prehensile length to massage over her, feeling over her rear entries, going back and forth as if to decide which one to fill first.   Twilight bit her lip and moaned as she nestled her tip against the cleft of Dinky’s purity. It stiffened as she pressed it inward, but she couldn’t pry it open enough with just that. She used her magic to pull the foal’s labia apart more, earning a squeal as if Dinky thought she was already being raped. When Twilight gave it another shove, Dinky’s squeal went up several octaves as her little cherry popped over the greasy length that invaded her. Twilight sat back on her haunches, leaning downward and using newfound flexibility to lap at the penetration point, tasting the virgin blood and watching as the tight flesh slid down the barbed monstrosity. “Get it out! Get it out!” sobbed Dinky as if pleading would do any good. The only good it did was it made Twilight’s thighs drool with her wicked juices all the more. “Aw, does it hurt your cute widdle puss?” Twilight cooed at her, then moaned as she gave another shove and let the scream echo through the cave. Shining’s asshole had been good, but that couldn’t match the moist heat squeezing over her shaft now. Twilight rolled her eyes back and shivered as she forced it deeper, taking long strokes until she slammed against Dinky’s cervix. With a wicked grin, Twilight forced her way through and watched the foal’s legs spasm in agony as she wailed. Twilight’s shaft met the back wall of the filly’s immature womb before it had fully invaded, stretching it. While she could have just coiled the prehensile length, she rammed the erection further instead. Shivering as the filly’s flesh convulsed around her, Twilight forced her shaft through the back wall of the little one’s womb. She took her time, pushing a fraction deeper with each thrust, savoring how the filly’s face twisted into increased torment. Soon she felt her tip pushing its way through the tiny organs. Using x-ray magic to guide her, Twilight pushed deeper, careful not to puncture anything that would put the filly out of her misery. She moaned as she felt the pressure of Dinky’s lungs as she inhaled for a scream and the thumping of her panicked heart. She’d spent a lot of time studying pony anatomy, and now she had a use for it: making an innocent foal suffer more agony. Dinky’s face filled with confusion atop her abject horror, exciting Twilight so much that she rammed through the little one’s stomach. Dinky’s digestive juice flowed over Twilight’s shaft, the tingle of the acidic mixture delightful against her soft organ. The foals violent convulsions were absolutely dreamy as her torso swelled with each thrust. Dinky flailed her limbs with renewed if pointless effort as Twilight licked the tears off her face.   Chrysalis leaned down, licking her lips as she savored the look of torment on the foal’s face. The wicked queen got off on seeing an innocent suffer, and now Twilight understood why. “Oh Mommy,” Twilight shook as she felt the energy building within her again. “I love you, thank you so much for showing me how amazing the slaughter of innocents can be.” Chrysalis pulled back and smirked up at Twilight. Twilight felt the remaining eggs pushing up through the ovipositor now, so tightly packed that she could see their shapes pushing up even through Dinky’s body. They exploded from her tip with a wet sound audible even through Dinky’s shivering body. The bloating reached grotesque levels as the foal filled to the brim. Dinky’s eyes grew large, gagging as her neck swelled, the pressure pushing them right up through her throat. “Oh dear, are you springing a leak?” Chyrsalis chuckled at Dinky. “Let me help.” Chrysalis pushed her own ovipositor into Dinky’s throat, packing Twilight’s eggs back into her body. For a moment they thrust into the little one from either end, their flesh slipped against one another within the tormented foal. They coiled together in the broken body as Twilight and Chrysalis kissed deeply above her. “That’s it, little one,” Twilight said as the thick goo accompanying the eggs sealed up Dinky’s inner wounds to keep her alive, the poison now coursing through her not allowing her the mercy of unconsciousness. “You’ll give so many drones so much pleasure as you succumb to the insanity of your torment. I bet there’s many who would love to have a go at some hot underage holes like yours.” “You did well, dear,” Chrysalis kissed Twilight on the head as they both withdrew their ovipositors from the child. “We will do so many horrible things to so many ponies together.” “Too bad I have a limited number of family and close friends to torment,” panted Twilight. “Once we’ve tortured and converted my friends and murdered most of their families, I’m not sure what will ever match that.” “Oh but you don’t have limited family,” grinned Chrysalis. “Once you learn how to change form, you’ll have all you want. Imagine the look in a foal‘s eyes when you’re killing them in their parent’s form, so confused why Mommy or Daddy is doing this to them. There are so many ways to fuck with a pony’s mind once I’ve taught you to use your power.” “Oh yes,” Twilight shivered at the thought. “Family, lovers, friends, so many ponies will die thinking the one they loved most betrayed them.” “Well don’t look forward to it too much,” smirked Chrysalis. “I will still complete my revenge one day and make you die in screaming agony that not even your new form will enjoy.” “Oh yes, I can’t wait,” Twilight rolled her eyes back. “Don’t forget you promised, you deserve to feel me die around your dick.” Twilight finished laying eggs, but the new conversation had left her wanting more. Besides, she’d still never raped a foal up the asshole, and Dinky’s shivering form was just asking for more defilement.   Chrysalis left the foal to Twilight’s pleasure, but the show riled her for some evil of her own. She lay on her back next to Shining’s shivering form, tugged Twilight atop her to straddle her cowgirl style. Twilight moaned, letting her own femme-cock slap against Chrysalis’s belly as she sat her pulsing pussy down over Chrysalis’s barbed delight.   It would be agony for any pony they fucked in their true form, but filled the two with unbridled pleasure. Twilight shook as Chrysalis filled the empty void with her thick meat slab, their bellies squishing together on the first thrust.   As she rode her queen’s cock, Twilight brought Dinky with her. She lay the struggling bundle of pain on Chrysalis’s belly so she could feel her writhe, then pushed her own ovipositor to Dinky’s posterior. Dinky could barely twitch as Twilight forced it into her clenched asshole, but Twilight loved it. And it was only getting better as her senses attuned to her new powers. Twilight felt every agonized through flooding Dinky’s mind, her terror was a scrumptious feast for Twilight. Now just Dinky, but the room was full of similar feelings, and her brother was just one. There were at least a hundred dying ponies here; if they all had eggs, Chrysalis would have a massive army. The cave filled with the sloppy sound of their fucking as Twilight bounced on Chrysalis’s belly. She pushed upwards into Dinky’s tiny tailhole as she bounced up, once again having to pry the tight little hole open with her magic to get inside the underage delicacy. When she did, she shivered at the feel of the incredibly tight plot.   As she defiled the foal’s innocence further, her ovipositor wound its way up through her intestines. She soon worked into a smooth motion with her hips rolling back to impale herself on her queen’s dick before pushing her own forward into Dinky, holding the foal close to feel every twitch of agony. “I never imagined I’d feel a hole this tight around me,” Twilight groaned. “Though I guess I never imagined I’d feel any hole around me.” “Maybe we can go tighter,” smirked Chrysalis. “If you’re good, maybe I can let you lay eggs in an infant, or at least rape one to death. Or we can just have you impale a fetus on your lady-cock before replacing it with your eggs.” “Oh, that would be amazing!” Twilight groaned. “This whole thing is amazing, Mommy! Oh fuck I’m gonna cream so hard again!” “Then do it,” laughed Chrysalis. “You’re one of us now, not one of them. Their children are now your cum rag.” Twilight licked Dinky’s face once more, savoring the look of pure shock on her face before going off again. Though devoid of eggs, acidic pain good shot from her shaft into Dinky’s posterior. What little empty space was left filled to the brim as her intestinal tract split open and dumped another load of green goo into her gut sack. Dinky’s injuries were beyond fatal, yet the wicked changeling magic still kept her alive. Lest the little one pop and ease her suffering, Twilight yanked out before done, allowing the rest of the thick orgasm to coat Dinky’s trembling form. She pulled the filly off her cock with a slurp, letting her tumble to the cave floor with a wet thump before ejaculating the rest of her goo all over her. The thick spunk glued Dinky to the floor, not that she could have moved if she hadn’t been. Chrysalis rolled her eyes back as her new minion went off again. The sensation of Twilight’s pussy exploding around her shaft, drooling cunt honey like a waterfall, sent her over the edge. She purred and blasted a wave of magical gunk into Twilight atop all of what she still had inside her. The building pressure caused Twilight to cough up more of the gunk from her throat all over Dinky. “That’s it,” Chrysalis panted. “You’ve proven your loyalty 100%, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have more fun. I’d like to have one last go at my former beloved and your former brother. Since he won’t need his limbs anymore, I can introduce you to the savory taste of raw pony flesh. “Yes!” Twilight moaned, shivering as Chrysalis shoved her off and onto the floor. “Anything to make him suffer more!”   No reluctance remained in Twilight’s mind now; Chrysalis had extinguished every last drop. Not only did she look forward to causing Shining more pain, but she was thinking about the rest of her family. Maybe if she did well, Chrysalis would let her kidnap her former parents so they could watch Shining die as his and Twilight’s children burst from his gut. Then she could do the same thing to them!   Or maybe there would be even more fun things to do. She had so much to learn! Shining’s body had undergone transformations too. His skin blackened, fur having fallen out as Twilight‘s had. His flesh undulated with the pulsing magic within, and his limbs splayed out around his bloated form. He was still conscious given the renewed terror in his eyes when the two approached him, but his face was so swollen with poison it was hard to make out his expression other than that. “Aw,” mocked Chrysalis. “But you bit off his precious ding-a-ling, now what will I use to stuff my pussy? The Queen needs a good stretching.” Chrysalis ran a hoof over his body, which jerked at her touch and cringed the best he could. “Well I’d say his horn,” said Twilight in the same tone she would use when figuring out a difficult problem. “But without his magic that wouldn’t be as tingly as usual, basically just a short stump of bone. He won’t get using his legs anymore though, so why not fuck yourself with one of those? And bonus: It’d flavor the meat for eating!” “Oh you really are brilliant,” smirked Chrysalis.   “I think I’ll just ride his face,” pondered Twilight. “Maybe take his horn up my bottom, it won’t be much of a stretch, but choking him on my cunt juice would be great fun!” “W-why?” Shining gargled. “Oh my,” Chrysalis giggled. “Your brother really is amazing; the amount of effort it takes to say a single word in his condition is extraordinary.” “I’m glad he got it out,” agreed Twilight. “Mmm, ‘Why’ is such a perfect last word.” Chrysalis grasped hold of Shining’s right hind leg, moving above it and squatting. She put her slippery pussy against the hoof, her spiny labia wrapping around him. She grinned widely as she eased down, her cunt pulling him in a bit at a time like a hungry mouth, stretching wider as it slid down his leg. Twilight seated herself more quickly, pushing her tail hole down over Shining’s horn. She ground her pussy against his muzzle, allowing her juice to drool within and over his face. Her stinging slime puddled in his eyes, and he could only stare through them, too weak to move or tilt his head.   As they each molested Shining, Chrysalis and Twilight leaned together to kiss above him. Their wrapped their long tongue around one another, kissing deeply again. Their front legs grasped around one another’s body to stroke each other.   Now that she was more attuned, she realized that Shining still loved her even after all this. It made tormenting him all the hotter. It made her pussy churn against his face all the more. Chrysalis on the other hoof, didn’t love her at all even as they made out atop their mutual victim. She was using Twilight for her own means and getting off on corrupting her. Twilight could drop dead and Chrysalis wouldn’t care other than maybe having a new corpse to fuck.   Somehow that made Twilight even hotter though; she wanted nothing more than for her queen to use her. The former royal protégé was now just a toy for Chrysalis, who she would play with by having her rape and murder her former friends. Then after she had Equestria in her hoof, she’d likely murder Twilight too. Twilight hoped so; Chrysalis betraying and butchering her would be so hot! Twilight pulled away from another kiss with Chrysalis and leaned down to Shining’s unused hind leg. She watched as Chrysalis sank down on the other one, coating it in the fluid as her belly swelled from the depth. Watching this, Twilight bit down on Shining’s other leg, sinking her new fangs into the flesh and tearing it free. She shivered at his face tensed against her pussy as she tore off a strip of flesh. Pony meat was delicious if not as yummy as his cock and balls had been. Still she took delight in slowly skeletonizing the limb. Chrysalis did the same with his good front leg, even more ravenously. She bit down on the hoof, crunching it between her powerful teeth, and at down the length of his foreleg just like her pussy was moving down his hind leg.   Twilight savored the meat and continued to tug it off, enjoying the texture of his bloody flesh pulling away from the bone. She wasn’t hungry, but she wanted to do everything she could to make her beloved brother suffer. Especially with how much Chrysalis got off on it. What drove Twilight to another orgasm though was the increased feelings of despair she got from Shining as her senses sharpened. The mixture of love for his sister and torment of being betrayed and killed by her was more delicious than she could imagine. It wasn’t too long before she creamed herself on his face, enjoying his gagging beneath her as she worked his leg down more. Chrysalis worked the other leg down to a stump, then slid her head over to lap at Twilight’s pussy juice drooling down the side of his swollen face. She slammed her body down on his only remaining whole leg, fucking herself roughly. Twilight didn’t know how she took him so deeply, but she supposed a changeling could just shift about inside to take anything they wanted.   The leg wasn’t whole for long. As Chrysalis creamed herself, her whole body seemed to compress around him. Twilight heard the sickening cracks of shattered bone inside Chrysalis as her orgasm snapped his leg, her body twisting about inside to work it into a knot. Shining tried to wail only to gag on more of Twilight’s juice, and when Chrysalis pulled herself off with a lewd slurp, the last leg was in no better shape than the first Twilight had snapped. Twilight relaxed, feeling content in her satisfaction after so much pleasure. She settled herself down, still sitting with Shining’s horn rammed up her asshole, and took a deep breath. To add one more layer to the humiliation, she allowed herself release, a stream of urine flooding down over his face.   He gurgled, and might have drowned had the wicked dark magic not been keeping him alive as an egg sack. She allowed him to turn his head to pour it out of his muzzle, raising up to let her piss flow over the rest of his body, leaving him glistening in the dim light of the hive’s egg chamber.   “Did you enjoy yourself, my new princess?” Chrysalis purred. “Princess?” panted Twilight. “Mmmph, well I guess I did grow wings.” “Yes, Princess,” Chrysalis smirked. “Not quite a Queen, but still enough to lead my armies. Are you ready to assist your queen in the conquest of Equestria? To help in the defilement of your friends, your family, and your precious mentors?” “I am more than ready, Mother,” panted Twilight, a smile spreading over her face. “My teachers, my parents, my best friends, Spike, I want to see them all suffer. Mmm, I wonder if my brother knocked up his wife. Because I would ADORE a chance to fuck it out of her.” “Maybe,” smirked Chrysalis. “We have quite a lot of things we may can do I think.” > 4. A Motherly Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once she accepted her position, Twilight could roam the Hive freely, and found it to be a fascinating place. As a pony, she'd have lost her way in the ever-changing maze, but as a changeling she could find anything perfectly. It was so easy sometimes that she wasn't sure if she was finding it or if it was moving to her. On top of that, the other changelings recognized her as the Hive's Princess and she had to admit that it felt good for them to bow to her in passing. Though the bowing was often rapidly followed by mounting, and that was even better. The power trip of having a whole hive to use for her pleasure was immense. Whenever and wherever she wanted, they'd excitedly line up to bang her. She'd discovered that despite identifying as a gender, all changelings had both sets of equipment in their natural form, which meant every single one of them was both a potential dicking and a collection of holes to fill for Twilight. She'd become even more popular with their subjects as Chrysalis was busy planning world domination and left Twilight to take care of the drones. A large part of her position was sating the dicks of an ever-growing hive, but that purpose suited her fine. Since only the royals were fertile as females and the best-performing drones got to make eggs in the royalty, it was great for morale and work efficiency. Twilight once assumed Chrysalis was cruel to her drones, but the queen was quite motherly to them and insisted Twilight do the same. The more Twilight interacted with them, the less she saw them as monsters and the more as sweethearts. There was little more adorable than the panting and hissing of a drone as he came inside her or bounced excitedly when he was next in line to penetrate her. Sometimes she would shapechange into a mass of pussy so she could take on as many as possible; there were few things more delightful. Of course she didn't just like being used, but using as well, so Twilight visited the egg sack chamber daily. The once rancid smell of dying and rotting ponies within was sweeter than the most delicious candies. She used several egg sacks for pleasure each visit, often including Dinky and always Shining Armor. Every time she pounded his agonized body and savored his suffering, she felt more distant from her old boring life. She began to dread the thought of him finally dying and his suffering ending, because there was nothing more delicious than the betrayal felt by a pony tortured by one he trusted most. That morning she'd awoken early, her ovipositor throbbing hard for her brother. She'd gone straight there to savor his body again, feasting on his surging emotion, which lit up every time he realized she was nearby. As she pumped her ovipositor into the hole where his cock had been, she grinned at his swollen face. Abject horror had replaced any affection at the mere sight of her; it was such a turn-on to have turned his love for her into pure fear and despair. As she pumped his pain hole, another drone crawled up onto her from behind. He was new, only a few weeks hatched, but they grew quickly in body and libido. She giggled, turning to nuzzle him as he excitedly pushed his shaft between her royal labia, squeezing him as he thrust in opposite time as her to bounce her bottom between Shining and him. "Mmm, such an adorable sight," Chrysalis voice came from behind her. "As much as I hate to break it up, dear, I have a special lesson to do today." Twilight slowed her pace, staving off her imminent orgasm in favor of spending her stamina on her mother's lesson. The poor drone whimpered as she gently coaxed him out of her after pulling free from Shining, but she turned and patted him on the head. "Aw, don't cry little guy," Twilight smiled. "I tell you what, why don't I give you a special mission?" The little one grinned and nodded, more enthused than ever. "Go get a few hundred of your friends," Twilight instructed. "And spend the next few days gangraping Shining Armor, every hole, never letting more than a few seconds pass between one dick cumming inside him and the next one penetrating. Make sure he gets it worse than ever. Knowing you're on the job will really help me concentrate on my lessons." The little changeling saluted with a squeak and ran off to get his favorite fuck buddies. Shining let out a grunt that sounded an awful lot like 'why', but she ignored the inferior life form's selfish request. How dare he ask her to not do something special for her subjects! "You've grown, Princess," Chrysalis smiled proudly as she watched Twilight display compassion to their subjects. "But now I want to teach you about a special ability I think you will enjoy using quite a lot. Come with me." "And then cum with you too, I hope?" smiled Twilight. "Oh you will," smirked Chrysalis as she led Twilight off, but she added. "But seriously, stop making that pun every time I ask you to go somewhere." "Oh um, yes Mother," Twilight nodded. Twilight licked her lips at Chrysalis' swaying thick hips as she followed her to another part of the brood cave, the place with the newest captives. Chrysalis extended her ovipositor, swinging its wicked barbed length beneath her as she walked. The sound was especially lush in this area as the newer captives still had the ability to sob and beg loudly as they received their first rapings. The chorus made Twilight's thighs drool even more than usual, her ovipositor still throbbing and covered with a fine coat of slime from fucking Shining. "I found a mother and daughter that claim to know you," said Chrysalis. "I thought they'd be a nice set for this lesson." "Really?" Twilight asked excitedly. She'd been hoping to assist in the torment of more ponies that she knew. The more they trusted her, the more delightful their emotions would be when she ravaged them. Chrysalis waved a hoof and stepped aside from the ponies they were approaching. There was a terrified looking earth mare with a mulberry coat and cerise eyes and mane, a grape and strawberry cutie mark adorning her flank. Twilight recognized her as Berry Punch. Huddled against her was her daughter Ruby Pinch, a unicorn filly with a carnation pink coat, a two-tone pink mane, and yellowish-green eyes. Twilight grinned as she recognized Berry as Ponyville's local drunk whore. The slut didn't even know who Ruby's father was because she'd banged so many stallions, not even remembering most. Despite that, Twilight knew she loved her daughter and would never harm her. Knowing Chrysalis, this lesson would involve just that, and Twilight couldn't wait. "I-I thought you said you'd bring Twilight," Berry said, shivering as tears rolled down her face and Ruby sobbed against her chest. "Who is this... creature?" "I am Twilight," grinned Twilight. She always loved the reveal. "But I'm not that Twilight anymore. I've changed into something more." She drew close enough for Berry to feel her breath and whispered the last bit. "And I can't wait to ravage you and your sweet young filly with my pulsating rape rod." Berry shook her head as Twilight licked the tears from her face, slowly backing away and shielding the sobbing Ruby with her own body. "Please, if that's really you," Berry begged. "Help us, you always help ponies! Please... if not me, show mercy to my little one, let her go." Twilight would have once felt pity but, she felt only the minor annoyance that her practice toy would expect such from her. She didn't dignify their stupid request with an answer. "Patience, my love," Chrysalis said, stroking the side of Twilight's face. "We won't ravage these in quite the same way, not at first at least. Hold the little one where the both of you can watch and learn." "Yes, mother," Twilight churred as she leaned into the petting, licking at the hoof before Chrysalis pulled it away. Twilight tugged Ruby away, Berry grabbing for her and squealing as Twilight took her daughter, but Chrysalis held the mare with her own magic. Ruby squalled, the princess sitting back on her hunches and pulling the filly close so that her erection throbbed against her backside. Twilight lapped at the tear-stained face and nuzzled the tip of her ovipositor against the underage vulva, though didn't dare penetrate when her mother might have other ideas of how to break her in. "Shhh," Twilight encouraged the little one. "This is for both of your own good; we will use your useless pony lives for a greater purpose. Now make sure and watch what happens to  your mother, or I can't be held responsible for what I might do to your tight little holes." That was a lie, since she'd love to be held responsible for doing things to tight little holes, but it sounded better for the foolish pony. Twilight pushed her tip more firmly, enough for Ruby to feel it between her soft lips but not enough to break inside. The filly got the idea though, and her tear-stained eyes stayed focused on the equally terrified glance of her mother. The foal felt so soft and unused, as if Chrysalis kept her pure for Twilight to enjoy seeing her break more. She was so lucky to have such a thoughtful mentor. "Mommy, help me," sobbed the little one delightfully. "I'm sorry sweetie," cried the worthless mother in return. "You won't be sorry soon," smirked Chrysalis. "When we're done, you'll gladly help us brutally rape your own daughter." "I would never..." Berry sobbed. "Oh you'll love it," Chrysalis licked her lips. "Plunging into the unwilling pussy of one you made in your own pussy, what could be more fun?" The queen she sat up on her haunches, pushing Berry's head down to crotch level to lay her ovipositor across her muzzle. Berry's eyes widened further as it reshaped, stiffening further into a solid, less fleshy surface. It formed a hard shell until it resembled a giant wasp stringer. Somehow the slick surface looked even more lewd as it wobbled about. The look of confused fear on Berry's face was priceless as Chrysalis drew her hips back and rammed the stinger into the side of Berry's head. Chrysalis rolled her tongue out, drooling atop Berry's head as she pushed into her ear. The mare's eyes crossed and lost focus, body shivering violently. Chrysalis trembled too as a greenish liquid pulsed through the stinger, bulging and visible through the translucent surface. Berry's eyes rolled back further as Chrysalis injected her head, opening her mouth to scream but only a moan escaping. Her legs spasmed as sudden arousal rolled down her thighs. Berry's eyes filled with fear at the stabbing pain, but her body had a differing opinion as Chrysalis stimulated her brain in the most defiling way possible. "Don't cry little one," Twilight lapped at the foal's tear-stained face as she ground her own slick length between Ruby's hind legs, holding them together around her length with her magic. "Just look at how happy Mommy is, look at all that pussy juice pouring out of the hole that made you. Soon enough your little hole will dribble around her thick cock." It looked hard for Chrysalis to resist doing more, but she forced herself to retract the needle. She purred as her shaft reshaped into its previous glory, then dropped the limp Berry on the cave floor and looked at Twilight. "That's step one," Chrysalis panted. "Now, dear daughter, this is what you will do. You will hatch an egg inside yourself and inject the hatched larva into the unwilling host alongside this nourishing slime." "Oh, what will happen to her?" Twilight purred. "You'll just have to see," winked Chrysalis as she moved around behind Twilight. Twilight felt her mother's throbbing length against her plot and raised to all fours, pushing it into the air and against Chrysalis' groin as she stood above her. She could make an egg on her own, but never turned down a dose of her favorite sperm. Ruby wormed away as Twilight bent over, rushing to her mother and shaking her. Berry sat up, looking dizzy as Ruby hugged her close. Twilight let her go, wrapping her tail around Chrysalis hips as they watched the delicious interaction together. "Mommy are you okay?" Ruby asked between choking tears, but Berry was too out to form words. She tried to push at Ruby, probably telling her to flee, but it wasn't like there was any place to flee to. There was a special fear in Berry's eyes as she looked at her daughter, having realized that they may really make her do lewd things to the little one. Twilight arched her back as Chrysalis pushed into her snatch, juice oozing from the perpetually wet hole as she clenched hard, gliding her lips over every curve and ridge as it tore into her. Chrysalis reached around her, stroking Twilight's own shaft by pushing it through a hole in her leg, licking affectionately at her mane as she pounded her plot. "Run," Berry finally got words out. "I-I'll hurt you... run..." "She won't run," Chrysalis chrred, having seen it many times before. "She's a naïve stupid little pony, she can't even conceive of how you'll ravage her young body until her mind snaps. And no mind snaps harder than a foal brutally raped by the parent they trust." "Believe me," panted Twilight. "We've tested that theory with many experiments!" Indeed, Ruby didn't run, and Twilight made sure she didn't decide to. Grabbing the little one with her magic, Twilight forced Ruby's face against her mother's wet snatch. Berry tried to push her away, but Twilight held her legs back as she rubbed Ruby's muzzle against her. The mother sobbed anew as Twilight's powerful magic pushed Ruby's muzzle hard enough to push open the hole, forcing her tongue out of her muzzle to lap deep into the insides that formed her. The trauma of a foal was a savory delicacy, more delicious than the simple motherly fear. Twilight tweaked at the little one's virgin puss, disgusted that ponies let foals get this old without using them, but aroused she got to assist in the deprived child's enlightenment as she got what every foal deserved. "Yes, they are just toys to us," Chrysalis moaned, proud of Twilight's perversion. "We honor them by desecrating them with our royal bodies. Mmph, gonna cum, my little slut daughter, then you'll focus all your magic into one special egg for implantation." Chrysalis expelled her load quickly into Twilight, wanting to proceed with the lesson. Twilight shivered, ramming her hips back as the thick glowing seed filled her womb. As the seed swarmed her womb, she let it simmer through her ovum, but focused all her energy into one in particular as her mother had instructed. "Good," panted Chrysalis as she drew herself back, pulling free with a grotesque slurp as she pulled her hoof off of Twilight's throbbing shaft. "Now, time for a literal mind fuck." Head swimming with desire, Twilight staggered over to Berry as Chrysalis dragged the squalling foal away from her. Berry shook her head, delectable fear filling her and feeding Twilight. Twilight grinned at her with razor teeth and petted her face, taking a moment to feast on the unique terror of a mother knowing she'd be forced to harm her own disgusting spawn. Twilight pulled her struggling head down to her groin and lay the ovipositor across her muzzle, giving her a good look at the tool that would soon elevate her beyond her inferior pony body. She forced the muzzle open, giving it a quick shove down her throat, delighting in how Berry started to bite, but then shied away from the sour taste, her limited palate unable to appreciate the flavor. She yanked free, leaving the mare gagging in disgust. "Please no," Berry sobbed as Twilight moved her tip to her ear. "I don't want to become like you." "Don't be stupid," Chrysalis growled, enraged at the insolence of this inferior life form. "As if you would be worthy of being made royalty. You will become an obedient feral drone who knows nothing but our will." "Still more than you are now," Twilight smirked. "But definitely not like me." Twilight felt the ooze of thick warm slime drooling from Berry's ear where Chrysalis had drilled inside. She pushed her tip into the hole, watching the thick goo seep out from around it. As she forced her way inside, it elicited a piercing scream from the mare, who desperately pushed her hooves against Twilight. She was far too weak to shove the invader away from her, but feeling that futile resistance as Twilight asserted her dominance made her ovipositor so hard it hurt. "Mommy!" Ruby screamed for her mother as Chrysalis held her. "Yes, your Mommy," Chrysalis purred. "Watch my faithful child turn her into a proper mother for you, one that doesn't deny you the use of your most precious parts." Chrysalis pushed her own spent ovipositor to Ruby's muzzle, the little foal gagging as she forced it inside. Ruby made a face at the bitter taste of Twilight's cunt sap thick on Chrysalis' already unwashed organ, but could do nothing as her throat swelled with the invader. Not wanting to deprive her of the show, Chrysalis turned Ruby's head so she could see her mother suffer, and the terrified filly couldn't take her eyes off it. "S-she's... just a foal... stop... let her go," Berry begged even as Twilight drilled into her head. "Just a foal?" mocked Chrysalis. "Too young for sex? What a pathetically pony concept. Just because her fragile pony mind will break from the abuse, is that really a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of such a hot young hole? If you were a good mother, she'd have slid right out of your disgusting pussy and onto a hard cock." "You'll agree soon enough," Twilight licked her lips. "We always get our guests to listen to reason, eventually." "... you really believe that," Berry seemed to recognize the futility of her trying to deceive them. Her wicked lies wouldn’t keep them from doing the right thing. Berry's eyes rolled back as Twilight forced her way inside, then fluttered as she desperately tried to cling to consciousness and sanity. Her eyes bulged as the throbbing length squished between the folds of brain meat, throbbing as Twilight violently thrust. The helpless mare's body convulsed with each thrust, Twilight's body slapping the side of her head and echoing through the cave with all the other screams of agony. Twilight panted, enjoying the new experience; she never imagined fucking an ear could feel that good. "Just look," Chrysalis churred, continuing to ram Ruby's face, lifting her tail with one hoof and rubbing slowly beneath it. "If you say you've never thought about how amazing this little hole would feel, you're lying." "N-no," Berry drooled profusely but still forced words out. "I will never..." "Mmm, I used to think like that," purred Twilight. "Once you're reformed like me, you'll understand what ponies are for. If she's too stupid to cope with proper treatment, it's her own fault and she deserves to snap. That’s why ponies are so weak, because they don’t immediately murder newborns that are too weak to take a brutal raping." "Oh sweetie," Chrysalis purred as she leaned to lap at Twilight's face. "You learn so fast. I love you twice as much as I despised you before… but still going to kill you." "Love you... Mommy..." Twilight could barely form words as her muscles tightened and thrusts increased. Twilight's length bulged with the shape of the egg pushing through, starting at the base like a knot, but the translucent flesh of the ovipositor showed the larva within. The elastic outer shell of the egg split and the tiny new life dug its claws into the inner surface. It pulled itself through the tight passage towards his prey, inching along, its own little hips bucking softly in time with his mother's thrusts. Shivering at the feel of tiny claws within her urethra, Twilight rolled her eyes back and smoothly thrust her hips. She held the little one in her magic, slowing his passage so she felt more of the tiny claws slicing against her inner flesh. At the same time she grasped his tiny cock, pulling it from its sheath and stroking it slowly, making sure he was riled up to take full advantage of his prey. It was so arousing to feel his penis pulse in her magical grasp; she couldn't believe there'd ever been a time when she thought jacking off her newborn was inappropriate behavior. She stroked Berry's head, leaning to see her face twisted in despair as she sobbed. She salivated at Ruby as well, seeing the foal still face-stuffed, but her eyes locked on her mother in confusion at what Twilight did to her. Twilight grinned, knowing Ruby could only dream of what Berry would soon do to her. The grub slithered down with each thrust before forcing against the hole in the side of Berry's head. He showed the superiority of his kind as he grasped at the hole and pulled it open further. With a loud crack, Berry's skull fractured more to let him inside, and the writhing mass slowly worked his way within his new home. Twilight continued to stroke him, then helped pull his little shaft past the jagged bone. She already missed his prickly claws against her own tunnel, but eagerly awaited what he'd do to his victim. Twilight moaned, grasping the head of the mare as she learned the new method of defiling ponies. She felt a surge of pleasure from within as a flood of spunk forced its way through her and shoved the little one the rest of the way into Berry's head. Berry gagged violently, eyes rolling back as greenish cum leaked from behind her eyes and down her agony-filled stare. "Good," Chrysalis smiled. "Now come help me warm this little one up while we observe." Twilight yanked herself slowly free, leaving a splurt of greasy fluid on the side of Berry's head to seal up the hole where her ear had been. As she let the mare collapse on the floor, Chrysalis's horn glowed, casting a spell to let them see the inside of Berry's head. The young one undulated as it made its way into the skull, lodging itself against the side of the mare's brain. He spread his legs and rolled out his tongue to lap at it; as with most newborn changelings, he had only one thing on his mind. Chrysalis extracted herself from Ruby's throat, shaft now cleaned and shiny with foal slobber. She moved the filly to get the best view of what was happening to her dear mother, letting her stare directly into her eyes and get a nice view into that skull thanks to the spell. Twilight and Chrysalis moved behind little Ruby, rubbing their erections against her tiny plot as they waited patiently. "Mommy?" Ruby stuttered again. "Mommy please don't leave me..." "Oh she won't, little one," smirked Twilight. "On the contrary, as a feral drone, I’m sure your holes will instinctively be her favorites." "I-I won't... do that..." Berry said, determined to hold on to her mind. "N-never... not to my little Ruby." “What a hypocrite,” Twilight hmphed. “You’ll take every drunk cock in town, but you don’t want to fuck your own offspring.” Infused with special magic from his mother and grandmother, the little one within Berry's head got to work. The fear rushing through Berry's mind was like the sweetest aphrodisiac for the newborn rape monster, and the grubs tiny claws stroked the source of the feast. His little hips flexed, pushing his newly minted shaft into the goo-drenched folds of her gray matter, shivering as the meaty fuck meat pressed warmly around it. "Oh, such a sweet little darling," Chrysalis smiled, always touched by watching a new grub's first rape. "Adorable and arousing," Twilight moaned in agreement, grinding her pussy and shaft against the soft fur of Ruby's behind, speaking loudly to be heard over the pathetic sobs of the inferior life form. As the grub penetrated Berry's mind, it sank its fangs into the other side of her brain. It gnawed on it, tearing off a chunk large enough to swell its neck as it swallowed. It feasted and fucked the mare's addled mind, making Berry's body tremble at each thrust, sanity tearing asunder with agony. Berry opened her muzzle again as if to cry out for her daughter, but instead reached her tongue out and instinctively lapped the tears from Ruby's face. The little left of her mind sank into a feral state as her body contorted with the random nerve stimulation. The little bit left of her old mind yanked the tongue back, eyes widening with the shock of what she did. "M-mommy?" Ruby asked sobbing and shaking her head. "W-won't... hurt... no..." Berry's futile attempts to stop herself made the sight all the more arousing. "Not just hurt," purred Twilight. "You'll DEFILE her, you'll cum harder than  you ever have inside her, and her screams of agony will only make you cum harder." "No please!" sobbed Berry, shaking her head. Her hooves went between her thighs as if to masturbate, then jerked them back again, trying to stop herself. "Don't make me do that!" "Mommy, what's happening?" Ruby sobbed, seeing her mother in such a state, squirming as she was held. The grub wasn't just eating and raping her brain, but also melding with it. Its body seemed to melt, bits of flesh drooling down. They twisted and shaped into tiny phallic appendages as if growing tentacles, and soon Berry's brain was gangraped by dozens of tiny shafts. As the gruesome scene continued, it became harder to tell where the grub ended and brain began, one undulating piece of flesh within her head as his whole body sank in between her folds. Finally, the combination of grub and brain convulsed. It swelled until green spunk burst from between the knots of flesh, coating what was left of her brain and leaking from around her eyes. As her eyes bulged, her whole brain exploded in orgasmic bliss, the little rape monster becoming one with her consciousness as her brain burst apart and slowly reformed. Berry looked like her head might split from the pressure within, but somehow it contained the mass. Her eyes looked as if they might pop out, ooze drooling from behind them, then flickered as her pupils faded away. For a moment they faded completely white as if blind, only to glow solid blue instead, changing to insect-like changeling eyes instead as they settled back into their sockets. Her brain seemed to compress again, at first looking like a glob of soggy gak before it slowly reformed. "As he fuses with her brain," Chrysalis explained. "She will transform into a feral drone. Not like you, but useful all the same and longer lived than our normal children." "Why are you doing this?" sobbed Ruby. "We've been over this," Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "So we can order her to ravage your sweet virgin twat. Are you telling me we should make her do it when she won't properly enjoy your hot body around her pulsating meat?" "Pony foals have such terrible attention spans," Twilight shook her head, then glared at Ruby for her comment. "What a brat... she deserves so much worse than this." "It's no wonder," Chrysalis scoffed. "Ponies are such awful parents, I can't believe they let their young stay virgin for years before teaching them what their bodies are for." "In Equestria, there are even laws against fucking foals before they have a cutie mark," Twilight said. “And the stupidest ones don’t get a mark until their early teens.” Chrysalis shivered in disgust at such barbaric practices. Did they really go without using the most fun parts of their body for over a decade? Berry's sudden shrieks outmatched their own conversation, and they turned their attention to her. As the grub melded fully with her brain, her body convulsed, the change occurring rapidly. Without the need to retrain magic or sanity, there was no need for royal jelly or other restraints. She sat up on her haunches, front hooves shaking violently as she struggled not to masturbate, but her slick thighs poured juice, unable to take her feral eyes off her daughter. "You want to FUCK her don't you," Chrysalis laughed. "Go on, give in to your lusts." "No!" saliva splattered onto her daughter as Berry shrieked defiantly. The mare's body twisted, bones cracking as the magic shot down through her. Her jointed turned at odd angles as her bones split apart from within, splintering and turning into mush. She half collapsed as her muscles undulated, pushing the fragments to the surface. The magic bubbled throughout her flesh, fur coming out in clumps as her skin split apart and her splintered bones reformed into a new exoskeleton. As her body changed, the mare's gargled screams of agony slowly transformed into something else. Though the screams of pleasure sounded much like her screams of torment had, the changelings felt the emotional change, slowly shifting from abject horror to intense pleasure. Finally she couldn't keep herself from it, and slid both hooves down between her thighs, rubbing eagerly at her sopping wet slit. She gasped at how good it felt, better than it ever had before. "Mommy?" shrieked Ruby in horror. They moved her down until her face was mere inches from her mother's slit, which she stared at in confusion. The stupid foal didn't seem to comprehend what Berry was doing, but sputtered as the flinging goo splattered onto her face. "No... sweetheart... run... get away..." Berry gagged even as she dug into herself. Now she put all her effort into masturbation as if trying to kill the heat that made her want to reach for her daughter. "Fuuuck... want to ... fuck you so bad!" Berry fell back over, kicking her hind legs and arching her back as she came hard ,splattering a mist of arousal all over Ruby, who closed her eyes at the stinging goo and gagged at what to her was a foul taste. The former mare's slick pony pussy undulated,  clit extending and forming into a pulsating slab of fuck meat. No sooner had it formed than a blast of thick green goo splurted out onto her belly. Her eyes rolled back as her hooves felt at the new bits, sliding a leg hole over the slick meat to stroke down the length. She felt the chitin harden into a perfect size for the new organ. "Feels so fucking good!" Berry drooled. "Tell me when you're ready," Chrysalis purred. "When you're ready to use this foal for your pleasure." Chrysalis' tone changed, her demeanor towards Berry becoming kind as the transformation neared completion. She left Ruby in Twilight's magical grasp and moved over to gently stroke Berry's head, tugging out the last few chunks of mane as soft frill replaced it. She leaned forward to kiss at her nose gently before lapping at the horn that extended from Berry's head. "That's it, child," Chrysalis told her gently, petting her face before turning to Twilight. "Now to test our new drone's loyalty." "Do you know who this is?" Twilight grinned as she held the shivering Ruby up with her magic where Berry could see. "Mommy?" Ruby asked. "Mommy what happened to you... Mommy say something..." "I will never..." Berry said one last time, but then her will collapsed completely. "Yes... daughter... sexy." Berry's long forked tongue drooling out the side of her muzzle as her mind sank fully into a feral state. She slipped beyond the ability to speak full sentences, the larval form now joined with her brain driving her to a permanently wild state. "You feel her fear don't you?" asked Twilight. "Isn't it delicious?" Berry nodded more eagerly, staggering to her feet as she looked down at the filly. Her cunt oozed green fluid down her thighs as her shaft swang firmly beneath her. "Then make her your first feast," encouraged Twilight, pushing Ruby closer. "Ravage the young body of your foal, use her for your pleasure, scar her fragile innocence forever." "Mommy?" Ruby asked once more, backing away from the mother as Twilight released her from magic. The one she once trusted to protect her was now the one she needed protection from.. "Foal..." Berry drooled the words out. "Cunt... Rape..." Ruby shrieked as Berry lunged at her, trying to turn and flee. The new changeling was too fast though, grabbing her daughter by the hind leg in her teeth. The filly shrieked as the former mare tore into her flesh, then slung her around, twisting her hind leg in the process and snapping it out of joint at the hip. Helpless now, the foal could only kick and scream as Berry forced her onto her back. The child's sobs reached new levels as Berry ran her tongue over the immature body, slurping against the flat teats and then pushing her nose between the little one's legs. She tasted her daughter's sweet pussy, defiling her the only thing she could think of. "Not too much," Twilight smirked. "You don't want to get her wet enough to ease the trauma of penetration. Make your innocent daughter suffer on your thick cock!" "Trauma," growled Berry as she ran her tongue up the screaming foal's body and flopped her member against her belly. Finally, she was ready to follow their sage advice and become a decent mother. It was nice to see another pony reformed. "See?" Chrysalis grinned. "All she can do is follow our orders, and she'll do anything we tell her without question and love every second of it. With you the process was slower because I needed to maintain your full intellect, but if you only need a feral rape monster, there's no need for all that, and she's still better off like this than she is as a pony." "Oh yes," Twilight nodded. "I can see how happy she is now!" Ruby's scream pierced the air around them as her own mother lodged her shaft against her virgin slit. It became more shrill as her innocence flexed around the invader, then devolved into a fit of sobbing as it finally popped inside. The tight lips slid over the jagged barbs as a trickle of blood oozed down their thighs together. Berry's once beloved foal was now only a feast of emotional distress, and her corrupted mind ate it up. She grasped the filly more firmly, bathing her face in saliva as she drank her tears and rammed deeper. The shallow unaroused pussy bottomed out quickly, but it didn't stop there. Her mother jackhammered her hips to get deeper still, and Ruby's body convulsed as she forced her way into the immature womb. Twilight and Chrysalis got a double feast, filling up on both the torment of the betrayed little one and the lust and pleasure of the new drone savoring the new life they had gifted her. It was almost as amazing to see a new mind enlightened to the delights of sadism as it was to feel the agony of her victim. Chrysalis slid up behind the new drone, stroking her plot as it undulated and thrust inside the young hole. The proud queen let her own ovipositor smack Berry's behind, and the drone raised her frilly tail out of the way. As Berry drew her rump back from cock-stabbing her little one, Chrysalis pushed into her drooling twat from behind. As her cock throbbed inside Berry, the impact of her hips added to the hammering force into the little foal. As her mother's belly slapped against her own, splattering the bloody ooze gathering there, Ruby was beyond sobbing. Her eyes locked on her own belly, watching the bulge with each thrust in, the shaft invading her stretching the back of her tiny womb. As it broke through, her body thrashed violently again, the swelling moving all the way up to her chest as her body bloated from being overfilled. Berry's and Chrysalis' eyes stared down at the little one, and Twilight joined them soon after, licking her lips as she pondered getting involved. The little one felt her mind fracture completely under the unimaginable pain, and her body fell limp, just twitching violently with each thrust as her mind swam in an impossible ocean of confused agony. "Delicious," moaned Twilight. "Even if we let her go now, she'd never be a normal foal, not that there's anything good about being a normal pony." "And this is just the beginning, my new drone," encouraged Chrysalis. "Once we've taken over Equestria, we'll raise ponies and other inferior races like livestock. We won't let any of them reach adulthood without having their mind shattered just as you're shattering the life you created." "More foal pussy..." Berry drooled on her daughter's face, barely part of the conversation as she enjoyed the greatest pleasure of her existence. "I want that foal tailhole myself," purred Twilight. "Let me in there." Berry would have obeyed her princess regardless, but they felt her anticipation of her daughter's increased suffering as she raised her off the cave floor. She grinned as Twilight moved up behind the little one, pinning her between them as they sat up on their haunches. "See?" Chrysalis grinned. "Ponies think changelings are so cruel and unfriendly, but look at us, coming together as a family to brutalized an innocent mind together." It really was a touching scene as the three engaged in a triple kiss above the trembling form of their victim. Twilight pushed her tip against Ruby's behind, and the little one found renewed resistance upon the realization of where the next dick was going. Wanting to make the little one suffer more, Twilight used her magic to wipe most of the lubrication from her shaft before forcing it against the tight anal ring. Her muscles bulged as she strained to pop inside, but the shriek from the child upon doing so made it worth all the effort. Ruby's eyes widened as it invaded her anal cavity, the two shafts pushing in together to make her body bloat to grotesque proportion. Having more control over her morphing body, Twilight shaped her tip into a sharp edge and pushed right through the back wall of Ruby's intestines, feeling the other folds of her guts ooze around her, tightly packed inside the tiny body. She panted as she kissed the other two changelings again, tearing up Ruby's insides with her traumatic insertion. Ruby went limp again, and they felt a disgusting glimmer of hope as the little one assumed she would die soon, that this would end. She'd be right if any other monster was tearing up her insides like this, but as her bleeding holes were stuffed beyond measure, her body just didn't stop. The magical sludge that oozed from the shafts on each thrust sealed up the wounds, keeping her from the mercy of bleeding out. Soon the hope died, replaced by the living Hell that was now her life. But cumming inside together would have certainly exploded the little one, so Chrysalis took the time to cast a bit of elasticity magic onto her. It wouldn't ease the pain, if anything it would enhance it by keeping her nerves intact, but it would keep her alive. Berry growled, her body undulating grotesquely as she neared her first orgasm in her new superior body. Chrysalis extended the spines of her own shaft, tearing at Berry's insides in preparation. What would have once been an agony for her sent waves of pleasure through her new body and she convulsed back against her new queen. All Berry's feral mind could think of was how if she'd known it was this amazing, she would have raped her daughter the moment she left the womb. The new drone finished her enlightenment in a flurry of squealing and convulsions as she blew her first real load. She squeezed Ruby's plot, keeping the torn penetration tight, not wanting any to escape as she expelled copious amounts of thick greenish fluid into the small body. Her mind swam in impossible delights only matched by the agony of her foal. Twilight hadn't came properly in hours, so she was more than ready to blow too. She held it in until Berry blasted off, but unleashed it soon after, flooding the little one's asshole with a jolt of rich fluid. The double filling bloated her until she barely looked like a pony at all, and even the spell couldn't keep her completely together inside. Ruby vomited up a fountain of bloody gunk as it released the pressure, bathing the faces of her rapists as they ran their long fellatious tongues over her face. Chrysalis blew her own load into Berry at the same time, though Berry barely noticed due to the overflowing feast of agony from her child's mind. The queen grinned at seeing how much the new drone enjoyed it, packing her womb full of her own cum, panting as she leaned forward to get a taste of the vomit fountain from Ruby as well. Just as the little one was about to sink into the mercy of death, a jolt of magic from Chrysalis' horn denied her that release, restarting her tiny heart. Ruby shook her head weakly as they pulled back her into consciousness, but was too broken to even cry. Chrysalis pulled her free of the twin shafts, a rush of fluid pouring out as her body returned to its less bloated form. Even as the foal struggled and shook her head no, Chrysalis reformed her insides enough to keep her alive. "There you go," Chrysalis grinned. "We won't let you die yet, I have plans for tomorrow's lesson." "Can I do that to somepony else?" Twilight asked. "I want to make a new feral drone all by myself!" "Tomorrow it will be all you," nodded Chrysalis. "We'll have a special visitor. Until then, I'll leave the little one here for her mother to use until tomorrow." She stroked Berry's head, "Torment her until we tell you to stop, but be careful not to end her suffering. If you want to fuck a corpse, there are plenty of them in the chamber without killing this one yet." Chrysalis dropped Ruby to writhe on the cave floor in front of Berry. Berry growled lustfully, licking her lips and taking hold of the little one again. She wasn't even near done, and with her new drone vitality could probably fuck the little one for a week straight. "I'll go play with my brother more," nodded Twilight. "He should be getting gangraped as we speak, but I'll be looking forward to tomorrow!" > 5. A Friendly Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponies disappearing was scary, especially when one of her big sister's best friends vanished without a trace, but Apple Bloom never expected it to happen to her. When she first woke in a strange place to an awful smell, her first thought was that it was another weird dream. Though the room was dark, she could hear movement around her, a creaking shuffling sound of bodies moving, but they definitely weren't pony bodies. As her hearing came back more, she identified the sound of background noises, namely screams in the distance, echoing through the area as if it were a cave. There was also a wet noise nearby which sounded like somepony repeatedly shoving their hoof in and out of a tub of wet play dough, combined with a sloppy slapping noise. As the numbness subsided, she tried to move, but found herself restrained. The filly couldn't move her arms or legs, her entire body encased in hardened gel. It smelled like manure, but was firm enough that she could barely move at all, encasing her up to her neck. The filly feared as she realized it might not be a dream; it just felt too real. As her vision returned further, she noticed movement nearby, a small shimmer like the dimmest of light reflecting on wet flesh. To her disgust, she realized that the flesh was something's hindquarters, and it was thrusting. Living on a farm, she knew exactly what was going on there, and retched slightly at having to see it up close. As she got a better look at the creature though, her fear intensified. Those tensed hind legs revealed holes in that dark chitinous flesh, and she remembered the creatures that attacked at the royal wedding. That was a changeling, and it was... having sex with something only a few feet from her. She really hoped it didn't come for her next; she and her friends barely escaped rape by them at the royal wedding and didn't fancy another attempt. "Yes my little slut," the chittering but familiar voice of the changeling spoke. "After all this incubating, your asshole is still as tight as ever. I feel fear from our new friend, so I think she may have woken up, but first... ah yeah here it cums... I'll never tire of nutting in an underage hole, and soon I'll add hers to the list." Oh horse apples, it WAS coming for her next. Her emotion spiked, and the changeling moaned louder in response. But did that changeling sound an awful lot like Twilight? Nah, it couldn't be. Bloom turned away as the thrusting rump she'd awoken to rammed itself harder into whatever it'd found affection for, then creamed hard inside. Whatever it had its way with didn't agree, a tortured sob, like someone gargling slime, sounding as they filled its body with changeling sperm. The creature's horn lit up, shining more light upon the surrounding area, and to Bloom's confusion and horror, it was in fact Twilight. She was definitely a changeling, but the frill color, the basic body shape, and her shimmering eyes as she turned her head back towards Bloom was unmistakable. Twilight licked her lips with a long forked tongue and grinned with drooling fangs. "Morning, my favorite little blank flank," Twilight purred. "Luscious little pint-sized pussy for me to ravage." "T-twilight?" Bloom stared, unable to fathom those words in Twilight's voice. "B-but how? Why are you a changeling? Y-yer trickin me! Yer not Twilight! Sides Twilight don't have a... a penis." "Oh that adorable little accent," Twilight purred as she withdrew from her victim with a lewd slurp and turned around further, shaft glistening in the dim light. "Do you shriek with an accent? We'll find out, but I am Twilight, you know I am because if I was just a changeling in her form, I'd look exactly like her, wouldn't I?" "That's... no..." Bloom shook her head as the first tears streamed down her face. "W-who is... that... that you were hurtin..." "You mean who was I RAPING?" Twilight smirked, then widened it to a grin. "Given your delicious emotional reaction, you know what that word means. So well-educated for a filly your age, and a dirt pony at that." "Y-you shut up!" Apple Bloom shook her head, easily led into anger to let Twilight feast more. "Ain't nothin wrong with bein’ an earth pony!" "Well, all ponies are far inferior to what I've become," Twilight stepped closer until Bloom felt the warm rancid breath on her face. "Or perhaps you saw one of the many ponies raped at the royal wedding? Pity they missed your virgin hole. If you must know, the drones that had you cornered just before they expelled us from Canterlot are still here, and eager to get what you robbed them of. They’ll get their dicks in you and your friends eventually, but I let them know I get your virginity." The former pony's thick schlong swung beneath her as she moved, but as she hiked her tail and turned about, Bloom saw a slit too. Well that was... different. Before Bloom could sort things through in her head, Twilight stepped out of the way to let her see the object of Twilight's affection. The thing that Twilight had been humping was hard to distinguish as a pony. Bloated with round objects within as if filled with eggs, she could barely move. The only way to identify it as female was the two rather well-used holes oozing greenish slime on one end. Given the color of what they left of her mane and tail, not to mention the agonized eyes peering back at Bloom, she assumed it was Dinky, the filly from the school that had gone missing about the same time as Twilight. Next to her was a more intact filly that Bloom more readily recognized, Ruby. She and her mother, the town drunk, had disappeared just the other day. She wasn't bloated beyond recognition, but several of her legs were bent at odd angles as if someone had twisted them to keep her from escaping. She didn't have a good view of her rear end, but given the way she clasped her tail down so defensively, Apple Bloom assumed that she'd been used by these monsters. The filly looked afraid to make a sound, but recognized Bloom in return as she looked at her with an apologetic stare. This didn't bode well. Bloom's blood ran cold as she looked over at Twilight again. "W-what are ya gonna do ta me?" Bloom asked in a quivering voice. "What do you think?" chuckled Twilight. "Goodness, I never realized how stupid ponies were before. Then again, you're a mud pony, so I can expect even less from you." "Why you... Twilight would never say that!" Bloom felt more ire rise aside her fear. Twilight rolled back her eyes as if the sudden surge of emotion was what she had been going for. Applejack told Bloom that changelings fed on love specifically, but she supposed there was nothing to keep them from feeding on anything. She tried to back up mentally, attempting to calm herself lest she feed her tormentor more, but found it impossible. "The old, weak Twilight would never say that," Twilight explained. "But my new mother renewed me, now I'm free from petty pony morals and can engage in all the pleasure I wish." She sighed, moving closer and stroking Bloom's mane, the little one shivering against the hoof. "Oh how I would love to rape your blank flank, to hear your screams of agony fill this cave as I desecrate your sweet virgin cunt. What do you think of that, Apple Bloom?" "P-please don't..." Bloom cried, cringing as Twilight took a moment to lap tears from her face. Twilight held her eyes open with her magic so she could run her tongue directly over them, and they stung with the acidic burn of changeling saliva, only making her cry more. "Well," Twilight considered, but who knew if it was sincere or a taunt. "You are the sister of one of my former best friends, so how about I give you a choice? I think I owe her that much, right? Especially with what I’ll do to her later." She paused, then churred. "I'll have a go at your sweet underage pussy no matter what, but at least you can choose how that happens. That sound fun?" "Ugh, gross," Bloom cringed again as Twilight's slimy tongue ran over her face. "Just tell me what the choices are, buckin' foal fiddler." "Well you see little Dinky here, right?" Twilight finally pulled away, stroking a hoof over the bloated, well-used Dinky. "The eggs here are almost ready to hatch. The dose of magical spunk I gave them will be all they need. You can be an egg sack like her. I can pump you full, then you can lie on the floor of this cave for months as they grow inside you. I and my subjects will repeatedly rape you before you die in a gory explosion of new life as grubs burst from you and pleasure themselves with your cadaver." "W-what?" Bloom stared as the undulating flesh of her former friend. She didn't want to comprehend that, much less choose it. "And tha other choice?" "Well you can..." Twilight paused. "Oh dear, I haven't finished that one. Come here... little Ruby. I have good news, you get to turn in to what your mother did. You know, the process that made her use you for a fuck toy for days on end like every parent should?" "N-no, please," Ruby widened her eyes, struggling to back away, but unable to with her shattered legs. "No just kill me please, please just let me die!" She shook her head sobbing. "Turn me into eggs even! I don't want to hurt my friend!" The selflessness of the request was impressive; Bloom wondered if she could be as strong. "What selfishness, not wanting to harm you friends," Twilight disagreed, but Bloom couldn’t tell if she was serious. "You’ll hurt SO many friends, but don't worry, you'll love every moment, just as Mommy loved you. Well, she loved your body at least. Think of this as a gift: Once I make you one of us, she'll love you again as a daughter. Every day you’ll pound your incestuous bodies together and love it." Twilight grasped Ruby roughly in her magic, picking the screaming filly up by the head. As Bloom watched in horror, Twilight's penis-like appendage reshaped into something like a giant bee stinger, which she rammed into the side of Ruby's head. It looked like she aimed for the ear, but ended up just shoving it into her temple like she wasn't used to the process yet. Either way, the iron stinger somehow penetrated, the magical aura drilling into the weeping filly's head as her useless broken limbs flailed. The translucent tube swelled slightly as a green liquid pushed through, and Twilight shivered, thrusting her hips slowly as she injected the venom directly into Ruby's skull. "No just kill me!" Ruby pleaded, gagging even as her struggled died down. "I'm sorry if I hurt you Apple Bloom!" "Oh Bloom is mine for now, your first victim will be Dinky as she dies," Twilight clarified. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll fuck Bloom eventually too, regardless of what she chooses." Bloom could see the concentration in Ruby's face as she tried to resist whatever it was doing to her mind. As her body flailed, greenish white goo drooled from her gaping slit and rear entry from the many times they had used her. Bloom could only stare, too stricken with terror to cry or look away as she witnessed the horror before her. "What a little brat," growled Twilight, grasping the head in both front hooves as she humped more firmly. "I'm giving you this gift at such a young age, giving you so many more years of feral bliss than your mother received, and yet you struggle! This is why ponies don't deserve what they have, but soon they'll all take their proper place as our rapestock." Ruby thrashed and squealed as Twilight's shaft shaped more like its previous shape, throbbing wildly. Twilight arched her back and groaned as the base expanded like a knot, but Bloom could see a tiny form clawing its way through the passage, making its way to the foal's brain. Twilight grinned widely, intentionally slowing the tiny creature's passage with her magic so she could feast on the dread Ruby felt as it inched closer. "Please I'll do anything else!" Ruby still pleaded, but every word just made Twilight's shaft throb harder. "When my larva gets into her head," Twilight explained. "He will rape her little brain and meld with it; she'll become a wild drone that will follow my every order. If you choose this, little Apple, one of your orders will be to assist in the rape of your family, some to die brutally for our young, others to become like us. I'll even give you access to the ones that die so you can pleasure yourself with their dead flesh until they are bones. Unlike me, burdened with responsibility as I am, you'll be a mindless creature that takes pleasure in following my orders and comprehends nothing else but that perverse bliss. Doesn't that sound fun?" Bloom stared into Twilight's wicked grin, only to realize in horror that Twilight wasn't being sarcastic. She really thought it sounded fun. "Y-yer insane," Bloom gasped, but still couldn't tear her eyes away. "Ah would never hurt mah family!" "Not hurt them, elevate them!" Twilight explained. "Even being a rotting cadaver pumped full of changeling cum is a more enlightened existence than what they have now! Don't you want to help your suffering family? They wallow in their wickedness, but we will reform them!" Twilight was beyond gone, believing everything she said. She only stopped yammering to clench her teeth as she pumped the grub into Ruby's skull. The foal spasmed as Twilight used her magic to crack her head open further, allowing the young monster to ooze within. Brain exposed and oozing goop from its folds, Bloom watched as the creature mounted it. It pushed its tiny tentacle-like dick to sink into Ruby's graymatter, extending within as it clung to the side and thrusting its hips feverishly. The filly's body convulsed with each thrust as he eyes rolled back. Twilight's eyes rolled back too, savoring the last suffering moments of sanity for Ruby, not to mention Bloom's own terror and confusion. Twilight pulled her shaft back, letting it dangle between her legs as she turned Ruby's head for Bloom to see better, as if she thought seeing such a beautiful sight would convince her. It wasn't beautiful, but when Bloom tried to turn away, Twilight held her head steady and her eyes open with her magic, forcing her to watch through the hole in Ruby's head as the grotesque little monster squealed in delight. At first it looked like the beast was melting against her head, but perhaps it was just sprouting more phallic appendages and using up its body mass as each new shaft pushed into Ruby's brain from another angle. It gradually joined with her as it did so, plowing so deep that its little dicks pushed out the other side. When the creature came, Ruby flew into a seizure as her brain swelled with cum and burst apart. No sooner than it did, it melted back together, the larva combining with her brain fully. Twilight chrred as her horn lit up, sealing Ruby's head with a thick encasing of slime as her body transformed, eyes fading into solid changeling eyes as her head melded back together. "That's it," Twilight smiled. "A sexy little foal won't take long to transform." Once the transformation started, Twilight's handling of Ruby went from rough to gentle, stroking the little ones face as her skin thickened and fur fell out. Her head sprouted thick frill as the little one moaned, her tongue visibly reshaping into a monstrous forked length. Her limbs thrashed like noodles as the bones splintered apart and dissolved, reforming into an exoskeleton with hollow holes through the limbs. Wings sprouted from her back as if a top layer of flesh was peeling free, and her existing horn fell off like a loose tooth before being replaced by another stubby changeling horn. Ruby's initial shriek quickly devolved into moans as she transformed. Before she finished, she had moved one of her newly formed hooves to her groin, pushing her emerging shaft through the hole to masturbate in bliss to her own agony. Twilight smiled motherly and lapped the remaining tears from Ruby's face as her terrified expression turned into a feral mindless grin. Behind them, Dinky's body convulsed again, the eggs within her glowing through thinly stretched flesh, and Twilight turned to look at the undulating flesh. "Just in time!" Twilight peeped happily. "Ruby, your first order is to brutally rape this egg sack as it pops. Feel the death throes of your former friend around your delicious little foal cock." Ruby didn't hesitate as she staggered to the other foal, legs now fully healed after her transformation. As Dinky gagged violently, the new drone pushed her shaft into the gaping hole of her nethers, growling lustfully and rubbing her front hooves over the body. The undulation of the flesh worsened, looking less like eggs and more like writhing little bodies as they hatched and squirmed around her insides. "Oh Celestia..." Bloom stared in shook, tears rolling down her face. "That's it," Twilight eased up behind her, licking at her mane. "Feed me your delicious fear... and make your choice... birth my next brood or assist in the elevation of your beloved family." Dinky opened her muzzle as if to shriek, but no sound came out. Instead a writhing form crawled up through her neck, its little head popping out and hissing as it squirmed free. She could only stare in horror at the creature she birthed as it slithered from her throat and latched onto her face. He pushed his shaft back into her muzzle as he held it shut, thrusting eagerly into the hole he emerged from. A hole in Dinky's cheek allowed Bloom to watch as a second grub pushed its head out of Dinky's throat and bobbed its head as it assisted by sucking off the first grub. Dinky's throat swelled further as a third form pushed up behind the others, this one's form mounting the second one, the undulation of his hips visible through the flesh as he rammed his newborn shaft into his sibling. Another burst out her belly, ripping through and tearing her gut wide open to reveal countless writhing bodies inside. Most didn't hatch alive, but the living ones were making use of those that hadn't made it. They tore one egg that had died and rotted open and pulled the half form fetus free. Though rigor mortis had set in, its siblings still made use, slimy cocks pushed into all three holes of the dead fetus. "E-even the dead ones..." Bloom was horrified. "Isn't it wonderful?" Twilight moaned, touched by how the grubs mourned their dead siblings by raping their rotting bodies. "A life that never started can still bring pleasure to its siblings. I suppose fucking your dead loved ones wouldn't make sense to a pony though, since they aren't capable of such pure love." She sighed. “To think of the disrespect I showed the deceased at funerals I went to as a pony. It really is shameful.” She teared up. “So many corpses, buried without any cum inside them.” Those hatching too weak to take part were finished by the violence of the newborn orgy. Two grubs got into a fight over who got to use the muzzle of their dying sibling until it was wrenched free in the struggle. One of the grubs then satisfied itself with the severed head as the other rammed his shaft into the bleeding neckhole as the body spasmed to a stop. The two grubs made out as they fucked different parts of the brother they murdered, no hard feelings for the scuffle. Bloom could see Ruby's cock inside as it thrust into the gut against the squirming masses. It pushed through the soggy vaginal cavity, but the tip pushed free where the womb had been, now burst from the expulsion of countless new lives. One dying grub, determined to get some pleasure out of her short life before it ended, struggled to back her tiny hindquarters to the tip. Ruby squealed in delight as she felt the impossibly tight newborn pussy wrapped around her tip. She grasped the squealing little one and pushed further into her. Perhaps Ruby instinctively knew the grub wanted one ultimate thrill, or perhaps she couldn't comprehend the impossibility of fitting, but she didn't stop there. She forced herself deeper, the baby's body bloating out as its fragile pelvis cracked in two. Its legs spasmed before its muzzle opened wide, vomiting most of its guts. As its life twitched to a stop, Ruby's gory cock tip pushed out of her wide-open grinning muzzle before a second grub slurped at it, making out with the now dead sister and slurping Ruby at the same time. "Pleasuring so many of my little ones," Twilight purred. "Such a high purpose than Dinky's former useless life, wouldn't you say? And even the stillborns, sad as their loss may be, find purpose in the pleasure of their stronger siblings. It's... so beautiful." She teared up again. Though Bloom's horror at the sight was delicious, the whole scene brought tears of joy to Twilight. Sure most of the grubs wouldn't survive, but ponykind's refusal to rape weaker foals to death was the reason they hadn't managed to evolve to the superiority that changelings had. "T-there has be another way," Bloom shook her head, looking at Twilight. "Twilight we're friends... please... " "I'm not your friend," smirked Twilight. "You're just an annoyance I dealt with because you're my actual friend's little sister." She pondered. "I mean, there is a third option, or else I'd be a feral little fuck fiend too, but are you really worth that? I don't think so." "A-ah am too!" Bloom sobbed. "Please Twilight just let me go!" "You're worth nothing, muddy," Twilight grinned, savoring the anger as much as the despair. "You're just an outcast that hangs out with the most hated fillies at school because no one else will have you. You should be thanking me for being so selfless as to molest you, because not even the village foalaphile would touch your hick dirt pony puss." "Shut up!" Bloom shrieked, but Twilight only laughed, rolling her eyes back at the feast of emotion. Dinky shrieked one good last time before her remaining lung was burst when several of the grubs latched onto it and rammed their shafts into it to make use of the tubing within. Her body had exploded into gore as every part of her was used, every wound and every organ that could be wrapped around pulsating flesh was fucked by dozens of tiny dicks, with dozens of tiny pussies impaling themselves on shards of bone. Ruby herself creamed hard, blasting the slutty grub off her dick and spraying a thick green load over them all, part of Dinky's little vagina still wrapped around the base of her shaft like a broken condom. The foal's body finally twitched to a stop, though it was hard to tell when she died. One couldn't look into her eyes since they'd been pried out by the tiny claws of the pair of grubs that now violently fucked her eye sockets, one from the outside and one from the inside as it gnawed apart her brain. Even her eyes were used after having been clawed out, one grub laying on his back as he held an eye and pumped into the pupil until it burst open with his spunk. "They'll keep at it for some time," Twilight purred. "You won't be able to tell any part of her once belonged to a pony by the time they're done. Isn't that just so... arousing? And almost a quarter of my young weren't stillborn, and I'm sure at least a third of those weren’t raped to death by their siblings, which is an excellent turn-out, all because little Dinky donated her body. We don't get near that when not hatching from pony egg sacks, do you see why the role is so important now?" "This is horrible," sobbed Bloom. "You want more cute little grubs to die?" Twilight frowned, but it quickly turned into a grin. “I guess you get points for being kinky. Either way, if you don’t want to choose... egg sack it is. You'll never see your sister alive again, though she might see your corpse as it bursts open. She might even be fucking your dead foal cunt long after your belly bursts." "W-why can't ah do that third thing?" Apple Bloom sobbed. The filly naively believed that at least then she'd have a chance of resisting the mental enlightenment. "Why ah gotta... come on Twilight... we're friends, ya know we are." "So, you are a virgin, right?" Twilight ignored the pleading, sliding against Apple Bloom from behind, wading into the slime that kept the filly still like the stiffness of it didn't restrain her. "Or did your hot big brother take care of that?" "No! Gross!" Bloom tried to pull away from her, but to her the slimy surface may as well have been solid rock; she couldn't escape. "Well if it helps, he will be fucking you," Twilight smirked. "I'm going to make sure that throbbing stallion meat stretches out both his little sisters' holes." Bloom retched again as she felt Twilight's throbbing organ pulse against her behind. Twilight slid her hooves over the smallish body as she pushed her tip against her tiny unused opening. The filly twitched violently but couldn't thrash away as her tears became outright sobbing. "Mommy filled me with SO much sperm this morning," Twilight purred. "I'm going to pump your tiny body full of it as I lay my eggs inside you. Soon  you'll learn what real torment is." Twilight took her time, slowly pushing Bloom's nether lips apart, making her anticipate her loss of purity. As she did, Bloom watched Dinky's corpse as Ruby and the grubs continued to use it. There wasn't a single strip of flesh that hadn't been raped, her whole body drenched in greenish spunk, looking more like spilled gore soup than an intact corpse by this point. Was that going to happen to her? No, she couldn't do that! Not even if it meant doing terrible things to her family! "Please, no!" Apple Bloom begged. "I-I'll do anything! I'll help with mah family ah swear!" "It's too late; I've chosen for you," Twilight lapped at the back of her head. "The next time you see your beloved siblings, if I let them live, will be them fucking your bloated egg-filled body. We'll all cum so hard as you DIE." Her pleading cut short as Twilight's shaft popped past the tight opening. Bloom's innocence vanished as her labia stretched wide, gliding over the spiky surface. She'd heard sex should feel good, but such a brutal invasion felt like sandpaper rammed up her snatch. A surge of agony pulsed through her body and she screamed so hard that she gagged. Feeding on the pain of the traumatized foal, Twilight went belly-deep on the first stroke, then hammered the little plot as hard as possible. Her thorny meat sliced up Bloom's insides, giving the acidic goo that oozed from her shaft plenty to sting. Grinning at Bloom's shocked expression, Twilight fed on every drop of emotions; Bloom could actually feel her soul emptied out as Twilight feasted on her emotional energy. "Yes, that face," Twilight drooled on her. "Nothing is so gorgeous as a convulsing child suffering her first rape. Your young pussy is heavenly on my ovipositor." Bloom's body clenched in an attempt to expel the intruder. Despite her attempts to relax and not pleasure Twilight further, her little hole erupted in a hot fountain of bliss for Twilight. The changeling foamed as she pounded the little body, body shaking more with each thrust. Apple Bloom screamed in horror, trying to worm away, knowing that as soon as Twilight creamed inside her, it would seal her bloody fate. When she opened her mouth to beg once more, another slimy appendage invaded it. Ruby had finished with Dinky's remains and climbed up onto the pod where Bloom's head stuck free of. Bloom froze in abject horror as she realized that a strip of Dinky's vaginal cavity was still stretched around Ruby's shaft as it was forced into her muzzle, the taste of slick changeling slime joined with the taste of pussy gore as it rammed down her throat. "That's it, sweetie," Twilight cooed at Ruby, stroking her frilly mane. "Rape your wicked friend's throat and we’ll reform her together, such initiative." Though she only understood the praise on an instinctive level, Ruby purred as she kissed Twilight deeply. As they smooched above her, Bloom's body was bounced back and forth between the two undulating bodies as they spit-roasted her. Her neck swelled as she pushed downward, then belly as she was pumped back up by Twilight. Though she blushed form humiliation, Apple Bloom's main thought was what would happen to her when Twilight came. She felt Twilight's movements become more sporadic and thrashed in one last desperate attempt to get away from her. Finally the foal went limp, mind broken as she realized there was nothing to stop her fate. Her and most of her family would die, the rest turned into insane corpse-fucking lechers. Bloom's body swelled as Twilight's shaft invaded her immature womb, tearing through her cervix. As her tiny puss stretched painfully wide, the ovipositor slammed into the back of her womb. A few thrusts more and it went further, and Bloom felt it sliding up almost to her throat as it broke through and slid up through her organs. Even as she choked on Ruby's shaft, Bloom felt Twilight's thicker monstrosity push in. Shaping her tip into a sharp point, Twilight poked into the foal's stomach from the wrong end, then pushed up through her esophagus even as it was invaded from the other end. Bloom's neck swelled until she couldn't breath as both shaft slid against one another within it. She shivered, blood oozing from her muzzle, but the stinging slime sealed up her inner wounds enough to not allow the mercy of death. And she knew this was just the start of her torment. If she could, she'd beg to take the other route now; this was just too much, but now all she could do was convulse helplessly as she was spit-roasted on changeling cocks. "So tight," Twilight drooled between kissing Ruby, stroking her hooves over Bloom's body within the slime. "There's nothing like getting the first stab at an unsoiled child cunt. Your inferior mind can't comprehend how good this feels. Your brother must be an epic faggot to not have raped his seed into you yet. Your parents too... oh wait those are dead. Maybe I'll go fuck their corpses; I'm sure they're nice and juicy with maggots and worms by now." Twilight grunted when the filly didn't surge with anger the way she had before, but her young mind was broken beyond repair. Still, Twilight found something to feast on. "Is that... ?" Twilight churred. "Agony, torment, and regret? You wish you'd been more cooperative, well it's too late now. Only a hell you can't imagine awaits you now." Ruby squeaked as she came into Apple Bloom's throat, pumping warm seed down around Twilight's shaft. It funneled through her body, filling her stomach and then leaking out the tight penetration around her pussy. It was thick, burning at her insides like acid, making her body twitch with renewed agony. "Awwww," Twilight admired the cute changeling cumming in her first living pony victim, stroking her head, but then concentrating on her own load. Twilight clamped Bloom's muzzle shut as Ruby withdrew as if to hold in the imminent flood of spunk. She shoved several more times, long deep thrusts, the foal's body deflating and swelling again as the shaft engorged itself. The larger changeling's load was far more, enough that it would have burst her womb even if it wasn't already, swelling her body until she could barely twitch. This couldn't be happening. All Bloom could think of was that she had to kill herself right now to prevent the agony in her future, but there was no hope of doing that. All she could do was feel her body stiffen. Twilight purred after it finally tapered down. A wicked grin spread over her face as she released Bloom's muzzle to release the pressure. Slime expelled itself so hard that it splattered a good ten hoofsteps away, the filly shivering as she made herself draw breathes in spite of how much she wanted to die. "Oops," Twilight chuckled. "It seems I completely forgot to implant the eggs. Looks like we'll have to start all over!" "No!" Bloom screeched when she could. "Please..." "Please... what?" Twilight asked, moving a mocking ear to Bloom's muzzle. "It feels like you want to say something." "Make me... like Ruby," Bloom begged. "I'll do anything... make the hurting stop..." "Giving in?" Twilight arched an eyebrow. "I'm impressed. Are you saying you'd freely choose to help me murder your family in exchange for turning this torment into bliss?" Bloom hated herself more than anything, but nodded the best she could. "I'd still rather use you as an egg sack," Twilight giggled. "You'd have to do a LOT of convincing for me to think otherwise." "T-tell me what... I'll do it..." Bloom pleaded. "Hm, let's see..." Twilight purred. > 6. A New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watching Dinky burst and die in the explosion of new life had been delightful, but it also made Twilight think. While she looked forward to her brother feeling that agony, she didn't favor the idea of his torment ceasing afterward as Dinky's had. Didn't he deserve to serve the Hive for longer than that? On top of that, figuring out such a method would allow Twilight's old mentor to suffer for an eternity when they got to her. She deserved as much for denying Twilight all the pleasures that her new Mommy had given her. If only Twilight had known how wicked Celestia was before, she’d have been researching this long ago. Fortunately, her genius mind had already gone to work solving the problem, and she was sure Mommy would appreciate a new method of prolonging the use of egg sacks and the useful suffering of their victims. She'd be so proud! Actually she already was as soon as Twilight thought of it; she kept close tabs on Twilight through the hivemind. Not just that, but the whole experience would double as a sort of entrance exam for Applebloom, proving her worth while snapping her fragile young mind completely. With that righteous goal in mind, she pulled Applebloom from the gooey mess where she'd encased her. Applebloom shivered as Twilight sniffed at her flank, giving her well-used twat a lick with her long tongue to taste the spunk that drenched her holes. Rather than shying away, the foal instinctively raised her tail and widened her hind legs. She'd made such good progress; it would only be a matter of time before the filly would whole-heartedly get off to the defilement of her family and friends. Twilight led Applebloom and Ruby to where she'd left her brother earlier. Ruby eagerly stumbled forward while Applebloom needed a bit of coaxing. Even if she were willing now, Applebloom's inferior pony body was weak from use and clearly every movement ached. Twilight took a longer route than she needed, taking a while longer for Applebloom to baste in terrified anticipation, letting it thicken into a savory meal On the way, they walked by egg sacks being used, a well-rotted stallion corpse being gangbanged, and countless other beautiful acts that would terrify her more. When she arrived, the adorable little drone she'd left with Shining had done as he was told. He and his friends were still hard at work on Shining's writhing body, some resting and spent while others waited eagerly for their turn in the rape pile. She took a moment to admire their hot, undulating bodies as they used the writhing mass of flesh that used to be her brother, but she couldn't delay forever. "Cooock," Ruby drooled brainlessly, seeing all the thrusting and immediately wanting to be in the center of it. She'd get her wish. "Sweeties?" Twilight purred at the hard-working little drones. At hearing their princess, the drones looked in her direction attentively, though the ones taking their turn on Shining didn't stop their thrusting. The sounds of moans died down, but the slap of eager chitin on tormented flesh continued. "I know I said you could fuck him until he hatched," explained Twilight. "And I am sorry, but I had another idea for him. Would you mind sating this new drone instead?" She motioned to Ruby, then added seductively. "You can take her over to Dinky and fuck her freshly dead remains too. Plenty of newborns there, too. You can play with the surviving ones and honor the ones that didn't make it by using their hot little bodies." "Yes Second Mommy!" the cute little drone nodded, saluting. It was so adorable when the little cuties called her that. Ruby squealed in delight as the mass of drones dragged her to where they knew Dinky had been. It left Twilight, Shining, and Applebloom relatively alone. When Twilight looked at her, Applebloom jerked, face etched in abject horror. In spite of her body's increasing willingness, her mind had reservations. It wasn't just what she was about to do, but also the eagerness that the other changelings had followed Twilight's grotesque orders. She knew that if she went through with this, she would follow such orders without question and get off on every one. "Are you having second thoughts?" smirked Twilight. "Well it's too late. I'm going to give Shining here the last burst of magic he needs to hatch, and you're going to have your way with him while he does. Then you're going to let the newborns gangbang your hot little filly plot, and you're going to like it. If you don't, I'll make sure you suffer a fate more painful than anything else you've witnessed so far." "T-that's Shining?" Applebloom stared at Twilight, not having been able to identify him in his grotesque state. She then slowly nodded, eyes so wide it was a wonder they didn't pop out. "I-I'll try." "If I even suspect that you're not enjoying it..." Twilight warned darkly. Applebloom gulped and nodded again, shivering. Twilight knew she wouldn't be able to fulfill that request, but the effort to do so would make her transformation much faster, so instilling that kind of fear in her was for her own good. Now that she'd fully settled on making this filly one of her own, Twilight felt much more kindly towards her, and wanted her to learn to enjoy her new role as much as her other children did. "T-twilly..." Shining groaned as Twilight moved to his head, her ovipositor dangling beneath her. She smirked at him, knowing it must have taken all his energy to get that one word out, and every word he managed would have made for fine last words. It wasn't like he'd normally say it though. The word was etched with both fear and anger, having lost all affection for the sister he once loved after she'd delighted in his torment for so long. "That's adorable," Twilight smirked. "Even though you hate and fear me now, you still call me Twilly. Is it from habit? Or perhaps wishful thinking that my old self is still in here somewhere? Maybe she is, screaming on the inside at all the things I do. Isn’t that a hot thought?" The emotions streaming through his frazzled mind were delicious. Yet at the same time, she felt his relief. He believed this was the end, that his agony would finally cease as they used him up completely. He was looking forward to death, and she couldn't wait for his reaction to being denied that last mercy. Of course it was for his own good, too. Why die now when he could serve the pleasure of the hive for centuries longer? "I have a surprise for you, too," smirked Twilight, her horn glowing as she pushed her magic into him. She'd save what the surprise was for later though, curious as to how long it would take his pony brain to realize what she'd done to him. She'd been studying dark magic a great deal since her transformation. Chrysalis let her sneak into the Canterlot library, which was easy given her shape-shifting power, and fetch the most restricted books. Having replaced the librarian and many guards with changelings already, no one in the castle even realized she had been snatching them. Even better, she'd seen the research being done on countering said dark magic, which meant she could lay the spell in such a way that none of their current counters would negate it. It was now time to put that forbidden knowledge to use as she infused his body with dark energy, locking his soul inside, making sure it'd never escape no matter how much he was damaged. No matter what happened, he'd regenerate, but only to his current egg sack form, never to a fully formed pony. As she did so, the extra burst of magic flowed through the eggs, and they undulated more from within, glowing through his thinly stretched flesh. As Twilight eyed Applebloom warningly, the foal crept closer. Twilight saw and felt Applebloom's disgust as she forced herself to climb onto the undulating body, looking not unlike a foal moving into a ball pit with uncharacteristic caution. Twilight wound her magic through Shining's body, regenerating the part they needed; it'd been regenerated and devoured again so many times now. The stumps where his hind legs once were twitched as his thighs glowed and a fresh new shaft grew from his thighs. Unlike his natural one though, the new shaft and ball sack was raw and skinless, tiny bony barbs along the shaft, sharp on body ends. They'd dig into Applebloom's sensitive passage and hurt him no less. Neither had the advantage of superior changeling anatomy to enjoy it, but at least one of them would soon. Applebloom knew just where this was going as she felt the warm flesh push between her thighs. She choked on a sob, then strained to hold it in, her fear welling at the idea that Twilight might punish her more for not enjoying it. She leaned forward to vomit, but Twilight held her muzzle shut instead, only a little escaping from her nostrils before they were plugged too. She held it shut as Applebloom swallowed, taking several attempts before it stayed down. "The next time you do that," warned Twilight. "I won't be so nice about it. Now sit on my brother's cock. I assure you it's quite the nice ride." "Y-yer gonna make me do this ta Big Mac too ain't ya," Applebloom sniffled. "Make you?" Twilight admonished. "A-ah mean let me," Applebloom corrected herself. "Don't worry," Twilight smiled, stroking the foal's head with a hoof. "You'll ride him hard. If you're lucky, we can dig up your father and you can ride him too. I bet I could whip up some magic that would get his dick hard even in his embalmed state. With my magic, I could even get your dead Mommy hard." Applebloom stared at Twilight, new horror welling up as she tried to decide if Twilight was serious. A growl from Twilight snapped her back to the situation and she looked down at Shining again. Twilight couldn't believe how amazing it felt to watch the unwilling child as she lowered her shivering body onto the shaft. The filly clenched her face as she pushed her already-used lips downward, the new shaft thick enough that she'd have issues even then. Her eyes widened as she pushed herself downward, tears streaming down her face as the barbs raked at her burning insides, but she didn't dare stop. Twilight purred, slowly stroking herself as she fed on the fear and disgust of the filly and her brother together. "So naughty, Shining," Twilight moaned. "Fucking such a sweet underage pussy. I'd feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy it properly, but you're too dull to enjoy such things anyway, aren't you." Applebloom whimpered as she slid down further. Even with all her effort, she could only get so far with her remaining strength, so Twilight helpfully moved a hoof to her head and pushed her all the way down. The filly cried out as he sank deeper, pushing through her cervix and into her immature womb with one stroke as he bottomed out and their bellies pressed hotly together. As Twilight glared at her threateningly, Applebloom did her best to move her hips, twitching them to make tiny thrusts. Twilight sat her bottom against Shining's face, feeling his labored breath against her nethers. She let her ovipositor drape across his body as she rubbed her pussy against his muzzle. Her hooves slid over him to feel the undulating eggs hatching within, so close to emerging from his flesh, slowly tearing through his meat on their way out. While she enjoyed his body's twitching, her magic took hold of Applebloom and assisted with harder thrusts, sliding her up and down like a fleshlight on the painfully erect shaft and savoring her emotions. The filly's body twitched violently, legs kicking as she cried out, hoarse with agony as the barbs raked through her insides, slicing into her inner tunnel, leaving dozens of tiny cuts that stung with the touch of acidic changeling secretions. "I can't believe I ever thought you loved me," Twilight continued speaking to Shining as she let Applebloom baste in agony. "How many chances did you have to rape my underage cunt like this and you never did! Some big brother. Velvet and Night Light were the same, what terrible parents! If Mommy hadn't saved me, I might have gone years without experiencing what this brat is now." Shining probably though Twilight said such things only to torment him, but her anger couldn't have been more sincere. Now that she was older, she could never truly experience the violent loss of a foal's virginity. She had to admit that her motive for keeping him alive wasn't just to allow him to serve the Hive longer, she still wanted him to suffer for what he hadn't done to her. For a moment Shining sounded like he might reply, but he was only gasping as he felt a lump clawing his way up Shining's throat. Twilight knew it was a he because she could sense every living changeling squirming around inside him. Even though they all had herm bodies in their natural forms, they all preferred the use of one bit or the other. When Shining opened his muzzle again, a squealing head emerged to finds himself staring directly at his own mother's pussy rubbing against his maw. The little one pushed his head upward still, splitting her nether lips apart and pushing deeper. He grasped her labia in his claws and tore at them as it crawled inside her. "Aw, he loves his Mommy so much," Twilight groaned and arched her back, letting him claw his way further within, rotating her hips eagerly to fuck herself with the whole body of her newborn. "Oh gods," Applebloom shivered, but still tried to waggle her hips right as she was forced up and down. When she saw Twilight eyeing her, she did her best to pretend enjoyment. "It's so... uh... sexy?" Twilight could tell that little one's body was throbbing with intense unappreciated agony, but let her poor acting pass for the time being. She'd get there, and until then her fear would be a feast for her new princess. On top of that, Twilight could already feel the orgy of newborn lust within Shining's undulating body, the slimy sound of tiny bodies pushing together audible from outside. Finally the thinly stretched gut gave, splitting open as new life ruptured his flesh. Twilight stroked the head of the first that emerged with her magic, oogling how cute the little monstrosity of chitin and claws was even as she rammed her body down and the other one crawled deeper inside of her. A second emerged from Shining's muzzle and began to crawl into Twilight after the first, while still another stuck her head from Shining's behind and bit down on Applebloom's tail, making the pathetic foal squeal. "Rip him open," Twilight ordered. "And don't dare refuse the affections of my children, they are your new siblings after all. You have a lot of fucking to do to make up for the years since your birth that you've been denied it." Though she hesitated, the filly's mind had broken too much to put up real resistance. Overwhelmed with terror of what would happen if she refused, Applebloom clenched her teeth and worked her hooves around the head emerging from Shining's gut. She wretched with how easily the flesh gave as she tore him open, revealing an undulating mass of shattered eggs and tiny grubs, both living and dead and at various points in between. The eggs that failed to hatch had been broken open by the others, the half-formed dead fetuses inside used for pleasure like any other flesh available. As the filly stared in open horror, Twilight picked up one with her magic. It was a struggling malformed little male who would certainly  not survive more than a few hours. While Twilight could attempt to save him with magic, such a weak creature would only drag them down in the long run, and he'd surely rather die for the glory of the Hive than do that. Unfortunate, but she'd make his short life useful. She floated him over to Applebloom and nudged his head against it. Even in his condition, he thrusts his spiny little boner towards her. "Show him mercy," Twilight ordered again with a knowing smile. "Crush his head in your teeth." Applebloom stared at Twilight as if to check if she was serious, then jerked when Twilight narrowed her eyes. Applebloom opened her muzzle wide, shivering in disgust as she took the squirming head between her dull teeth. To her credit, she instinctively lapped at him as he was put there, to which he weakly lapped back. It took a few moments for her to get the guts to clench her teeth. Even then, it took several long moments before the weakling pony crushed his fragile head. Applebloom gagged as his skull gave and his body twitched against her, slimy brains oozing into her muzzle. As his body spasmed, his little cock creamed his first and only load onto Applebloom's chin, knowing instinctively that his death had served the mother he loved. What a little darling. Forcing her muzzle to stay shut with her magic, Twilight waited for her to swallow before moving the headless body upwards. Applebloom got the idea, sick as it made her, and wrapped her lips around the tiny dick of the corpse, still drooling with his tiny orgasm. She bobbed her head in time with the riding of Shining's shaft as she cleaned his dead dick. After a moment, Twilight purred and dropped his body into the writhing mass within Shining. One of his sisters immediately pinned his corpse and straddled his tiny dick to ride it as one of his brothers grasped hold of his shoulders and pushed his own tiny dick into the neck hole. The two made out hotly while enjoying their dead sibling. "Ponies require even more 'mercy'," explained Twilight. She enjoyed making a lesson out of even the most pleasurable of acts. "It's because your minds have softened from years of neglect. You were too stupid to even know that your family hates you. Otherwise, why haven't they made use of your adorable little fuck holes?  If they loved you, you would have slopped out of your mother's pussy right onto your daddy's cock. Ponies have had stretch magic for years, so even if they have idiotic qualms about foal snuff, they have no reason not to rape their newborn foals. It's disgusting is what it is." Twilight's compelling and entirely logical arguments were finally seeping into the mind of the inferior species, but Applebloom still needed a lot of work. The little ones did their part, but the stupid foal lost her composure and started sobbing again as the sexy newborns climbed up over her body, grinding their little dicks and pussies against her as they did. It was disappointing, but Twilight would prove the superiority of changelings by showing the ungrateful brat mercy. Still she hiked her tail out of the way as one male pushed his shaft against her pucker, allowing him to slip in with a lewd pop and even adjusting the roll of her hips to accommodate him better. Two more grasped the sides of her head, each going for an ear and pushing their sticky dicks inside. Applebloom looked disgusted at the slippery sound of them pushing into her ears, but allowed them to continue as they made out over her head. A female wrapped partially around the filly's muzzle as well, and Applebloom obediently slurped at her bottom. Applebloom lapped awkwardly at the tiny pussy and ass when the female had a seat in her muzzle and wrapped all four legs against her muzzle and face. Twilight had to admit she looked quite sexy with horny grubs clinging to her from every side. "That's it," purred Twilight as she rocked her hips. "Accept your place first, as a pony the most use you can ever hope for is to pleasure us with your torment, but I am offering you more." Meanwhile, Twilight lost track of how many grubs had managed to crawl inside her, but at least six had clawed their way into her pussy and were now in a writhing ball of sex within her womb. Using her magic to look inside, Twilight licked her lips as she watched the ball of undulating flesh. It was likely at least a few of them would suffocate, but what better way to go out than having an orgy in your mother's womb? Applebloom got a small taste of the same treatment as Shining's cock expanded in her pussy as a grub crawled up through it. Shining's body thrashed anew as his new cock split apart beneath the claws of the tiny new lifeform, and Applebloom's eyes went wide again. Suddenly she felt the shaft inside her pussy sprout claws, and it took a while to realize that a grub had wormed its way out. She hesitated, but with a warning glance from Twilight, Applebloom continued moving her hips. She rode the whole body of the little female grub, covered in gore that was once Shining's shaft as it consumed the meat. As the foal's mind broke further, Twilight could feel the first hints of real pleasure break through the agony of claws and fangs nipping at her from inside. "That's it!" Twilight encouraged. "So new to this and already starting to feel pleasure from it! Before I've even begun a proper transformation! Oh I can't wait much longer! Need to cum!" Shining thrashed beneath her, groaning into Twilight's fully pussy and making her shiver. No doubt he wondered why he hadn't died even though the young were tearing his body to shreds from the inside out, but Twilight worked hard to keep him going. She constantly regenerated his vital organs only for her young to rip them apart in a sexual rage again and again. The despair that had abated when he believed he would die returned, more than ever as he realized his torment might never end, and Twilight savored the flavor. "I can't let you die yet, former brother," Twilight moaned. "After all, you still need to witness my defilement of your beautiful bride, and if your cuck cock managed to knock her up, help me rape it out of her. If you didn’t, we can always take care of that now." As she neared her orgasm, Twilight realized Applebloom's orifices were all in use, so grabbed something else to put it into. There was one unhatched egg, so she cracked it open with a hoof to find a partially rotten dead fetus inside. Cooing lustfully, she picked it up with her magic and pushed the tip of her ovipositor to the half-formed pussy before forcing it inside. The corpse, still warm from being inside Shining's body, swelled grotesquely with her girth as she used it for a fleshlight for a few moments. Twilight held back, but the little ones gangbanging Applebloom didn't. As the filly became gradually more eager, she slurped the pussy juice of the grub in her muzzle as spunk rolled out of her ears. A new grub pulled his creaming brother out of her asshole, a last shot of sperm spraying up her back before the new one began to plow her. As Shining's shaft came apart, Applebloom creamed hard around the female writhing inside her young pussy, bloody cunt sap drooling around her as another male grub plowed his sister from behind into Applebloom's slit. It was a beautifully gooey site as the foal's mind snapped completely and she began to derive masochistic pleasure from her torture. The fragile grub corpse Twilight fucked came apart as she creamed as well, bursting from the gut and splattering Applebloom with her glowing goop. Splattering the foal wasn't enough though; Twilight was ready to start the main event. Twilight pulled herself from Shining's face, her gut still writhing with the orgy within her womb. Shining bellowed loudly when his muzzle was free, confused horror on his bloated face that he was still conscious, feeling his body torn apart yet again as the grubs swarmed his face to lap their mother's juice from it. Twilight concentrated on her most recent acquisition, allowing Shining to suffer hopelessly in the background to provide her with a constant stream of bliss. Applebloom slumped forward, body almost covered with Twilight's children, little bodies slapping together as the orgy seemed to move from within Shining to the foal. The filly had ceased sobbing though, shivering more in masochistic pleasure than pain now. As the changeling at her tailhole blew another load, Applebloom creamed herself as well, her goo streaming around the other changeling clawing at her insides as she broke into a fit of convulsions. Her mind shoke with the unfamiliar pleasure as she had her first real orgasm. "That's it, I think you might be ready, little one," Twilight purred. "You are so much more primed for this than I was." Twilight gently peeled the grubs off of Applebloom's face, placing them with their siblings elsewhere where they joined the fun there without question. Applebloom panted upwards at her, a look of dazed confusion on her face. "W-what ya gonna do?" Applebloom asked after a few long seconds. "What do you want me to do?" Twilight churred, stroking Applebloom's matted mane. "F-fuck me," Applebloom panted, writhing as two new grubs took up at her pussy and tailhole and she slowly undulated her hips between them. "Ah need yer giant cock in mah underage holes..." "I'm so proud of you," smirked Twilight. "I'll fuck you again in a bit, but right now I'm going to encompass you in a thick glob of my own feces so you'll become one of us." "Y-yes please," panted Applebloom, too far gone to care what Twilight did to her if it meant more of this pleasure. "First, call me Mommy," Twilight grinned wider. "Am I better than your old Mommy?" "Y-yes Mommy," Applebloom shivered and moaned as her belly convulsed in another smaller orgasm. "Ah'm glad my old Mommy is dead cause she never loved me. Ah hope she died screamin’ in agony like she deserved." "That's it," moaned Twilight, quite proud of herself at turning Applebloom so hard before the process even started properly. Foal brains were so delightfully easy to break. Twilight turned around, raising her tail and spreading her legs as she squatted over Applebloom's face. Applebloom didn't hesitate, eagerly lapping up the back of the hanging ovipositor before she moved up to Twilight's tailhole, lapping around the tight anal ring and slurping on it like a hungry infant. She dug her tongue in, though only half of her mind seemed to want to. The other half seemed to do this in desperation to make the pain she still felt stop; if she completed the transformation, all of this would feel so much better. "Gulp down as much as you can," Twilight shivered at the stroking tongue and allowed herself to relax. The magical goo churned within her body, pushing through her as her sphincter dialated. Even in her current state, Applebloom hadn't been expecting this to taste good, so when the first gooey green brick of slime touched her tongue, she widened her eyes in pleasant surprise. Twilight's dark magic had already seeped into her enough that it tasted closer to honey than nasty pony shit. She lapped over the oozing turd, suckling on it like a cock before swallowing it down. The foal did her best to eat all she could, but the magical gunk soon gushed free faster than she could, mostly liquified with the occasional chunk. Soon it overflowed her gulping muzzle and flowed down the sides of her face. The orgy of grubs around her didn't seem fazed, continuing their bliss as their mother's shit encased them as well. The filly tried to moan only to gargle the strange magical fluid, eyes rolling back as she realized she didn't even need to breathe when encased within it. Twilight rolled her eyes back too, having never done a full changeling conversion on another. She could see why her other Mommy enjoyed this so much, it felt so good to continually release the bursts of processed mutagen as more grew rapidly inside her from her magical energy. With her magical power, she was meant for this, it was a wonder to her that she'd ever considered anything else. "Twilight... why?" Shining gasped as he watched the display, able to talk more now that his body had been blessed with its new immortality. His body was slowly sealing itself back together from Twilight's magic. "Why are you doing that? Why can't I die?" "Shhh, this is a blessing," moaned Twilight, raising her voice to be heard over the grotesque gassy sound of splatter behind her. "You didn't deserve to be used and thrown away, but Mommy will never accept you as one of her own, so I've given you another way to serve the Hive for eternity! Isn't it fantastic!" "It's horrible!" Shining sobbed. His increased terror at her perfect logic surprised her, but wasn't unpleasant anyway. Oh well, he'd catch on soon enough; he was just a slow brainless pony was all. For the moment, Twilight concentrated more on her task. Applebloom drank her fill, her belly swelling to the point that she looked pregnant, moving her hooves to try and push more into her other orifices. Twilight had to put out more than she would have to cover the little one completely since the grubs eagerly ate their fill as well, but she didn't mind; every moment of this was bliss. When she finished, Applebloom floated in a glossy glob of translucent goo. She let herself float there limply as the grubs swam around her, spreading her legs as more took interest in her nethers, her hooves grasping another to bring her small behind up to lap eagerly at it. Her lust only fed more into the mutagen, and along with her small size it would no doubt take hold quickly. "Don't worry, brother," Twilight said to him as he shook his head. "When she's done, you'll be her first egg sack. Isn't it grand? To be an egg sack for mother and daughter?" "Y-you're insane," Shining sobbed, shaking his head and squirming, but the one thing that didn't regenerate were his limbs; he was still a bloated chunk of flesh waiting to be filled with eggs. He obviously knew she was completely sane and was jealous. Applebloom did much better. Though she couldn’t make much sound encased in magical feces, her face was twisted to an expression of bliss that stupid ponies might say didn’t belong on a foal. Her moments became soggy as the mutating magic ate at her skeletal structure within, splitting her bones apart as they slowly relocated to a stiff chitin slowly growing beneath her flesh. It was interesting how every pony blessed by such a process went through it in different ways. Applebloom’s flesh was coming slowly loose like a snake shedding its skin, the first sign how it bunched up as the horny grubs grasped it in their little claws. Little by little the claws worked little tears into it and it slid around on her flesh until finally coming completely loose to reveal her new shell beneath. Twilight's enjoyment couldn't match Applebloom's though. The filly had imagined what agony she would go through, but this was nothing like she thought; much like Twilight, she marveled that she hadn't realized how amazing this would be earlier. Had she known, she'd have let them have their way with her during the Canterlot invasion instead of waiting until now. When she arrived, Applebloom feared the changelings, but now she wanted nothing more than to have as many as possible use her while she became one. She shivered as they crawled all over her, the tiny pricks of their claws accentuating the waves of magic looping through her as she transformed. She tasted another thick meat press against her lips and opened wide. Since it didn't taste like Twilight, she assumed she allowed larger changelings to partake as well. Applebloom accepted them all, slurping the shaft into her throat. What would have gagged her before gave her neck a wonderful stretch, sending shivers through her as she felt another come up behind her. The filly tried to widen her legs to take them on, though at first all they did was tremble violently as the bones slowly reshaped into the outer chitin. When they did finally solidify enough to move again, she spread her hind legs wide and used her front legs to rub all over her new body. As she massaged her well-used body, the soggy pony flesh tore free, and nothing had ever felt more liberating as she revealed the glossy layer of chitin below. Her flesh contorted further, her back flesh splitting as insectoid wings grew from there, splaying out in excitement as soon as they'd formed. Now in full control of her moments again, she undulated her whole body against her new siblings, working countless shafts in and out of her, quickly losing track of how many had her. Her body wasn't the only thing that warped however. The filly's mind was opened to the new pleasure, and now ideas that horrified her an hour ago seemed delicious. First and foremost, she fantasized about Twilight helping her turn Applejack into a real sister for Applebloom once again. She wanted to peel Applejack's old flesh off just as she was doing to her own, then stuff their thick changeling schlongs down one another's throats. Speaking of thick changeling dicks, Applebloom felt her front split open as well. Just above where her young pussy was getting stretched by prickly changeling cock, her chiten split to allow a new thick slab of flesh. She stroked her hooves along it, pushing it through holes in each of her front legs, cleaning out the excess pony flesh from the holes in the process as she masturbated her new shaft. But her legs weren't good enough, she wanted to use it immediately. She felt through the slime and grabbed the first body she could find, the tiny squirming form of a newborn. She pulled it closer, pushing her tip to his rear-end even before it was fully formed and pushed it inside. The little one squealed in bliss as she forced it inside, then more as it continued to grow inside. Applebloom's mind swam with new sensations, the magic only magnifying the feeling of a warm hole around her new shaft. It was so tight, pulsing around her spiny dick as she forced herself in and out. If mounting something smaller than her felt this good, she wondered how Big Mac went so long without fucking her. She suddenly found herself agreeing with Twilight; he couldn't have really loved Applebloom if he didn't want to force his stallionhood into her tight unused hole, because she couldn't imagine much that felt better than this. Hearing the pained moan of Shining outside of her enclosure twisted her thoughts further, and she imagined betraying Big Mac to turn him into her and AJ's own personal breeding drone without a mind of his own. What better way to punish his refusal to rape his little sisters than by making him a sperm factory for their pleasure. The rest of her family, they could be unwilling egg sacks for all Applebloom cared. In fact, the idea of Granny Smith being made into one was far hotter than it should have been. Sure, she was a decrepit old mare, but the mere thought of the anguish she'd feel at the betrayal of the family she'd cared for excited Applebloom most of all. "Oh Applebloom, such sexy thoughts," Twilight said through the mush. Or at least Applebloom thought so at first. A moment later she realized the voice had boomed into her head over the murmur of what sounded like thousands more muttering and moaning in the background. Her hive connection had opened and she'd been feeding most of her fantasies to her new siblings, which pounded her all the harder because of it. Applebloom hadn't even noticed the horn splitting her skull as it grew out of her head beneath the waves of pleasure streaming through her. The drones using her all got in one last splurt of creaming goodness before Twilight instructed them to stop. Applebloom took in every drop at first, swallowing hard around the one in her throat to milk all she could. Her upgraded pussy and ass could massage even better than her throat, as she seemed to be able to contract her inner muscles with far better control than before. She sucked the last two dicks dry in her rear entries before they withdrew. Applebloom's own shaft pulsated wildly as she expelled her own load into the new friend she held in her front hooves, shoving it as deeply as she could and wondering if the little grubs were fully hollow inside from how deep she got. She gasped another deep breath of the goo as she went off, tasting the mixture of fluid now intermingled with it before finally releasing the little one. The grub she expelled her load in was the last to leave the glob as Twilight gave them the order to leave her for the moment. As soon as they left, Applebloom used her new inner muscles to contract, whole body contorting like a tube of toothpaste having the last contents squeezed out. She expelled the sperm of her siblings, because there was only one that she wanted planted inside her right now. "Oh?" Twilight knew exactly what she wanted through the connection. "Such an eager new little drone. You want Mommy's eggs in  you so soon?" "P-please," even Applebloom's thoughts stammered in her current state of bliss. "I need it... I want my new Mommy to fertilize me so I can unload into my own victim as soon as possible... please..." "Mmm, such a good little drone," Twilight purred, tugging Applebloom free of the slop, stroking her whole body through a wave of magic to tug the rest of her old skin free of her new form. "So many lewd thoughts already, already wanting to make use of inferior races." Tugging the slime-covered filly further out of the shell, Twilight leaned back onto Shining's reforming body. Thanks to her magic, his gut had almost completely sealed back up, pieces of egg and stillborn changelings within absorbing into him to facilitate his regeneration. He was definitely ready for another load, but Twilight wouldn't offer him immediately. Twilight lay Applebloom atop Shining's torso, letting her straddle him before picking up her rump in her front hooves. She positioned her ovipositor against Applebloom's entrance, making sure her former brother could see the penetration as the smaller pussy stretched slowly over her length. She felt Shining's disgust at seeing such a hot young pussy stretched over a throbbing rod; it seemed he'd learned much less than she'd hoped if he was still sickened by the sight of underage holes getting stuffed. It seemed he might never learn, but that was why he was an egg sack and not a drone. She couldn't believe she ever felt true affection for this worthless life form. But for the moment she concentrated on the hot fresh changeling plot beneath her. She shivered as her ridged protrusion worked its way into the tight hole, and Applebloom pushed back more than before. The filly-drone panted and shivered, her new pussy allowing her so much more pleasure from the monstrosity being rammed into it. It delighted Twilight to see her so eager; all that torment had paid off. As she worked her hips back against her mother, their hips slapping together loudly, Applebloom further amused herself by picking bits of flesh away from Shining's re-ruined shaft. She could feel his torment with her new magic, and was savoring every last moment. The mixture of love from her mother and siblings with the agony of their victims was by itself better than any sex, and the addition of Twilight's shaft pounding her from behind intensified it even more. "I tell you what," Twilight panted above her, tugging at the frill on Applebloom's head with her teeth. "Tell me what would you do to Shining next if you were me? What should his next big punishment be? If you come up with a good one... I'll let you implant your eggs into him." "Yes!" Applebloom groaned. The very idea made her pussy wetter, the greenish fluid it now produced drooling down both their thighs. "We could do Cadance in front of him, or maybe let him impregnate her just so we can force him to rape his own foal like a good father! Spear his cock into their plot and out their muzzle, then leave them there where he can watch the foal he murdered rot before his eyes!" "Oh I like that," Twilight's own hold got juicy from the thought. "I could speed up a pregnancy too, that's definitely an option now isn't it. Oh we are going to have so much fun together, aren't we, you creative little thing." "Oh yes," Twilight drooled atop Applebloom's head. "Have him make the niece or nephew I said I wanted only to use them up in front of him. His emotions from that would be so utterly delicious." They spoke aloud so Shining would hear, and that alone fed them scrumptious emotions, a nice mix of anger, fear, and self-hatred for being caught in the first place. Such a fountain of emotion, it truly would have been a waste to allow him the mercy of death. Twilight slowed down to enjoy the moment, savoring the new convert to their superior race. She took long strokes, letting each ridge and spine pop past the tightening lips with lewd pops, moving her head close to Applebloom's face to hear the labored panting of her passion. But even after all the energy she spent today, Twilight had trouble holding herself very long inside Applebloom. The little one was full of fresh energy after her conversion, her tunnel convulsing in ways that even an adult pony never could, milking and twisting around the ovipositor as Bloom's body begged for her mother's fertility. Twilight finally gave it, Applebloom pressing her bottom back willingly against her new mother as Twilight grasped her flanks and drilled into her egg factory as hard as she could. Applebloom squealed and writhed beneath her, overcome with the pleasure of the sperm mixing within her. Even if she'd been a dirty mud pony a mere hour ago, Applebloom knew how to focus her new magic into forming the eggs quickly within her. After all, she was now part of the hive, sharing all their knowledge. Even if she'd never have Twilight's raw energy, she still knew everything Twilight knew as part of the Hive. When finally done, Twilight pulled free, Applebloom clenching hard around her, hole sucking the remaining juice from her schlong as it pulled free. "There, Shining is all yours," Twilight instructed Applebloom, allowing the filly fully access to do what she wanted. Twilight backed off to see how she'd handle it. Applebloom had feared she'd be exhausted when it got to this point, but her transformed body really was amazing. It felt like the more she did, the stronger she got. The whole cave was a feast of emotions, she wondered if she'd ever have to stop; she felt like she could do it forever. Shining groaned and looked away as Applebloom turned herself around atop him, licking her lips. She ran her hooves over his torso, feeling how concave his gut was, all the unnecessary parts gone to make more room for her eggs. Her own gut felt more fully than it had ever been, as if Twilight's juice multiplied inside her. She was ready to spill her first load. All the same, she wanted to take her first batch slowly and savor the moment, so took a while to enjoy Shining's hopelessness. Doing this in front of his sister made her think of what it'd be like to do this to her own brother and it only drove her tainted mind further into the heights of erotic bliss. She wanted to take in every detail, she wanted to improve as much as possible so when it came time, she could make her friends and family suffer all the more. She let her ovipositor extend out onto his belly, sliding her body down into place as she did so. It throbbed against his matted fur as she moved it across the wound where his shaft had been and between his rump cheeks. He'd been healed nicely in all the right places, his tight anal ring feeling tight against her tip, as if it'd never been used at all. Her new mother definitely had her best interests in mind. Shining didn't bother to beg and tried not to squirm. Perhaps he thought he wouldn't give his new tormentor the pleasure of his resistance, but his mind was giving her all that she needed. She waited until it felt like he was calming down before she shoved forward with her hips. It surprised her how much power she had, pushing belly-deep more easily than she expected in spite of his rear clenching like a rusted vice grip. His body arched as the sting pushed through him, and Applebloom rolled her eyes back both at his suffering and the slick flesh rolling down her shaft. His insides were sopping wet with the slimy remains of his last batch, her tip pushing bits of egg and still-born hatchling out of the way as it penetrated. As much as she wanted to take her time, she couldn't stop herself from working into a swift motion, shivers running through her to match the spasms of pain that passed through him with each shove. With each one of Shining's reactions, she wondered how her own family and friends would react when it was their turn. "Mmm, you really do want to go after them," Twilight purred knowingly, reaching a hoof to slide down over Applebloom's undulating hips to encourage her. "Don't worry, we'll both be fulfilling so many of our dreams from now on." Mind swimming with possibilities, Applebloom's hips moved faster still. She would easily have popped already if she hadn't had so much fun up to this point, but she still felt the swelling within her as she moved towards her climax. It was different than before, the flesh of her torso contracting and rippling as her body pushed the forming eggs within her towards her ovipositor. Applebloom clenched her teeth as she felt the first pushed into her, Shining's opening stretched wider over the shape of the egg as it visibly moved down her fuck tube. Another quickly followed, all lined up and ready to push forward. She tightened up, trying to slow their descent and make the moment last as long as possible. She'd never felt anything like this and would draw it out forever if she could. "Not again please," Shining sobbed as he felt his tight anal ring pop past the shape of more eggs being pushed into place, ready to blast into him again. "Again and again and again," grinned Twilight. She continued stroking Applebloom's behind as she leaned over to lap the tears from Shining's face. "This is your purpose now, and you'll be doing it forever, until you've forgotten who you are or how you got here. All you'll know is that you've felt agony for as long as you've existed... but don't think of that as a bad thing. You'll forget all those useless years and only know that you've been of great use to us for as long as you can remember." "Fuck that's hot," Applebloom drooled at her mother's dirty talk. She couldn't hold it under that sort of mental assault. She finally blew her load harder than she ever thought possible. It wasn't just fluid streaming out of her pipes, but large chunks of slime and thick eggs. She pumped her hips hard, the eggs flowing through her faster than she thought possible, but feeling each individual one as it stretched out her ovipositor in passing. Shining screamed in pained frustration as he felt the stinging slimy mess enter him, shaking his head in desperation. In spite of Applebloom's smaller size, she still managed to stuff him full enough for his concave belly to swell into a bloated mess. She wasn't sure how she did it, nor did she care. "Yeees," Applebloom drooled. "Ah'm doin' it, gonna have cute little grubs... then ah'm gonna fuck all their holes and their gonna fuck mine!" "That's it!" Twilight encouraged, overjoyed that she'd undone Applebloom's mental programming to make her a normal child. "You've gone from being a worthless mud pony to a drone so quickly, I'm so proud of you, my little egg slut." Even after she finished, Applebloom couldn't stop her frantic hips from moving for several long minutes, packing her eggs deep within. She felt like she emptied out her very soul during her first egg implantation, but had no reason to care anymore. Her mind swam with Shining's renewed agony, Twilight's pride, and the surging emotions of everyone else in the egg chamber. "I see you're passing along my wisdom," a new voice spoke as Applebloom was coming down, Chrysalis. "This one is related to one of your precious Element friends, yes?" The foal had been so enamored with her task that she hadn't felt the Queen come closer, but now looked to see her casually pinning down Twilight, thrusting her hips and entering her from behind as Twilight's eyes rolled back and she enjoyed the familiar shape of her favorite shaft. "Yes, Mommy," Twilight shivered and worked her hips back against Chrysalis. "Then perhaps it's time for us to move forward," Chrysalis smirked, then licked her lips at Applebloom. "Are you ready to assist the cause, little grub?" Being spoken to by Chrysalis before would have been terrifying, but now the former filly felt a wave of comfort from the Queen's mere presence. "So much," Applebloom moaned. "Ah can't wait... " "Good," Chrysalis grinned. "But you will wait a little while. I want a turn with my favorite daughter's first convert." > 7. A Best Aunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight looked forward to corrupting her friends, but all the same, wasn't in the biggest hurry. Living at the Hive was heavenly, doing what and who she wanted. There was always a fresh cock or hole to fuck there, and the more powerful Twilight became, the more she craved both. She'd bore hundreds of new grubs for the Hive, over half of them from her beloved mother. Today she once again paid attention to her brother. He had just hatched another load of eggs inside him, looking as sexy as he always did hollowed out as his flesh slowly knitted back together. He cringed delightfully as he felt his former sister get closer, shaking his head in exhaustion as she licked fresh tears from his face, then worked her way down his body with her long forked tongue. She slurped his newly formed shaft, throbbing painfully hard, the only way it could throb, and was casually deciding if she would ride it or eat it. She was wet, but also really craving incestuous cock meat. Feeling Chrysalis come nearer, she waited to see what she would say. She sensed that her mother had another delightful surprise for her, and appreciated the effort Mommy took to hide it from the whole Hive so Twilight wouldn't find out. As Chrysalis came up from behind her, Twilight waggled her rear at her, which Chryssie smirked and stroked with one hoof. A Twilight looked back, Chrysalis was holding a rather large bag in her magic with a struggling form inside. Whoever it was, it was larger than an average pony for sure. Twilight couldn't have been more delighted as Chrysalis dumped the figure onto the cold stone floor next to Shining. It was Cadance. "Shining!" somehow Cadance immediately recognized him even though he was just a concave torso with a head and dick at this point. "Get away from him you monster!" Cadance shook him as if that would do any good, but he only moaned in return as every tiny movement sent stinging waves through him. She then lunged forcefully at Twilight, her horn sparking as she tried pointlessly to cast and then flailing her hooves. Twilight laughed as the weakened alicorn flailed against her. She tried to pull Twilight off of her husband's shaft, but Twilight just slurped at it more loudly. "How did you catch her?" Twilight asked, muzzle full of dick, not bothering to respond to Cadance's. She'd become used to rude demands from the ponies they capture. "I just walked into the Crystal Palace," chuckled Chrysalis. "They're so stupid, they still don't have any decent defenses against changelings, and our spies are sabotaging all the efforts they're making into creating them with bad data. This whole nation is ours for the taking whenever we want." "Excellent," Twilight said between slurps as Cadance tried to pry her head off his shaft. Twilight turned her attention to Cadance. "Aw, you walked in on your husband fucking another mare, that must be hard for you." "Get! Off! Him!" Cadance was determined, so much more so than the average pony that they dragged into the fun caves. Twilight could already tell she'd be fun to break. "Yes she is feisty," Chrysalis laughed at the antics. "But I want to break her spirit completely in vengeance for daring to get in my way when I tried to marry her husband. And as salt on the wound, I want my favorite daughter, her beloved sister-in-law, to do the job." "Oh, you don't have to ask twice," giggled Twilight. She deep-throated Shining, making the suction as loud as she could for Cadance's benefit as the alicorn kicked at her head weakly, letting her see the bulge of her husband's cock in her throat. "W-wait," Cadance slowed, leaning forward to look closer at Twilight's face. Her eyes widened as she recognized who she was, muzzle falling open. "You know I lured him in by pretending to be his sister who wanted to fuck him," Chrysalis smirked at Cadance. "L-liar!" Cadance screamed, then looked at Twilight again. "Twilight? Oh please say that isn't you... what have they done to you." "Much better things than we'll do to you, I imagine," Twilight smirked in response. "I'm freed from pesky pony morals to live my life free as the Hive's Princess. But I suppose as the Alicorn of Sluttiness, you must understand my position and purpose at least a little bit." "I-I am not a slut!" Cadance teared up as Twilight finally pulled away from Shining's shaft. "Please," Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "I banged you as no less than six of your personal guards before nabbing you, often with other guards joining us to fill all your holes. What do you call that if not slluttiness? And it was while your dear husband was missing, the scandal." "I-it's not like that..." Cadance calmed, a look of shame on her face. "I-I was... depressed and..." "Missing your husband's shiny cock?" Twilight asked. "Well then go ahead. I got it nice and slick for you." Twilight moved out of the way, leaving Cadance staring awkwardly at the throbbing mess. Shining groaned again, a stubs wriggling as if he'd be reaching for his wife if he only had an arm. For a moment, Cadance just stared in horror at what they asked her to do. "Goodness, that must be even harder for him," Chrysalis laughed. "Finding out his wife was already fucking every guard in the palace when he'd been missing less  than a month, and even before he was missing if what some of the guards said were true, and now to meet her again and she doesn't even want his dick anymore!" "Sounds like she's had better," Twilight teased. "She doesn't want this cuck's tiny pisser anymore." "Shut! Up!" Cadance screeched, taking another weak swing at Twilight. Twilight caught the leg, smirking it and pushing it to Shining's shaft. "Fuck him," Twilight ordered again. "Right now. Or I will shift the inside of my cunt into sandpaper and fuck him myself until I've filed his cock to a bloody stump." "She will," smirked Chrysalis, knowing that was one of Twilight's favorite things to do to her brother, destroying his cock every way she could imagine. “It would be what… the dozenth time she did it?” Tears rolled down Cadance's face, breathing heavily but nodding her head slowly. Cadance somehow resisted breaking down into sobs though as she awkwardly straddled Shining's body. She grunted in repulsion as her hooves touched his concave torso, feeling like the newly healed flesh might tear like paper if she pushed too hard. "I-I'm sorry sweetie," Cadance whimpered, but then steeled her face, drying her tears. "I don't want her to hurt you again... that MONSTER that used to be our sister." "Was that supposed to sting?" chuckled Twilight. "Not as much as all the things we'll do to you, believe me." Cadance grinded her hips, looking green in the face as she struggled not to vomit. She pushed his greasy tip against her entrance a few times, only to cringe slightly and grind more. Shining couldn't help but react to the warmth of his wife's pussy, even if she was a cheating skank, twitching his hips upwards. Twilight grew a little annoyed, knowing that a slut princess like Cadance wasn't hard to get into. She growled, leaning forward until Cadance felt her breath against her neck. "I'm trying!" Cadance complained. "I'm... a little dry down there.' "How are you not sopping wet in a room full of this many arousing things?" Twilight asked, truthfully dumbfounded. "There's like a dozen ponies being laid in or fucked to death in here as we speak! There’s three drones gangfucking a newborn filly’s week-old corpse like ten hoofsteps from us right now!” "She doesn't have our eyes, so she probably just knows there are a lot of wet noises in here," Chrysalis smirked. "But feel free to assist her in getting off, my beloved daughter." Chrysalis watched for the moment, letting Twilight take the lead, but had her hind legs spread as she masturbated to the view. She had one hoof rubbing at her slit as she pushed her ovipositor through a hole in her other leg. Twilight had to make sure she enjoyed the show. Twilight moved closer to Cadance, grasping her rump with both forelegs. Cadance cried out, looking back as a surge of fear spread through her, especially when she felt Twilight's own firm ovipositor flop against her lower back and throb greedily. She reached a hoof around to feel at Cadance's twat only to find that she was in fact dry. "I can't believe I never realized what an insufferable bitch you are, 'sister'," growled Twilight. "Trying to ruin a perfectly good rape by refusing to get aroused? Then I'll help by having a go at your even dryer hole!" "W-what?" Cadance squeaked. "N-no! Get away from me!" Twilight yanked Cadance's tail out of the way, pushing her own tip to her behind. At the same time, she held Shining's shaft with her magic, bringing it to Cadance's front and pressing the tip between her labia. Prying her open with her magic, she pushed her down hard. Cadance shrieked, though she cut it off midway in another pathetic attempt to be strong. Her lips popped over his shaft and rolled down, with Shining pushing up in response, at least until he remembered how excruciating sex was with his new bits. His bellow of agony drowned out Cadance's cry as Twilight invaded her asshole with her slimey rod. "See? Quite easy to get into!" Twilight moaned, feeling Cadance's tailhole squeeze tightly as she pushed her barbed length within. "You're just too much of a cry-baby to do it when it might hurt a little! What a pathetic species." Twilight shoved her down onto Shining until he was balls deep inside of her. Despite her resistance, Twilight could tell after a few thrusts that this felt better for Cadance than she cared to admit, which made it all the better. Slowly the fear and disgust formed into a ball of self-hatred within Cadance, ashamed to be enjoying this so much. Though her emotions were oddly unbroken for what she was going through, it made for a rare feast. "Hurts..." Shining gargled. In his condition, this wasn't much better than having his dick filed to a stump. "I-I'm sorry sweetie!" Cadance apologized, but couldn't stop her hips from moving. Twilight barely had to help once she got nice and juicy from a minute of thrusting, and Cadance's smooth hip-movements showed her experience. "I never realized what a slut you were, Cadance," Twilight shivered as she slowed her own movements, just letting Cadance's rolling slide her in and out. "You can't even stop yourself once you get going, can you? To think you acted so decent and pretty around me for so long, never letting me know. What a little twat; was I not good enough for you?" "I-I'm not into mares!" Cadance clenched her eyes to not cry or see her husband's convulsing form beneath her. “Well, a mare is into you now,” Twilight smirked. “Twilight, what have I told you about bad puns?” reprimanded Chrysalis.  “It’s a form of torture,” Twilight clarified. “I suppose it is,” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll allow it this time, but next time you make one, I’m having your tortured for 48 hours straight.” Twilight couldn't have Cadance closing her eyes. She pried Cadance's eyes open with her magic, grasping around her to force the princess to feel over her husband's body, feasting on her horror at the sight. She leaned forward, pushing Cadance closer against him so she could get a good look, his flesh smelling rotten, having been ripped apart and melded back together so many times with Twilight's necrotic magic. Cadance's emotions went into a tailspin, but somehow she held on without sobbing outright. That was fine too. The longer she resisted, the more amazing her final break would be. Chrysalis couldn't stay a spectator for long, moving to stand above them and flopping her ovipositor against Cadance's face. Cadance growled, lunging her muzzle for the meat. Her piercing glare looked up at Chrysalis as she bit down on the queen's ovipositor as hard as she could, but quickly tried to pull back when Chrysalis moaned from the amazing feel of resistant pony teeth chewing on her. "That's right!" Chrysalis groaned, grasping her head as she tried to pull back and pushing into her throat. "Go on! Keep chewing! We changelings have sex so violent that you inferior ponies can't even imagine. Nothing you do will have any effect... aside from making me cum harder!" Twilight licked the shape of Chrysalis's shaft as it plunged out Cadance's throat, grasping her hips harder and putting all her might into ramming her ass once again. She forced her down onto Shining's shaft harder and faster than before, but the thot's hips instinctively kept up, undulating her whole body to take all three shafts at once with barely any effort. "Didn't I tell you, daughter?" Chrysalis shivered. "Her body copes so well, it's obvious that she's fucked hundreds of stallions, yet she never saw fit to ravage you. What a hateful creature." "Thank you so much for saving me from wickedness like hers," nodded Twilight. "But soon, we'll make her useful for something that matters! That's right, dear sister, something other than adding more names to the book-length list of cocks you've had." "She'll double the length of that list after a week here," smirked Chrysalis. The brutal rape of her former friends felt great, but Cadance was special. Even though she was putting on a brave face, Twilight could taste the despair she felt from Twilight's betrayal, someone she'd known for so long. She pounded the hot pink ass harder, prehensile ovipositor sinking deep enough to wind up into her intestinal tract as Twilight gradually shifted it longer. Chrysalis did the same from the other direction, and Cadance's form bloated with the fill she got from their deep thrusts, gagging around one and clenching her ass hard on the other. Cadance's pussy was juicy now, slobbering all over Shining's shaft and drooling down over his body, leaving his bruised balls shiny with her disgusting pony fuck juice. Shining continued to sob though, the warmth and pressure on his shaft nothing but unending agony for him. He strained, tensing up all of his muscles, knowing that what he felt now was nothing to the torment he felt whenever they forced him to orgasm. From time to time, Cadance tried hard to stop moving her hips, knowing how much it was hurting her beloved, but she was just too much of a cock-fiend to do it, and the guilt for her enjoyment added a brand new flavor to the feast of emotions. Twilight latched onto that feeling to make it swell. "That's right, 'sister'," panted Twilight. "Bathe his rock hard shaft in your fuck juice so he'll fuel up your foal factory. Mommy will make certain it takes with her magic, and soon you'll be watching him impale your newborn foal. Maybe to death, which you probably prefer over what will happen if she lives." Despite all her efforts, Cadance couldn't hold herself. As Twilight and Chryssie's shafts met in the middle, reaming through her whole system, she creamed hard over Shining's shaft. He likewise couldn't resist the feel of his favorite pussy flooding the thick juice over his shaft after going so long without her. He shrieked as he expelled his own load into her. As he painted her fertile womb from within and convulsed beneath her, Chrysalis and Twilight blew their loads as well, Cadance vomiting their cum from both ends. Panting, Twilight slowly extracted herself. Chrysalis did the same, groaning as Cadance clenched her teeth the whole way, only taking delight in her continued resistance. "You won't have long to wait," Chrysalis smiled. "Sweet Twilight, why don't you use the time compression spell you taught me. I imagine it won't feel very pleasant to a pony, and I want to see what they made right now." "W-what?" Cadance said wetly after a fit of gagging. "Twilight, please get a hold of yourself." "I have a hold of myself," smirked Twilight, stroking her wet dick slowly as her horn glowed, smiling at Chrysalis.  “I shouldn’t have threatened you with torture for making puns,” Chrysalis sighed. “Fine, next time you make a bad pun, I’ll make you not have sex for a whole hour, during which time I’ll rape an entire class of first-graders to death in front of you, at the same time, with tentacles, without letting you participate.” “S-sorry,” Twilight stammered. “As for the spell, this will be the first time I've tried it for this, it's pretty complicated since I have to keep her from dying of starvation during the time lapse, but if you think I can do it, I won't disappoint you!" "I-I won't break!" Cadance shivered violently as she watched the horn light up, defiant but not knowing what would happen to her. "No matter what you do, I won't become what you have!" "How dare you!" Chrysalis growled, smacking Cadance across the face with a hoof. "You think we would do to you what I did to her? I upgraded Twilight because I sensed untapped magical potential, but your most powerful spells all amount to magical roofies, and we already have hundreds of changelings that can date-rape-magic better than you." Twilight refused to be distracted by Cadance's offensive implications, instead charging up and casting the spell. Cadance shrieked as she was wrapped in the magical field, trapped in a time bubble where it raced by. In seconds she experienced weeks and months of time racing past, all the sensations slamming her nervous system at once, causing a torrent of agony she never thought existed. She screamed herself hoarse before vomiting cum all over Shining's squirming body. To keep her from dying from Starvation, Twilight fed energy into her form magically, helping the foal grow nice and strong, and also extremely durable. When she realized that it was a female alicorn growing inside Cadance, she moaned and doubled her efforts; perhaps they'd get more out of this than even she thought. Even though Twilight kept her alive, Cadance still felt the agony of hunger from all those months, hitting her all at once and causing her to convulse atop Shining's shaft all the more. Finally she flailed off of him, his shaft pulling free and slapping wetly against his belly as she tumbled to the floor. She kicked all four legs as her belly swelled, Shining whimpering as well as he sensed his love's distress. The foal was no different. Rather than adorable kicking, the infant flailed wildly, pain coursing through her as soon as she had the nerves to feel it. Her entire existence became a torment, and it was all that she knew existed, priming her impressionable new brain to take in the teachings she'd soon be blessed with. "Oh yes," Chrysalis purred. "I can use this for so many amazing tortures. My head is swimming with all the ideas. Once we're breeding ponies for food, this will become the standard method; I want them to be born already knowing unendurable agony." Cadance screamed at Twilight to stop, to leave her infant alone, but it was all indiscernible within the time field. When Twilight finally popped the field and released her, she finished her last sentence. "-heartless foalaphile monster!" "Was that something that you were calling me?" Twilight purred. "Such a wonderful compliment, but sadly, I don't get to enjoy her pussy first." "S-Shining wouldn't," Cadance shook her head. "He doesn't have a choice if he refuses," smirked Twilight, then spoke to both of them. "But I bet neither of you will refuse this time. You have a choice between fucking her to death, or leaving her to whatever fate I deem fit. You have one hour to complete this task before she becomes ours, but we'll stop you early if you attempt to extinguish her life in any way but fucking." Chrysalis smirked, liking the idea, and also adding an elasticity spell to the fetus within Cadance. This would be a lot harder than the couple assumed. Cadance clenched her teeth and looked at Shining, who nodded weakly. He knew what life could be like as a changeling toy, and would rather his daughter die newborn than chance her living like him. Nodding in return, Cadance accepted his judgement, tears streaking down her face a few moments before she sniffled and held herself together. "D-does the hour begin after she's born or?..." Cadance asked softly. "No, it starts now," Twilight grinned. "So you better have him fuck her out of you as quickly as possible." Cadance glared at Twilight, but didn't waste any time trying either. She gave Shining an apologetic look as she held his shaft up with one hoof and pushed it back against her pussy. She still ached from her accelerated pregnancy, but forced her muscles to move as she pushed herself down on his shaft. Shining cried out as he felt the stinging pain of more warmth on his erection, but tried hard to hold it in to not dissuade her. "See?" Chrysalis told Twilight. "This is how monstrous ponies are, wanting to murder their own foal just to keep her from having a normal well-fucked foalhood." "It's disgusting," Twilight agreed. "And to think they call us wicked. It's even worse because not only are they doing it, but they're not even going to enjoy it!" Cadance growled at them, but shoved herself down harder. She grasped her gut in her forelegs and wings and pressed it as if that would help and wedged Shining's tip against her cervix within. She hefted herself up and slammed back downward with all her might, belly and swollen pregnant breasts flopping as she did so. Twilight wanted them to get far enough for them to see some baby-fucking, so assisted just a little. She reached her magic within Cadance, prying at her womb's door so that Shining rammed through her cervix more easily, then turned the convulsing fetus within around to push her unborn slit against his tip. "There, I'll push the little popsicle onto his cock," Twilight purred. "Now, give your beautiful foal the short and torment-stricken life that she deserves." "Shut! Up!" Cadane screeched. Twilight and Chrysalis giggled again, but kept their silence for the time being as Cadance's water broke, flooding down over Shining's shaft and onto the sticky cave floor to add more grime to the sweet-swelling mixture of gore and fluid. Cadance choked on a single sob as she almost lost her composure, feeling the little one inside her thrash about as Twilight's magic forced her down onto her father's shaft. The filly flailed delightfully as Twilight forced his blunt tip into her tiny little hole, which didn't tear open completely thanks to the spells they'd cast on it, but that didn’t dull the pain. Cadance closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, pushing as hard as she could, muffling her own scream as the infant was pushed hard into her tunnel. Even through the pain, Shining gave his best to ram his hips upwards, as Cadance squeezed harder. The lump moved down her belly as it was forced into her tunnel, her Daddy's cock inching deeper as she inched out. The infant tried to claw her way back into the womb, recognizing that the striking pain pushing up between her thighs became more brutal the lower she went, but Cadance and Twilight worked together to shove it out. Giving a final push, Cadance tried to move up off of Shining's shaft to allow her to slop out fully onto his shaft, but Chrysalis smirked and held her down with her magic. Cadance shrieked as Shining continued to thrust, fucking her with her infant like a dildo. When Chrysalis finally released her, Cadance flailed off of it, popping off and collapsing to the side before her bleeding hole vomited afterbirth all over the floor next to Shining. "So dignified," teased Twilight. "So what should we name her?" "Oh yes, let's take that away from them too," Chrysalis smirked. "Let's see, Cadance has a heart tramp-stamp and she's certainly making her parents active, so we'll go with Flurry Heart." Cadance pretended to ignore the conversation, but the fact that she wasn't even getting to name the infant stabbed her heart as hard as Shining had stabbed her pussy. She shook her head, not responding and instead grabbing hold of the infant now on Shining's shaft. She looked determined to ram her downward to make a quick kill, but froze as she looked into the bright blue eyes of her daughter, noticing the obvious very quickly. "An alicorn?" Cadance whimpered. "Oh Celestia, she's so beautiful... "  She was, though not for the reason Cadance thought. It was more her being impaled on her father’s cock that made her beautiful. The infant looked at her mother, face twisted in pain and confusion, her first cry echoing through the cave. Cadance was frozen in her place, unable to harm her. "W-we have to..." Shining moaned as he continued to try to thrust upwards. "I'm so sorry!" Cadance cried out to Flurry before grabbing hold of her again in both forelegs and ramming her downward onto her husband's shaft. The little one wailed as her belly distended with his girth, forcing it up through her fragile cervix easily and slamming the back end of her immature womb. Cadance tried to look strong even then, but couldn't hold back her tears, sobbing as she pulled her back up and began thrusting her violently down upon her husband's cock in an effort to end her life. I was such a barbaric display of Cadance's racism against changelings, yet so sexy at the same time. The little alicorn flapped her overly-large wings violence as Cadance gripped her, lunging with all her strength to ram her down onto Shining's shaft. The bulge moved upwards, and Cadance assumed that the shaft had broken through into her organs, but the elasticity magic kept her intact. Cadance looked puzzled when there was no blood coming from the overly-stretched baby puss and redoubled her efforts. Even with her magic shut off from the changeling field, the infant's horn lit up for a moment before sparking out. She was certainly powerful for a pony, even as a newborn. Twilight and Chrysalis had been thinking of just turning her into a drone, but more and more was considering her being something more. "Come on no sweetie!" Cadance said above her daughter's screams of panic and terror. "Die for Mommy! It's for your own good!" Even with the pain surging through him and already having gone off, Shining couldn't hold long under the onslaught of such a young, innocent pussy stretched so firmly around him. His bloody sperm exploded from his rod, drilling her full as her body bloated further. Cadance held Flurry's hips tightly between her legs, gripping them as if to try to keep the pressure within, and gave another heave downward. The back wall of the tiny womb stretched so far as to exit her gagging muzzle, the shape of Shining's cock within, looking like a rapidly filling condom. It was only then that Cadance fully realized the impossibility of her feet. She'd tortured her infant for no reason at all. "No!" Cadance turned to the snickering Twilight. "This isn't fair!" “Don’t worry,” Twilight said. “This assures she’ll despise you for the rest of her existence. That’s a result, at least.” "Such a terrible mother," laughed Chrysalis. "So desperate to snuff out her own child." "Oh well, I think the time is about up anyway," Twilight smirked. "It's time to make your infant more, then you'll be her first victim to torture. I'm sure she'll be happy to help us after I rescue her from such a terrible mother." "No..." Cadance shook her head as Twilight snatched the foal away from her, reaching for her again, but held back by Chrysalis' magic. Chrysalis didn't touch her for the moment, wanting to see the mother's full reaction to seeing her daughter's transformation. Twilight squeezed Flurry out like a stubborn tube of toothpaste, squeezing out the thick splunk that her daddy had deposited inside her. The little one still looked at Cadance in fear as her cries sniffled to a stop, hugging against Twilight for protection from her evil parents. "I-I was only trying to help..." Cadance begged, her expression sinking into delicious despair at the realization of what she'd been made to do. Now that the newborn was freed, she instinctively searched for something to nurse on, and of course her little hooves found Twilight's ovipositor. Twilight shivered at the warm feel of foal lips against her shaft, purring and making sure Cadance had a nice view. "Try nursing here," Twilight smirked, sliding her length out of the way and moving to stand over Flurry, squatting and pushing her tiny muzzle to her tailhole instead. The foal didn't hesitate to suckle at the first thing that emerged from there, a thick, green brick of changeling shit. Being infused with so much changeling magic already had an effect on her, because she slurped it up willingly, seeming to savor the taste as she got a chunk in her muzzle, which she smeared over her gums with her tongue to taste it more. "Good girl," Twilight panted. "We'll protect you from that evil pony and give you every opportunity you want to get revenge on her." Cadance wanted to say something but could only stare in shock and disgust as Twilight released the brick of shit fully. Flurry took it in both hooves and suckled it happily, smearing more over her face as the second slimier chunk splattered into her mane. Twilight moaned and pushed hard, unleashing a torrent of soggy scat over the child's head, showering her with it as it rolled down her body. Flurry gobbled it down as fast as she could, shoving hoof-fulls into her muzzle as more flowed over her. Soon it began to congeal around her in a slimy shell, edging up slowly from the bottom as it encased her. The filly barely noticed as she was encased, floating up off the floor to be suspended within the changeling slime as it formed around her. "T-that's how you..." Cadance clearly didn't know the origin of the slime before. "No... please..." It was too much for Cadance, who turned to vomit. Chrysalis wasn't having it though, grasping both Cadance and Shining Armor's heads and forcing them to watch, prying their eyes wide open so they wouldn't miss a second of their daughter's transformation. Flurry felt a surge of love for Twilight, and her little mind was an open book for her. Still, it felt like she'd require little or no further tweaking to get her to accept her role, even if she weren't about to be changed into one of them. "That's it, darling," Twilight purred. "Once you transform, you'll learn the meaning of pleasure, and never have to settle for what passes for pleasure among ponies. Ready for that? Ready to torture your cruel mother?" Flurry looked up at her, seeming to already understand and squealing in delight before the slime fully covered her head. She continued to slurp in as much as she could, her little tummy swelling as she was drenched in it. Twilight moved to make sure the loving parents could still see everything, then pushed her ovipositor into the mush. Flurry willingly spread her legs this time, glad to take the dick of the creature that was so much nicer to her. Already well worn-in and still enjoying the elasticity spell, Twilight's shaft was easy for Flurry to take. She twitched at the barbs at first, but quickly seemed to grow to enjoy them as the magic pushed through her. The transformation of her mind seemed to be ahead of her body, letting Twilight know this was obviously a good idea. Chrysalis moved to the other side of the glob, pushing her own shaft into it. Even as her fur started coming out, Flurry grasped the shaft with her muzzle, slurping eagerly at the new teat. She and Twilight thrusts together, pushing inward as the infant did her best to push back in either direction. The tiny body shuddered as her feathers came off as well, shedding into the slime and dissolving into nothing. Her legs twisted as her bones reshaped themselves, but Twilight and Chrysalis didn't cease their spitroasting of her luscious fuck holes, enjoying the convulsions within. Cadance screamed as she watched. To her inferior pony brain, it must have seemed far worse than it was, because she tried to rip the shell open to pull Flurry out. It was too late though, and Cadance was weaker than ever, unable to do more than slightly indent the outer shell as she watched her little one. Flurry glared at her mother, hate fuming in her eyes to the one that bore her, looking forward to causing both parents torment. "No," Cadance shivered as she collapsed, but they made sure she didn't look away. "I'm so sorry..." "Are you jealous?" Twilight panted. "That she likes our cocks more than his?" "Or maybe she's jealous that she doesn't have a cock," smirked Chrysalis. "Pony mares are so bizarre. I can’t imagine not having my lady-cock." Cadance and Shining could only watch in horror as the tiny body transformed within the globe. Her wings fell out entirely, her back folding open to form new insectoid wings, horn twisting as Chrysalis' and Twilight's horns were. Her eyes continued to glare hatefully at her parents, the pupiled darkening and going solid blue before fading over the rest of her eyes. Twilight didn't hold back, creaming hard into her pussy and pulling back, ripping off the last bits of her ponytail to get to her asshole. She put her tip there, and Flurry once again pushed back willingly as she forced her way in. By this point, there was no pain at all as the jagged ovipositor invaded the tight expanse, losing her anal virginity before she had her first real crap. Twilight didn't stop until she went  off again, splurting her hot fuck juice into her behind as well, then just relaxed against the glob, soaking up the emotions of Flurry and her parents as she let the child continue to roll her hips back against her. Chrysalis was more controlled, keeping up rapid strokes for the entire transformation, grunted from time to time as she slowly fed the little one bits of royal jelly. She didn't seem to be giving her the dose she gave Twilight, but apparently Chrysalis realized how useful this little one might be if she could be trained. She was so sexy with her sweaty body undulating against the shell, fucking yet another of Twilight's family. Twilight couldn't wait to finish up with her own parents, extinguishing the Sparkle family for good. Not to mention, she knew they were looking forward to having grandfoals, and couldn't wait to show them Flurry. As Flurry's change finished, her young mind quickly adapted to her new body, barely done as she hoofed at the side of her shell, wanting to get to her parents to start their torment. The seed deposited in her by Shining before her change was still there, and now her body was churning through it, forming eggs that would be ready to implant. Her little belly was already swelling as they formed within her, and she didn't need to be told who to put them in. "Oh Celestia no," Cadance stared as Flurry began to claw her way out of the shell. "No! Get it away from him!" "Tsk," Chrysalis said as she and Twilight withdrew themselves. "What a thing to say about your own daughter." Chrysalis tugged Cadance away, pulling her front hooves behind her back so that she couldn't put herself in the way. Twilight giggled as she moved to her front, pushing her hind legs apart and letting her throbbing meat sit against Cadance's belly. "You know I admit, you're hot," Twilight drooled against her shivering face. "I've always wanted to use your body, so I think I'll show you what a real changeling cock feels like inside." Shining moved as he saw Flurry crawling from the egg, covered in thick slime as she crawled to his cock. Her new wings buzzed excitedly, her chitin creaking as it moved for the first time. He looked at her like she was the most horrifying thing he'd ever seen, even after all he'd been through, and shook his head slowly. She couldn't talk yet, not that she needed to since she'd understand their words due to her hive connection. That seemed to make it all the more terrifying for her parents anyway, their own newborn filly getting rock hard as thoughts of tormenting them went through her little brain. He began to sob as she came closer and put her teeth around the tip of his shaft, tasting her own juices there as she dragged her fangs across it, her hardening ovipositor poking at his rump and her gut swollen with eggs ready to implant. Cadance struggled to get to Shining and Flurry, but Twilight quickly pinned her against Chrysalis, their ovipositors prodding her from either side as they still forced her to look at her daughter and husband. Twilight forced her legs apart and pushed her shaft into her already well-used pussy at the same time that Chrysalis' pulsating ovipositor penetrated her tailhole, thick ridges slurping wet as each thorny spike poked inside. They hardened their shafts more, growing more spines so that not even a slut like Cadance could enjoy it. She clenched her teeth as tears rolled down her face. "So this is what the one that defeated me has come to?" Chyrssie sneered. "Raped by me and my daughter as her daughter cucks her with her husband. Was it still worth getting in my way?" "Y-yes," insisted Cadance as she choked back her sobs. "We'll see if you stick to that," snickered Twilight as they began to bounce the thot's hips back and forth between them. Flurry had a new thing to nurse now, biting Shining's cock tip. He shuddered as he fangs dug in and she began to gnaw at his shaft, suckling the cummy blood mixture directly from it as she pushed her shiny new shaft to his behind. She spread his lips and pushed inside, wings extending sharply as she felt her flesh slide around her. She looked at her mothers rape, and tried to shape her own shaft like what she saw tormenting her mother. She groaned as she rammed it in as hard as she could. While Twilight and Chryssie casually enjoyed themselves, Flurry went all out in  her eagerness. Her tiny hips slapped Shining's scarred bottom, her size only allowing her to move faster as her hips became a blur of incestuous ass rape. She got the idea quickly, using her telekinesis to wrench her father's head up to make him look more closely as she slowly gnawed down his shaft, inching along it to tear off chunks of meat, taking it slow to increase his suffering. "No, what did you do to our daughter," Cadance whimpered as her own hips were ping-ponged between the adult changelings, blood oozing down either of their shafts. "Selfish," growled Twilight, angling herself to make sure it hurt Cadance. "You and Shining are the one that brutalized her first, and you're still blaming us. I can't believe I ever loved such a despicable creature." Cadance looked wide-eyed at Twilight, too shocked at her perfect logic to reply, obviously too stupid to comprehend changelings. Looking down at ponies now, Twilight wondered if they were even really sentient. "Even if you never understand us, Candy," Chrysalis smirked. "So many changelings will get to understand every inch of you, so look forward to it." Shining on the other hoof was beyond that. All he could do was sob as Flurry worked her fangs down to the half-way point of his shaft, shaking it as she slurped off more chunks of meat. She may have barely understood the situation at her age, but she knew that it felt amazing to rape her rod into warm pony meat, and she fully understood the torment she would put her father through as he birthed these eggs. She reeled with the lust charging through her brain as she had her first meal on the horror and agony of her parents. Her squeals of delight grew louder as the first egg bulged her shaft, pushing forward. Soon were more to follow as she worked Shining's shaft down to a stump. Her thrusting slowed, straining to continue as the fit got tighter with multiple eggs pushing forward. As the first one popped through it was like a wick to yank the rest out, Flurry convulsing as she let the rest drain out behind it. She kept ramming as her body sharnk to normal size and his body bloated. "Oh, that's an impressive number of eggs for such a small changeling," Chrysalis purred. "But I don't want to wait for them. Twilight, dear?" "Oh I'm on it," Twilight churred as her magic charged up again. "Come and help us enjoy your mother while we wait, cutie pie." Flurry panted as she rammed the last few eggs in, spurting a load of goo behind them. She rested a moment atop his gnawed off stump before pulling back, ovipositor barely softer than it was as she staggered towards the other action. While her body was small, her ovipositor was adult-sized, so it dragged the floor as she walked over. "Sweetie no," Cadance muttered as Twilight pushed her head to the floor. As Twilight and Chrysalis pounded her rear entries, Flurry ignored her mother's complaints and pried her muzzle open eagerly. Flurry learned quickly to torment her victims, at first just flopping her slickened ovipositor against Cadance's tongue to let Cadance taste and anticipate the entry. Cadance tried to avoid touching it with her tongue, but Flurry giggled and slipped more in until she couldn't avoid it, pinning her tongue against her gum. "Just look at her, so hateful," Chrysalis mused. "She doesn't even want to touch her own daughter's dick." "Why don't you bite down on it?" Twilight asked. "Oh, of course! Now that it would feel good for her, you don't want to. See that Flurry? She despises you and deserves every torment you can pile atop her." "N-no what's not-" Cadance started, yet she still didn’t bite down, so Twilight was obviously correct.. Cadance didn't gag as much as most would have as Flurry cut off her words, pushing into her throat until her neck swelled with the girth. The thot was used to getting throat reamed, but still tensed her face at the new layer of pain as the barbs dragged against her already sore throat. Sure enough, she couldn't make herself bite down on her daughter even as she raped her face, and Flurry understood that that meant Cadance despised her. Flurry looked down at Cadance with even more hate in her eyes, disgusted that this creature gave birth to her. Her only desire now was to cause her as much pain as possible. At this point she'd do it even if she got no pleasure from it, but feeling great was a wonderful perk of her vengeance. The hateful glare that Flurry beamed down at her seemed to hurt Cadance more than any other agony. It was only worse when that glare was combined with her little tongue lolling out as she punished the one she rightfully perceived to blame for her suffering as a pony foal. Even with her heart breaking however, Cadance didn't give up struggling, even if it was only a token struggle to symbolize that she remained defiant even when it was her own daughter trying to enjoy her body. As the three enjoyed Cadance together, Twilight worked on Shining. He arched his back as her magic encapsulated him, once again pumping him full of energy as she accelerated the time around him.His fear and anger meshed into a condensed feast for them to draw from, resulting in a near perfect loop of Twilight powering his incubation as his distress powered her. "Oh, I wish you could feel this Cadance," Twilight moaned. "This surge of fear and pain from him, just to see what you're missing out on by being looked over as a true changeling." "She wouldn't want to be one now," Chrysalis pointed out. "The daughter she despises so much is a changeling, so she'd probably die before becoming one even if we allowed it." Flurry shivered as the force of her smaller hips added to the jolts bouncing Cadance's body. Chrysalis and Twilight both leaned to her, taking turns to kiss her deeply, exploring her little body with their hooves. They didn't need to make sure Cadance looked, because Flurry took care of it, quickly realizing how to cause her mother the most humiliation. She pried her mother's eyes open and tilted her head up to watch the two other changelings make out with her hotly. "Such a hot little infant," Twilight moaned as she groped Flurry's behind. "Gonna fuck you SO much in every hole, this bitch will never force an abnormal pony life on you like she wanted." "We'll make up for the trauma this cruel mare inflicted on you a hundred-fold," Chrysalis promised, sliding a hoof lower and rubbing at Flurry's drooling slit. She smirked down at Cadance. "It must so distress you to think the foal you wanted to die so badly is going to live a well-adjusted life as a changeling after your brutal attempt to slaughter her." Despite the futility, Cadance tried to scream back at them, only gagging harder on the shaft pumping her muzzle. Flurry shivered and grasped around her head more tightly, forcing her muzzle to close around her more since Cadance didn't have the decency to bite down of her own accord. Flurry arched her back at the feel of hard bone against her shaft, even if it was only dull pony teeth. The surge of impotent anger from Cadance set the two older changelings off quickly as the mare foolishly continued to feed them. The two thorny cocks inside her blasted a thick load, swelling Cadance's belly more than when she was pregnant, then overflowed onto the cave floor to add more to the beautiful stench. They withdrew, shivering as Flurry held both Cadance's pussy and ass tight with her magic, not letting too much leak out. Flurry kept humping away, and Cadance made no action to stop her, only strong enough to twitch at this point as her new foal reamed her throat. She  turned up Cadance's rear, releasing the clench of her holes as she leaned forward and pressed on Cadance's gut. The greenish spunk sprayed all over Flurry's body in a slimy shower, covering her body in a thick coat of it that clung all over her. As it rained down on her, Flurry squeaked adorably, expelling another load into Cadance's throat. She pushed deep and held it, watching the love princess turn blue in the face, but careful not to suffocate her completely lest her suffering end. "Our fresh little fuck fiend," chuckled Chrysalis. "So precious." "Good girl," Twilight encouraged. "You're free to rape the pathetic bodies that spawned you all you want. Make sure to give them all the torment they deserve for trying to kill you." Flurry slid up onto her mother, withdrawing her shaft and leaving Cadance gasping for air. Cadance tried to catch her breath quickly, wanting to say anything to contradict the narrative that Twilight and Chrysalis was giving Flurry. Flurry knew better though, not giving the wicked pony enough time to spout her lies. Instead, Flurry sat on Cadance's muzzle, rubbing her pussy against it. When Cadance refused to lick, obviously from sheer hatred for the daughter, Flurry yanked her muzzle open with magic and forced her to lick the sopping cream from her aroused pussy. Flurry shivered, feeding and charging up her energy for the next of many brutal rapes of the deserving bitch of a mother. As she did, Chrysalis and Twilight intertwined their limbs as Chrysalis pushed Twilight onto her back. They kissed deeply as they grinded together, their prehensile meats snaking against one another playfully. Chrysalis drew her hips back, each one’s shaft tip pushing to the other's pussy, then pushed back together as they penetrated one another.  A moment later, their web bellies slapped loudly as they pounded hips and scraped out each other’s insides. Twilight never got tired of her new mother using her, playing their tongues together as she stared into her eyes. The love she felt from Chrysalis was incredible, as well as the power trip she got from using her old enemy as a sex slave. Even if the fact shamed her, Twilight was glad to have been Chrysalis' enemy in the past just so her mother could get the power trip of completely dominating her body and soul now. As the others played, Shining couldn't do much more than scream. It was surprising how much sound he could get out of his lungs given how they'd shrunk to make room for more eggs. He felt the eggs surge within him as his body bloated more at the rapid growth. Every time he thought he'd felt the most pain a pony could feel, his captors made it so that he felt more, and the most defiant thing he could do was hope beyond hope that they'd allow him to die this time. Flurry turned to Shining in fascination as Twilight's spell ended, crawling off her mother and moving back to him. Cadance gasped for air, gagging up a fountain of Flurry's spunk before trying to speak. "Flurry, I love-" Cadance started, but Flurry wasn't having her deception. She grabbed Cadance's tongue in her magic, yanking hard on it. As the love princess screeched, Flurry twisted and ripped out her tongue by the roots, leaving her gagging up blood as well as spunk. "That's it," Twilight encouraged. "You don't have to listen to that insufferable cunt ever again if you don't want." "Though I imagine her begging will be quite amusing once she breaks," Chrysalis added. "Which is inevitable, whether you think it is or not, princess." Flurry smiled brightly at the two changelings, beaming love at them before she curiously moved her hooves over Shining's body. She felt over the shape of the globs within him, the ready-to-hatch eggs glowing softly through his scarred flesh. She was mere hours old and already about to watch her first children emerge from their egg sack, her eyes glimmering with excitement as she waited for her gift to open, the gift that her rescuers had given her. She didn't assist them from breaking free, wanting to watch him slowly suffer, instead letting the tiny claws tear at Shining from the inside. Soon though they began to emerge, the first sliding out of his throat as he gagged violently. Flurry was waiting, moving to kiss the little grub deeply in greeting. The grub instinctively batted tongues with his mother as he emerged. Flurry wasn't much larger than him, so he pushed at her to try and tip her over. She giggled happily as she fell back and the bloody newborn landed atop her, at which point he went right for the goods. They kissed again as he pushed his newly formed shaft against her entrance, her own ovipositor wrapping about him in a hug to hold him steady as he thrusts his hips. She gasped, positively glowing with the excitement of fucking her own fireborn grub. "Such a better parent than this slut," Twilight purred as she continued her fuck-session with Chrysalis. They pushed Cadance closer to Shining and Flurry so that the grubs would take note of her as well. Flurry made sure Cadance couldn't look away as the other two had before, proud to already take such a responsibility. She forced her to watch her husband coming apart as new life sprung from his body, blood splattering on Flurry at the same time as she had hot sex with Cadance's newborn grandchild. The confused horror Cadance felt at watching her newborn grandgrub fuck her newborn foal was too delicious for words; the time spell was worth the effort just to make that possible. "What's wrong?" Chrysalis smirked between kisses with Twilight. "Don't you want to meet your new grandgrubs?" "She obviously hates them too," Twilight rightly pointed out. "She worked so hard to keep them from ever existing. You feel that rage coming from her and Shining, don't you Flurry? All that is focused on you, they're angry at you for existing, and want nothing more than to see your life and the life of your new grubs end." It was amusing to feel Cadance and Shining try to push their own hatred down when Twilight explained, but it was a useless effort. They were both too far gone, and Cadance not being broken only made her anger and hatred worse, her corrupt sense of pony justice eating at her. Shining twisted in pain as his gut split open completely. Tiny bodies swarmed Flurry, rolling her onto her side before a second male pushed up her behind. She undulated her hips back and forth, panting as she learned the movements of being double penetrated so quickly. Two went for Flurry's muzzle at once, briefly fighting before one forced his down her throat. Eager to take all the cock she could, Flurry grabbed the other two and yanked him close, forcing both down her throat at once as her neck bulged out. Still another sat on her horn, and Flurry made sure to ram her head upwards to jolt her insides with a surge of magic, and more pushed their dicks into the holes of her legs as others grinded against her. The former pony foal was completely engrossed in the act and never wanted to do anything other than constantly fuck for the rest of her life. Of course they went for the mare too, Cadance shrieked in dismay as she felt the disgusting bodies of her grandchildren crawling all over her. She flailed like an antelope trying to escape a pack of lions, but couldn't do more than writhe against all their hard dicks and soggy cunts. New grubs were always horny sex-seeking missiles, seeking out every part of her they could use. Even though their adorable rods weren't nearly as painful as they pulled her legs wide and took turns at her pussy and ass, the humiliation of use by a newborn batch was enough to make up for it, providing a feast for all the changelings around her and only driving her fate in deeper. Even with her soggy slut cunt, the chaffing became unbearable, and her tailhole was even worse. Her shrieks of terror were soon contained as they forced open her muzzle, wide enough that it snapped out of joint so they could ram their cocks directly into her throat. They didn't just use her normal holes, but her ears and nose too, and of course took turns on her useless horn. Frustrated that the inferior pony didn't have holes in her legs and body for them to use despite being so large, many rammed their horns into her flesh, ripping open gashes so they could fuck the wounds. Even those became cum-drenched as they were used repeatedly. She hoped at the very least it would kill her, but Twilight wouldn't dare allow her to die, so she was stuck with dozens of stinging slices in her flesh full of grub jizz. If that wasn't enough, the larger mare had them crawling inside to play around inside her as well. Her womb became a fuck den in itself as no less than half a dozen crawled inside one at a time, her own belly squirming around much like Shining's had with eggs. She screeched around the dicks in her muzzle as they began clawing their way out too, ripping their way out through her gut, which just became more holes to fuck. "Why am I not dying!" shrieked Cadance, barely audible without her tongue when she finally got a breath when a new one was about to take its turn on her throat. "Welcome to your new life," smirked Chrysalis. "We won't let you die until your very soul has been used up… oh who am I kidding? We won’t let you die then either." "Death is too kind for you, monster," grinned Twilight. "Mmm, nothing like seeing such an 'important' pony reduced to a pile of fuck flesh whose main purpose is to feel pain and cocks." And of course Shining got plenty of use as well, body writhing for a while before he once again gave up on life, not that he'd be allowed to escape either. His treatement as a sack was even worth, body torn apart with every organ and strip of flesh used for sex as he was completely gutted once again. Every time it happened, he told himself that it wouldn't hurt as much this time, but every time it only felt worse, and despite their being three warm targets, there were plenty of little bodies to go around. The limit Twilight and Chrysalis drew was only letting them gouge out one eye to fuck the hole. The other they kept pointed at Flurry, watching her little one enjoy much the same treatment that was torment for her. The whole mess was like an energy machine, Flurry's lust and Cadance's agony both feeding them, and each one's excitement feeding all the others. Cadance had never felt such despair when she realized that this was likely to go on for days at least. "You're getting it, Fuck-Candy," grinned Twilight. "This will never end, it will be near-constant rape for the rest of your existence, far longer than you've already lived. We won't stop until neither you nor my former brother can remember being a 'normal pony'. The only memories you will know will be being used for the glory and pleasure of the Hive, as it should be." "Serves them right for getting in my way," Chrysalis grinned. "But my revenge doesn't stop here. Every pony that has ever defied me will either enter a life of torment or a life tormenting the others, like my beautiful fuck-fiend of a daughter." "Yes, I'll do anything you want, even die myself if that's what makes you cum!" Twilight nodded eagerly as her thrusting became more erratic. “And you will die screaming, when I’m done humiliating Equestria with you,” smirked Chrysalis. The two adult changelings clung to one another, depositing a load of slime into one another's sloppy cock holes, their writhing creating as much delicious noise as the mess next to them. They wasted no time, yanking their dicks out and worming the prehensile lengths to the other hole. When their bellies smacked again, they rammed one another's assholes just as violently. Once they got going like this, they'd probably end up fucking one another for days too. "Mmm, this could work well," Chrysalis mused as her and Twilight continued to slap bellies. "I feared the mortality rate might be more, but it seems to actually be less with the spell in use. I've only seen a dozen or so dead or dying, and maybe two dozen fuck-murdered by their siblings." "We'll have to wait and see how strong they are as they grow still," Twilight panted, even now wanting to be thorough in her experiment. "But if this works, we could pump out drones too quickly for any army to keep up with us!... though we might want to put some population controls in place so we don't swarm the whole planet and use up all the resources too quickly." "If you insist," Chrysalis chuckled. "But not too many; I still want to break the world record for largest orgy set by those whore crystals at the end of their crystal fair. We'll get to that though. For now, I'm just surprised she hasn't broken completely." "Give it time," smirked Twilight. "I'll make sure she gets plenty of attention over the next few weeks. Hmm... I wonder if her being an evil tramp who would slaughter her own children to keep them from being enlightened has anything to do with why it's taking so long to break her." "Probably," Chrysalis smirked. "I don't think I've ever witnessed or fucked a pony quite so stupid as this one. Makes me wish I still had a hold of Celestia. The dozen or so rapes we gave her at the wedding were hardly enough to get her started." "Oh we'll get to her," Twilight purred. "We'll get to them all." Cadance shook her head defiantly, but there was little she could do other than that with her whole body being knocked around by horny changelings, body torn and coated in spunk. All she could do was stare at the enjoyment her daughter was getting a ponder her new life. Yet she held on to hope of release, which only made it more delightful for her tormentors. They all looked forward to how hard her emotions would snap when she finally hit her critical point. > 8. A Stubborn Thot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance had been in constant use for a full week. Both her daughter and grandgrubs, not to mention the rest of the Hive, used her for a cum socket without allowing her rest or sleep. Yet somehow she held on and didn’t break.  For much of the week, this annoyed Twilight, but somehow near the end of the week, it crossed the line twice and became hilarious. Cadance was such a raving slut that constant sex just wasn’t enough to snap her mind like it was for the average pony, so Twilight decided to have some more fun. Apple Bloom, sadly,  had been largely absent from the fun. Since it wasn’t yet well-known that she had been kidnapped, she’d gone back to Ponyville, shifted into her old form, and been collecting information for the Hive. After all, who would suspect that a changeling would become an impostor of themselves?  But since she was required to act the part, it meant she couldn’t betray and brutally rape her friends and family, which had left her pent up. That wasn’t to say she hadn’t had any sex at all, since she and her old family did visit the Crystal Empire. During her trip, she’d waggled her underage plot at some guards investigating the royalty’s disappearance and ended up finding out what foalaphiles Cadance’s personal guard had been. In fact, she brought in all three of them when she arrived today to give a report, and they were now stored and waiting for their fate. Still, only getting fucked in every hole once per week was hardly enough to sate a growing changeling, so Twilight decided to give her a chance to let it all out here. Bloom was happy to follow Twilight to where Shining and Cadance were kept in the egg chamber, having wanted a go at the princess and her daughter since she heard about her capture. “Here we are,” Twilight purred, groping Bloom as they arrived. “Isn’t it beautiful?” It really was. Flurry had Cadance bent over Shining, plowing her pussy violently while a grandgrub took her muzzle. Cadance was limp, looking angry but still unbroken, draped over Shining’s once again gutted form. He’d just given birth to another batch, and the whole area was an orgy with them and the first batch, which had grown to over twice their original size by now.. “Aww,” Bloom rolled back her eyes, already feasting. “Hi Princess!” Flurry exclaimed, having learned to speak fairly quickly as part of the Hive. “Look it! I’m torturing Mommy-Thot still!” “Mm, yes, good girl,” Twilight nodded. “But for now we need her for some training with Bloom.” “And ah’ve been looking forward to slappin’ bellies with you at some point!” Bloom added, grinning. ”It’s super hot how you were transformed fresh from her pussy.” “Sure!” smiled Flurry brightly. “You get pussy next!” “A-AppleBloom?” Cadance blinked slowly, then gagged up a portion of the sperm in her stomach before she said more. “How long have you…” “So, Bloom,” Twilight ignored Cadance’s unimportant confusion and spoke to her. “With the information you brought back, we’ll be having an important mission soon. As training, I’d like you to figure out a way to break this stubborn thot.” “Ah won’t letcha down!” Bloom nodded proudly, saluting with one hoof as she stroked her throbbing ovipositor slowly with the other. “Now remember, this is important,” Twilight made clear. “Though Queen Chrysalis has chosen to put faith in my decision, me upgrading a filthy non-magical mud pony was a questionable one. You need to prove yourself so that you don’t get cock-vored and digested into royal jelly to be used on more fitting subjects.” “... that kin happen?” Bloom peered, unsure.  “Well, it’s never happened,” acknowledged Twilight. “But if you embarrassed me by making my questionable decision seem like a bad one, well I’ll just say it would find a use for such a process. So yes, it’s you break this thot or die.” “Wow, that would be a super sexy way to snuff me!” Bloom drooled at the thought, not taking the threat like an inferior pony would. Her ovipositor visibly throbbed at the idea. “But I’ll do mah best to make sure ah get to see it happen to someling else instead of me.” “I’ll help!” Flurry asked, bouncing excitedly.. “Good girl,” Twilight smiled and patted her head. “And sure, Flurry, but I hope it won’t be needed.” “What… the… fuck… “ Cadance stared, unable to comprehend Bloom’s reasonable reaction to being threatened with a horrible death by a superior. Ponies really were simple-minded. “Go ahead, Bloom,” Twilight encouraged. “Give it a try while I wait over here fucking some of the new babies.” Flurry tugged Cadance off of Shining as she withdrew, forcing the limp princess up to her haunches to face Bloom. She showed kindness that no pony would, offering to help Bloom even though she really wanted to see her dissolved into jelly inside Twilight’s cock. For the moment, they left Cadance’s muzzle free, Flurry even giving her a charge of healing magic to make sure she remained conscious enough to speak. Applebloom moved closer, sliding belly to belly with Cadance and lapping her long tongue at her chest. She twisted her bruised breasts, clenching Cadance’s well-used pussy tight with her magic before pushing her ovipositor inside. She shivered at the warmth; it’d been days since she got to rape somepony. It’d been unbearable to be surrounded by deserving victims that she couldn’t touch yet. Flurry moved up behind her, sliding her own thick meat into Cadance’s behind. She leaned around her mother, and Bloom pressed her lips against Flurry’s to kiss deeply. They intertwined their legs on either side of Cadance and pushed her hips back and forth eagerly, working their jagged rods into her holes. “Oh gods, why so many foals?” Cadance shook her head. “Why does your whole society revolve around fucking children?” “Tsk,” Applebloom rolled her eyes. “So it’s okay to murder yer kid, but fucking them is over the line? Ah swear, ponies.” “Yeah,” Flurry nodded. “Mommy and Daddy really wanted foal-snuff! They tried really hard!” “I did NOT do that!” Cadance insisted. “I was trying to SAVE you from this!” “Yeah, yeah,” Bloom nipped at Cadance’s chin. “The way ah heard it, Twilight gave you a choice between lettin her grow up to be a happy changeling, or gettin to fuck her to death.” “S-she’s not happy, she’s brainwashed,” Cadance shook her head. “Brainwashed is happy!” Flurry said. “Yeah, stupid,” Bloom chuckled. “We know we’re brainwashed. Why does it matter? Happy is happy!” “Wha…?” Cadance had nothing to say to their logically sound arguments. Why did she think they’d mind when they were getting to feel her sexy holes clench their dicks because of it? Bloom purred as she gradually reshaped her shaft within Cadance, the surface becoming a bit more sandpaper-like with each thrust, then shivering as she felt the blood drool down her thighs. The alicorn’s insides were already scabbed from her last treatment, but those were torn off anew, providing her with fresh agony. Even if her body was limp, she couldn’t keep the raw pussy from convulsing, much like the rage still building inside her. Despite being at it for so long, Flurry kept up with her too, her sleek sweaty body smacking her mother’s limp body, grinding out her tailhole just as Bloom was her pussy. Even more than Bloom, she savored every little discomfort and fearful emotion that Cadance felt, soaking it in. She clearly enjoyed giving her bitch of a mother what she deserved. Another drone slid up behind Bloom, and she spread her legs wider. She panted as he pushed into her pussy, swinging his hips in time with her own to increase the impact against their victim. After lubing up in her slick pussy, he slammed into her ass instead, causing Bloom to shiver in delight.  Flurry got a friend from behind as well, clinging to her plot and driving his shaft deep into her holes, alternating one and then the other. Before Cadance could whine at them anymore, another crawled up to her face, burrowing her shaft down Cadance’s throat. As they pumped their hips, Flurry stretched her head up and licked out their pussy, wetly thanking her for the help tormenting the wicked mare. Despite all the fun though, Bloom grumbled a little. Cadance’s emotions were delicious, but they were alarmingly unbroken, and if they hadn’t snapped after a week of this same treatment, she probably wasn’t going to do it with a few more hours of the same thing.  As Bloom’s frustration increasing, Twilight watched in amusement. Though she hoped Bloom would succeed still, she had to admit the idea of fulfilling her previous threat was pretty amusing. Even if she didn’t do it to Bloom, she should find someone to do it to. Twilight’s shaft throbbed, and she looked around for a fleshy hole to put it into. She grabbed hold of a stillborn changeling on the floor of the cave in both hooves and pulled it to her groin. It was quite rotten, so must have been from the previous batch and somehow escaped consumption by its living siblings.  When Twilight pushed her shaft into the dead hole, pus and rot leaked out around it. She shivered at the feel of maggots crawling against her shaft inside, nibbling at her warm flesh, and began to thrust harder. It was surprisingly nice inside; maybe she should try some other older corpses. Bloom’s squeal brought Twilight back to paying attention, and she watched as both Bloom and Flurry expelled a load into either side of Cadance. Cadance continued to hang limply between all the bodies pounding her, her eyes looking strangely determined despite it all.  “Twilight?” Bloom panted, looking like the warm-up fuck cleared her head a bit. “Ah got an idea. You know those three guards I brought in? They were Cadance’s personal guard, can we bring them over here? And let her pass out for a bit.” “Certainly,” panted Twilight, releasing her spells hold on Cadance just long enough for her to pass out briefly. She was way too into her corpse-fucking to go get it herself, but signaled through the Hive to have other changelings bring them over. Bloom added over the connection to make sure that they saw some egg sacks, dead and alive, on their way there, then pulled herself free of Cadance. Flurry withdrew as well, leaving just the one pounding Cadance’s throat for the time being. The drones atop Bloom and Flurry followed them and continued humping as the two walked to Twilight, creaming hard on the way and then withdrawing as well. Twilight smiled, admiring the beauty of the colony where everyone was on fucking terms with everyone else. “Well I won’t probe into what you’re planning,” panted Twilight. “But I do hope it’s good.” Besides, Twilight was too busy creaming herself. She moaned and clenched the dead grub impaled on her shaft as she blew her load. It’s body gave inside, a mixture of rotted guts, maggots, and spunk shooting from its muzzle. Flurry and Bloom churred as they opened their muzzles and lapped at the splurting mess. “Holy fucking shit…” the terrified voice of a stallion came from nearby. The guards had been brought quickly, and arrived just in time to see the sexy display, but for some reason they all looked sick. One of them even leaned forward and vomited on the cave floor. What uncultured swine. “Over thar,” Bloom panted as she and Flurry lapped one another’s face clean, motioning to the Cadance. “Princess Cadance!” a second guard exclaimed as they looked over just in time to see the drone ram her unconscious throat full of cum. It didn’t take them long to see Shining too, and they were speechless. “Congrats, you guys,” Bloom giggled. “Ya found her!” She then looked at Twilight. “This is Johnson, Richard, and Moby, her personal guards.” “Those blockhead crystals have odd names,” Twilight tapped her chin. “I’m sure there’s a joke somewhere in that, but proceed.” “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do,” said Bloom, briefly sharing the plan with Twilight through the Hive connection.  “Mmm,” Twilight giggled. “That is rather elaborate, I can help with that.” Twilight turned to the drones holding the guards. “Go ahead and unrestrain them. It’s not like they’re strong enough to harm us.” The drones let the guards go, and they immediately ran to their princess and prince, who had been left alone for the moment. They shook Cadance to try to rouse her, too stupid to take advantage of her while she was down, despite her having the perfect number of holes for all three of them to rape her at once. They then tried to shield her from Twilight when she collapsed again. Richard moved over to Shining, reluctant to touch the newly gutted egg sack, his eyes widening. Playing hero and attempting to put his prince out of his misery, he grabbed Shining’s head and wrenched it to try to snap his neck. The bone cracked grotesquely, but Shining kept breathing as the cursed healing magic rerouted his passages to keep him alive. “Wow, ya just can’t trust some ponies,” Twilight shook her head at Richard. “What is it with you creatures? You’d rather murder someone than allow them to fulfill a greater purpose in service to the Hive?” “Just stay away from them!” stammered Johnson. “Yeah, whatever,” Bloom giggled. “Look, you guys saw the egg sacks I showed ya along the way, right? And you guys see Shining?” The guards nodded their heads slowly. “Well, that’s what we’ll do to you if ya don’t do what we say,” Bloom nodded. “It’s pretty simple too. All ya gotta do is fuck yer princess. It’s not like you haven’t before, right?” “W-we can’t rape her…” Moby said irrationally, too stupid to realize that raping a helpless pony was way hotter than fucking a consenting one. “Let me ask something first,” Twilight added. “Do you have any way of her verifying that you aren’t changelings, like a code phrase?” She’d learned that ponies had begun making those a lot. “Y-yes,” Moby stammered. “Of course. But we won’t tell you!” “You don’t have to,” said Twilight. “I just wanted to know that she could verify it’s you. This plan doesn’t work if she doesn’t think it’s you.” “Oh yeah, ah should have thought of that,” Bloom shrugged, but turned to them again. “Look, the only chance you have of getting out of here is to do this. You’ll not only rape her, but you’ll pretend to be into it, and get more into it as you go. Tell her you made a deal with us to save your families, but are happy to punish her for being a rabid slut anyway, something like that. The more convincing you are, the more of your parts you’ll have when you leave here.” “In exchange for that,” said Twilight. “I will allow you to return to the Crystal Empire.”  “Y-you’re lying…” Richard shook his head. “You don’t know that I’m lying,” reasoned Twilight, probing their minds with her magic to soften them to her suggestions. “But you do know that if you don’t do this, I’ll definitely turn you into egg sacks, immortal ones like your precious prince that will never die.” “Fine,” Johnson said. “But… can you at least take that dead thing off your… dick?” “Oh this?” Twilight said, looking down and just remembering that the rotten stillborn was still impaled on her rigid shaft. “No, I don’t think I will. It’s cute! So are you all in?” They all nodded slowly as Twilight continued to work on their minds. It helped that crystals were more susceptible to mind magic than most ponies; it was no wonder Sombra targeted them. With that, Twilight pushed a surge of energy back into Cadance, waking her from her short-lived rest. The princess thrashed briefly against the guards as they tried to hold her, taking a moment to realize who they were. When she realized, she looked at them with a mix off suspicion and relief, unsure if they were real. “Slutty…” Cadance panted.  Each of the guards in turn put a muzzle to her ear and finished the secret phrase for her to verify their identity.  “I’m sorry, then,” Cadance sighed. “You came to save me and I’ve cost you your lives, if you’re lucky.” “N-not so much,” Richard said, not so convincingly, but Cadance was too exhausted to know the difference. “We came to save our families, we um, made a deal.” “Please forgive us, princess,” Johnson added, then after Twilight peered at him a little added. “But you deserve this anyway.” “Yeah,” Moby said awkwardly. “I mean you’re a dirty slut that gives our country a bad name, and you’re not even a real crystal pony.” “W-what?” Cadance said as if not quite understanding. “Yay!” Flurry giggled. “Rape Mommy hard like she deserves!” “Yes,” Twilight churred, horn glowing. “Give her all she deserves, just like we agreed you'd get to do.”  She made sure Cadance was nice and fertile, guaranteeing that she’d be pregnant with twins after this, and slowly encroached on the guards’ minds to pull them into the act, making it more real for them. Not only that, but she fed energy into Cadance to give her more power to struggle against them. She wanted to see a show. Cadance blinked as she felt shafts growing warmly against her. As Richard pushed her hind legs apart and tried to pull her onto her haunches between him and Moby to take her from either side, she lashed out. She punched him in the face with one hoof and slammed a hind hoof against Moby. Johnson leaped on her as they were knocked back, pulling her front hooves behind her back as her hind ones flailed. “Why?!” Cadance asked, dumbfounded. “Why are you doing this?” “B-because you ruined my life!” Richard groaned as Twilight found tiny misgivings in his mind and pulled them to the surface. Before he even realized what he was doing, he landed his own hoof against Cadance’s gut. “You ordered me to fuck you so I had to, then when my wife found out, she left me!” “Yeah!” Johnson added. “Do you have any idea how many stallions have had their wives or husbands leave them because you ordered them to fuck you?” “I’m just angry that you made us work overtime to watch for changelings,” Moby said, a valid complaint since it was a pretty pointless endeavor.  “Wow, Crystals really are weak minded,” Bloom pondered quietly to Twilight. “It’s no wonder they needed something else to rule over them.” “But they were too stupid to choose changelings, I guess,” Twilight nodded to Bloom, then called to the guards. “Hurt her as much as you want, I won’t let her die.” They took that to heart. As Johnson held her front legs behind her, Moby and Richard turned their hind legs to her and bucked her in the gut, taking turns pounding her already bruised body. It didn’t take her long to become more obedient, her own hind legs dropping down as several ribs cracked loudly and sent new spasms of pain through her. She tried to beg for them to stop only to vomit blood down her already filthy front. Shining groaned when he realized what was happening, not that he could do much more than wriggle his nubs at them angrily. “Shut up, cuck sack,” Johnson glanced back at him. “It’s not like we haven’t fucked your wife before, we’re just doing it in front of you now and without her consent.” “I call pussy!” Richard grinned as Cadance fell limp again, staring at him in shock. “If we’re putting a rape-foal in this slut this time, I want it to be mine.” He looked at Shining. “And yeah, I fucked your wife right next to you in bed, she put a sleeping spell on you because she got off to cheating on you right next to your dumb ass.” “Aw, but I wanted her pussy,” Johnson groaned. “But I guess you called firsties so fine. I’ll go with her shitter… and yeah. She told me I’d get to ram her first foal when it was only days old.” Now he was just making things up, but Twilight didn’t mind. “Shut up!” Cadance screeched, not wanting Shining to know her offenses. Shining was beyond caring, but her illogical shame was still delightful to feel. “I want the bitches throat anyway,” Moby said. “Besides when you knock her up, there’s no telling what’s going to come back out and eat you for it. Just look at that little monster.” “Yay, look at me!” Flurry squealed at the attention.  “Eh, I’ll take my chances,” shrugged Richard, yanking Cadance’s hind legs as wide as he could.  Richard pushed his hooves against her black and bruised breasts and twisted them to send more spasms through her as he pushed himself into her. He shivered in surprise at how tight she was after so many uses, Twilight’s healing making her tighter than she’d ever been back at the palace. He rolled his eyes back as he enjoyed more.  He relaxed, looking at her devastated face as she strained not to cry. He grinned, forgetting for a moment what danger he was in as he pulled her forward atop him while he lay on his back onto the soft slime covered floor.  Johnson received a pleasant surprise from how tight she was as well, grinning when it actually took effort to push into the normally loose anal ring. He let go of one front leg to allow it to flop forward so that he could rub her ass and brace her as he pushed inside. He panted as he worked into a solid motion, bouncing her hips back and forth with his fellow soldier. “W-why are you all enjoying this?” Cadance asked quietly, but didn’t have long to complain before Moby grabbed her head. Moby rammed her throat without hesitation, and from the way she gagged on it, the magic must have healed her gag reflex as well. She turned blue in the face as he squeezed his hooves around her neck, feeling the bulge of his shaft and tightening the fleshy expanse around him. He grinned down at her teary eyes, leaning down to lap at the taste. Cadance took it even worse than Twilight hoped, the soldiers seeming to do this willingly without first being transformed adding a layer of betrayal to the act. It wasn’t enough to snap her, but this part wasn’t supposed to, and it was fun to twist the knife anyway. As the three guards ravaged the slut princess, Bloom and Flurry turned their attention to one another. They kept watching the show, but pulled themselves belly-to-belly too, winding their ovipositors together affectionately as they kissed deeply. Bloom seemed to enjoy having an elevated pony to play with that was even smaller than her. “Mmm, good idea, kids,” Twilight smiled. “We should be getting ready anyway.” Twilight sat back and spread her hind legs, leaning down to slurp the dead grub off her shaft. She gnawed it down, feeling the vermin wriggle between her teeth as she chewed and swallowed it. She then pulled the two living little ones into her lap, her own ovipositor throbbing between them. The triple scissor position was a bit awkward at first, but they all got the idea. Their prehensile ovipositors twisted about in the middle, barely avoiding a tangle before finding their respective targeted. Twilight pushed her tip to Applebloom’s pussy, while she pushed her shaft against Flurry’s tiny little fuck hole. Flurry purred in turn, spreading her legs wider for Bloom as she wormed her own shaft to Twilight’s hole. As they pulled together at once, they all penetrated one another with scrumptious wet noises. As their collective secretions formed a new puddle beneath them, they pushed their hips together in time with the wet thrusting coming from Cadance’s corner as well, the whole area a beautiful rhythm of lewd activity.  “Good, that’s it, we’ll all need a load ready for when they’re done,” Twilight purred. Twilight looked at the guards. She didn’t hear enough screaming and cracking of bones over there to believe that you three are taking this seriously, but wanted them to take initiative without Cadance knowing Twilight ordered them to. So she pushed the ideas into their frail inferior minds as she peered at them, giving them the distinct impression that they weren’t trying hard enough and that she was considering what good egg sacks they’d make. For a moment, Cadance just rolled her eyes back as she sank into a catatonic stupor, just letting them bounce her body back and forth as she lamented their betrayal. But she didn’t expect when Johnson grasped the front leg he was holding and twisted it back further. She yelped around Moby’s shaft and gagged harder when Johnson didn’t stop until it cracked at the shoulder. He winded it all the way around to Richard, who grasped it in turn and kept pulling it around to her front in the wrong direction. The sounds of bone crackling rang in her ear as the unexpected agony coursed through her. She could barely get out a ‘why?’ grunt before Johnson grabbed at one of her wings. He didn’t just twist it around, but began to systematically break every bone starting at the ends, folding them up until they snapped. He slowly turned the once-beautiful feathered glory into a wad of bleeding flesh and protruding shattered bones on her back. Cadance wasn’t limp any longer, but new agony joined through her head as Moby cracked her horn hard against the nearest large rock while continuing to ram her throat. When she bit down in response, he was rightly appalled that she didn’t want the shit beaten out of her. He pulled his shaft out only to pry her muzzle open with his hooves.  He picked up the first sharp implement he found, a chunk of hip bone from one of the many ponies lucky enough to die for the glory of the Hive. As she watched with wide eyes, he jammed it into her gum and cut deep, then pried out one of her front teeth as if with a crowbar. Fresh blood ran down her face as he continued to the next, determined to get a good blowjob without her biting down. “Oh, such initiative boys!” Twilight praised them. “Do well enough and who knows what kind of reward you’ll receive! You might even get to plow the hive queen herself if you manage to break her most hated enemy.”  After they’d been transformed of course. Twilight knew Chrysalis wasn’t some freak that would have consenting sex with a blockhead. When the first leg came free, Richard, just held it by the hoof in his muzzle, clubbing her over the horn with it as more of her teeth were ripped out. She flailed her good wing frantically as Johnson reached for it as well, but it was no use as he began turning it into the same shivering mess of shattered bone as the other.  “Why?!” Cadance screeched, blood and teeth spitting from her muzzle. “She didn’t tell you to go this far!” “This is what you deserve, you insufferable cunt!” Richard groaned. “Fuck yes! I’m gonna cum so fucking hard!” “Wait for me!” Moby groaned, drooling as he pried out enough teeth to ram his shaft back inside. He thrust anew, grinding it against the raw flesh where her gums had been shredded, ramming the bloody implement he’d used into Cadance’s right eye and twisting it as she let out another delicious scream around his shaft.  The whole time, her body was bounced back and forth between her three betrayers like a rag doll, thrashing and convulsing as she was penetrated from all ends. More than previous times though, her brain was now wrecked with confusion of why they seemed to be so willingly tormenting her, so wanting to go the extra mile to cause her agony. Slowly it seeped in as needed, and Cadance began to realize what a horrible ruler and pony she was, that Twilight and Bloom were absolutely right about what a monster she was. “Holy wow,” Bloom drooled, watching Cadance but concentrating on slapping her belly against the other two as she fucked Flurry and got fucked by Twilight. “This is amazing. Ah wanna fuck so many more young foals. Can’t wait to find a mare giving birth and make her watch as I fuck it fresh from her hole!” “Once we overrun Equestria and lock them all into breeding farms,” Twilight promised. “There will be no shortage of babies to rape or murder as you please, but for now let’s concentrate on the mission.” “Cum inside Princess Mommy!” Flurry drooled as she slammed her own thick ovipositor into Twilight. It was hard to tell which of the three former ponies went off first, because one blasting their load immediately set off the others. Soon they clung to one another in a bundle of sweat and chitin as they pumped one another full of thick sperm. Twilight blew her load into Bloom again as she emptied herself into Flurry’s infant cunt, who in turned spewed a load into Twilight.  “Yes that’s it,” panted Twilight. “We all need more eggs to implant. Oh I envy how young you’re starting off doing this, not wasting all those years befriending who you could be brutally breaking like I did.” As their slimy bodies came to a stop, Twilight sent a surge of magic through the guards to send them off as well, making special sure that Richard’s would pump a few foals into Cadance in the process.  The guards pummeled and twisted every part of Cadance they could pry off as they came hard into her as well. By the time they were done flooding her swollen body with new seed, her front limbs were missing and her wings were a tangle of flesh no longer discernible as a limb. She looked quite amusing, flailing her hind legs frantically as she panicked. “That’s good boys,” Twilight encouraged. “Now leave your slut princess be for a moment and come over here. We have quite a nice reward for your service, and as I promised, you’ll all three be sent home afterwards as spies for the Hive. Once we have every guard in the palace replaced or transformed, the pillage of the city can begin.” “Ah can see there faces now,” giggled Applebloom between pants. “Wondering why the hell the whole royal guard just started raping civilians.” “Charge Crystal Heart with rape power!” Flurry squealed. “Aren’t you just the cutest,” Twilight nodded to Flurry. “But yes, something like that.” The three guards extracted themselves from their mutual victim as they’d been ordered to, panting as they did so. Looking down at Cadance’s broken body twitching on the floor, their eyes got a little wider, not entirely sure why they did what they did, but at the same time not regretting it. They were well within Twilight’s control now. As they staggered over to Twilight, she turned her attention momentarily to Cadance. Though her body was broken, her bruised and bloodied face still maintained her determined expression. She tried desperately to stuff the feels of betrayal deep within her. “Did you have fun, former sister-in-law?” asked Twilight. “I see you haven’t broken yet, but after a week of rape I’d be disappointed if this was the last straw. We have something so much better. See, I’m going to cast a spell that gives you an empathic link between you and your new foal, so that you’ll feel everything they feel.” “Exactly what they’re gonna feel is a surprise though!” giggled Bloom. “M-monsters,” Cadance drooled blood as she shook her head. “I won’t break for you, it doesn’t matter what you make me feel.” Twilight smirked as she wrapped Cadance in another time spell. She really was a stupid creature. Most hard-to-break ponies tried to pretend they were broken to prevent more torment, but this one just egged them on as if she wanted more and more. It was fine if Cadance was going for the high score, but to actually believe they wouldn’t break her was an idiocy beyond even her lowly species. Cadance curled up as Twilight’s magic healed her slightly, stabilizing her enough to survive but not dulling any of the discomfort. The proud princess whimpered quietly as the child inside her grew fast, body tensing with the pain of the spell as it grew more rapidly. Twilight was delighted when she confirmed that there was in fact twins inside of her, opposite genders no less. This would be so much kinky fun. “Y-you’re going to let us go home, right?” Richard asked quietly, the three guards standing there before them now. “Indeed,” Twilight smirked. “As a reward, you’ll be implanted with larva into your brains that will turn you into fully-obedience changeling drones, incapable of disobedience. We’ll then send you back to the Crystal Empire, disguised as your former self, to help us slowly replace the entire guard there. Once that is done, we’ll have them suddenly turn on their own citizens and form a rape-based society.” “B-but why would you do that?” Johnson took a step back. “For fun!” giggled Twilight. “I want to see how Celestia and Luna react to their biggest ally doing that. Not to mention, I want to baste the Equestrian citizens with fear as they see their world crumble around them. The Crystal Heart spewing that kind of energy will go a long way.” “Y-you’re worse than Chrysalis,” Moby blinked. “Worse?” Twilight smirked. “That’s a sweet compliment, even if untrue, so I’ll do you.” The guards flew into a panic at the realization of what was going to happen, but there was nothing they could do. Twilight barely even needed to restrain them with how exhausted they were from brutalizing Cadance.  Twilight was on Moby before his slow brain could even react, grasping his head and slamming it onto the floor several times. He struggled, trying to pull back, but Twilight was energized by his fear and resistance, making it an impossible feat to escape. Soon he found himself staring at her meaty ovipositor as she moved it to his ear and pressed the tip there. For a moment she savored his foalish fear of being elevated. Moby went limp immediately as the stinger penetrated his brain. Once she rammed her hips a few times and began injecting her viscous slime, his body went into new convulsions. His attempts to struggle away only resulted in flailing, looking far sillier than he probably wanted to.  “That’s it, let it happen,” She shivered as she felt the egg welling up through her, stroking his head as she drooled down upon him. “All the fear you feel now will soon be more pleasure than you’ve ever felt, and I’ll feed on it the same.” Having done it a few dozen times already now, Twilight got the adorable little larval egg pushed through her shaft the fastest. She clenched her teeth, purring with delight as she pried her stinger around in a circle, working the hole where Moby’s ear had been wider so it could squeeze through. She watched as her egg slid through, already hatching in transit. She could already stroke along the underside of her ovipositor to massage his little dick. As soon as it popped out of her shaft, he was all over the brain, wrapping his limbs around and mounting. The little beast pushed his rod against his mind-flesh, sinking between the folds as his limbs became tendrils that wrapped around it further. As Twilight looked through Moby’s head with magic, she was overcome with how sexy her newborn was. She’d barely pulled back when she pushed her rod back into the hole, prying open the grub’s rear entry and forcing her way inside. She shivered at the incredible tightness as he eagerly pushed back, enjoying his Mommy’s cock as he raped the brain of their victim.  Moby’s shivers died down slightly as he started to change. His skin seemed to shrivel and come off in flakes as his bones contorted and melted within him. For a moment, he was more of a blob than a pony, organs jiggling around within him as the skeletal structure migrated to the outside to form his exoskeleton.  Once Moby started to transform, Twilight became more affectionate as she often did, leaning downward to give him a deep kiss as his maw drooled blood and slime. She ran her hooves across his body, helping to peel off his old pony skin as it loosened. Within minutes he’d forgotten his terror and turned towards her thighs as she rammed the larva inside his head. He lapped at the juicy cunt behind her ovipositor, eyes gleaming with desire. . “Good boy,” Twilight encouraged. “You like my pussy too? You’re getting one too, you know, unlike inferior ponies, all changelings have both.” She yanked her stringer from his head as the grub began to fully meld with his brain, pushing him over onto his side. As she’d seen more mares transform than stallions, she wanted to feel the brand new pussy as it formed.  Twilight raised one of his hind legs, pushing her ovipositor against the slit forming behind his ballsack and pushing in. The flesh was just separating inside, and she jammed further to speed up the process, shivering at the feel of freshly forming pussy flesh around her cock.  As she gave him his first ever pussy fuck, she reached a hoof around, pushing his throbbing shaft into the hole in her leg to stroke him off. The skin of his pony shaft came free as well, stripping off like a rotten banana, making him shiver at the wonderful sting while she stroked raw flesh. Slowly it began to reshape into proper changeling equipment, the new barbs and ridges popping against the hole in her hoof with each stroke. “That’s it,” Twilight purred. “Fearful pony to rabid changeling slut in minutes.” Twilight pushed through Moby’s tight cervix seconds after it formed, ripping it open and pushing into his womb, infertile as it was for a drone of his status. She expelled a load into Moby’s twat as it finished forming, watching his belly swell. He expelled an equal load from his shaft as he blew off there as well, the last bits of his own dick flying free from the pressure.  As Twilight enjoyed Moby, the others were hard at work too. Bloom didn’t have much trouble in spite of her size. Richard tried to put up a fight, but the little one was stronger than he anticipated. She laughed as he tried to pin her down instead, twisting and jamming her horn into his belly instead. She rammed her jagged head bone deep and dragged it upwards.  She’d been studying pony anatomy to make herself a better killer, so It was a well-placed stab. It wasn’t lethal in this case, but it was enough that he felt the need to hold his stomach to keep his guts from falling out. Soon the laughing filly was climbing up to his head as he curled up into a fetal position on his side.  Deciding to take the road less traveled, Bloom pushed her ladycock against his left eye, eliciting a squeal. He watched in wide-eyed terror from his right eye as her shaft shaped itself into a barb and rammed deeper.  The impaled globe popped, shredded apart as she pushed deeper and penetrated into his brain. Her hips immediately worked into a flurry of rapid thrusts. She looked even more enthusiastic than Angel that time Twilight walked in on him plowing Fluttershy up the ass. As the venom slowly penetrated his mind, Richard’s good eye slowly went from wide to rolling back. “Please, I’ll do anything you want!” he yelled out. “Never understood why ponies said that,” Bloom purred. “Ah mean that’s what yer doing now. Anything ah want.” He was being a drama queen about the whole thing. Bloom didn’t understand why everypony was so sensitive about being turned into rape monsters. Being a rape monster was so much fun! Applebloom pounded her grub into Richard’s head, pushing him onto his back and turning herself around slowly as she continued to skullfuck his eye. As he lay on the ground and shivered, his legs flopped to the side, so she reached across his wounded gut for his still-throbbing shaft. She pulled it closer with her tongue and then suckled at the tip. She wasn’t interested in just a blow job though. As her larva squeezed out of her tip into his brain, she bit down on his tip, sinking her fangs into his most sensitive flesh. She got more convulsions out of him as she gnawed down his length, slowly withdrawing from his eye so she could move further down. With the grub pounding an eager little cock into his brain and Applebloom gnawing on his dick, he got a surge of pain from both ends. He sobbed as his body grew soggier beneath Applebloom, who slipped several times as his flesh started to come loose.  At first, the filly used a flap of loose skin to jack herself off while gnawing on him, but that wasn’t enough. Instead she rammed herself directly into the gut she’d pierced with her horn before. Now that he was transforming, he’d start regenerating so she wouldn’t need to be as gentle. His spasmed delightfully as she felt his warm guts squish around her rod.  As his ribs weakened, she shattered several of them with her thrusting, but soon they began to form around his outside. She continued to ram his gut though, feeling the flesh stitch itself together as she drew out and then ramming it back as hard as she could, stiffening her shaft into a stinger again to make sure she could penetrate. It kept him perfectly tight around her at all times. Finally he started to relax. Instead of whining now, he thrust his hips up towards Applebloom’s face, pushing more of his dick into her muzzle. As the healing took hold, it was regenerating as quickly as she gnawed down on it, so she continually ripped chunks of meat free.  She shaped her one hoof into a blade, slicing his entire rod free, then tossed it back to his head. Without question he caught it in his maw, now eagerly gnawing his own flesh just as she was. She turned and began suckling at the nub that she’d left, still ripping chunks free as it grew back in. His chest was getting too tight, but Bloom managed to get a shot of juicy sperm off before she withdrew. She filled the space between his newly formed guts with juice before yanking herself free with a lewd pop. The flesh closed so quickly that it tore a good half of her shaft off, but it was easy enough to shift out as she waited for it to regenerate, and the sting felt amazingly good. Johnson blew his load all over Applebloom out of the stump of chewed flesh. She  leaned back and let the combination of blood and sperm coat her body as his shaft reformed one more time. She rubbed it into her fur eagerly, another job well done and looking forward to the next step. Flurry was easily the most aggressive, flying at Johnson and clinging to his face as she eeee-ed in delight. He thrashed around like a cat with a cup on its head, trying desperately to pull her off with his hooves, but she dug in. She formed her hooves into tiny knives, clamping into his face as she forced her shaft into his muzzle.  He clenched his throat as if to resist, but she wasn’t aiming for that. Instead, she quickly hardened it into a stinger and jammed it up through the roof of his muzzle near the back, forcing it into his cranium through the nasal cavity. He screamed something that sounded a lot like ‘what the flying fuck’, but all she cared about was how the vibrations of his complaints felt. Flurry enjoyed Johnson flailing, so when she pushed the first dose of sludge into his head, she tried to use less paralytic. Unlike the others, his movements were full of purpose for much longer as he tried to beat at the cackling foal with his hooves.  He flailed onto his back, holding her as he attempted to double over and kick her with his hind legs. As usual, his pitiful struggles were no use, the kicking only making Flurry’s eyes roll back. It wasn’t long before an egg swelled at the base of her stinger and worked its way inside the soldier’s thick skull.. “Me having foal!” Flurry giggled as she excitedly pounded his face like the adorable face-hugger she was. “You have foal? You should rape foals to death!” “Mmmph,” Twilight head the idea as she pounded her own victim. “Good idea, but I was thinking after all of them had been replaced, they could hold a public orgy where they all rape their children to death at once, then mass-mail their well-fucked corpses to random Equestrian addresses.” “What a great prank,” Bloom snickered. Flurry loved the idea, and it only made her more rabid. She rammed her hips with the force of a jackhammer as she continued to cling to Johnson’s face, the bones in his muzzle giving with a loud crack as the front of his skull were caved in from the abuse.  She creamed the larva into his cranium and kept fucking, simply moving to his throat as the new life gave him a literal mindfuck from within. She bent his muzzle back in her excitement to get deeper, tearing his jaw clean off his face and tossing it aside, then tilting his head back so she could ram directly into his throat like a soggy pussy. Clearly having spent her entire life so far fucking had done the foal some good. The filly wasn’t as happy as the others when his terror and pain faded into pleasure, since this was one of her evil parents’ lacky. Soon though she started to appreciate him in the better sense. She purred as he wrapped his lengthening tongue around her shaft, grabbing hold of her hips as he regained control of his legs again, reaching behind her to rub at her tiny pussy. No longer limited by his foalish pony morality, he now had no qualms about giving a filly a good dicking. He doubled over again, this time to push his cock tip to her behind. She flagged her tail up as she forced his shaft into her bottom, still rubbing at her pussy with his front hoof as he held her hot plot with the other.  Even as he pounded her, she felt his shaft reshape within her. The skin came loose, dribbling out of the penetration as minced gore as he continued to fuck her. Slowly it went from boring blunt horse dick to a sleek jagged changeling shaft, ramming harder and harder as his change came to fruition.  He blew his first load as a changeling into Flurry’s tight behind. Her body undulated as she filled up, panting and shivering as she was filled. She creamed down his throat at the same time, filling his stomach with an equal load as if they were exchanging mass.  “Fuck yes!” Johnsom moaned as she yanked her shaft free from his throat. “I love your underage asshole! I can’t wait to rape my own kids too!” Clearly he’d come around to a more enlightened way of thinking.  Twilight was impressed by both of them, learning an important lesson about what the younger generation could teach her about torturing ponies in their last moment as ponies. This fun wasn’t what they were all looking forward to though, so it soon had to come to an end.  “That was incredible,” Twilight purred, looking at Bloom. “Cadance is finishing up about now, and I’ve cast the spell so she’ll feel what her twins feel. Shall we begin with her final breaking?” “Yay, break Mommy!” Flurry cheered. There was nothing more adorable than an infant wanting to break her mother. “Oh buck yeah,” Bloom looked at Cadance, licking her goey lips. “And we’ll see if I made the right decision by elevating you,” Twilight grinned at Applebloom. “Or if I should feed you to my cock instead.” “You made the right choice!” assured Applebloom with a giggle. “But seriously, ah still wanna see you do that to someone even if not to me.” > 9. A Broken Bitch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You won't break me," Cadance panted as her former family and friends surrounded her, drooling at the prospect of tormenting her more. "What are you going to do now? Make me have more children so they can use me too? How will that help when I’m already being constantly used by your filthy drones?" "You hear that Applebloom?" Twilight scoffed. "Not only is she being a bitch and trying to ruin our fun, but she thinks you're a one-trick ‘ling. The nerve!" Cadance had a renewed desire to escape after hearing what they planned to do to her city and watching them send her royal guards back home to start the plan. The selfish princess wanted to stop the foals of the Crystal Empire from becoming a feast for changeling dick that most of them wouldn't survive, but with any luck even though wicked desires wouldn't overcome her next challenge. Though she tried to put on a brave face, Cadance still had huge doubts. They hadn't told her what they intended to do to her, and she’d spent a week listening to the screams inside the egg chamber not entirely sure of what was done to other ponies..  She tried to look away, but couldn't help but watch Flurry as she crawled over to her first, rolling her over onto her back and pushing her legs apart. Twilight had healed most of her injuries, priming her to feel them all anew. Tears sparkled in her eyes as she watched the daughter she once dreamed of having, now licking her lips at the prospect of more rapetastic torment for her. She tried weakly to close her legs, but Flurry easily kept them open as she lowered her muzzle to lap against Cadance's pregnant slit, rough tongue sending a stinging sensation up through her body rather than anything close to pleasure. Even a cock-fiend like Cadance had forgotten what real sexual pleasure felt like after all this. As Applebloom moved up behind Flurry and mounted, the foal waggled her bottom and moved her tail out of the way. She spread her hind legs to allow her friend to push inside her with a slick sound Cadance could hear. Twilight pulled Cadance's head up so she could see all this over her pregnant gut. “Yer daughter’s pussy is amazing,” Bloom grinned at her.  "Disgusting," Cadance shook her head, still selfishly insisting that her foal stop having fun. "Why are you making her do this?"  It was amusing that after all this, Cadance still felt rage at seeing her precious daughter get plowed by another foal. The refusal to want her infant daughter’s pussy stretched was even more disgusting to Twilight. "Disgusting?" Twilight laughed at the absurdity. "So getting squeezed out through it is okay but licking it afterward is 'disgusting'? And don't complain about Bloom nailing her either. The first thing you and your mate taught Flurry was how to be a cock-fiend, while you got off on the idea of her dying from it, and then you expect her not to slut it up at least as much as you?" “No, I-” Cadance shook her head. “It wasn’t like that.” "What an insufferable cunt," Bloom agreed as she grasped Flurry's rump harder and pushed balls deep into her pussy, small bodies smacking together as she started to thrust. "She deserves every second of this. When we’re done, yer gonna beg to go back to just constant rape." It was amusing to feel Cadance frantically wracking her mind, trying to figure out what 'this' referred to. She petted her own belly, still very concerned for the fate of her new little ones, but it was a twisted concern that might earn them both the same torment that she had. When Flurry pushed her muzzle between Cadance's nether lips and slurped deeper, she didn't think much of it, but tensed up as the venomous tongue sank deeper. Flurry shaped her tongue into a prickly mass of tiny needles, dragging along the fleshy insides of Cadance's foal-maker. Flurry pressed hard enough for Cadance's pussy lips slid over her face and began encompassing her whole head. "W-what are you... you can't do that... the babies..." Cadance shook her head. “Well of course the babies,” smirked Twilight. “How is she going to brutally rape them before they’re born without going inside?” “No,” Cadance's weak pony mind somehow didn’t connect the dots to baby-rape until Twilight pointed it out, then her eyes swelled with shock. “Surely not, not even you would…” "Oh they'll be fine," assured Twilight. "And there's no 'minimum age' for sex here, such privative concepts are below us, so your precious daughter won't break any laws. In our advanced culture, refusing to fuck your children is illegal, so the only rule-breaker here is you." “Breaking laws isn't the problem!" Cadance was clearly delirious. “You can’t just have sex with a fetus!” "Tsk," Twilight shook her head, peering at Cadance. "What kind of princess are you that you care more about denying fetuses sex than upholding the law?" "Ah can't believe we used to be that evil ourselves," Bloom panted, lapping around the tightly stretched pussy pushing over Flurry's head. Flurry giggled from inside, muffled by Cadance's flesh. As the lips popped down over her neck, Twilight cast a new spell to make Cadance's flesh transparent, forcing her head to watch Flurry's grinning face as she slowly approached the two other infants safe within. Her shaft pulsated at the thought of making their first experiences even juicier than her own. "Mommy-cunt squeezes lots!" Flurry squealed happily from within.  "She's trying to murder you even now, with her pussy," Twilight nodded. "What a hateful mother. At least this time you'll get to rape her fetus before she inevitably tries to murder it." Applebloom's hips pounded harder, aiding in Flurry's passage. Flurry pushed one front hoof and then the other into the pussy, reaching them ahead of her, intentionally dragging their jagged edges along the sensitive flesh, already sliced out by her sharp tongue. Once it passed over her shoulders, her whole body went faster, and soon she was punching at Cadance's cervix to pry her way into the protected womb. Since her filly dick was so hard, Flurry pushed it into Cadance's asshole several times on the way in, getting a nice warm-up to the fun that would soon commence. Soon Applebloom's thrusting motions pushed her too deep for that, slipping it back out. Flurry went in further, and Bloom was more mounting Cadance’s fat gut than Flurry now. Just before Cadance's slutty cunt lips popped over Flurry's hot behind, Bloom groaned, expelling a hot load of mess into her friend's pussy, providing her with all the more fuel for the fire once inside. Cadance’s labia snapped shut onto Bloom’s shaft, and for a moment she got to feel both tight vulvas at once, shivering as she pumped more seed within before Flurry slid off. Cadance’s cervix gave and her womb came open, slick juice flowing around Flurry's body and out the hole behind her. Her hind legs kicked happily, the only part of her free of the hole. Bloom pulled free and shoved at Flurry's legs as the infant wormed her way fully into Cadance's womb. There she found the precious new lives, a male and female twin. "No, don't hurt them," Cadance begged, making all sorts of selfish and unreasonable demands. “Mommy hates me!” Flurry drew the only logical conclusion as she wormed her way further. She squeezed herself into the womb, Cadance’s belly swelling more as she slid up against the twins inside. They kicked at the feeling of a third party near them as Flurry sealed up the cervix again, sloshing around in the juice that remained inside, like a hot tub with her two new fuck toys, still clueless as to the torment that awaited them, running her hooves over their furless forms to anticipate their warm bodies. Twilight used her magic to make Cadance’s gut more transparent, wrenching her head so she’d be forced to watch the fun that would soon happen inside. The pulled Shining next to her, the stallion grunting as well as she pulled his head up to make him watch. She didn’t want either to miss a second of the action. "Mm, a filly and a colt," Twilight pondered. "Rape eggs in the filly first. Then we can force her brother to rape her as an egg sack. We’ll decide what to do with him based on if Cadance still insists in her villainy, but I’m sure she’ll reform soon." “I hope never reforms,” said Flurry between licking the fetuses. “Then can hurt Mommy more, and get to see Bloom cock-eated.” “Aw, that’s cute,” giggled Bloom. “Oh, don’t worry,” assured Twilight. “We’ll keep her torment up indefinitely even when she reforms. This is just the process of showing her mercy by helping her understand how much she deserves this.” “Yay!” said Flurry, relieved at the good news. Flurry licked at the back of the female twin’s head again, causing her to jerk at the spiny tongue. She moved behind her and snaked her ovipositor between her legs, pushing them apart. The confused new life had no idea what was about to happen to her, kicking about the womb innocently at the strange feeling of foreign flesh against her body. Flurry shivered as she savored the unknowing innocence of her new victim.. Bloom watched as well, keeping Cadance’s hind legs apart as she pushed her own shaft into her bottom. She moved at a relaxed pace, just enjoying the tightness as she watched, no different from how a pony might eat popcorn during a movie. Cadance was less relaxed though as the spiny surface scraped out her tailhole and added to her agony. Twilight moved closer as well, letting her dick flop against Bloom’s face and patting her head approvingly. Her other hoof moved to Cadance’s pussy, pushing within the well-stretched hole and fisting her with the jagged edges of her hoof. While she wanted to mostly leave it to her trainees, Twilight couldn’t resist the lure of harming someone that had trusted her so much. “So what will ya name these too?” Bloom asked Cadance before slurping Twilight’s shaft into her muzzle, swallowing it down and shivering at the feel of barbs in her throat. “No!” Flurry cried from within as she grinded her shaft teasingly between the female fetus’s rump cheeks. “Mommy doesn’t get to name new toys! Better-Mommy does!” “Aw, how adorable,” Twilight giggled, “But egg sacks aren’t really important enough as creatures to put a lot of thought into a name, so I’ll just call the female Breeder and the male Skeeter.” “Yay!” Flurry squealed. “Cunt-raping Breeder time!” Flurry turned Breeder around to face her, lighting up her horn so that the first thing the fetus ever saw was Flurry’s sadistic grin. Not even aware that she had a pussy yet, Breeder couldn’t have been more surprised or panicked as Flurry rammed her ovipositor between her legs, stretching apart her fresh lips, barbs popping against the incredibly tight hole. Thanks to Twilight’s spell, Cadance felt the agony as if it was her own gash getting rammed atop what she already felt. She didn’t only feel the agony of her body torn open, but also the confusion and terror that her embryo felt as it was tormented inside her. As the fragile mind quickly snapped, Cadance would get a taste of what would finally happen to her while giving the changelings a double-dose of the fetus’ emotion. Feeling more conventional hunger as well, Flurry twisted back one of Breeder’s fragile front legs, biting down onto the hoof. Her fangs shattered the fragile bone, gnawing on it as the fetus began to thrash. She couldn’t help but try to draw her first breathe, gagging on the fluid in the chamber at first.  Flurry wanted to hear her scream though, so drew in more air with her magic, giving the little ones a pocket to squeal into. The infant rolled her eyes back at Breeder’s very first squall, able to hear it better than anyone outside. She vibrations of the infantile weeping wrecked through both Cadance’s body and her mind. “Her very first word is an agonized shriek,” purred Twilight, sincerely touched. “Beautiful.” Skeeter was equally confused at the sudden movement next to him. Flurry flailed her own legs around Breeder, kicking Skeeter in the process and causing him to panic as well, in turn flailing his legs against his sister. The whole time, Flurry continued to stuff the little pussy, Breeder’s belly swelling as Flurry forced through the door to the immature womb and stretched out the back of it. Skeeter’s whimpering joined Breeder’s wailing instinctively at the sound of his sister’s distress. “Good,” Twilight encouraged. “She won’t ever need her legs, so go ahead and turn them into shit. They’ll be more useful that way.” She purred at Cadance. “See that? She’ll never learn to walk, or talk, or anything else. All she’ll ever know is how to be tortured, and it’s all your fault. You could be productive by now like your husband, but no, you insisted on this.” “No, that’s not what I did,” Cadance shook her head, the wicked pony insisting on continuing in her lies. “Just stop it, stop telling Flurry things you know aren’t true!” “The only thing she’ll ever know is the agony of being an egg sack,” said Twilight. “All she can be sure of is that she exists and that it’s an agonizing hell.” “Why?” Cadance sobbed. “Why do this? What part of your plan requires you torture me for fun?” “Justice requires this,” Twilight pointed out the obvious. “Don’t pretend it’s not your fault. You’re the stubborn cunt that insisted on continuing to resist until we resorted to more extreme means to break you. All this could have been prevented if not for your obsession with not giving Flurry the pleasure she deserves.” Flurry squealed in delight as she continued, delighted at the idea that her mother was experiencing the same pain that she put Breeder through. She was sopping wet though and it’d been minutes since she had a cock inside her, so she dragged Skeeter around to her back side. She used her magic to force his own immature equipment into a furious state as he continued to kick. For a while he calmed, feeling her moist soft rump grinding against him as she targeted her rear entry with his shaft. She wanted to show him what his cock was for. Unfortunately for him though, a pony’s cock was for torture, not pleasure. It was just a button to push to squirt out the lovely horror and agony that they could feed on. Once she pushed it inside and clamped around it, he struggled more than ever. Flurry shaped the interior of her ass to have tiny spines, making it feel like he was dragging his flesh across needles on all sides, bending them back and forth so his flesh always dragged against their sharp points. His squeals reached the same pitch as his sister’s and Flurry’s eyes rolled back into her head. All the time, she continued to gnaw on the leg she had in her muzzle, slowly working it down, tearing tiny bits at a time to maximize the torment. Cadance flailed as well now, no different than the little ones inside her. She almost kicked Bloom and Twilight off in the process before Twilight held her down. To punish Cadance for the vicious and unprovoked assault, Twilight rammed her hoof deeper, coming just short of pounding through her cervix.  Applebloom panted, holding in her orgasm for the time being, but dragging her teeth over Twilight’s ovipositor, biting as hard as she could. Each thrust she would slice deep gashes in it, which would quickly heal only to be made again, sending shivers through Twilight. Being a superior race, the physical trauma only delighted Twilight’s pleasure sense further. “Feel like snapping?” Twilight purred. “Ready to admit what a horrible mother you are? That you’re better as a sack?” “I will never break!” Cadance sobbed. “I’ll never say what you want, and you wouldn’t make it any easier on me if I did!” “I won’t make it easier on  you, no,” Twilight had to spell it out for the stupid pony. “But think of it like this: Every time you thought it couldn’t get worse, we made it worse. Are you certain we can’t continue that trend? You’re not doing this for an easier life, you’re doing it to put a cap on the agony you’ll feel for the rest of eternity.” “I don’t care,” Cadance continued being a drama queen about the whole thing. She didn’t believe Twilight, it seemed, so they’d have to put more effort into her suffering. Twilight smirked and turned her attention back to Flurry. The rabid little slut looked so adorable rotating her hips between the two fetuses. Skeeter squealed as he tried to back away from the little dick blender in Flurry’s rear, but couldn’t go far within the fleshy womb. Breeder tried to kick away as well, but the two little brats were trapped, unable to avoid the torture they so grossly deserved for being conceived as ponies. As she savored their screams, Flurry pushed their faces together over her shoulders to make them kiss, though it was mostly just their screams vibrating through one another. Her body shuddered as her own scream outdid theirs by far. As she tore the last bit of the leg off in her teeth, she gripped the filly’s hips so hard that her pelvis cracked in half, then twisted it to make sure to aggravate the wound. She held it as long as she could, but when a chunk of pelvis jabbed through the vaginal wall and scraped against her shaft, Flurry went over the edge. Her thick egg soup pushed through her shaft as she came into her new bitch, swelling the little one with a wonderful load of eggs inside her. The acidic goop that coated the fresh eggs burned at her internal injuries, each pain adding to the feast. At the same time, Flurry sent a shock of magical energy through Skeeter. He felt every pain nerve in his body fire off at once, sending him into a convulsive fit, but it had the desired effect too as he went off. He blasted his first load of sperm into his half-sister, expelled from the countless needle perforations in his dick, though some made it to the end.  Everything in his fresh digestive tract emptied out as well as a flood of piss followed the cum. As his bowels evacuated himself with sticky fetus shit, Flurry grasped it in her magic and moved the globs to stuff into the muzzles of both twins, giggling gleefully as she forced their muzzles shut until the swallowed. Cadance gagged as well at the taste of fetal shit in her own maw as it transferred to her. “That’s it, impregnate your sister,” purred Twilight, then turned to Cadance’s face. “Enjoy the taste of that fetal waste, princess? Since you’re being stubborn, I’m going to prove to you how much worse I can make things. Not only will you share your disgusting offspring’s agony as she bursts from her eggs, but I’m going to make them immortal like your husband so you can feel it over and over again.” “W-what?” Cadance stared. “Egg sacks have great purpose,” said Twilight. “But due to your stubbornness, you’ll have even less purpose than them. Your only reason to be alive will be to feel the suffering of your family. I’ll link you to Shining as well, in fact I’ll link all of you together so that your little Breeder feels your agony as well, one giant loop that feeds on itself. Even though Shining took his torture like a good bitch, your sins have ensured he will now suffer as much as you.” Cadance started to speak again, but Twilight clamped her muzzle shut. She’d let the slut suffer for a while longer before giving her another opportunity to repent for her crimes against the Hive and her own precious daughter.  As Twilight cast the link between Shining and Cadance, Cadance’s eyes widened anew. He had had plenty of time to work into true torment, and it obviously surprised her how intense it could be. But this was just the beginning. As Twilight made more connections, the feedback loop formed, Breeder and Shining spasming uncontrollably as well. It would ensure that no matter how far their torment soared, it would always get worse the next cycle. No longer was it just eternal torment, but eternal increasing of torment, feeling every torture pain forever. Once done, she eased up on Cadance’s muzzle to let her open it. All that came out was a mass of meaningless syllables as she couldn’t form words. Twilight used her magic to heal Cadance’s teeth, since she loved it when victims bit down, which only gave all three of the happily family a new painful input.  Twilight finally pushed her snakey ovipositor into her throat. Twilight didn’t even have to thrust for her shaft to be bathed in the convulsions within Cadance’s throat, teeth dragging across her flesh as she alicorn bit down as hard as she could. She had to know how good it felt for Twilight by now when she did, but she was incapable of doing anything but clenching her teeth. Breeder had just been receiving a short rest after Flurry withdrew only to be bathed in fresh agony. It was only intensified when Twilight cast the time spell on her to speed up the production of the eggs within her. Her wails were so loud that it was like there wasn’t a layer of flesh between her and them. As the eggs grew and boiled within her tiny body, she bloated grotesquely, as did her mother as she stretched out Cadance’s womb. Flurry continued to torment her siblings, moving to concentrate more on Skeeter. She changed positions with him to face him towards his twin, pushing him against her even though she was locked in the time spell. The feedback from the spell sent shockwaves of energy through him, making him convulse delightfully as Flurry pushed into his rear entry.  The tireless infant ovipositor pried open his tight, unused anal cavity. Like most colts and stallions, he was too stupid to appreciate a good dick up his ass, so only thrashed harder as he clenched down on her. As she invaded his screaming form from behind, she managed to push his own shaft into Breeder’s behind as well. That only sent more waves of energy through him, blasting through to wreck Flurry’s body as well. Unlike the inferior ponies in the womb with her, Flurry’s reaction to the shockwaves of agony was the cream herself hard, her little pussy flooding more juice into the tight fleshy expanse that trapped them within Cadance.  Twilight definitely needed to study what gave that little rape machine so much energy. She hadn’t stopped fucking since she was born and showed no sign of tiring, which was impressive even for a changeling. Clearly all Twilight’s scientific research was benefiting their race, even doing the impossible by making changelings even better rapists. Soon every other race on the planet would be their rape toys, and Twilight had a list of species she wanted to force herself into and onto. Cadance was mindless with torment at this point. Agony that Shining had taken months to work up to hit her all at once atop what Breeder felt. Sometimes she would try to bring herself under control enough to at least think, but constantly failed. She could only experience the unending torment that she’d so foalishly sentenced herself to. In brief instances, she tried her best to scream that she was ready to repent, but no, Twilight wouldn’t allow it yet. “Mm, there’s nothing like seeing a pony get justice for what she’s done,” Twilight purred. “You three will be some of the few ponies that get to suffer as much as all ponies deserve, so in a way you should feel honored.” Twilight rolled her eyes back as Cadance clenched her jaws harder, grinding her teeth onto the thick-skinned rod that Twilight rammed her throat with. Twilight zapped Cadance’s muzzle with a blast of energy, fracturing all her teeth at once to give them a sharper edge, grinding her shaft against the fragments of bone and raw bleeding gums.  Applebloom giggled happily at Cadance’s reactions as she continued to enjoy a nice leisurely ass-rape, keeping most of her attention on watching what was inside her. Everything that happened to Cadance made her tailhole a more interesting place to be, convulsing in ways that Bloom didn’t even know was possible for a pony. As Cadance crapped herself from agony, Bloom kept thrusting, letting the soggy shit ooze out from around the penetration point. “This is amazing,” drooled Bloom. “Ah wish my parents were alive so ah could do something so cruel to them.” “Well, there’s always time travel,” Twilight smirked, half-joking, but a moment later was seriously considering it. They were already dead, so it’s not like it would ruin the timeline if they died in a different manner. Who’s to say they didn’t already die like that? Sure the Apples claimed timberwolves killed them,  but Twilight had always thought it odd that a pack of timberwolves would leave the Apple children physically unmaimed when they butchered the parents. Who’s to say it wasn’t something else that they were afraid to talk about? As the spell finished on Breeder, Flurry was just creaming a new load into Skeeter’s behind. When the energy field faded and he stopped twitching as much, Flurry moved around again, once again bringing herself face-to-face with her new sister and grinning widely at her bloated body, running her hooves over the pulsing surface. “Not enough,” drooled Flurry. “Want suffer more…” “Good girl, Flurry,” Twilight encouraged. “Use her as she bursts apart. I’ve made sure she won’t experience the sweet release of death. Remember, every pain she feels is translated to the worthless parents that tried to murder you, so have fun with it.” “Yay!” Flurry squealed enthusiastically. “More pain for worse-Mommy and Daddy!” Flurry rolled her eyes back as she felt convulsions of agony from both sides, Breeder against her front and the pulsating wall of Cadance’s womb against her back. As she pressed her prickly dick into Breeder’s egg hole again, she got to feel both vibrate with the new agony. She realized how lucky she was; few got to dish out vengeance like this to somepony that wronged them, so she wanted to make her evil parents suffer to the fullest, to reach the upper limit to how much agony a pony could suffer. They weren’t at that limit yet though. The torment for both Breeder and Cadance skyrocketed again as the grubs tore their way out of her body. Her body undulated as the round shape of the eggs became the squirming shape of tiny bodies. The violent orgy that would ensure only the strongest lived commenced as it always did. The first of many pushed its way up through the fetal pussy, and Flurry shivered as she felt its maw latch around her ovipositor as she rammed that hole. Flurry growled lustfully as the jagged teeth dragged over her sensitive rod, pushing deep into the little one’s throat to give them their first taste of cock. Soon she felt impacts from further in as another grub began pounding the first from behind. Skeeter met with the same delight, but squandered it by sobbing like a tortured fetus instead of enjoying the raking of teeth on his rod. His weak rod was sliced into ribbons by the grub teeth fairly quickly, but Flurry helped him out by funneling healing magic into him. The grub feasted on the never-ending meat of the dick they’d found. Breeder’s small body broke apart easily, the first grub to try to crawl out her muzzle bursting from the front of her neck instead. He looked about with confusion as he found himself within yet another womb, and others did the same as they tore her gut open. They then squealed in delight at the realization that they’d have even more fun. They’d be able to have an orgy here, then rip out of the outer sack to have another orgy there. This was definitely the best 0th birthday present they could have received, while also being the perfect 0th birthday present for an insufferably wicked creature like Breeder. Flurry squealed happily too as they began to crawl all over her, strings of Breeder’s organs hanging off their body as they swarmed. She slurped the shaft of one grub, gnawing off the bit of cum-soaked intestines that he’d fucked on his way out of her sister. She spread her hind legs as she felt more grabbing for her precious little plot, feeling more jagged rods pushed into both her hind entries. She clenched both, giving them the pleasure that new grubs deserved and that her own parents had tried to deny her. That wasn’t enough for a delightfully rabid cock fiend like Flurry though, so she shifted her body. Tight, wet holes formed all over her, perfectly sized for little grub dicks. In an act of true kindness, she even added some thorny protrusions for those weird grubs that preferred using their little pussies instead. Her whole torso was covered front and back with the pleasure ports. The swarm of new life make use of every hole and shaft, covering her in a mass of undulating bodies as she writhed in orgasmic delight. “Goodness,” said Twilight. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that was that much of a slut.” She gave Flurry a magical headpat as the little one swelled with pride from the compliment. As more tore out, they swarmed Skeeter’s form too. They didn’t find as many fun parts to use, and his muzzle and asshole were quickly filled by the first eager little dicks. The others were rightfully enraged when he refused to give them pleasure as well, and went about forcing him to do the right thing. They ripped holes in his gut with their little fangs, then moved to push their little rods inside. Twilight expended more of her magic to keep him from bleeding out completely, but let the little ones enjoy the holes they made. While making new rods to impale themselves on was more difficult, they made due, tearing a long slit down the front of his body to expose his rib cage, then sated themselves on the points of each rib. “Such creative little ones, I’m so proud,” giggled Twilight. “It’s amazing how they know just what to do as soon as they hatch. Meanwhile if you try to stick your dick in a newborn pony, they get all offended like you did something wrong. Fucking snowflakes.” “Yeah at first ah thought pony foals were just too stupid to enjoy it,” Applebloom commented. “But they’re probably just naturally evil and don’t want anycreature to enjoy their hot little bodies, not even their own parents.” Twilight swelled with pride at how intelligent Applebloom had become, then purred and pumped another load of spunk into Cadance’s throat, giving whichever lucky grubs crawled up through it plenty of sex slime to bathe in. She yanked it free, letting Cadance gag as the princess stared up at her. Even though the pain hadn’t subsided, her brain hadn’t gotten a bit more use to it, so she looked to be able to understand her situation more now, as much as a pony was capable of at least. “You see that, Princess?” Twilight moaned to Cadance as she extracted her ovipositor. “When they’re done having their little fuck party in there, they’re going to rip out of you just like they ripped out of Breeder. You’ll get to feel it all over again, as will she and Shining since their connected to you too. What a heartless bitch you are, forcing such a fate upon them.” Cadance stared at Twilight, unable to utter more words. Instead her whimpering suddenly broke down into sobbing, shaking her head at Twilight. All the torment she felt, and Twilight was telling her that she would feel it again on top of that. It was finally enough to make even a lowly alicorn’s brain comprehend her situation. Twilight moved to Cadance’s other end, rolling her to her side so that Bloom could continue with her rump as Twilight plopped her own ovipositor against her pussy. Beyond resisting, Cadance finally spread her legs like a good slut before Twilight pushed between her cunt lips. Even in her current condition and the spiny cock penetrating her, her pussy still slurped it up instinctively. “It looks like you’re finally starting to accept your position as the Hive’s toy,” Twilight said. “So this is what we’ll do: I’m going to fuck more seed into your precious first-born, and she’s going to do something to Skeeter using that seed. She’ll either turn him into an immortal egg sack or into a drone. In the case of the former, he’ll of course be linked to you three, compounding your agony so much more.” “N-no more,” Cadance stammered when she finally could, looking at Twilight with a begging expression. Twilight pushed deeper into Cadance, elongating her shaft as she thrust it inside. Fishing it deeper, she grabbed the grub currently plowing Flurry’s pussy with the prehensile length, pulling him aside. She used her magic to scoop out the spunk currently inside the womb and then pushed her own shaft inside the hot little foal pussy. Flurry purred and writhed more, ready to get another load of torment for their prey. “Do you confess what a terrible mother you are?” Twilight asked, grinning down at Cadance. “Y-yes,” Cadance finally admitted the obvious truth. “I’m an awful mother that tried to murder my daughter…” “And why did you do that?” purred Twilight. “Because I’m evil,” Cadance sobbed. “And for no other reason. I wanted to deny her the pleasure you give her, I’m just a wicked pony that deserves eternal torment.” “Now was that so hard?” Twilight giggled. “You could have told the truth at any time and saved yourself so much grief. It’s stunning how much torture some pony’s will take and still stick to a lie.” “I’m sorry,” Cadance sobbed, her will collapsing as she completely gave in. “Please hurt me as much as you want, Flurry, I deserve it for what I did to you!” “Shut up, cunt, I’m busy!” Flurry said, her voice barely comprehensible as she gargled one drone’s cum before scarfing down another’s shaft. “I’m not sure if you really believe that,” Twilight growled at Cadance, ovipositor throbbing as she fucked Flurry inside of her. Seeing Cadance give in was driving her quickly towards another orgasm. “Are you really convinced, or are you just pretending to save your pathetic colt?” “I am not pretending,” Cadance shook her head. “Please believe me! P-please assign him to torment me instead of making him an egg sack.” She was pretending for the moment, and couldn’t hide it from Twilight’s perceptive mind, but it was amusing how Cadance tried to make herself believe it now. Twilight had seen it before, though it didn’t typically take so long to activate. Convinced that it would save her and her loved ones further agony, and knowing Twilight could read her emotions, Cadance would literally brainwash herself to make herself believe. To see a pony reach this level of despair was truly beautiful. “Fuck yes, gonna cum in your daughter’s pussy now, slut,” Twilight told her. “Y-yes, do it,” Cadance sobbed. “You’re such a better mother than I ever was, I would have hogged all the cock for myself instead of letting her have any.” Twilight groaned as she pumped another load of seed into Flurry, pumping her full of thick spunk one more time to prepare her for what she’d do to the little colt. Cadance’s belly swelled with the jolts sliding through her and Flurry’s body undulated around her tip, milking the sperm from her shaft. She wanted nothing but to make use of her new mother’s seed to torment her old mother. Applebloom was driven forward by Cadance’s admission too, plowing another load into the princess’s asshole at the same time. She didn’t stop though, just continuing to stuff the exit hole as she watched the delicious show laid out before her. She felt a strange mix of satisfaction that her plan was working and slight disappointment that Twilight wouldn’t get to put her own plan of converting Bloom into cum into action.  “I think I want to turn him into a sack anyway,” admitted Twilight to Cadance, giving her a while to fret before continuing. “But I’m a princess of my word. Besides, Flurry can’t stay here all the time, so I’ll assign him to make certain that you and your family are bathed in constant torment. It will be his duty to make sure you  never have a restful moment from now until eternity, just like you so grossly deserve.” “Yes, please,” Cadance nodded, her body shivering violently. “Flurry is my successor, so she should make sure all the citizens of the Crystal Empire suffer. She’ll be a better queen than I ever could be.” “Now you’re getting it,” Twilight smirked, even if Cadance still didn’t quite believe what she said. Still, the guilt she felt at saying such things about her former subjects was delightful, swirling into the delicious mix swirling through her body. “What a cunt,” Bloom panted. “Sellin out her own subjects like that. Ponies stab each other in the back at the first threat of the smallest thing.” “W-what?” Cadance shook her head. “But I accepted… why are you still…” “You don’t think you’re doing that?” Twilight asked. “I promised to keep you from being lonely forever by assigning you a tormentor, yet you’re still thankless enough to bitch when we remind you of what a miserable creature you are. This is why you deserve this.” “I…” Cadance started to speak but couldn’t think of what to say. “Yes… you are both completely right. Let’s watch my son’s transformation now, please.” “Better,” said Twilight. “A little bit. But first, let’s ask Shining. Dear former brother, do you have anything to say to your wife after she brought this fate upon you as well?” “Why couldn’t you just…” was all Shining got out before he ran out of energy to speak.  “Yes, why couldn’t she?” Twilight nodded. “See, Cadance? Now the love of your life despises you, and always will. But to show I'm a merciful princess, I’ll at least grant him a divorce so he won’t have to remain husband to someone he hates with a burning passion.” “I’m so sorry,” Cadance shook her head, now blaming herself for his worsened state as well. Her newly broken mind interpreted those few words as complete rejection, and a rejection by him seemed strangely more impactful to her than anything else. “I wasn’t thinking…” Inside, Flurry yanked free of the egg sack, pulling herself off of Twilight’s shaft as she climbed around to Skeeter. Flurry still had a half dozen undulating bodies fucking her various holes or protrusions, and let them continue as she made her way to her brother. She grasped his head in both forelegs. Flurry looked up at her mothers to make sure she was watching. Twilight licked her lips as Flurry looked at her, nodding in approval. Cadance wasn’t sure what to do when Flurry looked at her, so just muttered ‘good girl’, afraid to do anything but approve of her. When she looked at Shining, all he could do was grunt, but she made sure he was facing her. Once she was sure she had a full audience, Flurry turned Skeeter’s head to face Cadance, wanting her to see his expression at least if she couldn’t feel his agony. She winked, stroking her shaft via a hole in her hoof as it shaped itself into a needle, taking on a sharp metallic look as she strengthened it.   Finally she rammed it into the back of his head. She didn’t bother using an existing hole, and they were all already in use anyway, instead just punching the back of his head with the needle until his skull gave. Cadance could do nothing but watch, her eyes shifting back and forth from Flurry to Skeeter. Skeeter went cross-eyed as she punched inside and lodged her ovipositor between the two halves of his brain. He spasmed violently, but could barely even thrash from the agony as he was still covered in the nieces and nephews that had burst from his twin. Flurry moaned in sadistic glee as she brain-fucked another pony into submission. Next to them, Breeder’s body had been hollowed out, her spine barely holding on as it was the only thing connecting her chest from her hips. Two drones were ramming her pussy and ass, their shafts visible as they stuck through the hollowed out bottom half, still another ramming into her open chest, up through her neck, and out her muzzle.  Every part of her was being used for sex. Grubs jacked off with strands of her intestines while others impaled their pussies and asses on her shattered bones. One had ripped out what was left of her womb and was fucking her cervix directly as one of his siblings pushed their rump against the other side, assfucking him through it. Aside from that, her hollowed out body was used as a necro-orgy pit as the stronger grubs had their way with the corpses of their stillborn siblings. The weaker ones that had been rightly fucked to death were also being used to pleasure the survivors. The dozens of tiny bodies slapping together was audible even from outside Cadance’s body, but as of yet none of them had begun to dig out of her, patiently waiting until they were instructed to. There was no reason to hurry the fun after all. Even being an uneducated pony fetus, Breeder recognized that something was wrong, that she should have stopped functioning by now, but all she could do was continue to suffer. Being in pieces didn’t tone down her suffering, as the parts that were broken off still transmitted their pain to her, and in turn all that agony was funneled to Cadance and Shining and then back to her again. Cadance and Shining now lay wide-eyed and unable to move from the sheer agony they experienced, unable to do more than watch the sexy carnage through the x-ray spell. Sadly like most ponies, they were too stupid to truly enjoy the sight of newborn bodies thrusting together. Flurry settled her bottom against Breeder’s gutted body, feeling her twitching and the squirming of other grubs inside of her. She then rammed into Skeeter’s head harder, giggling as he vomited all over the cock of the grub that was fucking his throat. She thrust hard, pushing the thick goo into his head to get it ready for her new offspring. Getting the egg into his head was another thing entirely. At Flurry’s size, the egg pumping through her shaft was almost as big as she was and even larger compared to her fetus brother, so it was especially amusing to watch. She pushed with all her might, grasping his head and straining.  It swelled the base of her shaft like a massive knot as it formed, then began to claw its way through the tightly stretched flesh. She tried to ram him into the hold in Skeeter’s skull, but it just wasn’t big enough.  Finally she cracked open his skull completely, breaking off entire plates of it until she uncovered the entire back of his head, exposing his brain fully to the stinging fluids that surrounded them.  The goo oozed from his muzzle and nostrils as she pushed the egg against the back of his raw brain. The new grub grasped his brain, slurping at it as if giving a deep kiss before proceeding to ram his dick between the strands of graymatter. Flurry withdrew to give him room, but as soon as she did, another grub latched onto the brain-grub and began ramming his ass even as he had his way with Skeeter’s brain. Flurry churred in approval, sliding her stinger to the lips of the other grub so he could slurp at it as he fucked the brain grub. He eagerly coiled his tongue around it as he continued to pound the other’s ass. The brain-grub seemed to grow soggy as he melted against the brain, body morphing into a mass of tentacles to invade every thought noodle in the fetus’s head. The grub fucking him squealed in delight as he felt the flesh melt against his shaft, and exploded quickly into it. The mass of cum swelled the mass of flesh, some bubbling to the surface but more trapped inside the brain as the two began to meld together. Skeeter underwent a lot more trauma than most lucky recipients of this gift. At first, Twilight expended a lot of magic to keep Skeeter alive as his head was ripped apart, but as he slowly transformed, her assistance was needed less and less.   As his bones cracked apart within and his new skin flaked off within the womb, his squeaks of agony gradually changed to moans of delight. He felt the same agonizing pain, but had learned to enjoy it as only changelings could.  “Come now little ones,” Twilight announced to the other grubs in Cadance’s womb. “If you stay there too long, you’ll get bored. I think it’s time for you to burst free. Don’t you think so, Cadance?” “Yes,” Cadance said as if in a trance, nerves so maxed out that she could barely react. “Please hurt me more like I deserve.” She was finally starting to believe it for real; it was heart-warming for Twilight to see the wicked pony reformed in such a touching way. Perhaps after a millennia of torment, she might even redeem herself, not that they’d end the torment because of it. The grubs gladly obeyed the suggestion to burst free. As they finished up with the siblings and corpses that currently occupied them, they turned their attention to getting free. Cadance quietly sobbed as she felt them tearing at the walls of her womb, tiny claws digging their way out of her body.  There were a few that took the more boring traditional exits, but not in the traditional manner. Instead of sliding out, they clawed their way through the tunnel, leaving gashes along her insides as they moved. The first one to emerge was immediately yanked free by Twilight, who purred as she turned the little grub around to push her ovipositor against her little pussy. The grub squealed in delight, instinctively knowing what an honor it was to be plowed by a princess. Bloom grabbed the next one, rolling over onto her back as she pushed her own ovipositor up into his ass. Soon she was bouncing him on her gut as more emerged. As Twilight and Bloom enjoyed their grub-fucking, others dug through Cadance’s body. Few went right to the surface, however, somehow sensing that they should make this one suffer as much as possible.  One felt the soft expanding flesh of her lungs as she hyperventilated, deciding it’d make a good fuck. He dug into the soft organ with his claws, then pushed his dick inside. He squealed at the suction as she continued to breathe, plowing the air pockets within. Several other grubs got the idea and did the same, gnawing into the surface of her lungs as they did. She watched them in horror via the x-ray spell, blood bubbling up through her throat to join all the other things she was vomiting up.  Still another found her beating heart, licking over the fleshy surface and pushing his shaft against it. He ripped one of the arteries free, replacing it with his shaft instead as he raped the pulsating mass.Blood poured out around him, coating him in gore as he squeaked in delight. Cadance convulsed at the new pains in her chest, but finally accepted that she didn’t deserve the sweet mercy of death. It was quite an effort to keep both Cadance and Breeder alive, since the initial magical input of the immortality spell was quite a chunk. Twilight felt her own magic draining almost half as much as the energy that they returned to her in the form of delicious emotional agony, but it was absolutely worth the effort.  Not just that, but even now she felt like seeing eggs hatch was an experience that bolstered her faith in her new species. Seeing how much more helpful new grubs were than pony foals really opened her eyes about how useless and stupid ponies were, not even capable of committing rape, much less murder, until years after birth. “Was it worth it, you insufferable cunt?” Twilight growled at Cadance. “You came into our house and had the nerve to tell us how evil we were, even claiming that you know how to better raise the filly I rightfully stole from you and denying our obvious master race status. If I remember correctly, you even suggested on a few occasions that I should go back to being Celestia’s bitch slave, the one she hated so much that she never even raped me.” “S-she was training you to be a princess,” gagged Shining. Even though his interjection was clearly delusional, it was nice to see he was still observing the suffering of his deserving wife and putting effort into his own suffering. “Well my new mother just MADE me a princess,” Twilight laughed. “Instead of making me do HER job for years first. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Celestia was playing a long game with a plan of retirement.” “S-sorry!” Cadance squealed, quickly developing a habit of apologizing even when the conversation wasn’t directly about her. She vomited up a new grub that finally made its way up through her body. Soon her whole form was undulating along the surface as little claws pried their way out. The once silky smooth princess’s bruised flesh ripped apart, looking more beautiful than she ever had as more and more grubs burst out of her.  At that point, Cadance couldn’t think beyond the instinctive apologies and acknowledgements of her own inferiority. All she could do was feel the torment of her own body being ripped apart, combined with Breeder’s torment, whose body was already in pieces that were themselves being repeatedly raped. The constant burn of built-up agony coming from Shining collided into that, driving them all to impossible heights.  The feedback spell worked even better than Twilight imagined. Wiring them to feel one another’s pain allowed them to feel more agony than would normally be possible for a pony, effectively giving them access to three times more pain nerves than they had naturally. Seeing her writhe in such impossible amounts of agony was so gorgeous, it really showed Twilight that there was still justice in a world corrupted by filthy ponies, and made her look forward to filling it with so much more. Skeeter’s change came along well, and by this point he had gone from agonized sobbing to squeals of delight. As his body came together again, healing of his wounds, there was still a grub fucking the back of his brain as the hole grew smaller, but he no longer seemed to mind. When the hole closed up completely, the grub squealed as his little dick was severed, only to be pinned down by another brother, who rammed his dick into the hole where the dick used to be before it started to regenerate. What an adorably playful bunch. He grabbed Breeder’s behind now of his own free will. Though it was no longer connected to the rest of her body, it had the fuck holes he so desired. His mind having been upgraded, he now fucked her with the full knowledge of how hot it was to rape his twin in their mother’s womb. His cock, which had to be magically forced hard before, was now rock solid on its own. For Breeder’s part, it was just another warm dagger of flesh stabbing her body in ways she was too stupid to understand. She would never understand why she was brought into existence only to suffer like this. The brat squealed as he pushed his morphing shaft into her pussy, the old flesh peeling away like rotten flesh from a week-old corpse to reveal the sleek thorny changeling cock beneath.  Since most of her vaginal tunnel had been torn off as a masturbation aid by other changelings, though, there wasn’t a lot other than the entrance to fuck, basically just a wall of flesh with a hole. Instead, he folded her bottom to press his dick into her pussy and out her asshole, getting a double dose of incest by fucking both at once.  “Good boy Skeeter, you’re doing so well  your first time raping an egg sack,” Twilight purred. “Get used to that hole, because it will be your favorite pussy to fuck other than your mother’s. That’s right, your duty for the rest of your life will be to fuck and torment ponies, and I want her to see what she missed, so get ready for the heaven your idiot mother denied herself.” “Fuck hole! Rape family holes!” Skeeter squealed, his first words more than appropriate as his new brain kicked into gear. “And you Flurry,” Twilight purred. “You can be proud of yourself. I’m sure you’re reluctant to leave your parents’ side as you’ve spent your whole life either being tortured by or torturing them, but this delightful gift you’ve given them will ensure that they are never lonely without you. Every thrust of little Skeeter’s hips will remind them of their daughter that is so superior to them.” “Already proud of him!” Flurry squealed, then beamed. “I’m better Mommy than worse-Mommy!” “Indeed you are,” Twilight nodded, then turned to Bloom as well. “Applebloom, you’ve gone from being an inferior race even among pathetic ponies races to having real potential. I really believe that if you continue working as hard as you are and practicing your magic, we’ll finally be able to ignore your dirt pony heritage. It’s part of the beauty of the Hive. Even though you started as the least of ponies and will always be naturally inferior to us, you can still earn a high rank if you try.” “Just you wait!” Applebloom promised. “Ah’ll make sure my old family is wiped from existence! Either converted or dead, every one of em!” “I have no doubt,” Twilight nodded. “By the time you’re done, you’ll be an expert.” “Aw, that’s so sweet,” groaned Bloom between thrusts into her little grub toy. “But manely I just want to participate in the humiliation of my family! Like… as a changeling rather than just being came inside them after being converted to cum.” Twilight smiled at Bloom, realizing she wouldn’t let Twilight forget that threat until she got to see it unleashed on someone else. She’d have to make sure to tell Chrysalis that she wants to punish the next traitor to the Hive they find. But for now, she went back to the task at hoof. Twilight shaped one of her hooves into a bladed shape, and once Cadance’s pussy was unoccupied, she pushed the tip to her entrance. She pushed within and sliced upwards, completing Cadance’s opening as she tore her from cunt to throat, barely slowing down as she cracked through her sternum.  She licked her lips as she got a better look of the gooey orgy inside, the slapping sounds louder than ever. She reached both hooves in, cracking Cadance’s rib cage open wider to give the sex fiends more room within.  “I wonder if being born from a young fetus gave them more energy,” Twilight pondered. “They certainly seem to have no lack of it. Or maybe it’s because they came from someone that produced so much raw emotional energy during their breaking? I’ll have to try a few different experiments on other mares to determine exactly what it was, because I feel like this group alone could rape the entirity of Ponyville to death in one sitting if they needed to.” She opened Cadance just in time for Skeeter to have his first orgasm as a changeling, so lowered her head in and cupped her muzzle over his tip as it protruded from his twin’s ass. As she slurped the acidic juice down, she rolled it around her gums and massaged his eager little dick with her tongue. He really was a lucky little guy, one of the few that could commit twincest with an egg sack. Twilight was a little envious of that kink potential. Breeder got her first look at the outside world, but all she could do was stare in unending agony. As she slowly comprehended how horrifying her existence would be, Twilight pulled her bottom half out of the gaping wound of a womb, casually sitting it upon Shining’s new shaft with his dick in his step-daughter’s pussy and covered in his step-son’s fresh spunk.  She yanked the top half out as well, flopping her onto the floor between Shining and Cadance’s head. Twilight took time to heal her lungs enough that she could scream again, then shivered as her beautiful screeches pierced the air and invaded the minds of the happy couple. “Goodness, you really are pathetic, brother,” Twilight smirked at him. “Now you aren’t only a pain toy, but a cuck that will get tortured by his wife’s foal that isn’t his own, the child of the guards that have been fucking your wife behind your back for so long.” “Hate… you… all,” Shining gagged, only audible beneath the screams of the tortured foal due to Twilight’s superior hearing. “Get your mother ready for her life as a pathetic pleasure slave,” Twilight said to Skeeter next, ruffling his head-frill. When she pulled her hoof back, it was drenched in the cum and gore that was all over him, so she licked it off slowly. “She won’t need her legs or wings anymore after today; they’re just annoying protrusions that occasionally annoy us by flailing around helplessly.” But just sawing them off wasn’t any fun, so Twilight took the time to heal them first, even if she didn’t bother to mend the breaks at proper angles. Skeeter was obedient, moving to his mother’s first twitching leg and biting down on the hoof. It took several moments before it gave beneath his teeth, Twilight providing him the power he needed. Rather than just rip the leg off, he proceeded to slowly eat the limb from hoof to shoulder, more like a meat-grinder than a blade.  “That’s it,” encouraged Twilight. “Wonderful idea, convert her legs directly into changeling shit on the spot. Being our shit is more useful than anything she’s done in her miserable life.” Cadance couldn’t hear them with the grubs fucking both her ears at this point, as well as every other hole still, but she could definitely feel the gnawing as Flurry and Bloom also took hold of each of her hind legs, starting with the hoof as Skeeter had and working their way down. Twilight joined in, but lifted Cadance into a sitting position to access her wings instead. She first sliced through the flesh adjoining the bones so that she could extend it out further, folding the fingers of the wing into one bunch so she could gnaw through them at once. As she did so, she ripped out bunches of feathers and sat them aside. One of the few good things about ponies was that pegasus and alicorn feathers could be used as stirrers for roofie potions, so maybe she’d make use of them eventually. While she didn’t need roofies with her magic, it might still be amusing to spike the punch at a gala sometime. The other grubs got the idea and her remaining two limbs were worked on by even tinier teeth. For a moment they all enjoyed the simple life of feasting on her terror and agony as they slowly worked her down to a torso and head. “Enjoy these last moments with your limbs,” Twilight teased her between bites. “Because this may be the last you see of them.” “No…” Cadance begged. “Please regenerate them… I deserve to feel them removed over and over.” “Good girl,” purred Twilight. By the time it finished, what was left of Cadance was a quivering mess. Twilight patted her face one more time as Breeder continued to squeal next to her ear.  “Do you have anything else to say, Princess?” Twilight smirked. “Please,” Cadance shook her head and sobbed. “Please hurt me more. Make me-” She didn’t finish her sentence as Skeeter crawled up onto her face, forcing her muzzle wide and ramming his shaft down her throat. She choked on his dick helplessly, nubs wriggling frantically as he rolled his eyes back.. “That’s right, this is your life now,” Twilight promised. “Day and night, forever. Your job is to feel more agony than any other life form in this room, letting the Hive feast on you every time we come to make eggs or fuck corpses… and to occasionally attend parties as entertainment. We have a Grand Chittering Gala that’s way better than the pony one, and there are a lot of birthday parties.”  Twilight turned to Skeeter, giving him a deep kiss as he pounded away. “And your job, little one,” Twilight told him. “Is to spend forever, never sleeping, making sure your family are suffering unending agony. Think of yourself as a scientist finding new ways to make ponies suffer, and these are your test subjects.” “We should bring a bunch of corpses from her city,” squeaked Skeeter. “And make her lay on them as they rot.” He was already having great ideas. “Then have them fucked in front of her!” Twilight moved to kiss Applebloom as well. Applebloom smiled proudly. “Good job, Bloom,” Twilight encouraged. “You’ve earned yourself a great deal of fun with me later, none of which currently involves you dying for my amusement. You may even live long enough to see the Queen complete her vengeance by murdering me.” > 10. A Rebel Scum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the egg chambers were fun, being summoned to the throne room guaranteed a good time too. Twilight always looked forward to her chats with Chrysalis, which typically meant something interesting was going to happen. Even when her mother didn’t bring victims to their chat, it was still nice to bond with her, and at the very least there would be a line of drones for each to keep them constantly pounded during the conversation. This time Chrysalis had a ‘special snack’ for her, which she didn’t immediately reveal what was through the hive mind, but Twilight knew they’d brought in a load of prey earlier that day. When she got close to the throne room, she felt her ovipositor throb as she overheard familiar voices inside. It was the voices of two young fillies she knew from Ponyville, Coconut Cream and Toola Roola. It seemed like she’d get some payback for all the times the two brats made her take time out of her day to keep them from arguing. If their parents had raped and murdered them more often growing up, they might not have turned out that way, but Twilight could always solve it permanently now. “It’s your fault!” Toola was squealing, already arguing with her friend despite their peril. “I noticed the guide leader was acting weird but you said we should go with her anyway! Now we’re gonna get eaten by monsters!” “Oh, we’re going to do so much more than eat you, dearies,” Chrysalis chuckled, apparently letting them have it out. “Maybe if you hadn’t been a brat all day and dumped out my ice cream,” Coconut shot back. “I woulda been paying more attention!” As she entered, Twilight started to make a ‘cream’ pun, but Chrysalis glared at her before she could. That was the problem with a hivemind. Chrysalis often knew it was coming and would even sometimes give Twilight a pre-emptive ass-beating. It was a rather fun game, but Twilight still tried to mind Mother. Still, Twilight saw the two were in filly guide uniforms as if they’d been nabbed during an event, and they weren’t the only ones. There were four other fillies, one of which Twilight recognized as Zipporwhil, a young filly from Ponyville, and three who were crystal foals. It seemed one troop was visiting another from a different city when they were nabbed.  Their filly guide cart was now in the throne room, ripped open so that they were all visible, though it seemed only the two brats had awakened from the spell that subdued them. “Now, now girls,” Twilight cooed as she entered the throne room. “What have I told you about fighting? If you still haven’t learned your lesson, we might need to try some more severe punishment.” While her form was very different, they both froze when they recognized her voice, looking at her with wide eyes, momentarily unable to form words. At least they were smart enough to realize quickly that she wasn’t going to help them. “There you are, my daughter and favorite pussy,” Chrysalis purred. “I brought these little ones to rape and murder while we discuss our plans for the lesser races.” “M-murder?” squeaked Toola. “What’s ‘wape’?” asked Coconut, looking back and forth between them. “A brief scan of their brains show they don’t even know what sex is,” Chrysalis waggled her eyebrows. “How do they even manage that when they can see everypony's junk if they just look. I swear, the education standards up there…” “Time to educate them then,” growled Twilight.  She felt disgust well up inside her every time she met a pony foal, reminded what awful parents ponies were as she could smell their never-before-violated pussies. The wicked ponies even went to the extent of gathering them into groups like the filly guides where they’d do all sorts of unwholesome activities, like helping weak ponies that could be put to better use, protecting instead of pillaging nature, and not having all their holes brutally raped until they either liked it or died.  These ponies were at least six years old, how did they get this old in such poor condition? At the same time though, it made her ovipositor throb in delight. Their untrained fragile minds would break so deliciously when they were treated more appropriately. They’d have no idea what was going on, just that it hurt. Twilight didn’t mind enjoying such ignorance since they hadn’t yet wiped it from existence. Twilight trotted around them at first, stopping to kiss Chrysalis deeply on the lips. They sat up on their haunches, their ovipositors grasping and snaking around one another. She could feel the foals’ confusion as they watched. “Now first,” churred Twilight as she looked around at them. “I want you to apologize to one another for being bratty little cum buckets. Use those exact words, even if you don’t know what they mean, because they’ll sound sexy in your squeaky, terrified voices.” “I-I’m sorry for being a bratty little cum bucket, Coconut,” Toola was too terrified not to obey. “Uh, I’m sorry for being a bratty little cum bucket too, Toola,” Coconut whimpered, her confused eyes still locked into their two ovipositors winding together. “Good, now was that so hard?” purred Twilight. “I bet... ”  “Don’t make a ‘hard’ pun,” Chrysalis growled a warning. “I wasn’t going to,” Twilight lied as she tapped her and Chrysalis’s ovipositors with a hoof, even if Chrysalis would know better. “Come suck our rape sticks, and get them ready for your untapped potential.” “Oh-ho,” Chrysalis purred. “You really are becoming at ease with snuffing out these worthless creatures.” “It’s second nature now I think,” said Twilight with pride. “Now, what did you want to talk in person about?” As they talked, they watched Coconut and Toola creep closer, having to force themselves and eyeing one another nervously. It’d be interesting to see who chose which throbbing linghood to slurp on. “Anyway,” Chrysalis said as they pulled their ovipositors apart, facing the fillies to see if they got the nerve to start without further threats. It was always interesting to see pony stupidity in action. “The Crystal Empire is slowly falling apart, and they're even too stupid so far to realize that the sudden shift to a rape-based society is due to changelings, but that isn’t enough. I want to turn every important city in Equestria into a changeling nest starting with Ponyville, to add insult to injury before overthrowing Canterlot last.” “Ingenius as always!” Twilight agreed. “The wicked princesses will see all they’ve built crumble before their eyes without understanding why. And the Elements?” She was hyped to betray and enlighten her friends, whether that meant making them changelings, egg sacks, or just watching them die screaming. “We’ll save the Elements from themselves,” Chrysalis continued. “So they can’t be used against us, turning them into loyal changelings. In the process, we’ll savor each of their bodies to the fullest. I’ll make sure you get to defile and use all of them before I get my final revenge on all of you together.” Even though Chrysalis rarely outright said it, Twilight had realized early on that her mother intended to eventually turn on her. After all, Twilight still deserved it for her past deeds, and actually looked forward to either a terrifying death or, even better, some kind of eternal punishment to fully sate her mother’s long-coming revenge. “So much to look forward to!” Twilight’s excitement shivered the whole hive. “‘I can’t wait to see Rainbow’s ego break, or hear Fluttershy’s sobbing as we defile her, or watch Pinkie’s happy face twist with agony as she begs for mercy! Maybe Rarity will get shit smeared all over her prissy bitch-ass face, and Bloom will get to watch her dumb hick sister suffer.  But it’s more than that, isn’t it? We’ll save the very essence of Harmony from ungrateful ponies that don’t deserve to possess it.” What would have once been an evil plan to Twilight was now a rescue mission. “I see you’ve accepted a lot of things,” Chrysalis purred, her ovipositor throbbing at Twilight’s response as if it’d been a test that she passed. “Such a broken, brain-washed little slut you are.” “Thank you so much,” Twilight licked Chrysalis’ cheek. “You take that one!” Toola shoved Coconut towards Chrysalis, the two fillies already having another scuffle. “No way, I want Miss Twilight’s!” Coconut complained, trying to shove her there instead. “You do the monster!” “Oh dear,” Chrysalis chuckled. “It seems I am undesirable.” “What a disappointment,” Twilight sighed down at them, and they froze. “The amount of ignorance… that you’d be fighting over who got my dick instead of who got Mother's… is there any limit to what morons ponies can be? I’m just here to get her off until she completes her revenge by murdering my well-deserving plot.” “I-I want the monster’s!” Toola shrieked as the conversation suddenly changed in an effort to avoid more punishment. “No, it’s mine, you said you wanted Twilight’s!” Coconut complained. “Better,” purred Twilight. “Primitive little creatures, aren’t they?” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Just choose one and ram their tight little throat dear, or this will never end.” Twilight grabbed Toola, wanting to fuck the one that was smart enough to go for Chrysalis before the other. Toola barely had time to squeak before Twilight had pried her muzzle open and rammed her throat, the child twitching violently as the thorny cock raked her insides and her neck swelled with the girth.  Coconut’s muzzle hung open as she watched her frenemy get throat-rammed by Twilight’s shaft, tearing up more when she saw the convulsions and agony on her face. She squealed fearfully as Chrysalis grabbed her and she found herself staring down the barrel of the larger shaft. Chrysalis purred as her screams vibrated her shaft, forcing it into her throat as well as she ran her hooves over the young body to enjoy the contortions. “Mmm, nothing like taking some time out to relax and murder children,” Twilight purred. “So Toola, you want to be an artist right? I wonder what kind of corpse art I could make with your ravaged body after you die in agony…” “How about we go for a three-in-one devirginizing,” suggested Chrysalis. “In their throats, out their asses, and into their cunts?” The two took deep thrusts, extending their shafts to push a little deeper with each ram. They pushed down into their stomachs, bloating their gut, then further still into their upper intestines. Slowly they winded through them, their bodies bloating more as their entire insides were scraped out by jagged cock barbs. Though they didn’t want to expend too much magic keeping them alive, they did know inferior ponies couldn’t last long without air, so they teleported enough oxygen into their lungs to keep them barely conscious. The undereducated slime had no idea where this was going, and their brains were too soaked in delicious fear to give much thought to it. There was something about an innocent mind being suddenly forced to face an inevitable death that got Twilight so riled up, it was all she could do to keep herself from exploding early and popping her toy early. “Don’t you love how they squirm,” Chrysalis panted. “How about we play a game with these two? Make them watch the others die, then whoever can get off first to it gets to become a feral drone instead of decorating the hive with their gore like the others.” Twilight blinked, not understanding how it’d be difficult for them to get off to such a thing, but nodded. “Well, a race to an orgasm between two foals would be pretty hot!” “Oh, you dear,” Chrysalis purred at Twilight’s thoughts. “Have I corrupted you so much? How delicious.” Anything in the digestive track of the fillies was pushed onward ahead of the shafts as they pushed deeper. The foals had fits and convulsions, as it was forced through them, finally exiting their tailholes with grotesque farting sounds. Humiliation welled up inside them as their crapped themselves right there in the throne room, starting with solid, well-digested food and moving on to the sloppy half-digested junk from their stomach drooling down their hind legs. It was this that the other four foals awoke too, and immediately the throne room was alight with delightful screams. They didn’t bother restraining them, knowing that they couldn’t get out, and instead allowed the frightened fillies to run around the large throne room, screaming pointlessly for rescue as they tried to find a way out. “If we let them out, they’d just be raped to death by the guards outside,” giggled Twilight. “Mmm, but I think we should be the ones to get to do that,” purred Chrysalis.  “Mmmph,” Twilight groaned and nodded, her shit-covered tip exiting Toola’s behind on the next thrust as the little legs flailed wildly. “You know, I think that one Zipporwhil is in Ginger Snap’s filly guide troop, I wonder where she is? I used to always see her collecting donations for the less fortunate, so she really deserves to a good rape for that.” “We’ll get them all soon enough,” Chrysalis purred as her own cock pushed free from Coconut’s bottom with a delightful fart-like sound. “We’ll send changelings back to replace the ones we kill so there won’t be too much of a problem, maybe we can do something with the little ones later.” “A stallion or mare suddenly being gang-raped by fillies would be really confusion to them,” giggled Twilight. “Maybe some elderly ponies they were supposed to be helping.” The lose fillies in the throne room continued to wail and sob, some resorting to trying to hide when they couldn’t get out, but the stupid creatures continually gave away their position with their sexy little whimpers. It wasn’t like they could hide in a place like this anyway. Some peeked out with wide eyes at what was happening to their friends. Chrysalis and Twilight moved closer to share a deep kiss. As they did so, the turned the foals over and pushed their eyes down into the piles of foal scat they had deposited on the floor. At the same time, their winding prehensile tips twisted, turning to push into their pussies instead. Both shivered at the familiar but wonderful feeling of a virgin filly stretching out over their invading rape tentacles, moaning as their bodies spasmed and blood trickled down their lengths. “There, now they’re educated,” Chrysalis purred. “I’d say they know exactly what their hot little bodies are for now, but probably not that this is supposed to feel good.” “Not like they need to know that,” shrugged Twilight. The little ones could only jerk and sob as their bodies were re-invaded, a singing pain joining the rest as their unused holes were defiled. The changelings wasted no time drilling deep into their soggy fuck sockets, ripping through their cervixes and up into their womb. By the end their shafts had winded all the way through their digestive tracts and all the way further to the back wall of their wombs. “Now remember,” panted Chrysalis. “No killing these, we want them for the game.” “Mmm, I’ll do my best Mommy,” Twilight moaned. “But I think I might burst them anyway.” “Eh, we can put them back together enough to keep them viable,” smirked Chrysalis. As the orgasmic bliss bubbled through their shafts, Toola and Coconuts bodies bloated even more. Even before it got all the way to their pussies, their guts were so bloated that they couldn’t even move their legs, their ribs breaking apart and fragile pelvis’s splitting into with sickening cracks.  The chorus of agony continued as the surge reached their wombs, pumping them full, their undersized holes not allowing any backwash, spines embedded in their sensitive passages ensuring the cocks stayed inside. Their wombs bulged like rapidly filling water balloons, bursting within them. Their bodies convulsed delightfully as the stinging liquid poured into their guts, which gave shortly after, pouring cum-drenched gore onto the floor as their already strained filly guide uniforms shredded into pieces. When the changelings yanked free with an incredibly long slurp, the foals were left twitching messes of barely-alive flesh laying in their own gore. It took a surge of magic to stitch them back together quickly enough that they wouldn’t die, but when they realized what was happening, they didn’t seem very happy. “No, let me die! I wanna die!” Toola screeched as soon as she could. “No! No!” Coconut shrieked on repeat. “You don’t want that to happen again?” smirked Chrysalis. “Well it’s going to happen to one of you again, a death just as painful, if not more, but the other will be turned into one of us, and get to inflict that death upon the other. Doesn’t that sound fun?” “And trust me, you’ll enjoy it every bit as much as we enjoyed this,” promised Twilight. “If in a more feral way.” “So,” Chrysalis pushed them away from the throne, then pulled their little hooves to their pussies with her magic. “Rub your little slits, whoever gets the happiest the fastest, is the one that gets to murder the other and live.” “Raping one another is also acceptable,” Twilight said. She didn’t define that, but hoped that at least one would figure out what she meant by context. “I swear,” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “They know what death and murder is but not masturbation? That just goes to show how brutal and primitive their race is.” The two fillies looked at each other, fear in their eyes, which hardened to hatred. They both began rubbing feverishly, probably not getting much pleasure out of it yet but both determined that they wouldn’t suffer through that again. “You know as innocent as they are,” Chrysalis purred. “It is delightful how little empathy foals have for one another.” “Awww,” Twilight purred, pulling out one of the other foals from behind a column where she was hiding. “This one has a little Spike plush. A fan? I think I know exactly what I want to do.” “I think you’re right,” grinned Chrysalis. She grabbed another little crystal, dragging their screaming form slowly towards the throne area. “Now, Toola and Coconut, make sure you watch what we do.” Twilight got a good look at her filly, a teal one with a pink and purple mane, purring in anticipation. A quick scrape of her mind told Twilight that her name was Rock Candy and she was in fact one of Spike’s ‘#1 fans’. Knowing exactly what Chrysalis had in mind, she used her magic to give the little one another snooze.  “This is going to be amazing,” purred Twilight. “I wonder if they break like crystal,” mused Chrysalis as she put hers to sleep for a bit too, one with a white coat and teal mane. Her name tag read ‘Glass Slipper’. “Only one way to find out,” giggled Twilight. With that, Twilight shifted her form into that of Spike. She was sure if this little filly wasn’t stupid like the other two, she’d have fantacised about fucking Spike, so she’d get just what she deserved: fucked to death by him. Being Spike aroused Twilight even more, the twin dragon dicks throbbing in front of her, thinking about how glorious it’d be when she got to betray her trusting slave. “Delightful,” Chrysalis looked into the Glass’s sleeping mind. “Let them suffer and die at the hooves of one they trust the most.”  With that, Chrysalis transformed into a similarly looking stallion, having pulled the image from her victim’s brain. He was a rather large one, with a nice set of equipment that would surely leave his daughter screaming in agony. Unlike him though, Chrysalis certainly wasn’t so stupid as to not realize how amazing it’d feel inside his daughter.  “I’ll have the changeling that replaces her slut all over her Daddy,” Chrysalis chuckled. “Just to see what he’ll do.” Chrysalis’ eyes lit up since she’d shifted the horn away, casting a spell over the throne room as well. It reformed into what looked more like a filly’s bedroom, an image also pulled out of little Glass’s mind. The other fillies were outside of the ‘room’ so sight of them was blocked. Their screams and sobbing were still audible, but that did wonders for the ambience. Coconut and Toola were dragged into the ‘room', and whimpered at all the strange changes.  They squeaked when Twilight and Chrysalis glared at them, moving their little hooves back to rub at their slits. Though they had no idea what they were doing, both noticed that it felt good and spread their hind legs out a little further. Twilight picked Rock’s head up with a claw, careful not to use her telekinesis while in Spike’s form. She moved her face an inch from his and released the sleeping spell. Rock’s scream didn’t disappoint when she awoke, struggling momentarily in Twilight’s grasp, then blinked as she realized who it looked like. “S-Spike!” she stammered. “You saved me! Hurry, we have to save my friends too! Did you kill the monsters?” “No, I didn’t,” Twilight smirked. “I bought you from the monsters in exchange for a good dicking. I’m quite in high demand, you know.” “I-I… wha?” Rock froze and Twilight could feel her little mind straining. Since they were ruled over by the Goddess of Slut, crystals did have somewhat better education, but that wasn’t helping much. “I came to save you,” Twilight explained. “But when I saw what worthless little brats you were, I was disgusted, so I asked if I could end your pathetic life instead.” Chrysalis couldn’t help but smirk at Twilight’s Spike act, but turned to her own little toy, dragging her up onto the ‘bed’ which had been her throne before she transformed the room. She shocked the little one awake, but waited for her to notice her surroundings. “D-Daddy?” Glass cried out as she woke. “Oh thank goodness, I dreamed somepony foalnapped us and…” Her eyes fell upon Twi-Spike and Rock, blinking a few times. “Oh uh… Spike helped rescue us?” “Yes, I hired Spike to save you,” Chrys-Dad claimed. “And not just because I’m cheating on Mom with him every night. Honestly, I just wanted to be the one to snuff out your life, not let some monster get the enjoyment of it. Goodness, I can’t believe I finally get to fulfil my fantasy of raping you to death without any legal repercussions! No one will question that the monsters did this!” Glass stared more as tears flowed down her face and she shook her head in disbelief, but the fact was they both bought it pretty well. These were pony foals after all, too stupid to recognize an obvious forgery when they saw it. They had no reason to believe that Spike and Glass’s father weren’t about to murder them for no reason other than fun. As Chrysalis spoke, she pinned down Glass Slipper, looking down at her angrily while licking her lips. She little filly squealed in terror as the blunt tip that she thought was her father’s pushed against her tiny hole, but Chrysalis gave a good act of being a stupid pony that had never raped a foal before, slipping out the first few attempts to penetrate, enjoying her squirming for a moment. “Come on, you little slut,” Chrys-Dad purred at the filly. “Open that pussy wide for Daddy.” “But I love you!” little Rock cried as Twi-Spike pushed her down onto the floor on her back, his twin meats throbbing against her belly. “Y-you’re supposed to be my hero!” “I’ll love watching you die, if that counts,” chuckled Twi-Spike. “And I am being a hero, I’m ridding the world of a worthless filly that does nothing but pine after a dragon that’s too good for her. Pathetic.” Twi-Spike shivered, feeling her twin dicks against the soft foal fur, so close to the warmth that was her twin virginities.  “Daddy, why?!” Glass shrieked as Chrys-Dad finally got inside, the fleshy sound not unlike that of a cork being released from a champagne bottle. As Chrysalis held her by one hind leg on her side, the filly’s screams echoed through the chamber. Her legs flailed wildly, blood drooling down the shaft that invaded her.  “Because I hate you,” Chrys-Dad purred. “This whole time I’ve been pretending to like you just so I could get off on the expression of betrayal on your face as you DIE.” Chrysalis’ attempt to convince the little one that Daddy wanted to fuck her to death instead of never touching her pussy was kind. Twilight thought the little one might be relieved that her father wasn’t as bad as she may have thought, but it seemed the filly was too retarded to appreciate the gift she’d been given and only struggled more. Regardless, her mind was a feast as it snapped easily, fully buying into what she’d been told as the pain wrecked her body. Twilight’s partner seemed equally thankless about her selfless attempt to cure her of her unhealthy obsession for a dragon, an even more inferior life form than ponies. But it hardly mattered to Twilight once she pinned Rock fully and forced her twin shafts into both holes at once. She trembled in delight, feeling the foal’s nerves light up with a surge of pain as her pussy and asshole were broken in at once.  “Mmm, now how should I murder you?” Twi-Spike purred, licking the tears from the little one’s face. “Your friend’s dad is going to run her through with his cock probably, but mine aren’t really long enough for that because I’m a worthless, small-dicked cuck that lets myself be everypony’s bitch and gets constantly cock-teased by the mare I have a crush on. Maybe I”ll just eat you! Or burn you! Maybe both!” Coconut and Toola remained at the side, doing as they had been told for a while at least and awkwardly rubbing at themselves with their front hooves. Though they couldn’t see the bedroom illusion their new crystal friends did, they were at least smart enough not to butt in. Coconut seemed the least enthused, looking sick as she watched her friends brutally raped, and finally leaning forward to vomit up a wad of cum that remained in her system from before.  Toola seemed slightly more sane about the whole thing, eyes wide as the process seemed to fascinate her a lot more. She panted more heavily, rubbing at herself more enthusiastically. When Coconut leaned forward to throw up, Toola slid up to her and straddled one of her hind legs, rubbing her pussy against her, earning a squeal of surprise from Coconut. “What are YOU doing?” shrieked Coconut, but Twilight knew. Toola wasn’t aroused by the actions she saw as much as desperately attempting to survive. Even if she was too dumb to properly enjoy raping a friend yet, she’d wisely decided that doing something similar to Coconut would be the most likely to save her life. “Good job little one,”’ Chrys-Dad said into Toola and Coconut’s minds. “It seems you’ll be the one that lives.”’ “W-what?” Coconut asked, then blinked as she got the idea too. She turned to Toola and pinned her down suddenly, trying to straddle her leg instead. This could get interesting. Chrysalis wasn’t dragging out this murder too long. After all, it was more like snacking on popcorn than having a full course meal. Soon the horrified Glass couldn’t even speak as Chrysalis ripped through her tiny cervix, body bulging out grotesquely. With no magic to keep her alive, they could see her body discolor with internal bleeding as the massive girth crushed her other organs.  Soon even her screams were cut off as Chrysalis punched the back wall of her womb, knocking the wind out of her with each stroke. Chrysalis moaned as she sat up on her haunches, picking the little one up in both forehooves and ramming her down harder. It wasn’t easy to break through a womb with a blunt pony dick, but soon she managed, Glass’s body convulsing wildly as the thick meat pushed upwards into her lungs. “I better hurry,” Chrys-Dad purred. “I want you to feel Daddy’s cock exit your worthless muzzle before you die. Then you’ll go burn in Tartarus, like all fillies too stupid to live, where you’ll be raped by demons for eternity.”  It was delightful how foals believed everything their ‘parent’ told them, though of course this filly was too stupid to appreciate Chrysalis’ attempts to comfort her. Despite the incredible offer to feel a cock push out of her muzzle, though, the thankless bitch of a foal still struggled wildly, greedily not wanting to die for the pleasure of her own father. Shameful. Any newborn changeling would jump at the chance to expend their life to make their parent cum, yet even a filly this old wasn’t generous enough. “Glassy!” Rock cried as well, reaching for her friend. “Oh, you don’t have to be jealous,” Twi-Spike assured. “You’ll die soon too. Besides, I devised the perfect way for you to suffer.” Twilight used her magic to heat up the sperm within her, figuring that dragon sperm should be hot anyway, bringing it to scalding temperatures. Even if Spike’s dicks weren’t long enough to fully impale the little one, soon they heated to flesh-melting temperatures.  Rock’s pussy was cooked from the inside, steam bubbling from the bloody penetration as her secretions boiled within her. Twi-Spike sliced through her cervix and into her womb, which ballooned up from the steam before she’d even came. Her anus did the same thing, the smell of burning flesh and charred shit steaming from out of the hole as blood drooled from the openings into a puddle on the floor. The filly could do nothing but sob, while Twilight could do nothing but savor both the face and surge of emotion from the broken and dying filly. Twilight moaned, moving quickly to orgasm, but holding it back. It was unbearably hot to snuff out a worthless life like this on a whim, but she wanted to have them suffer a while longer before her boiling how dragon sperm finished her off. “I’m sorry…” Rock gargled out, such beautiful last words as she blamed herself for her own suffering. After all, it was her hero doing it, so he must have had a good reason, right? At least the brat would die knowing how much she deserved death. Toola and Coconut’s struggle to rub their pussies on one another became more violent as Toola grabbed Coconut by the head and smashed her face-first into the corner of the throne. She shrieked as she tried to kick back at Toola, but Toola responded by kneeing her right in her already sore cunt. “When I kill you,” shrieked Toola. “I’m gonna make art with your dead body as I do weird stuff to it with my pee hole!” The adorable attempt to say scary things definitely added a plus in her favor. “I have to admit,” Chrys-Dad mused between moans. “A drone with an art fetish would be amusing.” Chrysalis chirped as Glass vomited just prior to her cock tip popping out of her throat, the barely living foal looking cross-eyed at the bloody tip in horror. Slurping at her own tip as she kissed the little one, Chrysalis purred one more thing to her. “When I’m done with you,” she promised. “I’ll do the same to Mommy too, and Grandma, and all your favorite cousins and best friends at school. Then I’ll put you all into a pile and have an orgy as I fuck all your rotting corpses.”  To make sure the ignorant foal knew what she meant, she pushed the images into the child’s fading imagination, making the terrifying scenario the last thing that flashed through her mind before her life faded.  Chrysalis moaned as she fell onto her back, now using the dead foal as a fleshlight as she yanked it up and down. Finally she creamed her load, spraying upwards in a fountain that rained down upon herself and the corpse. Twilight rolled her eyes back too as she looked down at the sobbing face of her own toy. Rock shook her head weakly, broken at her beloved hero doing this to her, but now fully convinced that she deserved it. She could barely move to struggle, but her body rippled as heat pocketed built inside of it from the surging heat, her little heart thumping loudly in her chest. When Twi-Spike went off, her cum was scalding hot. It swelled the tiny little womb and intestines, but didn’t pop them as much as melted them under the searing heat. Rock’s eyes widened at the intense agony as her blood literally boiled, flesh breaking apart as steam escaped.  Amusingly, a crystal pony did break a lot like actual crystal when super-heated, her body breaking apart in shards before her guts emptied onto the floor. Her last expression was delightful as her eyes popped out from the building heat within, utter shock that this much agony could have possibly existed. As the two yanked their victims off their shaft, they plopped their corpses on the floor next to where Toola and Coconut were fighting. Toola smashed a rock over Coconut’s head right before Chrysalis faded the room, then grabbed her and pushed her face down onto the still-scalding hot body of their dead crystal friend. As the room faded, Twilight grabbed for another crystal, this one favoring Applebloom an awful lot. She smirked in amusement as she turned the screaming filly over and looked at her name tag, which read Opal Bloom. She had been wanting to take Zipporwhil, but decided to go with this one instead since she didn’t get to murder the real Applebloom due to her earlier success. But Twilight paused. “You know,” giggled Twilight, dropping Opal and letting her scamper across the floor squealing again. “How about you take the last two fillies, Mother, while I take care of the winner of our little contest. I want the new drone to get some special attention.” The winner of said contest was obvious. Toola had her ‘friend’ pinned to the floor, sitting on her face as she ground her pussy against her. She had gone from reluctant to seeming to actually enjoy it a little, barely even noticing the two monsters in the room as she repeatedly cunt-punched Coconut with both front hooves. The little one beneath her flailed wildly as she creamed all over her face, eyes rolling back as her young mind was shocked by her first orgasm. It was something she should have felt within minutes of birth, but better late than never. Toola jumped when Twilight suddenly grabbed hold of her head, panic filling her eyes. She lifted her up slightly to keep the weakening Coconut from dying of suffocation beneath her, hearing the other filly gargle Toota’s fresh young cunt juice. “N-no!” Toola squealed, but was too afraid to try to escape. “I won, though. I won, right? You can’t kill me cause you told me lying is bad before!” “Relax,” Twilight purred. “You won. I’m going to make you one of us, then we’re going to murder your former friend and make her into art together. All you have to do…” Twilight wrenched a chunk of crystal from a column nearby, hovering it over to her. “Is gouge out one of your eyes with this, then fuck it with my cock-stinger.” Twilight re-shaped her shaft into a quill, dripping with poisonous fluid, letting it bounce stiffly close to Toola’s face. They filly’s eyes grew wide as the shard was placed in one of her front hooves, but grasped it with her sticky hoof. “Every time I think you have nothing left to amuse me with, you surprise me, dear Twilight,” Chrysalis purred.  Chrysalis dragged the remaining two foals, Opal and Zipporwhill, screaming and kicking towards her by their tails. She grinned widely, drooling as she licked her long tongue over her muzzle at the sight of them, and the feeling of terror only a foal faced by a monster could have “You little things are like candy,” Chrysalis purred. “Your screams, tears, fear… delicious. It will always baffle me why more pony parents don’t do this to their foals of their own accord. I can’t imagine anything other than vengeance that is as hot as foal murder”. She pinned Zipporwhil onto her back, forcing Opal atop her, belly to belly so their little pussies rubbed together, even if they were beneath appreciating it. Twilight’s Spike form had given her a craving with his multiple dicks, so she morphed her shaft to split into four pieces, neatly lined up atop each other in perfect spacing to take four virgin holes at once.  Toola’s little hoof shook, but looking over at Chrysalis about to do in her other friends was the encouragement she needed to continue. She closed her right eye, left eye twitching in an effort to stay open as she cried out, forcing herself to ram the spike in one corner. She pushed deep as blood poured down her face, at first trying to pry the eye out. When that didn’t work for her, she screamed again, trying to push down the agony as she rammed the shard right into the center. She choked on her sobs as she dug into the eye, popping under the pressure. Gore and chunks of eye dribbled down her face as she stirred the shard around in her head. “Good girl,” Twilight took the shard away, pointing at her spine-dick again when Toola opened her other eye.  It wasn’t easy for the foal to see through her own tears in her good eye to target, but clearly wanted to get it over with. She grasped Twilight’s hips with both front hooves, still sitting on her friend’s face, and rammed her face onto it. She shrieked with effort as she tried to push it inside. “That’s right, thrust it,” Twilight ordered, but made no effort to move her hips, wondering how far her victim would get. “Don’t think I won’t just murder both of you and have a threesome with your corpses if you fail this. I’ll show you what REAL pain is, not that easy death you suffered before.” Toola sobbed, but was delightfully broken enough to continue. She pushed her head on and off, fucking her socket with the shard. She grasped Twilight harder, straining with all her strength before she finally shoved it into her brain. At that point her body shivered as the first bits of poison were injected, arms going limp like noodles. She panicked at her inability to continue, flailing her limbs as she tried to twitch her head in an effort to keep thrusting.  Chrysalis chuckled at the antics as she enjoyed her own prizes. Four tapered tips invaded the victims’ pussies and asses at once, quickly expanding to a thick thorny meat, literal razor-edged spikes rammed into the fragile flesh tunnels.  The squeals of the two rang through the throne room as they were ravaged. Blood pouring from their under-utilized holes as pain shot through their bodies. They kicked their hind legs back at her pointlessly as she purred and bottomed out, grasping them in both hooves and jacking off her four dicks with their tiny bodies.  Though she’d like to take it slow, Twilight treating the new drone so kindly had her riled up, so she punctured their bodies with all her strength. Their forms bloated as their sobbing turned into gagging, forcing her way into their cervix, then out their little wombs and stringy intestines and into their guts. The pelvis’ snapped audibly, less breaking and more shattering from the sudden pressure. Twilight pounded Toola's head so violently that it was a wonder her skull didn’t shatter as well. As the grub began pushing through her shaft,  Toola stared at the squirming firm with her good eye, soul going cold in terror at what was happening to her. “Help him through,” encouraged Twilight. “There’s no need to fear. He’ll fuck your brain into bits, expunge all your wicked pony thoughts, and turn you into one of us. You’ll be joining the saviors of the world, helping us rescue the inferior races with our throbbing cocks.” To Twilight’s surprise, Toola raised a shivering hoof and attempted to squeeze the grub further along towards her eye socket. The weak effort made no difference, but it impressed her all the same. “Good bitch,” Twilight purred. “Don’t worry, you’ll soon be better. I mean look at me. There was a time when I would have never harmed a foal, but here I am, raping and slaughtering them, knowing that it is the most natural thing in the world to do. I’m reformed, and you will be soon too… say thank you.” “T-thank you…” Toola’s words were barely understandable as the grub crawled into her head and wrapped itself around her brain. Her body twitched violently all over as her new head-friend engaged in literal mind-fucking. Toola emptied herself all over the face of Coconut, who had been whimpering beneath her. She squeaked as first Toola’s piss flowed over her, followed by her bowels releasing with a delicious gassy sound. Twilight pried her muzzle open, letting the slimy chunks of foal shit mix with the piss to make a nice soup before forcing her to swallow it. “Disgusting creature,” Twilight growled at Coconut. “You’ll soon get your reward for being weak. I’ll enjoy watching you die screaming at the hooves of your ‘best friend’, but not as much as she will.” “Fuck you are so hot with the grubs,” Chrysalis moaned as she watched Twilight’s technique. “You’ve improved beyond my wildest imagination… fuck yes DIE you little freaks of nature!” Chrysalis came deep into the two foals. They vomited a mixture of her glowing green spunk and their own gore before she held their muzzles shut, letting their bodies bloat with the pressure within. She enjoyed the spasmed of their pussies and asses over her dicks as they entered their death throes, internal organs crushed by the pressure even before they burst. They exploded with such ferocity that their upper torsos landed several hoofsteps away as their lower bodies twitched, still impaled on the Queen’s throbbing, splurting cocks. As Chrysalis was coming down, she looked to see Twilight making out passionately with Toola as her body began to twist and reshape. The transformation was just beginning, but the new drone had already accepted her position and was looking forward to the murder of her friend. She was even looking over at Chrysalis murdering her other two, one hoof rubbing at her clit as she did. “You’re so good with them,” said Chrysalis, sincerely in awe. “Keep this up and I swear you’ll be queen of the new Ponyville Hive once we succeed instead of dead.” Chrysalis paused, her own words surprising her. Up to that point, she’d fully intended to brutally murder Twilight and fuck her warm and then cold corpse through every stage of decay. Twilight too paused in her making out, looking over at her mother with shock in her eyes. Her mind filled with confusion, not sure if the promise made her proud at her own success or sad that her mother might not get proper vengeance. “It doesn’t matter,” Chrysalis decided. “The old Twilight Sparkle is dead, which means my revenge on her is complete. She died an agonizing end and her eternal punishment is to watch her new self obey my every whim. If your friends are adequately hot lays, they may even ascend to assist you. Though... all this is subject to my whims if I'm especially horny.” “Oh my Queen,” Twilight moaned. “I will not disappoint you, my mother, my GODDESS.” She grabbed Toola’s head, pushing her face against her pussy as she creamed herself in delight. The drone lapped up the profuse juice as her skin split apart and the transformation took hold of her, bones twisting and reshaping into her outer chitin as the grub merged with her brain.  “You’re influencing me,” Chrysalis chuckled, pulling the remains of the other dead fillies off her still twitching rods before they twisted back into one. “A bad influence, I must say, but one I can’t deny.” “I know who my first princess would be,” purred Twilight. “Our little Applebloom.” “Not one of your friends?” Chrysalis tilted her head. It wasn’t often one of her children sincerely surprised her. “I do see potential there, but you’re still acting too emotional like a pony.” “I do still have much of my weakness to expunge, but still, I think she’d be good,” admitted Twilight, then turned to Toola. “Yes, good drone. Now let’s fuck this bitch to death again, this time she’ll stay that way and her juicy corpse will be yours to play with.” “Fuck… corpse…” drooled Toola, evolved into her new feral state fully as her new ovipositor burst from her groin. It went right into Coconut’s already gagging throat, stretching out her neck as she began to thrust. Toola shivered. “Coconut’s corpse… will feast on… fuck… shit on… repeat…” “Good girl,” Twilight purred, grasping Coconuts other end and pushing her down dick into her formerly repaired pussy, eager to break the toy again.” Chrysalis drew closer, but mostly watched her princess at work. As she did, she casually wrenched Zipporwhil’s head off what remained of her torso, pushing into the neck hole and out the mouth, slowly masturbating with it. She wrenched off Opal’s head neck, pushing her tip into that neck neck. She had plenty of room, so she took first Rock and then Glass’s heads as well, pushing them all onto her dick like a foal totem pole and slowly pushing them up and down. “I love you mother,” Twilight purred, slipping her own muzzle over the still emerged tip and moving to assist sliding the heads up and down.  As she did, she pushed her shaft deeper into Coconut’s twitching asshole. She pulled her head away from Toola’s shaft, instead pulling the squirming, sobbing foal upward. She continued to fuck her asshole as she faced her front towards Toola. Toola didn’t have to ask what to do, her new changeling instincts kicking in. She grasped the other filly in all fours as she lapped the tears from her face, shivering as she punctured her pussy hard with her throbbing shaft. An instantly later her little hips were thrusting at three times the speed of Twilight’s relaxed fucking. “That’s it,” Twilight encouraged. “Pussies are my favorite holes I think, so I wanted your newly minted cock to have this one before it was torn open completely.”   Chrysalis watched with further amusement, but kept going with their conversation. “As for Applebloom,” Chrysalis said. “No, I don’t think so. You needed to get rid of certain traits of yours to be a great queen, even if I recognize the slight hypocrisy of that statement because of how you influence me.” “Are you sure you didn’t want to go ahead and murder me to be sure?” Twilight asked almost hopefully. “I can make a few puns if that’ll help you hate me more?” “Maybe, if it goes too far,” said Chrysalis. “But we’ll hold off for now.” Twilight nodded, “I’m a bit disappointed that I can’t use Applebloom but… I accept my mother’s word of course!” As chance would have it though, there was a spark on the hive as soon as Chrysalis was sharing that thought with Twilight. It was Applebloom, giving them a very interesting message. “Oh dear,” Twilight purred. “This could be fun. There’s something I’ve been wanting to try, and didn’t get to with little Bloom.” “Indeed,” smirked Chrysalis. “Go ahead and rape this thing as long as you like before you kill it,” Twilight yanked free of Coconut, leaving her for Toola, who was still pummeling her pussy as she squirmed and nodded excitedly. “Since you’ve been such a good girl, you can use the corpse to decorate the throne room when you’re done.” Chrysalis and Twilight moved to get ready for their soon-to-be-visitor, but didn’t bother cleaning up any of the foal remains. In fact, Chrysalis kept idly jacking off with the totem pole of foal heads and Twilight slurped at the tip while she herself masturbated with a leg hole. It took Applebloom a while to arrive with their guest, but it was amusing to watch their progress through the Hive link. When they finally arrived, it was through a side passage that opened up for them. Applebloom fluttered in first, giggling as she presented who was behind her. It was Thorax, carrying Cadance on his back as if he’d been rescuing her.  “W-what?!” Thorax shrieked when he saw the throne room was very much in use. “You said it was empty and we could escape through here! I was rescuing you!” “I did say that, didn’t ah,” Applebloom giggled again. “Well it’s a good thing we got this part in, at least,” smirked Chrysalis, stroking his shaft once more to let the foal heads clatter onto the floor. “Else the chapter title would have made no sense.” > 11. A Rebel Cum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorax wasn’t like the other changelings. He’s had reservations ever since Canterlot, and to see how brutal things had gotten since they gained the ability to feed on fear and other things filled him with despair. He had to get out. But rebelling wasn’t so easy when Chrysalis could see inside his head. He could hide his innermost thoughts, but actually taking action would give him away for certain. Instead, he shifted away his hive mind connection, knowing that he wasn’t important enough to have his absence noticed for some time. Having come from a particularly weak batch, only him and his brother Pharynx had survived, so he was the only one that might be keeping tabs on him. If he was, he’d probably know what Thorax was up to, but Thorax had to hope he’d care enough to not take action. Just leaving wasn’t enough. He wanted to take something from them, and he knew just what would prove his loyalty to Equestria when he went to them with this information. He headed to where Cadance was being held prisoner. It wasn’t currently her normal position in the egg chamber, as she’d been taken to another room to use as a dart board, or more a javelin board, during a party later. That meant he could swipe her without drawing attention. “Do you love me Mommy?” Skeeter was asking Cadance as Thorax entered the room where the two of them were alone. It would have been cute if Skeeter hadn’t been asking as a way to torment her. “As much as I can,” Cadance whimpered. “I’m sorry for what I did to you…” “You should be,” Skeeter nodded with a smile. “Cause I hate you lots. Better-Mommy says it’s my life mission!”  Most changelings would have found her sadness at that delicious, but Thorax didn’t. He didn’t even realize how hilarious it was that her own child would torture her forever. Currently Cadance was suspended to one wall with gobs of hardened slime, spread eagle, her limbs grown back for just such an occasion. Skeeter was busy painting a target symbol center around her womb with extra point marks for her pussy and breasts. Being the whiny little bitch that he was, Thorax didn’t want to actually kill anyone, so he picked up a rock in his magic and cracked Skeeter over the horn with it. He squeaked, knocked hard enough that even Thorax’s weak magic was able to put him to sleep as the paint spilled to the floor. “W-what?” Cadance blinked, taking a moment for her broken mind to realize what was happening. “N-no… leave me to suffer, I deserve eternal torment for what I did to my children. I helped Shining rape Flurry and we didn’t rape her enough growing up. And I don’t know how far away the link works… If you take me away now, I might not suffer the current brutal raping that Shining and Breeder are getting either.” “Are you even listening to yourself?” Thorax shook his head, his deformed mind unable to recognize her perfect logic as to why she was a terrible parent. “I’m getting you out of here, I’m sure Celestia will have a way to break this spell on you. Then she’ll totally put out for me, and let me fill her full of eggs. Her slut sister too.” At least he had one bit of normal changeling logic in him. “I am listening to myself,” Cadance moaned. “It’s making me wet. Please hurt me more, horn-fuck me and shoot your laser to melt my organs! Skeeter promised that’s what we’d do at the party!” “I’m so sorry we’ve done this to you,” Thorax shook his head, tearing up as his own stupidity reached critical mass. “But I’m going to rescue you!” “Yer gonna what now?” Applebloom’s voice came from behind him. Her accent was unmistakable beneath the chitter of her new voice. “Bloom!” Thorax turned to look at her, and immediately tried to undo her reformation by feeding her evil lies. “You have to realize what’s going on! Come on, help me take her back. Once Equestrians have the information they need to target the throne, we can even save your friend Twilight, and you won’t have to slaughter your own family and friends! Please, turn off your hive connection and come with me quickly.” Applebloom blinked at his insanity; he may as well have been spouting word salad. Clearly he was an inferior specimen and should be eliminated, but she may as well have some fun with it. “Yeah,” sighed Applebloom. “Ah… am still a pony deep inside, and was really waiting for an opportunity like this.” Applebloom’s eyes met Cadance’s. Cadance knew exactly what was going on, but wouldn’t dare get in the way. In fact, she played alone. “Oh um, yes,” Cadance gagged out the words. “I don’t know what I was thanking, please take me home so we can make babies. I bet Celestia and Luna will want to make foals with you too.” “Seriously?” Thorax grinned widely back at Cadance, believing easily. “Fuckin’ score! Yeah, let’s go. Once you’re healed up, I’ll put grubs in you and your other princess friends. I’m sure they won’t mind such a reasonable request.” “Wow you really are…” Applebloom started, the corrected herself. “Highly intelligent. So um… are there any more we should be savin?” “This is all we have time for now,” Thorax said. “Come and help me pull Cadance from this wall.” “Whoa now,” Applebloom stopped him before he magically melted the goo. “That there is um… changeling shit 2.0, so it’ll set off an alarm if you just melt or break it. We’ll have to break her limbs off again instead.” “Oh, um, okay,” Thorax nodded, buying it like a filly at Molestia’s candy wagon. “That’s too bad.” “Yes rape me with my severed limbs!” Cadance squealed, then backtracked again when she realized what she said. “I mean, um, oh please, whatever you have to do to save me from my.. undeserved torment.” She almost vomited at saying such a disgusting lie. “Just snap ‘em off at the knees, that’ll be easiest,” Applebloom said. “No time to waste right? So um… you do got spies right? Like other rebels that are stayin’ in here to provide info after you leave?” Applebloom buzzed up to Cadance, giving her a look of warning lest she think about ceasing to go along with the ruse, then grasping one of her front legs around the knee. Cadance bit her lip, trying to stifle the moan as Applebloom twisted it. It wasn’t that the alicorn liked the agony that tore through her as the bone shattered, but she’d learned to get off on how much she deserved to suffer even while remaining miserable. It was a pretty amazing balance that they rarely achieved in a mind break, which was why she’d become popular as a party favor. “Unfortunately not,” Thorax said, trying to twist at Cadance’s hind knee and straining. He was so weak from refusing to feed on fear and agony that he could barely budge it. “There only other one is a grub I rescued from being raped to death after hatching, Ocellus, that I hid outside to keep safe. We can pick her up on the way out.” “Uh, how old is she?” Applebloom asked, creeped out by the idea of a virgin grub. She effortlessly cracked off the first knee and started on the second, only not snapping it instantly so she could enjoy twisting it. “She’s seriously never had sex even once?” She wanted to retain her own virginity? What a sickeningly perverse kink. “No, I saved her,” Thorax said. “She’s a week old. One day I hope the barbaric practice of raping our newborns will end.”  Applebloom almost lost her composure, sick at the idea of not only allowing a weak grub to live, but even refusing to let her have sex? She could have died for the glory of the hive by pleasuring her stronger siblings with her body and corpse, but he’d taken that from her. Bloom managed to hold in her vomit and snapped the second leg, moving on to the third. Cadance’s pussy was bubbling viscous cunt slime in arousal at having her limbs broken off, unable to keep from undulating her hips. Once Applebloom finished with the third, she pushed Thorax away so she could do the fourth for him. This proved to her more than ever how sadism was superior to wicked pony morality. “What about yer hive mates?” Applebloom asked. Despite how many of them there were, most changelings knew every batch. “Didn’t only one other survive?” “Oh, Pharynx?” Thorax sighed. “I tried to convert him, but he wouldn’t come. Still, he’s been decent enough not to tell on me.” “Oh uh, that’s good,” Applebloom noted that he’d need to die too. They had to purge such inferior stock for their own well-being.  There was no more information to be gained it seemed, so Applebloom forwarded what was going on to the rest of the Hive. Chrysalis and Twilight of course took careful note, especially since Twilight had been waiting on a changeling to mess up enough to deserve the new murder method she wanted to try. Applebloom had regretted not giving Twilight the pleasure of being the first victim of the new punishment, but maybe she could make up for it by giving her a few others. “We’ll head out through the throne room,” Applebloom said as she hefted Cadance onto Thorax’s back to make him carry her.  “Um, yes, save me my valiant knight, or something,” Cadance drooled on his head and ground her pussy against his flank. “If you save Shining later, you can be my valiant knight in Shining Armor.” “You know Mom would eviscerate you on the spot fer that pun, right?” Applebloom peered at Cadance. "Really?" asked Cadance hopefully. "I'll need to make it around her later then." “Are you sure it’s empty?” asked Thorax. “Oh yeah, totally,” Applebloom nodded. “Twilight and Chrysalis went outside to snack on some filly guides. And it’s the fastest way out so…” “Okay,” Thorax nodded. “I trust you, that’s what ponies would do right? And filly guides? How terrible! Don’t worry, we’ll defeat Chrysalis and save your friend from her terrible brainwashing so she’ll never hurt another foal.” “Uh, sure,” Applebloom nodded, barely keeping herself from suicide in frustration at his brutal stupidity. It literally hurt. Though honestly, she was a little upset about the filly guides. Why wasn’t she invited to help rape them to death? She hoped they wouldn’t all be dead when she got there. Maybe if they were busy with Thorax, she’d still get to murder one. ‘Oh ,don’t be like that,’ Chrysalis said through the hive mind. ‘I needed to talk to Twilight alone. Besides, I’m pleasantly surprised at your usefulness. If this goes well enough, I might reconsider giving you a reward that I originally neglected the idea of.’ Applebloom blushed that her dissatisfaction had shown through, but at least wanting to murder more children was the kind of dissatisfaction that was generally acceptable. Chrysalis was a just and fair ruler after all. Honestly she could be planning to execute Applebloom too, and the filly would still march Thorax to the throne room. A few minutes later, they arrived at the throne room. There they found Chrysalis and Twilight waiting patiently for them, pieces of dead filly guides scattered about. It seemed that a few were left, but they were busy. One that they’d converted was brutally raping her friend up the asshole just behind them and not paying much attention to what else was going on. “W-what?!” Thorax shrieked. “You said it was empty and we could escape through here!” “I did say that, didn’t ah,” Applebloom giggled. “Haven’t we done this bit before?” asked Chrysalis, stroking his shaft once more to let some foal heads clatter onto the floor.  “Yes, suffer together with me!” Cadance drooled more on Thorax, from both ends, leaving two wet spots as Chrysalis yanked her off. Her body shook in anticipation of being brutally tortured, but Chrysalis just dropped her onto the floor. Cadance sighed in disappointment that she wouldn’t get more of what she deserved immediately, and had to sate herself by jarring her limb stumps painfully against the floor. “Sit,” Chrysalis commanded. “I’ll let you watch what happens to rebel scum like this before you return to your suffering.” “It’s more than this worthless shit mother deserves,” Cadance nodded, but luckily still shivered at what was happening to Shining and Breeder downstairs. “You’ll never get away with this!” cried Thorax. “Your reign of terror will be-” “Fuck!” shrieked Twilight in abject terror. “Is THAT what I sounded like?” “Sadly yes,” Chrysalis chuckled. “I think you may have made the wrong decision letting me live,” Twilight shuddered. “Ah already asked some of mah kids ta bring in Ocellus from outside,” said Applebloom. “Did you know she’s a week old and NEVER fucked? He wanted to wait til she was… mature enough.” Chrysalis and Twilight’s muzzles hung open in disgust. “Oh and of course his brother knew he was a risk,” said Applebloom. “And did nothing. Since they’re the only survivors of their batch, it’s probably because they’re inferior genes that need purged.” “We’re not the only survivors from our batch!” Thorax shrieked. “You drowned most of them at the last Grand Chittering Gala because you thought their choice of formal clothing was tacky!” He pointed at Chrysalis accusingly, as if she had anything to be ashamed of. “What was I supposed to do?” asked Chrysalis, appalled. “We needed a fresh corpse pit for the orgy and they were wearing PINK! It looked like Pinkie Pie took a shit in the Mirror Pool!” “Don’t listen to him, Mother,” Twilight said. “You did the right thing. Rarity would have been proud.” “I did do the right thing,” chuckled Chrysalis. “But I think your memories of your friend may be slightly inaccurate. Ah, but here they come.” A moment after she spoke, the main doors flung open. At least Pharynx had accepted the justice of his fate, because he walked in by himself, carrying the terrified grub Ocellus with him. She was squirming and crying like a filly, a prime example of what happened when you allowed weak children to live. Pharynx casually trotted around Toola, who was now choking her friend on her dick, and approached the others. He bowed low, but his glare was fixed on his brother who had just gotten him executed.  “I’m not sorry for what I did!” Thorax claimed as if he still thought he was a hero. “No, you’re too stupid to be,” Pharynx growled, then looked at the others. “My Queen, my Princess, my humblest apologies for my failure. I am reporting for my execution.” “We’re going to eat the two of you with our cocks!” squeaked Twilight, excited to try out the new method. “Can’t say I’m not looking forward to that at least a little,” huffed Pharynx. “As long as he dies too I’m fine with it.” More than a little fine with it; he was rock hard. “Well for now,” Twilight suggested. “Why don’t we have them give Ocellus a proper raping and snuffing while Toola finishes her friend.” Twilight turned to Toola. “Go ahead and murder that thing, Toola sweetie. We want the full use of the throne room for this.” “I will never do that!” Thorax whined like a bitch. “Oh for crying out loud!” Pharynx facehooved in frustration. They could feel his frustration over having a brother that didn’t even want to rape weak children to death for their own good. Pharynx grabbed Thorax’s hoof in his magic, bringing it to smack Thorax in the face to knock some sense into him. With the weakling caught off guard, Pharynx forced his head down, doubling him over. Thorax was already rock hard from his delusions about getting to pound princess pussy, so his muzzle was rammed down onto his own cock until he gagged. “Stop raping yourself!” teased Pharynx. Before Thorax could resist with his own magic, Chrysalis sent a charge of magic into his head. Thorax gagged violently around his own cock and then screeched anew as his horn cracked, then burst into fragments. In an instant, Chrysalis deprived him of his telekinesis, making sure to seal off his changing ability as well. “If he doesn’t want to help, you may force him,” Chrysalis ordered.  “Pharynx,” Thorax gagged as he finally got a breath. “Don’t you get it? She’s going to kill you too!” “I live and DIE for the Hive!” Pharynx growled. “If you could say the same, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Toola was mostly avoiding the drama, having been given an order herself. She wasn’t much for thinking in her new state, but she did have her instinctive love of painting, so that’s what she went with.  She slammed the shivering Coconut belly-down, the filly too weak to even sob. She yanked her tail up, ramming her ovipositor into her already cum-dripping pussy, shivering as she pushed through to her womb, then went to work.  Coconut shrieked anew, hind legs spasming as Toola kept yanking on her tail. Using her teeth to tear at her lower back, Toola split open the flesh, yanking the lower end of her spine out by the roots. She cracked it away from her pelvis, twisting it until it broke off, then laughed happily as she waved it around, the bit of spine and tail making an adequate paintbrush, already covered in splattered red paint. As she slung the thing around, there was no danger of her painting anything coherent, but at least she had the eagerness for it. Still, that wasn’t the only art she wanted. As she continued to pound her spasming pussy, she twisted her hind legs with her new magic. Weakened by the repeated use and strain on her shattered pelvis, they gave quickly, tearing off like tender chicken wings. Toola yanked fee of her pussy, instead turning her severed legs around and aiming one for each hole. Coconut shrieked as her well-raped holes were used to impale her further, her hooves pushed as deep as they could go, ripping through her torn insides until they knocked the breath out of her by impacting her lungs. Coconut shook her head as Toola straddled her chest, the whole time using her magic to thrust the severed legs into Coconuts holes. Transforming her hoof into a claw, she sliced open Coconut’s neck, resulting in a beautiful gargling sound before pushing her cock into the throat wound. “Yes,” moaned Toola as she pushed her shaft through her neck, the bloody tip emerging from her convulsing muzzle. “Die for the Hive, insufferable cunt.” It was wonderful to see the newly reformed Toola enjoying her prey. Coconut’s wicked body entered her death throes, and the last thing she ever saw was Toola’s twitching filly-cock blasting a load of spunk into the air that rained down upon her face. “Good girl,” Chrysalis said. “Go ahead and drag your dead friend off and corpse-fuck her until I tell you to stop, and I won’t until she’s crawling with maggots so get ready for a marathon fuck session.” “Yes, fuck with maggots!” Toola drooled as she happily dragged her dead friend out of the throne room. “If she stops fucking it before I tell her,” Chrysalis called to the guards outside as Toola left. “Execute her however you want.” “How can you treat ponies like this?” Thorax shook her head. “Ah, yes, I almost forgot,” Chrysalis smirked. “I’m punishing the least competent rebel ever.” “Please, it’s not my fault,” Ocellus begged like the inferior stock that she was, wickedly refusing the order to die for the pleasure of her Queen. “Look at what you’ve done!” Twilight reprimanded Thorax. “This weakling grub has been given the impression that it’s not in her own best interest to die screaming!” “It isn’t!” Thorax gasped between Pharynx ramming his throat, clearly beyond saving. “Stop raping yourself!” Pharynx helpfully advised Thorax again. “As amusing as this skit is,” smirked Chrysalis. “Please commence murder-raping the little one.” “Ya sure ya don’t wanna eat me with yer cock too, right?,” Applebloom asked, stroking her shaft through a leg hole in anticipation. “After ah watch them die, preferably.” “It’s fine, Applebloom,” Twilight smiled. “But thank you for offering.” “Hm,” Chrysalis looked at Applebloom, tapping a hoof on her chin. She could tell the offer was sincere and it clearly impressed her. “How fucking messed up are you?” Thorax screeched as Pharynx dragged him towards Ocellus. “No, I won’t hurt her!” “You get her pussy, since you are one,” Pharynx informed him, grasping the squealing Ocellus in his magic and dragging her too. “Don’t you want that, faggot? I can’t believe I'm related to you. I really do deserve to die for not turning you in.”  Applebloom giggled, holding down Thorax, front legs wrapped around his forehead and hind legs around his neck as her magic held the rest of him. She grinded her ovipositor and pussy against the back of his head as she held his cock upward.  Pharynx pushed the screaming brat atop Thorax, pushing her down against his shaft. He glared at his brother in disgust as Thorax shook his head the best he could, apparently repulsed by the feel of Ocellus’s young pussy against his shaft. Even as her young lips were forced down upon his barbed dick, he shook his head frantically. Ocellus’s screams were delightful as her week-old virginity was taken far later than it should have been, blood trickling down Thorax’s larger shaft as her belly bulged with his girth. Pharynx pushed against her rear entry once she was sliding down onto Thorax, forcing his way into her far more violently, making her scream rise in pitch. Pharynx enjoyed it far more than Thorax, shivering at the tight clench of ass over his shaft and licking her sweet tears off her face. Ocellus sobbed bitterly rather than welcoming the agony as she should have, legs kicking wildly as she flailed. Pharynx grinned widely at her antics, straddling Thorax himself and forcing Ocellus up and down on both their rods together as her tiny body bloated grotesquely. Applebloom lapped at Thorax’s tears as well, then wound her ovipositor around to his muzzle. Despite the incredible mercy she showed by giving him a foal-dick to suck, he turned his head away.  “What?” Applebloom growled. “Mah dick not good enough fer ya?” “It’s not that!” Thorax cried. “You’re too young to be doing this, even if you want to.” “Oh my great morphic gods,” Chrysalis gasped, so disgusted at a changeling that didn’t want to fuck every child he saw that she turned and vomited immediately.  Cadance had been deposited next to her, so got projectile vomit splattered onto her. The broken bitch didn’t flinch, instead simply opening her muzzle to catch as much of it as she could. When it was done, she rolled over, crawling closer with the severed nubs of her torn limbs. She propped herself up, nuzzling at Chrysalis’ cock. “Don’t fret, my Queen,” panted Cadance, lapping eagerly at the ovipositor. “The wicked traitor that tried to steal me will be dead soon, and you can continue with your plan to rape and pillage my former empire.” “So delightfully broken,” Chrysalis smirked, patting Cadance’s head. “She’s gone from an evil thot to an example for all victims to follow,” agreed Twilight as Cadance slurped Twilight’s ovipositor into her muzzle as well. Using their toys throat while they watched made it more bearable. "Justice has prevailed!" When Thorax denied her offer, Applebloom crawled up onto his chest instead. She yanked Ocellus’s head down, pushing her screaming muzzle to her ovipositor instead. As she did, she yanked Thorax’s head towards her with her magic, forcing his tongue out to lap at her nethers while she had a go at Ocellus’s throat. Ocellus spasmed violently as her wicked holes were purified with barbed changeling shafts, tunnels raked by needle-like spines. Pharynx shivered in delight at the clench of her bleeding asshole, but Thorax continued to sob like a bitch even as her pussy undulated delightfully around his shaft. Pushing deeper, Thorax was forced through her cervix and up into her womb. It slammed into the back several times before being forced up into her gut, joining Pharynx's shaft as it burst through her intestines, bloody cocks rubbing together inside the bloated mess of a grub.  Applebloom pushed deep into her throat at the same time, ripping out her stomach, and soon all three shafts were rubbing together inside her body as it discolored from the internal bleeding. Ocellus’s eyes rolled back as she pissed herself in agony, warm greenish urine trickling over Thorax’s shaft. While Thorax still refused to enjoy the moment, Pharynx leaned down and lapped at the grub’s piss, yanking her harder back and forth, down onto the two cocks and then back up to impale her throat deeper onto Applebloom’s shaft. Applebloom liked that idea, so relieved herself onto Thorax’s face as well, giggling at how he gargled and tried to spit it up rather than swallowing it down like a normal changeling would. Still, his efforts sent shivers of pleasure up through her pussy even as he resisted. Afterward though, Applebloom moved from his face and to the side, wanting to let him see the terrified look in Ocellus’s eyes since he stubbornly refused to feed on her despair.  “I’m sorry,” Thorax told her, then looked at Chrysalis. “Please, at least execute me without making me kill her, I’ve never killed anyone, not even during my hatching!” “Disgusting,” sighed Twilight. “You know, maybe I can develop a spell to cast after a hatching to identify any that haven’t participated in the murder or at least corpse-fucking of their weaker siblings. We could avoid this sort of bizarre defect in the future.” “That’s not a bad idea, just to be safe,” nodded Chrysalis. “Anyway,” said Twilight. “You boys, go ahead and kill the brat. My cock is hungry for traitors!” “Yes, my Princess,” Pharynx panted. “At least my retarded brother won’t die without feeling a child’s death throes through her pussy.” “I don’t want to feel that!” shrieked Thorax. Thorax may not have wanted it, but his cock did, throbbing violently inside the grub’s snatch. Even feeling the glorious convulsions of her agony around him though, he refused to lengthen his shaft to help impale her. That was fine for Pharynx, who lengthened his own into a spike, ramming it up through her body. She twitched violently as he speared her through. Her body twitched violently and she let out one last piercing wail before her lungs were popped. His shaft split inside her, branching out like thorns, exiting her at over a dozen points between her chest and neck, the finally one ramming right up into her brain. Thorax’s dick betrayed how he really felt, unable to keep from cumming as he felt her convulsions around him. He pumped her womb full even as she emptied her bladder onto his belly, reaching a single hoof for him as the life left her worthless eyes forever. When Pharynx went off, it was more like a fountain, pouring out of her body from every gaping wound, but he focused the main blast to her head, where she vomited it all over Thorax’s face. Thorax sputtered in disgust even as he kept creaming hard inside her fresh corpse, while Applebloom more reasonably opened her muzzle wide to catch some of the bloody spunk. As Pharynx withdrew his shaft, he tossed Ocellus’s used up corpse onto the ground next to them. Chrysalis horn glowed though, shocking her with magic until she twitched into motion again, convulsing violently as she was re-awoken to the agony that had just killed her. “I’ll keep this one animate so that Applebloom will have something to play with while she watches us,” Chrysalis said. “Cadance, go play with Bloom and the grub.” “Aw, that’s so sweet,” smiled Twilight. “Thanks, yer Majesty!” Bloom smiled as well, climbing away from Thorax and grinning at Ocellus. The little one whimpered as Chrysalis tossed Cadance to land next to them. “Why don’t you eat Thorax first, Twilight my love-slave,” Chrysalis said. “Take him head first so his brother can rape him on the way in.” “No!” Thorax was still determined to escape even if his magic was easily disabled by the Queen. Pharynx rolled his eyes and dragged him towards Twilight. “Does this mean I’ll be executed by the Queen herself?” Pharynx asked hopefully. “What an honor! Thank you!” “You’re welcome, dear,” Chrysalis smirked. “It’s the least I could do. I think you were more just brutally stupid than evil like Thorax.” “Mm, come my prey, become my cum,” Twilight licked her lips as she flopped her throbbing ovipositor to Thorax’s face. At first, she warmed up a bit by shoving it down his filthy throat to shut up his begging. He glugged on it as his neck stretched out and his brother moved up behind him. As he mounted up his squirming brother, he split his shaft into two. While Thorax identified male, his true form had both bits like all changelings, so Pharynx pressed one to his pussy and the other to his asshole. “I really do love raping you,” purred Pharynx. “You’re the only one of our siblings that it was even possible to rape, such a weirdo.” “You should have informed us as soon as you identified his deviant behavior,” scoffed Chrysalis, but all the same came up behind Pharynx as well. “Here, get a load from the dick that will end your life.” Pharynx looked starry eyed as Chrysalis did the same to him. He spread his legs eagerly as he felt twin ovipositors pushed into both his rear entries, shivering as he was filled by the most desired cocks in the Hive. while any other creature would have cried out in pain when they stuck their dick into a natural changeling cunt, Pharynx and Chrysalis both moaned at the feeling of needle-like barbs raking over their equally-barbed shafts as they forced their way in. Twilight purred as they pounded Thorax hard from behind, thrusting together to increase the impacts. His body shuddered at the thrust, twitching in pain despite his body being made for this. Twilight leaned forward, slowly licking the tears from his face as he sobbed, the extracted her dick from his throat, instead expanding the urethra in front of him. “Please don’t…” Thorax’s last words were just as pathetic as he was. “Shhh,” Twilight comforted the changeling by habit, even if her goal was his execution. “Don’t be like that. I’m giving you a way to serve the Hive one last time through your death. Your purpose is now providing my cock with undiscovered pleasure, churned into royal cum. What better purpose is there for an undeserving traitor?” Before he could respond, Twilight clasped his muzzle shut with her magic and pushed her urethra over his muzzle. His eyes widened as the slick interior slid over his muzzle, but Twilight took it slow to give them both plenty of time to enjoy his fate. She held his head tightly, not letting the pummeling thrusts from behind push him into her too quickly. His flailed his hooves, trying to struggle away, whimpering like a filly guide in a pit full of rapist spiders. Twilight shivered, thrusting her hips slowly and feeling herself stretch over his face, up to his horn stump. Twilight had plenty of changelings crawl up into her pussy, sometimes one that were Thorax’s size, but this felt so much better. Even though she kept her body elastic, she did nothing to widen the cock hole, giving herself a delightful stretch as she’d never felt before. It was magnified as she forced herself hard with another thrust and his jagged horn stump pushed inside, edge dragging along the inner surface. Thorax tried to use that to his advantage, whipping his head about to slice into her sensitive inner flesh with his horn despite the agony pressure on it caused. That only made her moan as she pushed down over his neck. His sobbing was muffled now with her flesh, but he still wasn’t limp, struggling more the deeper he went.  “Yes, brother,” moaned Pharynx, lapping at the tightly stretched flesh as it snapped over his brother’s neck. “Your holes are clenching more than ever, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt such sincere fear and regret from a changeling. I’m so glad I get to be here when you die.” “I really owe you,” panted Twilight as she strained, pressing hard until she popped over his shoulders. “I was really looking forward to doing this to Applebloom, but she did so well that I couldn’t justify it. Thank you so much for being a worthless traitor and giving me this opportunity with one of my own.” Thorax continued his pathetic begging, but now his voice was muffled completely. Twilight purred, pushing his front legs against his body with her magic as it slid down over his shoulders, warmly feeling over every spine and ridge, the jagged edges of his legs dragging against her every bit as nicely as his horn. Twilight purred, leaning forward to feel over Thorax’s body. She slid a hoof beneath him, pushing his shaft into one of her leg holes as his brother continued ramming him from behind. His cock was still wet with the infant's pussy juice and piss that he couldn’t appreciate. She kissed Pharynx as Chrysalis lapped her long tongue along his head frill. He rolled his eyes back in utter bliss as he shivered, shafts throbbing inside his brother as both of his own holes massaged eagerly at his Queens pleasure poles. Pharynx had never ranked highly enough to be one of the hundred or so drones that Chrysalis fucked each day, so this was a slice of pure Heaven for him.  Getting to feel the Queen’s cock inside him was well-worth death to an underachieving changeling like him. He probably would have agreed to die for it even without having committed a heinous crime. Since Twilight got dicked by Chrysalis all the time, she sometimes forgot what an honor it was.  Thorax had given up begging and was only sobbing within now, his tears only lubricating his passage more. Twilight had never felt the convulsions of a sobbing body like she did now and it was amazing. . Though his abject horror in the face of his death shamed him as a changeling, it was still delicious for Twilight, and she began to tug and pull at him, thrusting him into her cock and inching deeper with each thrust. Whoever knew getting her cockhole fucked by a whole changeling would feel so good? His body betraying him once again, Thorax came hard as Twilight stroked his shaft. His holes clenched and Pharynx rolled back his eyes but held off his own orgasm. Chrysalis made no such effort though, pumping a load into both of Pharynx’s holes, shivering as her wings buzzed behind her before continuing to pack it in, barely stopping in her thrusting after filling him. “While I’d never waste my real fertility on you,” Chrysalis panted. “I admit your holes are quite nice.” “You honor me, Queen,” Pharynx squeaked as he continued to hold his own in, wanting to plow his brother as long as possible and delighting in increasing his agony. Twilight pushed Thorax’s cock into her own as he sank deeper. His hind legs flailed wildly around Pharynx’ hips as his brother nailed him all the harder. Pharynx laughed at his brother’s antics, but couldn’t hold any longer as his belly smacked against Twilight’s flesh, now fucking her dick as much as he was his brother. Her clenched his teeth, blasting a load into Thorax’s taunt ass and convulsing pussy. The fact that this was his brother's execution sent him over the edge even harder, and Twilight could feel Thorax's gut swell with his brother's sperm inside her. “That’s it, die worthless brother!” As Thorax was sucked in further, Pharynx kept fucking the hole, sliding his dick between Thorax’s flailing legs as he sank in past the hips.  “Oh he will die,” purred Twilight. “I imagine it will be excruciating, but you’ll get to confirm it yourself when it happens to you.” “Yes!” panted Pharynx. “I’ll savor every moment knowing he went through the same!” Thorax wailed again as his head popped out of her prolonged shaft and into her sack. Once past his hind legs, he slid freely as Twilight pulled her shaft away from Pharynx and tilted it upwards. She stroked herself, moaning and shivering as he deposited himself in the magical stomach that she’d converted her balls into. Twilight cast an x-ray spell, letting the others see Thorax as her curled up in a fetal position, sobbing bitterly. He screeched as he felt the first sting of her digestion, ball flesh stretching with his struggles as he flailed as much as he could. “Yes, good,” Pharynx panted, then said loud enough for Thorax to hear. “Die sobbing like an infant pony, just like you deserve!” “Churn him into royal jelly, love,” smirked Chrysalis. “Does that mean what I think it does?” asked Twilight hopefully. “We’ll see,” chuckled Chrysalis. As Thorax tested the new execution method for them, Applebloom did as she was told, dragging Ocellus to Cadance. Cadance looked at Ocellus and forced a smile, but they knew better. Despite her now consistent obedience, inside she was broken and in torment, wanting to cry but too far gone to do so. On top of that, her body shivered violently from the agony of whatever torment her husband and lesser daughter were going through. Despite her constant begging for her deserved torment, she didn’t enjoy it any more than before. “No, I died!” Ocellus squeaked. “Why am I not dead still!... help me!” This adorable yet clearly evil grub reached out for Cadance as if for help, even as Applebloom pinned her onto the floor. She forced her legs apart, pressing her ovipositor into the hole that Thorax had the nerve not to enjoy earlier, panting at the now-familiar feeling of young pussy around her dick.  “You heard her, Candy,” panted Applebloom. “Come ‘help’.” “Y-yes, of course,” Cadance nodded, not hesitating as she worked her way closer on her nubs. She’d never been asked to harm a changeling, and she couldn’t deny the idea appealed to her, like a proxy to torture for all her own suffering. Cadance forced herself to move through the agony constantly coursing through her, picking up Ocellus by the head in her teeth. Every movement was forcing herself through unendurable torment, so she yanked the sobbing child upwards before lowering a stump down to her bottom, pressing it against the already stretched and bleeding hole. “Oh that’s right, you don’t have a cock,” Applebloom smirked at Cadance. “I almost fergot mares of inferior races don’t have those.” Cadance only nodded, having finally accepted herself as being inferior. A few tears trickled from Cadance as she lapped the tears from Ocellus’s face, but only because she knew they liked her to cry. Applebloom yanked the brat up and down as she did so, double-impaling her on Bloom’s shaft and Cadance’s raw stump, agitating the wound in the process. “Please,” Ocellus continued to beg. “I don’t even know what I did wrong!” “You lived when you shouldn’t have,” Applebloom explained since she was too stupid to realize the obvious. “If you didn’t wanna die like this, you shoulda died like that. Ah can’t believe you’d choose this over the hotness of being fucked to death by yer newborn siblings, personally. Don’t ya agree, Cadance.” “Y-yes,” said Cadance, cringing at the warmth clenching around her hoof. “Death would be undeserved mercy over what I have now, this disgrace to the master race doesn’t know how lucky she is.” “See?” smirked Applebloom, seeing Cadance finally understood. “This is so much easier when ya embrace yer eternal torment.” Applebloom turned to watch the other show, casually continuing to rape the younger foal as she did so. She sighed, thinking about how lucky she was to be granted a life where rape and snuff were a normal part of her day. Meanwhile, Twilight stroked her newly filled sack, purring as she watched Thorax squirm helplessly inside. “That’s it,” she sighed happily as she felt the blissful stretch from within. “I could churn you into cum quickly, but I’m going to take it slow to watch you suffer.” “That did look fun,” Chrysalis grinned, yanking her shafts free of Pharynx’s entries before winding them together and shifting them back into one. “Are you ready to die as well, traitor?” “Yes, gladly my Queen,” panted Pharynx. “But if I can have one last request, may I go hind legs first so that I can watch my brother suffer and die as I go down.” “Of course,” said Chrysalis benevolently. “I’m no monster.” Chrysalis yanked his bottom up by the tail, sliding one hoof beneath him to stroke his still-twinned shaft with one leg, using a different hole for each rod. She lifted his hind hooves with her magic, holding them together and bringing them to her cock tip. “So lucky,” panted Pharynx. “To be personally murdered by the goddess that created my kind.” “I’m starting to think he didn’t turn in Thorax on purpose,” smirked Twilight. “I think this one just has a snuff fetish.” “He could have just asked,” Chrysalis laughed, but then added more seriously. “You, though, defective stock, will cease referring to it as ‘my kind’” “Yes my Queen,” Pharynx moaned as he felt her tip stretch its hole open around his hind hooves. “I am a disappointment and want to die like one. Should I struggle and cry for you?” “If you would, please,” grinned Chrysalis at her accommodating victim. Thorax was struggling and crying on his own. Twilight’s dick was pulling in enough oxygen to keep him alive and screaming within. His skin was visibly rubbing off, showing bare chitin beneath the surface as it slowly dissolved. It would take a long time to burn through and spill out his guts. He continually tried to push his own head under the surface of the gathering acid is in sack, but she kept his head above with her magic as she slowly stroked herself. Pharynx moaned, reaching a hoof to feel of Twilight’s sack once more before he felt himself tugged backwards, hooves sinking into Chrysalis’ shaft as it stretched to make room for him. Despite his willingness, he squirmed for his queen’s pleasure, trying to kick his hind legs even though he knew the grip was too tight to pull them free. As her flesh moved up over his knees, he made himself sob. It was impossible for him to twist his inner emotions into real fear so it wasn’t fooling anyone, but what they did get from him was a feast of love for his betters, which was strangely tasty coming from any creature in the process of being murdered. It tasted different from normal love, as if it were a bit spicy to the senses, and all three dominant changelings in the room drew it in eagerly. Chrysalis slid her hooves from Pharynx’ shafts and slid over his body as her shaft moved up to his knees and further. He reached his own hooves back, but instead of stroking himself, he pushed beneath her swelling ball sack and rubbed both his hooves against her soggy pussy, tweaking her clit with a sharp corner even as he sobbed for her.  Despite his pretend struggles, Chrysalis had to hold him firmly to keep him from worming his way in more quickly than she wanted, instead savoring the moment as the shape of his hips bulged out her shaft. She pushed her head beneath him, giving each of his cocks one finally slurp as they began to be tugged into her own. The whole time, Pharynx was gorging himself on his brother’s agony with them, the intake of energy sending an extra shiver through Chryaslis’ shaft and effectively giving her a double dose of it. It was hard to believe this former pony that she hated so much had shown her such a unique new pleasure; perhaps there was more merit to letting her live than she previous considered. What other interesting ways of murder would Twilight devise? Thorax weakened within Twilight’s balls, his kicks growing softer. He let out another wail as the acid burned at his most fragile bits, eating out his pussy and already working down his shaft. Finally the tender belly gave and his guts began to spill out into the acid, staining it red. He screamed until he gagged, filled with such an un-changeling-like fear of death. It was delightful and pathetic at the same time. “Yes, it’s finally happening,” Pharynx groaned as the cock slid up over hips and around his midsection. “Watching my brother die in agony as I’m murdered by the Queen! This is my greatest fantasy come true!” As the shaft tip came up to his shoulders, he couldn’t reach her goods anymore, so pushed his front legs out straight. He’d forgotten to keep struggling in his bliss, instead pushing against the ground with the hooves to shove himself faster. Chrysalis smirked and help him with her magic to keep it slow. As it slid over his head, Pharynx pulled his front legs apart to hold the tip open, still watching his brother’s suffering even as his own hind legs dropped into Chrysalis’ swelling sack. As he watched, Thorax shivered in his death throes as more of his guts spilled free, now soaking in a soup of his own organs. He vomited a stream of gore as his eyes rolled back, body jerking to a stop as his worthless life ended. “Yes, die!” Pharynx squealed happily just as the tip was covering his front hooves. “Just like I will!” “How can someone be so worthless and loyal at the same time?” panted Chrysalis as she tipped her shaft upwards, allowing him to slide the rest of the way into her sack. “Yes, make them suffer and die,” groaned Cadance as she rammed her leg harder, clenching her teeth at the pain of burning changeling fluids against her wound.  “Now dear,” Chrysalis looked back at Cadance. “You’re enjoying watching because they deserve it, not because they’re changelings, yes?” “Oh no,” Cadance said. “I only like seeing their suffering because they’re changelings! Please make sure to torture me for it soon! Torture my worthless husband and lesser daughter for it too!”  She didn’t actually feel that way about Thorax, and they could all tell, but her completely rational desire to get the torment she deserved caused her to lie in an effort to make her later punishment worse. Cadance used to try to avoid extra agony, but she’d slowly began to come up with reasons for them to give her more as she realized how justified it was. The best part was that she still sincerely found her torment horrifying, unlike a transformed changeling would, but still wanted more. So cute. “You’ve gone from the most stubborn to the most broken pony I've ever seen,” Chrysalis grinned, then rubbed her hooves over her bulging sack as she used another x-ray spell to make sure Pharynx could see out and they could see in. “Watch your brother’s corpse simmer as you die, traitor. Soon you’ll be converted into something far more useful.” Unlike Thorax, Pharynx wasn’t struggling inside. He looked over at his brother’s corpse still coming apart in Twilight’s sack, stroking himself off with the holes in one hoof as he rubbed the digestive fluid over his body with the other hoof. He took deep breaths of the stench of the acid, rolling his eyes back as he felt it burn into him. The thought of being churned up in his goddess’s balls was too much and he came quickly. Both his cocks came apart from the pressure, having already soaked in acid as he rubbed them, exploding in gore as he arched his back. He moved the hoof back to rub at his pussy then instead, also holding it over the remaining soft area in an effort to keep from coming apart as soon as his brother did. His whole body relaxed as he rubbed at himself, his expression one of complete content, completely at peace with his fate even as torment wrecked his whole nervous system. As his guts finally spilled into the soup in which he soaked, he felt one hoof against his chest, catching the moment his own heart fluttered to a stop and dying with a huge grin on his face, his last emotion ever his intense love for his queen. “Aw, that was adorable,” cooed Twilight. “I have to admit, that was even more delicious that Thorax’s abject terror.” “It was indeed,” smiled Chrysalis as she patted her churning balls. “Let’s grind them down though, because I think we owe somepony a special reward for bringing these heinous criminals to justice.” > 12. A Blooming Reward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis and Twilight embraced tightly, their swollen sacks pressing together, feeling the churning of digesting flesh and chitin within both.  “You know, despite an external ball sack being a weakness of inferior races,” Chrysalis cooed. “I have to admit it’s enjoyable to have one dangling there occasionally.” “Well, see,” Twilight purred. “The thing is, it makes it hard for ponies to know which stallions are best, because the ball sack isn’t necessarily… well just take my friend’s brother Big Mac. HUGE ball sack, but my friend Pinkie confided that he’s a terrible lay, like the worst, and she’s had most cocks in Ponyville insider her, usually several at a time, so she’d know.” “Fascinating,” chuckled Chrysalis. “Yeah, he’s like… ten seconds tops and he’s done,” Twilight nodded. “You know, I can’t imagine why I got on to her for telling me that at the time. I mean she was obviously trying to help, since I mentioned him as someone I might ask out one day.” “You were going to ask out a mud pony?” Chrysalis groaned between kisses. “Those things are even worse than unicorns. Most are barely even sentient, though the pink one must be strangely enlightened if she’s had that many cocks in her.” “I know, I was a real idiot,” sighed Twilight. “I even told Pinkie at the time that skill at sex wasn’t everything. In hindsight, she should have butchered me on the spot for my brutal retardation and baked me into a cake. Then raped it in an act of confectionary necrophilia. Then fed it to...” “I got the idea, dear,” Chrysalis pulled her muzzle shut to cut her off. “Let’s not ramble for hours like you did last time.” As the royalty gossiped, Applebloom and Cadance wailed on little Ocellus. Applebloom rolled her eyes back as she came, squeezing the little one as it burst up through her torn body and bubbled out her muzzle with blood. Cadance leaned up and lapped the gurgling goo. “I envy them,” Cadance purred as she watched Chrysalis and Twilight rubbing their ball sacks. “I want to be churned into cum, but I don’t deserve my suffering to end.” “Well we kin solve that,” Applebloom suggested. “Why don’t we cast a pain link between you and somepony or someling and have them eaten?” “Brilliant idea,” Chrysalis purred. “You really are a bright one. First, come over here dear Bloom, we have a present for you.” “Oh thank you, Mother,” moaned Twilight. Thorax had nearly churned all the way into jelly in her ball sack, and Pharynx wasn’t far behind in Chryssie’s. “You’re a bad influence on me,” Chryssie narrowed her eyes at Twilight. “I’m becoming far too kind and generous because of you.” Cadance withdrew her hoof from Ocellus once Applebloom trotted away, panted and chewing on the nub to intensify the already stinging pain as she watched them. Ocellus heard Chrysalis’ words and seemed hopeful, thinking it might have indicated mercy on her part. Would she be spared and let go? “Candy, dear,” Chrysalis said. “I’m going to link you with Ocellus too. Torture her and yourself by doing so.” “Y-yes, my Queen,” Cadance nodded slowly, and Ocellus’ eyes widened as she looked at her. When Applebloom got close to them, Twilight and Chrysalis moved to either side of her, their massive schlongs each smacking her face. Getting the wrong idea, Applebloom used her magic to push her nose into the tip of Twilight’s cock and one of her hind hooves into Chrysalis.  “How ‘bout you each take me from either end and snap me off in the middle,” Bloom suggested “But like… keep me alive as each half dissolves separately. Kin ya do that?”  “That’s not what we’re doing,” smirked Twilight. “But it means a lot that you were willing to do that if we wanted!” “It’s funny the ideas they get when you hide your intentions from them,” smirked Chrysalis. “No, Bloom, we’re going to fuck you full of royal jelly. It’s time for a promotion.” “S-seriously?” Applebloom blinked. “So ah’d be like… a princess?” “Indeed,” Chrysalis nodded. “You have earned it, daughter,” Twilight proudly said, “There are barely any changelings as creative as you.” “I guess that makes me your grandmother,” Chrysalis added, which of course made Applebloom’s legs in her cock instantly more arousing.. Bloom wasn’t sure what to think of the honor, but tugged her hoof and muzzle free of their respective shafts. Twilight and Chryssie moved closer together, living Bloom up off the floor, winding their two massive dicks together like a corkscrew, shivering as their needle-like spines sliced into one another.  They brought Bloom down and pushed against her soft pussy, even if it had the same needles and thorns as their dicks inside. As they pushed her down, she stretched wide around them, shivering and twitching her legs as they dragged along her insides. As they did so, Chrysalis pushed her head down and slurped in Bloom’s ovipositor, wrapping her long tongue around it and bobbing her head. She swallowed it, feeling the barbs drag along her throat, and clenched her teeth around it in response, digging them in as she stroked and making Bloom squeal with delight. Twilight slurped at her other side, lapping against her anal entry while they double-stuffed her pussy. She slurped at the thick anal ring, pushing her tongue inside and waggling it about. In her excitement at getting fucked by the Queen and Princess at the same time, Bloom lost control as a stream of warm glowing piss drooled down their shafts. Likewise, Twilight sucked a brick of green slimy shit from her behind, working it around her muzzle and smushing it between her teeth with her tongue. “This is the happiest moment of mah life,” panted Bloom. “To think ah’ll get to torment mah former family as a princess! Thank you Mommy and- Grandmommy!” “I’m sure with your good ideas, we’ll torment them plenty,” purred Twilight, words wet with the slimy shit in her muzzle. “I already have some ideas myself.” Applebloom arched her back and moaned as they sank deeper, ramming herself downward as well. She wasn’t much bigger in her new form as she had been as a foal, so her gut swelled with the double girth as it tore its way into her, piercing her cervix without effort. Applebloom shivered, rubbing her hooves on Chrysalis’ head as the Queen worked her neck around Bloom’s shaft with skill that only a thousand year old slut could muster. “Go ahead,” Chrysalis said between slurps, knowing what Bloom felt like doing. “Just this once, since it’s a special occasion.” “Yeah,” groaned Applebloom. “Take my cock like the whore egg-factory you are, Slut-Queen.” As if she wasn’t also taking Chryssie’s bigger dick at the same time. “Choke on your granddaughter’s seed, you needy GILF!” “Oh-ho,” Chrysalis giggled, enjoying the verbal abuse. It was rare for her to give permission, but always enjoyed it.  As they played, Cadance followed her orders with surprising eagerness considering that she was sharing the torment of her victim. She didn’t have a dick though, and they didn’t seem to want to give her one, so she pried a thin shard of hardened slime from the wall, sturdy and jagged like glass. Her eyes teared up as she rammed one end into her own pussy, then pinned Ocellus down and pushed the other jagged tip to the grub’s cunt. “Why?” Ocellus begged. “They tortured you too! Why are you doing this!” “Stop pretending not to deserve this,” Cadance salivated on her weeping face. “We BOTH deserve it. Now suffer you little MONSTER!” Cadance clenched her teeth before ramming her hips forward and feeling both the shard dig into her own sensitive inner flesh and the stab that Ocellus felt as well. Even though tormenting the changeling gave her double the agony, Cadance didn’t hesitate, ramming her hips as fast as she could, blood pouring down their thighs “More,” drooled Cadance. “Hurt me with your agony you infant slut!” Cadance suddenly broke into a shrieking fit atop that, and a quick check through the Hive told Twilight and Chryssie that Skeeter had just set Shining and Breeder on fire to hurt Cadance in retaliation for her daring to have a rescue attempt. Tears streamed down her face as she felt her flesh aflame but never burning away, and made herself continue the rape with uneven but rapid thrusting. She didn’t beg for mercy, knowing she deserved it. Meanwhile the royal treatment combined by the shrieks of sudden agony nearby drove Bloom over the edge. Her dick shot off into Chrysalis’ throat, wrapping her front hooves around Chryssie’s throat and squeezing it tighter as she did. The Queen allowed it, forcing herself to gag over the dick as it shot off despite her complete lack of a gag reflex. Bloom’s pussy and ass convulsed delightfully as they came, and the double twister dicks inside her went off soon after. The digested remains of Thorax and Pharynx pushed up through their shafts, thicker than normal cum, bulging them out. Just from the entrance, it stretched out Applebloom’s hips until her chitin cracked open, shooting shards of agony through her that only intensified her own orgasmic bliss. Despite her smaller size, they didn’t hold back, the liquified corpses of two changelings, each who had been larger than her, pumped into her. Her womb burst in seconds as it flooded into her body, compressing against her organs. Her chitin held for a few seconds before beginning to crack more, gooey spunk oozing from the crevices. As she vomited the thick royal jelly all over Chrysalis, the two realized they’d gone a bit too far and both cast healing magic on her to make sure she remained alive for the process. Applebloom didn’t mind the sudden trauma though, to a true changeling it was all pleasure when it came from those she loved. “Yes, kill that little bitch too!” Cadance screamed, too stupid to know that this was promotion and not murder. “Then kill yourselves!” Chrysalis casually ripped Cadance’s tongue out with her magic and tossed it across the room. Cadance gagged up blood, somewhat disappointed that her punishment for the outburst wasn’t more. She turned her head upward, intentionally choking herself on her own blood, knowing it would only make her suffer more and not die, and continued pounding Ocellus.  The two ripped free, letting Bloom land onto the floor with a splat, then shot the last few splurts onto her face to join the jelly she was vomiting. Chrysalis smirked, moving a hoof to push Applebloom’s eyes back into the sockets after the pressure from within dislodged them. “Beautiful,” panted Twilight. “And now we both have some shit bricks with your name on it, little princess.” Both turned themselves around as Applebloom’s goo-covered body shivered on the floor. She moaned and opened her muzzle as she saw both their gorgeous plots hover over her, sphinchter’s flexing as they prepared to expel the loads to cocoon her. They pressed their plots together, the shit smushing into a thick mixture between the four cheeks before squirting downward onto Applebloom’s face, the watery excess pouring down their thighs. She gulped down the green goo as soon as it filled her muzzle, rolling her eyes back. “I kinda envy her,” panted Twilight. “Getting promoted in smaller steps means that she gets to go through this twice. Mmm, I loved the taste of your shit, Mommy.” “Don’t be like that,” said Chrysalis kindly. “You know you can ask for me to shit on you any time you want.” “You know,” purred Twilight. “We filled her with the remains of those traitors, and now we’re shitting the remains of those filly guides all over her. It’s like a gooey mass of necrophilia down there inside and out.” “Oh ho, that’s kinky,” agreed Chrysalis.  It was a truly touching moment as Applebloom felt herself buried in their feces when her muzzle couldn’t take anymore in, rubbing it all over her, then sliding both hooves down to stroke at her ovipositor.  One might think the transformation from normal changeling to royal would be simpler, but that wasn’t the case. Applebloom’s body had to be broken down before being built back up. Her already split chitin came apart further, breaking into shards and momentarily leaving the changeling as little more than a mass of organs floating within the translucent goo. The organs ripped apart by her traumatic filling knitted themselves back together first, rearranging slightly. As a royal, her womb expanded and would fill more of her body, and her nerves knitted together to form more explosive pleasure centers. Only then did the organs regroup tightly and the chitin begin to reform around them. Applebloom body reformed about twice as big as it was before, first encasing her torso and head and then slowly reforming her limbs.  As her legs grew from stumps to stubs, she began stroking her new ovipositor off, enjoying the more intense pleasure. She sucked in the mess of shit surrounding her again, refilling her emptied tummy until her belly swelled once again. As her legs grew further and developed holes, she pushed her shaft into them instead, sliding her new tail down to push into her pussy from behind at the same time. “Candy,” Chrysalis turned to the alicorn. “Bring the brat. Princess Applebloom’s first command will be to cock vore the little bitch.” “Y-yes my queen,” Cadance responded. “I-I can’t wait to feel her suffering.” Still not having her limbs regrown, it wasn’t easy to drag Ocellus over, the shard still embedded in both of them. Finally Cadance resulted in clinging to her best she could and rolling them as one unit. It gave both Chryssie and Twilight a chuckle to see the once-proud princess further humiliated as such. Cadance was sobbing by the time she got to them, her flesh still feeling as if it was burning so every slight touch against the floor was further agony. “Shove her in,” Chrysalis ordered. “I.. .can you help? I can barely get up,” Cadance asked. “No,” Chrysalis said. “And if you are unable to do so, I will  make Skeeter put out the fire burning your family and make sure none of you are tormented for a full day. I may even put you in… the comfy chair.” “No!” Cadance was instantly sobbing once again, clawing at the glob that contained Applebloom with her stumps to try to pull herself closer. It was truly a beautiful form of broken they’d found with her. She hated the torment just as much as before, yet was so convinced that she deserved it that she wanted to suffer more. It was quite an amusing frustration for Shining now that he was linked to her as thus. “Congratulations, little one,” purred Twilight to Applebloom as Cadance scrambled to lift Ocellus and push her into the glob. “You’re not just superior to your former family now, but to every changeling aside from me and Grandma. They will line up to gangfuck you at your whim and beg for the pleasure of you punishing them when they sin. Now take your first victim as royalty, make her suffer for your glory.” Twilight looked forward to seeing how her daughter reacted to all the new attention she’d get. Ever since becoming princess, Twilight had spend almost all her time fucking, and that still wasn’t enough time to take all the drones that wanted a go at her. To think she’d been a pathetic virgin mud pony foal only weeks ago; this was really a testament to the power of changelings. Appebloom thanked them now by pressing either end  to the edge of her goo pod, offering them a go at her new improved holes. Twilight purred as she pushed herself into the warm soggy mass of shit, Bloom’s lips encompassing her ovipositor and swallowing it down. Even if she was bigger now, she clenched her throat better than ever.  Likewise, Chrysalis smirked and pushed into the other end, penetrating her soft new pussy, dragging her barbs along the sensitive new flesh within as she grasped her plot tightly in her hooves. Applebloom shifted a hoof to rub at each of their cunts as well, making sure to thank them fully. As she did so, Cadance managed to pushed Ocellus’s screaming heat into the feces pile. As her yelps were muffled by the translucent sludge, Applebloom’s cock lashed out without her even needed to otherwise grab for Ocellus. It shifted into a snake-like head and grasped Ocellus’s face, feeling the sweet vibrations of her screams as it wrapped its jaws around her head. Cadance jerked slightly as she felt the pressure on her own face, a hint of worry passing through her, as it always did when about to experience a new torment. She wasn’t sure what it would feel like when her pain buddy was dissolved into cum. Applebloom savored her struggles for a moment as she kept only her head encompassed in her cock tip. Shifted so that other shafts branched off like tentacles, branching off and grasping at her thrashing form. As she soaked up her fear, she invaded her other orifices, ramming thick slabs of thorny meat into her pussy and asshole. She didn’t stop there, shaping another like a needle, ramming it into Ocellus’s own tiny ovipositor and stretching it out as she fucked it like any other hole. As she made sure the wicked grub was defiled properly during her demise, she twisted her limbs with other tentacles. Chitin splintered and cracked from the pressure as each limb was wrenched off slowly, leaving Ocellus a mess of agonized convulsing. “She’s getting creative again,” mused Chrysalis, splitting her own shaft to penetrate both Bloom’s ass and pussy.. “See?” asked Twilight as Bloom wound her long tongue around Twilight’s shaft. “I knew she was worthy!... fuck yes right there.” Only when Ocellus was reduced to a fuckpillow did Bloom continue to encompass her, sliding her shaft further up over her shoulders, tiny needles within sinking into her as she was pulled deeper.  The limbs weren’t left to waste either. First, Applebloom shifted her anatomy to pull both of Chrysalis’ cocks to her asshole, which the Queen didn’t mind as Applebloom stuffed the first of the limbs into her pussy. Her cunt scarfed it down ravenously, sucking in one before she began to feed the next into her body, cunt-voring the limbs.   Cadance cried out at feeling the limbs wrenched free and holes invaded. It was quite useful to have a screaming proxy since Ocellus was beyond that at this point, Cadance falling back onto the floor and thrashing about, waggling her stumps. Even in that much pain though, the rest of her family still being burned, Cadance rolled over and attempted to ram the shard of crystal still inside her bleeding cunt deeper so she’d suffer more. Ocellus gave up most of her own squirming, completely whipped, disrespectfully relieving herself into the royal pod as she lost all bowel control. She tried to worm herself deeper in desperation to die, but Applebloom made sure to take it slow, making her fight for every inch towards the sweet but undeserved mercy of death. As the last limb was being stuffed into her pussy, Bloom had encompassed all of Ocellus into her dick. The tentacles that were raping her holes followed her in, penetrating Bloom’s own urethra to continue abusing her even as she was flushed into Bloom’s waiting bulging sack. Bloom’s cunt clenched, grinding the limbs inside, the crunch of shattering chitin audible even through the slimy goo. At the same time, Ocellus’s body was covered in digestive slime, stinging at her wounds and continually abused holes. Applebloom looked more like an eldritch horror at this point than a changeling, but both Chryssie and Twilight found it adorable. “Such enthusiasm,” mused Chrysalis.  “I know,” said Twilight. “I can’t wait to see how she takes to getting to murder her own former parents.” “Don’t go making any paradoxes, sweetheart,” smirked Chrysalis. “It’s not a paradox,” giggled Twilight. “They were murdered horribly by unknown creatures; who’s to say that wasn’t us?” She purred. “Right in front of their own children.” “Applebloom can be responsible for her own foalhood trauma,” smirked Chrysalis. “Though taking her virginity was the paradox I referred to, since you already took it.” “Oh she won’t remember at that age,” giggled Twilight. “Besides, I can always heal it after and I doubt her siblings will ever tell her, ‘Hey did you know you got your cunt stuffed when you were little?’.” “She can lose it twice then,” purred Chrysalis. “You would love that my slutty granddaughter, right? The real question is if you should take your own virginity, or if your mommy should do it again?”  “I think that depends on how well-behaved my daughter acts on our next mission,” Twilight answered, starting to fuck her daughter’s eager throat. The talk of getting to murder her parents and even rape her infant self made it very hard for Bloom to take things slow. Soon Ocellus’s guts were pouring out into Bloom’s sack even as her limbs were ground into mush within her womb. Even when Ocellus finally died, Bloom kept fucking her holes with the other tentacles until her body completely came apart and there was nothing left to rape. Cadance found out that the one she was attached to the pain was didn’t have to be still alive for her to feel what was happening to them. Even after Ocellus was dead, Cadance thrashed about on the floor, feeling as if her own body was coming apart into a liquid mess.  As Bloom churned away at the body, her whole body spasmed, and soon Chryssie and Twilight both expelled new loads as well. Applebloom groaned as she sucked up Twilight’s cum eagerly, and her asshole slurped up Chrysalis’ no less violently as the packed their sperm into either end. “That’s it, now do what you want with that worthless dead grub in your balls,” purred Twilight. “Oh ah know what ah wanna do with it,” Bloom purred. Applebloom crawled from the sack of shit that had served as the vessel for her promotion, still covered all over in a greasy layer of it as she left a trail of it on the throne room floor and approached Cadance. Bloom’s body churned again, compressing the mashed up limbs in her womb and gut-spunk in her balls, and Cadance thrashed in response, still able to feel the agony from her connection with Ocellus despite her being dissolved. From the look on her newly frantic face, it was the worst agony she’d experience thus far. “I didn’t actually expect her to still feel it,” mused Twilight. “This is really interesting! I should seriously write a book on torture via psionic connections.” “We’ll have a whole section for your delicious books once we take over the Canterlot library, I’m sure,” smirked Chrysalis. “Well, let’s see how far it goes,” Bloom purred as she grasped Cadance’s head and dragged her closer, pressing her whimpering face against her undulating ball sack. “Ah’ll feed it to her, and we’ll see if she feels it all the way through digestion, as she shits it out, and then as the pile of shit rots with maggots crawling through it.” Cadance stared up at Bloom with a look of abject horror that she hadn’t had for some time. Even that terrified again though, she knew she deserved it, and opened her muzzle wide to be fed the instrument of her increased agony.  “Y-yes, torture this terrible mother,” Cadance was barely able to speak but made herself. “Make it normal to connect every victim to me…” “Make it a normal part of admission for new victims?” Chryssie purred. “That’d be a lot of rotting corpses you’d be experiencing, thousands at once eventually.” “Mmm,” nodded Twilight. “And my brother and their new foal would experience it all too.” “Y-yes, make them,” Cadance begged. “Please, I want to see them hurt too, Shining for marrying a bitch slut like me and Breeder for daring to be born from such a worthless mare’s pussy… please…” “I’m sure there’s a limit to how many we can actually connect,” said Twilight. “Maybe I'll make a theory about that, then we can do this as an experiment to find out. For science.” “Sounds like a plan,” purred Chrysalis. “She won’t be much use as a slave once she’s beyond speaking and following orders from the torment, but it’ll still be fun to munch on.” “Fuck yeah,” Applebloom drooled. She lay her shaft and balls upon Cadance and pushed her pussy to her muzzle first. “Although, ah’ think ah’ have an idea for this scenario, too”. She lay her shaft and balls upon Cadance and pushed her pussy to her muzzle first.   “And what’s this idea?” Twilight asked pushing herself against her own mother’s erect ovipositor. “It’s a surprise,” Applebloom moaned, feeling the lips of her willing victim pressing against the tip of her erect cock. “Well, assuming it will even work, ah’m still struggling with magic.” “Don’t worry”, Twilight moaned as Chrysalis accepted her daughter’s offer pushing deep into her, “I’ll give you a few lessons myself.” “Ah’ can’t wait!”, Apple Bloom said, ”Now get to work, whore!” Cadance shivered as she opened her muzzle wide and Bloom squeezed out the remains of Ocellus’s limbs. They were ground up until the consistency was like a chunk gore turd as it oozed out of Bloom’s pussy and into Cadance’s maw.  She swallowed the best she could, not wanting any to escape her digestive tract lest her torment be slightly less than it would have been. It was difficult though as her throat convulsed from the agony so Bloom pried open her throat wide with her magic and just poured it in. Cadance’s tummy swelled as she took in the long string of red chunky gore.  She tried to suckle at Bloom’s pussy for more when it was done, but Applebloom pulled her head back. Instead, she pushed her ovipositor into Cadance’s throat, letting it close back over her and panted as she stuffed the rest down with her dick. As she did so, she rubbed her hooves over Cadance’s body to feel the myriad convulsions running through her and feasting on her agony. Shining and Breeder were no longer being burned, but Skeeter now seemed to have mixed a vat of salt, hot sauce, and other stinging agents to toss the burn-victims into. Cadance’s whole body stung more than she thought possible, yet she still tried her best to work Bloom’s cock with her throat, her tongue lapping at Bloom’s thick balls and wanting their contents in her belly. “You know, I never thought I’d say this again,” said Twilight. “But this is fucked up!... and that just makes it hotter!” “This much pain must feel impossible,” purred Applebloom, but you’ll long fer this little soon enough. You ready?” Cadance wasn’t, her soul trembling in fear, but nodded anyway, knowing it was her deserved fate. After all, if she’d been a more upstanding citizen and foal-rapist before, she’d never have had to go through all this. There was no one to blame but herself. It was beautiful to see Cadance’s enthusiastic throat-work, milking for her most intense punishment yet even as she felt abject horror towards it. She wobbled and tried to keep herself upright to blow her, not easy when she felt the sloshing inside the balls as they prepared to expel their load. “Should we place a bet on how many she can link with before she devolves into a non-sentient mass of torment?” Chrysalis smirked, always making things fun. “She may be a pony, but she’s still an apocalypse-level slut, so I’d say at least 15 so long as we ramp it up.” “Tsk,” Twilight giggled. “She won’t make it past ten. I bet um… uhhh… I don’t actually have anything to bet.” “Whichever of us wins gets a special day when every single member of the Hive is required to fuck them one after another. A full day of constant cock in every hole,” suggested Chrysalis, as if they didn’t get almost that already. “That’s a great idea!” giggled Twilight happily. “Yes!” Applebloom moaned over their conversation. “Take yer just deserts slut!” With that Applebloom blasted her load into Cadance’s throat. Feeling what Ocellus felt even now, Cadance spasmed and convulsed at the sensation of being pushed into her own stomach, so Bloom grasped her head and rammed her throat until she’d completely emptied her balls into her. “Have fun feeling her digested into your own shit,” purred Applebloom as she tossed the love princess back onto the floor. “Now go back to where the party is going to be,” ordered Chrysalis. “You’re still expected to be the dart board. Ask every changeling you meet on the way to rape you.” “Y-yes my Queen,” Cadance shivered, rolling her bloated body over onto its belly. She began the slow process of dragging herself out of the throne room using her stumps. “Well, that was a blast!” said Twilight. “I’m gonna go grab a hundred or so drones and get gangbanged while I read some books on time magic.” “I’ll enjoy my new rank by gettin’ as much cock as possible!” Bloom grinned, then added hopefully..“Including mah mommy’s?”   “Of course, daughter”, Twilight purred, ”We’ll be practicing some spells together later, and it’d be barbaric to expect you to learn without getting dicked.” “Have fun, dears,” smirked Chrysalis. > 13. A Close Trio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom sat at the breakfast table, poking at her various apple-based breakfast foods. It wasn’t easy to pretend that she still liked apples, but it was a necessary evil to keep up her ruse. At least the Apple family had no lack of mutual love to feast on, even if it wasn’t as tasty as fear and agony. It was however confusing how they loved each other that much and rarely fucked, though she was beginning to suspect her brother and sister boned on occasion based on their feelings for each other. There was obviously not rape though; that was just how inferior ponies brains worked, or didn’t work. Her and Twilight had come up with an elaborate and needlessly complicated plan, the most fun type of plan. For now, she was on her own while Twilight did her part elsewhere. Of course, Twilight was still officially missing, so she had to be more careful and couldn’t just walk around in her old form. Applebloom looked around the table at her former family, even if they didn’t know they were former yet. Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith, all ate their apple products with no less pleasure than they ever did. It was really disgusting how they’d rather do that when there was a perfectly good filly to rape or even devour right there in front of them, but she’d have to deal with it for a bit longer. “So, uh,” Applebloom said between bites. “Ah was thinkin. Mah birthday is only like a week off from Granny’s, and this is her 100th, so maybe we could celebrate them at once and invite some extra family over.” “That sounds like a great idea!” said Applejack, her mouth full of her disgusting non-flesh meal. “Ah’ll check around and see when the most family will be free.” “Eeyup,” Mac said. As usual when he said that, Applebloom barely restrained herself from clinging to his face and violently raping eggs into his throat. “Oh and um,” Applebloom added. “Could you come to tha barn later to help with something, big sis? It’s hard to explain, but ah’d really appreciate it.” “Of course, Bloom,” smiled AJ. She was such a hypocrite, pretending to love and want to help Applebloom while still not brutally molesting her.  But soon enough that would be changed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, you two wanna hang out after school?” Applebloom asked her two friends as they sat at the school lunch table, being disgustingly cute as they drank juice boxes. She hadn’t raped anything in hours, not since she cornered one of the family pigs, so she was getting a little shaky. “Sure!” Scootaloo nodded. “We can follow Rainbow Dash around more!” “Uh, can we not do that today?” Sweetie rolled her eyes. “How about we help my big sis with her new fashion line!” “Ugh,” Applebloom tried not to vomit at Sweetie’s suggestion, barely holding it in. If they were changelings, such suggestions would have resulted in their just executions. “The last thing ah wanna do is to help with yer thot sisters.” Sweetie and Scootaloo stared at Applebloom. They’d been doing that a lot lately. “Yer hot sisters,” Applebloom backtracked. “Ah mean, I have something different to show you two today.” “She is hot!” Scootaloo nodded. “What you wanna show us?” “Actually, Rarity keeps the boutique pretty cool,” Sweetie said more cluelessly. “Yeah, what did you get?” “It’s a surprise,” Applebloom said. “Let’s go to the clubhouse after school, I gotta new game ah wanted to show off.” “Cool! I love games!” Scootaloo nodded cluelessly. “I’m in!” “Sure, sounds fun!” agreed Sweetie, squeaking a bit. Hopefully later Applebloom could make her squeak for a different reason. Of course, these were her former best friends, so she wanted to make it slow and special. She’d have to rape a few more farm animals to make sure she wasn’t too horny too, else she might just run them through with her cock immediately in excitement, and she couldn’t keep them alive with truly massive damage like her new mommy and grandmommy could. Regardless, she couldn’t wait to show them the way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Though Applebloom had told Applejack to meet her at the barn, she knew what would happen when she didn’t show up for it. Applejack would assume she’d gotten distracted by her friends, and she wouldn’t be wrong, so she’d go to the clubhouse to check on them. Applebloom just needed to give her something to find there, something she knew Applejack would react as she wanted to. Ponies were so predictable. “So where’s the game?” Scootaloo looked around the clubhouse when they got there, as if expecting to see something set up already.  There wasn’t anything there that wasn’t normally there, though some of the cushions that they had at the clubhouse were situated together in one corner, and this is where Applebloom trotted upon entry, a giant grin on her face. “I don’t see anything different,” Sweetie tilted her head, but followed along. “Oh, it’s not that kinda game,” smirked Applebloom. “It’s one Lyra and Bonbon taught me the other day.” It was a total lie, but the most obvious lesbians in Ponyville were a convenient place to pin blame. “They don’t seem like the type that are into games,” Scootaloo plopped on a cushion next to Bloom all the same. “They’re usually too busy finding places to hide and kissy-face, or kissy-other-things.” “Ew, not kissing!” Sweetie was so naïve that even Scootaloo felt pity as she looked over at her. It was interesting for Applebloom to be able to feel everypony’s emotions now. She wasn’t wrong though; how was Sweetie so abnormal when she had an unusually normal whore for a big sister? “This is a different game,” Bloom explained. “Well, see, I was in the park when I heard something in the bushes, and when I checked to see what it was, ah found them… lickin each other.” “Tongue bathing? Like a cat?” asked Sweetie. “Uh, yeah, that’s what I meant by kissing other things,” Scootaloo nodded. She seemed to see where this was going, but wasn’t arguing about it either. That was good, since it meant she’d help the more atrociously dense Sweetie Belle get into things. “No,” Applebloom strained not to roll her eyes. “Like lickin each other's slits, like between yer legs.” “B-but they pee from there!” Sweetie seemed dumbfounded. “At least I do… wait, do other ponies not pee from there?” “Oh that,” Scootaloo was less surprised. “I guess you could call that a game. My Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty do that all the time, and grind their slits together too. I’ve walked in on them like… a lot. Like I’m starting to think they’re doing it where I'll walk in on them on purpose. At least it explained why I’ve always found spontaneous wet spots around the house though, including my own bed at times.” “So ya already done it with them?” Bloom asked, wondering if maybe Scootaloo’s aunts loved her more than the average pony. “Nah,” Scootaloo shook her head. “They said you should only do it with your special somepony. I tried to get Rainbow Dash to do it, but she said I was too young and it’d be weird for sisters to do it.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. Sadly it seemed her aunts hated her too much to molest her, as did Rainbow. In this case it was a little understandable though since Scootaloo was a dirty cripple, inferior even for a pony. “Ah’m so sorry they abused ya like that,” Bloom tried to sound nice about it. “Not just yer aunts, but Dash too? Really sad.” “What are you two talking about?” Sweetie was just looking back and forth. “Abuse?” Scootaloo tilted her head. “No, I said they didn’t want to mess with me.” “Exactly, abusive,” Bloom nodded since Scootaloo had clearly misheard her. “Anyway, aren’t we like special someponies fer each other?” “Uhhh…” Sweetie looked nervous. “M-maybe? I don’t know…” “I don’t mind doing it!” Scootaloo was more reasonable. “My aunts keep asking me if I’m doing it with either of you anyway, now I can tell them I do it with both of you and they’ll get off my back about getting a fillyfriend.” “Uh, but they wouldn’t play it with you?” Sweetie tilted her head, finally getting an inkling of common sense. “They said it’s okay for me to do it with fillies my age, or something,” shrugged Scootaloo, getting slightly shifty eyed. “But to stay away from colts with that stuff, because I’d instantly get pregnant if they so much as touch me with their dick.” When Sweetie looked confused, she added. “Their thingy, like the thing that hangs down between their hind legs.” Sweetie gasped, immediately believing her even if not understanding. Bloom couldn’t fathom how she never made the connection of long-thing going in hole in a nudist society. Bloom moved to the other side of Sweetie so that she could block her path to the exit in case she tried to leave, putting her between her and Scootaloo. Acting before Sweetie’s own stupidity consumed too much of her brain to be of use to the Hive, she pulled Sweetie closer and laid a giant kiss on her muzzle. The unicorn foal’s eyes widened as Applebloom’s tongue slurped around her muzzle, certainly longer than she expected, more or less freezing in shock and not responding. She kept hold of Sweetie, but moved to kiss Scootaloo when she scooted over. Scootaloo was a better kisser, not surprisingly since she’d seen it more, and managed to respond with her own tongue even if it was heart-breakingly short. As she deeply kissed Scootaloo, Applebloom slipped a front hoof between each of their thighs, getting a surprised squeak from Sweetie and a slight hip thrust in response from Scootaloo. All three fillies were shivering: Scootaloo from excitement, Sweetie from confusion, and Applebloom from a more normal urge to corrupt and defile innocents. As much as she got into it, Bloom suspected Scootaloo had done something with her aunts and had just been told not to tell. Either way, Sweetie was the most innocent and defileable, so when Bloom moved downward, that’s where she went, finding Sweetie’s hind legs clasped nervously together and pulling them apart as she licked her lips. As she did so, she poked her own bottom towards Scootaloo, waggling it at her. “This’ll work!” Scootaloo smiled to herself now, and Bloom could smell her getting excited. “We’ll do it like a daisy chain. I’ll eat out Bloom, Bloom can do Sweetie, and Sweetie, you can slurp me!”  Her words and excitement gave away more that she’d actually done this before, probably with both aunts at once, though Bloom wondered why ponies insisted on hiding things like that. She also wondered if Dash had really refused too or if she’d actually abused Scootaloo by not molesting her. Either way, Bloom suspected that Scootaloo got it easy from her aunts, not like a foal’s first time should be. She wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t even have cocks. “Whoa, whoa,” Sweetie shook her head. “Guys, I don’t thi-” Sweetie didn’t get the whole sentence out before she squeaked to a stop. Even if her horn wasn’t showing, Bloom could still use her magic, so she silenced her less willing friend so that she wouldn’t clue in Scootaloo to her unwillingness. Clearly uncomfortable though, Sweetie tried to pull herself back from Applebloom. Bloom rolled to one side, raising a hind leg to expose her slit to Scootaloo, young thighs damp with desire. Scootaloo seemed happy to dive in, assuming the same position as she raised her own hind leg and waggled her behind at Sweetie. She grasped Bloom’s behind, pushing her nose against her clit and rubbing as she took the first lap into her wetness. She was very bad at pretending to have never done this, and Applebloom had very slightly more respect for her aunts now. “Wow this is pretty hot!” Scootaloo panted between long enthusiastic laps. “I wish I’d known you two were dykes before!” It wasn’t surprising that she would assume they weren’t, with Bloom’s family being extremely homophobic, but she was counting on that for when they were inevitably caught together. Sweetie tried to protest again, but Applebloom used her magic to force her muzzle to Scootaloo’s slit. She nuzzled it open, rubbing her nose against Scoot’s clit as her tongue was forced out of her muzzle. Applebloom made her lick every bit as deep and enthusiastically as Scootaloo was. The look on Sweetie’s face of disgust was almost as good as the confusion she felt as her body was somehow forced to do something it didn’t want when she was the only unicorn in the room. Meanwhile Applebloom enjoyed the sweet taste of Sweetie. It was a little vanilla, violating a foal with her tongue, but it was certainly hotter than what most ponies were used to. She lengthened her tongue until it tickled at Sweetie’s cervix, slurping up the taste of blood as it snapped through her hymen and took away the purity she should have never had to begin with. She coiled her tongue, thickening within Sweetie’s passage to give her the nice stretching she deserved. It wasn’t surprising when Scootaloo got off first, both from her obsession with speed and due to Applebloom controlling Sweetie’s tongue to ram it against all the right places. She even managed to stretch the tongue a bit longer than it’d usually be, even if the process was a bit painful for her victim. Still, she didn’t go too far with the pain yet, still wanting to ease her friends into it to enjoy a long process. Scootaloo squealed happily as her juice splattered all over Sweetie’s face, undulating her hips fast as Sweetie choked on her fluids. It never even occurred to her that Sweetie wasn’t into it since Sweetie’s head was still pressing hard against her. Half way through the orgasm, Bloom managed to shove Sweetie’s muzzle inside, sending Scoot’s squeal up an octave as she flailed her raised hind leg in excitement. Even if things weren’t as intense as they’d be at the Hive, Applebloom still enjoyed it enough to get off soon after. After all, she’d been waiting for the order to start this for so long. Fortunately her present form kept her fluid from being acidic or too thick, so Scootaloo didn’t suspect anything with the hole she was slurping at burst into a fit of convulsions and splattered juice back at her, which Scootaloo slurped up loudly. Sweetie was more stubborn, being a bit of a drama queen just because she was being raped by her best friend and didn’t understand how or why. Applebloom helped though, sending a burst of magic into her nethers to send her over the edge as well. Soon she had a nice wash of filly fluid for her own face, suckling it up like nectar from a flower, taking time to savor the first step in the process of turning them into normal productive citizens. But unfortunately, their primitive pony brains would only let them go so far, so she’d have to use a bit of mind fuckery from here on out. Otherwise, it’d get way too messy forcing them, and she wanted it to be fully consenting when they were caught. Reaching into their pliable little minds was easy enough, especially when these inferior creatures were exhausted from just a single orgasm. She thought about what to do in particular, which she’d put surprisingly little thought into up until now. Most of what she’d thought about so far was the end extremely grotesque result, but maybe she could have a bit of fun in between. She wouldn’t whip her filly cock out at them immediately. Scootaloo was already on her way, but needed to work on the shame that kept her from admitting that adults fucked her. Also she needed to get into cock, or cock into her, so turning her into a completely indiscriminate slut seemed like the way to go. It’d be neat to see how Ponyville reacted to a foal running around and fucking everything that moved and most things that didn’t. For Sweetie, it was pretty obvious that her family had sheltered her. Rarity, hypocrite that she was, probably didn’t want Sweetie to get into anything at this age, but it’d especially sicken her family if she got into something more than just sex. Hm… well changeling scat could be pretty addictive to a mind-fucked pony, so she’d try that. Rarity’s reaction to finding out Sweetie developed a scat fetish would be beyond hilarious. “Let’s switch!” Bloom suggested, easing her way into their minds as she turned herself around. “But let’s slurp the other hole too.” “Uh, wait, you mean your butt?” Scootaloo was less enthusiastic about that, but shook her head as it got a bit fuzzy from the influence. “Sure… I’ll try it.” “What?!” Sweetie cried out as soon as she could get a breath. Her much more naïve mind was easier, and cracked like a filly guide getting cock-slapped by a manticore. “That’s… the best idea I’ve ever heard?” Her words confused her, but she turned herself around anyway, Scootaloo’s fluid still drooling from her face as she stared down the barrel of Applebloom’s posterior. Applebloom nodded with a smile, seeing things were going well. She took a moment to lap the delicious tears from Sweetie’s face when she turned around, then put her own muzzle in the direction of Scootaloo’s rump. Even with the mind-work, Bloom had to make the first move, cupping her muzzle against Scoot’s tailhole and ramming her tongue hard. Scootaloo yelped at the thick meat pushing further than she expected, clenching her behind as Bloom popped passed the anal ring. She clenched her teeth for a few seconds, but then grunted and rolled her eyes back. “Oh, wow,” Scootaloo admitted. “That’s… kinda nice. You sure it doesn’t taste bad though?” “Mmmm,” was all Applebloom said as she dragged her tongue around inside, feeling out every corner. The taste of pony muck wasn’t anywhere near the top of the grossest things in the world, but at least it was better than all those fucking apples. Since her brain was getting tweaked a bit in ways she didn’t expect, Scootaloo looked stunned when she finally licked timidly at Sweetie’s pucker, then immediately pressed her muzzle against it. She circled her tongue around, grasping Sweetie’s behind in both front hooves and digging into her behind. Sweetie’s reaction to sudden anal penetration was much like Scootaloo’s due to Bloom’s power, but her reaction to the taste of her friend’s anus was far more pronounced. Her eyes widened as if it tasted like the sweetest candy, and she dug in with such enthusiasm that she outright bit down on the tight anal ring as she forced her way forward, trying to shove her whole muzzle into the hole again. Once again, the room was filled with the delightful sound of moist suction as the foals were further educated in what should have already been normal social interaction for them. Under her influence, Scootaloo didn’t realize how strange it was when Applebloom’s tongue reached deep, winding up through her intestinal tract until it found the first chunk of solid feces that it could. She slid her tongue around, tasting it before coiling around it and slowly dragging it out of Scootaloo’s behind. Scootaloo clenched as she realized she was going, but Bloom still managed to yank it out and slurp at the tip as it emerged. “Ah, sorry!” Scootaloo said, starting to pull away as if she thought this would be a deal-breaker, but Applebloom held onto her rump and didn’t let her budge. When Scootaloo saw it was okay, she went back to working on Sweetie. Her ministrations to the hole were the most normal of the three, since Bloom was pushing her brain towards a more general slutification, but she enjoyed it all the same. She moaned as she felt herself release, sending shivers up through Sweetie at the same time. If she thought this felt good, Applebloom couldn’t wait until Scoot got drilled by a proper schlong. Sweetie was outright rabid. While she couldn’t reach her tongue nearly as far, she recognized the rolling within when Applebloom started to release more intentionally. She inhaled deeply of the gas that preceded it, shaking as her eyes went crossed, then opened her muzzle as a chunk of thick green changeling slime slowly poked free from Bloom’s behind. Again, she noticed nothing strange due to the influence, and instead outright felated the gooey turd as it was emerging, bobbing her head admirably for a foal that didn’t even know that blowjobs existed. Applebloom took some time to enjoy Scootaloo’s feces, smashing it around in her muzzle, coating her gums and getting it between her teeth before swallowing a bit at a time to savor the nastiness.  “More,” Applebloom panted between slurps. “Feed me your shit, Scoot… ah’ll eat it so the clubhouse won’t get too messy.” Even if it could use some mess. Like most pony abodes, this place was sorely lacking in screams and rotting corpses. “Huh?” Scootaloo was even more confused now, but did what Applebloom asked all the same, squeezing more intentionally. As she started to piss herself as well, Bloom opened her muzzle wider to guzzle down both, mixing it into a nice slimy mess within her muzzle before swallowing it down like a fruit smoothie.  Scootaloo blushed as she continued, looking like she didn’t want to look back at what was happening there, so concentrated on Sweetie’s posterior. When Sweetie started to release, Scootaloo’s eyes went wide again and she tried to pull her muzzle back, but Bloom pushed into her mind and made her stay there, opening her muzzle and watching the sickened look on her face as she swallowed down a chunk. Meanwhile Sweetie took it in like a vacuum cleaner. She finally swallowed the first one hole, then as a more gooey mess came out, she began rubbing it all over her, smudging the grotesque green fluid into her fur. It showed brilliantly through the pure white coat, and Bloom giggled at the thought of Rarity seeing her covered in scat. She’d be too busy violently vomiting to even realize that it was very strange scat. “WHAT IN TARNATION?!” Applejack’s voice suddenly cried out. Just as Applebloom had thought, she’d come to check on them here after Bloom hadn’t been in the barn like she had told her. “Oh hay, sis,” Applebloom turned towards AJ, opening her muzzle to swallow a large chunk of piss-scat for her to see. “We were just eatin’ each others shit cause we already finished eatin’ each other’s pussy.” Applejack stared on in shock, unable to comprehend that her sister had even said that, much less done it. “Oh uh… it’s not what it looks like!” Scootaloo quickly tried to backtrack, as if they could. “Nah, it’s exactly that,” Applebloom said. “No lyin’ Scoot. We got inspired by what yer aunts and Rainbow Dash did ta you.” “None of them did that!” Scootaloo freaked out, but calmed slowly as Applebloom prodded her mind a bit, relaxing and quieting. “W-w-w-w-w-w-w-” Applejack was trying to speak again but couldn’t get past the first sound of ‘what the hay’.” “Yeah, Rarity did it to Sweetie too,” lied Applebloom. “And her Mom helped.” “They did what?” Sweetie asked dreamily. Since Scoot and Bloom had pulled away, she was now laying on her back, rubbing a glob of slime against her slit. “Did they do-do on me?” “Yeah sure,” Applebloom shrugged. “In yer sleep, or something.” “Awesome!” Sweetie moaned. It was adorable since she didn’t even properly know what sex was yet. “w-w-w-WHAAAaaAT?” Applejack finally got the word out. “After what happened ta us… you… you still turned into some kinda… “ She seemed unwilling to even say the word. While ponies didn’t generally have any issues with mare-on-mare action, the apple siblings had trauma that Bloom now wondered if had been caused by a time-traveling herself. Time would tell, she guessed. More importantly, AJ’s brain was super malleable with all the scrumptious rage coursing through it. The combination of that and probably hitting flashback triggers made it very easy for Applebloom to push her influence into AJ’s mind and lead her to a more logical conclusion than a pony would have normally came to. “Ah… it’s time fer some correctional action!” Applejack said, her face tensing up in blind anger. “Ya’ll stay here… and away from each other! Ah’m gettin’ Big Mac!”  Perfect. As Applejack rushed out of the clubhouse though, her orders to stay away from each other were promptly ignored. In fact, Applebloom didn’t even need to push more at their little minds to set it off.  Scootaloo grabbed hold of Sweetie’s hind legs in her own, turning her about to face their hind ends together. Applebloom saw where it was going, intertwining her legs with each of their’s to being their three bottoms together atop one of the very moist cushions in the clubhouse. “W-was someone just in here?” Scootaloo said, spacing out. “Are they gonna poo on us?” Sweetie asked excitedly.  “It’s just AJ,” explained Applebloom. “Ah think she’s gonna get more pussy fer us.” “Awesome!” Scootaloo grinned, though Applebloom noted that they might be a bit too out of it now. She’d have to dial back the mind control a bit when her big siblings got back, else they might not be damaged enough by the trauma of what was going to ensue. The three brought their soft slits together in the middle, grinding firmly, filling the room with the delightful smack of soggy gashes and sweaty pony flesh grinding together. Their hips rolled together beautifully, each rolling in time with fluid splashing upwards as they came together. Each tiny hole twitched happily, but Applebloom very carefully used her magic to keep the other two from getting off, keeping them just on the edge. Keeping an eye on the window, Applebloom waited until she saw Applejack and Mac rushing back to the clubhouse. As soon as they were within earshot, she cried out loudly. “This is amazon! Ah’m never touchin’ a cock as long as ah live!” she shouted. “Let’s scissor and munch rugs every day after school! Maybe durin’ school too!” “We’ll be scissor sisters!” Scootaloo added.  “Why are we talking about scissors?” Sweetie asked, but didn’t stop her hips from moving. “Let’s talk about poop!” It was perfectly timed when Applebloom pushed her energy back into them and set off their orgasms just as her older siblings were charging into the door again. The looks on AJ and Mac’s faces when they arrived were most delightful, wide-eyed shock and horror at what they saw and heart. It was made all the more so when the fillies orgasmed hard against each other, the filly juice spewing up like a fountain and leaving Mac and AJ suddenly gagging from what splattered into their muzzles.  “Oh fer Celestia’s sake!” AJ screeched so loudly they could barely make out what she was saying. “See, Big Mac? Ah told ya it was as bad as ah said!” “... eyup?” Big Mac replied. Applebloom could tell he enjoyed the sight more than he’d admit, even before she’d dug any of her power into his fragile pony mind. It seemed the next phase of her family game would be easy. > 14. A Protective Sibling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJ probably didn’t need to actually restrain them, but she’d always had a thing for ropes and looked for any excuse she could get. She had the three crusaders hog-tied securely before any of them could disappoint her morals any further. Mac on the other hoof, just stared for the moment, moving his front hooves to try and hide the erection slowly forming beneath him. Applebloom pretended to be helpless too, but of course she wasn’t. In fact, she was already working her way into the soft minds of her former older siblings. Applejack's rage and Mac’s attempts to hide his excitement made it all the easier. “Who taught you about this?” Applejack demanded first. “I told you!” Scootaloo started. “My aunts didn’t touch me! Neither did Rainbow!” “Rarity pooped on me in my sleep!” said Sweetie, squeaking and going cross-eyed. Applebloom was pretty sure she’d overestimated Sweetie’s mental strength and poked a bit too hard in the brain. Applejack wrote down the names as if making a hit list. Applebloom gave her some more names. “Uh, Lyra and Bonbon, Octavia and Vinyl…” Applebloom said. That was all the lesbians she knew about, so she went on to add some more names for the hay of it. “All the Pie sisters, Flim and Flam, Derpy and Time Turner.” “Uh, that last one was a straight couple,” Applejack scratched her mane but wrote it down anyway. “Yeah but when they date,” Applebloom lied. “They gay-fuck other ponies instead of each other. Like mutual cucking” “Those monsters!” Applejack nodded. “Now we gotta undo what they did! Stop hidin’ yer dick, bro, we need it!” “Eyup?” Mac’s eyes widened when Applejack said that, but then thought about it and shrugged. “Kay… which one?” Mac’s eyes went to Applebloom, which appeared to be his preference, but also seemed nervous about suggesting the rape of his little sister first. It was shocking that he hated her so much he wouldn’t jump on the chance to defile her. Either way, Applebloom wouldn’t have minded, but AJ had other ideas. “Scootaloo first,” AJ nodded. “She’s obviously the most corrupted livin’ with those dykes and hanging out with a walking pride flag like Rainbow.” “What, no!” Scootaloo said. “I don’t want to get pregnant!” “That’s what the hole is for, ya doof!” AJ shook her head in disappointment, as if she could talk after getting all of hers discreetly scraped out at the Ponyville hospital. “Make sure ta cum inside, Mac! Maybe her havin’ a kid will encourage her parents to come home, get real jobs, and protect her from her pervert aunts!” Watching Mac approach the terrified filly was so arousing, but Applebloom held back from breaking her bonds and furiously masturbating. Instead, she did a good job of looking frightened herself. She was also curious though how far she could get them to go without much mental prodding. She’d barely tapped them so far and they were already ready to rape a filly after all, so many they weren’t quite as abnormal as she thought, even though having a gender preference at all was a little weird to a changeling. The only thing a changeling needed in a pony toy was the ability to suffer. Scootaloo shrieked as Big Mac picked her up, straining her hooves against the tight rope that AJ had hog-tied her with. As the stallion stood up on his haunches and leaned back against the clubhouse wall, his shaft flopped free, fully rigid with excitement at the chance to ravage an underage pussy, even though it was really only slightly underage since Scootaloo was near getting her cutie mark. Still, Mac had an unusually massive pecker, so with the size difference, Scootaloo may as well have been newborn. But was that really enough pain? Pony cocks weren’t really made to properly create pain, so Applebloom decided to show Scootaloo mercy by making sure she couldn’t enjoy her first cock ever, both magnifying every pain and making sure she didn’t go numb from overload. “No, I’m pregnant now!” Scootaloo said the moment Big Mac’s shaft touched her nethers. Wow she really had been told some interesting things. Her aunts telling her lies just to avoid her getting the rape she needed was a new low. “Damn…” Applejack stared at the squirming foal’s pussy slowly stretching around the tip, resisting the penetration. “Ya know ah…” She seemed to be feeling slightly reluctant, probably about to tell him to go easy on her, but Bloom couldn’t have that, pushing her mind just a bit more in the proper direction for her to make a moral decision. “... can’t wait ta see that tiny hole rip open. Come on Mac, show the pint-sized lesbo how it really goes.” Mac seemed much more okay with it without prodding, but he also seemed more interested in getting some blank flank puss rather than making any point. He wasn’t very good at it though, and Bloom finally pried open Scootaloo’s vulva a bit with a discreet poke so that he could sink in. Her scream was ear-shattering as she was suddenly penetrated, eye bulging with shock. Blood ran down Mac’s dark cock, an awful lot for virginity loss like he’d ripped a bit more than usual. “Wow that’s…” AJ stared, her weak pony mind not used to such stimulation. She moved a hoof to start slowly masturbating as she watched Scootaloo’s belly bulge out with the shape of Mac’s tip. “Deeper Mac, yer barley inside… may as well enjoy the foal cunt all the way since we gotta do it fer her own good.” “Ah that hurts… a lot!” Scootaloo squirmed. “It’s cause it’s a stallion and not a filly,” Applebloom helpfully explained, but this only earned her a glare from her older siblings. Macintosh convulsed almost as much as Scootaloo at the feeling of such tight flesh around him. Scootaloo was kicking and sobbing, but it wasn’t hard for him to hold her. He began moving her up and down, sinking ever so deeper with each thrust inside, using her as if she were a fleshlight. It was a relief to Applebloom to watch her wicked former brother reform enough to commit such a righteous act, even if not righteous for the reason they thought. Unfortunately he was quite a hair trigger too, and blasted off an orgasm as soon as he entered. Sadly he wasn’t deep enough to properly plug her, so despite her belly swelling profusely as her ovaries filling to over-capacity, enough of it splattered out of the penetration point to keep it from exploding. “Damn it Mac!” Applejack growled. “Keep thrustin’ and don’t ya dare fall asleep neither! This is important!” Luckily with Bloom’s magic on him, he didn’t outright pass out; Twilight had been right though, he was a pretty terrible lay despite his massive peen. “Ah think… bottomed out…” Mac panted as his tip went snug against her cervix. His shaft was literally longer than Scootaloo was from cunt to muzzle, so it wasn’t even half way in. Unfortunately, his righteousness stopped there, unwilling to push her further, so Applebloom nudged her older siblings further into the right direction. Sweetie looked horrified at what was happening too, at least until Scootaloo crapped herself from the trauma. At that point, the white unicorn rolled herself over and smacked herself face down into the load of foal poo on the floor, slurping it up like a starved dog munching on pony guts. Applejack was so entranced at watching Scoot’s bleeding pussy that she didn’t even stop her. “Deeper…”Applejack drooled as instead she moved forward, pushing both front hooves down on Scootaloo’s head to push her down further. “Burst her little womb, she don’t deserve ta have one and’ll just spread her deformity to a new generation anyway.” Mac gripped her so hard that her sobs turned into wheezing as her breath was cut off. She arced her back and seemed to go into seizures as they forced Mac’s shaft into her cervix, ripping open her immature womb and slamming his tip against the back as more of her blood poured down to his balls. “Stop… gonna… die!” Scootaloo managed to get out in short breaths, then vomited down her front, the warm chunks dripping down between her bound legs and Mac’s shaft, all the way to sprinkle on Sweetie’s head as she continued to chow down. When she felt more warmth, Sweetie turned her head up, pushing her muzzle against Scootaloo’s tailhole directly, sucking out another gooey turd as more vomit dribbled on her face. “Ya asked fer this!” AJ told her. “It’s yer fault we had ta go so far ta save you. At least if ya die, you’ll die with a cock in ya!” “Cock right through ‘er at this rate,” commented Applebloom. “Ah mean… oh no ya monsters stop hurtin’ the poor widdle foal hole! Just let us be dirty sinful dick-haters!” “That’s it!” AJ said as if Bloom’s comment was the final straw. She pushed down on Scoot’s head again, using all her strength to ram down in time with Mac’s thrust and clearly trying to push him even further than the back of Scoot’s womb. She didn’t properly realize it, but Applejack’s thighs were drenched as her pussy juice poured down all the way to her hooves. Mac put all his strength into it too, laying back and heaving his hips upwards with all his strength. Tongue hanging out of his muzzle, he was barley capable of thinking now that he’d discovered the joy of a tiny unwilling hole around him. Bloom could tell he wasn’t trying to kill her, which was sad, but he was lost to the pleasure enough to not think about what he was doing. However his blunt cock was taking forever, so Bloom gave another push by tearing the back of Scootaloo’s womb with her magic. The foal got one more shriek out, cut short when Mac’s tip impacted her lungs. As his shaft pushed up between them, she violently vomited blood, which Sweetie didn’t even seem to notice as it poured all the way down to her, too busy licking up every little spot of feces she found on the floor. Scootaloo opened her muzzle again as if to scream, but this time it was because Mac’s shaft was tearing up through her neck, bulging it grotesquely. Her eyes rolled back until they were white as she trembled all over, the blunt tip emerging from her muzzle covered in her blood. So lost in the moment, AJ didn’t fully register that lethal damage had occurred. Instead she leaned down to suckle the tip of her brother’s dick, grabbing Scootaloo with him and dragging her up and down, churning up her insides as they went. She was careful not to kiss the dying foal though in the process; that would be gay. Still, Bloom didn’t want Scoota dead yet, so used her magic to move her organs a bit and jab a hole in her chest to keep air flowing to one lung. She could feel Scootaloo’s frustration at not dying when she clearly should be. The amount of torment that her little mind was wrecked with was beautiful, so much that it easily drowned out the terror of dying. Mac finally pounded out another orgasm, blasting right through Scootaloo and into his sister’s muzzle. She guzzled as fast as she could, but couldn’t fast enough, a fountain of white and red swirling goo flowing down Scootaloo’s body from her muzzle as her body convulsed on the shaft. Almost as amusing as Scootaloo’s suffering though was the moment that the two siblings came to the realization that they had probably just murdered a foal. Big Mac paused as he slowly came down from his high, though AJ took a few moments longer to realize why he had stopped since she didn’t get off. “Aw… crap…” Mac looked at the twitching bleeding foal that was literally vomiting up his cock. “W-well it couldn’t be helped,” AJ tried to rationalize. “B-but we gotta take care of the witness now… it’ll be good fer Applebloom anyway! She needs to learn what happens to maremouthers!... right?” “Oh woe is me mah friend is dead!” Applebloom wasn’t good at acting, but it didn’t matter since she could just poke their emotions around a bit to make them believe her. Fortunately, looking down to see Sweetie still rolling in various fluids on the floor reignited their insanity. Applejack yanked Scootaloo’s limp body off of Mac’s shaft, tossing it aside to wetly plop on the floor across the clubhouse. Applebloom concentrated on knitting the ponies insides back together enough for her to stay alive, but not enough to be obvious from the outside quite yet. Besides, she looked really hot with her throat and cunt stretched out. Even if she wasn’t admitting it outwardly, AJ really had enjoyed the feeling of Scootaloo dying against her. For Sweetie, she decided she wanted to feel more, so tore off the little one’s ropes before they did anything else. Afterward, she pulled Sweetie close, facing her, and lay on her back with the foal on her belly.  Mac got the idea, pinning his sister and Sweetie to the floor. Sweetie was so out of it due to Bloom’s influence that she didn’t even realize what was going on at first, too busy gargling the last bit of fluid that had drooled into her muzzle. She paused when she felt Mac’s shaft nuzzle against her posterior, eyes growing slightly wider as it finally occurred to her what was about to happen, especially when she noticed Scootaloo’s shivering body appearing to bleed out across the room. “Yeah, ya won’t pervert our little sis any more,” AJ groaned, getting more into the moment. After all, she’d already participated in one foal’s murder so what was another? “Ram her asshole Mac, it’d be… appropriate.” “Eyup…” panted Mac, though getting inside such a tight pucker was another thing entirely. It was amusing for a while to just watch him try without any help, repeatedly popping away instead of in and smacking Sweetie’s nasty behind around with his dick as he yawned and tried to stay awake. “Wait, wait!” Sweetie begged. “I’m sorry for eating poo!” Though her fear was still delicious, she still didn’t quite have a firm idea of what was going on. “Okay I’m not sorry but I promise to only eat it in moderation! I can stop anytime I want!” “Oh stop complainin’,” grunted Applejack. “Yer about ta die by bein’ drilled by the hottest cock in Equestria, something a pint-sized dyke like you hardly deserves.” But this couldn’t last forever, so Bloom finally lended her assistance again. She pried Sweetie’s hole open as Mac pressed against it, waiting until he was pushing with all his might and then letting him suddenly slam into her. As the warmth of her asshole spread rapidly down his shaft, his groan and her squeal of pain rocked the clubhouse.  Unlike with Scootaloo, he had no initial intention of leaving the filly alive, so he didn’t hold back at all. As AJ helped him hold her still, he nailed into Sweetie like a jackhammer, each powerful shove enough to knock over a tree if he’d been applebucking instead. Rather than slowly tearing, Sweetie’s insides gave quickly, her intestines tearing down the side as his blunt shaft rammed up into the strands of her intestines. With such amazing violence, it wasn’t long before her ass tore downward, all the way to her hot little pussy. Within minutes, he was less fucking her ass or pussy, and more just a gaping wound where the two had once been as her little body came apart under the onslaught. Applebloom could barely keep her alive under such an assault, and several times feared she might not be able to, that her friend wouldn’t get all the agony she deserved. She managed only through righteous determination to make her new Mommy and Grandmommy proud. She discreetly ran her own magic around Sweetie’s body, enjoying how her flesh undulated from her seizures, and the way Mac’s cock swelled out her whole body as it pushed the organs against her ribs. It wasn’t long before her neck swelled out as Scootaloo’s had, her cries becoming gurgles as the rod exited her muzzle in a glorious fountain of blood. AJ opened her muzzle to drink down a gulp of it before slurping at her brother’s shaft one more time.  “Oh Mac,” AJ said between slurps. “When this is done… ah want’cha ta fuck me atop their corpses!” “Ah gotta fuck our little sis, first,” panted Big Mac, showing far more brotherly responsibility than before. “Right,” AJ said, then glanced over at Bloom as if just remembering she was also in the room. Bloom couldn’t twist her aroused expression into anything else at the hotness of the situation, but luckily AJ seemed to mistake it for something akin to terror on her face. “Uh, Bloom… yer not gonna tell anyone on us, right?” “Ah’m tellin everpony!” Applebloom said. “Also… are ya gonna throw their corpses out when yer done? Cause maybe ah kin have some unicorn preserve them and use them as mah personal dyke toys forever.” At first, her siblings looked even more dumbfounded, wondering why their righteous rape hadn’t swayed her from her sinful ways. Big Mac slowly sat back up onto his haunches, sliding Sweetie off and casually tossing her to land atop Scootaloo, probably assuming that Scootaloo was already dead. They clearly weren’t sure what to do now, even though her words enraged them further, so she gave their minds a bit more of a push. “Good,” Applejack’s eyes narrowed.  Big Mac was less enthusiastic. It wasn’t that he wasn’t turned on, but after so many orgasms his body was trying harder to go into sleep mode. Applejack didn’t care, simply shoving her brother onto his back on the floor before yanking Applebloom over as well.  “Wow…” Mac said, not resisting it when Applejack sat their little sister down on his dick. “Ah didn’t realize… how much better foal pussy was than mare pussy.” “Don’t think you’ve gotten outta fuckin mah mare pussy after this,” growled Applejack. She rubbed Bloom against Mac, but she really didn’t need to as the filly rolled her hips. “But we’ll keep their corpses so ya kin do em a few more times ‘fore they rot too much.” After making sure Scoota and Sweetie would heal, she concentrated on her brother, getting his worthless dick hard again with her magic since he seemed spent. She’d forgotten what pathetic creatures ponies were and that they couldn’t fuck constantly like a changeling could. Still, she gave an approximation of not wanting it. Sadly, she’d need to cut it short before it got as far as the others, but at the very least she wanted to feel the cock inside her that he’d cruelly denied her all these years. Maybe a good rape from her big brother would help her come to terms with her abusively abuse-free foalhood. Eager to get him inside, Bloom’s snatch didn’t offer as much resistance as the others, and Mac’s eyes widened when he popped in before AJ even tried to push him against it that much. AJ quirked an ear as well, eyeing Applebloom but still pushing her down onto the shaft, putting all of her weight into it to push back to her cervix and into her womb.  “Ya sure ya ain’t had dick before?” asked AJ. “Nah,” Applebloom said casually. “Ah just had um… a lotta lesbians fuck me with strap-ons is all.” She then remembered she was supposed to be in pain. “And oh noes it hurts so bad what will ah ever do being betrayed by mah own family?” “Ya betrayed us first!” AJ growled, shoving Mac all the way in, but then pausing and staring. Despite him being all the way in, Bloom’s body stretched to accommodate him without any damage to her internal organs, as if a changeling even needed most of those. “A-are you bigger on tha inside or somethin’?” AJ asked. Big Mac was staring up at her too. Hm, they might be getting suspicious. “Just rape me ya boneheads,” Bloom rolled her eyes, and they were just far gone enough from her mental fuckery that they didn’t seem to realize that it was a bizarre request. In an attempt to enjoy it further, Bloom slowly let the magic keeping her stretchy fade, groaning as each of the heavy thrusts ripped her a bit more, her own blood drooling down to join the slick redness all over his ball sack. Though Mac was too incompetent to do more than enjoy it at this point in a half-asleep state, AJ was still very eager to punish the dirty little foals.  Even without Bloom’s magic on AJ’s brain though, she was clearly pretty fucked up. If she wasn’t, she would be wishing these foals didn’t deserve this since clearly murdering innocents was more fun. Applebloom rotated her hips to get more movement out of the motion, continually healing herself enough to keep her tight and also repeatedly rip herself back open. Each thrust into her with the massive shaft was like being stabbed with a jagged lance, making her body convulse with pleasure. She moved to try and kiss and lick AJ’s hooves that was pushing her down against it, which earned her an even more violent shove as she was jackhammered upon the laying stallion. Thanks to her tragic foalhood, Bloom had been waiting too long for her brother’s cum inside her, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. She zapped his balls with a stealthy burst of magic through her pussy, making him jolt more awake and arching his back as he suddenly exploded into her.  The magically enhanced orgasm was so massive that Mac started squirming in panic, but couldn’t get up with AJ ramming Bloom’s tiny slit down around him. Her body swelled much like Scootaloo’s and Sweetie’s had, but her little snatch had remained tight enough that it didn’t overflow. Instead, she took advantage of her changeling powers to shift an outlet up to her muzzle, and vomited a burst of bloody cum onto Mac’s face. He gagged, momentarily drowning in the onslaught.  It was a blast in more ways than one, but it was time to move on as well. Applebloom loosed a rafter above them from the clubhouse ceiling, allowing it to crash down directly onto Big Mac’s head. It cracked him on the nose and slammed his head back down against the floor hard, and Bloom finished him off with a sleep spell to make sure he didn’t wake up yet. A second one cracked AJ over the head as well, but Bloom just let her fall back from the impact without fully putting her to sleep. Instead, Bloom pulled herself reluctantly from her brother’s dick with a long lewd slurp, taking a moment to make sure the impact hadn’t endangered his life yet. He seemed okay, and probably wouldn’t suffer from more than a bit of brain damage. It wasn’t like that would significantly affect an already brutally stupid pony. “W-what’s goin… Mac you okay?” AJ staggered about as Bloom’s magic weakened her. At this point, Scootaloo and Sweetie had mostly healed, though Bloom had left their holes gaping for effect. They staggered up, looking around fearfully as they tried to determine what happened. “Oh, you guys are alright!” Bloom pretended to be surprised. “It was prolly yer super slut and shit-eating powers that regenerated you. Anyway… looks like Mac is taking a nap and AJ is… well she’s here too.” “W-why did you do that?” screamed Scootaloo when she got her wits about her, and Bloom helped her alone by focusing her anger on AJ. “You were the one that started it too!” “Poopoo head!” Sweetie’s rage was somewhat less intelligent, but still equally focused on AJ. “Yeah, she’s tha one that really encouraged Mac,” agreed Bloom. “And she just did it fer punishment, while at least Mac got some pleasure from it. Clearly time fer revenge!” “Let’s show her what HER pussy is for!” shouted Scootaloo as if she thought she was leading a righteous rebellion.  “Yeah!” Sweetie agreed. “Uh… what’s it for again?” She hoped it was for poop. “Ya… what has gotten into you three?” asked AJ weakly, but couldn’t get up off the floor thanks to Bloom’s magic. “Big Mac got into us,” Applebloom explained, since clearly the stupid pony had already forgotten. “Didn’t ya just help with that? Anyway… we shouldn’t be too hard on AJ. She can’t help it that she was brainwashed into being a dirty breeder. We should try to reform her!” “Yeah!” Scootaloo held up a hoof, then tilted her head. “How?” “With shit!” suggested Sweetie. “Wait just a bit on that,” said Applebloom. “First ah’ll sit on her face; It’ll do her some good… hm, but ah’m still full of Big Mac’s cock juice and ah don’t want to risk making her even straighter if it tastes good.” “I got it!” Scootaloo selflessly volunteered, and was on Bloom so fast that she was knocked over onto her back, landing right between Applejack’s thighs, rubbing her back against AJ’s drenched hole in the process. “I got face sitting duties then!” Sweetie said, already an enthusiastic little drone without being one properly yet. This was really going well. “No poo-ing on 'er yet though,” Applebloom told her. “Ah wanna start that mahself, we can do it together once ah’m clean of all this dirty dick juice inside me.” “Aw…” Sweetie lamented, but all the same trotted towards AJ’s face with a surprisingly innocent look on her face. The fact that she was covered in shit and blood made it even more innocent looking, to Applebloom at least, but AJ stared in abject horror. “Don’t you dare touch me with that shitty little pussy!” AJ complained, but wasn’t able to say much more as Sweetie turned about to sit on her face, facing Bloom in the process. AJ tried to shove her off with both hooves, but Bloom’s magic had done it’s work, and she was too weak to even push a tiny foal off of her face. Soon Sweetie was panting and grinding herself on Applejack’s muzzle, all the way from clit to pucker and back again, rolling her hips like a pro despite barely knowing sex existed earlier today. Applebloom managed to turn herself around to face AJ as Scootaloo went for her pussy like Pac-Man on a whore ghost. The eager little slut cupped her muzzle around Bloom and sucked as hard as she could, milking it for Big Mac’s seed. Bloom squeezed her insides, making sure Scootaloo got a steady supply of the massive sperm storage now inside her, mixed with her own tangy chemicals to drive Scootaloo further into her newfound desires.  Though she’d kept things rather lesbo here for the sake of enraging AJ, she did want Scootaloo to have more open preferences, and couldn’t wait to see how ponies reacted to her trying to fuck anything she could later on. As Scootaloo sucked on her like a vacuum cleaner, Applebloom moved her own head to AJ’s sopping wet pussy. She wasted no time slurping up the pussy juice before pressing her muzzle inside, popping the vulva around her and reaching her long tongue deeper within. As she did so, she invaded AJ’s mind more, making it feel incredible to her. Even Sweetie’s juices would taste better than they ever should, and Bloom knew that AJ would hate the enjoyment of lesbian sex far more than she’d hate outright torture. “Yer just a closet filly fiddler aren’t ya,” said Applebloom loudly to make up for being muffled within AJ’s pussy. “A foal fiddler even. Once yer shown better, you’ll realize that yer tha one that was wrong. You’ll go from homophobe to a sopping wet orgy of cunt in no time at all.” “Tha bale ah will…” AJ murmured, but her voice was gurgled with all of Sweetie’s fluids drooling into her. Scootaloo didn’t understand or care about the hypocrisy of Bloom wanting to be cleaned out first when Sweetie wasn’t. Her brain was addled with an obsession, and quickly became an outright addiction to sperm. She shoved her muzzle into Applebloom and forced her legs apart further, guzzling so fast that Applebloom had to start squeezing more out to keep up. Applebloom didn’t stop with her muzzle inside AJ though, instead shoving in more of her face. AJ squeaked as Applebloom slowly forced her whole head inside, but still all Applejack could feel was pleasure as Bloom literally fucked her with her head, shivering at the feel of hot juice flowing over her head. “No!” sputtered AJ as she felt her orgasm coming on strong whether she wanted it to or not. She shook her head as much as she could, sobbing in distress at how good the interaction with blank-flank pussy and head felt. Her climax hit strong, and Bloom felt it rush over her. She guzzled as much of the sticky secretions as she could, enjoying them as much as possible without it being superior changeling spunk. Sweetie popped soon after, squealing in delight as her foal fluid washed over Applejack’s unwilling face. She grinded fast and hard, hips a blur and tongue hanging out of her muzzle. Finally her fragile brain went pop too, and the filly slumped down over Applejack’s head, simply shivering with the overload. Applebloom withdrew her own head, kicking Scootaloo away with both hind legs before moving forward and shoving Sweetie off of Applejack’s face. Scootaloo grunted as she was kicked, but quickly crawled back over, dragging herself through the layer of bodily fluid on the clubhouse floor before pushing her own face against Applejack’s thighs. Applejack shook her head again, but her mind couldn’t put away the pleasure she’d just felt from Applebloom’s head, so her legs spread instinctively at the offer of another. Though Bloom had something else in mind. It was time for Applejack to get her first dose of changeling slime, even if she wouldn’t complete a transformation now. She’d wondered if dragging it out like this would be boring after the near-constant fuck-age she got during visits to the Hive, but it was actually quite incredible to savor their minds warping slowly over time. “Look at you, ya can’t help it,” Bloom pushed her tailhole against Applejack’s muzzle, using her magic to force AJ’s tongue to lap at the pucker. “Admit it, this is what you always wanted.” “No it’s… buck you…” Applejack shook her head as much as she could, but rolled her eyes back as Bloom’s influence made even an asshole taste delightful. When the foal’s rear flexed open as she began to release, AJ was horrified at her own insistence of driving her tongue deeper. Churning her inner fluid, Applebloom let a mixture of her own changeling shit and Mac’s cum to slide into AJ's muzzle. Applejack, eyes wide with horror, couldn’t stop herself from fellating the gooey green chunk, even the acidic tingle against her lips and tongue feeling glorious in her current condition. Weakly moving her front hooves to grasp Bloom’s rolling bottom, AJ suckled on the turd of white-streaked slime, shaking as her throat was forced to swallow the first chunk down,  Scootaloo decided she wanted to watch the lewdness above, as she pulled her head up instead of ramming it down Applejack’s cooch. Instead, she pushed her own tiny slit against Applejack’s rubbing it back and forth to flick their vulvas and clits together. She panted as the sticky fluid between them bubbled and their legs scissored together.  Meanwhile Sweetie pulled herself back up onto Applejack, sitting herself down on Applejack’s head facing Applebloom. The two intertwined their legs, and brought both pairs of lips together in a kiss. Above, they shared the taste of filth and lewdness on one another’s tongue, while below their young slits rubbed together eagerly, directly above Applejack’s eyes. Bloom made sure she could see, keeping her eyes open even as stringing filly sap drooled onto her and began to puddle against her open eyes. As Applejack swallowed the first turd, Applebloom squeezed out another. She had to strain to not go all out and transform AJ too much right away, but knew that it was her new Mommy’s right to finish the transformation herself. The corruption of the Elements was of utmost importance after all and had to be done in a perfect manner. They took it slow as Big Mac continued to nap cluelessly nearby, spending more than an hour grinding their little bodies together and slowly feeding Applejack her feces. By the end, AJ’s belly had swelled as if she’d just had a feast, which indeed she had.  Still, despite the countless orgasms they’d had over the last hour or so, Applebloom knew she had to stop it eventually. It took all her willpower to stop it, but knew it would pay off over the next few days. She finally used her magic to put her friends and sisters to sleep as well, letting them slump down onto one another. She’d need to mostly delete the memories of this event from their minds, else they might not fall into the next traps amusingly enough, but the effects of the taint on their mind would never go away. Scootaloo wouldn’t know why she wanted to fuck everything, and Sweetie wouldn’t know where her undeniable craving for anything out of an asshole came from, but it’d definitely be there.  Well that was fun. She wondered how Twilight was doing... > 15. A Loving Fan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight wondered how Applebloom was doing, but she wasn’t worried. She knew she’d make her proud. Besides, Twilight had better things to do. She’d taken the guise of a new recruit to the filly guides, a green unicorn with an innocent name, Suckmint. At least she was pretty sure that was an innocent name; she’d gotten out of the habit of hearing pony names, so just chose a name she might give to a pony filly. The first thing she wanted to do was visit her old library home, wondering if Spike might be there and if he’d like to plow her current grotesquely adorable form. She couldn’t believe that she’d never thought to fuck Spike before, especially since dragons had two cocks. The thing was, she wasn’t exactly sure what was at the library. Applebloom had been a spy in Ponyville for a while now, but it seemed that Chrysalis was having her block certain information on the hive network from Twilight, including what was going on at the Golden Oaks Library. It made her excited to find out what she’d find there. There was any number of things it could be, ranging from Spike having formed of harem of grade schoolers to a death trap meant to horribly murder Twilight, and all of those options were hot. She adjusted her filly guide uniform as she finally arrived, knocking a tiny hoof at the door. It was probably louder than a tiny hoof should be, but she was excited to see what was going on. It surprised her though at who answered the door. “What do you ponies want?” It was a fellow-student from Celestia’s magic school, if Twilight remembered correctly, though she couldn’t remember her name. The mare poked her head out with an annoyed expression, looking around, then down to see the filly guide. “Why are you here? Go peddle your knock-off cookies somewhere else, before I beat you to death with a barbed-wire hoofball bat. I have better things to spend my bits on!” Ah, that charming demeanor! Twilight remembered now that this was Moondancer, though sadly Twilight knew that her amusing threats were only threats and that the wicked pony wasn’t actually willing to murder a foal for a petty annoyance… at least not yet… hm. “Whoa, Moondancer,” another voice came from inside, trying to stay chipper. She was also familiar… hmm…  oh it was Minuette, also from magic school. “This is a public library… she probably just wants a foal’s book.” “I burned all the books for foals for not being educational enough,” said Moondancer. “And remember, I’m only the temporary librarian until Twilight comes back.” “Is that your friend, Miss?” Twilight asked, keeping up the act for the time being. “That’s neat! I’m Suckmint, a new recruit to the filly guides, I wanted to check out a book on blow jobs!” That was something foals liked to read about right? It was something they SHOULD like to read about at least. No doubt the ponies would be impressed at a filly so willing to educate herself. “She’s not my friend!” said Moondancer. “She’s an annoyance! I don’t know why she’s visiting me and not Lyra like she normally does, at least that way she’d have somepony to do.” She grunted again. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll get you a book on fellatio, then you can shove a dick in your muzzle so I don’t have to listen to you. It’s sure to be your special talent with a name like that, you little hooker.” “Waaait,” Minuette said. “Those books are only for adults, that filly doesn’t have her cutie mark yet and… what did you say your name was?” “Suckmint!” Twilight said proudly, glad her ruse as a completely normal foal was going over so well. “But I don’t have any… ack!”  Twilight felt a shock before she was able to get out the hooker/hook pun. She’d forgotten that Chrysalis had implanted an anti-pun device in her. “Leave us alone!” said Moondancer, then grunted. “At least sucking off stallions in a back alley would pay more than those vomit-inducing cookies. The last time I ate one, I felt like a zombie for a week.” “But she can’t…” Minuette started, but Moondancer was already on her way to get the book as Twilight came inside and closed the door. “Just let me get her out of here so I can study with one less annoyance!” Moondancer shouted. “Whoring herself out isn’t going to hurt her. I sucked dick to get through magic school and I turned out fine.” “Debatable,” sighed Minuette, her normal smile looking a little forced. “Wow,” Twilight decided to turn the conversation a bit. “Celestia must have really thought Twilight was a failure to replace her with another unicorn this fast!” It gave her a tiny bit of faith in Celestia if she at least recognized that Twilight was a stupid and incompetent pony before. But to her surprise, Moondancer took offense to that, enough that she grabbed Twilight’s throat in her magic. She picked up the tiny filly form and shook her about in the air by her neck. If not for actually being a rather durable changeling, her little neck might have snapped from how forceful Moondancer shook her. “You DARE speak about Twilight like that?” Moondancer screamed so loudly that spit hit Twilight’s face from across the room. “I’m about to suck your minty ass right through a wood chipper, you little dipshit!”  That’d be pretty hot too, but again, sadly Twilight knew she wouldn’t do it. Still… she had no idea Moondancer thought so highly of her! This was interesting indeed. She assumed that her mother and daughter at the hive had hidden that Moondancer was here so as to not spoil the surprise of getting to murder an old school acquaintance, but before she did that, she wanted to see how far Moondancer’s obsession with her went. “Hey!” Minuette stood up from the table she was at, her own magic trying to pull Moondancer’s away, and succeeding in letting Twilight flop to the floor again. “What is wrong with you? You’ve gotten worse and worse since Twilight vanished!” “That’s because she vanished with my heart and never even knew I liked her!” Moondancer screeched dramatically, falling to her knees and holding her front hooves in the air. “Wow,” coughed Twilight as she rubbed her neck. Her horn lit up and cast a truth spell on Moondancer, though the two mares were too busy looking at one another to see her do it. “So Moondancer… would you really do anything for Twilight to return? It’s not like you’d murder your friends or something!" “I said she’s not my friend!” Moondancer looked back at Twilight. “And yes, I would slaughter every one of the ponies that think I’m their friend! I would gut Celestia herself with a rusty spoon if I knew it’d bring her back!” “Moondancer…” Minuette finally dropped her smile completely, for some reason not overjoyed that someone wanted to murder her horribly. “Great!” Twilight smiled brightly. Her horn lit up even brighter, far too much for either of them to miss, and a beam of energy shot towards Minuette’s head. The unicorn shrieked as she was thrown against the wall suddenly, horn becoming red hot with energy before bursting into shards all over the floor around her. She fell forward, then began to panic both at the splitting pain in her head and the bits of her own horn she could see scattered about. An instant later, Twilight transferred back to her true form. Though she was a changeling now, a pony that was obsessed with her would surely recognize her, and she was absolutely right. Moondancer started to take cover, stepping on Minuette’s head as she dove behind a table, but then stood up when she got a look at the sudden attacker. She stepped on Minuette again as she walked back towards Twilight. “Ooow, stoooop,” Minuette sobbed as blood ran down her forehead from the tiny shards of bone left from her horn. But the bitch had been asking for it by trying to keep Moondancer from threatening a foal. “Twilight!” Moondancer’s eyes lit up, casually clamping Minuette’s muzzle shut with her magic. “I knew you’d be back, I knew you couldn’t be dead! I don’t care what happened to you… I’m all yours… my pussy is so wet right now! Fuck it with that jagged horn!” She’d definitely cracked since Twilight left, by pony standards at least, but it’d left her strangely enlightened by superior changeling standards. Twilight showed her thanks by grabbing Moondancer around the throat with her magic, swinging her around, and then throwing her as hard as she could. Moondancer gagged as she was held, but moaned as soon as she was released, slamming into a bookshelf.  Despite the pain of cracking her back and head against the shelfs, Moondancer kept a large grin as she tumbled back to the floor, a dozen or so books falling atop her in the process. She gagged up blood from the force of the impact, but kept her eyes on Twilight like a drug addict eyeing their favorite fix. “Oh Twilight!” Moondancer said as a shaky hoof adjusted her glasses. “After you disappeared, they all thought you died, and it made me realize how much you meant to me! I don’t care if I’m just your little abuse toy, I want you!” “Now see,” said Twilight as this turn of events absolutely justified everything that she’d done. “This is an example of how trauma can enlighten a fragile pony’s mind.” As she spoke, Twilight casually trotted over to Minuette. Though her dizzy head was filled with stabbing pains, the unicorn had begun to stagger towards the door in an attempt to escape. Twilight grabbed both her hind legs in her magic to hold her still. She then crumpled her legs, bending every joint back at once, shattering them in a series of delightful crunching sounds only exceeded by the confused “But whyyyy?!” that Minuette screeched. Twilight thought about making a silence bubble over the library, but she wasn’t particularly worried about being caught. After all, most ponies only came here to see Twilight, and they all knew she wasn’t here. Only an idiot like Minuette would bother coming here to visit a loser like Moondancer. And even if someone else did come, it wasn’t like Twilight couldn’t take care of them. She did wonder where Spike was though… probably fucking Rarity. Or more likely wishing he was fucking her as she fucked every other dick in town but his pair. For now, Twilight decided to see exactly how serious Moondancer was. “Just so you know, whats-your-face,” Twilight told her as she dragged Moondancer closer again by the head, leaving a trail of blood-spittle. “I’m going to murder you, this annoying bitch, and every other pony in Equestria. It will be a nightmare, torment like you’ve never imagined, like the entirety of Equestria will morph into a more hellish version of Tartarus.”  It wasn’t entirely accurate since they’d be keeping many ponies as livestock… or fuckstock, but she wanted to sound extra edgy for this. She dragged Moondancer up to her, and pointed Moondancer’s horn at her own exposed throat. She lowered her defenses enough that Moondancer would think that she wasn’t defending herself, even if her changeling defenses were still on high to protect her. “You can stop that and save all of Equestria, be a hero perhaps even! Or you can murder Minuette for my amusement and become my sex toy until I snuff out your own worthless flank to cheaply get off, probably within minutes of Minuette’s death.” “Seriously, what the buck?!” Minuette sobbed as she pointlessly tried to drag herself towards the door, leaving a nice trail of blood but not making it far enough to matter. “Damn it, if I die, I’ll miss the orgy Lyra planned tonight, this sucks!” As if a pussy party where no one dies could be anywhere near as fun as this. Twilight expected Moondancer’s inferior pony thoughts to surface again and actually attempt to kill her, but it seemed that Moondancer had broken in just the right way. She teared up, and Twilight could feel they were tears of joy, pulling her horn back away from Twilight’s throat. “I don’t care what you do!” Moondancer said. “All I ask is that you fuck me as I murder the annoyance, but you don’t even have to do that! Knowing I got you off with my death is all I need!” “Maybe I’ll fuck you,” smirked Twilight, but her ovipositor had already dropped, hanging down beneath her. “Only if you prove creative enough in how you snuff this evil toothpaste pony… I’ve already forgotten her name again.” “But WHY?!” Minuette seemed to be having a fit of stupidity, her sick pony mind unable to comprehend making a pony suffer just to get off on it. What else was Twilight supposed to do with ponies? “Please, I be-e-e-e-egggg.” Minuette suddenly shivered, and Twilight realized that Moondancer was casting a spell on her. The other pony suddenly stopped her complaints simply staring in front of her. Fortunately though, her body still twitched in the agony of her condition, so the spell wasn’t lessening that. “It’s a mind control spell!” Moondancer bragged. “I learned it just for you, as a safety precaution in case you came back but didn’t want me. I also have a futa spell ready, but I guess I won’t need it!”  She licked her lips, looking beneath Twilight at the delicious shaft beneath her, throbbing with its sharp spines all over. It was rare to have a pony look at changeling bits with hunger instead of fear. Twilight wondered if she should let the eager pony live, but then again… wasting such potential by snuffing it out to get off was quite arousing! “But you didn’t try to use it on me?” Twilight snerked, not that it would have worked. “Of course not,” shrugged Moondancer. “I’d rather you do it willingly, even if it means I die a horrible death it’s all worth it!” “Aw, how sweet,” said Twilight. “But honeyed words won’t sway me, you need to get to work.” She wouldn’t admit it, since Moondancer needed to be properly humble, but it was impressive that a pony was capable of such advanced concepts of love. If only more ponies showed such initiative!  She supposed Moondancer probably got the books on how to from the Canterlot archives, since the librarian there had been replaced with a changeling and would probably allow books on dark magic to be checked out by just anypony now, as it should be. If a single creature can master those arts and take over, then they deserve to be in charge. “Yes, Mistress!” Moondancer grinned widely and turned back to Minuette. “You probably know this, but the spell I used on her keeps her fully aware of what she’s doing, so it won’t decrease her suffering at all! So don’t worry, she’ll die in abject terror just like my entire race will at your hooves!... everypony’s really gonna die, it's so hot!” Moondancer put a pair of metal fire pokers in the burning fireplace nearby as she rambled on, and Minuette started to drag herself towards it. Now that she didn’t have the ability to cringe at her own intense pain, she was able to move much faster, partially walking on each leg though they collapsed again with each step, as if they were being rebroken again and again.  All Minuette could do was obey as tears streamed down her face. Twilight smirked, peering behind her, and was stunned to find that Minuette’s pussy was completely dry. How could she be brutally murdered and not be soaking wet? What a weird pony. Twilight could see where this was going, so she decided to go ahead and use Moondancer while she watched, just as she would any other inferior pony. Moondancer squealed with joy as Twilight slammed her head down onto the floor, taking a head-down-ass-up position for her without hesitation, shivering in anticipation as she felt the ovipositor writhing against her behind. “Oh wow, this is really going to hurt!” Moondancer said with glee as she felt the tiny spines. “Let’s see if you keep up that happy attitude while it’s hurting,” Twilight said. “Can a unicorn as useless as you accomplish such a thing? I mean, you’re already a fully grown pony and you’ve probably murdered less than a dozen victims!” “This is my first victim, actually!” Moondancer said, proud of her failure if it meant more abuse from her mistress. “And I’m a virgin other than my throat because no one wants to fuck or even rape my nasty pussy! And I tried too, I literally roofied myself in a bar! So worthless! Now shred my virginity with your demonic cock, my lover!” Twilight growled, offended that a lowly creature like a unicorn would refer to the Princess of the Hive as her lover. She extended her spines and rammed into the pony’s pussy as hard as she could. Moondancer squealed as Twilight penetrated her sopping wet cunny, or at least started to, but it transformed into a howl of agony as the shaft invaded her. Twilight’s barbs dragged down her passage, tearing through her hymen and leaving painful slides down every fleshy wall. Just on the first thrust, Moondancer’s cervix gave way as Twilight punched into the pathetically unused womb. Minuette shook violently as Moondancer was penetrated too, and for a moment Twilight thought she’d lost control, but Moondancer managed to keep hold of her. The mind-controlled unicorn rolled over in front of the fireplace, grasping one of the fire pokers in her muzzle. The entire steel rod was scalding hot, and steam rose from her muzzle from saliva as her lips burned.  All she could do though was double over, choking on her own sobs as she rammed the rod deep into her own pussy. Twilight could tell by how easily it gave that Minuette was no virgin, and probably a slut, but a slut by pony standards had no chance against what a changeling might consider conservative play.  Her belly tensed and convulsed as she stabbed the rod deep into her pussy, then picked up the second one, her tears falling upon the first and steaming away along with what little vaginal wetness she had. The second one was shoved into her asshole, which was a great deal tighter and dryer, and she had to shove hard a dozen times to get a proper depth. Moondancer was in a great deal of pain now, clenching her teeth with tears streaming down her face as her fuck tunnel was slowly torn apart from the inside, but showed admirable loyalty and even awkwardly shoved her hips back in time with Twilight’s thrusting. Twilight shifted to extend a second shaft, shoving it into Moondancer’s tailhole at the same time, the pony yelping again, clearly tempted to ask for mercy, but still didn’t. Her desire to be bred by Twilight seemed to override the instincts of the inferior life form that she was. Impressively, Moondancer kept her control over Minuette. Twilight could only assume that she’d been practicing this spell on who-knew-who for a while in hopes of being able to tackle Twilight with it, a noble feat even if pointless. It wasn’t complete control however, as the influence started to wane until Minuette could at least speak. Twilight didn’t mind her speaking though; the begging of ponies who had no idea why they were being murdered could be very arousing. “Please I was just trying to be nice!” Minuette sobbed. “I wanted you to feel better, I was trying to be friends… there’s no reason to do this to me! Please just let me go, I’ll not tell anyone how I got hurt I swear, I just don’t wanna die!” It was always pleasant to find a pony that feared death so much that they’d beg to continue living even when facing a tortured end. She couldn’t stop ramming her holes though. As she pulled the rods back the first time, they’d already baked against the skin and she had to yank hard to tear them back out, then rammed them as hard as her weak muscles could, blood pouring down her plot into a slowly growing puddle around her hips. She tried to look away from what she was doing, but Moondancer didn’t allow that, making her stare at it. She doubled over further, reaching her tongue out to lap at the penetration point where the searing hot metal baked her pussy. Blood splattered into her eyes, but she wasn’t even allowed to blink. Moondancer’s weak magic however couldn’t keep the rods consistently hot, so Twilight aided her there. In fact, they became a lot hotter than they would have just from the fire. The metal grew brighter red, then faded into orange and yellow, her words devolving into screams from the intense heat. Even the hooves that held the implements of her own anguish were beginning to crack.  As the metal went from yellow to white, the entire room was heating up, but Twilight strengthened Minuette’s body so she wouldn’t die in seconds as she should have from this. Her blood was literally boiling after a few minutes, bawling as her blood literally boiled, arteries bursting within her as bruises appeared all over. “No… don’t … don’t kill…” Fascinatingly, even once she should have been dead, and was experiencing more agony than her brain was designed to comprehend, she still feared death more than life. “Oh my Twilight, that’s hot!” Moondancer moaned as she stared wide-eyed at the torment. “Like… figuratively, in addition to the… you know…”  Twilight grunted as her anti-pun device zapped her because of Moondancer’s near-pun. Wow, that thing was strict, but it was completely warranted when Mommy caught her making a pun list. Moondancer’s glee at seeing a pony in such excruciating pain overcame much of her own agony, her hips rolling faster, pounding her holes around Twilight’s razor cocks as her own blood dripped down her shaky thighs and onto the floor.  “More, my love!” Moondancer begged. “Give me more! I want to feel agony like that if it will get you off harder!” “Let’s see how long your concentration can last then,” smirked Twilight. “Remember if you disappoint me, I’ll make your torture stop and put you in a comfy chair where I’ll never touch you again.” “No!” Moondancer cried. “Torment me! I will take it forever just to feel more of your touch on my filthy body! My torment is a unique sign of our eternal bond!” “Now see?” Twilight asked Minuette. “Why can’t you be more of an overachiever like Moondancer?... even if she’s clearly delusional about how eternal or bonding our love is.” “Yeees!” Moondancer moaned, even Twilight saying she didn’t love her that much counted as close enough to torture to get her off it seemed. How interesting to see her act effectively like Cadance now without needing any time at all to reform her into that state. Twilight heated her own cocks up, morphing them into more jagged, metallic shapes to channel the heat, and slowly regenerated Moondancer’s inner flesh so it could be ripped into shreds again and again. If she hadn’t, it would have all been torn out by now and she’d just be fucking one very loose hole. As the air in the room and white-hot cocks inside Moondancer began to boil her blood as well, Twilight kept both of her prey alive. Of course this was also a wooden treehouse library, so eventually several of the books caught on fire. Twilight dutifully put them out, teleporting them away so she could go through them later for anything she wanted to keep. She protected the treehouse from burning as well, for now, if only because she didn’t want to draw the attention of enough ponies for her secret to get out early. “Should I release you from life, Minuette?” asked Twilight. “Your torture is only going to get continually worse until you die!” “I don’t wanna die pleeeee!” Minuette sounded like she was gargling molten flesh, especially when her tongue swelled up and outright exploded in her muzzle at the end. Minuette caught on fire now, but Twilight kept a regenerating spell on them both, leaving her in a constant state of her flesh burning away. As her blood and juices boiled into a thick mist all around the room, Twilight replaced them magically with a more acidic version to both last longer and cause additional agony. Even then, Minuette shook her head frantically when Twilight looked at her, fearing oblivion over all else. The whole time, Minuette continued raping herself with the hot irons, so intensely hot now that they’d have melted without Twilight’s magical intervention. Every ram into her nethers completely obliterated both tunnels, burning them away at the mere touch, but by the time she withdrew again, they were already healed back. Her screams went up several octaves now, combined with the sloshing sound of the rods inside her, making it sound like a flock of cum-covered breezies screaming as they were run over with a steam roller. Moondancer was aflame now as well, the flames licking pleasantly at Twilight’s own magically enhanced body. She let her defenses down just slightly so that she could savor some of the pain that her toys felt. Surprisingly, Moondancer was still holding Minuette under her control, but it wasn’t going to last long as Moondancer’s charred legs gave out faster than they could regenerate, bones crumbling into dust and tumbling to the floor as Twilight continued to pound her. Moondancer creamed herself as she hit the floor, even though all her marecum immediately flashed into steam and rolled up over Twilight’s body instead of landing on the floor. “Better not lose your concentration, Moony!” laughed Twilight. “If you do, both your and her torment will end! I’m surprised she doesn’t prefer that since it would mean a peaceful death over continued torment.” “No don’t stop Mooonyyyy”  Minuette screamed as her tongue reformed and then almost immediately exploded from the heat again. Her pussy exploded in another way, unwilling fuck juice splattering everywhere before flashing to steam mid-air. It was interesting to see them side-by-side, two creatures that both wanted to stay alive for almost the same reason, but Minuette refused to enjoy it while Moondancer savored it. “Why is she not dead, Moondancer?” Twilight asked as if Minuette being alive was her fault, which it clearly was. “I told you to murder her, not reward her! If this keeps up, I won’t make you into my immortal egg sack where you’ll be forced to carry my eggs and have them explode out of you in an eternal cycle!” “No I’ll do it-” Moondancer’s tongue exploded as well, but she still cuddled her flaming head against Twilight’s chest as her eyes popped and began to boil. As her tongue reformed she continued. “I’ll boil her in acid!” “No NOOO!” Minuette screeched as her flaming body writhed and her hooves continued to helplessly ram the metal into her orifices. “I’ll be an egg sack too just don’t ki--- fuuuuu” Her tongue bloated up out of her muzzle before splattering again.  That never got old, and it was pretty fun. Maybe doing this sort of thing outside of the hive wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be, since it allowed for play that she couldn’t do in the egg chamber due to all the eggs there. Moondancer’s magic surged with pure determination despite her agony, willing to do anything to not disappoint her Twilight that had finally come back to her. She teleported a group of chemicals from the downstairs lab, combining them together above Minuette as they hovered. Frantically churning the chemicals into a mixture of sulfuric acid, she then dumped it onto Minuette. “No I’ll be a good egg sack I swa-” Minuette didn’t get the words out as it crushed down upon her, immediately burning a hole into the already weak floor despite Twilight’s protective spell to keep it from catching aflame. It was an impressively toxic mixture as Twilight pushed Moondancer forward so they could look into the hole. Minuette was beyond complaining now, her body dissolving into an increasingly large hole in the basement, and Twilight had to expend an incredible amount of energy to keep her alive without outright making her immortal. She was far too deliciously afraid of death to make immortal, even now mind flooding with more dread from ceasing than from continuing. Even as acid flowed into her now-gaping holes and burned up her insides, she continued to live. “What a disappointment,” Twilight glared down at Moondancer. “Why is she STILL alive?” “I don’t know!” Moondancer finally began sobbing outright, far more than she had at any point in her torment. “I’m trying, I swear I’m trying!” But her magic was finally fading, unable to concentrate through the agony. Minuette was free from mind control now, not that it mattered. “What a failure!” Twilight ripped her shafts from Moondancer, refusing to dignify her with a shot of her precious seed. She yanked Minuette out of the pit of acid, burning off the remaining bits of it before she regenerated almost to full health again. “Thank you I swear I’ll be a good egg sack…” Minuette cried, getting the wrong idea that they’d let her live. Twilight couldn’t let her live though with her being more afraid of dying than anyone Twilight had met. As for Moondancer, it’d be interesting to see if she’d stay loyal and pain-loving even with no changeling influence to her mind. It was worth an experiment. “I’m leaving you, Moonprancer or whatever,” Twilight lied to her just to terrorize her a bit more. “I mean it, we’re through. I’m going to leave you here to take care of the fallout and erase from your brain that I’m still alive. Then I’ll erase from my own brain that you ever existed.” She turned to Minuette. “Come over here, I want you to ram your head into my cunt and suffocate there. Not the most painful of deaths, but your screaming will be delightful until you stop moving forever, and it’ll get me off more than this failure has.” “But you said…” Minuette begged, even though Twilight hadn’t said anything like that. Twilight took control of Minuette herself, and all Minuette could do was shake her head as she trotted over behind Twilight. “Don’t leave me!” Moondancer was so panicked that she seemed to have forgotten about Minuette. She tried to move back to Twilight, but her legs were still collapsed by the stifling heat, and Twilight refused to regenerate that part of her. She writhed pitifully on the floor like a foal being left out in the cold. “Please don’t… I said I’ll do anything but die, I’m not kidding I really will do anything to stay-” Minuette begged all the way up until her face pressed against Twilight’s changeling slit. Twilight felt the face tense when Minuette felt the barbs inside, long and razor sharp. She forced her muzzle inside, Twilight’s pussy opening to pry her barbs out of her own flesh and expose them for Minuette’s head.  Once she had her muzzle in there was no stopping it. Twilight flexed, sucking the head into the soppy hole. Minuette let out her final breath with a scream as she felt the nails within embed into her face. Her newly repaired eyes were impaled, needles digging into her from every angle as she was pulled in up to the neck.  As the tight lips snapped around her neck, there was no pulling free, so Twilight released her from the mind control. She immediately tried to pull herself back, thrashing violently, making Twilight groan from the tugging and struggle within her. She panted and looked down at Moondancer with disdain. “Maybe I’ll not just have you forget this, maybe I’ll make you forget I ever existed at all as well,” threatened Twilight. “You’ll wonder why you’re even at this library, since you have nothing else in your life to make it meaningful.” “Please, I’m offering myself to you!” Moondancer begged, lowering herself to bow. “To be your egg sack, anything! You can kill me or not, as long as my flesh is pleasing to you I don’t care if it’s fresh or rotten, just fuck me over and over please!” Twilight ignored the begging this time, backing Minuette against an empty bookshelf. She slammed her hips back, using her like a dildo stuck to a wall, thrusting her hips and draggined the razor pussy around her face to slice into it. Minuette kicked desperately, still trying to get out as she suffocated within, muzzle filling with her own blood as her delicious despair boiled over. “Who are you?” Twilight looked down at Moondancer, pretending to have already erased her from her own memory. To add insult to injury, Twilight continued protecting her from the heat inside the library, making certain she stayed comfortable now that she’d regenerated. “Nooo!” Moondancer shrieked, her own despair brilliantly surpassing Minuette’s. “I’m Moondancer, please remember! I-I can help you! I’ve done tons of research on dark magic in case I found your corpse and needed to re-animate you!” Twilight glared at Moondancer, now not teasing at all, at the offense of her thinking that her meager dark magic could be of any use to the Hive when Chrysalis and Twilight could already use more than Celestia or Luna. Still, she seemed so desperate to satisfy Twilight, she had to admit that it made her curious as to what she could do, and she’d try even harder every time Twilight denied her. There was a loud sickening crack from Twilight’s posterior as Minuette’s skull buckled a bit under the pressure within, spikes driving right through her bone and into her brain as her suffocating struggles weakened. Twilight pulled Moondancer’s sobbing face closer then, pulling it to her extended ovipositor, equally wicked spikes protruding from the flesh there. Moondancer hesitated only a moment at the spikes before forcing herself onto it. Her body convulsed when she felt how razor sharp they were, tensed, then drove her head down onto it willingly. Even as Twilight lengthened them, Moondancer keep her muzzle moving, forcing it down her own gagging throat. Soon the needles lengthened enough that they protruded from Moondancer’s bloated neck as it dragged back and forth, but she forced herself to keep moving as blood poured from her neck. Twilight prevented her from committing suicide by cock just yet by healing her again, allowing her to continue on. “I really should think of something ‘unique’ to do with you,” pondered Twilight. She didn’t want to give her the same treatment as the elements, but she certainly had earned an interesting fate.  Moondancer’s joy sky-rocketed at Twilight’s words, her head moving more enthusiastically. As she got used to the agony, one of her front hooves moved to rub at her pussy, which Twilight generously allowed.  Meanwhile, Minuette’s panic was at its height as she felt herself fading, her body convulsing in a wonderful deathgasm. Moondancer grabbed one of her hind legs and pulled it under when she recognized the death throes, then lowered her head as she continued to rip apart her own bloody face on Twilight’s shaft. Minuette’s head finally gave in completely, skull breaking into shards and brains crushed between them as it imploded into mush within Twilight’s body. The unicorn got what she feared the most, oblivion, as her body spasmed and she began to piss herself. Moondancer was ready, shaking violently as she allowed it to spray up over her bleeding face to sting more at her wounds, taking any opportunity to try and impress Twilight just a little more. Twilight removed her protection from the library, which was instantly wreathed in flames. She was almost done so no one would be putting it out before she finished. It was quite cathartic for Twilight, as well, allowing all those precious pony memories to extinguish here as they had in her heart months ago. Moondancer’s horn lit up as Minuette grew still, and Twilight recognized the dark magic as soul-binding. She scanned Minuette and found that her soul was locked within her corpse, giving her something even more terrifying than just dying for her. She’d be fully conscious but unable to do or feel anything but her body slowly rotting, not fading until the last bone fragment dissolved.  “Mm, talk about going the extra mile,” Twilight groaned as she exploded as well into Moondancer’s muzzle. Not a lot of it got into her throat, most of it spraying out of the many wounds in her neck and face, a fountain of blood and changeling seed all over the floor before boiling away with the rest.  Moondancer pulled Minuette’s corpse, still embedded in Twilight’s pussy, closer, and moved to scissor it enthusiastically. Twilight could feel within her that she wanted to be just as vile as her hero now that she found out what she’d become. As she rubbed her pussy against the corpse enthusiastically, Twilight’s own horn lit up, teleporting the three away from the library just before it collapsed in on itself. > 16. A Creeping Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack woke up the next morning with the sneaking suspicion that something might be amiss, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on what it was. The day before was a bit of a blur, so she wondered what happened, but it probably wasn’t important if she couldn’t remember it, right? She stretched as she staggered out of bed, legs clicking a bit more than usual as she moved to her bedroom mirror to brush her coat and mane. As she did so, she tried to remember, carefully avoiding the little bits of chitin that were forming in various areas over her body, careful not to rub the hairbrush against the sensitive horn stump slowly splitting out of her skull about her forehead. She used the brush to scratch around the itchy stumps on her back where tiny wings had started to form. After brushing herself over though, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. She stared at herself in the mirror for a few more long minutes, her now-solid green eyes scanning over her body. It was like she’d start to notice things and then it just slipped her mind… oh, that’s what it was! Had she lost weight? Well that wasn’t so bad. Applejack also seemed to be shedding an awful lot, so she took a moment to sweep up the bits of bloody fur on the floor and in the bed. She put most of it in the trash, but popped a bit of a bloody clump into her maw and swallowed it without really thinking. Finally, she left her room and started downstairs. Wait… was eating that strange? Wait a minute, should she really have... ‘It’s not strange at all,’ a voice buzzed into her head that wasn’t her normal thought voice. ‘You’re probably just getting hotter as you get older. Just think of all the puss you’ll get!’ What a nice, motherly voice. Wait, did it say puss? Wasn’t Applejack straight? Well that should be okay too, just because she had a sudden craving for cunt didn’t mean she wasn’t straight. Yeah, that made sense. Downstairs, she found Applebloom already eating breakfast with her dumb little friends. Applebloom had leaned over to give Scootaloo a brief if deep kissing, and Sweetie was just sitting up in her chair after crawling out from under the table, a bit of gooey greenish brown on her face. They looked at Applejack, but didn’t react, so she must have been worried about nothing; she probably looked as normal as always. They looked normal too. Occasionally she thought she might have seen a difference in the corner of her eye, and there did seem to be a bit more shed fur on the floor than usual. She stared at Bloom for a few more long seconds, wondering if she used to have yellow fur instead of dark yellow chitin… trying to remember... ‘No that’s normal,’ said the motherly voice in her head. ‘It’s probably just that her fur fell out from being too fuckable. She is an Apple AND a foal after all.’ Yeah, her whole family was pretty fuckable, so that seemed right. Her thoughts were making a lot more sense than usual this morning. “Good mornin’,” Applejack said as she approached the table to sit at her normal seat. “Mornin’ sis!” Applebloom said, then moved to kiss Sweetie too, swapping something chunky back and forth between their muzzles, a bit of it drooling down. Applebloom sat up on her haunches, and Scoot pushed her head down beneath the table, slurping loudly at something in Applebloom’s lap. Yep. Just an average morning. “Shouldn’t ya’ll be at school?” Applajack asked as she realized it was a bit later than usual, but shook her head. “Prolly doesn’t matter ah guess.” Though she wasn’t rightly sure why it didn’t matter, since it normally would. “Anyway… did you cook this, little sis?” “Yeah ah made it,” Bloom said. “Don’t worry, ah made sure ta put apples in it, ya apple-fuckin’ whore.” Applejack smiled at Bloom’s more-affectionate-than-usual pet name for her and looked down at her plate, and the greenish-yellow glob of slime that resided there. She poked a hoof at it, watching it jiggle about, then leaned forward to smell of it. Wow it smelled delicious, like rancid shit. That smelled delicious, right?  ‘Of course it does,' said the motherly head voice helpfully. ‘And tastes! Rancid shit has been your favorite flavor since you were a foal!’ Oh right, she’d forgotten that. She scooped up a glob into her hoof and pushed her tongue to taste it. Her eyes widened at the flavor, then she began shoveling it into her muzzle more eagerly. She was done within seconds, and reached out to grab the larger bowl full of it in the center of the table, outright turning it up before guzzling most of it down. It drooled down the sides of her face and down her chest, but even the warm goo against her body was somehow delicious. “Ya’ll remember anything about yesterday?” Applejack asked with her muzzle full. “Ah seem ta have forgot, but I feel like something important happened.” “My memories are pretty hazy, too,” Scootaloo said, licking her lips as she raised her head from Bloom’s lap. I know I was here, then I went home, or towards home. I got lost and ended up in the market, so I fucked a few bums and fell asleep in an alley.” “Fucked… a few bums?” Applejack blinked. Was that normal foal behavior? “Yeah, more like a dozen… not sure if they were all bums,” Scootaloo corrected. ‘Well they are at that age,’ the voice assured her. Yeah, it was probably fine. “I forgot what happened here too!” nodded Sweetie, scooping up her own plate full. “But I remember there being some kind of fun game! Then I went home and stole some of Rarity’s roofies so I could mix them with laxatives to put in her drink. “Why did ya do that?” Applejack tilted her head. “So she’d shit herself in her sleep and I could rub it all over me, obviously,” Sweetie rolled her eyes. “And all over her. She’ll be so thankful when she wakes up!” “Oh yeah, right,” nodded Applejack, then turned up the bowl again and started licking the last remnants from the bottom. “Aw, ya fergot the game?” Bloom sighed. “Tell ya what, let’s go to tha barn and play it again! See ya, Applejack.” “Oh um, see ya,” Applejack nodded, finishing up her completely normal breakfast by making sure she got every last drop from the bowl, then continued on to lick all of their plates clean as well. Sweetie’s was mixed with a bit of extra pony shit, so it was especially tangy. Wait was that… ‘Oh stop thinking things aren’t normal,’ the voice in her head was still motherly, but a bit annoyed. ‘With neither of my princesses here, I have literally 10,000 drones to fuck today all by myself and you’re taking up precious time I could be concentrating on getting dicked from every direction! I want to still have time to go torture Cadance when I’m done!’ “Oh, sorry, voice in mah head,” Applejack apologized. She felt bad; she didn’t mean to cut into the voice’s slut-torturing time. After all, doing all that work was quite admirable; Applejack would be proud to have such a hard-working mother rather than her slut mom that got eaten by timberwolves like a loser. Wait… that WAS abnormal! Why was she just sitting here acting like it’s not wrong!... She should clearly be going to the barn to see what kind of game her sister is playing; what kind of big sister would she be if she didn’t? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack staggered towards the barn, wondering briefly why the pigs fled to the other side of the pen in terror when she walked past it. She also wondered why she literally tasted their fear. In the pen next to them was a single male bull, sheep, and goat… for some reason the bull was sobbing in one corner. Oh well, all that probably wasn’t important. When she got there, she found the barn door open, and heard wet noises inside, so wondered what they were doing. Were they sponging off livestock or something? It sounded like they were squeezing the sponges awfully hard, so maybe that’s why the pigs were terrified. She was stunned at what she saw when she peeked into the door, though she suspected she shouldn’t have been. Her little sister was on her back with Scootaloo straddling her hips, Bloom’s throbbing erection stuffed into Scootaloo’s snatch giving her a nice stretch at the pint-sized slut bounced eagerly atop her. Applejack didn’t remember Bloom having a cock, but maybe she just hadn’t noticed before. Regardless, Bloom still identified as female so this was an inappropriate level of dyking out! Meanwhile, Sweetie was laying next to Bloom in a 69 position, Bloom eating her out rather violently, biting her vulva and stretching it back to let it snap back against her body. Sweetie was bleeding from the roughness but still rolling her hips into it. Sweetie’s head was concentrating on Bloom’s tailhole, sucking a slimy green turd as it emerged, fellating it lovingly as she worked her tongue around the hole. Applejack couldn’t believe this, she’d never been so aroused!... Wait, she meant disgusted right? She was pretty sure she did; she should go find their brother and bring him over to rape them all with a giant cock to show them the glory of straight sex, maybe snuff them or something, yet she didn’t. Instead, both hooves went between her thighs to massage at her slit, which she found sopping wet and dripping down her thighs as soon as she touched it. She felt shame and guilt burn through her, but Applejack couldn’t make herself do the right thing. Instead she just kept watching and rubbing her churning pussy to what she saw. “You like my pussy, right Mommy?” Scootaloo said to Bloom. “I barely got any sleep last night, fucking every pedo stallion I could… there were a lot more of them than I expected once I started outright waving my underage twat at every stallion I saw… I’ve had more different cocks in me than most mares already!” She was rolling her hips rather smoothly, clearly having learned from the experiences. “It’s so weird, I’m not even tired! I just want more cock!” “Quality over quantity, whore,” Sweetie said wetly as she gargled a pool of greasy diaherea in her muzzle. “Going through them that fast… I bet that didn’t even have time to shit themselves from pleasure, so what exactly are you supposed to eat while you’re fuckin’?” She’d clearly grown up a bit suddenly too. “My service to your shithole is way better, right Mommy?” “Now, you two,” Applebloom groaned, just laying there casually enjoying her friends’ affections with her forelegs behind her head letting them do all the work. “You know ah’m proud of both my soon-to-be-daughter’s initiative, yer both special in yer own way. As long as you don’t act like stupid unfucked pony foals, that’s enough fer me.” It seemed the two had grown strangely competitive about satisfying Applebloom, and calling her Mommy was a bit weird. Applejack assumed it was some kind of strange roleplay, like that time Applejack dressed up in a buffalo fursuit and sprang from her cousin Braeburn’s birthday cake to fuck the tartarus out of him, or when she roleplayed with Big Mac that he was a fag and she was dutifully fucking the gay out of him. In this case though, she really wished that it wasn’t roleplay, because it was hot in a way that she couldn’t put her hoof on. Not to mention, the shame of her inaction to stop her sister’s lesbian activities was overshadowed, at least a little, by the guilt from having never even noticed that her sister had a dick. Had she been a better sister and at least groped her a bit, she’d have at least noticed that… wait no that would be gay. She meant have Big Mac grope her a bit. For that matter, she never even invited Bloom to her roleplay with Mac to get raped by him. She started to suspect that she’d been a terrible sister for both of them. “Yes! More of Mommy’s cum inside me!” Scootaloo squealed, the filly’s hole pulsating visibly in intensity as she came on Bloom’s shaft, convulsing as her eyes rolled back. At the same time, Sweetie slurped another mass of messy goo from Bloom’s rear and was gargling it happily while masturbating. “Yeah that’s it, mah little sluts,” Applebloom groaned, her own body tensing up before she blew a load upwards into Scootaloo. Applejack could see the pulse of thick sperm swell Bloom’s dick before bursting into Scoot’s little body until her belly began to swell, filling up her immature womb. Very little of the strangely greenish fluid flowed back out as if was sticking to her insides. “More, more cock, Mommy!” Scootaloo didn’t seem to be done. “More shit, Mommy!” Sweetie raised her front hooves up happily between shit-gargling. “Actually, ah had a different surprise,” Applebloom told them. “Ah wanted ta gift mah friends with a neat little change, to encourage further obedient of whatever… also just ta see what you’d do with it honestly.” The other to looked on with interest. So did Applejack, biting her lip to stifle an orgasm as she continued to masturbate, cumming all over her hoof. When she raised it up to lick it off, she wondered if her pussy juice had always been a bit greenish, but shrugged and licked it off anyway. Mmm, it was delicious, like rotting flesh…. apples. She meant apples. “Well, ya see,” said Bloom. “Ah’ve been fuckin’ a LOT of livestock lately, mostly so I wouldn’t get too horny with you two and run ya through with my dick in excitement.” Aw, that was so kind of her. “But I sorta took a liking to it. Ah got a nice selection of lower life forms outside fer you to enjoy in the pen nearby.” She figured since she got to enjoy pony lower life forms all the time, she’d let her friends enjoy some that were even lower than them. Applejack blinked, wondering why she immediately understood Applebloom's intention, then glanced back at the pens she’d passed on the way in. Still scared pigs in one, and still the assortment of males in the other. She was still a little nervous about being seen, so backed up and around the barn, hiding behind a bale of hay before they came out of the barn. The three foals padded out of the barn, but hadn’t seemed to have seen her. Scootaloo bounced excitedly, tongue hanging out of her muzzle as she made her way to the pen with the goat, sheep, and bull inside. Meanwhile Sweetie darted towards the pig pen, with a giggle Applebloom behind them both. “All right you guys,” Applebloom said to the male pen. “Just like ah said. Go have a beastly good time!” “But I’m sentient,” complained the bull, shaking his head and crying, as if that made any difference. “No more talk-back, Sir Loin,” Applebloom reined him in. “Or yer calves will go into the wood chipper right where yer wife went when ah was rapin’ her.” She’d actually already done that to them yesterday, but there was no need to tell him right now. It was kind of her to have done that so he wouldn’t be cheating on his wife when he boned the filly, but he just kept sobbing. What an unappreciative animal; he knew he and his family were just going to be exported to Griffonstone and butchered anyway as soon as she stopped providing enough milk. Enslaving lower races for commerce was one of the few sane things that ponies did. Applebloom watched the others at first, just leaning against the fence, idly rubbing at her pussy with one hoof while idly pushing her shaft through a hole in her opposite leg. She faced her behind directly towards Applejack’s hiding spot, but AJ was pretty sure she hadn’t seen her. Regardless, she licked her lips at her little sister’s young behind before continuing to watch the others. Scootaloo bowled the bull over onto his back despite being a fraction of his size, and he looked too afraid to stop her. She drooled lustfully down at him as she ground her hips against his sheath. Despite being fairly new to taking dick, she rolled her pelvis like an experienced whore, coaxing it out whether he wanted it to be or not. The goat and sheep were cringing away from Applebloom, but her eyes glowed slightly before they both stood up, still shaking with frightened looks but now heading over towards Scootaloo. Scootaloo squealed excitedly as the goat mounted up behind her, raising her tail and waggling her little rump to grind against his sheath as well. The sheep mounted her front, and she slobbered all over his emerging shaft and sweaty unwashed balls. She didn’t care as long as it meant more dick. “This is great!” Scootaloo panted, surrounded by horny animal shafts. “Why should I limit myself to ponies, right? Anything with a cock is fair game! Can we go to Fluttershy’s cottage next? I want to fuck her monsters!” “Sure that seems reasonable,” Applebloom nodded. “Not sure if she’d think it was reasonable, ah mean there are rumors about her but haven’t actually checked if they’re true.” Sweetie leaped over the pig pen fence, landing face first in a pile of pig shit already on the ground, slurping it up like a tiny vacuum as her hind legs moved to slide her upper half across the pen. One of the pigs squealed as she clung to the pig's rear like a shit-seeking missile and dug her face beneath her tail.  The pig squealed louder and immediately, and conveniently, shit herself in fear. Sweetie rammed her tongue in, which seemed increasingly longer than it used to be, grasping a chunk and yanking it into her muzzle like a frog catching a fly, muzzle wide to catch the splatter as more jerked free. She opened wider to catch urine as well when the pig lost bladder control too, sloshing it together in her muzzle to gargle it happily. Wow, maybe she needed an intervention. “Nah, she’s fine,” said the voice in AJ’s head. “Was that a pun?! EXECUTE THEM!... not you dear, you keep watching, I was talking to someone else.” Yeah she was fine. This was probably just a phase or something; all kids like to stick weird things in their muzzles. Applejack settled her hooves between her thighs again and started rubbing another one out as she viewed the scene. The other pigs ran around frantically, and Applejack still wondered why they were so scared. One would think there was a horrifying predator just outside their pen masturbating to their terror, but there was just Applebloom still fucking her own leg hole and that seemed normal enough. After all, if Applejack had a cock, she’d for sure fuck any of her own holes she could reach with it. She looked at her own leg, but sighed when she realized it hadn’t grown any holes yet. Scootaloo was still writhing between male bodies, and she must have been getting used to it, because it was surprisingly easy for them to penetrate her small body. She scarfed down the sheep’s horn first, neck expanding slightly as her nose smacked his belly and her tongue lapped hungrily over his sack. Behind her, the goat’s popped inside her ass, which immediately tensed around him, and the bull was forced into her soggy cum trap beneath.  That was expected, but Applejack couldn’t help but jump when Scootaloo’s vulva sprouted nasty black claws and grasped the bull’s shaft when he tried to pull himself away. He moo-ed frantically as he felt the sharp edges dig into his dick, pulled back in as her body churned and twisted around him.  AJ definitely hadn’t noticed that before, but it’s not like she ever looked at Scoot’s pussy to know. Okay she had, fairly often, but not in a gay way so she probably didn’t notice. It made sense besides: her body needed something awesome to make up for being a dirty pega cripple whose parents didn’t love her. “What the hay? Why does her pussy have teeth!?” The bull was less enthusiastic. “My pussy has teeth?” Scootaloo barely got out with her muzzle full. “So awesome!” Applejack tried to watch that instead of Sweetie eating out a sow’s ass, worried that the later might make her gay, but kept finding herself looking back at that. Unfortunately it didn’t stay females-only in that pen as the other pigs all suddenly calmed down, at least outwardly, their eyes glowing green though the fear still raged inside. They all turned their bottoms towards Sweetie and backed up to her. Sweetie laughed like a super-villain fucking the hero through a meat-grinder as she realized where this was going. She flopped onto her back, opening her mouth wide and moving both hooves down to spread out her pussy. Suddenly a dozen bacon asses were defecating on her at once, spraying out violently as if someone had rammed the contents of their intestines down through their bowels all at once.  Sweetie already had her fur matted in green and brown, but now it poured out onto her like squishy fountains. In less than a minute, it was piling up atop her, most of her body covered. Applejack saw her pussy exploded in juice just before it was buried in shit, whitish bubbles of femcum splurting up through the layer of feces once it was submerged. Sweetie opened her muzzle wide, letting it pile up over her face, savoring the flavor instead of swallowing immediately. Her eyes were wide with lust, and didn’t even close as chunks splattered onto them and slowly buried her whole body.  Soon just her hind hooves poked free of the mass, while the pigs squealed in pain, guts looking compressed as if emancipated by the sheer mass of what they’d expelled all at once. Holy fuck, AJ hoped she got to experience shitting that hard at least once in her life. Applejack wanted desperately to join in, almost stepping towards Applebloom’s displayed behind several times, salivating and wanting desperately to slurp on her convulsing pussy as she masturbated. But no, she shouldn’t because it might encourage Bloom to do more gay things with her friends. “Your priorities are amusing,” said the voice in her head. “Stupid from both changeling and pony perspectives, but amusing.” “Shush Ma, I’m tryin’ ta rub one out!” Applejack thought back as she masturbated furiously. Did she just call that voice Ma? She’d worry about that later. She glanced back at Scootaloo, who was now taking jets of cum from all ends. The cocks inside her áss and twat both pulsed visibly as they jetted bestial semen into the pony, the holes clenching as well as she milked them dry. Similarly, she had the sheep’s whole cock and balls lodged in her throat, muzzle open wider than any pony’s shout, and was guzzling straight from the tap as her belly swelled. “We’re just startin’” Applebloom told Scootaloo. “Ah want you ta fuck every single cock on this farm before we move on.” Despite the overwhelming feeling that this was probably mostly okay, Applejack still felt her own guts twisting with guilt as she creamed herself as well, blasting the wall behind her with her juice before almost collapsing in relief.  Standing up, she almost charged Applebloom’s rear end with intent to slurp her little sister’s little puss, but caught herself again, instead turning and running towards the house as fast as she could. She didn’t think they saw her, but who could say for sure? She didn’t look back. After a shower and coat brushing, she felt a little better. She put all the fur that was falling out for normal pony reasons in the trash before heading back downstairs and wondering if she should have more of that green slop that Applebloom had made her for breakfast. Just then though, there was a knock on the front door. Now who could that be? Applejack staggered over to open it. There are the door was Ginger Snap, a filly guide that she often saw taking donations in town, and another she hadn’t seen before today. There was a small foal’s wagon full of cookie boxes behind them, but Applejack’s eyes focused on those hot filly bodies. Goodness what she wouldn’t give to... “Hi!” said the new one. “I’m Suckmint and we’re selling cookies!” “Is that so?” panted Applejack. Well maybe it wouldn’t hurt to indulge a little, but not in the cookies. > 17. A Home Remodeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately when Twilight teleported her and her toys out of the burning tree, she already knew a place close by to go to. Berry Punch and Ruby Pinch had been sent back to Ponyville in hopes of joining the new sub-hive they’d be making, wanting a base closer to Canterlot. Not to mention the irony of having their first base in Equestria be in the town where the Elements lived. They arrived to the drunk pony’s old abode to find a wholesome sight. Berry had Ruby pinned down on the kitchen counter, choking her daughter as she impaled her cute little cunny on her ovipositor. At the same time, Ruby’s own shaft was twisted slightly with Berry’s and shoved into Berry’s snatch as well, fucking each other simultaneously and so violently that both holes were bleeding greenish-changeling blood.  Next to them was a blender that looked to have somewhat rotten chopped up animal guts in it, probably a pet that they’d left here and had starved to death. It seemed they’d pumped it full of spunk and then blended it up for later consumption. It must have been quite a charming reunion for them. “Love Mommy’s pussy! Mommy’s cock!” Ruby was drooling, casually waving a hoof at Twilight but not slowing down. “Second Mommy here!” said Berry, speeding up in excitement, too invested in her daughter’s soggy hole and throbbing dick to note much else, just like any good mother would be. “Aw, look at that,” Twilight smiled. “Here let me fix this toy a little for you.” She turned to Minuette’s corpse, reconstructing the head slightly so it’d be more fun to ruin, then looked to Moondancer and smiled. The two changelings were still feral, so they didn’t have many complex thoughts, but of course that was still better than being a stupid pony. Moondancer had a somewhat horrified expression on her face, but quickly nodded as she smiled at Twilight. “Ah yes… adorable, my love!” She was definitely still a pony, suffering an unhealthy amount of disgust and dread at what she saw and did, even if her obsession with Twilight had been overriding her wicked pony morality so far. “Since I know you’re a friendless loser that probably doesn’t know anyone in town,” explained Twilight. “This is Berry and Ruby, we rescued them from their miserable pony lives and gave them a happy new existence, but now they are moving back here as part of our plan to enlighten all of Ponyville.” “How nice!” Moondancer glanced around the house, then peered at the pet corpse in the blender. “Oh don’t be afraid to partake!” Twilight motioned to it. “Go ahead and eat up!” Moondancer paused, seeming to regret looking at it, but took a deep breath, trotting over to the blender and eyeing the mess. It looked like it’d gotten pretty rotten before they found it, as there were maggots in there too, not all of them having been killed by the blending. She steeled herself and searched for a spoon, taking a large one from a nearby drawer. As Ruby and Berry continued to pound wetly nearby, Twilight pondered Moondancer; she hadn’t ruled out just snuffing her yet. She was far from a great lay even by arbitrary pony standards, but as she watched Moondancer shovel the first bite of squirming rotten flesh into her muzzle, she found her slightly-mushed mane style and taped glasses cute. She shook her head, immediately wondering where such a strange thought came from. She watched Moondancer swallow a spoonful with her face and emotions twisting with nausea. Swallowing it down, Moondancer immediately vomited, but clamped her muzzle shut so only a little escaped. It took her half a dozen tries to swallow it again without throwing up, but she got it down. Yes, despite her flaws, snuffing this unicorn yet would be a waste. On the other hoof-hole, she didn’t want to elevate her, especially with her plans for the Apples meant she’d have drones coming in already. She didn’t know what to do with a normal unicorn. Even while forcing another bite of corpse into her muzzle and crunching the shattered bones with her dull teeth, Moondancer wasn’t suffering nearly enough due to her desire to please Twilight. Twilight doubted torturing her would net any better results either, and it’d be somewhat unsatisfying if she enjoyed such things without Twilight getting to have a proper breaking experience to bond with her first. Either way, Twilight had some time before going to meet with Ginger Snap, who had planned to help the ‘new recruit’ Suckmint sell cookies. Ginger probably wouldn’t want to start early because she’d be doing dumb pony things like not getting raped by her parents, and due to how unreasonable ponies were, simply advising her of how much agony she’d experience wouldn’t be enough to compel her to up the schedule. Berry and Ruby finally came in each other, and given how much their holes drooled they’d done that a lot already this morning. Twilight let them writhe in pleasure a few more moments before picking up some glass booze bottles from the floor nearby and kindly cracking each of them over the head using her telekinesis. Both of them moaned and had another orgasm before flopping next to one another and panting. “Berry, Ruby,” said Twilight. “I’m going to have you dig a tunnel from the basement of this house to Sweet Apple Acres; it’d be best to have the locations where changelings are living connected so that if any one of them is invaded, you can all get in on swarming and raping the attackers.” The two ferals saluted adorably, while Moondancer was turning up the blender like a cup and dumping the rest into her muzzle, trying to get it over with. She barfed a fountain of rotten gore and vomit, then cupped the blender over her muzzle so no more escaped and gagged while she forced it down. Afterward, she put down the blender and leaned down to lap the vomit that spilled on the floor, tearing up but forcing a large grin on her face when she saw Twilight was looking. “That wasn’t even passable,” Twilight growled at her. “How rude can you be? They made a delicious gore-shake for their first guest and you repay them by not even masturbating furiously as you eat it?” “Sorry my love!” Moondancer put both hooves between her thighs and rubbed herself as she continued to eat chunks off the floor, but her barley-damp state would give away her eagerness even if Twilight couldn't taste her feelings. “Whatever,” sighed Twilight disappointedly. She wasn’t sure how Moondancer expected to win her love when she was the type of pony to enter a room where a mother and daughter were violently fucking and not immediately want to join in. “I have an order for you as well. While they are digging, you will decorate this home.” It was really in need of some decorations. It didn’t smell as terrible as most pony homes due to the stench of beer, urine, and used condoms all over the house, but was devoid of gore and feces as any quality changeling home should have. Meanwhile, Berry and Ruby lingered a bit, seeming curious at how the second Hive mommy would deal with this strange pony that for some reason she wasn’t transforming. Being the righteous individuals they were though, they also didn’t want the new corpse in their home to go unfucked, so they hopped over to it while watching.  Berry growled happily as she picked up Minuette’s limp body to pull it up to its haunches, pulling it belly-to-belly with her and staring lustfully into the last look of horror on Minuette’s face. Ruby moved up behind the corpse to pin it between them, and they both set about to making use of it. They grunted cutely as they penetrated, Berry into the pussy and Ruby into the tailhole. Both were dry due to the heat it’d been exposed to, but they didn’t mind, especially since their ovipositors were already nice and slick from their incestuous affections with one another. “You mean like… clean up the bottles and stuff?” Moondancer asked as she ate up the last bit, her brutal stupidity shining through. “Are you retarded?” Twilight gasped at her. “That’s one of the few things that is sort of okay! We need everything, save for the entryway and foyer so as to not scare off potential victims, converted into decent changeling living areas! Surely you’re not so ignorant that you don’t understand what that means?” “Uh…” Moondancer’s panic was a little amusing as she searched her mind to try to come up with an answer that would impress Twilight. “So I should… change everything around? Like with magic into random objects?” “By the Queen’s giant shit-covered rape-cock!” Twilight swore as she face-hooved. Being the slow-witted species that she was and incapable of simply reading Twilight’s mind to know what she meant, Moondancer would need more direct instruction. Though the horror Moondancer was experiencing at disappointing Twilight was even more delicious than most ponies Twilight tortured, it had to end sometime. Turning to the two feral drones, Twilight saw Ruby and Berry happily playing pelvis ping-pong with Minuette’s cadaver, the hips shifting back and forth between them as they kissed deeply over one of the dead pony’s shoulders. Bits of coagulating blood drooled around their shafts as they tore up the interior of the body once again. “Berry, Ruby, please demonstrate the proper way to decorate the house,” sighed Twilight. “Maybe then this brainless moron will understand basic home improvement.” She looked back at Moondancer. “Make out with Minuette’s corpse so it doesn’t get lonely while they work.” Berry and Ruby were all over such a fun order, yanking their spiny rods out of Minuette and throwing the corpse at Moondancer like a disappointing whore out of a brothel window before hopping over to one corner of the room with wicked grins. Moondancer squeaked when she found a body suddenly thrown at her, getting knocked over and landing on her side beneath it. Moondancer watched to see what they’d do attentively, rolling over onto her back and situating Minuette’s body atop her. She pulled a hoof around the dead mare’s head and kissed her deeply, intertwining her legs to slowly grind her pussy against the freshly fucked slit, twitching a bit at the acidic changeling precum that drooled out against her own sensitive bits. Her mind was awash with emotion, and it seemed to be slowly sinking in exactly how fucked up her tasks would be by pony standards. While grossed out though, she was still determined to go through with anything Twilight wanted for the sake of their ‘relationship’.  Already hyped and near to cumming, Berry and Ruby were already ready to unload some fresh decorations. Moondancer’s eyes widened a bit when the two faced each other, kissing deeply again as they spread their legs, and a gaseous precursor loudly belched from their bottoms as they relaxed their bowels.  Their bodies undulated visibly as thick changeling slime splurted from their bottoms, splattering on the floor. Thick and sticky, it clung together and created a pile as more clumps of it emerged. Not satisfied with merely that, the two drones showed the superiority of hermaphrodites by releasing their urine as well, greenish fluid streaming from both their ovipositors and the tight changeling cunts nestled between the base of their dicks and their assholes. The piss from their pussies streamed down their thighs into their own pile, while their shafts sprayed fluid onto the opposite one. The fluid and goop seemed to twist together slowly as it congealed into a ball, and the two began to stroke off their ovipositors, thrusting their hips to finish off the orgasms that they’d been on the cusp of before asked to extract themselves from their rotting toy. When they went off, the cum was as thick as their shit, cocks bloating grotesquely to squeeze it out in loud splurts, splattering into the pile of the opposite ling.  “Isn’t that just beautiful?” sighed Twilight wishfully. “Y-yeah… of course! Beautiful…” Moondancer was having trouble watching, swallowing a bit of vomit again, but seemed to have less trouble at least continuing to make out with the corpse of the pony she hated. It was sort of a pity that she hated all other ponies and would never get to experience the murder and necro-fucking of someone she’d loved. Regardless, the moist slop of her pussy against Minuette’s kept time with the stroking of the changelings, making for quite a pretty song. The mess that the ferals made continued to form greenish cocoons, like the ones changelings might submerge a pony into, sticky goo spread all over the floor around them and splattered over the nearby wall and table.  “There, see? Just like that,” nodded Twilight. “Now give them their toy back and you try.” “Um…” Moondancer seemed unsure, but it was important that she tried and failed so she could fully recognize the fecal superiority of changelings. Berry and Ruby moved back to the corpse, pulling it off of Moondancer and hissing at her for having touched their plaything too much. This time Berry sat on Minuette’s face, grinding her hips and panting as the muzzle popped into her snatch. Meanwhile Ruby pushed into Moondancer’s pussy again, shivering as she leaned down to also slurp in her mother’s spiny cock, slurping happily as the spikes raked out her throat. Moondancer shivered a little as she awkwardly walked over next to the piles of well-made sludge, gulping as she looked over at Twilight. Her face twisted as she got a better breath of the delicious pod stench, and Twilight expected her to vomit and quit. Instead, Moondancer pondered for a moment, then her horn lit up as she cast a spell on herself. Spreading her hind legs, Moondancer rubbed furiously at her twat to try to get herself into it. She closed her eyes to imagine things that were more pleasant to a twisted pony brain, but Twilight used her magic to force them open, tugging her nose down to press it into one of the fecal pods. A determined look on her face, Moondancer went for extra credit by opening her muzzle and licking at the pod, whimpering but slurping up some of the urine-covered ass slime. The spell Moondancer cast on herself caused a violent release of her bowels, probably more than she intended, and it blasted out of her ass like a shotgun. She squealed as her belly heaved and then sank in to compress, expelling everything at once onto the floor behind her. Her hind legs shivered as she then pissed herself, still rubbing at her cunny as she did so.  Looking back and seeing how small her own pile was, Moondancer cast the spell on herself again, but her body only heaved painfully with nothing left to expel. Instead she turned, deciding to use the contents of her upper digestive tract to as she let herself vomit over the pile, though it splattered out in a pattern on the floor more than adding height. The pony frantically tried to pull it together with her magic, looking back at the other pods to try to get the shape right even if it was much smaller, even using another spell to turn it green. It was an impressive amount of effort even if also impressively incompetent. Berry started to cackle at the hilarity of the pony trying to be a changeling, followed quickly by Ruby, though her laugh was a bit garbled since she was still sucking her mother off. Twilight couldn’t help but snicker too, pointing a hoof at Moondancer and snorting. It was something that a loser nerd like Moondancer would probably be all too used to, but in this case it was so much more well deserved. “Unicorn shit will not do!” Twilight told her, even if she still found the attempt adorable. “Clean it up! Get it back in your disgusting body!” Twilight slammed Moon’s head face first into the pile, and she gagged again, finally breaking down in sobs. It wasn’t the torment or even the laughing that made her cry, but the fact that she was disappointing Twilight. She thought a moment before making another impromptu spell to suppress her gag reflex, then began scarfing down the pile of her own mess as quickly as she could.  Ruby continued to giggle as she pulled away from her mother and the corpse, hopping over to Moondancer and grinning as she mounted up behind her. Licking her lips, she drove her throbbing ovipositor against Moon’s slit, opening her up and causing her to gag on her own shit in spite of her spell.  “I’d rather only… do that with…” Moondancer was reluctant when the one dicking her wasn’t Twilight. “Are you a foal?” “Did you just say no to my child?” Twilight glared down at her angrily. “And why does it matter that she’s a foal? What are you, racist?” “That’s not even what racist mea… I mean, I’m sorry!” Moondancer cried. “I’ll let them all fuck me I swear!” “Actually no,” Twilight grinned instead. “Say no again. I want to see you violently raped as you eat your shit.” “N-no?” Moondancer swallowed another slimy glob of her feces, then tried to kick away Ruby at Twilight’s request, but wasn’t very enthusiastic after Twilight got onto her. “Um, stop it.” “How dare you!” Twilight’s face twisted in anger again at Moondancer’s completely unreasonable actions. Moondancer squealed in confusion, then squealed again as Ruby pulled back hone of her hind legs and snapped it at the knee, then twisted it all the way around twice before bending it back the wrong way. It was only holding on by a sliver of gory bone shards when she dropped it. Though she screamed at the sudden pain, Moondancer redoubled her efforts at cleaning her mess, using her telekinesis to scoop up a ball of fluid and slime from the floor to force it down her own throat. “Yes, hurt this disobedient bitch!” Moondancer begged, increasingly confused about how to satisfy Twilight. “I live to suffer for you and your children, my love!” She was sobbing now, but not from pain or disgust as much as from horror that she had no way to sate her crush. Berry was still giggling behind them, pushing Minuette aside to mount behind Twilight as she watched. Twilight spread her snatch for her beloved child like a responsible Princess, her pussy suckling in Berry’s ovipositor and flexing her hips back as she started to thrust into her. Twilight stared at Moondancer then as she considered. Maybe she could take this chance to experiment a bit. “I tell you what,” Twilight said, moving a hoof to pay Ruby’s butt affectionately as she continued to drill Moondancer. “Moony, if you beg enough, I’ll give you a unique gift. I’ll convert part of you, just your lower gastrointestinal tract, into a royal changeling’s, though this will have severe consequences when the rest of your body is still an inferior pony’s.” “Yes, please!” Moondancer begged. As she finished lapping up her mess, she dragged herself towards Twilight. Even as Ruby twisted her other hind leg, Moondancer reached Twilight and lifted her head up to slurp at the throbbing length beneath her, even reaching another hoof back to rub at Berry’s pussy as the other changeling plowed Twilight harder. “I don’t care what consequences, death, eternal torment, anything if I know it will make your hot bug cock nut!” “You won’t be able to feel emotions like a changeling,” explained Twilight, rotating her hips harder and letting Moondancer suckle her. “The only nutritional source you’ll have is eating undigested emotions in changeling shit, piss, and cum. No amount of pony food will sustain you.” Twilight actually had no idea if that would work or if Moondancer would starve anyway, but that’s why she was doing the experiment.  “Yes, use me for science!” Moondancer was amazingly perceptive of Twilight’s intent, and began to suckle more eagerly. She even started to drag her teeth over Twilight’s shaft, knowing that she’d enjoy that more than a disgustingly consensual pony throat. The whole time she thrust her own hips back against Ruby, forcing herself to stand as much as she could. Apparently the idea of being experimented on was a good one for her, because she came hard around Ruby, the feral foal squealing happily as her cock was bathed in pony juice, despite the fact that her pussy was bleeding profusely from Ruby’s thorny meat. “You’ll also have a constant need for changeling cock inside your rectum,” purred Twilight, grasping Moondancer’s head to push deeper, not letting her speak for a moment as she rammed her throat, tearing out the inside once again. “It will probably drive you insane, which is why I’m ordering Ruby and Berry not to fuck you again once I change you.” Twilight shoved Ruby off of Moondancer, the little changeling squealing and cumming a fountain of slime into the air before giggling and wobbling over towards Minuette’s frigid corpse again. The princess clenched her own pussy around Berry, driving thick spikes through it and inciting the feral drone to cream hard into her, her pussy slurping it down much like a mouth would before kicking Berry away as well. As the other changelings moved to play with Minuette some more, Twilight ripped Moondancer’s face from her shaft, Moondancer gagging as her tongue caught on one of the spikes on Twilight’s ovipositor and was ripped in half down the middle. She gargled blood as Twilight turned her onto her back, spreading her shattered legs and piledriving her cock into Moondancer’s tailhole instead. “L-love you!” Moondancer managed to say before continuing to choke on the blood pooling in her ruined throat. Twilight cracked her in the face with a hoof for daring to be in love with her, shattering her nose and slamming her head back against the floor, but she only grinned widely as if in as much bliss as pain. Twilight’s body churned, producing the royal jelly she needed, if only a small amount, and injected it into Moondancer’s ass like a syringe. As is flooded up into the pony’s body, Twilight used her magic to clamp off her digestive tract below her stomach, not allowing the gel to make it any further north as it bloated up her lower portions. She kept thrusting, soon Moondancer looking pregnant from her juice as her intestines stretched to near bursting with changeling jello.  She wondered what her Mommy’s reaction to this experiment would be. Twilight noticed that Chrysalis had shifted into a fleshy glob covered in hundreds of cunts to satisfy all the drones she needed to back at the Hive that day, and also prodding at Applejack’s mind periodically, so she wasn’t particularly paying attention. Once she did get around to noticing, the worst she could do is murder or eternally torment Twilight though, and that was more than acceptable. Twilight withdrew from Moondancer’s posterior with a nice long slurp, clenching Moondancer’s asshole with her magic to keep the jelly inside for a bit. Moondancer collapsed, panting as she looked down at her swollen hindquarters. She clenched her teeth, her pony nerves not handling the partial change well, but determined not to complain at the acidic stinging over the lower half of her body. “There we go, one more thing,” Twilight relaxed her own ass, shoving one last load of goo from her body which splurted out onto the floor in a solid chunk. She solidified it more with her magic, shaping it into a dildo the size of an average pony leg. “This is the only thing you’re allowed to fuck, and you can only do it while thinking about me.” She formed serrated edges down the side, texturing even the flat surface like sandpaper to make sure that it was a good fit for a worthless pony like Moondancer. “No sex with anything else, that means no masturbating or even touching your nasty pony cunt.” “I would… never think of anyone else,” Moondancer panted, but was too weak to do more than speak at the moment. She seemed to miss the intent on her own humiliation and saw it as a symbol of Twilight’s love. It was slightly annoying but amusing all the same. “As it should be,” Twilight nodded. “And remember if you disappoint me even a little, I may erase you from my memory forever. I’m going to give you a mission while I’m away playing with Applejack, who I should add I love FAR more than you. Then again, I love even pony shit more than you. I’d sooner go on a date with Berry’s rotten chopped up pet than you.” “Noooo,” Moondancer sobbed as she tried futilely to roll her rounded body in Twilight’s direction> “What mission! I will make you proud and then you’ll love me!” “Fat chance,” smirked Twilight, prodding Moondancer’s gut with a hoof. “But you are going to redecorate the whole house, with your shit. You’ll have to eat a LOT of changeling shit to produce enough of your own, so Berry and Ruby will provide you with what you need, and I’ll direct a small swarm to come here to make sure you always have a supply.” Of course just having them decorate the house rather than shitting in Moondancer would be more efficient, but what would be the fun of needlessly not torturing a pony? Moondancer doubtlessly realized it too, but she’d never point it out, the foalish pony seeing it as a test of her love. “Maybe that way,” added Twilight. “You’ll get enough practice in analingus and blowjobs to actually satisfy me.” In fact, she had no doubt that Moondancer would get better as impressive as she’d been so far. She’d even say she ‘liked’ her, which was truly rare in the case of an unconverted pony. Of course she couldn’t tell Moondancer: a good mentor had to keep putting her down and torturing her in order to help her grow. If only Celestia had done the same for her as her new Mommy had. Twilight slid up behind her, sliding her ovipositor into Moondancer’s well-stuffed behind, squishing out some of the jelly and shivering as she felt the flesh within slowly knitting into a superior form around her, new little needles tingly against her shaft as she slowly stroked it in and out. Even with Twilight’s half-assed effort to fuck her, Moondancer squealed and came herself instantly, It annoyed Twilight so much that she shifted her tail into a spike and rammed it into Moondancer’s cunt to plug it, not wanting to get too much gross pony femcum all over the nice clean shit piles around them. Moondancer responded only by moaning more, her whole body going into seizures of pleasure. This pony was clearly hopeless. She couldn’t say it wasn’t pleasurable though. The potent mix of lust and agony from Moondancer was charming, and Twilight swore she heard the ethereal shrieking of Minuette’s soul that Moondancer had trapped inside her corpse nearby as the other children used it… that must have been a side effect of being trapped with inferior pony magic.  But despite all this amusement, she also realized it was time to head to Applejack’s to finish some play with her. Applebloom was busy with her friends, so she didn’t want Applejack to be lonely. Yanking her dick from Moondancer, she tossed her limp barely-conscious body down the hallway. Ruby and Berry let Minuette’s body drop to the floor and bounced off after Moondancer, intending to give her her first feeding. Twilight left them to it, but was starting to think Moondancer might be a keeper. > 18. A Special Confession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stood at the door to Applejack’s house in her foal form Suckmint, Ginger next to her as they offered their cookies. Applejack had just opened the door, so Twilight got to admire the partial changes. Much of her fur had fallen out, chitin slowly spreading over her flesh, though her internals weren’t yet seriously altered. The pony didn’t seem to have noticed due to Applebloom’s influence and Chrysalis’s mental prodding, but Ginger certainly did. “W-what happened to you Miss Applejack?” Ginger asked, eyes wide. “Were you in an accident?” “Shh, Ginger,” Suckmint twacked her on the head with a hoof and Ginger squealed. “You shouldn’t make fun of ponies just cause yer jealous of how sexy they’re becoming!” “What?” Applejack didn’t seem to understand, tilting her head. She also had other things on her mind, actively salivating as she looked down at the fillies. But damn it she couldn’t see their tight little pussies from here! “I’m sorry!?” Ginger squeaked and covered her head.  “Ignore her, she’s a little bitch,” Suckmint said. “You gonna buy some cookies or what, slut?” “Wow yer… well-adjusted,” Applejack decided. “It’s cause I was raped the moment I was born,” lied Suckmint. She only wished.  “Oh really?” Applejack nodded. “Well that’s nice… ya know in hindsight, I’d probably be a lot more well adjusted if ah was raped as soon as ah was born instead of later on, mayhaps impregnated too. It’d really set me up to do tha right thing fer the glory of the pony hive.” “Uh…” Ginger seemed unsure of the conversation for some reason. She was probably just stupid. “Don’t mind this retarded cunt,” Suckmint assured Applejack, then added. “She’s never had sex… not even once, so it’s made her a bit slow.” “W-why are you being mean all the sudden?” Ginger started to tear up. “Yeah, that makes sense,” Applejack nodded. “A-anyway,” Ginger continued to sniffle, but decided to move on to get away from the weird pony that thought this made sense. “So uh… the Filly Guides have had some trouble recently, cause a lot of our members went missing over the last few months, and then there’s the half-dozen that suddenly decided to um… kill one of our guide leaders and then flee. Bottom line is, we’re pretty desperate for money, so please buy some cookies.” “The leader that died was raped to death,” expounded Suckmint. “What a way to go, right? He was raped by fillies until he died from dehydration! I can’t believe they didn’t put ‘Worth it!’ on his tombstone!” “Wow,” agreed Applejack. “Ah guess kids these days do know how ta work hard after all.” “Y-you know what?” Ginger decided. “I… have a stomach ache, I think I should go home and…” “Ah’ll buy all yer cookies!” Applejack said. “And yer next two shipments.” “R-really?!” Ginger’s eyes lit up as if forgetting about how normal everyone was being. “Wow we’d get SO many ribbons for that!” “Ribbons are stupid,” Suckmint rolled her eyes. “I blew like 50 stallions in the market only to find out they don’t have a ribbon for that!” She definitely needed to re-organize the guides when I could. “Aw that’s a shame…” Applejack nodded. That was hot, though she was more interested in the clueless one that’d never had sex. “Anyway, ah might buy em all. It’s just you’ll uh… have ta help me with some stuff first, if that’s okay.” Well this was going well. Applebloom had done her job splendidly. Twilight hadn’t even prodded Applejack’s mind yet and she had already decided to invite the two blank-flanks in to rape them silly. It was really heart-warming to see such a wicked pony being reformed. “Uh, should we?” Ginger whispered to Suckmint. “You’re being mean, but she seems creepy like she might not let us leave.” “Nah, it’ll be fine,” Suckmint assured her. “Don’t make me go back and tell the new guide leader that you passed up on this. I hear they take away ALL your ribbons for that.” “NOT MY RIBBONS!” Ginger panicked and scrambled after Applejack. There were some things that were worth the possibility of a brutal death, and AJ had to admit it was heartwarming to see her want to please her hive, even if it was an inferior one.. Applejack wasn’t sure where to lead them at first, then trotted to the apple cellar door. Opening it up, she smiled at them as she allowed them to go in first, then slipped in behind them and locked the door.  As she headed down with them, Applejack noticed a few alterations to the apple cellar. Namely, several shelves had been emptied of apples and replaced with piles of sticky green slime, similar to what Applebloom had made for her breakfast. It smelled delicious, way better than apples. In fact, the apples still in the cellar stank, maybe they had gone bad. She also whiffed a faint scent of filly cum, and supposed Applebloom had fucked her friends down here too. “A-are we gonna clean up that slime?” Ginger asked quietly, looking around and trying to figure out what AJ needed help with. “That slime?” Applejack blinked. “Why would we clean up that? Nah, ah got some other slime fer ya to clean up, with yer tongue if ya don’t mind.” “W-what?” Ginger stammered stupidly as Applejack flopped onto her back and rolled over, spreading her hind legs towards the fillies. “It’s an uh… magical ailment where ah won’t stop producing slime,” explained Applejack. “Until a filly licks me. Yeah, that’s it.” “O-oh… okay.” Ginger gulped but nodded, slowly inching forward. As the fillies approached, Applejack pondered what she should do about Suckmint. While she was more well adjusted, she was also a crazy hornhead and might cause more trouble than the earth pony. Maybe Applejack should kill her quick-like before the little unicorn got a craving for grinded earth pony hooves. But it turned out to be unnecessary. The other filly first grabbed Ginger on the back of the head with her magic, shoving her face more quickly against Applejack’s slit, causing the mare to shiver at the feeling of blank-flank breath against her. Still holding the squirming Ginger with her magic, Suckmint walked up onto Applejack’s chest like she already owned it, turning her bottom around and seating it on Applejack’s face. “Oh no, this is so damaging to my inferior pony brain!’ Suckmint gave a token effort not to consent. A very token effort, but Applejack appreciated the effort nonetheless.  “Mmmph!” Ginger gagged as if Applejack’s pussy was the worst thing she ever tasted, which was annoying. Applejack wrapped her hind-legs around Ginger’s head to hold her closer, shivering at the foal’s sputtering against her pussy and slowly grinding her hips against her face. It felt amazing, and AJ started to wonder why she hadn’t started molesting fillies earlier. Despite Suckmint’s wriggling, her hip motions against Applejack’s face were expert, probably even better than Applejack’s when she rode her brother’s dick, though to be fair AJ hadn’t had much practice since her brother usually came instantly and then passed out. Applejack slurped at Suckmint’s tiny slit, forcing her tongue between her lips and dragging it around the deliciously underage flesh within. She held Ginger’s head with one hind leg, but gripped tighter until the choking filly’s muzzle popped into her slimy reaches. Ginger’s attempts to breath felt even better inside her, making her shiver as she continued to thrust her ups and later up the foal’s face with her pussy juices. Her other hind hoof reached down, sliding up between Ginger’s hind legs and rubbing at her thighs. Appallingly, she found the young cunt completely dry, clearly damaged by years of not being abused. As AJ’s rough hoof rubbed against her, the filly began to cry outright; it was such a beautiful sound. Applejack grasped Suckmint’s hindquarters in her front hooves, pulling her close as well. It was a lot more difficult to push a mare’s muzzle into a tight filly hole, but AJ was determined to make it work. As she forced it inside, she felt a light snap as Suckmint’s pelvis seemed to crack, though the filly only responded with a heated moan as her hole convulsed around Applejack’s muzzle and flooded her muzzle. The filly’s femcum was unusually thick, so Applejack forced her muzzle open wider, stretching out Suckmint more as she slurped the slimy contents of her womb into her throat and swallowed it down.  “Yer really a lot better at this than her,” Applejack said, her voice muffled beyond understanding but somehow Suckmint got the idea. “It’s cause I’ve been raped every day since before I was born!” lied Suckmint. “When I was still a fetus, my mom would go to the local bar and ride a fuck train, and some of them went deep enough to fuck my little fetus cunt! Mom said she could feel me kicking around inside of her in agony!” “Aw, that’s heart-warming,” Applejack purred into Suckmint’s hole and slurped in another chunk of the slime. But as she thought about it, she realized it was more than heart-warming. It was proof that the feelings she’d been feeling lately were right! “Ah guess that proves it, fuckin’ a newborn is tha best thing to do to keep them from bein’ too affected by the inevitable rapes later in life. If ah was raped as soon as ah was squished out of that whore’s cunt, what came later woulda barely even affected me!” Applejack got more excited the more she talked about it, pulling Ginger’s face closer until she couldn’t breath. She shivered at the suction of the futile attempts against her inner flesh and clenched harder, drowning her in the juices, looking down at glee as her little face turned bluer. Ginger’s stupid parents would probably be mad at this, so AJ figured she may as well just kill the slut now. Then instead of getting in trouble, she’d have a nice little toy to play with that wouldn’t go tell on her. Ginger’s eyes looked up at Applejack, no doubt stinging from the fluid splattering in them, sobbing desperately as she tried to pull back. “Yer gonna die little slut,” Applejack grinned down at her, then concentrated on slurping at Suckmint again. She opened her muzzle wide, the filly hole stretching surprisingly wide for her as she let another green chunk fall free. She wasn’t sure why a filly even had delicious green chunks in her pussy, but who was AJ to complain about free food? “No, don’t kill her,” Suckmint purred down at her. “No one will look for her here anyway. I told her I’d tell the guide leader where we were going, but I actually told them we were going to a back alley to whore all our underage holes. Then I broke his leg and ran before he could catch me! Anyway, they’ll just assume we were murdered there and not come out here looking for us, so you can just keep her as a egg-sack slave.” “Wow, ya did that fer me?” Applejack was truly touched. “Mah own little filly sex slave… with a filly guide uniform and all! This’ll be the life.” She let Ginger back out enough to breath, but also kicked her in the face, making the little one squeak and closer her eye as it swelled from the impact. “Shut up ya thankless bitch, ah just said ah’d let ya live, didn’t ah? Ah sware kids these days.” “Kids these days is what you love the most,” purred Suckmint. “Admit it, you’re a first class filly-fooling dyke and always have been. No need to deny it anymore. Between us, your hot sister and her friends, and all the newborn spawn you’ll be fucking, you’ll have a constant supply of young pussy to play with.” “Ah am ain’t ah,” Applejack finally confessed. “That sounds wonderful… raping foals, newborns, even fetuses maybe… wow… thanks fer um…” “Reforming you?” Suckimint smiled, proud of her good deed. “Yeah, that’s it,” Applejack nodded. As they spoke, Applejack continued grinding her hips against the sobbing filly between her thighs, popping her muzzle inside her to make her suffer to near passing out before pushing her out to let her take a few desperate breaths. She rolled her tongue around Suckmint’s passage at the same time, bathing in the attention of two hot underage bodies as she finally came to terms with what she was.  As she did, her body continued to transform from the new feed that Suckmint provided, and AJ felt her body changing. She fully realized it wasn’t part of being a pony, but now it was what she wanted instead of something she had to deny. As the solid chitin hardened beneath her flesh, Applejack scraped her hooves over her body to tear off the old worthless pony flesh, flinging it at Ginger and chuckling at the little one’s squeals of horror. The last of her mane and tail came free, replaced by gleaming frill of a similar color. Her belly opened up just above where Ginger was being pushed in and out, an ovipositor sprouting like a new crop, greeted by Applejack’s hoof as she immediately pushed it through one of the holes that had formed in her foreleg, stroking the new sensitive flesh. She arched her back, moaning as she creamed herself, as much from the transformation as from the gasping foal being muzzle-fucked into her greasy pussy, washing Ginger’s bruised face in thick goo that clung to her and burned. For a moment she had a splitting headache, then realized that her skull was cracking apart, oil-like green blood pouring down her face as a horn emerged there. The pain was excruciating, but somehow incredibly arousing at the same time. Applejack moaned and reached for a nearby wrench, bashing her jagged horn as it sprouted to magnify the pain. She had so much fun doing so that she barely even noticed the stumps on her back sprouting into full insect-like wings behind her, a color and pattern on them that looked appropriately similar to a rotten apple core. The fear and distress of the mud pony sped her transformation along. Applejack no longer cared why she could feel such a thing, only that it felt nourishing and arousing. The more horror that Ginger felt, the more she wanted to abuse her to extract even more. And raping her repeatedly wasn’t enough. Applejack wanted to use her for the glory of the Hive, to implant her with eggs with her new ovipositor, to watch her suffer as she bloated up and then burst from eggs. But she definitely needed to keep the filly guide uniform on; that was hot. Then it finally occurred to her what all these thoughts meant. She was a changeling? How had she not noticed she was becoming a changeling? “Because you were a stupid mud pony before,” explained the motherly voice in her head. “Inferior even by pony standards, but now you’re not.” That made sense. Though something else had changed. She realized that the filly atop her face had become larger, and she looked up to see her old friend Twilight sitting above her instead. Granted, it was a superior Twilight, obviously no longer a stupid rape-less pony as she had been before. Twilight grinned down at her with a toothy grin, her fangs glistening and continuing to roll her hips against Applejack’s muzzle. “Good girl,” Twilight purred. “You’ve come to realize, haven’t you? And now that you’re fully reformed and enlightened, we have two Elements under our belt and the subjugation and literal rape of Equestria draws ever closer, not to mention the destruction of your worthless family among them.” “Yes!” Applejack felt her pussy churn as she came again on the gurgling, sobbing brat between her thighs. She grabbed Ginger’s head, yanking it free of her pussy and slamming it down on her newly formed ovipositor instead. As Ginger began to choke even more fiercely, Applejack groaned at the young throat clenching around her pole.  “And I’ll make a better mother for you than that stupid slut you had before,” Twilight assured her. “Imagine being such a loser that just a few timberwolves can fuck you to death! Yet I can survive being gang-fucked by 100 flesh-hungry timberwolves; I checked. So can your little sister now that I’ve converted her. All you have to do is betray your old family to us, ensuring their torturous deaths or worse torturous eternities, and I’ll make you whole.” “What a deal!” panted Applejack. “So any foal ah want?” “Of course, we don’t have uncivilized concepts like ‘minimum age’,” assured Twilight further. “You can fuck them newborn or rip a fetus out of a pony and rape it raw. If your cock can fit in it, it’s allowable to fuck. Even my mother, the queen and your grandmother now, let’s her subjects plow all her holes, not like those dry-cunts Equestria has in charge.” “Time ta get started!” Applejack, ripped Ginger off of her shaft again, pulling the squirming foal up onto her to forcibly straddle her. She grinned at the terrified filly as she squealed, holding her up and then pushing her now-fully formed ovipositor against her tiny passage. Twilight indulged in Applejack’s first proper rape of a filly to help her out. She stood from Applejack’s face and grinned as she moved around behind Ginger, pressing the foal between them so they could feel her short panicked breaths and the rapid thumping of her tiny heart. She nestled her own tip against Ginger’s asshole and then licked the back of her head, wrapping her tongue around to boop her nose. “Do you know what’s going to happen now, little slut?” Twilight whispered. “Please don’t,” sobbed Ginger.  “Let’s go in together,” panted Applejack. “I want this little body ruined beyond repair on the first stroke. Even if she lives, ah want her to never be able to enjoy sex!” “Oh trust me, I won’t let her die OR ever enjoy sex,” Twilight grinned down. "It's a scientific fact that tortured egg sacks produce better offspring. Probably." Actually checking on that would require not torturing a few egg sacks though, and that would be taking science too far. “Serves her right fer not getting raped earlier, selfish bitch!” Applejack snarled, finally understanding the basics of what a truly loving family should be like. “That’s it!” Twilight praised Applejack for being promoted from retard pony to completely civilized changeling. “Humiliation and suffering is all that ponykind is good for! ESPECIALLY the foals!” “What the FUUUUCK!?” shrieked Ginger at having to hear them, obviously not able to comprehend the magnificence of their enlightenment, too selfish not to beg them to tear her apart physically and psychologically. Ginger’s body tensed delightfully as she felt the spiny rods push up from beneath her. Her tight holes would have been difficult to get in, but Twilight made sure to pull them open with her magic, not wanting to delay Applejack’s first feel of foal pussy around her shaft. The spiny tentacles ripped up through her, tearing through her hymen, slicing into the sweet walls of her vagina and sensitive rectum, making the filly gag from the sheer magnitude of sudden pain. “Oh mah gah!” Applejack moaned and arched her back, body convulsing at her first feel of foal pussy clenched around her. “This is amazin’ Twilight! Why have ah not been rapin’ foals this whole time? Ah wish ah could go back in time to murder those dumb hick fucks that taught me rape was wrong!” “You might be surprised at how possible that is!” Twilight said. “After all, soon you’ll be able to transform into anything you want, including timberwolves!”  Applejack tried to respond again, but was too lost in the pleasure. Twilight leaned over the screaming foal’s shoulder, kissing Applejack deeply as they rotated their hips, one and then the other gouging out their hole of choice as the filly poured blood down their shafts and thighs. Pinned between them, they got to feel Ginger’s fragile body bloat with the size of their cocks, then moved to push in at the same time to feel her body bulge even more grotesquely. The whimpering child was packed so tightly with cock that the sharp barbs her poking through her flesh when they came to rest each stroke. “M-maybe ah should be careful,” Applejack worried. “What if we kill her and her suffering ends?” “Oh that’s no problem!” Twilight assured. “I can keep a pony alive under virtually any torment, so I’ll keep her feeling torment and have her ready to fill full of eggs when you’re ready!” “Wow, look who finally got a brain!” Applebloom’s voice came from the door as she came inside, effortlessly snapping off the locked doorknob to do so. She waited until her two friends staggered down the stairs before closing it and repairing it with her magic. “Applebloom, ah’m gonna fuck ya so hard ya vomit mah cock!” Applejack shrieked. “But… gotta rape this filly first… no offense but ah thank unwilling pussy is more fun.” “Aw, that’s so nice sis…” Applebloom teared up. “And ya better believe it is!” “Have you done well, my child and grandchildren?” Twilight purred, licking tears off of Ginger’s shocked wide-opened eyes. “I fucked every animal with a cock on the farm!” panted Scootaloo. She was covered in cum, pouring from every hole; it was hard to even tell her fur color or how partially-converted she might be.  “And I got shit on by every single animal on the farm!” Sweetie bragged, as caked in shit and piss as Scootaloo was caked in cum. “That’s better than just the half with dicks, right Mommy?” “Now, now,” Applebloom admonished her. “Ah love ya both in yer own special way… all the same though, yer not really worthy of full conversions yet, so we’ll keep doing what yer doing fer a while. Ah wanna see what happens.” “That’s the spirit!” Twilight encouraged, recognizing the light of scientific inquiry growing within Applebloom, but jested. “You’re too generous for not just snuffing those two. Fuck… gonna cum in this slut…” “Mah first load in filly cunt,” drooled Applejack, then waved a hoof weakly at Applebloom. “Oh hay sis. You and yer friends can have a go at this meat when we’re done.” “Then I’lll… fertilize your hot cunt so you can implant eggs, Applejack,” Twilight groaned. Twilight was unbearably aroused at finally starting what she’d been waiting on: the corruption of her Element friends into something more, and this was only the beginning. She and Applejack rammed their shafts once more into little Ginger’s distended body, the dragging nails of their shafts breaking apart her insides so that their shafts pushed together inside her. As they both blasted their loads of spunk, they intertwined together, the dicks impaling each other on their spikes so that more cum drooled out the bloody holes.  “Can’t… wait…” Applejack leaned forward to kiss Twilight deeply as they both surged in Ginger to overflow her. The foal convulsed, vomiting bloody seed as the two moved to kiss her as well. As they pulled back, their cocks were still intertwined, so it ripped apart the flesh that had been between the fillies two holes before, leaving one gaping gory gash. As they expelled their load, Sweet and Scootaloo came up behind Applejack. Their own little bodies were losing some fur, their eyes shifting to solid colors, but they were still mostly unconverted. Still they were eager though, pulling off the rest of the rotted pony flesh from Applejack’s body to fully reveal her sleek new changeling form. As Applejack’s transformation completed, Twilight felt an interesting shift in the hive mind and a surge in her power, as if another Element fully connecting had given them more power than before. Applebloom felt it as well, and Twilight wondered if the same thing happened when she herself was connected. She also wondered how much power they’d gain from the others, and was more eager than ever to move their plan forward. Eager to be seeded by Twilight so that she could torment Ginger in even more grotesque ways, Applejack grabbed the filly by the head and threw her over her shoulder to let her flop onto the floor, where she thrashed and squealed in desperation as Twilight used magic to knit her body back together enough to not die. She kept the gaping hole in her posterior of course, because it looked quite sexy. The three crusaders were on Ginger like a pack of rabid timberwolves on the Apple parents. She squealed as Applebloom pinned her hard on her back, her ovipositor flopping out onto the younger foal’s belly, the prehensile length writhing against her like a snake as it sought out her gaping fuck hole. Sweetie was beneath her, pushing her muzzle into the same hole as she wriggled her tongue around to find what was left of Ginger’s rectum, and Scootaloo helped pin her down by sitting on her face facing Applebloom. “Why are you doing this?!” cried Ginger stupidly, sputtering against Scootaloo’s slit. “At least let me rest!”  “It’s for your own good!” Scootaloo dutifully explained, but Ginger just whimpered, too deficient to comprehend. She unclenched her cunny and tailhole, letting the thick mixture of animal seed flow from each like faucet, giggling as Ginger gargled and then gagged on the sticky mixture. Ginger was even more horrified though when Scootaloo’s pussy opened up and dug into her face with spiney fangs and a thin needle-like protrusion pushed into her muzzle and writhed around as if searching for something. “You dun get ta rest!” Applebloom helpfully advised her, showing the filly far more kindness than was necessary by explaining things further. “Not every agin! This is yer life now, torment and rape and nothin’ else, like it should be fer all ponies!” “Fuck you Twilight, you destroyed her rectum and now I can’t… oh there it is!” Sweetie screeched, more interested in that than anything else. She slurped on the loose strand of intestinal tract she found, her strangely lengthened tongue pushing up into it to fish for more of what she wanted. As soon as she did so, Ginger’s body convulsed and emptied itself, everything from her stomach to the loose strand pushing through at once and giving Sweetie all the gooey goodness that she wanted.  “Later,” groaned Twilight in response to Sweetie, then turned her attention to Applejack, though she turned so she could watch the cute little fillies in their rapey playtime as well. “Gimme that mare cock,” Applejack shuddered as they embraced one another. “Ah can’t think of a more dyke thang to do than getting impregnated by another mare.” “And then using that to impregnate a filly,” added Twilight.  “Buck yeah!” Applejack moaned. Applejack turned up her bottom, splaying out her hind legs as her newly transformed changeling puss pulsated visibly for Twilight. Twilight purred, pushing inside, the needles of her cock dragging through the forest of needles along Applejack’s passage as they came together, heat building between them.  As her body was invaded and the hive buzzed with joy at her addition, Applejack knew this was her destiny. Why work hard for a pony town that barely gave her any thanks in return? The whole Apple family worked hard, yet they were still poor, while bitch whores like Rarity somehow made more money than them selling clothes in a nudist society. But now, Applejack had the Hive to work hard for, where her struggle would be constantly rewarded in the form of screaming victims and all the pussy she could fuck. Even the grubs she cared for would be another source of free underaged hole; it would be glorious. Twilight couldn’t have taken it slow if she wanted, pounding their bodies together so powerfully that blood-tinged bug juice splattered all over the room, splashing the writhing bodies of the foals nearby in the process.  “Tell Applejack about the gifts you gave your friends,” Twilight moaned over to Applebloom. “Yeah sure Mama,” Applebloom answered dreaming as she pounded Ginger’s bleeding hole, dragging her spiny length against Sweetie’s muzzle in the process, though the other foal didn’t seem to mind getting her face sliced up as she dove for foal shit. “First Sweetie’s tongue is as long as our natural tongue… but contains a poison that makes her victims shit and piss themselves to dehydration!” “Oh that’s what happened,” Sweetie’s bubbly words were barely comprehensible as she slurped up the mess like a little vacuum. Ginger’s body was emancipated from having crapped herself so hard, and her bladder, misaligned from the brutal damage inside her, literally exploded like a water balloon over Sweetie’s face. Sweetie rolled her eyes back and came herself hard from the sudden realization that she could do similar to anyone she wanted. “There’s thar is Scoot,” Applebloom continued. “Her clawgina has a little probe and any guy that fucks her will get his cock rammed up the urethra and injected with one of the eggs that I loaded her with. It’ll crawl all the way up through his body and into his brain before turning him into a feral slowly over the next few weeks.” That was sure to be hilarious, since few of the victims would admit they fucked a filly slut and the ones that did wouldn’t connect the two, so the hospital would have no idea why it was happening so much in Ponyville. “Is that why that feels so weird!” Scootaloo drooled as she rolled her hips against Ginger’s face, the clawgina clamped over her muzzle as the little probe fished around inside her not finding what it wanted to. “I can literally fuck stallions’ brains out! This is so awesome!” It was unlikely she understood what would happen to said stallions, but it wasn't like she needed to. “What… wonderful gifts ta give yer friends,” Applejack panted. “To think all this time that tha subjugation and rape of ponykind was true friendship!” “That’s it, daughter,” Twilight moaned. "We’ll work hard for our Queen and help those poor ponies finally become useful for the hive by making them suffer." “Seed me Mommy, like mah old Mommy wouldn’t!” Applejack begged. Twilight gladly gave her what she wanted, their bodies colliding with several more thrusts so intense that they sent shockwaves through the basement floor. Ovipositor swelling deliciously, Twilight pushed a load of thick sperm into Applejack’s nethers for her to produce eggs. Applejack arched her back, shivering at the pure bliss that flowed through her, even more than when her brother had fucked her, and she knew it would only get better. Applejack’s womb distended as well, ballooning up from the sheer volume of seed, body sloshing about beneath Twilight and rippling as Twilight continued to pound into her. Clenching her pussy tightly, Applejack didn’t let any of it escape, wanting to use every drop to torment the sexy filly currently being used by her sister and friends. Ginger was beyond broken, not making a sound as she lay limply and let her body shift about beneath the undulating bodies of the friends that had rightly betrayed her. She opened her muzzle as wide as she could with the claw clenching it as Scootaloo came, pouring more viscous slime into her muzzle, but refusing to swallow it, hoping that she would choke to death before they could use her more. It was pointless though, Scootaloo’s cunt-stinger sloshing it around and clearing an air passage to keep her alive. Sweetie suckled at the shitty gore inside her long after Ginger was empty of anything to offer, but at least her body didn’t stay emancipated as Applebloom went off once more. Thick changeling jizz flowed up through her, the sticky acidic substance burning at her insides and gelling up to inflate her body slightly again, giving her back her sexy filly figure, even if it would soon be destroyed again.  Applebloom was careful that it wasn’t a fertile mixture of course, not wanting to taint the holy combination of two Element genes once Ginger was implanted by Applejack. She couldn’t wait to see it, happy that at least one member of her family was free of pony oppression. “That’s it, you’re ready,” panted Twilight, finally withdrawing from Applejack, the mare clenching so as to not lose any of Twilight’s seed in the process, her body visibly undulating as it churned at the thick grub juice, fertilizing Applejack’s new eggs for implantation. “Good, bring that hot little blank-flank over,” Applejack purred, fully given over to her righteous desires. > 19. A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Twilight, this was all even more than just pulling the next Element into the fold. Ginger would be the first egg sack for a second hive that she planned to build under Sweet Apple Acres, the first of many across Equestria. After all, traveling all the way to the badlands and back was a pain even if teleportation was used, and it’d be more efficient to have changelings easily available in every city any time a pony needed to be tortured or raped, which was always of course, for the good of Equestria! “Your first egg sack,” purred Twilight as she licked up Applejack’s face, dragging Ginger’s limp shivering body towards them as the little one cried quietly in her intense agony. Twilight looked down at the foal. “What a stupid creature. Don’t you understand that you haven’t experienced even a fraction of the agony that you are capable of? Don’t worry though, you’ll soon be enlightened, our fresh little rape meat.” “W-why…” was all Ginger could utter before vomiting on the floor, leaving a trail of bloody sick as she was hooved over to Applejack’s eager shivering grasp. Applejack’s quivering hooves took the gift, eyes wide with desire as she took in the foal’s terror at looking upon her. She didn’t want to disappoint the little one’s anticipation of the torture that would follow, and was determined to work hard to exceed her expectations. “So, uh, ah still outrank her right?” Applebloom asked. “Bein’ royal and all.” She sat with her friends still, Scootaloo having started to go down on her ovipositor as Sweetie ate out her tailhole from behind. “Of course, you’re royalty,” Twilight smiled at her. “But don’t forget that every drone is important. Even those that die before hatching are important sources of pleasure and nourishment.” “Ah dun care what rank ah am,” Applejack panted as she ran her long tongue over Ginger’s body, feeling it writhe weakly against her. “As long as ah’m workin’ hard fer the good of the Hive.” “Unlike with stupid ponies,” Twilight nodded. “Changelings all accept their position and savor it. They all work hard, even if it’s to work hard pleasuring another changeling with their death… though that won’t be either of you, yet at least. Applejack, you have a LOT of foals and grubs to fuck before we even consider that.” Applejack nodded dreamily, staring into Ginger’s eyes and slowly licking her face as she lowered the little one down to her ovipositor. She was more and more able to absorb the emotions, and savored them all the more as they grew more intense. She moaned at the fear spike as her ovipositor touched against the filly’s behind. She never imagined she’d be doing this to a filly for the crimes of trying to sell her bad cookies and not being raped enough as a baby, but now wondered why she hadn’t. “What’re we gonna do with those cookies anyway?” Applebloom asked, overhearing Applejack’s thoughts now that she was hive-minded with them. “Feed them to the pigs to be turned into pig shit!” Sweetie suggested. That seemed reasonable, though Twilight was slightly worried that Sweetie seemed to like all shit instead of having an overwhelming preference for changeling slime. She supposed it was part of Bloom's experiment though, so she'd let it go. “Why is no one cumming in me?!” screeched Scootaloo, eyes wide and whole body shaking like an epileptic leaf in a forest fire. It was the most adorable fit of withdrawal that they'd ever seen. Twilight went over to pay the cute little addicts attention, leaving Applejack to create her special first egg sack on her own. Applejack punctured the little one's gaping hole, using her new telekinesis to pull the gory passage tight around her ovipositor, relaxing at the feeling of a warm victim on her shaft again.  “That’s it, we’ll take it slow sugar cube,” Applejack encouraged Ginger. “Ah promise it’ll be even more terrifying and painful than ya think.” “But why…” Ginger cried once again. “Cause yer sexy little unused pussy was offensive,” Applejack explained again. “This is all yer fault ya know, not that ah ain’t thankful for the opportunity.” Applejack kissed Ginger deeply, forcing her long tongue into her throat to choke her, the foal only able to stare up at her tormentor as AJ moved her up and down on the shaft like the fleshlight she now was. She felt her spines drag around the insides, slicing them apart more and more. Using her magic, she tugged down what remained of the filly’s immature womb down, pulling it over her shaft like a condom to push up into it, ready to inject the first eggs of Ginger’s long tormented existence.  “I’m so glad I figured out how to make egg sacks immortal,” Twilight sighed, admiring her own gift of suffering to all their victims. “It gives them so much more to look forward to. My brother would be long-dead by now without that instead of being the most-used egg sack back at the Hive.” She giggled. "He's become such an egg slut, yet somehow still isn't used to it." Twilight pulled Scootaloo, who was now sobbing herself in despair of not having a cock in her for several whole minutes, over to her. She extended her ovipositor, branching it out into waving, throbbing tentacles, and Scootaloo’s weeping morphed into moaning the moment she felt the slimy protrusions slide around her torso. More branched out still, another three wrapping themselves around Sweetie’s torso, though the filly was too busy sucking up the layer of slime on the floor to notice. Applebloom climbed up onto her mommy as she watched her sister instead, but grinded her rump on the writing tentacles, so Twilight pushed out another two which penetrated into Applebloom’s rear passages. The filly sighed contentedly, sharing a passionate kiss with Twilight as she simply relaxed and enjoyed the missed presence of the one that created her new wonderful life. “So Shinin’ is at tha Hive…” Applejack noted as she received more information. “And that slut Cadance… always wanted ta fuck both of them, but I’ll probably go over when Shining is about to hatch a load so ah kin fuck them too… oh and they have a daughter now, and she’s a little rape monster! Oh ah’m DEFINITELY gonna nail her cute little puss.” It was good to see her planning sexy deeds for her long future with them. She sighed. "Family sure is important; ah can't wait to reduce some of mah old family to egg sacks so ah kin feel the same as you." But for the present, she was dutifully concentrating on her task. Ginger’s body bulged out as her womb was stuff, the long ovipositor pushing up through it to press against the back. Applejack panted as her thrusting became shorter but far heavier, the foal’s pelvis cracking slightly from the heavy impacts as Applejack lapped the tears from her face and forced her into another kiss, soaking up her delicious emotions while injecting her with magical energy to make sure she stayed fully aware and in pain. She was catching on so fast. The first egg churned through her shaft, grown so large that it could be seen sliding through her, followed by another and another. Ginger panicked more as she felt them swell out her little tush, having some small understanding of what was happening at least. She shook her head pleadingly, trying to speak again but only choking on Applejack’s sticky tongue instead. All she could do was weep now at her delicious fate as the first eggs pushed free from Applejack’s tip and began slowly filling up her womb. As the mutagen from Applejack’s stinging cock affected her, Ginger’s chest heaved, vomiting up a chunk of raw gore as her body began to expel the organs that it would no longer need, and that was most of them. Applejack moaned and tore into the flesh as it emerged, eating it open mouthed in front of her to make sure that she got to see every piece. When Ginger tried to close her eyes, Applejack growled, dragging her teeth over her face and slicing carefully through the eyelids so that she wouldn't have to miss seeing anything. She was determined to drag every ounce of torture she could out of this tiny little soul; nothing but the best would do for her new family, which Ginger was now going to be a part of. This load of eggs were the first to be implanted here, the first batch of sexy changelings to replace her dumb hick family on the farm, and she wanted to make sure it was done right. How could she forgive herself if Ginger didn’t get the full experience? Twilight watched Applejack enjoy herself as she continued to keep the more intelligent foals company. Scootaloo and Sweetie were both raised off the floor, bodies undulating between thrusting tentacles as they were tossed about. Scootaloo just enjoyed being penetrated from all sides, but Sweetie started to whine a bit, so Twilight carefully formed the tentacle into her mouth to have an orifice, squeezing rich green changeling scat up through its length. Sweetie squealed with excitement when she felt it surging upwards towards her and began nursing happily. Applebloom continued to ride Twilight, hips rolling together as they enjoyed one another’s bodies, but their attention was focused on Applejack and Ginger. Wanting to comfort Ginger and help her adjust to her new life, Twilight tweaked at her tiny clit with her magic, driving a stinging agony down inside her like a long needle up through her urinary tract. Ginger convulsed, vomiting violently in a fashion as the forced orgasm rocked her body, the first she’d ever had. Her weak sobbing became a loud bellow at the renewed pain, becoming a convulsing tunnel of pleasure for Applejack. It wasn’t long before Applejack had packed the womb full to capacity. She could keep pushing until it burst, but it seemed kinder to ease their new egg sack into it by filling every organ separately, thereby giving her more of the rape that she’d been so cruelly deprived of. Applejack yanked back from her womb, sealing it shut with a splurt of slime, then fished around in her torn gut before finding her intestines. Snaking her ovipositor into there, Applejack held the flesh around her dick using her telekinesis and began thrusting again, pushing out the eggs already stretching her shaft out and fucking them deeper into the lower digestive tract. Ginger’s body was already bloating, looking down in fresh horror at her distending belly, the lumps of eggs visible as a shivering little hoof felt over it, unable to comprehend how this was happening to her. “Don’t worry, little one,” Twilight comforted. “It won’t kill you or anything, so you’ll get plenty of more opportunities to suffer through this state again and again. And from my experiments, you won’t ever get used to it. Quite the opposite in fact; it will be worse agony every time! Doesn’t that sound fun?” “Lucky little slut,” Applebloom grunted. “We’ll never feel as much torment as her; ah envy her.” “Hear that, sugar cube?” Applejack licked her face as she continued to messily expel eggs into her gaping posterior. “This is such an honor for weak pony flesh like you. Not every pony is gonna get ta suffer an eternity of this!” “... hate you…all...” Ginger sobbed before going into another fit of gags. Applejack was taken aback at the thanklessness of her victim, but she couldn’t let the wicked little pony get to her.  All she could do was make sure she understood by giving her more of the beautiful gift, no matter how much the monster declined it. She renewed her efforts as the child’s body swelled further, pumping in a few more eggs before withdrawing again. She spurted out thick green spunk to seal around her posterior, leaving several tight orifices for the egg sack care-givers to give her more love. Perhaps eventually she’d realize that they did this for her own good and that constant rape and agony were the only way for a pony to be truly happy. She ripped the shaft free again, turning Ginger around to her thankless little muzzle that had so cruelly tried to bully Applejack into ceasing her righteous work of foal-rape. Ginger tried to move her head away, but she couldn’t escape the thick meat ramming down her tight throat, determined to give her this blessing whether she wanted it or not. Applejack picked up the whole bloated body, ramming her throat now, flesh rippling and round shape undulating within her filled body. She continued to expel the eggs, waves of pleasure sliding through her with each thrust as she unloaded the remaining new lives. She couldn’t wait for them to hatch so that she could show them her love to, and she’d work hard to make sure to fuck every single new grub at the secondary hive, stillborn included. She’d show how great of a friend she was! “EeeeeWHAT-THE-FUCK!” said a voice from the door. It was Big Mac’s, having come down to the basement to look for them. With his impressive strength, he hadn’t even noticed that the door was locked when he opened it. It made Twilight consider how strong he’d be as a changeling... “OH hay Mac!” Applejack waved, pushing the last few eggs into her victim, making sure not to be so thoughtless as to leave any out.  “Hay Mac!” Twilight said as well. “Come fuck some fillies with us!” She left out what was going to happen to him while fucking the fillies, there was no point in explaining true bliss to such a brainless creature anyway. “What theeeee…. Eeyuup.” Mac blinked and slowly came down the stairs. Well at least he was sane enough not to turn down some underage pussy, and it wasn't like the foal he saw them probably murdering in grotesque fashion was anypony he knew. “Ya know Mac,” said Applejack, sliding the limp but circular body of Ginger off her dick, letting her roll sloppily a few hoofsteps as she groaned out a few weak sobs. “It’s impressive how little stamina you have as strong as ya are. Ah think with a little extra effort… we could fix that.” “Wait…” Mac squinted at Applejack, as if just realizing that she and Twilight might look a bit different in the dark basement. “Did you lose weight, Applejack? Especially the legs… and Twilight… aren’t you dead? Ah don’t remember you having tentacles either.” Again, Twilight didn’t bother to explain. Why should she? He’d know everything after they were done with him and he was part of the hive mind. Instead, she relied on the one thing every adult pony should understand even if they don’t: sex with an underage relative. She pried Applebloom’s sticky body off her ovipositors, and threw her face-first at Big Mac. Applebloom clung to his face, screeching and sending the sputtering stallion back to slam into a wall behind him and slump to the floor as he struggled. He screamed in return when he felt her spiny changeling dick sliding against his neck, and Applebloom rolled her eyes back at the vibrations as they rolled through her body. She was finally getting to experience what she’d seen Flurry have so much fun with, tormenting her formerly useless family into submission for the Hive! And friendship probably! “Ah already tried out yer cock,” said Applebloom, even if he didn’t remember it. “And honestly it wasn’t that impressive, so ah’m just gonna ram mah stinger in yer head this time.” “I get his cock!” Scootaloo shrieked so loudly that she had a short gagging fit. While she couldn’t fly across the room as well as Applebloom, she could gallop headfirst into his groin, slamming into him harder than intended for an amusing grunt on his part. Sweetie was too busy giggling for a battle cry, but they knew what hers would have been anyway. She galloped over and yanked his leg out of the way, trying to get to his ass as Scootaloo was grinding her little twat all over his emerging shaft. Though still not changelings, they had certainly elevated themselves to a more civilized state at least, eager to help gangfuck a stallion into submission. For Applejack’s part, she wasn’t as enthused about him since she wasn’t pretending to prefer dirty cuntless stallions anymore, and she’d already had his large yet unimpressive cock in her plenty as well. She supposed she should just cling to the other side of his head. It was so cute when her hot little sister did it; too bad she wasn’t as small… Wait! She was a changeling now, so that wasn’t a problem! Concentrating, she shrunk herself down to Applebloom’s size, flying across the room towards their big brother’s cranium. As he shook his head violently to try and fling off the face hugger, AJ latched to the back of his skull instead. “This is perfect!” Twilight smiled. “This will be a great test of Scootaloo’s new ability too. Why don’t you both ram your stinger dick into his head and lay an egg in his brain? A bad lay like him doesn't deserve to be any higher than a feral changeling.” Twilight herself had been taught in more detail, as had Applebloom, but really laying an egg in someone’s brain was just a common sense task, so maybe actually explaining it was overkill and they could save time by just letting the changelings follow their instincts. It was worth a try at least! As for Twilight, she wasn’t going to be left out when there was a screaming stallion with a multitude of foals latched onto him. She shifted into a younger version of herself as well, or at least what her younger self would have looked like if she’d been fortunate enough to be raped into a changeling by her Mother earlier in life. Of course there was the issue that Mac had no fun bits not in use, and as a pony he was both unable to shift and too evil to want to please his rapists anyway. Twilight wouldn’t take ‘not enough holes’ for an answer though! Using an x-ray spell, Twilight watched his organs slosh around from his thrashing a bit before morphing one hoof into a spear and stabbing him in the gut, a precision strike to make a nice tight hole. She then shifted protrusions from the spear, twisting it around like a drill to wind up some of his intestines into a tight passage. Mac quickly went from anticipating foal pussy to confused thrashing at the sudden charge of tiny bodies, gagging at the twisting of his guts, selfishly wanting an easy, painless life more than he wanted to pleasure the Princess of the Hive. He tried to kick where he could, but all he could see was his little sister’s dick as it slid over his eyes, dragging her spines across them as he clenched them shut, blood oozing down his face. “Oh sis, ah’m so glad yer with us now!” Applebloom sighed as she deeply kissed Applejack over Mac’s head. As she did so, she drew her hips back, sharpening her shaft into a solid stinger, then slammed her hips violently forward, a burst of magic surging through her dick and cracking open his skull right between the eyes, eliciting a wonderful shriek. Applejack wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but she did as her sister was doing, wanting to catch up on proper changeling etiquette. Luckily changeling etiquette didn’t include galas or stupid dresses like ponies did. She drew her own hips back, carefully shaping her shaft into a stinger like Applebloom’s, stiffening it into steel, then ramming it into the back of her brother’s head. Her own power surprised her when his skull cracked on the first ram. A few more hammers of her hips split him wide open and she felt the gooey brainy center just beyond. She shivered as she pushed between the stringy lobes, then felt Applebloom’s own stinger as they met half-way through. Applebloom’s stinger hit hers head on, prying open the tight urethra and sending a shiver of magical energy up through her. Their hips slammed in repeatedly at the same time, colliding constantly in the middle. Each time, they’d have a brief jousting match where one of them would slide into the others stinger, stretching it out and eliciting moans from them over the gurgles of agony now coming from Big Mac. The fun continued on his hind-end as well. Scootaloo’s tight snatch still took a few moments to push over his erection since she lacked a changeling’s strength, but she was determined to get it inside. As it did, her body convulsed as she salivated and rolled her eyes back, the injection of a fat cock the only thing she now craved.  Mac got a bit more than that though as her pussy dug claws into him, grasping him solidly and tearing at his flesh slightly as she moved against him, but also injecting venom to keep him from bleeding enough to go soft. Her own tiny stinger rammed into his urethra from within her, and would have elicited another squeal if his brain wasn’t already overcome with the agony he felt. Now that Sweetie was aware of her power, she knew exactly what to do, cupping her muzzle over his anus and ramming her tongue inside. The prickly spines injected him with her venom, and he felt his body heave as his bowels ejected everything within them for her to savor. Determined to get it all, she clasped his behind in both forehooves and bit at his ass to try to keep any from escaping, gulping down chunks of increasingly less-digested food as it was expelled with a series of gassy noises. Twisted as they were, his body had to heave extra hard to squeeze his waste out through the intestines, but the poison did the trick. Twilight watched her family with pride as they used the stallion for their pleasure and productivity, and wasn’t about to be left out. She pushed into his gut wound, taking a moment to enjoy the slickness of his intestines around her. When his bowels evacuated they convulsed, bringing her another moan as she began thrusting. She felt Sweetie’s long tongue sliding up through the tightly twisted intestines, forcing its way as deeply as it could, intent on slurping out every last drop to feast on. “Yer doin’ great sis,” encouraged Applebloom between kisses with her sister. “Now… just a single egg.” Applebloom had used up all the eggs fertilized by Twilight, but that didn’t keep her from making and fertilizing one of her own. She looked down to smile at it as it bulged up the base of her stinger, crawling forward with tiny little claws scratching its way forward through the slimy exterior.  Applejack followed her sister’s shining example, every new step making her more certain of her choice to join the enlightened. The stretching of her dick shook her with new pleasure, the little clawing mass different than just spurting in solid eggs. She licked her lips, already imagining how it would tear apart her brother’s brain. Soon enough her brother would be a hunk that wouldn’t pass out after one quick bang, not to mention would be a herm like the rest of them, so she wouldn’t have to feel icky and straight after banging him in the future. Scootaloo squealed as her own body did much the same, using the sperm and mass that Applebloom had injected inside her earlier. She convulsed, clinging to Big Mac and unable to control her body movements as her own egg pushed rapidly up through the tiny stinger and made its way up through to Big Mac’s shaft as well. Mac could do nothing but let tears run down his bloody face as he stared in shock, unable to fathom what was happening or why. Twilight decided that Scootaloo’s process would take too long in this instance, so used her horn to give the little crawler strength. The writhing mass moved rapidly up through Mac’s shaft and into his urinary tract. Rather than carefully working its way into his gut so as to not cause too much damage as it normally would, it raced up through him, tearing apart his organs indiscriminately as it went. Sweetie grunted in frustration as a little shit-slop escaped around her lips, pushing it up with her hoof and trying to snort it instead in desperation to get every last bit inside her feces-hungry stomach. She gagged, her face turning blue from lack of air, but didn’t stop. All other priorities had been pushed far below her new programming to devour scat. Twilight blessed the eager Sweetie’s tongue as well, lengthening it with her magic far beyond what would normally be possibly for a partly morphed pony. It wound up through Mac’s entire system, rippling all the way through until it pushed up through his stomach even. Mac gagged in confusion as he felt something welling up from beneath, then looked down in cross-eyed confusion as a tongue that wasn’t his own emerged from his muzzle and whipped about, caked in his own bloody shit. “Shh, just let it happen,” Twilight patted Mac’s shivering cheek with a hoof as she continued to ram her pulsating shaft into his bleeding gut. “Just a little longer and you’ll welcome pain like this, life will be so much easier for you… not to mention your massive cock will be able to give us more than massive disappointment.” “Applejack… Applebloom…” Mac managed to speak as blood bubbled from his throat and Sweetie’s tongue whipped about, giving Applebloom’s balls a massage in front of his muzzle. “Ah’m gonna die… please stop…” “It ain’t like that big bro,” Applebloom comforted him. “Just the current you will die an agonizing death, the new you will live in a paradise where ya kin rape, snuff, and corpse-fuck all ya want! Just imagine you writhing in a pit of rotten foal and grub corpses with yer dick balls-deep in maggot-ridden underage flesh and you’ll feel way better!” Unfortunately her gentle words didn’t get through to him and he just screamed louder, for some reason his terror reaching a new height. It was almost as if he didn’t look forward to doing that, though the emotion wasn’t unpleasant for the changelings feasting on his fear at least. The spawn from Applebloom’s dick pried his skull open further to claw its way inside, now fully emerged from its shell and eager for some literal mindfucking. Mac could only look up at it with wide eyes in abject horror of what it’d do when it got inside his splitting cranium. Applejack watched eagerly, moving her hooves to Mac’s skull as the crack extended over the top. She pried it open with a loud crack to fully exposed the brain meat inside, watching her own adorable terror crawl from her shaft, stretching her tip pleasantly and lapping at Mac’s brain in anticipation. At the same time, the larva that Scootaloo had unwittingly contributed made its way up through his neck, climbing outside his esophagus and then burrowing up into his skull, sliding around his brain stem from beneath. The grub kissed it passionately and shoved his tiny erect shaft upwards between the noodly gray matter, feeling the stringy hot flesh around his pulsating shaft. Altogether the three larvae pushed into his brain, grinding and squealing with squeaky moans as they penetrated the soft flesh. The claws dug deep as their bodies undulated, slowly melting against his brain as they joined with it. Applebloom and Applejack’s larvae kissed passionately over top of his brain, much like the sisters did over his head at the same time. Big Mac’s screams devolved into gurgles as they gangraped his brain into submission. “Cum inside me you asshole!” Scootaloo was a bit less polite since she wasn’t a full changeling. “Everypony says you go off like nothing so why aren’t you going off in me, faggot!”  Of course the reason was the sheer amount of pain he was in, which fragile pony bodies reacted negatively to instead of getting off on it as any normal creature would. Her own little stinger violently ramming his urethra during the act as her pussy clenched its fang-like protrusions into his erection probably didn’t help. Sweetie was getting a bit upset for her part when he ran out of substance to expel for her, growling as she lashed her tongue out further. She managed to find Applebloom’s little rump and pushed into her anus instead, squealing happily as she felt the familiar taste of her mother’s hole around it. The beautiful tongue she’d been gifted with opened up like a hose, slurping up greasy slime from Applebloom’s behind and funneling it through Big Mac’s body, quite a long trip but at least she got to taste it all the way down. “Shhh, just a little more,” Twilight encouraged as she licked his chin. “Don’t take Scootaloo being a little bitch to heart. I know making new friends can be painful, but you’ll look back at this as the best thing that ever happened to you once your a studly drone instead of a one-pump chump. As someone that fucked you as a pony, trust me this will be an improvement.” Twilight shivered as she continued pumping into his gut, but carefully held back her neck orgasm. He’d be far more worthy of having his raw organs bathed in her seed in just a little while after all. She could already feel his body undulating slightly against hers. Mac tried as so many had to resist the mental warping, but found himself giving in rather rapidly. The tiny grubs continued to impale his brain, their shafts lengthening until they were sliding against one another inside him. Their bodies were melting into his brain to further upgraded, barely distinguishable other than pulsating masses of flesh upon it. Applebloom and Applejack didn’t stop their love-making to their lucky brother’s head either. They pulled back from their initial entry points, letting that spot heal over with new flesh as they instead each pushed against the tiny bottom of the larvae they’d just expelled into him. Applebloom’s cock invaded her own newborn’s asshole, prying it open and squishing inside before shoving up through its gut. As he was mostly melted, her cock shoved right through his gut and into Mac’s own melting gray matter. Applejack was especially delighted when she did the same and found the little grub had a pussy as well. Sex with Mac would be so much hotter in the future if he had underage pussy melted into his brain. She pushed open the pure virginity on her newborn, feeling the tight cherry snap around her, though the spot of blood wasn’t visible due to the gore now covering her entire front side. She shivered violently as she plowed her youngest pussy to date, though she was sure she’d go younger when she got a chance to rip out some fetuses. The tiny behinds still undulated back against them as Big Mac’s brain reshaped, and his body began to change as well. His skin melted off more rapidly than Twilight had expected, sliding off his body like soggy red cereal as dark red chitin began to replace it. His eyes rolled back and then solidified their green color as his gargled shrieks were slowly replaced by moans. His head began to pull itself back together, but Applejack and Applebloom continued tearing it back open, his body convulsing with pleasure now with each sickening crack. “Yes! Embrace your new self!” Twilight encouraged as she felt his pleasure welling up. The act was no less painful for him than before, but now he loved every sharp jab of sickening agony that ripped through him. The useless pony he was slipped into the background as his mind devolved into prioritizing the same things as ever feral drone: obedience and fucking. Now having a proper response to pain, Mac grasped Scootaloo in all four legs, ramming into her several more times and intentionally slamming her stinger into him at the same time. The claws dragging on his dick only made him go off harder as he expelled his load deep into her tiny snatch. She squealed happily, her eyes twitching violently as she flailed about. Sweetie was meanwhile rewarded as some of his replaced organs began to expel out of his behind. In her scat-loving frenzy, she mistook it for cherry-flavored shit, and continued to nom down every bit that she could even as it overflowed all over herself and the floor beneath her. Now that he was more worth her cum, Twilight let herself go over as well, the thick royal sperm bathing his insides and swirling around his twisted intestinal tract shortly before it was evacuated out his behind with the rest of the replaced filth and a new one began to grow in.  Twilight was impressed at how rapidly it occurred. Not only that, but his muscles were bulging out larger than any other feral changeling she’d made. Without changeling flexibility, he’d have been completely unable to move with such massive bulk covering his body. She wondered if the manner that hew as created, having three larvae invade his brain at the same time, had caused him to become a different sort of changeling. More than that, she wondered what she could do to make other types. Applebloom and Applejack were shortly behind Twilight in their orgasms. Big Mac’s brain inflated slightly before several holes formed and sprayed out fountains of bloody spunk to relieve the pressure inside. Even as it did so, they let his head heal over as his horn began to form, but there was another side effect to the rare treatment he received. The places where his sisters were penetrating him healed over with an open hole, even forming a permanent orifice in his brain. Of course any changeling could do this with shifting, but it was interesting for him to have it in his basic form. Twilight would definitely have to take notes. “I think… that went well…” Twilight panted. “Are we going to unleash your friends, Princess Bloom?” “Yeah sure,” Bloom nodded. “Ah’ll load up Scoot with some more eggs and let her prowl around town tempting as many stallions as she can into her little foal hole, and I’ll make sure they forget exactly what happened after the procedure. We should start getting news of spontaneous transformations into ferals within Ponyville in a few weeks.” “Excellent!” said Twilight. “I suppose Sweetie won’t be quite as useful, but having a little shit demon prowling around the school should make for some interesting articles in the Foal Free Press, if nothing else. With our new heavy-duty sperm bank here, I think this new branch of the Hive is off to a stunning start.” “Sugar cubes?” another voice called from up in the house. Granny Smith peeked through the broken door and sniffed. “What is that smell… ya down there? Ah came in ta make dinner and found a mess!” “We’re down here Granny,” Applejack called back, licking her lips. “What’cha doin?” Granny asked, seeming unduly annoyed. “Rapin’ foals!” screeched out Big Mac, even if it was more being raped by foals. “Oh that’s nice,” Granny nodded. “We’ll need to dig some holes if we want to hold more apples down there. Anyway, come on up here and help me clean up this mess! Whatever it is…” She trotted back towards the kitchen. “Wow she’s brutally stupid,” Twilight blinked. “Like more than usual for a pony.” “Yeah, she works too hard, she should prolly retire,” Applebloom agreed. “Let’s help her!” It looked like it was time for them to do another good deed. > 20. A Happy Retirement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granny couldn’t believe the mess she’d found. There were piles of some kind of strange green slime on the table and the floor, and bits of fur everywhere like Applejack had decided to randomly shave her whole body again like she did during her rebellious teen years. She must have never learned to use a razor right because the clumps of fur were just as bloody as then. “Dagnabit,” Granny sighed as she opened the closet to look for a mop. “What ah wouldn’t give if there parents were still alive so ah didn’t have to deal with all this. Ah should be retired by now…” “You know, that’s just what they were telling me!” came a familiar if buzzy voice from behind her. Granny turned to see none other than Twilight, though it seemed she’d dyed her fur a darker hue. Wasn’t she presumed dead? Wait. Is that what they were digging up in the basement? “Yer not a zombie, right?” Granny asked cautiously. “Ah saw some filly guide wrappers in the trash and ah heard those things can do some really interestin’ thangs to ya.” “Done rapin’ foals?” Big Mac drooled as he staggered up from the basement. “Now on to the old!” Granny looked to see what that was all about, only to have Mac grab her head and slam it down onto the floor hard enough that she felt her nose shatter. The fragile bone cracked off and stabbed back into her head, sending her into convulsions as it drove through her brain. Was this how she would die? To her grandson’s inappropriate Iron Will impression? “Stop it, Big Mac,” Twilight warned him, but she wasn’t talking about what Granny hoped. “Mother sees rhymes as almost as offensive as puns, you know.” “Don’t worry, Granny,” Applebloom was above her too now, but she could barely see from the blood fogging her eyes as pain shot down through her skull. “Ah’ll keep you alive so ya kin still retire just like ya want!” “Well she’s tha opposite of mah preferred age-group,” Applejack sighed. “But if it’s fer the good of tha Hive… ah’ll do it!” It made AJ shiver to think about it; if she’d continued living as a pony, she’d have become gross and old too. Granny’s nose healed enough for her to glance up and see, but she couldn’t make heads or tails of the weird conversation. It sounded a bit questionable, but Granny couldn’t quite put her hoof on what was off. That and her grandkids looked pretty unusual. Maybe they had all shaved? “Perfect!” Twilight smiled at them. “I tell you what… As a special treat, I’ll stop in after you fill her full of eggs and use a time spell on her. That way she’ll hatch fast and you can have some happy-fuck time with the new grubs.” “Really?” Applejack’s eyes lit up. “Hm, we could do Ginger too ah guess… we should wait until ah kin reinforce her cute little filly guide outfit though, I don’t want it ta tear off when she’s so adorable writhing around in it! Sure wish Rarity were with us, she could make all sorts of cute outfits fer egg sacks.” "We'll get Rarity soon, just like all our friends," promised Twilight. "Until them I'm sure she'll keep busy cucking my loser ex-assistant. It's a pretty safe bet that he moved in with her and that she still hasn't put out for him." Twilight turned to Scootaloo and Sweetie, who were apparently also here. Granny hadn’t seen them initially because they were at Twilight’s backside climbing up her hind legs with shivering and drooling enthusiastically as they stared up at her bottom. “You two come with me,” Twilight said as she walked out of the room, not that she had to tell them that when they were latched onto her. “Uh, kids?” Granny said as she tried to pull herself off the floor. “Not sure what’s goin’ on, but knockin’ me down is uncalled fer no matter what yer upset about!” “Yer right, Granny,” sighed Applejack, looking at the floor dejected. “Yeah that wasn’t very creative,” agreed Applebloom, looking at the floor too, but  then turning to Big Mac. “Try agin bro, ah know ya kin do it!” Mac scratched his head, seeming to take a bit to understand. A moment later it clicked and he grabbed Granny’s front left leg with one hoof, which had morphed into a claw to dig into her. He yanked it up and back, holding her body with his other front leg as he twisted the leg around. Granny screamed again as new pain jolted up through her leg. The grip alone was strong enough that the bones beneath it cracked like brittle chalk, and he kept twisting the leg until the shoulder was shattered, bones splintering through old bloody flesh before he tore the twisted limb completely from its socket. As she bellowed again in agony, he smacked her across the face with her own severed leg, knocking her back to the ground, onto her side this time. “That was better,” Applejack nodded, speaking loudly to be heard over Granny’s shrieking. “A little awkward though.” “Yeah,” Applebloom agreed. “You should practice tearin’ off legs a bit so you can do it faster, then it’ll look a lot more classy. We kin let ya practice rippin off our legs later, or now if ya want, it’s the least we kin do to help ya adjust.” “What the flying fuck is going on!?” Granny shrieked in complete disrespect for their selfless act. “Yes, FUCK is going on!” Mac screeched, immediately taking AJ’s advice to practice, grabbing another of Granny’s legs. He pinned her to the floor with one hoof, ripping this one off far more quickly, more yanking it out of the socket and just ripping the flesh free in one swift yank. He smacked her over the head with it again with pride, flinging blood across the room. “Hey now!” Applejack looked down at Granny scoldingly. “We’re just helpin’ our bro get used to tha new family, and givin’ you the best retirement you could have atop that! Ah never realized how thankless you were! Leave it to a stupid pony to actually turn down immortality...” “What do you expect?” Applebloom shook her head sadly. “She’s been abusin’ us our whole lives by not abusin’ us! I mean… ah don’t even know what Granny’s dick looks like.” “Ah dun have one a those!” Granny sobbed, but she was probably just lying because she was so evil, so Mac continued to try to knock some sense into her with her own bloody limbs. “What’s goin’ on? Why ya’ll doin’ this?” “So how we usually do this?” Applejack asked, ignoring Granny’s blatant deception. “Ah wanna make sure ta do it the best ah can.” “Just go with yer instinct,” Applebloom assured. “Yer superior changeling biology will do the rest.” “Well my instinct is to do things efficiently,” considered Applejack. “So how about this… me and Bloom double-team her on either side, then Mac shifts in two cocks and fucks the two of us from behind. He’ll put the sperm into us and we’ll blast the eggs right into her! What do you think Mac?” “PRACTICE!” Mac screamed, flexing his muscles as he twisted both of Granny’s hind legs in opposite directions. She wailed as they snapped, crackled, and popped, taking more time to slowly rend them from her body this time as he used her like a wishbone. “Yeah get those useless things outta the way, that works,” agreed Applejack. His words might have been simple, but being hiveminded with him was quite useful since they knew his intention. “Well it’s yer second go so ah’ll take yer lead,” nodded Applebloom. Granny was beyond speaking, simply waiting to die, just as she had been for the last few decades. She realized with frustration though that she was still clinging to life as stubbornly as ever. They had to keep her alive though; she deserved to fully experience this beautiful gift whether she wanted it or not. “Yeah ah think that’ll be the best way,” Applejack decided after some pondering. “So I’ll bang her soggy old cunt, and you take her nasty ass Applebloom. Fuckin’ a wrinkly old cunt won’t be as pleasant, but that’s why we gotta keep workin hard! Once the Hive controls Equestria, no ponies will ever get this old so it won’t be a problem.” “Sounds good ta me!” Applebloom nodded in agreement. “I wanna fuck soggy old cunt too!” screeched Mac with admirable enthusiasm. He finally pried her hind legs off as well, flinging them across the room to land on the kitchen table for later, each landing neatly on a plate. “Aw that’s adorable,” said Applejack. “Spawn yerself three dicks then and have a go at all three of us at once. This is really gonna bring our new family together! Or should I say we'll...” "Don't do it!" Applebloom clamped AJ's muzzle shut heroically before she made a cum pun and got in trouble with Mommy. Granny stared at their conversation, looking from one to another weakly as she tried to cope with the pain coursing through her. She then looked down at the stumps where her legs used to be and began to outright sob. It was awfully childish for such an old lady to do, especially with her barely able to use those legs before. They were just getting in the way. Though it was sad that Granny wasn’t ravaged like this as a foal, it was never too late to give somepony new meaning in their lives. Applejack sealed off the bleeding with her magic enough that Granny wouldn’t fade, then lay on her side and pulled the elderly fleshlight closer to her, resting her throbbing ovipositor against her belly.  Grinning as she stared into Granny’s terror-stricken eyes, she slowly slid her staff down and pushed it inside. Granny wasn’t as loose as she feared, probably due to not getting any for the last few decades. She was a bit dry inside, barely moist flesh creating a lot of friction, but the blood and bits of Mac’s brain still on AJ’s cock helped a little. Applejack would have to rape her poor Granny extra hard to make up for having been so lazy about keeping her pussy well used before now. Applebloom slid up behind her, shifting slightly larger so that she could reach her head over Granny’s shoulder and kiss her dear sister, letting Granny see how much more they loved each other now as they played their tongues together passionately. They could feel disgust well up in Granny at the idea of two mares kissing, something far more offensive to Granny than being dismembered by incestuous grandchildren. Granny’s tailhole was so tight that Applebloom had to wriggle her hips about to pry it open, using her shaft like a crowbar before pushing her hips forward and sinking inside. It was no wonder Granny took so long to crap every morning. Applebloom helpfully rammed her balls deep, feeling the pressure created by Applejack’s shaft at the same time, the ancient flesh not giving as much as younger flesh might. Big Mac, excited by seeing the three family members’ rumps lined up there on the floor, immediately went to work. At first he pulled Applejack and Applebloom’s upper hind leg up to get out of his way, but snarled in frustration when he still felt they would slow down his thrusting. He did the logical thing and twisted them as well, cracking them back at the hip and wrenching them free in a flurry of cracked bone, cracking them both over the head with their own leg before tossing them aside. Applebloom and Applejack groaned when he took up their offer for leg-yanking practice earlier than they expected, their bodies trembling as they rolled their eyes back at the painful surprise their brother so kindly granted them. The agony and lust swirling within them, they were encouraged in their own erotic acts. Their shafts throbbed, needle protrusion pulsing out to tear at the fragile inner flesh of the old mare. “Holy buckballs, I love you Mac,” groaned Applejack. “Let nothin’ get between you and mah pussy, it’s what those egg-holes are for!” “Your new Granny Chryssie is gonna LOVE you,” moaned Applebloom. “If ya find her in the right mood, she’ll shift in extra legs so you can keep tearin’ em off while ya fuck ‘er!” Mac shifted as well, his own ovipositor splitting into three as he mounted up onto the trio of writhing creatures. The prehensile lengths snaked to their intended targets. He felt a full course dinner of pussy slide over each one, getting both foal and mare pussy simultaneously. His middle one pushed up aside Applejack’s shaft inside Granny’s front fuckhole, then rammed his hips to thrust all three in at the same time. The combination of Mac’s hair-trigger nature and new ability to not fall asleep after would definitely help in the creation of this new branch of the Hive. A few powerful thrusts of his hips was all that was needed before his shafts were pulsating to near orgasm, longing to provide his sisters with the rich seed they needed for their dear Granny’s retirement. It was wonderful to show his whole family the true friendship that pony society never allowed him to before. Granny’s body went into seizure as it was ravaged three ways, her old pussy tearing open from the double stretching, though that blood wasn’t very noticeable with her limb-stumps still splurting. As the pain became too much for her inferior pony brain, her heart stuttered and clenched to a halt in rebellion. Her brain was awash in relief when she believed she was dying. Applebloom thought about restarting the heart, but it was far more fun just to let it cease and keep her alive by an injection of magic instead. That way she got to enjoy the simple life of having an endless heart attack, a prelude to how it’d feel to be an egg sack so she could ease into her new role. Now that she’d been enlightened, Applebloom’s kindness was surprising even to herself. Big Mac squealed, though even that was deep and rumbling from the hulking new feral. His cocks surged as his body compressed and expelled triple jets of thick changeling spunk into his entire household at once. Applejack clenched her pussy, letting their spines drag together to tear repeatedly tear into their regenerating flesh as the pulse of fluid flowed into her. She panted and rolled her eyes back, the warmth inside feeling so much better than any time Mac had came into her as ponies. It burned slightly at her insides as if acidic, and pumped her with several times more extra-thick whipped sperm than before, even with her being one of three recipients. Not only that, but she knew he’d be able to do it repeatedly with his new body. It was even more special for Applebloom, who had gone without being fucked by her brother for so long due to his unreasonable determination not to violate his underage sister. Her gut swelled more visibly, squeaking happily that her household had finally come together in true friendship rather than the hateful way they had once treated one another. Like Applejack, she churned the thick fluid within her ovulating womb to drench her magical eggs as they swelled within her, cock throbbing and ready to implant them. As expected, Granny was far less reasonable about her grandson cumming inside her, shaking her head violently and twitching her limb-stubs, hatefully attempting to kick their affections away from her. She sobbed bitterly, clenching her eyes shut and trying to squirm away. The burning spunk agreed with Granny, but she sure didn’t agree with it. “Now, now, Granny,” Applejack clenched her teeth. “Don’t worry; it’s not like yer decrepit old womb is gonna give birth to a pony cause of this. He’s just cleaning out some of tha cobwebs before we put somethin’ far better in there. You’ll think given’ birth to our pansy-ass dad was boring once you experience the magnificence of yer body ripping apart in a literal orgy of tiny newborn bodies.” “Ya know,” panted Applebloom. “Ah wanna let Ginger bake the buns in her oven slowly cause she looks so cute in that filly guide outfit, but ah’ll go ahead and call Twilight now to do the time spell on Granny. It’s important to me that she get to experience this soon so she’ll fully understand how thankful she should be.” “This has ta be… nightmare…” gagged Granny. It was an absurd thing to say, as if Equestria’s evil night princess would allow somepony to have dreams this good. That Moon bitch had even stopped Applejack from dreaming about her parents molesting her; what a monster. But before she enjoyed hatching, they had to implant. Even as Mac continued to pack in the last bits of his orgasm and kept thrusting feverishly, the two apple-drones’ bodies surged as well, torsos undulating as their loads were prepared.  Granny’s body was invaded from front and back as the swollen eggs pushed through the ovipositors into her body. The sobbing mare could feel her already swollen body stretch, some of the glue-like sperm that was already in her womb displaced and pushed back out to swirl in with the puddle of her blood on the floor. She didn’t understand why she was still alive as her chest burned from cardiac arrest, or why she kept generating more blood to add to the floor until it seemed like more than a pony could hold, spreading out all over the kitchen. “Fuck yeah,” Applejack groaned, looking into her eyes lustfully and taking in her fear as she kissed her granny’s muzzle deeply and shoved a long forked tongue down her throat to choke her on it. “Take our blessin’ Granny. And fear not, it’ll hurt WAY worse comin’ out than it is goin’ in!” “This is amazing,” groaned Applebloom, thrusting in time with Applejack so they pinned the shivering body between them as it continued to swell with more eggs. “If ya told me a year ago that me and AJ would get fucked by Mac while implantin’ eggs into our sobbin’ Granny, ah’d have ran away screamin’. Ah’m so lucky to have been enlightened like this!” The two mares yanked free of the passages, spurting one more burst of thick sealant onto the holes to keep the eggs from oozing back out early. Big Mac was still thrusting madly, so Applejack politely took the middle cock that was still plowing Granny in a claw, clenching it and tearing it out by the roots, stuffing the cream-filled flesh pastry into her muzzle and gnawing it down as the hole where it’d been burst another load of sperm all over the floor before healing over. Mac growled with excitement at his loving sister castrated one of his shafts, pulling both sisters up and away from the undulating, rounded body of their grandmother. He sat back on his haunches bouncing his lap up and down to continue to ram their cum-drenched pussies, and the three siblings joined in a three-way kiss as they wrapped their forelegs around one another. “Aw that’s sweet,” said Twilight’s voice as she came back into the door and walked around them. “You two needed a spell?” Twilight was followed by two changelings that were in Big Mac and Granny’s form, no doubt their replacement so the real ones wouldn’t need to pause their work for the Hive to be seen. Behind them staggered a feral that they recognized as Toola Roola. She was as artsy as ever, having decorated her body with somepony’s rotting intestinal tract, waving it through the holes in her legs and wrapping it around her body. The group trotted through the puddle of blood and stepped over the moaning egg sack on their way to the basement. “I was doing some ground-penetrating radar magic to check for caves,” mentioned Twilight. “And it looks like there’s a big one under the basement, so we’re gonna dig it out right fast. Oh and Flurry Heart was passing through and is coming to see us too. Don’t let us stop your fun though!” Twilight paused before going down, her horn lighting up and magic washing over Granny to assist in her rapid hatching. It was always good to do favors for her friends. “Oh hay Princess,” panted Applejack, waving to them as they passed and continuing to bounce on her brother’s cock. “Thanks fer the spell.” “Where’s mah little toys go?” asked Applebloom as she rocked her hips against Big Mac as well, body swelling more than AJ’s, as if the shaft was nearly at her neck as it distended her organs within. “I sent them to town to play,” Twilight nodded. “After I cleaned them up and blocked any memories of the hive in town, of course. They’ll have no idea how they got their little gifts, but they’ll be using them a lot I’m sure.” As Twilight and the others headed down to the basement, Applebloom’s looked ponderously at Granny, wishing for a moment that she had reached the level where she could use time magic as well. She had been tempted to try before Twilight got here just to see if she could, but maybe it was something she’d get a change to try later.  Fortunately, while her grandkids would see it quickly, Granny wouldn’t miss the long and agonizing growth of the eggs within her. Her body twitched about as she felt the weeks and months pass by. As far as she could tell, she lay agonizing on the floor that entire time while her grandkids fucked next to her. She was relieved that they were at least having straight sex with Mac fucking the two females, but otherwise decided that the situation really sucked. As they watched, Applejack and Applebloom kissed Mac from either side, pressing as close as they could to his hulking body as they let his powerful hips do the work, bouncing their bodies all the way from balls-deep to the tip. The room was full of their flesh smacking and the chittering of their joints as they were flung up and down. Mac still hadn’t stopped being a hair-trigger, and was cumming into them again within seconds, bellowing as he arched his back and continued to thrust while their pussies eagerly drank up his seed. Applejack took some time to turn Granny’s body so she could see them, tearing off her eyelids and whipping the fluid from her eyes to make sure she could get a good show. She didn’t seem to appreciate it though, the old lady displaying an unhealthy obsession with the impossible amount of agony that she was experiencing. Granny’s body bulged out larger, the shape of the eggs enlarging within her slowly. Her skin was pulled tightly already, but the poisonous magic seeping through her body ensured it didn’t snap even when it was so thin that they could see the pulsating eggs within her. Every organ she had was slowly dissolved and absorbed by the precious new life within her, by the end leaving her as jush plastic-like flesh stretched over the bunch of eggs with her head hanging off one side, twisted in the eternal torment that was just beginning. “Wow, ah used to think old folks were ugly,” said Applebloom. “But seein’ her like this makes me realize how beautiful they kin be in tha agony of friendship.” “Sure does,” AJ agreed, happy that she was now able to comprehend these advanced friendship lessons with her little sister. “Ah’m so excited ta see mah first egg sack hatchin’!” “Mac want fuck dead grubs!” Mac had a beautifully one-track mind still, his cocks throbbing as he bounced his two sisters up and down in his laps, their pussies comfortably clenched around his erections. “Sure ya kin fuck the dead ones, or the live ones, they’re surprisingly stretchy,” Applebloom kindly told Mac, then turned to AJ. “You have no idea. It’s so cute how their little writhing bodies burst outta the egg sack in a little orgy!” Granny could no longer move, though she could hear her grandchildren talking so blissfully about what she assumed would be her final demise. She’d be so pleasantly surprised when she didn’t die and just got implanted with more eggs; immortality was truly the gift that kept giving! For now, she watched her body undulate in horror, every movement representing total agony as the first eggs began to hatch within her. Excited to see the newborn friendship monsters up close, Applejack and Applebloom rose from their places, Mac’s cocks extracted from them with lewd slurps as the still-rigid staffs flopped onto the floor. He tried to pull them back for more lovin', so they politely each grabbed one of his forelegs, twisting them around, splintering bone as they tore them off at the shoulders and tossed them aside. “More practice!” Mac said, appreciating the further demonstration of leg yanking on his own body. The two mares reshifted back their old legs that Mac had taken off before, though the feral took a moment to figure out that he could also do that for his legs, flopping his head onto the floor and pushing himself with his hind legs towards Granny again, leaving a trail of his blood behind in the already blood-drenched floor. “This house really has come together,” mentioned Applebloom, looking around at the gore and strewn limbs littering the kitchen. “Once we’re done caterin’ to Princess Twilight,” suggested Applejack. “We should take a few hours to shit all over the place. That’d give it the real homey feel.” Granny managed a screech, though it quickly faded off as what was left of her last lung tore open, an egg within hatching and tiny claws tearing its way out. She began gurgling blood instead as her body began to undulate further, the round shapes of eggs becoming the wriggling shapes of hot little bodies. Casting an x-ray spell, Applebloom gave everyone a better view. The adorable little grubs were already cuddling together, thrusting their deliciously underaged bodies together, using the lubricating pus from within their eggs to thrust their tiny peckers into their siblings. As usual, some of the grubs were stillborn, but that didn’t stop the orgy of friendship from making use of them. In fact, they seemed to prefer their dead hivemates. One particular one had already rotted thanks to the time spell, now crawling with maggots as its living siblings fucked both its rear entries as another rammed its rotted-out eye socket, squirming infestation oozing out as they did. Of course they couldn’t sit and fuck forever, so eventually began to make their way out. As Granny continued to try and scream in her frustration at not dying, a bulge moving up her throat as a living grub pushed the corpse of its sibling up through and out of the way. She vomited the dead grub onto the floor before the squealing head of the survivor popped out of her throat, looking around in amazement at the new world before it that it would soon assist in bending to their will.  Mac, eager to get his dick in some not-so-fresh grub meat, grabbed the dead one with his newly grown limbs. The little one’s hind legs spread grotesquely wide as he forced himself into the tiny corpse-cunt, flesh tearing and pelvis giving with a snap as he forced his way into the fleshlight. The organs compressed, the dead baby vomited up the maggots that had been writhing about inside it. The living sibling opened her muzzle wide to catch the maggots, but was quickly snatched up by AJ instead. “A newborn grub!” AJ said excitedly, her whole body shaking. “I’m really gonna fuck a newborn dyke’s little pussy!” Applebloom let her call it a dyke even if they were all herms; she wasn’t going to stand in the way of her sister’s dreams as she embraced her new life. Besides, she wanted her to embrace the gayness for their future time-travel related plans. Applebloom slid closer to Granny, patting her belly lovingly as it started to tear open, and pushing her gooey snatch against the old lady’s. She rotated her own hips, forcing Granny’s to roll back in time with hers, scissoring her softly and panting as she watched another grub make his way up through what was left of the elderly vaginal passage. As the head pushed up out of Granny and into her own pussy, Applebloom decided to play a bit of a prank on the newborn. She clenched her pussy suddenly, driving the spines within her into the baby’s head. It gagged violently as its eyes were gouged out and throat stabbed, unable to cope with the damage at such a young age as it shook violently. The grub behind him keenly realized that his brother was dying, and pulled himself up behind him, driving his cock into his sibling’s asshole to feel the clench of his deathgasm around him. The little hair-trigger grub sprayed his spunk into the dying sibling almost immediately, but continued his thrusting. “Ain’t that a waste of a good changeling drone, sis?” Applejack asked curiously as her little sister murdered a seemingly otherwise healthy grub for giggles. “No, go ahead,” Applebloom encouraged. “Just a few, as far as we’re concerned, tha ones that die are meant to and probably would have been terrible hivemates. It’s like destiny or some crap.” “That makes sense!” Applejack nodded. “Kinna hot seeing one of mah own children murdered by mah sister too…” “PRACTICE!” yelled Big Mac, daintily snapping off the dead grub’s limbs with one claw as he stroked it up and down his cock on the other. His tip exited the tiny cadaver’s muzzle as it’s body bloated around his thick shaft. As Granny’s stomach tore open in a wave of tiny claws and teeth, Mac reached in to grab a second dead grub, this one freshly so after its throat was torn out by a rival, still shivering at its short but very sexy life ended. He snapped its limbs off, which twitched frantically on the floor as he pushed his cock into its rear, keeping the first one on his shaft and smashing it towards the base as he fucked two at once. Applejack grinned widely as she took in how surprisingly violent it was, the grubs seeming quite temperamental. She watched as one tore the jaw off another because she stepped on his toe, then began to choke them to death on his cock as he clawed out their eyes, two other grubs violating her pussy and ass from behind. Another tore out a sibling’s eye and began violently fucking the socket, that victim swarmed as well by the other grubs. It seemed any time one of them weakened, they’d be piled on by other grubs wanting to feel their deathgasm around their little cocks. Applejack grasped two of them that didn’t look too busy, figuring that that was a good way to determine who the least useful was. She pushed one squirming body into her cunny, panting softly as she clenched and moved it up and down in her passage. The other was brought to her shaft, where she thrusts her way up into the soft pussy from beneath. Once she was nice and deep with it bulging around her, she leaned down to bite its little head off, crunching its fragile skull in her teeth and then rolling her eyes back at the twitching around her shaft. “They actually seem more violent than usual,” Applebloom pondered. “Maybe it’s cause Mac is the father?” “Well as long as the strongest ones survive,” panted Applejack.  “Oh there kin be no doubt of that!” Applebloom nodded confidently. ‘When you get to a stopping point, come down to the basement,’ Twilight’s voice disturbed them over the hive link. ‘We found something interesting!’ Interesting? It had to be pretty incredible for her to think it worth disturbing their careful determination of which grubs deserved to live.  Applejack was the first up, forgetting herself for a moment in excitement at following her new Mommy’s whim. She left the writhing, dying body of one grub in her pussy, little legs kicking outside of it slower and slower as it faded, as well as the second impaled on her shaft, headless body growing still. Mac and Applebloom were shortly behind her, leaving the grubs they were playing with where they were stuck. The changelings taking Mac and AJ’s place came up from the basement as they were going down, replacing them to watch the grub hatching and make certain everything continued going well. Meanwhile, the trio of Apple siblings headed downward. It seemed that Twilight had been digging down to a cave she’d detected as she said, so they crawled down the narrow passage where she’d been digging. It quickly came out into a small cavern about 20 by 20 hoofsteps square and 10 hoofsteps high. They let themselves flop out, buzzing down to the floor of the cavern beneath them. It didn’t seem like a naturally occurring cavern; it was far too perfectly square for that, though not outright made of bricks or anything. All along the ceiling were strange roots that looked like they were partially covered in chitin, with strange green fruits hanging off of them. They smelled delicious, like rancid maggot-ridden pony flesh. “They smell delicious, but let’s not try to eat one until we know for certain,” said Twilight when they entered. “It’s not completely out of the question that it’s a trap of some kind, though I don’t know if it’d be a trap for us.” Twilight was standing on one side with Toola, who waved at them with a strand of the intestinal tract around her. Next to them was Flurry Heart, who had no doubt teleported in to take a look as well. She must have been in the area to look over their progress here. What they stood in front of though was another interesting thing. The roots had formed a door on one side of the cavern in the center of one wall. At the base of the door, carved into stone was the words ‘Open this on your birthday.’ “I have a feeling this is going to be more fun than I anticipated finding down here,” grinned Twilight. > 21. A Visit Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight tapped her chin as she examined the door with careful scientific curiosity. She didn’t try to open it yet however. “Hm, yes,” she finally nodded. “I think this is the work of changelings in the past. Specifically, us in the past. I think this is as good a reason as any to do some time traveling now.” “Oh?” Applebloom tilted her head, then grinned as she remembered. “Are we gonna go see our terrible parents in the past like ah hoped?” “We kin do that?” Applejack blinked, then smiled slowly, stroking her ovipositor. “Well… that explains some memories of mine… time to go give ourselves a slightly more normal foalhood!” “PAINT BRUSH!” screeched Toola, waving a dagger around that she’d glued bristles onto. She was basically okay with anything if it meant she got to make a little more art. “Revenge on parents?” Flurry nodded as well, a bit more thoughtfully. “I’m all for seeing that! Torturing mine are my favorite thing to do!... though I’m supposed to be on my way to the Crystal Empire to check in on them.” “That’s the beauty of it,” explained Twilight. “We can return to the same moment we left, so it’ll take no time at all! But… we have to be careful…” “PRACTICE!” Mac rushed Twilight for seemingly no reason, but before he could do anything, she grasped one of his shoulders, tearing off his limb instead and smacking him about the head with it, sending blood flying. “We’re done with practice, Mac,” AJ explained. “We’re doing somethin’ else now. What we gotta be careful of, Twilight?” Mac sighed and looked disappointed as he put the leg back on and grew the shoulder back in to hold it. “Anyway,” Twilight giggled at the interruption. ”Well, you see, with time travel, little changes tend to correct themselves as space-time is rather elastic, so we don’t have to worry about that. However, if there is too big of a change, I suspect time will just erase the traveler from existence instead of bothering to correct it, so we have to not make any change that blatantly contradicts what we know occurred. Also we won’t be able to communicate with the hivemind to avoid that, so turn your hive sense off while there.”  That was the theory at least; it wasn’t like there was any way to verify it. If she had tried to verify it, she might have forgotten the creature she sent to do so. Wiping someone from existence would be hot if not for the forgetting-about-them part. “That shouldn’t be too hard,” shrugged Flurry, then sighed. “Guess that means I can’t torment younger Mom though if it might mess things up.” “Sadly no,” Twilight patted her head, saddened for her loss at not being able to bring even more misery retroactively to her own abusively kind mother. “However, we know that things happened in the Apple family, so we can mess around there. I’ll cast a spell and take all of us here into the past.” “Uh, Mommy?” Applebloom tugged at her shoulder. “How about ah cast it?” “Aw…” Twilight smiled at her and ruffled her head, gently slamming her head onto the floor as hard as she could to break her jaw, making her moan as it healed back. “Sweetie, that is adorable, but even though you’re a princess, it will still take you months or even years to cast something like that due to having started as a dirty mud pony instead of a slightly-less-pathetic unicorn like me.” She paused though as Applebloom stood back up. “But you know what? You are learning fast, so I’ll let you try it.” Twilight figured that it couldn’t hurt to let her try on a whim, just for giggles. Also she left out that the failure would be excruciatingly painful for Applebloom, which would be a pleasant surprise gift for her. She stood by, ready to assist when Applebloom inevitably failed. Applebloom nodded, cracking her jaw a bit more into position, then standing tall and proud with her cute chest puffed out. She concentrated, her horn glowing brightly, then starting to flicker as her concentration waned. However right when it seemed it might fail, there was a strange magic boost and the time vortex actually opened. Twilight was stunned as they were all sucked upwards into the vortex, but definitely not disappointed in the impossible progress Applebloom had made. She would definitely need to research this to see why. At the very least, they all got a pleasant jolt of pain when the time vortex shot them out to violently hit the floor on the other side. Twilight staggered up, and for a moment felt a strange presence, like someone was right behind her… no inside her… well that was weird. She ignored it for the time being. She made sure her hive link was off, then lit up her horn to light the area they were in. They were in the same cave, but it was about half the size and more natural in shape, completely lacking the odd roots that had been growing there before. It seemed that it hadn’t been carved out at all yet, and there was no door to speak of, just a solid rock wall. “Well, time to get to work!” Applejack said excitedly. “Should we dig up into the basement?” “Maybe not,” Twilight pondered. “Let’s dig out this way, where the door is in the future, and instead come up in the old barn that should already be a bit west of the house. I’ll ping the rocks above us to see when we’re below it. Though first…” A grin spread over her face. “This seems like a rock solid place to build our…” She shrieked after the attempted pun. While Chrysalis wasn’t aware of her hear to punish her directly, she’d still implanted the anti-pun device inside her. Twilight groaned, creaming herself hard as the shock coursed through her. It felt good physically, but emotionally unpleasant since it was punishment from Mommy, not to mention Mommy would be able to read how many times it went off when she got back. As Flurry ran over to lick her orgasm off the floor, Twilight discreetly shifted out the shock device and put it on the floor next to the door. Mommy couldn’t detect that it was off if she wasn’t looking for it, and Twilight could always put it back on before they left. “Ah love ya Mommy,” sighed Applebloom as she watched Twilight do this. “But yer obsession with puns is a bit disturbin…” “It is odd,” Twilight mused. “My pony self never really liked them. Odd that the only thing that bitch had in common with my new Mommy isn’t there anymore. Oh well! Anyway… the Apple siblings can dig the tunnel to the barn while Flurry, Toola, and I will dig out this room into the shape it will be in. Then the fun will start!” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One disadvantage of not using their hive links was that they couldn’t just send one out to look for the parents and then call the others when they found them. Instead, they had to go as a group. To that end, Twilight went out with the Apple siblings while having Toola and Flurry remain to work on digging out another room of the hive. She’d have preferred to personally oversee the structure, but Flurry was intelligent enough to come up with something decent and she could always teleport some rocks around later if she didn’t like what they did with the place. However it surprised her how quickly they found the two. As soon as they crawled out into the back corner of the barn, they could hear the wet smack of bodies near the door. It was joined by a male grunt and a soft female moan, as if they were worried about making too much noise. Twilight led the group across the barn, staying behind crates at first, hoping to see something super kinky. What they found was so disgusting that Twilight wanted to stab her eyes with a nail gun, and not in the kinky way. The position was as vanilla as Rarity during an ice cream binge, Bright Mac mounted on Pear Butter in perfect form and pumping her pussy. She wasn’t even bracing herself on anything for extra effect, just sort of standing there and rolling her hips back. Twilight had to wonder if her parents were this boring. "How horrifying," muttered Twilight. "Any couple this vanilla deserve everything they'll have cumming in them." Though he had been told to calm down on the leg yanking, Twilight couldn’t blame Big Mac when he let out his battle cry and charged in, valiantly defending his new Mommy from boredom. “Practice!” Big Mac screeched, rushing around and grabbing Pear’s right front leg, bracing her shoulder with the opposite foreclaw as he twisted, sending a sudden shriek from the mare as her shoulder began to splinter like a twisted tree branch. “Bright Mac!” Pear pointlessly cried for her husband as if he could do anything for her, somehow not creaming herself from bliss immediately upon having her leg shattered. “Pear!” Bright yelled. “Get off her you monster!” Bright attempted to wail on Mac with both front hooves, but he may as well have been giving him a sensual massage for all the good it did.  “Don’t ya recognize us, Dad?” Applejack growled in disbelief at her hateful father. First he offended them with the sickening display of pony normalcy, and now he pretended not to recognize them? Applejack ran up behind him, skidded as she turned around, and slammed a single hind hoof directly against his ball sack. His scream was an octave above Pear’s as his ball compressed against his body. Since Mac was holding Pear still, Bright’s body couldn’t move forward and his ballsack popped like rotten grapefruit. His pissed himself in pain, giving Pear a urine douche before flopping off to the side, holding his shattered nuts with both front hooves. “Now, now, siblin’s,” Applebloom said as she bounced up. “Let’s explain who we are so they’ll know that we’re betrayin’ them in the worse way possible and not just some random thugs that wanna have a rape-snuff party in their barn.” Applebloom’s horn lit as she healed them enough to keep them from dying. That didn’t keep Pear’s leg from coming off though, leaving a partly-healed stump but still-bleeding behind as Mac began to beat the screaming mare over the head with it. Realizing that this might draw the attention of stupid ponies that thought they should rescue others instead of help torment them, Twilight cast a silence bubble over the area as well. Otherwise she left the siblings to their special moment for the time being. “Practice!” Mac yelled again, but Applebloom grabbed Pear’s leg out of his grasp and smacked him on the head with it instead. “Calm down bro, we got important work ta do, fer friendship!” Applejack explained, then turned to the parents. “Don’t ya recognize us? Ah mean we’re changelings, but we’re also…” Applejack lit up her horn, standing next to Mac as Applebloom walked up to her other side. The parents stared in horror. “W-why do you…” Pear finally said, tears streaming down her face as her leg stump twitched. “Or two of you have the same colors as our two children?” “Two?” Applebloom scratched her head. Twilight gritted her teeth a bit. Shit! Had they come too early? Now they’d have to take extra steps to make sure Applebloom existed, but that could wait until after the explanation. “We are yer kids!” Applejack nodded proudly. “In short: We got changed into changelings in the future, then traveled back in time so we could punish ya fer tryin’ to raise us a inferior ponies instead of immediately sacrificin’ us to the Hive fer our own good?” “What even is that?” Bright shook his head. “The Hive? We don’t know what that is even! There’s no way you could be…” “No excuses!” screeched Big Mac, not wanting to listen to their sinful delusions, but Applejack held out a hoof to him before he distracted the conversation with more leg yanking. “Now, now, ah wanted to bring their emotions into deeper terror at a slow boil to maximize efficiency, since we won't have many ponies available to feed off of in this time.” “Right, we feed on emotions, like fear!” Applebloom explained. “Should probably tell ya that too.” “So try to be as scared as possible, okay?” Applejack asked, only to be replied too with terror-stricken gazes as they were beyond words. “Right! Just like that… fuck that’s hot… mah own parents knowing their kids are gonna rape em and turn their existence into a living Tartarus.” “More to the point,” Twilight interjected. “You said you only had two foals? I assume you were hammering out a third when we arrived?” “Answer now or he starts rippin’ off more legs,” Applebloom advised as Mac salivated a gooey combination of drool and liquified changeling scat at them. “Ugh…” Bright shook his head at that, then looked at Twilight. “Who are… look… no, we’re not planning on having another.” “I-I’m on contraception…” Pear said. “Are you sure you have the right… please just leave us alone!” “Stop bein’ selfish,” Applejack shook her head, unable to believe she ever loved such viscous ponies. “Ya hear that sis, they wanna murder you and you don’t even exist yet!” “The nerve,” growled Applebloom, shaking her head. “It’s no wonder ah don’t remember bein’ raped like you two. They hated me so much they wouldn’t even do it after they were replaced by us!” “W-what?” Bright and Pear asked together, confused at Bloom’s clearly superior reasoning skills. “Oh right, they’re going to replace you and rape their past selves as you, but don’t worry about that until later,” Twilight explained. “You know, you’d think you’d figure out that’s what ‘changelings’ do, but I keep forgetting that I’m dealing with an inferior life form.” “WHAT?” Bright screeched as Pear looked like she’d pass out. “You will not touch them!” “Oh for cryin’ out…” Applejack shook her head at how unreasonable they were being. Tired of their rude interruptions, she grasped both their tongues in her magic, yanking them hard as she held their heads back. She wrenched them out, leaving her terrible parents gargling their own blood.  She looked at the tongues as they were busy moaning like bitches, and floated her father’s tongue to her nethers, giggling as she moved it to lap at her own slit. Applebloom took their mother’s tongue, snorting and moving it to her own pussy to slide it up and down slowly, spreading her legs so their evil victims could see well enough. “Anyway!” Twilight continued to where she was before the parents rudely interrupted her, no one bothering to heal their tongues as of yet. She turned to the Apples. “Well, either way I don’t want to wait for her to get pregnant naturally and a few months difference shouldn’t be an irreparable time issue. I’m going to repair this pansy’s ball sack and make them fuck Applebloom into existence now.” Nullifying the foal control spell was easy enough. It was so disrespectful to life for them to prevent pregnancy anyway. At the very least they could carry the fetus until it could properly feel pain and abort it with a fat cock. Life forms suffering was what gave existence meaning after all.  Repairing his crushed ball sack was slightly more difficult, since she wanted to be fair to him despite his wickedness. She carefully reconstructed it in a way where it would function but not hurt any less than in its crushed state. “N-nuh…” Bright tried to complain. “-Eg,” Pear waggled her stump-leg as if wanting that to be repaired too, but squeaked and quieted her unreasonable demand when Mac smacked her over the head with it again. The couple squirmed as Twilight brought their bodies together, pulling them both to their haunches and drawing them face-to-face in the middle of the room. It was probably the least vanilla thing they’d done already, if how much they struggled was anything to go by. They clearly despised their children even more than she thought if they were so determined not to have one of them. It was a good thing that they’d shown up to rescue these ponies from their own selfish desires before things got out of hoof and their foals grew up to be well-adjusted ponies. “Ah dun see why yer being drama queens,” Applebloom snorted. “Ya were just fuckin’ when we got here!” “Let’s fuck em up tha ass too,” Applejack suggested. “That should make ‘em feel more into it and be pretty efficient since it’ll hold ‘em together as well.” “I’m -orry, -ove,” sobbed Bright as Twilight’s magic yanked his shaft to press it against Pear’s opening. The magic washed over them to not only nullify any protection, but to make sure they were fertile enough to prevent any misses. Bright grasped hold of Pear’s stub, putting pressure on it in an attempt to make it bleed less, but just jarring it in the process. Pear didn’t say anything in return, instead simply laying her head on his shoulder as if not wanting to look him in the eyes while they were forced. Even as his shaft was forced into the pussy that it probably railed daily, they were strangely non-cooperative. “Aw, this is sweet,” Twilight commented at the special moment. “Even though they are so in love, we managed to give them the sensation of being raped by one another.” “That ain’t all the sensation we’ll give ‘em,” Applebloom went for their dad, knowing that Applejack would prefer the female asshole, not to mention Bright being far more likely to be virgin there. Bright clenched his teeth as she worked her way inside, lapping her long tongue slowly around his back and panting against him. She worked her hips into a solid thrust, ripping away his anal virginity as he penetrated his wife. Applejack grinned as she eased up behind her former mother, her ovipositor looping around his tail and yanking it out of the way before searching for its target. Pear cried out as AJ forced her way inside, the tight flesh clenching the thorny length. Applejack groaned. “Ah, virgin tailhole, ah shoulda known this stupid cunt had never done anything other than horsinary. To think that ah woulda grown up tha same if my new mom hadn’t rescued me…” she shivered. Of course Mac wasn’t going to be left out. He grasped Bright and Pear’s heads in his front claws, pulling them apart from laying on on another’s shoulder. He then let his shaft flop out between their faces, splitting into two and branching out, one for each of their muzzles. It was drooling deliciously with rancid-smelling slime, but for some reason they cringed away from it and looked ready to vomit. Ignoring their disrespect, Mac pried their muzzles open with his magic and yanked their heads forward, pushing the hot needle-covered rods into each of their necks. They gagged violently, the wicked ponies probably never having taken any non-food item into their throats, but Mac rolled his eyes back and panted as he began to thrust violently. The writhing mass of bodies worked into smooth motions as the barn filled with the sounds of their love-making. The wet slap of bodies was joined by the coarse gagging and choked sobs of either of the parents, but their bodies betrayed them as their own bits throbbed together intensely even as their throats and rears were wrecked with thorny rape-sticks. “Oh you found them,” Flurry’s voice spoke from behind Twilight. “I was looking forward to seeing more revenge against evil parents!” “Hello sweetie,” Twilight giggled at her. Since she wanted to leave the Apple family to their incest fun, she waggled her rear towards Flurry, offering herself to her drone like any good royalty knew to do. “Their parents are even more abusive than yours were too. At least yours tried to murder you when we gave them the option.” “I didn’t ask for your opinion, slut!” Flurry smacked Twilight across the face with her magic, eliciting a surprised moan. The filly had certainly become the feisty one even around her betters, flipping Twilight over onto her back and yanking her hind legs apart. “I finished digging a room, so now if you don’t have another order for me, then your only purpose is being my royal fuck meat!”  She definitely had their chain-of-command structure down pat, perhaps even better than Applebloom did, though it probably helped that her every waking moment for the last several months had been torturing her former parents. Either way it was refreshing; few drones had the courage to fully take advantage of their rights around royalty. “Please stooop” Pear gargled from the Apple fun corner, but didn’t get much time to speak as Mac rammed back in, working into a more rapid motion as blood bubbled from her and Bright’s throats, drooling down onto their bellies and making the slap of their bellies all the louder in their act of forced breeding. “Stop bein’ so selfish!” Applejack rightfully reprimanded her. “This is tha most efficient way of doin’ things, so just make another foal so we kin rape her!” She added a bit of comfort. “Don’t worry, she’ll have barely slopped out of yer cunt before we ram all her holes, she won’t grow up a needy virgin like you two.” “Yeah, don’t ya want yer daughter to be able to rape herself as a sobbing newborn filly?” Applebloom tried to reason with them. “And to think ah thought you might be happy to meet older-me, especially since ya were both brutally murdered before ah could even walk.” The confusion and fear charged from that statement was a delicacy, but they couldn’t get much else out as Big Mac decided that he wasn’t getting as deep in their throats as he’d like. He grasped each of their jaws in each of his claws, twisting them and yanking them aside. The couple bellowed at the sudden damage as more blood poured down their bodies, eyes wide with shock as he tore their lower jaws from their faces and tossed them aside. Turning their heads up, he began ramming his rods directly into their throats. “Wow, that’s pretty efficient throat swabbin’, bro,” Applejack complimented her brother’s ingenuity, though she was mostly distracted by her own task. Now that she knew her mother hadn’t actually been an abusive monster when she was growing up, she had plenty of punishment for her. To think if this bitch had her way, AJ might not have had any trauma growing up at all! Thinking about it made her rightfully more angry, so she increased the forcefulness of her motions, keeping time with the Applebloom but digging her claws into Pear’s hips and flexing her shaft inside her ass. She extended it it to wreck more of her intestinal tract with the bone splinters that protruded from the heated shaft, oozing acidic mess to burn at the bleeding entrails. Applejack felt the pressure of Bright’s shaft inside Pear, but it wasn’t likely Pear even noticed the pleasure under the ocean of torment that AJ and Mac had pushed her into. The sobbing mare had gone beyond coherency, wailing every time Big Mac’s shaft was extracted for long enough. Applebloom didn’t want to be outdone either, so grew herself slightly and dug her claws into Bright’s hips as well, ramming his ass and forcing him into Pear at the same time. Even though he was sobbing, he was still experiencing some pleasure in his wife’s nasty spineless pussy. Bloom was worried the pleasure would detract from the valuable lesson he was learning about how much he deserved this, so took action for his future health. Using her magic, Applebloom slowly altered the surface of his shaft and her inner tunnel, heating it and retexturing the flesh to be more like sandpaper. Their thrusting went from unenthusiastic to spastic as they realized that even that had begun to hurt, the friction of sandpaper between them heating it up unnaturally. Along with Applebloom’s magic, Pear’s pussy juice began to slowly boil out to leave nothing but a dry mess as their flesh began to bleed and peel back. “Aw, what a nice gift,” Applejack complimented Applebloom. “That was really sweet of ya Bloom.” “Oh ho,” meanwhile, Twilight purred at Flurry’s forwardness as she continued to watch the Apple orgy out of the corner of her eye. “Sweet you’ve become quite the-”  Her words became bloody splatter as Flurry shaped her hoof into a blade and rammed it into Twilight’s throat. Even though it was allowed at these moments, few drones had the guts to actually stab a queen in the throat, so it was a refreshing change of pace. Twilight arched her back and tried to moan, which just resulted in the blood in her throat bubbling. “I said I didn’t ask for your opinion, you fucking egg factory!” Flurry snarled down at her, then ripped the blade in her neck downward, straining and morphing a serrated edge as she slowly sawed down through Twilight’s chitin on the way from her neck towards her belly. At the same time she rammed her ovipositor into Twilight’s pussy, the thorns of tunnel and shaft locking together and dragging through their flesh as she started to flush. “Just shut up and take my filly cock you whore!” "This is beyond what is normally allowed," Twilight managed to bubble out of her bleeding throat. "But you're just so cute I don't have the heart to stop you... get it? Cause you're sawing my heart in half!" Indeed she was, the heart exploding in a fountain or gore as Twilight literally came herself from the sudden physical trauma, juice boiling from her snatch into a puddle to join with the blood. “Yay!” Toola poked her head up from the basement as well, giggling as she rolled over to Twilight and Flurry. She shaped her hooves into hooks, grasping either side of the torn chitin down Twilight’s chest and yanking it apart to reveal the soft organs inside. She grasped a lump of pulsing royal purple intestinal tract, yanking it free and beginning to hang it around Flurry as if she was a Hearth’s Warming tree getting decorated. Meanwhile, Bright was being very unappreciative of Applebloom’s favor, seeming less close to orgasm now than before. The flesh on his skin began to peel back like a banana, only for the next layer to harden into a sandpapery surface and began to peel as well. Likewise, Pear’s convulsing hole was becoming a hot pool of soggy torn flesh and blood. Applebloom did her best to encourage him, using her magic to superheat her cum before exploding into his body. He shrieked as his gut bloated up with scalding acidic cum, organs churning away slowly as it burst into new cavities and spread the trauma throughout his body. His convulsed, vomiting up a burst of it around Mac’s cock, which rolled down his chest and began to singe off the fur as it boiled a thick rancid mist into the air around them. He could only stare in shock that this much trauma and agony was even possible. Seeing all the fun noises they were making, Mac withdrew his shafts from their muzzles to let them gurgle more freely. Instead, he dug a claw into each of their heads, prying out the eye closest to him from the sockets and letting them dangle there, nerve still attached so their victims got a very interesting view of their bloody bodies slapping together. Mac pushed his shafts into the sockets, ramming feverishly, but he’d already lasted longer than usual and was ready to pop. He didn’t hold back, blasting a load into each of their heads, crushing against their brain and flooding through their sinuses to roll freely out of their noses and mouths. The pressure finally popped out their opposite eyes, leaving them dangling as well as a torrent of bloody cum rushed over them, Mac’s cocks exiting the opposite sockets to sputter out a few more thick ropes of stickiness. Seeing that Bright was trying not to cum out of spite for them, Applejack decided to help him along with a burst of energy from her own horn. His body lit up with energy as he squealed, blood splattering out of his torn throat all over Pear as he did so. He came hard whether he wanted to or not, finally pumping a thick stream of spunk into Pear’s waiting womb. “Yeah, take his cum,” Applejack purred in Pear’s ear. “We’re gonna rape that sweet thing in every hole soon as its born, and you’ll get ta watch! Doesn’t that sound fun?”  Applejack shivered, getting more excited at the impending fun. She extended the thorns on her shaft and began to slice through Pear’s gut, carefully aiming to avoid her womb, but tearing through everything else, chopping her innards into a puree of septic gore. Rather than thank Applejack for her kind words, Pear convulsed madly, blood bubbling up from her throat as she waited for a death that would never come for her.  Finally Applejack exploded in orgasmic bliss into the puree, continuing to ram her hips hard as the jets of greenish cum poured into the gore sack and stung at every nerve that it could reach. Applejack ripped the cock out, splattering a few last spurts on the floor as she quickly put her muzzle against her mother’s chopped up anus and sucked out the delicious goreshake, rolling her eyes back at the flavor. “Fuck yeeees,” Flurry was moaning as she plowed Twilight, bursting her own load from the combination of Twilight’s pussy-spasms and watching the parents get what they deserved. She spent several moments plowing her thick seed into Twilight’s snatch, watching it burst through the sliced organs inside and mix in a swirling pattern with the blood. She shivered, adding with a suddenly upbeat and friendly voice. “I love you so much, Second-Mommy!” As Flurry pulled the blade from her gut, Twilight healed herself enough to reconnect her lungs and blew out the blood that had been gathering in her respiratory tract before speaking. “Aw, thanks sweetie. Why don’t you and Toola go dig another room. I’ll be down there to look it over in a bit.” “Yes Second-Mommy!” Flurry and Toola saluted together, giggling as they ran back to the hole they emerged from. Since Flurry was entangled in Twilight’s intestines, she began to pull the rest of them out as she ran, at least until Twilight hacked off the gory strand to keep more of it from leaving. Laying back and reluctantly letting herself heal, Twilight looked back over at the Apple fun. While getting suddenly raped and gutted by a subordinate was a nice segway, she needed to stay on topic too. She was about to cast a spell to accelerate the pregnancy, but paused for a moment, hesitating. She had no idea why she hesitated, she just did. Was that… did she have empathy left? Nah, can’t be. “Applebloom, sweetie?” Twilight called over to her. “Why don’t you try casting the spell to make yourself be born faster? You'll give new meaning to the term 'go fuck yourself'!” “Yeah, hurry up sis!” Applejack encouraged. “Not every day we get to see a pony rape ‘erself!” “Oh, there’s two!” Applebloom realized as she reached her magic into Pear’s womb as the mare shook her head violently. “Ah hope ah had a twin bro so ah kin kill it!” “P-pwease…” Pear somehow forced out the word as her eyes dangled on either side of her muzzle. “Kill… us… all us…” Her words were cut off again as she vomited more of her puree-ed guts, cutting off her brash and unreasonable demands. “Even now they want to keep us from enjoyin’ ourselves at their expense?” Applejack was stunned, thinking surely they would have seen the light by now. “Every time ah think ya can’t get worse ya prove me wrong!” Applebloom’s horn lit up as she concentrated, pushing her magic into Pear’s womb, first patching up the bits of damage around it so that it wouldn’t burst. Her energy boiled into the fluid around it, multiplying it into thick nutrients and locking the womb in her magic. Pear shrieked as the sensation of having a time bubble form inside her was even more agonizing than what she’d experienced so far. “Amazing…” Twilight was duly impressed that Applebloom seemed to be pulling it off, opening up an x-ray spell as well to watch the little ones grow inside. While it was difficult to see the details in the nutrient slop with a spell, there were definitely two of them growing rapidly. “That should do it!” Applebloom said happily, impatiently forming one hoof into a blade and ramming it into her old mother’s cooch. She thrusts it a few good times to allow her to anticipate what was coming, then tore upward, ripping her gut wide open. Moving it with a precision stroke, she split her womb open perfectly so that the two infants sloshed out into the gore pile that was now forming between the mother and father. But something was wrong… there was indeed a male and female twin, but neither of them looked like Applebloom. They both had bright red coats and yellow manes rather than the other way around.  “What tha hay?” Applejack head-tilted. “You tellin’ me that these ponies can’t even have tha right rape-foals for us? Ah mean we won’t let these little sacks go to waste fer sure, but still…” “This is odd,” Twilight trotted over as her innards began to patch back together, sitting on her haunches and thoughtfully tapping her chin. > 22. A Second Self > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, I suppose we just need to try again,” Twilight decided, feeling over her stomach as the last bits of chitin knitted together after Flurry’s very amorous gutting. “I mean we have to hit the right combination eventually, right?” “Please… no more…” Bright sobbed. “You could do anything to us, but please let them go, it’s not their fault…” “We’ll do anything else you want, just not hurt them, please!” Pear gagged up blood as she begged as well. “Ah thought ya’ll loved each other,” Applebloom rolled her eyes. “And now yer complainin’ that we’re gonna ‘force’ you to fuck over and over? You ponies are so confusin’...” “Wow, to find out that our parents actually hated each other all this time!” Applebloom marveled. “Anyway I’ll heal ya both up so that you kin suffer properly on the next go.” “Maybe we should spare their foals,” said Twilight, and for some reason didn’t appear to be sarcastic about the idea. She blinked, shook her head as if clearing it, and corrected herself. “Sorry, I meant we should use them as egg sacks, since we need more drones and newborns suffering is hot. We can’t exactly ask Mommy Chryssie for help in this time.” “Ah agree,” nodded Applejack. “Killin’ em would be a waste of good fun and egg sacks.” “Shouldn’t we let our parents fuck them at least once though?” Applebloom suggested altruistically. “Ah feel like it’d be the right thing to do even if they hate their children and each other. But afterward, can’t we murder at least one? Ah really wanna murder a siblin’ and we ended up lettin’ AJ and Mac live.” “Ya kin always kill me or Mac later,” AJ suggested helpfully. “Yer royalty so we wouldn’t resist an order to die.  Unless ya wanted us to resist so it’d be hotter fer ya.” “Practice!” Big Mac agreed, twisting off one of his own hind legs, then smacking himself over the head with it helpfully. “Not yet, Mac,” Applejack told Mac. He blinked, then put the leg back on while Applejack healed it. “Aw, you two are sweet,” said Applebloom, but then pouted. “But yer still too useful and ah want ta kill a siblin’ now,” “No, we shouldn’t do this,” Twilight said again, then backtracked slightly. “I mean, we shouldn’t let them go to waste.” “Well okay,” sighed Applebloom. “Ah guess ah understand wantin’ more drones.” Twilight shook her head again. She’d felt a little off since she got here, but it was suddenly getting worse, as if something inside her mind had been jarred loose by either the time travel or being cut off from the main hivemind. Or maybe it was from being suddenly gutted and having to expend a lot of energy to heal herself. Either way, as crazy as it sounded, it was almost like she was reluctant to harm the newborns. What’s more, she realized suddenly that her horn was aglow and she was healing Bright and Pear, completely healing their bodies a great deal more than she intended. How unusual that she’d just heal them and not do something messed up or at least thinking about how amazing it’d be to hurt them again. She should probably ponder this. Fortunately, the others seemed to take the unusual activity as just preparing them for more abuse. “Why even bother healing us?” Pear sobbed, too distraught to even try to get up and run. “Please just kill us already…” Bright seemed to agree. Contradictory to his words, he was also willing to run too though, having reached the point that he didn’t even try to grab Pear and just darted towards the door. ‘Practice!” Big Mac heroically dove for the escapee, grabbing him by one leg and moving to tear it off. He seemed to forget to brace the body to do the tearing though, as instead of pulling it off, he swung Bright around by the leg like a lasso and slammed him back onto the ground. Realizing his mistake, he braced the body by stepping one hoof onto Bright’s ball sack and twisted his hind legs until his hips started to crack. Just as they were coming off, his balls gave, crushed beneath the hoof and making him shriek delightfully. “Now now, ex-Dad, ya’ll don’t deserve ta die,” Applejack nodded and spoke louder over Bright’s pansy scream. She tugged Pear towards her, who was currently just curled up in a fetal position and sobbing. “You deserve way worse. Besides, AB’s right. It’d be a bit hypocritical if we didn’t let our new little brother and sister experience gettin’ raped good an’ hard by their parents.” Twilight let them play for a moment while she tried to figure herself out, and came to a startling conclusion. There was a second voice in her head other than her normal thought voice that seemed to be disagreeing with her, and that was why she kept thoughtlessly suggesting mercy for the foals. Was this the presence she felt when she first arrived in this time? Mommy had mentioned that the old Twilight was still buried in her sub-conscious being made to watch her evil deeds, but Twilight had thought that was more a figurative statement. However, it seemed it was quite a literal arrangement, and now that she had turned her hivelink off due to the time shift, the Twilight in the back of her mind was trying to surface. ‘You’ve been slipping thoughts into my mind, have you?’ Twilight thought to the other herself. ‘Evil thoughts like being nice to foals and not making non-changelings suffer.’ The response of the other her was one of abject terror as soon as her presence had been realized. Twilight shivered at the uniqueness of such a delicious emotion both coming from and being fed on by her own mind, but would have to try to keep it under wraps from the others for now. Perhaps having this other her interact with ponies could be fun. ‘Why are you all doing this to me…’ The second mind voice replied when she finally got the nerve, sobbing quietly in the back of her head. ‘Don’t you remember how horrified you were when you were me? Why would you put others through the thing you hated so much?’ ‘Wow, my own tulpa to torment and corrupt,’ Twilight pondered. ‘I could be executed later for it, but that’s kinda my end goal with Mommy anyway. I’m going to name you something punny like Whylight.’ “No don’t make me do this!” Bright Mac was still having a fit as Mac pinned him onto the bloody barn floor. Mac drooled onto his former father’s neck as he pushed his massive shaft against his behind once again, impaling it in one long stroke. As it was fully healed, it was just as painful as the first entry, leaving Bright sobbing where he lay, but the energy also pulled through him into his shaft, causing it to harden even though his balls were still crushed against the floor. He sobbed even louder as Mac used telekinesis to pull the female foal over to them, turning over onto his side with Bright and rubbing the foal’s bottom against her father’s shaft. Despite his claims that he didn’t want to and the frantic shaking of his head, his shaft throbbed even more quickly at the feel of the writhing baby bottom fresh from his wife’s pussy. “Yeah sure you don’t wanna,” Applejack saw Bright’s hypocrisy. “Well yer dick gave ya away. You wanna pound yer newborn daughter’s puss, yer prolly just refusin’ cause ya hate friendship or somethin.” Applejack sat up on her haunches, pulling Pear up to herself and hugging the mare from behind, biting down on her ear and gnawing idly. She pushed her own ovipositor into her mother’s tensing behind, panting as she slid deep, giving the mare more righteous punishment for having refused to rape her foals all those years.  Applejack picked up the male foal in her magic too, though she was a little concerned that the opposite size difference might make for less pain. Carefully using her magic, she first pumped energy into the bawling infant to expand his shaft, then shaped her hoof to have sharp edges along the inside of one of the holes. She pushed the leg-hole down over the cock, slowly peeling the skin back to leave it bare.  “What are you doing, stop please just stop!” Pear sobbed selfishly, but AJ had no patience for Pear’s attempts to sway her to evil. As the colt’s squalling raised pitch, Applejack thought about burning out Pear’s cunt as well, but decided that feeling pleasure from the pain of her newborn might be better for her reformation process. It might even make Pear accept that fucking her foals was a natural part of life. As she was completely sane, Twilight enjoyed the scene quite a lot, but Whylight seemed to be blocking out the sight of it and focusing on anything else. Anything else wasn’t entirely bad though, as that turned out to be Applebloom, who had walked up to Twilight, slid beneath her, and began to rub her slimy hindquarters against her ovipositor.  “Fertilize me, Mommy,” Applebloom rubbed her head affectionately on Twilight’s chest. “I don’t want to waste any time makin’ more babies fer you.” Twilight decided to have some fun with the situation. Still not informing anyling of Whylight’s presence, she relaxed, withdrawing her own control and putting her old self back in charge of the body to see what she’d do. For a few moments, Whylight just tensed at the rubbing foal bottom against her, too shocked to speak as her stomach heaved. She immediately vomited, pouring over Applebloom’s head. Applebloom mistook it for affection, moaning as she turned her head up, letting the sick wash over her and pool in her throat, gargling it for a moment before swallowing it down. ‘I-I can’t have sex with a foal!’ Whylight said in Twilight’s mind. Sadly her time watching Twilight’s noble deeds hadn’t decreased her stupidity much at all. ‘A changeling foal that barely resembles her pathetic former pony self,’ Twilight reminded. ‘And also your own daughter, are you really going to leave her in need? You had no issues fantasizing about fucking your brother before you were transformed, and I know for a fact you’d have done so if you knew he was into the idea too. So it’s not like incest is off the table for you.’ “Don’t make me wait, Mommy,” Applebloom begged, still unaware of the hidden dialogue, rubbing her soft chitin bottom against Twilight’s throbbing ovipositor. “Make it hurt, please, ah wanna suffer ta get you off harder!” Though Whylight’s fragile awareness seemed incapable of focusing on too much at once, Twilight was still enjoying the foal-rape next to them. The filly had been fairly quiet, too timid to make a noise in the strange new world she found herself in, but quickly screeched when she felt her tiny cunt stretching over the cock that had made her. Mac yanked her back so that she was impaled in one stroke, the throbbing member forced all the way into her deliciously immature womb, tearing out her cervix and pressing against the back wall. It was only around half-way inside. “I’m so sorry, filly!” sobbed Bright, clearly feeling guilty about not having wanted to rape his children sooner, but then immediately contradicted himself by futilely trying to pull her back off his cock with his front hooves. Mac’s magic held her tight though, so all Bright ended up doing was stroking the young squirming body. His shaft throbbed harder inside, and the more it did the more blood oozed out of his crushed ball sack. The colt continued his crying as his unnaturally bulging member pushed into his mother’s pleasure pit, her walls clenching the stripped meat of his cock and secretions burning as if salt had just been poured on his peeled dick. Applejack gnawed further on Pear’s ear, using her magic to intensify the pleasure she felt from her son’s dick, but the selfish mare just kept shaking her head. The better it felt, the more abject terror she felt at her situation, and soon at herself from the shame of enjoying it so much. “Ya know, we should name those two brats, whatcha wanna call em?” Applejack suggested helpfully as she continued to plug Pear’s bottom, enjoying how it convulsed in refusal to enjoy the situation. “Mommy should pick the names!” Applebloom suggested, sliding her bottom up to try to push herself onto Twilight’s shaft. She seemed to just think Twilight was giving her a hard time for the fun of it. “N-names?” Whylight shifted her hips in a panic, insanely not wanting to ‘harm’ the foal that wanted it so badly. “U-uh… well for a male-female set… maybe Envy and Kanzi? Those are apple types and sort of rhyme so…” Predictably, her suggestions were bizarrely pony-ish, but Twilight didn’t contradict her. Applebloom snorted with laughter as she tried to impale herself again, “That’s hilarious! No really, what do ya really think they should be named? How bout Rotten Apple fer tha colt and Putrid Apple fer tha filly?” “But Envy and Kanzi are such sweet names…” Whylight said as tears streamed down her face. “Don’t you want to give them names they’ll like?” As if they would ever be sapient enough to even know their own names with the constant torture they’d endure. While she wanted to see what Whylight would do, Twilight was getting impatient for the hot feel of her daughter’s pussy around her, so took over just long enough to push her hips forward, targeting Applebloom’s behind. The foals pussy flexed into a clawgina and grasped the ovipositor, sucking it in like a stiff noodle and convulsing her inner walls around her.  Whylight couldn’t help but moan, despite the fact that the needle filled hole was torture against Twilight’s ovipositor, which itself had throbbed to extend its lucious quills and drag along Bloom’s inner flesh. Applebloom moaned as she started to push her hips back, but Whylight just stayed stiff as she stood there, making her daughter do most of the work as she choked on a sob. The clawgina tensed around the shaft, dragging against it as well. It was happening all over again, being forced to do terrible things, and yet somehow the agony of it all was sending pleasure through her that confused Whylight even further. It seemed the trapped mind hadn’t actually gotten to feel how pleasurably painful changeling-on-changeling sex was until Twilight pulled her back to the front. Would it be even more torment for her than before, or would she slowly corrupt and begin to like it? Twilight couldn’t wait to find out. Not wanting to miss the action, Twilight forced Whylight’s head to turn to watch the others as well. Putrid was convulsing on Bright’s cock at this point, little legs flailing as her body bloated grotesquely and her eyes rolled back. He’s broken through the back of her womb and into her gut, but Applejack’s magic was keeping the infant from dying before she could fulfill her true purpose as an egg sack. While Putrid had taken too much trauma to her lungs to do anything but gargle up blood, Rotten’s wonderful sobbing was still echoing through the barn as his mother unwillingly tortured his bloody cock. Applejack zapped energy through Pear’s body, forcing her to clench harder, the blood making for poor lube and increasing the friction and pain for the tiny mind even more. “That’s it, tha only thing they’ll ever know about Mommy and Daddy,” Applejack purred as she continued to thrust herself. “Is that they introduced them into a world of agony, as it should be.” She then rolled-her-eyes towards Twilight. “Mommy ya know ah love ya, but yer joke names weren’t funny enough fer you to be sobbin’ in laughter. No offense, but ah’m startin’ to understand why grandmommy had that anti-pun device on ya. Taking it off seems ta be devolving yer mind slightly.” Overwhelmed from the extreme pleasure beneath the contradictory pain of the penetration, Whylight couldn’t keep her hips still forever, and began pushing them down whether she wanted to or not. Applebloom rocked her hips upwards against her, splatting their bodies together, continually trying to slam harder and faster, but Whylight insisted on a cruel gentle pace instead of a lovingly violent one. Twilight hoped Applebloom wouldn’t take the lack of violence too badly and think that her Mommy might not love her as much anymore. “Not gonna ram me into the floor?” Applebloom asked curiously, but thankfully didn’t seem offended. “Oh ah get it, we’re bein’ extra-kinky by bein’ more vanilla than usual. Well yer cock is still mah favorite so ah guess ah kin deal with it.” “Don’t worry, nobody’s perfect,” Applejack agreed, careful not to let on that the bizarre kink made her just a little sick to her stomach. “We won’t kink-shame ya fer liking a gentle fuck every now and then. Ya weird fuck.” ‘You know,’ Twilight told Whylight on the inside. ‘You can still fuck a foal like a pony from time to time if that’s your problem. I understand if you regret not doing it more as a pony and just want to feel what molesting a foal feels like as a pony without using your amazing changeling abilities.’ ‘That’s not the problem!’ insisted Whylight. ‘Even if it does sound… I mean, You know that and you’re just pretending to be oblivious because of your sadistic nature! You can’t possibly buy this nonsense about torturing foals being part of true friendship! It’s not even logical from an evil perspective!’ Despite her complaints, her hips didn’t stop, even grasping Applebloom’s chest in one front leg as the other tilted Bloom’s head down so her rear would slowly press upwards. ‘You mean YOUR sadistic nature,’ Twilight corrected her. ‘I don’t think I need to explain how the right circumstances can easily draw this out of you as well.’ ‘Stop twisting my thoughts!’ Whylight continued her clearly-delusional thinking. ‘I don’t want to have sex with ANY foal, understand? Ever!’ Her hypocrisy was immediately apparent as Whylight moaned and arched her back, shaft throbbing hard as she creamed a load into Applebloom’s pussy beneath her. She shivered at the slimy yet thorny milking of the changeling pussy, and grasped Applebloom’s hindquarters to give several more powerful shoves to expel every drop into her cute little bottom as she could. “Take my sperm you foal slut,” Whylight slipped out loud, then clenched her teeth in horror at what she had said. ‘You were saying?’ Twilight asked her smugly. Whylight realized how absurd that must have seemed well enough, staying shamefully silent for a few moments. She collapsed from the intense pleasure, panting against Applebloom’s head and even reaching out her tongue to lap at the foal’s face as the little pussy continued to milk out her seed. It was only more obvious since Whylight had came even before the two parents, but those two didn’t need much more encouragement. Even though he clenched his whole body in an attempt to resist, Bright creamed a load into his daughter as well, blasting out the back wall of her womb.  Her torn body bulged until her flesh expanded like a balloon with her tormented organs floating around in the soup, followed quickly by her vomiting a fountain of cum and blood. Applebloom and Applejack both had to act quickly to keep her from dying, but managed to keep her body together, now well-stretched in preparation for the eggs she would birth. Pear was slightly more enlightened about it, finally grasping her son in her hooves and more freely rotating her hips against him even as she sobbed in shame at her own actions. It just felt too good to do something so incredibly kinky after sticking to strictly vanilla sex for her entire life. She must have been at least a little saner than most, because for a moment she sincerely regretted not having let Mac fuck her, the feel of a cock she made pushing apart her pussy was amazing. She quickly repressed her feelings though and let her delusions take hold again. She clenched her eyes as her body convulsed around him, streaming her secretions over his bloody pulp of a shaft before suckling an unwilling orgasm out of her son, whose wails went up another octave as the hole he’d slopped out of continued to torment him. “Good slut,” Applejack encouraged Pear, but the mare immediately regretted her own pleasure enough to vomit all over her son. There was an awful lot of that today, but it was amusing to watch the little one gargle it as he continued to sob at his delightfully cruel mother. ‘So, you need incest to get off?’ Twilight concluded as she focused on Whylight’s education.  ‘Stop it,’ Whylight replied. ‘She’s just a foal that is corrupted, not our actual daughter.’ ‘Deliciously corrupted, yes,’ Twilight said. ‘Which is mainly my doing so don’t take credit for it. Look, if you insist on this lie that you don’t want to fuck your family, just fuck some of the foals you aren’t related to like the two new egg sacks. If you think Applebloom is tight, can you even imagine what one must feel like fresh from a mare’s pussy?”’ ‘That’s not the reason either!’ Whylight became increasingly frustrated, but insisted on continuing to try to convince Twilight. While smart for a pony, she was still stupid enough to think that convincing might do something. ‘What you are pretending not to understand is that…’ The thought was cut off as Applejack, having ripped herself from Pear’s butter bottom, pushed Twilight off of Applebloom and onto the floor on her back. Applejack straddled her mother lustfully, looking to get a dose of Mommy’s sperm for herself so that she could assist in the noble duties of raping eggs into innocent newborn ponies. As she did so, Pear’s mind seemed to break just a little, and she grasped her son’s behind, pushing him against her once again. She muttered a quiet apology as she tugged his shaft from her pussy slowly, then pressed it against her tailhole instead, grunting as she forced it inside and rotated her hips slowly, face bright red with the shame of her deeds. “Ya must’ve been really horny, Mommy,” Applebloom patted her swollen belly. “With all this, ah’ll be able to fill up one of the newborns and one of mah ex-parents too!” “I-it wasn’t that much,” Whylight said aloud, not wanting to admit how hard boning a foal got her off. “Don’t sell yerself short,” Applejack was eager for her own heavy dose, shivering as the thorny shaft slid up into her as well. “I’m way too long to be sold short!” Twilight forced a pun through before giving back control to Whylight. ‘Why would you make me say that?!’ Whylight asked. Impregnating a foal in preparation for turning newborns into egg sacks was one thing, but terrible puns were just too much. It seems she agreed with Chrysalis about one thing at least. Applejack cringed a bit at the pun, but then rolled her eyes back as her barbs tangled with Twilight’s inside, tearing into each of their sensitive fun-parts as her hips moved. She leaned forward to kiss Twilight deeply, shoving her tongue forward and penetrating Twilight’s throat like a shaft to lovingly choke her. Whylight gagged a great deal more than Twilight would have, but twisted her own tongue around Applejack’s instinctively to give it more warm flesh to push through. Whylight strained to pretend she didn’t enjoy the slick tearing pressure all over her shaft, but more so she strained to pretend that she hadn’t liked boning a foal more. She couldn’t fool Twilight though. ‘It’s too bad she’s not a foal too,’ thought Twilight as Whylight strained to  shaft once again. ‘But she’s still pretty good and it is sorta incest, so you should still be able to get off almost as much, right?’ ‘Yeah she’s pretty good,’ Lost in pleasure, Whylight agreed, only to reverse course again. ‘I mean no! This whole thing is awful!’ ‘Now don’t be mean,’ Twilight scolded Whylight. ‘She’s only been a changeling for a few hours, so you can’t expect her to be too good yet.’ It was a little bit of a lie though, because Twilight enjoyed the feel of a new changeling. The movements were unpracticed, but the enthusiasm Applejack had to pleasure her new mother was too delicious for that to matter. Applejack was already addicted to her mother’s cock, driving herself down on Twilight as hard as she could.  The earth pony had been strong before, but with her new hip strength and excitement, both their pelvises suddenly cracked from the repeated impacts. The two moaned together, embracing closer before Applejack continued choking Twilight on her tongue-shaft. Applebloom started to move on to her next task, but smirked when she found Pear already happily taking her son up the rear. The mare staggered as she forced herself up off the floor, pinning her tiny son on his back and riding him up her ass with smooth motions even as she sobbed at her own deeds. “Shh, just relax,” Pear leaned forward and kissed her son’s sobbing face, stroking his body with her shaky front hooves soothingly. She seemed to forget that no amount of soothing could ease his suffering when his cock had been skinned. “Mommy is here for you… oh Celestia I’m such a monster too… I just can’t help it I always wanted to have sex with Big Mac and now… now… “ Mac perked his ears at that, sliding out of Bright and letting him tumble onto the bloody floor. He moved up to his mother, who whimpered in terror as her transformed son edged up to her, but then kissed him deeply as he lifted her leg and pushed his pulsating shaft into her pussy. She moved her hips faster, clenching her teeth as she tried to make herself stop and just couldn’t. “Pear, sweetie, what are you doing?” sobbed Bright in distress at his wife’s suddenly more logical thinking. “We can’t do that!” “Then why are you fucking our daughter still!” Pear shot back. She clenched her whole body as she felt Mac’s barbs drag along the inside of her pussy, slowly tearing her apart, stringing beneath the pleasure and slowly overcoming it, but she still pushed herself back against both him and Rotten. She groaned. “That’s it, Mac baby, it hurts so bad but keep fucking Mommy’s pussy…” Bright squeaked in horror, realizing that he had grasped little Putrid without thinking with his front hooves and was pulling her down against his shaft again. Unlike Pear, he refused to accept the more normal behavior, screaming and yanking her off his shaft, accidentally throwing her so that the wailing foal landed on the floor several hoofsteps away. ‘Oh goodness, can you taste that?’ Twilight asked Whylight as her web body undulated against Applejack, neither healing their broken pelvises and instead letting the fractured bone drag together painfully inside of them. ‘It’s divine, isn’t it? Pear’s self-hatred is actually more intense than her anger at us now, and Bright’s horror doubled seeing his wife’s newfound enlightenment.’ ‘I-I prefer love or even lust,’ Whylight said, trying hard to hold back her next orgasm, but only ensuring it’d be larger as her body trembled with a need to release it. ‘And… sexual release… oh Celestia why am I enjoying this too…’ ‘Ah, so you’re a traditionalist,’ Twilight pondered. ‘I suppose there are some changelings that still prefer love over torment and agony. If I had a choice, I’d probably decree that any drone that preferred lust over agony is executed, but I’d make an exception for you. Mommy will probably torment us both for eternity eventually anyway.’ ‘That doesn’t make any… fuuuuck!’ Whylight suddenly went over the edge, shuddering as she expelled another impressive load into Applejack’s waiting egg factory. Despite her larger body, Applejack’s gut bloated almost as much as Applebloom’s, her shattered pelvis allowing it to push outward more and slosh around. Whylight them promptly vomited again in disgust of herself, which Applejack found delightful as well. AJ pulled her tongue back and shaped her muzzle into a funnel to suck all the sick from Twilight’s throat, swallowing it down into the same chamber to give the fertilized eggs just a bit of flavoring. ‘Aha!’ Twilight thought triumphantly. ‘You got off when I told you how we’d be murdered or tormented for all eternity! I knew you were secretly kinky!’ ‘I was already on the edge!’ Whylight defended. ‘And I hated the entire process! This is already eternal torment for me, why do you think your wicked mother let me stay conscious here if not to torture me?’ ‘OUR wicked mother,’ Twilight corrected helpfully. ‘And it wasn’t necessarily to torture you. It could have been an act of kindness so you wouldn’t have to wonder about all the amazing things you’d be doing after your enlightenment.’ “That doesn’t make any sense!” Whylight screamed aloud in frustration. “Well, vomiting during climax is pretty unconventional,” Applejack said, slurping up the last of it. “But ah wouldn’t say it makes no sense. If ya think about it, it’s just a really sloppy kiss.” “Come on over, big sis,” Applebloom called to Applejack now that she was fueled up too. “Let’s start tha next bit of fun. Yer dyke ass can load up the two sacks that have pussies.”