Shape-Shifters Anonymous.

by kexly

First published

A group that trys to show the world that Shape shifters aren't inherently evil.

A group of Shape shifters that try to show everyone (or everypony) that Shape shifters aren't inherently evil. As well as teach other Shape shifters to understand "normal" people (or ponies).

Chapter 1: A mare and the snack bar.

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As like any other day I wake up put on my favorite shirt, sweater, and hat. Missed breakfast (on purpose), Teleport to sch... wait... it's Saturday.

"I'm having my frist group meeting with Shape-Shifters Anonymous today! by Celestia! I'm going to be late!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Scaring the daylights out of my parents. I need to be their now! I can't fail another category in my friendship studies!

"Where is it! WHERE IS IT! I need that pamphlet! I need to know where to teleport!" I franticly said.

"here it is." calmly said my mom. she levitated it over to me thoughtfully.

"thanks mom. I love you." I said softly.

The pamphlet says 'Shape-shifters Anonymous' and a map with the location of the meeting place marked with a red dot.

"Alright I'll be home later see ya." I said hastily and teleported to the meeting place.

"have a fun time Heart Breaker, dearie." I heard my mom say.

I teleported to my destination, the everfree forest, well the pamphlet did say one can't just teleport to the place. sigh time to start trotting. The track was semi-long but relatively safe. I walk to the 'circle filde' as the pamphlet called it. The small patch of grassland in the middle of the everfree. A lone yellow and purple door, with a 'C. R.' on it as well has three stringed signs. They said:

"Shape-Shifters Annoamiss meeting: 10AM - 9PM." Read the first sign.

"Snacks provided!" Stated the second.

"No Swaring." proclaimed the last.

"They spelled Anonymous wrong..." I commented.

"I'll have to stop myself from 'swaring'." I asserted.

"But at lest I can stuff my belly with snacks!" I stated stomach roaring in hunger. I skipped breakfast for that very reason, free food!

I opened the door to see that an earth pony was setting up the last of the chairs for the meeting. His navy blue mane and golden coat popped with the deep purple and black interior. He had the body of my type of guy, if only he didn't wear those stupid glasses he'd be perfect. Although he looked very tired he still had a chipper trot.

"Ah" came his calm voice.

"You're exactly an hour early, miss Heart Breaker." he said quietly barely audible. thank Celestia for my good hearing. I didn't really question how he knew who I was, because he meet my parents earlier this week, they even showed him photos.

"Well Discord still needs to get here with the snacks, and I still need to get a hold of miss Twilight on Chrysalis and Tireck. Oooo as well as getting ahold of Thorax too. Grate galping gala! I nearly forgot to put today's pamphlets on the chairs!!!" he rambled and rushed into the next room.

"Well don't be shy walk in." said a new voice. and as prompted by the new voice I walked in.

"Oh my, you're Heart Breaker aren't you?" said the draconaquus as he revealed him self. He was of coarse Discord.

"Yeeeeeessss?" I nervously said.

"Well Splendid, I heard from Twilight that you have a big apatite for junk food." recalled the being of chaos.

"yes! yes I do!" I said stomach roaring.

The draconaquus manifested a snack bar right in front of me, handing me a plate. while the frantic yellow horse placed the pamphlets on the seats, I took the plate and filled it.

"Oh Ray. always so worried. we still have an hour old boy! calm down." said the amalgamation of Disorder.

"I Can't help it, it's the first Meeting! I just got word from Thorax he's bringing all the Changelings with him and hopes to help Chrysalis, Tireck's going to be late! Twilight forgot the meeting was today!" blurted the Yellow pony.

As I eat my fifth plate and put up the banners . I learn the yellow pony's name is Cosmic ray the host of the meet. And my tummy is stuffed as the meeting begins. Miss twilight walks in sweating as she has Chrysalis in tow. Chrysalis was chained to a board and had a muzzle that was designed to prevent biting but still allowed one to talk. I sneak another plate of sandwiches despite my already taut belly's fullness.

"Sorry again for forgetting the meeting Ray. I was really engrossed in a good book." the princess of friendship said lying through her teeth .

"I was feeling nauseous about this, Until I saw the attire, I love your homes color scheme Mr. Ray!" marveled Chrysalis.

"And I like your..... uh..... Bookshelves! and your a fireplace!" staggered the book horse grasping at straws.

"Sorry we're late Ray! some of the Changelings got distracted by honeysuckles!" voiced a new face, he was tall and green with purple wings and orange mandibles atop his head.

"It's alright Miss princess of fwendship was late too!" Chimed Chrysalis. "I think I need something to eat, I've learn that foods made with love curve my cravings." continued the buggy exqueen. "thorax be a deer and get me one of those heart shaped cookies?" she asked the tall new comer.

"oh! sure! I'll get you some." Thorax said nervously. "I'll get you a whole plate!" he rushed to the snack bar.

I made the plate and handed it too him. "thanks" he quickly said and rushed back to the black and green exmonarch. I ate my own cookies and other treats. everyone now settled down they started telling their tails. Thorax talked about how he met Mr. Spike, Chrysalis told us about her discovery that any love can feed her, and Tirek finally showed up and recanted his first interaction with Ray. Ray's stubbornness made him regain his lost magic and Tirek kept sucking up his magic until Tirek actually saw Ray's stern gaze. and then it was my turn....

"oh, um... I used my special talent to shape-shift to attract boys, Miss twilight wants me to stop because it's messing with their emotions. (hic) excuse me I ate a bit too much. any way I'm thinking of use My Talent to help everyone!" I exclaimed.