> Sweetie's Guilty Secret > by Inky Scrolls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pleasure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now you will be careful, won't you, darling?" Rarity asked again. "Yes, Rarity! I'll be super-dooper careful!" "And you won't answer the door to anypony you don't know?" "I won't!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "Well. . . alright then. I'm only in Canterlot, so if you need anything you can ask Spike to send me a message via the Princess. . . Are you sure you'll be okay?" Sweetie rolled her eyes. As much as she loved her big sister, she could be such a worry-wort. "Yes, I'll be fine!" With a last, uncertain scrunch, Rarity nodded. "I'd best be off. The train leaves in ten minutes and it would not do to be late to a royal reception. Goodbye then, Sweetie, dear! Be good!" As she watched Rarity out of sight down the street, Sweetie Belle sighed. She had been waiting for weeks for this opportunity, of having Rarity out of the way - and it had almost been spoilt just two days before, when a beserking wildebeest had appeared from the Everfree and started tearing the town apart - but that had been successfully dealt with, and Rarity and her friends were free to travel over to Canterlot for the weekend after all. And so Sweetie Belle found herself alone at last. To be sure, Rarity had made sure she had plenty to do to keep herself occupied. As well as all her homework - which was beginning to ramp up, now she was almost ready to leave Cheerilee's school - Rarity had left her a variety of drawing, sewing, knitting, painting and other creative pursuits, should she want them. And while Sweetie was grateful for Rarity's attentiveness, there was only one thing on her mind. . . "Well," she murmured to herself, "Time for some quality alone time. . .". Having shut the front door, locked and bolted it, turned the sign to 'closed', and pulled down all the blinds, Sweetie Belle trotted up the wide staircase to her bedroom. There, she closed the curtains and lit three mildly scented candles. The room now looked quite cosy, had anypony been in a mind to sleep in it. But Sweetie had other things on her mind. Moving quickly, she repositioned her bedroom mirror, such that it reflected directly what was on the fourposter. The she clambered up onto her bed, pouffed up all three of her pillows, and lay down on her back, with the pillows supporting her head and neck. The thrill of anticipation flew through her, as she held her hindlegs wide apart, her knees almost up to her face, and paused for nearly half a minute. Then, looking up at herself in the mirror, she began slowly stroking her right forehoof down her body, from the tips of her ears, down round her neck and muzzle, down past her budding breasts, and down to her prize, her special flower, her filly-cherry. As her hoof finally reached her already dampened vulva and began caressing the outer folds, she gave a involuntary shudder, and moaned. "Ooh, yes. . . that's what I've been waiting for. . ." As one hoof started rubbing her boobs, the other continued stroking and pressing against her labia, which were now engorged and fully prepared for action. Watching herself in the mirror, she gazed in sultry pleasure at the bright red glow beginning to spread across her face, chest and crotch. She reached down further and gently stroked her inner thighs with the tips of her hooves, earning another groan of excitement. "Oh - oh. . . hmm. . .". As one hoof continued its feather-like touches against the sensitivity of her upper legs, the other began to become more adventurous with her filly-flower. She pushed harder against her folds, then immediately rubbed quickly up and down, before returning to slow, laboured movements around the opening to her love-canal. When her hoof was thoroughly wet with her juices, she licked it clean, sensuously drawing out each movement. Her mind flew back to the first time she had experienced this glorious sensation. Just over a year before, in the Cutiemark Crusaders' clubhouse, she, Scootaloo and Applebloom had been talking about what it might feel like to be touched by a colt "down there". Sweetie had tried rubbing herself up against the corner of the desk, and had been enjoying the experience when, out of the blue, she had felt a rising, rising tension from within, and then a sudden release. She found herself gasping with exertion and exhilaration, panting as the glow slowly diminished again, and found her nether regions to be rather wet. Though embarrassed at first, she had quickly taught the others how to achieve the same thing. Since then, Sweetie and the other Crusaders had referred to that sensation as "The Feeling". Sweetie rarely had enough time alone when Rarity was around to make the most of any privacy she might get, and intended to enjoy this weekend as much as possible. Returning to the present, she found the quilt beneath her private parts to be already soaked through with her juices, which were continuing to drip down her thighs. She pushed harder with her hoof, pressing the tip a little further inside her vagina. Closing her eyes with enjoyment, she gave vent to a groan. "Ooh, yes. . . oh, that is good. . .". So far, she had left her clitoris alone, and it had received only passing stimulation from actions aimed primarily at her labia and vagina. Now, she decided to amend this. But first, a change of position. Giving herself a final, sluttish glance in the mirror, she leant forward and pulled the pillows out from beneath her, pushing one right up beneath her lower back. Then, after giving her whole body a quick but sensual stretch, continuing to rub around her folds, she forced her protesting body double, her hind legs raised up behind the back of head, and with her mouth now just an inch or so away from the heat of her loins. She gave a deep sniff of the liquid leaking constantly from her pussy, and sighed out again in satisfaction. She smelt good. Using one hoof to keep her balance, the other began tracing circles around her tight, pert butthole, causing her to clench deliciously in response. Then, having waited long enough, she craned her neck and closed the final distance to her clit, her tongue searching greedily. Within moments, Sweetie Belle moaned loudly, as her seeking tongue made contact with her eager young nub. Swirling the tip of her tongue around her clitoris, she couldn't help but pant in delight. "Hmm. . ." she moaned. With one hoof playing her rump and her tongue defiling her sweet, filly cherry, it wasn't long before she felt the familiar heat rising within her foalish pussy. The pushed her muzzle deep into her folds, suckling greedily at her young button, sucking and blowing alternately. Her breathing grew faster, shallower, more erratic. The began pushing the tip of her hoof inside her rear, revelling in the sensation. She was licking at her clitoris now, licking with speed and urgency, licking and sucking and nibbling with her lips and rubbing her muzzle back and forth and then sucking again. . . Suddenly, with just a moment's warning, she came, squirting violently all over her face and mane. The sucking on her cherry became interspersed with groans, screams and cries of delight and bliss, and her mouth was filled with her hot, sticky filly cum. "Oh, oh yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes - ooh! Oh, yes, hmm! Ooh, oh-oh-oh yes! Yes! Oh, that's good, oh, Celestia! Oh yes, yes, yes!" Eventually, as her orgasm subsided, the blissful heat morphed into a more gentle inner glow. Breathing shallowly, she flung herself back against the duvet, and gasped for breath. She was coated in sweat and her own juices, her face and mane covered with filly cum. She grasped a pillow and, holding it to her chest, slowly regained control of her breathing. "Wow. . ." she murmured, "That was amazing. . ." She ran a hoof through her soaking wet mane, and licked off the remaining residue. "Whew," she whispered. And then she remembered something - something Rarity kept hidden in her room, something which she knew Rarity used when she thought Sweetie was out - something which vibrated. . . Sweetie Belle smirked to herself. "I think it's time for round two," she said.