> Corruption of Souls > by Silverwolfdemon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.1 “Fuck~...” I groaned as I woke up on a cold and uneven stone floor. “What happened?” I blinked my eyes to wake myself up more, not understanding the ceiling I was seeing. I’m sure my hotel room wasn’t made of stone. Okay, let’s see. I went to E3 to see what FromSoftware had in store for their next game since Sekiro had already come out and there were unsubstantiated rumors of a Bloodborne 2 so I was hyped to attend their panel. But...I never actually got to see it, I think. The last thing I remember was getting dressed up as a Deprived starting character in my hotel room. It was simple because it’s just a brown loincloth and I have no issues with my body image. But now I’m in this place. “Where the fuck?” I rasped with a surprisingly dry and scratchy voice, wow I need some water. I looked around the overgrown and mostly empty and otherwise ruined stone room. There was a skeleton fossilized by limestone and with tree roots sticking out of the roof. I saw a rusty iron door that was almost completely covered In limestone. If there’s this much sediment gathering on stuff, this room must be near a limestone deposit and a source of water. Wait, I had just put on that Pendant I got from a street vendor outside the Expo just before I blacked out! That fucker! The thing must’ve had some sort of contact toxin or something! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that shifty vendor! He was dressed up so heavily as the Resident Evil 4 black-market Merchant that there was no way to identify him, and he kept laughing creepily. Great! Have I been kidnapped? Is this just where I’m being held while the surgeon who’s gonna harvest my kidneys gets ready? Wait, do I still have my kidneys?! “Grrrrr~” I heard from the Door, which made me back away in shock. That...wasnot human. “Crap, what’s going on? Where am I? Fuck! fuck!” I yelped in fear, realizing that all I was wearing was the loincloth I was going to wear to the Expo. I instinctively touched my crotch to make sure nothing was missing, I’ve been kidnapped after all, and I recoiled at the lack of a bulge. “WHERE’S MY DICK!? WHY DO I SOUND LIKE A GIRL!” Now that I’ve been talking more than a couple of words, this is not my voice, and this is not my body! The growling got closer as well as a husky pant as I looked for something to defend myself with. There was nothing in this room besides the skeleton. I grabbed it’s left femur, the strongest bone in the body I think. It cracked free of the hip, and it felt fairly weighty, calcified as it was in limestone. Gulping in fear, it was with a feeling of despair that I left the room to search for an exit. There was white limestone over everything, including more skeletons in sitting positions. The growling got closer and I rushed away from it hopes of finding a way out of this scary place. I need to get away, and find help, whatever help I can get as a half-naked waif of a woman. I panted as I ran through the halls, seeing through some holes in the ceiling that there was a forest outside of evergreens, meaning these were some very overgrown ruins. I think half this place was underground, with a few towers barely poking out of the forest canopy. I was freaking out more now because that meant I was nowhere near the Expo and I was most likely in some ruin in a foreign country like some supervillain kidnapping. “No that’s Crazy, this is crazy, I must have been drugged and this is a drug-induced dream!” I hysterically declared with my surprisingly cute sounding voice as I rounded a corner and barely stopped myself from falling into a clearing. I was at least a floor above the ground and the rest of the hallway was across a gap made by a river. “Shit!” I cried as I heard the growling beast rushing down the hall behind me now. “If I’m gonna die, either way, I choose the one that might not kill me!” I jumped into the river just as the beast, whatever it was, pounced on the ledge I’d leaped from. That wasn’t just some beast, I can’t see it from my position, falling towards the river, but the sound of a massive metal thing smashing into stone means that it was intelligent and was brutally trying to murder me, possibly not even for food. My fear was replaced with pain as I hit the water, and almost immediately I was tossed in the rapidly flowing water, the back of my head cracking against a rock… (<3) I weakly awoke sometime later to the sound and feeling of something sniffing me on the riverbank, likely further downstream from where I desperately dove into it. I groaned weakly as I made a swipe at it. I froze as instead of either a fleeing or curious animal, I heard a deep purr that could only come from some massive feline. I blindly swung my calcified bone club, that I idly was surprised I still had, but it shrugged off my pathetic attack and used a disturbingly massive paw on my chest, which I squeaked at the sensation of on my brand-new modest boobies, to pin me to the riverbank. Wherever we were was dark, and I had finally adjusted to the lighting to see a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail towering over me. “Let me go!” I wailed, thumping it on the snoot with my bone club, which it pretty much completely ignored aside from treating it like a toy and nipping at it. No, please, I don’t want to be this thing’s dinner! It purred at me as it moved it’s paw down to my tummy and it licked my chest and I squealed in shock at how pleasant that felt, having that tingly tongue running over my cream-furred B-cups-wait, I have fur?! I was too frantic to escape to notice earlier but I’m all furry! My shock at how drastic my transformation was halted as I gawked down at the red spiny cat-penis the beast was displaying as he licked his chops. N-no! NO! I frantically struck at the beast again, my stick-thin arms both trying to wield my bone club to beat back this beast as he continued to ignore my desperate attempts to stop him as he moved his head to my-EE~! His tongue stroked my virgin pussy, making me yelp in surprised pleasure at the feeling of his sandpapery tongue running over my virgin lower lips made me want to cry I was both so scared and shockingly aroused. I kicked my legs, trying to close my thin thighs as I saw the beast’s cock grow and hoped to Gods know who for help! Why was this thing interested in fucking me?! I yelled as I bashed its head with my bone club with one last desperate adrenaline-fueled swing to its left temple, stunning it long enough for me to get out from under it so I could smash in its eyes with my club. If this thing wants my V-card it’ll have to take it from my cold corpse! I snarled at it as I went for its eyes, barely dodging its swiping paws. The beast used its scorpion tail, but with how close I had to be to its face to fight it, it was easy to avoid the buggy tail. Until it surprised me by practically doing a pirouette, lashing at me with its tail like a massive whip. “Fuck!” I yelped as I fell on my back again. I quickly got back to my paws, shit I have paws! I rushed it with my club, now aiming for its tail. In response it smacked me with it, it's stinger scraping my chest, right between my new cleavage! “Fucker!” I shrieked, bashing the side of its head below the ear. “Just die!” I huffed, hitting it more as it reached up, digging its claws into me the pain was making me woozy. I desperately struck it one last time in the temple, the beast dropping like a sack of potatoes and it gave a final, pitiful mewl as it died. “I’m sorry...I just...I…” I said before vomiting up bile, sick to my stomach that I’d just killed something. Sure, it was going to rape me, but still. “W-whoa~...” I felt a rush, my energy suddenly returning at feeling energy suddenly fill my body. I was still tired, but I felt like I was...more somehow. My moment of self-reflection and reluctant triumph ended when I heard guttural sounds and I looked along my side of the river to witness red monsters with orange glowing eyes emerging from a fiery portal that seemed to open directly to hell. “What the fuck?!” I wailed in despair to the starlit heavens before the monsters, or demons, or whatever started throwing fireballs at me. I rolled out of the way of the attacks as their fellows charged me. “Why am I here?! Why am I a Deprived Fluffy Female Undead?! WHY ARE THERE DEMONS?!!” I wailed in frustration, feeling tears in my eyes as I tried to bash one with my club only for it to crumble against the demon’s hide. The next thing I knew was pain and darkness. (<3) “Fuck~!” I wailed as I woke up in the ruined stone room again, back to square one. I groaned at knowing for sure I was undead now, and not only that, but I was not linked to a bonfire and would end up back at this room if I didn’t find one. “FUCK MY LIFE!” I yelled before hearing the monster from before snarl from down the halls. Right, that asshole, considering where I seem to be and what I’ve become, it might be a Capra Demon. I ripped a second bone club femur from my boney cellmate, sorry, uh the pelvis...dude. I need these hams more than you. I rushed from my cell through what has to be the Undead Asylum to hopefully find some safe path out of here. I turned down different paths as I rushed away from the Chaos Demon that dogged me from further down the halls. I was faster so it was having trouble catching up. Why the hell am I so deep in the Asylum?! Why was I set as a Deprived at level one, with no fucking weapons?! Why is there no bonfire?! I grunted as I slammed into a door and got outside. I yelped as I dodged an overhead swing from the Capra Demon that somehow finally caught up with me. I was back at the river, but this time, with sunlight aiding my vision, I was able to make a running leap over the gorge carved into the Asylum by the river. From my knowledge of the game, this place should be on a cliff, for it to be partially below ground and have a river running through it, how many cycles has it been? I was not in Dark Souls one at all. The Capra Demon bayed at me in fury, stalking along the ledge before striking the wall with one of its cleavers in frustration, and it reentered the section of the Asylum it called home. It seems I’ve lost the demon for good, that’s something at least. Now that I’m not running for my life, I was able to explore this section of the Asylum more casually than the one I woke up in. I found more skeletons, but each looked like they were a different anthropomorphic animal. Considering there’s nothing moving here, I guess I might be the only ‘living’ Undead here, which by all rights shouldn’t be possible. There should at least be shambling, moaning Hollows. “What the fuck? How is this possible? How did I get here? I know that salesmen has something to do with it.” I groaned as I walked through the halls a bit more slowly, picking up white motes of souls here and there. I also saw an odd blue brazier burning with blue fire, spotting some limestone calcifying over it too. But it was deep, deep underground from where I was. It was at the bottom of a shattered shaft that looked like a boulder was dropped on this place from the sky. That’s not a Bonfire, is it? Well, it’s even further away from getting out of here than my cell, so I’m not going to try and spelunk deeper into the place I’m trying to escape. I eventually reached the main entrance, with no Asylum Demon or Stray Demon or other monsters in the way. In fact, I think the statue fragments must’ve been the Asylum Demon, but whoever had slain it didn’t leave me it’s hammer. Well, then again, I’m a stick figure with no muscles, I couldn’t even drag something that big. Whatever, at least I found a sword shield on the corpse of a knight, rusty as they were. I tossed my fragile bone club away in favor of my new weapons, sorry boney. I walked out into the forest wondering what fate awaited an Undead like myself. Besides Hollowing. “Why is there an orgy of animals over there? And is that a small naked human-demon-thing cheering them on?” I murmured in bemusement and decided to stay clear. I just want to find civilization, and a hedonistic forest cult is more likely to murder me. I don’t want to go back to that cell. (<3) I trudged up to a stone building that was in ruins, as I felt the weird white-blue souls of those little orange demons I’d killed on the way here swirled in me. They’d appeared from a smaller version of that hellish portal from before and assaulted me, but unlike those big brutes from before, they were pests and easy to dispatch. Anyway, it felt like I had heartburn, my chest blazing with heat that leached into my limbs. No amount of forced burping helped, and I groaned as I reached the ruin and entered to sit against a wall from out of the wind that was picking up. “Fuck me. They’re definitely not of the Chaos Flame. The Chaos Flame was a rich red, not a bright white-blue. That, and the Chaos Flame was sealed up in DS2, and the Profane Flame from DS3 never made demons. So what is this?” I pondered as I felt the burning souls slowly calm in me. The heat never really went away, just sorta...stopped aching, or whatever. I also felt a little more energetic, like I could run for miles. Whatever, not important. This place I’d reached was moss-covered, it had architecture that made me think of old English towns that forests that would just envelope over hundreds of years, or even just decades like Chernobyl was. I could see a tree growing through the building, letting in the cold just as much as the empty window sills. I think this also reminded me of some anime or game, but couldn’t put my finger on it. “As good a place to rest as any.” I sighed as I felt my new souls finish calming down. “Okay, so those are new demons. They use portals, and they throw fire like any other demon, but it’s a lot hotter than basic Pyromancy.” Rubbing the burn on my left leg, I was happy they were weak. I looked around the crumbling building more, trying to find a chair or bed frame to use to get my ass off the floor. Sure, I’ve tolerated my time sleeping on the ground considering my lower sense of pain, but getting off the muddy earth would be really nice. I looked in the kitchen, or what used to be the kitchen. Its stone stove was the only tell it had been an area for food preparation, but other then that and the collapsed table time had ruined any chances of telling. The chair was what I was concerned with though. It was metal and rusted to hell, but I’m Undead. Disease and death were not a concern with me. Well, not until I find a damn Bonfire. “It’s better than sleeping on the ground,” I grunted before sitting down and dozing for a nap. I don’t know if I need sleep, but I do feel more refreshed like a normal person, and if it staves off Hollowing, I’ll sleep all night, every night like a normal person. When I woke up, it was to the sound of rustling. I blinked my eyes at seeing an anthro horse looking at me. She had a surprisingly modern pistol pointed at me as she looked at me with a mix of caution and unease. She had tan khaki gear on if you could call pocket-laden short-shorts and a top only enough to cover her chest and exposing her fit stomach ‘gear’. She even had one of those ‘pith’ hats that English explorers would use. Her fur was yellow-tan and her mane and tail were black with natural grey stripes. She also had huge compass tattoos on her outer thighs.  “Who are you?” She asked me with a curious intensity, seeming to analyze me with her cerise eyes. “Hey, I’m not a threat. I sat down to rest in here.” I blearily sighed, too tired to care that my life was in danger at the moment. I held up my hands, hm, are they paws? Naw, they’re still hands, I just have the soft pads on my palms and the insides of my fingers. It helped I’d dropped my shield and sword on the floor next to me to sleep. “Are you working for Ahuizotl?” She asked, aiming the gun to my chest instead of my face. “Who? No, I just...a week ago I woke up in some ruins full of demons.” I sighed, figuring I’d be better off not bothering to hide too much. “Name’s, uh, Willow.” Considering I have practically no hips or a butt, and my boobs aren’t big, I figure it fits. That thought irritated me for some reason… Better then my real name William anyway, William Horthwrat Grifter. Really, why was my last name Grifter? Why did my family keep it? New start, new name, I guess I can be whoever I want to be with the Deprived start. She looked me over before snorting out of her nose in a surprisingly cute equine snort as she seemed to warily come to a decision. “Sorry, been dealing with his goons for weeks now. The name is Daring Do, nice to meet you Willow.” She told me, hostering her weapon on her right thigh holster as I felt my adrenaline drop. Oh, shit. That is tiring. I’ve been on an adrenaline high for so long by now I guess I’m exhausted. “Look, I’m leaving this site, too much trouble with the creatures.” “Can I come with you?” I pleaded, not caring how desperate I sounded. “I’ve been trying to leave since I woke, and the predators all want to...do things to me.” That initial encounter with the Manticore wasn’t a fluke, every male beast I encountered has tried to mate with me. What is wrong with this place? “Hm, sure, can you use that sword?” She asked as she patted her pistol. “I don’t have a spare weapon besides my knife, and I’m not comfortable with a sword. They’re harder to fly with.” “Not a problem,” I said as I felt relief wash over me with the idea of getting out of this forest. “So where are we going then?” “First to my camp, then we’re getting out and heading to the city of Neighapplous. It’s the closest Town to us.” Daring informed me. “I need to report my findings and the local Corruption has taken a huge spike from what you’ve just told me.” I nodded and got up from the chair. I followed her out of the building we were in, which was still dwarfed by the massive trees shading us from the sun overhead. “Corruption? Is that what’s going on?” “If the wild animals are trying to breed you? Yeah. That’s what Corruption does.” Daring replied as if it was common knowledge, and I felt both worried and confused. We barely walked a few feet when a rock seemed to fly out of the canopy like a rocket and hit my forehead. “Ow fucking bitch!” I snarled, grabbing my head and picking up the rock to vindictively throw it away, but I paused at seeing it had a strange red glowing symbol on it. “Okay wha-?” I screamed in unimaginable terror as images started flashing before my eyes; a world cloaked in grey clouds, towns covered in fire. There were people trying to run away only to be slaughtered on the spot by those Demons I ran into. There were different ones, too, some larger than others, all so different from one another, all of who regardless still killed senselessly. Just then, a group of five armoured warriors came into the frame, ripping and tearing their way through the Demons like it was nothing. “They are Rage. Brutal and without Mercy. But you, you will be Worse. Rip and Tear, until it is Done.” A gutteral man’s voice said, before it ended, making me pant for breath from the experience. That was intense. “Hey, you okay?!” Daring Do asked while she held my shoulder as she looked around for threats. At some point in my horrific hallucination, she’d knocked the rock out of my hand and was aiming her gun at it. “You’re not possessed or anything? Having notions of world domination? Sudden desire to fuck me senseless out of nowhere?” At the last one, she kept me at arm's length. “No, not at all! It...just showed me things.” I said. “Wait, possession? World domination? F-f-fucking?!” I felt my face warm and my bellyache for some reason at the mention, but I shivered in disturbed curiosity at the idea of intimacy as a woman. All the rapey beasts have seriously made me worried about it, especially if they’ve all got some sort of infection or something. “Some magical objects can alter one’s mind.” She explained. “So this just showed you images? It’s not compelling you to do anything?” Daring’s insistence on this had me worried. Was this such a common thing here? “No, just horrifying images of battle and slaughter with some huge green armored men and demons,” I told her as I picked up the rock, it wasn’t shoving those images in my head this time so I put the rock in my worn, scavenged leather bag for later. What the fuck was that really? “What is up with this place?” I groaned as I followed the horse person even if she now kept a wary distance from me. Wait, she has wings! They’re adorably tiny folded against her back, but still, she has wings! Does that make her a pegasus person? I noticed she was on edge from more than me as we walked through the forest, looking out for something. It was not the same caution I had when I was looking for demons. For the most part, she was looking up in the trees, and towards the bushes. I could smell a strange scent that seemed far more lively than the demons and the few undead creatures in the forest. About an hour later we found her camp ruined, claw marks, bites, and rips in the tents. I brought up my sword and shield while Daring moved forward slowly with her gun up, both of us looking for the threat. “This from your fiend of the forest?” I asked her as I tried keeping my new ears on a swivel, but I couldn’t hear any threat. I seriously need to find a mirror or at least a still pool of water in the light. What am I? I know I have a foxtail, but I still want to see the rest of me. “Yeah, he knows I’m here then. Keep guard, I’m going to grab my notes on this region, then we bolt.” She told me. “Especially since I can’t trust you aren’t somehow Corrupted.” Nodding to her with concern, I kept looking for a threat while she rummaged through the wreckage. I caught the smell of something nearing us and made a blind swing at it, getting a leopard in the head, slicing it in two. It resulted in my rusty sword breaking after being used to fight demons already, but the beast was dead. Daring blinked in shock and looked green, but she’d found her notes and we rushed away from the pride of felines that were after us now. “You didn’t say it was fucking big cats after you!” I yelled at the mare before we jumped a gorge, the winged horse catching me and getting me safely to the other side as a tiger roared at us from our previous location. “Okay, yeah should have mentioned what was hunting me.” She said as we flew over the trees, making me freak out and flail. “HEY! Calm down, this is the best way out of the forest. I’ll just fly us to my ride and then we’ll get to safety.” Why didn’t we just do that earlier?! “Don’t drop me!” I yelped as I looked down to the forest in fear while she speed through the air. I could honestly feel my heart racing. No wait it wasn’t, I just thought it was. We rushed through the air, wind whipping about as she steered towards someplace in the distance away from the furious feline fiends. After another hour and arrows flying at us from the forest below, two hitting me in the back which I thankfully barely felt, we finally got out of the forest. I growled at Daring as we flew down to a Jeep Wrangler-like vehicle that had several more huge feral cats roaming around it. “Okay, Now drop me!” “What?! But-!” No time to wait Daring Do, I’ve got some...Derring-Do to do! “Do it! I’m gonna take out the biggest one first!” At my declaration, she nodded and dropped me over the biggest tiger. I landed with my broken sword aimed blade-first for its neck, my busted sword still doing the trick, but my body protested, feeling like I broke something. I grunted as another, smaller tiger bit into my arm, but I was able to barely shrug it off, and stab it in the head with the ragged tip of my broken blade, feeling it’s warm blood splash onto my body as the other felines backed away. Getting the beast off me, I backed away and let Daring shoot at them, her shots missing those in the Jeep, but nailing two on the outside. She got them in the head with one or two shots with one limping along before collapsing. I jumped and rolled out of the way of a lioness trying to pounce on me, making her tumble into the ground. I took advantage of my luck, wincing as my bones and bite mark protested while I slashed at the lioness, getting the side of her belly open as my blade finally broke from the hilt, leaving the blade in its guts. The last feline died to a couple of shots to the head from Daring Do. She was sprayed with blood like me, but unlike me she threw up. “By the Gods, I never actually had to kill them before.” She gagged as she kept throwing up, which was fairly surprising to me considering she seemed to have such confidence. “Wait, really?” I asked as I got into the Jeep. It smelled from the puke but was still rideable, so Daring gagged and got the vehicle started. “Yeah, they mostly ran when I shot at them. Ahuizotl never trained them like this before. He’s really after my throat this time.” She said with some dread as we sped away from the forest. “Damn it. We’ve never gone this far before. I guess our little rivalry is coming to an end.” “You okay?” I asked after we were driving for a bit, the grasslands and small glades of smaller, younger forests flying past as despite being offroad, Daring seemed to have plotted a path through natural game trails. These trails were huge though, so I’m worried about how big the animals they were made by are. “No.” She grunted, glaring at the path as she jumped us over a shallow runnel. Okay then...she needs a distraction. Hm...ew, the corpse in the backseat does smell really ripe. Familiar, actually… “So...why does that tiger that’s dead in back smell like it was in heat?” I asked her as I looked at the animal, It also looked like it had been force-fed something from the plant fibers stuck to its fur. I don’t think big cats usually eat plants. “It does?” She asked when she briefly looked back at it. “Yeah, someone also fed it something. Its belly is bloated.” I mentioned, feeling a bit ill from looking at its distended stomach. “Something herbal, or other plant I think.” I reached back, grabbing a fiber from the dead animal’s cheek and held it up. “Any ideas?” “No clue on the plant. I know someone who might be able to find out though. Especially since we’ve got such a big ‘sample’ for him.” Daring mused as we bounced up a hill and she pulled us to a stop. “Though I have a suspicion I won’t like the answer.” “Okay, who?” I asked, grabbing the handle on the door, ready to get out or to brace for Daring stomping that lead hoof on the gas again. “Later. For now, though, that’s where we’re heading.” Daring pointed forward, and I looked to see that over the trees was a fairly big town, clustered so well it seemed like a city’s main metro area.  “That’s it? Looks almost like an early Los Angeles.” I commented with surprise that something so developed was so close to such deep and verdant forest. “Neighapplous is a small town really. I think the mayor would be flattered to hear someone comparing it to Old Las Pegasus. It’s forced to build tightly due to the wild magic of the forest making expanding difficult.” Daring commented as we continued driving towards the town, soon reaching a well-worn dirt road. “Speaking of which, how’d you get so far out of town alive? I don’t think the mines stretch that far.” “O-oh...right. Well...can I tell you when we’re not someplace you could kill me and dump my body?” I fearfully whimpered, and Daring looked shocked and appalled. “I just busted my plot getting you out of the forest alive! I’m not going to ruin it now!” Daring declared, looking ill at the idea of murdering me, which helped me relax just a bit. “Just please reserve your judgment when I tell you.” I insisted, and she huffed. “Geez. Whatever this is, I might be able to write a book about it if you’re so worried. We’ll drop the cat off at my friend’s and then we’ll crash in a hotel.” Daring agreed as she slowed the Jeep down from it’s former breakneck pace to a more acceptable speed. “Okay.” I simpered, and then looked out of the offroad vehicle again, gaping as we’d suddenly left the forest and were in a cramped cluster of buildings that were thankfully ordered into a grid. It was like someone took the architecture of early LA, mixed it with the New York philosophy of buildings not having separate walls when it could be avoided and decided to build a small city in the middle of nowhere. “Okay, this is cramped,” I commented as we drove down the wide road. The lack of signs or lights was confusing. Instead, there seemed to be plate-armored dogs at each intersection guiding both vehicle and foot traffic. Hoof traffic? Paw Traffic? There’s both horses of various types with wings, horns, or neither, and so many breeds of dogs it was a bit overwhelming. “Yeah, Diamond Dogs aren’t very quick to grasp things like traffic systems yet. They’re still used to living underground.” Daring commented as she signaled she was turning left, and the dog gestured for the other traffic to stop and let her through. “So this is a Diamond Dog town?” I asked in confusion as I continued to look around. “Not really? I guess it is from the majority population, but this is a mining town. Nobody's better at mining than Diamond Dogs. Not even Dragons. Nope, this is a frontier town of Equestria, bordering Canida in the Northeast.” Daring informed me as we drove down a street without turning further. “So a joint settlement,” I commented as I saw what looked like Solaire’s painted sun as graffiti on a wall. What the fuck?! I leaned out of the car to try and get a better look and yes, that was the smug smiling face that was on Solaire’s shield. “No way?! That symbol has stuck around?!” “The symbol of the Warriors of Sunlight? It’s the oldest known group of knights in every land. They help everyone out, even people who honestly shouldn’t be in my opinion. They act as...well anything in the name of...jolly cooperation?” She explained, the last bit she sounded unsure on. “So the Warriors of Sunlight lasted to this age, that’s amazing!” I chuckled, they were one of my favorite covenants in Dark Souls, PRAISE THE SUN! “Why wouldn’t they? They’re Celestia’s favorite Covenant. She supports them however she can.” Daring commented as if it was common sense. “How do you not know this?” “Uh...it’s part of what I want to tell you later.” I wilted, worried as she looked suspiciously at me. “Okay then...well, we’re here.” She told me as we stopped at a red brick building that was wedged between two apartment buildings. It seemed to be an older building, only two stories and not the same kind of stone as the white brick buildings pressing on its sides. How fast does this city build and rebuild if it’s supposedly a newer city? Screw them calling this a mere town, there’s too many people here. “Mind your manners. He’s a little...odd.” “Uh, okay,” I said as I got out of the car, feeling my leg lance with pain from the broken bones. “Fuck. Forgot about that. So, should we bring it in right away or-.” I was interrupted by a white blur that burst out of the front door of the older building, grabbing the dead tiger, and running back in with excited laughter. “What the fuck?!” “Just grin. Bear it.” Daring replied with her teeth grit in a clearly false smile as she stiffly walked into the building. I gulped nervously, following after, and about retching at the myriad smells practically drowning me. “Be gentle Biscuit! I need you to examine it’s stomach contents!” “Biscuit already on it! Please being seated in waiting room!” Replied a cracking male voice from the stairwell leading into a basement, where the unpleasant aroma was visibly wafting out of. “Biscuit?” I asked as we moved to a large living room and sat down in said room. Nice chairs. “His mother wasn’t the shiniest gem in the vein.” Daring quietly commented. “So, while he’s busy. Brace yourself. Biscuit is an albino. Red eyes and everything. He’s also got a lazy eye, don’t stare at it. He slobbers without meaning to, don’t point it out. He also is the best chemist in town, so do not comment on the smell. He can’t smell anything with what he works with ruining his nose and he’s sensitive about all of the above.” “Uh-okay,” I said as my heart randomly started beating before it stopped. I looked at my chest while a black mote of Dark rushed into me. I quickly looked over to Daring, seeing she was stiff and gaping at my chest in shock. “Please...don’t…” “...We’re going to have a long talk when we get to my hotel.” Daring declared with heat, and I whimpered as I shied away from her. “You don’t get to pretend to be innocent right now, Undead.” Daring hissed as if my very existence was a Curse, which, to be fair, it kinda was. “But that also means a Sapient nearby just died. Anthromanity only comes from the essence of a living or recently dead Sapient, and Undead can only ambiently absorb the Anthromanity of the dead.” I whined as I curled up in my chair, fearing what she would do. “This one has news!” Our grim conversation was interrupted by a lean white Doberman diamond dog in a stained lab coat bursting into the sitting room. Oh holy fuck that is a bad lazy eye! Don’t stare. Don’t stare. “One called Daring. Tiger stuffed it was with Corruption infused cannabis.” “Oh. Fuck~!” Daring practically screamed, pulling on her ears and gritting her teeth as she clenched her eyes. “This is beyond bad! I’m gonna have to send word directly to the Princess. Ahuizotl, what’ve you gotten yourself into this time?” Daring stood and sighed as she patted the drooling dog’s shoulders. “Thanks, Biscuit. I assume you could use the rest of the tiger?” “Of course this one can! Also, see about synthesizing Corruption purifier. If it out here, need local source. Can’t rely on pony princesses to have time to do it all themselves.” Biscuit proclaimed, sniffing the air and looking directly at me with even his lazy eye focusing. “Undead.” “Yeah. I’m gonna hear her out first before I take her to the Way of White to be incarcerated for being unregistered.” Daring stated, and I shuddered at the thought of being put in chains. “I was already in an Asylum buried underground with a Capra Demon trying to kill me,” I whined out as I tried to vainly shrink into the chair. “Undead was in lost Dog’s Asylum?! Undead is impossible. Would be from First Cycle if so!” Biscuit exclaimed, before grabbing me and pushing me and Daring towards his front door. “Out now! Before Inquisitors hear blasphemy!” Before either of us could protest, he pushed us out and slammed the door, several locks audibly being put in place. “Okay...this just got even more serious. In the car. Now.” Daring demanded as she practically pushed me towards the Jeep, helping me in the back and jumping into the driver’s seat. Soon enough, we were on our way. “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! Why can’t any of my archaeological trips go without a damn adventure?! Who am I, Yakky Can?!”  “What’s wrong?” I asked as she sped down the road. “Shut it! Not without four walls and an eavesdropping charm in place!” Daring ordered, and I whimpered as I obligingly shut my trap. After several tense minutes, we arrived in a parking lot filled with similar vehicles, but also carriages and RVs. “C’mon.” Daring grabbed me none-too-gently by the arm and guided me towards the wooden double doors of the tallest building surrounding the lot. “Good afternoon Miss Do. How was your-.” “Fine. Excellent. Foundatribalgoingupstairstointerviewherbye!” Daring shot off at the snobbish-looking blue-coated and horned pony receptionist seated behind the front desk of the admittedly lavish-looking hotel’s interior as she moved to the elevators. It was here where she impatiently pressed on the call button with far too much desperation. “C’mon, c’mon.” “Uh-ah!” I was interrupted as she yanked me into the empty elevator, and the moment the door closed, she sighed in relief as she took out a key and pressed it into the panel. “Ah, what’s going on?” “Just be quiet for a few more minutes.” Daring pleaded as she rubbed her temples. After a long, awkward elevator ride that was thankfully not interrupted by anyone getting on, the elevator dinged open on the Penthouse Floor, causing me to gawk. “Okay. We’re safe here.” “You have the penthouse? Who are you?” I asked in shock as she dragged me out of the elevator. “Uh...Daring Do? Guildmaster of the Archeologist Guild? Okay, you’re definitely not from the current era if you don’t know me. Almost everyone knows me in and around Equestria. So, you ‘woke up’ in the lost Diamond Dog Undead Asylum?” Daring asked as we moved towards the lavishly plush penthouse suites included kitchen, which was practically made of black marble. “Uh..was it on a cliff at one point?” I asked as I knew for certain by the architecture that it was the DS1 Undead Asylum. “That’s the one. Canida is the furthest north country before the lost lands of Lordran, now overtaken by the Far Frozen. That title used to go to Yakslovia, but when the Windigoes made a short return, they had to make a mass exodus.” Daring informed me as she pulled out a bottle of rum from the liquor cabinet, and two glasses, pouring two drinks. “Oh.” I said, idly picking up my drink and swilling it in the glass, noting how it swayed. It was almost syrupy, like thinned Honey, and smelled strong. “So you’re an original Undead huh? That’s nearly impossible.” Daring commented as she took her drink, and the bottle, and led me to the huge sectional couch facing the enormous entertainment center. “I mean, almost all of them were either consumed by the Kiln or fell to Dark. To see one of you without being an Ashen One or a Darkwraith is incredible.” “Uh...I don’t know if I’m not either of those things.” I admitted as I sipped the drink and looked at my arm curiously. Am I Ash? Or am I Dark? Or somehow neither? “Well, I’ll have to report you either way, but the fact you literally just woke up seems to point you towards being an Ashen One. But then again, you did absorb Anthromanity, usually only Darkwraiths or vanilla Undead do that. Ashen Ones can too, but usually they do it through fire.” Daring explained as we sat on the plush black sectional that contrasted with the white carpet. “I see.” The fire bit must from the third game along with the Ashen Ones. “Well, I don’t get anthromanity through fire, it’s just directly absorbed.” “Another point towards being an Ashen One. I hope so, because you’ll be pardoned and given an ID collar to rejoin society. If not...well I’d rather not see you imprisoned for a lifetime as they seal your curse so you can’t spread it.” Daring’s words made me nearly spit out my drink, but I thankfully swallowed it instead of staining the plush white carpet. “I could spread it?!” I bounced away from Daring, horrified that we’d been having physical contact regularly the past few hours. “Uh...yeah? It’s always been like that.” Daring shrugged nonchalantly, as if becoming Undead wasn’t much of a big deal. “I...n-never heard about that?! I just…” I said, feeling sick. “What? You backwards lot from the First Era thought the Undead Curse was just some magical blight on the world?” Daring snorted as she finished her drink, and began pouring another. “No, it was more linked to the First Flame fading, and a seal Gwyn put on the Dark Soul.” I told her, using what I assumed was the case from my knowledge of DS1. “Pfft! No wonder it took Four Cycles for the world to figure it out. Okay neophyte, time for a lesson.” Daring declared as she took my empty glass from me and filled it for me. “Wait, Four?” I asked  in bemusement, figuring DS2 had at least ten to fifteen after DS1. “Yeah, Four. Time was really fucked up for a really long time. Nobody knows exactly how long, but each actual Cycle only happened about every 1000 years, and the world was constantly plunging back towards the Dark every 100 years on a rebound because nobody knew the Balance we needed, so people just assumed the world was ending every century, and considered each one a Cycle. Bah!” Daring huffed, taking a deep pull of her glass. “Uh...but then doesn’t that mean the world is still…?” I led on, only to get waved off. “Getting to that. Anyway, it took roughly Four Cycles for the Soul of Light, and the Soul of Dark, to recover from being splintered so much by the original owners like the morons they were. Their owners, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna respectfully, have basically brought balance to the world upon their birth. Twin sisters, goddesses in their own rights.” Daring informed me. “So, wait? How would I have a Dark Soul?” I asked in confusion, sipping more rum. I hope I can get drunk, because damn do I need to not be sober right now. “I said the souls have Recovered, not been fully restored. Every fragment of Light and Dark are hunted down, catalogued, and if deemed necessary due to the fragment’s nature, will be pulled into their respective Princess’s greater whole. Note that this means if your fragment is a powerfully malignant one, Luna might just rip it out of you and turn you mortal.” Daring informed me, and I had to shudder in fear at how just having my piece of the Dark Soul ripped out would likely End me like she’d alluded to before. “I don’t feel good about that.” I groaned as I tried to think of the games. What exactly could make me different from the Undead here? What sort of Undead am I? “No Undead or Godkin does uh...wow, this is embarrassing. I forgot your name?” Daring blushed as her eyes seemed to get a bit glazed. Wait. How many glasses have we drank? That bottle is looking pretty empty. “I’m Willow.” I reminded my drinking companion. “Are you okay?” “Oh I’m fine! This is the best damn rum this side of the Crystal Empire.” Daring then put the bottle to her lips, and I squeaked as she chugged the remainder. “Ah~! Good shit! *hic* But anyway, yeah. World’s real different now.” Daring sniffed towards me, and then scrunched up her nose rather adorably. “Whew, you stink. The bathroom is attached to the master bedroom over there.” Daring waved towards the door off to the side opposite the kitchen as she wobbled. “Ah, thanks.” I appreciate the offer since I do feel filthy from killing demons and then big cats the whole time. “Oh, I have a question. What type of demons were in the woods back there? I know the Capra Demon, but the little guys, their souls seemed to burn when I took them.” “Hell scourge. Nothing special, the burn is from how alien they are to souls from here. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll have to report that too.” Daring grumbled as she flopped onto the couch. “Git going. You’re stinking up the furniture.” I huffed before getting up and going to the bathroom. I paused at finally seeing a mirror. I’m an anthro fennec vixen and I was thinner, nearly anorexic with my visible ribs and stick-figure. I’m shocked I even have B-cups, and my massive adorable ears were the biggest things on me...I suddenly felt self-conscious and wrapped my arms around my torso. I’ve been going around town this filthy, in rags that barely provide me modesty? Shower. I need a...oh~ is that a hot tub? Jacuzzi time~! > Ch.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.2 I groaned as the fourteen demon souls in me started getting hot and angry again. At least that’s what I could assume from the sudden burning ache in my guts waking me. I hugged the warm body pillow and nestled into the two smaller pillows at my face. At least until I felt a hand stroking my head and neck, making me relax a bit more. “Hey...I was asleep. What’s got you awake?” “Demons. In my belly…” I moaned pitifully at my roiling tummy waking us both up. “Ah, indigestion. It’ll pass.” I felt the hand pat my head, and snuggled closer to go back to sleep-wait! “Wha?!” I jumped up and out of bed with the full force of my body, like how dogs get up without their legs and covered my nude self as Daring jolted fully awake from my action. “What’re you doing?!” “What are you doing? There’s only one bed and I’m not sleeping on the couch in my own penthouse.” Daring huffed as she sat up, the plush blankets falling to reveal she was in a white nightshirt and panties. I’d only just now noticed she had DD cup breasts with how her tight cargo khaki top hugged them to her chest before. “Now shut up and get back in bed, it’s...only four in the morning.” “I, uh, okay.” I mewled, feeling uncomfortable. Never was with girls before, hell, I was bi, but only ever found guys I had liked that were willing to date me. Most girls I tried picking up only saw me as gay. Putting my insecurities aside for a moment, I climbed back into bed, got under the covers, and let Daring pull me back to her bosom, snuggling my snout into her clothed boobies. Heh, boobies. (<3) “Wake up Willow!” I jolted awake, the sun lighting the room, and blinked as I rubbed the rheum from my eyes. “I’ve gotta take you to the Way of White and then the Department of Registration. Should’ve done it yesterday in fact.” Daring informed me as she gently pushed on me with a smirk on her face. Aw, I don’t wanna~. Warm boobies to snuggle… “Aw, okay,” I whined as I got off of her and the bed. I still felt fearful about this whole thing going any further than platonic snuggles though. I watched Daring get up, and she casually tossed off her shirt, making my cover my eyes. “Daring~! You’re naked!” “Huh? Yeah, like I’m gonna wear a bra under a nightshirt. Can’t tell me this isn’t something you haven’t seen in the mirror before.” Daring huffed as I heard her open a drawer. “I...” I’m unsure how to respond to that and then fumbled with something she threw at me. I held it up to see a casual white T-shirt that was obviously too big for me. I’m only now realizing that Daring wasn’t just more shapely than me, she was also a few inches taller and wider in frame. “Sorry, but I don’t have anything that’ll fit you. Throw that on and I’ll try to find a belt to cinch one of my khaki short-shorts for you.” “Okay.” I mewled before I managed to get the shirt on while she rummaged through the drawers. “Anything I have to worry about?” “Well, if you’re a raw Undead or a Darkwraith, you’ll have to be quarantined for up to 60 years as they seal the Darksign...do you have one?” Daring asked in concern. “I haven’t looked,” I replied as I looked over myself. Honestly, I never did look until the mirror in the bathroom last night. I was too concerned with not dying. “I don’t think I’m linked to the First Flame, nor any Bonfire.” “That’s just because you haven’t used one. All it takes is bones, a focus, and some soul energy. Even if the fire goes out, you’ll still be revived at the spot you rested. Now strip, I’m gonna do a quick search myself.” Daring insisted as she tossed a spare of her khaki short-shorts and a belt on the bed. “Okay.” I wilted, my massive ears practically draping the sides and back of my skull as sighed and took off the shirt and my ragged clothes. Daring then put her hands on my boobs, squeezed, and lifted as she looked under them, making me seize up at the unexpectedly pleasurable sensation. She let them go with a hum, looking over me closely, and I felt my cheeks flush as she looked under my tail and even pulled my butt cheeks apart. “Is this necessary?” You might as well check my groin too at this rate... “It shows up nearly anywhere. You don’t seem to have one. Wait…” Daring spun me around and pulled open my maw, looking into my mouth and then pulling up my tongue. “What the hell?” “Wha?” I tried asking with her holding my jaw and tongue. “Why is it blue?” Daring asked in confusion. “I mean, it’s bad you have it, but I’ve never heard of a blue Darksign.” She let go of my face and moved into the bathroom. “What?” I said as she came back with a hand mirror and held my tongue up, I had a blue hole in the base of my mouth, with no fire ring and it seemed to pulse with my heart. Wait, my heart is beating? It wasn’t before... “Whatever that means, we’ve gotta get you to the Way of White to examine you. Other than your curse, they might find out if anything else is up with you, the healers that they are.” Daring let go of my jaw and held my new oversized shirt back to me. “A new soul or something?” I asked as I got dressed, wincing at my leg as I got my shorts up and put the belt on. “Well...of the Four Souls, we have Light, Dark, and unfortunately, Chaos. We’ve yet to find Order.” Daring commented nervously at the idea as she also got dressed in the same kind of clothes as yesterday. How does that pocketed shirt compress her boobs two sizes smaller without squeezing the air out of her lungs? “I don’t think I have that. Order would not like undeath.” I said as we moved out. “Yet the annals of history state Gravelord Nito had no qualms with Undead or even making his own versions to protect his lands and enforce his sphere of influence.” Daring’s words got me to think. Nito had a lot more stereotypical undead. That’s rather hypocritical of him… “Wait, I thought he had death?” I questioned as we got into the elevator. “That’s part of the natural order,” Daring replied flatly as the elevator rapidly descended. “Oh...right...so wait, If I have order am I death or something?” I asked worriedly. “Let’s hope not.” Daring shuddered at the idea as we climbed into her Jeep and she started us on the road. “Now, whatever happens, it was good meeting you Willow.” Daring mechanically stated, as if she was used to saying goodbye to people for the last time. Which, considering she seemed to be an Indiana Jones stereotype, she probably was. I didn’t feel like commenting. If she wanted that to be the last word, I’d give her some comfort in it. After driving through traffic for about maybe 15 minutes, we reached a gothic cathedral that managed to have its own block to itself. I guess even in this world the church gets privileges. I swallowed nervously as Daring got out and led me in. The moment we entered, the doors slammed shut and a white ring of light shone over them. “Halt! The wards have detected a-!” “Undead, yeah, that’s why we’re here.” Daring interrupted the heavily armored white unicorn stallion who jogged towards us with two other similarly armored stallions who were much beefier than him but lacked a horn or wings. “She woke up in the Lost Dog Asylum, I found her in some ruins north of here. I’m guessing that was close to the entrance down there?” Daring asked me. “I was actually walking for several days...but yeah, the place was huge,” I told her. “But if that is so...hold still Undead, this will not hurt.” The unicorn declared as his horn lit up, and a white light shone over me. “Hm...not Ashen. But not of the Dark either...what is this?” The stallion queried as he moved closer to me. “Open up please.” Nervous, I did as he requested, and I got to taste his incredibly clean gauntlets as he moved my tongue aside. “Blue? What could this mean?” “Oh boy. If the head paladin of the local church doesn’t know, this probably just got more complicated.” Daring groaned, and the stallion leered at her as he let my mouth go. “Well, just be aware that your Curse is...odd. It isn’t Sealed, yet, it isn’t reaching out to taint others. Adding a seal would take about a week with how passive it is. We’ll have to keep you until then Miss…?” The golden-eyed white paladin with his thick steel armor requested of me. “Willow,” I told them before another black mote rushed into me. “Really?” I asked in annoyance as my heart began beating a bit stronger than before. “This is a city, Miss Willow. People die more frequently as a rule. Partly why cities are so attractive to Undead.” The stallion explained before looking to Daring. “Would you like to be kept apprised of Miss Willow’s progress?” “Naw, I’ll check-in at the end of the week-.” Daring was interrupted by a thunderous impact striking the front of the church. I screamed and covered my head, but wasn’t hit by debris. I blinked and looked up to see a shimmering golden barrier had sprung up between us and the formerly intact front of the church, but Daring wasn’t on our side of it. “Ahuizotl?!” I heard Daring squeak, before a massive claw on a snake-like limb shot from the cloud of dust, grabbed Daring around the torso, and yanked her away with a yelp. “Let me go! Put me dow-MMPH! MMPH!” “Daring!” I tried to get around the barrier, but the paladin stopped me. “Let me go! Daring is-!” “You. Are not going anywhere Undead.” The unicorn hissed, before using his magic to summon a thick iron collar with the Way of White Corona printed around it. Before I could react, he snapped it on my neck and a leash made of light attached to his left gauntlet. “But Darling is in danger!” I wailed as I struggled against him. On the other side of the barrier, a sickly looking huge chimeric beast rushed away with Daring already gagged and tied up somehow. The beast looked like mix of a monkey, a dog and a cat. It also had a boner, which was impressive considering it was running away on all-fours like a gorilla and not hitting the ground with it. “You will not be giving chase...without an escort.” The stallion snorted and picked me up like I weighed nothing, getting a yelp out of me. “Stallions! We have Corruption to root out! With me!” “What?!” I yelped as they sprinted full-tilt after it, the speed they had even with full armor and extra weight from me and weapons was incredible! We were even outpacing the traffic both vehicle and foot/hoof traffic. If this wasn’t so absurd, I think I would be laughing right now. Daring was struggling in its grip while the beast seemed to beg for help as blazing red collar raged on its neck. Daring glared at him as I also noted earrings, and other piercings glowing and arching with power as the beast plowed through a truck, its body barely getting damaged. “A controlled one?” A Paladin asked to my right. “Think the poor soul could be saved?” “If he is yet pleading for help, perhaps. Miss Willow, I’m going to launch you, grab onto the beast!” The unicorn declared as he hefted me over his head as if I was a beachball. “WHAT?!” I yelped before he threw me, leaving me screaming as Daring blinked at me flying past her. I screamed in agony as my broken leg broke, even more, my other limbs strained, and then my ribs nearly shattered as I got tangled under the legs of the monstrous blue creature. “AH~!” FUCK! Its dick is literally in my ass~! OW! Sudden violent sodomy aside, it seemed my perilous tumble and sudden loss of anal virginity had brought the beast to a halt, whining and hugging me as if unsure what to do. “Aim for the shackles!” Before anything worse could happen, the three paladins dogpiled the blue beast, striking at its decorations. “FUCK!” I cried out from the sudden weight shoving more oversized barbed dick into my poor bowels. I may like butt stuff, but damn it this sucks! “Get off of-!” Before I could demand more, the beast suddenly ejaculated into my bowels. Before I could get properly disgusted, I felt...wrong. “Oh~...what?” I felt dizzy, everything was so hot. So tingly. I can’t breathe! “GET OFF OF ME!” I roared as I felt a sudden surge of strength, and threw all five living creatures off of me, thankfully removing my accidental rapist too. “Sir!” One of them yelled, the beast groaning from the broken jewelry. “Dear Celestia! It’s already changing her!” The unicorn stated in shock as I got to my paws. I snarled, feeling like my skin was too tight. So hot. SO HOT! Suddenly, my skin split, muscles bulging, curves shaping out a bit. The exposed muscle filled in with blue fur, breaking up my red fur. I tore right out of the short-shorts Daring gave me, and the shirt was properly fitting now. I panted, looking down at myself in shock and awe, especially when my tail formed the end of my white foxy fluff into a hand. “W-what’s happening~?!” Fuck~! I wanna fuck! Fuck! FUCK! “Willow?” Daring asked as she got away from the groaning beast and wriggled out of her bindings like a professional escape artist. The beast itself was puking up something as it grew smaller and using dozens of spells on itself. “Miss Do, stand back! She’s practically a sponge for Corruption!” The unicorn tugged her back, and flicked his left gauntlet, the magic tether quickly latching onto my collar. “We need to get her in isolation before she starts spreading it!” “Spreading?” I woozily asked as I felt my body twitch and my breasts swell a bit more with my arousal. Unf, I’ve got such nice tits now. So big. So, mm, juicy. I gave them an appreciative squeeze, my new tail hand quickly went to my groin, and I cooed at examining a foreign area, with an even more foreign appendage. So interesting… “Paladins, ugh, a lust demon took over my lab. Herm type, she forced me and my pets to eat corrupted vegetation and hunt for a true undead.” The beast told in a rather exotic voice before throwing up more. “I need a purging, fuck.” “I would say Miss Willow is in need of a purging as well, considering she’s so susceptible to Corruption, just one dose of it made her mutate.” The unicorn grimaced, pulling me closer. Mm, yeah, big boy. I just wanna rip that armor off you, see how scrumptious you are~... Wait where did that come from?! Sure, I really, really wanna masturbate right now, but I’m still a guy...right? “We’re moving, keep them under guard, and get information on this omnibus. Miss Do, considering you’ve been an unfortunate victim in the middle of all this, I’m afraid you get to join them in isolation.” The unicorn declared, and Daring groaned in dismay. At least I’ll have a friend with me… (<3) I stood in a cell with Daring while the beast in the one next to us. I was chained to the wall by my collar, my tail writhing on me. It was so weird, but interesting, and maybe kinda cool, that I had a huge, soft, fluffy hand on the end of my much more prehensile but still fluffy tail. I couldn’t help it really, rubbing such a soft hand over my hot and bothered body. If Daring wasn't here, I’d be jilling myself into a stupor. I may want to get off, but I’m not willing to degrade myself that much. “Willow.” Daring chided again as a ubiquitous white paladin guard brought food. “Guard, please, take Daring away so I can masturbate in peace!” I begged, panting, the very sight of the stallion making me even hornier. Dear God almighty, what the hell is Corruption?! “No. If it keeps you from delving further, she stays.” He told us as he pressed on a rune by the door, which then tugged the magic tether of my collar back towards the wall, forcing me against it. “Oh~ you’re all such cockblockers!” I complained as he left the tray of bread and cheese before leaving, the tether loosening again. “C’mon Daring~! Be a friend and fuck me!” I’m beyond caring anymore! I need to get off! Is this what being in heat is like? “And get Corrupted too? Not a chance.” Daring blushed and looked away. “Even if you’ve got a tail hand now…” I heard that mutter! I’ve got your fetish now fuck me! “Arg!” I groaned as the seed from the blue thing gurgled in my bowels, I guess my body finally finishing processing it. That was also mostly why I hadn’t eaten during the hours we’ve spent here. “Oh~ I feel tingly!” I groaned as I looked down at my quivering legs. I hissed, and watched in a level of fascination and horror as my dainty paws, bulged, swelled, and then changed shape to have bigger claws and be more like a cat than a fox. They now had blue fur filling the seams where my skin had split open during the change. My legs had also gotten thiccer, my thighs much more so! “Oh...that is...nice. I...I want more…” “Don’t even think of it! Guard!” At Daring’s frantic call, the collar pulled me away from the middle of the room and I snarled at my sexy seminal fantasies getting interrupted-what, the absolute, fuck?! As I simmered in disbelief at my constantly wavering thoughts, a guard entered and splashed some white clear liquid on me, instantly shutting down my libido, or at least cooling me down. With that, he left. “What is wrong with me!?” I yelped as I clawed at my head, but the change hadn’t hit my hands enough have more feline claws than my foxy paws already had. My enormous fluffy ears hadn’t been touched, thankfully. “You’ve Corrupted, Willow. I guess they didn’t have that in the First Era?” Daring asked morosely from her spot near the door, well out of reach of me. How Unfortunate, I’d have fucked her senseless if she’d just get a tiny bit closer. “No, not at all. Well, there was Abyssal, but that...well it did change you but not in this way.” I told her as I waved my tail hand around, getting better at using it for gestures. “Yeah, no. The Abyss isn’t something you have to worry about these days unless Luna casts you into it. The Corruption is a recent phenomenon, relatively. It’s only appeared in the current Era. The original source has been forgotten, but it started around the same time the gates of Tartarus shattered and portals began popping up. But it isn’t of Tartarus, so nobody really knows.” Daring exposited, and I was watching her lips, wishing they were between my thighs. “The Demons I met in the forest were not like this,” I said, at the mention of those demons, said souls flared hard and my body flared with actual fire. “AH~!” I screeched in pain and shock, grabbing my much fitter abs. “The demon souls~! They’re burning again~...” “Have you seriously not digested them by now?” Daring asked in surprise. “No, I don’t know how I haven’t done it to any of them!” I yelled as the guard rushed in. “What is going on here!” Clearly, he was tired of having to come back. “The souls of some demons she killed are giving her indigestion.” Daring huffed. “What? Why haven’t you absorbed them yet?” The guard questioned of me. “That’s what I’ve been asking,” Daring added on, getting me to snarl. “I don’t fucking know! I don’t know how to ‘absorb’ souls I’ve eaten!” If I did, I’d have buffed up my Agility stat or something so I could bend over and eat myself out or something! “By the Light. A virgin Undead. Now I’ve seen everything. I’ll go get the priest.” The guard huffed and left again. I whined as some of the changes were altered more, My tail end lit with white fire as a second fluffy hand-ended tail joined it in fiery dexterity, and my hands grew red glowing claws and I felt my teeth grow longer, sharper, hotter. “Daring...help me…” I pleaded as I clutched at my growing tits, they were now as big as melons and my fiery claws burned the shirt away. I panted as I squeezed, burning hot lactate spraying the floor with steam. “It hurts...it burns…” “Oh, Willow...I’m sorry.” Daring looked distraught, and shortly a smaller, middle-aged white unicorn entered, wearing black priestly robes with white filigree. “Oh, good lords. Poor dear. I’m afraid I can only ease your suffering for the time being.” The priest clasped his hands together, muttering in Latin as his horn shone white. “Make it stop~,” I whined. “I want to go back to normal.” I choked and sobbed as my stupidly huge H-cups felt like I had lava balloons on my chest, until the white light of whatever Miracle the priest was casting hit, and the demon souls swirling about my body like the invaders they were ceased to be with a scream of terror only I could hear, but they didn’t just disappear, they seemed to...go away. Like they somehow left. Whatever, I’m just happy they’re gone! “Oh~...thank you.” I whimpered as I shrunk down a bit, the fiery essence driving my unwanted changes having left. “It is not over yet, child. We have no proper purification agent here in Neighappolous. We’ve got word a local chemist is already working on it however, simply try to resist the temptation to advance your changes more.” The priest suggested before he left, and my stupidly huge tits had shrunk down to C-cups now that they weren’t filling with unholy milk or swollen by arousal. “What is wrong with me? What sort of soul and body do I have?!” I gasped as I instinctively used my new pair of tail-hands to cover my enlarged boobs. “Unf…” I looked over to see Daring eyeing my tails with restrained lust before she took a cleansing breath. “W-whatever is up with your soul, you’re very pliable. I’ve never read about someone’s body so quickly and easily adjusting to the mutations of Corruption. God this isn’t fair. Now you’re seriously hot.” Daring opened a few buttons of her top and fanned herself. “I hope I’m not being Corrupted by proximity. Knowing Biscuit though, he’ll have a purification draught ready in a bit.” “Will I change back to normal?” I was somewhat hopeful, but I honestly wouldn’t mind keeping these tails...or these tits...muscles, curves, the oddly patterned blue stripes in my fur… “No. The mutations are permanent. If you want to become a pure fox again, you’ll have to find a bunch of Fox Berries and gorge on them, but they’ve got their own brand of Corruption too. All transformative items do.” Daring informed me, unable to take her eyes off of the huge fire-like fluffy hands covering my boobs. I felt good about the attention, and let them caress and tease my tits for her viewing pleasure. Maybe I can get some action after all? “Sounds like CoC.” I groaned before realizing it was. “Oh god...I’m in Corruption of Champions?! I thought this was Dark Souls!” “W-what?” Daring asked distractedly as my teasing had worked me back up, my tits swelling with my arousal back into D-cups. I have expanding boobs? This is awesome! “They’re games. One’s for perverts...like me. The other’s for people who like a challenging game. I also loved it too.” Mmf, c’mon girls. Grow for momma. Grow to get Daring to come touch me… “Uh-huh…” Daring was mesmerized, the heat of my fiery body was making the air waver, and her eyes seemed to glaze. I began gyrating my body, swiveling my hips, I felt my face grin as I lured her closer. Yes. My prey. Come closer… “Willow…” Yes. Just reach out and-OW! She just slapped me! In the tits! “I’m a veteran explorer Willow. You’re not the first mythical siren to try and lure me in.” My by-then E-cup boobs practically deflated as all my lust practically vanished. “I...my head is so fucked up.” I groaned, “I wish I had my teddy bear right now.” I whined, Bearie used to keep monsters away when I was younger, even if they weren’t real then. “I’d volunteer, but, well, you’re kinda dangerous right now. You’re like a radiator. Last time I felt this hot was the last time Ahuizotl and I duked it out and he released his aura on me.” Daring was visibly sweating and getting her clothes damp. “IT WAS NOT KINKY OR ANYTHING SEXUAL!” Ahuizotl yelled through the wall. “Oh get over yourself Zoty! I know you’ve been chasing my plot for years!” Daring called back confidently. “I’M TALKING TO THE FOX…AND NO I'M NOT!” He yelled the last bit after a pause. “Then why are we always flirting?! I thought we were a thing!” Daring teased back with a smirk. “IT’S CALLED WITTY BANTER! GET A COLTFRIEND ALREADY AND STOP CHASING MY TAIL!” The rebuttal got Daring’s wings to flare and her face to turn red like a tomato. “Ah, what?” I questioned in surprise as I looked at the embarrassed mare. “You seriously don’t have a boyfriend? And you’ve been chasing that guy?” “What? Was my cuddling and sharing a bed with you not clue enough? Also, extra hand, or hands. All the touching. Everywhere.” Daring defended insistently, and I looked down at my new modesty-preserving tail hands with a level of understanding. “You’re the one that called off the fucking date.” The guy huffed in annoyance. “Because I had an editorial meeting come up Zoty! I swear, you stand up a guy once and he never forgives you.” Daring huffed as she pouted. “I canceled my appearance for the opening of the Lord Vessel exhibit for that date!” He yelled making her blink. “I’m a legitimate archeologist from time to time!” “These ones being rejoicing they must! This one has finished a Purification Draught!” Biscuit suddenly burst into the cell and promptly ignored the situation as he practically ran up to me, and shoved a bottle into my mouth. “Drink now! Before this one is turned into a wanton slut!” “Mmhey.” I mumbled around the glass bottleneck in my jaw and tilted my head back. Mm...it’s kinda salty and creamy. Not bad actually. Like a melted sea-salt ice cream. Every swallow killed the burning fire in my loins, the more literal fire on the ends of my tails, my claws, and maybe my enlarged teeth also seemed to be put out. By the time I finished the bottle, I wasn’t feeling an overwhelming insidious urge to fuck and spread my dangerous disease. “Whew. Thanks!” “Not to be thanking this one. This one has so much work to do thanks to this one and the one in the next cell over.” Biscuit huffed and-oh god the eye it’s worse up close! “Oh quit complaining, I know for a fact you’re going to be paid a ton of bits on commission for this.” Daring teased the albino Diamond Dog. “Well, now that your Corruption is purified and no longer contagious, maybe we can get some proper answers for your Darksign.” “Maybe.” I huffed, looking over all the damn changes. “At least I don’t feel the need to fuck all the time.” I moved my twin tails and moved the dexterous fluffy hands just as easily as my original ones. I effectively have four arms now! I won’t lie, this is awesome. “I swear, this cell is the most active ‘isolation’ cell in history. Come along now Undead. The High Priest and Head Paladin can see you now without fear of Corruption.” The same beefy guard from before stated, and I blushed as I used my longer prehensile floofy tails to cover my chest and groin. Hey, I have emergency modesty clothes! These things are so useful! “Alright.” I cheerfully replied, my mood bolstered by floofy tails. I followed him and Daring out through the halls. The guard led us up out of the dungeon, and yes, the church did in fact have one. We only made a very brief appearance in the main chamber of the church, where I could see several ponies and dogs already at work restoring the front of the building, and then we were taken upstairs to an office with a golden sun emblazoned on a deep mahogany door which the guard knocked. “Enter.” At the firm answer, the guard opened the door and led us in. “Dear Lords sir, couldn’t you have at least let the poor dear clothe herself?” An elderly unicorn of similar white and gold coloration as all the other ponies here demanded of our guard, who shrugged. “No matter, her new appendages at least make her mildly decent. Have a seat Miss Willow, Miss Do.” The intricately robed stallion, who I assumed was the High Priest sat at his desk from where he’d been at his small bookshelf with the Head Paladin who I had met earlier. “Can we get on with this? Over half the day’s gone and we haven’t accomplished anything.” Daring complained, pretty audaciously I must say. But the fact she got nothing more than an irritated huff from the paladin told me she wasn’t an unknown factor to these people. “Considering the fault for the delay lies mostly at my hooves, I apologize.” The paladin sincerely, well, apologized. He even bowed slightly towards us. “If I had not thrown Miss Willow, anticipating her Undead constitution would be enough to hinder the Corrupted Ahuizotl for us to capture him and rescue Miss Do, she would not have been a victim of accidental sodomy and subsequent Corruption.” “Which brings me to the topic of this meeting. Miss Willow, your mouth if you please.” The High Priest requested politely, holding out his hands over the desk towards me. “Okay.” I agreed and scooted my chair closer to lean towards him, opening my maw. “Yes...I see. It matches description. Guard, leave us, Miss Willow is no threat.” The guard saluted and promptly did as ordered. “Now, Miss Willow. Were you once, ever, a Human?” “Ah...yes, how would you know?” I asked, as Daring groaned and did a headdesk onto the desk. “I found a Displaced! Of course! That’s why all this stuff is suddenly happening!” Daring bemoaned and chuckled darkly. “Great, my life is over…” How is it over?! “Fret not Miss Do. There are worse fates than being bound to a Displaced.” The High Priest consoled, before looking to me. “You are what is known as a Displaced, Miss Willow. A phenomenon uncontrollable and unavoidable since the Second Era. At least in this day and age, Displaced show up about once every 10 years rather than every month as it did back then.” “Okay...are they still around?” I asked, and the Head Paladin winced. “Most have tried fighting Corruption in the recent era, none were undead like you, and they all...well they’ve had to be put down or have passed their usefulness for the Lust Demons. A rare few have become Lust Demons themselves.” He explained unhelpfully, what is Corruption?! “Okay, I’m sick of it being thrown around and me not knowing anything about it. What IS Corruption?!” I demanded, and the High Priest gently gestured for me to calm down. “Considering you’ve only recently been Displaced, or at least Awoken from whatever stasis you were put in upon arrival-.” A black mote suddenly flew into me, and I shuddered as my heart pulsed and my body seemed to become more uniform. Huh...I actually have patterned blue stripes in my red and cream fur now… “-Hm, that is disconcerting...anyway, Corruption is as it is described. It is a malignant lust-driven Corruption of the body and soul. Usually it is conveyed in sexual fluids, but it is also spread by cultivated plants and other consumables.” “And, what does me being a Displaced Undead have to do with this?” I questioned further, accidentally using my breast-covering tail to gesture, and quickly using my original arms for modesty. “Displaced are typically more susceptible to Corruption for whatever reason. Perhaps it’s their Human origins, we’re unsure. But Undead are nearly immune to being completely overtaken by Corruption. If they take on too much of it, they essentially go mad and kill themselves, respawning with the physical effects of Corruption in place, but free of the mental and soul alterations.” The Head Paladin explained. “So I have a reset button built-in?” I questioned, a bit disturbed by the fact. “But I’m not attuned to a bonfire. If I die, I’ll just be back at the lost asylum again.” “Then avail of our bonfire.” The Head Priest offered, getting me to blink in surprise. “In the current era, Undead are citizens too. It’s nearly impossible to go Hollow with hope something far easier to hold onto, and we provide counseling to depressed and suicidal Undead as well.” “Okay...but when I was Displaced, I was pretending to be a Deprived who never uses a bonfire.” At this, the High Priest and Head Paladin gawked at me as if I were stupid. “Yeah, dumb. I’m probably locked as a weakling pedestrian.” I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my boobs. “Well, even if that is the case, know that you’re a welcome addition to Equestria’s citizenry. You’ll have to wear that collar as proof of what and who you are. Don’t leave home without it. It’s equivalent to leaving home without identification. At least try to attune to our bonfire before you leave for the Department of Registration.” The High Priest kindly informed me, and I blinked. “Wait. Don’t you have to seal my Curse?” I mean, that’s the whole reason we came here! “It is already sealed, in its own way. The behavior of it is similar to other sealed Undead, there is no need to add a seal. Good day, Miss Willow, Miss Do. Now then, Mister Biscuit, let us discuss your commission rate…” The High Priest and Biscuit were already discussing their business deal as Daring hauled me out of my seat and practically stormed us out. “I can’t believe my misfortune. I’m stuck tied to the hip of an admittedly hot vixen for the rest of my life, and potential unlife. Oh well...could be worse.” Daring complained as we went down the stairs, then down to the dungeon. “I could be stuck with a rapist.” “You could run off with me,” Ahuizotl told her as we neared his cell, the beefy creature clearly more anthropomorphic now, looking like a male version of me, his head much less blocky and bestial. Um, he’s a bit hot now, holy shit, Corruption transformed him that much?! Hey! How did he change back?! No fair~! Oh well, I’m sexy and happy with my new body, so meh. “That ship sailed Zotl, though I wouldn’t mind a fling now and then. Come talk to me if you’ve given up villainy and you’re clear of Corruption.” Daring replied as we passed his cell, and we entered a circular chamber with the bonfire in the center. There were a few Undead or Ashen around the room, chatting casually and all wearing heavy iron Way of White collars like mine. “There you are Willow, a safe place to rest and wake up.” “Uh, okay.” I uneasily replied and then approached the bonfire. I held out my hand to it, trying to attune to it. What I got instead was the menu for leveling, an option to lessen the effects of my changes, and alter my species and appearance. I also had my name of William at the top, options to change it, my class, and even weirder, the soul I had in me. “Magic? My soul is that of Magic?” I questioned before the bonfire flames sparked from orange to blue, the bones crystallizing and the sword sparking with heavy power. Damn, I’m lucky! This is way better than I’d thought! Every Undead down here convulsed as if they were stuck as they looked over the bonfire in confusion and unease. A pegasus Ashen One killed himself right there with a dagger into his head through the temple and respawned with ease as his old body vanished and he stumbled out of the blue fire and found himself shivering. “C-cold! Brisk, not burning!” He turned around and thrust his hands into the blue flame with a grin. “Come try it out! It’s like a cool waterfall!” “Huh?” I huffed in confusion as they all moved over to the bonfire and started waving their hands through it. Did I really change the bonfire? I mean, Obviously it changed, but why have I changed it? How am I special? Well, whatever. This means no matter what, I can keep these awesome tails! Or...can I add more? Later, I guess. “So, I’m attuned to a bonfire now. It’s offering to lessen the effects of the changes and other things.” I told Daring, idly changing my name to Willow, it fit. I mean, technically I could turn myself back into a guy, but boobs, so no. “Well, that’s great, but can you use the souls you still have to make you stronger?” Daring asked as she waved her hand through the blue flames of the bonfire along with the other Undead. “Yes, I need them for even the changes to my body,” I explained to her. “If I wanted to get smaller boobs it would cost two thousand souls, I have the max a bonfire could give me actually.” Now if only I have Estus...wait. “Is Estus a thing here?” “Yes. But it’s valuable. The green crystal glass used to make them is rare and hard to find.” One of the Undead commented. “It heals nearly anything besides poison, so most of them are restricted to the Church.” “Well, I guess that’s out of the question,” I grumbled as I followed Daring back towards the surface. “Unless, as a worldly adventurer, you have any ideas on that Daring?” “...Are you asking me to take you on an adventure?” Daring asked with an odd sort of surprise and...mild excitement? “...Maybe?” At this, Daring grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a searing kiss, sending my tails ramrod straight and floofing out in surprise before she pulled back with a brilliant beaming smile. “Willow. This is the start of a beautiful friendship!” Daring declared before literally fluttering off the floor and flying down the hall. “...Friends kiss here?” I dumbly asked with a stupid grin as I wobbled on my paws, fluttering my eyes while my tails wagged rapidly, consequently leaving me nude and not giving a damn. > Ch.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch. 3 “DARING, THIS IS CRAZY!” I yelled as we flew over a volcano that had the Old Iron King’s Fortress resting inside. How did she even know where to look?! I can barely see Majula on the coast near here, I would rather explore that! “Can’t we explore the Village?!” “Nope! Considering how long it took to get you processed and get a flight to the outskirts of the Far Frozen, I’m not about to detour!” Daring declared cheekily from her place in the chartered biplane cockpit in front of me. I mean, yeah, it took a few days to get me registered at the Department of Registration, apparently due to my situation as being both an Undead and a Displaced. What would normally take just one day took three, and Daring apparently has a near-compulsory need to be active and doing something, so she made those three days torture. “It’s in a Volcano!” I yelped as she dove. “Where’s the airstrip?!” I wailed as I tried to brace myself for a fiery death. “Ha! As if any aircraft built by pegasi need a landing strip!” Daring cackled as she interacted with her dashboard, and the organically-shaped wings of the biplane folded back as the engine cut out. I screamed, anticipating us dropping like a rock, but instead the shape the wings held had us nearly parachuting down. “Don’t be such a baby Willow! You’re the one who can’t die!” “YES BUT I FEEL PAIN! Or at least I think I do?” I mused, contemplating the weird relationship I had with pain. “If Undead can feel pain, it’s really muted,” Daring replied as she guided us towards a large flat opening on the roof of the keep, which had bells suddenly going off. “The Bell Keepers are violent, but if we’re not here to touch the bells, they won’t kill us.” “I know of them. I’m so glad I don't need to eat.” Even though I can if I want, I’m glad I haven’t had anything recently because I am seriously queasy right now. I groaned after the plane landed, getting up and stretching, my clothes now matching khaki short-shorts and mini-top to Daring’s. As I was doing so, I spotted something on the ground. A Human Effigy, or an Anthro Effigy. “Holy crap!” I excitedly cheered as I dove out of the plane for it. “Do you wish to guard the Bell~?!” I practically jumped out of my skin at the creepy high-pitched voice that came from behind me, causing me to clutch the effigy to my bosom. “Oh, a Bell Keeper.” I nervously noted, holding the Effigy tightly as I looked at the tiny mouse. I mean, they were originally dolls, right? Well, this one was clearly a doll, but designed as a mouse along with being tiny and in that weird armor. “Sorry, but we’re just passing through.” “YOU’RE GONNA REGRET THAT! HAHAHAHA~!” The insane-seeming mouse doll declared ala Happy Souls before he noticed Daring. “Oh! The Head Keeper! Is she a guest?” “Yes,” Daring grumbled, blushing. “Then we won’t feed her to the Bell! All praise the Bell!” The Keeper praised and Daring half-heartedly mirrored the praise. “Ah, what?” I gawked at the pegasus in bemusement. “Why are we here if you’ve been here before?” “How would I know where to get Jade Crystallite if I wasn’t here before?” Daring asked rhetorically. “Wait, we’re here for that?” I asked while I crushed the Effigy and immediately felt my heart beating again, consistently and strongly. Ah~ so good to be alive again. “I would also like a supply of these if I die again.” I happily declared as I rubbed my bosom over my heart. “Why didn’t you use an Anthromanity at the bonfire to do it?” Daring questioned as we walked towards the ladder down into the keep. I blinked before facepalming. “Because I’m an idiot?” “An adorable idiot with fluffy tails.” Daring teased as we reached the scalding hot ladder. She wordlessly picked me up under the arms and hovered us down. The traps are still working? “Don’t worry about either the Alonne Knights or the Ironclads. They’ve long ago realized their home is without treasure to protect.” “Uh, then why are we here to get the material to make Estus Flasks?” That stuff is clearly considered valuable enough to be a treasure. “One, you could use one. Two, the Way of White could use more of them. Three, money.” Daring explained succinctly. “However, it’s worthless to what the Iron King considered valuable, so they won’t mind us raiding the old forge area for it.” “Ah.” I acknowledged as we flew through the giant castle. The towering empty suits of armor that were the Alonne Knights didn’t even look at us as we flew over the lava towards a giant door. “HAIL!” We heard and saw a bald rat with clipped ears holding a spear and shield wearing leather armor. Patches the Unbreakable, oh fuck no! “What purpose have you all the way out here? Nobody comes to Drangleic anymore.” “Sup Patches. Here for Jade Crystallite.” Daring replied as if she was friends with this crook. “Ah, in luck then. The Iron King’s old miners found a vein of it. I came by to fix mine up. I’m still dodging the Church so don’t mention this is my supplier.” He chuckled as he looked at me. “Oy, new friend? She got anything good besides the cloth?” “Not really Patches. She just woke up recently.” Daring’s response said she didn’t mind Patches being a dishonorable thief! “Damn. Oh well, at least she isn’t a cleric...are you?” Patches asked casually, to which I quickly began waving my hands and shaking my head frantically. “NO!” I yelled knowing he hated the church and anything to do with religion and miracles. Something about them holding themselves over others while being no better or something. I’ve experienced Trusty Patches fucking me over when I played a Cleric starting class, I’m not making that mistake again! “Whoa there, rather sudden to deny it. Not a fan of the cloth?” Patches asked curiously, so I calmed down to answer as honestly as I felt was necessary. “I’ve got nothing against them on a...personal level, but I’m not religious or anything,” I admitted, to which Patches chuckled jovially. “Ah, a skeptic. Good. Keep this one around Daring, she’s got her head on straight.” He said before cracking his neck. “Not like the git in the Throne of Want, much too devoted to that and their crown. Lust demons are banging on that door as we speak. Bitch isn’t nearly as strong as my friend Coldra! That Ashen actually snuffed the fire!” Wait, why are you bringing this up? “Which plunged the world into a cleansing darkness for a Cycle until the Fire was relit. I know my history Patches, no need to remind me.” Daring huffed with a roll of her eyes. Hold on, this exposition feels really out-of-place! “Well, I’m saying it for the pup here. Still looking for Hethra to thank her for that, even if the gal was devoted to that Herald of her’s.” He chuckled. “That lizard knew how to fight.” O-oh...um, thanks, I guess? For filling me in on something? Uh, what just happened? “Considering you’ve aided the Chosen Undead, Brave Undead, and the Ashen One fight their final battles, I’ll take your word for it,” Daring responded, and I had to blink. Patches doesn’t help the Chosen Undead past selling them goods if you don’t piss him off in the original. I...think he Does help with the final battle in DS2. Does he in DS3? “Now, the gnomes should be coming up soon, be kind to them folks, don’t stare pup.” He told me sternly as small gophers pushed minecarts up a rail line full of Crystals and precious ore. “I’ll be along now. Oh, and Daring...I Feel It coming. Be sure to tell your goddesses.” “W-what?!” Daring squeaked as if in existential terror before Patches held up a feather and vanished with a cackle. “Th-that can’t be...no. Nope. Don’t fret Daring. He’s a cruel jokester. Oh Lords, please let that have been a mean joke.” Daring whined as she guided me down the hall beyond the large doors. “Let’s get enough to make a few flasks and get back to Neighapplous.” “Okay, but what did he mean?” I asked as she rushed me along. “That this Cycle might be nearing its end. Patches has seen the End of every Cycle, and he survives it. He’s always one of the only ones, and is possibly the oldest Undead still existing without having been torn asunder by the turning of the Cycles.” Daring informed as we entered a massive storeroom filled to the gills with treasure, and beelined for the area mostly full of green gems. “Yeah...he seems like some god that just hates the idea of religion.” I mulled over how he acted in-game. “Like the Emperor from Warhammer 40K. He never asked to be deified.” “Do not even joke about that. I don’t think we’d survive his ego-inflating to the point the world is crushed under the weight of it.” Daring snickered to her own little joke. “And he’s unregistered? Wouldn’t Luna want his Dark Soul?” I asked, realizing he didn’t wear a collar like I and every other Undead I’ve seen has. “Let’s just say Celestia hates him, Luna likes him. That said, the Way of White and Warriors of Sunlight loathe him for his irreverence while Luna and her Darkmoon Blades and Blue Sentinels adore him. His philosophy on life, Generosity, and Kindness are extremely rigid.” Daring explained, while at the same time avoiding explaining much at all. “Oh, that seems weird,” I commented as we picked through the dull green gems. One I touched turned blue though. “Ack, sorry!” “No, that’s fine. You just found Ashen Jade Crystallite. It’s even rarer, and it’s like a replenishing mana potion when used to make flasks. More valuable to mages than anything.” Daring explained as she pulled a large sack from one of her magically expanded breast pockets and began shoveling the gems in. “Huh.” I looked over the blue gem, the glow oddly enticing to me. “I’m just touching them, how are they found normally?” I asked as Daring seemed to be seeing money now. “By channeling mana into the Jade Crystallite. If it flashes blue, it’s Ashen Jade Crystallite. Your soul is Magic, right? Maybe you’re inherently gifted with channeling mana?” Daring informed me as she finished filling the sack. “Good enough for over a dozen flasks. Let’s get another of Ashen Jade Crystallite now that we know you can channel mana.” “Uh, well, that’s cool.” I chuckled as I looked at the treasure piles. I began just touching everything I could and picking out the ones that shone blue. She wasn’t kidding, not many of these were Ashen. It took a while and a lot of digging to get even half a sack. “I don’t feel like digging any deeper. I may be a variant of Diamond Dog or something, but I don’t like digging.” “Don’t say that around any other dogs, they’ll declare you insane.” Daring joked as she hefted the lighter sack of Ashen Jade Crystallite over her shoulder, leaving me with the heavier one. “C’mon then, let’s get out of here before the Smelter Demon notices us.” “It’s still here?!” I squeaked fearfully and hurried onward. “It was never gone. Those things don’t truly die. Even if they have their souls harvested, they reform after a few centuries. Insidious monsters that they are, they do have their uses.” Daring nodded her head towards the far side of the room, and I noticed the moving crucibles of molten metal moving across the ceiling. “Why are they still producing metal?” Now that I think of it, I can hear some clanging of metal elsewhere. Are they actually still forging arms and armor too? “It was what the Iron King was obsessed with. These ghosts, remnants, they’ll keep producing more until this place is truly destroyed down to the bedrock.” Daring declared while she tested the weight of the sack as she hovered. “Holy shit and no one just comes and takes it?” I asked in shock. “The piles of iron, weapons, and armor?!” This place could arm entire countries! “Heh. That, pretty Willow, is exactly why we’re not being attacked right now. We’re Guests, for one, and two; we’re not taking their precious Metals.” Daring winked, and I had to gawk at the sheer simplicity of it. “So if we tried grabbing armor or a sword they would swarm us?” I asked before seeing a glimpse of red on a catwalk below. “Pretty much, but if you’re feeling daring enough, challenge an Alonne Knight to a duel. They’ll let you keep it’s remains if you win.” Daring leered challengingly at me as if daring me to do so. Oh, ow, the pun, it burns it’s so bad~! “Ah...no, that’s okay,” I said before feeling an arrow stab into my back. I fell forward from the impact as a red ghost dropped to our level. “BEGONE FROM OUR HALLS DEMON SPAWN!” Echoed an ethereal voice called, and a gigantic iron arrow more reasonable to call a spear launched through the ghost, dispelling it. “TO ARMS! TO ARMS!” “Oh by Luna! Of all times for demons to attack!” Daring panicked as she jumped onto my back, yanking out the red arrow. “I thought that was a red spirit?” I gasped as I pulled Daring off of me to lay next to me as giant spear/arrows flew down the hail full of ghostly red arrows as the phantoms floated through the very walls. “Yes. A Demonic red spirit! They make occasional raids on this place to try and free the entrapped Smelter Demon they use to forge their metal!” Daring explained as she tugged us across the floor towards a corner, away from the fighting. “Isn’t the smelter Demon Artificially made by the Iron King?” I asked as I watched the knights handily fend off the apparently fragile and weak swarm of demon spirits. “You really don’t know your history. No! It’s an Earth-slash-Fire Elemental Demon Spirit! The Old Iron King was seduced by the power of ichorous earth and freed the Smelter Demon. For a time, they used it to forge their metal, but soon enough, it heated the earth below until it became a volcano, swallowing the keep, and the King with it. It rose over time, as the Smelter Demon’s own paradise, but the Brave Undead; Hethra, slew it. It reformed over time and was imprisoned here again since the Knights replenished their numbers.” Daring lectured as we hid behind our huge sacks of gems. “So, now it’s trapped here?” I asked as more red demons appeared down the hall. Honestly, it was fairly annoying, seeing them get wiped out so easily by the knights. “I don’t think the demons will succeed.” Also, I’m getting tons of souls just sitting here and letting the knights deal with the threat to their home. “They won’t. They never will. Not unless they can amass an army. Even then, the army stationed here will always outmatch them in both quality and their ability to replenish. Just be glad this place hasn’t waged war since before the Iron King fell.” Daring shuddered at the concept, I joined her. “Yeah.” hoarsely agreed before a huge thud happened and five Alonne Knights grouped around a huge 10-foot tall red Holstaurus which had emerged from the lava at the base of the room. She had skimpy black armor which barely covered the nipples of her enormous boobs and a massive cock was visible under her skimpy metal mini-skirt as she hefted a battle axe half her size. “Damn weaklings. Even if I can’t get others of my higher kind here, these implings will have to do.” She snarled to herself before she cracked her neck. She looked at the Alonne knights and snorted before cleaving them in half in a single wide swing, and finished climbing out of the lava. “Oh. Shit. What is a Corruption Demon doing here?!” Daring fretted as the monstrous muscular heifer cleaved through her enemies, ignoring the spears launched at her as they bounced off of her rippling musculature or her breasts by some impossible magical defense. “That power, she’s easily way up in the hierarchy…” I gulped nervously at Daring observation. “They better have a good axe this time.” The heifer huffed as she backhanded an Ironclad, the huge rotund animated armor crumpling under her impossibly tough fist. “Last time it didn’t last three battles.” “She’s oddly helpfully chatty,” I commented with bemusement. At least we know she’s not doing anything more heinous than getting a new axe. We should just quietly slip away. “What do you mean? All villains monologue.” Daring replied to my comment with confusion, and I looked at her blandly. “What?” “Do you live in a cartoon fantasy world?” What kind of logic is that?! Normal villains barely say a word of their plans to anyone before they do it, especially not while they’re doing it. That’s like Dan Backslide’s meme! Nobody actually does that?! Come on! “Do I smell some females alive in here?” The heifer idly questioned. “Mm...one of them smells freshly Corrupted too. Come on out little ones. I still have time for a good raping.” The heifer called out, and I shuddered as Daring picked up the smaller bag, flexing her wings. “On three, make a break for the ladder,” Daring whispered, the Heifer was thankfully going the wrong way from the corner we’d hunkered down into. “One Cloudsdale. Two Cloudsdale. THREE CLOUDSDALE!” Daring called a split second after she’d already taken off, leaving me in her dust. Daring! She flew straight for the exit with her spoils, the Heifer quickly spotting her and snorting in disappointment, before continuing on her way. “Flying ones are too much trouble. Where’s the armory again you little tin toys?!” The Heifer demanded, and I blinked. She must’ve figured Daring was the only female since we’ve been touching each other a lot, so she smells like us both. Daring is good at this. Moving to follow her up as fast as I could with the much heavier bag, I heard the Heifer giggle in glee after a loud crash rumbled the building. I figured she was getting into the armory for her ill-gotten gains. I made it to the ladder but...how am I getting this heavy thing up there with...right. I have tail arms too. These things are lifesavers!  “Come to mama!” She sang before she marched back into the main chamber with a heavy black, ruby inlaid axe with a head larger than the one she’d traded for it. That thing’s blade was easily the size of one of the wings of our plane! “With this, I’ll chop Letra down a few-.” We both paused. I was halfway up the ladder by now, and she was at the doorway right by the ladder. “Oh, not fair! I can’t get up there!” “Uh...you aren’t gonna try and get me?” I mean, she's a big, strong heifer, I’m sure she could jump up here, or smash the ladder and knock me down? “Why bother? You’re about to escape. I can’t knock you down either without risking my new axe.” She hefted the admittedly pretty weapon, and I figured this ladder was a really, really sturdy ladder, so her fist would likely break on it. “You’re...uh, surprisingly reasonable.” Oddly intelligent too. Even if she did waste resources just to get that axe, it is a very nice axe. “Hey, I may be a demon, but I’m a General for a reason. No point chasing for a bird in the bush if you have one in the hand. I’ll just go bust my nuts in my whores when I get home. See you later little Imp.” She commented as she sauntered towards the lava. “I’m not an Imp!” I snarled at her before I started climbing again, the Heifer seemed annoyed by my attitude now. “Oh, pardon me if you forget you’re a Demon. Fools may think you’re not, but once you’ve been Corrupted the way I can smell you have, you don’t go back all the way.” She waded into the pool. “Look me up when you decide to join the fun side. I am Torturas, Duchess of the Taurens.” She declared before sinking into the lava. “I'm not a demon.” I huffed as I got up the ladder to find Daring already starting the plane up. “You ditched me!” I playfully declared, tossing the sack of gems into the cargo space underneath the fuselage. “Naw, I just took a head start!” Daring called over the propeller. “Get in! We’re doing a VTO!” I jumped into the co-pilot seat, and soon enough the plane moved forwards a bit. However, with the wings still in their ‘parachute’ configuration, they caught the air and tossed us nose-up, getting us pulling into the air. “Deploying wings!” Daring declared before suddenly the wings flapped back out, and we flew up, and out of the hellishly hot locale. Hey, no wonder Daring was sweating buckets, but I’m fine. Why am I not sweating if I’m alive? “Why am I not sweating?” I asked before one of those weird demons with burning hot blue souls fell from a portal and fell into some ruins before a towering red traditional demon exited the portal. Wait, is that a Hell Baron from DOOM? “You sure the Iron Keep can hold off a demon army?” I nearly pleaded of my adventurous friend. “Yeah! That big bitch back there was a special case. I doubt there’s enough of her level to cause the knights too much trouble.” Daring firmly believed, and I could only hope that they could hold off a Hell Baron then. Because having Tartarus armed up more than usual is far too awful to imagine. > Ch.4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.4 “That was terrifying.” I groaned as sat down in a chair as we hid in a room from a group of feral undead. I’m having trouble remembering how we even got here right now. Things have been kinda hazy for a while, I’m just following Daring’s lead by this point. Uh...right. Daring had taken us to someplace called the Untended Graves to look for something called Firekeeper Eyes. The undead here were different than the Iron King’s and those in Equestria. They were entirely feral and they even had the undead dogs here. There were also Black Knights walking about and the area was pitch dark somehow even with the sun overhead. “So, why are we here for Firekeeper Eyes again? We already have the Jade Crystallite to make Estus Flasks.” I asked as Daring and I snuck along the thin cliffside path along the walls of the ruins. “Finding them and giving them to the Natural Equestria Museum, for the Age of Fire Exhibit, will allow them to complete the section on Firekeepers. They also have a Firekeeper there that can make Estus Flasks. Giving them the eyes will allow us to utilize her abilities without going through the church.” She explained as she picked an ancient lock to a lone tower. “Uh...doesn’t that violate some sort of rules? Also, why not just use the church? Won’t they buy the Jade Crystallite we don’t want to use for flasks?” I’m confused. I thought we were already going to make some bank on that deal, why go around them like this? Daring got the door open with a loud screech which made me wince before we entered. Oh boy, it’s full of ornate coffins. I just realized we’re Tomb Raiding! “I suddenly feel like I’m partied with Lara Croft…” “Well, we won’t technically be bypassing the church. She’s obligated as a Firekeeper to work with them, but she’s allowed to make her own business so long as it doesn’t endanger people. Besides, if we trade the Eyes for the Flasks, we won’t need to lose some of the pay we’d get for the rest of the Crystallite.” Daring smirked deviously. “I’m head of the Archeologist Guild for a reason.” “But...isn’t this Tomb Raiding? I thought these sort of things were what archeologists were against.” I gestured around at the sealed sarcophagi recessed slightly into the walls. “Yep! But the only difference between being a real Tomb Raider and an Archeologist is that we are preserving the relics for the sake of history and education.” Daring gave a cheesy toothy grin and a thumbs-up. I just blandly looked at her. “So you're justified to be a thief?” Kinda losing some respect points here Daring, but I get it, you’ve gotta make a living somehow besides donations. “Whatever helps you sleep at night Willow. Ah, here we are.” Daring hovered up towards a sealed casket, and she grunted as she tugged it out slightly, and pushed the lid inwards. “Blegh! I forgot their preservation methods were so lax since they were for fully Hollowed Undead.” “You okay?” I really don’t like how cavalier Daring is with the bodies of inert Undead. This wasn’t the first time she’s done this...I think? Why do I feel like I’m forgetting stuff? “Yeah, it just stinks worse than death.” Daring pulled out some sort of bladed scoop that looked like an evil ice cream scoop. “Sorry old girl, but your eyes are more useful to-.” “Oh, what do we have here? A living maiden, and undead demon? Quite the sight!” An elderly woman in red robes that entirely concealed her form declared with a disturbingly kindly voice as she entered through the door with keys in hand, causing me to jump away from her. “What can this old Firelink Maiden do for you dears?” “HOLY FUCK!” I gasped and patted my chest between my breasts to steady my racing heart. With how this place is crawling with hollows and Black Knights, I thought it was empty! “Now, now no need for such language.” The elder chided as she sat on a casket and opened the bag she carried with her over her shoulder. She pulled out a modern electric lantern and turned it on, lighting up the large tower interior. “Um...sorry for trespassing. I didn’t know someone was still living in this crumbling place.” Daring sheepishly moved away from the coffin and put her sharp scoop back in her magic breast pockets. Why doesn’t my shirt do that? Not fair. “Ah, no worry. But a Firekeeper Soul would be best for what you want. There are five such souls in this place. One at the bell, one guarded inadvertently by two black knights, two hanging on branches on the side of the cliffs in back, and the last in the nest of the long past Pickle Pee on top of the shrine.” The Elder explained. “Uh...that’s swell, but we just need the Eyes for a historical museum exhibit. Specifically on the archaic and outdated practice of blinding the Firekeepers.” Daring replied with unease. “Hm, you want a strong flask though? The souls plus shards of old flasks could help.” She suggested. “Oh! Um, well, we live in a much less harsh world now. A normal flask is amazing enough. But...well, Willow is a Displaced. She’s bound to get into serious trouble.” Daring mused hesitantly. “Hey!” I yelped, feeling slightly offended. Sure, I got into trouble the moment I woke up here. I died a few times, ate demon souls, got maimed, raped, mutated. Uh...fuck, she’s right. “Bah!” “Seeing as you can fly, the souls on the cliffs and the tower should be easy, they rest with their bodies. The Bell Tower is directly above us, so you’ll just have to flutter up and use the elevator. Pickle Pee’s nest is on the roof, so you could also just pick that up while you’re at it. Lastly, the two guarding the last are in Firelink, over a broken Lordvessel, and the remains of the Coiled Sword. Shards of Estus Flasks can be found throughout the world, just look for undead explorers.” The elderly and kindly shrine handmaiden explained. “I’m so glad you’re here Daring. Just that last one seems to be the dangerous one with you here to make the others so easy.” I cheerfully pointed out to my friend, eager to get my hands on some good-ol’ Sunny-D Estus. “Yeah, yeah. Sing my praises later fluffy butt.” Daring teased before flying back up to the coffin. “But we still need these Eyes for the museum. I’ll get these, then go fetch the easy souls. You get ready to fight some haunted knights from the First Era.” “A-ah...right. Shit.” I muttered worriedly, knowing just how dangerous those possessed suits of armor are. I unholstered the pistol Daring gave me from my thigh holster...at some point. When did she give me this? Whatever, I wasn’t much of a fighter. At least not yet. “Uh, how useful will this be against them?” “Considering they’re empty suits of armor dear? Not much. But if you aim for their heads or joints, you might disrupt their spirits enough to defeat them for a short time.” The old shrine maid informed me. “Oh yeah, they’re empty. Any ideas why?” I questioned as I headed for the exit. “Well, the Black and Silver Knights have been long gone. Their bodies nothing but ash and dust respectively. All that clings to their dutiful suits of armor are their lingering spirits, like the Alonne Knights at the Keep.” Daring answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Just curious.” I shrugged, ignoring the disgusting squelching noise coming from Daring’s direction before I left the tower and got into the branches of a dead white tree overlooking half the graveyard in front of the shrine. “Okay, let's lure a few of those guys over here with rocks.” I held up the stones I used my tail hands to gather, then tossed them at the undead and the knights, trying to get them close enough for me since I’m not exactly a pro at shooting. Especially not in this unnatural Dark. Why does this place exist if Luna exists? Ugh, I’ll ask later. “Grah~!” A hollow groaned before I delivered 9 millimeters of hot lead into its a nearly-empty skull. I quickly followed up with shooting the other hollows and the one knight that responded to the noise in the heads as well. “Hope there’s not demons, or something else hostile with an actual mind.” I sighed, reloading after the seventh shot and no more enemies responding. Guns are overpowered, but then again I’m not exactly Bruce Lee. “I am taking this though, yoink!” I cheerfully declared as I picked up the oversized sword of the knight. “Holy fuck! What did you guys lift for exercise? Trees?!” I huffed and let the amazing piece of weaponry drop to the stone-paved ground with disappointment. “I’m gonna need to dump a ton of souls to get buff enough for that.” I whined, not seeing me being a giant slab wielding juggernaut anytime in the future. However. “Are they still aware of what’s going on?” I questioned myself as I picked up the helmet of the downed wolf-anthro Black Knight, which had fallen off the rest of the armor. It seemed to have been made for diamond dogs if the shape of the helm meant anything. Feeling curious and excited, I put it on my head after removing my pith helmet, only to yelp as it shrank and hugged every contour of my head save my muzzle as if it was tailor-made! “Crap!” I yanked it off, but it retained its new shape. “Uh...well, that explains how every suit of armor you pick up fits perfectly.” Wait...if this is the case. Couldn’t I have worn any of Daring’s clothes and they would’ve fit?! I didn’t have to get them tailored?! Ignoring that injustice, I put the helmet back on, and quickly tore apart the inert knight’s former body, putting it on in excitement. I feel so badass! SL1 Black Knight RP! But, uh, is it hugging me a bit much? I don’t remember the armor being so...busty for a female character. Then again the armor already had feminine curves to it... I groaned at my sexy new armor as I walked towards the front entrance of the Shrine, finding the two guards pacing about. One was wielding a Black Knight Sword, the other a Great Sword like the one I failed to use. Strangely, I could see faint orange shimmers on five thrones at the back of the shrine, each holding what looked like different species. On the far left to me was a Minotaur, next to him a Pony, in the middle was another sickly looking pony, to the right of the sickly pony was a huge dragon, and lastly a wolf. They were all just outlines though, not even saying or doing anything. Just sitting there. Ignoring them, I waltzed into the main chamber and shot the two knights before they could properly respond. Reloading the gun...I just noticed I pulled the magazine from my cleavage. Fucking sexist as hell armor...cool though. I moved to the smashed Lord Vessel and picked up the writhing black and white soul from the shattered fragments of the Coiled Sword. It was so...beautiful. Just brimming with Anthromanity to the point it was twisting in on itself. I then put it in my cleavage, which was apparently the ‘pocket’ of this outfit like the pockets of Daring’s shirt. I can get used to-a roar from a Minotaur Black Knight from behind me got me to roll. It was carrying, was that a small blacksmith hammer? Really? It tried smashing my face as I rolled out of the way again. But when the hammer hit the already crumbling wall, the wall was suddenly brand new. What. The. Absolute. Fuck? I didn’t dodge as it swung at me, and instead of getting sent flying, my new armor was suddenly completely shiny clean, and any aches I was feeling were gone. Well, this might explain why this place wasn’t a pile of dust. But what is with that hammer? It roared in a language I could not understand and started banging its head on a wall, breaking it before hitting the hammer into the pile, fixing it. The Minotaur fell to the floor in some internal defeat. “Uh...you okay big fella?” It threw the hammer at me, and I yelped as it flew right into my cleavage, disappearing. Okay, this is ridiculous. “My tits aren’t that big! I’m just a C-cup!” As if in response, my armor seemed to get even bustier, giving me pointed nipples. “FUCK YOU!” “Are you okay?” Daring asked as she entered the deeper section of the shrine I and the morose minotaur armor had wound up in. “Whoa~! Looking good there Willow!” Daring cat-called, and I felt suitably embarrassed at this, but thankfully my apparently semi-sentient armor shrank the bust down to how it was before. I’m not looking forward to seeing myself in the light in a mirror now. I’m worried about what it’s done to my butt and tails. “I’m fine. Just...fine.” I looked at the sullen minotaur Black Knight and quickly began pushing Daring back outside. “I just got a few souvenirs.” As we passed by an abandoned anvil, one of my tails brushed by the bones draped over it, and I felt a shock of energy bolt up my back! “WHOA!” “Ah! What is it, Willow?!” Daring spun around, looking me over as I blinked and panted to recover from whatever just happened. “You, uh, look a little...bothered there Willow.” Daring’s eyes were looking down at my suddenly H-cup tits, swollen and heavy with my sudden arousal. “I’m fine!” I yelped, feeling like pure ice water had washed over me, but also that my body is ready to breed like when I was Corrupted. “Just...horny!” Oh, f~uck~! I wanna fuck so bad, but this isn’t the time or the place! “I’ll just...okay, baseball. YuGiOh cards. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold night. Hillary Clinton. Yep, I’m good now!” My tits rapidly shrunk down from their magically boosted size, thinking of unsexy things had worked! Yay~! I’m unreasonably happy! “I can tell. Well, we’re done here, but we’ve got a passenger. You’ll have to buddy-up with her.” Daring informed me before we left the shrine and walked down the now-clear path through the graves towards the open area Daring had landed our plane. “Ah, what do you mean?” I asked as we journeyed to where the plane was down in an empty courtyard where an epitaph to a warrior named Gundyr was eternally lit by a magic brazier. This memorial was the only source of light in this place since the overhead sun somehow can’t actually light up anything here more than a few yards away from personal perspective. “That sweet old lady is coming with us. Something about needing to move to the new shrine.” Daring replied, and I had to wonder, and worry about such a concept. “Ah, Gundyr, such a sweet boy, He had pledged to being a sheath when he failed his duty.” The Elder said as we approached the plane while she was looking at the monument. “He tested Coldra to see if she was worthy like all Ashen that had passed through this Courtyard.” “You knew Coldra?” Daring asked, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “Yes. I sold her wares to aid in her journey to The First Flame. I never knew she had fallen in love with the Keeper until after they snuffed the flame together. My split soul rejoined this body soon after.” She told us. “I at least had the solace to know her act allowed the Light and Dark to finally find balance.” “Oh, I see. I guess.” I unsurely replied as she walked back to the plane. Wait, this thing only has the two seats! “Uh, how am I gonna squeeze in with me wearing this armor?” My question was answered when Daring messed with the copilot seat and she unscrewed the yoke after it was locked so it couldn’t be moved and there wasn’t a stick in the way. “Great, I had to ask.” (<3) By the time we finally got back to Neighapplous, I was sore all over from being rattled around in the footwell of the copilot seat, the nice old lady besides herself with guilt about my discomfort. I climbed out without any grace, tumbling to the dirt of the small airfield of the small city/town with a groan. “I’m so sorry, but I’ve been waiting a long time for the Corrupted Undead to come and retrieve me, dear.” The kindly handmaiden apologized as she slowly and feebly climbed out of the plane, her red hood, cloth mask, and robes still hiding her appearance completely. “Uh, what?” I asked in confusion as Daring froze. “I get I’m Corrupted and Undead, but why does that sound more like a title?” I asked as I got up and dusted my armor-hello~! Damn this thing is a pervert. It’s outlined my pelvis like a second skin. Mm, I love the shape it gives to my ass in spite of the skirt, and my tails are still out. “Hold on, before we get sidetracked. Are you saying Willow is a Prophesied Undead?” Daring asked with sweat beading her brow. “Yes, dear. I was told shortly after I respawned that an Undead vixen of Corrupted body and a perverted mind would arrive at the Untended Graves, seeking not Fire, but Guidance. I believe those Eyes may well serve you more than you thought.” The old woman mused. “Now, I must go to the new Shrine. I feel it is in that direction.” She pointed, and Daring swallowed. “Uh...that’s the direction of the Museum…” Daring stated worriedly. “Wait, what is going on?” I asked as the Old woman, still unsure of her species due to her billowing red robes, walked off. “Willow...I need to take you to the Way of White again. I have to report this and maybe have that old lady detained…” Daring wilted with exasperation, and I had a figurative light bulb go off in my head. The Chosen Undead, The Brave Undead, and The Ashen One. Now that woman has called me The Corrupted Undead. I’m a ‘hero’ of prophecy! “...Well shit.” At least it’s better than playing video games. Or not. I’d rather not die multiple times, thank you. However, this is the most excitement and fun I’ve ever had. Also boobs. And the booty… God, I wanna fuck Daring so bad right now for some reason... > Ch.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch. 5 “SHE IS A WHAT?!” The elderly High Priest yelped fearfully as the Head Paladin erected an imprisoning barrier around me while I pouted in the chair next to Daring, who looked irritated and exasperated. “We must get the Princesses, now! If a Prophesied Undead has appeared, and they’re also Displaced, then this is an unprecedented disaster waiting to happen!” “How many? Celestia and Luna only? Or do we involve Mi Amore Cadenza?” The Head Paladin asked. “Well...considering things. Celestia is still our primary authority, she may be equal to Luna, but there’s just so much work to do during the day than the night. Luna was off on a diplomatic mission to the Dragonlands last I heard, and there’s no chance Mi Amore Cadenza has time with her overseeing the day-to-day of the Crystal Empire until a modern system is in place. No. We must call upon the Princess who might be best suited to this individual.” The High Priest declared. “Twilight is inexperienced! She barely even knows who the Prophesized Undead are!” The Head Paladin argued as I and Daring looked back and forth between them like a game of tennis. “That may be. But she is also the Princess of Magic. Our misfortunate friend here is also in possession of a Soul of Magic. Something nearly unheard of as Twilight is the only one to possess such a thing thus far.” The High Priest declared. “Nearly?” I queried, though they ignored me. Just then a purple horned and winged horse walked in looking at a book as a pink unicorn mare with purple cyan mane walked behind, the first wore a beautiful if the practical dress and the latter wore a less flattering robe. “Your Highness, you need an appointment!” One of the guards told the purple mare nervously. “Official friendship business by Order of the Cutie Map.” The purple mare said. “And this Coldra was the last Undead to be unbound besides Patches the Unbreakable, both are unknown in terms of location or affiliation. I wonder what the Table is on about with sending me here.” “Maybe taking your nose out of the history book would help Twilight.” The pink-purple mare said to this Twilight mare with a fond and amused expression. “And she’s already dragged into it.” The Head Paladin groaned. “What is that tree thinking?!” “Hello, again Gilded Radiance. Not pleased to see me again I see.” Twilight said as she sat down in a chair she summoned with a flash of purple magic next to Daring at the side of the desk. “Oh, Daring, hello! It’s so nice to see you again!” “Uh, hey Twilight. You’ve got incredible timing, as always.” Daring commented in bemusement. “Okay, what’s going on here? I’ve got no idea what’s happening.” I huffed, crossing my arms under my armored bosom, drawing their attention. “I’m a Prophesied Undead called the Corrupted Undead apparently, as well as being Displaced. You’re also supposed to be the Princess to talk to I guess. Since life is shoehorning things in so hard, let’s get this over with! What is going to happen now?!” “Okay, but first I need the whole picture. Please start with the beginning.” Twilight requested, and we spent the next half hour or so filling her in on my circumstances. “Wow, that’s so fascinating, and awful at the same time!” Twilight declared as a notepad and pen hovered next to her in her magic, probably recording notes or something. “You’re a potential gold mine of new information, yet you’re also possibly going to end the world! Sounds like a Tuesday.” Twilight mused, getting me to gawk. “You face world-ending peril on a regular enough basis to not be freaked out about this?” Because that’s the only thing I think justifies being jaded to something like this. “Just about.” Twilight Sparkle’s companion and student, Starlight Glimmer sighed despondently. “I mean, I about destroyed all of Space and Time single-handedly. You’re just another big disaster for Twilight to handle and befriend it seems.” “Great.” I groaned as I leaned back. “Why am I the one ending the world?” “Every Prophesied Undead has had the opportunity to either Save or End the world. Two have renewed an Age of Fire, while the last ushered in the Age of Dark we needed to reset the world. That said, they each had the chance to End it, but only the last one did. Maybe you might not even have that big of a task ahead since you’re the Corrupted Undead. Perhaps you must quest to end the Corruption spreading across the world.” Twilight shrugged with her educated guess. “It’s CoCs of fucking course. So now I have to find a tree that talks, and then beat up the queen of lust demons and drag her beaten ass in front of it.” I grumbled in annoyance. “...Um, we know a talking tree.” Starlight admitted bemusedly. “And she’s the embodiment of Harmony for the world,” Twilight added, which just got me to whine in despair at how well this is matching up. “Is there a cursed demonic mountain? A barren desert filled with Ants, Nagas, and Four-Breasted catgirls? A suspicious factory in an area rampant with Corruption?” I despondently asked as I went limp in my chair. “Uh...no?” Twilight said. “Well the Caribou and Changelings are Rampant with Corruption.” She told me. “The Caribou do live in a very mountainous region though, and the Changelings are in the Arid Badlands somewhere. At least, the ones that haven’t been Purified and living under the rule of Queen Mesosoma. It was really awkward when Thorax underwent a gender change during his metamorphosis…” “Huh? What does that have to do with what I asked?” I questioned in confusion at the odd exposition. “And when can I get out of this bubble?” I asked the elderly Priest. “As soon as Gilded Radiance ceases to overreact.” The old stallion leered at his paladin, who snorted and released the barrier. “So what now?” I asked as I stood up, stretching a bit. Sitting for so long may not hurt me because I’m Undead, but I still feel stiff despite it. “Now, we go see this shrine handmaiden. We get you your flasks, and the museum it’s new exhibit.” Daring declared, standing up as well. “Oh, right.” Daring suddenly pulled the sack of Jade Crystallite out of her shirt dimensional pocket. Okay, that can’t just be the shirt since I have it in my cleavage, do all the girls here have hammerspace in their tits? “How much will you buy this for, sparing enough to make one Estus Flask and one Ashen Flask?” The two males blinked as their jaws dropped. (<3) “Are you sure these are nearly indestructible?” I questioned, holding up the golden and azure flasks with either hand as we entered the museum, which looked like any other modern museum. For some reason, when filled with Estus from a bonfire, the regular flask turns golden, while the Ashen flash turns azure. It was kinda cool, like futuristic drinks from a sci-fi. “Yes Willow. Estus Flasks only shatter when their owner gives up all hope and goes Hollow. Even then, a lot of Hollows still hold onto their flasks.” Daring declared as our two new party members followed with curiosity. “I see.” I acknowledged as I looked at one of the swords on display. The Plaque read the Moonlight Greatsword, but it was milky. “That’s not the real thing.” I declared with certainty. “Of course it isn't. The real Moonlight Greatsword is with Luna at all times. Just like the Crescent Moon Sword is always wielded by her Royal Guard Captain.” Twilight informed me helpfully. “Is it milky like this one?” I further, and Daring blinked at my insistent question. “Yes, why?” She asked with bemusement. “The original isn’t. It is made of pure moonlight magic too.” I explained. “It was part of Seathe the Scaless before the Chosen Undead cut off his tail, which became the sword,” I explained. “Oh! No, Seathe the Scaleless has long ago had his soul expunged from the sword. Now it’s an embodiment of the Moon entirely, a counter to Luna’s Dark, in that it is a brilliant Light piercing the abyss. A bit of love between Luna and Celestia they’ve told me.” Twilight smiled fondly. “Oh.” I perked at that bit of extra knowledge as I continued to look over the displays, noticing that most were just replicas, except the miracle texts. But honestly I couldn’t think of using them, they were faith, and I hated faith builds in the games. Also, I was never really religious in my human life. “Never liked faith builds,” I grumbled as we walked into the room with a Lordvessel, a Coiled Sword and I think a strange petrified statue of a burly and hairy horse over a blacksmith anvil missing a hammer. “Hey…” I reached into my cleavage, blushing at Daring giving a cat-call again, but ignored her as I dug my forearm in and pulled out the hammer that odd minotaur black knight threw at me. “What is that? It’s sending my magical senses buzzing!” Twilight exclaimed as I walked up to the statue, remembering old Andre of Astora from the first game and the last. “I think it’s his hammer,” I said before I slid it into the huge empty raised hand. The moment I did so, the statue flashed, and it was suddenly flesh and bone, striking the hammer into the anvil, and blinking with a grunt. “Hm? Well I’ll be. Never thought I’d see the Light again when all went Dark.” The buff tan horse stallion declared, his grey beard and moustache rippling from the movements of his jaw, his similarly grey eyes twinkling with mirth and making his wizened visage seem infinitely younger. “WHAT!?” The three girls yelled before the horseman cracked his neck and grabbed some iron next to him originally meant for decoration and started heating the billet with magic from his eyes, shocking Twilight even further as he was not a Unicorn. “You’re an Arabian! How can you use magic?!” Twilight demanded of the universe in bafflement as she yanked a notebook from out of her cleavage. Yep! It isn’t just me! See world! You’re a pervert! Ow! My head~! I got a sudden spike of pain for calling the world out on its perviness?! Well, I guess it is the pot calling the kettle black... “I'm Astoran, not Arabian!” He chuckled at her as he started creating a sword. “Smithing, Knighthood, even Trading is in our very blood!” He exclaimed proudly. “What backwards Era is this? That ponies forgot not only they can so frivolously use magic?” “Andre?” I asked him both hopefully and worriedly. “Hm? Yes? Need some smithing done?” Andre asked as he set aside an impossibly perfect arming sword, picking up the next billet. “N-no. Andre, you don’t need to smith. This Era is very peaceful compared to the past. The Balance of Light and Dark has been achieved.” I stated I am a bit worried that the very first thing he did when he wasn’t trapped in stone was to get right back to smithing to try and save the world. “Hmph. Smithing is all I know. Or rather, all I think worth doing. If nobody needs my work, what use am I?” Andre huffed in irritation. “Either set me to task or leave me be.” “Miss, I don’t care who you think you are! You can’t just set up a shop in here!” A stallion in a smart black suit and very fancy groomed fur yelled at the Handmaiden as she pulled up a chair right next to the Lordvessel while a new pale-haired black unicorn mare in a beautiful white dress walked up, her eyes naturally grey and sightless, no scars indicating that she was forcibly blinded. “Sir. I’m afraid that Fate has conspired to turn this space into a Nexus for Undead. I sincerely apologize. Unless we remove these exhibits from the museum, we will be forced to take permanent residence here.” The mare, who I could easily guess was a Firekeeper stated to the stallion with earnest sadness in her voice. “I...what has happened to the statue that was found by Galileo! Who are you?!” The Stallion yelled at Andre as he seemed to start having a mental breakdown. “And why is the Lordvessel flame Blue and bones Crystallized! I’m reporting this to Celestia!” He yelled before Twilight grabbed him. “I’m afraid this is already beyond your control Mister…?” Twilight probed, and he calmed a bit at seeing he already had a Princess in the room. “Querate, I’m the head of this museum.” He told her. “Princess please, we were supposed to open yesterday if Daring brought the eyes.” “I’m afraid Querate, that I’m going to have to confiscate this exhibit in the name of national, and possibly international security. I’ll even replace them with exacting replicas on the spot for you so you can still open this exhibit.” “Where will you take them? These were all one of a kind.” He said in panic. “I was hoping to have this exhibit filled with authentic historical pieces…” The way the full-grown stallion practically looked on the verge of tears made even me feel bad, and I wasn’t exactly at fault for all of this. At least, not intentionally. It’s not my fault I ended up here! Blame that asshole who tricked me! “I’m afraid I don’t really have much choice. I’ll have to take them with me to Ponyville. I’ll have to set them up in the Everfree Castle above the Tree of Harmony however. There isn’t any place for them in town since we don’t have any really fireproof structures in Ponyville.” Twilight looked equally saddened, but she got to work using her magic to summon materials and began shaping them into copies of the exhibits, much to Qurate’s sadness. “You do have the Miracles, those are all authentic.” The Firekeeper told him before Twilight finished replacing the poor stallion’s exhibits. She then picked up everything that was being replaced along with all of us in her purple aura while paperwork appeared and was signed, given to Querate, then she started building up a spell. “Just don’t read any of them out loud if you have genuine Faith in your Goddess of Light. You might electrocute someone or blast something.” I warned the museum owner since although I may not like Faith builds, c’mon; throwing damn lightning? “How are we going to mo-” I asked Twilight before a flash everyone and thing was moved, and then branches of Crystal rose around us into a small dome. “Ah, how? What’s with the tree-like crystals?” “You have come! So much sooner than anticipated!” A soothing voice echoed from around us, and from the branches emerged a busty anthro reindeer doe that for some reason had big antlers similar to the branches around us. I had to blush because she was completely nude, and her multicolor body was far from unappealing with her huge breasts, wide hips, and thicc thighs. Unf. “I am Harmonia. I represent the Harmony, Balance of this world.” “More than that you’re balancing…” I quietly muttered at referencing her astounding hourglass figure. Neither bigger or smaller than the other end. “Uh, so. What, uh...um…” “You really are Corrupted. Such a pervert.” Harmonia teased, at least having enough decency to cover up with her arms and stop distracting me so much, but not really helping since I could still see those mams spilling over her arm. “I’d tell you, but I think you’ve already got it figured out?” “Quest. End Corruption. Save the world.” I mumbled, unable to take my eyes off those bowling-ball sized tatas. “Well...I see my work here is already done. I’ll let you get to it.” Harmonia winked at me before sinking back into the branches, which then retreated back to a gigantic crystal tree, revealing we were in a massive cavern with water trickling somewhere nearby. “Ah...where should I start?” I asked as I looked at everyone else, hoping one of them had an idea where to point me. Hey, I’m not Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew. I need a heading!  “I wasn’t aiming for here! I was trying to teleport us to the castle above us!” Twilight was shocked that we had been moved here and not the Castle, while Daring and Starlight blinked in awe at the tree. The Firekeeper was sitting on the roots of the Tree while Andre worked away at his anvil a short distance. I could see the Handmaiden near the entrance of the cave. “This place is pure. It is an excellent Nexus.” The Firekeeper hummed from her place at the tree, and she sighed as Harmonia’s arms appeared and gave her a shoulder rub. “Thank you kindly dear Goddess.” “Anytime~.” Lilted the friendly entity as she gave the black mare a friendly massage. “Is the Tree horny?” Starlight asked before Twilight covered her mouth looking very panicked. “Oh~ you have no idea young Starlight. The Corruption is getting to me. I know not the source, as the waters of the Everfree come from many places. I am not perfect, I too desire the pleasures of the flesh. But I will admit I have been feeling much friskier than usual.” Harmonia answered, which told me where I needed to start. Wherever we were, wherever this Everfree was. The Corruption was already here. I guess I have my starting point...but first. “Okay, so we’re living in a cave now?” I shivered, feeling cold due to the fact this was a cave, and the new Fire my soul ignites is cold. Also, this stupid sexy armor doesn’t have padding, it’s contouring directly to my skin, and has fire resistance, not frost. Why do I feel like It’s pouting at the thought? “Your magic and fire are cold, you can’t expect it to warm my cavern.” Harmony explained as Twilight cast some sort of charm on us that made us warm up. “Aw, I was going to suggest snuggling...nude. In a bedroll.” “Okay. That’s a bad sign, but we still need to address living accommodations.” Daring declared, blinking and facepalming. “I thought, if I did the dragging along, did the quests myself, I wouldn’t be the one getting pulled into things. Oh well. So, what’s my role? Sidekick? Historical officer?” “Huh?” Oh, that’s why she’s been so doggedly dragging me along on adventures! Nonstop, I think...weeks? Whole weeks we’ve been going around. Have I even slept? I faintly remember watching Daring sleep, did I sleep? “Sorry,” I whined, realizing that I’m dragging her down again. “Don’t apologize. You’re a literal magnet for trouble. It’s just my luck I ran into you.” Daring winked. “So, Princess. Could you magically whip us up a few houses in here so we could have a place to stay without having to make a long trip either up to the castle above or to town?” “I could make a staircase with roots to the Castle~,” Harmonia said making it sound like it would be pleasurable for herself. “Of course, each step would be like you’re fingering my-.” “Okay! Will you go absolutely nuts if we bang?” I demanded, getting annoyed at her constant passes. “Also, should I just learn some magic? I have a soul of magic.” Everyone seemed to ignore my last question since the first caused them to look at Harmonia. Also, I felt a little off when considering being a witch. It just didn’t seem...right, for some weird reason. I mean, I was never the brainy sort anyway... “Not at all! Like I said, I have needs too. I’m a woman, not just some tree-like out there in the forest! Well, unless they’re a dryad, but still.” Harmonia huffed indignantly. “She was a mortal before her ascension,” Twilight told us. “She started this age from the Dark when Celestia and Luna appeared and she could take root.” Twilight gestured to the sun and moon marks on Harmonia’s trunk. “That was long before the Corruption came.” “Yes, and the only touches I have felt after everyone forgot me was ponies pulling my fruits and than shoving them back in when I was dying.” She said to the ponies in the room flatly. “How many times do I have to apologize for something my teacher did and I didn’t know about?” Twilight huffed in annoyance. “When you drag Celestia and Luna down here to prostrate in front of me.” She told her. “Then let me have my way with their sexy, goddess bodies~! Unf, those round breasts and butts~!” All the ponies looked appalled at the thought. “Okay, one, someone roll around with the goddess. Two, someone build houses. Three, I’m gonna at least get started on this place by exploring.” I said just before a magical mechanical claw fired in from the entrance, grabbed me around the arms and abdomen, and yanked me into the air so hard I think I might have whiplash. I kicked and flailed in the robotic grasp of my captor. “Fucking REALLY?!” My first step is as a damsel in distress! OF COURSE! > Ch.6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch. 6 “Ehehehe! Pretty fox will elevate me with my commander!” A little red imp said as he flew away with me hanging from an accordion-like arm from his tiny greasy helicopter. Since when was this a World of Warcraft world?! “DARING~!” I squealed helplessly as I watched the group give chase, but soon enough I was in the sky, looking down at a sprawling untamed wilderness of deep green. “Let me go!” “Not until Mistress has you worshiping her cunt!” Declared the imp, who had quickly dove under the trees to lose my flying friends. I grunted and yelped as I was dragged through foliage and bumped against trees and various other plant life. Thankfully I’m still in my armor and undead. After a while, I was unceremoniously dropped into a camp full of imps, and one omnibus, but this one was much smaller than Torturas. She was a brown labrador Diamond Dog with D cups, a small cock and balls, and a moist cunt. Her hips were wide, body that of an hourglass, but with a wider bottom. “Oh~. A prize?” She asked with a coo. “Yes, found her next to the tree the Caribou King is corrupting. Nice find? NIce Find?” The imp that captured me asked as the omnibus grabbed me and held me up by the throat with surprising strength. “Yes, very nice, I’ll have you right now.” She snarled at me as she started yanking at my lower armor, which thankfully held firm. “No way!” I snarled, pulling out my pistol from my cleavage with a tail-hand since my arms were still bound to my sides by the claw. I tried to aim for her head, but she tossed me like a ragdoll into her horde of minions before I could pull the trigger. They all gleefully pounced on me and started trying to strip me. “Get off!” I kicked an imp with my sharp-heeled boot and ignored his scream of agony, but that was as far as I got before they all coordinated and pulled me spread-eagle. “You’re rather feisty for an imp.” Declared the omnibus dog as she fished in her cleavage for something. “I already told that fat cow Torturas that I’m not an imp!” I screamed at the bitch as I struggled at the little freaks holding me in such a compromising position on the ground. “So strong-willed. Let’s fix that.” The herm stood over me, wading around her minuscule minions, and before I could ask what was in the bottle in her hand, she dumped the white contents onto my cleavage. “What did you-whoa! Oh~!” I thrust my chest out, panting. My armor felt so tight all of a sudden, and the front of my tits felt wet. I looked down and felt a blend of fear and arousal as my armor creaked and groaned as my furry red and blue flesh bulged up over the cups of the straining armor while milk seeped around my flesh. I also felt my hips and ass pinching against my confines. “Wow! Just a little Succubi Milk did that much?” The omnibus slobbered as my growing tits continued to squeeze against my armor, only for it to finally give up, and burst off, shooting into the air and falling onto some minions as my massive H-cup tits freed themselves, and began gushing milk all over as I squealed in pleasure. Holy shit! I’m cumming so hard my vision has gone blurry! “Holy tits! She’s stacked like a Captain already!” One of the imps commented, only to get backhanded by their leader. “Do not even joke about her being higher than me! She’s my toy after all.” The dog snarled, before reaching over and roughly squeezing my new bowling-ball sized tits, getting a cry of joy out of me. Damn this is hot! “I’m going to make you my cow. You’ve got the tits and the milk for it.” “Just one problem there…” I slurred, getting some level of clarity back even though the pleasure. “What?” At her question, I felt a Lust-driven surge of power that I used to tear out of the grasp of my captors, pulled her down onto me in the 69 position, and grabbed her junk with a feral grin, getting a yelp from her. “I’m the one going to milk YOU!” I declared, opening wide, and nomming on her average-sized 6-inch doggy cock as my tail hands pinned her arms behind her back and lifted her left leg away, so I only had to bother with using my right arm for the remaining limb as I sucked and licked, and practically vacuumed her pitifully inadequate groin. Well, for my new standards. “H-holy fuck! G-get off~!” She yelped, suddenly cumming in my mouth, and I snarled as I felt more changes coming on, my fur getting stripes of brown as I sucked and drank, and refused to let her orgasm end until she was utterly dry and her cunny had gushed enough to plaster my brow from dripping past her balls. “Hm~” I groaned as I felt my pelvic armor get tighter, and I growled as I reached my free hand down to tear it away as if it were cloth, grabbing my new meat that rapidly formed above my vagina, stroking as I guided it towards her lips. “Now. You be a good girl, and give me a BJ too.” I growled. “F-fuck y-MF!” I moved my arm to her leg and used my stronger tail arm to grab her head and force my dog dick into her mouth even as it grew longer and thicker. She didn’t try to bite, like a good bitch, she whimpered and started worshiping me. Like she should, the little slut. “Oh~, yes, I’ll need to find a canine pepper or whatever makes dogs get a proper cock,” I growled as the imps grabbed their weapons fearfully. “What are you useless imps waiting for?! Get over here and fuck this bitch’s taint and quim!” I demanded, and they all instead ran away, screaming about me being a Major or something. Fuck those useless little dicks. I’ll have to train my new bitch by myself...wait. Wait. No. “Oh fuck...shit. I’m Corrupted again?” The dog on my cock whined and nodded as my tail kept her sucking my cock. I groaned as some beast started a rampage near me, making souls rush into my body. I didn’t really care too much, I did have a dick again, and I was getting some sweet submissive head right now. I could go for another load of cum though, but I know she doesn’t have any more to give. “Hm, what to do? I need to get back, or somehow find a way to get rid of this Corruption. Then there’s you…” I paused and grunted as I came, sighing with my tongue hanging out of the side of my jaw as I pumped my jizz into her obediently drinking gob. “Okay then, off,” I ordered, and after I released her, she scurried off of me and tried to run, but my tails quickly snatched her back up. “Nope~! You get to tell me all about what you Lust Demons are doing here.” I stood, grinning from the afterglow, my new 8-inch red dog dick still rock hard with my knot inflated and my apple-sized balls hanging between my thicc thighs due to my wide hips, and I had to pull my huge bowling-ball sized H-cup tits apart to have a look. Damn I’m hot, but I would rather my tits were only this big when it was time for fun. Hard to fight when swinging a sword or rifle around these things if I don’t have the Strength to just ignore them like Torturas clearly does with those massive things hanging off her chest and still swing that axe. “Wha-What do you want to know?” The chocolate labrador diamond dog omnibus whined as I started walking through the forest, carrying her with my tails like she was weightless. Actually, it really was like she was weightless. Do my tails have inherent magic for carrying stuff like this? “First, do you have anything to shrink my girls down? I only like them this big when I’m in the mood.” Expanding boobs are awesome, but if they’re so big to start out with, will I be immobilized if I get in the mood enough? I’m kinda eager to find out before I shrink them down. “Simple spell, only can be used if you’re pure enough however.” She told me pointing to a bag on her hip. “Have some Reducto cream. Standard issue for demon Sergeants and higher.” “Guess you lot need a way to shrink down if you go too far.” I mused, grabbing the bag and blinking. “Wait, why keep it in here and not in your tits?” “You crazy?! Only use tits to store safe things, or things that aren’t food or the like.” She winced at the idea. “It also only let in solids, was why Succubi Milk didn’t flow through cleavage.” “Oh.” I acknowledged before I shook my head. “This world is weird. Do guys have a storage space?” “Behind balls.” She admitted frankly with bemusement. Hm, I just noticed how enticing she is with my tails holding her arms and legs with her stretched out. Good thing I’m not super horny or I’d be railing her. “In the taint?” I asked as I put my armor back on, it thankfully reshaped for my new features, cupping my huge boobs and even a codpiece for my still rock-hard boner before I looked through the trees. It was easy enough to find the Castle, it was maybe two miles away. “Kinda. It extends when wearing pants or other concealing bottoms.” She wiggled her body a bit, it just kinda made her a bit hotter for some reason. Oh, more souls. Things are dying in this place somewhere. I hummed in understanding before I spotted Daring and Twilight looking for me up in the air. “Fun now with risk? Or see if I can find a way to purge this Corruption?” I looked down at my vision-blocking boobs, and licked my lips. “Ask for a purge, it won’t affect the physical effects. And I want to test out how big I can grow these babies before I shrink them.” Jogging now, I looked up to see Daring beelining for me, gun at the ready. “Willow! Are you...uh...crap.” “Hey~ Daring! Looking smoking hot as usual. I’ve got us a prisoner, I need another purge, and I want to fuck you raw with my new dick afterwards. We’ll Bang, Okay?” I winked at her as I fondled my new codpiece. “Wah-?” She blinked as I rushed towards the Cave, ignoring the calls of Twilight until I reached the cave once more, everyone else still in attendance. “Got a prisoner~! I’m Corrupted again. Heal please!” I tittered at my bad joke as Twilight and Daring flew in and hovered behind me worriedly. “Here.” The Handmaiden said holding out two grey squares with skulls on them. Twilight saw them and I saw her jaw drop to the floor. “True Purging Stones?! Undead have been trying to recreate those for decades!” She gasped as I took two of them and stuck one to the omnibus’ chest between her D-cup breasts. “Push your Corruption into it!” I ordered, and she whimpered and shook her head fearfully. “Do it, or I’ll make you my bitch and break you before I force you to!” I snarled. She whined as her eyes flashed from red to green and she shrink a bit in proportion, not a lot, just her nipples and balls, plus she lost her longer teeth, more or less going down a centimeter. “What?” She blinked as I dropped the stone and it shattered, vanishing in an invisible wind as the herm looked around. “I...I feel clear-headed. This is amazing.” “Now my turn.” I pressed the Purging Stone into my breast, considering I was still wearing armor, and focused on pushing my Corruption into it. It promptly exploded into dust and I only felt about half as horny and aggressive. “The fuck?!” “The Corrupted Undead is a powerful vessel for Corruption indeed. I’ll require souls to make another stone.” The handmaiden stated, and I huffed in irritation before clasping her hand, pushing some souls I’d gained through to her. “Thank you kindly.” She made another one, and I used it to finish purging my taint. “Finally. You guys do what you will with her. Daring! Castle. Bed. Now.” I demanded, dropping the purified herm dog, causing her to yelp. I went sprinting up a crystal staircase that Harmonia summoned, likely in anticipation of this very scene. I ignored her moans of pleasure as I ran up towards what looked like a former well. “Oh! Uh, okay!” Daring replied in an uneasy yet eager tone as she followed me by wing up the stairs. After getting through the well I dragged Daring through to a room that still had an intact bed amazingly, but it seemed to be in what must’ve been the servants quarters as the room was filled with other ruined beds as well. “Not that I mind, but aren’t you rushing a bit?” “Nonsense!” I beamed at her. “We’ve been through more together than anyone I’ve ever met! You also haven’t been hiding your desire to get closer to me. Both personally and intimately.” I took her hands in mine, rubbing her palms with my thumbs, causing her to bite her lip. The clearest memories I have outside of the action of our adventures these past couple weeks were the snuggles, the teasing, flirting. It never went past sharing a sleeping bag, but I plan to take it to the next level tonight. “Well...I’m not exactly young Willow. I may not look it, but I’m in my thirties.” She looked down at my codpiece and flushed. “If I’m getting into a relationship, it’s for keeps. Foals too if the option’s there. Which it obviously is now.” At her smile and words, I cheered up at her wish to continue. “Well, good thing I got a dick then! But...even though I really wanna smash you so hard you can’t see straight or walk afterward, I won’t do anything you don’t want to.” I told her as I started taking off my armor. I went slow, tossing aside my boots and leggings, shimmying my hips as I slid my skirt off. I gave a little spin as I gyrated my hips and unclasped my codpiece and faulds. The way Daring licked her lips and started unbuttoning her top was rewarding. After I’d done away with the lower segments of my armor, I tossed off my helmet to join the pile, shucking off my gauntlets, coutiers, and pauldrons, before finally moving to my cuirass. For some reason, I get the feeling the armor was disappointed as it hugged my breasts a bit tighter before letting go, and I tossed it to join the rest. “So? You ready?” I asked her as I began to give her a belly dance, my tails cupping my huge boobs and tweaking my milky nipples as I winked. “Oh fuck yeah~.” Daring stated breathlessly as she watched me dance for her. “This is hotter than that night I spent with a Saddle Arabian dancer.” “Hm, then I need to go big or go home.” I husked, jiggling my tits, and Daring’s eyes boggled as they began to grow even bigger. “Yes. Look. Do not even consider turning your gaze from me.” I began to pant as my Lust grew, my breasts with it. Already they were the size of basketballs, and growing still. “Sit.” My order was promptly followed, and I sashayed up to the mesmerized sandy mare who was panting and reaching out to me. “Yes. Worship me~...” Oh~ this feels so right~! “Dear Celestia.” Daring gasped as she grabbed onto my massive breasts, still swelling more and more as I pressed them into her, practically burying her under a tide of boob flesh as she hugged and squeezed them and sucked on my nipples. I was panting so hard and getting so hot the air was shimmering and the two massive beach ball-sized breasts smothered my adventurous lover as I used both my arms and tails to molest my breasts along with her. “Oh~, Yes!” I moaned, feeling about to orgasm just from the breast play. “Shame I can’t keep them!” I cackled, and then squealed as I experienced my first boobgasm. Raw unfettered pleasure pulsing into me through the two globular funbags attached to my chest. If I wasn’t going to go back to being pure male before, fuck that! Having tits is the best! “Whew! Hey, Daring, you okay in there?” I asked with an amused tone to my voice, and Daring stuck a thumbs-up from out of my trench of cleavage. “Well, I kinda screwed the pooch on this one. How am I gonna pleasure you if I’m immobile until I shrink down?” My answer came from Daring’s legs reminding me she wasn’t entirely on the impressively sturdy ancient bed. She wrapped them around my hips, and I gasped as she pulled me closer, her hands grabbing onto my cock. “H-hey! Th-this isn’t just about me~!” I squealed as I felt the nearly foreign sensation of my dick suddenly plunging into a moist, hot, tight nirvana, guided by Daring’s hands before that. Now I was humping wantonly, moaning as her hands moved the opposite direction, found my thumb-sized nipples, and started milking me at the same time. “Holy fuck Daring! This is the best!” I panted, pounding into Daring’s snatch, my apple-sized balls slapping against her tight ass, and the feeling of cloth told me she’d ripped open the fly of her short-shorts for this. Soon enough, a muffled scream of ecstasy rang out from my cleavage and her legs pulled me in so deep my knot popped into her hot pulsating box, getting me to spasm and groan as I bust my nut properly this time. I don’t know how long I was standing there, locked in Daring’s muff, held up mostly by my connection to her and my massive mountainous motherly mams, but the whole time I was still pumping her full of seed. Don’t canine males have ridiculously long orgasms? It was rapturous, a seemingly endless zen state as I felt my cock pulse, my balls churn, my innards, likely my prostate, feel like a hot ball of satisfied pleasure as I filled Daring. By the time I finally finished, Daring had swollen substantially with my cum, enough to displace my boobs at least. “Hey...Daring? You okay?” I may have stopped cumming, finally, but my knot was still inflated, sealing us together still. My answer came from Daring feebly flopping her limp legs and weakly worming an arm up to give me an OK sign. “You haven’t spoken since I buried you in my tits. How have you been breathing?” Daring finally put her hands to either breast, and pushed the red, blue, and brown mountains apart, revealing she looked at least a few months pregnant and was so coated in sweat she seemed orange rather than sandy tan. “I had my nose poking out the edge. Fuck Willow. If I’m not pregnant, we must be sterile.” Daring slapped her firm little belly with a satisfied grin. “Guess I’m your moral support. You don’t seem to get it from anyone else. Oh, and this isn’t a one-time thing. Either get buff enough to keep those tits, or find out how to change size more conveniently. Getting smother-fucked is beyond awesome.” “Uh, sure thing! I’m kinda surprised they haven’t gone down though. Usually they go down when I’m not ramping up or intending to keep them big.” I replied worriedly, and Daring cheekily smirked and grabbed my thumb-sized teats, making me moan as she tugged and sprayed milk across the bed. “Oh~...I guess I’m full of milk.” I blushed, feeling embarrassed as Daring took a taste with a pleased hum. “Delicious. If this is a permanent thing where you gotta get milked to shrink down, I’m thinking you could help feed us too.” Daring then started sucking on my right tit, making me gasp and feel my dick twitch in her. I hope Daring has some self-control here, I don’t think I can stop if she keeps egging me on… > Ch.7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.7 “Congratulations!” Starlight Glimmer gushed as she held Daring’s hands. My Daring, my official Lover, had immediately asked for a medical scan and was told she’s already conceived at least one child in that swollen full-term looking belly of hers. Daring had egged me on to a repeat performance two more times, each time swelling her up bigger as she milked my loins and my chest of their bounty. As for me, once my tits were back to H-cup bowling balls, I used the Reducto cream I took from our prisoner/guest to shrink them back down to C-cups. Until I get Strong enough, I’ll have to live without huge tits as a regular thing. My armor was also clearly disappointed, refusing to shrink back down and holding their H-cup level of size until they eventually gave up and properly supported my chest again. I also lost the obnoxious codpiece for a more suitable jockstrap under my armor skirt now that I wasn’t sporting a nearly painful hard-on. I wonder how long I have until the spirit of the armor shows up and decides to become BK-Chan or some other ridiculous hentai nonsense. “Well, I guess I’m a father. At least it was born out of passion, at least some love, and trust.” I moved to give Daring a side-hug, she returned it with both her arm and her wing. At least her clothes still fit just fine even with the belly. “Still kinda surprised you decided to use a plug.” Why she carried one with her, or where she even got it, I can only imagine. “I wanted it to take for sure. It also feels really damn good to have so much hot cum in me.” Daring cooed as she rubbed her firm sloshing belly. “Well, my adventuring days are done. I’m already rich, I have a hot lover, kids on the way. I guess I’d be better off writing books full-time now.” “That said, go on into this house here Daring,” Twilight interjected, pointing over to the row of small houses she’d conjured from the stone of the cave. The one she gestured to had Daring’s compass cutie-mark on the door. “I’ll have to make some trips to the forest and bring back more lumber for warmer accommodations, but for now there’s at least a comfortable stone chair in there with a magically-charged crystal light.” “Thank you Twilight, and be sure to plan for rapid expansion. I have an inkling we won’t have to wait long before we have to worry about our Corrupted Undead carrying pups!” Daring chuckled as she patted my armored abdomen before heading towards her new living quarters. “Hopefully not for a while, but if it’s CoCs we’ll need a daycare.” I mused, rubbing my abdomen and humming with consideration. What would it be like? To swell with life? The thought sent a shock of pleasure, and want through my body, causing my boobs to swell slightly, and my tails to swish. I exhaled a steaming-hot breath that actually caused the air to distort as I began thinking unsexy thoughts immediately to fight off the odd tide of raw desire. “A well-maintained daycare with one hell of a babysitter.” “Can I get in on all this hot action?” Harmonia’s voice practically pleaded from her tree body. “Not until we figure out where the Corruption tainting you is coming from. I doubt Willow can get the souls needed to keep up a stockpile of Purging Stones.” Twilight chided, getting a pitiful whine from the Goddess of Harmony. “Worry not milady. I’ve fashioned something to help satisfy you while you wait.” Andre casually declared, as if the massive metal horsecock dildo he just made wasn’t obscene. He then tossed it at her and her anthro form’s arm reached out to snatch it, pulling it into her actual body and she proceeded to grunt and groan with pleasure, which we all blushed about but dutifully set about ignoring. “Well, I’m gonna go sit and rest since we broke that bed and you had to nearly carry me down here.” Daring stuck out her tongue at me as she winked, and entered her new home. “Oh, yes, there’s furniture in the castle. That will be much easier to transmute into new furniture than raw materials. I might as well start moving the architecture down here as well...hm.” Twilight seemed to be entering a sort of inspired fugue as she flew up towards the stairwell Harmonia made into the castle, landing and walking up once there and sending Harmonia’s squeals of pleasure into high gear. “As for our guest, she’s over here in this ‘jail’ house that Twilight felt was suitable.” Starlight called me over, and I walked down the short row of small houses to the one with a lock on the door, both the exterior bolt and the imprint of a padlock image. “Hm, might be for the best until we know she won’t betray us,” I commented, undoing the stone bolt and entering to find the chocolate lab herm sitting forlornly in the lone stone armchair in the little building. The glowing emerald in the ceiling bathing everything in a soothing green light. “Okay then. Let’s start from the top. Why are the Caribou Corrupting Harmonia?” “Corrupting her opens the gates to Equestria.” The former omnibus replied readily, getting me to blink in confusion at both her answer and that she was so willing to give it. “What? But you’re already Corrupting the area around Neighappolous. That’s inside Equestria’s borders.” After all, I did experience some Corrupted accidental sodomy in the street. “No, no. Little insurgences yes, little taint here and there yes. No full-scale invasions possible though with goddesses protecting the country and skilled chemists otherwise.” The labrador explained, and I had to nod in agreement. It took Biscuit less than a whole day to synthesize an antidote. “But how does Harmonia factor into this?” I mean, she’s just sitting here in a cave in the middle of a dangerous forest filled with nasty beasts. It isn’t like she’s a political power. “Harmonia is in the very heart of Equestria. She is also the source of Balance. If she falls to Corruption, the rest of Equestria, and the world will follow shortly.” Starlight pieced together, even snapping her fingers at the realization, to which our prisoner nodded. “Is most likely answer. Strong demons that sent Cocoa on mission simply said to spread Corruption quickly and quietly to open gates.” Stated the now-named Cocoa, fitting since she’s a chocolate lab dog. “I hope those gates are figurative…” Knowing my luck, the Lust Demons might be working with the DOOM Demons, who in turn might be working with Chaos Demons. “Damn this place is crawling with Demons. Next thing I know, I’ll be like ‘I must fight the Demons!’ but then a voice would say ‘No Willow. You ARE the Demons!’ and then I’d be a zombie.” I rambled off the final lines of the infamous badfic Repercussions of Evil, ignoring the bemused reactions of my audience. “Um...maybe?” Cocoa scratched her head. Hm, those ragged strips of cloth she’s wearing aren’t very warm, and this cave is pretty cold, especially since it’s turned nighttime by now. I forget I’m Undead sometimes, and I don’t notice temperature like other actually alive people do. “Well, that’s enough for now. If that’s all you have I’d say you’re free to go, but it’s dangerous out there and you’ve already been Corrupted once.” I stated, only for her to jump to my paws, grasping at my legs as she whined. “P-please let Cocoa stay! Failure for Dogs is punished by fusing with another failed dog and turned into Hellhound.” Coco pleaded, and I cringed at understanding what she was saying. “What? That’s how Hellhounds are made?!” Starlight yelped in shock and disgust. “General Brutus takes any canine demons that fail, but mostly diamonds. He force us to fuck dog of opposite gender, and we fuse into a two-headed fire-breathing herm. Most dangerous are Cerberus made of two males and one female.” Cocoa explained as she shoved her muzzle into my crotch. “Please keep Cocoa! Will service Mistress for safety!” “Eep!” I yelped as she did this. “Okay, okay, you can stay, but I’m not a mistress.” I squeaked in protest of the idea of being considered such. “But you were such good mistress to Cocoa already.” Cocoa sniffled, and I had to sigh at seeing that, even with it purged, the Corruption still twisted her mind. “Okay.” I groaned, feeling so weird. “But no sexual favors unless Daring is cool with it, and you have to serve her too.” If I’m getting a servant/slave out of this, then my partner should benefit too. “Yes! Cocoa will please Mistress’ lady as well! Thank you!” Cocoa stood and hugged me, her bushy tail wagging a mile a minute. I bemusedly pet her head, and she cooed and hugged tighter. Wow, she’s pretty cute! I’m keeping her! Well...if Daring is okay with it. “This is so...uncomfortable but not unheard of with purged demons.” Starlight sighed in resignation. “Well, no point in keeping her in here now. Let’s get her introduced to Daring and hope Twilight thought to bring some warm clothes along with the furniture.” I then left the jailhouse with Cocoa practically attached to me with how huggy and affectionate she was. “Hey Daring. Um, got a bit of a situation here.” “Hm?” Daring said as we walked into her studio. “What is it Willow? I was just dozing off in this weirdly comfy chair.” Daring rubbed her eyes from her place in the stone armchair that was smooth and contoured to her body as if she’d indented it. “The prisoner told me what she knew, and she’s begging to be my...servant, to stay safe from her former allies.” I hope she won’t react too badly when she realizes Cocoa’s sexual intent. “She’s your slave now you mean.” Daring shrugged, as if it was a casual everyday thing. “Former Lust Demons have it hard, trying to adjust to normal society, so society adjusts a bit for them. It isn’t uncommon for them to latch onto a person to depend on them for guidance and safety.” “Ah. That sounds about right from Starlight’s comments.” I replied before Cocoa started rubbing against me. “What are you doing?” I asked the dog as I looked down to her. “Sorry mistress, but you smell nice.” She huffed up to me. “Virile. Good mate.” “Sorry girl, but she’s mine for now. C’mere.” Daring called Cocoa, who perked up and practically sprinted to Daring and got on her knees to enjoy her head petting. “Good girl.” “Eh, no sharing?” I teased as I moved in, leaned down, and kissed her. “Not yet. You’ve got foals on the way already.” She reminded as she patted her belly. “I know, but I may find others to love if this world so much likes the game CoC, Truly. I may even let a ghost share my body if it benefits me in a fight.” Also the fact my armor already is technically haunted, and a pervert. Stop jiggling my tits! Good, now stop squeezing my ass. “Even so, let’s not get overwhelmed. Now Cocoa, it’s been a tiring day. I just wanna snuggle and sleep, and Willow doesn’t need that like most people.” With that, Daring pulled Cocoa into her lap, and they snuggled into the stone chair. “I’ll see you later lover,” I told Daring and kissed her before heading out. I should actually explore now, see if I could find the source of the tainted water. However, besides a pistol, I’m not exactly equipped for an adventure. Resolving to fix this, I approached Andre. “Do you have any weapons I could use out there?” “I only have this arming sword I made upon awakening. It is a simple weapon, but it may serve you well, even as basic as it is right now.” Andre put aside his hammer for a moment and held up the simple yet sturdy short sword. “I’ll require souls for compensation however. I still need currency to barter with.” “But Andre, this is such a peaceful era. Getting souls is hard enough when there isn’t a near-endless stream of Undead or other monsters to slay to get it.” I haven’t even leveled up yet! My souls just keep getting spent on other things~! “I may be a master smith Milady, but I still require resources. I doubt even the Goddess of Magic aiding us can provide me things such as Titanite like the Handmaiden can provide given the souls to do so.” Curse you Andre! You have such sound logic! “Ugh, fine.” I clasped his hand in a firm handshake, and I felt souls drain from me to him. “Much obliged. You take care now. If you need smithing, I’ll be here.” Andre then returned to the last billet, hammering away with his magic hammer. “So, arming sword as a secondary,” I muttered to myself as I left for the entrance of the cave. “Time to explore the forest and see what I can find.” “Whoa, hey, you can’t just go out there!” Twilight yelped as she rushed to stop me from above, the disassembled remains of dozens of beds and other furniture in her wake. “I won’t kill any animals unless I have to.” I told Twilight flatly. “I know how endangered a species can get if someone mindlessly kills them.” “Oh, well, I meant you can’t really just go out on your own.” Twilight clarified, looking worried. “Look, I can do this. I’m not just someone to sit on their ass and let souls come to me.” I told her with intense seriousness. “Well, unless there’s an easy cheese, then I’ll do that all day long.” “Oh! Souls? You mean Soul Energy?” Twilight corrected, making me blink in confusion at her. “Uh...I thought they were actual Souls?” I mean, that’s what they’re called in the game. “Pfft, no. Real Souls are Powerful things. It's the Soul Energy you’re likely describing, but tied to an ego or personality. Or in the case of Great Souls-like Celestia’s and Luna’s, tied to a concept. As an Undead, you ambiently draw in Soul Energy, which is naturally released by a living thing when it dies. The stronger the entity, the more Soul Energy, naturally.” Twilight shrugged. “So, you don’t have to actually kill something. If you subjugate something, I can come up with a way for you to drain it’s Soul Energy without outright killing it.” “Okay...that sounds like a lot more work than killing whatever it is that would be worth draining.” Unless I capture a whole hoard of rats somehow that someone is against me killing. “Ugh, that’s not-okay. You’re not getting why I’m stopping you. It’s the EVERFREE! At NIGHT! I don’t care if you are Undead, you’ll die!” We both looked blankly at each other until we both facepalmed. “Yeah, that was just horrible. Sorry about that.” “Okay, so no going out at night,” I said with a roll of my eyes before a white sigil sign appeared in Soapstone at the mouth of the cave. “Whoa, you can still summon here?!” I asked in excitement as I looked down at it. “Please don’t summon strange spirits! It might be a Phantom using a ring to hide its true nature and we’ll all die!” Twilight fretted in a panic. “Nobody trusts White Phantoms anymore for a reason. You summon that thing, it might be a Darkwraith or a Mad Phantom.” “Okay, okay, I won’t!” I acquiesced as I held up my hands. “But what am I going to do now?” “Now? You are going to get in your house, with the comfy luxurious furniture I’m about to make for you all and go to sleep like a sane Undead.” Twilight fumed as she stormed over to mine and Daring’s house, opening the door and glaring at me intently. “Okay.” I sighed in defeat as I approached my house and groaned internally about magical princesses. I mean, technically she does have all the authority to order me around, but still. After we entered, Twilight levitated a bunch of materials into the studio. There was wood and old mattresses, moldy old pillows, tapestries, the works. Then she began transmuting like a madwoman. Soon a King-sized poster bed was in the far corner with plush pillows and rich red blankets and curtains. A couch was next, similarly red and plush. She gently floated Daring and Cocoa out of the stone chair, then replaced it with a plush red recliner as she moved the sleeping women to the new bed. Finally, rugs covered the majority of the middle of the floor. “Thank you,” I said to the princess with a smile before I started stripping off my armor to go to bed like she asked, starting with my lower armor. I sighed as I freed my balls and sheath, and began getting my upper armor off. “W-wait! I’m not done!” Twilight covered her eyes with a vibrant flush on her purple cheeks as her magic built an armor stand and a dresser as freshly transmuted plain red clothes began filling the drawers of said dresser. “Thank you!” I gushed before I hugged, feeling genuinely happy at her thoughtfulness. “Pajamas!” Twilight squeaked as she lifted me up and magically slipped red plush pajama pants on me. “Aw, you don’t like me?” I teased as I nuzzled her cheek and rubbed her back before I turned around to face the new armor stand and quickly got my upper armor off with my tail hands and placed them on the rack, getting another squeak from the pretty purple princess before a matching red pajama shirt slammed down my torso, which I quickly wormed my arms into. I turned to her and pecked her cheek with a wink. “Aw, someone’s shy.” “Pervert! Ugh, no wonder you’re the Corrupted Undead.” Twilight grumbled and stormed out of my new home. Even if it was just a single large studio, it was already nicer than most places. “I wasn’t like this before corruption, but I don’t think I mind it.” I sighed in reference to my behavior not being nearly this pervy before. I didn’t let get to me as I perked up and looked around my new home. I ran for the door, poking my head out. “Twilight! I might not need to use the toilet, but I think everyone else would appreciate someplace to poop and pee!” “Oh...good point. I was hoping to just furnish this place and be done. No way am I going to force anyone to use an outhouse, or a privy...ugh. I’ll have to bring out an actual architect and plumber for that.” Twilight bemoaned, making notes as she noticed that off to the side, Starlight had dozed off snuggling against the ragged-robed Handmaiden who was still of unknown species. “Yeah, get your butt in here and make one as soon as you can,” I told her. “Oh! And a source of food and water would be nice.” “Why did I think basing you away from town was a good idea?” Twilight grumbled. “I’ll take care of that tomorrow, just go to sleep.” Twilight urged as she gently picked up Starlight and hovered the robed mare to her. “I don’t know, but see your sexy butt.” I chuckled at her as I watched her sputter before closing my oddly easy to move stone door, and moving to snuggle up with Daring and Cocoa. Undead don’t need sleep, but at least we can, and I’m happy for that. > Ch.8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.8 I groaned and yawned, waking up to see Cocoa and Daring missing before feeling hands at my thighs. “Hm?” I tried to sit up, only to have a hand firmly press on my stomach. “What’re you two doing?” My answer came as my pants tugged lower, and I gasped at someone licking my folds. “Unf. Girls, I’m not exactly in the-.” A second mouth licking into my sheathe obliterated any desire to resist. “Ah!” “Breed?” Cocoa asked Daring as she licked either my sheath or vagina, I couldn’t tell from the pleasure and dots in my eyes from it. “In time girl.” Daring hummed, still licking me between words. “She needs to get up first.” “Fuck!” I grunted and huffed as I reached down to their heads, feeling out their scalps and ears with soft caresses. I gasped and groaned as Cocoa, from her floppy ears, took my emerging dick into her maw, sucking gleefully. “Girls~!” I squeaked, my breasts surging through the alphabet in my arousal, my nips staining my red shirt a darking color with my milk until they stopped at H-cups. “Shame your Zotl bits don’t affect down here. You could’ve expanded your balls too.” Daring teased with a hint of longing as she licked my balls too, then got her mouth around one as best she could and sucked. “Gah!” I grunted feeling Cocoa’s own tiny cock throbbing on my calves as she suckled and milked my cock. “Girls~!” I screeched, humping Cocoa’s face and grabbing her head moments before orgasm, and I squealed as I pumped load after load into her throat, which she happily drank with loud swallows and pleased hums until I slowed to a trickle and she pulled off my leaking shaft while I panted and tried to recover my Stamina. “Cocoa’s turn?” She asked Daring after I let go of her head. “Yes. Cocoa’s turn.” Daring leered, helping Cocoa up above me, tearing off the dog’s pathetic excuse for panties. “Get your bone girl!” Daring ordered as Cocoa hovered over my spurting dick, the chocolate-furred dog girl looking beyond ecstatic. “Yes!” She squealed before she started pushing me into her and latched onto my left breast, tearing away the offending fabric and sucking urgently as she tried to jam my inflated knot into her engorged labia. “Need help getting her in!” “Ah...what?” I groaned in ecstasy, feeling as a hand squeezed my knot hard before Daring nuzzled Cocoa’s huge ass. She then reached up to Cocoa’s shoulders, and with her full enhanced bodyweight from her still, cumflated belly, yanked her down onto my knot, causing us both to howl and start my orgasm back into gear, gushing into Cocoa’s hungry baby-maker. I didn’t stop for an hour as I pumped and gushed seed. Cocoa ground and gyrated against me the whole time, sucking my tits until they shrank back to C-cups. The whole time her flat belly filled up, getting bigger and bigger as she brought me to continuous climax atop climax, way longer and far stronger than Daring did. Considering she’s a dog and I mostly am too, I guess it comes with the territory. By the end of that blissful hour, she seemed about to burst, filled with my cum until she seemed about to birth twins. I filled her to her limit. “Normal dog never cum this much~...” Cocoa cooed, rubbing her tight dome, still knotted to me. “You kept stimulating me.” I groaned as she started rubbing her own cock under her belly. “What she meant Willow, is whatever bullshit makes Undead nearly impossible to fully kill, is probably replenishing your sexual fluids like it would your blood. I mean, you likely only have a normal prostate, and your testacles are only apple-sized, not beach-ball sized.” Daring seemed to get a bit glassy-eyed at the idea. “So sad you don’t have Zotl down there…” “Huh?” I asked as Cocoa moaned and rubbed herself. “I said it an hour ago before I got to sit back and watch free porn, but Ahuizotl’s species are literally Jungle Sirens. The females could expand their breasts to entice mates, the males could do the same with their balls. Part of why I was pining for him besides the tail hand.” Daring admitted with a cheeky grin. “Oh, that’s…kinda cool.” I said as Cocoa tugged off my cock making me gasp from the pulling. She then started aiming her still throbbing average-sized dick at my own cunt. I perked up so hard my nipples were as stiff as solid steel, my dick throbbed, my clit ached. My core, once content to convulse along with my prostate, now burned with thirst! I-is she going to…? “Mistress?” Cocoa asked with a pleading whine at Daring. “Nope. You’ll have to do that with me.” Daring dropped her still-ruined short-shorts and turned around, bending over to reveal her quim was still plugged with the huge red pussy-plug she suspiciously carries around with her. “But I want to...“ Cocoa whimpered as she nuzzled my flat tummy, sending tingles into me. “Sorry Cocoa, but I need to go adventuring to save the world. I can’t do that if I’m full of pups.” I apologized, ignoring the longing I felt to experience such a thing. I gently pushed her towards Daring as I got up and moved to the armor stand. It was clearly a voyeur, as it was pumped up to H-cups again and the helmet was angled at my chest. “But Cocoa’s pups would be out in days!” Cocoa wailed in disappointment. “Maybe if we were Corrupted, but we’re not.” I shrugged. “Besides, days stuck on maternity leave is still days I’m not stopping your former allies.” At my words, Cocoa grasped her mountain of a belly fearfully. “So Cocoa must carry pups for over two months?!” Cocoa looked about to cry, and I felt a little bad for her mistaking her gestation period. “At least it isn’t 11 months.” Daring snorted as she slapped her ass. “Now come and bury that bone! You may be smaller than Willow and most ponies, but you clearly have experience!” At Daring’s urging, the dog gladly jumped her, moving to fuck her silly on the bed. “Most likely, considering she used to be a demon,” I commented as I put my armor on, feeling it grope my body before it shoved something into my cunt. “HOLY~!” I bit my lip as whatever it was grew into my vagina, extending to my core, slowly shaping a knot and making me lean against the dresser. “Willow?” Daring asked in concern as my armor began to thrust into my pussy without moving, and I stumbled backward, falling as my breasts quickly surged back out, filling the armor which gleefully squeezed them, massaging them, milking them. “Armor… is fucking me!” I moaned as the knot swelled at the base further. “Holy shit! But it’s armor~!” “Wait, you didn’t let it turn to ash to respawn?! That’s an actual Black Knight you’re wearing?!” Daring fretted and practically jumped herself and Cocoa away from me as another metal dildo shoved up my ass too. “Fuck! Ah, right there!” I huffed and moaned as something spurted from the first dildo. “Oh~, what is that~?!” I moaned as it thrust harder into me. “Daring! It’s injecting me with something!” “What?! But that’s not...well, nobody has been crazy enough to wear a Black Knight, so this is unprecedented. Maybe it’s injecting you with ectoplasm?” Daring theorized in curiosity, concern taking a back seat now that it seemed we weren’t in danger. I groaned as my armor’s helmet closed fully around my head, forming seamlessly to my face rather than being a centimeter away, and it moaned out with my own voice as it’s knotted swelled up. “Been waiting eons to cum!” It groaned. “Hmph, I shalt give thee pups for waking me~!” “You’re cumming?!” I yelped, weakly trying to get the rapey armor off as more hot liquid poured into both my holes. My efforts were in vain, as the armor took full control, contouring perfectly to me, even my dick as if it were a second skin. “Ah! Ah~!” I-I’m cumming~! I’m cumming from being raped by my armor~! “Nobody tried to help me! Nobody! Ah~!” The armor grabbed my, our? Dick, and began masturbating furiously. I could somehow feel everything through the metal! “I can’t believe it just took being worn! Bonding to someone! We’re one!” I could feel it seeping into my skin as it fucked me harder, my nerves practically bonding with it. “No! I don’t want to be a prisoner!” I cried out, my eyes managing to look towards Daring and Cocoa, who seemed utterly terrified atop the bed, trapped with me between them and the door. “Not a chance! We’re partners~!” It moaned ecstatically, groping our shared left breast as she continued to masturbate with our right hand. “I won’t let anyone harm our pups either!” She roared, and suddenly the stream of warmth entering my womb turned into a flood, and we both screamed in combined ecstasy as we both came together. Oddly enough, my cock was pulsing and cumming, but nothing came from our cock. “Ah~...and thank you for the modern language! Your brain has so much knowledge!” She groaned as I started feeling and knowing what she did. “A-are we filling ourselves?!” I squealed, incredibly turned on at the idea of impregnating myself. “Yes~!” It moaned rubbing our belly as it kept making me cum, swelling our womb. “We will have such cute pups…” “B-but I need to adventure!” I whined as Twilight and Starlight rushed in as I grunted from a new climax starting. “I will protect our womb with my life.” The armor declared, rubbing our rounding belly lovingly. “What is your name, my love? I wasn’t fully awake until now.” “Willow.” I sniffled. Upset at having lost my vaginal virginity to what amounts to rape, and being forced to bear the children of a ghostly armor. Sure, it feels amazing, but I seriously felt violated. “I am Svartr.” It answered, before going limp, and I could suddenly move again, but Svartr was somehow adhered to my body as I continued to cum into myself along with Svartr’s ghostly seed. “This was not a good first meeting.” I sniffled as I stood up, somehow still cumming. “Stop it!” I whined at my cock. My belly was already big enough to look 4 months pregnant for a human. “Willow?” Twilight asked as my cock stopped cumming into me, and instead sprayed all over Twilight and Starlight from my third orgasm. Svartr stopped moving it to my womb through her, our? Her for now, dicks. “Gah!” Starlight gagged as Svartr seemed to hum in my head at seeing the two covered and images of them worshiping my balls came to my mind. “Eons without relief or love has left me wanting. Why do you not wish to be filled with our seed?” Svartr asked sadly with my voice, rubbing our belly even as I gushed cum onto the floor, which Cocoa quickly moved to lap up and suck from my leaky cock. Good girl. “I need to fight,” I explained to her as I could feel her watching our seed attack eggs in my womb. The sperm was coated with an ethereal grey aura, so I could only assume her own ectoplasmic goo had altered my sperm. “Great. I’m having a litter.” “What. Is. Happening. Here.” Twilight demanded, beyond incandescently furious as she evaporated the cum off of her, and with a flick of her head, erased all the errant cum on the floor from existence and levitated me into the air, my still slowly pulsing cock ejaculating into a magical condom. “I expected some level of depravity, but to completely ignore your duties to...is that sperm laced with ectoplasm?” Twilight suddenly lost all wrath as she examined the growing condom of her magic in intrigue. “I’m literally wearing a Black Knight.” I groaned as Svartr finally stopped cumming, my own orgasm winding down with it. “It’s gained awareness and has partially possessed me, and then impregnated me with my own cum mixed with its goo.” “Absolutely fascinating! I must take this for examination at once!” Twilight pulled the solid magic of my cum away and teleported somewhere, sending me falling to my ass with a yelp. “Is she always like that?” I asked Starlight who had goo sperm racing for her pussy across her robe as she stared blankly at me in disgust at being covered. “Uh, Starlight! It’s heading for your cunt!” “What?” Starlight looked down at her robes, to see the cum had quickly moved across the robe and sunk through the cloth at her crotch, and she could feel it from the jump she gave. “No, no, no!” She yanked off the robe to reveal she was nude underneath with an hourglass figure and E-cup breasts and clutched at her pussy as her horn lit up, but the possessed cum had quickly gone into her snatch. She froze, and then slowly looked up at me with absolute murder in her expression. “Sorry,” I whined before she started wailing on me with her magically reinforced fists. Svartr seemed amused as she hardened and absorbed the blows, then quickly immobilized Starlight by controlling my body and using my somehow thinly-meshed tails to hold her up like I had Cocoa, and then she wrapped a hand around her horn, stopping her magic and pulling her down towards our face. “Such a feisty one. Be proud to bear the children of a knight of Gwyn. I might be just one of his soldiers, but each of us were godkin in our own right.” Then she made us kiss the restrained and shocked mare, wrestling with her resisting tongue before letting us part with a devilish grin on our metallic face. “I sense you’ll be bearing at least twins.” “This is fucked up, I’m sorry,” I whined at Starlight. “I’m still a virgin you damn ghost!” Starlight hissed and then whimpered as Svartr had us lick one of her nipples and tug on the other. “S-stop…” She shuddered, actually pressing her breasts into Svartr’s attentions despite her words...oh great. She’s a tsundere. “A holy child then! The firstborn shall be special indeed.” Svartr declared, cupping her cheeks and rubbing away her tears with their thumbs. “Do not fret. I will make sure to care for you as best I can if you’ll allow. I may not have anything to my name in this new Era, but I will do right by all who lay with me.” “Damn she’s a pervert. Okay, before this gets more confusing, are you a woman, or a man? You’re coming off as both female and male.” I demanded of my rapist/lover/armor/partner. Damn that’s a lot of titles to use. “Also, drop Starlight before you get...more rapey, she’s into another Goddess anyway.” At least, if all her fond looks at Twilight told me anything. “I am whatever I choose. Godkin are not restricted like mere mortals. The fact you have both simply makes it better. What would you call one who has both?” Svartr asked as they set Starlight down, and she began crying as Daring moved to comfort her with a wary eye on us. “A herm, but usually they use female pronouns,” I explained, looking over to Cocoa who seemed content to lean back and rub her belly. “Then I am a woman.” Svartr declared, finally letting me call her a gender-friendly adjective. “I may not have a womb of my own now, but I have borne children of my loins rather than sired before.” “Can you stop her from getting pregnant? I’m one thing, but she’s not me.” I huffed in frustration as I rubbed my swollen gut. “I have no further control of my excretions than you do. They just seem extra determined to accomplish their task.” Svartr shook her head even as she pat the heads of Daring, who flinched, and Starlight, who actually leaned into it for more comfort. “Are you Corrupted?” I asked gravely of Svartr, since she’s so like a demon thus far. “What is this Corruption I’ve heard vague whispers of while I was awakening at last? Is it something new to this Era?” Svartr questioned as I finally noticed my breasts had shrunk back down to C-cups from the milking Svartr was doing. “Such a shame. Your bosom is delectable at such a hefty size.” “I...great, I’m heading to Andre. Starlight, ask Harmonia for help if you want them gone. I hope she can figure out something.” I grumbled before trying to move without Svartr’s help, only to grunt and feel like I was in a full-body vice. “Can I please have my body back?” “Only if you leave your bosom at it’s best size.” Svartr demanded, and I whined as I wilfully worked myself up, and she purred as my breasts swelled back up, pushing her own covering out in mimicry of my H-cups. “Delicious. I will rest then, but do not try to remove me.” Svartr suddenly reverted back to her previous state of armor, but the helmet was still perfectly form-fitting. New padding around my pelvis under the skirt was practically a second skin, and my bosom was nearly bare above the nipples. “Great.” I groused as I passed a mirror finding I looked like a medieval Gwenom if she had a plunging cleavage with H-cup boobs and a fox-helm instead of a hood. I walked out of my house and made a beeline for Andre. “Buddy, I need you to purge this armor of Corruption...and do it without getting it, um, her off.” Andre casually swung at my head, and the armor simply sparkled more, causing Svartr to coo in my head. Oh great, she’s even more in my head. “Nothing wrong with it besides being possessed. That’s on you, not checking it first.” Andre chided while Daring helped Starlight to the base of Harmonia’s trunk. “Anything you can do then?” I asked. “She’s well...horny.” “I’m not a Cryptobiologist.” At my blank confused stare, he huffed. “Cripes. What is wrong with this Era. It’s someone who studies fantastical creatures and their biology.” “Oh. Well, alright then.” Wait a second. If she’s just outright horny, can’t I sicc her on Harmonia? With this thought, I went over to where I saw Harmonia the most serious I’d seen her, a hand pressed to Starlight’s stomach. “Any luck?” “I am Harmony. Not Life, Love, or Lust. The best I can do is transfer the fertilized eggs to me before they take root.” Harmonia sighed. “Such is the way of Balance and Harmony. To end those unformed lives is to end possibility, and the only thing that relishes in such is Order. But to leave them would be Chaos. The obvious answer is to take the burden upon myself.” “Oh~.” Starlight whined. “I don’t want to be pregnant with the foals of someone I don’t know. But I don’t want to burden a Goddess who is already dealing with her own problems.” “Then it is settled.” Harmonia pulled Starlight to her hooves, and hugged her tightly, hands on her butt and squeezing, making Starlight blush and gasp as her breasts and stomach were pressed to Harmonia’s own. There was a brief prismatic glow about their stomachs, and then they parted. “I shall bear your young as a surrogate. Don’t expect me to raise them.” “That is...incredibly selfless of you Harmonia.” I felt awe from such a display of Kindness and Generosity. To the degree those descriptions needed capitals. “I’m also burning with the desire to feel the erotic sensation of swelling with life for 11 months!” Harmonia gushed, and the feeling of awe died a swift and cruel death, having been dragged out back and shot multiple times. “I may not get to have sex in my current state, but at least I’ll get to experience something so precious and new.” “I...okay, I need help with Svartr here.” I sighed. “She woke up, possessed me, impregnated me, Starlight, and now you. Now she won’t get off of me and won’t let me have my boobs smaller even though I’m not strong enough to ignore their weight as I fight.” “Oh. That’s rather selfish of you.” Harmonia looked disappointed at me, and Svartr took over with a huff of my voice. “I’ve been in a constant state of hellish burning agony interspersed with uncontrollable rage and hatred for eons.” Svartr dryly replied, and Harmonia looked a little green. “Okay then, I think you deserve some enjoyable outlets in that case. But you’ve gone too far all at once. How about you come to me, and we’ll work out that frustration. I’m already pregnant, so you can’t knock me up even more.” Harmonia held her arms out, emphasizing her hourglass shape caused by her wide hips, bubbled ass, and G-cup breasts. “EEP!” I yelped as I was launched at Harmonia, pinning her to her trunk and thrusting my suddenly-formed and rock-hard cock into her cunt, getting her to keen and wrap her arms and legs around me. “N-no! Off! Get off me Svartr!” With an annoyed grunt, I found myself ejected out the back of the magically malleable armor, and watched as she formed over the goddess, fucking her much like she’d fucked me a bit ago. “Well now...that’s one way to deal with two problems at once.” “Doesn’t help she caused so many more.” Daring huffed next to me, getting me to jerk away, only to get hoisted up by the arm. “C’mon lover-girl. Let’s get you drained, dressed, and maybe ready for some exploring.”. “Yeah.” I groaned as Twilight entered and pointed to the cave mouth. “Still setting up the plumbing.” She told us as she held up a book titled Modern Plumbing for Dummies. “There’s an outhouse outside. By the way, that ghost cum is really impressive. It instantly seeks out the female organs like a homing spell is on it. Good thing I shielded my vaginal area before letting it out of the bubble.” “...You know this how besides the obvious?” I questioned, and she looked a little sheepish. “I put a sample in a cage with rats. Went right for the female.” Twilight snorted. “I wonder how that’ll work out. It’s just a normal white lab rat.” So I’ve remotely impregnated a normal damn rat. This is beyond fucked up and screwy. “I have no idea how demons are going to react if I cum mid-battle and it starts seeking the ones with vaginas.” I snorted in grim amusement at the thought as I moved to the outhouse. Considering how fucked-up CoC is, that might actually be a viable tactic in combat with the Lust Demons. Ew. > Ch.9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.9 After draining myself, helping Daring and Cocoa get drained, then washing in the nearby creek, I got dressed in the plain red clothes Twilight provided, Daring and Cocoa doing the same. Half the damn day has been wasted on sexy shenanigans, and I’m fairly upset about it. Even as the source of the trouble was still vigorously fucking the lust-drunk goddess a distance away at her tree. They’ve been at it for hours by now, and I’m honestly disturbed that Svartr has that much pent-up raw urges and that Harmonia has that much need for it, even pleading for Svartr to fuck her harder. “This day...why is...I hate Corruption of Champions.” I groaned as I rubbed my head. “As a perverted game, it’s amazing, but in real life, it’s beyond ridiculous.” “Welcome to the problems brought by Corruption, Champion.” Twilight rolled her eyes as we were gathered in a spare house filled with comfy chairs we were sitting in. “So. Now that I’ve gotten some contractors working on demolishing the castle overhead for me and some unicorn masons to work with, I’ll be able to turn this cave into a proper shrine as I’ve read up on. I’ll also give you some armor made from one of the suits that were in the castle while your partner is railing the Goddess of Balance like it’s going out of style.” “Thanks. Svartr can probably stay thin if she wants, so I may even be able to wear the armor over her.” I chuckled. “But it will give me something to work with.” “Good, because we still need to find out where the Lust Demons are adding Corruption into the regional aquifer.” Twilight declared as she summoned an easel with a diagram on it. “This is the Everfree’s water table, at least as much as I and intrepid geologists have managed to piece together.” Twilight summoned a pointer stick and tapped the staggeringly complicated mess of a split side-view of the Everfree going several hundred meters underground from the markings. “As you can see, the wild, untamed wilderness is an absolutely chaotic mess.” “Tell me about it. I’ve been all over the world, and I’ve rarely seen anyplace as unique and disorderly as the Everfree.” Daring huffed from her chair next to mine. “The Everfree has only one river inlet from the north, but it branches like veins almost the instant it hits the edge, and somehow only has two outlets, one heading further south, the other east towards Horseshoe Bay.” “It’s much like earth to me. Much of the smaller trees could be from ruins, fallen trees, game trails overtaken by the river during storms, maybe a few from aqueducts built for the castle.” I stated, remembering the castle ruins on the plateau overhead. From what I saw while being abducted it was absolutely massive and sprawling. It seemed there was also a town surrounding it at some point. Whatever cataclysmic event severed it from the rest of the forest must’ve been devastating. “Sounds about right. What history I’ve dug up on the Everfree tells that before Discord, the forest was much tamer. I wouldn’t be surprised if his rampage left Everfree in ruins, and forced the Twin Princesses to move shop to the plateau on the Canterhorn. I mean, the castle wasn’t standalone and the west and east halves of the forest used to be more or less at the same altitude.” Daring further explained with that educated air she had. “Discord, is he the one that took the Chaos Flame?” I asked since by name he seemed to fit. “What? No! The Chaos Flame is still running rampant in the depths of the world, the Chaos Demons still running roughshod over their own petty territorial feudal wars. Discord did inherit the Soul of Chaos, however. The Chaos Flame has become its own entity over time.” Daring added, which got me to scratch my head. “What about the Profaned Flame?” I asked as the two blinked. “You know? The flame that Never Goes Out?” At this, they made an O-face of realization. “Oh, that flame. The Profaned Flame isn’t as ‘profane’ as people once believed. All that’s special about it is that it doesn’t need fuel to burn, and it doesn’t actually spread beyond a ritual-blessed sconce for more than a few moments. It’s why it is considered to be a treasure rather than a source of power. Most castles these days purchase ever-burning sconces for their lighting.” Twilight giggled at the idea of using an eternal flame for mere lighting, and I joined her a bit. “Heh, heh. Huh, I thought it was also a weapon?” I questioned because I’ve seen the stats for the Gargoyle Flame Spear/Lance and the Gargoyle Flame Hammer/Torch from DS3. Beasts. I never got one to drop, for some impossible RNG bullshit. I gave up after a few hours of running that grind. “I suppose strength junkies like buff Undead and other naturally or supernaturally strong people could use Profaned weapons sturdy enough to not lose the enchantment from a few strikes.” Twilight mused, and Daring grinned as she crossed her arms under her bust. “Yep, it was. Mostly it was only used by golems and other artificial guardians, but when liberated from them, they were used quite a lot by very strong Undead in the Third era.” Daring lectured, and Twilight hummed as she magically summoned her tablet to make some notes. “Anyway, a factory full of beings being fucked by machines for corrupted Fluids would be the source of the taint,” I told them. “Or it’s being carted here.” “Considering we haven’t seen any hints of large scale movements, then that factory is the most likely source. It would’ve taken a very long time, but they could have moved under the cover of night, in small groups, and set up such a thing. It would also explain how there are so many Corruption Demons here if an imp with a gyrocopter could even be here to abduct you.” Twilight considered and looked at the diagram of the forest’s water table. “But that also doesn’t make sense. To Corrupt the whole local water system would take an absurd amount of excretion, but there are no large structures in the forest aside from the castle, and I checked there.” “Any ideas Daring?” I asked my history and geography savvy lover, who hummed and looked at the diagram a bit closer. “Here. Is this a cave system?” Daring asked of Twilight as she pointed to voids in the dissected map. “Yes. Geological scans have voids where no continuous matter meet. There’s a surprisingly complex cave system under the Everfree, some bits so large, like here, I suspect are only hidden from the surface by the thick tangled roots of some of the more invasive trees with widespread surface-level roots.” Twilight pointed at a gap in the overhead map above the side-view of the ground which did have missing spots. “How close is that to a major spring feeding the rivers around Harmonia?” I questioned, and Twilight quickly traced out that the largest gap was barely a mile north from here, near the main river bisecting the forest, and I felt a feral grin split my face. “That’s gotta, be it! Think the tunnels had been a sewer system or even something like Izalith’s underground highways?” I asked, wanting all my facts. “No, not around there. The castle’s town stretched westward but considering that is possibly a natural cave system and could easily have been overlooked, that might be where the Corruption is coming from. I say we investigate, but first, to address more immediate concerns.” Twilight then glared at me. “You’ve been irresponsible. You’ve gotten yourself and three other females pregnant in the span of two days. I’m afraid I’m going to have to bring in someone to at least make sure you are able to go exploring and fighting without worrying about your kits.” “W-what do you mean by that?” I fretted, placing my hands over my flat tummy in fear for my unborn kits. “Nothing that severe. She should be here soon enough.” Twilight huffed with an embarrassed blush. “I’m not experienced in these matters like she is.” “I should hope not.” Came a humming motherly voice, and I perked up at the pure white mare who practically filled the doorway, feeling tiny even with her just ducking into the small building. She was easily 10 feet tall. Had tits the size of basketballs. Hips wide enough they brushed the sides of the door. Thighs thick and muscled enough to crush a man’s head like an egg. She was also statuesque, muscled just enough to give her curves a contrast, and flaunted it all with an elegant red gown that was functional as well as alluring with its thigh-length skirts and plunging neckline, accented with golden filigree. “You’re far too young to be considering foals Twilight.” Wh-who is she? I...I feel incredibly Happy yet also immensely Sad at the beautiful, regal, sexy, and clearly powerful mare’s presence. It felt like I Knew her. Personally and deeply. But, that can’t be. I’ve never met her! I don’t even know her name! “P-Princess Celestia!” Twilight blushed as her superior grinned playfully while she closed the door on the continued wails of pleasure from the pent-up goddess outside. The way her magenta eyes shone slightly with Light and her powerful presence told me she had to be the successor to Gwyn, and maybe Gwynevere with a body like that. “I only called you a short while ago!” “Do you consider this a light enough matter that I would not give it my prompt attention?” Celestia quirked a brow down at her student, who sputtered nervous platitudes until the Goddess held up her hand to forestall further groveling. “None of that. Now, I understand that you are the poor soul who has been Cursed several times over?” She asked of me. “Um, I thought I was just cursed the one time.” I held open my mouth as I jiggled my Way of White collar, showing her my Darksign under my tongue, to which she hummed as she leaned in to look closer, giving me an incredible view of her valley of cleavage. I fought down the urge to dive in and motorboat those glorious-. “That is indeed a unique Darksign. But I refer to the fact you are an Undead, who is Displaced, who is Prophesied for a Quest, and who is also Permanently Corrupted in a fashion. If that isn’t Cursed many times over, I do not know what is.” Celestia layered atop me like each situation was a boulder on my shoulder, reminding me of all the unfortunate circumstances that have led to my current state, and situation. “Well, when you put it that way…” I whined, feebly hugging my floofy tails to my body while hugging myself with my tails. I can hug myself twice over! Squee~! “Kinda hard to be upset though. I mean, this isn’t all bad.” Celestia apparently liked my answer if her warm smile meant anything. “That is a good attitude to have. Now then, unfortunately, I must get to business. My sister is still asleep and I don’t trust the nobles to not burn Canterlot to the ground while I’m away like they’re irresponsible teenagers.” Celestia declared, getting on her knees and leaning further still to be eye-level with me as Twilight moved Daring and Cocoa away along with the chairs besides mine. “This will feel quite good. I ask that you be professional and not try to molest me.” Celestia then smirked playfully. “Not that I would mind, but I still have a court to get back to.” “O-okay?” I asked in confusion until she reached her hands out, her wings flared, and her horn began to shine golden with the very essence of Light, and she touched my stomach-. “HOLY SHIT~!” I screeched in ecstasy. Her very touch was like my stomach had suddenly become a giant clitoris. I gasped, panted, and thrust into the air against her gentle pressure on my abdomen as I popped a boner that tented my pants while my cunny gushed lube into the crotch of said pants from my sudden female orgasm. “What’re you doing~?!” “Helping you.” Celestia cheekily smirked as I writhed against her immovable yet gentle hands, even trying to reach out to her as my tits swelled even further, tearing my shirt in half as milk practically gushed from my nipples as I surged into I-cup territory. “Ah-ah~. No touchback.” A silky barrier stopped my gushing fluids and attempts to grope her breasts, and I whined as I tried the same with my longer, stronger tail hands, only to give up and bring a breast up to my lips, sucking desperately as I used my free hand to jack off in my pants. It was when I did this I noticed my belly was rapidly growing! “W-what~?!” I drunkenly slurred before going back to drinking my delicious chest nectar, watching my gut swell into a dome, and then start to bulge into a proper orb, pressing down on my lap and forcing me to spread my legs. “Oh~! How many~?!” I realized what was happening. Princess Celestia was accelerating my pregnancy so I could birth my kits and get to work. “Considering your size and you should only be through the first month of a standard two-plus month gestation period for a canine species. I’d say approximately a litter of four.” Twilight clinically stated from the side as she took notes of her superior’s spellwork or something. “F-four~?!” I practically orgasmed at hearing the number alone. For some reason, just thinking of carrying the lives of so many at once cranked my arousal to 11. Holy shit do I have a pregnancy fetish! I suckled harder, milking myself faster as my belly swelled large enough on my petite 4’9” frame to eclipse all my other features. Soon enough, however, Celestia’s magic hands left my enormous belly, and I groaned in pain as I felt it tighten, and my vagina clenched, gushing a wash of fluids besides my cum, and my eyes shot wide. “I’m giving birth~!” “Cocoa amazed! Not even broodmares breed so quickly!” Cocoa declared excitedly as she and Daring rushed to me, moving me into a slight recline in the chair, holding my legs to the side as Celestia calmly watched my groin, even moving my balls up out of the way with her magic. “Twilight, you know...that most of the...fuck! Pregnancies were not by my damn choice? Daring was, and Cocoa...well I’m happy about that.” I huffed. “But Starlight and myself were all Svartr!” “Even so, the fact you were irresponsible enough to wear a Black Knight without severing individual pieces of the armor first is all on you, and Svartr wouldn’t even be here if you did.” Twilight logically countered, and I whined with tears in my eyes as I beared down and pushed on my litter with muscles I never had as a man. “Breathe! What do they teach Humans?” “To go fuck yourself!” I snapped, grunting, and then keening as I pushed again. “Isn’t there a magic painkiller or something?!” I may be Undead, but not even dying hurts this much! “FUCK! This is why my sister always told me to just suck up the pain!” I growled as I pushed again. I think the contractions are getting stronger. “Willow. Look at me.” Daring ordered, and blinking through the tears, I looked to Daring and stared into her dark purple eyes. “You’ll be fine. The kits will be fine. Breath. Relax as much as you can. Push.” At her order, I did so. I breathed deeply and smoothly. I relaxed all the muscles I could, and then, I pushed with a contraction, and my belly shifted downward all at once! “GRAH!” I roared and felt a body pushed through me with each contraction. I repeated several times, my vagina feeling like I was squeezing a damn football through it. Soon though, I was rewarded with a keening wail, and my heart raced, my pain eased, and my bloated bosom ached with the need to feed my baby. “G-gimme!” I reached down towards Celestia, who despite being covered in afterbirth and some blood, looked completely at home acting as a midwife. So much for her keeping presentable for court, teasing meanie! “Congratulations. It’s a herm.” Celestia cooed at my newborn baby as she lifted the Red, Blue, Brown, and Grey striped kit up to my arms, and I shushed the crying girl as I put her to my bosom, where she snuggled for comfort and slowly quieted down. “Gah!” I cried out after a few minutes as the contractions started again. I whined as I repeated my birthing of my firstborn. Each was the same, a four-colored fox/wolf kit with all my features and I’m guessing Svartr’s features with the grey wolf bits. By the time I finally finished, I was laid on a transmuted bed made from all the chairs, my new babies fighting each other playfully and sucking my nipples hungrily as I tiredly rested. I suffered for this. But looking at them now...I think it was worth it. An odd unnoticed emptiness in my heart seemed to be filled by them a bit. “I need a babysitter now,” I grumbled as I pet them, still knowing my duty would have to come first for a while, even if I regretted having to leave them for any amount of time. “Cocoa will care for Mistress’ pups! Need practice for own pups.” Cocoa declared eagerly as she patted her flat tummy, but then squeezed her D-cup bosom in concern. “But not have milk. How will feed pups? Not want to risk using Corrupt LaBova to make milk though. Don’t want to be minotaur.” “There’s plenty of spells to trigger lactation.” Celestia casually poked Cocoa’s chest, and my pet/slave/lover yelped as her D-cups jumped a few sizes to F, her nipples darkening her shirt. “There, that should be enough until your own lactation takes over.” “Thank you so much, Princess.” Twilight bowed slightly, her notepad and pen still jotting down notes. “With this, Willow can finally get to her quest.” “Yeah. I tried to this morning and the armor wanted babies.” I grumbled as my pups finished drinking me down to a reasonable CC-cup before being burped by Daring. “At this rate, I’d better level my Strength since my tits keep wanting to grow.” I sat up, my pups tuckered out and snoozing about. I really, really just wanted to snuggle them, curl around them. Bond. “Can I…?” “Today’s gone anyway, you might as well actually let your newborns bond to their mother.” Twilight scoffed as if the idea of denying such a thing was ridiculous. “Go. Cuddle them. Sleep. The rest of you; OUT!” Twilight declared imperiously, and everyone save her and Celestia practically sprinted out the door. “You will wake up alone. Get Cocoa to watch your babies, then go and damn well deal with the Corruption!” “Okay, talk to them about the morning crap. That wasn’t my plan.” I chuckled as I snuggled my babies. “Amorous lovers are quite difficult to keep at bay Twilight. Then again, while you are too young for foals, when are you going to finally ask that Flash Sentry stallion out on a date? You’ve already had him transferred to your personal guard and everything. Everyone sees it.” Celestia smirked as her understudy flushed up to her ears at the mention of the stallion. “I’ll go on a date with you if you don’t,” I told her with a purr. “Or take him for myself.” I teased. “I’m a Princess! I have far too much to do to have any personal time beyond my friends as it stands! A coltfriend would take so much of my time it might even ruin the relationships I have!” Twilight defended frantically. “I’m literally the one having to keep the end at bay or bring it to fruition. I have two lovers...three lovers and kids. You have part of a country.” I told her flatly, to which she snorted. “Yes, and how many platonic relationships to manage? Oh, and how’s that quest going you started yesterday?” Twilight sarcastically demanded of me, and I wilted. “That’s low…” I huffed, and snuggled my babies to my belly and chest, my tails wrapping over us like a natural blanket. “Whatever, I have more important things to do than remind you how superior you are to me, Princess.” “Th-that’s not what I-.” “Twilight.” Celestia’s tone was so stern that if it was aimed at me, I would’ve flinched. “I think we need to have a talk.” Scratch stern, it was practically glacial. There was no further discussion as they left me with my pups, and I closed my eyes. Relishing in the scents of my litter and quickly succumbing to the bliss that was sleep. > Ch.10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch. 10 I was laughing at a joke Michael made about how Mass Effect’s endings were so bland and copy-paste, and how EA just rushed the fuck out of it. We were at Starbucks drinking lattes, he had mocha, I had Carmel, and were playing Rust on our PCs. It was a good old time with the guys. Even Vonde was here, and we shared awkward glances over our cups at each other. I bit my lip at the way she ran her finger along with a biscotti suggestively, and I knew we were going to her place after this. “So this is what a Human looks like.” Came a deeper, huskier voice from Vonde’s lips, which made me blink. That blink changed Vonde from the ebony-skinned, blue-eyed, dark-haired young woman into a towering dark blue alicorn mare who looked like a recolored copy of Celestia in a black dress with silver filigree. The chair Vonde had been sitting in replaced by an obsidian throne as she held up the biscotti Vonde had been suggestively teasing me with. She took a bite and hummed. “Interesting.” “What? Who? Where’s Vonde?” I asked in a slight panic, looking around. “Perhaps long dead and gone. This is merely a dream, pieced together from memories.” The mare stated, looking around the time-stopped coffee establishment curiously. “If this place was not filled with Humans, I would have thought this a simple Haybucks in Manehattan.” She then took Vonde’s...not-Vonde’s? She took the abandoned cup of coffee and sipped, only to wrinkle her expression. “Just as terrible too.” “She liked it black. Though yeah I like my homemade stuff better.” I sighed as my body changed from my old, lanky, pasty, boring male Human form, and into my shorter, much more exotic vixen form. “Who are you?” I asked with melancholy. She interrupted a fantasy of what was...or, what could've been. Vonde and I never got serious, but she was sending me signals… “Apologies. I am Celestia’s twin sister; Princess Luna. I bear the Dark Soul. Or, at least the majority of it, considering Undead still exist.” Luna stated as she casually reached over to me, snagging my coffee and tasting it, before chugging it in a few gulps. “I can see that,” I said with a smile. “I’m Undead myself but have a far different soul,” I replied as I looked over her body a bit. She was every bit as delicious as Celestia, perhaps a bit more muscular though if her arms having more definition meant anything. “Yes. You have sparked my interest. You have nearly no connection to my Soul. Rather, your Curse seems quite unique. New.” Luna snatched a brownie from a nearby table and nommed on it with a pleased hum, grabbing the rest of the plate. “I know. I’ve played several of the games, even Bloodborne.” I idly commented as the images of adventures I had in the games came to mind. “Quite interesting.” I blinked, realizing a window of scattered scenes from the games played over the street-facing window of the Starbucks. The battles in Lordran, Drangleic, Lothric, and finally Yharnam, the city of blood, of lies, of Madness. “It would seem that, even if indirectly, your experiences have prepared you for your role,” Luna stated, finishing the brownies and grabbing a nearby plate of cookies. “That last one, however, is quite unsettling.” “You like sweets?” I questioned, trying not to think too much about Lovecraft when I’m in the dream realm. Besides, she’d been snacking the whole time. “As much as my sister does. But unlike her, I keep myself fit. Also unlike her, I can cheat in the dream realm all I want.” Luna cheekily stated, nomming on one of those oversized cookies with an absolutely adorable expression as crumbs and chocolate stuck to her lips and her eyes closed. “Mm~. Now then, about that last series of images?” I sighed at Luna’s insistence at staying on subject. “Yeah, Yharnam, from Bloodborne. It was a dark game. I got all three endings.” I sighed. “My favorite ending was the one where you became a New God. I actually did that one on accident for my first run.” Those images played over the window, and Luna hummed as she looked curiously at me. “I don’t think that’ll happen here though. It seems to be purely Dark Souls here, besides CoC-.” At my words, Luna blushed, her wings pomfed out so hard they destroyed every chair and table and vanished all the frozen people in the place from the gust of wind they made. “O-oh my! Th-that is quite depraved and...naughty.” Luna stated as she bit her lip. “Hm?” I asked as she rubbed her thighs together. “Wait...are you reading my mind?!” Oh no! She knows all my CoC runs! All the kinky, twisted, disgusting things I’ve fapped to! Luna grunted, looked at me hungrily, and then we were suddenly in a lavish dark royal room. “W-what’re you-?!” She hefted me out of the chair, which vanished, and tossed me onto the bed before tearing her dress in half, revealing she was ripped like an amazon warrior! “You. Disgusting. Pathetic. Absolutely wretched pervert!” She stormed to the bed, and I crawled back fearfully as she crawled over me, like a predator about to pounce. “You’re my kind of twisted kinky pervert!” Luna declared, reaching towards me, only for a loud buzzing noise to stop her. “Oh, no fair!” “Huh?” I asked in confusion with my metaphorical heart still pounding in my massive fluffy ears. Luna then suddenly placed a kiss on my collar, turning it black with sword-crossed crescent moons instead of the Way of White Corona. “When we meet in the real world, I will ravish you, fill you, and be filled by you. Be prepared to take my godly seed and bare my pups, you delicious deviant.” She said with authority before I woke up. “Huh?!” I yelped, scaring my pups as I found my collar changed like in the dream, and handprints were on my fur before they vanished. I was just nearly literally mind-fuck raped in my sleep from halfway across the country. Holy fuck is that hot! “I should avoid Canterlot as much as possible now,” I said, not wanting to get pregnant again so soon. Or worse, turned into her sex slave. I don’t think even Celestia would intervene with her sister, even if it meant I would be Luna’s baby factory for all eternity...oh GOD that sounds so HOT though... “Wakey, wakey~! Time for a new day. Cocoa will see to pups.” Cocoa declared as she entered, and quickly began nuzzling the whining darlings, who quickly warmed up to her attention. “Yes, Thank you. I need to get to work fast.” I said before I kissed Cocoa on the brow and patted her head, which made her tail wag like lightning before I left the house in the nude. “Grab armor, sword, convince Svartr to stop fucking Harmonia and holy shit they’re still at it? Anyway, find cave, destroy factory, then find a map to the Fortress or castle of demons and kill the bastards.” Sooner this is done, the sooner I can retire to being my Mistress’s plaything...wait. “Oh no~!”   I tried to yank off the collar, but it shrunk and clamped onto my neck, just barely avoiding choking me. The more I tried to pull it off, the more I felt like getting on my hands and knees, and just letting my Mistress play with me. I wanted to be patted on the head and told I was such a good girl. “Why won’t this wonderful collar get off!” I whined as I was urged to finish my quest as fast as possible if only to be able to please my Mistress. “No~...I’m a Slave…” I sniffled and stopped trying to pull off the collar, crying a little as I moved towards my house, entering to find Daring still fast asleep, splayed out on the bed and snoring like a boat engine. I feebly put on a fresh pair of trouser pants and a shirt, grabbed my sword, and went out to confront Svartr still fucking Harmonia. They’d been at it so long she looked full-term with triplets from her ghost goo. “Svartr. We have work to do.” “Y-yes love! Just one last...unf!” Harmonia swelled slightly bigger, and the symbiotic ghost armor detached from her like liquid, slithered to me like a symbiote without a host, and then formed over me just as easily. “Ah~! Thank you dearly Harmonia. Now I can adventure with my beloved Willow without being overwhelmed with the desire to breed her.” Svartr said with my own voice rather than Harmonia’s once she was on me, and the doe groaned tiredly before rolling into her trunk. “Swell. Let’s get a move on, I have a possible target, and the sooner this quest is done, the sooner I can kneel at my Mistress’s hooves and eat her out on her throne.” I strode towards the cave mouth but was held fast by Svartr. “Oh no. No Goddess is going to Enslave MY lover! I may just be a Godkin, but I am not going to stand for my beloved to be some self-important god’s plaything! I invoke the Pact!” At Svartr’s words, the world seemed to still, blue phantoms rose from around us and raised weapons to our neck. “Justiciars of the Moon. Is your Mistress in her right to enslave my love?” “What the Night wishes, she obtains. If the woman wishes not to be our lady’s slave, then she will not be.” They declared, sheathed their weapons, and vanished, leaving me freaked out and Svartr saddened. “Do you wish to be her slave Willow?” Svartr asked with sadness in our voice. “No...not...no. I would like to have a choice.” I whined as we walked. “She kinda shoved this onto me.” But it is really, really hot that she just suddenly decided she liked me for my kinks. That’s one relationship opener there. Shared fetishes tends to breed a long-lasting and healthy sexual relationship at the least. “But I wouldn’t mind it in the bedroom. Outside it though, I’d want my own life.” “Fair enough Willow, I too enjoy being Dominated at times. Now, let us go forth, conquer, and slaughter in the name of the Light!” Svartr held up our puny sword, and then looked at it. “Are you serious? This tiny thing isn’t enough to pick the teeth of a Taurus Demon!” “I’ll have ye know, it is of fine quality!” Andre declared defensively, and Svartr rolled our eyes. “There is no question of that master smith. But if we are to fight demons, we need a weapon that can cleave them in twain.” Svartr huffed. “Oh well. I’ve slain demons with a boot knife in a tight situation. I’m sure I can manage.” “I can barely lift a hundred pounds…” I meekly admitted, and Svartr paused, then stormed us over to the Lordvessel. “What now?” “Dump ALL of your Souls into Strength. Now!” Svartr demanded. “I refuse to let you fight until you can swing an axe without having to waste precious seconds recovering!” “Okay!” I yelped as I sat at the blue bonfire, attuned to it, and began dumping all of my admittedly impressive available soul energy, valued at 73,497, into Strength, going all the way up to 40. After calculating, I had just barely enough and it cost me, 69,162 souls! That left me with 4335 souls, but I needed 6,273 to level up again, meanwhile, I had ten levels on everything else. Damn, I hate being Deprived. Confirming the expenditure, I was suddenly snapped out of my magic menu and gasped as I burst out of Svartr and my clothes, growing in every direction. I groaned as I felt my muscles bulge, my bones creaking as they grew to match my physique, and I panted as I felt like I was burning up. After it was over, I was now a busty I-cup and trickling milk from arousal, but I barely noticed the weight of them. “Holy shit…” I stood, examining myself. I looked like a more athletic participant in the Miss Universe contest. I was ripped now! I think I also got taller for some reason. “Is it normal for Undead to get taller when they boost their Strength?” “Yes, dear. Undead may be able to pack impossible Strength into a small package, but as you grow stronger, your body will have to reflect it.” The Handmaiden stated as I examined myself with my roaming hands. Hot damn. My bubbled ass was so tight, I think I can crack walnuts with it. My six-pack was as hard as a washboard. My thighs thicc, but so hard under the thin layer of sexy fat that I bet I could smash a watermelon between my thighs. Thankfully my arms weren’t oversized and gross like some bodybuilders go too far to do, but I could still seriously flex. All that said I was just shy of being bricc instead of thicc, I wasn’t that muscular. All said, I’ve gone from a short stack 4-foot 9-inch runt to a slightly taller 5-foot 4-inch athlete. “This is nice!” I chuckled, but then bit my lip. I still had 4335 souls...I sat back down, attuned as Svartr groaned and brought herself back together, and looked at the body customization screen. Remembering something Daring said, I licked my lips, and paid the souls for the option. It didn’t exactly do anything visible to me, but that was the point. “Can’t wait to show her!” I stood back up and Svartr latched back onto me. “Damn, forgot that Undead change from their attributes,” Svartr said with my voice as she ran our hands over our amazing bod. “Yes~. This is the power! Let us go and smite the demons! I’ll use a log as a hammer if I must!” Svartr declared as she formed her proper armor body over me, giving my tight ass and my huge I-cup tits an affectionate squeeze. Walking out of the cave, we found a table covered in the set of what looked like Elite Knight Armor, I’m guessing from Twilight. “Extra armor?” I questioned curiously. “Hmph! I’m insulted you think I would not be adequate protection! However, my new malleable form is perhaps less rigid than I would like.” Svartr grumbled, before latching onto the armor with tendrils and I yelped as she yanked it on me, pulling it tight, forcibly squeezing it into shape if it didn’t fit. Svartr even scoffed and put on the blue surcoat, but tore out a window for my cleavage. “Considering this new strange bosom-based storage magic, covering it up is foolish.” “Oh my gosh…” I felt badass with Svartr on, but now I feel even more awesome! She has made the already well-made suit of armor fit me like a glove. I can feel that with Svartr taking the place of the underlayer of padding, I’d be better off with using her as my gambeson than using her as straight-up armor. “Now not only am I hot.” Svartr pulled the helmet on my head, closing the visor which limited my vision somewhat, but not too much. “I’m cool!” I raised my sword. “Put the toy away, we’re grabbing a log on the way,” Svartr stated and I whined as she shoved the sword into my tits and it vanished. We then headed north, casually ripping a huge freshly fallen log out of the mud on the way to the suspected cave system. Remembering the map, I followed the creek near the cave to the main river, then crossed the river by simply walking along the bottom due to our combined weight. I don’t need to breathe, and obviously as a ghost/armor/symbiote, neither does Svartr. Wait, then WHY does falling into water in the Dark Souls games count as instant death?! Lazy developers… My angst aside, we crossed the river easily, and then I followed the riverbank until I smelled the pungent and signature musk of cum. “Yeah. Definitely around here somewhere.” I followed the river a bit more and waved my free hand in front of my snout at the awful rancid rank of stale sexual fluids that was running in a thin stream through the underbrush and into the river, quickly diluting into it. “They’re pretty smart. Using the thick brush to hide it from the sky.” “But not smart enough.” Svartr purred, the dangerous lilt to my own voice sent a thrill down my spine, and I felt us practically saunter with our wide hips swaying in anticipation of the slaughter. “To battle. To blood. To glory.” Svartr was working us up, she was making our shared body pant with excitement and we began jogging through the brush. “Kill. Kill! KILL! KILL! KILL!” We broke through the foliage, revealing the entrance to the cave. It was an unassuming thing, with several pipes leading down into it, all gushing various tainted sexual fluids. I wouldn’t be able to block them all in a reasonable time however, there were too many. The cave itself aside, there was a wooden platform standing below the canopy with a group of imps manning some sort of gun emplacement. I rushed them as they scrambled to open fire and slammed the log into the nearest support strut for the platform. I laughed maniacally as my oversized club snapped the flimsy support like the twig it really was and backed away as the little red demons fell to the ground. “Pathetic curs!” Svartr snarled with glee as we quickly squashed the winged little runts with our large club before they could get up out of the Corrupted mud. They may be weak, but the souls told me they were fairly strong compared to the runts that ran when I captured Cocoa only to die from the beasts of the forest. The pathetic excuses for guards dealt with, I neared the cave mouth, only to frown, look at my bloodstained club, and realize I wouldn’t have nearly enough room to use it indoors. “Damn, I suppose we’ll have to use the toothpick after all.” Svartr snarled as she raised the enormous club over my huge tits, and I watched with some amusement at the Corruptly lubed former tree slipping down my cleavage into my storage with ease, and then we pulled the sword back out. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re compensating for something Svartr~.” I lilted, feeling horny already. Just that little bit of Corrupt essence from the river and now from the mud was getting me hot. I hope the new expanding balls trait I took for Daring doesn’t kick in as easily as my expanding boobs trait. “When you have to fight a beast four-stories tall, you tell me this puny little toy is enough,” Svartr growled, shaking the sword as we entered the cave proper. It wasn’t lit in here at all, likely to help it stay hidden. After following the hoses, mostly by keeping a hand on the pulsing things, we eventually left the dark and into a somewhat well-lit massive underground cavern. In the center, loudly chugging away, was the boxy building that just had the be the Factory. “That place is indeed a sizable fortress, but where are the outer walls? Towers?” “Factories aren’t forts or castles Svartr. They’re more civilian than that.” I commented, following the lit stairway down into the cavern, keeping my eyes and ears out for demons even as my loins ached and I just wanted to fuck. “H-hey. Svartr? Can you, um, fuck me gently?” “Pardon? Did I not just rail a goddess for nearly an entire day and night to avoid breeding you?” Svartr replied in bewilderment, and I weakly chuckled. “Um, yes. But I’m getting worked up by this Corruption we’re surrounded by, and I could use a quickie. Just don’t cum inside my vagina.” At Svartr’s grunt of annoyance, I then squealed in joy as her dicks plowed into my pussy and ass. By Luna is this a partnership made in the heavens! > Ch.11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.11 I grunted as I blocked a punch from a manic male lizard wolf hybrid demon. The bastard had taken a dozen hits by this point, blood pouring from wounds all over his surprisingly durable arms from blocking my toothpick of a sword. After Svartr sated my Lust with a quickie and she made sure to only cum in my ass, we had quickly decimated the outer defenses of the factory with our monstrous club. But once we got inside, it was clear the building was made as compact as possible, forcing us to use the short arming sword Andre made us. Damn it all, Svartr was right! The halls of this maze-like building were too small to use the club, but they were full of these guys. My armor was covered in corrupted blood from the waves of imps, I had guts hanging off my arm and blood dripping from my form as I hacked at the demon brute blocking the end of the hall and swinging rapidly at me with its claws. Meanwhile, I just had my tiny blade, trying to kill it. “Will you just die already?!” I roared as my blade clanged against its bloodied armored hide. The lizard/wolf hybrid just chuckled at me as it backed off. It was built lanky and had a skeletal tail, three eyes, and a small burning orb over its head that shot fireballs every time it roared at me. For the most part, the beast was bleeding out, turned on, and keeping me from advancing into the main factory beyond, the demon not seeming disturbed by the fact that I killed so many of its allies. The fact it seemed turned on by the fact, that just made me sick as pre leaked from its foot-long bumpy canine cock. “What kind of sick fuck are you?!” I snarled, reaching into my chest which obviously excited it more before I pulled out my pistol. This made it pause in shock as I took aim at its head. It tried to roar and launch another fireball at me, but I just shot it twice in the head and it finally dropped. I huffed and got my unnecessary breath back as I reloaded the magazine. “Why did you not do that at the start? Having a crossbow in the offhand is better than being disarmed.” Svartr asked as I gathered myself. “Limited ammo,” I explained as I kept the pistol out. “Last clip too. Now we just need to deal with…” I stopped dead once I pushed open the double doors and entered what looked to be one of the main ‘production’ floors. I looked around in pure arousal, seeing several dozen clearly Corrupted people of mixed genders and species hooked up to torturous milking/fucking machines. Most of the girls had tits bigger than their bodies being pumped for milk as automated dildo machines fucked them. Men with log-sized cocks coming from their groins with balls similarly sized to the women’s tits groaned mindlessly alongside their female compatriots as they endlessly came into a larger single milker. Lastly, the herms, they had both conditions and were completely insensate. “Dear Gods…” Svartr uttered, my voice tinged with disgust. “This is too far.” “This is too hot.” I rebutted, drooling, really wanting to give the herm milkers a go, but knowing to do so would seal my fate. I continued to look around, soon seeing a skimpy dressed blue heifer minotaur Omnibus and a squad of bull demons in full plate armor. They were all a daunting 9 feet tall and guarding a big door in the back label ‘portal room, authorized personnel only.’ They didn’t notice me yet as I spotted them from a higher floor of the room and quickly crouched down to try and creep closer. “...You’ll get to impregnate one of the cows soon enough, but you know that just makes them irritable rather than dumbly pliant.” Huffed the omnibus at one of the plate-armored guards, who grunted and rubbed his codpiece. As I crept closer on the thankfully solid catwalk, my boots muffled by Svartr coating them with her more flexible body, I saw heavy doors with a sign that indicated it was an armory. Through the small windows in the doors, I could see advanced weapons that shone a rainbow of colors within. “Now that’s enough grumbling. I know the Factory isn’t an illustrious position, but it is important. Now report to your posts. The previous shift has already gone home.” The omnibus announced, and the six armored bulls snorted in acceptance and spread out on the floor below as the omnibus went towards a side door, mumbling about stress relief. Shit. Those are big, beefy, pun-intended dudes. I don’t know if even with my newfound Strength if I can try to fight them right now, not even mentioning my lack of weaponry. I eyed the armory, it was on the same floor as me. I calmed myself and carefully and quietly crept along, ducking behind the catwalk and hugging the wall so they wouldn’t be likely to see me. “W-wait! No!” Hearing the distressed voice, I shot my eyes over to see one of the bulls, ignoring his superior’s orders, had gone over to one of the women, a griffin if I had to guess from the eagle head and lion body. “P-please! I-I’ll make more milk! Please don’t-AH~!” She screamed as the massive bull rammed his two-foot-long dick into her vagina, her whole abdomen distending from him stretching out her impossibly resilient belly. “Plea-he-he-hease~!” She broke down in hysterical sobbing, causing both I and Svartr to snarl and see red. I stood, aimed for the back of his head, and fired three times. The first shot ricocheted, hitting a herm’s milker and causing it to start spraying her milk and cum everywhere. The second punched through, and the third followed it into the rapist’s skull. “INTRUDER!” One of the other bulls roared as their compatriot collapsed to the side, his victim gasping as he fell out of her cunt. Great! My angry has caused me to have five burly bulls coming to kill me. I guess I had some sort of sneak-attack bonus on that first one because when I fired at the now-dead bull’s friends the tiny bullets of the pistol pinged off their steel armor harmlessly. Thankfully I got one in the eye. But that still left me without any more bullets, and four very pissed monstrous demons charging at me on the catwalk, which groaned from our combined weight. Taking the chance, I stuffed the empty pistol back into my cleavage, and jumped down to the ground floor, enraging my pursuers further and lamenting that with the number of prisoners trapped here, I wouldn’t be able to swing my club around here either, and there was no way my sword could hurt those monsters. Trying to figure things out, I barely had time to react to one of them jumping down at me, trying to cleave through me from above with his massive axe. I dodged and retreated away from the innocents at risk, but it backed me into the corner. “Fucking hell!” I huffed in my little corner knowing I really couldn’t kill these things even with Svartr helping me. “I need help.” “We don’t need it!” Svartr told me. “There’s no chance we can save all of these people, let me take out our club and go head-to-head with them!” I looked around at the terrified and screaming immobile and defenseless people. I couldn’t endanger them more, I had to at least retreat, try to… Armory. Duh. I dodged around the bull, sprinting with my Undead Stamina and allowing me to keep a constant jog between quick recovery periods as I dodged the enraged 9-foot tall armored walls of death. I jumped towards the catwalk, my long tail arms reaching out, and awkwardly yanking me ass-first out of a swing from the nearest demon. My boots clanked on the catwalk and I took off running for the armory. I was thankful the important room wasn’t locked for some reason, but I yelped as one of the demons jumped at the catwalk, and smashed his huge axe clean through the suspended platform, launching me into the room of weapons even as I lost one of my precious tails, blood briefly gushing from the stump before it simply stopped. It didn’t even hurt much. “Thanks, Svartr.” I groaned from the run and throb of my tail as I slammed the door to the Armory shut, but it was quickly chopped into, getting me to jump away with another yip of fear. In my backpedal, I knocked into a rack of pistols. Several of them fell off and a few even just fell right into the cleavage of my bowling-ball tits. I grabbed one that had a rotating double barrel or something just before it would’ve fallen into my boobs, and I felt a familiar sensation to when I first met Daring. “C’mon man, just talk into it...don’t be a-fine! Ahem. I’m Jack, Wilhelm’s not talking. We’re guns-for-hire. Need something done? Give us a call, be sure to pay us though.” A crystal clear man’s voice echoed in my head, and I cringed as another axe strike dented in the doors. “Yeah, I could use a ton of help. I’m kinda swinging well above my weight class right now. I, um, I have some powerful friends who might be able to pay you if you want something besides sexual favors or...something?” At my question, the gun suddenly floated out of my grasp, aimed for a wall, and started rapidly firing a circle into it without needing to reload. Once it was done, the circle became pitch black, and I screamed as out floated a nearly desiccated pale yellow stallion with sickly featherless wings and his horn was cracked along its impressive length. His face was horribly scarred by a brand covering half his face and over his left eye that looked like an upside-down V, the ruined eye was a glowing blue cybernetic. His bone-thin limbs were supported by delicate-looking robotic braces from his back, and the harness on his chest was clearly a respirator like Darth Vader, he even had a mask covering his muzzle as the mechanical breathing hissed. “What? Handsome Jack not handsome enough for you?” The stallion’s distorted Vader-like voice chuckled as he winked at me despite my visible disgust with his state. At least he wore tight skinny jeans and a vest and shirt to be decent. “I know I’m on life support, but c’mon, I’ve been a lady-killer for years.” He then made cheesy gun-hands at me, clicking his tongue, which sounded all sorts of weird through his respirator. “Well, I have demons at the door.” I uneasily told him as I started getting up off the floor, and the door dented in with another axe strike, getting me to flinch, but ‘Jack’ wasn’t even fazed. “Uh, literally. Also, I’m sure I could help you with some Vitality Tincture if I found some.” “Hm? Muscleheads giving a hot babe like you trouble? No problem just give me...say...the contents of this armory, and I’ll stick with you for a while.” Jack gestured, and I noticed his hooves hadn’t touched the floor once, even with those featherless wings remaining disturbingly still on his back. “I could make a fair bit selling some of these museum pieces to collectors.” “Sure. It’s the demon’s not mine.” I agreed before a BFG from the top shelf fell into my boobs from another impact on the door, making Jack blink in surprise before he stuck his head in, all the way in. I thought only inanimate objects could go in there! “HEY!” “That is an interesting use of natural magic.” Jack pulled his head out. “I’d like to study it a bit before I go. Most people in my dimension just use Echo storage, almost nobody knows how to use magic storage these days. As for it not being yours; all the better! Loot is loot.” Jack’s horn shone the same green as his right organic eye, and suddenly everything that wasn’t nailed down flew at him at high speed and vanished in a blue pixelated flash on contact with him. “Payment received.” The door smashed in, and I squealed, bracing for impact since it’d flown off the hinges, but it stopped dead in Jack’s magic, and his blue cybernetic eye turned red. “If you’re a squeamish babe, stay in here.” He teleported outside and fell below. Shortly, I heard bellowing. I was about to rush out, only to hear horrified screams from the whole room, both from the captives and the demons, and just as quickly, it was over. “Sorry folks. I don’t like it when ladies are in danger.” I nervously edged closer to the door as massive amounts of souls poured into me from the deaths of the demons. I looked out and nearly vomited at the gory splashes of meat and blood smeared against the floors and walls where I suspect the demons had been. “What horrible phantom have you summoned Willow?” Svartr asked with fear in my voice, and I had to swallow my spit. “I...a good one?” I questioned as Jack’s horn flashed, and suddenly every machine hooked to the victims shut off with a spark of electricity. I was disturbed that more than a few sounded disappointed. “So...Jack. Um...who are you?” “I’m Jack. Handsome Jack. Well, I used to be handsome. Then an ancient sconce of knowledge literally branded itself into my soul and forced me to ascend into an alicorn. That about covers the relevant information.” Jack looked around, eyes pausing on the door labeled ‘portal room’ “I’m gonna disable that so no reinforcements show up.” “Yes, I don’t think I’m powerful enough to deal with that yet.” I nodded in agreement with him. If I can’t even handle a few minotaurs, I’m nowhere near ready to deal with their elites. “Oh please, you’re plenty powerful enough, just not fast or durable enough.” Svartr scoffed, to which I mentally agreed. I just need to ‘git gud’. Walking around a bit I did spot ‘Alchemy supplies’ and looked them over finding many of the products I would need to have if I wanted to increase things...though I wasn’t touching them as well, Corruption. Oh hey, Vitality Tincture! “Hey Jack, try this!” “Hm?” Jack caught the vial of red I tossed at him. “Sure, it’ll have to be later when I don’t need my respirator on. Oh, and nice ghost companion you have there.” Jack idly commented, floating towards the portal room, ripping the doors off their hinges without even flicking his horn, and he entered. Shortly, a loud yet muted boom came from the room, and the acrid tang of stale musk filled the enormous room even more. “Done. Interesting combination of Dark and Lust magic in that one.” “Hm, thank you.” I sighed in relief before a pipe burst over us due to whatever damage he did and it began spraying it’s Corrupted fluids on everything in the room. “Oh shit! Jack! This isn’t just some torture place, it’s a-!” “Harvesting operation for infectious mutagenic Lust magic. Talk about an STD.” Jack chuckled as if getting Corrupted wasn’t much of a big deal. I was to me! I mean, I can feel my new expanding balls squeezing into Svartr just from my rising Lust. “I’ll just add it to my long list of ailments and move on.” “Huh?” I questioned as I tried getting myself to calm down. Kinda hard when you have a mixture of semen and breast milk pooling in your huge tits and soaking you. “I’ve got nearly bleached genes. In layman's terms, it means I’m nearly immune to mutation or degradation. This also isn’t my first bukkake party. So, what do we do from here?” Jack asked as his horn flashed, and the burst pipe suddenly was capped, moved back into place, and forcibly fused back together. “It also means I’m fucked. My body has a long road to recovery.” “Oh. Good. I guess.” At least his body is immune, well besides the boner growing down the left leg of his jeans, but if what he said was true, at most him getting aroused is the limit. “I’m not though. I’m actually really~ weak to it.” I tried and failed not to look at the enormous array of very fuckable women, men, and herms in the room. All very immobile, and unable to resist. “Got nothing. Sorry.” Jack shrugged. “So, before you go into a fuckfest and leave me to do all the work, let’s get moving. Which way?” “Upstairs, to the offices.” I groaned as I jumped down from the armory door, and started moving. I grabbed a bull demon axe and hefted it onto my shoulders with ease like it weighed nothing. “Big enough for you Svartr?” “Never!” Svartr purred, tapping our shoulders with the enormous mass of metal. “Okay, can we please get the cum out of our tits? It’s splashing.” At her question, I immediately leaned my head down to my cleavage, and slurped up the cum/milk mixture, taking loud content gulps and moans. “Ah~...not exactly what I meant.” My tits surged in size to J-cups and multiple stripes of new fur appeared on my huge tits, and we cooed. I must look like a tie-dye job by now. “Best I could do.” I said insincerely with a lick of my lips before we heard moans from the Office as we got close it. Not feeling any patience, not with my growing tits, balls, and need for a fuck, I kicked in the door, which sent it flying. The source of the moaning cried out in pain, and we entered to find the blue heifer unconscious, having taken the door right to the snoz. Without hesitation, I approached her, grabbed her horns, and snapped her neck, flooding me with a positively huge amount of soul energy. “Done.” “Wow. Talk about ruthless. My pal Wilhelm would like you.” Jack commented as he rounded the desk, looking under it to see a whimpering young and very busty bulldog diamond dog. “They’re corrupting the world.” I snarled as I walked around looking for any controls or anything. “Turning more people into...into...ah~!” I cried, my armor bursting open as my tits surged into the beach balls I had when fucking Daring, my tentacles following suit as a mast of doggy cock peeked up through my cleavage towards my panting lips, and I instantly moved to lick it. “Into me. Into those people out there…” I immediately crammed as much of my own dick into my gob as I could, sucking hungrily as my assets filled and grew. “Well shit. Need me to get someone?” Jack offered helpfully, oddly unsurprised. “Mmph...south. River. Creek. Cave.” I managed to get out, squeezing my multicolored tits together and giving myself a boobjob along with my blowjob. Soon, all I cared about was my cock, my tits, and my building orgasm as my balls lifted me off the floor… > Ch.12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.12 I jolted as a sensation of wrongness overcame me, and I blinked as I stopped sucking the tasty cock in my mouth. It wasn’t until I popped my lips off that I realized it was my own massive two-foot-long dick, sandwiched between tits the size of boulders and I was sitting on balls about as big. I was also covered in cum, the room was practically coated in it. “Wha?” I looked to my side and saw a teary-eyed Daring holding up a Purging Stone. “Daring?” “It took five. What took one for anyone downstairs, it took five to snap you out of it.” Daring declared, and I had to blink. I must’ve been really Corrupt then. Practically a full-fledged demon. “Huh? How’d you get the soul energy for the Handmaid to make them?” Because I thought only I was the source of soul energy around here. “That would be me.” Stated Jack as he hovered into the room. “Soul magic is simple. I’ve got a bachelor’s degree in Dark Magic, so I know my way around a soul. Siphoning its energy is trivial. As for where it came from, you can thank those ancient undead plants called Timberwolves.” “Thanks, Jack. Hey, Daring, are you okay?” I asked my teary mate, worried about how upset she was. I’ve never seen her this distressed. “Idiot. That’s my line.” She flew up to me, actually having to fly since I was atop four gigantic orbs, and kissed me. We spent a long moment enjoying the contact before she broke it off. “Well...you got bigger balls at least.” Daring chuckled mirthlessly, and I wilted. “I, uh...I actually got the body trait to make them grow for you…” I admitted, and Daring cooed. “Aw, that’s so sweet. But you really shouldn’t do things that risk your life and health, not even for me.” Daring declared, and I just noticed she was laying atop my left breast just to be eye-level with me. Oh, gods I have tits huge enough to lay on! Balls too! Unf! If only I could actually move, I’d be fucking someone right about now! I paused at Daring pressing another stone to my forehead, but nothing happened. “Right, you’re already a pervert.” “Damn straight.” I looked down at myself and flushed. “Uh...even if there’s a huge stash of Reducto here, I need to, um...offload all this fluid.” “You’ve been sucking yourself off for upwards of an hour, coated this whole office, and you still haven’t shrunk?” Jack questioned, then huffed. “Whatever, I may owe you for the armory still, but I’m about done with this nonsense for now. What is your name?” “Um...Willow.” I can’t believe I forgot to tell him my name, then again my first response on sight of him was to scream in terror and fall on my ass. “...Wow, I’ve heard of unfitting names before, but wow.” I flushed at that. It used to fit damn it! It’s not entirely my fault I went from petite and waifish to a fucking dummy-thicc sexy bitch! “I need you to say; Jack, Our Contract is Complete.” “Okay, Jack our Contract is Complete,” I said grumpily, not liking my situation all that much but hey, CoCs. It is still hot, even if it is unpleasant. “Later. Feel free to call me again.” Jack declared as a ring of bullet markings appeared on the nearest wall, and he floated through the resulting portal of pure darkness before the bullet holes vanished, and the gun that first made the portal materialized and fell to the ground from the portal. “Okay, now to get this all out.” I groaned as I wriggled atop my four monstrous mounds, the wobbling and sloshing alone almost sending me into a weak orgasm. “Without drinking it back up.” “I think that only worked out like this because it was Corrupted. Now it isn’t, so don’t worry about giving me a show.” Daring winked as she nestled into my gigantic cleavage, her legs spread and groin facing the tip of my enormous cock. She even bit her lip, squeezed a breast, and moved her fingers into her red pants “Now c’mon, get going!” “Ah, really?” I said with a grin before starting. I licked the pointed glans of my dick. I then humped as best I could to make it easier to reach and sucked it into my maw. “Hm~.” I hummed, sucking and licking and humping. Soon, Daring’s hands were rubbing my scalp as I fellated myself. I was already gushing pre like a normal male’s entire orgasm and drank the salty nectar hungrily. However, the moment I did, my balls immediately started swelling, and I popped off, panting. “D-Daring. I think I may have, unf, gotten a trait from one of the captives.” “Shit. There were a couple of tanuki down there. Their balls fill with more cum when they consume semen. I guess we’ll have to find another way~.” Daring literally tore her pants open, shifted forward, and shoved herself down onto my cock, and we both cried out as her legs disappeared into my tits, but her hips, ass, and pussy remained, freaking me out. “Don’t worry Willow. I’m not about to become an amputee.” “P-people can-oh~!” I moaned as Daring wriggled and rode down further onto me. I could see my enormous cock deforming her abdomen, stretching her out as her eyes glazed and she pulled closer, pressing her distending underbelly to my snout. “Yeah...fucking look at that. You’re utterly wrecking my cunt and you’re not even trying.” Daring lovingly breathed, and then shoved herself further down, and I began licking and kissing the cock outline on her belly even as it was busy being worshiped by her tight, undulating snatch. “Yes~! I’ve always wanted a lover with a cock so big it would destroy me~!” Daring declared, trying to shove herself on me even more, but her limited mortal body wasn’t having it. “D-Daring! Gonna-!” I jerked, the hair-trigger orgasm that was just waiting, erupted into Daring so hard, her belly bulged, then swelled, then filled, then grew. All the synonyms of her being filled up like a fucking water balloon on my cum. “Oh~, that was amazing.” I huffed in the afterglow, but like before, I was still going, filling the blissfully fucked-out mare more. “D-Daring? I’m letting it out. You can get off now” “Moar~...” Daring drunkenly demanded, rubbing her swelling dome, already full enough to look pregnant with twins. “I wanna be your condom~...” “Wait, what if you get hurt!” I cried out and tried to push her off with my hands on her hips, but she used her wings to pin herself against my breasts and keep me inside of her. “Fuckin’ pop me big girl~...” Daring slurred, humping my dick as she reached triplets range, her belly groaning against my face. “Tie me up and toss me away~...” “NO Daring!” I cried out in a panic, still trying to get her off of me. She was reaching quadruplets size, and sinking more on my gushing penis. “I love you! I don’t want you to die!” “Love you too babe…” Daring closed her eyes and sank into my tits entirely. She vanished, but I still felt her speared on my dick, her pussy pulling on me and drinking my cum. “Daring! No!” I cried, my breathing getting haggard in panic as I tried reaching into my tits to reach daring. “Svartr! Help Daring!” At my plea, the tattered black mass that was scattered around the room and my body pooled into my tits and vanished. I waited, hoping to feel Daring pulled off of me or something. “GAH~!” I jerked, and a fresh orgasm exploded from me, filling Daring faster as whatever Svartr did, it had the opposite effect, pulling Daring somehow further onto my cock. “NO~!” I pleaded, crying as my balls slowly deflated. In my tit-space, I still felt Daring milking my shaft somehow, her pussy devouring more and more of me. Eventually, her belly crested out of my still utterly massive cleavage, sounding just as fucked-out as before she vanished with slurred groans and pleas for ‘moar’. “Daring?” I hiccuped as she crested my tits, and I gaped as the reason became apparent. She was pressing my tits apart, her body a complete sphere coated in Svartr’s black as she still fucked my shaft with her endlessly hungry snatch. She was easily double the size of my tits, which made some twisted logic considering my balls were the same size as said tits until now. Speaking of which, her own tits were filling with my cum somehow, swelling outwards towards the ceiling. “Is she okay?!” I demanded in concern as I gushed into her still, my balls only down to the size of beach balls and the sight of her getting off on me cumming into her despite the situation was egging me on. “Define okay. She’s basically turned into a living condom. She was fine before I bothered wrapping her up just in case. Some sort of magic is involved here.” Svartr said with Daring’s voice. “She isn’t going to pop?” I whined as I gushed gallons of seed, unable to stop with my lover’s incredible quim gobbling my shaft. “Not a chance. I’ve never seen such magic, but it is quite thorough.” Svartr replied, peeling off of Daring to reveal her sandy fur and skin was shiny and nearly transparent, but she wasn’t creaking or making other distressing noises beyond wordless groans of pleasure. “She was a tomb raiding archeologist. Maybe she’s cursed?” I questioned as Daring’s boobs began to reach the ceiling as her cunt sucked on me so hard she pulled my enormous football-sized knot into herself, sealing us together. I groaned as my balls reached reasonable levels before I was getting sucked dry. Then it started to hurt. “Ah! Stop sucking, it’s hurting now! Daring you’re hurting me!” I wiggled, trying to get away, and suddenly, I felt my breasts shrinking, and Daring kept growing. “Daring?!” “MOAR~!” Daring moaned, and my tits rapidly shrank as Daring swelled even bigger, her own tits quickly eclipsing my own, pressing into the ceiling and spraying milk into the half of the room where her head and tits were. “Hungry! Want babies!” “It hurts!” I cried in pain as milk somehow gushed from my cock. “Svartr, get help!” I pleaded, my tits already back down to beach-balls and shrinking. My symbiote partner quickly fled, and I whined in agony as my body was violated beyond even magical imagination. Soon I was back to J-cups. I, H, G, F, E, D, C! B?! A?! My tits are gone?! “Daring stop!” I pleaded, and soon, other parts of me began shrinking. My arms were sinking in, my legs, I felt my head going as Daring was literally consuming me. “PLEASE! I DON’T WANNA-!” Before I could plead for my life, everything went dark. (<3) I gasped and awoke at the Lordvessel. I panted, grabbing my D-cup breasts and fondling my apple-sized balls and 9-inch dick. Did...did that just happen? Did Daring just absorb me through my cock?! I whined as I grabbed myself, feeling ill as the others noticed I was up. Cocoa was the first to come over as Daring entered the mouth of the Cavern looking hungry. “More...more...more…” Daring licked her lips. She looked starved, her body thin, her curves gone. “Need more. Gonna die...need more…” “Daring?” Twilight asked as the tan mare beelined right for me and I whimpered. “Where did you go? Svartr came to get us and-.” Daring turned to Twilight, grabbed her, and kissed her full on the mouth. The mare squealed in surprise and tried to pull away, but quickly found herself unable to get free. Then Daring started swallowing, and Twilight went limp, shrinking, turning into fluid and flowing down Daring’s gullet without a chance to resist much to everyone’s horror. “More.” Daring’s eyes were empty darkness and she grabbed Cocoa as the dog tried running. Daring ate her with her snatch by shoving her into it face-first. I whined as Daring grabbed me and shoved me into her snatch too as she somehow used vantablack magic to drag Starlight to her. “MOAR~!” Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out, and woke up somewhere wet. Somewhere dark. “...What is happening?” I despondently asked, feeling hopeless. This was dashed by a purple light shining, revealing Twilight and the rest of us were in some fleshy cave. “It would’ve been nice to know that Daring has paid a visit to Tambelon! I would’ve screened her for any of the hellish curses that place is known for!” Twilight snarled angirly, firing off several spells that all seemed to do nothing. “What?” I whined as we heard moaning and felt a giant hand pat the flesh before Svartr joined us with Harmonia. It was only now as I looked around I realized all the victims in the factory were here too, but their assets shrunken down to much more reasonable sizes. Daring absorbed and devoured each and every one of us. “So hungry...I’m dying...someone...please…” I heard Daring’s voice sob. “They’re all dead. All because…*choke, sob*.” “Twilight? It’s me, Spike!” A new voice called and we all felt Daring begin to move, “I have Ember with me, and Smolder too. Did you forget the Dragonflight mapping?” “NO! SPIKE!” Twilight pounded on the fleshy wall in futility, and we heard the brief struggle outside as Daring was compelled to eat them, and we heard her sob through the flesh wall as we heard her swallow and gulp and shove them up her snatch, soon followed by silence and more sobbing from the poor mare. Though weirdly, she began moving much more frantically, like she was humping someone while two female dragons popped into the fleshy cave. One blue and one orange, both disturbed by what happened. They were also both a towering 8 feet and proportioned like the princesses, so it was a bit cramped as they squeezed against us in the shrinking space of Daring’s odd acid-free stomach. “Keep you alive, fuck you, won’t eat you if we’re fucking.” Daring said madly. “Didn’t eat Willow until she stopped actively fucking me. Please. Please don’t stop or you’ll die too!” “Oh gods. Oh, gods.” We heard Spike whimper as Daring was rocked about, tossing us around as she bounced on the poor guy’s dick. “She’s stealing Spike!” The two dragons yelled only to look at each other with blushes, anger, and jealousy. “Girls! As amusing as it is to see you arguing, we have a Class S Eldritch Curse on our hands! The only reason we aren’t outright dead is because her first victim can’t actually die, so it compensated.” Twilight looked at the floor, and I noticed it was still dry. “We may not have long before the curse decides to dissolve us and force Daring’s hunger even further until she’s consuming every living thing in the world until she’s killed.” “No!” I gasped as Harmonia flicked her wrist. “I could use the help concentrating.” Harmonia declared, huddling together with Twilight and Starlight. “Can’t believe that Mistress would hurt us.” Cocoa whimpered and whined, nuzzling me and hugging me tightly, so I hugged her back, rocking and terrified of the situation. Then, something started bothering me. “Wait...she sucked out my cum, then my milk, before absorbing me. Hey, you guys! You’re all shrunk down too!” I called out in my consideration, and the former captives, all...maybe 80 of them, all looked around and cheered up slightly. “Then...where is all of that? It’s dry as a bone in here!” “That is indeed odd,” Andre commented casually, as calm as he ever is. “I’d ask one of the eggheads, but they’re busy trying to get us out of here.” One of the former captives, the griffin that was being raped I think, scoffed. “Better not distract them.” “Hm...well, where is here? This can’t be Daring’s stomach. We’re not a soup of proteins and stomachs don’t work like this.” I looked around, and a faint outline far overhead caught my eye. “Hey, can one of you unicorns shine a light up there?” I requested of the captives, and a few obliged, but they screamed and quickly turned the lights back out. I meanwhile, was fighting not to hurl. “W-were those-?!” “Unborn fetuses?! Yeah!” “A dozen of them! Oh, gods!” “Oh, oh, oh, oh~!” Daring must’ve orgasmed, as the whole space of what I feared must be her uterus flexed, and a bestial roar echoed as Daring was probably tossed on her back, and we were all thrown against the back wall with screams of surprise. Then, without further warning, a flood of white gushed from a formerly impossible to notice hole in the former floor, and began covering us. “I’m so sorry Willow. I’m so sorry…*sob*.” The flood growing as she kept humping while we all saw a large tip gushing semen into her womb. “Everyone gather to me! Now that I know where we are, I can get us out of here!” Twilight urgently declared, teleporting those nearest her away such as Ember, Smoulder, Starlight and the others among our usual group. But soon, we were all screaming, myself included. I felt something stabbing into my belly button, and a tendril from Daring’s uterine lining latched onto me. “NO! It’s impregnating her with us!” We all panicked, frantically thrashing, swimming towards Twilight who was teleporting people out. The whole time the tide of dragon cum rose. By the time I reached Twilight, it was halfway to the top of the uterus, my body feeling weird as the cord buried itself in my stomach, but soon I was blinded by a flash of purple light and I was gasping on the floor of Harmonia’s cavern, the goddess fretting over everyone and using magic to clean and heal us. We found Spike vigorously fucking Daring in the missionary position now that we were out, the mare sobbing in fear of what happened as the dragon came. The purple and green 9-foot tall beefcake was in bliss, his tongue lolling out and his eyes crossed as he pressed his knot to Daring’s snatch, his tail and wings twitching. “Is...is everyone out?” I whined as I looked around, but I didn’t spot Twilight. “Crap!” “MINE!” The two dragonesses roared and then tackled Spike, Daring forced to move with the motion causing the dragon’s knot to pop in as the dragons fought to get her off. Daring noticed us in shock while her belly grew even as the dragon stopped cumming. “You’re alive! Oh, thank the gods-OOF!” Daring grabbed her belly as it surged further in size past term. “W-what the hell is happening now?! I swear I’m done adventuring! Please stop whichever curse this is!” Daring pleaded as her belly reached term with twins, triplets, and she panted as she reached quads, quints. “Oh~...it’s so big!” She began sweating, the dragons stopped fighting and fearfully watched her grow until her belly was as big as one of them curled up, then the size of two of them, three. “Daring?” I mewled as Spike got free but he quickly nuzzled the belly in concern. “Hey, she’s mine!” I whined, moving to my mate, rubbing her enormous belly, bigger than her, bigger than the dragons, and she sighed in relief. “Twilight! If you can hear me, tap twice.” Daring’s eyes widened in horror as a fist distended the side of her belly twice. “Can you get out? One for yes, two for no.” We waited, and then she tapped twice. “Fuck! Okay, Daring...you’re gonna have to...do this the hard way.” “WHAT?!” Daring shrieked in fear before she started pushing on her own, going into a magical daze as purple magic enveloped her body. “W-what is...Twilight? Th-thanks for the help. I-I don’t think I could...yeah...you sure? Okay. Twilight’s helping me. She’s going to help me deliver the children first, then she’ll come out last using magic without the babies in the way.” “I’ll help too! I’ve been a midwife before!” Starlight moved to Daring’s side and knelt next to her, her own magic intertwining with Twilight’s. “Breathe. Relax. Push with the contractions…” With Starlight and Twilight’s help, Daring did the birth perfectly, even with the pain and not only birthed Twilight at the end with very interesting rubber-like stretching to get out through Daring’s vagina but also my...Spike’s? Pups? All 12 of them. I whined as the pony foxes also had antlers and long leonine tails that were half scales half fur. “No, what happened?!” I whined as I picked one up, which quickly wailed and reached for Spike. “That...would be draconic taint. Unrelated to Corruption.” Twilight stood, and we all boggled at her new 8-foot height, purple scales mixed with her fur, and her figure was like the dragonesses. Basketball breasts and wide hips and muscles and all. Her wings were the same but her horn was like the antlers on the newborns. “Ugh, now I’m a kirin alicorn.” “But...!” I meekly whimpered as Spike cooed over MY kids. “Sorry, Willow...it’s why I was apologizing when he came.” Daring choked, looking broken. “They’re his now. They have some of you and I in them, but dragons do not share their offspring. It’s ingrained in him to fight us to the death if we challenge it.” “What?! But how does that fucking work?!” I hiccuped as the two female dragoness looked worried, especially when Spike tugged Twilight to the floor and began fawning over her too, which she looked utterly embarrassed about. “I...can’t just lose my kids.” I hiccuped as I started shaking. “Willow...they’re not your children now. If...no, when I feel comfortable getting intimate again, we can try for foals. So long as whatever curse that was is gone for good.” Daring shuddered, leaning into me, crying into my shoulder as she clutched me. “I thought I killed you! I thought I killed everyone~!” Daring broke, and I hugged her tightly. I numbly looked at Spike. “Sorry about this…” Spike said as my...his children all gathered around him and Twilight. “If it’s any consolation...I just lost my virginity to what amounts to rape.” Spike shuddered and wilted, Twilight hugging him, the other two dragonesses leaning on him with their hands on his shoulders. “I’ll make sure they’re cared for though, don’t worry.” “I need to...get the souls from the factory.” I hiccuped as I got up with Daring. Svartr rushed to me and covered my body as we walked, and I yanked the demon great axe out of my D-cup boobs, refusing to let Daring leave my side for now, even as it began to rain. > Ch.13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.13 It was days later when I roared while I killed another of those damn manic hybrid demons by cleaving it in half with a single swing. Spitting on the steaming corpse, I then continued my walk to the cave I’d followed a few imps to. Daring had gone back before me to get the curse removed after Cocoa found us not even a day after we’d left. To be honest, I’m not sure how many days it’s been. I’ve been wandering the forest and slaughtering every violent creature I came across in my hunt for corruption and to vent my despair without attacking people. Like Spike for instance since he stole my children-! Grr, no. No. He had about as much control over that situation as any of us. Damn magic. Damn corruption. Damn stupid curses! By this point, I must have more than enough souls to level again and then some, so I was on my way back to base to do that when I encountered more demons. I chased them here, to another cave. Demons were swarming it, filled to the brim with them. Whatever reason they were here, it clearly had to do with the fact that this place was a tomb of sorts, a catacomb of giant skeletons that filled the cave to the point the ‘floor’ level with the entrance was made of the petrified bodies. Whatever the reason they’re here, I don’t care, it’s just more demons to kill and fewer risks to the budding community forming under the castle. “Keep her away from the Ever-!” Bullets shredded the incubus before he could finish his orders, my fancy Infinity’s Slag bullets practically melting his corpse before it hit the bones. With one hand wielding my axe, and the other my infinite-ammo machine-pistol, I shredded through them like the rest, my hoarse voice roaring over the gunfire and my cleaving of another hybrid with my axe. “Uh, partner, even I would show a little mercy here,” Svartr told me as I rushed the ones in the back who were fleeing deeper into the desecrated burial grounds. Ignoring my partner, I cleaved and melted demons, taking their souls as I lost count of how many I had killed. It was just another slaughter, just another pile of festering shit taken out of this-! “Willow! I’ve had it!” My body seized, betrayed by my symbiote-like armor. “It’s been a week Willow! You need to go home and-!” Svartr was interrupted when a rumbling coincided with the bones beneath our paws shifting. We turned as one of the huge dragon skulls turned to us, dark blue orbs glowing in its skull. “Uh...is that what they were here for?” I mused, a little fear breaking me out of my berserk fury as the skull opened its jaw. But, instead of attacking, a yoga-ball sized blindingly brilliant blue orb of a soul, for that’s all it could have been, gently bobbed from the now-inert skull towards me. I dropped my weapons, enamored. “It’s so...beautiful…” I held out my hands to accept it, but then it dove into my chest. “Ah~!” I felt a surge like I’d just taken in a preposterous amount of soul energy, but it felt like it was more! It was...like back in the Untended Graves. When my tail brushed over that skeleton! But instead of being unreasonably horny, I felt powerful! “This feeling...it’s disturbingly familiar…” Svartr mused, and I blinked as I came out of the euphoria. “What do you mean?” I asked and pawed at myself, feeling oddly itchy underneath Svartr. “I don’t know. It’s just out of my reach. I remember feeling this way before, but not how, or when, or why. I blame that a good amount of my memories are still fuzzy from my time as a wrathful dumb spirit in armor.” Svartr huffed. “Okay, enough of this. We’re going home.” “That was the plan before these precious idiots revealed themselves.” I snarled, picking my axe and pistol back up and making my way to the exit. Holy geez do I feel itchy! Hopefully, I’ve vented enough of my anguish that this itchiness doesn’t make me irritable enough to try and kill Spike when I get back. (<3) “Willow.” Of course. I couldn’t just ignore the problem and hope it didn’t bother me. Spike was waiting at the entrance, the towering drake looked uneasy as he eyed my blood-stained demon greataxe with good reason. I was heavily contemplating using it on him. “Willow, it’s been days. When Daring came back without you, we were worried.” “Yeah, right. Like you owe me anything. Why don’t you take my kids and leave so I don’t keep having the urge to kill you or be reminded of you whenever I look at their precious faces?” I snarled and clenched the hilt of my axe-. Dominate him! Take your babies back, make them yours again! Magic and power, use them to get the babies back! Guh! Sh-shit, what was that?! “I can’t do that. It’d be dumb, and wrong. They’re, grr, your...children too. I can’t just give them to you, but we can be co-dads or something. Ember insisted I at least try to do it, but it will only work if you try too. They warmed up to Daring easily, since she’s their mother, but even if I altered them, they’re your kids too. I’m new to this, I was a total virgin before Daring jumped me to try and avoid consuming me. It’s bad enough I’m the last male dragon and it’s...expected that I’ll be a breeding stud.” W-wait, what?! “Holy shit, really dude?” Okay, killing him is off the table. I’m not going to be responsible for causing the extinction of his race! Justifiable rage or not, he’s gonna be way in over his head sooner rather than later. “Yeah...look. I’m sorry. I am. I’ll try my best to make this up to you and Daring.” Spike earnestly offered and the pain in my heart lessened enough that I almost felt weak in the knees from so much stress and anger just...being given a reason to cool down. Hot damn. Spike is a cool dude, I may have judged him too harshly. “Well, thanks. I’ll try to spend time with them, but I still feel like I’ll be an aunt in the relationship. Give me a bit of time to cool my tits and I’ll see if they’ll even let me touch them.” My response clearly didn’t make Spike any less concerned, but it was all I could promise. “Alright...just as a warning though. Daring might be...uh...receptive. Spending so much time with the babies has made her rebound from the curse. Twilight said it was therapeutic for her. The fact the curse was...well, she’ll tell you later.” Spike winked at me and I blinked in surprise before he turned and...why are my eyes gravitating to his shorts-clad ass? W-whoa, what is-? Mrr, such a sexy drake. Look at him. He’s just reached adulthood and already he’s-. Grr, no! Bad libido! No getting the hots for him so quickly! Geez! I need to work up to something like that if we’re going to be co-dads for the kids. I shook my head and decided to try and get my mind off of stupid-sexy-Spike now that I wasn’t murderously pissed at him and just irritated. I went to the Lordvessel to make my week-long Enthusiastic Walk worth the time away. I spent 51,993 units of soul energy all on Vigor and Endurance, five into Vigor and two into Endurance to get more durability and stamina. The former made me feel a bit heavier yet lighter somehow at the same time, and the latter made me feel less tired already. Oddly, the strange soul I’d absorbed wasn’t used. I hummed in consideration before I went to the Handmaiden. “Excuse me, but what type of soul is this? I found it in a giant dragon skull in another cave.” I asked as I tried to take it out of me, but I couldn’t. I put my hands to my chest beneath my breasts in wonder and curiosity. “Ah. A fine soul indeed. However, it is one that requires a skilled enchanter knowledgeable of Transposition to shape it. Sadly, old Ludleth is long gone from this world, his soul merely one with Celestia now.” The Handmaiden said sadly. “He was a good man…” “I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for letting me know to be on the lookout.” I quickly left the now saddened old Undead be and hummed as I considered this mystery. “Whose soul was this?” I wondered as I walked towards the studio hut that belonged to Daring and me, but I paused when I felt a powerful surge of, well, power. “ It’s clearly a dragon.” I panted as said soul writhed in my chest along with blazing with heat. “W-what is it doing~?” I moaned as my body felt hot! Both in the literal and sensual way! It’s like when I first became a jungle siren all over again! “Ah~...so familiar…” Svartr cooed as if the fire in my soul was like a pleasant sauna. It was kinda nice actually. I panted, groping my breasts, kneading my stomach as my womb fluttered with pleasant butterflies. “Hm...so hot…” The air was shimmering, I was shimmering! Svartr groaned and melted into a puddle, revealing my multicolored body to everyone. “What is happening~?” I whined when my body began changing again. My bones creaked as they thickened, my hide shed much of my fur to be replaced with shiny scales the same incredible rainbow of colors and I felt my tail grow longer, thicker, and my long-missed second tail suddenly regrew and joined it. Despite the rest of me mostly becoming scales, save my calves and forearms, they stayed fluffy. In fact, even more so! I’m still so fluffy~! “Oh, girls! Mama missed you!” I hugged my twin tails to my chest and blinked as I realized I’d grown again, looking down at my DD-cups and noticing I was higher off the ground. Then, I jerked, I felt a painful twinge in my back followed by four crystalline-feathered wings erupting from my back with a spray of boiling hot blood that wasn’t even painful. I panted, aroused beyond all belief. My DD-cups quickly surged in size to basketballs, but I grunted and squeezed them to try and hold them back. In vain, I soon found myself laying atop beach-ball tits again with matching scaly balls, panting and spitting actual fire as my transformation finally reached my head. I felt my teeth getting bigger, my already massive fennec ears getting even bigger, my tongue longer, and finally my eyes went blind for a moment before everything returned with a startling clarity. I groaned, fondling my mountainous rainbow boobs even as they gently poured milk onto the cave floor. Damn it, my cock hasn’t gotten stupidly huge, I can’t reach it! I tried using my tail-hands, but they were too big to fit down there with my nuts sandwiching my dick to my abs. “Hm?” I heard one of the only male voices hum as Daring, wait, where did she come from? Ah! She shoved a milker tube onto my cock and two more on my nipples, quickly sending me into a weak orgasm. “Good thing we brought one of those herm milkers for me to patch up.” Ah, Andre. Good stallion, having my back like this. “Sorry~.” I whined as Daring nuzzled me from nearly eye-level since I was propped up on my four boulders again. Looking around, I noticed Spike staring at me in shock as my bodily fluids were drained. To my surprise and arousal, there were actually enormous industrial tanks in the slowly changing cavern. One labeled MILK, the other CUM. “Y-you’re actually m-milking me~?!” “Babe, we expected you’d still be a cow after what the Factory did to you. We were prepared.” Daring rubbed my face as she straddled my left breast to be closer. “Are you okay? That was a violent transformation, and you’ve been gone a week.” Then Daring’s ears wilted. “Then the whole thing with Spike…” “I...I think I’ll be fine.” If Spike is true to his word, I think I could recover from all of this. The kids thankfully aren’t around, or my heart would likely say otherwise. “So what happened to cause this?” I asked the Handmaiden since she was still the closest and generally knowledgeable. “I think...oh dear. Let us hope you do not encounter another Heir of Fire with an unclaimed soul. It must have sought out your Magic Soul like a moth to flame.” The Handmaid stated, and I whined with a pout, feeling the soul still mingling with mine. “Just great. Now I'm mostly a dragon hybrid, but knowing my luck, I’ve somehow got all the other mutations stacked on. It would explain the feathery quad-wings.” I flared them out, appreciating their rainbow shine, but also disliking them since I felt they’d get in the way. “Fascinating!” Twilight said looking over my wings as I felt hands on my ass and heard someone sniffing my rear end. “Hey! Who’s being grabby!” I called out as I looked back to see Spike fondling my big bubbled tight ass. “H-hey! Just because I’m not mad at you doesn’t mean you can go sniffing me like I’m okay with you rutting me!” Although your hands feel really good for some reason! Yes! Get rutted by the stud! Make more dragons! Guh? Why does he seem so fucking sexy all of a sudden? Damn it! It’s probably some draconic instinct bullshit like with what’s going on with my kids. “No! Bad daddy!” Twilight huffed as she shoved Spike away, and then blushed at her words. “I-I mean, Spike! That is very inappropriate behavior.” “Sorry. She’s just...lighting up my body with incredible urges, like Ember and Smolder do.” Spike grumbled and rubbed the back of his neck and I had to remind myself that he’s totally new to his body’s new and obviously quite powerful urges. Hell, if I wasn’t so upset with the situation I wouldn’t mind someone so handsome being handsy with me. “You already have Ember and Smolder, just go see them if you’re horny!” Twilight demanded, and Spike snorted then squeezed my ass in response, making me squeal at how surprisingly good that felt, sending a surge of cum into the milker. I panted as I watched him approach the two annoyed yet amused dragonesses garbed in similar red shorts and sports-bras. “I swear Daring. Waking up his libido as you did is such an annoyance.” “I thought I had no choice! It was either fuck him or eat him.” Daring grumbled, then looked back to me. “Looks like you’re already down to half.” I had to agree, she wasn’t straddling my boob so much as standing astride-. “Whoa!” Daring’s left leg, in my cleavage, suddenly sucked her in, and shortly her hands erupted out and pulled her out of my tit-space with a giggle. “My girlfriend has tits I can literally fall into!” Daring’s amusement made my face feel hot. “It’s not like I have any control over this!” I whined while my even bigger massive fennec ears swiveled about since it seemed my hearing got a lot better. My big soft radar-dish triangular head-adornments weren’t slouches to begin with either. “Cocoa loves Mate’s babies~.” Cocoa cooed as she watched mine and Svartr’s kids and-oh, there’s my hybrids with Daring...and Spike. At least they adjusted to Cocoa...so there’s hope yet for them adjusting to me. As for Cocoa, her own pregnant belly had gotten pretty huge during the week I’ve been gone. So did her breasts which she used to nurse two of the adorable rugrats. “What do I do about this Ember? I’ve wronged her, but I also just wanna...” Spike groaned at Ember as Smoulder nuzzled him and massaged his shoulders. “It’s complicated Spike, but if she’s able to let her kids into her heart, then she might be able to extend that to you.” Ember gently said and I felt flush at the unexpected source of infatuation. Well...I already decided I wasn’t gonna kill him, and if I really think about it, they are still my kids, they just have two dads. Well, two sires. What is a herm sire’s title? Fama? The little dragon hybrids rushed about to Spike then Daring, and then they began sniffing me in confusion. “What are you kids doing?” Daring cooed at her babies before they squealed and started hugging me. Huh?! I thought they were instinctively rejecting me before! “Oh, good. The scenting therapy Twilight and Ember suggested is working.” Scenting therapy? Did they have something drenched in my scent for the kids to-daw~? They’re playing together~! No~ come back~. I wanna watch...oh well, there they go to their aunt Cocoa. “Maybe this isn’t the end of the world.” I smiled, feeling some of the weight of the universe lift from my shoulders. “Why is this whole thing so fucked up?” I heard Starlight mutter to herself before she went back to ordering the workers on how to build the shrine around the Lordvessal and Harmonia. Oh, wait, that’s right! “Fuck, I can hear everyone!” I squeaked as my boobs and balls shrunk down finally. It seemed DD was my new standard breast size, and my balls were now tangerines as I stood up. Now I also had to look down at Daring, who looked up at me in awe. “Daring, let’s go to our studio. I need a mirror, and to get away from everyone for a bit.” “Huh? Oh, sure.” Daring seemed to have difficulty taking her eyes off me, and we walked towards the row of small houses that seemed bigger than before my week-long enthusiastic walk. During our short trip to our studio, I spotted Spike’s gaze glued to me and he looked somewhere between horny beyond reason and in awe. It was so tempting to approach the drake and satisfy that incredible hunger within him and within me. I felt the odd compulsion to breed as if I was the last of my kind or something. Who is this soul dancing inside of my chest? To do this to me, to light this fire in me? Queen! I resisted the odd urge to approach Spike and demand that he pleasure me long enough to enter the studio home I shared with Daring. Out of sight from the total stud I was having very confused feelings about, I examined myself in the mirror. I still looked vaguely like a fox, especially with my even more huge fennec ears on my partially scaly head. “Am I...a freak Daring?” I mean, I’m beautiful, for sure, but I’m not any one species anymore. I’m barely recognizable as a fox aside from the shape of my snout, my ears, and my tails. “Babe, to some you may be, and to me definitely in all the right ways, but that doesn’t matter. You’re beautiful, and my Lover, able to satisfy my needs and also know when to back off.” Daring told me with a hug and nuzzle, which turned into a cuddle on the enormous bed in the corner. “...I got the curse lifted. Want to try for foals again? Or, uh, eggs? How do you think you’ll breed? Usually, the offspring tend towards the mother, but with how diverse you are...” “Are you sure?” I asked my lover worriedly. It’s only been a week and I’m still having trouble. I mean, I just spent that whole week slaughtering people. Sure, Corrupt, Evil, Nasty people, but still. Then again, Spike warned me she was potentially receptive from spending time with his, er, our, children. I know interacting with babies can cause women to feel the desire to have them, but she just had them! “Babe. I want nothing more than for you to pin me against that bed and fuck me so pregnant I can’t even walk.” Daring huffed needily, biting her lip, her breasts clearly swollen with arousal under her red blouse. “I’m okay with waiting if you aren’t up for it yet, but know that I want us to have foals, or eggs, or whatever. I already talked to Spike and I’m okay with things so long as he continues to be responsible and stays involved in the children’s lives while letting you in despite his instincts to the contrary, but seeing how infatuated he is with you, that may not be an issue for long.” Daring teased me and I felt so fucking horny now I hoped she was ready. “I’m not going to leave you wanting Daring.” I felt that fire in me intensify, but less in arousal and a desire to breed, and more in wanting to please her. “How do you want it?” “L-like at the factory, but better. I’m not going to succumb to some evil curse with the help I’ve gotten from Twilight, Starlight, Celestia, and even Luna while you’ve been gone.” Daring pressed her body against mine as she looked up into my eyes. Holy shit. It feels weird, yet right being taller than Daring now. “Make Love to me Willow. I need you and I refuse to let what happened a week ago stop what we have from becoming even more.” This sparked my body and soul so hard that I instantly began swelling up in the chest and the nads, my cock practically rocketing out of my abdomen. “Yes~.” I purred hungrily, her desire singing to my very Soul. I rolled on top of her, making her squeal in surprise before I used a tail hand to tear off her pants and shoved my erect cock which swelled bigger to 11 inches just from the arousal into her. I kissed her as her snatch pulled me to the hilt instantly. “Unf! You’re sure you got that curse lifted?” I asked worriedly as she smiled winningly, not even moving as her hungry snatch milked my erection with flexes of her abdomen. “Yes, and no. It’s been on me so long and took so long to trigger from my carnal hunger, it’s practically woven into me. The deadly parts of it are gone though. So~.” Daring twisted her hips and I hissed as she grabbed my swelling tits. “You can fill me all you want. I’m your unpoppable condom baby factory.” Daring was panting with want in her eyes as she reached down to my swelling balls, giving them a squeeze. “Fill me like a condom, fuck me until I’m immobile, fucking spherical with your cum! If you don’t, I’ll pump myself up with those magic preservation tanks!” “Fuck babe! I don’t think I’ll last with that dirty talk!” I grunted as I started pounding her, my tits pumped up to basketballs, my balls similarly huge. I faintly heard the door open as I focused on getting Daring full of foals. Whoever they are, they can either fuck off or join in! I am not leaving this room without satisfying Daring to her utmost pleasure! I growled and twisted Daring around on my cock, causing her to squeal and orgasm before I pushed her into a doggy style position to look at the front door easier. It was Cocoa! Realizing it was our mutual lover and sorta-pet helped set me off, and I started cumming into Daring with a snarl of pleasure, Daring squealing in mutual orgasm. “Want to join in lover?” I panted, rubbing Daring’s tits from behind as her belly swelled with my seed. “C-Cocoa just came to check if Mistresses are fine. Can’t leave pups alone too long or they’ll cause ruckus.” Cocoa lamented as she watched me fill Daring to the point her belly was already lifting her off the bed, the pegasus fluttering her wings weakly as her eyes rolled back. “Okay, Up! Unf! To you!” I panted as I began thrusting again despite my ongoing orgasm, fucking Daring hard enough to send her bouncing against the bed. “So good~!” I groaned before Cocoa kissed me on the cheek and left us alone as my balls shrunk from use. By this point, Daring seemed to be pregnant with my seed. “Ah~...just straight-up sex. No stupidity, no curses. Almost as good as our first time.” “Oh? Well, now you’ve done it!” Daring rocked back against me, her practically magic vagina pulling and flexing on my cock. “We’re not done until we outdo that epic smother-fuck, and that incredible filling at the factory!” “Ah! Daring~!” I keened, feeling my balls swell back up, my tits pumping up too until they were beach balls resting on her back. “I get you want foals, but isn’t this enough already?” “It will never be enough! I want Moar.” Daring looked back at me, her tongue extended out as she reached into her tits and held up a plastic bottle of white fluid. “Cum. Not Corrupt. Drink it, fill those delicious balls, and then fill me!” She handed it back to me, and I quickly popped open the cap to suck the salty cum out. My balls swelled even faster and I fucked her hard as hard as her wanton wails of rapture could demand. (<3) Three hours. We’ve been fucking nonstop for three hours. Our studio was straining from Daring’s impossible rubber-like balloon body pressing against every wall and ceiling as I panted and gasped, my Undead Stamina finally reaching a limit. I was still lodged firmly within her cunt, my throbbing erection flagging from exhaustion. I groaned from how tired and sore I had become, and also at the fact that my ass and tails were pressing out of a window for all to see, the glass thankfully popped out of the frame from the pressure rather than shattering. She’d swelled and pushed me to the opposite side, holy shit, how gigantic is she on my cum? “Daring. I know this is getting old, but are you okay?” I managed to strain my powerful ears to hear her moan in pleasure and manage to slur out that she was fine. “Okay, well you kinda got us both stuck. I think I’m flashing everyone.” I panted before a hand groped my ass. “Ah! Hey! Who is that?!” I moved my tails around, feeling out a rock hard body while the hands played with me. Who is molesting me? We have a lot of beefcakes with the construction workers here, though it must be one of the lizards with the scales. Am I facing the rear window or the front? I can’t remember, I’ve been focused on fucking Daring and-AH~! “G-get out of me~!” A huge cock was in my neglected quim now as I was trapped between Daring and the window. Why is this so hot?! The male cooed as he rubbed my ass, playing with my tails as I weakly tried shoving him back, my Strength having flagged from giving Daring my all. I gave up quickly, the pleasure intoxicating. That, and my enormous breasts weren’t helping with how tightly pinned I was, and my balls surged from the new arousal. Soon, my tails were squeezing him, rubbing his body, until other hands grabbed them and moved them to what felt like wet pussies. Oh~ this is so hot! I’m a wall slut! I’m getting fucked and fingering unknown girls! I whined as I tried to thrust back, but I couldn’t, and instead just humped against Daring, who seemed excited to continue if her milking cunt was any answer there. “Oh~ Willow. Unf, you’re too damn hot~.” The male’s voice, Spike, groaned as I made the girls cum judging by how much wetter they got and their squeals. “I couldn’t resist.” “Just so you know, I’m encouraging this~!” Squealed one of the girls, who had to be Ember, as she shoved my tail hand as tightly to her snatch as she could. “The closer you two become, the easier it’ll be for those whelps to see you both as their parents, not just Spike and Daring.” Guh~! I-I’m in sexual overdrive as it is Ember, you don’t need to bring the kids in and make it worse~. “We’re definitely gonna try to keep you around Willow, at least when we’re not stuck in the Dragonlands.” Smolder panted and I groaned in wordless agreement before I shoved my hands into them by forming them into rod-shaped points to fit as much as I could into them. The way they screamed was delightful. Holy shit. I knew I was addicted to pleasure, but knowing I get off on making others get off just ramped me to eleven! “Holy fuck! Even if this wasn’t to build a physical relationship between Spike and Willow, I’d want her in just for how good she is~!” Ember squealed and I rocketed up to cloud nine at being praised for my ability to provide pleasure considering how new I was to all of this craziness. “Hear that Willow? I’m not going to just let this be a one-time thing, even if we end up not getting married for whatever reason!” Spike declared moments before he roared and thrust deep and hard into me. I felt his knot squeeze into my snatch and I responded by screaming and convulsing in orgasm while he began pumping into me, and I pumped even more into Daring. *CRACK!* Uh, did I just hear stone cracking? “Daddy no!” I heard as my belly began swelling with his hot seed, my pussy in heaven as with another loud rasping crack, I saw Daring break through the roof, the slab of stone wobbling atop my impossibly elastic and durable lover. “What are you doing?! She needs to find the next source of Corruption!” I heard the front door burst off, the walls were buckling from our swelling bodies... “Twilight, I’m in the middle of nutting, it’s a bit late to back out~!” Spike moaned and I fell into a state of bliss. I was getting bred by Spike, I was tail-yiffing Ember and Smolder, I was breeding Daring even more. I was gonna be a mommy and a daddy~! I may still be frustrated after I’m not dumbfucked, but I forgive you for unwillingly stealing my first children Spike! “Mm~!” I moaned into my overflowing tits in orgasm, my eyes fluttering shut as I spasmed. Shortly, my home was explosively destroyed from the forces being exerted upon it, and Daring was forced to let go of my cock from the pressure, rolling forward a bit and bumping into the next building with a loud glorping slosh. Daring whined at no longer having her vice-like vagina wrapped around my length, but then she cooed when cum gushed from her engorged quim onto the four of us. Spike pulled me in close to steady me since I wasn’t mounted in a window anymore. I panted and gasped from the attention while my now cum-coated tails still fucked the two stunned females. They blinked at my production as Daring let out excess due to pressure on her practically transparent body, showing an endless ocean of cum beneath her surface. “I’ve achieved my greatest fantasies~!” Daring cried out in ecstasy, even as she gushed more cum onto us and her gigantic boulder-sized tits gushed cum from her nipples too onto the roof of the small studio building that had once been our neighbor. “Wait! Your tails are covered! Spike hasn’t fucked us yet!” Ember gasped as I shoved to their wombs with covered tails, seed smearing on their inner walls. I groaned senselessly from Spike continuing to pound my swollen box as I shoved my seed into them. “Fuck~! It’s so good!” “I’m okay with this! Just promise we’ll do this again~!” Smolder came around my invading tail dick and Ember chorused with her in their rapturous screams. “Y-yeah, sure.” I groaned as Spike nuzzled and kissed my sensitive massive ears and I shuddered before his pulsing penis gushed a second load and made me look pregnant as Twilight stared in shock. “Don’t blame me, Daring shoved my ass out the window, and Spike took advantage.” Another moan from Daring, another gush of my cum splattering us in the growing pool of spunk. “Also, I’m kinda annoyed too, but fuck this is good…” Yes. Give us eggs... “Ugh! This is such a damn mess! At this rate, we’d be better off having a whole colony devoted to caring for your offspring!” Twilight snarled, scratching her mane in frustration as my belly began pushing my beach ball tits up further into my face. “This is utterly ridiculous! You just got back from adventuring too!” “I know! I was just trying to have personal time with Daring, but we got carried away, and I was in a compromising position. I’m frustrated with you Spike, but damn it, you beast, fuck me harder!” I demanded because if I was going to put up with this bullshit, I damn well am going to enjoy it! “Unf, yes ma’am~.” Spike moaned as he lowered us to the ground until we were on our knees and he gyrated his knot inside me, causing me to squeal and spasm as he kept pumping pre into me since he was building up for another cumshot. “I’m going to turn you into an immobile egg bearer. Make you a broodmother~!” Yes! All of the yes! “Daddy!” Twilight huffed at Spike as I pulled my tails out of Ember and Smolder, scooped up cum, and shoved more seed into them. Surprisingly, their bellies started to grow as they panted, whined, and obediently lied on the ground, their snatches greedily accepting every bit I manually shoved into them, they even helped by drinking it, shoving as much into them with their own hands as they could all while Daring still gushed and drizzled my seed out of her cunt and nips. “You don’t mind me knocking them up?” I panted out to Spike as Smolder and Ember started rising from the ground by their bellies slightly. Holy hell, how fast do dragons gestate? How did they end up with Spike as the last male? “If we’re going to co-dad our firstborns since they're hybrids from me fucking Daring, it’s only fair that they do the same for you since they’re so eager.” Spike grunted as he kept twisting and grinding inside me, even nibbling my neck and making me shudder from more than him pleasuring me. “Unf, fuck Willow. I’d really like to go on a proper date after this or something. Usually, things like this happen after at least months of courtship.” “I’m not a traditional person Spike. I’m cool with things starting out like this.” Mrr, very cool with it, especially since you’re owning up to accidentally stealing my kids. As soon as we’re done here, I should drop by Cocoa’s little daycare and bond a bit with them. “Oh~, can’t stop, give me the source!” Smolder roared, surprising us at her frustration from somehow not getting enough cum. Seriously, this seems to be a dragon thing, how is Spike the last male? “Me too!” Ember demanded, affirming my assumption as they got up and approached the still slowly shrinking gigantic trio of spheres that was Daring Do. They turned her around so her gigantic cum-gushing tits were facing us, and they pushed her onto her back a bit, leaning against the neighboring building again and showing her cum-gushing cunt again. This done, they flew up and shoved her 12-inch cock-like nipples up their pussies, screaming in ecstasy as they began filling up, humping Daring’s tits and sending my transparent living condom of a lover into another stream of orgasms. Holy fuck that is hotter than I have words to describe~! Spike roared in ecstasy at the sight, and I joined him, spewing more cum onto the growing lake from my male organs busting another nut while my yoga-ball belly tried to smother it, yet I felt no strain while Spike had to push me up onto my belly perch to keep fucking me. The pleasure overloaded me and I began blacking out, hoping that when I woke up this wasn’t a dream... > Ch.14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.14 At some point, I had lost all sense. We were a whirlwind of rutting fucking breeding dragons and nothing was going to interrupt us. When I came to, I was tiredly balanced atop a belly as big as a car, Ember and Smolder were bigger than me, but Daring was bigger still. “I think we may have fucked up.” I slurred, still in a fucked-out haze. I hummed when Spike kissed me and rubbed my belly. I could feel eggs already rolling about in the pool of cum in my womb. Holy shit do dragons gestate eggs fast...I guess tainting my firstborn is an unusual event for dragons, there must be a logical explanation for that if the eggs develop this quickly. “You’re an incredible broodmother.” Spike cooed as even now the eggs grew in me. “Don’t worry though, in just a few weeks you’ll lay the clutch, but Ember told me even then it’ll take hundreds of years for the eggs to actually hatch.” Whoa...that is...fucked up. No wonder Spike had the ability to do that if his species’ population grows that painfully slowly. “I really didn’t need more delays to my quest, but damn that was fun, sorry, this is fun.” I dopily remarked, feeling hazy even though I was awake. Mm, so big...wait, brain. Can’t. Brain, turn back on, you were lamenting being something, something...no wonder CoC runs can last hundreds of in-game days or even a few in-game years. Oh~ I’m so big~... “It’s fine.” Came the resigned voice of Twilight, and I looked over to the side where she stood. I was grateful for that since my massive tits were too big to see over with them resting atop my car-sized belly. “We don’t have any leads right now anyway and you already spent a week clearing out the Everfree. There is no point in you half-assedly wandering around, looking for clues. We have a whole nation and allies looking around.” “Yay~ more egg time~.” I airily giggled, wondering why it was so hard to focus as I rubbed my still-swelling fecundity with my hands, wings, and even my legs. Unf, so full, but I could take more~. “Oh, hey, who cleaned up the cum?” I asked upon noticing it was gone. Where are all the tasty cummies? Ugh, roots, root, arch tree roots, need-cummies, more eggs, cummies! I could go for a good cock in my mouth right now. “Harmonia drank it up,” Twilight answered as she looked at the greedy bloated tree. “She may not be getting Corrupted anymore, but she’s been on a steady diet of cum and milk laced water for months. She’s taken a liking to the taste and it isn’t exactly bad for you. Cum is full of protein and breast milk literally has everything the body needs.” I know! That’s why I’m really hungry for Spike’s tasty dick, but he’s rubbing my growing womb, so I guess I can wait for it. “Greedy Harmy, stealing all the cummies.” I huffed and Spike sighed as he nuzzled my side and Twilight looked at me all sad and stuff. Why is she all sad? Maybe she should find a mate. “Oh~, so big...unf, hey, how are Ember and Smolder? They got bigger than me~.” I singsonged, feeling envious of their size. I can totally get that big! No, bigger! The biggest of egg broods! But I’m the smallest this time, I can tell from here that they’re up against each other and nearly three times my size besides my boobs. I am the booby queen besides Daring’s cum-tits! Praise me! “They’re still in the afterglow. When Daring finally stopping cumming into them from her nipples, they were this big and making out with each other.” Spike informed me as he put his hands on his hips while looking at them. “I knew those two liked each other past their desire to be with me. I just wish it didn’t take them turning into broodmothers to act on it.” “Oh, then how is Daring? She’s so fat with cum right now.” I asked as I craned my neck to lick my lips at the translucent balloon mare who was snoring loudly, and unlike us, didn’t have the rest of her body back from the inflation, which had actually subsumed her limbs into her mass. Hell, her boobs were still even bigger than mine, the nipples still lodged into the vaginas of the kissing and groping dragonesses. “Oh~ she’s so big~.” I moaned lustfully and used my tail-hands to finger my puffed-up pussy, wishing I was that huge, that full of cum and eggs and milk. “I wanna be that big. Is there a Fertility Goddess? Can they show up and make me bigger?” There’s gotta be a Gwynevere right? She’s lazy! While my sudden disappointment surged as if by some odd sense of humor, the blue fire of the Lordvessel erupted into the air of the cavern. “Did someone call? Our senses heard a beacon of virile fertility mention us.” “That’s me!” I chipped hopefully at the blue cold fire while Twilight and the others all stared in shock. Why? Isn’t this their Gwynevere? “Hm? Odd, our Token is bound to another, local flame. Regardless, thou hast invoked Aventurine, Goddess of Fertility, Sex, and Commerce. Thou even hast established a shrine? If thou dost not know of us, how is it thine art prepared?” The voice, one of a husky matron questioned curiously. “I dunno, it was just there. Twilight, is that your Gwynevere? Can she give me more eggs?” I questioned the brainy princess as a portal opened over the Lordvessel. “Oh no~! The Lordvessel is a Token for a Displaced! A Divine Displaced!” Twilight lamented even as an iridescent mare made of crystal stepped forth from the blue fire portal. She was like the princesses in a shorter package, basketball tits, wide foal-bearing hips, and was an alicorn to boot. She was dressed in a black dress that hugged her every feature, and her bust was emphasized by a corset. “Aw, then no eggs?” I mewled before the Goddess teleported to me and looked me over, skilled hands playing over my still slowly swelling egg belly, notably how she circled individual eggs. I cooed and extended my wings to preen for her, still fingering myself with my tail hands.  “Hm~, thou’rt quite fine~.” She purred, and the urge to get her attention caused me to wiggle my bum and spread my legs over my bed of a belly, leaking Spike’s seed for her to see. “If We were in our younger days-Ava, she would be perfect! Look at her, so malleable! Sharp stop breaking up our voice!” The mare’s voice shifted around to entirely different ones somehow. “But We art able to abstain and simply aid thou.” “More eggs?” I asked her hopefully and she scrunched her brow before her horn sparkled like her rainbow body and...ugh, my head. What? It’s like a fog has been lifted from my brain. What was I going on about before about wanting more eggs? I’m big enough as it is! “Um...I’m good actually. How long until I lay, Spike?” The gobsmacked expressions Spike and Twilight had confused me. Why were they so surprised at my question? “Two weeks.” The goddess interrupted. “Then the eggs will take centuries to hatch without bonding to someone like that purple adonis has, and that’s for the ten percent that will ever hatch.” Aventurine nodded towards Spike as I gawked at the idly mentioned 90 Percent Mortality rate! Good Gods, how bad are things for the dragons?! “Good work lad. Thou’rt a skilled breeder.” The way she patted my side made me feel proud somehow, but that didn’t ease the shock and horror I had that only Ten Percent of the eggs inside me would ever hatch... “Thanks, but it was a spur of the moment thing. I accidentally tainted her firstborns during an incident with a curse that nearly killed us all, so I’m trying to get closer to Willow here, and, well, her ass was hanging out a window with her pinned to her lover’s overinflated body and I couldn’t help myself.” Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and Twilight sighed heavily. “Spike, you seriously need to learn some self-control.” Twilight huffed and Spike nodded in acceptance of her observation. “Yep. Gotta work on restraining my libido. No wonder the Lust Demons converted all the male dragons so easily if our brains drain into our dicks.” Spike huffed and I felt a primal fury fill me at hearing this news. My quest just got more important and sex-oriented! Thank you assholes! My stoked fury abated when a second head grew on Aventurine’s shoulder, turned into a dragon’s head, and then a black dragoness walked out and began to explore the cavern. “Nice. It almost looks like ours but not made of crystal. Is that Harmony bloated with seed and milk?” The black dragoness asked when she rushed over and patted the tree. “Ava this world is great! We need to set something up!” She called back with glee as Harmonia materialized and quietly belched. “Keep rubbing my belly, please. I think I ate too much.” The balance goddess groaned, her massive tummy coming from the tree, and the dragoness chuckled as she did as requested, but also jiggled and squeezed the belly, getting Harmonia to moan in relief. “Indeed. Thou hast inadvertently built us a shrine and fornicated frequently in proximity. Even if thou did not wish to, it is too late to avoid establishing a temple to us here now that thou hast invoked us.” Aventurine looked a little apologetic, and I sighed before shrugging, sending my gigantic tits quaking. I moved my hands to rub them as the goddess rubbed my belly. “Just as well. This world is basically Dark Souls mixed with Corruption of Champions. At least having someone help on this front would be a big...well, help.” I used my tail hands to rub my car-sized belly, feeling warm at the idea of laying so many eggs. “Hm! Keep rubbing my belly~.” I moaned from being so turned on by her that if they weren’t already at their max size my breasts would be growing. Oh~ so big...what was I thinking about before? “Corruption?” The black dragoness asked, sounding angry. “Okay, I’m all for sadism, and bondage, and role-play rape, but what is Corruption?” “Remember that perverse text game we told thou about Sharp?” Aventurine called while I began fingering myself with my tail hands again and the dragoness cooed. “Never mind! This world is the absolute best! Can we live here?” I giggled, wondering how fucked up that dragoness is if she thinks living in a CoC world is the best thing ever. She might be my kind of fucked up! Mm, yes, rub my womb walls. So hungry, I need cummies. “No!” Aventurine firmly stated. “Can I at least?” Sharp asked further. “No! We have it hard enough with Lumi living with Palutena, and We don’t trust thou to be an upstanding person without us to hold thine reins.” Aventurine countered, and Sharp pouted before she vanished, leaving Harmonia whining for more belly rubs. By this point, my breasts were starting to ache. Owie~ I have so much milk backed up. I grunted and tried to reach around my gigantic milk-engorged yoga-ball boobs to milk myself, but my nipples were just beyond my reach. “Ugh~ I can’t...reach…” I huffed and gave up with a pout, but my moping was stopped by a nipple being shoved into my mouth. I looked up over the iridescent sphere of flesh to see Aventurine, only now she was suddenly 10 feet tall, and lovingly looking at me like a proud mother as she pressed her nipple into my lips. I sucked hungrily to sate the ache in my tummy and hummed in joy at the absolutely amazing flavor. She tastes like German Chocolate Cake! “We understand thine wish to drain thine bosom, but We see thou has a milker already. Someone fetch it for the dear?” As she spoke, my belly swelled faster, the eggs growing and forming quicker, my nipples gushing with milk, spraying the skirt of the goddess. Mm~! Yes! Bigger! Moar~! I moaned as I drank and drank, the goddess seemed to get turned on, biting her lip as I reached out and groped her big, squeezable bubble butt. I then reached into her thighs, making her gasp as I rubbed her cunny through the skirt. Hm, somehow I’m very good at this! Like I had been doing this for ages! Wait, why was my brain all foggy again? “This was a bad Idea, Ava.” The lyrical voice said as the others finally lost interest and who wasn’t directly involved went back to work like it was normal. Even Twilight moved the bloated girls to comfy beds made from the ruins of my home, giving me space as Spike cooed over them and left me alone with the goddess so considerately feeding my brood. “Hm?” I groaned as I fingered her, my eggs rolling down my birth canal now, which was shockingly pleasurable compared to when I gave birth to mine and Svartr’s quadruplets. I moaned from the pleasure as I started laying while I fingered the Goddess more. I heard the heavy clatter of stone impacting stone. It sure took a while for that egg to land, how huge am I~? “Girls, stop feeding her.” The musical voice panted as the other two moaned. I blinked at a bulge forming under my hands as my belly started shrinking from each egg pushing through my vagina. That’s it, from now on, I’m only laying eggs! “Sharp, put that away!” Before they could protest, I wrapped my hands around the pillar of mare meat forming out of their clit and began jacking them off through their skirt. “Mm~.” I moaned while I got closer to the floor as I drank their bottomless reserves of divine milk. Eventually, I don’t know how long it took, I felt my erect dick reach the floor and my ripped abdomen quickly pushed the last few eggs out. I released the nipple, panting for breath, and looked behind me at the enormous mound of multicolored eggs the size of infants. Wow. “Ah...more...more eggs?” I requested dopily as the haze settled in, and the goddess smiled. “Hm~, now she’s ripe.” Sharp purred as Spike began to put my eggs in a hastily made nest that Twilight constructed with an exhausted expression on her face. The goddess rubbed her mare meat as it throbbed, her hands played with my legs and I suddenly felt nervous, now that my mind isn't so clouded by wanton sex, why was I so horny? I just feel like everything is right for some reason! I just laid, but I couldn’t think of much beyond making more! Yes, yes, yes, All the yes, more eggs, more dragons, repopulate! “Ripe?” I mewled as I was laid on my back by strong hands. “H-hey. As much as I would like to, I’d love to have a break from being a baby factory.” I nervously stated as I gathered more of my senses, and Aventurine’s face simply split with a hungry smirk before she spread my legs, her throbbing mast of horsecock pressing against my labia and she breathed my scent in. “Nope.” Two of the voices panted. “Thou hast worked us into a fervor. We can tell, thou wishes to be little more than an immobile egg bearer for all time. Whether for his eggs, thine owner’s eggs, or nearly anyone’s eggs if they endear themselves to thou.” They licked their lips, only for their eyes to flash rapidly, and they jerked away from me as if struck. “No! The last time we did something such as this, we were trapped as someone’s egg bearer for thousands of years!” They huffed, then literally punched their dick! Everyone flinched and they hissed as it wilted and disappeared while they shrunk back down to 6 feet tall. “Don’t do that!” I whimpered as I rubbed my sheathe, feeling the phantom sensation of my own cock being punished in such a way.  “Apologies, but while we remember nearly none of the time we were an egg bearer, it did last several thousand years. If we gave in and bred thou, for all we know we could’ve lost it and turned thou into the next All-Mother like we did with that world’s Twilight Sparkle.” They huffed, grumbling in irritation. “But punching your dick?” I questioned with a wince. “I’d almost prefer another go than seeing that.” In fact, I really would like another go! Holy shit! Do I have no refractory period?! “We art a very stubborn horny collective of perverts. Sometimes it takes a firm hand to put a stop to it. Besides, there is nothing stopping thine stud from knocking thee up again if that is what thee wishes.” At Aventurine suggesting I just bend over and let Spike breed me again, I felt hot, and agreeable to the idea as Cocoa finally brought the milker’s hoses over, and put them to my thumb-sized nipples, finally letting my milk drain. I hope the tykes aren’t causing a mess while she’s away from her little daycare. “Hm, if there was that time chamber like Bronze made here then maybe.” Sharp wistfully sighed. “There is, but the Caribou have it.” Twilight told them as she took notes on something on her notepad while going about making the houses move into the walls of the cavern and creating giant blocks of perfectly cut blue stone. Holy cow she’s seriously doing some renovating. “Even if we’ve tried making one in my castle with what little we know of the magic and technology it uses, it’d take ages.” Twilight huffed like it was an injustice. “Then it is pointless to mention. It is in possession of someone, so it is best left alone.” Aventurine stated as my breasts finally shrunk enough for me to stand. I need even more Strength to make beach ball tits not immobilize me? Great, more soul farming. “Oh, I wish I could help.” A faint whispered in my super-sensitive ears as parchment with a serpent sigil flew about. Was that in my studio? “We’re actually at war with them for the Corruption they bring. If you wanted to siege them we wouldn’t mind it.” Starlight said before Twilight glared at her. “What? They use it to break their slaves and train-slash-breed their armies! Why wouldn’t we want a horny goddess to take over a place that has one day being one year?” They have a hyperbolic time chamber?! No wonder there’s so many demons, they can breed and fill their ranks like mad with that. “This is all interesting, but we art unwilling to directly aid in war efforts abroad. Our own home is already almost entirely controlled by a fascist world-spanning empire save our single remaining diarchy, the archipelago, and our neighbors Saddle Arabia, and Bullgaria.” Aventurine stated wearily with the tone of someone who had been in dire straits for a long time. “Almost sounds like us,” Twilight said under her breath, rubbing her face, “Though we only have the dogs on our side, even if it's only from the immigration treaty.” “That is truly a shame to hear.” Aventurine bemoaned before she turned her attention to Ember, Smolder, and Daring. “Unf, that pegasus is a mare already vying for our heart. Such dedication.” “I did that!” I declared proudly as the goddess looked at me with an amazed and excited expression while I blushed at so brazenly being boastful of bloating my beau. “Verily! Thou hast the potential to be mine Champion! However, to accept is to become a Slime. The only other Champion We have is quite pleased with her nigh-immortal state.” Aventurine stated cheerfully and eagerly while I blinked at the sudden and enticing offer. “Wait, I would be a slime?” I asked as my breasts finally emptied, now at an E-cup. I seem to get bigger with each pregnancy. I hope I don’t need to use Reducto just to be able to move. “Tis a simplification. Behold!” Suddenly, the goddess melted into an amorphous iridescent and transparent material, but still held her form. “This is our true form! Thou would become alike to us as a symbol of thine title as our Champion.” “Oh, like Svartr!” I perked up, seeing the potential that had. Speaking of my partner, she’d been surprisingly quiet and scarce during this whole romp. “Svartr? Where-oh!” She suddenly surged from out of my cleavage and wrapped over me like a second skin. “There you are! You could’ve joined in on all of that!” I would’ve enjoyed having her part of the fun, why did she run? “Sorry, but whatever sparked your transformation hit me like a spear from a greatbow. I decided to rest, and slipped into your storage while you were so distracted with pleasure.” Svartr informed me through my voice while I distractedly noticed Aventurine smelled tasty. Like a fresh-baked chocolate cake drizzled with hot fudge and chocolate chips. “Not quite. Thine ectoplasmic companion is similar, yet not quite. She is inanimate without her spirit inhabiting her vessel. Tell us spirit, wouldst thou prefer to be brought back to proper life?” Aventurine questioned my partner eagerly as I approached her, licking my lips. “Hm, could I still be worn?” She asked before I started nibbling Aventurine’s ear. She tastes even better than she smells! “Um, Will-mm~.” Svartr hummed as she clearly enjoyed Ave’s taste too and we began slurping her ear. So good! MOAR! “W-wait! If you-!” I sucked her head down my gullet, and everyone froze in shock as I began eating the goddess who tasted like my favorite dessert. She even seemed to be getting off on it, her nipples got so hard they tented her corset and her thighs rubbed together even as she feebly tried to pull away. Our meal was interrupted by Svartr managing to pull us away by a sheer show of willpower as I tried so hard not to be stopped, and Svartr clearly didn’t want to stop. “H-hold on~! Sh-she’s a goddess! She could cause all sorts of…” Svartr panted, our tongue lolling out of our maw, and I don’t know how she could be resisting her! “She tastes like cinnamon mint tea though…” “Yes, she’s so tasty~.” I cooed as my belly gurgled, then I suddenly exploded in size as I surged up to about 6’5”. “Whoa! I’m still hungry though.” I whined as I eyed the delicious goddess with Svartr and my own body smiling more in tune now, her symbiote-like form seeming to gain more detail. Is fur showing up on her? “Bah! Eat goddess cake!” I demanded hungrily, spurred on by some odd instinct. Wait, what the hell is going on with us? “Before thou so rudely partook of our body, we were about to warn thou that consuming us is worse than drinking our milk, it’s even more potent. The only reason thou aren’t pregnant again right now is because there is no seed in thine womb.” Aventurine huffed indignantly before We tried to eat her some more. Svartr even formed a second row of teeth along my jaw, but Ave’s magic kept us away. “At least be more informed before continuing.” “Grr, fine. Would I do that too? If I’m your Champion.” I’m not exactly a ‘champion’ after all, might as well go full tilt to suit CoC. “She’s wearing me, will it also change me?” Svartr asked as she examined us. Indeed, even in her amorphous form she seemed more defined. “Yes. Thou would be a paragon of Fertility, Virility, Sex, and Commerce. Thou would spread our-oh dear…” Aventurine backed away as I prowled closer with my hips swaying, my tails whipping in the air behind me. My mind was made up, though a small part of me begged to hold off, let something finish. No~! Stop~! I resolutely ignored the niggling doubt in my decision as I closed in on Ave. “Hm~.” I purred and licked the Goddess across the cheek as I hugged her and rubbed myself on her as a spike of arousal filled me, my tits and balls bloating already. “I already am those things. Can I change my shape too?” I took a bite out of her ear and sucked again, growing bigger already. “Y-yes~! Th-thou would have our base abilities~!” She squealed as I began eating her again. However, instead of growing bigger, my scales began melting, my swelling breasts and balls stopped growing as I began swallowing the goddess down to her shoulders. “Aw, I’m not getting as much out of this...” Svartr whined as she tried biting around my jaw, and the burning fire in me began to cool and calm down as my belly gurgled with the magic goop filling me and increasing my size to the point where Svartr had to unwrap from me, revealing my already smooth and glossy iridescent body. “Hmph, I might as well just go bother Harmonia.” “Sorry Svartr, we’ll see about you later.” I groaned to my lover as my belly sloshed, then I started eating again, slurping up her breasts and fingering her pussy as her clothes fell through her. I gulped and quaffed and sucked her down, enjoying the way her legs kicked and spasmed as I worked down her abs, my whole body growing in all directions. I paused at her pelvis, slithering my tongue out and fucking her pussy until it gushed. Once done there, I swallowed the rest of her and I was now made of the same kind of goo that she was, if a bit more opaque while just as colorful. I panted and huffed as I felt content. Fulfilled at last, as if something I’d been missing had returned to me. That state I was in at the old shrine returned, my gooey body burning with that odd spark of...of...damn it. I can’t remember! All I know is I’m horny as hell and something is going right! Then, between my massive tits, each the size of a beach ball and completely firm as well as seemingly weightless, came a tendril of her more transparent body, and she quickly reformed her head with joy in her expression. “If thou weren’t before, welcome to demigodhood!” Aventurine cheered, and despite coming out from my sternum, she grew to match me and we began kissing, sucking each other into our respective mouths. Eating. The act was so pleasurable I couldn’t fully describe it beyond as if each piece that went missing felt like someone sucked on my cock. “I need you...oh~ fuck.” I panted at her as my quim gushed. “I want your brood.” I know now. The urge back then, the urge with Daring, the urge with Spike. I already have an affinity for Fertility. “That’s a good champion.” She then looked down, and I did too, and my eyes widened to realize we were towering over everyone, save Daring, who was nearly eye-level with us as a cum-filled balloon pony and eyeing us longingly. “Don’t worry, size control is part of the package, but we can worry about that later.” “Let’s find a room that can fit us.” I panted, eager to be bred by my Goddess. Luna may be my Mistress, but she wasn’t my Goddess. Aventurine is. Whatever is happening to me, she is the answer to guiding me on my path. Wait, I’m still wearing my collar?! How is this thing still on me?! Hot damn Luna enchanted this thing thoroughly! “Not a chance of that! Let’s take this outside!” Aventurine cheered, exiting my body entirely and instead of keeping legs, she let her lower half remain an amorphous blob. I impatiently followed her out, my cock and balls vanishing into me since I desired to be filled rather than to be the one doing the filling. I followed my goddess in a drunken daze up the natural staircase on the side of the cliff, she pulled me along into the forest, and then she smashed me against a large rock formation in the trees, splattering me a bit, and we began making out once more. “Please! Please fuck me!” I need her babies! “Yes, my Champion.” Aventurine sounded ecstatic as she formed a gigantic horsecock and rammed it into my quim, causing me to scream in rapture at the greatest feeling I’ve ever experienced outside of having sex with Daring. Not even when Spike impregnated me earlier could compare. “At least now, I won’t have to worry about losing control.” “Oh, ah!” I wailed as she thrust into me, “Take me! Take me my goddess!” I rapturously praised, biting into her gigantic breast and sucking her into me, which she copied as we fucked vigorously against the rock, crushing it with the force of our mating. “Breed me! Make me your broodmother~!” “Gladly~!” Aventurine squealed before she rammed home, and soon I began billowing out. Her impossible reserves of virile goo filled up my core and my body formed as a bubble around it. My belly surged, my tits too, my ass joined in. Soon I was a giant bubble of my goddess’s divine cum with gigantic tits and ass cheeks  “We...yes, We think thine art our favorite Champion. Now then, thou must spread my doctrine of procreation and free love. Oh, and capitalism, do not forget that.” I panted and groaned as her seed sloshed and formed newborn slimes within me. “Yes, my goddess. Though, why slimes? Why not dragons?” I groaned as she pulled out before she presented her cock to my lips. I immediately latched on and sucked, growing bigger still, until I eclipsed the size of the rock formation and felt like I could burst. She didn’t remove it though, so I kept sucking until I couldn’t anymore, and moaned. Only then did she remove her divine phallus from my lips. “Because dragons already exist here, and We always promote slimes everywhere. Thou shalt begin the Slimes here, if this world did not already have them. Let them spread and bring joy to the world.” Aventurine kissed me, and then she vanished in her ring of fire. “Thank you.” I huffed, feeling oddly at ease before I started birthing. Holy hell. My proclamation of only birthing eggs from now on? Hell no! Invertebrates are just as good! > Ch.15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.15 I moaned and groaned as I slithered back, adjusting to my new body as much as I could on the way. It wasn’t too hard to figure out how to restore to my ‘default’ size and shape after...ten tries. One resulting in me falling down into the canyon and splattering all over the place. I would resolve to tell nobody of this, no one will ever know! Ahem, my stumbling first experiences with my new slimy self aside, I made it back home after my quite pleasurable experience birthing untold numbers of multi-colored slimes in the forest. They all slithered off on their own and I was too tired to corral any of them, so I hope at least most of them turn out okay. Then again, so long as they don’t get swallowed whole, I think they’ll be fine. Anyway, since it was only a couple of hours since I left, at best, Daring was still an immobile ball of my cum. I wanted to check in with her so I went directly to her, everyone else leaving me alone since they were all busy. When I reached my rubbery lover, I rubbed her belly as I willed myself taller until I could look my exhausted lover in the eyes. “Sorry I vanished like that for an impassioned fling. I was all out of sorts, and then I birthed a whole new race.” I sheepishly informed my beloved mate, feeling my massive ears fold back until she snickered. “Hey, I fell for a whimsical scatterbrain, not some indomitable badass bitch. So long as you come back.” Daring said tenderly, making my metaphorical heart soar. At least, until she tried and failed to move her head more than a few inches from how tight her see-through sandy flesh was. I could still see the cum swirling inside of her. “I’d kiss you babe, but I’m currently living out my fetish of being a condom.” Daring smiled earnestly, she really was into this. “Hey, if you can’t lean in, I’ll go the whole way for you.” I lovingly remarked and leaned against and over her sphere of a body, over the side of her left giant breast to kiss her. “Want me in there? I can go in, absorb the cum, and just come back out.” I thankfully had some instinctive ability to control my body, which I had discovered on my way back. One instinct of which I discovered was how to absorb fluids when I fell into the creek. None must know of my clumsiness! None! “You don’t have to babe. I’m not kidding, this is fucking awesome.” Daring’s eyes glazed and she grunted as her nipples, still in Ember’s and Smolder’s quims, erupted more of my cum into the dozing dragons when my balloon of a lover orgasmed. I guess this ‘curse’ worked out for her after whatever Twilight and her superiors did to her. “What of you two?” I asked the waking dragonesses and booped Ember in the snoot to wake her up. Her response was to nom on my finger. She gasped and began scarfing me down. It was an amazing feeling, and upon seeing Ember so eager Smolder copied with the hand I’d been about to boop her with. I cooed as they began getting even bigger, their eggs multiplying as I offered them my gigantic hyper-tits instead of my hands. “You’re making yourselves even more pregnant~.” At this, they whined and tried to get more anyway, so I pulled away. “What is with that?” “Female dragons go all vapidly egg-crazy when they’re pregnant, and the more pregnant they are, the worse it is. Seeing what you do to them though, what happens to males?” Spike asked as he approached and leaned on Daring a bit, gushing cum into our shared mates and making them moan as they began growing again. “I think you just grow larger all around like they have too.” I pointed out that the dragonesses, along with getting more pregnant, were also getting taller, their boobs bigger, hips wider, butts more slappable, the whole nine yards. “Maybe your balls and dick will grow.” “Naw, I’m good. I’m fine with my body unless they want me bigger.” Spike replied with a proud smirk. Wow, it’s rare to find a guy willing to change for his mates, who were too blissed out by their filling bellies as he leaned on Daring, and she came more of my cum into them. “Can you all stop?! This is beyond excessive!” Twilight demanded as I slithered over to her on my amorphous blob, which was replacing my legs right now. I shrunk down to be eye-level with her so I wouldn’t have to raise my voice to be heard all the way down here in reasonable-height territory like I had to when addressing Spike just now. “I already have, they’re the ones keeping it up. I’m going to go and deal with the Corrupted demons for the area. More than I have anyway. There’s not much else I can do until your people find out where I need to go next, besides spend time with my kids and lovers which I’ll be doing too.” I informed the brainy purple princess, whose expression shifted between frustration and understanding. “Well, if it’ll keep you busy. Just don’t spend a week out there again. It’s bad enough I have to show Princess Celestia I’m a kirin alicorn now, I’m not about to tell her you’re missing on top of that.” Twilight warned me and I nodded in agreement. A week away was too long. How long had Spike been waiting at the entrance of the cave to catch me and apologize? “Don’t worry, until I’m on a long-distance and duration quest, I’ll be sure to come back at least every other day. Cocoa should have some help with wet nursing-hey. Hey Harmonia, can you make breast flowers to feed all the kids we’ll have running around? I don’t think Cocoa could handle more than she’s already busy with and I can’t always be around to feed them myself.” I hefted my sloshing tits, smirking at how good that felt and pleased that permanently milky tits was one of the perks of being Aventurine’s Champion. “Perhaps? I am unsure?” The goddess’s voice rang out from the still bloated tree. “I’ve never tried to grow beyond my base structure.” “Really? Well, I guess it’s time to find out. We’ll need all the help we can get. It takes a village to raise a child after all.” I sagely nodded, understanding that with how things are in this world, I’ll have the time to sit back and stay home, hm, almost never. I hope that isn’t the case, but I’m going to need a small army of servants at the rate I’m going. Cocoa is just one woman. “Hm, yes. I’ll see what I can do. It will take a bit of time for me to consider what would need to be done. Now that I’m not constantly being Corrupted, my libido is falling off and I can think more clearly.” Harmonia declared. “I will try to grow breast plants to produce nutritious nectar.” “Thank you, even if you don’t turn up anything.” I approached the giant crystal tree and hugged the trunk as best I could. “Just ask if you need help.” “I’ll take you up on that,” Harmonia responded and I turned towards the others, slowly realizing that nobody was reacting to me right now, save Svartr who looked left out next to Harmonia’s trunk, thus next to me. Ah, right, she said she was going to visit with Harmonia when she wasn’t benefiting as much from Aventurine’s slime. “Hey Svartr, are you okay?” I asked worriedly as she approached me. I was a bit more concerned when she wordlessly melded to me. “Oh!” I perked up in the new and unique pleasure of our amorphous bodies intertwining, her black slime swirling within my opaque rainbow of paint-like colors. “Hng~ oh gosh. Svartr...d-do want more pups or something?” I panted, pantomiming an action my new body doesn’t need out of arousal. “No.” Svartr glumly replied before she pulled herself from within me and coated my outer membrane to take her armor form. When she did so, even helping me form legs again, I smirked at how the plunging cleavage of my K-cup basketball-sized breasts strained her cuirass. “Oof! You’ve gotten so huge~!” Svartr squeed. Actually squeed at my new bust size. “Yes I am. Oh, and I wasn’t saying hollow promises earlier about helping you. I can give you new life. Get off of me a moment.” At my insistence, she did so. Once she was off of me I grew larger, my vagina dripping as I laid back and gestured to it. “Enter me Svartr, and I’ll do the rest of the work.” I cooed, and after a few moments of hesitation, she slithered into me. I moaned and bucked my hips as my belly grew slightly with her, my symbiote-like lover even pausing to use her whole body to writhe and pleasure my cunt, quickly bringing me to orgasm. I panted in afterglow as I cradled my tummy once Svartr settled within my gooey womb, and I smiled contentedly when I swelled more. I grunted and painlessly began rebirthing her. When she emerged, she seemed the same as when I wore her only she was clearly a wolf. She was fully mobile in her own bipedal body without needing to be worn all the time. “I’m still ghostly, but now I’m more stable, and made of goo instead of ectoplasm!” Svartr cheered, hugging my gooey mound. “Thank you!” Svartr looked at herself in my reflective membrane at her lupine face and sighed happily. It’s so good to see her able to speak on her own, her voice is a spine-tingling contralto that when she hummed, felt like the air was vibrating. “No problem my love. Now to deal with the demons! I will eat them! Take their power, or shove them in my cooch.” I purred as I shrunk back down to around 6 feet tall, letting Svartr form over me, now able to contain my K-cup bust which I fished the axe out of. “I’m going hunting! I’ll be back by nightfall!” “Take care!” Andre called while I walked from the cavern to hunt for even more demons with everything here more or less taking care of itself. The dragons want to keep blowing up from my old form’s cum, fair enough. Daring wants to stay a condom, fine by me, it’s her fetish. I’ll spend time with my children when I get back since Spike will be busy with them. My job right now is kicking ass, taking names, and making babies to help with the drastically low population. Oh, and spreading the good word of Goddess Aventurine to these loveless heathens! DEUS VULT! (<3) I dragged a minor Succubus by her tail back to camp about six hours later and 10 feet tall, both figuratively and literally. My inflated belly was supported by Svartr and what was acting as my ‘stomach’ was sloshing with corrupted fluids, dissolved bodies, and souls. It should be enough to make a pool of purifying water that will hopefully be the answer I’m after. The succubus was my test subject. I even had an omnibus stuck in my womb as I tested my powers on her. “Hm!” Was heard from my belly as the omnibus struggled in my womb, hands showing up on my belly as she tried in vain to escape her fate. Sorry sweetie~ but you’re gonna get a fresh start! “Don’t eat me~!” The succubus wailed as I approached Harmonia. “I’ve only ever wanted to have lots of babies! Please don’t kill me~!” She cried, the hourglass-figured busty brown horse succubus had been the highest-ranked of the demons I’d found that wasn’t a born demon, so I figured I would keep her alive. The omnibus-oop! There she goes~! My belly began to wiggle and churn as the excess mass the newborn former-demon caribou omnibus didn’t need went to my stomach. “I’m not.” I playfully replied as I approached the pool near Harmonia and started wading into it and relieving my unabsorbed contents with the same amount of relief as taking a good pee after having to hold it. “Don’t worry Harmonia, it’ll be Corrupted for only a bit.” I sighed as I rubbed my shrinking belly. I’m glad my new body grants some immunity to the transformative effects of Corruption, but I’m now near-constantly horny, so it’s hard to tell if I’m immune to its Lust or if I’m just so Lusty I’m unbothered by it. “You’re going to be a test subject for Purification. Don’t worry, you won’t die.” “What do you mean-Ah!” I dropped her into the pool, and she splashed about as Harmonia gasped, the pool shone with rainbow light for a moment, and the succubus climbed out, coughing, her breasts, hips, and ass slightly smaller. “*cough* W-what happened? Where am I?” “It works!” I exclaimed as I hugged the confused horse. “And soul energy made the pool connect to Harmonia’s power! Just dump corruption in and it’s purified, no purging stones needed! Well, they’d be nice to carry around, but otherwise, we have a purification pool here now!” “Well done Willow!” I was slightly taken aback at Twilight’s excited and happy expression as she teleported to the edge of the pool. “You’ve done something nobody has done before! Can it be bottled?” Twilight reached into her cleavage and took out a vial, taking a sample, only to whine as it lost its rainbow shine. “I was afraid of that. At least we have a local source to cure victims, and can use this to cure the Factory captives and return them to society.” “Wait…” I grew to my maximum height of 20 feet and looked around. At this size, Svartr was forced to cling to my collar, which despite everything, was doggedly determined to stay on me, even changing size. I guess I have Luna to thank for that. “Where are the dragons and Daring? They were enormous when I left, and while Daring I can understand since she was shrinking, the dragons were growing.” I quickly returned to normal size so we wouldn’t have to yell. “They’re in your new house.” Twilight idly pointed to the giant stone double doors behind where my home used to be on the end at the back by the milker. It had a smaller door in one of the doors for normal-sized people and things. “The workers were getting worked up, a few cited a need to go home to relieve their tensions due to them constantly making a scene. So I redid your place, made it bigger, and moved it along with the other houses into the wall of the cavern.” “Hey, thanks, sorry.” I chuckled as I looked down to her, lightly rubbing my wriggling belly as the tyke kicked. “Is there anything else I should know about Twilight?” “...Due to dragon laws. I’m...officially your adopted daughter…” Twilight blushed and pouted. “Celestia had a laughing fit when she visited and found out about all the nonsense that went on. Then she blessed Daring so she can fill even more if she wants before she has to vent pressure. I have no clue why Celestia likes that. Once the limbs go, it squicks me out.” Twilight stuck out her tongue in disgust. “But everyone has their kinks. You go have a good night.” “Okay, wait. What about your parents? I mean the ones who birthed you first? Aren’t they upset?” I asked curiously of my apparent new daughter, who, in all reality, seemed old enough to be my sister. “Also, have the kids gone to sleep already?” “I haven’t told them yet, but I expect Celestia will and they’ll all have a laugh about me being Spike’s daughter rather than him being my son now,” Twilight grumbled and snorted smoke out of her pony snout. “Ugh, and I still have to get used to that too. Also, yes. Cocoa is a savant with children.” “Oh...they won’t be pissed at Spike?” I questioned in concern as the mare whimpered at us for attention, my belly bumping with insistent kicks. Dang, she’s an energetic little cow. “Considering the circumstances, they’ll actually be forgiving. Now they’ll get on my case about finding a stallion, even more, than-alright, alright! Geez, come on, I’ll take you to the others.” Twilight gently pushed the confused and scared horse away from her face and started guiding her to the door nearest the cavern entrances. “Goodnight, mom!” “Uh, wait! I need you to…” I sighed, rubbing my belly as I approached Harmonia. “Do you like the purging pool?” I asked her as my belly swelled a bit, the tiny cow getting ready for the world. “Yes, indeed. I’ll be sure to pass the water my roots bring in through it, so I don’t catch any traces of remaining Corruption and undo all of your hard work. Now, did a Demon mate you?” Harmonia asked once Twilight was away. “I’m testing something with my unbirthing abilities. Seeing which method of purification will work better.” I explained as I rubbed my belly when tiny hands pressed against it from within. “I’m unsure if she’ll remember her old life though, so this one isn’t good for immediate reintegration with society.” “Hm, well if it’s ready, you can leave it with me. I’ll give it a bed for the night.” Harmonia’s offer came at just the right time, as I sensed the newborn was ready. Not bothering to do it normally, I opened my belly from the front like a blooming flower, revealing a wriggling and absolutely adorable caribou herm fawn. “Oh, she’s so cute! Sleep, or sex well Willow, I’ll care for her for now.” Harmonia stated, yawning as the light she gave off dimmed, making it harder to see as her magic took the newborn from my opened abdomen, and somehow took the child into her trunk like passing through water. “Wow...” I commented in wonder. I shook myself, gently patting my cheeks to snap myself out of my awe. With that I sized up, crossed the cavern in a few strides, then shrunk down with Svartr covering me once more. I entered the smaller door and paused once I closed it. “Well, I’m definitely going hunting again in the morn-Hot damn.” Daring wasn’t any smaller, and the hose running to her snatch from the tanks outside told me what she had someone do, and the dragons were so big, their bellies were pressing them towards the 20-foot high ceiling with Daring’s boobs still in their pussies. “Sorry if you were expecting them to be smaller.” Spike chuckled from atop Daring, who was sucking on his cock as he bounced on her, sending cum gushing into the dragons. “They insisted on keeping it going and Celestia seemed to encourage it.” “You should let them drain if you want a chance for your own eggs. At this rate, they won’t stop breeding mine for years.” I joked, not worried about his semen tainting mine. The competitive edge was gone, and I’m not sure if it’s because of my new status, or because I was mostly a dragon when I stuffed Daring and by consequence Ember and Smolder. I sized up and approached them, the girls cooing and reaching for me around their enormous tits. “Ah-ah~. No more if you don’t wanna be egg factories for the rest of your lives. Moderation is a thing.” “But eggs!” Ember whined as Daring shuddered and came more into them, making them surge another few inches. “Delicious cummies!” Smolder simpered while Daring came again, stretching them yet more. I pulled them off Daring, who whined around Spike’s dick as my cum squirted onto the floor from her naked nipples and the two hyperpregnant dragons complained about not having ‘tasty cummies’ anymore. Damn, dragons really do become egg-addled sluts when they’re pregnant. It explained why I was so preoccupied when I was full of Spike’s eggs. I rolled them over to the back wall where three giant half-sphere pools indented into the floor. Wow, this place is huge, it’s basically a few warehouses in size. I rolled the giant egg factory ladies into the empty pools on either side and positioned the egg-laden girls with their claws touching the ground, asses facing a convenient trough that led to the middle pool. “I guess the third pool isn’t for Daring, it’s for the eggs. Okay, girls, I’m going to replicate Goddess Aventurine’s milk, give me a minute.” I told them before I shrunk down, shaking my beach ball breasts, watching as the solid opaque rainbow texture turned into a washed-out pastel. “Who wants to go first?” Neither of them wanted to, hugging their hyper pregnant bodies protectively. “If this works I’ll plow you.” They whined before Smolder raised her hand first. “And no biting them off.” With that, I put my right nipple to Smolder’s lips. She tried to nibble, but my glare stopped her, so she whined in defeat and sucked the milk. The taste clearly agreed with her since she began chugging frantically. The effect was instant, her belly tightened and swelled slightly over the pool, getting a bit lumpy. I hummed, petting her head as she gulped and quaffed, starting to lay eggs painlessly. Ember whined, still holding her belly as Spike flew over to Smolder’s snatch, watching as the infant-sized eggs, a rainbow of colors, one by one fell from her gushing quim, landing with a loud clack in the trough before rolling into the center pool to clack with the others like a massive quantity of giant billiard balls. “Mrr, I love you my Smolder.” Spike purred when he kissed her cheek while I kept feeding her, switching breasts to keep making milk until her belly started shrinking. “That’s enough, you’ve got the rest from here. Your turn Ember.” I pulled my breast away from Smolder and she reached out for me as best she could. “I’ll be back to you soon okay? I’ll even give you both a good fuck if you cooperate.” I’m not expecting her to remember that promise. These ladies are clearly too far out of their minds with pleasure. Honestly, I’m hoping Spike has his time with the girls since they are his mates first. “No~.” Ember whined as she clung to her belly with all of her limbs, essentially hanging off the floor by her belly alone. “I wanna be pregnant longer~!” Ember complained and I huffed as I held a nipple to her face. She tried to turn away, but my smell enticed her and she bit into my breast, but instead of getting my goo I made it so my goo pulled back and gushed milk into her mouth. “Mm~...” Ember began drinking, no longer resisting as I sped up her gestation. “Good~.” I cooed, actually getting turned on by the sight of my eggs being laid on the primitive metaphorical assembly line. Spike mounted Smolder’s ass and fucked her as she went, so I sprouted my cock and reamed Ember so she wasn’t left out of the pleasure. Interestingly, as their bellies got smaller, the pools they were in got shallower, keeping their claws on the floor and their vaginas over the egg trough. Meanwhile, the center pool got deeper to hold the eggs. Good magic work Twilight. (<3) It took about an hour of pure pleasure, but eventually, the girls were now 9-foot tall amazons with lactating N-cup beach ball tits, which they immediately pulled away from us to use to spray down the pool of eggs. “G-gotta...nourish them!” Ember grunted. “Y-yeah. They won’t hatch for hundreds of years, but they need milk at least once a month.” Smolder huffed and whined as Spike pulled out of her ass and cleaned himself with a stream of his green fire which didn’t otherwise affect him. That done, he pushed into her snatch, pounding away. “Spike! I just laid~!” Smolder complained weakly as she hypocritically used her thick tail to pull him into her deeper. “I’m your mate and I need to breed you too. I’m practically married to you two thanks to Ember going all official the moment I stopped being an oblivious idiot.” Spike huffed as he squeezed her tits to milk her into the egg pool while fucking her. After his small rant, Ember whined as away from me, but instead of begging me to mount her, she rushed over to Spike, bumped hips and butts with Smolder, and looked back at him pleadingly. “Please~?” Ember simpered and Spike chuffed fondly before he aimed his spaded tail for her swollen box, ramming it in deep and making her scream as she sprayed milk into the pool even more. “Sure, then you milk cum from Daring after you lay again in two weeks. Unless you need to be home my lovely Ember?” Spike asked between grunts as if my lover was just a tool for their breeding. I was both annoyed, yet aroused by that, considering Daring was beyond happy with it both from her willing participation earlier and the lustful moan she gave just now. “Fuck the dragonlands! They can take care of themselves! Unf! I can send orders through Dragonfire Delivery anyway! Daring! Can you keep Willow’s dragon cum preserved somehow like those tanks outside? How does your body work?” Ember asked as she panted, thrusting back against Spike’s tail as she and Smolder milked themselves frantically. “I can. Celestia’s blessing will keep all fluids in me preserved like those tanks. I thankfully won’t get any more pregnant until I give birth in 11 months thanks to both Twilight and Tia. I’ve also got nowhere to be. I’ve signed my resignation earlier before I spent hours sucking Spike’s cock.” Daring called down to them from her place still bobbing in the middle of the giant chamber. “So that’s what you were talking to Twilight about,” Spike muttered in a tone that indicated he was disappointed, not in her I think, but something else. “I never meant to take you from your job.” I mewled up at my spherical liquid-filled lover. “Babe. I told you when we first had sex; I’m not young. I’m rich and I’ve got everything I want now. You’ve fulfilled my wildest dreams. Being your immobile cumdumpster is...unf~...” Daring orgasmed, even without anyone touching her, spraying my cum from her nipples, but then a whirr sounded through the huge rectangular space and the hose feeding my milked cum to her snatch blew her back up more. “F-fuck~...it’s everything I ever fantasized about. Besides tail hands and hyper cocks and hyper balls that is.” “Didn’t...Willow promise us a fuck too?” Smolder moaned just before Spike came into her, pumping into her until she looked pregnant already, the total stud snorting smoke and looking quite pleased while he looked at me and wagged his brows at me and spanked Ember’s ass, the powder-blue dragoness yelping, but not protesting otherwise. “Naw, you know what girls? I’ll let Spike, have you. I’ve got the perfect lover for me right here.” I declared, approaching Daring and patting her firm, transparent side, sloshing my cum around. God, I love her. I hope she won’t want to stay this way forever though. I’d like to go adventuring with her again. Maybe go to the movies, or a proper date even. “Hey, just let us lay. We already gave you a small nation, we won’t mind more, just get your cock in our faces.” Ember ordered me at the same time a red-gem topped staff next to the beds on the side of the chamber shone with light as Spike mounted her. “Let us eat it and get full of his eggs!” She cooed as Spike began pounding her pussy, and Smolder gasped as he moved his tail to her. “Well, it would boost the eggs he’s giving you...alright. You okay without attention Daring?” I questioned my dear lover, who grunted and bounced on the enormous dildo attached to the hose in her. “I’m good! My whole damn body is my clitoris! Just be sure you make more actual cum and top off the tank so I can keep myself filled while you’re away.” Daring grunted and moaned as her nipples gushed more cum. It wasn’t until now that I noticed the floor was clear just before, and the cum vanished after a few seconds. Good work Twilight, you go girl! “Sure thing Daring.” With my course set, I approached the dragons and waved my gooey hybrid fox/dragon/whatever dick in Smolder’s dazed face. She was already egg-addled enough to follow it with her eyes as I shaped one Tail Hand into a cock and connected it to my simulated testacles. With her distracted, I shoved my tail up her ass which caused Smolder to yelp, giving me the opening to thrust my normal dick into her mouth. She moaned as I ran my tail through her digestive tract and into her stomach as she bit and gobbled my slime phallus. Not to leave Ember wanting, I sprouted a third tail, made both tails tail-cocks too, and fed one to her eager mouth, the other up her ass. Soon, both were insensate moaning cows, gushing milk into the pool behind me as their bellies and bodies swelled. I stood before them in a daze, panting, and cumming repeatedly. Soon they were 10 feet tall. 11. 12. 16. Their proportions followed suit, their milk already overflowing the pool as their bellies lifted Spike and I off the floor. “I’m done.” Spiked purred as he pulled out of Ember and got me to stop by running his hands over my oh gawd yis sensitive giant fennec ears. By this point the girls were bigger than before, keeping them immobile even as I’d moved them to their birthing pools with my strength while we fucked. They both panted as they begged for more, but instead, I pumped my milk from my tits through my tentacles and into their mouths, making their bellies grow, and their much larger cunts started pouring eggs out two at a time. Soon, the pool was even more full of eggs, and the two mini-giantess dragons continued to milk their boulder-sized boobs into the center pool, panting with arousal and affection. “Good work ladies!” “Yis~!” I crooned, enjoying Spike’s treatment of my ears, nuzzling his hands as he played with them. “Oh~ I can’t believe I’m still horny~!” I groaned at my hot slime body practically vibrating with sexual energy. “I’ve been cumming constantly, I’ve turned them into giantesses and I’m still fucking horny!” I guess I’ve found a downside to being Aventurine’s Champion. I’m practically Corrupted with how Lusty I am. “Can you shrink us down?” Smolder asked, looking down at the tired and now half-her-size Spike. “I don’t want to be so big I can’t enjoy Spike properly. Besides, we’re not supposed to be this big for a few centuries.” Smolder nodded and I grunted in arousal at the thought of dragons growing into giants given the time to do so. “Unf...yes, I can, but not right now. Daring~!” I escaped Spike’s wonderful fingers that continued to give my ears scratchies in order to grow to my full height. I climbed atop Daring as I shrunk, made her orgasm from the pressure I added, and straddled her head with my hybrid knotted and ribbed 18-inch long and soda can thick slime penis presented to her face. “I need you~!” “Oh fuck yeah!” Daring sucked my dick into her mouth and she hummed in joy, closing her eyes as I fucked her face. She squealed as she came multiple times, the hose in her quim keeping her pumped up even with all the cum she was losing. Soon enough, I came and she began expanding, even more, screaming in orgasm through her nose and gushing the whole time. Fuck yes I love this woman! > Ch.16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.16 It was a few days later, said days had been spent searching the Everfree for lingering Corruption, spending time with my children including the ones I share with Spike as a co-dad, and of course the breeding orgies. Twilight wasn’t upset with those after having had a talk with Celestia and Luna and even encouraged it, saying I was actually doing something important. It turns out that the dragons are on the verge of extinction due to the Lust Demons poaching all of the males and turning them into demons over the past few thousand years. The reason why Ember, Smolder, and Spike were all so young at their late teens to early twenties was because they were from the last known generation of clutches, and said clutches were all female due to the Lust Demons sabotaging them. All save Spike who had been in Celestia’s possession. Anyway, I was ‘requested’ to be in Canterlot by Celestia to come present myself before the nobles about this matter. Literally, not sexually. At least I hope that’s the case. I don’t know what use they would have for the latter, but CoCs. Thankfully I’d made sure to fill the cum and milk tanks as much as I could manage for my harem to use while I’m gone because that’s what it was and I can’t deny it. I feel like a horribly written Mary Sue in a power/perverse fantasy. “I just need you to look presentable for the meeting,” Celestia told me from her chair, in the privacy of her study. I’d arrived wearing Svartr styled like her knight armor since I had to take a flying chariot here, flown by two hunky pegasus stallions in golden armor. I was nervous about all the people seeing me, it was unpleasant enough having people see my Collar and just...dismiss me. Nobody in Neighapplous did that, or in the forest. Here, the moment I stepped off the chariot, I could hear the disgusted, snide remarks. Undead are viewed as second-class citizens at best in Canterlot it seems. “Well pardon me if I’m used to constant fighting, sex, and not having to worry about bigotry.” I muttered as Svartr retreated from my head and formed a proper black dress that, while accentuating my K-cup bosom and my hips and ass, it was tasteful and had a flowing ankle-length skirt. I clutched my thick collar forlornly. It outed my nature, and clashed with my dress despite how lovely it was. “Really? I’ll be having a sensitivity seminar in the city square soon then.” Celestia leered at my collar in disgust. “That collar is a sign of your citizenship, not of any sort of inferiority.” Celestia’s words cheered me up, but I really perked up when a sensation told me my Mistress was watching. From where though? She isn’t here... “Now, as for the meeting, It’s just a meet and greet, and to keep funds going to your shrine and growing dragon repopulation project.” “I still can’t believe that even though the eggs take centuries, that dragons are endangered with how much they breed in one sitting,” I mumbled in my by-now muted surprise. Hearing from Ember and Twilight that what we were doing was good for the dragon race as a whole helped put in perspective why beyond pleasure, they were so eager to become breeding stock. Ember even said she and Smolder would be considered heroes, Spike, Daring, and I by extension.   “You can blame the Caribou for making their males all female. Spike, until you transformed, was the only male dragon on the planet.” Celestia repeated what I’d learned as we arrived at the meeting room where we greeted Nobles at the door. Apparently it was polite for me to do it too since I was the reason the meeting was called. “That and the raids made sure any males laid in the past thousand years were turned into breeding stock for their demon hordes.” “Damn. I’m glad my rampant horniness is being put to good use.” I’m also fulfilling my role as Goddess Aventurine’s Champion! Yay~! My very soul is singing joyously about this! “Who is this Auntie?” A white Stallion asked curiously. He was the last one we had to greet judging from the lack of other well-dressed and pompous ponies approaching the room. “I’m Willow, Champion Of Aventurine,” I told him with a curtsy. Oh my gosh, I can actually curtsy~! I feel so cute! Screw whatever vestiges of my man-card I had! Feed them to a fire! Well, aside from siring tons of eggs, but I still don’t see myself as male anymore. “You don’t look like much.” He commented cautiously. “Aren’t Champions supposed to be big, burly legends, able to plow through armies single-handed?” He looked at Celestia, who smirked knowingly. “What are you up to Auntie? Is this a jest?” The way he smiled mischievously got me to nearly snort. Clearly he and Celestia have a close relationship as he’s the only one who spoke directly and frankly with her. “Yes, I can. I’ve been gobbling up Demons for weeks now, want to join?” I asked him with a flutter of my eyes and a vicious grin to my foxy maw. I may be a super-hybrid slime, but damn it, I’m still a fox! “Well, considering what sorts of demons we’re speaking about, I assume you’re quite the skilled ‘gobbler’.” The way he licked his lips, I couldn’t withhold the knowing smile as I quickly scanned down to his trousers, lamenting that due to this world’s passive magic I couldn’t get a guess at what he was packing, but the scent he had told me he was quite virile. “Oh, let me be clear,” I replied playfully before I opened my mouth wide enough to put his head in, and turned the end of my tongue into a smaller mouth to speak. “I can do both, would you like to be part of me?” I asked with a cheeky smack of my hips. “As enticing as that is, I’m afraid I don’t have a death fetish. The other offer though, I’d gladly take you up on.” He winked and I felt my simulated heart race. I’m glad I used an Anthromanity before leaving the Harmony Shrine. I may be slime now, but I’m still Undead. I become more tar-like the further I go into my Undeath. Thankfully I have such a large stockpile of Anthromanity to use when I start getting all sticky and icky. “Hm~ I might just see you later…?” I fished, biting my lip after returning my head to normal. “Blueblood. Prince Blueblood of house Platinum. I would ask your name, but you will have to introduce yourself inside anyway. Perhaps we’ll have a short get-together after?” He smiled winningly and I felt so good at being hit on casually by such a handsome guy. “Sure.” I winked and he chuckled as he entered. After he left, Celestia leaned down towards me with a strange smile on her face. “Watch yourself, my nephew can be quite rude to people he thinks are beneath him,” Celestia warned and we walked inside. “Ladies and gentlecolts. I thank you for coming to this meeting.” I nearly froze, since sitting at the head of the table where Celestia was going sat Luna, who leered at me and licked her lips. Any awkwardness was avoided by Celestia sitting in the golden throne directly next to Luna’s polished obsidian throne. “Let us begin the meeting. Introduce yourself, dear.” ‘Crap. CRAP! I don’t have any public speaking skills!’ I felt about to freeze like a doe in headlights, but I felt Svartr take control of my body. Whew! Even though she’s slime now, at least she’s retained some of her ghostly powers. ‘Do not worry, I have some experience with this.’ I heard Svartr telepathically speak to me, almost making me flinch. Since when could she do that?! “I am Willow, Champion Of Aventurine, Prophesied Corrupted Undead,” Svartr stated for me with a curtsy, keeping my head down during the elegant bow and my eyes closed, my adorable gigantic ears almost drooping over my face, but my stiff scoop-shaped triangular ears managed not to sag. “My quest is to eliminate the Lust Demon threat and save this land from the end of an Era.” “Or, be the cause of it. Why should we not banish her where she stands?” Demanded a slightly puffy older grey stallion who wore even puffier clothes. “I only wish to spread the message of my Goddess Aventurine: free love, procreation, and capitalism.” At the last bit, they all looked perplexed. “Are you serious? Your Fertility Goddess is also a Goddess of Commerce?” Another noble asked curiously. “Yes.” I nodded as a tingling pressure started rubbing my thighs. I fought off the blush, casually trying to eye the source and noticed at the head of the table, Luna’s horn was barely shimmering and she smiled cruelly. “She states that while sex and procreation are important, it’s important to also-.” The pressure suddenly entered my pussy and I stood ramrod straight, but Svartr kept control of my mouth. “-moderate it.” Oh Goddess, Luna, why are you doing this~?! I was suddenly taking a huge horse cock in my cunny~! “I do not see any moderation in your rapid reproduction with the Dragon Lord Ember, the only male dragon Spike, and the dragoness Smolder. Last I heard from reports, the eggs were numbering in the thousands already.” Another noble commented with a disgusted huff. Meanwhile, the invisible magic dildo under my skirt picked up the pace and I was thankful Svartr could control my body for me while I’m unable to get past the pleasure. “They are endangered. Obviously breeding new blood in a safe location is best for their kind.” Svartr explained as I came, hoping nobody heard the dripping into the thankfully dark burgundy carpet, also that Svartr’s ankle-length skirt kept hid my dripping fem-cum along with keeping the smell covered well enough as Luna continued to remotely fuck me. “But so many sharing just the genes of four dragons? That cannot be safe. The males of this process will have to seek females of the prior generations and the females would have to go without. That is hardly fair to them.” Stated a more educated looking noble, judging by his reading glasses and thinner physique. “Most of my own young are nearly guaranteed to be herms,” Svartr explained and I silently screamed in rapture as the dildo began pumping my pussy. Luna looked slightly short of breath and her cheeks were flushed. I noticed her thighs and her abdomen under her dress were twitching, like she had a cock and was...oh Goddess she’s impregnating me remotely~! Fuck me Mistress~! “That is a much more sustainable outcome. Thank you for easing my concerns, but they’ll still have to breed outside of their clutch, obviously.” The scholar stated and I folded my hands in front of my bloating lower belly to try and hide it. Please, please, please stop cumming! Or let the meeting end in a moment! Considering that Luna was starting to gently hump the air since nobody was looking at her but me, I doubt she was going to stop! “Considering millions of females have no mates now, I believe it will be of benefit to the future,” Svartr stated, unable to keep sweat from beading on my brow. My belly was starting to get more obvious. Thankfully Svartr fluffed the front of the dress as if to straighten it and she made it seem like there were flattened ribbons on the dress she fixed. “Look, we’ve only bred a low thousand to the current four million females, We still have work to do.” My womb was still filling with Luna’s cum, I won’t be able to hide it much longer~! “I’ve heard more than enough. I approve, you all have duties to get to. Yay or neigh?” Luna suddenly declared, ceasing all outward evidence of her remotely having sex with me in front of over a dozen people. “Yay.” A good number stated as they stood, only one said neigh and sighed at being outvoted before also getting up to leave. When they all turned to the exit and I moved to the side, Luna grunted and violently thrust her hips, driving her remote dick deep into me and pumping a huge surge of cum. It was so much that my belly burst out of Svartr’s dress the moment the door closed behind the last noble and I fell to my knees, panting and gasping as I rubbed my firm womb, feeling Luna’s foals forming already. “Luna, you should have waited,” Celestia said admonishingly, but without surprise or any real disapproval. “And pass up a chance to fornicate publicly without getting caught? As if sister!” Luna huffed to catch her breath and leered at me with a hungry expression. “Good job keeping it secret Willow, you too Svartr.” “Ah! Thank you, Mistress!” I huffed as Celestia stood and worked her own dress up over her pelvis and nuzzled her sister. “Now Sister, don’t have her call you mistress, she does not belong to you. Especially since her capabilities as a breeder and willingness to help us repopulate mean she has to be shared.” Celestia’s horn glowed and her crotch shimmered before a massive 15-inch pale horsedick and cantaloupe-sized white balls suddenly sprouted above her vagina on her upper pussy area. “Yes, yes. She’s not my slave. We share.” Luna huffed as she lifted her dress to reveal her equally sized black penis and dark blue balls was coated with my pussy juice. “That said, her collar is going to need more adjustments,” Luna commented and licked her lips playfully. “Share? A breeder?” I huffed in a mixture of indignation and excitement as Celestia approached me while Luna pulled out her remote penis. Wait, she said this would take days, the meeting was less than ten minutes! “Is that what this was really for?” I asked in annoyance as Svartr turned back into her amorphous state, molding over my body like a second skin. “She and I will not be slaves!” Svartr groaned with a glare at the two while she clutched our firming fecundity. “Don’t worry, you’re not a slave. They’re illegal after all.” Celestia leered at her sister in disapproval and Luna rolled her eyes. “Now then, you see Willow, we don’t often get the chance to have good sexual fun. Especially not if it will bear fruit.” Celestia stated, picking me up with her magic and lining up her huge cock with my swollen cunt as my belly grew with Luna’s foals. “How fortunate that Twilight informed us that you’re practically genetically neutral and able to bear any offspring, or impregnate any other species with their own species.” “A-am I really just breeding stock for you?” I questioned in resignation, since either way I’m going to do it. However, one of Aventurine’s most important rules is that while Free Love professes sexual openness, it does not mean losing the emotional attachments. I’d feel much better if this was not just them using me and if it could lead to something more, even if not romantically. “No. You may be our breeder, but you’re one we would love to keep in our personal affairs beyond mere sex.” Luna stated as she moved to my head and leaned down. “Though of course, the sex and breeding is going to be very important. It helps you’re so damn cute.” She kissed me before her sister took my quim in one firm thrust, going into my womb! “Oh, I feel the foals!” Celestia grunted, humping into me and fondling my growing gravidity. I was already at term with twins off of Luna’s cum. “Luna, could you help pin the other end of this roast?” Celestia asked as her broad flare rammed into my cervix, jostling the unborn foals in my womb. “Of course I will,” Luna stated with affection, aiming her dick at my lips and I opened wide, taking her whole shaft down my throat and sucking while I fondled her balls as she rubbed my belly. “At last. Foals of my very own.” “Oh yes, she’s perfect. This whole week is for breeding her with our heirs!” Celestia declared happily as they spit-roasted me. “Just in case the worst happens. As for our other goal?” Celestia asked of Luna, who grunted and grabbed my tits, squeezing my milky nipples hard enough to cause me to gush into Svartr, who was clearly enjoying being my bodysuit right now. “Bring alicorns into the world properly and not as a genetic and magical lottery. Oh, and we’d like to commission your womb for breeding thestrals. Their numbers are even more pitiful than the dragons.” Luna declared, but I couldn’t care less right now. My pussy was convulsing with pleasure as I deepthroated Luna and played with her balls. “Then there’s all the other nations who have been suffering population shortages from the constant demonic threats. Willow, you can save this whole world~!” Celestia crowed, slamming home, her flare expanding against my cervix and I came, my vagina milking her penis as she pumped huge volumes of seed into my womb, blowing my belly up more. Luna joined soon after, feeding me the convenient nutrients I could use to fuel their gestation beyond my body’s ability to convert my magic into nutrition directly, even if that gets really exhausting. “Well, besides Canida, the Griffin Kingdoms, and Zebrica. Those three are fine for the most part.” “What about, hah, genetic diversity?” Svartr asked breathlessly for me by forming a mouth on our shared belly as Luna and Celestia came. They slowed only after she finished her question and my belly doubled in size, to term with quadruplets. “Like you told the nobles. Your offspring are likely to all be natural herms. We have four alicorns for you to breed with. Twilight is arriving this evening, having no clue why she’s to be here. Mi Amore Cadenza is arriving tomorrow.” Luna informed us as I finished sucking the last lingering drops of semen from Luna’s dick and they popped out of me, leaving me groaning in the afterglow of being so well used. “Hey, wait. Isn’t Twilight-related?” Svartr asked from my lips since I was too immersed in my pleasure to think straight. “Also, isn’t Cadenza married?” Svartr was clearly paying attention to things more than I was. Who is Cadenza? I think Twilight brought up someone like that. “Twilight is Willow’s adopted daughter due to her relationship with Spike via dragon laws. As for Cadenza, she is the Goddess of Love. She’s the one who came up with this the moment she heard about Willow’s abilities.” Celestia stated, using magic to clean us up and rubbing our belly affectionately. “Hopefully you won’t birth them before the others get their turns.” “Fuck~.” I groaned as Celestia moved to my mouth and Luna rubbed our belly and leaned down to kiss Svartr’s mouth that she still had at the apex of our fecundity. “Mm~?!” Svartr yelped into Luna’s mouth before they parted. “Oh~ what?” Svartr questioned in astonishment. “Oh? Did you think you weren’t included in this? Don’t degrade yourself little Godkin. Feel free to have fun with us.” Luna then went to our groin and rammed her dick right in, getting us both to squeal in pleasure. (<3) By the time evening rolled around, Luna and Celestia had pumped my womb with their cum 2 more times each. My belly was massive, filled with six of Luna’s foals and six of Celestia’s. It seemed my body was set on having their babies in sets of twins. “Oh~! I love my new life.” I moaned where I sat on a stately king-sized bed, barely able to hold my gigantic belly full of 12 foals. I would’ve used my milk to speed up to birth even if my body naturally accelerates my pregnancies through to the last month, but the sisters nearly demanded I hold off on it. I was also alone, the sisters deciding to have Svartr keep them company while I rested and-. “Celestia, why did you need me?” Twilight asked as she entered the room, her face in her notepad. “I brought my reports on the progress of the Harmony Shrine with me in case-EEP!” Twilight looked up and noticed my gravid hyperpregnant form, but before she could do more, a magic trap zapped her and shut the door. “H-hey-oh~!” Twilight moaned, grabbing at her groin as a purple horsecock, matching the twin sister’s equipment, tore out of her dress. She was immediately panting in sudden blind arousal. “W-what~?” “What did you do to her?!” I huffed in shock at whatever it was Luna and Celestia set up as Twilight held her massive cock. We were alone in the room. The sisters and Svartr had moved to another room so we wouldn’t be distracted. Curse those devious twins! “S-simple magic negation trap. Obvious. Should’ve been paying attention~...” Twilight eyed me. “F-fuck...must fuck.” She panted, her nipples tenting her dress and she snarled, ripping off her dress entirely. “Twilight, you don’t have to do this!” I weakly declared as I tried not to think of the fact that she was my adopted daughter. That was a rather flimsy excuse though, which was proven when she stormed up to me. “Fuck that!” Twilight declared eagerly. She quickly rolled me to perch on my belly, getting me to squeal at the display of strength. Now that I was atop my firm fecundity she shoved her throbbing tumescence up my twat without hesitation. “Time to make some fucking foals!” “Oh~! N-not so rough~!” I knew this was the plan, but it felt so wrong to let her be manipulated into breeding me! Even so, the way she pounded my pussy was incredible! “Unf, you stupid sexy slut! You’ve made my life so frustrating!” Twilight growled as she humped me, grabbed my ass, and bit me on my neck. Thankfully I’d figured out to harden my exterior membrane to avoid being easily eaten, so she didn’t get to have any of my growth-causing body. It was hard enough to shrink the dragon girls down to 10 feet, I don’t want to try to repeat that with Twilight. “Hnng~! Gonna cum! Gonna~!” Twilight squealed and I orgasmed when she pumped me with more seed, my expansive womb growing even larger. “Yes! Make more foals!” I had no words. Twilight’s nearly feral and wild need to fuck was overpowering and she pounded me until she came two more times, each time filling me further. After the third, she slowed, panted and groaned as she fell against my back. “...Are you done Twilight?” Fuck that was intense and incredible. I’m actually kinda tired. I also regret all the stress I’d been causing her. “I can’t believe how pent up I was. Sorry Willow. I guess not taking Celestia’s advice and not taking mares to bed was a bad idea.” Twilight moaned as she tried to pull out, but was too tired to get off of me. “Is it okay if I sleep here?” “Might as well.” I sighed. It wasn’t the most uncomfortable thing in the world after all. (<3) “You are so perfect…” I had to blush at the exaltation breathed by Mi Amore Cadenza. The pink princess was about the same size and proportions Twilight was before she got dragon blood in her. My massive belly, full of 18 unborn alicorn foals, dominated the room with me having to stand on a pad and lean on said belly with my gigantic beach ball tits perched atop, rendering me blind facing forward. I had to be turned to the side to be able to see the alicorn. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think to see the ultimate broodmare.” “I, thanks.” I preened under the praise, my fluffy tails wagging and writhing in the air behind me and my ears so perky they could probably pierce stone. “The others have only commented on how helpful I’ll be, not said anything else about me.” Other than the passionate declarations of me being the best sexual partner they’ve ever had. I felt oddly proud of that too. “Well, that’s just rude!” Cadenza huffed as she went to the nightstand and began removing her clothes properly like a civilized person. Her behavior was at odds with how her fellow princesses had acted, and she is supposed to be the Goddess of Love who had suggested all of this? “I know right?” For instance, when Twilight woke up, she just kissed my cheek, patted my ass and belly, then went to join her fellow Princesses in constantly fucking poor, poor Svartr. However, it didn’t really bother me much. Being so massively huge, so unable to move, it reminded me of being full of Spike’s eggs. I love this feeling so damn much. “Now, can you get over here? I need attention.” Just how polite she’s being is rocketing Cadenza to the role of ‘Best Princess’ and I want to reward that. Also, I’m incredibly horny still due to my affiliations. “Yes, right away.” Cadenza stated eagerly, but she still finished folding, yes, folding her dress. Once it was in the nightstand drawer, she used the same spell as the other alicorns to give herself the same set of male genitals as the others. Is that a one-size-fits-all spell or something? “I don’t want to keep you, even if my aunts want to keep breeding you all week, I’ll try to talk them down to just one session a month at the most, once a year at the least.” “Question? Do you use a one size fits all spell?” I asked as I spread my legs, leaning forward on my belly and tits the best I could to present myself with a shake of my thicc ass and a wag of my fluffy tails. I could practically feel my goddess was subconsciously pleased with my actions~. “Well, we’re all big and thought it best to try and not break you, but...” Cadenza changed the spell and a new cock of 21 inches and 4 inches wide with balls the size of watermelons replaced her already huge junk. “I’m very big, bigger than the others for sure.” Seeing that bitch-breaker made my nethers twinge, my womb ache, and I drooled. “Put it in~! I wanna feel it!” Nobody else I’ve seen aside from massive demons have cocks that huge! I wanna get fucked by it! I spread my legs even wider, grabbing each of my ass cheeks with my tails hands and spreading them eagerly while I groped the sides of my milk-leaking boobs. “Y-you’re sure? This is enough to kill nearly any female of any race who isn’t Corrupted or using magic modifications.” Cadenza asked eagerly. Clearly she wasn’t getting the appreciation such a delicious cock deserves! “Yes~! Breed me~!” I begged. “So you’re a natural herm?” I questioned the pretty pink pony princess curiously as I twerked, trying to draw her closer as she approached. It was clearly working since her excitement built to the point of her precum leaking from her urethra. “Yes! We all are! Well, after the change to being Alicorns.” Cadenza suddenly rushed to me, grabbed my ass under my tail hands, which quickly moved to her shoulders, and she pressed her 2-liter soda bottle wide flare to my swollen pussy. “Here I go~!” She pressed, harder, and I gyrated my pelvis to work it in. Soon, it finally popped in and we both screamed in pleasure when she began thrusting into me, driving that incredible pillar of cock into me inch by inch. “Oh gawds, yes~! I’ve never been able to get this into anyone!” “Ah, Ah!” I couldn’t move much, not with my enormous pregnancy pinning me, but I twisted my hips the best I could to help ease her in. I felt her flare battering my cervix and she wasn’t even to her medial ring! “Fuck me! Fuck me~!” I screamed and she rammed into me as hard as she could, eventually managing to batter past my cervix. I screamed in agony before my body negated any damage and I thrust back as much as possible since she froze in fear at my scream of pain. “What’re you doing?! Keep going!” “Y-yes ma’am!” Cadenza enthusiastically replied, thrusting as hard as she could, her cock stirring up my unborn foals, so they began kicking in displeasure. I ignored them, turning my head to the side to hook an arm around her shoulders and pull Cadenza into a deep, longing kiss while my tails hands groped and kneaded her callipygian ass. Soon enough, she began squealing, nearing her orgasm. She finally bottomed out, her crotch meeting mine and she screamed into my mouth as she began dumping gallons of seed in me. “Unf! Oh~” I moaned when my belly surged. I was increasing in size much faster than with the others. I panted while my belly touched the ceiling and Cadenza leaned into me as her body convulsed, pumping so much cum into me I was worried she hadn’t had sex in years or something. “Oh~ I’m getting so pregnant. Is this just one load?” “I-I have ah~!” Cadenza suddenly came again, like I do! I squealed as my belly hit the ceiling harder, cracking it. “I get multiple male orgasms like a dog!” She admitted as my belly was crushing the furniture, damaging the ceiling and walls. I don’t think the Sisters considered how virile Cadenza is! I took it all and eventually she stopped, my belly growing slower as her several foals formed within me. “You’re like...my Goddess.” “...Free Love and Capitalism?” I questioned in exhaustion and Cadenza moaned before she kissed my neck and I whined when she sucked on my enormous ear. “Hm, they're kicking a bit, but my magic is keeping them safe Cadenza.” This will also be a good chance for Twilight to examine me during an active pregnancy. “Call me Cadence. Oh, and hell yes for Free Love and Capitalism.” Cadence cooed and I squealed at finding an acolyte~! > Ch.17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.17 I ended up spending the whole week at the castle, birthing the possible heirs to the country and future progenitors of the alicorn species. It was mostly so that I didn’t seem eager to avoid the ruling body of my benefactors, but it was also to get to know the princesses better on a more personal level. It was also because the Princesses and I fucked like rabbits and I eventually had to be moved to a secret dimensionally expanded room to keep growing before I was finally ‘allowed’ to give birth once the arrangements to secret the foals away for safety from the demons and other ne'er do wells were finalized. After our week-long constant date/orgy, Cadence was beyond happy to ‘officially’ meet her Goddess’s Champion and decided to postpone her return to the Crystal Empire to see where I was based. “So this is where you live.” Cadence commented as she and Shining Armor walked into the shrine for an ‘inspection’. The Harmony Shrine around Harmonia was coming along well. Apparently our presence was boosting Harmonia’s power since we were all working together. This resulted in her growing. By now she’d grown into the ceiling, her branches beginning to dig through the ruins of the castle to seek the sun, while a small barrier of small Romanesque Arches carved from the cave’s own blue stone was halfway wrapped around her trunk with more than enough space for a courtyard of sorts. As for Shining Armor being here, we couldn’t avoid it since Cadence had been gone for ‘an unacceptable amount of time’ so Twilight was keeping her mouth shut on how she got her eighteen foals, and Cadence wasn’t mentioning how her forty-two came about, just telling Shining she had found a female to help her ‘needs’ since he had the security clearance to find out himself anyway. She also had Luna update my heavy metal Collar to have all of their Cutie Marks on it, so I knew I was ‘owned’ four ways. Not literally though, since slavery is illegal. I’m all for the pet/slave play now that I’m aware I’m not actually a slave. They also give me the ability to take the collar off too. However, by this point, I was so used to the weight of it and it was really cool and pretty at the same time. That and Twilight enchanted it to feel incredibly comfy but left it heavy at my request. It didn’t feel right without the weight… “Willow? Equus to Willow~.” Cadence playfully waved her fingers in my eyes, snapping me out of my musing. “Ah, yes. I live here.” I said, blushing as Cadence fed one of mine, Daring, and Spike’s kirin foals and Flurry Heart from her E-cup bosom. The precious filly was the only Alicorn child not of my loins and of a Miracle from Shining Armor. Cadence had told me she hadn’t at all expected to birth an Alicorn when she found out she was pregnant. “I have also been finding ways to Purify demons here.” “Also rapidly reproducing dragon eggs with help from volunteers,” Twilight added, because the huge floor to ceiling  MILK and CUM tanks in the back of the cave were not going anywhere. No point in hiding that from Shine-. “Uh-huh. I’m sure it’s a coincidence this same herm just so happens to come along the same time my sister suddenly has eighteen foals to her family files and my wife has forty-two more?” Shining raised his brow and we all began to sweat. “Hey now, I may be a jock, but I’m Cady’s Prince and still active military ruler of the Empire for a reason. It’s cool. You’ve got good reasons. I just wish you were more open with me about it Cady, Twilly.” “I see. Well, yes.” I affirmed, not bothering to try and deny it. Besides, if I need to be in contact with Shining, it’s best if I didn’t step on his hooves. “But I wasn’t always this way, I’m the Champion of-.” “My Goddess!” Cadence exclaimed when she saw the Lordvessel. She immediately beelined for it and I sighed at not having had any time to try and ease Cadence into the fact the Goddess she worships has a shrine here. “I see you’re linked here!” The flames stirred as Shining blinked at his wife. “Cadence~! It is so good to see an alternate version of our adopted niece and successor to the Empire is a worshiper!" “Yes, well...I may have...bred your champion.” Cadence whispered the last bit in an overly loud stage whisper, causing me to quietly put my face in my hands while Shining and Twilight both silently patted my back in understanding. “Well done! She may be eager to spread her legs, but treat her well, she’s a keeper!” I flushed at my Goddess stating I was a floozy, but still worth it. It’s true, but it kinda stings. “She can also take me.” Cadence blushed with a dopey smile as Shining approached Andre and was thankfully quickly distracted. “But I’m saving that for when we’re leaving and I’ve got Shining’s seed in me to make sure they’re his.” “We think you meant she could take you in two ways.” Aventine replied with a chuckle. “Why hide it? Good on you keeping Loyal to your husband even though you found a better lay by the way. Well, We’re afraid We must cut this short, but we’re rather busy trying to figure out how Pinkie Pie has accidentally cloned herself.” For some reason, my Goddess saying this got Twilight furious. “Mirror pool in the Everfree!” Twilight yelled in rage. “I fucking swear I have PTSD from that whole event for having to execute forty Pinkies!” “Twilight?” I whined as the feral look she gave me told me I was not going to walk for a while if I bothered her right now. However, Aventurine didn’t respond. Clearly she ‘hung up’ before Twilight’s warning could be heard. “Um...how about you all come visit Spike? He’s been really, uh, busy.” Considering we found little Spinel wandering about, having clearly evaded Cocoa’s vigil somehow, I could only assume Spike was occupied with the three females in our sex-crazed group. “Fun!” Echoed a chirpy voice from the forest before someone screamed in horror. I’m not touching whatever that is, my next forest patrol isn’t until tomorrow. “If you mean my little bro stallioned up and finally got himself a marefriend or two, then yeah, he’s been busy.” Shining Armor declared from over by Andre, having been perusing his weapons. The Astoran Horse had been able to get his hands on more supplies thanks to Twilight. “These are such high quality! How much is it to commission you per weapon?” “Ye barter in souls?” At Shining’s shocked expression he shook his head. “Nay, I only barter in souls. I need them to trade with that old woman for things such as Titanite and the like. Princess Twilight can only provide so much and the maiden is the only source of such precious materials.” “Ah, a shame. I’ll see about asking the court wizard how to harvest soul energy without killing things and save up for my next visit.” Shining declared with absolute seriousness. To be honest, I doubt a single smith or artisan in all of the world could possibly rival Andre. Well, besides the Giant Smith or Vamos, but thinking about them makes me sad... “We’re already researching it,” I told him while Cadence approached us. “The Handmaiden can make many invaluable things, such as Titanite and Purging Stones.” Upon stating that, our guests gawked at the still unknown species old woman. Said enigmatic old lady seemed to be napping in a luxury recliner that someone was kind enough to supply her off to the side of the Lordvessal, near the Firekeeper. “That said, only Undead willing to kill or sitting in the midst of rampant death can afford her supplies right now.” With that, I then led them towards my home and only once I opened the door did I realize that maybe I should’ve warned them ahead of time. “Hmph~!” Squealed Daring as her tits were once again in Ember and Smolder’s twats. Spike’s sausage was in her mouth as she sucked him off and she came, gushing cum into the two eager brood dragons through her nipples, inflating them even bigger as they made out. I slowly turned to see the group with a sheepish wince. Twilight was double-facepalming, Cadence was extremely turned on if her pomfed wings and drool were true, while Shining Armor...well. He fell over, backward, with his admittedly big dick having punched a hole in his trousers before he passed out from all the blood rushing out of his head, causing Flurry Heart and little Spinel to start crying from the sudden clatter his armor caused. “Sorry,” I whined as Cadence looked at me hungrily, then Daring. “No! Daring’s mine!” “Hard to believe that with how she’s impregnating two dragons and sucking my adopted little brother off.” Cadence licked her lips. “So this is how you mass-breed dragons?” “I...yes, but Daring’s heart is mine. She just likes having an open sexual relationship, but you’re Love Cadence, please don’t try to steal her.” I whined with genuine concern. I mean, she’s a married mare and I almost feel the same way for Cadence that I do for Daring in the week we’ve had together. “I wouldn’t do that. I can tell that you two have something special. The moment you saw her you latched onto her like you do me.” Cadence gently declared to me and I flushed at her having realized how quickly I’d let her into my heart. Bad me! She’s a married mare! “But I am a bit curious, has she been like this for a long time?” “For over a week now. She doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or such now that she’s a living cum reservoir. Something about how her body is constantly getting energy from it and all the cum she takes in from any of her orifices is just added to her body. So considering how often she sucks Spike’s dick, at least a good portion of the cum in her is his. It makes the possibility of mixing up the eggs better since she preserves it too.” I continued in explanation, not mentioning that this was all mostly Daring’s plan being put into action. Fuck I love my kinky girlfriend. “So she’s your cum mixer and dispenser. That is so fucking hot. Twilight, babysit.” Cadence demanded, handing off Spinel and Flurry to her little sister, who quickly escaped, dragging her unconscious brother with her in her teleport. “B-but you just said-!” I was shut up by Cadence putting one of her manicured fingers to my lips. “Free Love and Capitalism Willow. I’m married, but Shining has given me permission for an open sexual relationship. Don’t worry, I’m not going to take your place in her heart. That’s impossible. She loves you so much you don’t even know.” Cadence winked at me and I felt as if my metaphorical heart was going to burst from between my breasts. “Hey Spike, mind taking a break?!” Cadence called as Spike ejaculated into Daring’s hungry maw and he looked down in surprise. “Big sis! You wanna trade-off? Daring’s kinda sucked me dry!” Spike’s nonchalant reply had me consider that Cadence’s hermhood wasn’t a secret among her family at all. Also, that Daring hasn’t been giving Spike much time to recover between sessions. “Hell yes!” Cadence declared before she flew up and tossed off her dress before her huge dick returned. By the time Spike dropped down to the floor and Cadence flew up, I’d shot up in size to be eye level with my 20-foot spherical lover. “Hello, you incredible mare~. I’m Cadence, Goddess of Love.” “Holy shit…” Daring was staring at Cadence’s dick and licked her cum-stained lips. “Is that for me? Or are you just happy to see me? Name’s Daring Do.” Daring announced, grunting as she came again when I shrunk down and got atop her, the pressure setting her off. “Fuck~...” “Daring Do?! Oh my gosh! I’m such a fan-!” Cadence’s fangirl moment was interrupted by Daring blowing her sweat-drenched forelock of mane out of her eye. “You can ask for an autograph later, now are you gonna feed me or what?” Daring licked her lips again and opened wide. Not wanting to miss out, Cadence lined her cock up with Daring’s lips, which like her body, was especially elastic, easily accepting her 4-inch wide flare. “Hm~.” “She likes your taste.” I translated with a bit of a tease, which got Daring to raise a brow towards me. “Shutting up.” I giggled and she nodded before she sucked. Cadence yelped as her cock was practically pulled into the living cum balloon that was the legendary cocksucker Daring Do in one powerful flex of Daring’s impossibly powerful gullet. “Oh~! She’s so good!” Cadence began to thrust in and out of Daring’s face, fucking her as hard as she could, her watermelon balls slapping Daring’s transparent surface rapidly. “How do you not bust your nut instantly little brother?!” “Mostly practice at this point!” Spike called up from the lavish red poster bed off to the side as Daring orgasmed and filled the dragons some more. “By the looks of it, we’ve only got two more orgasms from Daring before we have to move Ember and Smolder to the birthing pools.” “Well then, I guess I better get off fast if I want my seed in the mystery slurry!” Cadence began moving faster, Daring’s eyes rolled back as another orgasm was fast approaching. “Almost there! Guh~!” Cadence’s huge balls pulled into her groin and Daring’s eyes widened as she began visibly inflating as if the hose in her snatch was on. This instantly sent her over the edge and her tits began absolutely pouring into the dragons, who screamed in shared rapture as their bellies filled so fast they rose higher than Daring’s still climbing height and bumped the ceiling before Daring’s nipples popped out, gushing cum all over the dragon’s underbellies. “Ah~! Relief…” “Holy hell.” I gaped. I mean, I can do that, but only with boosting myself or manipulating the situation. Cadence just overstuffed Daring and the dragons in one go. No wonder she knocked me up so damn well. “Oh~, I need to pop a few more nuts.” Cadence huffed as she pulled out of Daring and stroked her spit-slick shaft needily. “Well, Daring, if you’d like I’d be willing to nut you a few more times in the pussy or the ass, but I don’t like not hearing my partner scream. I’ve been fucking your lover for the past week to get 42 foals already. I don’t think it fair to monopolize her time from you like that, so I’d like to pay you in sexual favors for having abducted her so long.” “...Babe, I think I’m in love. Can I? I can’t get more pregnant.” Daring looked at me and I looked down at her nearly clear flesh. She wasn’t even tan anymore, she was so thin. “Are you sure you can’t pop?” I don’t want to risk her health and maybe she should take a break, get back to normal, maybe go on a date with me. Or a date with me and Cadence... or with Spike, Ember, Smolder, and Cocoa. Can such a big group be considered a date? “Pfft, no. I can pop, I just won’t die. My body will revert and I’ll be tired, but I won’t die. Celestia and Twilight insisted. Said they put some sort of conditional undeath on me.” Daring admitted, flipping her gray mane out of her face. “Um...the tanks?” I whined, remembering I packed as much as I could into the nigh-infinite containers so she could stay as pumped up as she wanted. Did she really…? “Oh yeah, I’ve popped a couple of times while you were away,” Daring admitted with a blush to her transparent cheeks. How does that work when her innards are nothing but cum? Magic is weird. “I couldn’t help myself and sucked Spike too hard on top of the hose. I got to the ceiling before I burst everywhere. It was the fucking best.” Daring was panting just thinking about it. “I think you may need a break, at least for a day. Not now though.” I sighed, feeling my not-heart racing. “Just a cuddle day. Or a date. Or just be all domestic and sit around with the kids.” “Oh, fine. Now Princess, roll me off this dildo and fuck me until I burst!” Daring declared and she gushed cum as we stood, some even coming out of her mouth. “Mm, so tasty. *gulp* Aw yeah. Let’s do this!” “I think I’m in love.” Cadence panted before she quickly flew down to Daring’s base while Spike rolled Ember to the birthing pools with effort. Cady and I eagerly rolled Daring to reveal the dildo that was nearly as big as Cadence’s cock lodged in her massive muff and turned off the local pump on it before pulling it out. Daring’s cunt gushed mine and Spike’s mixed semen and maybe even Cadence’s considering how much she put in. “Here I come big girl!” Cadence crowed before ramming her dick straight to the hilt into my marefriend’s impossibly tight and engorged snatch. “Fuck yes! She can take me without having to adjust!” “Yep. My mare’s a keeper.” I sighed before I rolled Smolder to the back, helping her into her birthing pool. By the time I got her situated and helped Spike with Ember, we heard Daring climax twice and Cadence once. I turned back to watch Daring inflate and become so clear-skinned it was like she was a bubble of cum. She still didn’t pop though and once I fed the girls my milk to get them laying, Daring orgasmed 3 times and I heard Cadence roar. I turned back to see my lover swell, screaming the whole time until cum began pouring from her mouth, her skin practically nonexistent as the white flood of virility within her finally overtaxed her magically durable body. Her head poked the ceiling and then I felt my not-heart skip as with a violent explosion of sound she ruptured, spraying cum absolutely everywhere and deafening me for a moment from the noise. My fears were erased when after the rain of seed settled, Daring was laying on the floor with Cadence in her vagina to the hilt, stretching her tummy out. “Gah...ah...ha…” Daring grunted senselessly as I approached, Cadence panting and glowing with satisfaction. Also absolutely coated in cum like a bukakke queen. “M-moar?” Dear Goddess. She just burst and she still wants more? Oh, I love her. “Nope. No more for you, my precious cumslut.” I sighed and turned to slime along with Svartr, who had been surprisingly quiet and subdued today. We then slithered over Daring, eating the fluids the cleaning charm on the floor didn’t deal with. Then we quickly did the same for Cadence who cooed as we cleaned her up. “Come on, let’s get you to bed,” I said to Daring after we reformed. I then turned to Cadence as she pulled out of my beloved and handed her a glob of my slime. “Eat this after or while Shining fucks you. You’ll have his foals for sure.” “Aw, you don’t want one more go?” Cady leered at me hungrily and if I wasn’t already genuinely tired of sex for the time being, I’d have taken her up on that right away. Moderation is a thing. “No. I’m kinda tired of sex for now. I just want to snuggle my lover and go to sleep.” I hugged Daring, who tiredly nuzzled my bosom as Svartr helped stabilize her with tendrils. You’re not going to comment, Svartr? Hm, well, I guess I’m not the only one who is tired. The Princesses were going at her almost as much as they were stuffing me with foals. Cadence nodded in understanding and gave me two items, one that looked like a fleshlight, only it was just a hole, not a pocket pussy. The other was a pair of panties with a rune on its gusset. “I get it, you’re at your limit. The first one is for any thick meat you want me to enjoy and the panties will let me give your pussy a pounding remotely, even from the Empire. Don’t worry about me being in court or not. I might even just put my cock through if I’m bored if anyone here minds servicing me.” She looked at Daring, who perked up and nodded eagerly. “Did you just give me glory hole portals? Both ways?” I asked before she purred, kissed me hard and greedily, then did the same to Daring.  “Yes. I expect to have many, many more foals, and to finally have some folks who can take my huge cock and bigger loads are people I want to keep in intimate contact with. Shining’s great, but he’s still just a mortal stallion who is as straight as a ruler. I need people who can give my male needs satisfaction.” Cadence winked at us and then sauntered out, magically putting her clothes on before she left. Before we could even do anything else, the pocket glory hole opened and a small envelope was slipped through. Curious, I took it and read it. I sighed and nuzzled Daring. “Sorry Daring, that date is gonna have to be on hold. I have to go search the desert starting tomorrow.” Also, why does Twilight have access to this pocket portal? > Ch.18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.18 I traversed the sands of the western deserts, looking for another place of corruption. Some fountain of sorts was making the area a demon haven as well as a source of sustenance for escaped Changeling war criminals. Both groups were starting to encroach on Equestria’s western border from the long-lost Saddle Arabia. It was a long trip here and it’s been an even longer journey through the desolate sands and barren plains. I’ve already been gone for a week and I miss everyone so much. At least I have Svartr with me. “Need fucking water.” I panted through my parched dry throat. I’m not going to die of dehydration, but damn it, if I didn’t figure out how to fully solidify my transformations, I’d have fucking evaporated days ago! The desert is no place for a slime! I’m lucky Svartr is equally good at solidifying herself, or she’d have been as dead as I am dry. My torment was interrupted when the runed hellish stone I’d found at the beginning of my journey fell out of my exposed cleavage as I stumbled on the dunes. I blinked, my dehydrated brain struggling to work through the searing and baking heat of the sun pounding on me and turning the world into Hell. “You’re a Token aren’t you? Hey, if you have water, can I have some?” I woozily questioned as I picked up the mean head-hurting stone. “Please. Water. It’s so hot…” In my delusion, I only barely heard a bestial rasping bellow. I frantically looked back up to see a pink creature that was all rippling muscular pink flesh with beady pink glowing eyes and roughly looking like a miniature Rancor with extra bone spurs rushing at me from the next dune. “What the fuck?!” I yelped with my raspy and cracking voice as it rushed at me with manic murder in its whole existence and gleefully ready to-. Its head was blown off. Without warning, fanfare, or any drama, the body fell to the ground. The shot came from behind me judging by the blood spray on the dune. I stiffly turned my head around to see a single fully green-armored man standing on a patch of glassed sand, moving his high-tech sniper rifle up to his shoulder in rest. He looked like Doomguy, only his armor wasn’t as bulky and he was much lither. “Ah, thank you.” I rasped out before we heard more bellowing guttural calls over another dune and a small group of those things rushed at us. “Ah! Hurt them! Hurt them! Save me! Save me~!” I wailed hysterically while running towards the soldier. He grabbed my hand and started running away from them. I was trying to keep up with him, but I was so hot and tired that I felt like my legs were going to give out on me. He held onto me, keeping us going until we found a place to hide. Once hunkered down in a hole, he kept me hidden behind some rocks, while he switched out weapons for a pump-action shotgun.  We heard them running past us as I silently prayed to my Goddess, wanting to make sure we weren’t found. We waited for a while longer just to be sure they were gone. The man lowered his gun and relaxed a little bit, so I let out a sigh of relief. He approached and gave me a canteen. I took it eagerly and gulped a mouthful of fresh cold water. I may not need food, but as I had unpleasantly discovered; Undead dry out in the sun like mummies. Once I drained the canteen I let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, what were those? Those weren’t any sort of lust demon I’ve ever seen.” The soldier just shrugged. Is he mute? Bah, right. If he’s a Displaced it’s unlikely he knows what those things were if they’re local to my world. Before I could continue trying to communicate with him, I saw black gangly things seem to meld into rocks as a pink horror barreled through the area. Hey, wait. Those look like the Changelings-. I was brought out of my musing at the sight by the soldier lifting up two fingers. He brought them up to his throat and tapped it, shaking his head. Uh...oh! So he is mute. “Hm, Svartr, can you lend him your voice for a bit?” I asked my amorphous amore, who was clinging to me like a black version of Daring’s signature khaki top and short shorts. The desert is too damn hot for normal armor~! However, before Svartr could answer beyond shifting on my body a bit, the silent man lifted a hand and shook his head, then gestured at my black adventurer’s outfit. He clearly must’ve already figured out about how Svartr works or something somehow. Probably that high-tech helmet or something. “What? Shy?” I snickered and shrugged. “Okay, if you’re fine being mute and me not naked I won’t push,” I said before we left our little hidey-hole. “Watch out for the black Changelings. They’re Corrupted. Uh, Svartr give him the rundown please.” I said as I took his hand and pressed it to my shoulder, where Svarter formed over his hand. He looked it over, tilting his head to one side. Svartr then hopefully did her telepathic ju-ju to give him the rundown about the whole corruption thing, the lust demons, and whatnot. He nodded his head, which I hoped meant he understood the situation. He then whipped out a pistol, one which had a silencer and a scope. He then thumbed at the pile of rocks I’d seen those changelings blend into. “Yeah, I saw those guys just now. Part of why I’m here is to hunt down their queen.” I explained briefly, to which he nodded. He then pulled out a Datapad from his impossibly small utility belt. He handed it over to me and when it turned on it already had a message written somehow. “This will help with speaking to one another. I’m Hunter.” Well, if that doesn’t seem manufactured like one of those disability cards explaining the impairment. “Willow,” I said with a nod to him as I linked up my wrist pad. Apparently things like those old thick smartphones and stuff exist in this world, but they’re not mainstream. This wrist ‘pad’ which was more of a bracer, was considered cutting edge here, while in my old world it’d be an overengineered bulky piece of flaming hot garbage. As far as tech is concerned anyway. I’ll gladly have it even if I was only really using the solar-charged thing as a compass. I had surprised everyone by how well I figured out how to use it. Twilight seemed shocked at how I could use it so well. My guess is that any Displaced before me was years before smartphones...so a decade or three. Just how long has the Displacement Phenomenon been going on? How many missing cold cases are really Displaced? “What do we do with this lot?” He texted me with his pad put away. How the hell is he doing that? Anyway, that was his question as the duo of buggy ponies revealed themselves, understanding that they were caught. “Hm, hello you two. Are you willing to share love and move out of this desert?” I asked the two emaciated bug ponies, who snarled and backed away uneasily. “Hey, c’mon. All you have to do is-.” One of them hissed and charged me, to which I instinctively yanked my demon great axe from my cleavage and dropped the immense blade down on his head, bisecting the feral creature. Hunter was much more clinical than me, just shooting the other in the head with one shot. “As you can see, it’s really simple to find the insane rapey ones.” “So, what now? Do we hunt them and exterminate their Hive?” He asked me and I shook my head. “Hunt yes, but capture is preferred. That’s not all I’m here for though. I’m also looking for a fountain that’s corrupting the area and making demons. I’m also here to investigate the Sand Witches which may or may not be corrupting the area. Don’t get captured by Changelings, they will turn you into a demon to use, or something, Intel is fuzzy with this place.” I informed my summoned aid. “They can’t turn what they could never hope to control. Do you want me to track them down?” Well isn’t that a cocky demeanor, but okay, I bet he can handle himself just fine. “Sure. I mostly wanted water. There was supposed to be a spring around here but the ones I found were tainted, or dry.” I sighed in exasperation at my misfortune. I can’t just create water from nothing and I’m saving my Estus for serious injuries. His response was a simple nod followed by him taking the lead through the desert. He’s not even from here and he traversed the barren land far better than I would’ve with my bumbling cluelessness. It wasn’t long before we ran into a few Changelings. We dispatched them quickly and got back on track. Of course, Hunter noted that we must be getting close, seeing as how active they had gotten. We also saw a Sand Witch, just wandering about. I couldn’t tell much from afar, not with her garbed in stereotypical middle-eastern scalp-to-toe brown and tan robes, but I could still tell she had more than one pair of breasts. Hunter didn’t want us to approach her yet so we avoided her as we continued onward. Eventually, we did manage to find the Hive. It seemed to be little more than a small hole in the ground. Hunter figured the rest of it was deeper underground. Unfortunately, he was right. Proven when he had to shove me out of the way when he fell through the sands surrounding the place. Crawling over to the now-wider hole, I heard many screeches and fighting. When I reached the opening to the hive I saw Hunter going at the attacking shapeshifters. He kept moving, never staying still with his gun-fu holy shit he’s using REAL Gun-Fu allowing him to move and shoot precisely and effortlessly. I was surprised, to say the least, to see him dominating against vastly superior numbers with just a pistol and a knife. “I hope we can try saving some of them,” I muttered before I jumped down with my greataxe. Hunter leaped over to me to get between me and the enemy. Hey, dude, you may be a badass, but I’m not some damsel in distress! These muscles aren’t just for the ladies! “What are you doing in my hive?” A haughty echoey female voice demanded as I felt Cadence’s Portal panties open. Oh shit, I forgot I was wearing them! Elbowing me in the back, Hunter pointed up towards an entrance as we saw the Changeling Queen enter, looking down at us. She was just as emaciated as her drones. The lanky flat-chested bug-horse looked just shy of keeling over from starvation. “Trying to stop c-unf Corruption!” I huffed, feeling Cadence’s cock brushing my moist mound as the panties also opened up to let my own male genitals through. H-holy shit, a double-whammy right now?! Why did I forget to take these off after last night~?! She isn’t wearing a condom this time either! Is she trying to knock me up?! Hunter looked back at me for a moment and I sheepishly grinned at him as the pillar of a goddess began slowly edging up through my core, my own throbbing hard-on getting similar treatment to her love canal at the same time~! Oh~ Cady~! “You want to get rid of our only source of food!” Chrysalis snarled in accusation and her wings buzzed, the rest of the hive mimicking her. “With no Love, Lust is what we’ve turned to!” She then fired a bolt of acrid green magic at us from her jagged and malformed horn. Hunter raised an energy shield to protect us. Thankfully it was rated for a heavy impact of corrosive acid because that was the spell Chrysalis had splashed against the shield while we moved to better cover. I was lucky I could even keep pace, having to widen my gait and groan as Cadence spread my box wide and pressed into my womb, my stomach distending with the outline of her superior penis. Unf, she’s pounding me hard and my shaft is in heaven! I’m getting fucked and fucking someone else at the same time! “W-what amazing taste is this?! Get her! She’s practically flooding the air with Love!” Chrysalis declared as the drones joined back in, all focusing on me and ignoring Hunter even as he shot at them. “Damnit Cadence!” I snarled when I pulled out my Infinity pistol from my tits while Cadence fucked me as I fought for my life. The pistol was a bit overkill to be honest. It was an endless hail of bullets that, while no more impactful than a small-caliber micro machine gun, was an endless hail. I didn’t aim directly for them though, keeping them dancing and away. The fact they had enough awareness and self-preservation hopefully indicated they could be redeemed. Before things could get even more out of hand and more people had to die, Hunter leaped up and over the crowd between him and Chrysalis, landing at her hooves with his weapons raised and aimed towards the ceiling to display we didn’t outright want to kill them. I was distracted enough by this that the Changelings dogpiled me, grabbing and grinding against me, some even sniffed me and tasted the air hungrily as I tried not to pant and moan while Cadence drilled my pussy from several hundreds of miles away. The motions this caused me to make obviously told the ones in direct contact with me what was happening and they purred even more. “Your emotions...what is it you want?” Chrysalis demanded in confusion. “Well? Explain whatever it is you’re plotting!” “H-he’s mute! G-give us a-ah-sec!” I pleaded, managing to work my left arm out from the dogpile, revealing Hunter had texted me what he wanted. “H-He wants to-oh, fuck! Issue a challenge! The winner g-gets…Me?!” I exclaimed, grunting as Cadence twisted her cock in me and my dick in her. “Hunter, what the fuck?! Are you serious?! I’m not a prize to be won!” Holy shit, did I just quote a Disney Princess? Fuck, I’m Princess Jasmine in Saddle Arabia. If I wasn’t already getting fucked, I’d say I was already. “Hm, fine, we are starving out here. She would feed us for many months.” Chrysalis huffed as her changelings pulled me into a seated position and tore Svartr off my basketball-sized breasts to drink from me. I panted as they fondled me and rubbed the moving bulge of Cadence on my lower tummy as if it were a religious idol. A-anytime Svartr~! Y-you can d-do something~! Should I? Svartr cooed, to which I blubbered as I spasmed in orgasm, my cum cannon bursting into the sultry depths of my tormentor. I-I’m feeling this too~! Fuck~! While I was sexually preoccupied, Hunter nodded his head and began to limber up as the area of the hive chamber around him and Chrysalis cleared, most of the Changelings not groping and otherwise molesting me formed a circle around them while the ones tending me hauled me up to a safe place, where I can watch the match as two lings swapped out once stuffed and a new pair drank from my tits. Hunter moved to one side of the ring as Chrysalis stationed herself on the opposite side, both staring each other down. Then, from her almost nonexistent cleavage, the bug queen pulled out a sword that seemed to drain life from the air as she snarled at Hunter. The blade was huge, looked to...wait that’s the Abyss Greatsword! It used to be Artorias’ Sword! She also magically donned the Wolf Knight armor! As for Hunter, he placed his Knife and Pistol away, brandishing his gauntleted fists. “No blade? No matter, I will not underestimate you. Coldra had beaten the Soul of Cinder with her bare fists. You could be the same.” Chrysalis snarled as she circled before charging the Displaced. Her legendary blade shrouded black with the Dark, but Hunter held his ground as she got close, opening up his hands as Chrysalis came in with a downswing. The silent warrior sidestepped and used his hand to push the blade away, making her stumble. Chrysalis huffed and recovered quickly. This time she went in with much more finesse, feinting, stabbing, even going for a pommel strike. She was also using her wings to get advantages when she could. Unfortunately for her, she soon found out how very adaptable Hunter was. He continued to dodge and redirect most of her attacks, even tagging her a couple of times. These punches and palm strikes were quick and precise, making their marks known as the Queen was forced back a couple of times. Of course, the same could be said for her as well, getting in a few good cuts and dents on his armour. “Cadence!” I snarled as my alicorn lover didn’t give up, for some reason edging herself as she stopped a lot. Not only was she drawing this out, she was building up for a massive load which would make me completely useless! How is it she hasn’t busted her nut already when I’ve given her a copious creampie?! “Damnit!” I seethed, cumming again as Svartr finally decided to peel back and help me pull off the panties which suddenly shoved Cady’s cock back through. Then Svartr tossed the pussy-soaked panties right at Chrysalis’ hooves. “Why did you throw them?!” “What? This is a good way to deal with the queen.” Svartr chuckled sinisterly from my tattered her-clothes. “Besides, I was talking to Cadence the whole time your cock was in her. You’re welcome for me sacrificing a bit of my biomass to make a condom around your dick. Now then, watch the show~.” Both Hunter and Chrysalis were still fighting before Cadence’s magic flashed over the pink panties and they rapidly tripped Chrysalis up, then rushed up her legs. Holy shit, is she-?! Omigawd she is~! “Gah! What?! What is-ee~!” Chrysalis wailed as Cadence clearly smashed right through whatever she was using as groin armor with magic and I drooled as Cady slammed her giant horsecock into the queen, making her belly bulge out her armor as that huge pussy breaker rammed into her. “GET IT OFF~!” Chrysalis wailed desperately, twitching as she tried getting the panties off with her shaking hands as Cady began to thrust. “Ah~!” Holy shit she’s already cumming from being so brutally fucked! “Gah! Ah! Yes! Yes~! Fuck me~!” Hunter slowly backed away as the Changelings just watched, leaving him unmolested while that bastard made his way up to me. Once he was within striking distance, I punched him in the face of his visored helmet. He shook it off despite my incredible strength and just looked at me. “That was for betting on me like I’m some prize,” I growled vindictively. He shrugged at me. “I’m not the one who was getting railed. Although, why do I get the feeling that this was part of the plan?” He questioned as he pointed down at Chrysalis and the impressive display she was giving, even trying to thrust back against Cadence, effectively humping the air. “Uh, no, it was for fun. Svartr used it to talk to one of my mates though.” Of course, I had to forget that was the one I left for Daring, the ‘pocket pussy’ was two-way but impossible to hide, unlike the panty portals. I whined in envious sympathy as Chrysalis cried and wailed, being driven to heights of ecstasy I was quite familiar with. “I see. Well, with this dealt with I’ll go find a Sand Witch for you.” He texted before he left me alone with the changelings by leaping to the hole in the ceiling and vanishing. “Okay?” I uneasily commented. I may not be a defenseless damsel, but I am surrounded by previously hostile people. The rapturous wail Chrysalis produced caused me to turn my attention back to her to witness Chrysalis taking Cadence’s load. “Oh~!” Chrysalis wordlessly moaned as her belly bloated with more than seed, snapping off her armor as the green bands spanning around her abdomen shone a bright pink-green. “So much love~!” Chrysalis squealed with joy but then groaned, her abdomen making ominous creaking noises. “Ah! Help! Get it off~!” “I’ll get them off!” I urgently rushed to the endangered woman and yanked Cady’s panties off of the black-shelled bug-pony mare and slipped them back onto me. Cadence seemed to be annoyed at having the charm shut off and rammed into me hard, continuing her glorious cumshot into me now. I fell to my knees and gave into the pleasure, my hips rocking since even while she was pumping me full, Cady kept thrusting. I was idly worried for my safety, but it seemed since their Queen was immobilized and practically radiating love, they were content to leave me mostly alone, so I could enjoy the railing Cadence was giving me. (<3) It took almost the whole day waiting in the Hive for Hunter to return. At least the changelings took care of me and my...needs. Especially after the second surge of virile pink princess cum, or was it third considering Chrysalis’ bloated belly? Anyway, I was Very pregnant, easily full of 12 of her foals and having my beach-ball swollen breasts getting sucked endlessly by the hungry drones. They were also starting to look a little bit healthy, thicker, the holes in their limbs were shrinking as they practically worshiped me and my immobile gravidity. Well, relatively immobile, I could just size up and move if I need to. Cadence had even sent a note through the panties in a small metal tube, boy was that a shock after having hot meat in me for so long. Anyway, after having a changeling get it out of me, it contained an apology for using the panties in such a dangerous moment but informing me that she had figured I was wearing the panties because I wasn’t in danger, so she requested that I not wear these sort of panties when I’m expecting danger. Fair enough then, I shouldn’t have forgotten I’d been wearing them anyway when I have Svartr to cover my body. As for Hunter, he finally came back as the sun was getting dimmer above with a Sand Witch following him closely. His armor was damaged from what must have been demons, considering the claw and teeth marks I don’t think belong to normal animals. The witch was eerily similar to the original CoC version, she had four D-cup breasts under her tan travel robe and was a bright blond across her body since the only difference from the original was she seemed to be a cat-anthro. “Ah, I see what you mean.” The Sand Witch commented as she looked me over with awe in her expression. “She is very busty too. She would be perfect for helping my Coven if she wished considering she’s practically spraying her milk.” “Well, I am a Champion of Aventurine.” I proudly huffed as I slapped my firm belly, Svartr having reshaped to being a micro bikini since she couldn’t fit around all this thicc goodness. Unlike me, she didn’t get a ton of biomass from Aventurine along with her new abilities. “Can’t you tell?” “Indeed, quite impressive. So, the reason I have been nearly abducted on threat of death if I refused: you wish to find the corrupting fountain?” She asked me while looking around at the subdued and kinda-drunk or high changelings content to just snuggle with each other. “Yes, these guys may be dealt with, but I need to find the main source in the region. Is there anything I need to be worried about?” Thankfully Twilight gave me a teleport beacon to activate when the hive was either eliminated or subjugated so that soldiers could arrest and reeducate the survivors and also for experiments on the bodies to see how the formerly elusive race works. With this, only the Neo-Changelings would be left after these poor folks are rescued. “Well, our besieged desert has the Four Forts of Lust demons, Tel’Adre is the last city of the now decimated Saddle Arabia that they constantly assail, then the Fountain of Endowment you likely speak of has a ghost that would live in your assets. Though our temple could use your help breeding more Sand Witches and help bring Fertility back to this desolate place if what you claim is true.” The scalp-to-toe robed feline filled us in and I huffed in annoyance. “I forgot just how very fucked up CoC was. Even though it is quite the fetish based game.” Amen brother, just be glad this isn’t Trials in Tainted Space or we’d have to deal with lewdness of a science-fiction/fantasy sort. “Sorry, not right now at least. I need to deal with the Corruption here first before I help with recovery.” I sighed in disappointment. Such a task is perfect for pleasing my Goddess. I grunted with effort as I stood up before growing the rest of my body besides my belly, at 12-feet tall I could stand and move if still with a waddle. “So, are we destroying the fountain next?” Hunter asked me while I had to hold the bracer like a phone now with my current size. I also showed it to the Witch so she could give input. “We may get ambushed, either by the Pinkys-” The Changelings all shivered, muttering about there being ‘no love in pink things’. “-or by desperate roaming creatures along with Lust Demons.” Our new Sand Witch Guide warned us. “So what we should already be expecting. We’ll deal with the fountain next.” I nodded in affirmation as I rubbed my belly. Oof, Cady’s foals are so much more active than the others. “Alright.” Hunter nodded in agreement as he took out a weird eye-hurting brush from his fancy belt and began brushing down his armor, causing scuffs and scratches to vanish like magic. “The Pinkys are a Neutral Evil. They attack everything with equal hatred for everything.” The Sand Witch stated with a shudder. “They are Demons of Hell unleashed on the desert, a blight against all living things while their masters focus elsewhere from what we’ve gathered.” “They should be wiped off the face of this world.” Hunter wrote and I agreed with him. “They just don’t need to exist.” I shuddered at even remembering the ugly pink monsters. “Anyway, we’re waiting for a group of guards to take these guys away from here.” “Okay, at least we don’t have to kill them all.” Hunter shrugged. “Yes, while Chrysalis is a known enemy of Equestria, she and her people are suffering. The princesses want to help however they can. Also, I doubt she’ll be moving on her own.” I said, pointing to a boulder of belly that she was slowly rubbing drunkenly, drones licking her swollen abdomen for the Love contained within. “So much love~...” Chrysalis drunkenly slurred and cooed as her breasts, having increased in size over the day, were being nursed by two of her drones. “Hm~ yes. Drink up~. I have love to spare...” Chrysalis suddenly turned a different color and we all blinked at her rapidly going an elegant pale yellow with burnished golden tones at her hooves and her breasts, her holes filled in, her mane became a beautiful pale green and her horn became an elegant curved one instead of the twisted gnarl it had been. “*GASP*! W-what just happened?!” We gawked at the new Neo-Changeling queen who blinked her beautiful aqua eyes and was gaping at her new hands. “Uh...well, it didn’t take long for you to reform!” I cheekily chirped and the formerly emaciated, now suddenly healthy mare ran her hands over her body as her drones lavished her in even more attention. “Th-this is what Thorax was talking about?” Chrysalis cooed as her belly shrunk slightly and her breasts surged in size to basketballs. “Oh~ yes. Drink my children…” “Not to rain on such a touching scene, but how long until the guards arrive?” Hunter asked me. If I had any measure of his character by now, he was a bit uncomfortable with the scene. Maybe he thinks something this intimate and loving needs privacy? I don’t know, I really enjoy it! “As soon as I drop this Portal Rune?” I asked/said bemusedly as I reached between my tits and pulled out an egg-shaped stone covered in runes about the size of a softball. “It took me days to get out here with some help, but the guards are getting a shortcut here. It’d take way too long to wait for them the normal way.” “So, wait for them, help out, and then destroy the fountain.” He texted, to which I nodded. I tossed the stone, which I was assured was quite durable, at a clear space against a wall as I was instructed so the portal had direction. If dropped in an open area without being against something, for instance, it wouldn’t know which way to aim the portal. That done, I waddled over to a convenient bench-level smooth stone and sat down before I shrunk my body back down to my accustomed 6 feet tall to let my mountainous belly rest on the sandy floor. Once I did, I decided to take a nap for a break since I was in a safe place. The moment I began to doze off I felt ghostly familiar hands rubbing my hyper-sized breasts. Luna? Crap, what time was it in Equestria? Saddle Arabia’s border was a two-day train ride west, not counting what I’d traveled on paw. Undead may not need to sleep to live, but I haven’t been sleeping at nights, just constantly fucking or organizing plans when I’m not having sex. Maybe I need some rest for the old brain? I vaguely remember someone saying something about sleep helping prevent Hollowing? Mmf, so sleepy... I yawned and blearily opened my eyes long enough to see Hunter standing guard with changeling guards who looked much healthier and even a bit fit now. Chrysalis was also up, chatting with the Sand Witch cheerfully while her former minions helped her around, her belly still fecund on Cady’s cum. Seeing that everything was in order, I let myself fall asleep. I heard a purr as my perceptions changed. I opened my eyes to see Luna was lounging in a beach chair in the shade of a large umbrella, wearing nothing but a snort-worthy pair of blackout sunglasses, sporting a 17-inch cock that was 3 inches wide like a soda can and balls the size of cantaloupes. “You could have shown your real genitals before in the waking world Luna.” I cooed as I crawled on the sand and up into Luna’s lap to suckle on her glans, my dream body not utterly gravid and instead I was my ‘base’ self wearing a candy-cane striped bikini. “Most can barely take it and the common ponies find an alicorn’s natural Herm state unsettling. Sister is as large as I, as, in all things aside from our aspects and fur tones, we are nigh identical twins.” Luna purred as she rubbed my massive left ear, the attention making me coo and grope her massive balls with a grin. “It’s why we hide our male genitalia and instruct Princess Sparkle to do the same. She is bigger than us surprisingly, but smaller than Cadence. We also felt it kind to be at best ‘above average’ to you.” I licked and kissed her nuts as she told me this, wondering if the spicy flavor was just in the dream. I didn’t bother to ask or speak, I just sucked and worshiped her delicious cock and semen factories. “So...I hate to talk about business, but how are things going in Saddle Arabia?” Luna asked curiously as I whined at having to interrupt my fun. “We sorta captured Chrysalis. She suddenly and maybe accidentally reformed herself by sharing the love she got from Cadence and when I went to sleep she was chatting with our new guide. As for said guide, she’s helping me reach my next objective.” I told her, stroking her cock to keep trying to please her, but she didn’t even seem fazed. “Also, do you know what happened to most of the people of Saddle Arabia?” “Oh? Cadence was quite colorful in her call about how she fucked Queen Chrysalis into submission, but hearing she’s already on a better path is good news.” Luna cooed and I blushed in embarrassment at the fact that I had to pull a move straight out of the books of CoC to defeat an enemy with ‘Lust Damage’. “As for the Saddle Arabians? They’ve been slaughtered or converted into demons or infected by some disease to the last with the zebras taking in the infected, save any surviving pockets of resistance you’re searching for. Did you already forget your briefing a week ago? Have you been sleeping?” Luna’s worried questions made me blink and feel fear. I haven’t been sleeping. I should sleep nightly! “Ah, right. Sorry. Well as for fucking Chrysalis into submission, we didn’t plan to do that on purpose. I forgot I was wearing the panty portals and Cadence took that as a sign I wasn’t in danger.” I wilted, my enormous fennec ears draping over the sides of my head in disappointment with myself. “Svartr told her the situation via direct contact and she’s the one who came up with it.” “Why pray tell, did you wear a sex toy during combat?” Luna asked in bafflement and I felt my gooey face heat up in embarrassment. “I wasn’t thinking I would get into a fight and I forgot that Svartr replaced all my clothes when I brought it along. I was wearing it last night for a fun evening, but she didn’t have time to last night. I just forgot to take them off.” I admitted sheepishly, to which Luna hummed and rubbed her chin, then snapped her fingers and the panty portals appeared in her free hand. “Luna?” I asked uneasily before she added a blue rune to them. “Unlike Cadence, I don’t have such a busy schedule. You’re also in a different timezone so Cadence may have been asleep. Most ponies don’t bother with the Night Court since I have a more thorough screening process, unlike my sister. Those who do visit usually have something I can deal with quickly. I even tie a few to my bedposts at night if they’re attractive and willing to accept my advances. Replacing that with you every evening would be a pleasure.” Luna licked her lips as her dick and balls suddenly vanished into a pair of panties that appeared on her and her penis suddenly came from the gusset of the other panties. “I can even do it in court like right now.” Suddenly, I was wearing those panties here in the dream too and I squealed as her cock woke me up. I gasped and moaned as the panty portal was now letting her use it! My cries of pleasure drew the attention of Hunter and the Sand Witch, allowing me to notice the room was now empty of changelings. “Luna~!” I whined as she stirred me, her flared head pounding my cervix and each thrust causing me to bounce on my thicc bubble butt on the rock, sending my body quaking. “Oh, I know that spell. A lover must miss you.” The Sand Witch said with a kind smile on her now-uncovered pretty kitty face with a rumbling purr as I heard muffled voices jabber on about trivial crap from my panties. She was really in Court right now?! “Oh~, yes I am.” Luna cooed in my head and I could imagine her sitting there, looking utterly bored, not even moving more than a tiny finger to have the portal ram her cock into me like a machine. “I’m also going to have some guards fetch you my pet. The middle of a desert is no place for a pregnant vixen to carry the foals of royalty.” “I still have work here! I thought we established I’m not your slave~!” I wailed as I creamed myself, the rock I was on getting slick, my tits gushing milk all over my front. “You’re not, but you’re still-unf~.” I felt the cum, surging, filling, bloating me. I cried out in orgasm as I filled with her virile semen and surged further when I became even more pregnant again. “They’ll bring you through the portal you put down as well as any companions. Oh, you’re also to put this on every night with Svartr acting as condoms. I’ll also be updating those panties for Twilight and Sister to use too. Cadence should have told us she was planning on giving you portable glory holes.” “But my quest!” I huffed as Hunter approached me. “Damn it! Hunter, my overbearing and needy royal lovers are taking me back home through that portal to give birth and come back tomorrow.” I then looked over at the amused and aroused catwoman. “You too if you don’t want to stay in this cold cave for the night.” “What was that?” Luna asked with amusement in her tone as she railed me remotely. “You heard me, Luna! Anyway, I guess for now our Contract is Complete.” He shrugged, but he didn’t disappear despite a fiery hole opening in the floor nearby. He waved at it and it closed again as he approached the remote portal beacon. “Oh, okay. Well, some more guards will be through that portal to take me home for the night.” I gasped and came as Luna began to orgasm again, surging my belly bigger. “Oh~ this is going to be a long night~.” “Absolutely amazing. You must help us! I beg, no, plead to you for your magic womb and bosom.” The Sand Witch got on her hands and knees next to me and prostrated. “You could help save my people! Save Saddle Arabia!” “Don’t worry, I will in the future. Getting rid of the Corruption here comes first though.” I groaned as two whole squads of thestral guards trooped through the portal as it opened and I gasped when they efficiently and without hesitation picked me up and ferried me through the portal with Hunter and the hopeful witch following before it shut. > Ch.19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.19 The thestral guards had promptly brought me to the throne room with Hunter and the Sand Witch following. When we arrived, Luna pulled out of me without even moving beyond looking surprised, likely an act. It was barely five minutes and she hadn’t had her third orgasm, so I was worried that she’d worked herself up to blue balls by stopping. However, I was still thankful for the reprieve when I was carted into a room with public eyes watching. Each one of the nobles had the same symbol of the Darkmoon Blades my collar used to have instead of the four cutie marks of the princesses. “Well, this is a nice surprise. It seems we have a bloated fox dragon in my court tonight.” Luna chuckled as Hunter made a subtle motion with his head, probably rolling his eyes in his helmet. “You’ve also brought guests. I see the images of ‘science fiction’ in your dreams were accurate towards futuristic soldiers. As for you, mystery feline, what is your name?” Oh, sure, mock, and then ignore me when I’m your personal breeder. I hope you like the couch, Luna. “I am Sabrina: a humble Sand Witch of the desert,” Sabrina told her with a slight bow, showing off her cleavage as she pulled her shawl back, letting the light of the room shine off her green slit eyes and her sleek sandy fur. “I will be helping guide this Champion in the desert, in exchange for her help restoring my people and the land.” “Which basically means...are they…?” I eyed the nobles who didn’t even bat an eye at the fact there was a hyperpregnant fox being held up by 10 stallions in the middle of their court wearing nothing but the panties Luna magically put on me and Svartr as a meager cover for my nipples. Thanks for being a team player and turning into pasties for me Svartr! “Anything said here is safe. These fine ladies and gentlecolts are my inner circle of advisors and occasional bedmates.” Luna winked at them and they all shuffled with a light dust of red on their cheeks. “I don’t need as many attendants for my court proceedings due to the lower traffic. Oh, speaking of which, court adjourned everypony, off with you, go dance in the nightlife.” I blinked at how they all cheered like a crowd of blue-collar workers and started funneling out, talking about bars and clubs. Damn Luna has cool peers. “Okay...anyway, which basically means Sabrina wants me to act as a surrogate for a massive number of kittens and to practically drown the desert in my magic milk to restore the land’s fertility.” “But that would take years!” Luna blinked and looked to Sabrina. “Such a task is beyond one woman, no matter how powerful. She must quest to end the Corruption once and for all, she cannot devote herself to your own cause until such a time is met.” “I do not ask her to abandon her current quest. Only that she visits us on occasion, give us a surplus of kittens and milk to aid our own efforts.” Sabrina looked at me and I nodded in agreement. I was actually planning to do it all in one go, but that might’ve been my libido talking. “Goodness Willow. You’re already playing surrogate for us and helping the dragons, what next? The horses? I wasn’t planning on having to share womb space so soon you generous woman.” Luna said with awe and a bit of possessiveness, which made me blink in confusion. “Surrogate? You all are having me be the mother and I have four dads keep putting more in.” I sighed, rubbing my gravidity as the stallions firmly held me up. I was thankful for their professionalism as the ones holding my ass didn’t grope me. “I was expecting to raise at least a few.” “Do not expect to have to raise so many children, we certainly aren’t. Dear, you’re just one person, no matter how many children you birth or sire.” Luna sighed, standing from her throne. “All of those foals you gave us are going to be raised in their own homes, have their own lives, raised by loving parents who by some curse or other sadness, are unable to have their own children. You may not get to be their mother, but you will be giving joy to so many who cannot become one on their own.” “Alright, I know. I’m just being silly.” I sighed wistfully and slapped my massive belly. “Hear that little ones? You don’t have to deal with politics!” At that Luna howled in laughter, gesturing for us to follow her as she led our group, save Hunter, who seemed to have vanished. When did he…? Oh well, it’s not like he has to be here, I just hope he doesn’t get into trouble. “So, Luna. Are we going to keep going?” I perked up eagerly, wet and waiting, raring to go now that we were in a potentially private setting soon. I’m already gigantic, what’s a few...dozen more? “I’m afraid I still have things to do Willow. You’re here to rest. If you fell asleep it was because your mind is tired even if your body doesn’t need it. Now, do you want to give birth before bed, or wait until morning?” Luna asked as if my abilities were such a casual thing. Well, considering how much I’ve been using them I guess it kinda is. “I’ll do it in the morning. Sleeping while this heavily pregnant is really nice. I just let my body relax and my belly keeps me still.” I looked over at Sabrina. “Want to join me? No naughty stuff if Luna’s ordering me to get some rest though.” I asked as we were brought into a massive stately bedchamber with double-doors, likely meant for visiting dignitaries before most of the surrounding countries fell to demons. “Sure, let's snuggle.” Sabrina purred as the soldiers moved me around and carefully set me on the bed. “Now, where can I sleep?” Sabrina poked her lip, before jumping on top of me and making me squeak at the sensation of her climbing atop my belly and hugging me. “*Purr* So firm and warm, like a good rock in the shade.” She then lowered her face to my left breast and nuzzled my covered nipple, making me gasp. “Are you sure I can’t?” “No, she cannot.” Luna declared imperiously as the guards left the room, glaring at me. “Do not waste your precious time to rest on your usual activities.” “Aw...sorry Sabrina. Maybe next time?” I winked and she licked her lips before sliding down, wrapping her thicc thighs around my neck as she reclined into my tits. I had to fight the urge to nose her groin and settled for just resting my head on her lower tummy. (<3) Waking up, I found Celestia nuzzling me from behind, unclothed. “What, Celly no!” I whined at her before gasping as she’d pulled my portal panties down and rammed her virile 17-inch long and 3-inch wide horsecock up my snatch. Her cantaloupe balls audibly slapped against my ass and thighs as I used my tails to hug her to me while I screamed in pleasure. “Celly, why~?” I panted, thrusting back at her as much as my hyperpregnant form could. The light of the early morning sun beaming in from the east-facing windows of the suite. “How could I resist? The second Luna told me at breakfast you were here and already gravid, I had to scarf my food down and rush here for a quickie!” Celestia panted and moaned as blond-furred arms groped her huge breasts, the catty smile on Sabrina’s face absolutely unrepentant. Traitor~! I’m gonna fuck you into a ball full of kittens for this~! “But I was going to give birth, I...unf, can’t with you in-oh~!” I groaned, cumming as Celestia grunted, gushing her copious amounts of spunk into my womb, which quickly began growing, straining the giant bed. Instead of continuing though, Celestia sighed and pulled out. “Huh?” B-but I’m in the mood now! Don’t stop after one quick go! “I have work to do now. I wasn’t kidding, I only had enough time for a quickie.” Celestia pulled me into a kiss as my belly swelled with her new foals. “Be safe dear.” She then got off the bed, magically summoning her red dress and blew me a kiss before she left. “I will.” I huffed in irritation at being left wanting. One orgasm just isn’t enough for me anymore, especially not one that abrupt. I rubbed my swelling sides as I wondered how many foals they were going to have me breed? I’ve already given them nearly 100 foals with how much they fucked me last week and this batch of precious little darlings easily numbered into the double digits. “So what of you Sabrina?” I asked as Hunter walked in, holding up his datapad. “Are you sure you can still move?” The Displaced warrior texted me. “I’ll be giving birth soon,” I told him as Celestia’s foals closed in on five months, my fecundity creeping down the bed and towards the ceiling. “I would be doing it now if Celestia hadn’t just put more in me.” I huffed as I looked at my growing belly. “Care to help?” His shoulders sagged a little but nodded his head. “What is it you want me to do?” “Belly rub?” I asked as a portal opened and another armored figure walked in, this one carrying two swords on him. “Uh...who are you? I didn’t summon you.” I asked nervously, noting that while this newcomer was armored similarly to Hunter, he was bulkier. “Berserker.” The new Displaced answered, thankfully with a voice that somehow grated on me. It was kurt, rough, and had a grit to it. Like he gargled gravel or something. “So there are more of you?” I asked before my belly stopped growing and then convulsed. “Ah! Giving birth already, Cadence~!” I huffed, knowing hers would be the first to come out of me. “I’ll wait outside.” Berserker promptly said and left the room. Hunter facepalmed, shaking his head before coming over to help me. “Is he like that all the time?” I grunted in disapproval as the Alicorn foals stirred and moved to be born, or otherwise began thrashing about, making kicks bump my flesh out all over. “Nevermind him. Just focus on giving birth.” Hunter texted while Sabrina and Svartr, who had decided to wake up, were rolling me onto my belly a bit to get at my birth canal. Shame I’m not able to suspend my belly on something, it’d be easier if I was upright and able to squat rather than force my muscles to work harder. “Okay.” I huffed as I pushed them out one by one, it was nearly painless and even slightly pleasurable with my connection to my Goddess Aventurine and how frequently I’ve done this. Hunter brought them around to me, all of them wrapped up neatly. I wondered where he got those blankets from, only to see them get teleported to him as he wrapped the next foal up. Huh, he must have a friend doing that. “Who else is here?” I asked as a wolf with bunny ears poked his head out of my cleavage. “Gah!” I yelped and rolled to the side a bit in shock at the intruder in my tits. “Hi!” He smiled, waving at me. “Oh, congratulations! Okay, bye!” He said before pulling his head back into my cleavage, vanishing into my storage and likely using however he got in there to get out. “Uh...was he with you?” I asked Hunter as I moved to Luna’s new foals once I birthed the 13 foals I instinctively knew were Cadence’s. “Yes. That was Runner in his anthro form.” Hunter answered, making me blink. “He is Human, originally. He just found a way to transform us into Wolves. Or Hybrids, I should say.” He explained without explaining anything at all and making them sound edgier by the second. “So you’re all werewolf-like people or something. Also, where have you been going?” I hadn’t forgotten that Hunter just vanished shortly after we came to the castle. “I was busy talking to the Guards and planning to speak to Celestia next. I’m actually surprised. I didn’t think she was this involved too.” Hunter answered and moved away a bit as actual castle staff came in to start helping with the foals. “Luna and Cadence were wondering if we could possibly set up a trade, I was going to talk to Celestia too, but she’s so busy right now that I missed my window because she spent that bit of time with you, which I can understand.” “Sorry about that. Otherwise, that’s good to hear! That would please my Goddess. She isn’t just Fertility and Sex, she’s also about Commerce.” I said with a smile as I continued to effortlessly bring new life to the world. “So, is there anything else you wanted to do here?” “Learn and train. This world might become the perfect grounds for our armies to train and kill. There’s also the fact that Hellspawn are here, as well. I hope you don’t mind.” Hunter replied while he continued to help swaddle the foals even though maids were helping now. “Just as long as they don’t wholesale slaughter Lust Demons without saving those who can be cured.” I stipulated, not forgetting how many of those changelings Hunter put down before going for their queen. Life is precious. Just because I can help bring life to the world is no excuse to waste it. “We need Knowledge first before we do anything. Otherwise, we’ll go in blindly and get ourselves killed before we can save anyone.” Hunter sagely replied like a stereotypical manga protagonist. Now he just needs to take off his helmet and reveal he’s a bishounen too. “Wouldn’t that be the logical thing to do?” Said the totally-not-a-hero. “Yes, Lelouch Lamperouge,” I grunted from a big foal stretching my impossibly elastic birth canal. Damnit, Luna. “Gotta make sure you don’t sacrifice too many Japanese in your schemes of rebellion.” My snide remark clearly annoyed him if the imagined anger mark on his helmet meant anything. Go my imagination! Empower my fantasies~! Oh~ that was a good orgasm. “Okay, question: How fertile are you and who is your Goddess?” Hunter asked as he kept bringing me my foals, which Sabrina was absolutely fawning over, even breastfeeding four at once. I guess having multiple boobs has some advantages. “I’m a Champion of Aventurine, a Goddess whose Aspects are Fertility, Sex, and Commerce. I was really fertile before that. I also gain changes from even the simplest of Corruption items or souls.” I explained and groaned as I spasmed. “I-I’ve been making babies constantly~!” “So that means you’re a Baby Factory.” Hunter simplified for me and I think I might’ve had a tiny orgasm just at the title. “If I use my powers to the fullest, yes, but if I shut them off, I could only get pregnant once and have to follow a regular gestation until I give birth and have to turn them on again. I can do it, but that’s boring and this world is dangerously underpopulated anyway.” I replied in acceptance of my role as a population-boosting baby factory. “Is it difficult? Having all of these gifts bestowed upon you?” Hunter questioned and I huffed. “Yes, sometimes, like today. I have a duty to help repopulate the world, but it delays my quest.” I sighed. “Though, having my fertility-based powers up to full tilt weakens any combat or other powers I may have. The only reason I would shut off the powers that make me able to do this is if I have to focus fully on combat. Or if I want to try dating someone without getting instantly pregnant.” I hummed and looked the fully-armored soldier over. “Speaking of which, want to go get some coffee before we get back to work?” Hunter paused briefly and looked up at me. “But, why is it that you want to date me? We only just met. You don’t even know what I look like or how I behave in a casual setting.” “I don’t know, I think you seem nice and you fight well. I would like to know you more. That’s what dating is about; getting to know someone.” I replied and rubbed my gigantic hyper breasts idly. “Also, while I do have someone I love already, she’s kinda addicted to being a cum balloon more than being a person for now and I’m hoping she’ll get sick of it soon and spend time with me outside of sex. Maybe seeing someone doing that with me will snap her out of it.” “I see, that’s sensible, although I have issues with being used to get your girlfriend’s head out of her thighs. On another topic, why are you so surprised by my brothers? You did see Five of us from our Token, right?” Hunter asked, reminding me of what their Token showed me. “Oh, I had gotten your token...months ago,” I mumbled and rubbed my head, unsure of the passage of time. Is time really in flux for Dark Souls, or is it all in the head of the Undead, for whom time has no meaning and lack of sleep causes Hollowing? “I was kinda...in shock for a while after my Displacement. It must have slipped my mind.” Like how much time was passing with Daring...we went to so many places, but most of what I do remember was her taking me places to find things to help me. But wasn’t there a time we...I can’t remember. I was also genuinely Undead then, I didn’t have any effigies or used any Anthromanity for the longest time and I...may have died a couple of times? Maybe I forgot? How...how much am I missing? What did I forget that caused Daring and I to grow closer past what I felt? I felt sick suddenly. Daring deeply loves me, what did I do to earn such affection? “Oh. Ran into trouble on your first day as well?” Hunter thankfully questioned, the text on his datapad bringing me out of my fugue. I can ponder my amnesia later, I have foals to bear and a fellow Displaced to chat with. “Demons, finding out I’m undead and having to register with the Church here in order to, ah!” I gasped as one of Celestia’s finally came out and they were big this time. “Damnit, Tia! Yeah, it was a busy day, busy few, or several, weeks actually while Traveling with Daring.” That felt right. I’m not sure, but I think at least a month passed while we were adventuring together- WILLOW~! -I winced as I felt a phantom agony lance through me, Daring’s anguished voice echoing in my head. Nevermind! Nevermind! I don’t want to know! I don’t want to remember! “I see. As for how Runner came up with a way for us to have anthro forms, it involves a magic tool, so I cannot transform into my wolf body on my own.” Hunter tangentially informed me, I had been wondering why his brother was anthro and he wasn’t, but only idly. Is that a bit of non-sequitur to drive exposition? “Oh, you need help?” I groaned as my foals left me. “Almost done!” After the last few were birthed, I sighed as I lay there atop my giant beach ball hyper-breasts, surrounded by the many, many Alicorn foals I had given birth to. 27. Gods damn you horny alicorns! Give me a break! Hunter, being even more helpful, found the small milker suspiciously conveniently under the bed and put them to my thumb-sized nipples. I cooed as he started filling up bottles for the little ones, since I could only feed two at a time, even with Sabrina helping. Of course, though, we needed more hands to feed the lot. “Yes, now then, why don’t you ladies help us feed these hungry tykes?” Hunter questioned the maids as he retrieved the first bottles filled by the milker. Aw, he does care! Already he seems to be a nice guy. “Yeah.” I huffed as the maids used my bottled milk to feed a few of the foals moments before nurses trooped into the room. “Thank you all for coming, sorry to make your first shift so busy.” Not only did they need medical attention since they’re newborns, the multi-colored little darlings needed to be spirited away. It felt weird that aside from the twins who matched colors, there was hardly any foal the same fur tone. Am I putting their genes on a slot machine so they’re not as closely related genetically? That would definitely be helpful down the line. “The least they could’ve done was have them already here to help you throughout the whole thing.” I heard Berserker say from outside, making the nurses flinch as Sabrina tsked chidingly. “Sorry, he can be harsh with his words at times, but sometimes he does make a point.” Hunter stated, letting me know to expect more of the same sorts of commentary from him in the future. “We were told you would need another hour.” The head nurse, a slightly chubby pink and blond middle-aged unicorn mare told us indignantly. “If we were told otherwise we’d have been here immediately rather than when a maid burst into the infirmary hysterically declaring you were in labor.” “I had several in full-term ready, Celestia added about six more foals with my powers at full tilt,” I explained before I leaned over to nuzzle Hunter’s helmet. “Thank you for helping,” I said before kissing the side of his helmet. “You’re welcome, but the job’s not done yet. We still need to get rid of that Corruption.” Hunter reminded me and I pouted. “You want to call it a date now?” I asked with a sly grin as I let the nurses take over but not before kissing and nuzzling each foal, hoping they would be with good families. “Are the twins being adopted together?” I asked the head nurse since I didn’t get that clarified to me before. In response, the mare blinked and scoffed. “Of course! To separate identical twins is like ripping out half their souls. Don’t worry, they’re all in good hands.” She nodded in affirmation and left, so I turned my attention to Hunger who had waited patiently. “If you want it that way. Also, Berserker’s coming along. He’s bored and wants something to kill. A lot of things to kill.” Hunter told me as Berserker opened up the door. “Only if those things are mindless monsters or true demons. Oh, if we find a large powerful Omnibus that can’t be cured, I’m gobbling them up. I need to make Purifier Pools or Springs out there. A lot of them, considering it’s a desert.” I declared while my massive motherly milk tanks were still being milked. I suddenly felt a bit silly, trying to impose limits on someone while I’m still pinned to the bed by my tits. “First one that gets to it, kills it.” Did Berserker just challenge me for it? “What? Can’t I make this a little more interesting?” He asked me and I couldn’t help but smile. Oh, this is gonna be a fun time. Crazy, yes. Insanely so. But fun. I never knew how bloodthirsty I was until I was sent to this world and went on a week-long rampage. “Yes, you can,” I smirked and looked to the busty black wolf-slime that was helping Sabrina and the nurses. “Svartr, could you fill Berserker in on the situation so we can save our breath?” “Yeah, yeah. Sure. I’m your messenger these days anyway.” Svartr huffed, then smooched a black foal on the brow and handed him away reluctantly. “Okay big boy, clench up.” “Wha-?” Svartr jabbed her left arm into Berserker’s neck lightning-quick, her hand turning amorphous and burrowing under his high-tech armor. They stood still for about a minute until they parted and Berserker snarled. “Pinkys, so Hell is already here.” He shuddered again, before shaking his head. “Anyway, are you ready to go?” “Uh...I still have tits big enough to have babies in them. No. I can barely walk with these things unless I’m able to increase the rest of my body in size and indoors that’s out of the question-eep!” I squeaked as he grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder, my nipples pulling free of the milking cups and gushing everywhere, my tits bouncing against his armored ass. “W-what’re you doing?!” “You’re taking too long. We can deal with your issues when we’re on our way.” Berserker declared, and I couldn’t help but notice that despite the position, he was keeping his hand on my lower back and not my booty or thighs. I looked back at Svartr to see her wiggling her eyebrows while Sabrina smirked and Hunter facepalmed his visor. I smiled as I got comfy. If he wants to carry me, feel free~. > Ch.20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.20 We were back in the desert again, now with a whole party instead of just Svartr and I. We traversed the dunes towards the first demon fort from the former Changeling hive with Sabrina guiding us. It was a fairly uneventful morning, where I could release my milk, magically with Sabrina’s brand of magic, into the sands where my freshly enchanted milk would help heal the desert. Berserker didn’t put me down until my tits were a much more manageable size. He was skeptical when they stopped at basketball-sized K-cups, but I insisted this was my baseline. Well, it is, but I could go smaller. I’m not just going to tell him that though. Knowing a guy like him, he’d insist I go flat for battle! Hmph! Not a chance! I need my cleavage to quickly get things from my magic inventory anyway. After I was down to my preferred size and I was garbed in Svartr once more, a large group of bull demons and huge wolf demon males rushed us from a cave partially hidden by rare sagebrush. I decided to try out using my new powers for combat and surged up to 15 feet and my breasts grew to the size of yoga balls while Svartr transformed into an armored thong and nipple pasties. She really needs to add some more mass for me. Once I’d buffed up for battle, I pulled out my demon greataxe, making Berserker stare in what I hoped was shock from the huge weapon coming out of my bosom before I charged the bulls, firing the Infinity from my left hand, which somehow matched size with my hand yet still fired tiny bullets like a BB gun in comparison to its new size. However, despite still firing small pistol rounds, the hail of bullets swept through multiple targets while I was closing the gap, but it didn’t just do that. The impossible Slag Infinity caused wounds to splash purple gunk and caused them to scream in agony as their flesh seemed to become less solid. “Holy shit that is brutal! I knew this was a good gun!” I finished my approach and quickly chopped sideways through my victims to put them out of their misery. “Very nice, though it is strange ammo, even weirder than these firearms,” Svartr commented from my left nipple. “You could’ve warned me you were going to go all giantess on them!” “Not sorry~!” I said with glee as I slashed at a bull demon, who was flustered and trying not to focus on my giant boobs as he also tried not to die. Oh~ I see your erection~! Try to dodge with that third leg in your pants! “Where did you get that?” Berserker asked as he punched a hole straight through a wolf demon’s chest with just his fist like an edgelord from a shonen. “The Axe or gun? Both were from a Factory that was milking people for corrupted fluids. The guns, along with others fell into my bosom before I summoned Jack with this very pistol to help me out.” I explained as I decapitated another bull. “The wolf with white fur can be purified! Please don’t kill him!” I called out, sensing that the albino was a fresh demon. “Those weapons are meant for killing Hell Demons. They’re using traces of Argent energy too, so I’m worried about how they got them.” Berserker stated as he brutally decapitated a bull demon with his evil-looking chainsaw sword. “I guess they’re at war with each other,” I replied as I tackled the white wolf, using my superior strength to wrestle his face into the sand and pulled some rope from my boobs to tie him up. “It’s either you work for Hell, or die by their hands. So yes, they are at war.” Berserker replied as Hunter covered his back and mine with his sniper rifle. “Does Handsome Jack also have those weapons?” “I gave him the Armory as payment,” I told him as I shoved the wolf into my tit-space to hold him. I had the cleavage big enough due to my current size of 15 feet with tits the size of yoga balls. I could barely feel their weight and despite their size, I could just smoosh them if they were in the way of my arms. Poor Svartr, stuck being nipple pasties and a thong. “Just as long he knows what he’s doing, he’ll be fine.” Berserker grunted while he stabbed another bull. “The demons are in force,” Sabrina said as she rose from the sands like a siren emerging from water. She used rocks to attack the last demons from below. “Sorry about hiding, I had to get the stones loose. I’ll keep them around so I’m not defenseless.” “Does that mean we’re close to the first place?” Berserker asked her as he revved his sword and swung it to get the blood off, spraying the red fluid everywhere. I’m glad I’m not in the splash zone, even if Svartr and I could just absorb it and be clean, it’s the principle. “Yes, the first fort nearest us is quite close,” Sabrina told us as she took the lead again while I looked at the demons. They were all so weak, but the wolf, while dead with a fist-sized hole in its chest, would do for a bit of build-up. I turned fully to slime and opened my mouth to start swallowing as quickly as I could before catching up with them, my body still at fifteen feet to compensate for my digesting belly. The boys looked back at me, or up, in this case, wondering why I was still big and looked pregnant again, but shrugged it off. Not really bothered by it. “Enjoyed your meal?” Berserker asked me and I stiffened up a bit. “Hey, relax. It’s nothing new to us.” “Okay, but he was only an appetizer. I need a lot of Corruption to give me enough power for a Purifier pool. It will take a lot of smaller demons but it’s easier if I can get my goo around a powerful demon.” I explained, patting my sloshing stomach. “Well, I guess that little bet’s off. Seeing as it’s a very important thing.” Berserker huffed in disappointment at me apparently having a good reason for dibs on the biggest enemy of the fort. “Oh, it’s still on. We have four Forts to clear and they’ll be full of demons. It’d be convenient if I had the leaders in my belly though. The ones most likely to have high Corruption are the omnibuses. Mostly they tend to be caribou since their king is allied with them and his people are mostly herms by this point, so they make easy omnibuses.” I informed everyone while my goo gurgled and condensed around the dissolving demon. “Okay then. If that’s the case, then do we go through them one-by-one, or split up and take them all at once?” Berserker asked impatiently. Geez dude, calm down. “One by one,” Sabrina told us grimly. “Splitting up, even with how powerful you two are, is a bad idea. Corruption can still alter you if you are dumped into a vat of it. It may not be a big change, but it will change you.” She explained to us as I digested the wolf down to base soul energy and corruption, my belly firming up and shrinking as I absorbed the unimportant bits. “We’ll see about that.” Berserker said, not even looking worried about it. Does he really think he can’t be Corrupted? If I was cruel, I could just dump the contents of my stomach on him, see if he’s so sure of himself then. We detoured to the first fort by going around a giant dune since we were getting shot at by their catapults and trebuchets. I spotted what looked like the tip of a rib bone the size of a mountain sticking up from the sands near the base. Just how massive would such a creature really be to make bones this gigantic? Whatever, not important. Once we rounded the dune and were closer to the box-like fort with a tall turret tower in the center, we dashed towards the massive sandstone fortification. “I need a projectile!” I reached behind me towards Berserker, since he was the melee specialist. “Have fun!” I shouted, having hooked Berserker around the waist and spun around, tossing him up at the 50-foot high sandstone wall of the fort. I barely dodged incoming catapult fire for my stunt. The moment Berserker reached the top of the wall, he roared as several imps, incubi, succubi, and omnibi rushed to fend him off. It was a spectacle of blood while the rest of us still had to dodge several volleys from arrows and crossbows until we got right up against the wall. “What’s taking you so long to get up here?!” Berserker demanded and I huffed before I went full slime and formed myself into a spiraling staircase. Hunter immediately began running up me despite the fact that I was still squishy goo and Sabrina gawked.  “Hurry up! I hate doing this, it leaves me vulnerable!” I told the cat while not bothering to mention I was evaporating in the hot sun as we spoke! This got her to shake herself and instead of running up my steps, leaped the first few spirals, and jumped up each ‘floor’ of me until she and Hunter made it to the top where Berserker was laughing and enjoying the bloodbath of the lesser Lust demons throwing themselves at him. “Grab me!” Both Sabrina and Hunter grabbed me and I reverted rapidly down to my more comfortable 6-feet of height, letting them pull me up before I buffed back up to 15-feet and took out my axe. Holy shit, I’m feeling a rush from all the transforming! Also, whoa, Svartr didn’t get tossed off of me? Whatever! Time for some blood~! From there, it turned into an all-out slaughter. I couldn’t rightly describe the thrill of just letting loose, but our fervor was short-lived. An incredibly loud voice shouted before a red fist smashed through the inner crenellations of the fort’s wall, revealing a 30-foot tall Omnibus below surrounded by a horde of lesser demons. “Okay, first one to her gets the kill,” I called out as I jumped down, boosting my size to twenty feet, slamming tits-first into the furious red omnibus. However, I wasn’t anticipating my maximum size with maximum boobage meant I had, proportionally, tits the size of fucking sedans. They were more than huge enough to just shove the surprised demoness wholesale into my tit-space and I landed with a surprised grunt in the sand, her now terrified subordinates backing away. “Well...that’s gonna be awkward to get out.” I felt her struggle to get out of my tits as the others rushed the subordinates. While my teammates slaughtered them, I held my struggling cleavage together. Berserker took on the much smaller succubuses who poured milk on him as much as they could while Hunter sniped the Incubi. Sabrina, meanwhile, was brutally massacring them without barely moving, the stones and sand acting at her will, literally tearing her victims apart in a mist of blood and screams of terror. Getting sick of the struggle, I decided to take a risk and went full goo. When she tried to escape, instead I pulled her into my body through my breasts, bloating up into a bubble-like when Aventurine impregnated me with the first Slimes of this world, only she was fighting, trying to get out before I rapidly digested her in moments. I wiggled and cooed as I consumed her. What would happen if I ate a god?  Wait, that's Corruption talking. Silly Willow, I need to remember that while I’m nearly immune to the physical effects of Corruption, I’m far from mentally immune. “Oh~ I’m going to need a purge soon. She filled me good though. She’s definitely enough, but I’m going to have to make the spring here in this fort.” I huffed as the battle around me wound down. Whatever demon foolish enough to attack me just got sucked in and dissolved like their leader. This form may not be good for actual combat, but damn if it doesn’t make me nearly invincible to physical attacks. Thank gosh I’m in the shade of the wall or the sun would be evaporating me. “Hey, guys! Are there any stragglers? Did you spare any who could be saved?” “Fuck if I know.” Berserker huffed, wiping some blood from his visor. “Hm...I’m feeling a bit weirdly turned-on. Is this Corruption?” Hunter must’ve texted something to him without the pad because Berserker turned to him angrily. “Fuck you, man.” “Well, so long as it’s safe, Sabrina! I can barely move like this. I have so much slurry ready to make a purification spring, but can you use your magic to dig out a pond for it?” I asked the cat, who was looting the corpses before she looked up at me in all my goo-filled slimy rainbow glory. “Certainly. Boys, help me clear the middle of the courtyard.” Sabrina stated and I took a moment to look around. The fort was literally just thick walls with one of the walls having an actual turret tower attached. Once Berserker and Hunter moved the bodies out from the center, Sabrina waved her hands, speaking backwards or something and the ground pitted, compressed, then formed a glazed earthen bowl in the center of the yard. “Thank you.” I groaned as I laboriously rolled myself towards the pool, moving my membrane like a slug or something and sighed when I reached its rim. “Um...I just realized I kinda screwed up.” “What do you need?” Sabrina asked and I huffed, forcing my body with its gooey ability to shift, even as limited as it was right now, to bring my breasts down towards the pool. “I need you to go into my tit-space, get the bones, coiled iron sword, and the matching brazier. Make the center of the pool higher for a fountain and put them all on it.” At my explanation, Sabrina jumped into my cleavage without hesitation as the boys watched curiously. Soon she came out, dragging the small iron fire pit with the bones and sword on it. She huffed, used her magic to summon a large flagstone in the middle which raised it higher than the edge of the pool. Then with some help from the boys, she put it there. “Alright. Now I can do this.” I moaned as I forced my nipples open, gushing the mixture of pure Corruption and icky-sourced water into the pool. I then started pouring my Goddess’ power, then the soul energy to ignite the bonfire in the middle of it, linking it to Harmonia in this way. Harmonia would keep the spring going and purify the water, the Corruption I used making the pool know what to cleanse. Then, from under the brazier, a small crystal tree grew due to Harmonia’s link, cradling the blue crystal bonfire as iridescent water-like light flowed over the brazier into the water, making it shimmer. However, Sabrina had to deepen the pool as I dumped fluids into it, turning it into a proper swimming pool around a central fountain. Once I was drained of the materials for the purification pool, I pulled out the angry white wolf demon from my cleavage after reverting to my twenty-foot solid height over the pool. “Time for a swim little guy.” I dunked him into the water despite his protests and he quickly shrunk a little before I pulled him back out. He looked confused, had smaller sexual assets than before, and seemed normal like the others before him. “Success!” I shrunk down, Svartr properly separating from me-oh! She’d been melding with me! That’s where she was going! Anyway, we both jumped into the crisp cool swimming pool naked as the day we were born. “This is great! Especially after you outgrew me and I was forced to cling to your collar.” Svartr declared and I felt bad about forgetting she couldn’t change size with me. I’ll have to fix that somehow. Wait, my collar? I rubbed it and pursed my lips, pondering its size-changing function was convenient for Svartr. “Ah, new location, this is great!” Harmonia said, materializing out of her new young tree. She looked four feet tall right now with how small the tree was. “Hm~, how are you doing my purifying partner?” She said to the flame, almost nuzzling it. “So lovely. It may be surrounded by high walls, but I’m in the sun again! Thank you so much, Willow!” “Not a problem, but who is your partner?” I questioned warily as I tread water. “Your Goddess. She’s not talkative right now. In fact, she’s mostly absent. She seems to be one of those passive types that generally just subconsciously flexes her essence all over the place. She doesn’t even need to be paying attention to do things like this.” Harmonia answered and I felt that, while true, Harmonia might be putting more meaning into Aventurine’s aura. “Oh...I see.” I said as I climbed out of the pool with Svartr latching onto me, turning into a one-piece swimsuit. Huh, I would’ve figured she’d have gone for a bikini. “Even if I want her to come over and bang when I give birth.” Harmonia chuckled, worsening her love drunk impression. “She doesn’t even notice and her essence responds~!” I winced. Yeah, Harmonia is setting herself up for disappointment... “We’re going to scope out the area.” Berserker suddenly told me and promptly exited the fort through the main gate that was now open. With a gesture, he had Hunter join him. “Aw...maybe Berserker isn’t the best dating material.” I pouted. What man turns around and leaves when a girl is in a swimsuit? At least Hunter didn’t leave until Berserker towed him along. “We’re still in demon territory and they both were ogling you when you went for a swim. I think they’re trying to stay professional.” The sandy-furred cat commented as she pulled up her robe to sit on the edge of the pool and dunked her paws into the water, sighing in relief. “That doesn’t seem like them.” I considered it with a pout. I was hoping to talk to Hunter some more, actually, try to treat this adventure as a date. I swear, the first opportunity I get I’m dragging at least one of my close lovers on a date. I’m sick of it all being mushy talk and sex so far. Those are great, but you’ve gotta have some spice to make a relationship deepen. “We did just fight in a demon base. They might not even realize what was happening or figured it was something else.” Sabrina suggested as she gently moved her paws in the water. “They were staring at you while you were not looking at them.” “Well, I want them to look while I’m looking! Whatever, while they look around the area, let’s look inside. There might even be stragglers or prisoners.” Sabrina nodded to my idea and we both used her magic to dry off before we entered the building, ignoring Harmonia going for a swim, enjoying the bright sunlight, and the crisp water. The whole first floor was barren, the second was mostly a sex dungeon and the third bedrooms. It was when we reached the fourth that we found the prisoners. I felt furious and Sabrina hissed at the way the horses were tied to the bedposts, their chests and groins fully exposed and each of them a herm. It looks like they were turning the former inhabitants of Saddle Arabia into breeding fodder and future omnibuses. “Oh~ I smell something good.” Svartr purred before taking control of me and rushing to a locked door. “Yeah, like a lock is going to stop me,” Svartr growled and used my body to start kicking the door around the latch. “Svartr?” I huffed as she banged against the door until it broke down and we found a whole armory of chained Black Knight weapons and Armor, with a changeling tied up in the center. Her throat was covered in scars and she growled at us as she struggled. Despite the maiming of her throat, she looked surprisingly healthy. Her carapace was an almost green tint of blue, her limbs had almost no holes, and she possessed a bosom of C-cups. She also had tubes running into her body as semen and milk was pumped into her nipples and cunt. It seemed the demons were trying and failing to corrupt her, or at least for the most part if the horse dong meant anything. “They’ve corrupted my comrades into mindless...they smell so tasty~.” Svartr moaned as the other armors stirred, shifting into very lewd forms of exaggerated breasts and enormous cocks. They struggled in their chains as Svartr separated into her true form, leaving me naked. “The demons couldn’t handle Corrupted Godkin! HA!” She panted, nearing one of the Corrupted mindless herm armors. “Hush now. I will end your pain.” “Svartr?” I mewled in concern while gesturing to the changeling who was watching my partner worriedly. We then jerked back when she jumped and speared her cunt on the armor’s metal cock with a squeal. The armor shuddered and shook until she crushed her jaw of sharp teeth into its helm. She easily bit clean into it, chewing and swallowing as she began feasting while fucking. “Um, let’s get you out of here.” I gently pulled the tubes out of her nipples and then helped her stand before I pulled the larger one out of her vagina before I snapped her chains. “...” She tried to say something, then her hands quickly flew to her throat in sadness. “I’m sorry. I can’t fix injuries that old. I’m not my Goddess.” I mewled and helped her out of the room as Svartr cannibalized her defiled kin. Well, she does need more mass… “Sabrina, how are the prisoners?” “Getting purified as we speak, Harmonia is sending them to your homeland for the time being. Could you please ask her to stop cooing at the fire? It’s strange.” Sabrina said as I left the building with the changeling. I saw the Arabians swimming to the little island in the center, shedding off any Corruption before entering the Portal formed by the branches of the small tree. When we joined them I found the Mute Changeling barely had any Corruption in her. In fact, it looked like she was almost immune to it considering how hard they were trying to afflict her. The sun was already getting lower and I didn’t know where Berserker and Hunter were, but I figured they could take care of themselves. “Come on. I have a safe place for you to stay.” I gently pulled her across the pool, climbed up the little island and we entered the Harmony Shrine. It was coming along well. This portal was actually anchored to a stone arch, one of many forming half a ring around Harmonia said half a ring was on the side facing the back of the cavern. I sighed in relief of being home as I led my guest towards my place. When I entered, I blinked. It wasn’t a breeding frenzy for once. In fact; Spike had his girls on his arms, having had to bulk up to 11 feet and a bump in his cock and ball sizes to keep them happy. Daring was even in his lap non-sexually. They were sitting on the sofa watching a movie with the lights dimmed and all dressed in pajamas. “Huh, what's going on?” I happily asked with a beaming smile, at least until Harmonia cooed at the brazier even with her smaller body not here. “Why are you fixed on her being over here now?” I called back curiously as the Mute Changeling nervously clung to me, the three dragons and pegasus were all so involved in the movie they didn’t even seem to notice us. “I have an idea for a fruit, one I can only make with her. She has to be here though, just her power is not enough. I was inspired by your latest shrine to us in the fort and the sun.” Harmonia said excitedly. “I can bear a fruit that will cure any Corruption, but only if I can couple with someone similar to me. Cadence is close, but even she misses the mark. Another Harmony goddess or one of Aventurine’s Ideals is who I need help from.” “Okay then. I’ll see about summoning her tomorrow.” I waved the excited Goddess of Harmony goodnight and closed the door as I gently pulled my new housemate over to my crew of dragon breeders to find Cocoa was on the other side. I haven’t seen her much with her babysitting my pups. Whoa, her belly is HUGE now, easily filled with octuplets. “Hey, room for two more?” At my question, Daring scooted over to lean against Cocoa’s belly and G-cup left breast and I sat half in Spike’s and Ember’s laps with the Changeling sitting half in Spike’s and Smolder’s laps. It was a surprisingly cheesy-bad rom-commovie, but the company was nice. > Ch.21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.21 It was such a wonderfully peaceful night after that admittedly terrible movie. I snuggled Daring and Cocoa in our lavish poster bed, while Spike and his girls were in their own separate bed due to space constraints. No sex, no raunchy hijinks. Just some wonderful small talk and cuddles. This is a real relationship, not the wild non-stop sex. Now if only I could take them on dates, but no, this domestic little visit is the most I can hope for in the near future. I woke from my peaceful sleep, undisturbed by Luna, so she must be really busy for once. I wormed from between my lovers, using the poor mute changeling who had uneasily taken the foot of the bed to replace my spot. Then I kissed Cocoa and Daring on the brow as they dozed. I considered making breakfast, scratching at my red pajamas-wait, I’m wearing underwear that’s unrealistically comfy. “Svartr?” “You were too sleepy to remember me coming in? Whatever, I’m currently perfect undies for you and napping. I don’t need to sleep either, but it’s nice not to have to be alert all the time.” Svartr’s telepathic words brought back the hazy half-memory of Svartr coming home just before bed and wordlessly worming under the pajamas I’d put on. “Ah, right. Now then, breakfast!” I don’t need to eat either, but it’s nice to-hey! It seems Spike beat me to it! “Sleep well?” The 11-foot tall wall of draconic muscle asked me from the large kitchen area that was added in before I left on my current quest. I couldn’t help the giggle at how he wore a far-too-small ‘kiss the cook’ apron over his pecs and was still otherwise in his pajamas. “Yep. It was so nice to come home and not have the breeding system running. Why’d you stop anyway?” I asked curiously as he dished up a plate of sausage and pancakes, which I promptly began drooling over as he handed it to me, getting my red pajama shirt wet with drool. “Well...we’ve figured we should maybe have someone else come in for the breeding. Ember and Smolder are willing, but getting tired of it. I don’t want to have to breed anyone else but them though, so we decided to take a break and make Daring take a break too.” Spike said as he served himself and put the rest under a metal lid to stay warm while we moved to the huge dining table just to the side of the kitchen. “Thank you. I’ve been wanting a night of just snuggles, even if I’m open to sex a lot. A night away from it is great.” I told him before I sized up to his height to share a kiss, stretching my comfy near-elastic pajamas to their limit as I did so. “Glad you appreciated it, but yeah. I don’t think Ember and Smolder are up to mass-breeding for a while and not with your seed at all for a good bit.” Spike looked a little worried, but I just shrugged. This is about more than just our relationship, those eggs are the future of their species. “It’s their right to choose whose eggs they bear and lay. Besides, they’re your girls first and they must’ve had way more of mine.” I then looked around but didn’t see them. “Speaking of which, where are they?” “Ember finally had to go to the Dragonlands for her duties, Smolder went with her. They said something, uh, getting some more...um...volunteers?” Spike meekly poked his index fingers together and I snorted in amusement. “Spike, it only makes sense. It’ll broaden the genetics and if they’re tired of breeding with me, then having some diversity added in will only make things better in the long run.” I said before eating the pancakes quickly. “I may not like being impersonal about it, but at least we’re helping your kind for the future.” Besides, I’m sure they don’t want our relationship to just be business with all the pleasure we’ve shared. If we just kept doing the same thing repeatedly without a break, I’m sure things would’ve strained. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all. “Thanks for being so understanding Willow.” Spike leaned over and kissed me again and I hummed. Once the kiss ended, I picked up one of the fleshy sausage links, giving it a lick and a suck as I gave him bedroom eyes, making him chuckle. “Nope. I’m on a break.” I whined in false disappointment before getting up and going over to my lovers. “C’mon you three, up and at 'em! Two of you have babies in your bellies to feed!” I cheerfully declared, rocking Cocoa’s massively pregnant belly and making them moan in displeasure as they awoke. “Spike made breakfast if you don’t hurry it’ll get cold.” Once they sleepily grumbled and began staggering towards the kitchen, I walked to the door and opened it only to find Harmonia standing right outside, looking a little creepy. “Uh, what’s up Harmonia?” “You promised~.” Harmonia sing-songed as I looked around her to see the Doom Marines camping in the fort from my view of the portal from here. Why didn’t they come to the shrine? Is that a net full of skulls next to Berserker? Goodness, that's a lot of skulls. I know we killed a lot of demons, but wow. “Promised what?” I asked absently before she picked me up in a bridal carry and brought me to the Lordvessel. “Uh, what are you doing?” “Summon her! You promised! I can’t make the fruit if she’s not here!” Oh, right. That. “Oh, the Fruit! Right um...” How do I do this? I moved to the brazier, clasping my hands together under my bosom. “My Goddess, Harmonia has a request.” I felt a sensation of loving warmth and I felt a little hotter under my collar than normal, but there was no response. “Um...okay.” I got on my knees, pulled my shirt up over my K-cup breasts, tugged Svartr’s lacy black bra down under my boobs. I then held them up as I kneaded my areola and nipples, dribbling milk. I quickly started to pant in heady arousal. “M-my Goddess~! I need you~!” “Willow? What is it?” Aventurine replied, rising up out of the fire and blinking as she looked down at her body of blue fire. “Whoa...this is the first time We’ve been summoned as a Goddess to a shrine without a statue.” “Harmonia, unf, has, ah, a request.” I panted as I saw the Goddess of Harmony smile at my Matron and it was turning me on bad. Holy shit. I forgot how utterly amazing being in Her presence made me feel~! “I need your help. Firstly: to make my body produce fruit that will purify Corruption. Secondly: to make my body grow breast bulbs to provide nourishing nectar. Thirdly: to allow me to finish carrying these foals and to impregnate me so I may finally have my own.” Harmonia put her hands to her toned abdomen and it surged out to term with quadruplets with the wolf/unicorn foals that Svartr had impregnated Starlight with. I panted in arousal at seeing it appear from her previously unseeded abdomen, my own body aching with need. “Oh~.” I groaned as my Goddess’s avatar split open and formed her portal, allowing her to enter our realm and approach Harmonia. She tugged me to my paws and to her side at the same time. Fuck me. Breed me. Use me my Goddess~! “Our champion has birthed many Alicorns, haven’t thee?” Aventurine asked rhetorically, I could tell from her expression that she knew everything I’ve sired and given birth to. “Yes, all four have had turns, three of them more than once.” I informed her anyway and I cooed as she rubbed my scalp between my ears, sending my long twin fluffy fox tails whirling in joy so fast I might’ve started to hover like Miles ‘Tails’ Prower if physics here were that loose. “Good girl. Now then, Harmonia, you’re asking something dangerous. I may be a master fleshcrafter, but your body. It isn’t…” Aventurine gestured to Harmonia’s real body, made of crystal as it was and she visibly saddened, both her fleshy avatar and her true form. “But...there is someone who can help you. Quite easily. I thankfully happen to be his best friend.” “Who?” I asked as I was tugged closer still to my Goddess, who then booped my snoot and all the building arousal was gone, my nipples stopped leaking and my mind cleared. “M-my Goddess?” “Sex. Fertility…?” Ave led on and I sighed as I pulled Svartr back up over my breasts and tugged my red pajama top back down over my torso. “Commerce, which means moderation.” I grumbled but cheered up as she patted my head again and scratched my massive fennec ears, causing me to do a Tails impression again. “Good girl. Now, to answer your question; why not give him a call?” Aventurine held out her left hand. In it was an unassuming bronze nose ring of sorts, with stylish boars on it all facing one direction; widdershins. “Go on. Take it.” At her urging, I took up the ring and was hit with an image of a pitch-black stallion with swirling blue-light blue eyes and a shaggy unruly mane. “If you need Asylum, someone to talk to, or if I can; direct assistance, then feel free to call upon me. Bronze Brave of Space, master of spatial distortion.” I shuddered at the delicious deep baritone tenor that practically vibrated me to my core. Woo! If his voice is that good! “Hello! I’m Willow, I’m a Champion of Aventurine’s. I could use your help apparently.” “Apparently?” His voice thrummed in me, making me shiver before the ring flew off to the side, grew until it was big enough to be held like a weapon, then knocked against the air three times with a resounding wooden thud. The very air itself opened like a Door and out stepped...an 8-foot tall actual quadrupedal black alicorn stallion, with the fangs and wings of a thestral, a copy of the nose ring in his nostrils, along with spooky swirling blue eyes with no clear pupil. “Whoa...what is this place?” He looked around the shrine, drawing everyone’s attention mostly because he was a talking animal I guess. Basically all sapient species on this world are anthro. “Hey Fat Douche!” Aventurine suddenly gushed, turning into a quadruped beautiful alicorn and tackled the slab of muscle in a hug, which he cheerfully returned with a laugh. “Beanpole Douche! How’ve you been?! I haven’t seen you since I ate you out at the Gala. Nice iridescent tone there.” The way my Goddess tittered, blushed, and shied away from him made me gawk. Who was this guy to make a damn Goddess of Sex shy of him?! “Aw, you’re just saying that. I know you’re straight as a ruler.” Aventurine purred, fluttering her eyes at him and he countered by kissing her nose, making her giggle. “Technically, there is no such thing as a perfectly straight object, only the illusion of such.” He then turned his swirly eyes to me and I felt small. Like I was standing before a goliath. “So are you Willow? The one who summoned me?” “Y-yes! Yes. That’s me, yep.” Why am I so nervous? Every instinct in me is telling me to run. “I’m Willow! Undead Champion to fight Corruption and um, I, um, I'm wearing my friend and lover Svartr as my underwear.” Why are there so many gods? Geez, no wonder they’re so inclined to try and enslave us lesser creatures if they’re even nearly a quarter as powerful as Bronze feels. Wait what? Why do I feel resentment against all gods suddenly? Svartr, do you have repressed rebellious notions against your rulers? “Um...no? Not really?” Uh...okay, I’ll figure that out later. “By the way, could you calm down? You’re puddling in me and it may be tasty, but it’s a bit much.” Sorry if I’m-! “I can see why Ava made you her champion. You have the body for it.” Bronze Brave’s words confused me, how could he know that? “Um, it’s Aventurine now Bronze.” My Goddess stated as they approached Harmonia and me, but I instinctively backed away from the oddly terrifying stallion. My odd retreat was thankfully stopped by Harmonia placing a hand on my shoulder. I guess she could tell I wasn’t in Harmony. “Why can’t you just keep one name? From now on I’m going to call you Wild Style until you finally figure yourself out.” I snorted in humor at his Lego Movie reference. “So, what is it you need? I have all of eternity, but I prefer to get things done as quickly as possible.” “It’s more what I need.” Harmonia declared, stepping forward and rubbing her belly and milk-leaking breasts, which the stallion didn’t even blink at. Then again, he is an actual pony, not anthro. He probably doesn’t find her attractive. “I asked Aventurine to help my body produce fruit to purify a magical taint we have here called Corruption, as well as make my body grow breast bulbs to make nourishing nectar. She said she couldn’t help me there because my true form isn’t flesh.” Harmonia gestured to her tree body and Bronze hummed. “Interesting. I’ll need a sample of this ‘Corruption’ to know how to design the fruit. By the time I’m done, then Wild Style could take it from there.” Bronze nodded to Aventurine, who nodded in agreement. “Because by then, you’ll be a hybrid of crystal and flesh, much like the crystal ponies. I’ll also need a quite substantial amount of flesh to graft into you. I doubt you’re willing to provide living sacrifices.” I blinked at his request and groaned. “I just recently had enormous amounts of both Corruption and flesh available! By now it’s likely gone. Ugh. I’ve got another target I can aim for that can provide more, can you hang around until that’s done?” I can’t believe this. Damn quests having similar requirements not lining up! “I just said I basically have all eternity. So, let’s talk shop Wild Style. I’m still learning my craft after all.” Bronze started chatting up his friend as I sullenly walked back through the portal to the former demon fort and swam across towards the camping soldiers. “Gods this is annoying. Hey, you two.” I said as I climbed out of the swimming pool, getting dirt and sand stuck to me as I approached. “Yuck, hey, why did you stay here-?” “Willow~!” I jolted at hearing my ghostly black wolf-slime lover call, so I turned to see another Svartr rushing towards me from the fort’s only building. She looked bloated and was jiggly in the middle until she pounced on me, turning into her full armor. “I’m sure I can handle some of your bigger sizes now love~!” Svartr purred as she made herself contour to me almost skin-tight like an actual symbiote suit and showing me off to the two males, making them both look uncomfortable. “Svartr! But if you’re here then-” I was interrupted as she made me look as lewd as possible, getting tighter and tighter, outlining my every feature even better than if I was naked. “S-Svartr what’s going on~?!” “Ah. I should’ve thought better about that. Sorry. I split off a portion of myself to go home and rest and left most of me here to keep feasting on my corrupted kin. Please jump into the water and purify the majority of me before I reconnect.” What kind of bullshit-nope. Not going to think about it! I jumped into the water to purify her and felt the Svartr acting as my undies squirm through my pajamas and rejoin the majority of her mass. Irritatingly enough, she didn’t stop making me look ultra-nude but at least she stopped trying to look like vacuumed black latex. “Sorry about that.” I huffed as I got out of the water near them again, this time the dirt and sand didn’t stick. I love how convenient it is to have my amorphous lover around. “What are you doing?” Berserker asked in a shaky voice as I bulked up to 15 feet, Svartr clinging to me perfectly now, but unable to make more than thin armor. “I’m trying to get ready for combat,” I replied as I started switching my states over even as Svartr revealed my groin when it reached around the same level as their eyes. “Please stop that!” I yelped at my lover. “Why is she doing that?” Berserker questioned uncomfortably. “I don’t know. She just ate a ton of her kind that was Corrupted to get some mass. I think she’s showing off.” I huffed and pinched the symbiote-like armor, only to get a giggle. “Sheesh.” He groaned in annoyance, while Hunter shifted around. “You two like it~,” Svartr said from my lips as she removed herself from the front half of my yoga-ball sized breasts and wiggled them about without using my arms, dripping milk onto the sand. “...Too much.” Berserker grumbled. “About that Purifier Pool, does it work?” He asked me, trying to change the subject. “Yes.” I said as Hunter watched Svartr show me off as I tried to cover my body. I really don’t appreciate her playing with my body right now. It isn’t the time and what did she do with the pajamas I was wearing? Oh, right...they’re torn to bits. I keep forgetting that not all things I wear change size with me. Why do I forget that so often? Well, clothes are just a polite thing for society, right? Wait, am I an exhibitionist? Snorting, both Doom Marines moved over to the Pool, jumped into it, and swam towards the middle. Once there, they both let their bodies be submerged. A few moments later they surfaced, Berserker sighing in relief after they were cleansed of the Corruption. “Aw, I thought they liked you!” Svartr huffed with my lips-wait, why are you fully formed over my whole body besides the front of my tits anyway?! I pouted as the two got out of the pool and approached me. Berserker specifically got in front of me and shamelessly scanned me from ear-tip to paws. Hm? So you do like the way I look? “We do, but we would rather be clear-headed.” Berserker stated clearly. “Not to mention, I would prefer if she were to give a show on her own. Not having someone else show her off.” “Okay,” Svartr said, before turning into the same simple but elegant dress she had us in when meeting the nobles. How can she have enough mass to make this dress when she can’t form thicker armor? “Here’s how she looks in a dress, boys!” “So, what now?” Hunter asked with his datapad held up for my sake. I smirked and began to slowly undress for them. First I unbuttoned my top slowly and bit my lip as I jiggled and squeezed my gigantic boobs. “Uh, what are you doing?” Berserker asked me uneasily. “You said you wanted a show?” I blinked in confusion. Didn’t they just ask me to give them one? “But I didn’t mean now!” Berserker nearly yelped in bafflement. “But...oh...uh...sorry.” I muttered as I blushed in embarrassment. “We need to go for the next fort.” I told them as Sabrina finally left the fort’s only building. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and approached with a hand mirror. “What do you have there?” “A looking glass.” The blond multi-breasted cat answered and tossed it up at me where it slid right into my bosom. Two points! Berserker and Hunter looked at each other, before looking back at me. “So, the next fort?” Berserker said to clearly get us back on track. “Yes. Lead on our witchy woman!” I cheerfully declared and Sabrina snorted in amusement before she took the lead out of the large main gates. “Are all the forts the same, or different?” Berserker questioned our guide. “All are the same, though those running them vary from year to year.” Sabrina replied dutifully. “What about that mirror? Where did you find it?” Berserker asked the sand witch, who shrugged. “I was eating breakfast and a disturbing rabbit-wolf dropped it.” Sabrina informed him as she looked at the morning sun, turned I guess West-NorthWest, then continued leading us into the desert. “I fucking knew it. Willow, the Mirror, now!” Berserker demanded when he held his hand out to me. Well, that’s no way to ask for something! “Excuse me? What do you say when you ask someone to do something?” I asked in a patronizing tone, only for him to growl and I rolled my eyes. “Okay, you big baby.” I huffed, reached into my cleavage, then tossed the mirror over at him. I enjoyed seeing him fumble with it. Ass. “He said it was a gift. It is a special mirror indeed. I looked normal in it.” Sabrina touched her lower set of breasts a bit sadly. Huh...I guess in their quest to save the world, the Sand Witches had to make sacrifices. “Have a look at my reflection.” Berserker told us and turned his back to us with it aimed at his face. When I looked into it from over his shoulder I was surprised when I saw his reflection. Instead of his helmet, I saw the face of a red wolf, with scales around his green eyes and along the top of his muzzle. He also had spikes along his eyebrows, four on each side. “Oh...you’re handsome.” I complimented him. He may be an asshole, but the hot ones tend to be. Now if only he could stop being a jerk and treat people with respect. “Thanks.” Berserker puffed up at my praise. “Hey, you may have been mean to me, but are you sure we can’t~?” I hinted as I wriggled my body, feeling my hot box practically dripping under my too-hot skirt. Wait, why am I still in a dress Svartr? “Because you’re pretty?” Aw, thanks Svartr! “Can’t what?” Berserker questioned and I sighed in annoyance. Goddess, this man! He’s both rude and dense! “Roll around in the sand?” I was starting to get irritated. Then it seemed Svartr realized that a dress was too much for the desert and turned into a bikini. A, uh, rather insubstantial bikini, that was basically floss aside from the tiny bits covering my mound and my areola. Uh...Svartr? You could, uh, be a bit more covering now that you have more mass? Please? Svartr? “Tempting. Very tempting. But, you know we can’t. Not yet, anyway.” Berserker answered much to my dissatisfaction. I was then surprised when he handed back the mirror. “If Runner gave that to the cat-girl and she gave it to you, then he clearly knows something is up. You can hold on to that for now.” “Oh...alright.” I agreed in bemusement and put the mirror back in my cleavage. Our party then fell into silence on the journey to the next fort. It took about half the day before we were assaulted by a group of demons that seemed to have holed up in another small cave. When the encounter began, I equipped my axe and pistol as Svartr shifted around into armor. This time the demons were composed mostly of busty succubi, this group wielding ranged weapons like old rifles with bayonets. “Hunter, you have the overwatch?” I asked as I took aim with my infinite ammo pistol. Hey, it may have infinite ammo, but if I don’t aim I’ll never hit anything. With a nod of his head, he knelt down and pulled out a very big gun. OMG, my nerdiness is showing! I could immediately tell it was a Lascannon, a laser beam cannon that fires superheated beams of focused energy meant to melt through heavy armor and flesh, a weapon from the Warhammer 40K universe. Hunter took aim at one of the most heavily armored demons, a ten-foot-tall omnibus carrying heavy weapons herself, such as a crank-operated Gatling gun. Of course, there were other demons in the way, but he still pulled the trigger. The massive red beam of light vaporized anything that was in its line of fire, including the heavy herself, leaving nothing in its wake. This came as quite a shock for the demons that were charging us, making them stop for only a few costly seconds. Berserker was up next, who was also using another heavy weapon from that same universe, though it was entirely different. He was using an Autocannon, an automatic, self-loading heavy ballistic weapon, firing large shells at a preferable rate of fire. While it lacked the heavy punch like the Lascannon, it still did its job well, laying down suppressive fire as the enemy tried to charge at us again, ripping through them and spilling their blood and guts onto the sand. Although, it seems that he was firing that weapon in short controlled bursts. I don’t blame him seeing as how much kick that gun has whenever fired. Anyway, while Hunter focused on taking out the heavies with his Lascannon, we thinned out the rest while also covering Hunter. “Sabrina! Can you create some cover for us?!” Berserker asked the Sand Witch, yelling over the loud bangs of his Autocannon and gunfire. “I’ll do you one better.” Sabrina smirked before she began a chant as she danced, her body undulating erotically before her eyes shone for a brief instant. The sands beneath the remaining demons practically opened up like a gaping maw and their screams of terror were ended as it flowed back together like the waves of the ocean. We all stared at where the enemies once were and then nervously eyed the panting, sweaty catwoman. “What?” She asked as she took out a canteen and chugged what was clearly milk rather than water. “Why didn’t you just do that before? Besides the obvious?” Berserker asked her. “It’s exhausting, takes a bit of time to cast and it can only be done over open desert with a lot of sand above the bedrock. The forts are all firmly built on high points in the earth’s stone.” Sabrina informed us before taking the canteen to a breast and casually squirting milk into it under her robe. “Anyone thirsty? I forgot to ask if any of you needed a top-up.” Berserker and Hunter looked at each other, the latter shrugging his shoulders before he turned to her and nodded. “Sure.” Berserker answered and both of the Doom Marines took off their helmets, showing us their human faces. Both of their hair and eyes were the same colour. Their hair was silvery white and their eyes were blood red. Hunter’s hair was tied up in a tidy high knot, not quite a bun, while Berserker’s was messy and spiky. Holy shit, they ARE stereotypical shounen manga protagonists! So edgy! Their faces were different too, besides Berserker’s being covered in scars, while Hunter barely had any on his own. Apparently, Hunter was half Japanese and half Native American, while Berserker was caucasian and Maori from their respective skin tones. Omigawd~ so bishounen~! Total husbando material! “Well, give me your canteens boys. Unless you feel like drinking straight from the tap first.” Sabrina casually added on, acting as if such a thing wasn’t sensual at all. Their response was the hand over their canteens. “Ym klim lliw hsiruon su.” Sabrina intoned, then gasped when her breasts bulged outwards a cup size larger and began gushing milk into her robe before she put the canteens to her two lower nipples. This was all still under her tan robe until they were full and she handed them back. “There you go, boys. Any for you Willow?” “How can you do that and not find it sexual?” I mean, sure, she gasped when her boobs filled with more milk, but other than that it was business as usual. “Hm?” The way Sabrina tilted her head and her ears twitched under her shawl made her look incredibly adorable. I suddenly wanted to snuggle the kitty. “It’s something my people do...or rather, have been forced to do over the decades of running, hiding, and rationing as we sought out an answer to the demons.” She cupped her lower pair of breasts and looked sad. “We aren’t born with four breasts. It is something we are forced to do to make more milk for the coven. For the desert. Each woman must make at least twice as much milk.” We didn’t have much to say to that, but it resolved my plans to help her people repopulate and heal this land. If possible, I think I would like to remove their need to grow multiple breasts somehow since it upsets the pretty titty kitty. > Ch.22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.22 The shapely sand witch led us onward and we only had a couple of encounters on the way towards the next destination, mostly Pinkys. We killed them with ruthless efficiency. Apparently the Fountain of Endowment which was the main source of Corruption in the region was a short detour on the way, so she was leading us in that direction first. “So, does the fountain actually make your assets bigger?” I questioned our witchy guide. “Of course. Why else do you think the demons here are extra busty and hung?” Sabrina’s question didn’t make much sense to me. Nearly all demons are busty and hung in my experience. “You said it’s haunted?” Berserker asked, to which Sabrina sighed. “Yes. I’ve mentioned this before, but to your brother. It will possess anyone it decides is suitably large enough and leave if they’re too small for its taste. In the case of Willow, if she for some reason took a drink, I think the nasty thing would cling to her forever.” Sabrina hissed, clearly having had some experience with the fountain if she was so embittered. After that we crested a large dune and down below somehow untouched by the sands, was an elegant white stone fountain. It was enticingly spraying crystal clear water into the air before returning to its pool. Hunter held up his pad. “That is deceptive and dumb at the same time. It’s obviously unnatural.” “True, though the Demons didn’t build it. It must be from another Era. It’s not flaunting breasts and dicks all over itself.” I commented since it was rather plain aside from the crystal clean water. My throat was suddenly feeling parched and I licked my lips. It was so hot and I was so thirsty. “So that is the trick. I will keep you, safe love.” Svartr stated through my lips for everyone’s benefit to let them know I was being affected. Thanks, Svartr. I don’t want a ghost possessing my boobs. Well, unless they ask first at least and aren’t an asshole. “We’ll be fine. Hell tried something similar to this, but it was ultimately useless.” Berserker told us as our group neared the ancient evil fountain. “Then be my guest, take a drink.” Sabrina chuckled as she neared the fountain and leaned down, took a double handful, and promptly slurped it down. “What’re you-?!” I was interrupted when Sabrina moaned as she backed away, her breasts surging out in size from D to E. “It’s required of every sand witch who comes out this way to take a drink.” Sabrina bitterly hissed. “At least after me, nobody else will be required to sup of this cursed water.” Required? That would explain why she was so bitter about it. “So, were you joking about me taking a sip?” Berserker asked and Sabrina glared at him for the dumb question. “Sorry, I’m not one for making jokes.” Oof, he’s generally rude and doesn’t have a healthy funnybone. He sounds more like an old war veteran than a healthy adult. “Only if you want to. Its effects are obvious.” Sabrina jiggled her larger breasts for emphasis. “But for you, it would work instead on your genitals.” Well, that does make some sense. Even if it is Corrupted, I can see the witches using it to their advantage. “Hm.” Berserker hummed and removed his helmet before he approached the fountain. He leaned down and took a handful up to his lips. He barely sipped it before he promptly spat it back out in disgust. “Fucking Hell, that’s nasty!” “Maybe you guys react to Corruption differently? I mean, you were definitely exposed to a lot back at the fort, but you were mostly okay up to the point you decided to swim.” I theorized, edging closer to the crisp, refreshing water. Only for Svartr to seize my body. Thanks, Svartr, really. I don’t think me being here is a good idea. “Okay, can I tell you something? Don’t freak out alright?” Berserker asked with a tiny shudder. “The effects are there, but it seemed to have lessened. Still, it’s there.” He mentioned before wincing, holding his crotch in pain. “Ow, never a good time to get a boner in armor.” “Really? How can that happen when the innate magic here allows-?” I was interrupted by Hunter suddenly blasting the fountain with a Rocket Launcher, spraying the area with water and causing a horrific ethereal shriek of fury as the simple stone fountain was reduced to rubble. The water made us all clearly horny, but other than that it didn’t do anything. We all looked around in concern, expecting something to happen, only for nothing to occur and Hunter held up his pad to us. “Well that was anticlimactic.” This was met with Berserker punching him in the face. “Dude. Not cool. I expect stupid shit like that from Runner, not you.” Berserker chided the slimmer sibling as he shook his punching hand as if hitting him had hurt. For all I knew, it might’ve. “I know, but we shouldn’t waste any more time. There’s still 3 more forts and Willow still has to go see this Tel’Adre city and the Sand Witches afterwards.” Hunter’s outline of my rather busy schedule made me sigh and we turned to Sabrina, who stared at the rubble of the fountain for a moment, before wordlessly guiding us onward. She seemed oddly upset, yet also incredibly happy at the same time somehow. (<3) “That was exactly like the other fort. Only there wasn’t a giant Omnibus.” Berserker complained and I huffed with a roll of my eyes from my immobile place at the edge of the pool Sabrina had made in the center of this near-identical fort’s courtyard. I was once again a gigantic bubble of goo filled and churning with the materials to make the purifying pool. It was messier and took longer this time since they had to round up demons and throw them into me. I was also refining the Corruption so Bronze had a pure sample to work with. “You don’t get to complain, mister invincible.” I snarked. He’d run straight into the front gate this time, not wanting to even bother with the tactics we did before. He even smashed open a hole in one of the walls with his Gauss Cannon. Some piece of me and especially Svartr rankled at the needless destruction of an easily captured fortification because that hole meant that if a non-demonic faction occupied this fort, they’d have to fix all of that damage. “Hey, I was getting bored and I needed to collect skulls.” He countered, collecting more skulls from those he had slain before. As for the whole skull collecting thing, apparently he was doing that because of The Blood God Khorne. Yeah, big surprise, note my sarcasm. He even went on to state that Khorne’s own blood runs through his veins because Slaanesh did something and he needed saving once he was done redecorating their throne room. Also, his chainsword is a Daemon possessed Chainsword, gifted to him by Khorne. Because of course it is. Then again, being called The Bloody-Handed Berserker might as well have ended up drawing the Blood God’s attention. It would explain why magic didn’t work on him and why the Corruption had a lesser effect. Again, total edgelord shounen protagonist. I didn’t really care all that much. He was a great warrior to fight alongside, so I would respect his edginess so long as he doesn’t regress to being a young teen and truly become a chuunibyou. “So long as I have enough flesh leftover for Bronze to use, this trip wasn’t a waste.” I huffed, looking over at the pile of headless corpses we didn’t need for the pool. I groaned as my breasts heaved and pulsed. It was ready. “Bring a flask over Sabrina, I need a vial of pure Corruption.” Rather than actually have one on her, Sabrina held out her hands. “Emoceb eno mrof morf ynam.” Sand flew between her hands, superheating and then cooling into a bottle. She then came up to my right breast and put the bottle under my nipple. To avoid touching anything, she levitated it with magic and squeezed my giant nipple with magic sand hands. I gushed the violent red essence into the bottle and the very sight of undiluted Corruption was disturbing. “This is terrifying and disgusting.” Sabrina hissed, creating a glass stopper and capping the bottle of dangerous liquid. With that done, I moaned and let it all out from my tits into the pool, watching as like before, the bonfire ignited, grew a crystal sapling around it and a stable portal opened as I shrunk back down with a content sigh, but nude since Svartr and Hunter went into the building to search for prisoners. I suspect Svartr was hoping to find more of her corrupted brethren to consume. “This is so satisfying.” I cooed and crawled into the pool, sighing in content as I floated about. “Alright, that makes four-hundred-and-forty-four.” Berserker commented, throwing the last skull into a net. Without warning, a portal to the Warp itself opened up. Berserker grabbed ahold of the tied net and threw the whole thing through. We all heard sinister laughter of cruel satisfaction from the other side before it closed. “Okay, only four-hundred-and-forty-four more to go. Thank god I don’t need to worry about stockpiling the tributes until I reach numbers in the six-hundreds.” Berserker stated in a disturbingly casual and pleased manner like he’d just collected cans or something for the recycling center. “Sounds like a lot of work,” I commented idly from my place in the water, watching as more horses and even some cats, all herms, ran for the pool and then swam for the portal. “This is great. Killing demons, purging Corruption, saving lives, making new lives.” I love my job. “Eh, you have your own thing you like to do, and I have mine own.” Berserker told me with a shrug. “Hmph, well that’s another point against you.” I mumbled under my breath. “So, the day’s already gone and we still have two more forts. I think I have the ‘recipe’ for the pools down enough I could do it with bodies that have been left to rot a bit longer. Would you mind going on ahead to the next fort as I hammer out what’s going on back at the shrine? I’ll give you that portal beacon I used at the changeling hive.” “Get back here!” Svartr yelled as one of the mindless Black Knights got loose from her and she began a chase out the window it defenestrated from with her belly wobbling the whole way. “Git in mah belleh~! I’m bigger than you, I'm higher in the food chain! Git in mah BELLEH~!” “Sure,” Berserker responded as Hunter joined us. I noticed the direction his helmet took and realized he was staring at my naked breasts. I waved my fingers at him with a knowing grin and winked at the cute mute. “We’re gonna go ahead and slaughter the next fort. Where’s this beacon you mentioned?” I reached between my breasts and pulled out the egg-shaped runic anchor. “Of course.” He grumbled before I tossed it to him. “Try not to have too much fun while we work.” “Sorry boys, no promises~!” I called after them as they headed towards the gate and I looked at Sabrina. “Are you okay with guiding them there?” “Of course, but with all the battles we’ve had today, I hope they’re willing to allow me to hide in the sand. I’m far too exhausted for proper combat.” Sabrina admitted with a nod to me before following the brothers. “I should head back to Br-.” I began before my collar started glowing, telling me one of my ‘owners’ wanted a fun time. I sighed and turned the collar around to see Twilight’s cutie-mark glowing. “Wait, she hasn’t shown interest since the first time.” I furrowed my brows in concern and swam towards the portal, poking my head through and looking towards the Handmaiden since she was the closest. “Hey, uh, is Twilight here?” “Yes, dear. She was looking quite flustered for some reason and retreated to her chambers over yonder.” She pointed towards Twilight’s chambers, which was also Starlight’s. “Our Champion?” Aventurine asked as she spotted my head poking through the portal. “Dost thou have what we need?” “Uh, yes.” I looked out the portal and realized I left the bottle of concentrated corruption on the lip of the pool. Then there was the huge pile of bodies off to the side. “Um, it’s on the other-.” “Got it.” Bronze calmly said from where he was quite suddenly right behind me, which caused me to yelp and jump away in shock. Within that moment he had the bottle of corruption in his magic in front of his face and the pile of demon corpses off to the side on the inhabited side of the portal, which caused a lot of people to react like I had just before. “Good work. Now then, Igor~! Fetch me the brain~!” Bronze hammed and my Goddess giggled as she trotted over, for some reason still a quadruped, to cross horns with him. “Hm...this is a rare opportunity~.” She fluttered her eyes at him and he rolled his eyes as their horns shimmered. The corpses flew up and then brutally slapped against Harmonia’s tree body, layering over her and then melding into her. She didn’t utter a sound. “This is...strange.” Harmonia’s voice echoed. “I feel almost no different, yet I am.” “Welcome to being a living inanimate object. Even more so. Now, this stuff is pretty heady, don’t you agree?” Bronze opened the bottle and gave the pungent sex-smelling stuff a whiff. “Smells like Tuesday night.” “Just about~.” Aventurine cooed and nuzzled his cheek. “C’mon, don’t be a tease.” “I’m just stating the truth.” Bronze chuckled, completely unaffected somehow by the lust-causing essence and Aventurine’s advances. Just who is this guy? “Now then.” I squeaked in shock as he took a swig of the bottle, swishing it around his mouth. “Hm...sharp...tangy...a little too spicy for my taste, but that’s it down pat. Want a taste?” “We’re horny, not crazy.” Aventurine snorted in amusement, still horn-locked with him. “Hurry up, I want you to mount me~.” Bronze just huffed in response and vanished the bottle. “Need I remind you I’m not exactly here?” Bronze chided and Harmonia began grunting and moaning. “Just bear with it, your body is going through changes, common in a growing young tree. You’ll notice a sudden surge in-.” “Ahn~!” Harmonia screamed in ecstasy as her branches suddenly became laden with peach-shaped fruit. Then around her roots, bulbs sprouted and flowered, revealing crystalline breasts dripping amber nectar from their nips. “Ha...ha...oh gods~...” She began growing, her branches digging through the ceiling that was nearly gone with the castle overhead being pretty much removed and excavations had been done to open the shrine to the sky anyway. Soon her branches were holding up what remained of the cave ceiling and was so bountiful with fruit prismatic crystal leaves she looked like a faerie legend. “Oh~...yes~...” “Whoa, Harmonia! You look amazing!” It was true. If she was a marvel before, she’s absolutely worthy of being considered a wonder of the world now. “I feel amazing! Thank you two so much!” Harmonia waddled out of her trunk and my tails stiffened in arousal at seeing she was now a good 8 feet tall, her breasts the size of large pumpkins and her belly even grander, easily full of 10 fawns. “I am more powerful than ever and have birthed yours and Svartr’s foals from Starlight. Now I am finally with children of my own.” “Who’s the father?” I asked as Harmonia looked fondly to Andre, who sheepishly scratched his white mane from where he was still seated at his anvil. “It was sudden. Milady was kind and spoke with me often. I was unaware she enjoyed my company that much.” Andre answered with a shy smile. “I wasn’t about to deny her wish.” “Now that I have my fawns I’ll stop bothering you.” She said to Aventurine with a sad look, “Seeing as you...” “We are betrothed to others already Harmonia.” Aventurine sadly stated, managing to pull herself away from fawning over Bronze to address the goddess of harmony. “Our hearts are fragile things Harmonia,” Aventurine answered, leaning into Bronze’s side. “We love too easily and it aches to be away. Besides, dost thou not have Andre? We cannot hoard all the love of others, or We would be worse than the changelings had ever gotten.” “Oh, well...” Harmonia bit her lip and looked a bit sad. “You have a point. You do love everyone. That’s what I’d been feeling. You do return my affection, but you don’t want to tie me down.” She considered and looked even sadder before she walked to Andre. “Come, dear. I need you.” At her order, Andre surprisingly just got up and followed her...inside of her trunk? She can do that with other people? “Is she mad now?” I asked rhetorically. I’ve never seen her that upset. “Madder than a sack of cats and twice as dangerous.” Bronze answered. “Some people just won’t accept no for an answer.” He bumped flanks with Aventurine, who sheepishly smiled. “She was cooing at you through the Brazier for days, basking in its light and saying how she felt your love,” I said meekly. “...Willow. We do love her. We love...everyone.” My Goddess Ave began tearing up. “It hurts...to love so easily. To extend our love to everyone. It is especially painful to have it turned away, like now, because she does not understand.” She hiccuped. “All that keeps us from having the Love Aspect is that our own Cadence has it. Maybe We art Unrequited Love?” “I’m sorry,” I said, growing to be eye-level and hugging my Goddess close, acting as supportive as I had with my sisters during break-ups. “I guess I can see it. A bit. I latch onto people so easily and it hurts when they either don’t notice or don’t want to deal with me. Though now I have a group of lovers that are very demanding.” “That said...dost thou not have someone waiting?” Aventurine bent her head down and nosed my collar. It is still incredibly odd to have her be non-anthro. “I was wondering if either of you want to join? She’s my adopted daughter and it feels weird.” I meekly said and poked my index fingers together like some nervous Japanese anime character. Oh no, I’m being infected by the Doom Marines! I’m becoming more weeb by the second! “Nope. Get over it. You’re in cahoots with this lady, you better get over your insecurities quickly. As for us...come on then Wild Style. You’re the one who keeps begging for my baloney pony.” I choked in amusement at the outdated term for his dick and my Goddess perked up, practically prancing after him as a door opened in the air and they vanished beyond it. “I wanted it too.” I huffed before he poked his head out of the invisible door. “Sorry, but I’m not as loose as you may be used to. I’m a devoted stallion and my friend here just happens to be my oldest one still alive-yip!” Bronze was yanked into the door and Aventurine poked her head out to give me a terrifying glare. “Mine.” Ave snorted and I nodded at her possessive declaration before she slammed the invisible door. Bronze’s token floated over and into my cleavage as it shrunk back down. “Aw,” I whined and approached Twilight’s door, though a stone sarcophagus almost crushed me as it dropped from above. It was gray and spattered with blood. It had a symbol on it that I saw on the Doom Marine’s armor. It also felt as powerful as my Goddess and Harmonia and possibly as powerful as Bronze if this is just when it's dormant. “I think I may need some help,” I muttered. “...Fuck it. It’ll be here in the morning.” I went around it and continued onward to Twilight’s bed chambers. I knocked and she called for me to come in. “Twilight?” Wait, this isn’t made of normal stone. Everything is made of various colors of crystal. “I-in here!” Twilight called and I could also hear groans of pleasure and gasping. I curiously walked through the stately palace-like entryway and towards the bedrooms. “Oh~ Starlight~!” Wait...are they? “Fuck me harder Twilight~!” I blushed and hurried to their room where I entered to see Twilight on a massive bed with her dick in Starlight’s cunt to the point it was distending her magically durable body between her E-cup breasts. “If you cum hard enough, maybe it’ll calm down!” “It’s not working!” Twilight snarled and pulled out with a snarl. “Willow~,” Twilight whined as her 19-inch long and 4-inch wide horsecock throbbed where it pointed at me like an accusing oversized finger. “It won’t go down and the spell isn’t working. Toys aren’t working. Starlight isn’t working and I’ve cum in her four times!” “Four, wonderful times~.” Starlight panted, rubbing her cum-bloated belly. “At least if I get pregnant this time, it’ll be with someone I love.” Starlight cooed and Twilight blushed with a small happy smile. “I impregnated my ‘daughter’s’ girlfriend?” I asked in horror and they laughed. “It’s not funny!” “Actually it is! We got together because of what happened to me. It really helped spark things.” Starlight declared with a beaming smile. “When I found out, I almost decided to murder you multiple times. Starlight talked me down though.” Twilight blushed as she rubbed Starlight’s belly. “She was very persuasive.” “I’m still a bit annoyed that until just now we’d been doing things as a lesbian couple. Why didn’t you tell me you were a herm before tonight?” Starlight pouted as she rubbed her belly and breasts, looking exhausted in spite of her eagerness. “B-because it wasn’t important.” Twilight hurriedly replied, her massive dick twitching like her own version of Pinocchio's nose. “Also, herms were associated with Corruption and demons for so long that if people found out that the princesses are all herms? A bad idea. That’s not the point here though. Willow, I’m in a rut. I need to fuck and breed and Starlight is just a mortal mare. I’ll kill her if I lose control.” “I-.“ Twilight grabbed me with her magic as the three other cutie marks started glowing on my collar too. “Oh no, not a chance!” I wriggled and writhed, even turning to goo to try and slip away, but Twilight forced me next to Starlight as she reached into her cleavage and produced a trio of pocket pussies, not the panties. “Twilight!” “Starlight, start eating her slime if you want my foals. Willow? Brace yourself.” Twilight used her magic to turn on the pocket pussies and I could hear Celestia, Luna, and Cadence commenting on them finally using these. They put their respective cocks through, causing me to feel my panic start to-. “Ee~I” I squealed in ecstasy when Starlight began sucking on my gooey right nipple and Twilight rammed into my quim at the same time. Nearly at the same time too, her magic shoved the other three giant horsecocks into my ass and the tips of my tails which turned into tail-cunts on impulse as she pushed them at my appendages. “Twilight, are all of the Princesses in rut?” Starlight asked while I was forced to take them all at once, instantly driving me to orgasm after orgasm. “Whoa~!” Starlight suddenly grew a few inches after properly eating a bit of my slime, which regenerated to prevent my goo-milk from dumping out. Her breasts jumped to F-cups and her belly began growing. “I’m pregnant with your foals!” She then latched onto my nipple again, eagerly sucking, womb swelling. “Yes, but you are my betrothed. The others only get Willow’s wonderful body, not you.” Twilight grunted as I heard Cadence mutter about Teleporting. “Soon though Starlight, you’ll be big enough to take me safely without extra spells and we can properly fuck. Then hopefully we can breed normally with the boosts to your fertility.” “Be-betrothed?!” Starlight gasped when she jumped up again in size as she started eating my breast. I felt Cadence pull out before hearing magic and a loud pop from her pocket pussy. “I was going to propose last week actually. You know how things go. Then our breeding cycles kicked in. I thought having so many foals with Willow would deal with it, but I guess it was pointless to try and head it off.” Twilight stated as she edged off. They were all edging off. Oh~ they’re building up such huge orgasms just for me~! “I told you Twilight.” Cadence huffed as she appeared in a pink flash. “You can’t run from it.” My pink Mistress huffed as she climbed onto the bed, got above my head, and quickly shoved her penis into my mouth to begin throat-fucking me while kissing my daughter. Tia pulled out next with a similar magical pop. She appeared at my tail and began using it like a toy, looking horny out of her mind. I was surprised that Mistress Luna wasn’t doing the same, instead my other tail cunt had sucked in the pocket pussy and she was going hard down the pulsating tail. “Ah~...” Sighed Starlight after she stopped eating my right breast and she flopped onto the bed, now 8 feet tall, looking to term with twins and with breasts the size of pumpkins like Cocoa. “I’m done I think.” She huffed and rubbed her firm pink belly as her widened hips squirmed. “Good~.” Twilight moaned between kisses with her sister-in-law, their enormous cocks frotting inside of my slimy body as I came repeatedly from being used as a toy. “I’m so glad we decided to come together like this instead of settling on the remote method.” Cadence groaned as she thrust down my throat to her hilt. “Even so let’s give her an upgraded pair of panties.” Cadence declared and then she began pumping with shorter, faster thrusts, clearly getting ready to orgasm. “Good, it would help with the rut.” Tia moaned as she started doing the same. “But isn’t this-?“ they both interrupted Twilight by kissing her as Cady began thrusting into my throat faster. God, not having to breathe is awesome~! “V-verily! Let us do so after we~!” Luna interrupted herself when they all cried out in rapture as their thick horsecocks flared their heads in me and began cumming massive volumes of seed. I gulped and sucked on Cady’s cock as I watched my tails pulse and swallow with their own throat-like vaginas. It all pooled in my abdomen, blowing me up like a bubble and soon I was inflating like one on their swirling cum. They were cumming so damn much~! “Mm~!” I moaned, my vision sparking and going white as I filled and their foals formed inside of me like the good baby factory I am. Before I could recover, they began thrusting again and I orgasmed so hard I blacked out… > Ch.23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.23 I groggily woke up, my eyes not wanting to work for some reason. Then I realized my face was protruding directly from my cum and foal-filled body. “Oh~...they actually fucked me unconscious and then blew me up into an immobile ball of their babies~!” I mean, this isn't unusual, but it was the first time I’ve gone so far I basically imitated Daring. Then again, I wasn’t awake to keep modifying myself to avoid this. “I still would have liked the warning. I’m going to be sore from this even with my powers. I’m not my goddess, but this won’t kill me and force me to respawn.” I huffed and remembered they’re still in rut. “And they’ll do this again soon!” I’d better use the bonfire to level up. I’ve gotta have more than enough souls to increase my Vigor to at least 20 so I don’t have to worry about being fragile. Or maybe Dexterity, I am still fairly clumsy, like that pratfall onto the giantess… “Hey Willow~!” Twilight sang as she strutted up to me only wearing a plain T-shirt and panties that hid her male organs. “I managed to get us to stop when your outer membrane was reaching its tensile strength limit.” She then slapped my orb of a body and I yelped at how I was drum-tight and barely moved from the strike. “We’re still horny, but we can wait a few days for you to recover before we lose our brains again. Days you can use to hunt down those forts.” Twilight informed me, her nose scrunching up weirdly in disgust. I know, demons are unpleasant but don’t make that face while talking about having sex with me, please. “Ugh, well first I’ve gotta get these...47 foals out of me and I’ve gotta go make the purification pools at the next fort. The sooner it’s done, the sooner Tel’Adre can start recovering instead of hiding. Then the witches can be more active.” I grew in size, my body forming around my blimp belly and I huffed as I used my powers to advance them to the last month and started birthing. It was a quick affair since I was in full goo mode. I just osmosed them out of my belly and Twilight professionally wrapped the foals up in tiny blankets before teleporting them away. “Hey, if there’s a population crisis, how are there enough people to care for all of the babies I’m making?” “Teams of professionals, multiple children per foster family, along the fact that, at least for ponies, we’re used to having a lot of children in one go due to the constant dangers from the demon invasions.” Twilight’s response reminded me for a moment how much of a hell this world really is. “Oh good. I don’t want you to use me for just a breeding fetish.“ I sighed in relief as Twilight got that look again. “I know you’re not like that, don’t make that face.” For some reason, she seemed confused and worried before humming to herself. “A bit of column A, and some column B. Now then Willow, since you’re done and I kinda stole you away from your job, I’ll let you get back to it.” Twilight then slapped my ass and I felt kinda awkward. It was a good slap, but she did it from the side, mostly hitting my hip, not my cheek. She’s really not good at intimacy, is she? “Well, good, but there may be a slightly small delay. I’m going to show the Marines the fruit Harmonia grows now and show them the guest quarters so they’ll maybe get some actual restful sleep. This all made me sore too so I might join.” I told her as she blushed. “I’ll see how things go.” “Oh! Before you go, Cadence wants you to wear these!” Twilight said as she held up a pair of black lacy panties. “She says not to take them off too, Luna’s orders as well.” My left eye twitched at the new Portal Panties with four runes clustered together in the gusset and it seemed to have the same enchantment as my collar, so it would change with me. Well, at least I won’t have to worry about being completely naked if Svartr isn’t around. Though I did dread it a little because it meant that they could decide to fuck me mid-battle. “I...Okay. Just not in combat.” I told her sternly before putting them on and having them lock with a spell to my hips. “Hey!” I yelled but Twilight had teleported away. “Great, they tricked me.” I tried morphing out of them, but no matter what shape I took, they adhered to my membrane perfectly. “Ugh! I feel like I’m not getting the better end of this deal!” Suddenly, Cadence’s massive cock rammed into me for a brief moment, getting me to squeal before she pulled back. “I’ve altered the terms of the deal. Pray, I do not alter it further.” Cadence declared with a horribly bad Darth Vader impersonation, then giggled before the panties shut off. I’m not gonna comment. I’ve watched Robot Chicken, I know how this joke goes. I retraced my steps through Twilight’s crystal palace and found the door with Harmonia’s true form on it, which was a stable portal back to the shrine. “Uh…” I wasn’t prepared for there to be a network of hoses running around, each suctioned to Harmonia’s multitude of nectar breast blooms around her roots and sucking relentlessly with her groaning in pleasure the whole time. I followed the hoses with my eyes to see they led to the MILK tank, which thus far was barely used. I guess with Harmonia being a magic cow they have a source. “Okay...not gonna get involved.” I stepped around the ornate sarcophagus that still wasn’t touched, ignoring it again as I moved to the Lordvessel. Once I sat down, I choked. I have 1,843,297 units of soul energy?! I mean, I’ve been killing a LOT of demons and some of them were really powerful, but really?! That’s with me using soul energy for the purifying pools too! Just how many poor souls have these demons killed in their conquest? Sobering up, I began allocating my combat stats, since it seemed my body had two different ‘modes’ with me being in Ava's Chosen Covenant. Ee~! I’m a Chosen! After I finished fangirling, I put 16 in Vigor, 14 in Endurance, and 30 in Dexterity to round myself out. If I’m getting this many souls just doing my job, I won’t be hurting to level up more even with the levels from here on costing 56,393 upward. It would cost me 1,659,329 souls and I bit my lip, anticipating what permanent changes would be put on my ‘base/combat’ form. I pressed confirm. I suddenly felt incredible! Not pleasurable, but, well, a sense of being in perfect health. I suddenly felt so energetic I had to fight the urge to get up and sprint. Then I suddenly felt loose. Incredibly so, like when I was a formless goo. I got up and bent over backwards, my abdomen curving and I touched my palm to the floor and still had one paw touching the floor. Then I simply used my muscles to pull myself into a handstand. Wow, Dexterity is awesome! “As much as I like the show babe, where were you?” I looked down, up for everyone else, between my breasts to see Daring who seemed annoyed. “Cocoa and I had to wake up to an otherwise empty bed when you were back. She feels neglected.” “Sorry Daring.” I twisted my body back to standing on my paws and Daring flushed. Apparently being flexible is another turn-on for her. “I kinda got...well.” I patted the panties and she huffed. “They’ve got you on a collar bigger than the one on your neck. Look, babe, I’m getting kinda...antsy. I know I’ve retired from archeology, but would it be okay if I went adventuring with you soon? Not being a cum balloon constantly in ecstasy reminds me why I was always so active.” Daring pulled on the hem of her red shirt and the swell of her tummy reminded me she was still properly pregnant. “Maybe even speed these little kids up so I can come with?” “Not now. I’m going at heavy combat and you don’t seem the sort of for that.” I remembered that in every situation where there was a fight, Daring fled or stayed out of it. She wasn’t a warrior. She was a rogue, a thief. She didn’t Do direct- WILLOW~ -REPRESS! REPRESS! Pain is bad! I’m okay! She’s okay! We’re fine! I don’t need to remember! “Yeah...maybe later.” Daring wilted, thankfully not noticing my minor panic attack. She approached me and kissed me gently. We embraced just as softly until we parted. Her eyes were so full of love they made me wonder- WILLOW~ -accept it. Don’t need to remember. Just accept that I love her so much. “Go get ‘em, tiger.” “Meow~.” I gave her body an appreciative squeeze at both her growing breasts and her ass with my tail-hands, making her squeal. I laughed as I went to the portal...only to realize I needed to use the one at Canterlot, because they’re using the remote portal beacon...damn it. (<3) I got to the latest Fortress after having to get Twilight to teleport me to Canterlot. I then had to dodge busybody nobles who actually wanted to talk about me helping organize breeding projects for other species now that the dragon project was on hold until the new volunteers showed up. How are they aware of all this? I blame Twilight. Regardless of the detours that ate up the early morning, I eventually got to the portal room and stepped through after having to endure Celestia and Luna managing to catch me and slapping my ass with promises of giving me a repeat in a few days. “Moderation. I was told Moderation, but those girls don’t want to give it to me!” I whined as I rubbed my sore butt through my red dress that Twilight gave me since there was no way I was going half-naked through the castle. “What are you talking about?” Berserker asked as he entered the fort from the utterly wrecked gates. Damn it, dude! Why did you destroy their mountings too?! Ugh... “Cadence and the other royals are in their breeding period. I already gave birth to the latest set so don’t worry about extra wards in combat.” I sighed as Svartr, now nearly 8 feet tall with tits the size of b-balls even compressed, wordlessly formed over me and purred as she ripped the dress Twilight gave me apart and began playing with my body again, making me sigh at the fact she let herself get so Corrupted again. I thought she was the responsible one. “As if! I’m going to enjoy myself after so long-suffering!” Ah, right, Svartr was a former tormented soul possessing armor and attacking all moving things on sight for thousands of years. Berserker didn’t say anything else, but I could feel his eyes giving me a deadpan behind that helmet. He wasn’t impressed, just very, very disappointed. He’s doing the ‘son I am disappoint’ meme! Is he fucking serious?! “Okay, why are you disappointed? I promised to help, I didn’t know a week later they would go into rut and make me wear portal panties! I’m not happy with them and if Cadence hadn’t put a spell on these to last the rut I would take them off!” I huffed as I tugged at the edges of my hips while Svartr whined about not being able to get under them. “Because of how very inconvenient it is.” Berserker answered flatly. Yeah, captain obvious! “I know, which is why I’m pissed. Do you think I want another Chrysalis to happen?” I sighed while rubbing my temples. I may not get headaches, but stress is universal. “...Nevermind.” Berserker sighed and shook his head. “I was going to say something mean, but I’m not going to.” “About damn time you showed some restraint. If you still want to do it then save it for later. Have you gotten the fort done?” I asked in indignation as I looked around and at the carnage. “Yes and no. It’s not about the sex, it’s about how they never told you about their seasons and all that other shit.” Berserker explained, causing me to blink at the fact he logically considered beyond the obvious why this was inconvenient. That still doesn’t mean you get to be a pissy asshole, since it’s not your problem! “Yeah, I would have liked to know that. Each time they call me over it’s to fuck me silly. Look, I like them and I promised to help and I love the sex but the next time they come over I’d like them to stop and explain all their damn traits. I even give you permission to hit them over the head. This is getting annoying and I need to know so next time it’s not; ‘Hey I’m on a mission in another country, NO, we need you to come home so we can fill you with babies, babies, and more babies!’” I roared just as Hunter and a new Marine entered through the destroyed gates. Well, they looked like a Marine but had a feminine shape to her armor. It was also a steel colour and not green. Also, it’s style was that of a futuristic Templar Knight. “What happened?” The newcomer asked. “Girl trouble?” The fact that she looked at me about it was a bit surprising. She has a sharp sense to her. “Something like that. Just that her lovers are getting in the way.” Berserker snorted. “And she couldn’t just tell them off?” The woman questioned in wariness. “I just tried. They’re in a rut and my adopted daughter forced me into bed and gave me two hours of thirty-six-plus wonderful orgasms along with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence taking turns with each of my holes, even the two I had to make in my tails. Then I accelerated the pregnancy just to get over here.” I bemoaned my situation to the new member of the team, or at least I assume that’s why she’s here. “So, what are you going to do? Are you going to ask my mate here to beat some sense into them?” The newbie asked. Wait...what?! Mate?! “Why do you look so shocked?” “I didn’t think I was making moves on a mated man,” I told her with an embarrassed shuffle of my paws in the sand and my ear wilting. “Sorry about that.” “I have seven mates.” Berserker stated as if he just realized that may be pertinent information to tell a woman who’s openly flirting with him. “Most of which are of Royalty, including her.” He said when he pointed towards the new girl with his thumb. “My name is Visilia; the Princess of Tartarus.” Visilia introduced herself to me with a nod, perplexing me. I didn’t know humans would or could be the ruling species of Equus’s parallel hellish dimension. Are humans demons in their version of the universe? “I’m Willow; the Champion of Aventurine,” I replied cordially. At least I’m not getting the shit kicked out of me by a possessive woman. “Anyway, yes, I asked him to beat them up if they just try to take advantage of me, but he can’t help if they use the panties.”  “Alright, back to business.” Berserker suddenly declared. Hey, dude, I was-. “The other forts are done and I’ve delivered eight-hundred-and-eighty-eight skulls to Khorne, anything else we need to do?” I huffed at how he so rudely changed the subject, even if it was to get back on track. “Besides maybe helping me with my lovers, I don’t think so. Sabrina can help me make the Purification Pools. There are also fruits that may help your lustiness, and there’s a weird sarcophagus.” “Sarcophagus?” Visilia perked up at this for some reason. “What did it look like?” “Hold on, let me make a portal pool so we can head back and I can show you,” I informed them, looking around. “Hey! Sabrina!” I got worried when there was no response for a bit, but then she came stumbling out of the lone building like both times before. It seems the kitty wasn’t a morning person. “Time to make a pool.” “Sure thing Willow. Just let me wake up. The constant fucking those former prisoners have been going at was hard to sleep through.” Sabrina’s words made me wince since I forgot about the prisoners. Whoops. Another thing against the alicorns then. “Alright then, clear a space.” At her order, I helped move corpses out of the center of the fort and she used her magic to make the pool. Once I took the bonfire materials out and set them on the raised flagstone, I moved to the edge to get ready. “Okay Svartr, I need to be naked now.” My amorphous armor whined, groping my whole body needily and I huffed. “Svartr. Off.” At my stern demand, she finally relented and got off of me. I grew to my full size and laid with my VW Beetle-sized tits resting on the edge of the pool, and soon enough the boys were tossing bodies on me, which I absorbed into me and began dissolving and churning into the mixture for the pool. In just several minutes, I was once more an immobile sphere with tits and I groaned and moaned as I let my breasts flow, filling the pool and it linked to Harmonia like the others, only the little sapling was bigger than before, had several breast blooms around the roots and had the peach-like fruits hanging from the branches. “That...is a perverted tree.” Berserker commented, making me roll my eyes. “You have no idea.” I snarked before I swam into the pool and sighing as any Corruption left me. Svartr groaned as the same happened to her when she jumped in after me. I waited for her to get back on me as a swimsuit, a bunch of her mass going into my tit-space. I then led them through the portal once they swam across the pool and into the Shrine. I walked over to the sarcophagus while ignoring Harmonia’s groans of pleasure and they all noticed the symbol on it. “Another Doom Slayer?” Berserker questioned as they circled it. “How? How did it get here?” “It dropped from the air and almost crushed me. I have no idea why it showed up.” I shrugged at my cluelessness, ignoring how somehow Svartr made me extra bouncy in the chest. “Well, I don’t know what to do with this. We don’t even know what would happen if we open it up.” Berserker huffed and scratched the back of his helmet. “Figures. Well anyway, the ripe fruits are over here.” I told them as we approached Harmonia’s tree. “Hey Harmonia, mind dropping us some fruit?” The branches were really high up after all. Harmonia moaned but shuddered and tossed several of the peach-shaped fruit to the ground. I caught the falling grapefruit-sized unnatural fruits with my hands and tail-hands easily, instinctively shoving extra into my cleavage. Wow! I’m so nimble! Go Dexterity! I held a few of them up curiously, they were smooth and shiny like apples and were a rainbow of hues. Taking off their helmets, they each took a fruit and ate them with loud crunches and hums of appreciation. This also gave me a chance to see Visilia’s human face. She had long red hair tied up in a ponytail and her eyes were a golden yellow. “I’m feeling better already.” She commented before she surprisingly devoured the large peach-like magic food fairly quickly. “That swim did the trick before, but these also seem to fill you with energy.” “Yeah.” Berserker sighed as I took a bite of mine. Whoa! It tastes like...like...it’s good! I’m totally not going to voice that it tastes like Daring’s weird travel snack mix, because then I’ll ask myself how I remember that and- WILLOW~ -it tastes good! Tastes good... “Something wrong Br-Berserker?” Visilia asked him as she quickly corrected herself, placing a hand on his shoulder. So they do have names besides their appellations. “I couldn’t beat this Corruption out of my system.” He answered, clenching his right hand into a fist. “The stuff was constantly trying to twist me into giving in to my most basic desires. I was getting fed up to the point of suicide before I took a dip in the purifying waters.” That sounds way more intense than how it affected me! Then again, he’s clearly an OP shounen protagonist, so he probably has a mindscape and everything like Ichigo or Naruto. That was also nothing like what I saw when around him, so that’s another point in the edgelord column. “That’s how the demons overran the world. It’s why this became more than just something I was thrust into. I’ve read what they’ve done and driven people into doing.” I couldn’t keep reading after a few pages. Disgusting, depraved shit that makes the actual game of CoC seem tame. “Fucking cowards. Couldn’t even grow a pair to do it themselves!” Berserker snarled but his wrath was restrained by Visilia’s hand on his shoulder. Ah, she’s the Orihime to his Ichigo. Only she isn’t an intelligent but naive ditz. “Lust demons want you to give in to the urges and become their pets. Killing yourself is seen as a way to defy their wants.” Which was the excuse I read was the most common one those who committed suicide confessed to friends or family moments before they took their own lives. “I’m going to crusade throughout this fucking world and purge every last Lust Demon.” Berserker vindictively declared while Hunter nodded and Visilia seemed a bit uneasy. “Some of them can be cured, just remember that,” I told him before I took his formerly clenched hand and pulled him to the first pool I had made to sit on the edge of it near the Firekeeper, who was just passively sitting in a custom chair and even seemed to be napping while still being relatively close to the Lordvessel. “No promises. I am a Berserker, after all. Killing everything in my path is what I’m good at.” He said as we sat on the edge of the cool and invigorating pool. “The killing never stops for me. Never.” He stated as he stared at his reflection in the water. Oh-Kay, dramatic anime character moment, I just need to stay quiet for a few moments... “Well, ahem, everything In moderation. It has to stop at some point just so you can let yourself reflect. Take time to relax, be with loved ones, let them ease your pain.” I preached, remembering how much better I felt coming home to Daring and the others after my week-long purge of the local lust demon incursion. It wasn’t just because of the wild impassioned sex. “If only it were that simple,” Berserker muttered disappointedly. “Isn’t it? What are we doing right now? Even the little moments are important. You may fight for days, maybe years, but the moments you break it and let others in should be cherished. Take time to heal the scars of battle, even if those wounds may never heal fully.” I preached to him further, some odd sense of commiseration coming over me...Svartr? “Sorry. You know my story already.” Svartr morosely said to me telepathically and I felt sad knowing she’d suffered but also relieved that she had this wisdom and someone to share it with. “I suppose,” Berserker muttered reluctantly. “Well now, want to rest?” I asked him earnestly, for once no dirty thoughts in my mind. “You should take her offer, Berserker,” Visilia commented seriously from where she and Hunter stood behind us. “But-” “It will have to wait. For now, you must rest.” Visilia stated firmly with a glare that made it known that she was not going to take no for an answer. “How about you Hunter?” I asked the other Doom Marine who had been here the longest. “Sleep sounds good.” Hunter answered with his datapad held up for me. “We have spare quarters this way, my bed is full of my mates and the other one is Spike’s,” I told them before I led them in the direction of the guest quarters. On the way, a breeze thanks to the ceiling having opened up, swept from behind me and I noticed a change in their scents. Specifically Berserker’s. “Weird, I still smell Corruption but it’s...burnt?” “Ah, finally!” Berserker cheerfully declared and I couldn’t help imagining he had a savage smile showing off his razor-sharp teeth since he put his helmet back on the moment he finished eating. “I guess it took you eating something pure for your blood to fight it. Hey, it might mean another method to fight the Corruption if you donate blood for us to research. People may even start worshiping you as a Blood God!” I chuckled at the obvious irony since he’s already affiliated with Khorne. “Wouldn’t that end up starting Bloodborne?” Berserker questioned flatly. “I think it’s already here, but within a painting. I don’t know where it is, but there are legends of a painting leading to a world of blood. Maybe you could actually save them! Berserker, Hunter of Old Ones!” I chuckled, trying to remember where I heard that. Huh, it’s not tied to whatever caused me to- WILLOW~ -d-don’t think about it Willow! Fuck! “Well, we’ll have to wait awhile. I can’t donate my blood to you just yet, not until we finish researching it ourselves.” Berserker said with a hint of unease. I could understand that a bit. I’d be iffy about people using something from my body for research. Imagine how thoroughly incensed Henrietta Lacks’ family were when doctors used her immortal cells to study cancer without the family’s permission. “I understand,” I said before we arrived at the guest quarters. “Here we go!” I opened the door and led them into the guest quarters. It was spartan, but it had a large and fluffy bed to sleep on. I yawned from the day, short as it was. I went to the bed and flopped onto it. “Hey, do you still have the mirror on you?” Berserker asked me out of nowhere. Why are you asking about a mirror that reveals your alternate form right now? “Yeah,” I muttered into the bed. Feeling lazy, I used my tail hands to fish under me to fetch it from my cleavage, making Visilia blink. “She has a pocket dimension in her bosom?” Visilia questioned and patted her armored chest curiously. “All females and herms have access to an innate dimensional pocket through their cleavage and males and herms have access through their pants, shorts, undies, etcetera. But I think especially endowed males and herms don’t even need to wear something to use it.” I informed the female knight, who looked at herself in consideration while Berserker took the mirror. “Yeah, it’s a thing here. I got the scoop on that from Sabrina while we were between forts and she brought out a canteen from her boobs. Now, why don’t we get comfy, Visilia?” Berserker answered as he handed the mirror to her. Holding it over his head, she brought it down on him and he disappeared into it, deforming like a cartoon character to squeeze through with ease. Once it was flat on the floor, she pulled it back up and he returned in a similar fashion, only he was in his other form; a hybrid of Wolf and Dragon. He looked like he had when I saw his reflection in the mirror with tasteful scales in places on his head and otherwise complimenting his red fur. His hair was a bit longer and spiked up more, but was still silvery white. Hm, I didn’t notice that his anthro dragon eyes were emerald green instead of red. I guess the eyes and the fur/scale tones swapped? He also had horns that were made out of some kind of red crystal, which also had a faint glow. He had dragon wings on his back, along with a dragon tail, so I guess he could fly if he wanted to. Also, his armor was gone. Now he had a sleeveless red leather trench coat that was left unzipped to reveal a black muscle-shirt which had the Slayer symbol on his chest. He had small spiked shoulder pads and on his forearms were chain bracers with fingerless spiked-knuckle black leather gloves with smaller chains in an X on the back of his hands. He wore black leather pants held up with a belt which had a skull-engraved buckle. He looks like he was ripped straight out of a JRPG. “Why are you changing forms anyway?” I asked as I rolled over and sat up. “I like sleeping in this form. It’s oddly easy to get comfy when you’ve got either tough scales or fluffy fur between you and everything else.” Berserker admitted as Visilia did the same with Hunter with that weird mirror. He too was a wolf/dragon hybrid but he clearly an asian-style dragon. His eyes had become golden, his fur and scales were grey and he looked much like Berserker but he lacked spikes on his brows. He did have horns but they didn’t shine. He also had eagle wings and his dragon tail had fur running along the top of it ending with a tuft. His armor had become grey samurai armor with Native American accessories, such as dream catchers and feathers from crows on it. He was also carrying four katanas. “Whoa, while Berserker got even more rugged, you got more handsome!” I complimented the mute warrior, which was obviously still true with that scar on his throat even now. “Well, she seems to like what she sees.” Visilia teased with a smile. “Care to do the honors, Berserker?” She asked as she held the mirror out to him. “Of course.” Berserker gave a short bow before taking it and doing the same with her as she did with those two. Apparently, her original form was that of an Alicorn. She was a blood-red demonic version of one, wearing a black dress and her black wings were like a thestral. Her mane and tail were a lighter crimson than her deep coat. Huh, I guess she wasn’t kidding about being a Princess of Tartarus. “Oo~.” I cooed and licked my chops at the three sexy anthros standing before me. “You’re drooling.” Berserker smugly pointed out. “Oh, please, Chrysalis drools whenever she sees you in that form,” Visilia remarked with a cheeky grin. “Why you don’t stay this way and insist I change too baffles me.” “Not sorry! There’s three super sexy people in front of me. Although, judging by the lack of a bulge, I’m guessing Visilia is not a herm like my world’s alicorns?” I questioned as I eyed the crotch of her black dress. I’m of course assuming things considering locals avoid any male groin bulges due to the innate storage magic this world has. “No, I’m not,” Visilia answered with a shake of her head. “Nor are Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight.” Ah, so her world’s alicorns are all female instead of all herm. “Hopefully my world won’t pull bullshitery on you. The others here are in rut, which would mean you would be too. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.” I warned her before I got off the bed and stretched. “Well, you three have a good night.” “You’re not going to stay?” Berserker asked, catching me off-guard. “I figured you’d want to stay since you said your bed is already full and this bed is pretty dang huge.” It is maybe bigger than a California King and those things are so big you can barely fit one in a bedroom, let alone through a door. “I don’t feel the need to breed.” Visilia retorted dryly to the Doom Marine, who blinked and then looked a bit embarrassed. Oh gosh, he wasn’t even thinking about sex, was he? “Okay, if you’re offering. It would save me the walk down the ‘street’ so to speak. To warn you; I’m going to be nude. I don’t there’s enough spare pajamas in here for all of us and I don’t sleep in Svartr unless she sneaks onto me.” I said as my ghostly goo lover formed her body and pouted. “What? I’m comfy!” Svartr crossed her arms under her bust and I held up my hands placatingly. “Svartr, it’ll be crowded enough in the bed and you still need to get used to having more mass. Being my nightclothes can’t be relaxing.” I insisted and she huffed before she approached the room’s provided armor rack and morphed over it to solidify in her new imposing 8-foot tall Black Knight form. Which had an exaggerated bust and hips for the skirt. This left me in the black panties that I can’t take off because of the princesses. Oh, and my collar, that doesn’t come off. “I don’t get why you want to sleep right now. Aren’t you Undead and don’t need sleep?” Visilia questioned uncomfortably and I felt my ears wilt, which made Visilia oddly perk up. Oh? Does she like my huge cute fennec ears? I perked them back up and moved them around, enjoying the sight of Visilia’s eyes following them. “Can’t I nap with some friends? Besides, it’s the middle of the day and you guys have been busy. I don’t really have anything to do with Cocoa watching the pups and having no patience for me exciting the pups. Daring is likely watching her adventure dramas which are a bit too cheesy for me. Spike is likely off doing whatever it is Twilight has him do. I also don’t really have any business to do with the trip to Tel‘Adre on hold for the moment.” Not to mention the current company is preferred to four specific lusty alicorn princesses. Even if Berserker’s an ass. They looked at each other and shrugged. “Okay.” Berserker said, all three of them taking off their clothes/armor and placing them on convenient armor racks and clothes hangers. I shamelessly watched them undress, and I purred at how tight Hunter’s ass looked under that long thick tail. Berserker was good too, but he was Visilla’s and she gets priority. I was a bit disappointed that they kept their underwear on. Well, save Visilla’s bra which did come off. Nobody sane wears a bra to bed. Well, unless said bra is amorphous slime you can’t feel. “Are there any shirts here?” Visilia asked, opening a dresser and pulling out a huge red T-shirt. “This will do.” With that, my view of her well-shaped DD-cup bosom was obscured by nightwear. Curse you non-sexy nightwear! Thankfully my lament was forgotten when Hunter and Berserker turned around in their briefs and I cooed at the size of their balls bulging in the cups. I can’t see that kind of show around here normally. “See anything you like~?” Visilia teased before they all hopped on the bed with me. Berserker and Visilia moved to one side while I cooed when Hunter gently pulled me into an embrace on the other side. “Yes, very much.” I purred and nuzzled Hunter’s fit chest while he placed his snout between my massive ears. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled the sexy mute. “Why do I get the feeling that when I wake up you’re going to be found between my legs?” Berserker said as I blushed at the thought of being in between his legs, even if I don’t necessarily like him. I’d rather be between Hunter’s legs really~. “He’s only saying that because most of the girls tend to sneak to his groin,” Visilia told me. “Mostly Chrysalis, Cadence and Luna.” “Oh, I’ll try not to,” I replied with a blush, but if anything I was likely to get between Hunter’s legs. At least he appreciates what we’re doing...I think. He usually uses actions more than words. “Let’s just get some sleep.” Berserker huffed, pulling the blanket over us as he and Visilia snuggled with each other, while I snuggled up with Hunter, even wrapping my tails over him. > Ch.24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.24 I awoke with my head between Hunter’s thighs and I squeaked quietly when I realized I was nosing his crotch. Not only that, but I was also fondling Berserker with my tail hands as well. They were both still asleep, thankfully. “I should move. Though how did I move down here?” I questioned in a whisper before I felt Hunter’s hand on my head between my ears press me to his crotch. I whimpered as Berserker rolled onto his side towards me. Now my face was being sandwiched between their crotches. Goddess, their scents were so strong. “This is bad,” I whispered to myself, opening the fly of Hunter’s briefs, letting me see his sheath and balls as I licked my lips, working his underpants open more. He grunted throatily when I started licking his nuts. They were so big for a guy his size, easily as big as baseballs. His musk was clouding my mind as I worshiped them. These bad boys are just begging to release some of their payloads, with how pent up they must be. I moaned as I started sucking on Hunter’s sheath, rubbing his balls as his cock started to poke out and harden. Mm~ such a big, red breeding stick~. His cock was the shape of a canine one with draconic features such as ribs along the shaft, but it was still tapered to a tip, unlike Spike’s bulbous battering ram. “Hm~.” I hummed as I kissed Hunter’s glans while fondling Berserker, slowly moving to suck them both as I brought Berserker to erection as well. The big brute was even snorting and moving his hips a bit. Cute. Bringing their cocks together, I licked and sucked on their glans. Berserker let out a growl of pleasure, as Hunter patted my head, scratching me behind my ears as they enjoyed this in their sleep. I’m impressed they haven’t woken up already. I purred as I licked and sucked them, debating whether to turn myself to goo and pool their cum to my womb. Oh, the things I could do in goo form. “Mind if I join in~?” I blinked as I heard Visilia coo. I looked to my left to see her down here with me. “I heard the fuss and saw you having a little trouble down here. Too much at once?” I pulled away from my worshiping and jacked them as I licked my lips. “Kinda? I’ve, uh, never tried to pleasure multiple dicks with just my mouth before.” Unfortunately, my downstairs holes are sealed by damn magic panties! This thing is acting as a chastity belt right now! “I’ve also noticed that you don’t exactly like Berserker. Want to talk about it?” Visilia offered much to my disbelief. “...While I’m jacking them off in their sleep? Now?” I was surprised, this doesn’t seem the time for a heart-to-heart. “There are stranger things happening out there.” She remarked, crawling over and taking Berserker’s dick. “By the way, if you really want him to squirm.” Visillia poked her tongue into his cumslit and began grinding it in. The muscular wolf-dragon began panting, groaning and grabbing at her scalp, even whining. “You’ve got to make love to his hole.” She nodded towards Hunter’s cock and I curiously decided to follow her directions. I poked my tongue into his urethra and pressed in, flexing my tongue around. Hunter’s voiceless moans and panting picked up as he practically grabbed my head and rammed his ten-inch red rocket into my throat with a silent howl. “Hm~!” I began sucking, using my tongue, working him into a frenzy and I looked to my left to see Visillia doing the same with Berserker. Feeling bold, I grabbed her ass with my tail hands and she jolted slightly before one fished under her panties, stroking her labia and flicking her clit. “Ha~...no fair. Surprising me like that.” Visillia smirked before going back down on her mate and she reached over, trying to get under my panties, but failed. She looked confused and I sighed around Hunter’s cock as I gave him head. Instead, I turned to goo, transformed one of the tails into a tail-cock and went right for her pussy. “Mmph!” She looked at me sideways, her eye clearly telling me to keep going. “Hm~!” I hummed back in response, thrusting my gooey tail dick into her and turning my other tail into one too, going for her ass. This made her squeal and work on Berserker harder as I looked up and noticed Hunter was awake now, panting. He looked hungry and fondled my big fennec fox ears, which were incredibly sensitive. I moaned when he started humping, fucking my throat as I sucked and licked him, playing with his balls with my normal hands. I felt Visilia clench on my tail-cocks as I pressed at her cervix. I heard her gasp as I pressed at it and wriggled my tail there. I could feel my slime form internal balls, churning and gurgling with the need to breed as I worked her cunt, bloating my lower belly since I couldn’t change anything under the panties. Hunter groaned as he fondled my ears and held my head tightly, making my throat bulge with each inch as I worked him. I looked to the side to find that at some point Berserker had woken up and he was throat-fucking Visillia like a rutting animal. Brute. At least Hunter has enough patience to-oh~! “Mm~!” I moaned in orgasm, thrusting my cocks as deep into Visillia as I could and I felt my inner testes engorge and then start pumping along with my gooey prostate and undulating pulsing tails into her, oh she was going to have my foals~! I was surprised Berserker didn’t mind if him getting worked up and just throat-fucking her harder at the sight of her being filled sent him over the edge to the point he snarled and began cumming down her throat. Visillia was clearly in ecstasy, her eyes rolled back in orgasm as she clenched and milked my cocks for more of my gooey spunk and gulped down Berserker’s load. Meanwhile, Hunter finally hilted in my throat and with a silent scream, began pumping his seed into me. “Mm~!” I couldn’t taste it with it going straight down my throat, but I put it straight into my womb which made me cum harder and Visillia grunted in discomfort as she pulled away from Berserker. Taking this chance, I pulled off Hunter and grabbed her, frenching her as the two marines covered us in cum and fell back into the bed, clearly exhausted from the bedtime BJ. “I love you.” I slurred in my endorphin high from the afterglow between kisses as I finished cumming into her womb and ass. Her belly bulged to look full term with one foal, so my goddess boosted seed was definitely going to breed her. “Sorry if that was a bit sudden. I...think I may have my Goddess’s problem of loving too easily.” Visi chuckled and kissed my hand. “As much as I would be proud to bear your children, I’m afraid that won’t happen yet.” Visi declared with a self-sure expression and tone. “Oh...um, how? I’m kinda the most virile and fertile thing on this planet.” I looked at her belly curiously and she hummed as she patted it. “Sorry, but Berserker gets first dibs on putting his babies inside me. You’re just going to have to wait your turn.” Visi declared cheekily. “Also, I am the Princess of Tartarus. I have learned things that would come in handy, especially if I had ever found a lover.” “I could encourage him,” I said with a cheeky grin. “You deserve kids if you wish, him making you wait would be pointless if you or he died.” “I know, but he’s stubborn. Even if he were to impregnate me he won’t stop fussing about our health and safety.” Visilia snorted in fond annoyance. “As he should as your mate. Oh, Berserker~.” I purred at the wolf, who was listening in on us talking about him. “There’s a girl who needs you. Oh, Visilia, Svartr could connect you two so you can show him directly!” “That won’t be necessary. He knows about his mate’s desires to bear his children, but he’s worried that if word got out, the enemy would never stop until they have one of us taken hostage or killed us.” Visi explained and I looked at her with a horrified expression before it turned into an angry scorn at the mere thought of it. “Hm, why not a pocket world? Or I could have you stay here. We have so many people invested in this place that you and your kids would be safe for the time you are vulnerable.” Besides, if a girl with big enough tits was willing to play the door, she could let them live there from what I remember. In fact, I’ve got just the bosom for that if it comes down to it. “We’ll keep that in mind, thank you,” Visi said with a smile before she nuzzled me. “It would ease his mind, even if he thinks he might be putting some of his burden on you.” “If you were my mate, it would not be a burden.” I purred huskily, my offer causing Visi to perk up. “Oh? Well…” Visi looked to Berserker, who hummed and pursed his lips. They looked at each other for a few moments before she must’ve gotten something from their stare and smiled deviously. “Okay, how about we mark each other?” “Mark?” Like how? Tramp stamps? Is this a cultural thing? “Marking is an instinctive way that mates use to signal that ‘this one is mine’ and such. Usually it involves visible bite marks in certain areas and the scent of cum, musk, sometimes urine.” Visilia informed me and I scrunched my nose at the last bit, feeling a bit turned off by the last one for obvious reasons. “Well, I don’t mind the first three but the last one is just gross.” I gagged at the idea and Visi nodded in understanding. “Berserker even did all three of those things to the girls and me, but he went the extra mile on the biting.” Visi then pushed me onto my back and crawled atop me. She made a point of turning her head to the right to show me the left side of her neck, where I saw a faintly visible scar of a rather big bite mark. “He made it permanent. That’s a step above, almost proclaiming marriage.” “Oh. Um...is this okay?” I asked them all with a nervous nibble of my lower lip. “Just fucking nip her already. Don’t bite too hard though, we don’t know if you’re going to stay with us.” Berserker huffed and I felt a thrill go through me before I opened my foxy maw and playfully nibbled on Visi’s neck on the mark. She shivered at the bite, then gasped when I pushed my tailcock into her to build up a load of cum. I groaned and released the bite, kissing Visi as we groped each other’s breasts and my tails plumbed her depths. “Hm.” Berserker hummed as he watched me mark his mate. I’m surprised he encouraged this, considering he came off as a possessive asshat before. I wasn’t sure about Hunter, his face was stoic if still ruffled from how I manhandled his junk earlier. “Damn that’s nice to see, Visi opening up to someone so easily. Now that you’ve gone this far, Hunter and I get to mark you as well. Fair enough?” He said, petting my head as he brought his balls up to my ear. “Oh, Hunter’s already marked me. I kinda got knocked up.” I panted out, my growing belly rubbing against Visilia’s own swell. Unf, rubbing bellies feels great! Visi agrees if her insistent belly-pressing meant anything. “Oh?” He asked as Hunter tilted his head to the side in confusion. “I diverted the cum going in my mouth to my womb.” I mewled. “Sorry, but your scent drives me crazy~.” I panted and grunted as Visi’s convulsing cunt and tight anus were wringing my tail cocks. “Well, no point in worrying over it now.” Berserker sighed, as he and Hunter rubbed their balls all over my face, which surprisingly made me snarl when Berserker did it, but coo when Hunter did. Hunter then wrote something to Berserker. “Huh, I guess that would also make you Visi’s mate as well since we’re both gonna mark Willow.” “Huh?” Visi huffed as I pulled out and began to coat her in more cum, making her look like a demonic succubus bukkake queen. Hunter gently moved me as he got on top of the demonic Alicorn and pushed into her abused quim as he bit her neck in the same spot. “Oh, Luna’s gonna be so jealous~.” Visi keened, wrapping her limbs around Hunter and shuddering. Holy shit she looks amazing as a blissed-out wreck. Berserker suddenly wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as he bit down on the left side of my neck. The same spot that Spike had bitten now that I realize what Spike had done. I growled as I felt his cock pushing into my clothed crotch, being squeezed by my thicc thighs, feeling him thrusting. “Oh, you want babies too? Sorry about the panties.” I sniped, feeling agitated. I don’t like him, but if he’s part of the deal with Visi and Hunter, I’ll deal with it. “I don’t want my brother to feel alone.” He huffed, rubbing my belly as it wobbled with Hunter’s cum before firming up as his pups formed. “It only seems only that you bear each of us a child. I hope you don’t mind, my Fair Lady~.” Is he serious? I’m no lady and he knows it. He definitely hasn’t treated me like one before, why start now? “Actually, yes. I do mind. Although fair’s fair, but it’s only fair if Visilia isn’t left out.” I growled, begrudgingly nuzzling him as the mare moaned and huffed under Hunter. “That’s sensible.” Berserker grunted and grabbed my tails, petting them. Whoa! Whoa~! That feels way better than it should! I’m still slime right now too, so what’s up with that? “I’m sure she had first dibs on your pups in more than one way. Hunter, pull out and let Berserker impregnate Visi.” I felt a little irritated, but I’m sure I’ll eventually get over my dislike for the brutal warrior wolf. Nodding his head, Hunter stopped and pulled out of her cunt, the same with Berserker from my thighs as they swapped. Visilia’s belly suddenly flattened, my gooey semen vanishing magically with her horn shimmering in red magic. She sighed with a total ‘fuck me’ expression, tongue out and eyes glazed as she got into the missionary position, spreading her puffed-up labia with her fingers. “F-finally…” Visi breathlessly gasped as Berserker lined himself up and pushed into her, moaning as they both mated. “Don’t worry.” I cooed to Hunter as I pulled one of my tail-cocks to me and turned it into a tail-cunt with a wink as I knelt at the foot of the bed, wrapping his dick in my tits. “I may be stuck with this damn chastity belt, but I have ways around it. Give me more Hunter.” He nodded stoically and gently took my offered tail-cunt. I gasped and panted as he briefly ate me out, then lowered it to his throbbing dick and gently pushed in, making me shiver as I fondled his balls while my jugs and tail-pussy squeezed around his throbbing breeding stick. Just thinking about having these big boys as my mates is getting me excited! I giggled when Hunter leaned down to rub his hands around my belly as I watched my new mates breed. Gasping, I felt Hunter biting down on the same spot as Spike and Berserker. Unlike with Berserker though, his bite made me fucking cum somehow! I shuddered and spasmed, his gentle strokes of my belly feeling like feathery touches against an equally massive clit~! “Oh, the girls are going to be so jealous~.” Visi moaned before spasming in another orgasm. “F-fuck~...” “They’re just gonna have to wait,” Berserker growled, his wings flaring out as he picked up the pace. “As much as I want to breed all of you, it’s risky enough I’m giving in to even one of you before things have stabilized.” He groaned as Visi came again. Hot damn she’s a hair-trigger. An image of his mates, all with big bellies of life growing inside them made me drool as I added myself in there, but I’m the one with the biggest belly, having more babies than the rest of them combined since I have the ability to populate entire species. Oh, I can already see them looking envious. Mm~ an entire species of draco-wolves. Just then, Berserker finally nutted inside Visilia, roaring as he filled her womb up with his virile seed, her belly swelling from the amount of cum he was pumping into her. His knot tied them together as he kept pumping more, until he finally stopped and lied on Visi’s belly, sighing as they rested. “Are you two content with my pushing?” I groaned at Hunter still gently fucking my tail-cunt. “Mhm~.” They both answered in satisfaction, nuzzling each other, and gently kissing. “Good, now if only I could have my actual groin.” I growled before feeling a familiar glans push into my labia! “Ach! No!” I wailed and twisted my collar around to see it was Cadence! “They said they’d give me a few days~!” She rammed into me which caused my growing belly to quake and I orgasmed hard. My tail-cunt milked Hunter harder and he panted and wordlessly grunted as he came again, my spasming tail-cunt sucking his cum into me and making my belly swell faster. “Oh~, there are foals already!” Cadence’s muffled voice called from the panties as she pressed and strained my slimy cervix as she tried to get in. I resisted the best I could, letting the natural defense of a pregnant female help. “Cadence! It’s the middle of the day! I could've been fighting demons!” I whined, knowing even though I can have sex safely while pregnant, Hunter’s pups were not as durable as Alicorn Foals, so I had reservations about this beyond the obvious. “I thinks it’s kinky to fuck while fighting.” Cadence groaned and tried harder to get in. “You try it with a fucking log shoved into your cunt!” I defended with a whine as I felt my cervix weaken, wanting to let her in and rail me. I know the pups would be fine, my body would ensure it, but this isn’t fair! “Don’t you remember what happened with Chrysalis?! I can’t take these off either!” “Oh, I know.” Cadence huffed as Berserker, having heard the whole situation left Visi and hurried to me. Whatever he was going to do, Cadence gave a hard thrust and breached my cervix, sending me over the edge and into another orgasm even as I began to tear up and cry, sobbing messily and Berserker looked pissed. Sh-she’s basically raping me. I told her no and she still… “Oh...oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I’m...I’ll apologize to you properly later Willow. Let me get...” Cadence tried to pull out, but now her flare was oddly stuck inside of my womb. “Uh...willow? I’m...I’m stuck! I can’t pull out!” “Gah! S-stop moving! Berserker, use your brutal strength to help!” I cried to Berserker as she jerked and thrusted to try and get out, making it worse. “She’s stuck in my cunt and can’t get out! Try destroying the panties!” Why can’t I...the panties! They’re locked on and forcing my body there to hold shape! It’s trapping her penis in my vagina because my body is more rigid there right now! No, don’t push deeper just to try and tug out! Stop fucking me! The room fell silent as the three stared at me. I didn’t understand why as I looked at Berserker and saw apoplectic fury. For a moment I thought he was murderously pissed at me for some reason before he held up a hand and took a deep breath. “Where is she?” His tone was even and cold, like a volcano on the verge of eruption. “In my vagina.” I hiccuped as Cadence tugged harder, making me wail in pain from my cervix being painfully abused, and from the sounds of it Cadence was still building an orgasm. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know the panties would do this! We need Twilight! She can get them off!” Cadence stopped moving, panting and groaning as her dick throbbed in me. She was likely suffering blue-balls now and I felt kinda glad about that. “Ow~! Please, someone, go get Twilight! If it hurts this much for me, I can’t imagine how bad it is for Willow!” “I meant where is she?” Berserker questioned with that cold/furious tone as he knelt next to me and looked at the panties. “I think her kingdom?” I sobbed as my vagina throbbed in pain, practically in sympathy with Cadence’s dick. It was...swelling. Oh shit! “I-I think I’m cutting off circulation in her dick and it’s swelling more!” I’ve heard about this, it’s something intense masochists do, but I don’t think either of us like this! “Please~! Someone go get Twilight already~!” Cadence was crying and I hiccuped as Hunter set me onto the bed and rushed out of the room. “Oh Goddess, this is karma, isn’t it?! I’m so sorry about treating you like a glory hole whore Willow!” “I’m sorry I’m maybe cutting off your dick!” I choked, feeling my birth canal stretch painfully around her swelling mast. “C-can you even move it?” “I don’t wanna try-hi-hi~!” Cadence sobbed and she moved just slightly which caused us both to scream in pain. We stopped doing anything, panting, tearing up until eventually Hunter returned with Twilight frantically following. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I had no idea the panties would restrict you so much!” Twilight then charged up her horn and zapped the panties. In an instant, incredible pain was replaced with intense relief that overwhelmed me, overwhelmed Cadence. Her swollen shaft suddenly thrust deep into my stretched vagina as all the building pressure released at once and the release of pressure caused her to practically smash into me. “Oh Goddess yes~!” I screamed. “Oh Goddess yes~!” She praised. My belly exploded in size as we both orgasmed so violently I blacked out. > Ch.25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.25 It couldn’t have been long. I was just coming out of a hazy bliss to a hill coming out of my abdomen. Hunter was rubbing it soothingly while Twilight apologized to me repeatedly. Off to the side, Berserker was still upset and Visilia was rubbing his shoulders as she leered at me. “Why are you so upset with me?” I whimpered from how hurtful their accusing gazes at me were. It didn’t help that I still felt Cadence inside of me, but she wasn’t moving. I hope she’s okay. “Why did you describe him as ‘Brutal’?” Visilia demanded indignantly as if Berserker wasn’t capable of speaking for himself. “Because he’s a bloody Berserker who has incredible strength and rips demons in half like I was hoping he’d do with the panties?” I groaned and rubbed my belly, looking at Hunter thankfully for his attention. At least he isn’t hung-up over whatever personal faux-pas landmine I just stumbled into in the middle of a moment of personal weakness and distress. “Well, he’s more than just muscle,” Visillia grumbled in irritation. “Okay, why is describing his strength as brutal an insult? This is clearly a misunderstanding.” I huffed in frustration, annoyed that this was being so blown out of proportion and not even by the offended party. “I never want to hurt those I care for. I just met you all, I have no reference for any history of abuse.” “To put it bluntly, Berserker struggled a lot more than the others to adjust to his new body, new strength, everything. He kept breaking things. Doors, silverware, guns, if it wasn’t sturdy and simple like a club he couldn’t reliably use it. This caused everyone to call him a Brute because if it involved moving parts then he couldn’t work with it at the time.” Visilia explained, which, again, why isn’t Berserker telling the story? I get he’s upset, but he’s a big, strong, independent man who doesn’t need a woman! “So it was like me being called a dumbass every day back in high school?” I asked rhetorically as Berserker blinked and looked at me. “I wasn’t the smartest, I wasn’t popular, I wasn’t special in any real way. I fit in nowhere and had more than my share of fights with idiots because I was different.” Because I wasn’t a jock, a nerd, an easy stereotype to fit into their worldview. Well, suck it losers! I’m a fucking hot as hell chick with a wonderful lover and...well...I’m Undead! I’m immortal- WILLOW~ -a-as unfortunate as that is too…*whimper*... My dawning understanding that my spiking headaches and gaps in memory might be because I fucking died was taken out back and shot several times because that shit is unimportant right now. I’m totally not trying to ignore it forever! No sir! I focused back on Berserker to see he was still brooding, so Visilia continued being his spokesperson. “That is basically what happened to him. People from 10,000 years ago were ignorant assholes. They kept mocking him until he snapped and earned his title as The Bloody-Handed Berserker. Thankfully only the idiot who set him off and an attacking army of Hell’s demons died for it. He even injured his brothers.” “Well, they got what was coming to them then. At least I was only referring to his strength.” I sighed in relief at the difference in context for the perceived insult. Geez. Sensitive much? “Now that we’ve calmed down a bit we can see that. Still, be glad Berserker is more in control, because back then anyone who mocked him after that got torn in half.” Visilia patted Berserker’s shoulder as he looked at my massive womb. “Well, in that case, thanks for not murdering me when I’m carrying Hunter’s pups and now more foals.” I sighed and enjoyed how Hunter continued to massage my belly, not having stopped at all. “Is there anything I can say to get across that I’m sorry for upsetting him?” “I…” Berserker hesitantly spoke up, his tone heavy with emotion. “I was bullied in school too. Only because I was an easy target since most people were bigger than me. I had friends that protected me, the teachers coming to the rescue, but the pain was still there. No matter what. I was so paranoid that it made me jumpy that the slightest tap on the shoulder was enough to make me jump.” “I was on the other end, I was big and tough and everybody used that as an excuse to frame me for things I never did, and defending myself only got me into more trouble. I honestly understand, even if it’s from a different path.” I don’t like thinking about then, but the memories are foggy. Hazy. Half-there. I...I’m forgetting. I’m losing pieces of myself. How many times did I die? Was it just the one time? Or was it mostly my lack of sleep in those early days? My eyes moistened at the thought of forgetting my family. My friends. I-I don’t want to go Hollow! I don’t want to fade and leave a-! “Just let it out.” Berserker suddenly told me, so I looked up to him and gasped at noticing he was crying too. Instead of normal tears though it was blood streaming down his face. Holy shit that is so edgy! I grabbed him with my tails and brought him to my head to be nuzzled and I licked the blood from his cheeks. My existential crisis can wait, the poor guy clearly isn’t used to being in touch with his feelings. “Just…Let it all out.” “I’m okay.” I’m not okay. “Everything is fine.” Nothing is fine. “I’m j-j-just p-p-peachy!” WILLOW~! I cried with him as I laid him against my belly and nuzzled him and hugged him, using him as a rock to anchor me at the painful memory of Daring’s crying face, of my body feeling like it’d been crushed, of everything fading as my very soul began to dissolve my body for-. “I’m sorry~!” For hurting you, Daring. “I’m so sorry~!” I just wanted nothing more in that moment of true agony than to die and-. “I’m sorry too, for acting so...hypocritically arrogant.” Berserker told me, which made me hug him tighter and reeled me back to reality from the horrific memory. I sobbed and tried to focus. I was commiserating with Berserker just now. About our respective bullied histories. N-not my death. Not failing Daring when she needed me. Even if she did make it out in the end. I’ll come back to this later. B-back into the repressed memory box with you! Begone Thot! “It's Okay, we all have our faults.” I whimpered as I tried to comfort the wolf/dragon with this huge damn belly. Point against hyper pregnancy, I can’t hug loved ones properly and nuzzle them and smooch them! Well, not from the front, but I don’t want him at my side right now. “I’ll never call you a brute in any way or form again.” “But…” I silenced him with a tail-hand’s finger on his lips before he could say another word. “I hurt you, though unintentionally. I’ll never describe you as a brute in any way from now on.” I promised before I pulled him against my belly to my cleavage and kissed him. That seemed to have done the trick as he perked up and hugged me. I patted his head and kissed him harder, hugging him close to me as I tried to cheer him up. “Thanks for hearing Visi and I out.” The surprisingly sensitive strong man hiccuped. “Hey, I’m kind of a captive audience right now anyway. No need for thanks.” I snorted and felt a bit grossed out by the snot my crying caused, but nobody seemed to mind. “Are you okay now?” “N-Not really.” He said with a shallow breath. “Hey, If I had to let it out so do you.” I sniffed and pouted at him. C’mon dude, I just experienced repressed torment while trying to reconcile this issue with you, reciprocate. “Haven’t we been doing that just now?” Berserker asked hesitantly. “You’re still holding it in a bit.” I insisted as I scratched his ears, suitably fluffy but nowhere near as delightful as mine. “Oh...but that’s for an entirely different reason,” Berserker mumbled, perking me up. Well, now I feel a little better knowing I wasn’t the only one experiencing misplaced emotional agony for this. “So what is this other reason?” I asked, not really willing to revisit my other reason just now. I mean, I did just banish that thot back into the repressed memory box. Wait, it is That Horrible Overwhelming Thought: THOT! I’m suddenly cheered up a bit for dumb reasons! “It’s about...failure.” He answered with a shudder, making me shudder because that thot is closely-no, no. No addressing it Willow. Bury it. “I fear failure, especially when it’s a ‘Life or Death’ scenario. I don’t want to talk about it, not yet.” Oh Goddess why did you do this to me?! Repress! REPRESS! “O-okay! D-do you still want to add to this now or later?” I asked frantically, suddenly, desperate to change the subject. I even slapped my hill of a womb and I think Berserker noticed how desperate I was to move on, his eyes widening before he took a bracing breath. “Sure. Just give me a moment.” Berserker just as urgently agreed to change the subject as he wiped away his edgelord blood tears. After he gathered himself, he moved down my side and reached down to my still-packed pussy with his right hand. I gasped as he rubbed my swollen vulva that were still squeezing around Cadence’s unmoving shaft. Oh, uh, I totally forgot Cadence was still in me. I was out of it and then distracted, but she didn’t even shift around. “Go ahead and take the panties off, I just hope Cadence is okay.” I huffed as he and Hunter rolled me onto my side so they had access. Once he had a firm grip on it Berserker ripped it off me. This pulled Cadence’s length from me and made us both squeal. After he finished removing Cadence’s massive bitch-breaking dick he tossed it to the side, which made Cadence yelp as her cock flopped around on the floor, making the boys wince. “Ah! Sorry!” “It’s okay! I deserve worse!” Cadence called before she grunted, her cock jerked around the panties. “Uh...I’m still stuck! Twilight, are you still there?!” I looked around. At some point, Twilight had fled. I got a gleam to my eye, a naughty thought of petty sexy revenge. “What are you planning?” I heard Visilia ask. “I can see that look in your eyes.” I looked at Visilia to find that she had calmed down and now had a mischievous expression too. “Visilia, are you still willing to be my mate?” I asked as Berserker idly teased my freed plump pussy. Hunter moved over to the magic panties and he picked them up gingerly from the strap which caused Cadence’s 21-inch dong to dangle. “Yes. You apologized and made things up with Berserker, so I’m good.” Visi answered before I felt Berserker insert a finger into my wet snatch. “Unf, th-then would you mind helping me with a little sexy revenge?” I looked intently at the huge dick, which was jerked around more as Cadence continued to try to pull out, the stimulation making her massive horsecock twitch. “Alright, what do you have in mind?” Visi smirked deviously as she approached us while Hunter brought the panties to us. “Mm~.” I hummed as Berserker kept fingering me, using all four of his fingers down to the knuckles at his palm. “Ahn~!” I cried out as I came, squirting my juices all over his hand. After licking his hand and fingers clean of my femcum, he started the process again, fingering me with one before adding more. “Berserker~!” I cried out, unable to see him over my belly that could fit a compact car. Even though I’m on my side, he seemed determined to be at my underbelly, completely blocking my view of him. “Hm~?” He hummed as he kept fingering me. “Before we move onto the good part, I want to punish Cadence.” I cooed at my little mischief. “What’re you doing?! Why isn’t Twilight there?!” Cadence was panting, probably from arousal and a bit of fear I’m guessing. Her favorite part of her body is in someone else’s hands now after all. “Visillia. How much experience do you have with edging off a guy’s orgasm?” Our eyes met and we both grinned cruelly. “Oh, a lot.” Visi giggled before she grabbed Cadence’s cock like the dildo it currently was, causing her to squeal. “I can vouch for that.” Berserker said as he still gently pet my pussy, keeping me ready as we watched Visi nibble on Cadence’s flare, making her cry out in pleasure. It was oddly adorable too, it was like she was holding a pink hot dog that was way too big and was nibbling on it. Then she put her tongue into Cadence’s cumslit and the alicorn screamed. Before she could orgasm though, Visi stopped and then clutched tightly around the base of the dick, focusing on the urethra even as the throbbing mast of meat jerked in her hands. “Oh fuck! Let go! I’ve gotta cum! My balls are practically inflating~!” Cadence wailed desperately. “Nope~,” Visilia replied with a cruel smile as she kept it up until Cadence’s cock softened slightly. Then she let go and began sucking and nibbling her glans again which made Cadence quickly surge once more, but she grabbed it and forced it to stay inside of her. “I wonder how big your load is now, considering how much you blew Willow up.” “Please! My balls are already four times their usual size!” Cadence screamed desperately and I moaned, drooling at the thought of accepting so much cum...but this was meant to be a punishment, not a reward. “H-hey, Visi. There’s a machine outside for milking cum. Go put her dick in it and leave it there, maybe someone will come and get her out eventually.” I shared another evil devious grin with the princess of Tartarus and she quickly threw on a nightshirt while she kept a firm hold on Cadence’s cock the whole time and then sprinted outside to finish the punishment. “You are evil.” Berserker snorted in amusement, while Hunter just looked exasperated. “Well, are you ready?” I yipped when he suddenly rolled me onto my back by himself. I still couldn’t see Berserker properly from behind my massive pregnancy, but I could definitely feel his big red breeding stick teasing my clit, making me shudder. “Oh yes! As fun as foreplay is it’s been going on too long.” I yelped and shoved him into my needy quim with my tails. “Fuck me~!” He didn’t say anything as he got back to it, fucking me hard and fast, wrapping his arms around my massive belly as much as he could for leverage. “Oh~!” I moaned as his cock thrust and pounded into me. I milked him the best I could by flexing my vaginal muscles. “Hunter, a kiss?” I asked as I brought him close with my left hand from where he was still rubbing my fecundity “I think Visilia was right about a few things.” I whispered before I kissed him. “That being what?” He wrote down his question in a notepad. Where did he get that? “The others are going to be jealous and Berserker can also be stubborn.” I panted as I felt a truly massive orgasm approaching. “True.” He nodded. “Almost...there!” Berserker groaned out. “Oh, baby~!” I moaned before pulling Hunter closer to my head and nuzzling his leg. On the final thrust, both Berserker and I came at the same time. I squirted my femcum on his pelvis as he pumped his virile cum inside me. He didn’t knot me, which was a good thing, but he was still cumming for a good while longer before he was done. “I, oh~, your pups and all the foals will be out soon.” I huffed and panted as he pulled out of me. “Wow. That fast?” Berserker panted as he came around to see me. “I was surprised at how fast they developed already, but wow.” Berserker ran a hand on my even further swelling fecundity and I shivered at his touch. “I’m a special case thanks to my Goddess.” I licked my chops as I eyed their groins, the two men still had half-hard erections despite everything. “Would you like me to worship your cocks?” I offered with another lick of my vulpine maw. I am pretty damn hungry right now, even if my Goddess-given body pulls in the very mana in the air for sustenance. “If you want to.” Berserker replied and both of them crawled onto the bed by their knees, presenting their groins to me on either side of me. “Or do you want to worship our balls?” He asked as they both used their hands to cup their balls. “Your choice.” “Um, balls.” I mewled with a blush as I felt Berserker’s pups form within me, my belly reaching for the admittedly low ceiling. Nodding their heads, they brought their balls up to me. I moaned as I started licking and nosing them while fondling those semen factories with my hands, my tail hands running over their backs. The two of them groaned and rubbed their nuts all over my face while also giving me belly rubs or groping my massive motherly milk-making mammaries. “Oh~.” I moaned before the door slammed open and Sabrina stormed into the room with a visibly abashed Visi behind her. “What are you doing?!” The multi-breasted witch-kitty yowled at us as she looked over my belly. “Uh, trying to make up?” Berserker answered sheepishly, which made me giggle. “We have one more fort to take care of!” Sabrina snarled, practically spitting with anger. “I’ve been cleaning up the fort and sending the prisoners through and you’re fucking like rabbits in heat?!” “We were taking a nap. Then one thing led to another, got into a bit of a fight with each other, learned from one another’s pain and suffering and now we’re making up for it.” Berserker explained to her, not really caring about how angry she was at us. “Besides, the last fort isn’t going anywhere. Just wait for a little while longer.” “It’s already past midday! Fine! Fuck the rest of the day too! We wasted too much daylight!” Sabrina spat before she stormed out in a huff. “...A tree that makes milk?” We heard the awe in her voice before the door closed. “I wonder how many pups we’re going to have each?” Berserker questioned as the boys pet my head while Visi moved to my audibly sloshing belly, putting an ear to my side to listen to the pool of amniotic fluid and the many new lives within my gooey fertile furnace. “Hm, I think six or eight.” I huffed, annoyed that I didn’t get to properly worship their balls. “That’s incredible.” Berserker said with a smile. He seemed happy at that moment with no need for anger, violence, or sadness. “Are you actually happy?” I asked worriedly as they gave me belly rubs. All three of them. “Yes, we are.” Berserker chuckled and then gasped lightly as I grabbed his dick, the same for Hunter who mirrored his brother’s intake of air. “Then get those cocks back over here!” I demanded playfully and they all grinned. > Ch.26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.26 “I swear babe, at this rate you’re going to have more kids with other people than we’ll ever hope to have.” Daring sighed wistfully as she rubbed her temples and I felt fairly embarrassed. “Well...the dragon eggs are in the thousands…” I had no idea Daring was considering all my breeding to be infringing on her rights to me. I mean, I just get knocked up and pop them out, bringing new life to the world. I’m basically a paid surrogate; I’m not making these babies pro-bono, though I’d be cool with that. I do have an account the princesses payout for each child born from my efforts. The underpopulation crisis is serious. Like, seriously serious. I don’t care if ponies are natural caregivers, I doubt enough of them are as amazing as Cocoa to be able to handle so many kids. I mean, fuck. If Cocoa was a pony I’m sure she’d be up for the title Alicorn Goddess of Childcare or something! *boop* H-huh? Daring just booped my snoot. Oh, I went off on another mental tangent. “Welcome back babe. As for what we were talking about, no, they’re a special case, as are the alicorns. I mean, you’ve had 12 pups with those marines just now, four with Svartr, Cocoa’s carrying 15-.” Wait, WHAT?! Back up Daring! “Fifteen?!” I knew she was growing big and growing fast because dogs have litters and only have 2+ month-long pregnancies, but fucking fifteen?! “Yes. Fifteen puppies, like that old movie 101 Puppies. You really haven’t been spending much time with her at all and then there’s that poor changeling you brought home.” Daring sighed. “Okay. Since you still have the rest of today off, you’re spending it with me, Cocoa, and your new pet.” She moved into my space, pressing into my currently downsized DD-cups, which were smaller than her now E-cups. “Also. I want to know how many you put in me. I’m only in the first month and I’m showing like it’s the fifth, but Twilight can’t tell how many yet since they’re still so tiny.” She ground her rounded tummy against my abs and I bit my lip. “Y-yeah. That sounds good.” I looked back at the marines. Berserker and Hunter were still in their anthro forms as they were all poking and prodding the sarcophagus and considering what to do with it. “Let’s head over to our quarters then.” I took Daring’s hand and joined her in heading for our home. Before I could open the door upon arrival however, we heard a crash. Spinning towards the disturbance we saw Cadence twitching at the mouth of the cave. She looked panicked as she waddled around calling for Twilight and I. She seemed to have testicles the size of yoga balls dragging on the ground behind her, occasionally convulsing and sending her squealing and spasming as they swelled more. “Let’s hurry before the princess tries to drag me off.” I hurriedly hissed to Daring as we rushed to my door and slipped in. I noticed that the reason Cady was in such a state was because Visi went a step further and used thick rubber bands around her cock, keeping her from orgasming even as the milker hose sucked her off endlessly. Where did she find rubber bands? “Why do I get the feeling those Doom Marines won’t let her ruin our time? I mean, those guys are pretty tough from what you told me and you’re all bedfellows now.” Daring questioned with a devious smirk, clearly having connected the dots with her intelligence. “Yep, we should be good. Now how do you want to spend our time together?” I asked her before Cocoa waddled up to us the moment she saw us and hugged me tightly from her left side. “Cuddles!” Cocoa firmly told me. “You have too much sex!” She stated, even as she rubbed her enormous term-with-octuplets belly against me. “See what you do? Need to stop doing so much.” With that, she began pulling us towards the couch, where the mute changeling was watching some horrible soap opera. “Oh, but you’re so sexy~.” I mewled as I rubbed her belly and nuzzled her massive left basketball-sized breast, watching it dribble milk. “Are you doing well, my miss changeling?” I didn’t pester her before, figuring just being in a safe place was a good idea. She already seemed to be incredibly healthy now. She even seemed to have put on a bit of weight in all the right places and her chitin was a few shades brighter. “I am doing well. I have been learning about culture. What is this other changeling hive?” She wrote down on a notepad and pointed to the soap opera. “And is it like Cacoania’s? Or Chrysalis’?” “Cacoania?” I twisted my tongue in a bit of confusion as we sat on the couch. Hey, where’s Spike? Hm, I’ll ask later. He’s his own drake, he can go where he wants so long as he remembers he’s always welcome here. “My hive. The queen had my voice cut out for speaking out against how we feed. Then she joined the lust demons and I left.” She explained in writing and I mewled with a pat on her thigh. “Oh, you mean Mesosoma’s hive? Nope, she’s a total sweetheart, nothing like Caconia’s or Chrysalis’.” Daring informed the changeling after she read it and quickly pilfered the remote to start channel surfing. “How did they get so colorful?” She asked us next and I was in the dark on that. “Daring? I haven’t read up on that part.” I asked my lover as I nuzzled Cocoa, tweaking her nipple and she cooed while shaking her head ruefully at me. Sorry Cocoa, but you’re just so fluffy my cute chocolate labrador! “Well, Mesosoma’s hive split from Chrysalis’ hive. With help from the princesses and the Crystal Empire, Mesosoma who at the time was a male named Thorax found the secret to healing her people. She accepted the role as queen and purified her follower’s corruption. Turns out the secret to changelings becoming stable and healthy is as simple as freely sharing love.” Daring explained until a knock came to our door. I strained my powerful ears, but whoever they were they were being quiet. “I’ll get it.” I stood and jogged over to the door the short distance it was from the entertainment area and opened it. I blinked at my visage being straight into the cleavage of massive beach ball-sized light green breasts, only barely modest from a tight golden bikini top squeezing them together and covering her nipples. “Homina, homina~...” I trailed my eyes down, spying wide child-bearing hips and then went back up to look directly into the eyes of a faintly blushing changeling with solid opaque purple eyes and two moose-like antlers coming from the top of her head, only for them to wiggle and reveal they were pincers. “Hi.” Hello~ sexy! “Hello. I’m Queen Mesosoma. I’ve heard there’s a changeling here who hasn’t fallen to Corruption?” Her voice was kinda like Chrysalis’ after she shared love. It had a slight buzzing echo and was surprisingly audible despite how low her volume was. She was much quieter than Chrysalis. “She seems almost immune,” I informed her as I let her in and watched her walk. Mm~ she’s got a matching gold thong for those thicc ass cheeks to devour. If I didn’t see it covering her groin and the straps over her broad hips, I’d never have thought she was wearing one from behind besides the bit visible now and then under her gossamer tail. “Hey, uh, oh. She never gave us her name.” I realized as we approached the others while the 7-foot tall queen approached the astounded silent mute drone. “Hello, My Little Changeling. Are you alright?” Mesosoma’s entire presence was one of love, care, and safety. Holy shit, she can’t be even middle-aged and she’s got a total MILF thing going even harder than Celestia! “Oh no~! I’m sorry you had to suffer like this.” Mesosoma said, gently running her fingers across my guest’s throat. Said guest shuddered and gasped as she leaned into the gentle touches. “Do you think you can heal her?” I asked with some hope. “Willow, Twilight told us that an injury that serious and old couldn’t be helped even with today’s medical magic and medicine. Harmonia even told me she could only heal what was left so it didn’t hurt and we settled for that.” Daring informed me and I felt my ears wilt. “That’s right, though I can teach her how to grow further.” Meso’s words shocked my guest and she began hyperventilating with excitement, getting Mesosoma to giggle. “Yes My Little Changeling. You have it in you to become a Queen.” “Oh, what will happen?” I’m curious. I mean, Chrysalis clearly became the ruler of her hive entirely through brute force and desperation. I’ve only just heard a bit of how Mesosoma rose to power through different means. However, our poor mute changeling has neither of those situations going for her. “Well, she’s well on the first stage of my new and improved method over the old brutal one.” Mesosoma groped my pajama-wearing guest and she wordlessly squealed as the queen held up her breasts, which were notably larger than before. “Here’s one indicator she’s on the right path. She’s growing in all directions from freely-given Love.” She then looked to Daring, then Cocoa and cooed as she looked at Cocoa, who blushed. “You really care about her.” “C-Cocoa was lonely...was happy to have companion help with growing numbers of pups. Especially when Cocoa started getting too big to keep up with them.” Cocoa’s words caused my guest to wordlessly squeal and hug the hyperpregnant chocolate labrador, kissing her cheek and making Cocoa pant and giving doggy kisses back. “Cocoa Loves new packmate.” “Aw~! That’s so sweet!” I gushed while Daring glared at me, making me flinch. “W-what?” “She only felt that way because you’re never around! When you are, you overlook her!” I winced at Daring’s angry words because it was true. I’d forget about Cocoa near constantly except when I thought about my pups. I didn’t even consider her feelings when we started speed-breeding dragons and most of my recent thoughts have been of my quest and my new mates when I should have been thinking of the ones I already had. “I…” I mewled before I suddenly hugged Cocoa and kissed her. I turned to goo as I nuzzled and muttered apologies to her over and over. “I’m sorry, is there anything I could do? I’ll spend a week just cuddling and caring for you!” “Mate not need to do that. Cocoa is just happy Mistress is finally noticing her again.” Cocoa replied and I could tell she was completely honest with her tail wagging against the back of the sofa like a windshield wiper at the highest speed. “Just not forget Cocoa so much please.” “I won’t,” I whined before I got back on the couch and leaned into her side to give her gooey kisses and wrapping around her a bit. “I need to remember you’re not a pet or a slave, you’re my Mate too.” I then gnawed a bit at the crook of her neck with my slimy maw but with hardened teeth. I did it hard enough to lightly penetrate her flesh and she gasped. Her eyes dilated, her nipples hardened and gushed milk as she howled and did the same over the left side of my neck where Visi, Berserker, and Hunter had nipped me. Hard enough she almost bit clean through my membrane and nearly got a mouthful of my gooey goodness. “If I’m home and you need me just call me over for cuddles. Even if I’m with someone else, drag me over.” “Cocoa love mate so much! Cocoa will abuse new position~!” Cocoa bit her lip then licked up my slime faintly oozing from the tiny holes in my membrane which made her coo as her body groaned from my magic slime. “Now then, Cocoa also loves friend but she not a member of pack.” Cocoa eyed the changeling who quickly looked between us and the Queen, who seemed to be a bit not-here at the moment, staring off in the middle distance over our heads. “She can be if you want her to.” I nuzzled her as I slithered my tails over her. “No sex!” Daring demanded and instantly the three of us groaned in complaint, even the mute member with her throaty exhale of disappointment. “Tonight is just watching dumb movies, small talk, and maybe finding out how many foals are in my womb!”   “Okay. Meso, get on my lap, there’s no room on the couch.” I ordered, making them all blink. “If the alicorns are a trend then she’s here for children too. If tonight’s for dumb movies then she’s staying until you deem it time for sex.” “That obvious? Not quite though. I have enough virile males at home, but I wouldn’t mind a donor for genetic diversity. Even changelings occasionally have inbreeding issues.” Mesosoma stated as she sat on the floor in front of me. She was too tall and her pincers were in the way, but a sweep of green fire later she was smooth-headed, pitch black and had red eyes as well as being a few feet shorter, enough that she could sit on my lap like a child and I could see over her. She wasn’t any less busty or bootylicious for her new size though. “However, the nymphs I’m mostly interested in are hers.” Meso nodded towards the mute. The mute blinked and put her hands to her flat tummy with a look of longing. She turned her gaze to me and then held up her notepad and pencil. “Will you breed me?” “You shouldn’t be too eager, little one. You’re almost there, but not quite. A week or so and you’ll be ready.” Mesosoma stated even as she started wiggling her butt into my lap. “Can you turn into a goo again? Your muscles are a bit too hard to get comfortable on.” Hey! I’m deliciously thicc too! I’m not that bricc! (<3) “Fine.” I sighed after Daring asked me to get up to make popcorn. We were four hours into our marathon and were two and a half movies along. One was an action movie starring Yakky Can, another was a comedy about a team of sled dogs roughing it in the wilderness and we were currently watching a sappy romance comedy about an incubus unicorn trying to woo a normal earth pony mare without using his corrupted powers and was falling in love instead. As I got up I stumbled and found Mesosoma hanging on my cock by her cunt. “Huh?” I groaned as the queen moaned and sheepishly looked up at me and shuddered from my knot in her tight twat being tugged on. “When? I wasn’t! Daring this wasn’t me!” Daring looked at me with a flat look as Meso wiggled and cooed. “I bet. There were some pretty heavy scenes of the incubus just now. I’m kinda bothered too. You probably popped a chub without meaning to and little Meso there decided not to tell you and let it happen if you’re only just now noticing. That and you had a fertile woman over your crotch while you were aroused. If that isn't autopilot I don’t know what is.” Daring’s grin made me calm down. Thank you CoC logic for saving my bacon in a ridiculous lewd situation! “A-about right!” Meso admitted with her currently 3-foot tall body dangling from me like a cocksleeve. Unf! S-stop moving~! “I was content to just ignore it and keep watching the movie, there was no need to make it awkward. I didn’t get to speak up before you asked her to get up.” “Well, now it’s awkward.” I sighed and sat back down with a groan as I felt her pussy pulling on me. “Really? It won’t go down if you milk it.” “I don’t want it to,” Meso said with an impressive green blush. She gasped as I jolted and moaned as my dick grew larger and larger! “By the All-Mother~!” She squealed as she returned to her full size in a sweep of green flames while she was being speared by my suddenly 2-foot long fox cock, my knot squeezing her labia and vulva tightly. “W-what the hell~?! D-Daring?!” I looked to her for an answer through my panting breaths. I wasn’t moving yet my dick still pulsed in her, throbbing as her cunt writhed around me, flexing, fucking. “...How long has it been since you had your actual normal penis and balls out?” Daring fielded calmly, as if I and Meso weren’t unwillingly fucking each other, our groins doing all the work somehow. “Uh...weeks?” Holy shit. I haven’t been using my male organs normally since Cadence used the portal panties in the desert! The closest I’ve done was fucking Visi with tail-cocks and even then that isn’t my usual-. “Fuck~!” “Oh~ fuck~! Do me~!” Meso moaned as I whined in resignation with my ears wilted and tails groping Meso’s massive tits while my normal hands were on her thicc hips. I didn’t want to upset my mates but Cocoa was already huffing in annoyance as the Queen wiggled on me. “I don’t know what’s going on, but this is incredible!” “Don’t get too mad Cocoa. It looks like our mate hasn’t been getting any of her male-side in on her action lately. However, her body works it’s taking the opportunity.” Daring sighed. “Kinda like a Curse now that you think about it, but it’s a Blessing from her Goddess. Kinda like my own Blessed Curse.” Daring grabbed her left-wing and pulled, stretching it unnaturally like rubber before letting it snap back into place. Holy shit. She really IS a balloon pony! “I can try to pull out.” I panted out as I tried to do so, but the Queen shoved back on my pushing at her booty. “Hey! No, it’s just movie night!” I yelped as Meso’s vagina began thrusting on my penis without her body moving. “Holy shit! How are you doing that?!” It was almost as good as when I’m having sex with Daring~! “I’m not! J-just get it over with so we can get back to the move-ee~!” Meso squealed in orgasm and gushed pink liquid from under her bikini top while I howled as my balls, forgotten in the frantic fuck, bulged out of my crotch and raised her up until she was forced to be leaning back against me which revealed the outline of my giant dick in her abdomen. Then I began my own climax, gushing like a fire hose to blow up her belly with each surge of cum. Soon she was perched atop me, locked by my knot and supported by her utterly massive floor-dragging belly. “I’m sorry Cocoa.” I huffed once I finished and we had a bloated Queen in our quarters. “I ruined movie night…” I just had sex earlier! I don’t care if I haven’t been using my male organs much at all lately, damn it! This isn’t fair~! Aventurine, I pray to you for the moderation you preach! “No. Just disrupted current movie. Will rewind, just stop fucking and relax.” Cocoa demanded while she used the remote to do so and our mute friend was gaping at us with drool trailing down from her fangs, her nipples were so hard they tented her shirt. “I didn’t mean to fuck.” I groaned and nuzzled Meso’s back when I felt eggs already forming in the Queen’s womb as she gurgled and I relaxed on the couch. I had to lean into Daring to see the screen around the green mountain. We finished the movie and it ended with the incubus purifying himself to be with the mare, an expected sappy ending, but a good one. Meso was also forced to keep milking me due to whatever instinctive magic my body operates on and we quietly orgasmed a few times, pumping her up more and forcing me to pull us to the side so we weren’t blocking the movie. “It was good. I’d recommend it.” “Good. Now lets fuck and get to bed now that we’re stuck with this situation and I’m getting horny just looking at you two.” Daring declared while she turned off the TV and looked over at Cocoa. “You want to join? Or do you two want some alone time?” Daring teased them with a wiggle of her eyebrows. The two women looked at each other then grinned. “Got it. You two go have fun.” At this Cocoa got up and waddled as quickly as possible towards one of the now-curtained poster beds, her mute companion rushing her and fondling her until they were in privacy. “They are so damn cute.” “Yes, they are. Sorry about this.” I apologized as Queen Meso moaned and wriggled her bloated balloon of a body on my cock. She was so full of eggs she might as well start getting ready for the birthing pools in the back. “Hey, Meso, how durable are changeling eggs?” I asked with a grunt as I began the labor of pulling her across the floor. “Very.” Meso panted as her thirsty twat milked me more now that we were allowed to have sex. “Where are we going? Changeling mating takes hours and I still have to implant them in a surrogate.” She panted in a drunken daze. “You love me so much~.” Huh? Oh, right, I do have a similar problem as Aventurine, just extending love to everyone. “I’m taking us to the birthing pools at the back of the chamber. I also love everyone. It’s a side-effect of being a member of the Ava’s Chosen Covenant. Now then, what’s that about needing a Surrogate?” I asked after I got her across the room and the Changeling Queen grew a long, thick, tube-like green cock with a flat end and an X-shaped cumslit, spreading her legs and moving it to the side to show us. “We changelings, or at least us Queens, need to have our eggs fertilized and then laid in a host. It’s complicated, but basically I just need to shove my ovipositor into a bunch of willing surrogates who will carry the eggs for several months until they’re ready for their remaining gestation time in a moist or humid warm nest.” Mesosoma explained and I noticed that Daring was flushed, her wings were stiff and she was rubbing her breasts and belly. Someone’s excited, considering I am the one likely to be the surrogate. “Oh, like a lot of predatory arthropods do,” I replied as I got her into the left pool and groaned as I pumped more seed into her. “Can I pull out?” I asked as she kept a firm hold on my knot and milked me harder. It wasn’t until I came several more times and she was huge enough to fill the pool that my body finally released it’s hold over us and I instantly shrunk down my junk and absorbed it, glad to have just my cunt down there for now. “Hot damn I impregnated you good.” “So many eggs~! How am I so big?! I should’ve exploded a long time ago!” Meso exclaimed excitedly while her thick 20-inch long and 4-inch wide ovipositor flexed and twitched with purple goo leaking from the X-slit. “Oh~! No! I can’t lay them in the open air, they’ll die!” Meso wailed as her overinflated womb visibly tightened and a fluid glorping noise gurgled from her body. “I’ll fucking take em!” Daring declared with shockingly desperate excitement. She ripped off her clothes and practically dove for Meso’s ovipositor before she lay on her back and pulled her legs wide. “C’mon, c’mon!” She groaned and grabbed at her vulva to manually pull herself open like the impossible rubbery mare she was. Then she looked at me with that crazed expression and I felt my heart race. “Don’t fucking stand there like a limp-dicked useless piece of shit! Shove her bitch-breaker in me so I can have her eggs!” Holy fucking shit Daring, I’m about to whip it back out, and do you myself if this is how damn eager you are! “Okay?” Meso said instead of my shocked self and magically grabbed Daring. With a single motion she shoved my lover onto her massive egg-laying tube which sent Daring squealing in ecstasy. Daring’s rapture only intensified as Meso started to pump eggs and purple slime into her balloon-like body. “Why are they so big? It feels so good~!” Meso groaned as her ovipositor, now deep in my rubber lover, stretched visibly with nearly infant-sized orbs. They quickly entered Daring and she orgasmed instantly as she began growing, but lumpy instead of smoothly. I guess Meso isn’t making enough goo? “Need help?” I asked the two with concern. Daring was very uneven, and Meso didn’t seem to be shrinking much. “Unf, they’re too...big! Not getting enough of the nutrient nectar out with them!” Meso fretted. “Willow, get the hose!” Daring quickly demanded. “Changeling birth nectar has a similar composition to milk and semen combined and the pump has the option to pull from both tanks!” I’m not sure how you know that, but good situational knowledge to have here! “Got it!” I yelled and rushed to the hose. I fiddled with the remote pump nozzle, shaped like an oversized horsecock dildo, and set it to mix the MILK and CUM tanks as I returned to the two moaning women. “Which hole do you want this thing in?” “My ass. I want to suck your dick while we do this!” Daring declared as she panted and licked her lips hungrily. I smiled cheerfully and quickly moved to her ass where I shoved the dildo nozzle in, causing Daring to cum and scream as I easily rammed it into her ass without hesitation due to her impossibly elastic nature removing my concerns with possibly harming her. “Fuck yes! You turn it on by squeezing its balls!” With a squeeze of its false testicles, it whirred and began pumping Daring full of a cum/milk mixture. “Oh, Goddesses~! Get your dick out so I can suck it!” I obediently returned to her front and restored my cock and balls at a reasonable size. She quickly reached out with her hands and guided my draco/fox dong’s glans to her lips before she immediately deepthroated me and began to suck while I let it grow bigger and longer into her. I groaned when I felt my balls inflating with cum and I cooed as Daring’s body began to smooth back out, no longer lumpy. “Oh~ Daring. While I want to spend more meaningful time with you, I’m glad to know you still want sex.” “Hm~!” Daring hummed as her boobs began inflating. Her tits actually exploded in size like two of the eggs suddenly slotted into them and then the fluids followed. The same happened to her ass and limbs until they began to disappear into the rest of her body. Soon she was nearly spherical and 6 feet around, she’d orgasmed multiple times by then. “This is the oddest breeding I have ever had the pleasure to be part of!” Meso declared with a husky wail since she was having a near-constant orgasm from her laying. “Yeah? If you think this is weird then-.” I was interrupted by the stone door of my home being flung open so hard it smashed against the larger gates it was part of. “Willow!” I heard Cadence furiously yell from the front door. “That was not nice!” She stormed towards us, clearly absolutely furious. “You ended up having sex anyway! Well, I’m going to get my cummies one way or another you sexy piece of ass!” She held up her massive dick, the poor thing was irritated and throbbing but still ready to go. “Uh...Cadence? Y-you wouldn’t rape me again would you?” I weakly bargained, realizing I was in a defenseless situation. I was sitting on my balls, rising with Daring as she was inseminated with a hive’s worth of new changelings. My worries were confirmed when Cadence jumped up onto my balls and slapped her cock between my ass cheeks and against my back. “P-please no...” “I Love you! It’s about damn time I admit it!” Cadence declared and Meso gasped as her pumping increased in speed while I squealed when Cadence drew back and rammed her penis into my pussy. It somehow felt even better than usual! “You’re the only woman on this planet who isn’t a corrupted piece of shit that I can have sex with beside Daring there, without wrecking them! Then I nearly wreck you because I was overzealous and I’m sorry-he-he~!” Cadence began sobbing, leaning into my back and kissing my neck. “I care about you beyond sex. I just feel so terrible cheating on Shining like this. Especially since I have another foal of his on the way.” “Cadence?” I mewled as Meso continued to get smaller while Daring got bigger. I was still secured to Daring’s face by her legendary sucking power, but I wasn’t getting much pleasure with Cadence breaking down against my back. “I want to be with you, but I can’t! I still Love Shiny! You’re my Goddess’ Champion for a reason! We practically click like puzzle pieces! I tested us and it works! I tested us with Shiny and it works, but he’s a one-woman stallion~!” Cadence cried and hugged me tightly. “All the models work so why won’t it work~?!” “What’re you talking about?” I asked in confusion before I gasped and came into Daring’s eager throat when Cadence gyrated inside of me. Daring was in heaven as she sucked me off, completely zoned out, and probably not hearing anything we were saying. “Are you saying you want to marry me?” I felt my heart flutter. I hadn’t even proposed to Daring, yet Cadence the Goddess of Love was basically proposing to me? What am I? A disgusting Mary Sue character in a bad fanfiction? “Ye-heh-heh-hes~!” Cadence sobbed and her dick throbbed within me, causing my suspicions to be confirmed and also aroused me on so damn hard that I spasmed in a feminine orgasm, my cunt convulsing around her cock. “Th-then I’m marrying you, Daring, and Cocoa too.” I declared after my orgasm died down. Daring blinked and flushed, she even twisted her head on my cock to look up at me as Meso started to finish. Already Daring was bigger than Meso was at full size with her skin turning transparent again to reveal the ocean of swirling white and purple cum and the green/purple eggs. “If I’ve done this to you all, then I’m responsible. It’s only right that I devote myself more fully.” I grunted and came into Daring again, making her inflate faster as she pulled Cadence and I up off the floor by sheer suction power alone, the magnificent mare fluttering her eyes as she came again. “You’re not just saying this…” Cadence whimpered before she pulled my head to the side when she leaned that way and kissed me passionately. Tears ran down her face as she closed her eyes and I also shut my eyes to enjoy this intimate moment. “So much Love~!” Mesosoma screamed in her near-empty pool as Daring’s body accepted the last of her massive load of eggs. The light green queen was still kept hanging by her ovipositor as she continued to be milked by Daring’s endlessly hungry snatch. “Uh...as fun as this is, I’m done now!” “Daring?” I huffed and tried to pull my dick from her lips, but she whined and sucked on me even harder which practically slapped my balls and body back into her like I’d thrusted. “Daring, no. Bad.” I reached down and shifted my right testical to boop her snoot. She whined again and stopped sucking, which caused Cadence and I to fall out with a pop. The same happened with Meso who yelped at dropping 20 feet into the pool below her. When Cady and I impacted the floor I cried out in pleasure from how this jolted us and Cadence yelped as she came, her still swollen basketball nuts gladly disgorging their payload from how the sudden jolt slammed us together. “Oh~...at least the hose is still going.” Daring cooed as she still inflated but slower, her body was nearly clear again and the swirls of colors inside her body practically danced. “Well, you’ll need to drain it soon.” I huffed as my belly started growing and I absorbed my male organs once more so it wasn’t so uncomfortable and crowded on my body. “I don’t want you so full I can’t kiss you because you’ve gotta keep your mouth shut to keep the cum in.” “Cadence?” We heard a male voice from the still-open door. “Oh. You finally went through with it?” I turned around to see Shining casually enter with Flurry Heart in an adorable chest-harness hanging from him. He was wearing his armor but had extra padding for his sleeping daughter. “About time. You’ve been love-struck for weeks now.” “Shining?!” Cadence wailed and hugged me fearfully as Twilight entered after her brother and blushed at the sight of our intimate situation. “I-!” Shining held up a hand and Cadence wilted against me as she awaited judgment. “Hold on. Twilight, take your niece. I need to find out exactly who my wife is in love with.” The stallion declared as he handed the sleeping foal off and approached us while he began to remove his armor. “Shining?” Cadence whimpered in fear and confusion while Twilight tried not to watch. “W-what’re you doing? I know I’ve been unfaithful but-.” She paused as he took off his pants and shoved his 15 inches long 2 ½ inches thick white and purple cock towards her face. “Sh-Shiny?” “Well? Am I not enough for you anymore Cady?” He sounded a bit sad as he looked down at me and my swelling gravidity. “I can see why she’s got you so enamored. Physically at least. What do you love about her personality?” “She’s so selfless it turns back around into selfishness. It’s such an endearing fault in her character. She’s so easy to please most of the time, but she’s also constantly fighting to find out what she wants.” Cadence explained as he rounded us and put his junk towards my face and I couldn’t help but take a good long whiff. Oh~ his musk is rich. “Hm, what else?” Shining asked as his balls dangled in my face, I had to fight the urge to lick. Why was he displaying himself? He was staring at me the whole time as I struggled not to reach out for him. Oh gosh. I’m getting fuzzy in the head~! “She’s basically the epitome of Free-Love. She gives it to any and all, regardless. She even loves her enemies to a degree she sees death as a mercy for the monsters and would do nearly anything to save innocents.” Cadence was starting to pant, her cock was twitching inside me as Shining held his dick between our faces. Shining seemed to enjoy us getting worked up over him! “Sounds almost like what made you fall for me.” Shining mused with a smirk. Suddenly, Cadence lunged and gobbed down his cock and sucked like a mare dying of thirst as I lunged for his grapefruit-sized balls and began to lick and suck desperately. “Unf! Yep. It’s your need to help others that got her hooked on you Willow. I’d say that’s reason enough to forgive you both.” He grunted and patted our heads before he pulled out of his wife’s mouth which made her whine. He shoved his tip into my face and rubbed his pre-cum all over my nose. I jerked back a bit in surprise before he grabbed my head with magic and held me in place. He rubbed more pre-cum on my face and I panted as his scent drove me mad when I smelled and tasted it. It didn’t get any easier on me after he bent over and kissed Cadence. “D-don’t stop~.” I pleaded needily. “Shining?” Cadence whined before smooching his dick as he stood back up. “I want you~!” “I know, but I feel I should show some love to someone else for now and get to know her like how I got to know you whenever Twily wasn’t around.” Him telling her that made her cum from the idea alone and I panted and orgasmed as I blew up more. I eagerly began sucking Shining’s cock as he gently shoved it into my mouth. He tastes like corn dogs for some reason. “You want her too?” Cadence panted as she fucked me. Shining huffed as he held my head and rubbed my massive slimy fennec ears. “Yes, but when she holds my foal I want her to carry it for the full term. No speeding it up like when she’s being your surrogate.” He huffed and panted. “So I can wait until after she pops those out or we all feel she has the time.” He grunted and came into my mouth, but considering his words I just drank it and absorbed it immediately so I wouldn’t force him to have a foal with me if he didn’t want one the usual way I do it. “Um...shouldn’t someone help Daring?” Twilight nervously pointed out and we looked over to see Daring was nearing the ceiling. I choked on Shining’s cock as I pulled away and frantically tried to crawl off of Cadence. Daring was completely out of it, on cloud nine in a near-constant orgasm from the looks and sounds of it but nothing was coming out of her cunt or her nipples! “Get the hose out and milk her nipples!” I screamed and Cadence also moved to act which dragged my fecund belly on the ground. Our fears were halted by a loud pop behind Daring and cum spraying everywhere for a moment before the nozzle chirped and shut off. Mesosoma walked from around Daring, coated in cum, and looking at us all with a dopey grin. “This. This right here. Is a good, proper harem.” Meso then suddenly vomited pink goo that seemed to radiate energy and she giggled as if drunk, leaning against the rock-hard Daring Do who moaned and dribbled cum from her lips. “So much love! That little changeling should be-!” Suddenly, Cocoa and the mute’s bed exploded and we saw a stunned 20-foot tall changeling with deep emerald green chitin and little tiny pincer horns on her head looking absolutely pregnant with the pink energy glowing from her tight belly and eyes. She leaked from the corners of her lips drunkenly and waved lazily at us while silently giggling before vomiting up a whole bathtub of the pink energy onto the floor. She was cradling Cocoa in her giant breasts as her nipples dripped the same pink slime. “Cocoa loves big mate~!” Cocoa declared as she kissed and humped the breasts of her lover, not caring that she was seen by the rest of us, same with the mute who simply cooed silently and used her tongue to fuck the comparatively tiny dog’s pussy, her Love-laced saliva coating and vanishing into Cocoa. Oh~ she shared her Love with her! “Oh~ kay~? Um, someone milk Daring’s nipples a bit so she doesn’t pop with eggs in her and exposes them.” I said as Meso jumped at my comment and started trying to milk Daring, only nothing was coming out. Daring was also hard as a rock instead of her usually flexible self, but her body wasn’t creaking like she was about to pop. “Uh...Daring? What’s going on?” Daring’s response was to giggle and then cough up some purple cum, only to swallow it and reveal the purple was slowly overtaking the white inside of her. “Isn’t it obvious babe? I’m SUPER pregnant!” She chuckled and hummed as she rocked back and forth. “Oh. Don’t pop please!” I whined in concern. Daring might be okay because of her weird body, but those eggs wouldn’t survive the exposure. “What? Pop? As if. Come have a feel! I’m harder than a solid stone! I feel like I can get way~ bigger!” Daring gushed, literally as the purple cum dribbled from her lips. “I mean, you have no clue how good I feel!” Daring eyes were turning opaque green instead of a normal pony’s eyes, her gray hair turning into fine gossamer strands, her comparatively tiny wing feathers were turning into a beautiful golden tone rather than her usual sandy one. “I’m kinda still horny too! Put that hose back in!” “Meso! What is wrong with my Daring?!” I wailed and freaked out as Twilight rattled off theories while Mesosoma was gobsmacked. “Um...I turned her into a Changeling Broodmother? Whoops?” Meso nervously chuckled. “What?! Cadence, help!” I pleaded as my dearest and beloved changed. “H-how?! All I know is that to help a Changeling you pump them full of Love and have them share it with others, but she’s absolutely drunk on it like Meso and that one over there...what’s her name?” Cadence asked curiously while Shining Armor rubbed his chin. “Hey, didn’t the eggheads in Canterlot get a lot of new info out of Chrysalis and her hive Twily?” Shining asked his sister and she summoned a scroll with her magic. “Broodmother...here we go. Changeling Broodmothers are either a designated base-female changeling who is the registered egg-dump for the hive or a captured victim who does the same. They are kept mostly immobile but well-fed and cared for. Aside from that, they’re also reported to be much more durable due to the high concentration of Love they require for the eggs along with regular nutrient infusions...aka: cum and milk. They’re also potentially immortal.” Twilight tacked on with a note of interest. “Even if they cease their duties, they still retain a high level of resilience, do not starve as easily, and are nearly addicted to being full.” “Sounds like me already! Sign me up! Fill me up! Although I’m kinda tired…” Daring yawned and fluttered her eyes. “So full…” “Daring!” I whined in my concern. I wanted my adventurous pegasus! I was going to take her out with me next! “What about going on an adventure?!” “Oh...uh...shit,” Daring muttered and looked down at Meso. “So...uh...how long was the gestation on these things?” “6 months implanted, 3 months in the nest. However, considering Willow’s powers I have no clue how much shorter it could be now. They were unusually large just leaving me.” Meso said with concern. Hm, if that was true they wouldn’t be in her long, but still! “6 months!” I whined and hoped it was much shorter...until someone used magic to push the hose back into her. “Hey! Who-?!” I froze as Daring grunted when her forehead deformed and a sharp spike of a horn burst forth. It was shimmering green like her eyes as she masturbated with the dildo. “So...horny~!” Daring whined as she thrust the dildo into her quim with her freshly-gained magic as her clear body became even shinier despite the hose being off. “Tired. Full. Horny. So confusing!” Daring snarled before her body began contracting and she groaned. “A-already?!” Oh, thank gosh! They won’t be in there for 6 months! “Huh. I have more to my hive already.” Meso blinked in astonishment as Daring started to birth the eggs right into the pool Meso had been in. “Wait! I need to make a nest!” Meso fretted and I groaned in frustration that I wouldn’t be able to help right now because I was once more nearly immobile with Cadence’s foals. At least Cadence, Twilight, and Shining, all-powerful magic users, were here to help as I forced myself to term and started to give birth. > Ch.27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.27 Twilight had transfigured the central pool into a padded moist nest while Cadence and Shining had moved Daring over it so the eggs would land in it. It was a fairly quick affair but dealing with the ‘overcharged’ mute was harder. She was so ‘Love Drunk’ that she couldn’t stop lavishing Cocoa in attention and it was incredibly hard to convince her to stay still over the other two pools and milk the love nectar from her through her breasts which would also go to feeding the eggs as they finished gestating. “Whoa~! I like this!” Daring gushed as she looked at herself in a mirror off near the beds She gave herself a twirl as she displayed her new body. Her coat, once a sandy tan, had become a shiny golden tone but not reflective. Her mane and tail were silvery gossamer and her eyes were a solid green like Mesosoma’s solid purple ones. Also, she had a smooth sharp spike of a horn. Then there was the seemingly requisite wider hips, bigger butt, and boosted boobs, but not by much. “I won’t lie; I like it too.” I hugged her from behind as Shining, Cadence, and Twilight talked to Meso and the others. Something about arranging a breeding program with my new mate; the mute. She finally notified us that her name was Honey, who was the reason Meso came to see us anyway but figured she could get some of my magic baby-making powers on the side. “Although, this doesn’t change who you are.” I nuzzled her cheek and rubbed her still slightly rounded tummy which made her coo and lean into me. “Nope. I was a cum-thirsty hyper-dick-and-balls inflation fetishist from the start.” Daring chuckled and then put her hand over mine on her small belly as she bit her lip. “Maybe a pregnancy fetishist too. With tail-hands along for the ride that is my long list of fetishes.” “Maybe. I know the alicorns have a-Breeding Fetish!” I called out with a turn of my head towards the others, causing the two princesses here to flinch. “But I would love to have a normal pregnancy so I can do belly bumps with you and Cocoa.” I purred to her. “By the looks, Shining is giving me, once Cadence has his second foal I may or may not have to wait eleven months for another female breeding. It’s in negotiation right now.” “You’ve really got to draw a line at how many lovers you have Willow. You’ve already got at least 6 besides Cocoa and I that you’ve gotten really close to.” Daring’s ears wilted and her wings shimmied. “Call me selfish, but I don’t want to have to keep sharing you with everyone all the time. I want you to spend more time with me.” She rubbed her belly. “These guys won’t be out for another 10 months if you don’t speed them up and I’m afraid if you leave me here that whole time you’ll move on. Maybe even move in with Princess Cadence and forget little old Daring.” “I would never do that. You mean more than life to me.” I hugged her tightly and Daring’s eyes widened and her face paled as I trembled. “You and Cocoa are important to me. The bed I will always go back to is yours, even if I have to fight others off.” “Y-you remember?” Daring meekly asked as she clutched my arms tightly. “I-I don’t want to. It hurts, remembering your crying face, your anguished scream-.” WILLOW~! “-B-but that’s all I can remember about whatever happened. I’m repressing it hard right now Daring. Maybe someday in the future, we can talk about it.” Daring gulped and took a few cleansing breaths. “O-oh. That’s fine. So long as you know I do love you and you love me back.” Daring leaned into me and sighed. “Now I know you say you’ll always come back, but it’s a little hard to believe that when you slept with those Displaced today instead of coming straight home,” Daring grumbled and I wilted at the shame of the accuracy of that statement. “I get you love everyone Willow, but please try to save most of it for me?” Daring pleaded as she turned around and pressed against me to gaze into my eyes with her new shiny green orbs. “I will. I’m sorry.” I whined and hugged her to me, though an errant thought hit me about her being the most beautiful non-dragon I’ve ever seen. Huh...why did I think that? “I forgive you and-urp-oh! Excuse me!” Daring blushed and covered her mouth in embarrassment at burping of all things! So cute! “Wow, I guess all that cum finally caused some indigestion!” I joked, then considered something. “Wait, you’re an honorary changeling now! Are you being a glutton with my Love?” “...Oh, right. You’re food now too! I actually forgot for a moment these changes aren’t fully cosmetic.” Daring cooed as her belly and breasts swelled slightly and shimmered pink with my Love. “Mm, that is tasty. It’s...hard to describe.” “If you ever think I don’t love you, just think of how full you are~.” I purred loudly into her ear and nibbled on it. In response she cooed as her body filled with more liquid love, emphasizing her belly, boobs, and booty. “I love you~. Feel how much I do~.” Oh Goddess she’s so hawt~! “Careful now~. I can get drunk off of this stuff.” Daring giggled before she spun me around and slapped my ass as I made to leave. “You go figure things out, babe. I’m going to hit the hay.” With Daring squared away, for now, I returned to the others. Honey was now about Mesosoma’s size without all the love overflowing her and seemed to be a twin sister save differently colored and with smaller more deer-like pincers. Oh, and everyone was clothed in the standard red pajamas that were all over the place here thanks to Twilight turning all the drapes and other unimportant fabrics from the former castle into them. “...So it would be best if I build Honey her own proper hive outside of this canyon.” Twilight seemed to finish, getting nods from the rest. “Figure something out?” I questioned as I moved in to squeeze Cadence from the side, causing her to perk up and hum as she side-hugged me back which pressed the sides of our chests together. “Just about. My eggs will have to remain here in that nest until they hatch, whenever that will be. Honey has agreed to wait until her new hive is constructed to start breeding with you. Cocoa has asked for maids to help her watch your cubs once Honey has to turn into an egg factory. Cadence has requested she be allowed to donate her cum like earlier. Shining Armor has to speak to you though.” Mesosoma oh-so-helpfully summarized and I turned to Shining. “Look. I’m willing to make this work. I understand that you’ve already got a herd with three main members, but with magic, a long-distance relationship is easy to maintain when you can just pop on over when you’re lonely. I’ll keep in touch, but I’m not going to have tons of foals with you until you have one with me without cheating at it. I want you to prove that you can love the children you make beyond the moment and then handing them off.” Shining declared and I felt afraid at his words. I haven’t really bonded to any of my cubs have I? Sure I snuggle my kids and play with them, but after that, I just hand them back to Cocoa and haven’t been part of their lives beyond those visits to play and snuggle. Berserker and Hunter are much the same, but they didn’t want to keep this sort of situation, stating that it was our responsibility to care for and raise them. The idea suddenly terrified me. What if I mess up? What if I raise them wrong and they turn into more demons?! W-what if I give them a bad example and they all grow up to be wanton sluts and man-whores instead of following their dreams?! “Calm. Calm.” Cadence soothed into my ear. Was I hyperventilating? “Wow, that is a delayed reaction. The realizations and horrors of parenthood.” This is that?! Oh, Goddess help me! “Now I know you’re not ready yet. At least you have time.” Shining approached and rubbed Cadence’s flat stomach while he smiled warmly at me. “Thank you. It was such a struggle to get Flurry Heart. We used all sorts of medicines and magic to boost our conception chances and it took months to make her possible. Cady eats a piece of your goo body before sex, boom, twins.” Shining nuzzled his wife who sighed happily. Then he surprised me when he nuzzled me and kissed my brow. “Thank you.” “Thank you,” I whispered back and rubbed my nose against his throat before backing away with a sigh. “Well it’s night now, but I can’t sleep after all this. I’m going to go get Svartr, find Sabrina, then talk shop.” I nodded to Twilight who was clearly tired before I left my home as they kept talking. Once out the door, I sighed at how much happened so quickly. “Agh! Fuck!” I heard Berserker roar in pain. “Berserker~ Are you okay?!” I called out before I rushed to where he, Hunter, and Visi were gathered around the coffin which hadn’t been moved. Once I arrived, I saw Berserker holding his right hand while Hunter and Visilia were ready to help. He removed the chain that was around his hand along with the burnt glove so that Hunter had easy access. Hunter didn’t have his armor on, rather he was wearing plain robes with only one sword. As for the sarcophagus, it now had a red barrier around it. “We can’t get it open. Damned Demons are extra paranoid with this one.” Berserker grumbled to me in frustration. “Why do they have it locked up so well?” I asked as a beaten and battered pump-action shotgun slipped off the top of the sarcophagus and onto the ground. It looked like it’d been through literal Hell and back with how battered and rough it looked, yet I could feel it would work better than any freshly made gun for the purpose of brutally butchering bastards. “Because he’s fucked Hell over more times than we’ve ever done if they’ve locked him away, how strong has Hell gotten now?” Berserker questioned himself worriedly as he clutched his right hand a few times after Hunter was finished dressing it in ointment and bandages. “They have troops coming here trying to get things like massive stores of metal and weapons from places like the Iron Keep in the far north, which is heavily defended so that isn’t a good sign either way,” I informed the trio who sneered at the new info. “So who is this guy?” “No clue, but he must be a bonafide badass to get sealed away and not killed if they considered this the easier route,” Visilia informed me before I reached for the gun. “You probably don’t-.” Before Visi could stop me I picked up the full-metal shotgun and discovered it had a hair-trigger when just a feather-light touch fired a deafeningly loud spread of flechette up towards the ceiling. Thankfully I’d been facing away from the wall lined with doors, because that shot of blades somehow caused a cave-in across the canyon as the thin layer of stone held up by Harmonia’s branches shattered and tumbled to the ground. “Holy Shit!” I yelped seconds before the DOOM theme raged in my head and I fumbled with the gun but somehow turned it into a parade twirl. Go Dexterity! “What the hell Willow?! Be careful with-what’s wrong?” Berserker suddenly changed tone and approached me with concern as I was feeling way too much energy coursing through me. I began to hyperventilate as I grit my teeth and fought back the unadulterated pure Wrath trying to-! I handed him the gun when the images of shoving the business end of the murder machine against his ribcage and going to town started. “...Fuck...” Berserker hissed and passed it to Hunter. “Yeah, he’s a lot more powerful than us and a lot angrier than even me. That’s saying something.” “How did he end up here? What is the black stuff on the sarcophagus?” I sighed at the number of questions I had before Hunter gave the gun to Visilia. “Symbiote?” Berserker suggested and I smacked him upside the head for that. “Sorry. I’m not good at making jokes.” Yeah, the last thing we need is an infestation of Klyntar that isn’t Svartr. I’ve read the comics of doomed worlds where symbiote invasion went uncontested. “Well until we open it we can’t get answers. It might be for the best. If he hates demons that much then those we could cure wouldn’t be saved.” I sighed in concern. I want to save as many as I can and it’s been hard enough with Berserker constantly saying he won’t bother to try. The only upside to it was that he won’t kill them, I just wished he at least helped them out! “Hey, I have a question.” Berserker queried, rubbing his chin. “Fire away.” I huffed and sat down on my tails as they effortlessly held me up like a fancy fluffy chair. Ee~! I keep forgetting how awesome my tails are! I have a fucking chair at will! Wait, I’m like Hsien-Ko but with tails instead of magic sleeve-claws! “Since CoC is mixed within this world, along with Dark Souls and that, does that mean all of the creatures from the games exist too?” He asked me and I had to hum in consideration. “Yes. We mostly encountered Corrupted versions of them. Cocoa mentioned Hellhounds and how they were made from Diamond Dogs. There’s also wolf-like tree spirits and things though, so this world also has its own creatures.” I wonder why Berserker is asking about this though. “I don’t suppose you have information about these creatures? I’m curious if goblins exist as well.” Berserker’s question had me a bit suspicious. Does he have a fetish for shortstacks? “Yes. I’ve read up on them if only a little. They’re a class of Lust Demon known as a Corrupted Civilization. They’re all female, they are not part of the Lust Demon Faction despite being Lust Demons, they’re amazing Chemists and seek males to keep their daughters coming. There are no male goblins.” I answered to the best of my knowledge. “Do they kidnap men, or seduce them?” Berserker asked as he picked up his chain and charred glove. “I’m surprised the chain survived, but now I need to find a replacement for my glove.” He sighed at the loss of his glove. “I’m also asking so that we can avoid them as much as possible. Or any other race that follow along those same lines as the goblins.” Oh, I see now. He doesn’t want his brothers or himself ending up as their playthings or otherwise. “Well...um. That’s a big list. There’s Jungle Sirens, who entice victims in the southern jungles. That’s where my tails come from as well as my expanding breasts and balls. I introduced Slimes to the Everfree but they’re a new mystery. There’s Hippocampi, or ‘Sea Pony’ Sirens who are known to brainwash potential mates. Uh...look, just go ask Twilight later. She’s the egghead.” Maybe I should invest in some more stats in Intelligence? I mean, I have a Magic Soul, but I don’t even use magic! “You’ve already told me about some threats I didn’t know about. I’ll ask Twilight later.” Berserker resolved. “So. Are you here to visit the pups before you go?” I panicked a moment. I forgot they were sleeping in the guestroom that Svartr was sleeping in. I haven’t yet been able to arrange for their care with Visilia or Cocoa yet because Visi wanted to vet Cocoa first. “Y-yep! I’m gonna give them a quick nuzzle and kiss before taking Svartr and finding Sabrina.” I patted Berserker on the arm, gave Hunter a passing kiss and slapped Visi’s ass with a tail-hand on the way there, the woman blinking in surprise. “You guys get some more rest while I work.” “You’re afraid.” I stopped in my tracks at Berserker’s accusation.. “Yes. I’m afraid I’ll hurt them. Raise them wrong. Ruin them.” I admitted, not looking back as I hugged myself. “It was all good fun, creating new life, but I forgot that being a parent isn’t all fun and games. I can’t just go running off all the time, having adventures while my mates raise my children. I need to be there for them, but how can I do that when I’m so busy?” “Make time.” Berserker simply and confidently replied before I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Do what you have to do and then come back home to the family at the end of the day. It may not be the easiest thing, but it’s worth it.” How can he say that without a shred of fear? Is he not afraid of being a parent? “However, there will be times when you won’t be able to make it. It may drag on, but you’ll get back eventually.” I hugged him with my tails as I leaned back into his strong arms. Goddess this man is infuriating, but I think I may truly come to love him for it. “Thank you.” I kissed his hand and went into the room alone. I looked at the 12 sleeping pups on the bed. 6 Hunter’s, 6 Berserker’s. Three boys and three girls from each of them, somehow no herms. They also had the Slayer’s mark on their left cheeks, the same colours as their father’s. Red for Berserker and grey for Hunter. I slowly approached and looked down at the beautiful things I helped create. I got on my knees and nosed one of the sleeping girls, deeply breathing in her scent. I lost track of time there, just scooting around as I sniffed and nuzzled each one. I felt so content. By the time I finally pulled myself away I wanted nothing more than to lay down and snuggle them. Forget everything. I couldn’t though, I had things to do. “Svartr, you awake?” I whispered to my sleeping lover. Her answer was to animate her head, turn to goo in the shape of her true face, and kiss me quietly. “Yes.” She looked over at the whole pack’s worth of cubs and snorted. “I see you had fun.” Svartr pouted and even raised one of her eyebrows. “Left me out to dry on this armor rack.” “You can complain later. Get on me.” At my hushed order, she quickly and silently morphed onto me, staying her skintight symbiote form as I snuck back out. The Marines were still examining the sarcophagus instead of getting rest and I rolled my eyes, using my tails to slap their butts on the way towards Harmonia. “Get to sleep!” “Yes ma’am.” Both Berserker and Visilia replied with amusement in their voices as they left the sarcophagus and went to the guest room where our pups still slept. I smiled at their antics before I approached Harmonia’s trunk to see Sabrina there sleeping next to the Portal. Her belly was bloated and the white nectar of Harmonia’s breast bulb next to her head dribbled on her now that the milker wasn’t pumping her for a massive dimensionally expanded tank. Wow, she really drank way too much of that milky nectar. “Hey, kitty cat. Sorry for the late-night call.” I gently shook her shoulder. “Huh?” Sabrina jolted before she belched loudly. “Sorry.” She groaned as she sat up while she rubbed her sloshing belly. “It is unheard of for such a bounty of milk to be offered so freely. I guess I couldn’t help myself.” Sabrina rubbed the drying cream off of her lips and burped more quietly. “Urp. I think if we could get this tree, this Goddess Harmonia, to donate her milk, then our plans for the desert could advance by several years.” “Not until I’m *yawn* done filling this impossibly huge tank. Those demons had a genius way with fluids. Now then, I’m going to sleep and you two should head inside. It gets cold here at night.” Harmonia’s voice gently echoed before her light dimmed and the holes in the ceiling showed us the stars. Soon enough Harmonia would finally be able to see the sky directly. “Let’s talk at my place. Once we’re done with the last fort what then?” I asked as I helped the overfilled cat to her paws and let her lean on me as I led her towards my home. “Didn’t you just say to talk-urp-when we’re at your ‘place’?” Sabrina chuckled and managed to control the next loud belch into a very long and drawn out blast. “Ugh...I am regretting this.” I rubbed her belly as we walked and she sighed in relief when we entered my home. I escorted her towards my bed where Daring was already snoring like a foghorn. “W-what are you doing?” Sabrina whispered with her cheeks flushing as I sat her down on the massive poster bed. “There’s only two beds right now. Even with Spike and his mates having gone off to the Dragonlands we didn’t expect to need more than two beds yet. Cocoa is so big she needs the other bed now with Honey snuggling her.” I whispered back and rubbed her belly to help her burp quietly. “I also don’t have spare blankets. Pajamas yes. Blankets no.” I shrugged since it was an easy oversight for someone even like Twilight to make. “So I’m not going to force you to sleep on the couch.” “B-but this is your bed. With your mate in it.” Her ears flicked, her tail twitched, her cheeks flushed as her chest purred. “D-do you not understand what you’re telling me?” I just smiled in response. “A-are you truly so bold?” “I promised to help your race repopulate. I might as well start with you if you’re willing.” I winked and her fur fluffed up, making her look extra sawft. “Not tonight though obviously. You’re already about to burst with the milk you gorged on.” I giggled and poked her sloshy belly, making her groan and her fur went back down with an embarrassed leer. “Now shut up, c’mere and snuggle me and my First Mate.” I pulled her close and her purring cranked up as I sandwiched the sand witch between Daring and me, my lover snuggling closer in her sleep. “This...this can’t be real.” Sabrina quietly whispered as she closed her eyes and hugged me to her. “Trust me. It is. Let’s talk in the morning instead.” I nuzzled her as I snuggled and used a tail-hand to pull the poster bed curtains shut for our warmth and privacy. > Ch.28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.28 I awoke slowly in my place spooning the slightly less bloated blond cat to find Daring had at some point climbed atop us and was snoring into the side of my left breast as she sprawled out on us. Heh, Daring is a messy sleeper. I, with Svartr’s groggy help, slipped out from them and moved pillows where I’d been. I got out of bed and slipped through the curtains to find Cocoa in the kitchen talking to Honey as she took notes. “That is how you make scrambled eggs all yellow and fluffy.” The heavily gravid labrador told the changeling queen as she scraped up the fluffy yellow eggs and added cheese. Her pajama shirt straining bosom was already stained with various drippings from her cooking. There was a whole breakfast buffet. Since when was Cocoa a cook? I get Spike considering he was Twilight’s butler or something for most of his life but Cocoa didn’t seem the type. “Willow!” At having been noticed I approached and hugged them both in turn. “Good morning you two. Sleep well?” I rubbed Cocoa’s hard octuplet-sized belly while I inwardly hoped her skin wasn’t getting serious stretch marks under her fur. At my question, however, it wasn’t Cocoa who answered as gold light wrote in the air in front of my face. “Oh yes we’re doing great. Cocoa was just showing me how to cook so someone would be able to feed her and her brood.” Honey magically wrote in the air as she gestured to the spread of eggs, bacon, sausage, corned beef hash...this is all protein. “Um, that’s all just-.” I was interrupted by Cocoa slamming into the food like she was starving. Shoveling plates into her ravenous maw with her hands, tossing empty plates to the floor where they somehow didn't shatter and were cleaned up by the cleaning charm within seconds. Within mere minutes of my stunned watching Cocoa had eaten all 16 plates of hearty meaty food and belched, rubbing her fecund belly which had grown slightly from all the food she’d eaten. “Ah~...Cocoa was starving.” My diamond dog mate sighed in relief, punctuated with a slap of her belly. “Wow. You just ate enough for 16 people!” I was impressed. I mean, I cheat, so I don’t have to eat if I don’t want to even while pregnant. Extra nourishment just makes it go faster or is converted to more goo in whatever dimension I store my excess mass in besides my Inventory. “Cocoa is eating for 16 people!” Cocoa beamed proudly with her tail whipping up a storm. “Cocoa so happy Willow forgot to speed up her pregnancy. Cocoa would have never experienced so many things.” Cocoa gushed, literally. Her basketball-boobs were leaking in her shirt. “Time for milkies! Come, Honey, show you how to use milker.” Cocoa waddled to the door with Honey aiding her affectionately, groping and squeezing the brown dog in places as they left. I looked over the cooking utensils and plates that were scattered on the floor before I decided to clean up. While I was doing that Daring staggered over. “Morning babe.” Daring rubbed her eyes and her belly which had shrunk back to its slightly round state. “Why did I wake up with a four-boobed cat in bed with me?” “That’s Sabrina. She’s the witch leading us through the desert. Her people suffer from constant famine so she couldn’t help herself when she noticed Harmonia’s breast bulbs.” I then started cooking up some hay bacon, however that works, for Daring. “I brought her in since she doesn’t have her own place and I didn’t want to have to drag her through the portal to the freezing cold desert, just to drop her off in an empty former demon fort.” “Nice of you. So she’s joining us?” Daring asked casually and I shrugged. “Well if she does, remember I come first.” Daring insisted with a lick of her lips as she thrust out her chest. I blushed and watched her breasts and belly grow a bit. Sneaky Daring, getting food before breakfast. “Yum! Thanks for the snack.” “Meanie.” I mewled as she bloated more and I blushed more, making her hum happily and rub her belly along with a teasing squeeze of a breast. “That’s not fair~!” She gets to inflate without babies! Or cum! “All’s fair in Love.” Daring winked as she leaned into the counter, her now basketball-sized tits pressing into it. “I’ve got to learn how to pace myself though. You go wake up the cat and I’ll see if I can still eat normal food or if I’m stuck with milk and cum.” “Alright. Know that if you can’t I can always feed you.” I blushed at her before I went back over to the beds. “Hey, Sabrina. It’s morning now.” Her response was to groan and hit my face with her long fluffy tail. “Nope. Time to wake up~!” I crowed before I jumped onto her and she squealed in shock, extending razor-sharp claws from her fingertips before she realized this was a safe place. After blinking in confusion for a bit she blushed at realizing our position. “D-don’t do that! You’re lucky this bed is thick with your scent or I would’ve struck!” Sabrina looked ashamed and retracted her claws before hesitantly bringing her hands to my hips. I cooed at how they gently groped my plush hips and how adorably nervous she was. “I could handle it.” I chuckled with a look at her hands. She didn’t do much more than gently rub her hands on my flanks and shut her eyes. She was breathing slowly as her chest started rumbling with her purring again. “Not used to intimacy?” “Not for pleasure. It was always in the name of duty.” Sabrina whispered while she moved her hands to my ass and gave my squeezable yet firm bubble butt a powerful grope, making me fight against a jolt that ran up my spine. “If this is the kind of body I will be breeding with from now on...I could learn to enjoy the act.” “Not yet.” I reminded her before I got off of her and helped her get out of bed. Once the bloated kitty was on her paws I led her towards the kitchen where I pointed at a door next to the counter that had a picture of a toilet on it. “The bathroom is in there.” I nodded towards her stomach at the perfect time since it gurgled loudly. Without further words, she ran for the bathroom and slammed the door shut with urgency. Now that Sabrina was getting to her morning constitutions I returned to Daring, who was at the table and munching on a strip of hay bacon. “How is it?” “It’s just as good as always. I’m not hungry thanks to the meal you gave me before it, but I don’t think food will be a problem for me since I’m not a born changeling.” Daring declared, to which I sighed in relief, which seemed to cause her to bloat up a bit more. “Whoa! Tiger, calm down with the Love! I kinda want to be able to move when you leave.” “Well then, you better learn how to stop being a glutton fast, because I can’t take you adventuring if every time I think about you you’re gonna blow up.” I then focused on her, envisioning all the best moments with her. Daring moaned as she began filling with liquid Love at a rapid pace, tearing out of her pajamas and turning spherical within a minute. Her body pushed off of the table and rolled backward off the chair she was sitting in. She rolled until she was several feet from the dining area while her golden skin began glowing pink. “Mm, Goddess how I love you.” “Unf! If I needed proof before, I have it now!” Daring groaned, her enormous beach ball tits leaking love nectar onto the floor, which oddly wasn’t swept away by the cleaning charms. “Great. Can you hook me up to the milker before you leave?” Daring huffed while she swelled. “Huh, that’s strange.” I snickered mischievously before I picked up her former chair and sat in it. “I thought you loved being an immobile balloon.” I purred while I watched her reach 8 feet wide already. “I do! I just don’t like it happening without me wanting it to. Besides, while this feels good it’s not the orgasm-inducing pleasure of being pumped through my cunt, ass, or mouth with cum.” Daring admitted and then gasped as my thoughts of those moments made her fill even faster with my Love. She had already reached 12 feet. “Oh~...” “Hm, a lesson in scaring the blazes out of me,” I commented as I remembered all of my panicked thoughts from her popping, her changes, the curse. She filled even faster, now at 16 feet. “How is it I’m bloating faster with you thinking about that?!” Daring yelped and wiggled her hands before they disappeared into her surface. “Oh~! It feels so good~!” “Because I thought I was losing you and my heart broke at the thoughts those sights caused.” At my words she surged in size, reaching the 25-ish foot high ceiling. Daring moaned and whined, it seemed her new body was even more durable than before, not even creaking as she pressed against the floor and ceiling, starting to spread out. “I get it! Pwease shtawp~!” Daring pleaded, her head getting absorbed into her body until she was nothing but tits and a ball full of glowing pink goo gushing from her giant nipples like open fire hydrants. Figuring Daring understood how much distress she’d caused me, I went to the milking hoses that were connected to the tanks outside and brought them to her enormous basketball-sized nipples that proudly jutted from her weather-balloon sized 8-foot across tits. The cups magically resized and caught the flowing nectar before they latched on and began pulsing, sucking out her magic nectar. With that started I moved to her other side to find her inflated plump pussy and began eating her out, drinking her now pink love goo as I went. She kept swelling because I can’t stop loving her, but eventually, she ceased growing and started shrinking enough to get her head back. I could tell because I could hear her voice again. “Ah! Ahn!” Daring gasped and huffed in pleasure, her body quaking. “Willow~!” “Still any worries about my love for you?” I asked as I backed off slightly but kept massaging her baseball-sized clit with my hands and sending her immobile body spasming. “You fucking beast! I love you so damn much! Now get back to eating me out!” Daring demanded with her swollen giant quim twitching. “Hm, don’t I have work?” I asked while I watched her cunt wink at me. Before I could tease her any more, I yelped when her green magic picked me up and rammed me head-first into her vag like a dildo down to my hips with my face shoving into her cervix. “Hmph! Daring!” I cried out as she started pistoning me. “Holy shit! This is so hot!” I’m literally being used as a toy! I’m Daring’s dildo! I grunted as my tits rubbed along her vagina, my breasts getting squeezed even tighter due to how they stuck out from me. “Deeper~!” Daring wailed as she seemed to get tighter around me while banging my huge sensitive fennec ears to her cervix. Svartr flowed off of me and back outside of Daring’s vagina, leaving me naked now. Traitor! Get back here! “Daring?!” I squealed as I experienced a boobgasm from how rough her cunny was being on my breasts as she kept trying to force me deeper into her body, my ears were pressing into her womb now as she squashed my head to her cervix. “Daring you’re about to unbirth-!” I was interrupted by being plunged into a blinding ocean of pink goo. I gurgled, the air I didn’t need leaving my lungs painfully as my love’s vagina sucked me into her womb of a body. I spun around in fear even though her womb was so nice and warm. I felt...good. Not sex good, but more than before. I bumped into a tiny thing and I reached out, touching it gently. My powers told me immediately I was holding my unborn bundle of 6 foals, all magically protected in some sort of golden suspension lattice that was fed by Daring’s passive magic and nourished by her body even better than if they were in a plain-old uterus. So this is what Celestia, Luna, and Twilight did for her. It was incredible. My body thrummed with power and I hugged the incredibly strong matrix to my nude bust, my magic and very soul acknowledging an achievement in the field of Fertility that I think my Goddess may have sensed and is now ‘scanning’ through me. “Oh Gods, did I just shove her into me?” Daring huffed and her body quaked. “As hot as that is, I don’t know what my body will do to her in there. Hey! Willow! If you can, find the way out! I’m losing size now that I’ve figured out how to stop feeding on Love and I don’t know what we’d do with me preggers with you.” That sounds incredibly hot, but she’s right! I might risk the foals, so I’d better get out of here. I turned around in the general direction I think I entered this wondrous place. I was blind in this opaque reservoir of glowing pink love nectar as I swam away from the magic pseudo-womb only to have my face bump into a springy wall. Wrong-way. I turned around to use my tails to feel along the uterus, only to feel the magic womb pressing against my tummy. W-why did you follow me little ones?! “Oof! I-I felt that! Willow, you’re at the wrong end!” W-what?! Oh...oh shit. “Willow! I’m nearly back to normal!” The magic womb of my unborn foals insistently pressed against my tummy. I panted the nectar with my undead lungs in excitement as it sank through my simulated flesh into my own womb, sending me into convulsions of pleasure. I screamed in rapture despite the shrinking pool of liquid love and soon heard my own voice in chorus with Daring’s until we both panted. I opened my eyes. The world was faintly tinted green. I held up my hand and squeaked at seeing Daring’s hand! “Daring?!” My voice sounded like it was mixed with Daring’s! “Willow?! Are...are you fucking wearing me like Svartr?!” Daring’s demand wasn’t answered as we both felt my suddenly growing womb bulging out Daring’s, I mean our stomach. Our frantic movements to rub ourselves over knocked off the milking cups, sending our volleyball boobs bouncing on our belly. “Did you just surrogate our foals?!” “Sorry! It just happened!” We grabbed our shiny golden belly to rub it as our breasts filled out from my own bosom expanding into hers. The rest of her was filling out as my usual proportions pressed against her like I was wearing a rubber suit. “Oh shit! We’re both pregnant at the same time with the same foals! We’re going to be mommies together!” I gushed in excitement as a little pink tinted my vision while Daring panted and we practically orgasmed together at the thought. “Ah...this is weird,” Svartr commented as she suddenly slipped over Daring and covered us entirely like a proper symbiote. “Mm, but an amazing weird.” Svartr cooed when she took control of Daring and me by extension. She rubbed our growing belly and breasts, panting as we worked ourselves into a frenzy. Daring bloating up again when she lost control of her ability to not absorb Love, but I felt it inside me too! “Yes~! This is so hot!” Svartr declared, forming cocks inside our holes and thrusting into our cunts and asses like when she first awoke. She was even sucking our milk and nectar leaking nipples, her body milking us perfectly. “No~! No more pups~!” I pleaded, not wanting this to get any further out of control. It isn’t everyday you find out you can wear your lover like a rubber suit and share everything. “Yes! Yes, more pups~!” Daring countered, clearly lost in the constant growth, and pleasure with so many of her kinks in play. Thank the universe that Aventurine didn’t pick Daring as her champion. There is no moderation with this mare when she’s in the moment. I groaned and put my/our hoof down with a stomp, making them both stop. “I said no! This is weird enough without having to waddle with an even bigger hyper pregnancy that I have to accelerate!” I roared, already upset that even though this was hot as hell and kinky as all fuck, all three of us being one person and having sex simultaneously, I am not going to add even more work to Cocoa’s plate! At least, not until she’s through her own pregnancy and she has capable assistants to help her keep an eye on our growing legion of precious children. “No~!” Svartr and Daring whined needily, their bodies driving me crazy, but damn it if I have to I will be the sensible one I will! “If you’re going to cum, make it sterile! Or I’ll just absorb it through my ass! Just not in our womb!” I insisted and they whined, but we continued to fuck/masturbate as we grew with Daring’s foals until we all orgasmed and thankfully Svartr listened, cumming into our ass where I could absorb it. After we finished spasming and swelling, we flopped onto our back on the floor as a shiny black panting mess despite the fact none of us needed air. “...We are doing this again, maybe even going into combat like this.” “W-what?!” Daring squeaked with a hint of excitement in her tone. “Oh fuck yeah!” Svartr declared cheerfully. “Daring, didn’t you notice I never used or grew back the wings I got from my dragon transformation?” I was wondering why nobody talked about my lack of wings when I sprouted several of them in my dragon transformation. I suddenly felt irritated, I could’ve flown through the desert if I knew how to use them! Hence why I didn’t. “Uh...no? You being goo, having wings doesn’t make sense.” Daring’s words were fair then, but still, I’m a proud...dragon? Draco-slime? Dragoo? Goowyrm? Whatever, I'm a dragon too! I should’ve learned how to fly instead of just slithering on the ground, but now... “Well, now I don’t have to worry when I’m solid too since I have a pilot.” We sat up and out behind us stretched two enormous wings, black with golden tips as I filled out Daring’s wings with my goo and Svartr compressed them into shape. “We’re cooperating to make a fierce warrior! Not even the Knights of Gwyn could claim such a feat!” Svartr panted and we groaned as our belly surged to term with Daring and I’s sextuplets. “Th-this time I shall join you in the birthing!” Svartr declared as we rubbed our fertile womb lovingly, all three of us one mind, body, and I believe for a short spark of a moment: soul. We cooed, we breathed, we pushed, we squealed. It was far more intimate than any of my birthing sessions prior. As our foals left us and our belly shrunk, we were in rapture. I could hear Daring’s thoughts, Svartr’s thoughts too, they could likely hear mine. Is this the power of my Goddess? She too is one soul but several minds. I could love this sensation. At some point, Sabrina had finished her short vacation in the bathroom and helped us in the birth, swaddling the foals in spare red pajama shirts as they were born. After about an hour, we were finally done. Once we felt some energy return we sat up and looked at the 6 beautiful winged kirin. Two boys, two girls, and two herms. They were so beautiful, their scales were a rainbow and their fur was their mother’s former sandy tan. Our hearts swelled and for a moment, so did our bodies with the pure Love Daring couldn’t avoid siphoning and turning to goo, stretching us out into a ball 6-feet across before she regained control and we sighed happily towards the baffled and awed Sabrina. “Hey, pretty kitty. Still want some milk?” We said together with a teasing smirk. > Ch.29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.29 “Okay, now let's deal with that last fort!” We cheered as We exited our quarters. Daring, Svartr, and I were all still fused together. I solidified myself under Daring’s body, which was wrapped tightly under Svartr like a second, or rather a third skin. Our boobs were still huge basketballs because let’s face it: tits are awesome. Our wings were like those of some old-testament angel. Enormous, elegant, and likely to fill a small room if we spread them out fully. Goddess, We are sexy bitches! “As much as I appreciate your united willingness to get things done. Is it really the best idea for you all to go into combat in what you’ve admitted is something completely new?” Sabrina fretted with worry, even as we towered over her 6-foot form at our lofty 10-foot height packed with muscle like Venom usually is and Svartr giving us oversized teeth at my request. She even whited out our eyes and added the spider emblem stretched over our tits. WE ARE VENOM! “Nonsense! We are a union of a veteran adventurer, a godkin battlemaster, as well as an Undead with bullshit stats! We’ll crush anything in that empty desert under our hooves!” We clopped one of our hooves, a rather interesting sensation for me since I’ve only had feet and paws, into the shrine’s floor which cracked the brick We’d stomped on. I could get used to having hooves actually, the way our vulpine/lupine/equine face looked fierce yet cute was something I greatly appreciated. Fuck I love my lovers! We’re so sexy together! My Goddess’s flames piqued with interest as she seemed to hear our three-toned voice and I looked over at the lordvessel and the silent Firekeeper with concern, but the lordvessel calmed. Oh! We should try something! “I just had some ideas! Daring you can shapeshift a bit now and if I’m goo then for up to twenty feet I could fill out any changes you do and Svartr can armor it! Maybe I could even turn into something like you two and we can all be worn by the same person! Like Sabrina! She could wear us instead of just guiding us!” I thought as I spouted off excited kinky ideas at the others, the last one causing Sabrina to fluff up and purr loudly as her tail flicked about. “Hm, no let's just move on to the mission as we are,” Daring said while looking down at our body and back at our wings. “I don’t think we should experiment too much.” “Agreed, we should be cautious until we become used to working together as one entity,” Svartr added on as we approached the Doom Marines who were all still anthro and had gathered around the portal and were facing it while they chatted. Hey, I just noticed there’s only one portal despite the fact she had portal arches all around her trunk facing away from the Lordvessal. I guess for now Harmonia can only have one open but switch it around. “Hey, are we ready to move out?” “Yeah, we...” Berserker paused as he turned around to blink in surprise since he was eye-level with our rippling muscular lower abdomen. He then slowly followed our body up to our fiendishly grinning face. “Holy shit... that’s, uh, hot.” He complimented with a crooked smile. Maybe he’s not used to tall people? “Thanks, Berserker! I think so too!” I did some flexing poses as I preened and enjoyed how Berserker, Hunter, as well as Visi all appreciated the show. “Okay, enough of that.” Berserker snorted in slight amusement at my antics. “We’re all ready here.” Berserker informed us as Hunter checked to see if his armor was on properly, while Berserker somehow obtained a new glove. “Visilia will be staying here to look after the pups and get to know Cocoa. We’ve also called home to send some people over here so she isn’t stuck doing that later.” “Good. I think we’d feel a little over-prepared if that was the case.” I said playfully as I squeezed our left bicep. Hot damn we’re so Bricc right now! “Alright, so who do you have coming over?” “A platoon of Night Sentinels will remain on standby, while a group of Scinoxes come over here and help care for the little ones.” Berserker said and then went into further detail on what the two groups were. Apparently Visilia is a Night Sentinel since she’s not a Doom Marine, she just tends to use similar equipment when not subscribed to an order of battle in a warzone. They’re generally the Wardens of Tartarus. Scinoxes are their medical scientists specializing in biology, genetics, botany, you name it. However, the real kicker was that Scinoxes are female-only since they are a very special breed of Demon. “Really~?” I purred as Sabrina approached the portal. “Yes.” Berserker nodded but with a dire expression. “Don’t do it. As tempting and appealing as they may look, they’ll cut your dick off before you could fuck ‘em. Their mating rituals are very complex and stringent.” I frowned at him for that. Are they male-haters? Misguided ultra-feminist inverse-nazis? Are they, *GASP* SJW’s?! Naw, SJW’s would never heal anybody. “I see,” I mumbled in consideration as I tried to shove the horror of even thinking of such an outcome in any sane universe. My homeworld doesn’t count, because any Earth in that stage of societal development is just bonkers and dumb. Anyway, with my Vigor and my ability to shapeshift, losing a body part would at best be a temporary inconvenience. Also, Undead so maybe I could manage to-. “No~ Willow.” Daring warned me. In my head?! “Besides, you have me, Cocoa, as well as any number of lovers to sate your urges.” “I won’t, but how are you talking to me in my head? Can you hear this?” I tried to mentally reply while we approached the portal, following Sabrina. “I think it’s me. I already knew telepathy, maybe I’m sharing it with you two?” Svartr suggested and I hummed in otherwise silent agreement. “So the same as usual?” Berserker asked as he looked us over again. “Also, what happened to you girls? I was a bit blown away at how incredible you look right now, but now I’m curious about it.” Now he asks us that question. I’ll take it as a compliment, that our sexy body actually tossed questions like those out the window for a little bit in favor of the fact that it just was. “Well, I: Willow, ended up inside of Daring. She stuffed me into her womb while inflated and then shrunk. I’m wearing her like she’s a rubber bodysuit while she’s wearing Svartr.” I informed them while doing poses and running our hands over our body, but still walking along with the group. “In case you’re wondering; it's pretty damn cool and hot that I have my lover inside of me constantly,” Daring added on with a purr. “It isn’t painful at all, more like I’m in a nice hot bath, only the bath is inside me instead of me being in the bath.” “Oh.” Berserker replied unsurely as the two draco-wolves awkwardly scratched the back of their heads. “Ahem! Let’s wrap things up here.” “Alright let's do this.” I cheered and began to follow Sabrina. We flew over the pool as I fished out my new hammer from our cleavage. The square-headed thing was an absolute behemoth of a weapon. Thank you for the gift demons. “I love my boob space!” “Damn, that’s bigger than Pillar’s own.” Berserker commented with approval. “I pulled it from one of the demons you shoved into me last time,” I informed the brothers as I walked in front of them behind Sabrina, who had already begun the trek into the desert beyond the fort gates. I made sure my long tails were writhing about above our ass so the boys could get a good look at our wide sashaying hips and our huge, round, tight ass. Unf, we’re so fucking hot~! “Is there a Venom movie yet?” Berserker suddenly asked me. “Also, if this is the feminine version of him I think I’d hit that.” I chuckled at that response and used a tail-hand to loudly slap our ass. “Yep! It came out in 2018. I was Displaced in 2019 at E3, but aside from that Venom movie it was still Spider-Man 3.” I sighed in disappointment. I mean, there was so much sexy fanart of a Rule 63 Venom or if Venom had bonded with, say, Gwen Stacy, or Mary Jane. He only got the one movie before I was Displaced and oh did the internet explode with Venom porn, both male and R63. “Damn, well how was it?” Berserker asked in annoyance since he clearly never got to see such a film. “Eh...it was kinda wishy-washy, to be honest. It hit ALL the action so perfectly. Brutal, powerful, creepy, and cool, but it was a bit of a slow burn at the start with Venom and other klyntar literally just being used to make life-saving medicine at the expense of human sacrifices. Of course, Eddie uncovers the conspiracy which took too damn long and-sorry. Not going to rant on it further.” I cut myself off, trying not to go all movie critic on a film that doesn’t even exist here. “Well I was enjoying it.” Hunter suddenly texted which appeared on my neglected data bracer thing that Svartr with help from Daring had hooked into so I could see it through her lenses. “Anything else you would like to ask before we run into trouble?” I questioned while keeping our head on a swivel to check for any demons. “How do you feel about the Old Religion of God?” That was a strange question to ask me: a devout follower of a tangible, very personal Goddess. “You see, Pillar is our oldest brother and he’s the only ‘Christian’ of the group. He still believes in God and Freedom of Religion. Since the Bible tells us that God gave us Free Will, who are we to deny Freedom as a whole? To deny that is to deny God altogether.” My formerly agnostic views aside, that’s interesting. “Well, I’m not against the freedom of religion or anything like that. So I shouldn't have much of a problem.” I commented with a shrug. I mean Aventurine Loves All like the classical Christian God, but a little more literally and less platonically. “Cool. He’s also the one who would like to learn other forms of Religion as well if you would allow it.” Berserker is asking me for permission for his brother to learn local religions? What? “Of course! I wouldn’t have a problem with that, why ask me for permission?” I’m no authority figure in your lives, boys! I may want to bang you so hard you can barely walk, but I’m not some authoritarian bitch who’s going to try and take over your lives! “He’s asking you because as Aventurine’s Champion you’re the one to preach about her religion. Though considering who you worship you’d likely be teaching him in our bed as he plows us.” Daring cooed when she teasingly explained the situation. “Hm, yes. I would gladly help with that.” Svartr purred as she squeezed our left breast hungrily. “That...would be quite an experience for him. He wouldn’t be against it.” Berserker chuckled with genuine amusement. “Good, because it’d be awkward if he was bound to the whole ‘chastity’ bullshit.” I used our tentacle-like tongue to lick our chops as we kept following Sabrina. “Is this fort going to be bigger? The last one had more Demons in it than the other two from before.” Berserker asked our Sand Witch guide. That doesn’t sound good, though it would explain how he managed to collect the second half of all those skulls he needed to complete that task of his. “Yes. It is the first one that was built and has been the main command of this invasion for years.” Sabrina explained grimly with her tail flicking about in agitation. “I wish we had something to contain and lock down the entire place. Make sure none of them try to escape when things aren’t looking up for them. That way, they won’t be able to rebuild and re-arm themselves, learn from this failure and be more prepared.” Berserker mused as I daydreamed of somehow growing massive enough to turn into a cage to cover the fort. Pfft, no way can I get that big! Yes I can. Huh? How? ...Brain! Don’t tease me like this! Brain?! Gah, oh well. “At least the pools are practically indestructible with Harmonia always tending them, so we have huge traps in their bases they can’t Corrupt.” I supplied to assure the beefy wolf-dragon that they wouldn’t be able to recapture the forts. “Alright, that’s something.” Berserker agreed with a shrug. “Let’s finish this fort off and go to Tel’Adre.” I declared with a lusty smirk as I wondered if Urta was in this world. Unf, super sexy herm vixen~! I hope so! “Oh~? This Urta sounds like a really good lay!” Daring mentally replied and I felt a little warm at her so easily viewing the thoughts I’d let drift into my mind. “Okay, I’m willing to be a little more open with our open relationship, so long as I get to tag along!” Yay~! My lover is my wingmare! “Damn straight! We’re going to be sexual legends!” All the booty~! Also all the boys too regardless of booty levels. We’re for gender equality! “All the equality!” Yis! “Stop talking about us getting all the sex or I’m pouncing on these three morsels right here in the sand!” Svartr snarled in our head as I and Daring eye-fucked the other three members of our party, having trailed behind to watch them move. “Oh no! My warrior background is letting me see through their armor! Unf!” Say it with us Svartr! “All the booty~!” “What the fuck?!” (<3) Thankfully we managed to not sex the boys and Sabrina in the sandy dunes and continued our journey through the desert. It was rather boring really, as Sabrina was oddly bristly about this fort and wasn’t up for small talk. Hunter was his usual stoic self and seemed content to enjoy the trek through sand, rock, and sparse brush. Berserker was in a similar mood, though the hot sun beating down on us did seem to have him panting a bit. To be fair to him, he is a wolf-dragon and has a short temper, so his body was naturally inclined to run a bit hot. Anyway, after hours of this monotony, we encountered an anthro sphinx giantess guarding some sort of treasure at the lowest point of a clearly magically preserved valley in the sands. She was nude, displaying her 30-foot tall thicc yet toned body as she defended herself from an attack of numerous Incubi. “Do we help?” Berserker asked rhetorically as he unsheathed his chainsword and used his fancy utility belt to summon a massive broadsword that was clearly a power sword from 40K. However, that clearly wasn’t enough to be a standard-issue power sword, as it was covered in the heraldry of the Dark Angels Astartes Chapter. “Obviously,” I replied with a feral grin and charged at the demons with excitement. This is literally the most exciting thing that’s happened all day aside from the three of us sharing this body nearly grabbing our companions and-oh come on! A Hell Baron just popped out of an unanchored portal and was rushing for the treasure. “Fuckling really? Why Hell? Why are you after that?!” “Oh no, you don’t!” Berserker roared before he leaped into the air and landed right in front of the Hell Baron before it could reach the treasure. “You’ll have to go through me first!” “Is that normal?” I worriedly asked Hunter as Sabrina murmured and danced to cast magic at the group of Incubi that began to rush us. The effects weren’t immediate, but soon they were blinded by a small localized sandstorm. Hunter answered with a nod before casually performing an iaito slash into the unfortunate incubus that stumbled out of the swirling sands. He sheathed it just as quickly moments before the bisected halves of the demon hit the sand. Wow, that was spooky! “Okay, our turn We guess.” We entered the blinding sandstorm, using the weapon arts I for some reason knew instinctively. We began spinning the massive warhammer like it was a feather and started killing the demons with abandon. We growled and huffed as We smashed and broke their bones blindly until the sandstorm finally died down. The remaining Incubi in this group retaliated, but with all the added speed of my Dexterity, We avoided their strikes with an ease that belied our massive size. After crushing our last enemies, We checked in on Hunter as we took flight. He was toying with his victims by deflecting their daggers and swords into one another and oddly enough when he did seem to be hit the attacks appeared to just pass through him. His katana was still clean of blood for a good bit until he was left with the last two who were too wary to rush him. He dealt with them promptly by stabbing precisely through their hearts and wiped the blood off his blade before sheathing it. “Join us!” An Incubus shouted at us when We landed. He tried to Corrupt us by smacking us in the knee with his cock and spraying us with his sizzling unholy pre-cum. We gave him a flat look before We opened our fang-filled maw and lunged down at him, engulfing his head instantly and we began swallowing him whole. He screamed and struggled to break free as We bit and swallowed. The visceral act caused the other incubi to back away with one popping a boner at our display of vore. I moaned when We got him into our belly and I belched loudly. “Willow! What did you just make me...oh gods, I think I’m going to-hrk!” Daring whined before I stopped her from hurling, an easy task since she was full of me and now I had a dissolving demon as we patted our squirming shiny liquid-black belly that was jostling our huge jugs. “If we throw up he’s just another opponent to face again and It scared the other demons. This is also how we make Purifier pools.” I explained as our belly struggled and I followed up by swinging my hammer into an Incubus’s head as the rest scattered in fear from us. Well, except for the one who just presented himself to us. I sniffed towards him and then scooped him into our cleavage. He’s easily the least Corrupt of all these demons, I’ll try to purify him later. “Besides, one of them liked Vore and surrendered as you just saw.” We turned to where Berserker was to see he’d sliced off the Hell Baron’s arms and legs leaving it defenceless. He sheathed the two swords on his back’s magnetic holster and then punched his right fist into its chest, ripping its heart out. Then he began to eat it. Eh, I’m no better, I’m dissolving the whole body. I wonder why he’s doing that though. We rubbed our tummy as it shrunk a bit and gurgled while less powerful hellspawn began rushing out of the portal. “Ugh...I don’t want to. Last time was bad enough on my poor body.” I can feel the Hell Baron’s soul energy already burning whatever passed for my ‘stomach’ of sorts for soul energy. I wish I knew how to not absorb nearby soul energy right now. Of course, the instant Berserker saw them he flew into a suitably fitting berserk rage. With a chainsword in one hand and a power sword in another, he flung himself into the melee of-urk! Oh~ my poor soul-tummy~! It burns~! Oof, the sight of him brutally slaughtering the demons as they desperately tried to harm him only slightly made up for the ‘indigestion’ their soul energy was giving me. “Are you okay Willow?” No Daring I’m not… Eugh Goddess why does it burn? Ugh, as for who’s guarding the chest now with Berserker waist-deep in an abattoir of his own making and me wishing I could barf soul energy right now, both Hunter and Sabrina thankfully had it covered. During the confrontation, the Incubi were trying to sneak away with the treasure chest not wanting to fight anymore. Of course, they forgot about the other two and in their error, paid for it with their lives. Maybe I should pay more attention. Then again I’m not doing so good... “Okay. Is that every-urk-one?” I groaned as I sat down in the sand and then flopped onto our shared back and wings. There were a lot of bodies left by the brutal skirmish, the blood and guts covered the sands and painted it red. An absolute field of carnage, one that would make any sane person sick to their stomachs. It didn’t help that I already was for another reason as the hell portal snapped shut before Berserker could charge through it. Well, at least this is over with. Ugh...my poor insides… > Ch.30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.30 “Oh~ I think I’m really going to throw up.” Daring groaned in disgust, rubbing our shrinking belly as we laid in the cleanest patch of sand. “First I ate a sentient being, now Willow’s feeling sick too.” Daring huffed as she ran our hands over our tummy. “Are you okay?” Berserker asked through panting breaths as he approached us. He had snapped back out of his rage surprisingly fast. “You don’t look hurt.” “Daring wants to throw up right now.” I groaned and rubbed our nearly flat tummy, the mix having moved to our breasts where I absorbed slime from to make room for. “I also feel sick, because hell demon soul energy burns like heartburn and nausea.” I explained to the Doom Marine, who reached down and helped us to our hooves, keeping an arm wrapped around our hips to help support us as We approached the Sphinx. “Ouch. Can’t you just, I don’t know, digest or expel their souls?” Berserker’s question was a logical one, but I just shook our head in resignation that I’d have to suffer the burn for a while. “Wow that sucks. I bet it’s also your first time seeing something like this Daring?” “I was an adventurer and archaeologist.” Daring huffed indignantly. “Violence was an occasional job hazard, but usually avoidable.” “Don’t tell me you haven’t killed along the way to survive?” Berserker asked her. “I have, but not like this.” Daring mumbled in discomfort. “Well you better get used to it. This is more than just an adventure, it’s pure survival.” Berserker coldly stated, which I could understand because there is no sugar-coating death. Unless you’re immortal and death is just another part of your life, but even then it still sucks. I speak from experience there. Experience I would much rather forget thank you brain! “So who are you supposed to be?” Berserker asked the Sphinx when we were near her. “Briallia.” She told us as she stood up, the 30 foot thicc and fit giantess looking down on us from her lofty height. “I’m guarding a stash of weapons from the old army.” “So of course everyone is going to try and take them.” Berserker sighed and I suddenly remembered a similar raid happening on the Iron Keep in the Far North. I hope they’ve managed to hold off the hordes of Hell like Daring insisted they’ve managed to so far. At least I already brought this up before so at least someone besides the two of us know about it. “They have been. I’ve defended myself for a long time now, but that was the biggest group yet and then the Baron?! What is in that chest?” Briallia sighed despondently over her lot in life. “Clearly something everyone wants.” Berserker looked at the chest warily. “Especially since it’s weaponry. They are in the middle of nowhere too.” We answered in full agreement. This symbiosis is kinda confusing, I hope we iron it out some more. “As for this ‘Old Army’, who were they?” Berserker questioned as Hunter and Sabrina dragged the chest back to the floor of the sandy valley from where the incubi had managed to haul it. “The Desert Sorceresses.” Briallia’s answer caused me to shiver from the thoughts of those pyromancies getting out. “Their order died out but was replaced in spirit by the Sand Witches.” This made Sabrina’s ears perk in interest. “Were they good or bad?” Berserker grilled further-hey~! I pouted in realization that Berserker seemed to be hijacking my role as party leader. Then again I am fairly irresponsible… “Kinda neutral. They ruled a desert land not too far from this spot before the end of the Second Era. They were famous for their command of fire and how they could glass whole areas of their land to stop invading armies.” Briallia thankfully answered as she looked around for enemies. “Was that their magic alone or did they create weapons to do so?” Berserker’s continued questions had me seriously questioning if I ever was the leader since he showed up. “Just their Pyromancy. The weapons they would make only made the magic more powerful.” Briallia answered as she sat down in the sand with her legs crossing Indian style. Berserker looked towards the chest where Hunter and Sabrina were still guarding it. “Can we have these weapons so the enemy can’t get them?” “Well now, someone actually asked! Yes, but only if you answer my riddles.” Briallia replied with a snap of her fingers which summoned a red shield spell over the chest. “Why couldn’t you have done that during the fight?” Berserker huffed in annoyance until Hunter elbowed him in the side. “What? It’s a good question.” “You try to use formulaic magic when they dig under you and try shoving a dick in your butt covered in sand while you’re napping.” Briallia huffed indignantly. “Also, I was using all of my mana just to fend them off. If it’s about ten or less I can shield it, more than that and it gets harder. They learned that a year ago and have been sending bigger groups. It doesn’t help that with each encounter I become more Corrupted. Now then, let us begin.” Briallia seemed to become even more enormous without getting bigger somehow and the sky went dark. “A man walking along a railroad track sees a train thundering at high speed towards him. Instead of immediately jumping off the track, he charges directly at the train for about ten feet and only then gets off the track. Why?” “Um, was he on a bridge?” I asked before getting hissed at by the giantess. “No hints.” Briallia growled in clear offence at the thought. “Sorry.” I whined as Hunter typed away at his pad and aimed it up at the giantess so she could read it. “He was in a tunnel, so he had to run before the train blocked him off. Train bridges have space to the side for such a situation usually, so he couldn’t have been on a bridge.” He wrote up and shared his answer to the Sphinx. “That is...Correct. Next Riddle.” Briallia used one of her hands to rub her lap and she began to purr. Was she...was she getting off on having the question answered right? “As a whole, I am both safe and secure. Behead me and I become a place of meeting. Behead me again and I am the partner of ready. Restore me and I become the domain of beasts. What am I?” “I’ve got nothing.” I huffed. I’m a doer, not a thinker. “I’m stumped.” Sabrina sighed. “A Stable.” Daring said. “Unf~...yes. Correct.” Briallia groped her left breast, sighing as she rubbed her groin into the sand. Oh shit, she is getting off on this! “A Mother and Father have four daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?” Briallia bit her lip as a bulge started rising from her clenched thighs to reveal a spiny feline cock which she began teasing with her hand. Holy fuck that is huge! It’s easily as big as Sabrina’s whole body! “You’d think, being a breeder, this kind of thing would make sense to me.” I huffed, still not seeing the answer. I seriously need to invest in Intelligence. “There's only one son. The family numbers 7.” Sabrina easily answered. “Yes~!” Briallia cheered as she grabbed her throbbing mast of meat with both hands. She gave herself a few quick jerks and she groaned as her cum gushed into her hand, having had the courtesy to at least shield us from her impressive cumshot. After she finished her climax she sighed happily in the afterglow as the shield spell vanished. “Oh~ it’s been so long since anyone has been intelligent enough to properly stimulate me.” “Well that’s...an odd fetish. Not that I’m going to throw stones.” I scratched my head as I shuddered from the smell of her semen in the sand and wanted that pole in me. I think if I went to full size I might be able to fit it in. “Really? It’s so huge!” Daring declared in astonishment at the very idea. We could. “Not you too Svartr!” Daring whined in disagreement. “Um, that wasn’t me…” Svartr’s words were concerning, but whatever, I know for sure I could use my slime body to get that six-foot tall mass of masculine meat into me!  “So what are you going to do now that we’ve claimed the treasure?” Berserker questioned curiously which piqued my own interest in the subject. “Follow you? I can make shields to hold against anything if I’m not being directly attacked by too many at once.” Briallia informed us factually. “YES! Sphinx babies!” I cheered. “How are your people’s populations?” I blurted out before Daring could cover my mouth. “Population? Oh! No, Sphinxes are not natural creatures. We’re flesh golems infused with spirits and given a task. My task is done though, so I guess I’m free to do what I want with my mistresses no longer able to give me new ones.” Briallia’s words worried me greatly. “You can feel free to follow us to the last fort. Willow can help you with that lust.” Berserker said, pointing my way. “She’s creating Purifier Pools to help those that can be saved.” “While the physical changes will stay, you will be purified,” I told her as I stared at her shrinking pole with interest. I really want that in me! I want that spiky thing in me! Hunter opened the chest while I was distracted with the nude giantess’ body. He brought out two gunsen war-fans and what looked like a staff. The last item to come out was a longbow covered in pyromancy stones. If these were reverse-engineered… “Hm, not bad.” Berserker commented. “Although not my sort of weapons and that’s only because I don’t know how to use them.” “It’s not like they would have had guns.” I chuckled at him as I took the bow. “So we keep them?” I put my fingers on the drawstring and instinctively knew how to use it like with the guns and other weapons I’d picked up. Pfft, Undead might as well all be Gandalfr. “Only if you know how to channel their fire. They’re Pyromancy weapons, right? Do you know how to conjure up fire?” Berserker rhetorically asked, because he clearly already knew my answer. “No, not really?” I sheepishly said as Daring rolled our eyes, unseen since they were whited-out. “What are your stats?” Berserker asked as he picked up the staff and had a look at it. “Soul Level 96: 1,763,636 Soul Units Spent. 40 Strength, 40 Dexterity, 29 Vigor, 26 Endurance, the rest: 10. I’ve been meaning to level up my intelligence.” I chuckled sheepishly. “Focus on that along with your Vigor and Endurance.” Berserker told me before the staff he was holding caught fire. At least the head of it lit up on fire. That made me blink in even more confusion. As for Berserker, he looked at the fire in a...conflicting manner? “...Dammit.” “What?” I asked as we stowed the other weapons on our persons. Into tit-space with you bow. I might never have a use for you, but infinite storage calls to my hoarding gamer ways! “I’m not one to use magic. It shouldn’t even be possible for me.” Berserker huffed as the fire died out and he stowed it in his fancy utility belt. “Tell me, have any of you heard of an artifact called The Alicorn Amulet?” “Oh yes. It’s one of the most dangerous artefacts in Equestria. Princess Twilight had to duel a unicorn possessed by it and won with guile rather than power.” Daring told him as we all started walking again. Briallia had joined us and was chatting up ahead with Sabrina as she led us onward, the giantess letting Sabrina sit on her left shoulder. Now we have a guide and a lookout! “Let’s just say that back home I did something that could’ve ended my life. I destroyed the amulet. The power within it was immense, it could put you on equal grounds with an Alicorn, but the drawback is that it corrupts the wearer’s mind. So I thought to myself, instead of just hiding the damn thing it should be destroyed before someone who knows their shit gets their hands on it.” Berserker informed us, which seemed to be a bit of a tangent considering-ah. “That led to you getting magic.” I connected the dots before slowing down at the sight of Briallia getting on her hands and knees, crawling towards a dune ahead with Sabrina on top of her head. Briallia is an optional futa? Good Goddess this is a sexy sight! “That was incredibly stupid.” Daring told him as she too ogled the thicc booty being presented by the giantess trying not to be seen by what must be the fort over the next dune. “I agree.” Svartr said with a shake of our head. “Yes. When I tried to crush it the amulet tried to resist. It made enticing promises and used raw magical force to stop me, but when it became obvious I wasn’t going to let it go, it decided to use me as it’s catalyst even though I wasn’t wearing it. Damn cheating little...” Berserker sighed before continuing on. “Thankfully I was strong already or my body would’ve exploded with all that raw power suddenly being crammed into me. However, despite all that I’m still no mage.” “Well hopefully you can put a magic staff to work.” I chuckled lightly as we got closer to Briallia’s sexy presented booty. “So what’s the verdict Sabrina?!” I called up to her where she was still perched on Briallia’s head between her ears. Briallia helped Sabrina down and she laid down in the sand behind the dune properly. “It’s much more secure than I remember. The walls are easily twice the size in width and length over the previous three forts. It is also situated against a shallow cliff with a smaller tower atop the cliff. The only reason we haven’t been spotted already is because Bree is hiding her huge ass behind the dune.” Sabrina declared playfully with a pat of Briallia’s thigh. “Hey~...I’m not fat…” Briallia was blushing heavily and squirming self-consciously. “So there’s no point in bothering to be sneaky about it.” Berserker stated sensibly as he crawled up the dune, the rest of us following aside from Briallia who slowly edged up against the roughly 15 foot tall dune of sand. “Yeah, they’ve got their angles covered. We’d be best off blitzing it.” “Well then we’d best-.” The rest of my sentence was interrupted by an arrow being caught by Hunter mere inches from my face, sending me almost falling backward if my tails didn’t keep me upright. Fuck! Considering the angle of it I think...no, Svartr thinks, it came from the lookout tower. Holy shit that is scarily accurate at that distance! But why fire a measly arrow though? The other forts had catapults and ballista. Hunter examined the arrow before he looked directly at the lookout tower, telling me Svartr was right. He unsheathed two of his katana and held them pommel to pommel. The swords transformed into a massive longbow in a shimmer of light, but before he could return fire a whole volley of arrows began hailing upon us with impressive accuracy. Sabrina covered us with a dome of sand as Hunter took the arrow that was fired at me and glared his lupine eyes at it. The moment the hail of arrows stopped pelting the dome Sabrina dropped it with some exhaustion and the moment she did Hunter notched the enemy’s arrow and fired it back, signing something to Berserker. “Shit! That was a target arrow!” At Berserker’s translation we all looked at the arrows the enemy had pelted Sabrina’s shield with. Several of them like the first had red fletching unlike the dull brown of the others. “Charge!” Berserker declared and we leaped over the dune to run for the fort as arrows, ballista spears, and even rocks launched at where we’d just been hiding behind the dune. > Ch.31 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.31 We had to weave and duck behind the rolling dunes in our mad dash towards the fort. Bree had it the hardest since she was such a big target, but her magic shields kept her safe between sprints to the next dune. It seemed to take forever to near the walls of the fort with them endlessly bombarding us, but eventually we had managed to muster at the gates. “Let's kill these bastards!” I snarled as I pulled my Square Hammer out of our cleavage and rushed at the door. We let Svartr take some of the arrows in her stone-tough hide, Daring and I felt the impact but Svartr winced at the painful sensation. Now even angrier, We used our shared strength to try to bash the door down. Despite our super strength the massive iron gate just rang like a gong. “Damn it! Bree! You’re a giantess! Knock this in!” “I’ll try!” Briallia yelped as she shielded herself from a launched boulder. “Hi-yah~!” Bree made the cutest noise as she tried to kick in the door. Note the word is ‘tried’ because while she had dented the gates, they still held against her giant-scale might. “Ow~!” Sorry Bree! “Get back! Hunter has breaching charges!” Berserker shouted at us when he joined us, so we went with him to hide against the wall and away from the door while Hunter placed explosives on the bottom hinges and the center of the gate. The moment he was finished, Hunter dashed to us and thumbed the trigger on a detonator. The blast was deafening, both the explosion itself as well as the resounding humming gong of solid iron being blasted and then toppling over. You know, Hunter doesn’t really seem to be a Samurai. He really seems to have the quirks of a Shinobi. I wonder what else he has hidden underneath all of that armor? Well, besides the obvious~. “Is everyone okay?” Hunter held up his datapad for us currently deaf people. I think I responded in the positive, but I couldn’t hear it through all the ringing! Owie my poor super-hearing ears~! Our hearing aside anyway, we seemed to all be just fine, so we nodded to Hunter and followed him into the gatehouse. It was about now that some hearing returned to me in time to hear the demons above us. “Drown them in cum!” The demon leader on the top of the gatehouse yelled as they started dumping the steaming-hot white spooge on us from the grates overhead. Just when I was thinking about Hunter’s dick too. Svartr groaned and snarled as she pushed us through the musky gatehouse to the portcullis which we smashed open with a savage swing of our hammer. “For fuck’s sake.” Berserker grumbled in disgust as he wiped the cum off of himself. “I know I can’t get affected by the Corruption anymore, but it doesn’t make it any less gross.” “I know, sure I like sex but this is not my type of fun.” I growled before I crushed a succubus. “I’d much rather be bathing in it!” Like a hot sex sauna~! All we can drink too~! Oh~ I can’t stop fantasizing now, of it being Spike’s, Cadance’s, Shining’s, Hunter’s and Berserker’s cum somehow~! “Alright, you fuckers need to die. All of you!” Berserker roared and prepared his Chainsword and Power Sword. The clearly more intelligent ones all looked fearful of the chainsword. “Oh, so you lot know of the Warp?” “The Warp has been bleeding into this world for centuries.” Daring commented through our lusty panting. “Slaanesh wants to control them and-fuck~...” Daring licked up some of the cum on our tits and groaned as We leaned weakly against our hammer. “It’s so thick and spicy…” I know Daring, but-oh~-k-keep it together mare! “What about Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle?” Berserker asked idly as he ignored a spell a succubus threw at him, the pink orb proving ineffective. “Khorne butchers, Tzeentch manipulates everything and Nurgle spreads diseases. You have to worry about them too. Not just that stupid bitch.” “We worry about them all, but in our world it’s Slaanesh who poses the greatest threat. I mean; Nurgle is a supernatural garbage bag, Khorne is a paraplegic sociopath and Tzeentch is an indecisive mollusk. Compared to Slaanesh who barely has to do anything to pervert everything they actually have their work cut out for them.” Daring managed to rant before a succubus growled and launched a spell at us. We were too addled with lust to move, but thankfully Berserker jumped in front of us and blocked the attack. “Please, don’t shoot at my woman like that. It’s insulting.” Our body practically sang with pleasure at how he called us ‘His Woman’ and was followed with a simmering carnal hunger for him as he leaped into the fray, spraying blood with each swing of his mismatched swords. “Oh Goddess I want to bang him so bad right now~...” I panted and dodged an enemy since the three of us clearly had our lust meter full and we could barely evade let alone fight properly. Thankfully Hunter and Sabrina realized this and protected us as best they could. Bree meanwhile was using her size to pull enemies from the ramparts. Thankfully this place didn’t seem to have a giantess like the first fort or we might’ve been in trouble considering how many demons there were here. “Oh he’s so hawt~!” I wailed at seeing Berserker standing atop a pile of demon corpses, slathered in blood and looking absolutely feral with how brutally he slaughtered them. “Save it for when we get back to your place.” Berserker huffed in a self-satisfied way as he descended the pile of dead demons. “Now we finish things up here and plan the next trip for Sabrina’s home.” Berserker said to me as I approached him, shrinking down to be eye-level with him as he reached the sandy ground and pressed against his bloody body to kiss him passionately. “Mm, hey, I’m all gross and dirty. There’s also more demons to kill.” I growled as We looked behind us at the ongoing melee the others were still involved in while our core ached with need for this glorious badass who called us his woman. “Th-they look like they’ve got it covered.” I snarled needily, but Berserker gently pushed us away and We whimpered. “You’re not right in the head right now. Just watch for a moment.” Berserker firmly insisted and We squirmed with need but turned around to do as he said. Hunter was using all four of his katanas at once with the two not in his hands being controlled remotely with a sort of wind magic or something. He carved his way through his section of the horde of Demons like they were wheat. It wasn’t anything flashy or over the top like they show in anime. It was straight up no nonsense, practical combat with a bit of magic thrown in. Meanwhile Sabrina and Briallia were working together. Bree was using her shields to cover her skin like lewd transparent armor and corralled the demons from the ramparts into the reach of Sabrina’s brutal storm of glass blades, shredding the hopelessly outclassed minions into a gory puree. Holy shit I just realized Sabrina is like the lovechild of Gara and Inaros from Warframe! My innappropriatly lewd thoughts of the quad-tittied kitty were interrupted by the huge door in the massive barracks building that seemed to be carved into the cliff being rammed open. “Omnibus!” Sabrina yelled out as the 30 foot purple giantess stomped out of the barracks, dressed in nothing but a loincloth like a barbarian. Damn it, I jinxed it when I thought there was no giantess here! “Die pest!” She roared as she moved to kill me with the massive 14 foot long slab of a sword she had to swing with both hands. I clenched my eyes shut with shame at having brought Daring with us only for a massive metallic clang to come instead of agony. I opened my eyes and fell to our bubble butt in relief at the sight of Bree having caught the blow with her magically armored body. Bree wrestled against what had to be a copy of the Fume Ultra-Greatsword with her magic-shielded hands while the omnibus tried to press it forward. “Overcompensating for something?!” Berserker teased the Omnibus, making me giggle a little bit in the adrenaline high near-death tends to cause. Beneath the relief however I was concerned that she might be swinging around what I really hope isn’t the real deal. “Grah!” The busty purple herm roared as she swung at Bree, our own giantess barely deflecting the mass of metal aside as she dodged and delivered a cringe-inducing kick into her balls. There was a shared teeth-clenched hiss from me, Berserker, and Hunter as the dual-sexed woman keened silently in agony, but she wasn’t given time to recover because Bree decided to deliver a fierce haymaker into the omnibus’ jaw, sending her sprawling on the sand. “I got her!” Briaillia cheered happily, the busty thicc giantess doing a little bounce in joy. “Hell yeah you did…” Berserker muttered as he rubbed over his groin in empathic pain like most males and females would feel at seeing someone just get viciously assaulted at their most sensitive spot. “Well, good job everyone. Now it’s my turn.” I groaned and went full goo inside of Daring, increasing in size until we were at my maximum 20 foot height. “D-do we have to?” Daring questioned queasily, still disgusted even as I prepared our maw for the thirty-foot tall woman. “Yes, especially since none of us feel like separating.” I answered, getting sensations from the other two in agreement that despite the grisly task, they both didn’t want to stop sharing a body right now. I then began the task of stretching our jaws over the demon giantess’ head and began swallowing her whole, our belly already swelling massively as I crammed her giant tits into our throat. “Eugh she tastes like stale sweat and dust!” Daring gagged as I gulped the woman down while the Doom Marines started bringing me bodies to devour once I was done with the big girl and we were sporting a shiny black belly the size of a septuplet pregnancy at our size. Hey, Svartr isn’t forced to become pasties or something! Nice to see she has enough mass for this now. “Likely because she had an adrenaline fueled fight just before.” I told her as I rubbed our massive sides while my slime digested the thankfully unconscious giantess. “I already have almost enough as it stands, but I’ll need some of the rest for later.” Hunter went over to Berserker as I grabbed a few nearby corpses and swallowed them down. They both took out their canteens, the same one that Sabrina filled up with her milk if I remember correctly. Before they could take a drink though, an imp leaped out of a nearby pile of bodies only for Berserker to grab the tiny fool and incinerate him as he took a long drink of kitty milk. “Looks like you can control fire just fine, unf.” Briallia huffed as she rubbed her puffy pussy, her clit emerging a bit to reveal that her clitorous was just the glans of her cat cock. “Yeah but I can’t conjure up fireballs. Those tend to burn just as bright and hot as the sun itself, not to mention it can get out of control like that Forbidden Sun spell. That’s why I don’t use it that much. too much can go wrong with it and I’d rather avoid it.” Berserker replied and I would’ve been incredulous at the claim of being as hot as the sun, but I remember there were huge scientific endeavors that involved generating an instance of heat hotter than the sun. “Fair.” Bree huffed as she panted and whined when she began to succumb to the Corruption they dumped on us in the gatehouse. “So horny~!” “Don’t worry Briallia. I’m about to make a Purification Pool.” I huffed out before Svartr finally pulled away from Daring and I, leaving us in our current golden and shiny 20-foot bubble of digesting and churning corruption, soul energy and other liquids. Oh fuck~ Daring is getting off to this, but she’s also disgusted and it’s confusing my libido~. “I’m going to see if there’s any more of my former kin to feast on!” Svartr declared cheerily as she rubbed her toned abs and the 8-foot tall shiny black wolf amazon bounced towards the barracks giddily. Sabrina was making the pool for my work as the boys moved the remaining bodies to the side for maybe another time. “Oh~! Willow. I think I’m going to be sick. Ponies don’t eat meat in such high quantities...” Daring groaned queasily and I rolled my eyes. “Daring, I’m the one doing the eating.” I had to remind my lover, who whined. “With my tongue!” Daring’s counter argument made some sense, but… “Oh come on babe, you’re loving this!” I could practically feel her cunt clenching inside of mine. “Being fucking huge and full, yes. Not from how we did it.” Daring huffed in annoyance. “Oh! Willow, when we get back to your place; fair warning. Runner might attack you. He knows that you described me that way and he blew his top back home. Hopefully it won’t be anything too extreme. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is him throwing a kunai or two at you and that’s it. It’s his way of warning people not to mistreat any of us.” Berserker brought up out of the blue, but even so I appreciate it. “Not like I meant to call you anything mean.” I sighed as our body gurgled and our breasts swelled further. Good Goddess I wish he would climb up our lower hemisphere to our pussy and-. “Hopefully he’s still drunk. He also knows that he’s an uncle and as soon as he heard that, he went around the entire castle to tell everyone about the news and binged. That’s his way of celebrating.” Berserker’s addendum sounds preferable to him throwing knives at me. “Yeah, hopefully he’s drunk.” I sighed from our body shrank slightly from the excess getting absorbed by me and our breasts surged forth, resting on the ground with our nipples hanging over the edge of the pool Sabrina had made. “Oh, by the way, nice milk Sabrina.” Berserker commented to our guide, who had just climbed out of our cleavage with the materials for the pool and bonfire. Wait, when did she climb in there? We must’ve been distracted by Berserker. “Thank you.” Sabrina said with a bow and a blush. “It’s my duty to provide, so if you want more~.” She purred. Wait, she wasn’t this provocative last time. Then again, last time she wasn’t invited to join a polyamorous relationship. “Well…” He tipped the canteen upside down to show that he drank the whole thing. The desert must’ve really left him dry. “I think I need a refill, please.” “Okay~.” Sabrina purred as she approached Berserker and Hunter who had perked up and presented his canteen too. She lowered the top of her robes to show off one of her boobs this time. Both of the boys blushed as Berserker held up the canteen to her. She purred and grabbed his other hand, bringing it to her E-cup tit as she aimed her nipple to the Canteen. I didn’t think Berserker’s face could become even more red as he pinched and tugged on her nipple, being rewarded with her milk squirting into the canteen. “Oh~ yes. You get, unf, a feel this once~.” As Sabrina unexpectedly gave in to her lust, we panted and groaned as I started Daring and I’s own milking. Our nipples flooded to pool with the ingredients and sparked the bonfire. Once the canteen was full Berserker let go of her breast and took a sip. He was still red in the face before handing it to Hunter, who was using his wings to shield his eyes from the process. The surprisingly shy warrior accepted the canteen and drank from it after he handed Berserker his empty one. “So shy~.” Sabrina cooed and approached the quiet and usually stoic male. “Come now. Help yourself~...” Sabrina swapped for her other top breast and shook the empty canteen teasingly only for Berserker to gently nudge her away and do the milking again. “Aw~ spoilsport!” Sabrina tittered after he finished filling the canteen and she playfully swatted his arm before she came to us and nuzzled our right breast. Wow, she’s caved to the Corruption that was dumped on us hard. “It’s not something I thought I would have done.” Berserker replied nervously, taking another sip. “Probably those rare moments I’d cherish.” “Finished.” I groaned once Daring and I shrunk back down to our usual size and Harmonia grew a tree. “Oh Goddess I wanna fuck~...” I shuddered, Daring overwhelmed by this point and could barely even think, so I managed to force us to crawl past the giggling and grabby Sabrina and into the pool. “Ah...hah...oh~...Daring?” “B-babe...holy shit...how are you not insane?” Daring gasped out as we floated on the surface of the pool. “I’m the Corrupted Undead Daring. I’m basically fated to be immune to the worst of it.” I dove under the water and emerged with a mane-flip. “Ah~, now you have to get in the pool!” I could only thank my Goddess that the 30 foot Sphinx and the lust-drunk sand sorceress were enticed enough by the water that I didn’t even have to climb out to get them into the pool.“You guys want a dip?” I asked the brothers as Bree curiously waded to the center island. “Hm, sure.” Berserker nodded as he walked into the pool after putting the canteen back in his hi-tech utility belt. Once in he laid back and floated about with a content sigh. Hunter outright dove in and swam underwater for a bit. “So, should we relax for a bit back at the Shrine? Or head straight to Tel’Adre?” I asked as I rubbed the cool refreshing water into Daring’s smooth rubbery flesh, making us even shinier. “Tel’Adre. They have waited for a miracle long enough. As well as Sabrina’s people.” Berserker answered with Hunter nodding his head in agreement when he emerged from the water. Can Hunter hear through water? “You need to end their suffering.” “Okay. I was mostly asking for a rest for Daring’s sake.” I replied and patted our abs for emphasis. “I can handle it.” Daring huffed indignantly. “You almost threw up. Several times.” I reminded her as Svartr jumped into the pool, bigger again now with beach-ball tits and 10-feet tall as the usual frantic parade of prisoners ran for the pool and then the portal. Hot shit, if I didn’t have my own Tit-space I’d never be able to wear her at any shorter sizes. But holy hell does the liquid-black wolfess look like muscular sex on legs~! She moves as if she was born this way. “That begs the question, how are you two going to split from each other?” Berserker asked. “Unsure, but who says we want to?” Daring chuckled as she rubbed our E-cup breasts once Svartr molded over us and I felt my dick press the inside of her body. “Gah, I can’t get a boner.” I growled as it made a bulge in her lower belly rather than making a cock. Again my Goddess’ flames took an interest, flaring in our direction. “I would. It would be too weird for me to share a body with someone.” Berserker commented. “But it’s so sexy to us~.” Daring and Svartr purred as I panted under them both. “You’re not helping Willow.” Berserker pointed out disapprovingly. “Huh, oh crap Willow!” The two cried out as they noticed my straining boner and stopped playing with ourselves. “I think I need to grow a cock or something if this is going to work,” Daring whined. “Shapeshifter you dunce. Grow one.” I whined. “R-right.” Daring nervously replied before green flames covered her groin and my cock pushed through another one as Svartr wrapped around it, showing off an equine cock with a massive knot at the base. “Oh~, that feels weird~. Weirdly Good~!” “Okay, just keep that out for now.” I grunted, feeling some relief from the strain. “Sorry about the scare Berserker.” I huffed and rubbed our shiny black cock before letting it retract once I calmed down. “And I’m unsure if I do, but I will if you want me by myself when we have fun.” “Don’t like us, Berserker?” Svartr and Daring asked with a flutter of our eyes since we weren’t She-Venom right now and just a black latex version of my default. Wait, why is Daring-right she’s the layer of rubber over me and I’m in my default shape. “It’s not that I don’t like you. It’s some of the things you do that I don’t like, especially if it gets Willow into trouble. That’s going to end up dragging the rest of you along with her. So please, for the love of God, show some restraint.” Berserker answered with a stressful sigh. “We will, we’re mostly testing this out.” We all sighed. “I can’t stop you from doing these things, but I want you to be more careful. Alright?” Okay, what are you, our dad? Geez Berserker relax. “Okay.” We sighed once more, somewhat annoyed but understanding he cared. “Think we should move out, now?” Berserker asked as he stood up and walked out of the pool. “Yeah. Hey Briallia, you can go to the shrine through that portal, ask Twilight if you want to know where my room is since I know it’s big enough for giantesses.” I chuckled at her as I swam to the edge of the pool. “Thank you! Now, um, it is a little small…” Bree blushed but got on her knees and squeezed through the portal to the shrine, giving us yet another delicious booty shot as she left. “At last. It is time to head to Tel’Adre.” Sabrina smiled as we all got out of the pool. We quickly stuffed the remaining demon corpses into my tit-space, filled our canteens with the pure water, and left the fortress turned oasis. “While we’re at Tel’Adre we might as well do some work to help them and earn some trust too. The sooner we can get them to let us make a purification pool within the city, the better.” “Huh, sounds like an average adventure to me!” Daring cheered with a twitch of our massive fennec ears. “Huh? Willow!” Not sorry~! > Ch.32 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.32 Walking for a few days behind Sabrina’s steady guidance led us to the city of Tel’Adre. It was massive! The walls were easily twice the height of the forts! There were tall stone towers with eight distinct ones along the walls that had faint beacons of sorts in them. We caught sight of it hours ago and Sabrina was answering questions about it in the last stretch. The eight towers are apparently at the four Cardinal and four InterCardinal directions of the compass rose. They had special magic woven into the beacons that acted as a magic barrier against sandstorms, high winds, and most importantly: Corruption. They were all tied to the glass-topped tower in the dead center of the city, which, itself, was Tel’Adre. The city simply shared the name. Tel'Adre’s construction was distinctly Arabian in it’s smooth plastered stone but lacked much of the beautiful carvings and other minute details that made middle-eastern architecture so eye-catching. When I asked about that, Daring was more helpful in informing us that Tel’Adre was a Fortress City first and foremost, and a proper place to live second. Further conversation stopped as we approached the East Gate. There we were greeted by a brown Centaur mare that had the upper body of an anthro horse with a normal horse below that and a grey vixen anthro whom I knew was Urta. Both wore heavy plate armor. “Halt! State your names and business!” The vixen snarled as they pointed their spears at us when we were within reasonable speaking distance. “Urta. It’s me, Sabrina. My fellows and I have wiped out the local demon threat. They’ve even set up springs of mystical water to purify people in their old fortresses.” Sabrina explained with her hands up in surrender, her ears pinned back and looking hurt. Does Sabrina know her? “Edryn, scan them.” Urta sighed as the centaur walked up with a crystal in hand. The horse scanned Sabrina and got nothing. With me it flickered a little bit. With Berserker the crystal burst into flames and both guards aimed their spears at him. “They are friendly!” Sabrina hissed and got between them and Berserker as I tensed up in preparation for a fight. “They have great power but they are not Corrupt!” “Why did the damn thing pop?” Berserker asked Sabrina uneasily as he eyed the sizzling remains of the crystal. “Most likely for whatever powers you have. You know, the whole demon changing thing. Look you two they hate Hell and lust demons. They’re not here to kill you or fuck you stupid.” I groaned in annoyance. If anything I’m the one most likely to do the second thing! “Why should we believe you?” Urta snarled and held up her own crystal towards me. “It’s flickering, that means you have some Corruption!” “Because she’s the one actually making the pools. She’s the Corrupted Undead.” Sabrina groaned making the two stiffen and inch away from me. Hey, not cool! I’m not contagious! Can’t you see my collar? “We’re here to report that we killed the demons and drove them off, they can’t even retake the fortresses now.” “You know what? Fuck ‘em!” Berserker shouted as he threw his hands into the air dramatically. “If they don’t want us here to help them, then they can die off. Come on, let’s leave them to rot.” I knew what he was doing, putting on an act. He’s trying to make them let us through without getting physical. The question was, will it work? We turned to follow him, save Sabrina, who looked shocked and betrayed. “W-wait! Okay, um, you all can come in. Just don’t start attacking people.” Urta told us as she looked me over and at Sabrina, who blinked and looked at Urta who seemed apologetic. Those two do know each other! They look like old flames trying not to get awkward! “Why should we take your word? For all we know you could be leading us into a trap to slaughter us on the spot.” Berserker played the cynical card as he accused Urta. “You still don’t even trust us, so why should we trust you?” Okay, now it’s hard to tell whether he’s pretending or being serious. “Because they don’t have the resources to do that. These two are wearing the best gear in the city and they mostly use spell wards, Sphinxes, as well as other magic to ward off Demons. Their guards are mostly armed with sticks. We’re outside the firing line of Lightning spell towers, and Urta is just in it. If we rushed them without her giving us guest status those towers would start attacking us.” Sabrina explained as she and Urta stared at each other, the vixen not even flinching at the cat giving away security details. “How do we know she won’t just give the order as soon as we walk past her?” Berserker asked her insistently. “Because once guest status is given, it takes the council’s authority to rescind it without the person or people in question having committed severe crimes to warrant it. I can have the guards haul you out after using stun spells, but after that, you could send apples to get status to be reinstated.” Urta cleared up for us and I had to wonder why apples specifically. “Hm…” Berserker hummed as he thought this over and sighed. “Fine, we’ll take your word. However, if you or anyone else tries to fuck with us you’re going to regret it.” “I don’t hold the whole damn city responsible for the bad apples. If some fucker tries to mug you, call us and we’ll take care of him, or beat him up if you have enough evidence to avoid being criminally charged in turn.” Urta huffed as she flicked her left wrist and a spell was cast over us. “We’re all refugees, don’t expect a glamorous city, nor that these are all great people. We’re what’s left of about fourteen different nations from over the past six hundred years, Saddle Arabia just being the latest.” Berserker rolled his eyes at her as she escorted us inside the city. Urta was right about a couple of things though, the city wasn’t glamorous. It looked more like a middle-eastern slum. The people weren’t looking great themselves either, all of them barely able to get by. Most were living on the streets with what little clothing they had on them. Considering it was ungodly hot in the sun, most of them took shelter in alleys and under the weathered canvas tarps. “For the most part, the more wealthy people of the city live in the center where they can actually get some big houses by themselves. It’s also where Tel’Adre holds the Council, the Library and the Magi.” Urta explained in her tour which she started while she kept glancing at Sabrina, then me after clearly taking a few deep sniffs in our direction. Um, do I have to worry about an ex-girlfriend Sabrina? “Is there an Adventurer’s Guild here?” Berserker asked her, getting the intense vixen’s eyes to leave me. “Yes, this way. There’s also a bar I like to frequent on the way.” Urta replied as she led us down a new route away from the center of the city. “There's the Wet Bitch, a good place to get a drink. They also have a few rooms to spare if you don’t want the Adventurer's Guild’s boardhouse.” “Ah, thanks.” I commented and regretted speaking up as she eyed me again. It was an unsettling stare, as if Urta wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk to me or bite my head off. Her intense scrutiny thankfully ended when we approached a building with swords on the sign overhead. “Are there any Adventurers in town?” Berserker questioned before we entered the surprisingly spacious tavern-like main floor of the guild. There were round sandstone tables and chairs scattered about and a bar, but only a few rough-looking types were seated in opposite corners of the room. “Plenty of old veterans, those two are the only new members at the moment. Adventurers rarely come to our land. If they do it’s rarely without being Corrupted.” Urta sighed in lamentation. Oh? Does she wish she was an adventurer rather than a guard? Maybe she took an arrow to the knee? “Anything else you could tell us about the city?” I asked and again regretted getting her attention. Her golden eyes are so intense and sharp on her vulpine face that it both sets me on edge and gives me a thrill. She then scanned me up and down and I grinned hopefully. “Not really. We do have a growing market of non-Corrupted food. We recently found a water source that is pure for us to grow crops with.” Urta informed us before we reached the bar. “Phil, we got some new meat here.” The large black and green Kirin behind the bar in a simple tunic snorted out a puff of smoke from his nostrils and looked us over as our group approached the bar. “Name’s Phil. We just got two new girls here, Trisha, and Star Fall. Newbies. We have two rooms available at the moment with the rest being rented out. We’re also serving dinner soon. Tracy doesn’t serve booze, go to the Wet Bitch for that. Most of the Veteran Adventurers are there now.” “Where did the idea of naming a bar Wet Bitch come from?” Really, Berserker? You’re gonna ask that question? “The owner is always looking for someone to fuck, so she decided to name her bar after her nature.” Phil casually replied as Urta surprisingly paid for our rooms. “Oh? You’ve taken a shine to one of them Urta? Or is it about Sabrina there?” Phil’s nosey questions made Urta flush, Sabrina to shift uncomfortably and me to perk at getting confirmation that Urta and Sabrina were a thing before, or even possibly still a thing. They’re both hot and adorable ladies, I ship it even if they don’t let me in on it! “N-need to get back to the gate!” Urta hurriedly stammered and brushed past us, but I didn’t miss how her tail floof batted Sabrina’s blushing face and ran along my thigh as she passed. We watched her scurry away until Phil cleared his throat and handed us two keys. We wordlessly decided to split the rooms between guys and gals as we walked upstairs and after Berserker and Hunter entered their room, Sabrina and I went into ours. The room was nice, if you don’t mind ‘water’ spots staining the sandstone in places. The furniture was also stained with what I hoped was food. I also think the bed smelled of sex. “Well this is nice.” I huffed in partial sarcasm as Sabrina sat down on the bed. “It’s how we live.” Sabrina replied as she rolled onto the bed properly and relaxed. “It’s not luxurious, but compared to the wastes it’s heaven.” “Definitely.” I sat down in the chair next to the bed and sighed as I thought back on the past few days of constant travel. We’d only made camp once when a sandstorm hit and Sabrina was clearly exhausted if her closed eyes and faint snoozing was any indicator. I’m Undead so sleep is optional...but Daring and Svartr haven’t slept either. “Are you two okay?” “Mm? Huh? Oh, we’re here?” Daring drowsily responded and I blinked at realizing that in the last few hours approaching Tel’Adre, she must’ve fallen asleep! “Guh...feh…” Svartr weakly grunted in reply. If these two aren’t doing so well, how are Berserker and Hunter doing? The hostility Berserker gave Urta back there could’ve easily been from sleep deprivation. “I’m going to check on the boys.” I whispered to Sabrina, who only hummed in response. I gave her ears scratchies before I exited the room and approached theirs, which was right next to ours. I barely knocked on the door before Hunter opened it and let me in. Wow his hearing is spooky sharp, I thought I was the one with super-hearing. Their room wasn’t that different from ours, though I think Hunter was cleaning the place up. On the Queen-sized bed Berserker was already taking a nap. “You two okay? I only just now realized none of us have been sleeping.” “Yes, just cleaning up in here.” Hunter wrote to me and gestured to the room. It was only now that I noticed how much cleaner this room felt compared to the one I’m sharing with Sabrina. Ew~ the floor here is actually a few shades yellower than in mine, meaning there’s a layer of dust and scum all over my room! “You know why Berserker was so hard on Urta? Well, besides sleep deprivation.” I asked as I sat in a chair next to the bed. “I would ask him myself but he needs a nap.” “He doesn’t like this place. There is too much suffering and there isn’t much he can do to fix it.” Hunter replied as he used his wind magic or whatever it actually is to scour the dust from the stone of the room and gather it all up in the dustbin like a magic vacuum cleaner without the noise. “Well we’ve ended the main threat near them and the reason this land is the way it is. Even if we didn’t completely destroy the demons they will take years to rebuild an army out here. You both helped with it all. I will help with the population and terraforming crisis. Not everything can be fixed in a day.” I replied with a huff over the fact that it seems Berserker doesn’t understand the good he’s already done. Don’t tell me he has a Spider-Man complex. Please tell me he doesn’t see anything but his failures in spite of all his successes. “I know, but this is him being stubborn. Although, I guess it was also the fact that things didn’t go over smoothly when we got here as well.” Hunter shrugged as his magic finished removing the layer of dust from everything and the dustbin was now half full. I need to remember to ask him to go over Sabrina and I’s room, ew~... “Constant demon attacks would make anyone jumpy.” I sighed and Daring nodded our head drowsily in agreement with me. “What are the chances of Urta coming back to bone you? She was looking at you most of the time and she smelled like a Herm.” Hunter’s blunt question got me flustered. “If she is exactly like the Urta in CoC, no. Too much trauma. I would have to meet her in the bar, drink with her, then once she’s horny and gets spooked she’d run to the back alley to jerk off. Follow her, offer to help her out and it will give her a confidence boost in her sexuality.” I sighed at how fucked-up CoC is. Hot it may be, fap material it may be, but wow it’s fucked-up. “Seriously?” Hunter raised a brow at me. “None of us have ever played the game, just heard that it’s a fetish-based game with fantasy RPG elements thrown into the mix.” “Yes, that’s how you can get her as a lover right off.” I told him with a huff at how silly it is. “Sheesh, it’s just as savage as any other with the choices you make.” He commented. “Hey!” It’s not entirely my fault that I’m a sexy bitch who has a constant ladyboner! I blame Ahuizotl for that accidental Corrupted sodomy sparking my downward spiral into sexiness. “What? I’m only stating the truth.” He retorted. “I’m not savage. You can also be her friend and be understanding. It’s a fetish game, you can either let her plow you in a back alley or talk to her in a back alley and understand her and be her friend.” I mean, c’mon I’m not a savage! I may prefer the lusty route but I’m not some dumb-fucked barbarian! “I didn’t mean you. I meant the overall game in general.” Hunter clarified with slightly comedic hand waving and a visible frantic expression on his face. “Better. Try harder though, you admitted to never having played the games earlier.” I huffed and used one of our tails to pet Berserker’s scalp. “Could you tell me more about Urta?” Hunter questioned as Berserker moved in his sleep after I blinked at Hunter’s fairly abrupt choice to get back to the previous topic. Well, that’s one way to stay out of hot water I suppose, but I’m watching you mister. “She’s a herm and currently sterile if this world follows CoC. It’s due to a God that the demons tried to kill using her body to, well, stay alive. Said god had been male, so the whole thing turned her into a herm. You could do a quest where you play as Urta and find out who this god was, being a trickster god like Discord. You revive him after the two talk, then she would have to either sire or mother the god to gain her ability to have kids on her own.” “Could you help her on the quest, should you befriend or become her lover?” He asked me. “No, she goes on her own, but seeing as this isn’t the game...maybe?” I rubbed my head. “She would come to explain what she was doing and say goodbye in case things didn’t go well, but for the most part she went on her own.” He gave a throaty sigh. “Damn, I thought Dark Souls and Bloodborne were complicated.” “In CoCs the very food could turn you into a mindless animal if you ate too much of one kind.” I told him, making him give me a look of shock. “Yeah, there’s also jewelry that could force fetishes on you. Ahuizotl had that happen to him.” “This is getting worse the more I learn things.” Hunter looked concerned, as well he should. It didn’t matter how powerful you were in CoC, if you prompted a script it happened regardless of stats. For all I know from what I’ve learned, it’s the same in this world. “Sorry. I’m not into any of that forced transformation stuff if it comforts you.” I sighed as I crawled onto the bed to snuggle Berserker. He mumbled something in his sleep before he wrapped his arms around us and pulled us against him. “Woah~ I didn't think he’d just grab me.” I chuckled quietly and snuggled him back. “He tends to do that.” Hunter said as Berserker nuzzled me. “Does he also get boners in his sleep?” I asked while I got comfortable. “Not always. Usually it is the girls who brings his ‘Sword’ out from its sheath.” He rolled his eyes in amusement. “Don’t worry, he won’t poke you in his sleep.” “I wouldn’t mind it. Just in case, I’ve temporarily made myself sterile by not even having a womb. That way if we get up to sex shenanigans again, we’re in the clear.” I perkily declared. “Yeah, about that. We’ve decided to withhold from having more children with you. What we have is more than enough, so we’ll focus on raising them first before we have more.” Hunter informed me, which surprisingly hurt for some reason. I knew it was fair, logical and perfectly fine to not have more children. However, to me at least, it felt like I was just told not to breathe or something. Wow. I think I need to talk to Aventurine about this... “Th-that’s fine. I know.” I managed to reply like a sane and rational adult rather than whine and beg and plead like I really wanted to. “What’s the matter?” Hunter looked at me in confusion. “N-nothing! Nothing at all! I’m p-peachy keen! It’s not like you just denied something integral to my existence or anything!” I can feel my left eye twitching. I'm so trying not to stress. “T-to be perfectly honest, I only really want one group of kids for me. A big family yes, but I don’t want to try and mother whole legions.” I told him sincerely, because despite what my body and my...gosh I think it’s my soul wants, I don’t want more than that. “What about your duties to help with underpopulation? You may not be mothering them, but you are being their surrogate. You can’t tell me that you have no emotional attachment to those kids. I saw how much it hurt when you gave birth to those alicorns before and had to immediately give them away.” Geeze Hunter, write a whole thesis on the psychology of surrogates why don’t ya? “Y-yes that’s true, but I can stomach it if they get good families. Though Cadence is starting to stretch that one, seeing as she hasn’t even asked me if I want to keep one. Luna and Celestia have at least sent messages. Even Twilight has asked, but I don’t feel like Alicorn foals for myself yet.” I said with a sigh. “Besides, none of those babies were for me…” “There should be some restraints, they can’t just keep doing this on a whim. I know you can have anybody’s child, or children, but if this keeps up some of them will stray and develop bitter emotions towards you.” Hunter warned me. “The kids are going to foster families. Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight aren’t keeping them. We’re mostly increasing the population of alicorns and giving them a chance to spread and grow without complications. Due to how spread out they will be and how my own genes work, there won’t be any birth defects when they try to breed.” I informed the loyal and dutiful warrior, who I never forgot was always there when I truly needed him. “And if they found out about you? What then?” Hunter’s question was practically rhetorical, so I snorted in amusement with a smile. “I’d welcome them. I never said they wouldn’t know.” I chuckled and thought of how potentially awkward it could be, having a giant convention or something like ‘Willow’s Surrogate Reunion’ or something and I’m invited as the guest of honor. Pfft, that sounds both ridiculous and awesome at the same time. “I’m just making sure that there won’t be any problems, otherwise everyone suffers.” I sighed at his pessimism. I mean, I know what he was saying and why he’s worried about some of them growing up to hate me. He’s only looking out for me and trying to protect me, but I’m confident it won’t turn out like that. “I know, but I won’t turn them away if they wish to learn about me, or their sires. It’s up to them to hate me or not. I will always love them no matter how they hurt me, just as I love everyone.” I told him with a weak smile. So this is how Aventurine feels on a regular basis. Wow this sucks. No wonder she’s constantly seeking sex to bury her woes. … Holy shit that’s her whole issue isn’t it? My Goddess needs therapy. Bad. Maybe I should find her a therapist? Hunter looked at me for a moment as if looking to see if there was any doubt within me. He took a long minute before he nodded his head. “I’ll trust your judgement.” I could tell that he didn’t buy it, but I’m thankful he decided to let this go for now. “Our ideologies are somewhat different aren’t they?” I asked as Berserker snuggled into our cleavage and We perked up as he accidentally nosed our left nipple. Wow, that woke Daring and Svartr right the fuck up! “And different experiences. I’ve seen the worst side of Life, especially if it’s from a ‘Force of Nature’. Or, at least one of them. You see, when I was little, my father taught me how to fight. He would even take me to some of the many different dojos. We actually participated in challenging them for their signs. As for hunting, that’s from my mother’s side of the family. You could say that technically, I was homeschooled.” Hunter wrote up and I wondered what caused him to decide to tell his life story. I won’t complain though. “Oh, you seem to have grown well on it.” I commented and shivered as Berserker shoved his snout into our cleavage, taking long deep whiffs of us. Is he really still asleep? Wait, what do We smell like? We haven’t used any shampoos or soap or whatever, just rinsing in water. Wait, We’re still all dirty! He’s smelling our natural musk! I felt our breasts swell slightly in arousal at the idea he was scenting us and tried to calm down. “Lucky me but it was fun. Those are probably some of the best memories I’ve made before I met the other four.” Hunter snorted as he looked at his brother who had his face in our tits. “Good.” I managed to say before I gasped when Berserker started sucking our left nipple. We bit our lip as all three of us gave him different milk. “Berserker~.” We cooed as we petted his head. “He’s enjoying himself.” Hunter managed to text with a shy smile and a blush along with a shake of his head. “Obviously.” I huffed in building arousal as the other two snuggled us closer to him. Girls, you’re sleepy and I’m risking my sanity by staying awake. Now? Really? “I don’t suppose you would mind me taking a drink straight from the tap?” Hunter was flushed and looking clearly nervous, as if he was trying something new for him. Considering how much Sabrina’s behavior a few days ago affected him, being so forward must be awkward. Well, I’m not about to say no and hurt his attempt at being more sexually open. “Not at all. You’ll be getting it from three girls instead of one though.” I huffed in excitement and managed to twist enough in Berserker’s grip to have my right breast, already swollen to a small beach-ball in arousal, accessible. Hunter licked his lips and he snuggled up to my right side and latched onto my free thimble-sized nipple. We were so amped up that a single suck on our tit rewarded him with a gush of our milk. “Oh~, I wouldn’t mind just snuggling here for the night. I wish the pups were here too.” My motherly desires were interrupted when Hunter pulled away from our breast and he came up to our face for a kiss. We were surprised when he dove his tongue into our mouth and fed us a mouthful of our creamy and sweet milk that had a tangy aftertaste. We all moaned as we tasted the cocktail of flavors. The mixture of blessed lactate, ectoplasmic goo and love nectar was quite tasty. That single mouthful left us wanting for more, but We began getting drowsy when We felt Berserker giving us a tummy rub of our washboard abs. “Hm~.” We hummed as We began to doze off. Hunter joined in on giving us tummy rubs as well, pecking us on the cheek as Berserker nuzzled our breasts. The brothers snuggled against our bricc yet thicc body and pretty much used our massive mams as pillows. It was to this warmth and comfort that we all fell into a content slumber. (<3) It was so nice and warm. The two bodies on us smelled familiar and safe. We slowly blinked our eyes open to find the boys were still asleep. They were laying on us, as at some point We surged up in size to have our legs dangling over the foot of the bed. Right, both Willow and Svartr are much bigger than even this. The boys were using our massive breasts like bean bag chairs, only they were slumped over them instead of reclined against us. We giggled at feeling distinctive poking at the undersides of our breasts. They may be in clothes, but Willow is familiar enough with those two delightful dicks to know what they were. “Can we~?”  Daring asked mischievously as We slowly shrunk back down to try and not wake up the boys and also not risk crushing the stone-framed bed. “No, it’s up to them if they want to fuck us. If they do it in their sleep that’s cool, but we’re supposed to be resting.” I told them both after We’d gotten small enough that now the boys were just using our pillowy basketball boobs as pillows. “Meanie, I never got to feel them in us.” Svartr huffed as we just laid there, waiting for them to wake, or do anything really. The first to wake up was Berserker, turning his head away and giving off a big yawn before looking back our way with drowsiness. “Hey.” He gave a weak chuckle before kissing us on the nose. “Hello, sleep well?” We asked with a playful grin. “Yeah.” He nodded before looking down at his boner. “Heh, a bit too well.” He snorted before licking his lips. “Milk?” “Hm?” We hummed innocently, Svartr even using Faith magic to make a halo. “Oh…” His face lit up as he gave a nervous smile at us. “You girls tasted...well, a lot more unique.” “You got a milkshake from our tits lover~.” We chuckled and groped the breast his head had vacated at our areola, getting a small dribble of our pale pink and green breast nectar to bead on our thimble sized nipple. Berserker stared at it for a moment before he dove in and licked up the trickle eagerly. “Hm~.” Berserker hummed and gave a thumbs-up, causing us to giggle and wake up Hunter. “So are you two refreshed?” We asked them as We used our fluffy tails to run along their backs, making them shiver. Both of them blushed deeply and nodded their heads while their boners strained against the fabric of their pants. “We don’t know...you look a little...tense~.” We purred as our normal hands tugged on their waistbands while our tail hands rubbed the scruff of their necks. We blinked at ourselves in surprise. Wow, we are a trio of thirsty sexy bitches... “Well...uh…” Berserker stuttered as We worked him up with each tug on his pants and each rub of his neck. “C-Could you...um…” “Yes~?” We lustily purred and licked our lips as our ears moved just so slightly to hear how their hearts pounded in their chests and even hear Hunter’s breathy voiceless whispers that Daring’s lip-reading helped interpret him cursing our temptation. “Could you...help us with...this? Please?” Berserker, surprisingly meekly, asked with a gesture to their huge dicks bulging out their pants in clear embarrassment. What a treat that is, that these two still haven’t synched enough with the local magic fields to generate their own Inventory. Any local male or herm wouldn’t be able to make such a display~. “Why don’t you show us~?” We lilted and cupped their groins. They both shuddered at us fondling their balls, but managed to undo their pants and slowly pull them down until their rock hard cocks were freed from their prison. We hungrily snarled and grabbed them both with our normal hands on their throbbing erections, and our tail hands on their muscular tight asses. We jacked them off just enough to coat their red rockets in pre before We pulled our legs up against our lust-swollen beach ball sized boobs in a display of our incredible flexibility, and pressed them to our plumpend pussy. “Now, you two they may not like-.” We were cut off by the boys surprisingly thrusting forth! Two cocks pushed into our pussy, two huge cocks, all at once! “Ah! S-slow-ah!” Holy fuck~! Boys~?! “Shit~!” Berserker hissed in pleasure. “I can’t believe I just-!” Berserker snarled and kept pace with his brother, the two focused entirely on us with vicious and hungry expressions that made us so hot inside~! “O-oh Goddess~! We didn’t think you’d jump so quickly at us letting you two share the pussy~!” We wailed in ecstasy and our head rolled back as We came incredibly hard, our cunt convulsing around their cocks, but the boys just kept pounding us~! “You have such an amazing pussy~!” Berserker growled in pleasure, as he made sure not to look at Hunter while they both pistoned us like absolute gods in the sack. “How are you letting us do this without it being painful?!” “Stretchy body~! We can take you two fucking our pussy hard! Be rough and fuck us like how you want to, both of you~!” We moaned at them ecstatically. Fuck~ We think our pupils might even be heart-shaped right now~! The boys then started changing rhythm, thrusting in and out of our pussy one at a time. We hummed at the sensation and relaxed a bit as We came down from our latest high and let the brothers keep us simmering. “Just enjoy it, take us at your own pace.” We huffed to them as We ran our tail hands along their backs and groped our enormous tits, which Berserker and Hunter both leaned over to grope and suckle since We were so massive it wasn’t much of a reach. Berserker moaned into our left nipple before pulling off with suction and making us squeak until he popped off audibly, sending our left breast clapping back against our torso and it’s sister boob. “We can’t have...anymore pups.” “We know. One litter with each mate, unless you change your mind later.” We panted out and spasmed as they brought us to another climax, our hungry quim tugging on their dicks. Berserker grunted, nuzzling up against me as they picked up the pace a bit. “Do you want to have a little roleplay about making more?” “M-maybe later but right now no. F-fuck us and cum already! We can just add it to our mass since We don’t have a womb right now.” We moaned needily before We were thrust into another small orgasm. “Please finish us~! We want that huge screaming O that We’re chasing!” “As you wish~.” Berserker groaned as they suddenly matched movements again and began ramming into us like dual jackhammers, keeping to their rhythm as they kept going, bringing us to a loud screaming orgasm that echoed off the stone walls and likely through the whole building. “Oh fuck~!” We were seeing stars, each thrust blinding us with small orgasms running headlong into each other. They huffed and snarled as We moaned and cooed brainlessly while We lost ourselves in the pleasures of sex. They pounded us so hard they shifted the stone frame of the bed against the wall. Their dicks moved faster and rougher in our quim and We could barely think at all. “Gah! Unh~! Yis~! Fuwk ush~!” Berserker and Hunter groaned and kept going. We moaned and huffed as they moved to our breasts, latching onto them and started sucking again, drinking our milk while also tweaking our nipples with their teeth, making us cum for what felt like the gazillionth time. “Ahn~!” We wailed as another world-shaking orgasm struck us like lightning. “Cumming soon~!” Berserker growled as We felt their balls starting to tighten up, getting ready to blow their loads. “Yis! Cum in ush~!” We slurred and then screamed in rapture as they gave us the cummies We wanted so badly. We went slack and spasmed as they quickly filled us, making us cum one last time while our belly swelled up and pushed our legs back down. “Yis~...” We drooled as We lost so much sense of ourselves that We swelled up with love nectar a bit. Once they were done pumping us full, the boys pulled out from our pussy and unlatched from our breasts to start to kiss and lick us all over, sometimes giving little nibbles here and there. We shuddered as they worshiped our body and pet their heads idly. “You’re so attentive~.” We cooed as more of our higher brain functions returned from cloud nine. “Mhm~.” Berserker hummed as they licked our sloshing cum-filled belly that looked about to pop with twins. Damn these boys have a lot of semen in their prostates and cum in their balls~. “You two enjoy that at least half as much as We did?” We asked them as We started getting up. “Yes.” Berserker answered as Hunter nodded his head, both of them smiling at us. “Ready to get back to it? We certainly are!” We perked up on a rebound that possibly only Aventurine’s Champion could muster with a slap of our pregnant-looking liquid-black belly. They nodded their heads, looking worried about something. “Well, let's get back to work. We’re not about to layabout when there’s a city that needs saving.” We declared before We absorbed their cum to flatten our belly. “What’s with all the ‘Royal We’ you’re doing?” Berserker questioned, to which We blinked. “I get you’re all sharing one body, but you’re separate people.” Huh? Of course We are! We’re-. “Shit!” Girls! Back off a bit! “Sorry! Wow I got so into that!” Daring gushed excitedly as We, ahem, we got ourselves sorted out. “Same. Holy shit that was wonderful though.” Svartr wistfully said, clearly wanting to get right back into that sort of mindset. “We’re good! I mean. Um. I am good. So are Daring and Svartr.” I insisted towards the brothers, who looked side-glance at each other. Hey! I’m right here! I see those disbelieving looks in your eyes! “Well...okay. So, what sort of work are we doing? Taking quests from the board?” Berserker asked as he and Hunter got dressed. So you’re a master of changing the subject too, huh? Hmph! I’m going to keep my eye on you just as much as on Hunter mister! “Maybe. I need to see what they need at the very least.” I said, leaving and going back to my own room. I wanted to check up on Sabrina. I found her dozing off before I knocked on the door. “Hey, we’re heading out.” I got a pillow to the face as my response. > Ch.33 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.33 “So, we have a...I think it’s a fetch quest and a farming quest?” I blinked at the fact that one of the two available quests is literally to help a farm. “What does the first quest entail? We can split into two groups, one doing the fetch quest while the other helps the farm.” Berserker questioned since I was the one in front of the board and he had the courtesy not to loom over our shoulder, which I both appreciated but wouldn’t mind if he did. “The fetch job is about getting some guy's family heirloom from an old family mansion in the desert. They had to leave in a hurry about two hundred years ago.” I’m a little impressed that this guy was apparently rich enough to offer a good reward and that his family still held together through all the tragedy of the demonic invasion. I bet his family is either stuck-up or incredibly skilled to have both survived and flourished for generations after all that. “Hm...Hunter and Sabrina can take this quest and track the item in question. If it still exists. Willow and I will take the Farming quest.” Berserker? Why are you giving them the potentially exciting quest and having us do the drudge work? Oh well, it’s fine. We could use a break from excitement anyway if our consensus is any indication. “Alright. The farm job is to go to a farm near a small oasis. Wards keep it from being attacked, but the water is a little Corrupted. Makes it so only Canine Peppers grow there. They make you slowly turn into a dog when eaten raw. Mutations of the fruit also do other things, like larger knots, two cocks, make your cock fatter, longer, or if it’s a black one, well different things, like changing your fur midnight black and stuff. Different for females, they mostly grow extra breasts.” We explained to them upon noticing Berserker’s and Hunter’s curious looks at the mention of Canine Peppers. Thank you for that info Daring. “Okay, do they want us to destroy the place, or what?” Berserker’s assumption made me frantically wave my hands. “No, the owner is just asking for workers! If cooked right the Corruption of the peppers is burned off, but the transformative effects stay. There’s also demons attacking almost daily to try and jerk off in the water the place uses so the city pays freelance guards to keep watch and harvest food while they’re at it.” I further explained to the hot-blooded draco-wolf. “Oh. Well if that’s all there is then we should get moving.” Berserker said as he turned to Hunter and Sabrina, who were going to the derelict mansion since Sabrina knew where it was. “I’m just a little annoyed that it’s nothing big right now.” I sighed when we all started to leave after we told Phil what we were taking off the board and our group split up upon leaving since the farm was to the north and the fetch job’s target was somewhere to the south. “It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, it’s something that needs to be done.” Berserker’s words reminded me of what Hunter mentioned last night, about how Berserker feels the need to help people when he can and feels guilty when he can’t. I mused on this as we made our way towards the city gate. “Right. We can come and go as we please, so let's help these people out.” I declared in agreement. Once we made it to the North Gate we were allowed out after having to put a band on our wrists. It was a little difficult for Berserker because of his chains, but he got it on. “Yeah.” Berserker muttered quietly after the guard cleared us and let us pass. “You okay?” We asked as we walked next to him, us all having consensus in our concern. Ugh, now that We notice, We’re thinking more and more alike. We’ve got to spend some time apart soon so We can get our heads on straight. Once we were past a dune north from the city Berserker let out a sigh of contempt. “I couldn’t handle living in that city. It felt as if I was being strangled. All of those people living on the streets, feeding off of scraps. I just…” He shuddered a little bit before continuing on. “I just felt like I was dying, so slowly.” “Sorry, they are living off scraps in an invaded and blighted land.” We reminded him, Daring’s knowledge of the subject was fairly in depth and made the reality all the harsher. “I felt so damn useless in there. I don’t want to feel that way again. That’s what got me that first title in the first place, because I couldn’t do-!” His self-devaluing rant ceased when We stopped him from speaking anymore with a tail-hand finger to his lips and a stern expression. “We know. We were feeling the same, but we can still help and we have by taking those forts. Their foothold here has lessened immensely and without constant threat from a coordinated army they can start to recover.” We firmly told him with certainty from both Daring’s understanding of economics and Svartr’s experience of aiding such efforts. “Is it going to be enough? I mean, there are more of them scouring across the world and spreading their Corruption. You have to remember that most have lost their whole nations.” Berserker pessimistically snarled and We stood a little straighter as We stared into his eyes. “We know, but with the stranglehold lifted they can grow into a new Nation, if slowly. They’ve banded together for many centuries just to survive and with the chance to expand they can find new land to farm. Find more space to live. They'll be happier. Most of the issues were from the constant attacks.” We insisted. It was just common sense that with such a limiting factor dealt with that the problem would mostly resolve itself. “Alright, but quit it with that ‘We’ stuff. Only one of you speaks at a time.” Berserker insisted and We, er, I nodded. “No, seriously. That can’t be healthy.” We puffed up in fury at his assumption that us growing closer was a bad thing and his ears bent back as he backed away with his hands raised. “I-I’m serious! This can’t be good for your mental-.” “We decide what is good for us!” We snarled furiously and slugged him in the chest, tossing him on his back into the sand before spinning around and stomping away in a huff. We love the guy, but there are limits to our tolerance of how much someone else controls us! We trudged onwards towards the faint scent of water and ignored our studly companion until we neared the farm. It was a small place, but the dark soil here was a complete contrast to the desert back the way we came. It seems the aquifer here is fairly close to the surface for the earth to be so fertile in this arid land. “Listen, Willow-.” Berserker’s addressing only one of us brought forth another surge of anger and We snapped our attention onto him, making him flinch. “We are still upset with you.” We snarled and approached him, poking him in the chest as We got in his face. “We aren’t just one woman! We’re three! We may be individuals, but so long as We are in one body, you will treat us with the respect all of us deserve, not just one of us!” “I’m just concerned! Look, you mean a lot to me. You’ve gotten close to me in such a short time, something nobody else has managed to do.” Berserker insisted and We growled. “Are you only talking about Willow right now?” We seethed, but further anger was cut short by him grabbing our shoulders and pulling us into a surprisingly deep kiss that made our body stiffen, our tails to fluff up and straighten and our face to heat up so much our black membrane must’ve turned red. He pulled us against him and gripped us tightly, his passion slowly melting our resolve and We leaned into his embrace, letting him lift us off our paws. After minutes of kissing he left us panting and held in his arms in a bridal carry, making us feel so special. “B-Berserker…” “I accept all of you. If Willow wants you two to be a part of her and you want to be part of her too, then I want all of you.” Berserker passionately declared and We felt our metaphorical heart pound beneath our huge bosom. “But I am worried about your mental health. All of you.” “W-We’re fine…” We mewled, not wanting to think this wonderful sensation was a bad thing. “Just promise you’ll take time apart for each of you.” Berserker insisted and We leaned against his shoulder with a hand on his chest as he continued walking with us in his arms. “Okay…” Holy hell...he’s just grasped our heart and put it on a pedestal. No wonder he has other mates. He may be a jerk a good amount of the time, but wow... “Whoa, uh, do ya need a moment?” Came a woman’s voice from the direction of the barn, causing us to look away from each other’s eyes and towards the border collie looking at us with a knowing smirk. “I think I requested help, not a show of two lovestruck folks.” At her words, I scrambled out of Berserker’s strong arms to my paws with a blush, thankful that Svartr was acting like a bodysuit by hiding our nipples and groin while still seeming practically naked. “Are you the one who put the bounty in?” I asked her while Svartr mentally drooled over the plump but fit border collie. Thank gosh We don’t have our male organs by default or this would be even more awkward. “Yep. I need help with my harvest, but I also have this big brute that’s been attacking lately.” She huffed as she swept her eyes up and down both of us and We perked up at her scanning gaze. Damn does that constantly boost our ego whenever someone gives us a once-over or even better, a double-take. We resisted biting our lip at her interest, but thankfully the overalls-clad woman managed to stay professional for the most part. We don’t think she’d be able to walk later if she offered a roll in the hay. “What does this thing look like?” Berserker asked with a hand on our shoulder, an invisible spark of electricity seemed to cross the distance between their eyes. I-is Berserker being possessive? That makes us feel tingly inside! “Big, red, floats about. Kills the lust demons, but also attacks me.” She told us as she approached us boldly, specifically getting in front of Berserker and looking up at him with a smirk, her wagging bushy tail expressing just how excited she was. “Does it have one eye?” Berserker questioned as if he knew what sort of Demon it was. Oh no, is it a Hell demon? That’d suck-okay, uh, back off a bit lady...I can smell your arousal... “Yeah, it’s solid green.” She told him as she got up against Berserker, her huge bowling ball boobs pressing into his lower chest since she was shorter than both of us. “That’s a Hellspawn known as a Cacodemon.” Berserker explained to her as stoic as he was at the start. “I’ll keep an eye out for it and other forms of demons. Willow, could you help her out with the harvest?” He looked at me and I could see he was distinctly uncomfortable with the woman’s forwardness. I’m a bit uncomfortable too, considering she just saw how close we are. “Okay, though We honestly thought We were supposed to be the party leader.” We grumbled in mild disappointment. Willow wasn’t much of a leader, but Daring was used to calling the shots if she wasn’t alone and Svartr was a damn Knight Commander who led a battalion in Gwyn’s order of battle. However, Berserker has proven to be quite strong and skilled...and handsome. Sexy...like that one knight that led the charge against the Chaos Demons and Svartr absolutely ravished him in her tent after-oh, where were We? Berserker was looking towards us with an apologetic gaze. “Sorry honey, but you should know that my brothers and I’ve led armies straight into Hell and back. Literally. However, I promise I won’t take the lead of every situation and let you have a go.” He told us but he left out the part where he just wanted to keep some distance between him and the collie. Not that We blame him since she was clearly getting too friendly for his liking. “Well, know that Svartr led a battalion into the depths of the world to battle the legions of Chaos. We’re no fresh-faced squire.” We then got between the lusty collie and Berserker and she seemed to realize what she was doing and backed away with a blush and wilted ears and tail. “Oh, Corruption?” “Y-yes. Sorry. It’s why I don’t live in the city…” She sighed sadly and she willfully led us out to the field to work. Her name was Whitney, Willow cheered at the name clicking in her memory. She showed us where to go and what to do along with warning why you don’t eat raw Canine Peppers. Because those fools become a sex-obsessed near-demon dog like her. The only reason she wasn’t imprisoned, executed or exiled was because she still had her wits when her head wasn’t between her thighs and she hadn’t given in to the allure of the peppers. That said, Berserker was on Guard Duty to look out for any demonic activities. We would sometimes require his help to speed things along, but he would still look out along the wastelands. “Say, uh, where’s the water source?” I was hoping to turn this place into another purification shrine. The water of Harmonia would not only cleanse Corruption, but keep this farm clean. It would help Whitney and other people out here close to the city. “It comes from a cavern just north of here. It’s connected to some old ruins of a place called Shulva or something. Legends say it was once part of an underground kingdom ruled by a Sunken King supposedly, until it was destroyed by a Dragon of Old.” Whitney informed us and We winced at realizing what part of Dark Souls was involved. “A dragon of Rot and Poison. Sinh, Shulva’s guardian dragon was driven mad by frenzy poison and treachery. He destroyed the city and poisoned everything. We’re surprised the water is clean at all, even after all this time.” Shulva was home to an underground lake and waterfall. Nature usually does best for cleaning water, so maybe I’m worrying over nothing? “Ah, yes. Although even that does pale in the legends of Everlasting Dragons saving the world from Hellfire and Demons, but that’s kinda off topic and long before even the Era of Grey. Why do you ask?” Whitney questioned but her eyes couldn’t keep from drifting down to our bust. Berserker’s ears perked with interest about the Everlasting Dragons, but he didn’t push for answers. However, We felt an odd sensation of immense pride at the mention of those ancient long-gone dragons. Weird. “We have the ability to create magical springs that purify Corruption. We were hoping to do the same to the source here, to keep the demons from ruining this place and hurting Tel’Adre.” We informed the farmer who gawked at us in amazement. “What-really?! That’s amazing! What’re you doing wasting time with me here?! Go!” Whitney eagerly pointed towards the nearby mountain to the north. It was a squat brown thing, but it did have a stream running from it and into the desert where the water eventually sank into the endlessly thirsty sands. “Will you be alright on your own?” Berserker asked us as We patted the dirt from our hands. “We’ll be fine Berserker. We’re not a helpless damsel.” We huffed as We stretched to-oh, We don’t need to stretch. We smirked at how both Berserker and Whitney looked us over though. Especially when We surged up to ten feet tall to emphasize how not helpless We are.   “Then I’ll help hold things here on the farm.” Berserker declared as green fire erupted from our back and formed our wings-when did We put those away? Why didn’t Daring notice? Oh, um...We should spend some time apart after this. “Thanks, We’ll be back soon.” We declared before We took off in one flap with our huge wings sending dust scattering. We found an updraft easily from the sun baking the sands and turned towards the mountain, following the stream. “What do you girls think?” I asked my other halves, hoping some verbal interaction would help us keep sense of ourselves until we could take a break. “Hopefully we find more demons to use.” Svartr chuckled before Daring gagged. “Can we find a new method? It works, but it’s disgusting.” Daring pleaded with a whine. “Maybe, but this is the only way I’ve found so far.” I explained to my lover as we glided along the creek, having to stay off to the side for the thermals since the water was much cooler than the sand. “At least I have plenty of demon corpses in our tit-space already, we can do it immediately.” “It’s called an Inventory Willow. Please stop calling it ‘Tit-Space’. Everyone has one, it’s just easiest to get into and out of in the cleavage for females and groins for males.” Daring informed me with exasperation. Wait, I knew that! I knew it because our brains-oof. Right. “Aw, I liked how innocent and naive she sounded calling it ‘Tit-Space’ though.” Svarter whined and I felt embarrassed at not asking Cocoa more about it when I first captured her. “Nobody’s bothered to tell me this whole time?!” I can’t believe this. Nobody said anything when I said it to them before. I guess it took Daring getting annoyed about it. “Whatever. I have demons in my Inventory we can use the moment we get there.” I huffed, angling us down with Daring’s instinctive help before pulling up and landing gently on our paws at the mouth of the cavern that was trickling the crisp water into the desert below. I was about to take out a torch when my vision suddenly became grayscale, but I could see just fine. “I finally figured out ‘Ghost Sight’ a few nights ago. We can see without any light, but it’ll be all grainy and dim.” Svartr informed us and I felt a bit creeped out by it. This kind of vision reminded me of horror games I’ve played before. “As great as this is, I agree with Willow. This is a bit too spooky, Svartr.” Daring reached into our cleavage and fished out an electric lantern. Once she turned it on the vision whited out until our normal sight returned. “Oh great. I forgot I don’t have my usual kit on me.” Daring held the lantern to our left side and Svartr hooked the handle in a tendril that sprouted from our shoulder, pulling the lantern tight so it wouldn’t shake too much. “Thanks Svartr!” Daring cheered before she pulled a pistol from our tits...wait. “Uh, Daring, that’s just a normal pistol.” The thing was so tiny in our hands! We looked at it in a bit of bemusement. We held it up, pinched between our fingers. We couldn’t even fit our index finger into the trigger guard. “... It puts into perspective how much We’ve changed.” We looked down at ourselves, forlorn. We love our new form, but it was so vastly different from how we all started out. “Once done here...let’s all separate and cuddle as our normal, small selves.” “Agreed.” We spoke together, the unity tingling our brain. We blinked, felt confused and patted our shelf of boobflesh. “Hm~. So close.” We purred, then shook ourselves and blinked. What were We doing? Tiny gun...oh! After putting the tiny toy pistol away, we took out the Infinity pistol from our inventory and smirked at how it sized to our hand, but the actual barrels were still the same 9mm caliber despite how big the weapon was. The other firearm had been Daring’s and I mused on the fact that possibly our inventory was shared in this fused form. Shrugging and figuring it could wait until later, I began the trek into the mountain cave. It went upwards, which made sense if this spring was the source of the creek leading to the farm. After climbing up the incline for several minutes we finally came to a dark cave lake with a waterfall pouring into it from the far side. It was perfectly dark in here, so the light of our lantern illuminated the place like a spotlight. “So beautiful…” I breathed out in awe. I wasn’t really the outdoorsy type before I was Displaced. You don’t see things like this in a life like my former one outside of photos and fantastical works of art. “It’s things like this that drove me to become an adventurer.” Daring whispered wistfully in nostalgia. The flashes of beautiful scenes, similar yet different to this flashing in my mind told me Daring loved the thrill of discovery more than any potential treasures. The fact Svartr did something similar earlier made it feel natural. “Well...let’s get started then.” Daring hesitantly stated, swallowing nervously. “How’re we going to put the bonfire in the middle though?” “I’ve got an idea. I could-.” Any further discussion was interrupted by a long dark tendril lashing out of the water. It wrapped around our waist and yanked us into the depths before we could even scream. We tried to, but the water silenced us. Bubbles rushed from our silently screaming maw as our vestigial lungs emptied of air painfully. Soon though we were yanked through what felt like a freezing cold layer of slime before slamming into more of said freezing cold semi-liquid, gasping for the air we suddenly found ourselves with. “Who comes? To the Dark?” We froze at the impossibly powerful and ancient voice that rumbled over our head. It was wet and hoarse, as if constantly near-drowning. “Speak!” “We-We are Willow, Daring, and Svartr! We are the Corrupted Undead, her two mates and-!” “Cease babbling!” The voice demanded and We shuddered as We kept our head down. We flinched when something impossibly hard pressed into the back of our neck. The deep inhale pulled a practical gust of wind around our head and made us shiver in fear at the sheer size of our sudden host. “You smell...familiar? Like a Dragon. There’s not a single hint of Dark within you yet you claim to be Undead. Answer Dragon.” D-dragon? We’re not...right. Right! Willow transformed into a draco-fox! It’s hard to tell when she’s usually slime. “I-I am also Displaced! I have a Soul of Magic that has-!” “Subsumed the Dark...stand.” We did as he demanded, looking up into the blackness. There was nothing here. No light. Not even the lantern revealed anything. just...Dark. “Indeed. You cannot see. Not a trace of Dark in you. Spirit. Enlighten them.” “Th-the Abyss. W-we’re in the Abyss.” Svartr, who had gone ramrod still, whimpered fearfully and surprisingly it was Daring and I who managed to keep her from breaking down at the realization. “Only creatures of the Dark should exist here. H-he’s not one though…” Svartr shivered and whatever she saw had some part of us aroused. “Girls. I-I’m going t-to share my sight with you…” Shortly, the Ghost Sight returned and I and Daring couldn’t help screaming in horror, stumbling backwards onto our ass. Our retreat was stopped by the paw of the utter titan of a feral dragon that loomed over us. Why are we getting aroused?! “Witness. I. Am Darkeater Midir. You have stumbled into Dark; a place long forgotten, and best left so.” Midir told us and We felt our core ache with need as our bosom expanded and our tails started wagging like if We were about to have incredible mind-blowing sex with Berserker or Hunter. We tried hard not to pant and further announce our nearly all-consuming need to somehow breed this glorious-. “Th-this was supposed to be Shulva!” We yelped to try and get our minds off of our overwhelming urges, wriggling under his left claw to try and get up. Thankfully the sheer terror at the situation helped us stop vividly imagining being a feral dragoness, presenting ourselves to him and getting mated so fucking good that-! No! Brain! Stop! This is the Abyss! The Dark! Luna was supposed to have sealed it! “W-why are we in the Abyss?! It’s supposed to be sealed!” “Shulva has long been part of the Dark. This place is merely the highest point of the Abyss with it properly sealed away by the Master of Dark.” Midir stated as he used his tattered wings to gesture at the emptiness around us. “The fact you have found this place, means a new Era is upon us once more. Tell me, why have you come young Dragon?” “T-to purify the Corruption here and make a link to the Shrine.” We stuttered out, focusing on the cold, the Dark, not the incredibly well-built stud pinning us and-stahp~! “You are also a Fire Keeper?” Midir asked with a curious tilt his head. “No, but I want you my king~.” We lustily panted out and Midir actually seemed to rear back a bit in surprise before We shook our head. Was that Willow? No? The voice was hers! We felt dizzy. Why are We pressing needily against his claw? “M-maybe? We don’t know anymore. We have our own Fire Keeper, but she keeps to herself and tends the flame.” We informed the scary-sexy dragon-mate and he hummed in consideration before he looked up into the emptiness. “Then perhaps it is time I left the Dark. It does not need a sentinel.” Midir looked down at us and took a deep long whiff of us again. “Yes. It is time.” Then he began running his tongue on us and We groaned needily, presenting our chest to him as he released us from his pinning claw. He purred and dove that incredibly dextrous tongue into our snatch and We wailed as something within us lit up like a firework. Our vision danced with false lights, pleasure and a barely noticeable pain in the back of our mind spun as sense drained from us somehow. We pressed against him, snarling, feeling more of him on our flesh as We willed ourselves to be as big as We could for him. We keened and hissed and experienced orgasm after brain-melting orgasm. We thrashed, roared and fought to get every inch of the delightful throbbing heat into our core as he pressed down on our back! “Yes. At last, my Queen seems to be waking.” > Ch.34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.34 “Ahn~!” We screamed in pleasure as We woke to the embrace of someone holding us in the darkness with a hand over our bosom. We looked about with Svartr’s sight to see We were back at the lake cavern, only now there was a small stone tower barely breaching the surface in the middle of the small lake. “W-what just happened?!” Hot damn do We feel well-fucked though! “We mated, my Queen.” Midir told us in a voice that, while still deep and thrumming, lacked the drowned and raspy aspect. Also, we felt his cock was still stiff and throbbing in our snatch. “Is your memory so short?” We used our tails to feel his body and realized he was anthro and our size. With how things felt around us size-wise we’re both about 10 feet tall. He was even more ripped than Spike and was also so much more angular, more...mature? “I-We, but-what?” Some deep, primal part of us was screaming in rapture from this scenario, but the rest is just baffled! “We mated, do you not remember my Queen?” Midir asked with disappointment and what faintly sounded like concern. “Queen? We’re not a Queen.” Svartr asked in confusion as the large dragon started to pull away. N-no, don’t go... “I was not speaking to you alone, Godkin.” Midir huffed after he left us feeling empty and cold. We want his warmth again... “This is such a peaceful place. No wonder the Dark is so drawn to it.” Midir commented before he looked back at us. “Go about your business here, but do not forget what lies at the bottom. I won’t be around to fish you out.” Midir turned, striding for the exit. “W-where will you go?” We questioned, because Midir is a literal god-tier entity. We just unleashed him...and fucked him. knowing where he’s likely to go is the least We could do. Also, whatever he did, it was so damn good We passed out, We want to find him again later! “To seek the Dark, wherever it may arise. I no longer need to stand sentinel over a pit, but if places such as this exist then more violent instances of the Abyss may arise.” Midir continued to leave. “Grow strong young dragon. Perhaps, next time we meet my Queen will be fully awoken and we can mate properly.” With that he left the cave via the tunnel with us confused, weak and leaking his hot seed. Did We just fuck a god tier being? Oh, We fucked Lulu, Tia, Cady and Twily already. This isn’t that much different. Except he was from the Era before Fire and could have squashed us like a bug. Instead he ravished us and gave us such pleasure. Good thing We didn’t have a womb before We came here, or We’d be having his eggs for sure with how our belly is inflated. “Uh, okay.” We meekly said despite that he was gone as I absorbed his cum. It was then that I remembered what he may have meant. “Th-the Heir of Fire I absorbed from that dragon cairn and turned me into a draco-fox! Is that where these urges are coming from?! Is that why we fucked him like an eager breeding bitch?!” But Goddess damn does that sound good! “Holy shit...I may be retired, but I’m going to write a report about this. Midir’s existence confirms a ton of theories.” Daring took a cleansing breath. “Also, if he’ll let it happen, I’m with you when you two bang again.” “Me too please.” Svartr whimpered and We got powerful mental images of subjugated dragons meant to be used as flying mounts and how incredible a lay they were from her. “Can we not talk about breeding with the scariest guy we’ve ever encountered?” I mean, yeah, he’s a hunk in both feral and anthro form, but he scares the shit out of us. “Well, let’s get to work on making this purifier pool. Or spring actually.” At this We grew to our full 20 foot tall size, sitting on the edge of the lake. That tower in the center would be a good place for the bonfire, but no way are We going to risk swimming across a lakebed of the Abyss. We reached into our cleavage and pulled out the huge log I first used once I became Strong and put it on the water to see if it would float, it did. With that We put the log across the point where the lake became a creek. This headwater would be perfect. We then took out the iron brazier, balancing it between the log and the shore. Holding it still We fished out the Undead bones, a rather grim thing since Undead cannot die and can be butchered for them constantly. These bones were willingly donated to the Way of White though, so it isn’t too terrible. We filled the brazier which weighed down and settled on the log and shore of the headwater. We then took out the Coiled Sword and placed it in the bones, sheathing it in the shallow indent in the bottom meant for it. “Here comes the gross part.” Daring bemoaned as We scooted back from the lake. “Sorry Daring.” I apologized, using both hands to pull out heaps of still almost-fresh demon corpses and set them to the side. Once I deemed the pile high enough, I began feasting without bothering to try to let them touch our tongue. Daring still whined as We bloated up, our breasts facing the lake as Svartr used tendrils to keep us feeding. “So disgusting~!” Daring complained as We bloated up to our 20-foot sphere, our tits swelling forth and getting ready. Soon, We were moaning in pleasure as our nipples let down, dumping the mixture into the lake next to the unlit Bonfire. That changed as usual, the Bonfire lighting, turning crystal and blue, before Harmonia’s sapling sprouted. This time it also twined into and around the log, turning it crystal and anchoring to the shore by sprouting roots. Nice to see my first hammer got a new lease on life. “Aw, another cave? After the first four were all in the sun too?” Harmonia complained as her heavily gravid chibi form emerged from her sapling and sat down on the edge of the basin, kicking the near-freezing water with her cloven hooves. “Beautiful place though.” “Sorry, We needed to Purify this place, though don’t go into the lake. The Dark is down there.” We Warned her as We shrunk a bit to join her at the water’s edge and Aventurine’s flames again perked up near us. Are We doing you proud Aventurine? Is that why you seem to show interest whenever We’re near? “W-what?” Harmonia’s voice quivered before she looked down into the now-magical glowing water and she eeped as she jumped back into her sapling at the sight of the solid Dark along the bottom of the lake. “Why here?! If that comes up here, I’m doomed! Douse the fire!” “Ah...this water feeds a farm. That happens to be the only source of food in the desert.” I mewled, which got Harmonia to whine and come back out to nervously peer down into the Dark of the lake. “This isn’t fair. I’m utterly terrified of the Dark, as much as the Light. I’m the Balance! Too much of either is practically poison to me!” Harmonia whimpered before she took a cleansing breath. “A-at least it seems passive. There’s no Locusts down there preaching at us, that’s good.” “Anything we could do to lessen the threat? Midir had been here guarding it.” We questioned the Goddess of Balance in the hopes that she might have somewhere to start. “...Midir?” Harmonia’s questioning tone and befuddlement didn’t fill us with confidence. “He’s the Everlasting Dragon that was ordered by the Gods in the First Era to guard the Abyss and to devour anything that tried to leave it.” Daring explained succinctly and Harmonia suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. “Nevermind. It’s good. Then this must be a stable part of the Abyss. No need to worry about it suddenly swallowing the desert unless something uses it to do so. Not likely with me here standing guard now.” Harmonia relaxed and sat back down, kicking the water again. “Good work you three. Keep it up.” “Three?” We perked up. My goddess! “Oh dear. Willow, be careful. Sharing a Soul is serious business. Come see me if you end up going too far and forget yourselves.” Her presence then vanished. Our unity faltered as Daring had clearly had enough of the situation and stood us up to begin trudging down the creek which now illuminated the cave with faint white light. “Daring?” Svartr asked with concern while I was still puzzling my Goddess’ words. “I’ve had enough adventure for one day. We’re going back to town, reporting, then we’re going to fucking sleep until this is Future Wiatr’s problem.” Daring shakily stated, clearly the Dark and Midir was a bit too much all at once. Aventurine’s warning of Soul Fusion must’ve tipped it. “What about the Farm quest? Shouldn’t we at least inform Berserker? Who is Wiatr?” For some reason that word spoke to me, to all of us. It had pieces of each of us in it. Oh. Oh shit. “Willow, Daring, Svartr.” Daring explained uneasily as she spread our wings-which I just noticed are now dragon wings-as she rubbed our mound, making us groan as her fingers dove into our still-thirsty muff. “You said that Vixen was probably a lover in that game? I could use some help blowing off steam before bed.” Vixen? Oh, Urta! “Unf...she’s likely at the Wet Bitch if she isn’t on the front gate of the city, but let’s at least let Berserker and Whitney know that the water source is pure.” I said with a moan as Daring fingered us mid-flight. Holy shit~ what did Midir do to us to make us so thirsty~?! We groaned and masturbated, but managed to stop long enough when near the farm to fly down towards Berserker. “Hey babe! Water’s pure! We had a life-or-death encounter with a god-tier stud so We’re going to go bang a hot vixen to not panic, bye~!” We flew off before he could say anything other than to call out to us. We did manage to see the farm rapidly begin magically flourishing much to Whitney’s vocal joy as the purified waters flowed into the aquifer below. We didn’t waste time and hurried to reach the North Gate, but didn’t find Urta here. “Hey! Ground or the towers will fire! Tel’Adre is a no-flying zone!” Shouted one of the not-as-armed/armored watchmen that was at the gate. “Sorry! Hey, any idea where Urta is?” We panted as We landed with a thud on our paws as We grabbed one of our basketball-sized tits and rubbed our lower belly. We then stopped as our lusty behavior seemed to be intimidating the average-sized and built wolf anthro who only calmed when he noticed the magic bracelet on our left wrist. Whew, We’re lucky that didn’t break during whatever Midir did to us. We adjusted our royal metal Undead Collar to double-check if it was still there since We forgot about it so often. Yep, good, don’t want our only real accessory to disappear on us. It would be embarrassing to ask the princesses for a replacement. “She is at the Wet Bitch. Her date stood her up again. She’s a great gal. I’m not into herms myself, but really! She deserves better.” The male wolf huffed in disgust at the vixen’s mistreatment. “We have dibs on the rebound!” We crowed and quickly dashed into the city. We ignored the onlookers who ogled us for our near-naked form and its size and musculature. We beelined straight for the lewdly-named bar and burst into the establishment. Everyone was looking at us, but our eyes locked onto the bemused grey fox who seemed to be about to knock back a mug and We sauntered up to her as We licked our chops hungrily. “H-hey there! W-want to have a-?” Urta’s words involving her mug were interrupted by us grabbing her by the collar of her armor, pulling her up and kissing her full on the mouth. Her tail, usually curled around her lap, went straight out behind her and floofed up. “Mph?!” “Have you~.” We purred after We broke the kiss and carried her towards the back. Tendrils emerged from our cleavage and dumped a bag of Bits on the bar counter as We ascended. Thank you Svartr for looting the demons as we went. We made out with the vixen, who whimpered needily into our mouth and clutched at us nervously, using her tail to cover her groin. We shouldered into the first room, thankfully vacant and laid her on the bed as Svartr closed the door. Goddess We loved making tendril limbs for everything We need. “Holy shit. *smooch* I knew you were good-looking, *kiss* but damn girl.” Urta panted, but still covered herself. “L-look. Before you get my hopes up, I’ve got a-.” “Huge, throbbing, absolutely delicious Dick.” We purred and Daring’s magic flashed at our groin, revealing a 20-inch long ribbed and knotted equine cock. We lined it up with her pussy under her armored skirt and played with her tail as our bitch-breaking flare pressed against her already wet panties. “So do We~. We’re an optional herm and We’re not about to shy away from a woman with a big, juicy, cock. Even if you are sterile.” “S-sterile? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Urta whimpered, grinding against our 4-inch flare. Our cock was basically a ribbed and knotted shiny black version of Cadence’s incredible mare-meat. “I’m not sterile. I just take contraceptive herbs in case I get lucky.” “We’ll explain why we said that later. After we fuck you silly and mate you right here!” We growled, bending over and shrinking down to around her 6-foot height, licking the crook of her neck as she whimpered. “N-no~! I-I don’t know you yet~!” Urta whined, feebly pushing at us. “N-no marking! Edryn and I are still maybe a thing!” Urta weakly remarked, panting and clearly resisting licking the crook of our own neck. “Really?” We asked as We removed her chainmail, rubbing and groping her DD-cup breasts, our unnaturally long tongue lapping at her neck. “You think she’ll want to be your Mate?” “M-maybe? We’ve been fuckbuddies for years now…” Urta whimpered and pulled away from our sucking on her neck. “P-please...don’t make me such a cruel promise yet. Let’s just fuck first, get to know each other later.” Urta insisted. “I’m not exactly so desperate that I’ll give up my independence to mate with someone who just came to town and let her sweep me off my paws. Especially since you came here with my ex-girlfriend Sabrina’s scent all over you.” “Oh. Well we’re not mutually exclusive. Sabrina clearly doesn’t have monogamy in mind. We’re also not even just one person, We’re three people in one package.” We kissed and sucked her neck and she arched into us, pressing her breasts to our hands. “Ah! Okay then, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m Captain of the Guard and I cannot just let some newbie bulldoze over me!” Urta snarled suddenly with all hesitance gone as she somehow overpowered us and flipped onto our back and pinned us. Her hands roughly squeezed our tits, spraying our tri-colored milk into her palms as her massive 20 inch long horse-cock flopped out of her skirt when her Inventory failed. “I’m not about to be knocked up!” Urta pulled back and moved her huge penis under our balls, then rammed into our pussy with a single brutal thrust. We wailed and she moaned as she looked at us like prey as We meekly stared up at her. Her cock smashed into our cervix as her massive pent-up basketball-sized nuts smacked our ass. “I! Am! Not! A! Plaything!” She snarled as she took us roughly and made us yelp in pain and pleasure as her bitch breaker rammed and slammed us! “Ah ahn!” We cried out as she abused our cunt, stretching out our elastic vagina and false womb to the point she was thrusting between our tits. “Yes! Breed us Captain!” We begged, licking her fingers which were still roughly squeezing our nipples into her palms. “That’s what you’d want huh?! Fucking breeding bitches, always coming to me for the same thing!” Urta sniffled, but didn’t slow down as she jackhammered our hungry cunt. “Just a one-time thing and you’ll be leaving with my pups. Like always.” “No~.” We whined and tried to pull her into a hug. “We won’t leave, not in that way. We want to raise them with you. We know you must have been bullied and used. We would never do that to you.” “Shut the fuck up! This isn’t the time for meaningful words you idiot! You’re supposed to say: ‘Yes Captain! Fuck me full of puppies!’ You’re ruining the mood!” Urta complained, clearly not fully taking offense to our advances like We’d thought. “Would it make you happy?” We mewled unsurely. We came in here fully intent on showing her a good time and having a good time and now We may have hurt her feelings. “Fucking-Yes! God, this is supposed to be a passionate fucking, not a goddamn heart-to-heart! Go back to making that sexy fucked-out expression and-Ugh! You’ve ruined it!” Urta suddenly pulled out of us, huffing as she went to finish undressing. “Great. Just great. I’m too sober for this!” “Um, We could make our milk alcoholic for you.” We told her and her head snapped towards us like a thirsty woman in a desert. “Would that get you back in the mood?” Did her neck crack when she looked at us just then? “...You’re not lying? Niamh hasn’t been back from the coven in a long time and beer-tits are so awesome.” Urta licked her lips as she tossed her skirt into the corner, her panties following shortly as well as her undershirt. “Because I’ve barked up that tree for a year. If you can you’re in for a rough few days my friend.” Days? Is she promising something she might not be able to do? “We can make our milk taste like anything for you lover~.” We panted as our tits filled with new milk laced with extra love nectar and something Svartr vaguely remembered from Gwynevere. Oh~ that felt right, yes add that in! Whoa~ our boobs feel incredible! Like We have pure energy in liquid form contained within our bosom! “None of that lovey-dovey shit. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. We’re two hot and ready strangers getting drunk and sexed.” Urta snarled as she crawled back atop us, shaking and kneading our leaky tits which sloshed with how stuffed they were with our special lactate. “We may know you more than you think, even if you are not entirely the same.” Svartr spoke this time on her own before Daring or I could stop her from killing the mood. Svartr shut the fuck up and lets just fuck each other silly! Or do you want us forcing you onto an armor rack?! “I thought I told you to stop talking all deep!” Urta snarled before she latched onto our right nipple and suckled. “Oh~ so creamy, rich, and tangy.” She groaned before thrusting her massive dick back into our aching pussy. “Hm~ give mama all the milk she wants~!” She growled, sucking even more intently. “This is high-quality stuff you’ve got in these epic tits.” Urta praised us, shaking our sloshing breasts which were filling with more and more of our unique blend of alcoholic goddess-milk, love nectar, and ectoplasm goo. “Wow this is cool. I thought I had a drinking problem.” Daring giggled, pulling the spare breast up to our mouth and We self-sucked, getting a taste of our incredibly delicious lactate. Holy crap! Our breasts are making an alcoholic milk that almost tastes like vanilla bourbon shake~! We groaned while Urta more gently fucked us as we drank from our bosom. Was the room always this wobbly? “Whoa...good shit~...” Urta slurred, letting go of our breasts and swaying as she thrust into us. “Mm...what else was in that? This is kinda trippy.” Urta mumbled as we grinded into each other lazily, tongues lolling out. “Maybe it was my ghost goo in the mix?” Svartr wondered. “Or my love nectar?” Daring pondered. “My milk is based on my Goddess’ milk and a local dead Goddess’s milk.” I mused. “Holy fuck a cocktail~!” Urta cheered and thrust hard into us with a grunt. The spasming of her dick made our triple-cunt suddenly clench and we all groaned as Urta finally began pumping her backed-up balls into us, quickly filling our belly to term, then more, but We were far too out of it to really care beyond enjoying the afterglow as Urta flopped onto our sloshing belly and tits. “Mm...good lay. Time for cuddles.” At her words, We made sure to absorb her cum since she didn’t seem ready for a serious relationship yet. “Whoa~! Where’d it go?” Urta slurred in bemusement as she was suddenly pressing more against our cock than our belly. “We absorbed it. We didn’t think you’d want cubs so soon.” We huffed as we nuzzled her and grabbed her ass. “You gonna get out of us and let us return the favor?” “Naw. No way you’d avoid getting me pregnant, even with my herbs. Let’s just snuggle.” Urta mumbled into our still sloshing tits. “Heh...magic goo lady…*snore*.” The moment Urta fell asleep We chuckled quietly and retracted our male organs so they weren’t getting squished and pulled the drunken fox against us. Already Midir was just a faint concern as We dozed off. > Ch.35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.35 “Wake the fuck up!” We jolted and found ourselves looking in a mirror in confusion. Wait, why are our cock and balls out? Didn’t We put those away last night? Also, our face while still vulpine didn’t have Willow’s signature fennec ears and we only had one tail, without a hand-like poof on it either. “About damn time!” Urta’s voice shouted from our angry visage. “Huh?!” We dumbly asked before We recognized a feeling of odd fullness while We uncontrollably splashed water on our face. Is she inside all of us?! “U-Urta?!” “Explain! Now!” Urta demanded furiously, hefting our compressed, but still lactating DD-cup breasts. Oh fuck, We feel so good like this~! When? How? “Uh, crap, um just let me turn.” I said before I became like rubber around Urta instead of slime, like I was with Daring, who must’ve become slime too if We just pulled Urta right into us without using any holes. “Daring, are you okay? I think I turned you into goo...sorry.” The way our face rapidly changed expression and voice obviously unsettled Urta if her shock meant much. “What? It’s too early.” Our face became drowsy as Daring fully woke up and rubbed our eyes. “Why are our ears smaller?” Daring asked, groping our tits and biting her lip. “Where are my wings?” Oh, yes, getting so turned on by this! Keep groping! “Shut up~! I’m trying to sleep.” Svartr whined when she too fully gained awareness and stumbled us backwards, dumping us into the stone tub, which didn't hurt at all, but it was fairly jarring. “Oh~, what did we drink last night? So horny, cock now.” Svartr groaned, before shoving her tendrils in our pussies! Urta moaned as Svartr started having her fun, our balls gurgling. “Some pretty damn good liquor.” Urta mused and managed to slap Svartr’s tendrils with a sigh before she turned towards the taps, turning on the hot water. “Oh well, dissolved by a slime isn’t too bad a way to go I guess.” “We won’t dissolve you!” I whined while I tried to figure out how to free her. How did we put her in?! Can Daring and I still separate?! During my musing, Urta grabbed the soap and started with our paws, further proof I’d dissolved Daring into a slime/changeling/pegasus. “You’re wearing us like a suit right now.” Hey, wait, that constant aching burn I’ve felt with each Hell Demon slaughtered in the desert when we found Bree is gone! “I am?” Urta replied in surprise and she inspected our shared body by grabbing our shared cock. “I can feel that just fine. I doubt you’re a suit, but if you are then you wouldn’t mind living with me for the rest of my life if I can’t get you off. Hope you like boring guard duty.” The fox shuddered as she jerked. “Hm? Why do I feel so hot? Like, sexy hot.” She moaned as her cock pulsed turquoise with that familiar heat. Shit. Urta took the hell demon souls! I hope she’s okay... “We have a quest to end Corruption! We can’t be on guard duty.” I whined when We began to feel the throbbing heat centered in her amazing meat and balls, quickly bringing on a surprise incoming orgasm! “Holy fuck~ it’s like our arousal is a fucking furnace~!” Gonna cum! Gonna cum! “By Gwynevere this is pleasurable, but this isn’t natural!” Svartr wailed and unwrapped from around us, revealing a golden shiny sheen underneath as the wolf/slime reformed, now a reasonable 6-feet tall like Urta and the rest of us right now with a similar figure and genitals. She blinked as she looked at us and looked down at herself. “...Huh...neat.” Urta’s balls clenched as her building supernatural orgasm surged up her massive dick and sprayed Svartr in glowing turquoise seed. “Holy shit~! What is happening~?!” Urta wailed and jerked off, hosing Svartr in the steaming hot luminescent cum, our usually-lupine partner groaned and rubbed it into her membrane, even eating some of it. “Oh~ this feels good~! Why does it feel good?!” Svartr panted and pressed against us as Urta still fountained the shining semen all over her and now us as Urta humped our docked DD cup breasts. “I don’t know, but I love it~!” Urta panted and shuddered until her incredible bukkake shower slowed down and the heat subsided. “Ugh...that was amazing...how did I do that?” Urta wiped some of the supernatural seed off of our shiny docked breasts and took a lick. “It tastes delicious, like...I don’t know, but I feel energized just from a taste despite how exhausted such a cumshot would’ve normally left me.” “Whatever it is, it was caused by you absorbing the soul energy of Hell Demons I had in me.” I answered, just as tired as Urta should actually be from that incredible shower she just gave us. Thankfully the water was already running and We’d be getting clean soon enough. “Now then, Daring, get off of us.” “Wait. We’re all dirty, let’s get clean even if the tub isn’t meant for two.” Urta declared as she began lapping up the cum all over the oddly unresponsive and clearly-in-ecstasy Svartr. “Mm, so good…” Urta turned off the water once it nearly filled the tub and licked up the shining semen until enough of it was gone and Svartr seemed to come to her senses. Then she and Urta used a cloth to wipe each other down and Svartr got out of the tub to sit on the floor. “Okay, the next one can get off now that you’re clean.” “I’m...not exactly sure how to do this. I mean, I wasn’t a slime yesterday...before we had drunken sex that is.” Daring pulled on our nose and began peeling off of me like a rubber suit, her hollow head pulling off at the mouth like a costume. “Help work me off, I don’t exactly know how to change on purpose.” “Here.” I said with a sigh and gave her a mental rundown on what Svartr does. I couldn’t exactly do it that way, but it did help Daring turn into a swimsuit. Once Urta shucked off the golden sling bikini, green fire overtook it and soon a golden copy of Urta was sitting next to Svartr, looking between us and examining herself. “Uh...why am I still a fox? I like it, but I want my wings back.” Daring hefted the massive golden horsecock and bit her lip. “In a minute. Last one, off. I have to get ready for the day, I work for a living.” Urta playfully demanded of me as she poked our rainbow-hued boobs. “Unless you want me to wear you all day.” “Okay, let’s hope I can do something similar and you don’t end up in my womb somehow.” I grunted and tried to slide around Urta so she ended up outside of me. I couldn’t exactly turn into anything, even if I had limited shapeshifting. I don’t have the habit of being inanimate objects or having changeling magic to help me like the other two. I ended up having to help Urta climb out of my mouth like the suit Daring initially tried to be. “Oof! That was weird.” “Shut up and let me bathe in peace.” Urta demanded sternly but with less heat than when we woke up when she pointed towards my fellow clones of her next to the bath. I joined them in concern and looked between all of us. We are a quartet of sexy vixens who were obviously exactly the same aside from our colors and my collar. Okay, as much as I like that the collar didn’t go missing, how the fuck did it just stay on when the other two came off, then came with me when I got off of Urta? My befuddlement over my magic ID collar aside, after several awkward minutes of just sitting next to my mates, Urta sighed. “Okay. So you’re sapient slime suits? Like Valeria?” “I’m a demigod, a champion of my Goddess Aventurine. Svartr is a formerly haunted armor turned ghost goo and Daring is a changeling...pegasus...slime.” I explained poorly. We were such a trio of ooey gooey nonsense, weren’t we? “Aventurine...oh! You mean the Great Serpents!” Urta’s words confused me. “Avarice? Don’t you know your Goddess’ mythos?” Urta huffed in annoyance as she scrubbed her fur with the bar of soap that lathered up quite profusely. Oo~ they have shampoo bars? Oh, right, not important. “She kinda just, offered the position and I accepted?” I meekly answered, ashamed of my ignorance of my Goddess’ mythos. The next time I see her I’ll ask for a book or something. “Well, that sounds like them. I’ll teach you a bit. The Great Serpents of Avarice were first known as Avarice and Crescent, the former the greater, the latter the lesser. They are simply part of the greater whole of what we’ve recently learned is Aventurine. You might know Avarice as Ava, and Crescent as Lumi.” Urta lectured as she soaped up her boobs. “I think so. I never met Lumi and the only other voices I knew from our coupling was Lyra and Sharp. It was brief moments in the throes of sex and changes, which resulted in me becoming the Mother of Slimes.” I said with a blush. “At least the ones in the center of Equestria.” “We’ve only recently learned of Lyra and Sharp is considered the Serpent of Suffering. We’ve ordered the goddess into a whole pantheon. Avarice/Ava of Trade/Fertility, Crescent of Compassion, Sharp of Suffering, and Lyra of Love. Obviously they together form Aventurine, the Great Serpent of Sex, Procreation, and Commerce.” Urta sighed. “Very confusing. Maybe summoning her will help straighten it all out.” Wow. My Goddess is seriously messed-up. “I like this cock.” Svartr mused, clearly not paying attention as she rubbed the copy cock on herself and Daring groaned at the interruption of her notes she’d started taking at some point. “I mean, being a goo is one thing, but this new form seems oddly stable, like my armor form.” “Can you not focus on that right now Svartr? We’re finding out more about the Goddess that gave Willow these strong yet kinky powers.” Daring complained, but then looked over her shoulder where her fluffy tail was. “Well...I do miss my wings…” “Girls, please.” I sighed and rubbed my temples. Wait, I’m getting a headache? Undead don’t get headaches! “What is up with my body? It’s almost like I’m not Cursed.” I stood up and looked in the mirror, opening my mouth and moving my tongue. My Darksign was still there, so what the hell is going-. “In here!” Came a male voice from the door into the rented room. A trio of burly white-robed males, one a bunny, another a horse, the last a wolf, burst into the bathroom. They gasped as the bunny aimed a crystal ball at me. It had a symbol suspiciously shaped like a woman’s reproductive system and shined a near-blinding pink. “Seize her!” Ordered the bunny with excitement. “W-what-eep!” The other two grabbed me under my arms and they quickly began nearly jogging me out of the bathroom and the bedroom. “Let me go! Help~!” I called out and struggled, but for some reason my strength isn't responding! “Mmph!” They suddenly put a muzzle with blinders on me and cuffed my arms behind my back, my legs too, then had my tail threaded into my leg bindings as they rushed me out. “What is going on!?” I screamed in my head as they hauled me on their shoulders someplace and I felt my more...reproductive state kick in when my womb formed without me willing it! I was dripping pre down to the ground from my massive cock as love juice slathered my thighs and cantaloupe-sized balls from my pussy. Oh Goddess~! I feel like I’m going mad! “Mmhmhmhmph~!” I whined, feebly continuing to try and resist. Where were Svartr and Daring?! Why haven’t they stopped this?! Where are Berserker, Hunter and Sabrina for that matter?! Why did we split the party like idiots?! After what felt like hours, but was maybe minutes, I was almost gracefully placed on something and felt my power be tapped into it. “Is she really a part of a Goddess?” I heard before feeling hands on my breasts and balls. Hey! No! I don’t consent to this! “She looks exactly like Captain Urta aside from her odd rainbow-hued fur. I had theorized she was blessed by at least some form of divinity to have been born a natural hermaphrodite.” “Hmph!” I raged and wriggled to try to get them off before something at the front of the muzzle opened, but not enough for me to do more than whine and stick my tongue out of. “Aorta, we are not demons!” One snarled, but I still couldn’t see. “If she’s related to a fertility goddess, then maybe breeding her will yield Demigods. We wouldn’t have to scavenge artifacts from dead gods to power the tower.” The one that just shoved his cock down my throat explained. I cried, trying to pull away, but some restraint held me fast without touching me somehow. “Her throat is impossibly elastic! Proof she may be what we need.” He pulled out, but before I could do more than cough, the muzzle was sealed again. Everyone! Where the fuck are you?! “Aorta! You’re suggesting we breed her like we’re demons and use her pups as fuel?! I will have no part in this madness!” Came a more elderly voice. Yes! I agree! Please don’t turn me into a baby factory only to kill my babies! “I concur! This is too much! Release her immediately!” Came a third voice, all of them so far have been male. “We’ve almost used up the last Fragment of Faust on the shield! The Barrier will fall in days!” The first retorted. “In case you failed to see the reports, the demons in the area have been routed by an unknown force! We have no pressing need to keep the barrier running at full power. We can still power it by more mundane means if not as stable.” Came the elderly voice. “Cease bickering and have the poor vixen released! She isn’t a demon or a slave despite the collar. Have decency.” The third voice demanded again. Wait, Tel’Adre has slaves?! “At least feel her.” The first snarled as my legs were spread out and I was levitated into the air. What the fuck!? “Then tell me what we shouldn’t do.” A solid ball was pressed at the area where my balls met the upper area of my pussy, it was incredibly warm. “Aorta!” The elderly voice protested, until the orb was shoved into my cooch and I squealed as I stretched around it and it’s warmth increased to nearly painfully hot levels. “Oh-oh my! Such a reaction! Is she related to the Serpents?!” “Th-this changes nothing! Guards! I demand you release the vixen now!” The third voice had clearly had enough, finally asserted his demand. Soon, the orb was removed from my now needy cunt and my bindings were undone, starting with my legs and tail, then arms, then finally the muzzle. I had to blink at the suddenly blinding brightness of the sunlight-filled chamber. The entire roof overhead seemed to be made of glass or some other crystal, which let the morning sun refract directly into the room like it was midday. “W-where am I?” I whimpered as whatever magic was levitating me set me down gently and I looked around to see three throne-like chairs surrounding me in the triangular chamber. One with an old horse so gray even his fur had turned grey. The next a wolf who had his robes off save for his waist and below. The last was a young-looking bunny that seemed disgruntled.  “It’s not like women just come to us.” The Bunny huffed. “Oh shut up.” The horse whinnied at the buck. “Sorry about this, my fellow can be-” “Rapey?” I finished as I shook myself. “Look, I can make a purification pool that would give clean magic healing water at all times and would stop corruption in anyone. It would make the shield vestigial. It’s most of the reason I came to this city.” At my words they all got bug-eyed and the platform tapping into my power shimmered white. “Y-you can? Why would you do such a kind thing? What do you gain from it?” Asked the old horse curiously. I had to blink at his silly question. “Uh...the satisfaction of doing the right thing? It’s also my Quest to save the world from Corruption. My party and I just spent the past several days hunting down and killing the demon forts in the desert. I’ve even made purification pools out there to make sure they couldn’t just retake them. I also made a purifying wellspring at the source of water for the farm.” My explanation seemed to nearly give the poor old stallion a heart-attack from how he was clutching his chest and taking deep breaths. “See! She must be a demigoddess! Even if we don’t need the shield now, I told you my seekers weren’t just seeing things!” The bunny crowed cheerfully, thumping his right paw on the floor excitedly. “Quiet Aorta.” The wolf spoke up, revealing that he was the one who was calling for my release the moment I was brought here. “Tell me Milady. What would you need to make such a wellspring here?” I felt a little flush at the handsome possibly middle-aged wolf referring to me so politely. “I just need a big enough source of water, or a large enough pool to make it. I’ve still got enough materials to make it if I have those provided to me.” I informed them before remembering I was totally nude and covered my DD-cups with an arm and vainly tried to cover my still-raging boner. Shit. Even though I’m not aroused at all, my body is in total reproduction mode. It wasn’t until I remembered my tail that I used it to drape my cock in fluffy prismatic coverage. “But, um, I’m kinda compromised right now. I need to get back to my party.” I told them while imagining what would happen after they find out what happened to me. “Say no more. Seekers, provide the lady a robe and guide her back to where you took her from. Be sure to let them know to head to the well to the north end of the city.” The wolf declared and soon the trio that had abducted me emerged from the somehow unseen corners of the bright room. They tossed a robe onto me and practically carried me back down what was apparently a tall tower. This must be Tel’Adre itself that the city took the name from. We didn’t get far though. The moment we left the large gates of the tower, we halted before an utterly mercurial Berserker, a visibly angry Hunter, an upset Sabrina, an irritated Urta, as well as the relieved faces of Daring and Svartr, who still looked like recolors of Urta and wore simple brown shirts and skirts. And they were all pissed. > Ch.36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.36 “Are you okay babe?!” Daring asked when she ran straight into me, hugging me tightly as my escorts warily backed away and the gates slammed shut between them and us. Clearly they were too scared shitless at the sight of my group to properly fulfill their orders. “Not so close~!” I wailed and I started panting, my arousal suddenly surged now that I was back among trusted friends and mates. “I’m in full heat and rut! I’ve never felt like this before!” Sure, I’ve been horny, but dear Goddess I want to just fuck and be fucked simultaneously right now! “That’s probably because you’ve been in close contact with an artefact or religious tool attuned to your Goddess, rather than directly with a Shrine. Oddly, effigies or other things made in worship tend to have alternate effects than ones made directly.” Daring theorized while she backed away at the news that the tent in my robe was more than because I was glad to see her. “Oh.” I huffed before Daring suddenly hugged me and flashed green, turning into her adventurer clothing to cover me rather than the robe which burned away. My painfully erect boner disappeared into the Inventory males have in this wacky kinky world. “Svartr, get on her.” Daring ordered with a pocket as her mouth before she flashed again, fully merging over me in the nude before Svartr joined too. Our shared erection was again covered as Svartr formed clothes over us while still being like a third skin, copying Daring’s adventurer short shorts and khaki crop-top. “There, that’s better. Wow you’re aroused.” Daring panted, but oddly my raging needs soon faded and it was more the ambient tickle of desire. “We’ve got to talk to Aventurine when we get the chance. This is weird how your needs are stretching across us.” Svartr commented before she turned to Urta. “Sorry you had to get pulled into this. We needed a good lay to get over a terrifying possible near-existence-ending situation and Willow’s memories of how you could be drew us to you since everyone else was busy.” “Eh. This world’s fucked. You’re not the worst thing to happen to me.” Urta shrugged, her armor clinking. “What did the council want from you?” Urta’s ears wilted, letting us know she was clearly concerned about my abduction. “One wanted to turn me into a baby factory to make living batteries out of my pups.” I shuddered and hugged myself before I felt the assuring squeeze of Daring and Svartr around me. “He was immediately overruled by the other two, especially when I mentioned I made a purification spring at the farm. They told me to do so at the well in the north of the city as well.” Berserker had a look of murderous vengeance on his face as he glared up at the glass-topped tower, but Hunter placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. Even so, Berserker was muttering on how he was going to kill each of the governing bodies and have them displayed for the whole town to see. Hanging from the top of the glass and staining it in their blood. “Wait, you purified the main source of water for the region?” Sabrina perked up from her displeasure at the council. “That is incredible! Does the water keep its properties this far however?” “Considering that it doesn’t keep its healing and purifying properties when bottled, I doubt it.” Hunter held up his pad towards us. With that stated, Urta clacked the bottom of her spear’s shaft on the stones of the street. “Alright then. I’ll guide you there. I’ll watch you work and report your success once it’s done.” Urta declared before she quickly guided us onward to the north end of the city. Once there, we found a bucket conveyor system dumping water in the aqueduct system running through the center of the city, around the tower, to the cardinal and intercardinal corners. It was hard to imagine a city with as archaic a plumbing system as this one with my shrine, Canterlot and Neighappolous having modern indoor plumbing. Truly the demons have been a plague on this world if isolated cities are still primitive. “Here it is. This station provides water to the whole city.” It was a thing of beauty if simplicity. It was a massive bucket conveyor made of an odd wood, chains and gears plunging down into the rectangular stone shaft that exposed an underground cave filled with water from the sounds of the endless sloshing below. Above, it tossed the buckets of water onto the elevated aquifer from the speed of the constantly rotating mechanism along with the shapes of the buckets and the input of the aquifer. Of course… “That is the most exhausting job I’ve ever seen.” Daring hissed in disgust. I mentally agreed with Daring. It had to be manually cranked by a team of burly males of various species, who were all panting, groaning and sweating. They all wore slave collars of plain design unlike my ornamental one. It confirmed what the wolf council member stated, but they looked determined rather than downtrodden and the spray of water overhead kept them drenched with water to spite the hot sun. They even had other slaves with paddle fans and shades to keep the sun off them and the air moving which with the simulated humidity was quite welcome. “Why do they all look like slaves?” Berserker asked with a growl as he clenched his fists. “Because they are.” Urta’s ears bent backward in shame. “This is an ancient city with ancient rulers. The powers that be keep the practice going. We’ve managed to make it as kind as possible, such as providing wages for demanding work like this. They all choose it too. Selling oneself into servitude here in exchange for food, water and a place to lay your head isn’t uncommon. We also use the system as a form of community service for prisoners with long sentences.” Urta hacked a loogie to the side in disgust. “Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” “Well, well, well…” I squeaked in surprise and jumped into Hunter’s arms and he caught me like I was part of Scooby Do’s signature gag. When we turned to look who spoke we saw a yellow Wolf with rabbit-like ears who smiled creepily at us. “Quite the shocker though, we probably should’ve expected this. Right, Berserker?” “When did you get here, Runner?” Berserker asked as if all his anger van-that’s Runner?! “Oh, a little while ago.” The bunny-wolf answered with a shrug. “I may or may not have been scoping out the entire city, grabbing some dirt about the City Council, making some deals with them.” He smiled impishly which sent some chills down my spine. He was a yellow wolf-bunny with mostly lupine over lapine traits, the rabbit ears being the most bunny-like thing about him. His long hair covered his right eye, his left eye was blue. He looked like some badass steampunk casino-goer from Mad Max. He wore a top hat with a 13 of clubs pinned to the ribbon on the front which clashed with his worn yellow leather trench coat buttoned properly with especially bright brass half-belt buttons. Over it was a brown leather bandolier lined with pouches. That aside, he wore plain leather pants, smooth-studded leather gloves and had even more satchels strapped to his thighs. He also had a cane with a tiny monster’s skull for the knob. “So. You must be Willow right?” Runner asked me with his smile losing its creepy factor and looking more normal. “Your punishment seems to have already been given by Murphy and that’s good enough for me to forgive you. Oh, you guys left out the part where I’m the bat-shit, insane bastard of the family, didn’t you?” No, they kinda hinted at it already... “They could have been more clear about it.” I huffed at both Berserker and Hunter, a little peeved that neither of them spoke all that much about their brothers. I don’t even know who the fifth brother is! “*Gasp*! You guys haven’t even told her about Collateral?! What did he do to you?!” Runner gawked overly dramatically at Berserker and Hunter, who looked sheepish and apologetic. “Hmph! Well I’m telling Collateral that you two snatched up the last BFGs from the latest raid!” The brothers paled and Hunter dropped me, which I didn’t mind considering how hilarious it was to see them trying to bargain with Runner. “Okay, so how should we do this? If I could somehow make the pool on top of the aqueduct, it would dump some of the Everfree’s water straight into the system.” I suggested as I stood up and dusted myself off while the brothers bickered. Let them hash it out, it’s clearly a family issue. “Considering how damn huge you get while doing it, I don’t think we could manage that.” Sabrina huffed, looking over at the overworked but obviously determined slaves supplying water to the city. “We could’ve ended the need for such labor if we could do that, but I suppose such innovation will have to wait until when, or if, Equestria is willing to help modernize the city.” “Oh, they will. No doubt about it. This is right up Equestria’s alley.” Daring stated from our mouth before we approached the square well the bucket conveyor was mounted in. “Now how to get down there without enough space for wings, or for us to climb down.” I mused, looking over at the slaves. I still couldn’t mold my body so easily since I was affected by that orb. From what I could tell from Svartr and Daring’s thoughts, they didn’t have their full range of abilities back either. “Hey boys! Is there a way down there?!” They kept working, but one of the fan holders scooched closer and pointed at the buckets. Huh, there’s a couple of handles on the rim of the buckets. “I’ll be back!” I called out to my group, causing Berserker and Hunter to perk and look over at us before we jumped at the buckets heading down. We grabbed onto the handles and let ourselves be lowered into the darkness. It was a fairly long ride down and We were impressed with how strong those teams of men must be to haul all this water up, even if the gear system took most of the work out of it. Svartr activated our Ghost Sight when it got too dark. We’d entered a shallow cavern, barely 15 feet above the water which was flowing fairly quickly. It was an underground river. “Please don’t be an actual underground river.” Hoping We weren’t about to get Daring and Svartr killed from being dashed upon rocks in an underground river rapids, We touched down and let go. The water quickly swept us away until We began growing to our full size. The river was shallow, only about 10 feet deep and the ceiling quickly got low towards the edges with sharp stalactites hanging overhead their sister stalagmites. We looked around, but couldn’t find anyplace shallow enough for the bonfire. “Okay girls, inventory time. Do we have anything big enough to set the brazier on? This spot here is about 2 feet deep.” I padded the spot with my paw and soon Svartr reached into our cleavage, pulling out… “No~! I don’t wanna use my demon hammer!” It’s been such a faithful minion-masher! “It’s either this or the axe and it’ll be awkward to get that mounted on the stalagmites enough to make a platform for the bonfire.” Svartr reasonably argued and I whined. “Consider this to be a good reason for us to carry around random bits of lumber or blocks of stone.” “Okay fine.” I mewled and set the Square Hammer on head for more height in the shallow water, leaving a half-foot out of the running water. “You’re going to a good cause, even if you’d be better served crushing demons or solving a crooked rhyme, you’ll be protecting the city.” “Willow. You never even got to use it more than a few times. It’s not like it has a soul infused into it.” Daring huffed as Svartr pulled off, surprising me by her being 20-feet tall from all the knights she’d consumed. The lupine giantess began pulling demon corpses from Daring and I’s cleavage, feeding them to us by cramming them in our stretchy maw. “Huh...the taste doesn’t bother me anymore.” “Probably because we’re all foxes.” I commented while I felt the bodies churning in my guts as I finally started returning to goo. Soon enough, again Daring and I were a massive balloon of the mixture and we let it out as soon as we could. Again the bonfire lit, Harmonia’s sapling sprouted and bonded to the hammer like it did with the log. “Oh~” Daring panted from the decrease in spread of my breeding state once we finished and I had to resist the urge to fuck Svartr to let her mold back onto us. “Okay, I’ve had it. Aventurine! Your blessing is screwing with us!” No response, save Harmonia poking her head out of her tree curiously. “Hold on.” I huffed, kneeling in the shallow water, grunting as I filled our tits with our cocktail of milk and I held them up, panting, needy, letting my arousal surge. “Goddess~!” I couldn’t say the rest, too aroused to form more words. “Yes Our Champion?” Aventurine’s voice sleepily echoed from her flames. “Can’t stop wanting to breed~!” Daring managed to squeal as our cock dribbled pre into the water. Thankfully Harmonia would take care of that. It would be rude to contaminate the water further since we were upstream of the bucket conveyor. “Oh~, where’s that fox or the wolves?” Svartr huffed as she started playing with us. “Thou’rt fallen off the wagon from a prolonged breeding frenzy haven’t thee?” Aventurine’s voice sounded annoyed and displeased, but I didn’t care about that right now. “Yes~!” I squealed, pulling our horsecock to our lips and sucking, before a lick of flame shot out and struck us, sapping the arousal and instantly killing our boner, shrinking our breasts back to DD-cup. “Th-thank you. What does that have to do with it?” “You’ve been busy. Very busy. Your body has adjusted to it, your magic as well. It’s considering your lack of pregnancy as well as your lack of constantly seeding other’s wombs as being irregular. You’ve literally addicted yourself to breeding. What did I tell you?” Aventurine chided and now I felt the shame, but also indignant. “Moderation, but we were backing off, ever since you told me. Well, Queen Mesosoma didn’t help and even then I think it was too late.” After all, my body automatically inseminated her. “Or anything I may have brought to the table.” Daring mewled. “I certainly haven’t been helping.” Svartr grumbled. “Combining our sex drives may have been a bad idea.” Daring said. “Says the one that loved filling up with seed and breeding dragons and changelings en masse.” Svartr huffed. “Enough bickering.” Aventurine then gave a long-suffering sigh. “Thou’rt even following in our hoofsteps, but at least We managed to maintain some measure of control over our needs to procreate.” “Sorry mother.” We huffed in frustrated indignancy. “As flattering as such a title may be, remember that We are not thine mother. Now, listen closely. Whenever thou art filled with an overwhelming desire to breed, stalk off alone until it dies down. Or set up a system where thou shalt constantly breed on a regular basis. The whispers We hear of thine world is one of declining population, certainly a few good females would be willing to help thee out there.” Aventurine suggested helpfully. “We just haven’t gotten it going yet. We’re going to go visit Sabrina’s coven and maybe play surrogate for a short bit as well as ‘donate’ our seed and milk.” I informed my Goddess. “Thank you for your help my Goddess.” At this her presence faded and Harmonia, who looked forlorn, sighed before fading back into her sapling. We stood up and waded over to the bucket conveyor. We grabbed onto the handles of a bucket going up and shrunk rapidly to normal size. It was a fairly long ride up like it was going down, We just hoped We weren’t making more work for the men cranking this thing. We’re not fat, but We are rather thicc and bricc... Soon the midday sun reached us and once out of the well We jumped away to end up landing in Hunter’s waiting arms with a blush. “W-were you just waiting to catch us?” We asked in unison, to which he nodded. We kissed him gently and nuzzled his neck. “Thank you.” We got ready to get out of his arms, but yipped when he began carrying us behind Sabrina and Urta’s retreating backs. Berserker seemed to have gone off somewhere and Runner was gone too. “Great, now I’m thirsty.” Urta said after getting a good look at our chest. We blinked and looked down at our bosom. Even though they shrunk back down to DD-cups, We forgot We were naked and our nipples were dripping water like we were lactating. She looked around before she leaned over and licked our right nipple, making us squeak. Of course Hunter used his right wing to cover us from curious eyes, which surprised us because we thought he was going to smack her away with it. Although he did give her a glare. “Urta~.” We mewled when she started suckling. “It’s the middle of the d-day.” We shivered when our chest bloated a bit more with milk, panting as our arousal began spiking. “N-not now~! T-take us to Sabrina’s Coven so we can start making kittens and donating our milk!” “I want some alcohol milk from the tap too.” Urta purred and licked her lips as she cupped our balls, which churned. “I never realized how sexy I am. Let me indulge in some narcissism.” Hunter held up his pad towards her and she rolled her eyes before she backed away. “Yeah, yeah. Bad manners to sex your mate without both of your permission. Look, please just wait for me at the Wet Bitch. I have to report to the council before I can go anywhere else. While I doubt anyone can stop you, the guards will try to keep you inside the city without an escort by now.” “That’s understandable.” Sabrina sighed and leered at the vixen. “Now, don’t go forgetting what we talked about earlier.” Sabrina purred and Urta’s tail wagged before she hurried off towards the council tower. Wait, what did they talk about while We were in the well?! “What’s going on?” We asked the titty kitty, who smiled deviously at us. “Sabrina?” “You’ll see~.” Sabrina became silent as she led us back to the Wet Bitch. When we got there our nudity drew plenty of hungry eyes. We moved to a booth in the corner while many of the patrons looked at Sabrina’s and our breasts. “Down ladies and gentlemen. No free milk tonight.” This got plenty of disappointed whines and they mostly went back to their own drinks. “Not free huh? Niamh hasn’t been around, we’ll pay for some good quality kitty milk even if it isn’t alcoholic.” Came the voice of the fluffy MILF of a husky behind the counter. She was actually bent over and getting railed by a panting male wolf behind her and she barely seemed to notice as the guy busted his nut in her. This must be the ‘Wet Bitch’. “Wait...that one looks exactly like Urta! Didn’t she say she makes some sort of high-proof liquor in her tits?” A random patron voiced and We shrunk into Hunter’s side as he covered our body with his wing. Lots of people got up with clinking purses in their hands and began chanting as they shook their purses. “Booze boobs! Booze boobs! Booze boobs!” Hunter became angry with them and drew all four of his swords with his Wind magic. He held them out towards the crowd, making the patrons flinch and stop chanting immediately. “Alright, alright! Back off! If she wants to sell breast beer she’ll let you know! Now sit down, shut up and drink what you’ve got!” The Wet Bitch demanded of her patrons, some of her motherly fury rising. “Sorry hun. If you want to sell your product, feel free to come up to the counter. Otherwise just relax.” “We don’t know if We should.” We huffed before blushing at the sound of our suddenly-hard cock knocking against the underside of the table. “Well, we don’t know when Urta will get back…” Daring bit our lip. “Might as well make some of those Bits we spent on the room last night back.” Svartr proposed, rubbing our arms as we looked at Hunter with our big eyes and shimmying into the seat. “It...would be really fucking hot.” I admitted with a lick of our lips. “Can we?” We asked Hunter hopefully. As our immediate mate and the one We weren’t sure of the disposition on this, discounting Sabrina due to her openness with being a kitty-cow. He looked between us and the patrons before writing something down. “Are you sure?” He asked us with a quirked eyebrow and a faint blush to his cheeks. “If We make our boobs big enough We won’t be able to fuck anyone unless someone comes up from behind.” We bit our lip again. “Can We count on you to keep any males or herms from taking advantage?” Hunter gave a firm nod before glaring out at the males who feebly cowered under his look and turned away. “I hope you know what you’re doing Willow...Daring. Svartr?” Sabrina looked annoyed and We sighed, coming to a decision. “Just call us Wiatr if you’re referring to us all together.” We answered, feeling right. We stood from the booth and ignored the catcalls and wolf-whistles, literal on both parts, as We approached the bar. We shook our breasts when they began expanding, filling with our unique milk. “Oh~ Goddess~.” We groaned in pleasure, our shiny black tits already the size of beach balls by the time We reached the counter. We panted, resting them on it when We rounded the corner, letting our massive breasts face the public from next to the Wet Bitch as she admired us with a gaping mouth. “F-feel free to touch us~.” We breathed to her. “Sure thing! But first.” She took out a wooden sign and placed it next to our breasts. “Come get your Breast Booze! 5 bits a mug!” The bar cheered and soon We felt hands touching the far side of our boobs, squeezing our nipples and making us whimper and shudder in pleasure as Bits began filling a tiller next to the sign. Oh Goddess Yes~ > Ch.37 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.37 “I can’t believe you made over 100 Bits in a couple of hours!” Urta gawked at us as we followed Sabrina out of Tel’Adre and towards a seemingly random direction to the south. “That was with you only getting 1 bit for every 5 bits paid too!” “Not to mention Helena bought two barrels for 100 bits each when We needed to deflate to leave.” We blushed, tugging on our replacement brown travel robes since Svartr was too aroused to properly turn into clothes right now. We were still stuck as copies of Urta. It wasn’t bad, but it was getting annoying that local pagan worshipers of my Goddess actually interfere with my powers this much. “I dislike that we can’t change back.” Svartr huffed as we passed statues of armor half-buried in the sand. “I mean, Urta’s hot as fuck, but I’d prefer to have full control back.” “Th-thanks!” Urta perked at the compliment and put a spring in her step. “Hopefully when we fuck some willing brood mothers full of kittens we’ll get some of our abilities back.” Daring complained. “I can’t believe this. Our powers are essentially locked behind sex and breeding?” “It is quite the risk when dealing with the Great Serpents. Or rather, Goddess Aventurine.” Sabrina shrugged from up ahead before we descended into a sudden fissure in the earth, rather suspiciously clear of sand and the incline conveniently composed of wide steps. “Why are there so many statues of armor around here?” I asked when I noticed another statue with a sort of gun. It looked like a lizardfolk, like half of those lizard-wolf hybrids the demons fielded at the Factory. They must be one of the races almost stamped out and interbred by the demons. “They’re Sentinels. Golems. Sometimes made from our defeated enemies.” Sabrina stated before we neared a pair of grand stone doors. Well then, We guess the lizard ones must be made from demons. Also, spooky~! We wish We knew the Sand Witches knew petrification magic earlier than when we’re all about to waltz into their home! “Huh, well good for you.” We nervously replied before our group was stopped by a feral Sphinx stomping a massive front paw. She seemed to be fully female like Briallia appeared to be at first. Oh...I hope she’s doing okay. We haven’t checked in on the giantess anthro sphinx since we sent her to the shrine. “Who-oh, Sabrina. Guests?” The Sphinx asked when she looked us over. “Hm, you’re late by nearly a week. What has been holding you up? You were merely supposed to drink from the Fountain and return.” She seemed to eye Sabrina’s breasts closely. “Hm, at least you did so.” “Yes, for the last time. I have news for the coven and need to bring these visitors before the Sand Mother.” Sabrina stated plainly and the Sphinx hummed as she looked us over. “These ones are armed. They stay outside.” The Sphinx imperiously demanded, looking at Berserker, Hunter, and Urta. “While this one is carrying weapons, a simple lock on her inventory will be enough for her to pass.” She stated with her eyes shimmering yellow as she looked us over. We looked at the others to see Urta casually dropping her spear blade-first into her cleavage. “She may pass now as well.” She looked to Berserker and Hunter. “Fuck off and die, bitch.” Berserker retorted with a glare before he turned and left. The Sphinx huffed in irritation at his response and looked at Hunter. “I’ll wait out here and guard.” Hunter wrote to her only for her to smile and shake her head. “Unnecessary. You can head back to the city and wait for your friends. We are secure enough.” She then snapped her tail against the door and it began grinding open against the ground as it moved by magic while a yellow shimmer ran over Urta and Us. “Enter and be on your best behavior.” Sabrina bowed slightly and We mimicked her, Urta as well. We then followed her into what was clearly the main chamber, seeing dozens of witches almost exactly like Sabrina milling about, staring at us curiously while our friend and guide led us in. “We apologize for Berserker’s behavior.” We sighed as We looked around, noticing this main chamber acted as a sort of town square and market with stalls for various wares selling goods to the residents. No wonder the Sand Witches can be separate from Tel’Adre. They are essentially their own town or small city with the sheer number of them and from the various foodstuffs We can see at the market stalls. The interior of this underground cavern was smooth and clearly carved in mimicry of the architecture of Tel’Adre, but actually had the artistic details woven into it too. There was a sun-like gemstone in the ceiling that illuminated the whole cavern with daylight, likely even directly delivered from the sun with whatever clever design the witches have made. “They could have come in if they just put their weapons away.” Sabrina shrugged without concern from where she walked only a few feet ahead of us with her tail tapping against Urta and us at the waist, clearly a tactic to keep us together through the thick crowds of cat women. Where are the males? We only see female felines with a nearly uniform sandy fur tone. If not for their different facial or ear structures, We’d nearly proclaim they all look the same. “We’re safe here, they don’t have to tote around weapons in this place.” “They have trust issues, it’s their right to refuse to disarm.” Daring declared mulishly, having experience with being forcibly disarmed while we climbed the stairs up to the back wall of the massive main chamber. “Is that running water? I thought the mountain north of Tel’Adre was the only local source.” Daring asked as we passed through the hall and came out into an obviously magically hewn stone bridge and stairway that had multiple platforms where incredibly over-endowed titty kitties moaned and gushed milk into the massive churning cistern of milk filling the cavern below, all illuminated by a similar sun crystal in the ceiling here too. “Oh. Oh gods…” Svartr whispered in shock, perhaps some measure of horror. “When Sabrina talked about gathering milk to restore the desert, I didn’t think…” “It is our sworn duty…” Sabrina muttered bitterly, looking off to the side where a clearly pregnant sand witch with quad breasts the size of yoga balls was getting fucked by a dusky-furred hermaphrodite cat as she was milked into the reservoir below by hands made of sand. “That will be me soon. That will be well over half of us at this rate.” She clutched her stone-hewn staff so tight it creaked. “I’m hoping, praying, that you can help us avoid such a fate.” Sabrina whispered as she looked over at me. “We will.” We snarled in fierce unifying determination. Willing or not, the fact that they are driven to this out of desperation disgusts us. When we left the enormous ‘milking’ chamber, we neared a lavish door maybe a quarter the size of the entry gates that was inlaid with gems, precious metals and even caricatures of some sort of story. Sabrina tapped on it with her staff and it rasped open like the main gates, letting us into a fairly large chamber. On a throne at the back of a fairly decadent throne room sat a single sand witch, easily 8 feet tall and with quad breasts the size of beach balls. “Hm? Who is...ah, Sabrina!” The cat woman grunted as she stood, revealing her breasts hid her massive pregnant belly when she was seated. “Come daughter!” Sabrina’s ears wilted, but she still jogged up to the woman and hugged her side as the matron leaned down as much as she could to kiss the smaller woman’s brow. “Hello mother.” “...Did not see that coming and she’s my ex-um, former ex-girlfriend.” Urta admitted, looking sidelong at me and We shrugged sheepishly before perking at hearing the news. “That’s great-uh, right. I didn’t know either, you had more time to find out than I did.” I said as we approached the titty kitties. “Um, hello, I’m here to make donations to your cause.” “Wiatr!” Sabrina hissed and We flinched back at her referring to all three of us simultaneously so caustically before she turned back to her mother. “Mother. I bring before you a Friend. She is Champion to Aventurine; Goddess of Fertility, Sex and Commerce. She has the ability to rapidly gestate young in her womb, as well as to rapidly inseminate wombs. She can also produce an abundance of milk with ease. She filled two barrels just a short time ago as if it were nothing.” “Really?” The large blond-furred cat asked skeptically as she leaned forward to look at us. “I do sense quite an impressive font of power from her, but can she truly produce so much with such a tiny bosom?” T-tiny?! We’ll have you know, lady, that DDs are still pretty big! “Hey, do you guys know where to find good booze?” Questioned an average-height wolfess from a hall leading to a side room. She wore full stone plate armor and had a Stone Greataxe on her back. Svartr went slack jawed as this knight strode out. “Oh, new meat. Were you also woken up by these guys?” “Miss Alberta. Again, we’re sorry for ‘un-burning’ you, but please have courtesy. We’re in a very important meeting.” The Queen groaned and turned her attention back to us. “We found her after the day you left my daughter. She’s too powerful to not leave unattended.” “I’m supposed to be dead. Fuck off and get me booze while Niamh takes a break.” The clearly Undead wolfess named Alberta snarled before she turned to leave the room. “Wait! You’re Undead too?!” I called after her, getting Sabrina to wince and her mother’s eyes to widen. “Yeah. I went to turn a fire up and die. Apparently I’m still Undead even if I’m not contagious anymore.” Alberta huffed in annoyance before she stormed out. “Bah, why the fuck did I listen to that sexy chimera woman and get Dis-.” A door slammed, silencing the irate Undead’s ranting. “The Curse is pretty damned complicated. I mean, even being burned to ashes and she still get’s up?” I questioned in annoyance, only to have a furry hand pull my chin up towards the leaning Sand Mother, who pulled my jaw open and looked under our tongue. “Ah…?” “Daughter? What trickery is this?” The huge woman’s voice was sickeningly annoyed. “N-none! She is a Champion! She may be Undead, but she is still able to not only procreate, but do it in fantastical amounts and speeds!” Sabrina declared, sounding desperate for some reason. “Is hoo!” I tried telling her that I am beyond fertile and to assume otherwise because of my curse is, quite frankly, insulting. “No Undead can safely bear proper mortal children. For this false claim daughter, you will be paying the Cum Witches a prolonged visit.” The matron imperiously ordered and Sabrina recoiled fearfully while Urta puffed up furiously. Something within Us Snapped! “Listen to us you fat cow!” We shouted as We pushed her away from our face and shot up in size until We had to kneel from the merely 15-foot high ceiling to entirely surround the shocked and backpedaling woman with our body. “We are doing you a favor! We are willing to aid your people as a Champion of our Goddess should! Do not make us depose you out of spite!” “I yield! I yield!” The Sand Mother squeaked and hugged her belly fearfully as she pressed herself as deep into her throne as she could. “I apologize to the great and benevolent Demigoddess! I am your humble servant!” She groveled, whimpering as she hugged her stunned and worried daughter to her side protectively. “Please do not harm my kin for my disrespect!” “We only threatened you because you threatened one We would consider to be our mate!” We boomed in fury, only to blush at realizing, once again, our size-changing had destroyed our clothes and in our sudden burst of size We’d nearly sat on Urta, who was wriggling under our balls. Rather than shift and fish her out, We decided to let her keep wriggling. It felt nice. Especially when she started licking~. “I apologize! You have her with my blessing!” The matron whimpered, yet still held her daughter tightly while Sabrina looked up at us in awe. “Please, spare me!” “Whoa~! Holy shit! If I could do that, I’d have fought through Lordran like it was a damn pansy party!” In came the wolfen femme fatale Alberta again, looking up at us with a smirk. “But size isn’t everything. Are you nothing but a hollow tree?” “To be honest, for now? Yes. All We have on our side right now is sheer mass. We’re only as powerful as a normal person could be at this size.” Which was obviously still a lot, but with Willow’s combat powers currently locked behind a quirky bottleneck, We weren’t much to write home about. Though some cheeky part of us said to embrace our draconic side to unlock this power, to follow Midir into the Dark and-whoa~ dangerous thoughts! Into the sin bin you go! Sexy god in the sack he may be but-wait, off topic. “Aw, I was hoping for a good fight. Well, let me know if you come across any booze.” The demanding wolfess turned to leave again, but in a fit of mischievousness We turned a nipple to her and sprayed her down. “The fuck?! That’s...hm?” She took a sniff, then a lick, then looked at us like We were the Ark of the Covenant. “You make booze with your tits like Niamh.” “Blessed magic booze laced with ectoplasm and love nectar.” We smirked, looking back towards the Sand Mother who seemed to be calming down from her panic, her daughter who she was threatening to turn into a kitten factory just moments ago patting her hand and whispering calming words to her. “Now then, are you going to let us aid you?” (<3) We’d shrunk down and the Sand Mother, who Sabrina told us was ironically named Sandy, agreed to let us help. Sabrina led us back through the milking chamber, where We’d be staying a while later, through the main chamber and into the north wing of the coven going to the right from the main gate. “Oh, hey Sabrina. Do you have brainwashed milk slaves here as well as your oversized witches?” I asked after we passed several rooms. The reason I spoke separately just now was because the reason for my question disturbed Daring and Svartr a bit. “Brainwashed? No. Milk slaves? Yes. They volunteer though, but again it’s not something I enjoy being a necessity.” Sabrina grumbled. Clearly she didn’t care for how her mother ran things. “This is the Cum Witch’s wing. As you can imagine for the sake of rapid reproduction, we have dozens of expecting mothers at any given time. Right now the Cum Witches are actually on ‘paternity leave’ while their selected mates are in their last month of gestation. The reason you saw Troia fucking Milliana out there is because they’re more exclusive to each other and Troia wants to make the situation as wonderful for Milliana as possible.” “Don’t you guys have 2-month pregnancies like foxes and dogs though?” Urta questioned. She wasn’t at all upset about getting pinned under our giant balls, but she was a little annoyed that We marked her so thoroughly with our musk without warning her first. “Yes. Now imagine those mothers being pregnant 6 months out of the year, with a rotation of other mothers taking their places. We’ve been at this for decades and we’re still flagging in population due to resource constraints. Hopefully with Wiatr and Equestria’s help, that will change.” Sabrina replied tiredly. Maybe she’d already been one of those mothers. “We’ll see what We can do.” We said as We looked around, taking sniffs of Urta that made her tail swish and fluff up again before we entered a fairly large room with a quite busty dusky reddish-furred cat reading a book. “Oh, hello Sabrina! I didn’t know it was your turn. I’m sorry, but none of your usual partners are available right now.” The dusky red-furred cat woman stated as she looked up from her book. “That’s fine Sifty. I’m actually here for my dear friend Wiatr to help us. See, she’s a Champion of Aventurine and-.” Sabrina was interrupted by the witch slamming her thick book shut. “Yes! All of the yes! Where does she want it?!” The woman suddenly bolted to her paws, sending her luscious single-pair of H-cup breasts wobbling in her robe and her huge 15-inch barbed rock-hard kitty-cock parting her robe to slap into the underside of the desk and make us all wince. “Ow~...” Sifty whined in pain, but with a wave of her hand and a muttered spell she sighed in relief and backed away from the desk. “Um, I’m willing to fuck and be fucked, but I’m also here give milk. I don’t exactly run out of milk either.” I explained since Svartr and Daring had some lingering hesitation. “To the milking chamber!” Sifty declared with her excitement restored. She rounded the desk, grabbed my hand and we began nearly sprinting back the way We’d just come from with Sabrina and Urta. “This is so exciting! I’ve never fucked a Demigoddess before!” “Woah, hey!” We yelped as she pulled us along, back to the massive milking chamber. “Put us in the biggest possible space for milking and breeding. If you go get as many Cum Witches as possible for genetic diversity, We can make even more kittens than if you alone fucked us.” “I’ve heard you Demigoddesses are quite something, but I’m even more interested! You there! Go round up as many Cum Witches as you can to the Broodmother Platform!” We could hear the Capital Letters as Sifty called to a random sand witch, who scratched her head and shrugged, moving onward to likely do what she was told. “This is going to be so much fun! Most of my partners tend to be in it more for the fact that they have to, not because they want to.” “Hopefully our contributions today will help change that.” We declared as We descended a stairwell to the largest platform in the milking chamber that hung off the side of the cavern. Once there We looked around, wondering where the milking equipment was only to remember the sight from earlier. They don’t need machines to pump milk. “Alright, let’s...Urta, Sabrina?” We just noticed the vixen and the princess had kept up with us. “What? Need something?” Urta questioned as she took out her junk from under her armored skirt and began jacking off with a saucy smirk while Sabrina looked all fluffy, more than usual. “N-no. It’s just that, We’re going to be spending the rest of today being turned into a baby balloon. We won’t exactly have the ability to entertain all of you when our limbs go.” That was one ability Daring provided that was invaluable here. If We were going to get as much done in one sitting as possible, We had no room for unnecessary things like arms, legs, or tails taking up valuable womb space. “Before you begin! I just want to thank you so much. For doing this and for sparing me a harsh punishment earlier.” Sabrina moved up to us and kissed us passionately, her rumbling purr vibrating into us before she pulled away. “However, that trick you did to copy Urta, could you do it with me? So you’ll have extra breasts for the milking and no male genitals getting in the way?” “That’s a great idea! It would also make sure the kittens don’t have fox traits, but there’ll be herms and boys either way.” We informed them, which made both Sabrina and Sifty beam excitedly at the idea of male cats. “Thank Aventurine! After the demons took all our males, we were lucky we managed to alchemically convert Corrupt transformatives to make non-Corrupt herms like me, or we would’ve been doomed.” Sifty commented as Sabrina quickly stripped from her robes and We blushed at realizing that after intimidating Sandy earlier, We were naked the whole time on the second and third trip through the coven. “Now then, We were drunk when We did this before, but try to put us on like a suit.” We laid down and made sure our body was as elastic yet durable as We could manage before We opened our mouth wide. Sabrina gingerly laid down and put her paws into our mouth to discover We easily stretched around her. Sabrina shimmied her legs into our throat and then we began swallowing audibly. Sabrina yelped when we pulled her into us quickly. She was soon in us up to her groin and feeling naughty, We tongued and ate the pussy’s pussy until she yowled in orgasm. After she stopped spasming, We began to swallow the blonde busty witch once more. We quickly engulfed her torso, but had to stop and have her help shove her breasts into our cheeks before she pushed her arms in. We swallowed until We’d entirely engulfed her and she had her body filling us out awkwardly. Then we shrunk onto her and conformed to her every contour. Our male genitals vanished since they had nothing to cling onto, our breasts were now E-cups with matching partners underneath them and all traces of Urta vanished from our visage until we were a black copy of Sabrina. “Wow! It’s like I’m still naked!” Sabrina exclaimed with excited surprise. “I almost want to be in you when you get started, but I don’t think I have your abilities even while I’m inside of you.” “We’re not willing to test that. We’ll get off of you the same way you got in us.” We then peeled off of Sabrina who helped shimmy herself out of us. Soon We were standing next to her, hefting our copies of her quad-tits in bemusement as our long cat tail swished about. “This is weird...We don’t think We like having multiple breasts. They feel crowded.” The lower pair also covers the top of our stomach area, which reduced the profile underboob has. “Preaching to the choir.” Sabrina huffed as she rubbed her lower breasts in irritation. “Are you ready yet?” We turned to find that at some point Urta had orgasmed her steaming hot glowing turquoise load onto the floor of the huge platform that had several Cum Witches who had arrived examining the rather large puddle in awe, some even slathering it onto themselves without being harmed by the supernaturally hot substance and working themselves up. Needless to say; they were all rock-hard and excited. “That was a really hot show you just put on, but I have to go and report back to the council. I’ll see you four later.” Urta winked at us and turned to leave with a shimmy of her booty and a flick of her fox tail. “Good luck ladies~.” “Oh uh-yip!” We yelped when Sifty came forward, spun us around and gently pushed us down onto all-fours with our breasts aimed at the edge. We quickly changed our milk to something less alcoholic since Willow’s usual properties along with the automatically added cocktail from Svartr and Daring would be potent enough. “R-ready-ahn~!” We were interrupted from further conversation by the massive barbed spike of a cock ramming into our new kitty-quim. “Holy fuck~! She’s so tight! It’s like I’m fucking three cunts at once!” Sifty crowed in pleasure as her heavy apple-sized balls slapped into our thighs. “Crap! Barbs!” Daring and Svartr yelped as I moaned and milked her as intently as I could with our unfamiliar feline vagina that gleefully took to those little spines of pain-pleasure. While this was going to be pleasurable, We had a job to do. The sooner Sifty cums, the sooner the next witch can get started, the sooner We can turn into an immobile baby ball. Nearly forgetting to, We began pumping our breasts with milk when hands of sand grabbed onto our nipples. The sand-hands stroked and tugged, squirting our milk into the collection trough that poured over the edge to add to the gigantic reservoir below. It wasn’t long before Sifty gushed into us and our belly quickly bulged, but not much off the cum alone. After We spasmed from her grinding into us and she pulled out to let the next witch get started as our belly still bloated, firming up with her kittens. “Holy Serpent of Fertility! She’s already showing!” Cheered one of the witches when our belly reached term with twins and began to push us up from our hands. Meanwhile, our breasts were already the size of beach balls and dumping milk like four garden hoses on full blast. “She’s producing more milk than our most dedicated broodmothers can manage in a day already!” “Praise Wiatr! Praise the Demigoddess of Fertility!” Sabrina declared and the retinue of witches joined in the chant as the princess came to our side to start slathering our growing belly and breasts with sweet-smelling oil which made our shiny black surface even shinier. “Crap, they’re Worshiping us!” Daring panted after she started milking the Cum Witch in our snatch. Svartr also joined now that they were getting into it and the barbs were more pleasure than pain. “Th-they’re going to start turning us into a real Demigoddess!” “I already was~!” I squealed in pleasure when We came from the second witch filling us and our belly was already nearing term with quints. “I would love to bring you two along with me!” I declared as our partner disengaged and a third took her place. “I was already Godkin~! Oh fuck~!” Svartr declared when We chained into the next orgasm. We lost track of time after that. Each new partner was much the same as before, but the pleasure never stopped. Our breasts became so huge they had to tug us away from the edge as our body rounded out and absorbed our limbs to fill entirely with kittens and amniotic fluid. We groaned, moaned, cried and screamed. We went from climax to climax, each new orgasm a blinding sensation that rendered us a wobbling ball of insensate sex. At some point someone climbed atop us and was fucking our throat. We sucked them off without hesitation. “Stop! Stop! She is getting too big!” Came a desperate scream along with a loud cracking noise. We blinked after the pleasure in our pussy stopped. “Hm?” We dumbly mewled around the thick barbed dick in our throat that We idly sucked before dozens of voices began chanting in the witch’s reverse-speak magic. Soon, We were being levitated up by a cradle of sand and our oral companion pulled out of our mouth to jump off on a platform of flying sand. “W-what are you doing?!” “She is still growing! There is...the basin! It is the only place!” After the loud woman's declaration, the witches began chanting again and We felt our body rolling back in the sand cradle so our head was fully upright. “W-what’s going on?!” We wailed fearfully, barely able to move our head since the rest of us was pure womb or tits. Speaking of which, We couldn’t see anything below our massive horizon, our breasts completely blocked all forward vision and our black rubber-like skin was stretched so thin we could see both the milk swirling in our bosom as well as the unborn kittens being jostled in our ocean of amniotic fluid within the same golden lattice that had supported Daring’s foals before our fusion. “H-how gigantic are We?!” “All Praise Wiatr! All Praise Wiatr! All Praise Wiatr!” Came a deafening chant that caused us to pant and feel strange. We managed to turn our eyes upwards enough to We were nearly touching the main bridge between the main chamber and the Sand Mother’s throne room. We squeaked when our engorged cunt was set down in ice-cold liquid. They’re putting us in the reservoir! “Praise Be to the Goddess Wiatr~!” At the declaration, We felt a surge of incredible power that was whiting out our eyes like light was shining from them. “Oh~ Goddess~!” We squealed when our form rapidly stretched and swelled, our breasts gushed milk like burst fire hydrants, our cunny clenched around invisible cocks as it touched the stone floor of the reservoir and We continued rising. “Oh~!” We moaned wordlessly, soon nearly eye-level with the platform that We had been breeding upon. We panted with our eyes rolled back in ecstasy while We surged and grew until We were nearly twice as tall as the platform with our breasts still gushing, the milk level rising. We think We can feel the far wall pressing into our back! “She is the epitome of fertility! All bear witness to the ascension of the Goddess Wiatr!” Declared a reverent voice before the whole chamber was deafened by rejoicing cheers. We couldn’t even moan at this point. Our body had subsumed everything save our breasts. We couldn’t even really see since our eyes were pinched shut atop the orb that was our womb. Having no idea what to do now and exhausted, We drifted off to sleep while massive firm grainy hands began to roll us around in the milk… > Ch.38 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.38 We awoke to the sensation of our vagina birthing a newborn life. It was...pleasant. Not orgasmic or painful, just there and satisfying. We blinked our eyes open to find ourselves nearly back to normal. The sound of lapping liquid near our head caused us to blearily look above where We were laid on our back. The milk was level with the platform We were on, it was the same platform where We’d been impregnated into immobility. “Was it...a dream?” We rasped hoarsely, as if We’d screamed our voice out. “Praise the Goddess Wiatr! She’s awake!” Declared a sand witch near us. We only knew it was Sabrina when she kissed us tenderly. “You’ve saved us! You’ve birthed hundreds of kittens, enough for a whole generation! You’ve produced enough milk that not only will we never starve if we keep contributing, but we can finally begin restoring the desert to a fertile land!” “...So We did it all in one go?” We asked wearily with a weak smirk of victory. “Yes!” Declared a commanding voice as from the crowd came Sabrina’s mother. The fecund woman looked at us with a beaming smile of joy. “You’ve saved my people! You have my eternal gratitude Goddess Wiatr.” “U-um...We’re not a Goddess. We’re just her champion.” It wasn’t until now that We realized...We haven’t thought of ourselves in singular. That was normal by now, but there was no sense of individuality! “Willow? Daring? Svartr?” We blinked, terrified. Did We just kill them?! Did We just become a new entity?! No~-! It was abrupt. When the last kitten left us, all went dark and all We knew was agony both physical and soul deep, yet something strong and possessive helped plunge us into blissful unawareness as an odd thought echoed in our mind. ‘You poor fools. You should've listened to me. Whatever, come here. For better or worse, I-.’ (<3) I awoke more groggy than I’ve ever been and with such pain I could barely fathom it. “Ugh...I feel like I just got run over by a train towing a fuck-ton of cars.” I groaned from the agony that throbbed through my mind and my whole body. What happened? I was in our poster bed, back home at the Shrine wearing the usual red pajama clothes Twilight kept the place stocked with. “Fuck a duck, that’s about right.” Daring moaned and I turned to the side to see that she was laying next to me. She was still a golden copy of Sabrina, so we’re still stuck in fertility mode maybe. At least she was clothed in red pajamas too so we have some modesty. “Still, I’d do it again. 10 out of 10: would fuck again.” Svartr murmured, revealing she was on my other side and also in our pajamas. “Fools.” A fond voice echoed in my head, but I couldn’t connect it to anyone. I guess...it was my own thoughts. We have been fools to tackle such a task with everything at once. “Did we have a nightmare?” I asked as I looked around in confusion and noticed Sabrina was slumped over asleep in a chair next to our bed. “Sabrina?” I called out as I sat up and discovered I felt different. On the inside at least. “Sabrina, wake up. What happened?” I crawled to the edge of the bed and shook her. She jolted awake and hugged me with an elated cry. “Willow! You three have been asleep for a week!” Sabrina declared with a shuddering sob. “I thought I’d gotten you all killed when you blacked out and so violently split apart back into the three of you the moment the last kitten was born.” “Huh?!” All of us gasped in unison both from this info and the revelation that we felt each other’s senses entirely. It was...disorienting. I was me, Daring and Svartr all at once, but not. I tried moving Svartr’s arm, it complied. She moved my tail, it did. Daring made us hug her as we all shuddered, fighting off a panic attack. “Did we take it too far?” Daring whined fearfully. “What are we?!” She hiccuped and Svartr joined in with hitching breaths, not looking happy about so much sharing beyond what we already had. “Your Goddess, Aventurine. She said you’re out of her hands now. You’re a peer, rather than a servant.” Sabrina fidgeted with her tail worriedly. “Huh?! I love my Goddess! I don’t want to stop serving her!” I whined with genuine panic. “Willow! Don’t you get it?! She just said we’re a Peer!” Daring gulped and squeezed us together tightly. “I...I never once imagined it possible.” Svartr whispered in awe, looking between us. “We are...a Goddess?” “I’m-.” Gonna throw up! I lunged for the edge of the bed and vomited a rainbow over the side of the bed, for some reason. “I-I still want to serve her and-.” I began vomiting liquid rainbow again. “Ugh...what is...fuck.” I groaned before I tumbled and stumbled out of bed to the bathroom to kneel at the throne to the porcelain god. The throne was merciful and allowed me to upchuck until I felt like whatever it was calmed down. It thankfully flushed the glowing rainbow iridescent slime with ease. “What was that?” I groaned while holding my stomach and my soul mates arrived at the door to the bathroom. They too felt ill and rushed the toilet as I got out of the way. I felt their suffering through our weird link and felt the need to throw up, again. “I’m going...to...urp, talk to Aventurine and see what...urp is wrong with us…” I groaned and evaded Sabrina’s worried doting to stumble out to the Brazier in a haze while I tried not to vomit again. “Aventurine I need some, urp, help.” I groaned while holding my burning stomach. “Sorry Willow. You’re going through something unique. You did just get impregnated with over 300 kittens all at once, produced enough milk to form an underground lake, then birthed all of those kittens immediately. All while being worshiped As a Goddess. I’m sorry, but your little bout of sickness is something you’ll just have to wait through.” Aventurine replied nearly immediately. “Anything I try might just make it worse. You’d best go crawl back to bed and rest. Even if it has been a week already.” “But I-urp-still want to serve as your Champion!” I pleaded, because besides that one time I had a violent stomach flu, I’ve never felt this terrible! Also, I don’t want my Goddess to abandon me! “WIllow, you already have. You’ve served to such an extent you Ascended! Only my second Champion and already one of them has made me so proud~.” Aventurine started choking up and then her presence vanished, as if she fled because her feelings were too intense. I just sat there, feeling lost at my goddess literally abandoning me because I was apparently beyond her now. I projectile vomited more glowing rainbow slime in my distress. The stream of flying slime ended up being aimed at Harmonia’s nearest root where it was suspiciously absorbed instantly. “Typical.” Huffed a thought in my head. Well, yeah. I guess it is. Gods only aid those who help themselves and whatnot. “Oh! What was that? It tasted amazing! Like love nectar on drugs!” Harmonia poked her head out and looked at me. It wasn’t until now that I noticed the ceiling was now entirely open to the sky and Harmonia’s branches had grown up and out along with her trunk going even higher. Her branches were no longer bare but instead were covered with a rainbow of different gem colored leaves like a tree at the beginning of autumn. The light of the sun refracted down so beautifully, I was stricken dumb with awe. “Willow? What are you doing out of bed? Go back to sleep, you’re clearly in no condition to be out and about.” “Ugh…” I couldn’t deny that. I felt in the bathroom though that Svartr was still kneeling at the toilet while Daring was now soaking in a hot bath as Sabrina patted Svartr’s back. “I will...but first.” I figured while I was here I should attune to the Bonfire. When the menu popped up, both Daring and Svartr gasped along with me. The name at the top was Wiatr, not Willow. Also the Covenant was now Wiatr’s Servants with a subtitle of ‘Founder’. We were currently apparently in our ‘base’ state. Which was our fertile new ‘goddess’ form. It had locked stats at 10 for each of us, but said when combined it would be 30 across the board. However, our ‘combat’ form was only available if we were all together and had my previous stats still. “Daring, Svartr! Look under your tongues!” At my urging they looked at each other and opened their mouths. A mixture of relief and dread filled me at seeing my blue Darksign under their tongues now. “Sorry you two. I’ve made you Undead.” “Eh, no big deal at this point.” Daring shrugged and sank further into the hot bath. “I was already dead, then kind-of alive. At least now I know where I stand.” Svartr huffed and then threw up more of the magic rainbow slime. Leaving them to their separate situations I then looked at the soul energy I had left. I’ve figured out it only takes 100 units to make a bonfire and link it to Harmonia. After that last fort I had just over 700,000 soul units even making those bonfires. “So now let’s get some Intelligence.” I muttered before I poured 623,374 soul units into it to bring me to 20 Int. I clicked confirm and...nothing. “Shit. I guess it is locked behind when we’re all together.” I suddenly vomited again, this time on the floor. The slime crawled to Harmonia’s root like Svartr’s cunt-seeking cum and she cooed as she absorbed it. I’m not going to deal with that shit right now. I managed to get to my paws and looked around. Andre now had a shop. A proper shop with a sign and everything on the row of what was formerly just houses inside the wall. I guess someone figured out how to extract soul energy, because he had a sign saying to visit the ‘Extractor’ for more details on currency exchange. The Handmaiden seemed to have a shop next to him with the same warning sign. I then blushed when I realized I was in my pajamas and there were a TON of people everywhere that weren’t construction workers! The entire wall of the new canyon was now a structured box and had doors all along it. Each one served a key function to a community or as a shop, save for my place in the corner. There were actually floors! Along the walls were wide walkways with doors every ‘house’ apart, but it continued above that too. Each got smaller the higher they were up to the fence around the rim above. I see a windmill blade up there! I know I have been out of it for a week and been SUPER busy before that, but when did the Shrine become a town?! “Miss? Do I need to Fine you for public indecency at a religious site?” I turned to see a dark-armored thestral stallion leering at me in displeasure. I didn’t miss how his eyes glued to my collar. I feel like I’m being discriminated against! “This is no place for you to be ill, especially since you just got up from a bonfire.” “Guard; you’re speaking to the founder of this town, have some leniency.” The quiet and easily forgotten Fire Keeper who had been sitting nearby without my notice before now informed him. The guard paled before about-facing and marching off silently. “You have been out of the loop for quite a while Corrupted Undead.” The blind wolfess intoned. “You’ve even forgotten to reinforce and strengthen your Estus flasks. That is not important now however. You must rest.” “She’s sexy and smells like a dragon.” A lewd though entered my mind of my Firekeeper wearing a skimpy strappy outfit and showing off by bending over the bonfire and wiggling-. Um, where did that come from? Sure she’s sexy, but I never looked at her like that before. “Y-yeah...yeah…” I stumbled in the direction of my home, blushing in embarrassment over not knowing how the Shrine, or Town rather, was doing. Svartr and Daring echoed my sentiment, both shocked at how quickly this place was flourishing. I was also embarrassed at how there was a stall in front of the MILK and CUM tanks that was actually selling the contents! Somehow they even had different spigots and dials with signs saying they can extract only the specified source from them without a mix unless using the plain main tap. I didn’t want to think too much about that, especially when a healthy yet black-shelled changeling mare ordered some ‘Cadence Cream’. I stumbled through the normal door inside the large door and looked to the left side where the hoses from the tanks came from and found they still led into here. I covered my face and slid down the door to my butt with a whimper. I was the town’s source of MILK and CUM?! Why CoC?! Why are those commodities?! Actually, besides Sabrina, everyone seems to be gone! Even that sarcophagus that had the Doom Marines stumped wasn’t out there anymore! How much has happened in the past week?! Feeling melancholy which both Daring and Svartr mirrored, I crawled across the massive expanse of cold smooth blue stone floor and into our bed. Svartr and Daring soon came to join me under the covers where all of us cuddled and shivered weakly. “I will go announce that you’ve awoken. You just worry about getting some more sleep.” Sabrina said to us as she leaned over and kissed each of us on the brow. “Get some rest. You’ve earned it.” Sabrina assured before she went to the dresser and put on...jeans? We have jeans now? Jeans and a blouse? When did she start wearing that? Ugh, there’s too much to consider for now… “Yeah, like the fact that you’re all a bunch of-.” (<3) I awoke to the feeling of someone gently shaking me and I blearily opened my eyes to find Cadence worriedly hovering over me. Behind her I heard some shuffling and quiet talking. “Huh? Cadence?” I croaked, my throat feeling raw and the unpleasant tang of the rainbow goo at the back of my tongue. “Are you feeling any better sweetie?” Cadence asked with such Love I felt it bloating my belly a bit...wait. I reached down and felt my lower tummy paunch just a bit, but it wasn’t getting any fuller even though I felt myself filling up with love nectar. This sensation awoke Daring, then Svartr. We all looked at the Goddess of Love with hooded eyes and dopey grins. “You taste so sweet Cadence.” Daring cooed as she took Cadence’s hand and pressed it to Daring’s slightly sloshy belly which wasn’t getting any bigger like ours weren’t. “That’s freshly converted love nectar from your feelings for us.” “So you are at least part changeling now. Just being around me might be a bit intoxicating.” Cadence giggled while she played with Daring’s potbelly and I and Svartr joined Daring in giggling too at the ticklish sensation that caused. “Chryssie has told me at least that much.” “No, it’s just satisfying. We’re not blowing up like Daring did when she first went Broodmother.” Svartr hummed and after she seemed to focus, the nectar started inflating her tits and belly, making her purr before it stopped and shrunk back to Sabrina’s usual proportions. “Whoa~! We can seriously store this stuff!” “That is useful.” I agreed with a grunt as I playfully let my quad-boobs swell into my pajama shirt until they nearly ripped it and giggled when I shrunk them back down. “But we’re not goo!” “Actually, I think we are. We’re just more stable. Like how Aventurine can fully change form, species, gender, everything. You were mostly limited to minor changes before, but now there’s nothing stopping us from being full-on goo shape shifters!” Daring gushed and suddenly she pulled her shirt off before she sprouted her pegasus wings as easily as anything. “That’s really useful!” I chirped before looking over at Cadence. “We could literally be anything you want in bed now!” “I just want you, however you feel comfortable.” Cadence stated and then moved aside to reveal all of the other Princesses, Shining Armor, Urta, Sabrina, Cocoa who looked ready to pop with her 15 puppies, along with Honey. “We’ve been worried about you. We’re not accustomed to non-alicorn ascensions.” “Right, because gods keep sprouting like fucking weed-oh~ gunna...” “We’re not going to overload you before you-.” I interrupted Twilight by suddenly lunging past Daring and vomiting more rainbow slime which was now a tinge more pink onto the floor. I coughed and sputtered miserably as the slime climbed up Cadence’s leg before she could react and she cooed when it sank into her fur and skin. “Uh...recover. Are you okay Cadence?” “Wow. I feel invigorated. That’s some magic vomit there.” Cadence snorted while she backed away and held up her left leg where the slime had climbed up and vanished into her flesh. “Nothing strange now. That stuff felt kind of like getting a massage oil rubbed into me.” “Why is she throwing up massage oil?” Urta questioned and got my attention. Not that I don’t like that she’s here, but why is she here? Why was she wearing jeans and a plain white blouse like everyone else that isn’t a dress-clad Princess? Since when were form-hugging jeans and breast-hugging blouses our new dress code? I miss the pajamas… “No clue, but Aventurine’s advice is to let her get her rest. Just know that you’re safe here and you can rest easy. With Saddle Arabia freed of demon incursion and contact established with their single remaining city, we’ll be quite busy. Too busy to move on the demons elsewhere.” Celestia informed us with a proud smile that lit up the room like a sun. Wow she’s pretty... “Indeed it is so sister. That said, you have perhaps up to a year of vacation lovers.” Luna winked, the Night Goddess seemed...more. Like the other goddesses she had more presence. What is up with this weird perception? “You’ve earned it for sure.” Luna said before she nudged Shining Armor, who sheepishly scratched his mane. “Which means nothing is stopping you helping with breeding programs here at home too, since there’s three of you now.” Twilight declared with a naughty grin and her eyes lidded lustily. Wait...oh~ that’s what her weird expressions were before! Pfft, she didn’t know how to look sexy! Guess she’s been practicing. Wait, what?! “Ah what?” We asked in unison as We gaped and blinked in shock. “Well, We guess so.” We mewled and felt embarrassed for some reason. “I’m not going to have a foal with you until you feel better Willow, so don’t worry about that.” Shining declared seriously and I felt so warm at him wanting to have a foal With Me. Well, wait-. “Well, you and the other two since you’re all one woman now.” Ah! He understood without needing us to correct him! Smart boy is a good boy! You’ll get special treatment later~. Eugh, when We don’t feel like shit anyway... “Well, before we get back to sleep; at least tell us what happened out there. When did the project for the Shrine turn into a whole Town?” Daring asked as she tested her morphing abilities by returning to her birth body, but kept her breasts at H-cups and her lower body thicc. “That was mostly my doing. Aside from Neighappolous, Equestria hasn’t been able to form new townships and possible cities. Neighappolous is mostly as an effort to help the Diamond Dogs fleeing the demon besieged Canida.” Celestia stated with a gesture to our enormous home. “This place, or at least the place above, was once a city before Discord awoke and cast it into Chaos. It only seemed right to take advantage of Harmonia’s growing power to establish a proper town and eventually; a city here.” “You’re also the credited founders.” Twilight tacked on with a bright smile. “Now, before we stress them and-.” All three of us projectile vomited from the stress. Our trio of rainbow streams landed at Celestia’s hooves and she casually let it flow up her legs, even pulling her golden dress skirt up to show it vanishing into her thighs with a coo of her own. “That’s so gross, but interesting. That said, we’ve agitated you enough. Let’s go, everyone. Let them rest. Oh, Spike’s coming back with Ember and Smolder along with more volunteers soon.” “Ember? But…” “That’s good to hear.” I groaned and fell back against Svartr who wrapped her arms around my waist. We waited until they had left and closed the door to sigh in resignation together and to let the tension go. “Holy shit...we have a vacation.” “A working vacation.” Svartr grumbled as she turned into her usual wolf form, if less hyper-busty. “Hey. The past few days alone have been pretty damn harrowing. I don’t know how you handle all of this so well.” Daring muttered and pulled us all into a snuggle. “Let’s just sleep. I still feel sick.” We all mentally agreed and let blissful oblivion take us. Well, after we ran for the bathroom and upchucked more magic goo into the toilet, tub, and sink. “This shit’s so fucked…” > Ch.39 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.39 “Never again!” I groaned before I flopped onto the center seat of the couch, finally feeling better and back to being a MILFy fox at last with my precious fennec ears and twin tail hands restored. It was a few more days of bed rest, soup, movies and long hot soaks in the tub later, but we were finally done purging all the backed-up crud in our body from having hundreds of babies all at once. It never bothered me before, but before I was mostly just goo pretending to be solid. Now I am a goo that can become solid. I guess there had to be a drawback somewhere. “Oh please, we’ll be doing it again soon. We’ll just be able to manage it better, maybe collect it all in a bubble and dump it all at once now that Twilight helped us figure it out.” Daring declared from her seat next to me on the couch, wearing the now ubiquitous tight blue jeans and white blouse that had replaced the red jammies as being ‘appropriate’ on her once-more pegasus form, but still in her now-preferred MILFy form. “Yeah!” Svartr chuckled from next to me in her wolf form, also clothed and MILFy before molding onto me seamlessly. Her clothes vanished as she slipped under mine and coated me in her liquid-black membrane. “So snug~! It’s good to be in full control again!” Svartr declared cheerfully as she jiggled my H-cups and we all giggled like ninnies at the tickling that caused. “Yes lover.” I purred before I kissed our palm which formed a mouth and we made out for a moment before pulling apart to reveal the actual mouth composing my palm as Svartr licked her lips. “It is good, but now we’ve got some work to do. Cocoa’s about to give birth sometime this or next week. Honey’s hive has been finished and she’s ready for us to start breeding her. Sabrina and Urta still need to talk to us. Briallia kinda vanished and I want to know where she went. Spike is back with Ember and Smolder. Plus Twilight says she has commissions for womb-space.” “Oh yes~ that sexy stud Spike~...” “Some vacation this is. They’re barely letting us breathe and I’d like to spend more time with the kids. I haven’t seen them in hat feels like ages.” Daring grumbled and then sighed. “Oh well. I’d rather talk shop and have sex than fight demons anyday.” Daring huffed and then molded over Svartr, turning us golden and We grinned as We jumped to our paws and stretched “Oh~ it feels good to be whole~!” We grunted in our stretch before We blinked in confusion. “When did We start thinking that?” We put a finger to our chin in thought but gave up and shrugged. “Oh well, We are all part of a whole. Only makes sense We’ve achieved Potara fusion at this point.” We dismissed any concerns since it was pointless and went to the door. When we opened it We found Spike about to knock. “Hey big boy! Good to see you’re back!” “Good to see you’re not sick anymore Daring.” Spike looked inside and around as he scratched his head while We bit our lip and scanned our eyes down his torso-hugging muscle shirt and his green camo pants. Dang, We forgot that pants and other bottoms hide male genitals here. “Where are Svartr and Willow?” “We’re here big fella! Just call us Wiatr. Goddess of Fertility, Sex, and Commerce.” We winked, but then blinked at wondering when We became the local equivalent of Aventurine. Right, it was when We had hundreds of kittens in one sitting. “ Are you here to catch up? Or catch up~?” We slipped a finger in his nearly head-height waistband since We were currently only 6 feet to his 11. We gave a playful tug on his pants and bit our lip as We fluttered our eyes up at him. “Mm~ scrumptious~...” “Nope. None of that.” Spike chuckled and gently pushed our questing finger away. “While it would be interesting to get some more eggs from you and I, I’m here to ask for a good time to bring the new volunteers to the Breeding Center.” Spike thumbed over his shoulder and We blinked then leaned to look past him at the massive gates opposite ours on the other corner of the ground floor of the town...We need to learn its name, We founded it. “Um, but We have one in here.” We thumbed back towards the back wall with the empty half-sphere pools. It was good to see Meso’s massive clutch was safely delivered home. “You only have two pools for the egg-bearers and one for the eggs. There were...more volunteers than that.” Spike sheepishly admitted and we cooed in excitement. “They also want to have normal gestations, so they need more permanent accommodations. Nearly all of the 10 volunteers we managed to pick for you to breed with wanted the whole two-week cycle.” “What about the ones that want to breed with you?” We asked curiously, because Spike was prime stud material. We’re not sure if it was because he consumed our goo, but We could tell he had fast potent swimmers in absolutely staggering volumes just looking at him. “Hmph, why do you think it took weeks for me to get back from the Dragonlands? I’ve been busting my nuts for days on end while Ember and Smolder arranged for more mass-breeding volunteers to come here for you.” Spike complained and rubbed his flat groin with a wince. “Besides, those were only because Ember wanted me to help her people. I’m only keeping the ones Ember and Smolder want me to fill them with later on.” “We’re so sorry babe.” We mewled and casually surged to his size to hug and kiss him. Our new clothes were enchanted to change size so We stop ripping them from doing this. “We should’ve considered you’d have been so busy, but go ahead and bring the ladies to the Breeding Center this evening around 8pm. We’ll put on our wings and scales and go to town on them.” “Oh FUCK yes! Hot dragon pussy!” “Thanks Wiatr.” Spike kissed us and grabbed our booty. We hummed and pressed against him only for him to turn and begin to leave. “I’ll have them there by eight!” Aw, you’re so busy that you don’t have the energy to have some fun first? Then again, you probably need to spend time with the kids too, having been away even longer than us. “Sure thing babe!” We called after him and shrunk down before leaving our home to take in the MILK and CUM stall with less trepidation this time. “Hey, these were originally used for the small breeding system We had in here. Shouldn’t they be moved over there now?” We asked the stall tender changeling who was one of the healthy dark ones that We’d noticed composed a good portion of the town’s population. Maybe they’re from Chrysalis’ old hive? “That was considered, but they’ve become impossibly heavy with all the fluids magically contained in them. The only reason they haven’t broken the ground is because Princess Twilight made sure to enchant them with the most powerful featherweight spells known to her and she reinforced the stone here. They figured it would be easier to just run hoses under the floor to the new Breeding Center.” The average changeling stallion was quite happy to explain. “Thank you for the info.” We nodded to him in appreciation for his informative answer. “No problem. Say, since you provided most of this delicious fluid besides Harmonia and Cadence, would you like a free soft-serve? Or an alcoholic cumshot?” The way the stallion so casually asked if We wanted to consume bodily fluids reminded us that this world was indeed different to the one Willow came from and the one Svartr was born into. “Hm, We would like a love nectar soft-serve.” We requested with a brilliant smile. The vendor cheerily pulled a waffle cone from under the counter and turned a few dials on the MILK tank before dispensing pink soft-serve ice cream into the cone, piled fairly high with expertise before he handed it to us. “Thank you!” We chirped before heading towards Harmonia, who We noticed had the stone archways curving around her hosting multiple portals now. “Wiatr, it is good to see you’ve recovered.” Echoed Harmonia’s voice before she stepped out of her tree next to the bonfire where the Fire Keeper sat peacefully. She wore a thigh-length skirt that kept her modest, but had to have her massive beach ball breasts covered by a tight shirt. Her fecund belly looked ready to pop with her 10 fawns. “It is good to see you’re nearly ready to have those fawns.” We responded between licks of our ice cream. “Have you forgiven the misunderstanding between you and Aventurine?” We felt it prudent to bring up the most important thing We remember happening with Harmonia. We have much to catch up on. “...Yes. I understand that, like you, she simply Loves everyone and my appeals to her were simply met by instinct rather than intent.” Harmonia rubbed her gravid dome of a belly and sighed wistfully. “It doesn’t change what my heart wants though. I have Andre at least. He is a good stallion and he’s good for me, enough to help me get over her and into him.” “That’s good to hear. Now then, We’re sorry Lady Fire Keeper. We’ve neglected you since the day We barged in on your museum exhibit and made off with you and the whole thing. Is there anything you want?” We truly felt terrible about that. We still need to have her infuse our Estus Flasks with those Fire Keeper Souls. Thankfully We’ve yet to sustain severe damage. “Not really. I’m in a place filled with love, purpose, and peace. I cannot ask for more. I even have a home nearby that the guards guide me to every night so I may rest in a proper bed.” The blind wolf shifted in the comfortable cushioned stone throne she had near the bonfire. “One of them even indulges me in sexual intercourse. I have no want for anything besides True Death or Mortality as of late.” The wolfess smiled goofily, the same smile We’re quite familiar with when it comes to the physical passion and fondness for a partner. “We’re afraid those are beyond us.” We sadly admitted. Even as good as she seemed to have it, she still wanted to die? We don’t understand such thoughts- WILLOW~! The Undead in the Crypt. The traps. The boulder. Daring was in danger! I-! Willow no! Why did you do this?! No-no-no-no-no! Please! Stay with me! I-! It was so cold. Why was it so cold? Where am I? I-. Oh thank gosh she’s at the bonfire! I’m never letting you out of my sight again! I-! Where are we? Daring won’t tell me what happened, won’t let me get close to her. I-. Please. Please. Don’t remember. Don’t remember what happened. It’s my fault I-. “Holy fuck…” “W-Well before We go on our way, would you be so kind as to strengthen our flasks?” We asked through clenched teeth and nearly crushed our ice cream cone. We managed to instead nom on it in one massive chomp and fished our regular and Ashen Flasks from our cleavage. If Harmonia or the Fire Keeper noted our sudden repressed panic, they didn’t point it out. We’re not crying. Please continue to ignore the tears running down our cheeks! “But...you died…” “Certainly.” The Fire Keeper took the Flasks from us and We fished out the four Fire Keeper Souls We nearly forgot We had. Once in her hands she shoved the souls into the Flasks. After feeding two to each she clutched them to her modest chest. They darkened when, well, Dark seeped into them and then they shone brighter before settling. “There. They are both now four-times more potent.” “Thank you kindly. You two have a good day.” We waved goodbye to them both and they both cheerfully returned the wave before We looked along the wall, wondering where Cocoa and her daycare were located, since it didn’t seem she was right next door to our home. We could really use a visit with her and the children, to remind us that...that Life is wonderful for us in this moment of existential horror. “My gosh. I never imagined…” We shook our head with a clap of our hands on our cheeks and resolved instead to find Twilight. She’d be able to give us a map or something of the new town. We headed towards where We remembered the door/portal to Twilight’s palace was, only for it to be a shop selling general merchandise from the sign. “Excuse me? Where is the door to Princess Twilight’s castle?” We asked the nearby golden-armored white-furred pegasus guard. “Hm? There is no such door. There is a portal to Ponyville near the mouth of the tunnel.” The stallion helpfully pointed towards the former cave entrance, which was now a smooth well-structured tunnel. “Say, who are you ma’am? We have every Undead in town documented, but I don’t recognize you or your rather fancy collar.” Oh, right. We’re a regulated minority. “Name’s Wiatr sir. We’re already documented.” We winked at him, enjoying the way he blushed at being caught on the back-hoof before We jogged towards the tunnel. This unintentionally popped some buttons on our blouse from our heaving tits bouncing too hard. “Oops!” We shrunk our H-cups down to modest B-cups, which were practically draped on by the shirt. The sight clearly shocked some people who gasped and pointed at us before We continued jogging with much less bounce interfering. For some reason We felt Aventurine was envious. “Time to visit Ponyville We guess.” We mused when We neared the Portal. It was an arch like the ones around Harmonia, but this one showed an idyllic thatched-roof town. We stepped through and found ourselves exiting the portal from what seemed to be the local train station. “Odd...considering the architecture of Neighappolous We figured a more established town would be more...up to code.” “Oh don’t worry ‘bout that none little missy! This here town’s still transitionin’.” Came an old mare’s voice which We turned our head to see the source was an old anthro apple-green mare with white hair wearing a comfortable pale yellow sundress and leaning on a wheeled walker. “Why, Ah’m rightly impressed with how quickly folks be movin’ on to the newest fangled thangs. We didn’t have no town portal system back in the day.” “Ah, good to hear.” We commented and looked around, easily spotting Twilight’s crystal tree palace. “...We thought Twilight was the modest one.” “Oh that’s thang’s not her choice. Harmonia gave it to her.” The old mare informed me before she suddenly looked confused. “Huh? Where are we? Why am I here? Little Bloom~!” The mare started to shuffle off while calling for someone named Bloom and We looked after her in concern. “We guess not even magic stops mental degradation with age.” We sadly mused before We began to jog towards Twilight’s palace, waving to friendly ponies who called out to us. Such nice people here. “Ah~! The horror! The horror~!” We froze and spun around to see a light-pink furred mare in a blue sundress pointing at a stampede of bunnies. She then promptly fainted before being harmlessly trampled by them as they were chased by a trio of fillies on a scooter and red wagon. We were distracted from that by a piano falling from the sky nearby and looked up to see several pegasi with a cart shouting while nearby a dimensional warp opened up to spit out a brown stallion who panted while he aimed a glowing blue pen at it to close it before he ran off. “Really?” We asked, knowing a bit of the show to season three along with some fan material, but it was really like this! Svartr and Daring were appalled that my knowledge was so spot-on. This idyllic place was a disaster zone! “We can’t believe this. no wonder this town isn’t modernized yet.” We muttered and ignored the misadventures going on around us as We made for the tree palace. Thankfully We weren’t roped into anything and We arrived at the front door. “Okay...is there a bell?” We looked to the side to see a bright red pull cord and yanked it. The gong wasn’t expected, neither were the wooden chimes. Soon, a gold-armored orange pegasus stallion answered the door. “Good day citizen. What business have you with Princess Sparkle?” “We are Wiatr, or Willow, Daring, and Svartr. We have come to speak with Princess Twilight regarding the commissions for our womb space.” The way the stallion blushed at us casually mentioning surrogacy was adorable, but We had enough mates on our paws as it was. “O-oh. The Princess told me you might come, but why didn’t you use the door in your home?” His words made us freeze and then become irritated. We wasted a good 15 minutes jogging here from the train station! “Ah, she forgot to mention that didn’t she?” “We wouldn’t be standing out here if we knew she moved the shortcut into our home!” We irately huffed while We crossed our arms and idly puffed our breasts back out to H-cups, causing his face to turn even redder and his wings to stiffen. “Just show us inside please.” “W-will do.” He moved aside to let us in, then he closed the door before he led us into the palace. After several flights of stairs and long hallways that couldn’t possibly fit within the exterior this place had, we arrived in a sitting room. “I’ll be back with tea in a moment. Princess Twilight should be along shortly, if not her then Starlight. Considering her state though, I doubt she’ll be out of bed.” “Right, she’s heavily pregnant with Twilight’s foals thanks to us. We’ll just wait here.” With that he nodded and left, leaving us alone in a room with nothing to do. Maybe there’s something to read on the shelf. Sadly, Daring was well-read so the moment We eyed it We knew everything she did about the topics inside, rendering them useless as a distraction. “...Would it be rude to masturbate while We wait?” This world was odd, but Daring insisted it was quite rude to do so. With a sigh, We took a seat by the window to look out over the chaotic town that falsely claimed to be a product of harmony and ended up letting our worries surface now that We weren’t sick to the point of dozing all day in bed. We worried about what Sabrina and Urta needed to tell us. We worried about what Hunter, Berserker and Visillia were doing, where they were. We worried about our children and how besieged Cocoa must be caring for all of them in our stead due to our busy lives. We worried that Spike’s own tasks were causing him to drift away from us when We’d been so willing to let him into our heart and share our children with him. Before too long though, our growing concerns were interrupted by Twilight entering with a floating tea set and the pegasus guard following with a steaming hot pot of tea. “Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s good to see you up and about Wiatr. Just set it down there Flash.” Once Flash set the pot down on the table while Twilight set the cups, saucers, and sugar bowl, he bowed and left us, even politely closing the door. “We see you’ve found a replacement for Spike already.” We lilted playfully before Daring remembered something. “Is he the one Celestia mentioned when we first met her?” Daring questioned curiously. “Yes, he is. I had him transferred here because I’m familiar with an alternate universe version of him. I felt he would be a good choice of staff for my palace since, as you likely noticed; it’s pretty empty right now.” Twilight’s ears wilted while she poured us tea but perked up after she took a sip of the steaming hot drink. “But that’s not important. What have you been filled in on so far?” “Spike’s back, We’re going to impregnate 10 volunteers in the new Breeding Center tonight at eight. That’s about it really.” Hm, We thought We’d done more digging than that. We guess We’d been comfortable with what little tidbits We’d gathered so far. “Since nobody was around, We came to see you for the full update, since you’re the meticulously organized one.” “Really? You haven’t talked to Urta and Sabrina yet?” Twilight’s surprise had us a bit confused. “No. We haven’t even seen them today.” What do they want to talk about? It’s making us nervous… “Oh. Well, they’ll get to you eventually. I’ll tell you now though that besides Visillia and your pups, the Marines have left this world with that sarcophagus.” Twilight informed us, making us sad and our huge fennec ears wilted. “Oh, I hope they will be fine.” We sighed sadly and took a sip of tea to help sooth our nerves. “What about Cocoa and Honey? We didn’t see them either. We woke up alone this morning.” “Cocoa is too big to get around on her own now, she’s being cared for in Canterlot until she gives birth to her litter. Honey’s with her, but when they get back she wants to breed with you immediately since her hive on the other side of the creek from Unity: your town, is ready to be populated and she has the healthy and psychiatrically counseled former members of Chrysalis’ hive to help her.” Twilight informed us before she summoned a tablet computer. Whoa, We guess the tech used for our pip-boy-like bracer has advanced. “Them aside, I already have a list of stallions wanting to breed with you to help the thestrals recover their population.” “That’s fine, but won’t that have to wait? Shining deserves to consummate our mating.” We reminded said stallion’s sister and she looked a little ill at mentioning sex with her brother. “Eugh, that’s between you two. Besides, there’s three of you now if you separate, so Daring and Svartr could help as surrogates and donors while Willow carries my new niece or nephew to term.” Twilight sighed and our ears wilted. “Split up?” I was fairly upset at the idea that I’d turned both Daring and Svartr into breeding machines. I was put at ease when I felt Daring looked forward to being a surrogate and Svartr had no problem playing stud for females in need of our services. That meant that I would be able to tend to our personal matters more and they could vicariously remain involved. “Okay.” “I know it’s unfair, but...look.” Twilight pulled up a map on her tablet to show us. “See this region here? That’s the reclaimed area of Saddle Arabia you helped secure. Already the Sand Witches, your most devoted of worshipers already by the way, are already in the process of turning the land heading outward from Tel’Adre into fertile earth with the sand magically transmuted into healthy soil.” “That is...a lot of land to cover.” We nervously eyed the map. The part of Saddle Arabia we cleared of demon occupation was easily a fifth the size of Equestria itself. A daunting amount of land to be sure since Equestria was easily the size of the USA if you turned it 90 degrees. No fucking wonder those forts were so densely populated if they were the main bases for the invaders. We didn’t bother to really keep count, but there were easily a few thousand of them. “We’re going to be breaking our backs warding the new borders against demon invasion. Not to mention helping Tel’Adre modernize and abolish their slave practice among many, many other things. Equestria already has so much to cover and until populations increase enough to help maintain these borders against the demons, we’ll have a very long time before this is stable.” Twilight explained, which worried us. “H-how long?” We nervously questioned. “At least 20 years for that region with the current birth rates. Not counting your contributions. If you keep helping us breed newborns it will still take 20 years, but by then a whole generation of able-bodied people will be able to tackle the dangers of the world. Which is why we’re asking you to help us repopulate, to swell our numbers for the future to take back the world from the demons.” Twilight grimly informed us and We felt a sudden chill. 20 years? Even if all three of us got super-hyper-pregnant like we did with the kittens, but separately, even if the Marines cleared out more demons, We still wouldn’t have the population right now to counter the demons! We were handed a paper bag and We quickly started breathing into it to calm our breaths as We tried not to panic at the quest We’d undertaken. “Now you see the dire situation this world is in and the insurmountable odds you’re arranged against. I didn’t want to tell you earlier on because I didn’t want to discourage you. Now though, since you’ve done so much already? Even become a Goddess? You have a right to know what you’re getting yourselves into.” Twilight stated darkly and it helped us understand just why she was so frustrated with us being so casual and uncaring with our duty at the start. “W-wait. Isn’t there a way to speed it up? Like that time room you mentioned the Caribou have? Can’t you make something like that?” We pleaded. Such a room, well stocked with food and other necessities in 20 days could produce 20 year-olds. However, then there’s the ethics of their caretakers. They’d have to be Undead to not rapidly age to death and even then there’s no guarantee they wouldn’t go Hollow. “Our brightest minds have been at work on it since the Caribou revealed it in their hubris over 80 years ago. I’m trying my hand at it now and from what we’ve got together, I might, might, be able to make one in a few years, but that’s still years down the road Wiatr.” Twilight informed us and We sighed in defeat. “This is a lot to take in.” We huffed before we separated, our magic clothes still on each of us. “Now, what about the Stallions?” Daring asked as she rubbed her temples. “As much as I would love to talk about this, I’ll take stallions plowing me and stuffing me full of cum and foals over panic since it seems our kids are technically under state care at the moment.” Which upset us, but at least they weren’t taken away, just being watched over by government officials. “Same.” Svartr swallowed as she fanned her shiny pitch-black cleavage. “However, I’ll be fucking dragoness’s full instead. We have our duty.” “Oh yes~, duty~...” “I’d join you two, but I have something important to do.” I looked Twilight in the eye and she wrinkled her snout in disgust before she groaned and stood which we mirrored. “Alright you two, I’m off to go bang a hot stud and carry his foal for 11 months.” “Please don’t talk about my brother like that around me. It’s bad enough trying to get Cadence to stop talking about him like that with me.” Twilight huffed and guided us down the palace stairways and halls until we reached the door leading to our home in Unity, where Svartr and Daring kissed me goodbye and went through. Hm, even though we’re so far apart, we are still connected like we’re one mind and soul with three bodies. “Would you like me to worship your balls to make it better~?” I asked once we were ‘alone’, reaching down to Twilight’s skirt and rubbing her groin which made her grunt. “I have Starlight for that, mom.” Twilight snarked with a blush. I leaned in and kissed and licked her cheek before our lips met. She groaned longingly into my mouth before she pulled away in a flushed, panting mess with her wings getting stiff as she growled and her horn shimmered. Oop, there’s her cock against my belly. “Damn it Willow! Now I’ve gotta go bother Starlight.” Before I could respond the world vanished in a purple flash and I blinked, finding myself standing in a stately bedroom that looked like it was in Twilight’s palace still, but it was much colder here! Brr! “Oh Twilight, I love you dear.” I sighed, happy that she’d found her special someone. Then I left the room and wandered the crystal hallways to look for a guard. “Hello?! Anyone around?! I need to find Princess Cadence and-eee~!” I squealed when someone reached around me and groped my breasts while a mast of familiar pink hot horsecock squeezed between my thicc thighs. “Cady!” “Hm~ hello my Love~.” Cadence purred when she ground against me while her hands mauled my tits as I looked between my breasts to see her third leg dripping pre-cum onto the floor. “So good to see you~.” She squeezed tightly to me as she licked and sucked the back of my neck, which made me moan and press back against her. “Are you all better?” “Yes~. I came here to-to consummate our union with Shiny.” I admitted and shimmied my jean-covered thighs around her length, idly hoping it wasn’t hurting her. “Hm~.” Cady purred as she nuzzled me, completely ignoring a group of guards and what looked like nobles who quickly turned their gaze away and acted as if they saw nothing. “I would love that my dear. I was just about to visit my pet, but I can enjoy you too.” “P-pet?” I asked curiously while trying to ignore how Daring was sitting down in our kitchen, talking to over a dozen thestral stallions about how they were going to fuck her and help her birth the foals to be delivered to the services that the Princesses had arranged at the same time Svartr was already full-dragon and fucking the first of the 10 dragonesses who came all the way here to be bred. Both situations were making my pussy utterly drenched and obvious against the crotch of my jeans. “Why, that Queen you happily gifted me~.” Cadence purred as she undid the button of my jeans, pulling the zipper down before diving her hand in to rub my swollen labia. She sniffed me and moaned, licking my neck like she was in a candy store. “She’s still a little afraid of me, but addicted to my love, considering...well, let me show you.” She began walking. I awkwardly walked with Cadence’s cock between my legs, rubbing my groin against her meat as she fingered me with her right hand, sending me into a panting lusty frenzy. I groped my unattended right breast while she had the other being milked into my poor blouse. I wrapped my tails-hands behind her, grabbing and groping her ass, making her pant with me. She brought me to a locked bedroom and opened it with magic, revealing Chrysalis sitting in the middle of the huge king-sized poster bed, still looking ripe and pregnant with sextuplets. The pale yellow neo-changeling looked even more radiant and beautiful than the last time I saw her. She practically glowed with maternal joy as pink love nectar dripped from her heaving pumpkin-sized tits. The former despot seemed to snap out of her stupor when she spotted Cadence. “No~, no moar~...” Chrysalis whined, but the way her beautiful opaque ocean blue eyes crinkled gleefully and the way she caressed her belly and breasts with her saucy smile completely gave away how happy she was. “Are you prepared to be my wife, or my pet?” Cadence shivered from her own lusty words before we entered the room and she closed the door. “Which hole this time? Are you ready to lay my nymphs?” “Please, I’m so full. I’m going to burst.” Chrysalis unconvincingly cooed as her belly bulged slightly more, looking like she was about to pop with those sextuplets as she drooled some of the pink nectar from her smirking lips. “Please milk me~! I’ll be your wife! Your fucktoy. Please milk me~!” Chrysalis begged and hefted her massive boobs and kneaded her orange areola, causing her thimble-sized nipples to drizzle the sticky pink goodness over her tight smooth belly. Cadence purred as she removed herself from my back and approached Chrysalis. She aimed her cock at the beautiful bug-mare’s inviting orange pussy when she leaned back and spread her legs, but Cady stopped to latch onto a breast and drink. The pregnant changeling cooed and rubbed her cunt against Cady’s flare before pulling her into a passionate kiss. This was too much. I panted and fingered myself at the show as Daring was getting fucked and Svartr was already filling the first dragoness to the point she filled the pool that was the same size as the ones in my home! “Holy shit yes~!” Cadence couldn’t wait anymore, so she released the loving lip lock and thrust her hyper-sized horsecock into the woman’s eager sopping cunt, making the ex-queen wail in pleasure. “I am your ruler, Shining is mine and I’ve defeated you!” Cadence growled as she roughly pounded the gravid queen. “All those nymphs are mine and I will marry you to show you the true power of Love!” “Yes~! Fuck me Cadence! Fill me with more of your eggs~!” Chrysalis begged, eager for her lover to make her bigger. She coughed up more love nectar and started choking, so Cadence stopped to suck on her lips and drink from the gravid woman’s mouth until they parted with Chrysalis moaning. “Cadence...I can’t...I’m too full…” She sniffled, whimpering as her belly bulged more. “Th-they need a surrogate. I can’t believe this is my limit. I’m sorry Cady...” “It’s fine Chryssie. You’ve been sick for a long time. You can’t expect to jump hooves first into being a brood-laying queen again so soon.” Cadence lovingly and gently said to her lover and obviously future wife with caring rubs of the pregnant mare’s belly. “Don’t worry about being so full. I have a surrogate right here.” Cadence playfully purred before she grabbed me with magic. “W-wait! Normally I’m okay with this Cady, but I’m here to have Shiny’s foal!” I complained as Daring got stuffed with cum with her belly already rounding out while Svartr moved to the next volunteer. I’m impressed I’m not orgasming from the pleasure they’re experiencing. “So you can’t speed the eggs up?” Cadence asked rhetorically and I blushed at forgetting that. “Chryssie. I have an incubator right here.” She lovingly said to the gravid queen, who gurgled and coughed up more nectar as her breasts and belly surged even more. “Th-thank-urp-you.” Chrysalis gurgled with a queasy smile before her clit was engulfed in a burst of green fire and extended into the thick ovipositor I remember seeing Mesosoma use to impregnate Daring. Without fanfare, Cadence practically ripped my jeans off of me and rammed me down it to the hilt in one stroke, sending Chrysalis and I screaming in the mixture of pain and pleasure. “Oh~! You’re s-s-so mean Cady~!” Chrysalis grunted and I joined her as we felt the first huge egg traveling from her womb, up my vagina and into my own womb. “I love you both~.” Cadence moaned when she pulled out of Chrysalis and started hotdogging my ass, directing my tail hands to grope her ass while she grinded against my back. “Cadence, are you in here tormenting-oh come on. Without me?” Came the voice of Shining coming from the door and I managed to roll my eyes over there through the brain-breaking pleasure I was receiving from having eggs directly shoved into my hungry womb. “The least you could’ve done was message me instead of me having to hear the gossip of you walking a well-endowed fox through the halls on your penis.” “Sorry Shiny! I’ve still got my pussy available~!” Cadence wiggled her ass and put her tail to the side as I helped spread her cheeks with my tail hands. At this angle, I can feel the slight bulge of Cadence’s early twin pregnancy against my lower back. They’re coming along well. “Put your dick back into Chrysalis or Willow first. I’m not having the maids clean up another bukkake shower.” Shining demanded before he disrobed. At his demand and without hesitation, Cadence pulled back and thrust her cock back into Chrysalis’ inviting quim, which made her squeal and shoot the third egg up into me, causing our triplet-sized bellies to even out as we grinded against each other. Holy shit is belly-bumping pleasurable! “Oh Goddess~!” I cried in pleasure as I was knocked up with pre-prepared embryos, only to have Cadence cry out when Shining got behind her and rammed home into her own hungry snatch. Soon we were shifting, groaning and whining as we fucked each other in a train, ending with me impaled on Chrysalis’ ovipositor. Shining came before Cadence and blew her belly up with his respectable amount of seed. This caused her to squeal and erupt into Chrysalis. Who had just before fed my womb the sixth and last egg, now she was squealing as Cadence’s cum rapidly filled her belly back out and pressed against mine, which made us soon rival sizes again. This of course sent me over the edge and I wordlessly shuddered in ecstasy, even blacking out for short moments. Soon, however, we finally came down from cloud nine and all pulled away from each other, weakly sharing space in the bed. Three well-fucked mares all cuddling one stallion. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have called him a legendary stud with this picture. Maybe I can change that? Make it real? I considered it as I dozed off, Daring and Svartr still at it, the former already spherical with foals and cum, the latter working on the fifth volunteer. Damn, do we have work cut out for us… “But fuck if it isn’t enjoyable~...” > Ch.40 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.40 I waddled through the portal that opened next to the entertainment center of my home. I huffed and rubbed my gravid belly through the warm green maternity dress that covered me up as the light of my horn died and my wings ruffled when the portal closed. “Ugh, can’t they just make a static portal already?” I huffed and wadded over to the couch. There I settled down gently, rubbing my precious cargo’s sides. “Your daddy is so needy. Why can’t he just have a real portal made instead of using a mobile one, huh?” I complained again while I leaned back and cradled the proof of my willingness to devote myself to Shining. “I can’t believe, even trying to avoid multiples, he knocked me up with triplets.” I cooed lovingly. It’d been over 10 months since that wonderful night with my husband, wife and other wife. I looked down at my left ring finger, the sight of the beautiful diamond ring literally made of diamond still filled my heart with warmth. “Oh~ calm down~.” I pleaded with my kicking and jostling unborn foals, snorting as I clopped my hooves to the floor in annoyance. I’d turned myself into an alicorn for this so there was less chance of mixing things up too much, but I missed having paws and my huge fennec ears, as well as my tails. Sure, ready-to-use magic and wings were cool, but not my thing I’ve discovered after months locked into a form. At least the time spent with the children and my other mates when I’m not busy working with Twilight and Spike in regards to the town and this whole operation. However, I’d just gotten home from another weekend of time with Shiny, Cady and Chryssie where instead of having fun or doing anything resembling bonding, they ran me through the wringer teaching me about legislation, resource management, troop tactics, yada, yada gag me. I muttered discontentedly and used my horn to summon the answer to all of life’s problems to my shelf of basketball-sized breasts from the freezer. A tub of rocky road ice cream. I grumbled as my prismatic aura also summoned a spoon and I used my right hand to turn on the TV for another evening of sappy romance movies and maybe some masturbation since sex was out the window this late in my pregnancy. Which sucked, because I’m constantly horny! “You’re constantly horny?! We all are! Selfish little-.” “Now to just clean their room and get Svartr panties.” Twilight muttered to herself as she entered my home with cleaning supplies and a pair of panties. “Why do they all smell the same now? Something I’ll have to do research on...” “Twilight~? What are you up to?” I asked with that motherly chiding tone I’d rapidly picked up with my foals and cubs all being raised at least part-time inside my home by Cocoa, Visilia and my other halves who babysat when they were too tired to keep up with the wonderful little terrors. They all listened to mama Willow so well though when she was upset. Also, Visilia had her baby boy! He was an alicorn for the most part with some lupine and draconic traits. Apparently she has the same gestation stages of a human, so she had him after only 9 months unlike my world’s 11 months. “Uh, just...um. Weren’t you supposed to be in the Crystal Empire?” Twilight deflected sheepishly as she tried to hide the panties before her eyes fell to my bosom and belly. That happens a lot when you’re pregnant I’ve come to learn, not just perverse gazes either. “Why does Svartr need new panties if I see, hear and feel everything she does and I know she’s got plenty of them?” I asked suspiciously with a quirked eyebrow. “She’s currently at the Breeding Center while Daring is birthing the next round of thestrals. She hasn’t even seen you today.” “Um, no reason! She just...likes them?” Twilight fished badly as she looked me over. “Why...are you an alicorn?” That was the most pathetic deflection I’ve ever paid witness to. “...Sweetie. I’ve been an alicorn for over 10 months to carry your nieces and nephews. What. Are. You. Up. To?” I demanded, my patience rapidly running short as I unintentionally crushed my spoon in my magic to nothing but a solid ball of hot steel. “Do I need to get the paddle?” “I sneak panties for you all to use then...take them later. I kinda clean up for you guys.” Twilight meekly informed me as her wings twitched. I didn’t miss how her eyes trailed down my body despite the fact that I’m covered in a green maternity dress which did quite well at covering me up. “You masturbate as you sniff our panties don’t you?” I tiredly sighed. “Twilight, sweetie. Come here.” I patted the seat next to me as banished the hot metal ball and summoned another spoon to take a greedy mouthful of chocolate heaven while my adopted kirin/alicorn daughter shyly approached and took the seat, but kept a distance. “You and Starlight, are you doing well?” My question made her jump in her seat in surprise. “Oh y-yes! We’re doing fine! Little Dusk Shine and Gleaming Shield take up so much of her time though and...” Twilight wilted, clearly not wanting to continue on the subject she instantly veered into. “You’re feeling pent-up, ignored, left on the couch.” I huffed and magically pulled her into my side. This made her squeak and wriggle against my hard, firm belly and pant as she sniffed deeply at my neck. “Poor dear. Mama would love to help you, but I’m...” I patted my belly and Twilight whined. “You’re all so busy~! Starlight, you, Daring, Svartr! I’m s-so pent-up! Look at me!” Twilight stood up and lifted her skirt with a moan as she let her hermhood out fully. Her impressive cock was rock-hard but it was her balls, easily swollen to the size of basketballs and visibly pulsing that told me she wasn’t only not getting any of her needs seen to, she was likely fighting off her breeding season. Her cock going from her natural plumb purple to red was not a good sign either. “Oh sweetie…” I looked between her and the ice cream. I shrugged and banished the ice cream back to it’s frozen palace. “I can’t have sex with you, but you can still feed a hungry mama and her 3 foals.” I licked my lips as I looked up at my desperate daughter with smoky eyes, opening my mouth wide and extending my tongue down and out as far as possible. “Th-thank you~!” Twilight squealed and climbed up to stand on the couch so her groin was level with my head. I licked my lips before she magically grabbed my head and shoved me on her needy cock. We both moaned as I swallowed and sucked her massive bitch-breeder while she throatfucked me and I tongued her cumslit on the backstrokes. Oh~ it tastes so good! I haven’t had a good cock in my mouth in months! “H-holy hell~! S-Starlight doesn’t d-d-do that!” Hm, I’ll have to take Starlight aside to give her some tips later. I placed my right hand on her leg to brace me as I groped my left breast and drenched my warm maternity dress in my blessed lactate since I couldn’t reach my pussy anymore with my thighs and belly making my lap inaccessible when sitting. She moaned and wailed as I quickly brought her to orgasm, leaving me to almost choke on how much she had to give if I needed air. As it was I had to suck and gulp quickly to keep up as she dumped her load into my stomach. Knowing her endurance, I didn’t let up even as she was ejaculating. I kept her ograsm going as long as possible, watching the throbbing balls shrink gradually. Soon though, I had to stop. My stomach was full and my firm, form-restricted body was not able to take more. I gurgled and backed off, letting Twilight shower me in her cum, soaking me and the couch in a thick bukkake shower. “Ah~ that was delicious.” I licked up what I could, drinking more of her tangy cum and forcing my overfull stomach to accept some more. “Th-thank you!” Twilight exclaimed as she rubbed my scalp tenderly. “I’ve, um, been having so much trouble with my libido lately due to having to restrain myself and not able to spend time with Starlight.” Twilight sighed and used her magic to clean me and the couch as she pulled her dress back down with her male genitals disappearing once more. “You three have also been keeping up on the surrogacy and volunteer quotas so well, I haven’t been able to get any breaks arranging things on top of my other duties.” “I know, but if you really need relief sweetie, just ask~.” I purred and licked her neck as she sat back down and leaned into me with a hug that warmed my heart as much as my body. “I won’t turn you down just because I’m barehoof and pregnant.” “But it isn't fair to you.” Twilight pouted before she stood up. “Would you like help getting to bed or anything?” Twilight asked with a bite of her lip. Still not done Twily? Too bad, you need to actually ask if you want more~. “No, no. I’m fine here. I’m going to watch that new Yakky Can movie.” I informed her before levitating the remote to my hand. Before I could even turn on the TV, let alone watch a horrible alternate-universe version of a beloved actor, the front gate of my home yawned wide open, drawing our attention. “Uh...Twilight? Is there something else you need to tell me?” “Um...not really? I wasn’t here for anything official.” Twilight considered before she approached the gate, only to pause and watch as a 10-foot across sandy-blond sphere with four smaller beach ball sized spheres was rolled into my home, cooing and moaning the whole time. “No way, Sabrina?!” “What the hell?! Sabrina!” I grunted when I struggled with my weight and huffed and puffed as I got to my hooves, using my wings as a counterbalance while I rounded the couch to watch my feline mate be rolled in like the gian ball she’d been turned into. “What the hell is going on?!” I demanded of my other mate Urta, who was the one pushing my beloved titty-kitty in with the help of some guards. “Oh! Uh...aren’t you supposed to be in the Crystal Empire?” Urta weakly smiled at me and I felt my brow crease as my glare increased in intensity, making her flinch. “Uh...it was an experiment?” “What kind of experiment turns one of my mates into a ball of kittens and milk?!” I demanded indignantly. Without US doing it?! I, Daring, and Svartr all mentally declared in frustration. “Ditto!” “Oh~. Mother has been, mm~, experimenting with fertility magics since your miracle. She said I was a perfect test subject since I’m in regular close proximity to you. She also said I should breed with, oo~, someone at least close to you, if not you. I’ve been wanting kittens with my lovers, but you’ve been busy so~.” Sabrina managed to huff out, purring as Urta flushed so deeply it turned her gray and white fur pink. “I, uh, volunteered to be the sire since you’ve all been, uh, so busy.” Urta sheepishly admitted and I groaned with an accompanying facepalm that led to me rubbing my temples. “This makes two sexual misadventures caused because I and my other halves have been unavailable to tend to you all! Is there anyone else who is going to come in here and-?!” I was interrupted by a 10-foot spherical moaning Cocoa with two breasts the size of yoga balls being rolled in now, by an embarrassed Honey.  “They, uh...tagged along?” Urta nervously informed me. “...I’m done. Good night. You two baby balls get to sleep in the breeding pools with the milkers on your tits and the perpetrators get to sleep on top of them.” I huffed and waddled angrily to my thankfully now-separate bedroom, slamming the door in frustration. “Argh!” I pulled on my mane, tears pricking my eyes. They could’ve asked! They could’ve gotten us off our collective fat asses and-! I heard a knock on the door. “Willow, are you alright?” It was Visilia’s voice. She lives in the next home over, she must’ve heard all the commotion... “Please tell me you’re not pent up or hyper-pregnant because I haven’t been able to tend to you!” I pleaded through the door, nearly scared to open it right now. “What? No!” Visi shouted angrily. “Don’t you fucking accuse me of what the others do!” Dammit, now I pissed her off! “Sheesh, I was coming to see if you were alright, even bringing some of your children.” “Don’t be angry with me~!” I wailed as I held my belly and curled a bit into a ball on my bed, sobbing as I suddenly felt like the whole world was out to get me. Why?! Why me~?! “Your highness, please, don’t be mad.” One of those Scinoxes said in a calming manner. “You’ll wake the little ones up.” “She’s very stressed out herself.” Another one added. “Okay, fine.” Visilia huffed before taking deep breaths. “Can we come in?” “Yes.” I mewled as I tried to wipe my tears away. Opening up the door, Visilia came in with her and Berserker’s son while the twelve Scinoxes followed behind her with the pups I had with Hunter and Berserker. They wore black hooded robes that hid their faces and bodies, helping prevent temptation towards the all-female demons. “I’m sorry about what I said, I just saw two of my mates...well.” I whined as I looked down. Visilia sighed in understanding before calmly crawling into bed with me,my pups from Berserker and Hunter were brought to my other side. “Rough day, huh?” Visi asked me as her expression softened into one of exasperated fondness. “Twilight’s pent up, Urta got Sabrina hyper pregnant, Cocoa’s also hyper preggers with Honey and I’m due in a month. I’m not taking care of their needs and...and…” I started crying again at me being a stupid, fat, ugly, negectful bitch~! “Hey now. I take exception to that.” Sighing, Visilia brought my head to her chest to pet me as I cried. “I’m sorry to hear that, but nobody said it was going to be easy.” She said as she nuzzled my ears. I miss my fennec ears~! “I know, I know, but then there’s our little promise? I know I can’t fulfill it for another month, but are you willing to wait a bit longer?” I asked her pleadingly. “Sorry, but I have a responsibility to take care of.” Visi gestured to her son. “I can’t just go around getting impregnated all the time, that’d be a nightmare. Besides, you’re forgetting about what Berserker and Hunter told you.” “I won’t forget about my little ones.” I told her with a sniffle before I kissed and nuzzlied all of my little demon slayers on their crowns. “I would only give you one, I promise. It’s not like I won’t help.” “I know, but you’re extremely busy. It’s starting to become taxing on your mind. You’re going to stress yourself out.” Visi insisted with care as she rubbed my temples and kissed the base of my horn, which eased the headache I didn’t notice I had. Wait, I’m Undead, we don’t get...fuck it. Headaches seem universal regardless of living-dead status. “What do you mean?” I asked while I was playing with my pups with my magic. “How long will you be doing this breeding thing?” Visilia asked me rhetorically, because she already knows. “It’ll be a few generations until populations are stable with the besieged civilizations. The Sand Witches are done as far as I know. I think I’m finished with Alicorns, other than four bundles of joy I will raise myself. Dragons...well I’ll look at a proper survey soon. Spike and I have one clutch I’m keeping already, but they won’t hatch for centuries.” I sighed and felt the weight of the world at the fact that wasn’t even counting the thestrals, and who knows what else. “You might not have the luxury to spend time with any of us.” Visi stated calmly yet sadly. “I share my duties with my other halves. I’ve been spending my time with my new wives and husband too.” I admitted as I showed off my ring of solid diamond. “I should’ve been spending it with all of you, not just some of you. I’m not entirely at fault either. Daring and Svartr haven’t been taking any time off themselves, using mine as an escape. Then there’s the fact that everyone else was too worried to bother us.” I huffed and pouted as I slowly spun my collar around my neck out of habit. “We can manage, but we need everyone to meet us halfway.” Visilia looked angry for a moment before she sighed. “Okay. Well, I got word from home about the Doom Marines.” “What news? Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, not having missed how tense Visi was. “Not really, that’s why I brought up the Doom Marines. They’re heading back into Hell.” Visi informed me and my ears wilted. “Really? Will they be okay?” I whined in uncertainty, as I’ve been kept up to date on as many enemy movements as possible and Shining’s scouts on the edge of the Far Frozen where the Old Realms lie have reported a disturbing amount of Hell activity disrupting the endless tides of shambling Undead. It was worrying, but the Hollows would do more than hinder Hell considering they’re a literal endless force to contend with if you don’t know how to contain them. Which Hell clearly doesn’t since they seem to be losing troops in a hopeless campaign of attrition. Still, considering a single Hellish Imp can defeat several Hollows before being brought down, that’s not hope inspiring should they wise up and decide to invade us. “They should be fine. They’re in search of The Helix Stone. It’s an artefact of sorts that could help us develop new technology, maybe some new powers could be discovered.” Visi stated with conviction. “Alright, if it’s that important I can see them going back in.” I said with a bit of relief that at least it wasn’t for something silly, like a demon stole Berserker’s ice cream or something. Pfft, that would be epic though! Going to Hell to punish the demons for daring to steal his treat! But naw, he’s not that compulsive. Well, not that compulsive. Er...um. Hopefully he isn’t. I need to spend some quality time with him, maybe go on a date. I was drawn out of my mental tangent by Visi booping my nose. “You were drifting again. Have you been sleeping?” “Huh? Yes I have.” I tilted my head in bemusement and Visi looked a bit worried for some reason. “Well, alright. Ahem, I’m not sure where they’ll end up in Hell. It’s been ages since we crusaded against them so they must have gotten stronger.” Visi declared with worry for something other than my mental state this time. She worries too much, she should get a massage and-. “Your eyes are going all glazed again.” I blinked at her warning tone. What? I’m just thinking! “I’m fine, they’ll be fine too Visi.” I soothingly whispered before I gently pulled her into a kiss to try and calm each other down as our pups crawled over us to play and whined for attention. Visilia pushed me away gently and I whined when she focused on the pups. Lucky pups. “I just want a kiss, love.” I sighed and laid down on my side to let my pups crawl on me. “I know, but the children take priority before our personal indulgences.” Visi reminded me with a stern tone and I sighed at her mood while I nuzzled a couple of the pups. They’re a bit hard to tell apart at this age and I can’t tell who’s who by smell either since they smell similar too. Hopefully I’m right and the little boy I’m nuzzling the tummy of is Marcus or I’m going to beat myself up over it later. “You don’t have to remind me of that, just say you don’t want to get physical right now.” I said before I gave a raspberry to Nicholas’s tummy, making him giggle. “But we can’t really have a child together anytime soon. I wouldn’t increase the gestation so that’d be more downtime for you.” “Hm and there’s the fact that you’re recently my new mate and I’ve been really close with all five of those boys. I guess they get first dibs before you as well.” Visilia smirked in a mixture of lustful desire and the joy of teasing me so cruelly. “Aw~!” I whined before I looked at my pups. “Mama Visi’s being mean, bounce on her for me?” I asked them. They just tilted their heads. “Ah~ my pups aren’t developed enough to understand me. No puppy stampede snuggles yet.” I huffed at not getting to reenact an image from a furry artist about her many kids tackling their mean babysitter if they insulted their mother. “You do know that they’re developing their fathers’ strengths, right? That wouldn’t go well for anyone not tough enough to take it.” Visilia warned me. “Besides, what would happen to the house? It wouldn’t be standing for long.” The Scinoxes nodded their heads in agreement. I sighed in resignation of not getting packs of pups to pounce on people and nuzzled her before playing with my puppies again. “So, I have to invite all the boys over to fuck you full of foals before my turn?” “What makes you think telling them to fuck me will do you any favours?” Visi retorted with a flat look. “Don’t try to force things to go faster, you’re asking for fate to deal you a bad hand.” Visilia said with a scoff. “I was making a joke. I know you’re not that easy of a woman.” I pouted at being taken seriously when clearly I was not being serious. Why does nobody know when I’m kidding or when I’m quite serious about something? “Oh. Well, we had a population crisis ourselves, but we weren’t fucking and popping out babies like machines like you guys are. Really, we get what you're going through, but the way you’re dealing with it is so ridiculous it's to the point where we have to suspend our disbelief.” Visi admitted with a rub of her temples. “So I figured you were being quite serious about trying to convince the boys to breed me rapid-fire.” “Oh. Um, so you want us to stop using our body to boost the population?” I asked her worriedly as I wrung my hands together. That would be bad. I’m on a very dangerous path and it’s one this world needs to recover, but if she wants us to stop-. “No, I’m not. I’m just stating an opinion about it. Nothing more.” Visi huffed and scratched her flat stomach under her blouse since she had taken to the local uniform of blouse and jeans. “I can’t ask you to stop just like I can’t possibly consider asking the boys not to dive back into Hell.” “Alright. So, since I’m a potential solution to such a problem, can I get an understanding of you’re population issue? Because the dragons literally only had one male until I came along. The alicorns only had four herms with all but one related to each other. The only group I didn’t need to directly help with babies were the sand witches.” I questioned as the pups gathered around my fecund belly and laid against my rock hard flesh for the warmth. “Nothing compared to what’s going on here. About under a million of us were left after the Hell Wars, once we closed off the pathways between our dimension and theirs for sure.” Visilia declared. “The only reason the boys are able to go to Hell is they had to go to an already decimated universe that hasn’t been absorbed fully into Hell yet.” “That’s really bad, but not as bad as here. Most populations are under a dozen thousand or less.” I sighed at the monumental task before me. I’m going to be the one to bring forth whole generations of people. At least I’m not going to be an All-Mother, I don’t want to risk being an asshole like Odin or similar figures. “There were six million of us left when Hell took over and the Doom Marines found us and mobilised us. Before that, we were in the billions, so you see just how fast Hell works to commit genocide.” Visilia continued with a haunted tone and eyes glazed with memories of the past. Um, is she experiencing PTSD? Is she okay? Oh, she’s back again, looking just sad instead of depressed. “We have it easier in terms of the enemy we’re facing. Lust demons tend to convert more than kill, but they still count as losses. I mean, Canida’s last census was 12,274 diamond dogs of various breeds. Yakslovia is gone besides one town of about a thousand who fled to us. Griffonia is a hodgepodge mess of various species all gathered together for what safety they can manage with the griffins numbering roughly 11,000 themselves with dozens of other species uncounted for. “Only two groups have populations that reach millions. Equestria and the Lust Demons. The only other group close is Zebrica at nearly a million due to their alchemy and they took in a lot of the Saddle Arabian refugees, but they’ve apparently been struck by a plague and are refusing to let anyone in or out of their borders. The example of it they let us see at the border outpost was ghastly, the poor stallion was emaciated and covered in sores. “That said, we have a lot of work to do not even taking into account our war with the Lust Demons, but ironically Hell has always been fighting them too, which at least gives us breathing room.” I finished dumping this info on Visi, who looked horrified at how few people we actually have and what we’re up against. “Wow. I’m surprised Hell hasn’t left yet. They really want this world for some reason.” Visi mused worriedly. “Yes, population is a really big issue here. We’re finding a system to help and right now I, er, We are that system.” I sighed and rubbed my belly fondly, lamenting that I’ll have to give Shiny his children and then my womb will be for rent again. Call me selfish, but I love being full of my children. “Well, it’s still crazy and one I don’t want to be a part of.” Visi huffed and I felt like a knife was just shoved into my heart, so I started crying. “What’s wrong?” “You just said you didn’t want any part of me~.” I wailed, letting a worried pup hug my face. Visi facepalmed. “I meant the breeding program, not you.” “But I am the breeding program~!” I hiccupped and covered my eyes. “Really? You’re just helping with the program, but that’s it. It has nothing to do with our relationship and it shouldn’t.” Visi angrily snarled, making me curl against my belly for safety. “Why would you place yourself in the same position as that program? That’s just plain stupidity.” “I...I don’t know...I’m ten months pregnant with triplets and emotional right now. I’m going through a normal pregnancy for Shining. It means I have all the downsides too.” I pulled a hanky from my cleavage and wiped my eyes before blowing my nose. “She is right about that.” One of the Scinoxes said to Visilia. “You may have a little more control when you were pregnant with Lord Berserker’s little princeling, but she was using rapid pregnancy to increase numbers. She never went through the motions at a normal rate.” “You think this is pregnancy making her dumb? You’ve seen nothing!” “I suppose you’re right.” Visilia muttered in understanding with a rub of her flat stomach. “Sorry.” I mewled and nuzzled my worried pups to calm them down from their concern. “Just don’t do that again. Try to keep your head screwed on tight.” Visilia sternly ordered. “I will. I can make it separate…mostly if my other halves weren’t still fucking right now.” Hey! “I’m not saying to stop you two. I’m just saying it would be easier to keep work separate from home life.” I clarified, to which they huffed and kept up their various breeding activities. “I heard how you met Runner. I can tell he already made an impression.” Visilia commented and I turned my attention back to her for the absolutely random tangent she started. “Yeah, he was really energetic and vindictive.” To be perfectly honest, I barely remembered the whole encounter aside from him threatening his brothers with blackmail and something about throwing knives, but he was a distinctive figure with those bunny ears of his. Also he threatened someone over something. I faintly think it was me, but he must not have meant it since I’m not sure. “Hey, at least that rapist won’t ever touch you again. Trust me, Runner isn’t bad, just insane. If the Tel’Adre council tries anything with you he’ll claim their souls.” Visi continued on, to which I smiled softly. “How sweet of him.” I commented with thoughts of the wolf-bunny swooping in and rescuing me from the council’s bondage. For some reason it really caught my fancy, at least as much as imagining it with Hunter or Berserker in the same role. “You’re reacting a lot differently than I was expecting.” Visi said with faint surprise. “How were you expecting me to react?” I questioned as the pups got bored and dozed off against my body, a couple of them trying to get at my nipples, but a few headpats helped settle them down. I know you’ve had enough girls, no way are you hungry right now and if so I’m not going to support you fattening yourselves up. “Like most people do, with fear or trepidation.” I tilted my head at Visi’s assumption and she shrugged it off. “Well, hm, something funny happened when the girls found out about me having Berserker’s baby.” Visilia giggled with a proud and vicious smile, causing me to perk up. It’s so rare to see Visi smiling. She’s very beautiful when she smiles. “What do you mean?” I asked with a playful smirk. “Well, besides all of them yelling at him, they tried to persuade him. Unfortunately, he didn’t take kindly to that and chased them with his swords, calling it a training exercise.” Visi chuckled vindictively and puffed up proudly. “Really?” I asked with a deadpan as I thought of how to try and get Berserker to tone it down. “What about me having litters from him and Hunter?” “They really didn’t like how you managed to convince us both into doing it.” Visi waved off her fellow female mates’ potential wrath as if it was inconsequential. “Well, I’m still happy for you and my pups.” I said as she leaned down to me and we kissed as my pups snuggled my belly. “I know.” Visi said with affection in her tone and expression. It was so nice to see her relax like this. “All this talking is making me tired.” Visilia rubbed her eyes and yawned. “Yeah, it’s time for bed if the pups will let us.” I replied with a look at the litter snuggling my fecund swell for my maternal warmth. “Oh, they won’t be a problem.” Visi crawled around behind me and pressed against my back, snuggling me as my big spoon. “This is good. Ladies, leave us.” The Scinoxes gave a little bow to us and left the room without a word. I closed my eyes to sleep, only to wriggle as Visi’s hands groped my massive breasts and she nibbled my neck, making me almost jolt with arousal. “Good night.” She moved her hands to my belly and snuggled into my neck. “T-tease…” I muttered and drifted off into blissful oblivion. “That’s just precious.” > Ch.41 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Ch.41 “So, is there anything you would like to talk about? We’ve both been busy for the past 10 months and we haven’t spoken much.” Visilia asked me as we were breastfeeding the pups and her foal-pup demon-kirin who I’m ashamed of not knowing the name of since I haven’t spent much time with her in the past ten months as she said. We’d woken up about an hour into the night once some of the pups started crying to let us know they were genuinely hungry now. Thankfully the Scinoxes came in to help us immediately with full bottles of milk in hand. I really wanted to see them breastfeeding too! Well, if that’s even possible for them. What do they even look like under those robes besides the feminine shapliness? “Will I have to participate in your culture?” I asked her curiously, idly hoping I wouldn’t have to do something outlandish like sacrifice goats or however her people’s culture works considering her people are less evil variants of demons. “Whoa. That’s racist. Wow. Be glad you didn’t actually say that.” “We only have a couple of holidays in Tartarus, one is coming up soon. Although, as soon as word got back to Tartarus about my baby, everyone practically exploded in celebration.” Visi chuckled as she pet her son’s head while he fed from her. “There was copious amounts of blood to be had. All from humanely slaughtered livestock or executed death-row inmates I assure you.” “Oh.” Well, it’s not like they use pig blood to make ornaments like some European cultures do. “They’re both Liberation Days: Liberation of Tyranny and Liberation of Annihilation. The first one is about my father killing his father, ending his reign of madness. The second is obviously about beating Hell back. Of course, you’ll be invited to the latter. You’ll even get to sit on a bloodstone throne.” Visi, why are you proving my concerns valid~?! “Ah, I wouldn’t mind that.” I replied with an uneasy smile I hid by nuzzling her as I burped one of my pups. “Anything I should know about the Marines I’m being volunteered to have pups with?” I asked with a purr. Runner is eccentric and I like him as a friend already. I could grow to love him so long as he keeps his anger aimed away from me like a good lover should. However, I’ve heard little to nothing about Collateral and only that Pillar is religious. “You’ll have to ask them yourself. However, one of them is an actual U.S. Marine and that they take parenting very seriously.” Visi forewarned as she burped her son. “Or was? I mean, he’s not fighting for the United States anymore, but is still considered a Marine…” “I...think I had Military parents. I can’t remember much from before my Displacement anymore aside from random tidbits, but I know how the lifestyle is thanks to Svartr’s memories helping me remember a little of mine.” I informed her, letting her know I could probably get along with him fine. “Is there anything you enjoy doing?” Why haven’t we been able to just talk like this before? I’ve been on maternity leave, she’s been on maternity leave. Holy shit, I think there was a time when she wasn’t even here actually. “Hm, what do I like? That’s actually difficult for me to think of. Honestly, I’ve never considered what I liked. Even though I’m a Princess I never asked for much. All I wanted was to train and become one of the best warriors. Although humanity’s taste in music is rather interesting and very addictive to listen to.” Visi chuckled nervously. “Really? Well if you haven’t heard them yet, I need to introduce you to Queen. You’ll fall in love with Freddie Mercury!” I proclaimed with full confidence. Nobody could dislike the man. “Oh, they were next right after I was done listening to...what was his name again? Michael Jackson.” Visi declared and I held up my hands to halt any potential earworm rhythms sparking up and possibly sending us into a flash mob. MLP magic of music is no joke! Daring knows! She’d been pulled into enough of them to be wary! “How about Berserker’s tastes? Does he like Heavy Metal? Or Rock? I think he could be into Indie, but those are my guesses.” I chuckled as I thought of how to get Queen’s music over here. Maybe Aventurine has a way since Commerce is one of her spheres. “Yes and yes, but he does tend to surprise you. He’ll listen to some hip-hop, rap, remixes, dubstep and even some classics.” Visi informed me, which really did surprise me. I took him for the heavier stuff, but not for anything smoother. “Although, he and the others did warn me that the music from their homeworld was taking a nosedive. Is that true?” “Yes, but it’s mostly from the Greats...well, dying. Art as it always does was moving into new forms. Unfortunately it was going through the struggle of adapting to the age of information. There are some great artists like Gorillaz, Disturbed, Imagine Dragons and a few others, but mostly the stagnation was from the musicians being pushed into singing the crap their contracts want them too.” I snarled in disgust as I considered how to bring up the topic of music with Ave. “You could write me up a list and I’ll search them up back home. The Doom Marines have UAC technology that still contains all of Earth’s history.” Visilia offered and I perked up at not needing to rely on that abandoning bitch-whoa, repressed anger much? It’s not her fault I-wait, what? Brain! Music! Conversation! “That sounds great! I already have a list in here somewhere...” I muttered as I dove my left hand into my plunging cleavage and rummaged around before I pulled out a piece of parchment that I’d idly doodled the names of songs I miss hearing one boring evening with nothing good on TV and my movie collection had already been depleted and needed more. My Hoard must grow! Oop, draconic tendencies there, better watch out for them. “I’m a little confused and disappointed that things were changing so fast the world has lost interest in what made it great before.” Visilia bemoaned as she accepted the list and began reading it. “Yeah, it’s so hard to find good talent and showmanship these days. Er, those days.” I wilted a bit at realizing the modern scene was what was old to me now. My life has changed so much. “There was only one Freddie Mercury, there will never be another.” “From what I’ve heard and seen, yes. Berserker got me to watch a recording of Live Aid. It was inspiring considering the man was dying and really shouldn’t have been up on stage in his condition, but wow did he sing.” Visi said with admiration before the door to the bedroom slammed open and it was only now in my distraction that I realized both of my other halves had ditched their duties and stormed over here! “Okay, enough!” I looked up in fear at the fury I could feel from them to see Svartr and Daring standing in the doorway with their hands on their hips and leering at me. “Where do you get off? Get out here and help our lovers.” They snarled in unison and I wilted, but Visi put a hand on my shoulder. “No. They’ve gotten themselves into this mess and they deserve some time paying for it.” Visi leered at my other halves. “They upset Willow so they get to sleep on the couch.” “They’re sleeping in cold stone bowls in the floor!” Svartr snarled with her lip quivering as my lupine half growled. “Also, Willow demanded they have their breasts milked all night too! They’re not getting any rest right now!” Daring huffed in anger with her wings twitching and I whimpered as their disappointment in my reaction slammed into me like a battering ram. “I’m sorry-he-he~!” I sobbed and rubbing my eyes, my pups howling and pawing at my belly in response to my distress. “Suck it up!” They demanded before they merged together as they stormed up to us. Before any of the Scinoxes or Visi could stop them, they leaped at me while turning into a tendril of slime that quickly coated me in Svartr’s black within seconds. Suddenly, We were blinking the tears from our eyes and sighed disappointedly with ourselves. “We must take care of our actions dear. Feel free to sleep in our bed. We’ll sleep in one of our other lover’s beds tonight.” We apologized to Visillia, leaning over and kissing her on the lips, which she sighed into and returned. “Don’t upset the pups again. Also remember that one of you still has a month of pregnancy and is hormonal in her decisions. So don’t punish Willow too much Wiatr.” Visi stated with a glare. “We make no promises. Besides, We haven’t been spending much time fused.” We rubbed our huge belly, sighing happily. “We’ve been sharing all sensations, but being genuinely pregnant, without rushing it...it is just divine.” “Just don’t disappoint Shining.” Visi huffed before she went to play with the cubs. “We wouldn’t dream of disappointing our husband.” We kissed our wedding band and then grunted when We stood up. We huffed and waddled out of the room, gently closing the door before heading towards our moaning and panting baby balls with their respective baby daddies laying atop their breasts, which were constantly being milked even now. We’re surprised they haven’t run out of milk yet, it has been over an hour. “Just what has Sandy done to you two?” “Oh~. Made us, mm~, like you were.” Sabrina huffed, her quadruple beach ball boobs practically pulsing with each hearty suck of the pump’s hoses on her nipples. “We’re, ah~, basically baby and milk factories.” Sabrina grunted and bit her lip in pleasure. “Cocoa so happy~! Cocoa missed being so full~!” Cocoa cooed and moaned as her two yoga ball breasts were milked, practically rippling as their seemingly endless bounty was extracted. “So many eggs! Cocoa happy surrogate for Honey-mate!” “Do you...want us to speed up your gestations? Are you nearly at term already?” We worriedly questioned, only for them both to coo at our words. “Cocoa only has few months like this if left alone, but need to be able to care for pups. Leave Cocoa alone for the night.” Cocoa requested as she looked up to Honey, who leaned down to kiss her before straddling her head and getting her cunny eaten out by the immobile egg-bearing chocolate labrador. “I’m nowhere near at term.” Sabrina’s admission made us feel a spike of fear. “Mother’s spell turned our bodies into giant wombs until we give birth. I have a full two months for the massive number of kittens in me to mature. I’m not sure if I’ll grow any bigger. It’s part of the experiment. Unless you want to finally knock me up, I’m going to go the full length. Endlessly producing milk...full of the kittens of someone I love.” Sabrina looked longingly at Urta, who blushed and shimmied in her seat on Sabrina’s boobs. “We...We see. We came out here, believing you wanted help. You’re fine like this for now?” We asked in concern, only to get moans of pleasure from the two baby balls. Especially when Cocoa vigorously ate out Honey and Sabrina started deepthroating Urta now that they were no longer getting punished. “Well then. We’ll just head to bed.” We groaned and thrust out our belly when We put our hands on our thicc rear and turned towards the other rooms near our room. “Nice place.” A strange person said after he popped into existence with the sound of a snap, looking like a mismatch of creatures much like the more violently mutated Lust Demons, but not Corrupted. He even wore Sheogorath’s Regalia from Oblivion, so We just huffed and looked at him blankly without amusement. “Hello lovely~. I’ve been following you around since you got here. At least when I’m not with my friends and my dear Fluttershy.” Ew, stalker. “Why are you here Discord?” We asked blandly, frankly annoyed. It was the middle of the night, We’d all been busy all day with our various tasks and Willow was having mood swings. We were quite frankly fed up with today. “Can you get it over with? We’re tired and need to sleep.” It’s been too long since We’ve gotten a rest as a single entity. It could be what We need. “Oh, I just want to say you’re doing a good job getting rid of the marching tide of Order. Also to do this.” Discord suddenly kissed us deeply and passionately, causing us to widen our eyes in shock before incredible pleasure wracked us from an intimately familiar blossom of heat in our core that made us spasm as We felt our belly grow bigger. “Oh, only wanted one.” He released us from his passionate embrace as if he hadn’t just somehow came into us remotely. “Sorry about that, but it was either you or dear Fluttershy, and I don’t want to risk what I have with her. When Harmony demands something, you don’t deny it.” “Jackass.” We huffed while We came down from our small orgasm and rubbed our swelling belly as We let his invading babies grow to match Shining’s foals in size. Our belly doubled in size to sextuplets, helping confirm that We felt another three children in us. “Why didn’t you ask Fluttershy instead of doing this to us? She would’ve likely agreed.” Also, if you asked first, one of us would’ve gladly helped out, jerk. Helping with population and surrogacy is our job and you’re the last of your kind. Hmph! Illogical person you are, We’re not surprised at all about this. “And hurt poor Fluttershy? I care too much to do this to her. Draconequus have 3-year long gestation cycles with non-draconequus, I wasn’t about to force Fluttershy to be barehoof and pregnant for 3 years. Thank you for the help!” Discord then vanished with a farting noise. “Wait what?” We asked with fear as Discord's head appeared on our left shoulder and nuzzled us. “Also, I just want to say I find your work lovely and would not mind it if you invited me to bed, but now my hearts do flutter only for a mortal at this time. Maybe after she passes a peaceful and long life.” Discord waxed poetic before his disembodied head turned into soap bubbles. “...We are not carrying these children for more than a month longer!” We snarled and looked at our sextuplet belly angrily. We weren’t mad at them, just their asshole of a father. “Okay...let’s try it.” Svartr and Daring peeled off, but kept connected to our shared belly as they got opposite WIllow. “On three...one. Two. Three!” We pulled apart and our belly shone with rainbow light before we split the belly in half, leaving us both with triplet pregnancies. “Oh thank the Goddess!” I gasped and panted in relief, patting my fecundity and feeling only Shining’s foals within with joy. I looked over at my lovers to see they were still going at it. Discord must’ve done something to make them not even notice his visit. I then looked over at Daring and Svartr who’d split and left Daring moaning and holding her triplet belly as Svartr rubbed it in concern. “What did Discord do?” Harmonia yawned after she casually entered our home. She’d birthed her fawns but still had the beach ball breasts which on her 10 foot height meant they nearly matched her thicc matronly figure like her body originally did. She was wearing an oversized nightshirt with a chibi image of Andre hammering a sword. Those two were so cute together. “I felt him here and he always does something, but whatever he did, it seems to be important.” “The asshole put babies in us.” Daring groaned as Svartr crooned at her belly while rubbing it. “I’m not keeping these things in me a minute longer.” Daring growled before her belly surged slightly bigger and she panted when her water broke. She grunted and spread her legs into a squat as the first pony/serpent/lion crowned. “Either help or get lost.” Daring growled and I sighed as I waddled towards our bedroom. I couldn’t exactly do anything in my state and my magic is too simple to be of use here. “Mind if we share a bed tonight Svartr? I’m craving some more of your pups.” Harmonia cooed when she surprised us by leaning over Svartr, mashing her tits into the back of her head and groping Svartr’s H-cups. “I want us to fuck like when you first woke up.” “Aroo?” Svartr blinked in confusion before Harmonia’s hand dove further down to slip into her jeans, pinching her clit and she yipped. “Th-this isn’t the best time!” Svartr gestured at Daring, who grunted and pushed out the second chimeric adorable noodly abomination of nature as the first was already floating around aimlessly. “Why are you suddenly so horny?” “I know you all have been busy, but it’s that time of year. Remember? Last year you all went into a rutting, fucking, breeding frenzy with Spike and it just spiraled out of control from there? Now your mates got impatient and turned themselves into immobile wombs?” Harmonia panted and We all distinctly remembered how things started getting out of hand with the breeding. We were unquestionably horny. Everyone was. The construction workers practically brushed it off aside from getting worked...up...themselves… Oh~...We’re idiots. “It’s mating season!” We all said as Daring pushed the last one out of her cunt while the other two latched onto her nipples, already able to hover on their own without their wings even twitching and had some sense of cognition if they knew to go to their mother’s bosom. “I can’t believe I didn’t keep track of this!” I bemoaned. It made so much sense! The Breeding Center was chock-full today. Not only of dragons and commissioners for Daring’s womb, but others were coming in to get magically boosted and fuck each other like rabbits. It also explained just why Twilight’s mating period was in full swing: everyone’s was! “I’m surprised Discord actually popped a nut in someone though. Normally he just whisks his genitals into a volcano and cums into that for two weeks.” Harmonia muttered in confusion. “He said he didn’t want Fluttershy to have these things in her for 3 years.” Daring huffed as she patted the heads of our new little Chaos monsters who were all fluffy at their furry parts and smooth at their scaly bits. “Sounds about right. Now, are you going to fuck me? Or am I going to be a mature woman and go find my stallion to do it?” Harmonia huffed at Svartr who leered at her in disapproval. “Fine~...I’ll go wake up Andre.” She licked her lips and sashayed out slowly, giving us come-hither looks as she left. “...I’m done. I can’t handle anymore of today. Bed.” I turned back towards one of the rooms, waddling with the swiftest speed my burdened gait could manage. “Bed.” Svartr agreed and followed. “Ditto.” Daring huffed and used her changeling horn to whisk the precious little monsters away to the convenient nursery in Canterlot we had the teleport coordinates to. Once in Urta’s private room, we all fused back together to finally get some damn-well deserved sleep. (<3) [Trigger Warning: Incest/Dub-Con Reverse-Rape/Detachable Body Parts] “I hope you’re ready for a surprise,” A snake sigil cooed to us and roused us from the haze of sleep, then We groaned from the sensation of tiny hands on our legs and woke up to find the kids Discord gave us sitting with us in bed. Each was a prismatic rainbow of color with pony heads, dragon claws, lion legs, and a long serpent tail connected to a dragon torso with tiny little dragon wings. They smiled at us as they nuzzled our thighs with blushes. Well two did, one looked at their siblings before they rolled their eyes and opened a tiny portal that they crawled through. “Did that one just dump these two on us?” Our disbelief skyrocketed when We felt tiny cocks rubbing our thighs. “Huh?!” We yelped and realized the two boys were looking at us hopefully as they grinded on our thighs and hugged our fecund womb. “No! No incest! This is where We draw the line!” They looked like their tiny worlds broke when We said that, looking depressed and starting to cry like their eyes were connected to water fountains. Why the fuck did they...right, Chaos, they don’t follow logic. “Boys. We don’t care how much you wanted to have sex with your birth mother. It’s sick, wrong and you should be ashamed of yourselves.” “You sex with sister Twily!” One hiccuped and We recoiled at the fact they could talk already. “That’s different. She’s adopted, you’re not. That said, you two hooking up with her while odd, isn’t outright wrong since you’re not genetically related.” We held up an index finger as We explained. Why are We explaining this? “Technically we’re related to everything and nothing.” The other one sounded much more logical if in a philosophical sense without warning in a calm tone with the crocodile tears gone. “Technically that’s a load of bullshit. You came directly from our loins. You’re not going back in.” We staunchly declared with a leer at them, then We blinked. “Wait. You’re newborns. How are you old enough to procreate? We understand Chaos allowing you to be mentally more mature, but you’re still infants.” “We’re almost extinct. Chaos being so weak is making us viable at early ages. Before there was just Daddy.” The one I’m dubbing Hermais told me. I might as well name them since it’s obvious I’m stuck with them. “Well, good for you. Now you can go find someone that will have sex with newborns.” We dismissed them and began to shuffle off the bed where We groaned when We hefted our bulk onto our hooves. With a huff We began waddling for the ensuite bathroom to brush our teeth. “Oh!” Suddenly, a lot of the weight on us vanished and We looked down to see the two boys latched onto our belly, somehow making us lighter. “Thank you, but you’re still going to have to find someone else to breed with.” “Please~!” They begged, actually looking overload-levels of cute, making the plea hard to resist. In fact, We started spreading our legs as they held our belly up, floating us into the air with our belly and breasts aimed at the ceiling. “Age doesn’t mean anything to us. We can age up.” “N-no! That ultimately doesn’t matter either in that case! It’s that you’re our sons! Put us down!” We demanded while We crossed our legs shut and our cheeks flushed, our breasts ached, our belly pulsed, our cunt clenched hungrily, our ass fought to spread our legs back apart. What is happening?! How are they doing this?! “S-stop~! Help! Some-mmph!” A disembodied massive dragon cock rammed down our throat! It was the same rainbow hues as the two ‘newborns’ and had testicles the size of basketballs! “Mom, they won’t take no.” A regal and beautiful snake head whispered to us as it slithered out of a portal. “Also, no they can’t see me. I don’t want my siblings to know what we’ll look like.” What who’ll look like? “They can’t stop either. They don’t want to force this, but Harmony demands otherwise. Do not hold this against them.” “Hmph?!” We grunted around the thick dick in shock! Harmonia is doing this?! “No, she can’t tell what’s happening, just that something is bringing the realm closer to Harmony. So she’s subconsciously urging them on.” The sensual female serpent informed us and We blinked at realizing that time itself seemed frozen. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” She smooched our nose and slithered back into the hole in reality. The moment she was gone, the boys were back at it and We wailed through our nose. “Mommy~!” The dubiously willing boys purred as they licked our belly and our legs spread wide against our wishes when they both moved lower. We squealed and screamed around our thrusting gag as they literally climbed back into our sopping quim, causing us immense amounts of guilty pleasure. We tried to move our arms down to grab their tails, but suddenly they popped off smoothly at the shoulder as if they were prosthetics! They landed on the floor where they flopped around uselessly. We tried clenching our thighs on them to stop them going deeper, only for them to also audibly pop off at our hips. Before We even thought to use them, our wings and horn popped off too, leaving us a head, torso, womb, tits and ass floating in the air as our body was violated. “Oh~, it’s so warm mommy~.” They moaned as they started moving around in our impossibly elastic vagina, licking and rubbing themselves about as We were violated by our own newborns. Tears fell from our eyes as We sobbed and choked on the cock until our head popped off too to land on the bed and witness our limbless yet clean torso turn over, belly and tits down, before We squealed through our nose. The cock in our detached head began pumping, the cum going into our belly still. We watched as it began swelling despite the limitations We had to protect our promise to Shining. R-remember what the snake said Wiatr, everything will be fine... “We’ll leave our siblings alone.” Hermais huffed as he humped our cervix and his brother wiggled about. “But we need more draconequus. This world has been tipped too far towards Order for too long. We need to make more...” “Hmph!” We grunted fearfully around the cock before squealing when Hermais’ penis suddenly surged in size inside our snatch and We realized the dick in our gullet was his brother’s! This wasn’t just some random penis! Hermais grunted as he humped into our womb urgently, sending us into a guilty train of climaxes at being violated so horribly. Soon, he began cumming too, filling our womb with his baby batter and doubling the speed our amputee torso inflated, then tripling the speed as their new siblings began growing in our gene-neutral baby-bake oven. We cried in shame and pleasure as We watched our belly swell downward until it touched the bed, our breasts filling rapidly with even more milk and swelling to the size of yoga balls in moments to end up gushing our creamy cocktail down onto our face. Even our ass was expanding. “First load done.” Hermais grunted as he tugged out and traded positions with his brother still inside our vagina, freeing our mouth. “Unf, not enough? Way more to go.” “Wait! No plea-glk!” The cock that had been in our pussy was suddenly in our mouth and throat, while the one in our throat was now humping into our womb. “Hm-hm-hm~!” We cried, forced to suck and swallow as they began this cruel cycle again. (<3) Four hours. It took them four hours until they came out of our vagina looking exhausted and near death with their cocks and balls looking like newborns should. “Hope Chaos won’t need any more than that Mommy, but you will have an army of your own.” Hermais huffed as his brother Dongoruas huffed and hovered up to our breast to eat. We were insensate, a disembodied head shoved off the bed by our completely spherical 15-foot across torso, our other limbs having been put on our body only to be absorbed by our womb. We felt so violated and also so dirty for...enjoying that so much. It was so wrong, yet if they weren’t our sons that would’ve been easily one of the best fuckfests ever. “Mommy, I’m sorry.” Hermais whined while looking more like his still-advanced childish age. “Forces of Harmony kinda took over us...we…” He hiccuped and We sighed in relief at knowing that they didn’t entirely do this of their own will. “We did something unforgivable, but if we weren’t being pushed to do it, we wouldn’t have forced you.” Hermais picked up our head and kissed our brow. “H...H...Harmonia?” We weakly uttered, managing to open a bloodshot eye to look at our dubiously willing rapist child as he hugged our head. “Not her, but her Aspect. It’s a fundamental part of the world and Order has been the name of the game for too long with all the slaving and indoctrinating going on. It doesn’t help that alicorns are the scions of Order and there’s so damn many of them now!” Hermais complained and We winced in understanding of the situation. “So if our Princess lovers hadn’t bred us so much, this wouldn’t have happened?” We asked rhetorically, already knowing that was likely the case. “If it was just the four...technically five right now with you being one at the moment, yeah. Bro, Sis and I wouldn’t have been pushed to this. We’ve balanced it now, hopefully.” Hermais sighed as he massaged our temples. Oh, thank you. At least you’re doing something kind now that Harmonia isn’t subconsciously urging you to-wait. “W-wait! Your sister-?!” A portal opened and out rolled a spherical 10-foot rainbow orb with a moaning pony’s head attached to it and massive yoga ball breasts gushing pink strawberry-scented milk. She looked like a full-grown female! No~! “Sis there went...I don’t know where and got partners to fill her up.” Hermais sighed resignedly. “So...many...cocks~...” The overwhelmed advanced newborn girl in the body of a woman drooled. “But you’re infants! She shouldn’t be forced to do something like this! You shouldn’t have been forced to do something like this!” We declared with fury. “Bring her to us! We’ll take them all!” Our demand left Hermais shocked and gaping at us. “What? Listen to your mother now considering you’ve failed to before! You all might have been forced to do this, but she shouldn’t be forced to bear such responsibility!” “Okay!” He yelped and floated over to his baby ball of a sister to push her towards us. This room like the others was a dimensionally expanded space, so the ceiling was high enough We could be full height and have to stretch up to touch it. We’d have plenty of room to grow. The moment our daughter rolled into our side which had crushed the bed, she began shrinking as We began swelling once more. “I’m so sorry for this mom!” “You’re all getting spankings when We’re done giving birth to your 75 siblings!” We roared at him angrily. “Now either put us back on our body or take us to the kitchen. We’re starving to death here with all you adorable parasites feeding off our body!” Our innate magic nourishment was not prepared for such an influx of offspring at the moment while also somehow maintaining a separation between Shiny’s foals and the Chaos Noodles that filled us. “Sorry, sorry! We would have gone for someone else, but you’re the only one to be able to accelerate it!” Eris whined, revealing she had been prepared to be super-hyper-pregnant for 3 years!. “Shut up, now one of you boys go get me food!” “Wow this is fucked up…” > Ch.42 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.42 “Discord!” We roared with a crowd of 78 draconequus infants floating behind us as We waddled our pregnant fat ass towards Fluttershy’s cottage. “Get your mismatched ass out here!” “Hello? Who are you? What do you…?” Meekly questioned a yellow mare who exited the cottage in a green turtleneck sweater and jeans that did nothing to hide her thicc hourglass body. She had such a meek and worried expression until she saw the parade of draconequus babies following us. “Discord!” She roared and marched inside before dragging a worried draconequus in front of me by the ear. “What? Did? You? Do?” She snarled with incredible fury. “I just wanted her to birth a kid for us so you didn’t have to wait through three years of pregnancy!” Discord whined when she gave him a scary Stare that struck fear into all who saw it, including us and our newborns who backed away. “I didn’t think I put that many into her.” “We had three.” We growled before grabbing his head by his antler. “But then Harmony got into play and they were forced to rape us!” We snarled into his face and the mare gasped in shock. “...Oh. Oh dear! I utterly forgot you’ve been popping out alicorn foals like crazy! That would explain why I’ve had such a powerful urge to actually Father a child rather than just dump my urges into a volcano!” Discord bemoaned as he backed away and the mare who was obviously Fluttershy blushed brightly as she put her hands on her lower stomach, fiddling with the hem of her green sweater. “A-actually...Discord? Um…” Fluttershy nervously leaned up to his ear and whispered something as her tail swished. “You sexed me in my sleep?!” Discord squealed in shock and a clear amount of arousal, making Fluttershy squeak and shrink back. “Th-that would explain why you haven’t been incredibly horny lately...but Shy, you’ll have to carry however many you have for Three Years!” “Fluttershy, Can We beat up your mate?” We asked the mare while cracking our knuckles. “Um...I’d rather you not? I mean, he did a very bad thing, but…” Fluttershy looked behind us. “What would the children think?” “Kick him in the nads!” “Pull on his horns!” “Bits on Momma kicking his ass!” We smiled at the cheers and jeers of our children. We think We may actually grow to love them all at this rate, especially since they were surprisingly intelligent. They may even help with the other children. “N-now, now! No need for violence!” Discord nervously insisted with a tug on his collar as he swallowed worriedly. “I’m certain that we can come to an arrangement. What would you like from me?” “We would like you to ask the next time you want to make babies!” We ground our teeth at him so blatantly violating the most basic of sexual interactions by just impregnating us with a kiss. Which was hot and incredible but still skipped all the best parts! “Also, you will help raise all of these budding scions of Chaos! We can barely perform basic unicorn magic and can only open portals to coordinate keystones We’ve memorized! These hellions are beyond us!” “...Is that all? Whew! I thought you were going to demand my balls on a silver platter. No problem! I’ll gladly be their Uncle Discord!” Discord was suddenly wearing a black business suit with a fez on his head. “Technically, you’re their grandpa.” Hermais pointed to the rest of the infant draconequus, his brother Dongoruas and their sister Eris all nodded as well. In response, Discord was suddenly wearing a blue propeller hat, lederhosen, and a red fanny pack over his crotch. “Then I’ll be Uncle Grandpa Discord! You three make me so proud! Knocking up your genetically neutral mother so well~!” Discord wiped a fake tear away as his fanny pack opened itself up, grew arms and pulled out a hanky for him to blow his nose on. “...Did you just reference two different Grunkles from cartoons from Willow’s world?” We asked blandly before sighing and looking at Fluttershy. Only at the start of her pregnancy and she looked like a MILF already. A beautiful, very thicc young mare with an hourglass figure which was impressive considering her watermelon-sized breasts stretched out that green sweater. No wonder Discord is attracted to her besides her Kind personality. “Well Fluttershy, you’re pregnant for the next three years unless you want us to speed that along for you?” “No. I want to go the whole way. Even more now that my mate is in the dog house and won’t be getting my affection for the next three years.” Fluttershy said with the Kindest of smiles and displayed only innocence. That face, no one should ever make it cry. “Or, at least, the next three weeks.” She fluttered her eyes and bit her lip. “Or...three hours? Minutes?” Well, that didn’t last long. “Oh Shy, I love you too.” Discord leaned down and they kissed, their hands rubbing Fluttershy's flat tummy through her sweater and we cooed as We felt our near-infinite love nectar capacity get a surge, proving they were beyond genuine. “Years. It should be years in our opinion.” We chuckled as We rubbed our belly. “We’ve got enough on our plates as it is.” Then We sighed and turned away as Discord picked Fluttershy up in his arms, carrying her inside as she wrapped her legs around his hips, already grinding her jean-clad groin into him. “Well little ones, portal us home. Then you three get to figure out what you’re all going to be doing.” We declared to Hermais, Dongoruas and Eris. “Yes Mama~!” They all sang together before they moved into a circle in the air. A portal appeared between them which they lowered down on us, putting us back in our home head first until the portal closed under our hooves, leaving us standing just fine near the dining table. “Wiatr! How did it go with Discord?” Spike asked from the kitchen where he was cooking a breakfast spread of pancakes, waffles, sausage, eggs in various styles, did We mention pancakes? Pancakes~! How did he guess We were craving them?! “Yummy~!” We cheered as We waddled over to him eagerly, making him chuckle as he held out a plate of them stacked high with basted eggs sandwiched between each glorious fluffy hotcake, ready to burst with flavor in our mouth~. Oh~ pancake sandwiches~. “Don’t forget the milk.” Spike reminded us as he nodded over towards the back wall. We blinked before looking where he hinted and winced at seeing Sabrina and Cocoa still giant 10-foot wombs with heads and boobs. Said breasts were still being milked even though they were asleep. “Right...after a pancake sandwich!” We rebounded before We approached the table and were about to dig in when Spike put down two others. “Uh...are Ember and Smolder here?” They’ve been even busier with all the new legislation they’ve had to instate. Before, the dragons essentially had a simple ‘do what the Dragon Lord says’ system that was very inefficient and word-of-mouth. Half of Spike’s work has been acting as a liaison with Ember and teaching her how to do what he learned as Twilight’s assistant and secretary. “Wiatr, split up. You can’t all be in one place.” Spike huffed as he took off his too-small apron and We wilted at our studly husbando staying all business. We’ve had a few fun times together in the past year, but aside from spending time together with the kids, we haven’t done much. “...Oh.” We don’t want to split up. We haven’t felt this...stable? Stable, since We split up so We could both perform our duties and get married to Shining, Cadence, and Chrysalis. We rubbed our broad belly and sighed wistfully. We just want to lay around, eat ice cream and maybe masturbate. But...duty calls. I suddenly found myself alone again, cradling my womb on my lap and I sniffled as all the raging hormones that were being held at bay came right back and I began crying over my delicious pancake sandwich. “I’m such a fat disgusting mess~!” “Oh, come on.” Daring whined with a rub of her temples as she sat to my left at her own plate while Svartr grunted as she sat to my right. They were already digging in and dressed in blouses and jeans already. These magic duds are so reliable. “Willow, you’ve gotta keep it together. You’ve done so well until last night. I can’t get preggers with you like this.” “I can’t knock up volunteers with you like this.” Svartr huffed in annoyance. “Shut up and eat already babe, stop stressing.” “Shut the fuck up and get this delicious food into us!” “You’re so mean~!” I whined as I rubbed an eye and shoveled a forkful of moist, fluffy, eggy, orgasmic pancake sandwich into my mouth. I moaned, instantly forgetting all of my troubles as I began scarfing down Spike’s tribute to my fecundity, dripping egg yolk onto my green maternity dress which magically whisked the filth away. “These are heaven!” “I knew that would cheer you up.” Spike chuckled as he leaned down and kissed my brow. “You girls have fun today. Urta and Honey are still asleep in their room, Visilia left already and those two are in need of some attention.” Spike gestured towards Sabrina and Cocoa at the last bit. “Got it babe.” Daring nodded then leaned her head up to kiss Spike as he leaned down and he repeated this with Svartr before he left for his job overseeing the breeding programs and corresponding with Ember as I continued stuffing my face and feeding my hungry foals. “Well, I can’t eat all of this. I’m not the one with the ‘normal’ pregnancy.” Daring shoved her plate towards me which I hummed thankfully about, especially when Svartr did the same. “Relax babe.” Daring leaned down and kissed my brow, Svartr doing the same before they left. I have such good other halves~! I practically pounced on the protein-packed pancakes offered to me. After scarfing them all down I leaned back and moaned happily, rubbing my gravid dome with a belch. “Spike is a domestic god~.” I groaned contentedly before standing up and waddling over to my hyperpregnant mates. “Wakey, wakey~! Waffles and pancakes~!” I sing-songed as I levitated several plates and silverware along towards the now formerly sleeping baby balls. “Oh~ that sounds good, but my nipples are so sore~.” Sabrina whimpered, which Cocoa whined and nodded in agreement with. It was only now that I noticed Urta and Honey were gone. Where are those two? I figured they’d have stayed with their baby-mamas. Maybe they too have jobs I’m unaware of? Honey definitely has her hive to tend to, but what does Urta do besides liaise between us and Tel’Adre? Oh well, this just means I have to pick up the slack! “Oh poor babies~! Mama Willow will make it all better~!” I beamed brightly and rubbed my green maternity sundress-covered belly as I used my magic to turn off the pumps in the hose. I then tugged them off with a *POP* and cooed at how utterly huge their areola and nipples have become from being milked all night long. Then again it looked painful. “Hold on.” I pulled my dress up over my breasts and into my cleavage since it takes a tent to cover all this thicc goodness. I shook my boobs to help modify the milk within before I sprayed milk on their inflamed nipples, which began shrinking down to normal for their size immediately. “There!” “Thank you-mmph?” Cocoa was silenced by tasty pancakes being fork-fed into her mouth by my magic. She hummed happily as I fed her and Sabrina. I cooed as I rubbed my belly on them, kissed their nipples and drank as I fed them. Thankfully Urta and Honey put them in adjacent pools with Cocoa in the center pool so I didn’t have to waddle too far between them. Soon they finished eating all I had to give without protest. “Thank you Willow. Cocoa is satisfied.” “I’m still hungry actually. I think because Cocoa’s eggs are more passive than my kittens.” Sabrina hummed in consideration. “Well, that’s why I’m doing this; to find out how it will work.” Sabrina looked over at Cocoa, specifically her rack. “Hey...Willow? Can you, um, get rid of my extra breasts and make my original breasts bigger?” The way Sabrina blushed was adorable. “So you want more?” I asked her as I used some of what Cadence taught me to twirl the fork around. Cady wasn’t much of a mage, being born a pegasus and all, but she was a patient tutor. “Yes. Both on food and more cleavage. I’m sick of having four breasts. Having one set rest on the other chafes and then there’s the space issues, the back pain.” Sabrina grumbled with a pout. “Cocoa’s back hurts plenty with just two! Cocoa never wants tiny boobs again, but without strong back, good luck getting around.” Cocoa countered with a huff and a smug proud look at her gigantic bosom. “I could buy items to help you two out.” I offered them as I nuzzled their rock-hard sides, fighting the urge to find their navels and belly-bump us into ecstasy. “Could Willow please? Oh, speed up Cocoa’s delivery once Honey wakes up and makes nest for eggs.” Cocoa requested and informed me where Honey went at the same time. So that’s the changeling queen down for sleeping in her bedroom. I’ll have to punish her later~. “I will lover~.” I purred and kissed her by leaning over her body that was only halfway out of the pool, having to use my wings and magic to levitate just slightly against her body as my hands pressed her giant hyper-breasts to either side so I didn’t end up in her Inventory. “This month is about you and the children.” I told them as I spotted my little Chaos Noodles scurrying about, being herded with varying degrees of success by their elder siblings/parents. “Oh? Will we finally get to be pampered?” Sabrina purred before I waddled to her side and leaned against her to kiss her too. “You know I mean all of my mates.” I huffed and nuzzled them both. “I’ve been pampered by and have pampered my wives and Husband for a long ten months. To the point I’ve neglected to stay home. I need to spend more time with my other mates.” And maybe go through with Cady’s ambitious and naughty plans~. “That’s great.” Someone said behind me and I squeaked when a throbbing hot log hottdogged my big bubble booty and two gray hands groped the sides of my chest-basketballs through my dress. “That means I get to finally have some fun with you again.” Urta cooed into my neck as Honey rounded me with her hands running over my belly and kissing me passionately, causing me to moan into her mouth and pant through my nose as I ground back against Urta’s cock. Before I fell into a lustful sexual haze, I managed to gently push them away. “N-not like that though. I can’t get too agitated. It’s bad enough Discord and my chaos babies used their magic on me.” I gestured towards my...suddenly empty home. “Right...Chaos. I hope they aren’t ruining lives right now.” (<3) “The horror! The horror~!” Screamed a hysterical herm Caribou doe as the legion of chaos terrors in the sky cackled madly over the Caribou capital of Varial, sending it into a panicked frenzy as it rained chocolate chip hail, the ground and buildings turned into candy, entire armories of weapons turned into foam props and squirt guns and the slaves were suddenly revolting over asparagus of all things while the newborn scions of Chaos laughed. (<3) “Oh, what’s the worst they could do?” Urta huffed in amusement as she pulled away and stuffed her hyper-sized horsedick back into her jeans with ease. I may gripe about the lack of enticing bulges in clothes, but I can appreciate the convenience in the cases of the especially endowed. “Do not test Chaos.” Honey’s magic wrote in the air while her eyes flicked around the room nervously as she tugged on the hem of her blouse. “I’m sure they’re making Mama proud.” I chuckled as I reached out and rubbed the sides of my baby ball lovers. “Well, get to making that nest Honey.” I stated before using my magic to levitate Cocoa out of the center pool, which for some reason caused Honey and Urta to gawk in shock. “What’re you waiting for?” “How can you pick her up so easily? She’s so heavy.” Honey asked as she went to Cocoa’s former pool and began milking her breasts into it as she gorged on the love all around her to fill it with nectar, something I helped with if a bit more messily by gushing the pink magic slime from my nipples like a sprinkler, all while standing upright since I couldn’t bend over. “Cocoa will have Honey know that Cocoa is mostly eggs and changeling goo right now.” Cocoa defended, looking indignant at being called fat. “What do you mean? I’ve always been able to pick up anything I try to with magic.” I blinked as I gently set Cocoa down on the floor with her deliciously engorged scaled-up puffy pussy aimed at the pool that was slowly filling with our love nectar and changeling wax that Honey spat into it, the green wax forming a pad on the bottom as it was soaked with the pink nectar. “Twilight looked surprised now that I look back on it. She was gobsmacked when I picked up the one ton weight like it was nothing.” “That’s not normal.” Urta declared in surprise, which in turn surprised me. It’s normal for me so I don’t have a reference for what is considered by most as normal. Hm, maybe it has something to do with my Magic Soul? “Huh...well, it’s not like it really matters. I’m not very smart unless I’m fused with Daring and Svartr. Our combat form isn’t as intelligent as us just fused together either. Now that I think about it...technically we’re stronger all fused together and not in combat form right now.” Ouch, irony. I think the only things our combat form is better for is Strength and Dexterity, so for most forms of combat it’s still better. “Indeed.” Honey wrote as I stopped pouring love nectar. I then shook my tits to alter the contents when I rounded Cocoa’s body and I started feeding my purest milk to Cocoa when I reached her head. She suckled eagerly, but didn’t get any bigger as she advanced her gestation to laying the eggs. I got worried when it seemed Cocoa wasn’t getting any smaller at all, but after laying every egg I guess was in her, her body suddenly gushed all the amniotic fluid and changeling slime in her womb out of her cunt in a violent stream, adding to the slurry bathing the green eggs. Through it all, Cocoa orgasmed so hard I worried her mind was going to break. Once she shrunk back down with all of her limbs back and her breasts had gushed milk until they were basketballs rather than yoga balls, she was passed out blissfully on the floor, twitching in the aftershocks in a magically vanishing puddle of milk and other fluids. “Oh Goddess~! I suddenly want to give birth and experience that!” Sabrina panted and moaned as she feebly rocked herself in her pool, rubbing her cunny at the bottom of it. “Didn’t you want to wait?” I asked her with a chuckle as I nuzzled my chocolate lab diamond dog who weakly groaned and gave my cheek tired yet happy doggy kisses. “Unf! Y-yes. I’ll resist the urge to ask you to send me into a pleasure-drunk state. Now, what was that about items for us? One to get rid of my extra breasts, make my original ones bigger and help Cocoa with her back pain?” Sabrina questioned curiously as her nipples dribbled milk. “I will, just let me get the potions.” I purred to her and gave her another kiss before I used my magic to levitate Cocoa’s groggy form as I waddled to her room, quietly entering so I didn’t upset the 15 pups in the private nursery attached to her room. “Sleep well.” I whispered and smooched Cocoa’s brow before I waddled back out into the main chamber while straightening out my dress. “I’ll be back!” I called out to everyone before I waddled out and headed for the Handmaid's store down the line. I waved cheerfully at people who greeted me on the ‘street’, which was just a yellow-painted path around the rim of the box-shaped canyon. I also enjoyed plenty of belly-rubs. Once there I entered, eyeing the random goods the mysterious cloth-masked old woman had laying about the shop. “Hm, Dearie what can I do for you?” She asked me, still concealed in her red robes and dark hood in her comfortable chair behind the low counter of her shop. “Do you have any Reducto? A lot of it?” I asked as I tried not to focus on the toys she had on display on her back wall. I shouldn’t even be looking at those, I have more than enough ways to get off with all the people in my romantic unit. “Of course dear. I’ve learned over the long ages how to make something once I’ve gotten my hands on it and converted it to souls. How much do you need?” The way she just waved her hands and created something like the jar of the size-reducing cream now on her countertop always mystified me. I hope she’s willing to teach, if not me, then other merchants. “Enough to completely remove lactating boobs the size of beach balls.” I emphasised the size of said glorious tits by holding my hands apart at about the right size they were around. “Goodness, that is a lot of area to cover, but Reducto is quite potent. Three whole jars of the cream should be enough. Is that all?” She asked while creating two more jars from soul energy. “I also need Gro+ or Purified Succubus Milk, enough to make boobs the size of beach balls into the size of yoga balls. I would also like to get a ton of Vitality Tincture.” At my request she generated three syringes of the incredible size-increasing serum, five bottles of milk and then started writing something. “Hm, which would be more expensive, the Gro+ or the PSM?” “The Gro+ of course. It doesn’t just affect breasts like the milk does. As for the ‘ton’ of Vitality Tincture, could you be more exact?” She questioned, tapping at the paper with a hum of consideration. “I’ll get the milk then. As for the Tincture, enough so that two ladies with tits like these and no magically or soul-augmented strength won’t suffer back pain.” I hefted my own milky tits up for reference of the end size I figured Sabrina would be at when shrunken down like how Cocoa’s boobs went from pumpkin-sized to basketball sized after this misadventure of hers. It seems that as a rule for this world, each pregnancy makes your boobs permanently bigger unless you have cheating cheat powers like I and my other halves do. “Actually...sell me double that.” If it works as a permanent augment for our combat form, we may be able to cheese 99 Str, End, Vig, and Vit if we chug enough of the stuff while in combat form. We would be Stronk! “Oh dear...that is an impressive idea you’ve come up with. Do remember we’re all puny next to you if it works.” The old woman wheezed in amusement, clearly realizing what I was thinking. “Now, this will come to a staggering 9500 souls!” She cackled humorously and I had to giggle at how cheap that really was. “It doesn’t take much energy to craft such simple objects, so I can’t charge you more than twice the cost of making them.” “Alright, deal.” I clasped her hand and felt soul energy flee me for the first time in a long while. Once we finished with the exchange she then handed over the 5 bottles of milk and 3 jars of cream. Then she began rapidly making tiny vials of brown-red liquid. By the time she finished there were about 40 of them on the counter which I then scooped up in my magic and shoved into my cleavage. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Thank you for your custom.” The handmaid cackled as I turned and left her shop. Once outside, I turned right straight back towards home, but on the way Harmonia exited the door of Andre’s shop looking quite pleased and with a bit of a stagger to her step. She was even still wearing the same night shirt, but had on a short skirt now. “Just finish up with Andre?” I giggled, knowing that well-sexed glow she had as well as that well-fucked staggering gait she wasn’t bothering to hide. “You have. No. Idea. He makes your fox mate look small with how thick he is.” Harmonia groaned as she rubbed at her lower stomach. “He’s definitely knocked me up again. I’ll carry them the full 8 months this time though. You’ve made it look fun and fulfilling.” “Don’t I know it? The hormones are a bitch, but besides that being pregnant is amazing.” I sighed as I rubbed and patted the sides of my belly. “Well, good day to you Harmonia.” “Good day.” Harmonia leaned down and kissed the top of my belly, making me giggle before we parted towards our respective homes. However, I was intercepted by a royal guard pegasus. “Princess. I have news about the current situation of Unity’s infrastructure.” He held out a scroll as I winced at the title. You can’t marry a Princess and Prince without becoming royalty after all, plus me being a goddess now didn’t help this situation. It was mildly annoying though, that the appointed mayor of Unity felt the need to keep me updated when I told him he didn’t need to bother writing reports to me. Rather they should go to Celestia, Luna and Twilight, but no~ I have to be the first to hear any developments because this was my town after all. “Yes. It is.” Why do I suddenly feel proud? “Thank you good sir. Go about your duties.” I took the scroll in my magic and hummed as I read it over, waddling onwards towards home. “The pump system moving river water to the plateau for convenient access is working fine. The windmill is having trouble keeping production up with the Everfree’s more random weather patterns, hm. Maybe it would be better to turn it into a watermill with that artificial river up there now. The bridge is finished, good. The road to Ponyville still isn’t though...ugh. We’ll have to ward the path first-oof!” I grunted, my belly bumping into someone and sending them sprawling. “Oh, sorry!” As I levitated the scroll aside I blinked when I saw the dirty male mouse in tattered brown traveling clothes that looked almost exactly like the starting outfit for Dark Souls 2. An outfit I admit to having way too much fondness for because I just really loved how it looked. Oh, right! I just knocked a guy on his ass with my belly! He rubbed his butt and groaned from his spot on the ground. “No problem. It’s my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He said as he looked up at me, his hood falling back to expose his white-furred face. Upon actually seeing me his eyes widened in surprise. “Princess! I’ve been traveling here just to see you!” “Oh? Um...well, I don’t have a court or anything so uh...just follow me I guess?” I hummed curiously, looking at the ragged traveler who was a species I’ve yet to see as I waddled towards home, not being interrupted this time. “Come on in, take a seat. I have some personal business to attend to first.” “You’re so generous. Thank you.” He gushed excitedly, even bowing a couple of times quickly which made me feel awkward. It was bad enough that locals and those in-the-know of Tel’Adre did the same, but for a completely unknown traveler to just bow to me? I felt uncomfortable with it. Still, that didn’t matter so long as he behaved. > Ch.43 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.43 “I’m back, girls!” I called out as I waddled in, closing the door with my magic behind our guest. I gestured with an arm towards the dining table by the kitchen, which he quickly scurried towards to wait for me. “I have the goods to work the magic we need.” “That’s great.” Sabrina panted, having been hooked back up to the milkers which were once more sucking and tugging the endless supply of magically generated milk from her tits. “Oh~ soon I won’t have to deal with four of these all the time.” “It won’t feel as good to get milked then though.” Urta commented from her place leaning/laying against her spherical mate, reading a book. A suspiciously orange covered book. There better not be a Jiraiya in this world somewhere! There’s enough crossovers! Wait...why do I hear boss music?! Murphy I’m sorry~! “Oh please. I’m over having four nipples. Besides, thanks to Wiatr my people don’t need these extra breasts anymore. I’m just annoyed it took nearly a year for mother and the others to come up with new spells based on how Wiatr works her magic.” Sabrina huffed through her pleasured coos and grunts. “Well, if you’ll let me turn this off for now.” I commented before turning off the milker and tugging the hoses off of her nipples with my magic when I pulled out a jar of Reducto. “I can get started on that.” I opened the jar and gestured for Urta to come to me. “Come here Urta. Slather this Reducto on her lower set of boobs until either you run out of cream or her spare tits are gone.” I instructed, taking out the other two jars once she’d put down her book and took the one I opened. “Aw. I’m gonna miss having a boob hammock.” Urta joked, putting the jar down and getting some cream in her hands. “You’ll have one with more length, less depth later.” Sabrina chuckled, before yelping at the feeling of Urta rubbing the cream into her lower tits. “C-cold!” “Now, while they’re busy with that…'' I turned and waddled to the dining table before taking a seat with a relieved sigh, lifting my hooves up to finish taking pressure off of my poor ankles. “So. Who are you? Why are you here?” “I’m Walter, Princess Wiatr. I’ve come from Rona; a humble village in Rodenas to seek your help with cruel spirits and demons infesting our forests.” Walter stated with grave seriousness. “We’ve been able to stay safe with our master alchemists devising clever concoctions to ward them away, but the major cities have fallen, the nearest large town abandoned. I fear my people don’t have long left. It was hope that brought me here, hope that the whispers of your power and generosity were true.” “Uh...well, they are, I guess. Not right now though.” I mewled, feeling bad for his people and their situation, but I rubbed my belly with a sigh, thrusting it out a bit to emphasize it. “But I’m in no condition to go adventuring right now. I still have about a month left before these little ones are ready.” “I know, but I also heard you have powerful allies and that Equestria is shoring it’s defenses to push back against the tide of Corruption. I was hoping you might still be able to at least send help? Aid us in evacuating at the very least?” Walter desperately questioned and I mewled, not wanting to turn him away. Surely Lulu or Tia could help? “I don’t know. Please have some patience, get cleaned up and rest. Help yourself to whatever food you want. I’ll send a message to my fellow Princesses asking for aid.” I promised and with that he collapsed into the table, making me squeak in surprise as he began snoring. “W-whoa, he’s exhausted.” “Okay, Willow! Sabrina’s down to just two funbags!” Urta hollered and I looked over to see that indeed, Sabrina no longer had her upper, now only, pair of breasts resting on a shelf. They now rested lower and Sabrina seemed relieved already. “Be right over!” I called back, picking up Walter in my magic and moving him to the couch for now. With him out of the way for the moment I waddled back to my lovers, fishing out the bottles of Purified Succubus Milk. “Okay. Have her drink until her boobs are as big as yoga balls. That’s how big Cocoa was like this and when she gave birth they were about my size.” I hefted my tits as I handed Urta a bottle. “Okay, coming on up lover.” Urta declared to Sabrina, climbing up between her breasts, disappearing into the cleavage before coming out the other side. “Bottoms up.” She put it to Sabrina’s lips and the sandy blond titty-kitty purred as she chugged. To either side of Urta, Sabrina’s boobs began lurching outwards, growing visibly. “Mrr~ more!” Sabrina purred as she finished the first bottle and then downed the second and the third. By then her boobs were each the size of yoga balls. “There’s still two more?” “I guess the handmaid underestimated the potency of the milk?” I questioned and perked up as Urta popped them both open and Sabrina and I squeaked when she began chugging them herself. “U-Urta?” I and Sabrina watched as our already busty fox’s DD-cups bloomed outwards, quickly zooming through the alphabet to H-cups before stopping, straining the buttons of her blouse. “Ah~! I’ve always wanted bigger tits!” Urta declared, hefting her new chest pumpkins and giving them an excited grope. “It’ll make autofellatio even better too!” Urta declared as she slid down Sabrina’s slope of a body towards me. “You sure?” I questioned before the fox grabbed my head and kissed me aggressively, docking our boobs and mashing them together, making us both moan into each other’s mouths before we broke apart, but kept pressing our huge tits together. “Okay, you’re definitely sure.” I looked away from my lovers towards Walter. “He needs help, but...I’m not in any condition to do it right now.” I sighed before yelping when Urta slapped my ass. “What am I? Chopped liver? I’m not some wet-eared pup, send me!” Urta eagerly declared, making Sabrina whine. “But then who’ll pamper me all day? It’s bad enough you quit your position as the Guard Captain of Tel'Adre to be the city’s official representative here. What will you tell them to let you go off on an adventure?” Sabrina worriedly asked and I had to agree. Urta wasn’t Undead, a Goddess, or some other hard-to-kill sort of entity. I didn’t feel comfortable sending her into danger, no matter how skilled she was in combat. “Bah, this is basically a retirement position. They mostly go through Unity’s mayor anyway, there is no need for me here.” Urta declared then saluted to me. “Ex-Captain Urta reporting for duty ma’am!” “...I hate myself for this already. Daring doesn’t want you to go and Svartr wants to go with you, but can’t. Ugh. Urta. I as Princess of the Everfree declare that you are the most suitable to be sent on this mission...considering how busy the Equestrian military is.” I grumbled. Guards were one thing, we needed a soldier for this and Urta was the closest thing available. “I’m going to have you equipped by Andre and dump the Tinctures I was going to use on Sabrina, Cocoa, and I on you instead.” I’ll just buy more for us later girls. “What’s a Tincture?” Sabrina asked and I fished out a vial of the reddish-brown liquid from my cleavage. “Hm...never heard of it.” “It heals you, but also improves your health well beyond the minimum. In CoC it was the ultimate combat cheat item. If you were in debug mode you could max out your strength and toughness stats at level 1 the moment you got your hands on it.” They both blandly stared at me and I sighed. “It’s good for you, makes you stronger and tougher.” “Why didn’t you just say that?” Urta asked as she took the vial and knocked it back. “Huh...tastes like cherries-.” Urta gasped as her muscles visibly bulged. “H-holy Hell!” She unbuttoned her blouse, showing us her abs which were already nice and tight before, but now she had a faint 4-pack. “Give me more of those!” “Hell yeah.” I whispered, fishing out the vials and watching Urta knock them back, getting more swol by the minute until she looked like a lightweight in the Miss Universe contest with all the right curves added on and none of her muscles were grossly bulging out everywhere, instead seeming compacted. “You’re like a foxy adonis~!” I drooled, watching how she flexed. “I’m knocking you up next.” Urta suddenly declared with growing confidence as she leaned into me. “The moment those foals are out, you’re letting me knock you up. Or you’re knocking me up.” Urta declared and I panted, kissing her hungrily and whining when we pulled apart. “Not right now obviously. Now let’s get me armored and armed.” “Okay.” I said, half tempted to be her armor like I knew I could with the knowledge I have from Svartr. Oh, if only I didn't have foals and a loved one beholden to right now. I turned to lead her out but squealed when her powerful arms scooped me up and held me in a bridal carry as she easily carried me. “Oh yes!” I cheered, pulling her into another kiss until she pulled away a bit. “I’m also getting you and Sabrina an official Tel’Adre wedding.” Urta purred as she nipped my neck gently in the spot she’d marked several months ago, making me shiver. “I can’t. You have to marry Cadence, Shiny, and Chrysalis too. I’m already late on getting Cocoa’s ring.” I complained. Damn it, royal marriages are so complicated. Since Cadence is the one wearing the pants in our relationship, she has to be the one to approve above everyone. That said, she had already approved of the motherly chocolate labrador, but she hasn’t been able to properly meet and spend time with Urta and Sabrina. “I have my Mama’s old ring. It has a Fox Jewel in it. She was a bitch to me for being born a herm, but when she and Dad died I got her things in the will. Would that work?” Urta asked as we neared Andre’s shop. I felt lighter than air and so warm knowing everyone was seeing me be carried by my buff mate like I weighed nothing. “Oh. Um, that would be great, but Cady would need to be the one to approve and make the ring match ours, then give it to you. We can be Mates just fine, but properly marrying in a harem is complicated.” Especially when the harem leader is a complete nymphomaniac like Cadence. I doubt that if Urta joined us she wouldn't be able to avoid filling Cadence up at least once. “G’day lasses. Welcome. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Andre interrupted our marital discussion from behind his counter since we’d entered his business with Urta still carrying me. “I’d ask if ye be looking for wedding bands, but I know the Princess is already married.” “Yup. Makes things harder than they need to be.” Urta sighed and gently set me down on my hooves. “I’m here to get armor and a weapon. I’m going on a quest on behalf of my mate and Princess.” Urta put a hand to her sternum under her breasts with pride. “Oh? Well you came to the right place. Armor was something the Handmaid did in the old days, but I’ve tried my hand at it and found it no more difficult than forging a good weapon. What kind of protection do you need?” Andre questioned as he placed his magic hammer in his tool belt. “Something with good protection. I don’t think she will mind the weight.” I told him while squeezing my mate’s new rock-hard bicep. Unf, she’s so yummy~! “So strong~.” “I’m already used to platemail, something similar that provides protection, but allows me freedom of movement would be best.” Urta added on. “Also, I need a new halberd or spear. I had to turn mine over to Edryn when I resigned. Symbol of office and all that.” Andre dropped a full set of armor on the counter and then casually grabbed a fairly huge halberd from the wall, smacking it onto the counter next to the armor. “Yeah, that’s about right.” “5000 souls for the lot.” Andre simply stated and I sighed, grasping his hand and transferring the souls. “Pleasure doing business.” Andre declared, then went back to his forge further behind the counter to keep crafting his masterworks. “There you go love.” I said to her before I noticed the thuds of huge paws outside, making me smirk at realizing who it was. She’s been gone since the moment she had the chance to vanish, I wonder what stories she has to tell.   “How do I look?” I blinked, surprised at how quickly Urta practically tossed on the armor. It looked a lot like the set she wore as guard captain for Tel’Adre, but less lameller-style platemail and more solid. It still had a skirt with chausses and grieves over the boots. Also the breastplate seemed to emphasise her tits more, considering they were holding up H-cups now rather than covering DD-cups. “Like a seasoned warrior.” I chuckled as I looked her over. “Don’t get hurt or taken.” “Can’t promise either, but I’ll damn well do my best. I have too much to return home for now.” Urta firmly responded, putting the visor of her new helmet down and clanking her breastplate with the salute she gave before. “I’m gonna go get that mouse guy and-.” “Head out.” I said as the ground shook a bit before I hugged her. “Your ride’s here.” I joked as I opened the door and exited to look up at the towering 30-foot tall giantess that was the anthro sphinx Briallia. She was no longer nude, she now wore a ragged brown robe and also had on a traveler’s backpack filled to the gills with random things. Considering it was the size of a van, that was a lot of stuff. “Hey Briallia! I haven’t seen you since you came here from the fort!” “Hm? Ah! Princess! I’ve heard you’ve been home lately.” The busty sphinx got on her knees so she wasn’t having to bend over to talk to us. “Sorry I vanished back then.” “It’s been nearly a year! Where have you been?!” I asked curiously while side-hugging Urta, who was gawking up at the enormous anthro lion-woman. “Well...everywhere! I just got this powerful urge to explore the moment I wasn’t stuck guarding something and I’ve never seen the lands beyond my desert home before. Your people are so kind and helpful too. They seemed confused when I mentioned I didn’t need to eat and I’m not Undead. Sphinxes aren’t naturally born creatures after all. We’re created to protect things. We’d be terrible guardians if we had to do things like sleep and eat or pee or poo.” Briallia exposited. “That’s messed up. So you’re my ride?” Urta questioned and the Sphinx blinked. “Huh? Ride? Um, I don’t think you’d survive the attempt…” Briallia blushed, scratching at her groin and showing the outline of her bulbous clit which was just the tip of her cat-cock, making Urta pale. “Not that kind of ride Briallia! I’m pregnant and can’t go adventuring, but a land called Rodenas needs help. Urta, my beloved mate volunteered. The moment I heard your pawsteps I figured you’d be willing to ferry her and her guide there. Sorry if I jumped the gun.” I mewled, hoping I didn’t offend the enormous lion-woman. “Rodenas? That place? It’s full of spooky ghosts and Hellspawn. I’m surprised there’s no actual Lust Demons in force there from what little I stayed to see. It’s also hard for me to get through such thick forests. The trees here seem kind enough to have some space, but aside from the roads it’s nearly impossible for me to get through the trees.” Briallia informed us. “I could easily get you into the country, but I’d be restricted to the roads for the most part.” “I think that would be fine.” I told her, looking to my still whiter-than-usual mate. “Will you be fine?” “I’ll be good, so long as she doesn’t try to shove a cock the size of a person in me. Let’s go get that mouse guy and get this going.” Urta declared, jogging towards my home and I huffed, starting to waddle after her only to yelp when Briallia’s huge paws gently picked me up and she carried me the rest of the way, setting me down at my door gently. “Th-thank you. I swear, people forget pregnant women’s ankles get sore and swollen.” I huffed, nodding up at her in thanks before entering my home. Walter was clean, but my kitchen was now a mess.  He’d raided it quite thoroughly and Walter was currently cramming jerky from the pantry into his travel pack as Urta grabbed a quick meal. “So...I guess I’ll be seeing you?” “Yep. Don’t worry though; I’m taking one of the Unity portal beacons with me so I can hop back here in a jiffy for resources, reinforcements, etcetera.” Urta replied before going back to swallowing hot dogs whole. Unf, that is sexy~. “Good, I’ll have Briallia promise not to shove her cock in you. I think few could take her anyways.” I joked, knowing We were perhaps some of the few uncorrupted people on this world that could possibly sex Briallia. Whatever caused her to become so gigantic like the giantess lust demons...in fact, whatever makes those giants doesn’t seem to care about biological density and conservation of energy, but then again magic doesn't care for no science laws. “I’m ready! Thank you so much for the help.” Walter gushed at us both, hugging Urta and then hugging me, making me giggle and pat his head. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t go myself. You two be safe.” I waved them goodbye as they left my home. Soon the heavy pawsteps of Briallia faded away and I sighed forlornly. “Be safe.” … “Um...not to ruin the sad mood...I’m leaking again.” Sabrina sheepishly commented, her enormous tits practically trickling milk into the trough leading to the pool with Honey and Cocoa’s eggs, making me snort and start levitating the milker hoses back into place. “The waiting is always the hardest part.” > Ch.44 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.44 You are now Urta, a gray fox hermaphrodite that was a pariah from birth. Born a herm in a land besieged by lust demons, you were considered a curse on your family. You grew up ostracized by your peers, reviled by your parents and other adults. You found love wherever you could, usually in the bosom of a comely wench and eventually in the passionate throes of wild sex with your childhood friend Edryn.  Until nearly a year ago, you’d fought and bled for every inch of respect you could get from the people who despised you. You became the greatest warrior of your people, unbeatable in duels and a well-known alcoholic with a right hook so hard you’ve lost count of the teeth you’ve collected in your bedside drawer as souvenirs of bar brawls. Now though, you’ve given up on that loveless life. You’ve left behind a home without hope, without meaningful reward for your sacrifices, for the tender embrace of a Goddess and her harem, who have all grown close to your lonely heart. You quest in her name, going forth to-. “Why are you monologuing?” Briallia asked, ruining my good mood. “Damn it Bree! I was just getting into the mood!” I complained, hitting the top of Bree’s shoulder with no effect despite my incredible strength. “But why? Are you writing an adventure novel?” Walter asked from Bree’s other shoulder. “I mean, you’re an interesting woman, but it isn’t very attractive to talk about yourself in second-person, it’s confusing.” “Who asked you mouse-boy? I’m just trying to psyche myself up here.” I grumbled. Bree had casually walked southwest for a couple of days now and as we went, I saw the land change in ways I never imagined before, desert being all I’ve known. The Everfree gave way to rolling plains, then arid badlands, then it became an arid grassland, then we hit a forest so thick and abrupt it was shocking. This was Rodenas. As we moved through this dark and heavily overgrown land, Due to Bree’s height, I could see odd white mist deeper in the trees. There were red and blue lights glowing here and there off the beaten path. Where the red was, the forest was cut and destroyed. The blue seemed to be lanterns clearing the roads. I could also see ruins that I couldn’t possibly know the history of. I’m a warrior, not a scholar. That said, we’ve only properly been in Rodenas for the past day. Indeed, I could see why Bree didn’t like it. It was oddly muggy for a forest that wasn’t tropical and the trees were practically woven together. I’m surprised nothing’s caught fire. “How did your people even manage to make these roads?” I asked our guide who was pointing out the roads leading towards his village. “Those blue lights. They’re lanterns filled with an alchemical incense that the spirits of the forest hate. It keeps them from encroaching on cleared ground. It’s also nice the incense is mineral based and doesn’t need to be burned to release it’s scent, so they last several years before needing replacement.” Walter explained helpfully. “What about those red lights?” Bree asked curiously as she ducked under a reaching branch on the path. Walter and I had to grab onto her head to stay stable in our seats. “Hell Demons. They came out of nowhere one day. The Lust Demons, dangerous and cruel they may be, they at least tend to leave you alive once they’ve had some fun and don’t want to bother making you a pet. They were even willing to barter and make deals for our safety in exchange for services and goods. One day, the Lust Demons just left. No apparent reason. We rejoiced for a short time, thinking we were free of their tyranny. Only, they were the lesser of two evils. At least the Lust Demons don’t eat us.” Walter seethed and I winced. “Oh.” That is just messed up. Hell only seemed to be a nuisance back when I guarded Tel’Adre. The only bad ones were those big red ones. We couldn’t take them out directly, but the defences of the towers kept them at bay. It would seem this was a small invasion however. “You lot aren’t fighters huh?” “What gave it away? The fact I’m barely 4 feet tall? That I have the muscles of your species’ teenagers even though I’m an adult? No, we’re not fighters. We’re clever sneaks, thieves, assassins maybe. We can’t do much of anything in a straight fight. We’ve always relied on our thick forests and our bargains with the spirits for protection, but both have turned on us.” Walter groused, clearly unhappy with his people’s lot in life. I felt for him a bit. It takes a lot of work to establish yourself as the biggest, toughest bitch in the room when the average guard male is twice your size and three times your weight. “How close are we to the Village?” Briallia asked as she began huffing, using her hands to smash intrusive branches starting to block the path. “We’re getting close now. It looks like they’ve put out the lanterns here to start letting the forest grow a barrier around it, please don’t damage it more.” Walter requested and Briallia huffed, kneeling down and letting us off her shoulders, crawling behind us as we walked onward. “As soon as we get in, please use that portal you brought to evacuate them. Nowhere in this place is safe from the demons and the angry forest spirits.” “Got it.” I hefted my halberd warily as I kept alert, looking around constantly. “Is it always this quiet? I didn’t notice before thanks to Bree’s heavy pawsteps and how high up we were, but there’s no noise unlike in the Everfree.” “Not normally.” Walter replied, pulling out two viciously curved daggers from his belt just in time for a gurgling howl to come from the trees. To the right the thick foliage and branches snapped as 6 Hell Imps burst through. They charged, not giving us a moment to properly respond aside from Briallia managing to cast her shield spell on herself since she couldn’t move in this thicket. “Hmph, please.” I snorted, letting the four that came at me approach, only to lunge and sweep the shaft of my new halberd under their legs, throwing them to the dirt and in the same motion, spun around and followed up by planting the spike on the pommel of my weapon into the chest of my first victim, even as it’s brethren scrambled to their feet. My response was to punch the one on the left in the face, while kicking the one on the right in the groin with my metal boot-covered right paw at the same time. I had to jump back, my halberd squelching out of the dead imp as I retreated and thrust the haft of my weapon into the throat of the leaping fourth demon, making it choke before I headbutt it, my armored snout stabbing into its eye. I shoved it off and blocked a wild swing from the left as I kicked the one on the right in the shin. I hooked the axe of my halberd on the ankle of the left one, yanked out from under it and stabbed it in the abdomen with the long spike while grabbing the last imp by the throat with my right hand, lifting it off the ground with ease. “Huh...you lot used to be much more dangerous.” I mused to the snarling and spitting demon feebly scratching at my armored form until I crushed it’s throat with my hand and let it drop to the dirt with a gurgle. “Hot Damn am I strong now.”   “That would’ve gone quicker if you had a hammer or something less complicated.” Walter commented, drawing my attention to where he was sitting on one of his two victims, both having a couple of gaping stab wounds in their torsos. Pfft, not being fighters, as if. You suck at lying mouse-boy. I’ve seen veteran warriors have issues with a single imp and you just dealt with two. “I like complicated things.” I huffed, wiping at some of the scalding hot blood on my visor. Woo, I feel such a high right now. “I wouldn’t be in a relationship with a goddess and her harem if I didn’t.” I commented before moving onward. “Come on then. If they’re here, then your village might already be lost.” My tail wagged and puffed up as my adrenaline high didn’t drop off. Instead, it seemed to keep going, a tingling zip of energy coursing through me. Almost like when I-. “Don’t even joke about that.” Walter growled, rushing on ahead as Briallia whined and managed to crawl after us into the thickening and narrowing path. “You okay Bree?” I asked the Sphinx as we slowly reached a group of tightly packed wooden huts built over the stone ruins of some older civilization, even using the half-buried buildings as basements of sorts. “I’ll be better once we’re not surrounded by these rude trees.” Briallia huffed, squeezing through the tightly meshed branches. “Ouch! Not fair.” Briallia huffed as she squeezed her ass through. I noticed oddly that the branches seemed like hands grabbing her butt, but I figured that might just be my perverted nature fooling my eyes. Mrr~ I feel so hyped right now! I could practically feel my balls gurgling with my steaming hot glowing turquoise seed like back in-. “Amily! Jojo! Rathazul! I’ve returned with help!” Walter called into the press of buildings, which was more or less just over a dozen all packed together with a single road running through. The only reason this place wasn’t claimed by the encroaching forest was likely the blue lanterns. “Thank goodness.” An elderly gray rat with billowing robes and a cane wheezed as he exited the largest building in the small village. He hurried towards us as fast as his feeble body could, but likely all that kept him upright was his cane and the helping hand of the white-furred wiry young monk at his side. “Walter. You’ve been gone for weeks. We thought you were dead.” “I’m sorry Elder Rathazul, but it was a long way to Equestria, even longer still to find my way to the heart of their land and find the Princess.” Walter then looked to the blue-robed monk. “Jojo, where’s Amily?” “She’s resting. She had to fight off another group of shamblers that came from the direction of Rodentia.” Jojo morosely stated. “We couldn’t engage them in melee for obvious reasons, so she nearly collapsed her lungs working herself to death with her blowpipe.” “She’s fine. Now where’s the army? The Princess? I see a big cat lady who can barely move in our lands and this knight, but no force of soldiers or a goddess.” Rathazul pestered and I fished out the portal beacon from my hefty tits. Mm~ that felt good... “I’m it, but I have a portal beacon here to evacuate your village to Wiatr’s town; Unity. Gather up the residents and their worldly goods, I’ll get them to safety.” I assured, tossing the stone egg-shaped beacon in my hand before putting it back in my cleavage and enjoying how oddly sensitive my new bigger boobs were right now. “Good News Everyone! Get your things!” Rathazul declared towards the village as he scampered with aid back towards his home. “We are going to a possibly hostile, but hopefully not, land full of ponies that have been fighting off the Lust demons! Also, it would be advisable to leave all your stuff and just pack light. Amily! Load my cart!” “Thank you for this. Even if the rest of Rodena is lost, at least our people will live on.” Walter said as I noticed red eyes shining in the forest, though they didn’t seem to be a demon. “Okay, when I enter start the song.” I flicked my ears, what about a song? “What do you mean you forgot the song? Screw it, just screw it! Just take my phone and hit random! No just hit random! Okay, Three, Two-.” The branches hiding the body of the glowing eyes exploded violently, revealing a red trench-coated white-pelted thestral stallion with a black mane. “I’m a bitch! I’m a lover, I’m a child! I’m a mother, I’m a sinner, I’m a saint~!” “No okay turn it off! Turn it off.” The music stopped. “It didn’t work. It did not work.” The thestral groused in mixed disappointment and amusement. “Following your example.” Snarked a busty thestral mare of similar colors to him in good humor. Unlike him, she wore military-style green fatigues that did nothing to hide her delicious figure. “Oh~! Catty!” He responded with a chuckle to his companion as he took a fancy cell phone from her. “Okay? Who are they?” I asked Walter while Bree finally got out of the trees as I clutched my halberd tighter. “Oh, that’s Alucard and Seras, the local vampire ancients. No big deal, they’re okay people if eccentric.” Walter shrugged, completely unsurprised. “They mostly stay in the cities fighting off the ghosts. They call it training?” “Is that your way of saying your lords and saviors are impulsive dipshits?” Seras chuckled as the two vampires, whatever those are, approached. The mare was incredibly busty with K-cup basketballs in that rugged pocketed shirt. I felt that she was much stronger than she looked, the same for her male companion. “Okay, so what’s up with you two? Are you repelling the demons or something?” I asked them before we heard mousy screams from the distance as the villagers argued on what to bring. “You’re a mouthy one. They tend to be the best drinks and the best lays.” Alucard chuckled darkly, making me feel shivers down my spine at his admittedly delicious voice. “As for protecting these little rodents, yes. They’ve been good neighbors to me and mine. I overheard you were helping them relocate?” “Yes.” I nodded firmly, ignoring how this total stud made my body tingle just by looking at me. Maybe before I got back together with Sabrina and pulled into the incredible insanity that is Wiatr’s harem I’d give in, but I’d rather save my carnal desires for them than to waste it on someone I might only meet once. “Then We’re coming along. I’m afraid this old place has gone to seed and Hellspawn blood tastes like concentrated vinegar hot sauce.” Alucard snorted in disdain. “Their magic may boost us since we’re godless monsters, but their fire burns even hotter on our Undead flesh. Oh and my pet cat-boy wants more branches and less thorns.” Um, what? Where is this cat-boy? “Master, please don’t bring up that irreverent little shit!” Seras huffed. “Besides, it’s not like anyplace besides Rodenas or Roamanea would tolerate life drinkers.” “Oh, does Fraulein not like me?” A playful heavily accented male voice asked from the trees. “But you flashed me just the other day~.” “Leave and take your legion of cats with you!” Sera barked at the trees as mews sounded out in protest. “I don’t care if you saved them from a giant corrupted forest siren! They’re creepy!” “Worry not Seras. Princess Luna is an old acquaintance. I’m certain I can arrange something.” Alucard stated with certainty. Good god his voice is like sex for the ears! No wonder Willow waxed poetic about some friend of her former Goddess with what must be a similar voice. “We are ready!” Rathazul’s voice drew my attention back towards the rest of the town and I blinked at seeing whole hand carts loaded up with furniture, food, random things. Overall, there had to be at least 20 people with their lives on their backs and in their carts. Didn’t the old one say pack light? “We’ve got only the essentials! The family heirlooms, preserved foods, the kitchen sink-.” “Okay, wow. You’re fast. I figured I would have to fight more demons.” I looked around, ears perked. “I Said. I would have to fight More Demons!” I declared, trying to trigger the God of Cruelty, Murphy. Killing those demons back there got my motor going and I want more before I leave! “...No? No more fighting?” ...Apparently not. “Fine. Let’s just get you guys to safety.” I pulled the portal beacon out of my cleavage and tossed it on the ground against a wall. Shortly a portal opened and the refugees began pouring into it. “Well, this adventure was short lived.” “Sorry. We killed the other demons that were nearby. Did you want to fight more of them?” Seras apologized with honest embarrassment and I had to chuckle at her earnest behavior. “Yes actually. I’m a bit of a battle junkie and for some reason demons just...mrr~.” I purred and ran my hands up and down my cuirass, the busty thestral blushed hotly at understanding me. “This trip was incredibly smooth. Aside from those imps, nothing else attacked us. It was just travel, camp, repeat.” I shrugged at the two vampires. “Oh well, no point looking a gift mule in the mouth.” Though I really want another fight! ...Damn it Murphy! You cuckolding bastard! “Ah, I guess it’s time to see this new home.” Alucard said as he cracked his...everything. “I wonder if Lulu remembers that fateful meeting under the moonlight? When she found the Painting?” Alucard chuckled as he entered the portal with the rats and mice. “I’ll try my best to keep him from causing trouble, but Master has been uncontrollable since Sir Integra released him from service and let him leave Cainhurst.” Seras apologized before looking me up and down. I smirked and leaned against my halberd, running a hand up my armored thigh as she licked her lips and her wings stiffened. “Hey, um. Would it be okay if-.” “Just ask, anytime babe.” I lustily growled and the busty thestral grinned ferally, her elongated fangs cutely outlining her chin like a changeling does. “I just might. I’ll also be busy making trips to Cainhurst to Sir Integra. She must be lonely with just Walter tending her.” Seras muttered before going through the portal and my lust ebbed enough at realizing the hot mare and her studly companion might be more than just sexy bat-ponies. “Sir Integra? Cainhurst?” I’m not well-versed in politics, but those sounded important. “What trouble have I brought to my mates?” I groaned as Briallia crawled towards the thankfully large portal. I watched as she put her backpack through first, then squeezed in, but her ass got stuck for a moment. I was worried I’d have to push and risk her massive muff before she popped her hips and butt through. That done, I looked around, shrugged, then walked through the portal, grabbing the beacon and pulling it through which closed the portal. Back in Unity now, the task of welcoming refugees fell to the guards thankfully. I shuddered with carnal hunger and strutted towards my mate’s home, which was my home too. I hope someone is ready to fuck because I sure am! > Ch.45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.45 “You are now the hopelessly besieged Princess Wiatr. Split into three bodies, even then you don’t have enough hands and minds to-.”  “Why do I hear Morgan Freeman narrating my thoughts?” I asked myself as I idly scratched my belly which was even bigger and tighter than ever. Well, for this pregnancy. It’s been days since Urta went on her trip and Shiny decided I’d proven my devotion enough by now, saying I could speed up our foals if I wanted, but...I don’t want to. I love this. I can’t stay pregnant though, things are picking back up. The Equestrian MIlitary is getting a handle on the new expanded borders well ahead of projected timetables and soon we’ll be ready to expand further, so I can expect to be sent to claim more demon-infested territory. “Well, just a couple more weeks and you’ll be out.” I purred while lovingly rubbing my belly. “I’m back babe!” I perked up at hearing my mate Urta’s voice and I looked towards the door from my seat in the living room with joy to see my armored lover striding in, her armor smeared with blood and her halberd particularly stained in it. “That was easy! We just traveled there for a few days, fought a pack of imps and then used a portal to evacuate the village.” “That’s great! I was getting worried!” Called Sabrina from her recently padded pool that also had a dildo added for her to rock on when she was feeling frisky. She was being milked again and by now I’d learned a spell to prevent inflammation and pain, so she could be milked endlessly without hurting herself. Which was good, because her mom’s spell was a really amazing thing. It basically turned Sabrina into a magic sponge which converted ambient magic into milk, nutrition and pure energy. At least that’s what I got out of Twilight’s astounded magic-babble. “Sorry babe, but I’ve got that itch to adventure in me too.” Urta responded as she went to the dressing room. Yes, we had a dressing room now, filled with clothes and storage for clothes, armor and weapons. That last part meant it was an armory to me, but Twilight insisted it was a ‘dressing room’ for some reason involving one of her friends refusing to provide dresses and other clothes for an armory, something about it being too crass. “Well I hope you don’t feel the urge to go anywhere soon.” I purred to myself while Svartr and Daring began hurrying their respective appointments along so they could come and see Urta. I pulled Cadence’s pocket-pussy from my cleavage and slipped a note through it with a sly smile while Sabrina cooed and rocked on her stationary dildo. “What are you two doing?” Urta asked after returning from the dressing room, back in a clean set of jeans and blouse, looking between us in bemusement as her hips noticeably swayed along with her tail doing delicious twirls behind her. Oh~ she’s hungry~. “I’m just enjoying this dildo!” Sabrina yelped and I looked at her in disapproval since I’d already dropped the two-way pocket pussy back into my tits. “S-so did you enjoy seeing other lands?” “Meh, it was just dry grass, hard rocks, then possessed trees. Nothing fun or interesting the moment we left Equestria.” Urta replied with a shrug, heading over to Sabrina first. “So how’s my big baby ball~?” Urta breathily asked, leaning between Sabrina’s spaced-apart gigantic breasts and kissing our mate lovingly. I can tell from here how her pelvis is rubbing against Sabrina’s body~. “Mm~! I’m good! *smooch* So good.” Sabrina’s eyes flicked between Urta, me, then the pool on the other side of the one holding Honey’s eggs and I leered at her. “I’m, unf, gonna be better soon~.” Sabrina licked her lips and purred. Urta raised an eyebrow and flicked her tail which was visibly floofed up, broadcasting her arousal through both sight and smell. “Is that so? Got something naughty planned for me?” Urta cooed, rubbing circles on the tops of Sabrina’s boobs, making her pant as the vixen kneaded them. “Is it a surprise? Any spoilers?” “No.” I firmly stated and Sabrina whined, managing to make her ball body bounce on her dildo in excitement. “I want you to go relax, take a long hot bath. Try the lotions and bubble bath. You probably still stink of death even if you took off the dirty clothes and armor." I know you’re horny babe but c’mon, take the bait... “You do smell a bit.” Sabrina blushed in admittance and Urta sighed before removing herself from our hyperpregnant lover and sauntering her incredibly powerful body towards the bathroom. She paused at the door and smirked with such a smokey leer at us that I wanted to rush overto her and fuck her on the floor right-no~ have strength Willow~! “Looking forward to it~.” Urta blew a kiss at us and slinked into the bathroom. “You are terrible at keeping secrets and surprises Sabrina.” I chided my mate in annoyance. “I can’t help it! I’m so damn turned on by it that-!” I magically summoned a zipper on Sabrina’s lips and zipped them shut with a spell I’d decided to learn in case any especially naughty child decided to use dirty words. Twilight is really good with it, or so Spike told me. “Shush! She could be poking an ear to the door to listen! Foxes have amazing hearing!” I hissed, waiting a few moments and figuring Urta was at least preparing for a bath to relax. The moment was interrupted though by a pink flash of light and I giggled at the affectionate pink arms that wrapped around me and groped at my milky boobs. “Cady~! Save it for later!” “But I want to get started right away!” Cadence gushed in excitement. She’d already had her twins since she got pregnant earlier than me and it was also boosted somewhat by having eaten some of my goo body to ensure the pregnancy in the first place. She was already wearing her full set of kinky black leather dominatrix equipment. She even had her whip, cock rings, condoms, the whole kit on a utility belt. “Just wait.” I told her, unable to avoid looking at the way her new G-cup breasts, swollen from her second pregnancy and still breastfeeding, squeezed into that too-tight leather bodice. The fact this world still heavily practiced leathercraft surprised me until I learned that cows as well as a whole ecosystem of wild animals who share relations with anthros, for some reason lost out on the evolution train. “Mm hm hmph!” Sabrina casually mumbled from her sealed lips and I rolled my eyes. I undid the spell that kept her quiet with a loud zipping noise. “If you don’t wanna wait, come pleasure me! I’m going crazy right now considering I’ll be a main participant!” “I’d be glad to love, but first, where’s Cocoa and Honey?” Cadence asked with full seriousness. “Cocoa’s at the nursery. I think Honey is in her hive, seeing to the shipment of furniture that was supposed to come in from Couches and Quills.” I still don’t get how a shop can have something as esoteric as just couches and quills and be in business, but they made and sold good couches! The one I’m sitting on having survived a whole year of sexcapades and regular use otherwise being a testament. “I’ll be back then.” Cadence was starting to blush, licking her lips as she sashayed out of my home. Her slightly wider hips from giving birth again gave her an even sexier gait, further accented by her tail flicking. “Unf~!” I grunted, suddenly unable to withhold the urge to bounce on my seat, panting in arousal from seeing my wife so damn horny. I always thought sympathetic arousal was some cheesy nonsense couples swore about, but fuck~ does seeing her so wet and ready make me wet and ready! “Oh~! I hope this goes well tonight.” I forlornly patted my belly with a sigh. I don’t want to do this, but Cady suggested it and it’s so fucking hot that I was also beyond eager for it. “Oh it will!” Sabrina declared and then gasped as she came, the hoses endlessly draining her swelled with a sudden surge of her lactate and then went back to their normal undulations. It was an unbearable half-hour before Svartr and Daring returned, excitedly and silently merging onto me, turning me into Us once more. We sighed, some semblance of control returning to our rampant hormones and emotions as We rubbed our belly with acceptance that it would have to end. We cannot be pregnant forever if We are to do more than repopulate this world. We also held up an arm and flexed, enjoying the sight of what 99 Strength, Endurance, Vigor, and Vitality did to our fused form’s combat stats. We looked like a totally bricc female adonis with curves in all the right ways, yet Urta still managed to look better than us We believe. All thanks to cheesing Vitality Tinctures. However, it’s considered a ‘temporary’ buff since it’ll go away if We die and recover at a bonfire, according to the helpful bonfire menu. Our introspection ended when Cadence returned looking slightly haggard, her mane ruffled and with a pleased smirk on her face, but lacking the glow of sex, so We know she didn’t go further than planned as of yet. “It went well We assume?” We smiled knowingly and she tittered as she hugged herself. “I’m married to 6 women, as well as the stallion of my dreams. Soon, a certain vixen will be-whoa! Babe?!” Cady gawked at us and We blinked before We blushed at realizing We didn’t really inform everyone that We were totally jacked when fully fused as Wiatr now. “R-right! Um, We-.” “Willow~! What did you put in the soap?!” Urta screamed irately and We bolted to our hooves in excitement with ease thanks to our physique. We licked our lips when We saw Urta stumble out of the bathroom soaking wet, naked, panting and with a raging hard-on so engorged it looked bigger than it really was. Wait, were her balls always the size of coconuts when not backed-up? We thought she was the size of apples down there. “Hello our love~!” We purred at her as she stormed at us with a hungry and wild look. “Ah-ah~. We’re afraid We can’t let you do this at the pace you want.” We levitated her off the floor, easily restraining her with our powerful magic as We casually strode up to her while moving her towards Sabrina. Ah, being so strong makes moving with such a belly so easy~. “Wiatr?!” Urta panted and roared, trying to fight off our immense magical bonds to no avail. “What are you doing?!” We levitated her down, pulling our maternity dress up our belly, tucking it under our breasts as We aimed her monstrously large horsecock for our swollen and drooling cunny. “B-but you’re-!” “Not for long!” We cheered, magically ramming her right into us, clear for landing thanks to the magic We’d had Sandy work on us in preparation for when Urta returned. We both screamed in ecstasy, but there was no movement beyond the grinding of our groins together. “Oh~! It’s been too long!” Our eyes fluttered along with our wings as lights danced in our vision. “Wait!” Urta huffed as her tip easily punched through our normally sealed cervix, her flare plugging our uterus back up. “I’m in with your kids! Wiatr!” She gasped as her tip bumped one of our children. Then began the magic. “Oh~! Fuck~!” Urta screamed in shock, some slight pain, as well as incredible pleasure as We grunted, our belly shifting lower, our pussy contracting and pushing. “Fuck! Fuck! It’s-unf! It’s going in me!” “Oh~! Yes! Don’t worry, everything in the bathroom was enchanted with Sandy’s magic for this! You-unf-won’t be harmed and our foals will be-ah-safe inside their surrogate mama for another month!” We gasped as We pushed, pushed, pushed our children towards their new home. Our immense physical power made it even easier than ever! “In my balls?” Urta asked in alarm when We felt her cock swell with the first child, convulsing and swallowing our unborn foal with help from our vagina. “Oh, no. Though...I think mom will be really interested in that kind of thing for the Cum Witches.” Sabrina mused in interest. Really Sandy? “But no. They’re going into your uterus. Your cock is basically a temporary reverse-ovipositor right now.” “But what about Shining?” Urta asked when the child neared the base of her cock, visibly widening it and our labia as the child kicked and wiggled. “Oh~! This is...this is…” Urta was lost for words as the first foal began entering her abdomen, her rock-hard abs smoothing out. “Hey there~. I’m Princess Cadence, Shining’s and Wiatr’s wife. Also now~...” Cadence pulled a ring of diamond from her cleavage, matching mine and hers. “Your wife. If you accept. This’ll muddy the political field even more and upset and piss off all sorts of stuck-up nobles, on top of you officially being in a genuine loving polyamorous harem.” “Holy shit~!” Urta squealed, her belly reaching term with our first foal, her cock already gobbling the next one. “This is, unf, so fucking hot~! Knock me up lover~! P-put that ring on!” Urta panted, reaching her left hand out when our magic released most of her save her torso. Cadence eagerly slipped the ring onto Urta’s ring finger, the ring shrinking to fit. “Oh~ take our foals!” We snarled as her tip was now actively looking for the next even though the second was still being transferred. “I’m still filling you with my pups next! Don’t you dare do this with them! I want at least a week of fawning over you and kissing your belly and feeding you cum and making you worship my balls!” Urta huffed as she started thrusting. “If you had time, we’d do that the whole two months! I’d fuck you so pregnant you couldn’t fit in the canyon outside!” She gobbled up the third foal. “Fuck~! I’ll fuck you so big you’ll-you’ll, become a fucking moon!” Urta screeched, cumming, the action sucking instead of gushing and hungrily drank our amniotic fluid, swelling her belly faster until she was rolling her eyes in a daze of bliss, her breasts squirting milk. “Oh wow...you think she still has enough in her to work that magic on Sabrina? Since Cocoa’s results were enough for her mother to consider the spell a success?” Cadence questioned as she helped pull Urta out of us and We collapsed backwards against our spherical wife with exhaustion suddenly hitting like a truck. We may have 99 Endurance, but that was just something else. “Not sure. Urta? We planned on you becoming a baby ball in place of Sabrina through the same method. Would you be willing to continue?” We asked with concern for our fucked-out mate, who lolled her tongue and focused her eyes forward again as she idly rubbed her gravid belly. “Sure, but was Shining told about this? Not to bother you, but I wouldn’t want my new mate and husband mad.” Urta huffed while her cock was bobbing and opening wide, as if trying to swallow something. “Shiny actually told Willow she could speed up the birth after you left in her stead, but Willow wanted to reward you and also show how much she and Sabrina trust you with more domestic matters.” Cadence informed our vixen. “Cocoa, Honey, Chrysie and Shiny will be along too...if you’re willing to bear their children too.” “A-all of you? At once? My own pups?” Urta panted, grabbing at her belly, her cock twitching even more, her pussy gushing, her big balls practically pulsing. “Fuck yes~!” Urta humped the air, looking absolutely rabid with lust. “I know I said I wanna turn Wiatr into an utterly gigantic ball of pups, but I want to be one too!” Urta actually hiccuped, tears leaking from her eyes. “You all...love me.” Her utter relief was almost painful from all that We know of her past. “Good. Now, you’ll have to wait on pumping us then. We don’t think you’d be able to fawn over us if you’re full already.” We cooed with a kiss on her cheek while We pulled Sabrina up out of her pool with magic. This caused a loud wet schlick sound as the massive dildo that was in her popped out. “Mrr~ and you are going to be beyond full.” Urta whined, humping the air as Sabrina was moved forward out of the pool and they both squealed when I moved them together, feeding Urta’s baby-hungry cock right into Sabrina’s engorged pussy. Almost instantly, Urta began expanding, her muscular limbs rapidly receding as Sabrina shrunk, regaining her own smooth yet fit limbs. I and Cadence both brought our dicks out, panting and masturbating to the sight until Urta was an immobile 10 foot sphere of foals and kittens with yoga-ball boobs gushing milk. Oh US she is so sexy~! “Unf, fuck yeah…” “Mrr~ We’re going to pull you off of Urta’s-mm~-ovicock now.” We purred with a rub of our lower abs, feeling hot in our core just at the sight of the ridiculously hyper-sized tool stuffing Sabrina to the point she looked pregnant with cock! We licked our lips and tried to pull Sabrina off like We said, only for the impossibly long and elastic black snake of a dick to lunge for Sabrina’s paws and start gobbling Sabrina legs first! “Sabrina!” “Oh Wiatr no! Please don’t be death vore!” Cadence screamed our name in vain as We tried to pull Sabrina out of Urta’s ravenous penis, but it kept convulsing and pulling her in despite our magical strength. We were about to lunge forth and use our physical strength to save her only for Sabrina to frantically wave us away. “D-don’t panic! I’ll just end up in her womb! Mother’s magic should-!” Sabrina was silenced by Urta’s solid black horsecock swallowing her head, then her arms. We watched as the outline of our fellow mate and wife descended down the towering 5-foot long yet still impossibly thin 4 inch thick tumescence aside from it’s victim who squirmed and pressed her huge basketball tits against the walls of the urethra, before vanishing into Urta’s swelling body with a groan of pleasure from the fox. At least her balls were still cantaloupe sized, so we know she wasn’t digesting anything into cum or some other cockvore fantasy nightmare. Wait, hold on, they were coconut sized before, what’s going on with Urta’s-? “Oh~. D-does this ruin any plans you all had?” Urta huffed worriedly even as she gasped and whined. “Sh-she’s moving around a lot! Don’t wake up the-!” Urta’s body became a quaking ball of kicks. “Oh gosh...this is actually kinda nice, if, oof, tiring and sorta painful. Can either of you speak to her?” Urta panted and lolled her head on her sphere of a body in pleasure. “We can try.” We mewled and approached her side while avoiding her carnivorous cock that was worming about, looking for another victim. It wasn’t supposed to be able to gobble up other victims besides babies. Hopefully Sandy’s magic hasn’t gone any further awry. “Sabrina! Can you breath?! Kick once for no, two for yes!” Shortly, two sharp kicks dented the side of Urta’s body and we all breathed a sigh of relief. “Do you want out immediately?” One strong kick. “Is it okay if we keep going? Maybe have others join in there?!” Two very enthusiastic kicks. “Well...We guess it’s still on.” “J-join her i-in me~?!” Urta keened with drool running from her lips and her eyes glazing over. “How am I going to impregnate Urta with that...hungry cock gobbling up people?” Cadence wondered as We warily backed away from the undulating black woman-eater while We turned Urta over so she wasn’t looking up at the ceiling, her milk-squirting breasts hanging into the pool. “Well...if you're inside, won’t you have less work to do, to do it?” We asked curiously and Cadence immediately started stripping off her clothes, squealing as she approached the cock. She guided it down onto her head and was promptly slurped up, thrashing and enjoying every moment. We licked our lips at the sight and stroked our massive cock which was basically a copy of the pink mare’s as Cadence masturbated the best she could while she was swallowed whole. We looked down with a huff at the horsecock We had and then Shifted our body once more into our preferred two-tailed vixen form, cooing as We cupped our bust with our tail-hands once more. “Good to be back.” “Good to have you back.” “Wiatr? What is going on? Cocoa was told to-.” We looked up in manic glee and seized our wives Cocoa and Honey in our magic, which We barely noticed was channeled through our tails, before quickly pressing them together and into the hungry head of the black serpent head first. They screamed before it promptly began gulping them down at the same time, their combined mass greatly distending the magically compelled male anatomy as Urta’s body swelled more once Cadence reached her already 12-foot form. We panted with need as her puffed-up pussy pulsed and practically poured her feminine slime. Our massive hybrid cock throbbed with desire to stuff her with eggs. “Oh~!” Urta groaned as she grew. Panting and tossing her head about. “Why don’t I have limbs~?! I need to feel something besides-!” Cocoa and Honey reached her body, surging her out to 15 feet. “Ah~!” Urta squealed as her breasts also surged out, overbalancing her and forcing her forward head first into Sabrina’s former pool and We heard her gag with a wet swallow. Oof, she likely just accidentally deepthroated the stationary dildo at the bottom as her gigantic breasts pancaked and kept her from falling all the way in. This left her genitals aimed right at us and the rest of the room. “Need help?” We asked her in concern, getting near while avoiding the now 6-foot long but still relatively thin hyper dick as We tossed off our clothes while the magic penis somehow disgorged Cocoa and Honey’s clothes like it was spitting them out. “Blegh! Ish nawt a weel cook, but ish gawt saweenash taysht!” Then, Urta’s body began practically rocking back and forth, fairly violently. “Ah~! Daysh oovie sho uch!” We just smiled at the naughty sight. Knowing our wives were all going at it inside our newest wife like a bunch of horny March hares. Hopefully they remember the goal tonight was to make Urta hyperpregnant and not everyone like they’d been doing until We put our paw down. “What the hell is-?!” We interrupted Shiny’s demand by grabbing both him and Chryssie who had just arrived and shoving them into Urta’s penis like We did the others. We whined and watched as the two were ‘eaten’ and climbed our lover, our thoughts and cock swirling with need. We licked our lips and aimed our pointed glans at Urta’s clenching and needy cunt before slowly pushing into her quim. Utra’s cock was taking longer with Shining and Chyssie too as Honey and Cocoa were still half way in. “Augh~!” Urta orgasmed practically instantly just from penetration, her thirsty snatch practically yanking us in to our knot. “Yes, take it~.” We moaned as we slowly humped Urta and played with her gurgling cum-spheres. They were so hot! Not just in how sexy they were, but they physically felt hot enough they should be setting Urta’s fur on fire! Her white-furred nuts seemed to be glowing with her unique sperm and We were being driven mad with need as We humped Urta’s cunt and worshiped her divine cum factories. We were so distracted that We barely noticed when Urta’s cock had finished with our struggling loves and Urta swelled more while the magic tumescence spat out Shiny and Chryssie's clothes and the rocking caused by the orgy in her body intensified. We panted and lolled our tongue out with a needy whine as the black serpent coiled towards us. “Our turn?” We dumbly asked, leaning forward and kissing it’s glans. It rewarded us by swallowing our head, then our neck, breasts, torso, hips. We moaned, writhing in the hot tube that reeked of cum and sex, feeling it squeezing us in every direction, our nipples dragging against the bottom of the cock and knowing exactly how hot We looked in a fleshy tube while it yanked our own huge dick from Urta’s pussy so hard that We could hear Urta wailing in pleasure. Soon We emerged in a pitch blackness, save the pink lights floating in the amniotic fluid likely courtesy of Cadence, showing that Sabrina was getting fucked by Cadence, Honey by Cocoa, and now Chrysalis by Shining. We ignored them for the moment, taking in the beautiful golden lattice supporting our foals and the clustered mass of unborn kittens that were still too young and small to even tell gender. It seemed Sabrina’s words from before were right; Urta’s body was mostly a giant womb now with plenty of space to swim about and the amniotic fluid somehow was breathable. We tapped our lovers on the shoulders, shaking our head and pointing towards two small holes on the far side of the uterus. We swam towards one and thrust our still-hard hybrid cock into it. We silently groaned as We humped Urta’s fallopian tube directly, intent on impregnating her. We looked over to see Cadence eagerly feeding her cock into the other tube. We didn’t waste time, not wanting to risk hurting Urta. We worked quickly to orgasm, gushing cum into the egg tubes, but we pulled out, not wanting to overfill them directly. We moved aside, Cocoa taking our place with Shining taking Cadence’s and We swam down towards Urta’s cervix, intent on getting out to pull Urta out of the pool and start getting the others out. This can’t be safe for too long, despite Sandy’s magic. We used our magic to gently pull open the magically enlarged passage and pressed into it to get out. If not for our super-strength Urta’s orgasmically clenching birthing canal would’ve been a challenge to escape. Soon We emerged, gasping and coughing up the fluid We forgot We didn’t have to worry about drowning from. Only to yelp as the cock snatched us up again, starting to swallow us back up even though We hadn’t even gotten all the way out. Damn...this night just got more complicated… “Oh~ fuck yes…” (<3) “... Well, that happened.” The young female Night Sentinel of our Ghost faction sounded her displeasure. “I still can’t believe this.” “Enough whining, Tahillia. It’s not going to change anything about this world.” Another of my colleagues scolded, he was almost as old as I, a colonel and a renowned veteran. “How long until they get their shit together?” The young corporal, Tahillia, snarked back at the colonel. “Tahillia!” The colonel hissed as the two were about to come to physical blows had I not intervened. “Alright, enough.” I said, sighing as I got in between the two. “We’re here to watch over the children of our Lords and protect their new mate. Not debate whether she’s good for them or not.” I reminded them, an old hermit of a sergeant. I wanted to remain a sergeant. Tahillia scoffed as she got up. “Whatever. I’m heading out. Gotta look for me something to kill time.” She told us as she left, discreetly with our signature stealth abilities and skills. It wouldn’t do us any good if we were found out by anyone. I shook my head in disapproval, but I couldn’t stop her. It’s for the best that she blows off some steam. The only thing I’m grateful for was Lord Berserker’s blood, from what we’ve heard and read these Lust Demon’s essences can corrupt you, even if you were wearing power armor. Including tainted waters filled with Corruption. We have been here for some time, and no sign of our Lords’ return, yet. It was when our Princess returned did she gave us orders to watch over Wiatr and the babies she had with our Lords. The colonel sighed. “I know how she feels about this Wiatr character, but it’s not entirely her fault. She can’t be blamed for everything that has happened.” He told me. “Do you not feel the same way, Azurai?” I question as it would probably do him some good about expressing his opinion about this. “For a time, yes. I thought that she might not think of them as much more than a quickie. But I realised that she was struggling, even if she is enjoying it.” Azurai answered as he pulled out his knife and sharpened it. “I really wish she didn’t have to do this all by herself.” “We know she isn’t alone, but she’s the only one that can do it better.” I remarked, flicking his helmet. “The only thing that concerns me is how her relationship with our Princess and Lords works out.” “Same.” He agreed. “There’s just too many problems and not enough solutions or people to deal with those problems. And even if she were finished with one, ten more get piled on her schedule, leaving less time for her to settle down for a bit and bond with her little ones.” I sighed. I was rather annoyed with how things had turned out for Wiatr, to be quite honest I wanted to come out and tell whoever’s throwing their problems her way to fuck off with them. Although, I think all of us are annoyed with this world, but it’s only because it’s far different to our own. Its problems outweigh ours by a landslide. “You think this might put a strain on her and the others?” Azurai asked. “It’s a fifty-fifty chance. I can see our Lords making some compromises but not too many. If she pushes it, they’ll break it off.” I stated my opinion to him, as I fiddled with my left robotic arm. “I don’t want that to happen. It’s bad enough that Berserker had it hard for the first time.” “Hey guys! I found a Gore Nest, let’s clear it out!” We heard Tahillia over the Comms. “Do it quietly, we’re on our way.” I told her as we snuck out of Willow’s residence, if you can call such a haphazardly constructed and still being renovated massive chamber, and headed towards her position. Our thoughts and opinions about this world were put on hold. Now was the time to hunt the Hellspawns and make them suffer for their sins... > Ch.46 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.46 “Oh~...I think I have a migraine.” Shining groaned now that we were all finally out of Utra. We were all lounging on the couch, another couch that Cadence summoned, as well as a recliner for our husband. We all utterly reeked of afterbirth and sex, but were too tired from the erotic events prior to get cleaned up. At least we’d dried ourselves before sitting down on the furniture and were all draped in bathrobes. We’d even split back into our three bodies. “Going from drowning, to breathing fluid like air, then back to air? My lungs are burning and my head is pounding.” His words got everyone, including us to groan in agreement. “I think I want to try that spell, but on demons...or some animals.” Svartr huffed in perverse satisfaction, making Daring and I send back curiosity through our connection. “Eating is eating.” “Yes~ we should grow to our full height too~. Take whole fortresses~.” Svartr’s mental lustful declaration made Daring and I blush, then feel a bit sick. “Svartr!” Daring and I yelped at her, appalled at the idea of using such an intimate and beneficial spell to torment and then slowly kill a victim, or...unf, many victims. No! No. It was similar to what happened when Daring accidentally unbirthed me, so what we all just participated in was especially intimate to us. You’re outvoted Svartr, We’re not doing that. “Yes, no twisting mom’s magic.” Sabrina huffed from her place on the other couch from us. “The cockvore is a bad enough side-effect of a hermaphrodite surrogacy transplant spell. I don’t want to hear you used it to make an actual cockvore spell to digest things into cum.” Sabrina continued. “...Well, unless mom uses this to actually make such a spell to execute captured demons and put their death to good use. The cum witches would get a kick out of it.” “I think she would. I know Gwynevere used to take prisoners slated for death and stuffed them up her snatch to rebirth them into newborns. It was part of her aspect of Fertility.” Svartr chuckled. “I think I know where her resting place is as well. Mm~ I want to eat her soul.” “Just absorbing Dragon Queen Ember’s soul nearly turned me into a breed-hungry dragon broodmother. I don’t want to know what absorbing an actual lost ancient deity with our primary aspect in common would do to us.” I shuddered at the thought of becoming a giantess like Gwynevere, lounging about, birthing babies endlessly while having others drool over our gigantic tits put on display. Oh~ US I want that~! “Y-you know my name?” “I want that too~!” Svartr begged us. “Also you absorbed who?” “You were there, big dragon skull in the cave cairn, remember? I did read a little on that while I was on maternity leave. Some Queen named Ember like our friend with benefits Ember. Considering she was in a cairn of Everlasting Dragons she was likely a ruler from before the Era of Fire.” At least I assume so. The Royal Archives may be the largest history resource in this world and Daring is a history buff, but there’s mostly speculation on anything before the 1st Era. “Yes! That’s me! Hello! Can you hear me?!” “We’re not going to Anor Londo to defile a long-dead First-Era Goddess’ tomb and that’s final.” Daring declared. “I’ve given up my tomb raiding days for good reasons.” “No...you still can’t hear me…” “Not Anor Londo, Lothric. She’s not in a tomb, she went to the Untended Graves where I vaguely remember guarding her until she died.” Svartr told us as the image of the Untended Graves and the skeleton that was hunched over Andre’s old anvil that zapped Willow and made her so horny and-. “Wait! I absorbed it already! That’s why I’m so-why we’re so-ugh!” I pulled on my fennec ears in distress. All of this bullshit is because I accidentally consumed the last traces of a long-dead  Fertility goddess?! I wondered why I was even hornier and kinkier ever since finding Svartr! “We ate her already?” Svartr whined in disappointment, then perked up. “We ate her already! Yes!” Svartr cheered and she quickly flooded Daring and I with perverse fantasies of us lounging outside of cities, being carnally worshiped before our mountain-sized bosoms and old or sickly seeking rebirth braving our cavernous cunt to-unf~! Stawhp~! “I used to do that to pygmies before they started killing us.” “That’s not the point! All of this. All of this!” I gestured wildly around us and over at the gray and white baby ball named Urta snoozing away in her pool, dildo up her cunt and her hungry dick squished against the side of the pool to prevent any accidents. She was also being milked endlessly on low. “Is because I unintentionally absorbed Gwynevere’s last soul traces! It also explained how having Svartr go into my cunt and getting somewhat ‘reborn’ felt so familiar!” “Hehehehehe! Now we just have to find Velka!” Images of the scantily clad crow-woman flitted into our minds, but unlike Svartr who lusted after the eerily beautiful and strict woman, Daring and I only felt disgust and hatred. “Hell no! That crazy bitch is well over half the reason all of this tragedy even happened! I hope wherever her soul is she’s in eternal suffering!” I declared vehemently, getting nods of agreement from the rest of the room. I guess even this far into the future nobody was willing to forget what Velka has done in the name of ‘justice’ and punishment. “But Velka had been good in the old days,” Svartr whined sadly and memories of how Velka’s laws and justice brought order to the chaos of the beginning. “Svartr, we share thoughts.” Daring focused, her well-learned education on history and myth flooding forth for us and Svartr groaned. “What? She’s to blame? She’s the one who...fuck her...not in the good way.” Svartr sulked, her memories now painted in doubt and understanding. “While all this is great to learn, Cocoa is tired from sexing Wife Urta.” Cocoa got up and grabbed Honey on the way towards the bedrooms. “Time for sleep love.” Aw~ those two are so cute~! “Do you have any pigment?” We all heard and jumped at a girl’s voice that sounded a bit echoey from the door. In our home was a dragon, but she didn’t look like modern dragons. She was feral like the skeleton we found Ember’s soul on or Midir. Her eyes were also yellow and shone faintly with power, like some gods from the old days did. “Do you have any pigment?” She asked again, her unnatural and echoing voice giving us shivers. “I’m afraid not, but the shop down the way: Handmaiden’s, has everything you could ever need.” Where did this small feral dragon come from? Why is she in my home? Why is she asking for pigment? “Nu-uh. Her pigments are made from plants. I need pigments of Blood.” She insisted eerily. “The nice old lady in red rags told me you could help me.” “...Wait. Are you from a world within a painting?” I groaned and rubbed my temples, Daring and Svartr following as I broadcasted why I’m upset now. “Uh-huh. It’s begun to rot, or I think it is. There aren’t worms or flies, but we’ve got way too many snakes and other monstrosities lately. It's not safe for the Forlorn anymore. They need a new painting.” She explained, her voice still sounding like she came from a nightmare. “Before you continue, are you from Ariamis, Ariandel, Aria or Ash? Or something along those lines?” I probed, the others all watching our back and forth in concern. “Aria made the Painting, but she named it Ash. She used the Dark Soul faithfully gathered by Gael and delivered by Coldra.” She told us while tilting her head, a single tear dripping from her left eye. Whoa, I know Gael’s fate is saddening, but to think they remember his sacrifice. Good feels for a brief moment there. “Oh, fuck me running she’s from Yharnam. How the hell did she get out of the Painted World of Ash? Luna’s had that thing in her personal vault for thousands of years since it has the largest concentration of her soul besides her.” Daring whined and shrunk into the couch like we all wanted to. “A big thing saw me starting to paint and threw me out. Or I think it did. It hurt me and dropped me in a dark pit. I couldn’t get out of the Dark for a while. Eventually a big handsome dragon helped me out. He left after helping me escape, but your scent was on him and I followed it here.” She sniffed in our direction and We all blushed at realizing the dragon that helped her must be Midir and that he still has our scent on him somehow filled us with irrational pride. “My king. My sexy, kind, stupid king…” “Ugh, please leave, it’s late. Or if not then go sleep in the corner. We’re not dealing with this.” Svartr, Daring and I stated in unison before We fused back into a black fox and hoisted Shiny and Cadence to their hooves. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out if you leave.” We huffed as We led Cadence and Shining towards the bedroom. “But I need help!” She whined as she shrunk back, her distorted voice grating on the ears but still broadcasting her distress.  “She’s just a child. Don’t be so cruel.” “Whatever plans this force has in motion aren’t about to be realized in another night if it hasn’t been done already. We are tired. Good night.” We summoned a large mattress with a bunch of plain pillows and threw them at the corner We indicated before tossing a large quilt on it. We nodded firmly at the saddened dragon and dragged our husband and wife into our room with Chrysalis meekly following us in. “Wait! I want to adopt the little dragon! Oh, right you...still can’t hear me...” “That was mean of you.” Cadence chided us, looking at the door with concern. “Cady, she was nice enough to let an intruder stay the night. That’s plenty nice in my opinion.” Shining rebutted with a supportive nod to us. “If it were me  from before, I’d have had her flogged and in chains before she could even defend herself. So Wiatr’s behavior was practically saintly.” Chrysalis meekly informed us, fiddling with the tie of her robe. “So...um. Are we just going to sleep? It was really tiring inside Urta.” “Sleep or sex is up to you three. We’re going to lay down on the bed and not move.” We groaned and got on the bed, flopping into the middle of it. Soon Cadence and Chrysalis snuggled against us and Shining laid atop us, using our bosom for a pillow. The fact Shiny was snoring within a few minutes gave us our answer and We drifted off to dreamland… (<3) We found ourselves waking from Luna’s bosom, wearing nothing but a naughty see-thru nightie, matching Luna’s own saucy sleepwear. “...Good evening Luna.” We happily greeted, our fluffy tails undulating in comfort. “Good evening Wiatr.” Luna leaned down and kissed us gently. “It is good to see you again, even if not directly.” Luna said before pulling back to reveal we were in a facsimile of her bedroom. “We sensed something Dark near you, are you alright?” Luna questioned as she ran her fingers along our gilded metal collar, which the Princesses had insisted We part with, but We’d refused. The Collar was practically part of Willow at this point, she loved the thing. “A Painter Girl from the Painted World of Ash.” We told her, causing Luna to blink, pausing in her work on her sheer top’s straps which were clearly uncomfortable, considering the tug our own had. Why must she insist on enforcing such inconveniences in the dream realm? Ah yes, when not immersed in a dream, encounters like this are best kept as real as possible or something. “Oh, that changes my plans for the evening.” Luna sighed and helped to our paws before the room changed into a vault filled with relics. The focus was the massive wall-spanning painting that looked as if it was rendered in Blood so Dark it was twisting in on itself. The image was of a towering gothic castletown, so utterly wrong it looked like something out of an H.P. Lovecraft novel. “This is The Painted World of Ash. The realm within has always been disturbed, tainted by a lust for Blood and violence. The Lost and Forlorn always find themselves there, regardless of my attempts to stop it.” “We are familiar with this. You remember our memories of Bloodborne? This seems to be exactly what We mentioned. Now a new Painter has appeared, pestering us for Pigment.” We huffed and crossed our arms under our bust. “I do remember my first meeting with Willow. So this is the world of Bloodborne?” Luna asked with a growl. “The girl is looking for pigments...is she under the assumption that the painting is rotting?” Luna approached the dream painting and ran her hand on its surface lovingly, caringly, almost sad yet proud. Well, it is a literal physical manifestation of her very soul... “Yes, but Bloodborne is constantly rotting, reveling in it’s decay and then rising back up to repeat the cycle.” We replied, trying not to look too closely at the painting. Sometimes We imagined moving figures, roads where there were none, things where there weren’t. How Luna could look upon it and seem so serene was both worrying and impressive. “It isn’t. This painting is made from the Dark Soul, My Soul. It is in this cycle because of the paint, but for a Painter Girl to decide to paint, then something from the older works gave birth to her, just like the other two painters after Ariamis. A piece of Ariamis’ soul always wakes in one of potential when the time for a new painting arises. Aria’s Painting will never rot, but it does not mean a new one can’t be made to have the Lost and Forlorn flee from this painting. What could have stirred Ariamis if Aria’s work is not rotting?” Luna questioned curiously as she pressed against the painting, her bosom mashing into the impossible image. Um...Lulu? You okay? “We don’t know and don’t really care to be frank. This world is what matters, this little realm isn’t our problem.” We huffed as We tried to ignore how...obsessed Luna seemed with the image. Then again, like We must keep telling ourselves, it is literally her Soul. Likely the painting is a constant issue for her. “If that dragon wants to make a new realm for the hopeless, let her.” “I did not take you for the callous sort, Wiatr.” Luna commented sadly, clearly not having anticipated this of us. Which made sense really. Luna only ever spent time with us for naughty things, We never actually spent meaningful bonding time together. Also, this is concerning the people living within her soul so maybe they’re kind-of sort-of her children in a way? “Is the moon in the painting turning red?” “Hm, maybe it is.” Luna said absentmindedly looking to our left. “Shoo errant one.” “Wait, you can hear me?!” “Of course I can?” Luna blinked as she looked at us, who is she talking to? “Well, We are just being practical. This realm of Aria’s is an aberration of the Cycle. It is it’s own unique Hell in a way, where the mad and violent thrive in realms within realms of dreams within concepts. We want nothing to do with it.” We declared, turning to our lover, though not mate or wife. “We have enough problems dealing with this world.” “...Rather mature of you to say.” Luna insecurely rubbed an arm, looking at the painting and seeming sad. “But I cannot ignore this. Their lives, their very existence is owed to me, my Dark Soul. If I disappear...you’ll know why.” Lulu? Oh no, right, the painting essentially is her and We just-! “Because bitches love cannons!” Shouted a cheerful baritone, causing us both to yelp and Luna to squeak when the thestral Vampire Alucard appeared as if from shadow and dipped Luna into a deep, nearly floor-scraping dip. “And you’re one fine bitch.” “A-Alucard?! W-when did you-mmph? Mm~.” Luna dove into the searing kiss the thestral was giving her and she gestured at us with a shooing motion. Soon We blearily awoke under our pile of wives and husband for a brief moment, moaned in displeasure at our sleep being interrupted, then went back to the blissful blackness of rest. (<3) We stumbled out of our room in the morning, groggily staggering into the kitchen. Once there We idly slapped Spike’s sexy camo-pants clad ass as We got a plate of food, to which he chuckled and gently nudged us towards the table where We sat with our bacon and eggs to a full table. We paused taking a bite of bacon however when We saw the feral dragon at the table munching on some sausage.  “...Right. She’s here.” We sighed. “Okay. What pigment does your instincts tell you to find Ari?” We might as well help since she came to us. That and helping Luna by proxy would be a good way to start apologizing for basically saying her problems weren’t our own. We may not even be Mates, but damn it, Luna deserves better treatment than what We gave her last night. “It’s Arian. As for what pigment; I need two. The pigment of Magic and the pigment Fire.” Arian informed us. The moment she gave her name, memories of Arian from CoC flooded forth from Willow. Hoo boy, hopefully she isn’t about to become our waifu. She’s a bit young for our tastes. “Oh, well either us or Twilight are Magic, but We doubt Twilight would be willing to donate so much blood. Fire might be Celestia, but her soul is Light. Fire didn’t have it’s own separate soul from what We know.” We hummed in consideration, none of our accumulated knowledge had other leads. “Oh, well I feel I must need Fire and Magic for my painting.” Arian sighed, looked down at her more primitive claws since she wasn’t anthro. “Why am I the Painter anyway? I don’t even have hands.” Arian bemoaned, scarfing down her sausages before laying her head on the table with another sigh. “I want hands~...” “Adopt her now! The cuteness is too much! I must call her daughter~!” We suddenly had an odd urge to adopt this creepy girl. “We wouldn’t know. What do you know of the earlier paintings?” We asked her, hoping she could help us both work towards a solution. “Well I think Ariamis was a full dragon like I am, but...I don’t know how he painted. The other two were half dragons and got to have hands! I also have to go back into the painting to paint. It’s scary. The mad hunters, the beasts, the...old ones. At least the Good Hunter is kind and means well, even if he is an Old One himself.” Arian sniffled and pouted as she nibbled on a biscuit without taking her head back up off the table, draping her long neck on it. Oi, head off the table! “I must have her~!” “I think this conversation is above our station hun.” Shining commented to Cadence, who looked utterly confused. “Besides, we need to head back. We have an Empire to run.” Shining admitted, standing up with my two northern wives following him, their plates clean and levitating over to Spike, who wordlessly dumped them onto the floor, to let the enchantment clean them before he put them away. “Why don’t I see a ring on that hand buddy?” “Uh...well...although I’m close with Wiatr and everyone here, I just...I feel like I’d be intruding, y’know? I’m only part of this awesome thing because of a curse and then me being too damn attracted to Willow for my own good.” Spike admitted and our ears wilted at him feeling that way. “Spike. I get you, but you’d work with us just fine. Take your time, but don’t drift away.” Cadence hugged the towering domestic god and he blushed before patting her wings, since he was still twice her height and had to hunch to even reach that far down. Then there was the fact I could tell she was grabbing his ass and nuzzling his eye-level crotch. “Just take it at your own pace.” “Thanks Cady.” Spike smiled and after they parted, Cadence, Chrysalis and Shiny approached me. “Kisses before you go?” We fluttered our eyes and they chuckled, coming to us and Shiny leaned down for a warm gentle kiss. Cadence and Chrysalis followed his example and then they used the portal next to the entertainment center to go home. “Hey! They forgot to kiss us!” Chorused Urta, Cocoa, Sabrina, and Honey. The mute changeling queen using angry bold words in her magic writing. “They’ll get used to it ladies, don’t get too upset, but be sure to hold it over their heads for a while.” We tittered and then looked at Arian again. “So you’re somehow an Everlasting Dragon. We met an original Everlasting Dragon named Midir who was the one who helped you out of the Dark. He could turn anthro at will, so maybe you can too.” “What?! That’s not fair~! I don’t know how to do that.” Aria huffed and whined as she pouted and looked at her claws as if they betrayed her. “You’re still young, baby! You’ll figure it out soon enough, don’t be in a hurry to grow up!” “Well...We could see about figuring out how to teach you to transform, but we have no clue how to teach that.” We felt compelled to teach her now. What is wrong with us? Why are We even entertaining the idea of Mothering this annoying house-crasher? “I know how! Adopt the girl! I want her even if she is a teenager already!” By Aventurine! What is up with our maternal instincts?! “Hey girly! Is Daring in there?” A male voice said from behind us, causing us to jump and turn to see Patches had snuck up behind us. He was covered in a dozen wounds but walking fine. The mangy rat seemed cheery in spite of his condition. “Patches, what happened?!” Daring asked in shock as We split apart, Svartr and I awkwardly shared the same seat as Daring ran over to her friend. “Seems the bitch in the Throne of Want is stronger than I thought. She’s strong enough she might bother Luna with how much Dark is in her. Still nothing on me, but she managed to break my flask, you got a spare?” Patches asked as if him fighting something potentially god-tier wasn’t anything big. Then again, he’s been around since the First Era... “Afraid not. You can borrow it for a sip, but take your old flask’s remains to Andre and the Fire Keeper, they should be able to help with that.” Daring pulled our estus flask from her cleavage. We’ve yet to even use it. Then again, none of us have been grievously injured since Willow got it. Are We Cheesing even more than We Thought We were? “Yes, my scales give us an Armor Class of 40. I think. What is DnD anyway? Sounds fun.” “Ha, ha! Cheers!” Patches cheered, raising the flask up before taking a drink, looking slightly better. “Demons got to her. They didn’t Corrupt her, but she went on a rampage. I think she still is, but she’s deep in the wilderness of the north and is actually drawing Hell Demons away from the Iron Keep with her tantrum.” “Should we be worried about her being out?” I asked as Svartr got up to go bother Spike for more food since one meal split three ways wasn’t much of a meal. We may not need food, but we still appreciate it. “She has a soul near-comparable to Luna. You tell me. She’s a coward, but she can take armies. In all honesty I’d be much happier if Luna went up there and ate the bitch at last.” Patches huffed and drank more estus, his wounds continuing to heal. “Oh don’t be so worried about it. Let them duke it out, they’re just weakening each other.” Svartr huffed on her way back to the table with three plates of breakfast fare while Spike was now rubbing his rear, which she’d slapped much harder and groped too. “If anything, from what I know thanks to both Willow and Daring, that dumb fragment of Luna’s soul is just clinging to a dead dream. Leave her be. If she does get captured by Hellspawn then whatever. One less problem for us.” “We’ve also found the Chosen Undead: Alberta. She’s languishing at my mother’s place, practically having Mated with Niamh because of her booze boobs and they also click oddly well together.” Sabrina announced before drinking a glass of milk which we all knew was fresh from Urta. The kitchen had a milk dispenser hooked up to the MILK tank outside. “Ah~. So if we need a legendary warrior’s aid in fighting off a legendary monster then we know where to find her.” “I don’t know about all of this adventuring stuff everyone, but we all have places to be. Starting today Wiatr is no longer on active breeding duty.” Spike nodded towards us three. “Cocoa needs to tend to the nursery and the maids helping her. Honey is still helping establish the infrastructure of Under. Sabrina needs to continue working out our new deals with her coven’s impressive breeding capabilities with Wiatr unavailable for now. Urta...well, she get’s to stay here, get fat and make enough milk to drown the former desert of Saddle Arabia.” “The fact my tits are reviving dead land makes this even more worth it!” Urta called over to us, bouncing on her stationary vibrating dildo in her breeding pool. Tt was all the motion her orb of a body could manage besides her gigantic breasts pulsing with each tug of the pumps on her nipples. She even had a hose attached over the flare of her hyper horsecock which thankfully stopped eating people. She had also shrunk back down to a 10-foot baby ball when we had all gotten out of her. It seems the magic Sandy developed tries to keep a lot of room for the womb. “I’m impressed that they moved on to converting other dead or near-dead lands once the majority of the retainable land in Saddle Arabia was secured.” I commented when I stood up, kissing my wives as they made to leave, giving appreciative gropes and caresses as they left. “As for me, I’m mostly done with studding myself out, at least for a good long while. I’ve bred...I’ve lost count of how many dragonesses I’ve seeded.” Spike sighed and rubbed his groin. “I’m going to take a break too. So much breeding has just exhausted me.” Spike admitted and We nodded in understanding. “I’m impressed you managed to keep it going for this long.” “Um...sex and breeding isn’t all that taboo in Aria, but why is it so casual out here?” Arian questioned now that it seemed there was an opening for her to get back on her own topics. “Ah, right. From a brutal realm of Blood, Beasts and Madness rather than Corruption, Demons, and Lust. Well, this realm has been besieged by Demons of various kinds for the longest time. Ask Twilight when we leave you with her.” I scarfed down the technically second, but honestly first, plate of breakfast and sighed when I stood up and looked around. “Uh, where’s Patches?” “No, keep her with us! Keep the adorable adolescent with us!” We all looked around and Daring noticed the flask nestled in her cleavage, but not all the way in. “Sneaky bastard.” Daring muttered and shoved the flask in with a sigh as she approached us while Svartr leaned into me. Then We simply melded and were one once more. “I’m gonna head home now. Ember’s work as Dragonlord doesn’t end just because she’s moved here. I swear, without Smolder and I she’s a rampaging ball of fire that would rather burn scrolls than write them.” Spike chuckled and We perked up at hearing Ember had moved to Unity instead of sticking to the Dragonlands. We perked up more when he knelt down and kissed us. “Mm~, don’t be a stranger Spike. Please find time to drag Ember and Smolder along with us on a date. The occasional tryst or meal together just isn’t enough.” We cooed and Spike bashfully rubbed the back of his neck before he stood back up. Damn, we may not want him to go, but it’s always a treat to watch him leave~. Now then. “Do you need anything before We go love?” We asked when We turned to address Urta in her breeding pool. “Naw, I’m good. I’ve got a hose to suck on leading to the MILK tank for food. I’ve got a vibrator in my cunt. A good, attentive mechanical cocksucker on my dick. Then to top it all off, an endless near-boobgasm from this pump and the spell keeping inflammation down. I’m maybe the most well-off person in the world.” Urta chuckled before stretching her head up, biting onto the mouthpiece of the hose dangling over her and we watched her suck and swallow from it. She apparently needs no food like us, but the nutrition takes strain off of her body. “Okay then, have a good day. Come on Arian, We’re going to take you to Twilight. She’s the egghead Princess after all.” We declared to our unwanted guest/quest lead. Even if We want nothing to do with Yharnam and it’s cursed world, if it involves Luna and the Dark then the least We could do is get her to Twilight, maybe help figure out where to get her ‘Pigments’ and quest for them so Yharnam doesn’t have a constant stream of forlorn victims. Also help Arian become anthro so she has boobs...and hands, that’s also important, to grab things...squishy things. “She’s still growing up! She’ll figure it out! And no sexing her! She’s too young for breeding!” > Ch.47 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.47 “Huh, they’re making good progress.” We commented from our lofty 20-foot height, strolling across the arid badlands heading south by southwest through the wastes of Equestria towards Rodenas. We currently wore a form-fitting dress similar to Aventurine’s, a gift from her. It would fit no matter our size and proportions, sometimes even shape. We especially appreciated the corset, you don’t know how wonderful it is to have support for huge tits until you finally have it, even if We don’t need it for strength and magical reasons. What We were referring to however, was the encroaching line of green on the horizon to the west. Beyond, the formerly barren dunes of sand were now hills of rolling green grass and budding trees. Soon the Sand Witches may be known as the Dune Druids. “This is nice.” We sighed as We strolled, our demon great axe out just in case as We walked, even if it was a hatchet at our current size. We could see feral elk and arid-region animals sprinting away from us, something a bit disappointing since We loved watching nature, but our size triggered a flight response. “Well, at least the birds just land on us.” We mused in amusement with a look at the crows on our left shoulder. At least We don’t have to worry about their poop thanks to the self-cleaning magic dress. “Yummy birds~.” “How long until We reach this place? We’ve been walking for days already.” We sighed at the fact it wasn’t until now that We were starting to see larger trees. For the most part it wasn’t the large tangle that Briallia described. “So boring.” “Well hey there!” We heard as a massive anthro blue dragon standing at around 28 feet landed near us. “I didn’t think I’d find another being of my size in these lands, considering how isolated it is.” He chuckled with a voice that was obviously male on top of his rippling masculine physique, easily rivaling Spike at a much more massive scale. “What do you think about her Tweedledum?” “I dunno Tweedledee, What species is she?” Asked a red dragon who landed next to the blue one, this one was about the same size but fatter. They looked related. The fact they were male both confused and kinda pissed us off. “Where the absolute fuck have you been?! The dragonlands have needed males for centuries!” We snarled in frustration. Do not tell us there are several male dragons just hiding out across the world! We will kick you in the internal nads! “Huh? We were hibernating? We were in that cave over there.” Tweedledee said as he pointed to a mountain off to the east that had an incredible gaping cavern facing us. “I was much smaller when I went in. We had a growth spurt and had to dig ourselves out. We have obviously been asleep for much longer than we should have. Is the Crystal Empire still ruled by that nice pony princess?” “They’re kinda hunky, well the blue one is.” “Don’t care. Shut up. Go back to the Dragonlands and get fucking. We’ve busted our fucking balls for the past fucking year doing your fucking job!” We roared in his face, even if he was nearly a third again our height over us, poking him in the rippling pectorals with each curse. “Uh...okay, bye angry lady?” Tweedledum said before they flew off. “Really? Fucking really? They slept through their kind almost being wiped out?!” We began stomping, turning our paws into hooves for a more satisfying thundering sound and impact as continued towards Rodenas. “Trust me girls, that is more common than you think. There’s my Advisor who is still asleep.” Then...We stopped, looked towards where the dumb dragons flew off and then screamed in wordless fury at our own stupidity. We could’ve flown there! “Uh...oh. Um, even I forgot about that…” (<3) After throwing a tantrum, We turned full dragon and flew to Rodenas within an hour since We’d already crossed most of the distance. The fact said distance was only a few hours by wing only served to infuriate us further, which abated upon seeing Rodenas properly. “Whoa...Briallia wasn’t kidding. It’s so dense there’s almost nowhere to land, not even on the roads.” Soon, We found the Village Briallia had mentioned, being the only place to land and We found demons and ghosts duking it out in the ruins of said village. They were throwing spells, hacking at each other with weapons, generally butchering each other. Landing outside of the fight down towards the end of the one-road village, We took stock of the situation. It seemed the ghosts, although weaker, were overwhelming the hellspawn which were mostly Imps and Possessed Mice. Especially when the ghosts dove into the enthralled corpses and promptly transformed into Ents to fight the other demons. We hummed after We had shrunk down to make it easier to move and We let the ghosts dispatch the demons. Once done, the Ents began shambling towards the trees with nearly all the ghosts following save one, which hovered over towards us. It was hard to distinguish any features considering it was so wispy. “Um, hello? We are Wiatr. We came to see if there is any Corruption remaining here.” Because while Hell is a serious issue, it seemed the haunted regions of Rodenas had them contained for now. However, instead of responding the ghost suddenly lurched forward, diving into our chest. “Wha-hey! Get out!” We huffed indignantly, shaking our bust in annoyance. “They come.” We didn’t even jump at the sound of the whispered male voice in our head. “Who?” We looked around warily, eyeing the other ghosts in case they were going to try and possess us too, but they weren’t. “They come to burn it. Our home. The Mice, our charges, our long-strayed descendents, scattered to the four winds. Carim is not complacent.” Ugh, great. That place. “Okay, so this is the former kingdom of Carim, a place known for its ruthlessness and cruelty. Makes sense even though you protected them, you still constantly harassed the mice with your encroaching haunted plants.” We gestured around the village already being rapidly claimed by the forest despite the demons having tried to set up more of their little portals here. “We cannot defend our land properly without hosts. Without new flesh. This is not Oolacile or Darkroot. Our lands are haunted by violence and death, rather than purpose and upkeep.” Oh, come on don’t tell us... “Get on with it, what do you want with us.” We sighed, getting an exhausted idea of what he meant, considering mice are breeding machines naturally with one-month gestations of multiples averaging 4 to 7 pups each litter. “We need new vessels and our living counterparts have fled to safety, having forgotten the ancient rites with their elders and wise-women having lost the knowledge and warding us away with magic and alchemy. Traitors all. Let them live in their new homes, but we want our land back!” The ghost declared passionately. “You want us to bear your new bodies.” We took a deep breath and let it out at the ghost not even denying it. “Whatever. Another day, another situation solved by being a baby factory. Where to?” “It would be faster if you flew. Head south by southwest. There you will find the ruins of the capital.” The ghost went silent and We took flight once more with our new hitchhiker. (<3) The closer to the capital, which the ghost refused to name, the more roads, clearings and towns there were. Of course, the fact that the Demons were burning the forest the best they could in spite of the ghost’s efforts to thwart them really filled the sky with smoke and cleared a good amount of the forest too. The sight enraged the ghost within us to the point where he refused to talk any further, simply giving us the notion to keep going. The ruins were overrun by Hell demons. We gulped nervously. They had every type down there in swathes of rapidly building organization. It looked like a military occupation at the moment, but soon it would turn into a bulldozing army heading north to Equestria most likely. “Damn it. That’s not good. We can’t stop them alone.” We fished into our cleavage, taking out the Marine’s token. “We know you’re busy, but please, if you can hear us at least give us advise. An army of Hell is encamped in the ruined capital of a country just southwest of Equestria.” “How did they get here anyway? I thought we sealed Hell originally? Why choose this place?” “Grah~!” We heard below and a knight in onion-shaped armor rushed from the forest at a group of demons, their sword swirling with a tornado of wind which they swung down and sent flying into the nearest gathering of Imps and Hell Knights, slicing a whole bunch of them in twain. “Foul Beasts! You will fall to my blade, for I am the last of the Knights of Catarina! I will not let you monsters of Sin persist!” He roared before jumping back into the trees and running off, leaving enraged demons that instantly began chasing him before a surprisingly powerful bomb he had left in their midst blew up, scattering blood and giblets everywhere. All in all, while ballsy, pretty cool and it did kill dozens of them...it was also stupid. That was just one camp, in a city full of camps! There's thousands of these demons! “Well...at least it seems We have an ally, but what is a knight of Catarina doing in the ruins of Carim?” “Damn jolly good-for-nothings. If we wanted his help we would’ve asked for it.” The ghost huffed. “Well you’re asking us for help and you don’t even know where We’re from.” For all he knew, We’re a dumb adventurer well in over her head. We kinda are actually… “Better a stranger you don’t know than the drunken lout you do.” The ghost grumbled. “...Okay?” These spirits of Carim are serious pieces of work. Our unease towards these clearly hostile entities aside, We followed the vague direction the ghost was urging us towards and landed in a clearing the trees made for us. “Huh, that’s convenient.” The canopy suddenly snapped shut and branches seized us. “Hey!” “Brothers, release her. She is a guest.” At my companion’s words, the trees let us go. “I had told them to open the canopy, but not what it was for. Apologies. Turn slightly to the right and begin walking.” We huffed and began moving through the thick trees, shrubbery and low-hanging branches clearing out of the way that formed a tunnel of sorts, revealing an ominous stone tomb-like entrance. We turned into our vixen form since it was more suited to tight spaces. We even shrunk our bust and hips down, being Willow’s original willowy physique. It made the walk so much better, especially with how our clothes changed into a black copy of Daring’s signature khaki safari gear. It felt like old times. Nostalgia hit us so hard of Daring seeking lost forest ruins, of Svartr hunting fleeing Undead in the Garden, of Willow going camping and finding a cave. Our happy moment ended when We reached the tomb and began descending. Eerie aqua lights began shining when We reached the main chamber of, surprise, an empty tomb. However, the center of the chamber clearly began an intricate carving in the floor that went in a spiral outward to the walls. “To the center and disrobe please.” “Don’t treat this so clinically. If We’re going to be getting rapidly knocked-up and birthing an army to fight the one outside, at least make it enjoyable.” We grumbled, moving to do as told. “Okay, so how are We going to do-?” We were interrupted by harsh aqua light blinding us, magic shackles grabbing our wrists and ankles. “Hey! We’re doing this willingly! No need to restrain us!” We pulled on the ethereal shackles, unsurprised at how unyielding they were despite our strength. This was clearly ancient and established magic rooted here. “The sacrifice is in place! Begin brothers!” “S-sacrifice?! No!” We pulled against the tightening ghostly chains that pulled us off the floor and began pulling us spread-eagle with our front facing the ceiling. “D-don’t kill us! We’re Undead! That can’t be worth anything to a ritual!” “That just means you’ll survive birthing full-grown men. This chamber acts as a Bonfire, so even if you die you’ll just respawn here.” “What?!” We yelped. We haven’t actually birthed a full-grown person before! “W-wait! Let us at least size up to our full height of 20 feet!” This chamber was massive, easily 50 feet from wall to wall and the ceiling was vaulted, going up so high the darkness swallowed it. “We could gestate so many more of you at once and the birth would be much easier on us!” “We don’t have time.” “Bullshit!” We snarled and surged in size, ignoring the agony of the shackles cutting into our growing limbs by going goo. “We are not doing this your way! Now either get started or We’re leaving! This is no way to treat a Goddess!” We snarled. Damn ingrates. “So...glorious. Pardon us.” At the ghost’s awed words We moaned, the familiar sensation of something entering our vagina turned into one We remembered from Daring’s favorite pastime of getting pumped with cum from a hose. We groaned, rubbing our belly with our hands as We rapidly filled with ectoplasmic ghost goo, but instead of forming new life, already spiritually prepared ones simply entered our body, forming their own bodies as We billowed outward. “See? Is this so hard?” We teased our unseen audience as our swelling orb of rebirth began to absorb our limbs. “Mm, just like the hose from the tank. So fulfilling.” We muttered, closing our eyes and enjoying the passive debauchery. We dozed off, waking when our head hit a wall. We blinked, feeling our sides pressing into the walls of the tomb, our breasts pushing into the air above, our cunny engorged and pressing into the doorway leading outside. “Um, We might be getting too full for your tomb. It might start getting damaged.” “Good point. Alright brothers, begin birthing.” We cooed when the innumerable shapes within us began moving, our transparent goo-skin letting us see the dozens of full-grown rat people, holy shit, Skaven, swimming for our door-sized quim. We moaned and sighed in pleasure as the warriors of a land long past and forgotten squeezed out of our birth canal, heading up the stairs immediately. “To think, we thought we would have to have you birth several women first and then have them sacrifice themselves to keep spawning us in a cycle that would’ve taken months, which you’ve reduced to hours. Thank you.” “We just wish you didn’t do it so intent on killing us to get what you wanted, but with this new arrangement, how long do We have to be here?” We questioned, enjoying being a breeding factory as usual. Especially considering this was the first time besides with Aventurine We did it as a slime. “At this rate? You’ll birth our whole army in a few weeks.” The ghost’s answer wasn’t reassuring. “Weeks?! Ugh...fine. It’s not like there’s anything more pressing going on right now.” Besides, this needs to be done. With the boys back in their home dimension, We need to do what we can to stop Hell from gaining a stronger foothold. (<3) Celestia sat in her comfy recliner at the side of her study, her face in her hands. Her wings were limp at her sides. She looked up balefully at the enormous gods-damned painting sitting against the far wall, an image of her sister’s likeness now staining the moon of it. “Are you sure?” Celestia asked of someone she didn’t look at, instead glaring hatefully at the portrait. “A-absolutely. I felt a...spark, when I looked at a drop of Twilight’s blood and your blood mixed together.” Arian nervously answered, looking fearfully at the giant grim entrance to her birthplace. “I...I’m so sorry. If I was faster-.” “It is not your fault.” Celestia quietly hissed, her shoulders quaking, her breath hitching, her eyes pricking with tears as she looked at the damn moon of the image. “Is there any precedence of this?” Twilight asked searchingly, placing a hand on her mentor’s shoulder. “Never. This is the first time that anything has dared to even act on the wish to take my sister’s Dark Soul. Whatever monster has done this, will die. Even if it is immortal, I will stop at nothing to see it’s very essence scattered to the winds.” Celestia snarled, clutching her hands into the armrests of her chair so hard she was splitting seams. “Wiatr has gone south to Rodenas to investigate the Hell invasion there, as well as to find any Corruption. None of my Covenant or I can enter Ash, it rejects my very being to the point of also rejecting my servants. I asked the Darkmoon Blades to seek their mistress, but they too cannot enter Ash without her permission.” “I could go with my friends.” Twilight volunteered and swallowed nervously. “I-I’ve been studying Yharnam for a bit on the side. If I had a bit of time to look up their Blood Rites, their Contracts, I may even be able to give us an edge, turn us into Hunters.” “Y-you’d turn yourselves into those bloodthirsty monsters?!” Arian yelped. “D-don’t! Even the strongest of them give in to the Blood eventually! B-besides, the Good Hunter himself that is…” Arian squirmed uncomfortably, but Twilight looked resolute. “O-okay, but I need Pigment if I’m going to be making the painting while you look for Celestia’s sister.” “That is all well and good. I’ll begin donating blood immediately, Twilight, do so when you have time between your planning sessions. Please...my Faithful Student. Bring my sister home.” Celestia pleaded and Twilight nodded, before teleporting away. “...Also, now that something is being done...why aren’t you anthro right now? I don’t appreciate you squeezing your feral bulk through my doors.” Arian whined plaintively in response. (<3) On a hill. By a tree. Overlooking a meadow of beautiful white flowers, hundreds of eyes snapped open under the concealing clothes of the person sitting on the wheelchair at the base of the grand leafless tree. “Hm? Queen Lacunae? No...her touch is not this strong.” He looked up at the moon, his many eyes peering past the Veil and seeing the shadowy outline of a horned mare. “What? What is happening?” He stood, suddenly vanishing in a burst of dust, appearing in the church on the hill next to the hill his throne sat. He quickly poured over the tomes, referencing Queen Lacunae and Ash’s odd kinship with Dark, before finally finding one titled The Dark Soul. He opened it, his eyes seeing all and he snapped it shut. “Fools! Who has brought our progenitor here?! If she dies, this world will go with her! Hunters!” At his call, bells chimed on the wind and the one in the belfry of the church gonged, summoning many darkly dressed, but all quite flamboyantly so men and women of varied species. They all flooded into the small church, kneeling, bowing, some even taking that amusing scarecrow-like pose as was their liking. “Yes Master Huntsman!” They chorused. “A foolish Old One has abducted the progenitor of this world and sealed her in the moon! Go forth, find them! Kill every Kin in the mortal realm you find it! Seek the Dark Soul!” He commanded and they all nodded, wordlessly storming out in a tide for the tombstones, tiny chimes echoing as they warped to the realm of mortals. Once done with that, Hunter sighed and rubbed the creases of his Beastly Bone Ash Mask and tugged on the high collar of his green Tomb Prospector garb. “Dear Hunter. Do not fret.” Came a soothing voice from the door and he looked over to see the animate life-sized and eerily beautiful doll of a blond-maned white unicorn mare bringing over tea and biscuits to the altar. “Your hunters will do their task as always.” “I don’t doubt them for a moment Doll. Just that this has even come to pass.” Hunter sighed, moving to sit on his rocking chair behind the altar, his improvised desk/table. “Any news on Arian? Any sign?” “The Painter is still lost to us. Perhaps the Old One endangering us now is behind her disappearance.” Doll stated, arranging the tea and biscuits for him. “She is still alive. The world would have shuddered at the death of a Painter as it always does.” Hunter insisted, hoping beyond this Forlorn world’s Veil of hopelessness that she would do what all Painters since Aria have failed to do and finally save the Forlorn. “It is just as well that-.” Hunter suddenly shot his head towards a random part of the ceiling, stood and clutched at his chest. “...Someone Calls…” He vanished and Doll simply moved to wipe the blood from the altar, her master’s tea steaming, his biscuits forgotten. > Ch.48 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.48 “Damn it.” We sighed after We finished off another large camp, the fourth so far with many smaller ones along the way. Nearby was Siegmar, the boastful Undead onion knight of Catarina from before as I pointed at the main church. “You put what in there?” “A very big bomb. It’s where the main portal is.” He chuckled when he held up an actual wireless detonator. The inconsistent technology levels of this world never cease to amaze us. “Strangely, the demons seemed to be setting up defenses against their own portal.” “Okay? Well are you going to blow it up?” We asked him as the army of Skaven soldiers tortured and killed Demons left and right, doing worse to the demons than the demons had to any living Skaven before. Damn Carim was fucked up. We hope We can arrange for them to not invade Equestria. Not even We are this brutal in combat and We sometimes fucking eat our enemies! “Not yet. I want to know why they’re so scared of their own portal. It’s almost as if something is going to pop out from it and kill them all.” Siegmar reasonably replied. True, if whatever they’re shoring up against comes here we could use it to our advantage-. “RIP AND TEAR!” We all jolted at the oppressive roar before a whole swarm of Night Sentinels came pouring out of the church, rushing against the Demons of Hell and quite literally steamrolling them. We were surprised to see the Doom Marines’ armies coming here to fight, but We didn’t see any of them. Are they not back yet? “My Lady.” A voice from behind us made us jump in surprise before We turned to see a cloaked Night Sentinel standing there. “Apologies ma’am. I didn’t mean to surprise you.” He said with a short bow as two others appeared from behind him. “Don’t do that! Whew...well how did you get here and why?” We asked while one of the Skaven ripped a demon’s head off with the help of a torture device sadistically designed into a weapon. Why are their catch-poles like that? They’re more bladed than the one from DS1. “We were sent here in secret by orders from Princess Visilia. She told us to watch over you and the children when she went back home. We’ve received word that our Lords have returned with the Helix Stone. A copy of it has been put in your home. However…our Lords are unconscious at the moment and the one from the sarcophagus named Todd would not come here to lead the charge. He wants to stay and watch over them until they wake up and once they do they’ll come here and take the fight to the enemy.” “Thank you for the news. Now then, why the army?” We asked as Siegmar thumbed the detonator. The Skaven of Carim didn’t care for him, but he was an incredible asset. If he had high-tech equipment he’d be even more effective than he already was with ancient gear. Before the Night Sentinel answered, he quickly snatched the detonator out from Siegmar’s hand and deactivated it. “Please, don’t blow up the church. We’ll be utilising it for our own means.” He told him before looking back at me. “Out of anger mostly, but it’s also because we need to protect this world from Hell as well.” He answered as a group of Night Sentinels wielding swords mercilessly stabbed a Baron of Hell to death. Isn’t that a bit of an overkill? “We don’t want interlopers in our lands.” One of the Skaven men snarled as they approached, covered in demon blood and his make-do tribal-like leafy clothes was wilting from the gore. “Too bad. You don’t have much of a choice or say in the matter.” The cloaked Night Sentinel retorted sassily. “Besides, you looked like you were just about to get fucked up the arse by some demon cocks.” Hey! We’re here too! “You want some of this?!” “We’ve taken half the city and our rear troops are giving punishment by our ancient laws for the atrocities to our lands they’ve committed.” The Skaven growled as he shook steaming demon blood off of his crude hatchet. Eugh, why did We have to remember We’re absorbing these demon’s souls? Our poor soul-tummy~... “Your laws are of no concern, do what you want, but don’t get in our way. Otherwise we’re going to have a problem.” The cloaked Night Sentinel warned the Skaven. “We would prefer to have our lands to ourselves. The moment your use is expended, we expect you to leave post-haste.” He snarled. “Fair enough, but until then, we’ll be fighting until the Demonic threat has been dealt with. Once it is, we’ll leave.” He stated to the Skaven with barely restrained disgust and anger. “Just don’t destroy our sacred objects.” He told them before walking off. “By the way, your highness. I don’t suppose you’re against the idea of our King coming over when our Lords awaken? Visilia’s father, King Hydrax.” He told us our mate’s father’s name. Visi never actually went into names often, likely something to do with Demons and Names Having Power or something. If that is the case, telling me this is likely an extension of trust. If not, well, Visi is just a very private person. “No, not at all.” We said with a curtsy. “We’ll be on our best behavior, though expect some jabs at his physique at least, then maybe us dragging one of the boys or Visilia to a room to blow off steam.” We casually swung our greataxe at a Lost Soul with our tail hands, having heard it’s suicide rush coming from behind. We didn’t even give it further attention like the pest it was. “He has quite the physique, but don’t expect him to bed you.” He said before drawing out his own sword hidden under his cloak, but We also saw his robotic left arm. Oh~ if that was a lightsaber he’d be-! “Make a Star Wars joke and I’ll hit you.” Not sorry for thinking about it~! “We just said we would drag someone else to bed. We can’t help making comments with three minds in one body.” We chuckled before We idly aimed behind us and to our left with our Infinity, spraying bullets at the skittering in the bushes nearby and revealing imps which were promptly dealt with. Thanks super-hearing! “After this is all said and done, be prepared for what you might see from the Helix Stone.” He warned us enigmatically, which didn’t sit well with us. “Alright.” We replied with unease. After we were done talking, We armored up with Svartr taking her modified original form and charged into the fray where We started murdering as many Hellspawn We could. Of course, Hell was very persistent and more Demons kept coming at us, especially these new versions. The Barons of Hell now had fiery blades coming from their wrists, a brown floating demon that can summon those flaming skulls and throw them at us, then there was that ONE Summoner, or should I say Arch-Vile that kept resurrecting its friends and was constantly burning us on sight! Thank goodness for Svartr’s natural fire resistance combined with our own innate resistances. “Die already!” We snarled and rushed the demon, only for it to teleport out of the way before We could land a hit on it. “Get back here!” It hissed at us as We chased it, using our tails to help us move over obstacles as magic began swirling around our tail hands. It was much more difficult in a combat situation, but We managed to grab onto the hellish necromancer with an iridescent aura and then gasped when We accidentally pulped it into a compressed ball of flesh and bone. “Note to self, don’t try that on friends or important objects when upset.” “Nice one, Your Highness!” One of the Night Sentinels called out to us before he punched through an Imp’s chest with his fist. “Tear them to shreds! We will use their skulls as goblets and their entrails as reagents!” Screamed a nearby Skaven, the locals clearly not to be outdone even as their compatriots fell. They continued to rip and tear into the demons like the insane bloodthirsty tide they were. We kinda regret creating this army now, but at the same time they’re damn useful. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought these rats were followers of Khorne.” Commented a Night Sentinel as she avoided becoming a pincushion from overeager rats charging their line of pikemen forwards by jumping over them. The sight kinda reminded me of the Elves and Dwarves working together in the last Hobbit movie, if in reverse. Soon the pikemen reached near the line of demons and dug in before the Night Sentinels jumped over them into the melee as more rats moved into the space cleared by the pikemen pushing forward their phalanx. “Careful! Our Lord Berserker’s Khorne Daemon Band might be roaming around here!” Another shouted as he strangled a Hell Knight with another’s entrails. We felt out of place now. With the Arch-Vile down, the demons were losing ground fast. We looked around at the death littering the battlefield and felt sicker. This isn’t what We are about. Sure, We’ve slaughtered demons before, but that was just us against them in vastly outnumbered situations. It wasn’t a brutal actual battle between factions. “Your Highness?” We looked to see a robotic hand on our shoulder, steadying us. “Are you alright?” “Is it wrong to be unwell in such a situation? One that spits in the face of what We are?” We heaved, feeling like vomiting. Oh gods our skirmishes in the desert and Willow’s week-long rampage look like some nasty fun in comparison to this...this...disgusting display. At least the Lust Demons tend to take prisoners. Also, our poor soul-tummy was on fire~! “No.” He answered solemnly. “Do you wish to return home now?” “No. We won’t shy away from what must be done, but these tactics don’t suit us. We’re used to being in the center of the action, but We’d get in the way of our allies with this many people on both sides. You there! You’re losing so many! Can We resurrect any of your dead like before?” We asked the nearest Skaven. “Of course! Our fury and spite are so powerful there’s no chance they’ve passed on! Return to the tomb and they’ll be ready to get back into the fray!” He declared, seconds before a bolt of light blasted his head off in a spray of gore and cooked meat, making us flinch since he was just talking to us. “Which way is the tomb?!” The cloaked man demanded from the next nearest Skaven. “In the forest that way!” Another informed him moments before he too was blown to giblets. “Oh shit! Where are they getting this firepower all of a sudden?!” We hissed as our companion pulled us away from the line of combat, sprinting towards the direction of the tomb. “Why didn’t they just use it to begin with?!” “They weren’t expecting heavy resistance or having to fight an old enemy.” He answered. “Old enemy?” We asked before we got to the forest. “Us. The Night Sentinels. Remember, we fought with the Doom Marines.” He clarified. “Well, that would explain why they suddenly started to Fight Like Hell.” We grumbled as we neared the tomb. We ran downstairs as Svartr fully merged back into our full union, leaving us naked as We padded over to the center of the room. We turned to face our companion as the lights returned. We grew to full size while We panted for breath and moaned when our belly quickly began to fill. “Oof. They’re in an even bigger rush this time. We’ll be fine here, if you can supply them with better equipment on the way out, that’d be great.” “We’ll try.” He said before he sprinted back upstairs. “Thank you. You’re quite giving.”  “It’s in our nature.” We huffed and lied down on our back as We expanded with our cunt aimed at the door. Hopefully this won’t turn even worse. At least everyone back home is safe. (<3) “Well now. This was unexpected.” Good Hunter looked around at the lavish library he’d appeared in, one constructed of crystal and furnished with luxuriously comfortable chairs and carved wooden tables. He looked down curiously at the runed circle he was standing on before looking back up at the nervous looking group of six mares. Two pegasi, two earth, one unicorn and the last… “A Queen? Not wholly unusual to be Called Upon by one, but the last one to do so suffered greatly for her folly. I do hope you’ve taken precautions?” “Master Huntsman, The Good Hunter, Moon Presence, Old One of The Hunt. I have summoned you here to make a contract.” Twilight responded without preamble, no pleasantries, a bead of sweat on her brow. “Indeed?” He casually questioned, poking the invisible barrier of the summoning circle and idly watching the unseeable ripples his simple caress caused in the oh-so-inadequate barrier. “Hm, hm, hm. You’re fortunate I’m a benevolent sort. Any more aggressive or unreasonable Old One would have simply slain you where you stood for such audacity. No small-talk? No courtesy of giving your names?” “Names have power, as I’m certain you know.” Twilight replied curtly. “We need to enter the realm of Ash, but we need protection. I have no illusions of immortality despite my godhood, so with being Undead out of the question, the next best thing was the way to go.” “Enslaving yourselves to me? How is that any better?” Good Hunter snarled and crossed his arms. “My followers, my Hunters, they are not coddled little children. You would become Beasts within a week, but then so long as you channel your Beastliness properly, even that is fine. We’re not the uncultured heathens we used to be.” “Would you two shut up and get on with it?! Princess Luna needs our help and it’s not gonna happen with us flapping our gums instead of our wings!” Rainbow Dash, the athletic nearly flat-chested pegasus mare impatiently hovering above the group with a huff. “I’m pregnant though girls, I shouldn’t even be here…” Fluttershy meekly protested, rubbing her flat tummy. “I agree, Fluttershy should stay. We don’t all need to go. The Elements are back with Harmonia anyhow.” Rarity declared, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I’m definitely going! My great-great-great-great-great-!” Everyone promptly began to ignore Pinkie Pie’s long running chatter. “My pregnant friend aside, yes. We’re willing to do what’s right, even taking serious risks.” Applejack firmly nodded, approached the barrier and walked into it, ignoring Twilight’s yelp of fear. She then held out a hand to the eldritch Old One of The Hunt. “Will you help us get Princess Luna out of your home’s moon?” At this, Good Hunter’s eyes widened and he clasped Applejack’s hand firmly with a shake. “Well good mare, you’ve just proven yourselves worthy. Not only do you have the resolve, but you have a goal I am already pursuing. I assume that Princess Luna possesses the Dark Soul?” At his question, everypony nodded grimly. “Then welcome. You must partake of the Beast Blood and sign the relevant contracts.” “If it’s no problem, can we bring someone else along? She needs to get back home to Ash.” Twilight questioned, gesturing with her head beyond the group and to everyone’s shock, Good Hunter vanished and Arian yelped at being hugged around the neck. “Arian! I have had my hunters scouring Ash for you!” Hunter declared cheerfully as he nuzzled the flustered feral dragoness with his mask. “It is good to see you safe!” “Hunter~!” Arian whined, flustered, looking away from the others. “Not in public…” “H-how did you get out of the binding circle?” Twilight meekly questioned, backing away as the others held her back from retreating further. “I told you no flimsy summoning circle could stop an Old One.” Arian smuggly stated before looking back down at her friend. “Hunter, I have the Pigment.” At her words, The Good Hunter suddenly began dancing in a disturbing and seemingly reality-hurting time-skip like manner, before he cheered. “Yes! At last! Perhaps Ash will not be doomed to be a hell for the Forlorn any longer! Arian, fetch your Pigment, we’re going home.” Good Hunter declared before turning to the group. “You’ve done well already. When you venture to Ash, seek out Yorshka and Priscilla. They and their staff will get you all squared away. I look forward to seeing you soon.” Good Hunter chuckled darkly before he and Arian, as well as the large sealed bucket of her Pigment vanished in dust. “Is this really a good idea?” Fluttershy asked them. “I mean, I understand Luna is important and anything threatening Harmony too much will start the world’s plunge back into destruction, but is becoming a servant, a slave, to an eldritch god a worthwhile tradeoff?” “It’s a risk we’ll have to take Fluttershy. You just stay here and stay safe. If Discord going in wouldn’t cause Ash to possibly implode from excess Madness, we would’ve just sent him. Besides, we’re old hands at this kind of stuff by now.” Twilight reminded her meek friend, who sighed and nodded. Not all of their adventures were daisies and sunshine. (<3) In the Far North, in a land lost to ice. A fissure erupted through the ancient glaciers, crimson lava hissed and bubbled as it surged forth. From it rose a black obelisk which lit aflame and roared as if alive. From it staggered a horribly mutated beast of questionable heritage. Soon it formed properly into a massive Taurus Demon, bellowing as Chaos began pouring forth, the ancient seal finally gone. A veritable tide of life and fire threw smoke into the sky, turning the constant blizzard black with ash. This tide parted as an utterly gigantic spider with too many legs came forth, the buxom woman atop it’s head sighed in relief when her pale white fur touched cold air for the first time in millennia. The impossibly beautiful white lioness smiled when she stretched her torso the best she could, thrusting her G-cups into the still-freezing air. “At long last. Freedom!” > Ch.49 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.49 “Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” The cloaked man, who was named Krimzon, asked after We vomited. The battle was won and the Hell Demons were pushed back, but the place was an absolute gory, bloodsoaked, gut-wrenching mess that along with our poor soul-tummy full of demonic soul energy, We couldn’t handle the sight or the smell of it. The Night Sentinels and Skaven had gone to work on cleaning the place up with the Vermintide collecting skulls and such from the corpses. Meanwhile the Night Sentinels hauled corpses off to one of the many piles of bodies and burned them with flamethrowers to the complaints of the Skaven who wanted as much flesh and bone for their trophies that they could get. “We’re bearing with it.” We belched and groaned at how much like heartburn all this tainted soul energy felt like. Eugh, why is it that Urta can handle this and We can’t? Hopefully she’s up to helping us out again. “Let’s hope so.” He said when We saw some of the Night Sentinel’s deceased being carried out and back to their world through the portal. They lost about twenty, an impressive feat considering the Skaven lost hundreds that We replenished. “We’re going to scout out the area and make sure there aren’t any Gore Nests lying around here. If so, Hell would come back again with greater numbers.” “Alright, We’re almost done here then.” We sighed as We sat in a clean chair. “Yes, but another emotional rollercoaster awaits you back home. A few more, I reckon.” We groaned at that. “Do you wish our Lords were here now?” “Yes, very much.” We sighed longingly for Hunter and Berserker’s presence. He hummed before turning his head to the side for a moment, before looking back towards us. “The Nests have been purged and the area is secured.” “Thank you for your service.” We smiled in relief before one of the Skaven approached. “We believe your time here is done?” The Skaven asked as he surveyed the battlefield. Among the Skaven males were females too, who used my body to be reborn once it was clear that the fighting was nearing its end. They all corralled the much larger males with stern tones and instructions while also getting to work crafting tools and other things from the demon bodies. “Yes. We’ll be heading back with her highness. We should get moving now. The locals’ patience are running thin.” Krimzon advised us and We nodded in agreement. “Only so much in that we have much work to do and we’re hardly able to accommodate guests. Please take this abyss-damned charlatan with you.” The Skaven huffed as Siegmar was hauled to us by the arms and dumped in front of us. “Good hunting to you kind Goddess Wiatr, we won’t forget your help. You’re welcome here anytime.” “Thank you.” We stood and curtsied to the Skaven who nodded and left us. “With that We guess it’s time to go. Want us to fly?” We asked while sprouting wings as We turned full feral dragon. “That’s if you can carry us all on your back.” Krimzon hummed. “Well not all of you We think.” We chuckled as We reached 20 feet and turned to anthro instead. “But you can use our tits to ride in our Inventory too.” We informed them as We got on our hands and knees, pressing our bosom into the dirt. “That’ll do, but that isn’t necessary. We can have the people you can’t carry will run.” Krimzon nodded as most of the Night Sentinels jumped on my back. Those that couldn’t stated they would run all the way back to Unity. “They’re Runner’s Chasers, the faction he leads. They can outrun us, so they’ll be able to keep up. I’ll tell you more later.” “Okay.” We turned full feral dragon again for more back surface-area before taking off and banking towards the direction of Equestria to the north. Looking down, We saw that they did indeed keep up with us, navigating their way out of the forest as we headed back towards Unity. “Can I just say that most of us don’t really like the state of your world?!” One of the Night Sentinels shouted over the roaring winds as We flew. “We could guess.” We dryly replied. This world was an acquired taste, not everyone is such a deviant they’d adapt to this place quickly. At least the locals have the excuse of being locals. “The only good thing I see out of this is that we get to meet the little princes and princesses she had with our Lords!” Another spoke up and We blushed with a smile. “Have they been looked after?” “Yes. Whenever We’re home We make a point of trying to spend at least two hours playing with them, along with our other pups and foals.” We said with a prideful smile. “As for their well-being, Cocoa has that covered aside from the maids and other attendants.” We want to spend time with our children soon. All of them, not just one group either. We feel that our foals with Daring and pups with Svartr are a bit neglected compared to the special treatment the Scinoxes give the Marine’s pups. Even if Spike spends time with our shared kirin foals with us when We’re available. At least We got in kisses and nuzzles with them all before We left town. “I can’t wait to see them!” A female Night Sentinel said excitedly, gaining cheers from the others. We chuckled at this and focused on our orientation as We rushed through the air. “Just don’t spoil them!” One remarked. “Pfft! As if!” She retorted. “They’re certainly excited about the children!” Krimzon commented as the Night Sentinels talked amongst themselves. “Planning on having more with them?” “We...um, yes. Though We don’t know about Runner, Pillar or Collateral yet. We haven’t gotten to know them.” We huffed in annoyance. If not for whatever the brothers went and did, We’d have gotten to meet Runner properly instead of in passing, as well as Pillar and Collateral. “Wait until we get to the Helix Stone! It’ll show you their past!” He informed us. “Oh?” We replied with uncertainty. The blood and gore wouldn’t be a problem, it’d be the fact that We’d be diving into what is likely to be a mentally draining issue when We still have problems reconciling each other’s memories. “No shit Sherlock!” Why do We feel judged? “You have to keep strong! We know bloody war isn’t your forte, but it’s unavoidable!” He told us, misunderstanding our main concern. It doesn’t help that these damn hell-soul energies are burning through our poor soul-tummy~. “This will be your chance to understand how their lives started out.” “Alright.” We groaned in resignation after spending some time considering it. Home was already on the horizon. We really wasted time walking to Rodenas, this trip barely took a few hours by wing. “The Helix Stone is inside your home, somehow making its own room! Oddly enough it looked like a Temple was built around it.” Krimzon went on and We huffed in annoyance. “That doesn’t sound good.” We replied uneasily. Daring’s experiences with ancient artefacts and Svartr’s experiences with living volatile fickle gods filled us with dread before We flew down towards Unity, weaving through Harmonia’s wide branches. “I’ll show you!” Krimzon said before We landed and everyone jumped off of us. Once that was done, We shrunk down and returned to our comfortable two-tailed vixen form. He then led us through our home where We found that there was indeed a new room added, one that reminded Willow of Destiny’s Iron Lords Temple. Inside in the middle was a large slab of stone floating above the ground with hieroglyphics carved into it that shone with red light. It also had the Doom Marines’ Slayer mark which was made bigger than the rest. The walls depicted many battles on them with the Doom Marines fighting against the forces of Hell. This room is badass and spooky! We don’t like it in our house! What will the children think?! “This is disturbing.” We muttered as We approached the stone slab warily. “This better not be a trap! The last time I saw one of these-.” “All you have to do is touch the Helix Stone and it will show you information relevant to you regarding those who touched it last and woke it up.” Krimzon instructed. “It’s awake?” We backed off in concern. Sentient or otherwise intelligent artefacts are never good! “Trust me. It is my duty to keep you safe. I wouldn’t suggest something that would endanger you.” Krimson’s reply was very reasonable. “Okay, but We’re seeing Urta right after this.” We groaned with a rub of our ripped six-pack at the burning sensation within us before placing our hands on the slab. (<3) A flash of red light blinded us temporarily, then We found ourselves in an empty void of darkness. It didn’t stay this way for long before We were again blinded. We winced and blinked to adjust to the bright light below us. After our vision returned We gasped in shock at the land below covered in fire. “What-? How?!” We questioned before We were brought down to the ground and saw what was happening. We were horrified by what we witnessed. “O-Oh gods…” It was a town besieged by Hell’s forces, the ponies running for their lives as they were hunted down and slaughtered by them. The guards couldn’t stop them, falling to the Hell Demons so easily. “They are Rage…” The gritty and deep baritone voice Willow remembered from DOOM 2016 echoed in our head as sights of towns, cities, entire worlds burned to ash and the people were slaughtered and eaten like mere cattle. “...Brutal and without Mercy…” Then the scenes moved to tortures fit for Dante’s Inferno, breaking the minds of mortals and sacrificing many to bring more of their kind over. They even influence a cult to have them carry out their dirty work. The worst one was the scene of a demon skinning a child alive in front of her mother and then forcing the mother to wear her own child’s skin as a mask that turned her into a grotesque demon of flesh. The scene changed again to the Everfree Forest, where a group of Demons roamed through it. It seemed they were searching for something. However, one of the Imps got their heads blown off from behind them. “...But you, you will be Worse…” A hail of bullets followed, shredding through the lesser Demons within seconds before the Doom Marines sprang into action. Three of them engaged the bigger ones in close combat while the last two gave supporting fire. We knew the first two were Berserker and Runner. Berserker used his fists to pulp through the Hell Knights and Barons of Hell while Runner sped around the battlefield and used a chainsaw to cut them down as he laughed like a maniac. Hunter was using his rifle to slow down the bigger Demons. The other two must have been Pillar and Collateral. One seemed to be unaffected by anything that assailed him while the other seemed to have more excessive firepower as he gunned down anything in his sight. We wished We could have water or something, We had a feeling this was going to take a while. (<3) We went down their memory lane, witnessed the many hardships they had to face be it Demons or the Public. We also saw their Princesses’ parents and how cute the two little sisters were. Celestia was a bit of a cunt towards them at first, but Hunter and Pillar seemed to have things under control with them. We even got to see how the ponies back then mistreated Berserker, egging him on before they feared him and left him alone when he earned the title Bloody-Handed. There was even one point where Runner was sent to an orphanage to see what had happened, only to find that the children were turned into monsters with their souls trapped inside, tormented throughout the whole ordeal. Runner didn’t want to kill them and tried to get out of there, but was trapped as Hell placed a barrier around the building. Satan Asmodeus himself mocked Runner through the children’s voices as he tortured his mind and spirit, even offering to make deals with him. Eventually Runner snapped and used his Chainsaw to end the children's suffering quickly. After that he just laughed bitterly through his tears of sorrow and guilt.   “Oh Runner.” We mewled in understanding. Svartr had to do something similar once. The Undead Curse had swept through a small human settlement. Way back when, the only method of dealing with Undead was to slaughter them, ensnare them at the nearest Bonfire, then subject them to endless torment by harvesting their bones to make more bonfires. She’d had to do this to many families, churches, orphanages... Another unknown amount of time passed until We saw the Doom Marines standing before a large gate out in the middle of nowhere. Daring knew that this was one of the Gates of Tartarus, where a Cerberus is supposed to stand guard. However, it was abandoned. The Doom Marines searched and found a passageway off to the side, going through it to find Hell Demons inside with Cerberus chained down and tortured for their amusement. After brutally slaughtering the sadistic dog-hurting fuckers, they ended up with one demon left. He wasn’t from Hell though, he changed sides after hearing Tartarus was overrun. He only did so just to survive, even at the expense of Cerberus. Berserker beat him to death starting with Fatal Testicular Devastation. After killing the traitor, they healed Cerberus and he opened up the Gates for them. Once they entered Tartarus they found it was a desolate place devoid of life, nothing but a wasteland full of red sand and crags. With Hunter’s tracking skills they found a hunting party that was chasing after a young demon-pony girl. Without question the Doom Marines killed the Hell demons and saved the girl. The girl was frightened of them at first, but Pillar calmed her down enough for her to lead them to where there were more of her people. It was a large underground cavern with easily a town’s population within. She led them to a tent and inside was a Demonic Alicorn stallion covered in bandages. He introduced himself as King Hydrax. “Oo~ he’s nice to look at.” We ogled the memory-version of Visi’s father. Hot damn, no wonder Visi is so attractive. If her father looks this good, how much of her looks are from her mother? Anyway, he asked who they were and what they wanted. When he was satisfied with their answer he went on to explain their plight. Hell invaded Tartarus to get to Equestria and conquer both dimensions without warning. While Tartarus had put up a fight, there were already traitors among their ranks who let Hell march through. Soon enough they were forced to abandon their homes and flee into the wastelands. The King suffered grievous wounds during the battles, but had survived. Now his people were scattered and are living on borrowed time. With that, the Doom Marines decided to help them reclaim their home and drive out Hell. At the end of this exchange, Visilia entered the tent. “Whoa, um, she looks exactly the same. How fresh are these memories?” We then facepalmed. Right. Alicorn. Duh. Alicorns have the unaging gene innately, even non-divine ones can’t die from aging since they stop at their physical maturity. Anyway, Visi was wary until her father explained to her about them. Once she was brought up to date, screams were heard as the refuge came under attack. It was a scouting party of Prowlers, but once the Doom Marines dealt with the pack of demons that quickly laid-low the already exhausted defenders of the refuge, they went outside to discover an entire horde of demons waiting, likely for word from their scouts. Even though they were outnumbered they still charged at the horde. Pillar stayed behind as the last line of defense while Runner, Berserker and Collateral engaged the massive army up close and personal. The battle was fierce and devastating. Those that bypassed them were met with Pillar and his impassable armor and his new hammer he grabbed from the cavern at the entrance of the cave system. Within the ranks Hunter moved about the Demons, causing all sorts of trouble. This made them turn against one another. Eventually the Doom Marines won the battle with the land covered in blood and guts that they stood atop. Tartarus started praising them as their saviours, which was a big change of pace, instead of being treated like freaks and blamed for something they didn’t do or have control over. “We can see why Tartarus is favored by them.” We sighed in relief of the sight. After that they had a feast which was pillaged from the Hell Demons’ supplies and got some rest. The very next day the King wanted to test something out since with their help it could be possible. He introduced four Demonesses, the Scinoxes of Old, known as Splicers because of their usage of Blood magic, but thanks to their more involved methods with the Doom Marines the new name stuck. Anyway, they asked for a sample of the brother’s blood. From there they managed to create the first batch of the Night Sentinels. Of course, since they were males it couldn’t work for females, so they needed someone who could make the connection and work from there. That was when Visilia stepped up and took a shot at it. Luckily she was successful so the Scinoxes used her blood to bridge the brother’s blood to create female Night Sentinels. That was how they began their Crusade through Tartarus. Each Doom Marine led a faction of the Tartarus Legion. The Crusaders led by Berserker, the close-combat specialists. The Chasers led by Runner, the scouts and guerilla fighters. The Defenders led by Pillar, who specialize in defensive tactics and heavy fortifications. The Gunners led by Collateral, the artillery and heavy cavalry units. Lastly the Ghosts led by Hunter, who were the snipers and assassins often relied upon alongside the Chasers to coordinate and assist the others. Throughout the war they won and lost many battles and saved and lost many lives. Hell had Infernus Cannons, brutal explosive magma artillery that burned hotter than normally possible and had a ludicrous range. In order to deal with these, Hunter and his Ghosts were often tasked with destroying them so that they could move forward. Eventually they reached the Capital City of Hicronex. The large city was under the control of traitors and former prisoners alike with a wall now surrounding it with Infernus Cannon emplacements lining atop it. In the middle of town was a tower that acted as the main entrance for Hell’s force to pass through. They couldn’t launch a full-scale assault since they’d lose too many before they would reach the city gates. Hunter and his faction were needed again to take out the guns and open up the way for them. This was the final push they needed to drive Hell out. Hunter and his Ghosts all snuck their way up to the wall without alerting any of the Demons. Next they infiltrated the city with some of them scaling the walls, while the rest found cracks within the wall and started digging their way through. Once they were inside they completed all sabotage objectives and signalled for the siege to begin. “... Rip and Tear, until it is done.” The gritty DOOM 2016 voice said yet again before the Doom Marines and their armies gave their war cries as they charged into the city. “RIP AND TEAR!!!!!” It was so loud our ears were ringing! “Ow~.” We whined as We rubbed our adorable and overly-sensitive fennec ears before We returned our attention to the rather long and overly-detailed vision. I won’t get into the parts about their, ah, right, not getting into it. The siege was swift and brutal. They quickly spread out to cover every inch of the city. Berserker had taken half of his Crusaders and spearheaded towards the tower while the others surrounded the city. Visilia led the other half of the Crusaders. It was a bloody and brutal battle since both sides didn’t want to give the other an inch. Looking at Berserker We gasped to find that all of his troops were dead, but so were the Demons protecting the tower. He was the only one alive, leaping his way over to a power crystal. Once at the crystal he started breaking it with his sword, the energy inside pouring out through the cracks. Frustrated, he pulled out his pistol and shot it in one of the fissures, causing an explosion that flung him into a wall. However, the tower didn’t power down and the portal stayed open. Berserker tried to get back up to try and figure out how to close the stable portal, but his body wouldn’t let him. In his moment of desperation, two figures flew down from the sky. It was King Solaris and Queen Gaia of Equestria themselves. They were the clear Deus Ex for the situation. The Queen knelt down to Berserker and leaned down to whisper in his ears. “Please, forgive us.” At this, she and her husband looked sadly at one another and flew up towards the top of the tower. Berserker reached out to them, hoarsely pleading for them to stop. Even when they were long gone he tried so desperately to get up and follow them, but it was far too late for him to stop them. A light began to shine. Brighter and brighter until it exploded, sending the top of the tower scattering across the city and severing the link. Hell could no longer come through now, but the Royals had sacrificed their lives for it. Enraged at the loss of their tower and portal, the Demons fought with desperation against the Doom Marines and their Night Sentinels, literally Hell bent on destroying them even at the cost of their own lives. What’s worse was the Summoners were summoning reinforcements that were probably from Equestria. They were spread out around the city at strategic locations that allowed these reinforcements to divide the forces of the Marines and turn the tables. Berserker was still alone and injured, but the demons seemed to have either forgotten he was there or figured he was already dead. Good thing, it let Berserker recover, but the others were harried. Pillar and his Defenders protected the wounded while they were attended to by medics and Scinoxes. Hell blitzed the field hospital with imps and pinkies with hell knights acting as field commanders. This was surprisingly effective compared to the tactics We’d seen earlier today in reality. Thank goodness these forces of Hell didn’t survive to deliver improved mixed-unit tactics to their leaders or the Carimite Skaven would’ve been mowed down before the Night Sentinels ambushed Hell from their own dimension. Anyway, they used this new desperate and disturbingly effective tactic everywhere, taking the Sentinels and the Brothers by surprise, costing hundreds of lives before they could adapt to the frenzied mosh-pit being directed by level-headed enemy sergeants. Collateral and his Gunners took up firing positions within ruined buildings to mow down the raging hordes of Hellspawn that swept through the streets without being able to do so from in the streets, those died before they could move position. The biggest issue past the teeming mass of ravenous berserking demons were the flocks of Cacodemons carrying Revenants and Mancubuses both normal and Cyber to rain rocket barrages and acid mortars from the air while helping the knights coordinate further. Thankfully the Sentinels and the Brothers were able to coordinate despite being separated due to Runner and his Chasers going around to open holes in enemy lines and lend assistance as much as possible. Runner himself was more focused on getting to Berserker, something the Demons didn’t give him the luxury and chased him off, likely by coincidence considering they didn’t even bother with the tower and Berserker was left to recover. Of course, Runner wasn’t the only one. Visilia and the rest of the Crusaders were desperate in trying to recover Berserker, but they were besieged by entire legions of Hell Barons crashing down on them hard. It would also explain why this particular faction stabbed the living fuck out of them back in Carim. It was Hunter and his Ghosts that were the lynchpin in stopping the counterattack by hunting down the Summoners to stop the flow of demons being brought from Equestria. Ironically enough this was also a tactical boon, because I got the notion that these summoned forces weakened the demon occupation of Equestria to the point the local resistance cells were able to rally their fellow slaves to freedom, but that's another story. Hey! Helix Stone! Don’t go all meta story-teller on us! Smug bastard. Where was it anyway? Oh, well that was a bit anticlimactic, after the Summoners were dealt with it was just mop-up. Sure the tower collapsed and everyone frantically dug in the hopes of finding Berserker, but he was fine. Since he’d had time to rest before the last Hell Baron collapsed the tower in spite, he was able to survive by being too pissed to die and punching at the debris coming down on him, which left him in a large pocket in the debris which he was freed from hours later by rescue crews. Honestly he could’ve gotten out on his own with a few more minutes, but that’d have been a rather explosive exit. After all was said and done they had the city, but at a terrible cost. Around the destroyed tower, piles upon piles of corpses laid, stacked on one another. Most of them were Hell Demon bodies to be disposed of, but Berserker’s entire deceased contingent of Crusaders had to be dug out first before things could be cleaned up. Berserker had been the one to make those piles on entry to the tower and the other brothers contributed to it when pushing the last bit of demon resistance to this point. It took about a month and a half to clean the city up, spreading the word that they’ve reclaimed their home, but they also spread word of what became of the Royal Equestrians. So they converted the tower ruin into a memorial ground, where the many names were inscribed and a large statue of the King and Queen were placed on the top: Queen Gaia and King Solaris. Candles were lit as all of Tartarus gathered and mourned for their Fallen. Once they were gathered in ceremonial black, armor or cloak as was their prerogative, King Hydrax gave a rousing speech to the people that spoke of heroism, hope, and to declare that the day Hell was expunged from the realm would be declared Liberation of Annihilation in celebration of their liberation and to remember the fallen with gratitude rather than sorrow. When he was finished, the bells tolled and everyone left to begin rebuilding their homes. > Ch.50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.50 Gasping, We woke up in a steaming hot sweat on the cold floor of the still-super-creepy altar room. Krimzon and a few other Night Sentinels were watching over us. “Are you alright?” He asked as he helped us up. “You were spasming for a few minutes after you touched the stone. That was much more violent than I was expecting.” “We’re not fine, but We’re also not hurt.” We huffed in disbelief. It’s only been a few minutes? It felt like years had passed. Eugh~ but why does our soul-tummy ache so much if it’s only been a few minutes? It’s affecting our body too, our bosom feels hot, as if our milk is boiling. Our body is even radiating oppressive heat like when Willow subconsciously pulled on her jungle siren abilities when trying to seduce Daring in that church cell. “Oh? That was before you absorbed me. Damn, you were hot back then too.” “We understand, but you should go see your children, they were crying for you and their fathers.” Krimson told us as he stepped a respectful distance away from us and our baking-level heat. “Perhaps a cold bath first.” We huffed and tried to suppress the heat radiating off of us. It was difficult, the burning in our essence from the demonic soul energy was almost painful when We tried. Sighing, We gave up on that. We already know who can take this energy from us. “Are they hurt? Hungry?” We asked briskly, our tone mirroring our speed as We left the room and headed towards Urta. “They’re just worried about their parents. We’ve tried to calm them down, with little success. We suppose they could feel their parents’ suffering and anger.” Krimzon theorised. “We see.” We sighed as We approached Urta in her padded pool. Was she wearing a VR headset? “Urta, We’re sorry to touch and run but We need to tend to our children.” “Huh? Babe? What are you-OH~!” Urta perked when We pressed our searing-hot palm to her taut spherical flesh, which instead of being injured seemed to absolutely and eagerly accept the demonic soul energy that Urta’s body somehow processes. “Oh~ babe~...” Urta panted and gushed a copious amount of her bright glowing seed into her cock milker. “Touch me again…” “Sorry love, that’s all We’ve got right now.” We sped away at Urta’s disappointed whine and rushed to the nursery which was now separate from Cocoa’s room despite her protests. She deserves some measure of privacy after all. Inside, the Scinoxes and Cocoa were trying their best to get the pups to stop, but still bore no fruitful results. Once they saw us the children reached out to us and calmed down, the besieged demonesses and Cocoa sighing in relief. “Mama’s here.” We said in a soothing tone as We approached and picked them up, using our tails as well, even creating more and more tails to hold all of them at once and bounce them. We must be quite the sight, a wall of fluffy iridescent fox tails holding and bouncing babies “We’re fine, see?” They calmed down for the most part, giving little sniffles and hiccups as all of our pups and foals were brought to us so they could snuggle against our body along with our tails. Twelve of them still clearly want to see their daddies. “Are their daddies up?” We asked them as We cradled our pups. All of these precious children, all ours. Such joy radiated in our soul that We nearly burst into tears of happiness before We restrained ourselves. We never get to spend enough time with our beloved children. “No.” One of the Scinoxes answered as they all shook their heads. “All we can tell you is that their bodies are undergoing a metamorphosis, their powers are growing and our new Lord, Todd, is watching over their progress.” “Who is Todd? Why did he show up in our world with those black vines on his sarcophagus?” We asked while We settled the pups down a bit more since our foals and other pups had eagerly snuggled and snoozed. Yes dear hearts, mother is here and she would move Heaven, Earth, and Hell for you. “We really don’t know. All that we do know is that it follows his command.” She answered. “So the sarcophagus is a weapon?” That was weird, but then again We wouldn’t put it past the multiverse to have weaponised coffins or sarcophagi. There were already weaponised crucifixes after all. We’re looking at you Nicholas D. Wolfwood. “No, not the tomb. I think? The black substance itself. It tried to break Todd out of his prison, but it was no use. So it started to travel between dimensions somehow. As for Todd, he wouldn’t say much about himself, so no one bothered to ask him any more questions.” She continued for us. “How did he end up in the tomb?” We were definitely curious, especially because he is clearly very powerful. Who or what could’ve sealed him away? Shh~ Indie, shoosh~. Fama is here. “Asmodeus did it. Todd made it to his fortress and was about to do battle with him, but he fell into a trap and was sealed away before he could get the chance.” The demoness hissed. “Really? He almost fought Satan?” We queried in shock while We comforted our worried pups as they squirmed, ruining some of the progress We’d already made. No Vita, don’t nip Grått’s ear! “Indeed. He said so himself from what he remembers. He wasn’t happy about it and apologised for all of our misfortunes that Hell wrought upon us. The poor man, he’s worried about our Lords as much as we are.” “It’s good to know he’s with us.” We sighed before kissing and tickling our pups to make them laugh and smile. Cocoa seemed happy that We were getting to spend some time with our legion of little rugrats and rubbed her lower stomach...um, really Cocoa? W-we have so many... “Does wife Wiatr want to be alone with pups and foals?” Cocoa asked us gently, her eyes looking at us with such love and tenderness that extended to all the little dynamos of energy around us. “If you feel comfortable with it.” We told her, considering she’s the one who spends the most time with all of them. Out of all of us, she’s been the one truly worthy of the title Mother. We are so lucky to have her. “Cocoa wants Wiatr to spend more time with children. Out everyone. Leave them be.” Cocoa began herding everyone out, even pushing Krimzon with her hands on his back. “But-.” “Cocoa will bite! Out!” Cocoa barked, the children actually giggling at her literally barking at the demons as she chased them from the nursery. “Hmph! You rest with children now.” Cocoa nodded firmly at us and gently closed the door behind her. With us now alone with our children, We laid down on the thick bed-like mat in the corner of the nursery meant to be safe for newborns in order to cuddle our babies all at once. We considered snuggling them all to sleep, but they wanted to play. Just as well, it’s midday after all. (<3) After a while the pups finally calmed down and were tired enough to sleep. While We were putting them in their cribs for safety, Celestia appeared at the door of the nursery, gently knocking on the doorframe. “Wiatr?” She quietly called out to us. “Hm, yes Tia?” We asked tenderly, feeling all tingly and content from having quality time with our offspring. We looked back at her from facing the cribs, already raising our tails and presenting our thicc fuckable ass even though We were still clothed. We leered hungrily at her, our children ignited the urge to breed within us again, but Celestia’s stern gaze cut our lust down. Gesturing for us to leave the nursery, she sighed in annoyance once the door was closed. “Dear, as much as I would like to rut you, I’m here to talk. I’m not going to just want sex whenever I’m around. You’re more than a lay to me.” Celestia huffed with a pout. “I know that’s mostly what our encounters before have been like, but as fellow Princesses, we can’t just be fucking around all the time. Literally or metaphorically.” “Sorry. It's a habit by now with how every time Cadence or Luna are around they tend to want to have fun. That and you don’t come around often.” We sighed and rubbed our ears. “What is it?” “It’s Luna, she has been taken.” Celestia informed us as she led us over to the dining table and we sat down. “Something from within Ash wants the Dark Soul. For what purpose I don’t know. All I know is that it’s not a good sign.” She sighed, placing her face in her hands. Dammit, Krimzon was right about today! It was going so well after that damn hellish stone too! “Great.” We sighed while fiddling with our fluffy tails. Oh, we still have dozens of tails. Um, okay, time to absorb all but two back. We’re not a Japanese kami. “We...can’t deal with it as much as We desperately want to. Our pups are upset and We’re worried about our other children too now.” “I get that, but I didn’t want you to find out about Luna’s plight in a report. You’re too close to us to treat you like a distant functionary or business partner.” Tia’s words made our heart flutter and We fluttered our eyes at her which made her blush. “Ahem, those Knights...do they belong to those Doom Marines?” Celestia questioned in an obvious deflection. We’ll let it go this time, because with her twin sister taken, she is clearly in no place for our usual shenanigans. “Yes.” We told her and she perked up when she felt our tails gently squeeze her thighs under the table. “They’re here to protect and assist us since We’re so close to their lords.” “Wiatr, don’t. I’m stressed out and worried about Luna’s safety. I’m in no mood.” Celestia morosely stated and We reluctantly pulled our grabby tails away. “Speaking of which, I have even more bad news. Twilight and the girls, save Fluttershy, are going to Ash as Hunters.” “What? Why?!” We yelped, trying not to jump to our paws and rush off half-assed. “It was her idea and their decision.” Tia declared with resignation. “I wish there was another way, but I can’t see one that doesn’t draw upon resources we need elsewhere. This is all we can do.” “Why her? Why did our Twily have to go?” We may not have spent much time together as mother/daughter, but she was important and precious to us. She was the one who really jump-started Willow’s quest, the one who established Unity even if she passed that honor on to us. Also Daring literally fucking gave birth to her and that’s really fucking important to us! “Even with all the risks and tradeoffs, she felt the need to save Luna superseded her other duties. If they don’t, the world will plunge into a vicious self-destructive cycle again.” Tia sighed sadly. “I’m not fond of this either, you know. If there was another way to save Luna, I’d take it.” She said as she clutched her hands together. “Why not Alucard and Seras? They came back with us and Alucard seems to know Luna. Or We could try summoning someone.” We offered up hopefully. “We don’t even know where he is.” Celestia huffed indignantly. “We never know when that charlatan will show up, drag Luna off on some half-cocked misadventure and return her looking like death warmed over yet somehow beyond satisfied.” “Great.” We sighed and leaned in to nuzzle her for comfort as We considered where Seras could be. We’ll have to ask our guards and the Sentinels to see if she’s around and could help. It shouldn’t be that hard, Thestrals are rare and Seras is as stacked as We are. “I don’t suppose your Doom Marine mates can help us?” Tia asked with a nuzzle back. “We’ll ask when they wake. Something happened that left them bedridden.” We grumbled. “What happened?” Tia wilted even more, making us feel terrible that yet another possibility of helping her sister wasn’t available. “We don’t know. We’re waiting for them to wake, but it involves the magic slab in the other room.” We grumbled. That Helix Stone is one hell of a trip down memory lane, We wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. “What is it? Why is a room of your home now a shrine to it?” Celestia pointed to the door leading to what We’ll probably call the Helix Shrine. The wall around the door and said door were all sharing the same motif as inside. “It’s something called the Helix Stone, we have no understanding of it.” We shook our head. “So you saw it?” Tia asked while she levitated one of the plates that was left out back to the kitchen. “Did it do anything?” “It showed us things. A lot of things.” Things most mortals wouldn’t be able to withstand such horror, but We’re a special kind of fucked-up. We’re far from mortal anyway. “Be more specific?” Celestia requested with an arched brow. “Their history. We won’t go into it, not without a lot of alcohol, or a lot of sex.” We groaned and used our tail hands to rub our huge ears as We rested our chin on our normal hands. “That sounds quite unpleasant.” Celestia put a hand on our thigh in support and We smiled thankfully for the gesture. “Yes, it was.” Though We’re understating that. “Perhaps some of their troops may want to help.” “Won’t they be needed here? Or to go home?” Celestia asked with a look towards the ceiling. “As much as I would love to study that, or have my scientists do, I’m far too worried about Luna. Unless it has an answer to saving Luna it’ll have to wait.” “I wouldn’t know.” I sighed in exasperation. It feels like there’s nothing we can-a gold badge with a red rapier on it fell onto the table in front of us making us both blink. “Is that a token? Did a Displaced just have their summoning token drop into our laps when it was the most convenient?” Celestia warily questioned as she kept away from the coin. “You’ll thank me later.” We twitched our ears, trying to pinpoint where that whisper came from. It was familiar...wait. Is this from that snake woman who explained why my newborns Hermais and Dongoruas were compelled to rape me? “This is a bit too convenient…” We muttered and We picked up the coin-like badge. “I am the Huntress of the Void. Summon me and I will slay the beasts of your world.” A female voice all but snarled in a bloodthirsty tone. The badge shimmered a deeper red during the whole speech, blood welling up from the blood-red rapier’s tip. Ugh, another edgy edgelord-wait. “You’re kidding? A badge, a huntress, blood. This can’t be possible! This is too convenient! It reeks of-!” A pink busty pony with extra fluffy fur and a long straight ponytail of darker pink in a victorian style coat and tricorn hat suddenly appeared from the shadows and booped our snoot. “This is your only warning missy!” She did the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture and then vanished back under the table after melting into shadows. “Pinkie? Wait, no she’s in Ash! Who was that?” We asked Tia fretfully, our mind having completely derailed from whatever We were thinking about. Wasn’t Pinkie with Twilight in Yharnam? Why did she seem buff and angry with her hair all straightened out?! “That’s just Pinkemena. She’s one of Twilight’s friends, don’t worry about it. She does that.” Celestia casually waved off the reality-breaking pink pony’s antics. “Just don’t think about what she warned you against and you won’t find yourself in her basement.” “W-what?!” She’s the thought police?! Willow is unreasonably terrified right now, but at least Daring and Svartr are calm enough to let us settle down. “W-whatever. Hey, We literally need someone to go to Yharnam for us to help our friends, would you kindly lend us aid?” “...Are you serious?” Echoed a calmer tone of voice from the token before a brain-hurting fissure in reality opened next to the table and out walked an anthro woman fully armored in the Cainhurst Knight set and even had a Reiterpallache and a Chikage on her hip. She even had Evelyn strapped to her thigh! Total vileblood role-player! “You need me to go to another version of Yharnam?” “Yes.” We said with a nod as Celestia looked around. “It’s the Painted World of Ash.” “Did you summon her?” Celestia asked in confusion for some reason. “Don’t worry that she can’t see me. Only unhinged or otherwise special people can see me aside from my summoner. Comes with being an Old One, or a New One considering I was relatively recently ‘reborn’.” The woman informed us casually as she moved a chair under the table. “So, where am I going to reach this painting and what is my overarching goal?” “Where is the Painted World of Ash, Tia?” We asked and she blinked in bemusement. “It’s been moved to my personal study since clearly the vault isn’t the safest place for it anymore.” Celestia’s words caused the woman to tilt her head and nod. “Why do you ask?” “Because the Displaced can’t be seen and I’m trying to help her get started. You’ll be going in to find and rescue Princess Luna, the owner of the Dark Soul. Oh, in this universe Yharnam is the Painted World made from the Pigment of the Dark Soul, so you’re going into the most visceral representation of the Dark Soul as well. There may be differences to your Yharnam.” We warned her and she nodded. “Got it. I’ve got the location and the task. I’m on my way.” The woman turned to leave but We cleared our throat. “Yes?” “Your name? We’re Wiatr, Goddess of Fertility, Sex, and Commerce.” We formally introduced ourselves and she whirled around. “Wait, Aventurine’s little sister?” Sister?! “Well, you definitely look and feel the part.” What’s this about us being her sister?! “Pardon if I keep a distance, I’m trying to keep away from further perversions for Victor’s sake. It’s bad enough my body is still changing and it’s getting harder to resist...urges.” “S-sister?” We were still shocked and unable to come to grips with the idea that Willow's Goddess considered us kin to the point of being siblings, but she never said any such thing to-Peers. She called us peers. That doesn’t...is time nonlinear between dimensions? “Ah...shit. You probably haven’t reached that point in your relationship yet. Damn it. Forget I said anything, don’t bring it up to her. Or do. Fuck, causality means, ugh. Whatever! Name’s Sam, I’ll go help bring your princess back.” Sam turned and vanished into another brain-hurting fissure in reality. “Okay, um. We have another Hunter helping us.” We sighed before looking back to Celestia. “Do you have another topic to get our mind off of how worried we all are?” “Princess Wiatr!” A Scinox called out to us before she approached, seeming a bit fidgety. “Um, Princess. Are you aware of the unique properties of Urta’s...ejaculate?” “What? That it shines turquoise, is hot enough to steam yet doesn’t hurt people, tastes really good?” We licked our lips and purred as our eyes drifted over to Urta, who was visibly in some sort of VR simulation that only needed her head to interact with while she was still endlessly milked from both her yoga ball boobs and her massive horsedick. “How about that it contains enough energy to be fuel for energy weaponry and has suspicious properties akin to Argent?” The robed and concealed demoness declared, causing both us and Celestia to blink at her in surprise. “With your permission, I would like to study Urta and her unusual semen. It could have immense value for bioscience.” “You’re not planning to weaponize her cum?” I asked in a bit of a surprise. “I’m a Scinox. I care about healing, not hurting. If someone else wants to do that, they’d better get in line.” The woman declared and We shared a look with Celestia. “Well, it’s up to Urta and you Wiatr, as her wife. Speaking of research however, I don’t suppose their Knights would mind letting us send some of our scientists over to study the Helix Stone?” Celestia hummed while she looked at the door to the stone. “It may help us learn more about how Hell’s magic and technology work differently from our own, especially with side-along research on Urta’s Argent-like semen.” “If you wish I’ll bring this up with the rest of the local R&D personnel. We won’t be able to do much ourselves without directives from Princess Visilia or someone else in our chain of command, but we otherwise have free reign while they’re gone. Do I have permission to study Urta?” The woman brought up again and We looked over at our baby ball of a wife. “Let us ask her first.” > Ch.51 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.51 Over the next two weeks the Scinoxes and Night Sentinels examined and studied Urta, who was a shameless tease to the scientists that couldn’t really object since her literal genitalia was the subject of study. Or rather, the diluted liquid Argent Semen her gonads and prostate produced instead of plain-old sperm. The Scinoxes were in a tizzy trying to figure out how she did it as well as the why while the less biologically inclined researchers used her milked cum in weapons testing. “Death by cumshot? Really?” Scoffed a Sentinel who loaded a fuel cell filled with Urta’s somehow Sanctified Hellish cum into a Hellshot rifle and aimed it downrange. “If this works I’ll-.” He fired a shot perfectly down the testing range We’d let them set up in our home. “...This world is fucking dumb.” “You’re dumb!” Urta gave a maniacal cackle at the fact her literal semen was being weaponized. “I still can’t believe you can literally kill people with cum.” Huffed a Scinox who was looking at data of scans of Urta’s reproductive organs. “Hey, if you think this is weird, Svartr has cunt-seeking-cum!” Urta declared playfully, causing us to fluff up in embarrassment. Who told her that?! We certainly didn’t! “You have what?! That sounds so hot!” “I think I’m good not firing magic impregnating semen at people.” The Sentinel deadpanned before removing the cell he used. “Still though, Urta here produces tons of this stuff daily, she could easily replace the local force’s munitions stores for our energy weaponry.” “Sweet! So I’m not just sitting here, getting so big and fat!” Urta aimed at us playfully, to which We fluffed up for a different reason. Damn it Urta! Stop kink-shaming us! Why did We admit to her that the idea of a pregnant woman getting thiccer naturally turned us on? “Ugh! Oh, c’mon! My gun!” The Sentinel growled out when some of Urta’s semen leaked out of it. “Shit…well I guess you can have this gun, Lady Urta. We’ll have to change the intake so the guns don’t get all gummed up with how much thicker your, uh, product is.” “Good news everyone!” Called Rathazul, the master alchemist rat, or rather, Skaven, that once led that village Urta saved in Rodenas which is now once-more Carim. “I have developed a new concoction from Urta’s male ejaculate! I’ll call it: Goo Go~!” Rathazul dramatically declared as he held up a glowing blue vial. “It’ll cause a massive detonation upon being electrified! Easily several magnitudes more potent than TNT or modern shaped charges.” “That’s a dumb name Rath, just call it Sap-Zap. You get the sticky gooey part and the electric part in the same two syllables but it’s actually relevant.” The Sentinel stated. “I’ll name it what I want! Hm...Sap-Zap sounds good!” Rathazul declared in senility and the Sentinel huffed in annoyance. “How goes the research?” We were brought out of the conversation by Celestia approaching. “It goes well, how goes the search for local researchers for the Helix Stone?” We asked Tia when We approached her and joined her in walking away from the controlled chaos that was Urta and the researchers around her. “Krimzon gave arcanotech specialists from my university permission to research the stone, but we all agree they’ll need to be watched closely. Out of all the qualified ponies I have at my disposal, only a dozen or so were willing to even go near a relic of Hell. I also have personal misgivings about several of them.” Celestia admitted with a sigh. “Well, it’s better we learn something from it. We have it, it’s not going anywhere. We’ll keep a close watch, count on it.” We promised Celestia, who smiled gratefully, then looked back towards Urta as she gasped and groaned in orgasm, pumping the milkers more at the behest of the researchers so they have even more of her magic cum to work with. “Yeah, she has that effect on people who aren’t prudes.” “Ah, um. Could we…?” Celestia asked a bit sheepishly with a bite of her lip and We tittered before taking her hand and heading towards our room. (<3) The arcanotech scientists were constantly watched by the Night Sentinels while they worked, always being followed around. Six of them in particular were monitored even more than the rest. They tended to give dirty looks towards their watchers and We don’t think it’s about being watched 24/7. No, this was something more. “So, you think Hell is getting to them?” We asked Celestia conversationally from our new ‘throne’. It was just an overly plush and fancy chair We apparently ‘needed’ in case anyone in Unity wanted to meet us officially for something the Mayor couldn’t manage. It was at the end of a blue carpet running from the doors towards the back of the main chamber. Behind our new throne, curtains were put up so Urta and her own R&D could have privacy. Urta didn’t mind, but her attendants did. They didn’t like the idea just anybody could waltz in and see them getting fairly intimate with a quite intimate part of someone else. We still think the Scinoxes must have all had hysterectomies or something, they have no libido at all. If We were them, there’s no way We could resist getting very intimate with male genitals when they’re so big, plump, juicy-brain come back~! “I think so. While they have been doing their jobs, they’ve been making some rude remarks about the Night Sentinels and the Doom Marines.” Tia informed us while she paced in front of us. Since the throne had a sort of charm that made anyone looking on from afar not notice anything ‘unusual’, she felt at ease enough to show her feelings. “If they start worshiping Hell, We’re eating them.” We growled, only to hear a voracious gurgle behind us. “Or we’ll feed them to you Urta. You need to eat more than milk and cum.” We leaned around the throne, looking back at our engorged baby ball of a wife through the slim opening in the curtain. Urta was easily a few feet bigger than two weeks ago, but We didn’t anticipate that impregnating her with pony foals would cause the rest of the babies to match their gestation period, so she was gonna be there for nearly a year, getting fatter. Something she didn’t mind at all and loved teasing us about along with tormenting her non-Scinox attendants to the point of fluster. “Sounds good babe.” Urta moaned sleepily, dozing off as the researchers had just finished coaxing her to orgasm with electro-stimulus. Because of course the Scinoxes are too good to just get in there and-ahem. Different society of people Wiatr. Don’t disparage them. “That’s if the Night Sentinels doesn’t get to them first.” Celestia said with a knowing smirk. Having become accustomed to them the past month. “The rest of the other scientists and mages are in the clear, though I think they’re starting to see the Doom Marines as Gods instead.” “We have no clue how they’ll react to that.” We mused, rubbing our chin with consideration. “Nor what that will do to them, if anything.” “Either way, it seems we have an understanding on how these ‘Crucible’ weapons are created. It’s just that we might not have the resources to make one. Except for the Night Sentinels, but they won’t give us the materials.” Tia sighed while rubbing her forehead. “Not that I blame them, with how these six act and behave. Have I made the wrong decision?” “Regardless of whether or not you did, We want to eat them or feed them to Urta.” We huffed. We hate Hell and all who worship it for obvious reasons. “You can’t, not yet. As much as I would want to let you do it, we’ll lose a lot of information. They’re hiding something, I just know it.” Tia leered over at the shrine door where most of the research was contained within, several guards were posted outside it with more inside. “Fine.” We huffed in frustration. “Sorry Urta, no extra protein today.” “Aw…” (<3) After two months of research and still no word from Yharnam, there was thankfully a lot of progress on utilizing Urta’s semen in outstanding ways. It wasn’t just good for making man-portable high-explosives or fuel cells for energy weaponry for instance. With Rathazul’s aid, the Scinoxes even discovered that Urta’s biological Argent was an astounding base for salves and accelerating recovery speeds. Of course, though since it was still semen at base, the prudes were hesitant to use it for these reasons. Seriously, why the fuck do they-argh, no disparaging people with different sensibilities Wiatr. However, during those two months the six acerbic arcanotech specialists were becoming bolder in their opinions about the Doom Marines and the Night Sentinels, becoming judgemental and looking down upon them. They were being outright jackasses to everyone, but Celestia insisted We stay our hand and not feed them to our ever-growing currently-literal trophy wife. The only thing that finally made us all snap was when they brought up the children We had with Berserker and Hunter, saying that they should be handed over to them for scientific purposes, not even bothering to disguise it as being for medical reasons. So We tried to arrest them for threatening the Royal Family only for them to teleport out and escape our clutches. Our pups were all safe, thankfully, but the research materials and information they’ve made outside of the other researchers was gone. A nasty blow considering they were some of the brightest. “We’re going to slowly torture them and feed them alive to Urta hooves first.” We snarled as we paced around in the lab built into the shrine that was still in our home. It was just a few doors down from our family’s living quarters, yet it might as well have been a world away with dimensional magic shenanigans making barriers like walls seem continents apart. “We don’t even know where they headed off to. We can’t track them down.” Krimzon told us with a snort. “Cowards. All six of them.” “We’re still feeding them to Urta if we catch them.” We snarled furiously at the net loss this represented. Not only do they threaten us and our family, but they also made off with all the research they hadn’t released yet. Clearly their demand for our children was merely their announcement that they were done here and ready to leave. “I really wish our Lords would wake the fuck up, we need them. Hell would try to make an assault here, if those six actually have found a way to bring an entire horde into this world with speed compared to their slow-boil efforts thus far.” Krimzon said before looking back at the other scientists. “Continue working.” They nodded and got back to it with the help from the Night Sentinels since the rest have proven their Loyalty by now. To be Honest, they seemed happy to be rid of those six asses and We couldn’t blame them. “Great.” We sighed as We trudged towards the exit of the lab. The shrine had expanded itself as time went on, getting deeper and bigger with more hellish architecture, but kept to the blue stone of the region. Everyone keeps assuring us that it was the Helix Stone simply emulating it’s ‘home’. That said, while disturbing it was still benign apparently, so We’ll accept having a spooky shrine so long as nobody follows those assholes to Hell. “You think the girls will be alright? Twilight and them, I mean.” Krimzon, why do you bring this up? Part of why all this is going on here is because We don’t want to dwell on what We can’t deal with ourselves. “We think they are capable, but We still worry despite having sent Samantha after them.” We replied as We opened the door and left it open for Krimzon to follow. “Berserker would’ve probably been the best bet to go there and save Princess Luna.” Krimzon commented as he closed the door shut behind him. Thankfully the Hellish architecture didn’t extend outside beyond a few feet of the door. “We can guess considering how Bloody Ash is. Has he woken up yet?” We asked hopefully when We approached our throne, which has been updated to a real one lately. We don’t like that We need to have it, but damn if it isn’t somehow more comfortable than the plush chair We’d been using until it arrived a week ago. “No.” Krimzon shook his head. “Although, soon enough they will awaken.” “Good.” We sighed as We turned around and plopped our thicc yet firm booty in our unbelievably comfy red metal throne with white cushions and groaned in relief. “Permission to bring more troops and armor here?” Krimzon requested with a more formal attitude. He always tended to do that when We were either in this throne or in a commanding mood. “Of course. Especially considering with the most skilled warrior of our wives indisposed We don’t have much in the way of personal protection for the children.” We sighed in lament that the said wife is currently a beautiful busty baby ball with a bulging baby batter bazooka bumping up our bombshell production. “I’m skilled! I fought wars with Svartr as my enemy for years…I just realized how awkward this is going to be whenever you can finally hear me.” “Sorry babe. I’ll drink your milk if it’s that much of an issue.” Urta called through the curtain behind our throne. “No. Having those babies in you means they’re not running around complicating things even more Urta.” We looked back around the chair at our massive 15-foot across wife, still happily getting endlessly milked in her pool, the other two pools were flattened out so the lab that grew around her would have space. Of course, since she’s been steadily growing more and more massive, the lab has had to move equipment at least weekly. “Alright, I’ll make the arrangements. By the way, take this.” Krimzon held out a comically large earphone to us. “Someone wants to speak to you.” Taking it from his hand, We put it on our huge foxy right ear. It was interesting how it hooked around the pinna and held the speaker facing our ear. With that, Krimzon gave a short bow before he left the room. “Thank you. Hello?” We asked into the radically different bluetooth device. “Hello darling.” We gasped as We heard Visilia’s voice on the other side. Though, what’s with the ‘darling’ bit? She isn’t usually this tender or warm, even to us. “How have you been?” “Worried, angry, trying to figure out what to do to work out the frustration six certain assholes have caused us.” We growled as We tapped the arms of our throne. “We’ve heard of that. The reports have recently come in. Berserker and them won’t be happy.” Visilia sighed. “We know. Are you okay?” We asked with concern as We leaned back in our adjustable throne and tried not to get aroused by her voice. We really do have a burning flame for her, she also has a voice that just made us shiver. Plus being in the same chamber as Urta turned us on, especially when she got to moaning and making all kinds of lewd noises, like right now. The researchers must have decided they need more Argent to work with. “I’m doing fine. Though I sense you’re frustrated in so many ways you either want to kill something or fuck someone, just to get your rocks off.” Visilia commented casually, causing us to purse our lips. She’s being oddly forward compared to before...what’s going on? “Yes, not sorry about that, but many are too worried to think about sex here at the moment besides Honey and Cocoa. Urta has been well. what with her being an immobile ball of babies and Sabrina is taking care of things at her coven. Celestia is...worried, Cadence is worried about something on the border of the Empire and Twilight is in a painting that is also a world. Then there’s the fact We’re stuck without even Spike available beyond our early evening visits with the children.” We sighed after We’d summed up just how bogged-down everyone was. Even Cocoa and Honey being available in the evening hasn’t been much of a balm on our concerns. It also didn’t help that Nobles were starting to show up here and badger us. We may be the Princess of the Everfree, but damn it, most of these petty things can be taken to the mayor! We don’t care if birds have decided to poop on your house you snobs! I will laugh behind your backs because Fluttershy told me they target your houses because you’re jerks! “Well...shit.” Visi cursed with surprise. Clearly she wasn’t expecting things here to be that bad on the homefront. “Yeah.” We sighed and spread our legs to get comfortable. We bit our lip when We began caressing our body, listening to Urta groan and the pump whirring as another of her orgasms forced it to keep up with her magical fluid production. “You’re not even in your room, are you?” Visilia asked with a surprising amount of honey in her voice. “We’re sitting on our throne, but it is enchanted to hide anything that would be considered unusual.” We sighed and peered behind us through the opening in the curtain at Urta, seeing her panting and moaning, quivering her ball of a body and trying to get off even harder as a Scinox stimulated her body with a remote control linked to the pleasure pads adhered to her boobs, penis and out of sight in the pool, her balls. We fucking swear, only Scinoxes could do something so incredibly kinky and not at all be aroused by it. Ugh~ why couldn’t they have libidoes?! “I know you’re getting horny from just hearing my voice and considering where you are, Urta isn’t helping either. Maybe you should get to bed or at least spend some quality time with Urta behind the privacy curtain.” Visi purred at us, making us look up at the chamber-spanning huge ceiling-to-floor blue stage curtains that were always pulled at least mostly shut since the researchers didn’t like onlookers. Which sucked because Urta didn't like being hidden, she enjoyed the idea of being shown off to everyone. At least We get to open the curtains when the researchers aren’t around. “Okay, oh hold on. Girls!” We joyfully called out to Sabrina, Cocoa, and Honey entering since it was the evening “What are your plans?” “Cocoa was going to spend time with wife Urta.” Cocoa licked her chops and she began unbuttoning her blouse which was stained with all manner of mess from tending unruly children all day. Oh yeah, it’s about time for the researchers to go home too. “Same.” Sabrina agreed before she rushed over to the kitchen and shoved the groceries she was carrying into the fridge before running to catch up with the dog who was sauntering towards the curtains that the researchers were vacating in a hurry upon seeing our sexy dog and cat approaching. Prudes~! “I’m just going to bed, today’s been tiring.” Honey wrote in the air with her golden magic and she yawned as she went to the bathroom, likely for her evening constitutions while our other two wives moved over to our immobile baby ball, tittering as they pulled the curtain shut. We sighed, realizing they didn’t feel like doing anything with us tonight. To be fair, We have been fairly dry compared to our usual libidinous the past months, so they likely expect We’re not in the mood right now. “At any rate, only the few breeding sessions We’re still obliged to do has kept us from running off to kill something, or rut someone for a week straight. We split for those though and it’s not the same as when We’re fused. We get satisfied individually, even if all of us cum from the sympathetic orgasms, We aren’t getting off as Wiatr and We’re still frustrated.” “So I’ve heard. So the others have been busy, did you miss me?” Visi questioned. “Yes, your voice is sexy.” We chuckled before We got up and quickly left the main chamber for our private room and tried not to wish We were behind that curtain too right now, giving Urta’s mast of maleness the respect it deserves. “Hm, is that so~?” Visi crooned, sending shivers down our spine. “Yes, our sexy Succubus Alicorn.” We cooed to her before We jumped onto our massive bed, getting the bedroom to ourselves was a rare thing even with how busy everyone has been. “Enough to drive you crazy, wanting nothing more than to fuck me silly~?” Visi lilted, her breathing was getting a bit heavy. Um, is she...she is! “Take those skilled hands of yours and run them all over me?” “Yes!” We huffed and rubbed our crotch through our dress, lamenting that even loose clothing hid male genitals quite well. “What else do you want to talk about? We’re sure sex wasn’t it.” “What if I did?” Visi had an audible pout to her tone and We snickered. “Visi, it’s not like you to be this forward and playful. What’s up?” She’s being uncharacteristically warm and flirty. Not that We object, but this isn’t like her and We want to make sure she’s okay. “I’m lonely. I’ve been watching my boys sleep for ages and I remembered how good it felt to be with Berserker and Hunter, how good it felt with you and…*sigh* whatever, you somehow managed to kill my mood. Did you see it?” Visilia suddenly changed the topic and We were surprised that We were the one to cunt-block someone. Oof! We feel like We just got stabbed in the ovaries~! Ugh...note to selves, derailing someone’s lust when it’s justified is bad for us. “See what?” We asked as We rubbed our abs, trying to soothe the pain We’d inadvertently caused ourselves. “Their memories from the Helix Stone.” Visi clarified and We growled. “Yes, We’re still angry.” We huffed, a bit thankful for something to distract from the pain. “Well, it does more than just that. It seems to help with communications across dimensions. Not only that, but Todd felt as if someone or a group of people were praying to it.” Visilia warned us with her voice full of venom. “That would be some of our researchers. Six of them wanted to experiment on our pups and started worshiping hell, while the others are maybe worshiping the boys.” We informed our mate. “Figures. Seems Hell promised them something they couldn’t refuse.” Visi sighed as clattering echoed through her end of the line. “Yes, We’re going to feed them to Urta.” We snarled vindictively. “Alright, hold on.” Visi must’ve taken off her earpiece before setting it down. We heard voices from her side that We couldn’t quite make out. “Wiatr, they’re awake!” “Really?!” We squeaked in joy as We jolted to a sitting position. “Yes! I’m heading over to see them! Don’t hang up, I’m muting myself.” Visilia practically gushed happily before the line went silent but didn’t disconnect. We finished undressing as We waited and before long the line opened up. “Alright, they’re a little shaken up, but they’re fine.” “Thank goodness.” We sighed as We laid back down on our bed. “Easy, Bryan! Take it easy. Don’t rush.” Visilia chided. “Fucking Hell.” We heard Berserker’s voice growl from what We guessed was his failed attempt to stand up. “Calm down, you and your brothers have been asleep for some time now.” Visilia told him. “It felt like I was reliving a bad memory. Oh, wait, we were all fucking reliving bad memories. What’s been happening lately?” Berserker demanded immediately and We rolled our eyes at him immediately getting to business. “A lot has happened.” Visilia started before she gave him a brief rundown on what has transpired. We tuned out most of it, since it was things they were dealing with in their home dimension that they hadn’t wanted to involve us in, but eventually she got to what was going on over here. “Are Wiatr and the pups alright?” Our heart skipped a beat when he asked about us. “They are. Here.” Visilia said before obviously handing him the phone. Ow! The mic scratching is not nice on our poor sensitive fennec ear~! “Wiatr?” Berserker asked. “H-hey.” Is that all We’re going to say?! Say something Bitch! “Wiatr, are you okay? Are the pups alright?” Berserker frantically asked and We were so happy to just hear him that We were choking up! Speak THOT! “Th-the pups are okay, but We had some Hell Worshipers that wanted to...do things to them. We tried to deal with them, but they ran off. We’re okay too.” We told him, our shared heart pounding in our chest. “Holy shit he has you three by the ovaries…” “Shit. Hold on, I’m-argh!” He grunted in pain as We heard him falling over. “Fucking dammit!” He growled as whoever was with him helped him back up. “Are you okay?” We mewled with our heart sinking into our stomach. “No, I’m not! I’m pissed that I can’t stand!” He yelled, but We knew it was aimed at himself. “Goddammit!” “Sorry.” We mewled. If it was just Willow on the phone, We’d be whimpering like the submissive she is. Thank gosh Daring and Svartr have more spine to them or We’d be a sobbing mess in worry. “It’s not your fault babe. It looks like we’re still bedridden for now.” Berserker grumbled and We calmed down a good bit. “Oh, but you’re okay?” We questioned as We snuggled our big fluffy tails. “I’m not sure. I feel different and I’m not sure how.” He sighed and We hoped it wasn’t serious. “Okay, We miss you.” We said with full Honesty. While he grated on us, We missed him because he provided us a sense of security despite how volatile he is. It seems like ever since he and Hunter left, things just spiraled out of control. “Same. Visi, could you head over there and watch over our mate?” Berserker asked her, his words filling us with a heady warmth. “Alright, but first what would our son’s name be?” Visi asked him about their son, reminding us that she’d withheld naming her son herself, something about her firstborn needing to be named by their sire, whether male or female. It was a tradition where the name granted by the sire rather than the mother supposedly provided strength and stability to the child and all children after. Aka: silly old traditions that as a Royal, Visi was expected to follow. “Rex.” Berserker answered and We snorted. “Naming him King?” We chuckled as We used our tails to move pillows down between our thighs to get comfy. “Nothing wrong with that.” Berserker snorted. “Visilia is on her way there.” “Okay.” We sighed in relief as We laid back. “Hope you can help Twilight and Sam if they aren’t back when you’re well.” “I’ll have to head on over there and unfuck the bloody situation. She and the others shouldn’t have gone through with that bullshit.” He said in disapproval. “Even if it was for Luna’s sake.” “We weren’t here to tell her not to. We were busy in Carim with a Hell incursion.” He already got that bit of news earlier, but he just woke up, so We knew he might need reminding. “Right. I better lie down, talk to you later. Take care, alright?” Berserker stated, clearly reining in raw concern and fury at the fact We’d been involved in a battle with Hell. “We will, bye love.” We sighed when the line hung up. We were still finding some of his tone annoying, but We’re really growing to love him, Hunter and Visi. We just had to cope with Berserker’s harsh, but meaningful tone and his jump to punching things in the face more often than not. “Ugh, We still have a bit of chub.” We grunted over how puffy our pussy still was with all the sexual tension We were experiencing going from horny to not and back. We sighed and let our male genitals out, caressing it idly as We considered how to kill our boner. > Ch.52 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.52 “I suppose you need help with that.” We heard Visilia’s voice when she entered the bedroom, making us jump in surprise. Wasn’t she just a dimension away a second ago? “If you do, We may just put a foal in that delicious womb of yours.” We chuckled and groped our heavy cantaloupe-sized balls at the sight of her when We posed for her with a vulpine grin. “Ah, ah, ah.” Visi wagged her finger at us playfully. “You know my statement still stands and you will stand by it as well. Otherwise I’ll leave you with blue balls.” “Ah, please~?” We begged while moving to kneel in front of her. “We’ll do anything for you in exchange and We’ll fawn over you even more.” We've been practicing on Urta, so We know how good at it We are by now. “As tempting as it is, my answer is no and that’s final.” Visi declared firmly. We whined, but nuzzled her legs as she neared the bed. “Okay, but how much longer?” We asked as We began worshiping our lovely demon princess, running our hands up and down her legs, our tail hands going behind her to do the same for her backside. She grinned when We did that. “Until I have had all of the Doom Marines’ babies.” Visi chuckled as she pet our head. “Had any more yet?” We whined when We sniffed her a bit, noting Berserker and Hunter’s scent on her along with other potent and musky scents. “Nope.” Visilia answered with a bit of extra pop to the P. She wasn’t just being coy either, she had a disappointed inflection in her tone. “We’ll ask Hunter the next time We see him.” We chuckled before We helped her raise her left leg up onto the bed to kiss her hoof as We kept below her belt, letting her take charge as our cock throbbed and she shucked off her clothes with her magic, tossing them onto a chair after she revealed her fit and curvy blood-red body. “Alright dear. Let’s actually get into the bed.” Visi purred when she lifted our face up from her leg and pushed us onto our back, crawling atop us on her hands and knees. Our tails twitched under us as the demoness eyed us hungrily. “My, aren’t you tasty Wiatr. You’ve been working out.” Visi growled as she pinned us under her, her hands groping our biceps as she licked her lips while her eyes practically fucked us all on their own. Hot damn she’s thirsty! “We cheated with magic soul-infusion tinctures.” We admitted when Visi sat back with her tight bubbled ass pressed against our throbbing fox-cock as she drank in our definition with her eyes, her hands going under our breasts to trace our upper abs. “D-don’t~! We’re ticklish!” “Get used to it. Unf, I could grate onions on these abs~...” Visi drooled and We think We found one of her kinks. Hot damn, no wonder the boys get her going so well, those guys are really muscular too if not as rock solid as We’ve become. “Gosh Wiatr, can you crack walnuts with your ass? Crush melons with your thighs?” Visi panted and ran her hands over us faster. “Try demon heads. We can also change into anything you want, even clothing. Just don’t sleep while wearing us. We might not stay as clothes and you could get slimed like Daring was.” We warned her while she continued to run her hands over our muscles. “We could pose for you too.” “Hng! Noted, but let’s just enjoy ourselves. We’re both stressed out, so no transformations and as little foreplay as possible.” Visi declared as she licked her lips and didn’t seem sure of where to start with us. Chugging those Vitality Tinctures was genius! “We would find it fun if you could live out any fantasy you have, but okay, We’ll follow your lead.” We huffed in frustration since We would impregnate her if We were given an inch right now. We were so stressed and she was so lovely and wise and much smarter than us. We whined as our balls got heavy, gurgling for her as they pumped a bit of cum out just at the sight of her breathtaking curvaceous body sitting on our lower stomach and she jolted in surprise of getting a bit of basting on her booty and lower back, instinctively teleporting off of us. “Sorry!” We yelped in embarrassment, but Visi just blinked and smiled deviously after recovering. “I knew you were pent up, but wow.” Visi giggled before looking us over. “Don’t move, stay lying on your back for me.” She commanded with a horny grope of her motherly G-cups. We nodded and stayed where We were, but widened our legs a bit as she eyed our swollen fuzzy nutsack. We had shut off the expanding part of our nuts, mostly for convenience since our pent up state when We’re fused together for the past ten weeks had them too big to move, a bit the same with our breasts, but they still grew a little. Our balls were the size of basketballs now, throbbing to breed. Unf, why now of all times for the breeders to take a vacation?! “Aw, you poor thing~.” Visi cooed, bringing her hands down to our balls and massaging them, which was both incredibly pleasurable yet very painful at the same time. “Are you pent up?” “Yes~! We can’t breed our other mates with Urta already carrying who knows how many from all of us and the takers for the program just want one of us. We want another, our body is begging, but We don’t want to overwhelm the others right now and no girl wants us in full.” We sniffled as our cock spurted cum like pre with just how bad it was getting, splashing Visi in the face, tits, and hands. She only smirked and licked some of it off her lips, making our balls audibly gurgle. “Hm~, how flexible are you?” Visi asked, which confused us. “We’re goo. We can bend over twice if We become soft enough.” We huffed as We humped her hands while she massaged our balls. We could feel them pulse and hear them gurgle again. “Why?” “Well, it’s a good thing you took off your dress, I’ll do the rest.” Visilia mischievously smirked and We yelped when she lifted our lower body up by the ass, curling us so our cock was sandwiched between our tits and pressing into our face. “There we go.” She giggled, patting our ass as our cock drooled on us. “You don’t have a dick you didn’t want to show us?” We asked as cum covered our face, our tails rubbing her crotch. “Because We would love that and let you do more to us.” “Shut up and start licking your glans. I’ll be munching your muff.” Visillia ordered us before she began tonguing our labia as her hands groped our bubblicious yet firm booty. “Oh Ave yes.” We snarled before We started to do as told. We only got a few licks in before We spotted one of our mischievous Chaos children floating off to the side. She giggled and held up a claw with her fingers ready to snap. “You snap those fingers and I’ll snap them right off.” Visilia threatened, knowing what the child was likely up to. She seemed especially upset even with her chin dripping with our fem-slime. “I like pain.” She giggled, oh fuck, not her. She gets too into tormenting demons. My little sadomasochist snapped her claws and turned into an iridescent horsecock that looked like it could belong to my licking mate, it even had a strap and heavy balls. “All of the cum from me would be you. Or mama, if you wish to use her cum.” “Go bother some Caribou cunt.” Visillia harshly snapped. “Done with my quota, came for lunch. I’m not giving you a dick that’s part of you, just a toy.” She whined pitifully. “Yeah, a toy filled with cum.” Visi retorted. “Not in you, you’d use it in mama! Hump her with it, the other end won’t squirt cum in you, just make you feel good with each thrust.” The chaos girl explained. “You just want to impregnate her.” Visi growled and We weren’t exactly looking forward to the idea of birthing even more of the little hellions. Well...yet. “Daddy did it, but I want to help you. I don’t want kids related to me, but I have an impregnation fetish.” She giggled. “I swear to God, Wiatr, I will murder her if you don’t tell her to fuck off!” Visillia snarled and she pulled our cock out from our mouth. “Leave.” We hacked as the little one whined at her offer being rejected. “Do as your mother says.” Visilia sternly affirmed. At this the crazy little toddler draconequus winked out of existence with a sob, making us feel a little bad. “You didn’t like the idea?” Because, to be honest, if that chaos dildo would’ve somehow had Visi’s cum, We would’ve totally gone for that. “Of course not. I don’t care if she’s a Draconequus, she’s still a child and I won’t tolerate that sort of thing.” Visi huffed in disgust. “We’ve only gotten used to their raunchy shenanigans because of the first time with us not having a choice in the matter and they keep using their powers for perverted things.” We sighed before We went back to sucking our vulpine cock while Visilia started licking us again. “Mm~” She purred, her tongue licking at our outer lips before plunging her surprisingly long tongue into our depths. “Ah! Visi!” We whined, our female anatomy already climaxing from how bad We needed it. We wish she really did have a cock, We’d fuck her nonstop! “Sorry! We haven’t done it in this body in weeks!” “Damn, you’re a real squirter!” Visi panted as our pussy kept cumming, with her trying to drink as much as she could, gulping noisily as she actually quaffed our copious fem-cum.   “Ah! Fuck! Can’t stop! Please put something in us! Breed us!” We begged before getting back to sucking our cock to gag us so we stopped begging for her nonexistent cock. “Sheesh.” Visi huffed as our pussy stopped cumming. We whined in apology but kept sucking our glans. Smiling, she moved towards our balls and started licking them. “Hm~, sorry, our body wants to breed in any way right now. We’re daydreaming of cocks.” We whined before We tongued our urethra and sucked again while using our breasts to add friction when We used our tails to grope and massage Visi’s breasts. “Keep giving yourself head until you blow your load, make sure you drink every drop of it.” Visi commanded us, sucking on one of our bloated balls. We nodded, doing as told. While We were performing autofellatio, Visi kept worshiping our oversized cum factories. We whined and gagged as We sucked down our delicious pre while letting Visi work us more and more. “Hm~” Visi moaned on our balls, sending shivers up our spine. We petted her head with a tail while the other rubbed her pussy. “Hm, hmph!” We groaned at feeling ready to cum. She noticed and edged us on with a hearty grope of our b-ball sized nuts and even fucking motorboated our balls, making us cum and drink our own load, the sound of us gulping was loud. We huffed around our dick while We swallowed and had to clench our muscles to keep our swelling belly from pushing it out of our greedy thirsty maw. Soon though, We popped free from our belly filling too much to stay curled up and We panted as We sprayed more cum all over us. Our balls had shrunk, but not all the way, still the size of grapefruits. “We think We’re still pent up, but not as much.” “Alright, my turn.” Visi panted, crawling onto us and turning around until her quim was in our face. “Get licking.” She demanded before she grabbed our cock and started sucking us off. We snorted in agreement and began to lick her cunt hungrily, even with our newly inflated belly acting as an extra cushion for her. “Not to ruin the mood, but We think you would look great with a cock, it doesn’t have to be a big one either.” We said, hoping she wouldn’t be mad, it was just an image in our head. “Well, I wouldn’t mind having a cock.” Visi replied, fingering our pussy and jacking us off as she spoke. “It would be interesting…”   “We could give you one using some potions We’ve learned to brew with some help from Rathazul. You wouldn’t lose your femininity at all. Not like the lust demon crap that is normally used.” Thankfully the Handmaiden could produce refined versions of transformatives. “Bryan listed Lust Demons as his second most hated enemy.” Visi casually informed us as she squeezed the knot of our dick. “That’s Berserker’s real name by the way.” “Wouldn’t he be mad that you told us?” We asked as We let a tail fish out one of our successful brews from our cleavage. “Here, the latest potion We’ve made.” Visi sighed. “Just because I’m curious about it, doesn’t exactly mean I want to try it out right now.” She huffed, giving our penis a sudden downward jerk, making us involuntarily thrust our hips when something popped like a loose joint and was followed by a similar relief. Penises can do that?! Wait, WIllow’s faint memories from before her Displacement confirm that yes, they can. “We’re not saying to do it now.” We chuckled, before kissing her clitoris. “It’s just a gift.” “Oh! Well, thank you.” Visi said, taking the potion and using her magic to put it away...somewhere. Why doesn’t she just use her Inventory? Surely she’s lived here long enough to have obtained one from the world weaving around her passive magic. “We don’t have one to take dicks away ready yet, We’re close though.” We huffed as Visi’s fingers got really into a good spot of our snatch. “At least you told me.” Visi said before licking at our glans. “Now, where were we~?” “Right here, now, let's get you dinner.” We growled as We started vigorously eating her out, finding her delicious and loving her taste, like cinnamon schnapps. “You’re so tasty!”   “Mm~” Visi moaned, taking our cock deep into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. We moaned before digging in and shoving our muzzle into her pussy, licking deep into her love canal and thrusting our tongue deeper. Groaning, she ground against our muzzle which made us purr as We started working her hot box the best We could. “You like our muzzle?” We giggled, using some magic from Svartr to talk through a mouth We summoned on our tail in front of her face. “Mhm.” Visi hummed in confirmation. We purred and bucked a little into her mouth as We drove our muzzle deeper, trying the lick her more. We groaned and huffed as We felt her suck our dragon, canine, horse hybrid of a cock. The ribs, flare and knot all twitched in her mouth and throat. She didn’t even gag, but of course she needed to come back up for air before swallowing it all back down. “Oh, baby!” We moaned as We felt our balls grow a little heavier. We licked her cervix as We did some goo changes to our tongue. We felt her body shiver and her hands fondled our balls as she picked up her pace. Her mouth and throat working us, We started bucking hard as our orgasm started to build, our body convulsing in its slightly gooey state. “Hm~!” Visi moaned loudly, reaching her climax as We reaped the rewards, drinking in her spicy nectar. We lapped it up, kissing her cervix when We pressed her head down our shaft with a tail as far as she could go while We came and focused on her next orgasm already even though she barely came down from the first one. “Hmph~!” “We’re going to give you many orgasms lover.” We huffed and let her up for air as We lapped at her cunt, planning on giving her ten before We put our dick in this glorious cunt. “Mmph!” Visi groaned as her eyes started to roll up and We purred when We rolled us both over until We lay atop her. There We began licking, kissing and digging into her snatch even more powerfully, sensing her second orgasm coming. “Hng~!” She moaned as she climaxed again and We gushed cum into her gullet, which she drank with eager aplomb. Eight more to go. “We love you so much. We want to shower you with gifts, bring you pleasure and let you enjoy life.” We huffed before going down in her again, our tails groping her breasts sandwiched between our belly and cock. We spent over an hour making her orgasm, each one sending her reeling yet rebounding, hungry for more. She’d cum a total of nine times and now We were on the last one. “Almost there!” “Hm~!” Visi squealed, her nostrils flaring with each breath she took as she kept sucking us off even now. Her belly was squished under our weight with how much it’d filled with cum. We grunted as our balls begged, but We edged off and We dug our face into her mound again, licking away as We thrust our muzzle into her like a cock. “Would you marry us?” We asked as pre leaked in her throat. Visi choked a bit and pulled off, coughing. “What?” She asked with a pant. “We want to marry you.” We huffed while still trying to make her orgasm, licking her more. “Already?” Visi questioned with a shiver. “What do you mean already? Did you forget who We are?” We groaned when our dick twitched, “We loved the months you had been here, even if it was just parts of us at a time. Svartr loved the sparring, Daring loved you’re cooking, stories and how you would handle the day to day things.” We groaned as our balls gurgled and surged with need. “W-Willow loves how strong you are and how much you’re in control of your life.” Visi didn’t say anything to us, making us wonder if We jumped the gun too soon. We were going to ask if she was alright, but moaned when she got back to sucking us off. We weren’t sure if that meant yes or no, but We didn’t think much of it. So We went back to pleasuring her, feeling our balls getting ready to burst. We felt her vagina twitch as We buried our muzzle deeper when We started cumming. We tried holding off but We couldn’t any longer and our nuts busted. Visilia gulped our entire length down to the knot as We came, pumping our load into her stomach, feeling her belly swelling up from how much We were cumming. It was enough to make her cum for the tenth time. Pulling out our muzzle, We groaned when We tempered off our orgasm, wanting to save a bit more as We encouraged Visilia to pull off. Once We did, We attacked her with a tongue filled kiss. “We love you, We’ll give you more climaxes if you wish!” We huffed, fingering her as We showered her with kisses and nuzzled her neck. She panted for breath, holding up a hand for us to stop. “Visi?” We whined as We backed off. “What about the boys? I’m Berserker’s first mate.” Visilia demanded sternly, which was so damn hot considering she was matted with sweat and cum. “We...We haven’t spent as much time with them, but We wouldn’t mind Berserker and Hunter. Including the others once We get to know them, but We’ve been with you for almost a year now, even if We never spent time together with us in our truest form.” We sniffled, hoping We weren’t being rejected. “I know, but how is it fair on Berserker? I’ve known him and been with him before meeting you and you expect me to marry you before him?” Visi asked with confusion. “N...no.” We hiccuped, curling up a bit at our selfishness and scooted away from her, feeling like this might be it. “Wiatr, I’m not saying no and I’m not leaving you.” Visi told us. We flinched at the word no, but looked at her. “All I’m saying is you should think about the others.” “We wouldn’t be taking you away. We would never force you to stay here, away from them. We wouldn’t stop you from marrying anyone else. We just wanted to propose.“ We hiccuped as We fought down our panic. “Wiatr, lie down with me please?” Visilia asked, patting a spot off to the side of her. We did so, still worried as We got next to her. “Honey, I’m really flattered that you would want to marry me and I see why you would. Really I do, but we can’t forget about the others. I’m glad you would be willing to give them a chance and get to know the boys.” She told us with that rare and treasured loving smile of hers as she brought us closer to her. “We love you, Bryan and Hunter. We wished We could have gone on normal dates before their coma.” We mewled, still shaken up, even with our cock still begging for use. “Speaking of normal, don’t try to help Runner to be normal.” Visilia stated flatly to us. “Trust me, it won’t happen, he’ll never want to be normal. Even with what he’s been through.” “We didn’t mean like that. We meant dinner, movies, picnics. Those sort of average activities. If he wants to spice them up he’s free to.” We pouted at the insinuation of trying to change someone. Willow still holds he isn’t bad at all, Daring has dated worse and Svartr doesn’t care. “He’s my kind of crazy anyway.” “Hm?” We hummed at that errant thought making Runner seem oddly more enticing. “Wait, you heard me?! Hello! Can you hear me?!” “Well, that’s nice of you.” Visi said while petting our head and We perked with a purr. “Aw, damn it!” “So you don’t want us to give you a ring?” We mewled when We dove a hand into our cleavage and fished out a copy of our harem’s ring from the set Cadence made for Visi, Berserker and Hunter. Well, technically Cadence’s harem since she's the ‘matron’ of us after all. “Did Cadence give these to you, for us?” Visi asked us with a blink of surprise. “Yes. We commissioned them for the proposal to Urta and the others along with you and the boys if you felt comfortable joining our big lovey-dovey family.” We informed her. Cadence gave us all the approval for this since it was fueled by Romantic Love rather than platonic love. “Berserker has been trying to find us all rings. He may not have told us, but I knew he was planning on wanting to marry us all.” Visilia said as she looked at the rings. “We suggest the store Gem Arch, if it exists in your Crystal Empire. They make magic jewelry that will fit any wearer and if it’s for marriage, they make them from Diamond.” We told her, showing her the ring that had her name glowing in it. “Hm, you may want to hold onto these and maybe commission some more.” Visilia told us with a devious grin as our heart skipped a beat. “Okay.” We said a little dejected, even knowing it wasn’t a no. “You want us to get more? How many?” “Several more to be safe. There’s three more boys you haven’t met, then there’s my fellow mates all begging Bryan to marry us. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.” Visilia chuckled with that rich sexy voice of hers. “Oh yes! We’ll send the letter right now!” We exclaimed as We started to get up. “You do that.” Visi commented before she yawned. “I’m going to take a nap.” “Uh, actually.” We whined before We rolled on top of her and pressed our spit-shined tip to the lips of her quim. “One more?” “Seriously?” Visillia groaned in exhaustion. We’re an insatiable sex goddess, but We aren’t that bad are We? “You can suck us off again...or anal...or...” We glanced at her pussy, biting our lip. Visilia sighed. “Anal. Don’t get any ideas.” Visilia warned us sternly as she pushed our penis away from her pleasure-plumped pussy. “Okay.” We agreed before kissing her. She purred as she lifted her ass and We spread her cheeks while aiming for her tailhole. Poking at her anus with our tip, We gently pressed against it to ease our way in. Inch by inch We pushed, making our Demon Princess groan as We stretched her puckered ass. We groaned in response to how tight it was. “Haven’t had sex with this hole that often have you?” We shuddered as We pushed deeper into her. “Not much, no.” Visillia admitted with panting gasps and winces of pain mixed with pleasure. “We’ll be gentle.” We promised and licked her neck as We started thrusting slowly. “Oh, fuck.” Visilia growled and clenched around us. We moaned when We felt her muscles work and flex as We plowed away, kissing her deeply as We massaged her supple breasts. We rolled our hips a bit before giving her a few hard humps. “You like this?” We playfully asked as We groped her, feeling her hard nipples when We rubbed them. We snarled when We bit her neck and moved our tail hands to finger her pussy. “Yes~.” Visi hissed in pleasure as she gave our own hard nipples a few tweaks between her thumb and index fingers, spraying our ever-lactating bounty onto her. We growled and kissed her, driving our tongue between her lips as We worked her ass and pussy together. Our other hands are still playing with her breasts, our tail hands helping on that front as well. We moaned when We felt our balls slam her ass from how deep We were. “Hng, fuck, you are tight down here!” We snarled through grit teeth while our tip moved her insides around as We ground our knot into her ass, but her anus was not yielding. We snarled and growled with our paws kicking behind us and We drove our fingers deeper into her quim. “Fuck~!” Visilia cried out when her snatch spasmed around our fingers, drenching it in her fem-cum. We purred and kissed her cheek before We started licking our fingers. We moaned at the taste of her cunt before letting her taste herself. “Spicy~.” “We’re almost there. We hope you have room, because it might be a few gallons.” We grunted and tried to knot her. “We’re going to flood your insides!” “Bring it!” Visi challenged us and We snarled when We managed to squeeze our knot at least partially into her tight anus and started pumping our seed into her, flooding her bowels as We held her hips. Her already cum swollen belly grew even more while We overfilled it with seed from the other end and kept pumping. “Take it all!” We growled. “Holy shi-!” Visi was cut off as she vomited up our cum, her belly struggling to keep it all in and it gushed out her mouth. That made her cunt cum again and squirt out more of her juices. We snarled and humped through our climax for another minute. Visi looked a little worried and gagged out more cum until We petered out and laid on top of her. She groaned after coughing up some more of our cum. “Fuck. Were you really that pent up? Or did you want to breed me that badly?” “A bit of both.” We breathed out in relief. “Seriously? Wow.” Visi sighed before leaning up to us and kissing our lips, letting us taste some of our cum on her. “Still, that was fun. Thankfully I don’t suffer pain from puking because-uh, nevermind. Feeling better?” Visi deflected urgently. Wait, why doesn’t vomiting hurt you?! Were you about to share something embarrassing?! “Yes. We still want to give you a ring, but We’re feeling better.” We grunted and tried to pull free, only causing us to jostle each other. “We’re stuck for an hour though.” We sheepishly told her. Visilia rolled her eyes at us. “Please, this isn’t any different from being stuck to Berserker.” She told us before letting out a yawn and We settled down to relax and sleep with her. “Just don’t move and go to sleep. G’nite…” “Night~.” We purred and snuggled her close. > Ch.53 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.53 After a few days of hectic searching, there was not much of a trace of the Six Traitors. The Crystal Empire was still reporting back about the Chaos Demons, but things seemed under control for now. Also the Lust Demons were licking their wounds. Our wonderful little Chaos hellions were making life itself hell for them and their Caribou supporters. As for Visilia’s Night Sentinels, they’ve been very instrumental in building up Unity’s own forces, having given us the means to do so. They oversee the recruitment and training, along with setting up defensive perimeters around the entire town itself. It was thanks to their heavily armoured vehicles and construction equipment that this was all shaping up so well. This was all to prepare for the assault by Hell and the Six that could come at any moment. We were considering how to get all this stress out of our system aside from sex as We hummed while We made lunch for everyone and danced in the kitchen like a goob in casual clothes. Being a Princess isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s all work, work, work more and-We smelled Visi approaching us from behind, her scent different from before. “Everything alright?” Visi asked us as she neared. “Too much is going on.” We sighed while cracking our neck to the side. We perked up at our Demon Princess’s arms wrapping around our waist, which We reciprocated with our twin tails. “Hm, there’s only so much you can do.” Visi told us as she hugged us. “I can assure you with as much confidence I can muster, but it probably won’t alleviate you from your worries.” “We guess.” We sighed as she hugged us tighter. “Are you wanting attention?” We rubbed our tail hands up and down her lower back and she shuddered, but didn’t do anything in response. “No, but the others are waiting for their food.” Visi playfully reminded us. “We don’t do things half assed.” We told her as We waved about the spatula indignantly. “Also, why is your scent different?” “What?” Visi blinked before smelling herself. “You smell odd. Whatever, We just need mayo for the sandwiches and then make some deviled eggs.” We declared as We gestured to the half prepped eggs off to the side. “Oh, wait. I drank that potion you gave me.” Visilia told us which informed our horny perverted mind why she smelled more musky. “That must be it.” “Huh...oh, yeah. So how’d it go?” We asked. We weren’t in the mood at the moment and unless she started teasing us, We wouldn’t be. We looked in the fridge in disappointment. “Dry BLTs then. Out of Mayo, We used the last of it for the deviled eggs.” “It’s weird.” Visi answered, looking down at her clothed crotch. We again lament how this world’s hammer-space dynamics make it so male anatomy down there was a mystery until the pants came off. “I mean, seriously, there’s a lot of new sensations that come with it that I’m still getting used to. I didn’t even realise it would give you a male scent in the mix. Also, peeing standing up was really surreal.” “It was sort of the same, but in reverse when Willow became female.” We shared casually. Two thirds of us- “Three quarters!” -Three quarters of us were female already-wait. What? No, there’s only three of us. Where did that come from? “Damn it!” “You said it.” Visi nodded in agreement. “If you feel like testing if you can have foals with it, We’re willing to get in touch.” We chuckled as We piped the whipped egg yolks back into their hard-boiled whites with a cut-corner sandwich bag while We used a tail to sprinkle smoked paprika on them. “Um.” Visi surprisingly bit her lip, but then shook herself. “Maybe another time when I’m used to this thing.” Is that a nervous hesitation there? Quite unlike her. We chuckled as We kept prepping. “Tell the others that they can get the sandwiches if they don’t mind dry BLTs.” “Alright.” Visi said before walking towards the others and telling them that the sandwiches are ready. They all rushed past her and started grabbing their food. The Gaggle of Chaos spawn meant I had to feed armies when they were here. Visi was almost run over by the mob. “Ugh! Unruly little shits.” She grumbled while dusting herself off. “They’re still our kids.” We defensively leered at her and she flinched. “Just be glad they usually have nursemaids to bother for food they can’t be bugged to make themselves.” This was all because Hermais, Dongoruas and Eris wanted us to ‘be a mom’ once in a while for our relationship. We would gladly do this all the time if life didn’t insist We had no time outside what We get in the bedroom. Thus whenever this happened, We made time. There was a chime and We turned to see a jar of mayo with a gold serpent sticker on it. This has also been happening a lot. That strange serpent that called our sons her brothers and informed us why Hermais and Dongoruas were raping us was leaving ‘gifts’. We were hesitant to use her ‘gift’ so We just put it in the fridge. For all We knew it’d turn us into a draconequus and this world couldn’t possibly handle that! We’re Chaotic enough! “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Visi huffed in annoyance and avoided looking at us in our displeased eyes. “I know you don’t like them, but We still love them.” We declared as We looked over the eggs. “I know. They’re your children.” Visillia sighed in resignation. “Is there anything you want us to make?” We asked when We finished the eggs. “We’re in the kitchen and Willow is a good cook. Feel free to make requests.” We found it funny and humbling that although Daring was a plucky adventurer and Svartr a battle-hardened war veteran, neither of them could do more than make trail mix or hardtack. “Hey, that’s more than I’ve ever done.” “Some tea would be nice.” Visi requested hesitantly. We’re a bit upset but We’re not going to bite your head off since the moment has passed Visi. “Well that’s not even food.” We chuckled before waving our tail hands and summoned the tea kettle and a box of tea bags while We handed the platter of deviled eggs to Visi. “Take this out for the others please.” “Alright.” Visilia nodded before she set out to do what We asked of her. Considering she deeply dislikes our little rapscallions, hopefully that’ll be enough punishment for insulting our children. “Hm, hm, hm. Excellent~. Our devious plan is coming to fruition! She has taken the potion and soon she may come to the Herm Side! Mwua ha, ha, ha~!” We fiendishly declared to ourselves as We filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove. “Really? Well it’s not that bad. I’m maybe the only natural herm in us.” We felt a bit odd and put a hand to our head. Whatever it was We shook our head as We saw Hermais approach. “Mom, can I have something called beer? Dad mentioned it.” “No. Have a soda.” We told him as We yanked open the fridge and grabbed a can of carbonated sugar-death to shove a root beer into his hands. “It’s just as bad for you, if not worse. At least it won’t make you a danger to everyone around you.” The unsaid ‘more than usual’ was so heavily implied We were surprised he didn’t pick up on it as he jogged away with glee, going between our legs and kissing our thighs, which sent scarily pleasurable tingles into us. B-bad boy! Say what you will, that boy is dangerously intelligent, but still a kid. Even if he had a library in his private pocket dimension and was stealing books from other dimensions to fill it with, he was still learning at the pace of a child. “Now, if only We could get him to stop looking at us affectionately in a sexual way. Even his brother stopped right after and started pining for the changeling tending the bar just outside. Of course he might just be gay.” “Wiatr, Cocoa just killed someone!” Sabrina yelled as she rushed towards the dining area from the front door in a sprint. “What?!” We yelped and followed her back outside, minding the children as Visilia followed us. We got outside to find Cocoa right next to the doors, covered in blood while ripping a hand out of a very, very dead stallion. After the hand was removed his body flashed green and turned into that of an Incubus. “What’s going on!” We demanded as our local non-Sentinel guards arrived on the scene. Where were you, you useless fools?! At least two of you are supposed to be on our front door! “Infiltrator. Bastard tried to get into throne room.” Cocoa snarled, the wicked wave-blade kris dagger in her hand dripped fresh Corrupted ichor as she flicked it around. This isn’t the time, but hot damn is Cocoa sexy in full-on blood-drenched killer mode. “Are you fucking serious?” Visilia snarled in disbelief as she glared at the dead Incubus. “Yes. Cocoa thinks he was rookie too. Most likely a test.” Cocoa spat on the body. “They getting desperate or dumb.” Cocoa kicked the corpse. “How did you find him?” We asked in amazement. She was a former succubus, sure, but she was just a lowly sergeant. “Cocoa was trained to do the job.” She explained and everyone got on edge, the guards aiming their weapons at her. “Cocoa killed him and Cocoa is pure and married to the Princess of this town. Why would Cocoa betray you then tell you Cocoa trained to do his job?” “I...what?” We asked in shock. We couldn’t even comprehend the very idea of Cocoa being an assassin. She was just so...so...Cocoa! “That still would’ve been helpful to know beforehand!” Visilia berated Cocoa who glared back and bared her teeth while her ears bent back. Whoa-shit she can be scary! “Cocoa feared would be ostracized.” Cocoa growled as she went to lick the blade of her dagger, only to catch herself and hold it away like it was covered in poison. “Cocoa forgot about Corruption.” Then she looked at herself, seeing her blouse, jeans, everything was sprayed in the dead demon’s blood. “...Cocoa...missed this…” Cocoa then rubbed a hand on the blood on her, gasping in a disturbingly erotic manner. “...Cocoa needs a bath, but first, could someone sever his head for Cocoa?” “Certainly.” Visilia snarled as she summoned her sword from whatever high-tech storage thingy she and others from her dimension used and quickly decapitated the fresh corpse in a single swing, even gouging into the yellow bricks of the main path. “Good, kept head intact.” Cocoa said when she grabbed the head. “Do not be alarmed at Cocoa’s display.” Cocoa warned us all, holding the head up in her left hand as she reached down her pants and began publicly fingering herself. We looked at the shocked crowd in worry until Cocoa’s hand holding the head enshrouded in black with her eyes doing the same, making the head wordlessly scream as she panted in arousal. “Cocoa got where he from. Base in Savage Divide Mountains northwest past Explored Lands. Whispers of someone called Storm King fending off Lust Demons with weather. Seems why they’ve stopped attacking past few weeks.” “Sergeant Krimzon!” Visi shouted and Krimzon along with a few other Night Sentinels appeared out of thin air next to her. “I need you to take a squad and do some reconnaissance. You are to find where exactly this enemy base within the Savage Divide Mountains is. Scout out the place and return when you finish. After we’ve read up on your findings we’ll launch an attack on those bastards. Go!” “Yes, your highness!” They chorused before they vanished. “So we’ve got a lead now.” We nodded at Cocoa and Visi before looking around at the peanut gallery. “Show’s over folks! Get back to your daily lives!” We ordered and visibly expressed our displeasure so they went scurrying off. “We have damage control to do behind closed doors now. We hate politics.” “I’ll help you out with that.” Visilia sighed as she put her sword away. “Cocoa not sorry.” Cocoa huffed as she flicked her dagger, spraying blood onto the ground. “You shouldn’t be, you did the right thing, but now We’ll have trouble with the prudes headed by a few nobles.” We grumbled as We leered down at the amateur assassin. “I’m kind of glad Berserker hasn’t fully recovered. If he was he’d end up causing more harm than good.” Thinking on Visi’s comment, even We saw reason in that and nodded in agreement. Berserker’s not exactly a diplomatic person, then again, no berserker ever is. They just want to be done with whatever they’re facing and move on to the next issue. “So now We most likely have to deal with the demands of locking up former demons by telling those idiots to shove it up their asses.” We groaned as We guided Cocoa into our home. “Don’t worry Cocoa, you’ll be safe here.” “Cocoa knows. She’ll go to bathroom to clean up before retiring early.” Cocoa smooched us and nodded to Visilia before going to do as she said. “There’s just no way Cocoa isn’t on our side, but knowing how especially touched in the head nobles are, they might also suspect me to be like Cocoa as well. However, I have the Night Sentinels protecting me. Not even the nobles are crazy enough to move against them.” Visilia commented as she followed us towards the throne. “Please, Unity is under our rule and We have yet to appoint a Noble Family. The only nobles here are the ones who wanted a third or fourth home away from the big city. Where the pressure will come from is Canterlot because Unity is a small town and they’ll think their money will pressure us to bend over backwards for them. However, Unity uses soul energy for most of its services, not bits, so in turn we’re self sufficient, meaning we don’t depend on Canterlot nobility to keep the roads, wards and other needs running and maintained.” Most of those are established and maintained by public-minded folks anyway who care more about having those amenities than charging for them. “We’re not about to be backed into a corner like Twilight is with Ponyville.” “Don’t remind me just how corrupt they are despite the dire situation the world is in.” Visilia let out a sigh of annoyance. “If they raise a big fuss We’ll kick them out with that explanation and then have to deal with Tia complaining about them whining to her. This is our town and We rule it.” We growled after We sat on our throne. “And our lovely fox here will put that point across.” We used our magic to pull the curtain open a bit, the researchers huffed in disapproval, but kept working because they’d already pumped Urta for more of her Argent earlier this morning. “If they really want to make things difficult, they can get in mah belleh!” Urta cheered. She was nearly 18 feet across now and only getting bigger. We were worried We’d have to get our home extended even further since she’s only barely a fifth of the way done with those babies. “That’s not very far.” We chuckled while looking over towards the dining area and then sighed at seeing our chaos spawn had vacated during the commotion. Damn it, We don’t get to be a mom often... “Well that, along with our armies.” Visi added with an amused smirk at our running gag of using Urta as an executioner. Though to be honest, Urta would definitely do it. Apparently vore was one of the ways they executed rapists and murderers in Tel’Adre. Urta never did it, but it wasn’t an issue to her. “Funnily enough We’re the Military Capital thanks to the Night Sentinels and with them training an army. Not even the Crystal Empire is this militaristic. Unity has become Equestria’s Military backbone. Think about how the Nobles will take that. Before the Empire they had the armies, now the new small settlement right next door controls the military power.” We grimaced at the fact that technically We have all the power in the nation, but We don’t want it. We’d rather toss this all at Tia and Lulu and be done with it. Being a ruler is hard~! “But it’s all worth it in the end! You’ll see!” > Ch.54 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.54 The latest couple of whiners left after We’d shut down their ‘demands’ and ‘requests’ that really should be handled by lower offices than ours. Really, petitioning us about too many birds? “Say hello to what We have to deal with on a daily basis lately. Idiots like them just make this job so unappealing.” “They can bitch and piss all they want, it’s not our problem. Even if they were to pin the blame on us for these issues somehow, that’ll be their downfall.” Visilia said with a huff. “That’s what We mean.” We chuckled, beckoning her closer with a languid finger wave in the hopes of alleviating the stress and boredom. “I know.” Visi nodded as she smirked and came closer. “Give us a kiss for helping.” We implored her with smoky eyes and honey in our voice. “Just a kiss~?” Visi purred before leaning in. We purred when We kissed and hugged her close, pulling her into our lap when complainers walked in as We rubbed her crotch for show. “If you all want to talk while We please our Tartarus Demon Princess, then please do so. We’ll try to listen through her moaning.” We snarked at them. The well-dressed oafs all turned red and stormed out in fluster. Silly prudes, you’re in the wrong town and the wrong world at that. “Well, that certainly shut them up. Were you hoping we put on a show for them?” Visilia asked with a devious yet nervous grin. Ah, right. She may be a drop-dead sexy demoness, but her people were more conservative than the people here. We still find it hard to believe they do have hedonistic public blood rituals for celebrations when they’re so self-conscious. “Oh We would have if they kept it up. Only We can shut off the illusions that would hide our sexual activities.” We explained, making Visi look at the crimson throne with some concern. “That won’t stop the worst just yet. This will only stop the ones that really don’t have an issue, but want to throw their weight around with an excuse to do so.” “If you say so.” Visi muttered uneasily. “We do.” We cooed at her as We wrapped our arms around her waist while our tail hands palmed her athletic but pronounced booty. “So...still want to fool around?” Visi asked as she pressed closer to us, docking our breasts and bumping our noses together. Guess the fact that the throne would hide us has emboldened her. “Do you? We’re not going to be able to get up from the throne for a bit, damage control and all that. At least for two hours.” We informed her with a kiss as We kept rubbing her body. We stopped for a moment when We remembered something from earlier. “Discord is drinking!” “Ah, crap.” Visilia placed a hand over her face and sighed. “What sort of shenanigans is he going to pull off?” “We don’t know and We don’t want to get into it.” We huffed in annoyance at that old geezer’s antics. “Can you two either get on with it, come over and share the love, or just get down to business so I can take a nap?” Urta huffed from her pool since the thrones illusions only worked from the front. Where are the researchers? Hmph! Prudes! They probably fled the moment they saw their princess getting intimate! “Oh, you were going to nap? We may have more complainers coming.” We informed her before getting up and approaching her while holding Visi to our side. “Do you want to show them how much I love demons too?” “Babe. I’m a fucking womb with a head, tits the size of wrecking balls and a dick the size of a lamp post. I’m up for anything if nobody is gonna put on my magic VR headset for me.” Urta huffed as her tit and dick milkers sucked away. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being your fat, sexy, fucking horny as all hell baby ball, but I need stuff besides sex too...but sex is good either way. Also your kids keep fawning over me when that’s the harem’s job.” We purred as We sized up to kiss her, squishing Visi between our combined tits with a muffled squeal of surprise on her part. “We know, We can get the headset if you want.” “That’d be great. I let one of the brats borrow them. Uh...I think her name was Malady?” Urta puzzled with her brow scrunched. “Yeah, Malady.” “We’ll go find her. Lick your chops at any complainers and pull the rug to your maw if they’re really bad.” We joked as We went to find Malady, kissing Visilia’s torso as she stayed snug in our tits. “Hm, I might just get used to this ride.” Visi giggled as she pushed on our lips. We wouldn’t be surprised if being smooched with giant lips on the torso was ticklish. “We don’t mind it~.” We chuckled before We revealed a nipple from our black dress. We kissed her before licking our teat, getting it hard and dribbling milk as We looked for Malady. Most of the kids were on missions, so We hope she hadn’t left yet. It was slightly disorienting for the doors to suddenly snap to our giant size when We approached, same with the rooms. It was also why the rooms had no furniture on the wall shared by the door. Twilight really considers so many things. “You’re pouring milk.” Visilia pointed out as she watched our volleyball-sized nipple trickle like a leaking garden faucet. “What are you going to do about it?” We playfully replied before We found Malady floating in a room and obviously playing a game. We gently plucked the Headset from her head, causing her to whine. “We’ll order you one so you don’t have to borrow it from Urta. She needs this more than you our little hooligan.” “Thanks mom!” Malady chirped up at us before vanishing like a card turning sideways. With that done We left the living area of our home and returned to Urta, putting it on her head. “Thanks babe! Now then, where was I...oh that brat! She-grr, now I have to see what she messed with…” We fled, Willow faintly remembering having such anger about her own games being touched telling us Urta was in no mood for other people right now. Now a safe distance away so she could entertain herself, We sat in front of our throne while still keeping Visi in our breasts. “So?” We asked her showing her our full bosom and both our leaking teats, both very fuckable as much as drinkable right now. “Well, can I drink it?” Visi asked surprisingly awkwardly as she poked at the volleyball-sized spongy nipple. “Yes.” We huffed before her hand slipped in and penetrated almost to her elbow, which sent us reeling back with a foxy yip and a heavy blush. “Careful!” Whoa that was awesome! “Mng~ this reminds me how good it was to have smaller people pleasuring me…” We suddenly experienced odd deja vu. We’ve never done this before though... “Whoa!” Visi yelped before pulling her arm out. “Holy shit! Are you okay?! I just stabbed you in the nipple!” “More than okay! You can put a whole container down and milk us, or fuck our tits at this size!” We licked our chops eagerly, hoping she would do the latter with that dick she’s sporting. “Seriously?” Visi blinked. “Well, you are goo and all that.” “Yes. We’re goo and can do many things~.” We chuckled to her. “Sheesh, you really want your milky tits to be pumped full of cum don’t you?” Visilia asked with a smirk as she squeezed our nipple, dumping more of our goddess-milk into our magic dress and onto her. Thankfully the whole of our home had the cleaning charms, so all the spilled milk was whisked away in moments. “We’d like all of us pumped full of cum, but we should really hold off unless you want to add elven months to Urta being a womb.” We suggested as the said vixen wiggled about in her VR world. “Naw. I’ll just help myself to a drink.” Visi leaned down to our left nipple and latched onto it with her whole mouth gaping to get as much spongy flesh into her mouth at once before she sucked and drank in her reward. “Mrr~” We purred while We rubbed our other nipple when some of our normal pests entered the throne room. Here we go… (<3) So far it was the usual. Someone stole this, I think my cat is possessed, or my home is unfinished. All things the Mayor’s office is tasked with. Things that really shouldn’t be brought to a higher official. We know the mayor and the guards are doing their jobs, these impatient little shits just need to wait. “Seriously?” Visi asked us, unlatching herself from our nipple and looked up with a deadpan expression. “They’re bothering you with stuff that can be dealt with by normal authorities?” “Pretty much. For the most part We try to direct them to the people they need or find out the cause. The weird thing is the whole possessed animal thing. It’s been getting more frequent. At any rate, We’re maybe halfway through the usual number of petitioners.” We shrugged as behind us Urta cursed up a storm. To be facing a challenging game, ah, good times. Willow misses those times even if she can’t remember most of them. “Possessed animals?” Visi questioned with ears perked and a dead-serious expression. “People have been complaining about their pets acting...weird and not Corrupted weird.” We informed her with concern. “Any disturbing terrifying noises, excessive blood, scorch marks?” Visilia demanded and We felt even more worried. “Um, no? They didn’t report any of that, just levitating around, meowing or barking or what have you more often.” Nothing about these possessed animals screamed Hell to us. “Oh, okay...weird.” Visi hummed before she got comfortable in our cleavage. “Yeah, one person said their hound was speaking in tongues and attacking birds.” We told her as We fixed the top of our dress and forced our nips to stop leaking. “Chasing birds is something to be expected, but what did he mean by speaking in tongues?” Visi raised a brow in confusion. “Well, the dog was flying or hovering and muttering old Equish...We think that’s what he said?” We hummed as We rubbed our chin in remembrance. “Oh. Do you think it’s Discord pulling pranks, or his children?” Visi’s words were noted that she didn’t say they were our children. Careful Visi, you’re digging a hole again. “Maybe, We’re looking into it. So far it's been just hovering dogs and cats with red glowing eyes, and we can’t find a connection.” We informed her without much concern. It was spooky, but wasn’t blatantly dangerous. “Glowing red eyes? That sounds like Hell, but not the rest.” Visi mused as We listened to the next visitor who was a grizzled old jack of a donkey.    “The road is being attacked by a Hydra! Send some hunters or guards! I’ve had to abandon four shipments just this week!” The irate jack huffed and We blinked. This is exactly the kind of thing people are supposed to bring to us! Matters of safety above mere police work is our jurisdiction. “We’ll inform the proper soldiers. We hope to have the route cleared of danger soon, thank you for bringing it to our attention.” We told him earnestly, but he huffed and stormed out. “Ungrateful jackass.” Whoa Visi! That’s racist here! “Most likely he’s reported it before to the guards, but isn’t seeing them taking care of the task. This is more like, ‘I have been reporting the problem for weeks but my problem is not going away.’ To be fair, even if he has been reporting it to the guards or the mayor, they do not have authority to send proper soldiers for this. Until We have a proper military base set up however, all such things go through us. It’s bureaucracy that brought him here.” We huffed in annoyance, because a Hydra does need proper soldiers, not guards. Nobody here other than us has official control over the soldiers when it comes to things beyond guard duty. “That said, We should’ve had a General, or a Colonel here to manage our military for such things.” Actually, where were they? “Okay, what the fuck are those idiots doing? Jacking each other off? If it were my soldiers, they’d have gone out there and been back in a few hours.” Visi scoffed in disgust. “That’s what We’re going to find out tomorrow. We’ve been hearing about this more and more recently, though We’re hoping it’s because of an excessive workload.” Not the result of an overfed armchair pencil-pusher being the one assigned to us. “Alright.” Visilia said with a frown, clearly not liking that the situation wasn’t resolved. “We know it’s not ideal, but We’re a new town. Most of the service groups are still getting their infrastructure in place. We’re also in talks with the Mayor about this and now much of what should be his job is coming to us, but We think it might be just workload issues too.” We watched as an hourglass-figured wide hipped white pegasus mare wearing scanty half plate knight armor walked in, her DD-cup breasts almost jumping out of the cups of her cuirass. “My Lady, I have slain the Hydra!” ...Well that’s convenient! Now We can put off shoving our dick-urk, our demands down the head desk-driver’s throat. “Who are you?” We asked with earnest curiosity. Aside from warriors who have fought beyond Equestria’s borders, none bother to wear skimpy armor that Lust Demons actually have vulnerability to due to said provocative armor distracting them. “And do you have any proof of your claimed victory?” Visilia followed with skepticism. “Yes, right here.” She declared while she reached into her cleavage and pulled out three burnt heads of a Hydra, having to really tug them out since her DD-cup bosom didn’t have a big enough decolletage for the massive heads to simply be taken back out. It makes the fact she got them in there even more impressive. “I’m Knight Saliva of Unity, your highness. Rather, I want to be.” She then stuffed the heads back into her bust like a polite guest. “Hm, you seem good at killing monsters, sure. It’ll help the guards a bit and We need to properly appoint knights of the realm regardless. We hope you’re prepared for the duties of leadership that will be heaped upon you.” We sighed with a mixture of relief and exasperation while We took a bag of gold bits out of our inventory and handed it to her, “There, two hundred bits. We’d say a whole week’s salary for a Royal Guardsman is a good start. Go report to the Guard Captain, he’ll have someplace for you.” Considering We don’t know who is supposedly leading the military, at least the guard captain would be a good start for her. “Thank you, your grace! I won’t let you down!” Saliva gushed with a cheerful bounce, practically bending herself in half in a hurried bow before she skipped out of our home. “That was weird.” Visi stated, scratching her head. “Well at least someone capable has come along. Hopefully she’d be able to lead with the brain in her head rather than the one in her loins what with those fake rumors of us fucking our knights going around.” Which were all lies since Saliva is our first knight. Hopefully she’ll set a good example for her underlings and future battle-mates. Oh, right. We’ll need to give her land too. Knights have land here too, not just back in Willow’s world. “Really? Goddamn attention seekers and gossiping twats.” Visi grumbled, looking rather displeased. “Regardless, if the girl isn’t just going for bragging rights and does a good job of being a knight, perhaps We may reward her with a wish. If she asks for sex We may decline depending on our mood.” We told Visi before smooching her head. “Well, I don’t have any quarrel with the girl. It’s those that want to ruin people’s lives through rumors or other means.” Visi grumbled in displeasure. “They think sex is a bad thing for us! Ha! We have a place called the Lewd Bar just outside our home on display for all to see! Goddess, We aren’t getting started on some of the things people do in the alleys of the town above. If it wasn’t for the prudes this town would have people fucking in public and We wouldn’t give a damn so long as it was all consensual!” Consent is the key. Two perfectly right-minded adults wanting fun together or something deeper is just great. “Lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins last time I checked. Although I don’t have much room to speak, since the man we both love has committed the Sins of Wrath and Violence. Even if it’s against the Demons of Hell and Hell itself. However, besides that you need to consider restraining yourself a bit more. I bet Berserker would berate you about discipline with him being a warrior and all that.” Visilia lectured and We chuffed. “We know and We have been. Are you buried in our cunt balls deep, or have our cock bloating your womb with seed? Have We tried fucking any of the petitioners?” We snipped indignantly. “No. You’ve been doing a wonderful job of not lusting after me every single moment.” Visilia replied playfully and We huffed. “The only reason We had our boobs out and want you to fuck them is more to get a point across. We also felt it would be nice.” Really. We are restraining ourselves and practically throwing out opportunities for some lewd fun, but she keeps ignoring it. “Some point.” Visilia snickered at us. “If the prudes want to complain to a Goddess of Fertility and Sex, they’ll do it while We’re being lewd.” We declared proudly. “Yeah, how about no.” Visi snorted playfully up at us. “I’m good for having fun, but I have limits.” “We know, seeing as you said no already!” We smooched her again before leaning back. “So, We’re almost done with the two hours.” Then our court period is usually over, unless there’s such an excess of petitioners that having them wait until tomorrow wouldn’t be productive. “Already?” Visi asked in surprise. “Wow, you really only hold court 2 hours a day?” “Just about, unlike Tia We don’t spend four whole hours of the day sitting on our butt as people dictate things to us.” We replied while two yellow stallions with red white and blue striped barbershop quartet outfits came in together asking for a loan to build a factory. Huh...We were expecting complaints, not an actual petition. Usually something like this was the Mayor’s job, but depending on what the factory is for... “What type of factory? What is it you want to make?” “We’ve noticed a shortage of local ammo, so we figured we’d set up a supply. We already have a source of lead, brass and the chemist to make the primers and cordite.” The two sounded like salesmen for sure, the shifty and slimy kind... We looked towards Urta, wondering if they’d be willing to work with her cum. The weapons researchers said that her fluids might be a good base for gunpowder or primers. “Aren’t you two the Flim and Flam brothers?” Visilia asked them, making them sweat from under their red and white striped boater hats. “Um, yes, we are. We have a bad track record, but our inventions are getting better!” The older brother of the twins, only distinguished by his bushy red mustache exclaimed. “Here we have examples of the ammunition we plan on making. Most are already used by hunters or soldiers ,but only royal factories make ammunition in Equestria. We aim to change that.” He used his horn to summon a small display case so We leaned down to get a better look, Visi yelped when our breasts pancaked on the floor and engulfed her. We saw .38, .44, .45, .308, .50 caliber, 55mm, 5.56 and darts along with what looked like a polycarbonate crossbow bolt. That last one was strange, since most primitive ammo like that was still made with steel broadheads and wood shafts with feather fletching. Equestria had no want for those resources after all. “Do we use these rounds, Visi?” “Mmph!” Visilia muffled through our boobs and We snickered as she managed to pull herself out and gasp for air. “Whew! What? Oh...this is promising, but I would like these to be demonstrated out on the range before we put them to use. If you two don’t mind a test run or two?” Visi said to the Unicorn brothers. How odd must the scene the throne is showing the brothers be with us so humorously positioned? We need to ask volunteers to tell us what they see! It would be hilarious! “Certainly. We’ve brought thirty magazines of each in an armored and secured wagon and have hired guards looking over it due to the dangerous materials we were transporting.” The younger brother replied. Okay, which of them is Flim and Flam? We’ve lost it. “Have it all brought in for inspection and we’ll take you to one of our firing ranges.” Visilia told them. “Make no mistake, we’ll also be inspecting your hired guards in case they were trying to smuggle your wares with them once their contract is complete, or any other illegal items they’ve brought with them. Is that understood?” “If they have anything it was of their doing. We don’t wish to anger the Princess.” The older said with a bow. Alright that’s getting annoying. Are you Flam or Flim? “Thank you. If that’s all, you may go.” Visilia told them. Great, that feeling of having our leadership taken out from under our paws is coming back to us. First it was Berserker and now Visilia is doing it too. “You could have let us dismiss them. We only asked if we used those rounds because We're still catching up on the new equipment.” We sat back up and pouted at her. “Wait until I’m certain you can.” Visi snapped, looking up to us with a stern look. “You’ll get your chance.” Sheesh, that got cold fast. “Visi?” We recoiled a bit, feeling hurt that she didn’t have faith in us as a leader. “Enough. You still have a couple more complainers or petitioners to deal with.” Visi pointed out. “Mmhm, yeah.” You’re on the couch now. We plucked her out of our cleavage with a yelp on her part. We set her down next to the throne and shrunk down until We were sitting on it at our normal size in a huff. “Wiatr-.” We held up a hand at Visilia with a growl. “Hush! We have work to do.” We glared at her heatedly and dutifully ignored her to focus on our citizens. The next petitioner was a magenta unicorn mare in a lab coat. Hey, wasn’t she part of the initial prospective team for the Helix Stone, but was too repulsed by it to stay on the job? “Princess, I wish to ensure the cleanliness of our water supply, but I need the coin to start designing new filters. Do you think I could get a loan from the state?” The nerdy mare requested and We rubbed our chin thoughtfully. We already have a standard charcoal filter system for the water piped up to the town’s water towers, but it was an old system donated by the crown. “What’s your need for it? Besides bits?” We asked curiously. She wouldn’t just need a loan for it if she came to us about it. “Honeycombs, leather and several new spells that need to be researched out of town. Which is why I need a loan for it, but the lenders aren’t willing to fund it when there’s not much prospect for profit.” The intelligent mare answered Honestly. “Honeycombs?” Visilia questioned, to which We gave her a withering look. “Specifically the perfect hexagonal matrix. I have a theory that a perfectly intact honeycomb would provide a template to act as a superior spell matrix and hold a dozen spells that filter contaminants out of the water, unlike the standard charcoal filters with a long line of magical filters each having to be put along the pipe every several feet to work.” How true, it was an eyesore. “We discovered a race of anthro bees that have started making a colony in the Everfree. We wish to ask them for assistance with the promise of them being able to join Honey’s Colony. Their ‘princess’ has not found a mate yet and her two soldiers are struggling.” “Hm, We can see that.” We said with a rub of our chin. “This won’t turn into some horrible monster scenario will it?” Also, Honey wouldn’t be opposed to helping another insectoid race get established. The changelings must be lonely as the only widespread sapient bug-folk. “No! No it won’t!” She urged desperately, trying to stop that line of thought. “I promise! There won’t even be an organic component in the design since it won’t even use charcoal and the honeycomb design itself would be synthetic after scaling up a mold of one.” “So, you want to improve the town’s water supply by designing better water filters, all so you could experiment?” Visi raised an eyebrow at her and We growled warningly, at which she looked away. We love you Visilia, but your cynicism is getting on our last nerve right now. “Well, no. I want to improve them, but I would be working further downstream outside of town and away from the area we have the intake. Just west of here, it feeds into the bog.” She told us. “Don’t worry about it interfering with the wildlife either. We know the bog needs blackwater for the ecosystem, so we’ll be sure to dump the filtered-out contaminants back in.” “So it would be no danger to the town then.” We considered, she clearly had this thought out. “In theory yes, but magic is always unpredictable. I have triple checked all the math and theory though!” She added perkily. “If it gets the water that comes from out of the town spring to stop tasting like watered-down cum, sure.” We declared and the scientist woman squeed so adorkably. “Thank you! I won’t let you down!” She said and gave us the loan form. Sixteen hundred bits. That’s fairly cheap, so it’s no problem. We’ll have words with the lending office for turning their noses up at such a modest sum for such an ambitious project. “You are dismissed, I’ll run this by the mayor to make it happen.” We told her before she danced out. It is best she left now before We hugged her. She’s like a less regal version of Twilight. The next petitioner was a stallion who was wearing wood...wrappings? Along with what looked like a skull. We couldn’t even see his coat. He looked like a failed dryad rather than a pony. “Wiatr, the Moth has come to the forest, he is watching. Everfree wakes with the Moth.” The stallion warned us direly with an accent Daring identified as being distinctly zebra before backing back out the door. “Ah...what?” We questioned, but didn’t get anything further. “That was...creepy...was that a real skull?” “We’ll keep an eye out for this Moth and whoever follows it.” Visilia told us, referring to her and the Night Sentinels. “And yes, that was a real skull he wore.” Visi responded, clearly not wanting to let our hurt feelings get in the way of trying to help us. “Should We be worried?” We questioned our more experienced lover. We’re still mad though. “Until we know more about it, be vigilant.” Visi gently advised. “Let's hope it’s something helpful and not a Lust Demon. It might be nothing or it’s connected to the animal’s acting weird.” Or it could be some crazy cult icon like Mothman. “We’ll have to wait and see.” Visilia stated. “So, are there any more?” “Hmm, no that’s it We think.” We looked to the guard, who nodded before we got up. “We’re taking a hot bath.” “350 degrees please!”  “Oh no, wait your highness! Last minute arrivals!” The guard shouted, making us groan. > Ch.55 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.55 It turned out there were about a dozen more as several other businesses tried to get some sites to set up shop. We had to decline a lot of them in favor of keeping the Everfree standing, mostly lumber companies, but it also meant the last hour turned into two more. “Christ.” Visi groaned. It was kind of funny when she said ‘Christ’. We mean, have you ever heard of a Demon cursing with a Holy, biblical figure’s name before? “It’s not as bad as it is back home in Tartarus, but at least there the issues brought forward are actually important.” “Well, we’re in a huge forest with lumber companies constantly trying to get rights to cut here.” We huffed in annoyance. The Everfree was still a dangerous place and the forest itself simply Tolerated our presence here. If it decided we were too much of a problem it could easily turn into the encroaching hungry thing that Rodenas is. “I guess this is one of the upsides in Tartarus.” Visi sighed before she approached and We perked in surprise when she plopped onto our lap and leaned back against our huge rack. “Honestly, it was a hassle to try and grow trees there, with how it looks and all that.” Um, Visi? We’re still mad at you... “We’ve lost our carnal appetite after the first lumber blowhards.” We sighed, then snorted at the irony of us calling them BlowHards and them killing our ladyboner. “Really?” Visi looked back at us with disappointment. Oh? Now you want to get frisky? Too bad missy. “Yes, We hate listening to them. So, what now since sex is out? Training?” We asked her. “Training for what?” Visi questioned curiously.   “Combat training. We’re out of practice with us having been breeding for about a year.” We replied sheepishly. Who knew fucking and being pregnant would leave you so little time for other things? At least We were able to spend time with the kids a good bit during that time. “I do~! Unf. Weeks at a time full of so many eggs, begging for more.” Well We do now We suppose. “Sounds good.” Visilia nodded before she got off of our lap. “Yay, full combat form!” We squeed after We got up and tossed off our dress, flexing our nude muscular yet thicc milfy body as Svartr molded our outer body to form her Black Knight armor on us. Visi’s wings were pomfed out, her eyes wide and her breasts visibly swollen with desire and We winked at her. “Ready to rumble babe?” We’re so going to kick your tight bubble booty! “Holy fuck, yes...I-I mean, sure! I know a good spot where We can spar.” Visilia rebounded sheepishly with a blush on her already red cheeks. She summoned her Night Sentinel armor from her fancy sciency storage thingy and led us from our home and out of Unity to a clearing between Ponyville and Unity with a cave next to it. “Telda, we’ll be sparing out here!” “Fucking...really? Let me get out of the way.” Replied a 20-foot tall green dragoness who wore little more than plant-based rags over her shapely body before she came outside. “Don’t destroy my home.” Telda huffed and then flew off. “I guess I’ll go hunting.” “Ready?” Visi asked as she drew her sword, her eagerness shining through even more. We smiled viciously under our vulpine helmet before We rushed Visi with our old demon greataxe, getting ready for an overhead strike. Visilia did a spinning heel kick, deflecting our strike off to the side with her powerful hoof. We didn’t have enough time to react when she thrust her sword and landed a hit on our side which pinged off of our armor. “One.” Visi stated before backing away from us. “Get hit seven more times and I win the match. You land a hit on me before then, you win.” We huffed and shoulder charged her before switching to a leg sweep and landing her on her butt before striking her chest with the flat of the axe. “Hit.” “Are you sure?” We froze up at hearing Visi’s voice from behind us, but how?! “Mirage.” She taunted us as We looked down to see that We hit nothing. “Also, two.” She smacked our skirt armored butt using the flat side of her blade. “Hey!” We huffed before performing a backward swing followed with a punch. “No magic!” “If you’re not using everything at your disposal, you’re not trying hard enough, or fighting smart. Three.” Visi lectured as she kept away from our swings and ducked under our punch to get in close with an upward swing of her sword that hit us on the left side of our ribcage. After that the demon alicorn backed away quickly to make distance between us. “Grrrr.” We used our tails to throw punches as We readied our next swing to try to penetrate her defenses. “Four.” While We were so focused on waiting for the perfect moment to strike We forgot to think about defending ourselves. Visi closed in and We squeaked when We took a wild swing at her, which she just jumped over and poked the tip of her sword on our armored nose. “Boop!” Visi finished before backing off again. “Grah!” We roared and kept on the defensive now, keeping our axe close as We watched her for an opening. We were perplexed when she lowered her sword and lifted her left arm up. Before We could ponder upon this further she teleported in front of us. “Repulsion.” We felt something akin to a freight train on steroids impact and sent us flying off our paws across the clearing. Visilia hit us twice when We were trying to get back up. “Six.” “Fuck!” We tried to headbutt her but the only thing our skull met was her knee, stunning us before she struck two more times. “And that makes eight. Crown me Queen.” Visilia gloated before she helped us up, grunting in effort of having to lift hundreds of pounds of muscle and metal. “You need a lot of work.” “Why couldn’t We hit you?” We whined in frustration. One third of us is a former battlemaster damn it! Svartr had faced enemies easily stronger than Visilia before! Are We that weak? “She was toying with us! Kick her in the cunt!” But that’s so unsporting! Wait, why were We even considering assaulting her privates non-sexually? “I’ve been fighting a lot longer than you, so I’m the one with the experience. You were also predictable.” Visi boasted unhelpfully and We growled. “Two of us are billions of years old! She’s at best millions!” “We’re older than you. We’re also not predictable.” We huffed in reply to her unhelpful comments. “Only one of you are and I highly doubt you were fighting from her expertise. Now, how come you lost?” Visi asked us. “Hmph. Svartr!” We growled at our wolf portion. Herself cursing her inaction. “Answer me.” Visi demanded as she gave us a death glare. “And no bullshit.” “We didn’t think and just rushed in full tilt. Which Svartr should have warned us about.” We grumbled discontentedly with how We clearly don’t sync properly for combat. “Exactly.” Visi declared with superiority in her tone and bearing. Do you want to be stuck on the couch for a month Visi? You’re going the right way for a long, dry month. “Fighting Lust Demons is easier.” We huffed and plopped our armored butt on the dirt.  “Because those dumb cunts never bother to train. All they ever think of or do is fuck their own brothers and sisters.” Visi retorted in disdain. “You should feel lucky. If it were against someone like me or stronger, you’d be dead before you even start fighting.” “We understand, but you don’t need to be a total bitch about it.” We huffed in frustration and stowed our axe back in our cleavage while Visilia jolted and clenched her sword tightly before she sighed and looked away from us. “You better. I think that’s enough training for today.” Visilia muttered sadly. Maybe she finally noticed her behavior was caustic. “Yeah. Sure.” We huffed in annoyance. “Only because if you lost against me more, it would diminish your confidence in battle.” Visi teased us. Okay, she clearly hasn’t caught the memo! “Grrr.” We snarled before We jumped to our paws and grabbed her with our tail hands while our normal hands yanked off her helmet to her surprise. Before she could speak We nibbled her ear, which Svartr found made her squirm in an earlier sparring match. “I-I would call you out on cheating, but then I’d be a hypocrite.” Visi growled at us as We sucked on her ear and made her spasm. “Mmhm.” We giggled around her ear before she toppled us over and ripped open our chestplate with a surprising amount of strength to feel up our breasts. “Ah! Hey!” Thankfully that didn’t hurt us and We can just reabsorb the broken armor. “What?” Visi asked us playfully as she pinched our nipples and caused us to gush our magic milk all over the place. “How are you so strong suddenly?!” We whined as she licked her lips, the Demon Princess purred as We struggled under her while her hands worked our breasts out of our armor. “Ah!” “Let’s just say you get a rise out of me.” Visi purred as she began grinding against our tummy and-. “What you doing?!” We both heard Cocoa yell in anger when she and a group of guards and Night Sentinels rushed into the clearing armed to the teeth. The Night Sentinels moved to secure the area aiming into the woods while the guard moved in around Visilia and I. Cocoa snarled and rushed up to us, very displeased. “Infiltrator made it into Unity to our front door, somehow convincing guards on door to go fuck in an alley! Could have more in forest waiting for chance to attack and you two have sex in front of local dragoness’ den?!” We’ve completely forgotten what happened earlier which made us feel stupid while Visi looked a little peeved. Doing the sensible thing, she helped put our chestplate back on and helped us up. “Right, sorry our bad.” Visi retorted as she dusted both herself and us off. “Cocoa request a sparring room made so we don’t have to leave walls.” Cocoa told us before poking Us in the chest. “You need to mind tactics. You have three heads in there. You should know better! You have ancient warrior who has warred with gods of old! Use her experience!” “R-right Cocoa, We’re sorry.” We whined, a bit shocked to see our fluffy ball of happiness so mad at us. “Cocoa doesn’t care if sorry! Cocoa doesn’t want to lose to lust demons! Cocoa doesn’t care how powerful Visilia is! Lust Demons take down gods before.” Cocoa ranted until she was panting. “Come again? I didn’t quite catch that, assassin.” Visi, what is with your bitch-button being jammed on so hard today?! “Don’t. Cocoa state fact, not challenge. Cocoa saw goddess of oceans tormented until she gave in. She breeding cow now. Another was just outright killed. They killed thousands of Lust demons before they fell to them.” Cocoa explained with a glare. “Cocoa know you powerful and old, but so were they.” Cocoa huffed before sniffing the air and looking about. “Cocoa also not like scent in air. We should go home.” “Then go. I need some time to myself.” Visilia declared as she and the Night Sentinels left us. “Visi-.” “I’m going for a walk and that’s final. I’ll see you when I get back.” Visilia grunted without stopping as both she and her Night Sentinel vacated the clearing. “Hmph, good riddance. Demoness bad influence anyway.” Cocoa huffed before leading Us home and her words stung. We hope this isn’t a precursor to Visi and the boys getting voted out of our life... (<3) We made it home around dinner and We were lectured some more by Cocoa before We sulked off to our bedroom. “Well that was just great.” Svartr groaned after she split from us. “Really, how did we get that stupid?” The black wolfess snarled as she paced around the bed. “You’re the one that should have known better!” Daring argued after she split from us. I still feel like I’m not alone though...weird. “I was just happy to spar! It was Willow who was too focused on trying to get Visilia’s praise!” Svartr’s accusation pulled me from my musing and my tails fluffed up in anger. “You both should have known! Now Visilia is mad, Cocoa is mad, and…” I sniffled at the sudden overwhelming feeling of despair that filled me. Damn it, I’d already forgot how much of an emotional person I was on my lonesome. “We need to take Cocoa’s suggestion and build a training room. We should talk to Alberta about it.” Svartr grumbled as she sat on the edge of the bed with her arms crossed under her bust. “Why her?” I questioned as I tried not to think about my upset wife and unusually irate mate. “Because she bested gods before. If we’re up against Lust Demons who could do that then we should have someone who can do it train us. Also, Visilia can fend off any Lust Demon!” Svartr proclaimed, as if she already knew Visilia was unbeatable by the carnal enticements of the flesh. At least from monsters and strangers. “Don’t be so sure about that. We’ve only encountered foot soldiers before. Also, I think the only reason you beat Cocoa before was because she was more focused on laying you than slaying you two.” Daring declared when she joined Svartr on the bed while I slouched in the comfy chair that used to be Wiatr’s throne. “And how are you so sure?” Svartr huffed indignantly. “I have an objective view of that memory. You were nothing more than armor at that time.” Daring told her with a flat look. “It’s from Willow’s point of view and from what I see in the memory, Cocoa’s old camp had positions, traps, potions and lots of knives. Cocoa had been submissive thanks to Purification. If we hadn’t done that and left her to her own devices she could have killed us all in our sleep.” “I didn’t notice that.” I mewled dejectedly, not wanting to think of our beloved snuggle-pup that way. “You were focused on Cocoa and her cock. Really, all I got from the memory was blurry images. From the torture chambers of the forts we captured and I read up on, even some of the ones I saw on my adventures, I can compare and deduce Cocoa was a low ranked operative, but she was a skilled and trusted tool.” Daring stated with confidence. “Should we have been asking Cocoa more questions on Lust Demon operations?” Svartr stood back up and paced on the rug, her bushy wolf tail flicking in agitation. “She was a tool. A blade to be sent out and used. Most likely she was given an objective...oh, so her target had been Twilight and not you.” Daring said as she looked to the ceiling. We could see her logic in that. If Cocoa had been that type of operative, she was given a target; Twilight. She’d set up camp nearby in seclusion to prepare to capture or kill her. If her subordinates weren’t so bold she might’ve even succeeded... “So Cocoa was not after me, but Twilight. Her imp lackies were most likely gathering supplies for her to make preparations while she scouted. One of them happened upon us, grabbed me instead of Twilight and Cocoa decided to get her dick wet. Which backfired.” I considered this new angle. What luck We had then, to not only stop her, but convert her. “Yes and now the submissive girl we made her into is forced to be the soldier she had been and is getting pissed that we didn’t think before acting.” Svartr groaned and palmed her eyes. “Svartr, how long would it take to get to the rank of sergeant? Two years? Cocoa knows what she is doing. She knows how her former allies operate, Visilia and the Night Sentinels can make guesses, but Cocoa knows first hand. She had every right to berate us both for our stupidity. If we had brought guards at the least to watch our backs we would have had warning!” Daring declared in frustration. “Lust demons are not that subtle!” Svartr barked back. “How did one reach front door then?” Cocoa interjected, making us jump from her seeming to appear in the middle of the room and casually placing three servings of fish dinner down on the nightstand. “Cocoa will leave alone for now.” She said before vanishing again. “Does she know Chameleon?! How?! She doesn't have a magic focus!” Svartr fretted in shock. “We should just eat then get to bed.” I groaned, still not happy at two of our lovers being mad at us. Why had Visilia wanted to have sex out in the clearing? Why was she being such a bitch today? “Maybe she’s really Hungry for it and doesn’t want to give in?” Maybe... > Ch.56 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.56 We fused back together first thing in the morning and walked about Unity in the hope of finding Visilia. However, both she and Cocoa were nowhere to be found. Our other wives were also clearly busy with their daily lives, so We checked with Urta. She said Visi never came back last night and Cocoa was being oddly sneaky, disappearing the moment she left her room. With this We dejectedly wandered about town and took it all in. While the box canyon below was shops, the Breeding Center/Clinic and our home, the walls all the way up were small homes and apartments. On top of the plateau however there was a proper town with buildings and all. The structures were a mix of Victorian and modern in their designs. Unity is such a quaint little town. The kind of quiet place you’d expect someone to retire to.   Of course that meant We soon found a magic show going on in the park in the section of the town atop the plateau, what with it being so noisy you could hear it clear across town. It was a sunny mid-spring day, a great day for a show since the bulk of the estrous cycle and the biological clocks of the women have mostly reset by now, a perfect time for things such as this to pick up. The show was run by a rather beautiful light blue unicorn mare. She was challenging others in a light-hearted manner to display an act and she would try to one-up it. From our place at the back of the crowed, having decided to enjoy the spectacle, We could tell it was a rather good business model since not only was the mare quite talented and able to magically best her opponent’s display, she was also sharing a small portion of the bits thrown on stage from each act with the participant, incentivizing others to come forward and extend the show. She was also for the most part gloating about how Great and Powerful Trixie was, which kinda grated on the nerves despite how she seemed to be joking about it rather than being entirely serious since she constantly spoke in the third person. Then again, We have no right to gripe about that considering our necessity to refer to ourselves in the plural. We also saw Starlight helping her while minding two foals off to the side of the stage who were enjoying the show too. Ah, those must be Gleaming Shield and Dusk Shine, her and Twilight’s precious little ones. We also appreciated how sexy she and this powder-blue mare looked in their skimpy show-mare outfits hugging their bodies tightly and lifting their huge busts, emphasizing every single curve of their hourglass bodies. Wanting to say hello, We waited until the show began winding down to approach the stage from the side where Starlight was using her magic to play with her adorable white and purple foals while at the same time putting away props. “Wiatr, what are you...right, you live here.” Starlight stated with a vibrant blush, meekly trying to cover the deep cleavage her pink ringmaster-like outfit displayed. Odd, she wasn’t so reserved as she shook her motherly tits and ass for the show. Does someone have a crush on little old us? Then again, she does have those two little bundles of joy with Twilight thanks to us. Does she visit the wolf-foals Svartr, uh, gave her? We’ll have to ask Cocoa, it feels wrong to ask her directly considering the...circumstances back then. “Yes, how could you forget since you helped found Unity, We’ll never understand.” We chuckled good-naturedly. “We were just out for a walk to see how things are going when We came upon the show.” We looked over at Trixie as she said farewells to her audience. “So what’s going on here? We never took you for the type to put yourself on display, what with you usually swaddling up in billowing robes.” “Just helping out my best friend.” Starlight cheerfully declared before turning towards Trixie. “Trixie! Come on over and say hello to Princess Wiatr!” “Oh, Trixie is humbled to meet you Princess Wiatr!” The Blue mare said with a bow, showing off her plunging cleavage and how enormous her nearly beach-ball sized breasts were, or at least they looked that big because of how her outfit lifted and presented them. “Nice to meet you Trixie.” We chuckled at her with our own bow. “How have you been?” “Very good your majesty, Trixie is blessed by your presence.” She said with a smile. “Oh, but you only get blessings from us if you, well, suck our cock, wear us like clothes, or end up in our womb. We haven’t found out how to bless people in other ways.” We said with a vibrant blush while Starlight facepalmed. “Trixie meant in the metaphorical way.” Trixie snorted in amusement when she levitated the tophat of bits her show had earned backstage. “Oh, We’re still getting used to this.” We admitted sheepishly. “Clearly. Even Sparkle has her roles down by now and she’s been such a shrinking violet from the limelight.” Trixie declared after she magically packed up the stage. It vanished from under us and collapsed into an impossibly compact carriage wagon with a steering wheel instead of horse leads. We suppose a magic carriage is cheaper than a van or livestock. “Well, our daughter is still quite something, she is trying to save Luna at this time.” We purred proudly before tapping the ground with our paws. The transition from standing on an elevated stage to the ground was seamless. “Nice trick.” “Indeed, Starlight’s told Trixie that much at least.” Trixie looked over at the mother who was cooing to her foals. “Trixie figured getting her out of that lonely palace would be for the best.” “Thank you for that.” I smiled Kindly at the light blue mare, who smiled back with a faint blush. “So are you staying here or moving on?” “Trixie has no reason to leave. Not when her friend needs support.” Trixie declared as if offended at the thought. “That said, feel free to watch Trixie work her magic another time Princess.” Trixie then sauntered over to Starlight, wrapping an arm around the mother’s waist, making her squeak before the showmare began guiding the pink mare away with her foals babbling happily in magical tow. “Is that an offer?” We chuckled under our breath as We looked at Starlight. Would We pursue her crush? Then again, it seemed Trixie’s feelings for Starlight might not be entirely platonic if that hand on her hip and the way their hips met as they walked and talked said anything. Oh well, We have so many beloveds as it stands and our daughter’s wife shouldn’t be on our hitlist anyway. “Time to check on the shops, then guards.” We said with a happy tune, having thankfully eased the discomfort our current relationships were causing us for the moment. (<3) We were near the edges of Unity’s plateau and were chastising a couple of guards We’d caught having a quickie in a shed nearby. We don’t mind sex, but it is an after work activity for most jobs, that went double for guards. Though to be fair they were both sexy and female guards were a rare sight so We may have been fairly lenient in our word choices. Towards the end of our scolding of the impropriety of having sex at work that wasn’t part of the sex industry, a bellowing roar echoed from the sky overhead. We looked up in shock to see Telda falling from the sky. We could barely make out a large spray of blood and We faintly made out what looked to be a sword-spear protruded from her ribs. Willow oddly experienced traumatic flashbacks of similar weapons stabbing into her, while Svartr remembered such scenes during the war she fought under Gwyn’s service. “No~! My kinsman! Not again!” We felt an absolute heart-stopping panic sweep over us that We barely managed to shake ourselves from. “Gather a squad of Night Sentinels and follow after us now!” We ordered the guards who scrambled to follow our orders before We rushed into the forest by jumping off the cliff and sprouting our wings as We grew to our preferred combat height of 15 feet and formed armor over our dress. We were shocked to find Telda had survived the landing, but were even more shell-shocked at the knight in lion-themed bronze armor looking down on her while holding the haft of the sword spear as she weakly wheezed and coughed blood. A Dragonslayer. “Nonononononono!” Our blood froze in our veins, fear filled us even as Daring felt awe and Svartr was dumbfounded at the sight of a Dragonslayer in this era. Thankfully, Night Sentinels arrived at our location shortly after us with their weapons trained on the knight, jolting us from our paralysis. “Your highness, who is this? Why is he killing Dragons?” One of them questioned while our fear was being replaced with apoplectic fury. “Maybe he’s a nutcase that needs to be put down. His mere presence reeks of sin.” Another one commented with disgust. “A Dragonslayer from Gwyn’s Age of Fire. Whether he is Ornstein or not is unknown, though We highly doubt it.” We snarled furiously, our vision tinting red as righteous wrath replaced the ice in our Undead gooey body’s simulated veins. “Even if it is the Lion Knight, he dies today!” That fucker is dead! “So do we kill him?” “Yes. Hopefully there is someone in that. Plenty of armors of that era are haunted or just full of memories of their owners and running on instinct.” We snarled as Svartr fed us the info. The Dragonslayer Armor that lasted until the Third Era in service was one such memory gestalt. The Dragonslayer pulled it’s spear out of Telda’s ribs. The poor dragoness faintly gasped and applied pressure to her wound as it turned to us. It didn’t say a word and immediately thrust it’s ancient weapon at us, it’s spear sparking with lightning and solid sunlight lanced out to strike the Night Sentinels which injured a few while the others started firing. The rounds pinged off the bronze and dirty armor, while plasma scorched the surface of it. We pulled out our axe from our cleavage in time to deflect the blade of the spear, snarling when the electric manifestation of sunlight hit us. It burned. We swung and it dodged backward, but We managed to score a hit at the elbow of it’s left arm, not finding blood and barely managing to dent the magic suit of armor. “Back off!” We ordered when the Dragonslayer thrust into the sky, summoning Sunlight to hit the earth and scorch the ground and any too close. Those were mostly Berserker’s Crusaders who took the hit which scorched their armor black. Pillar’s Defenders threw up a green barrier in time to protect everyone else from the blast. “Damn this thing!” One of the Crusaders growled. “What of the Dragoness? Is she still alive?” Another asked and We looked to see her being secretly tended to by some Scinoxes and Ghosts. Defenders were with them watching their backs. “That thing is not being worn. We’re unsure if it’s haunted or just a memory husk yet.” We informed our allies as We looked at the slightly damaged joint. “Can’t the Past just remain in the history books?” A Gunner asked sarcastically as he and his brethren pulled out the bigger guns. Rocket Launchers, Gauss Cannons, Chainguns, Grenade Launchers, you name it. The fact that most of those were in some ways fueled by Urta’s cum was incredibly amusing and sexy. “This thing will just keep going until it’s made immobile.” We growled before We retrieved our BFG rifle from our cleavage and fired at the armor, but it dodged in a charge at a Gunner and impaled him through the chest while it lost an arm in the process, melted off from one of the BFG rounds finally heating up the limb to the point of liquefaction. Infinity may be convenient, but this thing won’t go down from a peashooter! One of the Crusaders roared in anger and jumped onto its back, stabbing his sword through the back and out the front. With it staggered, the Crusader wrapped an arm around the helmet and kept its head locked while the armor struggled to shake the Night Sentinel off while it was bombarded by all of us. The helm fell off and the hollow armor slid the spear in it’s remaining hand towards the blade to stab the Crusader. However, he threw a grenade down inside the armor before disengaging, barely avoiding the spear tip before the armor exploded. “Alright, We think it’s dead.” We sighed and took several calming breaths. “Where did that come from?” We questioned as We warily approached the smoking epicenter of the scattered armor. “We’ll have to ask the dragoness herself.” A Defender said as they proceeded to gather up the dead Gunner and take his body back home. Anyone else who was injured were being taken care of immediately. “We’re sorry about your comrade.” We apologized to the Defenders carrying the body away before approaching the green dragoness. “Okay, where did this thing come from?” Telda coughed when her obviously punctured lung was healed by the fancy field surgery of the Scinox at her ribs. “A cave, by the main river. It led down deep into the earth and I smelled meat down there. I found the roots of an ancient tree and bones of giant dragons. I think most of the trees of the Everfree grew from the roots of the ancient Archtree.” “Wait, remains of Giant Dragons, you say?” One of the Ghosts asked her. “Where’s the cave located?” “East of here, look for the odd gray tree with a face.” Telda managed to wheeze. “We’ll check it out, your highness.” He said before he and the other Ghost went off. We sighed and looked at the armor, before grabbing the holy weapon it had. It must’ve been very high in the dragonslayer order to have a swordspear infused with sunlight rather than just lightning. Not even Ornstein used a Sunlight Spear. Then again, he was the first when lightning was new to fledgeling gods. “We’ll take this and the armor back, see what We can do with it.” “As you wish.” The Crusader that finished it off grunted while being looked over by a scinox. “Let’s head back to town. We’ll be able to take care of the dragoness much better there.” One of the Scinoxes stated. Indeed, since there were so many people of varying sizes in Unity, the hospital that was part of the Breeding Center was massive and able to care for people up to 20 feet in height thanks to the dimensional magics worked into the building. The fact it was the same building as the Breeding Center helped with that, since it was already meant for rather, eheh, massive people. “We will have the city put on full alert in case there are more of these things.” We said before We began heading back to town. We could faintly feel the memory echoes in the armor, powerful memories too, but Svartr couldn’t recognize him though. The Black Knights were Gwyn’s Order of knights and she didn’t have much interaction with Ornstein’s Order of Dragonslayers. Either way, these were just the memories, the soul had long passed on. Andre would know what to do with it. (<3) Once We returned to Unity, We had the town assemble around Harmonia for an announcement where We told them what had happened and why We are on full alert. Most were fearful about the news since relics of eras past were always dangerous with few exceptions. The Night Sentinels bolstered the town’s defenses, sending out patrols and putting in more security personnel for projects conducted outside of town limits. Telda was sent to the hospital to be tended. Her life wasn’t in immediate danger anymore, but they want to be sure she’s properly healed. Hopefully she’ll take this as an incentive to accept our invitation to live in town. “She will. As her Queen I demand it!” Nevermind, she’s lost the choice after this. Hm, it’s about time We had a more permanent housing solution for giants and giantesses established instead of the communal housing near the entrance tunnel. “Oh! And fuck her full of eggs until she can’t move! Then she’ll be too egg-addled to care.” We suddenly want to breed Telda... > Ch.57 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.57 “So what did you discover in the cave?” We asked in a state of nudity, having rushed from the shower to hear this. Thank goodness We tend not to have long hair or We’d be even wetter. “Remains of giant dragons confirmed to be Everlasting Dragons and the tree Telda spoke of.” The leading Ghost informed us, dutifully keeping his eyes above our shoulders. You can look buddy, We’re a hot bitch wet and naked with steam rising off of us, We won’t fault you. “Was there more armor like the Dragonslayer?” We asked worriedly as We looked at the new spear by our throne. It was a rather beautiful weapon, it would make a nice ornament for the throne as well as a weapon to use should something happen in our home. At least until it has a proper wielder. There’s only one person We know who uses polearms, but she’s indisposed. “There weren’t any. That one must have been the last since there were no traces of other armors.” The Ghost informed us and filled us with relief. “We wouldn’t be surprised. We’re unnerved that the armor was still moving. It was not haunted like We thought it might be. It was just a memory husk, even worse since it would just rampage against dragons and couldn’t be reasoned with.” We sighed in annoyance. “Smough's armor would be worse, it would target everyone and We bet it would try to eat them. What else?” “We tried to investigate the area, find out how those Everlasting Dragons died and if there was something hidden. It was clear that the wearer had slain those dragons eons ago, whether they were trying to protect the tree or hide from that armor we are uncertain. Perhaps one of the scientists could figure out the mystery behind the tree itself?” He suggested to us. “It's a mass grave. It’s where they buried us.” “Sounds like something We should look into. Completely secure the area around the cave and send a team in. Keep them safe.” We ordered sternly, sudden urgency filling us. “As you will, your highness.” He said as he and his team bowed and left the throne room in haste. We were sure it wasn’t because We were naked, the Night Sentinels sort of accepted it as the norm when it came to us. Then again We were also dripping wet. “Now We’re naked in the throne room. Again.” We sighed, trying to remember that darn summoning spell for the dress. We’re absolutely fine with nudity, it’s other people who are intimidated by our incredible physique and our busty thiccness. “They should be happy to see us! Shut up you worthless goddess!” “Wiatr?” We heard Visilia when she entered the throne room. She seemed hesitant. “Hello Visi.” We replied as We leaned back in our throne, partly to show off, partly to relax. “Why are you still naked?” Visi asked as she approached us, her eyes sweeping our body up and down. At least she isn’t as reserved as her soldiers and is willing to appreciate our body. “We rushed out of the shower to hear the report. We were professional about it and never once hit on your soldiers. It was impressive how none of them looked below our shoulders.” The fact We pointed out she was failing to do so only made her snort in amusement. “Good. They’re professionals. That and everyone knows you’re mine.” Excuse us Visi? We are nobody’s property, even if We do enjoy playing at it. “Aside from that, I have some good news.” “What is it?” We asked curiously while suppressing irritation at Visi’s possessive statement before We used Willow’s heat aura to dry ourselves off, which fluffed up our matted fur. “It’s about the boys. Within five days, they'll be able to come over and help out. However.” Visi paused for a moment. “Let’s just say that their sister is pissed off with them for going into Hell without her. She’s helping them out but she’ll put them through the ringer about a million times. Before you ask, yes, she is a goddess too. Do you know a game called Kid Icarus? She’s the Goddess Palutena.” “We know of it from Super Smash Bros.” We told her as We relaxed again. “Well, she has taken them into her Temple that she was ‘allowed’ to build, once Berserker was finally convinced. She has a room that can help cram an entire year into a single day. So, five days in real space, equals five years in there.” Visi informed us and We huffed in annoyance. “That sounds like the crap the Caribou use.” We groaned and rubbed our eyes. It seems like everyone else has one when We need such a thing to make the fight to reclaim the world seem even possible. “Anyway, we have new weapons coming around thanks to Todd. His weapons were the new and improved versions of what the Five carry on them. A shipment full of it should be arriving soon. As for the Crucible weapons, we can only produce a few of them right now, but there was something Todd told us about them. Well, more like he confirmed a suspicion Berserker had.” Visilia sighed in resignation of the news she was about to heap on our shoulders. “Alright. What is it?” We questioned as We braced ourselves. “You know how Khorne’s sword can destroy planets in one strike or cut through realities if he so wishes? Well, believe it or not, Crucible weapons can do that to an extent.” Visilia informed us as We gaped at her in disbelief. “No way.” That’s just not right. That level of power in the hands of anyone? “We didn’t believe him either since when Berserker used the Crucible Sword he destroyed legions upon legions of Hellspawn and decimated an entire mountain and that was it. Powerful, but not world ending. That was when Todd explained he wasn’t using the sword to its full power. Todd claims to have destroyed whole worlds within Hell’s dimension because of how much of a threat they each posed. Once we got a scout frigate to return with video proof of the resultant debris fields in space where the planets used to be, we believed.” Visilia huffed out a breath. “Shit.” We grunted as We leaned back in our thankfully comfortable throne again. “We even had the scientists here run some diagnostics on the possibilities of such power and they were highly likely.” Visi told us as she placed a hand on her left hip, which put her body in a more casually seductive pose. “So reality breaking stuff? That’s going to be a headache.” We rubbed our temples and really wished all this bullshit wouldn’t heap up all at once. “Hence the reason why we decided to make weaker versions of Crucible weapons and very few of them. The Five are going to be wielding such powerful weapons.” Visi purred viciously, probably fantasizing about how many demons her mates will be slaughtering. “So We shouldn't worry about the world blowing up?” We asked before We shifted on our throne and finally remembered the spell to summon our magic dress. “We really need to just make a charm or something.” We sighed and snapped our fingers to summon our magic black dress onto our body. “What of Flim and Flam?” “Flim and Flam’s bullets work. So we gave them a couple of plots of land for their factories to start manufacturing the cartridges.” One of the Scinoxes came in with her son, Rex. We were surprised by this. “Aw, there’s mama’s boy~.” She cooed at him as he reached out to her when the Scinox handed him over to Visilia. “Someone missed mama?” We cooed happily, knowing the joy of being needed and loved by our children. It stung that We truly had so little time to even make for them, especially lately. “Yes he did~.” Visi cooed with an adorably uncharacteristic baby-voice as Rex giggled and babbled in her arms. It’s so sweet to see her motherly side like this. “We were going to play with our children soon anyways.” Not originally, but damn it all We’re going to make the time like We really want and need. Hm, actually, isn’t this the period of time where Cocoa lets them play around on their own? She might not be there... “We’ll join you.” Visi nodded when We stood from our throne. We guided her to the nursery only for Us to be tackled by Berserker’s pups with Hunter’s lot dragging us to the center of the room. “Mama!” They cried out as they started grabbing toys. Visilia tried her hardest not to laugh at us, but her beaming smile ruined it. As for Rex, he was yukking it up like a hyena when our wolf pups started hitting us with toy swords while others squirted us with water guns. “Ach! Mama doesn’t like the hostage game!” We cried out while We were soaked with water. After We’d just gotten dry and our dress back on too~. “Pfft-hahahahahahahaha!” Great! Now Visi’s laughing at our misfortune too. “Visi, help!” We wailed as the boys and girls giggled and shot at us. Why are they always like this lately~?! “Aw, it's like they’re edgy little wyrms trying to practice for the dominance games.” We don’t want to be dominated by our children! “Sorry~! Can’t right now!” Visi is still laughing at us! Oh, c’mon! “Please~!” We whined as We batted away foam weapons and prepared to bring the heat to dry ourselves off the moment the children were reasonably distant. Even if most of them had innate heat immunity, We didn’t want to risk hurting them. “Okay, okay.” After getting her breath back, Visi helped us out and made the kids stop by magically seizing their weapons. “Alrighty darlings, that’s enough!” “Aw~!” One of my brown-furred pups with Cocoa whined before one of Berserker’s kids, the largest of them, kept hitting my back with his sword. Visi’s magic be damned. “Bah, dada!” Spinel, the ‘eldest’ of our little kirins with Spike whined. “Hey!” Visi snapped at him and he froze. “Cut that out.” He grumbled but at least he stopped. “Good boy.” “They normally listen to us.” We huffed in a bit of a white lie. They’ve been like this only recently though. “I’m sure.” Visi rolled her eyes before putting Rex down to play with his siblings. “Now, behave everyone.” “They do. Well, not since they turned two.” We sighed after flash-heating ourselves dry and then started playing ball with Indie Go; one of Daring and Willow’s pegasus foals. The fact We’re both their mother and father was both odd yet incredibly satisfying. The indigo-coated colt was incredibly active and adventurous, even somehow figuring out how to open doors already. It was hell to figure out who was stealing cookies until he was caught in the act. “Mama needs her snickerdoodles!” Damn straight! “What? Do they actually age a little faster, or something?” Visilia warily questioned and looked the children over, as if only now realizing they seemed to be a few years older than they actually were. “It’s been more than a year since Willow gave birth to them. They’re almost two.” We wistfully replied. Daring was familiar with this era’s system of aging. Willow and Svartr both lamented that they wouldn’t get to have the kids be kids for as long as they remember being the norm for them. “That doesn’t answer anything.” Visi huffed in annoyance. “Okay, well, Daring is the only part of us that’s from this world and era and she’s no biologist. It mostly depends on the parents, really. The Boy’s pups are a little bigger than We would expect.” We’re leaving out that our foals are already physically 3 years old due to Willow’s gene neutrality and Daring being of the modern era. To think, in less than 8 years Indie Go and his siblings will all be physically adults and go off into the world. Thank goodness aging is actually slower after that point so they’ll still have life spans comparable to Willow and Svartr’s standard for mortals. Same for Cocoa’s pups. However, the boy’s pups are actually aging a little slower. “So, what, they’ll reach adulthood within a year or so? That doesn’t sound right.” Visi’s ears wilted as she looked the children over with a sad expression. “Visi, they’re two. They might just be a year and a half and are growing large due to our milk.” We bounced to send our breasts jiggling for emphasis. “Your milk? You have got to be one of the most broken beings in existence.” Visilia huffed and We snorted in amusement. “It’s just giving them exactly what they need to grow up strong and healthy. Our Goddess has the same ability, but with the effect of becoming alcoholic for adults. We can make ours the same. For our pups We decided to feed them exactly what they need to grow healthy. You do know that proper nutrition would make people taller because the body wouldn’t stall in growth spurts due to lack of resources being fed into it.” That said, they’re perfectly healthy! “Wow, so you’re admitting your boobs are broken?” Visi playfully smirked and We crossed our arms under our substantial bust. “You’re the one saying We’re broken.” We huffed indignantly at the unfair moniker. It’s not like our bosom is literally the fountain of youth or something. “Please, there are other beings that are more broken than you. I’m not blaming you, I wasn’t even trying to. I just wanted to know why the children were growing up so fast.” Visilia watched Rex and Marcus wrestle, which considering they’re just children, was absolutely adorable. “They’re just growing big because they’re getting everything they need and more from our milk.” We reiterated sternly. “Yeah.” Visi sat down beside us as she rubbed our shoulder. “Better?” Huh? Oh. About how mean she was being earlier? At least, that’s the hint We’re getting. Visi doesn’t seem the type to talk about personal feelings too much. Especially when it’s awkward. “Yes, We forgive you for being so mean before.” Visi prickled and seemed a bit annoyed yet thankful. Geez, make up your mind you sexy tsundere. “News on the Lust Demon hideout?” We moved on in topics as We used our tail hands to keep Indie Go engaged with a foam sword battle now. One he hilariously interrupted by picking up a water pistol and shooting our tail. “They’ve scouted out the area and identified high value targets. I’ve already sent out squads to take care of it. If we leave them be any longer they’ll do far worse.” Visi reported grimly. “Thanks, We’re getting bored here though. Not saying We don’t mind this work, but We do miss the field.” We sighed in lament that our duties beyond Unity have withered away once more. It isn’t like Carim needs or even wants Equestria’s help getting reestablished, so why is it taking Tia and her ministers so long to come up with a target for us? “I know the feeling.” Visi concurred. “Are there any missions that need us? Like making fountains?” We pleaded hopefully. “I don’t know.” The demon princess shrugged. “Well, We could make one at the hideout.” We suggested with a smile. “Hideout?” Visi looked at us in confusion.   “The spies? We could go fight them and make a fountain.” We insisted. “Let’s just wait and see how this will turn out.” Visilia replied sternly. “Fine.” We groaned and now had to wrangle Indie from wrestling his tan-furred pegasus sister Lore Craft. She didn’t like getting physical unless she instigates. It didn’t help that the two often worked together in their adventures. Cocoa was at her wits end with child-proofing for them. “It shouldn’t be too long. Now that you mention it, that base could be good for us.” Visi stated as she thought on it more. “So. Fountain?” We asked perkily. “Fountain.” Visilia admitted with a nod. “Yay!” We hugged her and kissed her. “We have a date with Cocoa soon, but We’ll be ready for the trek!” At least We hope so. We haven’t been able to speak to her since she had to flex her old training and became a bit of a pariah, so We left multiple notes around for her. We finished playing with our children soon after, a series of roughhousing and other simple games tiring them out until they asked for milk. Once We finished feeding them they fell prey to a nap in short order. “Now what? We have some time until the date with Cocoa.” “Do you mind if I tell you a funny story involving the boys?” Visi asked us with a smile. “Oh~? Do tell.” We gave a vulpine grin as our massive fennec ears flexed to not miss anything. “It involves Runner and Berserker losing a bet to their sister Palutena. If she won they had to do photo shoots as girls.” Visi explained and our tails rapidly floofed up. “Are you imagining them as females?” “Yes! Just a bit!” We giggled. We thought they’d look cute like that, but it was so funny to think of them as the opposite gender! “Well, I may have one particular photo of them. Wanna see?” Visi cooed mischievously. “Sure, it might enter our fantasies though.” We warned her playfully. Snorting, she summoned a photo of the two in their Wolf forms. They were indeed female. They were looking up to the camera, lying down on some fancy couch, with a white sheet covering their lower bodies. No clothes were on them. Runner was on top of Berserker, winking and giving the peace hand sign as she gave a toothy grin. No shame whatsoever. Berserker was all flustered, hugging Runner close to her as she covered herself and Runner’s busty breasts, acting as the shy girl. We could feel our mouths watering at the sight of them, already imagining the fun We would have together, along with rounding out those bellies of theirs. “Oh~.” We moaned lustily, sure that if We weren’t slime We’d surely have a nosebleed. “Wow, you are way too into this.” Visi commented, shaking her head with a chuckle. “Berserker’s acting all shy and Runner looks like some cheerleader who had dragged her friend into a photo op!” We panted hungrily at the image, wishing it was more real. “Well, you’re not wrong there.” Our demon princess shrugged. “We wouldn’t mind bedding them both like that.” We chuckled nervously. “Doubt it would happen. At any rate, the thought of teasing them about their huge busts is a fun thought.” “Their hips and asses too.” Visi added as she licked her lips and traced the outline of Runner’s booty against the sheet. “Yeah.” We purred as our core heated up and our pussy plumped needily. “Berserker’s is so big under that blanket!” The fact she had wider hips than Runner was easy to notice. “And you just want to stuff that cock of yours in her, don’t you?” Visi asked with a sly grin. “Are you purposely teasing us.” We whined, starting to walk awkwardly since with us so aroused our cunt was getting stimulus just from walking. “Consider it payback for rubbing your balls on me whenever we sleep together.” Visi playfully snarked. “You let Berserker.” We mewled as We looked at the picture. “Are they still female?” “Runner can change his gender if he wants to.” Visi non-answered. “Well dammit, now We’re going to be begging him for change whenever We’re out of the field.” We groaned as We tried to will our ladyboner into nonexistence. Thank goodness We currently didn’t have our male organs out or it’d be even harder to do. “You really want Berserker to carry your babies, don’tcha?” Visi asked us teasingly with a grin. “Yes, but considering Berserker’s personality, she’s unlikely to ever do it. We haven’t gotten to know Runner well enough yet, but considering he can willingly swap genders might mean he could be willing to try that.” We mewled in disappointment that a future with a fem-Berserker was likely out of the question. Why is she tormenting us with this? Hah, so horny~! “I thought you didn't like his insanity?” Visi questioned us. “No? He’s okay. We’ve been thinking of trying to date him, get to know him.” Why do people think We have a problem with Runner’s mental instability? We’re not a poster child for sanity and stability ourselves anyway. Svartr has PTSD. No I don’t! Don’t deny it. “Girls! We’re all sick in the head.” No denying that. “That’s good, but you’d be walking into a whole world of craziness.” Visi warned us. “We’re in a world where sex is like money and the bigger your bust, dick, or deeper your snatch could earn you power. We think Crazy is the least of our worries.” We huffed indignantly. “I suppose you’re right about that. If you want to date Runner, that’s your choice.” Visilia shrugged indifferently, as if she didn’t already like him too. Silly Tsundere. “We just need to meet him properly.” We rubbed our head at the headache We didn’t have. “Thanks for giving us a ladyboner by the way.” The only reason We haven’t pinned you to a wall and fucked you full of-whoa what’s going on? S-so...fucking horny... “Again, you deserve that.” Visi snarked with a hungry grin. “We’re still marking you with our balls.” We declared with a return grin. “Just do so either during or after we had sex.” Visi raked her eyes down our body and licked her lips. “It’s not like We do it intentionally while asleep.” We huffed at the insinuation. “...Well, are we going to head to your room to have a quickie or what?” Visilia grunted in annoyance and then yelped when We pounced on the chance, picking her up and running straight to our room! “You could have said that first!” We panted as We rushed her inside and put her on the bed. “We’re going to ravish you for that teasing! Our balls are gurgling from Baby talk!” Guh~ gotta vent all this rampant need into you! > Ch.58 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.58 “About damn time!” Visi snarled in a surprising amount of eagerness, until We ripped off her clothes and used them to tie her down to the bed. “Really?! You ripped my clothes off!” Geez Visi they’re just-whoa-ho-ho! Look at that! “Ah~!” Visi convulsed erotically when We wrapped our hands around her soda-can thick 15 inch long red horsecock and gave an appreciative squeeze. “Mrrr~.” We purred when We tongued her flared glans and Visi mewled so adorably as she writhed under us, reduced to a panting mess. Mm, she tastes so good. “You’ve been hiding such a tasty treat since you took our potion Visi~.” “F-fuck~...” Visilia grit her sharp teeth and looked at us hungrily. “D-don’t just p-play with it!” “Aw, but that’s the best part!” We playfully teased before We removed our dress with a snap of the fluffy fingers of our tail hands, showing off our physique for her with poses before We fingered our engorged and hungry lower lips. “Mind if We take a ride?” “Fuck y-y-not yet! C-condom! Do you have condoms?” Visi managed to say, as if the idea of a contraceptive was hard to consider. “Who needs condoms when you can just absorb the cum?” We winked then crawled back up Visilia’s tied legs to grind our dripping cunt along her throbbing dick, sending her keening and panting as her apple-sized gonads pulsed with need. “Are you ready to become a real-?” “Shut up and fuck me!” Visi roared, grabbing us in her magic and lifting us just enough that her glans touched our lower lips and then dropped us down her length. This sent us both spasming in ecstasy as she surprisingly came on impact with our mutual groins. We barely had the sense of mind to absorb it and not let it flood our womb. “Gah...ah...fuck yes…” “W-wow Visi. Hari-trigger much?” We panted as We absorbed her seed...hey, it tastes off. Not like normal cum. Hm, might be a side effect of the potion. We’ll have to look into it. “I’ve been horny the minute I drank your damn potion. Now either keep riding or let’s switch.” Visilia huffed demandingly and We snorted. “We think you need a bit more attention on your birth-parts.” We carefully pulled off of her soda-can thick dick and kept her from thrusting back in much to her frustration. Then We summoned Willow’s vulpine dick since We’re using her form as our base. “We’re going to make foals~.” We playfully declared as We freed her legs to spread them wide. “W-what?! No!” Visilia’s horn shimmered and a cock ring appeared around the middle of our penis. We whined, but pushed forward anyway, kissing her neck as We felt her pussy around our pointed glans. Oof, the ring feels like it’s restricting blood flow and causing our dick to get even bigger than the 18 inch spearhead it already was. “Grr that’s tight!” We snarled while We groped her hips. “I thought we had an agreement!” Visi growled but still thrust her dick against our abs. “We do! We were planning on pulling out, but this is role play!” We snarled and shoved more of our engorged penis into her. “You could’ve said that first.” The demonic alicorn huffed, but she still kept the ring around our cock. We grunted, pushing in more as We decided to take it up a notch. Our body grew bigger while replacing Willow’s prismatic fur with similarly hued scales. Leathery wings erupted from our back while the rest of our body transformed fully into a ripped dragoness. We were content to keep it to being a fox before, but now she’s awoken a beast! “Yes! Finally! Now I can-.” “Speak freely~.” I purred with a throaty draconic rumble. “I’m going to fuck you so damn hard princess, that you’ll never have anyone else’s eggs again!” I huffed as I gave her a hard buck while I grew a bit in size, my second jaw forming. “You will know your Queen Ember!” “You did say you were planning on-unf-putting some eggs in me.” Visilia protested as I pounded her. “What else, planning on marking me with your balls afterwards?” “Yes. Cum, balls, then smother you with our boobs.” I snarled and fucked her harder with a five foot dick that she could only take the first third of. “Take my cock Princess!” We growled, her magic size-changing cock ring strained to hold it. “Gah, haven’t been myself in eons!” “Oh, you possessive beast~!” Visi moaned as I had my way with her. I grabbed her and started using her like a toy as I purred, enjoying how tight she was. It was one thing to feel with Wiatr’s body, but to finally have it! To own it! To be it! Hnng~! No wonder they’re such a delicious slut! “You think that ring you have shoved onto my cock will stop me from claiming your womb?” I growled with false fury as I let my balls churn with seed, ah to have true dragon seed in them again~. “It hasn’t failed me!” Visi said in defiance. “Nine months and you’re still mine. No hero has come for you, give it up.” I snarled feeling the ring creak as I licked her cheek. “I will have my prize this day, a clutch of eggs from that womb! Trust me when I say you will enjoy every moment of it!” Draconic taint! I will turn her into a dragon! She will be mine! I will show this goddess what it means to be something truly powerful! “No~!” My prized princess cried out as I felt her cumming and I chuckled in victory. “You love my cock!” I crowed in victory when I felt the ring start to break as I buried two feet of meat into Visilia, my cock turning a deeper red with how constricted it was in that ring while her abdomen impressively stretched around my swollen girth. “Your protection is breaking, soon you will be mine forever!” I snarled as I fucked her and held her close.  “N-No...I...can’t…” Visi was panting for breath, trying to wriggle off of me but I shuddered with a moan, as it tickled my dick and made it throb harder. The ring was starting to lose. Oh, does she think we’re roleplaying? “Oh~ yes~!” I moaned as the ring cracked and my balls gurgled as I kissed Visi’s head. I grew my cock a bit more, straining Wiatr’s body a bit in this size before the ring shattered. “Ah~, free at last!” “Oh no~!” Visi mewled before I kissed her, our tongues dueling. I kept plowing away at her. I heard her whine when I felt her cum and her dick poured it’s thick hot seed all over my abs, but my hands kept her in place as I fucked her even harder. “Hmph~!” Visi? Oh~ what’s going on? We’re having sex? No! Not now! Not when I’m-! “-So close~! No~!” We shuddered and sat up as our balls clenched. We moaned as Visi watched us while cum traveling up our long shaft slowly. Quickly We pulled our incredible length out of her and jerked off, blasting our load all over Visi, covering her body with our spunk. Huh, it smells different, We feel different. “Gah, why did you have to wake up?! We almost had her full of eggs and made a dragon!” “There We go~ only a little risk of babies if some cum tries hard.” We huffed as We set our drenched lover down on the magic self-cleaning bed. It needs to be or the maids would murder us in our sleep. Visi groaned as she wiped our cum off her face. “Okay, honey, are you sure you’re okay? Also where’s that potion to get rid of my cock?” She asked us while looking down at her horsecock, poking at it in contemplation. “Hnf, We don’t have one prepared yet remember? You can use Reducto until it vanishes if you have to.” We sighed as our cumshot died down. “At least you get a shower and a lower chance.” We moaned before smirking deviously and letting our ‘bladder’ go, but instead of urine it was that odd rainbow slime our body produces. Huh...We haven’t actually gone to the bathroom since ascending. Well it’s not nasty so that’s a plus. “Huh?” Visi muttered as the cum washed away from her and the rainbow-hued slime latched onto her and sank into her flesh, making her coo as it did whatever it does besides make the skin tingle and feel like massage oil. Even so, We weren’t finished. Grabbing ahold of her, We shoved our cock back inside her still sensitive snatch and pissed our unusual waste product inside her, making her squeak in surprise as her belly bloated with that magic therapeutic rainbow slime. “Eek!” She had a weak orgasm from the penetration since she was still sensitive. “Mrrr~.” We purred at the look before pulling out of her nine month looking belly and finished on her rear. “There we go, full of eggs.” We joked. Visi shuddered as she held her belly. “That was new.” She muttered as We chuckled. “Whoa, feels like it’s rubbing me from the inside…” “It’s that tingly slime We produce. Now for some ball marking. Berserker will smell us by the time We’re finished. Oh, We could mark you with our snatch too, it’s big enough with this straining body.” We reached behind our scrotum to finger our plump pussy which was slathering our thighs and balls with our fem-slime. “Wait, are you sure that’s a wise idea?” Visilia asked us, looking worried. “Why wouldn’t it be?” We smirked as We took her into our giant hands and rubbed her on our balls as We laid back on the floor with our junk resting on the bed. Visi moaned as she nuzzled against our balls. “We’re still roleplaying, right?” She asked before kissing our engorged nutsack containing our person-sized gonads. “A bit.” We huffed as We held her to our nuts. “Grr, just a bit longer and this would’ve gone a totally different way!” Hnng, We so want to plunge back into her, pump her full of seed~... “Yes, yes! Listen to me! We can still-!” No. Bad us. Listen to Visilia’s wishes. “Grr…” “Mm~.” Visilia’s moans were muffled as We kept rubbing her on our balls which were nearly as big as she was at our massive size. “Hm, no knight would want to save a maiden smelling of dragons! Especially when she’s pregnant with dragon eggs~.” We teased with a lick of our chops at the idea. “No~!” Visi whined as We spread her legs out and rubbed her pussy all over our balls, even making her cum on them. “Ah~!” She moaned, rolling out her tongue as her dick gushed her seed over our own dick and lower abs. “Hm, one last thing my prey~.” We purred as We used a hand to heft up our scrotum and the other to move her under our sack to reveal our slathered quim. We moaned when We pressed and rubbed her on our labia needily. “Mmph~!” Visi’s muffled cries sent shivers up our spine as We covered her in our pussy juice. We mewled before We felt her slip in and We panicked as We tried grabbing her to pull her out as she slipped deeper into our snatch. “Crap no!” We reached deep inside our cunt, grunting as We felt her hands grab hold of our fingers. Clutching onto them, We pulled her out and held her as she coughed up some of our juices. “Sorry about that, good thing you didn't slip into our womb.” “What the-ack-fuck?” Visi coughed some more. “That was unexpectedly hot but-cak-the Hell was that?” “We didn’t mean to pull you in. Your legs just slipped in when We rubbed you about.” We mewled in shame of almost unbirthing her like when Daring used Willow as a toy. “Okay, no pussy marking from you.” Visi stated with a surprisingly disappointed sigh. “At this size at least. Thankfully We aren’t going to become your mother. That would be weird.” We chuckled nervously at the massive SNAFU that almost occurred. “Yeah, luckily enough.” The demon alicorn huffed. “Sorry.” We whined. “You stupid beast. Did you forget I’m now carrying your clutch?! Honestly, I know you wanted me as your trophy, broodmother of a wife, but-!” Visi jumping right back into roleplaying shocked us but We recovered enough to play along. “Grrrr, well now you get to suck our tip.” We snarled while We moved her to our glans again, pushing it into her mouth and stretching her incredibly elastic body again. It’s rather impressive how naturally malleable her flesh is. Almost like she’s made of rubber like Daring, but she seems less inclined to take advantage of it like Daring did. “Gck!” She gagged a bit before We started fucking her throat. We moaned and huffed as We licked and slurped at her cunt. “Gluck-glack-! Glug-!” Hm, she’s breathing just fine. How is she doing that? Is it part of why she doesn’t suffer pain from vomiting? What tricks do her breed of demons have? “Loving our cock, our broodslut?” We breathed some weak fire to sanitize her but left our scent before licking her body with our long tongue, a foot of cock in her mouth and throat. “Hmph~!” Our little broodslut moaned as she kept sucking us off. We purred as rainbow goo leaked from her quim as We fucked her throat, doing our best to enjoy it as We relaxed. We put her lower body in our mouth as We licked and nibbled on it. “Mmph~!” She wiggled inside our mouth. “Hm, tasty, maybe We should reconsider you for dinner, you are mouthy.” We chuckled with her still in our mouth. We pulled her in with our tongue until only her head was left out while We fucked her mouth. After a few more thrusts We came inside her mouth. While Visi did her best to drink in every pumped load, her belly swelled up from her titanic liquid repast. Oh~ she’s so damn elastic it’s hot! “Oh~ so good~.” We moaned as our own cum gushed from her ass and flooded our mouth. Does she not have poop at all? Wow her species is unique. “Hm~!” Once We were finished We noticed Visi had came from this! We tongued her dick and cunt to prolong her orgasm until she was spasming in our mouth and gasping when We pulled our dick from her mouth. “Oh, Gods…” She praised while heavily panting for breath. “Are you done yet?” We purred before swirling the cum in our mouth a bit, making her yelp from the act before drinking it. “Hm, no broodslut~.” We purred after we slipped her out of our mouth between our boobs. “W...what are you…?” Our little broodslut was starting to look tired. “Time to meet your bed.” We purred before smothering her in our sloshing colossal breasts. We moaned as We rubbed our breasts against her. Cooing, We leaned down and nuzzled her. “Hm, We can sleep for a week like this.” We huffed, so tired from just being this size which surpassed our usual 20-foot maximum. It’s impressive how the room adjusted to us so well, thank you Twilight, wherever you are in Ash. “That was something.” Visi chuckled as she came out of character. “If we’re done, I think we should shower. Didn’t you say you had a date with Cocoa?” Visi leered lustily up at us. “Or~...we could do more…” Visilia’s voice was so rich with velvet and honey as her eyes looked so hungry she could definitely go for a sixth or seventh helping of sex. Holy shit. Where was this goddess in the sack lurking? “I...yes...so tired though.” We mewled before We shrunk in size back down to our comfortable 6 foot height and returned to our usual form of mutant kitsune. Sorry Willow, you are a mutant. “Have something to eat and drink after showering, that should help.” Visi told us before she got up with ease in spite of her massive pregnant-looking cum-stuffed belly and dragged us into the bathroom where she turned the shower on. Is she shaking her ass at us? “Thanks.” We mewled while our eyes watched her tight calypigian ass wiggle as she adjusted the water spraying down on us both. “Did you like the roleplay?” “Fuck yes~.” Our demon princess growled lustily when she turned to face us and pressed her breasts and belly into us to brandish a puffball stick and soap. H-holy shit her dick is between our thighs and throbbing against our cunt! Visi? W-we’re here to get clean, right? “Want to do it again later?” We asked meekly after she leaned in with a devilish grin and a purr before she pulled us into a deep kiss, our eyes going wide when her cock sawed between our thighs “Yeah~.” Visi husked as she dropped the soap between our tits and it vanished into our cleavage. “Oopsie~.” Visilia winked and giggled. “Guess I’ll have to find something else to scrub you with~.” Her eyes became ravenous and she reached down to grab both our dick and hers. We gasped when she began jacking us both off while she pinned us against the wall. “Look what we have here! Two rock, hard, ready soap dispensers!” “Visi~.” We panted and meekly tried to push her away, but her lusty actions had shot our lust to levels We were familiar with from the desert. Oh no! How did Visi max our ‘lust meter’ so quickly after such epic sex?!  “So easy.” Visilia teased us with a lick of our cheek. “You’re practically prey.” “Visi~!” We whined and whimpered as We pawed her body, but she wouldn’t relent on the pressure between us as she stroked our cock. Shaking her head, Visi started fondling our balls. She still wouldn’t yield when our tail hands tried to pull her away, but our wet floofs only seemed to caress her. “Please Visi, m-more~.” We can’t take it anymore~! “Hey wait...this seems off…” “About time you asked.” Visi licked her lips before she got down on her knees, but her magic kept us pinned to the wall. “You have some cream for me?” Visilia groped our gurgling coconut-sized cum spheres and began licking our dick like it was a lollipop. “Oh~, if you want to really please us, you’ll use that cock of yours and dom us.” We huffed, our cock bobbing as she leaned back and leered lustily up at us. “Tie us up, or treat us badly for a night.” “Well, if that’s what you want~.” Visi purred while she patted our dick as if apologizing to it. “Yes! We want it!” We declared heavily, panting needily as she stood up and her lusty smirk became a little cruel and her eyes seemed a bit manic. “Well then. If you’re going to offer me the chance...” Visi growled as she fondled her coconut-sized balls- “Wait, weren’t those smaller earlier?!” -And hefted her thick dick up against her belly, which she frowned at and suddenly it rippled before shrinking down into a flat muscular tummy. W-where did it go?! “There! Now there’s nothing to hide your job.” “J-job?” We mewled as our body ached for it, for her. “Mhm~.” Visi hummed with that dark smirk. “So what now?” We shuddered from still feeling so weak at the moment. Not that We could overpower Visillia before. “Hold the phone! Something is seriously up with this!” “Time to return the favour~.” Visi purred as she lifted up her cock and pointed down to her balls. “Get sucking, pet.” We mewled with a nod before getting on our knees to worship her nuts. She grabbed our head and pressed our snout to her sack, her musk filling our nose. We had to gasp as the scent made our head swim, feeling like We just went into the deepest heat We’ve had. “Now to mark you as mine~.” Lying us down, she rubbed her balls all over our body, making us shiver as Visi started frotting our cocks together. “That’s in the way! Put it away!” “B-but-!” “Your mistress demands a woman right now! Not a herm!” Visilia snarled angrily and We whimpered as We complied, scared of upsetting her. “Good pet.” She then used magic to lift up our legs and saw her dick against our plump pussy lips and We squealed. “There. Those balls were blocking this beautiful sight.” “Y-You’ve put us in heat!” We panted, wiggling under her as her hermhood drove us crazy, feeling it throb against our quim. We whined when she stroked them together, her balls slapping against our butt as she looked at our ripped abdomen hungrily. “Oh~ I want to stuff you with pups so bad right now, but no. Remember; no babies.” Visilia chided with a wagging finger. Is she telling us or herself? “You put us in heat, We need babies!” We whined while our snatch lubricated her thick horsedick, but Visi winked at us and ignored our aching need. We squirmed our hips to rub our cunt along her length and try to get the tip on the upstroke, but she pulled away whenever We nearly accomplished this flexible feat to keep sawing through our labia like an evil veiny saw-horse with a delicious medial ring-ohgoddesspleasejustfuckus~! “Uh-uh~. If I make babies with you, you’ll just give them to Urta instead of carrying them to full term. I want to see you swell with my foals when it comes time!” Visi declared hungrily, panting as if the idea of us fecund with her foals was driving her wild, and it clearly was! “You can’t do that right now! You have too much to do~!” Visi growled, her eyes going wild. “Need!” We whined, feeling our core twinge as the onset of a powerful female orgasm was finally, thankfully approaching! Grunting, Visi summoned a-no~! A condom! She magically slipped it on her lubricated cock and quickly aimed her dick for our needy cunt, ramming home in one go due to how slick our snatch was and We wailed in orgasm. “Visi~!” We cried as We groped our breasts and lamented that she wasn’t going to satisfy this burning need within us to take her foals. “I’m gonna fill you so damn much this magic condom might burst!” Visilia snarled in pleasure as she ravaged our cunt. “Unf, fuck yes! I’m gonna knock you up somehow! Yes! If I just fuck hard enough!” Don’t be so cruel Visi~! Don’t tease us with this~! “Just take it off~!” We wailed before We noticed the odd sensation of something solid-ish filling us. Wait she’s cumming already?! We grunted at the odd feeling of the comdom swelling as she kept fucking us. “Grr!” Visi wordlessly growled and grunted as her nuts clapped against our ass. We moaned as she sent us into orgasm after orgasm. Our spasming only seemed to excite her more and prolong her incredible and frankly unnatural voluminous cumshot! Our belly is swelling~! “Shenanigans! Something’s not right! Listen to me!” “As soon as you have babies with the boys, I’ll be putting mine inside you next.” Visi huffed in desire when she finished rounding our belly to the size of term with triplets. Oh~ how’d she cum so much? She pulled out, leaving the condom inside us and it magically tied itself off. Oh, one of those fancy ones. She didn’t let us rest and she hefted our groin up to begin eating us out. “Ah! Visi~!” We huffed before our eyes widened at the sight of her cock growing two inches longer and her balls were engorging to the size of cantaloupes! That’s not from us, the boys and other people who’ve had sex with us would’ve had similar effects. What is going on here?! “You finally noticed something was up?!” “Fuck!” Visi growled in pleasure when she pulled her face away from our pussy. “I think your juices cause growth.” Visi smiled disturbingly gleefully as her cock bobbed. “No! We don’t do that!” We defended worriedly. “Visi, something is happening to you!” “Let’s get you cleaned up, again. I don’t think Cocoa is that patient.” Visi replied, completely deflecting the topic. This is serious Visi! “I’ll deal with it.” “You’d better. Also, We bet you’re worried you’d put buns in us if you keep it up.” We mewled in concern for our sexy demoness. She’s usually in much better control of herself, if she had any signs of Corruption We’d sense it. “We don’t need to cause unnecessary complications.” Visi muttered as she dove a hand into our cleavage and retrieved the bar of soap before she actually began to wash us. We enjoyed the attention while We patted our ballooned belly, a bit annoyed that We’ll have to go goo to shift it out of us instead of just absorbing it thanks to that damage-resistant magic condom. “Gods I wish that was my foals…” Visi rubbed our belly with a far-off look in her eyes. “It could be.” We mewled and she sighed with a resigned shake of her head. Once We were done, Visilia retrieved a jar of Reducto from her fancy hammerspace and had us help her get rid of her cock before she helped us pull the balloon of cum out of us. It was a bit silly, us turning to slime and Visi getting her hands inside us to roll the yoga-ball sized balloon of her cum out. She seemed as astounded as us at the volume of it. “You know, I could just drink this.” Visilia licked her lips as she eyed her own ejaculate with surprising desire. “Visi?” We mewled as We solidified back into Willow’s base form. “Let’s get you prettied up.” Visi kicked the surprisingly durable balloon into a corner before she helped us dress in something nice for our date with Cocoa. It had our morphing black dress underneath as an underdress and a red dress just over it, slightly see through. She even asked if We wanted makeup but We declined. Makeup is so tacky, at least to us. “Well, darling, looks like you’re ready.” Visi told us with a smile. “Have fun.” “Thanks. We’re meeting her at the new restaurant that serves food made with donated milk.” Of which, Urta was the largest contributor. She’d be making a fortune if she actually charged for her magically generated fluids, but to be fair she’s our wife and has a royal ‘allowance’. “Of course.” Visi rolled her eyes. “Well? Don’t just stand here! Go! Shoo! Don’t keep the lady waiting!” She shooed us off, but We didn’t miss the eager and wicked leer she gave her cum balloon in the corner... “Should we be worried?” “Alright, alright!” We chuckled before giving Visi a kiss and then she almost slammed the door in our face. We heard her hooves hurriedly clop away, likely to do unholy things to that poor condom. “This is so unlike her, but then again you never know someone until you’ve shared a bed with them for a while.” “*wolf whistle* Heading out babe? Looking good!” Urta declared from where she was exposed by the curtains being drawn aside, revealing the scientists and testers weren’t around. Odd...right. Maybe they’re busy with the new gear Visi mentioned earlier. “Hey, mind coming over and giving a mama some sugar before you go?” Urta playfully fluttered her eyes at us and We giggled before jogging over and climbing up her sphere of a body to give her a kiss. “Mm~ you smell so good~.” Urta’s cock lurched and gushed more of her Argent cum. “Grr~, wanna ride and get stuffed with kits?” “N-not now Urta. We’d have to give them to you anyway.” We quickly deflected and slid down her front as she giggled and blew kisses at us while We left. When We walked through town We had every male staring at us, some openly rubbing their groins when they smelled the pheromones We were giving off. Mewling, We hurried to our date at the diner named Mega Milk atop Unity’s plateau. It was a charming place, looking like a 1950s diner from Willow’s old world’s America. It was funny that it looked like a malt shop. After We managed to enter even with every male and several females all being driven wild by our late-season heat, We entered the restaurant and quickly found our wife in a booth down the right side of the diner. Smiling, We approached our chocolate labrador and cooed when she got up to hug us. “Hello, our Cocoa.” We said before kissing her. We took a good look at her and enjoyed the nice green simple dress she managed to squeeze her milfy body into. “Hello Wiatr. Have a good day?” Cocoa took a deep whiff of us and purred, We felt even more flustered upon noticing how hard her nipples became in her clothes. “Enter heat? Cocoa will help after dinner, if wife behaves and not make Cocoa upset again.” We mewled at the stipulation, it was hard to even think straight right now you sexy bitch~! “Yes, We had a good day. Mostly thanks to Visi...going overboard.” We admitted and bit our lip with a shudder, but Cocoa’s pout told us she didn’t want to think about Visilia too much, but she asked. “It was also because she and We got to play with the children.” “Visilia play with children?” Cocoa perked up and smiled. “Happy to hear she bonding! She stay away whenever they not receptive to her. Worried was stealing them from her, good to see they still see her as mother.” “Yes, although the pups wanted to play hostage again.” We grumbled, the pups always wanted us to play hostage lately. Thank goodness Hermais was not there the whole time. He gets weird if they tie Us up. “Hehehe, Cocoa can get out of that easily!” Cocoa chuckled as she sat back down and We mirrored her on the other side of the booth. “Oh, don’t you start. You’re a natural den mother, We don’t have that advantage.” We pouted with a playful glare at her. “You're also an assassin.” “Cocoa does have booty for two women.” Cocoa winked at us and We snorted so hard at the terrible pun it nearly drew attention to our booth before a griffin waitress came to take our order.  “What will you two ladies be having?” The grey feathered and furred hen questioned with a beaming smile on her beak. The fact beaks weren’t just keratin in this reality was still confounding. “Cocoa will have double steak burger and spicy fries with banana milkshake. Cocoa’s wife not see menu yet.” Cocoa looked at us sheepishly as she gestured to the menu We hadn’t bothered to look at. “Ah! Um...two double-doubles animal style with extra fresh onion, double order of fries and a banana and chocolate milkshake with a third empty milkshake glass.” We belted out, pulling on Willow’s memories since Svartr was from an ancient era and Daring didn’t have time to dine at casual restaurants like this one. Why did Willow even remember that one order at an In-N-Out? “Uh...um...you mean two double steak burgers with extra onion, double order of plain fries, one banana shake with a partner chocolate shake, along with a third empty glass to mix them?” The hen probed for clarity and We nodded rapidly. “Got it! It’ll be on it’s way in a few minutes ladies!” “Why eat so much?” Cocoa’s ears perked and she gasped. “Did someone act on scent?!” “No!” We hurriedly waved our hands with a vibrant blush at Cocoa being happy at the idea We were pregnant again. You’d think the number of rugrats she sees to already would’ve exhausted her to the concept of children. “We’re just hungry. At least, We feel tired and could use some energy. Visi did take a lot out of us.” Is he a mana-vampire or something? “Ah, Cocoa sees. Cocoa was worried after reveal of her profession that Visilia distance from us.” Cocoa settled down and We blinked. She has every right to be upset, but instead she was worried she’d chased Visilia away? “No, she didn’t get distant. She was just having a fit. She tried being herm and it seems to have sent her over the edge lust-wise. We bet she was just irked she was so much more horny and didn’t like how much it set her on edge.” We considered, since her behavior only really changed after getting male organs added on. “Ah, would explain her scent. She smelled like horny male about to jump mate and fill with pups.” Cocoa declared and We really wished We’d spoken to Cocoa first. She really would’ve helped us brace for the sexual storm that was an unleashed Visilia of Tartarus. “Is that why you stayed hidden?” We mused on the idea, figuring Cocoa wasn’t likely ready to be pregnant again right now with her duties to tend to. “Partly. Cocoa also wanted to practice. Get back in groove.” Cocoa casually picked up her steak knife and twirled it around in her hand with a deft ease and speed that made our figurative hearts skip in worry that she’d cut herself. “Cocoa also back to poison and potion making with Rathazul’s help.” “Well then. We have an Assassin, a Princess, a Knight, a Sorceress, A Goddess, a Prince, a Shapshifter, and a Queen. We sound like a D&D adventure. O&O is the local version.” We nerdily replied to our bootylicious busty assassin doggo, who blinked in bemusement. “Ugh, sorry, Daring was the total nerd in high school and university.” “Cocoa not know what any of those are. Cocoa born in-.” Cocoa was interrupted by the grey hen rapidly setting up a portable stand and setting her serving tray on it. “Order up!” She cheerfully declared and served us our food with a rapidity that surprised us. “I’ve also brought you water in case you’re still thirsty after the shakes. Enjoy!” She kicked the portable stand up and scurried off to another customer. “Well, then.” We cooed happily at the prompt service and looked at Cocoa. “Continue while we eat?” “So long as no speak with mouth full. Is rude and gross.” Cocoa chided while waving a fry menacingly at us and We giggled. “So where was our chocolate lab born?” We purred with a desire to know more about her. We may be okay with knowing only the bare essentials of who a person is now, but to deny their past is foolishness. “Cocoa born in remote village on border of Canida. Third daughter of family of 17.” Cocoa casually replied and We would’ve been shocked if Cocoa herself didn’t bear 15 pups at once. “Was born in famine, lost three siblings to starvation, four to lust demons, one to illness. Was conscripted into army at young age. Was abducted by lust demons on first engagement.” “Oh Goddess. Cocoa…” Daring’s memories supplied such tragedy was common in this world, but still, this was someone We love. It hurt. “Past is past. Cocoa here now after blur of being raped, bred, refined, tortured, beaten, turned into murderer. Cocoa happy to leave in past, but will use for future.” Cocoa determinedly declared. Oh gosh. She’s a perfect fit for a main character in a light novel! Wow Willow is a nerd! “We’re happy We were able to save you from your fate Cocoa.” We mewled and looked at our food. It looked delicious, but now it seemed difficult to eat. “Eat or Cocoa will force feed you.” Cocoa playfully declared and We smirked back while holding our mouth open with an obnoxious ah~ sound and she actually fed us a fry. “Cocoa warning you!” We giggled and got to eating. (<3) “Where it all go?” Cocoa was leaning against us with a hand wrapped around our waist to rub our stomach through our dresses. “We’re goo Cocoa. It gets processed into more goo. It goes everywhere at once.” We giggled at the ticklish sensation of her fingers on our abs while she walked us back home after dinner was done. We learned so much about our favorite dog-woman. Like she was fond of rugby but hated hoofball, or that she has never had fleas for some amazing reason. “Convenient. If Cocoa eat too much, it goes to booty and thighs.” Cocoa pouted and looked back at her thicc, sexy, hnngwannafuckit motherly ass. “Cocoa been working so hard, but weight not want to go.” “Babe. Trust us. Sometimes there’s weight because it’s hot.” We purred and she cooed when our tail hands got handfuls of her shapely big ass. “Careful~. Cocoa will give pups if she is too horny.” Cocoa warned us with a throaty purr and our heart wanted to thud out of our chest. We never did give her the chance to use her male organs on us like We promised, did We? “M-maybe We...would very much like that?” We sheepishly replied with a vibrant blush and Cocoa’s face blanched with a matching flush to her brown face. “A-ah...but Wiatr has so much work to do. Cocoa no drop pups in your lap.” Cocoa hesitantly rescinded her offer, but We grinned foxily and she gulped. “C-Cocoa too late to escape?” “Cocoa too late. We will ask Urta first though, if she’s willing to take more pups.” We leaned back against Cocoa and kissed her tenderly, she whimpered and eagerly returned the attention, her tail wagging like the wind and slapping our own booty. “Welcome home ladies, I’ll get the door.” One of the guards said as We approached and We waved thankfully to him even though We refused to stop kissing our wife and moved on to groping her as We dragged her inside through the door the guard had so helpfully held open. “Woo! You two go-uh, any fun reason you’re coming over here?” Urta excitedly called out to us as We neared her towards the back of the place and We broke away from Cocoa, both of us panting lustily for air. “Urta. We know you’ve already got a lot of embryos baking inside you, but do you think you could, uh, gestate some more?” We hopefully asked as We leaned against Cocoa and our tails entwined with hers. “Uh...can I do that?” Urta muttered and grunted as she wiggled in her pool, before suddenly her endlessly pumped penis ‘spat’ off the suction tube and began making swallowing motions. “Holy shit I still can! I feel it going into my, well, you know. I guess that part of Sandy’s magic never really wore off, it just calmed down!” “Party in Urta-wife!” Cocoa declared as she yanked her dress up over her head, leaving her in her bra and panties which she got to work on as she eagerly looked at us. “Uh...how will we get out? How will she take the pups from us while We’re inside of her?” We replied in disappointment and both of our wives wilted. “Sorry ladies, no unbirth by cockvore tonight...holy fuck We just said that.” “Maybe later, but you two are not going to go off and do the deed out of my sight after you-.” Urta was interrupted by a world-shaking rumble that sent Cocoa and I stumbling. Before any of us could vocalize our concern, the raid sirens began blaring and We felt all joy be replaced with fear and fury. We’re under attack. > Ch.59 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.59 When the battle broke out and ruined our passionate rendezvous with Cocoa and Urta, the Night Sentinels were thankfully ready to combat their long-hated enemy. Within the first two days the battle was fierce and brutal. The Night Sentinels were holding off the Hordes of Hell at the edge of the plateau, their tanks forming battle lines and hammering away at the ground forces of the Hellspawn while anti-air gun emplacements kept the skies clear of the flying demons. Unfortunately, on the third day Hell had finally breached the tunnel in Unity’s box canyon and started flooding in. Many lives were lost in that tunnel, but they died fighting. Honey and her Hive were cut off on the other side of the river canyon on day one of the siege, but they were hidden and safe, unlike us. Harmonia was keeping the center of town clear with her overwhelming magic. The rainbow magic of Harmony raced out and burned away demons like they were paper. The Goddess was doing her best to keep the town we all have come to call home safe as she kept the barrier over the canyon up. The civilians were mostly around her praying to empower her or sheltering in the homes and apartments inside the walls of the canyon. The town guards were doing a fine job at keeping the demons from even reaching the great tree, cleaving and piercing flesh the best they could. The Everfree Forest was also angry, the trees coming to life and crushing hell spawn even before they knew what was happening, the animals of the forest becoming red and angry. Timberwolves rushed out of the trees with iron bark and dark crystals growing on their bodies as they hunted demons, but they even assaulted us when we were still in such a fortified location. The Everfree clearly hated the Hellfires. As for Hell, they brought their Infernus Cannons, this time on tracks. We can already guess who was responsible for upgrading them. Already half of the town on the plateau above the town center in the canyon was burned to the ground by these and the Everfree was suffering the worst from it when they turned the cannons on the forest once it started attacking them at their backs. All our efforts weren’t enough to keep them away from Harmonia however. “Visi! Any luck on figuring out how they got in the Canyon?!” We asked our lover since the tunnel was our most heavily guarded point of access, especially since the gatehouse for the bridge at the road to Ponyville retracted the drawbridge the moment Hell showed up. “They teleported!” Visi answered as she used her sword to cleave two Imps in one swing and shot another’s face off with her massive energy pistol. We can joke about it being one of the ones refitted to use Urta’s cum as ammo later. “I got that, but how did-Grr!” We snarled when We impaled an imp with the lightning spear We got from the dragonslayer. We were dressed in nothing but our self-grown armor since three days ago when We ran out to investigate and grabbed the spear on the way. The Infinity had also saved our bacon several times. “We need to hurry the evacuation to Tel’adre, get the pups out of here!” Including Urta! Especially Urta! If these monsters get ahold of her, her Argent... Oh no. We know why they’re attacking! They’re here for Urta! Those fucks told them about her! Before Visi could respond or We could tell her about our suspicion, one of the Hell Knights punched her in the face which sent her sprawling to the ground. It leaped towards her with its fists in a double axe-handle to crush her, but Visi recovered and thrust her sword straight through its throat and decapitated it while she got back up. “Then go! Do what you have to!” Visilia snarled as she rushed back into the fray. “Enough of this! I will not stand for my kingdom to fall again!” “Got it!” We barked before spearing an Imp in the head and retreating towards the portal nexus that Harmonia always had set up around her. “Cocoa, what’s the status on the evac?” We called out to our wife, who was primarily acting as coordinator for the evacuation. “All the younglings are on the other side, moving the elderly now, We have Starlight and Trixie trying to keep the pups calm in North Fort!” Cocoa informed us. “What about Urta?!” We demanded and Cocoa bit her lip with a look towards our home. “Damn it, they’re here for her!” Cocoa’s eyes widened and she snarled before sprinting towards our home. “All magically capable, follow Cocoa to evacuate Urta! She’s why they’re attacking! We must not let them have half a chance at getting her Argent!” Or all shall burn in Hell’s fires. They all nodded and We were about to run for home to help, but something struck us at the idea of running away from the enemy and We snarled before We left to help Visilia again. “Got things ordered at the portals, but we really need to find where the Demons are coming from.” “Krimzon is leading a scouting squad to find that out! Reinforcements will be coming in, hopefully when Krimzon finds out where they are, who’s leading this bunch, then take them out!” Visilia answered, which gave us some hope. Krimzon was reliable like that. “Got it!” I growled before stabbing another Imp, this time in the heart before pulling back and slashing at a Revenant in the back, making it’s jet short before it blew up. “How did they even start the portals up without us noticing?” We asked before summoning lightning to rip through a group of Imps. This spear really seemed to like us for some reason, behaving so well. “There is no portal, at least nowhere close to Unity!” Visi told us as she headbutt an Imp before slicing it in half with a downward cut. “How did they get through the bottleneck at the tunnel?” We asked before We hurled more lightning at a Hell Knight, frying it before We pierced it’s head. “How do you think?! Summoners and Arch-Viles!” The demonic alicorn answered, shooting her pistol into a group of Imps charging us. That’s right fuckers! Die to what you’re here to steal!   We heard screaming and glanced at an Imp dissolving in the Purity Pool. Huh, was that the water or us? “Baron!” A group of guards desperately yelled as they fired their guns before the Baron sent them flying with a massive backhand. A group of Crusaders rushed the Baron of Hell, tackling it down before they hacked it to death. “Summoner!” Another group yelled, one firing a grenade from a salvaged Revenant jetpack as the delivery system. “That’s a crafty group.” We huffed as We speared another Imp. If this wasn’t such a frantic melee We could just use the Infinity to mow down the weaker cannon fodder, or even overwhelm tougher enemies. This pistol’s Slag makes it too dangerous to just fire willy-nilly. “Where are the other fucks?” Visi growled before one of her Night Sentinels was sent careening past us with a Wilhelm Scream. “Arch-Vile!” Several Sentinels called out while a squad of Gunners used their chainguns to send a hail of bullets its way. However, the Arch-Vile made a run for it across the battlefield and narrowly dodged the bullet storm. It resurrected the most intact demons in the area, but thankfully a Ghost appeared and buried a knife in its skull. He didn’t live to celebrate his triumph since the Baron that was just resurrected stabbed him with it’s wrist blades. What made things even worse was that more Summoners were spawning in more Demons. If we don’t get rid of them soon we’ll lose Unity. All our efforts thus far will have been for nothing. This beacon of hope and Harmonia especially, will be lost to the world and doom us all! “No! I refuse to give in! Grow big! Go full dragon! I’ll tear them to pieces!” We decided to go through with the impulse that struck us, to damn collateral damage and go all-out. Who cares about property damage if We live through this? We began to grow, our scales emerging, our power welling up- Our transformation was interrupted when an arming sword made of golden light plunged through a Void portal into the stone ground in front of us. We’d changed to the point our wings had emerged and were beginning to tower over the battlefield when this happened. Something caused us to be transfixed by the pretty sword and We reached out to it. “I am Lucifer, the Lamp Bearer of God, Call upon me and I shall use my Holy Light to snuff out your enemies.” “Huh?” We dumbly blinked, the odd obsession with the shiny trinket abating as We ignored demons assaulting that could only irritate our scales. “Wiatr! What are you waiting for?!” Visilia demanded after she flew up to our face. “The sword talks.” We muttered confusedly, holding the beautiful blade up to our mate, who took the blade and blinked. “Lucifer, if you really are who you claim, help us! Hell’s attacking!” Visi spoke into the sword. “Hell?” We heard from the sparkling sword before a blue flaming portal opened next to Visilia and a golden wolf in a black tuxedo with a white undershirt and black tie emerged.  “Huh...they aren’t my demons…” He looked at us then Visilia and his jaw dropped. “You look like my old friend Helix.” He chuckled before he turned an Imp that jumped at him to ash with a mere flick of his wrist. “Question, do you know of a game called DOOM?” Visi asked Lucifer. We’re not sure if now was a good time for talking. Then again, the well-dressed wolf seemed to set the demons on edge. Or was that us? We are a big sexy dragoness, the little things must be intimidated.   “Yes, from I think billions of years ago...or is it trillions now?” He mused and We tilted our head. Why did that seem like such a trivial amount of time to us? “Yes, I do. Doom, Hell, Slayers all that. Played the whole series. Why?” He asked as he idly sliced another imp in half with a copy of the sword in Visi’s hand. Oh, two shinies... “Just help us get rid of them.” Visi told him, punctuating her words with a shot to the face of another imp. “Alright. Have a spare pistol?” He asked before he yanked a Revenant towards him by an invisible force and pulped it’s head with his own forehead meeting it’s face before a round from a Mancubus hit him and dissolved his fancy tux. “Well, that was unnecessary.” “Do you really need one?” Visi asked before she sliced through the Baron’s legs at the thighs and then it’s head before it could respond. Hm, what was going on here anyway? We distinctly remember being desperate about something, but now it all seems rather unimportant. The moment this handsome wolf showed up the demons seem to have become impotent. Like they realized they were suddenly in the presence of an Ultimate Gary Stu or something. “I split up my powers. I got bored of ruling Tartarus so I purposefully handicapped myself.” He said as We casually grabbed a Lost Soul in our left claw and ate it whole. Hm, spicy with little flavor. The bones do have a nice crunch though. Why does our soul vessel burn though? “Really?” Visi looked at him with a flat expression. “What was the point in doing that?” “I wanted to feel excitement. Everything became mundane and someone else could do my job anyway. I’m Undying. I don’t need to eat, drink, can’t get tired, I can sleep just to heal with my limited power, but the objects containing my power can cause problems that can be easily contained. That was something I didn’t consider before someone took said containers and tossed them into the Void.” He sighed and our brows twitched. “Is this really important?” We drawled, uninterested in this guy’s life story. Either help or fuck off. Hm, imps taste a little gritty. Visi snarled in irritation before she gave him her own cumshot cannon. Even if that isn’t what it’s really named, that is what We will call it forever. “I want that back. I don’t care how much of an undying asshole you are, there are weapons that can kill you.” She warned him before getting back into the action. Mrr, our mate is such a sexy firebrand. “I know, but I would still come back in my own dimension, it would just take a ridiculously long time.” He said before getting back to killing. “By the way, what’s your name you two?” “We’re Wiatr.” We huffed with an eye roll as We reached across the canyon-wait, when were We able to get this big? Meh, doesn’t matter. We grabbed a Summoner and tossed it into our quad-hinged maw and swallowed it whole. Mm~ spicy. “Are the boys coming?” We asked Visilia. “They’re not finished yet! Tomorrow at best!” Visi replied before she used Repulsion to send a Pinky flying into a group of demons like she was bowling. “Who? Never mind, hm, what sort of creature are you?” Lucifer hummed before he rushed a Baron and bisected it in a chained killing spree similar to the Doom Marines. “I wish I could summon more power, but my abilities feel like they only have a two-foot radius right now.” “Do we even want to be within that range?” One of the Night Sentinels asked him. “No.” He succinctly replied before he kicked a Cacodemon into the sky and it just kept going into the sky. “My strength is still good without flexing my more devastating abilities.” “So you’re overpowered, big woop.” We rolled our eyes and grabbed demons by the handful, munching away even as the demons fought more desperately. “Says the ancient goddess older than dirt itself.” Lucifer joked and We huffed at him calling us old. We’re not old, We’re well-seasoned you coot. Much like these demons if eaten in bunches. “Shut up and keep fighting! Or eating in your case honey!” Visilia shouted with a pissted off look at Lucifer and one of awe at us. “You two can measure each other’s magic cocks later!” She wasn’t in the mood for bullshit excuses, so we both got back to fighting. Well, eating for us. Oh, stop screaming you little shit Baron. I don’t care about your feelings, I’m hungry. Even if my soul stomach feels like I just drank a pool of acid. “I don’t even have a dick.” Lucifer chuckled. “Is the guy reviving the dead important?”. “That is the dumbest fucking question.” Visilia snarled at Lucifer regarding the Arch-Vile. I don’t know, it’s being a sport and giving me more fresh food. Yes tummy, you’ll get satisfied. “Well let's see if Hellfire is worse than what I make with the main sequence star of a Blue Giant system.” Lucier pointlessly said before he carved a path to the Arch-Vile, his clothes becoming more and more damaged and exposing his fur as he fought through Hell Knights and Barons. “Wow he’s full of himself.” I huffed before I scooped more food into my maw. Nobody responded to my comment and I sighed as I rubbed my rippling abs. “Why am I so hungry?” I pouted as my tail wrapped around a Baron and I snapped his neck before I started to swallow him hooves first. “Oh, wait I haven’t eaten in eons. At least not to my full limits.” I went to grab more food, but the morsels had been driven back into the tunnel. “Aw…” “Princess! If you could size down to help in the tunnel that would be great!” A Night Sentinel requested and I nodded, shrinking down to a much more manageable size, but the tunnel was too packed for me to be a giant at all, so I kept going and- What? What happened? Oof~! Our poor soul-tummy~! So much Argent-infused soul energy~! “URP!” We fell to our hands and knees and vomited up a bunch of rainbow slime that eagerly sought Harmonia over the other people nearby. “Eugh...too many demon souls…” Good game, bad...souls... “Princess! Are you okay?!” A Night Sentinel rushed to us and helped us to our paws as We wobbled about, forced to use our tail hands to hold us steady. “I guess eating all of those demons was a bit much for you after all.” “Huh? Eating?” We retched and bent over, puking up more of the slime. “Oh~...” “Ugh, what happened? We were going to have me take over, but...eugh...so sick...” “Wow, you’re done. Okay Princess, time for you to get to safety.” The dutiful man in the shiny white armor manfully helped us along towards the portal and We blacked out feverishly at some point. > CH.60 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.60 We came to with our head in Sabrina’s lap, our titty kitty rubbing our abdomen worriedly. “Oh~, Sabrina. What happened?” We mewled weakly, our body swelteringly hot. No, wait, literally! “Are you okay?” “You’re about as hot as the desert used to get at the height of summer, I’m fine. Are you okay?” Sabrina tutted as she squished her white blouse covered basketball-sized boobs with her other arm to look down at us. Huh, didn’t consider that being an issue, but We’ve been hyper-busty for so long We guess it didn’t occur to us after adjusting. Then again, Svartr was always-oh. “We’ll be fine after visiting Urta, but it will take weeks to repair Unity.” We groaned when We weakly rolled off of her thicc thighs to look at our surroundings. We were at the verdant North Fort in what was once the desert of Saddle Arabia and was now fields of grass with the occasional tree and natural wellsprings brought to the surface beyond the out-of-place sandstone walls of the fort. Around us were hundreds of civilians, all haggard and worriedly watching the portal to Unity in the center of the magic wellspring We’d created so long ago. However, inside the pool sat Urta, who was thankfully with her head out of the water while several unicorns tried and failed to move her out of the pool. “Cocoa got Urta here, but nobody here has the magic strength to get her further from the portal.” Sabrina informed us and We grunted as We began crawling towards our beloved wife. “Wiatr, you need to-.” “We need to give Urta the Argent soul energy that’s cooking us alive and get her as far away from that damn portal as possible! They’re after her for her Argent!” We snarled up at our other wife who gasped in understanding and helped us to our paws and over to Urta. “Urta! This is going to feel really good!” We warned before staggering into the pool and falling against Urta’s spherical body. “W-whoa-oh-oh-oh~!” Urta keened and made such a delicious O-face followed by breathless panting as her body gleefully drank in the tainted soul energy from us. “A-ah~...” The water suddenly shone a bright turquoise for a moment before settling back to its usual iridescent clear shimmer. “F-fuck yea…” “Thank you. Out you get.” We levitated ourselves back on the shore of the pool and then easily lifted Urta out only to freeze and our loins to drench instantly with desire. “Whew, uh, this is kinda brisk babe. Could you set me down so I’m not getting wind chill down there?” Urta questioned while We couldn’t take our eyes off of her glorious beach-ball sized Argent cum-spheres. Said supernatural cum-tanks were actually glowing with her incredibly powerful seed. “Uh...babe?” “World to Wiatr! Snap out of it!” Sabrina snapped her fingers in front of our drooling face and she shook us by the shoulder with her other hand. “You can sex the budding Fertility Demi-Goddess later! Just get her towards safety.” “R-right.” We stammered and We willfully resisted the powerful desire We had to be fucked and bred by Urta. We had managed to levitate Urta down to the grassy ground just before a Night Sentinel rushed out of the portal. “They’ve been pushed back!” His announcement was met with resounding cheers. “They’re still trying to assault us, but their numbers have flagged and our reinforcements have arrived! I’ve been given clearance to start having you all relocated back in town so long as your residence has not been destroyed.” “How long have We been out?” We worriedly asked Sabrina as Cocoa suddenly popped up next to Urta, rubbing her side and nuzzling her. Before We could address her, she vanished again. Cocoa must be busy with sneaky stuff right now. “It’s barely been an hour. I didn’t think things were going so well over there when they dragged you through in a feverish fit.” Sabrina replied with similar surprise. “Well, a Displaced showed up at a suspiciously convenient moment. We’re shocked Aventurine didn’t show up with all the ruckus around the shrine she shares with Harmonia.” We shrugged and levitated Urta back up. “We’re heading back Urta.” “Aw, no rolling? It was kinda fun how the other folks had to roll me.” Urta giggled uneasily, clearly trying to find her calm despite being an objective of an invasion from Hell itself. “If it’s really that boring in your pool, We can figure out a way to either get you mobile or at least have you rolled around.” We said to her as We extended gooey tendrils from our paws that made it look like We were walking on stilts through the pool with our paws just at the surface. “That’d be great babe. As good as I am with sitting around and getting fatter, those prudes are getting boring to tease and my VR headset is out of things to entertain me with right now.” Urta replied before We levitated her through the thankfully size-changing portal and followed our fecund fertility fox through. Now that the battle itself was over, We could take the leisure of looking around at the town center of Unity. Our home and the rest of the canyon under Harmonia’s branches was still perfectly fine, but from the smoke covering the sky overhead it was easy to tell that the town growing atop the plateau was burnt to the ground by the Infernus barrage. “We’ve scouted to make sure no Demon was found inside.” One of the Ghosts appeared out of nowhere to tell us. “We’re keeping an eye out just in case they do decide to take it.” “Thanks. News on Lucifer?” We asked as We headed towards home since Urta still needs to be secure in her pool for now. “He said he was feeling someone had his...Halo?” A Crusader reported as he approached us. “I’m here to report on the front. All Infernus Self-Propelled Artillery have been destroyed, but Hell’s forces have doubled their efforts and reinforcements with their initial siege broken. This could take a while longer.” “Great, and Lucifer has something in our world or did he take off?” We grumbled, but then smiled when Sabrina ran ahead to use her geomancy to open the massive stone gates of our home so Urta’s gigantic form could get in. “He wishes to pursue whoever has the Halo, but he doesn’t want to leave us in our time of need. He pulled us back to the entry point so we could funnel the bastards in and kill them. As soon as we’ve won this battle, he will go and hunt down the one who has possession of it.” The Crusader answered us before he and the Ghost looked up at the smoke hiding the sky. “Thank the ancestors.” “What’s going on?” We asked and looked up at the smoke, unable to see whatever they were seeing. Whatever it was, it was some sort of explosive volley and it struck at the Hellspawn outside the town, causing the ground to shake from the explosions. “What was that?!” “You can’t see it because of the thick smoke from the town burning, but that was an air to ground missile volley from one of our fleet’s landing ships. We got several vanguard as reinforcements earlier and we figured that was gonna be it, but nope. We got way more!” The Crusader replied with a proud voice and We pouted up at the smoke cloud hiding what had to be an epic and pants-wetting scary-cool sight of giant spaceships.   “Good to know. So, are the boys here?” We asked before We set Urta down on the ground and guards along with Sabrina and Cocoa who reappeared began rolling her in. It warmed our heart when Urta giggled and laughed as she was rolled across the floor like the giant ball she was. “No.” We heard a deep voice, which sounded familiar. Turning around, We saw Visilia approaching us with her father, King Hydrax. He was a lot taller in person, at least about ten feet. He wore vantablack armor similar to the Night Sentinels, but unique with a cape and special helmet for his alicorn horn. He carried a mace in his right hand that screamed Lord Sauron and a weird looking gun with four mandibles on the muzzle in his left hand. “Well, now. So, you’re why there’s ships, thank you.” We commented with a smile up at him, beyond relieved to have the veteran king here in our time of need. “Yes, thank you, I’m starting to tire.” Harmonia sighed as she poked her head out of her trunk at us, looking like she needed to sleep for a few days. Hydrax simply holstered his weapons and nodded his head to us. “You’re welcome.” “So what now?” We asked with a look at the tunnel before hearing the bridge to the Plateau collapsing and We winced at hearing the gatehouse crumble and follow the bridge into the small canyon between the plateau and the west half of the Everfree as it was designed to in case of such a siege trying to take the bridge. Hopefully Honey’s hive doesn’t mind their own city’s entrance being buried under rubble for a good bit. Hopefully whatever defenses they’d devised on their own was enough for the demons to ignore them in favor of Unity. “We still have an unknown number of demons here and Lucifer’s out on the battlefront.” “We’re still waiting on Krimzon to report where they all came from. For now, we secure this town and drive Hell away.” Hydrax answered before he took off his mace to reveal he was just as handsome as he was however many thousands of years ago the Helix Stone showed us. Hng his face is so handsome! No wonder where Visilia gets her looks from. “Understood. We’ll be taking stock of things here to at least organize recovery. It’s never too soon to see to it.” We cracked our neck and sighed as We snapped our tail-hand fingers to summon a notepad and pen before We entered our home to get started with Hydrax and Visilia following. We suppose they really don’t have anywhere they need to be right now and staying put would make being reported to much easier. (<3) After another hour, Krimzon and his team reported in at my desk while King Hydrax and Princess Visilia stood to either side, co-opting some desk space for their datapads. It seems Krimson’s team ran afoul of some enemies since they looked a bit worse for wear. “Your highnesses. We’ve found out where they came from.” He said between pants of breath while medics and Scinoxes waiting here for such an occasion checked them over. “Ghastly Gorge.” “That’s southwest of here. It might be one of the caves, but that place has historically been notoriously infested with Quarray Eels.” We explained for the visiting allied monarchy. “We’ll worry about that later. Focus on the task at hand.” Hydrax insisted calmly. “We really can’t just go wreck their shit now?” We huffed in irritation. We may love our town, but all this paperwork can go suck a splintered Timberwolf dick. “No. We need to secure this town first. We need to do that before we can focus the majority of our forces on flushing the enemy from their holes.” Hydrax declared with dead seriousness and We groaned at the truth of things. “We may have some ‘Specialists’ We could call in to help in that case.” We reached into our cleavage and pulled out Jack’s Token, our special Infinity pistol. “Oh right, We only have Tokens for Jack, Aventurine and the Boys. We also already have Lucifer and Sam summoned too. Hey Jack. We’ve been invaded and we need help here.” “The tunnel is now secure.” Lucifer declared the moment he entered our home and he approached our desk. He’d been left nearly furless and didn’t have any genitals. He’s like a mannequin down there. He noticed us staring as Jack’s gun shot a circle on the floor. “What?” “It’s always war, I swear.” Came a slightly less Vader-esque rasp as the artificial alicorn rose from the inky black void the bullets formed in the floor. However, unlike before he now seemed much healthier. His body wasn’t held aloft by a levitation harness, but instead by his slightly shimmering wings that had electronics woven among his feathers so he didn’t have to flap. His body wasn’t being held together by braces, instead he seemed lanky and healthy, but he still wore a mask that had a respirator. His horn, while no longer cracked, still had a sort of metal sheathe. “Nobody calls for a chat anymore.” The well-dressed mercenary chuckled, dusting off his blood-flecked leather sleeves. “Then again, Dahl hasn’t been giving us any rest.” “Well, hello to you.” Lucifer said to Jack as the wolf rubbed a burn on his shoulder. “My first time being summoned and I’m already meeting new people, I really wonder why it took billions of years for me to be summoned.” “It’s because you’re named Lucifer.” Visilia stated flatly. “Hey Jack, you’re looking much better.” We greeted him with a strained smile. He still set us on edge after all this time. “We did mean to call you, We forgot to keep in touch with all the things happening to Us.” “Hey. I've been practically ‘retired’ since I quit Vault Hunting, so I get it. It’s only been the better part of a year for me.” Jack responded, making us wonder about the time difference between our universes. “Only reason Wilhelm didn’t answer is because he actually is retired.” “It has been almost two years for us.” We mused on the nearly doubled speed our universe seemed to be compared to his. “Borderlands? Damn that was a good game. At least I think I remember it, are you Pre-Sequel Jack?” Lucifer asked the alicorn probingly. “Well, yes, but actually no. My universe had one major tangent besides being anthro. There were two Jacks. Or rather, Jack and John Thymine. I was shoved into the body, soul and mind of Jack Thymine just before the start of the Pre-Sequel. It was a painful and soul-wrenching journey of self discovery and rediscovering myself. I’m both Jack Thymine; the brilliant, but violent little brother of John Thymine, but I’m also Ryan Flora.” Jack sighed as he lounged in the air as if he was sitting in a recliner. “Better than doing an Interview and ended up making your own Universe under the control of the Source.” Oh Goddess he’s grandstanding again. “Have you spent billions of years with your free will essentially ripped from you and your main job is to give free will to others? While also shaping matter to create everything that exists and unable to die? I mean sure my body can be destroyed, but I will come back.” Dear Goddess shut up about yourself you egotistical-! “No, but I did just mention having my sense of self utterly destroyed and blended with someone else's?” Jack huffed and then cracked his neck. “Anyway, enough dick-waving...considering I seem to have you beat in that department.” Jack chuckled with a nod down at Lucifer’s blank groin. “True. Not that I care, Archangels were not designed for reproduction. Anyway, did you find any unusually glowy star-like objects in your Universe? A gun, piece of armor or even a set of wings?” Is he still going on about himself? Shut up already! “You scattered them across the Multiverse? That is a stupid idea if you ever need them.” We huffed in irritation at Satan while Visi and Hydrax moved away since they were listening to Krimzon and others give reports. “This guy’s more loopy than half of Pandora.” Jack groaned, running a hand down his masked face. “Nope, haven’t seen anything like that and I’ve seen a lot of bullshit.” We just realized Jack is wearing a full suit of leather like a stereotypical American biker. The black clashes well with his yellow fur and brown mane/tail hair. If only he wasn’t so skinny, he’d be really attractive. “Well my Halo is here so I know I’m at least getting the power to link to all versions of Tartarus at least. If I’m summoned to a realm with a Tartarus.” Stop going on about yourself OMIGAWD! “I’ve had advisors like this Lucifer. They are so annoying and can’t tell when they’re rambling on about themselves. Damned egotistical shut-ins.” “This is stupid. Why would you just toss stupidly powerful objects into the multiverse?! Even if you were bored you could’ve just left them stockpiled in a vault or something!” We demanded of the oaf who wound up being literally satan. “I did, someone under the influence of the Source tossed them into the Void.” Lucifer shrugged and We resolved to never summon him again if We could help it. “Anyway, I’d better get my halo back. If someone with half a brain has it they could accidentally blow up a mountain or something.” “Whatever, you go find your dangerous thing, I’ll deal with whatever the problem is.” Jack declared and then looked at us expectantly. “Ahem. The problem?” Jack gestured for us to talk and We blushed at getting sidetracked by pointless byplay again, especially when We were so against it not too long ago. “An invasion by Hell itself. They’re in Gastly Gorge, but we need to secure the town here before we can make a move on the Gorge. We’re not willing to be patient, so that’s where you come in.” We informed the mercenary properly. “Demons huh? Weak to water or something silly? I need to check my bases before picking weapon elements.” Jack summoned digitized guns out of thin air, which We knew was from his Echo. They levitated around him without aura, without him seeming to be using any magic at all as he considered the disturbingly vast armory floating around him like a cloud. “As far as I found fire is a no, water is a no, acid seemed to work a little, electricity was good.” Lucifer listed off. “We can Confirm, our lightning spear did a lot of damage.” We told them. “I also found that pure plasma works.” Lucifer further informed the artificial alicorn. “So Shock, Slag and possibly Cryo seem to be the way to go then.” Jack digitized everything save for four weapons. A pistol, SMG, a Sniper Rifle, as well as a combat rifle. “Since they seem to act like DOOM demons they wouldn’t like a chainsaw either.” We commented. “Pandora may be covered in lawless savages, but only cruel or insane bastards actually use something like that.” Considering Jack lives on Pandora where every other bandit and other goon uses the brilliantly cruel Buzz-Axe as a weapon, We could understand such a sentiment. “Savage is all they deserve, considering I saw a demon devouring some kids at a campground in the south.” Lucifer stated and We felt like crying. “Camp Wonoka? Those kids were from Dodge Junction!” We whimpered and sniffled, then immediately made a note to formally and personally provide condolences and other things We’re going to need to do to apologize to the families in Dodge Junction that assumed our town was a safe place with the Lust Demons actively avoiding us. “Yeah, some were doing things that even Pandoran Bandits would not do to victims. Those monsters deserve no mercy.” Lucifer snarled and Jack just shrugged. “Child cannibalism is just another Tuesday on Pandora buddy.” Jack blandly responded, the dead look in his eyes telling he’d seen horrors nobody had any right to suffer and likewise nobody had a right to cause. “Do they wear and rape..?” Lucifer asked in disgust. “Yes.” Jack calmly responded as he checked his guns. “Those tend to be Wednesdays though.” “Damn, yeah. I would just burn those fuckers with a star. I’m oddly realizing I actually care about mortals...huh.” Lucifer mused with a tilt of his head. “Congratulations, you’re a better person than I am.” Jack snarked before cracking his neck and looking at the sky through the still open gates of our home towards Harmonia’s branches. He slowly spun in the air until he was facing southwest intently. “I’ve killed hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions with these very hands, horn and recently wings. Even more with my words. A galaxy-spanning war isn’t exactly a soul-kind experience. Even before that, I wouldn’t think twice about killing someone if they were a nuisance or a liability. At least before Ryan Flora became part of the picture.” “Ah...okay, yeah I can top that but dick waving is getting in the way.” Yeah, could you please shut up already? Don’t you have somewhere to be? “Plus, We don’t think We want to hear much more.” We said sadly, not wanting to think about more than the travesties that have landed in our lap. Dear goddess. Violence, cannibalism and death are one thing. Child murder is on another level for us. “A war of cosmic scale is no laughing matter...especially if you’ve been numbed by billions of years of nothing but creating and seeing planets teeming with life or not as bargaining chips and weapons.” Lucifer sighed. Could you please stop talking?! “Pretty much what my people are getting into, but that’s enough doom and gloom. I’m gonna go kill some rotten demons.” Then, with a spread of his slightly augmented and beautiful yellow wings, they flashed and he broke the sound barrier from a full stop, flying outside and then up into the air. The shockwave knocked us all over, sending many of us rolling save for Lucifer, the overpowered god-like self-obsessed ruler of hell who looked pensive. “Okay, I need to find my halo.” He left our home and leaped out of the canyon like he was Superman. “...Visi! Care to say that We’re overpowered again?!” We asked loudly through the ringing in our ears. “Even I’m not as bad and I can at least say I don’t fucking brag so much it dominates the room.” “What?!” Visilia screamed, trying to hear through the ringing in her ears. > Ch.61 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.61 “Okay, We have more summons running around.” We said with a smile after We had secured Unity while those two were away on their tasks. Hopefully Jack isn’t underestimating Hell and he comes back okay. Lucifer can go suck a dick made of frozen acid. He’s worse than Excalibur from Soul Eater. “It may not have been the best idea, but at least Unity is secured and the Hellish threat is on the run now that the boys are here.” Visilia smirked viciously with glee. The morning after Lucifer and Jack were summoned, all six of the Doom Slayers were here. The Hell Demons were weakened thanks to their armies and decided now was a good time to book it. The boys didn’t give them the satisfaction and chased after them along with the reinforcements they brought. Visilia and her personal retinue of Sentinels stayed however. Both for defense and they were the ones who had been here the whole time anyway. “We’re safe for now and stuck with the rebuilding. At least We’re not worried about our children getting hurt, even if the campground had been…well, We need to write to their families.” We morosely reminded our mate and ourselves about the horrid events that have happened here. “This is a tragedy.” Visi said with a frown, holding onto her son Rex, who was being fed with formula. Visilia had stayed mostly because of the children, otherwise she’d be out there with her father and the boys taking the fight to Hell. “Yes, the town lost several civilians to the demons just before  they had evacuated to the canyon and Harmonia put her barrier up. We’re planning to build a memorial and We need the guards trained harder. We need better scout outposts and checkpoints to keep watch of the Everfree. Speaking of which, the forest itself still seems pissed off.” We grumbled as We sifted through all the paperwork on our desk. Our ability to shapeshift for a computer! If only PCs were common here~! Our poor writing hand~... “As long as it doesn’t come attacking us.” Visilia huffed in frustration. “Yeah.” We sighed in resignation as We morphed our aching hand to reset it’s condition. Visilia placed a hand on said refreshed appendage. “Sorry you have to wait for Berserker to come back a little while longer. I know how much you want him to save Luna and the others, so that he could bring them all home.” We smiled at her, though, We also wish We could talk to him a bit. The same for Hunter. “Yes. Speaking of which, the latest note from Twilight is that they have a lead as to who abducted Luna. Also that besides herself, the group has started getting more aggressive.” We mewled in understanding of what Twilight was getting at.   “Have they guessed who it might be?” Visilia hummed as she burped Rex over her shoulder. “An Old One acting through their servant Baba Yaga.” We answered with an eye roll. Probably a witch from the name, but those hags were a fairly easy boss fight near the start of Bloodborne, so Willow has no clue how one of them could be behind all of this. “On another topic, where’s Jack? He’s no pushover, I expected him back last night.” We fished his token from our cleavage, but other than being an automatic pistol with infinite ammo it didn’t seem to have a way to contact him. “From what has been reported over comms, he ran into something big. He and it are ripping the cave system apart, but he seems to be winning.” Visilia informed us and then she sighed. “Wiatr.” Visi gently whispered, rubbing our cheeks and wiping tears We didn’t notice were gathering in our eyes. “You should go rest.” “We have too much to do to just disappear on everyone.” We took a cleansing breath and pulled on Svartr’s resolve to push the despair away. “Is there anything else We need to know?” “Yes actually. Some of your little Chaos brats sent a report about the caribou. Hermais also wanted to talk about some project that’s been on his mind.” Visilia informed us helpfully. Thank you for not letting your disgust for our delightful little Chaos devils get in the way. “Then We suppose We are going to get some rest, if paperwork could be considered such.” We sighed before We leaned up and kissed Visi, then began sifting through our paperwork-flooded desk when Visilia left us be. We really need to get a proper study. Especially because Urta was already back in place behind the throne and was moaning. From the lack of noise it seems nobody had hooked her back up to the milkers. “Urta, are you alright?” “Just fine babe. My tits are aching from getting rolled on in such a hurry though.” Urta admitted and a fierce kick of one of the many, many children in her ball of a body bulged out her side. “Oof! Geez, you give them a spin and they hold it against you.” Groused our 18 foot wide wife. She hadn’t gotten any dramatically larger in the past week, which considering the trend was unusual. Hopefully nothing was wrong. “Well you were priority one to get to safety Urta. We love and care about you and all of the lives inside of you. They were also after you for your Argent cum.” We still had no clue how many babies she was carrying, the numbers and varieties too dense to sense with our fledgeling skills with our Fertility aspect. “Now, We’re afraid We still have work to do.” We waved a hand and muttered, using our magic to straighten out the mess coating our desk to get started filing damage assessments when they reached us and so on. “I know babe and I appreciate it, but an overfull mama can only take so much stress at once.” Urta said worriedly. “I haven’t been growing as fast, but I feel fine. I’m worried something’s up with Sandy’s spell. Could you get her to come by to check on me?” “Can’t Sabrina do that?” We asked while We began getting runners coming in the door, bringing scrolls of data for us to sort through on our already piled-high desk. Please, somebody, anybody. We need computers~! The trees are weeping for their fallen brethren! “She said she hasn’t a clue what sort of magic her mom’s got going. She’s only starting to learn it, so it’d be best if Sandy came to see me herself.” Urta declared, before moaning and squirting some milk. “Babe...could you please hook me up? My tits feel like they’re gonna blow.” “Alright dear.” We set down a casualty report and went to our wife, who was left alone with the Scinoxes and other researchers busy with the town. We hooked up her nipples to the hoses with magic as We leaned over her body with our tails pushing us up her front between her boobs to kiss her on the lips. “We’d love to have some fun Urta, but We really must get to work now.” “I know, I know...another taste for the road?” Urta smirked and We giggled before giving her another deep kiss before we parted and she moved her head up to bite onto her feeding hose to start sucking down her milk/cum cocktail, most of it her own product milk-wise. Actually-. Urta’s delicious hyper cock suddenly spurted Argent cum that got on us and We squeaked before laughing and levitating the milker for that one onto her shaft, the steaming seed already exciting us. “It should only be a little bit longer.” We sighed with a proud smile before walking to our desk, idly scraping up her steamy glowing turquoise cum and eating it. “Hm~.” We began eating more...more. Wh-what is…? “Whoa…” We wobbled, half-falling onto our desk, sending paper flying. “U-Urta? Is your cum alcoholic now?” We scraped up more off our body and ate it. It already tasted delicious in an indescribable way ever since she first absorbed Argent soul energy, but now it was absolutely intoxicating. “Huh? That can’t be right. Then again it’s been a long time since someone ate any of my cum.” Urta’s response made us blink. Nobody has been testing ingestion? Really? We know they’re prudes, but We and the other wives have been drinking her cum before, someone done goofed. “Talking about booze though makes me thirsty. I’m taking a binge on booze once the rugrats are out and not breastfeeding.” Urta managed to look down around her body’s spherical curve at her dick and grunted before humming. “Uh, babe, could you look at my junk?” “You have to ask~?” We drunkenly purred as We immediately levitated her up with gestures and grunted as We drooled at her holy cum-spheres again. “Oh~ they’re so beautiful Urta! Why didn’t anybody mention these?” We gleefully said as We hovered her closer and licked her sack, groaning at her scent and taste while the glowing beach-ball sized sperm factories gurgled. “Oh, they’re wonderful~.” “Whoa down there! Babe, I just need you to tell me what’s going on down there! You have work to do, don't you?” Urta questioned as We forcibly pulled away from her incredible maleness, licking our lips as We levitated her back into her pool. “So I guess my balls are getting bigger? Figures nobody would notice since I’m in this pool all the time and nobody questioned it when they rolled me out.” We didn’t respond. Instead We panted, using our magic to tug the curtains closed to hide our beloved soon-to-be Demi-Goddess of fertility and began power-walking to the door to lean out. “Visi! Get in here and fuck us now! Urta is too much!” Damn you stupid-sexy vixen! Your holy Fertility and Virility make us want to become your cocksleeve~! “No! Get to work! I’m organizing the Defenses!” Visi yelled back from somewhere above. “Then any of our wives, report for duty!” We ordered and stormed back into our home, groping our breasts and fingering our cunny through our skirt, our male genitals oddly absent. “Babe! I can barely hear, but are you okay?!” Urta’s muffled voice called through the curtain and We grunted, fighting the urge to run through those red velvet barriers to submit to the budding demi-goddess and maybe even outright give her our Fertility Asp-. “Hey mama!” Hermais popped into existence on our shoulder, now clothed in a tiny tuxedo as he handed us a report. “Got some info for you from the caribou lands.” Before We could even say anything, he popped away and Eris appeared floating in the air in front of us dressed like a secretary, which on her tiny noodly body was adorable. “Got some damage reports.” She put them on the desk and popped away. Soon a steady stream of our chaotic offspring were dropping reports on the desk and We whined in dismay as our spiked libido from our beyond hot ascending Demi-Goddess wife wasn’t going away. “Need help?” Hermais chuckled with an insane grin when his head and only his head appeared between our legs just before Cocoa jogged in. “Don’t worry, your oldest mate besides the ones inside of you is here.” He said before pushing his tongue into us and tasting us, making us shiver before he disappeared. We’ll talk to him about his incestuous desires later. For now... “Cocoa has arrived Wiatr! What is-yip!” We grabbed Cocoa and began ravishing her mouth with our tongue, grabbing her ass before We reached down her jeans and grabbed her fairly modest cock with a needy hand. That wouldn’t do. “W-Wiatr~!” Cocoa moaned when We pumped magic into her groin, ripping her jeans open with a tail hand to reveal her growing canine maleness and swelling balls. “C-Cocoa thought-mmph~!” We shushed her with another kiss and began guiding her to the throne. “Sit.” We ordered as We panted and Cocoa whimpered needily before she did as ordered on the throne. We licked our chops while We positioned her new 15 inch doggy cock to our hungry pussy as our dress turned into little more than a black nightie and we both groaned as We lowered down onto her delicious dick. We panted, twisting as We lowered until We forced her uninflated knot into us, her thicc thighs and coconut-sized balls a wonderful cushion as We slowly gyrated while pulling reports to us with our tail hands. “Oh~, good girl~.” We cooed, slowly enjoying Cocoa’s submissive and needy humps as We got to work. “Now We can get to work.” Reading the report from Hermais, We found out that a small group of Caribou had been abandoned by the Lust Demons since they found out they were worshiping Hell. Hm, so the Lust Demons are losing ground to Hell too. We may even find some unlikely allies if-. “Oh~!” Cocoa moaned before grunting and We sighed happily when We felt her pump her hot canine cum into our womb, which We began absorbing instead of making more pups. We can do as planned days ago later on; right now We need to be able to do paperwork. “Wiatr…” “Keep cumming all you want Cocoa. Consider this some overdue attention.” We leaned to the side and kissed her before getting back to work, enjoying our wife cumming all she could ever want into our hungry cunny as We did the thankless bureaucratic work our station required. Our wife’s Love, both literal and carnal providing the energy and drive needed to muscle through it. (<3) “Goddess this was awful.” We moaned after We finished the last report about a caribou tech boost and signed off on repairs to the Lewd Bar. Dongoruas made it a priority and he wanted it known to the changeling who owned it that he had it done. He was trying to impress the boy. “Heh, he is into boys.” We chuckled as We leaned back into Cocoa’s b-ball bewbs and gyrated on her lap. “C-Cocoa finds noth-ung-ing, wrong with that.” Cocoa panted, exhausted. She’d been cumming and humping us nonstop for hours now. She was clearly tired, but happy and satisfied beyond reason. “Cocoa so happy, but Cocoa wants more pups too, like we planned last week.” “I’ll take anything you two do!” Urta declared from behind the curtain, clearly having enjoyed hearing us. “Sabrina spoke to me while you two were in lala-land and said anything with a gestation shorter than 9 months right now won't take any longer to pop these tykes out!” Urta urged desperately, since nobody but us could possibly have the means to take her hyper maleness, nobody could have proper sex with her aside from her vagina which despite being hyper-sized as well, was still impossibly tight. “Are you ready Cocoa?” We asked before leaning to the side and kissing Cocoa deeply. “We should be available now~. Feel free to pump us so full We could burst~...” “Oh~ finally!” “Cocoa want more pups!” Cocoa declared hungrily, new energy sparking in her brown eyes as she hungirly gripped our hips and kissed us, pushing us onto our desk and acting like she was in charge as she began humping more fiercely, her inflated knot stretching our cunt so tight she couldn’t do much more than that. “Cocoa want whole pack! Want family that can stand on its own! Start a clan, start, hng, bringing more dogs to Equestria!” “Oh Cocoa~!” We wailed when We finally properly came after dozens of tiny orgasms the past couple of ours and We arched our back. “Yes! Fuck us pregnant!” She was already cumming like the dutiful dog she was and We stopped absorbing it, letting it begin filling our womb, pushing out our nightie. “Oh, this feels so-” “Cocoa not done.” She growled possessively, shoving even harder and a new, even more powerful deluge of cum began filling us, making us howl and grab at her with our tail hands as our belly quickly sagged down to the floor and she finally collapsed onto our back, pressing our basketball boobs into the thankfully cleared desk as she rested atop us with her own b-ball boobs sandwiched against our shoulder blades, still cumming slowly like she’d been doing for hours. “N-now...now Cocoa done…” We couldn’t properly respond, our eyes rolled up in our skull, drool dripping from our gaped jaw as our tongue flopped onto the table. We haven’t been fucked this good in a while. We only started coming to our senses when our belly began growing firmer and getting bigger even as Cocoa still came and our pups began rapidly forming. Ah, yes. This feeling. This glorious feeling. How We’ve missed it. We haven’t felt this fulfilled since We’ve ascended. “Having fun Mama?” Hermais chuckled after he appeared leaning against our bosom. “We could all sense your frustration. You’re a Goddess, you can’t just ignore your job.” “More than a baby factory.” We wearily muttered, but couldn’t deny the soul-deep satisfaction of having life in us, life We’d unfortunately have to pass on to our developing Demi-Goddess Urta rather than enjoy ourselves. It was this sort of delegation that may have started her ascension to such a role now that We think of it. Maybe she would be better suited-. “I know.” He purred before kissing our lips, his tongue exploring our mouth as he rubbed our breasts. We moaned, uncaring about the fact he was one of our children until he pulled away, his chaotic powers making what felt like attention from a full-grown adult still appear to be from a child. “You’ve gotta stop suppressing it though. Dad has to use his Chaos on a frequent basis to keep from going crazy. You’ve been having sex, but that doesn’t satisfy your chief Aspect of Fertility. You’ve even been unable to use the Breeding Center lately with commissions drying up with heat season dying down.” “But We’re getting a ton of-” Daring started separate from Svartr and I. “Yes, but that’s for the next heat season.” He stated as Cocoa kissed our belly, having leaned to the side from her knotted position in our snatch to do so since We’d already reached 6 feet around the belly and our extremities were starting to be absorbed into it while our tits joined in. “Well yes but…” Svartr hasn’t been able to impregnate anyone in over a week now that she thought of it. “So having some children would help between now and then.” He said before he kissed and nuzzled our belly too. “You also haven’t been doing it as your full form either. You should probably do stuff like that when you’re fused to get the full benefits. Also, maybe avoid any negative ‘weaknesses’ you may have.” “But that’ll slow everything down.” We whined, our womb fully absorbing our limbs when We reached 8 feet across with our boobs becoming the size of yoga balls. We stopped there thankfully, Urta already has so much more to take on. “There’s also the fact We can’t possibly care for so many children, over half of what Urta has in her need to be adopted already.” While it stung, it was true. We can’t keep them all. Besides, there are still so many people who cannot have children of their own who do want to have them, or are willing to be foster parents at least. “You have help, even if they can’t stay, know that we’ll help care for them. Oh, just a quick note, we haven’t found the rulers of the Lust Demons or the Caribou yet since their ‘king’ is pretty much a puppet.” He told us in non sequitur when he began rolling us around the throne and towards Urta, who was panting and looking absolutely crazy with lust as Cocoa clung to us the best she could and yelped as We rolled over her on the way. “Now, auntie Urta is hungry. Feed her puppies and cum.” “Fuck yes!” Urta was practically frothing at the mouth as her cock seemed to ‘spit’ off the cock-milker and it snaked to Cocoa, making her squeal in a mixture of surprise and excitement when it gobbled her up before it thrust into our snatch, making us cry out in pleasure as the four-inch thick black cock-snake thrust into our womb and began gorging even as Urta increased in size by a foot from unbirthing Cocoa. “Urta, you are hooked on that, are you going to take other people’s kids too?” We huffed through our pleasure and arousal as our boy rubbed and wiggled around our gigantic milk-gushing chest with a bulge in his pants. “If they offer! Yes! I wanna be pregnant forever!” Urta declared hungrily, a turquoise shine overtaking her eyes for a moment as she grew with our newest brood. “Or at least as long as possible! Someday, I may even become a giantess just to stay so impossibly pregnant and keep my limbs!” “Oh~!” We moaned at the very thought of that as We felt our ball of a body shrink and watched Hermais take his pants off. We wordlessly leaned our head down and puckered our lips. He gleefully thrust his suddenly hyper-sized cock down our throat at our wordless offer and We began sucking and gulping around him eagerly. Mm~ he tastes like Ave~. Sorry son, but mama is going to abuse your affection for a treat~. “We have a suggestion!” A small band of Chaos noodles chirped when they popped up around Urta’s head before whispering into her ears. Whatever it was made Urta cum into us so hard We inflated like a balloon on her Argent seed to the size Cocoa got us and We wailed around Hermais’ dick in ecstasy before she started gorging again. “Yes! Do it now!” Urta drooled madly and We looked curiously at the edge of our spherical body to see a couple of them fly under Urta who was levitated up out of her pool a bit. Our Vixen moaned and huffed as she bloated up even faster, then started having sloshing noises emanating from her body. What’s going on in there? “I love you Mama~.” Hermais groaned when he hugged our head as his wonderful tasting cock and musky balls took our senses. “But no Chaos babies, I’m cumming chocolate milk.” Hermais’ words made us unexpectedly disappointed. We were starting to think of using his cum to make draconequus babies for Urta to take and keep her pregnant for years, but in the end that was a terrible and short-sighted idea. “Besides, there’s enough Chaos to balance out the Order now. Too much in one way is bad. Maybe during mating season when the Princesses wish for more.” “Aw, but I wanna be preggers for years~!” Urta Declared with a smirk as she crested 22 feet, her sheer mass even with the pool making her reach halfway to the ceiling now as her breasts were now the size of weather balloons at 6 feet in diameter. “You have fourteen of my brothers and sisters unbirthed in your womb to live inside of you and tend to your young. Also, their gift to you is almost done.” Hermais’ words made us orgasm so fucking hard! Our babies are unbirthed and want to live inside of Urta’s womb?! Our vision is sparking~! Urta groaned and came into us again, her glowing gurgling balls spasming at whatever kinky thoughts she was having. We moaned around Hermais’ dick as We blew back up again from several pups rapidly forming from her Argent cum and she promptly took them back. We Sucked hungrily at Hermais’ dick even when We were empty now, Urta was at 25 feet with those breasts each the size that We were at just minutes ago and now gushing so much milk they were spraying around the magic suction cups. “I love the idea of having a womb that can grow indefinitely, but still looking skinny and ready to fight when I don’t feel like being immobile. They can turn the charm off anytime they want?” Urta asked as her dick writhed in us, came, formed a pup, then swallowed it. Oh fuck~! We’re a literal baby factory right now~! We should just give her our Fertility Aspect! She-! “No~! Our aspect~!” But she’s so suited to it~! “I know~! Best wife!” “Yes.” Hermais chuckled as he held our head, grinding his hips. He grunted and our nearly insensate body gleefully accepted his deluge of chocolate milk, which We only barely tasted at the back of our tongue since We began to pass out. Before everything went into blissful oblivion, We felt Urta’s cock pull out of our snatch and start swallowing our paws… > Ch.62 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.62 We awoke inside Urta again with someone eating out our pussy as Cocoa nuzzled us. It was pitch dark aside from the golden lattice around the many, many, many unborn children clustered in Urta’s ‘core’, leaving a couple feet around the sides between it and the walls of her womb body. This light revealed the over a dozen little draconequus working with said lattice and even, gasp, bringing a sense of Order to the bundle of babies, sorting them by some arbitrary method. Holy shit, Urta has enough children to populate a small town! There’s no way We can possibly keep even half of them. Most of them will have to be adopted...that saddened us. These children are the product of our marriage, it feels wrong to have to give any of them up, but the reality is We would only be able to keep a few from each lover at best. “Hm~.” We heard from Cocoa as Urta moaned around us, her womb of a body quaking as she probably just had another orgasm from something. “Cocoa happy.” She licked us, swallowing some of Urta’s magic amniotic fluid in the process. “Happy to have such loving mates and so many children.” How is she speaking in fluid? Oh, our little hooligans, probably their doing. “Love you too Cocoa...ah~!” We gasped when the person eating us out hit a sweet spot. One look down between our breasts revealed Hermais munching at our muffin eagerly. “Hermais sweetie, why are you so needy? We thought you wouldn’t do something like this after Harmony forced you to the first time.” We reached down, rubbing his head as he kept burrowing his face in our cunt, making us moan and pull him deeper, only to yelp and push him out when We’d started sucking him back into our womb. “I love my Mama.” Hermais dazedly replied, as if he were hypnotized by us. “Of course dear, but you should find someone else. This isn’t healthy for you.” We protested, pulling him into a hug and kissing his brow. “Now how about you get us out of here. We don’t think we’ll be able to get out with Urta’s vagina blocked by the pool.” “Okay.” He purred before teleporting the three of us out of Urta, standing free and clear of our immobile wife with our bodies clean, dry, and smelling like roses with our son still nuzzling us. “You know how I said 14 of my off-siblings want to live in Urta’s womb? Well…” Hermais blushed as his tail rubbed our abs and We smiled. “Of course, it’s not full time, only to sleep at the end of the day.” “Really?” We asked with a raised brow before a male draconequus appeared in front of Urta holding an iridescent white pearl in his goat and badger hands. “Auntie Urta! I have-!” Before he could continue Urta howled in joy. “Yes! Do whatever it is you’re gonna do, let me be normal sized yet as big as the fucking moon at the same time~!” Urta panted, rocking on her groin and spraying her steaming glowing turquoise Argent cum all over the back of our throne, which We didn’t mind in the least. “On it!” Our joyful son replied and moved to the front of her under her gigantic breasts and above her groin on the very front of her white creamy expanse. He pressed it into her and it sucked into her flesh, staying exposed and revealing it was her navel. Within an instant, Urta snapped back down to her incredibly muscular form, but with tits the same preposterous size and she yipped when she fell down into the bowl with a grunt. The impact was accompanied by the sound of slapping flesh and sloshing. “Oof! Uh, am I supposed to be immobile from just my tits now?” “Uh, no. Hold on!” The noodle boy disappeared, then reappeared with two pearly nipple studs. “Nipple piercings that do the same thing for the boobs!” He flew into the pool, and shortly Urta yipped again, but this time the impact sounded like a falling boulder. “Holy shit! I’m mobile again!” Urta jumped out of the pool and wobbled when her paws cracked the stone. “Whoa~! I’m still so heavy, but I feel so powerful! Hm~, fuck, I want to fuck!” We drooled at seeing our muscular adonis wife back to form again, even if she was now 8 feet tall with her new basketball breasts and her male organs back to their original, still quite huge sizes. Well aside from her balls, those were coconut sized instead of apple sized now and were glowing turquoise with her powerful supernatural seed. We were even more turned on knowing that she was still beyond pregnant. The pearls in her navel and nips also added to her allure, making her seem even more exotic with the jewels shining brightly. “We’ll get to work on that. Basically it’s compacting all of your mass down into shape while leaving your magic womb alone, so you’re really tough and heavy. We’ll see about making you lighter in a bit so you’re not so heavy. The idea was that the more pregnant you are, the more powerful and durable you are. Even unbirthing counts as-ah!” He was interrupted by Urta grabbing him and shoving him into her snatch. He squealed and even came when her hungry cunt slurped him up. Goddess that is hot! “Best wife! Best wife~!” “I can also give a Navel Pearl and Pearl Studs to you Mama.” Hermais purred with desire. “It’s a really easy charm to make if you have Chaos on your side.” “We…” We started as We thought it over, until Cocoa and Hermais suddenly got between our legs and started licking our cunt. “Ah! C-Cocoa~!” We grabbed her head, scratching her ears. “Haven’t you had enough yet?” “Cocoa can never have enough of her wife.” Cocoa declared as she hugged our hips, squeezing our ass. “Oh~.” We moaned when she even moved to suckle on Hermais’ balls, making the boy's eyes roll while he clung to our legs as his cock throbbed. “Yes, make us a Navel Pearl so We can be full whenever We want without further endangering ourselves or our brood. The studs are unnecessary though since We can morph our bust unlike our womb when pregnant.” It sounds like this could be the balance We need, so We could still go into combat and be pregnant without endangering our children too much. Hermais purred and pulled away while Cocoa kept eating us out. Then he was suddenly a she! She giggled and reached into her snatch to pull out a pearl and then she was a he again and he jerked off onto the pearl, turning it an iridescent white. He panted and brought it to our navel where he pressed it in. We heard a new voice in our head chanting spells of Chaos. Which, of course, sounded like absolute nonsense. What do peacocks and sugar plums have to do with this? Hermais mewled before showing off her wanting snatch to us both waving it at our lips. “I can switch genders when ever I want mama~.” Hermais panted with a shockingly sexy female voice. “Huh? But-mm~!” We moaned when Hermais suddenly dove between our thighs and practically burrowed herself into our snatch, causing us to spasm in pleasure as she quickly wormed back into our womb, swelling it out to full term with a single child and We panted with drool dripping down our chin. “Oh~, but isn’t it supposed to keep our belly down?” We asked as Hermais moved around in our womb before she got comfortable. It was near the end of the day wasn’t it? “Do you want it?” The new voice asked. It sounded childlike and playful, the magic tickled our womb before Hermais seemed to both vanish from not touching our womb walls, yet she still filled us. We’re like Urta now! “Well, We don’t need to be flat right now…” We bit our lip and looked at Cocoa, who was grinning mischievously. “Oh, come here.” We widened our stance and thrust our hips towards her, presenting our cunt. “It isn’t like you’re trying to hide that you want inside too.” “Wait!” The new voice called out. “You have to turn off your ability for true unbirth or she’ll be your daughter!” “O-oh, but We don’t know how to do that. Not even Aventurine can do that.” We moped, sighing as We rubbed our belly. “Will Hermais be okay?” “Yes, because she’s already your child.” The voice explained. “It’s alright. Cocoa understands.” Cocoa stated with disappointment, before looking at Urta, who looked beyond pleased as she rubbed her ripped 6-pack of abs. “Then again, Cocoa is tired. She’ll be going to bed now.” Cocoa yawned and gave us a goodnight kiss and shared the same with Urta before heading to her bedroom. With Cocoa now going to bed We kept thinking of how to figure out how to turn off our ability to truly unbirth others. “We could practice trying to turn it off.” Daring suggested and We outwardly nodded. “We have a few Lust Demons captured by scouts from the hideout of the Assassins we could use as test subjects.” Svartr added and We hummed in agreement with ourselves. “What a day. I’m ready to-what happened now?” Visillia demanded after she walked into our home, looking dead tired and leering warily at our pregnant form and Urta’s suspiciously not-pregnant form. “She’s still pregnant.” We huffed as the idea played in our mind. “Our little bundles of Chaos found a useful trick for Urta and I to use to be combat ready.” Penny from RWBY popped into our mind courtesy of Willow just then. “But you’re still pregnant. That’s amoral to the children.” Visi huffed in annoyance. Wow, yes, it has been a bad day dear, please calm down. “Well-.” We gasped when our belly suddenly went flat. “W-We’re not really pregnant. Our first born draconequus just wants to sleep in mama’s womb at night.” Visi stared at us in silence, before wordlessly heading towards the bathroom. “V-Visi?” “Get to bed. I need to spoon.” Visi ordered, only to pause and sigh. “Better yet, come to the bathroom with me to clean up. None of us are clean right now and I need a massage.” “I’m good at that. Massage was one of the major ways to get easy money in Tel’Adre.” Urta suddenly said, still looking a bit dopey even as her stomach roared with hunger. “Oh~, can you tykes do something about-thank you~!” Urta suddenly declared and no longer seemed hungry as she hooked a hand around our waist and pulled us along, soon doing the same with Visi towards the bathroom, both of us on each arm and We blushed when our now 8-foot tall amazon vixen grabbed our ass and We heard Visi gasp on her other side. “Lets get cleaned up and relaxed ladies!” (<3) Urta was massaging Visi’s back as she waved her ass at us while We soaked in the lavish pool-sized spa bath. Her glowing coconut-sized jewels were pressing into Visi’s butt as she straddled the mare to properly get at her shoulders and upper back. How she convinced Visilia is still confusing, but hearing Visi groan in relief and pleasure as the vixen rubbed knots and tension out of her body helped give an answer. “Hm, such a sexy body.” Utra purred as she rubbed Visi’s shoulders, almost laying on our girlfriend. “The fact this is all natural for you is impressive.” Urta commented when she also worked Visi’s wings, making them stiffen with a groan. “Mmf~. Thank you for the compliment.” Visi breathed out, her tail brushing against Utra’s balls, which made the vixen shiver a bit. “Mrr.” Urta purred before giving Visilia’s left breast a grope on the side where it was pressed into the massage table, the other hand popping her back. In response, the mare’s stiff wings relaxed and draped over the sides of the massage table before the vixen worked the base of them. “Oh, yeah, that’s it~.” Visi cooed cutely against the massage table as she wriggled under her masseuse. “Sphinxes are a regular thing back in Tel’Adre and they always complain about their breasts and wings getting tight from the weight on both sides of the body pulling on the shoulder, chest and back muscles all at once. When was the last time you got a-whoa~!” Urta’s spine stiffened when Visi’s butt pressed up into her balls. “H-hey, calm down unless you want Urta Junior to pop out and get your back all dirty.” Urta huffed as she pressed on her sheathe to keep her horse dong from popping out. “Sorry. Not for a long while.” Visi answered with a huff, restraining herself as she relaxed again. “None of the boys know how?” We asked curiously, idly rubbing our flat tummy and enjoying the odd sensation of being normal sized, but still feeling our daughter/son sleeping in our womb. “They never received a massage themselves either. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t do one. Although, if I had to pick who would be suitable, it would be Hunter. Pillar coming in at second.” Visi replied and We could see why that would be since they’ve been fighting throughout their first days of being Displaced. The former, not the suitability to massage thing. “Well, once they’re back I’m getting them in here. Then they might not be so grumpy.” Urta commented while she worked down Visilia’s back. Once she seemed done there she scooted down, gently threading Visi’s tail to the side and really digging her fingers into Visi’s ass with precision, making the mare jump. “Holy shit~! That kinda hurts~!” Visi hissed, remaining still as Urta continued to work her rear until she groaned and relaxed. “Sorry, the butt is a really hard spot to get, especially with well endowed or overweight people.” Urta apologized, rubbing Visi’s butt more gently before moving to the thighs. “The thighs will be pretty much the same, so stay relaxed as much as possible.” “Okay.” Visi nodded and she obeyed, trying to stay relaxed as much as possible. Soon enough, Urta had reached her hooves and the gentle pressure to her frogs were visibly soothing. “Ah, that was a good massage.” “You don’t want me to do your front too?” Urta asked curiously as she cracked her knuckles and stretched her tendons, making us hiss at how much she pulled her hands backwards. Yikes. We had no idea hands could even move like that. “You sure it isn’t much trouble?” Visi asked Utra with a surprising amount of casualness. “Babe, I’m an old hand at this. When I was a kid the easiest way to have work besides selling yourself into servitude was to be an aide to a business. There are a lot of massage parlors in Tel’Adre. Turn over.” Urta insisted playfully, but not with any clear lewd intention. “Alright.” Turning around, Visi laid down on her back and showed off her motherly G-cup breasts. Urta professionally got back on the table, straddling the mare who seemed nervous as the big vixen leaned over her, reached to her head and began pressing and moving her fingers over her face. “Whoa~.” “You massage the face too?” We asked in surprise. That isn’t normally a place you consider needs to be rubbed aside from relieving headaches. “Oh yeah. There are hundreds of tiny muscles in the face. Tension builds up quickly, so this’ll last at best a few minutes, but the relief is incredi-ble! What did I say?!” Urta blushed, backing off and biting her lip since Visi had reached up and grabbed the coconut-sized glowing balls squishing into her stomach with both hands. “I haven’t even gotten to any erogenous zones yet.” “Sorry.” Visi purred and gave another appreciative squeeze before she grit her teeth and removed her hands from Utra’s testes. “Dammit.” She cursed before trying to relax once more. “You okay Visi?” We asked our mare with concern. She wasn’t the grabby sort, not to our knowledge. She was also oddly forward there, just outright going for the family jewels. “I just feel...needy.” Visi grumbled with a heavy blush. “Fucking Hell, after all that happened, I feel like I need a good fuck.” Visi licked her lips as she eyed Urta over hungrily. “Well, wait until you’re relaxed and cleaned up before you ruin it with frustration-fueled sex.” Urta huffed, moving down to Visi’s breasts. She pressed her fingers into them at the top where her breasts met her clavicles, making Visi’s eyes widen, back arch and milk spray from her nipples as she wordlessly screamed while the vixen continued to massage her chest. “H-holy shit…” We whispered, seeing Visillia practically squishing her chest into Urta’s skilled hands and panting with spasms, causing a rather familiar smell. “D-did she just…?” “Get off to me pressing in on some of the pressure points in her chest? Yeah. She’s a total virgin to deep-tissue massage.” Urta casually answered as if making someone orgasm from a touch wasn’t anything special before she moved further down Visi’s chest and to her abdomen, where she grabbed onto Urta’s wrists. “M-more?” Visi panted out with a needy mewl and Urta shook her head. “Wouldn’t work like that with the tension released now. It’d be no better than foreplay.” Urta informed her as she began massaging Visi’s stomach, scooting down her body for ease of access. Visi pouted at that, but made no further attempts as she relaxed and enjoyed the rest of her massage. “Okay, done. Let’s get you into the spa.” “Sounds good.” Visilia sighed and got up weakly to wobble her way to the spa where she slid into the pool and let herself relax as she turned over to float on her back. “Ah~.” “Cannonball~!” Urta declared, jumping and landing with a deceptively tiny splash for her size and formerly immense weight. “Aw, you made me too light for that.” Urta whined before she yelped and was suddenly a 10 foot ball with her head and boobs sticking out of the water, her Pearl Studs dripping with milk into the water. “You’re mean~.” Urta pouted, making us laugh as the water splashed everywhere from all the mass appearing out of nowhere and displacing all that water. “They’re Chaos, dear!” We chuckled gleefully at the silliness. “Little shits.” Visi mumbled under her breath, but We knew she was smiling at the Draconequus’ little tricks. “Yes, well We’re still trying to figure something out. Urta, do you have a new voice in your head?” We asked our mate. “You mean the one giving me occasional updates on the chaos magic changing my body? Yeah, it’s a simple little thing though. I think it’s just a spell management system. Heard some really powerful spells need something like that to keep them stable.” After Urta’s comment she suddenly shrunk back to her new normal size and she swam over to us. “I just asked it to turn me to my smallest size, so I think that’s how it works. It’s on command and offers suggestions or warnings.” “It’s weird how it was crafted, with our kids using their eggs and sperm to craft it.” We said with a rub of our chin. “We wonder how they figured out they could do that.” “Chaos mom!” Piped up Eris and We yelped at our shockingly adult-bodied daughter seated next to us, proportioned like us and washing her breasts with soap. “Chaos makes it happen, you just need loose logic to-.” “Why are you an adult?!” We fretted. We’ve missed her childhood?! No~! “Because I want to be one right now?” Eris blinked, her hourglass form still the same lion, pony, serpent, eagle combination as she was born with. “Mom, age is irrelevant to us. I could be a million years old and look like a toddler if I wanted.” “Wait...so Hermais could look like his father at any time?” We asked rhetorically for confirmation. “Or I could. Age, gender, it doesn’t matter. Dongoruas is considering jumping to being a girl as he pursues that cute changeling stallion at the Lewd Bar.” Eris said with a shrug, turning into Discord for a second, then turning into a toddler Dongoruas, then back to her adult form, all with the snap of her talons a few times. “Oh, well that’s...wait, was the female draconequus with the huge pregnant belly seen with Fluttershy in our security reports Discord?!” We yelped. Eris’ blush and fidgeting was telling. “He took their kids off of her? But We thought they had 3 year gestations.” “Well um...Fluttershy is still carrying those. It takes three years for draconequus to gestate in another species, but if it was a draconequus carrying the implings, it’s up to the mother how long they’ll allow them inside up to three years.” Eris informed us while blushing beet red. “So Discord is so eager to be a parent with Fluttershy he took them to speed up the process?” Visi asked with curiosity as she floated near us. “No, he let Fluttershy put new ones in him.” Eris informed while turning even more red, as if her body was changing color rather than being flushed. “Fluttershy is a herm?!” We asked in shock. “...No?” Eris answered in confusion, making us even more confused. “Please, stop trying to understand Chaos.” Urta insisted with a rub of her temples. “I’d rather limit it to vague logic please. I have it woven into my body now, don’t make it more confusing.” “Sorry.” Visi sighed after she sat up on the rim-around bench next to us. “You know you could have just asked.” A female Discord said from next to Eris on her other side. “Rude to talk about someone like they’re not here.” Discord huffed with her husky voice as she lathered soap into her term with sextuplets belly. “You weren’t even there to begin with.” Visi snarked with a splash at the invading God of Chaos. “Hey~!” Came a whine from another female adult draconequus. “Yeah!” Said another, soon the pool was full of adult female draconequus all bathing, chatting, and otherwise relaxing. “...Suddenly this bath isn’t very soothing.” We muttered uncomfortably at all our sexy daughters or usually-sons on display so casually. “Sorry mom.” Eris wilted and snapped her fingers with a shake of her head. The others save Discord all whined, then as quickly as they’d arrived all the other draconequus vanished, though the water did turn pink and smell like roses as it foamed up more easily. Aw, at least they were nice enough to add incense and bubble-bath to the water. “Now, just to explain this.” Discord started since she and Eris had stayed. “Yes, Fluttershy is the father, no I did not give her a dick. Considering how I did it...well, do you two know of the game Mass Effect? I stole a concept from Asari just to avoid freaking my little Shy out. Good thing they exist out there in this universe too, so it was easy to alter my body for it.” “We don’t want to know this…” The Asari are just freaky. They’re literally psionic parasites that interbreed with any other race for genetic diversity and use their telepathy to actually manipulate perceptions of them, basically mind-fucking everyone that saw them. It was even worse knowing this universe was also sharing the realm with Mass Effect apparently. Please no Reapers. “They’re a Galaxy away, we don’t have to worry about them.” Hermais said in our head. “Thank goodness. This world is insane enough on its own.” “I was going to compare it to how Seahorses reproduce.” Visi commented, which made a lot of sense. “Oh yes. Seaponies reproduce quite oddly.” We yelped when Aventurine was suddenly in the bath on the other side of Visi, the ultra-sexy senior alicorn Fertility Goddess casually lathering up. “Such a lovely bath, We can’t help but compare it to Celestia’s back home.” The iridescent goddess commented as she relaxed with her bosom floating on the water like our own was. “I said Seahorses, not Seaponies. They don’t even exist in our world.” Visi clarified, but our Goddess waved it off. “Same difference really. The Seaponies that do exist in our world reproduce with the males being females and the females being the males. The males carry the offspring which are laid as eggs in their sperm sacs and-.” Aventurine was interrupted by Urta splashing her. “Can we not?!” Urta suddenly interjected, looking a little green at the concept of growing babies in what equates to the testicals. We aren’t entirely against that, since it’s a kink, but We understand that if she doesn’t like the idea then that’s totally fine. “Fine.” Discord sighed in disappointment, as if actually intrigued in seapony mating methods. “At any rate, Fluttershy is still pregnant. She wanted to keep them like that, but I turned into an Asari-Draconequus and did this so we could have babies sooner.” She said with a proud pat of her belly. “Oh, and thank you for being so quick to adapt to all of this tomfoolery with gender and transformations. You’re doing good readers!” She said with a wink and pointing her finger at nothing. “Don’t break the fourth wall so hard Little Dizzy.” Aventurine gently chided. “We don’t think present company can handle that much meta.” Ave declared as she washed her long flowing ethereal mane. How does one wash a mane made of ether? With hands, apparently. “She summoned Lucifer here, one that can literally see pages.” Discord objected as she also washed her long flowing mane with disembodied claws. “Wiatr dear, send him away ASAP. He’s a danger to the stability of your reality. Speaking of which, Dizzy, go fix that fissure in the fourth wall, it needs Flex Tape.” Aventurine casually mentioned as the very air seemed to shimmer. We hope that’s from the heat of the spa. “Wait!” Visi shouted as she stood up. “Yes?” Discord asked as she held black foot-wide tape while Eris looked confused and sick. “No, not you Discord. It wouldn’t even matter.” Visi told him before looking towards our Goddess. “Why should we send Lucifer away? He’s not the true Devil.” “Dear, if We explain, it might very well defeat the purpose.” The air was shaking and Aventurine leered at Discord, who quickly started applying black 12 inch wide rubber tape to the air and under the water of the bath pool, stabilizing it...somehow. Wow that’s good tape. It’s stopping reality from leaking! It even works underwater! Can We buy some? “Lucifer is looking for his Halo that is for some reason here in our world.” We idly commented as We examined the magnificent tape with awe. “Yeah, it might be best for him to grab his continent destroying body part before he leaves. Then we lock up his token. He’s worse than Excalibur.” Discord commented, possibly unknowingly mirroring a thought We’d had about the Displaced. “Best yet.” Aventurine reached into her cleavage and pulled out a golden halo. “Oh Lucy~! Stop mucking around in the rainforest and-!!” Lucifer burst through the door, grabbed the halo and promptly put it over his head. “Ah. There it is. It kept moving around.” He said before smiling. “Hey I think I know you! Did you live in Las Vegas before being Displaced? My name was Samuel.” “Yes and We’d rather forget that past life. Sorry to say Sammy, never knew you personally. Senior class of Bonanza High?” Aventurine casually answered as if a buff, handsome male without genitals wasn’t standing totally nude a few feet away. “Eh, yeah, got a job in Silicon Valley before I was sent to the Void. Now I’ve been chained to something’s will for a billion years. Kinda relearning stuff about being Mortal, got close but the Source is missing and I need my full power back to find it.” He sighed. “We’ve forgotten how to be ‘mortal’ already. As a suggestion, find Rivelion. The Source is practically drawn there like liquid iron to magnets.” Aventurine suggested as Discord continued to put tape on the air, said air bulging at the tape and our Goddess was quirking an eyebrow at us. Oh, right. “I need my wings to do that. I can’t jump dimensions at will without them. Also Discord that wasn’t my fault, it was Hell’s, they seem to be using something to ‘edit’ pages to get here. Unsure how they got that power.” He explained, confusing us even more as the air started to actually tear open! “Lucifer-our-contract-is-complete!” We urgently interrupted his constant rambling and he was sucked through his void portal. With him gone the air snapped back into place and the tape fell into the water, somehow adhering to the water’s surface. Dayum that is cool tape! We want it! “What was that about? What did he mean by E-” Eris had her mouth plugged up by a dick-shaped chocolate pudding pop courtesy of Discord. “No and I think he may have been onto something Ave. While him talking about it helped, it didn’t seem like he was the start of it, he only made it worse.” The pregnant danger noodle said. “You’re the one who started it, We tried to warn off of it, but no~ everyone had to keep plucking at the seams of reality. Girls, don’t ponder the meaning of existence, you’re too magically powerful for that not to do horrible, terrible things to reality.” Ave warned as she continued to lounge. “Yes, leave it to her and Lucy, they can actually handle it. Lucy can repair the damage better than either of us can.” Discord said while putting penis pudding pops in all our mouths. “Don’t start talking or thinking about it. If Lucy boy is onto something let him deal with it.” Visi didn’t like any of this as she got out and aggressively shoved her penis pudding pop down Dizzy’s throat before she left the room. “You two better come out of that bathroom without that jackass or that twatbag of a Goddess!” “Great.” We groaned in unison with Urta and glared at Discord who had to start the whole mess. “Sorry, I can turn back time to a limited degree in a small area around me since it screws with Order hard.” He chuckled. “If it will avoid reality nearly collapsing in the immediate vicinity from that clusterfuck just now, that may be a wise decision.” Ave offered before sucking on her penis pudding pop. “Wait, what abo-” We all relaxed in the tub with Lucifer blinking with his halo over his head as Aventurine sighed next to us, Visi relaxing on the other side with Urta who was sleeping, Eris curled up on top of the hot water like it was a bed and I think a new draconequus was laying on the massage table with a sextuplet belly as magic hands worked on her. “Huh...I’m having Déjà vu.” Lucifer said blinking in confusion. “Did...never mind, won’t do any good.” He said before he sat next to Ave in the water. “You guys weren’t here just seconds ago.” We scratched our massive fennec ears in confusion. “And you were so nice to leave it silent until Lucy boy put on his halo and joined in.” The pregnant Draconequus whined, rubbing her eyes and making the others mumble and wake up. “Well, it was a lovely bath. Anyone want a Penis Pudding Pop before I leave?” “Yes please.” Ave agreed, gladly grabbing said lewd treat as it appeared before her. “Huh...what?” We asked before our Goddess put fingers to our lips. “Chaos is not to be questioned. Discord gave us some understanding of how she got pregnant, but then you all tried applying too much logic and We had to wipe your minds to keep you from going insane.” Ave whispered while she offered us a second penis pudding pop. Wow, even thinking of that name feels silly. “Huh, wouldn’t want a Sheogorath to show up.” Lucifer chuckled. “Well, I have my Halo.” He said before the ring turned to golden horns on either side of his head curling under his wolf ears. “So now I need to keep searching for other realities. Thanks for summoning me.” “Okay, Um yo-” We started before he summoned another sword and handed it to Ave. “Here, in case you need help or just want to chat about human things with a familiar...voice.” He said with a sigh. “A puppet who can’t cut his strings.” Discord chuckled as Lucifer glared at her. “Okay, now send me out before I start beating the mother over there.” He growled. “Your contract is complete.” We mewled and he vanished in his portal, which sucked out a good bit of the water with him. “Well, now that he’s gone, let’s get to bed.” Visilia cooed, running a hand along our and Urta’s shoulders as she got out of the tub, her hips swaying and her tail flicking as she looked back at us with a saucy grin. “Go on you lovebirds. We will simply enjoy this bath before heading home.” Ave shooed us out of the bath and soon we were all drying off, pinching each other and giggling before skittering to our bedroom. “Those kids are adorable. Hopefully they won’t lose that spark before the end of their adventures. Keep up the good work Eris.” Eris simply hummed in response. > Ch.63 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.63 More paperwork.  We sighed where We sat at our desk on our throne after We received another report from Twilight about the witch Baba Yaga in the painting and how the witch was working for an Old One called Nyarlathotep. It presided over many Nightmares in the painting from what she wrote. Before We could think on this further, a knock came from the front door. “Yes? It’s open.” How odd, people are used to just barging into our home by this point. Maybe it’s someone with actual manners, or the guards are nervous about letting this person in. When the door opened, We felt conflicted emotions when We saw it was Berserker. His armour was charred and scratched up, his gauntlets covered in blood and his helmet’s visor was cracked and broken, showing his shimmering left eye. He looked fine for the most part. “Hey.” Was the first thing he said with a nod. “Hi.” We replied awkwardly and weren’t sure where to go from there, so We defaulted to checking our paperwork. “We just finished reading a report from Twilight. She seems to be getting close since The Good Hunter mentioned they’re close to finding the Nightmare that is trapping Luna with help from Alucard and Seras since they took his ‘Beautiful Moonlight’ and Integra doesn’t want Ash endangered further. At least we know where they went now.” It’s fishy she was abducted shortly after Alucard interrupted our dream meeting, but if he’s not the secret antagonist then he’s welcome to help. “Do you still want me to go there?” Berserker dutifully asked when he rounded our desk to look at the report without touching anything with his dirty gauntlets. We don’t want his hands stained in blood getting it dirty, so We appreciate that. Though, We wouldn’t mind if he put those hands on us. Blood is a close friend by this point. “Please rip that armor off him! I want to feel him again!” Hnng...no Wiatr, down girl. Business. “It would be appreciated, but it seems they’re doing well, even if Applejack and Rainbow Dash have become wolf-pony hybrids and relish in savagery in combat.” Our fennec ears wilted at hearing the good ponies being corrupted, even if they were still the same people. At least AJ and RD have apparently opened up about their feelings for each other, so that’s something good out of all this. Even if, aha, it was in the heat of the moment where they were going berserk together and after the enemies stopped moving they passionately-hnng why did Twily have to get so graphic about that?! “That doesn’t sound like they’re doing well themselves.” Berserker remarked severely. “See here: ‘Although they are more impulsive and short-tempered, they’re still the same ponies I became friends with. The Good Hunter says so long as they don’t forget Who they are in favor of What they are, they will be fine.’” We quoted Twilight’s words, but still felt sad. Though, thinking of those two lesbian wolf-ponies going at each other was-holy shit. Bryan has been here a couple of minutes and our mind is dripping into our twat out our ears! “Your face and feelings on the matter say otherwise.” Berserker observed and We nodded. “Even if you’re projecting how hot I make you onto them.” Oh shit he did notice! Calm girl, calm. This isn’t the time for this! “We don’t like it. This Nyarlathotep sounds well beyond their ability to handle. We’re not well-versed with Cthulhu mythos, so We have no idea what they could be up against.” We stood up and stretched to refresh our body since We’d been sitting for hours dealing with an unending train of paperwork. It’d only been a few days since the attack on Unity, but Jack hasn’t returned and the sexual escapades in the bedroom have only gotten more intense.  Urta is insatiable, Visi has actually gotten more into it with her going after Urta as much as us. Sabrina, Cocoa and Honey who emerged from Undercity in one piece jumped in on it too. All that’s kept us from being sealed in our bedchambers for days-long trysts is that Cadence, Shining and Chrysalis are all too busy dealing with Chaos Demons up north in an oddly peaceful manner along with Visi’s attendants helping rein her in. It was almost like they were prepared for something like this happening. What’s Visilia hiding about herself that her attendants are prepared to deal with a violently amorous demoness? We mean violently amorous. She broke bones when her attendants dragged her away from engaging us in another session earlier today. “So, it’s back to my question: do you want me to go there and help them, or not?” Berserker asked again and We thought about it. It would help very much if he was there. He might not see it, but he seems to be gaining a bit of a Demi-Godhood here, maybe even in his own universe. “Yes, if it would bring them back faster.” We admitted reluctantly. We’d rather he stay here, with us. With his children. “Where is this painting?” Berserker questioned intently, clearly not going to leave this situation in the hands of others when he could be helping. “In Celestia’s private study. It used to be in a vault, but after all this she doesn’t trust it in some sealed-off safe where it isn’t being watched. Want us to take you there?” We asked hopefully, eager to get away from paperwork. “It would be best, yes.” Berserker nodded to us before taking off his helmet to show us his face. Nothing new, still the same handsome man with an attitude and temper. “Let us clean this up first.” We insisted before We put our paperwork and desk in it’s designated storage spot under the floor in front of the throne. Convenient, but We need a study~! Once that was done, We led Berserker outside. “We’ll fly to Canterlot then meet up with Celestia since there aren’t any portals there.” We said while growing Daring’s wings and resisting an odd urge to size up and go dragon. We don’t need to do that for a simple flight. “You will discover that it is best to be at full size whenever you can manage it.” Nodding his head, Berserker placed his helmet back on and summoned wings made out of red fire from his back. The very same fire We had seen him use once before in the Helix Stone. It was surprising to see it being used in a non-destructive way. “Huh, didn’t know you had those.” We chuckled before taking off. “I figured it out once I could actually use my Pyromancy!” Berserker explained as he kept up with us. He sounded very proud of his newfound ability. “It’s cool.” We chuckled, flying close and nuzzling him before We shot off to Canterlot, the flight being no more than a few minutes at best with us both using magic to aid our flight forward. It took us a bit to get through the air traffic to land within the castle courtyard though. “Now we just need to get to Celestia.” “Hun, I just realised something.” Berserker said to us, almost sounds as if he was on the verge of panicking. “Yes?” We asked curiously while We continued to lead him onward. “We didn’t even name our children.” Berserker answered us, upon which We blinked at realizing that aside from Marcus who We winced at realizing We named him on accident in the belief that was already his name, none of our other children with him or Hunter were named. At that point, we both facepalmed ourselves. How could We have had this oversight?! We just mentally acknowledged them by physical appearance! What does Cocoa call them?! “Well, you wanted to wait for them to show some personality before we did We think? We can say they act a lot like you. One in particular loves fighting with us. We may have accidentally named him Marcus in the belief that he was already named as your firstborn son.” We flinched, expecting to be shouted at only for him to pat our shoulder consolingly. “Hey, we both made the same mistake. Marcus is a good name, but I’ll name the rest of the boys and one girl and you name the other girls.” Berserker gently insisted and We nodded. “It was what popped into our head for him.” We chuckled at remembering how that boy loved to yell while using his fighting toys. “Lily and Aerith for the girls, you have one more girl and she’s fairly combative like Marcus.” “Then Valkyr for the one that loves fighting, Revix and Nolix for the other two boys.” Berserker promptly named our other children. “Aw, no Goku?” We joked playfully with a vulpine grin. “Fuck no. I love anime, but I’m not using any of those names.” Berserker scoffed at the notion. “It’s not even an original thing, his name was ripped from Journey to the West.” “We know, there’s a similar old tale from local folklore too.” We replied before We turned a corner and a bawling Celestia tackled us and hugged our face to her bosom. It’s easy to forget she’s 8 feet tall! “Wiatr~! We thought you were-I was worried~!” Celestia hiccupped and hugged us tightly to her chest as she nuzzled and smooched our scalp and ears, which sent shots of tingles down our spine and through our tails, which floofed up quite excessively. “Mmf.” We muffled into her cleavage as she hugged us in the hall. How nice that at our average 6 foot height We’re chest high to Tia for motorboating. We used our strength and gooey morphing power to extricate from her bosom. “We did send word that Unity was safe.” “It doesn’t change the fact we thought you were doomed the moment we heard Hell had attacked~!” Celestia wailed as she clutched us to her protectively. “I wanted to go, but with how things are going, if I left-.” “Canterlot would’ve been defenseless.” Berserker astutely finished for her, getting her to sniffle and nod. “We know, so We’re not mad, but We’re here to take Berserker to the Painting. He wants to help Luna.” We explained to our lover who still wouldn’t let go of us, which We were fine with. “Okay.” She sniffled before she picked us up and carried us like We were a teddy bear. Which, considering our resting height was only 2 feet shorter than her, was quite embarrassing. “Oh, I forgot to mention something else.” Celestia suddenly seemed embarrassed yet happy. “Oh?” We asked curiously, even if We were being held to her side in one arm with our paws off the floor, it wasn’t uncomfortable. “Celestia darling? Where have you run off to?” Came an echoing timbre and around the corner ahead came a drool-worthy handsome stallion in a quite tasteful ensemble that looked like he just stepped out of the renaissance. His fur was a verdant deep green, but his mane looked like leaves in autumn. However, We also noticed his horn and wings. “Ah, there you are dear. Who is this adorable thing?” The towering alicorn stallion asked, looking down at us with his hazel eyes that held a glint of mirth in them. Is he 9 or 10 feet tall? “Uh...Celestia?” We asked our lover nervously. “Wiatr, Berserker. I would like you to meet Oberon.” Celestia introduced us with warmth in her voice for the stallion. “He’s an Ashen One who recently awoke. I wasn’t aware alicorns were a race before Luna and I.” “Not so much a race as a genetic fluke still dear. We’ve already talked about this over tea multiple times.” Oberon chuckled congenitally as he looked back at us. “Pleasure to meet you.” “Same, our Tia seems to like you.” We said with a playful chuckle. “Indeed. It was an attraction at first sight.” Oberon admitted with a light dusting of red to his cheeks. “I didn’t have the pleasure to meet another alicorn in my era and she’s been such a dear. However, it seems that the progression of romance has changed drastically since my day.” Oberon smiled winningly as Celestia’s wings pomfed out and she hugged us tighter while her cheeks brightened in embarrassment. “While this is cute and all, I’m here on important business to save your sister Celestia. Lead on.” Berserker insisted and Celestia snapped out of her embarrassment, even putting us down. “Right, this way. I hear Twilight is making progress with the two weeks she’s been in the painting her time.” Celestia chuckled as she hurried along. Oberon followed behind us calmly as we all entered her private study that she had to unlock multiple locks to. The Painted World of Ash was even more disturbing, although it didn’t seem any different. “If you want to enter just touch the painting. Be careful, it is a place of madness, eldritch gods, demons, monsters and The Old Blood.” “I’m sure I can handle it.” Berserker said before giving us a kiss. He made it last a bit this time before he touched the painting and was violently slurped into it like a noodle. “That does not fill me with confidence.” Celestia commented with concern before suddenly Discord was in the room, holding up a penis pudding pop. “Oh, thank you.” Celestia casually took the phallic treat and took a bite of it, making Oberon blink as Discord vanished once more. “This era is so unusual.” Oberon mused with a scratch of his mane. “We’re a Sex, Fertility and Commerce Goddess. This is a normal thing to us” We chuckled in all three of our voices rather than Willow’s default husky tone. Daring was more raspy and Svartr had a harsh clip to her tone, so Willow had the nicest voice for casual and more saucy speech. “You’re Gwynevere’s successor? Historians expected you to be taller.” Oberon admitted with surprise. Then again, Gwynevere was originally a 50+ foot tall giantess, it’s a wonder how Gwyn managed such a thing. “We reach thirty feet at our maximum and are slowly growing depending on what We eat.” We said while smiling and showing off our sharp carnivorous teeth. “So you might achieve your ancestor’s glory yet. That’s good for the world, especially in the state I’ve woken up to it in. Care to join us for lunch?” Oberon questioned while also looking at Celestia, who sighed sadly. “Unfortunately I have work to get to, Oberon. Would you have time to rest before you go back home Wiatr?” Tia asked and after thinking about it, We wilted. So. Much. Wor-her-her-herk~! “No….” Just bringing Berserker here ate into precious time We need for our bureaucracy work. Who knew there was so much redundant paperwork for so many things? “We need a secretary that We can foist some of our work on.” We grumbled and crossed our arms under our bust. “You don’t have any? I have seventeen.” Celestia told us, making us blink and then cry at our shortsightedness. (<3) “So why can’t one of us do this for you?” Sabrina asked curiously from off to the side, home from her magic lessons at her coven. “Because We don’t want to force someone We know and love to suffer this torture in our place.” We declared with dead seriousness as We looked over a list of potential candidates for our chief secretary. Next to Sabrina were Cocoa, Honey, Urta and Visi. Each suddenly dressed like secretaries in three-piece suits and looking annoyed at us. Well, Visi was more annoyed at Urta, who had somehow talked her into putting on the suit. How does Urta manage it? “Come on, Visi handles it already!” Urta chuckled as she hugged the demon princess to her side, said demoness flushed and moved as if to pull Urta’s hand from her waist, but stopped and even seemed to melt a bit as she placed her hand over the one Urta had on her hip. Wow Urta got through Visi’s rough exterior fast. “We cannot rely on Visi being available to do it all the time. She has far more important things to do than go over our incoming paperwork.” We insisted sternly at our now-mobile wife who was still getting pumped every morning for the Scinoxes and R&D folk, but otherwise was out and about now. Sabrina’s coven had enough milk production that they could sustain themselves and slow down their rapid terraforming without Urta’s surplus urging them onward. “She’s right. I do have my own kingdom to worry about. We’re here as allies...and I’m here as a lover.” Visilia said with a blush and a smile at us while she leaned into Urta. “Who is more available for kinky funtimes if she isn’t working. Right?” Urta teased the alicorn, who grit her teeth and huffed as she looked away from the buff amazonian vixen, but didn’t move to get away from the sexy herm. “Alright, let's get some applicants in.” We sighed before We pressed a button on the desk. Two overly posh looking noble unicorns entered and set down resumes before taking out notepads and pens. One was a mare and the other a stallion, middle-aged, slightly chubby. “Hm...you both were in the offices of the northern district of Canterlot...years of experience...work history is good. Now, why are you transferring here? We may be an important growing center of military and lewd, but necessary business, but we’re still a small place. What brings you out here?” “We have seen how slow your progress is with filtering important tasks from the less Important ones. For instance; a park is being built before lighting and roads are even completely finished which is unsafe. You are also not using your treasury to its full extent from what we have observed from the quality of roads being built. It looks like the construction company is either pocketing more money instead of using what you gave them for materials, or you didn’t give them enough.” The stallion on the left said as he pulled out some papers and put on a monocle to look at it more closely. “We work best in the pockets of the Nation, we got our old station from being the most destitute to one of the best housing and business districts.” The mare continued. “We gave the homeless jobs, even if they’re still low paying at this time, but our replacements are moving to increase that pay and the housing we left was low income and low upkeep.” “Yes, but why are you here now.” We insisted and they both sighed. “We were downsized.” The stallion muttered. “What my companion means to say, is that we’ve been at the office for several years. There’s new blood coming in and, well.” She looked irritated before calming herself. “Needless to say, there’s not much room for two aging bureaucrats when there’s younger, more eager to please yes-mares and go-bucks available from the fresh employee market.” “Well, that is a rather unfortunate scenario, but again, why here and not anywhere else? I’m sure Las Pegasus, Manehattan, or Baltimare could use you. We want to know why you’ve chosen our little hamlet.” We further probed, noting that these two could’ve easily gotten better-paying work elsewhere. “Well we wish to see the Lust Demons gone, we lost people.” The stallion groused. “Specifically, a branch office in a small town you may have heard horror stories about, Shady Hollow, ended up being subverted as a Lust Demon breeding ground. Nopony bothered to enter, check, or even wonder why nopony was going in or out of the building for days and by then it was too late. We had friends there.” The mare admitted with a haunted expression. “That’s more than enough. We’ll put you down for consideration Money Mover and Quibbler. We’ll let you know our decision by the end of the day.” We dismissed officially and they nodded before they got up and left. Once they were gone We looked to our lovers. “Do you think you want to take potential jobs away when you already have enough work?” “No…” They all answered in unison with a bit of shame. > Ch.64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.64 By the end of the day We’d interviewed 10 people. Nine unicorns and one Buffalo who was one of the few who survived all the demon attacks and joined Equestrian society at a young age with his family. That said, they were all viable for the job, but then again even if they weren’t going to get work with us, the mayor’s office could use the rest for sure. We picked Money Mover and Quibbler mostly because they had the most experience and they were middle-aged and married to each other. That meant if there was some nookie in the office it’d be after they got work done and it wouldn’t have any moral issues beyond that. That said, the moment they got to work We found ourselves actually lacking for it in the office department. What was once a massive stack of paperwork was just a small pile of things that actually needed our specific attention for approvals or queries. “Goodness, We should have done that months ago.” We muttered as We looked over the papers here.  Most of it was for the positions of the checkpoints and defenses. “Are you alright?” We heard Visi as she came in, calling our attention up to see her still in that burgundy office pantsuit. Perhaps she didn’t have any official duties with her Sentinels today beyond administration. She needs a uniform or something less intense than armor, but more official than a blouse and jeans. That pantsuit might just be the middle ground she’s looking for. “We’re great! We don’t have as much paperwork, just this little bit to do.” We chuckled as We leaned back and relaxed in our fancy adjustable throne that was a footrest away from being a recliner. “That being?” Visi approached the desk and looked over the little paperwork We had to do. “Mostly Defenses, reports, redesigns of our home so We don’t have to do this in our throne room. We’re also looking over how much damage was done to the forest. It shouldn’t be more than an hour, possibly not even a half-hour.” We could cheer with joy at how little work there was with having competent secretaries sifting through it first! “Have you ever thought about expanding Unity?” Visi inquired out of the blue, catching us by surprise. “Yes, in the canyon itself for now. The Everfree would have to let us slowly expand so We don’t piss it off. The roads are slowly getting safer as the Everfree gets used to us.” It was dangerous being in the middle of a self-aware and violent forest. The fact that We weren’t trying to tame it before gave us leniency, so it left us alone at first, but now We’re getting to be a nuisance. Visi nodded when she neared and nuzzled us. “Hm, the boys should be finishing up on their hunting for Hell Demons.” Visi’s voice had taken on a more sultry tone. “Good, but We still haven’t heard from Jack.” We nuzzled her back as she nearly sat on the arm of the throne. Hm, Visi has been getting so casually intimate since she had a try pitching for both teams. We could get used to this. “He’ll be fine.” Visi assured us with an almost dismissive air to her. “We’re sure he’ll be. Now then, did you just come by to tell us about the boys?” We reached around her waist to hug her onto the arm of the throne and she put a hand on our shoulder, the other lacing with our fingers on her lap. “Well, sort of, but it’s about my father. He...was wondering when we were going to get married?” Visilia looked away from us with an uncomfortable hesitance. “Ah, well, We uh...” We looked at our cleavage where within were the rings We had for her and the boys. It was Cadence’s idea to do it even if We were still exploring the relationships. She gave it the go-ahead because ‘the model works’ or something like that. “Sorry for bringing this up, but I told him to wait. Besides, didn’t you want to get to know the other three?” Visi asked us in reference to Runner, Pillar and Collateral. “We do, it’s just that they haven’t been here and you want to settle things with them first.” We said with a sigh and she joined in, clearly as displeased with the lack of progress as us. “Is your Cadence alright in the head?” Visi pointed to her temple and We snorted. “Yes, though breeding is kinky for her, Celestia and Luna. She did take it a bit far for a bit at the start, but we’ve worked something out. We’ll be wearing the Glory Hole Panties for that day and they have us all to themselves even if We’re on a mission. It's about that time they all really get sex crazy.” We muttered in a mixture of displeasure and yearning. Those were such simple times. Get fucked, get bred, birth foals for adoption, repeat. “Fuck that was heaven…” Visi facepalmed and groaned in annoyance. “Don’t remind me. That almost ruined our first time together.” “We know it was a rocky start, but she is very caring, treats everyone well. She tried getting us to take servants from her empire to help ours, which We regret not doing.” We groaned at our stubbornness having made things more difficult than necessary. At least We still accepted the staff extended from Canterlot, who unlike the Crystal Empire, had resources to spare in comparison. “You didn’t think of how easy things would be if you had more hands to help you? You thought she was handing them to you for something else?” Visilia questioned in disbelief. “Nope. We were stupid and We thought We could take care of everything. That last bit was also a factor, though talking to her again she said they were just normal servants and the offer was still open.” We muttered as she rubbed our shoulder comfortingly. “Are you going to take it?” The demonic alicorn asked curiously as she leaned down, her hand questing lower. “Yes, it’ll help with daycare for Cocoa.” We replied and didn’t respond to how her hand dipped onto the top of our breasts and traced lines on our valley of cleavage. “Hey, this way it’ll help lighten up Cocoa’s responsibilities to our children. Although, Marcus is still going to be a problem.” Visi laughed at that, even We imagined our little boy driving them crazy or away. Cadence would have a fit if she heard about it. “We still wouldn’t want Cadence angry though.” We sighed, then jumped at hearing the front door slam open and saw Urta looking at it with a cringe, this also had the effect of causing Visilia to jump to her hooves and cease running her fingers over us. “Urta, please get control of your strength.” “Sorry babe. I literally have super strength.” Urta scratched her head as she entered, garbed in her custom armor that was made of the remains of the former dragonslayer armor. We even gave her the spear since it didn’t object to her and she was trained for polearms anyhow. “Nothing to report; the town’s adjusting well to the recovery. Thankfully many of the homeowners on the canyon’s walls are Kind and Generous enough to spare rooms for the currently homeless that couldn’t shack up at one of the Forts.” Ah, yes. Said forts are actually springing up towns around them too from Tel’Adre citizens wanting a fresh start, but not wanting to give up on Saddle Arabia. “That’s wonderful news. It seems ever since you became our Knight Captain, the town’s really shaping up.” We really couldn’t have picked a better candidate to head our slowly growing order of knights than Captain Urta, our Knight Captain...eee~ our knight in shining armor~! Our girlish inner squeal was interrupted by Visi poking our cheek. “Stop staring at your Captain and actually say something.” Visi teased with a winning smirk. “Aw, but I’m enjoying basking in her adoration.” Urta put her spear behind her, thrusting out her chest and causing the magic armor, crafted by Andre, to squeak in the rivets from the strain of holding up such delicious basketball-sized tits. “Of course We adore you, our wife, our life, our love.” We purred and our tails writhed in the air about us as Urta and Visi blushed for some reason before We cleared our throat. It was still business hours after all. “That can’t be all you came to say.” Urta sighed and moved her spear back to her right hand, pole planted. “The Everfree has sent an emissary.” Urta declared, approaching the throne and standing to our right since Visi was already on our left. “Who?” We were confused, how could a forest have an emissary? “Mummy~! Yoo hoo~!” Came the slightly gurgly voice of a young woman when she slithered in. She was a blue slime that looked shocking like us from the hips upwards, since that wasn’t a blob like her mode of locomotion was. She wore leaves and vines in a scanty slutty getup that barely covered her groin and nipples. The fact she was our favored proportions further cemented the image. “Right...Willow birthed hundreds of slimes.” We muttered, remembering Willow’s glorious mating with our Goddess and potential future older sister. “Pardon if We are a bit awkward daughter, We just left you and all your siblings to wander about the forest.” “Aw, that’s okay! We were just dumb blobs of slime after all. We had to eat things to get more complex and that’s dangerous for others. Ahem, I’m Slippy and I’m here to bring the demands...ugh, I don’t like that word...suggestions of Overgrowth. The Spirit of the Everfree.” Our slimy daughter declared, yet didn’t decrease in chirpiness. “Alright? Does it know you’re our daughter?” We asked curiously, glad she didn’t sound even remotely like Slippy Toad of Star Fox infamy despite her name. “Overgrowth said you’d be more likely to listen to one of us than to a Timberwolf or other native species. We’d also at least get in past the tunnel.” Slippy shrugged. “What are these demands?” Visilia growled, clearly not liking having anything dictated to us. “Let's hear them daughter.” We said as We stood and magically stowed away the desk. “One: replant the trees you’ve cut down that aren’t in the way of the road to the pony town to the west. Your loggers have been clearing the sides of the road too.” Slippy puffed out her cheeks in an annoyed pout and We groaned at having our orders not to cut down more trees than necessary ignored. “Two: help ferret out the Hell and Lust demons poisoning our cave systems. Our wolves can only do so much with all the fire involved.” That’s fair, if annoying to have to spread our forces even thinner. “And lastly Three: make more of us slimes.” “Is that really from Overgrowth, or your siblings.” We asked, knowing we need our Goddess to do so in large numbers. “We’re mono-gendered and can’t populate without the seed of sentient races. We’re also really good at caring for the forest and Overgrowth wants more of us. You don’t have to do it yourself either, we just need permission to come to town, get busy~.” Slippy held up her bust and jiggled her jelly tits. “Easily done on both ends, though we would prefer to not mate our children...maybe a generation or two passing.” We suggested uneasily. Hermais was bad enough in that department. “Don’t worry mum, we don’t have any incestual fantasies for you.” Slippy stated, then leered at Urta. “Your mates though~?” Slippy posed like a belly dancer at Urta, who simply raised a brow. “Oh poo, you’re no fun. Maybe some other time then.” She blew a kiss at our Captain and sauntered out. How she managed that on a blob without legs We had no clue. “So much for ‘demands’. She didn’t even list any repercussions for not doing as demanded.” Visilia huffed in amusement. “It’s rather self-explanatory. We do as ‘suggested’ or the Everfree will purge us as well.” Urta countered before putting a hand on our shoulder. “Don’t worry babe, those were easy things to do. With me looking over people’s shoulders they’re not about to ignore your edicts so easily again.” “Yes, especially with your, ‘do as I say or end up in my belly’ policy. We heard about Rickshaw.” We chuckled as her cheeks reddened. “Asshole never did listen to orders and finding out he was trying to trade weapons with the Lust Demons justified his execution.” “To be frank, he tasted like sweaty gym socks. Still fed the brood well though.” Urta licked her chops and sighed as she reached into her cleavage, fishing out a flask and chugging from it. “Ugh. So hungry all the time unless I drink this stuff.” “I still don’t trust all that Chaos magic you’re letting those brats put in you.” Visilia commented with concern, only for Urta to shrug and drink some more before putting it back in her tits. “Well, you’re not the woman in the room who can snap a Hell Baron’s legs with a pinky are you? I’ll damn well drink whatever this delicious stuff is if it feeds me and the babies.” Urta slapped her armor’s tummy area and We chuckled at the banter our lovers made. “Captain! Fish Paste is at it again!” Came a distressed voice from the door, making Urta groan. “Oh that little brat! What has he done now?!” Urta demanded as she sprinted out of our home, the door closing as the guard who called for her moved to follow. The fact we seem to have an incarnation of Naruto in our home was both amusing and quite distressing. “Well, that happened.” We sighed before summoning our desk again, looking at our stack to find We still had three more papers. One was the report on Whitetail Lumber that We had thought We could trust, but it seems even they are sleazeballs. However, it seemed Money Mover had noted several discrepancies in the company’s revenue versus it’s suspected sales. “Good work Money Mover. Now We’re going to order him to audit the fuck out of them.” “He’s doing a good job so far.” Visi admitted, looking the report over. After signing off on giving Money Mover the authority to do an official audit, the other two papers were just more logistics We reviewed and signed off on. “Well...We’re done.” We sat there, awkwardly looking over at the clock in the kitchen area. It wasn’t even noon. “This...is new.” We authentically had nothing else for the day. It usually took the bulk of midday to do our work before We hired someone to handle most of it. “Well, We’re not horny, for once. Maybe having Hermais sleep in our womb nightly helps. There’s not much We can do out there without getting in the way, We’re not carpenters or masons…” Then, as if in answer to our prayers, Jack entered as calm as ever. Gently opening and closing the door to float down the carpet to us. “Sorry. Had to fight something disgustingly huge and sticking part way out of a portal to Hell. Then had to follow it in to destroy the gate.” Jack didn’t seem any worse than when he left. What kind of monster is he? We doubt even one of the Doom brothers on their own would do as well and We’ve seen their past. “Thank you for dealing with it. That’s one less source of Hell’s wrath in the world.” We said while watching Saliva, our first knight and Urta’s understudy follow him in. “Hello Saliva. To what do We owe the pleasure?” She had a clear crush on us, but it seemed some of that may be transferring over to Urta. Damn our wife is incredible, taking so much affection off of us. We should probably just do the right thing and give her our Fertility Asp-. “We have found something in the forest we believe is related to Tartarus.” Saliva reported with a snappy salute as Jack floated to the side a bit to look at her. “Damn it. I just took care of a big one. One I feel that armory I got from you the first time barely pays for.” Jack groaned. “Well, that’s a debt paid. If you want anything else it’ll cost you.” Jack’s words reminded us that he is, at his core, a mercenary. Maybe that first time more than paying for itself made us look back on it with rose-tinted glasses, but still, Jack was worth the price if We need his services later. “No, We don’t want to keep you too much Jack. We consider our contract to be complete.” At our words the Infinity pistol hovered out of our cleavage and fired on the floor next to him. Jack gave a cheesy salute before dropping into his portal of inky darkness, leaving us with our Knight who was gawking in awe. “Anything else Saliva?” “Huh? Um, there’s nothing else. Just that we suspect there’s more of those damn demons in the forest. We’ll let you know more when we know more, but we all felt it prudent to keep you at least aware.” Saliva stated and We nodded before gesturing for her to leave, which she did so professionally, even if the pegasus’ wide hips made her naturally sway them. “Well then...testing Murphy now. Ahem. We suppose We’re done for the day.” We intoned, awkwardly waiting a minute. “Guess that’s it.” “I’m done for the day too with those other bureaucrats you didn’t hire working on the mayor’s staff making my own job easier. Although, we’re both not exactly in the mood for sex. Foreplay yes, but not sex.” Visi hummed and we looked at each other before heading for the entertainment center. Movie time. “Oh! Watch that “How to Tame your Dragon Lord” rom-com again!” > Ch.65 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.65 “How can you not have realized this?!” We cringed from the words of the Royal Inspector; Stern Slate, who came from Canterlot at the behest of Celestia after We’d approved of getting our home inspected for renovations. “This place is a security nightmare! Your throne room should be at the very back of the keep! Not at the front door!” The stallion, an aged and gray, mustachioed noble who seemed the sort to have earned such a title continued on his rant. It’d been a half hour already and each person who tried to interrupt was brutally chastised and left in shame. Apparently Celestia felt it prudent to send an Inspector who happened to be a former architect and even worked on several buildings in Canterlot to assess the ‘structural soundness’ of Unity’s infrastructure and architecture. The fact he immediately railed on us for thinking ‘this abomination of an ad-hoc cavern’ was a suitable place to have our seat of power. “Well you see, We didn’t actually plan the Keep it was…” “I don’t care who or what it was, it should have been fixed ages ago!” Stern roared as a miffed Harmonia strode up behind him. “I am well aware that this place has evolved from a literal cave, but it’s more than that! This Keep needs to be relocated to the very back wall at least to start with. Without Princess Twilight here, such a task will take years!” The gray stallion fretted, pulling on his coiffed mane. “Excuse me. I’ll have you know this place has-.” Harmonia was interrupted by the stallion rounding on her, pointing an accusing finger up at her face. “And you! You’re the most magnificent natural wonder of the world and you let bats roost in your branches?!” Stern Slate demanded of Harmonia, who instantly stepped back. “O-of course! They’re-.” “They’re a menace! There’s plenty of home space for them out in the forest and they’re getting guano all over the town square! The front courtyard of a town’s keep and a city square should not have to have a dedicated cleanup crew just for animal droppings!” Stern declared with disgust, making Harmonia blush. “B-but-.” “Now go out there and tell those adorable fuzzy creatures to roost in the forest!” Stern ordered the goddess, who seemed distraught. “I...oh...okay…” Harmonia sniffled before she turned and left with a meek shuffle. “You know those are her pets right?” We asked with an angry glare. “Bats are not city-friendly pets. It’s in the legislature for every town. If she wants to have them as pets, they need to still live outside city limits or in a menagerie.” Stern informed us seriously. “Alright.” We gave up on that before We got up and headed to the door. “How to solve this issue? We know of a few building styles from our former lives and games of Willow.” We muttered as We left while Stern growled, clearly not happy We were leaving. We grew in height once outside. “This place is beautiful in its own way.” Although he is right, seeing custodians going around cleaning up guano did ruin the natural and magical beauty of the town square. “Be that as it may. You must adhere to health and safety guidelines.” Stern called up at us. “I don’t want to, but if I see this place as being too dangerous to live in, I will have to order it unfit for habitation. You must work to make this place safe and defensible.” “The Defensible part is underway.” We grumbled before thinking of coming up with little helpers to work out crafting bits of the Keep we wanted to build. They would need to be part goo though. Then there was the fact our keep is literally a hole in the wall with dimensional pocket magic used quite liberally. “Our keep will have to wait for Twilight though.” “As frustrating as that is, I agree. It can wait. It isn’t urgent considering it’s at least as far from the entrance as possible, but you must address the immediate housing issue. Your citizens can only double-up for so long before tensions rise and sickness starts to spread from too many people clustered together. Then there’s your food situation. Milk and Cum are good nutrition, but you need more for a balanced and healthy population.” Stern Slate insisted. The fact he even said that with his personality spoke volumes of this world’s society. “We know.” We groaned before remembering something about Willow. Her soul was one of Magic, or rather Our soul was Magic. “Can We...no, talk to Starlight about borrowing Twilight’s books...how much soul energy did we eat during the fight with Hell that wasn’t tainted enough with Argent? Increasing our Intelligence so We don’t have to rely on our Twily for the less complex stuff will give us a jump start.” “Princess?” Stern sounded lost now as a very unused trait of ours demanded to be used. “Yes, I can teach you some spells!” Why do We suddenly know a spell to harden scales? “Wait! Wrong one! Damn it!” “Your concerns will be seen to, Stern. Feel free to rest in one of our home’s spare bedrooms. We have much work to be done.” We walked over to the Lordvessel, the Firekeeper loitering as always, but wearing slightly more casual clothes and even kicking her paws as a guard, off-duty We hope, talked to her. Good for her. Once there, We shrunk back down and sat at the Lordvessel for the first time in what felt like ages. We were barely surprised when the magic menu pulled up and listed a mind-boggling 3,958,967  soul units. Holy Hell, no wonder Undead and Ashen around during times of war in the past were so powerful. This meant We could afford 49 level-ups to SL155, still lower than our Goddess Form’s total, but this meant We could specialize our Combat Form even more. That said, our current focus was on our Intelligence. It would help us better understand and learn magic. Attunement seemed more useless to us as time went on, since it seemed to govern the ability to do more spells at once than how many spells you could actually learn. That said it’s good for multitasking, but our Combat Form is meant mostly for melee combat anyway. Besides, it wasn’t like We were trying to replace little Twily as an Archmage, that’d be rude. We dumped about 20 levels into Int to bring it to 40. Next We looked at Faith. It was an odd thing to consider, since We had actual Faith for our goddess and were a goddess ourselves. What would it do? Curious and not really seeing a reason to put more points in our other stats for the time being, We dumped 29 levels into it to reach 39. Confirming the changes, We blinked at the rush of power and jumped when We spotted the Lewd Bar glowing and the tanks holding our’s and Urta’s milk and cum practically pulsing with power. Even Ava’s brazier was burning hotter, our own crystals freezing and growing to counter the flames. Then We gasped, grasping at our stomach and moaning. Panting, We looked around, seeing Harmonia shimmering along with her usual glow. Looking up, We could actually sense Celestia in the sun and it didn’t blind us. “Babe~?! W-what’s happening~?!” We turned our gaze back down and found Urta panting as she staggered towards us. “W-wanna...wanna fuck~...” Urta foamed at the mouth as she tried restraining herself from pouncing on us and around us We noticed nearly everyone staring at us with slack jaws and drooling. “Wow!” We yelped in shock, feeling the need to fuck, but not bound to it for once. “Okay, um. Everyone, calm down.” We declared and suddenly there were gasps as the rapidly building sexual tension simply vanished and Urta practically collapsed onto all fours, gasping and shaking. “Urta, are you okay?” We asked as We rushed to her, kneeling down to help her up. “Holy fuck babe, what was that? I haven’t been in such a fierce rutt since you used Sandy’s magic on me and turned me into a baby factory.” Urta asked as she put a hand to her head, still looking woozy. “Shit, all the blood rushed to my dick so fast I nearly passed out. Then it just stopped and I was even more calm than before that. What did you do?” “Praise Wiatr~!” Came a declaration from the Lewd Bar and the changeling stallion who ran it was looking at a glass of milk with absolute reverence. The milk practically shined with iridescent white power and he chugged it. When done, he sighed as he fell into his chair, looking beyond pleased. “We increased our Intelligence and Faith statistics for our Combat Form, but what does this mean? Our Goddess Form which We use the most has Intelligence and Faith at 30, but this is too dramatic for a 10 point increase in both to cause.” We were genuinely baffled, what did this mean? “Wait, how many forms do you have?” Urta asked in confusion. “Three. Combat, Goddess and Casual. Combat is our only form We can alter by infusing our Soul with Soul Energy. Goddess and Casual are locked.” We explained somewhat. “We’d get more into it, but the factors of our individual capabilities are enough numerical data to fill a page with inane statistics as it stands.” Urta blinked and looked confused. Why? We explained quite succinctly that We improved one of our forms and now exponential amounts of results are coming to fruition. “We absorbed soul energy and became stronger.” We tried to simplify, only for her to look insulted. “I got that much. Why are you using so many more words than usual? You sound like your bookworm daughter.” Urta’s words made something click and We gasped. “The non-combat effects of our Combat Form are cumulative with our other forms!” That has to be it! It is the only explanation! While in practice, We only have 40, 30, or 10 Int at any given time, that only accounts for combat! This means in essence, We have 80 Int outside of combat! “This means We must hit the books immediately!” We rushed back to our apparently unsuitable keep for the portal to Twily’s castle to see if Starlight was home in Twily’s empty palace. (<3) “You seriously understand those books?” Starlight asked in bemusement as We scanned the pages of a geomancy spellbook while she and Trixie watched us, clothed in comfortable robes. “Yes. Interestingly We found all our Forms have a cumulative effect on our Stats when not in combat.” We explained. “Wait, so what would be our Attunement out of Combat...30+10+10 being 50, how many spells can We use at one time then out of combat?” Willow never bothered to munchkin Dark Souls, so We had no idea how many ‘Attunement Slots’ 50 Attunement was. “Hm, We’ll need to check, won’t help in combat since We’ll only have 1 slot available if We’re fighting outside of Goddess Form. Thankfully magic is less tied to catalysts and scrolls these days, so We can swap out spells on the fly, but can only use one at a time.” “You speak of the ancient magic practices of attuning catalysts with spell scrolls?” Trixie asked in confusion. “Why would you even think about such outdated methods?” “Wiatr is composed of three people. Daring Do the Archeologist, Svartr the Godkin warrior from the First Era and Willow the Corrupted Undead Displaced.” Starlight informed her friend, who blinked and looked at us in perplexity. “Also Dragon Queen Ember, but not completely yet-there’s lewd geomancy spells? Stone vibrators? Hm…” “So Trixie was worshiping three goddesses, not just one?” Trixie questioned, making us blink and look at her from our book. “You worship us?” We knew the Sand Witch Coven did, but We performed an immense miracle for them. It was practically expected in hindsight. We only ever met Trixie once in passing. “Well, yes. Luna and Celestia have never been Trixie’s favorite. Cadence is too Lovey Dovey and Twilight, well, she was Trixie’s rival and now friend. It didn’t feel right to worship her.” Trixie chuckled with a blush. “Then there’s the fact that Trixie enjoys Sex and Commerce.” At Trixie’s words Starlight blushed a bit. “What about Fertility?” We asked with a bit of a surprise. If she only worshiped us for our two ‘lesser’ Aspects, that was rather interesting. “Trixie has never been interested in foals, or rather; having them. Trixie prefers entertaining them more than mothering.” Trixie admitted while rubbing the back of her head. “But you’re so good with them.” Starlight commented as she gestured to the two tuckered-out twins in a rocking basket at Trixie’s hooves. “Have you seen Trixie try to change their diapers or clean them?” Trixie huffed. “Their diapers weren’t clean when I left to get a change for them this morning and they were both changed and clean when I came back.” Starlight folded her arms under her bust and quirked a brow. Trixie just pouted and looked away. Oh? Somepony is secretly an aunt-mom? “Regardless, We thank you for your devotion.” We bowed slightly to her and Trixie gasped when she suddenly shined with iridescent light. “T-Trixie f-feels...oh~...” Trixie squirmed in her seat and gasped, pulling up her robe and we all gawked at the pillar of blue pony penis that sprang up from her groin. “T-Trixie wasn’t serious when she fantasized about having a penis! T-take it back!” “I think it’s about as big as Twilight at half-mast.” Starlight commented, making Trixie’s face burn red. “Huh...that’s odd, did We just bless you?” We mused in confusion. “Obviously! You just granted one of Trixie's deepest fet-.” Trixie covered her mouth, blushing even redder. “L-look away from Trixie~!” Trixie declared as she ran away in embarrassment. “Trixie wait!” Starlight called out, levitating her twins behind her as she gave chase. We ran a hand over our fennec ears, then shrugged. So We can Bless others without having them suck our dick or become our child in our womb now. That’s a plus. Maybe We can even more easily learn how to unbirth without adopting someone as our child, so Cocoa and the rest can have an orgy inside us. We’ve gone through nearly half of the Lust Demon prisoners and turned them into babies in the process of trying to figure it out. At least their sins are absolved. Oh well, if Trixie doesn’t like her Blessing, We’re sure the Handmaiden has Reducto to get rid of her new dick. We went back to the book and hummed as We learned as much as We could about geomancy. “We are so doing that vibrator stone spell at some point.” Definitely. (<3) “Okay, so you’re suddenly an archmage?” Visillia asked while We stared at the formerly blank space of the back wall of Unity’s blue stone box canyon. It now had white chalk outlining the main gates of what would eventually be our new home. “Only outside of combat thanks to our new Intelligence Visi.” We answered as We focused, picturing in our mind’s eye the act of cutting out the blue stone that would become the front gates as well. “And the whole town-wide orgy that almost happened?” Urta asked, since We had failed to explain properly earlier. “We’re literally a more potent Goddess because We increased our Faith, thus increasing our potential for being worshiped and the two-way benefits of it.” We explained as a separate idea of goo based golem workers to help with details of the stones came to mind for later. We weren’t an artisan after all. “Right~. Fertility, Sex and Commerce. Two of them are lewd, so that makes sense.” Urta nodded in understanding as our magic cleanly sliced into the stone with the geomancy spells We were casting. “It also explains why the merchants and bureaucrats got excited about their work.” “Well, We’re sorry if We hurt anyone.” We idly commented as We took a piece of paper in our magic and sketched down a fox-like creature to start mostly with Iron based around the goo, so probably a fox-sime works best with maybe gold or silver for decoration...debate for later. “What do you think, Visi?” We asked as We cut out the front gates of our future keep, the same size as the originals. “If it’ll keep the old nag’s mouth shut, it’ll be fine.” Visilia waved her hand with a sigh. “Berserker isn’t here to do the deed.” “Well, I meant for the golems, but yes, We’re making sure this is well defensible.” We declared as We made sure to carve out arrow slits for future turret emplacements and snipers beneath the walkways of the second ‘floor’ of the box canyon with full view of most of the canyon. After all, the Keep is meant to be the last bastion of defense. “Any word from Twilight and the others?” Visi inquired, likely reminded because of mentioning Bryan. “She mentioned Berserker running into them and almost ripping Applejack in two after he fought some turned ponies for six blocks straight, but thankfully Applejack is obscenely tough compared to most beast-ponies and they managed to talk him down. They’ve settled down, but are still moving towards the Dream. Two weeks have gone by since Berserker entered.” We replied as We tried not to think too hard about the inconsistent nature of time in Ash. Visi let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good. Although, why did he almost kill AJ? Did he mistake her for something else?” “From the sound of it they rounded a corner just as he was killing his latest group of Beasts and mistook her for another Beast. She’s looking more wolf-like now, same with Rainbow Dash.” We informed our lover as more stone blocks began rasping free of the solid stone, which would be used in construction above if We had any say in it, which We do. “Will they be able to revert back to their normal selves?” Visilia questioned with a clear tone of concern. “We don’t know. We hope so. Although, there was something interesting about Berserker. According to Twilight, he was in his hybrid form even though We saw he went in as a Human.” Considering he needs that odd mirror to change forms that could mean anything. “That’s...odd.” Visi raised her brow in confusion. “How so? He’s doing it to blend in. Most things in there look canine, why not look like them?” Urta reasoned quite logically after she’d approached us, observing our work. “Because he can’t change into his hybrid form.” Visi answered with intrigue in her tone. “How so?” Urta asked as she checked the time with a pocket watch from her cleavage. “Because he needs a special mirror to do so and he went there as a human. This means the World within the painting changed him. I don’t know what for, but he could be doing something more than just saving the girls and Luna.” Visilia theorized as We moved further into the hole We were excavating into a royal keep. “I agree, but I’m going to have to head off for my afternoon rounds. Stay sexy babe.” Urta winked at us before she left, making us smirk. “Goodness.” We sighed and went deeper into the rock, pulling out massive solid blocks of stone like it was straight from a quarry. Then again, this pretty much was a quarry right now. “Wasn’t Yharnam built around the worship of blood?” Visilia asked us after a few moments of silence. “Yes it was.” We confirmed after We began making rooms, going by a similar layout to the demolished Castle of the Twin Sisters, but We were running out of room to put the stone We were cutting out. Puffing out our cheeks in annoyance, We idly teleported the blocks to an area of the plateau We knew was barren and clear of debris. “Seeing how Berserker’s blood can purge away the Corruption, wouldn’t that make him a cure to the Old Blood?” Visi pressed on and We shook our head at the thought despite our hopes. “Maybe.” We replied as We marked spots for murals and illumination crystals to be placed later with chalk We casually levitated around as We continued cutting the foyer out of solid stone, leaving pillars to support the high ceiling. We’ll have artisans carve them later. “As long as they’re alive that’s all that matters.” Visilia sighed as she looked around the place. “At least it looks good. It’s like a classical castle foyer, very defensible and regal.” “Thank you. It still needs the details worked out, but that can be for later. It’s just the basic form for now.” We informed our lover. “Aside from all of this, the boys are coming back. Hell has been pushed back, for now.” Visilia told us with a smile. “I guess you get to see the rest.” “Yeah, We guess so. But first We’ll need to move our furniture in here once the different wings and bedrooms are finished and change what the old home was used for after it’s use as temporary shelter for our citizens is over.” We said as We thought this over. “Next will be working on the halls connecting the wings, then the bedrooms are first priority so our wives can move in. We will soon have the basic holes made, but now We need to route tunnels for piping, wiring, air holes for-.” “You have people for that.” Visilia reminded us firmly. “Draw up the plans, get some people in on it, review it, finalize and they’ll get started on it.” “Hm, yes.” We hummed as We summoned paper and started drawing up plans and looking over what We had already made. “It’s all about utilizing what you have at your disposal. If you have what you need on hand, you’ll be able to do it. You have people so utilize them.” Visilia chided us in exasperation. “Right, We’re too used to doing it all ourselves or having Twily doing it without us asking her to.” We chuckled with some self-deprecation. “It’s too time consuming and it’ll cut into your schedule.” Visilia remarked. “We know, it’s why We’re agreeing to Cadence’s suggestion of servants.” We reminded her. This was going to be a proper castle, even if it was inside a plateau rather than atop it. “Good. The more help you get, the merrier things will go.” Our Demon Princess nodded, looking satisfied with our decisions. “Good.” We sighed and sat down in the temporary stone chair We made in the foyer while marking more spots, even areas for enchanted windows to act as skylight since We had no clue what magic Twilight worked for the ambient light that seemed to emanate from everywhere in the old home along with the flameless braziers with crystals. That said, it was quite dark in here for now. “So now with this basic design finished, We can move on to a few other projects.” “Those projects being?” Visilia questioned. “These little guys.” We declared as We showed her the sketch of the foxy-slime golems. We were considering making them obscenely cute to distract from their possible lethality if used for battle. “And learning some combat magic.” “The golems, right.” Visi nodded her head as she looked over the sketch We created. “Yes, We’re hoping to use them as workers for the finer details, maybe even as cannon fodder in fights so we lose fewer soldiers.” We explained with our ears folded back. All those dutiful Guards, dead, because they weren’t nearly prepared for such a battle. Unity shouldn’t be where such brave souls die when they can be on the border patrols where the country’s barrier makes fighting much safer for them. “I must admit, you get to work fast Princess Wiatr.” Echoed the voice of Stern Slate as he entered the unfinished foyer of the beginnings of our new keep. “Hm, it’s rather dark in here. You should send for some mages to work in temporary light for safety going in further.” He paused and rubbed a hand on a block of stone. “Excellent quality stone. It’ll make for good building material.” “Yes, it will. We’ve just gotten started on our new keep, the old one will be used as housing for the homeless until their homes have been rebuilt once We move into this one. We’re also thinking of a few things to help the guards and protect the housing on the plateau too.” We informed the inspector as We looked around our new foyer. “That would help with the housing in the short term and the extra building materials would go a long way in any defensive fortifications and housing. What are your plans?” Stern asked with a hum of interest. “First we must reinforce the tunnel.” Visilia stated with a grim scowl. “So many died in that tunnel that didn’t need to if we had proper gatehouses on either end and maybe murder holes along the top to dump boiling oil or something else deadly on invaders.” “Sounds like what We had in mind. We’ll get to work on that ASAP once We’ve gotten some rooms for our family here and some citizens can move into the old home. We also plan to put a small fortification around Harmonia to protect her base where she’s the most vulnerable. It will have small towers along it’s walls for snipers and will also act as a proper temple to her and the Lordvessel.” That was also the original intention of Unity too. “Hm, that would block some of Harmonia’s light, but it would protect her and secure her portal nexus too. Good idea.” Visi commented with clear approval in her tone. “Which means you’ll have to use more light sources down in the canyon without Harmonia’s light filling it entirely.” Stern brought up, making us sigh. There’s always something more. “As for the plateau, there will be several guard towers along the cliffs. As for any walls, higher walls wouldn’t do much that the cliffs already accomplish, We’ll settle for some low walls for cover from incoming fire, but otherwise the towers will serve as lookouts and long range support.” We finished explaining, even doing a few rough sketches in chalk on the block next to Stern. “Excellent. This will definitely help Unity’s defensive capabilities, but what are your plans for the food situation? Your milk and semen may suddenly be even more magically potent, but people still need a balanced diet.” Stern questioned as he scratched his chin. “My people and I will handle that.” Visilia told him. “However, shipping in food is not a fixed solution. We’ll bring in farming equipment and other tools, but we need space to build a farm. Preferably one with fertile grounds.” “Such as the Everfree and the new towns springing up in the newly lush Saddle Arabia. Don’t think I haven’t heard of this ‘Overgrowth’ and it’s demands. It won’t make establishing a proper farm here easy. Especially with such limited space both on the plateau and in the forest. You’d be better off helping the Saddle Arabians get their own farms up and running first.” Stern declared which made us blink. We hadn’t even considered using the towns forming around the forts for anything! “That’s a wonderful idea Stern! We’ll arrange for some farms to be established in the fort towns and hm...We’ll have to try to bargain for some land from the Everfree too. Maybe at least a few acres along the road to Ponyville to start.” We considered all of this and sighed. “Hard thing is finding out how to contact Overgrowth. None of our slime daughters have come back since We agreed to it’s demands. Those same demands already are getting in the way since one was to replant trees along the road to Ponyville.” “Right.” Visi sighed in annoyance, pinching the bridge of her nose. “We need to invent better transportation for the locals too. Magic carriages and overly expensive trucks only go so far.” “What do you mean? We have cars here and there’s no chance of the Everfree allowing us to cut more trees back for a railway. Then there’s the fact that with a third of the pony population having wings, flying carriages are a thing too. No, what’s in the way is Overgrowth’s inflexibility.” How ironic, that a place called the Everfree was so strict. “Which is going to cost us a lot of resources, manpower and time if we do that instead of just farming at the forts.” Visilia groaned in frustration. “Be that as it may, We’ll just have to wait for our slime daughters to start arriving to ask for an audience with Overgrowth. Until then, We’ll have to spend bits on importing food while the fort farms get started and we focus on our defenses and housing.” We decreed and Stern Slate nodded. “That is sound reasoning. I’ll report that things are on their way to proper Order here. I’ll be back in a month to see how things are going. Good fortune to you Princess Wiatr.” Stern bowed slightly and then left briskly, causing both of us to sigh in relief. “Fucking finally. I can’t stand another minute with him around looking over my shoulder so he could yell my ears off.” Visi grumbled and We huffed in frustrated agreement. We bet Stern Slate’s Talent is berating people, he’s made absolutely everyone here terrified of him in the thankfully short time he’d visited. Except for the Night Sentinels as Stern soon found out that verbally chewing them out would result in getting a bloody nose, when he went off on Visi every last one came to her rescue. “Honestly, Berserker would’ve outright killed the nag for being annoying. Even when he does have a point. As a matter of fact, the first chance he gets is when they meet.” We were about to reply when something very, very weird happened. We blinked when We felt a rush of...of something. Then a basket of what looked like chocolate appeared at our paws. “Um, where did-?” We felt the odd rush again and this time a bushel of wheat appeared. “W-what is-?” We backpedaled away as more food began appearing. “Ah~!” We squealed in fear as We were chased by magically materializing food. “What’s happening?!” “Why, people are sending you Offerings!” Harmonia chuckled when she entered the unfinished foyer. “I normally get scrolls with wishes, for you it seems it’s food.” Harmonia giggled as she picked up the basket of chocolate and took a piece. “Money too apparently.” Harmonia stated as small bags of bits began following us too. “Make it stop~!” We pleaded in our sprint outside into the canyon, where We yelped when a large gourd appeared in front of us and tripped us. “Oof! No~!” We wailed while We were buried in a flood of magically spawned food and bits. What a way to die~! ...Oh. That’s right. We don’t need to breathe, are nigh physically indestructible and We’re a Goddess. “P-please stop sending us offerings!” At our plea, the flood of food and money stopped. “That’ll only last a short while. You need a designated place for your offerings to go to.” Harmonia informed us from outside our mountain of food and bits. “Especially considering this seems to be a backlog as it is.” “Backlog?!” We yelped, looking at all of it as We crawled out from under the massive pile that had buried us. “Why food and coins?!” “Fertility, Sex and Commerce.” Visi answered, nibbling on chocolate, holding it and a bag of bits up. “Fertility is associated with growing food, chocolate is often associated with sex since it’s an aphrodisiac and the bits are self-explanatory.” Visi then finished her chocolate, grabbing another piece from a basket near her. “That’s about right. I’d suggest you link your essence to a storage silo or something. I don’t have many offerings and they tend to be scrolls which are easy to store and dispose of so I can’t help you there.” Harmonia shrugged as she finished the basket of chocolate, grabbing an apple and biting straight through the core. “Mmm...damn, Andre must have knocked me up good if I’m this hungry.” “Hm~.” Visi hummed, having a dreamy look on her face as she nippled on some more chocolate. “Wiatr, do you even have a Temple or Shrine devoted to you?” “Um, not that We know of. They must have Shrines since they’re putting these offerings somewhere for them to end up with us, but We definitely don’t have a Temple.” We declared, picking up some of the chocolate and taking a bite. Mm~ someone really knows how to make chocolate! “You may want to consider having the Temple built for you. This way, none of these offerings will keep popping up wherever you go.” Visi told us as she relaxed a bit. “But We already have so much work to do~!” We whined and stuffed more chocolate in our mouth, rubbing our stomach and humming, really wishing We could just pull Visi home and throw her onto the bed to fuck her utterly sense-. “Stop eating!” We demanded with a flush and the two women promptly ignored us, nibbling more chocolate and looking at us hungrily. “Calm.” We ordered and felt a pulse. They blinked before they spat out their chocolate and threw it on the ground. “Great. So your offerings make people horny if eaten.” Harmonia huffed and looked longingly at the lewd goodies. “That’s not fair.” “I thought it would be a good answer to our food issue, but if it’ll send people into a sex frenzy it’s no better than bringing down another heat season on us.” Visi sighed in disappointment. “Well, if we warn them of the side-effects, I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t mind so long as it’s just eaten at dinnertime.” “What’s going on over here?” We turned to see Sabrina approaching from the direction of the portal nexus, likely home for the day from her magic lessons with her coven. “Why is there food everywhere? This isn’t sanitary.” “We’ll explain later.” We sighed and wondered how We were going to manage this new mess. > Ch.66 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.66 “This has no excuse to be so adorable.” Visilia commented after We displayed our first Fox-Slime golem to her. It was a fox-sized iridescent goo given an imprint of a fox and then armored in thin iron that contoured to it. It was also optionally quadrupedal and bipedal. Right now it was acting like a playful wild fox. “It’s deceiving, isn't it? Nobody would expect this little thing to be a killing machine! Slimey~!” We called to it and it gave us it’s full attention. “Kill!” We ordered and pointed at a pumpkin from our still swelling store of food offerings. It wordlessly turned into a whirling dervish of blades and morphing slime, pulping the pumpkin in seconds. It quickly reverted to its previous behavior, wagging its tail, all covered in pumpkin guts and looking sinfully cute. “Whoa! I could use them on patrol with the Knights!” Urta exclaimed with a look at the pumpkin. “Lust Demons are starting to show up again on the border and their activities in other lands are also increasing. Prevailing theory is that they’re trying to get more numbers by corrupting people, most likely to fight Hell Demons.” “It doesn’t help that Wiatr’s army of Chaos hellions has basically rendered their caribou support useless, so they’re getting desperate.” Sabrina commented with a sneer. “My coven is encountering them more and more often as they march on the badlands to heal the land.” “Cocoa admits to not knowing much since she was just a lowly sergeant, but there is no chance the Lust Demons aren’t increasing their numbers as fast as possible.” Cocoa input gravely. “Are we safe here?” Wrote Honey in the air, looking fearful and worried. “It was bad enough the Hell Demons nearly found the door to the Undercity as they assaulted Unity. My Little Changelings are in no state to fight a proper battle.” “The boys would have to help out on some of those fronts as support. Some of our ships are pulling back to Unity, bolstering our defenses. However, Hunter will be coming back here. I still want that secret base the Lust Demons have in the Savage Mountains to be taken.” Visilia declared as she started to strategize at the table to the side of the room, wanting to know more information from Sabrina and Urta with input from Cocoa. “We’re safe here Honey.” We assured our mute wife as We moved to sit back down on our throne in our new, official throne room. It was only a week later and We’d finished the structure of our new Keep, the old one serving as a shelter for the homeless unwilling to relocate to any of the four rapidly developing fort towns. They’d even quickly gotten names as the forts themselves were being built up on. Tel’Fyr, Tel’Dres, Tel’Larian and Tel’Kyn were industriously setting up roads and preliminary housing while the farmers quickly set to work. While those enterprising folk were getting established, masons were using the stone We’d cut out of the plateau for our new home to start shoring up defenses here in Unity. On top of all this, people were glad to have more variety at dinner even if it made them horny, but for the most part our holy milk and cum at the Lewd Bar were getting quite popular and We may even have to donate at the rate it was being consumed. “Not to be negative, but Cocoa doesn’t think Unity is ready to face another battle right now.” Cocoa admitted worriedly, petting Honey’s hand as the changeling leaned into her for comfort. “Especially not with other wives and husband so busy up north and Canterlot dealing with Luna’s kidnapping.” “We’re on our own, but we are not defenseless!” We insisted, gesturing to our first Foxslime. “We will begin making these in large quantities to pair them up with soldiers and guards. They require little food and are complex enough to do complicated tasks. Then there is the fact that while we are hurt, we are tired, we are not beaten! No demons will take Unity so long as We draw breath!” We passionately declared, blushing at realizing our lovers were all staring at us. “I want to fuck you so bad right now…” “Save that for giving a speech to the soldiers.” Urta commented with obvious impress. “But yes, please make more Foxslimes for our guards and soldiers. I’m sure they would also like to have pets to distract them from their problems.” “Could you give some to Hunter and his Ghosts to take with him? It would actually help them on their mission. They’ll also be bringing in a couple of Forge Ships to help speed up production.” Visilia requested along with giving incredibly good news. “We can make dozens of these in an hour. It’s literally just our waste slime enchanted with various animation spells and bonded with cheap low-quality pig iron sheets We bought.” We declared proudly as We gestured at the little abomination, which silently barked aside from the clinking of it’s malleable iron outer shell and the glorping of the slime inside. “Wait, you mean that slime vomit you produced when you first ascended?” Sabrina asked in surprise, getting a nod out of us. “That is interestingly resourceful and also disgusting.” “I’ll have you know, it’s an amazing massage oil.” Visilia defended with a nod. We grinned at her not mentioning it was also a nice cum/urine substitute for dirty bedroom roleplay, considering We don’t even have actual urine anymore. “This is all nice, but almost nothing you’re doing affects me and my hive directly.” Honey wrote in the air, silently sighing and turning to leave. “I have my own work to do. I’ll see you all in bed tonight, hopefully.” Honey winked at us before she left through the double-doors of our throne room. We feel sad that Honey feels left out besides her regular time spent with Cocoa, but we’re all so busy. Hopefully We can spend more quality time with her soon. “Great, now We feel sad.” We pouted as We sulked in our sinfully comfortable throne. “Honey just feels lonely. Cocoa tries hard, but between Honey, the pups, the rest of you…” Cocoa sighed and wilted, looking exhausted for once. “Cocoa can barely manage it all. Cocoa loves everyone, but can barely find time.” Cocoa rubbed her crotch and groaned. “Doesn’t help that Honey is constantly thirsty for Cocoa’s seed, especially since Wiatr enhanced Cocoa.” “Well, We’ll have Servants helping out by tomorrow.” We told her, licking her cheek when We casually levitated her to us and set her on our lap. “At least Cadence has been able to manage that much with all the Chaos those Chaos Demons are causing the Crystal Empire in trying to get along with the locals.” Wasn’t that a mix of good and odd news? “I’ve heard that’s not so much a problem as it is that most of them are too big for normal buildings and are stuck sleeping outside.” Urta commented as she drew near, leaning over the throne and easily putting the bottom of her chin on our head. “Actually, they’re more than willing to behave. It’s that they’re so naturally dangerous that it’s hard to accommodate them.” “We haven’t been expanding north much, but what little we have on Chaos Demons in our libraries says enough about their usually violent and large forms.” Sabrina suddenly sat on the left arm of our throne, leaning into us. “I haven’t seen a Chaos Demon yet, but demons are all a scourge from my experience if they aren’t civilized.” Visi was now sitting on the right arm of our throne...um… “L-Ladies? If we’re going to get frisky, could one of you go get Honey first?” We nervously requested, only for them to blink and blush, getting up and moving away from us warily. “Um...what was that?” We asked as the Foxslime curled up in a corner, seeming to go to sleep. We didn’t program that in… “Well...Um…” Cocoa said with a blush before coughing into her hand. “Cocoa wasn’t the one who sat in your lap, you put her there.” “I just, uh, wanted to get closer.” Urta weakly smiled. “Same, but there wasn’t much room so I just…” Sabrina fidgeted with her tail in her hands. “Sat on the arm of the throne.” Visilia finished, looking worried. “Right.” We groaned to ourselves at our divinity having such effects on them. “They’re infinitely better than my old harem. At least these ladies are in it for you.” “Look, you’re constantly emitting these ‘fuck me’ waves. That was always the case, but ever since you turned yourself into a ‘super goddess’ you’re practically a fuck bomb slowly leaking it’s payload.” Urta growled in irritation. “It’s not just us either. Didn’t you notice how everyone can’t stop staring? Can’t stop practically licking the ground you walk on? You’re mind-fucking everyone and it isn’t even your fault.” Urta whined in annoyance. “Don’t drag my Night Sentinels into this hot mess. They have never done that.” Visi snapped at Urta, who pulled down an eyelid and stuck her tongue out at the Princess of Tartarus, which got Visi to barely contain a snort. We don’t get their chemistry, but it works. “But, yes, she’s still right about what she said.” “We thought We turned that off? We don’t even feel the raging urge for sex like We used to.” We muttered. Actually… “We...haven’t had sex in a week.” We let that settle in. “We haven’t been abstinent since just before Daring decided to become Willow’s lover. Is this bad? The closest We get to sex right now is Hermais sleeping in our womb at night.” “And we’ve all been wondering why you haven’t just pushed us onto a desk and bred us!” Sabrina huffed. “We’re all practically in heat, how is it not driving you crazy?! Cocoa is naked!” We blinked, looking to Cocoa who had stripped off and was visibly annoyed as her huge doggy dong pointed at us accusingly. “When did you do that?” This got her to groan and put her face in her hands and start putting her clothes back on. “Why is this a problem? Our relationships aren’t entirely cemented in sex...are they?” “No, but you are the Goddess of Fertility and Sex, so here’s one of its cons.” Visi reminded us, Cocoa even more so with a pat of her enhanced male genitals. “We see. Um, how about...know what; Roleplay.” We said remembering the dragon We had turned into and after eating dozens of Hell Demons and turning a lot of Lust Demons into babies, We should have enough extra mass saved up to hold that large body better. “Let’s have kinky Roleplay sex. You must be tired of our usual method of fucking you full of cum or us getting fucked full of cum.” “But that’s the best part~!” “No, that’s never boring.” Urta stated with dead seriousness. “Seconded.” Sabrina raised a hand in agreement, so did Cocoa and Visi, even if she did look a bit embarrassed to admit it. “But if we’re going to do the deed, Cocoa and I will go let Honey know our plans for tonight...it IS happening Tonight.” Sabrina snarled, her tail whipping around. “Okay, so no Roleplay tonight?” We asked in confusion, they didn’t clarify if they wanted a vanilla cum-pump orgy or a twist on it. “If you feel like it. We’d all be fine just getting pumped or pumping you, but Cocoa wants to fuck in Urta’s womb again.” Cocoa declared, getting agreements all around. “Hm, well~, you’ll be pumped full and get to fuck in a large womb.” We purred with a look at Visi and showing off our dragon wings a bit in the back of our magic black dress. The demonic mare blushed redder and We smelled her cunt getting wet before We giggled. We think she’s the only one who knows what We’re getting at. “But we still have a full day ahead of us everyone. Let’s get to it.” We clapped and our lovers all saluted before filing out. “...Our lovers are our Royal Cabinet...nice.” It took literally an hour after the morning meeting to make a few dozen Foxslimes and another hour to pair them up with members of Urta’s Guard. Then it was a simple matter to do our usual paperwork, check in on the homeless in the homeless shelter that was our former home and then start plotting our kinky rendezvous for the night. Then, We wondered something...should We split up? We have been fused so long now, We’ve almost forgotten what it was like to be separate people. We’ll see what We feel like later. (<3) We waited in the Throne Room, filling the massive chamber with our large iridescent anthro dragon form, making sure it would hold without straining us. We were about a foot shorter than the original full-dragon form We used but it was much less tiring. Yawning, We looked at the gold bits We gathered from our offerings covering the floor and idly started to lick some of it up, memories of eating such metals in ancient days came to mind. They must be remnants of Ember, the Ancient Dragon Willow absorbed shortly before things went lewd. “Yes, but two jaws! I can’t take over if you don’t!” We fought off the urge to form a second mouth like Slipher the Sky Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh. That was a bit far from the modern dragons of this era. “NO! It’s us, we’re an ancient everlasting dragon!” Grr~! Fine! We’ll- “Ah~ this feels right!” I sighed, rolling about in the gold covering the floor wall-to-wall. It was like putting on an old coat or laying in a favorite bed. Gems and coins slowly flowed under my body as I relaxed. “Hm, I wonder how much longer our mates will take.” I sighed, settling into my bed of gems and gold as I tweaked my nipples and fingered my cunt, not wanting my male parts in the way for now. “But no, this isn’t about me. It’s about them tonight. Ladies, you don’t know I’m already here, but I’ll still be feeling everything.” I settled in and relished the sensation of freedom for a moment before getting rid of my second-. Our jaw hurts. Odd. Anyway, We haven’t used or even had our male parts for nearly two weeks. We’ve been strictly female. When did We start focusing on our fairer sex again? “Why is it hot?” Cocoa muttered after she walked in first to see our 39 foot tall body laying before her, Visi just behind her with our other mates trying to see around them. “W-Wiatr-yip!” We didn’t let our prey speak, We wrapped them all up in our tail and brought them up towards our head where We chuckled, letting smoke leak from our lips. “Why, it seems some hapless damsels have wandered into our hoard. We guess We have some shiny new gems for the collection~.” We purred, licking our muzzle as We groped and fingered ourselves, picking up the pace now that our toys had arrived. “Y-you’ll never get away with this~!” Visi immediately got into it, her voice unable to hide her excitement, the others caught on and tried to pretend to be desperately trying to escape. “Oh We will.” We chuckled, slamming the doors to our royal chamber closed and blocking it with the bulk of our tail, trapping them as We placed them down. “Now, who first?” “Me! Leave them alone! Take me!” Urta declared, pretending to be the valiant knight she genuinely was and We chuckled when We picked her up in our hand as easily as if she were a doll.  She squirmed, trying not to actually hurt us since she was still far more physically powerful than us even now. “Oh, We have an idea. First, that shiny armor is now part of our hoard.” We extended our long serpentine tongue and plunged it into her cleavage, pulling the armor off roughly, causing it to come apart as designed for safety and ease of removal in case a sexual battle ended up being the name of the game. CoCs, yknow. “W-what are you~?!” Urta squealed when We began tongue-fucking her cunt while We continued to remove her armor, the others pretending to cower in a far corner. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” Urta squealed as We pleased our toy by also using our fingers to stroke her huge pony penis.   “Hm, getting our prize~.” We purred, keeping it up until she screeched and nearly crushed our tongue in her super-strong vaginal walls when she came, gushing her tasty turquoise cum all over our snout. Once she was done panting and her cum was just a trickle, We got started on the next phase of our plan, feeling a flutter in my belly. “Hm, that was fun, but now it is time for you to become my greatest treasure!” I declared as I moved her towards my drooling pussy, my engorged cunt practically flooding the floor with my juices as I licked my chops. “W-wait! I thought-!” I didn’t let her continue, shoving her head-first up my hungry snatch, moaning as my vaginal walls pulled her in despite her actual, somewhat painful attempts to resist. Too bad for her, she just entered the domain of another Goddess. “Hmph! Yes! Enjoy your new home~!” I moaned from feeling her actually struggling to get out, seeing as I haven’t told them I know how to shut off my more dangerous goddess abilities now. “Ah~!” “No!” Cocoa cried out before I grabbed her, tearing off her clothes with a claw. “Please! Cocoa doesn’t-mmph!” I silenced her by shoving my tongue down her throat and stroking her dick as Honey, Sabrina, and Visi all actually prepared combat magic, looking terrified. “Oh, come on! You’re ruining the RP! I’m not gonna turn you into my babies. I can unbirth you now without you turning back into children.” I huffed, pulling my tongue out of Cocoa’s throat and moving it to her quim as I also sucked on her cock, making my adorable little chocolate lab squeak and cum her delicious offering into my mouth, which despite its volume was only enough to coat my maw in white. “Why didn’t you say that first?” Sabrina asked in relief. “You wanted Urta to actually struggle?” Visilia asked in annoyance. “There’s a surprise for her in there.” I told them as Cocoa wiggled about against my snout, letting her offering rain down onto our gigantic shelf of breast flesh. “It’s a surprise for all of you if you stop being such-oof!” I grunted, my tight tummy bulging slightly from what had to be Urta’s kick as Cocoa’s tasty cum slowed down from her first gush. “Oh~ she’s getting busy in there! Better hurry.” I commented, tossing Cocoa into my mouth with my precious love puppy squealing in fear before I snapped my jaws closed around her and swallowed. “Cocoa! No~!” The remaining three chorused even if one was in air writing, likely realizing I’d made my mouth lead to my womb. They even scattered, running away from me as I gave chase, my pussy juices dripping from the pleasure Urta and Cocoa were bringing me in my uterus and I moaned, panting, stunned from the pleasure for a moment. I didn’t have long, I was going to have to speed up the first act of the RP. “Come here~!” I demanded with a lusty lilt to my voice as I lunged for Honey, who wordlessly squealed as I scooped her up into my mouth, swallowed, then turned to my other two victims, using magic to nab them and pull them to my breasts. “I will have a little fun with you before I make you my new eggs!” “Let us-guh~!” Visi screeched in pleasure afterI ripped off her and Sabrina’s clothes and rammed their pussies down onto my gigantic nipples, making them both spasm when their bodies, hyper-elasticized by my mere presence, stretched over my impossibly large basketball-sized nipples. “Holy fuck~!” Visi screamed as I pressed them into my breasts and pulled them away before repeating, literally fucking them with my nipples as my fingers pressed their bosoms, spraying milk everywhere. “I can’t believe we’re being fucked by her nipples~!” Sabrina crowed in amazement and I shuddered, gasping and crying out as my back arched, cumming hard from both the kinky breast play and the orgy going on in my womb. Holy fuck, no wonder Urta loves this! I was barely aware of my milk gushing into my lover’s wombs, rapidly bloating them out into looking like they were hyper pregnant with sextuplets before I managed to pull them off. “Oh, Wiatr...that was amazing…” Sabrina praised as milk gushed from her tits and her pussy. “N-not...not done.” I managed to groan out, flopping onto my back with my wings limply splayed out onto my hoard. “Th-the real fun isn’t until~...” I squeaked, orgasming when my belly bloated out a bit, causing me to pant. “Y-you need to get in there too. I promised an orgy in a womb and you're all getting pumped.” “Fuck yes!” Visi squealed and wriggled out of my weak grasp to rush down to my drenched cunt as fast as her bloated form could, while Sabrina did the same towards my head. “Coming in girls!” Visi declared, climbing into my spasming snatch and causing me to squeal in another orgasm as my hungry quim pulled her in. “I’m going in this way, if you don’t mind.” Sabrina winked as she climbed up my cheek and I opened wide, letting her jump in and I swallowed her without wasting time. I’m about to become completely insensate with pleasure and-. “Ah~! This is amazing~!” I screamed, my vision whiting out. “Oh fuck yes~! This is so epic~!” (<3) When Visiilia made it to Wiatr’s womb, she had to mentally adjust that from being Wiatr’s womb, to being Willow’s womb. Because the golden pegasus and black wolf pleasuring the restrained and already filling women inside the womb had to be Daring and Svartr. Urta, Cocoa and Honey were all pinned to the back wall of Willow’s womb by tentacles. Yes, Tentacles. Penis tendrils were running to their mouths, cunnies and butts, writhing and pumping the women with the rainbow slime she was already intimately familiar with. There was even bio-luminescent light along the fleshy walls so they could see. “Oh fuck yes~!” Visi declared when tentacles gathered her and carried her along towards the three already pregnant-looking women. “Welcome to the tentacle pit!” Daring declared breathlessly in the incredibly hot environment that was causing everyone to sweat heavily, even with the rapid airflow that moved in and out of the obscene pulsing womb from the hole opposite the one Visilia had come through, which Sabrina tumbled out of only to quickly be ensnared in tentacles and moved along with Visi to join her fellow ‘victims’. “What do you think, Visi?” Svartr asked her as she jacked off Honey’s ovipositor, adding her purple changeling cum to the pool of cum covering the floor of the ‘room’. “Yes, what do you think~?” Daring asked, rubbing her cock in full view of the mare, her ovipositor throbbing as the changeling morphed into a copy of the demonic mare as said mare and Sabrina were put on either side of the trio of fuck-addled women, their arms and legs held spread-eagle like theirs as the tentacles secured them. “You and the rest are going to be filled with Mistress Willow’s magic slime until your bodies turn into eggs for her brood!” Daring’s declaration was punctuated by the three women cumming and their bellies swelling with slime. “We don’t want, ah~ fuck~, to be eggs~.” Cocoa huffed when the tentacle in the women’s mouths pulled out to let them breathe as their bellies grew. “Hmph!” She moaned and tried to struggle while her tight belly, which was already big enough for twins, jiggled slightly with slime and she groaned as Svartr jacked her and Urta off, sending even more cum to splash onto the ‘floor’ of the womb, which was already nearly wall-to-wall covered in semen. “Let us out you dumb beast!” Visilia snarled, trying to fight against her restraints to no avail as her own trio of transformative tentacles began probing her groin, rear and face. She grit her teeth and clenched her lower body to try and keep them out, even when Daring approached her. Sabrina was already getting fucked like the others by Willow’s tentacles, but they seemed intent on draining the milk from her and Visi, as some pressed on their already swollen bellies, squeezing out Willow’s milk to join the cum on the floor. Said cum was rising quickly with Urta gushing her glowing turquoise Argent semen like a burst fire hydrant. It even further intensified her arousal just like all the times Visi and Urta had sex before. This was even better though, nearing that time Visilia had Urta cum her a bath of her seed to soak in! Unf, just thinking about it is making her eager for later with her hot amazonian lover. “There’s no room for impurities in the Mistress’s newest clutch of eggs. This will have to be drained first.” Daring patted Visi’s belly and the demon princess spit in her face. Daring wiped it off and slapped the mare across the cheek for her impudence. “You will be a problem child, but Mistress will have her children.” Daring growled, pressing in on Visi’s bloated abdomen, causing her pussy to gush out milk. “I’ll n-never be her daughter~!” Visi failed to keep the lilt from her voice due to the relief from having pressure released from her womb combined with the erotic scenario. “You don’t have a choice.” Daring declared when Visilia’s stomach was flat once more and with the weakness that caused her, the tentacles found no resistance when they shot up into her body, causing her to screech in pleasure until a throat tentacle shoved down her gullet, turning her scream into a muffled moan. “There we go. You’ll make such a good egg.” Daring declared before moving back to Urta, Cocoa and Honey to help Svartr jack them off. Visi’s eyes widened at seeing how enormous they’d become already. Their bellies easily full term with octuplets each and starting to cause the rest of their bodies to inflate as Wiatr’s magic seeped into them. Visi’s thoughts were interrupted by a gush of slime down her throat and up her pussy and ass, making her spasm in orgasm. She managed to look down enough to see her flat belly push back out into a respectable pregnant swell. Coming down from cloud nine even while the tentacles kept fucking her, Visi managed to see that Sabrina was growing faster than her. The feline wriggled and pushed back against her tentacles. A competitive fire was lit in Visilia and she began trying to use her muscles in her vagina, ass and swallowed with her throat to try and coax her tentacles to cum faster. She squealed in another orgasm followed by a reward of more slime. Panting, she worked herself up faster, cumming again and once more being pumped full. They fill them up when the ladies orgasm! “I see the slutty princess has figured out how Willow’s tentacles work.” Svartr chuckled, watching Visi force Willow to fill her faster, already nearing sextuplet size. “How hard do you think it will be to birth them when they’ve turned into eggs? They’re gonna be absolutely huge.” Wait...they’re actually going to turn into eggs?! “Hmph!” Visi screamed around her tentacle, eyes wide with concern. Was she going to be reborn after all? Would she hatch as a dragoness from the shell of her former body? The fact that the thought of being transformed without her consent sent her into another body-bloating orgasm said she wasn’t completely opposed to it. “Don’t worry, it’s something we picked up from one of Twilight’s really kinky spell books. It’s meant to be used with small animals like mice, but at Willow’s size it should work just as well with the system we’ve set up. If it fails, well, she’ll just have to give birth to giant balloons full of slime.” Daring stated with a devious sneer and the inflating women all moaned as they filled, pressing out Willow’s womb when they began pressing against each other from taking up more space. The tentacles holding their limbs vanished when their limbs became cones and then were absorbed into their bodies. Visilia never imagined she would be getting off as she was turned into a dragon egg, but here she was, joined in her fate by four other women. Visi determinedly sucked and swallowed on her tentacle as she became spherical, the space in the womb becoming tight when she pressed against her new sisters. Visi then felt it, her breasts sinking into her body too as she became more ovoid, her head shrinking in. The pleasure never stopped even as the tentacles retreated and her body became a 10 foot wide and 15 foot tall red shelled dragon egg dotted with black spots. It was odd, being a simple ovoid, but she was still fully aware and still feeling impossible pleasure as she rubbed against her siblings while their mother’s womb began to contract. (<3) We came to our senses sometime later, our utterly gargantuan belly pressing against the ceiling and pinning us to our back as well as forcing our giant tits into our face. We were too big to have to turn into a baby ball with what at our size amounted to a quintuplet pregnancy, besides, dragons don’t need to do that like other species need external magic to get so gravid. We gasped when We felt our womb contract and then moaned as We began birthing our lovers. Ironic, that even with this they’re not our daughters. Damn this Roleplay was awesome. “Oh fuck yes it is~!” We panted, groaned and pushed. Our lovers came out of us one by one. Each a perfect and beautiful dragon egg with their original bodies suspended within, while their senses made them think they actually were the eggs. Or rather, their bodies became the eggs, but...bah, magic. They’re still the same. “Well, have fun?” The fact the grey and white one wobbled while the others merely shifted made us smile. “You can hatch whenever you feel like it. You’d better not have changed species either, the spell has nothing that does that.” We were going to beat ourselves over the head with a boulder if some BS involving our powers did that. The red egg with black spots shook, cracked, then spilled Visi out from the side, soaked in our rainbow waste slime. She was panting and looking utterly sexually exhausted and sated. “You...again...sometime…” Visi panted, her chest heaving with each deep gasping breath. Thank goodness the spell didn’t turn her into a kirin or something. That would’ve been dangerous with her temper, We hear Kirins turn into fire-beasts called Niriks when angry. “Gladly. We won’t even need to unbirth you to do it again.” We stated, watching as our wives each broke out of their magic suspension, each tired and satisfied. “Let's get you all cleaned up for bed.” We waited...waited...and waited. “W-why aren’t We shrinking back down?!” We asked in a panic and tried to even change from being a dragon back to being a fox, but it failed too. “What’s going on?!” Everything We tried failed. We were stuck. “What?! Shit! I should’ve stayed in control then! You don’t know how innate draconic size-change spells work!” “Wiatr? Are you okay?” Urta asked, getting her breath back faster due to her chaotic pregnancy-enhanced body. “No! We can’t change form or size!” We put our face in our hands and fought back tears. We can’t afford for something like this to happen! We’re stuck in our throne room now! “Damn it...okay, do you think you could handle sleeping in here?” Visilia asked as she gathered herself next. “What?” We sniffled uneasily. “Um, sure? We slept after passing out from sex rather easily.” “Good. Ladies, let’s get cleaned up and get to sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m too tired to do more than a rinse and fall into bed.” Visi stated, staggering towards the door. “Get some rest, Wiatr. We’ll get started on this first thing tomorrow. We’ll have to keep it quiet you’re trapped in here to avoid panic. Maybe you could make more Foxslimes to cover why you’re indisposed.” “That’s not fair...but it’s sensible.” We wilted, feeling our glorious dragon body relax as We watched our lovers leave in their utterly wrecked state, filling us with incredible satisfaction. Yet, at the same time, We felt...wrong. After all, they were Ours… “Oop! Watch the draconic hoarding! Hoarding lovers is a quick way to break hearts!” > Ch.67 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.67 It’s been days and We’re still stuck as a dragon in the throne room. We’ve had to have Cocoa and Sabrina bring us food from our offerings. By food, We mean the gems people were generous enough to offer to us as well as naturally formed geodes. We had an incredible craving for them too. We still did our paperwork, having to use an awkwardly huge magnifying glass and oversized quill to do so. We even used the time stuck like this to turn the slime from the eggs into more Foxslimes for the soldiers, but it was so damn boring stuck in here~! We’ve spent every moment We can trying to change size at the least. We can grow and shrink our breasts, even grow back our balls and dick and absorb them again, but not anything else. We could also turn our tail tip into a cock since We were still goo, We think. All attempts to produce waste slime failed, so We had a theory. The ‘waste’ slime is actually part of our body’s metamorphing process and We had literally pumped pretty much all of it into our lovers and to make Foxslimes. The question was, how is it We built it up in the first place? “Uh, you got utterly stuffed with children?” We facepalmed in realization. “We need to get pregnant. For real. Ugh...who can do that with us this big? Anyone who climbs in us might just get trapped.” That said, anyone who could manage that with us this big wouldn’t be able to get in here. Damn it. Briallia would be a good choice if she could’ve shrunk down to fit into the halls of our Keep. Before We could think on this any further, a knock came from the door. “Enter.” We droned tiredly, lying on our side facing the door with an arm holding up our head boredly and the other hand tapped our fingers on our hip. The doors opened, revealing Hunter and the remaining three Doom Marines We’re still not properly introduced to. Before We could ask why they were here as well, Runner beat us to it. “It was my idea. I had a feeling something unexpected would’ve happened. I even asked Visilia what happened, so I proposed we all come here.” Runner explained before pointing at Hunter. “He’s still going on his mission.” “Oh. Well...this is an awkward way to meet Pillar and Collateral for the first time.” We nervously grinned from our place lounging in our hoard of gold, gems and other precious things We requested Cocoa and Sabrina to fetch for us. We don’t know why, but the gold statue of Celestia was really appealing and not just because the artist got her tits perfect. “Hope you boys don’t mind seeing us in all our glory~.” We presented our chest a bit more, our cunt too, biting our lip as our tail flicked behind us in a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. “Not at all.” We blinked at the unexpected male voice in our head before Hunter raised his hand, signalling that it was his voice We heard. “Courtesy of one of Hell’s new Power-ups we requisitioned from them.” “We can finally hear our mate’s voice, even if indirectly.” We cooed, raising our free hand not occupied with holding up our head, levitating Hunter up to our snout with a casual hand gesture to nuzzle him with the tip of our snout. “It is good to see you, even if you must leave so soon.” “Don’t worry, the boys will help you out.” Hunter said as he patted our snout. “I hope you don’t mind it.” “We’d rather wish We knew a spell to turn you into a giant so you could impregnate us and get us out of this mess, but We don’t.” We sighed and kissed his chest before We put him down by his brothers. “We foolishly used up what We assumed was just a waste-product of our body in our latest sexual adventure with our lovers. Unfortunately, it seems it is at least partially responsible for our metamorphing powers.” We muttered with an embarrassed blush. “So you’re stuck in here.” Collateral commented as he crossed his arms and nodded in understanding. “I don’t think any of us are able to do what you need with your sheer size.” “That’s where I come in.” Runner chimed in. “We’ll change into our Wolf forms and I’ll see if I can increase our mass and size equal to her.” “We’re 39 feet tall and can’t even stand in this chamber. If you can manage it, We’d be grateful.” We stated with hope in our voice while We rolled onto our front. This pressed our gigantic tits into the floor and gushed milk all over the place to fill gaps in the gold and jewels. “We would be ever so grateful~.” We purred enticingly with our thicc tail swishing above us. Runner chuckled. “Woman, I like challenges. Don’t worry, we’ll treat you right.” Rubbing his hands he grabbed that mirror used to change them into their Wolf forms from the air and used it on himself before handing it off to his two older brothers. “I better get going. I’ll be back soon.” Hunter told us with his new telepathy. “Don’t forget to speak with Captain Urta to have your Foxslime companions added to your team.” We stated, causing the brothers to all look confused. “Oh~ you haven’t seen what else We used our slime to do. You’ll practically beg to have one. Adorable little killing machines~. Don’t expect their blades to pierce hard targets, they’re only made with cheap pig iron.” “Alright, thanks for telling me. Later.” After giving us a salute, Hunter left the Throne room, leaving us alone with the three brothers We have yet to get to know beyond hearsay. Well, Runner a bit more than Pillar and Collateral, but We only met him in passing. “So~. How are you going to do this? Do We need to provide...incentive?” We asked, our long and thick tail flicking in the air behind us over our gigantic bubble booty as We shimmied our hips and groped our already smished bosom, enjoying how the light of the chamber played off of our iridescent scales. “Because We’ve been stuck here for days cold turkey besides masturbation. Masturbation gets old quick when you’re used to sex.” “Well, maybe some help in the magic department on my end. If I were to do it alone, I’d gain the headache of the century.” Runner mentioned and We hummed in understanding. “We can’t help you cast the spell since We don’t know it, but just drink our milk. It’s holy and has restorative properties both for health and mana.” We proudly declared, picking our tits up and moving them forward to present our nipples and the milk trickling out, glowing slightly with its own power. “That works too. Thanks.” After he gave us a thumbs up Runner dove in and sucked on the center of our basketball-sized nipple greedily, drinking in our glorious milk which made us sigh happily. The hoses for the milkers don’t run this far back yet, something We need to rectify. “Mrr it is so good to be massive again.” Not at the expense of freedom though. “Grr, true.” “If it will help, I’ll gladly participate in such an amorous endeavor.” Pillar chuckled, drawing our attention from Runner’s messy milky meal and We saw his and Collateral’s Wolf forms. They were both pure-bred and larger than any normal wolf. Dire Wolves for sure, standing at exactly fourteen feet tall. Pillar’s fur colour was snow white, with long lush silvery white hair on his head and his tail was fluffy like fresh powdered snow. His silvery eyes seemed to shine against his coat. Collateral was covered in jet black fur and unlike Pillar he had no extra hair on his head and his tail was more scruffy, but his purple eyes drew attention like a magnet. They both wore different armor, Pillar’s looking like a prestigious knight of the Holy Order of God and Collateral being more futuristic in design for super soldiers. We guessed it was nanotechnology, based on the inspiration. Like the other brothers their colours matched their fur colour. But none of that mattered right now. They were nearly half our size already and We were undressing them with our eyes as Runner gorged on our bounty. “Hm~ big boys~. Are you just as impressive in the undercarriage?” We smirked playfully before looking at Runner in bewilderment. He’s been drinking gallons, but he hasn’t slowed and he doesn’t seem to be getting sick or anything. “Where do you put it all?” For most of our partners, it tends to be obvious where it all goes since just being near us makes a person magically elastic. Runner looked up at us and shrugged. He probably has a hyperspeed magically enhanced metabolism. Looking closer at him, there were some notable changes to him and it likely wasn’t from our milk. He had celtic markings on his fur now and he looked taller than usual. Searching through our memories, he and Berserker were roughly seven feet tall as Wolves, while Hunter was 6’ 10”. Now Runner was 12’ 8” tall. Roughly estimated. It was hard to tell when you’ve been stuck as a giantess for days on end. Measurements get difficult. “Are you ready to try?” We asked the energetic bunny-wolf hopefully. “Hm.” Runner hummed before unlatching from us and nodded as he wiped his mouth. “Ready.” Turning around the elder brothers assembled before him. He rubbed his hands as electricity started sparking through them and then he aimed arcs of electricity at his larger brothers. It didn’t hurt them or Runner and the two wolves slowly started growing in mass and height until they matched our own. Of course they had to mind their heads and crouched down. Once done with them Runner did himself, working a little more quickly than the other two, but he looked a little dizzy after it was complete. “Are you okay?” Pillar asked as he grabbed Runner and steadied his balance. “Yeah, just give me a moment.” Runner answered as they let him sit down. “Well, now it’s kinda cramped.” We chuckled, having to coil a bit around them. “Sorry. I guess we didn’t quite think this through well enough.” Collateral said with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head and rubbing the ceiling with his knuckles. “Maybe smaller would have been a bit better and easier on you.” We told Runner as We booped him with our snoot. “Let me see if I can do that.” Runner held his hands out and he concentrated, focusing on all three of them as they shrunk down ten feet shorter. Grunting, he stopped and panted a bit, wiping off the sweat from his brow. “There, is that better?” “Yes, though We don’t want you hurting yourself.” We huffed as We pulled him close. “I’ll live. Just...let me rest for a bit.” Runner huffed out as he laid his head on our bosom. “Okay.” We purred and kissed his brow. “How are you two doing?” “I’m fine and Collateral looks like he’s having fun already. Perhaps we could talk about some things while we wait for Runner to recover?” Pillar suggested as he and Collateral flanked our sides. “What would you like to talk about?” We asked as We nuzzled Runner and slowly undressed him with help from our magic. “Let’s start with religion. Pillar could help with preaching what you’re based around. Teach those who wish to join your following and help ensure none of them bastardize your name.” Collateral declared and Pillar nodded in agreement. That’s right, Bryan did mention Pillar was quite religious if not devoted to a single entity. It would be quite flattering for such an open-minded person preaching about us of all deities. “Well, I’d prefer to not be worshiped at all, but I’m in this for good or ill.” We don’t exactly think We’re worth worship though, so it’ll be tough adjusting to. “We’re a Fertility goddess with Sex and Commerce as runners-up. It isn’t hard for us to have worshipers and to preach what We stand for.” Our worshipers seem to be the private sorts for the most part anyway. At least for now. Well... We looked at our offering from Carim, a place where We had rebirthed their whole ancient civilization. It was a severed Hell Knight head plated in gold, which was unnerving, but it appealed to us strongly for some reason. It would’ve been better if it was a Lust Demon’s head though, maybe We should send a message of thanks. At the thought, We felt a pulse of power, our vision flashing in a rainbow, causing us to blink. Did We just...ugh, hopefully that Blessing didn’t do anything weird. (<3) “The fields! The fields are growing~!” Crowed a Skaven woman as the first of many farms of Carim which the formerly haunted forests had once overtaken were surging with rapidly growing fresh vegetables well ahead of the harvest season. “My bosom is growing!” Yelped another Skaven woman who was bellegered by several rat pups who were gleefully supping from the gushing nipples of her J-cup bosom. “I’m with pup!” Cheered another woman who’s small belly surged forth in size. “Praise Wiatr! Goddess of Fertility!” Declared an overly pompously robed Skaven high-priest from a church with a bell engraved with three scratches in an inverted triangle on it which rang out sonorously 13 times at the onset of the obvious blessings. “Praise Wiatr! Praise Wiatr! Praise Wiatr!” (<3) We feel incredibly appreciated all of a sudden, as well as distinctly disturbed... “That’s true, but you don’t have much of a place built in your name like a temple or a church. A place of worship and miracles. Shrines are good, but from what we’ve heard and seen, you almost drowned in the offerings people gave you.” Pillar pointed out at our hoard, which while We were distracted, grew with a sudden surge of gold and other precious-oh~! Someone sent us an ebony Luna statue~! It’ll go so well paired up next to her sister’s-ahem, no, not the time. Ignore the gold-plated Skaven bell at all costs. Note to self: smelt that down and never let it ring. … Well...it’s a nice bell. It’d go good in a small church somewhere...We have an odd urge to ring it. “What are Skaven?” Rat-people bent on the slaughter of all life not theirs in the name of their dark god. At least, in their source material. The Skaven of Carim seem more intelligent and less ruled by instinct. “Oh, that’s bad. Melt that thing, or at least take out the clapper.” Good idea, We’ll pull out the-oh, the boys are looking at us oddly. “Yes...We need to work on that.” We sheepishly replied as We finished getting Runner’s pants off. “Alright, I’m starting to feel better now. Do you want to see what I’m packing down here?” Runner asked us with a purr while covering his waist with a towel he summoned from somewhere. Where’d he get a towel that big? “Of course.” We cooed when We levitated him up and over our head before he whipped the towel off. Once We were laid on our back and he was over us We licked his balls while still letting him rest. It seems these boys are all gifted in the reproductive department. We sucked and huffed on the musk of his, by scale, coconut-sized testacles. “You like my big balls~?” Runner asked while petting our head as We tended to his big cum factories. It was so enticing to hear them sloshing as We licked and nuzzled them. How wonderful anatomy is to provide such delicious noises that in boring old humans would never happen. “Yes, they’re going to give us many eggs.” We purred between our suckles on them. “Do you think we might end up breaking the throne room if we do this?” Pillar asked as he looked around. “I mean, from what we’ve heard from Berserker and Hunter, you tend to get carried away.” “Can you get us out other ways first then? We’ll still need to get pregnant to be able to change our form, but if we could avoid breaking our new throne room that would be great.” We huffed at being caught in not having thought ahead again. “I possibly could, but we’ll need to be far away from any form of civilization. You being the Goddess of Fertility and such, that’ll end up causing a spike in everyone with a dick and cunt to lose it and fuck away like there’s no tomorrow.” Runner considered as he rubbed his chin. “I want control Damn it!” “Go ahead and try it.” We insisted at wanting to have control of our body back. “I’ll settle for at least that much!” Nodding his head, Runner closed his eyes and worked his magic, surrounding us all in it before a flash of white light blinded us for a moment. Looking around once sight returned, it looked like Runner teleported us into a cave of sorts. At least it was a lot more spacious in here, that’s what counts. “Ow…” Runner groaned in pain as he held his head. He also had blood coming from his nose and eyes. “Overextended…” “Oh no!” We whined before stuffing our nipple into his mouth. “It should help heal you, We’re sorry.” We mewled miserably, guilty about him pushing himself so hard to help us. Runner’s response was a thumbs up as We wiped away the blood. That’s when We noticed a change to his right eye. It was completely different to his left eye; the sclera was black instead of white, the colour of his iris was still blue, but his slit pupil was purple. We sense that’s where his magic comes from. At least some form of magic. His eye wasn’t like that until that last big cast. “The Crystal Eye of Tzeentch.” We looked up at Pillar when he informed us what was up with Runner’s eye. That makes sense, seeing as how Berserker is connected to Khorne. The Eye is an artefact, does it hide it’s nature when not in use? His eye seemed normal before he strained himself. Just as well, it is the artefact of an indecisive mollusk. “So you’re all connected to a Chaos Prince?” We asked in curiosity, since one being associated with a parapelegic sociopath and another to a scheming shellfish was worrisome enough. It’d be good to know if any of the others possibly have pacts with a cosmic garbage bag or a nymphomaniac who skipped rehab. Let alone two actual sentient mushrooms or a cosmic clown. We don’t think our world could handle Ork WAAAGH or Eldar Harlequins. “No, just Berserker and Runner. Also, don’t call them Chaos Princes, you’re gonna end up pissing them off.” Pillar remarked sternly. “Remember, the Dark Gods of Chaos have been around far longer than any of us. The last thing you want to do is get on their bad side.” “Bah, those uptight assholes can go fuck themselves! I’ve told them that before and I’ll tell them again! I’m the Empress of my realm and they are not welcome! Face my gilded might fuckwads!” “They can go fuck themselves. If they want in on this universe they’d better get in line. We’ve got enough work ahead of us kicking Slaanesh in the cunt.” We snarled vindictively and Runner flinched when We glared into his artefact eye. “This world has it bad enough and if We have to find the Ancient Ones-damned Emperor in a universe where he isn’t bound to cosmic life-support, We will.” Collateral and Pillar looked at each other in concern before Collateral cleared his throat. “We have found traces of Warp energies, but they are weak. The possibility of Warp Demons being here is likely, but they can’t stay within Realspace, because they can’t maintain a physical form for long. They’ll have to return to the Warp after mere hours, maybe even minutes.” “Good.” We sighed in relief before We laid Runner on the ground and moved down his lithe body to get back to slurping on his balls. Snorting, Collateral and Pillar got rid of their armour. Collateral’s suit being nanotechnology was as easy as flipping a switch while Pillar used what seemed like his own form of telekinesis to get his off. It must have been his new Power-up. “Hm?” We hummed as We ran our eyes over the two muscular males with appreciation. “Those hungry eyes are quite flattering.” Pillar chuckled after he and Collateral were now completely naked, showing us their hefty packages. Pillar had an advantage in girth from what his sheath showed, but We would have to encourage them to reveal their lengths. We purred when We started fondling their own incredible cum factories, the by-scale coconuts seeming a constant to the siblings. “Hm~.” We hummed when Runner started getting hard and We tasted his penis as it stiffened. The boy’s groans and moans were music to our ears as their long thick red canine cocks came out of hiding and hardened to full mast. We felt Runner’s cock reach the back of our throat and continue down it, he must be at least thirteen inches in length...or however big that is translated to his 20 foot height. Wait~! We’re still bigger than them! “Oh boys~? Mind if We engage in some size play?” We asked, getting up on our knees and showed them We were still slightly taller than Pillar and Collateral while they were standing. “You think you’re enough to pleasure this Goddess? That you can handle all, of, this~?” We asked when We thrust our gargantuan bosom forward as our long thick tail whipped about behind us while We posed. Our arms were up and crossed behind our head, our wings flared and our cunt leaking along with our nipples, causing wet splats to echo from the cave floor. The boys moved away from us and huddled up, speaking in low whispers so We couldn’t hear what they were planning. Curse this draconic form not having Willow’s massive fennec ears! Once they were finished, they came back to us with such innocent smiles on their faces which made us feel suspicious. Unfortunately, We were right to be suspicious. Their innocent smiles turned into evil grins that would make most people shit themselves as Pillar restrained us with his-wait, is this Gravity?! We squeaked in surprise when he held us down and exposed to whatever deviant desires they had planned for us with our limbs spread-eagle. Dammit! They turned the tables on us! We can’t even break out of his hold! “Hm~.” Runner hummed as he circled around us. “Where should we start bros?” He asked the other two while running his fingers up along our tight muscular abdomen, feeling the electrical friction coming from his fingertips made us shiver and our incredibly defined muscles twitched. “Well, she thinks we can’t satisfy her carnal desires because of our size differences.” Collateral pointed out, rubbing his hands on our right thigh. “Let’s take her up on that challenge. Only, she won’t have much of a say in the matter.” “Oh real-mph?” Our snout snapped shut with a band of light wrapped tightly around it. We chuckled, imploring them to do their worst with our eager eyes and what movement We could manage, that being wiggling our hips and tail enticingly. Nodding their heads, they went to work on us. We hummed in surprise when Pillar and Collateral came up to our sides and began squashing our hyper boobs into our torso. We were confused until they began pressing their huge cocks under our tits. They’re gonna fuck our tits from the sides! “You two have some fun, I’ll get to work down here.” Runner declared at our groin before he dragged a far too long tongue along our folds, making us squeal through our nose at the spike of pleasure. “You two were always more into boobs.” “I just like how they compliment her eyes.” Pillar joked with a look down at us and We suddenly found our arms free, so We wrapped them around the boy’s hips to grab their asses as We wordlessly smiled at his joke. “Weren’t you going to keep her perfectly still? Or did you just want her to touch us?” Collateral chuckled as our hands roamed between their legs to fondle their balls, massaging them and moving them around, causing the incredible spheres full of life-giving sperm to slosh. “Whoa she’s good at that.” He huffed as he and his brother thrust into our bosom, their glans poking into the breast opposite them as they squeezed our glorious tits which sprayed milk everywhere as lube. “You know Pillar’s too nice to really keep her from enjoying herself the best she can.” Runner commented before-oh holy shit~! “Wow you’re spacious in here. Took my whole arm in one shot.” We spasmed, eyes rolling back as he moved his arm and hand around in our vagina, directly rubbing against our G-spot with absolute ruthless efficiency. “Got her~!” At his words, the light around our snout vanished and let us moan pitifully in orgasm. “Y-you win~.” We admitted and We suddenly found ourselves on the floor of the cavern with the brothers kneeling around us. “Damn...nobody’s done that to us before.” We reached up, starting to jerk Pillar and Collateral off as We pulled Runner towards us with our tail. “Well boys, you’ve earned our full service.” We winked with an amused snort. Like We weren’t going to give it our all in the first place. “Now fuck us pregnant so We can get back to normal.” “Fuck yis~ fuck us pregnant~!” Runner snickered. “Heh! I was going to make a joke about wanting to make giant babies with you.” He said as he grabbed his cock and ran it along our pussy, getting it slick in our juices. “Hm, maybe even make you have the biggest squirt and fill this cave up with your juices, make a pool of fertility.” “We could actually do that, but where is here~?!” Runner interrupted our question by ramming his hot rod to the knot into us, causing us to spasm from still being sensitive from him fisting us into an orgasm just before. “It could be a form of temple for her if there’s a proper structure in or over it, but it would be useless if it was inconveniently located. Where are we Runner?” Pillar asked with all seriousness as he massaged our right breast, Collateral doing the left one, both more focused on pleasuring us while We barely managed to keep jacking them off. “Underneath the Everfree Forest in one of its many cave systems.” Runner answered as he slowly humped away at us, slipping his knot in and out of us since We were big enough it couldn’t seal us. “W-wait.” We panted, sniffing deeply of the air and looking around the best We could. “This is where the Lust Demon Factory used to be. We haven’t been here since our quest began.” We wrinkled our snout. “It still reeks of Corruption, but now as a Goddess, our fluids alone should be enough.” We nodded in agreement. “Okay boys, fill us with eggs and We’ll get to work turning ourselves into a milk and cum factory to fill up an underground lake.” It was about time We made a temple anyhow. One that wasn’t too far from civilization like here, yet was secluded enough it wouldn’t be an easy victim to being desecrated like if it was in a town or city. “That’s the plan.” Runner chuckled as he really got into it, kicking it into high gear as his hips moved really fast. We were already on our way to our second orgasm! Oh~! He’s using his magic through his dick, sending little pulses of electricity to spike up the pleasure meter throughout our pussy! Cumming~! “I’m not done yet~!” Runner growled as he kept it up, not slowing down to give us respite. This is different from the usual fuckings We get~! “Ah~!” We squealed when We were sent careening into a third orgasm and our snatch practically yanked on his cock, grasping onto his knot and making him yelp as he began gushing cum into our hungry womb. Even then he kept humping, sending us into a cascade of smaller orgasms chasing after the original. “Ah Yes, keep going!” We urged even as his seed began to make our abs soften and start to swell out our tummy. “Gonna-.” Pillar grunted before spraying cum all over our tits with Collateral following shortly after, which We aimed at our face as We gladly opened our mouth to catch as much of the precious semen as possible. By the time the three finished cumming they were panting and recovering as our belly began to grow and firm up with Runner’s eggs. “That was…” “Amazing.” Collateral finished, only for us to tug on their dicks and We looked at them expectantly as We caught their attention. “You can’t seriously think that’s the end of this.” We declared, looking down at the panting Runner who was resting against our rising belly and our head started getting foggy, but We knew what We wanted. “Runner, switch with Pillar.” “S-So soon?” Runner asked in surprise, making us growl in displeasure. This got the boys into gear, Runner pulling out and moving to our left side to switch positions with Pillar as We pulled Collateral by the dick towards our head. “Um, so what should I-.” “Get on our torso and start fucking our tits. Pillar, get to work. As for you. Feed this hungry mama cummies~.” We purred up at Collateral, who gulped nervously when We fed his huge cock into our fang-filled maw, making sure to show him our sharp pearly whites with a wink before closing our lips on him and getting to work, causing the big black wolf to groan as We got to sucking and twirling our tongue. He was too small to even reach our throat at this size. Pillar quickly got to thrusting into our hungry cunny, making us moan around Collateral’s dick as Runner got between our belly and our breasts, fucking our under-cleavage with his fast thrusts, the tip of his long cock not even poking out of the top of our cleavage and not because of the hammerspace. Meanwhile, We played with Collateral’s sloshing nuts as We sucked him off to get our cummies. Mm, so full already, but We want moar~! “Holy shit~! Hunter and Berserker fucking downplayed how-hng-amazing she is!” Collateral praised us as he leaned down to brace his hands against our heavy chest, pressing our cum-splattered breasts against Runner, making our nipples gush from the pressure. “I must agree! I can’t believe they had concerns she wouldn’t be able to handle us!” Pillar agreed and We hummed around Col’s cummy cock in amusement. Back before We ascended maybe not, but now? Now, nobody was beyond us in Sex! We are Sex Incarnate! Fill us with cummies and eggs! “Unf! Gonna~.” “Same~!” Crowed Collateral and the brothers howled as they thrust into us, pouring cum into us from both ends, which set us on another chain of orgasms as We gladly received their offering to their Goddess, gulping and sucking it down into our womb from our mouth even. Our belly swelled faster, pressing Runner into our tits even more, causing him to cry out and start pumping his seed between our massive milkers. Eventually, the boys came down and We let them collapse around us. Spent and satisfied. “Oh~ so big~.” We cooed and rubbed our cum-soaked breasts, licking up any stray cum as our fecund belly rose into the air, already looking term with octuplets. “Hm~, so full. Gonna make so many eggs~...” We purred and drooled at our swelling body. “Mm~...more?” We asked hazily, but seems the boys are empty since they fell asleep. Aw, but We want more cummies... “Kon?” We blinked and turned our head towards the main tunnel leading upwards to see an utterly gigantic feral fox wander in. It looked sickly with a green fur pattern and glowing eyes. He titled his huge ten foot head at us all before wandering to a broken pipe that was all that was left of the former Factory and began drinking what smelled like corrupted cum and milk. It’s balls gurgled and swelled, but considering the fox was around fifty feet high it wasn’t much at that scale. Guess he must be one of the local wildlife? Is he the only one? Poor baby. “Aw, c’mere! Come here cutie!” We cooed at him when We felt our womb finish turning the cum into egg shells and We pouted at our womb only looking about the size of Decuplets at our scale. “Boys? Can We have more cummies?” We mewled in disappointment, but they snored and We huffed. “Gonna have to work on that stamina.” We muttered and looked towards where the fox was and perked when We found it in our personal space, sniffing us. “Hey cutie! C’mere! We wanna snuggle!” “Haven’t seen an animal of such size in a long time. Only those pygmy versions of them. They were such fun to tease. Intelligent too. Unlike you three right now. Oof, so full~...” It sniffed our cum coated right breast and started lapping it up, making us giggle. “Hey~ that tickles~!” We reached out and pet it’s scalp as it tracked up to our nipple, getting a taste for our milk and quickly latching on, suckling. “Mm~ drink up hungry baby, it’s good for you.” We cooed happily and watched the fox quickly look much healthier as he drank and the visible Corruption he was suffering began to wane. “That’s right. Drink up cutie.” We urged until eventually he stopped and moved to our face to lick our cheek. “Aw, you’re a good boy!” We scratched his ears and with him closer We began petting him more. At least until he moved down our body and We mewled in disappointment, then gasped when he began lapping up our cum-soaked cunny. “Oh~! G-good boy~!” We moaned and panted, before wincing when our womb contracted and our birthing canal began quickly opening up. “Aw~! Why so soon~?!” We wailed in disappointment and began pushing. The giant green fox didn’t impede our laying, instead he actually moved the eggs away, like he knew We needed the room. By the time We were done, We were a panting and pleasured mess laying in a pool of amniotic fluid that the gigafox helped us crawl out of, then he groomed us with his tongue to clean us up. We were too tired and content to deny this, so We even morphed into a feral two-tailed kitsune and curled up to let him. We later were told by the boys they found us asleep, having laid 10 enormous dragon eggs. 4 were yellow like Runner, and 3 white and black for Pillar and Collateral each. In the middle of the clutch of eggs were us and our new beloved pet and friend Pharos, who had curled together with us in a nap, with us being spooned protectively by him. > Ch.68 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.68 “Those...are big eggs.” Ember breathed out in awe as she gazed upon the fruit of our loins in the pools of the ever-dimensionally-extending Breeding Center/hospital. Each egg was 10-feet at its widest and 15-feet at the tallest, requiring each one to have a pool to itself filled with our milk to keep the thirsty shells sated. “Eeyup.” We slapped our abs in pride. It’d been a few days since our giant tryst with Runner, Pillar and Collateral. We had to have help ferrying our new eggs home to Unity, where our arrival with utterly gigantic eggs was met with awe and an immediate message sent to Dragon Lord Ember about the ‘find’ which nobody knew was our own eggs until they’d already sent a pegasus messenger. “Being a 39 foot tall dragon when you get hyper pregnant will do that.” “You were the size of an Elder Dragon when you did this?” Ember asked in more awe. “Of course, how else would they be so gigantic.” “So this isn’t unusual?” We asked curiously. We figured it was and were searching for spells in Twilight’s library that could possibly shrink them down so they could have normal lives. “Yes! Everlasting Eggs! You may not have let me have control, but good job!” “Nope, but don’t worry. It’s likely there’s only one whelp per egg like normal and they’ll be normal sized little munchkins. The shell size is entirely dependent on the mother.” Ember informed us and We sighed in relief. “That’s good, but how will they hatch?” We asked andbegan leading Ember out of the Breeding Center and towards our new Keep. “Like normal. Dragons don’t hatch like other reptiles or birds. When they’re ready, the shell explodes a bit.” Ember informed us when We neared the front doors. “Ah, it’s good to see things around here are as hectic as ever. Things back home have calmed down a lot with Spike turning down being a ‘donor’ for more eggs and even using condoms with Smolder and I.” “You’re not happy about it.” We noted, opening the smaller doors in the middle of the massive gates. “Hey Pharos~! Mama’s back~!” We cooed to our giant green pet, who yipped and rushed us as We sized up to kneel down and pet the massive fox. “Have you been good? Are you a good boy?” We cooed with a ‘baby’ voice and snickered when he stuck his nose in our cleavage. “Boy, I already filled your bowls with cum and milk this morning. It’s not good for you to overeat.” We chastised and he whined. “The fact you have a Gigafox for a pet is still impressive.” Ember commented with a smile, putting her free left hand on her hip and showing off that her simple tight leather garb deliciously emphasized all of the busty amazonian dragoness’ curves. “He’s a normal sized fox. You pygmy just got used to everything being small. Don’t demean my baby!” “We notice you dodged the topic of not being happy with Spike denying you cummies.” We were being nosy because she was our lover too. Even if not a wife, her feelings were important to us as much as Visi’s feelings were. “Can you drop it?” Ember asked in exasperation, only for us to leer down at her from where We continued giving Pharos scratchies behind the ears. “Fine, yes. I want him to fuck me full of eggs again. It’s not unnatural for dragons to fuck frequently until they eventually die of old age. Well over 90% of all the eggs never hatch anyway and turn to stone.”  Ember wilted, looking depressed. “It’s why the Dragonlands are so heavily dominated by mountains.” “Which is why We’ve been doing such a surplus.” We replied and tried not to wonder how many mountains were actually giant mounds of dead dragon eggs as well as ignore Pharos’ red rocket getting excited to lift Ember’s chin. “Just to be sure, have any of ours with you hatched yet?” We asked to remind her We were here and willing. “I know it’s been a while Willow...I mean Wiatr, but dragon eggs don’t hatch for hundreds of years, remember?” Hm, We had figured our eggs might be a different case, guess not. “Pfft, no, fat chance. Especially since you have me here.” “Yes. Unless massive amounts of magic is pumped into them.” We replied while ignoring the disappointment that not even We can speed up dragons to hatch. “Which usually makes the eggs explode like bombs.” Ember replied dryly. “There’s a reason we only give Stillborn eggs over to the ponies for their magic schools. They’re the only ones worth the risk of getting born that way.” “And yet Spike came about.” We chuckled before We shrunk and kissed her. Ember moaned and pressed against us needily, mashing her breasts into ours, grabbing our ass-she pushed us away, panting and groaning as she groped her chest, tapping her scepter on the floor. “Unf...you stupid sexy sex goddess!” Ember snarled, wiping some of her female lubricant off of her inner thighs as it leaked from around her leather bikini bottoms. “I’m not just some easy fuck you can...okay yes I am, but only for you, Spike and Smolder, but not now dammit.” Ember huffed smoke as she straightened herself up. “We only kissed you, you’re the one who leaned in.” We chuckled as We morphed into our dragon body, finding it easier and easier to do every time since our wonderful time in the cave, which was slowly going to be turned into our new Temple. We still had the odd desire to have a second jaw, but that was so odd compared to the modern dragon. “Two jaws just means sucking both of a stud’s dicks at the same time. Wait, males here don't have dual dicks?! No~! One of the best things about male dragons was the dual dicks!” We have a sudden desire to somehow suck two cocks at the same time... “It’s because of that ‘fuck me’ energy you put out and…” Ember was drooling as she looked us up and down, her wings and tail twitching. “We’ve got it turned off, or else big boy here would be humping something. His partial erection is not from us.” We chuckled as We returned to being a kitsune. “We think someone might be in heat~.” We lilted playfully at the dragon lord who was beyond wet and ready at the drop of a hat. “Well...Spike hasn’t been willing to satisfy us that way…” Ember admitted with a squirm to her hips. “Look. Just...don’t. Okay? We still really like you and would love you to be in our relationship more permanently, but I’m not willing to share Spike with so many beautiful women.” “Who said We just wanted Spike?” We chuckled as We looked her up and down. “But okay.” “Thank you. I might pay you a visit for a clutch before I leave, but don’t fucking fill me to the point I can’t get home on my own.” Ember huffed, then bit her lip. “Or...do. Then roll me all the way to the Dragonlands to remind Spike what he’s missing.” Ember began panting, then turned and fled before she could lose control and We giggled. “Still a tsundere. Well boy, you go on and have fun out there.” We declared to our giant pet, opening the gate and letting him run out into Unity where We knew he’d go through the tunnel and out into the Everfree to do his business and maybe find a large Timberwolf bitch to fuck. Turns out those things do breed normally, only the undead ones stink and are made of actual deadwood. “Has she fucked you with her dick yet? She is a dragon lord.” “Well, what is this?” We heard when a 10-foot tall holstaurus Lust Demoness casually entered our foyer, causing us to gape up at her in recognition. “Sup bitch?” It’s Torturas, that bitch that invaded the Iron Keep and stole an axe when Willow and Daring were getting the Jade Crystallite to make Willow’s Estus Flasks! Holy fuck that was a long time ago! “What’re you-How’re you-Huh?!” We gawked up at her, wondering how she even got this far and there wasn’t any violence. We mean, she’s a 10-foot tall red-skinned Demon General with a massive battle axe on her back and utterly reeking of Corruption. “Your guards need to be trained a bit better. I mean, I saw some seriously badass guys out there, but they didn’t even blink as I waltzed right across the bridge from Ponyville.” Torturas said as she looked around. “Nice digs. Better than that bitch Letra’s den.” “Why are you here?!” We snarled and prepared to fight, sizing up to tower over her at 15 feet and ready to pull one of our many weapons from our cleavage. “Eh, not here to fight, more to fuck.” Torturas chuckled, patting her crotch as she looked us up and down. “It’s actually how I got in, said I was here to Purify myself, blah blah blah. It’s great you guys aren’t killing all of us, but some of us were born this way, y’know?” She flexed, making her massive tits strain against her leather brassier and her leather miniskirt seem about to rip from her thicc muscular ass. “You try to fully purify me, I might just die. No clue. Might try to find out.” Torturas chuckled, unfazed by our willingness to fight. “Well We’re not about to fuck you, unless it’s to purify you.” We snarled, crossing our arms under our superior bosom to look down our snout at her. “So why are you really here?” “What? Is wanting to fuck the hottest babe in the land not reason enough to show up unwanted?” Torturas winked at us and We growled. “Oh, fine. Ruin the fun why don’t ya.” Torturas huffed, reaching into her tits and pulling out a massive scroll. “Queen Lethice wishes to sign a cease-fire. We stop trying to invade, you stop hunting us down, we both focus on those Hell Demon fucks trying to kill us both.” “Really?” We asked, suspiciously doubtful of this from what We’ve read on demons. “Yes. Really.” Torturas huffed, opening the scroll to show us it was quite simply worded, no hidden clauses or really tiny writing hidden in the margins or between the larger letters or other nasty tricks. It quite simply said: We don’t fuck with you, you don’t fuck with us, we both fuck those Hell assholes over. Yours Sexily, Lethice. P.S. I totally wanna bang you. Give me a call, kay? *kiss mark* 555-GUD-FUCK We had mixed feelings on the Lust Demon Queen wanting to fuck us. “Hm, okay? She wants to fuck us...uh, We’ll bring this up with the other Princesses.” No need to mention two are indisposed right now. “Let’s head back to our study where We can properly sign this.” We led her back to the office next to our throne room, the said throne room still had the hoard of bits, gems and other things behind the throne because it was Our Hoard. Once in the study We signed it and it burned on it’s own, whisking away in magic dragonfire, but We pouted at seeing Lethice’s phone number burned into our desktop. She’s really thirsty for us isn’t she? “Well that’s done. Maybe you should make yourself scarce until We announce the cease-fire.” “Good idea, since I’m ordered to be her Ambassador now.” Torturas grumbled. “So I’m here until this falls apart or something else happens.” “Okay, We’ll give you a report once We hear from them.” We sighed then awkwardly sat there looking at the holstaurus who fidgeted and scratched her cheek. “Um...what?” “Do you normies not fuck at all times of the day? How do you manage not to die of boredom?” Torturas asked curiously, making us blink. “We just don’t, unless it’s breeding season.” We commented before the holstaurus dropped her tiny leather skirt. “Which passed a month ago!” We urgently added, covering our eyes to hide the glorious sight. “Shit. Missed out then.” Torturas sighed before she pulled her skirt back up. “Why do you want to fuck so much?” We asked, uncovering our eyes now that she was at least covered up. “Uh...it’s my nature? Duh? Pegasi fly, diamond dogs dig and sister? I fuck people.” Torturas thrust her inadequately covered groin at us. “I mean, it’s all us Lust Demons do all day is fuck, get fucked, then look for our next fuck. What do you do if you’re not fucking, which we’ve all heard legends of how good at it you are.” Sex Legends are told of us? Among the enemy? “Oh, well We’re mostly doing paperwork or minding our pups nowadays.” We explained with a blush on our face and failing to mention most of the former was taken care of and the latter was often done by Cocoa and an army of nursemaids outside of our visits to spend time with them in the early mornings and late evenings. “Boring.” Torturas huffed, rubbing her bulge since that skirt wasn’t enough for storage magic to consider it viable for storing her massive package and swollen sheath. “Fuck. I might even try being purified if I can’t keep myself properly satisfied while I’m stuck here.” Torturas grumbled just before our door opened, letting in Urta who froze at the sight of the Demon General in front of our desk. “Oh, good. The second most storied legend among you. Mind giving me a good time since she’s not up for it?” Torturas asked our wife as casually as if talking about the weather. “No!” Urta snarled even after Torturas’ cock filled the room with its musk when she whipped it out. “Aw, fuck it. Know what? I’m gonna go get purified. I can’t stand you prudes. I can get Corrupted again when I get back.” Torturas snarled, putting her junk away and ducking under the door to squeeze past Urta who edged into the room to get between us and the general even as said demoness muttered discontently while she stomped out. We huffed in relief since We had to keep our legs closed, barely able to stop from presenting our groin from her musk. “A minute more and We would’ve accepted her advances. Good timing Urta.” “The fuck is going on babe? I came here when the guards said she went right past the purifying pools to the Keep.” Urta asked when she neared, putting a hand on our shoulder as We calmed down. “She was delivering a cease-fire.” We huffed and tried to ignore our scent getting stronger from our wet lap. “Lust Demons are annoyingly simple creatures. She just wants constant sex, nothing else.” We grumbled before We used our powers to force ourselves to calm down. “Still do!” Torturas yelled down the hall. “I have good ears, remember Imp?” “We’re a Goddess and you shall not dare think of us as lesser than you!” We screamed out the door, foaming at the mouth, panting in fury as We kept ourselves from lunging for the door and teaching that cow who was the boss in this house. “Whatever. I’ve seen you running before.” Torturas chuckled before the door to the foyer closed. “That fool. We were but a simple archeologist and a wavering Undead back then.” We muttered in agitation, our twin tails flicking about and our tail hands stuck in extended middle fingers. “Do you smell piss?” Urta asked with a wrinkle of her snout. “That bitch!” We screamed in outrage at the small urine spots on the carpet of our study. (<3) “I apologize sincerely for any strife I may have caused you.” Answered the nearly vapid voice of the 8-foot tall dickless blue holstaurus that was the purified Torturas. She was just as hyper-busty, but lost her demon cock and balls. She also seemed to have calmed down immensely. She also, possibly, seemed to have lost more than a few IQ points… “You should, you ruined a three thousand bit carpet that was donated to us.” We growled while wishing to punish her in some way. However, this new Torturas obviously was not the same person, just like that bitch We met in the forest wasn’t our beloved Cocoa. “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t have any means to pay such a cost. Not without returning home and getting money from my vault, but I fear my current state will be a sign of weakness and I’ll sooner become breeding stock than be able to return.” Torturas calmly stated, as if losing all of her power and status meant nothing to her. Possibly it didn’t anymore. “We can maybe even the odds.” We sighed and spread our legs as We thought of Blessing her to the point of absolving all her sins in rebirth. We also wondered if Lethice would still want this girl as an ambassador or just send another Lust Demon. “Are you still loyal to Queen Lethice?” “Of course. She is my queen, no matter how she may treat me.” Torturas stated with a calm smile and closed eyes, sending a hnnnng twinge through our heart at how matronly ara-ara she had become. “If I didn’t like my mates to have a head on their shoulders when they aren’t pregnant, I’d totally go for that thicc goodness as a choice mate.” We sighed at our conflicting desires as We looked at the number of Queen Lethice burned into our desk. “We can’t believe this…” We sighed before pulling Daring’s phone from our cleavage and then dialed the extremely tasteless phone number. “Hello~, do you like my gift?” The Queen answered with a husky purr on the first ring. Creeper. “So you knew she’d lose patience and figure she could jump ship and climb back aboard.” We sighed at the manipulative bitch so easily toying with her subject, a General at that. “A bit, though I also hoped you’d fuck her. I wonder what kind of babies a pure lust demon and you would make. I actually gave her orders to try and be as seductive as she could.” Lethice purred with a disturbingly familiar accent that We tried not to connect to Visilia or her other Tartarus-born compatriots. “This way I’d both be free of a backstabbing bitch and hopefully see something new.” “So you just sacrificed one of your Generals? Couldn’t you have put her on the frontlines where she’d be too busy to backstab and power grab and instead send some peon to act as your ambassador?” We asked with a shiver of disgust at how easily Lethice just dropped one of her most powerful demons like a hot potato right into our lap. “Naw. She was a total bitch and even us demons can only stand so much bitchery. I’m considering having Letra removed soon too, she’s hardly any better.” Lethice casually mused. “Great.” We huffed as the holstaurus inched towards us, blushing and poking her index fingers together. Dear Goddess she is unusually adorable. “Well, the minotaurs have been demons for centuries and nobody really remembers much about them. Anything We should know about holstaurus?” We asked in the hopes Lethice would at least tell us enough about our new ambassador to know of any pitfalls to avoid. “They’re not like the Chaos Taurus Demons, so don’t treat her like one. Also Holstaurus is an all female breed that has slightly addictive milk if there's even a hit of Corruption in them. It was part of why I felt Corrupting the minotaurs would not only be quick, but also fun. It was~.” Lethice purred. “My offer still stands babe. I wanna fuck you like an animal.” “Just because We agreed to a cease-fire does not make us friends, especially not fuck-buddies. If We do agree to have sex with you, it’ll be to Purify you with our holy fluids.” We snarled, causing Lethice to actually moan. “Oh~ that sounds so hot! Your holy juices against my corrupt juices~! I wonder who would win~.” Lethice cooed before hanging up and We heard a beep, causing us to look at the photo she sent, making us blush at a perfect purple pussy absolutely drenched in femcum. Dayum. *poke!* We looked down to see Torturas poking at our damp crotch from under our desk, somehow having squeezed her thicc 8 foot tall body under it with a blush on her face. We felt embarrassed that apparently just talking to Lethice on the phone made us extremely horny and We were putting out our ‘fuck’ aura like a beacon, which We then turned off. “Hm? Why am I here?” Torturas asked and tried to get out from under the desk and she whined. “I’m stuck~!” We sighed and rubbed the bridge of our snout. (<3) “So everybody be nice.” We finished explaining to our wives and lovers in exasperation as Torturas shifted from hoof to hoof with an airheaded glee as she hummed a tune, sending her massive beach ball tits quaking in her tight leather top as her little cow tail flicked happily.  “We’re really doing this?” Urta asked with a scowl at the former demon. “Yes.” We sighed tiredly. Not even half the day was gone and We wanted to just go to bed. Our usual morning routine being interrupted by Ember suddenly showing up and then Torturas has forced us to shove the rest of today’s workload off onto our understudies and We were still tired. “I don’t see an issue with this. The fact we have a purified holstaurus means we can start breeding a free race of minotaurs.” Sabrina smiled as she approached the ambassador. “I am Sabrina. I am one of Wiatr’s wives and her geomancy and fertility magic specialist. Would you mind becoming a baby factory?” Oi, Sabrina, wait a bit won’t you? “I would love that!” Torturas gushed, clutching her hands together under her massive bosom. “But won’t it get in the way of my duties to report to Lethice?” Torturas asked as our other wives and Visi approached us. “I can’t believe that you’re getting in bed with those demons.” Visilia hissed under her breath and We urgently made a gesture for her to be quiet-. “Oh no. She told Lethice she didn’t want to have sex with her, so she’s definitely not in bed with us.” Torturas vapidly informed our demon princess with a gentle smile. “I hope she’ll get in bed with me now that I’m not a demon anymore, but that still wouldn’t make her in bed with demons…” Torturas put a finger to her chin in bemusement as We rubbed our snout. “She has extremely acute hearing. Don’t say anything you don’t want her to hear within several hundred yards.” We belatedly informed our lovers, making Visi look annoyed. “Cocoa understands. Cocoa was just a lowly sergeant when Willow purified her and made her a mate.” Cocoa confided in her fellow former demon. “Oh! Then she definitely wouldn’t be in bed with demons if she slept with me! That’s good.” Torturas beamed as she, Cocoa and Sabrina wandered over to the couches of our Keep’s private lounge where we were holding this meeting as they chatted. “Since I communicate silently, I’ll voice our concerns.” Honey wrote in the air in front of her amber silk-clad green chest basketballs, the magic lettering hidden from Torturas by her body. “How will we be able to filter her communications to the enemy so she doesn’t report anything sensitive?” “She’s not exactly ill-intentioned. Not anymore. She also requested to have a scribe aid her.” We answered. It wasn’t exactly subtle, but...Torturas was a few eggs shy of a dozen. “Are you sure she can be trusted to just walk around and mingle with anybody?” Honey quirked a brow. “Yes. She’s harmless.” We insisted and Honey sighed. “Besides, if she does turn into a baby factory she won’t exactly be able to go anywhere.” Unsaid was that said scribe would be the one doing all the work and thus able to control any info going back to Lethice. “I still don’t like it.” Visilia growled in irritation as she avoided looking over at Torturas. “We know, but what can We do? She’s already purified so there’s no sending her back just to be turned into another demon baby factory.” We sighed in resignation. No matter what, from now on, Torturas was here to stay. “Better one for us than one for them.” Honey licked her deep green lips as she eyed Torturas’ motherly body with hunger. “Besides, she’s hot.” “Honey.” Visilia groaned as she softly double-facepalmed. Thank goodness someone in our romantic unit is able to think entirely with their head and not their groin, even if Visilia is absolutely ravenous when it comes to us, the boys, or Urta. “What? It’s true.” Honey grinned, making an extremely exaggerated hourglass shape with her hands. “Built like a damn brick castle.” “That doesn’t matter. Look, it seems the situation is under control, but I’ll have some guards assigned to her to make sure she isn’t at risk.” Urta stated, unsaid was that Torturas was the risk. “But yeah, I’d do her now that she isn’t a total bitch.” “Yay~!” Torturas cheered, tittering before going back to talking to Cocoa and Sabrina. We looked at each other and nodded before we all drifted towards the trio, figuring we were done talking behind the holstaurus’ back. “Cocoa remember that mission. You were in charge of turning whole village. It was so much fun!” Cocoa giggled and we all looked at her in concern. Aside from her date with us she hasn’t breathed a word of her past to anyone. “While I disapprove of you looking back on it fondly, you Lust Demons only want sex? You’re not doing it for any more insidious reasons?” Sabrina asked in dumbfounded curiously. “All the sex. Nothing but the sex!” Torturas confirmed gleefully. “Pretty much. Well, the Queen is, but she doesn’t talk about her plans.” Cocoa nodded in confirmation at the fact lust demons really just want to fuck. “Oh no, not with the peons, but with us Generals she would go on forever about how the world would be hers and she would have the ultimate world-spanning harem to stablize someplace call Tartar...hm, maybe it is all about the sex for her too.” Torturas mused aloud. “Well, anyway. When are you gonna fill me with calves?” Torturas asked with her eyes practically sparkling in excitement.   “So, their Queen has goals similar to our lover?” Honey chuckled as We blushed and leered at her. We’re not that bad… “Yes you are.” Am not! “Are too~!” Shut up us! Um, why are We arguing with ourselves? The others are looking at us expectantly. Right! Breeding the busty cow babe demon ambassador! “Not today. You need to be set up with a room, assigned a scribe, all that business.” We informed her, making her whine and pout cutely. “Sabrina and Cocoa will get you settled in, if neither of you have anything more important to do?” We asked our wives, who smiled and shook their heads, their hands quite clearly on the blue heifer’s thighs, making her slowly perk up at realizing she was still getting laid. “Alright then. Cocoa, no cumming inside her.” “Aw~.” Torturas and Cocoa whined together but the three all jumped to their respective hooves and paws to giggle and scurry out of the lounge. “Why was I worried? She fits right in.” Visilia sighed in amused resignation. “I’ll arrange for a couple of our Juggernauts to guard her, more for her own safety it seems.” “Thanks. We still can’t believe this.” We groaned at still having the queen’s perfect purple pussy burned in our mind. “As if having Torturas here wasn’t bad enough, the Queen Bitch herself even burned her damn phone number into our desk.” “WHAT?!” Screeched every remaining lover, even Honey’s air writing practically overtook the room. Ow, our ears… > Ch.69 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.69 “Babe?” We blinked and looked up from our paperwork about a request to start a quarry further down the river along the cliff for building up Unity, which We were very pleased to approve, to see Urta looking nervous. Even in her regal golden-bronze armor and her spear in her hand she was the picture of lusty unease, her hips were squirming and her tongue flopped out the side of her maw, dripping with her perspiration. Goddess, she smells delicious! “Yes our Knight?” We asked in antsy concern after our dragon eyes morphed back into our fox eyes. For some reason dragon eyes could see fine print better. Probably the same reason dragons were some of the best appraisers. “Damn right, but our wife does not look so good right now despite how sexy she smells.” “Um...well...uh...I may have...um…” Urta fanned her deep white cleavage nervously. “I may have accidentally...unbirthed a Foxslime and my womb is filling up with more slimes?” Urta nervously said with a sheepish grin as she shuddered. “What?” We blinked in surprise mixed with worry. Those things are little murder blenders and she unbirthed one on accident? “I wasn’t paying attention, I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom. I took off my panties to go, bumped into a mare leaving her stall and...fell cunt-first onto her Foxslime partner and now my womb is rapidly filling with more of them.” Urta admitted with a fierce blush, pulling up her armored skirt to show her cunny utterly dripping with her clear lubricant and her glowing turquoise coconut balls absolutely drenched in it. “Do you want us to go in and help?” We asked with a glance at our work. That could wait, Urta’s body was infinitely more durable and powerful than We could ever hope to be physically, but the Foxslimes are composed of the slime our body uses as a medium for our metamorph abilities, who knows what it could be doing to her. “Yes! Please, I am losing my mind with how big they’re making me!” Urta’s tongue drooled along with her cunny and she shimmied her hips hungrily. “We thought you wanted to be as big as the moon with babies?” We commented before We started to undress. Magic or not We’d rather not get our black body-conforming dress soaked. “I will if you don’t fucking get in me!” Urta panted, looking about to lose herself entirely to lust. “It’s bad enough you fucked Ember into a giant 20-foot ball in the Breeding Center and Torturas is the same two pools over and I don’t get to enjoy being fucking massive anymore!” Urta hissed, clutching her spear so hard the magic shaft creaked and snapped. “Aw, great! Now I have to take that to Andre. Sorry Piercer.” “Don’t you remember you can turn off the spell keeping you this size at request?” We reminded our wife when We got in front of her and knelt down while she lifted her skirt. “I have too much work to do these days. Then there’s the fact that by now I’m big enough to take up half the canyon.” Urta stated with worry and We paused in aroused surprise. “We haven’t bred that many, have We?” We questioned before she grabbed our head. “That’s the slimes babe!” Urta urged us and We swallowed in worry before she shoved us into her engorged quim, which quickly slurped us in with the ease of practice as she moaned and orgasmed. “Get in there babe! Hnng~!” She groaned as she spasmed and We noted her walls were slick with rainbow slime. Urta rapidly pulled us in all the way and We were immediately swarmed by unarmored Foxslimes that eagerly dove into our membrane to be reabsorbed at every point of contact. There were so many We couldn’t even see the inside of Urta’s womb! Eventually they were all gone save one covered in iron desperately trying to get into us as cracks in it’s armor rapidly spawned more Foxslimes, which touched us and got absorbed too. “Ugh, fuck!” We groaned as We looked around, feeling weird. Almost like when We ascended actually. “Okay baby, come here.” We cooed and pulled it into our cleavage. “Whew! Thanks mama! Those cute things were causing so much Chaos here that we couldn’t do anything without risking the sibs.” One of our draconequus sons declared as he slithered through Urta’s amniotic fluid towards us, his body almost entirely eel-like and he seemed to have altered his body into various snake or fish parts. He was still super tiny too, unlike how most of his siblings seem to have taken to using adult bodies, he seems to have specialized his body for his home inside Urta. He was even bioluminescent. “That explains why nothing was being done about it. Are things going good here Conger?” We asked our slithery son who was one of Urta’s permanent residents. He only leaves her womb at best once a week, the rest of the time he was content with tending to the Lattice sustaining his unborn siblings. He’s also why Urta’s womb wasn’t full of garbage with all the food and drink the kids consume in here. He made those ‘sucker fish’ that go over Urta’s uterine walls to ensure she stays clean. Urta took days to get used to the ticklish sensation they cause. “Yes, well, there is one that has an old soul.” Conger reported with concern when he looked at the golden Lattice with his snakey head. “Other than that everyone’s healthy and doing fine. The Lattice didn’t let any of the goo from those slimes touch the sibs.” “Good, keep up the good work son.” We praised him and smooched his brow, causing his fins to frill and he purred adorably before We swam back to Urta’s cervix. Urta was still sensitive and spasmed around us as We crawled through her birth canal. Soon We tumbled out of Urta’s cunt and the Foxslime jumped out of our tit-space to scurry off in a hurry. “Ah, Ah.” Urta moaned as she calmed and grabbed our paws, looking horny with her massive shaft throbbing and her glowing balls churning. Oh~ We’re laying in a huge puddle of her Argent cum~! “Thanks babe. Ugh. I do want to be utterly massive, but I have work to do. I can’t do it while I’m being filled.” Urta declared while she rubbed our soaked paws. “Okay~.” We purred and let her magical steaming hot cum and her paw massage relax us before she suddenly dropped our paws. “Urta?” “B-babe? I don’t...feel so good…” Urta uttered with fear and looked about to throw up. She stumbled forward and then fell onto us, splashing into white and gray goo all over us and tossing her armor around! “Urta?!” We screamed, scooping up as much of our wife as We could, feeling relief fill us when an echoing moan came from the puddle of our wife. “Urta, speak to us!” “I feel weird and good now. Oh~ I’m hungry too.” Urta cooed as her slime moved closer to us. “What’s going on babe? I can’t really see anything.” Urta asked as her scattered new slime body shifted in random directions. Then We saw it, her Argent began spreading over her whole surface. “Oh~ I feel so hot! So horny! So powerful!” “You turned into goo! Now your Argent is spreading!” We wailed in worry before We felt her slime latch onto our tails and begin climbing up them to our booty, then around our pelvis. “Ah~!” Oh fuck! Her slime feels like her cum! So hot and infusing us with heat and need! “Shit. It’s all that slime I bet. The same slime you filled us with before...fuck. You better check on the others. What if this isn’t just me? What if this is a delayed reaction, or I’m just special because I got to host them in my womb?” Urta started pulling herself up onto us, almost like the way Svartr used to and each inch of her on our flesh felt like We were in the sexiest sauna in the multiverse. “We will~!” We wailed as more of her Argent slime latched onto us, the steaming hot goo feeling like an incredibly hot bath before it was joined by a stinging feeling. “Urta, what are you doing?” We hissed in slight pain as she kept crawling over us, starting up our neck. “U-Urta stop!” “I need to figure out how to hold my shape. Hold your breath while I feel you out.” Urta replied and We took a deep breath before she enveloped us. After several painful seconds of feeling the stinging all over she ‘spat’ us out and was now standing in front of us like a glowing turquoise slime copy of our preferred base form, that being Willow’s milfy kitsune form. “Thanks babe. I need to get myself together, you go find the others and make sure they’re okay.” “What was the stinging for?” We mewled as We stood up and fought off the soul-deep arousal Urta was spiking in us from her body having become living Argent slime. Her formerly two-toned gray and white body was now a uniform glowing turquoise goo. The air around her shimmered from the steaming-hot heat her body generated, yet she didn’t seem bothered by it. “I was tasting you.” Urta answered simply, as if it was obvious. “What?! Ugh, We’ll go check on them and hopefully find them before anything happens.” We sighed before marching out of our study. “Wait, hold on, are the babies in you okay?!” We poked our head back in frantically and Urta suddenly looked terrified as she touched her stomach, only to sigh as she suddenly began swelling outwards into a massive pregnancy she stopped at octuplets in size. “They’re good. I guess I’m such a good womb not even becoming goo will stop me!” Urta joked before she shrunk her shiny turquoise belly back to being flat. “Now get going babe. I’m gonna try to come to terms with this.” We nodded and went to the throne room which was next to our study. We found Visilia and Honey going over defense plans for the Undercity at a side table. “Visi, Honey. Are you alright? Feeling queasy? Anything that can be construed as explosive cell death?” We demanded, watching as they ran their eyes up and down us, making us realize We were still naked. Sighing, We summoned our dress back onto our wet and dirty body. “Well?” “No, not really.” Visilia replied with a scrunched brow. “I have been feeling unusual for a while, but nothing serious.” “No. If I was my hive would panic and swarm Unity to get to me, probably killing a few people who got in the way.” Honey’s reply made us make a mental note to put Guards on her to protect her at all times. “But yes, I’ve been feeling nauseous on occasion since you turned us into eggs.” “Hey, that’s about the...same. Wiatr. What did you do?” Visilia demanded firmly, a hint of panic lacing her tone. “It isn’t what We did, it’s what may be due to our ignorance. Go sit in our study, talk to Urta. We need to go find Cocoa and Sabrina.” We insisted before rushing down the hall, checking each of the rooms to see if Cocoa or Sabrina were home. No luck there. Out of our wives, they’re easily the most mobile in their routines. Why didn’t We buy them all phones? Those are common here even though computers aren’t! “Pharos! Wake up boy!” Our call for him when We entered the massive foyer made the green Gigafox bolt to his paws, his tail fluffed up and wagging in anticipation. We moved to the railing running along the walk of the second floor of the foyer, letting him lick us and clean some of Urta’s fluids from us. “Thank you boy. We need you to go find Cocoa and Sabrina. Can you do that boy?” “*BARK*!” He sounded before bolting for the gate, the smart boy biting onto the huge ‘knocker’ on the one on the right to push it open gently and rush outside, sniffing loudly. With our big boy looking outside We ran to the other second floor wing that while connected to the ‘royal’ wing for a circuitous design, was meant for guests or other non-royals. Only Torturas and Ember had rooms here at the moment and they were both giant baby balls in the Breeding Center, so no luck here either. WIth the living quarters a bust We ran downstairs and to the servant quarters which also had the kitchens and other necessities. “Has anyone seen Cocoa and Sabrina?!” We questioned the maids in the kitchen who were making lunch. “I think they were in the temple with Harmonia.” One maid informed us. “Her temple, or ours under construction?” We asked for clarification. We’d been visiting the cave once a night to dump milk and cum into the filling reservoir cave below where our Temple was being built. Harmonia’s was already finished since it was mostly a circular wall around her trunk, portals and her pools-turned-fountains. “Hers, they said something about making gifts?” The maid clarified. “Thank you.” We said earnestly and sighed when an iridescent light shimmered over her and she squealed when her breasts surged out from modest C cups to G cups, tearing her blouse open and sending the buttons flying like bullets everywhere. “Sorry.” “Thank you~!” She instead gushed with pure happiness and We fled before she could revere us enough We accidentally heaped more Blessings on her. “Okay, so they’re at Harmonia’s. Pharos should have-oh, no~.” We facepalmed upon exiting the Keep, finding Pharos sitting happily wagging his tail in front of the Keep gates as he held a ludicrously gigantic bone in his jaw, easily half his size. What could even-no. Not now. “G-good boy. Go enjoy that.” We instead praised him for his mistake, he’s just a fox after all. “*Bark.*” He sounded before he got up and We saw Cocoa hugging his sheath in fright. “He barreled into portal nexus and somehow went to past! Cocoa saw nothing but Dark and blue-armored knight fighting beast that masturbates with hand too much!” Cocoa hysterically screamed and let go of Pharos’ dick to land-she went splat in a brown puddle. “No~...it isn’t just Urta.” We whined, moving to the brown puddle which Pharos quickly fled from, probably mistaking her for poo he didn’t make and not wanting to be blamed for it, like nearly everybody who saw it assumed. “Cocoa, please speak to us.” “What happened? Cocoa can’t see! Awoo~!” Cocoa howled mournfully and We sighed sadly while We used magic to levitate her brown goo into a large bucket We summoned. “Love? Cocoa in something cold and dark.” “We’ll get you into shape sweetie. Just stay calm-.” A buzzing cloud of changelings suddenly flooded into Unity via the tunnel, flying straight into our Keep as We stood with a deadpan stare straight ahead. Shortly, Sandy, currently not pregnant and no longer with quad breasts like the rest of Sabrina’s Coven had followed her into, came sprinting out of Harmonia’s Temple in tears as she blubbered and held up a large glass jar holding sandy yellow slime. “...Just follow us.” (<3) Within an hour there was a crowd of changelings, Sandy, as well as several Scinoxes looking on. We were in our throne room with our face in our hands while We sat on our throne as before us stood 4 differently colored slime copies of us. They each looked worriedly at a practically hyperventilating Visilia who was wrapping her arms around herself and shaking. “No, no, please no. Daddy~.” Visi whimpered. “I can’t become slime, I can’t! I need to be strong and carry on the line of my family! I can’t do that if I’m not a Royal Demon!” “Visi babe. This isn’t the end of the world. We’re just fine and you can still have babies no problem.” Urta declared, displaying her pregnancy by letting it show for a second. “See? They’re still okay. If you do melt, you’ll still be you.” “Says the vixen who doesn’t even look like herself!” Visilia snapped, her wings twitching, tail doing the same. “I’m Father’s only child! I’m lucky I had Rex before all this transformation nonsense started!” Visi snarled, but our wives didn’t take offense from her words. “Visi, it’s clear our slime is the cause of all this. We’re considering if there’s a way to reverse the process.” We said while We looked them over. Strangely, Visi didn’t seem to be changing, but her hips were bigger than usual and so was her belly, barely noticeable if we didn’t switch to dragon eyes. “Visi...are you pregnant?” “...It’s probably yours.” Visi grumbled. “I mean, I didn’t have any sex with the other boys and I place spells on myself whenever we do it. It also can’t be Urta’s because I use the same spells with her.” Visilia declared in bemusement and resignation, but...We haven’t had that kind of sex with Visi for a long time, longer than would seem plausible for her current size, too small. “Wait...wait. The egg RP! We were all practically bathing in a pool of mine and Cocoa’s cum as we turned into fucking eggs!” Urta’s turquoise face whitened and Cocoa did the same as Visi opened and closed her jaw in bafflement as Honey shrugged, but Sabrina and Cocoa rubbed their own bellies, noticing the slight paunch. “...Fuck. I got you all pregnant!” “Old news. I laid that clutch earlier this month.” Honey informed us as if it wasn’t a big deal. Then blinked. “Wait...I can talk now! Yes!” Honey gushed in an echoey husky voice before looking around. “Right...not the time.” We’ll rejoice over you having a voice again later Honey. “What if they’re Cocoa’s?” Cocoa asked curiously as she looked at Sabrina and Visi. “What if they’re both?” Sabrina smiled nervously, making us all look at her. “I...uh...may have spiked my milk with...spells? Earlier that day when practicing my magic? I was kinda gushing milk like no tomorrow in there…” “Alright, before We get off track. Visilia isn’t changing, you all seem to be pregnant with pups or foals or what-have-you, then there’s the fact Visilia is pissed.” We groaned as We summarized, trying to get them to focus on the slime transformation bit of the situation. “...I am pissed, but more at being so damn scared just now I actually whined for my father!” Visilia grunted. “Whatever...Urta’s not a bad gal. Neither is Cocoa.” Visi blushed, rubbing her tiny paunch. “If I do become goo...at least Rex will be able to inherit whenever Father retires.” “Don’t give up so fast. Visi, We’re going to need you to wear us.” We huffed in dislike at the idea. Svartr may be used to clothing transformations, but Daring and Willow aren’t. “It might help us understand what’s going on in your body. It will also give you an option for us to take those babies off you if you don’t really want them.” “No babe. If she wants that, I’ll do it. It’s my fault.” Urta insisted with her ears drooping. “It’s not like Visi Loves me, she Loves the boys too much for that.” “Oh Hell no. After things calm down, I’m going to need to snuggle something and you’ve just volunteered.” Visilia growled at Urta, who blinked in confusion. “At any rate, We need to understand what is going on with her.” We declared before We turned into a blouse and jeans. Nothing happened and We changed back. “Right, can’t move as clothes. We’ll just morph onto you like Svartr used to do for Willow.” We turned to goo and quickly slid up Visi’s legs, over her pelvis which made her shudder, over her breasts which made her gasp, then over the rest of her, squeezing tight like a full-body iridescent latex suit. “Ah. We’ll just be taking that morphing slime back, thank you.” Visilia gasped and shuddered as We directly reabsorbed the morph-slime from her body through her skin and slammed her with healing spells. “Whoa...wow. I had no idea that everything was so squishy before.” Visi commented, poking her stomach. “I thought I was just getting fat somehow despite my diet and exercise.” Visilia stated as We flowed off of her and reformed back on our throne before looking at our wives. “We cannot undo your transformations. We are sorry, but the Morph Slime changes you on the cellular level. The best We can do is take a form as close to your original body as possible and have you copy it.” We informed them sadly, but it only got shrugs from them. They didn’t seem bothered. “Meh, Cocoa good. Why Visilia not change?” Cocoa asked curiously as her twin foxy brown tails writhed in the air behind her, the temporary vixen thankfully accepting her new form. “Her alicorn genes kept her stable long enough, but she was minutes away from being slimed at best.” We stated with dire seriousness, making Visi whimper. “That said, our Morph Slime is to be considered an extreme biohazard...Tia and Cady!” Harmonia too! They each absorbed some of our Morph Slime well over a year ago! It was barely anything, but still! “Oh please.” Harmonia giggled when she entered the throne room wearing her casual blouse and jeans as was the common dress code. “We’re practiced to such changes, we are older. Besides, changing our appearance is nothing new. It just makes things easier. My normal body is made of hybridized crystal flesh and light, Goo doesn’t change me much.” Harmonia changed her face to mimic Visilia’s for demonstration and then shifted it back. “But Cady and Tia! They’re Princesses! Rulers! We left them ticking time bombs until they turn into slimes!” We fretted before We stood from our throne. “We need to go. Now!” We rushed out of the throne room, everyone looking around at each other. “So...um...I’m not a bad gal?” Urta asked Visilia, who huffed and snagged the turquoise vixen Argent slime’s elbow on the way out. “The rest of you follow! I need snuggles!” “Wait~! I heard something cute back there! Aw…” (<3) “That would explain why my muscles were feeling so plush too.” Celestia commented after We’d pounced on her the moment We saw her upon entering her throne room to draw the Morph Slime out of her and used our holy aura to heal her. “At least you’re okay.” We sighed from next to her throne where We’d slumped against it. “Well it wouldn’t be the first time I was turned into slime. Four hundred years ago a caribou captured me and stuffed me down his cock. I turned into cum before I burned him from the inside out and reformed.” Celestia then gave us bedroom eyes. “I wouldn’t be averse to becoming cum again and impregnating you with me.” “Dangerous near-death or probable death and especially death fetishes tend to squick us out Tia.” We nervously informed our princess lover, who sighed in disappointment. “Besides, don’t you have Oberon now?” “He’s a stallion and I’m not going to try to convince him to let me have my wicked ways with his gender just to satisfy my breeding fetishes. Now then, you’d better go get Cadence before she goes goo and the power gets to her head.” Celestia’s words made us blink before We wince. It would definitely be up Cadence’s alley to turn being a slime into an endless harem hunting sexcapade. We rushed out of her throne room before facepalming. “Portals keyed to them. Right.” We summoned a portal linked to a small beacon in Cadence’s wedding ring and stepped through. “Cadence We-!” We froze at the sight of an utterly gigantic and frankly disgusting yet somehow sexy Chaos Drider with a naked white lioness as the anthro part of the spider/anthro equation. “Um, We’re interrupting something important obviously, but Cadence! You’re turning into slime!” “Oh? Neat!” Cadence cheered and squeezed her left bicep, noticeably squishing her muscle far too much to be normal. “That explains why I’m so soft lately!” “Cady. No.” Shining firmly declared. “Aw~ Shiny~!” Cadence pleaded, grabbing and pulling on her G-cup breasts, making them visibly stretch inside her dress. “I’ll be your bubblegum girl~.” “No.” Shining thankfully held firm. “Fine~. Go ahead and fix me I guess.” Cadence huffed in disappointment while holding out a hand towards us. “Thank you love.” We thanked our husband before jumping on Cadence who We knew might just teleport away if she changed her mind. After fully covering her We winced inwardly. She was nearly as far along as Visi was and that meant if We’d been an hour later she’d be slime. We drained the Morph Slime back and restored her body before leaping off. “There, We’ve managed to fix our mistake, even if four of our other wives have had to suffer for it.” “You mean-fuck yes! Gotta-go-bye~!” Cadence teleported away to where We absolutely knew and We groaned, rubbed our temples in unison with Shining and sat in Cadence’s throne. It wasn’t nearly as sinfully comfortable as our own throne. It doesn’t even recline! “May we continue?” The Chaos Drider asked while she looked at Shining, but her tone wasn’t one of someone offended. If anything she seemed incredibly amused. “Yeah, just hold on. With my First Wife MIA, my Third Wife is my second on this.” Shining gestured to us and We smiled at him so quickly referring to us both in our relationship and in our political hierarchy. Chrysalis was his Second Wife obviously, but that was more due to them having more history than We did with Shiny and Cady. “So, to sum it up Wiatr; the Chaos Demons want to live on Mount Never-Go-There-Or-You’ll-Die-A-Horrible-Screaming-Death.” “Sounds like a charming place to visit.” We snorted at the terrible name. “But why live there?” “This place is nice and the ponies that live here are too, but we’re big and dangerous Chaos Demons. We can’t fit in most buildings and we have short tempers on top of that. It’s also the most treacherous and some cold weather isn’t about to hurt us.” The Drider informed us. “We’ve heard of that.” We commented, then had a light bulb go off in our head. “Wait…” We grinned deviously, making Shiny snort. “What are you thinking of now? How perverted is it?” Shining Armor asked with a wry grin. “We’re not sure, but our body produces this substance We call Morph Slime that turns those who are exposed to it into slimes over time. However, We’ve also made composite golems with it and it’s part of what gives us our metamorphing powers. We might be able to transform others freely with it!” “What exactly does that mean?” The Drider asked curiously with a tilt of her head. “If you wouldn’t mind losing some...or a lot of mass, We may be able to shrink you down and mold your body however you like!” We gushed in excitement. We can finally emulate our Goddess! She can do it so easily, but it seems our key to that is our slime! “Let’s get a Volunteer.” The Drider rubbed her temple. “First the pink one and now you.” She grinned, groping a breast with a purr. “Reminds me why I wanted out of the seal for so long. I’ll go find a volunteer for you to show your stuff.” She turned her massive malformed spider body around and skittered out. Once gone, We grabbed Shiny’s shoulders. “What have We done?! We haven’t done this before?! Why did We offer out of the blue?!” We shook our husband as he tried to calm us down. “We-ee-ee-ee-ah-t-er~! Calm down!” Shining ordered, grabbing our own shoulders. “Geez Wiatr, relax. You pull amazing things out of your fluffy butt all the time. Just do what your instinct tells you to.” “Our instinct tells us to suck your dick and praise you as the greatest, most patient and understanding husband in the universe! That’s not going to accomplish much besides your pleasure!” We insisted, causing things to pause. “That’s not a bad idea, but We doubt there’s enough time for that before she comes back.” “I don’t know, with how good you are at giving head you could probably-.” “Back~! I have a volunteer!” So fast! “This little runt is a bit of a troublemaker.” The drider held up and dropped a 9 foot tall capra demon onto the floor. He was still big enough that most doors wouldn’t fit his wide head. “Crap.” How are We going to do this?! We could easily unbirth him, use that as the medium, but We don’t want to accidentally turn him into a baby. Well, We’ll have to engulf him either way, so here goes. “Slime time!” We cheesed in the hope it lightened the mood. We turned into our iridescent slime form and engulfed the goat demon before he could even bleat. We pressed in on him, coating his body with Morph Slime as We compressed tighter, tighter, tighter. We felt his body squishing like putty and kept going, moving around to shape him. After several minutes We jumped off him and reformed in our base form. We nearly had our nose asplode in blood at the sexy goat standing before us. We didn’t intend to turn him into the goat version of Dwayne “The Rock'' Johnson! “Whoa…” Shining blinked as the goat demon felt his skull-covered head, the horns now much more suitable curled ones and much smaller with the skull looking much smoother and fitting to his head properly. He was also shorter at 7 feet tall. He tried to bleat, only to have a normal voice rasp in joy. He pumped his arms in the air and then ran back outside, still utterly naked, but now actually properly anthro rather than malformed. “...Well, I’m sold! Mold me down slime girl!” The Drider beamed down at us and We whimpered. > Ch.70 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.70 We returned home, exhausted and kinda fulfilled in a ‘job well done’ way rather than our accustomed ‘sexed out’ way. We’d spent all night molding the Chaos Demons into more society-friendly forms. It didn’t help the Drider, Quelia, kept making passes at us and Shiny once We’d molded her into an 8 foot tall Drider-morph with her drider half able to turn into normal-ish legs like in CoC. That lioness/spider was absolutely starved for sex, but neither of us were willing to accomodate, not at the time due to the situation. Regardless, We’ve fixed our mistakes, helped out our husband and his kingdom and figured out how to use our slime to its potential. “Hey Wiatr~!” Runner greeted us as we passed each other. He, like the others, had taken to staying anthro while here since the locals here didn’t even know what a human was beyond descriptions provided by Displaced. “Hi Runner.” We smiled. He’d grown close to our heart quickly. He was quirky and fun to be around. “Sup babe.” Collateral said from his towering 14-foot height with a cheery wave as he approached. “Hi Cole.” We smiled at the beefy hulk of a wolf. “Good to see you!” Pillar called from where he had been talking to some soldiers only to approach us as well. “How are you do-?” We were interrupted by an unfamiliar echo in our head. “Wiatr. I get home and you’re out for once?” Hunter asked, suddenly in front of us in his anthro form like the rest and We blinked. We were surrounded by the boys save for Berserker and We felt our tails fluff up at the attention. “We heard about what happened with your wives. Are you okay?” He asked, looking taller than before, but was still the shortest. “Hnng~ they’re all so tall, buff, sexy~! If only they were giants too!” “We’re fine…” We looked at the four of them and felt oddly crowded. “Um...We are kinda tired-.” “Let’s get you to bed.” Runner insisted out of the blue before he wrapped an arm around our shoulders and urged us towards our Keep with the others following. “Th-that’s the plan, but you all don’t have to-.” Pillar leaned over so We could see his face. “Every time we turn away something seems to happen to you and your loved ones. At least for today, let us keep watch over you as you recover.” Pillar insisted when we reached the Keep. Pharos wasn’t home, he must be off playing in the forest. “Boys, We Love you and appreciate what you’re trying to do, but We have so much work to do.” We whined in dismay that We have so much to get done still. We left that request for the quarry unsigned and everything. “Not today. Someone’s covering for you.” Runner grinned and We felt our massive fennec ears bend back in worry. Who did he rope into doing our work for us? (<3) “I can’t believe I’m doing her work.” Spike grumbled, annoyed at having found himself back home in Unity from the Dragonlands where he’d been helping Smolder manage things with Ember having vanished on them. If that wasn’t enough, then this scary wolf-rabbit guy coerced him into doing Wiatr’s suddenly backlogged paperwork for her. “When this is done, I’m gonna fuck her so full of eggs she won’t be able to leave the breeding center!” Spike snarled in frustration as he rubbed his groin with a wince since he’d neglected to breed during the season. Something the young dragon was never going to repeat and he knew who was going to help him out with this later. (<3) “Stud alert! A hot stud wants to egg us!” We suddenly have a sense of impending pleasure for later, somehow. We have a ‘sex sense’? “Fine, but We might have trouble sleeping.” We admitted, since even though We’ve been up all night, We’re still Undead and the urgency to do work was a real sleep killer. “We’re Undead even if We don’t look like it. We don’t need to sleep, but We do it to keep our sanity and to keep from Hollowing.” “Not any longer, with a true immortal that is me, we never need to sleep. It’s nice to though.” “Then I’ll work some magic on you to help you relax. I’ll even cuddle!” Runner insisted eagerly. “We’ll all cuddle.” Collateral added in, the boys all looking pleased as punch with their tails wagging happily and We smiled softly at how much they cared. Especially since Runner, Collateral, and Pillar aren’t nearly as familiar to us as Hunter is. “Are these little puppies really feared by hell? They’re adorable!” “Thanks boys.” We yawned, feeling the stress ease off knowing they...oh no, here comes another round of worrying. “How are our wives and Visi?” “Visilia is recovering well. She spent all night talking to your wives and doing other bonding activities that don’t involve sex.” Hunter informed us with a soft smile. “At least until Cadence showed up and started an orgy that Visi slept through. I’m not exactly happy that she accidentally got pregnant before having a child with me, but I understand that it was unusual circumstances.” “Sorry...all our fault. We never should’ve had that incredibly awesome transformation unbirth to rebirth roleplay sex.” We groused, regretting that night so much. It only brought us all trouble. Well, not next time -there will be a next time- now that We know to reabsorb our Morph Slime. “If it wasn’t such a female-oriented thing I would’ve liked a try at that.” Runner admitted with a grin and We grinned back. “Oh? You seemed to enjoy being a woman in that picture with Berserker~.” We teased and he paled incredibly, especially when We morphed to match the body we saw. Busty hourglass with bubble booty and all, We even smirked and wiggled our bunny ears. “W-Who showed you that?!” Runner demanded in embarrassment, but We noticed his pelvis moved more than the rest of him. You liked that huh? We squeezed her bowling-ball sized boobs with our biceps and Runner looked like his nose was about to explode. Narcissist~! “Visi.” Hunter guessed. “Since you both lost that bet.” We’re surprised he didn’t read our mind for the answer. “I’m keeping him out.” “Yes.” We chuckled while leaning into Runner, pressing her breasts against his chest and purring hungrily, the bunny-wolf’s eyes were wide and We widened our own eyes with a manic grin. “We want to put some bunnies in your oven Runner~.” “H-holy fuck...I am terrifyingly sexy.” Runner whimpered as he leaned away from us and We backed away with a pout. “What? Can’t handle your own sexy craziness?” We teased before a scroll popped into existence and dropped into Runner’s cleavage. “See! Look at this! You have a natural shelf!” “Bro, she’s got you there. At least Bryan mostly had it all in the booty.” Collateral joked after We returned to our base kitsune form and opened the scroll to see it was an update from Twilight. “What is it?” Pillar inquired while he patted Runner on the scalp, the yellow bunny-wolf still on the back-paw from our genderbending teasing. “An update from Twilight. We haven’t gotten one in a few days, but this is marked as four weeks later than the last update. They’ve found Luna but are now trapped in a nightmare with The Good Hunter imprisoned in his Dream, unable to help them.” We informed the boys with bemusement. “Oh no.” Runner groaned as he placed his face in his hands. “They need to find the source and slay it. That isn’t easy considering the source empowers the dream and vice-versa.” “Berserker has been raging through the dream alongside a legion of beasts augmented by his blood. They are more beastly yet more stable according to Applejack and Rainbow Dash after they accepted his blood. Twilight sent this in the fear it might be her last one…” We wilted in worry at that notion. “Guess it’s a good thing We’re about to-.” Our musing on getting some rest was interrupted when another scroll appeared, but it was stained with blood. “Uh, maybe you shouldn’t touch-?” Runner’s words were ignored by us snatching it to see what was up. “This one is another week later? Is the nightmare warping time more and making it move faster? Twilight’s writing is a hasty scrawl, but it says they found the source and are tearing through a tomb to get to it. Alucard and Seras are there helping them, but Twilight and the others are hearing and seeing things that aren’t there and Luna is trying her best to keep them sane.” This doesn’t seem any better than the previous one-. The blood on the page suddenly splashed over the words, forming a face that made us scream and clutch our eyes in agony, but it was too late! Our vision was filled with things We couldn’t comprehend as We fell to our knees and our mind felt like it was being scoured with steel wool! “Gah! Not on my watch~! Out! Get out you parasite!” Our pain suddenly began to lessen, but it got even better when Runner grabbed our head and muttered rapidly in some gibberish, slowly making the maddening visions fade as the cursed letter burned from a flamethrower courtesy of Collateral. Another letter came and We screamed fearfully, scurrying away from it. This one was even more bloodstained, to the point the parchment was still wet with ichor. “Should I torch it?” Collateral asked with a fearful tone. Upon hearing his own fear We managed to look up at the boys and they were all visibly and genuinely terrified. “Just burn it.” Runner hissed and Collateral did so, the fire turning green as horrific shrieks pealed from the cursed scroll. “We’re here Wiatr. You’re okay.” Runner soothed, running his fingers over our scalp and ears. Our comfort ceased when another scroll arrived, but thankfully this one was plain and simple. We tentatively touched it, then took it when nothing evil happened. It was in Luna’s handwriting and informed us that everyone was still alive. This was set almost a month after the first bloodstained letter and it seemed they were about to go for a final confrontation. “Are they coming back soon then?” We questioned ourselves, so very worried. They will never return “Get! Lost! Grr!” “Guys? How will they be okay?” We whined uneasily, feeling off, weak. Something isn’t right. “Fuck. We’ll be okay girls! Hear me for once! We’ll be okay!” “Berserker is there. There’s no way they would not be fine.” Runner said with a deadpan. “The only problem they would have would be finding the source and coming out sane.” “Freedom~!” Crowed Luna’s voice, causing us all to spin around and see Luna enter the front gates trailed by 5 enormous lumbering horribly mutated beastly ponies. They were too mutated, shaggy-furred, filthy and hunched over in exhaustion with huge canvas tents/robes hiding their forms to tell who was who, but all were visibly exhausted and not willing to talk as they followed Luna, who looked well and beyond battered and tired herself as she led them up the stairs on the left. “Guest wing on the left as is custom?” “Yes! Are all of you alright?” We asked, but the response from the biggest beast was to flip us off as they climbed upstairs and went down the hall to the guest rooms. “Guess not.” A pit is in our chest, the world feels different. So dizzy… “Breathe girls. Stay calm. I’m doing my best!” “Guys.” We all turned to see Berserker enter. He was covered in dripping blood, his clothes were tattered rags, even the chains wrapped around his arms were broken and hanging loose. His body had changed, more muscular than before with his hair a little longer and spikier. He even had a transformed left eye similar to Runner’s right eye. The iris was red and the pupil white. It felt different. It didn’t help that his formerly regal lupine features seemed more feral, violent. That’s not an artefact, that’s part of him. Grafted, like eyes tend to be. So many eyes. Eyes within, without, the sky, the sea. Insight to Truth. Kos, or some say, Kosm. Do you hear our prayers? Grant us eyes, grant us eyes! “Keep it together! You have enough eyes already!” “Love?” We whined and whimpered, unable to speak in the face of the madness We just suffered through and seeing everyone return in horrible condition. Also everything looks off, like everything is slightly left of center. “You’d understand already if you didn’t go leaping into goddesshood! Stay with me!” Berserker made an attempt to move, but fell to the floor with a heavy thud. We instinctively sprung across the foyer to him and coated him in our slime instantly. We dispensed our holy healing milk all over him at once and even wormed a tube of slime down his throat to pump milk into his stomach a bit. He gagged and We flowed off him, hugging his face to our bosom as We reformed in front of him from a puddle. We blinked woozily. Did Bryan always have eyes in his scalp? “Gah...fuck...Wiatr?” Berserker asked with a cough as his clean lupine face didn’t reach his still normal eye. “Are you alright? You don’t look like your usual self.” “Huh?” We blinked our many eyes before shaking our head to clear the cobwebs. “We were about to go to bed and get some rest. Obviously We need it and you’re coming to bed with us. Boys?” We prompted and with no further direction, Pillar and Collateral hefted Berserker to his paws and we all walked to the nearest bedroom in the royal wing where we piled onto the thankfully gigantic bed and all snuggled up to each other with us being in the very middle. “This was not a good day. We just wanted to see Runner as a sexy lady and maybe indulge in pretend twincest.” “Well, it’s only morning.” Runner blushed as he scratched the back of his head. “No gender swapping, no teasing, flirting, rubbing, moving, or talking. Shut up. Sleep.” Berserker mumbled as he hugged us to his chest. Considering the crap he’s been through he outvoted the rest of us. We just shrugged and wrapped our tails around everyone else while pulling Runner closer and closed our eyes. “Rest. I’ll see about-.” (<3) We opened our eyes in three different perspectives at once instead of our usual unified one. We looked around at the white-sand beach we had found ourselves laying on in near pitch darkness save the pale moon overhead. “What happened?” We asked in unison from three voices, minds, souls. We were one soul though. How could We be three? We sat up and looked at each other in confusion. This is...wrong. Something is wrong. “I’m here too! Hear me you idiots!” “Greetings.” We turned our gaze and all began panting in fear, backing away on our butts from the approaching impossibly lanky man-shaped patch of pure darkness come to mock. “So this is how your soul manifests. No wonder you managed not to go insane with a single glimpse of my face.” “Get out! You are not welcome!” A new voice snarled as we froze at the sensation of something massive behind us, but a quick look revealed nothing. “Nyarlathotep.” Luna’s voice echoed in the very air and the monster that was coming for us stopped. “You have no power in this realm. Begone! You shall not touch my beloveds!” “Hey, asshole!” Looking behind him we saw all five of the boys ready to maul the entity threatening us. “We think we’re going to be sick...” We groaned as we all shimmered like we were half here, half not. “What’s happening...?” We mewled weakly as we wavered both mentally and physically while we shivered and huddled together as impossible sounds that hurt the very soul screeched from the Interloper as he battled the Doom Slayers. “H-help...we…” “Nononononono! Hold on! Damn it!” The new voice snarled as a mind-hurting ripple in reality wound around us and was accompanied by the sensation of strong arms holding us to a comforting bosom. We’re so tired… “Fuck! FUCK! Don’t-!” (<3) “Ah!” I screamed as I bolted up in bed. I gasped and choked for air as condensation beaded on my scales despite the chill and I looked around. “Shit, where am I? Where are they?” I asked frantically of myself since I was alone.  I’m alone. “No...I failed…” I whimpered and clutched my skull with my clawed hands, gritting my teeth as I shivered from the cold. “N-no! I’m not going to just give up! This clearly is still a Nightmare, they have to be somewhere!” I stood and gathered the thin sheets from the bed around me for warmth as I hurried to the fancy wooden door of the room I’d woken up in. I had to smash the door open because it was stuck and I poked my head out to make sure I wasn’t about to be ambushed. I shivered from the cold and wished I had a torch I could breathe fire on for warmth as I jogged down the hall. I paused as I passed a dirty mirror. Curious, I rubbed the mirror with the sheet to reveal my sexy draconic self with my gold front from chest to groin while black scales covered the rest. All tastefully patterned with stripes of red. My wings had black for the limb and bones with a gold membrane also striped in red. I looked exactly as I remembered the last time I was alive and in a form suitable for fornicating with the pygmies. Invaders or not they knew how to have a good time. Wait, no, bad Ember. You have more at stake here than yourself. Find the rest of Wiatr and fucking browbeat them back into place if you have to, have raunchy self-fantasies later. Shaking my head and rubbing the horn curving back from my right temple, I continued down the freezing cold hall, shivering. Eventually I came across a lounge with a piano and various other filthy, dusty, sheet-covered things. I neared the balcony connected to it and pushed open the heavy wood doors, ignoring the squeals of protest that they gave as I walked out into the freezing cold still air. It was pitch dark, no stars in the sky. The only light was that of the moon, turning the mountainous land before me silver. “Okay, where are they? I’ve seen no sign of anyone here but me. Did that bastard just toss me across the Nightmare?” I growled uneasily at how lost I was. It isn’t often I’m caught so flat-pawed like this. I sighed and turned to go inside-. I fell to my knees, my body a puppet without strings. Hail Nyarlathotep, for he comes to mock and bring the world to its knees. Don't fail to see Nyarlathotep if he comes to Providence. He is horrible, horrible beyond anything you can imagine, but wonderful. No! They’re inside me! Fuck! “Grrr no! I will not be a puppet!” I snarled as I fought against the Entity’s attempts to enslave my soul mates where he’d fused them within me. “I won’t let you have them! You won’t have me!” I keened in agony as my vulnerable quarters within my essence twisted at this fucker’s whim! “That is a good child. Listen and obey.” I saw the Dark of the great and unholy Nyarlathotep bleed across my vision. “This world, and all worlds. Shall crumble.” As he wishes, so it shall be-. “No! You hear me, Charlatan! I’m on your level! I am not a puppet!” I raged as I struggled to stand, shocking the monster as my will manifested in this Nightmare as gray mist covered all. “I am not your Puppet! They are not your puppets! Wiatr does not bow!” I may have rejected being a goddess before, because Entities like this fuck count as gods! But damn it, I love these women, I’m part of them, I’ll accept it! “Hmph, a mere remnant, a fragment refusing to join the whole. You are-.” A bullet slammed into his head and he stumbled back as I brandished the Infinity pistol. This is My Dream. “What? You dare attack your mas-~ “Die monster! You don’t belong in this world!” I interrupted him with a quote Willow would’ve thought suitable, but as it stood I’d just have to settle for hoping I didn’t screw it up. Nyarlathotep was about to respond when a scythe sliced through the entity’s neck and he faded into shadow, revealing a haggard Luna. “Art thou well? Did he destroy thine sanity?” Asked the beautiful princess of the night that I would absolutely bang. Willow has great taste. “What would you have me say Princess? Everything’s all hunky-dory? That fucker just mixed Willow, Daring, and Svartr’s brains and souls like a fucking blender!” I sniped back in frustration. It’s going to take ages to help them sort themselves back out~! “No~! I’m too late!” Luna wailed in lament as she slumped against her scythe. “First Alucard, now Wiatr.” Luna then blinked and furrowed her brow. “Wait, there’s still hope. You’re that powerful subconscious voice that’s been in the back of Willow’s mind for ages?” “No, I’m the person that’s been in Willow’s head since she absorbed my soul into herself instead of just taking my energy.” I huffed in response and rubbed my temples. “They’re in a mess but I’m here and they can be pieced back together. The subconscious urges are from that sexy bitch over there.” I thumbed over at the hot as hell golden lupine giantess lounging against the mountainside, her glorious gazongas comparable to hillsides. “Hm?” Gwynivere hummed and lazily looked towards us. “Don’t bring me into this. I like being dead.” “You’re not dead! You’re just a lazy bitch who’s content lingering in our souls and watching us fuck like rabbits!” I screamed at the busty babe who shrugged uncaringly. “Yes, but I’m a dead god. You’re a dead something else. I’m done with my duties and it’s your job to take them up. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to rest. All this turmoil is exhausting.” The golden wolfess dismissed before dozing off and seeming to blend into the very mountains. “Ember!” Snarled out a very angry voice as a big red wolf dragon man flew in and socked us across the face, sending us sprawling on the balcony. Owie~! “It’s about damn time you fucking got your shit in order!” “What the Hell Aldin! We haven’t even seen one another in Eons and the first thing you do to your sister is punch her in the snout?!” My mind caught up with my mouth. “Aldin~!” I leaped to my claws and dove at him, wrapping my arms around my hunky brother and nuzzling his pecs. “Nice to see you too, Ember.” Aldin sighed and hugged me back. “Sorry, but you’ve been beating around the bush long enough that I wanted to call you out on your bullshit.” “Not that this isn’t touching, but Wiatr is still in peril and I won’t lose someone I love again, tell me what I might do to aid in her recovery.” Luna demanded with tears in her eyes. “There’s nothing you can do, but be there for her. It’s going to take time and she’ll be confused for the longest while. I’ll be confused for the longest while…” I shivered in my brother’s strong arms, afraid. I’m going to do it. I’m going to...to meld permanently, inexorably with three others. I’ve been a part of them for a while now. But now...I will become them. They will become me. “I-if that is so, then I will remain in Unity for the time being. Please, bring Wiatr back soon.” Luna morosely pleaded moments before she and the ruins of the mountaintop manor vanished. Aldin and I are now on a beautiful sunny beach. I’m still as nude as before, but now the sun warmed my scales and I sighed in relief as the light glinted on my scales, especially off of my large golden red-striped bosom as Aldin and I continued to embrace. This was a dream, incest is fine here. Besides, tide and time has ensured our relationship is entirely psychological. I don’t have to avoid my sexy brother’s enticing body in reality either by this point. “All those centuries having to use Arch-tree branches to beat you away, foiled by the passing of something as inconsequential as time.” Aldin huffed in amused resignation. “Shut up and keep hugging me. I might not be who I am now soon.” I shivered despite the warmth. “I...I don’t want to die again Aldin. Will this be like death? Or will it be worse?” “It will not be worse. It will be far better than the bland emptiness that awaits those avoiding reincarnation.” Aldin gently whispered into my left ear-fin and I whimpered before giving in to what I knew needed to be done. I mentally delved for what I felt would start the process. After hitting something that clicked, a vulpine skull rose from the sand of the beach. It shimmered with Willow’s distinctive blue aura and shook the sand off of itself. “Huh, things must’ve gone real bad for me to be brought out.” Hey, he sounds like William before he became Willow “Got it in one hot-stuff. I’m Will, or remnants of him anyway.” “A memory echo. You’ll definitely be a good start on piecing Wiatr back together.” I turned away from my brother, clutching my hands together under my breasts and took a cleansing breath. I can do this. I must. Wiatr will devolve into a mad goddess and possibly even dethrone Chaos if I don’t. “I’m more than that. I’m all the Memories of William before he was Displaced. I’m like a save file if you will. I have been recording things from each level up and Auto Saving. Though that shadow fucker corrupted the latest Save Process by showing up.” Will muttered angrily as his eye sockets burned with Willow’s soulfire in fury at his job being interrupted. “Well that’s convenient. At least Willow’s Displacer had a backup.” I sighed in relief. William will make the process take weeks at most instead of months or years. “Yeah, pretty much. Right now I’m trying to unscramble that, not exactly easy with you up and about. Don’t get me wrong, if you weren’t we wouldn’t be standing here, but I need you to...shut down so I can do a hard reboot of us.” William’s words caused me to clench my eyes. “So it’s time…” I gulped fearfully, looking at my brother and hoping it wouldn’t be the last time I see him. “Goodbye Aldin…” “It’ll be like a dream Ember.” Aldin took my hands and kissed my knuckles. Wait, there’s something in his left eye-. (<3) *GASP* I sharply inhaled as I sat up in bed, a cold sweat dumping down my scales as I clutched the sides of my head. Or should it be our head? I’m having trouble finding any separate thought processes. I can’t pick out anything but me. Damn it, William was supposed to-! “Wiatr?” I looked up with a jolt and blinked at the sight of Cadence in her full blue dress. “Aunt Luna said Nyalarthotep did something to Willow, Daring and Svartr. Are they okay?” “I don’t know.” I sadly responded, looking down at my claws. “I’m...I can’t hear any thoughts but my own. I failed to protect them.” I whimpered and the pink mare quickly rushed to my side, hugging me and rocking me from side to side as she cooed soothingly, holding up my left hand and showing the beautiful diamond band on my ring finger. “I’m one of your wives. Don’t worry. We’ll all be here for you too Ember, not just them.” The mare softly whispered. “I’m the Goddess of Love and I know even now you love me too.” I felt my cheeks redden. Damn does Willow know how to pick them...  “Thank you.” I wasn’t sure how comfortable I should feel about this-. “Eep!” I squeaked as my apparent wife tugged on my right nipple without warning, gushing glowing iridescent milk onto my lap. “W-why did you do that?” “Just checking if you react like Wiatr does.” Cadence cheekily smirked and I blushed. “You get some rest Ember. Aunt Luna believes if you rest in here warded away from interlopers like Nyalarthotep that Wiatr should piece herself back together with stimulation from us all visiting.” “Not all at once I hope.” I muttered uncomfortably at the idea of being mobbed by everyone at once. I’ve been an observer for so long it’ll be so weird to actually be an active participant in interacting with them. “Of course not. Now you get to sleep, you’ll be fine if you sleep alone.” Cadence leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the lips, causing my wings and tail to stiffen in surprise before she backed away and my breath was stolen by the Love in her eyes. “We’ll take care of you Ember, you just take care of Wiatr for us until she’s back in top form.” “K-kay…” I meekly replied, watching the Goddess -and isn’t it odd I find that term suiting now- leave the room with a ruffle of her wings and a flick of her beautiful tail before she closed the door. “Holy fuck I’m married to that beautiful woman?” The impact of the realization that I’m by-proxy married to all of Wiatr’s wives hit me like a mace and I fainted. > Ch.71 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.71 It’s been a few days of relative isolation in this comfortable room full of comforting and familiar scents. I’ve properly met my other wives and my husband over the days. It was a bit awkward how easily they accepted me. At least the Doom Marines had enough unease around me that it actually helped me feel like I was properly meeting them for the first time. Well, save Berserker. He just as easily accepted me like my wives and husband. Aside from those sporadic visits, my daily schedule was being served breakfast by that sexy adonis Spike who lovingly cared for me in the mornings. I have lunch with Visilia who takes an hour out of her busy day to get to know me and keep me updated on her pregnancy. Then finally I have dinner with Cocoa who out of our wives is the best cook. Cadence’s attempt at cooking was so hilariously bad nobody would speak of it. Aside from getting to know them though, their visits didn’t seem to stimulate Wiatr at all. Thankfully William would fade in every evening to give progress reports. However, each time he looked more like me every day. When I asked, he-turning-she stated it was a visual reference to how close Wiatr was to finally synchronizing with me. I was too scared to ask her if I would still be me or not when it finished, but the way she avoided the topic I think she already knew my concerns. That said, she was not helping my existential dread. Twilight, the purple hulking 20-foot tall if standing upright sorta shaggy wolf/kirin in concealing drapes of plain white robes assured me I was one unified soul, formed from a union of four souls. Seeing her like this hurt because I remembered her as a lover and daughter and not so horribly mutated. Thankfully she was getting better as her body stabilized from the violent ‘Blood Frenzy’ she and her friends went through to survive their final encounter with Nyalarthotep. “Are you sure Twilight? That I haven’t consumed them?” I felt sick even considering it, but the disturbing lack of response from Wiatr this whole time was discouraging. “They’re getting better. Don’t worry. She’ll just finish fusing with you into a unified whole and you’ll become Wiatr too as their egos emerge from slumber.” Twilight rasped. Her lips marred by crooked teeth as she waved her far-too-gangly claw in the air in front of us, her horn/antler shining purple on its front star-like symbol. “I don’t want to go…” I whimpered, hugging myself as I teared up. I’m not them, I don’t want to disappear. I don’t want to die. I don’t want that dark emptiness again. Or worse, to cease to exist altogether. “You won’t. Ember, you’ll be another part of them. An Ego forms a soul, not the other way around. Life may start with a tiny spark of a soul, but it’s the ego that strengthens it.” Twilight put her enormous claw on my shoulder, the massive thing draping over my whole body and she suddenly jerked away, panting. “I-I need to go. I need to isolate myself.” “No~, don’t go!” I begged with a wince when my head hurt as powerful emotions lanced through me, emotions I knew weren’t entirely mine. “Please don’t leave me alone!” Please. I’m scared. “If I don’t, I’ll do something everyone will regret.” Twilight snarled, hugging her lanky arms to her torso as she lumbered through the large door to the room. She had to duck down even further despite already being on her hands and knees as she was. Her tail hairs twined on the lever of the door and pulled it shut behind her. The sound it made felt far more final than anything I’d ever experienced, not even Gwyn standing over me with his swordspear evoked such dread as sensations of concern and other feelings not-mine began to assail me. I just whimpered and curled up in bed. (<3) I spent another week like this, my mind slowly getting crowded with idle thoughts not mine as Will’s skull became a dragon. It filled me with fear of impending doom along with concern I may be overwriting too much of Wiatr. Despite my fears however, I remembered friends, lovers, rivals, enemies that weren’t mine. I wish I wasn’t absorbed by Willow. I’ve caused Wiatr so much trouble, so much pain. How many of their decisions did I corrupt when I was unwilling to fuse with them? I looked at my shaking claws, whimpering. What right do I have doing this to Wiatr? I...I should have let myself truly die. I should have joined my friends and loved ones in whatever farce passes as the afterlife in this damned world instead of lingering like a-. “No.” What? That wasn’t me. I-We. But I-NO! We! We will get through this! Together! I don’t deserve it! Too bad, welcome to the family! “Forgive...me…” I cried before gasping as We finally awoke and sat up with a sigh. “Welcome home Ember. We’re sorry it took so long.” We apologized to our new member of the collective. Hot damn, no wonder Aventurine warned against adding anyone else. Just because Ember didn’t want to fuse with a Goddess this all happened. “Sorry for all the trouble.” Ember spoke through our lips from her new solidified seat in our mind and soul. “We’d be worse off if you hadn’t absorbed me to be honest. I’m the only one among us able to resist Eldritch Entities like Nyalarthotep.” Ember said as We moved to our mirror and admired Ember’s sexy body. “Hey~. You just have a knack for picking them girls.” “Damn straight!” We declared as We turned around and slapped our thicc yet tight booty with a lecherous grin. “We are a bunch of sexy bitches! But enough talk! We have work to do.” Nodding to ourselves, We turned to leave our room only to pause. “Ember, you need a new name. You’ve been reborn and there’s already an Ember close to us.” “Fine, you like the name Cynder don’t you? All those sexy bits of art Willow always kept in her porn of that sexy dragoness.” The newly named Cynder hefted our tits and winked. We think We prefer this dragoness form to our vixen one for now. No tail hands though, but that was an easy fix. We formed the spade on the end of our tail into a talon that looked like a rounded spade when closed. “Ah! No I didn’t!” Willow yelped, but the feeling of us all leering at her made her wilt. “Fine, I did have porn of her.” A lot of porn of her. She was quite popular with the ‘scaly’ community. Nodding resolutely at ourselves, We snapped our fingers and summoned our sexy black magic dress onto us, making sure the corset hefted our golden and red-striped basketball bosom properly and had slits in the skirt down the left side for our hip and leg to poke through. Once We were satisfied with our appearance We left our room for the first time in ages and cringed at the sound of an ear-splitting siren sounding over our head. Several Scinoxes suddenly appeared with weapons trained around us, looking for anything possibly related to Nyarlathotep We guess. “Are you well Milady?” “We’re well once more.” We nodded firmly and they all calmed down as the siren turned off with Urta and Visilia running down the hall from the foyer. “Thank you for protecting us.” We nodded to them and sighed as our Blessing shimmered over the 4 guards who yelped and hurried away as they felt their robe-hidden forms over. “Sorry!” We still need to get control of that. “Wiatr!” Visi cheered and knocked us down when she pounced on us and began kissing us fiercely, fluttering our face with more kisses once she broke off from the main kiss. “Don’t you fucking dare do this again!” Visi demanded, tears pricking her eyes and making us smile as We kissed her gently, hugging her as she moved to bury her face in our bosom. “Don’t be this active. Those foals in you are still fragile.” We chided gently, worming a hand between us to rub her slightly bulged lower tummy. “I was worried sick!” Visi shouted into our cleavage in response. “You know her first thoughts are always on the kids Visi. You know how she is.” Urta sighed in relief, her own eyes visibly wet. She seems to have managed to get her previous shape back, filling out her armor as usual at her 8 foot height. “Well, c’mon. She’s gotta get up to speed on things.” Urta moved to us and picked us up with laughable ease. Good to see being slime hasn’t stolen her strength. “Yes. We’ve been out of commission for at least a week.” We shuddered to think of the backlog of paperwork We would have to face even if Runner had coerced someone into doing it that unfortunate day. (<3) Thankfully it was Spike who had taken over our paperwork, something he actually had clearance to do since he was still technically Twilight’s Steward as well as Ember’s betrothed, making him doubly qualified. We were given a tour of Unity to find it had grown quickly with Twilight’s return. Even though she had to isolate herself every few hours, our workaholic daughter was no slouch. Houses had sprung up across the plateau, all made of stone brick from the quarry Spike approved after that starry-eyed asshole made everything go to metaphorical hell. The choice to go with metal roofs was a bit of a point of contention for us, but if they are that insistent to be ready for enemy bombardment then We’re willing to not have nice shingle or tile roofs. At least they’re not thatched roofs like some of them had before. The buildings aside, the fortifications were well on the way and our slime daughters had finally shown up to request breeding services. Our Royal Cabinet managed to arrange a deal with Sovereign to start farms along the road to Ponyville in exchange for planting trees in practically barren land to the south which nature was constantly battling against spreading north. We also caught up with our lovers in the process to let them know We’re up and about again. The Doom Slayers were here on downtime to recover and guard us out of worry until Todd calls on them for duty. We had to spend nearly an hour assuring them We were alright now, even letting Runner scan our minds for their peace. Unsaid was they clearly wanted to lavish us in attention, but We had other people to catch up with. Cocoa seems to be making the best of her new slime body, preferring to be a multitasking three headed cerberus with four arms and breasts when tending the children so she could coo at the babies, give orders to nursemaids, and idly chat with us as she breastfed them four at a time. She was also getting fairly big in the belly already, making us worry about how many she was pregnant with this time, only for her to smile in triplicate and say she looked forward to being huge again. Sabrina was even more creative with her slime body when We visited Tel’Adre and her coven to assure them We were well. Her outer layer was sparkling with quartz from her incorporating sand into her body for her magic to become even more versatile. She even opened up her swollen ‘womb’ to display she was testing growing plants inside of her body with incredible success and not even interfering with the magically suspended lattice of kittens from Cocoa and Urta. Our lovely witch is so creative, We look forward to seeing her work continue. Especially since her experiments seem to be creating life similar to Groot, and Groot is awesome. As for Honey, she has taken the opportunity to become an ultimate broodmother. Her body is currently splattered all over a massive birthing chamber in her hive with changelings fucking and getting fucked by her emerald slime since her body was rapidly able to expand from consuming Love. She was breeding hundreds of changelings all at once as she formed a body connected to the room to speak to us with her own voice, the echoey husky voice was higher than Chrysalis’ voice and she was beyond pleased with her new body, even if she was stuck here for now from lack of foresight, something she’d deal with when this clutch was done incubating in two months. Urta in the meantime simply went back to her duties along with aiding R&D by donating vast quantities of her Argent. Considering her whole body including her goo-milk was now a biological slurry of Argent, she was constantly steaming-hot yet not dangerous to be around. If anything she had her own ‘fuck-aura’ now due to her energizing scent and presence piquing people’s libidos. Urta was a bit prideful yet embarrassed when We informed her We were aware she had a constant flow of propositions from others, especially when We approved our studly vixen being such a sexy bitch. So long as people understand that her ring isn’t decoration. All said, our lovers had been busy, even Visi was still occupied with her own forces and had to go somewhere with King Hydrax during our tour. We ended our tour in the Breeding Center to visit Ember and Torturas considering one of the last things We did before our convalescence was to fill them both full of babies. “So, how are you doing?” We asked Ember, who had swollen to nearly 30 feet around in our absence and like dragons are known to, she still had all her limbs and it was all belly she was perched atop. Her wings were nearing the ceiling and making many people worry she was going to get too big before she laid this clutch next week. “So big...ah, you look hawt.” Ember moaned dumbly as she looked us over from her perch with her engorged beach ball boobs gushing milk as they were pumped into the tanks. “More eggs?” Ember vapidly asked, as like all dragonesses when stuffed with eggs; she was completely lust drunk. She was even rubbing her breasts with her hands while she vainly tried to hump her own belly as she fucked herself in the pussy with her tail. “Doing well then.” We chuckled, Cynder feeling immense pride in her former namesake personifying the traditional dragon broodmother so well. *sniff* Wait, Ember is a herm? Yes, she seems to be hiding it for some reason, but the scepter she’s carrying was made by Cynder and she made sure it allowed the Dragon Lord, if female, to be able to sire an heir if unwilling to bear. “Eggs?” Ember dumbly asked and We leaned in to kiss her, enjoying how she moaned into our larger mouth and We loved hearing her needy whine when We left her to visit Torturas. We have to wonder why it took so long for Ember to get a dick when she had the scepter since We met her. Cynder immediately hypothesized that it was because the scepter is pieces of the Bloodstone, which was installed in her armor for the war. Wherever the chunk of the soul-infused stone and her armor is, the Scepter is clearly all that the dragons have now. We resolved to add finding Cynder’s armor to our extensive list of things to do as We approached the former lust demoness. We purred at the sight of the equally blue-colored Torturas, who was still 20 feet around and humming happily as her yoga ball boobs were milked. It was standard to have at least two witches here so such massive body-encompassing pregnancies could be possible and safe. “How are you then?” We questioned with our hands on our wide egg-bearing hips and a knowing smirk on our lips. “So full.” Torturas cooed, rocking on the dildo these pools could be equipped with. “I should have purified myself sooner if this was what I would be doing~.” Torturas cheered while her assigned scribe, a young unicorn who looked far too uncomfortable with his surroundings, sat at his small desk going over her daily paperwork. “And I have 9 months more of this to look forward to~!” Torturas cheered, making her scribe groan and keep working. “So you don’t want to go back to your Queen?” We asked with a teasing purr. “No~! They treat their broodmothers terribly! I wanna stay here~!” Torturas whined at the very concept. “But I won’t stop reporting for Queen Lethice until she dismisses me.” “That’s good.” We told her before leaning up against her and growing in size until We towered over her. We presented our left breast to her face and casually tugged our dress down under it. “We’ve gone through some changes, want to be the first to taste seeing as you might specialize in it?” We licked our lips as We eyed the heifer’s glorious tits knowingly. “Yummy~!” Torturas declared before latching onto the center of our nipple, sucking down our bounty and moaning as her breasts suddenly gushed so powerfully the milkers nearly got thrown off as her milk started glowing like ours. She moaned as her body swelled, her pregnancy rapidly advancing as she reached 30 feet and suddenly started sputtering, spitting out our nipple and groaning as her body convulsed. The doctors and nurses scrambled as We chuckled, levitating her out of her pool and leaving her in capable hands as We shrunk back down to our comfortable 6 foot height. “Hm~ it seems with our new addition We may have rounded out our milk.” We chuckled before We heard a commotion from the Temple of Harmonia. Looking over We saw our Goddess rush out with a worried look before pausing at the sight of us. Her dress tented and We chuckled before We posed with our arms behind our head and wings spread. “Just hear about us waking up?” We winked at her with a winning smirk and her iridescent cheeks turned red. “Thou’rt fools! Didst We not warn thee about being a unification of souls?!” Aventurine screamed furiously after she warped next to us and even grabbed our left ear fin and tugged on it like a furious mother. “Did We not say thou shouldn’t invite others in without preparation?!” “Ow~! Sorry~! Cynder was in Willow long before We became a Goddess! She absorbed her from her remains!” We whined in protest of this treatment. Geez, it’s like she’s our mother, aunt, or sister or something. “Then it was your fault for not joining them when they ascended!” Aventurine shouted at Cynder when she somehow pulled her out of our body by the ear, leaving the rest of us blinking as Cynder in a copy of our current form, but purple and pink in obvious recreation of the Spyro Cynder was now in Ave’s clutches and pointed at the corner of the canyon. “Go sit in that corner!” “No! I am not a child! Besides, the one to be pissed at is Gwynevere! She’s lazily sleeping within us and pushed Wiatr on the path of Godhood before I could show them there’s more than one path to power! If she hadn’t then this whole mess would’ve been avoided!” Cynder snarled vindictively after she swatted Aventurine’s hand away. “You can take your self-righteous godliness and go fuck right off you abandoning bitch!” We winced at Cynder revealing how Willow felt about Aventurine essentially dumping her when We’d ascended. “A-ah...We see.” Aventurine was visibly stunned and then her ears wilted. “Thou’rt right to be indignant. We apologize Cynder, Wiatr. Especially you Willow. We art sorry.” “Gwynevere is in our head?!” We yelped at realizing Gwynevere may not be fully absorbed. “And soul, especially soul. She’s content to laze around and urge us all to fuck and be fucked and make more and more babies. Not that I or any of us object, but still. All of this is her fault for turning Willow’s breed-button on and then gluing it down.” Cynder huffed smoke from her snout and We felt that familiar tingle run down our spines and suddenly We were wet. “Leave me out of this~!” A sensual voice groaned from our throat that sounded half asleep. “I just wanna sleep, it’s your job now. I still don’t get why you haven’t finished absorbing me.” Aventurine blinked, but then looked very angry as she approached us again, but shoved Cynder back into us before pinching our ear and pulling. This time a golden busty wolf came out of us and Svartr recognized her as Gwynevere. The former Goddess of Fertility whined as Aventurine clutched her ear and glared down at the nude wolf. “I can guess that it’s because her soul base is magic and yours is fire. Willow couldn’t properly inherit such a soul, but what do I know, I’m not from this world.” “Damn it...at this rate I might as well just go visit Andre since I’m awake and alive again.” Gwynevere muttered and then pointed imperiously at us, her hilariously huge basketball boobs on her short 5-6 frame bouncing. “You keep up the good work and I won’t have to worry about reclaiming my Aspect, or better yet, give Fertility to Urta since she’s just as qualified as you. In fact, I’m going to meld with her, since her soul is clearly fire.” The ex-goddess/Living Aspect then stormed off, her sexy booty and wide hips swaying naturally with her fluffy tail. “Isn’t she still part of us?” Svartr in particular asked. “Yes, but not as deep as the rest of us since We are properly fused and she was just waiting to be absorbed. She’ll have to sleep inside us to actually get rest. Unless Urta does take her. Then We might have to give her Fertility though…” We mewled in a mixture of displeasure yet acceptance at the idea of Urta being Fertility and giving us some leeway on that front. As much as We enjoy it, We like having breaks in between while Urta can’t seem to get enough of it. “No! Make her fuse!” Several of our citizens shouted after hearing this and rushed towards the golden wolfess who balked in surprise. Thankfully Urta literally leaped into action from somewhere, landing between Gwynevere and the nearest group of dissenters at the possibility and stopped them all with a glare. “What in the name of Wiatr is going on?” Urta demanded only to perk up at Gwynevere stroking her slimy fox tail. “Mm, just the vixen I wanted to see, but after I chat with my dear estranged brother.” Gwynevere slapped Urta’s armored ass and then continued strolling towards Andre’s shop. “What the...that was like when Wiatr…” Urta muttered and followed the Living Aspect of Fertility curiously. Welp. We may be able to rest on the breeding front in the future. Hopefully. Then breeding would only be for fun rather than a requirement. “Well, that happened.” Ave commented, then did something that made us gawk. She casually yanked her male genitals off with a pop and pulled it out from under her dress to show us the pre-cum leaking iridescent dick and coconut balls similar in size to Cadence’s 20-inch bitch breaker. “You’ve made us rock hard with all these shenanigans.” She even slapped it in her hands like it was a baseball bat, spraying the ground with pre which vanished due to Twilight working magic into Unity in what little time she had outside of her isolation. “Huh? That turned you on?.” We asked in bemusement as We followed her into our Keep past Pharos, who looked wary of Ave. She led us up the left stairwell and got us in an empty guest room, her ears checking for privacy. “Aventurine?” We worriedly asked as she locked the door. She was waving her detached dick about a bit and the musk made us shiver. “Okay. So. You’ve dealt with an entity We may be tangentially familiar with. Hastur, Hastur, Hastur!” We paled when Aventurine invoked an entity at least as dangerous as Nyalarthotep and the King in Yellow suddenly rose out of a pool of blood that welled up out of the floor. Just looking at him hurt our eyes and head even though he was entirely covered in sanity-saving yellow robes, rags, what-have-you please don’t be yellowed skin! “Sister. I will deal with Nyarlathotep.” Came a bloody rasp from the eldritch entity garbed in yellow to hide his form from sending all who see him into insanity. He looked towards us and nodded before he sank back into the blood. “Calm my others, We can handle his presence.” Cynder told us as she shored up our mental defenses to at least not feel pain from seeing the wrongness. “We have a lot of bloody work to do. How can you think of fighting the Warp when you can’t handle something like this?” “Well excuse us prin-.” We were interrupted from rebutting when Aventurine pressed into our left breast with the flare of her disembodied dick. “Mmf!” A pleasurable tingle spread through our body from that contact and We shivered. “A-ah...right. How do you know Hastur?” “We may have failed to mention that to attain our godhood, We had it passed down to us from Vaga; an Eldritch god of Chaos who wanted to finally, truly, die. That made us the youngest sister to a whole plethora of Void Dwelling eldritch siblings.” Ave informed us with her eyes turning into pits of a rainbow vortex for an instant before they returned to normal. “All that keeps us from being a Goddess of Chaos ourself is We ended up birthing Eris who took up that mantle for us.” “What does that make us?” We asked when she moved closer, her cock leaking pre onto our bosom as she got within kissing distance. “An adopted sister. Sorry about that. Thou dost not wish to deal with our siblings bickering. Hastur and Slaanesh alone get along as well as oil and water, but with us having sponsored thee even if it was that golden bitch out there that sent thee stumbling dick-first into godhood, thou’rt part of the family.” Ave informed us sheepishly. “Great, but I was more powerful than most gods and dealt with Eldritch Entities without being a goddess, We can take it.” Cynder preened and We felt so much more at ease knowing Cynder would keep us sane despite our adopted family being crazy extra-dimensional entities. “W-what are you doing?!” Cynder’s yelp had the rest of us back in the present and realized Ave had lifted our dress up. “Nice toy. We’re copying that design.” Ave cooed while running her fingers over our navel pearl as her disembodied cock, which was wedged into our cleavage, gushed pre onto our face. “If We had something like this a lot of our problems during pregnancy would’ve been neatly resolved.” “Our Chaos children came up with it.” We proudly declared and then licked Ave’s flare, causing her to grunt and reward us with another gush of salty pre. “Thou’rt so damn sexy sister. Tis difficult not pinning thee to thine bed and fucking thee full of eggs.” Ave’s words thrummed within us and We wanted that so bad. “Oh Us yes…” We hissed needily, our hips twitching and our puffy pussy pulsing as it puddled juice down our thighs and at our claws. We pressed our tits together and began sucking on Ave’s flare thirstily. “Mmf~, but no sister, thou has more pressing business.” Ave growled before pulling her penis away and then surprised us by turning it around and jamming the end usually connected to her crotch against where our own dick would’ve been had We summoned it. Oddly We felt it pop into place and our insides shifted as our internal testes and prostate suddenly formed. “Whoa~!” We wailed, feeling her dick throb as We rubbed it and made us both shiver. “Well, this is interesting Sister. Now We want to play.” We purred hungrily, eyeing Ave’s motherly thicc body only for her to smirk and shake her head, sending her ethereal mane fluttering. “Not us. Thou has someone to properly give some attention to? A certain dark princess?” Ave teased with a wink and a gesture to the door. “Take it from us. Luna is not one to be ignored. The fact that she has stayed here despite likely having work to do must be rewarded.” We snarled and kissed the stupid sexy sex goddess deeply, wrestling with her tongue before We slapped her ass and went to the door. “You want to come along sister? We’re sure We wouldn’t disappoint.” We asked impishly, figuring she may be up for double-teaming the moon booty. “Nope.” Ave replied with a grin. “That’s yours right now. Be sure to give it back later.” Ave giggled before she left the room and headed for the foyer. “Bah, she’s going to feel everything and she knows it, even if it’s our cum going into Luna.” We huffed before prowling for our moon booty, who was still staying here in recovery and in support of us. We went to her guest room, one of the few without extra magically summoned locks and reinforcements so the girls had a safe place to isolate themselves. We quietly opened the door, peering in to see Luna in her purple transparent nightie-clad glory splayed out on her lavish bed and snoring inelegantly. Aw, she’s so adorable. We’re going to wreck her! We slipped into the room and tossed our dress to the floor before crawling into bed with her, careful not to wake her yet. We kept quiet as We got between her legs and moved her panties a bit to the side to expose our borrowed flare to her labia lips. She whined in her sleep when We rubbed our glans against those lips, making them get puffy in arousal just before We started summoning some magical shackles on her. We knew she would try to get into our womb once she woke up. We carefully used the glowing iridescent shackles to levitate her up off the bed a bit, spread-eagle with each limb facing the bedposts. We then began grinding Ave’s loaned bitch-breaker along her now-damp cunny, making her moan and start moving as she awoke. “Unf~...Silver Lining, not now~...it’s the middle of the day…” We chuckled and rubbed harder, making her gasp and lift her head to look between her basketball boobs at us. “Wiatr?” We purred as We pressed our flare to her entrance with her labia now swollen. “No! Put us down this instant! Your mistress demands it!” She ordered with a blush. “There’s nothing stopping you from stopping us~.” We pressed harder, which caused her to gasp and she bucked her hips at us, forcing our flare into her cunny and rocketing her own large dong out of her sheathe, her coconut-sized balls practically throbbing on our borrowed length. “Ah...Ah-I’m the Mistress!” Luna grunted and struggled against her bonds. Oh~ she does like to switch between dom and sub! “You have magic.” We teased and pulled her towards us, her hungry snatch gladly swallowing more of us. “Or do you like this? Like being fucked by us and our Sister’s huge cock?” “Oh~, no~!” Luna whined, panting and grunting as her abs flexed, pulling us in more. “N-nopony has...ever…” Luna gasped and jolted, her eyes crossing when her cock spewed her copious load on us, spraying us down. We gladly opened our mouth to catch as much as possible. “You’ll call us Mistress now our Luna.” We purred as We pulled her further, our balls engorging from how much this was turning us on, our boobs also swelled before We stopped them at an OO cup, the size of small beach balls. Our lower belly also swelled like We were in early pregnancy, our internal testes primed and ready. “Be welcomed as our pet this time!” “I-I am the Night a-a-and~!” Luna grit her teeth and grunted when she came again after We finally bottomed out. “Ah...ah…” She didn’t have the power to speak, but the look she gave us clearly said ‘fuck me’. “Don’t worry our pet. You’ll be getting two Fertility Goddess’ worth of cum this day.” We purred before starting to thrust, distending her abdomen and causing her to squeal in rapture, tossing her head back and gyrating her hips on us. For someone who doesn’t do vaginal much she was incredibly skilled at this! We powered through her orgasms tightening her pussy around our temporary length and roared when We slammed home, our vision whited out when as We came literally twice as hard as We’ve ever done. “Having four balls is amazing!” Luna gurgled as her tight toned tummy bloated out with seed rapidly, already looking pregnant and We were far from done. We sawed in and out to prolong our cumshot and chase after a second one. “Y-yes~! M-moar~!” Luna managed to gasp out between mind-shattering orgasms as she painted us and her lower belly white. We obliged a few more times, filling her until she seemed about to birth octuplets and We pulled out, not wanting to hurt her since she wasn’t under any of Sabrina’s spells and our elasitization aura only works so much without Morph Slime to aid it. “Oh~...I’m going to be so pregnant…” Luna cooed, rubbing her tight blue belly. “Yes our Luna.” We huffed before moving to her side and kissing her deeply while pulling off Ave’s cock with a comical popping noise. “Mind helping us with our Sister?” We purred as We reabsorbed our internal male organs and rubbed Ave’s flare on our own drooling cunt. “How so?” Luna asked when We offered it to her and she took the throbbing bitch-breaker in her hands. “I doubt I have room to drink a load even a portion the size you put in me.” “We only want you to thrust her into us. She might find this hot.” We chuckled and fingered our cunny to prepare to take such a delicious dick. “If your sister is half as depraved as you, she certainly will.” Luna grinned before taking the cock and us as well in her magic, making us wiggle in surprise when she moved us over her to lean our back against her belly. Luna licked the cumslit of Ave’s disembodied dick below us with our legs spread with our feet on either side of Luna’s chest, dripping our lube onto her still nightie-clad tits. “Ready to give me a show?” “Oh~ yes our Luna.” We panted as We rubbed our breasts and shunk them down to C cups to give us a better view of her face. The dick throbbed with an ‘anger’ mark somehow and We felt that our Sister was envious for some reason. “Oh? Such a modest bust. An odd look for you.” Luna commented with an appraising face. “Your normal size or bigger seems best, but I appreciate you wanting to look at me as I do this for you.” Luna smiled, putting her arms behind her head to lounge as her magic moved Ave’s throbbing horsecock to our sopping wet quim to grind the flare into our labia. “Don’t blink.” “Wha-ah~?” We squealed when Luna thrust the 20 inch long and 3 inch thick beast balls-deep in one shot! This almost took our legs out from under us, but Luna pinned us to her tight sloshing belly with her magic as she remotely fucked us while she licked her lips and groped her tits to the show We were giving her. “Yes. Sing for me pet!” Luna demanded, twisting the disembodied penis as she ravished our hungry vagina, sending us wordlessly crying out in praise. “Seeing it from this angle is rather interesting. I can-oh! She’s cumming!” Luna declared, ramming Ave’s cock in as deep as it could go, even stuffing some of her scrotum into us as Ave began gushing cum into our womb, rapidly swelling us out. “Oh~...fuck yes…” We panted, letting our breasts back out to their usual size as our belly quickly bloated out with Ave’s own legendary cumshot keeping us going even after We surpassed Luna in size. “Hm, such a sexy face you made~.” Luna purred while she rubbed Ave’s balls. “I wonder if she would like another round~.” Luna teased as We groaned, our weight rapidly increasing, but Luna’s magic that was able to move the moon easily held us up even as our belly reached decuplet size and pressed into the wall above the headboard of the bed. “L-Luna~! Sh-she’s not gonna stop for a while if you don’t take her out~!” We moaned, our body not starting to inflate all over as We usually did when going past our current size threshold. In this instance, thank gosh dragons don’t need to devote their whole bodies to the womb with any magic. Another plus for being a dragon over a fox, even if We do enjoy becoming an entirely immobile baby ball. “Hm...I rather like seeing you turning into a condom. Rather fitting for such a rude pet.” Luna teased, reaching up and patting our thicc thighs which were being pressed between both of our bellies. It was at this point that Ave rushed in, drooling as she rubbed her lower stomach. She moaned as she twitched and stumbled around us. “Who dares interrupt my time with-?!” “Give back my dick!” Aventurine snarled, her own outrage overpowering Luna’s indignation and Luna blushed, realizing she was the owner of the male anatomy currently inflating and quite obviously impregnating us. “Ah, ah.” We huffed at feeling eggs forming in our womb already. This swelled our belly out faster even after Luna sheepishly pulled Ave’s cock out of us and our Sister snatched her cum leaking dick away before putting it back on and it vanished. “Worth it~.” “It was enjoyable, but next time and there very well may be a next time; ask before using it on more than one person.” Aventurine huffed while she rubbed her lower stomach. “We...ah...only wanted a small load, not Luna keeping you stuffed in.” We whined as Ave looked us over and rubbed our egg filling belly. “By us this is amazing, Ave~!” We moaned before hugging and kissing our Sister while our creamed cunt practically drooled onto Luna’s boobs We were still so horny. If We had our male genitals it’d be rock hard and pressing against our underbelly. “Just as well. Dragons in this world have a depressingly low birth rate even with them breeding like rabbits.” Aventurine muttered sadly, reminding us of just why this all started with dragons. Besides Spike being an insatiable horndog who got his first taste of sex during breeding season. “That was quite the show. Better than that time I remotely impregnated Willow in public even.” Luna declared as she licked some of our fem-cum off of her tits while Ave kissed our belly. “Then it’s a good thing this came to pass.” Ave replied as she levitated us off of Luna and then Luna yelped when she too joined us in the air. “Come along then, time for you both to spend time in the Breeding Center.” “W-what?! I may have so much cum in me, but there is no chance I’m...oh you bitch!” Luna snarled at Aventurine who cackled haughtily with the back of her hand to her mouth like every stereotypical ‘hime’ character in anime. “Thou shalt both have time to relax and chat in thine breeding pools for at least two weeks.” Aventurine declared after she paraded us outside, ignoring everyone watching us two Pregnant Pretty Pumped-up Princesses being ferried to the Breeding Center through the air. “What? We have work to do, there’s no way We’re going to wait...two...weeks...you bitch!” We suddenly felt a surge of indignation, trying to speed up our pregnancy or change shape, only for the essence in our womb to absorb the magic of the attempt. “Oof, never mind.” We moaned when We felt pleasure and Ave blushed. “Hm~.” “We hope thee enjoy it.” Ave said with a wide smile. “Thou hast fallen for our trap! Now thou shalt be forced to rest and relax!” We mewled as our belly kept growing with eggs as Ave rubbed it and kissed it. Mm, fuck yeah, so many eggs... “Oh~ so full…” > Ch.72 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.72 So...big. Oh! That guy has such a nice butt! Oh! Her too! “Hey~! More eggs?” We asked, our tail fingering our cunt with our tail talon as We groped our massive yoga ball boobs to hopefully entice the stallion poking our belly with a thingy to give us more eggs and make us even bigger. “Wiatr, please stop embarrassing yourself.” Luna muttered sleepily, currently a ball of foals next to us about half our huge sexy size. Our wings were scraping the ceiling, but We didn’t care how big that was, just that We had more room! “Princess, I’m just here to record your size and anticipate your delivery time.” The stallion blandly replied to our sexiness! How could he ignore our sexiness-hey~ there! “Eggs?” We requested from the group of sexy wolves that approached us with our hot fuck-friend Ember talking to them about something while gesturing at us with her Scepter. Is she being a wing-babe and telling them to give us more eggs? “Oh~...so big…” We moaned, closing our eyes and trying to hump our giant belly as suction cups attached to our milky tits again and a tube moved into our mouth which We sucked for the cum and milk We needed to feed our eggs. Then the bunny-wolf was on top of our belly to our right, making us perk up. Was he gonna give us more eggs? Then he poked our head and We blinked, spitting the feeding tube out into our hands. “R-Runner? What’s going on?” Oh~ I feel so good, like my whole body is a giant clit. “Wow. She wasn’t kidding. Dragons do have a mental switch that just shuts down all higher brain functions when they’re pregnant.” Runner commented, making us look down and gawk. We were easily slightly bigger than Ember got to, around maybe 34 feet. Down to our left, Luna was lazily dozing in her own pool at maybe 17 feet across as her own giant tits were milked while a cat witch examined her. “Holy shit is Sister virile.” We commented, but then things started getting fuzzy. What? Oh~...so big… “E-Eggs?” We asked of the hot bunny-wolf, who just rubbed our scalp and jumped down. Meanie! At least We have cummies to drink. Mmm...tasty cum… (<3) “We can’t believe how much of a brainless slut being pregnant as a dragon makes us.” We shuddered as We left the Breeding Center with Luna by our side in her black ‘work’ dress. Her own labor, which We rapidly sped her towards and induced in her for her convenience, wasn’t nearly as easy as ours, but she quickly had the alicorn foals sequestered away for adoption and protection once she was back to normal and We healed her body from any stress it underwent. The fact her already huge boobs were slightly larger and her wide hips even wider was a neat bonus.   “Yes, I was shocked Ave came and practically cooed like a child in a candy store and was even crying as she watched you give birth. She’s still cooing over the 10 eggs she says are going to hatch naturally out of that whole giant clutch of just over 100...” Luna soberly stated, reminding us of just how bad the survival rate of dragon eggs here were. The ones that never hatch become stone, which explained why the Dragonlands have so many mountains of death. “We know Ave has had some trouble with kids. We’ve never asked, but We know she takes any pregnancy she has a personal interest in with great care and focus.” We sighed as We tried to ignore that little fact for now. Ave kept us for five minutes to coo over us, then she focused on the 10 eggs she picked out so easily as the docs cleaned us up so We could recover. Not that We need to, We bounce back from this due to our morphing body even without utilizing our innate Fertility. “It is good that she does not simply be a love-and-leave type with her occupation. Just as well that you take after your older sister so well, even if you are much less attached to offspring you know you can’t keep.” Luna said with a proud smile, making us blush at how our willingness to be a surrogate to so many children was considered an incredible act of Generosity. “That all said, yes. You’re quite the shameless single-minded slut when pregnant as a dragon. Maybe you had best keep your pregnancies outside of your dragon form?” “Not a chance.” We firmly answered. Becoming a baby ball was one thing, being a tangential part of a womb rather than being the womb? So much hotter to experience. “But that aside, what has been happening while we’ve both been on maternity leave for two weeks?” We didn’t exactly have the brainpower while We were pregnant to listen in, but Ave said two weeks and that’s the gestation period for dragons. “In the past few weeks?” Urta asked after she’d approached us from behind and leaned into our back, pressing her tits into us and reaching around to grope our breasts. “Hm, construction is almost finished. Rarity and Pinkie are now out and about, actually almost looking normal if like were-ponies. Twilight’s still holed up in her room most of the time and a big blue-black dragon showed up and dropped off something that looks like armor before it flew off. It’s in the middle of town square up on the plateau. It's huge and stopped construction in that area.” “Why are you molesting her so much?” Luna asked Urta warily and We panted and groaned while We leaned back against her, the contact of the top of her turquoise Argent-slime cleavage against our back ignited our libido. “Where do you think Gwenevere’s gone?” Urta purred hungrily as her gauntleted fingers dove under the built-in corset of our dress to grope our areola and pinch our nipples between her fingers, causing us to grunt and reach back to run our hand against Urta’s glowing gooey cheek. “I’ve been jacking off to the thought of you every day because I knew if I went in there, I’d fill the whole fucking place with your egg-bloated body!” “Yes! W-We mean, no! Hold on! Hands off please!” We panted and pulled away desperately from our lusty Fertility demi-goddess who We should just abdicate Fertility to already-no! “B-back on topic! Did the armor attack like what you’re wearing did?” We asked distractedly, our eyes trailing down Urta’s body and our loins ached in need for what We knew was under her skirt. Even Luna was gawking at our sexy wife, her nipples were poking against her dress. “No, come take a look.” Urta pouted at being cock-blocked before she swept us off our claws, causing us to yelp and blush from the bridal carry. Urta took us to the nearest crystal elevator that now went up and down the corners of the box canyon, each floor along the walls having that section of catwalk extended for it. Convenient. The whole time Urta held us like We were her newlywed bride, making us feel so hot from her steamy proximity as We stared into her eyes and felt our core heat up. Oh~ Sister! We want her to fuck us pregnant~! Again! Wait...has Urta impregnated us yet? Right, when she was still immobile and we both turned into a cooperative baby factory with Cocoa’s help. Maybe We should give her Fertility, then pump her so full she becomes a moon~... Fuck! We need to experience that again! “Mm~...babe, where did that kiss come from?” Urta asked when we neared the town square after We’d taken her mouth in a deep searing kiss. Our hunger and adoration for her was so intense We almost imparted the Fertility Aspect in full right then. She’s already hosting Gwyenevere...all that’s left is us letting her have the rest... “It came from our heart.” We declared truthfully as We goofily smiled, making her grin before she put us down in the upper town square. We found ourselves staring at a set of armor for sure, but it had the shape of a dragon rather than a Lion. It was also forty-five feet tall. No way did any godkin of the First Era wear such a thing. “Wait! That’s it!” “What’s it?” Urta questioned curiously before she gently pounded a fist into her palm in remembrance of something. “Oh, in case you missed the report; Telda is fine.” Telda? Who is Telda-oh! The green Elder Dragoness who used to live in the cave nearby to the west. She’d been forcibly relocated to the communal dimensionally extended giant housing down in the canyon after that near-death experience she’d had with the Dragonslayer Armor. “Ah...We actually forgot about her after the battle.” We admitted with some shame. How could We have forgotten about the well-being of a kinsman? Wait, We weren’t fully aware as a dragon then, right. Still wrong to have forgotten her. “Anyway, this is Cynder’s armor!” “Cinder was that big? Holy shit that’s hot.” Urta commented and We felt a measure of pride at her declaration. We approached the armor and something in its chest shone red before it shrunk down to our height. Looking at the armor, We found a red damaged gem in the chest. That would be the remainder of the Bloodstone that’s missing from Ember’s scepter. When We brushed our fingers against it We felt thousands or maybe even millions of minds brush against the edge of our own consciousness. “So the Everlasting Dragons have something like the Eldunari that Alegasian Dragons have.” We mused curiously and Cynder hummed in intrigue as Willow’s relevant knowledge filled us in together. “What is an Eldunari?” Luna questioned, her presence was easy to miss when she remained silent. Spooky, no wonder she’s revered as a Goddess of Dark as well as Night and Shadow. “Eldunari are the Life-Stones of dragons from a potentially non-fictional book series from Willow’s world. Though this isn’t quite like that. This is crafted from the blood of Ancient Dragons and linked with the soul of every dragon whose blood it has been soaked. This is the Bloodstone, or most of it anyway. Ember has the rest.” We explained with Cynder helpfully filling us in with her memories. “Wait, isn’t that the stone that acts as proof of being the Dragon Lord?” Urta asked moments before Ember roared from the direction of the Breeding Center down below. She sounded very pissed off and her rage even channeled through the Bloodstone. Oh. Oh shit. We paled, then felt a little sick. “Ember’s our descendant…” Ember suddenly swooped up over the edge of the canyon and flew foot-first into our side in a fierce Flying-Tsundere-Kick which sent us crashing into the armor and then both us and the armor made a comical bowling pin strike sound as both of us tumbled to the other side of the barren town square to the shock of onlookers. “Who’s trying to take the Bloodstone Scepter from me?!” Ember snarled as she stomped towards us, only to blink the blind rage away in confusion. “Oh shit! Sorry Wiatr! I didn’t-!” “Granddaughter~! We’re so proud of you!” We cheered and glomped her with nuzzles to her tits as she staggered. “Our descendents have flourished well if-wait, hold on.” We let our lover go and split with Cynder being the only one separate, who We excitedly gestured to. “She’s your ancestor! The original Ember!” “W-what?! But you died in the last stand against Gwyn!” Ember balked in shock. “Well~ Willow kinda found my body and absorbed my soul over a year ago and I only recently finished being reborn as part of Wiatr.” Cynder chuckled as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. “Wait...this means that…” Ember looked at the Bloodstone Scepter. “This is mine by conquest, but you still have the right to challenge me for it…” Ember clutched it tightly with determination in her eyes. “It was originally part of my armor.” Cynder said as she gestured to the armor that looked like a dragon version of the Dragonslayer Armor from DS3. “While I’d like it back, the armor works just fine with a chunk of the stone left in it. It’s not like I’m going to be fighting the gods this time.” There was a pause, then Cynder squealed and hugged Ember, our tsundere lover trying to push her off to no success. “Ah~! My descendant takes so well after me~!” “G-get off! It’s creepy enough knowing I fucked Willow for so long when we’re technically related!” Ember complained, making us sad. “Eh, it’s many generations past. Genetically you’re like a stranger besides your color and eyes.” Cynder purred before kissing Ember. Our tsundere lover seemed about to punch her off, but then relaxed and returned the gentle embrace. They kissed for about a minute before parting, their tongues connected by a strand of saliva. “Oh yes. Just like me.” “Fuck this is messed up…” Ember muttered with a blush before pushing Cynder to the dirt, our dragon quarter not caring as Ember pointed down at her. “I am your Dragon Lord! Don’t expect me to just roll over and do anything you ask just because the Scepter originally belonged to you.” “Oh, don’t give me a challenge. I’m the one who invented it. If I want to stalk and pounce you for a fucking I will. It was how it was done in the past.” Cynder purred while sharing mental images of her fucking other females. “I had perks you didn’t have before, lover.” “Wait, didn’t?” We blinked and the Bloodstone Scepter shimmered, blinding us and hiding whatever made Ember cry out until it vanished. Ember now had a dick at least as big as our usual 15 inch length before it withdrew into her genital slit with her in dumbfounded shock. “The hell?! Why did it take so long?!” What? “I should’ve gotten my dick the moment I earned the Scepter!” Ember growled in annoyance, then sighed. “Thanks...um, I’m named Ember too.” “I’m Cynder now. You’re the new Ember.” Cynder declared cheerfully. “The Armor is yours now, use it well. It’s only right the rest of the Bloodstone goes to the Dragon Lord.” “Now that this is resolved, let us take a tally of male and herm dragons. There are now…Us, Ember, Spike, then those two males that woke up on our way to Carim.” We said and Ember blinked. “Two Males? What two Males?” Ember asked in bewilderment. “Two gigantic males that woke up when We were heading to Carim...on foot...because We forgot We could fly at the time.” We groaned at that memory. “Well they never showed up in the Dragonlands.” Ember huffed in annoyance. “I’ll have...wait.” She grinned evilly as she approached the armor and pressed the Bloodstone Scepter to the Bloodstone, the two pieces shining brightly. “All males and herms come to me!” We felt a pulse and urge to pounce on Ember as Spike started roaring in the canyon below and we all heard stone climbing. There were a portal that opened up and about six sleeping dragons, one covered in medical gear and Lust Demons dropped to the ground and the two idiots showed up through two portals with caribou on them. Another massive portal opened that led to pitch darkness. That one might be Midir’s.. Then surprisingly enough, our lovers Hunter and Berserker had teleported here as well along with a few squads of Night Sentinels who pounced on the Lust Demons and Caribou with non-lethal equipment to process and deport them due to our ceasefire. Though Berserker looked pissed for some reason as he glared at Ember. Hunter merely observed his surroundings. “Midir is also male and he’s around, but he won’t really help with the population. Maybe. He’s always been so focused on duty over pleasure.” Cynder snorted smoke in displeasure as she gestured to the still open and waiting portal to the Dark as Berserker approached Ember and began heatedly whispering something to her. If only We had our fennec ears~! “Um, actually, on that front he said if We ever became worthy of him he’d-AH~!” We and Cynder squealed when something snatched us and took off with us into the portal to the Dark! “What?!” We yelped and looked about only to be shoved into Cynder and We fused back together. “What the-?!” Before We could keep protesting, We were pressed against the wall of a cave, wincing as the massive claw squeezed us tightly to it, pressing our tits so hard they spurted milk. “You’ve gone soft while you’ve slept Ember.” Midir chuckled down at us from his immense height. The sexy feral dragon was looking much healthier than the last We’d seen of him. “Well, you try being dead for eons.” We grunted, wriggling and forcing his claws off with sheer strength to drop to the cavern floor with a disgruntled huff when We flapped our wings before landing. “So what have you been up to Midir? We haven’t seen you since you pulled us into Dark in Saddle Arabia.” We asked as We increased our size to its maximum height of 40 feet, crossing our arms as We looked Midir in the eye with annoyance. “I’ve been looking into the dragons, checking other breaches to the Dark, assuring the Blightlands have not spread as well as hunting those who worship the Dark beyond Luna.” Midir answered before his body wreathed in black flame, revealing his hulking beefcake anthro body, still 5 feet taller than us. “It is tiring that even with the Night Goddess the Dark is insistent on spreading. It was especially bad in the past month and a half.” “Luna was abducted by Nyarlathotep around that time. She only just returned to us a few weeks ago.” We backed away as Midir advanced, our heart beating faster. “Midir...We’re not the same Ember you knew. We’re Cynder now.” We started panting as he pressed into us, leering down at us as he pinned us to the cavern wall with his sexy HNNG pecs against our massive breasts. “You behave exactly the same way you did so many thousands of years ago.” Midir smiled softly as he trailed a finger along our jaw and We gasped in familiarity when he gently ran it along our cheek, up along our horn and then along our spread wing. This got our motor running fast just like it did so long ago... “You’re even more beautiful now if it was possible.” “You damn romantic old fool.” We muttered, leaning into his other claw when he moved in and kissed us tenderly like an old lover at long last where he belongs, in our embrace. We gently caressed each other, gasping as We ground our bodies against one another, but parted reluctantly. “You know We can’t go back to the way things were…” Immense despair filled us. Cynder missed him so dearly... “I know. I betrayed my kin, even if it was to hold the rising Dark at bay. Forgive an old fool his presumption of forgiveness?” Midir sadly requested, to which We snarled and pulled him into another kiss. “No. Because you are forgiven. Now fucking fill us with eggs you old lizard. We know you have a job to return to, now take what time you have with us.” We grinned mischievously. We may not be able to devote our heart to him anymore, but our old flame was still a worthy mate besides. After all, marriage was an alien concept to the Ancient Dragons before the pygmies came along. Nothing is wrong with him bedding us when we both find the time. “Yes, my queen. My Love.” Midir purred hungrily as he returned to his feral body, “LIke old times or like how the younglings do this?” He asked while showing off his strength by flexing every muscle under his stone-scaled exterior which made us coo. “Like old times. We won’t often get another opportunity to do it like we used to.” We morphed into a feral version of Cynder’s body. While he was bulky and brutal, We were slender and regal. Our front from our lower jaw to the tip of our tail was golden, the rest of us pitch blackness, red stripes like a tiger’s running over us. We turned, lifting our tail and presenting our dripping cunt to him, giving him a come-hither expression. “Come get us big boy~!” The way Midir just lost it and pounced on us was pleasurable in its own way. (<3) “Oh~ I forgot how good of a lay he was.” Cynder huffed, holding our distended cum-filled and egg-filling abdomen as We flew back towards Unity. It may have been a simple mounting, but holy fuck did Midir know how to move in unexpected ways even in such a simple position. “But now We’re stuck like this again for weeks. Sorry ladies.” “From the memories of how you two were before the war, we don’t mind. We hope he comes by more often!” Svartr chuckled. “Though, how are we not egg mad yet?” “Yeah! I thought it kicked in rather fast before.” WIllow mused. “Elder Dragons and I guess Everlasting Dragons, are more resistant to being turned into brainless egg-sluts. They have much larger bodies and it takes more time.” Daring shared. “Yes, if-oh~. If We don’t get back soon enough, We’d be better off finding a place to roost.” Cynder warned, but thankfully Midir was kind enough to release us from the Dark reasonably close to Unity. Not that We were anywhere near small enough to even get into the Breeding Center, but it would be best if We roosted nearby. When We neared Unity, citizens quickly hid, since unlike Midir We weren’t flying fast enough to be harder to miss. We flew down to the town square and landed with a huff. “Someone fetch Urta please!” We called out before We sat down on our haunches and rubbed our slowly swelling abdomen. By the time Urta, Ember, Luna and Bryan had come to the square, We were panting and rubbing our dripping cunt into the ground. “About time.” “Was...was that King Midir?” Ember asked us uneasily, likely shocked from seeing two ancient rulers in one day. Also the fact she had summoned him might set her on edge. “Yes...unf…” We grunted when We actually came from our own rubbing and how sensitive Midir had left us, causing the puddle of femcum to spread under us more. “Listen, We’ve been knocked up with Everlasting Dragons. We will need a couple more weeks away from work. Is there another cave nearby besides Telda’s where We can roost?” Our temple’s underground lake was right-out. We’d just drink it all...actually. “Nevermind. We’ll be enjoying our underground lake of milk and cum~!” “Wait!” Luna called out, pausing us mid-takeoff. “Wiatr. I must return to Canterlot. I just wanted to say...thank you. For everything.” Luna declared with incredible gratitude and love in her eyes, making us feel warm inside. “I will be sure to tell our son, Artemis, that our union wasn’t just one of passion. Return to me when you will. Know my bed, as well as my home and heart are always open to you.” D-Did Luna j-just p-p-Propose to us?! Our Son?! She kept one of our foals~! Lulu~! “Wiatr.exe has crashed. Rebooting, please wait.” We said in Williams' voice before We blinked and came to our senses. “It was no issue our love.” We purred, then looked to Urta. “Sorry for being such a wanton slut Urta, leaving so much work to you all.” “Did you just blue-screen her?” Berserker asked our beloved Night Goddess who smiled warmly up at us and tapped her unadorned left ring finger with a grin and a wink. “Bah, it’s no problem. You go incubate those eggs okay?” Urta winked at us then licked her lips. “Now get out of here before I take my turn with you and fuck you so full you crush the Everfree with your egg belly!” Holy fuck We should just give her Fertility and be done with it. Not now though. With that taken care of, We took off with a few ponderous flaps, panting and groaning at how much heavier We were already. “We’d better hurry. We won’t even fit into the cave if We get much bigger.” We urged ourselves on, quickly flying to our still under-construction temple. We Ignored the building proper and went to the cave where We began squeezing our fat body through the tunnel, desperate to reach our source of food for the coming weeks with no viable male available to feed us cum for the eggs. Our magic nourishment will only go so far with such high volumes of mana-dense entities in our womb. “Oh come on! We’re almost...there!” Our fat flanks were being squeezed in the last stretch of the tunnel, our belly pressing the base of our tail into the ceiling and our hips pinched in the sides. We huffed, scrabbled and groaned, dangling our front from the tunnel with a pout. Shit. We looked down at our breastless chest and sighed. We can’t even access our inventory without cleavage so no calling for help with Daring’s far-too-small phone...yeah, that wouldn’t have worked either. Of all times for us to be using a form with crotch-boobs. “Well~! What do we have here?” We heard a muffled voice from behind us, which was impressive considering how many tons of rock and our fat ass it had to travel through to reach our ears. “W-who is there?!” We whipped our long tail around in the tunnel, but didn’t touch whoever it was. This is not ideal. We may be Undead and many other things on top of that, but these unborn eggs in us are not. “Do you need some help?” They asked before We felt hands spread open the genital slit for our dick. “H-Hey!” We yelped with a fierce blush that intensified as they reached in and We moaned. “It looks like I’ve got a dragon by the dick.” They chuckled as our penis began to engorge from them rubbing the glans with their hands. “Th-This isn’t helping~!” We whined, vainly wiggling our bloated abdomen, which was pressing even tighter into our confines. The stone would sooner break than hurt us, but We were still getting more stuck by the minute. “It isn’t?” They asked as they gave us a small push against our underbelly. Surprisingly their strength was great enough to push us closer to the lake with us still idly pushing to get free. “Whoa! Keep going!” We cheered, pulling and pushing more to get free and hopefully move into the still admittedly shallow lake. It’s only half full, but the glowing white musky body of fertile fluids would more than suffice for our needs. “Hm, I don’t know. I have an opportunity here for some fun.” They suddenly stopped pushing and hefted our dick backwards, which wasn’t uncomfortable with our current feral body. Before We could complain again We moaned when they began making out with our massive cumslit, their tongue extending far too deeply to be natural. “Big enough to cockvore me too.” “P-Please push us out?” We pleaded, our hips twitching and wanting to hump a nonexistent vagina from how our tormentor has been pleasuring our penis. “Hm~.” They hummed as they made out with our cock but also pushed us closer, our muzzle just out of reach of the lake at the bottom of the natural ramp, but our hips were still lodged in the exit tunnel. We stretched our long neck towards the lake, hunger starting to hurt in our belly. “Please~! So thirsty!” We pleaded, humping our molester’s face with the very little movement We had back there. “Oh fine.” They pretended to complain, giving us another push. “Yes!” We cheered when our rear came free and We gladly dove into the white sticky lake of milk and cum with a glorping splash. We swam around under the fluid before surfacing our head to breathe. “Unf, fuck yes…” We then craned our neck down to start drinking to sate our empty tummy. Our thoughts...getting...oh~...so tasty~! “Yummy cummies!” If only Urta added to it! Her cummies are the best! “Heh.” We heard as Big Sis Ave walked down the ramp to us, looking happy as she approached us. “You’re doing your big sis proud Wiatr! Not even a day without getting knocked up!” She was naked and had pre all over her face from her giving our dick attention. “Sis! More eggs? Midir won’t mind!” We asked in excitement, moving to the shore and pulling ourselves onto it slightly with our tail winding along the top of the white fluid. We presented ourselves on our side, one claw rubbing our swelling belly while We licked our lips. Big Sis looked at our exposed groin as We showed off. “Well, We didn’t have a template for Everlasting Dragons...but~!” Ave crowed before she was swept over with golden fire and emerged as a sexy iridescent copy of us, turning around and lifting her tail to show us her drooling cunny. “They’re nearly extinct here right? Let’s work together Little Sis!” We cheered when she backed up, spearing herself on our giant dick. “Yay~! We’ll be full of eggs together~!” We praised before We fed her cunt more of our cock and we both yelped when the act rolled us into the lake. We surfaced, thrusting into her and biting her left horn as We held her closely with her swimming to keep us up. “Big Sis! Egg brood!” “Little Sis! Bigger brood!” Ave joked before We knotted her and hurried up to cum, which made us both moan and sink into the lake. (<3) *BELCH~* “Oh~...so big…” We moaned, our head resting on the slightly lower shore of the lake, our sister next to us and just as big as us now. “Yes...so big~...” Sis agreed, moving to kiss us and We gladly returned it. “Wanna be bigger~.” We cooed, rubbing her cock with our tail talon under the goop. “I wanna be bigger too~.” Ave cooed back, kissing and about to push us over to fuck us more, but then something zapped our heads. “Huh? Hey, what was that?” “Um, it might not be a good idea if we keep fucking and getting bigger.” We said, clarity returning to us and we both looked up to see the Doom Marines looking at us with wry amusement, Runner blowing his index finger like it was a smoking gun. “That’ll last at least a day this time.” Runner declared and we both rolled back to our fronts and pulled up some more onto the shore. “Thank you. We have no clue how big we’re going to get already.” Aventurine blushed at almost continuing a dangerous cycle. “Then why get this big to start with?” Berserker asked grumpily with a flat look. “Oh, my descendant could possibly explain that.” Cynder said from our mouth before she sprouted as a separate head like We were a hydra. We can do that? With this, Daring and Svartr sprouted on the right and our original head moved to the left for Willow, turning us into a four-headed hydra/dragon. “Holy crap!” “This is cool!” Svartr declared as she moved her head around. “It’s like We’re still together, but apart!” Daring observed before she dove down to the spooge, slurping it up like the cum-slut she was, making us all smile. “Well, this is nice. We’re still together, but all get a bit extra individuality.” I hummed happily, not at all turned off to being like this. The sensation of blended individuality and unification was a very pleasant in-between from being fused and being not-fused. “That’s an old trick of ours as well!” Ave declared before two heads sprouted on either side of hers, but they spoke in unison, unlike us. “It was actually a bit of a coping mechanism for us. We don’t do it often now besides to have multiple mouths for kinky sex.” “Before I was interrupted…” Cynder glared at the rest of us, making us feel sheepish as she turned back towards the boys. “We female and herm dragons are genetically hard-coded to enjoy the egg-bearing process to obscene levels due to only one in ten eggs ever hatching.” “We know that. It’s more a question asking why get so big all at once.” Pillar clarified, making us all sheepishly grin and blush. “Well that’s enough explanation right there.” The boys save Berserker chuckled. “You wouldn’t really understand without experiencing it yourselves.” We all stated and Runner blushed, reminding us of what We were so fixated on before all this eldritch fuckery and literal fuckery afterward. “Thanks for the help Runner.” We all winked at him knowingly and We think he understood that We still didn’t forget his fairer form. “No problem! If you ever need anything, anything at all, I’ll be there.” The bunny-wolf declared with an eager grin and the others laughed and teased about becoming our pussy-whipped boy-toy when they began to leave, likely comfortable with knowing where We are. However, if We had our way, she would be our cock-slapped gal-pal~. “So. Runner huh?” Ave purred with half-lidded eyes at us. “What are you talking about?” We asked not-at-all convincingly and she giggled as she turned to swim away. “What are you talking about?!” We demanded playfully as We swam after her and started a goopy splash fight. > Ch.73 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.73 “Ugh, We think we’ve filled the lake.” We huffed to our sister. “At least just jerking off stopped us from putting more eggs in each other and filling the whole damn cave.” We called over to our sister, who was perched like We were atop an utterly gargantuan belly that lifted us out of the spooge and displaced enough of it that we could still lean our heads down to drink. “Oof...that and Runner zapping us every morning.” Ave added, affirming that masturbating really didn’t do much besides take the edge off. She shifted and We groaned at feeling her belly squish into ours, pressing us against the far wall to our other side. “Getting pinched here…” “Sorry.” We huffed as some of the construction crew walked down to look at us and masturbate to us both, since while in our current state we were both putting out a ‘fuck’ aura strong enough to send people into a sexual frenzy. The fact they did this during their lunch break and went right back to work afterwards was impressive. “Now that’s not fair. You all get to give us a show and all we have to do is lie here so pregnant we can’t move?” “Maybe we could give them a ‘masturbate as directed’ session?” Ave suggested as she rubbed her side with a wing. “Maybe, the fact that some of them that are finishing the tunnels down here are also poking at our rear ends from the walkways behind us has us bothered.” We turned our head back, looking at the semi-circular wooden walkway that they’d built close to our pussies, our tails draping over it even with some brave males licking us and drinking our feminine slime as they worshiped us. It was the closest we had to pleasure besides our tail talons by this point. “Well, it was nice of them to plan ahead. Nothing can get back there otherwise.” Ave shrugged, then gasped when one of the stallions couldn’t help himself and started entering her cunny. “Oh~ again? Hmph! As if We’re not pregnant enough, you overeager boys just can’t help but unbirth yourselves.” We gasped when another did the same to us and We sighed in lustful resignation. What, was this the fifth one this week? More? “At this rate we’ll be pregnant forever.” We pouted, putting our cheek on a claw as our bellies tightened even more with the new eggs added from those fools being rebirthed as Everlasting Dragons. At least those ones are sure to hatch. “When will this be over? We’re over a week overdue as it is.” “Don’t ask us. We’re not the one with a soul from the dawn of this world.” Ave huffed in annoyance, rubbing her chest area. “We want our boobs back damn it…” “They’re back there remember?” We huffed, trying not to agitate the overly swollen teats partly under our thighs but squeezed out by their sheer size and under the walkway, constantly spraying milk into the lake from the pressure. The lake was more milk than cum by now honestly, but that wasn’t good for our eggs. They need more protein. “Oh~!” Our sister moaned as another worker slipped into her pussy. “Stop that back there~!” Ave complained and groaned. “Sis, can’t you get someone to help with this? You have a whole coven of witches devoted to fertility magic.” “Sabrina has no clue what’s up with us sis. Neither does her mom and she’s the one who started that for them.” We sighed in defeat, slumping onto our rock-hard womb. “We guess we’ve bit the big one. We’re stuck as forever pregnant Fertility Goddesses in our own temple.” “This sucks.” Ave grumped. “The least this fate could’ve added on was a big stud who…” Ave trailed off and We followed her gaze and smiled at seeing Spike storming up to us. “Hey Spike-.” “Mine~!” Spike roared before he surged in size and made us squeak since he easily towered over even us! Then he wrecked the walkway as he casually bulldozed through it behind Aventurine, the lust-addled worshipers thankfully having hightailed it towards the exit the moment he roared. “H-hey! No wai-eee-eeet!~! Oh Fuck Yes~!” Ave orgasmed when Spike shoved his giant dick into her. “It’s been almost a month~! Masturbation doesn’t-Fuck~!” She spasmed and suddenly her belly began convulsing. “H-holy shit! He’s-hng-sending us into labor~!” “Wait, what?” We eagerly questioned while We looked her over, seeing the surface of her belly tightening and flexing in the telltale sign of contractions. “Spike! Do us!” We eagerly demanded, twisting our hips the little they could to wiggle our pussy at him. This convinced the rutting stud to leave our sister who whined in disappointment, but then We replaced her screams of rapture with our own when Spike slammed into us, our belly instantly tightening. “How is it like this~?!” “About damn time!” We both looked to the voice, seeing Ember enter with Smolder. Both of them looked smug. “Sorry it took so long to push him over the edge and into the right mindset, but when you went overdue we both got to work on Spike so he could break you out of your stasis.” “Stasis?” We huffed as Spike bit our neck and scrapped at our stone scales, grinding his claws against them. “What do...oh...oh...you mean Ember.” We huffed when We felt the first egg press against Spike’s tip deep within us. “What she means is you both weren’t getting exposed to pheromones from a male to set you off.” Smolder explained simply. “While herms are nice, they need to not be pregnant to give out the right pheromones for the broodmother to consider it ‘safe’ to lay their eggs.” “Spike has been pent up since refusing to breed us the last breeding season. We’ve been teasing the hell out of him and getting him primed. Then, I told him his mate needs him for her to birth her eggs and here you are.” Ember smirked as Spike fucked us senseless, our eyes rolling in our skull from the raw pleasure We’ve been missing out on for nearly a month. “Mine~.” Spike greedily declared over our back, licking our neck and pulling out, causing the first of many, many Everlasting Dragon eggs to splash into the milky slurry and he slapped both our’s and Ave’s asses, making us both moan as we kept birthing our stud’s eggs. (<3) Within an hour our eggs were piled high together. The lake was at an all-time low, only covering the bottom of the utterly massive clutch of 200 eggs, each one was easily as big as one of our boobs at this giant size. Both Ave and us were panting and nearly unconscious on the natural ramp to the exit, Spike lovingly stroking our necks. “Good girls.” “Thank...you...Spike…” We managed between breaths, kissing his hand. Ave did the same with his other hand and even sucked on a finger. We copied her and made Spike chuckle. “Has everything gone well in there?” We heard from the cave entrance and saw an orange Elder Dragon male accompanied by a similar green male. “Do the expecting mothers need more stimulation, or did the young drake manage it?” “Our mate handled it.” Smolder proudly declared to them. “You don’t need to stay now. Not with so many wet and waiting dragonesses in the Dragonlands just dying to meet you.” “Ah...yes. True.” The taller orange drake replied uneasily, likely as daunted as he really should be about being the object of lust of untold numbers of hungry women all at once. “Sorry to have had you stay fellas. The dragonlands are south and east of here in the volcanic badlands.” Ember informed them, tapping her Bloodstone Scepter. “Good of you to show up and hang around, though you’ve just missed our goddess Cynder birthing the first of a new generation of Everlasting Dragons by milling outside like total betas.” “I-I’m your goddess?” Cynder asked as We blinked in shared surprise with her. It’s okay Cynder, it’s not hypocrisy if you’re ignorant of it! Or...does that make it worse? “I had to dust off some old scrolls to check, but yeah!” Ember declared proudly as the two elder dragons knelt and bowed their heads to us. “No, no. None of that you two. Stand up. There’s plenty of elder dragonesses hungry for some hot meat back home.” Ember declared, gesturing them out, the two looked nervouscited as they hurried out to head home. “Thank Gog. We don’t think We could’ve handled suddenly going for a few rounds with some prime studs at the moment.” Aventurine admitted, weakly moving to us and kissing us gently and tenderly. “That may have been drawn out to be nearly unpleasant, but thanks for the good time Little Sister.” “Anytime! Though, next time, let’s keep a stud on hand, hm?” We chuckled and nuzzled her, but when We pulled back We had to quietly coo. She had snuggled up to us and was fast asleep. Good idea sis, We’ll just...close our eyes… (<3) We awoke slowly, opening our eyes to the ceiling of our stately bedroom. Blinking, We felt ourselves over and sighed in relief when our hands groped our delicious breasts on our chest where they belonged. Good to be back. No idea how We reverted, but We’ll take what We can get. It’s been 2 months since We’ve done any work round here, let's-. “Ah~!” We squealed in terror and scrunched up on the bed at the sight of every single inch of the walls and floor coated in various colors of slime. This of course awoke Visi who was apparently in bed with us. “Don’t scare me like that!” Visi demanded as she smacked our shoulder, huffing as she pulled the blanket off of her, revealing her larger H-cup breasts and a fecund belly looking ready to pop with triplets. It’s only been two months! Is she pregnant with pups then?! “Yes, why wake Cocoa so rudely?” Asked Cocoa’s head on a brown tendril coming up from the right side of the bed with an unhappy pout, colored tendrils rising with the head of our other wive’s matching each of their own colors all mirroring their complaints and looking annoyed. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just...We haven’t seen your new domestic dynamics.” We guess turning to slime without the ability to solidify made sleeping on a bed slightly problematic, but anchoring themselves to walls and the floor? “Why are you on the walls and floor?” “So none of us accidentally eat Visi in our sleep.” Urta answered, making us shiver at the fact that our lovers were potentially lethal to cuddle...that’s not nice. “No cuddles?” We asked sadly, making them shake their heads. “We can cuddle, but it’s better if we’re in a rubber suit or something first. We can’t digest rubber for some reason.” Sabrina informed us. “As for why the floors and walls instead of sleeping in suits; it’s just easier.” Honey finished explaining, then sighed. “Alright, I guess we all better get up girls. It’s about 4 am anyway.” With grumbles they gathered their slime and reformed their bodies. We drooled at the sight of Sabrina and Cocoa with bellies big enough for over a dozen babies each, especially since Cocoa seems to have made being a three-headed cerberus her default, licking her chops at us. “Down girls! They just got back from being near-permanently pregnant.” Visi glared, making our wives all sigh in disappointment. “Shoo! Off with you!” Visi playfully demanded, the slimes all swaying their butts and tails at us as they left, making both of us laugh. “They never get boring.” “No they don’t.” We hugged Visi to our side, kissing her gently and then leaning down to kiss her belly. “How are they? Foals? Pups? How many?” “Pups. About three.” Visi huffed as she rubbed her massive fecund swell fondly with a dopey smile We know all too well from having experienced pregnancy ourselves so much. “You’re this big already?” We asked worriedly, because even if they were pups their mama was a mare. Usually the gestation was determined by the mama. Urta was a special case. Special enough she should have the Fertility As-Fucking Gwenevere! Ugh! Not now! Shut up! Weren’t you absorbed by Urta already?! “Even I don’t know how this happened.” Visi pointed down at her belly. “Honestly, it’s weird.” The glow about her and the more gentle presence she’s exuding was almost as weird as her unconventional pregnancy. We regret missing out on her pregnancy with Rex now. “We still love you though~!” We purred before We kissed her while leaning into her body, running our tail talon and a hand over her belly, making her groan into our mouth. “Sorry to ruin the mood, but We’ve been indisposed. Do you have any news on the caribou or Hell?” “Cunt-blocker...Todd and Pillar are dealing with Hell. Hunter is busy with keeping tabs on that base the Lust Demons have in the Savage Mountains. While Berserker, Collateral and Runner are keeping an eye on the Caribou. Berserker’s thinking about sending this lot off into the Warp as well.” Visi nonchalantly informed us, as if tossing a whole species into the Warp was nothing special. “What?! Can’t they be redeemed though?” We yelped in disbelief. Bryan may be brutal, but even that sounds like intense overkill for something that isn’t demons from Hell. “Let me rephrase that. Berserker’s thinking about sending King Dainn and all those who follow him to the Warp.” Visi clarified to us. “Now, yes, there are some that could be redeemed. However, this is Berserker we’re talking about.” Visi’s eyes glazed over and she smiled fondly while still running her hands over her fecund belly. Gosh she’s so precious when she’s pregnant. “Right. Well then, is there anything We need to do?” We asked her as We got up. “And have Runner and Berserker thought of the offer we made?” “What offer was that, again?” Visi asked us with her brows furrowed. Well, it was a month and a week or two ago. “The offer to show them what this felt like.” We said while rubbing her belly and Visi purred as our hands found her outie navel. “Remember the picture?” “They haven’t said anything about it. Honestly, I think Berserker would stress out a lot and have catastrophic mood swings. Runner...would still be Runner.” Visi then bit her lip and groped her breasts. “Mm~ now that you mention it. I caught Runner masturbating as a woman once while you were away. I also have a picture I snuck of him trying out your magic dress. It was hilarious to pretend I burst in on him and didn’t notice him throw an illusion over himself after that.” “Wait really?” We asked in surprise. “The offer is open. Especially to Runner.” She would look so sexy! Pregnant bunny-wolf full of buns in her oven~! “I still find it crazy you would want to give an offer like that.” Visi said, idly rubbing her belly full of pups. “I mean, I get it to a degree. This is amazing in ways no pure male could possibly understand naturally.” We didn’t miss how her hips wiggled to rub her navel against our still hands, which We took as prompting to get back to rubbing her belly. “We’re a Goddess of Fertility. We don’t mind if our mates are moody, or what gender they are.” We kissed Visi’s cheek, valiantly trying to ignore the voice that insists you’ll still be the same without the Fertility Aspect. Shut up Gwenevere! “No, but your mates would mind.” Visi retorted flatly, making us puff our cheeks out. “Oh, don’t pout at me, you know it’s true. I’d take umbrage with being turned into a full stallion. Having the fun bits is great but not full time.” Visilia reasoned understandably from her own experiences. “We know, but they are already our mates. It’s not like We’re bringing in new people.” We’re overloaded on that front as it stands. We still have Luna’s joining our marriage to consider. There’s no way in Hell that Cadence wouldn’t leap at the chance to have one of her hot aunts in her pants more seriously. We also wouldn’t be surprised if thanks to studying us so much, that our fellow Princesses wouldn’t have figured out how to avoid genetic inbreeding issues. “True, and soon we’ll all be your husbands and wives along with the staggering harem of beautiful women you already have.” Visi stated with a confident grin. “I’m not going to lose to any of them. Besides Urta. She’s just so...Urta you know?” The way Visi’s nipples hardened so much and her tits visibly swollen in arousal told us just how much Visilia appreciated Urta. “Ah, yes. It’s a good thing We commissioned extra rings before We went into another breeding frenzy.” No wonder Cadence told us to prepare more rings, her damned romance-pathing must’ve picked up incoming potential partners to the harem. Hmph, Princess of Love our sexy ass, she’s a total Harem Queen. “That’s great!” Visi beamed at us about the news. “Although...when is the best time to get married? I mean, we can’t just do it out of the blue. Inconveniences aren’t ideal.” “Um...how about in the Spring? It’s the time many get married just after mating season.” Both due to passions running high and sudden responsibilities being forged by lust-driven matings. “What season are we in now? Sorry, but with all that has happened, you kinda forget the time. Especially when you spend most of that time in a weather-proof enclosure like the canyon.” Visilia asked us while scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. “Oh...uh, sorry...maybe a couple months...in the Summer?” We mewled in uncertainty since not even Daring had managed to keep track and three quarters of us don’t pay attention to that. “Hm, that might be a good time.” Visi nodded her approval as she patted her belly. “Alright. Also, if any of the boys want to feel what being a mother is like it’s up to them. We wouldn’t have even offered that if you hadn’t shown us that picture, so blame yourself if it happens.” We chuckled as We patted Visi’s pregnant swell too, the blood-red orb was hot and smooth like all good preggo bellies. Visilia let out a sigh. “That’s true.” Visi put her hands over ours and fluttered her eyes at us. “Then again, it’s Palutena’s fault it ever happened at all. Blame her for our mutual fantasies.” “Mutual huh?” We chuckled as We slowly got dressed once We summoned our magic black dress and corset. “Then you could return the favor to Berserker and knock him up. You do have the potions, or We could Bless you and you could possibly get the equipment right there.” We still need to catalogue all of our Blessing’s random effects. Extra genitals, size increases or decreases, or even change in gender entirely are just a few of the effects We’ve seen. We’re worried about how many effects We have in total. “I doubt he would want that, I know I have the potions, no blessings.” Visilia remarked sternly, though she did seem a bit reluctant in regards to the latter two points. “Alright, but you never know. All we do is open doors, it’s other’s choice to take them.” Hopefully Runner opens that door. We’ll go plunging into her depths so hard~! “Yeah, at least you-oof!” Visi grunted and rubbed her belly in broad strokes. “Easy babies. Easy…” “They’re kicking?” We eagerly chirped before We homed in on her belly to wrap our arms around it and press our ear to the top of it, causing Visi to giggle. “Yep. Feel them?” Visi cooed her answer affectionately, petting our head as We nuzzled her womb. We felt them kick and We kissed her belly as she petted us. “We do wish for the Boys to know this joy if Runner can change them.” We sighed and fought against the raging ladyboner We got from smelling Visi. Everything about her scent set us off. “You really want to fuck babies into them, don’t you?” Visi snorted in amusement. “Well, if they take up the offer, I might even join in.” Visi licked her lips and We smirked. She must’ve been using the potions while We’ve been away. She knows the joy of filling someone else now. “Only if they want to.” We purred and gave her popped-out navel a suckling kiss. “Hm~.” Visi hummed with a shiver, her hands nearly grabbing at our scalp in pleasure. “So is there anything on the front that needs us?” We asked while We smooched her belly with lighter kisses as the scent of Visi’s increasing arousal spurred us on. “No, not really. We’ve also been keeping a close eye on the Lust Demons. Just because they’re our allies now, doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way for long.” Visi told us, her breasts swelling slightly further from her arousal as she fluttered her eyes at us. “That’s good.” We purred and moved up her body with kisses. “And it’s summer now?” “On your end. Our end is nearing the end of autumn. So...what are you planning on doing to me?” Visi asked us breathily, clearly ready for some pleasure. “What would our sexy demoness like us to do?” We purred before there was a knock at the door. We huffed and summoned a ‘do not disturb’ sign on our door. One made of plated silver hanging from a gold-plated chain that was from our hoard. There, leave us alone. “Mm~, surprise me.” Our Demon Princess answered with a wink. “Perhaps a massage to start off. My muscles have been feeling a little stiff lately, for obvious reasons.” She patted her pregnant belly and engorged breasts for emphasis. “Alright, don’t expect Urta level work. We were all warriors, a chef, or an archeologist at one point.” We told her before helping turn her over to get to work, her front interestingly pressing into the mattress until the rest of her was flat on the bed. Probably Twilight at work again. “Just do what you can.” Visi said before crossing her arms under her chin and relaxing. We smiled and started working her back, feeling out the tense and tired muscles. “Mm~ oh yeah…” Oh, yes. That’s right. Visilia gets all kinds of horny from massages. This’ll be good. > Ch.74 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.74 Despite our lack of experience with massage, Visilia took well to our ministrations, humming and cooing to our touches. “Mm...oh! I forgot to mention something.” Visilia perked up while We were doing her shoulder blades. “What’s that?” We asked while We kept rubbing our hands down her back slowly. “There may still be a chance of helping Twilight and her friends.” Visi said before humming in delight. “Hm~. Berserker’s Wolf form has returned back to normal, but his muscle mass is still there. His blood has finally become immune to the effects of the Beast Blood. Scinoxes have been keeping a close eye on his condition and he’s improved with Runner’s help mentally.” “Really? That’s good, his vaccine can aid them!” We cheered when We got a knot out of her lower back. We purred when We pinched her even bubblier butt before actually working on it. “Mmph~! Right there~.” Visi bit her lip and even wiggled her booty at us. “It’s really bad on your ass?” We questioned as We worked out the knots, our hands digging deep. We worked out the knots from the top of her glutes and slowly moved down. “On my whole back and backside actually. I may be a demonic alicorn, but carrying babies isn’t easy.” Visilia stated with a bit of amusement. “You’d think with my family line’s durability and elasticity that-uh, forget I said anything!” Oh! More of what Visi’s embarrassed about! Spill! Your family’s genetics are juicy! “We know, but We’d like to know more about that last part later~.” We cooed and worked her back again, getting as much of the knots out as We could. “Oh yeah~.” Visi purred, looking just about ready to fall asleep from our massaging. “You really like that.” We commented before We found a vertebrae that was slightly out of position. We crossed our palms over it and then with a full-body press, popped her back. “Yes~!” Visi moaned from our incredible strength popping her spine back into place so easily. “Aw, falling asleep on us?” We chuckled as We got another pop and straddled her rear to get a better position. Visi moaned and groaned as We got her back to loosen before moving on to her wings. “Feeling better?” We asked as We slightly humped our clothed cunt against her booty. “Mhm~. Enjoying yourself back there?” Visi asked coyly and wiggled her booty against our groin, causing us to grunt and be thankful our male organs weren’t present at the moment. If they were, We’d have dropped all pretense of this just being a massage and started hotdogging her thicc sexy motherly ass! “Quite a bit.” We admitted before hearing her back pop again and started on her sensitive wings. Thankfully they didn’t have feathers, so it was easy to focus on just the muscles. We heard her gasp before she raised her ass and her wings went stiff, the act putting sudden pressure on our sensitive puffy pussy and making us shiver. “O-Oh~.” Visi stuttered out and We felt her body shiver underneath us. “Did you just cum?” We asked playfully while We gave in, allowing our dick to rocket forth from it’s genital slit through the hole the dress formed moments before. We then shifted to let our cock move between her legs and rub against her moist mons. “Yes~. My wings are-hnng!” Visi grunted when We popped the joints at the base of her wings which released all of the tension. This was while We were poking her lovely labia with our spear-like draconic glans. “Eek!” She thrust her booty up against us and almost penetrated herself on us before she fell back flat to the bed with lustful panting. “Hold back?” We asked playfully while our hands moved to work her neck. “Yes. I’m so sensitive right now.” Visi mewled as she relaxed herself again. We worked her back some more and took care of the kinks all while hotdogging her thicc ass. “I can’t feel much else. Is your back feeling better?” We asked in the hopes We got everything. “Yep.” Visi contentedly replied as she twerked her ass in time with our hotdogging. “Unf, as much as We would like to cum from this Visi, you’re not done yet.” We purred while We gave her shoulders a bit of work too before We helped her turn over onto her back, thrusting that monument of motherhood into the air. “Hm, it’s going to be difficult trying to copy Urta’s technique.” “You don’t have to try. I’m more than ready now Love.” Visilia purred with lustful lidded eyes and she spread her legs to expose her drooling arousal plumped pussy. “Oh? You want more shoved into that lovely womb?” We teased as We still endeavored to try and massage her face, which she pouted at slightly before letting us continue. “Maybe~.” Visi playfully lilted after We finished rubbing her face. We then worked her boobs, her belly while being extra careful, then slowly moved down to her legs. “Oh, love~. You’re being so great yet such a damn tease right now.” “Tease?” We coyly asked before sprouting three heads on our broad shoulders and moving the main head aside so We were symmetrical. Visilia yelped in surprise at this before Svartr dove in and kissed her deeply, Cynder bit her neck, Willow nibbled on her ear and Daring latched onto one of her lactating nipples. “Are We still teasing~?” “Mm~!” Visi moaned into Svartr’s mouth as she grabbed her horns and deepened the already passionate kiss before breaking off to gasp for breath while the strands of saliva between their lips broke. “Since when could you do this? Cocoa is a fucking oral goddess when she’s using three heads!” “Oh? Do you want us down there?” We asked playfully as Daring and Willow sucked her tits, Svartr still had a horn in Visi’s grip and Cynder was trailing kisses down the alicorn’s pregnant swell towards her sopping wet quim. Ah~ the benefits of long necks and shapeshifting. “Fuck yes.” Visi declared hungrily and even shifted her hips to urge Cynder to move faster. “Hm, where should We start?” We asked playfully as Cynder poked at Visi’s labia with her long serpentine tongue. “Wherever you feel like just eat me~!” Visilia answered with a moan at our teasing, so We hurried down to her groin and started licking with all four mouths. “Oh~!” Our demon princess moaned loudly, spreading her legs out further for us and groping her milk-spraying breasts. Daring licked at her clitorus, Svartr and Willow focused on her puffy lips while Cynder dug into her love tunnel with her long serpentine tongue. Visi moaned and huffed as We heard the knocking again, ignoring it again, We dug into our demon mare’s wet flower for her nectar. “Unf, such greedy mates, wanting me for themselves~.” Visi gasped when Cynder tried to shove her muzzle in deeper while she kept licking up her juices. “Yes! Deeper!” “Why wouldn’t We? You’re our Demon Mare, so irresistibly tangy and spicy~.” Willow huffed as Cynder dug deeper, our hands massaging Visilia’s thighs while each tongue worked away. She squirmed and mewled as We kept it up, bringing her so much pleasure she tried to fuck herself on Cynder’s snout. “Ah~!” Princess Visilia wailed when she shuddered in climax, rewarding us with so much more of her tangy/zesty mare nectar. We didn’t give her respite and continued to pleasure her through her climax until she came down. Once she was panting after her delightful keening voice quieted, We pulled three heads back while Cynder continued to drink her fem-cum. “Unf, Visi. We want to breed you so bad~.” We crooned needily as our internal testicles gurgled with a need to breed despite the fact she was already pregnant. Damn dragon instincts, she can’t get even more pregnant like a dragon can! “Hmpf! Is that so~?” Visi asked, biting her bottom lip. “But I’m already pregnant.” “D-dragons get more pregnant when fucked while still pregnant. We can’t help the urge when We’re full dragon.” We panted as We rubbed our lower stomach, groaning at how sensitive our inner testes were making our body. “Oh~ Visi...We want to fill you with eggs so bad…” “Well I’m not a dragoness, but feel free to try.” Visilia moaned as she rubbed our lower stomach and We whimpered at how that made our balls churn within our abdomen. “Wow that’s odd. I’m so used to them being outside and under, not inside and above. It’s not painful right?” “N-no~...” We mewled needily as her gentle probing hands on our stomach felt just as stimulating as when she would worship our balls normally, but it was on our tummy. It was kinda like a fusion of ball worship and belly rubbing. “I-it feels normal, only i-inside~!” We bit our lips as her fingers pressed in on our tummy and our spear-like ribbed dragon-dick throbbed. “Fuck~!” We almost just came right then! Holy fuck! “Whoa that’s sensitive.” Visi observed as she panted for breath, curiosity guiding her as she magically pulled us closer to her head and she kissed our lower abs. “Hm~ it may not be big gurgling balls, but tight muscles hiding said balls is good with me too.” Visilia giggled as she rubbed her face in our underbelly and We whimpered with pre dripping down our huge red rod and all over her face. “Mm~ tangy.” “K-keep this up and We’re going to breed you!” We snarled in warning as the urge to lift her legs and plow her pussy properly pregnant built within us. “I already said you could try, but I doubt it’ll work out like that.” Visilia stopped teasing us and levitated us over her to kneel between her spread legs. “Go on, give me some of that thick dick!” Visilia demanded and We snarled before lining up with her engorged quim and began to gently press into her soaking silky snatch. “Hnng! Fuck yes! Deeper!” “W-wait. H-hold on. Is this okay?” We asked with what little restraint We had left as We continued to slowly push deeper into her. “Hnng~ so big~!!” Visi groaned out as she grabbed us with her magic and began pressing us even deeper. “Fuck me now!” “Visi~! The pups! We’re gonna…” We stopped with herculean effort, gritting our collective teeth and wincing at how tightly Visi’s convulsing cunt was clinging to our cock. “Visi! Is it safe to cum inside?!” With how incredible and durable her body is, We wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was yes, but We don’t want to risk it with both of us riding high in the throes of passion. “Fuck! I…” Visi trailed off before shaking her head and pulling away as our cock popped out, leaving us hissing in pain from blue-balls inside our abdomen. “What is wrong with me? Dad warned me I might go overboard, but fuck that’s scary!” “We’re sure they’d be fine, this is us We’re talking about, but will you be fine Visi?” We whimpered as We gently ran our fingers over our lower abs, hoping to quell the ache within us desperate for a release in pressure. “I know for a fact I will be okay, but even if it’s you I doubt it’s a good idea to pump cum into a pregnant mare’s womb.” Visi looked down at our dick, then rubbed her belly and licked her lips. “Hm, well, no point in wasting that. How about you feed me instead?” Visi leaned back further and pulled her thicc motherly ass apart to expose her supernaturally clean anus. “Like back when We roleplayed together, but none of that Morph Slime this time.” “Thank Sister and you Visi.” We huffed eagerly and then shuffled closer before promptly aiming our pointed glans into her ass and pushed in slowly. “Oh, fuck~!” Visi growled as We stretched her ass out, which accommodated us readily, but still clung incredibly tightly. “Oh, Visi~. Your ass is so tight.” We groaned when We pushed deeper and Visi grunted and whimpered as she tweaked her nipples. Soon enough, We were crotch deep in her and began to piston her butt. “Yes~!” Visi snarled as We pounded away at her. “We’ve got a big load Visi! Are you ready for us to feed you?” We snarled from being so worked up as We shook the bed with how hard We were fucking her. We grunted and We felt her cum, the babies kicking about as our cock disturbed them. “Ah, unf fuck!” “Yes!” Visi cried out with her juices spraying from her snatch which soaked our lower abdomen and our dick. “Oh, fuck~!” “Hope you’re ready~!” We hissed through our multiple mouths moments before We blissfully began to gush into her, feeling our load gurgling in our tummy as it lurched and started pumping. “Here We cum~!” We roared while We filled her up with our seed, bloating her belly even larger. Visilia moaned loudly before our cum gushed from her mouth even as We kept pumping in more. “Oh, yes~!” We roared, holding her hips tight as our cock pumped. We kissed her passionately even as We kept cumming like a burst fire hydrant, keeping our still pulsing cock in her ass and wrestling with her tongue while she clutched at us. Visi’s eyes rolled back and We tasted our own cum being pumped through her body. We finished minutes later, having released the kiss to let her drain out a bit, but kept our cock in her. She looked pregnant with quadruplets from that load. “Ready for more?” We purred as We rubbed her baby and batter bloated belly. “M-more?” Visi asked while panting for breath and swallowing back down what she could. “We can do a few more loads.” We panted while running our fingers along her deep red linea nigra. It was so novel to see a pregnant woman in this world have such a thing, what with fur and the supernatural elasticity, not even accounting for said additional elasticity provided by our mere proximity. “Hm~.” Our Demon Princess hummed while rubbing her sloshing belly. “I could do with a little more…” Visilia grinned greedily with a devious twinkle in her eyes that We hadn’t seen since that hot time in the shower a good while ago. “How much do you want to be fed?” We asked as the knock came again. Go away already! “Who is that?!” Visi called out in annoyance, leering at the door in displeasure. “I’m from the breeding center, Ma’am, there’s a lot of females and males that wish for attention.” A meek sounding female voice told us as We thrust into Visilia. “Attention for who?” Visi demanded with irritation as We plowed her again. “From the Goddess. Breeding season may be over, but there’s still a steady stream of volunteers for the dragons and thestrals backed up from her absence.” She mewled. “Aw...Daring, Svartr, go.” We snarled before our usual breeders split from our main body, remaining dragons and rubbing our shoulders. “It’s okay girls, We know.” “Not fair, you getting to keep fucking our future wife while we have to go work.” Svartr huffed and slapped our ass before sauntering to the door. “To be fair Svartr, our jobs are really fucking pleasurable. Literally.” Daring joked as they opened the door and left with the mare that was waiting. “Sorry love.” We groaned while Willow and Cynder fused their heads into one. Might as well since it seemed multi-mouth fun was over. “It’s okay, now fucking get back to it.” Visi grunted and thrust against us, causing us to get back to plowing her ass. “So...one more load and make you puke our cum?” We huffed as We thrust into her while at the Breeding Center, Svartr and Daring got into their old roles. “Unf! It might be a bigger load, but We can’t be sure with half of us gone!” We huffed before We kissed her. Visilia moaned as she took us, her belly sloshing greatly as We kissed and groped her. We snarled with each thrust, pulling back more to drive our cock harder into her ass until We were pulling out altogether to hammer her. Shivering from each gust of cold air just before driving our cock back in, We moaned in ecstasy when We felt our abs clench as We pulled out on a wild thrust before driving in one last time. Fuck! We drove our cock back into her pussy! “Ahn~!” Visi wailed in orgasm and it was too late now! We roared in pleasure as our cock entered her womb with ease, Visi’s cervix practically welcoming us into her without resistance. We felt the triplets kicking our glans moments before We flooded her womb. “Oh yes~!” We hissed as Visilia held her growing belly, our seed swelling her up more. “Oh, god~!” The Demonic Alicorn cried out in ecstasy, her eyes rolling back again in a glorious ahegao face. “Ah~! Fuck yes~!” Her head flew back as she orgasmed again while clutching at her quintuplet sized belly. “Fill me~!” “We, unf, don’t think our seed will add to your pregnancy. At least, We hope not. We may be a goddess, but We’re not our sister.” We groaned as pups kicked us, our legs feeling tired for the moment when We felt Svartr and Daring filling eager dragoness volunteers and being filled by eager thestral stallions respectfully. We shivered from the sympathetic orgasm We had, filling Visilia again. “Fuck~...” “So much cum~.” Visi groaned as her belly swelled more, drooling as her eyes glazed when her cunt practically gripped us like a vice and milked us. She seemed to be flooded with ecstasy as she rubbed her currently overdue quintuplet-sized belly. Good thing just being near us elasitizes her body, or else she would be in a lot of pain instead. Then again, Visilia seems to be supernaturally elastic without us adding to it. “We should pull out. With the others going at it We’ll keep cumming as long as We’re aroused!” We hissed at feeling our cunt cum as Daring did, a male shooting his load into her. “No~! Fill me more~!” Visilia wailed in a disturbingly needy way, so We denied her by pulling our cock out despite her begging. With how much pressure she was under, her butt and cunny weren’t eager to let go of their bounty. “Oh~ but I still have room!” “No! Visi, get ahold of yourself!” We demanded before We yelped when she grabbed us in her magic and sat us on her huge milky breasts with our dick in her face. “Visi~!” We mewled as Visi started worshiping our cock while her hands went to our lower abs, cupping our internal testes perfectly somehow, bringing great pleasure to us. “Oh~, goddess Visi! Unf!” We grunted as We leaned back, feeling Svartr cum which made our balls gurgle, but We didn’t do more than dribble since We weren’t actively fucking. “Hm~ so tasty!” Visi moaned between our thighs and We wailed when she suddenly dove into our snatch, hungrily eating us out as her magic kept us pinned atop her bosom. “Mm~ gonna fill you so good later~.” “Oh, Visi!” We mewled while she ate us out and pre practically flowed down our cock and all over her head. “Guh~! What is going on with you?!” We wailed and then gasped before gushing cum over her face and against the headboard from both sexes. “Ah~! Visi~!” “Mm~!” Visi gave a muffled cry as her pussy squirted out her juices. Holy shit! Is she getting off to getting us off~?! “Yes! Cum for me!” Ah~! “You want more?!” We squealed while cum ran down our dick and onto her face. We grunted when our other halves seemed a bit overwhelmed with the Yaks joining in. Yaks? When did-oh~ OH~ OW! Thankfully the pain/pleasure of them being rough with Daring and Svartr was eased by Visi slurping up the cum running down our into our cunt as she kept it up. “Visi, unf!” We grunted and came in a fountain spray. “Stop~!” “H-huh?! What’s wrong?” Visilia asked us in shock, as if she realized what she was doing. “Are you hurt? I didn’t nip you too hard with my fangs did I?” “No, but something’s come up at the Breeding Center. We need to go help Daring and Svartr.” We huffed to our future wife as she levitated us off of her and then began cleaning herself up. W-with her tongue. She cooed and rubbed our cum into her body and leered lustfully at us. “Aw, and leave me all sticky and alone?” Visi lewdly purred as she licked the top of her left breast until her tongue flicked off of her nipple. “Why don’t we go to the bathroom and you pour me a bath before you go?” Holy fuck, Urta wasn’t making shit up about the cum baths?! “Gods, We love you Visi, but no. We need to go.” We huffed as We turned to leave, only for Visilia’s magic to snag us. “You. Are going. Nowhere.” We felt a chill run down our spine at the deadly tone Visilia never used with us before. “You. Are going to satisfy me. Now. Not later.” Visilia snarled and We gulped uneasily as We felt her press against our beck, her fecund belly and breasts squishing into us. “I’m not done with you. You are not done with me. Now we’re going to the bathroom and-.” “Visi! You’re scaring us!” We whimpered fearfully. Cynder may be a proud warrior, but she’s never had to deal with a carnally hungry woman that was exuding an aura of doom if she wasn’t satisfied. Visi snarled, but then gasped and backed away from us. “Gah! What the fuck?! What am I doing?! Especially since Urta already gave me a cum bath yesterday.” “She did?” We were still surprised that Visilia of all our harem indulges in hedonistic cum baths. Hot as fuck and We’d gladly do it under normal circumstances, but Visi got scary just now. “Yeah. In fact, I think I still have that batch in storage to give to R&D later. Whatever, I’ll go bathe in it again since it’s permanently hot and sensual. Sorry about that dear. I don’t know what came over me.” Visilia pulled me into a gentle kiss and smiled apologetically. “Now go on and get to work while I soak in Urta’s semen.” The way Visi licked her lips and shimmied her hips was just cruel considering she fucked and sucked us so hard already and somehow We felt another load building in our internal balls. “Okay.” We mewled as We watched her go, wondering if she was really okay. “A little help would be appreciated-ow~!” Daring called out through our soul/mind link and We sprinted all the way to the Breeding Center. Upon entering We found unruly Yak males hammering both our halves while females used their dicks, pissing off waiting thestrals and dragonesses who were too intimidated by the invading bovids to intervene. We both split and moved to the disgruntled group, though we started getting overwhelmed as we tried to keep up with how many there were this year despite breeding season being over. Last year it was just dragons, but with two more groups it was hard to keep up. Why did Celestia and Luna have to advertise Unity’s Breeding Services so much~?! (<3) “We need help~.” We whined when We left the Breeding Center just around sunset. We made our way home, hoping to sleep as our body actually ached and We even felt sick a bit, like when We birthed all those kittens all at once during our ascension. Maybe it would be a good idea to pass the bulk of this on to Urta? Fuck you-ugh, maybe Gwynevere has a point here. We’d still be the demi-goddess of Fertility at any rate and still have Sex which is intrinsically tied to it. Ugh, later. When We made it to our throne room to see about maybe getting a little work done before bed, We found Visilia on our throne wearing a beautiful golden maternity dress. Why wasn’t she any smaller? “Visi? Are you doing better now?” In reply, Visi looked up from her tablet and gave us an absolutely radiant smile. Is she glowing a bit? Does Urta’s cum have other unknown qualities to it like giving radiant hair, fur, skin, etc? “Hey, honey. I had to take over court for you.” Visilia informed us with a disturbingly cheerful disposition as We approached. “Your secretaries are quite good at their jobs even without Spike acting as your majordomo. I’ve only had to deal with a few things on top of petitioners.” “Thanks Visi.” We replied while looking at her quintuplet-sized belly. “We didn’t put more little buns in your oven, did We?” We asked with a cringe, knowing she didn’t want too many at once, but she just snorted in amusement and slapped her broad belly with a proud grin. “No, you didn’t.” Visi chuckled, giving us a wink. “I’m just bloated from all the cum you produced. I haven’t had to eat all day.” Visi then trailed her eyes down to our groin and licked her lips. “But I can always go for more of you.” The way her fecund swell gurgled was both incredibly sexy, and also intimidating. Holy shit, she still wants more? Something is wrong here. “Ah, uh. No thanks Visi. We’re in a bit of pain from how the yaks treated us on top of everything else with the breeding backlog.” We nervously declined with unanimous unease. “Is there anything else going on Visilia?” “Well, after this morning and knowing how much my scent drives you crazy…” Visilia smiled deviously before lifting the hem of her maternity dress to reveal a throbbing cock and heavy set of balls above her cunt. “I thought we could do the reverse since I was so greedy this morning.” “Ah…” We nervously eyed her throbbing red equine mast of mare-meat. We would’ve been happy to see this before this morning, but We were exhausted. We’ve actually found our limit both from how she worked us over and the breeding. Shame there weren’t many natural herms that could...wait! “We can bless people to help us in the Breeding Center!” “Huh? Why didn’t you think of that before?” Visi asked us curiously...is that a little tiara in her mane? Not important, but it looks so cute on her. Visi seemed to notice us noticing it since she took it off. “I had to wear it since the dumb fucks can’t tell.” She grumbled, extending her wings. Ah. Well, she is rather unique for an alicorn in their defense. “We couldn’t Bless people that well before. Pretty much they were all unintended. We also didn’t have inspiration for it until We saw your cock, you lovely demon.” We purred before kissing her hard, making her perk up as she tried pushing her tongue into our mouth before we pulled back when We noticed she was reaching for our hips. “We need to go. We have to talk to some of the workers at our Temple!” We declared before hurrying to leave. “No! Come back~!” Visi called out to us, slumping into our throne as she fished out a phone from her cleavage. “Now I’ve got blue balls.” We heard her huff as she dialed. “Sorry.” We apologized, knowing how unpleasant it was. “Who are you calling?” “Urta, and failing her, Cocoa. Those two are wonderful lovers.” Visi winked as she put the phone to the side of her head. “Hey Urta. How has your day been?” Visi smiled, then pouted. “I don’t just call you for sex!” Visi blushed and pouted. “Fine...it’s for sex.” Visi shooed us out with a gesture and We giggled. “We’re happy to see you getting along with the others!” We sang to her, dodging her tiara when it made a parabolic arc towards us and We laughed as We ran away from our beautiful tsundere. We slowed down upon exiting our keep before taking off into the air and flying towards our temple. “Sixteen. Sixteen males or females, blessed to be herms and have similar abilities with reproduction like us.” We huffed, feeling our wings hurt from all the tugging from the Yaks. “Or like Urta.” The only reason We think she isn’t a fully fledged Fertility goddess by now is because that’s our job. For now. > Ch.75 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.75 We stood before sixteen eager males and females from our Temple staff, all wearing the green and gold robes that were apparently the dress code of our official religion. Well, ‘robe’ was a bit, uh, conservative for what they really were. Skimpy togas that hung and clung to the body in tantalizing ways, baring half the torso for males and teasingly covering the bare minimum of a female’s bosom while being short enough for both that they were nearly bottomless. “So, We are going to turn you volunteers into full-time breeders to-.” We paused when the sixteen likely nymphomaniacs all cheered excitedly. “Calm down! Calm!” We ordered and a pulse of our aura made them obey. “Gods and We thought We were deviant.” We’re the literal fucking Goddess of Sex after all. There’s nothing that really turns us off besides nasty stuff like scat or potential death. Sex is part of procreation and Fertility doesn’t like killing your partner or making them sick. We’re not some twisted bitch like Mephala in Elder Scrolls universes. “We are your most devout followers! Command us oh Goddess!” Exalted the blue unicorn mare at the head of the small crowd of mixed races and genders. “Well...We want you to be Nuns. We will bless you to be herms and take over most of the needs of the Breeding Center so that We ourselves will not need to...exceed our limits of our duties.” We groaned and rubbed our left shoulder. “Yes~!” Cheered one particularly excited male griffin, who then blushed. “I, uh, always wanted breasts…and a vagina.” “That’s okay. This isn’t the sort of place to be concerned about such desires.” We gently stated before We saw some nobles from Canterlot milling around. The group seemed embarrassed and distressed, while also intrigued and nervous. We’ll deal with them in a moment. “Now, We have many ways to Bless others, but it’s easier when having sex. You four! We sense your desire to be unbirthed, but it would be a bit time consuming for now.” We told the four We sensed a particularly strong fetish from and they mewled in disappointment. “But We are sore, so We’re afraid it will have to be a rather casual affair. To speed it up We will be-ah~...” We gasped as our internal testes began pulsing and cooperated with our prostate to pump a weak stream of cum from our cock. It was exhausting, but it was also why We were sitting on the fountain connected to the lake below. “Cumming to speed this up. Come and pleasure yourselves with our body so that We can more easily bless you.” “Yes our Goddess~!” They purred and climbed into the fountain with us. Most of the males preferred to kiss us, moaning into our mouths as We’d sprouted all our heads to speed it up. We felt up their blossoming breasts as their bodies became more feminine and their male organs bigger and more potent. The women chose to worship our throbbing dick, sucking and licking as their groins grew their own new penises and testacles. Soon they all became herms, each relishing our gifts with pleasure and curiosity. “That went rather well.” We sighed in relief and We let ourselves relax, letting our dick retract into our genital slit before We stood from the stone seat of our temple’s shrine, which also doubled as a fountain. Said seat was designed to look like a Skaven woman sucking our cock as cum and milk poured from her and our female sexes and nipples. With a weary wave of our hand, We summoned our magic dress back onto us once We stepped out of the shrine’s basin and returned to having a single head. “Um, Princess Wiatr. We’re from the Temple of Celestia on tour. Why is your temple so crass?” One of the Nobles asked as he approached curiously and clearly trying not to ogle anyone. “Your Aspects may be Fertility, Sex and Commerce, but surely your place of worship could have more refinement and class in it’s architecture.” He gestured to all the nude and quite frankly obscene murals, carvings and statues. Most were of Skaven fervently, uh, worshiping us. We didn’t realize how many Skaven from Carim had come to work on the temple until We finally visited properly today. There’s even a Bell here, with little midget guardians and everything in that same full-body cage-helmet brass-like armor like back at the Iron Keep. “Hello~.” One of the Bell keepers chipperly called as they walked down from a set of stairs. “Just checked on the bell Mistress. It’s ready to ring in defense of the temple as usual.” “Yes-yes. That’s wonderful, go on back up you adorable little psychopath.” We dismissed and he cackled maniacally before he suddenly calmed down, bowed, then trudged back up the stairs. “Anyway, like those little monsters, We weren’t aware of all the stylistic choices in it’s design. Our fervent worshipers from Carim to the south lent many artisans and, well, you see the result.” We’re not going to say We aren’t pleased though. This place oozes with shudder-worthy carnal desire aligned with Sex along with the industrious design and craft synonymous with Commerce paired together with enough maternal and paternal imagry to link to Fertility/Virility. Holy shit. The fucking Skaven are literally our most devoted followers alongside the Witch Coven! We’re both disturbed and incredibly pleased with this realization. Tee hee~! Rats and Cats~! “Ah, that is fair. Impressive then that it’s somehow still less lewd than the one Cadence had built in the Crystal Empire.” Another stallion commented casually. How stone-cold are these folks? “That is impressive, considering she’s Love while We’re Fertility and Sex, but We’re also Commerce.” We idly waved a hand towards an actual, We kid not, Gift Shop near the entrance.  It was more or less a sex shop selling everything from your standard dildoes and fleshlights, to extreme fetish gear ranging from S&M to magical concoctions to increase elasticity and other effects provided by a local zebra shamaness named Zecora who moved into Unity some time ago and partnered up with Rathazul for our best apothecary shop. That said, We also had some of our own potion recipes being sold here. “So that’s what that was.” The mare of the group mused aloud. “Thank you for filling us in Princess. We’ll see to our prayers for fertility and fortune in our businesses.” “Hold up. We’re here, so have a Blessing from the source for your Fertility.” We gestured towards her and she gasped. She perked up so hard her nipples pressed out against her dress. Her arousal spiked so hard her breasts swelled nearly a quarter again their size just from how horny she was and she looked at her stallion with a feral need that scared him. “At least take him somewhere private first.” “Dear~. Take us to the carriage~.” She managed to demand between grit teeth, squeezing his arm as she leaned into him. “Now.” He needed no further encouragement, pulling his eager beloved along with a bit of excitement himself. “Also you guys! That is also part of your job now, you won’t have that powerful of an effect, but you will improve their chances. Be at the Breeding Center tomorrow morning!” We ordered our sixteen new ‘Nuns’ before nodding to the flustered stallions here to pray for their fortunes and leaving our sexy Skaven-style sanctuary. Hopefully it will be Urta’s too eventually. (<3) It was midnight once We dropped down at our front door. We groaned once We entered and made our way past the snoring Pharos, up the right-hand stairway to the Royal Wing, then down the hall to the largest room in the corner that was claimed by us and often shared with our wives. Husband too whenever he gets to visit. We could still smell Visilia’s maleness from the direction of the throne room, wow she’s potent. We entered our room and paused at finding Visi gently thrusting into a relaxed Cocoa’s mouth from her place seated at the end of the bed. Our brown cerberus slime was idly sucking off our demon princess as well as her balls all at once while said mare leaned into Urta on the bed who rubbed her shoulders and sucked on her ears, while Sabrina and Honey suckled from the alicorn’s heaving H-cup breasts. The fact none of our pregnant mates had a belly right now was interesting. “Welcome home, dear~.” Visilia cooed at us, her scent suddenly making some of our tiredness drown in lust. “Ready to feed me some more?” Visi licked her lips, rubbing her swollen belly that seemed only slightly larger than she originally was this morning at triplets size. Thank goodness our cum was dealt with by her womb then, but the speed is impressive considering she can’t drain it. “Mm~ good girl.” Visi cooed to Cocoa, who was gulping down cum as Visi came casually, even if it did make her breathe a bit more heavily. “Visi?” We mewled uneasily as We looked at our mates. “Um...is everything okay?” They hadn’t even bothered to look at us since We entered. They didn’t interrupt pleasuring her for a moment. They were worshiping her as if Visilia were the Goddess of Sex and-oh fuck We need to be careful. Our wives and mates seem to be viable candidates for our Aspects. If We’re not cautious We might accidentally make more demi-goddesses or worse; hand our mantles to them. Well, making them demi-goddesses would be nice~...   “Everything is wonderful.” Visi husked, raising a finger to gesture us closer. “Come to me.” We felt an odd pull, not of the usual levitation or telekinesis, but something compelled us to obey her and-no. “Visilia! What is going on?” We demanded with Cynder shoring up our mental defenses. That wasn’t normal for Visi. “Why aren’t they talking to us? You’re all behaving oddly.” We insisted and Visilia blinked at us in confusion. “Everything is just fine dear. Now, come to me.” Visilia purred and again the pressure on our mind increased, but We resisted and she snarled, our wives not even responding to her sudden mood swings. “Fine. If it’s going to be that way…” We yelped when her horn shimmered with her red magic and the red-coated demoness yanked us off our claws and up against her front, her breasts were still parted for Honey and Sabrina as she pulled us into a mind-melting kiss-. ‘NO! Resist ladies! Resist!’ Cynder demanded while We groaned and grinded against her belly and Cocoa sprouted another head on a tendril, which began eating us out. ‘C-Cocoa no~!’ We whimpered and twitched, trying to resist, but Cocoa’s masterful tongue and whatever Visilia was doing to us was overwhelming our meagre resistance. “Hm~.” Cocoa hummed and rubbed her cum-stuffed belly as she ate us out and continued to drink Visilia’s still ongoing orgasm. “Mm, foals?” Sabrina dumbly asked before she nuzzled our face. Is she talking to us? Visi? What is Visilia doing to us~?! “Yes baby, but later. Mama Visi needs to stuff this disobedient little Imp and show her where she belongs.” Visilia purred and alarm bells rang across all our minds. ‘Corruption!’ We blasted our Holy Aura at full-force, practically causing everyone in the room to recoil and literally cum instantly from our cleansing radiance! But Visilia’s Corruption aura was fairly strong and resisted our power for a few moments before it withered and faded under our cleansing power. “Ah!” Visl cried out and held her head in pain. “Ugh! What...the fuck?” She shook her head, trying to recover from the sexual haze that had clouded her mind. This wasn’t helped when she groaned and came down Cocoa’s throat again. “Oh~ what’s going on? Unf! C-Cocoa you’re sucking me dry~!” “Yes~! Feed Cocoa’s pups!” One of Cocoa’s spare heads declared in excitement. Uh-oh. Our ‘Fuck Aura’ is still full-tilt. We’d better turn it off. There We go. “Mmph!” Cocoa’s main head muffled and pulled off of Visilia’s cock, coughing as she absorbed her fourth head and Visi’s massive mare-meat slapped up under her belly with the flare pressing into our pussy and made us jump at the stimulation, accidentally shoving some of Visi’s dick into us and we both moaned. “Oh~, why do I feel so full?” Urta groaned as she fell back with a glowing puddle between her legs along with Sabrina and Honey who looked around in confusion. “Visi called me for sex, then everything got fuzzy. I feel like she went seventeen rounds in me. I thought We weren’t going to make foals yet Visi?” Urta blearily questioned, but Visilia was still gathering herself if her glazed eyes as We rubbed her brow and cheeks meant anything. “Me too.” Honey groaned and looked exhausted, her transparent slime-bug wings looked like they had been used as handlebars. “But it all went to my biomass, I feel so bloated.” “If I wasn’t already I would be so pregnant.” Sabrina groaned as she rubbed her deceptively flat stomach. “Good thing I put protections on my womb for my experiments and my kittens.” “Cocoa full, Cocoa feel cum in belly and womb.” Cocoa cooed happily and was the only one not in some form of discomfort. Well she was a former demon...hopefully still a former demon. “Visi?” We mewled as she ground her cock in our folds for a moment while We tried to determine where the Corruption came from. Wait, her cock? No, balls? No no, hormonal glands and magic? Why would that? Wait, they run on this world's magic, but that shouldn’t be right! Magically gender-bent Tartarus demons are the source of Lust Demons?! But Visi is not from this world! “Shit the ‘Gift’!” We yelped when Daring and Willow reminded us of Velka’s ‘Gift’ to keep order. It wasn’t the dick or balls making Visilia corrupt, but the magic of the world. Why did We not think of this! “Visi, stop moving, We need to rework the potion. We need to get around the effects of Velka’s damn curse!” “W-Wiatr~, help me~.” Visilia begged as tears began running down from her eyes. “I-I can’t...can’t stop. Please help, make it stop. I w-wanna~...” “Visilia?” We pulled the reverse potion from our cleavage as our wives all looked at Visilia hungrily, but none of it smelled of Corruption, so that wasn’t the issue here. Just our normally lustful wives combined with having just been struck with our Aura. “We need you to drink this.” “...” Visilia went stock still, then her Corruption aura surged back! “Hm, how about no?” She thrust her hips up, driving her massive dick into us and We wailed in surprised pleasure, but We managed to uncork the bottle and magically force Visi’s mouth open to pour it in. “Gak! Arghk!” She was forced to swallow and her cock vanished. “No! My mare-meat! You bitch!” “Visi! This isn’t you! It's Corruption! Snap out of it!” We tearfully pleaded and the angry Lust Demoness snarled, about to attack us. Before she could, Urta wrapped her arms around Visi and the demoness gasped as Urta’s steaming Argent Slime soaked into her. “Babe. I’m here. Shh. Calm down.” Urta licked Visi’s cheek and the incensed Lust Demoness began calming down unlike how Urta usually affects someone. “Come back babe. I didn’t fall for a bitch, I fell for a woman.” The way Urta spoke made Visilia convulse as if struck with a taser and sanity seemed to return to Visilia like she just snapped awake. The mare whimpered and tears built in her eyes. “U-Urta…” Visilia mewled and nuzzled against Urta’s cheek. “I feel wrong Urta. I feel...tainted.” Visilia shuddered and looked so vulnerable. It was painful to see her like this, like what she revealed in the throne room when she found out she might get slimed was showing tenfold. “Shh. It’ll be okay babe. Just close your eyes.” Urta put a finger in Visi’s mouth and our poor afflicted mare suckled on her slime, the Argent goo oddly making her waver and then slump against the knightess fast asleep. Either Urta has been hiding these interesting abilities until now, or R&D hasn’t seen fit to inform us. “There. Now. What the Fuck is going on Wiatr?!” “This has to be from Velka’s curse on all demons.” Thanks Daring for being so knowledgeable! “We didn’t factor that in when we made our potions. We need to pull them and do more tests to figure out a way around a Goddess’ ‘blessing’ that conflicts with our own. We guess her Justice or Sin Aspect is overpowering our own Aspects and intentions.” We snarled in anger at this not actually being our’s or Visi’s fault, but something that dumb bitch is forcing on people after all this time. Wait! This means the Scourge of Corruption is all Velka’s fault in the first place! Again, it all comes back to that fucking feathery bitch! If she’s somehow still alive somewhere, We’re turning her into an egg factory for her crimes! “Huh? So that’s what it’s like being a slave to a caring mistress?” Urta mused, still supporting Visi and nuzzling her. “Well, it wasn’t nice to not have any willpower for myself, but it was nice to pamper Visi.” Urta admitted with a warm smile, the others all nodding in agreement. “Now then, how help Visi? Bath in purifying pool?” Cocoa asked worriedly as she rubbed Visi’s belly, the slumbering mare humming and cooing in her sleep at the attention. “That is definitely a good idea, but first.” We looked at our slime wives and their notably flat tummies. “Where are your babies?” “My Womb Wards made them all those fancy pearls you and I have in our navels.” At Urta’s answer our wives rubbed their tummies and aside from Honey, they swelled outwards in pregnancy. Their bellies had the navel pearls appear on the surface where their belly buttons would’ve been. “When Conger offered them to host any of the Womb Wards too they accepted, so I'm not the only one with Chaos tending my babies.” They’re all living homes for over a dozen of our Chaos children who are obsessed with unbirth?! So sexy~! Ahem! Down girls! Down! Not the time! “Okay. That’s wonder-eep!” We yelped when We were suddenly levitated into the air by telekinesis. “Mama made more Alicorns~!” Hermais purred from around our thighs. “Hermais, yes We made more with Luna, but We think Discord and Fluttershy have balanced it out.” We replied with a tired pout. Although...with all our wives save Cadence and Chrysalis being living homes for a good number of our little hellions, maybe they could-no girls! Down! “Poop...now I have to count. We’ll talk about this in the morning.” Hermais said before climbing up into our snatch for bed which he did every night, even when We were egg-ladden. “Or next year~.” We groaned at him with an amused grin as our belly swelled out and We huffed, not feeling like leaving it flat tonight. “Okay, bedtime. Visi gets a swim in the purification pool first thing in the morning.” We declared and without protest our lovers all gathered together on the gigantic royal bed for sleep...then our slime wives quickly got out, put on fur-covered rubber suits so they didn’t eat us or Visi, then got back into bed for snuggles. “We’re fixing it so you don’t need the suits.” We huffed and the ladies murmured agreement before we all settled in around our poor Corruption afflicted beloved mare. > Ch.76 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.76 First thing in the morning, we all trooped out to Harmonia’s little temple and dunked Visilia into the Purification Pool. She snapped awake and was absolutely furious about ‘getting hazed’ out of nowhere, but when We explained she was Corrupted into a Lust Demon omnibus last night, she paled and thanked us for helping her before forcing us to explain how she could’ve possibly been Corrupted in Unity of all places. Once informed, she swore off of having male genitals...at least until We can find a work-around or Velka is executed for heinously assaulting the Crown Princess of Tartarus. Once Visilia was purified and things were in order, everyone decided to have a big breakfast. Most of us are pregnant after all and with the four Farm Forts being such impossibly productive food sources, such feasts were readily available. It was a shame only a couple of us can enjoy Tel’Fyr’s incredible wine, but at least everyone can have their amazing grape juice-. “Oh~!” We moaned when Hermais crawled out of our cunnie as We were eating at the breakfast table in the dining hall opposite the servant quarters and kitchens across the foyer. “Sorry for getting up late. I counted the number of alicorns. It apparently doesn’t matter if they’re from you or not. We’re good on the Harmony though, so you don’t need to make more of us yet mama.” Hermais purred before kissing us on the lips and teleporting away. ...We’re actually disappointed? We’re somewhat disgusted with ourselves at this notion, but then again, perhaps more future Draconequus children would want to be Womb Wards and live in our wives too...or within us. Oh~! That resonated strongly! Hnng! Down girls! Down! This isn’t healthy! “He really loves his mother.” Cocoa chuckled from her place at the absolute feast provided by our kitchen staff thanks to the Farm Fort towns that We really need to remember all the names of. The only reason We even remembered Tel’Fyr was because they have the winery. Anywho, the reason those farms are so productive is because the moment the land for those farms were cleared, whole families of earth ponies got to work and used our milk to rapidly produce food for our growing towns. We apparently even had to start shipping food to Ponyville for distribution and sales since those farms produced so much food. There was even an odd melon-like protein-rich mushroom that tasted and cooked like red-blooded meat which was quite a pleasant thing for the carnivorous races. Daring didn’t even know it’s name, but she figured it’s from Ash if it was so desperate for propagation that it became meat and blood based to use the Beasts and bugs to spread. These mushrooms grew especially big and fast when grown with our milk instead of blood though. “Yeah, but is this...healthy?” We questioned when our mind jumped back on topic from it’s tangent. Not only does Hermais literally ‘return to the womb’ like so many Freudian psychological theories believed people wanted above all things, but he also genuinely wanted to impregnate us over, and over, and over. Oh fuck just thinking about it is getting us horny, this can’t be healthy. “He can change his genes at will. He can also age himself up and down if he wishes.” Urta nonchalantly dismissed with a shrug. “That’s not what she means and you know it Urta.” Sabrina chided her fellow former Saddle Arabian. “What? Plenty of people fucked their moms in Tel’adre. It was normal with how low the population was.” Urta replied casually with a bit of bemusement and not understanding how that could be wrong. Oof, right, Tel’Adre was royally fucked both literally and metaphorically until We came along. We guess they forgot that inbreeding is an issue for normal folks. “Look what came of it!” Sabrina declared with some frustration, pointing at Urta’s horsecock which Urta always left hanging out even though as a slime she could put it away now. Also, nobody was dressed. This is our home after all and public nudity is also accepted here. No, our Undead Collar does not count as clothing. “My big sexy dick? That sounds like a plus to me.” Urta grinned winningly and we all sighed. “Your great grandma was a horse and her fox son got her knocked up with your grandmother, who had bigger tits than normal for a fox, same for her daughter, your mom. Then your parents have you and you were born with a horsecock when both your parents were foxes. That isn’t normal genetics, that’s a defect, no matter how sexy your dick is.” Sabrina tried to explain. “I like who I am.” Urta defended with a wilt to her ears. “That’s not what I mean Urta. What I mean is most folks should not have sexual relations with family members for both genetic and mental reasons. The genetics part doesn’t matter here with Wiatr’s situation, but the mental health does.” Sabrina stressed. “Remember how hard of a time you had it? How ostracized you were for being different because you were born that way rather than choosing it? Now apply that to mental health instead.” “You can all relax. It doesn’t matter who Hermais breeds with for mental reasons either.” Eris said from where the pork had been in the center of the table. For some reason she was still using an hourglass hyper-busty adult body and was hogtied nude on the platter. “Well it can’t be healthy for us either!” We insisted with a whine. We don’t want to be known as a cradle-robbing cougar who fucks her own children! Then again, another part of us doesn’t care and that is what worries us! ‘What?’ Cynder asked impishly. ‘Everlasting Dragons don’t function like other species anyway.’ “Mom, Chaos is as Chaos does. We don’t care. We’re crazy no matter what and we love being crazy. Hermais gets over you eventually, but you don’t have to worry about things like that. Especially since auntie-uh, nevermind. Too soon.” Eris deflected and continued to be a sexy hogtied tease on a giant silver platter. Oh great, We’re lewding our daughter now~! “Now due to temporal causality that will never happen.” Dongoruas suddenly said from the seat next to his lewdly displayed sister. The boy was an adult too, but he looked...androgynous. Neither too male or female save his voice. He even wore gender neutral clothing that made it harder to tell what gender he was. “Oh please, at most he’ll take longer bro. Also, I’m the only one of us with control of time. Do you have any idea the maps of possibility I have been looking at for the ideal future. I know what to say.” Eris huffed with a roll of her eyes. “Yet you keep ignoring the fact that time isn’t a river. It’s an ocean that gets mixed up and settles differently every instant.” Dongoruas insisted. “I know it’s an ocean. I only act like it’s a river so I can determine how many possibilities to look out for.” Eris declared snootily, despite clearly being in the wrong here. “Which is why you failed to see this.” Dongoruas gestured to the doors to the foyer. In entered Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Oberon. He looked distinctly uncomfortable with the three powerful women all urging him forward to the table with beaming smiles. “...Oh poo! Now I have to rework everything for Obi!” Eris whined with a pout. “What is going on?” We questioned curiously. Nothing bad obviously, the ladies were too happy. “I may have, to my embarrassment, admitted that-.” Oberon was interrupted by the mares. “Make him a herm~!” Crowed the three herm alicorns in excitement, making Oberon blush deeply through his green fur. “I...do you want to be a herm?” We asked the stallion in bemusement. We can understand our reason due to having more erogenous zones than either females or males alone, but Oberon strikes us as a fairly tame person. “Well...there are no female, or other male alicorns. All of your offspring with these wonderful ladies will be herms too and I...I don’t want to feel like I did back then. Like a…” We didn’t need to hear him say it. We knew the words freak, mutant and monster lingered on his tongue. If this is what he wants, then fine. We can change him back if he changes his mind later. “Hold still.” We ordered and approached him swiftly from where We had been sitting. We pulled the green stallion down into a kiss from his lofty 9-foot height down to our average 6-foot one and he froze before he began to change with a moan. His broad shoulders thinned as his narrowing chest and bulging pecs were overcome by huge basketball breasts. His features softened and became more feminine, his short autumn mane and tail lengthened. He did get a bit shorter, shrinking a foot to 8 feet like Tia and Lulu. “There you go beautiful.” Oberon looked down at her new bust and groped them through her ruffled shirt with a fierce blush on her green cheeks. “S-so this is what it feels like?” The new mare asked with her sexy contralto voice which fit since her voice was once a bassy tenor. “Just about.” We all looked behind the other Princesses at the commentator and gawked at the 16-foot tall amazon kirin that was Twilight ducking under the decently large doors. She was naked as the day she was born and holding a massive bowl of meat mushrooms in her left claw when she sat down with a heavy thud at the empty end of the table before digging into her bloody meal raw like they were apples. She ignored us as she ate, her shaggy purple fur on her gigantic beach ball breasts staining with fresh blood from her meal. “Twilight?” We mewled and approached worriedly. She was so vastly different, but at least now she wasn’t horrifically deformed like Vicar Amelia or some other malformed beast. “Keep a respectful distance you deviants. My musk is much more potent than it used to be.” Twilight declared as she shoved the remaining piece of her meal into her carnivorous maw to chew and swallow with an audible gulp. “I may be a Beast now, but I have some standards to hold myself to.” “The Beast Blood, more like the blood of those who came even before the Everlasting Dragons.” We huffed in frustration with the knowledge Willow and Cynder could corroborate. VaatiVidya is a veritable sconce of knowledge. He got far more right with his theories than most people had any need to be. “It’s a rather vicious cycle, isn’t it? That painting is meant to be the start of the next cycle, but this one managed not to end like it was meant to.” Twilight casually responded as she reached across the long table where she grabbed a bowl of cooked lemon-butter salmon and poured it down her gullet. “Just be glad I and the others are all that’s staying in this world.” “Still though, did Berserker’s blood help?” Visilia asked Twilight from her own seat at the table next to Urta. Ah, yes. She told us how Berserker could help Twilight and her friends with his own blood ministration. Hopefully Bryan doesn’t start his own Healing Church or something. “Why do you think I feel comfortable enough to be in this room with so many tasty morsels in arms reach?” Twilight gruffly huffed as she scratched her basketball-sized nuts, creating even more musk in the air, though it was likely unintentional. “The only reason I’m not going mad with fury and turning into a Nirik every other second is because my temper has been cooled. I even considered going to find the lost Kirin village to dunk myself in the Stream of Silence, but I’d rather keep my ability to speak and feel emotion.” “Indeed my beloved student, don’t do that.” Celestia implored her former apprentice when she approached her purple peer, looking over the mare that was now literally twice her height and many times her size. “Luna, when you told me of their fates I was distraught, but it seems that they have come out of this rather well. Tell me Twilight, how are your friends?” Celestia asked and then squeaked when Twilight lifted her former mentor with magic to sit on her shoulder. “You think I’m big? Applejack is easily almost two feet taller than me. The smallest of us is Rarity and she’s still 9 feet tall. Our teeth aren’t all that good at processing fruits and vegetables anymore, so it’s a hassle to eat anything but meat.” Twilight then blushed. “I also had no idea how much we all loved one another until recently. I thought it stopped with just Friendship.” “Friendship is just Platonic Love Twilight.” Cadence said with a soft smile. “But it’s also where True Love tends to begin. I’m so happy for you, but have you been seeing your wife and children?” Cadence asked of Twilight, who seemed to lose some of her edge and relax. “Yes. My lovely Starlight and my little Dusk and Gleaming all remembered me despite what I’ve become.” Twilight then sighed sadly. “But I’m too big now to have sex with Starlight and it hurts that I can’t pleasure her properly and she can’t do the same for me unless we use size changing spells to either shrink me down or size her up temporarily.” “Love, Cadence tells me you have the ability to mold flesh. Could you not shrink our dear friends down to a more manageable size?” Luna asked of us, only for Twilight to shake her head. “I’d rather mother not have to use that dangerous Morph Slime on me. Besides, I actually enjoy being so fucking massive!” Twilight flexed one of her ripped arms, the toned muscles bulging for a moment like she was a bodybuilder. “I never knew I had a thing for being huge until I got here, but even now I feel threatened enough by Urta.” “Me?” Urta blinked in confusion as our naked cut like carved stone Argent slime vixen pointed to herself cluelessly. “Please, I’m just an old Guard that got promoted to Knight.” “Pfft, no. You’re the Alpha Herm in the room. Your musk is incredibly potent and just looking at you I wanna grab you and fuck you like an animal you’re so sexy.” Twilight admitted with a blush as she scratched her shaggy mane. “You may not be big, but you’re so muscular despite being composed of fluid biomass. I can also feel the power you’re radiating. More than anyone here in the room.” “Really? More than us?” We asked the Goddess of Magic curiously and worriedly. Hell invaded for Urta, if she’s that powerful, they’re definitely going to come for her again. “Definitely. Love, she’s emitting enough power to put all of us in here to shame.” Luna replied and then licked her lips. “Also, she is quite enticing.” “Won’t deny that, but didn’t We turn the tables on you recently?” We chuckled playfully at our-gasp! Her finger! She has a solid diamond ring~! Upon realizing We noticed, Lulu blushed and held up her new wedding ring with a shy smile while Cadence wrapped her arms around her adopted aunt and new wife with a saucy grin and a wink. Eee~! No! Wait! Off topic! We’ll corner Lulu later!   “But none of you hold a candle to this...this...fuck~...” Twilight started blushing more, rubbing her sheath as she leered at Urta who perked up and grinned winningly in her trademark way. Shit, she really is the Alpha Herm in the room isn’t she? She may be calm and understanding, but the moment anything doesn’t go her way she makes it go her way, even if not with her immeasurable physical strength. “Unf, now I’m horny.” Twilight huffed and cast a spell over herself, her musk dying down rapidly. “Okay. So we have a sexual powder keg in the form of Urta here. We get it.” We sighed in fond exasperation before a knock at the dining hall door caught our attention. “Oh no~! Please not today. We Ordained those Nuns for a reason~.” We whined, making the nurse sheepishly smile but shake her head. “That’s not why I’m here today Goddess Wiatr. I’m here to let you know the Breeding Center won’t need you today, or possibly any time in the near future. Your nuns already have things handled for the yaks and the volunteers for the dragon and thestral programs.” The scrubs-wearing nurse informed us, allowing us to breathe out a deep sigh in relief. “Thank goodness it worked.” We sighed and then pursed our lips in thought. Won’t this be a problem for us? That Breeding Center served as an outlet for our need to breed too. Hm, maybe giving Urta the full Fertility Aspect would be a wise decision, especially if she decides to be perma-preg somehow. The Womb Wards were working on separating her brood by group so they could all develop separately and possibly birth at different times. Hm, not now, but definitely later. At least with her it wouldn’t drive her into a breeding frenzy. “Oh? You’ve finally found your limit?” Luna asked with a predatory smile while Oberon looked on at all this in confusion as Cadence whispered into her ear. “Yak. lots and lots of Yaks.” We told her and Luna winced with sympathy. “That would do it. Yaks are very rough people.” Twilight nodded before nuzzling Celestia’s side and setting her down. “Well, I have work to do. Now that I’m not stuck isolating myself, this place needs some magic worked into it.” Twilight compressed her gigantic tits as she stretched her arms forward, cracking her knuckles as her horn’s pattern shimmered purple. “Oh, right. We’ve been borrowing some of your books to get it started.” We informed our adopted daughter with a smile. Twilight smiled at this before summoning a ton of books and lists. “I noticed the stonework was a bit too uniform to be done by hand, but I hadn’t expected you to be the one to do it. Good work mother.” Twilight winked at us with a proud grin as she levitated lists and casually leaned back, putting her sexy amazonian body on display as she hummed and began writing down her first list. “This may take a few hours.” We blinked before feeling our magic ‘well’ deepen from a ‘sea’ to an ‘ocean’. Did Twilight just bless us?! Before We could ask, Twilight held up a shushing finger to her lips and winked again. Aw, you’re the best Twily! We’ll develop a size-change switch for you, or get it from Big Sis Ave so you can be both huge and normal as it suits you without worrying about time constraints. “Well, no one knows godly shaping magic anymore?” Gwynevere huffed in annoyance. Huh? “You know, the magic I used to reshape knights’ ‘Stats’ and appearance?” Oh. Right. Once again VaatiVidya has proven right about a theory. No wonder Gwynevere became so much smaller and hid her ugly face away to die near her brother’s forge. “Hey! Words hurt!” ‘Than merge with us fully.’ We mentally huffed in indignation. “No! Urta is my Heir! You were just a stand-in! Give the rest of me to her already!” Gwynevere demanded huffily before she went back to slumbering in Urta’s soul. Ugh, damn it. Whatever. At least whenever that happens We’ll still be a demi-. “Twilight~!” Our internal musings were interrupted when the overjoyed voice of Spike echoed into the room after he entered the dining hall with Ember and Smolder on each arm, the two women looking more than well-fucked if not bloated with eggs. “You’re looking amazing!” “Hey Spike. You’re doing well for yourself too I see.” Twilight happily commented. “I thought you would be in the Dragonlands since you’re engaged to Ember and Smolder there. Then again, I noticed the paperwork about being engaged to Wiatr.” Twilight commented as We all gathered back at the table to keep eating breakfast. W-wait, what?! Our dragon lovers finally made the-their fingers~! The trio smirked at us and flashed their wedding bands, which promptly got hoots and welcomes from the rest of the room while We blushed and squirmed in our seat. “I’ve actually been acting as Wiatr’s Majordomo. She doesn’t even have anything to do today thanks to me.” Spike declared proudly as he and his lovers sat at the table. Whoa! Uh, the sexual tension in here just ratcheted up to eleven! Hold on. Urta, Twilight, and Spike are all absolute studs. Hnng~! Down Sex Aspect! It’s breakfast! You can fuck off! N-not literally~! “He’s been helping out a lot.” We said with a strained smile as our sudden ladyboner fought against our desire to not devolve breakfast into a massive orgy with so many sexy people all in one place. “Though We do need to hire one so there aren’t any issues with the Dragonlands.” Married to us now or not, they have their responsibilities elsewhere besides Unity. We need to respect their duties like how We respect Cady, Shiny and Chryssie’s duties to the Empire. “What issues? Ever since I got the rest of the Bloodstone I’ve been able to remotely communicate with my underlings without even using phones. I have nothing to do over there right now” Ember said as she hefted her now smooth-cut red diadem-topped Bloodstone Scepter. “Commanding the Army is so much easier!” “That’s convenient. I wish I had something like that to keep my soldiers in line.” Urta commented as she continued absorbing food through her mouth. “I want to get my normal body back, but keep all these benefits. At least I could taste better.” “Considering you’re already a demi-goddess Urta, who says you won’t be able to shift like We do? We’re still slime even now. We just transform our biomass into solid flesh and then liquify back again.” We demonstrated by shifting between our four true forms and settling back on Cynder’s form. “Well that’s convenient. I’ll try to practice that with Honey since she’s also a changeling and might be able to help me learn.” Urta declared with a look at the emerald changeling slime, who nodded in agreement. “So, now that all these interruptions are over with. Do you have any business today dear?” Visilia asked us and We pursed our lips in consideration. We genuinely have the day to ourselves. Maybe it’s time to do something about all those Everlasting Dragon corpses in the burial caves. No point in leaving them there doing nothing. “Well, if it’s alright with everyone. We’d like to go and dispose of the Everlasting Dragon corpses in the nearby caves. No point in leaving them for someone to pillage and craft dragon weapons from.” That would be dangerous if someone did so and used them against us. “See! It worked out! Nothing is deviating!” Eris declared and Dongoruas pouted. “How are you always right in the end but wrong at the start.” Donguas snarled. “Time is self-fulfilling~!” Eris sing-songed from her place still sexually displayed on a platter. “That’s enough from you two! I need you back on duty!” Hermais barked at them from above and the triplets vanished in confetti. “We’re getting out of here before anything else interrupts.” Like Murphy. Fuck him with a rake. > Ch.77 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.77 It wasn’t very far of a flight to reach the cave where a great many of the bones of Cynder’s fallen army wound up. Cynder’s bones themselves had been at the center of the graveyard, but her armor hadn’t been with her deceased body. It leaves questions as to where it went and how Midir got his claws on it. Knowing that old bag of scales, he probably kept it as a momento, the sentimental old fool. Those thoughts didn’t manage to keep the fond smile off our face though. When We had arrived at the cave, We found a research crew of archeologists who had made camp outside it. Oh, that’s right. We commissioned the Archeologist Guild to examine the site. Daring suddenly felt a twinge of disgust at the very idea of consuming the bodies of Cynder’s fallen kin, since they were irreplaceable historic artefacts of the past. We were suddenly conflicted, Cynder having second thoughts as well. While it was custom to consume the fallen to grow stronger, that was from a bygone era and there was so much this new era she awoke to could learn from the bodies of her kin. “Princess! It is good to see you!” Declared a middle-aged pegasus stallion of earthy tones in a nostalgic khaki explorer’s outfit as he approached us. “Is Daring with you? I would like to consult with her on some matters of the dig.” “Ah, yeah. I’m here. What’s up?” Daring asked as her head sprouted from our shoulders, visibly unnerving the stallion. “Ah, sorry about that. It’s a thing We do now. So, what’s the rub?” “Well, it’s not so much as we need to be careful not to damage the remains, but more so that the remains are so durable they keep breaking our equipment. You’re an old hand at this, at least as old as I if not more storied. Any tips?” “Yeah, use brushes and other softer implements to clear out the loose sediment, maybe even sandblasters if you can get them out here since you’re dealing with supernaturally strong materials. If you think you have the patience for it, I’d suggest-.” Daring was about to go into a well-educated and experienced info-dump on the stallion, but We altogether had other plans. “Sorry to interrupt, but Daring, you know We need to do this.” We sadly reminded our archeologist quarter, who winced in disgust and frustration. “We’ll be consuming at least the majority of the remains, focusing on the skulls. This is to increase our magical and spiritual power as well as our strength and durability.” “But Princess!” The Stallion began in clear shocked protest, but We held up a hand to halt him. “We know all too well how valuable this find is for the world, but...We can’t just let a chance to allow us to better resist the forces trying to destroy us all slip past. We could leave one full body for you to handle and that alone would tax your crews to their limits.” Considering they haven’t made much progress in the weeks We requested this site to be investigated. “Uh...yes, the one that still has scales would be the best one to keep then.” The stallion sighed in-wait! Still has scales?! “Um...have you avoided it so far?” Daring asked worriedly with hope in her voice. “Yes, we’ve been focusing on the biggest set for a while now.” The pith-helmeted archeologist replied. “It may still yet live. It is possibly in a stasis to recover that it never awoke from. Do not disturb it until We’ve examined it and assured it won’t pose a threat.” We insisted urgently as We approached the cave. “Keep your crews outside! Maybe even leave the area for a while!” “Y-yes Princess! Code Orange people! Retreat to the secondary camp!” The stallion declared, rousing the work crews to professionally and hurriedly leave the area in single file lines. “Good, they haven’t shirked their safety procedures since I retired.” Daring nodded her head in approval before withdrawing back into our body. During our descent into the cave, Daring paused us repeatedly to examine the cave and the work that the crews had done. It was endearing that even ‘retired’ Daring was a professional who loved her old job. Eventually We reached the graveyard that the bodies of Cynder’s fallen brethren had become. Looking upon it brought fresh pain to Cynder’s and thus our heart, but We firmed our resolve and scanned the cave, finding the body with scales towards the back, a good distance away from near the Archtree where Cynder’s original body rested. It was no surprise that Willow missed it on her adventures in the forest. “Aldin...so this is where your body rests, but how are you still alive?” We asked curiously, sizing up to our maximum height that now rested at 45 feet like a proper Elder/Everlasting Dragon. We knelt next to his body and felt out his essence by running our hands over his still living, but in stasis form. “You still live, for sure, but your mind and soul are not here. Wherever you are, at least We know you’re close since you helped rescue us in the Nightmare.” We then turned towards the rest of the much more eroded bodies, cringing at what We needed to do. “Sorry Daring.” It was a very long and drawn-out process. Eating the stone-like corpses took time and effort to break down and chew even with our incredible power. It took long enough for the crews to send a team down to check, where We assured them We would leave one body for them fully intact, but told them to leave the hibernating Aldin in the back of the cave for their safety. Eventually We finished stuffing our bottomless gullet with all save the last and most intact body besides Cynder’s, which was the toughest to eat with how dense and strong her bones had been. Finally done, We rubbed our tight abs while giving a cave-shaking belch. “Oof...that was a lot of work.” We huffed, feeling heavy and sluggish, in need of a nap. “Oh! Princess, I think you revealed more!” The leader gasped before We looked in the holes digging up the bodies made and found even more bones. We knew it was a mass grave, but this is fairly ridiculous. “Ugh...no more for now. We’re going to…*yawn* take a nap.” We moved near Aldin, curled up to his side and began to doze off. Hopefully digesting what We’ve eaten already won’t make us sleep too long. The last thing this world needs is for us to hibernate for a decade. (<3) “So you’ve found me.” We gasped and bolted up in bed, covering our breasts with the blanket to find Aldin sitting in a chair across the room from us. We’re back in the mountain mansion again. We began to panic, looking everywhere. Is he still here?! “Calm down Ember. That cur has been properly dealt with by a stronger blasphemy against reality.” “R-right. Hastur-.” We shuddered as said yellow-garbed entity rose from the side of the bed, making us shiver. “Um...We didn’t call you three times.” “Hello sis.” Oh shit. “Ave may think you’re not distinctively family, but I and the others beg to differ. You’re safe in your dreams.” He assured us before sinking back into the blood. “We...see.” We mewled with disappointment, the reaction causing Hastur to give a mind-hurting laugh of amusement. “Well, the in-laws are interesting...wait, does that apply to an adopted sister?” “Apparently so.” Aldin chuckled amicably at our discomfort. “So why are We here now?” We asked as We got out of bed while using the sheet to cover us from the freezing cold that didn’t seem to bother Aldin at all. “What is it you wish to talk about?” “Not much. Just to talk.” Aldin chuckled amicably and relaxed in his chair. “Anyway, you wish to know how your beloved Berserker came into possession of my soul?” Who in the what now?! “Ah, you didn’t connect the dots before? I guess I wasn’t clear on that before.” “Well, to be fair it was under rather extenuating circumstances, but why? Your body is alive in stasis.” We ask while We sat on the edge of the bed. “It is? How? I know I’d died. That should not be possible.” Aldin seemed genuinely baffled yet didn’t seem to consider that him sharing headspace with Bryan was more unlikely. “It seems your body went into stasis to heal, but you are also on the mass grave where it was left at the end of the war. It seems you are alive, yet not.” We sighed at this odd complication. Aldin let out a sigh and shook his head. “So, my mind and soul were taken by Hell, leading me to believe I was dead, only to find out that my body had not decomposed and left as a skeleton.” Aldin groaned in annoyance while also failing to explain how he ended up with Bryan. “So, what do you want to do about it? It would be a good idea to get you back into your own body if possible.” We questioned the red dragon adonis who was thankfully likely rescued by our future husband considering said husbando delves into Hell regularly. “No, I don’t want my body back.” Aldin’s answer shocked us. “The boy needs me more. He has so much potential in him, he just doesn’t see it and that idiot of a Titan didn’t even bother to tell him.” “We both know he would’ve focused on becoming the strongest and forget about everything else there is in life.” We heard a rumbling demonic voice remarked, before falling silent. “...True.” Aldin admitted begrudgingly as he rubbed his forehead. “Well, what do We do with your body? Shove someone else in it?” We demanded irately. Cynder was looking forward to having her brother back, but We can settle for him sharing with Bryan. “I’ll tell Berserker to come to where my body rests. He can have it. With that body of mine as part of his own, he could switch between that and his own, but likely only in that Wolf form of his and that will take some time getting used to.” Aldin’s reasoning irked us. It would just be so much simpler to shove him back into his own body, but whatever. “Fine then. What of our sister Alduin? We know We didn’t eat her and she’s too stubborn to let her soul leave her body. She may even make her skeleton start to move as soon as she realizes We’re back and try to serve us again with how loyal she is.” Ah, Alduin would be such a boon to have around again. We can only hope. Cynder misses her Tsundere sister. “I don’t suppose there’s a way we could give her flesh and blood back? I don’t think I can stand the thought of looking at her skeletal structure.” Aldin admitted uneasily. “Maybe, but it would take us shoving her up our snatch or something equally drastic.” We told him with a shrug. “And I’m gonna have to try and convince her to do so.” Aldin shook his head with a sigh. “Would that make her your daughter?” “Yes, that would be the easiest method We can think of. Other methods We can envision might just hurt her.” We considered having help from Harmonia, but considering she is Harmony personified, then she might hurt Alduin in that case even if she doesn’t want to. “Damn, well if it comes to that I’ll shove her up your cunt personally if I have to.” Aldin huffed in annoyance and scratched his abs. “But, how long would that take?” “Depending on how deep her bones are and when we wake...maybe four...six hours?” If she was willing, that is. “Alright. Is there anything else you wish to talk about before you wake up?” Aldin quiried. “How did Berserker find you?” We were curious, especially since Hell wasn’t a big issue at all way back when, so hearing them abducting Aldin’s soul was both unusual and worrying. “He found me in Hell where I was experimented on. They wanted to create Everlasting Dragons of their own. I was tortured for so long as they dissected my essence so much that time ceased to have meaning. Eventually the boy found me and he was the perfect match for me to latch onto. Also he just absolutely reeked of your scent.” Aldin informed us with a haunted expression. “Thank goodness We stink so much.” We snorted in amusement and eyed Cynder’s egg-brother with lustful appreciation for the sexy muscular male he was. “Yes, you stink so much I can smell your arousal over here.” Aldin purred. “What? You’re dead sexy and our ways predate modern sensibilities. Don’t you remember when Cynder would stalk you through the crag trees for a romp?” We let the sheet drop from our body, revealing our sexy nude body to the dragon with a smirk. “Ah, nostalgia. Anyway, I’ll tell Berserker to make it here. Gods know that boy needs to relax and get laid.” Aldin’s comment made us laugh. “We’ll take care of that, no problems there.” We groped our breasts and hungrily growled at the thought of enjoying Bryan’s attentions again. “Just wait until we get my body sorted out. You are still such a tease.” Aldin’s chest rumbled in appreciation while he fingered his lower abdomen, likely stimulating his internal male organs. “Give Fertility to Urta!” Gwenever barked out from the very air and We groaned. “You know, you four could just go eat Rosaria for her knowledge. She’s technically Fertility too, just in Rebirth.” Aldin sighed. “But Gwynevere is Rosaria. Any other body shapers you can think of?” We replied and our similarly aroused dragon companion hummed and shook his head. “Hm, wasn’t there one in DS2? Berserker thinks there is.” Wondered Aldin. “The closest to that would have been the Emerald Herald who was half dragon. She’s apparently somewhere around with the Brave Undead, but she’s unlikely to be a candidate.” We replied and remembered to try and ask Patches whenever he-. “Hello!” We both yelped in shock as Mother Fucking Patches burst into the room in our dream! “I’m a bit lost, wandering the Nightmare Realms. If I take a left at the next hall will it be North or True North? I have the last concentrated dregs of the Dark Soul to give to Luna.” “Get in my belly!” Came the sudden voice of an ecstatic Luna before she grabbed him from behind and yanked him back through the door. “Wait! We have a question!” We called after them, only for the dream to shift to that tropical beach again and now Aldin and We were sitting in the sand as the pleasantly hot sun and sand warmed our scales. “Hmph! Barging in, then running off. So rude.” “I know right?” Aldin agreed wholeheartedly, then we both burst out laughing. “B-back on topic! What is Berserker up to at the moment? He hasn’t been around.” We asked while We played in the sand with our feet. Hm, We should take a beach vacation sometime. “The caribou tried to invade Equestria. Berserker and his soldiers intercepted and stopped them. He left one alive to deliver a message. We’ll see how that pans out.” Aldin thankfully informed us and We huffed at the obvious scism this will drive between the caribou and the lust demons, considering we’re engaged in a truce. “Great, as if things weren’t unpleasant enough with our tenuous truce with the lust demons.” We grumbled before We felt a nagging sensation. “It seems We’re waking up.” “Oh well. See you soon.” Aldin laid back on the beach and We joined him as We began to fade away... (<3) “Ugh, full stomach.” We groaned while We rubbed our still bloated-feeling abdomen. Absorbing all of this supernatural stony biomass was taxing and even though their souls had passed on long ago, We still felt their soul energy coursing through us. We’re lucky they properly died, or We’d be growing a new Bloodstone in our gut. Eugh...it’s like overeating at a buffet... “Wiatr!” We perked up at hearing our name being called out by Bryan, but it sounded raspy. He didn’t try to teleport his way here did he? That’s too far even for him! He hasn’t done anything like that before! Phasing in between dimensions just to shorten the distance is tricky and dangerous! “Berserker?” We called back before We got to our claws and rushed towards his voice to find the archaeologists tending to him in the camp outside. Realizing We were still a giantess, We shrunk down to normal size to properly get close to him. “Hey honey. I got your call.” Bryan coughed between his words. “Damn it Berserker.” We grumbled before We pulled our dress down and pressed our left nipple to his mouth. “Shut up and drink.” Latching onto our thimble-sized teat, he sucked on it and drank our milk, looking better the more he drank. “Mm, are you feeling better?” “Yeah.” Berserker answered after releasing our breast. “So, where’s his body?” “He’s down this way, they haven’t touched him.” We answered before We helped him up. “Thanks.” Berserker grunted and with him on his paws, We led him to Aldin’s body. We groaned from our gurgling stomach when we reached it. “Here you go.” We huffed out while rubbing our tight abs, but it felt like We were stroking a huge belly. This pearl in our navel is quite useful. “Fucking Hell. You are big, man. Okay, so I go up to your body and touch it? That’s it?” Berserker questioned as the Dracowolf approached it and touched the body. “Wait, what do yo-?” Before Berserker could finish his question We were blinded by a flash of light coming from Aldin’s body. When the light died down, all We saw was a normal-sized dragon egg coloured blood red. If We had to guess, Berserker was inside it becoming one with Aldin’s body. “So now what? Please tell us he isn’t being properly reborn. What will We tell Visilia~?!” We fretted to the point of pulling on our horns until the egg wobbled around with cracks appearing on its surface as the little one inside tried to break out. Then it exploded! The red egg literally detonated and sent stone-hard egg shards flying like shrapnel! We woozily sat back up, our divinity-granted durability enhanced with soul energy infusion spared our life even if that was incredibly painful. Once the world stopped wavering and the ringing in our ears died down, We saw Berserker as a newborn Everlasting Dragon. His colorations were still the same shade of red though he was an adorable feral little brat. “Oh~, he’s so cute!” We giggled and hugged our baby lover and nuzzled him while petting his body as We picked up the large baby and walked him out of the cave. Berserker pouted at us, but that just made him even more adorable. However, unfortunately for him this means he’s still mentally an adult and able to consent~. “This is a good spot.” We purred before We kissed him on the mouth and rubbed at his genital slit as We sat in a glade. The baby Berserker looked shocked as We held him. “Please, you’re still intelligent as an adult and can consent.” Berserker swatted our hand away and covered himself, looking uncomfortable as he turned his head away from us. We chuckled before nuzzling him and holding him close, drawing his head to our teat. “You need to relax love, Aldin did mention that~.” He huffed out a puff of smoke and flame in annoyance before he latched onto our nipple and started feeding. “Hm~.” We hummed and rubbed his head as We fed him. We held him close as We acted as both mother and lover. Until We saw him growing rapidly. Blinking, Berserker unlatched from us and jumped off, panting as his body kept growing in size and mass. “There we go.” We chuckled before he slowed down to four feet tall in his feral body, but easily half again that long in his sinuous whelpling form. “Need more?” We asked as We moved our hand under his hind legs and rubbed his slit again. “Hey!” Berserker grunted as We rubbed around where his internal testes should be and felt the abdominal cum-orbs under his flesh. His pelvic muscles spasmed and the cum factories hiding within practically throbbed against his flesh~! “Dammit...can I drink some more milk, please?” He grumbled out in embarrassment. “Hm?” We chuckled to the hatchling as We rubbed his abdomen and Berserker shivered as We got him to lie on his side, lifting up his leg so We can get a good look at his pelvic region and his lower stomach where his obviously virile balls were churning up a good, thick load for us. “Oh, c’mon. I’m not even at Aldin’s height yet.” Berserker whined in a shockingly cute way. “What? Let everyone know another Everlasting Dragon male is back already? We wouldn’t be able to have you to ourselves for days! Females will be all over you!” We told him as We started licking his slit and slowly getting his spear-like ribbed dragon dick to come out. “Damn it woman~!” Berserker hissed in pleasure as We had our way with him. “You’re a rarity. Alduin will have the same problem, but with us pounding her.” We told him as We licked away at our rare treat. Unf, thinking of having a female E-Dragon on demand was making Cynder hornier than ever! “Oh~.” Berserker moaned and began humping his thin hips as his long sinuous tail whipped around and whacked against the ground and a nearby tree root. “Does baby like Mama’s mouth?” We chuckled as We licked at his red shaft like it was a popsicle. Oh Urta yes~! He’s this big and he’s not fully grown yet!~! “Yes~.” The newly reborn E-Dragon growled out, placing a claw behind our head and shoving us down to his base, a salty musk rubbing onto our lips. Berserker was becoming dominant now, but none of that right now. “Hm, you seem to think We’re chasing a quick treat? Sorry, but Cocoa’s the headchaser amongst us. We prefer to savor the flavor.” We were lying just a bit. Daring was indeed quite the headchasing cumslut after all. “Now let’s see how much bigger you can get without going over the trees.” We leaned up towards his head, presenting a breast for him to latch onto as We idly rubbed his dick. “It’s here if you want~.” Berserker leaned down to give us a deep kiss pulling back and latching onto our breast and drinking more milk. We purred as he slowly grew, his already generously large male anatomy following suit. “Is little Berserker hungry for mama’s-EEP!” We squeaked as he rolled onto his back, pulling us onto his torso, holding us with our groin riding along his length through our dress as he kept suckling. “Wow you’re hungry!” We giggled, rocking our cunt against his throbbing red log as it grew bigger under us along with the rest of him. “Hm...still a long way to go before you’re even tall enough to breach the canopy.” We mused as We looked up, then cooed as Berserker’s long tail wormed up to our face, then down our cleavage and ripping our magic dress off as he kept drinking. “Oh? Feeling aggressive?” Berserker let out a rumbling purr from his throat, feeling up our body with his claws all the while drinking more of our milk. We sighed, enjoying the sensation of just relaxing as our lover supped from us and grew beneath us, caressing our body. Eventually though he stopped and looked himself over. He was easily big enough now to stand at 10 feet at the shoulder if he was upright, still not even a quarter Aldin’s true size. “Jeez, how much am I going to have to drink?” Berserker questioned as his voice became a lot deeper the more he grew. But it also sounded like there was another’s voice thrown into the mix to create a duet harmonic echo. “A lot. We’d say about two hours of drinking, maybe less.” We purred as we rubbed our labia on his throbbing length. “Definitely less if We, say, do this!” We surged to match him in height but stayed anthro, our breasts easily big enough for him to bury his head in our cleavage again. “Ready to keep going, lover? We may have to share you with other dragons, but at least let us have your first brood~!” Hnng~! We just got back too! Ah, fuck it! It’s Bryan! Berserker hugged us close as he motorboated our breasts, licking them both before shoving each nipple into his hungry maw and began sucking again. We chuckled as We rubbed his length with our drooling snatch and kept our ears open for predators. We may both be very powerful, but there were Timberwolves as big as Pharos in these deep forests and it wouldn’t do to get blindsided by them. Thanks to the faster flow of magic holy milk, Berserker grew that much faster. Soon We were once again small enough that his giant cock felt more like a beast We were riding on. Well, technically that was still true, but it was only part of the beast~! “I’m getting kinda bored now, to be honest.” Berserker admitted as he played with our tits, now more like he was playing with a busty doll half his size than a person. Hm, he’s about 20 feet at the shoulder now We guess. He’s only halfway there. “Well, if you want to spice it up.” We surged in size again, but this time We turned feral and purred as We sandwiched his massive cock between our rock-hard tummies. “Hope you don’t mind if We indulge~!” We climbed up, spinning around and lifting our tail with our groin and modest crotch-boobs at his face as We licked our chops, practically thrusting our head and throat down his giant dick, swallowing and moaning as he groaned in pleasure. “Hm~!” We moaned, wiggling our butt in his face with our tail raised up into the tree branches while We felt our teats leak back there in anticipation along with our already drenched pussy. Growling, Berserker grabbed hold of our hips and dug into our cunt, squeezing our flanks as he ate out our quim before switching between that and our milky boobs. We in turn rubbed at his lower abdomen where his churning balls gurgled and swelled out his lower stomach a bit as We deepthroated him, our long serpentine neck twisting and writhing on him. This whole time, he was still getting bigger under us, forcing us to grow with him or choke on him. “Glark!” We sounded out during a growth spurt, finding he was growing faster than us. But he wasn’t drinking our milk as much as-oh come on! No wonder those worshipers kept drinking our cunt juices when We were stuck in our temple’s lake, it’s just as potent as our milk! With a groan, We kept pace with his size even as We shuddered and orgasmed from how well he was tongue-fucking us. Our musing was interrupted as cracking reached our ears and the trees that had been around us in the small clearing shattered and fell outwards. Oops. Hopefully Sovereign doesn’t get pissed about this! “H-heads up!” Berserker groaned and We gleefully fucked our face into his maleness as it throbbed, swelled, then burst with his glorious seed down our throat. We swallowed and drank, our belly filling up, but the magic gem in our navel still keeping it flat for both our comfort. During this, Berserker kept drinking from us until he finally stopped growing, reaching fifty feet. Our wings were poking up over the canopy since as the beast with two backs, We were nearly as tall as our shoulders when hunched. “Holy shit that was nice.” “Th-that-*cough*-Was just the beginning stud! Come on! Follow us!” We gleefully declared, taking off in a single wing flap, heading for our temple. This time, We were going to do this the right way. Berserker followed suit, flying right beside us as We noticed something of him. Now he had a fiery yellow-orange mohawk frill going down along his neck and he also had markings, or tattoos on him. They were tribal from what We could guess, but it almost felt like they were from somewhere on Willow’s homeworld. None of that really mattered at the moment though. What did, was getting to the lake so our handsome mate could have his naughty way with us. We dove down, quickly crawling through the tunnel that the temple kindly enlarged for us and emerged in our nearly replenished lake of milky spooge. “I don’t feel comfortable about going in there.” Berserker grumbled uneasily and We rolled our eyes. “Why not?” We asked before slipping into the lake gracefully, flashing him with each move of our rear legs and upraised tail. “It’s our own fluids and any added by our followers just gets absorbed by our superior excretions.” We declared proudly. “Also, this will be our food source. We can forcibly speed up our gestation if Runner was around, but as it stands, We won’t have the presence of mind once knocked up to do it until he gets back.” “So you’re going to spend another two weeks down here?” Berserker asked in bemusement. “If you were willing, you could even join us down here.” We invited earnestly and hopefully. We don’t know any spells like that besides potions that are interfered with by Velka yet though, Damn bitch. Maybe Twilight or Runner could do that for him. Berserker seemed to think this over and then sighed. “Alright, I’ll stay with you down here for the next two weeks.” “You’ll go herm and get preggers with us?!” We gasped and Berserker lurched back as if struck. “Th-that’s what you meant?! No! I mean stay here with you, as a male.” Berserker clarified, making us wilt slightly in disappointment, but then sigh and smile. “Thank you. We do need a stud around, but the hard part is you can’t give in and keep fucking us full of eggs. You saw how We get when We’re pregnant as a dragon.” We swam a bit more and splashed the spooge. “Come on in! It’s nice and warm~! Oh! But no jumping! The eggs We laid with Sis are at the bottom. Well, the 30 that sis said would definitely hatch. The rest are being put in a pile to form a hill somewhere.” He walked carefully in and muttered something about hoping Runner wouldn’t pull pranks as he got near us. “Why are they at the bottom?” Berserker asked us as he swam. “They need milk to nourish the embryos inside and this lake is at least half our milk.” We informed him before diving down, feeling around and then surfacing with one of the massive 10 foot wide and 15 foot tall dragon eggs. “These beautiful things are nearly indestructible too! Normal dragon eggs are really tough as it is, but Everlasting Dragon eggs? Harder than the scales of their adult forms until the stillborn ones turn to normal stone.” “I’m gonna put something that enormous inside you? How did you even manage one of those things let alone the hundred I heard you laid?” Berserker balked with a whitening of his facial scales, to which We snorted. “Oh please. Eggs are way easier to lay than live babies are to birth. Now get over here you stud~.” We cooed, tossing the incredibly resilient egg behind us back into the pool, making a splash before We pounced on the red dragon, playfully pulling him under as We began lining up for a good fucking. > Ch.78 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.78 “Are you sure you’re doing okay down here?” Spike asked with love from where he sat on our belly in front of our face in green swim trunks that matched his frontal banding and his frills. “Yes~.” We moaned and rubbed our belly. “More Eggs~?” We crooned to him hungrily. “Naw, Berserker’s already done enough of a number on you.” Spike chuckled, to which We giggled as We rocked our gigantic belly in the lake around us while people swam and played in our tasty milk and cum. “Berserker?” We asked our lover who was lying right next to us also atop our belly. “You mean Bryan?” That was his name, right? Why was his new name so long? “Yes honey.” Bryan patiently told us. “Hey Runner, any progress up there?” Runner? Oh! The cute wolf-bunny that was on our head for some reason. Why won’t any of these tasty studs give us more eggs? “Sorry. It seems whatever Hastur did to protect her from others like him has made her more resistant to mental manipulation. Not that such a thing is bad, but for the current situation it’s inconvenient.” Runner sighed and then muttered: “I wanted to be the one to knock you up again…” “Eggs!” We cheered, flapping our wings in excitement. “No! No~! No more eggs, honey!” Bryan insisted firmly, but nicely and We whined. “If I knew not even you or Twilight could get her to come to her senses, I wouldn’t have agreed to this.” Bryan grumbled. Agree to what? Oh~...so big… “We love you~!” We moaned before We kissed his broad chest and patted our belly. “You made eggs, made us big!” “At this rate she might as well be a fixture here at the temple. She wouldn’t be the first goddess to do that.” Runner said with a shrug. “Well, I’m gonna go swim with the others.” Runner said before jumping off our side and into the massive lake around us where many people were playing and not paying any attention to us aside from some humping our belly. “We’re not a Fixture! We’re a sexy egg balloon!” We snarled after him before smelling moldy stone as a sound like stone pounding on earth echoed from the tunnel of our lovely den. We mewled when our cock got erect at seeing a well-built fifty-nine foot tall skeleton of a female E-Dragon walk in with deep red glowing eyes in the pits of her skull. “My Queen.” She said before she looked around. “I’m happy you got Groton’s body off me or I couldn’t have dug myself out of the grave. I gave the pests a scare though.” “Poor girl! All bones! Come! Bathe and get healthy!” We insisted, waving our tail around as We rubbed our belly with all six of our other limbs. “Lost In egg lust? Have you forgotten your own teachings and meditations?” She asked while walking into the lake and she grunted when lovely black and red scales and flesh grew up along her legs on contact with the cum and milk. “Well, that’s quite impressive. I’m willingly Undead and this stuff is replacing my lost mass.” “Teachings?! Please tell us you can snap her out of this!” Bryan practically pleaded, desperation and exhaustion in his tone. Why is he tired though? He hasn’t sexed us in several days! “Well yes, but you all have to get to the entrance and she needs just females about. Males only create the need and lust to breed. Second, she needs to eat Crag Tree roots. Then do a mantra for an hour a day.” Alduin explained as her flesh continued to grow back, with her legs and tail done, her torso got started and climbed up her ribs and spine. “But eggs! So boring alone!” We complained. “Need stud to birth!” “Oh? Well, if it’s been that long, you lot are better off waiting until she’s ready.” Alduin said as she leaned into our belly. “Hm...easily nearly a hundred eggs in this clutch. At least maybe ten at best would hatch.” “Well, it has nearly been two weeks. We’ve been visiting everyday and it turned into a daily outing with us swimming around her.” Bryan scratched at his sticky hair. “I don’t get how herms and females don’t get pregnant just swimming in this mess.” “Wait, what?!” Alduin asked in shock, her eyes widening as if she just realized what she was swimming in and hurried out, but already her newly reformed pussy had been submerged in it for a few minutes as the last of the flesh grew up her wings and neck. “Damn it! I swear Ember, if you got me pregnant with you hiding cum in a pool of milk, I’m going to make you take responsibility!” Alduin snarled as her face grew back, revealing her elegant visage. “More eggs?” We blinked. We looked around at all the ladies swimming around us. “Why are you not filling with eggs?” How rude! To swim in our seed and not get pregnant! Boo! “Oh please sweetie. I blessed us so we wouldn't get pregnant after the first time we showered in it.” Cadence chuckled from her place floating on a yellow inner tube on the iridescent glowing lake, her sexy body straining against the white one-piece she squeezed into. “But you’re new, so sorry, no promises there.” Cadence then dunked a cup in the spooge and took a deep drink. “Ah~ so tasty when it’s magically self-preserving and purifying.” “Just great. Knowing my luck there’s no more Crag Trees to harvest roots from.” Alduin grumbled as she sat on the shore of our lake. “The stump is around.” We groaned as Cynder did remember a mantra and started muttering it, but We were still befuddled with egg thoughts. And cum thoughts. And sex thoughts. Oh~...so big~... “There she goes again. Just let it run its course by this point.” Alduin sighed and laid down on the shore. (<3) “Damn you Hastur!” We complained, ignoring the mischievous chuckle that only slightly hurt our ears to hear. Another two weeks lost. Spring was almost over and We haven’t even done anything in the past couple of months! We were walking out of our lake, still feral with Berserker at our side, also feral since We needed a male to trigger us into laying our eggs. “I’m so happy your cum didn’t get me pregnant.” Alduin huffed as she followed us. “You’re lucky we looked out for you.” “I just wish it wasn’t so much work resisting your slutty demands for eggs every time I visited. Honestly, I thought my balls and prostate were gonna explode.” Berserker sighed. “Still, at least I helped you with an endangered species.” “Yes. Thank you our love~.” We purred as We leaned into his side, nuzzling his neck. He perked up when We wormed our tail between his thighs~... “Our brother is much help, just like in the past.” Alduin chuckled as she wedged between us and moved ahead. We eyed her ass hungrily. We were going to claim that legendary virgin vagina. If not today, then someday. Why little sister Alduin fought against our species’ very promiscuous prerogative We can’t understand. “Yes, he is. Now we just need to go home and figure out what to do next. Hm, We think we should make a few more fountains. We may even try Tartarus. If Tartarus is where everything began we need info.” We reasoned logically. Visilia’s affliction was quite telling of the situation. Lust Demons came from Tartarus due to Velka’s curse turning them into wanton sluts and rapists. “I’ll come with you then. My royal sibling shouldn’t leave without her guard.” Alduin chuckled. Berserker was about to say something, but stopped and looked off to the side. After a couple of moments he sighed in frustration. “I have to go. Hunter just called me and said Dainn has accepted the challenge.” “Can’t you come with us?” We asked and he shook his head. “Well, when you win, please don’t kill any We can redeem. For us, please? We don’t want to put a species to extinction if it is not necessary for survival.” We told him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll try.” Berserker said before taking flight towards caribou country to the northwest. “We’ll see if Visilia wants to come. Urta will for sure.” We said to our sexy soldier sister as we approached Unity. “We should shrink down to fit in the city better.” “Fine.” Alduin groaned before she shrunk down and We shifted to anthro as we entered town through the tunnel with some people bowing to us when we walked through the city. It was invigorating to see Unity getting back on its feet even better than it was before to be perfectly honest. “This is a nice settlement.” “It’s our town. The pygmies, sorry, small normal people don’t build cities as large as they used to. They're not vermin sis. They are just as intelligent as you or Us now.” We then paused while a few Skaven passed by and waved cheerfully at us, which We returned. “Right, well, even the rats are as intelligent as us now.” “Oh.” She said while trying to hide her ongoing disgust. “And this is our home.” We said proudly as We gestured to the grand 50-foot tall gates into our Keep and the dragoness looked confused. “We’ve evolved past using simple caves.” “I see.” Alduin skeptically replied before she followed us inside. Despite its utterly baffling size, it was light enough thanks to magic for most people to move unless there was a siege, then it became it’s true weight and practically locked itself before the actual locks came into play. “You really ignored everyone in the cave when you climbed out of the ground didn’t you?” We sighed in disappointment. It seemed not even millennia of being literally dead changed her. “Well they were small and not...well I guess...change is hard okay! We’re Everlasting Dragons Ember. Change isn’t in our nature.” Cynder’s sister snapped and We chuckled at her naivete. “The only constant is Change.” We replied sagely before turning towards Pharos. “Pharos! Mama’s home!” We declared, causing our fluffy green Gigafox to bark and start licking our whole body, covering us in slobber as We laughed. “Uh, why does that mutt have a boner?” Alduin warily questioned before We looked to see our pet very excited to see us. “We know why, but he’ll have to settle for Timberwolves.” We chuckled before our Gigafox moved us between his legs. “No. Bad. Naughty boy.” We chided firmly, levitating him away with ease and booping his snoot, making him whine and whimper. “You have plenty of girlfriends in the forest to take care of that.” “Your pet has the hots for you?” Alduin asked dubiously. “Everyone does. It comes with the territory.” We shrugged as Pharos licked himself. “Now you go have fun boy!” We ordered and he barked in affirmative before he ran off out of the gate. “Wait, so you’re not just these toy’s ruler, you’re their Goddess?” Alduin asked with a sneer of disgust. “You’ve fallen so low. To become like the children who tore our people to pieces.” “Really?” We asked with a tilt of our head as We casually, without even gesturing for it, pressed Alduin so hard into our foyer floor with our magic that her body was cracking from bones snapping, her stone scales cracked and blood gushed out of her nose and eyes. “Do not forget. We are your Queen. Not just your sister.” We declared with cold calmness as We crushed our formerly loyal subordinate to near-death for her betrayal, even if she is our sister. “F-forgiveness...please…” Alduin managed to choke out and We ceased crushing her, allowing her to gasp and cough up more blood. “I am sorry...I forgot my place…” Alduin wheezed out, tears joining the blood from her eyes as she cowered away from us. “All is forgiven. Now drink up~!” We cheered while hefting up our breasts as We knelt down to her. Alduin whimpered before she drank and started to heal up. “Hm, We think you need an anthro form for this new era. Your regal true form is fine, but quite a hindrance when you need hands for something.” Before Alduin could comment, We focused on her body and she gasped when her body rapidly shifted while she both imbibed our milk and our magic kicked in. “Oh~! W-what are you doing to me~?!” Alduin whined, watching her teats migrate up her torso, then begin bulging out into proper breasts. She cried out in pleasure as she grabbed her new chest while it grew, her legs changing shape, her forelegs become arms. Soon she was a pitch-black copy of our own anthro form, panting and running her new hands over her body. “Hm, our sexy virgin general sister.” We purred, touching her shoulder as We helped her to her new feet, drawing our Morph Slime out of her flesh as We helped her stabilize. “W-whoa! If my new teats weren’t so big, my wings and tail would pull me onto my rear.” Alduin commented, hefting her chest basketballs as she got used to her new sense of balance. “We know that.” We chuckled as We groped her. “What? You’re not going to protest?” “N-no...you’ve proven your strength already my Queen.” Alduin answered despondently, so We stopped. “W-what?”   “We don’t want you to fear us. Just remember that in this Era, our people will become simply another race in this world. Not it’s rulers. Not it’s saviors or monsters.” We stated with conviction. “You can also shift between this new body and your original one at will, so if you don’t feel like being anthro, you don’t need to be.” “Huh?” Alduin balked in stupefaction before We led her to the throne room where we found Visilia and Urta waiting for us. Urta stood to Visi’s right where she sat on the throne. But… “Why are you still pregnant?” We asked in concern at Visi’s still triplet-sized belly. She wasn’t any bigger, at all. Well, maybe her breasts were a little more swollen with milk, or her hips wider, but We couldn’t tell. “If you’re pregnant with pups, you should’ve had them at least a week and a half ago by now.” “Trust me, we’re all surprised and confused.” Visi shrugged while patting her dress-covered belly. “We’re figuring that me being a mare, means I’ve still got the last 9 months to go with these little ones, while the others all had much shorter gestations than me.” “Cocoa is disappointed not to be huge anymore, but she’s got so much work to do with the kids we’ve got already. It hurts to see my own tykes get put up for adoption, but this is the life we live in and even this sexy lady has it weird.” Urta chuckled as she rubbed Visi’s shoulder. In response the mare hummed and nuzzled the vixen’s hand while she looked up at her adoringly. “But that’s...usually the body should realize when it’s time, even if it is an unusual pregnancy.” We mused curiously, approaching our lovers and kneeling down in front of the royal demoness to rub our hands over Visi’s belly, our Demon Princess cooing in appreciation as We did. “They’re ready. More than ready. Well overdue in fact, but your body is still acting like they’re foals.” “Could you trick it?” Alduin asked when she approached and Urta looked the dragoness over warily with an appraising eye. Guess even if she has huge naked tits right in front of her, Urta’s training as a soldier takes precedence since Urta stood just that little bit straighter, her eyes hardened in that way as if she was calculating something. She can tell Alduin is dangerous. “We could feed Visi our milk. That should do it just fine, but they’ll still be coming out as 8-month old pups. They’ll be way bigger than normal babies. Just being near us may make you elastic Visi, but to birth three toddlers?” We warned her warily and uneasily. “Maybe change her species for it? You dragons have proven to be incredibly good breeders.” Urta’s comment made both Us and Alduin raise our chins in pride. “No. I will not be anything other than my natural body.” Visi huffed and slapped her belly proudly. “Besides, I’m far more elastic and durable than you give me credit for.” If anything, Visi’s eyes seemed to glint in anticipation, as if looking forward to a challenge instead of dreading such a complicated birth. “Alright, so milk then?” We asked our demon princess while wondering what she was genetically. Was she a succubus? Authentically? What is an alicorn demonically? “Yes. Let’s just get things ready for the babies.” Visilia declared as she stood on her hooves, rubbing her belly and actually looking disappointed? “I didn’t get to carry them long enough…” “Hey, they’re causing you trouble babe. You’d be stuck this huge for seven more months and getting even bigger.” Urta reasoned, only to blush at how Visilia’s wings stiffened and the demon princess bit her lip while eyeing Urta lustfully. “Babe. No. Bad.” “But…” Visilia actually wilted when Urta booped her snoot gently. “I’m the pregnancy fiend here! If you’d just let me I’d have transferred those pups weeks ago into my own womb! You’re getting those rugrats out now since you refuse to let me do it.” Urta’s piercing gaze made all three of us in the room with her shudder. Don’t think We missed that, Alduin! You’re eyeing Urta like she’s a total dragon stud right now! “Fine, but I’m knocking you up the next time I have a dick and we go at it.” Visilia growled lustfully and Urta just shrugged, as if getting even more pregnant was no issue for her. We really should give her the Aspect... “Alright, enough you two lovebirds. Let's go get Visilia’s womb vacated.” We joked and gently pulled Visilia along. “Hmph! I’m not a living mobile home like Urta and the others let those Chaos brats use them for.” Visilia scoffed in a clearly non-hurtful and almost sarcastic haughty tone. “Hah!” Urta laughed as we led them down the guest wing to the Keep’s private birthing/breeding room that was outfitted like a miniature version of what the Breeding Center has and clearly only meant for a single occupant at a time. We were about to get to work when a wolf skeleton entered while wearing nurse scrubs. “Hello Wiatr. I’m just doing my rounds.” The skeleton reported to us in an echoey refined male’s voice that sounded somewhat snooty despite how humble his words were. “Uh, We’ll talk to you in a second.” We told her/him before magically undressing Visilia and then using telekinesis to float her into the warm waist-deep pool while maneuvering her into a seat that held her in a squatting position with stirrups. We then disrobed and climbed in with her while jiggling our breasts and sloshing our magic milk around. “This is really nice actually. Comfy, warm…” Visilia commented as she relaxed into the special chair up against the rim of the shallow pool. “Is this water enchanted? I feel so relaxed…” “Are you ready? It might still hurt even with all of this to help numb the pain. Or it will be pleasurable. It’s our first time using this room and this birthing pool setup, but We have faith in Twilight’s work.” Because while We had gotten started on this room, it seemed someone finished it for us and the only person We know who could do all this was Twilight. “Can we move along, now?” Visi rolled her eyes and shook her belly. “These precious runts won’t come out on their own for a while yet.” Left unsaid was that she really wouldn’t mind that. “Alright, get drinking missy.” We chuckled when We pressed our left nipple to her lips and she began taking deep draws of our milk. Immediately, Visi’s belly began slightly swelling. It didn’t get too much bigger, not enough for a quadruplet pregnancy, but her belly still got quite big. “Ah!” Visi stopped drinking, hissing as her massive belly tightened. “H-here they come…” Visi began breathing, tensing her legs in the convenient leg stirrups connected to the plush waterproof chair that kept her upright and with a clear view of her groin. This ‘birth bath’ was designed to take advantage of the body’s natural processes and gravity to make the birth as easy as possible. It helped the pool was enchanted to make the water breathable as well as pain relieving. “Wow. This is surprisingly less painful than, unf, the first time.” “Like We said; this should make it easier.” We chuckled weakly while she grunted and pushed, her body slowly moving the first of her pups out. We held her hand as she grunted and pushed, slowly moving the pup down her birth canal. Visilia moaned when she stopped pushing until her next contraction, pushing hard while she held our hand. “Fuck it being easier! I’m actually getting…” Visi blushed heavily as her huge swollen I-cup breasts swelled further in arousal. “What is with this water? This is-hah-great!” Oh boy. This bath is definitely going to be getting some improper use in the future... (<3) A few hours later and Visilia was panting from the birth. She wasn’t in pain, she was just tired from all the pushing. She now held three pups in her arms, all from Urta, each pup crying while they were welcomed to the world. Next to her were Urta fawning over the alicorn and her newborn fox kits and Cocoa who showed up in a hurry after the first birth to help. “Aw, none from Cocoa.” My chocolate lab said playfully before nuzzling me. “Cocoa has a big pack coming already anyway though.” Cocoa nodded towards Urta, reminding us that the Argent Slime Vixen was pregnant with potentially dozens of each of her wive’s and husband’s children. “Yeah! I have more pups!” Urta cheered before smothering Visilia with kisses as she cuddled the mare. “Hah~! Urta~! Your slime~!” Visi groaned lustfully and Urta sheepishly removed her aphrodisiac goo from the motherly demoness as said woman fed her pups. “Oh~...time and place Urta…” “Sorry babe. Are you okay?” Urta asked as she massaged the mare’s hips, this time not driving Visilia wild with desire. “Do you want to rest? I don’t mind keeping you company.” “Yes.” Visi huffed tiredly. “I need to rest after going through with that again. The orgasms just made it even more exhausting honestly.” Visilia chuckled and kissed Urta’s lips chastely. “Well, maybe We should hold off on the trip to Tartarus. We were going to ask if any of you want to come.” We informed everyone in the room, even Alduin who didn’t know what she was getting into when she followed us home from our temple lake. “I’ll come along with you after I’ve rested up and the babies are taken care of.” Visi told us as she kept feeding her little ones. “They’re children of House Themis after all. Even if they aren’t alicorns, they’re still part of my family now.” Her last name is Themis? The Greek Titaness of Divine Order, Fairness, Law, Natural law and Custom? Well, it fits considering what her family has to keep on a leash, even if it is more violent and visceral than mortal society. “Me too! I can’t let my Princess leave without her head knight!” Urta declared and We weren’t sure if she meant us or Visilia. “Cocoa has to look after Little Ones.” My chocolaty cerberus slime mate explained with a whine of disappointment. “Cocoa want to show skills.” “It’s okay Cocoa. We have our revived sister Alduin coming too. She was Cynder’s general in the past as well as her snooty sister.” We gestured to Alduin, who had watched the entire event with a mixture of disgust and interest. Live birth must be both horrifying and fascinating to her. “Well, hopefully she plays nice.” Urta chuckled jovially. “She will.” We chuckled with a playful leer at our revived general, who proudly puffed out her chest. “Want us to leave Visilia?” “You can stay. Just don’t upset the pups.” Visilia declared and then looked at the skeleton nurse who was dutifully setting up a trio of plush cribs. “Now, who the fuck is that?” “I am Fane, a variant of undead known as an Eternal. We crawled out of the Void that everyone knows as Dark and, well, this new era is quite accepting. We’re acclimating and I happen to be a doctor. Of theoretical magical physics, but apparently being a father myself makes me qualified as a midwife.” Fane shrugged and then held up his wand. “Now then, they can keep feeding and snuggling, but I need to take their temperature and other measurements. Keep them distracted from the tingly sensations.” Fane? Eternal? … Oh shit! Big Sis Ave was right! Hopefully no Voidwoken or other Sourcery nonsense is going to happen now! That’s a whole kettle of apocalyptic fish We don’t need! > Ch.79 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.79 The next day, with Visilia’s new triplet fox sons properly attended by her personal Scinox attendants, the demon alicorn was willing and eager to get right to action. Even if she had an embarrassing moment this morning with trying and failing to fit into her armor, what with her larger bosom and booty and wider hips. Thankfully that was a quick trip to Andre to fix. It was actually a bit worrying, but Urta wasn’t about to stay home even though she’s beyond hyperpregnant. In fact, her pregnancy is part of what gives her so much power, so she’s better off like this than if she ever had an empty womb. That said, at least her Dragonslayer armor was still perfect for her. As for Us and Alduin, We’d provided Andre with dragon bones left over from the feast We had in the caves. The armor was like a second skin to us E-Dragons, being all stony and scaled while entirely encompassing our bodies and hiding nothing of our body shapes. Although, Andre did work dimensional pockets into the breastplate and groin armor for further comfort. This along with a special feature of the armor allowed us to be flat-chested or conform to our bosoms for plunging cleavage to be able to retrieve items from our inventories. “Aw, no cleavage?” Urta whined playfully as she puffed her chest out in her own armor’s gratuitously plunging neckline. “I don’t understand modern dragons and other species’ obsession with teats. They’re for feeding things.” Alduin huffed and We snorted in amusement.  “You just haven’t had them long enough to enjoy them yet.” We teased our general, who crossed her arms over her flat chest with her wings tight to her back since she still wasn’t used to her new sense of balance. That and not having two huge orbs of squishy flesh and milk in front of her definitely threw off her balance. “As much as I enjoy hearing you girls talk about your tits, how about we get started on this trip?” Visilia asked after she checked the Crusader gear she had was on properly and wasn’t pinching her anywhere like it was before Andre worked his magic. The way her breastplate jutted out before with how it wasn’t meant to contain such delicious motherly boobs was hilarious. If she gets much bigger, she’ll be rivaling the rest of us for bust size. “Sure thing Visi. Tartarus has multiple access points across the world and the nearest one should only be a short flight from here.” We declared before turning towards the several of our wives and Spike who were here to send us off. “Alright Cocoa, Honey, Sabrina, Spike. We trust you’ll keep Unity from imploding while we’re gone?” “Pfft. You kidding? With those secretaries of yours and my experience, I’ll keep things on the up-and-up with the bureaucracy.” Spike declared before looking at Alduin, who stared back. “Seriously. Just ask already.” “Ask what?” Alduin demanded and We growled lightly at her. “I’m just looking okay? I’m not interested in getting physical.” “If you weren’t interested, you wouldn’t be looking. Or fantasizing. Or fighting a ladyboner.” Honey disapprovingly exposed with her empathy allowing her to read our prudish sister-general. “Cocoa keep spies out.” Cocoa affirmed with a nod and then vanished in plain sight. That will never stop being spooky and cool. “Just don’t get all of you immobilized with pregnancies. Only Urta and Wiatr can make it home from that.” Sabrina warned in exasperation. Hey~! We’re not that bad...often...usually. “Alright! That’s enough assurances ladies. Lets go before we have second thoughts and just have a massive orgy or something.” Urta marched out of the foyer and the rest of us followed her. “Now then, I can’t fly, so someone will have to carry me. Thankfully my navel pearl can also make me as light as a feather. Where to?” “The nearest bridge to Tartarus is actually to the east on the isthmus, bordering the Griffin Kingdoms. It is in a canyon and looks eerily like The Argonath from Lord of the Rings or The Valley of the End from Naruto from the pictures We’ve seen.” Apparently, every Bridge of Tartarus was rather iconic and dramatic. “Ugh, the Griffins? Those national fanatic pricks? Our culture is best, our people are the best, our army is the best, our government is always right, equality for all, blah blah blah.” Urta gagged as we lifted her up and started flying. “Nationalists? Great.” Visi groaned as she held her head. “Communism, or Facsism?” She asked, but this left Urta and Alduin confused. “Huh? What are those? Some form of feudalistic monarchy or constitutional?” Urta questioned in confusion. Considering Equestria is a “Constitutional Monarchy” at its root, but with the power spread further than just a king or queen as an Oligarchy, that was a reasonable assumption since all she’s experienced before was pure feudalism. “Neither. They’re newer kinds of ruling that most nations I guess have not reached. Hm, how to explain it? Facsism is nationalism on the extreme. Willow’s world has some very good examples of how bad that is.” We morphed some slime through our gauntlets and mingled a tendril with Urta’s Argent goo to share images and written words with her on the subject. “Really? Those death camps sound familiar to me, some old reports of how the Griffins dealt with the corrupted, but they’re not fascists, they don’t believe everyone should conform to their way of life. What about Communism?” Urta asked and We shared what Willow knew about Communism with her. Including the memes. Especially the memes. All the memes~! “That does sound more like the griffins. Aside from those hilarious things you call ‘memes’. Anyway, they sound more like this China save not exiling their original monarchical rulers. The griffins have the king then this elitist group runs the place, but everything is owned by the state and rationed out. Altogether it isn’t a bad system, but they treat their prisoners way worse than reasonable. They’d be better off just dumping them off in Tartarus instead of the torments they put them under.” Urta declared with her observations newly enlightened. “What sort of torments?” Alduin asked while she did some banking to get used to anthro flight. “Public executions, live experimentation, slave labor. The list goes on. They’re cruel and unethical when it comes to crime and punishment. I’d advise going to war with them as soon as possible, because while they don’t have much of a standing army right now, they can get one up quick the moment they’re not being harried by demons.” Urta warned us. “We’ll take that into consideration.” We commented as our sharp draconic eyes caught sight of small airplanes off on the horizon. They looked like Equestrian Curtiss P-36 Hawks. Wow that’s outdated, but that’s why we’re selling them. Keep the top of the line for us, sell our outdated surplus. What is that huge plane following behind the Hawks? (<3) “How much further is this place?” Alduin impatiently questioned, since We’d spent the past couple of hours flying in a straight line along the Equestrian half of the isthmus connecting our continent to Griffonia’s continent. “Just a little further Alduin. Have patience.” We chided Cynder’s sister while still keeping an eye on the planes that were suspiciously too far from Griffonian borders or waters. Urta was clearly right. They’ve probably claimed several small islands out in the ocean already. “These featherheads aren’t gonna start shooting at us, are they?” Visilia questioned while she kept an eye on the interloping military vehicles and their accompanying flights of armored griffins who kept their distance from the shore, but were clearly watching us. “Not with us inside Equestrian borders. They wouldn’t dare try without sparking a war.” We told her as we flew towards the rather obnoxiously ornate obsidian bridge on the isthmus that rose from the earth and simply ceased halfway when it met the southern shore at the end of a canyon with two giant greek-armored demon statues standing on either side of the free-standing half-bridge. This place, aside from the ocean shore, looked like it was ripped from Naruto. “Do you think they’re compensating for something?” Urta snarked with an amused snort at the muscular and very masculine statues with their broad-bladed spears forming a sharp triangular arch over the bridge. So dramatic and cool! “Probably not. This is Tartarus here. So is everyone ready?” We double-checked with a bit of nervousness on our own part. Willow’s knowledge of what her world’s mythological Tartarus is along with Daring’s knowledge of what this world’s actual Tartarus is made us uneasy. “The sooner we’re out of sight of those commie assholes, the better. I want to get to the bottom of this damned corruption.” Visi huffed in frustration and an absent rub of her groin in obvious memory of what being a herm did to her. “You have to ask My Queen? I’ll lead.” Alduin flexed her claws and walked forward, vanishing in a water-like ripple through the otherwise invisible portal framed by the bridge and spears. “After you love.” Urta cheekily told Visi before following our lover in. We looked at the planes one more time to see them heading for some islands further out from shore that had some ships landed there. Damn it. This is just what we don’t need. Sighing in resignation that greedy loveless assholes will always find a way to ruin what little good there is in the world, We stepped forth and went from a temperate windy perch on the shore of a beach to an oppressively hot and dry dark interior. This was paired with a huge black-furred anthro cerberus hound with a massive bust that stood nearly fifty feet high and wore Greek plate armor as she imperiously leered down at us. “Who are you and what is your business here in Tartarus?” The center head demanded and then all three of her noses sniffed the air. “With a Royal? That’s not right. Queen Nina and her sister haven't left Tartarus in ages.” “We are Princess Waitr! These are Our Knight, General and Mate. Urta, Alduin and Visilia. We wish to explore Tartarus for answers on the Corruption.” We replied to the giantess, who if she was a chocolate lab instead of a doberman, would’ve been a shoe-in for Cocoa. “We see. Are you sure you wish to enter? This is a place of eternal suffering. Surely your quest for answers need not delve into this place.” The left head stated as the right head whispered into the center head’s ear, causing her to hum. “Yes. This is our most solid lead. We need to enter.” We replied with certainty and the three heads looked at each other with side-eye glances. “Very well, you do so at your own risk.” the right head declared and leered down at Visilia. “Whoever you are, do not attempt to demand anything. Royal you may be, but you are not of our royal family.” “Like I’d even try. My own Tartarus is full of willful jackasses. I’m not about to try and herd this colony of cats too.” Visilia huffed and the cerberus actually tittered. Well, the left head did, getting the other two to leer at her reproachfully. “Anyway, you don’t smell of the Traitors. Just don’t try to cause trouble and everything will be fine.” Cerberus then howled in three different octaves simultaneously, and the gigantic obsidian gates behind her that were hidden by the darkness rumbled open. “Enter, but beware. Tartarus is usually a one-way trip.” Suddenly, We were inside the gate and it clamored shut behind us, sending the four of us jumping away in shock. W-what the fuck was that?! We were in front of her, then we’re suddenly in here?! There’s no way the Corruption got out this way if it is from here. Judging by her comment of traitors, that just became more likely. Now then, we’re stuck here in Tartarus for now, so we carefully watched each other as we navigated the seemingly endless giant halls sized to comfort for people of the Cerberus’ stature. Eventually, we came across the prison proper instead of empty halls with doors made for giants. Said doors were locked and there was no way into them either, so this was just where we’d ended up in our aimless wandering. There were more cerberus guards here, both female and male. They simply looked at us, sniffed, then dismissed us. They wouldn’t speak to us either, which was both rude and intimidating. Have you ever tried to talk to one of the guards outside Buckingham Palace? It was like that, only instead they were literal giants and giantesses. However, soon enough We encountered a section of the prison that wasn’t holding monstrous entities or insane elder dragons, one meant for more modestly sized folk. It was here we found other, similarly armored guards of various species. Despite this, they all had a clear tie-in of having horns, either ‘devil’ or goat if not a unicorn of sorts. If unicorn, then their horns had a much more pronounced flute spiral, giving them a more ‘ribbed’ horn. “Halt! State your business!” Demanded one of the two guards on the entrance to the normal-sized section of the prison. “We’re here to seek the source of the Corruption. To discover what caused it and possibly help us figure out how to fully reverse it.” We told the blood-furred unicorn, who sneered in his response. “So the Traitors have caused so much trouble that good folk have to come here. Enter. Continue on through and you’ll eventually leave the prison for the city. Mind your behavior and you won’t find yourselves in a cell.” The stallion declared and we all nodded in agreement before entering the ‘normal’ prison area. Holy shit, it’s like a who’s who of big baddies here. There’s a goat who just has to be Grogar. I think that’s Catrina. Oh! There’s Tirek! Then that means the pink pegasus filly must be the genocidal maniac Cozy Glow. We were all disgusted when she chuckled and turned around to twerk at us. Ugh, We can smell her Corruption from here. Twilight said she drank something from Lust demons when she tried to take over Equestria for herself, but We didn’t think it was enough to turn her into one. “Why is a child here?” Alduin questioned in confusion even if she was as disgusted as the rest of us. “It’s a long story.” A young teen she may be, but she earned her place in this dungeon. “Aw, you don’t want to be friends?” The teenager giggled with an unhinged and malicious grin. “Cozy, will you stop? You know full well your cell will shock you and then you’ll be tormented by the guards. I don’t want to hear how much you enjoy that again.” Tirek grumbled disgustedly, the withered old centaur pointedly ignoring his neighbor in favor of reading his paperback book. “Let’s just move one.” Urta gagged in disgust and we rushed away from the depraved scene. “We should just find the way out. The guard said to just head on through, so let’s keep going straight.” Visilia reminded us and we did just that. Guards nodded to us as we passed and looked at Visi in bemusement, like they weren’t sure they should do more than just nod to her. “It feels so weird to be someplace so similar to home but not.” “I bet if I was in a desert nation that wasn’t Saddle Arabia I’d feel the same way.” Urta commented before we emerged into a massive hallway like back at the entrance and a Cerberus giant, this one quite male if looking exactly like the woman on the gate otherwise, nearly stepped on us and he stumbled around us frantically, even tripping and falling to his hands and knees, giving us a good look up his armored skirt. “Woo! Nice balls boy~!” We declared excitedly and he responded by hurriedly getting to his paws and nearly ran away, his short tail pressed tightly against his skirt in embarrassment. We don’t know why they have so many Cerberi or how, but with hunky guys and gals like them guarding the outer layers of the prison, it’s no wonder almost nobody has escaped this place. “Hot damn those were nice. Enough objectifying them though, all I know is that they’re much more organized and numerous than my world’s cerberus. If we had these numbers, they’d be fielded instead of left with the home guard. Then again, why are they here if they could do so much better elsewhere?” Visilia groused uneasily at the implication that Tartarus needs a small army of giant three-headed dog people at home more than bringing justice to the ‘surface’ world as is their sworn duty to their sister dimension. “That is worrying...” Urta muttered before up ahead from a much more ornate mahogany door on the right side of the hall emerged a blood-red coated demon alicorn mare in guard armor. She looked similar to Visilia, except not as thicc and tall from her pregnancies, nor did she have the sexy battle scars on her snout. “You have a twin!” Visilia groaned in annoyance as the mare looked in our way and blinked in surprise. “A doppelganger? No, wait.” She even sounded like Visilia if with less maturity as she sniffed in Visi’s direction and approached “Who are you? You smell like family, but that can’t be right.” “We are, at least by dimensional standards.” Visilia shrugged and sighed. “I’m Visilia Themis, Princess of my dimension’s Tartarus.”  “I’m Ailisiv Metis, Warden of this Prison. Odd, why are you Princess when I’m the Defense Secretary?” The dimensional double named Ailisiv questioned with intrigue. The fact she is almost completely unbothered by our presence could maybe have to do with the fact that we’re not in a rush and there’s no way guards wouldn’t be all over us if we weren’t meant to be here. “I’m an only child.” Visilia replied snippily. Wait. Is there a story here? “Odd, I have an older sister. I guess not everything carries between dimensions.” Ailisiv’s reply filled in plenty of gaps. Hoo-boy. No asking about the deceased older sibling along with the mother, got it. “So to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit…” Aili sniffed Visi again. “Big sister?” How did she decide that with smell? Why is Visi looking a bit proud? “I’m here with my future wives Wiatr and Urta along with my future sister-in-law Alduin to look for answers to the origins of the Lust demons. Could you help shed light on this matter?” Visilia asked her dimensional twin who nodded grimly. “Yes, but I don’t want us to hang around the prison. Come along, I’ll bring you to my Older, well, Eldest Sister.” Ailisiv replied before leading us further onward along the obscenely massive hall. “Who is your sister?” Alduin asked, completely ignoring the red flags the previous conversation had. I didn’t miss the twitch of Visi’s left ear! Forgive her love! “Ninia, she’s the Princess of Tartarus. She runs the kingdom while I run the prison and our endlessly beleaguered military.” Ailisiv informed us with a weary sigh and a droop of her wings. “What could have such formidable warriors so strained?” Visilia questioned worriedly as she patted her younger not-twin on the shoulder comfortingly, her gauntlet making a light metallic clang on the younger woman’s pauldron. It was oddly relieving to see Visilia so easily warm up to someone. “The Corruption of the Traitor many years ago. The first Corrupted, or I guess they’re called Lust Demons now, was Lethice. She was a Knight in service of Velka who requested a more nonviolent solution to sinners. We Tartarus Demons were an all female race in this dimension, so we never had a male here and had to leave our realm to breed.” Ailisiv informed us and nodded to a male demon as we passed. “That changed with Lethice’s blasphemous experiments. Thanks to them, now we bear male offspring too, along with finding out something we never knew due to us being purely female before then.” Ailisiv sniffed deeply in the direction of a passing demon stallion, who blushed brightly and hurried along. We too tested his scent and found ourselves incredibly aroused out of the blue. “We doubt it's the same in every universe, though it begs the question as to why the people of our realm get addicted to a male Tartarus demon’s scent. It may involve something during the age of Dark because before that we had males and the male Tartarus demon scent was normal. I’m not about to complain though. Sniffing a male’s mane as he cums in you is incredible when his very scent sends you sky high in bliss.” Ailisiv declared with a shameless smirk. Heh, good to see even across universes that Visilia is a hot-blooded sexy woman. > Ch.80 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.80  After Ailisiv’s disturbing reveal as to the origin of the Lust Demons, we had gone silent in contemplation until we eventually reached the exit of the prison and found ourselves in a bafflingly tall city. We could barely see the top of the buildings around us let alone just how big the city was. It reminded us of Lothric with its height, bridges and hanging platforms. Each level of the towers were connected and had very Greek architecture hewn from stone and looking more solid than any mountain. Looking about, We didn’t really see many people living higher than the second level and it looked like the upper city was abandoned. There were also demons everywhere. Giant Cerberi dominated the enormous lanes of the streets on the ground. Some looked to be carrying baskets, dressed in loose plain robes which clashed entirely with how some were in giant cars that hovered over our height and didn’t cause downdraft any more harsh than a breeze. What is with this technology gap?! How can such an advanced and powerful society have most of their home overgrown with...uh. Fleshy, penis-like vines. Vagina-shaped flowers. Grotesque yet enticing masses of tentacles! Holy fuck! This place is just overrun by the most pervasive and perverse Corruption We’ve ever seen! How can these people be so blase about it?! Are they so desensitized to the slowly encroaching sexual doom that they aren’t bothered by it?! “How can you live like this? You have impending destruction creeping down from above your heads!” We whimpered in unease at how the air was clearly masked with some other scent instead of the pink cloud of pheromones that blocked out the sky above the fourth story. “This is the constant struggle we face since the Traitor’s experiments were exposed and she unleashed them on Tartarus before her escape.” Ailisiv informed us solemnly while a Cerberus soldier walked past with a long pole topped with a flamethrower that he was shooting black flames up into the air with against the buildings, causing the fleshy growths to screech and wither away. “No wonder you can’t spare any soldiers if you’re constantly keeping that at bay.” Urta grimaced in disgust while the rest of us nodded in agreement with her observation. “This is indeed a quite unfavorable position you’ve all wound up in.” Alduin commented while looking around at the citizens who were unbothered by the casual culling of Corruption. “That said, you’ve adapted rather well.” “This is not even the worst of it. The animals now rule the upper levels and other things dwell up there too. Unkillable weapons and uncovered ancient entities we’d locked away so long ago that even we’ve forgotten how to deal with them.” Ailisiv replied with a nonchalant shrug, as if she’d long ago surrendered to their fate. This visibly irritated Visilia, but she didn’t comment. “This is terrible. We’ll lend aid however we can if you’ll allow it.” We offered kindly, as even though we’re not as well-equipped as Tartarus, We are a hard-counter to Corruption. This is exactly what the Corrupted Undead is Fated to fight. Thank gosh We stumbled into our power and amassed such competent allies, friends and lovers. Otherwise there’s no chance Willow would’ve been able to handle all of this. “That’s up to my sister. I’ll gladly accept any help offered, but Ninia has the final say.” Ailisiv replied with a bitter tone. Uh-oh. Is her sister a bitch or something? Is she going to be an obstructionist? “Well, here we are. Home sweet home.” Ailisiv guided us towards a massive ‘Roman’ courthouse that was clearly Greek still. It stood free of the massive superstructure that composed the rest of this impossibly gigantic city and was the only building completely free of any form of Corruption. “This looks like a classical Romane courthouse.” Daring spoke up from our lips and Willow inwardly groaned at the horrible pun. “Those plagiarists stole the design from the time they were a sovereign power and had business with us. It is our courthouse, but our old castle has been overrun by corruption maybe...I think it was 37 years ago?” Ailisiv rambled while she led us past the guards at the front gate and into the grand structure that was dwarfed all around by the superstructure. The inside was rather extravagant considering the building’s bureaucratic purpose. Plush carpets, tapestries, paintings, artefacts. Fancy mahogany furniture that was breathing fire to heat up plates of food. Those must’ve been made from the trees of Malkior 7. Willow almost sent us to our knees with the spasming diaphragm her contained laughter was causing us. Our private humor aside, it was a quick journey through the building to the main courtroom which was converted into a proper throne room, the jury stands acting as seats for advisory staff and such. It was there that Visilia paused for a moment upon sight of the mare on the throne who also had a semblance to Visilia. However, she was much more...there for lack of a better word. It was like her presence filled the massive throne room even though she was smiling slightly at her approaching sister and flattening her white toga dress that had gold filigree laced in it. At least until she turned her gaze on us and her mouth became a slight frown. “Sister, I bring guests.” Ailisiv said with a slight bow to her elder sibling. “I can see that. What is their intent with our Kingdom sister?” The Elder sister asked before sniffing and blinking in surprise as she looked at Visi, but withheld commentary even if she did look confused and curious. “They’re rulers from the surface sister. They came seeking answers to the origin of the Corruption that plagues them as well.” Ailisiv answered for us since the Princess had not addressed us. “Ah. Well, unfortunately we’re not entirely certain ourselves beyond the obvious truth that it is the Traitor’s fault our people as well as yours suffer this scourge.” Princess Ninia Metis then leered at Visilia. “Who are you…?” She sniffed deeply and then curled her upper lip in a snarl. “You have the stink of Corruption on you, however faint, but you also smell impossibly Pure.” “I am Princess Visilia Themis, one of the many Leaders of the Night Sentinels.” Visilia declared proudly and Ninia looked shocked as well as many of the other demons in attendance who gasped and began whispering amongst themselves. “Princess Visilia? Not Queen? But you’ve birthed at least two children from your scent. Out of wedlock?” Ninia questioned conversationally and Visi stood taller. “Yes. My passion burns hotter than any ancient social traditions. I’m going to marry them, but that’s not why we’re here.” Visilia declared with a hint of indignation. Which is fair, you don’t just go commenting on someone’s life decisions like some holier-than-thou thot. “Pardon, but this is a little out of our depth. What is it you wish to do in Tartarus?” Ninia questioned again, this time directly to us instead of through her sister who had moved to stand beside her during the two princesses’ back-and-forth. “We’re here to find answers to the origin of the Lust Demons and offer to help purge the local Corruption.” We replied and Princess Ninia nodded in acceptance that our previously stated purpose was true along with our intent to aid them. “Very well, but you won’t find your answers down here where it is safe. They would be hidden away in the upper levels of the city.” Ninia stated with an apologetic tone. “Well then. Now that you know it’s suicide you can just go on home, leave us to deal with-.” Ailisiv perked when Ninia’s horn shimmered slightly and she sighed. “You have permission to go above the safety of the lower levels, but I advise you to give up and go home.” “We’ll go on up then. We’re sure we can all handle it.” We replied, Cynder and Daring didn’t miss what was obviously Ninia silently communicating with her younger sister. Whatever she’s planning doesn’t matter. We’re going to find our answers and help these folks even if We have to occupy them and drag them kicking and screaming to safety. “If they want to risk it, they can. If they come back Corrupted they can join the prison. Though if you can survive the forest Uncorrupted, then can you go to the old Castle and find any more relics from my family’s past?” Ninia requested in a way that seemed to be a thinly veiled demand. “And what would those be?” Alduin asked. “An armor set, sword and shield.” Ninia told us. “The set was worn by an old queen from the age of Dark. We lost it and many things when that armory was collapsed down several levels below the Castle. Everything there was from the Age of Dark.” “Alright, it may be hard, but we’ll try to do it. We may even find a way to purify the forest.” We cheekily declared and Ninia snorted derisively. “Doubtful.” Ninia snarked and Ailisiv leered disapprovingly at her older sister. “Don’t mind my sister. I’ll have a guard walk you to the entrance of the fifth floor, it’s where the Forest of Flesh begins.” Ailisiv informed us with a tone of resignation. “You there. Auspex right? Lead them to the nearest access point maintained to the upper levels.” “Yes milady.” The mare bowed and then turned to us. “Follow me.” After the armored mare’s politely toned order, we did so without delay. The building pressure in the air caused by the obvious budding dispute between the royal sisters was quite the incentive to get out of dodge. We didn’t speak for a while, too busy silently processing the interactions back there. Also Urta and We were shamelessly eyeing the blood-red coated black-mane and tailed Earth Pony Demon mare leading us while Visilia and Alduin looked around at the city. It’s almost like demons are supernaturally required to be sexy even if they’re all red-furred and black-haired. “So…?” Urta began to ask leadingly as she got next to our guide, her eyes giving the mare a once-over and lingering on her generous cleavage that the armor allowed for her decently large volleyball breasts. She too wore Greek armor, but the physique shaping did nothing to lower her sex appeal and actually increased it. Even if she wore a leather skirt, the shape of her hips and booty were undeniable too. “No.” The guard told us firmly, even if her tail flicked. “But what about…?” Urta lifted her skirt enough for her balls to become slightly visible with a winning grin. “No.” The mare replied again, but the slight surprise in her voice was hard to miss. “Aw, but I’m not Corrupted in any way. I have the best of both worlds and my very slime is a contact aphrodisiac~.” Urta huskily purred and the mare’s composure broke with a sneer as she grit her teeth. “No you tempting bitch! I don’t have time for that and-ugh! Now I need to suffer a lady boner until I get home to my coltfriend.” Auspex growled in frustration and sped up, her hooves clopping against the paved stone road, but her scent absolutely screamed ‘fuck me’ and there were obvious wet drip spots of lewd source on the road. “Charmer. If you can get a woman that serious about her job when surrounded by debauchery all wound up with just a few words, I want to see you go to work on less stoic people.” Alduin chuckled at our sexy studly slime seducing said serious soldier to the point her hurried steps brought us to a flight of stairs that led up into one of the towering sky-scraping carved buildings. “This is just the first set.” The guard huffed when we went up the stairs. “There won’t be any threats until the fourth floor, the third is heavily militarized.” Whoa her scent is strong with her butt just above us on the stairs! By Us does this woman need to get laid pronto! “So you control that whole floor?” We asked while We couldn’t help noticing the mare’s firm big butt under her armored skirt as we all followed her up the stairs. Dayum, if she and Visi are indicators of the standard for Tartarus Demons, then no wonder they were the origin of Lust Demons with bodies this sexy and pheromones this potent. “No. Our main fortifications are around the populated areas, but we patrol as much of the third floor as we can.” Our guide explained and she was clearly trying not to think about how slick her inner thighs are right now, or that if not for her long black tail draping behind her to her knees that we’d be getting a much clearer view of how dark and wet her leather stockings were right now. “How many floors are there?” Alduin curiously asked, but her eyes were on the steps and We noticed the wet spots again. Fuck, Urta, you’ve tormented this poor mare. “At least one hundred spanning the dozens of mountains that reach into the sky. We had to use those mountains to anchor our city’s tallest buildings as we built, some of it being used to provide farmland when we built around them.” Auspex explained, pointing at a massive pillar of rock while we looked around and noted how the floors are actually smaller the further we went like Incrade from Sword Art Online. Crappy show, but an interesting city. “Almost all of it is overgrown now by the Forest of Flesh.” “That is such a shame to hear.” We mewled in disappointment. This is easily a life-long project to fix. Thank goodness We’re Undead and ageless on top of that anyway. We’ll get this done, eventually. “We’ll endeavor to fight back and Purify the Corruption.” “Big words. We haven’t been able to, who are you to claim such a thing?” Auspex huffed in dismissal only for Urta to jump up a few steps to be next to her. “She is Wiatr. Goddess of Fertility, Sex and Commerce. She’s also the Corrupted Undead. Dealing with Corruption is literally her job. She’s already Purified entire regions of our realm along with converting dozens of Lust Demons back to normal people.” Urta declared proudly and We bit our lip at the fact that by this point Urta is the Goddess of Fertility, not us. We may have birthed and sired more offspring, but she is the one who has devoted her body to being a home to others. She could also outbreed us already, she just hasn’t done it yet. “Oh? Well then, best of luck to you.” Auspex declared after she stopped at the top of the stairs on the fourth floor. “This is where we part ways. If you need to retreat to the lower levels, do not attempt to do it outside. The Miasma will Corrupt and enthrall you within minutes. I don’t care if  you can purify Corruption, don’t take stupid risks if you’re the newest hope we’ve had of ever purging the Forest.”   “Don’t worry about us.” At our declaration, the mare blinked and nodded as she relaxed slightly. “Don’t get my hopes up too much. If you could help reclaim even a single floor of our beloved city we would all be grateful. Take this map, it will help guide you to the palace.” The mare pulled a scroll from her cleavage and handed it to Urta, but she gasped and shuddered when her hand contacted Urta’s and the mare was brought to her knees. “Oh~! W-what~?” “Huh? You’re not even touching my bare membrane. Holy shit, sorry babe. Didn’t mean to set you off so hard.” Urta mewled in apology as the demoness whimpered and rocked her hips back and forth. “Y-you see why this scourge is so h-hard on us. We’re all inherently lustful creatures, us demons even moreso.” Auspex grunted and clenched her eyes shut. “By the Gods. I want to fuck so bad right now it’s nearly a need…” “Are you sure you can make it back like this?” Visilia suddenly spoke up with a surprising amount of understanding in her tone. Visi is quite a carnal creature herself after all and with her having lived here for over a year she’s more than likely familiar with how susceptible the people here are to sexual preoccupation. “Of course I-unf!” Auspex grunted when her arousal-swollen bosom literally launched her breastplate off of it’s clearly designed-to-jettison latches, exposing her currently basketball-sized boobs to the air, her black nipples and areola standing out in contrast to her red fur. “Ah~ no! I’m going to have to work this out before I go back down or I’ll be declared Corrupt and jailed for a week before they clear me…” “Urta! Help the poor mare! As Goddess of Sex We demand you take responsibility for getting her so riled up!” We huffed in frustration at how Sex is obstructing the mare’s life at the moment. Sex is supposed to spice life up, not occupy it! This is why the Lust Demons are evil! “No. You three go on ahead to give us privacy. I’ll help her.” Visilia declared with a leer. “You two have done enough to the poor mare and Alduin is your guard Wiatr.” Visilia shooed us away and the three of us dejectedly went around a corner. It wasn’t for several minutes that Visilia called us back and We returned to see Visilia quietly speaking to Auspex who had her armor back on. They giggled about something and Visi shooed her away, the mare cheerfully making her way back downstairs. “She’s a sweet girl. Her coltfriend is lucky.” “How did you calm her down without releasing the tension?” Utra asked before we started moving towards the next floor. “Sex isn’t the answer to everything Urta. Even if it would’ve been fun, she’s in a healthy relationship with someone anyway.” Visilia replied and her wings stretched out before going back to rest. “I just helped her think of things not-sexy. Like Rugby or economics. Of course it was hard for her to think of anything besides her coltfriend for a couple of minutes.” “So the Margaret Thatcher and Baseball method actually works?” We asked curiously, having drawn on Willow’s memories of a hilarious movie scene where the protagonist was in a scenario where his libido could get him killed against a sexy android. “Who and what are those?” Urta questioned and We groaned in anguish. “Two horrible, terrible, no-good things that this world is better off without. Even if the former promoted free markets and the latter was a sport born from a newborn nation’s youth.” We decided We would leave it at that and continued onward into the horrific flesh forest caused by the ambitions and vindictiveness of two absolute thots that must be erased from existence. We felt a weight on our shoulders when our group continued onward, the sight of just how horrific unchecked advanced Corruption is helped emphasize just how crucial it is that it be wiped out. A splat of cum-like fluid from the ceiling helped punctuate this. “This is going to take more than a few pools…” > Ch.81 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.81 We spotted some very strange animals in the depths of the fourth floor. None tried to attack us, but they flaunted their malformed assets at us. They weren’t anthro, but clearly had some exaggerated sexual characteristics or other. It didn’t help some of them were literally fleshy masses vaguely given a defined shape with either giant tits or penises and balls attached. It was like the Crimson from Terraria only less gore, more lewd. “Are you doing okay Visilia?” We asked our mate after we reached the fifth floor and traversed the odd fleshy roots reaching down from the ceiling to reach the stairs to the sixth floor. After all, these people were similar to her own in their genealogy and origin, to see them fallen so low might be worrisome considering how bad her own people had fallen before the Doom Slayers came. “I’m fine.” Visi replied coolly, before we all froze at hearing something crack against a pillar nearby. Visilia brought a finger up to her lips and we quietly approached the noise, only possible due to the sound dampening enchantments Twilight worked into our boots. With a peak around the corner, We saw a malformed Capra Demon rummaging for fruit. It had sickly black tentacles lining its back with penis glans at the ends of them. It’s skull-like head was covered in black flesh that oozes black slime. It had stumbled into a support pillar to get to a tree that had boobs. “So what now?” Urta asked while pulling her sunlight swordspear from her cleavage when the Corrupted Chaos demon approached the tree and it started to fuck it’s vagina-like knotholes and suckle at the boobs. “We do as Berserker would do.” Visi nodded her head before pulling out a Promethium Heavy Flamer from Warhammer 40K. “Purge the Xenos or whatever he calls killing abominations that shouldn’t be living. Let’s kill the corruption and purge the source to cleanse the place. Does that sound like a plan?” “Considering this is all just instinct-driven flesh, sure.” We drew the Infinity pistol from our right hip holster and fired a stream of bullets at the tree. The holes the bullets caused gushed purple goop and made it scream before it retaliated with blue magic fire it threw at us from it’s drooping branches. Said fire didn’t harm the Corrupted flesh of the forest, but when it hit Urta it visibly reddened her armor with supernatural intense heat. “Huh. I’m heat-resistant.” Urta bemusedly commented with a pat to her burning red chestplate and proceeded to ignore the fireballs. “Hopefully it isn’t! Feel free to fry it Visi!” We barked and dodged away from the flames, not trusting that We were similarly resistant, draconic and siren abilities or not. “With pleasure!” Visilia neared the tree and primed the pilot light, only to have to dodge back from two more Corrupt Capra Demons who lunged from the thick veiny foliage of the surrounding meaty shrubs wielding massive cleavers of bone. Urta moved to occupy them with help from Alduin while We continued to fire at the evil tree and distract it from Visi, who primed her Heavy Flamer and began to hose it down with bright turquoise flames that were strikingly familiar in tone to a certain wife of ours. The tree shrieked from it’s many malformed mouths before going limp and the stench of roasted and burnt meat filled the air. “An Argent Flamer using fuel made from Urta?” We questioned while said vixen and Alduin approached from having handily dealt with their opponents. This perked Urta’s ears up and she eyed the weapon with interest while Visi turned the weapon off and hefted it proudly. “Yep! The Heavy Flamer is one of the most basic yet effective energy-based weapons in our arsenal. Of course R&D would put Urta’s fluids to use where the simplest method is so effective that it replaces Prometheum well enough. Now if she’s willing to keep donating like she’s been doing every day, we can keep our Prometheum for other uses.” Visilia declared boastfully and Urta blushed brighter. “Um...I’ve been feeling rather backed up in the milk department lately…” Urta admitted sheepishly, as her milk was just like her semen, while only lacking the capability to impregnate females and herms. “We can talk about hooking you up to more intense milkings later.” Visilia happily declared, unbothered that one of her lovers is a literal Argent cow. “What’s all this about the fox’s body being weaponized?” Alduin questioned curiously and We sighed before walking onward, wanting to keep going. They followed thankfully. “What? You like the idea?” Urta questioned with that sexy grin We love so much. “It’s Everlasting Dragon tradition to use the bodies of the fallen for food, weapons, even decoration. The fact you’re using your body while alive to make weapons is actually really interesting.” Alduin replied earnestly and Urta chuckled. “Trust me. When I had drunken sex with my wife over there in a dinky bar’s overnight room, the last thing I thought was going to happen was my body producing this miracle substance.” Urta lifted her head-conforming visor to reveal she had basically filled her armor with her slime, since her head was smooth and featureless for a moment before morphing to normal. “Then my body became the miracle substance. I’m not about to just ignore it.” “Thank you for that Love, but let’s get on topic. The map the guard gave us says the Castle is...on level seventy-six. Starting a few towers north of here towards the peak of the tallest mountain around.” We interrupted as We looked over the map. “Need some help?” We all heard Hunter’s psychic voice when he appeared out of the blue. He carried a large duffel bag on his left shoulder and he was back in his human form for some reason. “Wiatr, I got you some guns.” He said when he placed the bag down in front of us and unzipped it to reveal weapons from the Gears of War series. While We were very thankful for this... “How did you get here Love?” We asked after We retrieved a Lancer, the chainsaw assault rifle. We then stuffed the rest in our boobs before realizing our cleavage was on display and We glared at our chest before it returned to being flat. It seems the armor reacts to our instincts more than our will. Damn our raging libido and Hunter’s sexiness. Even though he's human he’s hot. Wait, since when did our tastes find humans odd? Well, only a quarter of us used to be human... “I followed you when I heard you were heading to Tartarus and I had a hunch that you don’t really have that many ranged weapons on you.” Hunter answered with a gentle smile. “Don’t worry though, I didn’t take these from the locals. They’re part of our standard shock trooper kit.” “That is true, but our Infinity here literally has infinite ammo. Then again, it’s bullets are small caliber even if they pack a toxic mutation-causing punch.” We replied and then blinked before looking at our sister and lovers. “Sorry ladies, We didn’t think to let you look them over before We stored them. Do you want any guns?” Visilia and Hunter looked at each other before shrugging and shaking their heads while Visi waved off the offer. “Okay then.” “Wait, where’s the map babe?” Urta questioned and We bristled in panic before allowing our cleavage back out and digging a hand in. We sighed in relief after We pulled the map out. “Okay, gimme that if you’re going to forget you had it.” We pouted, but did as she said. “Left, there’s a square that way. Maybe a fountain we can make into a base camp.” Urta directed and we turned left. Not moments later, we all heard moans and groans from all around us, along with wet fleshy slaps. “Ew, are they seriously just having a massive orgy?” Visi asked in disgust, which was understandable considering how fugly everything here was. “We guess so. Just move quietly and don’t make us a target.” We whispered before Urta led the group into the lewd and viscerally disgusting underbrush. (<3) We walked for a good mile through the entangling roots and grasping branches before we found the fountain square. It was between towers, hanging in the air on a wide spanning bridge supported by cables as well as braced on the mountain it curved around. It was clear this place was once a marketplace. The Forest of Flesh of course grew all along this curving stone bridge. Thankfully, ironically enough, since it seemed the pheromone Miasma didn’t penetrate into the Forest. Rather, it was generated on the outermost layers of the forest and was reabsorbed by the Corrupted flesh. We all concluded the Miasma is literally the forest’s way of fending off invaders and ensnaring them as well as it’s means of expansion beyond it’s established areas. We were about to get to work on setting up a Purification Pool with the putrid poisoned fountain as the basin when several dozen sonorous howls echoed from the border of the clearing. “Fuck, really?!” We yelped when several fleshy feral cerberi beasts entered the clearing. “Okay, those things are super small compared to the anthro giants below!” Urta said with amusement even with a pack of forty having surrounded us. Every one of them had boners raging under them as they stalked closer. “I guess they make up for it with sheer numbers.” Urta pantomimed cracking her neck, which didn’t do anything since she’s slime. “Well then, let’s dance!”   Visilia swept her Flamer through the few closest to her and they squealed in unholy agony, which triggered the rest to rush us with bites and dark fire breath. There were fifteen dogpiling Alduin and trying in vain to open her armor, but she became a whirling storm of claws, wings and tail that pulped and shredded the outmatched beasts. Urta speared and sliced them with her swordspear, rending limbs and opening wounds here and there, lightning arcing across her victims. She was laughing the whole while too. Holy fuck that is hot and creepy at the same time. We didn’t know Urta was a battle junkie. Hunter had crouched down and used his Vortex Rifle to snipe the beast’s heads with charged shots while Visi kept them away with her Flamer. As for us, We boredly held down the Infinity’s trigger and shredded the fleshy unarmored beasts, the Slag-infused bullets punching into and melting them from within into puddles of purple mutative goo. Gosh this was unexpectedly boring. Urta seems to be having fun. Maybe We should just take out our hammer or axe and actually enjoy this encounter? ...That almost made us sound like Berserker. Maybe his bloodlust was getting to us. That or being full of his eggs for weeks and constantly spending time with him was getting to us. We shook our head, our boobs had sprung back out into bulging cleavage and our loins ached. Shit. These things were practically dumping out Corrupted pheromones! But our masks should be blocking them! Wait, that’s right! “Their fire! Their fire is energized Corruption!” We shouted urgently. “We need to kill these things faster!” We barked before noting Urta was missing. “Urta!” Visi’s voice called out in fear and We turned to see Urta’s arm sticking out of a literal dogpile as said arm crushed the cerberi too dumb to avoid her still mobile arm. “Get off her you damn dirty dogs!” Visilia roared and fired upon the beasts assaulting our shared lover. “Alduin! Help her!” We snapped at our general, who was covered in blood and had her helmet eyes blazing red. She snarled before she launched the corpse she had been using as a club at them, tossing a dozen dogs off our mate to show they had ripped through her armor and she was panting with lust as her nipples squirt milk, the nearest beasts trying to pounce and suckle at her beautiful glowing turquoise gooey mams. “Damn it, she’s getting Corrupted too fast.” “Holy hell do those dogs know how to worship boobs. Can I take a break? I kinda gotta beat my meat here.” Urta managed to say between panting breaths and gropes of her leaky tits. “Or, hnng~ fill someone with pups. Or get stuffed with pups~!” “This ends now.” Hunter grimly intoned before placing his fingers to his temples Professor Xavier style. All of the beasts around us wailed in pain and scratched their heads before their craniums exploded in a shower of gore. Hunter collapsed after that. Shit, he must have used his actual genuine telekinesis to do that. Wait, hadn’t he just learned that? “This place is going to be harder to deal with than We thought.” We huffed and approached our fallen lover worriedly. “Hunter? Are you awake?” We knelt by him and rubbed his forehead, but he didn’t respond. “You rest sweetie. Thanks for the save.” We knelt down and retracted our helmet to kiss his lips before standing back up before Visi took our place at Hunter’s side while Alduin stood over the moaning and masturbating Urta. We approached the fountain to see the water was a sickly purple-red. We pulled out the ingredients for a Bonfire and set the brazier up on a few bricks We put in the fountain so it’d sit on the rim for a convenient portal. Thankfully there were a lot of fresh bodies around to use for making the Purification Pool and sparking the new Bonfire. We blinked in a moment of realization before We could begin devouring corpses. This was the first time We would be making a Purification Pool in a long time. We didn’t even do one for Carim since We’d intended to make one for their capital. “We’d better correct that in the future.” We muttered discontentedly to ourselves. The Skaven are our most devoted worshipers, it’s uncalled for that We haven’t even given them a Purification Pool. “What?” Alduin asked as she kept Urta still while Visi pet her head, trying to calm the whimpering vixen who was humping the air needily. “Nothing important right now. Guard us since it seems Visi has Urta and Hunter handled.” We ordered our soldier sister before We began levitating the bodies and assorted giblets to us. “What are you doing?” Alduin asked curiously when We stripped naked and our body turned to slime while We absorbed the ingredients and began sizing up as We shoveled the meat into our maw. “Is this really the time for a meal? Especially one so tainted?” “It’s how she makes purification pools. At least this time she can turn into a giantess so she isn’t stuck doing it as a nearly immobile slime balloon.” Visi snorted in amusement at how We used to go about things as We finished gorging on the corrupted flesh and began shaking and squeezing our enlarging breasts. “Yes, it was quite the strain back then, but it’s much easier now.” We declared before We sprayed our already magic milk, which was now infused with the purification materials and some soul energy. Soon the purple-red slop that was clogging the fountain shimmered and turned the slightly iridescent clear of purification water. Then the plain Greek style fountain began gushing once more as whatever magic powering it wasn’t all clogged up. “There, now it will-.” We were interrupted by the Magic Bonfire igniting surprisingly brilliantly and the portal to Unity opening up. Harmonia poked her head out curiously and cringed. “Well...this is a nasty mess.” Harmonia commented as she stepped out a little, rubbing her small pregnancy swollen tummy at the wretched abandoned marketplace. “You put my portals in the oddest places.” “Hm, I wonder if the Comms are working now?” Visi muttered before she pressed on the left side of her helmet. “Calling Unity HQ, this is Princess Visilia. Do you read?” Before We could ask if the connection was made through the realms, the market rumbled before wild vines that shimmered the same iridescence of our purification water sprouted from the base of the fountain and grew flowers that visibly puffed out rainbow pollen into the air. The flesh that was touched by the pollen began to visibly melt into a slurry of liquid meat that smelled like impossibly delicious demi-glace while the whole Forest of Flesh shrieked in unholy agony. “What the fuck is this~?!” We wailed with our ears covered before We remembered We’re slime and rid ourselves of all auditory senses. The effects of the ‘pollen’ were devastating to the Corrupted flesh in an ever increasing radius. Soon the whole bridge surrounding the marketplace was clear of Corrupted flesh and instead coating the stone in liquid meat. We kept our ears nonexistent until the whole forest all around us and for a good distance both ways down the bridge was gone. We feared the Miasma would descend upon us, but the pollen was clearly a hard-counter to it, causing the pink pheromone cloud to hover beyond a nearly invisible barrier. Said lust-inducing cloud dissipated soon enough however, since there were no ‘trees’ producing it near here, but on the edges of the newly-cleared area bordering the Forest the Miasma still battled fruitlessly with the new Purification Pollen. “Holy shit that was painful~!” Urta whimpered while covering her ears, clearly having forgotten she’s slime and could’ve spared herself the pain of the unholy screeching. “What?!” Alduin shouted as she rubbed her earholes, having taken off her helmet. “What was that?! People here are in a panic!” Harmonia called through fearfully while holding her ears too, only to dodge out of the way when several squads of Night Sentinels came through Harmonia’s portal. “All clear! No sight of enemy forces! Princess! What’s going on here?!” Demanded one of the heavily armored soldiers, but Visilia was mewling on the ground and holding her ears. We were going to fill them in only for an incredible sensation of joy and gratitude to fill us moments before a green portal opened up next to Harmonia’s blue one. “For our Goddess!” Skaven roared when they poured out of the green portal that must be connected to Carim. “Set Operation Base, put up bells! Guard portals!” Yelled the rat in heavy armor. “Um, excuse us-?” We were interrupted by the Skaven knight practically throwing himself at our claws and even took off his helmet to kiss our toes which felt oddly satisfying. “My Goddess! We have come at your time of need like you have for us! We will destroy all that oppose you!” The fierce and fanatical Skaven man declared and We felt deeply touched by his devotion-oops! “You are such a generous Goddess~!” He crowed happily when We accidentally blessed him. With what, We don’t know. “Ah, yes. Thank you so much for coming. Is that portal to Carim?” We asked curiously as the Night Sentinels tended to our other party members and the Skaven Shamans began casting magic on the demi-glace, turning them into...meat slimes? Those are a thing?! That is so cool and creepy at the same time~! They’re like the Raised Bloated Corpses from Divinity 2! Only, without bones or other solids in them. “Yes Goddess Wiatr. We’ve established a proper church to spread your teachings of consensual sex, responsible breeding, as well as reestablishing our merchantry guild under your teachings of free trade and capitalism.” The Skaven knight replied fervently and We felt beyond happy that they’d so graciously taken to our intent rather than run off with it and twist our words to their own interpretation! “Is this some guild of mercenary guards?” Questioned a Night Sentinel in annoyance. “Of course! Not just that though, of all trades under one roof, allowed to operate without restriction so long as they do not defy common decency or the tenets of Wiatr.” The knight replied proudly and We wanted to hug the burly hulk of a rat happily. “Our Goddess is so gracious!” Oh! We’re hugging him! He’s hugging back! Eeee~! > Ch.82 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.82 Our joy of the Skaven so earnestly embracing our Aspects and Worship was so great that We even took the form of a Skaven woman when We hurriedly went to visit Carim through their portal to establish a Purification Pool in the fountain out front of the cathedral they’d already dedicated to us. After that was done, We returned to the Tartarus FOB where even with both the Night Sentinels and the Skaven, we were besieged for two whole days. It turns out, when you annihilate a whole section of inter-connected Flesh Forest it tries to regain ground and get revenge. Because of the constant stream of Corrupted beasts and even too-far-gone demons, we were forced to stay and defend instead of our party continuing on. It wasn’t exactly helped when the Skaven used their holy arts inspired and derived from their Worship of Us further culled the Forest of Flesh back and made more meat-slimes. Well, it did help, but it seems the more of the Forest of Flesh we clear, the more desperate and violent the forest and it’s denizens become. Still though, with the bridge cleared all the way to the initial tower leading down and the next tower leading onward, we could now finally breathe easy with kill zones established at the entrances to the two towers built into and against the mountains. “Bridge secure! Bells ringing Purification spells captain!” Reported a lightly armored male Skaven recruit to the heavily armored rat who went by the name Alphonse. It should’ve been obvious, considering his armor was almost exactly like Alphonse Elric aside from the rat-shaped helm that still had the same characteristics in it. This world seems to thrive on references. “Good to hear it recruit. Report back home to let them know the Tartarus Crusade is now in full swing and to prepare the next battalions for deployment.” Alphonse dismissed the recruit and turned to face us. “Goddess. In your name We will cleanse Tartarus and aid the demons below so that they may return to being our world’s wardens rather than trapped only defending themselves.” “Thank you so much Alphonse.” We cheerfully replied, our rat tail wiggling in the air behind us happily while We clutched our hands together beneath our bosom and smiled joyfully. We were in our magic black dress right now since We’d been stuck doing clerical work in Unity between visits to the FOB. We felt compelled to be a Skaven when addressing our worshipers from Carim. They already viewed us as an ‘all-mother’ due to us rebirthing their whole first generation of people. It felt right! Eeee~! We’re properly established~! “I’m back from Andre.” Urta grunted when she returned through Unity’s portal, now wearing a more advanced version of her Dragonslayer armor. Wait, that looks like it’s three hundred years ahead of anything else besides the Night Sentinels! “Andre said he got some ideas from studying the Night Sentinels’ gear. He even milked my tits to make the Argent fusion battery.” We looked at each other silently for a moment, since We didn’t really know how to respond to that. “Um, Goddess. To ask; why does this vixen feel like you in some way?” Alphonse questioned meekly, as if We’d smite him for such a simple question. We’d never do that to our beloved son! Ahem, right. Out of Mother-Mode Wiatr. “Because Urta has more claim to our Aspect of Fertility than We do.” We admitted with a content smile, causing Alphonse to gasp and Urta to gawk, her helmet retracting when her jaw opened too wide. “W-what?! I haven’t even given birth! I’ve only sired a few children! You’ve sired and birthed more children than anyone in history!” Urta declared, only for us to approach her and press our hands to her stomach. “Urta. How many are within you now?” Our question caused her turquoise head to glow even brighter. “You’ve still been getting filled with more and more and more children from our other wives. Did you think We’d miss that? How big are you now? The size of the canyon? A mountain? A planetoid?” We husked and Urta panted needily, desiring what We were saying so badly she visibly fought against pouncing on us here and now. “You never want it to stop. You never want to be empty of children ever again.” “B-but…” Urta grunted and her hips shifted back and forward with carnal hunger. “But you are the one the world needs to repopulate…” “It takes two Urta. We can be your demi-goddess of Fertility. You’re eternally-pregnant even when you’re going to birth any of those children. We on the other hand need breaks. You don’t. That automatically makes you more qualified.” We kissed her and then backed away before holding up a golden glowing orb, a manifestation of our First Aspect. “Here. Take it.” “N-no! No...not now. I don’t think now is a good time…” Urta shied away, biting her lip and running a hand over her cleavage. “If I take that, I don’t know if I could think past making more babies. Not right now without time to brace myself.” “So we can still worship you as our all-mother Goddess Wiatr?” Alphonse asked worriedly, as if afraid he would have to stop praising us. “Even when We give Urta the full Aspect, We’ll still be a demi-goddess in terms of Fertility. So yes, you can still do so our child.” We lovingly responded to our faithful son, who perked up and bowed gratefully. “Now then, it is about time We return to our quest.” “Of course Goddess Wiatr! Leave the defense of this place to us.” Alphonse cheerfully declared and We led Urta, as well as an uncomfortable Alduin who’d been waiting nearby, out of the FOB and towards the tower onward. Once away from the base camp We morphed back into a dragon and summoned our armor onto us. It would just be the three of us now since Visilia was staying behind in Unity to coordinate the Night Sentinels and cooperate with the Carim Crusade. She was also tending to Hunter along with her Scinoxes since he was still out of commission. However, we were going to have a couple Sentinels along to round out our group. “So who are you two again?” We asked with an apologetic tone for having missed their names before. “Captain Sellox of the Defender’s faction.” The female Night Sentinel stated, carrying a Spear instead of a Warhammer which was standard with the Defender’s chapter. “Captain Helvex of the Crusader’s faction.” The male Night Sentinel announced, carrying two Chain Hatchets holstered on his hips while his regular axes were on his back even as he hefted his Heavy Cannon, which also defied the Crusader doctrine. So two odd balls. “Alright. Our task right now is to find the nearest way up to the next level or move several levels up via elevators that work. Right now we have a hostile flesh forest and wildlife against us.” Thank gosh all these Grecian buildings use nothing but stone so fire isn’t a concern. What is a concern are explosives, because just one good blast in a bad spot could send entire sections of the superstructure tumbling to the oblivious inhabited city below. “Is there a way to use your purifying water to clean any of the plumbing? If there are any intact? We could slow the enemy’s Corruption down and weaken it to make our job of reclaiming this place that much easier.” Sellox proposed and We nodded in agreement. “Yes, We’ve done something similar to a spring, but it would be a major target. Once we find it we’ll have to get reinforcements fast. So let's keep an eye out for such pump stations and whatnot.” We replied with the full intent of purging an absolutely massive amount of the Corruption in one go. We’re going to need bodies though with how that first checkpoint back there turned out. “Where should we start searching? Because if it’s not anywhere around here then it’s going to be where the enemy is pouring out from.” Helvex observed and We groaned in annoyance. “You may have a point, but don’t be too sure they couldn’t have nests everywhere.” We rebutted before reaching the entrance to the tower onward. We checked in with the kill team watching the entrance, then we ensured our suits were sealed and the filters were working before entering. (<3) After a few hours and several encounters ending in blood, we found a working lift and hopped on, riding it for about six levels before it stopped. The floor we got off on was even more Corrupted, but looked more like the section for nobles with how fancy the floor of this level looked despite all the oozing flesh. What we found up here was an ever-present misty pink Miasma and glowing ghostly feral horses that moved unnaturally through the mist. There were no flesh trees or chaos demons, just animals and even ‘plants’ in the pink mist with the sounds of sex echoing everywhere. “This does not bode well.” Sellox commented. “Stay close, it will be easy to get lost here. Sellox, can you set up a beacon?” We asked with a gesture at the Elevator as We looked warily at some of the feral horses that had spotted us. “Yes your highness.” Sellox nodded as Helvex aimed his heavy weapon at the animals warily. “I really don’t like this. This Miasma is almost like fog.” Urta muttered as she checked her fox-like golden helmet’s upgraded filters as the Horses moved closer, long shafts emerging under them. Helvex pointed his Heavy Cannon upwards and fired off a few rounds, scaring off the horses. This also stopped the sounds of sex, but not for long. With the horses gone we had Urta look at the map. “A fountain or some pool in this place here.” Urta pointed to a large building on the map. “It’s this way. I wish all maps were enchanted like this one! It’s giving us live updates, even showing where damage and obstructions have changed the layout.” “The beacon is set. I also sent a warning about this floor back to the FOB. That way, no one’s walking blindly in here.” Sellox reported after placing a cube that stuck to the wall next to the elevator. “Good. Set up lights as we go to show our path. Tint them red for danger being nearby if we haven’t dealt with it.” We ordered before we all started following Urta again. Sellox and Helvex set up light poles as they covered the rear with green for clear and red for nearby danger we haven’t dealt with. Of course, they’ve informed us that the lights will change colour should there be anything dangerous close to the beacon. It made our initial order pointless, but We’ll suffer embarrassment over not being prepared. Looking out to the sides of the platforms when we got outside, it looked like the Miasma somehow blanketed much further than the stuff below. At least that’s what we could tell. The floors we saw above were completely hidden by the soup-thick pink fog. Regardless of the obscuring pheromone fog, the map led us onward towards a pump station set at a natural stream on one of the mountains about four floors up. “Narrow bridge!” Urta called out when we reached a stone bridge the map led us to. “Is it stable to cross?” Helvex asked from the rear since he and Sellox were still on rear guard. “Is this the only way across?” We asked Urta. “Unless you want to go back down a level, yes.” Urta stated with confidence. “That answers one of the questions, but you haven’t answered mine.” Helvex snipped like Berserker was prone to. Maybe each of the Doom factions likely picked up the traits of their representative Marine. Sellox for instance was infinitely patient and even shook her head at Helvex’s impatience. We sighed before we started crossing the bridge with our wings out for balance. We’re the least likely to die permanently in the group. Halfway across We motioned for them to follow since the bridge was clearly stable if not wide. At least it isn’t the Bridge of Khazad-dûm and someone won’t have to be Gandalf to fend off the Balrog. “We’ll have to make an order about securing this as a checkpoint. This is a good choke point and this building seems to be the only one on this platform.” Our observation was due to only seeing a sort of garage that held strange vehicles aside from the main structure itself nestled against the mountainside. This somewhat boxy building was built slightly into the mountain to allow for its size to have more platform space beyond it. We could also hear more feral animals here as we scanned for an entrance to the building housing the pump station since it clearly served as more than just said water resource. “Keep your eyes and ears open.” We quietly stated as our party neared the front doors. The Night Sentinels nodded and switched their weapons to their new Combat Shotguns. Helvex was using an auto cannon while Sellox had an under-barrel grenade launcher. “Split up?” Urta asked and caused Alduin to smack her upside the head. “Even with being out of touch, I know that’s a bad idea.” Alduin snarled at our wife while We pulled out a Ripper dagger to partner with our Infinity. “Let’s look for clues to figure out what this place actually is.” Sellox suggested since this building wasn’t just a utility building. The entrance was a rather large lobby and most utility buildings tend to have a fairly modest front lobby in our accumulated experience. The moment we entered the lobby we found a skeleton splayed over the desk here with it’s pelvis broken. “That’s not disheartening at all.” We snarked while looking around, seeing similar bodies with most pointed at the door leading further inside. “They all got fucked to death.” Helvex shook his head at the ludicrous way to go. “These guys have been here for well over hundreds of years. I see bite marks and this one has it’s legs missing. Whatever did this might be long dead. I also don’t think all of them were fucked to death.” Alduin observed clinically. She was a soldier, she knew her corpses. “You’re one to talk. You were supposed to be dead yourself. That didn’t stop you from coming back, now did it.” Helvex snarked at our sister. “True, but if it’s a skeleton like I was it won’t have a dick.” Alduin replied as she grabbed a pistol off a body. The gun looked exactly like a Colt 1911 in black metal and had what looked like a goat head on the ivory handle. “It seems Tartarus Demons at one point had a society like we have now. I saw a lot of high-tech weapons down there in the hands of soldiers besides their melee weapons.” “That’s a classic early semi-automatic pistol.” Sellox stated with appreciation in her voice as she took it from Alduin. “It’s always interesting to see how weapons develop so similarly between cultures.” “Kinda dated by our standards, but still advanced.” We commented from Daring’s experience after We noticed more weapons like this on other bodies and corroded bullet casings all over the floor. It seems everyone had been firing at the doorway to the rest of the building, what with the bullet holes in the wall and through the doors that had been violently flung onto the floor in this room. “The one with a broken pelvis looks more recent.” Alduin told us. “I think this was a later demon to come up here and search the building before being killed.” “Okay, but how old are these bodies?” Sellox asked us. Ah, she bothered to look up our individual skill sets rather than our general assumed capabilities. “The bodies are all almost 1023 years old, but this one with the broken pelvis has only had this damage for 340. There’s also some Argent in the marrow of some of the older ones.” Daring explained as she looked over the bodies and sniffed a femur, getting a hint of that familiar distinct energizing tang Urta gives off. “The 1911 can’t be the only weapon they were using.” Helvex commented as he looked around. “It’s not.” Urta declared before she threw him a moldy rifle. “I think that one was part of the security with how heavily armored they were.” She told us and we all examined the corpse she’d robbed to find it wearing armor akin in style to the Night Sentinels gear. “These were prototypes, seeing as they weren’t in their human forms.” Helvex commented as he checked the old rifle out. “Exactly like an M1 Garand.” He said, pulling the ejection plate back to take a peek inside the firing chamber, where you would load a clip inside. “Why do you think they have Human Forms? No species of our dimension have been apes aside from on the Storm Isles and they’re barely the same thing.” Alduin questioned in confusion, still not used to the concept of a humanoid species that didn’t have fur or scales or prominent snouts. “Because their people in their Tartarus can become human in appearance. I don’t care why or how, just that they have smooth skin and flat faces with plush lips.” Urta licked her own slimy chops, probably fantasizing about making out with Visi in her human form. “Oddly seductive hairless mammals aside, We think We figured out what happened to this particular building.” We grimly commented upon noticing the ominous runes seared into the stone of the wall by supernatural fire. We remembered them from open Hell Gates and Gore Nests during invasions from the Sentinel’s database. It would also explain why there are traces of Argent here. “I found a date.” Alduin called out and approached with a black rectangular plate she took from behind the desk. It wasn’t on paper, rather it was an unusual carbon slate. Maybe their precursor to more advanced magitech? It’s only good for notes though, but it’s aged enough that anything other than the last entry had been lost. “AD 01/1/01. The Undead had finally broken the cycle the gods locked them all in. This means time is now flowing for them and all realms attached to them, that means us as well, so from now on the date is After Dark 01/1/01. This also marks a momentous event of us being able to actually make contact with them in more ways than just the dead! But on the note of our research, you all keep working hard at finding out what these new demons are.” “So they ended up summoning Hell here?” Sellox scoffed and shook her head in disgust. “Clearly they didn’t know what they were dealing with. From the sound of the memo it looks like they just found a Hell Demon and wondered what it was. This must be the cause of the Demon Wars.” To think, this note was made at what was essentially the dawn of linear time in this era. “Now what? Do we demolish this place?” Helvex snorted in disgust. “No, we explore. We still have to find the water source Urta mentioned.” We declared before We led them further inside while noting the overabundance of male pheromones in the Miasma. Thank you foreign magic/science for these bullshit amazing technologies. “Is there something wrong, ma’am?” Sellox asked uneasily. “Just a high concentration of male pheromones over the heady cocktail already in the air.” We answered while really wishing to get rid of this obscuring pink fog. That’ll have to wait until after We establish another Purification Pool though. “The scanning tech in the helmets is really helping. We’re glad you let us study your gear.” “It helps that Canida had some already in development and they were willing to collaborate with us.” Urta pointed out, likely having known due to her close and intimate relationship with the R&D Night Sentinels and Scinoxes. Even if none of them got intimate with her, they still had to milk her fluids for their work with Argent. “Cut the chatter girls. How close are we?” Helvex asked Urta with a tone of disapproval at our excessive talking. To be fair, we’re in dangerous territory and talking is a good way to get found by threats. “To the left of us down the hall and down some stairs to a ‘basement’ level.” Urta said while she was still looking at the map. We followed our wife’s directions and found a boiler room that was flooded. “Well this could work if we could get the boilers working, or even replace them with pumps to spread the purification as far as possible.” We considered, lamenting that none of us have plumbing experience. “We’ll go get you some Corrupted flesh. It’ll be a bit of a trip back to where the forest is thicker though.” Sellox declared before she and Helvex turned to go hunting. “The skeletons here will work too, just not as well.” We informed them since We didn’t want them to stray too far from the rest of us. We felt relieved when they nodded and left to scour the building instead. With them set to their task, We started setting up by pulling the small brazier and other Bonfire ingredients out of our cleavage. “What should we do?” Alduin asked as she looked around the unnaturally hazy pink-tinted basement. It wasn’t as bad as upstairs, but you could clearly see where the unnatural pink fog billowed down the stairs to the pool at our paws and turned the water into the purple-red sludge like it was back at the marketplace fountain. Thank goodness our paws are protected from this ickiness~! “You could stand guard? Like the good, disciplined soldiers you both are?” We snarked with a flat look. “Well, what about the armor this place was working on? It may be ancient, but there might be something our people can learn from it.” Urta suggested while she leaned on the pole of her swordspear. “We can get that once the place is safe to walk around.” We told them with an even flatter look as We put the brazier down and set the crystal seeds in it. They’re a rather convenient replacement for a few of the more macabre ingredients like the undead bones We had to use in the beginning, but simplified thanks to Harmonia’s magic fruit. “Now we just wait for the other two to show up.” We sighed and shifted about in the murky water with the brazier acting as a little boat for the ingredients. We could hear the gunfire of our group’s two Night Sentinels echoing through the eerily still air as they hunted down whatever they could for us to consume. Sometimes We could hear the revving of chainsaws which had to be Helvex. Maybe they found a flesh tree? Eventually they returned, dragging a tarp behind them with brutally butchered fresh flesh on it. “Thank you. Did you maybe find anything that wasn’t feral?” We questioned before dragging the overloaded tarp into the center of the room where We magically stripped off our dragonstone armor since We would have to risk the Miasma to-holy fuck this shit hits the libido in the jimmies~! Hnng~! No girls, down! Ignore Urta’s presence! We turned into iridescent slime and began wholesale absorbing the Corrupted flesh as an amorphous blob, rapidly swelling bigger in the center of the room. “No, but we did find more dead bodies and a few more of these interesting slates with documents. This place was the start of Hell’s invasion, the people here were slowly going mad as they researched the Hellspawn.” Sellox replied stoically, unbothered by the sight of a formless mass of goo gorging on gore. “All the labs have been destroyed, but from what we found this was Site 15 which is set on the lower quarters from the rest of the research.” Helvex explained further. He sounded a bit intrigued even while they all watched us get fat on foul flesh. “Good work, now We’d better make a fountain before We fuck you all to death~!” We declared cheerfully, fantasies of all the women being immobile balls of slime-baby bearing balloons and Helvex trapped inside us, our body endlessly milking his cock for-hnng~! Be strong girls! Be strong! We used a tendril of slime to move the Bonfire Brazier to the back wall of the flooded basement and turned into a single giant iridescent goo breast. Holy fuck. We’re literally a giant tit! This is epic! We’ve gotta-no! Grr~! Head out of the gutter ladies! Our single beach-ball sized nipple gushed milk like a broken fire hydrant. It seemed with the Miasma here, the Corruption was much more stubborn. It slowed the process of turning this flooded basement into a Purification Pool, but eventually the sludgy red-purple muck turned into the magic iridescent water. The instant this happened and the portal manifested, more roots sprouted from Harmonia’s summoned offshoot tree and grew the flowers. Within seconds of the flowers producing their Corruption-attacking pollen, another deafening shriek of agony and fury stabbed into our ears. Thank gosh We can turn that off! It took minutes like last time, but eventually the room was clear of taint, the water shone in the dark room, turning it into a beautiful indoor wading pool and Harmonia was looking unamused at us through her portal before sighing and she left us be. “That’s seriously going to happen every time?!” Urta shouted furiously and with despair in her voice. “This place is interconnected and something is at the center.” We explained while Urta rubbed her poor ears. “Is this what the Lust demons want, or was this all an accident?” Alduin questioned with disgust. “Considering that they haven’t done this elsewhere, it’s likely the latter.” Sellox theorized as she checked the now illuminated and fogless room. Oh thank convenience, she found a broken pump. “Get some combat engineers over here and fix that.” We ordered as We checked the pool while Urta and Alduin went on guard by the only door down here. “Yes, ma’am.” Helvex nodded as he radioed the now-former FOB for combat engineers to be sent up here through the portal network. It was better to have the outposts use Unity as a go-between than try to establish things locally. At least not until this Corruption is either gone or culled to a point of comfort. “Sellox, get some of them to set up defenses here while the place is getting Purified.” We told her since We felt the water and pollen fighting the corruption in the building. This place wasn’t inundated in flesh like the previous areas, but there was still plenty of it. “Right away.” Sellox the Defender gave a salute before We watched some of the soldiers from the former FOB come through the portal. “That would be them.” She ran after them as several engineers and guards funneled upstairs to help set up defenses. This place was going to be turned into a fortress with what they brought along. Oh! Our children have come~! Yes! Worship our holy boobiness~! Oh! We’re still a giant breast! So embarrassing~! Our Skaven Servants are all so cute with how they gape and adore us. We shrunk down and became a hyper-busty Skaven woman to bask in their wordless praise, our long prehensile tail flicking about joyfully in our glorious nudity. Yes our children. We are here, and We Love you~! Come in for a hug~! Aw, thanks Alphonse~! He isn’t even groping us! Such a gentlerat! “Your highness, I just got word that the enemy attacking the old FOB have weakened.” Helvex reported while the engineers he was speaking to had moved to the broken pump and damaged plumbing in the room. “Although it seems they’re converging on us now. It looks like they’re after you.” He said as the engineers started ripping the broken equipment apart and salvaging what they could while quickly yammering on in technical terms We couldn’t hope to understand. “Rip their flesh! Carve their bones! They will not harm the All Mother!” Chanted the Skaven crusaders, who then rushed upstairs and caused the Night Sentinels to balk. The chant of Rip and Carve filled us with a disturbing glee as the skaven ran to the defenses. “Go our babies! Butcher them! Slaughter them! Feast on their corpses and-!” We froze, realizing how wrong that sounded. “Uh...Urta. How would you like a budding War Aspect?” We nervously questioned our wife. Half of us being battle-hardened warmaidens and another quarter not caring or not, We do not want War to be something We preside over! Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 35: Peace is good for Business! Well...Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 34: War is good for Business...nope. Not going that route! We don’t have the heart to birth so much life and then be a driving force for how they might die! At least Urta would have the mental fortitude to be both Goddess of Fertility and War! “Sure thing! I love fighting, training, brutal violence, the whole shebang! Give it here!” Urta approached and we clasped our left hands together, a faint golden light traveling from us to her. “Woo! Fuck yeah! I’ll be pissed as all hell to see my rugrats die to any violence, but damn if I won’t rain hell on their killers, their families, their entire countries!” The Argent Vixen practically sounded ecstatic at the idea. “Ma’am, what have you created?” Helvex asked us from behind in concern and interest in this development. “Would you have preferred us keeping that when three quarters of us are battle-hardened bitches? Hook the pump up to the sprinkler system, get parts from through the portal.” We ordered some engineers as Harmonia’s little tree opened a portal between camps directly, which was new to us. Thankfully this was before the sounds of battle started. “Thanks Harmonia.” “We’re on it.” The engineers got to work, disassembling the pump’s internal workings and grabbing the necessary parts, their special helmets allowing them to see what they were doing even through the glowing water flooding the room. “Not really. It doesn’t suit you, but you would’ve gotten ravaged by Lord Berserker for it, sexually speaking. I mean, he loves battles as much as the next warrior and that’s matched to Princess Visilia.” Helvex commented and We felt a little curious, wondering what our wife having become Goddess of War would do to our relationship dynamic. After all, if Bryan and the other Doom Brothers are going to marry us, she’s part of the package. Whatever, that’s for later. “Do We have the defenses going up?” We demanded Helvex since he’s currently acting as our Night Sentinel mouthpiece. “Yes. Sellox has established multiple auto-turret firing lines down the halls. That won’t matter once the engineers get the sprinklers up and-. “Hah! It was the impeller! Everything else aside from the cracked pipes are good! Applying sealant!” The engineer declared cheerfully and then sprayed the damaged pipe with some iridescent purple goo that filled the cracks and almost seemed to turn into copper like the material it was filling. “Spinning the motor with a charge and-.” The ceiling began dumping Corrupted sludge for a few seconds before the disgusting deluge turned into a revitalizing rain as the pump used the new water source that was Harmonia’s Bonfire Fountain. The horrid shriek pierced the air again through the sound-dampening of falling water and We had enough for the day, trudging through the portal to Unity with Alduin and Urta in-. “Eep!” We were scooped up by Urta and she began running with our nude body in a bridal carry. “Urta?!” “Now that you already know, you’re gonna fucking fill me!” Urta declared excitedly, which made us feel so aroused at her incredible enthusiasm for being bred that We almost gave her the majority of her rightful Aspect right then. By Mi Amore Cadenza, We Love her~! > Ch.83 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.83 It was an incredible night of intense lovemaking with our wives. All of our wives that live in our Keep were home that night and everyone wanted us to ravish them, though Urta insisted that only she would get more pregnant. Visi even managed to join too despite work causing her to come home late. It was wonderful, even if We had to wear magic condoms for everyone besides Urta. Visi made off with those afterward. She really is a semen demon~! The next day We were armored back up and back in Tartarus to explore the mostly secured research building. The destroyed labs and offices weren’t inspiring any hope. So far it was all picked clean besides the weapons and suits of armor. Then there was the fact that despite this place was drenched with our purifying water and pollen from sprouting Filter Flowers, We still found some corrupt beasts lurking about. We were alone right now since it was reported that the building was secure besides the occasional weak beast intrusion. Also, We needed some space away from Urta right now. She’s so hungry and thirsty right now that it’s a bit exhausting. If she’s this insatiable right now after We exposed our knowledge of her still breeding with our other wives, how will she be when she has the full Fertility Aspect? Goddess of Sex We may be, but hot damn does Urta’s endless appetite for breeding daunt even our-. “*Skree~*!” Came an ear-hurting shriek which stunned us before We were pounced on by a nine foot slime that took the shape of a horse mixed with a fox. It was glowing similar to when We had absorbed so much Argent-tainted soul energy from slain Hell demons that We practically leaked Argent. Purification water dropped on it from a broken sprinkler, but besides a fizzle it didn’t really do anything. “What the fuck?!” We shouted as it screamed at us and started ripping our armor off with surprising strength as it held us down. “Get off!” We roared and breathed fire into its face, but it didn’t even flinch as it got our chest plate off to expose our gold and red basketball boobs. Seeing as fire didn’t do anything, We clawed at it’s groping hands that sprayed our milk from between it’s fingers to try and get it to let go. It screamed at us again and punched us in our face, knocking a few fangs out as the slimy fist hardened like a crystal for a moment. We roared and punched back to get a satisfying hiss of pain, but it responded by grabbing our head and bashing the back of our skull into the floor several times. “Guh~.” We groaned before the feeling of the beast ripping off our lower armor helped us focus and We dazedly saw it sprout a knotted equine cock. “No!” We snarled and tried to thrash away from its numerous limbs. When did it sprout more?! We tried to shake and buck our pelvis away from it’s pillar of penis, but more slime tendrils grabbed our thighs and spread our legs while holding our hips still. Our vision went white when it thrust it’s tumescent thickness into us all in one go and We wordlessly wailed in pleasure as something about it’s pre-cum ignited the nerves in our cunt and sent us spasming in a weak orgasm. Holy fuck~! That was like when Urta-augh~! We went limp in it’s grasp and it stopped attacking us when it began pleasuring us. After a few moments of it enjoying itself, even flooding our womb with far-too-familiar super-hot seed, We got our head back in order. It had a victorious, satisfied look on it’s face when it started to pull out. “Oh no you don’t buster! You started it, you’re going to fucking finish it! We’re not some one-and-done slut!” We snarled, pissed off and horny as We turned to slime ourselves and started attacking it on a molecular level with our slime penetrating into it’s durable membrane and starting to convert it manually. “*Skree!*” It shrieked as We grappled with it and both of us devolved into blobs interconnected by our penetrating tendrils. We looked like an iridescent white ball of slime attacking a green ball of slime. “Do you like it?! Being violated like a bitch?!” We snarled as We grew in our mass a bit to about sixteen feet and continued to dominate the green goo even as it tried to escape away from us. We snarled when Helvex and one of his underlings rushed in with their guns up. “We have it handled.” We told them while mentally debating on what to do with this slime. It was immune to Purification, maybe We should just eat it? “If there’s one of these things there’s bound to be more, we’ll get to searching.” Helvex dutifully replied to the scenario and went through another doorway with his companion just as two other soldiers entered the room. “Good man!” We called after him before We groaned and our white goo-cum began pumping through our many tendrils into the lesser Slime. It even moaned in a surprisingly feminine way as it went slack and bloated up on our slime seed. Once We were done, it was a green bubble of our cum and seemed content to just quiver in perceived pleasure. “Now what to do with you?” “Oh~...” It moaned sensually and We felt it press against us. “M-more?” It can speak? “Mm, so full…” Oh no, is this a mutated demon? “Are you sane now all of a sudden? Does your brain operate on cum?” We demanded in irritation. “Huh?” The seemingly potentially intelligent creature dumbly asked. “Demon? Was.” Oof. “Goo now. Good goo.” Big oof. “More cum?” Bigger oof. “No. But We have something for you. Just relax.” We cooed soothingly and began to slowly engulf the smaller slime in our body. “Eat me?! No!” The slime suddenly tried to lurch away, but We still had it penetrated with tendrils. “No want! No die!” “Easy girl. Easy. Mama Wiatr will make it all better.” We gently replied as our body slid over the poor near-brainless former demon, fully engulfing her within us. She tried desperately to get out, but our womb formed around her and began it’s magic. “This is disturbing and also a bit sad.” One of our Night Sentinel guards said. “You read the dossiers on the Princess?” His partner questioned and got a nod. “So you know We’re rebirthing her, or at least going to try and restore as much of her original body as possible then.” We commented as the Corrupted Argent Slime began to shrink, it’s lost mass going to us through a sort of reverse-placenta. “Yeah, but you’re literally rewriting something’s existence, so I’m going to wait outside.” The first one said and then led his companion back out of the room. “This isn’t wrong. We’re doing the poor woman a favor.” We sighed before shrinking down a bit to match the rate the slime decreased in size. It took a good while before a semi-solid body began to form within our amorphous blob of a womb. This felt good. Not sex good, but fulfilling in a way that’s hard to describe. It was almost like how We feel regarding our Skaven children. We’re giving this woman a new life. Urta can keep being permanently pregnant, We’re glad to use our womb for things like this, to give those already living a chance at renewal. Then it was almost like an Epiphany struck us. We’re not strictly Fertility, We’re Renewal! It’s not an Aspect as it’s tied to the cycle of Fertility and Death, but still. This gives us comfort for when Urta takes-. “Mmph!” A panicked fist beat on our blob of a body’s side and We felt a thrill of joy, opening up to release a coughing and sputtering green slime kirin woman who was proportioned just like her mother~! “Welcome to the world! How are you feeling honey?” We asked while shifting back into our dragon form after stuffing our excess mass into storage. “Ugh...like I had a train of Corrupt beasts run my poor ass into a meat grinder.” The green goo gal groaned and got to her gooey hooves while looking at herself. “Holy shit. I can think past fucking anything and everything.” “Are you done traumatizing my soldiers yet?” Visilia asked after she entered the room and looked at us, then paused at the sight of the reborn goo demon. “Who is this?” “This is...uh, We don’t know her name yet. We Purified and Rebirthed this cute girl.” We giggled and hugged the suddenly blushing slime kirin. “You could say We just adopted her.” “A-adopted?” The woman mewled uncomfortably and tried to cover her nipples and her groin in vain, clearly unused to having such huge tits. You’ll get used to it baby. “W-well. My name is Acacia. Can I have clothes please?” The cute green slime kirin nearly pleaded and We snickered at how adorable her discomfort with nudity was when before she was a sex-fueled Argent-tainted slime. That said, We need to offload this burning stuff to Urta ASAP. “Go on through dear. My soldiers will get you clothed and to safety.” Visilia kindly declared and Acacia looked to us uneasily. “Go on sweetie. You’re safe now.” We gently nudged her forward and she hesitantly walked around Visilia, paused for a moment and bowed frantically, then ran through the door where she was taken by the soldiers. “Those slimes are demons, not Hell or Lust, just poor, horribly mutated demons.” “I’ll immediately send orders to capture them, not kill if possible. Besides that, I came here to tell you we’ve secured the Bourtzi Fortress. We have found more evidence of armor and are on the hunt for the slimes which I need to reorder to capture. The bridge is secure, we have also found some weapons. When will you get a damn update to your helmet for comms instead of that ancient flip-phone you don’t even keep outside your tits?” Visilia demanded in irritation that she couldn’t just call before she radioed her comms officer with the update on the slimes. “We’ll have you know, before the rapid tech boom our phone was cutting edge not two years ago!” We huffed indignantly. As for why the helmet doesn’t have comms, We simply forgot to have that installed. Also, it’s hard to remember to keep our phone out when We shove everything into our cleavage on instinct by this point. “Anyway, what type of weapons? Is there anything close to the BFG Rifle?” “Yes and no. We found schematics, but it says it’s all theory at the date they had it. At least we have them. We just need to take them back and see what we can do with them thanks to all the advances Urta’s Argent has given us in high-tech and energy weaponry.” Visilia said with pride, both in her R&D department’s competence and her lover/future-wife’s contribution. “We’ll let you have our rifle for comparison.” We told her while pulling it out and winced at the sound of loud electrical discharges happening somewhere in the building along with the signature ‘Skree’ screech of the Argent Infused Corrupted. “Sounds like they’ve already found one nearby.” Visilia grimly intoned and We nodded sadly. Don’t worry you poor souls, We’ll give you a new lease on life. “Be sure to let our forces know that Argent Infused Corrupted, or AIC’s for short, are immune to our Purification water and can take a serious beating. Acacia was able to overpower us for a bit and she was a mindless sex-driven berserker then.” We explained and Visilia sighed as she double-tapped her helmet’s left ear. “I’ve sent the recording to the Comms Officer, he’ll let them know not to be shy with the voltage of the capture nets.” Visi huffed in annoyance. “We’ll get them rounded up for you to work your magic on later.” Visi then bit her lip. “Mind if I watch?” “Be our guest~. Anyway, so how is Hunter doing? We didn’t have much time last night to check what with Urta practically abducting us for a massive breeding session.” We asked our future wife with concern and Visi got a dumb smile on her face from remembering last night. “Yeah...ahem. He’s still unconscious, but fine. When he wakes up he’ll have one Hell of a headache though according to the scans of his brain activity.” Visilia informed us, though she was clearly having a hard time not thinking of how wonderful last night was, even if Urta would only fill us with condoms between her glowing seed and our thirsty wombs. It was still incredible, but wasn’t as satisfying. “It sounds like his overexertion might just cause his brain power to increase further. Hopefully he doesn’t go all Akira on us.” We commented before Urta entered the room and both Visi and I visibly perked at the sight of her, our bodies just turning on in her presence. Oh~ We want to continue from last night...damn it you stupid-sexy semen stuffing slime! We can’t get enough of you for too long. “Hey babes! I heard through the comms that the wifey got all tender and loving with one of the locals.” Urta giggled as she wrapped her arms around our waists and kissed Visi who eagerly groaned into the kiss as Urta’s Argent tongue ravished her mouth. “Aw, none for Us~?” We pouted to her and felt genuinely jealous of Visi for having grown so close to Urta that it was hard to tell who Urta preferred even if she loved us both. We felt our face flush when We saw Visi drinking Urta’s slime, the demoness’ hips shifting and her wings stiff as boards as she audibly and visibly gulped and quaffed Urta’s biological Argent Slime through her tongue. “H-holy shit…” “Mm~.” Urta purred into the kiss as she fed Visi and the mare’s eyes rolled back. “Mwa!” She released the kiss with slime still connecting their lips. “What do you say Visi? Should I kiss our Goddess of Renewal too?” Urta hungrily eyed us and We joined Visilia in panting. “Yes! All of the yes!” Visilia excitedly declared, her skin so flushed she looked like she’d just ran a marathon. “B-but then We need to keep looking for the pump station. That’ll really help us with clearing the city’s Corruption.” Visi licked her lips and eyed Urta hungrily. “I can do plenty of pumping for you~.” Urta cooed as she pressed into our demon lover, who bit her lip and ran a hand down Urta’s armored lower stomach before stopping herself and then she gently pushed herself away from our wife. “Not now...later.” Visi quietly affirmed to our slime vixen who perkily nodded before turning to us and capturing our lips. We moaned when her tongue invaded our mouth and then began to pour herself into our throat which We gleefully swallowed, her mildly aphrodisiac slime igniting our lust. We groaned when she docked her armored breasts to our nude ones and her armored hands groped our thicc ass needily. “Oh, by Cadence Urta~.” We moaned as We felt something shift and change when an exchange of golden light passed between us and We gasped. She just took Fertility and left us with it’s traits of Renewal. “There we go~. Finally.” Urta purred as she broke off our literally-steamy kiss. “You keep the Renewal bits, I keep the core bits.”  “Thief. Now between the two of us we have almost the whole cycle of life.” We teased as We ground against her thigh which had moved between our legs. We were two parts of the same whole. Now if only she had Death and We had Life, but We think two gods have those already. “You can’t steal what was rightfully yours.” Urta replied and Visilia cleared her throat, causing us to stop looking into each other’s eyes and see Visi was still so aroused her wings were like solid fake bat wings stretched from her back. “As very much as I would like to push you both down and fuck you senseless. We have work to do.” Visilia ground out while running a hand over her chestplate and her lower stomach. “Fuck. Now I need to take one of those Chill Pills that Zecora has been selling in Unity to calm down.” > Ch.84 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.84 Visi wasn’t kidding about having work. It took most of the day to Renew the captured AICs and then We had to give Andre our ruined armor with a sheepish amount of shame at having been caught off-guard so badly. We also had him work in a comm system for the helm. He grasped stuff like that with an uncanny ease that was both amazing and disturbing. Especially considering he still claims that the simpler something is, the less likely it is to fail. “I’m now the God of Crafts.” Andre explained with a disapproving look at us. “It’s all thanks to you and all the work you and all those who come here give me. Harmonia wouldn’t stop boasting about it to everyone either.” The humble yet incredibly handsome dusky-furred horse stallion complained from behind his shop counter. Shirtless as always to give people the show that is his rippling musculature. “We thought she was just promoting your shop!” We blushed at misinterpreting Harmonia’s gleeful exclamations about her husband. Oh yeah, they got married quietly some time ago. We forgot that. “No, that was about my ascension. My Craft was taken to it’s very limits when they had me work on making alloys and parts for our own spaceships. I’m amazed I could follow them after they explained things instead of assuming I would know. The next thing I realize, I’m officially the pinnacle of Crafting in the world and I’m slapped in the soul by an Aspect. Hmph! The audacity.” Andre commented like it was an insult that he earned his Godhood rather than had it handed off or groomed into him like it was for us and Urta for instance. Seriously though, he’s our world’s version of Hephaestus! He’s a treasure! “Well, thanks for taking the time to fix up our armor. Goodness knows the nation must be booking all of your time not even considering all the work you do for the military. Do you even sleep?” We asked him in concern and Andre huffed. “Sleep? Sleep is for the weak-willed Undead or those who treasure it too much. I haven’t slept a wink the moment I became Undead. I consider my Curse a Gift. I couldn’t bear to live without something to do, even if I was oblivious in the meantime. The only ‘rest’ I get is when Harmonia drags me out of here by the beard and knocks my horseshoes off.” Andre declared as if sleep was evil and everyone would be better off if they worked at all hours of every day and night. “Ah. Well then, We’ll let you get back to work.” We nervously said, uneasy at the concept of such an extreme approach to existence. “You take better care of that gear and I’ll consider it a favor!” Andre yelled at us as We rushed out of his shop that We belatedly noticed had the sign stating Open: 12am-8pm and Closed: 8pm-12am. That mad-horse literally only closes his shop to have sex with his wife? Holy fuck! We spotted our first new Slime Demon daughter Acacia wandering about in a proper blouse and jeans before an Everfree Slime Daughter ambushed her and started chatting her up. Hopefully she integrates well with this new world she’s woken up to. “Hello mummy.” We heard a familiar scratchy voice mockingly say behind Us. We turned around to see Patches in a set of priest robes. “Are you a Cleric?” “We told you no then, it’s still no now Patches.” We sighed and hoped We weren’t about to be gutted. “Aw, but you’re such a good Goddess! Surely you would appoint Clerics, right?” Patches was suddenly next to us and draped off our right shoulder while poking the side of our right breast. “We appoint nobody to leadership roles, Patches. Corruption is inevitable if frustrating. We can instate many things, but We won’t control how our followers choose to follow. So long as they adhere to good morals and do not mistreat others harshly, they’re well within their rights as individuals.” We replied to the anti-establishment betrayer of many heroes. “Certainly that is a reasonable stance. But perhaps should someone abuse their power? Collect tithes beyond the church’s needs for instance?” Patches insisted as he switched to our other shoulder, gesturing out towards Harmonia’s defensive if well decorated shrine surrounding her trunk. “What are you getting at? That can’t be happening already.” We felt worry creep into us. Was someone in our church already abusing their power? It hasn’t even been half a year since We were properly established! “Ah, but what if I told you a few conniving little rats were already twisting your words? Whispers of enticing mass orgies, hedonistic masses of wealth, unsanctioned whorehouses and breeding programs outside of official channels?” Patches whispered into our ear fin and he ran his hand down our spine and then along our tail, helping send shivers from skull to tail-talon. “W-what? So soon?” We felt dread. This can’t be happening. “Aw, you’re so naive and precious mummy! Didn’t you consider what sorts of folk you were popping out of that magic womb of yours all willy-nilly? Carim isn’t a nice place, it’s downright foul in fact. I’m surprised you didn’t consider betrayal an instant result of your selfless and generous act. Didn’t they try to kill you right away?” Patches reminded us and We shivered. “Why are you calling us Mummy?” We mewled uneasily as his hand moved under our tail and groped our booty. It felt less like an intimate gesture and more like he was just so happening to rest his hand there. “Why, because you’re the All-Mother isn’t that right? Mother of the Skaven race! Reviver of Carim! The True Horned Rat of the ancient faith. You do tend to be rather horny.” Patches patted our butt with a chortle and We began to walk away, feeling sick and violated. “Be seeing you again soon mummy! Watch out for those Clerics!” “Is he a good guy or bad guy?” We commented with a shiver as We rubbed our thighs. “Hmph, well if there are ‘clerics’ in our religion doing things we don’t wish, We need an agent. One that is truly loyal to only us.” Who could it be though? It’s not like We personally know anyone of any station among our churches in Carim. “Goddess Wiatr!” Came the voice of the tall and powerful as well as heavily armored Alphonse who jogged towards us from the Shrine of Harmony. “Dear Mother, I’ve come to report-.” “It can’t be that easy, can it?” We interrupted him as We looked him up and down, only now noticing at some point after Patches had bothered us, We’d subconsciously shifted to being a Skaven, only now our dragon horns remained. Upon noticing this, Alphonse gasped and knelt. We sighed as We looked at our tail and touched our brow where our horns met our skull. “Alphonse. What rank do you hold in the church?” “I am but a humble Vicar in charge of this battalion of crusaders sent forth in your name to purge the Corruption Dear Mother.” Alphonse replied reverently and We blinked in a good deal of surprise. If our church follows Catholic systems of order, then Alphonse is just under a Diocesean Bishop. That’s not small peanuts. He’d be an intermediary between the Bishops and the priesthood ranks. “Hm.” We hummed in consideration before Pillar approached with some of his Defenders looking over reports. “Pillar?” “Hello dear. I’m going over preliminary reports on the progress of liberating Tartarus and I was wondering what has or has not been approved by Princess Ninia or Warden Ailisiv?” Pillar’s question sent a cold sweat down our brow. “Ah. I see. Well then, best to ask forgiveness rather than permission. Do whatever needs done boys.” Pillar dismissed his men and then crossed his arms as the towering white wolf looked down at us with a hum. “Well, you’re rather tense.” “Pillar, We need help. Could We borrow you for a moment?” At our lover’s nod, We sighed in relief. “Alphonse, follow us. Also love, where have you and others been? We know Hunter is injured at the moment and Berserker is dealing with the caribou.” We questioned as We led him and our bewildered Alphonse towards the Keep. Visilia is going to need to wait a bit. “Knowing you Pillar, you probably already know what has us so distressed.” “Well, I’ve been looking into Patches’ accusations about the Clerics. I audibly dismissed it to throw off any potential eavesdropper listening in on our conversation, but I heard him out.” Pillar answered in a tone that told us he didn’t like Patches. “I’ve had Krimzon and some of the other Ghosts look into his case and to keep an eye on that manipulative bastard.” He growled that last part out in anger, before pulling us closer to him and he gently squeezed our shoulder. “Next time he does something like that, I’ll have Krimzon blow his kneecaps off.” “As touching as that is, please don’t. He’s Undead anyway and he’d just hold a grudge. He’s legendary for holding a grudge and lashing out at those he deems culpable.” We warned our towering lover and future husband with a tone of warning after we entered the Keep. We slammed the gate shut with our magic once we were inside, then We teleported the three of us to our thankfully vacant throne room and sighed. “Vicar Alphonse.” “Yes Goddess?” Alphones scurried to kneel in front of us and We bit our lip. “Do you hold our authority over the authority of any of your superiors?” We focused intently on him, using Daring, Svartr and Cynder’s accumulated ability to read others. Willow was a bad judge of character, so she was going to withhold judgement here. “Of course! You gave me life once more, gave us all life once more. You gave of your body in our time of need with little urging and blessed us for our loyalty to you. I would give my life again at your word.” Alphonse declared with the fanatacal zealotry of a true believer. We looked at Pillar as We sat down on our throne. “Ah, I see. Vicar Alphonse. Your Goddess has a special task for you.” Pillar intoned in a voice priests for the next three dimensions would give their left kidney for. “Name it and it shall be done.” Alphonse declared, still not lifting his eyes to us. We wouldn’t have that, so We gently lifted his snout in our iridescent aura to look us in the eyes. Then We removed his helmet to look into his golden eyes. “Weed out the Corruption in the Church. The oldest Undead in history has...hinted at the church already violating our tenets and arranging all sorts of greedy and hedonistic affairs behind closed doors while honest folk toil and have meaningful relations as is proper.” We were going to continue, but Alphonse flushed with fury and disgust. “Those-! I’ll rip their throats out and-!” “Calm Vicar Alphonse! Your kind were never known for their morality or their upstanding decorum. These old misers and weak-willed fools are remnants of the old order. You would do no good to foolishly rush in and perish before you could accomplish anything.” Pillar declared sonorously and Alphonse reined himself in. “I will help with this. Religion is my forte after all. I may not be able to get directly involved, but ask and you’ll have the resources at your disposal.” “It shall be done! I will gather my most trusted priests and We shall form a conclave of wetworkers to root out Corruption and protect the people. In your name Goddess Wiatr.” Alphonse declared and then snarled. “It will have to wait until I can return to Carim. I cannot trust my correspondence will be private anymore.” “Very good. Be careful Alphonse. We’ll be fairly upset if We hear about your death and We could rebirth you.” We said gently and leaned forward, cupping his cheeks and kissing his brow. Alphonse nearly looked about to weep with joy when We did that. “I shall maintain the utmost secrecy My Goddess.” Alphonse declared and he hurried away when We nodded in dismissal. “You realize you probably just started an Assassin Order, right?” Pillar asked us and We sighed in resignation. “Yes, but in the end, despite their misguided change in goals, they were still good people with noble intentions.” We slumped into our comfortable throne and ran a hand along our right horn while our rat tail flicked over the right arm of the throne. Just how much are We Defined by the beliefs of our followers? We became doting and motherly whenever our children-adopted children were involved. Then there’s this new physical change that was Skaven yet more since it was the visual portrayal of the Great Horned Rat. We need to snuff out this Corruption fast or it could Corrupt us in a far more insidious way. “I will say that this looks very sexy, weirdly enough.” Pillar told us as he looked us over. “You look like a dragon rodent without wings or scales.” “Are you just saying that?” We asked with a pout while wondering what We should choose as Our True Base Body instead of oscillating between our four birth forms. Then, our tail suddenly split into three and a mohawk-like black mane grew from our head, which We felt run down our back. “W-what?! We didn’t do that!” We yelped as our fur went from iridescent to pure white with an iridescent glowing aura emanating from us. Did Alphonse’s Faith alone do this?! “Oh. Well, that’s rather interesting. So deities in this world are physically affected by the beliefs of their followers.” Pillar calmly observed before We felt a twinge in our core and We flushed hotly as a nearly-consuming need to breed struck us like lightning! B-but We gave most of Fertility to Urta to avoid this~! “Dear?” Pillar warily said as he backed away, but this was a bad idea because our attention snapped to him and our vision went pink. “Male!” We crowed and pounced on the much larger wolf who yelped as We somehow overpowered the towering hulk and proceeded to rip off his armor with our bare hands. (<3) “Thank gosh I found you and outright took what was left of Fertility from you with only Renewal left.” Urta huffed in exasperation at the fact all that kept us from forcibly breeding with Pillar until We were an immobile ball of rat pups was Urta finding us practically mauling Pillar to mate in our crazed state. Pillar wasn’t upset, rather he was worried for us. He’s such a sweetheart. “Okay, why did We do that when you already had most of Fertility?” We mewled to our wife. We were wearing our armor, but were still in our horned Skaven body. Thankfully We weren’t forced to be shorter when in this form, because being eye-level with the bottom of Urta’s beautiful chestplate was glorious and We’d prefer that to looking at her navel. Though that’d be hot too. “You still had a good bit of it’s traits urging procreation. I like how rampantly hungry you can be Wiatr, but if it’ll cause you problems when paired with your Sex Aspect, then I’ll just have the whole thing aside from Renewal. You’ll still be your usual horny self, but now you should have less rampant breeding urges.” Urta grinned and We pouted at her using the same pun as Patches about how horny We are. “Are you two done yet?” Visilia huffed in irritation as she approached us where we stood to the side of the formation up in the Corruption-rife levels of Tartarus. “Why are you literally glowing now?” Visi asked in exasperation at us and We crossed our arms under our bust with our snout raised up. “Because We’re Radiant and Beautiful. That’s why. Is this enough men?” We asked Visilia, who had six squads at attention before her, both our own Skaven crusaders and her Night Sentinels. We felt an incredible desire to go and hug each of our children, but managed to withhold the desire for maternal action. We swear, the only time this feels even more intense is when We’re spending time with our babies. Which We felt was utterly lacking lately. “Considering what we are up against. Yes.” Visi flatly told us as she looked us over before shaking her head with a sigh, clearly wanting to say more, but withheld it. “Hold!” A Tartarus Cerberus demanded after she climbed up the side of the mountain next to the platform in fully sealed armor that was rusting and looked ancient. “Why have you forcibly taken much of Tartarus?! Her Royal Highness Princess Ninia is greatly upset!” “You can go back down and tell Ailisiv to tell her sister to get the sword out of her ass. We’re cleaning this place up for you, not taking over. Once the Corruption is purged enough for your own people to occupy We’ll gladly pull out.” Visilia casually huffed in reply and looked the fully armored Cerberus woman over. “You’d better get back down, that armor doesn’t look up to snuff with keeping the Miasma out.” “Your concern is noted, but your presence before Her Majesty is demanded as soon as possible.” The armored three-headed giantess declared before climbing back down the mountainside. “Great.” We sighed before we started going into the mist, hearing horses walking close to us. Of course, the Crusaders and Chasers kept them at bay. “How long until-” We began to ask before a spray of white splashed against half of our group. The culprit was a huge bird that had just relieved it’s primal urges all over us. We almost think We would prefer bird poop, ew. Enraged by this, all of the Night Sentinels started shooting at it. Bullets, plasma, rockets, grenades, you name it. They just shot the living shit out of it and then they kept shooting. It was enough to deter the other animals at least. “Uh...that works We guess.” We commented in disbelief at the sheer overkill We witnessed. The group snarled before we continued. We shook our head and wiped some cum off of us as our small battalion followed Urta’s directions. We didn’t make it to the stairs before sunset. We had to set camp in this Miasma-fogged flesh forest with beasts that would be just as likely to cum on us as they would be to attack us. “How much further to the next usable stairs?” We asked our Goddess of Fertility and War. “At least another bridge and platform.” Urta replied unhelpfully. “Maybe a day.” “At least we have soldiers with us.” Visilia sighed with a rub of her helmet. We all had to keep wearing our airtight suits even with impending sleep because of the Miasma. “Shifts of five?” A Night Sentinel asked. “That would be preferable.” Visi nodded in agreement, so they got to work on setting the rotation times and prepping groups of five for each shift. “Before we all settle in, can someone hunt those horny fuckers down and kill them? We don’t need to wake up in a puddle of cum!” She barked and a few eager volunteers went after the offenders. “That’ll help.” We commented when We leaned against Visilia, lamenting that We couldn’t have skin contact. “This Tartarus is annoying the fuck out of me. It’s full of sick perverse monstrosities and demons so busy with maintaining a status quo they aren’t even grateful when something happens to change it, even for the better.” Visi grumbled in disgust. “I’d rather be fighting Hell than be here, but with them being so quiet right now this is the most important thing we could be doing.” “Sorry, love.” We sighed as the sounds of the violent hunting echoed through the area. “We didn’t know it would be like this.”   “With how the old civilizations in the Age of Fire were, cities this large and fucked up in infrastructure were normal by the end of the Era. Finding one still around was a surprise.” Urta muttered and Daring perked our ears up in our helmet. Urta has archeological knowledge? We’re going to pick her brain sometime. “Brilliant.” Visi snorted out. “Come on Love. This is what the Heroes of old had to deal with, except we’re not having to die over and over.” Urta replied and made us feel beyond happy about that. We haven’t ever used our estus on ourselves either, hopefully that keeps up. “Let’s just get some sleep.” We groaned as We laid down for the night, our wife and Visi laying against us even if we all still had to wear our fancy high-tech armor. > Ch.85 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.85 We grunted while we all ascended the stairwell to whatever floor this opened up to. Almost every door we reached was blocked by rubble or flesh. “Why didn’t we find an elevator?” Alduin huffed after we had marked at least sixty flights. She showed up last night according to the Skaven on guard duty when she arrived. We didn’t know she’d been scouting around in the air as much as could be done with this blanketing pink Miasma. Then again, E-Dragons lived in the Era of Fog, so it was reasonable she’d be able to see something. She confirmed we were going the right way at least, also that our current objective was where the Miasma was thickest and even filled the valley around the lone mountain it was set on. “This was the only way up in the area. It’s like the defenders made sure to make it as hard as possible to get anywhere in this city besides flight. Which makes no sense when less than a third of the population can fly.” Urta snarled while looking at her map, completely unaffected by the climb. “However, where we’re going, it makes sense to make travel hard.” “Why?” Visilia asked since geographic data was in short supply. “The mountain we’re trying to reach is named Mount Hades, the next one beyond is the Elysian Fields plateau. These stairs only branch off to service stations, barracks, armories and this room holds turrets.” Urta grunted when she ‘widened’ the map and pointed to the room we were passing, which had the backs of heavily corroded artillery guns with their barrels poking through flesh. “This tunnel is like a kill box from where we got into it all the way to Mount Hades.” It was about then we noticed corroded rounds littering the floor below us and up the staircase. After reaching an overgrown hatch, Urta smashed it open to the spraying blood and shrieks of the matted flesh on the heavy metal door. She then helped us up onto the almost pink-out Miasma. It was so damn thick it was hard to even see our hand in front of our face. “This is ridiculous! There has to be a way to-!” Alduin flapped her wings hard and the fog around us displaced for a brief moment, revealing a short bridge that led to a solitary mountain building that was no-nonsense in it’s design. It was all hard angles and plastered brick with no ornamentation. At least, what wasn’t completely coated in what had to be foot-thick or even thicker Corrupted Flesh. We could even see the mouths breathing out the Miasma. So this is Bourtzi Fortress, sitting on the free-standing Mount Hades with a freshwater spring all to itself. According to Alduin, this is the highest concentration of the Corruption in the whole city. We’re lucky we haven’t been attacked already. “Alright, let’s get going.” We insisted before We started to march across the bridge. “So what’s the plan for Bourtzi Fortress? It doesn’t seem to have any other bridges to other parts of the superstructure.” It’s isolation makes it perfect for a prison. “There’s actually a tunnel leading from the fortress through the mountain to the Elysian Fields on the other side where the nobility and royalty lived once upon a time.” Urta told us as she pointed at the gate of Bourtzi Fortress when we approached. “With how damaged and Corrupted the rest of the city is going around this lone mountain, We’re better off cutting through and working on the city from both ends, even if it means cutting out it’s heart first.” “That’s a good plan.” We commented in approval before We reached the flesh-coated gate. “Any ideas on how to get in?” “Hold on.” Urta twirled her spear and stabbed at the center of the gate, the slaw-jawed mouths all over the flesh-encased building shrieking in that unholy piercing fashion as Urta casually sawed through the flesh sealing the entrance like it was butter to her hot lightning-charged spear. After several minutes of agonizing ear-rape, Urta literally ripped open the bleeding gates with her super-strength and sighed. “There we go. Let’s get inside.” At an unspoken agreement, Visilia took the lead and We followed her in the center of the formation away from threats as we entered the absolutely disgusting interior. Miasma was everywhere. The walls, ceilings, floors, everything was coated in Corruption-sweating flesh with gnashing teeth, clouded eyes, deformed ears and various appendages moving about. This was truly a sight worthy of Hell itself. “We’re going to be sick…” We gagged, thankful our armor was sealed. “This is easily as bad as being in Hell’s depths. Keep away from the limbs, watch your step. If you get caught in a mouth or slip on an eye it could be the end of you.” Visilia warned us while she led us onward with the grace of a veteran who somehow came back from something much like this without being scarred irreparably. “Oh thank gosh, there’s a working elevator.” “Really?” We asked in surprise when our leading group encountered an area where the flesh suddenly tapered off, as if unable or unwilling to encroach on it. The sight of clinically clean solid metal instead of stone really struck us as uncanny considering the whole Grecian stone construction aesthetic consistent throughout the whole city thus far. “It seems like these are the main lifts for the building, let’s hope at least one still works.” Visi said as the door was removed by a couple of Night Sentinel engineers. “Yeah.” We cracked our neck before we stepped onto the unusually large lift. It let half of us fit as We looked at the control panel. “Visilia, can you read this?” We asked in regards to the strange lettering. It wasn’t until now We even noticed anything resembling signage. How do the demons get around? Well, maybe since the lowest level seems meant for the Cerberi, the signs are just much higher up down there and up here they’ve all been destroyed. “Yes. Block A, B, C, D and E. Five floors and the top floor with Block A has Security.” Visi translated for us with ease. At least both versions of Tartarus seem to have a similar alphabet. “Let's head to Security first.” We said when We pressed the button to Block A. The elevator went back first, then it began to go up. The Miasma was suddenly gone and it was a bit disorienting to have the pink fog out of our eyes for the first time in over a day. “So what do we do in the meantime while this is going up?” “Make out?” Urta suggested and bumped her hip against Visilia’s. “No.” Visilia firmly denied Urta’s suggestion and booped her in the nose. “Not when there are other people around.” That is why you say no right now Visi? Wow. We’d rather wait for a good spot first. “Aw, come on~! It’s been over a day stuck in this lusty hell and I’m all pent up~.” Urta whined before We smacked her on her armored pauldron. “No, love.” We huffed before the Elevator jolted. “Please tell us it isn’t broken.” We groaned before it kept going, though the walls of the small windows were stained red, “Or we ran into something.” “Hold on, let me check.” One of the Ghosts said as he just looked up towards the ceiling. “There’s a lot of dead bodies out there.” Wait, what? Can he see through walls? “What?” We asked worriedly even as the elevator slowly moved up the shaft. “Dead bodies, hanging within the elevator shaft. Can’t tell if animal or otherwise.” He replied. “Oh, great. Just when We thought We were out of the gorefest.” We groaned before the lift passed block C. “Ma’am, after everything we’ve been through and witnessed, we have to assume everything in this city is a gorefest.” Helvex retorted. “Right.” We huffed before the elevator stopped at the top floor where Block A was. Urta impatiently smashed open the door when it jammed while trying to open and she led us out to find a security checkpoint. It’s video feeds revealed that most of the cameras were broken or covered in red-white goo that looked like blood and semen, while some had veins covering the lenses. Block D was whited-out. The cameras were all working, but just picking up white.  “Be on the lookout.” Visi ordered when the group moved out of the elevator and sent it down for the other half of our group still in the nightmarish lobby. “Check what cameras are working and see if there’s anyone in this prison.” We ordered and engineers descended upon the console like rabid mad scientists, ripping it open and prying wires and circuit boards out. It took maybe ten minutes at best for them to get most of the cameras for Block A back up. What we found on this floor were dead half-formed Lust demons or corrupted animals that died half-way through the changes. There were lesser Hell demons that were constantly fighting off rapidly growing Corrupt Flesh from eating them and the weirdest cell held a Red Phantom that was visibly laughing and pounding his head against the bars of his cell. “What’s a Red Phantom doing in a cell?” We asked since We knew it should have returned to it’s world long ago. “I found someone alive!” One of the engineers declared and pointed out his appointed screen. The occupant looked unnaturally healthy considering she’s been locked away for possibly thousands of years. “Damn. Talk about luck.” “That’s Velka.” Visilia snarled upon reading the screen and understanding the engineer’s comment. “The Goddess of Sin herself?!” Urta exclaimed as We looked at the screen, seeing a woman clothed in black robes and sitting calmly in her cell unchanged it seemed, even as some big lizard tried to get to her through her cell door. Her pronounced black beak opened slightly and her hooded face jolted to the camera before she stood and clutched her talons together against her bosom in obvious hope. “We should leave her. There’s no point in letting a Sinful Goddess out.” Helvex growled, the other Night Sentinels agreeing in earnest. “She might have information on Lethice We could use. We should at least get to her cell and talk to the hen. What level is she on?” We asked while not looking away and the Goddess of Sin took off her hood, her golden eyes practically pleading with us. The irony is almost painful. “Block E, Sector two. I’ll stay here to help coordinate if needed.” Visilia informed us since a squad of Skaven were already sweeping Block A of beasts and capturing the beleaguered Imps and Hell Knights who seemed eager to submit to something with the ability to reason. Depending on how long they’ve been tormented, maybe their deaths will be quick and merciful. Though if it were up to us, so long as they gave up their former lives of subjugation and conquest they’re good by now with all the crap they’ve put up with. “Okay love.” We said with a rub on her shoulder before We went to the lift with Urta and Alduin at our sides. “We’ll help escort her there.” Sellox declared with Helvex and that one Ghost in tow. “Alright.” We agreed as they got onto the lift with us, only for it to groan and red lights to flash on the button dash. “Hey! Why did the lift lock down?” “Damage to it from coming up here a couple of times with both halves of the crew, plus damage to the shaft.” The Ghost explained. “Whelp, looks like we’ll have to take the stairs.” “Great. More cardio.” We grumbled and led our team to the stairs to Block B. It was damaged, but still traversable thank goodness. During our descent we noticed more bodies, but unlike at the research complex where they were mostly intact, these had the bones gnawed on or missing entirely along with incredible amounts of damage to the skeletons. “Wait, if they were keeping a Goddess of Sin locked up in this Prison and not in the same prison with world-endangering terrors like Tirek and Cozy Glow, what else was locked up here?” Helvex questioned, which made us all stop to think about it. “Other gods?” We postulated before We continued and pulled our hammer out of our tits. It may be big and unwieldy in these close quarters, but We didn’t max out our strength to use a toothpick! “What do those Gods represent?” Sellox asked next. “There was the Nameless King that was a god of war.” We looked at our lovely slime vixen goddess wife who huffed and puffed out her chest proudly. You’ve ironically inherited the mantle of the one who led the Dragonslayers Urta. “One could be death, one of Moonlight, maybe a few of Wolf’s Blood if Sif or any pups she may have had are around. I don’t know what else.” “Why the God of Death? The only time you ever imprison someone, or something, like that is if it runs rampant within the mortal realm and starts killing everything. Bringing unnecessary imbalance.” The Ghost has a point there, but he still missed our point. “We said could. We don’t exactly know if they’re here. We haven’t exactly seen who took over the realm of Death.” Thank goodness for that. Though if they’re like Terry Pratchett’s Discworld version of Death that’d be pretty cool. “Right, that makes sense.” The Ghost nodded his head. “Speaking of Gods, Lord Runner seems to have figured out what sort of Gods he and the other Doom Marines could become.” “Oh?” We purred and instantly got aroused by the thought of our mates/soon to be husbands. We almost regret not getting to be bred by Pillar yesterday. “What gods could they be?” “For Lord Berserker; the God of War, Ruin, Rage and Blood. Lord Hunter; the God of Nature, Balance, Fate and Luck. Lord Runner; the God of Death, Despair, Madness and Souls. Lord Pillar; the God of Valour, Protection, Judgement and Faith. Finally, Lord Collateral; the God of Duty, Honour, Vows and Oaths.” He listed off for us and our trio of tails contained in our suit’s single much thicker tail wiggled about excitedly. “Hm~.” We purred, actually finding it all quite sexy to hear. Damn We missed them, but four Aspects each? That’s pushing it! We’ve suffered a lot having three and now down to two with a bit of one was more than enough We felt. Hopefully they don’t actually get that many and only one each. Being a deity is a surprising amount of work even with all the perks. “You seem to love them quite a bit.” Helvex said to us. “Yes We do.” We crooned before We instinctively lashed out at something when We rounded a corner, smashing the skull of some creature about to jump us into the wall. Our strength dented the metal of the wall as gore sprayed everywhere and We blinked at vaguely realizing what We’d done to the insignificant fleshy horror-beast. “That ruined the moment.” Sellox snarked as she shot another foul, horny creature charging at us. “Yes it did, but We would think the boys would love it! We didn’t miss a beat there!” We snarled excitedly before breathing fire down the Block. Holy shit We have fire breath as the Great Horned Rat?! Awesome! “So, they are very fitting to them?” The Ghost asked us. “Very much so, though We hope they don’t get all of those Aspects at once.” We replied worriedly, but then wiggled our bum at the thought of our future husbands not lacking in anything at all. This ended up causing the others to stare at our booty and We snickered. “Your eyes are on the prize too soon. We have a job to do.” The others snapped out of their booty-induced hypnosis, though Urta only licked her chops and slapped our armored butt, making us jump and squeal in laughter. With the others having their heads out of the gutter we started cutting through the floor’s feral inhabitants until we reached Block D. Strangely, this floor was empty, as in devoid of walls and cells. It was also empty of anything else except for a fucking PONTIFF BEAST with six blood red eyes staring at us. We aimed at it, but it didn’t move to attack us while we got to the stairs to the next floor. “Creepy.” We said as it literally twisted it’s head 180 degrees to follow us without moving its body. It was even stranger since it’s whole body was pure white and seemed to eat the light around it. “Funny. It’s body is almost acting like a Black Hole with how it’s absorbing light particles.” The Ghost commented with a curious tone, leading us to feel he was rather intelligent. “Still creepy. Especially since it was the only thing on the whole floor.” We shivered at the grim implications before noting the stairs here were also empty. “Maybe it did more than consume light?” Helvex speculated. “Alright, let's move before it decides to kill us.” We shivered before rushing downstairs, finding Corrupted at the end of the stairs. Thankfully Helvex switched to his Rocket Launcher and blew up a portion of the Corrupted Horde, which paved the way for the rest of us to pulverize the remaining flesh beasts while they were concussed from the explosion. With them gone, our group slowly proceeded and even gave a wide berth to a small golden retriever puppy staring up at us as we passed. “What the…?” Sellox looked upon the puppy in confusion, before shaking her head and focusing on the task at hand. “Your highness, did you sense anything weird or abnormal from that pup?” The Ghost asked us. “Not really, it's mostly just watching. It’s clearly not looking to fight us. Just ignore it and leave it alone.” We considered with a bit of longing to go over and coddle it, but this place is not one a supposedly defenseless creature like it appeared to be would’ve survived for more than a few seconds. This place is more dangerous than it already seems. > Ch.86 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.86 “Ugh! I’m not fighting that thing up close!” Helvex Declared at the sight of the horny feral reptile that looked like a giant crocodile mated with a similarly enormous komodo dragon. It had a throbbing erection underneath it that absolutely drooled cum. “*Hsssk*!” The thing hissed as it charged at us. We all shot it, but rounds actually bounced off it’s hide even as it slammed into Sellox and snarled when it ripped her armor off. She cried out and kicked it in the dick, making it roar out in pain before Alduin jumped on its back and slammed her clenched fists into its spine. It did not get off of Sellox even with the damage it was receiving from us all and it kept trying to fuck her right in the pussy, even shaking Alduin off of its back. “Oh, fuck it!” Helvex growled as he ran forward and slid under it in a powerslide with one of his Chain Axes and sawed off its spewing sausage. We almost vomited at the sight, but it was enough to make it let go of Sellox. Rolling out from under it, Helvex was knocked away as the beast rushed to some pool in the corner as more of the same beast started rising out of the pool. “Oh, come on.” We groaned as We hefted Sellox to her feet. “You okay?” We asked, seeing her lower regions covered in cum. “I-I’ll live.” The demoness shuddered out her response, wiping the cum off with shaking hands. “I’ll handle them.” The Ghost declared before he charged at them. The beasts rushed forth, keeping their softer undersides covered as they aimed for Sellox. That didn’t matter when the Ghost revealed his Crucible weapon. It was an energy blade resembling a ninjatō with Hell Runes inscribed upon it. He easily carved his way through them with brutal efficiency, but he was still one person, so Helvex took something from Sellox’s belt and he placed a barrier between us and the beasts that passed the Ghost. The fifteen rushing lizards hissed and tried to ram through the barrier. The Ghost quickly dispatched the two beasts he’d been occupied with before he picked the rest of them off. After their numbers dwindled down to nine, they all turned their attention on him. “They’re so dumb.” We shook our head and helped Sellox try to get her armor back on. However, there were still more of them. Two burst out of the hallway behind and pounced on poor Sellox even as the rest of us with weapons free turned on them. “Get the fuck off her!” Helvex roared and activated what looked like the Berserk Power-up, which he used to promptly rip the beasts apart with his bare hands by snapping the neck of one and ripping out the heart of the other. Before we could finish up with these violent lusty lizards, ominous heavy stomping drew nearer, causing the remaining lizards to immediately scurry away in terror. From out of a corner hallway emerged what looked like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2 stomping down the hall. It didn’t even look Corrupted, but it was visibly glowing with unrefined Red Argent in its eyes. “Um...is that good or bad?” Urta questioned curiously as she and the hulk locked eyes. We just barely grabbed Urta’s elbow and prevented her from approaching it while it didn’t have anything to keep it from stomping towards us. Urta specifically. “Bad!” All three of the Night Sentinels answered. “We should get moving!” We shouted fearfully, backing up before this thing ripped the remaining lizard in half with it’s bare hands like they were wet tissue paper before continuing to stomp towards us without pause. “I wanna fight him!” Urta declared eagerly and tore away from us. “Urta no~!” We wailed and watched in horror, only for Urta to headbutt Mr.X’s fist when he swung at her, the impact caused the air to practically resonate with the impact. “That all you got tiny?! I’ve been hit by imps that hit harder!” Urta taunted and tossed her swordspear away, locking hands with the monster and actually trying to best him in a test of pure strength. “Nice grip you got there!” “We should move while she’s got it distracted!” The Ghost said when he regrouped with us. “Which way to Velka’s cellblock?” “This way!” Helvex declared, having grabbed Urta’s magic map and we ran away from the super-powered brawl as Urta cackled while wrestling Mr. X. She should be fine! She’s a Goddess of War on top of being impossibly strong! There’s no way she could-! “Ah~!” Urta wailed when she was launched past us down the hall and she impacted a wall with a resonating gong. We didn’t give her time to gather herself, grabbing her and carrying her along with us. “Gah! Hey! Let me at him! That was a cheap shot!” “No!” We all shouted in reply as we desperately sprinted down the hall and ran through a thick vault-like Door labeled Solitary. We heard Mr.X thudding behind us as We used our magic to slam the vault door shut and the soldiers locked it before our group rushed onward to reach the robed crow hen Velka, who was looking both elated and worried with her talons wrapped around the bars of her cell. “Found you.” We huffed before hearing a crunching sound. Please don’t let that be the door. “It is about time!” The robed hen declared excitedly. “It’s easily been several centuries since I cast my Pendant into the Void in the hopes of rescue!” “...What?” We asked weakly, feeling ill. Especially Willow. Hello, Stranger...you look like you could use this little trinket to round out that Deprived outfit. “You are here because you happened upon my Pendant! I know you’ve been through much because of me, but please, I beg you! Either free me or slay me!” Velka’s desperation was as much of a shock as the bombshell that Willow is only here because that shifty vendor sold William Velka’s Pendant. “Not so fast! We’re here looking for answers on the Lust demons. We know you had something to do with it.” Alduin interrupted while looking behind us warily at the pounding vault door. “All I did was provide the means to procreate without using outside males at her request since the Tartarus Demons lost the ability to maintain their population during the Era of Dark.” Velka frantically informed us as she too eyed the vault door fearfully. “Now please! Release me before the guard gets in!” “Then you deserve either freedom or death for what you’ve done!” Helvex snarled before Mr. X smashed down the door, the several ton slab of metal crashing to the floor with a deafening thunder. “Shit! Open fire!”  The Night Sentinels fired at Mr. X, who marched onwards, only pausing when a particularly heavy hit struck him in the head, which had little to no affect on him. Urta threw herself at him and her strength helped keep him at bay much more successfully. “What do you mean?!” We snarled, deciding We could stand to let the revelation of who brought Willow here lie in favor of at least hearing what we all initially came here for. “I helped Lethice figure out how to permanently turn female demons into herms and males so they could procreate again. However, it made any Tartarus male or herm’s scent become irresistible to any female. Instead of trying to fix the issue, Lethice decided to use it to her advantage. She went mad with power, experimented with Argent, something she made herself called Corruption and her own potions to make her scent and power even greater.” Velka informed us ashamedly. “So much unnecessary suffering, all because of this.” “We...see. Well, you are what we’ve been looking for, but why didn’t she change you?” We questioned with a wary look back at the tussle between Urta and Mr. X. “She tried, but I cannot be Corrupted. My very Aspect prevents me from being Corrupted by her lust. She still had her way with me and forced me to birth her an army.” Velka admitted with disgust plain in her voice and her sneering beak. “Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?” Helvex retorted. “It was not my intention to create monsters! However, we all know the saying about Hell and good intentions.” Velka grumbled despondently before Urta got tossed back at us again, where she smashed into a wall and angrily rubbed her butt and neck as she stood up. “And the Monster here?!” We asked while Mr. X got closer, our group having to squeeze together in retreat. Death was almost upon us and unfortunately for everyone else, they’re not immortal. “One of her earlier experiments to combat Hell. It is nigh indestructible and even if destroyed-.” Someone from behind Mr. X vaporized him with an Argent turquoise blast from a BFG. Past the shimmering air from Argent lingering for a moment, We saw Hunter leaning up against a wall with his smoking BFG 9000 still aimed. “...It will still come back, even if not immediately.” “Hunter~!” We squealed before We rushed him for a glomping hug. “Are you okay?!” “I’m a little weak, but fine.” Hunter answered us telepathically as he leaned against us while the rest of the group gathered around us. “Do you want some milk?” We questioned before We started to undo our chestplate. At his nod, his Ghost helped remove his helmet. Once both obstructions were gone, We presented him a nipple which he gladly suckled upon. “Visilia, did you hear what Velka said? It seems Lethice was trying to help and let the power get to her.” “That still doesn’t excuse the bitch, she’s chosen her path.” Visilia snarled over the Comms. “The path to Hell is paved with good intentions.” We quoted with a look to the desperate and worried Velka who was still up against the bars of her cell. “We can’t leave her here. She’s our Displacer. If not for her, Willow would have never come to this world. She’s also as much a victim as anyone.” “I’d prefer we pluck all of her feathers, tar her, refeather her with her own feathers, then light her on fire. But, if she really wasn’t behind all of this out of cruelty and is just another victim, then you’re right. She’s still going to get some serious work for this whole mess.” Visilia replied with irritation in her tone. “Thanks Visi. So, we have a Goddess we should take back home and have mostly secured the most heavily infested location in Tartarus. We should really take over this place. Urta, any water source?” We questioned our annoyed wife, who was clearly still salty about Mr. X not straight-up fighting her. “There is a pump room like back at the research building.” Urta answered after opening her cleavage and pulling out the magic map, which Hellvex held up in his hands too in confusion. “It’s down here on the high security floor due to it tapping right into the mountain spring.” “That’s good. At least we don’t have far to go now.” We turned to leave only for Velka to caw imploringly. “Oh, right. Let her out. She’s Willow’s Matron.” We grumbled and tapped our claws on the floor until a loud buzzing sounded through the ceiling and Velka’s cell opened. “There, now-ah!” We yelped when the surprisingly busty crow rushed from the cell and tackled us with a hug, mashing her breasts into our still-exposed bosom. “Thank you~! I’ve been suffering this Injustice for so long! I’m indebted to you!” Velka declared with her beautiful voice cooing as she nuzzled our helmet with her beak. “You reek of delicious innocent Sin. A being of Lust and Avarice yet you are tempered and restrained compared to those you seek to bring Justice to. My Pendant found such a good person.” “We’re more than just Willow!” We growled, but didn’t shove her away. The hug was nice and she’s clearly starved for contact. “We’re a fusion of four people into a single amalgam entity.” “So that is why your sins are so numerous, yet Karma has already wrought it’s Justice upon you. You’re on a good path.” Velka praised us and even kissed our cheek to our surprise. “Um, thank you. This isn’t the place for this however, We have work to do.” At our words, Velka quite hesitantly released us and shuffled uneasily at the hateful glares aimed at her. “Um, why do you all hate me so?” Velka asked honestly and We felt a phantom headache emerging. If she really has no clue, something even more insidious might be behind all the greatest travesties of this dimension’s history.  “Not now. Take her upstairs. Treat her kindly.” We urged Helvex and looked at a still shaking Sellox. “Send Sellox home.” “W-what?! No! I-I’m fine!” Sellox shakily replied, but none of us were buying that. “The instant the new portal is done, you are going home and getting therapy.” We demanded with a snarl and the still partially nude and cum-coated woman meekly nodded. “Good. Lead on Urta.” We commanded our Knight Captain, who proceeded to do so. We in the meantime began pulling Corrupted Flesh We’d gathered on the journey here from our cleavage, willfully ignoring the gore coating the white slime of our bosom and directly absorbed it through said bosom instead of retracting our helmet. “By the way Wiatr, I have news on Berserker.” Hunter told us from where he walked beside us to our left. He looked much better thanks to our milk. “He won, obviously.” We declared assuredly while We rubbed our gurgling stomach, glad for our navel pearl that kept the mass We were absorbing from expanding our belly. “Yes, although Dainn cheated by rigging the battlefield. Dainn had his balls crushed before he was beheaded. Some of Dainn’s followers surrendered immediately, but the rest remained defiant. They were thrown into the Warp.” Hunter summarized for us. “It would explain why it took so long for Dainn to reply, but that did fuck-all for him in the end.” “Clearly, so what is going to be done with what’s left?” We questioned and bit our lip to suppress a moan when We started to make the purification milk and our tits expanded with our bounty. “Reformation of the country. However, seeing as how Berserker isn’t very good at doing that, others will take care of it. As for him, he’s on his way here.” Hunter informed us while his eyes watched our already huge breasts become even more massive. “So any idea on the beast on the next floor?” We asked him before we arrived in the pump room and fell against our immobilizing still-inflating tits that were already the size of small cars. “Oof...ETA on the engineers?” We questioned, realizing We probably should’ve waited to make the mixture until the techies could come down and configure the pump system. Especially considering this one doesn’t have an exposed water source. “You should’ve waited before you turned yourself into a sexy immobile pair of milk balloons.” Visilia chuckled through the comms and We pouted at her teasing. “Since you guys pretty much cleared the route down, they should be there in less than half an hour with how many stairs there are. We’re still fixing the elevator.” Visi’s reply made us groan and lean against our car-sized shiny white-membraned boobs. “Swell.” We grumbled and Urta cackled. “It’s not punny! We mean, funny! It’s not funny!” “I’m surprised you don’t have purity as an aspect.” Aludin commented from where she’d silently been standing in the entrance to the pump station, which also doubled as a guard station. Thank gosh the door into here was already knocked down, likely by Mr. X. “With how IMpure she is?.” Hunter wittily replied and We huffed in agreement. “Yeah. We doubt there are many folks more deviant than us. We have four perverts sharing one head and body after all.” We chuckled and slapped our tits, causing us to moan at the rippling pleasure that caused. “We hope they get here soon. Our tits are like giant clitorises right now.” “Oh~?” Urta mischievously cooed and We flushed hotly along with a rising sense of panic. “Urta! If you touch us We’ll gush our milk that we need for the process!” We warned our lusty pregnant wife who was at the far end of our vision-blocking breasts. “But don’t you need someone to go in there and get the Bonfire materials?” Urta playfully questioned and We squeaked in a cute mousy way when she walked into our cleavage and vanished, leaving us panting and feeling like our boobs could burst from the stimulation. “That woman just has no off switch, does she?” Hunter questioned us with his eyes still latched onto our massive milk tanks. “Not since we gave her Fertility and she was insatiable bef-ore~!” We wailed when Urta began pushing the materials out of our tits. One at a time. “Hey!” We curled against our breasts, whimpering since each time her arms passed through our cleavage with something it was as if she was stroking our pussy, our bosom was so sensitive right now! “J-just get it over with Urta~!” “That is just cruel.” Alduin commented with a huff, but didn’t move to intervene in our sexual torment. The next 15 minutes before the engineers arrived was absolute agony for us. We’d managed not to violently orgasm and spray our important bounty everywhere. “Jeez, no wonder the Princess told us to double-time it downstairs. We’ll get the milkers set up asap Wiatr.” One of the Night Sentinels declared as she hurried around us to the pumps. “M-milkers?” We mewled and spasmed as We fought off a proper orgasm, our nipples leaking our important purifying fluids like how our cunt was flooding our armor. “There’s no exposed reservoir here. We’re going to be injecting your milk into the spring itself with a small basin here for the Bonfire.” The engineer informed us and We moaned. “Fine, but hurry, Urta’s not being funny right now.” We pleaded with a whimper as our massive basketball-sized nipples trickled our lactate and We willed our membrane to tighten and keep it from gushing out wholesale. Thankfully the engineers are good at what they do. They provided a small basin, set the brazier and Bonfire ingredients in it, connected the basin to the pumps, then quickly set up one of the pumps with two massive suction hoses that they led to our nipples. “Initiating!” At the woman engineer’s statement, two cups encased our nipples and the other engineers fiddled with the pumps. “Aiyee~!” We squealed in rapture when the pumps began draining our backed-up bosom and We came our brains out through our nipples so hard We humped the underside of our shrinking tits as We mauled what We could reach of them. Some time later, We came to our senses, panting and drooling all over our once-again basketball-sized boobs which were still getting milked for our normal holy milk now. Where did they get size-changing milking cups? “Guh~...” “Holy fuck that was hot.” Urta commented from behind us as she elbowed Hunter in the ribs. “Are you as hard as I am right now?” Hunter thankfully didn’t respond, because even if that was the most intense boobgasm We’ve ever had, We’d rather not have to deny orgasms like that ever again. “A Prison...okay.” Harmonia said in disappointment as she poked her head out of the portal to check on the new location. Sorry Harmonia, maybe someday you can even close these portals when they’ve served their purpose. “We’d make a witty comment, but We’re too fucked-out for it. Wake us up in a few days.” We flopped onto our back, falling into a restless slumber as our tits were still pumped for milk. > Ch.87 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.87 We awoke from our sexed-out slumber days later in our bed back home. Only Cocoa was sleeping with us, stating everyone else was so busy with this mini-war we’re waging in Tartarus that she was the only one who got to sleep in thanks to the nursemaids. Nobody was worried about our light coma however, claiming us getting sent into a sex-induced coma was an eventuality. That was an embarrassing revelation of what people thought of our nature. After having breakfast and kissing our slime cerberus goodbye, We hurried back through the portal to Bourtzi Fortress in our dress since it was secured by now. From there We rode the newly-repaired elevator to Block A where the security was based aside from the front lobby. We noted with quiet joy at how well the place was cleaned up while We’d been indisposed and approached Visilia in the Warden’s office. “Hello Love, are things going well here?” “For the most part. As long as we stay out of ‘Mr. X’s’ way, he won’t bother us.” Visi answered as more reinforcements came in and went throughout the place. “Berserker should be here soon. He said he was taking the long way around. By that I mean he’s gone through the gate.” She winced when she thought about it, her ears flattening against her head. “Hopefully he’s not causing an international incident worse than we’ve already committed by occupying foreign territory. Father has already scolded my ears off about this, even if it is the right thing to do.” “Well, maybe We should go down and talk to Princess Ninny.” We huffed in annoyance and Visi snorted in amusement. “I already tried to, but apparently even after being ‘summoned’ I needed to make an ‘appointment’ this time. The damn nerve of that mare. I’ve set an appointment for a good time away for the insult.” Visilia replied and then paused, huffed, then put her space-age hologram tablet down. “Okay. I know you just woke up from a sex coma and all, but I need to relieve some tension. Is it okay if we have some fun?” “...You’re asking?” We blinked in surprise. Usually, when one of our lovers is in the mood We pick up on it and roll with it. Well, save that time We were able to so fully suppress our urges that We’d left our wives and Visi dry for a week and they all demanded an orgy that ended up turning the others into slimes and-fuck. We’d better carry through then. We don’t want our lover’s untended needs to fester and snowball out of control. “Of course! Is there anyplace here clean enough for that?” “Home is a short elevator ride and walk away, though.” Visi replied in bemusement, then she looked past us and a delicious smirk graced her face. “Who is-eep!” We squeaked, our rodent vocal chords making it extremely cute as lean arms wrapped around us and We looked up to see Hunter leering down at us and Berserker standing next to him with a shit-eating grin on his lupine face. “Well hello there~.” Berserker said seductively. “How are you?” “We’re fine Bryan. Um, Berserker.” We replied as We practically melted against Hunter’s armor, our magic dress no true barrier against physical contact. “Did you hear what Visi-?” “There is a large room that’s relatively clean.” Visilia declared eagerly when she got up from her desk and tapped hurriedly on her tablet “I’ve ordered the engineers to turn off the camera once we get there.” Visilia informed us and began leading us away from her current office towards the elevator with a notable sway to her hips that sent her tail flicking. “A large room?” We questioned excitedly, figuring such a phrase meant Visi was expecting even more people to join in. “I’ve messaged Alduin and Urta to meet us there.” Visilia declared when our group got into the elevator. This whole time, Hunter hadn’t removed his hands from us, rubbing our shoulders and even running his hands down to our booty where our tails wrapped around one of his hands and We bit our lip. “Good~.” We purred before the doors opened and Visi led us onward to a large break room with a small kitchenette, a cheap dining area with folding furniture and a rather large couch where Urta was already sitting in the nude and enticingly running a finger along her already rock-hard equine tumescence and Alduin was nervously standing aside the couch and facing the door. Visi found the camera in the corner and waved up to it and the other end turned it off, the red light no longer blinking. “Alright. What are we doing first?” Visilia excitedly asked while she stripped out of her armour, giving us a show from how downright seductive this sexy demon alicorn was being. “Maybe some sexy roleplaying~?” Oh fuck. She really does want something like before to happen again?! “What do you usually play as?” Hunter questioned as he began undoing his armor too, much more normally than Visi did and stacking it away in the corner of the counter space where Visi had levitated her armor too, Berserker was mirroring him. “Usually Wiatr is the ‘big bad dragon kidnapper’ and I’m her prisoner about to become her egg factory.” Visilia said eagerly and We gulped. The last time an RP along that line played out… “That doesn’t sound good to me. How about you ladies?” Berserker asked Alduin and Urta while Hunter already shrugged his answer to Berserker before he even asked. “Last time was fucking incredible! But it’s strictly a herm or female thing, so yeah it wouldn’t suit either of you boys.” Urta replied and Alduin gulped. “Th-that sounds really nice, but I’d rather not join right away…” Alduin shyly said as she looked away from the nude people in the room. Heh, We’re not one of them yet, isn’t that funny? “Okay then. In that case...hm. Oh! Do you ladies mind some dick and ball worship?” We questioned, realising aside from Urta’s needy demands to breed about a week ago, all our sexual encounters of late have only involved our female organs. “Oh~ I’m up for that.” Visilia purred and eyed the boys along with Urta and us. In response to her approval We snapped our fingers and our dress vanished, revealing our milfy muscular yet thicc body. Then We purred and formed our male organs which swelled and gurgled with seed and We rubbed our balls where the massive cum factories hung heavily against our thighs. “Those are a lot bigger than usual.” Visi licked her lips and groped her tits. “Damn, they’re the size of basketballs now.” Berserker commented while he and Hunter approached the couch. “It just means there’s more cream inside.” Urta cooed and licked her chops as she stood up and rubbed her own massive Argent fruit hanging from her groin. “Since We gave Fertility for the most part to Urta, We don’t actually get backed up. As the Goddess of Sex though, We can produce as much as We want for everyone’s pleasure.” We chuckled while wondering if our weaknesses from Sex still apply with Fertility gone, or the one on Commerce where We act like Mr. Krabs if We don’t see money for too long. “Yeah, that’s a bitch. Partly why I’m so fucking big right now.” Urta cooed when she groped her sloshing glowing turquoise basketballs for testicals as We sat on the couch and spread our legs with Urta sitting back down next to us and doing the same. Just sitting next to her steaming-hot body was riling us up more. Especially when she began stroking our thigh. “Mrr~. Visi. I wanna fill you with pups again. You’d better do a good job or I might just give in to my needs.” Well, We guess Urta does have that weakness now. Then again her demand to be bred last week was a good indicator, but then again Urta was always a slave to her desires. “Hm~ I guess I’d better get to work then~.” Visi purred as she magically moved the two boys to sit down with us, Berserker to our right and Hunter to Urta’s left. “C’mon now, show me your balls.” At Visi’s playful command the boys snorted in amusement and spread their legs open to display their hefty coconut-sized nuts. “Hnng~ I have such a buffet here!” Visi squirmed and began drooling, reminding us that she’s actually quite a semen demon. “Indeed you do. We’re all big, bulgy, practically bursting with baby batter. All for you~.” We teased and then cooed when Visilia practically lunged for our sack first, rubbing her muzzle in it as she deeply breathed in our heavy musk. We pet her head as We leaned to the side to kiss Bryan while on our other side Urta was fondling Hunter’s package as she nipped and sucked at his ear, making him silently gasp. “Hm~.” Visi moaned, getting into lathering our sacred seed producers with her tongue, the sound of them sloshing was incredibly loud. “Oh~ you taste so good. So salty-sweet.” “Glad you like them. Though I wonder why all our nuts slosh?” We pondered, rubbing Berserker’s chest as our long prehensile rat tail wormed between Urta’s thighs and plunged into her pussy, which made her gasp and go so hard her dick looked like it could bust down a door. “Gah! Hah. E-eggheads say it's because our races have been forced to overproduce and store cum in our balls, not just make it on demand. C-constantly being hunted along with latent Corruption-oh babe~!” Urta keened when our tail plunged her pussy with undulating thrusts and Visi nodded before sitting back and fingering our sheathe and our own cunt, which made us gasp and begin to become erect. We blinked at our penis still being a mixture of our four composite species rather than a rodent’s. “It’s also part of the magic of this world, likely the fault of the Corruption too. I looked into why even non-local males were so productive shortly after I arrived here.” Visi said as she nuzzled our sack and fondled Berserker’s hefty balls. Urta groaned on our other side when the silent warrior nibbled along her right ear, down to her neck and played with the perma-preg vixen’s basketball-sized boobs. “Yeah, I was wondering about that.” Berserker commented as he hungrily eyed Visi while she licked our glans and got plenty of pre on her face as a reward. “Hey, maybe we should have a turn each eating Visi’s pussy out while she still worships us.” Berserker suggested with a huff of excitement. “That sounds fun. Help me out with orientation though, it won’t be fun for me if I have to hold myself up.” Visi agreed, so We lifted her up with ease using our magic which shimmered from our dragon horns and turned her upside-down so she was suspended in the 69 position. With her dripping wet pussy in sight, We dug into that cunt of hers and lapped up all at her sweet nectar while she went back to her sworn duty of worshiping our genitals. “Ah!” At hearing Urta gasp, We looked to see Hunter had gotten on her lap, her thick horse mast extending up behind him as he made out with her, the tall vixen slime easily able to accommodate the tall wolf. Said slime was spasming under the dual onslaught of our tail in her twat and Hunter ravishing her breasts and mouth. “Are you going to fill Urta with more pups?” We asked Hunter playfully before We passed our musk addled mate to Hunter when Urta liquified and moved under us to Berserker, making him jump as she formed on his other side, giving him a smirk as she began fingering his sheathe, bringing his long doggy-dick to full attention quickly. Hunter gave Visi’s wet cunny a kiss before her thighs were on the wolf’s shoulders and she promptly got to work on his own groin. “And when can We see Fem-Bryan?” Not as breed-hungry or not, We still want that. “Maybe when I’m comfortable with being in that form.” Berserker replied with a hint of disgust. “Dainn said that if he won, I’d have had to become female and be his bitch.” “We can help Love. We would never do what he would do.” We told him, giving him a kiss and stroking his cock as Urta kept worshiping between our sack and Berserker’s. Berserker moaned in pleasure before We helped Hunter hand Visi over to him. He started eating out her cunt when We jumped a bit and looked down to see Hunter eating out our drooling quim with our giant balls on his head and neck, using his tongue so skillfully while Urta jacked him and us off. “Hm~, good boy!” We even pet and rubbed his head and ears, which his wagging tail told us wasn’t unwelcome. Oo~ Hunter might be willing to indulge in pet-play? “So much seed for me~!” Visilia mewled when she came on Berserker's face and We sprayed a small load on her back and wings from cumming due to Hunter’s tongue. Once she was done spasming, Berserker handed her over to Urta on the floor. The two went at each other like starved beasts. Visi deepthroated Urta’s massive dick as the vixen hungrily ate out the mare’s drenched snatch while We jerked Hunter and Berserker’s throbbing cocks where We were still seated on the couch when Hunter climbed up to sit next to us. “Such a good show, huh boys?” We questioned as We masterfully masturbated them both at the same time and bit our lip while We thrust a tail into our own twat to keep our pleasure going. “Mmhm~.” Berserker hummed in agreement while Hunter sent a mental sensation of enjoyment. Holy shit those two are hungry! Visi’s fingers are practically penetrating Urta’s membrane around her glowing cum factories! “Hnng, so hot. Want to pound us~?” We asked the brothers, hoping they wouldn’t mind doing what we did in Tel’Adre again, double-dicking our hungry snatch at the same time~! “Nah. This is good.” Berserker grunted and pre fountained from his tip while Hunter breathily panted when his own throbbing red canine rocket did the same. “Well, to be honest We’re getting a bit needy from all this. We may not have the same overwhelming breeding urges as before, but We are the Goddess of Sex still.” We implored our future husbands and Bryan grunted as he looked over at Alduin. The dragoness was panting, groping at her armored breast and rubbing a hand on her lower abdomen. “Hm, what about Alduin?” At Berserker’s question, the horny dragoness perked up and looked at him specifically, her wings and tail twitching. “She has just been standing there and pawing at her armor.” “Well, this is the most needy Cynder has ever seen her get and the fact that she’s even here is a sign she may finally be willing to get intimate.” We stated and looked at Cynder’s general and sibling who bit her lip and squirmed where she stood off to the side. “Sheesh. Aldin’s right, she needs to get laid.” Berserker snorted and Alduin leered at him with a scrunched snout, but she didn’t deny it. “Oh right, you have Cynder’s brother in you!” We chuckled and Berserker nodded at the acknowledgement that he too has more than one voice in his head. Our wrists are getting a bit tired from having to masturbate two huge boys like this. Hopefully he and Hunter-holy shit is Visi flexible! Urta We understand being able to twist like that, she’s slime, but whoa Visi! “She’s certainly wanting it, but she’s hesitant. Why not actually invite her instead of implying she’s welcome?” Hunter said as he leaned into us and pawed our left breast, busting his nut all over Visi and Urta, Berserker doing the same and painting the two white as they continued to vigorously perform oral sex. How has Urta not cum yet? Wait, the boys aren’t getting any less rigid! Their balls are gurgling! Woo! Go stupid silly sex magic! “I’m not sure if that will work.” Berserker groaned as he came down from his voluminous cumshot and humped in our hand. “Try it with her.” We chuckled before Bryan got up and approached the incredibly aroused dragoness. In the meantime, We crooned before We nuzzled Hunter and kissed him while Urta turned a hand into a fox dong and plunged it into Visi’s cunt, making her cry out in pleasure. “Pygmies romp so damn well.” Alduin commented as she watched the action. “You can join us, you know. You can’t keep ignoring your needs, especially when you’re torturing yourself like this.” Berserker said to the dragoness who ran her eyes up and down his body, but was especially focused on his throbbing cock pointing at her and the huge cum orbs dangling beneath it. “Grr, but sex is for breeding...” Alduin reluctantly protested and Berserker sighed. “Alduin, you need to get fucking laid.” Berserker’s blunt statement made the already flushed dragoness turn so red you’d thing her scales were naturally that color instead of black. “Seriously, you’ll feel a lot better afterwards. Trust me, the relief and endorphin rush are incredible. Sex isn’t just for making eggs Alduin, it’s for fun between consenting adults.” “...Damn you stupid sexy pygmies and your stupid sexy bodies and your stupid sexy ways!” Alduin snarled and began yanking her armor off. “You’re taking responsibility in case I can’t control myself!” “Great. How are we going to do this?” Berserker asked when Alduin tossed her armor in the corner of the counter with everyone else’s equipment. “Because I don’t think it’s a good idea to breed right now if she demands a proper mating.” “Hm, she would be out of action for two weeks unless We force her to drink our milk, then there’s the fact it would be hard to transport either her while bloated on eggs or the eggs themselves through this place.” We mused thoughtfully as Alduin nervously approached, the dead-sexy dragoness groping her breasts and stroking her vulva needily. “Yeah that would be a pain.” Berserker stated as Visi squealed in another orgasm from Urta’s relentless assault, the demoness having gone nearly limp from the herm slime completely dominating her body with tendrils now and the vixen was even sucking Hunter off and jacking our dick. “Can you stop talking about fucking me and just fuck me?!” Alduin demanded in irritation. “Well, Urta has sort of, unf, taken all of us but Berserker at the moment.” We spasmed as We came all over Urta, the slime moaning as Hunter jizzed too and she eagerly gulped his offering down. Urta wasn’t just doing that though, she quickly turned her arm into a tendril and engulfed our dick, gulping down our cum too while she plunged another tendril into Visi’s ass, the mare squealing in rapture around the slime cock in her throat. “Come here.” Berserker told Alduin before he grabbed her hips and began to...dance with her? “Let’s get a little intimate before we start.” He kissed the dragoness who melted into his arms and We moaned at seeing Bryan so tender. “That’s so sweet.” We cooed and gasped as Urta plunged a tendril into our pussy. “Ah~! U-Urta~!” We wailed as her slime-sleeve sucked the whole length of our cock and her tendril thrashed in our twat, causing us to fire off another cumshot, which she gulped down hungrily. “Y-you’d better not be piping all this to your womb Urta~!” At our wail, Urta looked up from where her head was still giving Hunter head and wiggled her brows as the tendrils in Visi’s mouth and ass begant to undulate, the mare moaned, and her belly began bloating. Holy. Fuck. Yes! > Ch.88 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.88 “Mm~ yes. Fill her...” We growled in desire as We watched Visilia dazedly rub her swelling red belly and grope her breasts as she spasmed in a chain of light orgasms. “Guh, hah, I want to fill her womb too, but it’s Hunter’s turn to have babies with her.” Urta panted out as Visi spasmed more vigorously in orgasm where she laid on the floor. Hunter nodded his head at this, but then rapidly shook his head when the tendril in Visi’s cunt began to undulate. “No?” He shook his head again. “Okay, but if you change your mind I have it set aside.” “New Zealand? Is it a land of warriors?” Alduin asked curiously, drawing our attention to the quiet conversation she and Bryan were having as they danced with her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips. They looked so cute together like that, her thick tail sinuously waving about, her breasts mashed into his pecs as they looked into each other’s eyes. “They were at one point in the distant past of my homeworld.” Berserker nodded his head. “The first people to have settled in those lands are known as Maori. Men who had proved their worth were the only ones allowed to have tattoos placed upon them and there were many Tribe Wars waged against one another.” “Well, let’s ask Visilia. Visi? Do you want Hunter’s pups now?” We asked Visilia as she was fed all of our cum. “Mm~!” Visilia nodded eagerly, which was as much consent as We could ever imagine. “No.” Hunter declared and wiggled a finger at Visi. “No pups right now. You already have four to deal with.” “Mmph!” Visilia huffed and leered at Hunter as she patted her belly insistently through the spasms she was having while still getting stuffed. “I think you’ve already had your fill of children for now. Rest and care for what you have on your hands.” Hunter stated sternly, giving Visilia a narrow glare which she returned. “Don’t you think you’re-?” Hunter shuddered and came into Urta’s thirsty maw again and Visilia wiggled her hips and rubbed her belly while looking at Hunter imploringly. “N-no means no for now Visilia. Wait at least until things settle down for you.” “You’re so-hnng~!” We came again and Visi bloated up faster accordingly. Oh, Urta is cumming! She’s just doing it on a trickle! “R-responsible Hunter.” We gasped out before We leaned against him to kiss him deeply. “You look hot when you’re so serious.” “Guh~! C-can’t hold off~!” Urta grunted and she absorbed the tentacle she had in Visi’s hungry cunny before a surge of her supernatural Argent seed gushed down Visilia’s throat and into her ass, filling her belly up faster as it swelled from the load Urta packed. “Ah~ thanks Visi. I’ve been so backed up. I didn’t get to breed though.” Urta mewled as she gathered Visi in her slime and gently moved her to the couch. She looked to term with sextuplets with all that cum in her digestive system and was moaning as she rubbed her ‘food’ babies. “Oh~, this is so good!” Alduin moaned, filling the room with the scent of a ripe female and drawing our attention back to her and Bryan to see she was bent over the table and getting gently fucked by the burly badass bloody Berserker in the pussy, his thick red meat spreading her dripping quim and his even thicker knot pressing against her vulva with each push. “Enjoying yourself?” Berserker asked her with a chuckle as he rubbed her booty and stroked the top of her tail which was running up his torso and over his shoulder. “Yes! I regret never doing this before!” Alduin panted and met his thrust with her own. “Hnng~ yes! Fuck me! Breed me! Give me eggs!” Uh-oh. There’s the breed-need. “Then I need to find a baker. I can’t think of anything but getting you bred.” Berserker punned so bad it made us cackle in amusement. “You’re going to have to break some eggs for that.” Alduin playfully replied as she twisted her hips on him. Oh? Are they just playing? “Then I’d better get busy, the hen won’t lay if I don’t seed her.” Berserker teased as he picked up the pace. “Hah! Ha! Mm~! Sh-she won’t disappoint y-you!” Alduin gasped out as she lost her rhythm, the total stud that is Berserker pounding her pussy like a well-oiled machine. “Ah~!” Alduin’s tail twitched over his shoulder, her wings strained as they tensed and she spasmed against him as he still kept thrusting through her orgasm. “Ahn~!” Which sent her chasing into a second and clearly more potent one. “F-Fuck me~!” “Way ahead of you!” Berserker laughed as he sent the total virgin tumbling down a flight of orgasmic stairs with his incredible cock, each trust another blissful impact on her body. “V-Visi~!” Hunter’s mental broadcast brought our attention back to Hunter and Visilia, We cooed at the sight of the mare lying against his chest she slowly gyrated with his cock in her snatch. “I want it. I want our children Hunter. Give them to me~.” Visilia cooed in desire. “I know I already have four beautiful children, but I don’t want to stop there. It felt so wonderful, carrying them inside me. It feels so great to have someone I love and care for unconditionally. I want to share that with you. I want us to be parents like Bryan and I are for Rex, how Urta and I are for Grendel, Beowolf and Sinbad. Please Hunter.” Visi implored her future husband and the Doom Marine bit his lip and tensed, clearly fighting off an orgasm at hearing her so earnestly wanting his children. “I-I’m not ready!” Hunter’s admission froze Visi with surprise. “It’s already so daunting that Willow and I have six beautiful pups together. I haven’t even been able to be there for them. How can I be a Father when I’m never around?” “O-oh baby. I’m sorry.” Visilia mewled and stopped her movements. “It’s not that difficult. Even if you can only be around once in a while, so long as you provide love and care you’re being a parent. I’ll stop now, but we’re talking about this later.” Visilia declared sternly to her future husband. “I’m sorry for not telling you before. I didn’t want you to think I didn’t want to have children with you…” Hunter looked saddened before Visi kissed him and levitated herself off of him. “I’m not some hothead idiot dear. Now you go help Bryan with that sexy bitch. I’m going to relax here and start to digest.” Visilia set herself on the end of the couch and got comfortable before she closed her eyes with her hands on her belly in contentment. “Are you sure you want in? She’s a little overwhelmed as it is.” Berserker asked us as he more sedately thrust into Alduin, the dragoness now limply laying on the table, drooling on her tits and twitching with each thrust. “Well, this is actually par for the course for an Everlasting Dragoness. She’s totally receptive right now, so we might as well have fun with her and show her a good time.” We chuckled as Alduin wiggled her hips against Berserker’s groin when he paused with his knot pressing against her vulva. “Let’s all work together to send her sky high in pleasure.” “Sure. Visilia got me all primed with that baby talk. I need some relief.” Hunter declared as he stood and patted Visi’s belly before Urta formed her normal shape and We stood from the couch too for us all to approach the well-fucked dragoness with lusty intentions. “We are going to wreck this sexy woman on her first time.” Urta declared eagerly. “Yep. So what are we going to do with her? I’ve already driven her completely brainless with how overloaded she is with pleasure.” Berserker questioned as the mewling and dazed dragoness still gyrated on him even if he wasn’t moving. “Hm, maybe we actually could fill her with eggs? We need to Fortify this position right now anyways.” We shrugged at our own suggestion, considering Alduin would likely be fairly annoyed, but not hurt by finally getting to experience being properly egg-laden. “I’m in Favor. Sure, the Womb Wards may have figured out how to separate the different babies inside me so they can all gestate at their own rates, but I don’t feel like stuffing dragon eggs into my womb.” Urta commented and-wait! That means our foals with Shiny will finally be arriving soon! Eeee~! “H-hey~! You can celebrate later!” Urta laughed when We suddenly hugged her. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Berserker questioned unsurely even as he gently gyrated the opposite direction to keep the dumb-fucked dragoness simmering in the intense afterglow of her first time. He hasn’t even cum in her yet! Holy shit these boys have been working on their stamina! “How about we ask Alduin instead of making the decision for her?” “Hold on.” Hunter broadcasted and then looked intently at Alduin. “She wouldn’t say no, but she’d also be fairly inconvenienced by it. I say no on the eggs for her sake.” “Then no eggs, instead let's all fill her up through her ass and mouth like Urta did to Visi over there.” The others nodded their heads in agreement with our suggestion. “Okay then. I’ll keep her satisfied for the moment. Who is taking what hole?” Berserker questioned as he gently held Alduin up by her waist while shuffling away from the table and turning her to the side. “I’ll take her mouth. With her so delirious it’d be better if someone with a constantly replenishing body took the toothy end.” Urta reasoned as she stepped forward and helped support Alduin by the shoulders, the dragoness finally coming to her senses enough to blink and look at Urta’s glowing pillar of pleasure uneasily. “We’ll take her virgin anus.” We declared with a vicious grin when We moved next to Bryan and helped him pull out of Alduin’s puddling pussy. With the way clear, We began pressing the spear-like glans of our tumescent multi-species dick into her tight butt. “Ah! Ow! That hurt-why doesn’t it hurt suddenly?” Alduin snapped out of her daze just fast enough for Urta to poke her lips with her Argent horsecock and the general’s eyes glazed before she nommed on that goo dick and began sucking fervently on the glowing aphrodisiac dick. The boys were standing to the side and wanking off, enjoying the show we were putting on for them by spitroasting the eager dragoness with synchronized thrusts into her. “There’s still some free room~.” Urta told them when she raised her tail, so We did the same with all three of our sinuous rat tails. Wait, We could’ve used more than one to yiff back there! Oh~ our ass is getting hammered! We looked behind with a lusty smirk to see Hunter burying his bone in our backyard with Berserker doing the same with Urta. Of course, We had plans for the boys~. While their packages are big, We think they could be even bigger. “Hm, want bigger~?” We asked Urta with a wag of our brows and a lewd gesture of our hands and mouth, to which she chuckled. “Oh yeah. Go for it.” Urta purred and looked behind her at Berserker with a vulpine grin. “Huh? What are you girls talking about?” Berserker asked with a huff while he thrust into Urta’s awesome ass. Despite being slime, her body was like that of an Amazonian bodybuilder and firm as stone to the touch. Also every contact with her was hot in a sensual way that was hard to describe. Fucking her was like fucking the very concept of Sex given physical form, which was us. Urta just did a very good job doing that in her own way. We felt a competitive notion rise within us and We began flexing our ass on Hunter, which made him gasp in our ear. “Nothing~!” We cooed coyly with a wiggle in both Alduin’s butt and against Hunter’s groin when our horns flashed with an instinctive spell that was both learned from our magic studies and completely our own. We even felt a bit of our Morph Slime reserve within us vanish upon the cast. The effects were immediate and potent, causing our wife and us to moan and lean forward to kiss while We bucked harder into Alduin with the boys growing in us as We humped backwards into them and forward into her. “Oh~.” Berserker groaned in pleasure, biting down on the back of Urta’s slimy neck when he picked up the pace, making her moan into our mouth as his teeth dug into her pliant slime body. “Do you like the boost in size, Hunter?” We asked him as Alduin gurgled on Urta’s cock and came again from being spit roasted like this. “Sneaky~.” Hunter purred as he nibbled on our ear, going at the same pace as Berserker. “But, yes. We both do. Thank you.” “Oh~ you really like my dick Alduin!” Urta snarled as she buried herself deeper in the dragoness’s throat, the black scarred warrior practically trying to eat Urta’s cock rather than just suck it. “Mm~!” Alduin moaned around the tasty turquoise Argent erection as we all fucked harder. “Ah, ah, shit!” We grunted when Hunter nearly drove us to orgasm. Alduin had a silly dazed look as our knot swelled in her ass and We leaned to the side to kiss Hunter. This new base body was flexible, durable, had the best features of each of our birth bodies aside from Willow’s poofy tails. Being The Great Horned Rat is surprisingly easy to fit into. Maybe we could add big poofy tails? They wouldn’t be very rodent-like though...our children wouldn’t acknowledge that as-w-wait. What are We-oh~ so close~! “Getting close, are we~?” Hunter asked as We tongue wrestled with him. We hummed in confirmation as Urta kissed Berserker by spinning her slime head all the way around, her own balls going taut as the goo-spooge she was generating built up for release and Alduin groped those cum factories with a hunger she was clearly unaccustomed to. “Yes, ah, fuck!” We moaned in our head before firing our load at the same time as Urta, causing Alduin’s eyes to go wide as she took it, slowly turning into a ball with limbs and tits that was filling up with our cum. The boys slowed down their thrusting, making sure they prolonged our orgasm a little more. “Hnng~!” We grunted while We held onto Alduin’s tail and hips while the massive cumshot continued on and on. Our general came several more times from the experience she was having, her pussy squirting madly on our shrinking balls while she chugged on Urta’s dick rapidly. “Oh~, yes, she’s loving this~!” Urta moaned and rubbed Alduin’s scalp. “Of course she would love this.” Berserker chuckled as he played with Urta’s tits, spraying her Argent milk onto Alduin, who creamed herself again on contact with the magic milk. “Imagine her being filled with eggs, hm~?” “Grrr~! Eggs!” Urta snarled as she eyed the inflating Alduin with a desire. “Next time, when she’s ready.” Berserker told her as he leaned over her shoulder as he held her left breast up to her shoulder, only doable because of her incredible size and the fact she was slime. “Hm.” He gave the nipple a lick  to taste Urta’s milk. He clearly liked it since he latched on and drank from her. “Damn it~.” Urta whined before she shuddered in another orgasm, making Alduin wiggle from how much we were pumping into her no-longer virginal body. “Ah, ah, how much~?” We huffed as We nuzzled Hunter. “Hm?” Hunter raised a brow in question. “How much should we pump into her?” We huffed as Alduin patted Urta’s leg. “I think that’s enough.” Hunter told us. “Guh~.” We grunted when We popped our knot out of her anus and pulled out of her depths, but she continued to swell since Urta kept filling her and Alduin was still quite eager to suck the Fertility Goddess’ dick despite how full she definitely felt. “C’mon Urta, I think she’s had enough.” Berserker grunted and helped Urta pull out. “Oh~.” Urta mewled before we both cooperatively coated Alduin in cum, our’s white and her’s glowing turquoise. “Damn, you girls really wanted to knock her up that badly?” Berserker chuckled as he nuzzled Urta’s cheek. “Fuck yes.” Urta snarled as she looked at the massively inflated dragoness who moaned as she rubbed the weather-balloon sized belly she was perched on after that last quick chug of Urta’s liquid Argent. “No, We just wanted to cum.” We huffed as the relief of afterglow began to set in, even if Hunter still had his dick in our ass. That was interrupted when Berserker and Hunter pulled out from both of our butts, revealing just how big We made their cocks and how full their balls were. The boys’ hefty nuts were now the size of basketballs, much like ours and Urta’s, their cocks were a few inches longer and a little bit thicker, somewhere between a soda can and a 2-litre bottle. “How do you walk with those?” Visilia asked tiredly from where she was playing with her breasts on the couch. She may be tired, but We were putting on quite the show and that belly is definitely blocking her groin. “Guh~.” Alduin groaned as she wiggled a bit atop her blimp of a belly which sent her sloshing. “Do you feel alright?” Berserker asked the E-Dragoness with genuine concern. “Yeah, I feel really good~!” Alduin sighed before letting out a burp. “Ugh, so full~.” “Well, We don’t know about the rest of you, but We’re satisfied. Although, you boys haven’t gotten nearly as much release as the rest of us.” We huffed in disapproval. It was one thing to have great stamina to keep the fun going, it was another to literally deny your own orgasms. We learned the potential consequences the hard way with a three-day coma. “Um, if it isn’t too much trouble...” Berserker scratched the back of his head before pointing down to his and Hunter’s erections. “We’re still really ready and I don’t know about Hunter, but I’ve been holding off my orgasms to make sure I didn’t get overwhelmed.” “Same, although I’ve been less successful in that area.” Hunter added, so We looked at Urta and then we nodded at each other with grim determination on our faces. We got down on our knees in front of Hunter with Urta following suit for Berserker and without fanfare we both started to suck them off. The boys hummed as they humped our faces. We enjoyed the feeling of Hunter’s cock reach down our throat with each thrust. “Hm, hm~!” We hummed when Urta licked around Berserker's knot, not content to simply deepthroat him. Our throats bulged out on every thrust made by them. We rubbed our throat as We kissed Hunter’s knot and Urta grabbed Berserker’s ass. “Oh~.” Berserker chuckled when Urta started squeezing his ass. She growled lustily while she sucked his cock, working him hard as We did Hunter more slowly. “Hm~.” Hunter crooned in our mind as We fondled his enormous balls. We hummed and sent him mental images of Us full of his pups, worshiping his balls. “Hng, no fair. After Visilia got me all riled up with her baby talk.” We growled and sent mental images of us worshiping his balls with us full of his pups while feeding the last litter. We played out the fantasy of us being his personal breeding bitch, never without his next brood. Fertility We may no longer embody, but damn it, Sex still covers the act of procreation if not the result. “Oh, such a tempting little minx, aren’t you~?” Hunter let out a growl of pleasure. “You really want to be my personal breeder that badly~?” “If you want us~.” We mentally replied while our mouth and throat moaned around his cock as it dove deeper. “We can be in the future.” “How about now~?” Hunter asked with a grin. “To deny Visilia that right? No, but sometime in the future.” We purred before We raised our tails and wagged them in a twirling display of scaled and banded faux flesh. “The Queen of Breeding and her Studly King, or Kings. How does that sound?” Hunter asked us teasingly and our dual sexes flexed in desire. “Hm~!” We moaned and redoubled our worship of his breeding pole and heaving nuts, “Just remember We have many wives too, some with dicks~.” “Would that also make them Breeding Queens, as well?” Hunter questioned. “Yes, our king~!” We moaned before We came, creating a puddle of our fem-slime on the ground and spraying cum on his paws from our cock. “Oh, I can’t wait until then~.” Hunter breathily exhaled when he grabbed our head and went to town on us. “First Visilia, then the others, then finally you again.” “Hey, I’m the Goddess of Fertility!” Urta indignantly barked, revealing that Hunter was broadcasting what We’d assumed to be a private moment to the others. Visi was desperately self-sucking her left breast and playing with the right, Bryan was panting harder while he rubbed Urta’s head affectionately and Alduin looked like she was on another planet. What the hell is Hunter doing with his power?! “Hm, that’s true.” Berserker joined in on the mind-link conversation. “Wait, why didn’t any of us think about giving Visi that navel jewelry thingy? The one you and Urta both have?” “Because I’m one Hell of a stubborn bitch who refused to trust Chaos Magic? But fucking Hell I’m tired of my desires conflicting with my life! I’ll get one of those pearls when I go back to Unity.” Visi shared over the mindlink and rubbed her sextuplet-sized belly with melancholy. “Or you could go inside my womb and ask the Womb Wards for one!” Urta breathlessly stated aloud and We looked away from Hunter’s abs while still dutifully sucking on him to reveal Urta and Berserker had swapped positions. He was fucking her in the ass doggystyle, getting rough with her as she howled in pleasure. Hunter showed me that Urta let her fantasies be known to Berserker, where she was full of Berserker’s pups or eggs with the Blood King huddled around her in a possessive manner. His hands were rubbing her lower abdomen constantly as he pounded her ass. “Hm~!” We moaned and reached a tail over to rub her flat tummy as We sucked hard on Hunter. The boys growled and their balls gurgled loudly while they thrust erratically. They were ready to blow their loads inside of us. “Want to cum?” “Yes~!” Hunter snarled, his nuts clenching up. “Hm~ Go ahead my love, cum wherever you want~!” We mentally cooed and closed our eyes to keep sucking on his red rocket in preparation of drinking his massive load down should he decide to just feed us. This was proven to be his choice when Hunter knotted our mouth and finally came, pumping his sweet cum into our stomach. Urta let out another howl of pleasure when Berserker nutted inside her ass and she joined us in our having our bellies swelled with their life giving baby batter until we were the same size as Alduin, making the three of us a trio of 5-foot across bellies with incredibly endowed women perched on them.  “Mrr~.” We groaned and wiggled atop our sloshing stomach. “You want pussy now?” “Why? You want babies now?” Hunter asked as he pulled out, spraying our body with the last few spurts of his cum. “Not really, but you can if you want to.” We moaned, love drunk and wiggling our bum enticingly, which did the trick and he rammed his thick lupine dick into our cunt. Ah yis~... > Ch.89 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.89 three weeks later. We were sitting in the repurposed Warden Office in Block A as We went over reports. The Prison was actually the Perfect spot for a main operating base once a lot of the repairs were done, which included finally eliminating Mr. X with Velka’s input. It was as simple as annihilating him with Urta not even a foot away from him. That certainly didn’t do our nerves any good! She absorbed his Argent when he was obliterated and now he’s gone for good. “Oof!” We grunted as a kick in our womb stole our breath and We rubbed our washboard abs under our dress to soothe the brood We’d so dumbly enticed out of Hunter, Berserker and Urta. We’re not Fertility anymore, so We’re not absolutely inundated with newborn Skaven, but it turns out this baseline body is incredibly damn fertile anyway and We’re stuck here on clerical duties because We’re pregnant with 13 pups, two each from the boys and nine from Urta because she is Fertility. The fact that none of these pups actually have any characteristics of their sires is disturbing though. They’re all Skaven. We’re not bearing gene-neutral children in this form. Instead We turn all into pure Skaven that only have this body’s specific unique genetic structure. We’re worried this may be a sign that our Skaven worshipers are indeed altering us to the core. Maybe if We are in another form this won’t be the case. “Oh, demigods.” Eris giggled as she laid on our shoulder and nuzzled against our neck. “Hey Mama! You’re bearing the Council of Thirteen.” “Should you be telling Us that?” We asked warily with a disapproving look at her. Eris’ casual dismissal of her impact on causality with her Time powers was fairly unsettling. “Please, you don’t know what that is other than it relates to the Skaven. You can’t tell me you don’t know how much your kids will be shaping the future.” Eris giggled. “I only said a name from a wiki page in mama Willow’s world, those thirteen can decide what to call themselves.” “Hm, even so these pups are an enigma. We don’t even know what We’re going to do with them since they’re essentially only our children without genetic fathers despite how they were created.” We sighed through our rodent nose as We rubbed our flat abdomen, enjoying the fact We could be pregnant yet not show it if We didn’t want to, like right now for comfort. Our contention was interrupted by Urta urgently entering-why is she glowing so brightly? “Babe? I, uh, don’t know what’s happening!” Urta was petting her gooey tail which like her head was shining an almost blinding turquoise instead of the ambient glow she usually had. “Ever since I absorbed that Mr. X thing last week I’ve been getting brighter!” Ah, she’d been fully encased in her armor since then, so that was likely why We didn’t notice. “Love, calm down. Getting panicked won’t do anything. Get out of your armor and let us see all of you.” We gently urged our wife and she pressed a few switches on her golden armor’s belt which made it collapse into a cube like all the fancy high-tech armors coming out lately-holy fuck~! “Oh~ Urta~...” We bit our lip and groped a breast at the sight of the beautifully shining Goddess of Fertility and War standing before us as a wave of pheromones blasted us and the steamy sultry heat produced by Urta made the very air waver like when Willow is indulging in her Jungle Siren powers. “Oop, Maybe I should leave.” Eris mewled and held up a hand to snap her fingers, only to flinch and stay. We didn’t mind as We panted and rubbed our mons through our dress at the glorious sight of our Goddess. “Babe, usually I’d be beyond happy with your reaction, but look at me!” Aw yis We’re looking~. “No! I mean look at me!” Urta demanded and We managed to look away from her leaky nipples and the flare of her divine dick to see how the more towards her ‘core’ the brighter the light within her was. It was focused on her lower abdomen where...oh shit! “Whatever is going on, I’m emitting so much raw power right now that my comm calls to Conger aren’t connecting through the interference!” “We’ll go inside!” We eagerly declared as We stood from our chair, only for Eris to fly in front of our face with her arms in an X. “Nope! Sit! I’m going in!” Eris frantically interrupted our opportunity to get unbirthed by Urta and quickly dove under Urta’s brightly shimmering basketball-sized nuts and into her, our divine wife gasping and moaning as her light flashed brighter for that brief moment. “Guh~! Th-that felt even better than usual.” Urta groaned and leaned against our desk, her oppressive pheromones and other supernatural fuckery knocking us back onto our ass and We drove our hand under our dress to properly finger our cunt and uncovered a breast to self-suck. “Holy shit babe. If I wasn’t so worried I’d pounce on you right now.” “Feel free!” We pleaded, spasming in weak orgasm as We basked in her radiance which intensified a brief moment as Eris flew out of Urta’s slick quim and was panting in arousal too. “H-holy fuck. Th-the Womb Wards report the Womb is still stable. More than stable actually. Even if Auntie Urta explodes twice it’ll be untouched. Gotta go for a quickie by!” Eris warped away and Urta wavered where she was leaning against the desk. “Oh~ I feel so...so…” Urta panted, looking weary and dizzy. “I feel like I’m gonna-.” Urta didn’t finish before her body violently detonated and destroyed the desk, sending us flying back on the rolling office chair to collide with the back wall and then topple over limply. The blinding flash, impact and deafening event left us stunned and uncomprehending for some time. We laid there until someone was shaking us. “What happened!” Visilia demanded as she shook us by the shoulders, helping us gather our wits and saw a frantic demon princess kneeling over us. “Urta…” We weakly replied, unable to focus as a powerful and intimately familiar twinge struck our core as our uterus suddenly convulsed. Ah, right, Skaven have a gestation period of three weeks...! “What about Urta?!” Visilia demanded for clarification as Urta reformed in the center of the room, causing several Night Sentinels which were standing guard to aim their guns at her. Huh? When were they here? Oof! Easy pups, easy. Mama will get you out soon. “I feel like I’m burning! Boiling!” Urta hissed, her shining bright Argent slime visibly bubbling. “It burns~! Ah! Where is all this energy coming from?!” Urta squealed and the Night Sentinels all deployed emergency blast shields and ducked behind them, Visi doing the same for us. “No~! I-I feel it coming-!” Urta exploded! No! We all looked on in horror at Urta’s boiling hot Argent slime everywhere, all over the room, only sparing us thanks to Visilia summoning a barrier along with the blast shield. We wailed in emotional agony as We pressed our hands to the barrier and sobbed. “Urta...all of those babies...no…” “...Wait, hold on. She just exploded twice?” Visilia asked in confusion, her assumption helping connect in our mind the muffled moments before the confusion that provided that indeed, Urta did explode twice. “Uh...guys? What’s going on?” Urta asked, her voice echoing from her slime, then forming dozens of tiny Urtas, all looking at each other. “Whoa...trippy.” “Are the babies okay?!” We cried out in desperation. Thank the stars Urta is okay, but what about the babies and the Womb Wards?! “Um...yeah? Wait, what? How can we all have the same womb still?” Urta asked herself, then all walked together, reforming a single Urta, who had to stay on her knees to fit in the room. “Uh...where’d all the extra slime come from? I mean, usually I just stuff it into my womb or storage.” Urta shrunk back down, looking at herself in bewilderment. “The pain is gone and the light’s gone back down to my usual glow…” “Are you okay?” Visilia asked our shared beloved Goddess who nodded in bemusement. “Peachy, besides the fact I literally exploded in my wife’s face.” Urta huffed then looked at us with her ears and tail wilted. “Are you and the pups okay babe?” This reminded us We were in labor and yelped as We let our full belly show and spread our legs when our water broke. “Ah! It’s been 21 days! Here they come!” (<3) It was a quick and easy birth. Ludicrously so. We birthed 13 nearly identical Horned Skaven with the tri-tails, draconic horns, fire breath, built-in magic foci. The whole nine yards. Everything We’re capable of in our Great Horned Rat baseline they can do too. Each had some traits from their fathers despite supposedly not having genetic relation. Nine had a slight turquoise glow to their eyes, two had red fur, another two with grey fur, and those four had scales on their snouts. They all squeaked and scampered over us to suckle from our bosom as the doctor looked over us, them and Urta. We were still in the Warden Office, but We were laid on a medical bed that was rolled in and had two other beds put next to it for the pups. Urta was also in a separate bed on the other side of the room. “Okay, are they really Genetically Neutral? What is going on?” We asked the Doctor, Fane of all people. He downplays his qualifications, but out of all the doctors Unity has at their disposal, Fane is easily the most talented and skilled with what many would deem to be unusual situations. He’s pretty much an omnidisciplinary magical doctor. Our own Doctor Strange. “They are, but they’re not. It seems during conception you had a surge in power that led to them being mostly Skaven, but still having traits from the father. This surge made them powerful Demigods that left their father’s imprints to be very low on their genes. Basically they’re 10/1 Skaven to their father’s genes.” Fane explained. “Similar to all your children, just in reverse.” Wait what? All our kids have traits from us? We thought they were all purely their father in the cases of the surrogates! Oh no! Have We unleashed a whole generation of sexy herm bitches on the world that will-?! “Breathe honey!” Hunter, oh yes, thank gosh Hunter is here. He arrived with the doctors. Yes. Hold our hand. Thank you. “Most of the traits I’ve observed are physical. Scales, wolf traits, changeling, or pony in species that would otherwise not have such traits.” Fane informed us as he looked over a clipboard. “These people will be able to do as you have and breed true with any other species. Primary species determination outcomes will have to wait for the next generation to be calculated however. I’m willing to bet the mother will always be the defining dominant species characteristic however, but that’s just my hypothesis.” “So we created new species?” We whined in worry as We pet our pups and enjoyed the soothing sensation of feeding them and snuggling them to our sides. “Not so much. You’ve nearly erased the Genetic gap however. It's too early to tell yet, but we may not have natural-born males or females in a few centuries if my data holds true.” Fane’s input only made us feel worse! We’ll be responsible for erasing the sexy male beast? Destroying the purity of female elegance? Hermaphrodites may be glorious, but everyone would be one? “Fane is correct, but that’s fine.” Sabrina chuckled as she entered with a smile. “Many families will most likely use your Potions to keep Males and Females in high populations.” Sabrina declared casually, as if the erasure of the original binary-sex system was no big deal. Sure, economically it was just fine, but socially it would completely rewrite most pre-defined notions. “Well that’s just great. Ugh. Any idea what is going on with Urta?” We asked Fane as Sabrina approached our beds and began to coo over the pups, who took to the golden glittery goo cat’s presence with ease. “She obtained a third Aspect which was accelerated due to her compounding unique conditions as well as already having War.” Fane informed us as he flicked through his already fairly thick clipboard contents. “She described it as being ‘Power’ but when prodded proved it was actually a less all-encompassing Aspect of Strength. Which, be cautious, might further develop into Power, by which point Urta might detonate with the force of a meteor impact.” “Argent Energy must’ve caused the overload and sped up the ascension.” Hunter suggested and we all nodded in agreement. Argent was still mysterious and a constant when it came to Hell after they conquered a dimension where Argent was abundant. Now Urta is so potent she’ll be an even bigger draw for them than she’d already been. We’re surprised Hell hasn’t invaded to try and capture her again. “It may have. Are you okay love?” Sabrina questioned gently while petting my pups. “We’re fine Sabrina. Aside from the knock to the noggin, Urta’s initial detonation didn’t really harm us. Thank goodness for our obscene durability and vitality.” We gently insisted and looked over at Urta, who was getting her leaking tits milked by a portal milker and talking to a Scinox. “We’re more worried about Urta to be honest.” “She has rapidly gained power and now it’s backfiring.” Hunter commented in agreement. “When you ascended into Goddesshood, you paid the price with being ill in bed. Urta basically took that from you with her nature and actions making her more suitable, then you dumped War on her even if she did agree with it. Now she’s obtained a far more abstract Aspect and she exploded twice as a result.” “It makes me a bit worried about what I’ve heard through the grapevine about you and your brothers coming into your own Aspects and nearing ascension. Divinity is no simple or laughing matter. It has driven entities far older and more powerful than you insane with it’s trials. Wiatr is not a good example of coping either.” Fane commented reasonably and-hey! “Hey~!” We whined in disapproval of being considered crazy. Just because We have four voices in our head does not make us crazy! Especially since We are all still individuals! “So how are things going here? We’re all sort of resting on our laurels and handling the day-to-day back in Unity.” Sabrina questioned us after she casually whipped her breasts out and let our pups drink from her after they’d adjusted to her presence. “We’re clearing a path to the Elysian Fields. We were stuck here because We were pregnant, but now with the pups born We’ll get back on it soon.” We declared as a few of the pups decided to snuggle our boobs and We smiled with incredible love in our heart at them. “My Ghosts and I have scouted all that we could. It’s up to Berserker and them to clear the way.” Hunter informed us, which was good news. That was what We were hoping to hear before Urta barged in and exploded. “Then the moment there’s a good FOB found We’ll make a purification pool to help our influence spread. Although, what is with the reports of seeing a woman in black robes following you guys?” We asked Hunter worriedly. For all We know, a fanatic could have revealed themselves upon hearing that Velka was freed and now with us back in Unity, even if under guard. “We don’t know what her motives are. She isn’t hostile, but she isn’t helping us out either. If anything, she's an Observer.” Hunter told us. “Do you have anything about her?” Sabrina questioned as the last of the pups finished supping from her breasts and fell asleep cuddling our sides. “The reports say different things depending on which person is writing them. Though predominantly she’s a large lizard with large claws.” We answered with apprehension. “That’s it? Nothing more detailed than that?” Hunter raised his brow. “Other than being female? She appears after a massive battle, which has been happening a lot in this city thanks to us.” We replied in annoyance, since Hunter already knew all this. Why have us parrot his own reports for Sabrina’s sake? “Sorry, I was hoping our forces would get more because I can’t seem to glean more from this entity with my telepathy. It’s like trying to see through a brick wall.” Hunter apologized with a shrug. “That isn’t very reassuring.” Sabrina muttered uneasily and We nodded solemnly. “Wouldn’t Runner have a better chance at using such things to investigate?” We remember that Runner was the brother most skilled with esoteric magic. “No news of his whereabouts or return. We’re on our own.” Hunter let out a sigh. “Is he Okay?” We whined, hoping he wasn’t hurt. “... I can’t say. Wherever he is, my Mind’s Eye cannot find him. This worries me.” Hunter’s ears fell flat. “Ugh, why can’t anything be simple?” We grumbled and then sighed as We looked around at the thirteen obviously important little pups We’d just birthed and closed our eyes. “Why can’t things slow down? Let us just rest and be a family for a while? Instead of always fighting or preparing for the next fight?” “That sounds like a good idea.” Hunter smiled at us. “Our jobs tend to keep us busy, don’t they?” “They do.” We mewled and hugged our newborns sadly, knowing We won’t be able to be there for them like their older siblings. “How have our children been?” Hunter asked as he pet the two Skaven pups that had his fur and snout scales. “Come to think of it, we haven’t given ours any names.” Great, more things We forgot to do. “Berserker and us had already named the group already born. Honestly, your children besides this one girl who loves hiding from us and laying traps are well behaved.” We said as We opened up our mind to share what We could from our experiences with them. “Cocoa is their primary caretaker though, so she’d be able to tell you more.” “Awww, what a sweetie~. We’ll name them once we get back.” Hunter declared eagerly and We snorted in dispute with that claim. “That ‘sweetie’ sent mama up to the top branches of Harmonia one day.” We were not happy having to dig all the razor sharp gem leaves out of our mangled body. Thank gosh We’re Undead and incredibly resilient or that would’ve hurt way more and killed us. Hunter cringed at the memory and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry honey, but I can’t help feeling proud of her for such a complex and ingenious trap.” Our Samurai Wolf said, his smile growing slightly. “She’s definitely the Shinobi type.”   “No more tricks!” We demanded with a snarl from and he raised his hands in a placating manner. “Hey, I’m not going to avoid teaching her this stuff. She’s a born natural!” Hunter insisted and We huffed as Sabrina shook her head. “Your litter better not all be ninjas.” Sabrina only knew what ninjas were because of Willow. “I wouldn’t put it past them, but that one little girl of ours is already ahead of the bunch.” Hunter stated proudly and clearly eager to further her talent. “Why did We mate the one that would give us ninja babies that would torment us?” We whined and sunk into the medical bed in resignation of our fate. “Last I checked, you mated with all five of us. One of Berserker’s boys is becoming the strongest, my little girl is the most stealthiest, what do you think the other three’s children are gonna be? Although, if I have to guess Runner’s on children, they’re all gonna get his right eye.” Hunter’s supposition made no sense. That is an artefact, not an actual organic genetically passed-down eye. “Honey, the artefact came from a Warp-God. What does that tell you?” That Tzeentch is still an indecisive mollusk who needs to take his meds. “Fair enough.” “So long as-eep!” We squeaked when something shoved its way into our womb and We groaned at seeing Hermais’ tail before he finished crawling inside to sleep in our womb. “Damn it, We need to talk to him.” “I’m afraid I can’t help you with that.” Hunter told us with a sigh. “Thanks for even considering the offer. So what now?” We asked Fane, since he was the one running things here on the medical side, which of course everyone else must adhere to first. It was about then we started hearing what sounded like Death Metal playing in the building. “What is that?” “Ah, that must be the Skaven Song Squadron that arrived earlier today. Now then, I’m going to need a lot of signatures. Start by signing here.” Fane’s words made us groan at the dreaded inevitable evil of all things. Paperwork. (<3) “So there’s a Song Squadron?” Berserker asked as we followed the band of Skaven musicians across the bridge. “Yes. They’re led by a pony singer and made their instruments out of Hell Demon parts. They rip things apart and manipulate the building blocks of the world with music.” We replied with starry eyes, our trio of tails wriggling in our armored single dragon tail and our ears wiggled in appreciation of the badass music they were playing. “They’re a recent creation after we learned Pony voices are similar to our instruments. Ironshod the earth pony stallion up front started singing along with their music and a tree nearby he was singing towards exploded into wood-carved skeletons and started dancing. He can’t do that normally, so they figured he’s directing their music.” Alphonse explained to us among the core of the Skaven soldiers that were moving a large amount of equipment along with us to more quickly establish a new FOB in the Elysian Fields. “You know, something happened when I heard the band.” Berserker said as he looked down at his right hand. “It seemed to have affected my Crusaders and I the most. Like a power surge washed over us and the need to slaughter became difficult to resist.” “D&D Bards! Wooo!” We cheered as Willow nerded out upon realizing what was going on. “Debuffs and Buffs from music and inspiration! Haha!” “Wait, I thought it was O&O.” We slapped Berserker’s thigh with our armor’s tail for his cheeky comment. “What? That’s what they call it here!” “Yes and We need~ to play! On a day off.” We demanded insistently. Daring herself was quite the O&O player back in her college days when she wasn’t working on her scholastic achievements. “You just said that because Dungeons and Dragons here is Ogres and Oubliettes.” Hunter rolled his eyes at Berserker’s attempt at being funny. “Well it ain’t Bunkers and Badasses, I can tell ya that much.” We laughed at that Borderlands reference Bryan made, which was funnier with that slight southern accent he pulled off. “Stop, aren’t we on an O&O adventure anyways? We’re campaigning in a foreign country with allies we made along the way and older quests and off to find the evil in the castle.” Hunter commented with a smile. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Whatever.” Berserker shrugged at his brother. “I mean you’re not wrong, but I wouldn’t be fond of doing this sort of quest. Especially when said quest is full of sex.” “True, this is not at all PG right now.” We huffed as we passed some of the dead flesh trees. “Pfft! Fuck family friendly bullshit. I’d rather get into the gritty, hardcore violent aspects of the game. That’s the only thing that will keep me entertained.” Of course Berserker, forever a warrior. “Well, we’re almost to the Castle. Are the Barbarian, Rogue, Cleric, Fighter and Paladin ready?” We joked playfully in regards to our group’s abilities. “What the absolute fuck are you all talking about?” The Fighter, Alduin, demanded with supreme irritation questioned and We chuckled at her expense. “Give me something worthy to kill! So that I may spill its blood and claim its skull!” Berserker hammed as if We were seated at a table right now. “Please be patient and don’t charge in again. I won’t be able to watch your back.” Hunter retorted with a smile. “Am I the Cleric or the Paladin?” Alphonse questioned and We patted the oblivious darling loyal child on the shoulder. “We’re the Cleric class since We do the most healing. At any rate, we’re ready.” We sighed and patted our Infinity on our hip. > Ch.90 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.90 It was a good amount of time later. We’re not quite sure how many days, but the new FOB in the Elysian Fields was established and things in Tartarus were stabilizing to a point where our personal presence wasn’t strictly necessary. So We went home to deal with all the bureaucracy that Spike wasn’t legally allowed to handle. Also, We had to get our 13 pups properly situated. They sadly didn’t take well to Cocoa right away like everyone else does, so We had to wean them into trusting Cocoa enough to not force us to be either in the same room or one room over. There was also the fact that Princess Ninia has fully decided to make our aid an international incident, declaring we were annexing her beleaguered people’s city when we’ve already declared otherwise. This hasn’t made her popular with her own people any more than ours. There’s even whispers that Ailisiv might overthrow her sister in a fit of fury, but thankfully nothing that drastic has come to pass since Visilia was able to barter a deal. For the better term of fucking promising her-! No. Calm. If Ninia is willing to wait a couple decades for any of Visilia’s triplet sons with Urta to be of legal marrying age and he’s okay with it, then she can marry her son. “Little bitch.” We muttered angrily at the thoughts of the stuck-up Princess who clearly has been spoiled by centuries of literally being waited on hand and hoof without having to consider foreign relations or domestic relations. We don’t expect her to remain the highest authority of her kingdom with how she’s making enemies everywhere. After all, Ailisiv was already far more popular than her older sister before we even went to Tartarus. “Seriously?” We groaned as We read the reports on the Yaks and how they fought off Hell by achieving communion with Khorne to give them a power boost, yet they didn’t get turned into Warp Daemons! “How the fuck did they not become another enemy? Why is Khorne even helping them?” We groaned while rubbing our temples around our horns as We looked over the reports on the Yak Incident as it’s now called. “We’re going to have to call Berserker about this.” We grumbled and yanked open a drawer to retrieve the ear-mounted comm device. Why they don’t just call it Bluetooth We’ll never know. “Wiatr here.” “Hello Princess Wiatr. Where do you need me to patch you through?” Answered the comms operator for Unity, a fairly professional young mare in the Guard who We never learned the name of unfortunately. “Could you please patch us to Berserker?” We asked, only for our fiance to enter our study right as We finished our request. “Um, scratch that, he just walked in. Sorry.” “No problem Princess. Have a good day.” The mare politely replied and We turned off our comm. “So what were you about to call me about?” Berserker asked after he closed the door and approached the front of the desk. Which still had Lethice’s tasteless phone number burned into the surface and was a constant irritation. “We were calling to ask if you have any ideas on this lunacy? The Yaks fought Hell off with nothing but melee weaponry and summoning aid from Khorne!” We pleaded with our badass dracowolf fiance in the hopes it was some sort of joke. “From what I understand, Khorne is a Warrior God and Yaks are a race of warriors. War is all they know, fighting is what they’re good at. Of all the locals aside from the Skaven, they’re the most likely to make contact with the Warp.” Berserker replied, crushing our vain hopes of it being nonsense. “They also have strong ties to Equestria thanks to Twilight and now Us.” We sighed, knowing We birthed them hundreds of herm yaks just recently. “So what is Khorne’s aim? From what Willow and Daring know, he’s just a parapelegic sociopath who gets a raging chainsaw boner from senseless violence.” “That is a hilariously apt description of him. He obviously just took an opportunity to expand his influence and grow in power, even if it was just a little bit.” Berserker shrugged. “Besides, even if I had become a God, I still do deeds in his name. I can’t really separate myself from him, not entirely at least.” He didn’t sound sad about it even if it seems Khorne has been kind to him, in one way or another, but whatever it is between them, We can’t do anything about it. “Let’s hope we don’t have to fight Radical Daemons too.” We laughed before looking over the next report. “The next time those yaks treat you rough like last time and I hear word of it, I will kill one of them, or all of them.” Berserker declared with grim seriousness and We felt our heart warm at his intent to protect or avenge us. “Thanks Berserker, but it’s part of their culture to be rough in bed.” We mewled and he huffed, not understanding that since it’s part of their sexual expression, We can only accommodate. The Sex Aspect is all-encompassing when it comes to carnal acts. “Looks like the dragons have driven Hell off, though not without two hundred eggs being smashed or stolen.” We snarled. We put so much hard work into those precious darlings, now they’ll never have the chance to live and the ones that were taken might become hellspawn. “Motherfuckers!” Berserker roared out, punching his fists together. “I should’ve known they would pull off the same shit they tried to do before!” “Before?” We asked with worry as We read the reports. Thankfully most of the clutches We birthed were safe in Unity, the ones that were lost were the ones sent back to the dragonlands due to space constraints. “This happened in your world?” We asked as We read about how Ember had already tracked where the Stolen Eggs where and Pillar was on the warpath to get them. “It could’ve if I didn’t intervene and it was just before I left. Right after things had settled down, I was about to return to Equestria when a Kirin came out of nowhere and warned me about them. He wasn’t lying either. He led me to where Hell had set up shop to convert the eggs with Argent.” Berserker explained to us and We felt sick with worry for Urta, who was confined to medical R&D for the past...um, wow have We even slept? No wonder We’ve lost track of the days. “Well, don’t worry too much. Pillar’s gone to stop them already.” We told our beau and Berserker calmed down a bit, but was still angry. “Sorry that I’m so riled up. I’m a Dragon Lord. It’s my duty to protect them from outside threats.” Berserker growled and crossed his arms over his chest. “So are We.” We replied and mentally noted that Aldin may need to actually try and rein in Bryan’s overprotective ego rather than exacerbate it with draconic pride. Lords know Cynder has calmed down a lot since joining the collective, even if our general persona has become more rash in exchange. “I would go back home and ask the dragons there to help out, seeing as how we gave them the weapons, armor and equipment of Gears of War.” Berserker said and We imagined the Dragons dressed up in COG, UIR and Locust armor, but that’s small peanuts compared to what we’re already fielding thanks to the massive leaps and bounds our collective technology has made with Urta’s Argent being a key contributing factor. “Maybe. They may be behind us in our new tech, but you can’t deny the effectiveness of strong armor and high-caliber assault weaponry.” We commented while sifting through more paperwork. Oh! Spike slipped in a coupon for milkshakes with a note from him telling us to take a break. How cute, We’ll take him on a date soon. Or...those eggs do need replenished... “It’ll certainly give the dragons in this world a fright.” Berserker joked and We snorted with a roll of our eyes. “Sure it would.” We commented with amused sarcasm before looking at another report. “The caribou are doing well. There’s only a few small groups of violent dissenters.” “Collateral can handle them. Oh! Before I forget, I went to look at our eggs, including Collateral’s, Pillar’s and Runner’s before coming here.” Berserker replied and We blinked. That topic is a little close to home at the moment, considering eggs have been lost, We were just thinking of meeting up with Spike and making more~. “Honey. Are you here at the moment?” “Huh? Sorry.” Even without Fertility We’re still a broodmother after all. Our core is aching with need to be full of life. “What about our eggs?” We questioned as We got out of our chair and stretched with a grunt at having been still for so long. At least what needed our attention was already dealt with and We’d just been reading over information. “The eggs have the Doom Slayer marks on them, at least those that would hatch first according to your fertility witches.” Berserker’s words came as a surprise to us. “Well, let’s head to the Breeding Center and see.” We picked up the milkshake coupon and put it in our cleavage. We then kissed Bryan with a lingering smooch on the lips and ran our trio of tails along his hip as We sauntered past him to the door. “Eager today, aren’t we~?” Berserker teased us with that rumbling voice of his and We replied with a swish of our hips which sent our tails and dress shaking. “Hm~.” “We’re excited to see our unborn kids.” We replied playfully, knowing full well what he meant. “I meant your affection.” Our mate clarified with a return knowing grin. “While I’m not complaining, I usually think that whenever you kiss like that, you have something planned for a fun night.” “We might, but our thoughts are more in line with mixing business with pleasure.” We admitted as We descended the stairs of the foyer, patting the snout of our sleeping dear Pharos as We passed. “Hm...oh. Spike?” Berserker asked and We nodded with a faint flush on our radiant white cheeks. “Heh, can’t blame you. He’s a good friend and he was also your first. That and the clutch smashed and stolen was likely part of what you and him worked together on.” “Yes. He also indirectly invited us to have milkshakes together.” We replied and Berserker chuckled about it suddenly being the 50s when we reached the Breeding Center. It was a brief walk through the busy main area where our Nuns were hard at work pleasuring and breeding commissioners who came from far and wide to either get help having children of their own, or to aid the repopulation efforts as a whole. We basked in the praise heaped on us by our worshipers as We passed through to the Hatchery. It was a specially built and equipped section of the Breeding Center added on by Twilight. It would keep the eggs nourished and also separate from the more active Nursery. It would need a rather hefty extension with this latest tragedy proving the dragons didn’t have a secure nest. There the eggs were resting nicely in their magic size-changing pools, soaking in nutritious milk. It was easy to find the magic pool with our eggs, as it was the only one with the utterly gigantic 10-by-15 foot eggs We’d laid from Pillar, Collateral and Runner. “So how are the eggs doing?” We asked him, nuzzling one of the giant eggs as We felt how healthy they all were. It seemed the witches had gotten better at picking out the ‘stillborn’ eggs, as only a couple of eggs lacked the hum of life We could sense lately. We’ll have to let them know to roll those out to be disposed of. They’ll become solid stone eventually. “Pretty good. I suspect Runner’s eggs will hatch first out of the batch you laid when you were stuck as a giantess.” Berserker answered, pointing out the ones with Runner’s symbol replacing the splotches most of the normal eggs would’ve had. “Hunter said the same thing.” We chuckled and smooched one of Runner’s eggs. Berserker wasn’t wrong about their Doom Slayer marks on them, all four of Runner’s eggs had it. “And it seems you’re right!” “Ten of my eggs, out of the hundreds we made together, will be the first batch to hatch. All of these ones will hatch as well. I’m just not sure when they will hatch.” Berserker said longingly and with a hint of melancholy. The atrocious survival rate of dragon eggs is still depressing. “Yes. We sense it.” We agreed, not mentioning the dozen or so of the ones from Spike will need to be disposed of. Even more reason to get together with the first stud to claim us for milkshakes and cocktails. (<3) “Oof!” Berserker exhaled when the instant we had entered the nursery, he was tackled by all six of his pups into the nearest wall. “DA!” They all howled, crawling all over him and his largest boy, Marcus, bonking him on the head with his favorite toy sword. “Hi kids.” Berserker groaned out, chuckling a little as he got up. All six of the pups clung to his legs. “Da staying for dinner?” Our little warrior maiden in the making Valkyr asked us with glee. “We’re having deer!” “...Yes, Daddy’s staying for dinner.” Berserker answered her with a smile. “Never had deer meat before. Where is it from? Considering Harmonia is a deer though…” “It’s from White Tail woods and no they’re not sapient. Harmonia is an odd duck.” We replied and then led them from the nursery which was next to the servant quarters across the foyer to the dining hall to find the servants were already hard at work with the meal for the kids and our mates that were home. Upon seeing us, they perked up and waved before going back to work with even more cheerful dispositions. Our subjects do love us so~! “Well, still, even back on Earth I’ve never tried deer meat before.” Berserker said as we took our seats, Cocoa wrangling all the children into their own seats with the threatening presence of a gentle but firm and loving matron. It helped that our cerberus slime could literally yell at all of them at once or three directly if she had to. “It’s a bit more stringy than beef, but still tastes great. It has a much richer and leaner taste to it.” We replied with Willow’s history of being a reasonably skilled chef shining through. Cocoa and Honey, the only ones here at the moment, came to kiss us before taking their own seats. Thank gosh Cocoa is here, the children actually behave when she’s around. “Hm…” Berserker hummed in thought as he looked towards each of his pups. “What sort of toy weapons do you each like to use?” He asked them. “Big sword!!” Marcus called out. “Sword.” Lilly and Valkyr called out. “Hammer!” Nolix told him. “Axe.” Revix told him. “Sword and shield.” Arith answered. “What sort of shield?” Berserker asked Arith. “Kite.” She answered, shaping out her shield in the air. “A very good choice.” Berserker smiled, patting her on the head. “She uses one of the kites as her shield, but yes, that is a good choice.” We commented with humor and Cocoa pulled Daisy from climbing on the table. “I also like to paint!” Arith giggled. “Helps me think!” “That’s good.” Berserker nodded to her. “Here you are Sir, Your Majesty.” Our Servants declared before serving up our plates, first to Berserker and then everyone else. We’re thankful that even with how much they revere us and our station, that they’re following protocol and giving guests priority. While We wish he lived here, Berserker is still nominally a guest in our home. “This is really good.” Berserker commented between bites of his venison roast. “It tastes so...it’s hard to describe. Like grass-fed beef I think.” “Thank you, sir.” The maids said before backing away. We were about to thank them too, but held our tongue with a wince. Everytime We did that before, We accidentally Blessed someone. The mixture of thankful and slightly disappointed expressions that were also amused made us blush at realizing they knew our dilemma and We pouted at them, sending them fleeing with giggles. Letting it go, We hummed and all of us ate, our kids happy to have mom or dad home. “Hm, this is nice.” We sighed while looking at everyone from our seat at the head of the table. We eyed Spinel and her other kirin siblings down at the far end, gnawing on gemstones along with meats. We were sad they sat so far away, but it turns out kirin foals were fairly independent. Cynder and Daring insisted it was a phase, but Willow and Svartr still worried. “Yeah. Say, where’s Rex?” Berserker asked and he looked around for his and Visi’s son. “Cocoa only watch Rex now and then. Rex is often in care of Scinoxes or his grandfather when not with Visilia.” Cocoa answered, but then her far left head gave something away with a quick shift of her eyes. We followed her gaze and held in a giggle. “Dang, I was-yeow!” Berserker jumped and grabbed something under the table, lifting the perpetrator up to reveal the adorable little kirin-wolf alicorn hanging by the scruff of his shirt. “There you are, are you so hungry you’re trying to eat your father?” “Where Mom!” Rex, the toddler who wasn’t growing up as fast as his siblings demanded, before his belly gurgled and his red face turned redder. “He’s hungry.” We giggled and shook our head at the antics of the young. “Hopefully your mom will be coming back soon. Is there anything you want to eat?” Berserker asked of his dear son and heir to Tartarus’ throne. “Beef!” The blood-red furred toddler demanded and his extra-fluffy stark black wolf tail wagged while his sharp carnivorous teeth drooled and his tiny bat wings fluttered. “None of Cocoa’s pups taught him that.” Cocoa told him with a powerful maternal leer in triplicate, the slime cerberus raising her right eyebrows. Marcus looked up towards Rex and glared at him, making the colt wilt a little. “Beef please, Daddy?” Marcus dropped his glaring and went back to eating, causing us to blink at him. “...Okay, beef for you.” Berserker finally said and a maid quickly scurried off to have some tender thin-cut steak grilled for Rex. “Why is Rex acting like a brat?” We asked Cocoa quietly as the tri-species kirin basked in the attention of his father and listened more to his siblings than adults when told to do something. “Mad that Visi not here.” Cocoa sighed with her left head while her center ate, her right still talking to Honey at the same time. “I’m guessing Marcus is taking the role of being a big brother seriously?” Berserker asked Cocoa while Rex was distracted by Marcus talking about some inane silly thing. “Yes, been big help to Cocoa with other children.” Our Cerberus slime mate said before stealing a kiss from Honey. “Helps Cocoa enforce rules and teach things.” “Speaking of your children, have any dragon females gone after you?” Honey chuckled at Berserker and We grinned at the idea of Aldin of all dragons being a casanova with the ladies when he was such a bookish type before. “Not with Hell getting in the way, no.” Berserker bluntly answered. “Not to mention, they don’t even know I exist.” “Oh, sorry,” Honey said before she went back to drinking her Love nectar cocktail. “Well, at least Hell isn’t gaining much of a foothold.” We sighed in relief. Despite our business with Tartarus, Hell was still on the back-foot thanks to our zealous and righteous Skaven legions scouring the lands in search of the Hellish Scourge to purge in our name. It was why Carim didn’t spare more than a single battalion for the Tartarus Crusade as it’s become known. “True.” Berserker nodded in agreement as the maids brought Rex’s steak and a side of vegetables. “What do you say, Rex?” “Thank you.” Rex mewled with a hungry look at his food and looked about to pounce on it to tear into it like a beast, but Berserker thankfully started cutting it up for him to eat like a civilized person. “Are you going back to war?” Valkyr asked sadly, the draco-wolf’s ears wilted. “Not now, but soon.” Berserker answered his daughter with regret in his tone. “Oh.” Valkyr whined before nuzzling her father’s hand when he reached over to pet her. “Sorry pup, but I have to.” Berserker sighed and looked like he’d sooner give up fighting forever if it meant being home for his kids. Considering his nature, that says a lot of good things about him. “Dada play?” Revix asked and held up his toy weapon. “No ambush-!“ We frantically tried to cut off what We feared before We were whisked away by our children in a wail of laughter and giggles as reality crumbled away into an overexaggerated brick-built dungeon. We pouted from our place chained with rubber restraints to the back wall with team ‘meanies’ holding us hostage with a few of our Chaos Spawn on their side turning our Keep into a Mario style dungeon, or maybe it was Zelda. Hermais was here and wearing an overexaggerated hooded black cloak, yet didn’t change his physical appearance from his usual tiny size. “Oh, poo.” We huffed and settled in for another long game of ‘Princess in the Castle’. So much for going on a date with Spike this evening... > Ch.91 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.91 “Let’s look at the start!” Hermais chuckled as a scroll-like screen appeared on the far wall as the rubber shackles on our wrists and ankles turned into more comfy fluffy pink shackles and pulled, causing us to yelp when We were pulled spread-eagle on the wall, which became oddly soft. On the scroll/screen was Berserker’s team with his cubs and Hunter’s at the front of the keep, our other kids looking like evil minions. Especially Spinel, Lapis and the other kirins. “What’s going on?” Berserker asked in surprise as he looked around in confusion. “Princess in the Castle! Your group has to save the princess from the evil king Hermais!” Called out Myst, one of our first pups with Svartr, who despite only being at best 2 years old seemed old enough to be 8, her black and gray foxy wolf body wearing a cute purple battle tunic and wielding a massive greatsword made of foam. “Okay…?” Berserker scratched his head in bemusement. Don’t worry Bryan, the others before you were all just as confused when they were first dragged into this silly and inconvenient game. “You have to fight us to open the door and get to the next room!” Myst said before the five kids started firing practice ‘toy’ spells or charging the group with toy weapons while Hermais made some shadow wolf constructs to beef up his side. Valkyr and Marcus were the first to take the toy weapons and began fighting with their siblings while Rex looked on in worry since he hasn’t played before. Berserker was completely lost, he didn’t even know what to do. We guess pretend war isn’t his strong suit. “Don’t worry dad! If we hit them it won’t hurt! If they are defeated they poof back to Mama!” Valkyr told her father. “Okay then. Seriously, Hermais, we’re going to have a fucking talk about springing this sort of thing on us, you Chaotic little shitlord.” He muttered and Hermais just cackled. “Dad, we play like this all the time.” Revix chuckled. “Usually Auntie Cocoa, Sabrina, or Honey play the Princess when mama's away. Also, you swore!” At The boy’s accusation, a large glass jar labeled ‘Cuss Jar’ appeared in front of him and Berserker raised his brow, only for Revix to look at him disapprovingly. “Son, don’t test me.” Berserker warned him with a stern look. “If I can’t say what I want to say, then you can’t say what you want to say.” Revix reasonably shot back and jingled the heavy jar full of bits. “It’s just one bit dad, Auntie Cocoa uses it to buy us snacks anyway.” Huh? That isn’t...isn’t that reinforcing their bad behavior? “That’s because you’re a child, not yet old enough to use swear words.” Berserker countered, rolling his eyes as he tipped the jar and it vanished. “Yes! Now there should be enough to buy moon pies!” Hermais cackled evilly and the other ‘minions’ in the dungeon joined him in glee while Berserker accepted a toy gun and sword from the equipment box. Each weapon had a rating of one from what came up on the scroll, most of the kids had higher numbers, Marcus having a fifteen while Myst had a sixteen. “Hermais, are you and Eris the only ones swearing?” We asked disapprovingly at our womb-invading son. “Oh gosh no! We’re not even home enough for that to be a problem. It’s mostly Valkyr and Revix who have the most trouble watching their mouths. Aunt Cocoa washed their mouths out real good the first time, but that obviously wasn’t enough.” Hermais snickered and floated up to us with a lustful purr in his throat. “I do all my cursing in bed.” He rubbed our stomach and We blushed hotly at his insinuation. “Hermais, I can walk through this castle and beat your ass at any given time. Be thankful that the children here are preventing me from doing so.” Berserker threatened, making us sigh as Hermais gave a nervous chuckle and Revix tried to con another bit out of his dad only for him to sternly shake his head this time. “No. Fuck off with that damn thing before I discipline you with a jandel.” Oh no, please don’t bring that sort of thing in. Even Hermais is sweating a little from the notion! Of course, Marcus stopped as he heard this and went up to his father. “Dad, is this not working for you?” He asked him, making Berserker sigh. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I just don’t know what to do and I have to look after your brother, Rex.” Berserker replied and gestured to the still nervous kirin-wolf who clung to his father’s pant leg. “Hm, want me to lead?” Marcus asked after a moment of consideration. “Lead?” Berserker tilted his head to one side with interest. “Yeah! I mean, we’ve played this so many times, we know what to do! This is your first time and you don’t know how to play. That’s unfair!” Marcus pointed out, which made sense, seeing as Berserker isn’t around to spend time with his children. Ow. Our ears wilted at realizing We’ve been absent a lot too. As soon as possible, We need to spend more quality time with the family. “That makes sense.” Berserker nodded his head in agreement, but We could tell he was a little sad inside. “Alright Marcus, lead the way.” “Yeah!” Marcus cheered before he headbutt one of the wolves that were waiting to attack them. His siblings took that as the cue to attack and started the fight with Berserker acting as the rear guard. Our brood of children were using abilities they’d learned to fight the group holding us hostage. In the case of Myst, she hardened herself and acted like a battering ram. It seems she’s taken after her sire with her body being at least partially armor-slime! “Dad, on your left!” Nolix called out when one of my Chaos Spawn slashed at my mate with a toy scythe. Berserker used his chained arm to block the attack as Nolix came in to defeat his half-sibling with his hammer. “Thanks, Nolix.” Berserker replied cheerfully, quickly getting into a familiar mood. “Ah!” One of Hunter’s cubs yelped before she poofed out and appeared in our cell. The deer-like spawn had turned on her after he had been blocked by Berserker. “Wait, if we get hit, where do we end up?” Berserker asked and We rolled our eyes at him for having forgotten already. “In the Cell with Mama. If we make it there, we’ll meet up with them and then fight with Hermais until we rescue mama or he defeats us all.” Valkyr explained. “Hm.” Berserker hummed in thought. “Marcus?” “Yes?” Our son asked before moving to the door and beginning to open it. “Wait.” Berserker stopped him and closed the door. This confused everyone, including Hermais. “Kick the doors off their hinges.” Smiling, Marcus obeyed and kicked the doors off their hinges with his adorable little paw. Holy crap our kids are strong. “Good boy.” Berserker gave his son a thumbs up. “Hey~!” One of our Chaos Spawn with a rhino head whined. “Visilia’s going to make me replace that now~!” He groaned before he threw a spear at Marcus while my now ‘evil’ daughter from Hunter snuck up on the group. “Shut up.” Berserker snarled as he used his tail to knock the spear away. “You don’t get to bitch about trivial things you can obviously fix with the snap of your fingers.” “Not all of us can. I specialize in destructive magics.” Our son growled before he summoned a firecracker and tossed it. “Just like mama Eris is the only one able to really travel time without screwing it up.” Oh! He’s one of our grandchildren! It’s always hard to tell who among all of them were transferred to us from Eris’ womb. Berserker rolled his eyes before he caught the firecracker and removed the fuse before handing it to Revix. “Hold on to this.” “Yeh!” Revix chuckled before they defeated the last of the enemies who all poofed into the ‘cell’ and began to eat popcorn summoned by chaos. With that room completed, they entered the next room and found armor and weapons in crates. “Yes, a loot room!” Revix cheered and they ransacked it. The room was mostly filled with toy pistols and some armor that looked like it was Fallout and somewhat Mad Max style. “Everybody get some armor and a weapon if you feel like it.” Marcus declared after he put on leather armor and approached the next door. “Kinda wish it was Gears of War.” Berserker complained as he put on leather bracers. “That was last week!” Arith chuckled. “...Goddammit.” Berserker muttered before putting the rest of the armor on. “Hm, who should be next?” Hermais muttered as he looked at a map of the temporarily altered Keep. “Cocoa!” Cocoa giggled and We jumped in our comfy if awkward restraints against the wall for forgetting that there was still an adult around. “We only doing few rooms yes? Loot rooms always in middle?” “Yes, though they have a trap hall to get through right now. Go ahead and set up your boss room Auntie Cocoa. I’ll have some of my siblings slow them down.” Hermais declared and then gave an exaggerated evil laugh as several of his minions teleported to the trap hall. “Not slow Berserker down.” Cocoa teased as she pretended to crack her knuckles. Silly cocoa, slimes don’t have knuckles. “Bah, I wasn’t really expecting them too.” Hermais waved it off. “Then what is plan?” Cocoa asked him. “For him to bond with his kids. He’s barely been here to do so, not as much as you, our other aunties or Mama.” Hermais replied and Cocoa looked at him disapprovingly in triplicate. “He and brothers busy saving world. Of course they’re away from home.” Cocoa sternly declared with a huff. “I know they’re saving the world. I never said he was a bad parent, but I’m showing him how they play and giving them a chance to bond.” Hermais gently rebutted when We went back to looking at the screen. At this dismissal our wife howled lowly and a gaggle of the pups We had with her all around a year or older though they looked six or seven followed her. Oh~ they’re so cute in their little medieval spy and bandit outfits~! Unf. Wow. Our breeding urges just got such a kick in the ovaries. Damn it body, We just gave birth several days ago, stop being greedy. “Okay, where to now?” Berserker asked Marcus. “Through this trap hall. It will be full of Chaos and maybe a few Shadow beasts. We just need to get past that for the next boss room!” Marcus cheered eagerly. “Hopefully it’s the final boss room!” Novalix chuckled before entering the door, only to poof away when a plate from the roof fell on her after she stepped on a tile. “Kids, get back now.” Berserker ordered them as he went forward, stopping near the edge of where the first trap was sprung. “What is it dad?” Valkyr asked as she held onto Rex. “We normally lose three of us here.” “Hold on to something.” Berserker said, clutching a fist before raising it up to the air. Doing what he said, they hid around the doorframe before Berserker slammed his fist on the floor, shaking the place and triggering all of the traps. Once done, they waited for a moment before Berserker got back up. “Alright guys, it’s clear. No more traps.” “Ah, thanks dad.” Valkyr cheerfully said before they continued down the hall. “You’re strong.” “How did you know that would work, dad?” Arith asked him. “Pressure or motion. Traps were mostly built around those concepts and have been improved upon ever since. It was easy enough to figure out, since they’ll all trigger when everything is shaking around.” Berserker informed his children in a very educational way, even if he was rather casual about it. “I’ll make a note of it for next time.” Marcus declared as they approached the door. Inside was a feral pink bunny with creepy blue eyes? “Hello.” The bunny said in a deep demonic voice that was dripping with ‘love’. “Have you all been doing well? I’m here to give some tough love.” “Seriously? A Grim Adventures reference?” Berserker demanded of Cocoa who was standing off to the side. “Cocoa not know. She had different plans and it was here.” Cocoa said in confusion and Hermais was also confused. The Bunny jumped and kicked at Valkyr, poofing her and Rex as it sent her flying into her brother. “Why didn’t you get rid of him?!” Berserker questioned Cocoa as he went to fight the Bunny. “Cocoa tried! He poofed pups before you arrived!” Cocoa yelped, causing us to notice the scared children around us. Wow, We fell into ‘TV’ mode there, losing track of our surroundings. The boob tube drains the brain kids. We’d better impart that lesson before TV becomes mainstream here. “Hermais, where are the children?!” Berserker demanded while he and the Bunny went at it. It was incredibly brutal, the pink monstrosity delivering strikes that looked powerful enough to kill most people and it barely seemed affected by Berserker’s punches and kicks. “They’re here.” Hermais responded via magic intercom while petting the scared pups. “Okay, asshole, what is it you want?” Berserker growled at the Bunny. “Speak up!” “I’m here to give tough love.” The bunny repeated. “Mister whiskers!” One of Hunters pups whined. “You're being a bad pet!” Then the bunny poofed her by kicking a rock at her with ridiculous power and she landed on our head, sniffling before bursting into tears. “Hermais can’t you get rid of it?!” Berserker further demanded. “Hold on.” Hermais growled before the Bunny poofed. “Sent it to another world.” “What was that?” Berserker demanded. “Bunny one of Hunter’s pups brought home as pet. Cocoa not know where she got it.” Cocoa replied with an exasperated huff. “Well, that sort of ruined this for me.” Berserker grumbled. “I didn’t put it there.” Hermais sighed before snapping his fingers, bringing us all into the dining room, back at our seats. Aw, the fluffy shackles and the soft wall were surprisingly comfy. “I keep most things like that out of the game for fairness and to keep the rules the adults set. Visilia made most of them.” “We may need to find out where Hunter’s pup found that bunny.” Berserker said as he leaned back in his chair. “Honestly, we can’t afford to let that happen again.” “Sorry.” Said pup sniffled just as Hunter walked in. He saw her sniffling and immediately started marching at Hermais. “Whoa, hey! I didn’t make her upset!” Hermais said in his defense. “Her bunny started acting all scary. Ruined the game too.” Marcus huffed indignantly. Hunter stopped and looked towards Berserker, who nodded his head as silent words passed between them. “What’s up Hunter? Did something happen in Tartarus?” We questioned our other future husband as our core ached needily. Holy fuck, our ovaries are ringing like church bells! At least it isn’t overwhelming us to the point of trying to breed right on the spot. “Nothing much, I just came back to see if everything is alright. Also to give our children their names.” Hunter answered. “Papa!” All his pups yelled as they rushed him to hug his legs, the one whose pet betrayed her was still sniffling.  “We’re doing good, we just had a scare from a playful game.” We sighed as We rubbed our aching lower tummy. Hnng~ We’re so primed for some reason! Hopefully We can still find Spike after this. “I see. So, do you have any names for the girls?” Hunter asked us as he idly scratched ears and patted heads. “Lucy, Niobe and Bria?” We suggested while trying and failing not to imagine Hunter and Berserker naked, bending us over this table and-. “Those are pretty good names.” Hunter smiled as he looked at his boys. “Dominic, Nicholas and Benjamin. Dom, Nick and Ben for short.” He named them, as the boys climbed up on their father. “Wonderful names! Especially since We can call them DomBenNick to call them all at once!” At our declaration, the boys groaned, but accepted their new names. How Cocoa went this whole time without accidentally naming them We’ll never know. > Ch.92 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.92 The rest of dinner went by quickly, but not fast enough for our burning need to satisfy our body’s desire to bear more offspring. Why is this happening~?! Didn’t We give this to Urta to avoid this~?! “Oh~...” We moaned as We ducked out of the nursery, having had enough of the Chaos and our overbearing need to be filled with young. We panted and fished in our cleavage, pulling out the milkshake coupon. “Hopefully Spike doesn’t mind skipping the date and going straight for the cherry at the bottom of the milkshake.” We stowed it away for another day and sniffed the air, practically homing in on his familiar musk. Ah, he’s here. That simplifies things. We quickly ran up the stairs leading to the guest wing and ran into someone more solid than a stone wall, causing us to grunt and fall on our ass. “Huh?! Oh! Sorry babe!” We perked up and looked up at our amazonian Argent Slime wife who was for some reason dressed in a casual white T-shirt with the words 2d8 Bludgeoning Damage over her breasts and had on tight blue short-shorts. “Urta? Why were you up here in the guest wing?” We asked our beloved Goddess of Fertility and-oh by sister she smells good! “I was up here in one of the isolation rooms after a big test the eggheads did on me. It involved collaborating with the Womb Wards and trying to figure out why Foxslimes duplicate inside my womb. I was bushed afterwards and-mm~ babe?” Urta leered hungrily down at us as We had gotten to our paws and were groping her tits with panting breaths, our tails whipping about behind us. “Don’t you smell hotter than a bitch in heat right now~.” “Urta. We need you~.” We whimpered, our legs shaking with raw need. Just being around her is driving us mad with need! “Well then, how about I actually take you to a bakery? Because all I can think about is getting you bred.” Urta growled, scooping us up and We hungrily kissed her in the bridal carry as she carried us down the hall towards the back hall. “Oh fuck yes! Fill us. We want your pups!” We panted and squirmed in her perfect sculpted arms against her bosom, the glowing turquoise slime vixen content to saunter down the hall with her tail swishing about for the moment. “Please. Do go on.” Urta teased when she brought us past the throne room and our study, within We smelled Spike, likely hard at work helping sort things out. Sorry Spike! Next time! “Pump us like We’re a condom! Fucking pop us if it takes that much to sate this burning desire!” We pleaded with our beloved Goddess who hummed as if considering denying her wife and then carried us into our bedroom, which was thankfully empty at this time. We don’t want to share Urta with anyone right now! “I don’t know~. It would hardly be right of me as your wife to take advantage of your vulnerable state.” Urta teased after she gently set us on the bed and We whined while groping our tits and our tails curled up under our dress to dive into our hungry snatch. “Besides, is this you or your Following?” H-huh? “You’re still a horned rat babe. Is this all you, or is this because of some effect from your worshipers?” Urta questioned us with gentle concern as she knelt on the bed and pet our head. “Why don’t you turn into Willow’s body or something to make sure?” “S-sure. We miss having tail hands anyway.” We pulled our trio of thin prehensile tails from our pussy and then morphed into Willow’s familiar kitsune form. Immediately, We felt a difference. We’re still horny as all fuck, but now We’re less desperate to breed and strengthen the colony-fuck! “It is our worshipers~! They still worship us as their Goddess of Fertility! This isn’t fair~!” We sobbed, thankful Urta was so caring that she was willing to resist her lustful and breed-hungry nature to help us with our own. “So even though I have the Aspect, if you’re Worshiped as it’s holder then you’ll still get the effects. Bummer.” Urta muttered and then sighed. “Well Babe, are you still hungry? Or are you okay now?” “No, We’re not okay! We’re still horny and our ovaries are practically burning with desire! We still want you to pump us full of more beautiful pups!” We begged our wife, our tail hands practically ripping our dress off of us and We spread our legs to expose our absolutely drenched and puffy pussy. “Breed us~! Please!” We fingered our cunt with our tail hands as We groped our leaky breasts and panted as the heat pulsed through our body from our woefully empty core, emitting from us in waves of sultry heat due to Willow’s jungle siren nature. “Hot damn those are some of the hottest words in the universe.” Urta snarled as her own carnal hunger was stoked. She was about to pull off her shirt when Berserker and Hunter entered, freezing and perking at the sight of us wet and waiting in the bed. “Hey boys! Wiatr is absolutely bananas to be bred full of babies right now. Would you like to repeat last month’s breeding?” “What?” We whined, should We tell the Skaven to stop worshiping us as a Fertility Goddess? Our core protested this and We groaned as our groin gushed with need. “Oh~ yes! Fuck me~!” We begged, our vision getting blurry with how helplessly horny We were getting. “But she just had a litter not even a couple of weeks ago.” Hunter broadcasted with his tail wagging and his eyes focused on our practically steaming-hot cunt. No, wait, that’s Urta. She’s always steaming. Why is he looking at us when Urta is here?! She’s so glorious! “Yeah, but she’s getting soul-jacked by her faith. Even though I have the Aspect itself, I’m not Worshiped for it. So she’s probably forced to share it with me even if I only left her Renewal.” Urta turned to the boys and they looked at her, then her shirt and snorted in amusement. “What?” “Where’d you get that shirt?” Berserker asked with humor in his voice as his eyes flicked between us and We redoubled our masturbating since our lovers weren’t up for it yet. “In Twilight’s guest room? I was put in there to recover after the latest tests on me. What does 2D8 Bludgeoning Damage mean?” Urta cluelessly questioned and We almost howled in laughter when We looked at her booty and saw 2D10 Crushing Damage stretched across her thicc yet tight booty on the short-shorts. “It’s a role-playing game term. It’s saying you’re a knockout.” Hunter revealed and Urta laughed as she pulled off the shirt, letting her glorious glowing girls go bouncing. “Well, no denying that. Now are you going to get over here and-.” Urta had turned around and pushed her butt out in preparation to remove her short-shorts, only for Berserker to lose it and laugh. “What now?” “T-two D ten crushing damage! Hahaha~!” Berserker howled and leaned on his brother, who was silently chuffing his own amusement. “Keep laughing and I will crush you!” Urta replied in irritation, but this only set the boys laughing harder. “What is so funny?!” “Your shorts! They’re saying you’re going to ride someone so hard their pelvis breaks!!” We laughed before feeling a punch of power in our core as our vision suddenly shifted to some of our temples showing Statues of Urta going up, all in poses of breeding us. “Ah~! Fuck us! Breed us now~!” We wailed in desire for our wife. “Holy shit-yes babe! Let me just get these off!” Urta frantically shimmied out of the tight blue yoga shorts and began groping her basketball nuts and priming her penis. “Don’t just stand there! She needs to get filled now! I’m not going to be responsible for how she behaves if she doesn’t get her needs met!” “Well, after today, seeing the kids. I’m up for having even more already.” Berserker declared and began undressing in the corner. “They’re a wonderful little army of munchkins. I can’t wait to start training the ones who want to be warriors.” Hunter nodded in agreement with his brother and began stripping his own armor. “Good. I’m going first-whoa!” Urta was picked up by our supernaturally strong tail hands on her hips and pressed her against us until she was laying atop us, our breasts docked and her horsecock’s flare inches from our mouths. “When We say now, We mean Now!” We snarled furiously before moving her down and aiming her dick for our snatch with our normal hands, before thrusting her whole body with our tails. “Guh~!” We groaned in pleasure as Urta’s bitch-breaking 20 inch long soda-bottle thick cock rammed into us all the way with that one push. “Whoa, are those your temples?!” Urta gasped as We felt another surge of power in our core. “H-holy shit! Oh shit! I-I feel-hnng!” Urta spasmed as her female sex gushed and her lower stomach twinged. “Guh~! W-what was that~?!” “I don’t know, but that was incredible to see.” Berserker commented as he got behind Urta, hotdogging her ass as his hands went over our tail hands on Urta’s hips. “So up the ass like last time Urta?” “I-If you stick it in my vag I will wring every drop from you to make more pups.” Urta panted as she humped into our core with her battering ram in a surprisingly gentle short thrusting motion. “So you’d better stick that thick dick in my ass unless you want dozens of brats in one go.” “Maybe don’t tempt the Goddess of Fertility brother. Besides, she’s going to have a hell of a time resisting doing that and pumping our seed into Wiatr like she did with Visi’s stomach and bowels back then.” Hunter straddled over us, hanging his churning basketball cum factories over us as his dick pressed against Urta’s face and she groaned before kissing it. Oh~ this is so hot~! His balls are the same size as Urta’s boobs and they’re mashing together~! “Mm~ yes. Pump me full you big boys, so I can pump Wiatr to nearly popping with pups.” Urta panted and dove onto Hunter’s dick with a lurid slurping while Berserker reared back and rammed into Urta’s booty, which consequently drove Urta’s dick into us, causing our already hazy and hallucinating vision to flicker. “Hah. Yes~. Fill her so she can fill us~.” We whimpered, our body going nearly limp as the three absolute beasts fucked atop us, causing Urta to almost passively fuck us at the same time. “My Goddess.” A female Skaven in priestess robes announced before entering after a courtesy knock. “I wish to ask if-oh, you’re mating. Apologies if you prefer privacy. Do you approve of us worshiping Urta since she is the Goddess of Fertility?” “Fuck yes! Urta is Fertility, but she’s our wife!” We told her, the ripe female was ripe and deep in heat. Why did you come here?! You’re basically telling us both you want to be bred! “Splendid! I’ll go let the Pope know his query has been answered. At least now all the requests for Urta’s breeding services will not be blasphemous. Good day with your mating.” The priestess casually said and then left as if she hadn’t walked into an ultra-sexy four-way-fuck~! “Holy shit that was irritating, but at least she didn’t ask to join in.” Berserker commented before grunting and panting. “Damn it Urta. Have you been practicing or something?” “Mm~!” Urta hummed around Hunter’s dick and she winked at the dracowolf who was similarly having trouble not busting his nut so quickly. Then she suddenly sped up, Berserker howled while We saw Hunter’s sack tighten and convulse as Urta began gulping down his copious quantity of cum. Then We felt Urta’s dick spasm and she rammed home firmly, launching us into the stratosphere with a mind-blowing orgasm followed by womb-filling blasts of seed that rocketed us up further into metaphorical space. We had no idea how long We were brainlessly keening in ecstasy, but eventually We came back down from our high, our womb feeling beyond full and sated. “Guh~.” We moaned as We looked at our iridescent furred swollen womb that was holding a glowing load of three different seeds. We looked about to pop with octuplets this time. Thank goodness Urta restrained herself or We’d be filling the whole room. Urta was still lodged in us, but the boys were missing. Urta was snoring as she shifted and wiggled on us and in us. “Love?” “Hm...” Urta hummed as she gave a thrust in her sleep and pumped another small load into us, our belly lurching while her balls shone like miniature suns! We felt so warm inside. Unlike the usual sensual pure heat Urta’s cum usually fills us with, this time it felt-. “Oof!” We felt a firm kick in our womb, which shouldn’t be possible! We haven’t even drank any of our milk and We were just impregnated! That also felt way stronger than any baby should be. “U-Urta-.” She thrust and pumped into us again and We moaned as our belly stretched further to look overdue with octuplets. “B-babe wake up!” “Mm...yeah babe?” Urta muttered, starting to saw in and out and We gasped and panted at how intense it felt. “Hnng~ so backed up. Mind if I-?” “Out! Get out! Something’s different!” We wailed and Urta jolted, moaning and firing another load into us, causing us to whine as our belly achieved a size akin to a full term nonuplet pregnancy. “Pull out~!” As incredibly hot as this is, We don’t know what’s happening! “S-sorry!” Urta quickly did as We pleaded, her tumescence still rock-hard and even leaking an almost pure white glowing Argent that seemed even more potent than usual. “What the Hell?” Urta groped her gurgling balls before they suddenly went dim to match the rest of her. “What the absolute fuck was that?! Are you okay babe?!” “Oh~ more than okay, but something’s up! We were just impregnated and-oof!” We grasped our belly as it writhed and powerful kicks impacted our inner walls, causing us to gasp and groan. “Th-they’re so active~!” “H-holy...is that all me?” Urta questioned as she rubbed our womb, the already late-term babies calming down at their fama’s touch. “I think it’s both of us~.” We cooed and interlaced fingers with Urta. “We can sense it. The embryos from Hunter and Berserker are already half-done. Whatever is going on with our bodies, this is mystical.” We purred, rubbing our fecund sides happily. This feeling always gave us a soul-deep satisfaction. Whatever sharing an Aspect is like, We didn’t consider something this wonderful. “Well shit. We’ll have to do this more often.” Urta smirked and kissed our navel pearl, making us coo and lick our lips with our eyes already looking down at Urta’s baby-batter bearing balls. “Nope.” Urta booped our snoot and We pouted. “You need to learn moderation.” “You sound like our sister…” > Ch.93 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.93 We blinked our eyes, yet still it was pitch dark. Nothingness. It was like the Dark cursed Untended Graves in the Far Frozen. Why are We here? When did We get here? How? Didn’t We go to bed after another monotonous day of paperwork and issuing orders with reports on Hell still being inconclusive with Lethice buzzing our phone with lewd pictures? Wait, We’re moving! We’re moving without us doing it! “So cold. There was a Bonfire around here wasn’t there?” A voice that wasn’t ours said from our lips and our hands rubbed over a body that was far too skinny to be ours either. What is going on here? “Oh thank the Flame! It’s still here.” Our hijacked vocal chords squeaked upon seeing the dying embers of a Bonfire that she knelt over. “C’mon. C’mon please. Please. Don’t let me Hollow. I just need warmth. I don’t even care if this fire doesn’t give any Light!” She reached for the fire, only for the embers to ignite in searing white-out blinding-. “Aaaah~!” “Guh!” We grunted as We jolted in bed, panting and clutching at our body in a panic. “What the absolute fuck was that?” We mumbled, rubbing the side of our gargantuan belly and-. “Ah! Hey!” We blinked our eyes awake at noticing our utterly massive belly at term with nonuplets over our huge tits. “Hermais, you turn our pearl back on!” We demanded as our white furred pregnant orb started bumping with a flurry of kicks and We puffed out our cheeks in a pout. “Hm, hun?” Groggily asked Honey as she poked her emerald green slime-tendril head above the edge of the bed, smacking her lips as details of her face slowly filled in on the tentacle. “You alright?” “Hermais is being mean again and messing with our pregnancy.” We complained to our wife as We rubbed our sides and our trio of rat tails all traced over our underside. Being our Horned Rat form did nothing to the pregnancy, thank goodness. We had a fright when We woke up like this before without intending to, but Fane put our fears for our new children to rest. Even if he did say they were beyond unusual, but wouldn’t say more other than they were perfectly fine. “Sorry mom, but I have some work to do inside of here.” Hermais declared cheerfully. “Thank gosh Conger taught me some womb-magic for situations like this.” “Hermais? What are you doing?” We nervously questioned as We cradled our mountainous womb. “Nothing much. Waking up the one who’s ready and preparing to get her out without interfering with the others. It’s how Conger got Uncle Shiny’s foals out of Auntie Urta. Though, the method I’m using is going to be different due to the body of the person I’m birthing for you ahead of time.” Hermais informed us and We blinked at remembering Urta approaching us with Shiny’s triplets with little fanfare besides to tell us she was taking them home at long last. At least We got to kiss them on the brows and later Cady, Shiny and Chryssie called us about them. “Well, just be careful son.” We murmured while rubbing our sides comfortingly to ourselves. “I will. Now then, I’ve gotta do some repositioning.” Hermais informed us and We moaned at the churning sensation that overtook our womb and Honey slithered her slime body up onto the bed to rub our belly soothingly. “Why do We feel like a washing machine~?!” We whined at our belly, Honey looking worried as our other wives all woke up, slithering onto the bed and touching our belly with worry. Oh~ why did Berserker, Hunter and the other boys have to be away on business? Visi went somewhere with Hydrax too. “Oh~ w-what are you doing~?!” We moaned at the new sensation of our womb and birth canal tingling powerfully. “Just relax mom! Here it comes!” Hermais unhelpfully warned and We wailed in surprised pleasure as Hermais’ cock began to push out of our vagina. “This look strange.” Cocoa commented as Hermais’ almost 10 foot long cock extended gently out of our cunt. Despite the length, it was no thicker than a soda bottle, which for us was just another day of a good stretching. “L-look strange?! We feel strange! It’s-eee~!” We squealed in our rodent squeak as the impossible dragon dick pulsed and began to push out something huge enough to distend it, us along with it. When the bulge reached Hermais’ glans it gushed forth a fluorescent pink slime as our womb shrunk slightly. “Holy shit! Did I just get absorbed by giant balls and fucking ejaculated from a giant cock?!” The slime incredulously asked, forming into the shape of an anthro cat, looking around the room. “Uh, where am I? This isn’t the Dark.” “Hm~ Conger didn’t mention how good it felt.” Hermais purred before his giant dick vanished and his usual tiny self crawled out of our vagina, our belly still at term with octuplets. “Those other two are still in need of a couple days I guess.” “What’s your name?” Honey asked our rather unique slime daughter. “I’m Lilian. I’m an explorer. Or, at least I was.” Lilian introduced herself while looking her goopy body over in bemusement. She had the tell-tale shine of Argent in her eyes, which she clearly got from her sire. “So mom, it seems Urta somehow fucked the souls of people who fell to Argent in some form into your womb.” Hermais casually informed us and We sighed in relief as well as concern. This would explain why our pregnancy was so massive so fast even with the pups from Hunter and Berserker still being a week or so away from being due. “So We have adults in our womb?” We asked and he nodded while he crawled to our face where he rubbed his dick at our lips. This used to be disturbing, but lately it’s become almost casual to us. “Yep. I’ll help get them out, but she was the first one to be ready.” Hermais explained as his throbbing red penis grew up our face, his musk flooding our nostrils. “Will this happen every time We fuck Urta?” We asked after taking hold of his dick to lick the underside. He still tastes like snozberries. “No clue. You’ve just gotta give it a go and hope not too many, or any, of those souls have been wasted in the cum that’s been getting milked from her.” Hermais shrugged before he suddenly vanished and We grunted when Eris in her adult form suddenly replaced him with her thicc ass pressing down on our huge tits. Her cunt was at our nose as she looked down between her similarly sized breasts at us while she leaned against our belly. “No lost souls with the milked cum mom. You two will only rebirth those lost Argent Souls if you’re the one to-ah!” We interrupted our sexy daughter by dragging our tongue up her succulent snatch. “H-hey mom. I’m not usually up for this level of incest-whoa~!” Eris jumped when We wrapped our hands over her thicc muscular thighs and drove our tongue into her, causing her to try to reach our head as she panted. “Love?” Cocoa asked as Honey helped our new daughter to get adjusted to her body. “No talk. Tasty twat.” We huffed before We dug into our squealing daughter, who writhed against our belly with her tiny wings patting our sides as she helplessly shuddered in orgasm from our skilled muff munching. “Bad girl. Interrupting your brother.”  “Mom!” Eris whined while our mates looked confused and awkward as We lapped at her vagina. “You were always the most well-behaved of you three. Don’t get into sexy positions with us if you don’t want any sexytimes.” We chided before We shoved our snout into her cunt and made her scream in orgasm. We fucked her with our face for a moment before We pulled out to leave our muzzle utterly drenched in her strawberry-flavored femcum. “Hm~!” Eris hummed with her sweet cum leaking from her twat as she wiggled. We could tell she was our daughter alright, that only got her ready for a proper fucking with the way she was panting, her hips shifting, her hungry eyes looking down at us. “You need a proper dicking. Cocoa, feeling up to it?” We asked our wife, who perked up as Eris blushed and looked between us with a bite of her lower lip, which with her natural snaggletooth looked adorable. “Oh yes! Cocoa been practicing too!” Cocoa purred before rapidly forming her dick to fifteen feet long with yoga balls for testacles out of her slime. This made Eris drool and her eyes turn into hearts as Hermais angrily returned, covered in water from the sea with a fish biting his tail. “Eris! I’m gonna-!” He was interrupted by Eris snapping her fingers and whisking her and Cocoa away with a pop of confetti. “Hmph! She doesn’t even properly worship mom like she should!” “Hermais~?” We purred when Sabrina groaned and rubbed her groin against our side while We gave Hermais bedroom eyes. “Anything else?” “Not really. I woke up with a new instantly-smart sibling that I reverse-fucked out of you, but I’m kinda not in the mood with Eris cockblocking me.” Hermais huffed with a pout as Sabrina and Honey started making out against our belly. Lilian looked confused as her Argent shimmered in a turquoise wave over the rest of her pink slime body and then vanished again beautifully. “Oh come here, Mama and Aunties want to make it better.” We cooed while groping our milky tits, spraying milk everywhere and panting, our loins burning with desire. “Uh...can you all calm down?” At Lilian’s words, suddenly all of the building sexual tension just vanished and We gasped in fear at realizing Lilian had somehow hijacked our innate ‘fuck aura’. “I mean, I just got ‘reborn’ somehow to a mother who’s frankly the hottest preggo I’ve ever seen when last I remember I was spelunking.” Lilian filled us in as she approached the bed warily. “Um, sure sweetie. Okay everyone, heads out of our groins, it’s time for breakfast!” We declared, easily getting over annoyance at getting cunt-blocked with the thunderous roar of our fecund swell demanding sacrifice. We may not need to eat, but damn if We don’t want to! (<3) So it turns out Lilian used to be a Second Era adventurer. She was exploring a mysterious tomb that led into the Dark, the descriptions up to that point hinted that it was an ancient Hell tomb with the remains of various species interred. The true purpose of it she never got to figure out before a flash of turquoise light from a Bonfire blinded her, then she was inside us with a giant set of male testacles somehow absorbing her frighteningly goopy body. This was both shocking and amazing to the point We had to put down our fork after only a few sentences from our new Reborn daughter. This helped explain why We witnessed the last moments of her previous Unlife and We worriedly rubbed our washboard abs through our dress in concern for the other Reborn We’ll be bearing to this new Era. “We’re sorry sweetie.” We mewled and leaned to the side to kiss her cheek, our fluorescent pink slime kitty blushing an adorably bright red-pink at the affection. “But at least this is a much better world you’ve been Reborn into.” We got nods from Sabrina and Honey in agreement, causing us to lament Urta’s early-morning sessions with R&D. They’ve been extra insistent on Urta donating her time and biomass to their experiments, We’re considering demanding to see what they’re doing with our wife’s genetic material at this point. “Obviously. Every woman I’ve seen has tits bigger than their head.” Lilian joked, hefting her own modest D-cups and pouting down at them. She was still naked since she accidentally ate the clothes she tried to put on. She’ll figure that out eventually like our slime wives did. “Well, you can fix that with your new body, what with you being a godling and a slime at that.” We told her, with Urta and Us both being gods now and her our offspring obviously gave her perks of sharing more of our powers. Considering she accidentally cracked one of the stone doors just trying to open it and everyone around her looked like they were fucking her with their eyes if they weren’t aware of what her presence was doing to them. “Oh yeah. So, who is my dad then if you’re my mom?” Lilian asked as she looked around at the others while they ate their breakfasts, the servants all barely looking able to leave as Lilian’s ‘fuck aura’ made them randy as all get-out and they forced themselves to retreat. Thankfully they have enough experience with our own lusty shenanigans to manage at least that much. “Urta, the Goddess of Fertility, War and Strength.” We declared proudly, puffing out our chest and feeling warm at having such a wonderful wife. Even if We weren’t composed of multiple people, likely any one of us individually would have fallen in love with Urta quickly anyway. “She’s away on medical science stuff that I don’t care to consider at the moment. She’s become so powerful that the science teams can’t get enough of her lately.” Hermais informed his new sister, having taken the form of an adult and was at least dressed in a T-shirt and jeans as he sat at the table like a civilized person and ate his breakfast. After that one breakfast where Eris was hog-tied sexually on a platter, there were rules for the dining room. “Ah. That explains how I nearly broke that door.” Lilian rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, then sighed when she pulled a strand of slime along as she yanked her hand free of her head to look through her nearly transparent pink hand with a sniff. “It’s okay!” We mewled as she shivered and wiggled, her body looking more Rodent as the day went on. More than that, she had horns too. She was unwillingly taking a base form similar to our own unified base form. “You’re just changing. Your body is using us and Urta as your genetic template and you’re taking on your new base form.” “So...you’re a Carim Rat and she’s an Arab Fox?” Lilian asked as her feline muzzle suddenly jutted out into a rodent snout, but with a notably canine shape to her jaw and teeth. “Uh...we’re more complicated than that.” We chuckled nervously and poked our horn as our trio of rat tails writhed behind us. “She’s optionally anything, but her base form is that of the Great Horned Rat of the Skaven, with her four individual souls having the base forms of a kitsune, a pegasus, a wolf and a dragon.” Hermais explained again. Thank you for being such a helpful son. “Really?” Lilian asked, her body shifting until she looked like us, only with big fennec fox ears instead of rat ears and her trio of tails were clearly fox tails. “Yes.” We said while splitting up into our separate bodies. I was the soft and plush pregnant milfy herm Willow sat in the chair in the middle with Svartr in her big buff body hanging over me behind the chair. Cynder was resting her head on mine as she leaned down onto the side of the chair and adventurous Daring decided to be between my legs licking my cunt. “Daring!” I moaned and feebly tried to reach around my belly to push Daring away, but the pegasus merely snickered and dove deeper under my massive octuplet pregnancy as she munched on my muff. “Ah~! N-not at the t-table~!” We have rules! Rules~! “Whoa!” Lilian jumped away, her body now more firmly in a form of ratfox, but now with a horsecock and balls. She gawked down at herself and yelped when her modest bust surged out to match ours, causing her to fall onto them. “Ah! Help! I’m gonna drown in my own cleavage!” “You don’t need to breathe.” Honey calmly commented, completely unbothered by the situation as she didn’t even bother with food. Likely there were enough heady emotions floating around she was drinking it in without even trying. “You’ll get used to it.” Sabrina added, hefting her own similarly massive chest. “Oh~, Daring why?” I huffed and rubbed my swollen belly since Cynder took the Pearl even though I was the broodmother among us. Then again, Cynder is a dragon. “Because we never get the chance to fuck anymore~.” Daring purred and the other two parts of us nodded in agreement. “We haven’t even separated in so long, I almost forgot I was an individual at times with all four of us running parallel. Kinda like split-brain, only four ways instead of two and none of us are mute.” “Talk about fucking yourself over.” Hermais chuckled as he finished his huckleberry pancakes. “You four haven’t really had any you time huh?” “No...now that I think of it.” I mewled and panted since Daring was still eating me out while Svartr rubbed my shoulders and suckled an ear with Cynder simply smirking at us from the side. “Well, it has been about...a year? Since we actually fucked.” Svartr commented. “Wait, technically Cynder’s new body is a virgin because she hasn't fucked outside our merged body. Hymen and all!” “Wait, what?!” Cynder yelped as all of us looked at her with some hunger and-or shock. “Well, yeah that’s a completely new body. Even with Us having ours popped whole and individually, Cynder hasn’t.” I giggled as Cynder now looked a little nervous with all the looks. “Hm~.” Daring hummed into my plump pussy and sucked on my clit, causing me to squeak and send my fluffy twin tails wagging. “Well, unf, our loves!” I started before finally using my longer tail-hands to hold Daring’s head. “Crap, who wants Cynder’s Virginity?” Dear Ave Daring~! You’re driving me crazy~! “Hey!” Cynder yelped in protest mixed with resignation. “You’re outvoted.” Svartr chuckled. “You know I hate Voting, this is my body. If I believed in democracy I wouldn’t have been a supreme monarch.” Cynder huffed in indignation at the concept of being forced to do something because other people demand it. “Hm~.” Honey hummed from where she slithered up from the floor, having slid under the table to reform behind Cynder. The dragoness stiffened in shock before Honey’s emerald green slime formed her bitch-breaking ovipositor and she thrust deeply into Cynder’s now-former virgin snatch. “Honey~!” Cynder wailed in pained pleasure as she panted and clutched at her groin around Honey’s rod. “Oh~ I forgot h-how much that hurt...” Cynder mewled and then sighed in relief as she began to press back against Honey’s thrusts, the pain already being replaced with the pleasure we were all so accustomed to. “But this is still the dining room…” “Don’t care! Hm, so good~!” Honey grunted through gritted teeth as she hammered Cynder’s quim, which we all felt along with tasting my muff and feeling Daring’s mouth, while Svartr groped and fingered herself at the show we were putting on. “Fuck, this is great. Why didn’t we do this before?” I panted as I rubbed my belly and groped my tits since I couldn’t reach Daring’s head and ears with my normal arms. “Hnng, Svartr bring that tasty cock over here!” “I’d like to, but shouldn’t we move to a room? Isn’t one of the few rules of the dining room literally ‘no lewdness in the dining room’?” Svartr chuckled, but walked over to my front. The amazonian wolfess was tall enough that her groin was nearly head-level with my face. I wasted no time pulling the herm closer so I could mash my tits against those heaving cum orbs and lap at the wolfess’s sheathe. “Yes. Good girl~. Get my musk all over you. I haven’t been able to bust out the boys in ages and our first litter was years ago now.” “Oh~ you smell so good now Svartr. Not all metallic or oily.” I mewled into the wolf’s sack. “Thanks to you. Honey, take Cynder to your room, but please don’t fill her with eggs. In the meantime, I’m going to take care of Lilian and explain her powers. Willow, head to our room and wait until we’re all finished before we romp with each other. Don’t whine too much either, you’re the one who volunteered for broodmother duty.” Svartr ordered me and I wrinkled my snout. “Spoilsport.” I huffed and Daring pouted after she stopped eating me out. “Just wait for now. Daring, I do believe Visilia may show up, so go wait at Harmonia’s temple.” Svartr continued and we all decided that Svartr had most of her brains not in her groin at the moment, so she was essentially the voice of reason right now. “Ugh, okay we’ll all wait.” I sighed and Daring stood up with an apologetic pat on my belly. Whoa~ I just realized I was thinking in the first person! It feels so weird to be doing this. Well, whatever, I’m going to go lounge in bed and watch old sitcoms then! I stood and groaned as I heaved my fecund body out of my chair and began waddling towards the door. Svartr took Lilian away to teach her. Honey groped Cynder before turning into amorphous slime, enveloping the dragoness and slithering them both to her room. “I can’t believe I’m left with being the responsible one.” Daring sighed in disappointment as she looked at Sabrina. “Want to come with me as I sit on my ass at Harmonia’s place?” “Sure, I’ll ‘cum’ with you to the temple.” Sabrina said with a teasing purr and Daring smiled. > Ch.94 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.94 [Svartr] “So what can I do now?” Lilian asked as she and Svartr arrived at the underground training center next to the tunnel entrance of Unity. It shared space with the canyon garrison and barracks as yet another brilliant addition courtesy of the OCD afflicted Twilight Sparkle. “Since you’re a slime, you have full control of your body. How it’s shaped, how dense or thin you are, whether or not you’ll be as flimsy as water or as hard as ice. As for what you’ve inherited from us and Urta, you have a ‘fuck aura’ that draws the lust and other primal urges of those around you to the fore along with incredible super-strength that might even be tied to how pregnant you are.” I told her as I leaned against a wall. It’s weird thinking in I’s and not We’s right now. Damn, we really have been fused together for a long time. Maybe we do still need to have some ‘alone’ time, even if I can still see, hear and feel everything the others are doing. “P-pregnant?!” Lilian yelped as she looked around at the oddly empty box of a room, with gemstones of various colors placed halfway up the walls. “Well, I’d rather avoid that if I can. I’m here to train right?” I willfully Ignored Willow’s simmering irritation and Cynder getting railed by Honey long enough to hear Lilian’s question. At least Daring was behaving out in public where she was just chatting with Sabrina. “Yes, as for why the room is empty, it’s for Ordinance training. Basically it’s meant to test really destructive things like potentially god-killing weapons or abilities.” I informed my cute gooey daughter as I approached the activation rune on the wall next to the doorway.  “Why would you need that?! Most gods are dead right? The Chosen Undead killed them all and I can’t possibly-wait, you’re a goddess! A-and since y-you’re my mom now that m-means…” Lilian nervously observed and started to panic. I guess she’s finally starting to realize she’s not truly in the 2nd Era anymore. “Yes. New Gods have come into the World. One of them has nearly led the world into Corruption and Madness. We are trying to defeat her, but we have a common enemy at the moment. Also yes; you are a Demigod, or Godling. You’re lucky, I was originally a lowly Godkin, one of Gwyn’s Black Knights.” I laid on the clearly overwhelmed woman in the hopes that being overloaded with information will force the girl to think about it rather than descend into hysteria. However, as I explained that to her, a Magical Construct designed to act like the Dark Corrupted Artorias appeared behind her. It was a white outline of the knight, his sword in his hands dripping with purple ‘blood’ as yellow outlines of bodies appeared. This whole scene was thanks to the very Chosen Undead we somehow befriended along with Sabrina's Coven. We still had the letter of her challenging us to a drinking contest after we’d made the holy milk reservoir. “Now, face your opponent.” I told her as I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms under my bust as my familiar armor formed over my body from our shared magic dress. “Huh?” Lilian asked before she turned around and yelped when Artorias attacked. She barely rolled out of the way and began to literally slide and flip to evade the construct’s attacks. “Mom!” She yelped as she kept dodging, showing off some skills she clearly had from her old life. “Find a weapon, the bodies have dozens! Or use your powers!” I shouted out at her, being intentionally unhelpful in the hopes that she would pick things up herself and show me what she has to start with so I know where to go from there. “How is this safe?!” Lilian yelled back as some guards walked by before stopping to watch the show. Artorias was level 9, other tougher gods are level 10 and then there are the Champions of an Era. The only one We had was the Chosen Undead at Max. All the guards and most Night Sentinels were Level 5 or 7, Visilia could get to Level 8 or 9 and the Doom Marines barely handled 10 and Max. This may be a bit much to start her on, but she’d be fine. “Ah!” Lilian splattered across the arena, blinking as her head rose from the largest puddle, the rest of her slithering towards it. “Stop dicking around and fight him!” For an adventurer, she sure didn’t have much in the way of teeth. “I...I will!” She barked back, but still scurried like a rat to find a weapon. [Daring] I leaned against Sabrina, rubbing her thigh tenderly, she reciprocated, but with my ass as we both sat together on a bench facing a fountain in Harmonia’s Pavilion with the pregnant doe smirking at us. “You two are so cute. You’re behaving when you know you could absolutely get away with doing more than grope.” Harmonia commented with good humor as she rubbed her large belly where it poked out under her mostly unbuttoned blouse. She wasn’t saying how many Andre put in her, but considering it’s only been a couple months she was fairly big. “If I’m going to be the responsible one, then I’m going to have to actually show restraint.” I stuck my tongue out at the Goddess of Harmony and then sighed as my wings ruffled. It feels good to be a pony again. Nothing against my literal soulmates, but I wasn’t born a carnivore like them. “How are your fawns?” I asked while Sabrina leaned against me and nuzzled my neck. “They’re doing rather well, considering they’ve been wandering the forest, frolicking like nymphs.” Harmonia huffed in fond exasperation. “Oh? Is Overgrowth not bothering them? They’ve been rather hostile with anyone they consider not of the Everfree.” Sabrina asked in worry. “Oh please. I’ve been here longer than the Everfree. Overgrowth knows not to screw with me, even if he doesn’t much care for the company I keep.” Harmonia stated with surety. “Has He tried screwing?” I asked with a wiggle of my brow. “Overgrowth isn’t so much a singular person as they are an amalgamate consciousness.” Harmonia shook her head at me. “So like Us, just bigger.” I assumed, only to feel slightly disappointed at her shaking head. “Not at all. You still have your sense of self. Overgrowth is the Everfree. Every tree, blade of grass, timberwolf, etc, is part of Overgrowth and Overgrowth is part of them.” Harmonia informed me as she looked over at a flowering bush. “So our sweet Gigafox is part of Overgrowth?” Willow asked through my lips. Dang it Willow! Don’t just hijack my mouth like that! “I’m speaking to Daring right now, go back to what you were doing.” Harmonia leered and I huffed as Willow radiated feelings of sheepishness from where she was watching TV in our bedroom. “Fine.” Willow mewled as she petted Pharos, who was somehow shrunk down to the size of a normal fox and sleeping in her tits atop her massive belly as she watched horrible sitcoms. Eugh, why does Willow like Friends? “Okay, so is Pharos part of Overgrowth or did he separate from the Entity?” I asked with indignance aimed at Willow in my tone. “I have no clue. You’d have to ask Overgrowth. Hey over there! Your mum has a question for you.” Harmonia called over to one of Willow’s many sexy blue kitsune slime daughters, who blinked and slithered on over from where she’d been loitering next to a pond with colorful fish in it. “Hm? What about?” She cheerfully questioned as she reached us, her leaf and vine bikini doing nothing to cover her modesty. If anything they made her even more obscene with her perfect hyper hourglass body matching the norm for us. “Is our Gigafox, which we named Pharos, a part of Overgrowth?” I asked, keeping Cynder’s horniness out of my mind as the slime vixen wiggled about. “Hm, no, not really. Some animals are and some aren’t. This Pharos was a Descendant from a very old Goddess back in the era of Fire. His very blood separates him from Overgrowth. My name's Mew Mew by the way Muma.” Mew Mew randomly introduced herself vapidly. “Oh, I’m not your mom. Willow is. When we’re together, Wiatr is though.” I tried to clarify, only for the slime vixen to shake her head at us even as she kept smiling. “You’re Mom too!” Mew Mew chuckled at me before pulling me into a hug. Her slime seemed to make my own surprisingly less ravenous to eat things. Then again, we’re more stable as a rule, aren't we? “Oh, um, Overgrowth would like to say you’ve done a good job planting more trees to the south while you clear the ones in the way here. Overgrowth also appreciates the food you’re growing, it’s new to him.” Ah, so Overgrowth does have a preferred gender. “Tell him we’re happy for him.” I replied, but then it got pretty awkward when Willow’s incredibly sexy daughter kept hugging me. “Uh...you can let go now.” “Aw, no more hugs?” Mew Mew asked with watery eyes and I sighed as Visi stepped through the portal. She looked tired from whatever Hydrax was having her do, likely on top of everything going on in Tartarus. “Are you okay Visi?” I asked her before Mew Mew’s locomotion mound shimmered green and the slime kitsune let me go. “Ah, Nature calls!” MM whined before she rushed off into some bushes where she let out a sigh and the bushes suddenly surged in growth a bit. Huh, so that’s why Overgrowth likes Willow’s slime daughters so much. “Yes, I’m Okay. Wait, why are you the only one here?” Visilia asked curiously of me and I snorted at how ridiculous it is that being apart is the unusual thing. “We’re taking a day to be ourselves. Separate. Although we can still sense everything the others are doing. At least like this we can unwind on our own.” I replied and then gestured for her to continue. “Well that’s fair. Anyway, the war in Tartarus has progressed to a point where we may be able to pull out soon and Princess Ninia is still pissed we’re even fighting their war. Father decided to try and explain how things work to that impudent bitch, but it led to a screaming match and I had to hold him back from beating the girl.” Visilia sighed and wilted. “Hopefully Ailisiv does overthrow her and I won’t have to follow through with one of my sons with Urta being engaged to her.” “Hopefully. They may not be born of us, but we still love those adorable tykes.” I personally liked the spunk of Urta’s kids. They’re all daring and strong-willed. They’re going to be forces of nature when they’re grown. That’s not even accounting for my own children. Indie Go and Lore Craft give me scares all the time. “So is Ninia still claiming we’re occupying her city even though we’re doing it as a favor?” “Yes. Even though she’s dropped claims of invasion, she’s still going on about us ‘Claiming the upper floors’ as your sovereignty by Purifying them in your name. I actually want to beat her myself, but with how fucking close to crumbling her group is We can’t stop now and Father ordered me to keep the boys from hurting her.” Visilia snarled, her desire to throttle the bitch to death was palpable. After all, that bitch did demand the hand of one of her sons in marriage under the necessity that they be born ‘from local stock’ when her extra-dimensional origin came to light. Thus why it was her and Urta’s sons who were eligible. “She should be happy we’re emancipating her city for-hey!” I yelped when Visi grabbed Sabrina and I’s hands before she pulled us along out of Harmonia’s pavilion with the doe waving at us cheerfully. “Where are you taking us?” Sabrina asked with a curious tilt of her head. “To bed. I need some stress relief and the boys are busy right now.” Visi declared with no nonsense in her tone and clearly not welcome to any ideas to the contrary, so I and Sabrina looked at each other and grinned. “Uh, well this works with Svartr’s plans!” I snickered and wagged eyebrows at Sabrina, who purred while we were tugged along. [Cynder] “Oh~! H-how will this not fill me with eggs?” I asked, rubbing my balloon of a belly, my womb stuffed with Honey’s love nectar and changeling slime as she still thrust into me. Her slime ovipositor writhed around in me like a snake and drove me blind with sparks of pleasure between orgasms. “Because it’s not sperm. This is sperm.” Honey cooed before she stuffed her tentacle arm-cock in my mouth and shot seed into my maw. I moaned at the salty flavor before her tendril robbed me of it by sucking the tasty drink back in. “And you can’t have any.” “No~! Give me cummies!” I pleaded, thirsty. Something that Daring completely sympathized with while I continued to drive Willow wild with her wanting to have sex, but not willing to stoop to sexing Pharos. Meanwhile Svartr was experiencing Schadenfreude as she tormented Lilian with hardcore unfair training and Visilia was dragging Daring and Sabrina into some sexy roleplaying that was mostly complex foreplay. Possibly to warm up for the huge orgy later tonight. “Hm, promise you won’t put it in your womb.” Honey teased, making heavy, smooth balls in front of my face that dangled from the tentacle penis’ base. “*whimper* O-okay! Just let me have it!” I begged and she promptly thrust it down my throat, making me groan around it as the insatiable changeling queen kept pumping me full, feeding both my womb and my stomach now as I gulped and fucked my face on her dick. Oh~ I’m in heaven! [Willow] “Assholes.” I groaned, feeling them all deny me orgasms as they felt theirs, save Svartr who was enjoying being a taskmaster bitch for once, something she enjoyed from her first life. “Arr?” Pharos yawned and wiggled his butt as I felt a hard-on grow on my belly. “No boy. I may be horny as fuck, but I’m not about to go feral just to get mounted and give you adorable Gigakits.” I petted his head as I kept watching Friends. It was incredible that at least some things stay the same no matter the universe. Sure, they were all ponies, but each of the characters even had similar if punny names and their voices were spot-on. Pharos huffed and shifted around atop my tits, planting his balls on my face as he watched the T.V. barking at the dog that showed up. Rolling my eyes, I shoved his butt down into my cleavage and proceeded to pet him. This was until the majority of the room to the left was suddenly blocked off by a wall of brown fur. “Cocoa back!” Cocoa declared, her brown slime body slithering on the floor under and around the massive brown ball to reform next to me on the bed. “Oh~ y-yeah~.” Eris moaned from where her head nearly touched the ceiling, her monstrous weather-balloon tits blocking most of her view as she patted her sides. It seems even my Chaos daughter and granddaughters have figured out how to get so huge without becoming complete spheres. “She’s full of babies?” I asked while ignoring the way Pharos humped my tits as he wagged his tail at seeing Cocoa. “Yes. She said it's not time, but she’ll be full, growing for years.” Cocoa informed me as my daughter moaned, rubbing the tops of her 8-foot boobs and wriggling her hips atop her belly. “So good! I never thought it would be better than my first!” Eris moaned, cumming from just moving in the afterglow. “I-I can’t be immobile though, so I better ask Dongoruas and one of my daughters to make me a Navel Pearl too.” Eris huffed while she hugged as much of herself as she could manage. “Years? So you’re having more draconequus?” I asked her and sighed when Pharos kept bouncing with my boobs rubbing his belly fur. “Yep, so they’ll be in me for at least 3 years. Don’t worry, you’re not about to become even more of a granny.” Eris winked at me, then yawned. “I’m gonna take a nap.” Eris then just laid her head on the top of her left breast and started snoring bubbles as her nipples trickled strawberry milk. “Arf! Arf!” Pharos barked before a warm feeling spread between my tits. “Eugh, Pharos! Bad boy!” I chided before I pulled him out of my tits and set him on the floor with my magic cast through my tails and I huffed in annoyance at the doggy cum in my cleavage. “Great, now I need a shower.” Since I’m not feeling like going all gooey right now. It’s so nice to just be and not be shifting my form around. “Arf!” Pharos barked before he just jumped right back on the bed and Cocoa chuckled. “Let Cocoa handle it.” Cocoa stated as she slithered in front of me and I blushed when she tore my dress open with a wink. Then her two side heads latched onto my nipples, which she began to suckle as her center head dove into my cleavage to start lapping up Pharos’ mess. “Ah~!” I orgasmed instantly. All the build-up from being teased by my other parts slammed into me and my male genitals emerged from how absolutely blue-balled I am and gushed cum onto the underside of my belly as Cocoa’s amorphous lower body dove under me to wrap around my girth and began milking me down there too while she plunged her slime into my cunt and my ass at the same time. “Ahn~!” “Arroo!” Pharos keened before he squeezed between my legs and lapped at my soaked thighs before Cocoa moved him away, her head on that side glaring at him with a surprisingly vicious snarl. “Yip!” Pharos yelped and jumped off the bed before he rushed out of the room. “Cocoa’s!” Cocoa declared in a shout after him, huffed, then went back to nursing as she fucked me. By then her center head had finished cleaning up the fox cum and was now biting and sucking my neck. “Ahah!” I cried out before feeling Cocoa’s slime in the back of my throat when she lunged for my mouth, locking me in a searing kiss as her tongue dove all the way back and then down my throat. “Mmm!” I moaned, spasming as I was launched straight into another orgasm, my vision blacking out as my eyes rolled back. > Ch.95 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.95 We woke up, groggily blinking in a pile of our wives and Visi. At some point Svartr left Lilian with a guardsman trainer, ran back here, pulled the rest of the others back, then We melded together for one big incredible orgy together. Unfortunately, Urta didn’t get home last night for some reason, but it was still great. “Ugh...damn it Cynder.” We groaned in a mixture of exasperation and pleasure since our white belly took up most of the bed and rose up into the air. We were full of changeling slime and love nectar, as well as cum from both Cocoa and Honey that We unintentionally lumped into our womb when fusing back together. We couldn’t sense more babies, thank gosh. If We just keep going on like this We’ll end up perma-preg like Urta, but We don’t want that. We need breaks. “Worth it!” Cynder moaned as Pharos warily entered the room, looking worried. “Oh our love puppy is back!” “Sorry boy. We didn’t know Cocoa could get territorial like that.” Especially since she’s always been so open before. Maybe she feels threatened if any more people have a share of our time? Or is it specifically a dog thing? “Come on up boy, there’s not much room, but you can get at the foot of the bed at least.” “Arrr.” He whined and looked at Cocoa before doing as asked. He nuzzled our thigh before he licked our belly. Whoa, we can smell him being turned on still. “Um...boy? Getting a little-close~.” We squeaked when he lapped at our still soaking wet cunny. “Boy, cut it-out~.” We squeaked quietly as he shoved his head into us. We quietly groaned, biting our lip and nervously eyeing our sleeping lovers as our cunt began hungrily pulling him in. “No~.” We shamefully orgasmed as We unbirthed our downsized Gigafox. He wiggled and kicked as he was pulled in, his front legs quickly pulled in his abdomen. We heard him whimper before feeling him hump our inner walls. Fuck, We’re unbirthing him and he’s still trying to fuck us! Our belly didn’t even swell as We pulled him into the womb. Hopefully he wouldn’t hurt any-. We took in a harsh breath as a pulse echoed out from our belly. “Oh no! Eris! Eris wake up!” We shouted, snapping our lovers awake too while our belly rapidly surged in size. “Eris, teleport us somewhere open!” We pleaded. Eris blinked and gave a groggy snap of her fingers. We suddenly found ourselves crashing growing-belly-first into an empty canyon in some lush mountain range, our rapidly advancing fecundity blocking up the small stream running at the bottom as our white-furred breasts rapidly filled with milk and blocked our view while our limbs began to be absorbed by our rapidly inflating body-encompassing womb. “Where did she send us?!” We didn’t hear anyone around as our body grew. “Oh shit, shit!” We shouted when our massiveness rapidly eclipsed any of our previous sizes, even when We were an immobile Ancient Dragon in a lake of spooge. “Whoa! Whoa!” We yelped when our round body started rolling down the slight slope as water built up behind us. We were stalled by our gargantuan breasts for only a moment before our body began absorbing them too and We began to pick up speed. “What happened?!” Daring asked since our body absorbed everything in its growth, even our horned rodent head and breasts as We rolled down the mountain pass in increasing speed. “We unbirthed a fucking Gigafox that’s what!” Svartr screamed in terror before We ramped off the waterfall at the end, mentally screaming since We had no head while We plummeted towards the gigantic lake nestled between lush green mountains. “Just birth him!” Cynder wailed before We crashed into the lake, sending a small tsunami to splash up against the mountains. Our girth was already so vast We bounced off the lakebed a bit and settled, but We were still rapidly swelling up and more and more of us was appearing above the surface of the lake. “How?!” The rest of us demanded in terror, before a stabbing pain We’ve never experienced began at the relative area of our ball body between our cunt and our navel. “No~!” We wailed in terror, only just now turning into slime to-. *BLOOSH* (<3) We blinked and sat up in bewilderment. There were two bemused slimes that looked like Lilian, but in different colors, soothing Hunter and Berserker’s pups as they looked at us in concern. “Are you okay?” The silver dracofox herm asked before two of Hunter’s pups latched onto our nipples once she presented them to our chest. We quickly cradled them in a mixture of shock and relief. “We? Are you okay?!” We panicked, looking them all over, noting how our other slime daughter was gold. They both already looked like Lilian, a blend of the Horned Rat and horse-dicked vixen. It seems although Hermais got Lilian out early due to mental awareness, she would’ve finished her physical changes before coming out if he’d let her finish baking. “I don’t know, but when there are crying babies, a passed out mother and a giant 100 foot-tall green fox demanding you stay put as he goes somewhere, you do it.” Goldie said with a shiver, her trio of fox tails shivering for longer than the rest of her. “We’re so sorry sweeties. Come here.” We whined and implored they hug us. The two Reborn slime sisters didn’t need much prompting to slither up to us and snuggle our sides while still supporting Berserker’s pups. They even wordlessly switched off with the two pups at our chest when Hunter’s little darlings finished feeding. They were surprised when We turned to slime, but remained our Skaven coloration to cradle the pups in our goo and insistently pressed their mouths to our tits, though they thankfully complied and suckled from us. As they drank, We explained their new lineage, who We were, our mission and what they were now. All said, they took it easier than Lilian. “Sorry about your new fama not being here thanks to our carelessness.” We mewled at our new daughters who gently rubbed our shoulders comfortingly. “It’s not like you could’ve planned this fiasco.” Goldie insisted and then hefted up a fluorescent golden breast with consideration in her expression and glowing turquoise Argent Eyes. “Well, with that all said, who were you and what era were you in before you became our new daughters?” We requested curiously as We pet the snoozing dracowolf pups on our mound of warm goo, which made a convenient bed for pups since We could morph it about. “I was a painter in my old life from the Era of Dark.” Silver told us with a sigh as she pet her flourescent silver tails. “In the Dark there wasn’t much you could do, but when you were close enough to something to see it from the ambient Light all living or unliving creatures emitted, paintings were so strikingly beautiful against the bland nothingness of the Dark.” “I was a soldier in the Age of Fire. I was made into a Ring Knight by that ass Gwyn. Those times are all a blur to me after I was Branded with the Ring, so I can’t tell you much.” Goldie shrugged and smiled warmly at us. “Thank you. For freeing me.” “Ah, well. Like We explained, you were annihilated by Argent in some form or possibly just had your souls subsumed by it. Thank whatever put you down.” We uneasily said to her, thankful that both of them didn’t seem put-off by the idea they’d genuinely died despite being Undead at the times of their destruction. “So, we’re gods like you?” Goldie asked with unease in her tone. Considering she was consigned to an existence as a rampaging Hollow Shell by Gwyn, it made sense she’d have an issue with being a god. “Well, no. You’re godkin, or demigods. We’re a god like a few of our wives and mates, but not all of them are gods.” We insisted in the hopes they wouldn’t think of themselves as too different from normal people. They have the potential to lead somewhat normal lives now. They don’t have to be sucked into the insanity that is the affairs of divinity. “Well that’s nice. I don’t think I could cope with that kind of craziness.” Silver breathed out a sigh of relief. “I’m just a painter after all. Now then, would you have any idea where we are?” “First names, please?” We asked our new daughters, since they still hadn’t told us. “Mirage.” Silver replied sheepishly at forgetting to say when asked before. “Lukus.” Goldie answered promptly with a blush, likely having forgotten she wasn’t a soldier anymore and she still has a name. “Good names.” We praised them and hugged them before going back to cooing over our pups. “It’s a good thing these little cuties had us around or they’d be shivering and hungry.” Mirage joined us in cooing over the cute infants while Lukus was visibly uneasy with getting too close now that she wasn’t needed for holding a baby. Ah, one of those nervous types when it comes to children. All afraid of how to hold them, how to do anything. Cute. “Now, what about your Daddies?” We cooed to our young pups before looking around the mountains ringing the lake basin. “We’re somewhere in a mountain range and We think Pharos is looking for help or food.” “Could they find us?” Lukus asked with concern, seeming about ready to rush off in a single direction to see if she could find us civilization. “Maybe, but they’re in Tartarus at war and our other mates were asleep, though We think We woke them in our panic.” We replied with our ears and trio of tails wilted as We encompassed our pups below the neck in our body-warm slime like a combination bed and blanket. “So they may not know where we are?” Mirage whined in worry as she still hovered over the pups. “Yes, so we may have to wait for Pharos.” We bemoaned, since the giant fox would be the best bet for finding civilization with how huge he was. He’d be able to cross distances that would be considered vast as if they were an afternoon run. “Oh, great.” Lukus sighed before she began gathering stones from the shore of the lake and started setting them up away from the water. “Then we’d better set up shelter. Mirage, look for-.” “Arroo.” Pharos howled when he entered the massive lake basin from between some mountains nearby. The utterly gigantic green fox that was now easily as big as a massive battleship rapidly approached and then dropped some wild deer he brought on some clear ground away from the stones Lukus had just started setting up. “Did you find out where we are boy?” We asked him even though We wouldn’t understand him. He barked and We sighed as he nudged the carcass our way. “Mirage, go get some firewood. Lukus, you clean the meat.” We ordered before fussing over our pups some more. “Western Mountains.” A rich baritone voice that made our fur stand on end and send a shiver down our spines declared, so We turned to the source to see that in Pharos’ place was suddenly an eleven foot tall anthro green fox male that was ripped. Not as much as Urta, but he rivaled most of the Doom Marines. Also, his balls, oh~ those hefty coconuts looked delectable. “Good to see you awake!” “Pharos?” We asked in shock. “The very same. I suppose I have adapted my body thanks to your womb.” Pharos patted his body down with a grin. “It’s so odd though. To be able to take a form with only two legs, to speak the same language.” “We can guess.” We commented while having trouble looking away from the cum orbs easily eye-level with most people when standing. Looking at our new slime daughters, they also clearly had trouble looking above his pelvis. “You don’t feel like our son though.” We commented in bemusement. “My blood stopped that. Anyhow, I got us some food.” Pharos unhelpfully replied as he reached into his bushy tail and pulled out a couple more feral deer from his inventory. Mirage fumbled with the firewood she’d gathered from around our impromptu camping spot at how he just accessed his inventory without wearing even a loincloth for the access. “Wait, how?” We were confused since that shouldn’t be possible with what We know. “Maybe it’s from me popping you like an overfilled berry, or the fact the Wolfblood adapts more than actually changes.” Pharos again unhelpfully explained while he began to tear apart the hunted game with his bare hands. Seeing as how he took over there, Lukus went back to gathering stones and mud and packing together four walls for a shelter. “But you’re a fox.” We bluntly pointed out as Mirage used magic We were unfamiliar with to throw a tiny fireball into the sticks she’d gathered to start a fire. It’s a shame We don’t have the materials to make a Bonfire with us. We haven’t replenished those since the last one. “Since Sif, those with Wolf’s blood seemed to adapt more than change what they are. Though the Dark is still a different story for us. After all, despite my Wolfblood I’m adamantly a fox, as are others who share my branch of her bloodline. Something caused us to Adapt long ago.” Pharos clarified much more usefully this time as he helped prepare spits for Mirage to cook the meat over the fire. “Alright, soon we’ll have food.” Mirage said as she stabbed a spit with a hunk of red venison dripping over the surprisingly strong fire. “Shelter too.” Lukus announced and We looked in surprise at the sight of a short stone-daub walled hut that had the floor dug down into the dirt a bit inward from the wall and Lukus was already propping up large sticks as a frame for a roof that a nearby grass pile was likely to fill in. “Well, we shouldn’t stay here too long. Let’s eat and rest for the night, then we’ll start heading east. If we’re anywhere on the main continent, civilization tends to be east. If we hit the ocean, then we can follow the shore either north or south to eventually reach a city or town.” We declared and got agreements from everyone. “It’s okay. Huts like this are easy to make.” Lukus declared, as if single-handedly building something that would last more than a few months in a couple of hours was nothing. (<3) The next day we hiked continuously east. Pharos was too big in his full form to both carry us and traverse these mountains safely, so he was stuck walking with us. He was forced to remain nude, much to the joy of us ladies, but we were all clad in spare jeans and blouses We kept in our inventory for clothing emergencies. Now, usually We’d have forgone the pants since slime locomotion mounds are much more speedy and clingy to surfaces, but our pups didn’t like such quick movement and our Reborn daughters weren’t used to moving like that. So legs in pants it was. The whole day passed in pleasant if tense company with little in the way of meaningful conversation. It was mostly us answering questions about the modern era as well as telling them stories about our exploits and vice-versa. Daring was absolutely ravenous for first-person input of the past for obvious reasons, so Lukus especially got to answer plenty of questions. Eventually we reached a cave to make camp in as the sun was nearing the horizon behind us. We groaned when We laid down with the pups. At least we’re going the right way. We’ve found signs of the Sand Witch Coven considering how amazingly lush the region was along with the small shrines with our sexy self on them near the fonts of mountain springs. “At least we’re on the right track.” We groaned before unbuttoning our blouse to feed the hungry pups again while Lukus and Mirage sat down next to us, holding two of the pups as the two We carried suckled. “Aroo! Aroo!” The ones We couldn’t feed yet whined while Pharos morphed seamlessly back to his Feral body and curled up protectively at the cave entrance, his body nearly sealed the entrance, but left open enough for air to breathe. This would keep us warm from the cold night. “The big guy is a really impressive werebeast.” Lukus commented with a bit of awe while she gently bounced the pup in her arms to keep him calm. She was so damn nervous before, but it’s good to see holding a pup all day has helped her confidence with a child. “He wasn’t always like that, but yes he is.” We couldn’t agree more at this fact considering We’ve never seen a werebeast in person. This will be awkward when We get home. He’s clearly sapient along with able to be anthro, along with sinfully sexy. Treating him like a pet will feel so weird. “Soon enough we should see civilization out in those rolling hills and valleys of verdant grass. Failing that, hopefully one of our fiance’s Ghost squads will find us.” “Really? How would they find us here?” Mirage asked curiously, gesturing at the shallow yet gaping cavern that was just one of so many like it in the freshly green mountain range. Pharos being green wouldn’t help in that regard unless they’re using thermal scanning, which We wouldn’t put past our lovers to use. “They have their ways. We suggest having dinner and sleeping before continuing east. We’ll get the-.” “Hey, big guy. You did good, but the cavalry’s here.” We heard through Pharos’ body outside and the Gigafox promptly got up and moved out of the way to reveal a Ghost in full padded stealth Night Sentinel armor. “Ma’am, may I ask how you ended up here? All the higher-ups told us was to scan for you everywhere.” “It’s embarrassing and complicated. How many of you are here?” We questioned while We swapped the now-sated pups for the two fussy hungry ones held by Lukus and Mirage. “Enough.” He answered as more of his comrades came in. “We have transport coming in to take you all to Tel’Fyr since it’s the closest. You’re fairly close to it too, it’s over the next mountain eastward where the old fort is built into the cliffs.” Oh~! The big one that was actually prepared for us! It was such a slaughter! Good times, good times. “Thank you. As for how we all ended up out here; Pharos got in our womb, We panicked, We asked Eris to Get us outside and she sent us into the open out here since she was barely awake after she was fucked silly by Cocoa. Then We popped after turning into slime since We couldn’t hold Pharos in us. Thankfully these little guys are alright including the Reborn Skaven Slimes from Urta.” This reminds us that We need to find and talk to Urta. We didn’t even get to tell her about Lilian either! She was gone the whole day! That’s it, We’re going to demand she stay home for a day at least. All of the Night Sentinels slowly turned towards Pharos, who whined as they stared at him. “If anything were to happen to our Lords’ pups, we’d cut your balls off.” One of them threatened, making Pharos tuck his tail between his legs and whimper. “They’re fine, I made sure of it.” Pharos told them, which made them pause for a moment. “He can talk and turn anthro now. He also got these two to help the pups while he got food.” We told them as We pointed to the silver and gold Skaven Slimes. “...My threat still stands.” The Night Sentinel stated. “Well, please don’t castrate my friend. It’s unnecessary.” We sighed. We stood up and checked over the pups again. “They’re all healthy and very active too. There is no harm to them.” “How long until the carriage is here?” Lukus asked, showing her age in thinking the Night Sentinels would be using a carriage after We’d already waxed poetic about this era. In fact, in a cosmic act of poetic timing, the second she finished speaking was when we heard the rumbling sound of the transport arriving. It was a Heavily Armoured Hover Troop Transport, or HAHTT. “Right now.” The Ghost said humorlessly, likely offended at the idea of them using carriages. “Let’s get you lot on board.” Opening up the back doors, they herded us inside with Pharos the last one to jump in after downsizing. The Night Sentinels didn’t hop in with us when they closed the doors and the HAHTT started moving. “Okay, now we can finally relax.” We sighed before leaning back to rest with a Sentinel coming back from the cockpit and buckling us in, even providing baby seats for the pups. With the knowledge we were all safe and in good hands, We closed our eyes in exhaustion...then wondered what the fuck happened to our Navel Pearl for it to fail...ugh, damn it Cynder, don’t ever take it out again! > Ch.96 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.96 We woke to the transport shaking from a surprising amount of turbulence and blinked our eyes awake. Ah, We must’ve drifted off. Willow tended to do that during flights, partly why Willow kept having no idea where she was while Daring flew the plane around. Oh, well that explains why Willow’s memory back then is so spotty, along with remaining awake for days on end to let Daring sleep in peace at camp. Aw~ We’re all sappy inside now. With a smile We unbuckled and stood up to look out of a viewport. We felt worried at seeing a scarred stretch of land from a recent battle. Considering the fires that were still being put out and the corpses of the demons, it was an attack by Hell not even a day ago. There were burned out farmsteads and destroyed crop fields that caused a pit to form in our stomach. It’s like they waited for us to be out of the way or something. This is way too much of a coincidence. Aside from the standard post-battle cleanup, there was an unusually high number of ponies salvaging destroyed Night Sentinel and Hell equipment in the scorched fields and exposed glassed sand where explosions had torn up the surface layer of dirt. They hauled the damaged gear to waiting trucks that weren’t out of place on the road in Willow’s world while others were tearing apart the hulls of scuttled tanks and other vehicles. “Why are ponies taking apart damaged gear?” We questioned in confusion, figuring that the Night Sentinels handled all aspects of post-battle cleanup. “Are they your cleanup crews?” We asked the Night Sentinel who came back from the cockpit. “Hm? No, that’s a local Union that’s offered to clean up the skirmish site for us. Those parts left down there are mostly depleted and destroyed weapons or scuttled vehicles too wrecked to service instead of salvage. King Hydrax gave us the okay to outsource that since it’d cost us more time to do it ourselves when we could be preparing for the next battle.” He helpfully informed us and We hummed in suspicion. “Doesn’t that reek of all kinds of iffy motives though?” We asked and the Sentinel tilted his head. “Um, how? What could they get out of it? They said they want to clean up the landscape as quickly as possible so the local farmers can reclaim the land again sooner. We also watched them deposit the waste in the local scrapyard like it should be.” The Sentinel’s response soothed some of our suspicions, but outsourcing didn’t really seem to be King Hydrax’s style. “Still, this is a bit fishy. We’ll be looking into it personally.” We declared and the Sentinel shrugged nonchalantly. What is it about pilots and copilots being so campy? “Whatever eases your mind Princess. I came back to wake you all and tell you to strap in since we’ll be landing in the plaza of Fort Fyr soon.” The Sentinel gestured for us to sit back down and We followed his instructions before he returned to the cockpit. “He seemed fairly unprofessional for a soldier.” Lukus commented in disapproval, her golden whiskers twitching on her rodent snout. “He’s a pilot. It’s part and parcel for most pilots to be campy and at ease outside of tense combat situations. They’re constantly manning a dangerous machine hundreds to thousands of feet above ground. They have to cope with that stress somehow.” We reasoned to our Reborn daughter as our descent began. The pups began crying due to the sensation and We spent the rest of the return to the ground trying to sooth them in vain. Even when we landed they were still sniffling and keening. Before We could even unbuckle, We were suddenly pounced on by a mountain of red armored muscle that clutched us protectively and shoved our snout into their armored neck. “Berk, Berserker.” We groaned and pushed him away enough with our incredible strength to unbuckle ourselves. “We’re fine. Everything's fine.” We insisted as he visibly inspected us while Mirage, Lukus and Hunter took the pups from their baby seats, which We only now considered to be silly to just have on a military transport. “You need a Bonfire in Unity.” Berserker suddenly declared and We furrowed our brow. “We do have one. It’s near Harmonia. The Firekeeper always sits right next to it, remember?” We reminded the Doom Marine in confusion. Hm, We should check in on her. Last We heard she was in a relationship with one of the guards of Unity. Hopefully she’s found a reason to want to live. “So why did you stay all the way out here when you exploded?” Berserker questioned with irritated concern. “You were lucky enough to have spawned relatively close to Tel’Fyr.” “Well that’s because We didn’t die, Bryan. We turned back into slime moments before rupture, which just splashed us all over the lake. We’re lucky enough that We were in a large enough piece to subconsciously merge back into one body, or We would have died.” We replied in irritation and made a mental note that We’ll need to rebuild our biomass stores. Sorry sacred spunk lake, We need to drain you again. “Well, then how did you get out there? Why did you go out there?” Berserker demanded with his tone clearly hedged, possibly by our use of his proper name in our irritation. “We had an orgy with our Wives and became immobile.” We started and he groaned, but We silenced any commentary with a glare. “Eris, our eldest Chaos daughter was also there since she was also immobile and filled up by Cocoa. She warped us to someplace big and open when Pharos had a SNAFU. We inflated when he rapidly grew bigger and We exploded since our Navel Pearl wasn’t in place for once.” “I started to clean her up and because she smelled sweet back there. I hadn’t expected to slip in and be pulled into her womb. I grew to my full size in panic and after a flash of magic I was suddenly like this, had 4 pups crying, two confused Slime Skaven and a sleeping matron to take care of.” Pharos summed up his end of things from where he was trying to get unbuckled and failing. His big fingers were too thick to depress the button on his buckle and it was somewhat amusing to watch him try not to rip the buckle apart. Berserker glared at Pharos for a moment before he gave a disgruntled huff and Hunter shook his head. “Well, that explains it.” Hunter commented as he pet one of the two pups that were clearly his by their grey fur. “It was all just a big series of accidents. Enough about this though, where is Urta?” We demanded from Berserker, the sudden shift in topic clearly took him by surprise. “Um, Hunter? I don’t keep track of everyone all the time like you do. Do you know where Urta is? I haven’t seen her in days.” Berserker’s words caused a cold pit in our heart to open up. “She was last with the R&D teams, but a couple of days ago she said she had some things to do and seemed to vanish after her last visit.” Hunter reported and visibly seemed agitated. “My Ghosts haven’t seen hide nor hair of her in the past couple of days.” “What?! She’s a focal reason for Hell’s invasions! She’s a renewable resource of Argent! Their most important military product! Where else has Hell invaded recently?! There’s been more than this assault on Tel’Fyr right?!” We urgently demanded from Hunter, who nodded in confirmation. “There’s been assaults on all of the Tels. Tel’Adre, Tel’Fyr, Tel’Dres, Tel’Larian and Tel’Kyn. These were fairly small compared to the assaults launched at Ponyville, Baltimare, Appleloosa and Dodge Junction. All of these targets are major food producers for both Saddle Arabia and Equestria. Our current theory is that they’re trying to starve us. It’s a tried and true tactic. Although, the damage to the fields is surprisingly less than the damage to the buildings that manage those fields.” Hunter reported with a musing scratch of his chin. “They’re searching for something. Or someone.” We snarled in fury at the fact Hell had a better grasp of the situation than our own forces did in regards to Urta’s location. It was obvious that Hell had means of detecting Argent, but if they really are searching for Urta, that means there are notable quantities of Argent in all of these locations. Urta’s Argent is usually managed with fluid management systems… “Are there dairy farms in each of these locations?” We questioned Hunter, who nodded in confirmation. “Send teams, with search warrants in case people try to hinder us, to every dairy, alcohol distillery, or other self-contained fluid production location in these towns and cities. Hell is searching for Urta, which means they’re searching for Argent. Argent they detected in these places.” “Fuck! Why didn’t we consider this?!” Berserker snarled and looked out in the direction of the fields. “What Union is doing the salvaging anyway?” We asked while We headed towards the glistening pool in the center of the now properly paved and fortified Fort Tel’Fyr, which had been converted from sandstone to solid reinforced concrete for the sections not carved into the cliff. The pool was actually covered in a metal grate that had open sections to dip into. This isn’t a pleasure pool after all. “The Unionized Action Co-Op. UAC. They work mostly on infrastructure and are originally from Equestria. They paved the road going from Ponyville to Unity for instance.” A Night Sentinel next to the portal to Unity answered for us. “Did you just say UAC?” We asked the Night Sentinel in shock. “Well, it’s what their name abbreviated to.” The soldier replied in bemusement at our shock. “Oh, for Hell’s sake. Did the king authorize this?” Berserker demanded angrily and the Night Sentinel quaked in his boots. “Answer me!” “He did. We were told that when We asked. We didn’t get the company name until now.” We sighed before We noticed a guard in what looked like the UAC knock off of Praetor armor. “Hey you! Over there! Where did you get that armor?!” We demanded when We sprinted to the guard, who had come from the barracks and he patted his smooth rounded chestplate. “This is the new armor being issued to garrisons of the Equestrian Military in place of our old traditional sets. It’s so comfy that I don’t have to worry about getting a wedgie ever again!” The stallion gushed excitedly to us with his voice modulated by the full-helm’s breathing filters. It was really good armor to be sure. It took clear inspiration from the Doom Marines with a visor over the eyes that gave clear field of view while being opaque on the outside to protect from bright lights and flashes. However, it looked much more like UAC armor from DOOM. “Wait, so the Princesses are Issuing this?” We asked while We noted that instead of the traditional spear, sword, mace, or axe that frontier soldiers were equipped with, he instead had a semi-automatic pistol holstered on his hip and carried what looked like a sort of Gunlance that could still be held like a normal spear. “Um, I wouldn’t know about that. I’m just a guard. Speaking of which, I do need to get to my patrol.” He tried to leave, but We held up our hands to halt him. “We’re Princess Wiatr. By our order, you can be late this once.” We declared to the stallion who must’ve been an Earth Pony due to no horn on his helmet. Then again, he didn’t have a tail either, so the armor might have dimensional storage to streamline things. “Why are most soldiers still using melee weapons?” The Night Sentinel asked in reference to the gunlance the Guard had, which was clearly still a lance first and a gun second. Our ears picked up Berserker having a private conversation on the comms off to the side while We continued to piece things together. “Mostly because portable firearms are still very new, we had a jump from studying what Canida made, but we had no factories to mass produce them until recent months.” We answered with the knowledge Daring had on guns. Her pistol was a standard side-arm for Dogs in the Canidian Army after all. “Only officers were getting something like a revolver or something along those lines just a year ago. When were we making Semi-Auto?” “You mean we bought guns from C&H? That makes sense why only police got the good guns while we were left with revolvers and other bulkier and clumsier guns out on the frontier.” The Guard grumbled as he tapped the butt of his gunlance on the ground irritably. “Have you been trained in that gear?” We asked the Guard, getting curious about his name since he didn’t have it on his left breastplate like he was supposed to. He really must have just gotten it if he didn’t even bother making sure it had his name on it. “Yeah! Some Night Sentinels taught us when the gear came in.” He told us as he transformed the lance into a bayoneted rifle with a flick and spin of the weapon. It’s a Trick Weapon! Those are native to Ash! Instead of being a long lance, it was now half the length with the staff folded over to reveal it was a second barrel and could be held more like a traditional long rifle. “They wouldn’t let us leave the garrison with a gun until we aimed and shot to their expectations.” “Orders from the king. I think he knew this would happen, but not so soon.” The Night Sentinel mentioned for our sake. “Which is why we’re freaking out. We expected our own projects to achieve this level of gear to be four more years!” We hissed as We considered how this could happen. “How much of that scrap is intact enough to reverse engineer?” “Not that much! I wouldn’t be able to figure out how those chunks of metal work with how slagged they were!” The Night Sentinel shot back. “Right, well what’s your name Guard?” We asked him, considering We’d held him up and he cooperated well enough. “Corporal Cool Jets Princess!” The stallion saluted, but his name made us blink. “But that’s a pegasus name.” We commented and looked at his wingless back. “They don’t have a version of the armor that lets us use our wings. The sarge told me I had to learn how to ‘walk like everyone else’ at some point, so he told me to get used to being on the ground with this new armor before they upgraded it.” Cool Jets replied and sighed in a slight shrugging stretch. “The storage compartment for the wings is roomy so I barely notice. I’m having trouble not trying to fly.” “Okay, I’ve cleared you of being held up with your sergeant soldier. You’re with us now.” Berserker told the corporal, who even through his faceless helmet We could tell he was gawking. “You’re as local as someone can get in this town, you know where the nearest dairy farm is?” “Uh...sure? I’ll lead on.” He did a little hop on his hooves, then stood stock still as We snickered at his expense. “Uh...I meant to do that!” “Try not to launch into space why don’t you?” We giggled at his failed takeoff like how he hinted just before. “We’ll be taking a ride, you can drive.” “I get to drive?!” Cool Jets gushed and We felt a pit form in our stomach. (<3) An olive drab jeep jumped over the hill just next to the dairy plant, impacted the dirt parking area, did a few donuts and then came to a squealing halt. “Woow!” Cool Jets cheered like a madman and the three of us who had been trapped in the high-speed deathtrap with him jumped out of the jeep the instant it was still long enough to do so to see he’d somehow parked perfectly in a space. “L~like a glove~! That was great! Wanna go again?!” “No!” All three of us screamed at him from where we were bent over and panting. Thank Sister We had the foresight to send the pups home with Lukus and Mirage! This Ace Ventura clone nearly killed us! “Aw, nobody lets me drive a second time…” Cool Jets whined as he did a handstand on the door of the jeep and flipped onto his hooves before he summoned his magitech stored gunlance from his armor’s belt and stood like an absolutely reasonable pony. “That's because you drive like an insane idiot.” Berserker snarled. “To be fair, he’s a good driver, he just goes way too fast.” Hunter commented with wry disapproval in his telepathic tone. “We’re having flashbacks to Daring’s college days and Willow’s sister learning how to drive.” We mewled before patting our flat armored chest. We at least had someone run home and bring us our armor considering We’re uncovering a conspiracy. “Well then. Let's head inside. You have the Search Warrant ready?” “Freshly signed by Mayor Cotton for authenticity!” Cool Jets declared as he flashed the scroll which he summoned to his hand and flicked out like it was a sleight-of-hand magic trick instead of real magic. We’d issued the warrant and Mayor Cotton, yes, the CoC yoga mare herm Cotton, was all too glad to sign it since it might uncover something that attracted Hell to assault her town. “Let’s just get this over with.” Berserker grumbled and marched up to the front doors, pounding on them with his fist and making a quite loud rumble. We only had to wait a couple of minutes and the door opened before Berserker could hammer on it again. “Yes? For a second I thought Demons were pounding on the door. Is it safe outside?” Asked the purple-eyed dull blue unicorn in a white utility jumpsuit that answered the door. Odd, his mane was ‘shaved’ and his tail cropped as close as possible. “It’s been safe for hours now. Why are you expecting demons when the fighting is clearly over?” Hunter questioned, going right for the throat. Good work Hunter! “Well, they’re demons right? They can show up anytime or anywhere with those portals of theirs.” The stallion replied easily enough, even looking past us as if to look for demons, when likely he was checking for more of us. “Yeah, right. About that buddy. We know something is up and it’s why it attracted the demons. We’re here to search the place.” Berserker bluntly declared and the stallion visibly paled. “On whose authority?!” He demanded with a squeaky voice, clearly realizing that he stood no chance of stopping us physically or possibly even with magic. “Ours.” We declared when Cool Jets went to flourish the warrant, only to flub it, drop it, try to snatch it back up, get it, accidentally toss it back up higher, then finally snag it and hold it up with all the decorum he could possibly manage with that absolute shit-show he gave. Honestly, it was so damn funny that We’re going to laugh about it later, but for now, seriously dude? “Princess!” The stallion yelped in realization and tried to slam the door with his magic, but Berserker smashed the door with his fist as the stallion sprinted into the suspiciously empty entrance and then darted around a corner. We gave chase, the four of us following the frantic clops of his hooves. “Stop right there criminal scum! No one violates the law on my watch!” Cool Jets declared with full seriousness to the point We wanted to laugh like a ninny. “Really?” Berserker asked before he broke down a wall that the criminal had gone around, causing the stallion to scream like a little filly before teleporting past Berserker and continuing to run. “Get back here you little shit!” “This is all just a big misunderstanding!” The stallion squealed before he ran through a door and his magic slammed it shut. Berserker ran into it with his shoulder first, but shockingly he bounced off instead of bursting through! “This is for the good of all! You’ll see!” “Get out here!” We demanded, casting magic to smash the door open, only for us to suddenly feel exhausted like We’d just run a marathon. “W-what? H-how?” We gasped as a loud ear-raping cascade of white noise struck all of us for several seconds. When it eventually stopped, the door suddenly imploded as if all the force Berserker and us had caused all hit at once after the delay. “What in the name of Torngarsuk was that?” Hunter questioned and the four of us entered the destroyed doorway to discover...nothing. There was nothing here. No piping, no tools, no storage tanks. It was emptier than an abandoned warehouse. Just what the absolute fuck happened?! “Did he just teleport everything?” We snarled in frustration, both at him getting away with the evidence, but also that from what We remember reading, such a massive transference of matter via teleportation is Literally Impossible! Not even Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadence along with Us could accomplish a teleport this massive! It should’ve caused a resonance cascade that-the white noise! So he did the impossible! “Just what are we dealing with here?” “Dear. You’re not going to like this, but something similar has happened at all the other sites. A couple of people have been arrested, but they’re not talking yet.” Berserker snarled after listening to his comm and stomped on the plain concrete hard enough to crack it. “Damn it!” “At least this explains how they could detain someone as powerful as Urta.” Hunter grimly intoned, making the pit in our heart deepen. Urta. Please, be safe… > Ch.97 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.97 “It’ll be alright. I have the whole Equestrian military on high alert and looking for any trace of Urta and these hooligans.” Luna declared comfortingly to us in the throne room of Canterlot. By the time We got home and called the princesses, all of them, it was night, so We decided to catch up with our beloved moon booty princess while Hunter went back on the prowl to find the UAC. Which had disappeared oh-so-conveniently shortly after the botched dairy farm raids. Berserker went to find King Hydrax and beat the living shit out of him, since this was technically his fault for letting the local population gather their technology and experiment with Argent and have free access to the Helix Stone. We all know what happened the last time a corporation got their hands on all of those things at once. Also, the rest of our wives were absolutely beside themselves with distress over Urta being kidnapped and blamed themselves for not realizing her absences were getting longer than reasonable and especially that this latest period of being gone for over a day was especially beyond the pale. We’re in a worse state however, so We decided to spend time with someone We rarely get to while our other wives cried and comforted each other in their sleep. “We know and appreciate it Lulu, but all of us should’ve noticed something was up. The R&D team didn’t even notice anything amiss, even though a few of the doctors working on her were said to be upset about you and Tia denying their research requests. Those doctors are still accounted for and incredibly incensed about the research they do have permission for now being delayed, so something else must be up.” We did consider them, but they were not acting any differently than reported was normal for them. “Could it be related to those Six that disappeared early on?” Lulu questioned, clearly referencing the scientist traitors that were corrupted by the whispers of Hell and betrayed us all. “No. If it was them, then Urta would already be in Hell’s hands and We can’t…” We couldn’t fathom it. What those monsters would do to our beloved wife. Likely twist her like they did the Wraiths and butcher her into a macabre altar eternally pouring forth her Argent. “If they did have her, we would have Hell knocking at our front doors already.” Luna grumbled and looked up at the high stained glass window of her and Tia framing the moon and sun respectively. “Argent is indeed a powerful substance. It is the only way they could have possibly had the power to magically relocate all of those materials. The unicorns working with Urta already proved that Argent is basically ‘liquid magic’ in many ways.” “Oh. Great. Typical. We have a Magic Soul, Urta has a Magic Body. We’re made for each other!” We declared, our voice cracking, on the verge of breaking into sobs. Thankfully Luna got out of her throne and hugged us to her bosom, which was easy when the amazonian mare was tall enough her breasts were head-height to us. “Should we adjourn court for the night Mistress?” Politely questioned one of the advisors in the stands, all of them looking uncomfortable and pitying at the display We were making of ourselves. “That would be best.” Luna replied, which allowed the dozen or so unicorns to file out of the throne room. “Come along dear heart. I will ease your pain and guide you into the bliss of sleep.” “Thank you Luna.” We said when she nuzzled and kissed us after picking us up in a bridal carry. “It is the least I can do for my wife. This ring isn’t just a symbol of my affection for you. Let me ease your emotional burden since I’ve done all I can to help resolve what is causing it.” Luna commented as she nuzzled us and snorted when she rubbed her snout against our collar. “I can’t believe you’re still wearing this thing.” “We like our Curse Collar…” We mewled in protest with a blush on our white cheeks. Willow didn’t feel right if she didn’t have her Undead status declared proudly, so the rest of us easily accepted the heavy yet comfortable metal collar on our neck. It helped that it wasn’t the only one We had, they varied in designs these days. This one had the story of a doom-driven hero running around it in symbolic imagery for instance. “I do as well. It makes you look so subservient, my pet.” Luna purred and We felt both greatly aroused yet irritated at the affectionate ironically ‘pet’ name. “Half of us don’t like to fully sub much Lulu.” We admitted with a bit of concern that this might drive a wedge in our sexual relationship, but Luna smothered that worry with a gentle kiss on our lips. “I have plenty of pets love, but I only have one pet.” Luna declared and our mixed feelings on the matter were buried under snuggly contentment at her words. “Now then, let us rest.” We blinked at Luna’s words and realized she’d carried us all the way to her bedchambers. Luna gently laid us down on her bed and snapped her fingers, causing us to yelp when our magic dress was replaced with an even sexier see-thru purple nightie and panties which matched her own that she’d swapped her own dress out with too. “Luna.” We said with surprise when she crawled onto the bed next to us and kissed us tenderly with a hand on our waist. “You are in no state for pleasure right now. Burying pain with pleasure isn’t quite healthy. I could use a night off, so I hope you don’t mind if I join you.” Luna summoned her blankets from the foot of the bed and magically tucked us in together with her snuggling against us. “Mm, so comfy…” We sighed in relaxation and nuzzled our wife- (<3) -We blinked and sat up in the beach chair We were dozing in, clad in a skimpy bikini top that only covered our areola and a thong that did the absolute minimum in covering our vagina. “Here again?” We questioned with a bemused look out at the empty beach that was pleasantly hot here in the shade of a large parasol. “What? I love the beach.” Luna playfully giggled from next to us and We turned to see she was wearing the same as us, but also had sunglasses and a margarita in both hands with one held out to us. “Oh, guests.” The fragment of William rose from the sand, the vulpine skull somehow managing to look pleased. “It’s so nice to see you again Wiatr. Being stuck in the background all the time is so boring.” “Sorry William.” We apologized as We accepted Luna’s offered margarita and took a sip of the straw. “We don’t exactly know how to commune with you.” “So you’re William?” Luna asked as she swirled up the sand around him with her powers and suddenly he had a glass body that looked like a male copy of Willow, the twin tails with fluffy hands too. “Slightly off dear.” William chuckled before his fire reshaped the glass body into Willow’s first body, lanky and emaciated. “Current setting is this right now, Willow is going through another base change so the setting for a State Reset, though I’m the one going through it.” He dumped on us as he approached and sat in a glass lounge chair that rose from the sand next to us. “Oh no! Willow is losing the last bit of her past?!” We fretted, the three of us not Willow actually more worried than the vixen herself. She was just surprised it hadn’t happened already. “What? No, she’s getting them unlocked. She’ll have more control over her ‘Save File’ and won’t need me. I don’t know what will happen to me, but I’m sure I won’t be able to stay here.” William replied and gestured towards the female glass body’s lower stomach before an inner light of what had to be Argent began to shine. “Our union with Urta in marriage and Aspect has caused something within us to spark. Especially with Willow’s Magic Soul.” “Ah, that does make some sense. Hopefully Urta won’t fuse with Wiatr into the whole. That would cause all sorts of issues.” Luna commented with concern and We vehemently disliked the idea. We love Urta as Urta. We don’t want her to change. To be perfectly frank, while all of our wives are dear to our heart and to lose any of them would break us for a long time, We think losing Urta would positively destroy us. From that impassioned tryst in Tel’Adre to every moment with her since has been wonderful in ways hard to describe. Cadence described it as having found our Soul Mate. Love can have more than two people, but there can only be two people, or in our weird case of five people, that are so absolutely perfect for each other that their very souls synchronize. Cadence has this with Shining, so she knows what she’s talking about. Luna had that with Alucard but he’s...We’re shocked she was able to recover from the despair that kept her bedridden while waiting for us to recover from our own soul-deep issues. At least We were there to soothe the agony and give her someone to Love. “So you don’t know what will happen to you?” Luna asked William while We were too busy with melancholic reflection of the fact our Soul Mate is in danger as he twiddled his thumbs. “Nope, might fully merge, might just still be back here. Willow is almost done too, maybe two minutes.” William shrugged and We joined him. “Meh, whatever.” We sipped our margarita and looked at the beautiful sunset that suddenly began. “It’s not like We’ll be any different.” “I’ll see what I can do.” Luna grimly intoned before sipping her own margarita and a shimmer ran over our head as the sun rapidly set into a cool, beautiful moonlit night as blankets appeared over us and the margaritas were replaced with hot cocoa. “No need to be so-oo~...” We just felt something happen. SNAP We were suddenly sitting in the middle of a battlefield, guts, glory and guns galore. “That’s right! Run! Run~!” Wailed a familiar manic woman’s voice and We gasped in excitement when Urta appeared in all her glowing glory, garbed in gear that made her look like a hyper-sexed female version of Rambo with nothing but a bullet-ladden bandoleer holding her boobs and covering her nipples while she fired two heavy machine guns into the backs of a retreating horde of Hell demons. “Wow. Urta’s dreams are hilariously akin to cheesy old action movies.” William commented moments before he faded away, yet We didn’t worry. We felt he was gone, but not gone. We’d find out more when We woke up, but right now our beloved Soul Mate is standing in front of us, her boobs and booty jiggling deliciously as she continued to unload lead into stragglers. “That’s right you fucks! Nobody gets the best of-oof!” We pounced, smooching her all over her face as We hugged her. “Mmf?! Babe?! What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be back home with the kids!” Urta frantically freaked out, looking around in panic for threats, but We slapped her on the cheek to cut off her dream-induced delirium. “Urta! You’ve been missing for days! Where are you?!” We demanded before Luna’s magic washed over the both of us, a glowing turquoise thread leading from our purple Navel Pearl to Urta’s matching Navel Pearl. “H-huh? What?” Urta blinked and then gasped as she began to fade, but Luna’s magic grasped onto her and she returned to normal. “I’m dreaming! Help! I’ve been-!” “Kidnapped, we know. Where are you in the physical plane Urta? I’m seeking your location, but it will be faster if I have hints.” Luna interrupted urgently and Urta licked her lips and counted off her fingers. “I’m...in a somehow indestructible covered vat somewhere. I’m being fed milk, cum, whatever they can drop in my tank for me to ingest and pump my biomass somewhere. I’m such a fucking fool! I figured it would be fine if I did that for a few hours. You know, mass-produce Argent so our soldiers could upgrade faster? When I tried to get out I discovered the vat was inescapable since I’m not willing to risk getting processed.” Urta wilted and hugged herself. “They’re using me like they said they would, but I didn’t volunteer to be a permanent fixture in a vat.” “Do you have anything more?” We asked in worry, our fury simmering under our simulated skin. “No. I’ve felt them move the vat a number of times. Hurriedly. They’re using me to produce tons of Argent for something. I would’ve gotten the Womb Wards to help, but whatever they’ve done to the vat holding me is also preventing them from leaving me at all.” Urta mewled as she rubbed her washboard abs in concern. “Remember, I’m not the only one they’ve abducted.” “So that’s why our chaos children are all so frantic too.” We mewled. It was obvious in hindsight. If the Womb Wards could come-and-go, they would’ve rescued Urta already. “Hah! I have it!” Luna declared in triumph, her eyes dark pits with specks of light in them that made her usually captivating orbs seem like windows into the cosmos. “Urta is being held in Manehattan! Where exactly, We aren’t entirely sure. There are so many people in Manehattan, even with the constant demon invasions, that finding her would be like searching in a haystack for a needle.” “Can’t We just put a huge magnet next to that haystack?” We asked our wives and they both looked at us with blinking eyes. “...Can you do that?” Urta questioned Luna with a hint of hope in her voice and Luna hummed as she scratched at her chin. “Well, they’re hoarding Argent. Hell already has means to detect it. Certainly the Night Sentinels have much the same. Especially after all the research they’ve done with your help Urta.” Luna declared and then nodded firmly. “I’m waking up to call King Hydrax and Visilia with this news. You two relax.” Luna disappeared in a swirl of ether, leaving us alone in a battlefield that was up against a golden sandy beach. “...Well. We’re not exactly up for our usual shenanigans Urta.” We said with disappointment. We knew for a fact that We would pounce on her the instant she was home, but in the here and now, We just felt no carnal desire for our wife beyond appreciating her appearance. “Same. I’ve been trapped in a vat getting fed compost along with other more tasty things for a few days.” Urta tossed her pair of machine guns off and led us back to the lounge chairs to plop her sexy short-shorts wearing ass into one and We sat next to her. The Battlefield vanished to be replaced with a beautiful sunrise over the water the moment we had both sat down, now both also wearing skimpy bikinis. “Mm. This is nice babe. Do you think we could take a vacation somewhere like this?” “We figured you’d be tired of sand and sun after being born and raised in a desert.” We replied as We sipped our margarita, blinking at realizing only just now that We had one. “Meh. As nice as green rolling plains and forests are, I’m getting a bit nostalgic for some hot sand under my paws and a bright sun beating on my fur...membrane.” Urta admitted as she sipped her pina colada. “What even is this thing?” “A pina colada. One of the best alcoholic drinks in the multiverse that isn’t the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.” We smirked at the memory Willow had flash in her head of two guys screaming in agony after drinking said alcohol. “Oh. Great! Just when I thought I was over my alcoholism because of the babies in my belly, this happens!” Urta took a long draw and purred. “I’m still not going to drink anything until the Womb Wards confirm that nothing harmful can reach the kids.” “That’s very-hey! Before either of us wake up. Urta. When you last impregnated us, you didn’t just impregnate us! You planted the souls of those who perished to Argent within our womb and now we have a trio of Skaven Slime Reborn daughters that have traits from both of us.” We informed our wife, who blinked, then suddenly her cock rocketed forth, some slime flicking to the sand with how fast it became erect. “I impregnate you with fully-grown people?!” Urta demanded with incredible desire as she leaned over us with a manic glee in her glowing eyes. “Yes.” We said uneasy as Urta loomed, her musk almost overwhelming, her breasts swelling with arousal as her tail fluffed up and her dick, nestled between her breasts, leaked a copious amount of her Argent pre. “U-Urta~...” We mewled, panting as a powerful desire to breed filled us and-. Urta was gone. She vanished, without warning. “Oh~ she just had to go and wake up after getting us all horny~!” We wailed, diving our trio of tails into our hungry snatch and groping our breasts- (<3) -We gasped and jolted in bed, our milk having soaked the nightie and blanket up top while our puddling pussy had drenched our undies and the bed. Holy fuck does Urta just drive us wild even in our sleep! “Oh~. Now We feel so primed and ready to go.” We mewled before freezing at the sight of a fox skull nestled in our cleavage. “Hello!” William greeted us from his cozy place in our boobs. “It looks like since you don’t need me, instead of deleting me, your soul just figured it’d eject me. I’m not exactly going to be doing much, so if you need me I’m in your storage, sorting it out.” William then disappeared between our tits and We sighed before using our tails to rip off our undies and began tweaking our nipples with our fingers. Damn it, We’re not getting out of this bed until We get off at least three times! > Ch.98 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.98 “Ah, much better.” We sighed in relief after our desperate masturbation followed by a quite luxurious morning bath. Considering it was still 3 am, We still considered that massive jacuzzi tub luxurious. “Now then, let's get to business! The moment the Night Sentinels move, the UAC will be either fortified in place or ready to run again.” We were clad in nothing save a large towel and prepared to summon our-. “Wiatr!” Runner suddenly burst into Luna’s royal bedchambers and We squeaked in surprise, dropping our towel in the process. For some reason, this triggered an Anime Nosebleed that launched Runner backwards so hard he hit the back of his head on the wall in the hallway. “Dammit man!” Collateral facepalmed at what just happened, annoyed by Runner’s rashness. “Sorry Wiatr, he just got back today and heard everything that happened with the rise of the UAC.” “Would you let us get dressed?” We huffed with an embarrassed and amused blush before William popped out with Daring’s old khaki short-shorts and pocketed crop top for us to wear. “You want this, or one of the hundreds of frilly pink ball gowns?” William asked and We blushed at him revealing Svartr’s secret stash of dresses that she forgot was in her inventory even after all this time. “Okay…” Collateral muttered before coughing into his hand. “Anyway, Wiatr, we got a situation.” “Urta is in Manehattan and we need to find her?” We asked rhetorically while We accepted Daring’s old clothes and started to put them on. “Along with more people being abducted. Even a couple of our own Scinoxes were taken by them, just so they could relay their position.” Wait, their own Scinoxes volunteered to be taken by the UAC as bait?! “When did this happen?” We asked before William brought out Svartr’s Black Knight Greatsword! Why did We forget about this?! It’s been fully reinforced with Twinkling Titanite to the point it can cleave through a Taurus Demon in one swing! We need to dive through our shared inventory, make sure We haven’t forgotten about even more useful things! “Two days ago. They disguised themselves as regular ponies looking for a job and the UAC pounced on the opportunity. They knew the risk of what would happen, but they did it anyway.” Collateral sighed as he looked sad. “Where did it all go wrong?” “With King Hydrax.” Runner pointed out when he started to get back up, wiping his blood off of his clothes with what looked to be some form of Shamwow. “He’s currently kicking himself over this mess he’s caused.” “Did you find out where they’ve been taken?” We asked while placing our blade on our back and William brought out our Infinity pistol which We holstered. “There have been reports of missing people in the city with no clues of finding out what happened to them. Luckily our Scinoxes placed trackers on themselves and were taken to an abandoned trainyard. This is likely where Urta and the others are.” Collateral answered. “Are troops getting ready?” We asked before summoning our draconic armor onto our body and left Luna’s room. “We’re all set and ready. However, we’re not using our own transport or troops, a precaution since the UAC are bound to know our signals. Not to mention they’re all now upgraded with Urta’s Argent fuelling them. We can’t risk it.” Collateral stated. “Luckily, though, we’ve asked our Equestrians back home to send over some UNSC Prowlers for us to use. Since the tech is high and advanced, plus cloaking, they won’t know until it’s too late.” Runner added to fill in how exactly we’ll be able to move in on the trainyard. “So you modeled your stuff off of the Doom UAC and your Equestrians took after UNSC?” We asked while we left Castle Canterlot’s main doors and approached the portal/bonfire established in the courtyard’s fountain. When We set this portal up, there was quite the uproar among the prudish nobles~! “With our help. I was the one getting the technology ready for them along with other Halo tech. We had made plans for bettering Equestria back then, should anything happen to us.” Runner replied while we walked up the steps of the fountain rim and passed through the portal to Unity, which was rapidly becoming known as a crossroads for long-distance travel thanks to the portal network. “We have the facilities to manufacture not only our own armaments, but for just about everyone else. We took inspiration from Halo, Gears of War, Killzone, you name it. That’s for all of our allies back home.” Collateral continued with a fond tone. Considering his affectation for large weapons and their resultant destructiveness, his fondness for those games was quite expected. “And why didn't we get this?” We asked with our tails writhing in our single-tail casing and making it twitch. “Get what?” Collateral asked our question with another of his own. “Us, getting help with tech?” We asked when we paused inside of Harmonia’s portal plaza. “Because it was a joint effort with Urta becoming the center of it all. I mean, did you even see this coming? No pun intended. We got new weapons thanks to Todd that was found here, not to mention our forces hanging around here to protect you and the children. It was bound to have led to where we are now.” Runner pointed out the obviousness of it all. “Oh right and now the UAC is taking it all.” We sighed, despondent at Greed hampering the progress of Commerce. Greed always finds ways to ruin economies, lives, whole nations even. It’s why We preach to our followers that Greed can be good. Without Greed, people wouldn’t have the drive to get up in the morning to do anything for themselves. Even the ‘selfless’ do what they do because they desire the satisfaction of helping others. However, left unchecked, it was a sickness more than a boon. “Companies and Corporations aren’t exactly known for their kindness all the time, just the products they produce so you spend money for it.” Collateral pointed out and We leered at him hotly for trying to preach to us, the flippin’ Goddess of Commerce about that. “Basically greed. We are a Goddess of Commerce, We know what it can do.” We hotly reminded our mate, before having an errant thought of being able to just appear in front of the CEO or owner of a company, however, the head of the UAC didn’t seem to have a strong connection to us despite their position. “Enough, where is the staging area?” “You’re looking at them.” When both brothers said that and pointed at the sky, We looked up through Harmonia’s beautiful branches to see ships hovering over the city before We gave them a flat look. “We don’t have an airport in our town. They can’t land. Great, we need to move them to one of the farms, thank Sister they are VTOL craft.” We groaned before feeling a new group of worshipers that felt very far away. Hm, they only worship us for Commerce, pre-industrial, Volus. Oh by Sister the Volus worship is a Galaxy away! This means all sorts of possibilities in the distant future! No, wait, don’t get ahead of ourselves girls. Saving Urta and current issues first. “We figured as much. We didn’t think they would be able to land in a city half the size of Manehattan cramped onto a plateau with a box canyon half the size of Central Park. If we can get Overgrowth to let us clear an airfield that’d be great, but until then we’ll have to make do.” Runner replied before his magic eye shimmered and the three of us were suddenly standing in a field of packed dirt. Standing here in this large plot of land were a couple of UNSC Prowler stealth ships being prepped by people of all sorts of races in UNSC armor. “Say hello to our Royal ODSTs, the Crystal Empire’s Elites and Chrysalis’s personal Elite Guard. They’ll be joining us on this one.” Runner explained when they all stood at attention. “We can’t bring in our Night Sentinels out of fear that they’ll run away again. They seem to do that whenever we arrive. So we figure we’d mix things up a little to throw the UAC off balance.” Collateral added on and We can see their reason behind it. The UAC are using their technology so it would make sense to use something entirely different, something that isn’t based on tech the enemy now uses. “Okay, well let’s hope this works.” We told them before We strolled up the boarding ramp. “Alright everyone, get on board! We’re heading out!” At Collateral’s command, they all got onto their ships. The forces were mixed and even. Five ODSTs, five Elites and five Changelings. The ODSTs were the boys’ Equestrians, no doubt. Meanwhile the Crystal Elites were basically Crystal Ponies wearing armour heavily inspired by Covenant Elites. Same with the Changelings, but based on the Brutes from Halo Wars 2. “Okay, so how are we going to do this?” We asked while eyeing the Pelican dropship firmly secured in the small launch bay of the small stealth frigate with a wary eye, hoping the plan didn’t involve getting into that signature deathtrap. “First we scout out the area. We need to know where our entry points are along with hacking into their network. Once inside we find our Scinoxes, capture as many UAC scientists as we can and save Urta.” Collateral stated objectives of this mission were plain and simple. “Sir, why would they be based in an abandoned trainyard?” One of the ODSTs asked. “We don’t know for certain, but we can’t assume it’s just for convenience. There’s bound to be more about this location. Hence the reason why we’re hacking into their network to see what else they’re doing here Sergeant.” Collateral nodded his head to the Sergeant, only identifiable from his squad by the red stripe running vertical over his helmet from front to back. “What if we’re engaged with enemy forces?” Another asked. “Shoot to kill if you must, non-lethal takedowns if possible. They believe that what they’re doing is for the betterment of all, even if it’s all very unethical.” Collateral replied with a grumble. “Remember, the gear they’ve released to the Equestrian military is easily on par with the gear the Night Sentinels field if differing in design. Also, don’t assume their weapons are one-trick ponies either. The example Corporal Cool Jets of the Equestrian Guard gave Hunter and Berserker displayed their weapons can transform. Be wary.” “They’ve abducted our wife and our unborn kids. We hope they have very good explanations before We shove them into our womb to repent.” We snarled in fury. “Well, that settles it.” The Changeling huffed as he checked his gear, which involved a lot of explosives. “Maybe we should just kill them all, just to make a point.” One of the Crystal Elites said, the others nodding their heads in agreement. “No. They can still be useful, even if We really want them turned into babies to start all over.” We huffed in irritation at this truth. The fact the UAC took what the Night Sentinels considered salvage and turned it back around into high-impact military equipment is clear evidence on it’s own that they are worth keeping around after we have them regulated.  “With respect ma’am, that’s gross and weird.” The Sergeant said with a shudder, weirded out by our ability. The same could be said for everyone else, even if they didn’t want to show it. “We’re a Goddess of Renewal shared with our abducted wife’s Fertility Aspect.” We informed them with a feeling of indignation. It felt so odd to have genuine adverse reactions to our abilities. The people of this world really are much more open about things like this. “Still weird.” He retorted. “Eh, to each their own. We have many Everlasting Dragon eggs that were former ponies.” We told him with a shrug while William rose up from our cleavage with another pistol, which We shook our head at since the Infinity was more than enough gun for average enemies. “Whoa!” This freaked the soldiers out and they drew their weapons on William. “What in Tartarus’s name is that?!” “That is William, who Willow formerly had been. He’s a separate entity stuck as a skull. He’s volunteered to organize our Inventory for now.” We explained to them calmly. “Just lower your weapons.” For a moment they didn’t comply, but slowly they lowered their weapons and began to relax. “Sheesh, sir, you were right; this world has a lot of weird, fucked up shit in it.” “Yes, but you get used to it.” Collateral replied with a disapproving tone just before the intercom came to life. “Approaching Manehattan. We are undetected. Five minutes until we reach our destination.” “Very good, keep her steady. Everyone, check your gear and be ready.” Collateral stated when the ship began to descend. (<3) We stood near the trainyard while We eyed the warehouse we would be storming. The plan was for the ODST’s to drop down through the roof to infiltrate while other squads took other entrances to divide them while incapacitating as many Civilians as possible. The only issue was the security which was wearing the new Standard issue armor: UAC Raven variant. “How long until the ODSTs enter?” We questioned when We saw the security wander off after a new set of guards arrived to replace them. “The initial plan was to drop in and ambush both the new rotation of guards and the ones rotating out, but they are just wandering around instead of heading on a single path. Either they’re unprofessional hired help, or they’re very professional and staggering patrol routes. The ODSTs will infiltrate now, but the Changelings have extra work in snagging the patrols.” Runner whispered from his place next to us inside of an unlocked shipping container we were hiding in. “This is Change Three. Cat’s in the bag.” “Change Five, Dog’s in the house.” “Good work Change Three, Five. Get them sent home. That’s the patrols snagged, we don’t have long before-.” Runner was interrupted by a rusted-out old train nearby suddenly releasing a piercing echoing signature old-timey train whistle. “Shit! Helljumpers, what’s the situation?! That must’ve been their alarm!” “We don’t know Lord Runner! We didn’t get spotted by any cameras according to Overwatch, but the base the warehouse is hiding is on full alert! This place must span the whole trainyard!” “We knew it was an underground Bond-style villain base!” We declared with a seething hiss as We kicked open the doors of the shipping container. “Let’s go, stealth has failed, we’ve gotta grab as many of them as we can before they bug out again!” We were stopped from rushing forth when another, shriller train whistle blew, drawing attention to the yard’s turntable which had the old train sitting on it. The turntable screeched as it turned, the train chugged and rolled off and then it began to open as a long white conical tower began to rise. “Oh fuck! Sovereign’s Savior, fire on the-!” Runner’s rushed order to one of the two Prowler Frigates was interrupted by the obvious rocket igniting, the rumbling shockwave knocking us both over and sending shipping containers toppling. It didn’t take more than a few seconds for the massive rocket to shoot off into the sky, trailing white smoke left by it’s bright turquoise burning jets. “They...they made space-age rocket fuel from Urta’s Argent…” It was clearly not a weapon. That looked like a far more sophisticated Apollo rocket without extra solid-state rockets to get it out of the atmosphere and it was just going up. “Ksshshshshskkhshshsk-And down! UAC Personnel. The Urta I is a success! Stand down! Surrender to our sovereign government. We’ve achieved our proof of concept!” … “They were seriously just extremist mavericks working to achieve new breakthroughs?” We muttered in absolute shellshock. Their motivations were entirely pure? They abducted our wife, a goddess, who is pregnant, to use her body’s product to make fucking fuel for a space rocket? “Hm...Celestia did inform us one of the science programs requested for start-up capital due to Argent research was a space program. She denied it since there’s so many problems on this planet right now that focusing on the planet took priority. I guess we know who the ringleader is.” Runner commented with a bit of awe in his tone. “Gah, We, dah?” We growled before We started to march towards the former turntable in anger. Then Hell portals erupted from the earth around the trainyard and demons poured forth into the rusty locale with full intent to murder everyone and take the Argent for themselves. Oh joy! Something to vent our fury on! > Ch.99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.99 Our mates stared at us after We read the after action reports of the mission and the minor Hell invasion of Manehattan. The battle was a blur to us, lost in a blinding fury as We were. However, we’re all alive and the demons are dead, their portals collapsed and another attempt at unleashing a Lazarus Wave prevented, so it all worked out. “What?” We asked them after We officially signed our approval for the UAC’s space program, under strict supervision for how they abducted Urta and made so many Argent Slimes using both Urta’s donated goo and Morph Slime. Said slime people were dubiously willing folks from all walks of life who were offered large salaries to basically become Argent cows. Deliciously ingenious We admit. They could’ve just waited though. At least nobody was actually harmed, if only having caused undue stress due to Urta being wrongfully abducted and detained. They’re getting charged for that no doubt, but otherwise they have everything on record and handed over for review. It’s all very frustratingly above board aside from Urta’s kidnapping and the rocket launch. “You were cleaving through demons left and right. What is that sword made out of?” Runner asked while We reclined in the office of the currently jailed Director Downdraft, a brilliant pegasus engineer and theoretical physicist who was the one who decided to go to extremes to obtain funds for his private project which was legal, but resorted to an illegal means of obtaining the necessary Argent. At least to jumpstart UAC’s independent Argent production. “It’s a Black Knight Greatsword crafted by the Giant Smith of Anor Londo, quenched in Everlasting Dragon blood, charred by Chaos flames and reinforced by Twinkling Titanite with a Slab to top it off. It's one of the few weapons on the planet that can be considered an Exotic +5 with a Sharp Gem enchantment to make it able to cleave through even the toughest materials. It also helps We can properly handle it one handed and swing it at mach two.” We explained with a shit-eating grin with satisfaction over our excessive strength. “Love, why am I looking at ponies on my moon?” Luna asked after suddenly teleporting to us in distress. “How am I looking at ponies walking around my Moon Castle?!” “We’ll explain that in a moment.” We sighed while silently deciding to ask about the Moon Castle some other time. “First off, have the troops finished releasing all of the Argent Slimes yet?” We asked our mates in worry. The sooner Urta is in our arms, the sooner We can relax. “Not yet. We don’t know how the UAC is managing to pipe and store so much damn Argent. It’s not exactly volatile in biological form without a spark or something, but it’s still a dangerous substance and we’re not going to risk lighting a match in a firework factory.” Runner replied and We sighed in resignation that Urta would just have to wait a little bit longer for the UAC personnel to finish helping us take over the facility. “Fair enough. Well Luna, these ambitious eggheads made a rocket that launched a potentially suicidal team of people to your moon as a proof of concept for the space program Downdraft wanted to make reality using Argent, which required him kidnapping Urta since he wasn’t going to wait for all the wars to calm down.” We informed our lunar wife, who gawked at us and then looked at the ceiling. “Well then. I’m not about to leave them up there. There is no atmosphere on the moon, so I’d best go fetch them. I won’t be able to bring that rocket back however, it’s too big.” Luna then teleported away. “Alright. I’m going to-gah!” Berserker was interrupted by Urta barging in, shoving Berserker and Hunter aside and into their other brothers, then she even grabbed the desk and launched it aside before leaning over us, trapping us in the office chair with her hands clutching the arms of said chair so hard they crimped from her grip. “Found you!” Urta declared with that manic horny gleam in her eye that both aroused us utterly and also terrified us. “U-Ur-mm~!” We moaned into her hungry lips when she claimed our own. We whimpered needily when her turgid tumescence throbbed against our lower abdomen, heating up our armor as it leaked scalding-hot bright-white shining pre that as usual somehow didn’t harm us. “I’m gonna fuck you so full you’ll fucking explode!” Urta declared with her face full of manic obsession, one We would be more than happy to-! “Nope! She’s exploded once already this week! That’s one time too many!” Berserker yanked her away from us and Urta suddenly became filled with dread, her overbearing sexual pressure lifting enough that We could think beyond our absolutely soaked snatch trapped in our armor. “Y-you actually exploded?! Like I did?” Urta worriedly demanded, reminding us that Urta never got to meet Lillia because she was abducted before the Skaven Slime was Reborn. “N-no. We had a snafu involving Pharos. He got unbirthed while the size of a normal fox, went big inside us, grew bigger because of us, then We managed to turn back into slime seconds before We burst, which spared us from respawning back at a bonfire and having to farm souls to buy vitality tinctures from the Handmaiden.” We ensured Urta understood that she wasn’t the one to cause us to pop like an overfilled condom. “Though, We wouldn’t mind bursting for you~.” This made Runner grunt and draw everyone’s attentions. “W-what?” Runner awkwardly demanded and his brothers all thankfully decided not to call him out on his obvious arousal. Hnng~ We need to see more of Runner soon. Hopefully as a female~. “As fucking hot as that is babe, I’d rather not actually pop you. Okay, no, take it back, I’d love to, but that’s also scary even if you’re Undead.” Urta admitted and then groaned as her bright white balls dulled back to their normal turquoise. “Guh~! I feel so backed up now, but I’m not about to just jump you right when I get back. I wanna go home, spend time with everyone.” “Funny, you didn’t seem to have this much restraint just before.” Hunter commented with a raised eyebrow. “To be fair, she did just get out of being stuck in a giant pot and fed junk for days.” Collateral said in defense of our wife. “Indeed. Were I in such a situation, should I have my significant other available I might choose to fornicate as quickly as possible to get stress relief.” Pillar admitted in commiseration. Wait. The brothers are all here! They’re all in one place again! Too bad they’ll likely have to split up the moment this base is done being secured. After all, it is the largest store of Liquid Argent on the planet. It’ll need a lot of fortifying to stand up to a proper assault by Hell. “Babe, I sense War-like thoughts on your mind. Could we please just go home for now?” Urta gently pleaded, her lip trembling as she tried not to break down. We hugged Urta close, nuzzling her as we kissed her cheek and the powerful woman choked back sobs as she clutched at us. (<3) “I like the new gear.” Urta commented after we entered the keep. Runner was the only brother able to stay, what with the others still active in Tartarus and elsewhere. “Especially the transforming weapons. What’d you call them?” “She called them Trick Weapons. They’re clearly inspired by the ones from Ash, but are much more sophisticated. I’m getting a few for sure.” Runner answered for us while We led our dress-covered wife past Pharos who was his usual size and birth form, napping in the foyer. “Hell yeah, I want a couple too.” Urta declared while she grabbed the hem of our black dress skirt and lifted it up as she climbed the stairs with us. “How do you wear this thing babe? I feel like I’m both naked and wearing a sheet at the same time.” “Eheh, you get used to it.” We chuckled and kissed her left breast, which was presented with the top half of her boobs open to the air like it always did for us. The built-in corset did wonders for accentuating the chest. “You look damn good in it Urta.” Runner declared with a thumbs-up and a cheesy tooth-sparkling grin. Pfft, Runner, can you be any more anime style? “Thanks. Anyway, can we please see the Nursery? I want to see the kids, maybe coax the Womb Wards out for a breather.” Urta requested and We nodded before leading her to the named room to find Lilian with her Reborn siblings as Cocoa looked over the newborns. “They really want to name their siblings.” Cocoa chuckled upon noticing us enter, her excitement at seeing Urta shown by her six perked ears and her rapidly wagging tail, but she withheld herself to keep an eye out as Hunter and Berserker’s pups circled around our latest litter. “Hm, maybe they should name them.” We sighed in resignation with Urta snorting in amusement next to us. After all, We’ve proven We’re not very creative when it comes to names. Nearly all the best names were from our mates and wives. Aside from Indie Go and Lore Craft anyway. Those two were guided by Daring’s pony-sense-thingy when it came to names. “Maybe.” Hunter said when he suddenly appeared behind us and almost gave us a metaphorical heart attack. Sister damn it Hunter, you were busy! “Done already. Paperwork.” Oh, okay then. Our shock aside, the children were all throwing about Egyptian pantheon names at the moment, which were kick-ass names. Thankfully they kept away from anything that sounded too close to Nyarlathotep. Even if our adopted siblings did eat him or whatever, he nearly destroyed us. “Well, this certainly is an interesting development.” Hunter commented as the pups kept coming up with different names. “So far they have Ra, Anubis, Neophyte and I think Bastet.” We commented, scrunching our snout at Neophyte and Bastet, the first due to its negative connotations and Bastet because that was a cat-themed name. If anything, one of Sabrina’s kittens should be named that, it sounds powerful and beautiful. Oh no~ We just realized We’ve never had kittens with Sabrina~! “Why would they even think of those names and where have they heard of them?” Hunter questioned us while he rubbed his chin in consideration. “We have no idea. Maybe one of the books we have.” We shrugged after We got out Daring’s old flip-phone and We texted Sabrina, which no We won’t replace entirely, shut up. We frantically invited her to a dinner date, only to promptly get a polite refusal, citing all the work this uproar has caused in Saddle Arabia since a few of the Argent Slimes ‘hired’ by the UAC were Coven Witches. Now turquoise cat-slimes had to be accommodated since they can’t make milk, breed normal kittens and have to relearn their magic since their Argent Bodies made their spells much more potent. Damn it! “Do you like any of them for your pups?” We questioned Hunter as We buried our disappointment at being unable to give Sabrina the love and affection she deserves. ‘Gah, the next moment We see you, We’re sweeping you off your paws and giving you kittens! You will have a lovely meal in bed when We’re done with you and shower you in love!’ We texted her in irritation, hoping our blunt desires would let her know she isn’t being forgotten. The reply was a simple <3 emoji, which made us cheer up immensely. “No, not really. Especially when the Pantheons of Old Earth still exist. They might become very upset.” Hunter replied without too much dislike in his tone. “True, but if they have issues with it from dimensions away, they can get bent.” We huffed in disgust for mentioning the so-called gods of Willow’s or the Doom Marine’s homeworld. Those powerless, ineffectual, never-present oafs can eat raw cactus for all We care. “Maxwell!” Lilly yelled as she held up one of Hunter’s pups, making the baby sniffle and sneeze adorably. “Lilly, be careful! Try to keep it down. Otherwise, good choice in name.” Hunter chided and then praised his daughter. “Sorry.” The gray dracowolf whined as she set Maxwell down and the children kept thinking of other names. “Thank you.” Hunter said with a voiceless sigh. “Anton!” Marcus declared, pointing to one of his brothers from his father. He then pointed to his new baby sister, “Bryn!” “Bastet!” Revix called out for Hunter’s new baby girl. No~ I want that for one of Sabrina’s! Aw, well, maybe she’d be willing to name a daughter Bast? “Those are very good names.” Hunter said, giving them all the thumbs up. Even if they kept insisting on one egyptian name and it had to be the feline one, I hope she doesn’t feel any frustration about that later on in life. “I guess they could handle it.” Urta chuckled and rubbed her flat stomach with a wistful smile. “Shame I can’t keep all of them. I can’t even keep more than a couple either.” Urta whispered sadly and then sighed. “Oh well, I knew what I was getting into when I became a baby factory. See you later Cocoa.” Urta called out to our matronly wife who blew a trio of kisses her way before we left the nursery. “You have Sabrina and your kittens inside of you right?” We asked our wife, hyper aware of the fact that Sabrina chose to have Urta’s kittens due to us having been so damn busy from the moment she came into our lives that We couldn’t give her the litter she wanted, so she went to her old and rekindled flame Urta for it. “No, actually.” Urta’s response set off alarms in our head. “I had to deliver them to Sabrina’s Coven a few weeks ago. Remember when I was gone for hours earlier than planned?” Urta’s words brought to mind that insignificant moment in Tartarus where Urta had to ditch her duties for something she claimed was important and We wrote it off. “I was in labor, Conger and the other Womb Wards warned me that my kittens were ready for the world, so I hurried to Sabrina and she took me to the coven where I birthed our 66 kittens. They’re being raised with them…” Urta’s longing sad tone was almost heartbreaking. “Urta...” We mewled and rubbed her back as Hunter frowned disapprovingly, probably about how Sabrina chose to handle the situation. “It’s alright. I can see them whenever I want and Sabrina spends part of her day with them like her Coven requires, so it’s not all bad. Still though, I didn’t even get to name any of them.” Urta muttered and then sighed in resignation. “So, about Tartarus? You didn’t overthrow the government on the first three floors did you?” Whoa! Deflection much?! Okay, We’ll drop it Urta. “No, but we told them to stay out of our way. The last thing we need is inconveniences and incompetence, but Berserker is more than willing to kill Ninia and have Ailisiv take over. If anyone else has a problem with that, he’ll kill them too.” Hunter answered us as he facepalmed himself. Probably due to how stupidly complicated it’s getting with each passing moment. “In all honesty, I want Berserker to do it. Ninia has been acting like a Karen: unreasonable, nonsensical, delusional expectations.” “I approve of offing that bitch. I’ve already heard about her demanding the hand of one of my sons with Visi. If she can’t appreciate what we’re doing we may as well pull out and let her clean up her own mess.” Urta replied succinctly with such venom that We don’t doubt she’d kill Ninia on sight, Thankfully by this point we’d left the nursery and were in the Foyer. “It’s not like they have the means to reclaim what they lost. They can barely put up a fight. Then again, the moment we pull out they’re on their own, with an idiot of a bitch grade leader at the helm, leading them to death. Honestly it’s very tempting.” Hunter told us with disgust and disappointment. “It wouldn’t be difficult to have something happen to-.” Ailisiv suddenly burst into the keep, sending the massive stone gates swinging open with a loud stony rasp when she entered with Ninia hog-tied and hoisted over her shoulder with a Cerberus giantess being the one who had opened the door. She then dumped her sister at our paws with a huff. “Here, turn her into a breeder or something. We found very stupid plans to try and use corrupted flesh to make drugs to Corrupt your soldiers and plans to recapture Velka.”  “...Well then. We suddenly have rather potent Tartarus demon breeding stock.” We leered down with vicious glee at the red-furred bitch who was squirming in her binds and looking at us fearfully. “Well, she’s not exactly our jurisdiction to choose a punishment for. Hunter?” We questioned him, since he is directly tied to another Tartarus, thus more suited to deciding who should have her and what would be done with her. “Do you have proof of these accusations?” Hunter asked Ailisiv, which sort of threw us off. Why ask her that when you could easily just read her mind? Ailisiv snapped her fingers and the busty Cerberus giantess reached into her cleavage to produce folders held in her pinched fingers. “Thank you.” Ailisiv said when she accepted the evidence and handed it over. We almost dropped it in amusement the instant We opened it. “Like that would work!” We laughed hard and almost doubled over. “Of course not.” Hunter smiled, putting an arm around us and pulling us closer to him as he looked at the evidence with wry amusement at how ill-planned Ninia’s foolish scheme was. Corrupt our soldiers, kidnap Velka, discover what gave Lethice her power and overthrow the bitch with a foolish intent to turn the Corruption around like some fantasy hero. “She’s a fool and I have cast her out of Tartarus. I look forward to working together in the future, but she’s no longer our problem.” Ailisiv declared before nodding at us and turning to leave, her sister squealing and crying, clearly trying to implore her sister to reconsider, only for the younger demoness to leave with her Cerberus escort gently closing the giant gates with a thud. “So, why would she even bother trying to marry one of Urta’s and Visi’s sons?” Hunter asked us as he circled around the now disgraced Ninia. “Maybe ask her?” We sighed and wondered what Visi would want done with her. “Right.” Hunter nodded before grabbing her mane and using his telepathy to torture her mind. “Tell us why you wanted to marry one of the children?” “Hmph!” Ninia wailed against her gag and struggled before Hunter snarled. “She was going to elope with one of them and just leave Tartarus anyway. Using the marriage as an excuse to leave and implement her plans to play hero. Thus dumping all of her duties on Ailisiv.” Hunter explained as he tormented Ninia further, tears streaming from her eyes as she cried and screamed. It made us worry about how far Hunter was willing to go. “Well, what should we do with her?” We asked, hinting that we really shouldn’t go overboard with the punishment. If anything, it sounds like Ninia had a strong desire to escape her gilded cage. Well, she succeeded, but not in the romantic and fantastical way she’d imagined. Reluctantly, Hunter reined himself in and let go of Ninia, leaving her a sobbing mess on the floor. “Solitary confinement. Leave her to wallow in misery for the rest of her immortal life. Never allowed to live a life, ever again.” “Seems kinda harsh. If she really just wants to live her life another way, she has that right.” We mewled uncomfortably at the idea of consigning the selfish woman to such a fate. “We think that instead, turning her into a breeding sow to help Tartarus repopulate after so long of being under constant siege by Corruption for a few years at best is a good way to make her repay her failures to her people. Besides, Visi might not be happy if we do something too harsh to her.” That moment when Visilia looked forlorn at the sight of Ninia was still on our mind. “She deserves worse, but if this is what you want then fine.” Hunter growled a little as he glared down at Ninia, the mare flinching away from him in fear. “I’m good with this. So who is breeding her?” Urta asked with a lick of her lips and a rub of her lower stomach since the dress hides male endowments. “Why not both of us?” We suggested while looking the Alicorn over, the mare clearly terrified, but the tell-tale stiff peaks on her breasts gave away her anticipation. “I’ll leave you both to it.” With that, Hunter left the Keep and Urta gladly hoisted the hogtied mare over her shoulder before the two of us giddily ran her upstairs to the private breeding/birthing chamber. > Ch.100 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.100 We sighed when We pulled out of Nina’s incredible cunt for the fourth time and slapped the blood-red mare’s distended side. “You’ve adjusted really well Ninia.” “Guh~...” Ninia gurgled on her own saliva and the ball gag in her mouth since she was still on cloud nine from the latest chain of orgasms We’d sent her through. “She’s as much of a champ as Visilia.” Urta declared with a smirk where she was seated at the small table we were using to snack and drink between pumping Ninia full of our respective gene-neutral seed. The mare was already nearly spherical in the breeding pool by this point, her body taking on a slight reddish glow like her fur with each insemination from Urta. “And she tried to deny us for a good two hours.” We huffed as we sat. “That was still unnerving, even if she physically wanted us.” “Ailisiv marked her as a capital criminal. By International law, her rights are waived so her punishment could be performed. Why do you think the Elements of Harmony can be used to kill someone on sight? I need to talk to Velka about reviewing that law.” Urta dismissed before she got up and approached Ninia, the demoness blearily coming to awareness enough to groan at our wife’s approach. “Talk to me about what?” Velka asked when she entered. “Ah, young Ninia. I had sensed you were marked for Justice. You’re getting off lightly from what Karma is demanding. At least for now.” “Sup Velka. Hey, you’re skilled with manipulating Argent, right? Mind explaining why Ninia is turning into a mood light?” Urta rubbed Ninia’s conical thighs and the mare moaned, her quim leaking her lubricant. “Tartarus Demons are natural conduits for all sorts of energies. Not just magic. The fact Argent is magic-like enough to be treated as such notwithstanding. I’ve never seen a demoness infused with large quantities of it like this, so your guess is as good as mine.” Velka replied and rounded the immobile mare, stepping over her beach-ball sized left breast. “Hm, she’s getting rather hazy in the mind. She’s enjoying this a bit too much to be a true punishment unless it’s taken to extremes and drawn out.” “Figures.” We muttered in acceptance before taking a bite out of our flesh-fungus sandwich. “How many do you think we’ve pumped in her Urta?” “Seeing as how much we’ve stuffed her and double-teamed her with both Fertility Goddesses at the same time, maybe we took all of her naturally formed eggs?” Urta theorized before We rang a bell for more food. “Then again, I’m not about to be able to tell right off the bat. You’ve been at this longer than me. For all I know, she could only have a few brats off of all of this.” “Her Karma is nowhere near in balance. You’d better keep going if you think she’ll be able to pay it off within a year.” Velka said while she rounded Ninia again before a maid entered with a tray of more of those bbq flesh-fungus sandwiches. “Got it, pump her more. Oh hey, should we review the laws about Tartarus punishments?” Urta asked Velka before she plunged her penis into Ninia’s pussy, the mare squealing from her fucked-out state surging right back into ecstasy. “Since they fall under War and Justice.” Runner slipped into the room, dancing around the maid to sit next to Us at the table where he handed us a mug of coffee. We nuzzled our mate and let the coffee warm our hands while we watched Urta hump away. “Where have you been? Did you stay with the kids?”  “Yeah.” Runner nodded his head as he watched the action of Urta going at Ninia while she casually chatted with Velka. “Who would win; the Flood from the Halo Universe, or Hell from DOOM?” We asked him randomly, tired of dealing with punishing Ninia for now. Geez, are We sharing Sex with Urta too? Might as well, considering We get tired of it sometimes. “Hell, no question.” Runner answered before taking a sip of his cup of coffee. “Eh, We could guess that. Hell Demons have the natural defense of heat.” We shrugged, sending our naked white bosom bouncing. “Technically it’s possible to infect them, but it’ll only work on the low tier Demons. That’s about it.” Runner added which made sense, but the chances of it happening are still low. “I’m not taking sex Wiatr!” Urta yelled at us. “And don’t try purifying a Hell Demon!” “We never said We would!” We yelped before Urta pulled out and pointed her cumming cock at us. “Urta!” We yelped when she showered us with glowing turquoise semen before she quickly plunged back into Ninia. Great, We’re hot and bothered again after having cooled down. We huffed and began scraping Urta’s blessed seed and eating the tangy arousal-inducing goo. “Well, that was uncalled for.” Runner snorted from behind the umbrella he’d magically summoned to protect himself from Urta’s bukkake assault. “Anyway, the Warp and Hell would destroy the Flood for obvious reasons. Beyond the fact Nurgle would never stand for anything more pestilant than him.” “Oh, the Warp Daemons have no nervous systems. What would the Flood infect?” We observed with amusement as We rubbed Urta’s magic fluid into our faux flesh and fur, enjoying the pleasurable tingling it caused. “Fuck all. Not to mention the Flood might end up becoming Nurgle’s new play toy after he acknowledges it’s value. Also the Warp Daemons have an unholy variety of Daemonic forms.” Runner statement brought to mind how ridiculously vast the Warp is, but as proven by daring folks like Leman Russ and Kaldor Draigo, not even it is infallible or unstoppable. “Mm~, hey Runner are you staying?” Urta asked after finishing with pumping Ninia further, the mare’s limbs pretty much absorbed into her orb of a body by this point and practically lighting up the room with her dull red glow. Seeing it was our turn, We practically pounced on Ninia. “Yes, mostly to let Wiatr get to know me more.” Runner chuckled when he looked at her and Velka. “You two can keep talking, I don’t mind talking to my mate while she’s doing her job.” He snickered and then approached us, leaning against Ninia’s full flank to be able to look us in the eyes as We thrust into the moaning ball of baby batter. “Unf, sorry Runner.” We groaned as our Sex aspect kicked us in the nuts hard enough to almost nut immediately after Urta rejected it. “No worries.” Runner waved it off and patted Ninia’s faintly luminescent flesh. Thank goodness Sabrina personally enchanted this breeding pool to apply their fertility magics on whoever was put in it, or Ninia would’ve exploded by now. “Have any, unf, interesting stories to tell?” We asked while continuing to pound the demon alicorn’s quim. The way she wailed in orgasm was like how Visi sounds when climaxing. “Like what? Anything in particular? Battles, or something outside of it?” Runner conversationally questioned while We frantically fucked the gagged demoness. “Something about your past?” We gasped when We felt one of our shrines shift from something like The Good Hunter praying at it. “Okay, that’s a shiver and a power boost. Why is that thing worshiping us?” We mean, part of what makes those entities dangerous is their desire for children they can’t have, so it does make some sense… “What is it?” Runner asked us curiously while running a hand over Ninia’s flesh, his eyes curious and his cheeks faintly flushed. “Something from the Nightmare Realms in Ash is Worshiping us at one of our shrines.” We were rather perplexed by this. Since when did someone build a shrine for us there? “That’s new. Usually entities like those don’t see themselves lower than others. What could drive them to worship someone established on a ‘lower’ plane?” Runner mused while he leaned against Ninia’s flank again. “We don’t know, but having something like that on our side would be helpful.” We grunted in uncertainty. Hopefully this isn’t some trick. Oof, about to cum! “Hell will want to get rid of it if it offers us aid. Even they know how dangerous the Cthulhu mythos can be.” Runner commented with his eyes drinking us in, clearly enjoying the sight of us going at Ninia like a sex machine. “How would they think of Us being considered family to said creatures of cosmic horror?” We grunted and nutted, pumping Ninia even fuller. The mare visibly inflated further into an 8-foot across glowing red sphere with tits the size of yoga balls as she squealed in rapture. “I’m still confused about that. Seriously, how is she related to them?” Runner huffed and rubbed his forehead. “Visi even stated that the Chaos Gods are her siblings as well. How does any of that work?” “We don’t know. All We do know is that Cynder fought them back when Everlasting Dragons were around. She is a being from the beginning of time before time was a true concept after all. She’s the only reason We can look upon such entities and not go insane.” We informed our bunny-wolf mate as We came down from pumping Ninia. Oof. This mare should get a break, but then again this is supposed to be punishment. “Right.” The bunny wolf waved it off as he bounced against Ninia’s body, the mare groaning with each impact, but she was more durable than most things her size due to magic bullshit, so whatever. “Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?” We asked him while slowly gyrating our long mix-species dick in Ninia’s abused quim to keep our lust simmering. Urta’s a bit occupied with talking in-depth with Velka about something in hushed tones. It’s odd to see those two so gleefully talking about something. Then again, it’s odd to consider Velka as anything other than a vindictive abusive bitch, but she’s surprisingly Fair in her judgments. All those horrible things she ‘orchestrated’ might very well have been her misguided followers in the end. “There have been reports about Harpies, Goblins and other races outside of the norm. They seem to be thriving.” We looked at him with a raised brow, wondering why Runner would be keeping an eye on them. “What? I’m just keeping tabs on things. Besides, I need to make sure nothing bad happens should any other race think about waging war against us. You never know when they’ll turn their attention on us, be it for good or ill intent.” “Okay then, We don’t need them trying to start shit too.” Even if ‘city’ Goblins were adorable. However, We wouldn’t put it past Runner to keep tabs on them for more perverse reasons. Out of his brothers, he seems the most in-tune with his kinks. As the Goddess of Sex, kinks tend to be something We pick up on. Part of why We’re so intent on seeing him as a woman is because We can feel his desire to experience it. “Do you know about a mirror in the Crystal Empire, one that takes you to a parallel world?” Runner randomly brought up as he moved behind us and rubbed our rear with both hands, one trailing between our thighs to rub our swollen labia as We humped Ninia’s needy snatch. “Read up on it, yes.” We told him honestly with our trio of tails coiled around him, one around his neck, one his waist, another around that questing hand at our quim. We gave him a needy look over our shoulder while We thrust into Ninia and felt our balls churning. “When Twilight had to go back there, Sunset notified us there was a Battle of the Bands event coming up. Around that time, there were only four of us Doom Marines. We were even reverted back to our teenage years, but still strong.” Runner chuckled as he traced his hand along our folds and We gyrated against his hand, sawing in and out of Ninia at the same time. “That would be weird for us to see.” We panted and urgently pressed our thicc motherly yet firm ass against his pelvis as he pressed into our back, pressing our breasts into the upper curve of Ninia’s bloated body. Ah~, why are you being so cruel Runner~? Just fuck us! “Let’s just say that Twilight learned just how angsty and rebellious Berserker and I were back then. I’ll tell you right now, I miss my angry brother being a free spirit. It was probably the most fun he’s had when he isn’t with you.” Runner purred as he ground his still-clothed groin against our booty while slipping a finger into our hungry cunt. “Unf! Really?” We gasped and panted with sparks dancing in our vision as We came again, our Sex aspect singing from both our sexs being stimulated. We were nearly laying against Ninia by this point as she filled up, Runner still insistently pressing against us while he fingered us faster. “Yeah. Especially when it came to music. Let me tell you, he was living it up again.” Runner snorted before his fingers inside of us began buzzing like high-power vibrators, sending us careening into a more intense cumshot and wailing in rapture! “Mm~!” Ninia squealed into her gag in her own matching orgasm as We finished stuffing her into a 10 foot across sphere with overinflated yoga ball tits. “Oh~...” We wordlessly groaned while laying against Ninia, exhaustion setting in. Despite this, We used our tails to goad Runner in keeping us primed. “Although the school was still a school.” Runner continued even with his magic fingers giving our needy vagina attention. “Guh~. W-Willow had hard school years.” We manage to moan out as Ninia gurgled from our slow gyrations in her still-tight and convulsing cunt. “Cynder and Svartr haven’t h-had to bother thankfully, but Daring had an incredible school life.” Stop talking and fuck us~! “Unfortunately for the Sirens, every time they tried to cause trouble, Berserker was always around. His mere presence made everyone stop fighting and move along, much to the disdain of the sisters. He even had to snap Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna out of it by punching their faces in because they were bewitched too. He never showed up to detention.” The bunny wolf snickered before his whole fucking hand entered our vagina and We wailed, or needy snatch orgasming, but somehow our male organs didn’t sypmathetically join in. “Whoops. I better back off before I wind up in your womb.” Runner chuckled, yanking his hand out of us and We whined needily, even groping our booty and spreading it wide invitingly, sending Runner an absolutely desperate gaze with our tongue lolling out. “Please Runner~?” We mewled needily, feeling drool trail down our chin as We continued to gyrate in Ninia’s quim. “Mrr~ now that is-yip!” Runner fell through a portal that opened up under him, only to then be dropped out of the same type of portal over Ninia, sending him bouncing off of the cum-filled balloon of a mare who cried out in surprise before Runner impacted the floor next to us. “Ugh, you’re welcome!” Runner shouted back at the portal, where We saw a robed woman that had a skull for a face waving out before it closed. “Ah, what?” We asked, our mood getting killed by who must’ve been Lady Death stealing our mate away. “I just finished making sure the Well of Souls was clear of Hell Demons and a new breed at that.” Runner answered after he stood up and dusted off his jacket. “Did she just snatch you up when We were trying to get some action?” We growled over that  bitch stealing our mate. “How long were you away? That was just nanoseconds!” “Um, not sure. At least several hours. She rewarded me with soul traces of the damned for my efforts. As for the new Demon, it looked like a cross between a Revenant and a Summoner. So I’m dubbing them Harvesters, because it was harvesting souls.” Runner answered casually, as if getting summoned by Lady Death wasn’t any big deal. “Well isn’t that lovely.” We sarcastically grumbled before We pulled out of Ninia, our lust given a harsh kick in the jimmies by Death being a cunt-blocking bitch. “We don’t know about you Urta, but We’re done with Ninia for today.” “That’s cool babe. I’ll be administering her punishment until further notice anyway.” Urta deviously declared, sharing a cruel smirk with Velka. Oh. Shit. Those two have common ground. “Okay.” We sighed before Velka hugged us and nuzzled us. “Uh, Velka?” “You are born of my plea. You’ve brought such happiness and goodness to this world. I’m so proud of you.” Velka declared as if she were our mother and We felt fulfillment as if it was our mother having just said that to us. “You continue on your path and this world may finally find stability.” The busty crow woman kissed our brow and We enjoyed the hug immensely. > Ch.101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.101 “Hm~” We purred as We nuzzled something fuzzy and snuggled someone warm. “Enjoying yourself?” Runner’s voice asked with a chuckle, his speech causing his chest to hum under our face. “Yes. Have you been working out Runner? Your pecs feel firmer than We remember.” We hummed, content to leave our eyes closed and enjoy this peaceful moment with our bunny-wolf. “Not really? I haven’t bothered double-checking my shapeshifting, so maybe I accidentally left my chest a bit thicker than usual.” Runner replied in bemusement and We felt his chest soften slightly before going back to it’s pleasant firmness. “Hm, shame these aren’t big, soft, milky tits. Attached to a beautiful woman named Runner.” We cooed with a nuzzle to his chest and We heard his heart race at our words probing his desires. “Mrr~. It’s not too late for that to be the case.” “Y-yeah.” Runner replied, clearly nervouscited at our words. “Although, I wouldn’t mind you nuzzling my balls instead.” Oh? Deflection Runner? “We know you tried on some of our dresses.” We casually informed him and We felt his groin twitch as the rest of him froze up. “We have pictures. You looked beautiful in them.” “R-really?” Runner meekly asked, his voice wavering. “It’s okay sweetie. This is a safe place. You know it is.” We cooed and kissed his chest, content to leave our eyes closed. “Ah, Wiatr, I-I uh don’t think...” Runner said uneasily as We nuzzled his chest. “It's okay, you can do it love. We won’t judge. We want you to be you, do what you want.” We told him with a kiss on his sternum. “Y-Yeah I know, but last time was a bet. T-this time it’s-!” We cut him off from running his mouth so much with a kiss. We’ve never seen Runner like this before. “We know, We just want you to be you. Why don’t you experiment? Go at your own pace.” We sat up, perched on his pelvis, idly wondering when We went from Velka’s snuggling hug to going to sleep with Runner. “Look at us Runner? Are We beautiful?” “Oh gods yes…” Runner breathed out as he looked at our naked white hourglass-shaped thicc hyper-busty body perched on his pelvis. His groin clenched and he grit is teeth when We raised our arms over our head to help accentuate the shape of our body. “You can shapeshift. Any form is yours to take. Take one you desire. Take one you want to feel.” We urged seductively with a bit of gyrating atop him to make our muscular abdomen dance, our breasts bouncing enticingly. “F-fu~ck…” Runner grabbed our hips and hissed, his rod poking out of his sheathe and against our groin. “You’re making me want to breed you instead!” “Oh...sorry.” We sheepishly lowered our arms with a self-satisfied smirk at driving the bunny-wolf wild to the point he nearly went straight for the prize. “Anyway, try to imagine what it will feel like. To be a woman. To feel pleasure all over your body and not just in your groin and lower stomach.” “I-I don’t have to imagine…” Runner admitted with a bright blush on his yellow cheeks, making him look like a mutant Pikachu for a moment, which almost made us snort. “The dressing up was just the start of it. I got curious. I groped myself. Took baths and ate sweets. Then I...I masturbated. It was so incredible. So different.” “Then why not indulge with us?” We asked our mate and he bit his lip. “Because I’m worried I’ll end up pregnant if I indulge at all.” Runner admitted worriedly and We felt a little hurt at the fact our very nature was what made him hesitate. “We can pleasure you without a penis sweetie.” We gently insisted and waved our trio of tails in his direction. “These aren’t just for balance or keeping a mate in place.” “Mmf!” He huffed, licked his lips and then We yelped at his body shifting us forward, our hands meeting soft flesh when We fell forward. “Ahn~! D-don’t be so rough Wiatr-chan!” Came a cute and mewling woman’s voice and We flushed hotly at the beautiful bunny-wolf woman looking up at us over her G-cup breasts with her long ears twitching. “No cock, down, not now!” We collectively snarled at ourselves, trying not to let our raging lust for this beautiful person indulging our fantasies, if at least in part. We’re not going to betray her trust and risk impregnating her when she said it was why she was so worried. “Sorry Runner. What’s with a Japanese suffix there?” “Sh-shut up! You said you’d indulge me…” Runner blushed even hotter and We cooed before laying atop her, docking our larger bosom to her own and kissing her slowly yet passionately. “Mm~.” Runner hummed in our mouth, her hands groping our booty as We ran our fingers along her ears. “Okay.” We purred into her ear as We rubbed and groped the sides of her smished breasts, making her shiver more. “Lets indulge you~. You decide what we do, take it at your pace. You want hands, ask for hands, tails? Just ask. Our actions are yours to choose.” “Th-that’s just it! I don’t know where to start!” Runner replied nervously as she rubbed our hips. “Um, p-please take the lead. I’ll let you know if I don’t like it.” “Yes Mistress.” We winked before sliding down her body, our hands now gently groping and rubbing her huge breasts. “Are these bigger than in those pictures of you trying on dresses?” “I-I just um, thought you’d like them bigger.” She mewled as her face turned redder. “Sweetie. You make them whatever size you want. It’s your body.” We cooed and Runner gulped before her breasts actually got bigger to about our size. “W-wait. Don’t just copy us. We want you to feel comfortable.” “I-okay.” She mewled before they shrank to B-cups. “I-I’m so used to everyone here being so big. I’d like to start with being average from back home.” “That’s better. Now then.” We returned to our previous ministrations, only it was actually rather novel to be able to cover both her breasts with our hands instead of only getting a handful of massive mams. We sucked her nips and teased her modest breasts. Runner rapidly turned into a twitching and panting mess already. Gosh she’s so adorable! “Mhf!” Runner moaned and rubbed our head, her scent getting more potent as she got more aroused. “So good, but…” Her breasts grew again to D-cups. “I want more. Be rougher with me.” “Yes Mistress.” We attacked her breasts, groping harder, sucking more insistently. Her response was to gasp and grope our own breasts as her pelvis pressed up against our stomach. “Yes, ah, So good, but so strange~!” Runner cried out as she almost started milking us with how she was grabbing our areola. “More! Harder!” Her breasts suddenly surged out, almost pushing us off of her, the tits now back to matching our size. “Suck me harder~!” “Yes!” We replied breathlessly, assaulting her left nipple and sucking it like a small penis while devoting our hands to worshiping as much of the basketball-sized boobs as We could, the woman’s gasps and mewls of pleasure climbing higher and higher. “G-gunna~!” Runner wailed before squeaking, her body spasming beneath us as We continued pleasuring her bust to prolong what might just be her first boobgasm. “Oh gods~...” “Feel better?” We purred while Runner’s orgasm raced through her. We then felt her hands on our hips, one exploring our mound. “What are you looking for?” We moaned and kissed her right breast when her moaning slowly died. “I want to return the favor.” Runner panted and bit her lip as We sucked on her neglected nipple. “No~ I wanna pleasure you now~...” “Hm.” We hummed against her nipple as We sucked and raised our right brow. “Runner. This isn’t about us.” We groped the sides of her breasts in a milking motion, one We knew from experience was absolutely delightful. It also stimulated the mammary glands. “I know, but I love you and want us to share pleasure.” Runner panted as her next orgasm built up. Mrr~ she smells like she’s going into heat. “Nn~, are you looking for milk?” “Lactating feels incredible in it’s own way, but usually only mothers know that joy. Are you sure you want to tempt such thoughts?” We asked seriously and Runner bit her lip. “N-no...not now. I might be too tempted if-ah~.” Runner spasmed as the follow-up boobgasm hit. “Okay then. Since that’s the case, there isn’t much more to do with breasts. Boobs never get old though. Now then. Since we’re not going to involve male organs in this. It’s time for us to show you what kissing with our lower lips is like.” We cooed when We sat up and shifted off of her pelvis to her thighs before spreading her legs and hooking our left leg under her right leg. “Okay.” Runner moaned as she hungrily watched us, pussy hot to the touch with ours. “Wow. I can barely feel the strain from spreading my legs so wide.” Runner commented before We laid back and ground our swollen puffy pussy against her similarly engorged vulva. “F-fuck~!” “You are so hot, miss Runner.” We moaned as We began to grind our groins together, our quims kissing and rubbing along each other. “Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods~!” Runner squealed, her adorable lack of experience sending her rocking into another orgasm as she groped her breasts, even bringing her left nipple up to her lips to suck and muffle her moans. “We love you! We will marry you, make babies with you.” We groaned as our orgasm started to build. “Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me~!” Runner squealed as her previous orgasm slammed into the next one, her cunt clenching and trying to milk a cock that wasn’t there. “We are!” We moaned as she shook and drooled. “No! I mean fuck me!” Runner demanded hungrily, suddenly lurching forward and We yelped when she pinned us to the bed with a manic gleam in her eyes. “Fuck me with a big hot cock! I want it!” “S-sweetie no! Bad! It’s too soon!” We yelped before Runner began sucking on our left ear in a way that made us always get rock hard! Who told her that?! “H-honey no~!” We whined as We fell down the stairwell called orgasm, our cunt convulsing and We gasped and panted underneath the hybrid as our male organs appeared above our quim. “Hm, I never really looked at this well enough.” Runner cooed as she rubbed our now present and hardening cock. We shivered since she kept sucking our overly sensitive left ear. “Runner, We said no!” We grunted and suddenly our arousal was taken out back and shot. Runner would also be feeling the same sudden clarity that was denying arousal. “Love, why?” Runner whined, her pussy lined up with our penis, but now she wasn’t horny. “Because if you put us inside of you, then you will get pregnant! At least let us get a condom!” We huffed in frustration. Denying arousal didn’t make it go away like We’d assumed when this ability first came to us. Rather, it suppresses it. The moment We lift it or it wears off and if the people affected haven’t calmed down naturally by then, it hits like a train. “Hm, okay.” Runner quickly agreed before pulling out a condom from her cleavage. “Magic condom. They can hold several of my loads in one.” “Runner, it better be rated for hypers, or it’ll burst with how much We cum.” We didn’t recognize the packaging of the condom, so it wasn’t a local brand. “Love, we used these all the time. They come from our sister Palutena and they’ve never popped once.” Runner claimed as she tore it open and began stretching it down our half-mast 15 inch bitch-breaker. It wasn’t even fully engorged yet, but she didn’t seem daunted as the obviously magical prophylactic full encased our girth without issue. “She’s the one you lost the bet against, right?” We asked as Runner licked her lips and stood over our red ribbed and knotted fuckpole as she spread her snatch with her fingers. “Yes, now stop stalling!” Runner demanded, so We complied. Both of us groaned as our dammed-up arousal hit us both. Our cock finished engorging to full size, the soda-can thick 20-inch long beast reached up and pressed against her soaking wet labia. “Ah~!” “A-are you sure you don’t want us to-hnng~!” We were interrupted from our offer of shrinking our cock by her dropping herself onto us, taking half of our massive dick in one go! She was stopped by the medial ring, her tight abdomen visibly distended by our girth. “Ah! Yes! I want this! Fuck me!” Runner demanded as she bounced on our gigantic dick, causing her to get past our medial ring and sink down further. “Oh gods~!” Runner declared as her flesh, elasitized by our very presence and possibly by her body’s intent to take us, stretched out and up from her stomach with ease. “Fuck~! I can even titfuck you!” “Holy shit Runner~!” We wailed, humping up into her urgently. “This feels better than I imagined! Ah, ahn, Ah~!” Runner spasmed as she was launched into orgasm like a rocket into space. “Fuck me! Fill me! I want bunnies! I want to be so fucking full of bunnies I burst~!” “Th-that condom better hold!” We hissed with a warning tone, hoping she didn’t purposefully use a defective condom since our balls, now being bounced on by our bunny-babe’s booty gurgled and churned with our building baby batter. “I don’t fucking care! Fill me~!” Runner begged as she was sent into another screaming orgasm. “Ah, ah, fuck!” We cried out as she bounced and our arousal neared its peak! We were sent over the edge when Runner lifted herself nearly to our medial ring and then slammed all the way back down, shoving our soda-bottle thick knot into her engorged vulva. “Ah~!” “Fuck yes! Ahn~!” Runner wailed as her distended stomach began to round out from our pumping deluge of seed, hopefully contained in the condom. “Guh~! This feels so good! Every time I saw any of the girls getting filled I wanted to know how this felt! The pressure! The heat! Oh gods~!” Runner’s tongue was flopped out, her ears now limp and draping down the sides of her head as she rubbed her bloating hyper-sized belly. “Hey Runner are you in here? I know you, Wiatr and Velka went binge drinking-” Hunter froze in the entrance of the room where Runner and us had woken up when he saw Runner female, mounted on us, knotted and being pumped full of cum. Her belly was already big enough to press against the bottom of our breasts. “Ah, hi.” We awkwardly said as We continued to slowly pump Runner full of cum. Our knot was so swollen that We couldn’t normally get it out for an hour if We left it alone. However, despite being visibly distressed, Runner’s body only clenched tighter on us at her being caught like this. “Y-yeah, hey, um, I can explain?” Runner meekly said as she continued to swell up, her belly already looking like she was pregnant with sextuplets. However, We felt her vagina spasm as her brother looked at her in shock. “Why are you and Wiatr...?” Hunter blinked and then ran his hands down his face. “Runner. Have you decided you prefer being female?” “No! Yes? Maybe?! D-don’t look at me-he-he~!” Runner wailed, tears building in her eyes as she covered her nipples and sniffled. “Runner! Please don’t cry! I’m not judging! I just want to know why you’re doing this right now instead of sooner.” Hunter implored his currently-female sibling as We finally stopped cumming, said sibling now looking pregnant with octuplets. “Y-you don’t think I’m a freak?” Runner sniffled and Hunter looked aghast at the very idea. “Runner, you’re my broth-sis-sibling. Whatever you choose to be is for you to decide. Whatever your tastes, they’re your own. I don’t think you’re crazy, unusual, or different in a bad way. I Love you as you are. That’s what being Family means.” Hunter declared firmly, looking his sibling in the eyes. “S-so you don’t think I’m a crazy closet transvestite who should be cross-dressing and proclaiming the Okama Way?” Runner asked hopefully as her ears perked up slightly and her tail slowly wagged. “A One-Piece Reference Runner? Really? In this day and age?” Hunter scoffed and shook his head disapprovingly, the comment causing Runner to giggle and snort adorably. “Um...as lovely as this is, Runner’s still mounted on our dick and history has proven We’re quick to go another round.” We said, reminding the siblings that We were still buried under the pregnant-looking bunny-wolf’s belly and thick bubble booty. “...Um, bro?” Runner meekly asked and Hunter silently sighed before he nodded and left the room with the door locked. “Okay! Round two!” Hoo boy... > Ch.102 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.102 We sighed happily while We guided Runner downstairs and across the foyer towards the dining hall. “Thanks again for doing this for me.” Runner said as she waddled, her belly looking like she was about to burst with 16 babies, her belly easily sticking out 4 feet from her torso and nearly tapping the floor with each step. She was wearing our magic dress and looked vapidly pleased as she supported her belly with her hands and magic so she wasn’t immobile. After the first go, Runner magically tied off the first condom, put a second one on us and had us fill that one up inside of her too. Then she requested she carry them around a bit, to feel what it was like. It was so hawt! We couldn’t not indulge her! “If it’s what you want, then it’s what you want.” We cooed at our lover, hoping one day that belly isn’t just for fun. Since she was wearing our dress right now, We were wearing Daring’s pithy explorer clothes. They were comfy and familiar compared to the carbon-copy blouses and jeans everyone usually wore. “Holy shit Runner! I knew you had little restraint when it came to your passions, but wow.” Hunter commented when he approached from the direction of the servant quarters. “You’re not…?” “Shouldn’t be, but I don’t think I’d mind~.” Runner cooed when she nuzzled us and then nipped at our ear, which sent our trio of tails sticking out straight. “D-don’t tempt us…” We mewled before guiding her to the doors of the dining hall, only to stop and hold the siblings up when We spotted Eris, Dongoruas and Hermais talking to a dark skinned human woman wearing casual street clothes from Willow’s world. “So you want to turn me into what?” The human woman asked with scrunched brows. “A wolf to lead a rebellion.” Eris replied playfully with her snaggletoothed grin. “Okay? I’m not too against becoming a furry, but how?” She asked with her hands on her hips while Dongoruas seemed to be tracing the air as Hermais was writing in a scroll. “Magic, of course. I’m going to magically turn you into an anthro wolf and plant you in an impoverished nation in this world. I want you to lead them to a rebellion against their gods.” Eris continued in her devious scheming. “I still don’t think this is a good idea Sis.” Hermais huffed in disapproval, Dongoruas similarly conflicted. “Shush. So miss Alberta, will you take my offer?” Eris questioned as she draped over the smaller woman’s shoulders, the human looking irritated with the contact. “After all, while there will be much suffering, you’ll ultimately come out of it immortal and content.” “Should we stop her?” We asked our mates, feeling squicky about this obvious Displacement. “I don’t think so.” Runner hummed with her Eye shining. “Fate is absolutely tangled up with that woman. I don’t think we could stop this even if we tried.” “Really? Still, this isn’t very appropriate.” We huffed as We rubbed Runner’s belly out of instinct before We pulled our hand back with a blush when the bunny-wolf woman cooed and fluttered her eyes at us. “Definitely not, even if it is a necessary evil.” Runner replied after recovering from the tingling pleasure We knew getting belly rubs on such distended skin caused as Hunter let out a scoff. “Eris is so grounded after all of this. She needs some discipline.” “Yes, she does.” We agreed before Eris smooched the woman and the transforming human fell through a wormhole in the floor. “So What should her punishment be?” “I haven’t the faintest idea.” Runner sighed and rubbed her sides as she looked the nearly-naked draconequus over. At least she and her siblings were all wearing shirts and jeans instead of being naked even if Eris wore a barely-decent Half-T top that had an obscene amount of underboob and jean short-shorts. The Dining Hall is no place for lewdness! “Maybe no time travel? Are you able to suppress magical powers? Chaotic ones?” We asked our mate as she considered what to do while Eris idly squabbled with her siblings. “I could try. It would help in the future against magical opponents. Especially the Wizard.” Runner replied as her eye remained shining. “Alright then.” We said before approaching Eris from behind and clearing our throat, making our daughter jump and look worried. “Dear, did you just Displace someone?” We demanded in our matronly you done fucked up tone. “No~?” Eris mewled dishonestly, her eyes turning towards her siblings who looked just as guilty as she did. “Don’t try to bullshit your way out, we saw what you did.” Runner huffed as she approached, Eris’ eyes boggling at the sight of the fecund bunny-wolf before she held up her hands. “Okay yes, but I had to! She needed to be in a specific time and place!” Eris insisted urgently, her siblings nodding reluctantly. “But that was still bad kids.” We sighed and rubbed our brow. “So you’re all grounded for a week.” “Okay then, but how does that work mama?” Hermais questioned as he ceased floating to stand next to his sister, Dongoruas doing the same as Eris rubbed her flat abdomen under her cropped half-T where her navel pearl glinted and gave us some ideas. She is pregnant to the point of immobility for 3 years, right? “It is rather hard to discipline people who can do anything with a snap of their fingers.” Dongoruas agreed with his brother as he rubbed his chin on his bear-head. It seems he’s decided to go the mostly ursine route. “Firstly, no magic.” Runner told them before she snapped her fingers. A sudden jolt went through the siblings when that happened. “Wha? What did you do?!” Eris wailed as she clutched her stomach moments before her belly began blowing up. “Oh~!” “I’ve sealed your magic. That’s the first time I’ve tried that actually and it worked.” Runner chuckled proudly as Hermais and Dongo tried snapping their fingers, only to cause no effects much to their shock. “Damn it~.” Eris whined as her belly and tits expanded beyond her reach. “Now I’m immobile for a week~!” “Your choices do have consequences. Hermais, you have to tend to your sister all week long, without magic to aid you.” We told him, getting a whine from him. “Dongoruas...We’re so sorry. We’re estranged from you, We don’t even know what you don’t like.” “You could keep me from going to see Chiton…” Dongo reluctantly suggested, reminding us that he was in a relationship with that changeling stallion running the Lewd Bar next to the community center. “Hm...does he prefer males?” We questioned and Dongo blinked in confusion. “Um, no?” Dongo bemusedly replied. “Hm...We’re stumped. Any ideas?” We questioned our mates. “Hm...he likely brought that woman here using his Space magic, so he’s just as guilty as her sending the woman back in time. I say he goes female for a week and also tends to Eris without being allowed to go on dates with Chiton. Visiting is fine, just no dates or sexy rendezvous.” Runner stated firmly before snapping her fingers and suddenly Dongo was a towering amazon who tore out of her clothes and yelped, covering the nipples of her massive mams in embarrassment. “D-don’t do that~! Dongo only did it because I begged her to~!” Eris sniffled like the child she was as she perched atop her 10 foot across belly with boobs each 2 feet across and dribbling strawberry milk from her engorged thumb-sized nips. “That won’t help. We let you guys get away with a lot, but that’s because you’re Chaos. There are still things that will get you punished. Your father was set in stone timeout for hundreds of years, this is a mild punishment and will only last a week.” We told her sternly. “You can do this again in the future, if you bring it to us for review first!”   “Mom~!” Eris whined as she pressed down on her giant tits to see better, inadvertently spraying the floor with more pink sweet-smelling milk. “No. You can’t just do everything without punishment. That is what happened to your father years ago. We don’t need another Chaos Dominion. You all need a check and balance, you can get away with a lot, but messing with time too much or pulling someone here from another world to Displace them is too far without oversight. I don’t want you making an evil that we will have to face later, clear?” We sternly demanded our children. “Clear.” All three of them mewled as Eris’ thicc tail agitatedly flicked about above her thicc ass. “Now then, how far in the past did you send her?” We demanded with our arms crossed. “Um, First Era. To be the Chosen Undead.” Eris mewled in admission. “What? So We already met a person you Displaced.” We huffed in annoyance at remembering Alberta, the drunken slush of a wastrel who stayed with Sabrina’s Coven because she’s in a relationship with Niamh, a cat with booze boobs. “Well, some help you brought in.” Runner mocked Eris with a shake of her head in annoyance. “Sorry, but I had to keep reality together. She’ll help with the future for at least, once she’s put through rehab.” Eris insisted from her leaky perch that Runner was eyeing with a lick of her lips. “When will that be?” We asked dismissively. Alberta did not give us a positive first impression. At all. We also know how hopeless it is for most alcoholics who even bother to try to rehabilitate. “She actually has been going through rehab for the past month and today she was the one who told me to Displace her. That I was her Displacer from her old ‘burial’ gift, a Coven book that her girlfriend translated. It told her and me what needed to be done.” Eris admitted unhappily after fishing out an ancient tome from her bust, one that looked like it should’ve crumbled to dust. “Yeah, I did.” Confirmed the voice of Alberta, the supposed Chosen Undead as she entered the dining hall. “Look, I’m not exactly proud of how I’ve conducted myself when I was resurrected, but after Niamh translated that book there, I sobered up. Which was hard by the way, Niamh’s tits are literally alcoholic and it’s been hard not doing our usual drunken boobshipping. At least all her booze is being sold at the Wet Bitch again.” “So what, you want to help now?” We asked in annoyance as the two Marines looked her over. She didn’t even seem to have that overwhelming presence she had before, but then again We weren’t a goddess when We first met her. Then again, our Soul Level was abysmal back then. “I’m one of the best miracle casters ever and I have been studying new ones, Goddess of the Scourge and the Bloody Oath.” Alberta’s dig at us actually piqued something, our worry mounted at acknowledging the title. Hopefully Alphonse works quickly at quelling those ‘Old Testament’ rat bastards. “I fixed my armor with Andre’s help and my sword. I’m ready to fight and adapt to these fancy new weapons of today.” Declared the Chosen Undead, who in her Brass Set Armor with Obsidian Greatsword at her back, looked more than prepared for combat. “Hunter?” We questioned our battle-hardened mate as Runner approached Eris, licking her lips. Um, she’s not pregnant is she? She’s full of cum-filled condoms. Does she just like strawberry milk that much? “Hm?” Hunter gave a questioning mental hum due to his lack of vocal chords. “What do you think? Could you train her?” We asked as Runner licked up a trail of milk running down Eris’ belly, making her squeak and blush when the bunny-wolf pulled her forward so her tits were in range to lick around her nipples and make her pant and wriggle against herself. Hunter looked at Alberta with an appraising eye. After a couple of moments he nodded. “Definitely. She isn’t some talentless recruit. She carries herself well.” “Alright. Eris, Hermais, Dongoruas. To your rooms and I mean the ones in the Keep.” I told them while Runner gulped down milk from Eris’ cock-length nipple before Hermais and Dongo rolled their sister away and Runner mewled in disappointment. The doors of the Dining Hall rapidly grew to let her through and returned to normal size once they were gone. “Now let's get to the Training room to see what she can do.” “Lead the way.” Runner huffed as she rubbed her sides, clearly upset that her treat was interrupted. “Yeah.” Alberta chuckled and followed closely behind Hunter as We walked beside Runner, who had adopted a visible pregnant waddle rather than just walk like she did earlier.  “Eris looked sexy being so full of babies.” Runner said with a teasing smirk, but We didn’t miss the wistful look in her eyes. “Runner. Please tell us you’re not pregnant.” We hissed quietly, hoping Hunter wouldn’t hear us with Alberta talking his ear off about his preferences in combat while exiting the smaller doors in the massive gates of the keep. “Wouldn’t you like to know~?” Runner lilted playfully and We wrinkled our snout in irritation. “Oh fine. Ruin it. No, I’m not. I just want to feel like it for now. Maybe someday. Well, definitely someday. Not now, or soon. Not with all this violence that needs me to deal with things.” Runner muttered discontently as our group crossed the canyon, visibly enjoying all the people looking at her knowingly, likely believing her pregnant. Yet she wasn’t. It was quite a tease honestly. “Good. We’d be worried sick for you after you trusted us not to impregnate you.” We quietly whispered to her before pecking her on the cheek, the woman quickly pecking our lips before We pulled away fully. “Hey. If it did happen, I’d blame myself. You gave me multiple chances to avoid the risk, but I wasn’t kidding back there. I wouldn’t mind it.” Runner closed her eyes happily before we entered the barracks and reached the Rune Room, the perfect place to train up a hero candidate. “A big empty room? I thought we would be training, not visiting an empty boss chamber.” Alberta huffed in disappointment, not realizing just how apt her assumption was. “We are. This room is enchanted to bring up any number of creatures and environments that are programmed into it. Like a Holodeck.” We told them all, more to Runner and Hunter on the last bit. “It allows the guards to fight against any creature they encounter that we have in depth info on. You kinda helped set up the hardest levels with the info you gave us.” “I did?” Alberta asked in surprise.  “Yeah, mostly from your ramblings while you were drunk to get most of it. Runner and Hunter both have trouble with levels 10 and 10+.” We commented and the siblings nodded. “Sounds about right. I don't know about Berserker though. We usually go in individually, not as a team.” Runner stated as she cracked her neck and shamelessly pulled off our loaned magic dress before snapping her fingers and her belly was washboard-flat. “So, what was your name again?” Runner questioned as her clothes appeared over her body, fitting just like before, if giving a boob window for her cleavage. Um...why isn’t she going back to being male? “Alberta.” The Chosen Undead answered uneasily, likely sensing how out of her depth she might be. “Um, I’ll admit I’m a bit rusty, I haven’t fought since I put down Gwyn.” “Okay then Alberta, ready to get started?” Runner asked her, the bunny-wolfess stretching and her fluffy wolf tail wagged while her massive bust threatened to burst out of her jacket. “Yes, what should I do?” Alberta did some stretches too and even cracked her neck as well. “What’s the toughest creature you guys programmed in here?” We asked the siblings. “Titans.” Runner answered and Hunter nodded his head in confirmation. “The Doom ones, not Warhammer 40K Titans. No one would survive against such magnitude. Both are bad, but while one heralds Hell and carrys their citadels, the other is a literal giant war machine.” “What’s a Titan?” Alberta asked curiously and we all looked at her in bemusement. “How do you not know your Greek Mythology?” Runner questioned in disbelief. “She doesn’t live in the same world as us, but she is Displaced. How do you not know?” We asked in confusion. “Isn’t she human?” Runner questioned. “Fuck, we should’ve asked where Eris picked her up from.” “My mind kinda shattered from how many deaths I’ve gone through. I barely remember being human and it only comes in flashes.” Alberta admitted with a shrug and We barely managed to avoid flinching in agony- Willow~ -gods damn it! We thought We were over this! “Alright, well they’re like Giants, just a lot bigger and much more powerful.” We compared and a light bulb went off in her head. “So expect a hard fight. These Runes won’t kill you either.” “Let’s just ask her where she wants to start off. The last thing we want to do is throw her in the deep end and watch her drown.” Runner suggested as she tugged and adjusted her clothes. Does her magic shift her clothes with her? “How about Gwyn? When I realized he was a brainless Hollow he was actually pathetically easy.” Alberta suggested in return with confidence. “Starting at 10 if you’re sure.” We uneasily said as We selected the Hollowed Lord of Cinder and backed up to the observation area with the two siblings as the Kiln of the First Flame appeared with the Hallowed Undead Gwyn who was an emaciated Hollow wretch of a soot-furred towering wolf in the center. “Do you think she can still take him?” “We’ll just have to wait and see.” Runner shrugged, sending her basketball boobs bouncing and drawing our eyes to them as Alberta started her training. Damnit Runner, we’re getting a ladyboner. “Babe, eyes up here~.” Runner lilted and We pouted at her playful expression. “Hot damn does that feel good to say and experience with someone you love.” “Sis. Please don’t be that openly flirtatious right now. I’m still adjusting.” Hunter requested of his sibling, who playfully stuck out her tongue at him, but thankfully for both of us the silly woman ceased her shenanigans to go back to watching Alberta get her ass beat. > Ch.103 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.103 For the most part, Gwyn was beating Alberta’s booty. Literally. He bent her over his knee and was spanking her with his oversized flaming sword like it was a paddle and she was yelping and complaining like it wasn’t unusual. How fucked up is this world that apparently it seemed even back then either ridiculous or raunchy things were the norm? The fact he was even proclaiming “Bad girls get spankings and no harem for a week!” further drove home how much of an absolute slut Gwynevere was. Well, can’t throw stones there can We? “Wow, I’m getting flashbacks.” Commented Urta, who had come down to see what was going on in her training area. Well, it was her’s by the fact that she’s the head authority of the local military. She was wearing her armor now and winked at Runner when she came down here. “I mean, I have Gwynevere’s memories and all, but damn was Gwyn a strict father, even if he was still a pushover when it came to spoiling her.” “And a horndog?” We asked when Alberta got away again and pulled out her bow. “No, not really. Realize Daddy-shit. Um, realize he didn’t have options. He had to splinter fragments of his soul and grant them to the few female suitors he pined for to even be able to have my sibs and I. I mean, damn it.” Urta huffed and scratched at her cheek. “He had a raging boner for his wives, nobody else. He was stone cold otherwise. Such a fucking prude. He even revoked my harem privileges for months once! I was so fucking horny I fucked Seathe and got knocked up with Priscilla. No, wait, not me. Ugh…” Wow, Gwynevere really fused with her! “Well, she isn’t getting anywhere with him.” Runner declared as she tapped the ‘killswitch’, as it were. Everything stopped and Alberta slowly got back up on her paws after getting paddled again. “That was stupid, I shouldn’t have let her start at this level so soon.” She sighed as the four of us approached the humiliated Undead wolfess. “I beat him before.” Alberta whined while rubbing her butt. “And he rarely went into ‘father’ mode. He only did that a few times and kept calling me Gwynevere even though I never met her. Although I did consume his son’s soul, but seriously, that dude had parenting issues.” “You ate my brother?!” Urta snarled furiously before reeling herself in. “I mean, you absorbed the soul of my predecessor’s sibling?” “Um. Yeah? Sorry about that. He was a total asshat.” Alberta replied, causing Urta to sigh and nod in commiseration. “Hold on.” We said before tapping Alberta’s head. “Well, you have traces of the Lord Souls, but they’re not actually fully absorbed. Just dwelling like Gwynevere did with us before. You’d best visit Princess Twilight Sparkle to help get your soul situation resolved.” “Well that’s all well and good, but that can be dealt with later. Alberta, you’re starting on level one and working your way up from there. You win, you advance. You lose, back to level one and start again. Clear?” Runner demanded of the out-of-practice heroine. “Fine.” Alberta sighed in resignation. “You have been mostly moping and lazing about.” We noted, considering she’s spent an untold amount of time just being with her booze-boobed girlfriend. “What’s up with that anyway?” Runner asked curiously with a tilt of her head, sending her bunny ears flopping to that side. “Would you love reliving every death you’ve had? I wanted to drown it in beer.” Alberta admitted and then sighed wistfully. “Also, Niamh’s a great gal.” The dopey smile told everything. “Been there, done that. Well, technically speaking, but it still counts. Besides, my mind’s a complete mess anyway.” Runner replied, as if it wasn’t anything to worry about. Then again, she’s still more sane than half the people We’ve had to deal with. “Well don’t worry. Although I’m not breaking up with Niamh, we’re working on ways to enjoy each other without resorting to her booze.” Alberta declared as she rolled her shoulders. “Alright then. Level 1: Hollow Dreg Mob.” Runner jogged as she led us back to the far wall and she summoned the Undead Burg, which was absolutely overflowing with pitiful Hollows. “So Hunter, any news on Berserker and Pillar in the Dragonlands?” Runner asked her brother out of the blue, reminding us that was where Pillar and Berserker went after hopping on the UAC raid for a hot minute. They were helping the dragons secure their safety. “Hell has been pushed out of the lands and the eggs have been saved. Well, most of them.” Hunter ears lowered in sadness. “They had to destroy the ones that have been corrupted.” We whined and Urta rubbed our shoulder supportively while Runner winced at the news. “Along with the ones smashed before.” We whined in despair. So many eggs were lost. Even with our efforts, if things like this keep happening, the Dragons will still go extinct. “Yes.” Hunter nodded his head sadly. “God, Berserker’s probably gonna drink until he blacks out tonight.” Runner sighed and We understood the sentiment. “Should We talk to him?” We asked when Alberta got past this level. She even avoided killing the ‘City’ Goblins who cowered away from battle. At least she doesn’t kill indiscriminately. “If you want to, go ahead.” Runner answered with a shrug, sending her boobs bouncing again. “Okay.” We said before kissing both of them. “Give your worst, she’s undead and will respawn at my Bonfire, she’s already linked to it.” “Okay.” Runner said as they both nodded their heads.   “Is there anything you want from us before We leave?” We asked our mates who all looked at each other and shook their heads. “Okay then, We’re off to the Dragonlands.” We smooched each of them on the lips before leaving the barracks and sprouting our dragon wings which made us blink. We’re still a Horned Skaven. Ugh, later. It would be a few hours flight to the Dragonlands. We’ll be there by evening. (<3) “Ach, need to fly more.” We groaned and rubbed our wings as they healed. Two lifetimes of flight experience or not, the other half never had wings before. Even ignoring the fact We’re still a Horned Skaven and not a dragon or pegasus. Welp, We have optional wings now. Yay. “Who’s there?!” A voice called out before a squad of Night Sentinels rushed from around several large rocks. They must be on patrol. “It’s Us, Wiatr.” We replied as We slowly approached with our hands held out to the sides. “Your highness? What are you doing out here?” One of them asked us. “We wish to comfort our mates if they would let us.” We told them as We met up with them. We looked out at the barren land that the Dragons called home. There was almost nothing in the form of plant life here. Dragons mainly mined, grew gems and herded giant Tatzelwurms. The latter, a threat to most other races, were livestock to Dragons since they were naturally drawn to the molt of dragons and were ironically vulnerable to dragonfire. “Ah, yes. We’ll take you to them.” The first Night Sentinel said before they proceeded to escort us with one of them radioing back to the others about our arrival. “You didn’t lose too many did you?” We asked in concern. “Didn’t lose too many what?” A female Night Sentinels questioned. “Soldiers?” We asked, watching the female dragons go about their day, getting ready for dinner and that. It was interesting to see that dragons seemed to prefer boring holes into solid rock and making homes there rather than build a home outside in the open, but there were a few exceptions, all made of a solid almost adobe-style brick in those cases. “Your highness. We’re warriors, trained for battle. Death is something we’ve come to expect. So, yes, we have lost many, within the hundreds.” The first Night Sentinel told us with a sigh. “Oh.” We mewled unhappily. Death was always something that upset us, rather intimately too due to our Undead nature and having experienced it before. However, unlike us, these soldiers don’t come back. “Look, our duty is to combat against Hell, to protect and save as many lives from their savage conquest. So either we die knowing we’ve done something worthwhile, or we die for doing nothing.” The Sentinel declared proudly. “We didn’t mean to offend. We understand the philosophy of ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is that Good men do nothing’.” We quoted, getting agreeing nods from our escorts. “I know, but this is a harsh truth I’m telling you.” He told us before pointing towards one of the mountains. “That’s where we’ve set up the local base of operations, within a cave, considering there are so many of them.” He informed us, clearly implying We could handle the rest of the distance alone. “Thank you.” We replied before taking to the air. “Take care of them. Gods know they’ll be needing it.” That was his final say before he and his squad went back on patrol. We felt even more worried now as We flew to the cave in the hope of cheering them up. Once We reached the mouth of the cave, We entered to find ourselves immediately in the operations room. Funny how they can get all of this technology to work in barren wastelands, considering We didn’t see a solar or wind generator set up. Probably an Argent-fueled generator somewhere. Anyway, when everyone saw us, they stopped for a brief second before one of the officers approached us and the rest went back to work. “Greetings your highness. Do you wish to see them?” The officer asked us with a faint bow. “Yes. Are they drinking?” We asked in trepidation. “Only Lord Berserker at the moment. Lord Pillar is in prayer. Usually, Lord Berserker would lose it and go on a rampage. This time he has taken it so much harder.” He commented before leading us deeper into the caves. “We know. His siblings explained why that might be.” We mewled while moving quickly to follow, our hiking boots making a distinctive clopping sound. Three quarters of us were slightly annoyed at that, while the remaining quarter was pleased at the familiar noise from years of adventuring. “Hm, I see.” The Officer commented as he thankfully guided us through a series of tunnels within this cave. At least there were signs pointing out which room is where. One was the private quarters, where we’re going. “This is where they’ve been sleeping, just follow on through and you’ll see their rooms.” “Thank you sir.” We nodded in farewell before walking through and avoiding most of the clutter from thrown items. From there, We heard snoring coming from one of the rooms along with the smell of alcohol, meaning it must be Berserker since the other room was clearly Pillar’s with the low chanting and the strong scent of aromatic candles or incense. “Berserker? Or Pillar?” We mewled, looking back and forth. We whined before moving to check on Berserker, hoping he was okay. “Wait.” We immediately stopped when Pillar came out from his room, looking worn out. “Don’t bother him. Wait until morning when he’s sobered up.” “Okay. He’s not hurt right?” We asked as We approached Pillar, the massive towering hunk of a white wolf moving aside to let us enter his room. “He is hurt; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He could not bear the weight of guilt and failure even as he forced himself to destroy the corrupted eggs. It was heartbreaking.” Pillar informed us as he guided us to sit on a pad in the rather sparsely furnished room. “Oh.” We whined and looked at his door, which wasn’t much more than a cloth. “We should have been here.” Damn the UAC for making such a mess! If they hadn’t kidnapped Urta and brought Hell down on their heads with their stockpile of Argent, then more resources could’ve been diverted to defend the Dragonlands. “It probably could’ve changed the outcome of things, but nevertheless, what’s happened has happened. We cannot change that.” Pillar told us as he sat on a pad across from us, still towering over our comparatively tiny form. “Are you okay?” We asked while crawling over to him and climbing up into his lap, running our hands up and down his shirt-covered pecs. “I’m doing all I can to keep myself from losing faith within myself.” Pillar admitted with sorrow. “Oh sweetie. You did what you could.” We mewled in response as We nuzzled his chest. “I know, but it didn’t feel like I was doing enough. That I should’ve done more.” Pillar told us with his lupine ears wilted and his face drooping sadly. “Oh, Pillar.” We cooed comfortingly as We hugged as much of him as We could manage. He was 14 feet tall when standing. This giant of a hunk was hard to get a good hold of. “Let me take these clothes off.” Pillar suddenly said and he used his gravity powers to shuck off his shirt and We squeaked when he picked us up by our booty to use his powers to pull off his trousers and underwear. Once he was naked, he moved us to the massive roll-out mattress against the corner where he sat back down. “Better.” “W-would you like some sexual healing?” We questioned with a blush on our cheeks. He was usually much more reserved. If he felt the need for skin contact then he must really be hurting. “Yes, but first.” Pillar said before laying a hand over ours against his chest. “Just, stay here with me. Keep me company. I may not even feel the need to go further than cuddling.” His request was something We were beyond willing to fulfill, so We nodded and snuggled up to him as he laid back, pulling a blanket over us as We used his broad muscular torso as a bed. “Mm~. So firm and warm…” Ah~. There’s something so good about the rock hard musculature of an absolute beast of a male. Boobs are beautiful, but pecs are powerful~. “Thank you. I do a whole routine of exercises every morning like a proper soldier.” Pillar declared as he wrapped his hands on our back and booty, the massive appendages unable to only touch one part of us without overlapping. “Good boy.” We playfully purred as We got comfortable laying atop him, our breasts pressing into his lower pecs as the two hemispheres of his chest cradled our head and let us look up at his throat. Here We are. Laying on a sexy beast of a male as our bed. Mrr~. “Honey. I can smell you. I might need sexual healing if you don’t calm down dear.” Pillar quietly rumbled, his voice thrumming through our body and only stirring our lust, but We closed our eyes to try and comply, simply relishing his presence as the soothing incense calmed our mind. > Ch.104 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hm~.” We hummed as awareness groggily returned to us. Oh~ whatever this bed We’re sleeping on is, it’s so firm and warm and fluffy. Only sniffing deeply of the pheromones of our mate that absolutely drenched the firm pillows our head rested on reminded us that Pillar was our bed last night. “You awake sweetie?” We mumbled as We squirmed to try and keep comfy, the huge hands on our booty twitched and groped, causing us to coo. “Mrr~...now I am.” Pillar answered with a mumble of his own, likely just realizing he’d been our bed and where his hands were resting. “This is nice. We should sleep like this with you boys more often.” We sighed and refused to open our eyes, continuing to relish in the comfort, warmth, his scent. “Did you check on Berserker last night?” Pillar asked blearily and We grunted in the negative. “We just woke up.” We yawned as We pushed up off of his chest, using our draconic wings to push the blanket off as We straddled his abs with a drowsy smack of our lips. “We tried to check on him when We arrived, but then we snuggled and fell asleep.” We reminded him as our trio of tails ran along his hands that still cupped our butt cheeks in both hands. “Funny. I could’ve sworn I...did one of your other selves go to check on him?” Pillar asked as he licked his lips to wet them and yawned, his hands kneading our ass and making us purr. “Hm...yes actually. We feel Cynder is in his bed right now.” We paused upon realizing that even though Cynder wasn’t in the collective right now, our Horned Skaven body still had horns and wings like a dragon. “Cynder? How is Bryan doing?” “He’s awake and being pampered by about 10 dragonesses.” Cynder replied sleepily. “She’s with him and there’s ten other dragonesses too.” We yawned as We stretched atop our giant hunk and rubbed Pillar’s washboard abdomen. “Do you want to check on him? Cynder seems to find something funny right now.” The fact that she isn’t just broadcasting it to us means it might be better if we both go see this directly. “Might as well.” Pillar shrugged and patted our booty before he sat up and set us on our paws as he got up with us. “I wonder what those ten other dragonesses are doing in his room?” “Maybe trying to comfort him.” We shrugged as We went to the door flap. “Hopefully.” Pillar commented after he used one of those fancy equipment cubes to summon pants and a shirt onto him before we crossed the hall to Berserker’s room to find it packed. Most of the room was taken up by the size of these dragonesses all squeezing into the fairly large room. “Well...at least they tried.” “Uh...tried?” We asked in bemusement, mostly over the fact that Cynder was normal, not swelled up and nuzzling a snoring Berserker. “No sex?” “Didn’t want to. Berserker isn’t in a good state right now anyway. I came to make sure he wouldn’t hurt them, then just to provide comfort after.” Cynder replied from where she was snuggled up to the red dracowolf under the covers with the 10 variously colored dragon women all arrayed around the bed and having a casual air of this being like a slumber party despite their nudity. “Is that all they wanted to do?” Pillar questioned in bemusement, clearly understanding the carnal hunger of the male-deprived dragonesses of this world by now. “No, he can tell you what else. It’s not my place to say.” Cynder purred and kissed the red wolf dragon gently to wake him up. “I know you’re listening, love.” “I got a hangover. Anybody got any pain killers?” Berserker groaned in pain, his eyes remaining closed. “My milk will do one better with a cure-all.” Cynder chuckled and pressed her breasts even harder against the male’s obliques. “Anything that’ll get rid of it will do.” Berserker sighed, so she crawled atop him and he latched onto her offered left nipple to suckle away his pain. “Ah, okay, much better. Now all I need is a wash.” Berserker sat up and opened his eyes with relief at the loss of his pain. “Good idea. You smell like stale sweat and booze.” Cynder wrinkled her snout with a playful smile as she ushered him to his paws, the dragon ladies all eagerly bustling about to help him up as well. “I’m going to the lake nearby, anyone wanna come along?” Berserker asked, stretching out as we heard a few pops and cracks from his bones. “Time for a swim~!” All the dragonesses squealed like a group of sorority girls while rushing to get out of the room. Pillar casually picked us up so that We wouldn’t get run over by them. If things weren’t so dire, this would’ve been quite funny to us. “I knew they’d do that.” Berserker chuckled and hugged Cynder with one arm as our draconic quarter leaned against our fiance and nuzzled his neck. “How about you guys? Want to join us at the lake? It’s bound to be fun.” Berserker invited as he groped Cynder’s ass, causing her and us to coo. “I’ll stay and keep you company. I also won’t pounce on you unless you want me in your pants.” Cynder growled sexily and cupped his underpants-covered groin. Curse this world’s innate magic hiding male genitals! Grr~! We want to see that bulge! “About the same with us. Pillar?” We asked our other mate with a flutter of our eyes at our towering hunk of a mate. “I’ll be down there in awhile. I need to check on a few things.” Pillar answered and he leaned down to kiss us where We were still in his arms. “Okay. Don’t be long~.” We purred hungrily and the white wolf set us back down on our paws. “I can’t promise that. Keep Berserker company in the meantime. Oh, don’t forget to get dressed.” Pillar said before he left the room, causing us to blink and look down at our naked heaving white bosom with a sigh at forgetting We were naked. Again. “We need to address our nudist tendencies....” We grumbled before summoning our dress onto our body while wondering when We undressed. We remember going to sleep in Daring’s pithy crop top and short shorts. Cynder’s smirk and summoning said clothes onto herself told us where they went and We pouted. “Okay Bryan, since this is clearly going to devolve into an orgy, which of us do you want to have in the open right now?” We asked while having Daring’s, Willow’s and Svartr’s heads replace our Horned Skaven head in a cycle. “Whoever wants to be out. I’m not picking. I love all of you and that’s not fair to ask of me.” Berserker glowered at us indignantly and We pouted at him. “Well you sucked the fun out of that.” We grumbled before choosing to take Willow’s base form. Hm, she’s even fluffier than We remember. Her fur was all floofy and soft, having that vibrant pattern she obtained after the Factory. We pulled our two extra-fluffy tails forward and flexed our magical white fire-like fur-hands on the tail tips fondly. Ah~ so good to just relax. Willow’s body is always so soft and cuddly even if she isn’t fat. “Let’s go.” Bryan purred as he wrapped his arms around ours and Cynder’s waists, leading the way as We both pressed our heaving chests into his biceps, giggling. “The last thing I want happening is the girls coming back and dragging me out to the lake.” “Yeah.” We giggled as We nuzzled him, our hungry womb practically roaring with desire, but We, intellectually, would like a break from breeding. At least, being the mother in the ordeal. Our introspection was aborted when Berserker flexed his wings while we navigated our way through the cave system out into the open on the other side of the mountain. “There it is.” He pointed down into a valley nestled between the mountains at a large lake which the girls were swimming around in. “Want me to carry you down there?” “Yes please.” We chirped and held onto his arms more firmly with his arms tightened on our waists. He took flight with a single flap, then let us leisurely glide down towards the lake. It felt rather relaxing, like a light feather gliding around in the breeze. Soon enough we reached the shore, coming in with a smooth landing. “And we’re here.” Berserker smiled as he looked at us. “Was the flight your liking? I’m still getting used to having wings.” “Yes love, you did good.” We praised and smooched him on the lips. “Mm~?” We hummed as his hands grabbed our booty and Cynder purred as she grabbed his own butt in retaliation and kissed his neck. “Hm~.” Berserker hummed in the kiss in response, his hands exploring our body. “Hm...” We relaxed as We kept the kiss up for him and he explored our body. It’s been a while since he spent any time with Willow’s form since our ascension. The way his hands pet our fur, his fingers brushing through the thicker parts and running along our tails that eventually clasped hands with his-. “Hey!” One of the Dragoness’ shouted out, making us stop to look at all of them pouting. “They want attention too. We can’t hog you to ourselves. Let’s get you washed up.” We declared before banishing our dress and then blinked. We had felt Berserker’s hands on us as if We were naked. Damned dress, We love you, but your myriad of odd powers baffles us. Anyway, We were now in our birthday suit, leaving Willow’s shimmering rainbow fur pattern to gleam in the sun. “I’ll even be washing your back.” Cynder purred when she pulled a bar of soap from her cleavage. “That sounds good.” Berserker agreed and we jumped into the lake while Berserker took his pants off before doing so. Of course, the girls swam towards him like a hungry school of sharks. Scales, teeth and all. “Let him clean up before he puts eggs in you.” We chuckled at them while We sat in the shallows and hummed in relaxation from the naturally hot water of the volcanic lake that penetrated our body. “You aren't having him do so?” One of them asked us and We shook our head. “No, We’ve had a good number of offspring lately and We’d like a chance to relax. We won’t say no to fun, but We’re taking a break from bearing more little ones.” We replied and laid back in the water to float. Before anyone could bother us more, Cynder teased the females by showing off her cock, which quickly derailed their attention. “Besides, I’ve also pumped someone full of cum just a bit ago and I’m tired of constant Sex. You need breaks, y’know?” “Oh?” Berserker quirked his eyebrow at us as he cleaned himself up with a couple of the girls working on his tail, wings and back while Cynder used her soaped-up boobs to wash his front. “Let me guess, Runner?” “How’d you guess?” We asked as We sat up again, brushing our fluffy fur clean. “He’s been sneaking around. I caught sight of him primping in the mirror as a female and figured Palu must’ve corrupted him and now he’s bi-curious. He can do what he wants, if he would like to be a woman and be a sister to me even, I wouldn’t mind.” Berserker replied with a fond smile and a pat on Cynder’s soapy tits. “I could understand even. As awkward as that lost bet was, it wasn’t bad, just weird.” Well this is interesting. We wonder if any of the other brothers want to be female. We won’t call out Bryan on it now, it would only scare him. Maybe if Runner was here, preaching hallelujah about the sensation. “She absolutely rocked our world like a champion rodeo rider. Hopefully indulging her Sexual Fantasies didn’t end up with giving her an overpowered Blessing. Gosh knows as a fuck-hungry bunny that she-slash-he would be an absolute sexual dynamo if that happened.” “Did she at least have the patience to use protection?” Berserker asked before Cynder began licking his glans and he pet her head. “It was one thing I absolutely insisted on. She almost demanded we go raw, but she settled for being pumped with two condoms.” We informed him before laying back to relax again. “Good to know she didn’t end up getting pregnant.” Berserker let out a sigh before stiffening up when Cynder began properly sucking his cock, but that wasn’t why he went stiff. “Whoa, hey!” He yelped when one of the dragonesses grabbed his ass. “Ladies, let Cynder get him warmed up. He isn’t used to being studded out.” We warned with a disapproving leer while inwardly relishing the taste of his dick experienced through Cynder. “Just wait, I’m almost cleaned up.” Berserker told them and went back to it, grunting and working to get himself clean as Cynder primed him by deepthroating him and washing his butt and legs. “Just wait a bit ladies. We’ll be sunbathing in the water by the shore if you need us.” We said and promptly closed our eyes, luxuriating in comfort while Cynder drove us mad with blowing Bryan. “Hm...” We hummed and let our body drift. We ended up bumping against him and his tail laid across our tummy, wrapping itself around our waist as he fought off an orgasm from Cynder’s ministrations. His balls are churning~! Our fennec ears hear it through the water! “Hnng, okay, I’m ready! I don’t smell like drunk piss and I’m fucking ready to nut!” Berserker huffed and gently pushed Cynder off of his throbbing ribbed mast of maleness. “It wasn’t that bad.” We chuckled and pet his tail where it was still wrapped around us. “Indeed, if anything a man who can hold his booze is at least impressive.” Cynder declared and pantomimed drinking a glass. “It could be fun if done with friends or lovers.” “Maybe, but it made me feel filthy just thinking about it.” Berserker shivered at the thought. “It’s not like you haven’t marked us in similar smells that make us drunk.” We chuckled to him and in response Berserker smiled as he used his tail to bring us closer to him. We blushed and instinctively spread our legs to let him press his balls against our pussy. “Ah, hey.” “Just making sure my mark sticks.” Berserker chuckled as he rubbed his balls on our pussy. “Hmph~!” We groaned and huffed before We yelped when We felt his balls *Shlurp* into our pussy! Our hungry cunt somehow sucked the huge cum orbs in and squeezed. “Ah! What?!” “Whoa that’s new! I mean, you can unbirth full-grown adults, but you haven’t ‘eaten’ anything with your pussy before.” Berserker panted, his tongue lolling out as Willow’s pussy undulated and tried to pull the rest of him in. “Well, maybe it’s something you like?” Cynder chuckled before tugging at his scrotum, slowly drawing them out. “But I think our body is trying to unbrith you, not a good idea.” “Oh~.” Berserker groaned, picking us up out of the water and kissing us. “Hm~!” We moaned while We rubbed his back as our pussy let go of his balls with a pop and still tried to suck them in. Damn our cunny is gluttonous, better be careful. First Pharos, now nearly everything that presses into it? Still though, it seemed to excite Berserker, his cock was throbbing and dripping pre already. “We should get that checked, mine isn’t doing it.” Cynder reached behind her balls and fingered her cunny to find that it wasn’t trying to pull her hand in. “Mm~.” Berserker moaned into our kiss, his tongue dueling against ours. We moaned and huffed while the girls around us whined. “Hm, loved our pussy massage?” We panted and licked his chest while feeling our own male organs start to stir even if We haven’t deployed them yet. Now that We’re all riled up We guess We might as well participate. “Yes~.” Berserker purred and ground his hips against us. “Someone woke me up too.” We huffed as his massive dick stroked our clit and up along our rippling abs to our boobs, trailing sticky pre all along our front. Him squeezing our body against his mast was interrupted by a huge brown-scaled 10 foot tall muscular amazon of a dragoness who was sex-on-legs and sported a ripped physique. I noted she had a Navel Pearl and was rubbing her flat washboard abs like We did when pregnant, but not showing. “Oh? Uh, hi?” Berserker greeted the dragoness with a vibrant blush and she chuckled as she approached and leaned down to his average 6-foot height, putting her gigantic beach-ball boobs on display for him. “Hey stud. You did good. I’m so fucking huge right now that I’d take up half this lake.” She winked and looked at me with a mischievous gleam to her eye. “You know how to pick them.” “What? You mean last week?” Bryan grunted as he looked between the smiling faces. “I did get carried away. Fuck, I’m not supposed to have sex while drunk. That never ends well.” “I beg to differ! Now you fuck these hungry bitches full of eggs and I’ll be seeing you later~!” She dove in for a kiss with Bryan and then took off with a gleeful laugh. With that kind of behavior, I can see how she must’ve made friends with some of my Chaos spawn and they made that pearl for her. “Heh, if you go so wild when drunk, then We need to have a go at that. Now, put us down so this orgy can get started.” We huffed and groped our breasts with our normal hands and his bloated balls with our tail hands. “Unf, okay sweetheart.” Berserker huffed and brought us to the shore where he placed us down. “You heard her! Come and get us!” Bryan declared when Cynder quickly flew to join us and the three of us spread our legs with Us deploying our massive male genitals so all three of our huge cocks and pairs of massive balls were presented to the hungry masses. This set off the powder keg and they rushed us. We groaned at feeling our quim wink when an over-eager black dragoness pounced us into the shallows and our hungry cunt sucked our balls in despite the size difference! It hurt, so We made our balls internal, only for our pussy to start swallowing water. Dear Goddess! Sister, our snatch is so hungry! Our womb is bloating with water! We panted as the dragoness mounted our cock, our belly inflating a bit before our Navel Pearl stopped that. The crowd of multicolored and variously sized dragonesses feasted on us, three of them mounting us with others started licking Bryan and Cynder’s balls while one bravely dove into our snatch and We cried out as she shoved her head into our undulating cunny, holding onto our plush hips and thighs to keep from being pulled in more. “Mm~!” We moaned as the black dragoness rode us like We were a prize bull. Looking over at Berserker, he was already into it, thrusting away at a steady pace with his first dragoness. “Getting used to this?” We asked as We started a slow, sensual thrust. The black dragoness moaned while We tried not to unbirth her fellow at our quim, the strain clearly causing us to be so rock hard and erratic that she quickly sent herself into orgasm. “Yes.” Berserker huffed as he held onto his partner, a violet dragon who moaned in pleasure. She was laying her head on his shoulder while she met his hips and was bounced over and over by his thrusting. “I kinda wanna turn into my Everlasting Dragon form.” “Hm, We’ll be a bit big for them.” Cynder grunted, her knot growing in the green dragoness on her as she started moving faster. “The biggest girl here is barely knee-high at my full size.” “Maybe smother them between our balls in that form afterwards?” Berserker suggested. “Sure.” Cynder huffed, seeing his balls clench and her own nuts doing so not far behind. “Fuck, cumming!” She growled and forced the female to take her seed, soaking her eggs in it as she pumped the green girl’s womb to the point of looking pregnant. “Want a mixed clutch~!” Berserker groaned as he came too with us shortly following. All of us bloated our female’s bellies out with how much we pumped into them. “Ah, ah, yes!” She moaned to him. “Hnng, okay, next girl.” We huffed and popped our knot out to let the tired dragoness get off before another gal mounted us. We gasped and shuddered before finally losing control. The orange dragoness in our snatch was pulled into us with a loud *Schlurp!* and We orgasmed immediately, gushing cum into the yellow dragoness on our cock. Almost without pause, the dragoness in our womb turned into an infant-sized egg and shot up our dick into her new mother. “Fuck~!” “All of you, unf, stay out of her cunt unless you want to be reborn!” Berserker huffed as the girls helped pull the violet one off him so another could take her place on his cock. That aside, nobody seemed to care if one of their own was just turned into an egg and impregnated into another of them. If anything, the yellow dragoness now pregnant with her orange companion seemed utterly ecstatic even as she switched for a blue one. “Don’t you have enough pups from us?” Cynder joked after she shuffled close enough to rub our still flat tummy even as our thirsty pussy drank more water and inflated us invisibly. “Oh~, that felt amazing.” We moaned, this feeling of being inflated while fucking and then unbirthing and surrogating someone was such an incredible combination. “For now she does, but when it comes to you, you tend to get us into a breeding frenzy.” Berserker poked his tongue out at us as he continued fucking. “Oh, we have our Aura off right now, this is all you!” We chuckled before cumming in the blue dragoness and groaning as she bloated. “On or off, you seem to know what makes us tick.” Berserker snorted as the red dragoness took the lead, taking her time on him. “Heh, We guess We do.” We moaned and let the blue dragoness rest on us before letting her get off and a ruby dragoness took the lead with us. She growled as she started slowly, but roughly pounded on our hips. “You bet.” Berserker huffed as his dragoness rode him, grabbing her by the ass and giving it a squeeze. We hummed when We kissed the ruby dragoness, Cynder went to fuck others who weren’t occupied. “Ah, ah, fuck.” We moaned as we thrust and rubbed our winking pussy with our tail hands, feeling it start sucking our fluffy limbs in. “Th-this is ridiculous~! We need to get Willow’s pussy examined!” “Good idea, but this may take awhile.” Berserker noted as he picked up the pace. “Yeah.” We grunted, making sure our tails were in the bottomless pit that was Willow’s ever hungry vagina to spare other victims. “We bet this has something to do with the Coven, or something nearby.” (<3) “Praise be to Wiatr’s glorious vagina!” Sandy the Sand Mother rang out to her Coven. A magical iridescent holographic image of the goddess’s legendary vagina was floating on a dais like a portal, though they were focusing on her birth canal and womb at the moment as the magical manifestation of a representation of the holy reproduction system was being used to unbirth criminals into willing surrogates. The murderers and other irredeemable elements of Tel’Adre were being tossed into its gaping cunt and teleported as an unborn baby in their wombs, the excess mass seeming to vanish. “Praise The Vagina!” (<3) “Hm.” Berserker hummed while he and Cynder were both in their Everlasting Dragon forms and smothering the dragonesses between their balls. “Well, that was satisfying.” “Yes.” Cynder sighed and stroked her cock a bit, still dribbling some cum. “Feeling better?” “Yeah.” Berserker sighed as the girls, looking like balls stuffed full of eggs with swollen huge tits and limbs, kept licking their testes and relishing in their musk. “Hm, I want eggs, but not in me.” Cynder purred before nuzzling his neck. “Oh?” Berserker raised a brow at her, then looked down at where We were tiredly laying on the shore, our tails still in our convulsing cunt. “Love you~.” We cooed up at them, having enjoyed the show when the dragon girls started rapidly forming their eggs and We were left to suffer whatever pleasurable ailment this was alone. “I feel like having one more female before I’m good.” Cynder sighed as she looked down at the dumbfucked broodmothers already full of cum and eggs. “Okay, but who? I haven’t seen any other females come flying towards us, or a flock of them for that matter. Didn’t you say that they would be very attracted to us in this form?” Berserker asked as he looked around the lake. We had to admit it was odd that there was nobody else here. “You’ll find them over here!” Called Pillar from behind Berserker’s giant muscular ass. Berserker was lounging against a mountain with his tail coiled against the side of it and Pillar’s muffled voice was on the other side of dat ass. “Say what now?” Berserker looked behind him, but didn’t see anything and We laughed. “Behind your butt!” We giggled like a ninny and shook our head in amusement. “Huh?” Berserker shuffled himself off to the side to see the cave, along with everyone else inside. Of course, all of the females jumped them both. “Whoa!” “Shit!” Cynder yelped when she was toppled against a mountain, which cracked open a spring that flowed with Purple water into the lake. We could immediately tell there was no Corruption or evil in it. Whatever that is, thank goodness We were on the shore of the lake. “Wiatr, is that spring safe?! Why is it purple?!” Berserker called across the lake towards us. “There’s no Corruption as far as We can tell! There’s some magic in it, but nothing evil!” We called back to him while we pulled our tails out of our vagina and groaned when We stood. “Do we even want to get splashed by that?” Berserker questioned as the lake turned purple, essentially mooting his concern. “We don’t know. It isn’t doing anything to Cynder.” We observed while several dragonesses started to worship her cock when Cynder got back up. “Unf, ladies, mm~. I saw a crumbling statue of a dragoness in the middle of the spring. Maybe-oo~.” Cynder cooed and licked her lips as her male organs were being lavished in attention by dozens of smaller females trying to pleasure the giantess. “We should check it out and see what it’s about.” Berserker said after he got up and placed the ten females we all mated and bred with down while all of the other females not tending to Cynder clung to his cock and balls. “I mean, do any of these dragons know about it?” “It was an old fertility shrine to Gwynevere. It has powerful Body Shaping magic in it too if you drink from the fountain of the statue.” One dragoness huffed out between licks of his glans. “Wait, seriously?” Berserker asked in bewilderment. “So it’s Urta’s shrine with us We guess.” We mused while looking up at the new mountain creek. “So, are you gonna fix it up or build a shrine somewhere else?” Berserker asked us. “We’ll help Urta take it over, study it and make the pool under the Fountian a Purification pool.” We purred and looked forward to Urta learning about her free shrine. “So, I guess while you do that we’ll keep breeding all of these females.” Berserker huffed when one impatient dragoness started driving her face into his cumslit, so he had to pull her out. “To make up for the losses, yes.” Cynder huffed from the concerted effort of her share of the eager breeders urgently tending her glans. “Well, it looks like you two will be busy for a while longer. Don’t worry, I’ll continue to organise the new defenses.” Pillar said before he went back inside the cave. He wasn’t one to indulge too much for too long. “Sorry.” We whined in his direction while we got up. Once on our paws We began hiking up towards the shrine in the mountain. Thankfully, our vagina finally calmed down from whatever was setting us off so hard. At least the hike up won’t be agonizing. (<3) “Fuck~, my nuts are spent.” Cynder groaned as she laid back against another mountain like it was a chair. “Ugh, how the fuck does Spike handle this?” Berserker huffed from next to her, gesturing to the cumflated eager breeders all cooing and moaning. “By wanting to cut off his balls. At least they’re done and we can rest.” Cynder huffed, not seeing anyone else arriving. The lake had risen so much it had flooded over it’s banks with all the living condoms filling it’s basin. “Finally.” Berserker sighed as he curled his tail around the closest of the many balls of females full of cum and eggs. “I’m taking a nap.” He yawned and closed his eyes to rest against the chair-like mountainside. “Okay.” Cynder huffed and cuddled up against him, his arm wrapping around her waist to rest on her ass before she and all of the fucked-out females fell asleep. “So how is the shrine Wiatr?” Berserker asked us when he looked at where We’d been napping in the hot spring that welled up under the shrine. It wasn’t dangerous so We had decided to take a nice soak. “Mm, this fountain is divine.” We had spent hours into the night just languishing at this old shrine. Aside from the neutral hot spring basin, it had three magic fountains. One to change gender, one to increase fertility and the last one looked weird because it looked like a mix of the other two and a third spell. They all sprayed into separate basins around the central pool and the one for fertility had burst open and poured into the lake below. “It’s safe, but Gwynevere had a spell We haven’t learned in here. We’re unsure what it does.” Finally getting out of the hot spring, We looked around and found a Bonfire long since abandoned on the floor above the hot spring and statue with an entrance to a cave that had long since filled in. That would explain why no one came here anymore. For the most part, besides the clover-like flowers that grew here, there wasn’t much life or much else. “Is everything alright?” We heard Pillar call into the shrine. It seems he had a moment to be away from his work. “We’re checking around. We found a bonfire, an entrance and three fountains. We’re unsure what the green one does, but purple is fertility and blue is genderbending.” We called back while going down the ramp from the floor above to return to the shrine. We rounded the fountain again and noted the symbols on the fountains. The ones for Fertility and Gender Bending were obvious, but the last one had someone splitting in two. Duality? Division? “Hey Pillar? Do you want to drink from this one? It won't affect us, We think.” We asked him, knowing it wouldn’t be harmful considering the nature of the Shrine. “No, I’d rather not.” Pillar replied cautiously and We huffed. “Well, we need someone to test this.” We scrunched our brow, considering the time it would take to find a volunteer that wasn’t either a breeding ball below or otherwise busy. “Well, do you want me to ask the male Dragons about this?” Pillar suggested and I hummed. “No, that’d be convenient, but there’s only a few in the whole world.” We replied and Pillar shrugged. “Well, I’m staying around here for the time being anyway. I’ll try to find them and if any of them are willing to do this.” The white wolf told us and I nodded in acknowledgement. “Alright, I’ll make a Purification shrine here in the meantime. We won’t actually need Corrupted flesh here this time.” We chirped cheerfully while We channeled Fertility. We felt ourselves ping off of Urta, who then shared a lost power to make sites like this. We retrieved a basin from our cleavage and touched the bonfire. Harmonia’s shrub grew and braced on the roof with branches extending outside of the gaping fissure in the wall. “Okay, that’s dealt with. Are you sure you don’t want to help out?” “I am certain that I don’t want to try it out. I’ll start searching for those males.” Pillar told us before he left the shrine. “Wiatr!” We jumped when someone shouted from the portal and a gray blur tackled us. “*Blarg!*” We choked out when We hit the ground and looked up at Urta who had pinned us by the shoulders and looked incredibly playful. “What are you pinging me for?” Urta asked with a huge smile and a wagging tail. “We found a Shrine for you. Have you calmed down enough to let us up?” We asked as she looked at the shrine. “Maybe. Hey! It’s one of my old-I mean, one of Gwynevere’s old shrines.” Urta observed and helped us to our paws as she looked at it with her tail still wagging. “Wow, I can’t believe one of these things survived for so long! This is going to be all sorts of fun!” “Fun how?” We questioned our wife moments before Pillar surprisingly returned. “Well, I found them easily-oh, hey Urta.” Pillar waved at us as the three males came in along with him. “He shrunk us down.” The two elder dragons whined. “Hey love.” Spike greeted with a jaunty wave. “Why do you need us?” Oh~ my precious husband! I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever! I’ve gotta convince Ember to appoint a regent or something so she, Smolder and Spike can all live in Unity with the rest of us. “Because of that.” Pillar pointed towards the streams. “It’s the green one she’s unsure of, but the other two are genderswap and fertility boost.” “Oh! Yes! Give it a drink!” Urta exclaimed excitedly and We wondered what it was going to do. “So you just need someone to drink from it?” Spike asked before he approached the fountain to drink from the green basin while the two doofuses rushed out when they heard girls call for them. Spike shone green after he drank, then there was a female version of him that seemed to stumble out of her male counterpart like she’d just tripped through a door. “Ah what?” She blinked and looked at her male other self and then examined herself. She was just as tall and muscular as Spike, but with the hyper busty hourglass synonymous with us and fertility. “It creates an opposite-gender clone of the drinker! It only works one time though.” Urta happily informed us all, which made me feel fairly sheepish for getting Spike to try it when I could’ve just asked Urta. Either way, I’m not going to complain since the handsome stud now had a sexy twin sister. Wait! This fountain may just help resolve most of the population issue! It can essentially double the population! The end is in sight! “Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t drink from that. I think having more than one of me would complicate things.” Pillar commented as he looked at the two curiously. “Bleh. I don’t feel different.” Spike rubbed his hands over his body, even patting his groin as if checking to see he still had his male organs under his trousers. “Neither do I...besides having different bits.” Female Spike commented as she too felt herself over. Urta patted our butt and we smirked before We approached them and kissed them both. “Whoa...that felt different though.” She licked her lips and leered at us with a flutter of her eyes. “Now that this is settled, what do you think should be done?” Pillar asked us. “We must have every female dragon drink this~!” We cheered and Urta nodded eagerly. “This sort of thing was meant to help population numbers climb in the face of drastic dips in numbers. With this, we can essentially double the number of dragons right away and help increase the future eggs to come.” Urta stated and looked at Spike. “Which means you’re not the only stud anymore.” “Oh thank you! I’m done with being a breeding stud. I just want to stick with Ember, Smolder and Wiatr here. Or...well, any of you if you feel like getting in on it. That is, if I’m not tired of it all at the time.” Spike amended unsurely with a twist of his wedding ring and a relieved look at us all. “I’m sick of making eggs because I need to. I only want to make eggs with people I Love and in moderation.” Ee~! We Love you too Spikey Wikey! “If that’s how you feel, that’s for the best. At least with this we can set up something much more sustainable.” Pillar stated and Spike whooped before high-fiving his new sister. “Although, it might be difficult to get the ball rolling for a few weeks.” “Why’s that?” We asked while Spike and Barb compared their muscles and seemed to be getting excited about something. It clearly wasn’t sexual though, since neither of them were putting out those pheromones as they got more and more eager to explore each other. Why and how did the fountain clone a female version of Spike’s pants and T-shirt too though? “The dragonesses are mostly all incapacitated, for one. Then, considering what happened, the girls need protection and assurance. Hell has left their marks on this land and its people, one that cannot be forgotten. These scars run deep.” Pillar explained and We wilted at the same time as Urta in disappointment. “That said, it’d be best if Cynder stayed too.” “Cynder is a part of us though.” We mewled, unsure how leaving her here would work. “It’s up to her, but I believe Berserker will stay until the eggs have been laid, only then will he make his way back. As such, I’ll be staying here with him. We will keep watch over these lands.” Pillar stated with conviction. “Okay love, but please be careful.” We implored him and he huffed in amusement. “Please, we can handle ourselves.” Spike and Barb huffed in duet, smacking their biceps proudly. “Don’t tempt fate, Spike.” Pillar warned him. “Well, we have a way to double our forces now and I could help bear and lay eggs when the other females make their male counterparts.” Barb said while pointing at the statue. “Which would force Berserker to stay longer.” Pillar pointed out and Barb rolled her eyes. “Yeah, no. Not his eggs, he can go. Besides, with there being so many new males about, we’d be defended. Especially if Cynder or Berserker take a drink to create their own opposite gender counterpart, then we’d still have an Everlasting Dragon to protect us.” Spike huffed and his sister nodded in agreement. “I doubt Berserker would be willing to do that.” Pillar said as he crossed his arms. “Don’t bother him, he’ll get cranky about it.” “We figured that.” We chuckled and side-hugged Urta. “We can let Cynder stay for a bit, but besides her size she is far too weak without us in whole.” “We’ll keep that in mind.” Pillar acknowledged. “You all have a good day.” “Alright.” We said with a bow and guided Urta back towards the portal, but We saw Barb follow us. “Why are you following?” “I just came to get a kiss.” She giggled before she kissed us deeply, her tongue exploring our mouth before she pulled back. “I’ll come visit, love. I do have Spike’s memories.” “Alright, We figured as much Barb.” We fluttered our eyes at her and she smiled. “Barb? I like it. I’ll see you later, love.” Barb chuckled before she jogged off to find Spike. “Looking forward to it!” We called after her before we went through the portal. I could practically feel Harmonia’s roaming eyes. Urta seemed antsy as We guided her home. “Well, now I have my greatest shrine and I’m helping the dragons!” Urta quietly squealed, but she looked around in concern. “Although, it may be abused.” “We’re sure it won’t turn into a crisis.” We told her, unable to see exactly how it could do that. “Well, I’d feel more comfortable if we didn’t let anyone with narcissistic personality disorder use the shrine at all. Imagine all of the deformed babies.” Urta shivered so hard her gooey turquoise membrane rippled. Oof, that is a good point. “Yes, that would be very bad if we had a legion of the clones slowly turning into piles of tumors and missing limbs.” We joined her in feeling disgust, thankful that our gene neutrality meant We didn’t have to worry about all of our precious Chaos Noodles given to us by Hermais and Dongoruas. “Ew! I didn’t need that image in my head! I was thinking like me. Y’know, getting weird quirks like horsedick when they’re not an equine.” Urta stuck out her tongue and We felt a bit displeased with ourselves at forgetting that Urta’s sexy hermaphrodite status is from her family inbreeding due to lack of options from the Lust Demon Scourge. “We didn’t mean to drag up such memories, Love.” We told her with a kiss. “Mm, hey, it’s part of what made me who I am. No big. Just don’t talk about serious bodily deformities. Especially since Sabrina’s Coven is working on spells for that too.” Urta rubbed her armored lower abdomen and licked her lips. “Speaking of which, I have plenty of buns in this oven that need to come out, but only Sabrina’s folk can retrieve specific babies without the whole brood coming out. Most of them still aren’t done baking.” “Oh! Well, get going! If they’re ready to come out, bring them into this world!” We playfully pushed her back towards Harmonia’s shrine and our sexy slime-vixen wife wiggled her armored skirt-covered booty back at us with her tongue stuck out before she went back into the shrine. Gosh We love her. > Ch.105 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.105 “Ha! Ahn! Harder~!” Runner demanded while she rode atop us, taking our massive cock with a surprising ease. The bunny-wolf was insatiable lately! After her latest scouting mission, she ran down the hall to our office so fast she slipped, then demanded that We fuck her immediately! “Faster!” “W-We’re trying~!” We whined from beneath her atop our desk, the sexy woman so demanding that it was almost a turn-off. If she wasn’t panting desperately and thrusting herself onto us so needily, We would’ve at least demanded to take this to a bedroom. That said, we barely managed to summon a condom onto our member before she pounced! “Ee~!” Runner squealed, her powerful puss pulsing around our penis. “Deeper! More! Fucking cum already!” Runner shouted excitedly as she groped our breasts, her fingers squeezing so tight she penetrated our iridescent white membrane and was digging into our slime. “R-Runny not so rough!” We wailed, the sensation more intense than We were used to. We even whipped her ass with our trio of rat tails to try and get her to stop, but that just made her squeak and go at us harder. “Runny~!” We wailed before she set us off and our goo began surging up our hybrid knotty, ribbed and flared penis when she pressed our knot into her and she screamed in another orgasm while We began pumping her womb with cum and condom. “Ah~ my pussy is so full! Knot me~! Tie me up!” Runner squealed and continued to rock on us to keep stimulating the both of us and encourage us to keep cumming. “Oh~...give me buns…” “F-figured it was s-something like that. Urta?” We asked Runner between pants for breath and she nodded as her eyes glazed over, her tongue hanging out and her long rabbit ears having gone limp, draping the sides of her head like side bangs. “You went to the Coven and weren't expecting Urta to be there. You got set off and you came running to us since-.” “Love you~...” Runner huskily panted out, her glazed dumb-fucked eyes, runic one too, looking at us as if We were the greatest thing in the universe and it made us cum all over again! “Oh~!” “Sexy bunny!” We groaned and rubbed our hands on her belly, contemplating a blessing for her, one that would suit her specifically unlike the ones we were considering for the boys. It was to this that Cocoa walked in on us. She was dressed in her normal attire and had Visilia with her, but wearing her armor. They paused at the sight of Runner riding us atop our desk and getting filled with cum, already looking pregnant with triplets. Runner tilted her head at them while smiling dopily. “What?” “Don’t harm yourself dear.” Visilia sighed, but we could smell she wanted a go. Cocoa whined as she wiggled her hips. We could smell her need as she eyed our heaving and churning basketball sized testicals that were pumping Runner up, but she seemed to refocus on what they came for. “Gah, like, I, unf, fuck, would.” Runner moaned as she gave us a smirk from over her heaving belly and b-ball breasts that made us cum, again! Oh~! Stop that~! You can’t get pregnant! “Cocoa has strange news. Old friends from Black Units arrived to defect from Lust Demons. Torturas’ army came to serve her. Both groups say they tire of games of power, want a better life. Cocoa thinks they are earnest.” Cocoa informed us with confidence, but she couldn’t look away from how big Runner got, topping off at looking pregnant with nonuplets, half the size she got last time, but she seemed satisfied now. “They also brought a god they had captured long ago. She’s in a form of stasis, covered in weapons of all types stabbed into her body and her name is lost to them. She’s a Gigawolf they smuggled from a treasure room, explaining that she’s carted around as a trophy to each general every few hundred years. They also explained that with Torturas’s ‘defection’ that they were about to be raided and she would have been lost anyway.” Visilia told us with a lick of her lips as her eyes raked over the two of us. “Okay, So What do they want us to do?” We asked as We rubbed Runner’s belly, the bloated bunny-wolf cooing and sighing as the heat inside her quenched the thirst of her body’s instincts. “They say is offer for wife to eat her and take her power. Say she is old goddess of ancient warriors.” Cocoa uneasily informed us and We huffed. That sounds like the descendent of Sif, clearly much more pure-bred than Pharos, who is distantly related. “Ah, we have the goddess of Giga Beasts right on our doorstep and deserting Lust Demons want us to eat her?” We sighed and patted Runner’s flanks. “Alright, get up. We need to deal with this.” “No~!” Runner whined, but We retracted our male organs and she yelped when she rolled off us without our pole of a penis to be perched on and grunted since she landed on her belly, the condom thankfully being one of those fancy self-tying ones like the first time she had sex with us as a female. “Oh~...” Runner moaned and rubbed her belly as she rolled forward until her huge boobs were squished against the floor and into her chin. “So warm~...” “Up in the chair.” We told Runner, picking her up and placing her in our chair. “Okay, continue.” “They seem to have heard you’ve eaten the Gods of Fertility, Dragons and Sex. Commerce didn’t pop up from them though. I’ve told them no, but they're insisting it for you to prove your power to them. They’re even willing to wake her up to force a conflict, at least the more extremist in the group which Urta has detained and is currently debating on eating.” Visilia informed us, which also explained why Urta set Runner off. If she’s back, then she was in the midst of birthing some precious babies at the Coven and Runner’s new biological imperative essentially got a shot of nitrous oxide when she was visiting the witches. “Why do We have to eat her?” We asked as we rubbed our temples and looked at Cocoa for whatever thing the Lust Demons have in mind. “Tradition of Old Gods, Lethice perverted it. If god powerful but subdued and incorruptible, they get consumed for power. None able to eat her, so she’s a trophy.” Cocoa chuffed in triplicate. “That would explain why they’re trying the same with Wiatr.” Visilia sighed while petting Runner’s scalp, the pleased wolfish bunny cooing and nuzzling the demon alicorn’s hand. “We’re not eating her.” We huffed in disgust. If they’re an irredeemable enemy or criminal, We’re fine with Vore. If they are neither, then we’re against it entirely. “You could breed her. It substitute to gain their loyalty.” Cocoa offered as an alternative and We felt a bit ill at the idea. “You mean Rape a sleeping goddess?” Visilia said in disgust which We agreed with. “Or We could just Purify them. What else could we do? We’ve already fucked and pacified Torturas.” We believe she is still in the breeding program, though We can’t remember if she’s currently incapacitated or not. Being the only free Holstaurus makes her a premium breeder. “They see her as yours, but not them. They need you to prove you’re powerful. Like how you did with Cocoa.” Cocoa supplied and We could see that line of logic. Willow did absolutely dominate her before bringing her to Unity for Purification. “Ugh, Visilia, Runner, your suggestions?” We asked the two, even if Runner was still floating around on cloud nine. “It’s not my jurisdiction and I’m unsure how to act too. Honestly, I wish Berserker was here, he would’ve loved to take care of this mess.” Visilia replied with a shrug. “Let me suck their souls out from their bodies~. They probably taste delicious, along with the occasional screams that tickle my fancy~.” Runner said dreamily. “Ugh. C’mon, guys! Can’t you just settle things a little more peacefully?” We groaned as their suggestions revolved around ‘kill them off’. Is it really too much to ask for a peaceful solution? “I’m not exactly in a diplomatic mood right now.” Visilia huffed and Runner giggled airily as she squished her bloated belly. “Now c’mon Runner. Let’s get you drained and cleaned up before we head outside.” “Aw…” (<3) “So why do We have to eat her?” We demanded in annoyance while Urta and Pharos at his full size stood nearby. We were standing just outside of the gatehouse on the Everfree side of the drawbridge while We visually examined the small army of demons and the huge wolf they had on a levitating wooden slab to get her here. She had hundreds of weapons stabbed into her side, yet was still breathing. How the ancient deity wasn’t dead was baffling. “Our Mistress submitted only after Purification. We don’t count that as you being strong.” The leader, a large Griffin Herm wearing nothing but a bra that had runes in it for magical shielding, projectile shielding and blunt force shielding inscribed in it. “We want to see your power.” “What if We just Purify you guys and leave the wolf alone?” We asked, causing them to blink before the griffin growled. “You can’t do that to all of us!” She snarled. “We have choices on what we do!” “True, but most Lust Demons don’t seem to mind having their minds cleared up. Or We could just shoot you all. Most of you only have melee weapons.” We commented with a gesture at our snipers on the wall. “Seriously, you twats are lucky enough my pissed off brother isn’t around. He would’ve ordered everyone to shoot you on sight.” Runner snarked with a roll of his eyes, having flipped back to male for now to help clear his head of the biological urges of his female form. “Or, you know, murder you all with his own hands.” “None of us like you. Especially with the shit you and your whorish friends have done.” Visilia snorted angrily. “So?” We asked with our hands on our hips. We saw cogs grinding in the heads of the dumber demons before they rushed the bridge into town and followed the signs directing to the Purification pool. “Good to see some have sense to them.” We huffed and turned to the ten officers remaining. “Great. We brought you an offering, and you...just…” The griffin herm snarled and clutched her staff tightly. “Don’t.” Runner warned, since he was already at her throat with his Kunai. “We prefer Offerings of Gold, Food and Sex toys...apparently. Not gods for us to...eat.” We gagged and mused that if they had instead submitted the bustiest and heaviest-hung members of their group to be our sex slaves...We might have just done it to have some fun for a bit, then We’d purify the lot of them anyway. “Whatever. She’s a glorified trophy anyway. She barely has power anymore with her blood spread so thin. Whyever she did that, none will know since any of that history was burned.” Another demon said with a roll of her eyes. “The Werefox over there has more pure Wolfblood than his god here. We just wanted to have something of value to offer.” “We’re not war-mongering monsters, what made you think we’d want a damn trophy, let alone one still alive?” Visilia retorted with a shake of her head. “What use is a deity’s power when it’s locked up? We’d figured you’d be ecstatic about this?!” Another demon complained and We rolled our eyes. “Well, We’re not.” We deadpanned, tired of this already. “The most this could be of use to us for, is somehow healing her and trying to partner her with Pharos so he’s not the only big beast around.” Runner added on and I suddenly had all gauges go from frustrated annoyance, to matchmaking mode! “You don’t say? We’re not eating her unless there’s no choice. You ten go on in and jump in the purifying pool.” We made a shooing gesture and approached the comatose deity to see about helping her. “So hurry it up and stop wasting all of our time. Do you want to live a better life, or do you want to die for a useless cause?” Runner remarked before returning to our side. “Fine.” The busty and hung griffin herm groaned before she and her remaining subordinates trudged into Unity to use the pool. “Hm, how do we wake you up?” We hummed before opening her mouth. “If she lacks blood…” “Who is she supposed to be?” Visilia asked us when she approached with Pharos sniffing the sleeping ancient wolf curiously. “Maybe Sif; the Great Gray Wolf. However, Berta would have killed her and taken her soul if Dark Souls played out like it had.” We sighed and rubbed our face, not minding the millennia old morning breath of the slumbering giant beast. We’ve smelled worse. “We can ask her later. For now, if she needs blood; Pharos, are you okay with sharing yours?” Runner asked the giant green fox, who nodded and I looked at him, wondering why he wasn’t speaking when he has the ability to speak. “Okay then, let’s get those weapons out of her and-oh, you two don’t need to stay if you don’t want to. We’ll take care of her.” “I hope this doesn’t hurt.” Pharos sighed and I was glad I hadn’t imagined his deep and rumbling voice before when journeying from the middle of nowhere towards civilization. “Alright, just be careful you two.” We advised the boys and turned to cross the bridge with Urta quickly approaching us and We smiled when she nuzzled us. “Well, now that this matter is dealt with and I’ve got several buns out of my oven, maybe we can do some speed breeding later, get a few Argent souls out of my balls.” Urta purred to us as her fluffy tail twined with our trio of rat tails. “Mm~, you know We’re not opposed to that, but for now We need you watching over the demons and making sure they all get purified.” We smooched her cheek and she playfully patted our ass before hurrying into the box canyon by leaping down into it instead of waiting for the elevator like Visi and us. Silly Urta, casually pretending to be Superman. “Gods, that woman is insatiable.” Visi huffed and fanned herself, but then her bothered expression suddenly shifted to amusement. “Oh gosh, something silly just popped into my head. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see Bryan struggle not to sing again.” Visilia chuckled and We blinked at her. “From a ‘try not to sing along’ challenge.” “Wait, he sings outside of band battles? Hunter told Us about that trip.” We commented as the elevator took us down and We smiled at the sight of Urta picking up one of the demon commanders and tossing her into Harmonia’s pool before the wall of the shrine blocked the sight from our lowering vantage point. “Well, no, but the girls and I do try to get him to sing some songs for us. Runner introduced us to that challenge back home and it was so funny watching Bryan and the boys try not to sing or move to the beat of the song.” Visilia laughed after we reached the bottom floor of the canyon and turned towards the keep on the opposite side. “Maybe we should do that here.” We suggested and Visi couldn’t withhold her grin. “Yes, I think we should do that, or outright have a karaoke night sometime. Sorry about bringing it up out of nowhere, but Runner was so chatty when we were draining her womb.” Visi stage-whispered to us conspiratorially and we both got a gleam to our eyes. Is she suggesting that We indulge Runner more often and fill her up so Visi can pump her for info while pumping her for cum? Devious! “Maybe we can try that the next time they’re all here?” We chuckled and leaned in to nuzzle Visi, who didn’t shy away and returned the affection. “Definitely! Most of the time, Bryan would smash the table because he was really struggling not to sing.” Visi told us and We could see Berserker doing that. It goes to show that no matter what he sees himself as, he’s still a normal person deep down. “Yeah, that sounds like a funny thing to see. It might be hard for us to keep Willow from singing ourselves.” We mewled as We roamed our eyes up and down Visi. Even in armor, she held this incredibly hot and sexy presence. Like her armor failed to contain her innate demonic allure. She wasn’t using penis potions in secret again was she? She is just so enticing right now... “Are you checking me out again?” Visilia teased with a saucy smirk and her wings stretched away from her back, reminding us that she had them and they were big wings. She could easily scoop us into one and reel us in if she wanted. “Yes~.” We cooed, eyeing her tight yet motherly ass, watching how her stride stretched the form-fitting material of her armor underneath the plates. Thank goodness her fauld didn’t have hilarious ‘butt plates’ like from Space Balls or it’d be too silly to find sexy. “Well, you can’t have any of me.” Did she just turn us down?! “I’ll be busy for a while, so until I’m finished I can’t spend time on having sex. Not to mention, you have work to do yourself.” Visi reminded us about the dreaded bane of our life. Paperwork. “Aw.” We mewled in disappointment while we entered our home and she followed us up to our office, which had the mess from when Runner jumped our bones cleaned up. “We’ll be done as soon as We can.” “Good girl.” Visi smiled and patted us on the head. “I better get going, see ya later.” Visi turned and had the gall to tickle our nose with her long red pony tail. That horrid tease! You can’t just tell us no, then give us the age-old come-hither tail-tickle! “Hmph.” We huffed and looked at the pile of work We had. With everything going on, even with Money Mover and Quibbler filtering through our paperwork before it reaches us and delegating to the correct offices, so much was still landing on our desk. “We need a secretary.” We need a direct secretary. Maybe Barb would be willing? > Ch.106 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.106 “Done!” We said happily upon finishing today’s paperwork, having taken at least four hours to do so. We’d also written up an official job offer for Barb to be our secretary with orders for it to be delivered to her ASAP since Spike had filled in for us perfectly fine, so having his female counterpart, with all the same memories, would be the perfect secretary. Not to mention she’s essentially our newest wife what with being a near-perfect female copy of our husband. Getting up and stretching, We looked at the time to find it was lunch. We didn’t exactly need food, but We could definitely go for some sustenance with all the slime that Runner milked from us earlier today. That then drove us into a downward spiral, having a lewd fantasy of Barb under the desk, sucking her cock and gurgling from how much cum We fed her. Oh~ We hope she accepts, not just in the hopes she’d be up for that, but because her talent at paperwork would really speed things up further for us.  “Well, at least We didn’t waste too much time on this.” We sighed and left the office to head for the kitchen. On the way, We spotted Pharos sharing his ‘den’ in the foyer with the much-healthier and younger-looking giant wolfess and curled up to each other in sleep. It seems Runner and Pharos were able to help her. Hopefully she adjusts well to this new era. We then passed Cocoa when she was herding our many not-infant or toddler children to lunch from their studies. We held her up for a kiss and a pat on her ass, which made the chocolate lab cerberus slime woman bouncier in her duties. Then We passed Honey who was talking to Twilight about something. Listening in a bit revealed it was about her Friendship School. Hopefully, her students don’t get freaked out about her new, more beastly appearance. Once We got to the kitchen, We found Hunter there feeding our pups, at least with the help of some of our maids while Cocoa doted on the youngest children. Unf, seeing her being our designated den mother was getting us horny, wanting to fill her with even more pups, but no. She’s got enough on her plate, even if she’d happily bear even more children. “Hey love.” We said to Hunter and made a kissy-face at Cocoa, who did the same back before she went back to her motherly duties while We requested a simple ham sandwich. We weren’t in the mood for anything fancy and knowing our maids, they’ll likely turn it into a monte cristo. Cheese was especially enticing to us after our Skaven worshipers made our Great Horned Rat form our default. Which made no sense. Cheese was just another food to rodents, it wasn’t some holy grail or anything. Cursed stereotypes. It didn’t help that We liked cheese anyway. “Hello. How has your day been?” The mute telepath questioned as he ate his food, a seafood dish We didn’t recognize. Hunter really had an affinity for Surf, which was a bit odd considering Hunters, literally, hunted Turf. Maybe before he was Hunter, he was Fisher. Sam Fisher! “Good. We dealt with those Lust Demons, Urta’s putting them all through processing as they’ve been purified. We just finished our paperwork too, so We came to get food. Are they well?” We asked while gesturing towards the pups as Cocoa made silly faces at two of them with her spare heads and was helping one of our 13 Horned Skavens understand what was and was not finger food.. “They’re just fine.” Hunter smiled when he answered and used his hands to crack what looked like some sort of crustacean open. “They’re such cuties.” We purred while nuzzling him, then we cooed over our babies. “Hm, who are our little ones?” We cooed and joined in making faces at them with Cocoa. All of them cooed and giggled at Us as We petted/kissed them. Once We’d amused each of them and kissed Cocoa with a grope of her booty on the way back towards Hunter, We then sat next to him and kissed Hunter too. Our displays with Cocoa and Hunter made our Maids blush. “Hm~. *smooch* News?” We asked him after We broke the kiss. “I know you just got back from a mission with Collateral.” He went with his heavy-ordinance using sibling shortly after We went to the Dragonlands and no reports on their return came up to us yet. “Nothing much. Collateral collapsed a cavern congested with Corrupted Hell Knights. That was an upsetting discovery, sure, but it was just a single group establishing an FOB for their portals. We put a stop to that, so it’s back to normal operations.” Hunter informed us while We scarfed down the excessively cheesy monte cristo that was served to us. “Good to hear. Please get some rest.” We smooched him one more time, then did the same for Cocoa, in triplicate for each of her heads, then left while musing on what would need to be done next for the day. We idly considered seeking Barb personally and asking her to be our secretary, but then Urta’s offer to speed-breed us made our body hum in anticipation. “Let’s go get Urta-.” “Ma’am! We found the main Portal to Hell!” A Guard Officer huffed as he burst into the main foyer, which also woke up Pharos and his new friend and distant ancestor. “It’s, my Goddesses, it’s in the south past the barely explored territory in a Griffin Outpost!” “What?!” We shrieked, causing Hunter to rush out and our youngest kids still in the dining hall to cry, likely forcing Cocoa to start frantically trying to calm them down. “We found the portal to Hell?! Also, griffin outpost?! Those expansionist assholes! Are we marching on it?!” “Well, no. We just-” He began, but We interrupted him by hoisting him by his armor’s chestplate. “Why not?!” We snarled furiously. We had excessive reason to be marching ASAP. Hell’s main incursion is there and the fucking griffins have started colonizing our continent while we’re still stuck securing our borders! That region is near enough to Carim that those idiots might spark another war! “W-well, we just decoded the report.” He whined and shimmied in our grasp. “Someone call the Griffin Empire! We need to have a talk with them! Next, we’re bloody marching on-” “Uh, there's another thing, my Goddess. We also noted that the scouts in the report said the Griffins had dropped something on the site. The unicorns in the group said it was some poison meant to kill the demons.” The soldier told us before he handed us the report and We dropped him back onto his hooves as our sneer deepened. “Hunter, do you guys have hazmat gear?” We asked when We handed him the report and he looked it over before he nodded. “Of course, we’ll be amply prepared.” Hunter replied before Visilia came rushing in. “Wiatr, we’ve got a problem! Hell’s forces are retreating, all of them! They’re fortifying down south and those Scientist bastards are sure to be there!” Visilia roared and We snarled like a tiger, but it was kinda ruined by the rodent squeak underlying it. “Then this is it! We’re going and the Griffin Empire can get bent! We’ll deal with them later!” We snarled before We rushed to the keep’s private armory with Visi and Hunter following. “Damn straight, but I do have some good news. We have created more than enough BFGs to help us in this endeavor, along with some mechs with the help of those UAC engineers. Our ships are all converging on the site and will provide air support. Armour battalions will move in first to clear the path for infantry and box the enemy in.” Visilia laid out for us as We searched for our armor from the Tartarus Liberation War, since it was both protective and rated against gaseous hazards. “Good, even though this is really sudden. If this was some book I’d figured the reader would be asking, ‘WTF why this rapid tone change’.” Or at least I would be thinking that, ut really since We’re in the government this was bound to happen, especially with Unity being the military capital. “Yes, in fact I’m sure that Berserker and the others have been informed and are making their way to the site, where we’ll find the portal.” Hunter added on and We nodded. “Good. This is sudden but good.” We sighed to help ease our rising tension. Half of us aren’t hardened warriors and one of the quarters that is, isn’t here. Still, We’re used to action and adventure even so. What is war, but an excess of both in a fast-paced and brutal setting? “Yes, it is, but we should be wary. They wouldn’t have exposed themselves if they didn’t have contingencies.” Visi remarked while We found our armor and began putting it on. “They’re baiting us to try and get to Urta.” We muttered angrily, upset that Hell was still after our beloved wife. Unlike the tainted Red Argent found in Hell and Hell’s equipment, her radiant Turquoise Argent was pure and even holy, which spat in the face of Hell so badly they were clearly frothing at the mouth to corrupt her and use her as a bottomless resource. “It seems likely.” Visi nodded and looked visibly worried too. “Then we need to be prepared for a trap, because Urta will not stay here. She’s the Goddess of War and she’s no armchair general.” We admired that, but in this instance We wished she was. “On all of us, yes. I’ll see how things are coming along with our armies. I’m going to make sure we have what we need.” Visilia said before she led Hunter out of the armory as We put our draconic helm on for the first time in a while, grim Determination filling us. Soon, soon this will be over and we can all focus on the next big threat to us all. > Ch.107 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.107 We all sat around a table in the command tent just behind the designated safety lines established by the Ghosts and Chasers. The area was barren desert with brown yellow sand and tall red buttes and mesas. It was like the Australian Outback collided with the Mojave Desert and both failed to bring any of their shrubbery with them. This was the Badlands. The largest of these free-standing mesas was at least as large as Uluru in Willow’s homeworld. It was carved in Hellish runes and had a prominent cave system. It was all over this glorified and corrupted monument to Hell’s presence that most of their forces were congregated. It didn’t help that the Badlands were dotted with smaller mesas and even more buttes, providing plenty of hard cover from the air and ground. This FOB wasn’t even past the first few layers of the outer defenses Hell had established and the poison mist clinging to the air wasn’t helping since the demons seemed to scoff at such mortal chemical warfare. “Well, what’s the plan?” We asked the group before us. This included the boys, Twilight, Visilia and Urta. Despite our pleading, Urta wasn’t just here, she was the one leading the Guard. They were initially poorly equipped to handle such brutal warfare, but the UAC provided the locations of their equipment caches in the face of sending our troops to their deaths. They may have broken many laws, but evil the UAC were not. Besides, it turns out the several battalions-worth of armor and weapons were meant to be shipped out weeks ago anyway, but you can’t ship something if you’re behind bars and your company is currently government property. “We’re still getting information, but Hell’s forces seem to have set up in the cave systems. It’s big enough for all vehicles and troops. They’ve also erected gates to block us as they fortify more, using other mesas and buttes as buffers around their main base.” Visilia said as she looked over the map, provided by swift pegasus scouts who were unassailable from their lofty perches up in the clouds, but thus unable to do more than observe and provide sit-reps. “Anything else?” We asked warily. It sounded like Hell was quite well entrenched for a non-standard opponent. They may have weapons, but they’re more melee-focused and clearly see reliance on ranged weaponry as a sort of weakness, at least in the cases of their warriors compared to their cannon fodder. “We’ve found what was used to make the portal, the Griffin outpost was nuclear powered. They called it ‘The Deadly Magic Rock’. This power source was used to try and make portal tech based on old magic. On one test they didn’t set any coordinates and linked with Hell. This place is old too, far older than the modern Griffin Empire. We have a suspicion that the griffins just found it one day and took over.” Visilia further informed us and We joined everyone in groaning. “So the Griffin Empire are idiots? Might explain why they didn’t report this to anyone, like they think they’re a global superpower that can get away with not mentioning a world-endangering event going on because they fucked up.” Why do We feel like that’s rather poignant to Willow’s homeworld? “Yep. Leave it to eggheads to think they’re so smart, when really they’re the biggest softboiled idiots around when it comes to sense. From the investigative reports, there’s traces of Equestrian magic involved. My guess is our old pals are involved in that bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to call in gullible griffins to meddle in things that proper Equestrians or Saddle Arabians would have nothing to do with.” Urta theorized and it seemed sound enough. “So those pricks are the reason this place is filled with demons.” We snarled as We thumbed the handle of our hardlight hammer, a magitek weapon that was lightweight and collapsible, but held firmer than nearly any metal. How Andre made it, We have no possible way of understanding. All We know is it uses Argent and that’s enough. “Good thing the kids are far away from here.” “We also have these.” Urta used the magic holographic table to display an image of a griffin with a hole in it’s head, along with flying skulls around it. “These soldiers number in the hundreds guarding the gates. Their numbers are growing along with species I don’t even recognize.” “Boys?” We asked the Doom Marines worriedly, looking between them all. “This is new to us. They aren’t like their normal zombification processes or their other advanced variations. I’m not even sure what they can do, so be cautious when engaging them and report whatever you find from your encounters.” Collateral replied while the others nodded their heads. “Is there anything else we should know? Because if not, we should get moving.” Berserker questioned impatiently, which I could understand. The sooner this force is routed, the sooner Hell ceases to be an immediate problem for us. At least, for the locals who live here. “There is also a murder mobile of an Ice Cream truck attacking everything in sight.” Urta reported in bemusement as she brought up a vehicle Willow knew well. “Sweet Tooth, driven by the psychotic murder-clown Needles Kane, a monster tormented by a Hellish Curse. Just peachy. Avoid him for now, but if we kill him quickly we’ll have an easier time.” Why does bullshit like this seem to pop up at the worst times? “Clown?” Visilia asked in bemusement and We sighed in resignation. “It’s a guy from the game series Twisted Metal. This might just be a pony that somehow became Needles Kane, but whatever, he’s a madman and needs to die ASAP.” We insisted. “Um...yeah that’s everything now.” Urta nodded while looking at the truck. “Right, let’s get going. Urta, you’re leading the Knights and will be our SIC as We join the Guard.” We then left the tent and grew in size to our preferred 12-foot tall combat body, which our armor could easily contain and protect from the noxious poison in the air. “You’ll each be commanding your personal divisions, right?” “Of course.” Visi nodded her head. “Good.” We left to meet the soldiers We would most likely lead to their deaths this day. Hell was not going to pull any punches, so We hoped we trained our regulars well. (<3) A round from a Possessed Soldier killed a corporal by punching through his visor while We fired a hailstorm of bullets from Jack’s Slag Infinity on the mindless zombies. “Dammit! Pillar, what does your end look like? We just got past the damn research lab and We know Hunter is searching the place inside out, what about you?” “About as much as you expect, but we’re making progress.” He told us over the comms. “That’s good. Better than us.” We huffed behind cover as our armor burned from Hellish Argent Plasma. “We’ve lost about a tenth of our soldiers moving through here.” We knew the number would be much worse if not for the Guard using the UAC environment-sealed armors. “Ma’am, a huge fucker just burrowed out of the ground!” A Private yelled while his sergeant gave orders and We provided suppressing fire on the enemy. “We think We’ve found one of those new units. It’s some giant worm creature!” We said while still connected to Pillar moments before one of our men fired a cannonball from his UAC trick weapon, blasting the thing apart. However the hole in the earth it made immediately had imps pouring out of it. “They’re making more tunnels in the cave system!” Someone shouted in realization as everyone responded to the sudden influx of enemy reinforcements. “Boys, did you hear that?! Watch out for the worms! They’re some Hellish variant of Zerg Nydus Worms!” We warned everyone through the comms. “I’m hunting the cunts!” Runner screeched out over the Comms as a worm came tunneling out with him on its back, before tunneling back underground. “C’mon you stupid bitch, take me to your nest!” “I’ve got my own problems here! I just lost over three hundred Crusaders!” Berserker reported and We felt absolutely poleaxed. What could’ve done that?! “Wait...I think I see-!” “Shit, we lost contact with him! Someone get ‘em back online!” Collateral ordered over the sounds of gunfire from his end. He was leading a mechanized unit and the machine guns were firing so much it was like listening to chainsaws through the earpiece. “We’re trying sir, but we can’t pick them up! It’s like they disappeared from the face of the planet!” “Alright, they won’t be using them for much longer.” We said before a caustic mortar blast from a group of Cyber-Mancubus took out one of our Lieutenants from the concussive force, the acid steaming on his armor, but his head was at an entirely unnatural angle. “Urta damn it! Everyone, fall back to cover!” We’d just taken that ground too! “We’ve been pinned for half an hour here Ma’am! Maybe we should turn back!” A Private suggested. “And expose ourselves to the artillery?” We asked sarcastically, but our fury cooled when the living artillery demons began bursting open like over-filled balloons with no overtly obvious means of detonation. “We’ve got you covered, Wiatr.” We heard Hunter’s ‘voice’ within our mind, allowing us to understand that he and/or his Ghosts were providing sniper support for us. “Thanks.” We then silently breathed a prayer to Urta for continued fortune in this battle before leading the push forward to break the line of Imps, Possessed and Unwilling sent forth to fulfill their duty as cannon fodder. We brandished our hardlight hammer and started pulping them with sheer force in defiance of their clawing, biting and shooting. We pushed through and our forces rallied behind us. That push seemed an eternity to us, but it was only half a mile. “Alright, We need to rest. Time for an FOB people! This box canyon cutting through this mesa here is good, set up a perimeter!” We ordered and began to wind down for a rest. From this new position, we were twelve miles from Satan’s Stone, the name given Hell’s stronghold. So far this was the safest place to put up a base for a regroup. It took an hour and about two waves of Hell’s forces to get the FOB up, but once done we had a defensible position to regroup and rest. For the most part. We still had to be on the watch for portals and worms, but from the reports of Runner’s group, they were wiping out the nest. Berserker was still missing, including his unit. As for the canyon, it didn’t have much to begin with other than a few graves with dead lizards carved into the wall. This might have been filled with Undead before Hell showed up with their soul stealing and their own version of zombies. We actually feel bad for the Undead here, even if they would have just attacked us on sight. They serve Hell now as renewable Unwilling fodder. “At least we can treat our men.” We sighed aloud when Collateral walked over. “Hey, lover, whats up?” We asked as We shrunk down and sat in a chair to relax, not having much else to do right at the moment, thank gosh. We may be the field commander here, but when it comes to logistics that’s up to more experienced folks used to these sorts of formations. “I’m taking a rest while the armoured division settles into position.” Collateral answered with a thumb over his shoulder at some tanks and mechs filing into the football-field sized canyon, the walkers traversing the walls to set up on top of the mesa. Curse these mesas and buttes making aerial support logistically unsafe, along with Hell’s anti-air batteries all over Satan’s Stone. “Good. Our guys took a hell of a beating making a path for them.” We huffed with a look at the medical tents. Those that were not outright killed were being treated there, the groans and cries of pain heard through the camp. Most of our soldiers were in that tent or guarding the top of the walls of the canyon. Thankfully we brought along dimensionally expanded canisters with healing milk. “Hopefully our reinforcements are right behind you so we can provide support.” “They should be, if the enemy hasn’t flanked them.” Collateral stated as he retrieved a flask. The scent when he opened it wasn’t alcohol We think. “That’s our concern. How are the others doing?” We asked when We stood and stretched a bit and watched some scouts report to their officers. “We know a bit about Runner and Berserker.” “Pillar has already fortified his position, Hunter is doing reconnaissance and Slayer is pushing further in to attract their attention. Still nothing on Berserker or his forces, we’re not picking them up anywhere on the planet.” Collateral answered us, reminding us that Todd had become known as Slayer due to being even more efficient at slaughtering monsters than the siblings. Whether or not any of them are offended by this has yet to be seen. Still, We worry about Berserker. “Speaking about our family, where’s the VIP?” “Urta ran off with her Knights to investigate a potential underground advance. The sexy idiot didn’t even consider letting the troops do it, she just went off all willy-nilly like it was no big deal.” We huffed in agitation. She may be the Goddess of War, but that doesn’t excuse her being reckless! If anything, she should’ve seen the tactical benefit of knowing when to stay back. “Don’t worry too much. On another note, did you notice something different with some of the Demons? It looked like some of them were wearing armour?” Collateral questioned, sounding rather uncertain. “Yes. These armored enemies are most of the reason why our soldiers were having such trouble.” Demons are bad enough, but whatever inspired them to start wearing armor, even giving the Possessed and Unwilling some meager protection, it had been a force multiplier in combination with their brutal bull rush tactics. “This is bad.” Collateral groused as he sloshed around his flask. Seriously, that isn’t booze, what is it? It smells fruity. “We know.” We rubbed our shoulders tiredly before We belatedly remembered We’re slime, so We morphed to goo and back to undo our muscle fatigue. “They’re actually using strategy and tactics. Usually they just rush in, balls-to-the-wall.” Collateral mused and while Hell was still doing that a lot, they seemed to be more intelligent about when and where to rush their lines. “Like the worm tunnels. Something is in charge now.” Usually even Barons and Knights rushed in. So it can’t just be them. There are a lot of them, sure, but the orders We’d heard them shouting seemed out of character for their normal tactics. “We may be dealing with a Cyberdemon or Tyrant. Maybe even a Spider Mastermind. Whoever they are, they’re not half-assing it with that rune-powered armor. Thankfully, even if it’s buffing the speed of Imps, the strength of Barons and Knights and the resilience of Possessed and Unwilling, we have the weapons and the skills to take them down.” Collateral rambled on while taking sips of his fruity drink. “This is their main invasion point. They’re not randomly opening up portals and scouting good targets anymore.” We remembered, back when half of us were gallivanting around as adventuring archeologists. Well, one was, the other just stuck to her like a lovesick puppy. Daring and Willow had seen Hell scouting the Iron Keep. Thankfully that incursion must have failed, because there haven’t been reports of further Hell Invasions from the north. “It seems those traitorous pencil-necks did a lot of work lately. These runes look like perverted Equestrian magic.” Collateral commented, bringing us out of our trip down memory lane to see he was holding a fragment of the enemy’s armor. “Just more reasons to kill those bastards.” We grumbled and watched as the first Company of tanks settled around the rim of the canyon. It would be foolish to have all of the armored units centralized in one easy-to-sabotage location, so having them spread out would ensure our position could be covered on all sides, even if it was a logistical nightmare for the engineers. “Yep. Well, I better get back to work.” Collateral drained his fruity flask and turned to leave. “See you after this is all done, yeah?” “Yeah.” We replied easily, hoping to spend more time with him. Out of all of the Doom Siblings, Collateral is the one We’ve spent the least amount of time with. Let’s hope those plans stick. (<3) We ripped our Hard Light hammer out of the fractured earth to flick the pulpy mess of an Imp off of it and sighed at the sight of the caves ahead where hundreds more rushed forth. “It’s like trying to kill ants with a spray bottle of vinegar. They just keep coming.” We snarled before We sprayed bullets from our Infinity into the line of lightly armored enemies to protect a group of guards trying to hold the line. They nodded at me and made to reload and prepare for the next wave. We sighed and rubbed our left shoulder while we took in the scene around us again. We wanted to kill the griffin king for this poison because of the puddles, residue and gases of poison that had rapidly developed in this already blighted land. It would take decades to clear it all even with the Coven. Worse, this was aiding Hell’s attempts to convert our world for themselves. Whatever Hell had planned, they seemed to be enjoying the poison as time went on. For the most part, the boys and Slayer were culling them not far from the gate with their forces. To be specific, Pillar and Runner who had flanked the demons using their own tunnels and portals. This was supposed to stem the tide of monstrosities, but they still kept coming from portals or otherwise. With Berserker and his forces still missing, things had become complicated. “About Urta-damned time. Speaking of which, that vixen is going to be the death of us with worry.” We huffed to ourselves and watched Pillar brutalize demons to the point that the enemy couldn’t sustain their presence in the field once he beheaded the last Baron of Hell with his old Warhammer that gleamed red like blood. “By Urta, that was good to see. Good thing you guys took the worm tunnels.” We huffed and shrunk the hardlight hammer back to the size of an escrima stick. “Any news on the Portal?” “We’re getting close, but it’s heavily fortified.” Runner answered while he dusted himself off. “Vehicles won’t be able to move forward with all the choke points around Satan’s Stone, but once we get past all of that we’ll be able to shut the portal down. Of course, there’s the scientists that are probably waiting for us.” “Fantastic.” We scoffed and holstered our hammer’s handle on our left thigh and Infinity on our right while Runner’s Chasers rushed back down into the tunnels to continue their work. “It’s been about what, six days of this?” We complained, because Sun Tzu was right: War really is the biggest waste of time and resources. Our frustration was interrupted by a familiar hand grabbing our tail armor pressing against our side down by our hip, considering We were still 12 feet tall. “Yeah, though it’s not like we can just let demons rush in and take over.” Urta huffed as she rubbed the curve of our armored ass while drawing attention to the fact that parts of her armor had torn off, but it was still functional for this fight. It was obvious that patches had been placed with Repair Powder, which given time would fully fix it like if Andre had done it. Then again, even without armor Urta was nearly invincible since she was still super-pregnant and thus super-powerful, she had no injuries despite the armor damage. “Yeah, but this was mostly a waste of resources and men. In six days we may have slaughtered whole legions of demons, but we’ve only covered the relatively short distance from the edge of this region to the outer layer of defenses for Satan’s Stone.” We huffed while Pillar took over fortifying the entrance to Satan’s Stone that had been secured. Most of the boys were occupied with preparing the next assault while Todd rushed in behind the scouts. We haven’t seen Visilia since day two, our future wife had better be okay. “That’s War babe. Bloody, stupid, and-oof!” Urta grunted as her free hand flew to her armored abdomen and she leaned on our hip. “Guh…” “Are you okay?!” We yelped and grabbed her shoulder. “I’m fine, I’m fine! It was just a really hard kick from several dozens of tykes at once. I’d offer to let you feel, but I don’t feel comfortable letting the belly out right now.” Urta replied as she got her breath back, running her hand up and down her armored flat tummy. “It doesn’t help that I’m all riled up from being in constant combat. I fucking love this babe. My War Aspect is driving me nuts.” “That’s understandable.” We sighed in relief and pet her head, even if she had her helm on. “Come on, let's rest in a tent. The boys seem to be able to fight forever, but the rest of us need to rest to perform well.” We both envy, yet do not envy the nigh-endless stamina the siblings had when it came to combat. We may be Undead, but damn it, We’re still subject to the limitations of our Stamina! “Yeah, You thought I was giving birth didn’t you?” Urta chuckled wryly with mischief in her eyes. “Well, since you’re finally letting those precious presents inside of you out lately...” We blushed and looked away from her. We really wanted to go see those newborns. Damn Hell and their cruel Murphy-level sense of timing! “Babe, I can control when I give birth thanks to the Womb Wards led by Conger. I’m not about to pop on the battlefield unless I choose to. Which I won’t.” Urta’s eyes shone the bright turquoise of said dangerous and powerful energy as she groaned and rubbed her tummy. “They’re being really active right now, and I’m so needy babe~...” “Mrr~, let us help with that. We’re Sex to your Fertility Urta, even if you still insist on sharing a bit of that with us.” We huskily purred down at our wife, who grabbed our hand and with strength defying her size being half of ours, dragged us towards the first tents erected for the final FOB. “Thank you so much. I need this.” Urta groaned and immediately plopped her sexy firm but big butt onto a cot as she tossed off her armor. The moment her front was free, she moaned and sighed in relief when her belly started bloating out, the surface utterly rippling with movement. Holy hell she isn’t kidding! “Ugh, belly rubs first please?” Urta pleaded, rubbing the massive taut slimy shiny turquoise belly that was easily nearly as tall as she was where she stopped it’s growth. The top of her prodigious pregnancy pressed her tits into her face while her legs were fully spread to accommodate it. Hnng~ she’s so fucking hot~! “Yes our Goddess.” We husked breathlessly before shrinking down to our usual size so We could worship our wife’s glowing fecundity the way it deserved to be. Thankfully the tent was enchanted to clean poisons away, so We retracted our helm and breastplate to kiss and rub against her womb, pressing our tits into her swell too while We cast more protection and privacy spells on the tent. She cooed and We heard her shaft smack the underside of her belly. “Getting excited down there?” “Babe, you know damn well that getting attention like this is arousing. Also they’re kicking my prostate, I’m lucky I didn’t pop a boner sooner.” Urta moaned as We felt several kicks from her membrane against our breasts. Heh, not even born and they know where the goods are~. “Which is why We keep being purely female as our default. Better a plump pussy than a raging rod and balls combined with that.” We chuckled and kissed her Navel Pearl as We rubbed her sides and hugged as much of her as We could. Her hot, gooey membrane was as intoxicating and pleasure-inducing as ever, if not even more potent than usual. “Oh~ thank you babe. They’re calming down.” Urta sighed in relief as her belly stopped moving, even if We felt many of them pressed against our tits. “Not an issue, a quarter of them are ours at least.” We purred before We climbed up and over her hill of a belly, then back down to between her tits to give her a kiss and Urta wrapped her arms around our neck, our breasts practically wrestling for space. “Ahem!” We both jolted and Urta suddenly had her washboard abdomen as we both got to our paws, ready to fight bare-handed, only to breathe out a huff in relief at seeing Visilia at the tent flap looking a mixture of annoyed and amused. “I get you’re both probably tired, but this isn’t the place for passion beyond battle.” “We know, but we have a small window and we weren’t planning on doing the deed. We needed to calm the pups down.” We lied to Visilia as Urta rubbed her still throbbing-hard cock and had some liquid Argent leak from it with a sheepish grin. “And that meat mast is likely the result of getting kicked in the prostate?” Visilia asked with a tone of understanding, considering she was pregnant the last time she had male organs. “Yes~.” Urta moaned as she rubbed herself, eyeing the both of us, her eyes focusing on our tits and hips. “I still have so many Argent souls to rebirth due to my Aspects synergizing with this damn energy too. If only we weren’t attacking Hell-” A worm burst through the floor of the tent, followed by two Knights grabbing our shocked naked wife and pulling her down with a scream of surprise. “Urta~!” We wailed and jumped down into the hole, pulping a Knight’s chest with our fist. “No!” “Go! Back to the portal!” The other Knight ordered the giant worm, which had Urta in it’s jaws, our wife wriggling and hurting it while it couldn’t even pierce her membrane. It dutifully hissed and shot down the tunnel. “Let go of me you damn dirty-!” Urta’s enraged shouts silenced with distance as Visi cleaved both the Hell Knight's arms and legs off. “Alright you shit-for-brains! Start talking! What have you done with Berserker and where are you taking Urta?!” Visilia demanded as she lifted the demon up by the throat. “Argh-glk!” The Hell Knight struggled in her grip, hardly able to breathe until Visi loosened up a bit. “Gah! The scientists...created a new...demon. Created from a Baron of Hell, one of them willingly gave himself up and came back different. Stronger, cunning, faster!” “The very same demon that laid waste to Berserker’s forces? Did you drag them into Hell?!” Visi growled, getting her sword ready to strike the demon down. “Yes. Soon enough, he will die to the Empowered One and with the Berserker’s blood, we will gain more Empowered Demons! Coupled with that vixen’s ability to generate Argent Energy, we’ll be unstoppable! You can’t-!” The Hell Knight was silenced when Visi drove her sword into its face. “We’ll see about that!” Visi snarled with fury after she was sprayed in blood and she tapped on her helmet’s comm. “This is Princess Visilia! All units: a demon strike team has abducted the Argent Goddess of War, Strength and Fertility: Urta! They also have Lord Berserker trapped within Hell, fighting off a new demon! Converge on the Hell Portal and take it now! If we do not strike immediately and retrieve them, all is lost!” “Wait, all the Argent comes from her balls and breasts. We’re going to see them milking her somehow aren’t we?” We asked and our lewd sex-obsessed brain conjured an image of Urta bound up and forced to cum millions of gallons of Argent while her tits are endlessly milked. Also, the image of Hell worshiping Urta’s cock was ridiculous. “If they don’t somehow rip her to pieces to find the source of it inside her and then make an Archdemon with it.” Visi seethed in disgust and hatred. “Right.” We snarled before we both rushed down the tunnel. We wished We had Cynder with us right now since this was a prime place to use a flamethrower. We have fire magic due to Willow’s Ahuizotl bits, but only fireballs and other less-sustained spells. “DoEs MISSTREESS NeEd HEalp?” We heard in our head along with a sensation of wrongness that We contributed to Him and our brother. Also it sounded to the ear as if it was simply repeatedly screeching ‘TEKELI-LI!’ “Hah?” We asked while the two of us came upon a squad of lesser demons, mostly imps. “Wiatr?” Visilia asked after she kicked a demon in the chest with her booted hoof, leaving a hole. Armored pony hooves were a scary-deadly enhancement of their natural defenses. “Sorry. Someone other than Hunter is speaking in our head.” We said before yelping when We felt the thing that had been worshiping us from the destroyed Fountain of Endowment in Saddle Arabia, suddenly enter our body! “Ahn~!” We moaned in pleasure, our naked bosom suddenly expanding to fill the tunnel, pressing Visi into the wall to our left side and gushing milk on the other side like a bursting dam. The demons screamed in agony when our holy milk likely melted them alive like acid. “HAELPING!” Declared the far-too-eager entity currently in our breasts! “This isn’t helping if we can’t move!” We groaned, wiggling in pleasure behind our wall of breast flesh while Visilia tapped the breast that was smishing her into the wall, but We felt her press into it and even squeeze. Oh no~! Not you too Visi~! We need to get moving! It giggled madly before it crawled out of our right nipple while our breasts shrunk back to our normal hyper size. It was hard to describe, but the few still breathing demons looked on in horror at the multi-breasted and endowed writhing tentacle thing that looked like some sort of wet dream Slaanesh came up with, considering it still managed to look like a semi-humanoid hermaphrodite despite being composed of dark purple slimy tendrils. “I don’t think we’re much better off.” Visilia whined while covering her eyes and ears as the thing cackled in it’s repeating cry of ‘TEKELI-LI’ and possessed an Imp by diving right down its throat like the entity was made of liquid, warping it’s body once the few seconds it took to enter passed. “Creeeee!” The Imp screeched in panic while its body was forced to warp and change into a Mirror of the horror that just jumped into it, one that could be comprehended better at least. “Ah~! It has been ages since she has had a host!” The oversexed tentacle-laden purple-red hermaphrodite woman declared with obscene pleasure, her tentacles sprouting from her back and thrashing the remaining demons with ease while she rapidly began to look more and more like Willow, but with tentacles. “Die! Die for displeasing Mistress!” Screamed the terrifyingly sexy tentacle-Willow as her flesh developed smooth short fur that matched the underlying skin. “Okay, question, why do you worship Us? You are clearly a bit more powerful than us.” We asked uneasily, having known she had been praying at that destroyed fountain for almost three months now. We hadn’t thought much of it, considering she had been content to simply praise us and wasn’t in any danger, especially since the Coven had turned that area into lush grassland. “Hm? Why ask such a silly question Mistress? She is but a humble servant in need of a purpose! Many others have joined This One’s Worship of you!” She declared while clearing the way. “Onward! Your brood-bearer and Hellwalker await!” She declared, her voice now sounding like Willow’s too. Mimicry is supposed to be the height of flattery, but We’re just getting weirded out. “Okay.” We mewled when our servant popped a demon with one of her tentacles and stardust poured from its burst belly. “We think this is good and bad at the same time.” We muttered while Vilisia kept clear of the demon corpses that had stardust pouring out of them. “Our men should not see that thing. They will go insane.” Visilia commented, her eyes staying away from it, but uneasily kept being drawn to look. Well, she is essentially Willow. Naked. It’s okay to look at her Visi, she may just drive people mad with Lust and-fuck. She really is our High Priestess all of a sudden, isn’t she? “Sanity is no reward!” The eldritch creature declared in Willow’s voice, making us shudder before We continued to rush down the tunnel until we all had to stop at a junction. “This way! Argent energy is this way!” Our disturbing servant declared, helpfully pointing out a tunnel slightly to the right of forward. “Nap time.” Hermais groaned after he popped into existence without warning. “Not the time honey, like every other day this week!” We growled as he hovered at our waist while We continued to run after our useful if scary servant. “Aw, but…” Hermais’ jaw dropped when he looked upon our servant and she seemed perplexed, blinking as he suddenly appeared before her, as an adult wearing a tuxedo. “Madam. Thou’rt the most ravishing beast of-.” “Mistress, creature of beauty is addressing her! What does she do?!” The oversexed shoggoth asked in sudden terror, making us and Visi twitch our eyebrows in irritation. “Agh, do this later!” We groaned and continued to sprint down the tunnel our servant had pointed out. Sure, while it’d be absolutely wonderful if Hermais moved his amorous feelings from us to someone else, now was not the time! “Call me!” Hermais said before he left a banana into our Servant’s tentacles and poofed away. “But she doesn’t know how phone fruit work!” The tentacle-fox-thing stated with despair as she kept pace with us and Visi. “How can she call beautiful creature?!” “He’s our son and We know where he sleeps.” We grumpily replied when we hit another junction full of Pinkies. Both kinds, since there were Pinkamena clones trying to throw a party and the brutal beastly demons oddly not butchering the vapid pink mares, instead somehow letting them put party hats on them. “Then she will ask later, lead Mistress to her brood and groom!” The unnamed shoggoth declared, cackling as she slaughtered demons while hoisting the mares into the air. “This day is now more weird than rage inducing.” Visilia complained as she cleaved a Pinky. “We didn’t ask for a Shoggoth.” We groaned in annoyance before We punched a demon’s chest in, actually wishing We had a pregnancy power-up right now. With Cynder gone We’ve been fighting at 3/4 power. Well, considering Willow on her own is obscenely strong...We think We may be spoiled with having such power available all the time. “We have random clones of a mare who shouldn’t be near here giggling about ‘fun’.” Visi added on in shared annoyance. “They could be leftovers from other events unrelated to all of this.” We growled and headbutted a demon’s skull in. “Mistress! Permission to absorb soulless duplicates?” The Shoggoth asked as she pointed down another tunnel. “Sure.” We huffed and used some basic ice spells to freeze a Pinky and smashed its head off.  “This way!” The monster declared as the brainless clones literally melted into her tentacles like liquid meat, but didn’t do anything to our servant it seemed. “Well, let’s hope she’s not running in the wrong direction.” We huffed while giving chase. “Considering she’s a cosmic horror, I think it’s unlikely she can’t sense Urta’s Argent or Berserker’s Rage.” Visilia commented before we all suddenly bounced off a barrier in the tunnel, us and our Servant more than Visi since we had our busts exposed. It shimmered a burning fiery red on contact and physically burned on impact. Once the ripples faded, it shimmered and became more transparent, explaining why we didn’t notice it. “Really? Fucking really?!” We roared and began punching at the obstacle in rage. “She is annoyed! Can’t eat something not there!” Our minion declared in frustration, even hammering her length-changing tentacles against it. “I think I hear the boys banging against another barrier over the Comms, Slayer’s doing his best to find a key-skull.” Visilia groaned and leaned against the wall of the tunnel with her arms crossed over her chest. “Perfect. Our beloved wife, who is pregnant with our offspring as well as Cocoa’s, Cadence’s and Shining’s is in the hands of our most hated enemies and We’re stuck playing with our clit.” We simmered as We paced along the barrier, impotently smashing our hammer on it in frustration. “Knowing Urta, she’ll probably somehow either kill them all, or at least make whatever they try to do really difficult for them. Maybe save Berserker in the process.” Visi declared, clearly trying to calm us and likely herself too. She and Urta have grown very close over time, so this must be just as stressful for her. “Grr!” We snarled as we looked at the tunnel walls in rage. Knowing those damn eggheads, they probably have this barrier as a sphere going through everything, so trying to dig around would be pointless. “We need a boost or some crap to break this.” We grumbled as our hammer gonged on another impact with the infernal forcefield. If you hit magical hardlight with science hardlight, you get a metal-on-metal sound. Interesting, but pointless to know. “Wiatr, all we can do is wait until the boys find the barrier’s corresponding skull. These things are a common tactic for Hell’s forces on the defense. A major failing is they need an exterior object like a skull key to maintain it or act as a way for them to come-and-go. Now stop risking Andre’s work.” Visi chided us and We huffily turned off the hammer before putting it back on our thigh holster. “She is angry She can’t eat it.” Our minion grumbled as she licked the barrier despite how hot it was and We sighed. What were Shoggoth again? She doesn’t seem to be a gelatinous tentacle beast covered in eyes in this form, but then again she’s possessing a demon’s...body… “Wait, can’t you get through? You’re in a demon body right?” We asked with hope, only for the eldritch creature to tilt her head. “Hm? This body is Her’s now, it is not a demon’s. Demons are lesser than Her.” She gave in a not-answer and blinked before moving away from the barrier and squeezing her jugs, which began spraying milk. “Mistress? She is not pregnant, why is She lactating?” “Ugh…” We groaned and prepared to give our new Servant the induction speech to our service. > Ch.108 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.108 “How long will the Boys take?” We asked impatiently and in worry. It’d been hours since Urta was taken, who knows what those heathens have done to our beloved wife and our unborn children! “The boys are just as frustrated Wiatr.” Visi was hugging us with one arm where we had both sat against the tunnel wall, the Shoggoth having gone off to ‘hunt’ more demons she could ‘smell’ nearby on our side of the barrier. “But they don’t know her like we do Visi.” We whined and shivered. The tunnels may have been hot and musty, but even with our armor back on after realizing We’d forgotten to seal it back up and had to ‘vomit’ out tainted poison slime before doing so, We felt cold inside. Dread filled us the longer they had time to do whatever they planned to Urta. “I know…” Visi softly muttered and squeezed our waist tighter. “What are we going to do?” We squeaked, our skaven vocals causing us to get more high-pitched and quiet as our distress mounted. Like Fluttershy’s voice actually. Visi wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth no words came out and she closed it with a sigh as she leaned her head on our shoulder. “...I don’t know.” She sounded like she had lost hope, even her face showed it. “Visi.” We sniffled and hugged her closer. “I’m sorry.” Visi told us as her body shook, trying to hold back her tears. “I f-feel like I’ve already failed and lost.” “You didn’t fail.” We whined before the tunnel suddenly got blisteringly hot and a red-yellow glow grew brighter from the tunnel leading onward. “Oh no, is that?” Things just keep getting worse. “Magma? Yes.” Visi snarled as we stood up to see the tunnel slowly fill with burbling hot magma, which it was since we were underground. “Guess they’ve decided to further secure their location by flooding the tunnels they dug with magma from Hell. All units be advised: if you haven’t seen it yet, know that magma is being dumped into the tunnels, they’re digging in further.” “Fuck!” We snarled as we backed away from the flood while Visi too avoided the nearing molten stone. The sulfuric gas given off by this will make the toxicity in the air even worse. It’s a good thing We had purged and resealed our armor while Visi never took any of her’s off. “Great! Urta, what is going on?” We helplessly questioned our abducted Goddess-wife, only idly noting that We’d been giving her religious reverence. Just as well, We do Love her that much. “What are we going to do now?” One of the many troop leaders questioned over the comms. “Have the ships above Satan’s Stone out of reach of their Anti-Air batteries blow a hole through the roof where I’ve pinpointed the portal’s energy signature.” Runner radioed in, which gave us a swell of hope in our chest. “We know where the portal is now, it’s shielded with Urta inside it, so we could have the ships start bombarding the shit out of the place until it’s exposed, but that does mean we need to fully retreat out of the caves.” “Urta and Berserker should be okay. She’s next-to-invincible, so that seems better than whatever they try to do to her. Berserker is too tough to have an indirect orbital bombardment do him in.” Visilia decided, clearly remembering how boastful our lovely wife was of her power. “We’ll get out of the tunnels, give us 10 minutes.” “We’re having Hermais teleport all of our troops out of this place. I don’t think my Chasers and I can evacuate everyone out in time.” Runner said before the Comms with him stopped. “Great.” We snarled and scooped Visi into our arms, causing her to yelp in surprise as We sprinted back the way we had come. We could hear the shouts of our soldiers as We hurried towards the general direction of ‘not-death’ that was going to be arriving soon. “Minion! If you can hear us, guide us out!” “Yay~! Mistress called! This way!” The Shoggoth, that We’re dubbing Minion until a better name is provided, appeared out of thin air and then promptly began leading us down a tunnel slightly to the side of the one We’d been taking. Not even a minute later, we found a hole to the surface with soldiers climbing up, who helped us out when we got there, Visi was pulled up first. Not a moment too soon either, as one of the Dreadnoughts in low orbit along with a few Cruisers in the sky fired their Gauss Cannons and missiles down upon the top of Satan’s Stone. The resulting explosion caused a pressure wave both on the surface which knocked us all to the ground, but it also pushed geysers of lava to the surface from the holes, burning several soldiers and setting numerous FOBs ablaze. “Shit!” We yelped and used our body to cover Visi, who shouted in concern since some of the molten rock splashed on us. “We need to get away, now!” We used our telekinesis to move others away as the lava quickly welled up, the pressure causing a small eruption from nearly every hole into the tunnel system Hell had dug. It only lasted a couple of minutes, but the damage was rather intense. Several soldiers died to intense heat cooking them alive in their armor. “Usually we’re more careful than this, but we’re pressed for time! Whatever they’re going to use Urta’s Argent for, it can’t be good!” Visilia hissed with grit teeth, the soldiers rallying as the explosion reaching underground meant the barrier was down. “Forward!” A resounding cry echoed through the army as all able-bodied troops from all divisions surged forth. Thankfully the bombardment had done a number on Hell’s forces. They were in disarray when we slammed into their ranks like a tide of death, ripping and tearing through demons left and right, even the higher ranked Knights and lesser Barons stood no chance to our fury. It felt good to have a reversal of what Hell must be used to, but even so this wasn’t enough. Hopefully the Doom Marines could get in up ahead and stop them from using Urta for their diabolical plans. Soon enough the demons began to withdraw. “That’s not good. If they retreat with Urta still in their possession, they’ll close the portal and we won’t get her back. Hurry! Stop them from leaving!” Visi commanded all of our forces. “No!” We roared and fought harder to push through the tunnels of Satan’s Stone and save Urta. “Keep them from closing the portal! Once we get Urta back, we’re rushing through to fuck every last one of them up!” Our demonic alicorn future wife roared as she and her own part of the Crusaders started steamrolling their way through the tunnel. Of course, the Demons heard this and sent as many as possible to slow us all down. “Give us back our wife and future husband!” We snarled as We tackled through their lines and broke their attempt to hold a chokepoint. Eventually, we all made it to the new football-field-sized canyon that had been the portal chamber. There was a ruined metal framework and machine mixed in with the stone rubble covering the floor, which wasn’t important now since We saw our unconscious wife being towed through the portal by Barons. She seemed incredibly heavy even to them, so she must’ve at least turned off the weight reduction of her Navel Pearl before they could manage to knock her out. The scientists were all there, fighting back with Argent-based weapons. Before they could do more than take out two of the forward lines of troops, Hunter took out two of them with his sniper rifle, but the rest fell back through the portal the moment Urta was on the other side. “No~!” We wailed and rushed towards the portal, but something knocked the sense out of us and We found ourselves being hefted into a sitting position by Visi. We dizzily observed as the Spider Mastermind crawled out into this reality, along with two Cyberdemons and a...We don’t even know what sort of demon this was. The top half was humanoid, sickly pale, two horns, with cybernetics implanted where the eyes would be, its left arm having been replaced with dual chainsaws, carrying a cannon with its right arm. As for the bottom half, it was attached to some hovercraft that helped it move around, equipped with two rotating machine guns and missile silos. “Of course.” We snarled and got back to our paws with a feeling of hot burning hatred in our chest. These monsters plan to steal our beloved away, then return and destroy all that We hold dear! They could field a thousand Cyberdemons and We would still fight! “Doom Hunter!” We heard Slayer call out, pointing at the hovering cyber-viking as it screeched back at him. “That abominable bastard is mine, deal with the rest!” He told us as the Demon Generals came charging at us all. “Raaah!” We roared while attacking the Spider Mastermind with our hardlight hammer. It cried out when our hammer dug into it’s squishy pink brain-like tissue. “We’re going to rip you apart!” We cast a point-blank soul spear that tore open the demon’s armor, then followed up with a soul stream on the opening before it skittered away. We then peppered it with our Infinity, the Slag weakening the cybernetic beast enough for us to close in and bash it’s jaw armor with our hammer. “Get out of our way!” We snarled when We grabbed its jaw and started pulling. While We were occupied with wrestling the Mastermind, all around us, it was turning into a bloody massacre. The Doom Hunter that Slayer was fighting had rammed into him and started killing others indiscriminately, both our side and the lesser demons still fighting. Meanwhile, the two Cyberdemons worked in unison, inflicting casualties among our soldiers trying to storm the portal while battling against the rest of the Doom Marines. Slayer dug his feet into the ground so that he could stop the Doom Hunter’s frantic movements, holding him still long enough for the veteran demon slayer to rip away it’s cybernetics. Soon enough, the thrusters that kept it off the ground lost power while it vainly tried to saw through his armor. As for the Cyberdemons, everyone managed to separate the two. Runner occupied one all by his lonesome while the soldiers and other Doom Marines quickly dispatched its twin. The Runner charged at the demon when it was distracted by the fact it had been fooled, and he slid underneath it. He stabbed a pair of kunai into the backs of it’s knees that detonated when he let go of them, and he jumped while it fell forward onto it’s hand and destroyed knees to drive another knife into the back of it’s skull, which again detonated when released, spraying grey matter everywhere. During all this, We had managed to keep the Mastermind pinned with our armored hands clenched on both the top and bottom of it’s jaws. Sure, it’s undercarriage’s cannon shot our legs and paws, but it was pretty much little more than an irritation. While We had it occupied, Pillar got under the Mastermind and was about slam his Warhammer into its underbelly, only for Arachnotrons; the smaller versions of the Mastermind, to start swarming in from the portal! “Pillar! Behind you!” We shouted in warning and strained to keep the Mastermind still. “Wha-?!” Pillar grunted when one pounced and he had to block it with his hammer’s haft, forcing him back as it tried to reach past his guard with it’s legs and turret. “Shit, Hunter they need support!” Runner called out as everyone fired upon the swarm of Arachnotrons that in turn pounded our troops with a hail of energy bolts and plasma grenades. This was until Hunter did something that made his rifle glow with the light of Urta’s Argent before he rapidly sniped the cannons off of the heads of over a dozen of the mechanized demons. This was quickly mirrored by his Ghosts while everyone else provided suppressing fire. “We’re going to kill you!” We roared as We kept pulling the Mastermind’s jaw wider. Arachnotrons swarmed us, shooting at us with their plasma weapons as We kept pulling. Seams started to form in the bastard's face as it cried out in panic. The bastard tossed us aside where We impacted the nearest wall of the massive chamber. “Is the portal still open?!” We snarled and fired the Infinity at the massive demon’s soft brain-like tissue which made it back off with screeches of pain. “Yes!” Collateral answered with Determination as he mowed down the demons alongside his Gunners. “Any way to kill this bastard quickly?” We snarled while swinging our hammer down at the skittering demons, sending them flying like golf balls. “Well-!” Runner began to speak, but something happened on the other side of the portal. There was a lot of screaming and roaring, the sounds of flesh being ripped apart as half of a Baron’s body was tossed back onto this side. “...She’s pissed.” He commented, clearly referring to Urta. Visilia and her Crusaders jumped onto the Mastermind before she looked up at us. “Go!” She shouted at us while they all started punching and stabbing the thing. “Wiatr!” Pillar called to us as his, Collateral’s and Hunter’s forces started storming through the portal. “C’mon, let’s go! The Guard and Visi’s Crusaders can finish them off!” “Alright.” We rushed to the portal and jumped through, intent on ripping the demons apart. This place was just like the visions of our mates’ memories, the desolate lands of Hell were bleak, fiery and sulfuric. So far all We saw were bodies of the demons that were carrying Urta here, and the only trail she left behind was the destruction she’d wrought. “She must be hunting down those Scientists. I need some Defenders to stay behind and fortify this portal. We’re not leaving until we get Urta back!” Pillar ordered and his faction got to work. “Urta!” We called out while jogging off after her. Everyone else kept up with us, calling out for her as well while Hunter and his Ghosts advanced ahead. “Hope she’s going to be okay.” > Ch.109 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.109 We grunted when We dodged the flying corpse of a Baron coming from further up ahead, where Urta had taken up a defensive stance over… “Oh no.” “My God.” Collateral muttered out as we all saw many dead Crusaders sprawled out in the surrounding area. In the middle of it all were possibly the last survivors, including Berserker himself. Urta stood guard over them as she growled at us, the naked turquoise vixen goddess of War was clearly in full combat mode. Her heaving breasts were gone, instead her body was like that of an androgynous warrior cut from gleaming gemstone. Her membrane was so rock-hard gleaming solid that she seemed to be reflecting as much light as she generated and clearly considered anyone around her to be a threat. “Now what? We can’t get near them if Urta doesn’t recognise us.” Pillar asked with a frustrated huff as the warrior goddess’s gem-like ears shifted to listen for any surprise attacks while she was distracted with us. “We could try kissing her.” We suggested, feeling pained to see Urta as little more than a battle-maiden who had even forsaken her feminine form for combat efficiency. “That’s if she’ll recognise you. Wait, what’s that in our brother’s left hand? A head?” Pillar asked and We leaned towards Pillar to get a better look at what he was seeing. We saw what that Hell Knight described before Visi rightfully stabbed it’s brain. It did appear to be a Baron of Hell, but why did it have four eyes instead of two? “Was that the new demon he’d slain? If so, wow, no wonder he and his warriors were having a hard time. If more of that were made, we wouldn’t have lasted.” Collateral’s comments made us worry, but that was an if situation. It didn’t happen, so now we can prepare for more of those in the future. “Can we just get back to how we’re going to calm Lady Urta down?” A Gunner Night Sentinel pointed out that we still have our wife to deal with. “Perhaps have Lord Hunter link with her mind and calm her down?” That’s not a bad idea. Hunter had his head down, thinking this over from the look of it. “I can try.” He answered before attempting it. Unfortunately, Urta’s state of mind wasn’t forgiving on his own, since he grabbed his head in pain and keeled over, then he unleashed a wave of psychic energy by accident and knocked us off our feet and on our asses, leaving him unconscious. “Crap. We need to calm her down somehow.” We said when We got back on our paws. “Any other ideas?” Pillar asked and we shook our heads, but then a metaphorical light bulb lit up over our’s. “Wait, those scientists fled in here right?” We asked rhetorically and everyone nodded. “Spread out and find them! We’ll sacrifice them to our wife to sate her bloodlust!” To think We need to offer our goddess wife a living sacrifice...worth it to get her back. (<3) “Rah!” Urta roared in mindless fury the moment the first of the traitors were tossed to her and she promptly wrenched the dumb fuck’s head from his shoulders with her bare hands, the blood evaporating on contact with her unbelievably hot crystalline body. “Give her the next one.” We ordered and the simpering turncoats who had betrayed us and helped Hell gain a foothold in our dimension were summarily handed over to Urta for execution. The furious Goddess of War, Power and Fertility tore them to pieces like the vindictive Asura, God of Wrath. She screamed in blind fury just as much as him too. “Keep going.” “This is probably for the best anyway. They’d be executed regardless.” Collateral muttered in a mixture of fear and a hint of arousal We picked up off of him. Most of the people witnessing Urta’s mindless slaughter were horrified, but a good number of them were aroused by her wrath on our shared enemy. The fact said arousal was mostly from our mates was encouraging. Urta finished ripping a stallion apart and snatched the mare up next, who screamed in despair only long enough for Urta to bite through her throat. “Ugh.” We groaned at the sound of bone and flesh tearing. We all looked away as she ate the mare, thankful that she was the last of the traitors. Urta had already been fed, both literally and metaphorically, the whole lot of the traitors. We then heard Urta stomping our way and We jumped away from her, ready to defend ourselves in case she had fully turned on us in her madness. However, while she still looked like an androgynous crystal golem of a fox, she no longer had her eyes consumed in the glowing light of her Argent, instead allowing her pupils and irises to be seen. They too were crystal, so beautiful if not for the dour leer they possessed. “Sorry about that. I learned today that if I’m in immense danger with no easy way out and people needing me, I seem to enter a really dangerous berserker state.” Urta huffed and looked at her crystalline body, patting her flat, toned pectorals with a frown. “That better not be permanent. I need my tits back.” She huffed, then sighed in relief when her membrane softened and her glorious bust ballooned out from her otherwise slim chest. “Oh thank Wiatr, I couldn’t stand to be breastless.” We felt a powerful surge of energy and happiness at her invoking us in regards to her body’s sexual allure. At least by her own standards, that is very important. “Eh! Love you~!” We squealed and shrunk down to hug and kiss our wife, who hummed into our lips and embraced us in return, her tail wagging quickly along with our own, even though We’re a Skaven right now and not any form of canine or vulpine. “No way!” Collateral exclaimed as he hefted up something one of his Gunners presented to him. “This is a new form of BFG! It might be even better than what we have right now! Scour the place! We need to steal as much of the traitor’s work as possible before we blow this joint!” “Good idea. We need some time to get Berserker and his surviving troops medevaced too.” Pillar reinforced the plan and We were too busy to comment on it, what with us smooching our wife and groping her booty while she ran her hands over our armor. “I’ll have some people get on that while the Gunners and Ghosts ransack this place.” Runner said and he approached us, slapping both of our asses and making us jump. “Okay you two, are you okay with our decisions? You’re the locals here and even if we’re fighting alongside you, it’s your realm we’re defending.” “Yeah, medevac everyone who needs it and take anything not nailed down.” Urta huffed indignantly as she rubbed her spanked booty with a pout at Runner. “Are you doing okay?” We asked our wife worriedly, idly wondering when We’d retracted our helmet. We must’ve done it on instinct when We went to kiss her. “Frustrated and angry, but calmer.” Urta snarled as she looked at the giblets that remained of the back-stabbing scientists she hadn’t eaten. “At least those treacherous fucks are dead and gone and Hell will finally be booted from our world, at least for a long time.” “Indeed. Speaking of which, since we’re going to be doing cleanup as quick as possible, let’s get you two back home.” Pillar stated and We sighed in relief as We hugged Urta to our side, the glowing turquoise goddess huffing proudly. “I’m not some defenseless princess to coddle. Though, this place stinks like an overflowing privy. Let’s get out of here babe. The sooner I can mix some liquid soap in my goo to wash this place’s taint out, the better.” Urta grumbled and she hooked an arm through ours, practically pulling us along and out of Hell’s dimension. “Glad to see you’re just as eager as We are to get this over with.” We commented when we reached the massive portal after a fairly long walk. The distance from the portal and the base Hell was using in their dimension was only a few minutes at a mad sprint, but easily a half-hour of brisk walking at our current average sizes. “I don’t want that thing open any longer than it needs to be. Us being on this side expedites that just a bit more.” Urta stated as she visibly calmed down now that she was back on Equus. “Besides, us two gooey gals would just get in the way. Now then, I’m hungry and there’s a lot of convenient meat laying around here-h-hey! You! Don’t eat all the meat!” We blinked and looked to see Minion gorging on demon corpses, who paused at the indignant demand of our wife, who turned amorphous and began gobbling up bodies, which Minion rapidly began competing with. Most disgusting eating contest ever, but fun to watch anyway. (<3) “So how do we seal a Hell Portal?” We asked Pillar after everyone had returned from the portal to find a disturbingly clean battle arena with Urta armored back up and visibly pleased with herself. She and Minion had consumed all of the organic bits of the enemy’s corpses while Visi and the troops gathered our dead. After the disgusting feast of Gluttonous proportions, Minion had vanished after We’d provided her a sample of Hermais to sniff him out. Sorry if she’s too creepy for you son, but one less problem for us is one less problem. “The easiest way is to destroy the keystone of the portal, but they could just make another one this size in a decade or so. Instead, we’re going to blow up the planet they used as their staging point with a Crucible. Berserker, or Todd, needs to come over here and do the deed.” Pillar answered us grimly, as if news either of them could blow up a planet was disturbing by now. “Okay, that’s good. Then we all have a victory orgy.” Urta declared casually and We scoffed. “Really Urta?” We asked in exasperation. We are the Goddess of Sex and We are not in the mood after all of this. We just want to relax, unwind and put this behind us for the next disaster. Besides, there’s still Lethice to deal with and she’s not about to let us recover from this. “Not that I object, but why so soon? We still have things to do.” Collateral voiced and We nodded in agreement. “Besides, there’s five of us guys and I don’t think Visi will be able to take us all at once.” Collateral commented and from nearby, Visi’s wings pomfed out even though she continued working. Heh, she’s eavesdropping and got a wingboner~! “We’d all fuck Wiatr of course.” Urta chuckled as she patted our armored butt and We rolled our eyes. We’d gladly do that, but not now. Commerce is screaming at us to get to work on recouping the losses incurred by this horrible situation ASAP. War is such a waste of money and resources! We’re so glad We passed War to Urta the moment it began emerging in us. “...Unsurprising.” Hunter’s Ghost commented with a shrug, since Hunter was in traction from overloading his psyche, he needed someone to represent his troops. “But I speak for all of the Legion, it’s a hard pass for us.” Oi. Are We a joke to you? We feel insulted. “Just an open invitation.” Urta winked as she gestured her hands down her form-fitting UAC armor, which was provided to her since Hell destroyed her golden Dragonslayer armor. That thing was an antique! Ugh! Irreplaceable! Commerce is having a fucking aneurysm from all the lost equipment, munitions, people...We desperately need to get to work the moment things are finished up here. “Urta.” We sighed in fond exasperation, still having our Sex aspect stoked by her in spite of our powerful need to focus on more important things than carnal delights. At least in terms of priority. “Think of it this way ma’am: After finally venting your hatred on your enemies, vent your passion for your loved ones. It balances things out.” That’s...rather sage advice. “Yeah.” Urta purred in agreement as she wrapped her arms around our armored waist and hips to press into our back. “How long until the portal is destroyed?” We asked in exasperation. We don’t mind Urta’s advances aside from the fact that it is not the time. It would be the time once safety is secured. “As soon as the last of our troops are cleared out and Berserker or Slayer are ready to deliver the killing blow.” Pillar answered before We saw his Defenders start filing back through the portal, which meant things were almost finished on the other side. “In that case-Urta, please behave.” We huffed when Urta started playing with our armor’s tail, which jostled our trio of rat tails about inside it. “Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen those tails used in combat.” Runner commented when he approached us from the direction of the portal. “Huh?” We blinked, trying to ignore the instincts that Urta was triggering by playing with our rear appendages. Tail-pulling was often an intimate thing with many species. Rats are no different and We have three tails... “Well, they only seem to come up during sex. You don’t use them to fight, or eat, just to facilitate more sex or multitasking mundane things.” Runner clarified when he gestured at our dragon-like armor tail. Behind him, We saw Berserker and Todd ready their glowing Crucible swords before reentering the portal. “We never thought of them for combat.” We commented in a bit of surprise that We hadn’t really even considered it. Which was especially weird since Willow had tail-hands, but even she only used them for what Runner mentioned. “Maybe We should see how that would work.” “Maybe you should?” Urta purred and pressed our thick armor tail against our back with her armored chest while her hands groped our armored ass. “Alright people!” Berserker shouted, drawing attention to him and Slayer leaving the portal, which collapsed in on itself seconds later. “We’re done here!” Everyone cheered, including us. (<3) “I swear, you keep putting my portals in such odd places.” Harmonia chided playfully as We passed her, the doe having given birth to her latest children in the past weeks thanks to using a gestation accelerator the Coven developed, so she was once more a perfect hourglass in jeans and a blue blouse. “You don’t dislike it.” We replied before disengaging our armor’s environment seal, which Urta promptly abused by pulling up our armored skirt to flash Harmonia our ‘female insert male’ print panties! “Urta!” We yelped with a hot blush on our face as We vainly tried to force the Goddess of Power to let go. “She’s still as sexy as the day you met, huh? Do you want to join in on some fun?” Urta purred to the goddess of Harmony while We felt absolutely embarrassed at being exposed without our intent and someone else soliciting Sex for us! Stop trying to steal all of our Aspects Urta! “I would love to, but I’m afraid that Harmony is about to be further destabilized soon. I’m not in any proper mood.” Harmonia turned us down?! Whatever’s about to happen, it must be bad! “What is it? Do you have any ideas what’s about to happen?” We asked the crystalline doe as Urta perked up and dropped our skirt before she grabbed us by the hand and began sprinting towards the Keep, pulling us along so quickly We were practically flapping in the wind behind her. “Urta?!” “No, no, no, no!” Urta chanted desperately and burst into the foyer to see Torturas stand in the open while Pharos and maybe-Sif sat at attention. “No~!” W-what is it Urta?! What’s wrong?! “Prepare for War~!” Torturas cheerfully waved at us and held up a scroll. “Since you finished off Hell, Queen Lethice has ended the cease-fire!” The blue 8-foot tall hyper-busty holstaurus cheerfully informed us. “Great.” We huffed in frustration, having expected this while Urta actually choked on a sob, clearly distraught that her plans for raunchy sexytimes have been stopped by her own Aspect. “Oh! I’m also not her ambassador anymore! Can I make more calves?” Torturas asked with sparkly eyes, her hands clutched beneath her massive beach-ball breasts that strained her stereotypical cow-print tank top. “Uh...” We blinked at the disconnect. We forgot how genuinely vapid she was with how busy We’ve been lately. “No. Thanks to your bitch of a former boss, we have way too much to do now.” Urta pouted, crossing her arms under her comparatively modest basketball boobs. “Damn it. I need to breed, but I can’t get my rocks off with mortar shells bombarding them.” “Urta, be nice to her. She’s a messenger and good guys don’t shoot the messenger.” We heard Pillar call out as he entered the Keep in his wolf form, which like the others was his default when around Unity. “Oh no, she’s right. Lethice is a capital B Bitch. One Cocoa wishes to dominate if there is a chance, payback for making Cocoa a breeding sow for Hellhounds.” Cocoa commented from the door to the nursery. “No, wait! Linda don’t throw Mickal at Nantu!” Cocoa suddenly said from one of her other heads still inside the door and she rushed back inside. “What’s a Hellhound?” Pillar asked and Torturas raised her hand as if she were in school. “A Hellhound is two Diamond Dogs merged with Corruption magic and sex.” Torturas answered and tapped her finger to her chin. “Although, why they only have two heads when Cerberus giants exist in Tartarus I don’t get.” “What is Corruption? Why is it bad? And Minion loves Demon Meat!” Minion chirped from where she appeared in our midst, causing us all to yelp at her sudden reappearance. Right, forgot she existed in all the mayhem! “Sorry for disappearing Mistress! Minion wanted to encounter the beautiful creature again!” “That’s okay. Well, from evidence, We think Corruption is linked to Hell’s Argent somehow. We’re unsure how though. Where would Lethice start?” We asked Pillar, only for Minion to get in front of us. “Right here!” Declared Minion, poking a finger under our boobs and in our sternum, which she somehow did through our super-advanced armor without damaging it. “Uh...literally, or metaphorically?” Urta asked in concern. “Yes!” Minion simply answered without answering, causing us to sigh. “Okay, but an actual location of tactical use to her.” We groaned and she chirpily rushed back out of the doors of the keep and we followed her. “There!” Minion pointed at the Breeding Center, which spontaneously had the smaller doors inside the massive gates burst open and a doctor rushed towards us. “Princess! Princess! The eggs!” “No~!” We wailed in understanding and rushed away from the others and into the Breeding Center with the doctor frantically following. We could barely hear the doctor’s distressed babbling as We entered the hatchery to find it empty. Every single one of our beloved unborn whelps, stolen. Even the massive 15x10 foot ones. “That, heartless, Bitch…” We seethed, our clenched fists shaking. “We should’ve known better than to believe she’d hold to the truce.” “How?!” Urta asked in shared despair, because even though she hadn’t had any eggs with us, she was Fertility and having unborn children abducted was likely beyond heartbreaking for her. “We don’t know! Everything was fine until about 10 minutes ago! Then several Minotaurs and other Lust Demons popped in with some sort of magic and-!” “Where?” We snarled. “We don’t know your Majesty! They just slapped stickers on them and-!” “Rargh!” We roared and punched the nearest wall, which fractured and cracked the solid blue stone. “Find them! Hunt them down! I want every single Lust Demon you find brought in and made to spill every single secret they have!” We roared at the soldiers past everyone else, who rushed off to fulfill our righteous order. We turned, intent on heading for the Dragonlands to get Cynder, only to freeze and realize with horror We couldn’t sense her. None of her senses, thoughts, nothing. “Where is Cynder?!” We panicked, a sudden sensation of wrongness lancing through our shared hearts and souls. A quarter of us was simply gone. “Princess!” A pegasus panted as he weakly flew into the room. “The-the Dragonlands! They’re gone!” “What do you mean gone?!” We were on the verge of a panic attack. All that kept us from losing our shit entirely was Urta’s hand on our shoulder and the other squeezing our hand. “I mean they’ve vanished! The whole land has been replaced by the ocean!” “We are going to that Bitch’s door now.” We seethed as We looked out the door at Torturas, who seemed utterly baffled as Pillar kept her in place, but not forcefully. Rather, the towering wolf seemed to be gently rubbing the hyper-busty motherly holstaurus’s shoulders. “Where is she?” “Uh...there’s two places she used as her base, she swaps between them, saying one’s a decoy? They’re exactly the same and um...actually, I think she even built others, but leaves them empty. Some weird uh, thing, she said. Free real estate?” Torturas scratched her head and Pillar shook his head with an exhausted sigh and a pat on her shoulders. Bless his patience with the vapid cow, because We need a buffer to prevent us venting our wrath on someone who doesn’t deserve it. “She has several decoy evil villain lairs? Let us guess, the two she showed you are probably empty?” We asked the heifer rhetorically and she nodded. “That’s what I’d do! Especially if I just violated the spirit of an important legal document.” Torturas nodded in cheerful agreement. “I’ll point them out, but don’t get your hopes up.” “Let’s talk to Runner, he might be able to help since he and the Chasers work with Hunter and the Ghosts in finding things quite often.” Pillar suggested when he let go of Torturas’ shoulders and she pouted up at him in disappointment, clearly hoping to get some action from him. “Good point. He can also travel faster than almost anyone.” If there’s a person on this planet who could find Lethice’s hidey hole, it’d be him for sure. “That and he could probably point out the fakes. We’ll search them just in case any of the eggs are there. We’ll destroy them and box the bitch in. However, once we do find her; you know we need her alive in order for us to bring the Dragonlands back. We’ll leave the torturing to Runner, he’ll make her talk. After that, she’s all yours.” Pillar laid out for us and We nodded in agreement to the plan. “”Let’s go with that. Now, if you’ll all excuse us, We have political work to do.” We snarled and stormed out of the hatchery. > Ch.110 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.110 At least not all was lost involving the dragons. Barb had gotten our job offer and accepted, so when We’d stormed into our office and found her working at a smaller desk next to ours, We literally fell to our knees at her chair and wept into her lap in some measure of relief mixed with our immense despair. Barb was equally distraught when We told her of what happened to her twin brother and all of the Dragonlands, along with all of our eggs. At least Barb evaded their fate due to unexpectedly leaving her home to be our secretary because she knew how hopeless We were at organization. Bless her. Bless her to her very soul! Well, We blessed her a bit too hard...she’s very annoyed with us for knocking her up through sheer joy and us forgetting to restrain our holy power in the process of thanking her. At least with the help of the Womb Wards she had both a Navel Pearl and other magics to keep her from being an egg-brained brood slut. We wish We had a Thought Tiara to keep our mental acuity during our own draconic pregnancies...oh well, it’s new and that’s besides the point. Two months. It has taken two months to explore all of Lethice’s decoy fortresses thoroughly. We found nothing of the eggs or their whereabouts. We still had at least two more bases that we found by notes in all the others! “Where are they?” We whimpered and sniffled in despair with Barb rubbing our shoulders and pressing her milky green b-ball boobs into the back of our head. She filled out her black pencil skirt and white blouse quite well, looking every bit the sexy secretary. While this pleased us, our despair was too great for her presence alone to soothe us. Our paranoia over her safety along with the eggs she’d been bearing these past months led us to even have Urta surrogate the living eggs in her womb and have Barb accompanied by elite Ghosts whenever not with us. “Wiatr, look at me!” Berserker demanded, trying to keep himself in check as he forced us to look at him. “Hun, we are all worried, but letting despair crush us won’t help. Runner’s doing his job as fast as he possibly can. This can’t be rushed.” “We know...We...We just can’t feel Cynder and We’re worried about the eggs and…” We hiccupped. “We’re afraid for them.” We rubbed Barb’s hands on our shoulders and she kissed the top of our head, letting us know that she understood our pain. Her brother and all of her unborn nieces and nephews were gone, along with her beloved sister-in-laws. “We’ll find them dear.” Visilia told us gently from where she stood next to Berserker in front of our desk. “When do we move to the next place?” We asked them while Barb moved away from us, because she has her own share of the work to get done. She can’t drop it to just comfort us any more than We could drop all of the work on her. Unity still needs running, our people still need the government to keep going. The mayor might be able to handle the day-to-day, but with all of the military matters going on, our work is constant lately. “I’ll have Runner report that.” Visilia plugged her comm into the desk phone. “Hey Wiatr, we’re blowing up the latest place and moving on. There’s nothing at this one either. I swear, just how powerful is Lethice?” Runner questioned and We shook our head in shared pondering. If she had this many resources and the power to wipe part of a continent off the map, what else could she be hiding? “I mean, with that kind of power, she might have even created her own demiplane.” “A Demiplane?” We blinked in horror. That might be it! Fuck, she wouldn’t even need special magic to do that! Our magic Inventories work much the same! What if she engulfed the Dragonlands in giant tits, then shrunk them back down after snapping the land off the ocean floor or something while we were all focused on fighting Hell to the point of being blind to it?! “Wiatr.” Berserker grabbed our shoulders and Barb was behind us again, joining him by rubbing our neck and whispering sweet nothings into our plate-sized rodent ears. “How would We find her?” We whined, considering that may have even happened and if not, she may have done that and set up shop in her own demiplane, which would be nigh impossible to find without any clues! “Leave that to me, I’ll hunt that bitch down across dimensions if it’s the last thing I do.” Runner assured us and We could only hope that his efforts would bear fruit. “She could have used one of the remaining bases as an anchor.” Urta suggested from where she’d been standing behind Barb’s desk at the wall. Urta had essentially decided to be Barb’s personal bodyguard as well as her surrogate for her non-stillborn eggs. The way Urta put it, if not for Spike, by extension Barb, not setting Willow, Daring and Svartr off when all this had begun, We wouldn’t have been the sex and pregnancy-obsessed person Urta met and fell for. Also because Barb was hotter than sin and drove Urta mad with breed-hunger. Those two have been working their sexual frustrations out on one another since We’re so distraught and unable to enjoy our chief Aspect lately. Sex isn’t meant to be an escape, it’s meant to revel in the moment. Our moments have all been horrible as of late. “Good call Urta. We’ll be prepared for any traps she’s set for us.” Runner replied, which reminded us of how bad our situation was locally. Right now, the Guard was at a low. We’d lost too many troops at the Siege of Satan’s Stone to go into open warfare, so it was the Sentinels leading the charge and insisting they root out the demons, even if they aren’t of Hell directly. “Right. Reports do point out that it’s her weaker armies fighting us.” Urta commented, which further cemented how dire our situation is. The Guard can’t even face the Lust Demons right now, because the forces they were fielding across the lands were just token guerilla forces and already they were too much at the moment. “Just remember that a lot of these cannon fodder minions are more recent converts.” Runner’s words were true. The standing orders, despite how pissed everyone was, were to capture as many low-ranking demons as possible for purification. They may not remember much of their lives as demons for until a while afterward, but they were still people who needed saving too. The fact many of them were battle-hardened soldiers or whatnot meant each purified demon was a potential new soldier on our side. How the tables have turned, huh bitch? “Even so, We think We might turn Lethice into a pet for this or maybe into a trophy to discourage imitators.” We snarled vindictively, the thoughts of putting the bitch who had hurt the world so much for so long actually got a rise out of us, our neglected core aching now that We’d been turned on. It didn’t help that bitch kept sending slutty selfies to our phone. The sooner she was in our grasp, the sooner sweet sexy vengeance could commence. “I just want her dead so that we won’t have to deal with her shit.” Berserker growled and clenched his hands into fists after he’d released us and left Barb to keep comforting us. “Either way she’ll be dealt with.” We snarled when We sat back and nuzzled the back of our head into Barb’s bosom, to which she playfully cooed and kissed our head again. “What should We do in the meantime while we wait for further updates? We’re just about done with today’s workload thanks to Barb.” We wormed our trio of tails around Barb’s thicc thighs and her similarly thicc tail, which made her chest rumble in a lustful purr. We may not feel like having sex, but that doesn’t mean We don’t want to enjoy seeing others have pleasure. Voyeurism is fairly enjoyable in it’s own right. “How about we spar?” Berserker suggested to us. He’d been fairly dedicated to working on his skills since after the Siege of Satan’s Stone. We fear he might be feeling inadequate compared to Slayer. “You two can, I’ll stay here and...watch over things.” Visi told us as she looked between Barb and Urta, who were leering hungrily at each other and We knew what she really meant. “Sure, it’d be better than sitting around and feeling useless or like a third wheel.” We said before getting up and kissing Barb, Urta and Visi. “Have fun you three.” We winked and followed Berserker downstairs where Pharos and Sif, yes, that Sif, were laying down and watching children play around on their fluffy bodies. Past them was the keep’s new barracks and armory, thus the training room. “You know, this is the first time we’ve sparred with each other.” Berserker commented, doing some stretches and popping some joints while We tossed off our dress to be nude, then pulled a blue sports bra and matching yoga shorts from our cleavage. “Yes, you never really suggested it.” We replied as We got dressed and altered our bust and butt sizes to be smaller for the more modest clothes. We really must order clothes in our size, We can’t rely on our magic dress and armor forever. Why do We feel Aventurine is jealous again? “How do you wanna do this?” The red dracowolf asked us while stripping off his armor to leave him in his tight black shirt and pants that were meant to allow him to have a layer between him and his armor without restricting movement. “First to pin the other?” By other sparring rules We doubt We’d have any hope of victory. At least in a pin-to-win We might surprise him with our incredible strength and agility. “Sure.” Berserker agreed before he brought his fists up and bounced on his paws like a boxer. Heh, but he isn’t a boxer, he’s a wolf! Whoa! Head in the fight girl! We can’t beat him if We daydream. We lunged at him, but used a feint and whipped our tails at his paws, which he jumped over and We both circled each other. We then went straight at him, punching his arms when he blocked, but two of our three tails wrapped around his ankles while the third got his neck. However, while We did ensnare him, it didn’t go as planned. He grabbed our wrists and pulled us into a headbutt. Good thing We’re slime! All he did was temporarily decapitate us by smashing our head, but We don’t need our head to survive, or even see. “*Blub*!” We blurbled and tried to wrestle him to the ground, but while We had incredible strength, so did he. It was like trying to force a solid steel statue to move, while all he had to do was exert enough force and our membrane would give out, allowing him to slip through. We’d resorted to trying to engulf him, but he kept pulling out of us enough to avoid it. Eventually he slipped away and We fully reformed, feeling something approaching physical exertion for the first time in years. “Forgetting something?” Berserker asked when he held up the bra and yoga shorts with a victorious grin. “Maybe we should’ve agreed on some other win condition. I’m too strong for you to force into submission and you’re too malleable for me to pin you unless you let me.” “Right. How about until someone says ‘Uncle’?” We leered at him and our draconic horns on our skaven head shined before We started launching myriad types of spells at him, ranging from homing soul spells, explosive fire spells and even chilling ice spells. Berserker dodged most of the spells We cast his way, but he had to use his arms to shield himself from the ice spells, which encased them in blocks of ice. “Shit!” He grunted, faltering a bit from it. Yes! He can’t do much without his arms! We rushed in with our hands covered in frost and We started acting like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. We kept Berserker on his toes by freezing the floor so it was hard for him to get a good footing before We went in to grapple. We engulfed him properly this time, then slammed him to the icy floor. “We got you!” We cheered and did a little happy dance, which more or less was us jiggling our upper body and sending said jiggles through our amorphous blob of a lower body that pinned him. “Yeah, Uncle.” Berserker rolled his eyes in amusement and casually started moving his hands through our goo, which made us gasp and shudder in surprise. We’ve never had someone inside us who wasn’t inside us. “D-did We do good with that?” We asked and tried not to think of the tactile sensation of being in direct contact with his whole body below the neck and above the paws while he swished his fingers inside of our iridescent slime. “Yes, you knew what you were doing.” Berserker nodded and reached up into our tits, tracing his fingers curiously on the inside of our bosom and making us moan as pleasure began tingling through our goo. “W-We played as Sub-Zero a lot in Mortal Kombat. Also Soul, Fire and Crystal magic seem natural to us. Ice is a form of crystal, so it was easy too.” We rambled as his hands tested the membrane of our boobs and We felt our body starting to warm up. “I see.” He casually replied and grabbed our nipples from the inside~!   “Ahn~! D-don’t do that~!” We keened at the unfamiliar and intense sensation, swiftly morphing into a full blob and slithering away from him. “Oh? Did the match end? That was just one round.” Berserker casually said as he drove his hands into our goo and raw energy poured into us, causing us to squeal when the reaction forced our membrane into semi-solidity and he began gathering our goopy body like We were slimy silly-putty. “C’mon, say Uncle.” “N-no~!” We wailed as he quickly compacted us into a yoga-ball of iridescent putty. “I’m only going to keep making things harder on you if you don’t figure out how to counter me just using raw magic energy to solidify you.” Berserker warned before he drove-. “Ahn~!” H-he j-just formed our p-pussy a-and he’s-! “No~! U-Uncle! Uncle~!” We wailed desperately, absolutely unused to the idea of someone using basic magic to take away our inherent near-invulnerability to physical harm and manipulation. “I heard you say it twice, that means I win by default.” Berserker cheekily declared and We huffed indignantly as We reformed our skaven shape and pouted up at him. “Oh, don’t give me that look. You learned something.” Berserker stated and We blew a raspberry. “We knew magic was one of a slime’s natural vulnerabilities. You just demonstrated even the most basic of magic nullifies our natural defenses.” We really couldn’t think of a way around it either. We are Magic. The only entity more inherently magical than us is Twilight, because she’s the Goddess of Magic and Friendship. “You learn more every day.” Berserker smiled smugly as We glared at him for that little remark. “You used to be a terrible student t-.” We sucker-punched at his face, but he dodged by springing to his paws and making distance. “Shut it! We know!” We huffed and licked our lips when We glanced below his belt. Curse this universe’s magic to cause male bulges to be non-existent! “Kick me in the balls and I’ll punch your cunt inside-out this time.” Berserker threatened us and We rolled our eyes. “You rile us up sexually and that’s what you think We’re thinking?” We huffed in annoyance and his sternly angry expression quickly turned smug and amused. “To think, years back, you summoned Hunter and he brought me in too to help you fight demons. Then within a week or so we all ended up in bed together, waking up to you and Visi giving us wake-up blowjobs.” Berserker snorted in fond remembrance and We smiled at the memory. “That wasn’t us though.” We said and he scrunched up his brow at us. “That was Willow, remember?” We probed and he perked in understanding. “Ah, sorry Wiatr. I forget you’re multiple people sometimes.” Berserker apologized and We felt at ease. We may be one person, but to ascribe our individual pasts to us collectively devalues each of our parts. “Now then, Willow, I also happen to remember that was the time you accidentally called me a Brute.” “Yes, sorry about that.” We replied, since it seemed the mood was gone now. “Yeah, I remember that. I also remember that we were both at odds with each other.” Berserker pointed out while looking our nude body over. Oh, right, We’re still naked. “Yes. We still find you brash, but We grew to like it over time.” We admitted and summoned our magic dress, since it seemed the spar was over. “So you consider my straightforwardness to be brash?” Berserker questioned and We sighed. “Yes. It’s mostly why Willow had a preference for Hunter over you for a while.” We told him and he winced. “I just don’t like being held back. I’m done with holding back, it’s done nothing for me in the past.” Berserker grumbled. “We know and We understand.” We said before We nuzzled his cheek to calm his temper. “Hm.” Berserker hummed as he returned our affection in kind, hugging us close to him. “We were also creeped out by Runner for a while there.” We mewled in admission. “Well, you did hurt me and he doesn’t take kindly to that.” Berserker reminded us. “But at least you’ve gotten the hang of him and his...quirkiness.” “Yeah, We also found out he likes his…” Berserker covered our mouth before We could say it. “Let’s not talk about that.” He shook his head. “Okay.” We giggled, glad that We avoided the topic that uneased him. “So, anything else you want to do?” Berserker asked us, scratching his head. “Because, I don’t know what else to do, besides sparring some more.” “Hm~.” We purred before giving him a kiss and rubbing his back. “Some non-breeding nookie?” We may not have been in the mood earlier, but Berserker’s brutal abuse of our pleasure has us all bothered. “Hm, okay.” Berserker chuckled and groped our ass, his fingers sinking into our slime with how hard he squeezed, causing our dress to overflow his fingers with our simulated ass-flesh. “What first?” We crooned at the sensation, much more familiar than when his hands and fingers were swirling our slime about. “How about a standing sixty-nine?” Bryan suggested while he kneaded our thicc, jiggly ass. “Sure.” We purred and let him pick us up, but he didn’t flip us upside-down right away. “Hold on.” We wobbled in his arms in disorientation and blinked when We realized he had somehow teleported us to his private room. It was very spartan, he must not bother with creature comforts, but he has a very big bed. Wait, isn’t that…? “That’s the same bed?” We blushed at remembering the big, lavish bed covered in red sheets, blankets and big red pillows. This was the same bed We first had sex with Berserker, Hunter and Visi years ago. We squeaked when his pants dropped and he flipped us over, practically driving our snout into his musky groin, the basketball-sized nuts absolutely drowning our senses in his scent. “Take a nice good sniff of them~.” Berserker growled as he nuzzled our dress skirt over our rump and began licking our plump pussy. “Mmf~.” We muffled into his balls and began groping and licking them, lavishing the succulent, churning red orbs in affection, watching eagerly as his thick and throbbing tumescence emerged from his sheath. The gurgling sound of his semen being produced in them, all thanks to our blessing, made us shiver in excitement. “Mm~!” We moaned when his own attention on our groin intensified. “Mm~.” Berserker groaned into our muff while he dutifully ate us out, his tongue diving us deeper and retrieving our nectar for him to drink. We moaned and huffed as We cleaned his balls. Groaning, he reached down and shoved our head further into his sack, the musk clouding our head and the sloshing sound of his sperm made us even more wet... (<3) We woke to our head on Berserker’s chest with Pillar and Collateral nuzzling us. Our belly was full of seed, our quim dripping with it around their cocks. Looks like We blessed them too, since their balls were the same size as Berserker’s. “Urp, good thing We aren’t receptive right now.” We groaned before We felt Collateral purr in our ear and buck. “Hm~.” The black wolf nuzzled us and it was at this point We noticed he and Pillar weren’t towering giants, but rather the same size as Berserker’s still-impressive 9 foot height. They were wearing intricate collars of sorts that looked like more ceremonial versions of our own Undead collar. Which We’re still wearing. Thank gosh We haven’t misplaced this thing with how often We forget it’s there. “You’re still horny? You three have been going at us for three days.” We tittered tiredly and belched up an air bubble that must’ve built up from all the jostling and thrusting. “Yeah, well, I haven’t gotten this much sex in a long while.” Collateral replied with Pillar nodding in agreement. “Unf!” We grunted when they shoved their penises back into our eternally-thirsty cunt. “You two keep shoving back in~!” We mewled while our body instinctively began milking their lengths for more. If not for our Navel Pearl, We’d be taking up most of this room with our cum-bubble of a body! “Your pussy just feels so good~.” Pillar commented as they fucked us. “Of course, we could go with Berserker’s idea and keep your head sandwiched between our balls.” “Unf, unf fuck!” We panted whens Berserker crawled beneath us, dragging his dick along our slick slimy back until he had our head lying on his gurgling balls. “Berserker~.” We mewled while looking up past his massive cock and swole pecs at the smugly smirking dracowolf. “What?” Berserker raised an eyebrow as the other two latched onto our breasts and started drinking our milk while he cupped his balls up into our ears so We could barely hear around the arousing sound of his testacles churning in our ears. “Ahh, so hot~!” We moaned and wriggled our body the best We could to further pleasure our mates without losing our body’s shape. Thank Urta she has most of the Fertility Aspect, otherwise We don’t think We could avoid breeding with these boys~! (<3) Our goo smelled like them. Our slime was a pheromone sponge absolutely soaked in the thick musk of our mates to the point it was hard to think of doing anything but fuck them forever. Our addled state was interrupted when Visilia nuzzled us with a potion in hand. “Is that the dick potion? Did they finish?” We groaned in confusion, wondering when our mates stopped. Our whole body was still practically frothing and fizzing from how much the boys pumped us up and shook our slime. If We were carbonated, We’d have exploded hundreds of times by now. “Yes and it was quite a show by the time I came around to see where everybody had gone.” Visilia purred while she stroked our fecund cum reservoir of a belly, still restricted in size by our Navel Pearl. “You couldn’t stop worshipping their balls and sucking them off, alternating between them while the other two fucked your pussy and ass.” “Their balls are godly.” We moaned as she drank the potion and blinked at her dazedly. “Did you just drink that dick potion?” We groaned before smelling her scent change to that spicy musk We remembered when she was nearly Corrupted. It was so fucking hot to see her massive horsecock and heavy cantaloupe-sized nuts grow between her thicc muscular thighs. “Yes, because it’s my turn~. Don’t worry, as tempting as it is, I won’t demand that you give me babies.” Visi assured us as she stroked her dick to it’s full 18 inch mast. “Masturbating while I watched Urta stuff Barb with Argent Eggs just got me thirsty, then I was stuck watching you four go at it. I need to fucking fill you until you pop!” Visilia snarled with a sexy smirk. “Oh~, yes~!” We wailed excitedly, really wishing We could have children right now thanks to all of these scents and already being pumped up to an untold size full of cum. “Good girl. Not that you were going to say anything else with how dumbfucked you are right now.” Visilia purred as she kissed us, rubbing our breasts and nibbling our ear. “Mm, you smell nice~. It almost makes me feel envious.” “Envious?” We mewled in our daze as We reached down to grope her balls and she grunted in approval. “Almost envious.” Visi emphasized as she raised up onto her knees and positioned herself next to our head. We moaned and dove our snout into her scrotum, shivering when it made us even wetter and We began licking and kissing them. Visilia moaned as she rubbed our head and pressed us hard to her heavy orbs. “Mm, yes. Soak up my scent you sexy slut.” “Breed us.” We begged her and grabbed her cock, licking up as much as We could of the throbbing thick beast. “Yes my pet, I’ll gladly-*hiss* w-wait! Wiatr!” Visi screamed as she tried to pull away from us, but We squeezed her cock and she gasped before We pulled her demonic horsedick down to start sucking on her flare. “Oh~, yes. Good slut. Suck me-n-no! Gotta...still not...get...off!” Visi wriggled and pulled away from our lustful grasp with effort and We whined in disappointment. “Sorry. I guess I’m still not ready to deal with this properly. Immediately after I said I wouldn’t, I had to give in to a domination play and slipped into that same dangerous mindset.” “Mistress, but We want your foals.” We mewled, before she fired a green bolt from her horn into our eyes. “Ow!” We squeaked and rubbed our eyes, our hazy sex-crazed daze cleared up. “We’re clear headed now Visi. For the most part. You’re tempting on your own, each of our mates other than you has at least one from us.” We mewled as We ordered our thoughts. How long have We been having a continuous orgy? We’re pretty confused from all the sex. “Okay, but didn’t I say I wouldn’t shove my balls in your face and no babies? Then I immediately went against my own words. Maybe this is a bad idea...” Visi’s ears wilted and We frantically waved our hands. “No! We want your balls in our face! To be marked and maybe bred...just once...” We mewled desperately, deeply wanting to consummate our love for this wonderful warrior woman. “Well, I’m flattered and honored, but we can save this for another time.” Visi said and We gave her puppy eyes as We licked her glans and rubbed her balls, absorbing the boy's seed so it wouldn’t fertilize us if she said yes. We made ourselves as adorable as We could and rubbed our breasts on her cock to further entice her. “Please~?” We begged with the biggest, wateriest eyes We could manage without going overboard. “Ffff-yes.” Visilia conceded, her face a mix of pleasure and cooing at our cuteness. “Where did you learn that?” She grunted in frustration and started to buck into our tits. “From Rex.” We chuckled before kissing her flare. “He actually took it upon himself to ‘teach us cuteness’ because, ‘daddies never listen to you’.” “The boys don’t listen to you?” Visi suddenly demanded hotly with her ears and wings fully perked and filled with anger We felt wasn’t directed at us. “Uh, they do! They do! Just...We need some manipulation a good bit of the time?” We replied nervously, hoping not to land the boys in hot water while We moved on to sucking her glans to distract her from her piqued wroth. “Wia-unf! Oh~...oh gosh. It’s been so long.” Visi moaned and We internally cheered at derailing her anger. No need to set the alicorn demoness on the warpath against her future husbands. “I hope none of the kids taught you this too.” We snorted in amusement and rolled our eyes. “Okay, fine, I won’t geld any of them. They don’t listen to you?” Dang it, oh well. “Mm, they listen to us. It’s just hard to convince them to our side of an argument without seduction or cuteness. Although cuteness doesn’t work on Bryan.” We huffed and went back to licking and sucking her cock, causing Visi to bite her lower lip and knead our simulated rodent skull, her fingers tracing along our draconic curled horns when she groaned needily. “Mm~. Someone is ready~.” We cooed when her melon sized testes began swelling and gurgling. “Could you do a little favour for me?” Visi asked us as she gently wrapped her fingers around our horns and our metaphorical heart sped up. “Yes?” We fluttered our eyes up at her and licked her pre-drooling urethra. “Can you give each of them a kiss for good luck, please?” Visi asked with surprising timidity as she shimmied her thighs enough to jostle her growing cum spheres while she bit her lower lip and her wings spread out into the air behind her. “Mmhm~.” We hummed and smooched her balls, making sure to have our slime on our lips extra wet and clingy to leave faux lipstick marks on her churning and breed-ready baby-batter brewers. We then went the extra mile and blessed them. She moaned wantonly as they shimmered and glowed, a runic celtic bunny rabbit branding on the sides of her scrotum. “There. You should be able to control when you have these and whether they’re addicting. Also~.” We leaned around her throbbing nearly 20-inch red mast to kiss her lower stomach and she keened when the same rune blazed on her core over her womb. “Hm~, something for when you really want babies.” “Oh~! Wiatr, you beautiful, cruel woman~!” Visi purred as she shoved her enhanced semen factories against our face and pulled on our horns to really rub them in! “Mphf mphf!” We moaned into her sack, her spicy musk addling our brain as the mind-clearing effects of her magic wore off in the face of her engorged basketball-sized cum balloons and our own arousal. “Grr~! I’ve been wanting this for so long~.” Visi panted when she pulled us up and dove into a searing sloppy kiss We couldn’t really focus on. She then pushed us onto our back and hooked our knees to lift and pull our legs apart to make way for her pulsing penis that was puddling pre. “So for almost four years? Unf! Ah, th-this is backwards from your original r-request~.” We grunted as she pushed in, her soda-can thickness stretching our simulated vagina tight as a glove around her the instant she popped her flare into our puffy pussy. “We’ll forestall birth until We’re done with the war if you want.” We winced to focus through the haze of lust and ensure our body was, while receptive, wouldn’t speed the gestation up until things were dealt with. “Please do.” Visi huffed as she thrust and pulled on our legs, driving her length in until our groins met. The two of us panted and hissed in pleasure while We sat up on her nuts that matched our ass cheeks for size with us bending our legs to wrap around Visi’s waist. We breathlessly kissed our future wife as our breasts docked. Her’s were still smaller than the norm for us and our wives, but seeing how much she’s grown with successive pregnancies, We can see her catching up eventually even without magic or other means of physical alteration. “Just for you Love. You know our womb will be the safest place. We’ll also ensure We can’t superfetate this time.” We breathlessly told her as We looked into her predatory golden eyes. “We love you.” “I love you too~!” Visi declared as she began to thrust up into us and We began bouncing on her mast, intent on finally bearing her children. (<3) “You two really did it?” Berserker asked at the dinner table in clear surprise. We thought he was going to tell us his disapproval and our bad timing. We guess he doesn’t mind. “We mostly wanted to do it because...well, even if it’s likely that once this is all over We may not see you for a very long time. We didn’t notice time is at different speeds for our universes and even then Visilia could be hundreds of years older when she visits us again...or We could be thousands. We’d miss her. Also with how the promise is, We can’t really fertilize her eggs until Hunter, Collateral, Runner, and Pillar have their turn.” We mewled and rubbed our deceptively flat tummy under our black dress. Deep inside us We could feel life develop. It was always so wonderful to feel. “Hm, that makes sense.” Pillar nodded his head in consideration while looking at Visi, who perked at the appraising look he was giving her. “You can’t get pregnant, but you never said anything about getting others pregnant.” “This is a weird loophole. You also gave Visilia a blessing to keep her cock?” Runner, who was currently a she, asked while she looked at our mutual mate with similarly appraising eyes and Visilia’s wings twitched along with her ears folding back slightly as her eyes widened. Runner licked her lips and went back to her plate of beef stew that was heavy on carrots. “I can have my male bits at will. Thankfully it doesn’t affect my judgement. I walked into the ladies room to check. If it had I would be wringing Wiatr’s neck to fix it.” Visilia clarified and warily watched Runner grab one of the uncooked whole carrots from her salad and suggestively insert it into her mouth while looking at Visi, who gulped as she watched and We were baffled nobody else seemed to notice the very blatant flirting going on here. “Good to hear it won’t cause you problems. Especially if it lets you join the ‘pee standing up’ club.” Berserker snorted in amusement and Visi leered at him in disapproval while Runner ate her naughty carrot and nodded in agreement. “Anyway, We’re still going to help in the final battle. Are we near the next base?” We asked Runner, since she and Hunter were effectively in charge of the search and destroy efforts. We were glad she could pop in for dinner now and then. “Pretty close, yeah. It feels different from the others before. She’s most likely there, waiting.” Runner warned us and Hunter nodded in affirmation. “Good. We are still pissed, even if Visi and We are fulfilling our mutual desires. What’s the plan?” We asked moments before Celestia and Luna entered the dining room in their formal red and silver dresses respectively. “Ah, Tia, Lulu, please have a seat.” We’re pleasantly surprised to see them here. While Tia and Lulu are close, what with Lulu being one of our wives, they are so busy handling the politics of the situation that We rarely get to see them. “Gladly, thank you Wiatr. I’m afraid that first I must be a bit political. We hope to be kept involved in military matters. I want to thank your Guardian for obliging us this simple request. We know we don’t control the Military anymore, but we should still be told.” Celestia announced and We blinked in bemusement. Guardian? We don’t have anyone by that title or name here in Unity. “What about Cadence?” Pillar asked as Lulu grabbed a chair in her magic and pointedly sat next to us on our left between us and Cocoa. She kissed us on the cheek and We giggled when she used her wings to hug both us and Cocoa while she kissed Cocoa’s right head on the lips and prepared her meal from the serving plates on the table with magic. “She is too far from where your search has been heading. Even if she tried to help, her small army would not make it. She agreed with Shining Armor that the best thing to do would be to shore up their defenses in case of a surprise assault.” Luna informed us and We cooed when she squeezed our left thigh. “Twilight is also ruling in our stead with the help of her friends.” “As much as I understand the importance of not completely taking over your military from you, I insist that you don’t go directly into battle. Remember that this bitch sent the Dragonlands into another dimension. Anything could happen from this point forth. She could send us to another dimension or take Wiatr right under our noses.” Runner warned the sisters and Luna grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed, causing us to pat her arm and whisper sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down. We doubt that’s going to happen. “Can you please not risk fate deciding to snatch away my wife when I’d just joined her harem?” Celestia huffed and We squeaked in surprise when she flaunted her pure diamond wedding band and Lulu laughed boisterously. “It’s bad enough Cadence has been doing her victory dance behind my back when she thinks I can’t see her.” “Sister, just be glad Oberon isn’t here too, or she’d be so flushed and embarrassed at the attention!” Luna replied and We sighed. Damn you Cadence, you silly sexy matchmaker. Are you going to just keep extending our harem without end? Please, oh please, have an end. > Ch.111 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.111 Okay, that had to be the place. It had at least six battalions and we had to stay in high orbit from their magic. We only knew this because Runner and Hunter had strong convictions that this was Lethice’s last redoubt and the bunny-wolf, currently a male, decided it was best to have everyone on deck rather than teleport us in if it was confirmed. Though it being in a mountainous jungle made things a little hard to find it. “So are we going to bombard them?” We asked worriedly since We saw dragons chained up and presented like trophies amongst the trees of the mountainous jungle that Lethice’s last redoubt was tucked into. The poor women were all being subjected to BDSM methods of pain and pleasure with blindfolds, ball gags, sawhorses, the whole shebang.  “No, the captives are our first priority. We’ve got things in motion already.” Runner informed us and We shared intrigued looks with Tia and Lulu. We may be directly involved in managing the military unlike them, but We weren’t sure how-oh~. This is going to be good! “Hunter?” We asked with an impish grin and Runner smirked moments before the commanders of the Lust Demons below suddenly experienced splodyheaditus. The enemy battalions tried to respond, but the chain of command suddenly shared their superior’s explosive fate above the shoulders. This caused mass panic and confusion since they didn’t know what was going on. While they were in disarray, the dragons were freed and teleported out of harm's way. “All visible hostages rescued. All ships load the specialized payload.” The Comms stated and We looked at Runner quizzically. “Special payload? What are we firing at them?” Celestia questioned and Runner chuckled when he pointed at our bust. Wait, what? “Ah, yes. Wiatr’s milk has been proven to purify Corruption like Harmonia’s springs. That will certainly be much safer and turn the tide on the enemy even worse than just wiping them out, because they’ll have confused and frustrated ex-demons to deal with too.” “But We don’t remember donating our milk for this. We haven’t been donating much of anything lately in fact.” We mewled and groped our breasts, feeling a phantom ache of lactic buildup despite our bottomless reserves and gooey composition. “While you were completely dumb-fucked by Berserker, Pillar and Collateral, I had you pumped for milk for this operation. I figured they would try something like using the dragons as hostages once they realized we were bombarding from orbit.” Runner deviously informed us and We pouted at him. That would explain why We were out of it for days. Visi had spent those days between her duties being cuntblocked from venting her needs and forced to masturbate until she came to find me and couldn’t help herself by that point. “They might not realize your capabilities, or this could be an even more elaborate trap.” Celestia suggested while we all watched the ‘rain shells’ dispense our holy milk and cause the Lust Demons saturated in the glowing lactate to rapidly revert mostly to their old selves. “Is it time for us to move in?” We asked with a pat on the hardlight hammer on our armored left thigh. “Enemy in disarray, begin dropping troops and armor on the ground.” “Yeah, let’s get going.” Runner answered and led us towards the Hangars.   “We hope they are just as incompetent inside the bastion.” We commented before We hugged and kissed Luna and Tia, who were forced to stay on the ship because of political reasons We were grateful for. Ancient and powerful Goddesses in possession of the Dark Soul and Light Soul they may be, but neither Undead or otherwise unkillable are they. We reached the surface and touched down outside of the fort to find the ex-demons were fighting against the demons who had surged out of the fort. “We’ll make you slaves!” A crazed hyena demon howled in excitement at the weakened former demons, only to be silenced by a hail of bullets and plasma. Thankfully the Night Sentinels were trained to operate around civilians too, since they were able to both protect and use the ex-demons to put down the Lust Demon reinforcements with ease. Unfortunately, the confused and frantic former demons were starting to suffer casualties in the face of a growing tide of the demons pouring from the fort in impossible numbers. We were forced to aid the overwhelmed converts in evacuating while also using heavy weaponry and artillery to stem the growing mass of oversexed demons from just rushing us like Zerg. “Big one on the left!” We called out to Hunter at the sight of the towering dog demoness. The Greater Lust Demon charged Hunter, but thanks to our warning Hunter was able to dodge her heavy axe and decapitated her with a single slice of his Argent-enhanced katana. “Thanks.” We nodded and rushed off to another target, our progress slow as a thought came to us. “Is the time in this other dimension the same as ours or have they sped up and are breeding replacements as soon as we cut through them?” “Why?” Runner asked before throwing a barrage of exploding kunai into a line of demons. “We had the thought considering how their forces just seem to keep getting denser as we get closer to the entrance. Then there’s that Hyperbolic Time Chamber the Caribou used to have.” We said in concern. Twilight was absolutely gaga over finally getting our hands on that thing too, but thus far she hasn’t been able to replicate what was essentially a glorified phone booth attached to a time-distorted pocket dimension. “Let me check.” Runner used his relic eye to examine the fort while Pillar defended him and Collateral began hammering the fort with low-yield traditional artillery support. Berserker was...well, you know. We heard Runner growl when he used the full might of his magical powers and his relic eye had blazing black fire coming out from it. “Runner?” We asked, but before he could answer, he coughed up blood and fell to his knees, bleeding from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth. “Runner!” We rushed over to him in panic. “Kak, fuck!” The bunny-wolf coughed and wheezed when We neared and began casting healing miracles. We don’t even need a talisman or chime to cast miracles since We’re divinity. Thank gosh We invested in Faith. “Wiatr-*Hack*!” “What is it? What did you see?” We asked when We retracted our breast plate and removed his helmet to prepare for a more thorough healing. The Heal miracle will keep him alive, but he won’t fully recover quickly enough without either Estus or our milk, and the former isn’t exactly conveniently renewable right now. “Sweetie...you were right. She’s using...her dimension as...a spawning point.” Runner stated and the news began spreading quickly about this dangerous development. “You’re going to be okay.” We soothed and pressed our right nipple to his lips, which sucked with only his mouth to swish our healing lactate about before he spat a mixture of said milk and blood over to the side. “I’ll live, but I’ll need to take a bit with my throat ravaged like this.” Runner admitted before he went back to nursing gently, swallowing a bit, coughing up more blood, then repeating. “Take your time. They've managed to turn the entrance into a killzone.” We mewled and huffed as he drank more deeply and the fortification was bombarded with gunfire and the screams of Lust Demons dying. “Ah, Runner.” “Mmh?” Runner hummed as he continued to suckle from our breast. “Do you think we’ll be able to get to the portal?” We asked after he recovered. “Hm, I’m not sure.” Runner answered when he detached from our thimble-sized nip. “We’ll need to find a back entrance, because going through the front door isn’t viable.” “Right. Hold the killzone!” We shouted after We picked Runner up and motioned for the boys to follow Runner’s directions until he said we were right over it. “It’s underground. Deep underground. Shame nobody here has Minecraft, Terraria, or Starbound powers or we could just go straight down.” Runner huffed and We scoffed. “We could get something done in that regard, but it would take too long. Where would the next best place for entry be?” We questioned since We doubted us using our slime as a drill would do more than get us stuck alone in the midst of the enemy. “This is the best place for a back door.” Runner huffed and wiggled out of our arms to stand on his own paws, which he used to drag an X on the grassy ground. “Okay bro, time to make a door.” “Stand back unless you want stone piercings.” Berserker grunted and rolled his shoulders while the four of us backed away as he suggested. “Time to see if our wolf bodies have any latent Diamond Dog magic to them.” Berserker commented before he got on his knees and began rapid-fire punching and shoveling the dirt and rocks faster than any industrial digging machine. “Okay, that works really well, it shouldn’t be long until we land on the thing.” We commented correctly, since moments later the ground caved and we fell through the portal to wherever Lethice was keeping the Dragonlands along with all of its people, including Cynder, Spike, Ember and Smolder! “Oof!” We grunted when We landed on Berserker, then We were landed on by Runner, Hunter, Pillar and Collateral in that order. “Boys, usually We’re all for you dogpiling us, but this isn’t the time.” We huffed and got up to look around. It was disgusting and despair-inducing. We saw the broken and shattered realm of the Dragonlands, the dragons themselves frozen and grayed out like the monsters in Castle Hylia in Wind Waker. That didn’t stop the Lust Demons from abusing them. Filling them in every way with their fluids, but none of it affected the frozen dragons. We snarled in a special amount of fury when We spotted Cynder and the other dragonesses she and Berserker bred in a cave full of semen. “She is so going to pay for that.” We snarled when our power surged with our righteous wrath and We readied both our Hardlight Hammer and Infinity. This is no place for wanton destruction. “Where is she?” We growled before We spotted the spawning demons, but Collateral beat us to the quick, firing a grenade into the midst of the fucking and breeding demons, which killed them all in one big explosion. “Good work, but that can’t be all of them.” “Hunter, find Lethice! Runner, Pillar; you get to work on how to undo this! The rest of us will kill these fucks!” Berserker growled before he powered on his Chainsword and charged the demons who arrived in response to the explosion. However, it seemed Lethice wasn’t content with just stealing the Dragonlands and tormenting the people. She had sundered the massive island into smaller islands and hung them in the air of her demiplane like flying baubles. This only angered us more and the six of us hopped from island to island, slaughtering demons in droves while Runner and Pillar continued to examine and analyze Lethice’s private dimension of debauchery. We kept moving on, killing along the way while Hunter left his trail of carnage for us to follow on his task of looking for that bitch. We could barely see Runner in the rear working on piecing the Dragonlands back together. Even with their combined powers it was a lot of work to do. “I’ve found her! She’s noticed me. I’ll keep her busy, get here quick!” Hunter telepathically relayed with urgency and we hurried to reach him. Collateral, Berserker and us were covered in fluids, mostly cum mixed with blood, when we rushed for a palace built out of a mountain. It was covered in statues with exaggerated proportions positioned like they were in one giant ongoing orgy. The copper they were made from was painted white in places to detail sexual fluids from where they stood over the landscape. “For fuck’s sake. She can’t really get anywhere without having sex with just about anything, can she?” Berserker huffed in disgust and frustration. “No, We don’t think so.” We snidely replied while We blasted one of the statues with a soul spear, which punched through its base and sent it crashing onto a group of demons. “We’re almost there.” “Look at the size of it. It’s almost as if she built a Hive City! How the fuck can Hunter navigate his way through all of that?” Collateral questioned when our group drew closer. “I doubt the size is really the problem.” Pillar said when we reached the giant gates, which he and Collateral, being the biggest of us, grabbed and pulled open. “It doesn’t matter, we know how skilled he is at tracking things.” Berserker replied the moment we entered the mountain-turned-city. It was eerily empty in here. We expected her palace to be brimming with servants, not empty and dusty. “I can’t hear anything but us, or smell anything for that matter.” “Maybe it’s still new and Lethice doesn’t have her staff working it properly?” Runner suggested, but We shook our head. We knew Lethice well enough, unfortunately, to know that wouldn’t be the case. Is she running out of minions? Is she planning some grand last stand and this whole place is set to blow, so she didn’t want to take too many of her legacy with her? “It doesn’t matter if she’s got nobody home but her. We’re bringing this place down around her ears either way!” Berserker declared and We hoped he didn’t invoke the Ultimate Murphy. “We feel the same way right now.” We snarled though we still had plans for her if we could purify her. Maybe if she surrendered. She was really a pushover in the Text Game anyway, not even comparable to the Minotaur King or the three other bosses before her throne room. Speaking of which, since our group followed the main hall of this giant place, we were coming up on the throne room. “Gah!” We yelped when the doors flung open and a familiar person flew out and sent the five of us scattering like bowling pins. WIth our full suits of armor, we even sounded like it. “Woops! Sorry, I forget my own spellpower.” From the throne room arrived the purple Lust Demon Queen herself. Aside from her coat’s purple hue, she was just like Visilia, Ninia and Ailisiv. She wore nothing but black nipple pasties to cap her H-cup breasts and girded her lower body with black panties paired with black stockings. “So, I see you finally made it hot stuff! You ready to bang?” Lethice made an O-face as she used her hands to make a ‘penetration’ gesture. “F-fuck no! We’re here to-!” We flopped onto our back, hearing the boys shout as our mind fuzzed over while our gooey body became liquid fuck. What were We doing? Oh~, doesn’t matter. Need...need sex. Need it… (<3) “You bitch!” Berserker roared at Lethice, who cackled playfully and used her demonic wings along with her magic to dodge his wild swings while Runner and Pillar tended to their insensate mate with Collateral helping Runner to his paws. “What did you do?!” “I just gave her a taste! A taste of my power! My Corruption! Sure, she can purify it, sure, she can subvert it, but can she resist the apex of her Aspect? Ha, ha, ha~!” Lethice haughtily laughed and took to the air to get distance from the furious dracowolf. “Hold on. I’m here Wiatr.” Runner frantically hissed, trying valiantly to ignore how Wiatr was seeping out of her armor, her slime crawling up his legs to worm through every seam of it and start causing him incredible pleasure just on contact with her goo. “Oh~...Runny. So hot. F-fuck us. Fuck us…” Wiatr vapidly begged and Pillar shook his head while he continued to run the gamut of holy spells he knew, both from his own repertoire and from learned local Miracles. “Mm~. Our womb feels so empty. Not enough. Please, more.” “Her mind is basically blank. All she can think about is sex and making babies. Like everything that makes her who she is has been overwritten with a brainless breeding bimbo.” Hunter snarled in such rage that everyone present could feel it, besides Lethice, who simply continued to taunt Berserker. “How cute! You think you can save her? She’s already mine! Wiatr! Here girl!” Lethice called like their mate was her pet and to their horror, Wiatr obeyed. She poured out of her armor and slithered to be beneath Lethice, who drifted down to sit on Wiatr’s shoulders while using her horns as handlebars. “Aw, here I was hoping for a challenge! Oh well, now I have the Goddess of Sex under my control! I may never have been able achieve her status, but I still have her in the end! With her as my pet, I’ll enslave the whole world into one unending orgy!” “Not if you’re dead!” Berserker roared and his brothers echoed his sentiment, charging forward at the bitch who dared desecrate their mate. “How predictable.” Lethice cooed and with a flick of her horn, the brothers were sent flying further down the hall. “Come on boys~! You won’t get her back if you don’t commit!” Lethice taunted them while Wiatr slithered the demoness inside of her throne room, transforming into the bitch’s throne while she was at it. Growling, Berserker got back up and looked at his siblings. “Guys, we need a plan. Clearly rushing her isn’t going to work.” “Especially since she has Wiatr’s mind in a pleasure vice.” Runner snarled and twitched furiously with murderous desire. “She took her, like she was nothing but a toy! She’s got so much raw magic power though, I think only Twilight could possibly match her in a magic duel.” “But we have our own.” Berserker responded as he stretched out a hand towards the Demon Queen. Lethice laughed for a bit before she felt her own body seized by some unknown force. This surprised the others since they haven’t seen this sort of power from him before. “I’ll tell you later, for now though…” “What have you done to me?!” Lethice demanded as she tried to wriggle free of the invisible force pinning her in place. “Blood Magic.” Berserker answered before proving it by making Lethice punch herself in the face hard enough to bloody her snout. “Pillar, use your gravity ability to restrain Wiatr on the spot. Hunter, try clearing up her head as much as you can. Runner, you and I are going to torture this bitch until she gives us what we want, or until she’s broken.” “I’ll never give in to you!” Lethice snarled defiantly as she was brought closer to Berserker and Runner. “Wiatr, my sweet! Help me!” She pleaded, causing Wiatr to surge out of the throne shape she’d taken towards the Lust Demon Queen in a veritable flood of hissing suddenly acidic goo that rapidly expanded in size. “No!” Acting quickly, Pillar subdued the slime goddess that was their lover within his Gravity hold, pulling her away from Lethice while he and Hunter got to work on trying to break her free of Lethice’s brainwashing. “You bastards! I’ll-ack!” Lethice struggled to talk when her vocal cords constricted. Berserker approached her and cut off her horn with a swipe of his sword. He set his sword aside and picked up her severed horn. He took a drop of blood from her nose with the tip and spread along the flute before crystallizing it. The tip had a very sharp point as he handed it off to his brother. “Runner, put her sensitivity into overdrive and make sure that everything she feels registers as pain.” Berserker said darkly and Runner grinned with cruel satisfaction, preparing their new torture doll for the occasion. All that Lethice could do was stare in mute horror when Runner cursed her. “Now, let us begin.” > Ch.112 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.112 We woke in a confused mess. Our body was pure goop right now, unformed and sitting in a tub. It was really nice, actually. We’ll have to do this more often. Oh! Cynder is back! When did that happen?! Not even Cynder knows. One moment she was tending to the broodmothers, the next she was waking up along with the rest of us. Our reflection was interrupted by someone splashing our surface. “What?” We burbled and smacked the hand away with a tendril. “You’ve been sleeping for days.” We heard Runner’s female voice say. “Are you feeling alright?” “We guess, We’re just adjusting and getting synchronized on things.” We told the beautiful yellow bunny-wolf while reforming our horned skaven body. “Ah. Well, Visi and the fleet have arrived. They made sure the castle and the cave networks under it were thoroughly destroyed so no one can use it for whatever purpose.” Runner informed us and We sighed in relief. It was finally over. “Good. That’s very good to know.” We climbed up out of the tub and kissed her, enjoying how she thrust her chest to press our bosoms together. “Now, is Lethice alive or dead? If she’s alive, is she purified? If so, are she and the demons that were purified behaving?” “Yes, they are. We made sure to check on them, just in case any of them had pulled a fast one on us. Oh, just as a heads-up. We really put the screws to Lethice to get a lot of shit undone. When we were done, we dumped her into your insensate body and she kinda became this beacon of Purification. So that’s a thing, don’t be surprised if you see her and she’s not a crazy cruel cunt.” Runner informed us and We huffed in disappointment for being compromised during her interrogation and conversion. We really wanted to have a hand in that, but that’s fine. “Okay, anything else?” We questioned after We summoned our dress onto our body and followed Runner out of the ensuite bathroom of what had to be one of the more private rooms aboard the Vengeful Retributor, the flagship of the forces in our dimension. “Other than that, the Dragonesses are pampering Berserker, if you know what I mean.” Runner snickered and made rude gestures while she leered playfully at us. “We can guess.” We giggled in return and stuck out our tongue at her. “There’s not much else happening other than Tia, Luna, Urta and Harmonia wanting your love and affection.” Our bunny-wolf mate teased and We rolled our eyes at her own lewd desires. “So We’re going to be ambushed?” We playfully questioned the sexy gender-switcher. “Pfft, they wish.” Runner scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “If anyone has dibs, it’s me.” “Oh, going to protect us from our other mates? What about the Lust Demons? Are they still causing trouble or on the run?” We asked the amorous warrior, who licked her chops as she traced her eyes over our body. “Most of them have surrendered and wish to be purified, while those that haven’t are being hunted down. As for ‘protecting’ you, no, I’m making sure the girls are behaving themselves. If they’re good, you can spend time with them in bed. After I get my turn.” “Okay.” We giggled and looked down when we reached an observation deck to see Unity in full swing, working on infrastructure and setting up housing for all of the displaced, heh, people who used to be demons. “So we saved the day?” “For now.” Runner shrugged and caused her bust to do delightful things in her coat, since she was wearing her more ‘casual’ outfit. “Good. So now we rebuild and make sure this whole thing will never happen again. Do we have Velka around? We don’t remember if she was busy presiding over court in Canterlot or not.” She’s our Displacer, but she didn’t have much involvement in our lives unless it was necessary. We wouldn’t mind her being around more often, but she insists that ‘Justice must be served’ and if it took work off of Luna and Celestia for her to preside over supreme justice decisions, then everyone was in favor since it turned out Velka was as much a victim as the rest of history. “Yes, I even went down to make sure. She’s drawn by all the ‘Injustice’ wrought upon the refugees by their tormentors, who are often victims too, so she’s helping them come to terms with things and reach understandings to avoid incidents.” Runner answered and We nodded-. “So when are we gonna get married?” The woman’s abrupt question caught us flat-pawed and We weren’t sure how to respond. “Uh...hm. Wasn’t it supposed to happen three weeks ago? We ended up having to deal with Lethice first. Maybe in a week?” We mused in uncertainty. Time flies when you’re desperate and scrambling. Or rather, it crawls, but distracts from everything else besides the main issue. “Hm, no, give it at least a month or two. We’ll get our girls from back home to come on over next week. It will give us time to explain. Also, Berserker was wondering if Cadence delivered the rings.” Runner mentioning Cadence reminded us that this whole operation was her idea. She’s the one who keeps getting us turbo-married. Not that We dislike being turbo-married. Having someone you love to count on at every turn is an incredible thing. “We don’t know. We’ve been focused on getting our Cynder back and rescuing Spike, Ember and Smoulder.” We shrugged and shook our head, resolving to meet up with them the first chance We got. Same with Barb. If not for her We would’ve lost our marbles during this whole frantic affair to rout the Lust Demons. “Fair enough. I’ll send a message over to Cadence and ask her about the rings.” Runner said as she pressed against our side with her chest, fluttering her eyes and clearly wanting to make good on her earlier words of having a go at us. “As much as We would love to ravish you right now, We’re also not in the mood. We feel...oddly stable.” We commented to her unvoiced request and she smiled knowingly at us. “That’s fine. Do you want to look around? We’ve also gathered the Everlasting eggs you had with most of us. Although, the dragons volunteered to watch over them instead of them being kept in the Breeding Center.” Runner continued after she ceased exerting a flirtatious air. “They would be in good hands with them.” We commented with a nod. “Woah, sweetie, you’re not gonna give them away, are you?” Runner asked us, looking like she’s about to panic. “What, no! We meant in terms of them keeping the eggs safe until they hatch.” We soothed and her fur ceased fluffing up in agitation. “Thank gosh. Oh, you mean since the Breeding Center incident. They’ll be a lot safer there than remaining here. Got it.” Runner let out a deep breath as she calmed down. “So, shall we head back to the Dragonlands? If we’re flying, you’ll have to carry me though.” (<3) “It’s good to see things are moving along so well.” We commented in satisfaction. The Dragonlands were reeling, those sexually tortured in the process of being Corrupted had informed those who remained in stasis of the horrible things done to them while unaware and unable to resist. However, the dragons were a hardy people and bounced back with fervor. “Yeah, they surprised us too.” Runner agreed while the two of us walked along the roads of the Dragonlands. These weren’t here originally. It seemed Lethice at least understood that infrastructure was valuable, since these were not here before she abducted the massive island. “So where is Berserker?” We asked our buxom mate while observing how the dragons were already hard at work utilizing the roads Lethice had provided them to start making proper settlements. How they’ll make them work when dragons grow into giants, We’re not sure. “In one of the newly made caves, at the peak of a mountain.” Runner answered when she pointed in the direction we were walking. “Why is he up there?” We couldn’t really see Berserker going right back to being a breeding stud when there was other work to be done. Did Lethice sink her sick claws into him somehow? “It wasn’t his idea, the ladies took him up there. They were probably building it for him, or something.” Runner explained with a shrug, again causing delightful things to happen to her boobs. She really isn’t too used to those yet. Shrugging is something a buxom woman should only do when she’s trying to entice someone, because unf. “Well, We hope they understand that he can’t stay.” We said warily, knowing how hard it is to get amorous women to relinquish something they covet. We’re a said amorous woman after all. “Jealous?” Runner playfully poked her tongue out at us. “No~.” We mewled and walked a bit faster up the staircase to the cave. “Yeah, you totally are!” Runner laughed at our expense. “Am not.” We huffed when we reached the mouth of the cave and peeked inside. It was spacious, but there wasn’t much furniture decorating the place. “Sure you aren’t.” Runner patted our butt and We responded by whipping her’s with all three of our rat tails. “*Yip* J-just follow the path off to the right, over there.” She pointed out to the far side of the room with one hand while rubbing her thrice-whipped ass with the other. “I’m going to touch base with some friends I made, I’ll be back.” “Okay, love you.” We cooed and nuzzled her before We followed the path to find Berserker. Moving through the halls and stairs down into the mountain, We started to hear the enticing and satisfying sounds of sex. Lustful moans and the slapping of flesh grew more audible when We reached a hallway that held many other rooms. One had females that had bellies stuffed full of eggs, mewling and begging for our mate’s attention. Oddly enough, he wasn’t here with any of these slutty broods and there seems to be another path on the other side of this hallway. In fact, the sex noises were from non-immobile ladies bumping bellies and having a hot preggo orgy. “Okay, where is he?” We muttered and licked our lips, our core heating up and our groin growing moist, so We walked a bit faster. We didn’t mind him mating others, but damn it, We’re feeling needy now because he’s giving it to so many egg-hungry sluts like the king breeding stud he is~! We reached the end of the hallway to find a set of stairs that spiraled down with a large central open shaft, going a little bit deeper. These seemed to be carved out sometime ago, if the markings were of any indication, but they looked decent enough. Was he digging out more space? When We reached the bottom, We found Berserker working with his claws to dig into the mountain to make it bigger. His red fur and scales were matted with dust and dirt that clung to him from all of the labour he was doing. “Hey Berserker, are you digging a hatchery?” We questioned him upon approach. “Huh?” Berserker jumped a bit in fright, before looking behind himself to see us. “Oh! Wiatr! I’d hug you, but I’m covered in dirt and sweat at the moment. Sorry.” He said as he turned around and flicked dirt from his hands. “How are things looking out there?” “Well, we won, things are rapidly moving towards recovery and all that. We would also like to point out that We’re kinda jealous of the dragonesses upstairs.” We pouted and shimmied our hips for emphasis and he chuckled sheepishly. “That can wait though. Do you want us to help with whatever you’re doing?” “I’d appreciate the help. Also yes, I’m carving out a hatchery.” Berserker answered us, before giving a quick little peck on our cheek. “Sorry about that, they couldn’t help themselves and they accidentally destroyed my clothes.” He groaned in annoyance, which helped us realize that he was naked. “Eh, delicious, but We’ve seen it enough to keep calm.” We chuckled with a blush. “Anyhow, you don’t have a way to easily get rid of all this dirt you’ve built up, so We’ll start by stuffing that into our Inventory.” “Thanks, all the dust or something’s been making my nose itch. It’s something oddly sweet.” Berserker’s brow furrowed as he tried to describe the issue with his nose. “Also, I’m not entirely sure, but I think there might be some crystals and gems in here. Can you take a look, please?” “We think We smell it too.” We hummed while our horns lit up and We brought our hands up to weave our magic. We started to mold the rock around with our powerful magic, the same that We used to create our Keep in the canyon wall of Unity. Soon, We created a cave big enough for our full size’s forty foot height to stand in. Once all of the normal rock was out of the way and in our Inventory, we had a cave that was full of massive pillars of rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and many other precious gems. It looked much like the Giant Crystal Caves in Mexico. “Oh, wow! This is awesome!” Berserker was in awe, his eyes sparkling from the refracting lights coming down from the stairwell and bouncing through the cavern. “The dragons are going to have a buffet with it.” We chuckled and licked our lips to keep our slime saliva from drooling. “Oh no they fucking won’t! I’m not letting them chomp down on these!” Berserker growled, rather annoyed at the idea of any Dragon eating any of this treasure we found. “So you want to hoard this?” We questioned with a bit of amusement. We know a thing or two about hoarding and to be Honest, Cynder was a bit envious about his claim on it. “Of course! Here, look at this one!” Picking up one of the gems, We were surprised to see that it was different from all the rest. It was a Ruby, but it held magical potential inside it, not to be mistaken for a Bloodstone that the Dragon Lords used on that Scepter. Or his horns. Seriously, that’s weirdly unique how his horns are Bloodstone themselves. “See? If the Dragons were to eat this, it would’ve been a waste.” “We see. Alright, but how would you stop them?” We looked around at the beautiful gemstone cave, wondering how it could possibly be protected without just reburying it. “I’ll talk to Ember about this discovery and explain it to her. Once she knows, she can tell the dragons about this and they’ll think about digging deeper for these rare gems. Of course, I might need to ask for some dragons back in our world, for a demonstration.” Berserker said as he cradled the beautiful ruby like the treasure it truly was. “Why?” We asked while We summoned granite from our Inventory and molded it into a masterly carved chair before We sat down. Hm, We even got the ergonomic butt impression on the seat right. Comfy. “I can’t show off these gems’ powers, I wasn’t trained to do so. Only Dragon Forge Masters and Scholars can.” Berserker informed us and We nodded in understanding. “That would be a good idea then. That’s not really our area of experience yet, but We can learn ourselves.” We have all the time in the world outside of our duties to learn all We want. “Great. I’ll collect these little beauties.” Berserker went around collecting the gems and setting them in a pile. “Should We leave you to it? Or help?” We chuckled as We lazed about on our seat, watching the man at work. “You can help me if you want. I kinda want this place to look a little…” Berserker let the sentence hang in the air as he tried to come up with something to finish it. “Ah, what would be the right word to describe it?” “A natural wonder?” We suggested, since We didn’t create it, it was already here. “That sounds a lot better. Yeah, a natural wonder would be great.” Berserker mused and We nodded in agreement. “Then a Natural Wonder it is then! Our Civilization rejoices upon the discovery of the Dragonland Crystal Caves.” We joked and he rolled his eyes at our Civ reference before We helped him gather up gems. “Hmm, if only I knew how to carve these things to look like art.” Berserker hummed and We snorted in amusement. “Then it wouldn’t be a natural wonder!” We playfully chided him and bumped his butt with ours. “I’m thinking I want to make something for you and the ladies.” Berserker reasoned. “Well, what do you want? Statues of us?” We teased and considered such things, especially involving Urta or us could technically be considered a portable shrine. “Maybe.” Berserker shrugged as he kept collecting piles of gems. “So, are you jealous that the dragonesses are trying to keep one of your favourite boytoys away from you?” “No! Not at all!” We denied with a furious blush. He wasn’t a toy to us and he’s helping the dragons by willingly studding himself out to them. We know for fact that it can get exhausting to the point of ruining Sex for a person. “Say, uh, could you clean me up?” Berserker asked us, trying to dust himself off. “This is starting to make me itch.” “Yes, milk or water?” We asked with a casual heft of our breasts. “Milk.” Berserker poked his tongue out at us in a teasing manner. “Well then, do you want us to turn this hatchery into a temple for all of your mates?” We questioned, figuring that since Urta has her own shrine here, that having a place for us would be fitting. After all, while We are still of Fertility, We’re not Fertility Personified anymore. Urta has us beat there down-pat. When We asked that, he started to think it over with a hand on his chin and a thoughtful look on his face. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that. It’ll probably be safer for them too.” He figured before shrugging. “Yeah.” “Alright, then instead of a Natural Wonder, it will be a Great Wonder!” We declared and Berserker sighed. “Please just get to it before your Civilization references make me want to go find a strategy game.” Berserker huffed and We snickered. “Alright, We’ll stop.” We took off our dress and surged up to our full 40 foot height, which was still comfortable in this giant cave. We groped and massaged our breasts, panting when our milk began to pour into the place, pooling on the floor and forming a pool that on it’s own would sanctify this place as our temple. We then magically reshaped the largest individual gemstones into statues of every lady Berserker has mated that we knew of. We placed Visilia and ourselves in our pony bodys facing the stairs enticingly. “Perfect.” Berserker complimented, giving us the thumbs-up. After that, he jumped into the pool and washed the dirt and grime off his body with ease, since the magic We wove into it along with its standard holy properties would eliminate detritus. “Such a sexy sight.” We cooed before We shrunk back down to size and sat at the edge of the pool. Berserker gave us a grin when he drew closer and towered over us before he gave a lustful growl that made us shiver. “Berserker?” He can’t still be horny after mating with all those ladies upstairs, can he? “Mhm~.” He hummed when he leaned in until our lips connected and he started kissing us with love and passion. “Hm~!” We moaned and We held his hands. “Hm, We love you.” “Mm, love you too~. Spread your legs for me babe.” Berserker lustfully purred and We shuddered. “Gladly.” We breathlessly replied and did as he requested, even spreading our vulvae open. “That, along with reclaiming my woman and letting her know I’m still hers.” Berserker said while he got down on us and We moaned when he immediately began eating us out. “Mm, still tasty~.” “Ah, ah, oh...” We panted as We fought against using our tails or legs to urge him onward. “Hm~.” Berserker kept working his tongue into our depths. We could feel that long tongue of his reach deeper as it wiggled around, licking every inch of our inner walls, rewarding him with our pussy juice. “Berserker!” We wailed and held his head while We shook and shivered. Our mate picked up the pace, getting us closer and closer until We finally climaxed, gushing our clear slime all over his face. “Ah, ah, ah!! Yes!” Berserker lapped up his reward with vigor, licking us until he was satisfied. He crooned as he stood back up, his cock at full mast and throbbing, ready to fuck us into a sexual coma. It looked bigger than before, where it used to be twenty inches, now it’s twenty-four. “You got bigger?” We asked between breaths while We groped our tits and bit our lip. “I think the girls may have been slipping some of that fertility water in my drinks.” Berserker said when he brought his nuts up to our pussy and rubbed them against our opening. “It would probably explain why my cock and balls got a little bigger after you’d already had your naughty way with them.” “Unf, j-just put it in already!” We demanded impatiently, but he just chuckled and shook his head at our quite reasonable demand for his thick meat to be inserted into our plump pussy. “As I said, I’m reclaiming my woman.” Berserker reminded us while he continued to rub his heavy, practically sloshing basketball-sized gonads around our groin and thighs. “Fine! Just get on with it!” We snarled, hungry for the main course, even if this foreplay was driving us up the wall. The way he practically had our cunt grinding against his balls, We might as well have even tried humping them. He then pulled us into the milk pool and shoved our face into his scrotum, forcing us to inhale his rish, deep musk and hear them churn with sperm. “Hng~! Fuck! Stop tormenting us and give us your seed!” “You missed your King~?” We could barely hear Berserker’s voice over his churning balls. “Did you miss his company and attention~?” “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” We desperately declared and sucked on his balls. “There’s my Brood Queen~.” Berserker purred and petted our head with a scratch behind our ear. “Such possessiveness. You don’t want any common slut to take any of your Studly Kings away from you, don’t you~?” “NO! We would also love to make you a queen!” We urgently stated with a grope of his balls. “Sorry, I’m not quite comfortable with doing that just yet.” Berserker stated with a shudder. “Aw~.” We mewled and gave our puppy-dog look like Visilia. Bet it looked weird with his balls in our face and being a skaven instead of a pony, canine, or vulpine. “Please~ my King?” Berserker huffed as he resisted our cuteness. “I’ll think about it and get back to you on that.” “Promise?” We demanded, tired of having our desire to show him the joys of the other side thrown in a box and shoved into the crawlspace. “Promise.” He nodded his head and We felt satisfied enough to start licking and sucking the glans of his throbbing soda-can-thick ribbed dog-dick. “Mm, does my puppy girl want daddy’s bone~?” Berserker asked us, getting us to shudder when he called us his puppy girl, so We obliged him and morphed into Svartr’s birth form to fit and looked up at him with Svartr’s powerful blue eyes and blowing him more intently. “Mm!” We hummed as We deepened the blowjob and squeezed his gurgling cum spheres. “Who’s a good puppy girl, who’s a good puppy girl~?” Bryan purred and We moaned as We dove on his cock, burying him down our throat. “Oh~. You want your treat so badly, huh~?” He moaned, giving little thrusts with his hips. “Grack.” We gagged out around a swallow before he began to thrust properly. So tasty. We’re so happy breathing is just a reflex and not a necessity. “Hmph! Hold on.” Berserker huffed as he pulled out of our hungry maw, which We tried to prevent, but he pulled his tasty tumescence from our throat with a pop. “Huh? Why’d you stop?” We huffed and stroked him, admiring how shiny his rod became when lubricated in our slime. “Don’t worry, puppy girl. Let daddy get into a better position.” Berserker told us as he pushed us up onto the edge of the pool, crawled atop us, then turned around into the 69 position. His cock poked at our lips and his balls hung above our face, encompassing our vision with his heaving sperm factories. “There you go, open wide.” “Ah~!” We sang and he shoved into our throat before he began lapping at our lap and We moaned around his cock while We grabbed his balls when We began sucking and swallowing on his length with greater fervor. “Hm, sorry, been feeling a little pent up lately.” Berserker growled in pleasure before he dove back into our snatch, sucking on our clit and making us squeal beneath him. “Mm?” We voiced in concern while still tending to his needs. How could he be pent up? “We’re roleplaying, honey. Just play along.” Okay, now We know what he was going for. “Grr~!” We growled and groped his hot, musky nuts. “Oh~. You want daddy’s special treat~?” He groaned in pleasure and began to face-fuck us properly while he drove his tongue into our quim and We shuddered beneath him. “I’ll take that as a yes~!” “Grrrac~!” We moaned and slobbered all over his shaft while We began to lose sense. His knot was shoving into our jaw with abandon, his glans was all the way into our abdomen and if We weren’t slime, he’d be fucking our stomach! “You are such a blessing! You know how to suck cock better than any of those whores~!” Berserker praised us as he went to town on us, making us tingle all over from his statement resonating in us and fill us with pleasure beyond what his fingers were doing to our folds. “Mm!” We moaned when We came hard! Oh fuck that felt good! We have spots dancing in our vision~. “Oh I’m getting close, and it’s a big load~!” Berserker snarled and went wild with his thrusts as We felt his cock throb harder and his balls pulsate, contracting and getting ready to blow. “Hm~!” We licked and sucked and swallowed as hard and fast as We could to urge him on while he drove his tongue into our gushing cunt as We scrapped the stone floor with our hands, paws, and rapidly-twitching tail. “Hrm~!” We came again and shook under him moments before he roared in rapture, his cock swelled up and shot loads of cum into us, pumping us up beneath him until We looked ready to give birth to triplets. While We were enjoying the aftershock orgasms, Berserker pulled his breeding pole from us and he stood over our fucked-out form. “Not done.” He panted before he jerked off, quickly bringing himself to another orgasm, spraying his copious cum all over us and We moaned happily, rubbing the gallons of semen into our simulated black fur. “Unf, still not done.” M-more~? > Ch.113 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.113 “Fuck! Yes! Ahn!!” We yelped and panted while We rode Berserker’s massive dick. “Oh, fuck~!” Our fiance groaned, thrusting upwards in a timely manner whenever We slammed ourselves down onto him. “Fuck, fuck, good thing you’re wearing a condom~!” We moaned, since he’d been fucking us for hours now. We’re too exhausted to resist our body’s natural processes. At least the loads We drank were processed instead of used for making babies. “Good thing Runner, unf, made them~!” Berserker huffed, his hands groping our ass. “Ever since Runner jumped the gender fence and, hah, you pumped her up, she’s been, guh, obsessed with getting the best pleasure while protected.” “Crap, hah, shit, We still need to give attention to Pillar and Collateral’s needs!” We gasped and huffed as We rammed down his shaft. “Oh, fuck, have Hunter call them over here.” Berserker suggested and We did just that. Once Hunter got our message, he passed it along and the brothers practically sprinted down here, arriving only minutes later. “Ah, ah, hey you two!” We moaned as We came on Berserker’s dick, his knot stretching our pussy so wide We felt like We were going to split in half. In a good way because We’re slime. “Alright, bro, you had your fun. Let us have a go.” Collateral chuckled as he and Pillar got undressed. Berserker pulled out fully and got out from under us, lining up with the other two, all three cocks presented to us. “Oh boys~!” We moaned to them as we looked them over. We then started licking and praising them. “So big and nice.” We purred. Looking at each other, they smiled and nodded their heads, circling around us and trapped our head with their balls again. “So, we’re going to fuck our wife-to-be senseless?” Pillar asked and We shivered. “Oh, yes.” (<3) “Ah, ahn, fuck!” We shouted when We came for the sixthteenth time on Pillar just as Runner descended the stairs. “Are you all enjoying some bonding time?” Runner asked cheekily as she undid her clothes on the way down, stripping and stuffing her outfit into her Inventory through her cleavage and quickly dipped into the steamy hot invigorating milky pool. “We did, she’s kinda out of it right now.” Berserker sighed in satisfaction. “Good, because it’s about time we head back to Melda, Cynder took the time to split and help with this temple project before getting me to gather you.” Runner told them. (<3) After a few days of getting things in order with the Dragonlands, we went home to find the efforts to begin proper infrastructure construction along with the refugee district were a bit of a mess. Our brood of Chaos spawn had tried to set up a welcome home/Victory party with the help of Pinkie and it had turned into a small garden of chaos fighting Harmonia. It was a tiny, controlled, harmless warzone of party favors, snacks, baked goods and prank toys. “Well, this is interesting. Should We get involved or just go home?” We mused playfully, really wanting to join in, but unwilling to leave Barb with our work any longer. At least Ember had Smolder and Spike to help her with administration of the Dragonlands after We helped her get things in order. “Well now, this is interesting!” Celestia chuckled, having come to the Dragonlands to fetch us, so she had returned with our group. “Let’s just go home, I want to see the children.” Berserker stated and his siblings all nodded in agreement. “Okay then!” We agreed and avoided the flying apples and cream pies. “They should be under Cocoa’s watchful eyes as usual for this time of the day.” “Hopefully they are behaving themselves. Poor Cocoa has so much on her plate” Visillia muttered and looked at our flat stomach. Oh~ right. We’re pregnant with Visi’s offspring. We’re so used to the sensation of life inside us that We actually almost forgot We’re expecting. “Fire barrage!” We heard someone shout through the Keep’s open gates and apples pies flew at a small front line of Chaos noodles and the Draconequus scattered before returning a volley of cream pies. “Keep them from ruining the Keep!” Marcus called out while his many siblings all used various baked goods to intercept incoming pies. We all looked towards Berserker, who facepalmed. “Marcus…” He sighed, sounding a little annoyed and a little proud. “Ah, hey dad.” He greeted while Cocoa rushed around, vainly trying to keep the kids in check, heads yelling in every direction. “What are you doing?” Berserker asked Marcus after he approached his son and knelt down to be closer. “Trying to keep the Keep from having pie all over.” Marcus told him. Berserker then gave a sigh of relief. “Okay, that’s good to know, but who started it?” “Harmonia started complaining about how they were using their magic near her, then she threw a pie at Eris when Sister tried cheering her up with said pie. It started the pie war.” Marcus reported like a little soldier. “Oh, for Hell’s sake.” Berserker complained and we all groaned. No wonder Harmonia was caught up in this mess. “Okay, We’ll deal with it later. They should tire out in an hour.” We sighed and rolled our eyes. The mess can be cleaned up in moments by activating Twilight’s cleansing enchantments on the stone. We’ll need to let everyone know that, while not encouraged, messes are just messes. “So, we should wait them out?” Runner mewled in disappointment, the bunny-wolf clearly wanting to join in on the mayhem. “Oh please, you can have fun later.” We teased her and she pouted. “Cocoa is getting mad!” Our wife snarled as the kids kept trying to join. “No, you can’t have bananas yet! You’re allergic to that! No you’ll hurt yourself on the broken pan!” “Or we could all help Cocoa by getting rid of the hazards to the kids.” We mewled, noting the cleaning spell was working, but there was just so much it was struggling to keep up. “Hunter, with me.” Runner nodded to Hunter and they rushed all over the place, taking away any harmful items that the children could get their hands on. While that helped, there was still the matter with our beloved chaos noodles. “Let me try something.” Berserker got up and went further into the chaos. “I’ve always wanted to try my new eye out. I think I know what it can do.” We felt him build up his power and his left eye activated. Aiming it at our chaos noodles, their powers deactivated, or in this case, anything with a magical signature was completely nullified. His Anti-Magic ability has expanded! Too bad for Eris, her belly and breasts expanded since her Navel Pearl and Nipple Studs stopped working. “Huh, look at that; I just EMP’ed you suckers.” “Aurg! Vengeance!” One yelled out before a rock was thrown at him from one of his sisters. “We had our fun, no need for us to get spankings.” She huffed. “That’s fine, I’ll leave it up to the father of your children to decide your punishment.” Berserker remarked, smiling evilly at Eris. “Dongoruas or Hermais?” Another girl asked. We’re sad We can’t remember all of their names, but there’s just so many. Also, besides the original three, they all chose their own names. “Discord.” We answered before the draconequus showed up on que, looking at the little noodles with a mixture of approval and reluctance. With a snap, he teleported them all away. “They’re in a flat field of endless nothing. They’ll be crying to get back to Chaos in minutes. I’ll hold them there for about six minutes.” “Well then, that’s dealt with.” We smiled since things were resolved for now and Cocoa collapsed into a puddle, her blouse and jeans flat on her surface as she burbled in relief. “Who the Hell was ‘Dongoruas’?” Berserker asked, expressing his confusion on the matter. “Hermais’ brother. He’s very big below the belt. We found that out the night they bred us.” We mewled in a mixture of sadness and arousal, remembering how our newborns raped us because they were compelled to. That also caused Hermais to have an unhealthy sexual obsession with us afterward. “Oh. For a moment I thought they were referring to Cocoa’s cock.” Berserker assumed, since Cocoa was originally a herm before she became a slime and wound up preferring being female. That said, when she did bring out her dick, yum, it was big and tasty alright. “Oh no, Dongoruas is bigger than even you guys.” Cocoa chuffed in amusement when one of her heads emerged from her puddle. “Cocoa saw him pee once.” “...I’m not sure if I like what I’m feeling.” Berserker said as he clutched a hand over his heart. “I think I’m feeling envious.” “Berserker, he’s in love with the Changeling running the bar and he’s going to be a girl soon from what We’ve observed of his intentions.” We said in the hopes that Dongo not permanently having the giant dong would ease his size envy. “I still don’t like feeling envious about something not getting in my way. Envy is a useless feeling, it’s distracting.” Berserker complained that it wasn’t Dongo’s size that was irritating him, it was that he had a problem with that which annoyed him. “Hold on. Cocoa, look at Berserker.” We told her and pantsed Berserker, who yelped when We did this and zapped his delicious dick with our innate magic to bring his throbbing hybrid mast to full hardness. “Is Donga that big?” “N-not really. Berserker is actually two inches bigger.” Cocoa said with a blush after reforming and comparing his dick to her arm and cupping his glans with her hand to keep the 24-inch bitch-breaker straight while everyone around gawked at the casual raunchy display. “Satisfied?” We asked our mate, who was flushed so red his fur and scales deepened in color. “Yeah.” Berserker muttered nervously as his cock throbbed in Cocoa’s grasp, the slime cerberus sharing a red tinge to her three faces. Hey, now that We think about it, Cocoa and Berserker haven’t really interacted much, same with the other Doom Marines aside from Hunter and Runner. “Now then, go work that tension off.” We ordered and Cocoa quickly led Berserker by the dick upstairs, much to his grunts of arousal mixed with complaints. “Mom, is dad going to get laid by Auntie Cocoa?” Marcus asked me and I flushed in embarrassment for having had such a sexual display in front of the children. Wait! “How do you know what ‘get laid’ means young pup?” I demanded in my ‘angry mama’ tone and he wilted fearfully at realizing he screwed up. (<3) We stood before cheering crowds when We explained our victory and how we now had a chance to restore the world proper. Similar speeches were going on in all the major cities and celebrations had started enmasse. After an hour of this We sighed tiredly from talking so much. Thank gosh We’re slime, or our We’d be out of breath, hoarse and have a dry mouth. “Now things can finally start to calm down.” We sighed in content after We sat down. “The bit about fornication was a little much.” Urta teased us when she sat next to us. She’d been standing nearby the whole time like our personal Secret Service agent. “Sex goddess! Anyway, We’ve got planning to do before We head to the Crystal Empire.” We said to our assembled wives and mates. “What planning?” Cocoa asked from where she sat with Honey, the changeling slime had been teasing her for hours about possibly getting knocked up by Berserker if he hadn’t used a condom like a responsible adult. “First We need to talk to our staff about the repairs. Then We’re dealing with the pups, having family time for a few days. After that We’ll work out the budget for the wedding. Then after that We’re heading to the Crystal Empire to visit for two weeks.” Cadence and Shining don’t get to visit often and We want to see how Cady and Shiny are doing with the trio of foals Shiny gave us that Urta birthed months ago. “Why don’t you four just split up for all this?” Honey commented with everyone nodding. This led to us facepalming. “Right. We’re so used to being one person, We forget We can split up to multitask.” We sighed and braced ourselves before We split up. POV:Willow “So, who is doing what?” I asked my other halves, feeling weird being just me. I mean, how long has it been since any of us besides Cynder have been alone? Months? Years? “I’ve got the kids!” Svartr said first and we all pouted at her. “Don’t give me that, I can help them better with their powers.” “Fine, I’ll take the task of local government since I have the most experience with it.” Cynder said and I leered at her knowingly. She just wants every excuse to knock Barb up repeatedly, our sexy secretary wife was constantly egg-laden, but able to work thanks to the combination of her Navel Pearl, Nipple Studs and Thought Tiara. “I’ll travel around the lands and help them rebuild and find their lost culture!” Daring cheered excitedly, since that would essentially have elements of her original vocation. “Then that leaves me with The Crystal Empire and visiting our wives and husband.” I said a little nervously. “What’s up?” Urta asked me with bemusement, since she was absolutely puppy-love-struck with Cadence and couldn’t see what I did. “Well, Cadence might get possesive again. Not that I would mind much.” I mewled at the idea of getting dominated by her again. The sexy Goddess of Love passionately desiring me to the point of keeping me all to herself for a while was both arousing and worrying. “She’d have to fight us!” Urta playfully declared and the others all nodded in agreement. “So who is going with who?” Cynder asked with a look around. My fennec ears twitched and I turned to see the boys and Visilia whispering to one another. I couldn’t tell what it was even though I knew it involved me, but they must be making their own decisions. “Berserker and Visilia will accompany Willow, Hunter will help Svartr with the children, Collateral and Runner will be with Daring and I’ll be helping Cynder with local governance.” Pillar announced while Berserker and Visi approached me. “Alright, what about you girls?” We asked our wives aside from Sabrina, since even now she was too busy with arranging things in Tel’Adre and her Coven. She was our official liaison with the Coven after all. “Staying with kids.” Cocoa told us and Honey nodded with a pat on her wife’s thigh. “I’ll stick with Daring, She’ll need the head of her guard for appearances at least.” Urta declared and I raised a brow in her direction, which she winked in response to. Yep, knew it. She’s going to bang Daring a ton and to be fair, she didn’t really get to know us individually. “So what does that make us? Useless?” Runner asked Urta jokingly. “No, but officially you’re their boyfriends and girlfriend, even if you field armies. Most haven’t actually seen what you do outside of rumors. In foreign lands I’m well known and my role of Knight Commander of the Wiatr Holy Order of Knights is also well known. As I said, I’m there for show, you two are the real meat in protection. Even if I’m the Goddess of War, I don’t have the experience you two have individually.” Urta replied politically and I blinked in surprise. I forget that Urta was the Captain of Tel’Adre’s Guard before she left to join us. “That makes sense.” Collateral nodded his head. “Okay, is that everything that needed to be said? Anything else we’re missing?” “Oh, yes, no rampant sex for my group.” Daring called out making the three groan. “Why?” Urta whined in lament, likely wishing she’d decided to join my group. “I’ll need to be presentable for meetings. Having torn clothes or a bulging belly would just lead to others feeling like they traded one sex demon for another. I’m unsure how much that might hold weight, but it could be a rumor.” Daring said with her own disappointment. I didn’t miss the ‘rampant’ part there, so they’ll still be having sex, just responsibly at reasonable times. “Wait, really?” I asked worriedly. People thought we were Lust Demons? None of the prayers to us suggest anything like that. “Yes. Out of the four of us, I’m the one actually listening to crowds. I have heard such rumors even if they weren’t important during the fighting, but it is now. Come on you three, we need to pack more formal clothing and gear, as well as plenty of condoms and a couple Navel Pearls if we’re going to be responsible adults.” Daring stated before she led them away. “We should get going.” Berserker said and Visi approached me. I was expecting a kiss, but instead she rubbed my tummy and I blushed, my twin tails fluffing up at remembering that, once again, I was the one carrying the life in our womb. I wouldn’t want it any other way, really. “I knew it’d be you. You’re the most matronly out of the four of you.” Visi kissed my cheek and I squirmed happily at her knowing me so well. “Now let's go. Cadence must be absolutely starved for your affection.” Visi smirked and Berserker snorted in knowing amusement. “Yeah, lets.” > Aftermath 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.1  0 AL [After Lethice] Willow “Ugh, why Cadence?” I groaned as we walked down the many, many flights of stairs to the basement. Once she’d filled me to the point of barely being able to walk, she requested we go beneath the palace before she teleported. “Shining, why is she so-?” “Horny.” Berserker finished with an irritated tone. “We’ve been doing some digging under the palace after discovering an entrance to some ruins. Also, Chrysalis is teasing her from the hive she made thanks to Cadence breeding her so much. Chrysalis is currently at a moment where sex is not really healthy with her womb sack being so big again, Navel Pearls be damned, she doesn’t want to risk it. So Cadence is blue-balled. Also, Chrys has told us about some ass named Grogar trying to recruit her. She declined.” “Really? Did she say what he wanted?” I asked worriedly, since Chryssie was fully reformed. “Overthrowing ponies. He also tried Tartarus with Tirek and Cozy Glow, but thankfully your presence there stopped him.” Shining informed me and I had the feeling we dodged something. “Why does that name sound familiar?” Berserker scratched his head. “I wouldn’t know, maybe some older Gen MLP villain?” I half-asked since I wasn’t a brony. “Uh, Willow, in my Earth, no form of My Little Pony existed.” Oh right, he and the boys told us all that. It was a bit jarring to say the least. “I know, It did in mine, just never watched it.” I sighed and rubbed my head too. “Look, he might just be some B Movie type villian, or secretly some insidious ancient evil.” “Actually, I know him. We heard about him betraying Tirek, but he died in the process in our world. He was still a villain, by the way.” Visilia commented and felt relieved. “Okay, even if he’s a nobody, we should have someone look into it.” I insisted and got nods. “Then who could do that for us?” Berserker questioned and I shrugged. “Chryssie?” I suggested, since she was the one he reached out to and all. “No. I’m not going to endanger our wife and kids.” Shining said flatly with a glare. “It was just a suggestion honey.” I huffed before we got to the door and found Cadence entrapped within a crystal. We calmly looked at the monologuing black stallion who was the obvious culprit. I didn’t bother to hear him out and aimed my arm at him before firing a ‘splash’ potion bottle from my slime like a cannon. He screamed in unholy agony as he felt every single part of his body transform from male to female. While he/she was writhing on the ground and screaming their throat raw, I drilled my hand into the crystal and then opened up the whole side to pull Cady from the back of it. Oo~! The inside of the crystal has a perfect imprint of Cady’s front! Heh~, I’m gonna keep the crystal. “Thanks sweetie.” Cady huffed in relief and glared down at the writhing gray/black mare. “No prob. Anyway, whoever she is it’s up to you what’s done with her.” I said to my pink princess wife and she smiled evilly down at the barely conscious mare. “It is so satisfying to see this asshole brought down like this.” Berserker chuckled darkly and Shining nodded in agreement. “So, Shining, who is this?” I asked my husband as I rubbed Cadence’s shoulders to calm her. “Sombra, but I didn’t think he-she was alive.” Shiny replied and I sighed before I fired a ‘smelling salt’ out of my arm at her and she woke up with a yelp as Shiny pinned her with a hoof. “Alright Sombra, how are you even alive this time?” “That old goat Grogar brought me back! I wouldn’t follow him though-!” Visilia kicked the mare in the gut and she groaned as she held herself. Wow, she’s a wimp when it comes to pain. “So, Grogar is getting modern Villains to help him. Hermais!” I called out for my Knowledge noodle, who did appear, but as a female and she looked rather satisfied. “I need some help, my daughter.” “Right, what’s up?” Hermais asked as she summoned ‘librarian’ glasses. “Look into this guy named Grogar. He brought this idiot back, he might bring back some other goons from the past.” I said with a spit on the floor near the dumb bitch. “Alright, I’ll look into it, I’ll even get my sibs in on the search!” Hermais chuckled before she poofed. “That should deal with the issue. As much as it would be interesting to see this Grogar, it would be best to just let my daughters and sons deal with him.” I huffed, having the feeling Discord was involved somehow. “So what should we do with this?” Visilia asked as she pressed her hoof down on Sombra’s sternum and the mare gasped for breath. “Pin her to the bed? She threatened Flurry before and I want to see if I can’t wring the cruelty from her.” Cadence suggested and I looked at her oddly. First Chryssie, now this bitch? Honey, you’re so weird. Do you have a hate boner for all of your enemies? “Do what you want with her.” Berserker huffed in disapproval, clearly not liking the idea. “I vote no on that.” Visilia scoffed as she kept the pressure on Sombra’s lungs. “Also no.” I snorted and Cadence gawked at me. “Cady, I swear.” I’m not that bad! “Why? I figured you’d be for it honey.” Shining asked me and I shook my head. “The change alone is punishment, there’s no need to add to it. Just lock her in a cell after nullifying her magic and leave her to the whims of an unfamiliar body. That potion is not to make someone ready to be your baby factory. It’s for torture really, since it does the transformation without numbing the pain.” I told them and they all winced at realizing why Sombra had screamed herself hoarse and then passed out earlier. “Not to mention, Berserker might end up killing you for such a sinful act of depravity.” Visi commented, but we knew he wouldn’t go that far, just be extremely disgusted and disappointed, which were worse honestly. “You are the Princess of Love, not Rape. There’s a difference.” “I know that, but I was planning to slowly break her in.” Cadence mewled and I rubbed my brow. “I vote for the cell option. The war crimes from recent years make life in a cell reasonable. We can’t try her for her ancient evils though, statutes of limitations and all.” Shining said with a nod. “Better.” Visilia picked the former tyrant up and handcuffed her. I remember seeing those cuffs in Tartarus. They render prisoners completely useless. They can’t use their magic, physical strength or whatnot. Tartarus here has them and it makes sense Visi’s Tartarus does too. “Now, since that is finished, what is down here?” I asked Cadence and she sighed. “The Tomb of the Ashen One. It’s under the Crystal Palace. We’re not going to wake her up, but legend has it that she left a library of magic for all to learn from and we just got into the main chamber.” Cadence told me and I perked up. Magic? Lots of magic? My Soul is Singing~! “Wait here until Shining and I come back. I don’t know where the Dungeon is exactly.” Oh, right, Visi doesn’t come here. “Cadence, no sex or else I’ll remove your groin with a spell and stick it in an automated cock milker for days this time.” She threatened before Shining quickly guided her upstairs as they transported Sombra with magic. “Right.” Cadence whined as she clutched her groin, remembering the last time that happened. “I can’t hold anymore if you want me walking anyway.” I groaned, still digesting her massive load. “I wish Svartr hadn’t kept the Navel Pearl, or this wouldn't be an issue.” (<3) “Okay, she’s dealt with.” Shining told us as he came downstairs to find Cadence worshiping Berserker by running her hands over his thighs and groin, which were armored. “Really?” Visilia asked in frustration as she pinched the bridge of her snout. “We’re not undressed.” Cadence groused as she traced the ridges of his armor. “She more or less tried to convince me, so I told her to work for it.” Berserker retorted with a snort while petting her head. “She just started fondling him and I’m too tired to stop her.” I grunted from where I was sitting on my tails, my giant floofy tail hands holding me up like they did before the extra transformations. “Cadence, I’m about to pop off your dick and stuff it in a milker with rubber bands constricting it so your balls will blow up until they burst.” Visilia growled in frustration and Cadence mewled. “Fine, Berserker’s a tough one anyway, it’ll take years.” Cadence got up and dusted off. “Dear, we’re not here to have sex. We need to focus on work.” Shining sighed tiredly. “I liked the old days.” Cadence huffed and I growled before I slapped her, much to everyone’s surprise. “Cadence, I don’t need to be used as a toy again. I’ve grown from my sexy crazy days. Now I’m sexy and responsible! My other parts also agree that we can’t just fuck all the time right now. We need to focus first on repairs, then stabilization for the generations we already birthed. In about twenty years we’ll retire to some mountain and make it our retreat, then you can fuck us for months if you want!” I snarled at my wife, who looked both ashamed and aroused. “Oh, how times have changed. Better get used to it Cadence, because your workload is about to get a lot heavier than what you have going right now.” Berserker chuckled darkly. “Really?!” Cadence asked in dismay. “No~! There’s so much paperwork~!” “You’re the most stable country and have the most stable economy. You’ll be the group supporting everything.” I told her, making both my wife and husband pale. “Even if it was Unity at the head, Equestria was still the one funding the armies in the war. Equestria is currently in war mode and civilian markets are on a decline. The Crystal Empire is the region not in ruins, just got displaced for two months, or nearing a depression.” “Oh no~.” Cadence whined as she got paler. “Is that why-?” Shining began. “Yes, the past two days were letting you two have fun before we got to work.” I nodded. “Terrific.” Berserker sarcastically said with a roll of his eyes. “You had fun too.” I chuckled and he blushed, probably because on the first day he went full dragon again. “That wasn’t what I meant.” He rebuked as he looked away like a tsundere. “Then what did you mean?" Shining asked nervously. “I meant all you lot will ever do in those two days is fuck. I know I can’t really talk, but even I know that work needs to be done before anything else.” Berserker clarified, which I could understand. Business before pleasure and all that, but boy does he enjoy the pleasure. “The plan is to be here for three months.” I announced for everyone’s benefit. “She did mention that. It was when Cadence pounced her and practically ate her face.” Visilia smirked and I facepalmed. I can’t believe that is what got Visi so amused. “So why did you eat her face? That doesn’t seem to be something you would normally do.” Berserker questioned as he looked at Cadence in confusion. “She’s delicious, like the world’s perfect chocolate mint cherry sundae.” Cadence mewled. “It might be a leftover from her almost becoming goo like Urta, Cocoa and Honey. They have to control themselves from just eating me in their sleep, they’ve gotten better at it.” I explained. “Right. Goo.” Berserker was looking a little unnerved. “I keep forgetting about that little tidbit.” “Yes, Cadence thankfully didn’t turn into one, but she had been close.” I sighed as Cadence pouted and poked my left breast firmly. “Yes, denying me eternity as a sexy slime pony. I’ll be one someday! Anyway, let’s go find the library since I’ve been so thoroughly cock and cunt blocked." Cadence grumbled. (<3) Finding the library was a little difficult, but other than walking through artificial caves that were freezing cold from the permafrost still in the dirt layers above the rock, there were no traps. As for the Library, it was amazing. Svartr would drool about this place. For the most part though, it was not a great marvel for me right now despite my initial excitement. “Are we almost done?” I asked Cadence imploringly. “Not even close, but this library is valuable and I don’t have a Court Mage to delegate this work to.” Cadence whined and I noticed the irony in this situation, since I was in a similar boat once. “We all know Twilight is the one that is into this. You’re both stalling. Besides, I’m the one that really understands these books.” I told her flatly and Cadence did a headdesk because while she was an alicorn, she was a pegasus before and not a good mage regardless. “Stalling, are we?” Berserker accused Shining and Cadence with a tone of disapproval. “We um, don’t want to do our jobs.” Shining admitted and Cadence smacked him over the head. “Come on Cady, we’re not mages and we can’t afford to spend too long learning new magic when we can hire someone to do it for us.” “Wait, so you have just been doing this to get out of work, but it’s just as bad as your actual work in the end. Yep, you two are in trouble.” I groaned and looked in on my other souls. At this distance, I can’t see or feel everything, but I can get impressions. “Yeah. Let’s just go back up and get on with it. We’ve been needing a Court Mage anyway. Hopefully with the demons dealt with we can find a good candidate who is suitable for the job rather than any hopeful with the will to prove themselves.” Cadence got up and put her hands on her lower back, pushing out her bust to crack her spine. “Oof. These ancient stone chairs have got to go.” “Holy Hell…” Visi muttered and I nodded with a knowing look at the two males in the room who were surprised. Yeah, my wife can be ultra-sexy when she isn’t trying. > Aftermath 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.2 Daring “Another long pointless meeting just to get to this guy.” I sighed as I leaned against Runner, who was snoring. Said meeting was over and it was mostly paperwork and the assigning of seats. We were trying to meet with the leader of some group of Griffins so they could give us funding for a road from their land to the dragon lands to enable trade with the Griffin kingdom proper. So far we’ve walked into the red tape of shady bureaucrats holding us up “How are you holding up?” “Could be better. I really just wanna barge into their offices.” Urta groaned with a soft facepalm. “How about you, Collateral?” I asked the awake marine. “I feel like they’re spying on us. Me, especially.” Collateral sighed and Runner was still snoring the day away. “It would make sense, since those greedy bastards allowed Hell a proper breach into our world while they were preparing to annex nearby lands and have taken tons of islands in the ocean.” I groused angrily, remembering the sight of their planes out at sea well outside their territory. “Right.” Collateral shook his head in disappointment. “Please bear with us, we’ve honestly never had to try and make trade routes.” The stereotypical secretary griffin hen requested as she went over the documents with a magnifying glass. “Okay. In that case, go ahead and find something fun to do, Col. We shouldn’t all have to suffer.” I told the giant black wolf and he hummed in relief. “Thanks.” The black wolf leaned down from his towering 14-foot height and gave me a kiss before he left, possibly to go shoot something out of boredom. Hopefully not any griffins, even if they are communist-. “Oh! We missed a signature!” I groaned and wished I was in Cynder’s place. The impression I’m getting from her is much more pleasant. POV: Cynder “Hm, it is so nice to just get work done. My other quarters are probably struggling with stubborn officials or laziness.” I crooned as I nuzzled Pillar, having done my work for the day. “Why are you having a breeze?” Pillar chuckled as I rubbed his groin. “I know how to relax. Unity is the Military Capital and while we are an Equestrian settlement, most of my work involves enforcement of new borders, laws and keeping the peace. Celestia and Luna are dealing with the reconstruction since they have more experience with it. Also, my dear Twilight is dealing with all the lawmakers and nobles. Willow has to corral Cadence and Shining while Daring is dealing with foreign officials. Also, I had plans of rebuilding the Everlasting Dragons if I won that war with Gwyn and most of those plans can still work today.” “With the help of Berserker for the repopulation of Everlasting Dragons, since he is one.” Pillar added and I nodded with a naughty grin. “Yes, that has been helping.” I chuckled and rubbed my hand against the armor of his groin even though we were in the throne room. Hot damn I love this throne and it’s illusion magic~. “Why are you doing this?” The White Wolf of a Paladin asked, but he didn’t stop me from pawing at him. “Well, we’re waiting for morning court and I’m hungry. Do you mind putting on a show for me?” I asked as I patted his thigh. “If that’s what you want.” Pillar chuckled and used his Gravity powers to strip off his armor piece by piece, then the clothing underneath that until he was fully naked. Revealing his glorious body for my viewing pleasure and I cooed while groping my bust and lowering a hand into my lap. “Mm~, you boys are so fine~." I licked my lips and then stood up since I’m normal sized right now and he’s 14 feet tall. I reached up and started kneading those beautiful baby batter bounties hanging from his groin. “Your highness, Blueblood is here.” Saliva announced as she led in that handsome stallion that flirted with Willow so long ago when she was being introduced to the nobles of Canterlot. “Ah, madam, pardon if I am off-guard. I had hoped to see Willow again.” The posh stallion said as he approached the throne. Said magic chair was hiding the naughty activity we were up to, making Blueblood see whatever he expected to see. Well, other than someone I’m not. “Willow is currently in the Crystal Empire.” Pillar answered as he rubbed my head while his red rocket extended and I licked my lips eagerly while that giant veiny beast drew nearer. “A shame, I was looking forward to speaking to her. Anyhow, I need funds to fix some old pipelines from the north. They provided a lot of the oil we use in our engineering, so the Lust Demons damaged them a while ago.” Blueblood bluntly stated and I hummed as I stroked Pillar’s monumental cock and then began sucking hungrily on his glans. “I see. Is that all you ask?” Pillar questioned the Prince as he twitched from what I was doing. “Well, that is my formal request. I came here instead of either of my aunts because this endeavor falls under military logistics since the pipes supply our oil for vehicles. As for why I am the one making said request, it is because I am nominally in charge of our logistics. My informal reason for being here was to finally get to know Willow better.” Blueblood admitted and I hummed around Pillar’s dick in interest. He is handsome after all. “We will give you the loan to fix the piping problem, but Willow isn’t here.” Pillar declared and I nodded with an approving hum as I drank the pre-cum Pillar began feeding me. Mm~, so salty. “That is good to hear. Well, I hope to get to know you too Princess Cynder, but I’m afraid I don’t have as much time as I’d like to linger. I’ve bought property here in Unity and plan to live here part-time to get away from the hustle of Canterlot, so I’ll be around.” Blueblood informed us and then he left, being escorted back out by Saliva. After that, much of the day went similarly with me having sex with Pillar while nobody was any wiser and with absolutely no stress involved, the whole affair went much faster. “Umph, that was fun and fast, two and a half hours instead of four!” I chuckled as I sat on Pillar’s lap with a big belly full of his cum, making me look pregnant. “It certainly was fun~.” Pillar purred as he hugged me into his broad chest. “However dear, the fun will be over soon. Feel free to keep busting your nuts in me while I do paperwork, but then I need to go to Canterlot for a meeting.” I sighed and enjoyed Pillar’s attention as I took up the first sheet of today’s paperwork, which, sadly in my lovely situation, wasn’t much. Curse Money Mover and Quibbler for their efficiency~. POV: Svartr “Are you doing alright?” I heard Hunter ask and I groaned as I sat up. “Narrm?” I pulled my eyes open. “Sorry, I'm tired. Milly wouldn’t sleep last night.” “So I’ve heard.” Hunter nodded. “What was the matter with her?” “She wanted a story and for it to be told just right. I’m not good at stories.” I sighed. “Told right? What sort of story did she want to hear?” Hunter blinked in confusion. “Um, some story about a little rabbit and a farmer? It was like a Brothers Grimm story.” I huffed and scratched at my ears. “...Now I’m worried about our children.” Hunter commented in concern and I rolled my eyes. “Oh they’ll be fine, since Cocoa has been the one reading them stories.” I have full faith dear! “Anything else I should know about the kids?” Hunter questioned, raising a brow in suspicion. “Marcus is staring at girls.” I told him with melancholy. Curse this world, forcing the people to mature so quickly. At least, even if childhood is short, they still live long and healthy lives afterward. “Hermy didn’t have anything to do with that, did he?” Hunter accused and I rolled my eyes. “No, it’s their growth rate. We should explain sex to some of the older ones. Also puberty.” I grumbled at the unpleasant duty ahead of me. Daring is the best suited, but she’s me too and I don’t want to leave it all up to her. We are Wiatr together strong. “Great.” Hunter’s face expressed his sadness. “There goes our luck with spending time with our kids. They’re already reaching adolescence.” “Not all of them. Mostly Berserker's first and I’ve looked into it with Twilight. They’re growing so fast because of what I could guess is the Warp mixing with my genes when I just started merging with Willow. Blame me for their fast growth, but be prepared for most of the kids to reach adulthood at about 16.” I warned him and he rubbed his chin. “Wouldn’t Argent Energy play a part in this as well?” Huh, that’s a good question Hunter. “I think so, you could check. Twilight was only looking for what if any cause, listing off Argent too. Children of this world grow quickly already on top of it all.” I nodded and he huffed. “So, on a Cosmetic level in this world. I’m guessing Rex is in the same boat?” Hunter inquired, sounding a little intrigued by this development. “A little, yes, but only by a week. Rex will grow fairly normal to our standards.” He’s a lucky little guy in this world, getting to have a longer childhood. “Bryan’s gonna have a full plate on his hands.” Hunter shook his head with an amused smile. “Sorry, we only found this out recently. If I had known when we got together I would have told you. Also blame the Lust Demon for the aging rate.” I growled the last bit. “Wait, their Corruption played a part in this?!” Hunter looked alarmed and I nodded. “Yes, they slowly, over thousands of years, sped up the growth rate of children in this world. This has led to short childhoods and other issues and doctors are still trying to reverse the damage, but it’s pretty much coded in the genes of the remaining races of this world.” I told him solemnly. “Damn, that bad, huh?” Hunter grumbled and I tiredly nodded, my exhaustion catching up. “Yes, but they have made progress. Some species had the growth from birth to adults shortened to a day, now the average is sixteen years. Marcus and his particular sibling batch had a weird combo, at least it took four years.” I whined at realizing how little precious time we’ve had. “Is he still doing okay?” Hunter asked as he pet me on the head. Mm~...so sleepy... “Hm, yes, no issue there. His education is great and his aging is slowing, best guess they're going to be adults in three more years.” I told him as I closed my eyes while he gave scratchies. “What about my children?” Hunter questioned as I leaned against him, letting his arm wrap around my back and keep rubbing my neck~...mm... “They’re aging about the same as others, though they have a better grasp of mature concepts.” I mumbled and nuzzled under his chin as I snuggled against him on the couch. “What about that little girl of mine? The one that lays traps?” Hunter gave a cheeky tone. “She’s about seven I guess.” I muttered against his throat before I felt something snap on my tail! “Yeow!” “Niobe.” Hunter chuckled and I groaned tiredly. “This is not okay.” I grumbled as I broke the thing off. “This is still mild compared to the gauntlet yesterday. She said she was trying to capture a ghost with it.” “With a trap like that? Doesn’t she know ghosts can phase through them?” Hunter asked in amusement as I snuggled back against him on the couch. “She does now.” I grumbled and got back to cuddling. “Well, everything is looking good so far.” Hunter said as he pulled me atop him to lie down. “Even with some of these unexpected outcomes, it wasn’t all that bad.” “No, not at all.” I whispered and felt myself starting to drift off, at least before a ball bounced off my head and then Hunter’s. “So, I can say I understand why some parents would want time away once they’re kids are acting like this.” “Indeed.” Hunter rolled his eyes, but I know deep down he’s proud of his girl. “I never would just leave them.” I said, hoping to close my eyes again and keep them closed, only to hear Hunter huff and smell Niobe at our heads on this end of the couch. “Hi Daddy!” The wonderful little kunoichi terror chuckled, the physically/mentally 7 year old was clearly enjoying messing with us when we’re clearly exhausted. Little terror, you already know the joys of schadenfreude huh? Wait until you’re older, I’ll teach you more, just go away now? “Hi sweetie. How have you been?” Dang it Hunter, ugh, we were about to get a nap~! “Good!” Niobe giggled as she played with his ears. “Why do you like making traps so much? Honestly, I know I set traps, but not so often.” Aw, Hunter~! Please~! I’m so tired~! “I think it's fun. I also like the challenge.” Niobe answered as she smiled evilly at me. Grr~! “I wonder how your siblings and relatives are gonna survive against you.” Hunter joked, but Niobe laughed haughtily. Oh no~! She heard about Aventurine’s ‘Hime’ laugh! “They won’t!” Niobe declared with a smirk and looked down her snout at us. She’s gonna grow up to be a living meme! No~! “Great.” I grumbled before another trap snapped on my tail, but I’m too damn tired to care now. “Honey, you need to stop doing that to your mother.” Hunter said, sternly. “Your fascination with traps is getting out of hand.” “Aw.” Niobe whined, the superiority she was displaying suddenly shoved off a cliff. “Yes, it hurts dear. I know I make funny reactions, but it hurts me.” I said and Niobe sniffled. “Sorry Mama.” Niobe apologized and with a snap, her trap was taking a dirt nap. Uh-oh. I think we can blame Hermais and them for that one. “And now Chaos.” I sighed as Niobe hugged my side, crying into the side of my boob. “So how are the other mongrels doing?” I asked before four balls hit me on the head. “Kids, go play somewhere else! Your mother and I want to rest!” Hunter called out before grabbing one of the balls and chucked it back. Surprisingly, he got them all with just that one ball, as it kept bouncing from one head to another when they yelped. “The balls weren’t traps, they’re the kids.” I groaned as another hit his head and Marcus slipped from view behind a mountain of pillows where they were playing ball, or something that involved throwing a ball at each other. “When did that happen?” Really? You just realised it now? You’re losing your touch Hunter. “Like an hour ago, have you been so focused on my pretty face?” I snorted and snuggled tighter against him. “Well, you are alluring.” What a flatterer~. I was closing my eyes when more crying started. “Anyway, I hear someone calling for food, keep disabling traps that I haven’t already set off.” I sighed as I got up and picked up, I think this is Nicolas, and brought him to my left breast to nurse. “So, what game are you all playing?” A nap is out of the question now~. “Ball tag. Sorry that we kept hitting you.” Valkyr mewled as she scraped a paw on the floor. “What version of tag has multiple taggers?” I asked tiredly and they looked confused. “Wait, there’s only supposed to be one?” Ugh, so cute, but so exhausting. “Yes. one who is ‘it’ and all the others that try to keep from being it. There is a game of tag that has even teams slowly eliminating each other until one is left standing.” I explained patiently. “Sounds familiar.” Hunter hummed in amusement and I rolled my eyes at his dirty brain. “Yeah, but you’re thinking of dodgeball.” I said with a naughty grin. “I know, but don’t you think we’re spoiling the children too much? I mean, think about it.” Hunter said and I blinked. Really? But, we barely get to spend quality time with them! How are they spoiled?! “Um, I know we pretty much give them everything, but it’s what they’re being taught that counts. Cocoa doesn’t go light on the punishments. She has made them clean up this castle from top to bottom after she had Twilight shut off the cleaning spell. That was because she had found them just throwing food to the ground in the market.” At least that we can blame on them thinking the ground would just clean up after them like they’re so used to at home. “That’s good to know.” Hunter said with an approving nod. “They’ve also been at least taught how to eat properly and recognize when they’re full. I don’t want them having these...eating disorders Willow remembers.” I shivered. So many unwanted memories of people so corpulent that they had curtains of fat hanging down to their knees! Being stuffed or swollen with child is one thing, but eugh~! “Hm, would that also include eating very little?” Hunter queried and I nodded. “Yes, overweight or underweight is something I don’t want for them, nor the worse case issues.” I sighed as I rubbed Valkyr’s head. “I remember Bryan had a similar eating disorder, as in eating less. Trust me, he was the skinniest.” Hunter recalled and surprised me. I couldn’t imagine him not being buff. “Oh, I’m happy he seems to have recovered from it.” I commented as Nicolas burped and I put him down. “Yeah...let’s go with that.” Okay, that was weird. Why did he say it like that? Hunter said it like it didn’t happen that way. “He’s still not eating right is he?” I asked as I focused on ensuring Willow would hear this. “The body he has now was when we were all Displaced, not because he was watching his diet and working out at the gym.” Hunter explained, which made sense. “There was even a point where none of us had eaten anything, at all. We’ve never felt hungry. It freaked us out.” “Oh, well you are modeled after...well Todd, the Doom Slayer, or something.” I suggested. “The Doom Slayer, though Todd definitely takes that title. Well, in my opinion.” Hunter nodded. “The other’s don’t think the same?” I asked as the kids went back to playing, so I went back to the couch and flumped down on a seat. Boy am I glad our magic dress can duplicate, which we wish we knew before, because I’m too tired to bother covering my boob back up myself. “I’m not sure, but I can guess that Berserker and Runner wouldn’t give a shit about it, because why would they look or refer to Todd as just the Doom Slayer? Kinda makes him look too...one-dimensional.” Hunter said as he sat down next to me again. “True. I don’t know him well enough to say though.” Todd’s an enigma to us compared to them. “He’s a pretty good guy to hang around, have a conversation and such. He doesn’t say much, but he’ll hear you out. Sometimes he has asked me some questions and I answer them to the best of my ability.” Hunter shrugged and pulled me back into a snuggle, which I gladly followed. “Like what?” I asked with my snout against his throat, closing my eyes. Please, I need rest. Children are infinitely more exhausting than battlefields. “Kinda like a big brother asking how his little brothers’ lives have been.” Well, that was vague. “Honestly, he’s a man of few words.” “Ah, well, I guess I can understand that a bit. I was like that before meeting my first love.” Oh no, here’s the melancholy. Ugh. I wish Hunter would just let me rest, but he seems insistent on keeping me up now. “Which one?” That was a weird question. “I meant by that; is it your first, Willow’s first, Daring’s first, or Cynder’s first?” Oh. I guess it would be weird to think of us as separate people after all this time of being fused together into one entity. “My first. Me. Svartr. He was this guy in Izalith, long before anyone else. I was an Undead Black Knight that haunted the armor before Willow grabbed me and slipped me on. You know most of the rest. Anyway, I think he turned into a Chaos Demon. I hope he’s up there in the Crystal Empire somewhere, living a better life than before.” I didn’t even get to know him by name either, such was our passion that we fucked like horny rabbits for days and-no. No. Stop. “Oh, I see.” Hunter gently patted my back and I chuffed with amusement into his throat. “What, you thought I only found love in this Era? Cynder's former husband is Midir and he’s still around.” Unf~! Cynder’s Love for him is so burning hot that I and the others took him into our hearts quickly! I hope we can see him again soon, arrange something, get him back in our life. “Wait, where is he? I thought you girls found him sleeping in that cave back in Saddle Arabia?” Huh? Did we tell them about that? I don’t remember. Oh, right, that night of desperate passion with Urta, she must’ve mentioned why we were so eager when telling of our first time together. “We did, but he left soon after. Then he came by and fucked us full of eggs before he flew off again. He’s dealing with his duty to safeguarding against the Dark. Not Luna’s tamed version, but the more lethal leftovers from the Age of Fire.” Maybe...can Luna help get him back? “I wonder what he would think of Berserker? I mean, he’s an Everlasting Dragon himself now.” Hunter pondered and I shrugged as I pushed him down to lay down and let me use him as a body pillow. “Aldin is one he’d remember. Even if he’s decided to fuse with Berserker, Midir would think Berserker was a bit of a loose cannon, but he’d remember his wife’s brother and treat him with respect unless he was challenged.” Now shut up~. I wanna nap. “Berserker is...independent. He’s stubborn, headstrong, and full of testosterone and fury.” Ugh, Hunter, please~. I pegged you as the brother with more awareness than the others, or do you understand how tired I am and just want to keep me talking anyway? “Okay, Hunter, I’m tired, so I’m not gonna mince words. Cynder thinks he’s a great lay, but dislikes his temper. Daring is neutral, Willow finds him grating on the nerves yet she loves him the hardest out of us while I find him perfect for me.” I shifted down and rest my cheek on his chest, fully intending to go to sleep like this. “Really? Nothing about him rubs you the wrong way?” Oh by Aventurine. “I’m a battle junky who loves defiant jackasses, but my patience for nosey interrogators is lacking. Shut up, or I’m punching you and slinking off to a locked bedroom.” I grumbled. “...Alright then.” Hunter wrapped his arms around me. “...So…” “Ugh, what?” I growled and then perked when I ran his hands down to my tail and tugged. “Ugh, finally!” I jumped to my paws, grabbing Hunter’s hand and ran through the chaos to my, er, our bedroom and practically tossed Hunter onto the bed before I pounced. POV. Willow “Well, it looks like we’re halfway done.” I huffed while my mates groaned while we all looked at the paperwork that was piled in front of us. A quarter of it was actually requisitions for somebody to do this for Cadence and Shiny in the future like I did. “Too much~!” Cadence whined and I patted my wife’s back. “I’ve dealt with worse.” I commiserated, remembering my days before the hiring of my clerks.  “I did have someone to help with this, but they retired and I haven’t found anyone to replace him~.” Cadence wailed in despair and I rubbed her back between her wings. “You will, dear, this is work you have to deal with until then.” I told her soothingly. “I really wish we could’ve pulled from Canterlot like you did Willow. There aren’t many ponies up here with a background in clerical work.” Shining commented as he rubbed his sore wrist and hand. Considering he has wives to pleasure him, I bet he’s not used to that hand being strained. “Oh, suck it up you two. Just be glad that things didn’t get nearly as bad as they did for my world.” Visilia huffed, clearly annoyed at all the bellyaching. I’m sure she’s got experience with this, but unlike the tools she has now, we’re still stuck with scrolls and quills for the most part. “Don’t worry Visi, they’ll get over it. Especially once we get those computers more widely available and reduce all the writing to typing.” Typing can suck too, but it’s much less stressful on the hands and wrists than writing. “After we learn how to use them.” Cadence sighed and everyone nodded. “It will take time even then, but you’ll learn and have tutors.” Visilia assured my wife. “Yes, now get to doing this paperwork.” I chuckled as Cadence huffed and Shining Armor groaned, both going back to ready documents while I finished off the last few with some glances at the major print before reviewing the fine print. I had to reject only six suggestions for supply lines, two for humanitarian, or whatever we should call it, acts, along with some for new roads. Either for stipulations in the document that suggest ulterior motives, or things that could be people trying to cut corners. “I’m done.” I chuckled as the other two looked at me in shock. “Oi! Get back to it!” Berserker growled at them. Honestly, as soon as we saw the amount of paperwork Cadence and Shining had to do, he started chewing them out for not doing it right away. Then again, he has a point; get it out of the way so you can do your own thing later on. “Now Visilia, want to have some fun?” I questioned and Cadence whined while Visi smirked. “Not that kind of fun.” I snickered, causing Cadence to sigh in relief and Visi to pout in disappointment. “Also, remember that this is a month's worth of work.” “It’s not like Emerald Inkwell told us his retirement was up. Er, actually, it might’ve gotten lost in all of this.” Cadence mumbled and looked over the piles curiously, likely wondering if his 2-week’s notice was in all of this. It was, but I’m not about to say~. “Fucking Christ on a stick.” Berserker huffed in righteous frustration over the negligence. “I’ll bet it is honey. Don’t worry, when we go through the sorted piles we can find it and apologize in case the castle staff didn’t give him his retirement party.” Shining sighed and she nodded. “You’re lucky they didn’t start laws to send prisoners to the mines again or something.” I said and they balked at the very idea of someone doing that right under their snouts. “Which led to Sombra’s disturbing obsession of crystals, and stairs, which the Empire has an abundance of. Adding more fuel to his madness and ambition, or someone else’s should you two get usurped for not being careful.” Berserker pointed out facts these two should have known. “So we should keep a closer eye on things, we get it.” Cadence huffed and we nodded. “Yes, do more background checks on future employees and don’t just ignore them after they’ve got the job. Everyone needs to be reminded that you can shit on them from such a height, they’ll think God himself crapped on them.” I stated, getting confused looks before I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, we’ll leave you dumbasses to it.” Berserker told them, ushering both Visi and I out of the room and not caring to listen to their pitiful wails. “Okay, so sparring? Walking about? Or sex?” I asked with a wink at the last bit and Visi perked. “Sparring.” Berserker answered and Visi huffed, but smiled anyway. “What?” “You always want to use your fists.” Visi teased with her tongue poking out at him. “What’s wrong with that? I just want to keep in shape and be at my best.” Berserker retorted with a pout, which rang out to me from what Svartr relayed of what Hunter said. “We know, but there is more. Also, we had training this morning, even if it was a half an hour less today.” I chuckled, knowing we’ve been at this for days now. “Ugh! Fine, we’ll go for a walk.” Berserker grumbled. “Okay.” I chuckled, the others giggling in my head. “Cynder’s fucking Pillar in the throne room again, ugh, I’m going to be horny sorry.” “Well~, unlike Bryan, I could use some stress relief~.” Visi purred to me and I bit my lip but shook my head. “Oh, fine. You have two horny ladies on your arms Bryan, I hope you don’t mind.” “I do mind, because now you’re gonna frustrate me.” Berserker huffed and let us take his arms in our bosoms and we began our walkabout for some fresh air and casual teasing. > Aftermath 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.3 It was almost a year before we all met up again, Daring having met many leaders, fucking about half of them and securing Equestria as the main Super Power. The Dragons are still a seperate power, but are our closest allies. Those in any countries annexed during the war were now either fully assigned as Equestrian territory or slowly being brought back up to strength with our aid. The main situation right now was still rebuilding, but we didn’t need to be split now. “Okay, almost home!” I sighed leaning on Berserker. “And you guys can leave soon too.” I wasn’t looking forward to it, but they have their own shit to deal with. “Yeah.” He nodded his head. “Sorry if it feels like we’re ditching you, but we have our own responsibilities.” I nodded, my thoughts exactly. “I know. We’ll manage. These past years have been us learning how to govern and work on our own. Cynder has been the most experienced of us in almost all fields, so she has had the least to learn. Even if we share knowledge, we still need first hand experience. Also, we have a wedding in a week.” I blinked and then groaned. “Okay, Daring just got a notice of what is basically a Cold War with the Griffins and their allies; Seaquestria, Canida and a few of the still standing Zebra Nations.” Bloody, fucking, typical. “What? Why? I don’t want another repeat of that happening.” Berserker was very annoyed at the inconvenience of the notice. “It doesn’t make much sense.” Visi shook her head at how stupid this was turning out. “Fear, I think. We defeated the biggest issues with devastating force and they’re afraid of what We’ll do now if left unchecked.” So, in their minds, we’re the ‘big bad’ now. “So what do we do?” Visi asked unhappily and I shook my head. “Nothing much. We have no need to attack them and they can’t do much to us. Being rivals is not that bad of an issue so long as they don’t nuke us or something.” I wouldn’t put it past them to try, but so long as we have vigilance and an anti-missile defense system, we’ll be fine. “What was even on the letter they sent? What are their demands?” Berserker inquired. “From what I can tell, they want us to hand over one of your ships so they can study it.” I explained to them, but from the looks on their faces, they didn’t like it. “...When’s the next conference?” Berserker spoke through grit teeth. “About a week. Daring already said no and almost broke the Diamond Dog’s jaw if Runner of all people hadn’t stopped her. Pretty sure they got the message when Daring was screaming at them about how the ships were leaving and Equestria barely started making our first and blah blah. She also mentioned how an invasion might make two Everlasting Dragons walk on their doorsteps. That got them to shut up.” They had better. I prefer to speak softly and carry a big stick, but if I’ve gotta use a megaphone I will. “Okay, but I want us all to be there, just to make sure our answer sticks.” Berserker stated. “Right, not an issue. Cynder is wanting us together for that and in full height with Alduin. She is wanting me to tell you Berserker, not to become an Everlasting Dragon. Saying it would work best if just Us and Alduin throw our weight around at full power. This way those nations just don’t assume that once you leave we’re weak.” I huffed and they nodded in agreement. “Either way, we’ll be back in a heartbeat if they try anything stupid.” Of course you would be. “Alright, is that all?” “Yeah, other than Svartr demanding you to spar her then treat her like a bitch...um...I guess she wants to feel like she’s back in the Army of Gywn with her first love? Wow they got into a lot of domination play.” I blushed as Svartr fed me memories. “Is this why we’re so submissive Svartr?!” We all yelped at the wolf through our mental link, making her chuckle nervously. “Well….” Svartr crooned through our soul-link and I looked at both Berserker and Visilia to see they were weirded out by this...revelation. Can’t say I blame them. “Sorry guys. Um, Berserker reminds her of an Izalith warrior. He was like Berserker.” I sighed. “He was a berserker.” Svartr mewled and I pushed away the melancholy she was feeling. “How are we the same?” Berserker asked in irritation. “He acted much like you, though more on, ‘rawr, spar with me puny humans!’.” I tried emulating as Svartr laughed and facepalmed on her end. Berserker seemed to have calmed down a bit. “Okay, now that makes sense.” “Yeah, even Svartr acted tyrannically back then, they were gods or god-kin, they ruled man. Also Gywn was a prick to everyone.” I said, reminding them that Svartr was once a knight. “Everybody was a cunt to everyone else.” Well, that’s one way of putting it, in a blunt manner. “Yeah, pretty much.” I sighed as Svartr huffed. “Anyway, yeah, you remind her of him...which would explain why I was attracted to you, even if you annoyed the hell out of me when we first met. Svartr was just waking up.” “Does it look like I’m the social type?” Berserker snarked like a mean, old asshole, as Runner put it when describing him. “No, but I do love you, even if it just started when Svartr pushed me a bit.” I mewled with a blush as I looked him over and my twin tails flicked. “Great, now I’m turned on.” “Why’s that?” Visi smirked as she leaned against Berserker. “He’s handsome, protective, righteous and mean, and I like him being mean now. It took a bit to get there, but I love him dominating people. Damnit Svartr, you infected us with your fetish.” I mewled as I wrung my hands together and my tail-hands palmed the floor. “Good, because I was sick and tired of doing nothing in my old life, a useless bum back on Earth doing home chores.” Berserker said, remembering some of his old life. “I didn’t mean to remind you of that.” I mewled unhappily and he waved it off. “It doesn’t matter. That’s not me anymore.” Berserker said as he side-hugged me. “Mm, Berserker~.” I purred and nuzzled him before the transport shifted as the driver tried avoiding something and I moaned from us locking lips. “So, still in the mood for sex?” Visi teased me as the air started heating up from my jungle siren powers triggering due to my building arousal. “Always am, but We just found out that we need to have it less to get work done.” I huffed as Berserker nuzzled and smooched me. “Why are you in the mood to pump me full now~?” I mewled as my breasts swelled up. D-damn it. Calm down girls! I’m goo, so you don’t have to obey my siren nature and expand! “Oo~ I love seeing you get worked up.” Visi teased as Berserker groped my expanded medicine ball boobs. “Oh~, you’re both so mean! I have work the moment we land!” I panted as the air got hotter and hotter while Berserker tugged up my skirt and he began fingering me. “Berserker~!” “Your fault.” Berserker poked his tongue at me and I whined as I became metaphorical putty in his hands. I could be, but I’m trying not to turn into a puddle of sentient sex right now~! “Get inside the room you two!” Visi chuckled as she pushed us both into the private room, closing the door as we fell onto the bed. “Bryan~! Fuck me! Fuck me~!” I pleaded, giving up and getting all goopy, letting my dress vanish to reveal my primarily blue and red tie-dye slime body for him to play with. “You always know the right words~.” POV: Svartr “Gah, really? While I’m still in deep contact!” I groaned, thankfully the kids had been taken by Cocoa already. Hunter looked at me as he finished picking up the room. “Berserker and Willow are going at it and I’m a direct spectator right now.” “So why do I get the feeling you had something to do with it happening?” Hunter joked. “She started talking about my old lover and how I kinda was the one to start their relationship. Willow would have maybe only mated you if I hadn’t been found already.” I chuckled nervously while trying to ignore Berserker’s cock down Willow’s throat right now. Unf, I didn’t realize how much Berserker enjoyed playing with our slime body, he’s really making her contort. “Wait, seriously?” Hunter blinked in surprise and I nodded. “Yes. I was the one pushing her to really start liking him due to him reminding me of my lover.” I admitted, hoping he wouldn’t be put off by this. I may prefer Berserker, but Hunter is a true and genuine lover that I would hate myself forever for upsetting. “Wow...I, uh...wow.” Huh? Is he really so gobsmacked at the idea Willow picked him first? “Yes, Willow really just wanted you to plow her full with pups, lots of pups, and ignore Berserker and the others, but then we all got in our head and we all like you guys in some way and wanted you.” I whined as I tried to ignore the glorious feelings of Berserker fucking Willow stupid. “I see...thank you.” Wait, what? “Huh?” I asked with relieved confusion. “For changing Willow’s mind. If it weren’t for you, I think she would’ve seen Berserker as nothing more than a...you know, Brute.” I winced when he said that. “Yeah, sorry we said that at all. Damn it. I’m awkward and horny now. I’m glad I changed her mind.” I mewled as I fidgeted with my tail in my hands. “Would you like some help with that?” Hunter asked, but he was already taking off his clothes. “Yeah, bloody hell Willow.” I groaned and vanished my dress. “Hm, want more breasts? Feral like body? Been practicing downscaling some stuff~.” “Downscaling? As in Macro/Micro?” Hunter queried in interest. “Well, instead of being a mountain sized feral Everlasting Dragon, I could be a normal sized wolf, or smaller~. I have to jump through hoops for my mass and it’s slightly weaker, so only for bed. So, would you want me to be a feral wolf?” I mean, it’s not bestiality if the ‘animal’ was sapient and consenting. At least from what I understand. “I don’t know. Fucking a feral would be kind of weird, wouldn’t it? Then again...” The silent dracowolf wondered to himself before shrugging. “Well...if you want to get freaky about it, I guess we could. How small can you be, exactly?” “Hm, about a foot tall, maybe less if I really strain it.” I told him in excitement. Personally, I’d like to be able to become even smaller, but even a foot tall is so small it’d be fantastic! “I’m ready when you are.” Hunter said with a gesture at the bed. “Okay.” I took a nervous breath before shifting the best I could and going down to about a foot high, looking like a dwarf wolf. “How do I look?” Rolling over and showing off my six teats. “Well…” Hunter scratched his head. “You’re different.” Moving over to me, he knelt down and started rubbing my belly. I cooed as my tail was wagging and my right leg was kicking about from the sensation. “You like this?” “Ah, didn’t think I would kick my legs~.” I giggled as he treated me like a pet. “Oh~, you’re making my nipples tingle, but it’s so nice just to get belly rubs. I wouldn’t mind if we just did this.” I admitted and Hunter seemed amused, but he started focusing on my nips. “Hm…” He hummed while using his other hand to play with each nipple, rubbing them, pinching them and twisting them. They’re not as sensitive, or pleasurable. “That doesn’t seem to work.” “No, but it does still feel nice~.” I sighed and wiggled under his hands as I relaxed. “Who’s a good bitch~?” I shuddered when he called me that. “Me!” I cheered and he rewarded me with neck scritches. Oo~ yeah. “So, what does my good bitch want~?” Hunter asked in amusement and I had to ponder. “Well, although I originally wanted your dick, I’m...kinda good with just heavy petting~.” I giggled and Hunter snorted in amusement, going back to rubbing my tummy and even rubbing my neck. “Oh gosh, no wonder dogs and other ferals love getting petted and rubbed so much.” “So it seems.” Hunter snorted as he climbed onto the bed, displaying his groin to me and all the silliness left me, my usual carnal hunger rising. I rolled to my paws and excitedly wagged my tail as I panted and looked at his delicious musky balls hungrily. “Nope, don’t be a bad bitch. Stay still.” Hunter cooed and I whined as I sat on my haunches and raised a paw pleadingly. “Please~!” I begged, cranking up the cuteness as much as I could. “No. Stay still, or no naughty bits for you.” Hunter firmly stated. “Fine.” I whined and humped the bed a bit in need. Nodding his head, he presented his nuts to my nose again, setting them on so that the only thing I’m breathing in was their scent. I whimpered in need as I had to endure, the smell was so intoxicating that I had to bite down on my tongue in order to stop myself from licking those sloshing cum orbs. By the Gods this is driving me mad with lust! I whimpered, feeling like my pussy was leaking a puddle along with feeling his cock leaking a puddle at my paws. “Now, bitch, stick your tongue out and lick them clean.” Hunter ordered me and I gladly obeyed, lapping his balls as I pawed them with my paws. “No pawing, only lick.” He demanded and reached down to one of my teats to give it a painful twist. I yelped in pain and corrected myself, licking at his balls as he showed me my place. “Hmph~.” I moaned tasting him, my senses full of musk. “That’s enough, open your mouth.” He ordered, moving away from me as he held his cock. I did as I was told and opened wide. Lining himself up, he placed the tip of his cock inside, closing my mouth shut around it as I tasted the pre leaking out from it, filling my mouth full of it. “Drink.” He commanded, slowly rubbing the rest of his length as he held me in place. “*Glup!*” I groaned and tried to swallow his cock, but he pulled away and booped my snoot. “The tip is all you’ll be getting, along with the pre leaking out of it.” Hunter stated. “Hunter? Why is your cock in a pup’s mouth?” Pillar asked as I saw him and Cynder feet out of the corner of my eye at the door. “It’s Svartr.” Hunter told them. “She shapeshifted into a small wolf.” “Okay…” Pillar said, clearly disturbed and off-guard. “She’s not a pup, more like a small imitation of a feral. Though she is really weak from storing so much goo in her Inventory.” Cynder informed Pillar while I kept drinking Hunter’s pre. “Well, I guess we’ll leave you two alone.” Pillar said as he and Cynder left us. “Hm.” I hummed around his cock and kept suckling on his tip. “Hm, are you really a pup, or is this the equivalent of a young teenager?” Hunter asked me, pulling the tip of his cock out for me to speak. “Teenager I guess.” I huffed, annoyed that he was again interrupting me for a talk. “I see, well, ready for a dicking, bitch?” Ugh, about damn time! “Yes~.” I groaned and took his tip back into my mouth. “Hm, good bitch~.” Hunter purred, slowly pushing more of his dick down my throat. I moaned as I swallowed his cock the best I can. Soon enough he started humping away, fucking my face as he panted and huffed from his dead vocals. “Oh, yes~. Gonna make you my bitch~.” “Hm~!” I groaned around his thick dick while I sucked and gulped on his shaft. “Shit, gonna cum soon~!” He growled and picked up the pace as he tried to shove his knot into my jaw. Damn, I didn’t think he was this close, I really must’ve done a good job at working him over. “*Gurck!*” I gagged as I tried to drink the surges of volume his pre-cum began coming in. Once his knot was in my mouth, he silently howled as he came. The first shot completely filled up my stomach, then it started to swell up from the loads he was pumping in. Soon enough my belly was so large it made me look like I was carrying a litter or two and had me perched on it. Hunter was panting for breath, tugging as he popped his knot out and slowly pulled back, his tip still in my mouth as it shot out some more cum, letting me taste it before he fully pulled out. “Ah~.” He sighed in relief. “Ugh, fuck, so full.” I moaned contentedly as I closed my eyes and relished being immobile. “I’ll say, you look like a living condom.” Hunter commented with a chuckle. “I’ll digest it in a moment. Also, that’s Daring’s role.” I groaned and shuddered. “Alright, in the meantime…” Hunter squatted down over my face and rubbed his balls all over me. “Oog, yes, Hm~” I hummed as my tail wagged rapidly in joy. “Who’s a good bitch~?” He asked, going from rubbing his balls to teabagging me with them. “Me~!” I moaned. “So, what do you want to do next?” “I want to try and take you in my pussy, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do so at one foot tall.” I mewled in disappointment at not being so small. “Grow bigger?” Hunter questioned as he placed his balls on my ears. “Lets see if you can get in my tiny hole first.” I panted excitedly from hearing his nuts churn and gurgle. Nodding his head, Hunter got up and went around my fat belly which was slowly flattening. He reached my puffy puss and gave it a poke with the tip of his cock. He pushed his cock into my cunt slowly, stretching me out as he kept going until about half of his length was inside, the tip poking at my cervix. “Hmph fuck!” I yelped and panted, my senses dulling and focusing on being penetrated. “So far so good.” Hunter grunted as he kept pushing more cock into me. He was already past the cervix and entering my womb. “Are you doing okay?” “Ugh, no! Hold on!” I grunted in pain and sadly had to grow in size to compensate with how full I felt until it got comfy again at three feet tall. “Oh, so much better, well, ready my love?” Nodding his head, Hunter kept pushing until all besides his knot was inside. “Ah, yes, harder!” I gasped as I nuzzled and kissed him. “I don’t think this will happen again, but it's great to feel so full~!” “Then brace yourself so I can fuck you like a true, proper bitch.” Hunter growled and I braced myself so he could fuck me as hard and fast as physically possible~. “Yes, master, breed me like a bitch~.” I begged, disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to do that. “That’s a good bitch~.” Hunter licked his lips before getting straight to business; pounding me so that I would forget how to walk tomorrow. “I’m gonna fill this perfect cunt of yours so much, you won’t be going anywhere~!” “Ah, ah, fuck, ah, ah~!” I groaned. (<3) I groaned the next morning, wiggling on Hunter’s knot, though my lower end felt so weak and sore. “You fucked me bow-legged.” I groaned weakly, giving up on getting off his cock. “Last night was amazing.” I purred, still in my three foot tall wolf transformation. “It sure was.” Hunter hugged me closer to his chest. “You like me as a cocksleeve?” I chuckled as I felt his seed sloshing about in my belly. “Yes.” He answered, grinding his hips against me, his cock stirring up my insides. “Ah, ah~. I think I might keep this idea for some form of Servant~.” I groaned. “How small are we talking about?” Hunter asked curiously and I hummed. “Two inches or a foot big, anthro foxes with fairy wings.” I shivered at the idea. “How kinky. I’m pretty sure we’ll all get a kick out of that.” Hunter chuckled and I chuffed. “I think We’ll send them to worlds in the Void, test the waters so if a world wants to summon us we won’t...well make their universe go into an orgy.” I moaned, kicking and pawing his sack. “Want to play with my balls?” Hunter asked rhetorically and I huffed. You talk too much Hunter. “Aren’t I?” I chuckled before grunting from his tip entering my womb again. Damn if his knot was not so snug I would’ve moved to slobber on his sack and worship my king. “I know you would want to slobber all over them and worship your king~.” He teased, knowing full well of what I was thinking. “So, about that small goo thing? Is it to become your token?” Hunter asked me. “Hm, nooo~, they’ll be little agents to work things out first, see if the world is ready for us before we show up, and they’ll bestow gifts, extend our worship. The token might be a golden dragon egg.” Considering dragons was where it all started and where it ended, it fits too well. “Doesn’t that mean they’ll also might end up being used as sex toys?” Hunter questioned, rubbing his hands all over our bloated belly. “Yes, they might, I’m unsure how they’ll work and I’ll work the kinks out.” I huffed and groaned. “I don’t suppose you would mind having to test their...capabilities on your kings~?” Hunter asked eagerly and I nodded in equal enthusiasm. “Hm, hold on, I’ll do one better.” I groaned before mixing his cum with my goo for a base of a body and multiplied it thousands and sent them into the Void. “Ugh, there, test batch one, now to wait.” I groaned as my belly flattened before bulging in time with his thrusts. “Two will be for you guys.” “Just two, or two for each of us?” He asked. “No, I mean batch two. Batch one is to work some kinks out.” I groaned as I felt the many versions of these ‘fairies’ being used up as the power I gave them was wasted on wishes. “And the first batch is being used up...I guess I could add recharging ba-oop one is staying alive, by the power of love, eh...some kid named Victor, and a few others too.” “I see...need help making batch two?” Hunter purred and I crooned. “Yeah, I’ll brew them a bit more, ugh, then let you all have a round. Berserker just came in, Runner and Collateral are almost here too...maybe an hour behind.” I moaned as I planted my weak paws on the bed. “How are Willow, Daring and Cynder doing?” Hunter asked, keeping me standing up as he kept thrusting into my pussy. “Willow is still full of pups, Daring is bemoaning the other nations being stupid and Cynder is happily playing chess with Pillar.” I groaned as he began properly fucking me. “Alright. Enough talking bitch, let’s make some more ‘puppies’~.” He purred, grabbing a hold of my hips and plowed me once more. “Ah, ah, ah, ah, fuck, fuck~!” I wailed in pleasure as my body surged up to my full and proper size, letting Hunter grab my hips and really get to fucking me like the big bitch I am~! (<3) I groaned as I pushed out the little golden eggs that would be for batch two. “Ah, ah, shit~” I groaned before the third plopped out. “What’s Svartr doing?” Runner asked as he walked in. “Laying eggs.” Hunter answered him. “What for?” Runner raised a brow, clearly seeing they weren’t normal, even for us. “Fairies.” I groaned as the fourth started coming. “Let me help.” Runner came over to me and placed his hands on me. I felt his magic pooling into my own, as he shared it to make it a little easier for me to do this. Ironically, since these aren’t actual eggs, they weren’t nearly as easy to get out even though they were much smaller. “Thanks.” I groaned as I focused more on pushing. I’m already goo right now, but these things are stubborn! *plop* “Four.” *Plop* “Five” I sighed and relaxed. “There, batch two made...just a bit of rest for me while I recover some mass. They should hatch once you get the others in.” I sighed in relaxation as Berserker, Pillar and Collateral walked in. “Hey, what’s- Whoa…” Berserker stopped speaking as he and the other two were stunned to see a clutch of golden eggs. Well, not the egg part I bet, but the fact they were gold. “Made the first batch as foxes, this one is ponies.” I groaned as a group of pony fairies hatched and blinked about. “No, they’re not Breezies.” Those poor dears, annihilated sadly. “Who wants wishes?” The green one blinked as she looked about and I sighed as I rolled onto my side and snuggled a pillow. “Wishes?” Pillar asked. “Oh, that’s what their main power is. Mostly body alterations. You can decline obviously.” I told them as I closed my eyes. I’m a sleepy gal I’m coming to realize, at least compared to my other quarters. “Body alterations? So...they’re like sex toys?” Collateral questioned. “They also pray for Us. They make a dimension a bit easier for us to pop in on and be summoned without it forcing an orgy. Hopefully.” I snorted tiredly. “And these five are for us?” Berserker asked as he looked the fairies over. “Yes. They’re fully aware too.” C’mon guys, stop asking rhetorical questions. I want to nap. “Do you want wishes? Or to test our bodies?” The blue one asked. “How many wishes can you do?” Runner asked their new fairies, thankfully. “Hm? Four until we have to recharge.” Red informed them for me. “And the whole body testing thing?” Pillar inquired. “It was Hunter’s suggestion.” I replied while adjusting pillows between my thighs. “So we could have them in whatever shape and form we desire?” Runner questioned. “Yep! We can also mold you too~.” The white purred. “Okay...should we test them?” Berserker asked the others as they thought about this. “We want you too~.” Black purred, the 12-inch pony wiggling her ass at Berserker. “Well, if we’re doing this, then we better start choosing which one we should partner up with.” Runner stated. As he looked between Red, White, Blue, Green and Black. “Hm, I’ll have Red.” Berserker chose. “Blue.” Runner picked. “White.” Hunter decided. “Green.” Pillar pointed towards. “And that leaves me with the best girl, Black.” Collateral chuckled. “Although, maybe we should come up with names for them.” “We won’t mind names.” Black purred when she snuggled Collateral’s bulge after flying to him. “Okay, let me think...Bella!” Collateral named his Fairy. Bella purred and slipped into his pants. “That’ll be your name.” “Me?” Red asked Berserker as she snuggled his arm. “Rivala.” He answered as he picked her up, holding her in his hands. “Hm?” Blue asked Runner as she hugged his neck. “Blake.” Runner said with a boop on her snoot. “What about me, big boy?” Green asked Pillar as she snuggled against his chest. “Gwyndolyn.” Pillar told her, patting her on the head. “Gwen for short.” “And you’ll be called Wendy.” Hunter named the white fairy. “Okay~!” Wendy purred at Hunter, before she presented herself before his face. “You guys have fun with them. I’ll be over here.” I tugged the sheet over myself and pulled a blindfold and not-hot earmuffs from my cleavage before putting them on for a nap. Most of the boys undressed and showed their bodies off to their fairies. Normally I’d be all for watching, even masturbating if not joining in, but I’m not in the mood. “Ee~!” The fairies squealed and Bella was already worshiping Collateral’s balls. “Oh yeah~.” Collateral groaned as Bella worked her magic on him. Soon enough the other fairies followed Bella’s lead and started worshiping the boy’s balls. Wendy and Gwen started rubbing themselves on their boy’s sheath, putting their pussies to the ends of their emerging cocks. Holy shit. I didn’t know we had a sex-sense thingy this powerful. I can still tell what they’re all getting up to when blinded and deafened! Unf! This is...kinda hot! “Hm, I wanna try molding your body, if you don’t mind~.” Berserker purred as he laid Rivala down, spreading her legs out and rubbing her pussy. “Oh, yes~!” Rivala moaned while wiggling under his touch, her cunny becoming more plump and juicy, growing in size. “A hyper pussy?” “That’s not the only thing getting expanded.” Berserker said as he began on her breasts, then her ass and thighs, making Rivala the thiccest short-stack fairy. “How’s that?” “I feel so sexy and naughty~.” Rivala cooed as she felt her body, squeezing her tits which squirted out milk. “Ah~!” She moaned as Berserker pressed his balls up against her hyper pussy, until they were sucked into those plump lips and his cock ending up sandwiched between her milky breasts. “Hm~.” Berserker hummed as he rocked his hips. “Oh, I can feel them~.” Rivala moaned as she licked the tip of his dick. “Those cum factories of yours, churning up so much sperm...is it all for me~? Are we going to make babies~?” Berserker gave a lusty growl as she continued on. “Please, make me your wife, so that we can make lots and lots of children~.” “Be careful what you wish for~.” Berserker groaned while Rivala suckled on his tip. “I don’t wanna be careful, I wanna be bred~. I wanna be swollen with your cum, swollen with your young, so much that I can’t walk anymore~.” I couldn’t help but shudder at the image of Berserker’s fairy being nothing but a giant baby ball, massive tits gushing out milk and a huge ass that you could clap for days. Unf~! “That’s some weird role playing you got going here, bro.” Runner snorted. Berserker shrugged as he picked Rivala up, sitting down and having her sat on his large balls. “I guess, but it’s just pretend. Nothing real about it, so, free of consequences.” He reasoned as Rivala wiggled on top of those cum factories. “Okay!” Rivala chuckled, “What are we doing mister?” “Oh, you know, playing a game. An adult game.” Berserker said with his cock at full mast and throbbing. “That’s big Mister!” Rivala said in awe. “I’m pretty sure you know what this is called?” Berserker asked and Rivala nodded her head. “Alright, you can call me Daddy whenever we do this. Okay Baby Girl?” “Man, that’s kinda weird.” Collateral chuckled before groaning as Bella started licking at his tip. “Ahn~!” Gwen wailed as her belly bloated up with Pillar’s cock. “Oh God~.” Pillar bit his bottom lip as he felt Gwen spearing herself on his cock. “Yes, fuck me~!” Gwen moaned. Pillar did as she requested and went to town on her, holding onto her as he used her like a sex toy. Not that she was complaining. As for Blake and Wendy, those two were sandwiched between Runner and Hunter’s balls, lavishing those churning cum orbs to their hearts content. Of course, the boys’ cocks were drooling precum along their lengths down, dribbling across their balls where the Fairies licked up hungrily. Berserker was busy marking Rivala with his balls, where they easily rubbed along the length of her body. He even settled his sack right on top of her, where Rivala giggled and was seen wiggling underneath. “Judging by all the happy noises, you’re all enjoying it?” I asked with a satisfied smile. “Yes, we all are~.” Hunter purred. “So batch two works for you guys?” I asked once more. “Yes~.” They all answered, enjoying themselves with their Fairies. “Good. Well, I’m taking a nap.” I went an extra step and turned to slime entirely, letting my senses fade so I could get some sleep even with the orgy going on around me. Ah~, bliss. > Aftermath 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.4 Mm~. Being all in one body again feels so wonderful. It was nice being separate people for a long while, but We missed this fusion so much. With all of the various administrative duties we’ve been tending to either coming to an end or being taken up by someone else, We were free to become one again. However, unexpectedly, a long-lusted desire of ours was suddenly presented to us on a silver platter instead of getting back into the swing of things. “Y-you w-what?” We asked in shock, disbelief, overwhelming arousal causing our boobs to swell a bit and our pussy to puddle. “I’m still not sure, but...now’s the best time and I’m finally curious enough....” Berserker rubbed his left arm, looking nervous. “Hey, it’s okay to be nervous. Trust me I was as well. Besides I’ll be right there with you.” Runner told him supportively. As to what Runner was doing: he was trying to convince Berserker to become female. The bunny wolf came to us wanting to have some fun as a female again, but didn’t want to do it alone. So he brought Berserker and to us with the proposal. He was hesitant about it, but chose to think about it on the way here. We really want to see him as a female. “We won’t push you Berserker, it’s all up to you.” We cooed and groped our rack to let him know just how fucking turned-on him even considering this has made us. Berserker blushed deeply and took a deep breath to compose himself. “Alright...I’ll do it. Just take it slow would ya? And make sure none of the males come chasing after us and ask our hands in marriage.” We blinked at that and looked to Runner for answers. “Oh...right.” Runner gave a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, remember those pictures Visi showed you?” “Yes. It’s what really spurred us into wanting you both female too.” We told him. “They were distributed throughout Palutena’s Canterlot and possibly all around her Equestria. Not sure if it was part of the bet but I don’t think she accounted for the crazy male fans to come running after our hands.” Runner explained and We could just picture it ourselves. “Are any of those males here? We’ve never met Palutena nor do We have a connection to her outside our Sister.” Who was Palutena’s mother if We remember. Something about a literal adoption by rebirth situation, which is why We worked so hard to be able to unbirth without adopting people as our offspring. “No, but this is CoC we’re talking about.” The crazed brother reminded us. “Then again, this world has been getting a little better, so I wouldn’t worry about it.” “Thank you!” We said with a smile. “Okay, so, ready?” Runner hugged Berserker close to him as he prepared the spell. “As I’ll ever be. Let’s do it.” Berserker swallowed his fear and braved the change. Both males rapidly morphed into sexy, busty females right in front of us. We bit our lower lip and rubbed our thighs together. Gods they are so hawt~! Once the transformation was complete, Berserker stepped away from Runner and looked herself over. “Huh, I don’t remember being this big.” “Damn, girl! You’ve got bigger assets than me!” Runner complimented, which was true. “Hm." We purred as we rubbed our groin and then sprouted our hybrid dog/pony/dragon cock to show our turgid opinion of Berserker’s female form. “Dear fuck, you’re both supermodels.” “Oh my…” Berserker’s face lit up as she stared down at our dick with wide eyes as it throbbed in anticipation. “So, I guess I’m…to your liking?” Hm, she has some self-esteem issues. We’ll have to fix that. “Yes, you are one sexy bitch.” We declared hungrily and surprisingly Berserker shivered on the spot, rubbing her legs together as We caught on to her scent. Such an enticing smell, but We mustn’t. She’s not ready yet. “Sis, c’mon, loosen up a little. You’re too uptight.” Runner came up behind Berserker and started rubbing her shoulders, trying to get her to relax. “Hm, trying~.” Berserker sighed in content. We purred as we hugged her, our cock on her belly as we kissed and nuzzled her. “We love you Brennie~. Or, Brianna?” “Mm, love you too. I prefer Brennie, it’s less...different.” She replied, looking a little less tense. “Mind if we lay down on the bed...naked?” “Don’t mind if we do.” We purred and licked the top of her breasts. Mm~ she’s so tasty! “Oh~.” Brennie cooed as We and Vinnie led her to our bed, removing her clothes, our magic helping to get their bodies free. “You want to breed us?” Vinnie teased us as she climbed onto the bed. We kept hugging Brennie as our cock slipped between her legs. “I-It won’t hurt that much, will it?” Brennie asked worriedly while We split up to give these two a full experience, leaving me to press my fluffy tie-dye fur to her back. “It will hurt a little at first, but then it becomes amazing.” I cooed as Daring and Svartr crawled onto the bed with Vinnie while Cynder stood in front of Brennie and gently kissed her while groping her huge breasts and I kneaded her thicc yet firm ass. “Mm, *smooch* You know…” Brennie looked off to the side as she talked and groped Cynder’s breasts in return. “Yes?” I asked as I rubbed my thick dick between her thicc yet firm thighs to grind against the entrance of Brennie’s surprisingly slick slit. I kissed her neck and looked past Cynder to watch as Daring and Svartr were spit-roasting Vinnie with the yellow bunny-wolf deepthroating Svartr’s wolf cock while Daring was pressing her huge pony penis into her pussy. “Mm, *smooch* I-I’ve been thinking about, well, dreamt about being...full.” Brennie said as she became very flustered. “I don’t know why or really when they started, but I wanna try it.” “You want our pups?” I asked eagerly with my pointed glans pressing to her virgin pussy. “Do you want to be our breeder for months on end?” I asked hungrily and Brennie bit her lip as Cynder began sucking on her nipples. “Hm~!” Vinnie groaned and came like the hair-trigger sexual dynamo I remember her to be.. “Not yet. Even though I looked, felt, happy. Being all big and swollen, full of Life.” Brennie said with a look of fondness and longing as she rubbed her rippling abs. “You would be so fucking sexy full of pups. It would make us both happy to care for them.” I commented as I twitched from feeling Vinnie work Daring and Svartr over. I started pushing into Brennie as Cynder and I kissed and explored her body, giving her a chance to ask for protection as we felt her velvet folds spread. “I really want to, believe me. I want to have more babies so badly, but we can’t yet. Perhaps sometime in the future, just not now.” Brennie sighed sadly. “So would you like a condom? I can just make my cum sperm free.” I offered and Brennie shivered before she thrust herself back on me and I yelped as she hissed when I broke her hymen. She clutched onto Cynder and I gently eased into her. “It’s okay Brennie, the worst is over. It’ll only get better from here.” “Fuck~. So much for having a high resilience to pain.” Brennie hissed, but she soon stopped seizing up and I felt her passage start to pulse and accept my intrusion. “Well, that’s a very nerve sensitive area, it’s amplified.” Cynder told her as I gently pulled out and pushed back in. Gods she was tight! Is this because she was a virgin, or because she’s so physically powerful like Urta? “Wow you feel good Brennie.” Cynder huffed and I remembered that she was feeling me fucking Brennie like how I was feeling Daring and Svartr with Vinnie. “Re-remember n-!” Brennie started before Svartr howled and us four pieces of Wiatr stiffened. “Cumming~!” Svartr moaned and the four of us orgasmed together. I keened as I stuffed my knot into Brennie’s pussy, followed by a surge of my huge virile load that I barely remembered to sterilize. “Eek~!” The draco-wolf squeaked, feeling her cunt clamp down on our cock. “Shit, Wiatr~!” “Yes take it you both!” We all moaned in blind pleasure as we flooded both their wombs. Brennie watched as her belly swelled with our hot, thick cum, each pump like a shotgun. “Brennie! Fuck, we love filling your womb!” “Oh, god! There’s...so...much!” Brennie spoke between breaths as We kept pumping more cum. “There, full of fertile seed.” Daring purred rubbing Vinnie's belly. “You’re having babies, you tease.” “Worth...it~.” Vinnie moaned. “Wait?” Brennie said, looking at her still swelling belly as We started thrusting again. “Uh, Wiatr?” “Brennie, We love you so much.” We growled in pleasure, holding onto her as We kept humping away. “We love you so fucking much, We want you to stay here with us! Live with us forever! Bear us so many children! Our lovely broodmother of a wife!” We declared loudly. Even though We were separate, right now, We were very much in sync in our desires and voices. “Oh, Wiatr~.” Brennie mewled sweetly as she reached out to hold Cynder’s hands. We held her hands tightly as I rutted her senselessly, her belly sloshing with each thrust I made. “You really wanted to breed me that badly, didn’t you~?” “Fuck yes~!” We roared out. “Praise us our love! Sing our name! Let the world know your heart belongs to us!” “Well, well, well~.” A voice called out, causing us to pause our frenzied fucking. “Hm?” We looked at the voice and I felt a bit bemused to see my son Dongo appear. “Hi mom~.” Dongo came out of hiding, idly floating about in the air with a saucy grin and a throbbing hard-on. “Having fun~?” The bear chaos spawn purred, licking his lips as he looked Brennie over. “What are you doing here son?” I asked as Cynder kissed Brennie. “I never imagined him, of all people, would look so sexy as a female.” Dongo said as he started planting kisses along Brennie’s big belly. “You know how We feel about incest.” We warned our bear serpent son, since that was something 3 quarters of us were against in the case of direct genetic or maternal feelings. “Technically, it’s not incest if he’s not the father.” Dongo countered as We felt Brennie shudder. “W-What does that mean?” Brennie asked our son as she gyrated on my dick. Unf, for a virgin, she sure knows how to keep a dick’s attention during sex. Smiling, Dongo flew up to her until their noses were inches away from touching. “One day, I want to have babies with you~.” He answered while nuzzling their noses together. “Switch?” Svartr asked Daring as they remained focused on Vinnie. “Vinnie?” Daring asked as Svartr pulled out of the wolf-bunny’s mouth. “I wanna have all your babies.” Vinnie answered with a pant. “Do you want four cocks in that tight hole at once?” Svartr asked as she moved to mere with Daring and had two cocks on the same groin pushing against the breed-hungry bunny-wolf’s puffed up pussy. “What do you think, Brennie?” Dongo asked as he stroked his throbbing giant dick, which had no right being attached to a tiny Chaos Noodle hovering at head height. Brennie was at a loss for words, staring widely at his rather impressive third leg. “I...uh...um.” She couldn’t really speak properly as Dongo suddenly warped us onto the bed with Brennie in the missionary position and her head resting on Dongo’s churning giant basketball gonads. “Eep!” “Hm, can you hear that~?” Dongo asked huskily as he pressed his cum factories over Brennie’s ears with his hands. “Hear all that churning and sloshing inside? That’s all my little swimmers, eagerly wanting to impregnate you so badly. Your womb would be bloated to the point you can’t leave~. Stuck on top of it to enjoy the sensations of new life growing inside, you’d be begging for more~.” His words seem to have the desired effect as her pussy clenched around my cock tightly, causing me to hiss in pleasure as it tried to milk me for more. “Do you want me to pull out Brennie?” I asked with a huff, as Vinnie was begging for us to join our other quarters with Cynder looking between us in uncertainty. “One more round, please? You can fuck Vinnie after that.” Brennie requested and I nodded. “Okay. You know I’m just pumping infertile seed right now? I didn’t want to panic you.” I told her quietly since Vinnie clearly wanted to get properly hyper-pregnant. “Thank you. We’ll have babies in the future, I promise.” Brennie whispered to me. “It’s all up to you.” I said with a gesture for Cynder to go join the others with Vinnie before I continued fucking Brennie and looked at my son. “So, what’s going on Dongo?” “Hm?” Dongo raised an eyebrow, looking at me questionably. “Are you and your sibling hiding in the wings waiting to breed our soon to be husband?” I questioned him as he rubbed his cock on Brennie’s face. “Well, it’s not just him.” Dongo chuckled as Brennie moaned from his musky scent. “In all honesty, I thought Berserker wasn’t going to explore his feminine side.” “Yeah." Hermais and Eris purred after they appeared and were also presenting their own massive male endowments to Brennie. “Oh my gosh, you’re all so hard for me?” Brennie mewled in fluster. “Yep! Now, how do you like our balls?” Eris chuckled in her normal voice despite being male right now. “My work just as well as my brothers, and tastes like apple pie.” “Mm~.” Brennie hummed as she cupped Eris and Hermais’ balls, fondling them with her hands. “Oh~.” Hermais moaned and groped Brennie’s breasts. Bringing his set up to her face, Brennie began nuzzling each of them, burying her face and taking in deep breaths, smelling his scent before finishing it with kisses. “Oh, Yeah~. Just like that, baby~.” “How should we do this?” Eris chuckled as she slowly dripped pre-cum on Brennie’s chest with Dongo following while the bear and snake rubbed their cocks. “We leave our real balls for her to play with while we use another set that is infertile so we won’t impregnate her. While Brennie plays with our real set, they’ll grow with so much cum, we’ll use that on the day~.” Dongo purred with a caress of Brennie’s face as she worshiped Hermais’ nuts. “Hm, sure, then we’ll mark her as our breeding bitch.” Eris chuckled as Hermais moaned and squirmed. “How does that sound, god of blood? Smelling like the balls and cum of our Trinity?” “Oh, such naughty children~.” Brennie moaned, shifting her focus on pleasuring Eris’s balls. “That’s why I was so fucking big, not just because of Wiatr and the others filling me up with more babies, you three were there as well. I didn’t understand the shadowy figures at first.” “Hm?” I suspiciously hummed as I looked at my kids in disapproval, but they didn’t care about my judgement here. Hmph! Well then, I’ll just make sure to hog her from you! “Eris, you were especially possessive of me. You could not stop rubbing your balls on me, wanting to erase everyone else’s scent so I belonged to you alone.” Brennie stated and licked up a few strands of their cum. “Dongo always came around to care for our young and I, being the more romantic of the three. Hermais may have a bit of an ego issue has he loves showing me off to the public, even fucking me to prove he ain’t scared to show his love in the most scandalous way possible.” “Were you three messing with her dreams?” I snarled at my kids and now they flinched and then guiltily looked away. “You’re all grounded again.” “Mom~!” They all whined and I booped them all on the snoots with my tail-hands. “No dream weaving!” I growled and then I orgasmed in unison with my others again. Brennie and Vinnie both moaned as We filled up their bellies more, Vinnie being larger since she has three cocks shoved in her cunt. Once finished, I slowly pulled out of Brennie and went over to the bunny-wolf where I merged back into Wiatr in fusion and plunged into her cunt with all four of our cocks. “Holy fuck, yis~!” Vinnie screamed in ecstasy with her vag gripping tightly around our penises. “Is she gonna be alright?” Brennie asked us with a look of concern despite her afterglow. “Is this too much Vinnie?” We asked as we slowly gyrated. “This feels amazing~.” Vinnie slurred as her hands rubbed her belly. “C’mon, give me more, pretty please~?” She begged, wiggling around for a bit. “Hm." We hummed and began thrusting like a jackhammer, causing Vinnie to scream~. “Wow…” We heard Brennie mutter in amazement as she watched us. That was until Eris shoved her gurgling balls in her face and rubbed it all over her. “Eee~!” She squealed as Eris got busy marking her territory. Grr, little brats! Go ahead, she’s still ours! “Hm, mine.” Eris said, nuzzling Brennie as the serpent's cock pressed to the draco-wolf’s pussy. “Oh! Before I forget…” Grabbing her balls, they popped off and a new set grew, taking the place of her real ones. “All yours to play with. Make sure they grow nice, big and full~.” Holding them out, Brennie took hold of the serpent’s cum orbs as Eris probed and teased her vagina with her cock, making our future husband-turned-wife mewl cutely. Turning her attention down at the balls in her possession, she weighed them curiously, hearing them sloshing with all her precious baby batter. “Goodness, they’re so full. Can you still feel any of what I’m doing to them?” She asked before putting it to the test, licking her tongue across its surface. “Yes~!” Eris moaned before pushing into Brennie. “You feel amazing, I want to breed you~!” “Oh god, Eris~.” Brennie groaned as her pussy was stretched around Eris’s cock. “Your balls are churning so badly.” She huffed out before going back to worshipping them while using her tail to wag over the fake ones on Eris. “Hey, wanna fuck her boobs?” Dongo chuckled, pressing his tip to Brennie’s nipple. “As long as we don’t waste our seed.” Hermais replied. “I won’t.” Dongo chuckled before they gave their balls to Brennie and somehow penetrated her nipples! “Don’t ruin Our wife-to-be's breasts!” We barked at our sons/daughters. “We aren’t, this is all chaos magic, so anything we do will be reversed once we pull out. Brennie, would you like your boobs filled to the brim with cum?” Hermais purred. “No, I only want milk in my boobs.” Brennie mewled her answer, placing Dongo’s balls back under her head. “Dongo, are your balls the biggest out of you three?” “Mother did name me for my assets.” Dongo moaned. “And milk is doable. Which flavor?” “Hm, cookies and cream.” The draco-wolf answered, before gasping as Eris’s balls grew in size and volume. After that though, she moaned loudly as she came, squirting out her juices onto our daughter. “Oh~!” “Fuck! I need to cum!” Eris groaned as she reached for her balls as she kept thrusting, only for her hand to be smacked away by Dongo as he glared at her. “Sis, we agreed not to get her pregnant. Stick with the plan.” He reminded Eris. “No~!” Eris whined as the denial made her balls grow. Dongo shook his head before he leaned down to Brennie and nuzzled her. “I’m sorry about Eris. She tends to become a little stupid when in a rut.” “I had, have, will have babies with her!” Eris drooled as she humped Brennie harder. “Hm, stop blocking my magic!” She barked at Hermais who was giggling. “Ah, ah, ah! We have an agreement to keep. Besides, you’re denying the usage of your ‘blanks’ inside your fake balls. One which Brennie has been tending to so delicately.” Hermais has a point there, Brennie’s is being very attentive to her lovers. “Hmph!” Eris huffed before she came hard, her cock swelled so much it looked like she was pushing an egg through it. “Oh yes, take my load!” “Holy shit~!” Brennie screamed as her belly skyrocketed in size, now pinned under its weight. “Wait, how am I taking all of this in?!” “Magic.” Hermais chuckled before he poked her belly and made it flat. “There, in a pocket realm now. Your womb is empty and ready for us. We’ll give you a Navel Pearl later just in case.” “Oh. Right.” Brennie blinked as Eris pulled out with a pout and she sulked back up to Brennie’s face. “I want babies now, not later.” Eris mewled. “Oh, Eris. You silly, horny girl.” Shaking her head, Brennie grabbed Eris’s cock and stroked its length, licking at the glans so she could keep her occupied. “Mm~!” Eris moaned, turning to metaphorical putty in Brennie’s hands. We can’t believe we’re so focused on what’s going on over there while we fuck and fill Vinnie full of fecund fluids. “Mm, could you turn your fake cum into your strawberry milk for me please?” Brennie requested of our daughter. “Yes~.” She moaned as her precum turned pink. Hermais and Dongo moaned as they’re balls clenched and gushing could be heard in Brennie breasts. “Hm~!” She moaned around Eris’s cock as her breasts swelled up from their load. “Fuck!” We all cried out from hearing that as we came into Vinnie for the last time, our lover filled to the brim and looked like she could pop with her floor-to-ceiling cum-tum. “Oh~.” Vinnie slurred quietly as she spasmed. “Are you good Vinnie?” We asked as We pulled out, her engorged cunny somehow keeping it all in, probably from the pressure and her obvious desire to be full. “Just...tired.” Vinnie replied while her eyes slowly closed. “So...worth...it...zzz.” “Rest then love.” We cooed to her as We finished pulling our cocks out of her pussy, but left a tendril of slime in her that began sucking our seed out of her. Knowing her, she’d find a way to make it fertile if it meant finally fulfilling her fantasies and desire to have babies with us. “Mm, Hermais, could you check on Vinnie please?” Brennie asked before she went back to sucking Eris off. “S-sure.” Hermais moaned before he pulled out of Brennie’s magically size-changing nipple while Dongo did the same and the bear moved to her pussy. Staggering over to the sleeping bunny-wolf, Hermais checked her over. “Hm, she seems to have...placed a protection spell on her womb. She’s clean.” We sighed in relief, thankful that she didn’t try to impregnate herself through this tryst of ours, but We’re still reclaiming the biomass we pumped into her. “Thank goodness.” We sighed before pulling Vennie into a cuddle and settled in to watch Brennie have fun. “Mm, c’mon baby~.” Brennie moaned after she popped the serpent's cock out of her mouth before she began to lick along it. “You know you wanna feed me your delicious strawberry milkshake, why deny me my treat~?” Brennie pouted, looking up at Eris with the sad puppy eyes. As for our daughter, it was obvious she was trying to hold out and retrieve her real set of balls, which have become bigger than Dongo’s own. “No, Eris. Bad Eris.” “Hm~!” Eris whined before she came, but slower than before. “Trying to stop the inevitable?” Brennie chuckled before she gulped down her cock and tried to suck it all out of her as it came. “Hm, no~.” Eris moaned as she petted Brennie’s head. Taking this opportunity, she snuck a hand in between Eris’s wobbling legs and probed at her anus, before pushing a finger inside. “Ah! Really?” “Such a tight pussy!” Dongo moaned as he fucked Brennie’s vagina, which was impressively taking the giant hyper cock with ease while the red draco-wolf relished the carnal acts much more than We had ever considered possible from her. Shit. Hopefully she doesn’t become her world’s deity of Sex, Berserker would kill us if that happened. Either way, Brennie was working out more cum from Eris from her sucking and fingering, making our daughter more weak in the legs while making sure her pussy pleased Dongo at the same time. It was rather unexpectedly surprising to say the least, We didn’t think she was this good. How? Was it from this world’s stupid sex magic? Probably. “You sure you haven’t done this before?” Dongo moaned as he rubbed her ass. “W-what do you want in this womb? I feel like dragon eggs.” Brennie nodded her head in agreement, sucking out the last drop from Eris before letting her cock out with a pop. “Okay.” Dongo groaned before his balls clenched and his cock bulged as it pumped into Brennie. “One egg! Twelve to go!” “Oh, they’re so big~!” Brennie moans as she felt the egg travel inside her womb. “I hope your a good incubator for our babies.” Dongo panted and We sighed in resignation. “Are these...real?” Brennie asked him with pleasured joy and surprise as she took his payload. “Yes.” Dongo moaned as he held her hips and started thrusting again, coiling around her to entrap her body with his snake body. “They are my babies from you. Remember that drunken night in the Dragonlands?” “W-what? You were there?” Brennie sputtered in fluster and We remembered hearing about it. “I came to tease you while plowing away at that dragoness and you shoved your balls in my face.” Dongo moaned as his balls clenched again. “You drunkenly demanded to breed me.” “Brennie? You knocked Donga up?” We asked our lover with amusement. “I was the brown dragon with blue eyes. I was going to tease you as you fucked all those dragons, but you turned it around and we fucked like crazy.” Dongo panted as he delivered the fruits of their loins. Chaos, gotta love how it makes no sense. “O-Oh! Oh no, Dongo I’m so sorry!” Brennie apologised but Dongo kissed her to silence her. “Other than you roughly shoving me down and spreading my legs, I loved it. I’m happy you plowed me like a brute with the rest of those girls.” Dongo crooned as he kept gently thrusting. “But you said to stop!” Brennie exclaimed and Dongo laughed. “Yeah, at the start. It became consensual as it went on and I’m not mad. It doesn’t give you a get out of jail card to do it again. I think caring for the fruit of it is good punishment!” Dongo moaned as the second egg traveled through his cock. “I understand.” Brennie accepted her fate and cooed, her belly bulging out. “Mm~, it could be way worse. I wonder how pissed Vinnie will be though, with me getting to feel this before her.” “Heh, I’ll bet a lot. So, you love our eggs? These are the only ones with babies, the hundred others were duds.” Dongo grunted when Brennie’s belly clicked as the eggs hit each other. “Such a shame for the dragons. They lay hundreds of eggs yet only a few will hatch.” Brennie solemnly said as she rubbed her growing belly. “Yes.” Dongo moaned as he kissed her. “Cheer up and fuck me so you can have the eggs! I’ll stop if you’re mopy!” “Sorry.” Brennie squeaked before looking towards Eris, who fell asleep a few moments ago. “Hm…” She pursed her lips before freeing an arm and grabbed her set of balls. “Let’s see what happens when she sniffs her own balls?”  “Hm?” Eris moaned before licking her own sack and getting a boner. Eris cooed and moaned as she humped at the bed and licked her balls. “Third egg incoming!” Dongo growled as his balls grew under Brennie’s head while the next egg moved from Dongo to the draco-wolf’s womb. “Oh, your balls are growing~.” The draco-wolf mewled as she rubbed her head into them. “You want that seed?” Dongo teased as he worked the third egg into the wolf. “There’s so much being made inside them~.” Brennie moaned before looking at Eris still pleasuring her own balls. “You got anything to keep her balls on her muzzle? My arm’s getting a little tired from holding them.” “Yeah.” Dongo moaned as he started laying the fourth. He took out duck tape and strapped Eris’ balls to her muzzle. Brennie giggled at the silliness, but focused on taking in the eggs Dongo was depositing into her womb and enjoying it. “Mm, so good~.” Brennie hummed in content as she rubbed Dongo’s back. “Want to fuck me again, oh lord? Force me on the ground and demand I worship you? Shove your balls in my face to get me hooked on them, call me pretty, fertile and yours~?” Dongo teased and Brennie laughed as she panted in pleasure. “Hm, another time my dear.” Brennie answered, bringing him in for a passionate kiss. “I need to care for these eggs for now.” “Yes, they’ll hatch in a day in your womb, then you’ll birth them.” Dongo growled as he pushed the fifth in. “Unf, seven more!” “Dongo, you think you could spare some of your real seed for these eggs?” Brennie asked him with a blush. “I...want to feel complete, if that makes sense.” “Only a little." he growled as he pushed the eggs out faster. “Thank you~.” She cooed as her belly grew with each egg. Once finished, Dongo grabbed his real testicals and spent a little bit of his seed inside her, before putting them back under Brennie’s head. “Done.” Dongo said before pulling out of Brennie’s well-used hole and transforming into a brown, busty dragoness. “Remember me? You knocked me up so good~.” “Oh, wow. No wonder I got so frisky with you in my drunken stupor. I’d fuck that everyday.” Brennie complimented, which made us feel a twinge of jealousy. “I was planning on teasing you into blue balls and making you breed all the dragons in the Dragonlands.” Donga chuckled as Hermais presented his penis to Brennie. “But you decided to grab me quicker than I could flee.” “That would’ve made the males turn green with envy if it had worked.” Brennie giggled before kissing the head of Hermais’s cock.  “Hm, so good.” Hermais purred. “What does my lover want~?” She asked him, planting kisses along until she reached the base and nuzzled his fake balls. “To fuck you while mom watches.” Hermais chuckled with a gesture to me. “Where do you want to fuck me~?” Brennie questioned, licking his balls. “I want to fill your stomach with my chocolate milk. Open wide~.” Hermais purred teasingly. “Ah~.” Brennie opened up her mouth and Hermais cooed as He started pushing into her mouth and he fondled her milk-stuffed beach-ball sized breasts as he did so. “Hm~.” Brennie hummed on his length as she began gulping and sucking to get her treat. “I guess I’ll take pounding that sexy ass of yours with milk.” Donga chuckled as she sprouted a dragon dick and slid her tumescence between our future wife’s asscheeks. “Oh, fuck, maybe we should have you pop our babies out from your ass as well~.” The brown herm dragoness purred as she hotdogged Brennie’s ass. “Bah!” Eris groaned as she wiggled about, her cock hard as a rock as she tried finding something to put it in. “Sister wants to go again.” Hermais groaned as he thrusted away. “Are you doing okay Brennie?” We asked as we pet Vinnie’s sleeping head. Brennie gave us the thumbs up, before patting at Hermais’ thigh to get him to stop and pull his dick out of her throat. “Bring your sister over here, she can join Donga.” “Hehe, okay.” Hermais chuckled as he lifted Eris with his tail and moved her down. “Good boy. Now get into the sixty-nine position, you get the honour of tasting my pussy, be sure to feed my children and I a big load, okay~?” Brennie purred. Holy fuck. I think she might be! Turning into a sex goddess that is! I really, really hope that isn’t the case! “Yes ma’am!” Hermais purred as he turned around to perch on Brennie’s massive 12-baby belly Donga railed her ass and Eris was getting ready to figure out how to join. “Berserker? Runner? Are you in here with Wiatr?” Visi asked through the door and I got a naughty grin. Brennie froze up at hearing Visilia’s voice outside, though my kids kept thrusting as Hermais started licking her pussy. “Uh...ye-mmph!” She didn’t get to answer as Hermais shoved his cock back into her throat. “We’re in here Visilia.” We chuckled in anticipation. “Are you guys going at-.” As soon as the Demonic Alicorn entered, she stopped, frozen in place. She stared at the sexual activity going on in disbelief. “...Bryan?” “Blame Vinnie here.” We giggled with a pat on the yellow bunny-wolf’s sleeping head. “She wanted another go at female sex and convince Brennie to join in. Then those three took an interest in Brennie. Especially Donga since Berserker unintentionally knocked her up in a drunken breeding frenzy in the Dragonlands.” Visilia blinked and scratched her mane. “Okay? Wow, this is…” Visi looked at the orgy and bit her lip, clearly at a loss for words. Brennie moaned in climax as she sucked Hermais and Visi licked her lips as she fanned her neck. Mm~, someone is getting turned on. “Would you like to join? We’re more than sure Vinnie or Brennie would love you to experience them in these forms.” We suggested as Vinnie began stirring from her sex-induced nap. “...Yeah.” Nodding slowly, Visi came up to the bed and over to our side, not breaking eye contact with Brennie. “Gods, I didn’t think he had it in him, but I didn’t know I had it in me either.” “Yeah, it really got out of hand when Donga revealed Berserker knocked her up and she fucked their fertilized eggs into Brennie’s womb.” We informed the demoness, who sat on the bed with us next to Vinnie as we watched Brennie go wild. “Well, that’s par the course for the craziness your chaos noodles get up to.” Visi sighed with a shake of her head as Hermais began cumming chocolate milk down Brennie’s thirsty throat and her belly began bloating bigger. “Unf, wow.” “Yeah. So, what would you like to...oo~.” We felt our pupils turn into hearts as Visi collapsed her outfit in a storage cube to reveal she’d gone commando and was sporting her male endowments~! “So that’s why you smell so spicy~.” “Holy fuck…” Vinnie panted and quickly began groping Visi’s male organs as the demoness hummed with her eyes closed. “You smell so good Visi~!” Vinnie groaned and began licking her shaft and spheres as I rubbed the alicorn’s shoulders “Unf, yeah, good girl Runner. I’ve been wanting to fuck you as a woman ever since you did that stupid bet with Palutena. Wiatr, let her go first. Oh, get a condom.” Visi purred and Vinnie whined as I summoned the prophylactic. > Aftermath 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.5 “Oh, wow~. That was-really?!” The first thing We see in the morning is our children thoroughly marking Brennie, in all her pregnant glory. With their gigantic balls she’s been playing with all of yesterday! “We can’t help it, mom. We love our broodmother~.” Donga purred as she nuzzled Brennie’s neck and rubbed her belly. “Hm, you smell perfect~. Anyway, here you go~.” After they were done, they presented their gurgling cum factories to our future wife and she started giving each scrotum a kiss before taking them back into her care. “Hm, our balls ache for you and it was so hard not to breed you~.” Eris cooed into Brennie’s ear as they grew more. “I’ll keep growing them sweetie~.” Brennie nuzzled Eris while We were vexed. Those noodle brats! We’re gonna have to drown her in our own scent to wash away theirs! “Nng. Damn~.” Visilia groaned as she started to wake up herself. “What?! I thought that was a bad idea?! Didn’t you almost lose yourself to corruption?!” Brennie exclaimed with a worried look at Visi’s male organs. Visi sighed and went over to kiss her. “Yes, I almost did. Sorry for scaring you like that.” The demon princess answered. “But Wiatr has assured me that it won’t happen again...mostly. Especially with Velka’s help.” “As long as she doesn’t let herself go too wild she should be fine. Also this.” I gave Visilia a pearl necklace. “Those are made from my purification milk and should keep you from corrupting so easily even if Velka didn’t remove the more insidious elements of the aura.” “Cool, thanks!” Visi eagerly put the pearl necklace on and blinked when her huge horsecock rapidly got hard. “Wow! That was quick. Hey, do I look bigger than usual?” “Probably. The necklace is just supposed to suppress your ‘corruption’ aura. Your scent should still be the same if you want to hypnotize us. We have another potion to stop that effect, though it tastes like rotten grapes from what our resident Tartarus breeder has told us.” We gagged and had thoroughly apologized to Ninia for the horrid flavor, followed by feeding her delicious steak. “No!” Eris growled as she laid herself on top of Brennie, her balls burying her face. “I marked her first, so she’s mine!” “She’s carrying our children, so that makes her mine!” Donga snapped at Eris. “Guys, guys! Calm down!” Hermais was trying to diffuse the situation between his siblings. “Visi? What do you think of Our kids?” We chuckled as Visilia sat on Vinnie’s head, balls on the bunny-wolf’s nose and making her moan pitifully as the demoness watched them bicker. “Still unruly little shits, but now they’re even bigger shits.” Visi grumbled before muttering. “Well, maybe not all of them are.” Was that a positive comment We heard? Guess there’s some hope. “Hrm~.” Vinnie playfully protested under Visi with her hands kneading Visi’s huge nuts. “Stop!” Hermais barked before he grabbed the other two with his claws and pulled them off of Brennie. “Is he the only mature one?” Visi questioned as she rocked against Vinnie’s face. “We’re only three!” The other two barked. “We all have access to infinite knowledge!” Hermais snarled at them. “You do, I only see through time and she can only see into the depths of space.” Eris huffed. “You're the only one who has proper maturity due to your aspects.” “What sort of aspects?” We asked probingly, hoping to finally get full understanding of them. “He is mind and knowledge, I’m Space, she’s Time. All Chaotic Neutral.” Donga huffed. “We can make worlds or demiplanes where we control everything if we want, so yeah, we’re strong.” “Hmph!” Brennie muffled and shoved the gigantic balls off of her head before the draco-wolf got up. “Who is on my face? I think I recognize the flavor.” Vinnie asked before licking Visilia’s cunt. “Me~.” Visi cooed, enjoying the attention. “Oh, I love this~. Keep going baby, worship me~.” “Brennie?” Eris asked before taking her nuts off her face. “Sheesh! I thought Dragons were possessive as fuck.” Brennie groaned as she rolled into a sitting position. “Mine~.” Donga purred as she kissed Brennie’s giant 12-baby belly. “I feel dizzy.” Vinnie cooed as she licked both Visi’s balls and cunt. “If it’s too much, tell me, okay?” Visi told Vinnie before moaning. “Otherwise, keep going~.” “Okay, so you three can alter reality. We know this.” I told the three with a deadpan. “Well, we can also take you all there and breed you.” Hermais said as he pulled out a book to read. “I won’t do so right now, unless you convince me. Those two will drag Brennie there for their own amusement If I let them. Without me they can’t do it. Yet.” “Good.” Brennie sighed and laid back down on Donga’s massive, churning cum factories. “Because I highly doubt these two would let me leave. Period.” She snorted before holding Hermais’s real balls up to her and started kissing them. “Oh, ah~ hey I’m-ah-reading.” Hermais moaned as his cum spheres swelled. “And I’m rewarding you for your good behaviour~.” Brennie purred as she nuzzled them. “Hm, cum, breed, please?” Vinnie asked as I chuckled and started to nuzzle Visilia. “Better take these off her and let her head clear.” Visi huffed as she pulled her balls away from Vinnie. “No~!” Vinnie mewled as she clutched at Visi’s hips, but the red demon alicorn mare slapped Vinnie’s hands so she could move on to the next stage. “Hm~.” Visi hummed thoughtfully as she sat down, legs spread out to give her male equipment more room. Grabbing Vinnie’s hips, she pulled her closer. “I want my mate’s babies~.” Vinnie begged her. “I know, but first…” With some guidance, Visi had Vinnie’s drooling cunt sat on top of her balls. “Rub your breeding hole all over my balls, mark yourself as mine~.” “Yes.” Vinnie moaned as she humped Visi’s balls and started sucking on the Alicorn’s breasts. “Are you in control here?” We asked to make sure the necklace was working. “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll put her to sleep when I’m done.” Visi whispered to us, just enough so as to not alert the bunny-wolf. Good, she still has her head on. “After she’s asleep, I’m feeding you my load~.” She cooed and We licked our lips. “Looking forward to it~.” We purred and turned our attention back to Brennie’s antics. “Hm, who's a good boy~?” Brennie purred as she kept pampering Hermais’s balls. “Me~?” The bird of knowledge cooed as He curled up to her, suckling from her breast. “Yes, yes you are~.” She giggled and nuzzled his balls, hearing them churning loudly. “Shh~, it’s alright, my babies. Mummy and daddy we’ll breed you into the world some day, we promise~.” “Oh~!” Hermais moaned. “We do, I want you.” “Hm~.” Bringing his face up, Brennie leaned in and kissed him deeply, the two of them really getting into the intense make-out session. Donga ‘awed’ as she watched them, while Eris pouted at the scene. “Do you really want me that badly?” “Yes.” Hermais panted, rubbing her body, slithering around her and planting kisses all over her, focusing on her nipples and mouth. “How much?” Brennie panted as she ran her hands along his impossible fluffy noodly body. “I would give up my library right now.” Hermais told her. “So, what do you wanna do to me~?” She whispered in his ears huskily, sending shivers throughout his serpent body. “I have a few ideas.” Hermais said as he summoned a paintbrush. “Body-writing?” Brennie asked as she looked intrigued by his idea. “And body-painting. I always wanted to try my hand out on that, if you don’t mind~.” Hermais purred in excitement as he summoned some paint. “Imma make you my canvas~.” “Mm, go ahead and don’t be shy to change my tattoos. Let your imaginations lead the way~.” Brennie gave Hermais her permission to do whatever he desired to paint on her. Our son became so enraptured by redesigning her tattoos and adding in some colorations. He did not disappoint. All of us were so focused on every stroke he made with his brush, sending a tickling sensation of pleasure through Brennie’s body. “Hm, you look so beautiful.” Hermais complimented. “Hng~.” Brennie bit her lip and tried not to tremble so much, enjoying Hermais’s painting session as he made her look so uniquely exotic. Which was eye-catching with the level of detail he put in the effort of highlighting. “Spread your legs for me, I need to paint that flower of yours~.” Hermais purred as Brennie did as instructed, presenting her pussy to him. Licking his lips, he began to paint around it and paying extra attention to what he was designing. “Oh~.” Our future wife moaned throughout the moment until he was finally finished. “There we go! Now to write something on that big belly of yours~.” Hermais chuckled seductively as he brought his brush back up. “Something that would make anybody go wild with a lustful desire to breed you~. Oh, I know~!” He wrote on her belly ‘Baby Maker’ until he clicked his fingers and the words started to change. “Baby Maker, Broodmother, Broodslut, Baby Factory, Puppy Popper, Bitch Breeder, Sperm Banker~.” “Such naughty, horny little noodles, calling me names~.” Brennie shuddered as she rubbed her belly. “Is that all I am to you lust-drooling, sexually depraved creatures?” “The proof is in the pudding. We marked you, so we own you and you will be bred~.” Eris panted as their balls expanded more and began to worship Brennie’s body. “You will be a mother to thousands of draconequus and many others of our choosing~. Ponies, Diamond Dogs, Dragons, Skaven, anyone we choose you will breed with them, because that is what you’ll be remembered as; the Broodmother Goddess~!” Holy fuck~! We need to reclaim her quickly from these nefarious children of ours and make her and Vinnie our Broodmother Goddesses! Speaking of which. “Oh~. Visi, please, fuck me, fill me, make me at least as pregnant as Brennie!~!” Vinnie pleaded, only for Visi to growl and zap Vinnie with her horn, putting her back to sleep. “There. That’s done. One of you turning into a breed-hungry sexy bitch is frustrating enough, I don’t need two at once. Not before we’re married at least.” Sighing, she laid Vinnie back down and kissed her on the cheek. “At least someone in the room has their brain in their head and not their crotch right now.” We chuckled as Visilia pet Vinnie’s head and played with her bunny ears. “Someone needs to.” Visilia grunted and sat next to us. “Which is hard, seeing her like this.” “You looked half tempted to interrupt those three and fuck Brennie yourself~.” We lilted with a stroke of Visi’s cock as her balls gurgled and swelled up. Whoa. That’s new for her. “Yeah, I do, but I won’t right now.” Visi groaned and rocked her hips in time with our handjob. “Don’t you want to have babies with Runner? To see her womb and know you’re the father? To fawn over her as she grows with your babies?” We asked teasingly and Visi hissed. “If only I wasn’t so easy to Corrupt, I’d proudly knock her right the fuck up now.” Visi growled with desire and lament. “Well dear, you’re pretty much Pure and it didn’t go up. We think We overdid it with the necklace.” We informed her and Visi became visibly conflicted. “Well that is much better than having it underperform.” Visi panted with her dick throbbing and balls pulsing with the desire to seed one or more of the very fertile fields in the room. “Hm~!” We kissed her as We aimed the glans of her huge dick at Vinnie’s groin. “Oh no you don’t!” Visi grabbed our head and buried our face into her scrotum. “Hm~.” We hummed as We quickly submitted to worshiping her fecund nut by kneading and licking them as We rubbed them against Vinnie’s cunt. Visi moaned and groaned as she looked between Us and Vinnie. “Open your mouth~.” Visi hissed as she pulled our head up and We opened wide. She quickly plunged her girthy maremeat down our throat and she proceeded to face fuck us hard and fast. “Oo~. Mind doing that with me later Visi?” Brennie asked with an approving cheesy thumbs up. “Oh~ you silly girl, of course I-I-cumming~!” Visi keened loudly before she hilted in our throat and her balls pulsed as she delivered her payload into our hungry stomach. We swelled a little from how much she was pumping into us, but our Navel Pearl dealt with that. Once she was done we kissed her to let her taste herself. “Hm, tangy-sweet. Not bad, actually.” “So, you’re not Corrupt at all, just alluring. It seems Velka’s efforts and the pearls have reduced you from being a potential Lust Demon to just producing extremely potent aphrodisiac pheromones. So, like all male Tartarus demons from here, you can make someone cum just from them sniffing your mane too deeply.” We giggled and Visi barked out in laughter. “Oh, thank fuck! That’ll also make things with the other girls so much more interesting...hey, Wiatr?” Visi looked like she just had an epiphany while Brennie was still doing naughty things. “Hm?” We asked as We enjoyed the scent of her body. So spicy-sweet. We wish We could bottle it as a shampoo or perfume product. “Do you think we should make a holiday?” Huh? That is a strange question Visi. “Uh, We guess, why?” We asked in confusion at the idea. “Well, I guess it’s because of the wars the boys and I, along with our armies, have endured with all of you. Think about it. How long has it been since people had hoped for this day to come? When the nightmare finally ends and they all get to live and prosper in peace?” Hm, Visilia has a very good point. “A very long time.” We sighed and kissed her. “Yes, a vacation sounds nice, but the holiday should be on the day that Lethice was Purified and the Corruption was stopped at last.” Not on a specific government-convenient day either. It will be on the day of the month it happened. “Hm, what a naughty little minx you are~.” Hermais purred as he and his siblings giggled at whatever kinky plan Brennie had cooked up. “Nobody has ever had a reason to keep it up. Not until you come along and say otherwise. Along the way to get more help. More support. And found love. Sure, it was rough going for you and you ended up on shaky grounds until it was all quickly patched up, then moved forward.” We listened to her speak, re-counting our adventures from the beginning, when Willow first arrived. We’ve come so far from a scared and bumbling waif of a vixen, a lonely and wanderlusting archaeologist pegasus, a forsaken suit of haunted ancient armor and the remnants of the dawn of the world left to rot in a cave. “We guess so.” We smiled sadly and hugged Visi. “There you go.” Hermais cooed, so We looked to see Brennie surrounded by their humongous cum orbs. Brennie mewled as she wiggled in between them, hearing them churning with oceans of seed primed and ready to fertilize her womb. Suddenly, all three of those chaos noodles combined into a three-headed, big tiddie serpent with six arms and a lengthy body. “Holy shit, you are one horny kinky bitch.” We told Brennie while the combined trio checked themselves out. Hermais, Donga and Eris gave a little chuckle before one of them spoke up. “We think it might have something to do with her pregnancy, she is full of eggs after all~.” Oh right, she’s carrying the eggs Donga had in her womb before. “True. It would explain why she’s so sexually active.” We leered at our future wife, who tried to hide herself with those big, fat, baby batter factories. “That’s your fault, honey.” Visi said, lightly jabbing our chest. “You taught him how to love, or what it means to feel love. Either way, that was your doing.” “What? Well, um, okay, maybe.” Although that could be Cadence, but we’re her wife... “Remember when he first came here? Remember how much you didn’t like him at first, because he was a stark contrast to Hunter’s personality?” Oh, yeah. Willow didn’t like him because he gave a bad first impression. He was brash, rude, rash, foul mouthed, ill tempered, almost always sounding pissed at everything around him even if it was mildly justified. He was loud, straightforward and sometimes uncaring about the Lust Demons’ victims. “Yeah, but Svartr liked him and so he grew on the rest of us.” We admitted as we rubbed her shoulders. “Hm, a good thing, too. Otherwise, I don’t think we could be together.” After saying that Visi became sad. “That’s a rather depressing thing to think about.” This in turn made Brennie look sad as she thought about it as well. “Don’t be sad, Brennie.” Hermais moaned as he licked her cheek and thrusted their huge cock into her pussy. The other two heads peppering the rest of her with kisses. “Hm~.” Brennie hummed as our son licked along her neck, giving it a few nibbles in the process. “Hermais~.” “I’m here~. We’re here.” Hermais told her. “Thank you.” She said before pampering their balls again. Never really thought that worshiping balls was her fetish. Then again, she loved receiving it for her own balls when male. “Hm, who’s a good noodle~?” “W-we are~!” They moaned together before pumping more fake fluids into her. Brennie moaned as their balls grew more along with her belly and Brennie wrapped her legs around their body to keep them there and pump more infertile cum inside her. “Hm, We love you Visilia.” We moaned to our mate while we watched Brennie get fucked. “I love you, too, Wiatr~. S-So, after we all get married and celebrate it with everyone else, what then? Have a massive orgy?” Visilia asked, as if that needed to be asked. “Well, that goes without saying.” We giggled and patted her big balls. “There’s gonna be a lot of babies made on that day.” Visi purred with her dick twitching. “Yes~.” We cooed before We moved to straddle her hips. “You’re clear for takeoff~.” We joked and Visi licked her lips as she grabbed our hips and pressed her flare against our puffy white pussy. “Alright, I’m going to launch.” Visilia joked in reply before she began pulling us down onto her thick massive horsecock until she was balls deep within us. “Oh, yeah~. I missed feeling your cunt wrapped around my cock. This time nothing is messing with my head.” She panted and began gyrating to start the ride. “Ah, ah, fuck, yes.” We moaned wondering if any of the other boys were going to show up. “Uh, Wiatr?” “Hm?” Hunter? He’s not here though. “Yeah, hey honey, it’s Hunter. I’ve been trying to contact you and the boys ever since yesterday. Have you three been so busy having sex since then?” “Oh, yes we have, want to join?” We huffed as We rode Visi hard. “You’re not alone. Now I can sense Visi and your three Chaos children in there.” “Yes, they’re here.” We huffed as we looked at Brennie while Visi squeezed our ass. “Wait, is that...Bryan?! Uh-oh…” Why does Hunter sound worried? “Oh~, yes Visi, harder! Wait, what do you mean by uh-oh?” We demanded our ninja boy. “You’ve got...visitors coming your way.” Shortly, We heard running from outside our bedroom. “It’s our girls from back home. They wanted to visit this world of yours.” Hunter groaned before the door burst in off its hinges and fell to reveal several furious faces. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as Chrysalis, Pinkie Pie and two more females We don’t recognize entered looking both livid and jealous. The only reason We could tell that Chryssie and Pinkie weren’t the locals was because the former was still all black and green with holes in her limbs while this Pinkie wasn’t a towering fluffy half-doggo of fun. Instead she was a perfectly normal mare with a long straight mane and tail. “Ah, fuck. You bitches just had to pick today to come by.” Brennie complained as Hermais and his siblings held on to her for protection. “Fuck my life…” “Bryan~!” The Princesses and Chrysalis said seethingly as they glared at her. “Should we pull out Cynder at full size?” We whispered to Visilia. “Yes, but-eep!” Visilia squeaked when We surged in size and filled the room, which engulfed her in our pussy and We gasped in pleasure, but that wasn’t important right now. We put our wall of tit-flesh between the interlopers and the rest of the room as We loomed our head against the ceiling over them. “Mmph~!” Visi muffled in my muff and writhed about. Unf, stop that~. “Now, are you going to be nice, or do We need to put you in time out?” We asked, with a low growl. Most of them stared up at us in fear and immediately submitted under our gaze, while the last two puffed out their cheeks and turned their backs to us with a huff. “Girls, could you please leave the room and wait for us? We’ll explain things once we’ve finished up here.” Brennie pleaded and the four intruders all looked at each other in surprise before they nodded and left the room in bewilderment. “Are any of you still in the mood?” We asked without moving, since, y’know, stuck as a giantess in a room. I got my answer from Visi humping my vaginal walls and writhing in my quim while I got appreciative pats on my ass from Brennie and my kids. How is Vinnie still asleep after all of that commotion? “How is she still asleep?” We asked before We moaned as Visi began desperately writhing against our inner walls. “Uhn~! B-be glad We learned how to avoid unbirthing, Visi~!” “Mmph~!” Visi muffled and continued enjoying the pleasure palace of my puddling pussy. > aftermath 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.6 “You could’ve at least invited us over!” Berserker’s Chrysalis shouted angrily. She was very upset about missing out a lot of our intimacy. As of right now, all of the girls the boys were previously engaged to are here. Most of them were not happy with how much sex they were having with us, but mostly because they didn’t get to join in on the fun, thank goodness. “I thought you wouldn’t-.” Brennie flinched when her Cadence slapped her massive preggo belly and began rubbing. Brennie didn’t have the chance to try and lay her eggs, but it seemed to both soften the anger of mates as well as intrigue them greatly. They couldn’t stop touching her belly and Brennie was so confused right now it was cute. “Don’t assume we wouldn’t.” Her Cadence cut her off before she could finish. Wow, they must have picked up his aggressive attitude. “If you had told us the whole of what this place was like and what you were doing, we’d have all come running!” “Cadence, restrain yourself. Remember that you can’t speak for all of us.” Her Celestia huffed as she too rubbed Brennie’s belly from the other side. “Although, if you did explain things instead of brushing them off, I’m sure we would have appreciated it, right girls?” Alt-Tia asked and got confirming nods and a few grumbles of discontent. “This is kinda funny.” We snickered from where We lounged, letting Visi and our other lovers use our body as a sofa. Our brief stint as Lethice’s throne may have been with us mindfucked, but our body remembered the trick. Some of the Marine’s mates also curiously sat or leaned on us. “Yeah, sometimes it is.” Visilia sighed as she leaned against where our torso emerged from the ‘end’ of the ‘sofa’ and enjoyed the use of our heaving hooters as head pillows. “So...when’s the wedding?” Alt-Luna asked forcefully. Thank goodness most of our wives aren’t here right now or this would be even more confusing. Even though these versions aren’t towering hyper-busty amazons, having the same names and similar appearances still threw us. “In a couple of days, I think? It was supposed to be in the spring, but before that we have to attend a conference with the other nations.” Runner replied with uncertainty. Drat! We forgot when the wedding was again! Grr~! We’re so bad at keeping track of these things! “Wait, what?” Alt-Twilight blinked in confusion. “Why? I thought after every known threat was eliminated, everyone would finally be united and start rebuilding?” We sighed, really wishing that were the case. “We’ll let Wiatr explain about that.” Pillar told them as they looked towards us and We were glad We made our sofa body curved in a large C so everyone could look at our face. “A group of nations that were relatively untouched by the Lust demons and have maintained a status quo are freaking out. The new power gap, plus the fact that Equestria is a Superpower with an armada of spaceships is making these four nations panic. They want to keep the status quo, so they’re demanding to have a spaceship to study and reverse engineer or else they will stall rebuilding efforts. These nations are Zebrica, The Griffin Kingdom, Seaquestria and Canida. Yakyakistan is our ally, as well as the Dragonslands and Carim.” We explained to them. “Don’t they know that these guys can mop the floor with their guts?” Alt-Rainbow Dash asked us, making Alt-Rarity turn green in disgust at the idea. “Darling, please, refrain from describing such ugly outcomes. No matter how true it is.” The Fashionesta begged her friend, who waved her off dismissively, only for Collateral to smack her behind the head. “Oh, I think they do, but they’re banking on the fact that we won’t kill them. We didn’t kill Lethice after all, We Purified her and now she’s reversing all the damage her Corrupted self has done over the millennia. They probably think since We’re merciful that We won’t annihilate them if We consider it necessary. Ultimately, they’re right.” We admitted and Visi squeezed our hands. “Still, you have the Doom Marines. They can basically help with the efforts of rebuilding, even if none of them or their forces are around. Making their threats null and void.” Alt-Twilight stated. “They’ll practically be left behind.” “We know. We’re not saying it’s an issue, it’s more a thorn in our side. Those nations are an issue, but more in the risk of them doing small raids or bombs to hamper us. They have most of the surviving population of the other races in their borders as well and it would be cruel to outright embargo our aid from them.” We mewled in impotent frustration as Visi rubbed our knuckles. Goo or not, that still feels so soothing. This had made them groan in annoyance. “Such pettiness.” Celestia commented in disgust and the others nodded in agreement. “So, are you going to force them into compliance?” “Pretty much. We don’t want to, but to finish rebuilding smoothly, We have to make sure all the nations are working together. Whether they want to or not.” We sighed at the fact that we’ll have to take the reins as a benevolent dictatorship for at least a while until we can unify into a representative system like the United Nations of Earth. Maybe. That was rather clunky though. “And after all of that is done, wedding. Still, that’s not even fair.” Chrysalis pouted cutely. “You get to marry them before any of us.” “Well, I ordered you girls some rings, but…” Brennie trailed off as Cadence rubbed near her navel. “Oh~ Cady, right there…” Brennie cooed and her mates all smiled. “Don’t tell us, they haven’t even made them?” Cadence guessed as she gently rubbed Brennie’s outie belly button, causing the draco-wolf to get a bit visibly horny and cause her mates to giggle. I guess they’re not used to their mate being so easily put on the back-paw. “They have. Cadence, my wife that is, is being mean and demanding that I release her from the evils of paperwork. Most likely the payment is in her pile of work. She knows it and the shop is holding on to the rings until Cadence signs the forms.” I sighed in defeat while I valiantly ignored how wet Brennie was getting from being teased by her mates and dampening my ‘cushion’. “Seriously? Oh for goodness sake.” Alt-Cadence groaned in annoyance and stopped rubbing Brennie’s button, allowing her to calm down a bit, but still be left panting. “Would you girls want to talk to her? We have a phone you could borrow.” We offered in the hopes that maybe Alt-Cadence could talk our Cadence into compliance. “Yeah, I’ll...see what I can do.” Alt-Cadence answered, though she seemed rather nervous. “Is...is Shining still alive?” Oh...that would be a good reason to be nervous. “Yes, but Chrysalis is just as likely to answer. She’s not like you though Alt-Chrysalis” We said and Alt-Chrysalis blinked in bemusement. “Okay, could you give me that phone?” We nodded and retrieved Daring’s old flip-phone, shut-up it still works, from our cleavage and handed it to her. Alt-Cadence got up and went to the next room as she opened it. Thankfully our wives and husband all are in our contacts list. “Speaking of me, what am I in this world?” Alt-Chrysalis asked us. “From the sound of things, I feel like I’m…” “Cadence’s, Shining’s and our wife. She accepted and shared Love when it was freely given to her, so she became all bright and yellow with pretty aqua accents instead of remaining dark and emaciated. She’s also just as motherly figured as most females here after they’ve had children.” We informed the black-shelled and green-maned bug-mare. “Okay...I’m really curious now.” Alt-Chrysalis commented with interest. We could get that interest, since our beloved bug-wife was so different from Alt-Chrysalis it was hard to believe they were the same person in many ways. “Oh, also, Visi is a good example here: Alicorns are hermaphrodites in this world.” We patted Visi’s pants-covered groin and she flushed before swatting our arm and We chuckled. “What?!” All of the present non-native Alicorns exclaimed in shock with blushes on their cheeks. “Yep, just a heads up. Also, Mi Amore Cadenza is also mostly focused on sex like a teenager.” We added on with dire warning. If given a chance, our beloved Love-pone would fuck nonstop. “...That sounds like her.” Alt-Chrysalis sighed with a fond exasperation and We giggled. “Who do you think has the most sex with her? Besides her dragging Bryan to bed.” That makes a lot of sense. Chrysalis needs the Love to feed her Hive and to survive. “So, if they’re to marry you, would we end up becoming your wives as well?” Alt-Celestia asked us with a mischievous leer at Brennie, who was looking halfway between aroused beyond reason and mortally terrified for reasons We couldn’t understand. “Only if you want to.” We replied and the foreign mates looked at each other, then at Brennie who almost seemed to be silently pleading with her eyes. “We’ll...think about it.” Alt-Tia voiced and Brennie seemed to calm down a bit. “Okay, but We’ll have to wait just a bit for the rings then. At least a day.” Considering bureaucracy is the blame for the delay, there’s no way of knowing when it’ll actually happen. “So, wait, only Bryan’s gals are gonna get their wedding rings?” Applejack asked with a disapproving leer along with Rarity at Pillar. “We didn’t order them, talk to your boys!” They’ve kept their business out of our attention. “Actually, I snuck in some of our orders.” Runner told us as she rubbed her breasts. Pinkie had gotten quite handsy with her when she realized Runny had become a hyper-busty bunny-babe. It was funny having to peel the excited pink pony off of the yellow bunny-wolf. “Sheesh! Who’s the ninja of the family; you or Kevin?” Pinkie joked as she rubbed Runner’s shoulders while leaning over the back of my sofa body. Being furniture is pretty cool to be honest. I can feel everyone touching me in non-sexual ways that was oddly comforting. “No! It is Cocoa!” Cocoa declared proudly when she literally appeared out of thin air in the midst of us all with all three of her heads smiling. “Urta is babysitting so Cocoa could get orders for the kitchen.” Cocoa winked at all of us by turning her side heads so that all three of them were looking at us at once. “I-I’m still trying to get used to Kevin popping out of nowhere. He isn’t Discord, seeing as I’ve gotten used to his antics.” Alt-Fluttershy squeaked at the chocolate cerberus slime, who proudly raised her trio of snoots with her hands on her wide child-bearing hips. Where did she get that padded bodysuit? That’s way more high-tech than what we usually have around here. “Oh~? Well our Fluttershy is with him. We also have a horde of kids from him to balance out the massive amount of Alicorns We also birthed.” We explained to them. “Balance?” Celestia raised a brow curiously while Brennie huffed in disapproval. “We have hundreds of kids thanks to your counterparts here.” We informed the sun princess and she blushed hotly along with Alt-Luna, who likely realized her counterpart was in on it. “Hey Mom!” Hermais cheered as he appeared to us as a girl, the mismatched being had a huge grin. “I just started gathering books from the Doom Marine’s world, since I’ve finished my library on this world's current knowledge.” “Changed gender again dear?” We asked her gently and she nodded. “I felt like changing myself for a few months.” Hermais chuckled with a sly grin. “Hi Hermais.” Brennie said with a wave to her, which my daughter replied with a blown kiss. “Hello my dear Broodmother~. How are you doing?” Hermais purred as she rubbed her hands on Brennie’s pregnant belly. “You are coming along very nicely, still such a temptress for showing off your belly like this, aren’t you~? Wanna make more babies~?” “Oh~.” Brennie moaned submissively under our daughter’s dominance, much to the surprise of the alternate ponies and Alt-Chrysalis. “I hope you don’t mind if I ended up collecting whatever knowledge you had in your world.” The Avian noodle said as she planted kisses around the dracowolf’s navel. “J-just ask us next time, okay?” Brennie shuddered in pleasure. “I will. Knowledge is valuable and needs to be preserved, it's not like I’ll let anyone in there. I’m not stupid, I placed security measures in case someone or something tries to break in.” Hermais assured us all before groping at Brennie’s breasts. “Oh! These have grown some, meaning your body’s preparing all the milk needed for the little ones. Huh, it would explain why you haven’t given birth just yet.” “F-for how long~?” Brennie groaned while her breasts dribbled out milk from Hermais’ groping and kneading. Her mates watched with awe and bemusement as their beloved revealed such a lewd and arousing side of him-herself. Whichever way their mate leaned after this, they wouldn’t judge and still accept Berserker. Unf. Being the Goddess of Sex lets me feel they Lust for her. “Hm, about two weeks give or take. Maybe longer.” Hermais took an educated guess, but We suspect she wouldn’t mind it being the latter of the two. “Hmph! Damn it Donga, she said they were ready to hatch soon, not that they needed to sit in me for the full period dragons carry them.” Brennie huffed and rubbed her fecund sides, but despite her annoyance she was still obviously enjoying the situation. “That’s actually what’s amazing! It turns out that dragons have been doing it wrong this whole time!” Hermais cheered and all of us blinked. “You see, dragons aren’t Oviparous like everyone though. No, they’re Ovoviviparous! Donga discovered this when she laid her eggs and considered the fact that they still absorb nutrients through their shells!” “Oh my gosh! That’s so obvious!” Alt-Twilight gasped and we all looked at her. “Ovoviviparity is a bridge between Oviparity and Viviparity. Egg-laying and live-birthing. Oviparous species have all the nutrients for development packaged into the egg, while Viviparous species provide nutrients directly through a placenta within the womb. Ovoviviparous species do both! In some cases the eggs absorb nutrients within the womb of the mother, in others they absorb it from the environment. This whole time, the dragons here have been doing it the hard way!” Everyone who has been here for any time and understood the situation joined me in gaping in abject shock at Alt-Twilight before I whimpered and buried my face in my hands as I got all goopy and everyone yelped as they sank into my slime body when I stopped being all sofa-like. “Y-you mean th-this whole time, we should have been picking out the live eggs and unbirthing them back into their mother’s wombs to develop faster?” “Yes!” Hermais cheered and smooched the top of Brennie’s giant womb. “You’re gonna have the first new dragons born in thousands of years, Brennie. Be proud.” “That’s actually great news and all, but will I be laying eggs still, or giving birth?” Brennie questioned in confusion, but was clearly happy. “That’s still unknown. You’ll be finding out for us. Some Ovoviviparous species have the eggs hatch first, then birth live like sharks, or lay shortly before hatching in a sustainable environment. That’s the part the dragons got mixed up. They did the latter part too soon.” Hermais informed the heavily pregnant dracowolf, who continued rubbing her sides. “I’m surprised I haven’t gone egg-crazy for more. Which might be a good thing.” Brennie pointed out, reminding us that she is half-dragon. Hm, maybe half-dragons don’t suffer egg-mania like pure dragons do. “You’re already the biggest pregnant female I’ve ever seen in my many years.” Alt-Luna commented with surprise, likely at the fact that Brennie would want more. “Yeah, but the dragons here are far more different than the ones back home. Once a dragoness gets pregnant, they’ll beg for more eggs to be stuffed into them. Seriously, they go fucking egg-crazy.” Brennie told her mates and We can attest to that statement. “Then we should be thankful you’re not begging to be fuller.” Alt-Chrysalis commented uncomfortably before Alt-Cadence returned and handed us our phone. “So how’d it go?” “It went well. My future wife is the kind of mare I can agree with.” Alt-Cadence grinned in that lewd way that We knew all too well and Alt-Chrysalis gulped nervously. “Unfortunately, she still has to finish all her paperwork, so until she finds it and gets things rolling, we’ll just have to wait.” “Actually!” Alt-Celestia interrupted, holding up a finger to silence Brennie. “We think it’s about time you all showed your other mates Loving attention.” That wasn’t a statement, that was a demand. The marines looked at each other with nervous expressions before they all bolted. “Get them!” At her command, all of them chased after the Four that were fleeing while Brennie shivered with a fearful gaze at Visilia, Alt-Chrysalis, Alt-Cadence, Alt-Twilight, Alt-Celestia and Alt-Luna. “We gave them better dicks by the way!” We called after them with a chuckle and turned to look at Brennie, who was immobile. Or at least willingly immobile, because super-strong and super-durable or not We doubt she’ll want to risk her eggs. “P-please be gentle? I’m still new to being this way.” Brennie gulped and was surprised when she was gently lifted with pink magic and started being ferried out of the room. “Don’t worry, we will be. This will be a first for us too.” Alt-Cadence assured Brennie as she led the group from the living room of the keep. “Well, now We need to go to the egg pools.” We huffed before Cocoa entered with food and a pout. “We’ll take the food, Cocoa. Hermy, are you going to help us with the dragon eggs?” “No, but you don’t have to do anything. I’ve informed the Breeding Center of the new Standard Operating Procedures involving dragon eggs. They’ll take care of it. No go watch them run around like a scene straight out of Benny Hill.” Hermais smooched our nose and We giggled as we joined Cocoa in heading outside to watch the nonsense. > aftermath 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.7 Honestly, it was quite hilarious. For the most part they all ran amuck throughout our home before leaving it to go into town. We tried to hold in our laughter, but it was impossible. Hunter planted traps to distract his own, while Runner vainly kept running from Alt-Pinkie Pie. Pillar was having it kind of easy because Alt-Rarity kept getting sidetracked from all of the clothing, but he still had to worry about Alt-Applejack's lasso. Collateral kept leading Alt-Rainbow into situations where she could easily crash, since she was flying. Oh, and there was also the fact that they have Daemonette girlfriends. Yeah, from Slaanesh herself. “Should we help?” My daughter Twilight asked when she came outside. Her bulky amazonian beast-pony body was not much of an issue for everyone. Especially with her using an Undead Collar specifically enchanted to change her whole body’s size for convenience. It would be a big help for dragons and other larger species once she worked out the kinks from studying the Navel Pearls and Nipple Studs. “If you want. Oh, remind Eris to send Fairy Batch One info back to us through time, it’s going to take a while for them all to be weeded out.” That was a brilliant idea on Svartr’s part. The rest of us were in full support of having magic goo-fairies spread our religion without hearing it from the Skaven first. We love them dearly, but they’re so fanatical. “You’re deliberately messing with time?” Twily asked uneasily as she tugged at the tight sleeves of her royal dress. Another benefit of that collar meant she could wear her old clothes again. “Yes and no. Eris is the holder of Chaotic Time. She basically acts like a wormhole or blackhole where time bends around and flows through her. As for taking info, objects, or people into the past, it's more a copy, imperfect and will not affect the timeline in more than a paradox for how it got back into the past. At least, according to her, time isn’t exactly linear.” It’s a bowl of wibbly wobbly timey wimey jello-stuff. “Okay? How does that-right, Chaos. She just gives logic the middle finger. Should we be worried about the Warp Chaos mom? Especially since there’s Daemonettes running around right now.” Twilight pointed out and We shrugged. Thanks to Sister Aventurine, We’ve slowly come to realize and understand that the Eldritch Chaos of the Warp is an integral part of this universe, but unlike Warhammer 40k, they’re more concepts of reality than monsters formed in an unreality. That’s why when the Yaks invoked Khorne, they didn’t end the world. “Some magic comes from the Warp, speculation is that the First Flame may have even been a Warp Storm. This was all figured out maybe six days ago. The knowledge of daemons is more thorough with the boys here and their technology.” Tia said from behind us, causing us both to jump before she wrapped her arms around our waists from behind. “It’s almost rutting season~.” “No, bad Tia. Not yet~.” We giggled and booped her snoot while she too giggled. “So, then that means everyone in this universe, well, native, are all warp Daemons then. Or rather, Half Daemons since your souls are at least partially born from the Warp.” “That’s a bit rough to accept, but the facts can’t deny it.” Twilight admitted and then turned her attention back to the situation to find that the girls had come back victoriously with their prizes. “Well, they’re not going to waste any time and they could be at it until we have that conference.” Twilight rolled her eyes and swatted Tia’s wandering hand from her ass. “Yeah, that seems about right. So, what was the First Flame? A warp storm? This opens up so many questions.” We sighed, hoping that this wouldn’t make life in the future difficult. “Nobody knows, nobody may ever truly know unless this ‘Cegorach’ entity and his Black Library exist. Hermais might have solved that issue and she’d know for sure eventually.” Twilight replied and kept Tia’s hand on her waist instead of letting it try to wander to her butt again. “Well, there’s no point in dwelling on it too much.” Celestia huffed, clearly annoyed at her needy advances being ignored. “So, everything seems to be falling into place girls, what should we do if not have fun?” “Well, why not check in on Brennie and her mates? After all, unlike the rest, she didn’t run away.” We suggested and the two alicorns looked at each other in confusion. “Oh, right, you were there. Um, Berserker’s female now. Or at least for now.” The news made Twilight and Tia balk. “I know! Berserker is the most macho person I know, but she’s surprisingly feminine right now.” “Oh! I wanna see this!” Celestia said with excitement as she rubbed her thighs and walked towards the keep. “I also want to see my alternate self. It would be quite interesting to see what I look and behave like from another dimension.” “You’re saying that because you want to fuck her.” We said with a deadpan expression. “Maybe~.” Tia poked her tongue out cheekily. “Oh, you’re incorrigible!” We playfully groaned while We led the way back inside the keep. “So, um, do I have my own alternate self up there?” Twilight questioned us and We nodded. “I wonder what she might know that I don’t.” “Well, considering her origin is more Hell issues than Lust issues, probably a lot.” We shrugged and led them up the left stairs to the guest wing while I looked over to see Pharos and Sif napping peacefully at the back of the foyer. It wasn’t hard to seek them out. Brennie was wailing in pleasure down the hall and just hearing her orgasmic cries was incredibly arousing. “She’s being ravished by them all at once~.” We licked our lips at the incredible orgy happening inside. We don’t even need to see it to know the intricacies of it all. Those girls are determined. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea if we-.” Twilight was interrupted when the door flew open and Visilia slipped out, looking incredibly well-fucked, but her male organs were the most wet. “Whew, sorry ladies, don’t go in there. Brennie’s getting special attention from the other girls and I’m going to take a break. I don’t want to risk losing it and getting anyone pregnant, or getting Brennie even more pregnant.” Visi grinned lewdly with a look up and down our bodies before she shook herself. “Yeah, no, I need a rest. Hey, mind joining me for a bath? A bath, not sex.” “That sounds like a great idea. Oh, Visi, should We be worried about the Warp? You have more intimate knowledge of them. Even if they’re not malicious in our universe, what should we look out for?” We asked while she led us with her naked, firm yet motherly ass swaying with every step of her hooves. Yum~. Visi has become such a sexy MILF from the years spent here. “Hopefully you shouldn’t have to worry at all then, but keep an eye out for any Chaos Worshipers who don’t worship Discord.” Visi suggested as we rounded the corner of the hall into the ‘royal wing’ which had the throne room, royal bedchambers, as well as the royal bathroom. “Let’s hope then. I’ll have my followers coordinate with the Clergy that Pillar organized to ensure no Heretics worship them in such caustic and cruel ways as their source material did.” That’s the best we can hope for. Now then, let's get to the bath-oop! “Hmph!” Pillar grunted with pleading eyes while he struggled against the ropes that Applejack had tied him up in as Rarity brushed and shampooed his fur. The mares looked at us and then turned their attention to Visilia’s exposed penis with a blush. Visi promptly slammed the door and looked mortified. “Well, then how about the second bathroom?” We suggested and Visi nodded, so We took the lead this time. “Shit, I didn’t want any of the others to find out just yet.” Visi cursed under her breath and We gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Well, it just means there’ll be less surprise when you flash them.” We assured her and she rolled her eyes. “Hopefully the second one isn’t occupied.” The demonic princess grumbled as the smell of sex whaffed from her, making us tingle all over. We willed ourselves to ignore our instincts and opened the door to the smaller guest bathroom. Well, smaller in that it isn’t a swimming pool spa and instead had multiple spas for multiple guests to be able to bathe in relative privacy. (<3) Thankfully nobody else decided to turn it into a fetish scenario and we could draw a bath in one of the bubbly tubs. “Mm, not as big as the royal bathhouse or your personal bathroom, but it is just as luxurious.” Celestia sighed as she sank up to her chin in the bubbling water. “Especially since you’re using the same rose essence soap in the water that Eris introduced years ago.” Twilight commented from next to her former teacher as the pink-tinted water washed and scented us like roses. “Yeah, I remember that. Or I think I do. Was that when Urta and I first started getting intimate, or immediately after Hell assaulted Unity?” Visilia asked us and We shrugged. “We can’t remember clearly either. It’s either option A or B and either one works just as well. Oh! The data on the Batch 1 fairies finished!” We cheered as Eris placed a scroll in our hands. Thank you sweetie for bending time to help out, even if We were against it originally. “Alright, what is that and why does it warrant Eris bending Time for it?” Visi inquired as she massaged her fur to get the stink out and the scent in. “The fairies spread the word of Wiatr and recruit followers until someone makes a huge wish that depletes them. We don’t have data on Batch 2 yet, but so far the data from Batch 1 is very inspiring.” We weren’t going to mention that someone named Victor Lazarus was perhaps the biggest help there, since he mated with one. Eris warned us not to get involved with him though, something about incredibly negative outcomes. “Hm, smart. Well, what about Batch 2?” Visi asked as she used a bath cup to douse her mane. “Only five have been made for the Marines so far. They recharge, but can only give you four wishes involving sex, fertility or money.” We answered while closing our eyes to enjoy the spa. “So did any of them make wishes?” Hm? You sound rather curious there Visi. “No, they tested how much punishment they can take. They still have four wishes until they have to sleep.” We told her and felt like just maybe taking a nap in here. We don’t have to worry about overheating or drowning like most people do. “Ah, they sound like perfect minions dear.” Celestia commented with amusement and We nodded. “That was the plan. We do have a religion that worships us.” We opened our eyes to see that Celestia and Twilight were all fluffy from the scrubbing they did with the brushes in their fur. Heh~ they look so cute being all extra poofy. Shame that’ll go away once their fur dries. “So, they all still have wishes available huh?” Visi hummed and We wondered what she was thinking. “Yes, so be careful what you say around them.” We warned her and Visilia snorted. “I’ll be good. I just can’t promise everyone else will behave when they find out.” Visilia huffed and then reclined against the wall of the tub, clearly done getting clean. “That is a good point. If I had access to wish-granting powers before I figured out how to fix my problems, I would’ve jumped at trying to use one as a quick fix for my size problem.” Twilight admitted with a tap on her collar. “Hm, let’s speak of other things or I might be tempted to ask for something especially naughty. So, how do you think the conference will go?” Tia asked and I groaned at her changing the topic to politics. Leave it to Tia, ever the politician. I was wondering if Visi would mind if I got her mare meat excited to try and derail the topic. “Something about Mega Spells, Nukes. One of my Followers in their alliance mentioned they had been making them to use against Lust Demons, but they didn’t want to fire them off out of fear.” We replied anyway, since it was important and those sounded beyond overkill. “Not to mention the Balefire Bombs and bio-weapons Zebrica has been making.” “Oh, they are just asking to die now. I know the Geneva Convention doesn’t exist here, but still!” Visilia snarled in fury and disbelief. We’re fairly disgusted and disappointed personally. “With this dire news, I’m sure we can bring them into a mutually beneficial arrangement. If they even want to tender it, Mutually Assured Destruction will stay their hands long enough for us to take away their toys.” Twilight sneered and growled, her bestial teeth glinting in the light as her lips quivered in rage. “Just wait until we leak this info to the others in their alliance, that will make things easier.” “Okay, do that. This way it’ll become a literal clusterfuck for them.” Visi smirked evilly as she reached over and patted Twilight’s shoulder approvingly. “That is a good idea Twilight. Be sure to bring it up to Lulu, since she’s the one able to slip through the dream realm. She could plant information in the right minds before tomorrow.” Celestia said proudly before she sighed. “Now then, sorry for that. Onto better things. How are your children you two?” “They’re doing good, last We saw them earlier.” We replied before Urta entered the bathroom. “Urta! What brings you?” “I just got back from my latest session with R&D and found the other bathroom turned into a salon fetish fantasy with Pillar as the victim while he was also hogtied.” Urta turned her armor into a cube and then put it in her cleavage before sliding her slimy form down next to Us and We cooed as the water got hotter from her steamy body. “Oh, Urta, I wanted your opinion on the names of our sons. As their sire you have a say, even if they’re not my firstborns and I have the right to name them this time.” Visi dropped on the vixen, who looked stricken. “We didn’t name them?! Fuck! Ugh~...we’re horrible people…” Urta sunk into the water a bit with her hands on her eyes. “Well...I never thought of it before. What did you have in mind Visi?” “I was thinking of calling them Selurox, Dervoze and Valox.” Visi told her mate and future wife happily before becoming nervous. “So, what do you think?” “They sound strong and distinct. I like them. Good work babe.” Urta kissed Visi full on the mouth and the demon alicorn moaned into her mouth, wrapping an arm around Urta’s shoulder while groping-. “Ahem.” Twilight loudly cleared her throat and Visi reined herself in while Urta chuckled and winked at her demonic mate. “Anyway, we’re all clean. I plan to go about my evening at home now.” “Okay, see you later Twilight.” Tia exclaimed, eyeing Urta and Visi. “No, you’re coming too.” Twilight sternly huffed and levitated Tia out of the tub. The solar princess complained and whined, pleading with her student to let her have fun while Twilight dutifully ignored her and teleported away with her captive who was likely about to be forced to have a normal, boring evening to prepare for the political garbage around the bend. “We really wish for a proper vacation after all of this, for sure. Maybe 200 or 500 years away from everyone and everything.” We sighed before We climbed out of the spa with Visi and Urta following. “Girls? Is there a particular reason you’re following us?” We asked playfully and they both shrugged. “Well, first, are you doing anything about the Marines?” Urta asked with a gesture at the door. “No, not really. They need to work this out with their mates. Anyway, the meeting isn’t until tomorrow morning. Do you two feel like just having dinner and a movie?” We asked hopefully, only for Brennie to suddenly shriek so loudly her voice made the whole keep waver. “Send the fucking fleet over there now!” Hoo~ boy. Brennie is really fucking pissed! “All of them!” Brennie’s second scream had a Night Sentinel running from the guest wing like they were about to be killed. “What’s going on?!” Visilia demanded after she hurried down the hall and burst into the room to find Brennie so furious her already red head was getting unhealthily cherry bright. “Those communist feathered fucks have-!” Brennie’s frothing fury suddenly cut off and she closed her eyes before snoring lightly into her massive milky mams since she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Rivala rose from behind her and Alt-Celestia quietly thanked her. “Well, that didn’t answer the question, but it’s obviously bad.” Urta commented uneasily. “That Sentinel reported that the griffins decided to move troops into place before the summit tomorrow, so Brennie ordered to have aerial superiority in place as soon as possible.” Cadence informed us and We dragged our hands down our rodent face. “So, anybody feel like just watching a movie and eating pizza with ice cream?” We asked and everyone nodded eagerly, even Brennie snapped awake. “Pizza and ice cream?!” Brennie chirped excitedly with her massive belly roaring. (<3) “We’re so glad We have you all on our side against these idiots.” We groaned as Hobos the Griffin tom ambassador screamed about invasion, yada yada. Hesha the Zebra ambassador was not amused while Butch the Diamond Dog ambassador snarled in her face. So far their alliance was holding on by a thread with all their dirty laundry we aired. Brennie wasn’t here since she was forced to stay home. Borrowed Navel Pearl or not, nobody wanted to risk the hyper-pregnant and hyper-pissed woman to go too far. As for the dirty laundry we aired? Well, the United Griffin Kingdoms and Canida were very displeased with Zebrica for developing plagues and other bio-weapons. Canida and Zebrica were upset that the UGK had early nuclear weapons. Then there was the fact that Canida had proper tanks unlike everyone else. You’d think being ‘allies’ they would’ve shared some of their war tech with one another. “Now that you’ve all proven yourselves incapable of getting along, how about we get to the matter at hand? That you are outgunned, outclassed and outmaneuvered. You will all decommission your most destructive weapon programs and divert your military efforts to defense and recovery like we have. We could’ve invaded you and been done with it, be glad that we’re sane and benevolent.” Celestia declared with her fingers steepled under her chin. While we were holding the summit in Unity, Celestia was the senior ruler of Equestria both by abdication on Luna’s part and unanimous agreement from the rest of us Princesses. Thus, while We may be hosting, it is her duty to represent us all. “Why trust you not to attack after we turn our bellies up? After all, pet Princess let the Lust Demon ruler live.” Butch chuffed in disapproval. The aged bulldog was so unpleasant. “Because you forget who kept you all alive with resources during these many long centuries of constant incursions.” Tia coldly replied and the three ambassadors winced. “The key reason you are so well off is because of the benevolence of My Little Ponies and our nation despite our own struggles. You would do best to remember who footed the bill of your nations.” “Hmph, a debt is indeed owed. Very well. Zebrica will sterilize and dispose of our plagues and other dangerous designs, but only after we’ve developed proper counters to prevent any breakouts.” Hesha acquiesced fairly quickly. We guess they came to the table ready to drop it, or at least pretend to. “We refuse to dismantle new tank corps. They still in test anyway. Besides, they take out big beasts better. Canida crawling with beasties thanks to demons and caribou.” Butch chuffed fairly reasonably. Reports say Canida is suffering from a small, but serious infestation of Bugbears. Those things are much scarier here than in D&D. Like, the size of a house scary. “Seeing how disastrous the environs near ‘Big Sur’ in the Badlands are after a nuclear device’s detonation, I’m sure it won’t be too hard to convince the King that we should leave well enough alone and turn all efforts to energy production instead.” Hobos grumbled as he looked over the scrolls that had both his own reports on that and ours for comparison. “It is good to hear that you can be reasonable, but words and actions are two very different things. I expect to hear updates on this as soon as possible. This meeting is adjourned.” Celestia declared and everyone at the round table stood before filing out, leaving us local rulers and our ‘attack dogs’ as those dumbasses put it in the room. “No matter how old I get, the selfishness and stupidity of people still stupefies me.” “Not to us. That’s the bloody fucking norm, unfortunately. Reality is seldom perfect since it holds too many disappointments.” Pillar quoted wisely as his siblings nodded in agreement. “At least we’re done with them for now. Next are the Dragonlands and Carim in that order. At least they’re both allies so this won’t be nearly as unpleasant.” We sighed as everyone nodded in agreement. “Let Dragon Lord Ember in please.” Minutes later, Ember in her usual sexy leather bikini entered. The Bloodstone Scepter had the whole and perfectly cut Bloodstone now instead of the jagged fragment it had been before. “Hey everyone. Just here for some formal crap since for some reason old sun-butt here won’t let us just shake on it.” Ember huffed good-naturedly and Tia rolled her eyes. “Since Cynder is alive and still very much your rightful ruler, you need documentation of her abdicating to you Ember, or future rulers of other nations may try to declare you a usurper despot who stole her kingdom.” Tia reminded us and We joined Ember in groaning before We had Cynder take over our body and morph into her form to sign with Ember. “There, alright girls, see you later? After all, I’m marrying you all too since Spike has such damn good taste.” Ember winked at us and we chuckled as she left. “Okay, now for Carim.” Soon entered a regal white rat in clothes that were both opulent, but practical. We could feel him struggling not to grovel and praise us despite his outward calm and collected appearance. “So, what do our beloved children require?” We asked instinctively and winced as he bowed deeply to us. “Pardon my forwardness, but we need weapons.” Well, that’s straightforward. “What kind?” We questioned, since unfortunately, We are the princess nominally in charge of the military, so weapon requisition was our job. “Any modern equipment you can spare. We barely have farms running despite your blessings oh Holy Mother Wiatr. Our industry has barely started since with our outdated knowledge, we’re still in the medieval era.” The skaven informed us and We felt horrible! The gratitude and prayers from Carim were so fervent We had assumed Carim was doing well. Maybe by most skaven standards they are, but this is horrible news! “I can ensure that we can provide whatever we can give them, but it’s up to you to decide, Wiatr. They are your people after all.” Tia assured us and We felt an odd tingle of pleasure worm through us at being acknowledged as the Skaven’s Matron Goddess by another deity. “Since you’re so far behind technologically, maybe technologically advanced swords and shields with some outdated Sentinel or simplified UAC armor will do. What do we get in return, our son?” We asked lovingly and inwardly winced at calling him by such a warm term. The fact he almost swooned both amused and upset us. “You are too kind Mother! We can offer our forces in exchange. Behind or not, we are still a race of fierce and brutal warriors.” The skaven man replied as he visibly resisted groveling in joy. “Well, that’s not a bad deal. It would also give us the opportunity to train your warriors with modern equipment and knowledge.” We mused with a look at the others, who all nodded. “Right, We’ll draft something up in the next few days and finalize it on Friday if that works?” “Yes oh glorious Mother Wiatr, that is more than can be asked for. At most I had hoped for you to consider it. Thank you gracious goddess of pleasures and temperance.” He said with a bow before he scurried away excitedly. “So is that everything? I expected this to take all day, not 2 hours.” Collateral commented. “For now, yes. Next is the paperwork to get the deals set up. Thankfully Money Mover and Quibbler will get most of that arranged before it even reaches our desk. So then, who wants to go out for lunch? There’s a lovely malt shop in town We’re quite fond of.” We’re sure Brennie would appreciate it. > aftermath 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.8 “This is the life.” We sighed in content while sitting on a bench overlooking Unity’s Harmony Plaza, aka: the box canyon where everything began. It has been two months of struggling with the UGK, including assassinating the King when he refused all demands to de-escalate and resulted in us pulling an occupational reform of their government like the US did to Japan. Now though, things were calmed down and everything was on the road to recovery. “Yeah, it is.” Brennie said from next to us. She was still pregnant. Those eggs were supposed to hatch within a couple of weeks according to Hermais, but further inspection revealed that the incubation period wasn’t weeks, it was months. Hey, shortening it from 300+ years to 9 or so months was incredible as it stood. Anyway, she had a Navel Pearl and Nipple Studs to keep herself mobile and was wearing a simple T-shirt of some band We never heard of and skin-tight jeans while We wore our usual magic black dress and corset. “It’s a shame Urta and Sabrina can’t be home right now though.” We lamented, since our wives Urta and Sabrina were originally Saddle Arabian, meaning they were the immediate neighbors of Zebrica, so they were our ambassadors inspecting their claims of destroying their bio-weapons. “Same for Visi and my brothers.” Brennie huffed out her nose at being left here for the safety of her eggs while her siblings and beloved demon alicorn fiance went to kick Hell’s ass for daring to show their faces elsewhere in the multiverse. “Gonna need to think of something to stop them from popping up wherever.” “We’ll get there someday.” We assured her with a supportive hand on her knee and she looked at us with a gentle smile. She’s so fucking beautiful when she smiles. “On a good note, Zebrica seems to have cooperated and are making more medical focused products.” That didn’t mean that Urta and Sabrina were back yet. They have yet to agree to a Harmony Portal. “That’s good. Although it’d be cathartic to have to go kick some asses, I don’t wanna get too pissed off and do something to jostle these things.” Brennie rubbed her washboard abs. “Harder than stone or not, I’m more powerful than any stone I’ve seen.” There’s that serene look that just gave Brennie this incredibly mystical air. Pregnancy has been good for her temper. “We’re sure your super-durable body will save them from nearly anything. Anyway, it’s really impressive seeing how fast Unity has grown the past two months, wouldn’t you say?” We asked our future wife/husband with a gesture down at the canyon plaza. We’ve had a massive surge of immigrants in the wake of the restructuring of the UGK. “It’s getting crowded now, honestly. I wish you didn’t have to bend over a barrel for that absent asshole Sovereign.” Brennie huffed and We sighed in agreement. Unity couldn’t spread out like a normal city, not with Sovereign; the Spirit of the Everfree being such a prickly jackass about interfering with its forest. So, instead, the city was building up and down with some spread out past the edge of the cliffs of the plateau. As in, building structures into the cliffs like what we did with the canyon. It was a daunting prospect to consider that soon the city as it was would be the ‘second tier’ of Unity with the canyon and other ‘lower’ levels being the first tier. Having Andre on hand meant it wasn’t only possible, but he could even use building principals that resulted in ancient megacities like Lothric to get us started. The first pillars along the rim of the city were already under construction while the cliffs were also being turned into housing and et cetera for the immigrants and refugees that chose to stay here instead of moving to one of the Tels in Saddle Arabia. “At least the forge ships you’re letting us use means it can be dealt with.” We assured our mate and she nodded as she took our hand from her knee and laced our fingers together. “It wasn’t hard to convince Hydrax to let us leave you a couple. Not since you’re one of the greatest sources of weapon advancements we’ve had in thousands of years.” Brennie leaned in and We happily reciprocated, but suddenly a familiar blue snout got between us and we both smooched the intruding Princess of the Moon, who chuckled when we flinched away. “Indeed, their work on my moon to establish the first extraterrestrial colony in conjunction with the UAC has also been a great boon for us.” Luna said before she smooched us and then Brennie on the brow. “Really, before you all came along, we were slogging in a pit of despair.” “Indeed. Thanks to your people Brennie, along with those daring devils in the UAC, within two years, Equestria will be fully recovered and moving rapidly into the future while dragging the rest of the world.” Celestia commented, having been polite enough to round the bench and lean her ass against the railing to look at us. Hey, wait, why are We the only one in a dress?! Everyone else are wearing jeans, leggings, T-shirts or tank tops! Why do you look like a ‘gamer’ Lulu?! “Yeah, great.” Brennie sighed while shaking her head. “Don’t expect us to be around or take part in your politics. We may be married, but don’t use that to drag us back in.” “We won’t intend to, but you have as much power as us whenever you’re here. Don’t think you have to dance around our politics, you can seize control wherever you please if you feel the need.” Luna insisted with a gentle squeeze of Brennie’s shoulder. “Just don’t expect us to stay for too long.” Brennie’s statement made us all feel saddened. “Why are you so insistent on being independent? Is this a human trait?” Celestia sadly asked our future wife/husband, trying to understand her reason. “You could say that. Remember how that summit went two months ago and what happened afterwards? Yeah, politics has some bullshit powers of its own to pull people that don’t want to have anything to do with it into its grasp.” We all groaned when Brennie brought that up. Politics and stupid people in positions of power make a mixed case of bad-to-worse decisions, especially when it’s someone who is nothing more than a cowardly buffoon. “So, it’s not exactly us you’re worried about. It’s the fact that others may try to usurp and override the system, to force you into solving their problems.” Celestia performed the breathing technique to calm herself down. “They’ll also want something out of it. The greedy fuckers always do. Keep an eye out for them. If you have an idea to circumvent or stop any and all who try to abuse their position of power for all the wrong reasons, make sure to put it into place.” Brennie insisted and we all nodded. “Good idea Brennie, but wouldn’t that affect us as well?” Luna asked while Celestia summoned a pen and notebook to write some things down. “Especially us. Other alien races may not see us in the same light as our own do.” We never really thought of that, but that was the whole reason why Svartr created those fairies in the first place. Then again, we sent the first batch into the multiverse, universes outside of our own. Different ball games altogether. “Brennie, you may have saved us all a lot of headaches with that pragmatic paranoia of yours.” Celestia complimented as she quickly made notes in her tablet. Hmph! So many people are so quickly moving on to the fancy new stuff! Daring’s old flip phone still works! “Common sense is our saving grace, entitlement is the hungry killer.” What’s up with these strange phrases these guys come up with? At least they’re not utter stupidity like something a Flat Earther would say. “I have the rings~!” Cadence sang and we all perked with our heads turning to see her approach with boxes floating in her magic that displayed dozens of diamond rings! “I have extras in case one breaks and also because of how many of us there are.” “That’s great and all, but it’ll have to wait a while longer.” We told our pink Love princess, who wilted so incredibly her wings were touching the ground. Hey! She’s in leggings and a crop top! Where is all of this modern clothing coming from?! We thought the blouse and jean phase was over! “Why~?! I thought all that damn paperwork I did would help~.” Cadence whined pathetically. “Things still need to stabilize enough not to fall apart when we go on the honeymoon.”  We informed her and everyone nodded in agreement. It was going to be legendary! “So close, yet so far.” Brennie quoted from an edgy edgelord song before she sighed. “Anyway, what else are we talking about?” We asked as Cadence sullenly stuffed the ring boxes into her cleavage. “How is the training of the army? We know they had fared poorly against the Lust Demons and Hell, but the veterans from those battles didn’t retire.” Celestia asked worriedly, considering how many losses the Guard had suffered. At least with the UAC armors and weapons, the death toll was far less than it would have been, but it numbered in the several thousands and for this environment, that is a horrible loss of life and potential genetics in general. “They did well and are now officers training the newer recruits.” The fact they were already experienced with UAC tech thanks to that battle and further training meant that the new blood would have the advantage of not having to get rid of outmoded habits. A plasma sword doesn’t need sharpening after all. “Speaking of training and armies, my worshipers along with my brothers followers, have united and become a Legion, mirroring that of our Night Sentinels. They have also made a request to integrate with Unity’s military, or conduct joint ops with you.” Brennie told us, which was news. “They can join Unity’s Military, anyone with experience or will can join. How well trained are they?” We asked Brennie as Cady got to chatting with Lulu and Tia “Well, they got their shit together and are already setting things up. Armor, weapons, et cetera. As for training, well, only a few have combat experience and are veterans, so they’ll represent each House: the Bloody Templars, the Hidden Seekers, the Raving Sprinters, the Iron Vanguard, and the Atlas Arsenal. It’ll take time, but they’ll get there.” Brennie informed us. We can already guess which House belongs to who. “That could work. They could help with the new territory. What about the Caribou?” We asked, since they weren’t under our jurisdiction. We’ve been hands-off with them this whole time. “They’re recovering.” Brennie replied with a disgruntled huff. “So there’s none of that ‘females are objects’ garbage?” Cadence questioned as she sat down next to us. This bench was big enough for four people. Harmony was a popular attraction. “From what Runner has reported, yes. Now we just have to get the world stable and build our starships to become self-sufficient.” Luna answered for her and Brennie nodded. “That sounds right. Now then, as wonderful as this has been, I have a rendezvous in the Dragonlands. I’ll be sure to say hi to Ember, Spike and Smolder for you all if I see them.” Brennie said with a quick smooch on our cheek and shoulder pats for the others before she left for the lift down into the canyon. “Indeed, we came to visit mostly because free time is more available, but although business is done for now, there’s other, more mild pleasures I wish to seek.” Luna said and my other two wives nodded in agreement. “Since we all have more time, please Visit more, dear heart.” “We’ll do that. You all relax on your own terms, We’ve got some non-sexy plans of our own.” We admitted and smooched our alicorn wives goodbye before heading down into the canyon ourselves. Mama Wiatr would love to have a nap! (<3) “Hey!” Runner shouted as he hugged us from behind and We giggled in pleasant surprise while gently squeezing his hands where they rested on our currently flat tummy. “Hey yourself~.” We cooed in fond amusement. “Did something happen or are you happy to see us?” We twined our trio of rat tails around his waist and between his thighs. A sexual encounter wasn’t planned for this time of day, but We weren’t in the mood to say no~. “I just wanted to see you. I don’t have much to do with Pillar overseeing things with the Griffins. So I came back to check on how you’re doing.” Runner answered while rubbing his hands over our big bubble booty and hips. “Mrr~, you know you’re always welcome in our presence.” We purred and pressed our ass against him before We remembered what We were doing, or rather, going to be doing shortly. “Oh, off-topic, but We got news the first dropships are going into orbit.” “Already? Now that’s progress.” Runner gave us the thumbs up. “Looks like things really are shaping up.” He said with a cheesy grin and a gentle push of his pelvis against our ass. “Yes, we’ve been working on those ships since your fleet showed up thanks to the UAC. The engineers have been working nonstop to figure it out.” We bit our lip and hoped he was about to pull us away for some fun, but aside from the flirty touches and closeness, he wasn’t being aggressive. “Speaking of which, I have been thinking about our armor. Ever since Todd was released, I’ve been looking over his Praetor suit.” Runner said and clearly while he was happy to display sexual affection, he wasn’t actually going to jump us. Shame, but at least we’re talking about something We find fun, since it affects the world’s economy. “What did you find?” We asked as We took his hand and guided him into the nearest sitting room. Our home was getting much more lavish because of all of the gifts and offerings given to us. At this point, We have started having to re-gift offerings to charities. “Well, besides it being far more advanced than our own, there was a hidden message inside its systems. It has blueprints to upgrade our own armor to equal Todd’s. Unfortunately, they’re in Satanic script, but I can wholeheartedly confirm that this is the Wretch’s doing. He wanted us to find this.” Runner informed us as he sat with us and wrapped an arm around our waist. Mrr~. “So he knows about you.” We snuggled against Runner’s lithe and wiry build. Unlike his brothers, he retained a slim and fit form. At least as a male. As a female Runner is as bodacious and motherly as any of us out of preference, but We’d bet she could be sleek and slim if she wanted to be. “Yeah and I think it’s also a warning that Hell might be up to something more ambitious.” Runner mused as he let us nuzzled into his neck and enjoy his scent and closeness. “Alright, so what can we do about it besides sending you guys all over the Multiverse to head Hell off.” We knew that was the current plan of action, because why else would they have deployed without Brennie earlier? In fact, what is Runny doing here? “Actually, what are you doing here?” We asked suspiciously as We straddled his lap and looked down at him with his chin in our cleavage. “Ah, w-well, we can’t actually do anything yet. As much as it pains me, we’ll have to wait and gather more intel on anything unusual. That sortie earlier was a waste of time that only got some fledgling gore nests. For now, I’ll be getting to work on improving our armor using Todd’s armor as a reference and see what’s in store. I’ll also be looking into Reinhardt’s Crusader armor. As for what I’m doing here, isn’t that obvious?” Runner purred and groped our ass, making us coo. “Okay, We’d love that, but who is Reinhardt?” We were confused as our tails slipped down his pants while our hands rubbed his shoulders. “Reinhardt’s armor is the closest thing to a Space Marine’s Terminator armor we have technology to readily replicate. Have you heard of a game called Overwatch?” Runner asked as he moved his hands up our sides to grope the sides of our heaving hooters, causing our cleavage to rise up and engulf his snout in a motorboat~. “Willow wasn’t much for MOBA games, but pop culture still has it in Willow’s memories.” We answered while teasing his clothed groin with our tails. Or rather, because of the pervy storage space magic of this world, they played with his free-hanging fruit and sheathe in his inventory without restriction. “I’ll show it to you later. Anyway, where did Brennie go off to?” Runner asked us with a bite of his lip and We smirked at his ability to restrain himself after having failed so gloriously in the past. “Oh, she’s in the Dragonlands visiting Spike and them.” We chuckled, before kissing him. “Wait, what? Why would you let her go there?” Runner asked worriedly for some reason. “Why? What’s wrong?” Brennie had good relations with the Dragonlands for obvious reasons. “I’m worried that Spike, Ember, Smolder or any and all dragons might not let her leave. She’s probably getting pampered again.” Runner snorted as he waited for Brennie to pick up. “Yep, she’s getting her pregnant ass pampered.” “Not surprising.” We huffed in amusement at the thought of all dragons gathering around her, giving belly rubs and smooches, worshiping her. “Hmph! It was probably Dongo’s doing if that happened. Naughty little noodle.” “That would probably explain all the moaning and dirty talking I’m hearing right now.” Runner commented with a shake of his head and a lick of his chops as he got hard in his storage. “What sort of upgrades are you thinking about?” We asked as We fished out his cock from his jeans. We’ll worry about Brennie later, since she’s clearly enjoying her stay over there. “I got some ideas, but I would like to hear what the others had in mind. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up overengineering it to the point it’s considered OP.” Runner said with a grunt as We stroked his erection and he began taking off his shirt. “Oh?” We decided to shift to Daring’s body for once, but the changeling/pegasus had at some point become a Queen. Huh, Daring is just as surprised. Rubber bug-pony queen~! “Whoa, uh, yeah. After everything that has happened we can’t afford to be unprepared. Everything will have to be overhauled so that we don’t get blindsided. It might not always be Hell we end up fighting against, it could be aliens.” That was understandable. With all that has happened, We can’t blame them for wanting to change things around for the better. “That would be weird, but Todd didn’t change.” We said as We checked the liquid love nectar that endlessly filled our body and how it made Daring’s rubbery yellow body glow. “Nothing immediate, no. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but perhaps later on in life. Though, now that I think about it, I may need to forge armor for our children or give them a guideline to creating it for themselves, should they need it. Power armor is NOT for pussies, it’s to ensure your survivability out on the field of battle.” Runner counter-quoted and We snorted. “True enough, our Everlasting Dragon armor is technically Power Armor run on magic. We keep forgetting we have that suit.” We pouted at ourself, also at how Runner was letting his thoughts distract him from the fact that his future wife was on his lap with his huge breeding stick in her hands while shoving her tits into his face. Ugh, males. We wish he was a herm right now. “Have you used it?” Runner asked us as one of his hands slid under the side-slits of our dress to reach our groin. Unf~, finally~. “In Tartarus we used it to avoid the damn gases in the upper floors. Then We wore it to the Battle of Big Sur and when we all went to Lethice’s demi-ahn-r-realm. R-remember it?” We panted as Runner’s magic fingers dove into our moist mons and began writhing in our cooch. “Ouch. You know, maybe you could mix it up a little.” He suggested while pleasuring us, licking and sucking on our breasts after suddenly disrobing the both of us with a flash of magic from his runic eye. Quite the multi-tasker. “Yeah, maybe we should wear it more.” We smirked as he suckled and drank our love nectar, the pink glowing liquid was, besides our holy milk, the most energizing magic drink in the world. “Mmph, tasty. Anyway, that’s only half of what I meant. What I meant was to mix some technology with the ancient armor.” Runner tugged on our nips and We moaned as they stretched like the rubber they were. “Holy shit that’s hot.” “Th-thanks. The armor was made by Andre before he branched out into high-tech stuff. Surely he can update it. Oh~ baby, stretch us more~.” We mewled, leaning back and moaning as he grabbed our massive basketball boobs and kneaded them like dough. Very springy, squeaky dough full of sloshing liquid. Unf~ it’s been so long since someone played with us~. “Heh, this is kinda fun in a non-sexy way too.” Runner joked as he turned us into a panting wet mess on his lap with our hands rubbing his cock against our stomach and our quim basting his balls. “Hm, you’re actually giving me some ideas for new armor, specifically the interior and kinetic energy dispersal.” Uhn~! N-no having tech ideas while sexing us! “We’re not armor!” We huffed and booped him on the snoot. “Not right now anyway.” “Aw, but you’re such sexy armor.” Runner poked his tongue out at us and We had a powerful urge to turn into armor and have sex with him that way like when Svartr first woke up and sexually assaulted Willow in manic passion. “Bah, well, anything else we should know that’s gonna get in the way of us having fun?” We demanded in annoyance. What is with our mates and putting sexy funtimes in the back seat to talking? We’re all for talking when it isn’t in the way of sex! He answered by lifting us up and dropping us down his fuckpole, reducing us to a keening mess bouncing on his lap. > aftermath 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.9 “Okay! We think things are just about done. Just a few more papers.” We sighed as We leaned back. Just six months after that last meeting and we’re far ahead of schedule on rebuilding. We just had to finalize paperwork, it seems. The boys are checking to make sure no corners were being cut. Most of the work wasn’t modern, but that’s to be expected, Equestria was just barely past trains and making primitive starships. “Heya, sweetcheeks. How are things working out for you?” Collateral asked when he entered. “We’re almost done with the last of the paperwork. How are the impressions? Nobody is trying to make us do this all over again are they?” We asked fearfully. “It’s a start. Everything looks alright, soon enough you might be able to take to the stars.” Collateral replied as he stood in front of our desk and We sighed in relief. “Good. You think we’ll be able to do the wedding soon now? We’re pretty much out of the hairs of the lower section of government for a good half a year.” Which means more free time! Yay~! “I don’t see why not.” Collateral nodded with a smile. “Thank goodness. After everything is said and done, We’re on vacation.” We began fantasizing about it. Days upon days of relaxation, sex and cozy intimacy. Somewhere mountainous where nobody could bother us. Maybe that mountain lake Eris accidentally sent us to pop. It was lovely there. “Lucky you.” Collateral chuckled in a bittersweet tone. “Right, sorry. We know your world is still at war.” We mewled and stood before increasing in size to stand even with the towering 14 foot black wolf to tenderly smooch his lips. “It may never end, but there’s always lulls in the action.” Collateral replied before nuzzling us. “We’d offer to help, but as we are, our troops would just be a hindrance.” It will take at least hundreds of years before the Empire could possibly rival the Night Sentinels. “Don’t worry, they’ll get there. As for you, the kids need their mother while we’re gone. Cocoa is an incredible nanny, but she’s just their aunt, they should get to know their mom more.” Collateral insisted and We felt sadness at having missed so much. Daily visits are one thing, actually spending good quality time is another. “That too. Now We’ll finish this then we can check on Cady’s plans for our wedding.” She’s the Love Goddess and she’s already had a big wedding before, even if she didn’t get to fully enjoy it. We’re sure she knows what she’s doing. “Sure. Pillar should be back soon.” Huh? Oh! Thanks for reminding us that Pillar is essentially the omnidisciplinary priest! Wait, can he officiate his own wedding? Isn’t that illegal somehow? “That’s good.” We would ignore the question, We’re sure he can, somehow. “You can’t wait until you’re finally out of the office?” Collateral asked with a knowing smile. “So you can fuck us nonstop?” We asked, working on a few more papers. “Hm, tempting, but I’d rather used that time to see our children grow up with me and the boys in their lives besides just fucking around nonstop.” Collateral said and We snorted. “We thought that bit didn’t need to be said.” We told him with a soft smile as we shoved the last of the paperwork into the OUT tray. Freedom~! We’ve appointed the mayor to have all local authority powers, thus elevating him to being a Duke, Count, whatever We don’t care. “In all honesty, I think my children are gonna pick up my habits. Then again, we’re all soldiers, marines, warriors, etc.” Collateral said thoughtfully and We rolled our eyes. These boys, they all start going in the same direction with their thoughts it seems. “Don’t worry about it. They’ll grow up well with all the guidance from us all. We’re a village unto ourselves and it takes a village to raise a child.” We pointed out and Collateral relaxed a bit. “Good point. Say, have you seen Brennie today, or heard what she was doing? Apparently, she’s been hanging around with her children, but usually with Marcus.” Collateral questioned and We smiled. Brennie has been so much warmer since her pregnancy started. Seriously, she’s taken so well to being motherly that it’s kinda hard to think she was a hard-ass. “Not yet. We’ll look for her now that We’re all done here.” We shrunk down and leered at the 555 GUD FUCK number still burned into the surface of the desk. Ugh, Lethice may not be evil anymore, but whatever spell she put on that scroll made this impossible to sand out, but the desk was just fine otherwise and our frugal nature made getting rid of it hard. “Alright, see you later. I’ve got some work to do.” Col gave us a smooch and he left while We finished straightening up the desk. “See you~!” We cooed before checking Barb’s desk and making sure our future dragon wife hadn’t left any notes for us that We’d missed. Oo~ another milkshake coupon with a heart on it~! She loves ice cream a bit too much. So does Spike to be fair. (<3) After We called Barb about the milkshake date she clearly wanted and got a time for later, We asked around for Brennie and found out they were in the training room. What is Brennie doing training this late in her pregnancy? When We arrived, We found Brennie and Marcus training. Due to accelerated early-life aging, our son was already well within his teens. Marcus was developing some muscle mass, but he wasn’t gonna get huge for a while longer. Right now Brennie was teaching him swordsmanship with training swords. She showed him stances, parries, et cetera while the rest of the kids in that age group were all gathered around a very large and rusted Greatsword. “Hello love. Hello our children.” They were all so big now, so ready to learn the more mature things in life. Thank gosh Cocoa gave them the ‘Birds and Bees’ talk along with the more complicated versions because of their genes. “Oh! Hey, Wiatr.” Brennie smiled at us and pulled us into a hug when We got near. “How are you doing, hun? Are you giving those paper-pushing pencil-necks what-for?” “Yep! We’re done with the work and finished promoting the mayor to deal with it for us unless the issue goes above noble authority. Now, you’re still pregnant, why are you training them?” We pouted our lips and Brennie huffed indignantly. “Just Marcus, the rest wanted to watch.” Brennie rebutted with a pat on her son’s shoulder. “The sword isn’t my doing, Runner went on a treasure hunt of sorts and thought I’d appreciate it.” “Well, what did Runner find?” We asked after We approached the sword. “Some of Aldin’s things, that sword included. He said he was forging that out of boredom, so I was hoping you could get someone to re-forge that hunk of junk back to its glory.” Brennie answered while idly flipping the practice sword in her hand. “You might be able to. We do have Andre here.” He’s mostly acting as an architect these days, but he’s still the God of Crafts. “Sweet. Let’s go pop in and see what he can do.” Brennie said while casually swinging and jabbing at Marcus, who took the half-hearted yet still impressive strikes for more practice as We picked up the massive sword with ease because of our often-forgotten godly strength. “Lead the way. Alright kids, you can do whatever you want, just don’t make trouble.” “Sure thing Fama.” Marcus saluted cheesily to his sire and then turned to his siblings, who began sparring with him as we left the training chamber. “It’s good to see the kids have taken to you being female so well.” We commented as We followed Brennie out of the barracks. “Yeah…” She sounds oddly conflicted. “Sorry sweetie, We forget this isn’t your natural state. You only have a month at best before the eggs are done.” We reassured her and Brennie shook her head. “No, that’s not it. I...I like being this way. That’s the problem. I’m worried that I’ve changed too much and whether or not this is me or if I’ve become someone else.” Brennie confided and We rubbed her back. “You’re still you, for sure. You’re just less...volatile? You’re not angry all the time.” That was the biggest difference between Brennie now and Berserker back then. She’s so much more able to think clearly instead of jumping to conclusions from constant anger-fueled impatience. “Yeah, it’s nice. I like not being pissed off all the damn time. That’s actually what has me more worried. When this is done, when I pop out these pups, uh, eggs, will I go back to being a hard-assed motherfucker, or will I still have some of this sensible nature to me?” Brennie rubbed her rippling washboard abs under her sports bra and We nodded at her unease. “Don’t worry. You’ve been spending a lot of time with Cocoa and she’s very good at managing emotions. If you just don’t let your anger control you, you will stay more in control of yourself.” We rubbed her neck and she hummed as she rolled her neck in appreciation. “Yeah, Cocoa is a great gal. She’s a bit spooky though.” Brennie said and We pouted. Cocoa wasn’t spooky! She was just incredibly chipper until suddenly she wasn’t when someone crossed a line. “She is not spooky, Brennie.” We huffed defensively before We considered something. “Hey, how about We take you on a milkshake date with Barb and Cocoa? Barb invited us with a coupon and Cocoa loves that place too.” “Milkshakes? Count me in!” Brennie eagerly agreed as her abs roared in agreement. “Alright then. We’re sure Cocoa and Barb would love to have you along.” We insisted while shifting the massive sword on our shoulders for comfort once out of the barracks and in the open. “Whether they would or not, I love ice cream! Especially since I turned female and got pregnant. Is there something about female taste buds that just get more out of it?” Brennie asked out of idle curiosity as she licked her chops while leading us towards Andre’s shop. “We can verify that as true from Willow’s own experience in the matter.” We confirmed before entering Andre’s shop. “Hey Andre! Are you available for some custom repair work?” “Lass, I work tirelessly day and night when I’m not spending time with my wife Harmonia. Even with the workload these so-called architects and engineers foist on me to solve their problems, I can manage. What do you have for me?” Andre questioned and Brennie helped us move the massive sword across the counter for the blacksmith god to examine. “Runner found this along with the original design.” Brennie pulled out the blueprints for it and showed it to Andre. “It was supposedly an Armorslayer Greatsword.” “Hm, I can work with this. Will take a few weeks though without fresh Everlasting Dragon bones and scales.” Andre told us and We winced at the idea of going dragon only to get harvested for bones just for a sword. No thanks. “That’s fine. Also, here.” Brennie pulled out a cloth from her cleavage and set it down to open it up and reveal a shining red gem inside. “Place that on the pommel. Sorry about the extra work.” “Bah, it will be good to work on something different than all the architecture and engineering pieces the builders keep hounding me for. I’ll have this done right for ya.” Andre waved off the concern and easily moved the massive blade aside while the horse stroked his beard. “Thanks, but I can’t pay you properly since I don’t have any souls.” Brennie admitted sheepishly with a guilty look at us and We rolled our eyes. “Soul Energy, we’re not Hell Demons Lass. Anyhow, your mate can pay with no problem, she’s practically reeking with soul energy. Even if she doesn’t, the ‘soul bank’ can extract your excess Soul Energy into a transferable state for you without harming you.” Andre chuckled and Brennie balked. “You can just shave off excess soul energy for currency? Really? When did that become a thing?” Brennie asked incredulously and We shrugged. “About half a year ago thanks to Twilight. It's complicated, but it does take some of your worth of extra soul energy. It makes it so that you don’t have to kill someone and it doesn’t take your actual soul. Think of it as a blood transfusion, your body makes more blood, but the blood you gave is still there. There was a risk of ‘inflation’ at the start, but We prevented that quickly.” We informed her and Brennie scratched her head. “Well, does Runner know? This might weird him out.” Brennie asked in concern, which was understandable due to Runner’s intimate experience with Death and whatever comes hereafter. “Probably. If Death had a problem with it, he’d have said something by now.” We shrugged, it’s been in place for a while now. It’d make no sense for Runner to freak out now. “I wonder how much I’m worth? Probably a fortune.” Brennie scratched her chin at the notion. “You could go check, but don’t worry about it, this is on us. How much?” We asked the world’s greatest crafter and he hummed with a quick stare off into the middle-distance. “For this...16,435 souls.” Andre told us and We blinked in surprise. “Really? That doesn’t sound much.” We’ve honestly paid more for much more mundane things. “I got most of the work already done.” Andre told us and We shared confusion with Brennie. “Huh?” Brennie looked at the sword to find it was almost fully restored to its former glory. “Most of the thing just needed buffing rather than repair, but that’s still to come. Come back in a few days.” Andre told us before properly moving the sword to his workbench with a hand held out to us, so We clasped it and felt the soul energy flow from us to him. “Thank you for your custom.” “Thank you for your work.” With that settled, we left the blacksmith. “So, would you like to go find Cocoa and Barb to have that milkshake date?” We asked our future wife eagerly with our trio of tails wiggling behind us. “What’s this about a milkshake date?” Urta’s voice questioned and we turned to find her approaching in her suit of golden armor. It had been upgraded greatly with UAC technology, but unlike most armors, her’s was still extremely revealing with cleavage and conformed to her body more closely since she was durable enough to forgo proper armor. “Barb asked Wiatr out on a milkshake date, she asked me to join in, we were gonna go find Cocoa too.” Brennie answered and Urta turned her helm to me before it split open and folded into nothing for her head to form fully and smirk at us. “Mind if I join then? We could make a proper date of it too even if there’s gonna be a bunch of us.” Urta licked her glowing turquoise chops. “Mm, I could go for some ice cream right now.” “Sure thing! At this rate We’d better just text everyone that’s here to find out if they’re good to join in.” We eagerly fished out Daring’s phone from our cleavage and started texting, starting with Barb to make sure bringing others was okay in the first place, rude of us to assume it was. “So, Brennie. Pregnancy is really working out for you. I can feel how well you synergize with Fertility despite your Aspects.” Urta smiled brightly and Brennie looked both annoyed and oddly proud. “It’s not like I expected to be female, or to get pregnant. How would I know it’d agree with me?” Brennie huffed while I got approval from Barb and began texting the others. “Well, if you ever feel like geting super pregnant, I’m game to show you how awesome it is to be so fucking full you can fill this canyon~.” Urta growled hungrily and Brennie turned redder. Yay~! Cocoa’s coming, Sabrina too! Drat! Honey is on a strict Love-Only diet right now because of how much excess biomass she has and is trying to get rid of. “U-uh, I’ll keep that in mind.” Brennie nervously scratched the back of her neck and looked at us. “So, what’s the word?” “Barb is cool with it turning into a hang-out date, Sabrina and Cocoa are coming, but Honey is not gonna come. She’s on a diet while she donates her excess biomass.” We answered and started walking towards the nearest elevator up. “Let’s go girls!” “I’m here!” We jumped and smiled at seeing Visilia hurrying up to us, having swapped her armor or business attire for jeans and a tank top she probably just threw on. “Cocoa texted me about going for milkshakes? Now, she wasn’t clear, are we talking milkshakes, or milkshakes?” Visi patted the sides of her bust for emphasis and We snorted. “Goodness, I wish it was both. Shakes made from our milk? That would be fucking delicious.” Urta said with wide a grin. We sensed that under her armor her erection was growing. Wow, she got hard fast! If the magic of this world wasn’t how it was, she’d be showing everyone how excited she was at the idea of naughty desert. We’re just impressed she didn’t spread her legs. Visi rolled her eyes with a smile. “Of course honey.” “Okay you two. Talk about fun later. We think everything is starting to wrap up for this Era. We’re not having to wait for damn wars to start or end. We can wait for the wedding though. How are your other mates liking our world, Brennie?” Considering Brennie always hated every single lewd aspect of our world from the very start, hopefully her mates were more open-minded. “They’re starting to like it. Although I think Chrysalis likes it too much for obvious reasons. The same can be said for Cadence. They may or may not have made mention of you joining in.” Brennie replied with a sheepish smile and faint blush. “They also wanted to ask you for a blessing. I’m guessing they want their chances of getting pregnant with my children to be high or something similar to your genetic neutral trait.” “They asked me about that and I don’t know if it’s within your power. I mean, you can have babies with anyone because your Fertility aspect plays a key role. We’re uncertain if you can give someone that same thing.” Visilia said to us and We nodded, remembering Fane’s words on what our genetics meant for the offspring. “We’re sure it will work considering how the genes of our offspring have turned out. We could try, do you want us to? Gather them up and we’ll see.” We said as the elevator to the top that we’d climbed onto absently reached the top, only to yelp at the sight of all of the Marine’s mates. “We’re here~!!” Alt-Pinkie Pie cheered at the front of the group. “How did-whatever. Okay, how do you want to go about this? The best way we know it is by fucking you and We were hoping to hang out at Malt’s and have milkshakes.” We said in resignation, figuring this has just replaced the fun group date we were about to have. “So, you can’t just wave your hand on us and recite your blessings? Not that I don’t mind getting boned.” Alt-Chrysalis smirked lewdly and Alt-Cadence elbowed her with an amused grin. “We’ve found our worded blessings tend to make your body bigger. For gender and reproduction blessings, it’s easier to share our bodily fluids with someone. We don’t have to have sex, just drinking our milk directly from us will do.” We explained with a pat of our chest. “Well that’s not so bad.” Brennie commented and Urta gasped. “I wonder if I could give blessings?” Urta questioned as she licked her lips. “Huh, it’s likely. As the Goddess of Fertility, you have priority on that over us. We’re just Renewal, remember?” We reminded everyone and they all went ‘ah’ or ‘oh’ at remembering We gave most of the Fertility Aspect to Urta. “Oh! Well, that’s alright. Are you girls okay with that?” Brennie asked the girls and they all looked at the towering amazoness that was Urta. “Yes!” They all answered, looking very happy and excited. Hoo-boy. Hope Urta doesn’t overdo it. “Hm, I’ll test it with you in the restroom~.” Urta purred before walking up to Alt-Cadence and walking with her to the restroom. Alt-Cadence was already horny just being near Urta. “Maybe in your room, tonight?” Alt-Celestia suggested and Urta smirked at her and the rest. “I’m testing this first, then it’s time for milkshakes, the bedroom. I need to test if this works first.” Urta said and Alt-Cadence practically swooned before the bathroom door closed. Wait, when did we get to Malt’s? We didn’t notice that the group kept walking to the diner. “You’re huge!” We heard from the bathroom before the sounds of pleasure filled Malt’s diner and Brennie ordered a pickle milkshake. > aftermath 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.10 “Okay, so who wants to start?” We asked the Marine’s mates as We patted Urta’s shoulder with her sitting in the loveseat that We moved against the bed with her legs spread wide and presenting her naked, glorious, perfect body to them. Not only was she putting off a ‘fuck-aura’ to rival Ours just from her steamy body’s pheromone cocktail, her churning basketball baby batter bunkers and almost two foot long pony pillar of a penis were throbbing in the open air. After Alt-Cadence got fucked with thankfully considerately sperm-free slime, the rest of the ladies could hardly wait for the milkshake date to finish so our beloved Urta could blow their minds. “It’s still pouring out~!” Alt-Cadence groaned from the royal bedroom’s ensuite bathroom. “Me!” Alt-Chrysalis excitedly cheered and rushed up to Urta. “So, what do you want?” Urta purred with a grope of her left tit and squeeze of her cock. “That glorious cock, of course~.” Alt-Chrysalis salivated before she hurriedly undressed. While that was going on, We looked around at all the spectators. While Urta was going to be pleasing and being pleasured by all these sexy ladies from another dimension, we were all content to watch and masturbate on the sidelines from the sofas, chairs and bed. “Mm, I would love to breed you, but I’m not gonna take away Brennie’s claim.” Urta wiggled a finger to summon the naked changeling queen closer and Alt-Chryssie obeyed. “I feel like I’m going to get pregnant just getting near~! You’re definitely the Goddess of Fertility.” Alt-Chrys complimented as she grabbed the flare of Urta’s gigantic horsecock. That thing was big enough to slap someone like a baseball bat. “Oh~! J-just touching you is making me wet!” “I’m made of Argent Slime, which is incredibly complex, but to simplify: I’m made of living aphrodisiac slime. Just touching me will eventually get you off~.” Urta chuckled and gently pulled Alt-Chrysalis into hugging her breeding pole. “Go at your own pace while I work my magic. Any tips babe?” Urta asked us as Alt-Chrysalis started sucking on her glans with glazed eyes. “Just focus on what you want to do to her. Oh, before that, Alt-Chryssie, do you just want enhanced Fertility, or do you want more?” We asked with a look over at Brennie, who bit her lip, but didn’t speak up, leaving this to Alt-Chrysalis to decide even if she’s addled from being in contact with Urta’s cock. “Mm~, so delicious. Mm~.” Alt-Chrys panted as she hugged Urta’s dick and rubbed her inadequately sized breasts along the underside of it. She had D-cups, but when faced with Urta’s bitch-breaking 20-inch monster that was as thick as a 2-liter bottle, they could only wrap around the sides and failed to meet. “I don’t think she’s in the right headspace to give an answer.” Brennie commented and We nodded at Urta, so she shrugged and leaned back, letting Alt-Chrys lust-drunkenly nom on her cock. “C’mere.” Brennie told us as she pulled our head into a kiss. “Go on girl, you’re doing good.” Urta praised Alt-Chrys, who was now sucking Urta’s good-dick and getting plenty of argent pre-cum for her reward. “Unf, I felt something there. I think I just Blessed you with Fertility. Does someone mind pulling her off unless she wants me to blow?” Urta grunted with a saucy grin, but nobody seemed willing to interrupt the scene and were mostly occupied with masturbating or making out with one another. “Oh my gosh this is incredible to walk in on.” Alt-Cadence panted when she entered the room to the sight of Alt-Chrys getting off on worshiping the giant dick in her throat and the rest of us making out while masturbating. “Is she done yet?” “Yeah, but nobody’s got the will to interrupt.” Urta grunted and Alt-Cadence huffed before she grabbed Alt-Chrysalis and pulled her away. “Oof! Okay, I’m really primed now. Does anybody wanna step up or am I gonna have to rub out a bukkake shower?” Urta huffed as she rubbed her pony pillar with her shining bright balls audibly churning with her holy virility. “Mwah, I-I’ll do it.” Alt-Pinkie panted as she separated from Alt-Applejack and made a beeline for Urta’s groin while Alt-Chrysalis quickly rolled into sex with Alt-Cadence on the floor. Pinkie instantly dove for her dick and deepthroated Urta with impressive ease and the vixen moaned before she began pumping the pink pony’s belly full of her shining seed. “Unf, wow. You’re good at this.” Urta panted and rubbed Pinkie’s scalp as she gulped and sucked, her belly inflating like a balloon until Urta hissed. “H-hey, I don’t really have an upper limit on how much I can cum. If you keep sucking, I’ll keep going.” Urta warned through panting breaths and Pinkie mewled before pulling off and getting a couple cumshots on her face and breasts. “Yummy~! Who’s a naughty, greedy, horny boy~? You! You’re a naughty, greedy, horny boy~.” Pinkie giggled with a rub of her heaving cum-filled belly and kissed Urta’s flare. “Yeah, he has a mind of his own. He’s even gobbled up naughty breed-hungry ponies~?” Urta teased back and Alt-Pinkie moaned before sucking on her again. “Yes, all because you want to make babies.” Brennie panted in aroused accusation at our wife and We nodded as We pawed at Brennie’s breasts and falsely flat abs. “You got me there babe.” Urta laughed and pointed at Alt-Pinkie sucking at her dick again. “Hey, someone get this greedy glutton off or we’re gonna have a cum-stuffed pink pastry on our hands.” Urta joked as Alt-Pinkie’s belly sloshed and the mare moaned as she gushed her cunnie honey in orgasm and sucked even harder. “Wrong choice of words if you wanted to stop her. Miss Pie has a rather extreme food fetish. She has sometimes dreamed of turning into pastry from eating so much or other silly nonsense. Well, silly before we came to this bizarre universe.” Alt-Luna commented as Alt-Cady and Alt-Chryssie helped pull the lust-drunk Alt-Pinkie off of Urta’s penis with a loud suction pop. “Oh dear, careful. Willow has similar fetishy dreams that are so bizarre it both intrigues and disturbs me.” My wife Luna said when she suddenly intruded with a naughty grin. She must’ve found out about this affair through the grapevine and now maybe the rest of our lovers might show up! W-wait, she knows about Willow’s blueberry fetish?! “Oh, but it’s so good~!” Alt-Pinkie called out, showing off her pussy. “Nope. I’ve got legions of babies in my baby factory of a womb, so unlike poor Wiatr I can ignore the need to breed others since I’m always being bred. No taking advantage of your naughty rule-breaking urges.” Urta wagged a finger chidingly, but did not stop smirking. “Okay ladies, do you want to take the risk of sucking my pole, or would you rather drink from the tap? I’ve got it down after feeling it working on Cady, Chrys and Pink.” After that, the rest of the ladies decided to go to Urta all at once, unable to hold back anymore, even Alt-Twilight who had been trying to read a book as Alt-Rarity played with her. I got my rocks off masturbating and making out with my wives and Brennie to this glorious scene of Urta being in the middle of a desperate orgy and pleasuring several ladies all at the same time. Fuck~! Urta is our Soul Mate for a reason~! (<3) “Okay, that got intense considering nobody was getting pumped with proper cum.” Lulu panted from where she laid next to Alt-Celestia. Aside from all the argent milk and sperm-free argent semen the Alternate ladies sucked and fucked out of Urta, which was a conservative amount all things considering who Urta is. This was actually the most lesbian encounter We’ve had aside from that time We scissored Runner for her first time as a female. “It was amazing. Brennie, please tell us you’re just as virile as Urta now after you’ve been here so long.” Alt-Pinkie pleaded of her mate and Brennie managed to shrug and send her basketball boobs bouncing in the air. “Phooey! It’s okay, you’re still gonna rock our universes.” “Trust us, Brennie didn’t need much to become epic in that department. She’s still incredible by our standards.” We assured Brennie’s mates and they all eyed the red dracowolf hungrily, causing the well-fucked female to gulp nervously. “Hm, Cocoa wonder how Urta would be in a breed-crazy mindset.” Cocoa voiced aloud as she rubbed Urta’s balls while licking up some of the loose turquoise cream from Urta’s shaft. “Cocoa wouldn’t mind a breed-crazy Urta.” “Careful what you wish for babe.” Urta snickered as she pet one of Cocoa’s heads. “That was oddly satisfying, not knocking anyone up, but making them more receptive to being knocked up. I enjoyed it.” “Hm, Cocoa wants breed-crazy wife.” Cocoa cooed as all three of her heads started licking and kissing Urta’s balls and shaft at once. “Unf~! No~! B-bad Cocoa!” Urta panted and meekly pushed Cocoa away with her paws, causing Cocoa to laugh and start playing with her paws. “Ah! Stop! You know I’m-ha-ha-ha~!” Urta started laughing when Cocoa began tickling her and we all enjoyed the silly scene. “Why~! Why when I’m slime-ha~!” “Well, this is a sexy and silly scene I’ve stumbled into.” Hunter commented with an amused smile and an appreciative raised eyebrow of all us sexy babes naked for his viewing pleasure. “Looks like the boys and I missed out. Have you gone so gal you violate the bro-code sis?” Hunter joked at Brennie, who rolled her eyes. “You all can have fun when you find the time. Not my fault I have that time until these tykes are out.” Brennie scoffed and rubbed her abs before everyone looked at her with raised right eyebrows and she blushed. “Fine, it is my fault for being such a stud and then accepting the eggs instead of having Donga carry them.” “Which is one of the best things you’ve ever done. It’s made you so tender and loving in private.” Alt-Cadence cooed to Brennie and sucked on her right nip, making Brennie whimper and bite her lip as Alt-Cady drank her milk. “We’re not pumping out our aura and Urta’s own has died down, so down girl.” We huffed tiredly, because being lezbeans is exhausting compared to straight sex. There is so much more work put into the act when no penis is involved. “Now Hunter, how about you plow one of your girls so we can see if the blessing took, since Urta hasn’t blessed people before.”  “Oh, my, so soon? Um, I’d like to try.” Alt-Fluttershy quietly said as she got up with some help from Alt-Rainbow and Alt-Twilight. “You look tired, are you sure Shy?” Hunter gently asked as he neared and rubbed the pegasus’s shoulders. “Yes, I want nothing more than to have your foals Hunter.” Alt-Fluttershy panted, her libido stoked into action at the very idea of having her lover’s children. They kissed and Hunter carried her to the bed where he laid her down and began unbuckling his belt. “Do you all want to watch this?” We asked the others as Hunter penetrated Alt-Fluttershy with his doggy dong and the buttery pegasus moaned whorishly as she wrapped her legs around him and clutched his shoulders when he started lovingly mating her. “Nay, let us leave them to it.” Alt-Rarity said and even dragged Brennie and us out of the room to grant them privacy. “Those two have a special connection that surpasses what the rest of us have with Hunter. It is only fair that dear Fluttershy gets to have her romantic moment with him.” Alt-Rarity declared with all of the other ladies nodding in agreement. “Now that things have calmed down, let’s all get dressed and relax for the evening before bed.” Alt-Celestia suggested and everyone started putting on clothes from their magic storage, which the Alternates gained from having stayed the past few months. “That sounds like a good idea. Sorry about turning the date into a pre-sex meet-up Barb.” We apologized to our dragon wife and the purple/green dragoness snorted smoke with a roll of her eyes. “Wiatr, if I had issues I would’ve spoken up. Spike took enough shit when he was younger that I’m not about to let things that upset me go so easily.” Barb hip-checked me playfully before we followed the group down the hall to the sitting room where the entertainment center resided. “So, does anybody here like action films?” A chorus of groans followed. “Philistines.” “C’mon girls, Yakky Can is a great actor and his movies are both full of action and humor!” We protested, only to get a unanimous deadpan glare from everyone assembled. “Okay, yeesh.” “Are rom-coms out?” Alt-Cadence asked and half of everyone nodded. “Okay then, how about a proper comedy?” Everyone agreed. “Okay, let’s spend the evening laughing girls!” (<3) We are a bit disappointed. Sure, there were some good bits, but why was everyone laughing? This movie was just a long series of horrible puns and stupid, contrived scenarios that weren’t relatable at all. We mean, We love a good, or bad pun now and then, but it was like being run over by a train, with the underside coated in barbed wire. “Good news everyone. Fluttershy is definitely pregnant.” Hunter announced and the Marine’s girls along with Brennie were cheering “That means you’re almost out of excuses Brennie.” Hunter stated and the pregnant dracowolf nervously looked away from her mates. “Yeah...I guess I am.” Brennie muttered with a rub of her abdomen, only to stiffen up and gasp before her groin suddenly drenched! “A-ah! Th-they’re coming~!” “Oh! Brennie babe, breathe! It’s okay, calm down, lay back.” Urta urged the suddenly scared dracowolf and then ripped off Brennie’s basketball shorts that she’d worn for comfort. “Okay, now, you can’t give birth with the Navel Pearl suppressing your belly, at least not without knowing how to push first. Let it out babe.” “Ugh!” Brennie grunted and shortly a heaving gigantic belly the size of a weather balloon and tits the size of beach balls ripped through her T-shirt. “Mmph!” We quickly helped Urta roll her onto her belly and Brennie wailed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. “Ahn~! B-be gentle~!” “Brennie, just relax. Let your body do the work, you just have to listen to it and push when it tells you. Breathe.” We coached with her hands in ours while her mates huddled around her belly to gently rub along her massive sides towards her underbelly. “Yes, that helps a bit girls, do that.” “This is really surreal.” Hunter commented uneasily as he hovered with the other girls further away. “It’s one thing to know it’s going to happen, now that it’s happening I can’t believe it.” “You better believe it, you’re about to be an uncle of children born from your sister’s womb.” Urta snarked as she fingered Brennie’s pussy and the laboring woman yelped in surprise. “Ah! N-now?! Is this-oh~!” Brennie panted and then spasmed in orgasm. “H-holy fuck! Uhn! Ah! Y-yes~! Fuck me~!” Brennie begged excitedly as her amniotic fluid, which was surprisingly thick, slopped out of her cunt and down her underbelly to drench the floor. “We should really have someone call Fane? Or another doctor? This is the first proper incubation of dragons in recorded history.” We commented as We fished out our phone, only for everyone to suddenly yank smartphones from their cleavage and call at once. “So why is the amniotic fluid so thick? It’s like syrup.” Barb commented as she touched it with her toes. “When Ember, Smolder or I laid eggs, our fluid was really thin, almost watery.” “It’s really nutrient rich. Extremely.” Urta replied before she shoved her whole arm up Brennie’s vagina and the birthing woman howled in rapture. “I’m gonna make this easier on you babe. I’m fishing them out through me and I’ll put them on the floor.” “Uhn~! Keep fuckin me sho gud~!” Brennie drooled. Oh, there’s the draconic egg-addling. Hm, it seems to only be during the initial fertilization and incubation, then during birth after final incubation. “Guh~! Yesh~!” Brennie howled as Urta started removing the eggs and piping them through her body to set on the floor. Wow! These eggs are so much more colorful! “Ah, hello Lady Wiatr. Do I have a new patient?” Fane asked when he answered the phone. “We’ve got it well in hand, but it's a unique case and you should be here for a post-birth examination since it’s the first time in recorded history that dragon eggs have been laid after proper incubation.” We told the skeleton and he promptly appeared in the room with a clipboard. “That was quick.” “I need to be quick in order to remain the foremost researcher on the bleeding edge of discoveries.” Fane stated as he quickly began scanning Brennie while she bellowed in brainless pleasure and birthed her dozen of eggs. “Fascinating. Her file from the Breeding Center reported that she was dumping excess nutrition into her womb, but her amniotic fluid is astoundingly concentrated with vital nutrients and calories.” “So that’s why she didn’t get any fatter even though she kept pigging out on sweets.” Alt-Pinkie giggled. “Actually, she did, her belly was just hidden most of the time.” Oh, so that’s why her belly is so damn big when she’s only got twelve eggs in there! Heh, heh~! She stored all the extra energy in her womb instead of as fat. Fane kept examining her as she shrunk down, but eventually all 12 eggs were on the floor, the floor was sticky with her syrupy fluid and Brennie was left perched on beach ball boobs, knocked unconscious by the constant pleasure Urta put her through. “I won’t lie, ladies, that is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.” Alt-Chrysalis commented and got unanimous nods. “Wah~!” A small pony yelped when she landed in front of us with a note saying, ‘unbirth this one, she tried killing us. Love Celly.” “Where am I?!” We quickly engulfed her in an arm of slime and she vanished into us. “Got a rebirthed criminal for you to take Urta.” We clasped a hand with her and transferred the little bitch, sorry, former bitch, to her new mother. Hopefully that will absolve her crime of attempted assassination and she’ll grow up to have a better life. “Um, what just-.” Before more could be said, twelve loud, violent, simultaneous explosions knocked us all away, shortly replaced by a chorus of wailing, bawling newborns. The source was the hatching eggs. Right! Dragon eggs explode when hatching! Doy! Ember told us that! “Oh no, oh no! What do we do?! They’re dragon babies! Uh, uh, shush! Mama Barb’s here! Do you want milk?!” Barb frantically pulled her shirt up and held a babe to her breast. The sharp-toothed little black and brown whelp latched onto her nipple and calmed down as they suckled. We quickly turned dragon and joined in, Brennie did too out of motherly desperation. “Well, welcome to motherhood Brennie. How does it feel?” We asked as she nursed two of her babies and looked down at them in astonishment. “...Mind-blowingly awesome…” Brennie whispered and smiled softly. > aftermath 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.11 Brennie had quickly gone to the Breeding Center with her newborn babies and her mates, along with Cocoa, to ensure that they were healthy. Fane theorized that she birthed nearly a month early by expected standards because she’d been overfeeding them with all the food Brennie had been gorging on. Nobody knew she had such a sweet tooth before this wonderful event. We were ready to try to go to bed, but Alt-Fluttershy was escorted into the bedroom by Hunter. “She may not be Urta, but she’s more experienced with this sort of thing.” Hunter assured his butter-yellow future wife and turned his attention to us, where We were already in a naughty nightie and ready for bed. “Could you check to be sure if she’s pregnant?” “Sure thing. Come here sweetie.” We implored gently and the visiting Element of Kindness meekly did as We requested, sitting on the bed so We could rub her tummy and check. “How are you doing dear? We can sense that you’re not promiscuous and that Hunter may have been a bit much for you.” We looked at Hunter with a warning leer and he bashfully looked away. “Well, I am still recovering from our lovemaking.” Fluttershy answered, panting a little as she held her sloshing belly while We rubbed it. Her body wasn’t exactly optimized for breeding even after Urta’s blessing. She’s not a local. It seems to be a genetic thing. Maybe these ladies should get some gene and magic therapy before trying to tackle their enhanced mates. “I’m hoping for either one or two babies.” Oof, sweetie, you’re not...exactly safe for that. “Well, that’s why We're here.” We nervously smiled, hoping she didn’t sense our unease. Hunter could, of course, but so long as he didn’t panic, this could be addressed. We cast a spell to get a feel for what was happening in her womb. “We think you have three inseminated Fluttershy.” This isn’t good. She’ll die if she doesn’t get modded before her third trimester. We’ll put in an order for the Breeding Center to supply the ladies from the Marine’s dimension with mods. “Triplets?!” Alt-Fluttershy squealed happily with excitement. That would make sense, considering where she’s from, it’s likely that ponies rarely have multiples at all. “Is that okay?” We asked her warily while meaningfully rubbing her stretched and tight skin. Even near us, she’s barely elastic enough to contain Hunter’s seed. It’s a good thing that before now, these ladies have avoided getting properly pumped by their mates, or one of them would’ve died as an example. “I always wanted a very big family.” Alt-Fluttershy smiled happily with her hands running over her pregnant-looking dome of a belly. “Well, you can have one now.” We nuzzled her and helped her to her hooves. “Head over to the Breeding Center for a proper checkup dear.” We meaningfully looked at Hunter and he quickly helped her waddle out of our room. Once alone, We retrieved our phone and called the BC. “Please arrange a full battery of fertility, elasticity and general health mods and treatments for our dimensional visitors. Your first patient is on her way, do not hint at anything being amiss.” We hung up and sighed. Damn. We had assumed that just being here would’ve been enough, but the basis for that misconception are the Marines and Visilia, who are genetically superior to others from their realm. Our mistake almost hurt Alt-Fluttershy. Now We know better than to just assume that this world is enough of an influence to make such major changes to the body. (<3) Oddly enough, nobody came to bed last night. Then again, most of them were busy fawning over Brennie and the miracle she made. Her babies are the first newborn dragons in so long, We wouldn’t be surprised if the Dragonlands were declaring a holiday over it. So We were alone when We were making coffee in the kitchen, or We thought We were. “Eep!” We squeaked when hands wrapped around our waist and powerful pecs cradled the back of our head. Our tails quickly wrapped around our sudden companion and We looked up to see Berserker, male once more and leering lustfully down at us. “H-hey you.” “Hey~.” Berserker purred, his deep voice thrumming against us and making us shiver. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?” He pressed his fingers intently into our abs and We gulped. “W-well, yes, actually.” We sheepishly replied and bit our lip as he rubbed right against our ovaries~. Unf! “H-hey, save it for the honeymoon.” “That’s the only reason you’re not bent over this counter getting my cock shoved so far up your puss that it’s coming out your mouth you sexy, slimy, bitch~.” Berserker growled hungrily and he kneaded our stomach harder, starting to make us pant as our false flesh turned to goo and let him dig into us. “Bersie~!” We panted and squeaked before he let us go and licked the slime that stuck to his fingers. “By Us are you incredible babe.” We gasped and shivered as We fought off the thrumming need in our ovaries. “I wouldn’t be half as good if you didn’t Corrupt me so thoroughly.” Berserker chuckled and moved away, his powerful body’s absence made me yearn for it all the more, but also helped me calm down. “So, can we finally get hitched or what? I want to get it done so I can finally have a proper family outside of my siblings. Besides, I’ll feel less bad about Cocoa helping care for my kids if she’s my wife too.” “How does as soon as fucking possible sound?” We growled, ready to be bred in matrimony. (<3) “We can’t believe we’re actually making it to the wedding! No politics, no wars, no economic crisis!” We cheered in private as We danced around our room. After Berserker nearly drove us mad, We hurried to get things set up by calling Cady and begging her to get it done. She’s basically been waiting for a go-ahead and now it’s finally happening! Well, it will be! “Okay, just a few things we have to do before finalizing the date. Big is finishing touches on our temple. Should be a month, not bad.” Cadence said from where she sat on Barb’s desk with a bunch of scrolls floating around her head. A month~! Guh! That’s gonna feel like forever~! “Oh dear, is that the soonest it can happen? Poor Wiatr looks like she’s going to explode.” Celestia worriedly said with some amusement as the surface of our slime bubbled. We’re so damn excited that our goo is gurgling! We feel like we’re gonna burst all over the place! “Sorry, but a royal wedding is a huge event, auntie. It’s even bigger since it’s all of us getting married. Well, besides Twilight, but she’s going to marry Starlight ‘officially’ on the same day because the nobles won’t declare Starlight a princess unless it's observed in a ceremony. You know how stuffy those people are.” Cady huffed with a roll of her eyes. “Hey, you just added us into your marriage without a ceremony and forced them to declare us a Princess. You’ve already poked that beehive! No complaining now!” We huffed at our wife, who just smirked mischievously. Cady didn’t just want to marry us as quickly as possible, she wanted to get some petty vengeance on the nobles by poking at their sensibilities. “Indeed, you reap what you sow dear niece. Or should I call you my wife since those mods we took made us relatives in name and title only?” Tia joked and Cady rolled her eyes. “Now then, with this wedding, it will all be officially official. It isn’t just to wed the dynasties of two dimensions.” Oh, We didn’t even consider that. Huh, this is even bigger than We thought. “Yes, of course. It’s ‘official’ to us already, but with a ceremony, everyone will know, not just the people we inform. Be sure that the Marine’s fiances all understand that this is a polyamorous union and we all love one another, not just specific people in our group. Oh, also, be sure to let them know that if they decide to have children with any of you, even the doppelgangers, it will be safe.” We said to the two alicorns and Cady bit her lip, probably fantasizing of sexing her new twin. “Oh, trust me, if she’s fine with it, my new wife-to-be is definitely on my list.” Tia licked her lips. “So long as they are okay with it. Now, off the topic of the wedding before We boil over, do you have any suggestions for our temple design? Considering We’ll be using it for setting footholds in other dimensions.” We fanned our bubbling cleavage as We tried to calm down. “Shrines to us, the Marines and your Sister. Place them deeper in the temple. The main hall is for you alone.” Celestia suggested and We nodded in agreement. “Fair enough, but Urta get’s to share the main hall with us. She is, after all, sharing an Aspect with us. Even if there’s no statue or whatever to her, she’ll still have access from there.” We said, figuring that people would likely only worship Us in the main hall, but by proxy worship Urta if they pray to us for Fertility. Of course, she’ll have a place with the others too. Double-worship! “You’re planning on spreading across the Universe and Multiverse, giving people a single place to worship would simplify things and keep groups from causing conflict over petty differences in gods.” Celestia nodded at the plan and We were glad she didn’t protest. “Since Luna, Cadence, Twilight and you are almost constants, any statues to you four would likely only connect to that Universe's version or stay inactive if no version is there. You might not get a multiverse wide following, sorry.” We apologized and the two alicorns snorted. “That’s fine. I don’t need more than what this universe can give. Even if only my partners worshiped me, I’d be happy.” Cadence declared with certainty and Celestia nodded in full agreement. It’s so good to have humble deities who don’t want ‘all the worshipers’. “We’ll need a test run of another universe to see how well this will do, one that doesn’t know of you yet.” Celestia suggested and We smirked. “Oh, you already have one in mind?” “We have our eyes set on one such universe, yes, but that will come later. After the wedding.” We told her and then sat on our desk just before Pillar entered the office. “Hello Pillar, how-oh-mm~!” We moaned into Pillar’s lips when he picked us up and practically mashed our mouths together as We wiggled about in his grip. “Mm~, oh~. What is this for~?” “Can’t I kiss my soon-to-be wife? It’s to thank you for helping us with our mates. Hunter told us about what was going on with Fluttershy and that you promptly ordered to have them all modded for their health and safety so they could handle us.” Pillar said warmly as he held us up by our ass. Good gosh, the 14 foot tall white wolf was so gentle despite his passion. “Oh, right. Well, it’s only what a good person would’ve done.” We sheepishly rebutted and Pillar kissed our brow. “Oh, hey, what do you think about having some small shrines in our temples? We’re including our family in it.” We asked before he took our lips again and We moaned into his mouth. Unf, so hot, so ready~. We whimpered and shivered before he released our lips. “Take us.” We panted and Pillar looked a bit sheepish. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you so hard with my gratitude. As for including us in your temples, we don’t want anything big.” Pillar sighed contentedly as he gently rocked us. “Uhn, o-okay then. So, wedding. What do you think about holding the ceremony at our temple? The masons have had to remove a lot of the statuary because it wasn’t as structurally sound as they thought. It’s still oversexed as fuck, but there aren’t fornicating statues at every look.” The fountain though, that is still the best thing about the place. “I’m fine with that. I’ll go tell the others and...Oh, nevermind, Hunter relayed what we were discussing.” Pillar told us as he set us back down on the desk. Guh, so horny now~! “Hunter can make surprises hard. Now, what do you want to do~?” We panted with our legs spread, our dress shrinking at our intent to reveal our sopping gash. “As much as I would relish ravishing you, I’d rather practice some chastity until our honeymoon. I’ll need all the energy and sexual frustration I can get to handle all of you at once for a prolonged period of time.” Pillar apologetically told us and we whined before restoring the long skirt of our dress. “W-We can understand that. Right girls?” We mewled at Celestia and Cadence, who were visibly aroused by our display, but bit their lips and grunted before they nodded. “So...chastity. We wouldn’t survive that. We need sex! We’ll respect your wishes Pillar, but We’ll be sure to get our pleasure from our current wives and husband.” Unf, Shiny! We should visit Shiny~! “I completely understand and appreciate your-.” Pillar was interrupted by Collateral bursting into the office. “Yo! Pillar, you here to thank Wiatr for helping us get cute nieces and nephews out of Berserker?” Col asked excitedly and Pillar exhaled out of his nose before shaking his head. “What? C’mon dude, if Willow and by extension Wiatr didn’t yank him out of his angsty hatred parade, he’d have never had any kids or chilled out enough to actually calm the fuck down.” “I’ll be sure to let him know how little you think of his relationship skills.” Pillar chided his equally big brother while We tried not to wince at how Col described Berserker and Willow agreed. At least for when they first met. “Pillar, Bryan had none of those before coming here. The only reason Visilia and the others didn’t give up on him was because of how much he cared, even if he didn’t show it in a tender fashion much.” Collateral deadpanned and my two alicorn wives also winced this time. “You’re lucky he’s not here right now or he’d kick your ass.” Pillar glared and Col rolled his eyes. “Yeah, so? It doesn’t make it less true. Look, not the point. He’s not like that now. He’s really grown as a person and we have the folks from here to thank for helping him get out of his shell, cocoon or whatever metaphor applies.” Collateral stated and Pillar rubbed the bridge of his snout with an exhale of his nose and a faint nod. “Please don’t talk about Berserker like that?” We requested and got to our paws. “Anyway, the wedding is going to be in a month come Hell or high water and since you kicked their asses so hard, Hell isn’t going to have the chance to interfere. Not here anyway.” “Careful, Murphy might take that as a challenge.” Pillar warned us and We nodded. “Which is why We said it so early. If We goad Murphy so early that the punchline will be old, expected and boring, odds are he might not do it.” We shrugged and the brothers looked at each other with hums and a musing set to their jaws. “So, boys, since sex is off the table, what would you like to do?” “Wait, what? Why is sex off the table?” Col asked in shock and We blinked in bemusement. “What I said applies to me Wiatr, not my siblings. I doubt any of them could resist your wicked wiles anyway.” Pillar joked and We snorted in amusement. “Oh, you’re doing that chastity bullcrap again? Alright, if it means you’ll pack a bigger punch on the honeymoon, more power to you bro, but I’m not waiting a month to spend quality time between the sheets. I’m frustrated enough as it is with how busy we usually are.” Col huffed and We squeaked happily when he scooped us up into his arms to hold us in the crook of one. “Um, that’s fine, I guess. Sweep my wife off her paws why don’t you.” Cadence grumbled, only to gasp when Collateral scooped her up in his other arm and he looked down at Celestia with a grin. “Ah, as inviting as the offer is, I must get back to Oberon. She’s still frazzled from the assassination attempt.” Celestia teleported away in a flash of gold and We felt a bit disappointed in ourself for forgetting that Tia and Obe just survived an attempt on their lives, which is under investigation since they promptly sentenced the assassin to rebirth in Urta’s womb. “...Sorry ladies, that news just killed my boner.” Collateral apologized and We whined as he set us down next to Cady. “Nothing gets me down more than hearing people I care about being in danger. Sorry, but now I’m gonna check in with Runner and Hunter on that, since there’s no way they don’t know about it.” “That’s fine, our own ladyboner is pretty much gone from that reminder.” We sighed and Cadence patted our back in understanding. Considering she was captive to Chryssie and had to suffer knowing her fiance was in mortal peril for several straight days, she can relate. Well, then again, the perpetrator is now one of her wives, so...hm. “That said, we’ll help your people shore up their security further. Maybe it’d be a good idea to put Cocoa in charge of that, actually.” Pillar suggested and We blinked. Why would-oh! “Right, she used to be an assassin. Being trained as one would make her better than most at knowing how to catch them, train others…” We hummed and our tails writhed in unbidden sexy thoughts of our cerberus slime wife and her incredible skills. Maybe one day she’ll catch us off guard and play the stealthy infiltrator, tie us up, gag us, fuck us good while We’re-oof! “Hey, brain out of the gutter honey. I know it’s rough not to think of your wife in naughty ways, but if I can manage, you can.” Cadence encouraged after interrupting our fantasy with an elbow to the chest. “Anyway, I better get home. Poor Shiny can’t handle Chryssie alone for too long before he turns into putty in her hands and the next thing I know, she’s his ‘throne’.” “TMI. Well, at this point. I’d like to know more later after we’re all married. Have a good day girls.” Collateral wished us and Pillar nodded before the black and white towering 14 foot giants ducked under the door frame of the magic size-changing door and left the office. “Well, We’re going to find something to do...wow. It’s so weird not to have the world on our shoulders anymore.” We muttered with our eyebrows scrunched and Cadence sighed. “I long for those old days, where all I had to worry about was getting to school on time, who was dating who and how I could get them hooked up properly. Well, look where that landed me.” Cadence giggled and We snorted with a playful shove on her shoulder. “Unlike you, I still have plenty of work to do even with the Chaos Demons being naturalized and finding a new secretary team to handle most of the paperwork with proper oversight.” We blinked. Wait. What are Money Mover and Quibbler up to since We shifted most governance to the mayor, who We still can’t for the life of us remember the name of. Something so generic that it slips the mind. Uh...whatever, We remember something stipulating that they remain in charge of that sector of bureaucracy, so they shouldn’t be out of work. Damn it! This is why We need Barb~! We let her take her vacation early because We don’t have much, if any work right now for her to need to help us with! Guh! “Now We’re fretting about possibly forgetting things. Ugh, well, have a good day Cady.” We kissed her and she hummed into our lips before teleporting home. Now then, since bringing up Cocoa, she’s on our mind. We bit our lip and vainly tried not to remember how fucking sexy our matronly diamond dog wife is. Damn it Pillar and Collateral! You got us all wet and now our brain won’t stop pouring down the gutter! We left the office and checked about the castle starting with the nursery. Huh, for once, Cocoa isn’t with the youngest of the children, who We made kissy faces and nuzzles with while there. We asked the nurses watching the kids and they told us Cocoa was off today. She’s off? Yay! Now to call her like an intelligent person! > aftermath 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.12 “So, how is everything?” We asked Cocoa as we walked next to each other. Cocoa was in a simple sundress rather than her preferred skin-er-slime tight jeans and T-shirt or blouse. Our own black dress had similarly shaped itself at our desire, less slutty and more comfy. “Good, the cubs have been behaving more now that the fathers are available to take some of their energy and attention. The teenagers especially.” Cocoa’s nearest head said to us while the furthest head read from her phone and the center head kept an eye on where we were walking through the shopping district of Unity. “We noticed how Berserker was training them before.” We commented and Cocoa seemed a bit nervous. “Yes, Cocoa is happy about that, but not the ones interested in Cocoa’s skills. Cocoa would rather none of our family’s children travel Cocoa’s dark path, but if they wish, Cocoa will guide them.” Aw, it’s okay Cocoa. Your skills may be dark and grim, but if they choose it, that’s their own choice. “Off dark topic, when is the wedding?” Cocoa asked eagerly. “In a month, we just have a few things to plan.” We chirped happily and Cocoa’s trio of heads howled excitedly before her nearest head leaned closer and licked our cheek. “We have cakes, flowers, the venue, guests, the fiances. What more?” Cocoa urged happily with her tail wagging so fast it was slapping her thicc motherly ass cheeks and making a breeze. “One of which is security.” Urta commented and We perked happily to see Urta in her armor approaching us with her spear held aloft. She must be patrolling today. “I’ll have my best troops on the job, but Cocoa, I could use someone with your skills to train some spooks to make sure no assassins try anything.” “Cocoa will do this! Cocoa not let anyone hurt the family!” Cocoa snarled protectively as she wrung the strap of her purse with her hands. “The nobility aren’t big fans of us since we’re centralizing so much power, even if it’s mostly just actually getting them to do their damn jobs.” Honey huffed as she approached in a green sundress that complemented her dark emerald slime and contrasted Cocoa’s yellow sundress while also complementing our black dress. “So yes, we need to be on guard. An assassin made an attempt on Tia and Obe just recently.” We commented and everyone nodded darkly. “We’ll be ready if they try it.” Urta insisted with a hand on Cocoa’s shoulder. “That’s good. Oh, my hive has complete control of the underground around the Everfree now, so that’s one less concern with security.” Honey informed us before she nuzzled Cocoa. “Great, so that means less work for the Guard to cover, so they can divide their attention more. Anyway, about the wedding: it’s going to be in a month and it will be led by Tia, Lulu and Cady.” Although We’re still in the dark of whether it will be at Our temple or in Canterlot. “So most of the need-to-know info won’t really be available until a few days before the big shebang. Well, that just means we don’t have to worry about it, leave it to the alicorns to micromanage it.” Urta said before looking us all over. “You three look ready to assault this shopping district with full wallets, need a pack mule?” We shared giggles with each other and then we all hefted our heaving hooters in her direction with a nod at our cleavage and Urta rolled her eyes. We know it was just a joke, but come on Urta! We’ve all got our own shopping carts in our dresses~! Heh~! We love this world! (<3) We sat in the fitting room with Visilia as our wedding dresses were made by Rarity and Alt-Rarity. The two had hit it off very quickly as one could expect, even considering Rarity was a Beast-Pony now. She wore her carnivorous predatory air with sensuality and power that drew Alt-Rarity’s awe at how she used fashion to flaunt it further. Not part of the wedding Rarity may be, but Alt-Rarity has obviously fallen head-over-hooves in platonic love with her local counterpart. We dearly hope that wonderful mare finds someone with Spike having slipped her fingers and now finding it hard to find someone who can handle her unique personality blended with her domineering presence. “So. When were you going to tell me?” Visi hissed at us bitterly and We blinked before looking in her surprisingly angry eyes. “Um, about what?” We asked meekly and she growled. “About where Ninia ended up?” Visilia clarified and We winced. Oof, We forgot to tell her? Hunter didn’t tell her? “We thought Hunter would tell you? Isn’t that how you found out?” We asked weakly and Visi huffed angrily. “No. I found out because Runner was running his mouth on a tangent and I heard him mention how ‘incredible Ninia is at taking in so much virile seed and turning into a glowing ball of Tartarus-augmented Argent’.” Visi’s bitter answer made us cringe. “Oh, so Urta’s infusions have turned her into an Argent Slime?” We were worried about that, considering Tartarus Demons process energy so uniquely. After all, it was a mild alteration to them that caused the Corruption in the first place. “That’s not the important part, the important part is that she’s consigned to being a breeder for a minimum of one year for betraying Tartarus. Back home, treachery is an instant execution. You spat in the face of our traditions and spared her.” Visi darkly declared with her eyes downcast. “...So you’re mad We spared her?” We mewled unhappily. We spared her because of the forlorn look We remember Visi casting at the demoness when she first saw her. “No, I’m not mad about that. In fact, I’m fucking ecstatic. No, I’m just mad that you didn’t tell me.” Visilia clarified and We felt hurt now. Hurt that We hurt her by omitting something that she had a right to know about. “We’re sorry. We thought you knew almost right away.” We apologized and Visi sighed. “I figured as much. You’re not the type to keep secrets.” Visi grumbled with a rub of her neck. “Thank you for being so understanding.” We smiled softly and Visi rolled her eyes. “We can worry about that later. Let’s just get our wedding dresses ready.” Visilia said, wanting us to focus on what we were doing now. (<3) “So, yeah I turned Ninia into an Argent Slime while turning her into a giant immobile baby ball as her punishment for foolishly trying to betray us all out of a misguided hero fantasy.” Urta informed the boys after We figured it best to lay it out for everyone in case Hunter and Runner didn’t inform them properly. “Huh...well that’s hot. I haven’t seen her since your first time with her.” Runner commented and the others all shrugged or something, but Berserker seemed pleased at this news. He clearly had the least patience or fondness for Ninia’s bullshit “Fuck yes. So she’s not the ruler of Tartarus here anymore. No wonder all the reports from there have been much better.” Berserker growled in satisfaction. “I’d like to see her some time. Even if she ended up enjoying her new fate, it’ll feel good to see her off her high horse.” “She is enjoying it a lot. It didn’t take much either.” Urta admitted sheepishly. “Her karmic balance is mostly going to come from the fact she’s helping her people repopulate, rather than any suffering in the process. Velka approves though, so it’s good.” “That’s good to know. At least you got a head-start on it instead of waiting for the Corruption in Tartarus to be completely erased.” Pillar stated and the others nodded. “We just wish We hadn’t forgotten to mention her to everyone.” We sighed and pinched the bridge of our snout. “To be fair, Runner and I dropped the ball on that too.” Hunter commented and Runner nodded in agreement. “At least it wasn’t super-serious, but it would’ve been nice to know why she stopped pestering us.” Berserker shrugged with indifference. Huh, he’s so chill after the pregnancy. “At least with Ailisiv in charge, it’ll be easier to keep the peace.” Collateral commented and nobody could deny that. Ninia wasn’t incompetant, not really. She was just so used to being isolated that she didn’t understand how to build bridges with other nations. Ailisiv was always in contact with nations outside of Tartarus, so she just had better experience for the job. “So, in the end, Ninia is in a position to help her people instead of hurt them. It also frees her from the burdens she wanted to escape from, so We consider this a win-win.” We shared a nod with Urta, who as Ninia’s breeder and executor knew this quite well. “Alright, I may prefer she get a proper punishment, but so long as she’s out of the way, I’ll take it with a grin.” Berserker stated and the others nodded their heads in agreement. “Well, now that everyone knows what happened to the former ruler of Tartarus here, what do you boys say to a gangbang with Wiatr and I on the receiving end?” Urta growled hungrily and the boys all looked nervous. “Uh, I’m with Pillar on the whole chastity thing? Besides, if I let myself go, I might not be able to stop.” Runner admitted and the other boys all nodded too, causing Urta and Us to sigh. “We’re going to explode from sexual frustration at this point~!” We’ve been able to have girly fun with our wives, but nobody was willing to get male organs involved. “It must be hard, being the sex goddess and none of your mates being willing. We won’t object if you go back to doing some breeding to help the population.” Hunter offered and We huffed. “That’s Urta’s thing now! Our things are Sex, Commerce and Renewal through Fertility. The last one is being sated by the Coven Restoring barren lands. The second is satiated by the booming new economy rising from the ashes. It’s the first one We’re being deprived~! Not just by you all, but because of the sudden stability, the lack of Corruption, et cetera; acts of carnal sexual deviancy are at an all-time-low~!” We wailed and Urta patted our back. “Wait...the more stable society is, the less sex going on? I thought it was the other way around.” Berserker scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and the others were also confused. “Because this world has been so obsessed with Sex for so long, that suddenly it not being necessary for survival to such an extent has caused a rebound. I mean, the only reason I’m not as frustrated about Fertility is because of the Coven and all the brats borrowing space in my womb.” Urta slapped her armored abdomen for emphasis. “Well, isn’t there still a population issue?” Runner asked in bemusement and We shared a frustrated look with Urta. “Yes, but now it’s not desperate. Especially thanks to Twilight analyzing the caribou’s hyperbolic time chamber and figuring it out. Now, if we absolutely have to, we have the ability to breed and raise an adult within a month. Yes, it takes a huge stockpile of resources, but it can be done.” We grumbled and crossed our arms under our bust. That thing had been our bane before and it was our bane now, if for a much more beneficial reason. “So you can have a flash-clone army without cloning in only a month?” Collateral asked in shock and Urta nodded while We scowled. “Whoa...uh, hm. Guys, I think our own military could benefit from this.” “No!” Berserker snarled furiously and we all flinched. “I will not condone making babies just to turn them into soldiers! Those kids have the right to make their own decisions as they grow up!” “We said raise! We didn’t suggest that they be indoctrinated or anything!” We yelped and also felt appalled that Berserker would think We’d condone such a thing. Urta would, but she’s War. Indoctrinated soldiers are some of the most efficient in history and fiction. Just look at the Spartans of both ancient history and Halo fiction. “To be fair, volunteers are better than abducted child soldiers, because afterwards they can rejoin society.” Urta added on and our Commerce Aspect was thankful for her pointing that out. “Don’t get your jockstrap in a twist Bersie, we’re not going to speed-breed super-soldiers.” “Good, or I’d break your limbs, slimes or not. Anyway, we still have things to do. Hell may be licking their wounds, but we’ve got to keep dogging them. We’ll talk about rapidly accelerating our populations later.” Berserker then led the Marines out of the sitting room and We joined Urta in pooling into goo on the floor with sighs of relief. (<3) “So it’s working?” We asked Twilight uneasily. That talk with the boys reminded us about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and that Twilight was working on it, perfecting it. “Considering it’s stable, has fertile ground for crops and a proper day-night cycle with temperate climate instead of being a white featureless plane? Yes.” Twilight excitedly babbled with Alt-Twilight also feverishly tapping away at a computer next to the ornate door that looked like something out of Warhammer rather than Dragonball. “So what are the plans with it? Since, y’know, this has been your project and not ours.” Urta asked. She came too because this thing was already drastically affecting us and our duties when it hasn’t even been used yet!” “Right now? The plan is to take several Undead volunteers with a large class of the newborns that haven’t been assigned to foster families yet, put them in for ten days our time, ten years their time, then introduce the new functionally adult people to the world with all the opportunity afforded someone fresh out of pre-college education.” Alt-Twilight answered eagerly, the average, non-amazonian mare was clearly just as manically eggheaded as our daughter. “This is to see if raising well-adjusted adults in isolation and then introducing them to society is feasible. We anticipate several issues, such as antisocial tendencies, leanings towards introvertism, possibly even phobias of large open spaces, crowds, so many things. We know it’s cruel to these children, but if we don’t try, we’ll never know. We don’t want someone to use this in the future without being aware of the consequences.” Twilight stated reasonably, but the fact these babies, babies Urta and Us have brought into the world were going to be guinea pigs… “We have many issues with this, but...you’re right.” We hugged ourself and Urta rubbed our shoulder. “Boldly go into the unknown, do not let fear restrain you from progress. However, do not let it turn us into monsters. These people will have proper education, nutrition, everything?” Twilight nodded. “Then We won’t stop this on the condition they be treated for any phobias or other deficiencies that hinder them upon leaving the chamber.” “Of course. I wouldn’t be involved if it was any other way.” Alt-Twilight spoke up and then held a tablet up to Twilight so our amazonian daughter could look at it. This caused them to devolve into nerd-speak, so We fled with Urta before the big words could hurt our brains. (<3) We were watching a movie with Urta. Alone otherwise. Everyone was suddenly busy with getting all of their things in order for the wedding. We had nothing to do and Urta also had nothing to do. Thanks to all of the Argent Slimes UAC helped discover how to create taking over her role in R&D, her workload was suddenly very small. So, we were watching a Yakky Can movie at my begging and Urta’s reluctant agreement, when it happened. “Help~! There is a kobold here! Help! He’s too sexy~!” One of the maids begged with her breasts engorged with arousal and her fem-slime dripping on the floor from her arousal. Wait, what? “Kobolds? Kobolds exist here?” We don’t remember anything about kobolds at all. “What’s a kobold?” Urta asked in complete confusion. “It’s what Lord Runner called him before he fled!” The maid frantically shouted before a portal opened and out popped a three foot tall lizard with a dog-like face wearing noble attire and holding the hilts of a rapier and scimitar on his belt. He was so sexy! Sexy kobold. “Hello madams. I’m currently running from interdimensional law...I think. Mind flayers are involved, so likely not. Githyanki too. Either way, sorry to intrude, but would you have a means of launching me through the multiverse in roughly...that direction?” The bronze-scaled sexy small stud asked with a point in a random direction. “Unsure, but we do have other things to offer~.” Urta said seductively and We licked our chops as We groped our breasts and the maid swooned to the floor in a pool of her juices. “Blast this curse! Pardon the intrusion and the unintentional ‘mind-fuck’. I’ll be going before I end up in a massive orgy again and they catch up.” He drew his rapier and swished it in a circle, creating another portal that fizzled out before he could get in. “Damn, it needs a charge.” “Ahahaha, we’re goddesses of sex and fertility, I’m sure we immune and just find you sexy.” Urta purred and slithered up out of her clothes to sit on the back of the couch and reveal her nude glory to the little stud, sans her male organs. “Besides, little guys have surprising amounts of vigor to them.” “As tempting as you both are ladies, I must be going. If I don’t, Mind flayers or Githyanki might arrive and cause a ruckus before giving pursuit again.” He poured a glowing liquid on the rapier from a vial, causing the weapon to shine golden and begin humming with power. “I’m also a god of war. I could give you a blessing for combat before you leave. Only if you promise to visit.” Urta bargained, hey contracts are our thing! “Um, certainly, but I don't even know your name, have a pendant or-.” Urta fished out a crystalized argent slime necklace with her likeness on it and tossed it to him. “Ah, thank you. I will cherish this boon. Should I survive this current affair, I will pray to you properly milady.” He flicked the rapier and disappeared in a portal. Moments later, abominations reminiscent of cthulhu breached the dimension and gave prompt chase at the same point he fled. Good luck little guy! Hopefully he gets out of that okay. > aftermath 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.13 “Okay, now we just walk out there and say We do.” We whimpered between false breaths. We don’t even breathe, but We’re so nervouscited that We’re fighting off hyperventilating! “Nervous?” Visilia asked us as she squeezed our slime shoulder gently. Our dress, like the others, was shoulderless and strapless, held in place only by our heaving breasts with it exposing the entire top halves of said bosoms. Our nipples being bullet-hard actually helped keep the dress on, but at the same time it was agonizingly pleasurable. “More than a little.” We mewled with a look back at the rest of our soon-to-be wives. “It’s the same for the rest of us. In all my immortal life, I hadn’t once thought of marriage until you and the others came into my life.” Luna declared and Alt-Luna nodded. We were thankful the Alternates were still visibly much more ‘average’ than the locals, because otherwise it’d be hard to tell who was who between them. “Well, at least our dresses are lovely.” Rarity preened and We leered at her tooting her own horn. Well, her’s and her local iteration. “You did succeed at making us all match while also using our colors and personalities.” Alt-Chrysalis added with Chrysalis looking over her dark doppelganger. “There’s nothing wrong with it, is there?” “Stop fidgeting over it or you might end up being the cause.” Celestia sternly stated with Alt-Celestia nodded in agreement. “I don’t think there is anything wrong.” Alt-Pinkie chirped while swishing her skirt. “I wonder how the boys are doing?” Alt-Twilight questioned worriedly. “I don’t think Bryan is that patient, even on his own wedding day.” “We know, We heard Urta stopped him from running off.” Urta was running the visible security while Cocoa was doing the sneaky security. They’ll be at the podium too, but they’re making sure everything doesn’t fall apart until then. “To do what? Look for us?” Alt-Cadence asked and Cadence looked annoyed. Y’know, We’re gonna start calling Alt-Cadence Cadenza to make it simple on our mind. “That or to hide. He didn’t say why he wanted to go.” We grumbled bitterly. We’re marrying your sexy ass today Berserker! The time has come! The ring is going on that finger! “Why must master be the one to struggle the most?” Alvatia, the snake lady of the daemonettes, sighed. “He really needs to relax.” Berserker’s mates nodded their heads while We wondered where they came from. We knew the daemonettes were involved, but they had oddly slipped our mind. Maybe it’s their Warp nature or something on those lines. “He should be looking forward to this. Especially with what’s going to happen tonight~.” Alt-Chrys, okay, she’s Chrysalis while Our radiant wife is Chryssie. “The honeymoon orgy is going to be legendary~.” Chrysalis hissed and Chryssie swooned slightly with anticipation. “Okay ladies, enough getting ourselves riled up. The Wedding March has started, it’s time!” Cadence cheered and she promptly worked with Cadenza to corral us into a line with Us taking the front. “Okay honey, like we practiced. Back straight, head high, chest out. Now...strut!” We opened the door and proceeded to lead our sexy fiances down the red carpet. We walked through the pews arranged on either side of the red carpet that led through one side of the Temple of Harmony to a deactivated portal arch where Harmonia presided at the altar. Flanking the altar were the boys in full tuxedos and looking anxious. We barely avoided squealing in joy at seeing them so handsomely done-up and made it to the altar without issue. The mutterings of the guests about how beautiful we all were filled us with a deep sense of pride and also the sensation of how a majority of everyone lusted for us all. Unf~! If We weren’t getting married right now, We’d spark an orgy just to watch while masturbating, but it’s our wedding. We’ll save something like that for the reception~. We gathered in front of the altar, the sheer number of us being wed in polyamorous matrimony was staggering, but We’d had plenty of time to adjust to the concept of being married to this glorious harem. The fact that We’re mostly just a part of it and not the head was also easier to accept since Cadence was the Love-mongering letch who gathered us together. At least Shining could rein her in from getting further out of hand. Speaking of which, he was absolutely mesmerized like the other boys by the sight of us, but he was especially stuck staring at Cadence. We don’t blame him, she’s his Soul Mate and seeing her in another wedding dress is likely enough to drop his brain to his groin. “Dearly Beloved we gather here today...” Harmonia began, since this was her temple and this union was an example of Harmony. “I wonder who’s going to complain about all of this?” We heard Berserker think since Hunter linked us all through telepathically. He was glancing back at the crowd at times, looking at the nobles. “Oh, don’t bother, I’ve bribed them all to shut up.” Shining broadcasted with a dangerous glint in his eyes at the nobles, who all remained perfectly presentable and non-nefarious. “Or rather, I’ve threatened them with sanctions upon sanctions if they make a ruckus.” “You worry too much. None of them have thought about going against this.” Hunter declared. “Not yet.” Runner countered against Hunter’s claim. “Please cease these unwanted thoughts and be silent.” Pillar ordered his brothers, with Collateral rolling his eyes. “You’ve never seen them argue amongst themselves, have you?” Alt-ugh, Celeste asked us. “Worry not. This is just the boys being boys.” Alt-Luna, grr, Selene assured us with a wink. Harmonia kept talking as we all took in the boy’s looks. They were as handsome as ever, if a few of them cleaned up a bit better than before. We chuckled at Berserker muttering to hurry up and Harmonia going slower and flipping Berserker off. “Is Berserker in a rush to do something? He was doing something in the painted world not long ago.” I asked the others in a bit of annoyance yet also found his behavior funny. “No idea. He only told us that he went in there to make his new sword.” Luna rolled her eyes, likely aware of this because Ash was literally her soul. “I think he just wants this to be over and finally marry us.” “He’ll make it go slower if he rushes Harmonia too much. She does love these events.” We looked at the smiling face of Harmonia as she added lines to the ceremony that were relevant, but was dragging it out. The twinkle in the reindeer goddess’s eye was practically contagious. “Bryan, shut up. She’ll take even longer if you keep that up.” Chrysalis glared at him, making him grumble something unintelligible, but he stopped when Hunter elbowed him. “Is there anyone that objects to this union?” Harmonia asked after several minutes. “I-” A noble began before everyone in the room glared at him besides us and he sat back down. After that no one tried, especially with Blueblood looking apocalyptically furious at the idiot. Blue was better than most of the nobles and he actually liked us a lot since We were so integral to the restoration of the economy, which is his responsibility. “Right. Besides Magmara, anyone? No?” Harmonia with a warning to her tone. “Okay. Boys, I’m not going to go over the list of names as many here are doubles. So, Boys, do you take these ladies as your beloved wives?” Oh thank gosh she decided to cut out the longest possible bit! “I do.” They all answered at the same time and We felt our metaphorical heart sing. “Girls, do you take the gentlemen as your beloved husbands?” Harmonia asked us. “We do!” We cheered quickly and the others giggled at us. “Yes, I do.” The girls gave their answers with smiles on their faces. “I then pronounce you Husbands and Wives.” Harmonia declared with a flourish. “Now you all may kiss the brides.” Everyone began clapping as We kissed the boys, then it became a little funny as Berserker was swarmed and he struggled to keep up with the flurry of kisses. “Girls! Would you-mmph! Give me some-mmph!” The big red dracowolf was having trouble trying to stop his girls while the rest of us embraced and watched the show in amusement. “Should we help him?” We asked Runner as We wrapped an arm around his waist. We’d be with Shiny, but right now he was being hogged by Cadence and Chryssie. “Nah.” He chuckled, waving his hand while his other grabbed and squeezed our ass. “Hey~, save that for the honeymoon.” We giggled and Runner nuzzled us with a chuckle. “Party~!” Alt-Pinkie, or Pinkamena, called out to everyone excitedly. “Yes, the wedding reception!” We called and Pinkemina started leading people out. “I think Berserker is going to be putting plenty of babies in his girls tonight with how they’re groping him.” We snickered and Runner laughed with a hand on our waist now. “Ah! Girls!” Berserker yelped as he started getting his suit opened up by them. “Not now!” “Okay, that’s quite enough!” Pillar firmly stated, as he used his Gravity powers to lift them off his brother. “Save it for tonight ladies! Have some patience!” “Hmph! Party pooper!” Runner snarked, with his arms crossed and his head turned upward. He also pulled off a Mark Hamill Joker voice. “Let’s get to the reception everyone! Pinkie and Pinkamena have worked hard to make it happen, now let’s have fun!” Celeste declared after Pillar put her and the others down and everyone began filtering through the crowds towards the giant reception being hosted at the community center that used to be our original home. “Yes. As long as you don’t try to drown Berserker in your affections again. Save it for later tonight.” The white Wolf snorted as Berserker picked himself up and buttoned up his clothes. “Okay!” They called. “Well then. Peace has been achieved by uniting the world, We’re wedded to all our lovers and some of theirs. We’d say we’ve wrapped up this chapter of the world.” We declared with immense relief and joy while getting congratulatory pats on the shoulders, back and butt by everyone. “Thank fuck for that.” Berserker huffed with a proud smile. “C’mon, let’s go.” Collateral motioned us to get a move on. (<3) The short walk from the wedding to the reception was filled with giggling, laughter and naughty talk. Once there, people promptly fell into chatting, dancing, or even openly groping or flirting with one another. Even the stuffy nobles couldn’t help it and joined in on the lewd and casual air of the reception since it was only Harmonia’s presence preventing our ‘Fuck Aura’ from turning this into an orgy on the spot with how excited and pent up We are. “It seems the prudes are falling to Our ways!” We joked as We watched Blueblood dance with a very sexy unicorn maid, one of the many We’d Blessed multiple times. She was basically one of our nuns by this point, save that she didn’t have male organs. “A little late, but whatever.” Runner joked as he and the boy’s followers that were invited also slowly got into the swing of things. Of course, some played hard to get. It was amusing to see how difficult it was for Visi’s Scinoxes to believe so many people would ask them to dance when they were just here for security detail. “Care to dance?” We asked Berserker and Hunter in an effort to get some time with them before their mates lost interest in the buffet table and chatting with the guests. “Sure.” Berserker, Bryan, answered and Hunter, Kevin, nodded too. “However, I ask for forgiveness in advance; I’m not good at dancing.” Bryan said with a look of embarrassment. “That’s okay dear. Willow couldn’t dance before she was part of our whole.” We replied and then split in two with Svartr and Willow as a Vulpcanine, Cynder and Daring as a Kirin. There was only one wedding dress, so We had the Vulpcanine half wear our signature black dress. “Wow girls. Usually you just take one form, not blend them.” Hunter was flushed as he eyed the two of us and We giggled with a lewd grin at each other. Each of us alone is a dead sexy bitch, all together we’re a dead sexy bitch, so why would any half-fusion be any different? “Uh, I think I may have a few more fantasies when you’re not around.” Oh~, keep talking hubby~. “Thank you.” We tittered as We took their hands and separated on the dance floor. We took the lead since Bryan was struggling not to step on our toes. “Relax. We’re slime.” We whispered to him, our left hand on his shoulder while gently squeezing his opposite hand as the one on our waist pulled us closer. “Try to loosen up a bit.” He was a bit awkward for a bit, but it was nice. “Doing better with Hunter?” We asked our other half as our big, fluffy tails swished behind us happily. Thankfully the other dancers either avoided them or gave our floof an appreciative pet. “Yes, don’t ask to switch, you’ll hurt his feelings.” Our more mature half told us and We mentally rolled our eyes. Svartr may not be as old as Cynder, but she’s still more than mature enough. “You’re doing better Berserker.” We purred as we continued to slow dance. Thankfully the DJ; an energetic mare named Vinyl Scratch from Ponyville, listened to our request for a slower start and had her marefriend Octavia Melody lead in the reception with her small orchestral band. “Really? I can’t tell.” Berserker muttered as he kept his eyes on ours, having long given up on trying to see our respective feet past our massive mammaries. “I mean, I can’t see past...these sexy things on your chest pressing into my lower pecs.” “No handicaps~. Also, you’re improving, stop stressing.” We smiled up at him and began using our tail-hands to feel his back. “Calm down, you’re so tense, not in the good way.” “You’d think something like this would be nothing for me. I’ve fought Hell constantly, fought so much on so many battlefields. I’ve even fucking given birth and I’m afraid of a dance with the woman who made everything go right for once.” Bryan softly said and We felt a swell of joy flood into us. “Sorry if I want to get this over with and finally show you just how much you and the others mean to me.” “Oh, Bersie~.” We breathed huskily, our loins wet with need at his declaration. Unf! Down girl! Down~! Have patience! “Y-you’re doing fine babe. Wonderful.” Licked our suddenly dry lips, which didn’t make sense. We’re made of slime! We’re moist as a rule! “I’ll take your word for it...Svarlow?” Berserker half-asked and We rolled our eyes before leaning up on our toes to kiss him softly to the hoots and catcalls of several of the party-goers. “We’re just Wiatr unless fully separated babe. This isn’t the baby steps we started with, you’re our husband, you’re married to us all, not just Willow. Now, go dance with Visi before she throws us across the room for a dance with you.” We playfully spun him around and spanked his ass, making him jump and chuckle before he went over to Visilia, who was extremely ready to dance. “Thanks for helping him out.” Runner, Vincent, whispered into our ear when he wrapped his arms around our waist from behind and began rocking side-to-side as the next slow dance started, but it was just slightly faster than the previous one. Hopefully Bryan improved enough that he won’t be kicking Visi’s hooves. “He’s our husband now and we would have done so before anyway.” We spun around in his arms and he pulled us into the familiar waltz. Slightly faster or not, it wasn’t yet time to go to the faster dances. “The journey to this point has been one Hell of a roller coaster, hasn’t it?” Vincent asked us, the yellow bunny-wolf looking around, keeping an eye on everyone. We noticed that our other half was with Collateral, having sized up to dance with him on equal footing. Thank gosh for the long skirt of our dresses or We’d be giving everyone a good panty shot. “Yes, it was.” We sighed and pressed our forehead to his. “It’s almost exhausting now that it’s all over.” “Do you think you can handle going straight to sex after this instead of taking a recooperative coma?” Vincent asked kindly and We chuffed in disapproval. “Remember who you just married. Of course We’re going to fuck each and every one of you when we reach the venue for our honeymoon.” We declared and Vincent purred hungrily. “Then, will you finally let me…?” Vincent asked before suddenly he was Vinnie, her own heaving hooters docking with our’s as her tuxedo turned into a classy golden sequined dress that was spot-on for Jessica Rabbit. “Breed like the baby-hungry-bunny I am?” “A-ah...uh...well...We…” We gulped as our false heart pounded into our ears. “That is perhaps one of the most enticing offers ever and by this point We don’t see why not, so long as you make sure your long-waited mates get to be impregnated with your children before you do that.” “Oh absol-fucking-lutely~.” Vinnie  breathed with raw need. “Did you hear that Urta? Make sure when I fuck them that they get pregnant so I can finally get mine!” Vinnie shouted, uncaring for who heard. “Sure thing babe!” Urta cheered from where she was dancing with Tia, the two tall ladies chest-to-chest like Vinnie and Us. “More babymaking!” Vinnie cheered with manic hungry eyes and We gulped. “For sure.” We nervously replied with a strained grin. We weren’t going to not knock her up if she was so hungry for it. This time. It’s our damn honeymoon after all. Oh, right, it will be a genuine one too. Someone gave us a lot of mead~! > aftermath 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.14 Vinnie was panting after Octavia’s little band had suddenly shifted into a brisk salsa and We practically threw her around the dance floor. “By the gods Wiatr, you dance like the devil!” Vinnie claimed in awe and We smirked. Half of us have extensive dance practice.  “We know~.” We purred and kissed Vinnie’s knuckles, making the sexy bunny-wolf snort in amusement. “We’ve got plenty of experience. Besides, plenty of cultures consider dancing to be a sign of being a skilled martial artist and lover.” “No shit.” Vinnie squeezed our hands before leaning in and We met her halfway for a deep kiss that got plenty of hoots. Whenever any of us brides or grooms kissed, everyone cheered. It’s partly tradition, but it still felt good for people to cheer at us for displaying our affection. “Mm~.” We moaned into her mouth and pressed our huge boobs more tightly together, making her moan into my mouth too. We began kissing more deeply, more intently. Our hands moved to start pulling her dress down, but she slapped our hands and parted from us with drool connecting our tongues for a moment with hearts in our eyes. “Sorry.” “Oh~, you almost got me to fuck you right here in front of everyone~.” Vinnie panted and fanned her cleavage. “Fuck, so hot. We’d better split before we start the honeymoon too soon.” “Yeah, good idea. We’ll be fulfilling you by filling you later tonight.” We growled and she hurried away with her poofy wolf tail wagging so hard she was slapping her own ass with it. She was quickly intercepted by Pinkamena, who yammered at her a mile a minute in excitement, even groping Vinnie much to the part-bunny’s blushing enjoyment before dragging her to the buffet. We weren’t left alone for long, because Pillar, Edward, approached and held down his hand. “May I have this dance, milady?” He asked us like a true gentleman.  “Yes, you may.” We purred before increasing in size to match him and let him take us into a foxtrot. It seemed Octavia was running out of time. Soon Vinyl would be blasting the floor. “A shame by the time Collateral gets to us, it will have changed to nightclub music. At least our other half got to waltz with him.” “Do you disapprove of the music?” The white wolf asked in concern and We shook our head. “No, it is simply that We feel more traditional dances have more intimacy to them than these modern body-grinding lewd displays. Ironic, We know, but it's romance.” We chuckled as he led us. It was refreshing not the be the one leading after doing so for Berserker and Runner. Collateral too, but he was more sure of himself and didn’t give us the lead like Runner did. “That is something I can agree with, but there’s nothing wrong with clubbing if done responsibly.” Edward stated before twirling us and continuing the steps. “We didn’t say there was something wrong, just that-.” The music suddenly was interrupted by a an analogue electronic bass drop as the lights overhead went from simple well-illuminating ones to dim mood lights as lasers began sweeping through a faint fog that filled the air. Moments later, some powerful pumping music drowned out most other noise. “Wow she’s potent!” “What?!” Pillar tried to shout over the deafening bass as bodies packed the dance floor around our legs. “Ah, perhaps it’d be best if we vacated the floor!” Pillar shouted and We joined him in carefully wading through the throng of wild dancers that was composed of ‘common’ ponies while the nobles hurriedly fled through the front doors, but We did notice Blueblood and that maid leaving hand-in-hand. Heh~ you go girl! He’s definitely nowhere as bad as most. We followed Pillar as he led us to one of the adjacent sitting rooms since the community center hadn’t been used for much besides social gatherings. The door changed size and let us in with ease. Inside we found respite from the thrumming club music. “Whew, that’s a bit much. Not bad, but after the classy music, it’s a real ear-grinder.” We admitted, hoping to enjoy such a thing without it following more romantic and calm music. “Agreed.” Pillar led us to a couch that magically increased in size so he could comfortably sit on it and We sat next to him. “Hm, some peace and quiet will be good.” Pillar reclined a bit and We leaned against him to rest our head in the crook of his neck while our fluffy tail-hands wrapped around the two of us. Meanwhile, the us out with the others was grinning lecherously as Shining Armor pulled our Wedding Garter down our left leg with his teeth as she sat on Collateral’s back. Once it was free of her leg, he stood and tossed it into the cheering crowd of bachelors. The lucky male to catch it was a fairly scrawny and clearly embarrassed zebra that had much bigger guys laughing and patting him on the back in congrats. At least, before he suddenly surged up in size and ripped through his clothes after becoming a totally hung stud of an adonis. Okay, uh, note to selves, do not give our wardrobe to anybody not already Blessed. “Well that happened.” Ed looked at us curiously so We explained. “I see, it would’ve been nice to know that would happen before. So, the plan for tonight is a real orgy, breeding more babies and making it a night to remember?” Edward pulled us closer by the waist and We hummed while enjoying the closeness. “Only for those who want to.” We kissed his jaw and snuggled against him.  “Hello? Ah, so this is where you fled to.” Sabrina purred as she slunk into the room. “It’s so loud out there, I’m almost wanting to ask if we can leave early and get some rest before we finally stuff me full of kittens~.” Sabrina was purring as she climbed up the couch to sit on our lap. “Yes, We’re sorry we never got to do that before now.” We mewled at our beloved titty kitty. “We meant it when We said We wanted to pump you full of kittens.” “I know, but my duty to my Coven would’ve made more pregnancies than the couple I’ve had too much to handle. I couldn’t leave any of my kittens from Urta with Cocoa either, not until my Coven’s laws were lessened in stricture. Mother finally got the elders to approve though, so any children I have? I can keep them instead of raising them as part of the community.” Sabrina leaned against our stomach and rested her head against our breasts. “That is good to hear, Sabrina.” Ed said earnestly to the sandy slime catwoman. Meanwhile, outside of our little safe haven, We were also partying like a wild animal, drinking booze, kissing our wives and husbands, wildly grinding our ass against them and even getting carried on Bryan’s shoulders to toss the bouquet. Wait! That’s done at the end of the reception! “Um, We think it’s time to go. We just tossed the bouquet to the crowd of bachelorettes.” We told the two of them and Edward promptly helped us up while We carried Sabrina bridal style against our giant tits and emerged into the deafening party to skirt the edge towards the main gate. Thankfully, it seemed everyone was on the same page, since We met our other half with the rest of our wives and husbands outside. There was a large transport shuttle waiting. It even had a cheesy ‘JUST MARRIED’ sign on the back with food cans dangling from string. We shrunk down and piled in with our beloved harem of husbands and wives. We fully fused back together, taking our horned skaven form before sitting on Honey’s lap and looking around as everyone else chatted while the shuttle took off and wove through Harmonia’s branches to start flying at high altitude before breaking the sound barrier. “This was a magical day.” Honey hummed with her snout hooking over our shoulder to nibble on our right ear and We squeaked. Our big round ears are so sensitive~! “You’ll make it an even more magical night, won’t you~?” “Of course! We’re going to blow everyone’s minds tonight!” We declared boastfully and everyone looked at us in varying degrees of trepidation, arousal and pure excitement. “Besides you Flutters, you’ve got those foals in your belly already.” “I don’t mind just resting tonight.” Flutters stated with her hands rubbing her belly, which because it’d been a couple months, was already showing, especially in her wedding dress. “So, where is our honeymoon happening? Everyone’s been very hush-hush about it.” Dashie asked from where she was sharing a seat on Collateral’s lap with one of the daemonettes. Seriously, why were those Warp ladies so hard for us to notice when We’re resistant to eldritch mental manipulation? It’s hard to tell when they’re around or not, also that We can’t remember their names unless they’re speaking directly to us. Which never happens! They’re so shy. “We have had our daughter construct a private villa, well away from civilization, but with all the modern amenities. Remember when We exploded from getting too full too fast with Pharos?” We asked everyone and they all winced, besides Urta who grunted in arousal. “The place We burst at is a beautiful place with lush green mountains surrounding a large basin lake.” “Doesn’t that mean it’s in Saddle Arabia?” Celestia asked and We nodded. “While we may have annexed them, I had hoped to restore the nation to sovereignty eventually. If I do that, this place will become their property.” “All the more reason to make sure the Saddle Arabians remember who they owe their prosperity to.” We casually replied before the shuttle began lowering towards the ground. “There it is.” We smirked at the incredible job that was done. “That’s a villa? That’s a fucking castle!” Berserker gawked as the shuttle began descending towards the large stone landing pad. It was indeed a rather palatial estate. After all, it needs room for so many people and is both on top of a mountain overlooking the lake and carved into said mountain. Thankfully the exterior was whitewashed or made of a white stone like We requested. We wanted to be reminded of those pictures of Italian country villas even if it was a mountaintop castle. When the shuttle landed and we all exited, We took a deep breath to feel the brisk, cool air whipping by in a firm wind. It was so clean, so separate from everything here, just like We wanted. The view was to die for too. Thankfully the wards on the place would prevent the winds from becoming too harsh or the chill to get unpleasant. “Wow. To think, this was once just more barren mountains in the desert before you came along babe.” Urta hugged us around the shoulders using one arm with a look down at the idyllic forested alpine mountains. Sabrina sniffled from our other side as she hugged us and buried her face in our shoulder. “You made this possible. You made my home into a lush land. I love you so much Wiatr.” Sabrina hiccuped and We rubbed her back. We had our moment alone while the others went inside to explore, but soon enough we were pulled inside of the Italian-style castle. The interior had much more modern construction. It almost felt like being in a futuristic mansion rather than a castle. “This can’t just be a vacation home.” Urta muttered in awe as she looked around. “It’s nicer than our place in Unity.” “Well, pardon if We’re not as skilled as Twilight at geomancy.” We playfully sniffed and enjoyed the giggling of our wives. “Besides, Twilight had more time, resources and skilled craftspeople to build this place. It needs a name, but that can wait. Otherwise, it is a second home, not just for vacations. There are gardens here with veggies, fruits, meat-mushrooms, you name it.” “Wonderful~.” Sabrina purred and groped our ass, causing us to moan and she jerked away. “Wow, um, you’re really ready aren’t you?” “We want to fuck you all simultaneously and knock all of the ladies up while getting knocked up by all of the boys at once, even if Urta will be stealing them from us afterward.” We huffed and panted while Urta grunted and rubbed her stomach. “Fuck~ babe. You’ve got my ovaries dancing against my uterus. Let’s find the master suite and then have dinner before we get busy though. Most of our new partners are still mortal after all.” Urta reminded us and We hissed as We fought to keep our barely restrained libido from unleashing a Fuck Aura so intense that everyone would immediately descend into mindless fucking. “Just don’t touch us and We might be able to wait just a bit longer.” We whimpered and Sabrina looked like she wanted to touch us to comfort us, but pulled away worriedly. “Sorry Sabrina.” “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve known better. I married the goddess of Sex after all. How about you Urta?” Our beloved titty kitty asked her former ex-girlfriend and our dear partner goddess rubbed her groin with a wince. “To be honest, I’m ready to bust a nut into everyone. Fuck, I think all us slime gals should try that full-fusion idea we’ve been knocking around so we don’t go overboard on one another and overfill this place with goo-cum filled living condoms.” Fuck~! Urta, don’t say things like that right now~! “Ah, sorry, fuck, ah, l-let’s go Sabrina!” “Fuck, please, fuck me. Fuck-mm~!” Sabrina was silenced by Urta kissing her and running off with her before our cunt gushed clear slime that overwhelmed our panties and pooled on the marble flooring. We panted desperately as our restraints began to come undone. Too long. We’ve been holding back for too long~! We shuddered and began dragging our paws upstairs, our fem-slime trailing a sticky puddle that drenched our skirt and made it sop against the stone. We almost stumbled into the elevator and urgently spammed the button for the top floor where the master suite should be. Fuck, fuck. We’re losing our mind~! All this fucking teasing and chastity everyone kept practicing has-! “Guh~!” We grunted as our body began boiling, our wedding dress stood no chance and dissolved in our unrestricted goo’s caustic membrane before We began masturbating and groping our breasts desperately, sucking a nipple while fingering our hungry cunt. By the time the elevator reached the master suite, the car had been flooded by our fem-cum and We slithered out of the drenched elevator with steam rising off of us like Urta’s slime does, only this isn’t argent, this is just how fucking pent-up We are~! “Fuck, fuck, please~! Everyone finish up and come fuck us~!” We shrieked at the ceiling as We pooled in the center of the floor. Fuck the giant bed! We’ll be the bed! We’ll fuck them all at the same time! We lost track of time then, too involved in frigging ourselves and crying out in a mixture of tormented pleasure and the agony of being alone. It wasn’t until We felt someone pour into us, mix with our goo and link with our mind and soul that We felt some sense come back. “Oh~! Cocoa so sorry~! Cocoa loves wife!” Cocoa howled from our lips and our white goo was laced in her chocolaty brown. Then another, then another, then another~! Sabrina, Honey, Urta~! We could feel their minds, hear their thoughts, their souls. We couldn’t fuse further into a complete entity, but us slimes were fused as closely into one person as possible without achieving such. We were far more than just Willow, Svartr, Cynder and Daring now. “Holy fuck!” A crowd of people declared breathlessly and We rose up, our gooey hips ending at our thighs in the giant swirling puddle of slime that pooled on the center of the floor before most of our body rose above them, our enormous ears brushing the ceiling as We panted and looked down at our husbands and wives with adoration rather than mindless lust. “Are We not glorious? Behold, We may not be a true singular entity, but We are still your wives. Come to us, share your Love, your Desire, your Everything with us in this night of passion. May many children be conceived of our Love for one another.” We beseech them as tendrils ending in varied species of penis and pussies rose from our puddle. “Come to us and cum in us! We’ll deliver the seed you wish for your chosen partners to them boys.” “Fuck yes~!” Runner howled and ripped off her dress before Pinkamena grabbed her waist and pouted at her. “Uhn~! Y-yes sweetie, I’ll be male first! I Pinkie Promised!” Runner panted and became his sexy athletic self before charging at the nearest tendril pussy and Pinkamena shucked off her dress to do the same with the nearest canine penis. The others all quickly disrobed and threw themselves into our grove of pleasure. Our mind rapidly devolved into fulfilling the lusts and needs of our harem while We groped and masturbated along with all of the pleasure our newlyweds were giving us. (<3) We came to with the tactile sensation of having a penis in every pussy and a pussy engulfing every penis. We mewled as We stopped idly milking and pumping everyone to sit upright and blearily noted how every female was in an unconscious blissful sleep with their Navel Pearls shining bright from how well they’d been inseminated and the boys snoring with their balls down to the size of coconuts and clearly spent. We smiled, proud of having done it. We fucked each and every one of them at once and delivered the right seed to each womb, even Vinnie’s when she changed gender. Thankfully Bryan didn’t turn into Brennie, because that would’ve been a rather stressful result since Berserker wasn’t about to take a vacation from fighting Hell like Runner was willing to. Then there was us. Heh~. We fucked ourselves good. We’re all pregnant with one-another’s babies~. How full We are, We couldn’t possibly know because of our Navel Pearls mixed with our bottomless slime storage reserves. We lamented that a true fusion was beyond us, but Wiatr already pushed it with four souls and minds in one gestalt. The rest of us would have to live with being part-time fusers. “We wish We could be this way forever, but then We would lose the value of our relationships with Cocoa, Sabrina, Honey and Urta as they are. Independent and separate. No, no trying what We did.” We chided the other four for even having the fleeting thought of fusing into a gestalt goddess like us. However, this sensation of knowing our wives so deeply and inexorably was beyond anything others could feel. Urta being Willow’s Soul Mate and thus tying them tighter to the rest of us and circling back through the others was like having a web of Love and Purpose-. “Hey.” We blinked out of our internal fugue to look down at Berserker, who woke up from the...what time is it? It was evening when we started, but the sun was bright now. We fucked them all through the night. “You look really good like that. Like the best of all eight of you in one chimeric sex-idol.” Aw~ We’re blushing~! “Yeah, mom does!” Hermais cheered as she nuzzled our face, showing off her own body as her sister showed up with paperwork in hand. Hermais was mostly placing her pussy in our face as she nuzzled our head. “Sorry to interrupt your 200-year long vacation, but-.” “Two centuries?!” We gawked and our daughters looked unimpressed with a thumb at Eris. “W-well...okay then. We guess.” That’s a bit much though, isn’t it? “Hold up, the rest of us are not hanging around here that long.” Berserker huffed and then Hermais started yammering on while We mused. 200 years of mostly chilling and enjoying one another? Y’know what? That sounds wonderful. > aftermath 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.15 200 hundred years later. We sighed as We returned from Victor’s world, the cyborg wolf being well on the way to ascend to a position such as ours in his own world. Though he is a little narrow minded, he is understanding. We could see why Sister doesn’t like him though. “We’ll hide the belly for now. We don’t need this bundle getting in the way.” We chuckled at the irony of our 200 year absence from ruling a nation starting with us being summoned for a sex party before Celestia pounced us for a kiss. “Mm~. Tia, We’ve had centuries to get our rocks off with one another, what brought this on?” “I’m just so happy~! Everyone has managed to get a working system going following the guidelines left for them in the past 200 years and now my job, our jobs, will be so much easier~!” Tia gushed excitedly and We rolled our eyes. Leave it to Tia to get excited over bureaucracy. “Well, just remember that we all have enough kids together for several lifetimes. Also, please don’t tease, We just got back from a Summon and we’re full of babies that have great promise.” We informed her and Celestia snorted with a loving rub of our rock-hard abs. “You and your gene-hunting. Soon enough we’ll be so racially diverse, there won’t be enough of any one species to claim supremacy.” Celestia smiled down at our stomach and We smiled at her. “Shame that you can’t carry them and that’s Urta’s job.” We whined. “We know, let us enjoy it for now.” We huffed and wished We could be fused with Urta like We were for the majority of the past two centuries. The same for Cocoa, Sabrina and Honey. We’ve been one entity so long that it felt a bit lonely not having them part of us even if our souls couldn’t do more than touch, which was still closer than most could ever claim. “What’s this? Back to work and you’re already breeding again?” Luna laughed when she rounded the corner ahead and shook her head. “You’d think after having over 100 children with each of us in one go and raising them would’ve made you slow down.” “Hmph, not a chance. While the world has recovered from desperately low populations, the new colony starting on your moon needs more people. Anyway, that’s Urta’s job, We’re specifically hunting for genes to introduce to the...Empire? That’s seriously what they chose to become?” We asked again in resignation. Left alone for two centuries, the unified people of Equus decided to form an oligarchy empire with an elected Emperor or Empress from the representatives of the Cabinet. Which, thankfully, they ceded to us upon our return. Also thankfully, the first of the ‘Gods of Equus’ to be crowned Empress was Celestia from our immediate votes for her to lead the new Equus Empire. “Don’t remind me. At least they didn’t throw any of the laws protecting individual rights away.” Celestia sighed before our little group passed Cocoa, who was lounging with her watchful eyes gazing over the children playing in the currently public ‘royal nursery’ where richer parents brought their children for daycare. At least until she saw us and she leered hungrily at us.  Unf, there’s our Goddess of Secrets already being kicked in the ovaries and wanting to have more pups. If Urta wasn’t the rightful Goddess of Fertility, Cocoa could’ve had that Aspect if not for us nabbing it first. “No, bad.” Luna playfully booped our snoot and then one of Cocoa’s snoots before Tia pushed us away from Cocoa. We self-inseminated one time and everyone treats us like We’re going to breed ourselves endlessly or something. We avoided that for two centuries after the honeymoon! Have some faith in us, why don’t you? “Mistress, we found a new world that we think is Based on Zelda!” one of our Batch Two Fairies flew up to tell us. “Can we start spreading your faith there? It’s unstable.” “Yes, go ahead!” We chuckled to her with a head pat. “You’ve been networking these all ‘vacation’.” Luna chuckled before Urta approached. “To be fair, she was spreading our religion to heathens! Heh, kidding, you all know it was to ensure we all got established both here and abroad.” Urta chuckled with a fond pat on our shoulder before she pouted and We whined at feeling the forming fetuses in our womb vanishing. “Hey, you said you’d let me in on your next gene-hunt.” “Sorry Love. It was a Displaced summons and We can’t exactly wait to fetch you.” We mewled before kissing her and she hummed happily into our mouth before starting to meld with us. We moaned and pushed her away with heavy panting as she pouted. “N-no. We need time apart babe, for our health.” After all, We can’t add anyone else to our soul fusion. “Now, how are Honey and Smolder doing?” Although mostly an outlier, Smolder was our wife too. “Smolder just finished her training with an E-Class Dragon Guard and will be heading back to the Dragonlands for some RnR. She’s still our best instructor!” Urta cackled while rubbing her abs, most likely feeling her thousands of kids kicking in her. Those were from her ‘catching up’ and starting the population jump for colonizing our solar system. “Honey is currently on Luna’s ass setting up the mine.” Urta joked and slapped Lulu’s ass, making her jump and laugh. “There is so much to be done, but at least now it can all come in without overwhelming us.” We kissed each of our wives, this time being chaste and quick with Urta to avoid her trying to meld with us again and then entered our office for the first time in hundreds of years. … It still has that fucking 555-GUD-FUCK number on it?! What the ever-loving fuck?! Did nobody come in here besides to clean the place?! There’s a sticky-note saying not to call the number, since apparently Lethice left some sort of curse on the number to Corrupt the caller. Also that the desk was replaced, five times. The number brands on the new desk anyway. Wait, cursed? That explains why it’s still here, why We couldn’t get rid of it. “Hey.” We huffed and turned around to see Vincent entering the office. Runner was the Marine who visited the most since his job among them was the fastest. Also he was the fastest and could jump between dimensions with a hop-skip and jump. Mm~ dem sexy bunny legs~. “Hey~.” We cooed, happy to see him. Unlike us locals, the Marines and their brides had to go home and visit now and then. “So good to see you. Are you male now by choice or…?” “Ah, choice. Don’t worry. I’m not being pressured by idiots trying to make me fit into their worldview. I’ll be a guy or girl whenever I want. So, are any of our refugees giving you trouble?” We blinked at Vincent’s question. Refugees? What’s going on? “Oh, uh...shit, did nobody say anything?” “No! What’s wrong sweetie?” We implored our husband and he dragged a hand down his face. “Uh, nothing really. Just the usual, but I was going to bring up that we found space for them so they can come back home. Fucking damn it Berserker, you said you’d say something.” Vincent assured us and We calmed down a bit. “Just because We were on a two century separation from governing isn’t an excuse to keep us in the dark. Kick Bryan or Brennie in the nads or cunt when you see him or her, got it?” We demanded and Vincent nodded without hesitation. “Now, do you need any help? We have plenty of more primitive yet capable ships that we can lend for humanitarian reasons.” “No, we’re good there. Besides, if I tried to ask, several of our husbands and wives would get all huffy.” Vincent huffed unhappily and We smirked before he blushed. “Sh-shutty. Just because I’m not having sex with them doesn’t mean I don’t think of them as part of our harem, because they are...and they’re hot, but no incest.” Vincent snarled and We nodded. “True and good on you for not making it awkward between you siblings, even if you’re not at all related.” When it comes to familial feelings, blood doesn’t matter and We can understand that. It’s why We’re so happy that Hermais finally stopped obsessing over us and got married to Minion, who never picked out a name and still refers to people by description rather than name. “The fact I even have incestuous thoughts is awkward enough for me. Hunter took a while to get over my dirty, filthy thoughts when I saw him in such a sexy-ugh! No! Out of my head!” Vincent snarled and We rubbed his scalp in apology. “Damn it, uh, so, otherwise I’m here to check in on you since you finally came back from distancing yourselves from power.” “Yep. The nobles did their jobs well despite our pessimistic opinions on them. The direction they took was to form a global oligarchy empire with a voted Empress or Emperor, but it’s stable and doesn’t mistreat the people, so We’re going to roll with it.” We shrugged and then leaned in to kiss him. Mm~, it’s been months since We’ve tasted him. “Mm…*mwah*. Wow. That never gets old. Anyway, yeah. We’ve been working with your people for a while now, they actually have their shit together.” Vincent then suddenly became Vinnie, her body deceptively slim despite her preferred milfy shape. That armor must be like the UAC armors that have pocket-space for large assets. “So, how are the kids who stayed?” “They’re doing great. They’ve integrated well and are wonderful members of society or the military. How are the ones who went home with you?” We asked her as We sat on the desk. We don’t exactly have work yet. We just got back and they’ve gotten used to working without us. It’s still a shock to the system to see Unity has become a towering superstructure of gothic-style stone and metal. They’ve really done well with the place while We’ve been gone. “Marcus and the others have been stable commanders of the Sentinels, as much as we all wish they didn’t decide to follow in our footsteps.” Vinnie sighed with her huge bunny ears wilting. “That’s their choice though. Did anything else interesting happen since the last time I visited?” “Our Tartarus has fully recovered from the Corruption and Ninia’s birthed enough demons to help them repopulate.” We informed our wife proudly. Ninia’s crimes were paid for by the end of one year of growing demons in her slime body’s womb, but she went right back to it with volunteers from Tartarus, declaring she’d found her calling. Thanks to her, Tartarus has been saved thanks to the thousands of demons born from her loins. “Wow, good on her. She pulled a you and saved her people.” Vinnie commented with a broad grin. “Seriously, what problems in this world couldn’t have been solved by making babies?” “We don’t know, the economy? There was a minor crash from all the intensive non-food related resources needed for growing children, both worldwide and because of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.” We deadpanned and Vinnie winced. “Babies need a lot of diapers, even washable ones. Oh, don’t forget the learning materials, the toys, the drastic shortage of qualified-.” “Okay, okay. I get it. You all handled it so well it didn’t seem to be a problem.” Vinnie scratched the back of her neck before she sat in the chair while We remained sitting on the desk. “Yes, which We’re thankful for. We were about to return early before they took care of the issue.” We said before sliding over and spinning around before sliding to straddle her lap on the chair and grin salaciously. “Now then, We have you here, all alone and-.” “I’ve been sorta hypnotized to suppress my libido because I don’t have the time to properly enjoy you. Sorry.” Vinnie apologized and We pouted. It’s been literally years since We’ve had proper sex with any of the Marines. Hell got their shit in order again and has been harrying them for the past 50 years. That it took 150 for them to recover from Big Sur was frankly lucky. “Phooey! We have half a mind to go rushing into Hell ourselves and ripping the Devil’s jimmies off before shoving his dick down his throat so he chokes to death!” We snarled and Vinnie chuckled. “I’m gonna tell the others about that. You might just get Bryan so fucking hard he dumps the battlefield on his right-hand soldier and runs here to get laid.” Vinnie joked and We rolled our eyes. “Besides, Berserker needs a break. Our wives on our side of the dimensional boundary won’t let us out of their sights for long after we nearly bought it in that explosion.” “We’re still upset that it took you a few years before letting those of us on this side know.” We huffed and got up to sit on the desk and look down at her from our regained seat. “You know that’s because if you found out right away, you all would come charging over and none of us want to risk you getting hurt. We don’t deny you’re all powerful, but you’re not on our level combat wise.” Vinnie reminded us and We gave a disappointed sigh. “Let’s get off this topic. We’ve encountered two powerful Displaced. One is named Washu, which was Displaced into a Universe that is actually Tenchi Muo, millions of years behind and with Ponies in it. Another is an Eldritch horror like Minion, named Samantha, who was Displaced into a Bloodborne Equestria. That one kinda vanished when We sent her after Berserker in Ash, but it turns out it was because she could only be summoned as a phantom because of bullshit.” “Berserker mentioned that one, she was a lot of help. You also ran into that mischievous Imp Goddess?” Vinnie asked in amusement and We nodded. “Yes, We have a fairy looking for Tenchi to make him a breeding offer. We’re sure he’ll decline, which is fine, but We might as well ask, no harm in it.” We told her as we leaned back and looked up. “As for Sam, well she’s mapping out the multiverse recently, so that’s useful.” “That’s neat-.” Vinnie blinked and pressed on the earphone in her left ear. “Yeah? What? Really?! You mean...fuck yeah! See you soon!” Vinnie tapped the earpiece and then summoned a mirror before looking into it with her left eye lighting up with power. Suddenly, We could smell a difference! “Oh~! Baby, I need you~.” Vinnie panted and We grunted with our body singing. “W-what? What changed?” We asked before Vinnie pulled us back onto her lap and shared a deep kiss with us. She was suddenly naked, We were too. Fuck the reason~! (<3) “Ah! Ahn~! Ahn~! Yes! Fill me~!” Vinnie begged hoarsely since she’d been screaming herself raw while We fucked her breed-hungry cunt with our throbbing tumescence as soon as she leaned over the desk to get fucked. “Grr! You a-asked for it~!” We snarled and thrust nuts-deep into her before cumming, causing her to howl and spasm in orgasm. Thank gosh We had the self-control to use condoms, but this is the fifth condom We’ve pumped into her. The only reason she was able to be in this position was because of her Navel Pearl. “Guh~! Yes, take it you slut~!” We panted before hearing someone clear their throat and We looked up from Vinnie’s twitching ears at the door. Standing in the Doorway was Berserker with a fairly heavy blush. “Ah, I see Vinnie decided to get a head start. You okay Vinnie?” “Cock, cum, sho mucsh~...” Vinnie slurred as she drooled and We affectionately groped her ass before We pulled out of her with the magic condom staying put and self-sealing inside of her womb with the others. “Nyo~, give me moar~...” “Sorry sweetie, but you need a break. It’s been too long since last time and you’re clearly not ready for more.” We rubbed Vinnie’s back and she mewled before promptly falling asleep, snoring cutely. “So, what’s going on? First she was saying she was hypnotized not to have sex, the next she breaks it and starts fucking us like the horny rabbit she is.” “Ah, well, we finally got a reprieve from Hell. Marcus, my beautiful badass boy, he killed the Titan in command of Hell’s latest invasion, so we’re here to celebrate.” Berserker declared with a fond snort at his sister. “She jumped paws-first into it, like always.” “That’s wonderful! That means you can spend some time with us again after you had to get back to work not even a week after that glorious honeymoon night 200 years ago.” We hugged the burly big guy and nuzzled our cheek into his pecs. At least he ditched the armor for some normal clothes before coming to visit. “Indeed. However, it would seem Vinnie and I are to make a trip into the Warp. The Primordial Chaos has something planned for us.” Oh, c’mon! “Don’t think I don’t have time for some fun first, though they didn’t say when it will take place.” “Oh, thank gosh, We haven’t had sex with you in several years~!” We whined pitifully with gropes of his pecs, these glorious, hard, bulging-*squish*-beautiful, bouncy boobies~! “H-hey, neat trick. When did you learn how to do that? Did you get taller?” We asked in surprise up at Brennie’s face and she smirked naughtily down at us as her heaving hooters molded into our hands with each squeeze. “It took some time, but I got the hang of it. As for being ‘taller’, I don’t know. Vinnie doesn’t either. It’s the same kind of ability Runner uses, but for some reason, I don’t get shorter when I turn female now. Honestly, it’s kinda cool, not having to look up at so many people when I’m feeling feminine.” Brennie laughed and gently removed our hands from her breasts. “Well, you’re hotter as an amazon anyway. Not that you weren’t super hot already! Being tall suits you! Um, shutting up now.” We gulped, our heart pounding and our dick throbbing. “So, um, are you sure you want our first time in several years to be with you as a woman?” “Hm, I don’t know~.” Brennie suddenly dropped her pants and We got dickslapped by her cock! “Why not both? C’mere~.” Meep~! (<3) Guh~ brain reduced to mush by Brennie’s dick~. “Wow, it has been a long time. Where’d your stamina go?” Brennie asked with amusement as she sat in our office chair with us speared on her ribbed doggy dick while slumped back against Vinnie’s ass. Deep inside of us, a condom was being filled with Brennie’s immense quantity of cum produced by her heaving spunk bunkers, all hidden by our pulsing Navel Pearl. “Mm~, so relieving. I haven’t been able to properly bust my nuts in so long~.” “W-We can tell~.” We mewled, enjoying the incredible afterglow. It was both exhausting and fulfilling both literally and metaphorically. We didn’t realize how much We’d calmed down after 200 years of slow and casual sexual encounters with our wives and husbands over the centuries. Not even when Shining Armor got Slimed so he wouldn’t die on us due to age was this simply enjoyable. “Oh, sorry to barge in. Should’ve known better.” We leaned back over the sleeping Vinnie’s perfect ass and back to see Edward, Kevin and Rico entering the office with amused looks on their faces. “You look pretty finished though, did you finally manage to out-fuck Wiatr?” “Hey, be nice guys. She hasn’t been able to be with us for so long that she’s not used to it anymore.” Brennie playfully chided her brothers while We nodded lazily. “So, you wanna join in?” Huh? Brennie, are you just outright offering your brothers an orgy with us? “Naw, we’ve got plenty of time to chill, sis. I want to go find any old faces I haven’t seen in a while.” Rico then left and Edward followed. Kevin had at some point taken Vinnie out from under us and was carrying her snoring self out in a bridal carry. “With how desperately horny Vinnie and you were, We thought We were fucked. Literally.” We chuckled as We pulled ourself back upright to kiss Brennie and squeeze her cock with our cunt in affection. “Unf, so good to have you back, even if it’s only for a little while.” “I don’t know about that ‘little while’ bit…” Brennie uneasily muttered and hugged us tight. “Hey, babe? If we, say...need to stay...could we?” Brennie? “I don’t mean like a temporary bit, I mean...maybe permanently, if we had absolutely no choice. Would you let us?” Brennie, you’re scaring us. What’s wrong? “Are we welcome?” “...Of course.” We softly replied, unable to say anything else. Her worries were her own, but if We could be a rock for her to anchor to in her time of need, of course We would be. “We’re your wife, not just that, we’re all your wives and friends. If you ever need to stay, even forever, we’ll welcome you with open arms.” “Thanks.” Brennie pushed us away just a bit to kiss us and then took our breath away with the deeply grateful look in her eyes. “You’ve always been there when I needed you most. I don’t know why I was worried it’d be any other way.” Oh, Brennie~! Mm~! We love you! We love you so much! Of course We’re here for you~! “Mm, babe-mm~. Babe! Calm down~!” Brennie laughed and We hugged and snuggled into her bosom. “We Love you. How many times must We remind you?” We closed our eyes and began dozing in the joy of being married to such incredible people. “...Sorry that I forget so often. Remind me as often as you like.” Brennie then pulled us off of her penis, which vanished along with her balls to leave her purely female and she picked us up in a bridal carry. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed since it doesn’t look like you’ve got any work to do anyway.” Mm...being carried to bed by our loving wife/husband. Our Empire has thus far stood the test of time and is flourishing. Our harem of wives and husbands are all happy and pursuing their own ventures now that our separation from society is over. The future is bright and full of endless possibility. This is truly the best ending We could’ve asked for. At least for now. An ending is just a beginning of something else, after all. End.