by RealAroximy

First published

Good morning Inspector,welcome to the Arcis wasteand.A hybrid Inspector from before balefire ravaged Equestria.Investigates a shady government installation,and is thrown into a unforgiving land.

The only Inspector of the Arcanus Isands off the coast of Equestria during the final years of lunas'
reign Cold Case a Arcan hybrid conducts an Investigation of the mysterious institute run by the Equestrian ministries and goes missing until much much later


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7:23 AM on the Arcanus Islands off the coast of Equestria (during luna’s reign) at the Canavart Institute of science-MAS/MOT(MWT)

The Sun was barely cresting over the horizon as we approached the Institute we had been conducting a investigation on rumours about experimentation going on in Arcanus and we had we ended up here.While I knew of the Ministries I was never that involved in there work,due to the lack of involvement we had in the war with only a few select individuals volunteering,I did know however that they were supposed to be officials of the government and if they were conducting experiments they were obviously doing something they didn’t have authorisation for.So me and my Partner,Clear Sight,A white haired(Feathered?) pegasus who transferred from the Ministry of Awesome(good name) to report how we are doing,most likely to tell them if we allied with the zebras.He was a nervous stallion,never seen his
cutie mark though, as he always wore a jacket over it.

The institute was a large building built like an university but with a observatory attached to the west wing it was made mostly of flint stones and brick, but certain sections were made from steel or marble.The estate on which it was built was originally the site of the embassy for Equestria(Rather ironic). As we began to enter the estate guards made towards us.

“ Civilians are not allowed in this area,please vacate the site or we shall escort you of the premi-”the first guard began before I cut him off.

“Arcanus police,Detective division.We are here to investigate rumours of illegal experimentation at this facility, and I wish to speak with the directors to have them assist me in finding out who is conducting them and punish them accordingly.”

I interrupted speaking quickly and clearly, barging past the two in front of me. I entered the building quickly navigating my way to the director's’ office.

“Directors good to finally meet you,”

The instant I entered they began spluttering and were trying to get me to leave.

”We have received many reports about illegal experimentation in the area and we have tracked down the rumours to here while there isn’t a large chance of there actually being experiments conducted we need to make sure,and I expect you to assist me in finding the perpetrator and punish him accordingly.”

I finished looking calmly and hardly at them waiting for their response.They then threw me out and I had to let Clear Sight talk to them for me.
After twenty or-so minutes they re-emerged and they began to lead me through the Institute until we entered the large observatory like area.The door was locked tightly I was expecting to have to break it down but thankfully the eldest of the directors unlocked the door.Inside was a large stainless steel platform with machines lining every wall terminals everywhere and various machines taken apart scattered on the floor.Standing at the edge of the room was a red stallion with grey hair streaked with sap green,injecting a serum into an small lizard,surrounded by comatose ponies and creatures,the obvious culprit off the illegal experiments being conducted here.

“Sir, step away from the illegal experiments,” I shouted at the man and he slowly turned away from the desk.”You are under arrest for illegal experimentation under the authority of the Arcanus police for-”

I was cut of when a blunt object was struck against the back of my head,I fell to the floor slowly losing consciousness the last thing I heard was,

“Sorry Inspector but we can’t let you to that.”

I woke up shortly after in a metal tube with a glass window set in the front with frost stuck on the corners.

“Welcome to the land of the living Inspector,We wanted to say our goodbyes before we give you to Doc Paranstien”

I looked up and saw the younger of the directors a mare with light pink coat and deep purple hair done up in an loose bun.

“You see all the experiments done by him are authorised by the Equestrian ministries,now while you think that Arcanus has its’ own laws,but the truth is we are just using you as a test site. In fact the Ministry of Awesome dispatched some of it's spies as to stop you interfering. Thankfully you were the only one smart enough to figure out that anything was going on sadly you were outsmarted.Goodbye Inspector.”

She finished staring at me flatly a happy smirk on the corner of her lips

“Hahaahahaaha,Oh this will be perfect I always wanted too experiment on one of the hybrids unique to this country and now I can. Thank you Ma’am director,”

Paranstien said as she left looking completely mad.

“I’ll just put him under the cryogenic process.”

He pressed a large red button on a table and klaxon warnings began to sound and gasses began to pour into the container,I quickly was banging on the glass trying too smash it open.

“Let me out,let me out dammit,LET ME OUT!”

I yelled at the top of my lungs frost began to completely cover the screen and I slowly slipped into unconsciousness again.


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Hello,my name is Cold Case,most simply call me the Inspector,due to me being the only one to hold the position,contrary to name my greatest ability is I am able to solve any crime.
I am an ‘Hybrid’ a term used to refer to the offspring of a pony and Arcnans(Intelligent pony like animals,dogs,cats etc the size of a pony)Advantages of this is the possession of fingers and thumbs. The disadvantage of this being a social outcast for a large portion of my childhood,due to my appearance and physical differences. I’m not complaining though.
I have a ,currant I think that old mare said, red coat with tawny brown hair. My cutie mark is a silver magnifying glass crossed with a silver plated pistol, I won’t bore you with the story of how I got it I never found them that important. I am 27 years old I have worked as an Inspector for 10 years with 2 years of apprenticeship.And currently I am trapped In a metal fridge stuck like a statue.

That soon changed however as suddenly I began to regain consciousness and movement and I instantly heard klaxon alarms blaring and the monotone female voice saying that the cryogenic array was offline only after the third time it became warbled and shut off. I began banging on the glass trying to force the door open,it then opened of it's volition and I fell flat on my face. I began hacking and coughing gulping down air as if I had been drowning for hours yet wouldn’t die. I looked up and went still, the room was in ruins many of the machines covered in rust and decay with few still flickering and sparking, skeletons in stained white coats lay draped everywhere and as I stood I noticed a skeleton with a very familiar jacket. Clear Sight his bones bleached and broken, laying next to ,who I presumed was Doctor Paranstien his skull caved in from a piece of rebar, good riddance. The south western side of the dome ceiling had caved in appearing like a snakes eye, concrete chunks and rebar fraying the edge. Puddles of stagnant rain water mixed with old blood turning it an horrible brownish red, the floor was shattered and rusted twisting near the breach like an dying animal.

I began to walk towards the door when I noticed empty bullet casings and spark batteries littering the floor, as I continued,careful not to trip, I found a small pack of bullets,I didn't know what type, as I searched the bag I found a name for them “.425 Rosavelt special” rounds. Of which I had ne’er heard of. I pocketed then nonetheless, I had memorized the route to the lab so I wouldn't have any trouble getting to th-Oof. I had tripped on something and fallen flat on my face rubbing my nose I looked back to see what I had fallen over.I saw a body still relatively fresh with a bullet hole just left of where her kidneys would be. She was dressed in a bluish grey uniform with grey trimmings. She had a cream coat and electric blue hair with royal blue streaks. At her hoofs lay a lever-action rifle, the barrel blued and tipped in a brass cap,rectangular and going the length of the barrel to the body under the fore-grip. The main body for the firing mechanism was polished copper, but which had oxidised with age. The stock of the rifle was a deep soot coloured wood with linings of brass and with leather rest.
The trap door was blue steel with the trigger and guard matching. It chambered 44.(That's all that was around her) and had 7 bullets loaded with 14 spare.

I left her there her rifle pressed against my back. I had left her in her uniform,as a sign of respect,and because I much preferred my inspector jacket with its pecan brown colour with Hickory highlights. I had noticed after taking the rifle that during my unconsciousness that my service revolver had been taken, granted not really something to be mad about but it was...an inconvenience. I was just about to reach the door when I noticed a small glow from a desk lamp below it on a ruined birch desk was a paper folding-map and a small red box with a grey tree and a large orange “44.” across the front, I made my way over to the desk and pocketed the rounds and inspected the map sitting down in a nearby chair with my legs crossed and just as I did so, a robot began to roll by I peeked over the top of the map and it began to turn towards me. But I resumed my inspection and it gradually rolled away, after it had left I stared at where it had left from incredulous, not wanting to tempt fate any longer though I raced to the door and flung it wide open.

It was mid morning with mildew still draping the sickly grass like veils, the sun just creasing over the most easterly island. A light glow staying in certain corners of the lawn,crumbled houses stood like charred corpses. I stood surveying when my eyes finally turned to my left and I jumped into the air, next to me was an charred corpse with skin torn and frayed but a light brown, he wore the same uniform as the unicorn mare from inside but with thick oxidised copper plates on the breast and back. He had multiple bullet marks on his clothes but no actual entrance wounds, he lay however as dead as a coffin nail. Sat beside him was
a large chambered revolver with a long, square, barrel and a black and white patterned grip and blue steel metal. It said on the left side, “.425 Rosavelt special” with various serial numbers. It looked newly made. I opened the chamber and slotted the rounds into the cylinder, they fitted seamlessly, I loaded eight of the large rounds into the revolver. After looting his ammo from him I then noticed a large bulky box on the stallions left foreleg, I undid the clasp on it and affixed it onto my left arm, I noticed there were buttons on it and I located the one to turn it on. A green screen lit up with binary then blazed with a logo saying “Pip-Buck 2000 mark IV” It then shifted to an animated avatar of a small stallion with a short-back-and-sides, that glitched to the character standing upright, I clicked the button which read “Item” turning to an screen with two item and five bars with subsections. The two Items where, the “Problem solver” while displaying a picture of the revolver, and “Righteous repeater” displaying the lever next to it.

I then looked up from the Pip-Buck and stared to the horizon and made my way towards the police precinct deciding to see what had happened and how long I had been out, leaving the grounds of the Canavart institute and made my way to the ruins of the town, rifle drawn and eyes peeled.

Quest perk added:
Pip-Buck novice, your enate perception and detective skills give you the ability to understand basic tech.

Level up,new perk added:
Passer-Bye-Bye:When reading or sitting in a non conspicuous place you appear friendly to hostiles, so they will ignore you, chance increases with sneak skill.


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I rather enjoyed the rain It was quite beautiful to watch and lovely to sleep through, I didn’t really get bothered by it much as I was rather waterproof, and the fact that I always wore an oil-coat probably helped, and while It was raining now it didn’t bother me at all.

What did bother me however was the mud and filth that was strewn betwixt streets of Richtier. It kept getting caught in my fur and It was getting on my nerves, but I Ignored it. Nothing ,that interesting caught my eyes except for a few mutilated corpses, after the usual tug on the heart stings, I continued, there where only so many corpses you could see before you didn’t get used to it.
I didn’t see anyone or anything that looked hostile, and the little bar in my sight didn’t register any either.

I continued through the ruins, rain causing little streams of rubbish down the road.
Soon I began to see the outline of a none destroyed skyline. I quickened my pace, eager to see civilization, and question what was going on, as I approached I saw that the streets began to clear of rubble and rubbish.Though I had not seen anything that looked alive yet and just as I had thought that I began to hear shots ring out in the mid morning air,made my way over to the sound and saw a griffiness surrounded by dogs no taller than my knee attaching her, their hairless bodies straining to tear her apart. I raised my rifle and fired at the ugly creatures their chests crumpling under the impact of the rocketing projectiles and collapsing onto the ground as the dogs realised they began to race towards me having their heads blown apart under my fire till there was one left I placed my sight upon it's head and squeezed the trigger and heard a dreadful sound,


Too late to reload I attempted to pull out the revolver but it was already leaping at my face and then it was blown away from me by a round to its’ side and then one to it middle of its brow.

I turned to the sound of the shooter and saw the griffioness standing there with a rusty pistol that looked like it was made of pipe.She had turquoise and white plumage and a black panther rear and the beak of a eagle.

“Thank you Ma’am.” I said breathlessly an awestruck expression plain on my face.

“Well you helped me so it's only fair if I help you sides it is rather hard too find someone who will help a stranger out here.” She replied callously speaking rather tomboyish(is that a word) but with an air of caring and kindness.

“Just doing my job,protecting the citizens and visitors of the Arcanus islands.” I said flatly as that phase had been drilled into me from day one.
At this however she donned a confused look,

“What do you mean, ‘your job’? What are you, a vigilante?” She asked curiously slightly struggling with the last word.

“I'm the Inspector for the Arcanus police,of course what else would I be? And also could you get me inside that city,thing, the police precinct should be in there and I need to find out what is going on.” I asked confusedly turning my head to the city like place just a short walk away

A worried look crossed her face for a second then returns to an stoic expression.

“Sure I can take you walk with me,we can talk while we go,”she smiled and I fell into line next to her.
We talked for an hour and and half as we walked towards the city scape, it turned out that she was the owner of a supply shop, though she didn't mention the name, when I questioned about her previous occupation she went disturbingly silent and didn't talk for awhile, she kept talking about her friends, though I sort of fazed out at that point I was never one for idle chatter I sort of had a limit for how much I could stand after a while, while it was about an case I could listen for hours on end. But if it was something like ‘who is screwing who’ I lost interest quickly. Probably why I don't have a girlfriend.

“Hey space cadet, calling space cadet, this is the Arcan space center do you copy? Yo!” I came from my daydream to the sound of the griffonesses voice (Need to ask her name.) with her snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“What? Oh, sorry kind of spaced out there. What were you asking?” I asked an slightly embarrassed expression on my face. We were standing in front of a large rusted gate with guard armoured with bits off scrap and what looked like scavenged uniforms from surrounding businesses painted over with an singular logo of a white square over an light blue circle.

She sighed and shook her head “ I asked what your name was so you could get an ID to be able to enter the city.” She said slightly exasperated.

“But I already have a ID it came when I joined the police force.” I said confusedly then displaying the vinyl card that allowed me access to the police station and allowed me the authority to conduct my operations.

At the display of my ID the guards started and then ushered me and the griffoness to the gate now bypassing an large que that I now noticed and within the city walls by an small side door. We then entered the city proper though I noticed it was more off an large town than a city but it looked like it was at least not blown up.

They began to lead me towards the eastern side of town coming towards the police precinct, there were multiple shops built out of what looked like ruined buildings becoming sort of shop-houses like you used to see on the high-street of Linden, I bought my shirt there and it is still quite comfortable, I may have not been a taylour but I knew quality,and also sewing and seaming but I didn't really share that with others.

We soon came across a large crowded area near the police precinct, I was led inside a small red tent while the griffoness, really need to ask her name, was left outside. I was sat down in a stiff wooden chair that suited my frame but I supposed it was supposed to be used to make ponies uncomfortable when they came here. A few minutes later a stallion that looked rather odd came through the door, he looked like an alive, ironic, version of the soldier who I had taken the ‘Pip-Buck’ from, He wore a worn crescent blue velvet suit, and tarnished white shirt, he still had hair, surprisingly, it gone stark white with wisps of grey hiding within, he had tired watercolour eyes blurred by an unknown source.

“Good morning Mr...Case.”He greeted, though having to inspect a card whereupon my name was stated.

“Please call me Inspector, I know it's my title but it is what my friends call me.” I said flatly with falsified kindness as I knew there was a reason for my appearance here and I was prepared to face the charge with respectability and honour.

“Really, I heard your friend outside called you…’space cadet’ was it? I found that quite funny but I guess it was an one time thing.” He admonished chuckling raspily, sounding like screws in a blender.
At this I lost my stoic countenance and crumpled blushing slightly, hidden mostly by my fur, and began fingering my collar, a nervous habit i'm told.

“Well-uh, “*cough*” that was because I sort of zoned out while we were walking to your fine city.” I replied slightly awkwardly trying my best to return to my usual neutrality of emotions. I had grown skilled in that ability as it allowed me to operate efficiently on a case. But rather difficult to talk to during that period.(I still remember when that unicorn punched me because of how I acted on that one case. She had a really strong right hook.)

“I see well I called you here to discuss your ID, now I have been told by your companion that you seem slightly out of the know in terms of the standards of this place and I believe I have a reason why. Now I need you to answer honestly, Is the ID you carry actually of you or did you just loot it of the poor beggar it belonged to.” He questioned solembly, his eyes suddenly sharper than any I had seen ever, like those of a wolf when observing its’ prey.

“It is mine, I it receive after my first week of training directly from the head of police herself and then my further registration as Arcans only inspector on the fourteenth of March an year later by the city council.” I answered truthfully not wanting to real everything though so I stopped there.
He regarded me then smiled widely.

“It's really you, you managed to live! Oh that is just BRILLIANT!” He exclaimed cheerfully smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“I knew you wouldn't die you giant raspberry your too much of a workaholic to even let the apocalypse and your own DEATH stop you, ohhh-oh-ho, you are brilliant!” He finished finally merriment and relief present in his eyes.

It was at that precise moment that I realised who I was talking to.

“Ollivander, is that you. What happened? The world looks so-so… destroyed. Please! I need to know.” I begged to one of my oldest friends, whom had talked to me despite my appearance and even helped me with my law studies while he worked as the assistant to the city council. Whenever I saw him walk into a room I somehow heard the background clatter of typewriter keys.

He looked at me with his watercolour eyes, now fogging up again as if a cloud of mist was forming within them, with great worry and pity.
“I think you should check the police station, I-I....I would you should punch out it will...explain somethings.” He finished somberly.

We the walked out of the tent, I noticed the griffoness was sat in front of a bookstore that she appeared to own, music carrying weakly through the door. We walked through the crowd It partig like a sea of colouring pencils,only dirtier and more bloody. We approached an small soapbox stand, literally, and me and Ollivander climbed upon it and he walked towards an remarkably clean microphone and cleared his throat.

“Attention, the offer of the police precinct for property has been canceled as the original owner, well who would own it now. Has returned and has all the credentials allowing him acces so It wouldn't make any difference if any of you where to object It is his by all right of law.” He finished with a air of finality.

I was surprised at this firstly at the prospect of them actually giving someone the police station as an home, My house was above that, long story. While secondly bewildered by the fact that I now also owned the police station below me. I was concerned however by the crowds grumbling in protest and was worried whether they would accept Ollivanders authority as I didn't know how high up he was.

But My concerns were unfounded as the crowd then dispersed and left to their homes.

“Well, that was-odd. But you did it nonetheless should we go in now?” I questioned still curious how that even worked.

“Sure, let's go, oh and by the way I saw you looking worried don't worry they will listen to me after all, I'm the mayor.” he walked away chuckling harshly at my stunned expression.

We approached the large redwood door with bullet proof glass transoms, next to the door was an keycard reader, with it's red ‘locked’ light glowing. As I had rarely seen it locked as we usually had a open door policy allowing cases to call the instant it happened.

I raised my ID to the scanner and allowed it to read the PIN number. It eaped sharply with a slight warle and the light turned green, and I heard the hydraulic mag locks disengage. The heavy red door creaked open and a slight rush of air, as the atmospheric pressure of the building equalized with outside.

I entered into a pitch black corridor with dust swirls swinging in the light from the window, I flicked the light switch and the worn old lights each flickered on and then glowed over the wooden flooring and brick walls. I walked over to a rusted red punch card machine inset slightly into the wall. I walked over and lowered my ID into the machines slot.

“Welcome back Mr Case, you last checked in 9999*bzzt* days days ago. *ERROR* changing time settings, last checked in 213 years ago, welcome back sir.”

I stared at the red machine my eyes despondent and hopeless, I looked finally at the ceiling and collapsed.

I woke up later sat in the comfy char in bosses office where she sat, before at least.
I rose slowly gathering myself and sorting through the information I had learned. I had survived the apocalypse, the world had ended apparently, I had been given the police station and Equestria was evil. After sorting everything out in my head, knowing slightly that that last one was kind of more opinion than fact but, ehh.

I rose from the chair and walked to, the door. Checking the Pip-Buck I saw that I had been out for 30 minutes, I left the room and walked to the main hall and found Ollivander sitting in the center of the hall.

“I’m guessing that you put me in bosses chair?” I asked friendly but still far from cheerful.

“You forget, it's yours now.” He replied cheerfully “But yeah, I'm...sorry, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I...didn't want to be the one who told you, ‘hey the world ended and basically everyone you know and love died over two centuries ago!’ I-just couldn't do it. Sorry.” He said feelings of sadness and regret seeming to solidify in the air like snowflakes, a somber and shameful expression laid on his wearied face.

“It's ok.” I replied sighing slightly, I could rarely be angry at my friends, especially Ollivander and I could understand his mindset, personally I could not say I could have done otherwise if I was in his position.

“I don't blame you but, I would have preferred it came from you, I probably wouldn't have collapsed to the floor at the realisation but, no-matter, it's done now and I'm still quite glad you’re still here.” I said evenly, a slight cheek edging on my voice as I made my way next to him, smiling down at him as I stood beside him.

He smiled widely at me his teeth, while slightly yellowed at the edges through age still held the air of welcoming and showed not vice or malice, and if any where present towards him they would have evaporated upon sight of it.

“Thank you, Inspector, oh! Wait, do I call you Inspector or Chief now. Ah it doesn't matter, I'll just keep calling you Inspector. But again thank you CC.” He walked away, the everpresent echoing sound of a typewriter still following behind him. One of my last and greatest friends he truly w-,

“Or, I could just call you ‘Space Cadet’ like Abbie calls you. I think it fits quite well.”
He announced laughing as he was at the mouth of the door.

Despite my red coloured fur he somehow saw my blazing blush. He laughed his way out the door an I threw a pen at him. Arse.

I spent the next three days sorting through the building and getting it all in place. I entered my home above the station shortly after Ollivander left. It was just as I had left It filled with books, crime stories and law and history books. I was told that, despite my profession I had quite boring interests. I did however, do some rather interesting things in my spare time. But at the current state of things, I very much doubted that I could simply go out clay shooting or play a round of golf as were my usual hobbies.

It was of no-matter though as I could still enjoy myself. I found some of my prized possessions were still perfectly intact much to my relief. I found my refurbished musket still hanging on the mantle. One of the few, probably even fewer now, remaining rifles of the younger times of Arcanus. I got it from my grandfather. It was very powerful as a rifle I remember but very awkward to reload, so it was very useful when they bore a bayonet like most did at that time.

I also found that my collection of music was still hidden in the leather bound suitcase padded with cloth. My record player still borrowed out to a friend at the time of my... ‘departure‘ however. Making it so that I could not hear their songs, and the police station transmitter was just white noise.

On the fourth day ‘Abbie’ ,as she was called, came to visit she looked slightly worried but upon seeing that I looked pleased to see her, as I was although I was an outcast I did enjoy the company of those who were agreeable to me.

“Hi Inspector, How are you? Settling in fine?” She asked cheerily, though worry and sadness edging on her voice.

“I doing well-ish. But I am still getting my head around the whole, ‘the world’s ended’ thing.” I said cheerily, but frankly.

I invited her inside and she mooched about the building while I made something in the kitchen. After ten minutes or so she burst back in again smiling widely her, somehow, spotlessly white teeth gleaming in a smile.

“OHMYGOSHYOUHAVEARADIODOESITWORKIFSOSHOWMESHOWMESHOWME!?” She blurted out at me excitedly and fitting it all in one breath, she then sat and gulped in air.

“Yes,yes,ok. Follow me” I said and walked to the radio room slightly surprising her with my unsurprised reaction. Berry did the same thing when she was excited, I really miss her no matter the fact she was more crazy than a weasel with a jetpack, and with more energy than two tonnes of dynamite, she was fun and a really good friend.

We entered the radio-room the wall of terminals still pulsing with power, dials and meters ticking and grinding along as they displayed readouts. A screen displayed the current station and available ones all a coppery green.

The next ten minutes went by quite quickly as Abbie obsessed over the machine fiddling with the dials and staring at the screen, obsessing over certain parts of the machine. After about 20 minutes she woke me from my chair, were I had fell into a light slumber.

“Hey Space! Can I use the radio as a transmitter for my radio station?” She asked her fave mear inches from mine a joyous smile on her face, she was very different when she wasn't fighting or on a trek through the wastes.

“Shure ,but can you not call me Space? It's embarrassing... Also could you get off my lap?”I said frankly. Abbie then quickly leaped from my lap and raced out of the room smiling widely and then came back a few seconds later with a basic looking radio transmission set.
She began plugging in cables and tuning dials till she got it just how she wanted it.

“This is brilliant with this I can Have my station play over all of Arcanus!” She squealed excitedly staring excitedly at the sophisticated apparatus.

“Only Arcanus? I thought you were going to transmit to equestria and the Zebra lands as well as well.” I said inquisitive as I stretched and rose from my chair. As I said that she appeared in front off me an neutral expression on her face the same as a someone who had just killed for the first time.

“Yes…” I said nervously as I leaned away slightly. Putting weight on my back foot as to have option for a quick escape. My caution was unwarranted however as she Instantly broke into a even wider smile than before her teeth gleaming brilliantly.

“Oh this keeps getting better and Better! Ok you make it so I can talk to Equestria and Zebra lands while I sort out the settings and the music,.... wish I had more records though.” She said excitedly adding the last phrase quietly more out of annoyance than anguish.

“I have a few you can use! It good that you need them I lent out my record player before I went to the Institute.” I said casually hearing another Gasp of pure happiness I added
“You don't need to thank me! It's just good that they’re being used. There under my bed in a leather suitcase with an brass combination lock,the combination is 30112019.” I thn hear her race up the stairs and then back down again, she then ran into the room and placed the suitcase beside the panels, she then ran out to get her own records.

It was an very entertaining sight, like when a filly got her cat back from a tree by a fireman.
I then went behind the panels and reconfigured them to transmit to the two larger countries, I honestly didn't know why creatures who visited from Equestria found it odd that we kept up communication and trade between us and the Zebra lands pre-war.

After all when Arcanus first broke from Equestria we became allies quite quickly, and only really had an sort of grudging ceasefire between us and Equestria, besides I found the Zebras and there fellow inhabitants(Gargoyles,Sphinx’s ectra) where much nicer and much more interesting, course that was probably because I did a lot of cases for or with them and they where always quite grateful.


“Ahhh, there we go!” The telltale sound rang out as I finished I rose slowly and and found abbie running in through the door

“It's working now, just flip the green switch to start transmitting.” I said happily as I reset my back. Her face spread even wider, if that is even possible, her arms full of records and other implements.

“EEEE!”, she exclaimed ”This is going to be brilliant!” She looked so happy, I couldn't help but smile, chuckling as I did so.

She then stacked her records near the rest and plugged in her record player to the console a hum of power now surging. Then adjusting the dials to fit her setup.

After an short while of adjusting she was happy with is so she turned on the microphone and flipped the switch.

“Hellooo, WORLD!,” She exploded a different voice and even aura or personality surrounding her.”This is Arcanus Free Radio, transmitting from the Arcanus Police Precinct situated on Richtier, in the Arcanus archipelago.” She said cheerfully and enthusiastically, she looked like her dream had been realised.”This transmission is only possible due to the charity of our resident Inspector, now police chief as well. Now while we may have been forgotten after your hole balefire pissing match, we didn't go away and we are stopping the radio silence, so from me and the hole of Arcanus, lets begin, Space cadet, send us in.” She finished grandly

“Thanks Ab, well hello, from me this is about 200 years since I have been talking to anyone from Equestria or the Zebra lands, but i'll leave you with this our shores are open to all as before, as long as you're not ministry. I know that sounds rude but the last time I encountered one they trapped me in an cryo pod for experimentaion. But no matter, any way goodbye and let us end the radio silence with an bang, here's Cherry Bomb!” I finished finally

Abbie dropped the record onto the player and it began to play.

Quest perk added:
Presenters Power: Your brief stunt as a co-host on AFR has given you a confidence boost, but you doubt you would hold if you were face to face, plus 10 to speech when talking too someone who you cant see, includes letters.

Level up,new perk added:
Companion Crack Shot: When you run out of ammo during an engagement your companions are 50% more accurate and have a 10% damage increase.