> Dreams of Laughter > by RebelNarrator45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Final Moments of Laughter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dreams. Dreams are funny things when you stop to think about it. Each dream is similar to another, yet totally unique. The wishes of youthful hearts. Some ponies dream of being elite flyers, soaring through the blue skies with the best of the best. Some dream of being great magicians, able to outdo even the great Starswirl the Bearded. Some dream of being world renowned fashion experts, designing the best and most gorgeous clothing ever seen. Some dream of having the biggest and best apple orchards, with strong, healthy trees and maximum fruit production. Some dream of dealing with every creature, large or small, no matter what or where, and treating them with great care and kindness. Others dream of spending life throwing amazing parties, and doing crazy, silly, goofy stuff to make ponies smile. To make them happy. The list goes on and on. I had dreams. It seems like a lifetime ago, yet I know it really wasn't. But now, I lay here..a nearly empty shell of the pony I once was not so long ago. Dreams come and go, and alot of them come true for the ponies that make them. My dreams were the ones to make ponies smile. Cheer them with a single act of caring. A balloon shaped like their favourite thing. A cupcake decorated with something they love and enjoy. A great big party, whether for a birthday, anniversary, or even for no reason at all. A party...just because. Just because they were a friend. Just because they accomplished a small victory. Just because they needed a reason to smile. And that...that was my dream. To be the reason there was a smile on the faces of everypony I met. Anywhere. Anytime. All my life. Forever. But...some dreams...don't come true. I lay here, day in and day out, eyes closed yet seeing everything and everypony around me very clearly. Asleep yet wide awake. They think I'm not aware that they're here, whispering to each other sadly, crying, sniffling, begging me to wake up. They think I don't know. But I know. I just can't tell them I know. I can't reach out and hug them tightly and tell them its ok. That I'm ok. That everything will be fine. Deep down I know it won't be. Not for them, anyway. They'll soon be missing a very big part of themselves, for good. A happy part. A part that made them laugh when they didn't even want to smile. A part that made them feel warm sunshine even under the blackest of storm clouds. A part that made them joyful to an extent they never thought possible. See, they dream I'll wake up. That I'll be whole and healed and go back to being their warm, shining light when their world is dark and cold. They dream this, night after night, and I know...because I was in their dreams. I was watching. Being there was a gift to me by the Guardian of Dreams, the Princess and Ruler of the Night. And it made me happy to know they dream of me. In their dreams they see me as awake and laughing...a bubbling cauldron of joy and happiness. Their sun shining through those dark clouds. I know why they dreamed it. Because they want it to be true. They desperately cling to their dream, because if they let go of it, they will lose the last shred of hope they have that I am ok. I can hear them now: crying, pleading with me. Wake up. Don't go. We need you. You're going to be fine. I'm not. And I know it. Even now their voices and sobs are growing slowly dimmer, as the steady beep of a machine somewhere grows weaker and fainter. I can feel my heart slowing. Even the machine that pumps air into my lungs is slowing. I stopped breathing on my own ages ago. I was still here only because of the machines. But they were failing too. Slowly, but surely, they were failing. I don't have much time. So I am going to devote it to thoughts of my dearest friends. No...not friends. My family. Because that's what they are. Family. Twilight. The unicorn who had walked into Ponyville and into our lives...my life...several years earlier. She was so wrapped up in books, and checklists, and making checklists for her checklists. I had never seen somepony that loved lists so much. It made me laugh. But she had eventually learned to come out of her "egghead" shell and make friends...and hadn't ever regretted it that I know of. Rainbow Dash. Strong, brash, loyal to a fault. Her dream of being an elite flyer had come true. She was a Wonderbolt now, the best of the best. Watching her perform was truly amazing. And nopony but her could clear the sky in ten seconds flat. And her Sonic Rainboom? Words can't describe how awesome it is. She has also always been my pranking partner, and what pranks we played over the years! She'll miss that, I know. Fluttershy. So quiet and kind, with a heart of pure gold that shines through all she does. She is definitely shy, but she knows how to push past it when she has to. Like giving a dragon the Stare. Or coming to the defense of her friends. She is one of the best friends ever. Applejack. The farmer. She is literally the most honest pony I know. She is also very loyal to her friends, just like Dashie. And speaking of, these two have always had a friendly rivalry that has always been so funny to watch. But for all she tries to outdo Dashie, there's nothing she wouldn't do for her, or any of us for that matter. And I've always admired her loyalty to family. She's my family too...a very, very distant relative somehow. That was never proved on paper, but it is in my heart. Rarity. The fashion minded pony of our friendship circle. She loves all of us dearly, and we love her...even though she always has something to say about one of us and our fashion choices. She's a really great seamstress, and her dream of being well known is slowly coming true. She owns more than one store now, and makes dresses and things for all kinds of fine ponies. She is also very generous...never hesitating to lend a hoof when its needed. Even if sometimes that means getting dirt or mud on her coat. These ponies have been my friends a long time now. They're going to miss me, I know, and I'll miss them too. But only for a little while. Because I know one day we'll meet again. I can hear very little of their crying and talking now. I can barely hear the machines as they fight to keep up, fight to steady me, keep me going. But they can't. Its time for me to go. I smile to myself as peace settles in all around me, warming me and comforting me. I feel my heart give one, tiny little beat. I am very dimly aware of a long, shrill noise, like a whine, as the monitor I am attached to blares the news to the rest that my heart has beat its last. I hear a very, very faint wail of agony from someplace, then everything slips into completely silent blackness and I know no more.