> Long Live The Empress > by Mystic Sunrise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For a past that Is Dead/For a future that Maybe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This time of night, the inhabitants of Dream Castle slept. No guards patrolled its hallways for there had been no threat that could penetrate its walls for many centuries. All slept, but one. Empress Cosmos walked the hallways of the place she had called home for nearly two millennia. If any had come across her, they might have wondered why she was up so late. But none would ask for her mind was not one that all could understand. But there was a point to her wanderings, as much as it tore her up inside. She was remembering. Remembering all that she and so many had done for the world from here. For come sunrise... Cosmos wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. It did her no good to think of what was to come. Her mind was made up. She forced herself instead to hammer the images of her home into her mind for all time. There was the Throne Room, where she had announced the founding of ponykind's first true civilization, one she hoped would last for as long as this universe existed. There was the Tea Parlor where she and her friends had spent many a sunny afternoon just talking about anything and everything under the sun. These and many more she passed. But it was the last that threatened to overcome her. She stopped at a rather nondescript door, one that was right across the hallway from her own bedroom. Unadorned as it was, those who slept within Cosmos held more dear than any other. And it was their bond together that made what she was about to do hurt all the more. Pushing the door open softly so as to not awaken them, she entered her Exarchs's Quarters. The sight within made her smirk. The girls were all curled up in a mix-up of limbs and manes. Holding back a snicker, she watched them for a time. She couldn't count the number of times she had found them like this. It still warmed her heart no matter what. But it finally shattered her defenses. Letting her tears gather now, she walked over and, very gently, kissed them all on the forehead, making sure she got everyone. Not once did they stir, though Diamond mumbled something in her sleep. Her smile grew as she walked back to the door. Looking back one last time, Cosmos finally let her tears fall. "Girls. Thank you. For everything." She whispered before closing the door quietly and returning the way she came. Returning to the Throne Room, she looked around one more time. She wished she could have said goodbye to Megan, Danny, and Molly, but they had passed on centuries before and she still regretted that she had never attended their funerals. Looking at her throne, Cosmos could only hope that whoever took her place cared about the world as much as she did and would not forget all that had gone before them. Igniting her horn, Cosmos let her tears fall as the light intensified. "Goodbye," was all she said as the light filled the room. When it had faded, Empress Cosmos was gone. 6000 years later. The Everfree Forest. To many in the world of Equus, it was a place of fear and mystery, where things did not work according to what they saw as the natural way of things. For Moon Petal? It was like coming home after a long time away. It had been centuries since she had last walked these paths, but she still remembered what it had once been. The shining jewel at the heart of Dream Valley. Home to one that even now, millennia after she had vanished, she could never forget. All the times they had laughed together, cried together, and stood side by side with her sisters as She guided the world into a better future. She felt her tears gather as she remembered the night she had vanished from their lives. All the years they had spent looking for her as the world moved on and, in time, forgot they even existed at all. Now even that era was a fading memory. The Apocalypse War had seen to that. All that remained was uncivilized barbarism as the three types of ponies turned on each other and the light She had brought to the world was lost. And there was nothing they could do about it. Moon shook her head. It did no good now to think about what might have been. She had come back here for a reason. A distant dream that might never be. Even Amber, the one who had found it, said she thought it was a long shot. But there was still a chance, a chance that it could work. And they were willing to take that risk. It wouldn't be the first time they had for her. A prophecy, found in the ruins of Dream Castle, told that she would rise again in some distant future that might never come to pass and bring the world together as she had in the Age of Myths. Moon remembered the joy they had all felt as they felt her return, her soul now only waiting to be born, tempered by the fact that she did not know they still lived. But it was something they could work with to surprise her when the time came. It was worth the wait just to see the look on her face when they reunited, along with whoever had ascended with her. Moon smiled as she concentrated on the path ahead, and put the future out of her mind for now. Several hours later, she came to a clearing deep in the forest. It was a quiet place surrounded by trees on three sides and a small stream on the other. Even the sun seemed dimmer here as it showed down on what Moon had come for. A small building carved from a single piece of marble. Only one door led inside. Ivy must have chosen the stone for the building. It had always been her strong suit. Moon's smile grew as she walked up the steps to the door, pausing a moment to read the plaque on it before pushing it open and entering. There was only one room inside, but it was enough. In the center stood a statue of a mare that, even carved in stone, radiated power and majesty. Around her sat five sarcophagi. Four had their lid on while the fifth remained open. None had a name or ornamentation but it didn't matter. Moon took a moment to look at the other four. She knew who lay sleeping within. A death-like sleep only one could awaken them from. Or the universe ended, whatever came first. But Moon Petal preferred the first if she was being honest. And she liked to think she was. She didn't really like sleeping in a place meant for the dead. But this was the only way this crazy idea had any chance at all of working. "We will be together again. I promise." She whispered to each of her sleeping sisters and to the statue of the mare that overlooked them all before she too entered her coffin. As soon as she did, her willingness to stay awake fled, and sleep crept up on her. But Moon Petal didn't fight it, and soon she passed into a dreamless slumber and knew no more. As she did, the lid slid into place over her and the door of the building swung close, locking with a soft click. Ages of the world passed by on the outside while they slept, the shape of the lands changed and entire civilizations arose, prospered, and withered away to nothing. None would ever find their resting place for none ever sought it out. Not even their families knew where they lay. Soon even the ages they remembered passed into myth and legend and then forgotten entirely. The Three Tribes Era, The Windigo Winter, the rise of Equestria, and the rise of Discord, the Fall of the Crystal Empire, and finally, Nightmare Moon's short-lived rebellion. Not even these moved them. In their sleep, they dreamed of the age of unlimited possibility and glory. But mostly, they dreamed of the mare they had pledged their lives to. Until the stars changed, and a call not heard in uncounted centuries was sent once more, and a new generation arose. She who sent the call at the time did not understand what these changes meant, for she was not yet ready, and the memories of a life she had left behind so long ago remained locked away. In her heart, she yearned for five that she loved above all others. But she knew, as much as it hurt to think it. She would never see them again for they had passed beyond the mortal veil long ago. This she knew. Even if she didn't know she knew. In the heart of the Everfree Forest, where even the most deadly of the predators of the forest refused to enter, the sleepers too heard the call. And for the first time in millennia, they smiled and waited, as they had for so long. Time unknown. Of all the things she had to do before she was ready, Cosmos had come to the last and most unpleasant, but it was also one she knew might prove useful in time. She had passed through Curst in the Concordant Domain of the Outlands and had passed into the Tarterian Depths of Carceri. Visiting the Prison Plane always grated on her nerves. It was not a place one like her should be. But for the future, Cosmos swallowed her revulsion and made her way there. Getting to Carthrys was easier seeing as she had done this before. Wearing the form she had once been born to in one universe (one she was soon to return to), she made her way through the layer's jungles. The view might have been beautiful, but every plant around her was attempting to render her down into her base components. But she had been through all this enough to be immune to it now. She had no worry about the Petitioners either. None were strong enough to threaten her and even those who made it this far were easy pickings. Her destination on the other hoof? Well, that was a different story. For all that he was an entrepreneur, Sinmaker was still a Glabrezu, and Cosmos had no plans to make him angry with her. Inconvenience mostly, for his shop was one she enjoyed visiting. She could probably have found just as much in Sigil, but the Lady of Pain was good at keeping even her out, and she had no desire to push the issue with her. After hours of wandering, Cosmos finally came to her destination: The Apothecary of Sin. A name she found that fit well seeing as what was sold here, and to who. Built from cunningly woven scrap wood, the structure sat atop the trunk of a large tree, the one-story structure rising high above the acid laded canopy below. Rope suspended catwalks provided access above the treetops, though random sections appeared to be missing, most likely victims of a caustic storm. Getting to the front door wasn't a problem for Cosmos as she just flew up to it. Tucking her wings away, she let her usual benevolent persona drop and fully gave into her darkest persona, save the final layer. But none would ever see that side of her. Not until the very end of time itself. And Cosmos knew for a fact that was not even in the remote future. Outwardly she still looked the same. But her mind was now filled with the kind of dark thoughts that the most ruthless dictator could only dream of. Even then though, she did not on them. No matter how much fun it would have been too. Settling herself, she pushed the door open and entered. Inside was a menagerie of different colors and smells. Every poison, acid, illicit, and exotic substance known to the multiverse was to be found here, some of which you couldn't normally find outside whatever pocket reality they originated in. Shelf upon shelf filled with the most dangerous, and fun, substances, known to mortals. Cosmos wasn't surprised to see she wasn't the only one here. Several tieflings were scattered here and there, an occasional devil, but most were drow. She was surprised to see that not all came from the same Material Plane. Several bore the sigil of houses from Erelhei-Cinlue (notably House Xaniqos, House, Zhiq'nah, and House Vae) while others came from Menzoberranzan (notably House Baenre, House Freth, and House Do'Urden.) She avoided them all as she wound her way around the shop. Many gave her odd looks but no one said anything. And she was glad for it, for she didn't feel like explaining. Luckily she knew exactly what she was looking for and where it was. Deathjump Spider Venom, Ground Thassil Root, Demonweb Terror Venom, a bit of Black Lotus, a bit more of Pit Toxin, and her personal favorite, Blood of Zehir. Carrying them all in her magic, Cosmos made her way to the counter to pay and to pick up her last purchase. One that Simaker kept out of sight unless one asked for it. Sinmaker himself didn't say anything as she walked up. She always bought in bulk whenever she was here, even if she didn't look the same each time. He felt it was her. Plus she had brought him some of the more exotic substances his shop had ever seen, some of which he still couldn't make himself. "Is that all?" He asked in a low grumble. He didn't care how much one bought as long as they paid and didn't make a scene. Cosmos smiled. "Just one more. A gallon of Sinmaker's Surprise please." She could hear the shock behind her as she said that. What could an equine want with that much, plus what she already had? Sinmaker though didn't bat an eye though, merely going back to the storeroom and returning a moment later with a large casket he set down on the counter. She smirked as she opened a slot on her armor and pulled out the money to pay for it all. She already knew she had enough there. Sinmaker took the money and after a moment put it away. "Pleasure doing business with you. Do come back another day." Cosmos smiled as she grabbed everything in her magic and made her way back to the front door. Now everyone was giving her odd looks or muttering to each other, but she didn't care. She was done here for now. Once outside and clear of the door, she ignited her horn and opened a rift through the planar barrier before stepping through, the rift closing a second later. This was it. Cosmos now floated outside the Universal Barrier. She was naked, for the Armor of Eternity now rested in the Lost Chamber and the Seven Seals were in place. But that was the last thing on her mind now. She had returned to a universe she had sworn she would never return to, sworn to never look back, and see where it was going when she had left. But something had convinced her to, that she needed to. Looking back through the River of Time, she was glad she had, and that she was going through another Rebirth. Her heart broke as she watched her Exarchs awake that first morning and found her gone, the years they had spent searching for her. She felt her tears fall. "Girls. I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry we never got to say goodbye as we should have. I'm sorry I never told you." She watched as the world descended into barbarism and darkness, one that reminded her far too much of something else, and she would have words with Fauna Luster when she had the chance. Her head fell as the tears came faster and faster. "I'm sorry. I never should have left. I never should have abandoned them." All this she knew. But she also knew that when the time came for her rebirth, she wouldn't remember any of this. But that was a risk she was willing to take. It had worked the first time. Her mortal form had been chosen. It was one she wore often when she manifested in a universe. It worked here more so because that form apparently had never been intended to exist here. But that wasn't a problem. She was the ultimate authority on what was and was not. All was in place now. The changes to the River of Time to ease her rebirth had been implemented. How long before she was born they began to manifest she didn't know for she didn't bother to look. As her form began to dissolve, and her soul prepared to be born, Cosmos wondered who her Exarchs would be. It was something she had no control over. But she felt whoever they were, she would love them as much as she had her old ones. Her smile grew as her body was almost gone now. "Ready or not, I'm back. This time for good." Before she dissolved into a white ball of light that sped into the universe, her soul now awaiting its time to be born, her memories and full powers locked away until her full rebirth. In the universe below, on a small world in an otherwise unremarkable system of planets, all beings suddenly felt a sense of dread and relief in equal measure fill them, but couldn't say why. Only five knew what it meant and began to plan themselves. Across the vastness of the world, five seeds were planted, ones that would take many years to blossom and not even their bearers knew why they had been chosen. But each felt the honor done to them, even though their souls did not know why or for what purpose they had been chosen. And two fillies, the last of their kind, felt hidden seeds planted in them long ago germinate, and a new purpose filled them, even at their young age. A purpose that would not be fulfilled for many years and after many adventures. Many of which they could never have imagined at the time. > First Awakening/ Gathering of Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And in the Age of Five, one will rise above the others. She bears the mark of destiny. Nightmare Slayer and Bringer of Harmony. She to bear the Cosmic Crown. The one to wear the mantle not seen since the First Age. Empress Cosmos. The First Verse of the Lost Prophecy. Canterlot was abuzz. A coronation of a new princess was something that most thought they would never see again. Most remembered the coronation of Princess Cadance some years earlier, but they had thought it a fluke at the time. Now though the whole city was abuzz with the celebration of Twilight Sparkle's elevation to the level of royalty. Ponies from all corners of Equestria had gathered for the event and the After Party was now in full swing. Even if the guest of honor had since retired to her temporary quarters in Canterlot Castle. Twilight's mind though was awash with different thoughts and plans for the future. She had flat out refused to even consider moving back to Canterlot. If they needed her for any important meetings or events, then she would of course attend. But if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thought she would move away from her friends, then they were as crazy as Discord. When later told this by Fluttershy, Discord took it as a compliment. To her eternal relief, Celestia and Luna had been relieved by her answer, Luna saying that some of the more self-obsessed nobles had demanded that they make her come back, that Ponyville was unfit for a princess. Eternal, she grumbled. Twilight had known since the night of her ascension what being an alicorn meant: That she would forever remain young, in the prime of life, while her family and friends would grow old and eventually die. Her reaction to that had surprised Celestia at first, but Twilight had made sure they understood that she would mourn and miss them. But to tie herself to the past and not move on was just plain stupid. Some had already come forward to tell her otherwise of course. "A bunch of butthurt ponies is all they were," Twilight thought. "They didn't know me at all. They just assumed because that's what they wanted." She pushed the thoughts away as she came to her room at last and pushed the door open with a burst of magic. Inside was rather spartan. A bed and table sat next to each other. Along one wall were bookshelves that were just begging to be filled with knowledge. A large window overlooked the city below. A mannequin stood next to the table. With a gentle glow of her magic, Twilight removed her dress and draped it over the form. She had to admit, it was a quite beautiful dress, the colors complimenting her crown and cutie mark. Speaking of which. Twilight levitated her crown off her head and looked it over. Not only was it her symbol of office, but it was also the Element of Magic. She could already feel the massive surge in magic her ascension had given her. Not only that, but she could also feel her earth pony and Pegasus magic as well. Not yet well developed, but they were there. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had already committed to helping her with her Pegasus magic and Applejack had said she would love to help with her earth pony magic as well. But that was for tomorrow to worry about. She was staying in Canterlot for a week or so to adjust to her new position and to spend time with her parents, whom she had somewhat been neglecting lately. Setting her crown down on the table, Twilight slid her golden hoof shoes off and set them next to her bed. Honestly, how Celestia, Luna, and Cadance wore them all the time was a mystery to her. They were uncomfortable to wear for so long. Maybe it was just long use? Putting up to another question she could ask in the morning, Twilight slid herself under the covers, wiggling somewhat to find a comfortable position for her wings. Exhausted, she soon passed into a dreamless slumber. As she did, the Element of Magic began to glow, sending out a silent signal. In a place that existed outside of time and space, something heard the signal and for the first time in uncounted years responded. "She has awakened sister." "Yes, sister. I have felt her as well. The first changes have begun. But she is not yet ready. "How much longer must we wait. I long to be one once more." "As do I sister. But we cannot rush her. We risk losing everything if we do." "Then I will help and guide her until the day were are all together once more. I long for that day, and I hope it will arrive soon." "As do I," The Armor of Eternity replied, as the Element of Magic receded back into her inert form, "as do I." Princess Celestia and Princess Luna could not remember being this concerned in a long time. Princess Twilight's Coronation After Party was winding down, many guests had retired for the evening when they had received a jolt in their horns indicating a massive shift in the Aether had occurred. When Luna had investigated the disturbance, she had been both shocked and happy at the same time, also tinged with a hint of sadness, knowing now what it meant. Opening her eyes she smiled slightly. "It is as we thought. The Awakening has begun." Celestia nodded. "Then it is as I thought. Twilight is her. I didn't think it would begin so soon though." Luna chuckled. "Tia, you know that we were never meant to rule forever, that the power we wield is not ours and never has been." Celestia rolled her eyes. "I remember Lulu. We were sent down to prepare the way for her return, but still. For the first signs to appear now? I did not expect that." "Nor did I." Luna replied, her tone softening. "But now that we know, what do we do now?" "We begin preparations," Celestia said, her tone firm. "Unless I miss my mark, her Exarchs will begin to awaken soon. The Element of Magic will never leave her side now. It yearns to reunite with the Armor of Eternity." "Do you think her friends are the five?" Luna asked. Celestia shook her head. "No. Whoever they are, I doubt they even know each other at the moment, let alone Twilight." "Then when the time comes?" Luna asked. "When the time comes, they will know. The six of them share a bond and magic that goes beyond our understanding." Celestia said. Luna nodded, knowing it was true. As they said their goodnights and Luna prepared for her nightly Dream Walk, their minds were on the future and what it might bring. Neither saw five stars in the sky above move position. That night across Equestria and the Crystal Empire, five mares, all from vastly different backgrounds and ages, felt something new blossom in their hearts. And the seeds planted in ages past began to germinate. The next morning Twilight awoke refreshed and ready to face the new day. In fact, she hadn't felt this good in a long time. Must have something to do with being an alicorn. With all that though, Twilight still felt a bit of confusion. Her dreams the night before had been strange. And there had been a distinct lack of Luna to help her make sense of them. In them, she had found herself in a black void, all alone. For a time there had been nothing but her in the darkness. But then in the distance there had appeared five lights. Twilight didn't know how or why, but she knew they were calling out to her, and, on some primal level, she knew she was calling out to them. Soon the lights began to grow closer and closer. As they did, Twilight felt something she never expected: Whatever the lights were, they loved her and wanted to be near her. And to her shock, Twilight knew that she loved them as well. Not the kind she had for her friends or family though. No, this was a love that went beyond that. It was something she couldn't explain in words, yet it felt so right all the same. Even as she felt her love for them grow, and their own love for her grow in turn, she awoke in bed with a deep feeling of loss she couldn't explain. "Well, that was odd." She mumbled. "Maybe Luna would know. Dreams are her thing after all." Finally deciding it was time to get moving for the day, she looked around the room and saw that Spike was not there. He had made a vague promise not to for some reason the night before. Apparently, he had meant it. Figuring she could ask him later at breakfast she slipped into her hoof shoes before placing her crown on her head and making her way to the door before turning toward the Royal Dining Hall. As she passed various staff and guards along the way, all bowed to her as she passed. Normally this would have annoyed her to no end. But now it felt, right somehow. Not just for now officially being a princess, but something, else. As the thought passed her mind though, the dream kept coming back to her. And only now did something she had missed before coming to the forefront. Just before she awoke, for a split second, she had seen five more lights beyond the five that were gathering around her. They were hazy with distance and something, else. Like they slept in a deep sleep and only waited for someone to awaken them. What that could mean, and why she thought of it like that, Twilight didn't know. But because they had only been there for such a short time, she just chalked it up to her mind playing tricks on her. At the same time, Celestia and Luna sat deep in discussion in the dining hall. Even from this distance though they could feel the aura Twilight was unconsciously projecting from herself. It was another sign of her coming into her full being. Thankfully it wouldn't be obvious as anything more than ponies bowing to her because she was a princess. Celestia had set the wheels of the Empress's return in motion as soon as she had raised the sun. Documents long in gestation had been sent to the House of Lords for approval. They were worded so vaguely, the nobility has no idea of what they were signing. The total erasure of any and all government and the stripping of their titles and lands. Only her Exarchs would hold power below her once she came into her full being and they answered only to their Empress. No other could command them. What sort of government she implemented after that was up to her. They were rather proud of the wording on those bills. The nobility as a whole was known for not being that smart. They also knew that when they returned to the Crystal Empire, Cadance and Shining Armor would begin the same process. "So how do we explain things to Twilight sister?" Luna asked after a moment. "I believe she will have many questions regarding her new position." Celestia smiled. "I plan on being as blunt as possible Luna. For too long I've held back on what I tell her. No more. If she has a question I will answer it. Whether she likes the answer or not." Luna nodded. It was something she had been advocating for some time. She considered Twilight a close friend, and she had never been happy with how vague her sister could be sometimes. Before more could be said, a guard poked his head in to announce that Princess Twilight Sparkle had arrived. Nodding their approval, the guard let Twilight enter. "Good morning Twilight. Sleep well?" Celestia asked with her usual smile. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Like a rock." She mumbled, earning a few giggles from her fellow monarchs. "But I had an odd dream last night. And I was hoping you could help Luna." "Oh?" Luna replied, raising an eyebrow. "I did not feel anything wrong in your subconscious during the night. Nor did I feel any nightmares." "It wasn't a nightmare," Twilight replied. "All night, it felt like I was calling to something. To someone. All five of them. And they responded. I know they did." This caused quite a bit of shock for Celestia and Luna, who shared an unreadable look as she continued. "The feeling stopped as soon as I woke up, and now I feel empty inside. Like I'm missing something." Luna spoke first. "That is strange Twilight. But even I do not know all there is to know of the Dream Realm. That knowledge was lost long ago. Only one knew more about it, and she has not been seen in millennia." Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "Really. Who was she?" Celestia, who had been giving her sister a look, sighed, knowing Twilight wouldn't be happy unless she got a full answer. "Her name, as far as mortals knew it, was Empress Cosmos." Twilight felt her heart flutter at the name. She didn't know why, but she felt like she knew that name somehow. "What happened to her?" "No one knows," Luna replied. "She just vanished one night and never returned. Not even her Exarchs knew where she had gone, or why." "Her what?" Twilight asked. "The five mares directly beneath her in power and prestige," Celestia said. "And her closest advisers and friends. Alone, one of her Exarchs was more than a match for a hundred ponies, without trying. When the Five stood together, whole armies were crushed. In less than a day." "And when they stood beside their empress, they could have conquered whole worlds if they had wanted to," Luna added, a small smile on her face. "But they only did so with Equus. Bringing it out of darkness and savagery, and into a golden age. One Equestria is nowhere near it." Twilight wasn't sure why, but she knew in her heart this was all true. "Did you know them? You sound like you knew them." Luna shook her head. "Nay, we did not. By the time we were born, she had vanished millennia before, and the last of her Exarchs died a thousand years before Tia was born." "Then how do you know all this?" Twilight asked. "Is there a history book about them?" She hoped there was. This sounded like something worth a read. Celestia shook her head. "No there isn't. Very few even remember they existed at all. Most have long forgotten that age, or purposely erased it from history." She smiled a little. "As for how we know..." "We know because we are the ones who will herald her return," Luna said, her tone serious. "We have known for as long as we can remember that we were the first signs of her impending return." Now Twilight was really confused., even though she was enjoying the history lesson. "What do you mean? That doesn't make any sense." Celestia's own expression turned serious. "Twilight, we have been preparing Equestria. No, the world, for the return of its one true master since we took up the thrones over a thousand years ago. And now, all our time and effort are about to pay off." Twilight's raised eyebrow was her only response. Celestia was rather proud she had picked up that little nuance of hers like that. "The final signs have begun to appear," Luna said, her eyes, glistening. "Her return is nigh. Her Exarchs will soon begin to gather. They will seek her out. The call has already been sent." The rest of the meal was spent in relative silence, only broken now and then by another question from Twilight about what she had been told. But Celestia and Luna were being tight-lipped now about it for some reason. But she knew enough for the moment to know this. Something huge was coming. Something that would change the entire world. Twilight wasn't sure if she was ready for that. She was still getting used to the last one. And it was her! Her thoughts were interrupted when another guard came to announce that the Element Bearers were soon to leave for Ponyville. For some reason, this didn't sadden her as much as she thought it would. Celestia saw the look in her eye and smirked. "Yes Twilight, you can go see your friends off. You don't need my permission." Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Right. Sorry. I'll be back." She called as she cantered out of the room followed by the guard. As soon as she was sure Twilight was well out of earshot, Celestia turned and glared at Luna. "Do you realize how much we've risked in telling Twilight so much? She can't know. Not yet." Luna glared right back. "And what would you have me do Tia, lie to her? You know what that dream of hers means. She's called out to them, and they've heard her call." Celestia relaxed somewhat. "And now they will seek her out. But you know she can't force them to. They have to willingly give themselves to her." Luna nodded. "Aye, I remember. But it is better that Twilight knows there will be a reason when five mares come to her and she feels a connection to them that transcends the one she has with her fellow Element Bearers." Celestia smiled ruefully. "When did you become so smart Luna? I'm supposed to be the wise one." Luna stuck her tongue out playfully. "A thousand years alone on the moon gave me plenty of time to think about this Tia." Celestia rolled her eyes. "Fair point. Do you have any idea who the Five might be?" Luna shook her head. "Nay. I felt nothing in the Dream Realm that would suggest any who might be them." Her brows furrowed as a memory came to her. "But there was, something else. An echo." Celestia's brows rose in confusion. "An echo? Of what?" Luna shook her head. "I don't know. When Twilight called out to her Exarchs, something else answered back with them. Faint, as if from a great distance. I only heard it for a split second. Twilight did not." She paused as what she heard in that echo came back. Celestia's own concern grew. "What is it, Luna?" Luna's eyes began to glisten. "Tia, it sounded like five more called back, begging Twilight to hear them. But they knew she couldn't." Celestia was stumped for a moment. "You are sure? Maybe it was just Twilight's mind playing tricks on you? If she is awakening, then her mind is something we cannot understand fully." Luna glared at her sister with tear-filled eyes. "Celestia. I know what I heard. I have never heard such joy before, tinged with such soul-crushing sadness. Something else did respond to Twilight. No, the Empress last night." Deep in the Everfree Forest, another conversation was taking place. But this was not done in a way that most creatures could understand. It was not even spoken aloud. "She didn't hear us." "No, but it was a long shot she would." "I did hear our new family though. They seem nice." "You're just happy you'll have someone your age around now." "Now now you two. We should be glad. Our wait is almost over." "Are you sure? "Yes. Something is coming. Their rise will not be in a time of peace." "Just like it was for us." They all said together. Even as Twilight was saying goodbye to her friends for a time, and Celestia began her daily Day Court, five mares began their own journies. Crystal Dawn knew she was in big trouble if she was caught now. The filly, not much older than seven, had snuck out of her parent's house in the Crystal Empire a few hours earlier and was now on a train heading south. Luckily, all her allowance money had been enough to buy a ticket. When the pony behind the ticket window had asked where she was going, she had simply said "Ponyville." Something in her look must have convinced him because he had just shrugged and given her the ticket. Crystal knew she was too young to be riding alone like she was. But something was telling her that she needed to be in Ponyville. Call it fate or destiny she didn't know, but she knew one thing for sure. Something was calling her, and she could no more deny it any more than she could be going to the bathroom. Emerald Dawn had never been outside of Hollow Shades before. The town was a haven for Chiroptera like herself, though a few had left to join the reinstated Night Guard of Princess Luna. Yet now something was calling her away, far to the west. Call it a mare's intuition, but she had always felt she was different from the rest of the town. But this feeling, it felt like something she had been waiting for her entire life. Luckily the town she was going to was rather well known by now across all of Equestria, so she wouldn't get lost. Ponyville. Celestial Rose was conflicted about what she had just done and what it meant for her own future. She had given up her life as a moderately well off singer on the Las Pegasus strip. Quit it entirely in fact and was now on a train ride south to a small town she had never bothered to pay attention to before now. But something was telling her that it was the right decision. It had begun the night before. Something had awakened within her, a feeling that her true destiny was calling. Even as she settled in for the long ride ahead, the conductor made the announcement of their destination. Ponyville. Water Lilly and Orchid Aura were not really sure what had compelled them to leave the relative comfort of their home in Appleloosa, but they were glad they were doing it together at least. The two sisters had awoken that morning to a deep feeling that something major had changed for both of them. In their hearts, they felt something calling them north, something they could not ignore. So having put their affairs in order, and making some quick excuses to their parents, the two of them had caught the next train north. Luckily they knew where they were going, having seen the town's resident heroes when they had come to visit. Ponyville. Princess Celestia barely kept her eyes open as the most recent petitioner to her Day Court droned on and on. Quite frankly she didn't give a single buck about whatever sir 'What's-his-name's' petition was. She rarely did with the nobility. A waste of bits was what they usually were. Her mind was now on how to proceed with laying the groundwork for what was to come. The abdication was ready and only needed to be announced. The sun had already begun to distance itself from her as its true master's return drew closer. She wasn't upset with that fact. Her time with the celestial orb had been worth every minute they shared, and she dared think the feeling was mutual. She could only guess the same was happening with Luna. "And so..." "Oh put a sock in it already blowhard!" Celestia thought with a scowl. This was one thing she wouldn't miss when the time came. What she did with idiots like this when they came to, whatever the Empress would hold she didn't know. But she hoped she found a way to make them fun. Just as she was beginning to imagine all the ways the Empress could handle these idiots, trying not to grin like a maniac in the process, a note popped into existence in front of her. Startled, she unfurled the document and read what it had. "The Five have arisen. They will be in Ponyville within the day." There was no signature, but Celestia knew where it came from. Only a very select few knew about them. An intelligence network so secret that to even talk about it was grounds for a time in the dungeon. Hidden behind a wall of unassailable clearance codes, ones that brokered no argument, it reported directly to Celestia and Luna. No one else was even allowed to be in the same room when a report was delivered by an agent. Special security measures protected a single room in the palace where each report was delivered, one that didn't show up on any map or plan of the castle. S.M.I.L.E. had tried to infiltrate the network years earlier, in their misguided belief that they should be the only organization that existed to serve the princess. But they had been caught before they even had a chance to try and pierce the veil around it. It had been the final straw for Celestia. She had despised the idea for the organization from the beginning but had kept them on as a necessary evil. But their bungling of the Bugbear situation and their blatant use of mind-wiping spells on those who had seen them work had broken her patience on the matter and had dissolved the agency on the spot and dishonorably discharged every member. She had made it clear at the time that any attempt to continue its work or to refound it, would be tried as high treason, assuming, of course, they lived long enough to be tried. Past that their lives were their own to live. The agents scattered across Equestria and beyond had kept their eyes on them ever since, even while they continued their own assignments. So far none had been caught doing so, though Sweetie Drops had been caught snooping around more than she should have on several occasions. But now, this was a letter long in coming. Her lips quirked in a small smile, Celestia penned a quick response and sent it on its way, even as Sir 'Windbag' droned on and on. At the same time, and while Twilight returned to the castle, another meeting was taking place in the Upper Northside neighborhood of Canterlot, one of the most exclusive parts of the city. In the basement of one of the mansions, the meeting was just getting underway. "Sisters. In the name of our Empress, I welcome you," A cloaked figure announced to the four others around her, all also cloaked. "In Her name do we serve. Now and forever," Came the reply in unison. The first nodded to the one to her left. "Sisters, the day we have longed for draws near. Tell us what you know." The other mare nodded. "The call has been sent. The Five have been chosen." This drew excited gasps from the others. "Are you sure of this?" One asked. The first nodded. "Very. Celestia received a report from one of 'her' agents that confirmed it. They're converging on Ponyville as we speak." This drew a round of murmurs. "Then it is as we thought. Twilight Sparkle is her," one said. "Indeed. Celestia and Luna have played their parts well but their time is almost up," the first responded. "How are they taking it?" another asked. "As well as can be expected," the fourth figure said. "But what of the third alicorn?" "How do we proceed with her?" One asked. "There was never supposed to be the fourth alicorn." "Cadenza's ascension was unexpected, but I can't see it being a problem. She and the Empress have known each other since she was her foalsitter. She loves her too much to interfere," the second responded. That drew another round of murmurs from the others. The first raised her voice to get their attention. "Sisters. For ten thousand years our families have kept the memory of the greatest age of our world alive. A task her Exarchs, our ancestors, gave to their children before they vanished. And now." The mare dropped her hood. "That era is returning." Starlight Glimmer finished. "May her reign last until time itself is unmade," the others chorused, also dropping their hoods. "What is our next step First Mistress?" Fleur dis Lis asked. Starlight smiled. "We proceed with Phase 1. Send word to every agent that mission objectives and parameters will be sent shortly." "And what of us?" Another asked. "Continue with our normal lives," Starlight replied. "We will meet just before her rebirth to make sure everything is ready." The others nodded. One by one each left the room, leaving only Starlight behind. At that moment, she was not particularly happy with what she did as the mayor of Our Town (and in hindsight, that was a really stupid name for a town). The Empress would give her an earful for sure. But she could only hope she saw that Starlight's heart was in the right place. Sighing, she too soon left, letting the room fall back into darkness. Later that week ponies throughout the Equestria and the Crystal Empire received coded messages through the regular Postal Service. To most, they would be utter gibberish, but to a select few they were instructions long hoped for. "The Five have been chosen. Phase 1 is now in effect. The mission parameter is Orpheus. Further instructions to follow." Pinkie Pie was bored, and as anypony who knew her well could do tell you, that was never a good thing. Sugarcube Corner had been slow that morning. Outside the normal morning rush, not many ponies had come in. Right now the only ones in the store besides Pinkie and the Cakes were four mares sitting in a corner booth, talking quietly among themselves. Now, Pinkie was all for meeting new ponies. Heck, she loved meeting new ponies! But something about them seemed, off, to her. Not in a bad way or anything, and they had been nothing but friendly since they had come in. But there was something, more to them. And then there was the fact that they had all been sitting apart from each other when they first came in, apart from two who Pinkie could tell were sisters in a way that only one who had one could tell. Gradually though they had all come together within a few minutes of each other. Like something was drawing them together. And then there was the fact that every few minutes, one of them would look at the front door, before sighing and turning back to her companions. They seemed to be waiting for something, or somepony. Pinkie would've loved to help, but she was busy manning the counter and she had no idea of who they might be waiting for or what they looked like. Call it a hunch, and her hunches were usually right, but she felt something big was in the air, and these four had a part to play in it. The bell over the door ringing broke Pinkie out of her thoughts. Looking up, she was surprised. Not that the customer was a filly (having dealt with the CMC for so long, she was used to them coming in), but that she was a crystal pony. "Um. Is this Sugarcube Corner?" The filly asked. Remembering her manners Pinkie hopped over. "Yep. This is the one. Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! What's yours?" "Crystal Dawn," the filly replied. Pinkie happily shook her hoof. "Nice to meet ya, Crystal! Welcome to Ponyville. What can I get ya?" Crystal looked at the baked goods on display and tried not to drool at the sight. "Are any of those cupcakes vanilla flavored?" She asked. Pinkie nodded as she hopped back behind the counter. "Yep! How many do ya want?" Crystal opened her saddlebags and pulled out what was left of her allowance money. There wasn't much left now. "How many can I get with this?" She asked. Pinkie rubbed her chin. "Well. Usually only one or two. But!" She quickly added, seeing Crystal's ears droop, "Since I'm feeling extra nice today, have three or four. My treat!" She leaned over the counter and motioned Crystal closer. "Just don't tell anypony I did that. I'm not supposed to," she whispered conspiratorially. Crystal giggled. "My lips are sealed. I'm good at keeping secrets. At least that's what my friends tell me." Pinkie grinned. "Neat! So what brings you to Ponyville Crystal? Don't see a lot of crystal ponies this far south. Unless they're with Princess Cadance. Are you with her?" "Um..." Crystal mumbled, trying to think of something. She hadn't planned this far ahead when she had left the empire. But then someone spoke up next to her. "She's with us." Looking up, it was the Chiroptera mare she had seen in another booth that had spoken. The mare stood out quite a bit with her light grey coat and dark blue mane. Her cutie mark was a single white star with an emerald light. "Neat!" Pinkie replied leaning away. "Enjoy your cupcakes." Crystal sighed as she took her treats with a hoof and followed the other mare back the way she came. "Thanks. But I don't know you guys." The mare smiled. "Join the club. I'll let the others explain." By that point, they had reached the booth. The mare took a seat next to a unicorn mare. Her sky blue coat contrasted rather well with her blond mane. Crystal took a seat next to two earth pony mares, one a lime green color with a deeper shade of green for a mane, and the other a light orange with a red mane. "So what brings a crystal pony so far south of the Crystal Empire?" The mare who had grabbed Crystal asked. "The name's Emerald Dream." "Water Lilly," the lime green mare added. "Orchid Aura," the light orange mare said. "Celestial Rose," the unicorn mare added. "Crystal Dawn," Crystal said. "I don't know why really. It just felt like-" "Like I needed to be here. Like I belonged here," they all said together before blinking in surprise. "Okay. This can't be a coincidence," Celestial said. "All five of us here, all for the same reason?" "But why would we be?" Emerald asked. "We don't know each at all. We've never met before." "Maybe you're looking for somepony?" A voice asked, making them all jump as they found Pinkie Pie had joined them. "You girls sound like you're looking for something, or waiting for someone." "What makes you say that?" Water Lilly asked. "Just a hunch," Pinkie replied with a grin. "You know what? My friend Twilight could probably help you guys find whatever you're looking for. She's the smarted pony around." The girls shared a confused look. "Twilight. As in Princess Twilight Sparkle? Do you know her? Celestial asked. Pinkie gasped. "Of course I know her silly! I'm one of her best friends." She gave them all a look. "You really need to get out more if don't know that." The girls exchanged a look before deciding to focus on just one part of that. "Do you know where she is then?" Orchid asked. "Is she around?" Pinkie shook her head. "Sorry. She's still in Canterlot for the rest of the week. But you girls can see her when she gets back." Something unspoken passed between the group then and they all nodded. "We'll do that," Crystal replied. As Pinkie nodded and happily bounced away, they fell into thoughtful silence for a time. None of them noticed their cutie marks began to glow slightly as they sat there. At the same moment in Canterlot, Princess Twilight was trying to stay awake as some random noble drone on and on about something of no importance during the Afternoon Day Court Session. Who knew politics could be so dull? She too never felt the five satellite stars around her central starburst cutie mark begin to glow, even if she did feel a warm fuzzy feeling spread through her whole body. > New Friend Meetings, The Celestial Orrery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Five will gather, the call is heard. To walk in her light, be willing to risk all for who they pledge. She to resist those who would stand by her side. In her heart she will know: let go of the Light of Harmony. When Magic calls they will rise. To light our darkest hour. The Final Verse of the Lost Prophecy. Twilight Sparkle was exhausted. A week of court meetings with both Celestia and Luna had drained her energy. How they did it was beyond her. Maybe it was just a long experience? But that was something for another day. For now, she and Spike were on their way home to Ponyville, in her very own train car. This was also something she could get used to. Her lack of flying skills among many other reasons. But something else was on her mind at the moment. She had gotten a letter from the girls a few days ago saying that five new ponies had arrived in Ponyville. That was nothing new, and Twilight had wondered why her friends had sent a letter about it, and then she had read the rest of the letter. They were asking for her specifically. Why that sent her heart all a flutter she didn't know, but it felt right all the same, in a way she couldn't explain easily. But two things had stood out the most for her. One of the ponies in question was a Crystal Pony, a filly about the same age as the CMC. She had come alone it seemed and Pinkie had been looking after her since she had arrived. Pinkie had been vague on the details of why this pony was so far south of the Crystal Empire and had only said that Twilight would have to hear it for herself. Another was a Chiroptera from Hollow Shades. The name had confused Twilight for a time until she had asked Luna, who said it was the "Proper name, thank you very much", for the ponies who made up her Night Guard. Bat ponies was a derogatory name that the rest of Equestria had given their kind. As for why one would want to see her, Luna hadn't said. Twilight though had begun to notice that both she and Celestia seemed to be hiding something from her. What she didn't know, but she was determined to find out. For the moment though her thoughts kept running over what five ponies she didn't know would want to see her about, never noticing her cutie mark glowing slightly. Princess Celestia and Luna watched as the train disappeared into the distance. Though their outward appearance was calm, inside was a very different story. Another message had arrived that morning, right after Twilight had left, in fact, to say that the Five had gathered in Ponyville. From what they knew so far, they already had some idea that there was more to them all being there at the same time and for the same reason: They wanted to see Twilight. Celestia had been so giddy at the news that she had a little happy dance right there in her room, one that would have given any noble a heart attack, and as soon as she could she had gone to get Luna. Now they stood on her balcony, their gazes turned toward Ponyville. Celestia was the first to break the silence. "All we can do now is hope Twilight can get along with them." Luna rolled her eyes. "Tia, this is Twilight we're talking about, the friendliest pony we know." She paused before snickering. "That isn't pink." Celestia chuckled as well. "True, but this is different. This goes beyond what she has with her fellow Element Bearers." "You don't think she can let them go?" Luna asked. Celestia shook her head. "I'm more afraid of what it will take for the Lost Chamber to reveal itself. You know what it will take for them to open it." Luna nodded. "They must be willing to put their own lives on the line to protect Twilight. Risk death itself if it means she will live on. And Twilight herself..." Celestia sighed. "Twilight must be willing. Really and truly be willing to let them. Not just for their own sake, but she must believe they care enough about her to risk it." "And that is why you believed her fellow Element Bearers were not them?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded. "Yes. That they love and care about her I do not question. The Elements of Harmony would not have chosen them otherwise." Her gaze turned toward the north. "But I have seen too much that says they would not do it. Their first Grand Galloping Gala? I saw their subtext for wanting to come. Discord's return? He never should have been able to break them if their bond ran that deep." Her gaze fell. "The Lesson Zero incident? That they ignored her all day says much." Her gaze hardened. "Cadance's wedding?" Luna gulped. This was still a sore subject. "Tia you still don't blame yourself for that do you?" Celestia shook her head. "No Luna. I've made peace with how much I failed that day." She smiled slightly. "No matter what Twilight says otherwise." Her dropped. "What I cannot forget is how her friends abandoned her for their selfish reasons." Luna nodded, not willing to reopen old wounds, but she felt much the same as her sister did. "How do you think they will take this?" Celestia grimaced. "I have no idea. They're good enough ponies that I do not think they will turn them away, or be averse to Twilight spending time with them." "I hope." She thought. Yes, Twilight thought, private train carriages for princesses were something she would use more often. Not only did she not have to worry about too much noise interrupting her reading, but it came with its own wait staff, one that didn't comment on her messy table manners. She wondered if the Ponyville train station was big enough to hold it though, but if not she could always help fund expansion, among several other things. She knew for a fact that some businesses in town could use the help. Spike was also loving it, but for other reasons. That morning Twilight had named him her seneschal. He'd had no idea what that meant until Celestia's own, Raven Inkwell, explained that it made him her head assistant. He'd been bouncing off the walls with pride ever since. Okay, he was Twilight's only assistant at the moment, but still. But Twilight's mind wasn't fully on her future plans, but on the five ponies waiting to see her in Ponyville. Every time she thought about it, her heart fluttered for some odd reason. Spike had done his best to help when she'd told him earlier. Her current thoughts must've shown because he gave her a concerned look. "Come on Twilight. I thought you liked meeting new ponies?" She sighed. "I do Spike, but this feels different. I don't know why, but it does." He rolled his eyes. "Just don't get all mushy on me," he grumbled before perking up. "Hey, maybe they can be some new friends. You need some." Twilight's glare could've melted steel. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Spike was unapologetic though. "Twilight, you only hang out with the gang and no one else. Hay you didn't even notice that Lyra moved to Ponyville from Canterlot. I thought you two were friends?" Twilight opened her mouth to argue that, but it died in her throat as she thought about what Spike had said. He smirked. "That's what I thought." His tone softened a bit. "Com on Twi. I'm not saying you should stop hanging out with the girls, but spending time with other ponies might do you some good in the long run." Twilight groaned in exasperation. "Okay fine. I spend a lot of time with just five ponies." She sighed. "Maybe it is time I get some new friends." "That's the spirit!" Spike replied as the train began to slow down. He took a look outside. "And I think I see them now." Twilight took a look out the window as well. She could see her friends waiting for her on the station platform looking rather excited, even for them. Beside them were five ponies she didn't recognize, but could only guess were the ones that were looking for her. She was glad to notice that they were talking and laughing with her friends at some joke. The sight made her all warm and fuzzy inside, in a way that didn't make sense, at least for now. The Mane 5 waited as the train pulled into the station. Pinkie Pie could barely contain herself waiting for Twilight to get off. The girls put up with her incessant bouncing like they always had: Just ignoring it. But now they weren't the only ones waiting in the group now. "Does she ever stop?" Orchid asked as the train doors opened and passengers began to disembark. Rainbow chuckled. "Now you ask? Took you guys long enough." Orchid shot her a glare while Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ignore her sugarcube. As for Pinkie, we just think it's natural for her." "How is this natural?" Celestial asked gesturing at the bouncing ball of pink. Rarity smiled. "it's best not to think about it, darling. We just chalk it up to Pinkie being Pinkie." Crystal grinned. "I like it." Everyone chuckled at that. Despite only knowing each other for just over a week now, they all felt like they had made new friends for life. It had taken a while of course for it to stick, but now it felt natural for everypony. Applejack, Orchid, and Water Lilly had been trading stories back and forth of ponies they all knew from Appleloosa. It turned out to be quite a few it seemed. Rarity had been delighted to hear stories Celestial had told her of the Las Pegasus strip and the various fashions therein, but even more so it seemed from Emerald about the fashions of the Chiroptera. She already had several ideas in the works based on what she knew. Fluttershy had been delighted to hear all about the wildlife of Hollow Shades from Emerald, which differed quite a bit it seemed from the animals around Ponyville while also having some which were known around here. Rainbow had been slower to come around, but once she saw Fluttershy really start to open up more, she relaxed. Or as much as she ever could at least. And as it turned out, Crystal's parents were bakers in the Crystal Empire. She and Pinkie had been exchanging ideas all week and Pinkie was even thinking of trying some out at Sugarcube Corner. Crystal had the same idea and couldn't wait to tell her parents when she went home. Yet, a small part of her was saying that she didn't belong with her parents anymore, and it was growing louder every day. "I see her! I see her!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed, making everypony jump. Looking in the direction she was pointing, sure enough, a lavender alicorn with a baby dragon at her side was coming their way. All at once Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly had the strangest sensation come over them. When asked later what it felt like, they could only say it felt like they had finally found something they had been looking for their entire lives, but only now did they realize it and how much they had missed it. Twilight herself on seeing them up close felt much the same. Something about them made her feel complete, and yet something was still missing. "They're not them." She thought. "Not even related. Maybe it was a pointless dream. They're gone." Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. Where had that come from? Who were they? The girls didn't seem to notice. "Welcome back Twilight. Enjoy your trip?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight nodded, pushing those thoughts aside for now. "Yeah. They even gave me my own train carriage. As much as I don't want to flaunt my status, I could get used to that." She shook her head before turning to the new ponies of the group and smiled. "Hello. Sorry for making you wait so long." Crystal smiled. "No problem. I don't think any of us regret it. I mean, we all have new friends here. Right girls?" The rest of the group nodded also smiling. Twilight grinned as well. "So then, you guys said you wanted to see me? Is there anything I can help you with? I can't do much, but I'll do what I can." The girls shared a look. "That's the thing Your Highness," Emerald began. Twilight held up a hoof. "Please. Call me Twilight. Any friends of the girls are friends of mine." She said with a larger smile. That seemed to relax them somewhat. "Then, Twilight. We were hoping you could tell us," Water Lilly said. Twilight was lost. "What do you mean?" Celestial shook her head. "It started a week ago. We all had a sudden urge to be here, that we needed to be here. It was only after we first met that we were all called by the same thing." She nodded toward Pinkie. "Pinkie said we should ask you." She paused a moment as she and the girls shared a confused look. "And now that you're here, it feels like something I've we've all been looking for our entire lives has been found." Twilight gasped as she suddenly remembered the dream from the week before. "The night of my coronation, I had a dream that called out to someone, five of them, and that-" "They called back," the six of them finished together, before blinking in sudden confusion as to what they had just said as Twilight's Ponyville friends and Spike looked on in confusion. "What does it all mean?" Crystal asked. Twilight wracked her brain for an answer, but none was forthcoming. "I don't know, but." She paused as a thought came to her. "I know we can figure this out, together." She extended a hoof. "If you'll have me?" For a moment no pony moved, but first Crystal and then finally Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly each extended a hoof and touched it to Twilight's own. As they touched, all felt something pass between them. That from here on, everything would be just fine. No matter what came their way, they would face it together. In a place that existed outside of time and space, the Lost Chamber began to awaken from its long slumber. Inside, the Armor of Eternity too began to fully awaken as the First Seal was unlocked. "It has begun". She thought but then became worried about what she saw. "No Twilight, you can't remember now. You risk unleashing a power you swore you would never use again." She slumped if it was possible. "Please, for all that you love, and everything you've worked for, don't remember now." Several hours had passed since Twilight and Spike had returned to Ponyville, and now she couldn't help but give Crystal a surprised look while all three stood in the Main Reading Room of Golden Oaks Library. They hadn't even had time to unpack before she had shown up unexpectedly. Her mind had been on the five new ponies ever since that first meeting, and they wouldn't leave her alone. Over a late lunch, the six of them had been properly introduced and once the initial formality had been thrown out, even if she'd been forced to make it an order for them to treat her like any other pony, they had been chatting like they had been old friends. Twilight had been excited to learn that Crystal and Celestial loved books almost as much as she did, and that had given her the perfect chance to try something new, and put to rest an old irritation of hers. Rainbow had been on the verge of calling all three of them eggheads when she had preempted her by making her first Royal Decree: The next time Rainbow Dash called anyone that, Pinkie Pie now had official royal permission to annoy Rainbow all she wanted and for as long as she wanted. Pinkie's smile could've swallowed a pony's head while Rainbow looked like someone had told her both Tank and all the Wonderbolts had died at the same time. Twilight hadn't done it out of anger, but frankly, she was sick and tired of Rainbow calling ponies that as if she was some sort of expert on the matter. Which she was not, no matter what she said. But that was beside the point for the moment. Crystal had shown up a few minutes earlier and asked the last question Twilight had ever expected her to. "You want to stay with us?" She asked. They had a spare bedroom it was true but. "I thought you were staying with Pinkie?" Crystal nodded. "I am but. I don't know. I just feel like finding a new place now." Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you going back to the Crystal Empire? What about your parents?" Crystal shook her head. "No, I'm not going back," She paused at what she was about to say. "My parents will be fine without me. I don't need them anymore." Twilight felt her jaw drop in shock. For a moment, she felt a strand of fate wither and die while a new one took its place. Why she thought of it like that she didn't know, but it felt right. She shook her head to clear her meandering thoughts. "I don't see why you can't, but I'll be writing Cadance to let your parents know where you are. After that is up to them." Crystal nodded, but she felt sure now. She was where she belonged. Her old life was even now beginning to fade from her mind, even if she didn't know it at the time. Later that night, after Crystal had been settled into the Guest Bedroom and all had fallen asleep, Twilight found herself having a strange dream. She was floating in a black void, but in the distance, she could see a form that was a beautiful shade of white. Twilight couldn't make out much more detail than that, but when it spoke, it filled her with a joy she had never known before. It seemed that she was already talking to someone, and to her shock, Twilight found that it was her. And then a new voice joined in. It was her own and yet, not hers at the same time. "Does she know?" The figure shook her head. "No. That she was reborn into a multiverse she has no knowledge of, were the rules she had has known since her ascension do not exist? No, she doesn't, and it hurts me to lie to her." Twilight felt the sadness in her own reply. "I don't like it either, but if it keeps the corruption that thrives in your own out of my own, then I will shoulder that burden. That is one universe I have never manifested in, and now I doubt I ever will." Twilight was confused beyond belief. What the hay were these two talking about, and why was she listening in on it? And why did it feel like they knew she was there with them and didn't mind at all? "You think something will find its way here?" The first asked. "Amicitia found the crack between our two multiverses by accident, and the three that sprang from her sacrifice found it by following what they had retained from her. I worry what else could as well." There was a short pause before she began speaking again. "Do not mistake our friendship for lack of conviction Fauna lUster. If I have to I will not hesitate to close that crack for good and destroy anything that has no right to exist that comes through. I will not repeat the same mistakes here." "What mistakes?" "You know what I speak of: The Lost Age, the Alicorn-Draconnequi War, and last but not least, how the Age of Wonders ended." Before Twilight could hear more, a bright light filled her vision and she woke with a gasp in her bedroom, to find Crystal looking at her with a scared expression that washed away her tiredness. "Crystal, what's wrong?" She asked. Crystal sniffed. "I had a bad dream and..." She ran a hoof along the floorboards. Twilight smiled gently, glad that Spike was staying with the CMVC tonight. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Crystal nodded. Scooting over to give her more room, Twilight let Crystal up onto her bed. Snuggling into the blankets, she gave Twilight a thankful smile. "Thanks," she said. Twilight only smiled as she lay back down and got comfortable once more, both soon passing into a deep slumber. Sometime later, Twilight felt something wiggling under her wings, looking for something. Opening her eyes a little, she extended one wing and let Crystal underneath. The wiggling soon stopped and a faint contended sigh could be heard underneath it. Rolling her eyes a little, Twilight lay back and down and soon passed into a dreamless slumber. When Luna came to her in the middle of the night with a worried expression, Princess Celestia wasn't sure what to expect, but when Luna mentioned it had to do with the World Mirror, her concern grew. But what was found in the mirror left them both lost and confused. "I don't get it. Has it ever done this before?" Luna asked. Celestia shook her head as she ignited her horn. Her brow creased at what she found. "This can't be right," she muttered. Luna's own brow rosed. "What?" Celestia shook her head. "The magic that keeps the portal open, that sustains the mirror, it's gone." Luna was taken aback by this. "What do you mean? Maybe it's just being blocked?" Celestia shook her head. "No Luna. It is gone like it was never there, to begin with. This is just another regular mirror now." Luna was shocked. "How? Why? How could something do that to the mirror? Not even Starswirl could dd anything to it, and he tried." Celestia turned back to the door. "I'm not sure why, but I have an idea as to how might have done it." "Where are you going?" Luna asked. Celestia frowned as turned around. "To talk to my alternate on the other side and set in motion a plan I made many years ago." Sometime later, Celestia lay on her bed once more, her Dimensional Crystal floating in her magic. Luckily it still worked even if the mirror no longer did. It was a bit of magic she rarely used, but it had its uses. After a moment a face swam into view, one that always surprised her no matter how many times she saw it, a reaction the person on the other end shared as well. "Well, this is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure, Your Highness?" Principle Celestia asked in a neutral tone. The princess smiled slightly. Straight to business as always. It was something she admired about her counterpart. "Something has happened here." The principal's brows rose. "Something we should worry about? We have enough going on as it is. I don't think we can take anymore from your world." The princess frowned. "What do you mean?" The principal rubbed her forehead. "Magic has been popping up all over the city for the last week. For now, no one has been hurt or knows what it is." Her voice lowered. "But it's getting more and more powerful with each passing day. It feels like it is building to something, something big and we are just seeing the prelude." The princess digested this. She didn't like this, not one bit, but there was little she could do. "No, there is nothing here you need to worry about." Her own voice dropped. "How is she?" The principal smiled. She could feel there was a deep bond there, no matter what had happened that had sent her to this world. "Between trying to figure out what's going on and trying to help, she's doing well. She and her friends just started their own band." She chuckled. "From what I hear, she had to haggle with Miss. Rainbow Dash to be allowed to play guitar." The princess chuckled. "That sounds like her alright." Her gaze dropped though. "Do you remember the folder I gave you when she came over?" The principal nodded. "Give it to her. It will help explain what is going on." "Right now?" The principal asked. The princess nodded. "Unless she is in class right this moment if you can. The sooner the better." Her alternate nodded. "I'll see what I can do." Before the crystal winked off once more. Celestia sighed as she put it back in the secret compartment in her nightstand only she and Luna knew of. Settling back down on her bed, she let her thoughts wander. The closing of the World Mirror worried her. The fact that the magic that sustained it had been cut off spoke of something not wanting it used. But why? And now magic had begun to appear in the other world. She knew enough of it to know magic didn't exist there normally, so what was bringing it there now? She wasn't worried about her former student. The mare had always been resourceful and made do with what she had no matter what. Celestia was confident now would be no different. Finally realizing how late it had become, she switched off the lights and soon passed into a peaceful slumber. Principle Celestia looked at the now inert diamond on her desk for some time after the conversation with her alternate, lost in thought. She had rarely received any calls from her pony counterpart, and she was glad for it. While they had always been on good terms with each other, seeing herself as a pony still freaked her out on some level. She could only guess the feeling was mutual to some degree. And now magic had begun to appear all over the city. She and Luna had been able to keep the small incidents around the school hushed up and so far the school board didn't know about them, even though Super Intendant Faust seemed to know something, but it was hard to tell with her what she was thinking if she didn't say anything. But there was no way they could keep this charade up for long. Crystal Prep had already begun to ask questions, and with the Friendship Games in a few months, they weren't taking any chances. Which led to the next thing as she pulled open a bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a rather thick folder with a stylized sunburst on it. It had arrived not long after a certain student had transferred in. She had always thought it was important, but she also never thought she'd have to give it to her. Sighing she pressed the intercom button. "Sunset Shimmer. Please report to the principal's office immediately." Over the next several days, Twilight made it a point to get to know each and every one of the new ponies she had met, made easier by the fact that Pinkie offered to help. As she had promised, she had sent a letter to Cadance that morning explaining what was going on with Crystal. It helped that since reconnecting with her old foalsitter, Twilight had taught her how to get Dragonfire Mail. Spike didn't seem to mind. Maybe he hadn't known her as Twilight had, but he too had fond memories of Cadance. She had been the one to look after him when Twilight was busy with school or private lessons with the princess. To no one's surprise, Crystal's parents had indeed gone to Cadance once they realized she was gone. Twilight had made sure to say that she was indeed safe and sound with her. And then had come the hard part: Explaining to them that their daughter didn't want to come back home anytime soon. Twilight had feared the worst once Spike had sent the letter on its way. Princess or not she would stand in her parent's way if they came to get Crystal. It wasn't her place to. Their response had surprised everyone, even Crystal. Twilight did her best not to gape at what the letter said. She reread it again, looked at Crystal, back at the letter, before sighing. "Well, I have good news," she finally said. "Your parents don't mind that you stay with me. In fact, they're sending all your stuff here on the next train." Crystal blinked. "They are?" Twilight nodded. "It should be here by tomorrow. From what they said they, don't expect to be seeing you again for a long time." "Is that good?" Spike asked. Twilight rubbed her snout. "I don't know," she smiled, pushing aside the good feeling the letter had given for the moment. "But fi you're going to be living with us, we need to set some ground rules now." Crystal gulped. "Like what?" Twilight's smile grew. She had heard that gulp. "First off, bedtime is later than ten o'clock. Reading later is fine, but your butt is in bed by then" Crystal tried not to grin. That was an hour later than her usual bedtime, so she couldn't complain that much. Plus she was in a library. She'd never run out of things to read. "Rule number two." Twilight continued, holding back a smirk. "Is my favorite. Try and make some friends around Ponyville. Don't spend all day inside." Crystal blinked. "That's it?" Twilight nodded. "Your mom said that you were homeschooled in the Crystal Empire, so you don't need to go to Ponyville Elementary." "Speaking of which," Spike added, "if three fillies come up and ask you to join them in getting your cutie marks, just say no." He shuddered. "We have enough trouble with just three of them." "Spike!" Twilight admonished with a glare. Spike only shrugged. "What? Most of Ponyville is thinking the same thing with those three. They just won't say it in front of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash." Crystal wanted to ask what that all meant, but something told her she'd find out soon enough anyway. And it wasn't like she too didn't want to find her cutie mark. It was just that she knew that it would come in time. No use in trying to force it. Or at least that's how her mom and dad put it. Later that morning, Twilight sat at a booth in Sugarcube Corner. Normally Spike would be with her, but he had gone out gem hunting with Rarity. Twilight swore one of these days she would get him off his lazy scaly rear and confess to her. Holding them back wasn't doing them any good. That forced confession during his Greed Growth didn't count in her books. But that was beside the point. Today was turning out differently from normal. Crystal had come with her, and the two of them had found Celestial sitting by herself. Well, that was a quick fix and a few minutes later all three of them were sitting together like old friends. Watching them, Twilight couldn't help but let her mind wander. "They remind me so much of Amber and Ivy. Crystal and Amber are even the same age. What are the odds?" She thought before her mind came to a screeching halt. There it was again, her mind going places she didn't understand. She didn't know anypony with those names, but why did it feel like she should? And why did it hurt so much when her mind went that way? A soul-crushing sadness that hurt far more than anything Twilight could ever remember feeling before. For a brief moment faces and names flashed before her eyes. Beings, names. Friends of some forgotten age. "But I will bring it back. The dream will live again, no matter how long it takes," Twilight said quietly, but loud enough that Celestial and Crystal both heard it. "And you won't be alone," the two of them said together while all three shared a look. At that moment, something passed between them, but a moment later it was gone. Twilight shook her head. "Sorry. What were we talking about again? I spaced out." Celestial shook her head too. "You were saying that Crystal was staying with you and Spike now?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah. Her parents said it's okay she does. What about you Celestial. When do you plan to go back? Your family must be worried by now." Celestial let her gaze drop. "I don't have a family to go back to. My job was all I had, and I quit it, so I don't know when I'm going back, if at all." Twilight was taken aback. "No family. But what about-" Celestial shook her head. "I'm an orphan Twilight. I never knew my parents. The matron who ran the orphanage I grew up at said they found me as newborn filly on the front steps one morning and note that gave me my name, but that was it." Twilight was shocked, as was Crystal. "Celestial, I'm, I'm so sorry," she said as she placed a hoof over hers, soon followed by Crystal. Celestia smiled. "Don't be Twilight. Whatever else, I have good memories of the place. Our matron was a kindly mare, and we all had a similar story to tell." She shook her head. "In fact, it helped me find my way in life." "How's that?" Crystal asked. Celestial pointed to her flank and the microphone symbol on it. "I was always singing as a filly. Everyone loved it, so the matron got me an audition with one of the smaller clubs." Twilight grinned. "I guess it worked out then?" She nodded. "Yeah, once I got over the stagefright anyway. They liked it enough to offer me a gig, and I've been there ever since." She shrugged. "Or at least I was anyway." "And your cutie mark??" Crystal asked. Celestial smirked as she looked at Twilight again. "Got it the same day. The same day you and your friends did too Twilight. I looked it up later." Twilight digested this. It wasn't unknown for that to happen. Just look at her and the girls, but she felt there was something more to it, but she pushed it aside as she looked at Crystal. "What about you Crystal?" Crystal blinked. "What about me?" Celestial rolled her eyes. "Come on I just gave my life story here, and we all know Twilight's by now." Twilight couldn't help but blush at this. "So spill. What was the Crystal Empire like before, you know? Friends, family, the good stuff." She just shrugged. "It really wasn't that different from now. I mean, we had a different princess and all, but that was about it before." She rubbed her forelegs, feeling the ghosts of slave shackles. Twilight laid a hoof over hers. "You don't have to talk about that. Some things are better left in the past." She smiled. "Your parents run a bakery right?" Crystal sniffed before replying. "Yeah. It's kind of a family tradition. Mom and dad say we're the first one to open when the empire was founded." "Is it?" Celestial asked. Crystal threw her hooves in the air. "Hay if I know." She saw their looks. "What? I'm eight, what do you expect?" She smiled. "But I always loved the story." She giggled. "Princess Cadance always comes in if she has the chance. I think she likes us." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Cadance always did have a sweet tooths" she giggled. "I blame her for mine." That got Crystal and Celestial both giggling as well, and before long they were all laughing at the thought. Darring Do wasn't sure what she was looking at, but she knew one thing for sure, no matter what her pride said: She had no bucking clue what she had found. Her latest expedition had taken her to the Everfree Forest. Luckily she had avoided most of the resident monsters, and after hours of wandering with no destination in mind, she had come across a surprise. In an unremarkable hillside, an opening led deeper into the earth. From the looks of it though, it wasn't a natural formation but had been crafted into this shape. Now she was no expert on magic, but this level of craftsmanship was far and above the best unicorn magic she had ever seen. Not even the usual ruins she explored had been crafted to this degree. As far as she could tell, the tunnel had been carved from solid rock with no joints of any kind evident. The walls were as smooth as ice. Alongside the entrance, a faded set of runes were vaguely evident. In all her years of archeology, she had never seen their kind before. They almost looked like the ones found in what was supposedly the village the Pillar of Equestria Rockhoof had once called home. But these were far more ancient and far more elaborate. Walking down the corridor, Darring was surprised to find it clean for apparently being buried for a long time. Along the walls, doors led off into who knew where at regular intervals, but she kept to the main path. Finally, she came to a large domed chamber easily a mile across and again carved from solid rock. But it was what hung in the air above her that had her stumped, and made her realize she needed an outside opinion, no matter what her pride said. "Just hope they don't blow my cover," she grumbled. Celestia and Luna weren't sure why they had been called out to this part of the Everfree Forest for it was nowhere near their old castle or any other place they once knew. But it was who had called them that surprised them the most. They, of course, knew who A.K. Yearling was and what she did, but for years had never said anything about it. There didn't seem a reason to. So for her to call them was unexpected. It also made them wonder why she would be in the forest at all for there was nothing here to explore outside the castle ruins. As far as they knew anyway. When they first saw the opening in the hillside their surprise grew. The faded runes on the lintel gave some idea of what it was, but they would not say for sure until they saw it all. And then they came to the central room, and their jaws dropped in shock. Floating above them was what looked like a giant wheel. Seventeen spheres floated around a central point, and inside those another nine rotated around a central sphere. Each of the spheres was a different color: Indigo, jet, magenta, amethyst, olive, rust, russet, flame, diamond, saffron, gold, amber, opal, sapphire, leather brown, silver, fire emerald, moss granite, dark blue, pale blue, shinning white, cold ebony, a black spiral, and a white spiral. "I, I don't believe it," Luna finally said after a few moments. Celestia nodded. "It is real." In the middle of the room, Darring heard them and turned around. "So you do you know what this thing is?" Luna nodded. "It is the Celestial Orrery. What you see is every plane that exists in this universe. We are standing in the Grand Occulus." Daring was confused. "You mean like, other planes of existence?" Celestia nodded. "Indeed, but I never thought we would find it. I didn't even believe it existed." "Why's that?" Daring asked. Luna shook her head. "Because even to us this place was not even a myth. It was the ghost of a memory of a myth, taken from the very earliest ages of Equus." Daring wanted to ask what that meant but decided not to. "So what does this place do?" Celestia shrugged. "We do not know. It is said only the one called the Planeswalker will ever know how to use this." "The who?" "Tis one of the base translations of her name," Luna said. "The full is, something like 'She who walks the Endless Cycle and Herald of the Last Song'." Darring nodded, not fully getting it but it sounded right. "And everyone else?" Celestia chuckled. "No need to worry Miss. Yearling. No one you know is even a quarter strong enough or smart enough to mess with this." A.K. made a mental note to include that in her next book, and to rub it in Ahuizotle and Caballeron's faces when she got the chance. "So what do we do with it then?" She asked. Celestia and Luna looked around. "I say we leave it alone. It has been waiting for ages, it can wait a little longer," Celestia said. Daring nodded. There was nothing here to steal, and if the princesses were right, and they usually were, no one would ever use this place for, whatever it did. As the three of them left the way they had come, none of them noticed the spheres representing the planes begin to shift into a new pattern and a new door open on the far wall. A few hours later Twilight sat alone with her thoughts, Crystal and Celestial having gone off some time before to get to know each other better. The sight made her all warm and fuzzy inside. It always made her glad to see other ponies making new friends, but this stood out somehow for her. Why she didn't know yet, but she felt it would come to her in time. So caught up was she in her thoughts that she didn't notice somepony come up to her until someone said: "Is this seat taken?" Looking up she found Emerald, Orchid, and Water Lilly standing next to the booth. She smiled. "No. Please." she gestured to the empty spots. The girls took a seat. "We passed Crystal and Celestial on the way here. They said you looked like you needed somepony to talk to," Orchid said. Twilight smirked. "They've been hanging out with Pinkie Pie a lot. She says the same thing too." Water Lilly chuckled. "Well considering how much you used to avoid talking to anypony at all, maybe that's a good thing." Twilight groaned. "Spike told that story didn't he?" "Yup," Emerald replied with a chuckle. "Besides you're kind of famous. Even without those," She said, pointing to Twilight's wings. Twilight frowned. "What do you mean?" The girls shared a look. "You don't know?" Orchid asked. "Know what?" "Personal students of Princess Celestia are a rare thing," Water Lilly replied. "You were a talking point even before the whole Nightmare Moon thing. And that's not counting what happened to her last student." Twilight felt her brows crease. "What last student? Princess's never mentioned anyone before me. And what happened to her?" Emerald shrugged. "That's the thing. No one knows what happened to her. She just up and vanished one day." Twilight felt there was more to it than that but she would ask Princess Celestia first. "So is that why you're here? Because of what I am?" The girls threw up their hooves hearing the annoyance in that question. "No no! That had nothing to do with it!" Emerald said in a panic. "I didn't even care about that at all." Orchid and Water Lilly both nodded. "Same here. Our parents always said not to judge a pony before you met them," Orchid said. Twilight felt herself relax at that. "Sorry. It's just that ponies are already asking me to sign off on every little thing just because I'm a princess." "Can you?" Water Lilly asked. Twilight sighed. "Well yes. But anything big has to go to Celestia and Luna after me." She slumped in her seat. "I don't want ponies treating me differently now that I'm a princess." She waived her wings for a point. "Under all this, I'm still the same Twilight Sparkle I always was." The girls all shared a look. They could feel how much ponies treating her differently was hurting Twilight. It didn't take much to see it. As one they all placed a hoof on Twilight's own. Twilight blinked in surprise at the gesture. "You don't have to worry about that with us," Emerald said. "We barely know you yet." "And besides, doing that just isn't right," Orchid said picking up where Emerald left off. Water Lilly chuckled. "Besides, we already have everything we want. Why ask for more?" That got a chuckle out of Twilight, one they all joined after a moment. It was a small step, but it helped ease Twilight's nerves quite a bit. Underneath all that too, all three felt a new bond form. In her isolation, the Armor of Eternity felt the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth seals unlock. If she could have, she would have smiled. As it was she couldn't, but the feeling was still the same. Underneath that though, there was an undercurrent of fear for her master. A shadow was growing in the north, unseen and unfelt. A shadow she knew all too well, but that wasn't possible. "It can't be. He's been dead for millennia." She said as her entire form shuddered. If it was him, then all of Equus was in more danger now than it had ever been. And if he struck now, her sister wouldn't be able to help their master. She was only at half strength, and so was she for that matter. Only when they were combined once more would She be able to defeat him. She had done it before. If not, then all of Equus would be plunged into a new dark age that would never end. > A Path Not Meant To Be > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somedays Twilight wondered why she even bothered getting out of bed in the morning. Today was fast becoming one of those days. When she had awoken, the sky had been split in two between night and day. Just as her and Spike's worries began to climb, news had come in that Celestia and Luna were missing. This was not the kind of stress she needed before the Summer Sun Celebration. Maybe it was too much to ask for a normal, carefree celebration unlike the year before. Her friends hadn't been able to help either as they had returned to Ponyville the day before. Something about that had concerned her at the time, but she had pushed it aside for the moment. News had soon come in that Ponyville was under attack from the Everfree Forest. She and Spike had left that instant by wing power to get back home. What a trip that had been, seeing as Twilight was still not used to flying long distances yet. Having crashed through the upstairs window of the Golden Oaks Library, she had found her friends going through most of the books in the library. Normally this would've had her spirits high. But something about it had set alarm bells off in her head. For the moment though she had ignored them as Zecora had arrived with all her possessions and a possible way to find out what was going on. Honestly, the potion had been disgusting to taste, but it had been informative in so many ways. Not only had she seen what had really happened that night a thousand years ago between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon, and the defeat of Discord, but she had also seen where the Elements of Harmony had come from The Tree of Harmony. Maybe, just maybe, there they could find some answers, so the Mane 6 had set off while Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly had stayed behind to help as much as they could. This had left Twilight conflicted as they had left Ponyville behind them, for she was sure they had every right to come too. Why she didn't know, but it felt right all the same. And now she had walked onto the back of a Cragadile who was now eyeing her hungrily. Her wings were pinned to her side in fear even as she heard her friends call her name in alarm. She could only watch as the jaws opened wide to swallow her whole. Her last wish was that it would be a quick death and that maybe her friends could get away safely. ... ... But the searing pain and release of death never came. After a moment she opened her eyes and was shocked at what she saw. The Cragadile was now looking at her in shock and, fear? No, not fear she realized a moment later. It was looking at her in horror. She could feel its body shaking in terror at something she couldn't see, but looking around there was nothing there to make it so afraid. Her friends were giving her a confused look as well, one she could only shrug too. Still surprised at what was happening, she felt the best lower itself to the opposite bank of the river, giving her a bridge to cross. The girls were somewhat reluctant to cross at first but soon began to cross as well. During all this, the Cragadile kept its eyes on Twilight, as if looking for permission to leave. When Fluttershy had been the last to cross, it vanished below the water faster than Rainbow Dash could blink. Applejack gave Twilight a look. "Okay, what the hay just happened? What did you do?" Twilight shook her head. "I didn't do anything. I've never heard of a Cragadile ever acting like this before. Have you?" She asked Fluttershy. Fluttershy shook her head. "No. I've never seen an animal react like that before." "Well whatever it was, we're still on the right path at least. Hopefully, that will be our last distraction." Rarity said. Twilight could only nod and put what had just happened to the back of her mind for the time. As she turned back to the path ahead, she didn't notice the looks her friends shared. In all that had just happened, the Cragadile had never once looked at them. Its eyes had always been on Twilight. Whatever had terrified it so much, it had something to do with Twilight. But what? *** Sometime later the girls stood at the bottom of a familiar cliff. Above them stood the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. More of the vines lay all around them and watched from the shadows. But like the Cragadile they kept their distance. Something was keeping them from coming closer, and Twilight knew that she was that reason somehow. Why she had no idea, but right now all her focus was on the Tree of Harmony. It looked sick was the only way to describe it. "I think it's dying," Fluttershy said. "But what are we supposed to do?" Pinkie asked. Twilight thought for a moment, before remembering something from her vision, something Celestia had said. But it was a huge risk. "I think I know how we can save the Tree. We have to give it the Elements of Harmony." The girls gave her shocked looks. "And how is that supposed to help? What if we need them again?" Applejack asked. Twilight shook her head. "The Elements came from the Tree Applejack. I think them being removed is killing it." She paused a moment before smiling. "We'll find a way. We always have." Applejack wasn't completely sold on the idea, but Twilight had never led them wrong before, and she trusted her not to now. "Alright, Twilight. You've never led us wrong before." Twilight smiled as she ignited her horn, reaching out to each Element. She had no idea what removing them from their holders would do. "Ready?" She asked. "Ready." Everyone replied. With a gentle pull, Twilight removed all five easily with no backlash. Releasing a breath she focused on the Element of Magic and tried the same. It didn't budge. Creasing her brows she tried again, and again it didn't move, not even rattle. Annoyed now, Twilight put all of her magic into trying to remove the gem from the crown. Nothing happened. Not a shake, rattle, or jingle. After a moment she cut off her magic, exhausted, and looked at her friends in shock. "I can't get it out. It won't budge." Rainbow smirked. "Let me try." She said as Applejack nodded. Nodding herself, Twilight held out the crown to them. As soon as they touched it, a jolt of electricity shot through them like one of Pinkie's joy buzzers. Like them, it didn't stop. not until they removed their hooves from it, both of them smoking slightly from the shock. Twilight was aghast. "I didn't do that." She said as her horn ignited without her prompting. She looked at it in shock. "I can't control it." Before anypony could say anything, the other five Elements joined in a circle around Magic as it began to float in the air, their faces turned toward the Tree. And then a voice spoke. It came from the Element of Magic itself. "Usurper, pretender to the throne that was never yours, that you have no right to. You have lost sight of what Harmony is meant to be. Your time in this world is over." The air filled with magic as the girls watched in mute shock and confusion at what was going on, whatever it was. "By the power invested in my in the Silent Years before the Forging and the First Song, I sentence you to the Final Judgement. You, born of the shards of Dream Castle, will answer for all that could have been prevented." With that, a beam of magic began to form in front of the Elements before firing a moment later. Twilight barely had time to raise a shield as the beam struck the Tree. And the Tree of Harmony exploded, shattering into millions of little slivers of crystal that went in every direction possible and out of the cave. "It is done. Empress Cosmos will make right what it has done." Magic said as it again settled on Twilight's head while the other Elements returned to their necklaces while the girls only stared at the now empty space left by the Tree. "Well, that was unexpected!" Pinkie finally said in her usual cheerful way. "Um. Was that supposed to happen?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight gave her Element a cross look. "No. None of that was supposed to happen! I don't know what went wrong. I didn't do any of that." Applejack bore a look of confusion. "What I wanna know, what the hay was it talking about? Who the heck is Empress Cosmos?" Twilight sighed. She'd meant to bring this up earlier but now was as good a time as any. "She is, was, the supreme ruler of all Equus a very long time ago." "So how come we've never heard of her?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight smiled slightly. "She vanished ten thousand years ago Rainbow. Very few know of her at all, so it's not a surprise you haven't." "So how did you? Rarity asked. "Because we told her." Came a voice they all knew. Turning around, they found Princess Celestia and Luna being released from the black vines, which themselves were vanishing. Twilight rushed over and pulled them both into a hug, one they both happily returned. "We heard what happened. "Celestia said after a moment. "What I don't understand is why?" Luna shook her head. "Neither do I. I don't think any of us expected this." Twilight stepped back. "Is it another sign? You said she was returning, and Magic said Cosmos's name." Celestia and Luna shared a look. "This isn't one we have ever heard of," Celestia said. "You would not have. Something has changed." Came the voice of Magic once more as it lifted off Twilight's head. Everypony watched it with apprehension after what had just happened. "Her rebirth fast approaches and a threat grows in the shadows. The Lord of Midnight once thought dead, will rise again." "The who?" Pinkie asked. Magic ignored her as it continued. "Equus once lived in terror of what he wrought." She seemed to look directly at Twilight. "She is this world's only hope now. The Rainbow of Light is Lost, the Rainbow Bridge shattered and the family who could have stood with her died long ago." All could hear her sorrow at the end. For Twilight it hit harder for some reason as if mourning friends she hadn't seen in so long. "The Era of the Two Sisters is ending. One seal remains. Only the Six standing together can open it and bring the light long lost back to this world." Magic continued. Twilight took a step toward it. "Then tell us who she is! You know who she is. Tell us. Please." She whispered as she felt tears gather. Magic smiled, they could all feel it. "You already know her, even if she does not know herself yet." She responded before floating back down to Twilight's head. Before the light in the gem went out, she spoke once more. "When the final Betrayal comes, this era will end. Only she will tell if it will become a new golden age, or descend into a new age of darkness that will never end." And with that, Magic said no more as it settled again on Twilight's head, leaving all to wonder what that last message meant, and to digest all they had just been told. *** Later that day, once the Summer Sun Celebration had been put back on track, Celestia and Luna sat alone with their thoughts, but something was on Celestia's mind. "Luna. How did Twilight know how long it has been since the Empress vanished?" She asked. Luna looked over in confusion. "Maybe she got lucky and guessed? We gave her quite a bit back then." She responded. Celestia gave her a look. "Luna, think about it. What all did we tell Twilight that morning?" Luna thought about it for a moment, before it hit her. "We never told her how old we really are." She said as her eyes grew big. "But then..." Celestia nodded. "There is no way Twilight should know how long it has been since Cosmos vanished. Magic did not tell them." Luna was shocked. "But, what does this mean?" Celestia sighed as she looked over at Twilight and all her friends. "I don't know. I just don't know." *** Twilight was beside herself with joy at what she had just been told. "You're pregnant?!" She squued. Her exclamation reverberated around the Golden Oaks Library and left Cadance's ears ringing. She smiled indulgently. Somethings about Twilight never changed it seemed. Twilight stuck a hoof in her mouth a moment later in embarrassment. "Sorry." She said sheepishly. "But this is so exciting. I'm going to be an aunt!" Cadance bopped her on the end of her nose, breaking her rant, giggling. "Easy there Twilight. She isn't due for another few months, and no we don't know what she'll be yet." Twilight nodded. Very few parents wanted to know what kind of filly or colt they were having. "So where's Shinning?" Did he come with you?" Cadance rolled her eyes. "He's in Canterlot right now telling your parents." She giggled. "That big doofus wanted to make this some kind of scavenger hunt before we told you, but I talked him out of it for this." Twilight rolled her eyes. "That sounds like him alright, and just in time for the Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum too. Perfect!" She smiled widely. Cadance returned the smile. "Well, you did invite me, remember? Where's Crystal though? I'd thought she'd be here?" Twilight shrugged. "She's off with Spike and the CMC at the moment. After she stood up during the Twilight Time incident a few weeks ago, she's been hanging out with them a lot." Cadance nodded. That was a letter that stood out to her. Her eyes though went to the Element of Magic on Twilight's nightstand, silent and inert now. Twilight noticed the look and sighed. "I guess you've heard about what happened by now?" Cadance nodded. She was still trying to digest it all herself. "Aunt Celestia told me. Do you think its all real?" Twilight rubbed her snout with a hoof. "I don't know, it sounds too crazy for me. I've looked everywhere, but there's nothing on someone called the Lord of Midnight or any of what we heard." "And this, Empress Cosmos?" Cadance asked. Twilight sighed. "Nothing. "You already know her, even if she doesn't know herself yet'. What the hay is that supposed to mean?" She snorted. "We don't know anypony like that." "Have you tried looking for someone who might be in disguise?" Cadance asked. "Who says she's not hiding at the moment?" Twilight nodded. "Yes! I've looked at everypony I can. No one is someone else in disguise. Or at least no matches what Cosmos was supposedly like." "Even you?" Cadance asked. Twilight snorted. "Yes yes. I even looked at myself, just in case. Nothing!" She sat down in a huff. "Unless there's some magic I've never heard of going on, nopony is her!" She sniffed back tears. Why was she crying? Cadance noticed them too. "Twilight, what's wrong?" Twilight sniffed again. "I feel like there's something I'm not seeing, something I should be seeing." She looked up at her old foalsitter. "What if all this is just one huge lie? What if she never existed at all?" Cadance stepped closer. "Twilight, you can't" "I'm seeing faces Cadance. Faces, names, of things and people I've never heard of, let alone ever seen before." Twilight interrupted in a low voice. "But why does it feel like I should?" Her tears returned in full force as Cadance pulled her into a tight hug. "Why does it have to hurt so much?" Cadance couldn't find an answer, so she only held Twilight close and let her cry out her feelings for as long as she needed. *** The Element of Magic watched the scene before her with sorrow. No matter how much she wished it, there was nothing she could do now to help her master. "She can't keep this up much longer. Her soul is fracturing, from who she was and who she is now. At this rate, there won't be anything left." This wasn't good. Twilight and the Five had made the first bonds that would lead to more, but the final line remained, but if she succumbed to her memories, then it wouldn't matter. Magic knew though that this could not be sped run. Though they did care about each other, that bond did not yet run deep enough, and no good would come from trying to force it. It had happened before, but those memories were some she tried to forget. *** "This isn't right. We should be right there with her." "What can we do though? We can't leave here." "But then what can we do? Magic's the only one who knows what's happening to Twilight, but who's going to believe her?" "There's nothing we can do. Her awakening is her only hope now." "She won't last that long. She's. Shes's..." "She's dying." > Return To The Orrery, Journey To A New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So why are we out here again?" Rainbow asked as she floated alongside the girls as they walked through the Everfree Forest. Twilight rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. "Because Maud asked for our help Rainbow. I don't know why either. Do you Pinkie?" Pinkie shook her head. "Nope! But it must be important if she's asking for all of us." The girls had to agree with that. Maud had returned the day before, not long after her first trip to Ponyville, and had asked if they could come with her to check something out. Having returned from the Rainbow Falls Trader's Exchange a few days earlier, and then having to clean up the mess left over Rarity's Inspiration Manifestation rampage, they had almost said no because they were so tired, but something in her usual monotone had seemed off. Even Pinkie could tell that something had Maud confused. So, in the end, they had decided to go along and see what had left her stumped, but in a departure from their usual trips into the forest, Twilight had made it a point to bring Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid and Water Lilly with them. It just felt wrong to leave them behind Twilight thought, and it was a though that was getting louder and louder each day. It was also something her friends had begun to notice as well. Twilight had been hanging out the new girls more and more often recently. Pinkie didn't mind of course. But something about it seemed off to the others. They too didn't have a problem with Twilight hanging out with new ponies or making new friends, but this felt like something more. Call it a hunch, but they could feel that something was coming. The words that Magic had told them in the grotto where the Tree of Harmony once stood kept coming back to them. "Her rebirth draws near." Assuming this, Empress Cosmos was real, they figured it had something to do with her. What that could mean they didn't know, but it felt right all the same. Finally, they came to what they assumed was the spot Maud had asked them to meet her at. In front of them was a hillside that wouldn't look any different from any other than for one big thing. A tunnel carved into solid rock. Even from this distance it didn't look natural at all and had been crafted into this shape. As they came closer the mystery deepened for as far as they could see there were no joints evident and the walls were as smooth as ice. Alongside the entrance, a faded set of runes was barely evident. From what little Twilight could see, they almost looked like those found in an old village where Rockhoof had supposedly lived, but these were too ancient and far too elaborate to be the same. Also inside the entrance was Maud herself with her usual stoic look. She nodded briefly at Twilight, who returned the gesture. "Thank you for coming." She said in her usual way. Twilight looked around again. "Is this the place?" Maud nodded. "So why call us?" "I needed an outside opinion. I've never seen anything like this." Maud replied as she gestured at the walls around them. Pinkie gasped. "Like, never ever?" Maud nodded. "This is a level of craftsmanship that should not be physically possible. No earth pony could do this. Not even if they had a hundred years to do it. Not even our family could." Twilight pushed her unicorn and earth pony magic into the rock around them. After a moment she stopped as her eyes got big. "This. This is carved on a subatomic level." "You mean like a Transfiguration Spell?" Celestial asked. Twilight shook her head. "No. Even those have some imperfection in them even if we don't see it." She gestured at the rock around them. "There is literally no imperfection here." "What does that mean?" Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head. "Unicorn magic didn't carve this. No magic is this precise. I've never heard of one that could do this." She pushed her magic out again, feeling something else, and her flank hit the ground as she gained a look of utter shock. "I. I don't believe it." "What is it?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight waived at everything around them. "This. All of this. It's a Singularity Point. A fixed point in space and time that nothing but the end of time itself can alter." She shook her head as she stood up. "I've only read theories about these. Nopony thought they existed." "So what does that mean?" Crystal asked. Twilight sighed. "Whoever crafted this, they didn't do it in just the 3rd dimension. They carved it in the 4th dimension, maybe even higher than that." "And then there are those," Maud said pointing out openings along the wall as they walked along. Applejack stuck her head in one. "Aint nothing in here but an empty room and a door on the other wall that goes nowhere." "Same here," Emerald called from another opening. "Same," Orchid said from yet another. "They're all the same thing," Rainbow said looking in one. "Who the hay does that? Build a room that doesn't do anything?" Twilight sighed. "I don't know. None of this makes sense." "And this isn't even all there is," Maud said, but didn't say more. The girls figured they would soon find out. Finally, after some time, they came to what they guessed was the central room, one easily a mile across with another door on the far wall. But when they looked up, following a light, their jaws dropped in shock at what was revealed. Even Pinkie Pie was silent for once. A great wheel with twenty-six spheres floating within it, with another at the base of the spoke, all of them revolving around one sphere in particular. "Now there's something ya don't see every day." Applejack said quietly, removing her hat and turning to Twilight. "Any idea of what it is?" Twilight shook her head, wracking her brain for something. "I have no idea It looks like a map of our universe, maybe, but not like one I've ever heard of." Rainbow flew back over to the group. "Well, that door is a bust. Just a staircase that goes and down into the solid rock and that's it." Twilight rubbed her forehead. "This doesn't make any sense. Who built this? Why did they build it, and why put it here?" "Maybe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Fluttershy said. Twilight shrugged. "Maybe, but this is nowhere near the old castle, and as far as I know, they were never in this part of the forest at the time." "Someone was here before us though," Maud said. "There were hoofprints in the doorway when I got here. They came this far as well." Twilight nodded. "I'll ask Princess Celestia to see if she knows anything." "So what do we do with it?" Emerald asked as she gestured around the room and above them, Their eyes again turned toward the great wheel. They had to admit it was a pretty sight. And maybe it was just a trick of the light, but they all swore the spheres were moving inwards toward the central sphere. Twilight shook her head. "I say we leave it. No one's doing anything to it, and we don't even know what it is or does." Her gaze lingered on the wheel for a moment longer. Something about it seemed familiar like she had seen it before, been here before. She shook her head to clear those thoughts. "I don't think we need to worry about anyone using it for evil, whatever it is." No one could argue with that. As the girls turned around ready to leave, and Maud promised to stay longer and see if she could find out any more about it that they missed, none of them noticed the spheres beginning to speed up their inward spiral before seemingly reaching an important point. As they did stey stopped, and began to align themselves into order and pattern that none could make sense. And an unseen clock began ticking down to zero. *** Magic felt the countdown begin. "This is it. When the alignment is complete the Fifth will be born and the Lord of Midnight will rise again, and then. And then..." She couldn't bring herself to finish the thought, for she could no longer say what would happen then. And Twilight... Her memories were coming back faster and faster now and her mind couldn't keep up. She had been trying to hide it, but Magic could still see it. It was only a matter of time now before it began to show physically. As much as it hurt, she had to face the truth now. Twilight would never live long enough to see her niece born. *** In a Canterlot Castle storeroom, the World Mirror hummed to life for the first time in months. No one though was there to hear it. Nor did anyone see Sunset Shimmer fall through the portal a moment later, landing with a thud on the floor. "Ow," Sunset mumbled as she took in her surroundings and her pony. "I'm, back in Equestria? I thought this thing wasn't working?!" She growled as she stood up on shaky hooves. Looking around, she didn't notice anything she recognized, which meant Princess Celestia had moved the mirror, which also meant Sunset had no idea of where she was in the castle now. She sighed. "Great. Like I needed anything else to go wrong at the moment." And there was a lot going wrong it seemed. Canterlot High was at each other's throats over the upcoming Battle of the Bands and even her friends were at it. Sunset would be lying if she said she didn't like a competition. She had won her fair share of them as a filly and then more when she had moved to the Human World, even if those had been ones she never honestly expected to win. But ever since those three strange girls had shown up the day before, it had gone from good-natured to outright cutthroat in a flash. Sunset also swore, to those who knew about it at all, that there was a whiff of Equestrian magic about them. Not the random bursts that had been occurring all over the city, but this felt natural for them. Honestly, Sunset was at her wit's end trying to figure out what was going on and finding a way to stop it. She couldn't even go back to Equestria and ask for help. Until now that is. Pushing open the door, she stuck her head out and looked around. Nopony was in sight, but she did recognize the hallway she was in. Which made it easier as she turned to the right and began trotting toward Princess Celestia's Private Chambers. With the time dilation, it should just be right before she called it a night. Hopefully, she was in a good mood. *** Princess Celestia always regarded this as her favorite time of day, alongside sunrise each morning. Of course, the sun didn't rise until she set it on its course for the day, but that was beside the point. Court had finished for the day, dinner was done, and she had traded places with Luna for the night. Her regalia sat on a nightstand next to her bed, and she was completely relaxed as she reread some of Twilight and her friend's old Friendship Reports. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss getting them, but they had all grown past that it seemed. Not that she didn't mind of course. Call it a case of nostalgia. Speaking of Twilight and her friends, she had received a letter several weeks before that had surprised her. They had found the Celestial Orrery. Apparently one of Pinkie Pie's sisters had found it while exploring the Everfree Forest for some reason. In truth, she was not that surprised they had found it. It would naturally draw its master back to it. What did surprise her was that a twenty-eighth door had opened in the Grand Occulus, one that had not been there before, which was odd. As far as they knew, only twenty-seven doors were meant to be there. What it meant she didn't know. Something else though did worry her. For some time now she had been noticing something very wrong with her former student, and it had nothing to do with her emerging power. Or maybe it did. There was still so much they didn't know about Cosmos. But that was a concern for tomorrow. Tonight was free and would not spend it worrying about what may or may not come. So when a guard knocked on her door, she was understandably annoyed. "Yes?" She asked. "Pardon the intrusion your highness, but there is somepony here to see you." The guard replied. Celestia frowned. "My schedule said nothing about meeting a pony this late. Tell them to come back tomorrow, and I will happily see them then." The guard hesitated. "She is being very insistent princess, and is not taking no for an answer." Celestia sighed as she stood up and walked over to the door. "Fine then. Stand aside and I will handle this myself." She could hear his hesitation but eventually, his training overcame his sense and he stood aside as she opened the door. And came face to face with the last pony she expected to see. Sunset Shimmer smiled sheepishly. "Um. Surprise?" *** The next morning found the Mane 6, Spike, and their new friends on the train north to Canterlot. A letter that morning had requested that they arrive as soon as possible. And this had Twilight worried more than usual. As far as she knew, there was nothing going on that they needed to be at. "Any idea what's going on Twi?" Applejack asked after a time. Twilight shook her head. "No idea. Princess Celestia wasn't very clear in the letter. Just that there was somepony she wanted me to meet, that I should bring the Element of Magic, and that you should all come with me." "She seems to be doing that a lot lately," Rainbow said as she floated lazily in the air. "Does anyone else think she's not telling us something?" Everyone nodded. It was a feeling that had been growing for some time now but only became concrete after what had happened to the Tree of Harmony. They still weren't sure what to make of what they had been told, and even less so Spike since he hadn't been there, and neither did their new friends. But something was up, that much was for sure, and now there was this. Celestia rarely asked that they all come like this directly, and even more, since she had asked that Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly come with them as well. For these five, this would be the first time they had ever been to the capitol. Of course, they were excited to see it, but something else was on their minds at that moment. As if by some signal, Twilight's head chose that moment to throb painfully. She clutched her eyes shut and sucked in a breath, fighting to keep her stomach where it was. After a moment the pain passed. Fluttershy was worried. "Another migraine?" Twilight nodded. "They're getting worse and worse." As if to prove the point, another throbbing pain arched through her, and this time she had to swallow her bile as it rose. "Have you tried talking to Princess Celestia about it?" Celestial asked. Twilight shook her head. "Not yet. But I plan on. On..." She never finished the sentence as another throbbing pain hit her, but this one didn't stop. In fact, it kept growing worse and worse. Her vision blurred as her friends looked on in horror as she fell forward. The last thing she heard was her friend's cry of Twilight?! Before darkness claimed her, and Twilight knew no more. *** Sunset could only give Celestia an unconvinced look. "Are you sure this is a good idea? It took me forever to get used to a new body over there, and you want to send her now? I mean, if there wasn't something going on, then yeah. But." Celestia smiled, one that always warmed her heart no matter what. "Twilight is a very capable mare Sunset. In fact, she reminds me a lot of you." She looked away a moment. "I always intended to show Twilight the World Mirror one day. Maybe in the hopes that the two of you might be able to work out how it works." Sunset tried not to sulk. No matter what Celestia said, she couldn't help but feel she had been replaced by this new pony. But then again maybe it was her own fault for not leaving well enough alone with the mirror when she had gone through all those years ago. Why she had, she still didn't know. Not after what it had shown what she would have become. Not that monster. Her thoughts were interrupted then Throne Room doors were thrown open and eleven ponies and one dragon ran inside, even as the door guards looked on with a worried look. Sunset tried to hold in her unease. Five of the ponies she knew quite well, and four of them only in passing. The other two she didn't know. Princess Celestia was shocked. "What-" "Please," Fluttershy began as her tears fell. "You have to help." Applejack turned so they could see what was on her back. Celestia felt her breath hitch. Twilight lay there in a bad way. Her wings were askew and her mane deshelved. Her coat was soaked in sweat and her breathing was shallow. Celestia had never seen Twilight so bad before, yet before she could do anything Sunset rushed over and put a hoof to Twilight's forehead. She was shocked by what she felt. "She's burning up with a fever." She said as the girls gave her odd looks. "And you are?" Rarity asked. Sunset forced a smile. "I'm a friend. We need to get her to a doctor now." That forced Celestia out of her funk as she turned to one of the guards. "Get the Royal Physician in here now! I don't care where she is." One ran off as she turned to the other. "Find Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Bring them here as soon as possible. She paid him no mind as he saluted and off as she walked over to the group. Her heart sank seeing Twilight like this. "Don't worry Twilight. We're all here for you." Twilight could only whimper in response. *** Several hours later the girls, Sunset, Celestia and Luna, and Twilight's parents all stood outside a hospital room where even now their friend was being tended to. The Royal Physician had arrived a few minutes after her parents had, and after a quick check, had immediately called for an ambulance to take Twilight to Canterlot General. No one had been able to get more out of her so they had been forced to follow them all the way there. Once there, Doctor Ivory Fire had made them wait in the main lobby while she and her staff worked on Twilight. That had been over an hour ago now. Rainbow paced impatiently while Night Light held his wife close as she cried into his shoulder. Everyone else was trying not to think of what had happened to Twilight or what it could mean. Celestia herself was close to a break down right then and there, but nopony would have blamed her if she had. The only one who felt completely out of place in all this was Sunset Shimmer. This was not how she had envisaged her return to Equestria being like. She wanted to say something to the girls, anything, but what was there to say? She didn't know Twilight like them, and for the life of her, she still felt she had been replaced by her. Finally Doctor Ivory came out, but her expression didn't inspire confidence. "How is she?" Spike asked. "Miss Sparkle is resting now. But." Ivory replied before biting her lip. Celestia was concerned. "But what? You know you can speak plainly Ivory. I value your honest opinion when it comes to this kind of thing." Ivory nodded. "Quite frankly, this is something I've never seen or heard of in all my years of this." "What do you mean?" Sunset asked. Ivory sighed. "We've run every test known to medicine, even the alicorn only ones we use for Celestia and Luna when we need to. But none of these results make any sense." "And how's that?" Applejack asked. Ivory pulled out a thick stack of paper and handed it to Celestia. "This is all of Twilight's heart activity. And this is what it should look like for somepony her age." Everyone craned over to get a look. Not all of them understood what they were looking at, but Fluttershy did, and what she saw shocked her. "This can't be right." She said. Ivory shook her head. "I assure you, this is very accurate. Her heart rate is that of someone ten years younger than her, but then it changes to that of someone near the end of their life." "Maybe it's just an alicorn thing?" Pinkie said., trying to sound confident. Luna shook her head. "No miss Pie. Even for us, our heart rate is normal. Only in times of extreme stress does it change. But never like this." "Or this fast," Celestia added. "If I'm reading this right, Twilight's heart rate is changing every second." "Which should be impossible. In all my years I've never seen anything like this before." "So what does it mean?" Orchid asked. "I don't know." Ivory said as she pulled out two more sheets. "And then there is this. This is her brain's neural electrical activity." If the first one had been hard to understand, this was even worse. "I don't get it." Crystal said after a moment. Ivory smiled. "This will help. This is what it should look like." And handed them another sheet. Everyone saw the change immediately. "This can't be right. What about her resting state?" Celestia asked. Ivory glared at the first sheet. "That is Twilight's resting state. That, shouldn't be possible for anyone like that." "Twilight is a pretty smart pony." Celestial said. Ivory nodded. "I will not argue with you there. But that should not account for all this." She looked at Celestia and Luna. "This is far more activity than I've seen in Celestia, Luna, and Cadance combined." She sighed. "This is as much as got before the machine literally blew up on us. No one was hurt thankfully. But." Her gaze glossed over a moment. "What is it?" Water Lilly asked. "Just before it blew, Twilights' activity spike exponentially and kept climbing. We couldn't keep up with it." Ivory said. "So what does it all mean?" Twilight Velvet asked. Ivory rubbed her forehead with a hoof. "We don't know. This is all new to us. And." She paused as if she couldn't believe what she was about to say as she pulled out another sheet. "There is also this." Everyone took a look at it and felt their brains screech to a stop at what they saw. It didn't make any sense. It couldn't make any sense. "What is that?" Rainbow asked. It was Twilight, an x-ray of her body showing all of her internal workings, but that wasn't what drew their attention. It wasn't even Twilight herself. It was what was around her that shocked them. Another body was superimposed around Twilight. In fact, it was following Twilight's shape exactly, but on a much larger scale. "We don't know. There was nothing there that would explain this. In fact, this never should have shown up at all." Ivory said as she looked at Celestia. "But we did some calculations. If this pony stood up, she would be several heads taller than Celestia herself." Celestia digested this. None of this made sense, even with all of her wisdom and knowledge. And it aggravated her to no end. Emerald meanwhile noticed something tucked at the pony's sides, but that couldn't be right. Could it. "Are those what I think they are?" She asked. Ivory saw what she meant and sighed. "Ah yes. Those. They are indeed what you think they are." "And what's what?" Night Light asked. "Wings. Those are four more wings folded at her side. On top of the two Twilight already has." Emerald replied with some shock. Everypony looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy. "Don't look at us," Rainbow said. "I didn't even think that was possible." Fluttershy nodded as well. Celestia looked back at Ivory. "All of this goes back to our first question though. Is Twilight alright?" Ivory nodded. "Yes. Whatever all this is, the worst she'll feel is the migraines she has been experiencing." Everypony let out an audible sigh of relief. "So can we see her?" Fluttershy asked. Ivory nodded. "If she's awake and up for it, I don't see why not." *** Twilight had made up her mind as soon as she had awoken: This day counted as one of her worst ever. Top five at least. Seeing all her friends and family at her side when she came too helped. She could never remember seeing her parents more concerned before or the look of worry in Princess Celestia's eyes that went beyond the norm. The bright yellow unicorn in the room was new, but she'd get to that in a moment. "What happened?" She asked. "Last thing I remember we were on the train." Everyone shared a look. "Ya passed out Twi." Applejack replied. "Dropped like a rock too." "We got you here as soon as we could. You've been out all morning." Crystal added. Twilight nodded. Her brain was still pulling itself together and she felt like she'd slept for days. For the moment though she turned her gaze to the new pony in the room. "And you are?" The mare smiled, but it came out forced. "The name's Sunset Shimmer. Guess you can call me your predecessor." Celestia forestalled the question that came to everyone's mind. "Sunset was my student before you Twilight. We had, a falling out of sorts shortly before your Entrance Exam." Sunset nodded. "But something forced me to change how I used to be. We made up years ago." Twilight knew there was more to it than that, but held off for now. "Why didn't you tell me you had another student?" She asked Princess Celestia. Celestia smirked. "You never asked." She rolled her eyes as Twilight glared. "Oh honestly Twilight, did you really think you were the only personal student I've ever had?" "... Maybe?" Twilight replied sheepishly. Now that she thought about it though, it was a silly idea. Of course, Princess Celestia must have had tons of personal students over the years. Heck, she should have remembered what Emerald, Orchid, and Water Lilly had told her some time ago now. But that brought up another thing. "What happened to you? You disappeared years ago." Sunset rubbed her head with a hoof. "Yeah. About that..." Celestia stepped up. "I think it is time I show you all something. Something I've been meaning to for some time now." She looked at Ivory. "Is Twilight is free to go?" Ivory nodded. "Let me run a few more tests, and then Miss. Sparkle is free to leave whenever she wants." *** An hour later, everyone stood in the Castle Throne Room as Sunset finished explaining what the mirror was and why she had come back so suddenly. It was a lot to take in for sure. "And now these three girls show up and now the whole school is at each other's throats." She finished. "I'm all for a competition, but this isn't how we should do it." "And you think magic is involved?" Twilight asked. Sunset nodded. "It's faint, but they definitely have Equestrian magic. That world has never had magic before all this started. They're not ready or prepared for it." "But why would it start now?" Rarity asked. "If it's never been there before." Sunset sighed. "I don't know. The magic started popping up all over the city a few months ago, but it only started getting big in the last few weeks. And now these three show up. I don't like it." Celestia and Luna shared an uneasy look. "We might have an idea of why it started, and why the mirror shut off as it did," Luna said. "What's that?" Celestial asked. Celestia sighed. "As her rebirth draws near, Cosmos may have cut off the link to spare that world the effects of her rebirth, but they've gotten through anyway." Sunset snorted. "Please. That's just an old mare's tale. She was never real. There was no pony who ruled all of Equus. No Age of Myths, nor Age of Wonders." Celestia smirked. "I seem to remember you liking those stories Sunset. In fact, you made me tell you them all the time as a bedtime story." Sunset rolled her eyes. "Yeah, when I was five maybe." She tossed her mane. "I think I'm a little old to believe all that now." For some reason that got Twilight's blood positively boiling. Who was this filly to talk about her like that? Personal student of the princess or not. She shot down that train of thought fast. Where had all that come from? Nopony noticed though so she let it go for now. "So, what does this have to do with us? Not that I'm not worried of course." Celestia smiled. "I want you to go with her Twilight." She sighed. "This isn't how I wanted you to find out about all this, but I can't think of anyone better for helping them." Twilight was stumped. Of course, she was excited at the idea of seeing a new world, but this wasn't exactly how she envisaged it. "I'm honored, I really am. But I don't know a thing about that world, or what might happen." Sunset threw a hoof around her. "And that's why I'm willing to help. And I know there are people who'd be happy to help too." "People?" Twilight asked. Sunset rolled her eyes. "Term from that world. You'll get it eventually." Twilight thought about it. What Sunset had told them did sound serious, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried. Looking over at the girls, she could see they would support her no matter what she did, as did Celestia and Luna, who only smiled and nodded. Her parents were slower to react, but in the end, they too could see how much this meant to her. Her dad smiled while her mom just nodded. That was enough for her. She turned back to Celestia. "When do we leave?" *** Thirty minutes later, Twilight and Sunset again stood in front of the mirror. Twilight only had a single saddlebag with her since Sunset had explained that most of what she would need would be provided over there. Whatever that meant, but Twilight decided to trust her on it. At the moment, Princess Celestia was explaining to the girls why they couldn't go with them. They weren't happy about it safe to say. "And why not?" Rainbow grumbled. Celestia shook her head. "It's too dangerous to send you all at the same time. We have never done that before, and I will not risk it now of all times." Sunset nodded. "And it would be way to confusing on the other side." She rubbed the back of her head. "I, kind of already know you, girls." That confused everypony. "How's that? We just met." Crystal said. Sunset nodded. "Yeah I know, but." She paused a moment. "It's hard to explain until you see it." Applejack gave her a look. She wasn't fully convinced, but she could feel Sunset was telling the truth. Or part of it anyway, but she decided not to push. Spike though was glad he wasn't going. Maybe it was reading too many comics, but he didn't really want to see a new world. Plus it would get Twilight out of his scales for a while and he needed the break. Get caught up on his O&O maybe. He was behind with some of the newer stuff. What worried Twilight was that she was bringing the Element of Magic with her. Try as she might, she couldn't get the darn thing to stay in one spot. So now it too was in her saddlebag. What that would mean she didn't know, but she hoped it wouldn't be anything bad. Luna stepped up to both of them. "The portal closes in three days. You must be sure to be back through here before then, or you will not be able to for a long time." Twilight gulped but nodded all the same. She didn't even want to think about that if she could. She looked at Sunset. "Ready?" Sunset grinned as she gestured at the mirror. "Princesses first." She said. Steadying herself, Twilight stepped forward and placed a hoof on the mirror and watched it sink into the surface. Casting a final glance at her friends and family, Twilight smiled. And stepped through into the unknown. > The Midnight Hour Strikes, Countdown To Rebirth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This late at night most of Equestria slept soundly save for Princess Luna who was now out and about on her nightly duties. Tonight, however, several ponies were still up later than usual. In Canterlot Castle all of Twilight's friends and family still stood by the World Mirror, their expressions grim. The portal would be closing soon and Twilight had still not come through. Princess Celestia though had explained that since time flowed differently on that side, it would not close for sure until it was midnight over there as well. How long before it was was anyone's guess. For three days now they had waited for her return. That it hadn't happened sooner spoke that, whatever was going on over there was serious, but the wait was beginning to drive some of them crazy. Rainbow had been restrained after the first day when she had tried to rush through and buck the consequences, and the others weren't much better. None of them noticed the shadows gathering in the corner or the shadows that were already there deepen to a black void. *** Only one felt it as the countdown ran out. All Magic could do now was wait and hope that their time in the Human World hadn't changed anything. *** All across Equestria town bells tolled their mournful song as the midnight hour came. And in the Crystal Empire, the cries of a pony in labor were drowned out by the cries of a newborn filly. *** With all the excitement and worry of the Battle of the Bands now behind them, Twilight found she was going to miss all she had seen and experienced in the Human World. She and her friends stood outside Canterlot High saying their goodbyes for what felt like forever now, even if it was just thirty moons, though Sunset had promised to keep in touch with her Journal if Princess Celestia wouldn't mind that was. Twilight hoped she wouldn't. She had already said her goodbyes to Crystal, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly. She had wanted to the night before after the Dazzlings had run off, but she couldn't find them. They had come to them earlier. Twilight felt her heart clench. They still blamed themselves for turning on them as they had and trapping them under the stage the night before, no matter how much she tried to explain that it wasn't their fault but the Dazzlings magic. Questions of why Crystal was as old as she was here compared to Equestria were pushed aside for the moment as she smiled. "I'm sorry we didn't meet under better circumstances, but I'll miss you all so much." That called for a group hug, one Pinkie was happy to instigate. They held for a moment before breaking. Twilight though noticed the group giving her an odd look. "What?" "Um. You're glowing Twilight." Fluttershy said. Twilight preened a bit. "Well, I am feeling pretty good at the moment." Applejack shook her head. "No Twi. You're literally glowing!" Twilight finally looked at herself and was shocked. She was glowing! A purple glow surrounded her, dancing like flames all over her body slowly growing in intensity before vanishing in a bright flash of light. She looked at the girls in shock, a look they were happy to return. " I don't know what that was. That's never happened before." "Do you feel any different?" Rarity asked. She shook her head. "No. In fact, I feel awesome." She looked at Rainbow. "No offense Rainbow." Rainbow just rolled her eyes, before getting a mischievous look. "Well, I know one girl who'll be happy about that." Twilight blushed as she twirled some of her hair. "I have no idea who you're talking about." "Sure you don't." Pinkie said in a sing-song voice. Twilight harrumphed and crossed her arms. "I need to get going anyway. I really do wish I could stay longer, but." Sunset nodded. "Don't be a stranger when you get the chance. I think the whole school likes you now." Twilight nodded and turned toward the portal. Placing a hand on it, she was glad to see it was still open. Giving her friends one last smile, she stepped through and was gone. *** The group watched the portal for a time, but nothing else happened. "Do you think we should have told her about the Friendship Games?" Fluttershy asked. Sunset shook her head. "Naw. She couldn't be here for them anyway." "So any idea why they moved it to next week?" Rarity asked. Sunset shrugged. "Nope, but there has to be a reason. And from what I hear, Crystal Prep wasn't any happier about the change than C.H.S. was." *** Across the city, another had her eye on Canterrot High, but for very different reasons. Twilight Sparkle looked at the ruin of her lab with a mixture of disbelief and vindication, and with the though Principle Cinch would have her hide for this. She had been tracking the strange occurrences all over the city ever since they began. It had started out as a curiosity, but she studied them with, what her parents called, her mad scientist persona. If she could figure them out and then duplicate them, it could be her ticket to Everton. One thing she had noticed was that they seemed centered on Canterlot High for some reason. So far she hadn't had the chance to get over there and study them up close, but she made a note to change that when she had the chance. But now something had changed. Just ten minutes earlier her electronics had picked up another surge, but unlike before this one kept growing and growing until a tidal wave of energy she couldn't even measure surged through her lab. She and Spike had barely had time to duck and cover before everything had exploded. Now all her electronics and meters lay ruined and burnt out, except one that is as her main detector somehow survived the blast, and she couldn't be happier about that. There was still a chance. "No doubt about it Spike. There is definitely something going on at that school." She declared confidently. Spike didn't look convinced. What she didn't say though was that she had felt something in the shockwave. Images and feelings and something, else that she couldn't explain, but it felt right all the same. Not just right though, but comforting, like something was calling her. She brushed them off though. They didn't make any sense, so she didn't care too much about them. But no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn't leave her alone, and a growing part of her wanted to embrace what she felt, something she only felt from her family and Dean Cadance. Love, acceptance, but most of all. Friendship, things she had never felt from Crystal Prep from either its students or staff. Twilight knew the truth though, no matter how hard she tried to deny it. She wanted those feelings to be real, that someone out there did care about her. She couldn't help it as she felt her tears fall. Maybe she was losing it, but she didn't care. Something else though stood out. In her visions, there had been a figure, not much older than herself. She couldn't make out her face, but the love, warmth and compassion she radiated... Twilight wanted to meet her, in a way she couldn't explain, but she didn't care. Unfelt, something stirred in its sleep deep in her subconscious. *** Once again Twilight swore that she would never get used to this feeling as she was whisked back to Equestria. Like last time, it was a quick trip and she soon felt the solid floors of Canterlot Castle beneath her hooves. Opening her eyes, she wobbled a bit as she realized she was still standing on two legs, but gravity soon reasserted itself and she was back to all four hooves. Princess Celestia was the first to greet her. "Welcome back. And not a moment too soon either." She said as the mirror hummed once before shutting down for another thirty moons. Twilight's response was cut off by a long yawn. Now that she was back, she felt just how tired she was. "Sorry girls. I'm just so tired from all the singing and songwriting." "You did that for three days?" Her mom asked. Twilight rolled her eyes. "You'd be surprised how important those things are in the long run." Her gaze went to Crystal, who blushed and looked away. Oh, this was going to be all kinds of awkward later. No one missed that look, but they held off on that question for now. "So, what did ya do?" Applejack asked. Twilight yawned again. "Sorry girls. It'll have to wait. I'm going to bed." And with that, she vanished in a flash of teleportation. Everyone shared a look. "You think we should have told her now?" Orchid asked. Celestia shook her head. "Let her rest tonight. From the sound of it, Twilight has had a busy few days, and she could use the break." "But this is big news for her. Shouldn't she know now?" Emerald asked. Spike shrugged. "If we told her now, she'd never get to sleep. It wouldn't be the first time either." He chuckled. Deciding that Spike had a point, they all decided that it was also time for them to call it a night, and save the news for the morning, and soon all were on their way to their rooms Celestia had given them all. *** "Are you sure of this?" Fleur asked as once again the same group had gathered in the same spot as before. Starlight nodded. "Positive. Her Final Flare has come to pass." "Then it is almost time." Another said. "What do we do now?" Starlight sighed. "There's something else. Princess Cadance has given birth." The others shared a look. "So? I'm surprised an alicorn could give birth, but I don't see how that's relevant." One said. Starlight shook her head. "It matter because the filly is not what anypony expected." She ushered them closer and whispered what she knew. ""What!?" Starlight nodded. "I know! This complicates things a bit. But it's too late to do anything about it." "Aren't you going to the Crystal Empire in a few days?" Fleur asked. Starlight nodded. "Yeah, hopefully, to find Sunburst. Last I heard he had moved up there. Why? Do you want me to spy on them?" The other shared an uncomfortable look before one replied. "Keep an eye on them. No matter what, her ascension is only a matter of time now and we still don't know what will push her friends to cross that line with her. If they don't, then our world is finished." Starlight sighed. They had a point. But that didn't mean she had to like it. *** The next morning, despite still being sore and tired from the Battle of the Bands, Twilight still awoke with the sun, and for the first time in weeks? No headaches! Despite her sore hooves, Twilight hadn't felt this good in months. Her hoof pain brought her mind though back to something she, needed to get sorted out. Namely her feelings for Crystal's human counterpart. She and her friends had been the biggest help for her outside Sunset and the girls and, no matter what she had wanted to say otherwise, Twilight found her cute. But that feeling had only hit home after the four of them had trapped the Rainbooms under the stage. Twilight's heart had broken seeing the look of evil satisfaction in her eyes when she had pulled that lever. Forget that they were brainwashed at the time. The girls had figured it out pretty quick, but aside from some good-natured ribbing from Rainbow and Pinkie, they didn't seem to mind. But in all that excitement of the final battle and the breaking of the spell, the four of them had vanished before she had a chance to talk to them. Even before she left, she hadn't had the chance to bring it up with them. They were too heartbroken to listen even if she had, so she had let it sit, and now she wouldn't see them for another thirty moons. She knew one thing though. She didn't think she could ever look at Crystal here the same again. Maybe she could talk to Cadance about it. Love was her thing after all. How that would work was anyone's guess as she came to the Royal Dining Hall. As expected her friends and family were already there. Princess Celestia smiled as she saw her. "Good morning Twilight. Sleep well?" "Like a rock," Twilight mumbled as everyone chuckled. She soon noticed the envelope on the table as she sat down and began to dig in. "What's that?" Luna smiled. "It's from your brother. Cadance went into labor last night and gave birth several hours before you returned." Twilight gasped excitedly, before becoming worried. "Are they?" Celestia smiled. "Cadance and the filly are fine Twilight. In fact, the letter is also an invitation for everypony to come up ad see her and be there for her Crystaling." "Her what?" Twilight asked. Crystal grinned. "It's something families do in the Crystal Empire when they have a kid." She smirked. "But that'd be spoilers if I said anything else." Twilight looked at her parents. "So is everyone going?" Velvet nodded happily. "All on the same train too. Cadance sent the Royal Express to pick us up. It should be here by tomorrow." Everyone then looked at Crystal, who only looked back in confusion. "What?" "It's just. This is your first you'll be home in a while. Are you going to be okay?" Fluttershy asked. Crystal shrugged. "I'll be fine. Sure it'll be great to see mom and dad again and show you guys around all the places I love. But." "But?" Emerald prompted. Crystal slumped in her seat. "I don't know, it feels weird going back. I haven't even really thought about it since coming to Ponyville." Four of the girls shared a knowing look. "It's the same for us," Orchid said. "I mean, sure we miss home." "But it's not on our minds all the time now." Water Lilly finished. "I really don't have a home to go back to." Celestial added. "Ya mean ya don't miss your families at all?" Applejack asked, aghast at the very idea. "It's not that Applejack." Water Lilly replied. "Besides Crystal, we're all old enough now to be living on our own." She shook her head. "If all this hadn't come up, we'd probably be moving out soon as it is." Twilight was only half-listening, her mind already deep in baby-related subjects, and how she was going to be the Best Aunt Ever to the new foal. *** Starlight knew she was in big trouble if was caught now. But if she was, she blamed the others for roping her into doing this. She had been at the Canterlot train station when Twilight, her family, and friends, had arrived. Luckily she didn't stick out in a crowd, and for the first time in a long time, Starlight was glad she didn't. Seeing Twilight and her friends in the flesh had gotten her more excited than anything had for a long time. But more than that was seeing the glow that surrounded her and five of her friends had made her even giddier. It was as they thought. It was only a matter of days now, less maybe. She was glad of one thing though. Though she could trace her ancestry all the way back to Moon Petal herself, her connection to the powers she had given her children had faded over the millennia. Now the urge to rush over and pledge her eternal support was easier to ignore. But not fully, which explained why she had snuck aboard the Crystal Express when it had pulled into the station. "Well, this is a new low." She grumbled as she lay in the Baggage Car. The things she did for the future sometimes. Her thoughts were derailed as she felt the train begin to slow down. "Finally." She muttered as she stood and stretched. She knew that it would all be for nothing if she was caught now, so, though it was risky with no set destination in mind, Starlight teleported out of the car and into the empire. *** "I must say that this was definitely the most comfortable train ride I think I've ever been on." Rarity said as the train slowed to a halt. "Yeah. Why can't they all be like this?" Rainbow grumbled, thinking of past trips on the rails. "Tis why I prefer the Royal Chariot," Luna said as she stretched her wings. "Less bumpy and no one else to share with." Crystal chuckled. "Well, I can definitely cross this off my list of things I wanna do." Her smile grew. "I mean, how many fillies my age get to ride on a Royal Train?" "Very few I bet," Emerald added. "This did beat my first trip to Ponyville." Her look darkened as everyone gave her an odd look. "I'd rather not talk about it." Twilight made a mental note to look into it later as the side door opened to reveal a yellow Pegasus in guard armor, on that looked very familiar to her as she looked around. "Where's my brother? He said he'd meet us?" The guard bowed. "My apologies, but Captain Armor is currently resting." His mask slipped a moment as he chuckled. "Wife's orders." Velvet and Night Light shared a knowing look, knowing exactly what that meant, even if no one else did. "So then, where's Cadance?" Spike asked. The guard nodded to one of the castle towers. From here the couldn't see much, but an occasional flash spoke of a Spell Ward around the room. "Princess Cadance is watching after the newborn at the moment. She hasn't slept since she gave birth." He replied. Velvet nodded in a sagely way. "Glad to see that she's picked up on that little bit of being a mom." He hesitated slightly. "It may not be like you think mam." "What do you mean?" Orchid asked. "Is she okay?" He nodded. "Both are fine. But." "But?" Pinkie prompted. He sighed. "It's better if you see for yourselves. I've been asked to bring you to them." Everyone shared a look. There was something he wasn't telling them they could feel, but what was anypony's guess. "Lead on good sir." Princess Celestia replied after a moment. As they were led to the Crystal Palace, Rarity asked the question they all seemed to have forgotten to ask. "I don't believe we ever got your name Mr?" The guard smiled. "It's Corporal Flash Sentry mam." *** Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing. It didn't make sense. It couldn't make sense. But there it was, clear as day. The trip to the Nursery had been quick and uneventful. Aside from an occasional guard, the palace seemed deserted, which had seemed odd at the time. but having seen who was in the Nursery, Twilight had a good idea as to why it was. To say Cadance looked frazzled would be an understatement. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and her mane went in every which direction possible. A cradle sat next to her in which a filly lay fast asleep. Her mane was a perfect mixture of her mom and dads and a horn poked through the soft covering. Twilight had never seen anything more adorable in her life. And then she had unfolded her wings, and everyone's brain broke as the filly cooed softly. Twilight finally found her voice. "The baby is an alicorn?!" Cadance nodded wearily. "Looks like that." "But... But... But I thought alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great princess-worthy deed?" Rarity sputtered. "Yeah. How can you just be born with them?" Applejack asked. Celestia and Luna shared a look. "That is not entirely true Applejack. While it is true that is how Twilight and Cadance earned theirs, it is not the only way." Celestia said. The girls shared a look. "What do you mean?" Water Lilly asked. Luna sighed as her gaze became distant. "My sister and I were both born alicorns. As were our parents. It's been over three thousand years since the last natural alicorn birth." "So what does it mean that it's again now?" Celestial asked. Celestia shook her head. "I do not know. But it would not happen otherwise." And she truly had no idea of what that could be. Before anyone said anything else, the baby began to sniffle, holding in a sneeze, before finally letting it out as a beam of magic shot from her horn and vaporized part of the ceiling above. A lone pony stuck her head over the hole, looking frazzled. Everyone could only gaze at the baby in shock as she rubbed her nose. "Gezhuntite!" Pinkie said happily. "It appears her magic is even more powerful than that of a newborn unicorn," Celestia said in shock. Luna looked out a nearby window. "The crowds have already started to gather." Pinkie inflated a balloon she had pull from, someplace. "This Crystaling is gonna be some party!" Cadance gave her aunts a worried look. "Do you think we should call it off?" Rainbow scoffed. "Um, we've faced way worse than baby magic before." "And I can't imagine canceling something so important over something so adorable." Rarity squeed while the others nodded. Celestia nodded. "In light of the little one's abilities, this Crystaling might be more important than ever." She looked at Cadance. "Perhaps you should address your subjects and remind them of that." Cadance nodded, leaned over, and gave her daughter a kiss below her horn and was soon out the door. "So then, what do we do?" Fluttershy asked. Crystal grinned in a way that made Pinkie proud. "And that's my cue." She trotted to the door. "Come on everypony, we've got a lot of work to do!" Figuring she had a point, the girls followed her, leaving Pinkie, Velvet, Night Light and Twilight to watch over the baby. *** "So this is where you lived?" Orchid asked as the group stood outside a building that didn't look any different from those around it except for the sign over that door that was shaped like a cupcake and the name below it: Crystal Sweets and Treats. Crystal nodded as she smiled up at the sign. "Yep. It's been in the family for as long as I can remember. Hope it stays like that too." "So we're here why?" Rainbow asked. "My mom was Crystaler for Princess Amore's daughter a long time ago. So she'll definitely be able to help us." Crystal said as she pushed open the door. Inside was rather cozy. A large display counter and shelf ran along the back wall, the display filled with every kind of baked good you could think of and along the other walls booths and sat, some of which were occupied. Before anypony could comment though, Crystal was whisked up by a light pink mare and was soon being hugged in a way that reminded everyone of how Pinkie Pie hugged ponies. "Crystal!" The mare exclaimed excitedly. Crystal's response wasn't exactly forthcoming as the wind was being crushed out her, but even then she was still smiling. "Mom. Can't. Breath." The mare set her down after that as she noticed the group behind her. "And these must be your new friends." "That's us! Pinkie said. Rarity smiled. "So very sorry to drop in on you like this Miss?" She smiled. "The name's Velvet Strawberry. My husband Sapphire Sorbet is out at the moment." She scooped Crystal back up in her hooves. "Oh, I'm just so glad you brought my little girl home." "Mom! Not in front of my friends." Crystal huffed indignantly. Everyone chuckled at her red face. "Oh let a mother dolt on her daughter sweetie. Besides, I get the feeling this isn't a social call." Velvet responded. Crystal sighed. "No, not really." Her smile grew a bit. "I mean I'm glad to be back, but that's not why we're here." Velvet sighed as she set her down again. "I figured. My little filly is growing up." She said as she ruffled Crystal's mane. Crystal sulked a moment before she remembered why they were all here. "Actually, we wanted to ask for your help. You were Crystaller for Princess Amore's daughter right?" Velvet nodded sadly. "For as long as it lasted I was." Her brow rose. "But why come to me? I doubt Princess Cadance would ask me to do it again." "That's the thing." Applejack said as she stepped up. "We're, kinda lost on what this all means." "And Crystal said talking to you might help," Emerald added. Velvet smiled slightly. "Well there's not much I can do, but I'll help as much as I can." *** Starlight was not impressed. Finding Sunburst's house had been easy once she picked up his magic trail, but talk about a letdown. "Oh yeah, real mature Sunburst." She muttered flatly as she took in the house before her. It wouldn't have looked out of place in a fairy tale. She couldn't help but feel that this was partly her fault. The two of them had been best friends as foals. At the time he had better control of his magic. But the day he had received his cutie mark, her own dormant Exarch powers had awoken, and even as a filly they had put his to shame. And even though she had tried to explain what had happened, Sunburst had left in a huff for Celestia's school to study magic. And never looked back. At the time she had blamed all cutie marks for it but having grown into her powers, she had long since stopped believing that. She had tried to find him in her trips to Canterlot, but no luck and the School for Gifted Unicorns had said he had flunked out years before. In her more vindictive moments, she felt he deserved it. But for all that she still wanted to reconnect, so here she was, standing in front of the ugliest house she had ever seen, and that was including the eyesores she put up within Our Town. Sighing Starlight swallowed her pride and walked up to the front door, but before she could even knock, she found a note hung on. Pulling it off, this is what she found. Gone to Crystalling. Be back later. Questions of what exactly a Crystalling was were put to the side as she sighed. "Go figure. He's never home when I want him." Turning around though, she could see the huge crowd beginning to form in front of the Crystal Palace. She smiled. "Oh, what the hay. I'm here. Might as well see what the big fuss is." *** Now Twilight knew for sure. She'd rather deal with another villain than try and handle a baby alicorn. Her niece seemed to have a strong attachment to Pinkie Pie as she had latched onto her as soon as she could. Pinkie didn't seem to mind though as she was whisked around the room. "Whee!" Was all she heard as they did another lap of the room. "Well... at least she's having... fun!" Twilight sighed as she looked at her parents who watched the show with amused looks. "Was I this bad at her age?" Her dad chuckled. "No, but then you weren't an alicorn. I wonder if the princesses were like this?" Her mom chuckled. "If they were I feel sorry for their parents." Twilight giggled as well as she raised a shield to deflect another blast of baby magic. "Pinkie, hold her still!" "I'm trying!" Pinkie yelled as she zoomed past again, the baby giggling happily the whole time. *** Cadance tried to smile as best she could, but her exhaustion was clear to everyone who saw her, but even then she still spoke with an authority none could dismiss. "Dearest citizens, I am sure you're all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor." The rest of the speech was drowned out by a massive cheer from the crowd. From the back of the podium, the girls couldn't help but feel the same energy as the crowd. "Was it always like this?" Applejack asked. Velvet nodded. "Oh yeah. Regular Crystallings are a big dead, but Royal Crystallings is a rare event, so it's even more exciting." "I bet," Orchid added. Velvet had been a huge help. With her help, Shinning had the honor guard and narrowed down the choice for the purity crystal. Rarity smiled as she floated a box in her magic before them. "Now, I know choosing the crystal of purity is a very important decision, so I've brought only the incredibly pure to outrageously pure." Everyone gave them a look. "They all look the same to me." Crystal said. Rarity sniffed. "Oh, well, to the untrained eye maybe. What do you think Shining Armor?" Shinning yawned before catching himself. Even after a day-long rest, he was still tired but had enough energy to be alert for this. "You know more about this than me Rarity. You decide." Rarity squeed and pulled out the last crystal. "Outrageously pure it is!" "So do you have somepony in mind for Crystaler?" Celestial asked. He nodded. "Yeah. All we need now is..." "The baby?" Cadance asked as she rejoined them. Just then a flash of teleportation filled the room leaving Twilight, Pinkie, her parents, and the baby standing there. "We're here!" Twilight exclaimed. "She's a really strong flyer!" Pinkie added as the baby detached from her and flew over to her mother who shared a knowing look before Cadance walked over to Twilight. "Twilight, we would be honored to have you as our daughter's Crystaller." Twilight's eyes bulged. "Wait. Me?" Shinning nodded, smirking. "I don't know anyone better. Besides, if the last few days are any indication, she'll need someone who knows magic to help her with her own." Twilight only took a second to decide. "I'd be honored." *** Everypony was starting to get impatient. The ceremony should've started by now. Starlight was beginning to wonder too what was going but soon all eyes turned to the stage as the Royal Family appeared. Twilight held the filly in her hooves while Cadance and Shining Armor stood alongside her. Leaning down, they both placed a kiss on their daughter's cheeks. She giggled as their horns lit and lifted her up. As she reached her peak, Twilight took out the purity crystal. "Citizens, may I present to you the newest member of the Crystal Empire!" With that, she floated the crystal over to the Crystal Heart, who's own magic reached and joined its own to Twilights. Together they melded the crystal into the Heart. The baby giggled as she began to glow. As she did, all the citizens bowed toward her their love empowering the magic of the empire itself as it began to race toward the Heart. As it reached it, the Heart exploded out an aurora that soon had everyone in a crystallized state as a beam of magic shot through the palace and erupted in a display that all of Equestria could see. When the effect had died down, ponies began to talk excitedly. "She's beautiful!" One stallion said. "Oh! It's just so amazing!" Another said. But one summed it up best. "Best Crystaling ever!" Starlight couldn't agree more. She had no idea what was going on, but she couldn't deny that it had been beautiful, and she had never felt this amazing in her life. *** In Manehatten, another too felt the release of magic, and he couldn't keep an evil grin from his face. "Soon." The pathetic wretch at his feet was soon forgotten as he moved on to another. It was almost time now, and there would be nothing to stop him this time. *** Twilight was glad everyone had decided to make this an extended vacation after Flurry Heart's Crystalling. They all needed it, and it gave Cadance and Shinning a chance to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Crystal had decided to stay in her old home while they were here, even after Cadance had offered her a room in the Palace with the others. No one blamed her one bit for her choice. Even Cadance had said later that she only offered it to show she did care about her and didn't want her to feel left out. Twilight herself had slept little. While Celestia and Luna did the best they could to help, they remembered little of their own foalhoods so it only did so much. Even with that, she was glad of what they could give. Flurry's magic was indeed much stronger than most unicorns her age. Twilight had quickly learned that Shield Spell was her best friend when she was with her. Her split ends would take forever to regrow. Magic induced trauma aside, she wouldn't trade her time with her niece for anything. Flurry had taken to her as fast as she had Pinkie, minus the eye holding thankfully. Twilight still couldn't figure that out but chalked it up to Pinkie being Pinkie. But there was something else on her mind as well. A feeling and it was growing stronger every hour, and she knew Celestia and Luna felt it too. They had been giving her odd looks when they thought they could get away with it, but she still saw them. What they meant she didn't know, but she knew one thing. Equestria stood at a crossroads now, and it waited only for someone to give it the right push. For good or ill she didn't know. *** Later that night, a lone stallion walked the streets of Vanhoover alone, a bucket of oranges floating in his magic. He hated being out this late for the fog was thick making every sound louder and more ominous than usual. He jumped as something clattered at his feet, and sighed when he saw it was only a cup. He nearly jumped out of skin though when he nearly ran into a cloaked figure than had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Whoever it was, he was breathing heavily. The stallion chuckled. "Very sorry. You came out of nowhere." "'Is he friend or foe' the pony wonders." The figure stated. "I can assure you... I am no friend." He said, throwing back his hood, revealing a gaunt face. "I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago." That was all the stallion heard before his magic was drained and he knew no more. *** In her bed, Princess Celestia awoke with a gasp, drenched in a cold sweat. Luna entered a moment later. "Sister, are you alright?" Celestia shook her head. "I've just had the most terrible dream." Luna nodded. "Why do you think I'm here? You know as well as I that this was not a dream but a vision." Celestia nodded as she stood. "Then we don't have time to waste. If it is him, then all of Equestria is in danger." Luna shook her head as they left the room behind. "It's not just Equestria. All of Equus is in danger." *** The next morning found all four princesses gathered in the Meeting Room of the palace. Twilight's friends and family had already left but she had been asked to stay behind for this. "So what exactly are we dealing with?" She asked. Celestia steadied herself before she began. "Lord Tirek. twelve thousand years ago, he began a reign of terror across the world that has never been equaled. His atrocities..." "His atrocities make what Nightmare Moon, Discord and King Sombra did tame by comparison and we won't mention them here," Luna added. "But he had another goal in mind. The so-called. "Night that Never Ended'. In some form of devotion for the moon." And there it was again, the feeling that Twilight knew all of this already, but it was even stronger now than before. "He obviously didn't get what he wanted," Cadance said. Celestia nodded. "His brother Scorpan helped an extraordinary group of friends defeats him at Midnight Castle just as he was ready to unleash it." She shook her head. "By all rights, he should be dead." Cadance and Twilight shared an uneasy look. "But then how is he still alive?" Twilight asked. Luna sighed. "We don't know. But now he has begun to steal all the magic in Equestria. With each passing moment, he grows stronger. Soon he will come after us. He wouldn't pass up the chance to steal our alicorn magic." Twilight nodded vigorously. "Then we need to stop him now before he gets any stronger." Cadance nodded and smiled. "And I know just the princess to do it." Twilight nodded as she stood a little straighter. "Yes. I'll find him and-" Celestia shook her head. No Twilight. I'm afraid I must call in another to stop Tirek. Discord." Twilight, Cadance, and Luna gasped in open-mouthed shock. *** "... As in Discord Discord?" Applejack asked. Twilight nodded. "Yes!" She still couldn't believe having just returned to Ponyville and have told all of her friends everything she knew. "I don't think its that big of a surprise. He can be very helpful." Fluttershy replied. Everyone just gave her a deadpan look. "He can sense when there's a magical imbalance. The next time Tirek steals magic, he'll be able to track him down." Twilight explained. "So what are supposed to do now?" Crystal asked. Twilight sighed as she turned away. "Nothing." The girls shared a look. "Where are you going?" Spike asked. "To the Castle of the Two Sisters. I'm not really needed anywhere else, might as well catch up on some reading." Twilight replied. "You want some company?" Rainbow asked. "We never really have seen the old castle," Emerald added. Twilight smiled gratefully. "Maybe I could use a little company right now." *** "... It doesn't look like much." Crystal commented as the group stood on a cliff overlooking the castle ruins below. Rarity sniffed. "Maybe not now darling, but it used to be the grandest structure in Equestria." "Built with all ponies working together in harmony," Twilight added, having read Celestia and Luna's old journal. "I just hope another 'friend' of ours never makes have to do something about him," Applejack added. "Oh you're talking about me I guess?" Discord asked as he floated in on an umbrella. "How'd you guess?" Orchid asked. "My ears were burning." Discord replied pointing at his ears, which were indeed burning which he put out with a glass of water. Rainbow groaned. "What are you even doing here Discord?" "Annoying all of you, what else?" He asked with an infuriating grin. Everyone sighed in exasperation. "Don't you have a creepy magic stealing villain to track down?" Emerald asked. He waved her away. "Yes, yes, yes, of course. I suppose now is a good time as any for me to get started." He magicked a door out of thin air before leaning down to Fluttershy. "We're still on for tea later, aren't we?" Fluttershy smiled. "I wouldn't miss it." Discord grinned. "Well. I'll bring the cucumber sandwiches...!" And was gone. "And good riddance!" Applejack yelled after him. "Sometimes I think the 'reformed' Discord is more obnoxious than the 'before-he-was-reformed' Discord." Everyone but Fluttershy couldn't agree more. *** Hours later, having had their fill of reading in the old Castle Library and now on their way back to Ponyville, the girls were brought up short when Spike belched out a letter from Princess Celestia. Twilight's eyes widened in shock as she read it. "What's it say Twilight?" Pinkie asked. "That I'm needed in Canterlot at once!" Twilight replied before vanishing in a flash of teleportation. *** Twilight couldn't believe what she had just heard. Discord had betrayed them and had joined Tirek. With their combined power, there was no safe place now for anypony. They had just begun to go after the earth ponies after unicorns and Pegasi. Her mind returned to the morning after her coronation, the story she had been told. "But what about-" Celestia shook her head. "It doesn't matter now if Cosmos does return. Who can say she would in time if she did?" She was shocked. She had never seen her mentor so down, so low. So broken. Her head sank. "Then what do we do now?" There was a plan it seemed, risky as it was. A few minutes later, Twilight left the room now filled with all the alicorn magic of her fellow monarchs, and a command to stay away from her friends, for their own safety. No matter how much she didn't like it. *** Twilight stood in front of her bedroom window in the Golden Oaks Library, sweating bullets, to say the least. She now had the responsibility to raise and lower the sun and moon. And she had no idea how to do it! Breathing out, she reached out with her magic and tentatively coaxed the sun to rise and the moon to set. To her shock, they obeyed rather well and soon the sun was high in the sky. She blinked. "Well, that was easy." *** Unfortunately, that had been her last experience with sane magic. Twilight shook her head as her friends offered to go with her to the Castle ruins again as another jolt of .agic surged through her. They were coming faster and faster now. "Not today! I mean. Tirek may still be a threat. I need you all to stay here and encourage everyone to remain inside." With that, she teleported away, without a backward glance. "Okay. Anypony else think there's something going on here?" Water Lilly asked. "Eeeyepe. But maybe Twilight's got a point." Applejack said. "Let's just get everyone inside for now and then we'll worry about her." *** Hours later all of Ponyville was safely inside as the Mane 5 gathered in the town square. "Alright, y'all. I think that's all of em." Applejack said. "I'm sure Discord will catch Tirek and this will all be over soon," Fluttershy added. "I'll bet he takes his sweet time," Rainbow grumbled. "Or perhaps these things just take time." Came Discord's voice. Looking over they found him with a smug grin on his face. Fluttershy ran over and gave him a hug. "You're back! Did you bring the cucumber sandwiches?" Discord nodded. "I did. I imagine they'll be your last decent meal for quite some time." Before anypony could react, something took hold of them in a magic aura. "You've gathered them all?" Tirek asked as he walked up. Applejack though didn't hear the rest. She had caught sight of Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly behind a nearby building watching what was happening with horrified looks. Luckily no one heard when she called out "Go! Find Twilight. Keep her safe." "But-" Crystal tried. "No buts youngin!" Applejack interrupted. "You find Twilight. You keep her safe. Don't let her go." Something in her voice got through to them. They nodded before disappearing back behind the building. She smiled as she felt her magic begin to be drained. "Don't you ever let her go girls." > An Empress Reborn and the Battle for Equus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat alone on the cliff overlooking the castle ruins below. After leaving her friends in Ponyville, she had wandered aimlessly for a time before coming here. Her body still twitched occasionally from the alicorn magic running through her, but it seemed to have slowed down for now. Not that it mattered now. With Discord helping Tirek, she felt it was only a matter of time before they found her, and then nothing would matter after that. They had lost, lost the moment Discord had betrayed them. She still couldn't believe he had. Did they mean nothing to him? She looked at the sky. No birds or anything, barely even a cloud. Celestia's final gamble would not last for long. There was no hope now. But one Twilight's mind returned to the story she had been told what felt like a lifetime ago now. The one who had brought the world together in an age long forgotten. Somepony who deserved this far more than she ever would and Twilight would gladly give up all her magic to her if the world would be safe. Maybe it was a long shot, maybe it was for nothing. But Twilight didn't care anymore. "Look. I don't know if you're real, or if you can even hear me. But, please. Come back to us." She pleaded as her tears fell. "You saved us once, and then we spat on what you gave us. But, please. We need you. Empress." Twilight let her tears fall faster now as nothing happened. Not a peep, sound, or anything. That was it then wasn't it? There was no hope now. If all this wouldn't bring her and her Exarchs back, nothing would. She sat there like this for who knows how long before she heard someone step on a stick. Turning around she found Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly giving her a concerned look. She wiped away her tears. "What are you girls doing here? I told you not to follow me." Emerald smirked. "Guess we don't listen very well do we?" Crystal smiled. "Besides, nopony should be alone right now. Especially you." Twilight was touched. "But Princess Celestia told me-" "Buck what Celestia told you Twilight!" Celestial interrupted. "If she told you to jump off a cliff and not try and save yourself, would you do that too?" "Running away isn't helping anyone anyway. Tirek already attacked Ponyville." Orchid added. "Applejack told us to find you and keep you safe. And that's what we're gonna do." Twilight was taken aback. "But why do you care so much? Why me?" The girls shared a knowing look and followed their hearts. "It's because we do care that we're out here." Water Lilly replied. "So what if we're not as close as you and others. We care about you Twilight, and that's all that matters." Twilight was shocked. "Do you mean it?" "Cross our heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in our eye." The girls replied together. And Twilight had never heard anything so beautiful in her entire life. Her lips trembled as new tears gathered. She let go and pulled the girls into a hug and spoke from the bottom of her heart. "Then. Please. Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone anymore." The girls happily returned the hug. "We'll never leave your side again Twilight." They said together as their own tears joined Twilight's own and fell together. They hit the ground with a resounding plink! *** In the Golden Oaks Library, the Element of Magic flared to life as it lifted off the nightstand. Its joy was evident as it vanished from the library. *** The girls were shocked when they were blinded by a bright light in the sky. Looking up they found the Element of Magic above them, radiating joy and happiness, one the was evident when she spoke. "It is time. The new age has come You are the final strands that will herald her return." Before anypony could ask what she meant, Magic flashed again filling their visions. When it had faded, everyone had vanished from the cliff. *** In Tartarus, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all felt the release of magic. Cadance didn't know what it meant, but it filled her heart with a sense of joy she couldn't remember ever feeling before. Celestia and Luna though shared a look of confusion and shock. They knew what it meant, but they never expected it now. "They've done it?" *** When the girls could see again, they were in a void. Stars twinkled in the distance and in front of them, a doorway carved from Mithral floated, locked by a single band. "That's something you don't see every day." Crystal said. "What are supposed to do?" "I think we're supposed to open it." Water Lilly replied. "But how? Emerald asked. Twilight smiled. "Together." She put a hoof on the band and one by one the girls did the same, putting their own over Twilight's, and pushed. The band dissolved easily and the door swung open revealing a chamber full of books and scrolls that seemed to go on forever. But it was what was in the center of the chamber that held their attention. A suit of armor encased a pony form, one that was heads taller than Princess Celestia herself. A moment later they realized that there was no pony inside the armor and that it rested on a mannequin. The armor itself was a beautiful shade of dark purple, each piece crafted to a high degree and protecting the wearer's vitals. On the brow, a small crown sat inset with a jewel that would make Rarity jealous. In the breastplate, an empty slot stood ready to receive a star-shaped device, one that looked very familiar. At that moment the Element of Magic appeared before them. She was smiling, they knew it, as she backed into and began to merge with the armor. And then two voices, speaking as one, filled the room. as the crown lifted on the mannequin and floated over to Twilight, settling comfortably on her brow. "Now Twilight, remember. Remember who you are." And Twilight remembered. She remembered everything . The life and dream she had abandoned so long ago in a misguided assumption the world no longer needed her. She had been wrong. Now, all of it, everything she and her friends had worked so hard for, had bled for, was nothing but ash, an age forgotten and erased from history. She smiled as she felt Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly ascend with her and take their Oath of Eternity. "The dream will live again, I swear it." Her tears fell as her armor began to lock around her form. "I am so, so, sorry. I never should have left." For a second, she thought she saw the ghosts of the five she held dear above all others, the girls she knew she could never forgive herself for abandoning that night. The next second they were gone. Then her gaze turned toward Equus and her gaze hardened as her form began to change. "Don't worry girls, we're coming." And as the last piece of her armor locked in placed around her, Twilight shed the name she had worn since she was born, and took up once more the name and title she had worn so long ago. Equus would remember why it had once feared as much as it loved her name. *** "They did it! They did it! They did it! They did it! They did it! They did it!" "Now comes the fun part. Anyone have any popcorn?" "I don't think there's enough popcorn on Equus for this." "Dangit!" *** ENOUGH! That one word brought everything to a screeching halt. Even Tirek stopped as she prepared to go after the last alicorn. With Discord out of the way, she was all that remained. Discord meanwhile sat in the same cage as the Mane 5 and Spike. Only Fluttershy showed any concern for him. For the others, this betrayal destroyed what little trust they had in him. All watched as five shafts of light descended from a cloudless sky to land before Tirek. When they faded, everyone was surprised to see Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly revealed. But something about them had changed, but before anyone could comment, they spoke as one. The Era of the Two Sisters is over. The Time of the Empress has come once more. Now and for all time. As one they stepped forward. By the grace we hold as her Exarchs, let this world's one true ruler return and reclaim her throne. Now and forever. With that, the girls turned and bowed as another beam of light descended from the sky. When it too had faded, everyone's jaws dropped in surprise. "No way..." Rainbow mumbled. "Twilight?!" They all said together. Sure enough, it was Twilight, but she had changed dramatically. She was now easily taller than Princess Celestia and her mane and tail now danced on an invisible breeze only they felt. Her body was covered in an armor that was a shade of purple deeper than her own coat and on her brow sat a small crown. But what really threw them for a loop was what was on her sides. Six wings lay folded there, each covering the pair below perfectly. Rainbow and Fluttershy shared a look at that. Nothing they knew could have six wings, could it? But then remembered what they had seen at the hospital the week before. But that couldn't be right, could it? Twilight's eyes were fixed on what was ahead of her, and as she took a step forward, her Exarchs took up a position alongside her, covering her every angle. The girls shuddered a bit. The look in her eyes scared them on a deep level, and yet in all that there was a deep sense of reverence, a feeling of love and compassion. One that went beyond what they felt for Celestia and Luna. Their weakened state made it easy for them to fall at her hooves and worship her for the goddess she had become. Only the cage prevented it. And then Twilight turned to look at them, and for a moment they were afraid she might strike them down for it seemed she didn't recognize them. And then she winked at them and the mask dropped and she was the Twilight Sparkle they all knew and loved once more, but only for a moment before she turned her gaze back to Tirek. Tirek himself wasn't impressed. "You've saved me the trouble of finding you. It will make things so much easier if you surrender your magic now." Twilight smirked. "It's nice to see some things haven't changed in twelve thousand years. Just as overconfident as you were at Midnight Castle." He blinked in shock while everyone else just shared a confused look. "How do you know that name? I don't remember seeing you there." Her smirk grew another inch. "Oh, I was there, just not like this. I'm sure you remember the Rainbow of Light?" Tirek snarled for he remembered that blasted thing quite well as well as the girl who had wielded it. "Too bad for you then that I've moved beyond that." Twilight smiled widely. "Oh I know, so to make this more fun, I'll give a few handicaps." With that Twilight began to remove the armor she wore. As each piece came off, it hit the ground with a resounding thud!, one that rattled everyone's teeth. Rainbow gaped. "How much does that thing weigh?" Not even Applejack could give her an answer. That armor had to weigh a ton at least, and Twilight wore it like it weighed nothing. She admitted she was jealous and proud at the same time. As the last piece came off Twilight fluffed her wings and smiled. "Now that that's off, you can have all the alicorn magic Tirek. And then we can really get this party started." Now the girls were really lost. "Wait. Is that why you've been avoiding us all day?" Spike asked. She shrugged hopelessly. "Don't blame me. It was Celestia, Luna, and Cadance's idea I run and hide like a coward." "On the bright side, we wouldn't be here now if they hadn't," Emerald said. "Was it like this last time?" Twilight groaned. "No, it wasn't this bad. Not yet anyway." Her Exarchs shared a look. "Is that good?" Crystal asked. "You really should tell us about that time, and your, first Exarchs." She placed a hoof on Twilights. "You can't hold that pain in forever." Twilight sniffed. "I know, and I will tell you, girls, all about them." She smiled slightly. "I just wish you all could have met. They would have loved you, and you would have loved them." Rarity cleared her throat. "Pardon me darlings, but who are you talking about? And is this really the time?" She asked, gesturing at Tirek, who looked annoyed about something. Twilight chuckled as she cleared her eyes and gestured at the centaur. "Oh Rarity, you make this sound like this is a problem. I've had zits scarier than him." That finally did it for Tirek. "Enough! I will have your magic, and I will have it now!" Twilight rolled her eyes as she trotted over to him. "Yeah yeah, keep your pants on. Get on with it piss for brains, I don't have all day." That made him even angrier but kept his cool for the moment. It wouldn't matter soon anyway as he reached out with his magic, took hold of the impudent princess, and began to suck her dry. Everyone watched in horror as all of the alicorn magic was sucked out of her. After a moment the stream of magic ended and Twilight dropped to the ground unceremoniously. She didn't even blink as her friends ran up to her. "Twilight. What were you thinking?" Rainbow asked as Tirek began to grow larger before soon towering over everything in sight. She only grinned as she flexed her wings. "I'm making this more fun. I'm out of practice like this. Time to get back in the groove." "How is this fun at all?" Applejack asked as she gestured at the towering centaur. "Except for that varmint maybe." Twilight's grin grew wider as she patted Applejack on the head. "Oh ye of little faith, let me handle this." She walked away, but not before turning back with a smirk. "And my name is Cosmos now girls." No one said anything for a moment until her last words caught up with their brains. "Wait, Cosmos...?" Fluttershy said before they all gasped in open shock. "Empress Cosmos?!" Cosmos chuckled. "That's me." She rolled her eyes at their shocked faces. "Oh don't look so surprised girls. Even I didn't know who I was for a long time" "Wait a minute," Pinkie exclaimed as she hopped up. "If you're her, then what happened to Twilight?" Her smile softened. "Oh, girls. I'll always be Twilight Sparkle." She pointed at herself. "But this is how I was always meant to be since before I was even born." She tapped her chin. "Actually, even way before that too." "So what does that mean?" Rainbow asked. Cosmos shrugged. "It's a very, very long story. And it'll have to wait since there's someone who needs to be taught a permanent lesson about messing with ponies." Tirek chuckled. "Cute, the little pony thinks she can-" That was all he had the chance to say for at the moment all four of Cosmos's hooves punched him right in the jaw and he was sent flying out of Ponyville, landing a good two miles outside of town. Cosmos chuckled at the shocked looks she was getting. "What? Does anyone actually care what he was going to say?" Their silence said it all. "That's what I thought." "So did that do it?" Applejack asked. She smirked. "Oh please. If I wanted him done with that fast, that would've killed him ten times over. But where's the fun in that?" Fluttershy almost fainted. "Killed? Are you going to-" "No, I'm going to kill him," Cosmos replied. "He doesn't deserve that mercy. I'm just gonna beat him within an inch of his pathetic life before I condemn him to his eternal punishment. Like I should have last time." She added in a whisper. The girls decided they probably didn't want to know what that meant as Tire came storming back into town, small brooze on his cheek that was already turning purple. "You will pay for that." He sneered. Cosmos smiled. "Said the whore to her customer after she broke a nail." He only blinked as everyone else tried not to snicker. "Oh snap. Burn!" Water Lilly said holding out a hoof and Cosmos obliged her with a hoof bump. He snarled in rage and powered up his Tartarus Beam, now all powered up on all the alicorn magic, and fired it at the pony and her friends. Everyone watched in horror as it came toward them, while Cosmos just there with a smile on her face. It never hit any of them. A full foot from her face the beam vanished into nothingness while space and time seemed to ripple around her before he cut it off and tried again. This went one for who knew how long, with Tirek growing more and more enraged with each passing moment. The girls meanwhile just watched in shock while her Exarchs munched on popcorn Orchid had summoned from, somewhere. Finally, Cosmos raised a hoof, and punched the beam, for lack of a better word, which immediately rebounded and flew off into the Everfree Forest, impacting somewhere deep within it. Tirek stood there aghast, as did most of her friends for that matter. Rainbow finally found her voice. "That. Was. Awesome!" Cosmos nodded. "Thank you Rainbow, I rather thought it was too." She sneered up at Tirek as her eyes began to glow. "My turn." She knew this was a risk such a short time after her rebirth. Her powers were all there, but she hadn't used them in so long now. There was always the risk she could lose control of them and literally unmake all of reality and not be able to put it back together again, but at this point, she didn't have much choice, so she did it and spoke only one word. "Break." And reality broke, shattering into millions of pieces before it reassembled itself a split second later. All anyone felt was a quick sense of vertigo before it stopped. Tirek though felt his body be beaten and battered by a billion different punches at the same time, all with the same power as the first, and the pain never seemed to end either. Until it finally did and he collapsed in a heap. He could only glare at Cosmos as she walked up to his broken form, her Exarchs at her side. "Your time is over Tirek. You will never harm another being on this planet." She said. He sneered. "If you think Tartarus can hold me then you're a fool." She smiled. "Who said anything about going there? No, I have a much better place to send you, one that no being has ever escaped from once they've been sentenced there. But first." Her smile grew now. "Disjunction." Tirek felt his magic break before it began to flow out of him, forming into a ball before dispersing across Equestria and returning to where it belonged. The girls and Discord felt it first and it had never felt so good, but Discord felt this wasn't the end of it for him. Once she was sure all the magic had been drained from his form Cosmos spread her wings as her Exarchs moved to stand with her. "Your time is over Tirek. I sentence you to eternity in Carceri." She smiled darkly. "Say hello to Hydia for me." No one knew what that was, but something about it sent chills down their spines. Cosmos reached out with her own power and let the magic do the rest. Underneath his form a portal formed, from which clamps shot forth before locking around his legs and arms. Tirek's sneer was replaced with a look of fear as he was dragged down into the portal. His last sight of Equus was Cosmos gazing down with a look of utter contempt on her face before he was pulled inside, the portal closing a moment later. Cosmos sighed as she began to reattach her armor to her form. "Well, that takes care of that." As the last piece locked in place, she smiled. She always felt naked without it, no matter that she had born Magic for as long as she had now. Why she didn't know. Luckily she had crafted a potent defense into the armor when she had forged it that prevented any being but herself from ever wearing it in the few instances she took it off. Of course, others could touch it, but the effect would be different depending on who they were. Now she turned her gaze to Discord, who had just begun to try and sneak off. "And now we come to you Discord. I have a very low opinion of backstabbing traitors like you." "But, he said he was sorry." Fluttershy tried to argue, but she was finding this harder than it usually was for her when confronting Cosmos. Cosmos shook her head. "I don't care what he said Fluttershy. Ponies will demand he is punished, and I'm more than happy to give them what they want. Celestia is too naive, too trusting, to do what needs to be done for those who don't deserve another chance." He ground his teeth. "And what gives you that right Sparkle?" "I have every right you pathetic mismatched sack of flesh," Cosmos responded. "I'm sure you've figured it by now what I am. What I really am." Discord grumbled but decided to humor her all the same and looked more directly at her, and felt his blood run cold. He had indeed seen what she had done with Break. She had quite literally destroyed all of reality and then put it back together whole a split second later. And that was just a tenth of one percent of her power, he knew it. She was something that shouldn't be possible by all the laws of this dimension, and yet she was all too real. But beyond that, he felt more than saw the shadow of her true self. A being that not even he could comprehend. And then the shadow turned and looked right at him. He knew it did, and for the first time in his long life Discord was afraid and quickly pulled out of the vision, falling to the ground in a trembling heap. Everyone gave him a confused look. "What happened to him?" Spike asked. Cosmos smirked. "He just saw something that finally broke his mind." She tapped her chin. "Now, what to do with you." "Twilight wait." Came a voice they all recognized. Turning around they found Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance landing behind them Cadance was looking at the reborn Twilight with confusion. But it was Celestia and Luna that held their attention. They were bowing to Cosmos. Not out of fear or duty, but of reverence. They could all see it. Cosmos frowned. "That is no longer my name Celestia, you know that." She gestured at Discord. "And if you honestly think I will let him off with nothing but a warning, then you're a bigger fool than I thought." Celestia frowned as stood straighter. "I will take whatever lumps you decide to give me, Cosmos. But I stand by what I did. It was the right thing for you." Cosmos narrowed her eyes. "You do not decide what is right for me Celestia. You have no right too." Everyone was shocked to see tears gather and fall. "Queen Majesty once told me the same thing, and it cost her her life and me the greatest friend I had." She looked back at Discord. "No. He will pay for this, and you will not stop me." Raising a hoof to him, she said only one word. "End." That single word alone scared all who heard it. Not on a normal level, but on a primal level. Even Applejack was shaking like a leaf. Discord didn't have a chance to do anything, as a magic circle formed under him and chains locked around his limbs and he began to sink into the ground. Cosmos smiled vicious a smile. "Say hello to nonexistence you worthless piece of trash, and good riddance." Discord threw one last pleading look to Fluttershy, but she didn't move to help him before the circle claimed him and he was gone. Cosmos nodded as she turned back to Celestia, Luna, and Cadance with a devious smirk. "Now, as for you three. I do believe I owe you something for making me run and hide like a bucking coward." Cadance gulped. "Now. Twilight. Let's not do something you'll regret later. Shouldn't we be celebrating your win and, whatever they hay happened to you? Think about Flurry Heart." Cosmos smiled. "Oh we will and I am, but first this needs doing, and I need to get it out of my system." Walking up to Cadance, she leaned down. And smacked her upside the head. "Ow!" Cadance yelped as she rubbed the back of her head and glared at Cosmos. "What was that for?" "That was for not telling me about you and Shinning, or the wedding until the day before. And don't give me that excuse of Chrysalis. You two had plenty of time to tell me before that misbegotten bug came into the picture." Cadance couldn't argue that. She was right, they did have plenty of time before hoof to tell Twilight and didn't. Heck, Aunt Celestia had even recommended she ask Rarity if she would like to design her wedding dress. Luna snickered at her niece's discomfort before she too felt a hoof connect to the back of her head. Rubbing the spot, she shot Cosmos a glare. Cosmos just rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that look, Luna. You darn well what I'm thinking of. Be glad that it's not more than that." Now she turned to Celestia. "And Celestia. I don't even know where to start with your laundry list of stupid decisions, so." This time she put a bit more power behind the hit. Celestia knew she'd be feeling that lump for a long time. Cosmos smiled widely. "Let that be the lump for all of them." "So, feel any better now?" Emerald asked. Cosmos nodded. "Yep. I'm good." > The Friendship Games and An Offer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So let me get this straight. You're the reincarnation of some long-ago ruler of the whole planet?" Cadance asked. The group had retreated to Sugarcube Corner after Discord had been dispatched. No one wanted to think about what had been done to him. Fluttershy still wasn't happy, and neither was Celestia. Luna and the others couldn't have cared less. Cosmos smirked. "Oh, Cadance. Reincarnation is such a short view of it. I never died in my past life. I simply stopped existing in this dimension and returned to the being I'm a small part of." Her gaze grew distant. "I never planned to come back. I never thought I had to. But something drew me back, and I'm glad I did. Equus needs a solid kick in the flank now more than ever. And if I have to be the one to do it, then I will." "And what's that mean?" Applejack asked. Cosmos shook her head. "This universe. It never should have devolved into this. My friends and I poured our blood sweat and tears into making it a place where all races could live together in harmony." She glared at the girls. "Where the disgusting attitude toward Zecora would have made you shunned by all right-minded beings. I may have been swept up in it, but it should never have been at all." "What about Emerald?" Spike asked. She smiled. "My kind has never been that numerous Spike. Most don't even know we exist. And we like to keep it that way." "Why's that?" Pinkie asked. Emerald shook her head. "Most see us as freaks or monsters. We still remember the persecutions of the Three Tribes Era by all three tribes." Cosmos perked up as a thought came to her as she looked at Celestia and Luna. "Speaking which, do either of you know more about it? It never should have degenerated to that level." Luna shook her head. "Nay. All we spoke to at the time could not remember why the tribes had been at each other's throats for so long." Celestia nodded. "At one time there were some who could have told you more. But they died long ago." "Who?" Crystal asked. Celestia took a deep breath as she looked Cosmos right in the eyes. "Your first Exarchs. They would still have been alive at the time." Cosmos bit her lips as her tears gathered. "Where are they? What happened to them?" "We don't know. No one knows where they are buried. None ever saw them again after they left their families." Luna replied. "Till the day the died, the believed in you. Believed you would come back." She was about to respond when she doubled over, clutching her head. Her Exarchs were at her side immediately. "What is it?" Celestial asked. "Something's wrong. Very wrong." Cosmos replied. Everyone looked around in confusion. "But there's nothing going on." Rainbow Dash replied. Cosmos shook her head. "No here. Not on Equus. But-" Her eyes widened as she stood up. "Girls. I'm sorry to run, but something's come up." Igniting her horn she tore a hole in reality before she turned to her Exarchs. "Don't follow me. I'll be back in a little while." "But-" Orchid tried. Cosmos shook her head. "You girls haven't been there, and if we all show up together, it'll just make things more complicated." Their heads drooped. Her own expression softened as she lifted their heads one by one. "Oh, girls. This isn't about you. None of this is about you, but this is something I need to do myself." "And what about our oath?" Crystal asked. "We're never supposed to leave your side." Cosmos smiled. "And you never will. No matter what happens, we will always be together. No matter how far apart we are." That helped a little, but this still didn't feel right. Her smile dropped as she stepped toward the tear. "I'll be back soon." And she was gone. *** Twilight Sparkle was backed into a corner. Literally and figuratively. Her teammates from Crystal Prep and Principle Cinch were egging her on to unleash all the magic she had collected in her spectrometer. The song itself was horrible and so cheesy it wouldn't have felt out of place in a 50's B-movie, but that was beside the point. She would be able to understand magic as she wanted to. She'd be able to understand everything. What did she care about this world anyway? There was a whole other world out there was magic was seemingly normal. It would be her ticket to Everton, maybe even a Nobel Prize. It was everything she wanted and. And... And none of this was right. Twilight knew in her heart that this was all wrong. She shouldn't even be here. She wasn't an athlete and Crystal Prep had others better suited for the academics. None of her teammates liked her, and she swore some of them hated her. The Canterlot High team on the other hand? They had been nothing friendly to her since she had arrived. Everything the Friendship Games were meant to be. She was still trying to figure Pinkie Pie out, but that could wait. Except for Sunset Shimmer of course, but she was beginning to think that she'd had a point when she had blown up at her earlier. For the life of her, she knew that she'd been blackmailed into joining the team, Principle Cinch using her acceptance to Everton as leverage, and like an idiot, she had said yes without thinking. And why was she thinking about all this like this all of a sudden? "Because you're finally thinking with your heart instead of your head Twilight." Came a voice that commanded attention. Even the Shadowbolts and Principle Cinch stopped all at once like a switch had been thrown. There was an unmistakable tone of authority in that voice, along with a warmth Twilight only associated with her mom and dad, but so much more in some way. Opening her eyes, she saw that everyone was looking at someone behind their group. Even the C.H.S. students and staff were looking at something with wide eyes. Twilight followed their gaze. And felt her mouth drop in shock. If goddesshood could be personified, she was it. Graceful, her every step measured in a way that spoke of confidence and surety, dark lavender clothes covered a body that was shapely in a way that made many of the students blush. On her chest was a magenta star and on her brow was a small crown of silvers with a small gem inset into it. And her eyes. Oh her eyes. In them danced a warmth and love that all who saw them would remember forever. But behind that danced another sight, one that scared all who saw it. Here was someone who crushed entire universes for fun with one hand, but would make new life arise from the ashes with the other. But what really threw Twilight for a loop was her face. It was her own, if slightly older. "Bwuh huh?" She stuttered. "Who are you?" Cosmos smiled. She chose this look on purpose to try and set everyone at ease, only her older appearance signifying her changed outlook. "A friend. Someone who hopes she can help you avoid making a mistake that will haunt you for the rest of your life if you listen to them." She replied, her smile faltering as she pointed at Twilight's team. And with that, Twilight broke. The look of concern in her eyes, the lack of anger or hatred in her voice, cut through her defenses better than anything could as she felt her tears fall. Cosmos held her close as she let Twilight let out her tears. And yes this was weird for her too. "I. I just wanted to understand magic." Twilight sniffed. "I shouldn't even be here. I'm not an athlete or someone who does debates. I'm just, me." She said as her head dropped. Cosmos lifted her chin. "Twilight, listen to me. Understanding magic is not something to be ashamed of." She lifted her spectrometer. "But this isn't how to do it. It would unleash something this world is not ready for. Not yet at least." She smirked as she saw she had Twilight's attention as she gestured at her teammates. "Besides, what would these blubbering, incompetent idiots know of magic? At least you're trying." Despite herself, Twilight couldn't help but chuckle while Crystal Prep glowered, but something else caught her attention. "What do you mean yet?" Cosmos sighed. "This world hasn't known magic for many, many years. It's not ready." She smiled. "It needs guidance, someone who can sheppard it." Twilight blinked, fearing what she meant but giddy at the thought all the same. "You mean me?" She nodded. "You've taken your first steps on that road, you just need someone to guide and help you. The rest will fall into place after that." She smiled at her human friends. "I think they'll be happy to if you'll have them." Twilight wanted to, she really did, but. "After everything I've done? Sunset Shimmer yelled at me." Cosmos smirked deviously. "And I will slap her silly if it makes you feel better." Twilight couldn't help but giggle and grin at the thought while Sunset felt a cold chill run up her spine. Cosmos softened her look as she looked at the spectrometer. "May I?" Twilight nodded. She trusted her, for knowing for as long as she had. Slipping it off her neck she handed it to Cosmos. Cosmos looked it over. "Let this be your first magic lesson Twilight. Magic like this is very dangerous. If you had used it as they demanded, it would have overwhelmed you, corrupted you." Just for a split second, Twilight felt something rage within her at being denied. The next it was gone. Cosmos felt it too as she pressed down on the lid. As it popped open all the magic it had taken floated out and returned to the Humane 6. Cinch finally found her voice as she watched this. "Now see here. I don't know who you are, but you had no right to do that." Cosmos gave her a withering glare. "I had every right, you manipulative bitch. What made you think you could use this? What made you think you could control it? Twilight at least is trying. All you care about is winning." She fell back as she had just been slapped while the Shadowbolts looked on stunned. By this point, all of Canterlot High had gathered around the group. But Cosmos wasn't done. "And that's not counting blackmailing a student into joining the team. How do you think the school board will take that?" Her hands glowed as a recording device appeared in them and began to playback a certain conversation from a few days earlier. Everyone listened in shock as it played out before another voice spoke up. "They won't like it. That combined with everything I've seen recently is enough to warrant a serious look at replacing Abacus with someone more qualified." Everyone turned to see who had spoken. Walking toward them was a woman. Auburn hair framed a face that was one part benevolent and one part furious. Principle Cinch looked worried. "Super Intindent Faust." She said, trying to sound confident but failing to keep the worry out of her tone. That got all the student's attention. "The District Super?" Fluttershy squeaked. "Oh boy. Now we're in trouble." Applejack added. Cosmos meanwhile wasn't that surprised. That name popped in several universes as someone of importance. None of them on goddess level of course. Tartarus no. Damn her soul to the Warp if she was ever that stupid. If one wanted that they had to go to the multiverse next door. Different name, but it was the same being more or less. As if sensing her thoughts, Faust turned toward her and offered her a brief nod and a warm smile, one Cosmos returned and stepped back, letting her take charge of what she hoped was to come. "What do you mean?" Cinch asked. Faust gave her an unamused look. "Don't play dumb with me Abacus, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Dean Cadance called me after your meeting with her and Shining Armor expressing concern over Miss. Sparkle's behavior." Twilight let her gaze drop, ashamed of how she had acted then, even though there was no animosity in the Super's words directed at her. "Then I come to find out about all that's happened since the games began. I admit I've had my doubts about you since Principle Sombra named you as his successor, but your record spoke for itself and all I had were my doubts so I let it lie." Faust continued. She shook her head her eyes narrowed. "But with all I've seen recently, I regret not saying something sooner. I don't understand all that's going on, but I do know of only one school that is trying to cheat its way to victory." "Canterlot High?" Indigo Zap said, trying to look innocent, as did her teammates. All but Twilight that is. She didn't bother hiding her shame. Faust saw it and her gaze softened. "Wrong Miss. Zap. As far as I've seen no one from that school has tried to use the "magic" to win." Her gaze drifted to Rainbow Dash. "In fact Miss. Dash tried to save everyone with it during an event." She smiled. "That is a win for me." That made Rainbow feel ten feet tall. Faust turned her gaze back to Twilight. "Miss Sparkle's attempts to study it may have caused everything." Her smile softened. "But she at least owns up to her mistakes and is sorry for them. Am I wrong?" Twilight shook her head. "No. I am so, so, sorry for everything. I never meant for any of this to happen." Faust nodded. "You lot on the other hand. It is safe to say your parents will hear about this." She turned to Cinch. "And you best believe that this is going before the next school board meeting." She looked to Twilight and smirked. "I'd ask if you'd like to help with that, but I have the feeling you will be busy." Twilight smiled sheepishly while inwardly doing a happy dance. Faust now looked over to Cosmos, who had remained silent this whole time. "And, thank you, whoever you are." Her brows furrowed. "Who, are you?" Cosmos smiled. "Just a friend that cares." She tapped her chin. "That still leaves the Friendship Games undecided though." Faust chuckled. "After all this, I think we can call it a tie." She looked at all the students. Unless someone has a better idea?" No one said anything on either side. She smiled. "Then I think we can skip straight to the party." "Yes!" Pinkie exclaimed from the front row. Everyone chuckled. Faust turned back to Cosmos who was grinning broadly. "I don't suppose you can stay longer? I don't who, or what you are, but you've helped immensely." She thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I can stay awhile." But her mind wasn't really there at the moment. She could already see where the governments of the world would kill to get their hands on the World Mirror and Equus beyond. Not all of them of course. But enough were so corrupt that they wouldn't care who got hurt just to get it. Part of her just wanted to obliterate the whole world and start all over again. It wouldn't even be a chore. She wouldn't even have to lift a finger, but she clamped down on her Destroyer Aspect. No matter how much it hurt. By her True Name, it had been too long since she had just destroyed a world just for the hell of it. She spent so much time making new universes and everything that went with them she barely had time for wanton destruction. Snort. Time. What did time mean to her? She had existed long before time was even a formless concept and she would be here long after time had ceased to be. And she was letting her mind wander again. Darn it. This was partly why she manifested in any single universe. It helped to keep her grounded. *** A little while later the party was in full swing. While Crystal Prep sulked over being defeated, in their eyes, Canterlot High celebrated like it was the last day of school. Cosmos had gone to find Crystal and her friends as soon as she was able. It was time for her to confront the feelings she'd had for her since the Battle of the Bands. But Crystal beat her to the punch. Or kiss in this case for as soon as she Cosmos came in range, Crystal had lept into her arms and planted the biggest kiss she could on her. One Cosmos was happy to return. What that meant for their future could wait. Also as promised, she had slapped Sunset silly for her blow up at Twilight earlier, while also making sure to drum her strength down so it wouldn't maim or kill her. "I mean really Sunset. Yelling. What made you think that was a good idea?" She had asked. In her defense, Sunset had apologized profusely after that for the whole incident. Maybe even more so now that Cosmos was showing them what would've happened had she not arrived when she had. Twilight was aghast at what she would've become, and yet she was drawn to it at the same time. "I would've turned into that?" And then began to blush madly. "Look at what I'm wearing! You can see right up my... meep." The group chuckled. "Should we worry about that now?" Rarity asked. Cosmos shook her head. "Not like this now that the impulse for it is gone. Midnight is still in there, but given time you can become her without worrying about what she might do." Twilight blinked. "What do you mean? I never want to be her. Ever." She was sore about what she had seen between her and Crystal. Not that she had anything against it of course. Far from it. But she had begone to feel something more than just friendship with Cosmos. And she had lost her chance before she could even at least try. She did wonder if Cosmos knew about it. She did in fact know. What she would do about it, and what she even felt from it, was for later as she was still trying to figure it out herself. But now was a time for lessons. "Twilight, magic is not evil in itself. It's how you use it that defines it. Used the right way it can do good in so many ways." Opening her palms she let her magic coalesce into them. The girls watched in awe as two spheres took shape in them as she settled into lecture mode. "Take these. By themselves, there is enough power here to power this whole planet nonstop for a millennium. Combined for the rest of existence." Twilight watched in rapt attention. She hadn't seen anything so beautiful in her whole life, and yet she had the feeling that this was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to magic and what it could do. But Comos's expression darkened. "But that's just one side to this, for this same amount of power has enough juice to destroy this entire galaxy and several others all at the same time." Everyone was shocked by this, but even then she was glad to see that they still listened. She also noticed that they had gained an audience as many of the students and staff of both schools were standing around them. She didn't mind though. Most looked like they didn't understand what she was saying anyway. A few did and that would help in the long run. "Aren't you worried about someone misusing it?" Fluttershy asked. Cosmos shook her head. "Only one being can use it at full power. It would destroy anyone else who tried." Everyone shared a look. "How do ya know that?" Spike asked. Cosmos smirked. "Because I'm the only one who can." She saw their confusion. "What? In case you guys missed it, I'm not exactly normal anymore." "Well. We weren't gonna say anything...." Pinkie replied sheepishly. She chuckled. "Don't worry. I don't mind. And this is the perfect chance to get this off my chest." She sighed as she looked at Twilight. "You must be wondering why we look so much alike right?" Twilight nodded. "That is because I'm you from Equus." "Equus?" Principle Celestia asked. "The name of the planet we come from," Sunset added. "Not very original I know, but we don't know who to blame for it." Cosmos bit back a retort. It was a stupid name, as was Equestria for that matter. But that was beside the point. "Time for a universal history lesson everyone. When this universe was born, Twilight Sparkle was never meant to exist, at all, and events had been planned to account for that." She sighed as she gained a faraway look. "When I came here, I rewrote the universe so that I was always Twilight Sparkle. I didn't kill or devour anyone to do so. There wasn't anyone to do it to. I will always be Twilight Sparkle, but I'm so much more than that now. All of my memories are still here, so don't worry about me forgetting anyone here." That put a stop to further conversation for a time as everyone tried to digest that. It was simple to understand. Now they just had to come to terms with it. *** Meanwhile, the Mane 10, Spike, and the princesses were beginning to wonder what was taking Cosmos so long. Nothing seemed out of place, so what was taking her so long? Cadance, while as curious as the rest, was also laying into her aunts, having discovered they had known this was coming and hadn't told her. To say she was upset would be an understatement. But the ones who were taking the separation the worst were her Exarchs. They were still growing into their new powers. Orchid and Water Lilly, in particular, we're trying not to smash something by accident with their newfound strength. Finally Crystal threw her hooves up in frustration. "I can't take this anymore! We're never supposed to leave her side. It's the oath we all took." "Through darkness and light, through good and bad. We pledge ourselves to her. Mind, body, and soul. To walk with her, be there for her. Until time itself is unmade." Everyone could feel the power behind that oath. It was as binding as any contract, maybe even more so. But the message was clear to them all the same. Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly's one and only loyalty now was to Cosmos. Whatever others they may have had were gone now. "But what are wer supposed to do?" Orchid asked. "We've never been there and I don't even know how she did that." Celestial shook her head. "It was some kind of magic, but not like any I've ever heard of." Emerald slumped. "We're sunk then. Outside her, you're the only other one who knows magic. I doubt any of us thought to study it." The girls shook their heads. Celestia sighed seeing this. "I think you're going about this the wrong way." "How's that?" Water Lilly asked. "You all share a bond that goes beyond anything we know, and your magic is no longer constrained by the laws we knew." Luna replied. Everyone blinked in confusion. Celestia chuckled as she settled back into her role as a teacher. "Look deep inside you. That same power she used is within you as well. You just have to find it." The girls shared a look, but decided to give Celestia the benefit of the doubt. Call it a holdover from their old lives still within them that their ascension hadn't yet erased that they listened to her. Closing their eyes, they concentrated on their shared bond with Cosmos. Soon they felt her nearby, but behind what seemed like a curtain. But that was easy to fix. Unnoticed Celestial's horn began to glow an electric blue, wavered for a moment, and then became solid. A light appeared at the tip of her horn and soon detached itself and seemed to rip open a hole in reality. Opening their eyes, the group looked at in surprise. "Did we do it?" Orchid asked. "There's only one way to find out," Luna said. "But be wary. Very few have ever been there and come back. We do not know what you will all find there." Nodding, the girls stood up and carefully stepped through the tears which closed a moment later. *** "That still leaves us with what to do with the portal." Rarity said after a moment. "Now that both schools know about it." Twilight nodded. "Principle Cinch won't let it go. She won't talk about it, but she'll still try and steal the magic from it for herself." Cosmos smiled as she held up a finger point it at the statue. "Let me handle that." And let loose a bolt of magic that went straight into the base. The statue glowed a moment before returning to normal. "What was that for?" Sunset asked. "I put a seal on it. Now only certain people or ponies can ever use it and cross the dimensional wall." Cosmos explained. "So who does that include?" Fluttershy asked. She smiled. "Everyone hear of course. I know you girls want to see Equestria. And you can't be the only ones." "Even me?" Twilight asked. Even now, with everything she had been told and how friendly everyone was being with her, she still remembered what she had seen. She didn't want that. Cosmos's smile softened. "Yes Twilight even you. No offense Sunset but you're years out of date with magic, and she can only learn so much here." Sunset grumbled irritably while everyone snickered. Cosmos held up a hand "While we're on the topic of other worlds, I'm also here to invite you, girls, to something a long time coming." "What's that?" Rainbow asked. Her smile grew. "Just the biggest party Equus has seen in a very long time." Pinkie's grin grew another ten inches and she was soon squeeing. "Cosmos chuckled. "I was hoping you'd say that Pinkie." "Say what?" Applejack asked. "I was hoping you girls would like to help with the preparations." Cosmos replied. "My pony friends can only do so much themselves, and it would be a great chance for everyone to meet and bond." Everyone shared a look before breaking into smiles. "Where do we sign up?" Twilight asked. Cosmos was about to reply when a new voice joined them. "This is so weird." Both of her eyes began to twitch as everyone turned to look to see who had spoken. Walking toward them was a group of girls that looked about their own age. Four they recognized from the school, but something told them that they weren't. But the fifth stood out with her exotic features, none of which they recognized. But even Rarity could admit to being jealous of her looks. Cosmos though was annoyed. "I thought I told you to wait for me in Ponyville?" Crystal smirked. "You can get rid of us that easy. Besides you were taking to long so we decided to come to see what's up." "We're not sure how though," Emerald added. Cosmos sighed. "It's your Exarch powers beginning to manifest." She chuckled. "A lot soon er than I expected too. But that's a good thing." "How's that?" Water Lilly asked. Cosmos snickered. "It took the girls before you a lot longer to grow into their own Exarch powers." *** Sunset felt her blood run cold as soon as she heard those words, but that was impossible. *** "Exarch. You mean like in Dungeons and Dragons?" Twilight asked. Cosmos shrugged. "Close enough. It's more complex than that, but that's a good start." She saw Sunset's face and smirked, deciding to rub the salt in her pride. She still wasn't happy about her remarks from the week before, even if she hadn't known the truth of herself at the time. "Finally clicking Sunny?" Sunset looked at her shock and mounting horror. "You, you can't be her. Cosmos. She's just-" "I'm what Sunset? Fiction, myth? Don't disparage what you'll never understand." Cosmos replied with a hint of anger. "I was there when Megan unleashed the Rainbow Light and Midnight Castle fell, I watched the blossoming of Dream Valley and led it into becoming Ponyland." Her gaze dropped. "And then, I left. I thought my time and purpose had been fulfilled. I never planned to come back, I never thought I needed to." Twilight leaned over to the others. "Does anyone have any idea what's she talking about?" They just shook their heads. Sunset though put on a brave face, but they could all see it was forced. "Prove it then. Prove you're her." Cosmos smirked as she removed her crown. "You want proof Sunset. Try and hold it. If you know my story then you know what it is." She frowned but tried all the same, but as soon as she did a rush of images came to her. She held for only a few seconds but that was enough to know. When she let go her eyes glazed over in horror as she looked at Cosmos. "The Cosmic Crown. You. You are her." Right before she fell over unconscious. Luckily Applejack was able to catch her in time before she hit the ground. Cosmos snickered. "I see she's been watching you Rarity. All that's missing is your fainting couch." After a moment though she came to and sat up while everyone gave her a concerned look. "Are you alright Sunset?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm fine Fluttershy Sunset grumbled as she glared at Cosmos. "I just have one question for you then Cosmos." She only smiled sweetly. "Ask away." That sent Sunset's anger over the edge as something about it made her explode as she got up right in her face. "Why did come back? You left us ages ago, your precious dream is dead, and the world went to Tartarus." Her tears began to fall now. "Did you ever care about us? Or did you just keep us around to amuse yourself?" She laid her hands on her shoulders. Tell me. What were we to you, Empress?" That last word sent their minds reeling. What they hay did Sunset mean by that? Cosmos just shrugged as she waived off the girls who looked ready to rip Sunset to pieces for daring to talk to her like that and laying a hand on her. "Are you done? I just told you why I left. Yes, I regret it, and that I never took my first Exarchs with me." "Did they even know?" Celestial asked. She shook her head as her own tears fell. "No. I left in the middle of the night. I never told even told them. I never gave them a chance to say goodbye." She sniffed. "I miss them." Rainbow threw her arms up in frustration. "Can someone please explain what the heck you guys are talking about? None of this makes sense." Cosmos smirked as she dried her tears. "Rainbow. Sense is highly overrated and no fun." She grumbled as Sunset got her mind on track. "So what? You came back to fix the cesspit you left behind?" Cosmos glared at her, holding in her own rising anger. "If you want to be blunt about it, yes. Deal with it Sunset. I'm done patronizing you." That put an end to that, for all could feel she was holding in her temper at the moment, and no one wanted to see it explode. She shook her head. "But that's beside the point. Are you guys sure? Equus is not like Earth, and this won't be a short vacation. Months, maybe longer." Everyone shared a look. She had a point. Most of their families now knew about their magic, but they had never really thought about going to Equestria fully. It never seemed likely to happen. Twilight, on the other hand, wasn't even sure she should be allowed to go. On top of being new to all this, she was still technically enrolled at Crystal Prep Academy, even though Principle Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Dean Cadance and Super Intindent Faust were discussing the possibility of letting her transfer to Canterlot High. And then there was the issue of her parents. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were often away on business, as they were now, leaving her and Shining home alone. It was fine for him since he now lived on his own, but Twilight didn't. So now when they were away she usually stayed in the dorms at Crystal Prep, and as much as she now looked at the school different, she would miss them. Heck her roommate Moondancer was probably the only other friend outside her family and Cadance she had at the moment. Sure they fought, but they made up afterward. "Do you need an answer now?" Pinkie Pie asked. Cosmos shook her head. "Give it some thought, there's no real rush. Celestia and Luna still need to make the announcement about it and some other things need to happen before then." She smiled at Twilight. "Plus it gives us more time to learn more from each other and more about magic." Now it was Twilight's turn to squee. *** "So why are we out here again?" Rainbow grumbled. The Humane 7, now including the recently transferred Twilight Sparkle, Cosmos, and her Exarchs, stood outside the C.H.S. ground just after dawn after Cosmos had dragged them all out here for some reason. It had been a few days since the end of the Friendship Games and things were beginning to return to normal. Cosmos and the girls had decided to stay awhile now since there was no rush to be back in Equestria. Her Ponyville friends and the princesses knew as well. Most of the school had gotten used to there being doubles of some students. Crystal, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly had quickly met their own counterparts and to the surprise of quite a few, were already becoming friends. Emerald did wonder where her own might be, but seeing as how exotic she was here, it made sense that she may not even know about this place. Cosmos frowned. "There's something out here Rainbow. Something that doesn't belong here, or existing for that matter." "Like what? Twilight asked. Her magic detector had gone crazy as soon as they had come to this spot. A small circle of stones that no one had known even existed this close to the school before. But someone did apparently for the area was too well maintained to be natural, and whoever it was, they knew their gardening well. Cosmos smiled as her hands glowed. "Let's find out shall we?" Bending down she plunged her hands into the ground, a moment later pulling them back out. In them was a small intricately carved stone. Whatever it was, it was glowing brightly with some kind of power as Cosmos glared at it. "What is it?" Emerald asked. "A Memory Stone." Cosmos replied. "A solidified piece of entropy itself. With this, someone could erase people's memories of everything or just somethings if they wanted too." Fluttershy gasped. "Who would do something like that?" Cosmos shrugged. "Someone with a god complex probably and a half baked idea to make themselves feel better, and of course they probably didn't think their plan all the way through." *** Somewhere, Wallflower Bush sneezed. *** "So what do ya plan to do with it? Applejack asked as the group returned to the school. Cosmos smiled. "I'll take it back to Equestria and put it someplace safe, where no one can ever find it." As they passed the Wondercolt statue though, Cosmos suddenly bent over double, clutching her head as she sucked in a breath. Everyone was immediately worried. "What is it?" Crystal asked. Cosmos shook her head as she tried to breath normally. "I. I don't know. I feel like something's calling me." She rubbed her forehead. "Why do I know this? Why-" Her eyes suddenly opened in shock. "No. It. It can't be. How? They're dead. But why..." She looked at the group. "Girls, I'm sorry to run like this but something's come up." "What is it?" Rarity asked. "Something I need to take care of. If you do decide to come, Sunset should be able to get in touch with Princess Celestia and she can smooth over your arrival." She replied as she opened a tear in space time. "We're leaving now?" Water Lilly asked. "Yes." Was all Cosmos said as she stepped through the portal and was gone. Her Exarchs got the message and were soon behind her, leaving seven girls behind and very confused as to what had just happened. > Friends Of a Forgotten Age > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure this is the place? Emerald asked as the group looked around the clearing they had come to. Cosmos and the girls were now deep in the Everfree Forest, far from what few paths existed in the forest. She had been acting weird ever since she had been hit by that sudden pain at Canterlot High. Dropping everything as fast she had, saying there was something she needed to check, was off for her. And then there was what she had said before they had returned to Equestria. Just who was 'They' anyway? Cosmos had not said a word upon their return to the outskirts of Ponyville and had immediately strode into the forest without a backward glance. The girls had struggled to keep up with the pace she was setting. During all this, Cosmos had mumbled several things like "It can't be them, can it? And why here? Why do I feel like I should know this place?" And a moment later "What if it is them? What do I say? What can I say? They deserve better than what I gave them." The girls hadn't had the heart to say anything. What was there to say? Something was going on in her mind, but they had no idea what it could be, so they had just followed her silently into the deepest and most remote corner of the forest. Cosmos nodded as she smiled gently. "This is. Even after so long they found a way for me to find them again if I ever came back." "But why would they do it out here?" Water Lilly asked. She shook her head as her brows creased. "I don't know. But they must've had a good reason. They always did. But I feel like I should know about this place. Not as ti is, but something, else." "Are you sure you want to do this? Crystal asked. She nodded. "I owe this to them." Igniting her horn she pushed her earth pony magic into the ground and soon found what she was looking for. With a heave, she yanked upwards. The girls watched in surprise as a massive marble building pushed itself from the ground. As the dirt and grime fell away they could see that it was just about the same size as the Golden Oaks Library. On the front portico, flanked by columns that rose to the roof, was a single door carved from a piece of Oak. As the group walked up the steps to the door, they could see there were words on a plaque over the door handle. Cosmos felt her tears gather as she stopped to read it. Here lies the Exarchs. First among equals and friends to the greatest pony this world will ever know. In her name do we serve, now and forever. She didn't bother to hold back her tears as she came to the next part. May we all be together again in the next life. But it was the final message that drove the dagger into her heart and twisted it. We forgive you. We forgave you a long time ago. The girls all put a hoof on her shoulder. Cosmos gave them all a thankful look. "Thank you." She whispered in a tone that broke their hearts to hear. "You don't have to go in." Celestial said as the others nodded. Cosmos shook her head. "No. I have to. For them. They gave me so much. They deserve to finally know." And with that she pushed the door open and entered, the girls following a moment later. *** For as big as the outside was, the inside was rather small with only one room they could see as they entered. Finding Cosmos was easy as she was standing in front of something in the very center of the room. As they came up beside, they could all see the tears streaming down her face as she looked at what was in front of her. Five stone coffins lay in a circle around a central statue. Though it had been uncounted years since it had been carved, it was as pristine as the day it had been finished. "Is that?" Crystal asked. Cosmos nodded. "That's me. Or it was me. In another lifetime." Her response came out in a hoarse whisper. They could all feel how much she was hurting inside as walked over to the first coffin. She knew that aura anywhere, no matter how long it had been as she placed a hoof on it. "Diamond." She said before walking over to the next and repeating the motion. "Ocean Breeze." She did this for all of them. "Amber, Ivy." But as she came to the last, she stopped and struggled to speak. "Moon Petal. I am so, so, sorry. I'm sorry we never got to say goodbye, that I never told you, girls." She finally gave in to her grief and fell to her knees, laying across the lid. "You girls were five of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for, and I wasn't there for you. Like you always were for me." She sniffed as she smiled. "I hope you all found peace. In the next life if not this one. Even now, you all came together, to face the Final Road together." Her tears returned in full force as she sniffed. "I promise. We will see each other again and maybe. Maybe I can make up for abandoning you." The girls couldn't take it anymore and rushed over and gave Cosmos the biggest hug they could. She felt them through the pain and heartache and appreciated what they could do for her. A sudden wind blew through the open doors. On it, they could all hear "You came back! You came back!" Cosmos's eyes grew large in shock. She knew that voice, but. "Amber?" Without warning, all five coffins began to glow brightly even as she felt the Element of Magic flare to life in her armor. A bright light soon filled the space. When it faded five new ponies stood before the group. Cosmos felt her tears gather again, but this time in joy. "Girls. Is that you?" Moon Petal smiled as did the rest. Her coat was a light cerulean which stood out next to her midnight hued mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a flower blooming under a full moon. "Yeah. It's us." Cosmos was stumped. She could feel it. This was really them. Not their spirits pulled back from beyond the veil of death, but alive and as spry as the night she had last seen them. "But. How?" Diamond smirked. Her coat was a shade or two lighter than Celestia's own. A horn poked through her peach-colored mane and her cutie mark was a near-flawless diamond. "Until time itself is unmade we would stand beside you. That was part of our oath." She said as she and the girls shared a look. "Guess it held true even after you vanished," Ivy added. She was a nutmeg brown earth pony whose cutie mark ivy wrapping around several different types of spices. Amber gave her a heartbroken expression as her wings drooped at her side. She was the same age as Crystal, her cutie mark a light shining from a piece of amber a shade darker than her own tan coat. She asked the question the five of them had been asking for ten thousand years. "Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell us? Do you know how much it hurt when we woke up and you were gone?" Cosmos lowered her head in shame. "Every day I regret what I did then. I knew it was wrong, but I convinced myself that it was for the better." Her ears drooped. "I know I can't ever make that up to you, and if you hate me for that, I don't blame you." She sniffed. "You all deserve better than me." Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly all felt their hearts break at the sight before them. But before they could do anything, Cosmos was engulfed in a massive hug by Amber, Ivy, Diamond, Ocean Breeze, and Moon Petal. Cosmos was shocked, to say the least. "We never stopped believing in you," Ocean said as their own tears joined her. "We never stopped hoping that one day, you'd come back." "Even if we could, we can't hate you for that," Ivy added. "There are things going on in your mind that we'll probably never understand." Cosmos's smile lit up the room as she returned the hug in full force. Crystal couldn't help but squee at the heartwarming sight. It was something they all heard. As the girls pulled apart, they finally noticed the other group who had stayed back from all of this. "So. Are they the new breed for an Exarch?" Ocean Breeze asked with a smile. Cosmos chuckled. "You make it sound bad when you put it like that. You know how that process works." "At least that hasn't changed, like so much else." Moon Petal said with a smirk. Amber giggled as she poked an armor plate. "Yeah. You're way more purple than I remember you ever being." Cosmos gave the five of them a deadpan glare. "I'm lavender, thank you very much. I happen to like this color." "Purple, lavender, whatever. Are you gonna introduce us or not?" Diamond asked. She smiled as she waived the girls. "Indeed. Girls, meet your predecessors. Girls, meet the new generation." Crystal and Amber eyed each other. "Does she have a thing for picking fillies?" Crystal asked. Amber chuckled as she threw a hoof around her. "Looks like it. Welcome to the family." Diamond and Emerald also took each other in. "So, what kind of pony are you? I don't remember ever seeing somepony like you before." Diamond said. Emerald wasn't too surprised. "I'm not surprised. I'm a Chiroptera. We're not a numerous kind of pony as it is." Water Lilly and Ocean Breeze seemed more hesitant. Lilly was more in awe of who she was meeting. In the few days since their ascension Cosmos had talked about them so much but always tinged with a hint of sadness. And now... Ocean finally smiled. "It's a lot to take in isn't it?" Lilly nodded. "Yeah. She's talked about you girls a lot, but I never thought we'd meet. I don't think any of us did." "That makes ten of us then," Ivy said from Ocean's side. "But then again this is new for all of us." That finally got Cosmos out of her thoughts and she asked the question that was foremost in her mind. "How are you girls still alive? Celestia said you died millennia ago." Moon Petal shook her head. "Not died. Suspended animation. I guess it was something no ever thought would be used." Cosmos lifted a brow. "What do you mean?" The girls sighed. "After you vanished, we searched long and hard for you. Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years." Diamond said. Amber nodded. "I'd like to say they remembered you. But somepony else was already on your throne that first morning, and they didn't remember you at all." "They knew us though," Ivy said. "Not sure how, but they did. Eventually, the world forgot about us too, and moved on. None ever took your title. It was either Queen or Princess." "We eventually settled down and started families of our own." Moon Petal added. "But we never forgot you. We kept your memory alive and told our children, who told theirs, and so on." Amber shuddered at the memory of the Breaking of the World (as so many had called it, among other names). "And then, well the horseapples really hit the fan. I went back to what was left of Dream Castle and found a way for us to stay unchanged until you come back." She shrugged. "Or the universe ended, whatever came first." "We all agreed that as we had been together in life, we would be together in this. So we vanished altogether, making it look like we had died." Ocean added. "We came here, the heart of what used to be your kingdom, and we slept," Ivy added. "Until you found us once more." They said together. Cosmos nodded. "Can you leave here? I won't risk it if it might..." Amber snorted. "Oh please. We slept here, we didn't tie ourselves to it. So yeah, we're getting out of here." "If you'll have us once more Empress?" They said together, bowing their heads reverently. Cosmos smiled gently as she lifted their heads one by one. "Girls. You above all others have no need to bow to me. Of course, I would be glad to have you by my side once more." Her smile widened as she turned to her newest Exarchs. "And maybe you can help our newest family to grow into their roles." *** "So what did we miss while we were away?" Diamond asked the group returned to Ponyville. So far they knew only a little aside from the most recent ascension, and they were curious. "You want the good or bad?" Orchid asked. The girls shared a look. "Both?" Ivy replied. "Though I get the feeling there is a lot to go over." Cosmos nodded. "Far too much for right now. Safe to say it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows." Amber tapped her chin. "Speaking of rainbows, how did Tirek come back? I thought he was dead for sure the first time." Cosmos nodded. "He was, I'm sure of it. Somehow he revived himself. Not that it matters now, not where I sent him." "And where's that?" Moon Petal asked. "The Prison Plane," Cosmos replied. "No being has ever escaped it. Where he landed on it I don't know, and frankly, I don't care." That put an end to that line of questions for they could all feel she was holding in her anger at something. Only the First Five (as the newest members had begun to call them) had any idea as to why. Tirek had managed to tap into the Well of Midnight far more than any mortal being should have been able to. He had done things so vile that when she had come into her own Cosmos had erased any and all knowledge of them. The things he had done to his own people, among so many more, the less said about the better. By this time the group had neared the edge of the Everfree Forest. For five of them, this was both exciting and worrying. Everything they had once know was now nothing but dust. It was a brand new world, one that had erased or glossed over the genocidal Three Tribes Era, it wasn't clear. But they vowed that would change. Equus would remember its past and become once more the shining jewel it had once been, even if it took a thousand years. They had plenty of time to do it for only the death of the universe or Cosmos herself could kill them. It was a vow they had made before. That night, under the light of the moon, on the site of what would one day be Dream Castle. They had been newly ascended then, not yet sure of their new strength and powers. But Cosmos had spoken to them then. She spoke of a world where all races were equal, where no one would be shunned for their choices or ideas, a world where the darkness had been beaten back and light-filled the world. She spoke of the Rainbow Bridge and the world that existed on the other end of the rainbow, a world of peace and prosperity. These things and more she had spoken of. Those visions had awoken something in them and they had vowed to bring that to reality, no matter how long it took. Even if they hadn't been bound to her as they were, they still would have. It had taken many years and many hard-fought battles to make that vision a reality, for Equus of the Age of Myths was crawling with evil and darkness of all kinds, but they had not been alone for many had joined them along the way. Even if Megan had been the most hesitant of their friends in what they had been trying to do. "It's a nice idea Cosmos, but what's stopping you from becoming another Tirek, or worse? Plenty had the same idea as you, but they turned to evil in the end. I don't want that to happen here." Is how she had put it at the beginning. At the conclusion of it all, Cosmos had admitted loud and clear that Megan's council during some of the darkest hours had indeed kept her from going overboard and becoming no better than what they had fought against. In time that vision had become reality and it had lasted for millennia, and then... Well, they tried not to think about what came after that now. It was all in the past. Though from what they had heard so far, it seemed like they would have to start all over again. Oh well. The world sounded like it needed a good kick in the flank now more than ever, whether it wanted it or not. As they came to the edge of the forest, Cosmos turned back to the girls. "Okay, Ponyville already knows about me and five of you." She snickered. "Be prepared to be ponyknapped at some point by Pinkie Pie." Amber, Diamond, Ivy, Ocean, and Moon Petal all shared a look. "Why would she do that?" Diamond asked. "It's not like she could though." "Pinkie has an obsession with throwing parties for every new pony that comes into town." Celestial said. "And you girls are new to everyone but us, so it'll probably be even crazier." Amber rolled her eyes. "Unless she's semi divine like us, nothing she can really do if we don't want her to." Crystal tilted her head. "How's that?" She asked. Ivy chuckled. "We used to beat up whole armies for fun. One pony should be easy to handle." She tapped her chin. "And we used to beat them up in more than one form too." "I think we only used one more than once more," Ocean added. Cosmos's eyes grew large. "Oh no, we are not going there yet. I don't even know if we can become that now with all of us." "What do you mean?" Lilly asked. Cosmos sighed. "Do you girls know the name Tiamat?" They shared a look. "The five-headed Dragon Queen? Isn't she just a myth?" Celestial asked. Amber, Diamond, Ivy, Ocean, and Moon Petal all stared in shock at that. "Just a myth?! Is that what we've become?" Ivy said indignantly as she began to glow. "I have a mind to knock heads for that!" Cosmos placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Please don't. Whoever wrote that about us is long dead anyway." "What do you mean us?" Orchid asked. Amber looked up at Cosmos. "You haven't told them yet?" Cosmos shook her head. Amber's face split into a huge grin. "Oh, the fun we'll be having with that." "With what?" Emerald asked. Cosmos shook her head. "Tiamat isn't a myth, and she isn't a five-headed dragon. She's six-headed. She's based on us. A form we could all take together." She smiled broadly as she remembered all the times they had. The girls shared a look. "Okay, but what's stopping us from doing it now too?" Crystal asked. Cosmos sighed. "Because I've never done it with more than five. I don't even know if we still can." She gave Ivy a look. "Though from that glow, you still have some part of it." "And what's that?" Celestial asked. "We each have our own dragon form we can take on if we don't combine into one." Moon Petal said. "Probably not a good idea to show it though. Don't wanna start a panic our first day back." Cosmos nodded. "Good idea. Ponyville doesn't have a perfect track record with dragons as it is. Let alone all of us at the same time." > Vacations In Another World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group soon returned to the Golden Oaks Library. Cosmos figured Spike would be if nowhere else, and they had a lot to plan for now. "Why is everypony looking at us?" Ocean asked. Cosmos sighed. "They're still not used to me yet. I mean, they were still getting used to me as an alicorn. Now?" She said, flexing her wings and smiling ruefully. "I thought it's been a week?" Diamond said. "Isn't that long enough?" "We have been, kind of busy in another world," Emerald added. "We haven't been around town in a week." Amber meanwhile gave the library an odd look. "You live in a tree? Is it even big enough for all of us?" Cosmos smirked. "I've been living in it for a few years now actually as Town Librarian mostly, and local problem solver and national hero on the side." Her smile dropped slightly. "Besides, I've been thinking of moving out anyway." "Why's that?" Crystal asked. Cosmos gestured at the whole group. "Precisely because we all can't live in it. There's not enough room, and I'm technically only the custodian. Golden Oaks belongs to Ponyville." "What about rebuilding Dream Castle?" Ivy asked. She sighed as her ears drooped. "I mean, we could, but I don't even know where it was now. I keep feeling though that I've known this place longer than it's been Ponyville." Amber, Diamond, Iv, Ocean, and Moon Petal all shared a knowing look. "There's probably a good reason for that." Moon Petal replied. "Why do you think we cam all the way out here in the first place." Cosmos and her newest Exarchs shrugged helplessly. Ocean chuckled as she waved a hoof at everything. "It's because this was home once. All this used to be Dream Valley at one time and then Ponyland after that." Cosmos's eyes grew big. "Then the Everfree Forest?" Amber nodded proudly. "Grew over the castle's ruins, with a little help from us of course. That place we slept was as close to the center as we could get it." Her ears dropped in realization. "Oh no. Then when we were at the Orrery a few weeks ago..." The girls chuckled. "You guys went right by us and didn't even know it." Diamond replied. Cosmos only buried her face in her hooves in embarrassment. "And now I feel even worse." "So what's the Orrery?" Lilly asked. Cosmos sighed as she looked up. "Remember that odd place where we saw that great wheel?" The girls nodded. "That's the Orrery. It connects to every other plane of existence in this universe and several other worlds as well." "And the Infinite Staircase," Ivy added. "The what?" Orchid asked. "The doorway Rainbow found that led nowhere but solid rock," Cosmos explained. "No wonder it did though. It won't otherwise until I was myself again." "Why's that?" Crystal asked. "Because I'm the one who made it, and I'm the only one who can tune it so others can travel to other planes or worlds. Everypony else just sees what we saw then." Celestial tapped her chin. "So do you think we could? That sounds fun." Cosmos rolled her eyes as she opened the door. "I don't see why we can't, but not for a while yet. Plus some of the planes are dangerous unless you're prepared for it ahead of time." There was a distinct lack of ponies or dragons as the group stepped inside. She noticed a note laid on her favorite reading table though. Dear Twilight. We're all over at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie said something about the doozy to end all doozies and grabbed all of us and rushed us over. Celestia and Luna went back to Canterlot last week. Something about a lot of hard work finally paying off I think. Cadance says she plans to bring Flurry Heart down as soon as she can so she can meet her new, cooler, aunt. Love, Spike. She chuckled. At least Spike seemed to be getting used to all that'd changed, though she made a not to help him stop calling her Twilight. Ivy was confused. "Who's Twilight?" She smiled. "That's my old name. Twilight Andromeda Sparkle." Ocean tapped her chin. "Any relation to Twilight that helped Megan?" Cosmos shrugged. "Not that I know of. It's something of a family tradition on my mother's side. She has the same first name too." "Isn't that confusing?" Diamond asked. She sighed. "Very. But we've learned to work around it." "So what do we do now then?" Emerald asked. Cosmos turned back to the door and began to leave, the girls quick to catch up. "Go over and introduce everyone at Sugarcube Corner." "Do they have any food over there? I'm starving." Amber asked. Crystal chuckled as she wrapped a hoof around her shoulders. "Just the best sweet shop in all of Ponyville. I'll point out all the best choices if you're that hungry." "Sweets sound good right now." Moon Petal said as they wove their way through town, still getting odd looks. "I haven't eaten anything healthy in ages." "Who needs healthy anyway? We could survive on nothing but junk food and still be fine." Cosmos added. "Really?" Emerald asked. Ivy snickered. "Oh, yea. The first thing we did last time was an all-night junk food party just to see if we could." "Pinkie will be happy about that, that's for sure," Lilly said as the group came to the sweet shop. Amber gave it a bemused look. "They meant Sugarcube Corner literally didn't they?" Cosmos chuckled as she pushed open the door. "Yes. Yes, they did. But it's worked so far, so who's complaining?" Inside the group was greeted by a large 'Welcome Back Empress Cosmos and or Twilight (we're still not sure yet!) and friends Party!" banner beneath which were her Ponyville friends and Spike in all manner of party get-ups. She smiled. "Let me guess. Pinkie dragged you all into helping put this together?" Applejack nodded. "Yep. Something about the doozy to end all doozies." "And they're never wrong!" Pinkie added as she bounced over to the group. She finally noticed the new girls and let out a delighted squeal. "Why didn't you tell me you were bringing new friends?!" Cosmos chuckled. "They're not new Pinkie. Just old friends I haven't seen in a long time." Rainbow looked them up and down. "You guys don't look that old." Amber snickered. "We're really heavy sleepers." "How heavy?" Spike asked. "Give or take six thousand years." Diamond replied. "And we're a lot older than that too." "Um. How much older?" Fluttershy asked. Ivy tapped her chin. "I think twelve thousand, give or take a few years. I never bothered to count." Rarity gasped and ran up to Moon Petal. "Tell me your secret!" Moon just smiled. "Sorry. Exarch only secret." She looked at the others. "Is she always like this?" "Yes." "Wait, Exarch. I thought ya only had five?" Applejack asked. Cosmos nodded. "So did I. But-" Further talk was interrupted by a knock on the door. Pinkie went to open it and let out a surprised gasp. Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. Nopony told me you were coming! I would've made more cake!" Luna bowed her head. "This is not a social call unfortunately Miss. Pie. Is Twi- I mean Cosmos in?" She gave them a confused look as they were let inside. Celestia bore a look of supreme annoyance at something. "Who crapped in your tea?" Celestia ground her teeth. "No one." She took out a journal that bore a familiar cutie mark. "What is this about Sunset wanting to bring all her friends and your counterpart for, and I quote, 'An extended vacation'?" Cosmos tapped her chin. "Well, that was fast. I didn't think they'd say yes so soon." Luna shot her a glare. "You know about this?" Cosmos just shrugged. "I'm the one who invited them in the first place, so yeah. I do." She shot them both a glare. "And if they do want to come, then come they will. They are under my protection as I invited them." She looked at Celestia intently. "Unless something changed while I was gone, I still have the power to do that as a princess. What do you think it will look like if you shoot this down for some petty reason?" That shut them up. She was right of course. Neither was happy about this, but if Cosmos had done this of her own free will, then there was little they could do since power was meant to be equal between all of them. Cosmos softened her gaze. "If you're worried about danger to either world, there is none. Both used to do it all the time. Equus would be a dead wasteland now if one hadn't happened." "And what idiot thought it was a good idea to sever the Rainbow Bridge anyway?" Diamond asked. Celestia and Luna's eyes popped in shock as they finally saw the new girls. Amber waved happily at them. "You. You're..." Luna tried, but her voice dried up into a whimper. "You're alive?!" Celestia finished in abject shock, right before falling to the floor out cold, followed soon after by Luna. Amber looked at them in concern. "What's wrong with them?" Cosmos rolled her eyes. "They think you're dead. Remember how I said Celestia and Luna had told me you girls were dead?" They nodded. "Meet Celestia and Luna." She said, pointing to the two unconscious alicorns on the floor. After a moment Celestia came too, followed soon after by Luna. Both could only look at Amber, Diamond, Ivy, Ocean Breeze, and Moon Petal in shock. Amber couldn't hold it in any longer and giggle. "Details of our deaths have been greatly exaggerated." Cosmos groaned. "You've been wanting to say that haven't you?" Amber was unapologetic. "Yes. Yes, I have." Celestia shook her head as she looked again at Cosmos. "Questions of how this happened aside, I feel I must point out that letting Sunset and her friends come here is a bad idea." Luna nodded. "Indeed. Aside from the fact that they know nothing of our world outside of whatever Miss. Shimmer and you have told them, what of their families and their lives over there?" Cosmos nodded as her gaze softened. "That's why I gave them so much time to think about it. I'm not making them come. But if they do want to, then I will not stop them. It's going to happen eventually that the worlds will meet, for good or ill. I'm saving everyone a massive headache by doing this now." "You mean like what you showed Twilight?" Crystal asked. She nodded. "Yes. No matter what Midnight is still inside her, and I don't want to have to fight her." "Dare I ask what you're talking about?" Rarity asked. Cosmos shook her head as her horn ignited and a portal opened next to her. "You really don't want to know Rarity." She looked at her Exarchs with a serious expression. "And for the love of me, don't follow me this time. I won't take as long as I did last time." "But-" Diamond began. Cosmos shook her head. "Diamond, please don't make me make this an order. That world is different now than what it used to be." "How different?" Ocean Breeze asked. "I'll explain when I get back," Cosmos said as she looked at Celestia and her face softened. "Just, tell Sunset I'm on my way." Celestia nodded as she stepped through the portal and was gone. Sighing she turned toward the girls. "Anypony have a pen?" Pinkie ran off to find one. But everyone could see that Celestia was still upset about something. *** Outside Canterlot High, the Humane 7, Principle Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Superintendent Faust stood beside the Wondercolt Statue. Sunset had already said that Cosmos was on her way. Now they just had to wait. "Did she say when she'd get here?" Fluttershy asked. Sunset shook her head. "Nope. Just that she just left Equestria and should be here any minute now." Sunset didn't mention that there had been something else in that response. Not said, but she got the feeling that her mentor was not at all happy about something. "You girls waiting for me?" Came a voice from behind them that made them all jump. Turning around they found Cosmos snickering at their expense. "Very funny sugarcube." Applejack grumbled as they got their breathing back to normal. Cosmos smiled broadly. "Oh, what's the fun of traveling between dimensions if I can't sneak up on people?" "What about the portal?" Twilight asked. "It's not open yet. And I'm not risking damaging it by opening it early just for us." Cosmos replied before she gave them all a serious look. "Now, are you sure about this? Once we leave for Equestria, this will be the last time you see home for a long time." "How long?" Faust asked. Cosmos shrugged. "I don't know. Months, maybe a year if you girls want to stay after the coronation." The three administrators shared a look. "That is a very long time," Luna said. Cosmos nodded. "That's why I'm asking now. If you girls don't want to, I won't hold it against you." Sunset and the girls shared a look. Fluttershy still looked uneasy and Twilight uncertain, but no one said anything. They'd already arranged it with their families. "We mean it," Rainbow said. "You're not getting rid of us now." The others nodded. Cosmos smiled before she turned back to the other three. "You don't mind any of this?" Principle Celestia smiled. "I doubt we could stop them even if we tried." She tapped a box with a foot. "In case this did come up though, I've asked all their teachers to send the rest of the year's assignments forward." Cosmos gave it a look. "All of them?" Luna nodded. "This is to the end of the current school year for everyone. Though if they stay longer, then we might need to change that." Rainbow groaned. "Great, and I was hoping we could skip school." Celestia chuckled. "No such luck Miss. Dash. Only Miss Sparkle has a reduced load compared to the rest of you." Everyone gave Twilight a look, who just looked sheepish. "I was already so far ahead at Crystal Prep, and it just carried over?" She said, twirling a bang of hair. "And what if we're not back before the end of the year?" Pinkie asked. "I'll send the assignments back over if that's the case," Cosmos added, smirking. "Don't worry I won't hold you to a school schedule." "That's a relief," Fluttershy said. Cosmos smiled before she turned to Twilight. "And since you're so far ahead, that gives us more time for magic lessons." Her gaze hardened. "I will warn you now, that it is not as easy or as quick as you might think." Twilight gulped but held her gaze, nodding. Cosmos nodded as well. She could the desire to learn all about magic inside her. It reminded her of herself when she was younger. "I do have one question. Why don't you need glasses?" Twilight asked. Cosmos blinked before chuckling. "Magical corrective surgery. Princess Celestia saw how bad my eyes were becoming as a filly and she paid to have them fixed for good. I've never needed them." "Too much reading?" Spike asked with a smirk. Cosmos nodded as she looked down at him. "Yep. You sure you don't want to come to Spike? We can find a way for you to fit in." Spike shook his head. "Nope. I'm fine right here. Crossing worlds is not on my bucket list." Cosmos chuckled as she let her power flow out and opened a new portal for the group. "Your loss then." She looked at the girls. "You guys ready?" The girls shared a look. Sunset had filled them in on what they would need so their luggage had been shrunk down to they could carry in their backpacks. "As we'll ever be." Applejack said as they cast one last look at Canterlot High. Cosmos nodded as gestured at the portal. "Just watch that first step. It's a doozy. And try not to trip over your own hooves if you can." Twilight was the first to step up. Reaching out a hand, she watched it vanish into the portal. It felt like touching the universe itself. Giving one last look at Principle Celestia, who nodded, she took a breath and stepped through. One by one the others followed, Fluttershy still looked uneasy, but with with a little encouragement from Rainbow Dash, she too walked through. Cosmos was the last to as she picked up the box in her magic. She gave the administrators a smile, one they all returned. "We'll be back before you know it." And stepped through, the portal closing a moment later. *** Celestia, Luna, and Faust stood there looking at where the portal once was for some time before anyone spoke. "Do you think they will be alright?" Luna asked. Faust nodded. "I think they're in safe hooves now." *** Unknown to everyone that had been there, someone else had watched the entire scene play out. Seeing Cosmos, something had awoken within her. It felt like seeing an old friend she hadn't seen in a long time, and it took all her will power not to run over and join in. And for the life of her, Megan Williams couldn't understand why. *** When the portal reopened in Sugarcube Corner, nopony knew what to expect to come out of it. Certainly not five ponies who looked very familiar and Sunset Shimmer. Sunset managed to keep her balance, once her head stopped spinning that was. The Humane 6 on the other hoof teetered for a moment on two hooves before falling flat on their faces with a resounding oof! Cosmos returned a few seconds after that, carrying a heavy-looking box in her magic. She rolled her eyes at the pony pile before her. "I told you, girls, to watch that first step." She chuckled. "This is so weird," Twilight grumbled from somewhere under the pile. Her whole body was tingling. She felt what could only be a horn on her forehead. But it was what was on her back that felt odd. They felt like wings. But that couldn't be right, could it? Maybe it could though. Cosmos hadn't been clear when Twilight had asked her what she might be if she did come to Equestria. Either a unicorn, as Cosmos had once been, or an alicorn, but that didn't seem very likely. As everypony removed themselves from the pile, accompanied by odd looks from their native counterparts and an occasional giggle, Twilight felt something unfold from her back. Looking back, her mouth dropped. Yep, those were wings she had. Looking over to Cosmos to see if she had anything to add, she felt her eyes grow larger, and blush come over her at the sight she saw. Following her gaze, her friends had the same reaction. Even Sunset couldn't help but feel it. "Cosmos. Is that you?" She asked. She chuckled. "Yeah. This is me. The real me." Crystal walked over to the group. "That was faster this time." Cosmos rolled her eyes. "I was just going to get everyone. It wasn't going to take that long." Now the newcomer's eyes widened even more as they took in everypony that was there to greet them, and then themselves as they finally noticed what they looked like. "Okay. This is awesome!" Rainbow whooped as she took off and flew a lap around the room. "This is, nice," Fluttershy said in her usual way. Applejack and Rarity were too lost in figuring out what all had happened to them to add to the conversation. And Pinkie Pie... "Wait. Where did Pinkie go?" Twilight asked. Amber giggled. "They ran off to the kitchen together. Something about needing more party supplies I think." Cosmos rolled her eyes. "Go figure." She smirked as she saw her native friends were still confused. "Well just don't stand there, guys. You have to have a million questions for our guests." "A million and one actually." The native Rarity replied. "Here's one for ya." The native Applejack added as she looked at her counterpart. "Where are they gonna stay? I don't mind her staying with us. But what about everypony else?" "I claim this spot!" Pinkie called from the kitchens. "And I do have an extra guest room. Storage for the moment, but I can have it ready in no time." The native Rarity added. Cosmos nodded. "You guys don't mind?" She asked her human friends. "I don't see why not." The visiting Rarity replied. "Just one question. How do we know who's who?" Emerald asked as she gestured at Twilight and Cosmos. "It's easy for you two, but what about everypony else?" Princess Celestia joined the group. "I may have a solution." Lowering her horn, she cast an Alteration Spell on the girls, one that gave them all a slightly altered look, enough so that everyone could see who was who now. Celestia raised her head. "That should help." Her gaze hardened slightly. "That this is not a permanent move to our world means this will vanish once you return home to your world." The girls gulped. They could all feel Celestia was not at all happy to see them. Why was anyone's guess? Cosmos saw it as well and frowned. "Celestia, can we talk a moment?" She put enough bit in it to show that this wasn't going to be pleasant. Celestia nodded, feeling the bite as well. Leaving the girls to mingle with their native counterparts, the retreated to a far corner of the restaurant. Cosmos gave her a hard look. "Alright, Celestia. What is this really about? If you're angry at me, don't take it out on them. They've done nothing wrong." Celestia nodded. "No, they have not." "Then what is it? They're here on my invitation and under my protection." Cosmos said. Celestia nodded. "Yes, and I will not hinder or harm them while they are here." Her gaze hardened. "But the world is not ready for them, nor where they come from." She ground her teeth. "Not now. Not for a long time. And maybe not ever." That finally did it for Cosmos. Her anger flared as she stomped a hoof. Celestia could feel the tremor it generated. "Not ready? Look around Celestia. Equus is an absolute cesspit! And frankly, Equestria is no better in some ways." She pushed her nose against Celestia's own. "And what gives you the right to decide what the world is ready for? You barely look beyond the borders now. When was the last time you talked to Queen Novo? The last time you did to any leader outside Equestria?" She bumped a hoof off Celestia's torc. "When was the last time you stood up for your ponies to another country? Maretonia will walk all over you when they visit." Celestia's silence was all the answer she needed. "You've become fused to a broken, corrupt system, that should've died long ago. You've become wedded to broken traditions, ones that have no place in a modern world. One that refuses to accept modern things." Cosmos stopped as it finally clicked. "That's it then, isn't it? You're afraid of the changes that will come, no matter what I do." Celestia only nodded. There was nothing else to say as her head dropped. Cosmos smiled as she lifted it with a hoof. "Celestia, no matter what you might think, the world is always changing." She snorted. "Ponies are conceited enough to think they can control or direct it, but they are wrong." Celestia glared at her. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Cosmos only smirked. "You've been infected with the same imbecilic thinking that's endemic among regular ponies. The world does not revolve around the equine species. It never has." Cosmos looked her straight in the eyes. "You've known what my friends and I did most of your life. But at some point, you stopped believing in it. Maybe not all at once, but you stopped believing in what we did." And Celestia felt her heart drop. For at that moment, she realized Cosmos was right. She had stopped believing in all she and the others had done. Not that they had. But why they had. A part of her could not believe that someone like that could be genuine. Maybe it was after the fall of the Crystal Empire, or maybe after Luna's banishment. But she had forsaken all she had once believed in. Cosmos saw the point hit home and her smile softened. "I'm not made Celestia." She chuckled. "Heck, if I was in your shoes, I might have been the same." Celestia let her gaze return to the gaggle of ponies in the room, who were slowly beginning to get used to their counterparts. "And I'm taking it out on those who don't deserve it." Cosmos nodded. "That you're willing to admit it is the first step to improving yourself." Celestia nodded, chastised but willing to change for the better. For a moment the two of them stood there together, watching the girls. The sight warmed Celestia's heart greatly. She noticed though that Cosmos was being unusually quiet. She placed a hoof on her armor and smiled. "Cosmos. I may no longer be your teacher, but I am still here for you. You still must have questions." Cosmos nodded as she sighed. "How long have you known it was me?" Celestia's smile grew. "Since the night of your coronation. Luna and I had had our suspicions for some time before then." She looked at Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly. "But when you called out to them, then we knew for sure that it was you." Cosmos nodded. "Did you ever think it was somepony else?" Celestia nodded, somewhat sheepishly. "For a time, years ago, I thought Sunset might be you. But she never showed any signs." She smiled. But I still love her." Cosmos nodded as she looked at Amber, Diamond, Ivy, Ocean Breeze, and Moon Petal, who were busy chatting with the newest Exarchs. "And what about?" Celestia shook her head. "We truly did not know. We had always assumed they had died long ago." She paused. "Although." Cosmos gave her a quizzical look. "Although?" "That dream you mentioned the morning after your coronation. You said there were five more lights, just out of range." Celestia began. Cosmos gasped as something began to click. "You think?" Celestia nodded. "It was them calling back as well. But you weren't ready, so you did not see them as well." Cosmos nodded. In all the excitement of the last week, she had forgotten that dream. But it made sense now that she thought about it. As she looked back over at Celestia, she noticed her giving Twilight an odd look. "What is it?" Celestia smiled. "She reminds me of you when you were still my student." She gave her a knowing look. "You didn't bring her just so she wouldn't feel left out, did you?" Cosmos smirked. "No. She is like me back then. She wants to learn all there is to know about magic." Her smile softened. "I saw in her what you saw in my all those years ago." Celestia smirked. "So, she is your student then?" Cosmos chuckled. "I guess she is. She needs the help and tutelage to control her own magic. I've seen what happens if she loses control of it. I don't want that." Celestia was curious about that last part. But the look in Cosmos told her she might be better off not knowing. Something else though caught her attention, and it amused her to no end. While Twilight was obviously doing her best to mingle and talk to everypony, it was apparent that she was still getting used to having friends of any kind. But what really stood out for Celestia were the glances she kept throwing at Cosmos. Glances that centuries of experience told her were more than just friendly. She smirked. "So. What do you plan to do about the little crush she has on you?" Celestia couldn't help but burst into laughter at the roaring blush Cosmos gained at that. "Does she know you know?" She asked after a moment. Cosmos shook her head. "I don't know, on either one. Does she mean it and wants to give us a try? Or is this just a first crush she'll grow out of?" Celestia nodded. "And if she is serious about it?" Cosmos sighed. "Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there." *** Across the room, Twilight heard enough of their conversation to get her own mind rolling. Learning her new pony body was slowly coming to her. How ponies did this all the time was a mystery to her for the moment. Sunset though had taken to it like a fish to water. But right now, her mind was on what Cosmos and Princess Celestia were discussing. And right now, she didn't know herself the answer. > Settling In and First Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, this could be a problem," Cosmos said as she looked at her three companions with a worried look. She, Amber, Crystal, and Twilight stood outside the Golden Oaks Library. The welcome party had finally ended some time ago now. Sunset had gone back to Canterlot with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She planned to stay with her parents if she could. Twilight herself was still trying to take in all Ponyville had to offer. Many ponies had given her odd looks on the way. Not that she could blame them seeing as how she looked so much like Cosmos. The only major difference that seemed to stick out for some was that she lacked, as Crystal called it, a cutie mark. When she'd asked what that was, Amber had pointed at the symbol on her flank, saying that it represented a pony's destiny. That didn't make any sense to Twilight. But who was she to judge how this world worked? But now that she saw that Cosmos lived in an actual library, she just about broke into a happy dance right then and there. But she kept her composer for the moment. "And how's that?" Crystal asked. Cosmos gestured to the whole group. "The girls are staying with their local selves, Celestial and Diamond are staying together, Emerald has her new cloud house, and Water Lilly and Orchid also have their own home now." "And Ivy, Ocean and Moon Petal are looking into getting their own home together," Amber added. "So what about us?" Cosmos sighed. "There's not enough room for all of us. The Guest Room was built for only one pony." She smiled. "But I think it can handle two fillies." Crystal and Amber shared a grin while Twilight poked the ground with a hoof. "And with Spike sharing the loft..." She sighed. "I mean, I can stay at a hotel." Cosmos shook her head. "Twilight. No friend of mine will ever need to use a hotel if I can help it. We'll think of something." Twilight didn't look totally convinced at that as Cosmos pushed open the door. Her earlier thoughts were pushed aside as she got a glimpse of all that was inside. Her smile would've made Pinkie Pie proud. "So. Many. Books!" She squealed excitedly as she ran over to the nearest shelf and took in all the titles available. Some were novels, while others were the size of a dictionary, and even bigger than that in some cases. Unknown to Twilight, her tail began to wag and back and forth as she looked at the veritable treasure trove of literary knowledge. "I don't even know where to start!" Cosmos and Crystal chuckled while Amber looked worried. "Should we stop her before she reads something she's not ready for?" She asked. Cosmos nodded while snickering. "We should. But this too cute to stop now." Twilight paid them no mind, so focused on the books before her as she was. One, in particular, caught her attention. "Warm Hearts will Prevail Spells and Transmutations of the Post-Warming Era." She read aloud, the word 'Era' in the title catching her attention. "No doubt indicating a major point in this world's history." She mused aloud. Cosmos chuckled as she walked over to her. "Easy there Twilight. You're jumping right into magical theory, and highly advanced theory at that." She smirked. "Maybe we should start with the basics first?" Twilight smiled sheepishly as she retracted her hoof from the book. "Oh. Right. Good idea." Cosmos just smiled as she reached out and pulled out something more within Twilight's level before floating it over to her. "You might want to start with this." Twilight caught it with a hoof. For only being a pony for only a few hours now, motor control in her new body was coming along rather well. Her good mood lasted until she read the title of the book. "A Unicorn Foal's Guide to Magic." She read aloud aghast before giving Cosmos a deadpan glare. "Seriously?" Cosmos was unapologetic. "Yes, seriously. Twilight you've never used magic before in your life. Most unicorns, or alicorns in your case, have been using it for years now and it's second nature to them." Twilight wanted to argue, but the retort died in her throat when she realized she was right. What did she know of magic? She remembered all too well what had happened when she jumped into it headfirst without thinking. She sighed. "Fine. So how is this supposed to help me?" "It will help you learn to feel the leylines of the world and the mana pathways of your body. As much as I'd like to help, only you can feel them in a way that will enable you to use magic." Cosmos replied. She pointed at Twilight's horn. "Right now if you tried to use your magic nothing would happen. Yours at the moment is nothing but a protrusion good for poking things and not much else." Twilight frowned. "Is that normal?" Cosmos nodded. "It is. Unicorns develop their magic at different rates and in different ways. That book will help you. But only you will find a way to use your magic. And it will be unique to you alone." Twilight nodded. "And then what?" Cosmos grinned. "When it happens, and you will know when it does, you'll have taken your first step on a journey that never ends for magic is not constant but always changing in some way. Not all know this, nor could they." "Except you," Crystal added. Cosmos chuckled. "Except me. But then, I don't follow any laws mortals attempt to impose on forces of reality." She smirked. "In fact, I usually say 'Buck you!' to those laws." Twilight scratched her chin. "So what does that mean? Doesn't that make you, I don't know, a god?" She shrugged. "That is a short view of it, but yes. But I am so much more than that. But I couldn't explain it in any way that would make sense to you." Amber nodded. "And she's tried, and we still didn't get it." Twilight wished she had a pen and paper to take this all down. This was far more than she thought she'd get from her host. Something though stuck out for her. "Okay. I get unicorn magic. But what about these?" She asked, pointing at her own wings. Cosmos smiled sheepishly. "That's something you'll have to ask Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy about. I'm not an expert on them." Now Twilight was lost. "But don't you have them too?" She asked, pointing at Cosmos's own wings. Cosmos sighed as she unfurled all her wings, watching Twilight's jaw drop in shock. "I have six Twilight. Pegasi and alicorns only have two." "How the hay are you going to make that work?" Crystal asked. She shrugged. "I have no idea. I mean, this is what I wanted to look like when I came back, but I didn't think of how I would use them." Amber smiled up at her. "Look on the bright side. You've got all the time in the universe to figure it out." Cosmos smiled. "Good point." Twilight gave them all a confused look. "What do you mean?" Cosmos gestured at Crystal and Amber. "We can never die. In all sense of the word. Even when this universe finally ends we will not." "How does that work?" Twilight asked, trying to wrap her head around the idea. It wasn't working. Cosmos smirked. "Easy. In the grand scheme of the multiverse, I stand at the very top. All of reality is at my command. Anything you can think of I can do, and so much more besides." "So what happens when it does end to you then?" Twilight asked. Cosmos's smile dropped slightly. "There is a place that exists outside of all reality where every Exarch I have ever had goes to live until the end of time. What happens when that time comes I don't know." Twilight nodded. "And you?" "This small part of me rejoins my whole. Occasionally I return and spend time with a set of girls among the countless that have stood with me over the ages." Cosmos replied. "Doesn't that get lonely?" Crystal asked. Cosmos chuckled. "Not when I'm so busy with the running of the multiverse it doesn't. Or at least most of the time." Twilight had to admit, as fascinating as all this was, she didn't understand a lot of it. To top it off, she didn't even have something to keep notes with and ask them later about it. There was one thing though that was bugging her that could be answered now. As much as she loved Golden Oaks, it seemed far too small for Cosmos to live in, especially her and ten ponies, plus Spike planned to live together if she had heard right. "How do you plan to live here?" She asked. "I love libraries as much as the next pony, but this seems a bit, I don't know..." "Undeserving?" Cosmos added, guessing where Twilight was going with this. "Yes. I mean, you're a literal goddess. Shouldn't you be living in a celestial palace or something?" Twilight asked. Amber rolled her eyes. "We should. But our last one got blown up." Twilight was aghast. "Who would do that?" "A bunch of idiots a long time dead. Lucky for us no one now has the stuff to do it again. I hope." Amber added. "And castles are so last millennium," Cosmos added. "I'm thinking of something different this time." She clapped her hooves in excitement. "Plus I've been wanting to try this out for a while now." "What's that?" Crystal asked. Cosmos only smirked. "Well that would be spoilers now wouldn't it?" The smirk dropped as her horn ignited. "But first." An armor panel opened and out floated a certain looking stone. Twilight blinked. "Isn't that the Memory Stone?" Cosmos nodded. "The same. I haven't had a chance to put it somewhere safe. I really need to bring this up to Celestia and Luna. What else they haven't told us about." "Why them?" Amber asked. She was still trying to wrap her head around those two. The sun and moon had been fine for a long time without somepony guiding them. How did they end up like this? "Because they were alive when most of the bad stuff that's happened to Equestria that I've had to clean up happened," Cosmos added. "I'd ask Starswirl, but I'm leaving his old flank in Limbo a little while longer." Twilight though was giving the Armor of Eternity an intense look. "How did you fit that in there? Your armor can't be that thick can it?" Cosmos chuckled. "You'd be surprised what I can fit in here. She's an infinite demi-plane of her own." Closing the open slot, she opened several more and began to pull out an odd assortment of different things. Vials, jars, and other containers filled with all kinds of odd and strange looking concoctions. "Where did you get all that?" Crystal asked. "I made a pit stop before I cam back and picked up a few things. Backups in case talking or threats don't work." Cosmos replied airily. "Do we want to know what some of this stuff is?" Amber asked as she poked one of the jars, this one filled with a thick black liquid. "Not really," Cosmos replied as she pulled the last items out of its compartment and closed them all. "Most of these don't exist on Equus at all, so you wouldn't have heard of them." "Then where'd they come from?" Crystal asked. "From other worlds and plains of the Great Wheel, and some were made by Simaker himself," Cosmos replied. Twilight scrunched her nose. She had heard those names before, but where? She put it off for the moment as her mind returned to her first question on getting here. "So where am I supposed to sleep again?" She asked. Cosmos smiled widely. "Oh, you don't actually have to sleep at all. Alicorns that don't have to move the sun or moon don't need it." Twilight's smile would have made Pinkie Pie proud. > Letters and Questions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmos examined the letter in her magic, back to front, before returning her gaze to Scootaloo, who just looked bored. Her being here was a bit of a surprise as today wasn't her weekly Twilight Time with the CMC. Now that she thought about it, that name really didn't apply anymore. Not like she was now. But that could wait for the moment. Scootaloo had shown up just after lunch, saying they had to talk. Putting the letter aside for the moment, she gave the filly a look. "So who told you to give this to me?" "My moms. Said it was for you only." Scootaloo replied. Cosmos gave her a surprised look. "Moms? As in..." Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah. Both my parents are mares. Not sure how they did it, but they did." She gave Cosmos a stink eye. "Why? Got a problem with that?" Cosmos chuckled. "Hardly Scootaloo. But you never talk about them, and there's not to a lot to go on here in Ponyville." Scootaloo slumped. "Yeah, I know. But there's a reason for that." She sighed. "They're not always home, and I just stay with my aunts when they're not. I asked what they did once, but all they said was they couldn't. National security or something I think." Cosmos nodded as her gaze returned to the seal that was on the envelope, one she had seen only once before. "And now I know why." Scootaloo perked up. "You do?" She nodded. "Oh yes. This is a Zeta-X Level Security Clearance which means it goes straight to only Celestia, Luna, or me. Nopony else is even allowed to be in the same room with it normally but one of us." Scoots scratched her head. "So what does that mean exactly?" She smiled. "It means that your moms are involved in the deepest and most secret black ops, so secret that no paper trail exists for them. It's a secret that only the Tetrarchy knows. Celestia and Luna won't even discuss their possible existence. Officially and unofficially, they don't exist." Scoots tapped her chin. "So my moms are awesome?" Cosmos smiled as she wrapped a wing around her. "Very awesome." Scootaloo grinned like a maniac as her wings buzzed. "Cool!" Cosmos chuckled before becoming serious. "But Scootaloo, I need you to Pinkie Promise me that you will never talk about any of what I just told you. I'd normally be in trouble for doing this, but I'm hoping I can trust you enough with this." Scoots pouted. "Not even Rainbow Dash?" "Especially Rainbow Dash. Either one. She can't keep her mouth shut far too often for something like this, and the more that do know, the higher the risk they'll put your mothers in danger. On purpose or not." Cosmos replied. That shook Scoots up good. No matter what she may have thought, she didn't want to lose her parents. No matter how much she wished they were home more, she still loved them. "Fine." She finally said and went through the motions. Cosmos's smile returned. "Thank you. Did they say what this was about?" Scoots shook her head. "Nope, but Momma Red seemed pretty nervous about something when she gave it to me." Cosmos frowned but didn't say anything as she opened the seal and took a moment to read the letter inside. Her face darkened somewhat at what she read. But she wasn't all that surprised. Of course, the nobles thought they could get away with it, or that nopony would notice it. Her thoughts must've shown for Scootaloo leaned in. "So you know what's going on?" Cosmos nodded. "Quite well actually. But I have a permanent solution for it if it ever comes down to it." Igniting her horn, a slot on her armor opened, and out floated a sword of exquisite workmanship. Silver with a hint of gold running along the centerline. What surprised Scootaloo was how big it was. Nearly as long as Cosmos was tall. "So what's this?" She asked as she poked it. Cosmos smiled as a stack of cards floated out next as a slot opened on the handle and slid into place. The blade began to change form as the handle grew larger and fanned out. "This is a personal favorite of mine a friend helped me make." "Does it have a name?" Scoots asked. Cosmos nodded. "It's called the Blay Rouser. And this is just its first form. There's also King Rouser, but I only use that if someone really needs to be punished. It's only one of several I have based on a certain universe far from here. And this is the nicest weapon I have. I will not bring the Slayer into this." Scootaloo wanted to ask what all of that meant, but she held off for the moment as she looked around. "So, where is everypony?" Cosmos sighed. "They're in Canterlot. I'm staying out of this. For them." Now Scootaloo was really confused. "Why? What's in Canterlot?" Cosmos's ears drooped. "They're looking for their families. Crystal, Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Water Lilly went with them as support. After six thousand years, I don't know what they'll find." Scootaloo had the sense not to ask more about it. It was becoming common knowledge of what had happened so long ago since Amber, Diamond, Ivy, Ocean Breeze and Moon Petal had shared it with the rest of their friends. All she really knew for sure was that Amber's birth family had passed away long ago and that Diamond had adopted her into her own. But that was about all that made sense to her. Math was never her strong suit. "So what about mini you?" She asked. Cosmos smiled as she looked up the stairs to the loft. "Packing for a small trip I'm taking her on." She tapped her chin. "We'll be gone for a few days, so if you don't see us, that's why." Scoots blinked in confusion. "So where are ya going?" Cosmos smirked. "My old stomping grounds in the Everfree Forest. The Orrery should be up and running at full power by now, and I want to show her it and a few other things. If I can find them that is." Now Scoots gave her a shocked look. "Okay. I'm me, but even I think that's crazy. Is that even safe? She's still getting used to all of us." Cosmos just smiled. "She needs to get out of the library for a while for one. And she's been itching to explore Equestria ever since we got back." She shook her head. "I'm not going to have her stay inside the whole time she's here." Scootaloo wasn't convinced. "And what about what lives in it? Cosmos smirked. "That's why she has me. There's nothing in there I can't handle if needed." At that moment they heard someone coming down the stairs. Looking over, they found Twilight huffing and puffing as she walked towards them, her saddlebags stuffed with parchment and quills, and maybe a few books as well. "I don't know how earth ponies do this." She wheezed as she came to the bottom and tried to catch her breath. Cosmos chuckled. "Years of practice. You're still growing into your own. Give it time and you'll be wondering how you ever lived without it." Twilight found that hard to believe at the moment but decided not to comment on it. Her eyes lit up as she caught sight of the Blay Rouser floating in Cosmos's magic, but held off for the moment. "You're not taking anything?" She asked. Cosmos shook her head as she placed the blade against her reading desk as Twilight walked up to her. "Don't need to. Since this is your first time Teleporting, just know that it can be disorienting." She smirked as her horn glowed. "And watch that first step. It's a doozy." She gave Scootaloo one last look. "Spike already knows where we're going, so don't worry. And if the girls come back, just tell them to meet us at the Orrery. They'll know the place." With that, her horn flashed, and she and Twilight vanished from the library. Leaving Scootaloo to roll her eyes at a bunch of things that made no sense at all. > Reopening Of the Orrery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a pop, Cosmos and Twilight reappeared in the Grand Occulus. Luckily for them, the Orrery recognized its master and didn't activate its security against teleporting inside its chambers. Twilight instantly turned green as the feeling of being shunted across a vast distance wore off. For a moment she fought to keep her breakfast where it belonged. "Ugh. How do unicorns do this?" She grumbled. Cosmos chuckled. "Most unicorns don't actually. It's one of the more complex spells any unicorn can attempt to learn. I can only think of a few that I know that can do it." Twilight nodded as her stomach once again settled. "Do I know any?" Cosmos nodded. "Sunset does. I tried to teach Rarity several times awhile back." She shrugged. "She knows the basics at least. Whether she has the mana reserve is another story. It's possible she might one day do it." Twilight nodded before the question that had burned in her mind for a time now came. "I saw the Blay Rouser. How do you have it? Is it the same as-" Cosmos shook her head. "It's the same in form and function, but it is not Kazuma's. That one is his alone. This one I made myself." She gave Twilight a look. "How do you know Kamen Rider?" Twilight looked sheepish. "Shining Armor is a huge fan. And I'm, kind of an off and on fan." She gave Cosmos a look. "So does that mean that it's real?" Cosmos nodded. "An entire sub-dimension is nothing but Kamen Rider and Super Sentai." She chuckled. "I'm friends with the Overlord and the Cross of Fire, so we may visit someday." Twilight smiled widely before she turned her attention to the room around them. It wasn't much to look at. Just a huge rock-cut chamber with two doors leading out of it. "Is this it?" She asked, gesturing around. "Not much to look at considering what this is supposed to do." Cosmos smirked as she pointed at the ceiling. "Looks can be deceiving. Take a look above you." Twilight gave her an odd look but did as she was told, and felt her mouth drop in shock at the sight of the great wheel floating serenely above them. Not only that, but she recognized it too. "Is that the Great Wheel?" Cosmos nodded. "Yep. What you see is a map of every plane in this universe." She gave the two doors an irritated look. "I was hoping this would be up at full power by now." Twilight blinked. "It isn't?" Cosmos shook her head as she pointed at the far wall. "Not it isn't. Take a look inside and tell me what you see." Confused, Twilight trotted over and took a peek inside. "There's nothing in here. Just a staircase that dead-ends in solid rock in both directions." Cosmos nodded as a small smile formed. "Good. Stand Back. I'm turning these on." Before Twilight could ask what she meant, she turned and saw that Cosmos had ignited her horn. But instead of its usual magenta color, now it glowed a solid black. Even as she took that in, Twilight watched as she fired a beam of magic at a spot just above the doorway. Confused, she watched what happened next. The spot the beam of magic hit began to glow. After a moment the rock dissolved into what appeared to be a pool of color that swirled with an inky blackness. But that wasn't all. Soon a solid line of black began snaking its way up the wall and toward the center of the ceiling. Coming to a halt, the color seemed to flow down the walls. Soon what had been a solid black rock, now there was a muted brown color to it all. Twilight was lost. "What did you do?" Cosmos smiled as she turned to the other door. "I connected Equus with the Infinite Staircase. That doorway is the opening onto it. Just follow it up or down and you'll be on it. Now for the others." Again igniting her horn, she closed her eyes as her horn swirled with a rainbow of colors. Again she aimed for a spot just above the doorway as she fired another beam. Knowing what to expect this time, Twilight watched as a chunk of rock dissolved into a pool of many different colors, just like the magic that had made it. As before, a line of color began to snake its way out of the color pool. But now there were three instead of two. One went to the ceiling like the first, but the other two snaked down and out into the corridor beyond. One left, and one right. Twilight didn't see the point for it though. Until the corridor beyond was filled with a rainbow of different colors, all of them blending together in a way she had never thought possible."So what just happened?" She asked. Cosmos smiled as she cut off her magic. It felt good to be able to do that again. She hadn't realized how much she missed having all her powers while she was still mortal until now. "Out there is a portal to every plane you see above us." Twilight tapped her chin. "What about the Material Plane?" Cosmos just smirked. "Go out the front door and you're there." Twilight just gave her a deadpan glare that made her smirk grow. "What? You thought it would be harder to get to?" "... Maybe?" Twilight replied sheepishly. Cosmos only rolled her eyes. "Please, give me some credit. I'm not that crazy. Usually." Now she smiled sheepishly. "Anymore." Twilight decided to leave it at that. If Cosmos was her alternate, then she had a good idea of what her craziness looked like. Looking back up at the map of the Great Wheel, she allowed herself to get lost in its beauty. After a moment though she noticed something that seemed out of place. She pointed at one place, in particular, one that was nowhere near the others. "What is that?" Cosmos followed her hoof and frowned. "Ah yes, that one. That is Xoriat, or the Far Realm if you like." Twilight sank to the floor as her eyes widened. "You mean it's real?" Cosmos nodded. "Yes. Has Fluttershy told you about Discord?" Twilight rubbed her head. "In passing. She didn't seem to happy about something." Cosmos snorted. "At any rate, that is where he came from. How it reached Equus I don't know since I wasn't here when it connected or I would have sealed the Planar Breach." Twilight tapped her hoof. "What about the Gatekeepers?" Cosmos shook her head. "Equus doesn't have druidic magic. The closest is Zebrican Shamanism, but that wouldn't have been enough to close it. Not permanently." Twilight took a piece of paper out of her saddlebags and began to write all this down. But doing so with her mouth was easier said than done. She made a mental note to ask the native Applejack or Rainbow Dash how they did it. After a moment she paused as a thought came to her. "So, what exactly did that note say? Or is that secret too?" Cosmos smiled. "No, it's not a secret. Someponies just want me dead in the worst way possible. Preferably without my head." Twilight was aghast. "They what!? Why?" Cosmos rolled her eyes. "Hidebound traditionalists who hate everything I've been trying to do since I ascended as an alicorn. Last I heard 90% of the nobles hated me and shot it down in parliament." Twilight scrunched her nose. "That seems a bit extreme though. Wanting you dead for that." Cosmos sighed. "Then there's the fact that they don't think my family deserves all they have. They don't see us as proper nobles, or some such nonsense." Twilight tapped her chin. "Mom and dad always seemed well off to me. I mean, sure we weren't the richest around town, but we never were waiting for something." Cosmos nodded. "True, and the same goes for mine too. But that doesn't mean a thing to those inbred idiots." "Then why not send to Princess Celestia or Princess Luna? Can't they do anything?" Twilight asked. Cosmos nodded. "They could, but there's a problem with that. Right now they have nothing to bring them in on. Nothing they've said or done so far is treason. Until they do, there is nothing we can do." "How is that not treason? Murdering a royal is regicide." Twilight replied. Cosmos sighed. "True. But none of this is new. Celestia and Luna have received thousands of threats like this over the centuries. None ever worked. The few that actually came within striking range of them... Well, they're still here aren't they?" Twilight nodded, but she still was uneasy about this. "What about you though?" Cosmos smirked. "I have far better and far more loyal protection than Celestia, Luna, or Cadance put together. Tell me. How much have you talked to the girls?" Twilight thought a moment. She had an idea of who she meant. "Not much since they're still settling into Ponyville. Though Moon Petal said something about seeing a ghost when she saw me." Cosmos chuckled. "Then let me explain. All the girls share a part of my power. In fact, theirs is one step below my own if they let loose fully. And they cannot be bought or bribed for their only loyalty is to me. Above and beyond whatever else they may have." Twilight ran that through her brain. The idea was staggering. "You mean?" Cosmos nodded. "Amber, Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Ivy, Celestial, Ocean Breeze, Orchid, Moon Petal, and Water Lilly. Anyone who wants to try and kill me has to go through all of them before they even face me. None have ever survived one, let alone all of them." "... So, does this place show anywhere else?" Twilight asked, changing the subject as fast as she could. She actually felt a little bit sorry for anypony who tried to hurt Cosmos. Just a little though. > A New Annoyance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmos wasn't too surprised when she was called to Canterlot for an emergency meeting with Celestia and Luna. The room they were meeting confirmed her suspicions. The thick stack of papers on the table was new, but one look at the top sheet was all she needed to know for sure. "They're making themselves known?" She asked. Luna nodded. "They call themselves Traditionalists. They are decrying everything you are and what you stand for advocate." She frowned. "Somepony must have seen you like are now for they've accounted for your armor and how to get around it." Celestia nodded. "Amadeus Blueblood is their leader. He's always hated you, but now he is outright attacking you and what you want to do." She frowned as well. "How he knows as much as he does I do not know. By all accounts, no one should know this much." Cosmos rolled her eyes. "Let them think they know me. They know nothing. I could care less about what they think of me. They mean less than nothing to me, and you can tell Bluballs I said that too and that he should crawl back into whatever dung heap he crawled out of." Luna snickered while Celestia, who felt the same way, bore a grave expression. "You risk much by saying that. Your power is still limited and the nobility holds much." Luna nodded. "And most of them hate you. Only a few are true allies ours. Not enough to challenge them openly yet." Cosmos shrugged. "Have they tried anything yet?" Celestia shook her head. "Not here in Canterlot, but small scale riots have broken out in several major cities. All of them have a connection to this group. Either directly or indirectly." Cosmos digested this. Things were moving faster than she had expected, but it was too early to do anything about them, as much as she wanted to. Something else though stood out as she flipped through the stack of papers. The information inside was a treasure trove: The names of every member of the group, those who sympathized and supported it, plans for the government once she, the two sisters, Cadance, and Flurry Heart were removed, and even who would rule, and much more. But it was one name that stood out for Cosmos, and the faint magic on the paper broke her heart. "Where did all of this come from?" She asked. Celestia smiled. "We have an unexpected ally on the inside who gave it to us at the risk o her own safety. Blueblood's daughter Majesty." Cosmos nodded as her ears dropped. "She's an Age Growth alicorn. I can feel the magic used in the paper. By any normal means, she's six months old." Celestia and Luna shared a horrified look. That kind of magic had been forbidden for millennia. How Blueblood had found it was beyond them. Majesty being an alicorn was even more surprising. Of course, there was always a very small chance a foal would be born one. Flurry Heart had been the last known one. There had been rumors that Pure Blueblood was pregnant and had gone to Canterlot General sometime before but they had since stopped. Now they knew why. "So what happens next?" Luna asked. "Rumors of what you did to Tirek and Discord are already circulating. None know the whole truth, but that won't last forever." "And then there are your Canterlot High friends," Celestia added. "They're not exactly a secret. Many are wondering where they came from." Cosmos shrugged. "Let them wonder. They will know soon enough." "And then?" Luna asked. Cosmos's smile became predatory. "I will break them. I want to see the look on the Traditionalist's faces as they realize how much they never stood a chance. They will beg for my mercy by the time I finish with them. But I will not give it to them." Both sisters shared an uneasy look. They knew full well she meant it too. Part of them was curious as to how she would do all that while another part was horrified at the thought. They also knew that there was no way to pin Blueblood for his use of forbidden magic. Outside of a confession, there was no way to prove it by any magic they knew. Cosmos though was worried. Not about her friends, for they could take care of themselves, nor her Exarchs, for nothing but her own power could kill them. No, what worried her was her family. Some of the names on the list she recognized as childhood neighbors, and she had no doubt her parents would be targeted if need be. Despite what had changed about her she still loved her parents. That would never change, no matter what else did. Celestia must have seen the look in her eyes for she smiled. "We will find a way to keep Velvet and Night Light safe. You have no need to worry about them." Cosmos chuckled. "It's my job to worry about them. But thank you." Luna tapped her chin. "Isn't it the other way around? They're supposed to worry about you all the time." Cosmos just stuck her tongue out at both of them. > Empress and Emperor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmos had to admit. Her opponent knew his way around the board. Far more than she gave him credit for in the beginning. Then again, she had a good idea of who she was playing, so it wasn't much of a surprise. For the moment she smiled across at the stallion. "I never did get your name Mr.?" He smiled as he moved a piece. "Oberon if you please. My mother had a thing for legends of the fey. I rather like it." Cosmos hid a smirk. Oh, he was good. "So then Oberon. What brings you to Ponyville? Not many visits from down south," she asked, moving a piece. He smirked. She was good for one so young. Better than he had expected. "I was in Appleloosa when a Caramel Apple told me quite a tale." Cosmos smirked as well. "Did he now? What exactly did he tell you?" Oberon studied his next move a moment before replying. "He told how Tirek and Discord had both been destroyed by a power that put the princesses to shame." "And you believed him?" Cosmos asked. He shrugged. "The Apple Family is known for their honesty. I was inclined to believe him, so I came to see for myself. My sons don't believe it." Cosmos nodded. "They sound like smart stallions. You must be proud." Oberon's smile grew. "I am sure they will be happy to hear that," he said as he moved to end their game. "And I believe that is checkmate princess." Cosmos blinked as she looked at the board. He indeed had her, fair and square too. She chuckled. Not many could say that they had beaten her at chess. The flash of green flame behind Oberon's eyes though confirmed her suspicions of who he really was so Cosmos decided to end this charade now as she leaned over the board. "Good game. Blackthorn." The stallion raised an eyebrow and gave a small smile. "Blackthorn? I am afraid you have me confused with somepony else." Cosmos only smiled wider. "I think I'm fairly certain who you are, Mr. Oberon. That is just your middle name though. Don't believe me? The full assumed name ends in Lyonesse. You are the patriarch of the Court of Thorns. Your 'Beloved' is Empress Blackrose Titania Avalon of the Court of Roses. When you were young- and mortal- you put a certain poison in her drink and-" "Enough," the stallion interjected. His voice was calm, but firm and his amused expression were gone. Around them, Cosmos could sens an invisible dome of mag reminiscent of a Zone of Silence spell, but of different construction and sophistication far beyond mortal and even most local divines standards in this corner of the multiverse. He gave her a glare, cold and calculating, measuring her and doubt trying to divine what exactly she really was. "It is as we expected; those minute expressions when we mention our disguised name and our sons, the certain chess gambits we know are still beyond the Princess of Friendship's ability to play... You too are far more than what you seem, and evidently, you know more about us then any others besides our beloved should know, Princess... If that is what you truly are." Cosmos smiled as she ignited her horn and dropped her disguise, reverting back to her true form. Blackthorn's only response was a raised eyebrow at the new alicorn across from him. "You are right about one thing. I am far more than I once was," Cosmos replied. "What you heard of Tirek and Discord is true. I will not hesitate to do so again against those who threaten Equestria." Her smile grew. "And I'll let you in on a little secret. That was done with only a tenth of one percent of my power." "Is that a threat?" Blackthorn asked. Cosmos chuckled. "Threat? Oh no. I don't make threats. I make promises. Threats are for lesser beings." Her smile softened. "But I digress. I have no reason to give you that. Not yet. So you can call off your Black Maidens." Blackthorn chuckled. "Some might say otherwise. What are you, for are clearly not Princess Twilight Sparkle." Cosmos smiled coyly. "I am still Twilight Sparkle, but I am now as I was meant to be. In simple terms, just call me a passing through 10th-dimensional being who stuck her nose back into a universe she once abandoned." "That makes little sense," Blackthorn replied. Cosmos clapped her hooves excitedly. "Then you already know more about me than most ever figure out. I'm not supposed to make sense by any mortal standard." He smiled. "Then why speak with me? You clearly don't need to learn more about us, though I will not say anything if you expect me to." Cosmos's smile dropped. "Because you will be the messenger for all changelings. I would've done the same with any of your kind. You just happen to be the one. What I'm about to tell you will be heard by every 'ling of every hive of your line and your beloved's." Blackthorn frowned. "I do not like being used like this, but I am curious as to what you have to say." Cosmos nodded. "Then listen well. A reckoning is coming for all your kind, emperor. The wedding will be made right. The question then Blackthorn, is how many hives will burn before you and your beloved heed the point and make the piece, or find another way to get love." Blackthorn's frown deepened. "That is saying much. What would your fellow princesses think?" Cosmos shrugged. "I neither know or care what they think of it. I answer to none but myself. Chrysalis will learn the price of attacking Equestria as I force her to watch as her hive is purged. She will die last. And I promise, her death will not come quick." "What gives you that right? What gives you the right to judge us?" Blackthorn asked. Cosmos spat. "You lost that right the moment your race attacked Equestria. Chrysalis holds no rights as the leader of a race or nation. Only you and Blackrose do. She is a wanted terrorist and criminal." She sat back. "No Blackthorn. Do not presume to lecture me on rights. If you're as smart as I hope you are, then you will take the point." His frown deepened as he bit back a retort. Beneath her calm exterior, he could feel an unfathomable amount of power rolling, held in check only by a will of steel. After a time he smiled. "Very well Princess Twilight. Be warned though. I do not speak for all. Our beloved I feel will heed the point, but I cannot speak for her children." Cosmos smiled as then tension fell away. "That is all I ask. I won't stop your kind from feeding to survive. If any want to talk, I'm more than willing to listen." She chuckled. "Besides, I like playing someone who can give me a run for my money." Blackthorn chuckled as well. "As do I. It is so hard to find someone competent enough to make it worthwhile these days." > Pony Shipping > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset and Twilight both tried not to choke on their drinks as Cosmos finished her question with a perfectly innocent smile. The ponies around them at Sugarcube Corner pretended they hadn't heard a thing. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked, trying to hide a blush. Cosmos rolled her eyes. "I mean what I said. Do you two find each other attractive at all?" Twilight and Sunset shared a confused look before Twilight responded. "I mean, I've always preferred girls to boys. Or mares in this case. But, me and Sunset? We only met at the Friendship Games, and we didn't exactly get along then. We do now, but I can't even like her like that." She paused and gave Sunset an apologetic smile. "No offense Sunset." Sunset's eye roll could be felt in Canterlot. "None took," she replied in a deadpan tone. "I've never liked girls or mares like that in my life. Boys or stallions for me." She paused and smirked. "Though I know whoever does end up with you Twilight is a lucky mare." Both ignored Cosmos' sudden coughing fit as they turned back to her after a moment. "Where did this come from anyway?" Twilight asked. "Did somepony say something?" Cosmos shook her head. "No. It's just too satisfy my own curiosity. You'd be surprised how endemic the idea you two are a couple is across the multiverse. Even though it's never happened." "How did it start?" Sunset asked. As much as the idea annoyed her, she couldn't argue she wasn't curious about it. Cosmos sighed as she looked at Twilight. "Remember what I showed you of the Friendship Games and how you became Midnight Sparkle?" Twilight nodded. It wasn't a memory she wanted to remember. But she did. Cosmos ignited her horn. "I didn't show you the full story. You don't know how it ends in most universes." With a quick spell, she brought forth a small screen, much like the one she had used at Canterlot High before. With shock and awe, Twilight and Sunset watched as the full battle played out. Sunset's transformation, her battle with Midnight, and finally, Spike's words getting through to Twilight, allowing Sunset to show her another way. Twilight's hooves covered her mouth as the rest of the scene played out, ending with Princess Twilight and the Human World's Twilight meeting outside the broken Wondercolt statue as the Rainbooms looked on. As the scenes ended and Cosmos dismissed the screen, Twilight wiped her eyes with a hoof. "I've had Spike since he was a puppy. He was maybe my only friend before now. I just never appreciated him as much as I should have." Sunset put a hoof on her shoulder. It helped as Twilight gave her a thankful look. "Is that were this whole idea of me and Twilight being together come from?" Sunset asked. Cosmos nodded. "Nine times out of ten, that is what the majority of those who think you two are or should be a couple used as the basis for it. The other is where it happened naturally, but it was really only here in Equestria with me and you Sunset." That put an end to further conversation for a time as Sunset and Twilight digested this. It was a lot to take in for sure. Sure, Sunset had found Princess Twilight to be cute in her own way during the Battle of the Bands, but it never went very far. She was a straight mare, through and through. Not that she had anything against the idea of course. It just wasn't for her. Twilight on the other hoof was deep in thought. She could see where others would think she and Sunset could be something together based on what they had just seen. Heck, she might have even thought the same at one time as well if things had not gone the way they had. But it was no good going down that train of thought. That future wasn't meant to be now. Things had changed the moment Cosmos had stepped in and faced her down at the Friendship Games and talked her out of that path. Something Twilight felt she would never be able to repay enough. But that leads to another thing involving her and Cosmos. Twilight would not deny that she had been crushing on Cosmos. Hard, since the Friendship Games, and that had only grown the more time they spent together in Ponyville. But Cosmos' relationship with Canterlot High's Crystal had meant she had never acted on her feelings. It wasn't right if the mare she loved's heart belonged to another. Twilight knew CHS's Crystal well enough to know it wasn't fair to her if she got in the way. What Twilight needed was somepony who she could talk to and help get her feelings under control. Her friends could help, but she knew only Rarity had any kind of experience with romance, and the less said about those the better. There was always Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire. But Twilight still found it weird that Cadance was a princess, let alone a ruler of a whole kingdom. And married to her brother, and with a filly of their own. It was a lot to take in just from that alone. Though if this Cadance was anything like her old babysitter, and now Principle, Cadance, Twilight didn't think it would be that bad. They had talked to each other all the time about this kind of thing at one time. Maybe it was time to revive that. She was bored as it was and needed new something to do > Pest Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I still think this is the craziest idea I have heard in a long time," Princess Celestia said with a sigh as she looked around at the gathered ponies and one dragon. Cosmos just smiled. "What part? The part of what I plan to do to Chrysalis and her hive when I confront her face to face?" "The part where her Exarchs offered themselves up as bait to lure any changelings out and kidnap them?" Spike added. "Or the part where we just now realized that they're all missing?" Sci Twi added. And it was true. No one had seen any of the girls for a few days now. Nopony seemed to notice till today though. Celestia rubbed her forehead irritably. "All of the above. You are taking a huge risk using them like this." Cosmos shook her head. "I'm not using them for anything Celestia. I never asked or told them to do this. They did this on their own." Celestia still wasn't convinced though. Ever since the revealing of the Changeling Masquerade, her nerves had been on edge. "And what of the other hives?" Cosmos snorted. "Chrysalis and her hive are outcasts. Disowned by the rest of their race. Blackrose won't take her back, and Blackthorn sure won't. The Winter Court would rip them to shreds before long." "I still can't believe you talked to one of them," Twilight said with some awe. Cosmos smiled. "I wouldn't have minded no matter who it was honestly. Blackthorn is the consummate plotter, but even he knows not to touch this." "And what about Kevin? Where does he fit in all of this?" Spike asked, referring to Ponyville's resident changeling. Cosmos rolled her eyes. "He has no part to play in this. I don't know where he came from or why Ponyville isn't freaking out about him as they should be, but he's safe." Before anyone could say anymore, Cosmos suddenly stood straighter and flexed her wings. "There you are," she whispered. "Where is what?" Celestia asked as everyone looked around the Golden Oaks Library and saw nothing. "I know where the girls are. They just pinged me where they were taken. Right in the middle of Chrysalis's Throne Room," Cosmos replied. "So where is the hive then?" Twilight asked. "The Badlands, close to where I thought it would be too," Cosmos replied as she ignited her horn. Everyone took a step back. "You're leaving now?" Spike asked. Cosmos smirked. "Oh no. I'm taking my time to get there. I'll be leaving in a moment, but it won't be a hop, skip, and a jump, over there, even if it could be." "Why take your time?" Celestia asked. As much as she knew about Cosmos, this didn't seem like something that would make sense in any way or form. Cosmos chuckled. "Because it's more fun this way. The girls can take far worse than anything Chrysalis can give them. I'm not worried about them." Before anyone could respond, Cosmos vanished in a flash of teleportation, leaving the group worried no matter what she had said. *** Cosmos wasn't impressed as she looked up at the Changeling Hive. Really, this didn't even make her top 200 Best Villain Lairs list. "Xenomorph rip-off. It would be so easy to drop a hive of them in here and enjoy the fireworks," she grumbled as she walked up to an opening, not even bothering to hide her presence. She shook her head. "But then we would never stop them there. It would be the Earth Wars all over again, and we don't have anyone crazy enough to stop them like that." Walking through the hole, Cosmos immediately felt the effect of the Magic Suppressing Throne at the very top of the hive. An annoyance mostly, but still not comfortable as she blinked several times. She didn't exactly have an idea of where she was going. Tunnels went off in every direction around her, and they didn't always stay open either as she watched. Cosmos had come in her Unicorn Form, which made things around her even bigger. The size was massively overrated though to her. Except of course if you were a kaiju, but that was a whole different story. She stopped as she heard the buzzing of wings all around her. Perfect. Time to get this show on the road as she spoke to the surrounding darkness. "I am here to see Chrysalis. She took those closest to me. I want them back. If she can't be bothered to get off her lazy flank to come to see me herself, then take me to her." That seemed to catch everyone off guard as they chittered to themselves. Cosmos didn't bother to translate them, even though it was well within her power. One finally took flight and landed before her. A warrior by his markings, a step above the usual drones that filled the hive. That made things more interesting. "Big talk from such a small pony. Why should we let you see the queen? You have no business here, but you will be good for food," he said. Cosmos smiled as she returned to her normal form. Recognition dawned in the warrior's eyes as he beheld her. "Does this answer your question? You know who I am. I suggest you take me to her, or your head will fall first." That seemed to catch every 'ling off guard. Cosmos could smell the faint pheromones passing between them. Good. That made things even more fun. The warrior studied her for a moment as if daring her to attack him before he turned away. "Come then. The queen is expecting you." Cosmos nodded before following him, though none could see why she would or why she seemed to be in such a good mood. *** As expected, Chrysalis was waiting for her at the top. How long it took to get there, Cosmos didn't know. She didn't mind though. It was more fun that way. Also as she had thought, her Exarchs all hung from the roof in individual cocoons. They all appeared to be asleep, their chests rising and falling steadily. A quick pulse confirmed that they were indeed asleep. Some form of suspended animation, not dissimilar to the one her first Exarchs had used to await her return. Interesting. Chrysalis noticed her look and sneered. "You should be more concerned about yourself. And to think, ones so young will see what I will do to you." Cosmos only grinned. "Oh how cute. You still think you can win. Try to make this interesting for me. I haven't culled a whole hive in a long time, and that last one was far more interesting." Chrysalis laughed as she stood up. "Fool! You have no power here. Whatever it is you did to Tirek and Discord will not work. You're hopelessly outnumbered, and I have your Exarchs." She chuckled at the surprised look on Cosmos's face. "Oh yes. I know all about you, Empress. I'm not impressed. I'd thought you would be bigger for how big you talked to Blackthorn." Okay, so Cheeselegs knew more about her than she had expected. Unexpected yes, but that didn't change anything as Cosmos frowned. "So you know about me. It changes nothing." Chrysalis laughed as the room began to fill up with changelings. "I think it does. You're outnumbered, you have no magic." Her smile darkened. "And when I give the word, your family in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire dies. I win Sparkle. You threw your life away for nothing." Cosmos blinked, before beginning to chuckle, then cackle, her expression darkening every second. Ever changeling shared a confused look at the sight. Chrysalis herself was annoyed. "And what's funny?" Cosmos stopped laughing, her expression as cold as ice. "You are. You think you know me, that you understand me." As she took a step forward, every 'ling took a step back. "You know so little about me. I need no magic to end this charade." She smiled in a way that would have made a serial killer blanch. "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here, with me." Her eyes narrowed. "I've only used this once before. But it is more than enough to put this hive to the sword. There will be no survivors. You will die last Chrysalis. You will beg for my mercy by the time I finish with you. But I have none to give." She raised a hoof. "I had to do a lot to get Omni King Zeno to give me this power. But it was worth it in the end. They call it Power of Destruction. But I prefer the other name for it." She paused and then spoke only word as her hoof came down. Hakai. Nothing happened for a second after Cosmos's hoof touched the floor of the Throne Room. Chrysalis even began to think this whole thing was nothing but a charade. And then the screaming started. It was not the sound of regular pain. Chrysalis knew every kind of pain and the sound every being made while suffering through it. She even knew what changeling pain sounded like. More than once she had dispensed it herself when in a particularly bad mood. But this went beyond that. This was a soul screaming in terror as its very essence was destroyed and unmade in every sense of the word. Thousands of them. The whole hive was screaming. Chrysalis could only watch as those changelings in the room with them began to dissolve away into nothing. Even after their heads were gone, they kept screaming, until there was nothing left. Soon even the hive structure itself began to dissolve away. First to go was the Magic Suppressing Throne. Cosmos was able to catch the girls' cocoons as the roof was dissolved away and held them in her magic. And Chrysalis felt each and every death of the hive. Not even the newborn nymphs or the eggs in the Hatcheries were spared, though by some miracle of her mother, those at least were quick and none of them felt any pain. She glared at Cosmos, even as the hive dissolved around them. "What have you done? You monster." Cosmos laughed. "You're calling me a monster? That's rich coming from you Chrysalis. I have nothing against your kind. But you brought this on yourself." Chrysalis didn't buy it. "If this is about the wedding-" Cosmos shook her head. "This has nothing to do with the wedding. Not anymore. Cadance and Shining made a mess of everything long before you took Cadance's place. I'm not even mad about what you did to my brother. He was always an idiot in a lot of ways. You just proved it." Chrysalis could feel the truth behind that statement. But it was still a shock to hear it from Twilight Sparkle all the same. "Then what is this about? What's the point?" Cosmos frowned. "The point? Changelings have been feeding on love from Equestria and Equus as a whole for thousands of years. I didn't even plan on blowing the Masquerade wide open with Blackthorn as I did. But then you had to change all that, to throw it all away." "My children were starving. I had to feed them some way," Chrysalis snarled. "The love we were getting before wasn't enough. I didn't even plan on taking that pink pastel filly's place. But a wedding was a perfect chance to feed the whole hive for a long time." Cosmos's expression softened. "Did it ever occur to you that there was another way? I know a way for all changelings to get love, without stealing it from other races. I was even going to share it with your mother and her spouse." Chrysalis laughed. "I don't believe you. Why would you ever care about us? Even if I did believe you, I hate my mother and all my sisters. I would never take anything from them." Cosmos nodded. "And that Chrysalis is why you have lost everything. All of this could have been avoided, your hive would have lived. But you threw it all away." By this time, the screaming had ended. Both of them knew why that was. There was no other changeling left now but the queen. The hive itself was now nothing but a small stump barely a hundred feet off the ground. Chrysalis looked around as the group finally reached the ground as the last of the hive was dissolved away. To her surprise, however, once the last piece of changeling made form was gone, nothing else was touched. Cosmos saw her look and rolled her eyes. "Give me some credit. I came here for the girls and to teach your race a lesson. I won't touch the rest of Equus with that kind of power." The ex-queen gave her a sharp look. "Then what do you plan to do with me? I won't go easily Sparkle. And I refuse to be taken alive. Not now. Not ever." Cosmos smiled as she gently settled the girls' cocoons off to the side. None of them even so much as stirred at the slight jostling they received. "That is all I needed to hear from you Chrysalis. Because now you deal with me with no advantage." Closing her eyes, Cosmos spread her wings. Immediately, the sky clouded over and the area black as night. In fact, this was a blackness that was not normal. The shadows were drawn to Cosmos, coiling around her and enveloping her in darkness. Soon Chrysalis couldn't even see five feet in front of her. She laughed. "You're going to have to do better than that Sparkle. A little blackness doesn't scare me." "It will," came a voice. It sounded like Cosmos. But dark, dangerous, and sibilant as a serpent. "You're in my world now Chrysalis. Here, I make all the rules." The voice came from every direction. A million voices speaking as one, each and every one of them like nails on a chalkboard, the sound of ten thousand damned souls in Tartarus. It made Chrysalis's ears bleed just to listen to them. From out of the darkness, a shape emerged. It shouldn't have been possible to see it in this darkness, yet it glowed with an unlight. It was impossible to describe in any sane terms. Just looking at it made Chrysalis's eyes burn. When it spoke, it spoke with the voice of the End Times, the Destroyer, the Unmaker of all things. "Welcome, to my nightmare." The shape pounced on her, and Queen Chrysalis knew no more. *** Several days had passed since Cosmos had gone off in search of her Exarchs, and her Ponyville friends were getting worried. No one had heard a thing from her since her departure. While the Rainbooms were still relatively new to much of what it meant to be a pony and Equestria as a whole, even they felt the same for Cosmos. And they had known her the shortest time. Spike had gone to stay with Rarity until she came back, so no one worried about that at least. Princess Celestia had joined them this day at Sugarcube Corner, and all could see she felt the same as everyone. So when a scroll suddenly materialized out of nowhere in front of her, all were interested. "Is it from Cosmos?" Fluttershy asked. "Is she alright?" Spike asked. Celestia shook her head. "It is not from Cosmos. It's from Empress Blackrose." Everyone shared a shocked look. All of them knew by now that name and who she was. But how on Equestria had she been able to do this? "What does she say?" Applejack asked. Celestia read the letter, her eyes growing bigger with each word. "She wants to meet with me, Luna, Cadance, and Cosmos to discuss..." she paused as if she couldn't believe what she was reading. "What? Come on, don't leave us hanging," Rainbow complained. Celestia's ears fell as she looked up. "Her unconditional surrender and peace terms with Equestria. And I quote "One hive put to the sword is more than enough. No more." > An Old Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmos wasn't sure why Celestia had called her to Canterlot on such short notice, but she knew it would have to be important enough for her to come alone. Not that she wasn't missing anything in Ponyville at the moment. Most of her friends were busy at the moment, and her lessons with Twilight were actually moving along better than expected. But the moment she saw Princess Celestia standing alone with a crystal that showed the worried face of Principle Celestia, she knew something was wrong. "What is it?" The principal sighed. "We have a bit of a situation here. And I'm hoping you might be able to help in some way." Cosmos shared a look with her fellow princess. "Okay. But why me? I'm more than happy to help, but you can't always come to Equestria with a problem. Magical or otherwise." The principal nodded. "I understand. However, this actually concerns you directly." She rubbed her forehead. "Recently we've had a young girl been seen around the statue. Too young to be a student." Cosmos's brow rose. She was curious, but this didn't make sense to her, "And this concerns me how? I don't know anyone outside the students and staff at the school well enough at the moment." The principal sighed. "It concerns you because she is also asking for you by name Cosmos." She shook her head. "No. She is asking more than that. She is asking for you as Empress Cosmos." Cosmos felt her breath hitch. No one who knew her at the moment used that title, least of all on that side of the portal. Unless. "Do you know what she looks like?" Celestia nodded as she held up a picture. In it was a young red-headed girl, about Crystal or Amber's age. Maybe a little older. "Do you know who she is?" Cosmos smiled as her eyes closed and the tears began to fall. She knew that aura anywhere. "Yes. I know who she is." Opening her eyes, her gaze softened. "If you happen to see her, tell her I'm on my way." Principle Celestia didn't look totally convinced, but she nodded before the crystal went blank once more even as Cosmos turned toward the door. Princess Celestia was still confused. "Who was that? How do you know her?" Cosmos smiled as she looked at her. "An old friend of mine that I haven't seen in a long time." Celestia's brow rose. "Is there an Exarch we didn't know about? Is that who she is? I hope not." Cosmos chuckled. "No, she isn't some long-lost Exarch of mine. She was one of the most loving and compassionate persons I've ever known. Right up there with Fluttershy." "So why is she in the Human World?" Celestia asked as Cosmos's horn ignited. "Because that's her home. And I don't mean to change that now." Cosmos said as she vanished in a flash of teleportation. Leaving Princess Celestia with more questions than answers. She made a note to change that when she got the chance. "But why now?" Moon Petal asked. "If she is Megan, why only remember now?" The girls and Twilight stood with Cosmos outside the Golden Oaks Library. She had just finished explaining what little she knew at the moment. For six of the girls, the idea was exciting. But for the rest, they had no idea what the big deal was. Not that they'd say so. Cosmos sighed. "I don't know. But it is Megan's reincarnation. My only guess is that all the release of magic recently kick-started this." Twilight scratched her chin. "I've read of this sort of thing. But I didn't think it was ever real." Cosmos nodded. "It's not that surprising. Very rarely does this happen at all. And it's even rarer for that being to remember their old life at all." "So now what?" Ocean Breeze asked. "We can't bring her here. She's way too young for that. Firefly only got away with it because she was a teenager last time." "And then there's the fact that Equus has changed so much since she was here last," Ivy added. "On top of that, she only knows some of us." She pointed at Cosmos. "And you're not one of them." Cosmos sighed. "I know. I don't plan on bringing her here. What I want to do is help her stabilize her memories. If she wants to remember them all, then I'll help to do so." "And if she doesn't?" Water Lilly asked. "Then I'll repress them for her, and she won't remember anything about her old life or of Equus," Cosmos replied. "Isn't that dangerous?" Orchid added. Cosmos shook her head as she took a step back from the group. "No. I can do so in a way that she won't feel a thing. It's the least I can do for her." Igniting her horn, she gave her Exarchs all a serious look. "Girls. I hate to do this, but I am making this an order. Do not follow me. I don't know how long this will be, but I don't want to overwhelm her." The girls bowed their heads. Now that it was an order, they didn't have a choice but to obey it. But that didn't mean they had to like it. Cosmos knew they didn't like the idea. And frankly neither did she. She was never one to make much an order for any Exarch. There was something more to it when she made it an order for them. While they could get around her just telling them not to do something, if she made it an order, they had no choice but to do it. But that never made stomped on their free will to not like it. She despised it when others tried to force their own will on others and she avoided it at all costs. Shaking her head, she smiled as a new portal opened before them. "I'll be back later girls. Don't wait for me." And she was gone. "Are you sure this is a wise idea? I'm taking a huge risk with my daughter by allowing a stranger to try and help her. What if all of this is nothing but a sham?" Miss. Williams asked, holding back a scowl at Principal Celestia. For her part, Celestia understood her concern. But this was out of her hands now. "I understand your concern, mam. But Cosmos knows more about this and understands this better than I ever will. If anyone can help your daughter, it is her." Megan crossed her arms and pouted. "I'm right here, you know? And what can she do? I'm seeing things that shouldn't exist. I haven't believed in stuff like magic and magical talking ponies since I was five." Celestia giggled. "I understand your worry, Megan. But I have faith in Cosmos." "Did someone say my name?" Cosmos asked, walking up to the group, apparently out of nowhere. She hid her smile at seeing the young girl before her with her own two eyes. It really was her. Miss Williams looked her over. She didn't look much older than the other students at Canterlot High. But there was... Something else about her. An aura that she couldn't place her finger on. "Well then. If you are this. Cosmos. Can you help my daughter?" Cosmos frowned. "That depends." She bent down so she and Megan were eye to eye. "How do you know my name? And why do you call me 'Empress'? We have never met before now." Megan rolled her eyes. "That's your title, isn't it? Though you don't look like you used to." She paused, before putting a hand to her head. "Why am I saying things like that? I've never seen you before. But why does it feel like we've been friends my whole life? Why does it hurt so much?" Cosmos' heart dropped, as Megan's mother wrapped an arm around her. She had been afraid of this. Miss Williams seemed to catch on, for she gave her a look. "Do you know what's wrong with my daughter? I can't stand seeing her like this." Cosmos nodded. "I do." She smiled. "I once had a friend with the same name as you, Megan. You look almost exactly like her in fact. Though you're not as old as she was when we first met." Her smile dropped slightly. "Do you believe in the idea of reincarnation?" Megan and her mother shared a look. "The idea that someone can be reborn?" Megan asked. Cosmos nodded. "Indeed. An old soul. Reborn into a new body." She placed a hand on Megan's shoulder. "That is what has happened here to you, Megan. Those ponies you saw? The magic? It is very real. A life you once lived." Miss. Williams gave her a look. "Then what are you really trying to say?" Cosmos sighed. "Megan is reliving her old life. Those are memories of her past self. Someone I considered one of my best friends. But there's a problem. Those memories are trying to erase her current self. Replace it with someone and something she isn't." Miss Williams and Celestia shared a concerned look. Even if she had just met her, the mother trusted Cosmos in this matter. She didn't know why she did. But the feeling would not leave her alone. "Then what can you do to help her?" Cosmos sighed. "I can give Megan back all of her memories of her past life." She held up a hand as she saw the question on her mother's face. "In a way that would not destroy your daughter. She will still be the baby girl you love. But she would remember all of her old life. Alongside her current life." Megan looked rather excited at the idea. But she was still worried about one thing. "Does it hurt?" Cosmos giggled. "It might tickle a little bit. But you won't feel a thing." Miss Williams's frown had grown though. "If you're going to do anything to my daughter, then do it to me as well. I find all of this hard to believe as it is. Prove it to me, Cosmos. Or so help me. There will be no place that you can hide that I won't find you." Cosmos nodded, as she held to fingers out to mother and daughter's foreheads. "So be it," she whispered, and then let her magic flow. All at once, both of their eyes lit up in a white nimbus of power. Cosmos stepped back as it began, allowing things to follow their natural course. Principal Celestia didn't look too convinced, but there was little that she could do now. For a few moments, mother and daughter were lost in a world of memories. Occasionally, Megan would mouth words to a conversation that only she and one other had. No words came out of her mouth though. After a time, the light faded from their eyes. Both Celestia and Cosmos could see that everything had changed about the two women. Megan's eyes shown with the same light that Cosmos remembered that night at Midnight Castle. The light that allowed a young woman to stand with and defend a world that wasn't hers. With friends, she still barely knew. For her mother though, the effect was different. Her whole view of reality had been changed forever. What that meant for the future, no one knew yet. She looked at Cosmos with bleary eyes. "That. All of that. It's real, isn't it? Ponyland. Dream Valley. The ponies. All of them. All of it." Cosmos nodded. "It's real. A whole new world that only a few know about. And it's for the better that it stays that way, I feel." Megan crossed her arms and gave her a pointed look. "And why not? Think of how much good magic could do for this world. Think of all the people that it could help. We could solve all kinds of problems." Cosmos' left eye twitched. They'd had this conversation before. "Then I'll repeat what I said the last time we talked about this, Megan. Magic can do so much good for this world, yes. But it can also do so much harm if it got into the wrong hands. And there is little that can be done from someone misusing it." Principal Celestia nodded. "I have seen first hand, what magic in the wrong hands can do, and how dangerous it is. My sister and I have kept its existence from even the school board for that very reason." Miss Williams couldn't fault them for that, though she still had little knowledge of magic even now. "Not all people are like that. As much as mankind had screwed up over the ages. We've still done so much good." Cosmos nodded. "Indeed. And I do not blame all of mankind for what the bad eggs have done. But it will be a long time, if ever before magic can be safely brought to this world I believe." Megan pouted, crossing her arms with a huff. "Fine. Be like that." Her eyes lit up though at a thought. "Can I still visit Ponyland though? It's been so long." Cosmos and Miss Williams giggled. "I have no problems with it. Though it is called Equestria now," Megan rolled her eyes. "What kind of dumb name is that?" Cosmos rolled her eyes. "I don't know. I didn't come up with the name." She looked at Miss Williams. "Do you mind if Megan visits though? There is still too much going on right now for it to be safe. But in time, she is more than welcome." Miss Williams thought about it for a moment. But the puppy dog eyes she was fetting from her daughter made her answer a foregone conclusion. "If she is with you, Cosmos. Then I would say yes. If it was anyone else, I would say no." Megan squeed before hugging her mother as tightly as she could. "Yes! Thank you, mommy!" Her mother just rolled her eyes, as she returned the hug. Cosmos giggled at the sight. "I do hate to run. But I must be getting back. My friends will be worried if I take too long." Celestia placed a hand on her shoulders. "I do wish you would visit more often, Cosmos. You never stay long enough it seems." Cosmos sighed, as Megan and her mother returned to their car. "I know. If this was any other universe, I would stay longer. But I still have so much left to do. And I feel Canterlot High is in good hands with you and Luna in charge." Celestia nodded before her smile dropped. "How are they?" Cosmos' smile grew. "Doing great. All things considered. They haven't turned Equestria inside out yet. So I consider that a win!" Celestia chuckled as Cosmos turned away. "Well then. Don't be too much of a stranger. I know one girl that wishes you would visit more often." Cosmos blushed furiously. "I will. I owe Crystal that much," before no-clipping out of reality and disappearing. The girls were still where she had last seen them by the time Cosmos returned to Equestria. "What took you so long?" Emerald asked. "Did it work?" Ocean asked. Cosmos nodded, grinning. "It worked. Megan is as close to who she was now as she will ever be. I refuse to do anymore to her." Crystal and Amber shared a smug look. "Good timing too. There's somepony that's been waiting for you," Amber said, barely holding back her giggles. Cosmos blinked. "And who would that be?" Before anypony could answer, another voice joined them. "There you are," Twilight Sparkle said marching into the room. Cosmos turned to greet her. Only to be met by a wall of lavender that all but jumped into her hooves, before pressing her lips against her own. Causing all six of her wings to pop open to their full extent. Crystal giggled. "That's who." > Matters of Love pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This, Twilight decided as she lay back in her seat with a sigh, was either the craziest idea she'd had since coming to Equestria. Or it was brilliant and would lead to something great. She was really hoping for the latter honestly. As the Friendship Express headed north, she tried looking out the window to keep her mind off the uncomfortable stares she was getting from the other ponies in the car. It was almost working too. She was used to the looks by now. All of Equestria had heard of her and the Rainbooms by this point. It was not a secret anymore that they existed and looked like the Mane 6, as their native counterparts were called. But that did not mean she had to like them. With a sigh, her thoughts turned to why she was on her way north like she was, and by herself no least. Twilight would've loved to have some company, even Spike, as different as he was from the puppy she knew, would've been a great company at the moment. But Cosmos and her Exarchs were off visiting some cult village in the middle of nowhere lead by somepony named Starlight Glimmer. Sunset was in Canterlot visiting her family, and her Ponyville friends? Rainbow and Pinkie were in Griffonstone, Rarity, and Applejack were in Manehatten, and Fluttershy was on a nature retreat with a friend of hers, Tree Hugger. And with their native selves gone for the moment, the Rainbooms had been left to handle their chores and businesses. Twilight herself though had nothing better to do, and with her magic still not fully up to snuff, she had instead decided to go exploring. Cosmos had said that if she wanted a place to start, Canterlot was always a good choice. Or if not there, the Crystal Empire. She had family in both, so she would not have to look for a place to stay. Twilight was not sure how she felt about meeting her family here. If they were anything like her parents or brother back home, she had no doubt it would not be a problem. But she was not sure she was ready for that just yet. And if she had any problems, then she could visit Cadance, who Twilight knew was keen to meet her. So far, the two of them had not met, but Twilight would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to it. Cadance, it seemed, had been the foalsitter for Cosmos when she was a filly, something that sounded like when she had been Twilight's babysitter when she had been younger. If they were anything alike, Twilight knew they would get along. That this Cadance was married to her brother Shining Armor still surprised her. Even more so when she had heard that they were now mom and dad to a newborn filly, Flurry Heart. That was something Twilight was still wrapping her head around. And then, of course, had come the real kicker. Cosmos had not so subtly mentioned that if Twilight ever had problems of the heart, then Cadance was the pony who could help her the most. If Twilight knew what she meant. Unfortunately, Twilight knew what she meant. Or she had an idea at least. It was not much of a secret now across Ponyville that she was crushing hard on Cosmos. Nopony had called her out on it yet at least. But Sunset had given her a knowing look more than once when she had caught Twilight staring at Cosmos's flanks. Heck, Rarity had even started to take her measurements for a dress, one that Twilight had not even asked for by the way. And she knew there was no big event coming up that she would need a dress for. At least she did not think so. How much of this Cosmos knew, only the mare herself knew. Not even the girls around her knew for sure, but they too had given Twilight knowing looks more than once. Crystal and Amber were the worst at hiding it, but Twilight knew what they were thinking. What all of Ponyville was thinking. That she needed to get off her flank and do something about her crush while she still had a chance. And that, unfortunately, was her problem. Cosmos was Twilight's first crush ever. She had never been into boys at all, and none of the girls at Crystal Prep had swung that way, so she had kept it all to herself. Canterlot High, it seemed, did not have the same problem. From what little she had been able to pick up before coming to Equestria, it was not exactly a secret that Cosmos had a thing for the Human World's Crystal, and that the feeling was mutual. The aftermath of the Friendship Games had only cemented it. And that, above anything else, was why Twilight had done nothing before now. While she and Canterlot High's Crystal had not interacted much, Twilight liked the younger girl and had seen what she and Cosmos had. As tenuous as it was. She did not want to ruin that. It wouldn't be right to any of them for Twilight to get in the way. So, she had kept her feelings to herself, no matter how much it might hurt. And did it hurt. A lot. Far more than she ever thought a crush could hurt. How much of this Cosmos knew was a mystery, but Twilight would not put it past her that she did know and was in the same boat Twilight herself was. But it was hard to tell with her. In the end, it had been Fluttershy of all ponies who had convinced her that she needed to go see someone who could maybe help her figure it all out. And if matters of the heart were the problem, then Princess Cadance was the pony Twilight needed to talk to. She was the Princess of Love after all. So, in the end, Twilight had worked up the courage and had asked Spike if he could send a letter, asking if she could come up to the Crystal Empire for a few days and visit. The response had come so fast that she had not even thought of a plan yet of how she would do this. They were more than happy to have her visit, and she could stay as long as she wanted. So now, here she was, on a train ride to a place she had never been before, to ask somepony she barely knew for help on matters of love. Twilight could think of a million different ways this could go wrong, as she turned her gaze away from the passing scenery. But she hoped it all worked out in the end. As the train began to slow down, Twilight, shifted her saddlebags onto her withers before stretching for all she was worth. The train ride was comfortable at least, but it was still a long way from Ponyville all the way up here. Looking around, she noticed that there were a few other ponies in the car with her. Perfect. She did not want to stand out even more than she already did. She got enough of that as it was already, and it was starting to annoy her to no end. She was not Cosmos, nor was she Princess Twilight. Was that so hard to understand? Her friends, at least, knew and treated her as such. It was a small victory, she thought as the train finally stopped and she came to one of the doors. But one she would take all the same. But as the door opened, and the orange Pegasus came into view, Twilight's mood sunk. "Let me guess. Shining Armor sent you as an escort for me?" To his credit, Flash Sentry managed not to melt under the glare he was getting. "Yes, ma'am. This being your first time to the Crystal Empire, he thought it was prudent. Princess Cadance tried to stop him, but..." Twilight sighed as she stepped down onto the platform. "But Shiny would not take no for an answer. He never does when it comes to me. At least that has not changed in this world." Flash nodded as he fell in line beside her. "If it is all the same to you, Twilight. I don't like it either. If you are anything like Princess Twilight herself, you can take care of yourself, and do not need ponies like me." He gave her a hesitant smile. "Can I call you Twilight? It's much easier this way." Twilight nodded. "Please do. Ponies confuse the two of us enough as it is. I want to get away from that. At least for a little while." Flash nodded, relaxing as he did so. "So, what brings you all of the way up here? It is a long way from Ponyville, and this seems a bit much just for a social call for a pony you... Do not really know." Twilight smiled a little. "You're right. But I hope Princess Cadance can help me with this. Love is her specialty from what I understand." Flash nodded as the two passed the Crystal Heart. "Speaking from experience, nopony knows it better. She helped me find the mare I think I want to spend the rest of my life with." He smiled sheepishly. "Just do not tell either of them I said that." Twilight chuckled. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I do not know many ponies here as it is, so I would not even know who to tell if I wanted to." Flash nodded, before snapping to attention as Princess Cadance came down a stairway. "Your highness." Cadance waved him off with a smile. "Flash. What have I said about calling me that?" He only shook his head. "I can not do that ma'am. Orders from Captain Armor himself, and I would rather not end up on permanent latrine duty if it is all the same to you." Cadance and Twilight giggled, as the elder alicorn pulled the younger into a hug. "I can take it from here, Sergeant. Return to your post. And I will have a word with Shining about his rules. You need to lighten up." Flash saluted, before smiling at Twilight, before trotting off. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Is he always like that?" Cadance chuckled. "No. He's actually really nice when he's off duty. But Flash is all business when on duty. All of the Crystal Guard is. But how are you, Twilight?" She ran a hoof through her mane. "Love the mane style. It suits you. And you make glasses look so cute!" Twilight blushed brightly. "Cadance! Not so loud! And I am doing fine thank you. I just wish this was for fun." Cadance's smile widened. "Love trouble?" At Twilight's shocked squeak, she giggled. "Twilight. No matter what world you are from, you are terrible at hiding what's on your mind. Especially for somepony who knows your counterpart rather well. Even when she's changed as much as she has." Twilight groaned. Darn it. So much for keeping this secret for long. "Um. Yes. It does have something to do with love, and I do not know who else to ask." Cadance nodded. "So. Does Cosmos know how you feel about her?" She smirked. Twilight's jaw dropped in horror. "How did?!" Cadance giggled. "I know? I have had my suspicions ever since you and your friends came to Equestria. I've seen how you look at her, and especially that shapely flank of hers." Her smirk grew as Twilight's roaring blush turned redder and redder. "And you've just confirmed all of it." Twilight mumbled ineligibly for several seconds, before groaning and burying her face in her wings. "Okay, fine. I do love her. How could I not? She's beautiful, kind, smart, funny when she wants to be. And she was my first real friend. She saved me from doing something stupid at the Friendship Games. How can I not love her?" Cadance's smirk evaporated and was replaced with a gentle smile, for she could feel the earnestness behind those words. "Does she know?" Twilight could only shrug. "Maybe. At least I think she does. It's hard to know what's going on inside that head of hers. Not even her Exarchs know sometimes, and I've asked them." Cadance sighed as the pair came to the Throne Room. "Twilight. I can't make Cosmos love you. Do not insult me by saying that thought hasn't crossed your mind. I can't make ponies love each other. I can only help those who share that kind of love come back to each other if they are falling apart, and only then if they both want it." Twilight's ears fell. The thought had crossed her mind. "It did cross my mind once or twice. I can't help it. I feel like a schoolgirl on her first crush all over again. I can't get it out of my mind." Cadance nodded, as she wrapped a wing around her sister-in-law. "Twilight. You know Cosmos loves you, correct?" Twilight nodded sadly. "But I don't want that kind of love. I want more! Is that so bad?" She sniffed, letting her tears fall. "I want to be her everything. Damn whatever anyone says about it!" Cadance's ears fell as well as she pulled Twilight close, letting the alicorn let out all of her emotions. "No, Twilight. It isn't wrong to want that. You are not the first pony to think like that about someone. Nor the first human methinks. You know you can't force this, correct?" Twilight sniffed, nodding as she snuggled close, remembering all of the times she had done the same with her Cadance. "I know. I am not stupid enough to think I can make Cosmos love me the way I love her. I just," she sobbed. "I don't know what to do." Cadance's heart fell. This was worse than she had thought. "There is one thing you can do, Twilight. Something that not even Cosmos can ignore. Show her. Show her much you love her. Show her how much you want to be her everything, no matter what." Twilight gasped in horror as she pulled away. "Cadance! I can't do that! What if she says no?" Cadance only smiled. "And what if she says yes? You can't think like that, Twilight. You will never find happiness like that. Cosmos loves you. Never doubt that she doesn't." Twilight shook her head. "And what if she says no? I don't want to ruin our friendship. I couldn't take it." She waved her wings. "Especially if I really am as immortal as every alicorn is. Eternity is too long to be alone." Cadance bit her lip, for she knew that Twilight had a point, for the thought had crossed her mind as well. "I can't tell you how she would react, Twilight. Only Cosmos can tell you that. But I refuse to think she would ever stop being your friend over something like this. I know she also has feelings for the human Crystal." Twilight nodded. "And that is another thing. I won't take her away from Crystal. I don't know her very well at Canterlot High. But I know how happy they make each other. I will not ruin that for Crystal. It's not fair to her or Cosmos." Cadance smiled. She could see that Twilight had put some thought into this. "Then you need to tell them both. Confess to Cosmos, and then you, her, and Crystal need to sit down and seriously talk about this. I cannot tell you how to do this, however. You must follow your heart." Twilight nodded. She had been afraid of that. But no matter what, this long talk had done so much good for her mood and heart. "Thank you, Cadance. I'm sorry I took up so much of your time for this," she said as she stood, only to be pulled back down with a wing. Cadance only smirked at her in a way she hadn't used since her foalsitting days. "Twilight. If you honestly think you will come all the way to the Crystal Empire to only talk to me, and then go straight back to Ponyvile without spending time with your family. You are sorely mistaken young filly. Spend a few days with us. I know Flurry Heart would love to meet you. Don't make me put you in timeout, young lady. I still know a few tricks from my foalsitting days." Twilight gulped but couldn't hide a smile at the thought. "You know what? A vacation does sound good right about now." By the time she returned to Ponyville, Twilight's heart soared higher than it had ever before. Just being around her family again always seemed to do that to her and playing with Flurry Heart had been such a balm that she hadn't known she needed. So, she was rather put off to find that Cosmos wasn't even there and had returned to the Human World for some reason that made no sense to her. But her Exarchs were still there, so that helped. "Relax," Amber smirked up at her. "You'll be fine. She should be back anytime now." So, Twilight could only wait, rather impatiently it must be said, for her crush to return. So, when she saw Cosmos step back out of a tear in reality, with her heart all flutter, Twilight did the only thing she could think of at that moment. And damn the consequences! Full speed ahead! > Matters of Love pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmos finally got her wings folded once more with a blush, but nonetheless leaned into the kiss, and returned it with interest as she held Twilight. Damn what this looked like to anypony else. They did not care. Twilight finally let her go with a goofy grin on her face. "Oh wow. I should have done this a long time ago." Cosmos chuckled. "So why didn't you? I know you have felt this way about me for some time now. You have had plenty of chances to do something about it before now. I am not mad about this. Just very confused." Twilight's ears fell as she got back down. "Because I was afraid of what you would say. And I know how you feel about the human Crystal. I will not ruin what you have with her. It isn't right." Crystal blushed brightly as Amber grinned at her. She still was not sure how she felt about that. "So, what changed?" Twilight bowed her head. "I talked to Cadance. It is why I went to the Crystal Empire. She helped me to see that I need to pursue this, or I will regret it for the rest of my life. However long that might be. Either I crash and burn a friendship I do not want to lose. Or this becomes something amazing." Cosmos' eyes twitched. Cadance had been trying for years to get her to find a marefriend. But she doubted the Princess of Love had ever thought of something like this for her. "Twilight. You know that I love you, correct?" Twilight nodded, frowning as she poked her armor. "But I don't want that kind of love. I want more. I want to be your everything. Damn what anypony says about it! I don't care! I love you. Cosmos. And nothing will ever change that." Cosmos' ears fell. And there it was. as she had feared. "Twilight. You know that I love Crystal. She is everything to me. I do not care if we live in different worlds. I will not do this to her." Twilight's heart dropped like a boulder at that, as did her head, sniffing. Damn it all. She had been afraid of this. This had been for nothing then. What had she expected? Fairy tales never worked out as they did in the books. Why has she thought this would be any different? Cosmos' heart fell as well, seeing the utter defeat and heartbreak in Twilight's eyes, as she looked at her Exarchs. Damn it all. Why did love have to be so complicated? She sighed as she lifted her fellow alicorn's head. "Not until the three of us talk about this at least. Crystal has every right to know about this. Let her know how you feel. I cannot say how she will react, however." Twilight tried to smile, but all could see that it was forced. "When can we do that? If this is all for nothing, I will go insane if this goes for too long." Everypony chuckled as Cosmos opened a portal for the pair. "Now if you want. This will not be quick I feel. This sort of thing never does it seems like." "You have done this before?" Emerald asked as Twilight stepped through the portal. Cosmos nodded with a weary sigh. "Several times. It never gets easier. And I used to think it would. I should have known better. I'm going to need several drinks after this. Maybe the entire bar." The girls giggled, as Cosmos stepped through, the portal closing behind her with a snap. They did not need to be told to stay out of this. This was way out of their league and paygrade. They could only hope it all worked out for the best. Crystal listened with mounting annoyance as Twilight finished her story. She was glad this was her Lunch Period, so they had plenty of time for all of this. Her friends would never let her hear the end of this. Never. "Isn't the selfcest, though? Loving yourself like that?" Twilight pushed her glasses back up her nose with a sigh. "Maybe it is, but I can't help it. I love Cosmos, and I will not change my feelings towards her. No matter what you say." Cosmos sat to the side, trying not to pound her head against the nearby wall in annoyance. It was a losing effort though. She needed a drink. Several actually. Crystal saw it and placed a hand on Cosmos' leg. "Twilight. I like you. I really do. But that feeling is going away really fast. I saw what happened at the Friendship Games. For Pete's sake, you're acting like a little girl about this." Twilight bit her lip. "I know I am. But I can't help it. I have never felt like this for someone before. I do not care if she is from another world. Or that she is basically my twin." Crystal did smile a little at that. "I know. Gods, I know that feeling. I used to like a girl named Lotus. We were perfect, or so I thought. She was my everything. And then I found that two-timing bimbo with another guy. Come to find out, she had been stringing me along as some sort of sick joke." She leaned over and poked Twilight hard. "So, I am not losing someone I love. Not again. Especially not to her twin sister of all people! So, buck off, Sparkle! Or do we need to get ugly about this? Because I will not lose this! Especially not to you of all people!" Twilight recoiled as if struck, and Cosmos frowned. Oh, that was it, as she pulled Crystal away from Twilight and gazed hard at her girlfriend. "Crystal Dawn. I am disappointed and disgusted with you." Crystal was horrified as she looked at Cosmos. "But she-" Cosmos shook her head. "Do not but me, young lady. What happened to the girl I love? The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with? All I see now is a bully pushing someone I care about around for her own benefit. If this is the real you. If the Battle of the Bands was the real you, and not just the Dazzlings' magic, then I want nothing to do with you. I refuse to give you that satisfaction. I am not a trophy to be fought over. Either grow up about this. Or I never want to see you again!" Crystal recoiled as if slapped, and even Twilight looked on in shocked horror. The sight broke Cosmos' heart, but she was sick and tired of this crap. Neither of them would get her at this rate. She could be alone for all eternity. It would not be the first time. "Do not think for a second that I will not do so. To either of you," she growled. Crystal pulled her legs closer, as tears began to fall as her words finally caught up to her. "What am I doing? I'm never like this." She looked hopelessly at Twilight. "I know you love Cosmos. Hell, I don't blame you, with how Crystal Prep was treating you. I'd probably be the same way if it was me. I was like that actually. Emerald, Celestial, Orchid, and Lilly can tell you how bad I had it when I first moved here." Twilight nodded, smiling as she placed a hand on Crystal's shoulder. "I know. And I do not blame Cosmos for loving you. Anyone who doesn't is stupid beyond belief. Maybe I will find someone else to love. I do not know. It's not like I am running out of time. I hope so anyway." Crystal's smile grew a little at that, before looking at Cosmos, who was smiling as well as things seemed to be cooling off. "You're both immortal, right. Eternal life and all that jazz?" Cosmos nodded. "Yes. Both Twilight and I will never age beyond what we look like now." She took Crystal's hands in her own and squeezed them, smiling gently. "I can give you the same, Crystal. Eternal life, youth, and invincibility. You just have to want it. I can't force it on you. Please? I do not want to lose you. Not like I did the others. I never forgave myself for letting them die." Crystal's smile turned into a dopey grin. "Well. That does sound awesome. And I know you can come back and forth to this world all you want. I wouldn't have to move to Equestria, would I?" Cosmos giggled. "Not unless you want to." She looked over at Twilight, who looked hopeful as well. "Twilight. I do not know if I love you that way. Not yet." She took her twin's hands in hers and Crystal's and smiled at them both. "But we can find out. I have room for both of you in my heart. Never once think that I do not. I will not ask you, girls, to love each other as you do me. It is not fair to any of us. But I want us. All of us. To work. No matter what form that might be." Twilight and Crystal shared a look. They both knew that Cosmos was telling the truth. They could feel it. Something seemed to pass between the two girls, as they nodded together. "Do you need an answer now?" They both asked, taking each other's hands. Cosmos shook her head. "No. We have all the time in the world. I will make sure of it. My coronation is coming up in several months." She smiled wider as she kissed Crystal, pulling her close as she did. "Crystal Dawn. I would be honored if you would come. Not only as my guest. But as my girlfriend." Crystal giggled helplessly as she returned the kiss, earning a giggle from Twilight as they pulled apart. "Cosmey. It would be my honor." > Coronation/End Of an Era > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And then came a day that would live forever in memory, a day that none all across Equus had ever thought they would live to see. For months, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had been sending invites to all heads of state or those who represented them, to attend an event of special significance in Canterlot, though what that event was, the princesses refused to speak of. Few refused the request, for it was rare for either princess to ask something like this to any country, and to ask the leaders of all the countries of the world. It must have been important, and so almost all agreed. Those who did not attend were not missed. But it was not only the leaders that came. All races, high and low born, began to converge on Canterlot. No summons had been sent, but all races could feel it in their souls. A call they could not ignore. It was like. It was like... It was like a mother calling her children home. And so, they came, and soon Canterlot was overfilled so that no more room could be found if they tried. A tent city went up in the valley below the capitol, and Ponyville herself was soon taking in as many as they could, and it still was not enough. Spells had been set up so that those that could not see the stage, could see everything as it happened, as well as in every major or minor city of the world. At last, came an evening when from the walls, the entire valley floor below Canterlot, and to the horizon beyond, could be seen filled to overflowing with tents and pavilions, and all night lights were burning as all watched for the dawn. And when the sun rose in the clear morning above the mountain in the east, then all the bells rang, and all the banners broke and flowed in the wind. Upon the tallest tower of the castle, the standard of the Two Sisters, the sun and moon circling each other in an eternal dance, was raised over Equestria for the last time. "That is a lot of ponies down there," Amber whistled as she looked down from a high window. "Way more than we had our first time." Crystal gave her a surprised look as she looked down as well. "Really? Why? I would think you girls would have had more than we would." Diamond chuckled as she too looked down on the massive crowds with a faraway look. "Ponyland was nowhere near as unified as Equestria is. It took a long time for our roles to get around to everyone." Ivy rolled her eyes at the memories. "Plus, more than a few cracked heads for those who did not get the message. Hopefully, it will not come to that this time." Cosmos giggled. "I get the feeling that there will be some heads to crack. Ponies, especially these days, are just that dumb in many cases. Look at the Traditionalists and what they have threatened to do." Her Exarchs shared concerned looks. This was something that had been on their minds for months now. "And if they do try and do something?" Celestial asked. "Today is the perfect chance for them to do something. And it would be a massacre if it got violent. I know some of them found explosives." Cosmos frowned, for this thought had occurred to her as well. "Then we will make this a very public demonstration of their failure, and that their way of thinking has no place in what we will try to build. If it comes to violence? Then you girls have my full permission to show no mercy to these traitors. For they deserve nothing but death." The girls smirked, unable to help it, as they all felt the same way about the group. They had no place in the world that was to come. Either they would learn to accept it or be left behind and forgotten about as an ugly face from an earlier time in the days to come. At that moment, Celestia poked her head inside the room they were all in. She was smiling. "Everyone. It is time." Cosmos nodded. Turning back to her Exarchs, she smiled. "Are you ready" The girls took a moment to process what was about to happen before they spoke as one. "We are ready." Outside, the crowd was getting impatient. What was all of this for anyway? And why was it taking so long? In the front row, right next to the end of the stage, sat the families of Cosmos and her Exarchs. All knew what was to come and their daughter's roles to play in it. But they still couldn't believe it, as Twilight Velvet sniffed happily, leaning into Night Light, as Sci Twi smiled next to them. This was very weird for her but the two were just like the family she knew and loved. The human Crystal sat with her counterpart's parents. To call all of this weird for her was a massive understatement, but the ponies next to her treated her just like their own Crystal, and that was a small comfort at least. She still could not believe her girlfriend was a literal goddess. She was the luckiest girl in the world. In any world in fact. Anyone who said otherwise was a poopy head, and too stupid for their own good. Next to the families sat Cosmos' Ponyville friends and the Rainbooms. Ponies had wondered why there were two of each of the heroes, but Celestia had been quick to say that they were clones Twilight had created and that it was not right to exclude them from the proceedings. At that moment, the trumpets sounded as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came to the end of the stage, their faces unrestrained joy. But it was most anyone's guess at what. "Friends from near and far, old and new," Celestia began. "We are gathered here today to witness a momentous occasion. For over a thousand years, my sister and I have ruled Equestria. Even in the time when she was gone, Luna was still with me in spirit." Luna nodded. "But it was never our place to rule for so long. That role belongs to another, and today. We give her back that birthright. As was foretold long ago in the Age of War." Celestia nodded as she turned back to the main entrance of the castle. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you for the very first time. Cosmos!" The crowd turned as the door opened. First came ten ponies, two of each tribe. What shocked many was that two of them were only fillies, neither of which had a cutie mark yet. As they came to the center of the walkway, they turned as one and stood facing each other, their faces an impassive mask. But it was who came next that all looked towards and soon forgot about the other ten. She was Twilight Sparkle, and yet, not Princess Twilight at the same time. Armor the same color as her coat protected her vital areas, and in the center of the breastplate sat the Element of Magic itself. At her side, six wings lay folded neatly. Her eyes showed wisdom beyond her years. As she passed the first ponies, they fell in line behind her, protecting her rear. As she came to stand before the princesses, everyone could see how much taller she was than the sisters. She bowed as came within distance of the two. Celestia and Luna smiled as they too bowed and ignited their horns. Magic soon began to flow out of them and into Cosmos herself, who seemed to glow as she absorbed the magic, a small crown appearing on her brow as she did. After several minutes the trio stood. Celestia and Luna looked winded and drained but otherwise fine as they stood at her side. "Now come the days of the Empress. May they be long and prosperous," Celestia intoned. Luna nodded. "Henceforth, we renounce any and all ties to the crown. It is ours no longer to bear. Hail Cosmos!" Cosmos smiled as stood at the edge of the stage. As one, everyone watching the ceremony bowed in deference, no matter their station or where they came from. Cosmos waived them up. "Please, rise. Let this mark the end of the era of isolation. No more can we be divided by petty differences and vendettas. Our world has suffered enough for it. Now, let us all march forward towards a better tomorrow. Together we can reclaim what was lost in the Age of Wonders." She spread her wings, letting her magic flow freely now. "Till all are one!" And as the fireworks went off, all believed in their hearts that promise. No matter how long it. "Till all are one!" Was soon heard all across the world.