> Restoring A Lady's Trust > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Taste of Fancy Living > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restoring A Lady’s Trust Written by Israel Yabuki Edited and Co-written by NineTailBeastBall You sat in the small bedroom of your apartment, simply staring at the ceiling and whistling one of your favorite tunes. It was a usual pastime for you when you weren’t working your low paying job as a local bartender in this small town you call home. You didn’t have any support from your parents since from a young age, they chose to devoted themselves in supporting your sister. So every day, you were on your own. You had to make your own food, help other people out by cleaning up their lawns just to buy groceries. Sure you didn’t have the most comfortable life, but you always kept in mind that no matter what the situation is like, it could always be worse. With that in mind, you did your best to keep yourself happy, as evident by how much you liked to sing. Your fondness for music all started back in high school when these reformed bullies asked you if you wanted start a singing group. They were nice enough to hang out with you every chance they got. Whether it was at lunchtime or after school, you'd sing with them throughout the neighborhood. By your Junior year, the people gave you the nickname “The Neighborhood Jukebox.” On some occasions, you would sing for a few school charity projects, other times it was just for fun. Even after you graduated, the group is still together, though you all got jobs to make sure you could support yourselves. As talented as your little band was, singing for your little neighborhood didn’t pay the bills. Looking at your watch, you saw that today’s scheduled rehearsal would start in 15 minutes. You didn’t have to work on weekends, so the free time was a perfect opportunity to come up with some other songs for the next rehearsals. You grabbed the notebook where you wrote down lyrics for a good song as well as your acoustic guitar. You looked at the instrument remembering how your friends gave you this guitar 4 years ago on your 21st birthday. It was worth a good deal of sentimental value to you and never left home without it. As you were writing down the lyrics, you were interrupted by the commotion of the outside construction workers. You ran to see what all the commotion was. “Hey, what’s going on here?” you asked. “Stay back, the building’s coming down on the 2nd and 3rd floor!” one of the workers said. You stayed back at first, but when you saw one of the other workers underneath the falling debris, your body acted on its own. You got past the workers blocking the entrance and ran over to rescue the guy that was trying to escape the 1st floor of the building. The floor above you two was coming down fast and it felt like you weren’t going to make it. Of course, thinking such negative thoughts won’t do you much good. “Come on, man! Move them pudgy-wee legs!” you exclaimed, trying to get him to run faster. As you expected he glared at you, but if he wanted to get out here alive, there was no time for breaks. The building was almost ready to fall on top of you two. There was no time left, so you resorted to the only thing that would give you a little peace. You summed up all of your strength and threw the worker safely out of the collapsing building. Chances are he’ll have a broken arm, but at least he would be alright. You, on the other hand, weren’t so fortunate. Closing your eyes, you awaited for the inevitable as you played your guitar. All the people watched you perform your final act. Eventually, you felt the debris crush you and screams rang out for a split second before silence filled your ears. In the endless black abyss, your mind and body drifted peacefully, waiting for the right time to find and enter the light. You reminisced all the great times you had with your bestest friends and all the songs you sang. As usual you held onto hope, and got a feeling this seemingly endless abyss didn’t actually go on forever. Your hope held strong and was rewarded with a beautiful bright light shining down upon you. Instinctively, you reached out for the light and felt its warmth wrap around you like a big, comfortable blanket. Blinking a few times, you found yourself lying underneath a beautiful tree and heard the sounds of people talking. Your head was still spinning and pounding from the debris falling on your head. But then you realized something. “H-How can I still feel pain? Didn’t I just die?” you asked yourself, getting up. Your head pounded even harder and you grunted in pain. “Okay, somehow I'm not dead and it looks like I’m gonna need some aspirin. My head is killing me.” Unfortunately you were in for even more of a headache for what you saw next. Not a single human in sight, instead there was a bunch of these horses dressed up all fancy-like and had their noses up like a bunch of snobs. What’s even more weird is the fact that they’re all walking on two feet... or hooves in this particular case. “What in the blazes- oh dear, it’s coming back...” you groaned, feeling the throbbing in your head get even worse. You would have to resort to other methods to get rid of the pain, as you doubt your money would be of any use to these horses. If you couldn’t buy aspirin, perhaps a nice walk would solve things. So, you strolled through the town and could hear the sounds of the other horses judging you and talking behind your back. Then again, you can’t really blame them since this was probably a foreign world. Due to your headache, you couldn’t think straight and it was messing with how you were trying to walk steady. By the time your head had started clearing up, you accidentally bumped into one of the locals and landed on your side, still gripping your head. “Gah! S-Sorry about that!” you grunted before you looked up to see who you ran into. While of course it was one of these humanoid horses, you noticed that this one had a horn, meaning she was a unicorn. Her coat was cream color and had these huge glasses that seemed to slide loose. She wore a dark blue sweater and had red mane with two stripes, one being a darker shade of purple than the other a lighter shade of purple. “It’s all good, it’s all good,” she assured as she stood and dusted off her clothes. Once she was clear of any dirt, she pushed her glasses up while taking a good look at you. “Are you feeling alright?” “Just a headache. I’ve had them before, but this one really takes the cake,” you replied, rubbing your head. “I hoped a little walk in this unfamiliar town would do some good and I was almost right,” “Oh my. Well, why don’t you follow me back to my place. I’m sure that I’ll have some aspirin. And my husband should be home for his lunch break Mister umm...” she trailed off waiting for you to introduce yourself, which you did. “Oh, it’s very nice to meet you. My name is Moondancer. Follow me, I’ll lead you to my house and I’ll have my husband look after you until my shift is done.” With that, you let the nice mare lead the way, relieved to know the aching would stop soon enough. “You sure are nice, ya know that? I just kinda thought you'd react like the rest of the locals and look at me like I was a weirdo,” you said. “Well my husband is a human like you; unfortunately, many of the locals here still don’t trust humans because they’re not like them. No sufficient wealth, or social standing. But I think it’s probably just because they’re all too scared to see how good you can be,” she explained. You took in this information with great interest. “So does that mean there are more people that live here?” you asked “Why yes, lots of humans have arrived here. Most of them live in Ponyville, though. There are still a few humans here in Canterlot and in other places even I haven’t been to,” Moondancer explained before noticing newspaper article on the notice board about Queen Novo's marriage to her new husband who goes by the name “Bellator.” ‘Well that sure proved her point,’ you thought to yourself as you read the news. You’ve only heard of a hippogriff once from a mythology book back in school. Only in this world, it looks like the hippogriffs are real. Before your headache was able to get any worse, you and Moondancer finally reached your stop. Her house was quite large, given it was also a library. Moondancer unlocked the door and stepped inside and invited you in. You walked inside after her and suddenly heard a baby start crying. “Oh no, again?” Moondancer groaned. “Afraid so, honey. This is his 4th diaper in just 2 hours,” a man called out. “Lunar, I told you not to overfeed him,” Moondancer reprimanded as she pulled her glasses up to pinch the bridge between eyes. Things were beginning to feel awkward. “I guess I showed up at a bad time, huh?” you asked, laughing nervously. It was here that the one called Lunar noticed you. “Looks like we have a guest,” he said as he walked up with the baby wrapped up in a blue striped blanket and held in his arms. Not wanting to risk dropping the infant, he gave him to Moondancer before offering you a handshake. You accepted it and told him your name. “Nice to meet you. As you probably know, I’m Lunar and of course, you’ve already met my wife, Moondancer.” he gestures to the cream colored unicorn. “And lastly, this is our special little boy, Comet Dancer,” he gestures to the now quiet baby. The baby in question had a horn on his forehead just like his mother, while each of his eyes were a different color. One was the same color as his father’s and his other eye had the same color as his mother. It was quite extraordinary in your opinion. You went up to the child and gently stroked his head with a single finger. The baby let out a cute yawn and cooed before closing his eyes. You were then painfully reminded of why you came here as the throbbing in your head hit you hard like a ton of bricks. You grunted and gripped your head tightly. “I almost forgot, I need some aspirin. Have you got any?” you asked hopefully. “Oh yeah, just follow me and I’ll show you where they are.” Lunar then leads you into the bathroom and opens up one of the cabinets and takes out a pill jar. He takes out 2 pills and gives them to you. Lunar then leads you out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. There, he grabs a cup and fills it up with water and then hands it to you. You drink one pill at a time and chug down the rest of the water. The effects weren’t automatic so you allowed Lunar to lead you to the guest room to lay down. “You look like you’ve had a rough day, my friend. Did you hit your head or something?” Lunar asked. “In a way, I guess you could say that. Back home, I was just a humble guy who started up a band with a couple of friends. We became this neat band called the Neighborhood Jukebox. We were supposed to meet for another rehearsal, but fate had something else in mind,” you explained. “What happened?” Lunar asked. “There was some kind of commotion that was going on at this nearby construction sight so I decided to see for myself. Turns out the whole kitten kaboodle was toppling down fast and one of the workers was trapped underneath the building. I don't know why, but my body acted on its own and I ran towards the guy. I got him out of there, but I was the unlucky one to get crushed. I guess it was the debris that fell on my head that gave me this headache.” After you got done explaining, Lunar was stunned, since not a lot of would risk their lives just to save others, especially in that type of situation. “But hey it could be much worse. And at least I got to play my guitar one final time, and with a smile, no doubt,” you said trying to look at the positives. “Even though I died I managed to save that man’s life.” “So what do you want to do now?” Moondancer asked as she sat on the bed. “Well I guess I should start by looking for some employment,” you answered looking out the window. “Well I wouldn’t mind lending you some clothes,” Lunar said. “Would you like a job here in the library. We could always use another set of helping hands.” “That's very kind of you, but I'm sorry. I want to be able to explore all of my options before picking the job that’s right for me,” you said gazing back at the window. Canterlot was a big city, there were plenty of choices. “Well for now why don’t you just relax. Feel free to help yourself to shower while we get some lunch ready. And like I said I’ll lend you some nice clothes for when you’re ready to go back out,” Lunar said, making you smile. While of course you had access to showers back at the apartment, it wasn’t nearly as nice as the one in the library. The water was warmer and lasted way longer than the one back at your old apartment. You let out a relaxed sigh as you scrubbed yourself. Looking down, you saw all of the nasty dirt washed off your body. You must have spent at least 20 minutes washing yourself before you decided to get out. As you dried off, you recalled how Lunar told you there would be a nice suit ready for you when you’re done. Naturally, you wanted to see the suit for yourself. Turns out Lunar wasn’t lying, as you saw a nice black suit with a snazzy blue necktie. The outfit looked brand new and smelled fresh as well. Wasting no time, you unwrapped the towel you were wearing around your waist and started getting dressed. You were surprised to find out that it wasn’t just brand new, but it also fit you like a glove. Walking to the nearby mirror, you made sure your necktie was tight and straightened out, but not so tight that it would squeeze the air out of your throat. Once you finished getting dressed, you made your way out of the guest room and could smell the delicious aroma of lunch. Thanks to Moondancer’s instructions, you knew how to find the kitchen. You saw that she was cooking what looked like grilled cheese sandwiches with some side salads. She also has some orange juice, apple juice, milk and some water. “Mmm, lunch sure smells good, Moondancer,” you said rubbing your growling stomach. “You’re looking nice, hungry?” she asked, smiling when she noticed you enter kitchen. You took a seat next to Lunar as Moondancer placed a plate in front of you. You made sure to eat at a nice pace. After all you didn’t want to accidentally get any food on your fresh suit. Moondancer’s cooking was pretty tasty, much better than your home cooking. “Looks like that new suit is really working out for you.” Moondancer complimented. “I have you two to thank. Where'd you even get this snazzy suit? Must have costed a good price,” you said. “It’s actually one of my new suits I ordered from Canterlot Carousel, I just got it some time yesterday,” Lunar explained. “But considering the circumstances, I’m willing to let you use it.” You continued to eat at a respectful pace until your plate was finally empty. Your manners were well rewarded as not a single spec was on your suit. Though you did have to go back upstairs to clean your teeth with one of Lunar’s extra tooth brushes. Once you were nice and clean, you made your way down the streets of Canterlot. But even though you planned on finding a job, it’s gonna be even tougher to find a place to crash for the night. Even so, you still chose to look on the positive side of things. At first, you had no luck in landing certain jobs because you had connections to any sort of big companies, you didn’t have a college degree and the snobs thought you were just too weird-looking. Life was just as difficult here as it was back when you first applied for your old job. As usual though, you weren’t going to let their judgement get you down. As you always told yourself, there’s always a light at the end of the darkest tunnel. And so, for your next stop, you decide to apply for this fancy 5 star restaurant. The sign said they needed a waiter, so you can always give that a shot. You knew your chances were slim, but you were always one to try. You soon stepped inside the restaurant and approached the horse at the front desk. He looked disgusted just from looking at you, but he cleared his throat and addressed you. “Do you have a reservation, sir?” he asked in a posh tone. “Actually, I’m here to apply for a job and I was wondering if the position was still open,” you said, politely. He sighed, obviously against the idea of giving you the job. “Fortunately for you, sir, the position is still open. Wait right here and I shall get the manager.” The stallion stepped away from the desk and walked to the back of the restaurant out of your line of vision. You patiently waited by humming a song to yourself as you usually do in your spare time. The stallion came back with the manager and he was just as against the idea of hiring you. He pushed his glasses up as he looked at you with disgust. Despite this hostility, you kept yourself calm as you had a chance of working in such a fancy establishment. “Normally, I would’ve told you to leave, but due to the new laws the princesses have passed, I have to let you fill out an application. Afterwards, you will be given an interview and then an evaluation,” the manager explained in a rough tone. He gave you said application, which you gladly accepted and thanked him. The manager didn’t respond to your gratitude and simply returned to his office to wait for you to finish. You fortunately didn’t need a college degree to be a waiter. The info you filled out in the application was fairly simple enough. In no more than five minutes, the form was complete and you made your way to the manager’s office to begin your interview. You finished the interview and were preparing to take orders from your first customers. Having been officially hired, the manager gave you your uniform which like the suit Lunar lent you, was a perfect fit. Once you were presentable, you walked up to your assigned table. The ponies waiting to order were quite a nice looking couple. From afar they seemed to be closer than any couple you’ve seen so far. However, when you got closer to them, they were the opposite of a happy couple. “So what are you saying it’s my fault?” the stallion asked, obviously offended. “Jet Set, you hardly ever tell me where you go after work and I practically have the servants slave all day just to cook us the finest meals for us and I bust my flank off to look for you!” the mare argued. “Fine, if you must know, I sneak off with a few of my workers just to have a glass of wine. Whenever I don't come home, my workers let me stay at their houses in the guest rooms. Are you satisfied?” the one named Jet Set asked, annoyed. “And how do I know you’re not lying? What’s to stop me from...” she stopped as she noticed that you were walking up to them with a notepad. The couple gave you the same harsh look that the manager did, but you got over it. “Are you ready to order?” you asked. “May I start you off with something to drink?” “Hmph! I had hoped this establishment would hire somepony with a bit more class, not some common human filth,” Jet Set said with his wife nodding in agreement. “Bring us the finest bottle of wine and be quick about it.” Focused more on your job rather than the insults, you wrote down the order and left to go to the other couple sitting near the window. Not only was this couple much more friendly, but the mare’s lover was also a human. Sitting in between them was an adorable little girl that was half pony, half human. “Good afternoon, everyone. May I start you off with something to drink?” you asked. “Of course, good sir. Would you be kind enough to serve my family a nice, cold, refreshing cup of water, please?” the mare asked politely. The mare in question was an elegant unicorn mare with long, silky pink hair and had a horn on her forehead. Her eyes were colored purple, matching that of her daughter’s. “Yes, of course. I’ll have your cups of water ready for you in no time,” you reply, writing down the orders. You later leave and give the orders to the cooks in the kitchen. As the drinks were being prepared, you couldn’t help look at Jet Set and his wife who were apparently still bickering. You weren’t given too much time to observe their argument before the chefs got your attention. Grabbing the bottle of wine and a pitcher of water, you take them with you to each table and served Jet Set and his wife first. You carefully poured the wine in each cup, making sure it was just the right amount. “Now are you ready to eat?” you asked taking your notebook out again. Though they were still disgusted with you as their waiter, they nonetheless allowed you to take their order. The mare who you learned from listening to their argument on your second trip to their table was named Upper Crust, told you she wanted a deluxe salad dish with a baked potato. Jet Set on the other hand asked for a hor d’oeuvre platter with some steamed diced carrots. Once you finished writing down the orders, you moved back to take orders from the elegant unicorn and her human husband. The mare, who’s known throughout Canterlot as Fleur De Lis, orders a salad with mashed potatoes. Her husband, Fortis, orders the veggie style omelette with a side order of carrot stew. Receiving gratitude from the nice couple, you returned to the chefs to give them the notes. This time you were given more time to wonder what’s going on between Upper Crust and Jet Set. You just don’t understand why they would be fighting like this. Perhaps it must be some kind of misunderstanding considering what you heard them say earlier. For their sake, you hope they’ll sort it out. The food was ready after 45 minutes of patiently waiting. Since Jet Set and Upper Crust placed their order first, you started off with them. They didn’t seem to be arguing anymore but their expressions were far from happy. “Thank you for waiting,” you said as you set the food down. “And enjoy the meals to your hearts’ content.” “Yes, yes, now shoo, skedaddle,” Jet Set scowled. This made you frown, but only for a second. “Please enjoy yourselves,” you said walking away to now serve Fleur’s family. Later on, after everyone was served, both couples paid the front desk and you cleaned off each of the tables. Though you noticed how roughly Jet Set dragged his wife when they took their leave. While you were still cleaning up, the manager walked up to you and tapped you on shoulder. You instantly looked at him with curiosity. He cleared his throat before he finally spoke. “I suppose not every human acts like a low class wretch. As hard as it is for me to say this, you’ve displayed excellent service to both of our reserved guests. Be sure to arrive here tomorrow at 11:00 A.M sharp. I want this place to be spick and span by 12:00 P.M when we open for business. Can I trust you to do something as simple as that?” he asked. You nodded. And just like that, you were officially the new waiter in this luxurious restaurant. Though as you made your way back to Moondancer’s library, you wondered what other surprises would be in store for you. > Hints of a Betrayed Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite their snobbish behavior, you had hoped since that day you met them that Upper Crust and Jet Set’s relationship would be fixed. They haven’t come to the restaurant since then. Whether or not it was because you were the new waiter was beyond you. While you weren’t sure how things were going for the wealthy couple, you on the other hand had a good life here in Canterlot. As Moondancer and Lunar allowed you to stay with them in the library, you’ve been making some more good friends these last two weeks. Amongst them were Fleur De Lis and Fortis and you once visited a restaurant called the Tasty Treat where you met the head chef Saffron Masala, who was also married to a human she called Rasoiya. Since they were fair enough to ignore your differences and give you a job, you were responsible and always showed up on time at the restaurant. Setting an alarm each night to wake up at 8:00 A.M. This was more than enough time to eat and get cleaned up before work, not to mention get some practice in on your singing. Unfortunately, when you stepped outside and picked up today’s paper, any hope you had for Upper Crust’s relationship had been crushed. Right there written in big, bold letters read: ‘Jet Set and Upper Crust Divorced’. Strangely enough as you read through the paper, there weren't any specific reasons why they ended their marriage. You would have to wonder about the details later, as getting to work was your main objective. Today your job would be to work behind the restaurant’s bar. Turns out before you got the job, the establishment already had three waiters, but in such a luxurious, five-star joint there was only so much that could be done. But since you’re here now, things have slowly gotten easier. Upon arriving, the manager still gave you the gruff look as usual, but you put up with it. Knowing the drill, you retreat to the staff’s changing room to switch into your uniform. Since there were no customers here yet, you could pass the time by polishing the drinking glasses and cleaning the tables. As long as you kept it down, the manager didn’t mind music, so you made things fun by humming a classic tune. “Still a musical one aren’t you?” you looked to see one of the waiters named Golden Platter. “Tell me, did someone ever teach you how to sing, or were you self-taught?” he asked. “I guess self-taught,” you answered as you moved on to the next glass. “I always viewed music to be a favorable hobby, not to mention, it helps relieve stress.” Of all the staff in this restaurant, you got along best with Golden Platter. It seemed he was the only worker here who didn’t act like a snob and treated you as an equal. It certainly made the job so much easier for both you and him. Suddenly, the doors opened up and who should show up first? It was none other than Upper Crust and of course, she wasn’t looking too happy. “Ah, Ms. Upper Crust, we have a table set up for you. Right this way, if you please,” the stallion at the front desk said as he lead her over to the bar. That was your cue to get ready and service her. “Good morning Ms. Upper Crust,” you politely greeted her, hoping to lighten her mood at least a little bit. It was wishful thinking, as she didn’t even smirk seeing that you would be the one to serve her. Seeing how things were getting a little awkward, Golden Platter moved to a table further away from the bar. “What would you like to drink today?” you asked, still trying to cheer the poor mare. “A glass of wine. Whichever is strong and make it snappy! I want to forget about this whole divorce ordeal,” Upper Crust said squeezing the bridge between her eyes. You looked around and saw no one was looking as you poured the wine in one of the glasses you had cleaned not too long ago. You handed the glass to the mare who without even thanking you, pulled out her purse and gave you 25 bits. Ordinary wine was cheaper however, considering how strong it is this kind had a higher price. Right as you got done pouring the drink, you give it to Upper Crust. She takes the glass and drinks it in big sips, but stopped halfway and coughed, probably from her throat burning. “Are you alright,” you asked as you extended your hand. In response, Upper Crust smacked it away with a glare. “Don’t touch me, you big oaf! Just mind your own business and fill up my glass whenever it runs empty, got it?” she hissed through her teeth. You nod and prepared another glass. You didn’t take it personally, as she was clearly just upset about her divorce. It must have been tough for her to leave the stallion she’s loved for years. Giving her the glass, you wondered what could’ve been done to save their marriage. As before, Upper Crust gave you another 25 bits before she downed her drink. She coughed only slightly this time and started panting. “Another glass of wine, now!” she demanded. You put your hand on hers, thinking about what you can do to cheer her up. Just anything that could lift her spirits. Your thoughts were interrupted by Upper Crust pulling her hand away from yours and then she slaps you across the face. “I said to give me another glass of wine, I never said you could put your hands on me you filthy ape!” she hissed. “Oof! M-My bad, miss. Please, allow me to make it up to you,” you said politely. You grabbed the bottle of wine and leaned it over her cup. “Here, this one is on the house,” you said leading Upper Crust to raise an eyebrow. “No, I can pay for it...” she tried to say, but you raised a hand. “No, no, no. On the house,” you insisted after making sure no one was watching. This goes against restaurant policy, but you wanted to make it up to her for touching her hand earlier. “Whatever, but don’t blame me if your paycheck comes up a few bits short,” she said, rolling her eyes. You smirked knowing that your kindness was more rewarding than all the bits in Equestria. “No worries, if it means I can turn that frown of yours around, I’m willing to take that risk,” you said, putting on a smile. You guess you could say you got lucky as Upper Crust finished her unpaid drink right before the manager came out. His expression became sympathetic when he saw who it was that you were serving. “Well, well, well. Nice to see how well you’re taking such good care of our first customer of the day,” he said. “I think I’ve had enough. I’ll be taking my leave for today,” Upper Crust said. “We hope you enjoyed your time here, Ms. Upper Crust, maybe some other time when you come back, you can have enjoy your meals with some love music. You see, thanks to the excellent business, we were able to purchase a brand new karaoke machine,” the manager explained. “It’s not like I have other plans,” she said with a shrug. “Oh, I’ve got the perfect idea!” you said before looking at the manager. “Sir, if you don't mind, I’d like to sing. It's been a while since I sang in front of a live audience,” This idea struck Upper Crust as odd. After all, you barely knew one another. “Wait, you’d like to sing?” the manager asked before he snickered a bit. “If you wish to make a fool of yourself on stage, then by all means, go right ahead.” “Great, thank you, sir!” you said, excited. You wasted no time in helping the manager bring in the karaoke machine and set it up just in time for Upper Crust to be able to get a front row seat to this special event. You went through each song on the karaoke machine until you found the right one. You selected it and grabbed the mic before you cleared your throat, feeling the thrill of performing for an audience once again. Once you were ready, you finally letting loose that singing voice. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=brpqTNRzaQM Once you were done singing, the staff was left open mouths, as you didn’t make much of a fool of yourself after all. You didn’t say it, but you actually sang the song out of a desperate attempt to ease Upper Crust’s suffering. You didn’t hear any sort of response from the high class lady as she took her leave. This made you wonder if you made a mistake. Just as she was about to walk out the doorway, she stumbles and leans against the door. You grew concerned and hurried over. “Whoa, whoa! We can’t have you hitting the pavement, now can we?” you joked, making her glare at you. It was clear that all that wine was taking its toll and messing with her movements. She may be haughty and rude, but you felt it was your responsibility to get her home safely. “I’ll be back soon sir,” you told your manager. “Don’t take too long when coming back, you hear me?” he asked. You nodded as you made sure Upper Crust was secure before you exit the restaurant. To no surprise, you got a lot of stares from Canterlot civilians as you walked Upper Crust back to her home. However just as you didn’t care that your manager laughed about you asking to sing, you didn’t care about the many eyes staring at you from every direction, especially since you were doing the right thing. Even if you did care, you wouldn’t have to endure the stares much longer, as Upper Crust stopped you as you arrived at a large mansion. “Holy smokes! You must come from some serious bits!” you exclaimed. “Do not yell in my ear,” she scowled. Apologizing to the agitated mare, you followed her instructions of how to get her to her bedroom. The inside of Upper Crust’s mansion felt like one of those luxurious houses at Beverly Hills only this was much bigger. Thankfully, Upper Crust knew her way around and thanks to her instructions, you were able to find her bedroom within minutes. Entering the room, you found a large king sized bed with curtains that were set up on each corner of the bed. Across from her bed was a golden mirror with makeup scattered on the dresser. The left hand side of the dresser had a gorgeous bathroom with a shower inside a huge glass box, while the right hand side had a doorway leading to her wardrobe. “Not that I’m going to thank you, but why are you helping me?” Upper Crust asked as you laid her on the bed. “Everyone deserves a little helping hand every now and then. So I guess you could say it’s in my nature,” you answered with a smile. “We... We barely even know each other, yet you act like it’s no big deal helping out complete strangers.” “Where I came from, it didn’t matter who it was whether it was my friends or strangers, I was always one to help others. I do it because it’s the right thing to do. Isn’t that how this world works, Ms. Crust?” She went silent after hearing you say that. Watching her grip the sheets of her bed, it didn’t take an expert to know that she was thinking about her husband, or ex husband to be more precise. Like you did at the restaurant, you attempt to comfort Upper Crust by putting your hand on top of hers. You braced yourself, thinking she would slap you again, but no such thing happened. “You.. You saw the news, didn’t you?” she asked quietly. “I read the article this morning. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there weren’t specific details on why you divorced,” you said carefully. You could sense the mare was warming up to you. You didn’t want to say something to ruin that. “Promise me you’ll keep this hush-hush,” she practically begged. You were even more curious because of the change in attitude, but nonetheless you agreed. Upper Crust let out a sigh before she spoke. “As you assumed, even though the paper doesn’t show them, there are indeed reasons behind the divorce. It happened last week when I followed Jet Set one day after he left work. Of course he had no idea that I was watching him, but what I saw that filthy pig do next, I could never forget...” “I’m listening,” you urged. “I watched him approach a house I’ve never seen before and I learned not long after that... he was cheating on me for the owner,” she said practically in tears by this point. You couldn’t believe what just came out of her lips. You suspected from that day you met Upper Crust and her husband were having problems with their marriage, but you never thought the conflicts would lead to an affair. You weren’t usually one to get angry, but this is an exception. “Through a small crack in the curtains, I saw it all happen. The scoundrel in that mare’s chambers... having sex,” she spat finally breaking down into tears. Masking your rage with a sympathetic expression, you wrapped your arms around the poor, betrayed mare. You patiently waited for her to settle down before asking her to continue her story. “What happened next?” you asked once she stopped crying. “That night I naturally confronted Jet Set about the betrayal and decided there was no hope left for our marriage after what I witnessed. However we knew that both our reputations would be damaged by the humiliation of ponies learning of the affair. Therefore we kept our reasons for our divorce a secret,” she answered. “Where is Jet Set now?” you asked as a little bit of your anger had begun to show. “I don’t know, he sort of just left for Manehattan after we split up. And good riddance to him! For whatever love he had for me, he showed by letting me keep 70% of the fortune. But what’s the point of it?! Not even wine can fix what Jet Set did to me!” You wanted to get angry right then and there, but there was no point in beating around the bush, since Jet Set already got what he had coming to him. But right now, you know that Upper Crust is the one who needs someone whom she can trust. Even if she was snobbish, she didn’t deserve to go through such heartache. “There are many other stallions who would surely treat you better and respect your trust. I have no doubt a mare as beautiful as you would have no problems finding a date,” you assured. However the mood got awkward when you realized what you had said. “I-I should probably get back to work,” you said frantically. However you stopped when this time it Upper Crust who put her hand on yours. When you turned your attention back to hers, the next thing you knew, you were pulled in for a surprise lip lock. The kiss lasted for a good 10 seconds before she pulled away, blushing fiercely. “T-That was just my fancy way of saying t-thank you for offering me the last cup of wine for free and... for taking me home. D-Don’t get the wrong idea, understand?” she asked as her face grew redder. You nod and bow to her before telling her a few more things. “Upper Crust, you have my best wishes when you make a full recovery. And again I have no doubt you’ll meet some who will treat you better.” With that, you made your way downstairs, where you proceeded to let yourself out. As you make your way through the streets of Canterlot and back to the restaurant, you hoped that in due time, Upper Crust would find the strength to move on. You know that deep down she’s a good lady. And a good lady like her deserves to find the right guy. > A Long But Pleasant Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 months ago, you would have never imagined your life would had have gotten as good as it is now. In the span of two months, the locals of Canterlot has their bad days get turned into good days thanks to your bright and positive attitude. Whether it was serving them their food or at the bar, you gave them a reason to have some more fun. You even livened up the atmosphere with a few songs you sang back when you were still part of the Neighborhood Jukebox. If your pals could see you now, they’d be cheering for you, wishing you the best in your new life. You were no longer working as a waiter, because now, you were promoted to manager while the old manager got moved to another restaurant a couple of blocks away. The pay you received each month had went up to a whopping 5,000 bits a month. 6,000 if you had to work overtime. However, there was no doubt that the biggest change was your current relationship with Upper Crust. You remembered how you told her she would surely find a better lover and you couldn’t be more right. Though of course at the time, you didn’t think the lucky guy would be you. Jet Set never came back to Canterlot and it was better this way. You and Upper Crust began dating a month after that wine incident and it started out when Upper Crust invited you over to her house for a nice breakfast that had been prepared by her employees. She was like an entirely different mare. No insults, no yelling, just a proper and civilized breakfast. Not long after your nice breakfast, Upper Crust confessed how fond she’s become of you, not caring if you were a human. She said she was very grateful for how you listened to her when she was heartbroken. As much as you enjoyed Moondancer and Lunar’s hospitality, you accepted Upper Crust’s proposal when she asked you to come live with her. Here in the mansion, in addition to a beautiful marefriend, you had access to the life of luxury you’ve always dreamed of having. And of course with Upper Crust’s wealth combined with yours, money would never be a problem. As the loud beeping from your alarm went off, you were forced out of dreamland along with you marefriend. You turned over to meet her lovely eyes, allowing yourself to fall victim to her beauty. “Morning beautiful,” you said reaching over to stroke her mane. The action made her giggle, just as you hoped it would. “Lips please,” she responded. You chuckled all too eager to grant her wish and gave her a warm kiss. “Sleep well, my dearest Salvator?” she asked. Ever since you started dating, Upper Crust gave you the nickname Salvator, which was Latin for Savior. And the reason why she called you this was because of how you saved her from a life of depression and loneliness. “It would be foolish of me not to get my rest since we’ll have so much fun tonight,” you replied giving her one last kiss. Your reputation as a 5-Star restaurant manager has become so well-known in Canterlot, that you’ve caught a wealthy businesspony named Fancy Pants’ attention. Just like your fellow worker, Golden Platter, Fancy Pants respected and treated you fairly. You and Upper Crust have received formal invitations for a big party he’ll be hosting at his mansion and naturally, you weren’t going to turn him down. “Do you have to go to work today?” she asked playfully. “Nah, I have Golden Platter holding down the fort and I cleared my schedule for today,” you answered making her smile widen. She was about to kiss you again when you placed a finger on her lips. “Whoa there Upper Crust. As much as I enjoy kissing those sweet lips of yours, we should get some breakfast,” you said, making her pout a bit. “Aww, now don’t you worry, my precious. Remember, I don’t have to work today. That means we can spend all day together. So, shall we head on down to the dining room, or would you prefer to have breakfast in bed?” “I don’t want to risk ruining these sheets dear, let’s go to the dining room,” she answered. Perfectly understandable in your opinion, so taking her soft hand the two of you made your way downstairs. Once you reached the kitchen, you were greeted by the mansion’s loyal servants, who gave short bows as you entered. “Good morning everyone,” you greeted the servants happily. Two of them went to the table and pulled your seats out for you. You thanked them as you and Upper Crust took your seats. “Is there anything the two of you would like for breakfast today?” one of the servants asked. “I think I’ll have some tasty gluten-free coconut banana pancakes with a side order of some scones, please,” you said. “A simple scoop of strawberry sorbet will do for me,” Upper Crust added. “Of course, coming right up,” the servants replied in unison, bowing before leaving. While they were preparing the food, you took the liberty to start a conversation with your marefriend. “There’s still quite a bit of time before Fancy Pants’ party. What do you want to do?” you asked putting your hands together. Seeing how you were leaving the decision up to her, Upper Crust put a finger to her lip giving it some thought. “Well, now that I think about it, I was wondering if you could tell me more about your life back home on earth,” she said, feeling curious. “Eh before coming here I didn’t have a cozy life like this. Every day, since I was a kid, I had to work in order to provide for myself. My parents only chose to support my sister, which kinda didn’t go well after they got busted by Child Protective Services when I was 17.” “They left you out?!” Upper Crust asked in shock from hearing this news. This just goes to show how much she’s changed from dating you. 5 months ago she wouldn’t have even remotely cared about all the hardships of your life story. “Yeah, I even told them I would have made them proud of they had given me the chance. Of course, there was a good side to all the heartache: a group of friends that I hung out with as a family. I wish I could’ve introduced you to the guys, they would’ve loved you,” you explained, making her face turn red. “Oh stop it, you’re making me blush,” she tried covering her face, but failed. It was kind of awkward for the servants who came back to pour your drinks. “Is... everything okay here?” a maid asked as she fixed your coffee. You chuckled while Upper Crust puffed her cheeks, glaring at you. “Yeah, nothing to worries. Just having a little fun, complimenting my favorite lady,” you said giving Upper Crust a wink. “Well, your food will be ready soon. If you need anything else, feel free to let me know,” the maiden said as she retreated, allowing you to enjoy your drinks in peace. “As I was saying, all of the good times I had with my group went so well… that is, until I performed my last farewell tune.” “Meaning?” she asked taking a sip of her coffee. It’s ironic how despite the months of time you’ve forgotten to tell Upper Crust how you ended up in Equestria. “Can’t believe I didn’t tell you months ago, but this is as good a time as any I suppose. I was waiting for the guys to show up for rehearsal, but then my attention got turned towards something else. A building under construction was collapsing and someone was trapped inside the building. I ran in out of instinct to get the guy outta the building. I succeeded in rescuing him, but it costed my life. I still remember playing my guitar as the debris came down and crushed me. Next thing I know, I’m lying on the Canterlot streets.” “Why didn’t you tell me before dear?” she asked. “Honestly I’m not so sure. I guess I wasn’t sure if you were ready to hear it at first or not. I was so focused on helping you back on your hooves that I completely forgot. Sorry,” you said sheepishly. Upper Crust waved her hand as she took another sip of her hot coffee. “It's alright Salvator, I completely understand,” she said with a smile. Seems like you finished your story just in time, as the kitchen doors swung open and the maids came out with your breakfast. Just as you asked for, a plate of coconut banana pancakes was placed in front of you while Upper Crust received her order of strawberry sorbet. Of course, they made sure to include utensils and napkins as well. “Amazing as always,” you complimented, and the servants smiled in gratitude. You both enjoyed your breakfast while occasionally giving each other adoring smiles. The taste of the pancakes always made your taste buds tingle all over. Upper Crust, as much as she wanted to show the same excitement, but she instead remained calm and composed. With so much time to spend before Fancy Pants’ party, you and Upper Crust took the time to explore the streets of Canterlot. Living in one of Equestria’s largest cities, it was almost impossible to grow bored. While the clothes you were wearing were nice, you planned to save your best clothes for tonight. Upper Crust mentioned that she used to be quite submissive when she was married to Jet Set and therefore he usually decided where they would go on such outings. Seeing how it’s only fair to do something you both wanted, the two of you had bought tickets for a performance at the Canterlot theater. The show was a drama about a prince who is seeking revenge against his uncle for killing his father and marrying his mother. Somehow this world has an exact replica of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, fortunately that didn’t make it any less entertaining. You felt your date wrap her arms around your own during the performance, proving how grateful she was for taking her. The play was definitely high class, but there were a few small differences between this Hamlet play and the original. For example, during the ending, instead of the uncle being killed, he was exiled from the kingdom and the prince was crowned the new king. Both you and Upper Crust agreed lunch was in order, since the play lasted 2 hours. You decided the obvious choice was your restaurant, especially since you’ll get a discount due to your position. As you expected, Golden Platter had things perfectly under control and greeted you both with the right attitude. “So nice of you to stop by,” he said shaking your hand. “Hi there, Golden Platter. Table for two, please,” you said gently wrapping your arm around Upper Crust’s waist before being led to your table. Once you were seated, you asked your waiter for a bottle of wine. Writing it down on his notebook, he left to bring it. “Let’s try not to drink too much, agreed?” you playfully asked. Upper Crust let out a giggle and nodded. The waiter quickly came back with the bottle and poured each of you a glass. After receiving thanks, he asked if you were ready to order. Though it didn’t take much time for him to fetch the wine, you had already decided what you wanted to eat. Being a gentleman, you let Upper Crust order first. “I’d like some stewed carrots with mashed potatoes with a garden salad, please,” she said handing her menu to the waiter. “I guess I’ll have a simple bowl of your special caesar salad with some cooked potato slices,” you added. “No problem, I’ll have your meals brought to you momentarily,” the waiter replied as he bowed before writing down the orders and heading back to the kitchen. To pass however much time it would take, you decided to have another friendly chat with Upper Crust. “You know, that play earlier was caught me by surprise, especially the ending,” you said. “Why is that, was the ending different back in your world?” she asked. “Oh yeah, way different. In the story Hamlet, the prince actually kills his uncle and then he kills himself. The queen dies from the poisoned drink and with no other heirs to take the throne, they turn to Fortinbras to lead their kingdom in their darkest hour,” you explained, causing her eyes to widen slightly. “My, my, I never knew it would end so tragically,” she replied before taking another sip of her wine. Seems she was acknowledging your warning and was being careful not to drink so much. You continued your conversation for a few more minutes until the food was finally brought to you. “Thanks, Golden Platter! The food smells great, be sure to give my compliments to the chef, okay?” you asked. “Will do. Enjoy your meals,” Golden replied, bowing before he took his leave. You were considering giving him a raise if he keeps up the hard work. Looking at your watch, you noticed you have at least an hour left before the party starts. That’s enough time to wash off your sweaty bodies and change. As much as you and Upper Crust adored one another, you respected each other’s boundaries, so showering together was out of the question. Of course, the mansion has more than just one bathroom so the two of you didn’t have to wait on each other. You didn’t admit it, but the thought of getting to see your beautiful marefriend naked and wet did sound pretty... arousing. Still, you were a gentleman at heart, and a patient one at that. Sighing as you felt the hot water wash away all that sweat, you moved onto washing your hair and applied some shampoo. Scrubbing through your scalp, you watched as the sweat and unkempt hair washed down the drain. You decided to get out and dry off after another 10 minutes passed and moved over to the sink where your suit was neatly folded. You have decided that tonight you were going to wear a dark blue tuxedo with a red tie to go with it. Looking into the bathroom mirror, everything seemed to be in order. Fancy Pants was a nice stallion, but he appreciates those who care about their hygiene. All you had to do now was comb your hair. Though, it would take a bit of time considering how long it is. While tending to your hair, you heard a soft knock at the bathroom door. No doubt it was Upper Crust. “Salvator darling, are you almost done? The party is starting soon,” she said. “Yeah, just about done,” you replied, finishing up combing your hair. True to what you said, it only took two more minutes to finish with your hair. With a smile of satisfaction, you opened the door to greet Upper Crust. What you saw took you aback, as she was wearing a beautiful dress that was colored purple and white with a gold trim. She also wore these long white gloves that almost reach her elbows. The bottom part of her dress reached down to her ankles and was adorned with small gems, matching the jewels of her earrings. “Oh wow, you’re looking absolutely lovely, my dear,” you commented with a pleased smile. “Why thank you, you’re looking quite nice yourself. I see you’ve combed your hair back. Fancy Pants will be so delighted to see us. Now come along, the party won’t last forever,” she said, gesturing you to come with her. Conveniently, there was no need to ask for a taxi as Fancy Pants’ mansion was only a short 5 minute walk. By the time you and your marefriend had arrived, crowds were starting to fill up the entrance. You were surprised to see this many nobles gathered around at the mansion. “Invitation please,” the bouncer said as you walked up to him. You reached into your pocket and showed him the invitation while Upper took hers out of her purse. After taking a careful look at the invites, the bouncer unhooked the stanchion rope, allowing you two to pass. Walking through the mansion, you once again put your arm around Upper Crust’s waist. The place had the biggest buffet table, a bar with all kinds of liquor and wine and a beautiful fountain in the center of the entire mansion. And this was only the living room and kitchen. Left and right you saw nobles conversing and enjoying their drinks. “I’m sure another drink wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t you agree?” Upper Crust asked with a giggle. “Absolutely, sweetheart,” you said as you led her over to the buffet to pour yourselves a glass. You clinked your glasses together before taking a sip. “Upper Crust is that you?” asked a female voice, getting Upper Crust's attention. You turned to see a ivory coated unicorn and she too was accompanied by a human. You recognized her as Rarity, owner of some of the most famous boutiques in Equestria, including Canterlot Carousel where Upper Crust did most of her shopping. Upper Crust told you how she was still with Jet Set when she met Rarity and was disgusted that she was from Ponyville. However, seeing how successful she was becoming with her goal to expand her clothing business, Upper slowly became fond of Rarity. “It’s been a while, Rarity,” Upper Crust responded “Indeed, it has. And I see you brought this charming young man with you,” she said with a smile as she was all too aware of your relationship with Upper Crust. Of course like everypony else, she was ignorant of Jet Set’s affair. “So you got invitations too?” you asked. “My wife and Fancy Pants go way back,” the man beside Rarity said as he shook your hand. “They call me Silver, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Silver said. “Upper Crust calls me by the name Salvator. Anyway have either of you seen Fancy Pants?” you asked. “Why yes, he went into the ballroom upstairs, waiting for the guests of honor,” Rarity said, pointing to the two big red doors on the second floor. “Thank you very much, Rarity. And I do apologize for the way I acted back when I first met you,” Upper Crust said sincerely. “Oh posh, that’s all in the past. Now you two have a wonderful time while my husband and I mingle a little,” Rarity said before she gives Upper Crust a hug and then returns to Silver. Meanwhile, you went with Upper Crust upstairs to look for Fancy Pants. Though it seemed strange when Rarity said something about Fancy Pants waiting for these “guests of honor,” but who could they be? Once upstairs, you walk up to the two big red doors and grab one of the handles. “Ladies first, my dear,” you said holding the door open for Upper Crust. Walking inside the ballroom, you saw that the entire room was dark. You still heard whispers and chattering, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Right when you were about to ask what was going on, spotlights shined on two couples. One was you and Upper Crust and the other couple you saw was Fleur de Lis and Fortis. “Fillies and gentlecolts, give it up for tonight's guests of honor: Fleur de Lis and Fortis, along with Upper Crust and Salvator! These two lovely couples have come a long way. As of today, these couples have shown that despite our differences and species, we’re all equals and we should treat each other as such.” Once Fancy Pants’ speech was over, the lights came back on and applause filled the room. Now that the light was back on you and  you could see he was sitting back down on his chair straight across from the ballroom door. “So glad you could make it old sport. Becoming the manager of one of Canterlot’s best restaurants is quite an achievement if I do say so myself,” Fancy Pants said. “Thanks, Fancy. Though I must admit I wasn’t expecting this sort of welcome,” you said, making the ivory stallion chuckle. “Ah and my dear Upper Crust, you have my sympathy. Seems like things with Jet Set didn’t go so well,” he sighed. “On the other hand, Salvator here seems to be looking after you, am I right?” “He treats me like I’m important to him, yet he doesn’t think of me as some trophy wife. Of course I suppose that’s not entirely possible, since we’re not married,” Upper Crust said. “Oh come on now,” we all turned to Fleur who was bringing us glasses of wine with her magic. “Let’s not focus on such negative things. We’ve all been invited here to have a good time after all.” “I... I suppose you’re right,” Upper Crust said taking one of the glasses. “No more bringing up a jaded past.” She smiled as you wrapped your arm around her. “Cheers,” you said tapping your glass against hers before taking a sip. Once your glasses were empty, you looked over to see many of the couples were waltzing to the pleasant music playing. Looking over to Upper Crust, you offered her your hand. “May I have this dance?” you asked. “Why, yes you may, dearest,” Upper Crust accepted, allowing you to lead her to the dance floor. You quickly adjusted to the dancing as one of your hands held her hand and the other held her waist. As you looked into her loving eyes while dancing in circles, you knew you were in for a long night. 3 hours after the party, you and Upper Crust finally walked back home. Or more specifically it was you trying to carry Upper Crust back home with you. Along with many of the other attendees she had drinken a little too much champaign. Coincidentally, Silver and Fortis had the same problems with their lovers. Honestly though, you were happy of the close contact you had with your lover. “Seems like... I overdid it... a little...” she said dizzily. “Eh, I’m not going to complain. I had a great time at the party. Now we've got the whole night to ourselves,” you chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She giggled and hiccuped, still a little drunk. You were grateful once again that it took little time to get to your mansion from Fancy Pants’ and vice versa. The maids were already there to greet you both as you stepped inside. You greeted them back before helping your stumbling lover up to her bedroom. “Phew, we really went all out, didn't we?” you asked, exhausted. To your confusion, she didn’t respond, for that matter, she didn’t look you in the eye. “Upper Crust, you okay?” “Oh uh... yes dear, I’m just thinking about something, that’s all,” she said, but failed unable to convince you. Nonetheless you went into the bathroom to change out of your suit and into more comfortable clothes. ‘Wonder what that was all about... Oh well, it probably doesn’t matter anyway,’ you thought with a shrug as you put your tuxedo and pants away. Afterwards, you put on a simple t-shirt and pajama pants and then headed back into the bedroom. “Ready to get some-” the words died in your mouth the moment you took in the sight of your lover. You thought she would still be wearing her dress and waiting for her turn to change into her sleepwear. On the contrary, she was looking at you with a gorgeous, blushing face as she had nothing on her other than her bra and panties. “Upper Crust I...” you tried to say. “Hush please sweetie, allow me to clear things up,” she said with a deep breath. “Ever since we started going out, you've given me a new perspective in life. Had it not been for your kindness, I’d probably still be a snob looking down on anypony with less privileges. On top of that, you saw me as a real mare and helped me in my darkest hour, and you never took advantage of me. You have no idea how much my love for you has grown over these past few months...” she confessed. “Are... Are you saying...” you were once again cut off, but this time... by her lips pressing against yours. Quickly getting the message, you reached up to caress her cheeks as you melt into the kiss. You hold her in your arms, caressing her body while you assault each other's mouths with your tongues. Opening one eye, you slowly moved Upper Crust back to the bed and laid down. “Have... Have you ever did... you know...?” you asked. “Please promise me that you won’t be too mad after I tell you this,” she answered. You had a feeling of what was coming, but you nodded anyway. “The answer is yes. Back when Jet Set and I were so deeply in love, we made love to each other often. However.. neither one of us wanted to have the role of a parent, so...” “So you always made sure to use protection,” you finished for her. “That’s what I thought...” You were a bit disappointed to find out that this wasn’t going to be the first time for the both of you. ‘I was right from the beginning. It was expected to happen to her, and I understand. She was married before.’ Upper Crust no doubt sensed your displeasure as the next thing you knew, she was wrapping her arms around your neck. “I’m really sorry, Salvator. I wish I were a still a virgin just so I could experience it with you. You might not be my first time, but if it helps... I feel honored that I get to be your first,” she said with her tone suddenly switching from sad to seductive. “R-Really?” you stuttered. “But of course my dear. After all, that was why I’ve taken my clothes off in the first place.” She paused to trace her polished nails along your muscular chest. “You’ve taken such good care of me, now... allow me to take good care of you.” Giving you an adoring, half-lidded gaze, Upper Crust activated her magic to pull off your t-shirt. For now however, she decided to let you keep your pants on. Sitting up for a moment, she turned her focus to her own clothing and unclipped her bra. Finally free, her ample E-cup bosom bounced wildly, much to your satisfaction. You didn’t know breasts could grow that big. “No need to be shy Salvator,” she said as she guided your hand to her left breast. “I can’t imagine why, but Jet Set never paid much attention to my chest. What do you think of them dear?” “It feels... like I’m touching a big fluffy cloud. Suffice to say, your breasts feel lovely,” you complimented. Knowing you had her complete permission, you brought your other hand to the remaining breast and squeezed both at the same time. “Ah, that feels so delightful... My breasts are all yours, my sweet Salvator...” she moaned. “Don’t say that please,” you said, confusing her slightly. “I’m happy you’re enjoying yourself, but I love you and I don’t want to think of you as my property,” you sincerely explained reaching up to cup her chin. “And... And I love you, Salvator. As far as our relationship goes, it’s safe to say that after all of this, I’m ready to take it even further...” she whispered as more happy tears traveled down her cheeks. You kissed the tears away before moving down to give her neck the same treatment. Upper Crust enjoyed the treatment and shuddered in pleasure. She moved her hands in circles on your back. But this was only just the start. Soon, you moved one of your hands down to where her panties were and rubbed two fingers on her wet spot. “Oh my... it’s been some time since... I’ve been touched down there...” she moaned again. You gave her some more tender love and care and made sure she got the full treatment. You had one hand down underneath, rubbing her sensitive area and the other continued to fondle her breast. You even smothered her with wet kisses on her neck and her lips, switching back and forth. Upper Crust kept telling you she had never been pleasured like this before. It felt so good, she wanted it to last forever. And yet, she also felt curious of how good you are when it’s time for the main event. She was all too aware of the bulge in your pajama pants that formed because of all this foreplay. “Remember how I said it’s my turn to take care of you?” she reminded. You nodded and got off your lover, then laid down next to her. Upper Crust starts things off by taking off her soaked panties and gets down to where she was face-to-face with the bulge in your PJs. Lighting up her horn once again, you feel your bottom clothes poof off of you and were now completely naked, just like your sweetheart. “I’m not trying to start a competition, but... you’re a bit bigger than Jet Set was,” she giggled. You felt your face turn as red as a tomato, and it surprised you since you haven’t blushed in a long time. Upper Crust decided to tease you a bit by breathing hot air on your member, causing you to twitch your legs and moan softly. She egged you on by tenderly rubbing your balls with her soft fingers. “If you enjoy that my dear, you’re going to love what comes next,” she said seductively. Breathing on you one last time, she took your shaft into her mouth and sucked on your long hard manhood. You laid there in shock as you experienced your first blowjob. It was even better than you imagined. You watched your beautiful lover bobbed her head up and down, sucking on your shaft like it was a popsicle. You considered asking her if she did this to Jet Set, but decided such a question would ruin the moment. Taking your shaft to the back of her throat, you saw as Upper Crust shook her rear from side to side. She was enjoying this as much as you were right now. You felt her moans start to send shivers down your spine. This is definitely one story you wish you could tell your singing group back home. Upper Crust is definitely going to remember this moment for a long time. Watching as she continued to sway her hips, you became curious of her wet marehood. With a lick of your lips, you decided to repay Upper Crust for her treatment on your manhood. She surprisingly yelped, but then pressed her wet vulva onto your face. You accepted the invitation and continue to slurp up her tasty juices. “Oh S-Salvator...! T-That feels... heavenly...!” she stuttered stopping her sucking so she could rub your member instead. “Y-You’re pretty good yourself. H-Holy shoot, I’m tingling all over,” you shuddered feeling her grip. Upper Crust licked her lips and went back to sucking your shaft. You curled your toes as the pressure slowly increased in your loins. Upper Crust moaned as you slurped and licked her marehood juices even more fiercely than before. Her inner walls tightened, which meant she was nearing her limit, too. “U-Upper Crust... I-I f-feel it c-coming...!” you warned before you dove back into her delicious pussy. “M-Me too, dear...! D-Do it... s-spray it all i-into my mouth!” she demanded. Unable to stop yourself, you did exactly what she told you and released your pent up seed into her nice, warm mouth. Not too long after, Upper Crust let out a scream and your face was covered in her delectable juices. Since she hadn’t completely swallowed your load, both your seed and her juices stained the nice sheets below you. You drank up some of her nectar so the sheets wouldn’t get completely stained and Upper Crust wrapped her mouth back onto your member. Once both of your climaxes subsided, the two of you sat up and looked at each other’s messy  faces. It wasn’t long before you both started laughing. “I almost forgot what that felt like,” Upper Crust giggled. “Well... I don’t think we’re quite done for tonight. We still got one more event before turning in...” you replied quietly as you look down at your still hard manhood. “Please... Please lay back darling...” she instructed sweetly. You did as she asked and watched as she slowly took her place above your erection. She blushed at being in this position, considering she may have never done it before. Grasping your member and guiding it to her marehood, she was halfway there before she stopped. “I know I’m not a virgin, but it’s been some time since I had sex... Promise you’ll be gentle, okay?” she asked “Cross my heart and hope to die,” you promised. Upper Crust smiled and felt your member slowly enter her marehood as she lowered herself onto you. You took in the sight as you lost your virginity to the mare you loved like no other. “L-Like I s-said before... m-my cheater of an ex c-can’t compare to you...!” she moaned in pleasure. She slowly pulled off of your shaft and lowered herself back slightly faster. Feeling her tight walls slowly loosen around you, you reached and held onto her hips to help her bounce. “E-Even now I c-can’t believe he would b-betray a treasure of a mare...” you gasped. Without slowing down her rhythm, Upper Crust leaned down with that same alluring smile. “Y-You’re quite a flatterer Salvator...” she whispered as she rubbed her nose against yours. However, you stopped the action by leaning up and locking lips with her. As you made out with your lover, she was really getting into the mood and her hips moved even faster. If this kept up, you would blow your load again so you decided to change things up. You gently pulled Upper Crust away from your lips before reaching for her hips and pulling her off. She looked down at you with confusion on her sweaty and blushing face. “Salvator what is the meaning of this?” she asked. You smiled and gently touched her shoulders. “I was thinking we could try something new. Trust me, you’ll love what I've got in store for the both of us,” you said with a wink. Still holding her shoulders, you carefully moved her to lay on her side before you did the same. With her back now facing you, you brought her closer and kissed her cheek repeatedly as you aligned with her marehood again, holding up her leg. “D-Dear, what are you...” she said before letting out a gasp as you reinsert inside of her love cave. From this position, you could feel yourself reaching the deepest parts of her pussy and reaching her womb entrance. Upper Crust moaned and panted heavily, clearly this was a new experience. “Now I can show all your body the love you deserve...” you whispered as you reached around to squeeze one of her bouncing breasts. She turned her head to give you a sultry smile. Upper Crust was drunk on love and lust. She have already had her first time already, but Jet Set obviously didn’t explore every nook and cranny. Yet here you are, showing Upper Crust how it is done and she loved every bit of it. “Sa... Salvator, this feels so... wonderful! H-Heavens to C-Celestia, you’re so good!” she screamed. Pulling her even closer as you kissed and suckled her neck, your thrusts became more rough and fast. You stirred her insides up real good and you kept at it, making sure she would be satisfied fully. You enjoyed sucking on her neck, since it’s one of your best ways of showing her that you loved her so much. Plus, she had a nice perfume that smelled like roses and daisies which you got a good whiff of from being this close to her. Upper Crust moaned and squirmed and you felt her juices leaking as you pound into her. Suddenly, her walls began to squeeze your manhood tightly. She was ready to climax and so were you. “U-Upper Crust, I… I feel a big one coming...” you warned. Remembering what she said about not wanting to become a mother you began to pull out. “W-Wait...” she said and lit her horn again. Feeling the grip of her magic around your member, you were forced back into her pussy. “But I thought you said...” Upper Crust put her hand under your chin and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “It’s okay, things are different now... Give me every last drop of your love cream! Make... Make me a mother!” she screamed. Though you were taken aback, you obeyed her and pounded her with intense ferocity. Upper Crust’s eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled out. Her horn started glowing and shot sparks of magic like little fireworks. “Oh U-Upper Crust... my love... I-I... can’t hold it in anymore...!” you stuttered,  squeezing her breast quite roughly. With one last thrust and a loud groan, you blew your load inside her. Still sticking her tongue out, Upper Crust moaned from feeling your hot seed flood her womb. Though you didn’t want to pull out yet. “You... You don’t mind if I stay in a little longer do you?” you whispered into her ear, making her giggle. “Not at all, love,” she replied with a blissful sigh of relief. “Oh my, that was the best sex I’ve had in over half a decade...” she sighed as you went back to thrusting into her enjoyable marehood. “You must really love my special spot, don’t you, Salvator?” “Well yes, but not nearly as much as I love you, my precious little pony.” Giving her a few hard thrusts, you finally pulled out and rolled onto your back. Giggling at how exhausted you were, Upper Crust scooted over to lay her head on your chest. “Quite a night, wouldn’t you say?” she asked, adoring the way you stroked her mane. “Indeed. We drank, we ate, we danced, we fucked and now we’re about to sleep. Perfect night if you ask me. Although, I am a bit curious. Did you really mean it when you said “make me a mother?” you asked as you moved to rub behind her ears. “As I said before, things are different. Even though there was a time when I indeed loved Jet Set, when we made love, we were both selfish individuals who weren’t interested in becoming parents. But thanks to you, I’ve opened up my heart more and I finally want to experience what being a mother is like,” she explained kissing your chin. “Well I definitely know you’ll make a wonderful mother,” you replied before letting out a yawn. “Goodnight, Upper Crust. I love you.” “I love you too, Salvator,” she replied softly before drifting off to sleep. With your lover sleeping soundly on your chest, some brand new thoughts filled your mind and these thoughts were hard for you to ignore. More specifically… thoughts on marriage.