> The Cutest Padded Dragon. > by Matt11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Smolder's Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder was looking all around the student dorms, scanning every corner and window for even the slightest possibility of another creature. There was no one there, she was all alone. “Good,” She thought to herself as she carefully turned the knob on the door that led to her dorm room and closed it behind her. “No creatures, no tests, no worries. I’m all alone. I finally have some me time.” The young dragon made her way towards her bed, then made an abrupt left turn just a few inches from it to face what looked like a brick wall. Smolder smiled, reaching a claw towards said wall and delighting in how it passed through. The wall was an illusion, a well crafted one. She’d managed to convince Headmare Twilight to let her have one, though she’d passed off the request as simply wanting a place to study without distractions. In reality though, the fake wall hid a well kept secret. A secret that Smolder would sooner die than admit to. She may have finally been willing to admit she liked cute, silly stuff, but there were some things she still wasn’t comfortable telling any other creatures about. Not even Gallus or Ocellus, and certainly not a chatterbox like Silverstream. Walking through the fake wall, Smolder spotted the object that had her undivided attention at the moment. It was a small package of diapers in that Silly Filly brand name. A bit of a giggle escaped the dragon’s lips. “Silly Filly. Not sure why ponies like to give names to everything, diapers are diapers no matter what you call them.” As she took the unopened package into her claws and heard the diapers stored inside it faintly rustle and crinkle, the dragon with a coat of orange started to think back to how she’d procured these infantile undergarments in the first place. It had been just a few days after the Tree of Harmony had tested her and her friends, showing them that friendship was indeed in their nature. Smolder had passed her test only once she’d finally admitted that she actually liked to be cute from time to time. It was something that went against every aspect of her dragon heritage, growing up she could distinctly remember being told that dragons didn’t waste time on cute stuff. But upon coming to Ponyville, Smolder had been bombarded with lots of cute stuff. At first she wasn’t sure she was ever going to get used to it: Especially the ponies who had such bright colors and liked to sing songs seemingly at the drop of a hat (Professor Pinkie Pie anyway, but then she seemed to do a lot of things that nopony else ever did). Something that had caught Smolder’s eye early on though, was how ponies treated their young, foals as they sometimes called them. She saw how foals got to have these strange things called pacifiers to suck on, at least until they started to grow teeth. They would also usually be paraded around town in these things called foal carriages or foal buggies, brightly colored objects that functioned like mobile beds. Most telling of all though, the little ones wore these strange white garments around their rears which made weird noises every time they moved. She eventually learned that said garments were called “diapers”. Smolder had found out about all of this quite by accident one day. It had been either four or five months since she’d enrolled in the School of Friendship, and the young dragon was enjoying one of the rare days off from school. Headmare Twilight had suggested. “Why not go to the park and mingle with some ponies? That’s a great way to make new friends!” And that’s just what Smolder was doing, or at least trying to. It took her a few tries before she realized that greeting ponies with roars and belching of flames only frightened them and made them run away. “Friendship is so confusing and weird,” Smolder complained with a sigh as she rested against the shade of a tree, watching ponies do typical cute pony things like pick flowers, play with bouncy balls, or sit on blankets and have picnics while they said nice things to each other. “I don’t know if I’ll ever understand it. My grades are just barely above the passing level at this point and the semester’s not even halfway over. If it weren’t for Gallus and the others, I’d say this school was a waste of time.” But just then the dragon felt something (or was it someone) tugging on her moderate orchid scales. Curiously, she bent down and her moderate cyan eyes looked back at the innocent looking brown eyes of a baby pony. It appeared to be a boy from what Smolder could tell, it had a yellowish-white coat, a little stub of a mane and tail in the color red, and a strange white object that hugged its rear. It looked like a pillow, but it couldn’t be a pillow. Pillows were for sleeping on, not wearing (unless maybe it was one of those weird pony fashion statements). “Oh there you are, Sweet Cream!” A female voice called out, soon revealing itself as a tall female pony with a pink coat, blue eyes, and a strawberry red mane and tail. She had a cutie mark involving what looked like a bottle of some kind, albeit one Smolder had never seen before. The mare scooped up the foal with a hoof as she smiled. “You should know better than to wander off on Mommy like that, you gave her quite a scare.” The foal just giggled and booped the mare on the nose with a hoof. The mare then turned to Smolder, who couldn’t stop staring at the foal. For some reason her eyes were drawn to the little one. “Oh, you must be one of the new students at Twilight’s school,” The mare politely greeted and offered a hoof. “My name is Dairy Cream, and this is my son, Sweet Cream. I apologize if he was bothering you. I set him down for just a second to prepare his bottle and he wandered off. I swear, for somepony not even a year old he can crawl faster than I’ve seen anypony walk.” Smolder nervously responded. “Uh… the name’s Smolder. I’m a dragon, but uh, you probably knew that already.” Dairy Cream nodded. “It wasn’t hard to tell, I’ve seen Spike enough times to recognize him. And you looked a lot like him.” “Uh, aren’t you gonna run away?” The young dragon asked the mare. “No, why would I do that?” Dairy pondered. “Because so many other ponies do that the moment they see me coming,” Smolder claimed, only slightly exaggerating. “Probably because I sort of scare them away with my claws and fire breath. Your son is the first pony I’ve met today who hasn’t been afraid of me.” Dairy giggled. “That’s my little Sweet Cream for you, he always loves to go places and see new faces,” A faint aw escaped her lips as her son seemed to babble something in response. “I think he’s trying to say hello.” “W-well, it’s nice to meet the both of you,” Smolder commented as she tried hard not to blush. “Uh, what’s with that… thing around his bottom?” Dairy didn’t even need to glance at her son to get what Smolder was referring to. “You mean his diaper? That’s what all baby ponies wear at one point or another.” “A diaper?” The dragon questioned, shooting a confused look at the mare. Dairy nodded, she’d been getting this kind of question a lot from many other creatures. “Yes. Baby ponies wear them for protection.” “Protection from what?” Smolder pondered. “From accidents of course,” Dairy explained in a sweet and gentle tone. “Baby ponies pee and poo in their diapers because they usually don’t know they have to go, and it’s better than having them do their business on the ground and cleaning it up.” Smolder gagged at the description. “That’s so gross! Why would anypony wear something like that?! Especially since you don’t seem to be wearing a diaper?” “Well,” Dairy went on to explain. “Eventually, when a baby pony gets older, they start learning when they have to go number one and number two. And that’s when they get potty trained. They learn to use the bathroom instead of a diaper and eventually they no longer need to wear them.” “So, when they do… you know what…” Smolder tried not to gag again. “What happens?” Dairy just smiled. “Well, usually a mommy or daddy changes them into a clean diaper and disposes of the old one. Sometimes ponies will hire a nanny or foalsitter to do that sort of stuff for them. And sometimes, newborn ponies in the hospital have their diapers changed by nurses,” Then she sniffed the air. “Speaking of diaper changes, it looks like my little Sweet Cream needs one. I don’t want to bother you, so I’ll just leave.” But strangely and unexpectedly, something washed over Smolder and before she even realized it she was asking the mother. “Uh… could I help, change her? It doesn’t stink nearly as bad as my brother when he started molting, or when I started molting for that matter.” “You’re welcome to help if you’d like. I could use an extra set of hooves, or claws as the case may be,” Dairy happily nodded. “I’ll even walk you through the process. Now come along, it’s imperative to change a foal’s diaper as soon as possible. If they stay in a used one too long it can cause them to get a diaper rash.” Dairy led Smolder to the nearby park bathroom and into the mare’s room, placing her smelly little one on the changing table. She guided Smolder through the whole process of changing a foal’s dirty diaper. Smolder gagged when she was overwhelmed by the open diaper, quickly dropping it into the trash. For some reason, Sweet Cream appeared to laugh at her scrunched up face. And as the changing process unfolded, Smolder couldn’t help but notice how relaxed the little one seemed to be. Like all his worries had melted away, knowing that he had someone there to take care of him. The dragon found herself longing for a chance to feel that, even just for a moment. She couldn’t really explain why, but now it seemed so natural and welcoming, whereas before she would’ve dismissed it as strange and unbecoming of a dragon. At last, Smolder helped Dairy Cream tape up the new diaper and then washed her claws. She spent the rest of the day with the mother and child, occasionally playing peek-a-boo with Sweet and even giving him a bottle of milk when he got hungry. She even got a chuckle out of seeing him burp and be praised for it, that’s something dragons did all the time. But all good things must come to an end eventually, and so it was that as the sun began to set in the West, Smolder had to say goodbye to her new friends. Yet even after she returned to the school that evening, she found that she couldn’t take her mind off of Sweet Cream, of how carefree and happy he seemed to be. All that freedom, courtesy of that strange (but also surprisingly soft) undergarment called a diaper. Smolder kept the thoughts buried in the back of her mind for a long time afterward, constantly convincing herself every time it came up that “It’s not dragon like, you’re not supposed to like that stuff.” She briefly thought about talking to Guidance Counselor Starlight about these thoughts, but decided against it. She didn’t want to concern anyone else with these strange thoughts, especially not ponies. She was a dragon and dragons always dealt with issues on their own. But after the Tree of Harmony had forced her to admit she actually liked cute stuff and that it wasn’t wrong to like it, the dragon with a coat of orange could no longer ignore her suppressed curiosity. She HAD to try out diapers, she wanted to experience what foals experienced. The only problem now, was figuring out how to obtain all the supplies without attracting suspicion. She still didn’t want anyone to know about it, any other creature would surely tease her non-stop or start cooing at her. The solution was actually pretty simple. So simple in fact that Smolder wondered why she hadn’t thought of it sooner. She would just go to a store in disguise. And if anyone asked, she’d simply claim she was buying them to donate to a charity. The nearest store to the school was Barnyard Bargains, and as luck would have it they had a good stock of foal supplies that included diapers. All for very low prices. Wearing a trench coat, sunglasses, and a thick red scarf around her neck, Smolder carefully walked through the store and scooped up all the foal supplies she thought were necessary: Toys, rattles, a pacifier or two, and of course diapers. She didn’t anticipate needing diaper change supplies, but she still bought some wipes and foal powder anyway. “Better safe than sorry.” She thought to herself. The disguised dragon brought everything to the counter, waiting impatiently as Filthy Rich rang up the total. “That’ll be seventy five bits, ma’am.” He explained as he held out a hoof. Smolder quickly deposited the necessary amount into the stallion’s waiting hoof. “Here, that should cover it. If anycreature asks, you never saw any of this.” She spoke in her overly gruff voice and then quickly took the supplies and made for the exit without saying another word. Filthy Rich just smiled as he watched his mysterious customer take off. “I get a lot of customers like her in here. And they all go for the same things,” He thought with a grin. “As long as there’s a market for ‘em, I’m happy to keep catering to them.” All that had seemed so long ago for Smolder, but at long last everything was ready! She just couldn’t wait any longer, she had to try on a diaper, now! Ripping open the package with her claws, Smolder pulled out one of the diapers and pressed it to her cheek, delighting in how soft it felt. It was softer than anything she’d ever felt before (with the possible exception of pillows). Then the dragon unfolded the undergarment, taking note of the tapes and the tail hole. It was going to be a tight fit. “Oh well, the thicker the better. Besides, I can always buy bigger brands next time.” She thought. And with that the young dragon began to diaper herself. She lay down on the floor of her room, taking the diaper into a claw. She slowly sank one leg into the diaper, then another, and wiggled about as she pulled it up. Once she was certain she’d got it on just right, she reached over to the colorful tapes that matched the printed waistband on the front. Somehow she willed her energetic claws to slowly and carefully fasten the tapes so they were nice and secure. The diapering process now complete, the dragon slowly stood up. She was surprised at how fast her rear end sank into the padding, and how much it pushed her legs apart. “I wonder if If I could get a short dress that would make this diaper visible so I could feel small, it would be kinda cute.” Smolder thought to herself. The idea seemed fun to try one day but for now she wanted to enjoy her free time .“Oh well,” She said aloud in regards to her diaper. “It’s not like anycreature’s around to see this.” But she had spoken much too soon. For almost immediately her moderate cyan eyes fell upon the wide eyes and open mouths of her friends: Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream, Gallus, and Ocellus. Smolder let out a gasp! How could she have forgotten to lock her door?! Gallus was the first to find his voice, and he reluctantly asked. “Uh… Smolder? Why exactly are you wearing a diaper?” “And what’s with all the foal supplies?” Ocellus wondered. “Yona is so confused, why orange dragon dressed up like a baby?” Yona asked with a confused look on her face. Smolder gulped and began to break out in a cold sweat. “Um… um… well…” The words she wanted to say wouldn’t come out. How was she supposed to explain this to her friends? What would they even think of her? > Smolder the Baby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder continued to just stand there, staring at her wide-eyed friends who said nothing. They seemed to be locked into a contest, as if daring the other side to speak first, and neither would make that move. At last it was Sandbar who found the courage to break the silence. “So… Smolder… you uh… you look cute, I suppose.” Smolder snorted in reply. She fought back the urge to shed tears, dragons never cried (or at least that’s what she’d always been told). “What… brought this on? I-if you don’t mind me asking.” Ocellus inquired with a bit of a blush. “Why do you care?” Smolder retorted. “You’re just gonna make fun of me no matter what.” Gallus shot back a look of confusion. “And why would we do that? This looks more weird than funny, Smolder.” “Because here I am, rough and tough Smolder, all cutesy and wootsy in a diaper!” The dragon protested, her tone of voice and body language conveying just how upset she was. “Any creature in their right mind would laugh at me! So go ahead, laugh yourself silly!” But none of the dragon’s friends did. In fact they remained silent until Yona spoke up. “Yak not understand. Why Smolder want to dress like baby in first place? Something wrong with Smolder?” “Maybe she wets the bed?” Silverstream inquired. “I’ve seen students wear diapers because of that. Which I probably wasn’t supposed to mention, oops!” “I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong with me!” The dragon roared in response. “It’s stupid and pointless! I don’t even know why I thought it was a good idea in the first place!” Sandbar, undeterred, trotted up to Smolder and put a hoof around her. “Hey, it’s okay, Smolder. No need to lash out. We’re your friends. And friends don’t judge friends for their interests, no matter how weird they might be,” Then he promised. “You can tell us, we won’t say a word to any creature. Not to Headmare Twilight, not to Counselor Starlight, and certainly not to Cozy Glow.” “Cozy Glow is the absolute last pony I’d want to have find out about this!” Smolder retorted. “And you’d really do that for me? All of you?” Her friends all nodded one by one. Even chatterbox Silverstream seemed to agree to silence. “Well, if you ever do tell another creature, I’m not speaking to you guys ever again! Understand?!” Everyone nodded, and then Sandbar encouraged. “So, are you gonna tell us or do we have guess?” With a reluctant sigh, the dragon with a coat of orange tried to explain to the best of her ability. “We dragons don’t really do things like diapers or pacifiers or any of that baby junk. Once you reach a certain age, you’re just cave trained to do your business in a certain spot. Then you rinse off afterward in a lava bath.” “But doesn’t that hurt? At least we griffons use leaves or the occasional scrap of paper.” Gallus pondered. Smolder shook her head. “You forget that we’re dragons, we’re immune to fire. To us, a lava bath is just like a bubble bath except there’s no soap,” Then she took a deep breath as she went on. “So basically, when I first came here and saw how ponies handled their young, I didn’t think anything of it at first. But after I met you guys and started getting used to living among ponies and other creatures, a part of me started to feel drawn to that foal stuff for some reason. Then I met this little colt and his mother, and from that point onward I started to develop… feelings for diapers and other cute stuff.” “And let me guess, you decided to finally try them out after the Tree of Harmony tested you and made you admit you liked cute, silly stuff.” Gallus concluded. The dragon reluctantly nodded. “Y-yeah. It wasn’t easy to get my claws on the diapers and… the rest of the stuff. I didn’t even mean for you guys to find out, I meant to lock the door.” “Yeah, we kind of figured that was the case,” Ocellus confirmed. “And Sandbar’s right, you do look cute.” Smolder tried her hardest not to blush. “Y-yeah… w-well just remember, if you tell any creature about any of this, I’m not speaking to you guys ever again! So don’t say a word, and if anyone asks you never saw any of this! Got it?!” The dragon’s friends all nodded one by one, both because they valued Smolder’s friendship and because she could be quite scary when she was angry. “So, what should we do now that we know about this side of you, Smolder?” Sandbar pondered. “We were kind of hoping to invite you to come hang out at Sugarcube Corner, but I don’t think we can take you out in public like this.” “Yeah,” Silverstream chuckled. “They don’t make foal buggies in your size! I’m surprised you even found diapers that fit you.” Smolder did something she rarely did in response to that, she eeped and swished her tail as though she’d been stung by one of Professor Fluttershy’s insect friends! A raging blush started to form on her cheeks as she protested. “Don’t even joke about that kind of stuff! If I ever went out in public like this, I’d die of embarrassment!” “Yona did not know dragons could die of embarrassment,” Yona wondered aloud. “Is death by embarrassment possible?” “Not really, I think it’s just an expression.” Ocellus replied. “My point still stands!” Smolder insisted. “I might as well be dead if I go out in public like this! So please, whatever you guys do, don’t even think of taking me out in public while I’m diapered!” Yona simply smiled. “Why not take dragon out in public? I mean what's wrong with ponies seeing this?” she asked not completely seeing why it's embarrassing, though she was trying to understand It. “It's complicated, Yona. Just drop It for now, pease?” Smolder insisted, not wanting to bring that up anymore. “Alright, alright, we won’t,” Sandbar promised. But then a rather goofy grin started to form on his face. “Although, since we can’t take you out in public, I suppose we’ll have to settle for the next best thing.” The dragon with a coat of orange gulped. “You don’t mean…” Silverstream’s eyes lit up! “Oh yes we do! All babies need at least a mommy or a daddy to take care of them! And you are a baby, a really big baby!” “Am not!” Smolder protested in a tone of voice that sounded not unlike a whine. “Oh, baby is being fussy,” Yona realized and then her eyes fell upon a pacifier that looked to be about Smolder’s size. It was sitting on the floor, unattended. The yak got an idea and scooped it up. “Here, baby is to suck on this to stop her whining. Yak has seen it in babies before.” Smolder opened her mouth to protest, only to have the pacifier being inserted into her mouth. It was the color as her moderate orchid scales. “Sewiouswy, Yona?!” She complained, the pacifier causing her words to have a slight lisp. A lisp that all of her friends found both adorable and hilarious. “Come on, Smolder,” Sandbar encouraged. “If we’re gonna keep your secret, you know you gotta do something for us in return. The least you can do is let us have a little practice with our parenting skills, just this once,” Sandbar smiled and then said. “I must admit you look just as adorable as my little sister, who's still in diapers might I add!” Smolder yanked the pacifier out of her mouth so she could talk more clearly. “You guys aren’t going to take no for an answer, are you?” Her friends all shook their heads, and the dragon let out a groan. “Ugh! Fine, you can baby me if you want. But remember, this is our little secret, you can’t tell anyone else!” “Oh relax, baby,” Sandbar cooed as he re-inserted the pacifier. “You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Just sit tight and let the grown-ups take care of everything. We’ll play with you, feed you, give you bottles, and even change your diapers if you decide to use them.” But Gallus protested. “Oh no, I’ll do anything but change diapers! I can’t stand the horrible smell that comes with it!” “Yona not sure baby will want to use her diapers,” Yona pondered. “Although yak notices baby has changing supplies.” “Well, if she wants to use her diapers that’s up to her,” Ocellus insisted. “I can probably take care of changing her, I’ll just turn myself into something that can’t smell. That’s how I survived taking care of hatchlings in the nursery back at my hive.” “Ooh, maybe we could get her one of those plastic bowl thingies called a training potty, and have her use that instead!” Silverstream suggested. Smolder couldn’t help but blush as her friends talked about her using the diaper, they didn’t even bother to ask if that's what she wanted. As her friends all discussed these and other matters, Smolder just thought to herself. “I never did decide if I wanted to use my diapers or not. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when and if I come to it.” “Alright then, baby,” Sandbar cooed as he pinched Smolder’s cheeks. “What do you wanna do first?” As if in response to the question, Smolder’s stomach started to growl quite audibly. She took her pacifier out of her mouth so she could again be heard properly. “I’m kind of hungry. You guys got any crushed gems I could eat?” One by one the dragon’s friends all shook their heads. “Sorry, fresh out.” Gallus apologized. Ocellus suggested. “Well, maybe we could ask Spike if he has some he could spare? Or maybe Headmare Twilight will know where we can get some?” But Silverstream already had an idea! “No worries, guys, I’ve got this covered! Be right back!” Before anyone had a chance to ask the half hippogriff/half seapony what she was going to do, she’d already departed. She returned shortly with several jars of foal food, a baby bottle, and some formula. “Here we go, fresh num-nums!” She cooed. “Where did you get all that?” Smolder questioned and then gasped in horror!” You didn’t tell our professors about me, did you?!” With a giggle Silverstream shook her head. “Come on, silly, have a little faith in me. I didn’t tell them you like to wear diapers and be treated like a baby. I just told Professor Pinkie Pie we’re taking care of a foal as part of an extra credit assignment, and that it’s top secret. I even made her ‘Pinkie Promise’ not to tell.” She then set the foal food down near the rest of Smolder’s baby supplies. “Gallus, why don’t you take charge of feeding her?” Sandbar encouraged. “I can’t be the only one who’s taking care of the baby all day.” “Me?!” Gallus briefly exclaimed before a reluctant sigh escaped his lips. “Fine, I guess I’ll do it. Come here, Smolder. Uncle Gallus is gonna feed you. Just try not to make a mess, okay?” “No promises,” Smolder replied with a wink. “You guys want to take care of a baby, you’re gonna get the full package.” A bib was soon tied around her neck. Gallus un-screwed the lid of the first jar, a mushy yellow colored substance labeled Pureed Banana. He reluctantly dipped a plastic spoon into the jar and presented it to his charge. “Open up, here comes the choo-choo train.” He tried to coo as best he could. It still didn’t make this any less awkward. Rather than cooperate, Smolder thought it would be fun to misbehave. So she made a face and turned her head, pretending she didn’t like the slop. “Come on, Smolder! Stop playing around!” Gallus groaned as he quickly began to lose his temper. “Open up, or you can go hungry! It’s your choice!” “Gallus, that’s not how you take care of a baby. You don’t shout at them like that,” Ocellus scolded. “You’re supposed to gentle and coaxing.” The griffon simply retorted. “Well that’s how we do things in Griffonstone. You eat what’s on your plate, or you starve, no in between. Even our young are raised that way.” “But Smolder is dragon, not griffon,” Yona shook her head in response. “Gallus need to treats Smolder like baby dragon, not baby griffon.” The blue feathered griffon reluctantly obliged. “Fine, I’ll try to be more gentle,” In a softer tone of voice he tried to encourage. “Come on, Smolder. Please open up. You wanna be a good baby for your Uncle Gallus, right?” Smolder decided it was best to just cooperate and opened her mouth, allowing her first (and arguably closest) friend to deposit the spoon’s contents inside. She was immediately overwhelmed by the sweet taste! Was this what she’d been missing out on growing up in the dragon lands? The feeding process repeated itself with two more jars after the Pureed Banana. The first was Mashed Peas, which Smolder detested. She was glad that Cream of Carrot tasted much better. Once she’d eaten to her heart’s content, Gallus picked her up as best he could and gentle put a claw over her back as he began to pat it. Smolder took the cue and let out a burp, a small flame escaped as a result. “Sorry, that just slipped out.” She apologized as she was set back down. “It’s alright,” Gallus sighed. “Just… warn me the next time you’re gonna do that. I’d rather not have my feathers be roasted black, thank you.” Smolder giggled at the image, before she waddled (the diaper pushed her legs apart, making walking a chore) over to the rattle and various toys that lay scattered across the floor. She didn’t need to speak a word for her friends to understand what she was expecting. “Oh boy, play time!” Silverstream eagerly exclaimed! “Come on, Yona! This’ll be easy!” “Fair warning, yak play rough!” Yona giggled as she bounded over to Smolder’s location and sat down. The padded dragon motioned to some foam alphabet blocks, indicating that she wanted to build a tower. Yona and Silverstream were more than happy to help. Between Yona’s strength and Silverstream’s flying, they were able to build a tower that stacked up almost to the ceiling. Yona delighted in smashing the tower when it could go no higher! “Yaks best at smashing! Yaks love to smash!” “Silverstream smash too!” Silverstream giggled, mimicking her yak friend’s way of speaking. Unlike when she’d tried to smash a bucket, she had no trouble at all demolishing the block tower. All that playing caused Smolder to work up quite a thirst. “Baba.” She shouted, trying to draw her friends’ attention. Fortunately for her, they quickly caught on. But there was one problem. While they had formula they had no way of heating up the bottle safely. Smolder’s fire breath would likely overheat the bottle and cause the milk to spoil. However, Ocellus developed a solution. The changeling transformed herself into a cow. All her friends blinked at her in surprise as the changeling explained with a blush. “What? Cows produce milk, so we can just use the milk I produce for the bottle and mix in some formula.” Sandbar blushed. “But, you do know how cows release their milk, right?” Ocellus blushed back. “Yeah, but it’s the only solution I could think of. Just try not to milk me too hard.” Since Sandbar was the only remaining creature with hooves, he reluctantly volunteered to milk the transformed Ocellus (thanks to Applejack he was able to learn how to milk cows, so he could handle this). It took a while to get the process down, and yet slowly but surely he was able to fill up the bottle. Then he gave it to Ocellus when she transformed back to normal, and she quickly mixed in the formula, before giving the bottle back to Sandbar. Smolder scooted over slowly. While not blushing she still sheepishly asked Sandbar. “Uh, is it okay if I um… lay in your lap? I’ve seen most ponies feed their little ones bottles that way, it just feels natural.” “Sure, Smolder, you didn’t even have to ask.” Sandbar smiled as he watched the padded dragon carefully lay her head upon his lap, while he sat on the floor. As he fed her the bottle, he also started to sing a soft tune into her ear. By the time the bottle was empty, Smolder was beginning to yawn. Her eyelids were starting to droop. Thinking quickly, Gallus inserted Smolder’s pacifier. “Guess it’s time for your nap, huh?” He half teased, half cooed. Smolder was too tired to say anything in reply, she just shut her eyes and soon she was snoring away, her pacifier bobbing up and down in her mouth. Sandbar gently lay her on her bed, while Yona and Ocellus pulled the covers up to the sleeping dragon’s neck. Then one by one her friends all kissed her on the forehead. “Sweet dreams, Smolder.” Silverstream even whispered. Then they all left, making sure to close the door and place a “Do Not Disturb” sign so no one would think to enter. As Smolder drifted off To sleep, she sleepishly thought. “Maybe next time they could read me a bedtime story.” She then drifted into a deep and comfortable sleep. > Smolder's Very Good Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For whatever reason, be it the pacifier in her mouth, the added softness of the diaper hugging her rear or even that bottle of milk, Smolder slept a lot more soundly than she usually did. In fact you could almost say she slept like a baby. As she slept, Smolder’s thoughts turned to some most unusual areas. She faintly recalled dreaming about being an actual baby, riding around in a foal buggy and dressed in adorable baby clothes, while her friends seemed much older. They were like her parents, parading her around and showing off their little one to all of Ponyville. All good things must come to an end eventually, however. As much as Smolder may have liked to fantasize and dream about being cared for like a little baby, she could not stay asleep forever and needed to wake up. With a rather cute yawn she stretched her limbs, still in a somewhat drowsy state. But even in this state, the dragon with a coat of orange could tell that something wasn’t right. As she moved to get up she felt an almost foreign sensation in her diaper, a sense of fullness. And was it her imagination or did the room suddenly have a strong odor to it? “Could it be?!” Smolder thought as she threw off the covers and looked down at her diaper. Sure enough, the pristine white padding was disturbed by a noticeable bulge. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what the full sensation was and what was causing the smell. It appeared that the dragon had suffered an accident while asleep. That was odd, she didn’t remember feeling a need to use the bathroom. “Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention earlier or something?” She thought and contemplated, alone with only her inner ponderings and the smell. The stench made thinking rather difficult. The dragon shook her head. “I’ll worry about the how and why later,” She told herself as she reluctantly got up from the bed. No one else was around to take care of her accident, so it fell to her to change herself and get cleaned up. “Right now, I need to get a new diaper on before I get a rash. There’s no way I’ll be able to explain that to any creature.” The lingering odor may not have been as pugnant as the time Spike had started molting but even to Smolder it was still an unpleasant smell that she didn’t want to have to put up with. Good thing she’d had the foresight to buy baby supplies and keep them close at claw. At first she’d only bought them to complete the sensation of being a little one, using her diapers had been something she’d put off thinking about. That is, until she’d actually used one and now couldn’t ignore the after effects. Just as she was about to grab the wet wipes and foal powder with her claws, however, the door knob started to turn. At that the dragon froze! Her friends had put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign, but who knows how long it had been since they’d left. What if the sign had fallen off or someone else was coming to check up on her because it was so late? Or what if it was someone who didn’t care about privacy and was going to barge in anyway? If any other creature saw her in this state, she was sure to be humiliated to no end! Yet Smolder knew there was nowhere she could hope to hide. Even if she could find a place out of wandering eyes, the smell would surely give her away. If even she noticed it then other creatures would be sure to recognize it as well. Briefly she thought about opening a window and making a leap for it, maybe run away before she could be exposed! But the dragon decided against it! She’d have to sprint all the way across the school in her current state, which would only increase the odds that someone would identify her and catch her. To say nothing of what the landing would do to her already bulging diaper. Plus, where would she go to get cleaned up? Doing it in a river or pond would be just gross, yet she doubted she could get away with asking for a hose or a rain cloud. While the dragon worried so much about all of this, the door swung open! And into the room trotted... ... all of Smolder’s friends, what a relief! “Hey, Smolder,” Sandbar greeted, he didn’t seem to notice the smell yet. “Sorry for being gone so long but the line at Sugarcube Corner took forever! It’s like everyone in town wanted a milkshake all of a sudden.” Smolder found herself unable to blush, her cheeks felt like they were on fire. It didn’t matter that her friends were in on her secret, this was not something she’d wanted to surprise them with. And it was only a matter of time until they found out. “What’s the matter?” Ocellus questioned when she saw the troubled look on Smolder’s face. “You don’t look very happy to see us.” “Um, w-well…” Smolder gulped and sheepishly trailed off while she twiddled her claws in a nervous and telling manner. If that didn’t convey something was wrong, nothing would. Fortunately, Silverstream smelled the source of the problem and immediately plugged her nose. “Smolder, not that I mean to be rude but you smell horrible!” “Is dragon molting again? Yaks thought dragons only molt once.” Yona pondered in confusion, not quite processing what the smell really meant. But Gallus (who was holding his nose) correctly deduced. “Don’t tell me, you made a mess in your diaper, didn’t you?” “Um, sorry?” Smolder blushed as the smell of her shame became known to all. “Guess I’m more of a baby than I realized. I didn’t think it smelled nearly this bad though, but maybe that’s just me.” “And I thought my little sister was stinky!” Sandbar exclaimed as he fanned a hoof across his nose and then rushed to open a window to ventilate the room! “Still, better your diaper than the floor or the bed sheets. But now we better get you changed, no telling how long you’ve been in that dirty diaper.” One by one a chorus of “Not It!” rang out through the room, and the one who was slowest to answer was a very unlucky Ocellus. “Sorry, Ocellus, but better you than us,” Gallus somewhat apologized. “After all, you said you could turn into something that can’t smell.” “I’ll go get a bucket of water and some soap!” Silverstream volunteered and quickly rushed out of the room. Ocellus, meanwhile, transformed into a pig. “Pigs roll around in their own filth from what Professor Applejack taught me,” She explained. “So pigs are definitely the last ones to be bothered by stinky smells. Still gonna have to move fast though, because I’m not sure how long my pig nose will hold.” “Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it,” Smolder offered. “I… did sort of help change a diaper once. Remember how I told you about that mare and her child?” Gallus nodded. “Never took you for a diaper changer. But now I’m glad you learned. Just tell Ocellus what to do and be quick about it!” And when Silverstream returned with a bucket of warm water and soap for Ocellus to wash her hooves in (even transformed they would still be changing a used diaper and it was always proper procedure to wash your hooves after doing that), the changeling that was now a pig set to work. Smolder reluctantly lay down on the changing mat that had been added free of charge when she bought the wipes and powder, trying not to scrunch her nose up when her diaper compressed as a result. “No wonder foals cry when they do number two, this is so unpleasant. Although, having someone take care of my dirty diaper feels strangely relaxing.” She thought to herself. Ocellus moved quickly and carefully the whole way through, undoing the tabs and letting the diaper fall from Smolder’s waist. Then she grasped it and unceremoniously tossed it out the window, Gallus was already there to bury it deep beneath the soil. Ocellus (with help from Sandbar) then took the wet wipes and cleaned Smolder’s coat to the best of her ability, before sprinkling in several helpings of foal powder that caused Smolder to sneeze. Then the new diaper was unfolded, slid under the dragon’s rump, and taped up securely. And when the process was done Ocellus quickly washed her hooves before turning back. Smolder sat up in her freshly powdered diaper and the window was closed once Gallus came back in. The infantile scents of cornstarch and lavender quickly replaced the previous stinky smell. And everyone was glad to breath in the more pleasing aromas. “What a relief!” Gallus exclaimed! “Smolder, on a scale of one to ten that was clearly an eleven! And I mean it!” “Oh come on, you’ve smelled worse!” Smolder retorted. “Yak not care about bad smells, Yona not want to think about them,” Yona pleaded. “Yona vote to change subject.” Everyone nodded in unison. Smolder was the first one to speak up. “I’m… surprised you guys aren’t really bothered by all of this baby stuff. Aside from when I…” She coughed into a claw. “You know.” “Well you do look cute, Smolder.” Sandbar explained. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it?” The dragon pondered. “Something you guys aren’t telling me.” Suddenly the room became deathly still and all of the dragon’s friends (or at least all of them except Gallus for some reason) started to look nervous. In a somewhat shyer tone of voice, Sandbar began to explain to his dragon friend. “W-well, let’s just say that you’re not the only creature who’s been in diapers despite being at an age where they shouldn’t need them.” Ocellus was the first to confess. “I first wore diapers when I transformed into a baby pony and realized a little too late why they wear them. It was only supposed to be a transformation thing, but I started liking how soft and crinkly they felt. It was kind of like wearing a pillow on your butt.” Silverstream spoke next. “Growing up underwater, we never had diapers or other baby things. We just kind of went to the bathroom wherever and let the ocean clean us up. After I started seeing other creatures wearing diapers, I got curious and tried them on,” Her tone of voice became somewhat more energetic as she added. “And I loved them! I still wear them a little whenever I’m alone, but I never wanted to confess to that until now. It’s a lot easier knowing my friends do it too.” Yona appeared to blush as she explained. “Yak get put in diapers once by Counselor Starlight, she say it help yak with stress. Counselor turn out to be right, Yona feel all relaxed and cared for with diaper on. So Yona ask for more diapers. Diapers hard to fit on yak though, but Yona find way.” “I never wore diapers after I grew out of them,” Sandbar confessed. “But you know how my younger sister is still in diapers? Well, she’s actually supposed to be potty trained but Mom and Dad have decided to let her stay in diapers for a little longer. They kept me in diapers longer than most ponies my age, but I didn’t mind, I think they wanted my sister to have time to enjoy her diapers like I did. Plus, that way they can train her with the toilet instead of using a training potty.” All eyes fell upon Gallus, who simply replied. “What? I never wore diapers as a baby griffon, we don’t believe in them. And even when I found out about them I could never get into them. Didn’t like how you were supposed to use them,” He cringed briefly before he added. “Still, I guess other creatures look kind of cute in them. As long as I don’t have to change them I don’t mind it.” “So you see, Smolder,” Ocellus smiled. “We know what it’s like to have this kind of secret, it’s probably something a lot of other creatures have besides us. It doesn’t mean we think any differently of you because of that.” Yona added. “Diapers or not, dragon is still Smolder, our friend. And we love her no matter what she wears or how she smells. Group hug!” All of Smolder’s friends gathered close to their diapered friend and pulled her in for a group hug before she could utter a syllable in protest. Sandbar even delighted in popping her pacifier back into her mouth to complete the look. As the hug ended, Silverstream then grinned. “Now that we all know each other's secrets, you know what this means, right?! We totally need to have a padded get together, like a slumber party or something! And the four of us can all wear diapers!” “I’d be down for that,” Sandbar smiled. “And you can help me, Gallus.” “Do I have to?” Gallus pouted. “I’m not very good with babies.” Sandbar chuckled. “Which is why you need all the practice you can get. Isn’t that right, girls?” Silverstream, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder all giggled in response but seemed to agree with what Sandbar had said. Smolder in particular felt strangely delighted by the idea. “I guess having good friends in on your secret isn’t such a bad thing. It’s one of those perks of having friends, you can trust them with almost anything.” She thought, comfortable with the knowledge that she would no longer need to hide her cute side from them. Heck, she’d even found a couple of diaper playmates.