> MLP-Destiny's Play > by The Bricklayer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1: Bad Moon Rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night had fallen over the sleepy little town of Ponyville. All was quiet, like most nights as of late. Most nights. As of late, this town had been the center of a series of peculiar happenings with very little explanation. Ponies, struck down in the night by an unknown entity. Found shattered like stained glass, and seemingly drained of blood. If that wasn’t enough, there had been blood moons on varying nights. If it was only one, then that might have not have been so odd. After all, singular blood moons were just total lunar eclipses. But several within a week? Now that was cause for alarm. Now these ponies, they’d been found aside from being drained of blood and shattered like glass, on occasion with a strange symbol beside them. One resembling two massive wings with a half-moon above it. At first, nobody knew what to think of all of this. Nobody could find a rational explanation for what was going on. Nobody could even have a finger to point at someone or something to blame, not even something from the wilds of the Everfree as no known creature from any bestiary could do any of this. That was, until he showed up. The creature known only as Kiva. Now, at first nobody knew what to call this strange dark creature that with the golden eyes that struck from the shadows, until one scholar living in her oak tree library got curious, and found that hundreds of years ago there existed a creature called Kiva who was known for killing ponies and leaving only mangled, shattered remains behind. Now everybody knew who to blame. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad for Kiva if there were other suspects that fit the profile, or the ponies he was killing weren’t pillars of the community. Take for example Spoiled Rich, who despite her frankly rather bitchy demeanor had contributed funds to quite a bit to the local school boards -Admittedly, even if only to keep her daughter from being thrown in detention a few times- or Cutting Axe who had provided quite a bit of timber for local construction companies. Sadly, with nobody else that fit this profile, Kiva continued to be the main suspect in these killings. And the worst part was, nobody knew exactly when the next would be. Perhaps the next night, perhaps later in the week. But life had to go on, as it always did. The ponies of Ponyville were a defiant -some might say stupid- lot and they couldn’t let themselves live in fear of a monster. No, life had to go on. It was a unified decision by the town’s populace, to show Kiva that they were not afraid of him or anything he could do to them. One had to respect that decision. Sadly for them, killers didn’t exactly pay much attention to defiance, or particularly care really. No, they had this need to hunt once more, and that time would be coming soon. Very soon as a matter of fact. It was late one night when it happened. The sun has just begun to set over the horizon, and the night shift for the construction on the new wing of Ponyville’s hospital had just begun. One Iron Shaft had just started hammering in some nails on what was going to be an inside wall on the new wing, alongside one of his fellow workers Hard Knock. The night was rather peaceful really, one might even say dull actually. Hammer in one nail, then move onto the next. That was how it was really, settling into the nightly routine. “...Celestia above,” Iron Shaft remarked. “Be so glad when this whole venture’s over. Been staying up far too late really for my liking, been messing with my entire sleep schedule. Throws my whole internal body clock out of whack, you know?” “Quit your bitching, we’re getting paid aren’t we?” Hard Knock remarked. “Besides, about the only work we could get really. The boss, he didn’t care what we did in our past lives.” Iron Shaft sighed to himself, and nodded. That much was true. It was hard for any former criminal to find a steady job, even if in his and Hard Knock’s case their only crimes were just holding up jewelry stores. It wasn’t like they were serial killers. Hell, they hadn’t killed anyone in their entire lives truth be told. The fact was, they were the furthest thing from stone-cold killers you could find. They abored it, actually. Made it a personal rule never to kill anyone on purpose back when they held up jewelry stores. Used stolen tasers instead of guns. Painful as all hell yes, but not deadly. “So, what do you think of these Kiva rumors?” Hard Knock had to ask. “Think there’s any truth to them, or are ponies just sniffing one too many shrooms and seeing things?” “...Well, we can’t deny the bodies. But a strange figure that strikes from the shadows?” Iron Shaft asked as he continued with his menial task. “Sounds like something more out of a comic book really. Hell, some unicorn may be throwing up spells to create this mirage of Kiva, hiding in the shadows and killing their victims.” “...That is the single most dumbest explanation I’ve ever heard,” Hard Knock deadpanned. “Man, I think I’ll stick to the mass mushroom sniffing explanation really…” “...Hey, no weirder than a comic book figure striking from the shadows and leaving an implant of a bat wing style emblem in the ground eh?” Iron Shaft pointed out and Hard Knock acknowledged this with a small shrug of his shoulders. “Wish the rest of our crew would show up,” Hard Knock muttered. “Surely they’re not scared of Kiva. We’re roughnecks, we don’t get scared of nothin’ except perhaps the threat of not being paid.” “Strike from the shadows man…” Iron Shaft commented. “Comic book figure or someone sniffing the shrooms, it’s still happening. Could happen to anyone, even us really. Hell, we could be killed right now, at this very moment. Can’t say I don’t blame them for being scared out of their wits. Truth be told, I am too, but I’ve got an alimony check to deal with so work must continue.” “...Ah yes, the ex-wife,” Hard Knock murmured. “Bitch. Always trying to get you to find her next drink, no wonder you divorced her. Damn shame she happened to be a really good lawyer on the side. Oh the irony, a criminal marrying a lawyer. Now there’s a good joke for you.” “Would actually be so funny if it didn’t happen to me,” Iron Shaft remarked. “Here I am, still paying alimony checks three years on!” “Hey, got something to cheer you up,” Hard Knock remarked. “Been working my ass off for this for every waking hour I’ve been at this job, but I finally managed it.” “It?” Iron Shaft questioned. “What’s it?” “You know exactly what it is!” Hard Knock refuted. “No, I don’t know what it is, so stop dicking around with me and being so damn vague!” Iron Shaft shouted, starting to get really annoyed with his friend. “Tickets!” Hard Knock beamed, waving a pair of printed slips of paper about in front of Iron’s face. “Tickets to your favorite singer, one Ms. Songbird Serenade for her Stars Align concert in Cloudsdale in a few short months!” “...No way, just no way,” Iron replied. “You’re screwing with me. Those have to be made up. They just simply have to be. You know how much those cost!?!” “Nope, they’re legit, the real effin’ deal. Tickets for the two of us! Tickets getting us the good seats! Like I said, worked my ass off to get ‘em!” Hard Knock chorused. “We, with our attractive masculine scent, are sure to catch her eye. Hell, maybe we’ll get really lucky and dear old Songbird will invite us onstage to be backup singers!” “...Well, not you. Your voice sounds like a strangled cat gettin’ a lobotomy in some back alley somewhere really.” Iron deadpanned. “Oh, like you’re some Feather Bangs yourself, dipshit!” Hard Knock sneered, and Iron looked as if he was about to punch his friend for even comparing him to that hack of a singer before both broke out laughing, falling to the floor when doing so. Another night, another argument between the two old chums. “...Alright, enough joking around. This wing isn’t going to get itself built really,” Iron remarked. “Still got a lotta work to do, and so little time to meet our deadline.” Suddenly, something clattered in the background. Something metallic really, and an odd squeaking sound came from somewhere beyond the two’s field of vision. “What was that?” Hard Knock remarked, the dark-coated pegasus beginning to look around in suspicion. “Probably a rat, playing with a beer can. Celestia knows some of our co-workers don’t bother to clean up after themselves.” Iron replied. “Nothin’ to worry about really. Pay it no mind.” “You sure about that?” Hard Knock asked. “What if it’s someone sneakin’ about? Trying to bust in and steal something from the job site?” Iron gave him a flat look. “Hard, really. Look around, what is there around here that’s worth stealing?” he asked, in an equally flat tone gesturing around him. “I mean, honestly!” That much was true at least, considering there really was not much worth stealing aside from a few construction tools. Of all the places to rob, this particular unfinished wing of the hospital wasn’t a good choice really. Granted, the other wings could have something of value… “Best we go have a little look around, just in case though…” Iron murmured going for a flashlight with Hard Knock following. “How much you want to bet it’s just some punk kids?” Hard Knock asked. “Could be out drinking, and decided it was a good idea to vandalize and graffiti the Hell out of our job site?” Iron looked down the darkened hallway, and then at Hard Knock. “You first,” he said. As Hard Knock hesitantly started down the hallway, a wicked grin spread across Iron’s face and he crept up behind Hard Knock. “Maybe it’s Kiva,” he joked, putting on an ominous voice. “Don’t joke about things like that,” Hard Knock replied, with a very visible shudder. “Just… Just don’t.” “Alright, if it’s not Kiva, I dare you to go down that hallway and get those kids out of here then,” Iron replied with a challenging smirk. “Unless you’re too… chicken.” Hard Knock glared at his friend, the taunt having the desired effect. “Alright, I’ll check it out. Just keep an ear out.” With that, the stallion turned and grabbed a flashlight to walk towards the sound. “Right…” Iron said. “If it’s Kiva, scream okay?” “Will do,” Knock grumbled, creeping into the darkness. Hard Knock continued down the abandoned hallway into what was supposed to be another lobby for the nurses, with rows of rooms for patients extending from either side. A small light bulb hung from the ceiling, swinging slowly back and forth in the nighttime air, blinking on and off every so often. “...Okay, note to self, get the electrics fixed soon as possible. I swear, wandering around here and bumping into things in the dark isn’t fun. Especially when there’s the possibility of a stone-cold killer on the loose.” Hard Knock mused to himself before groaning. What was that they said? The first sign of you going crazy was you starting to talk to yourself, wasn’t it? His head whipped to the left when he swore he saw something move in the darkness, and out of pure instinct picked up a nail gun. He lowered his arm, finding nothing but empty chairs at the nurse station. Turning away, he continued what he was starting to think was a fruitless search. There was a crash from behind him, nearly making him jump out of his skin. “Alright, if that’s you Iron, not funny man! Not funny at all!” Hard shouted into the darkness. Turning around slowly, he saw a prone pony on the floor. He rushed towards the pony, kneeling down besides the pony, recognizing him as one of his fellow workers, Smelting Pot. “...What the…?” Hard muttered as he kneeled down towards Smelting. “You alright man? Please tell me you didn’t overwork yourself into exhaustion again.” “Z-Zapapple h-he,” Smelting croaked out, trembling like a leaf. Hard took a moment to examine the pony, finding marks on his neck. The instant he found them, Smelting cried out and his body shattered like glass. “Smelting…” Hard whispered, fighting back a sniffle. “Okay, Kiva… Where are you?” he growled out, reaching for his nail gun once again, and gripping the trigger. Hard followed the path he guessed Smelting had taken, keeping his nail gun at the ready. Fear or no fear, Kiva had messed with a friend. That was something the stallion couldn’t forgive. Still, Smelting’s last words kept nagging at him even as he traipsed down the corridors. Lightning, what did he mean by that? Did he mean his boss Zapapple Strike perhaps? Did he mean, as much as Hard Knock hated to think it, that Zapapple was Kiva? No, that couldn’t be! Burnt was far too nice, treated his workers fairly and he had a hatred for injustice in all its forms. To simply even entertain the possibility that his boss was Kiva was just a really bad joke. It was more than that, it was disgusting. More likely, and this he knew from Smelting’s constant complaints about not being paid nearly enough, Smelting was probably trying to get off one last complaint about this. He hated to think ill of the dead, but that was the more likely probability in Hard Knock’s mind about what Smelting was trying to say. Zapapple, he didn’t pay me enough for this shit. Yeah, that had to be it. Another thought crossed his mind, one that made Hard pick up the pace of his search. What if Smelting was trying to tell him that Kiva was attacking Zapapple Strike? And furthermore, other members of Zapapple’s construction company as well? That meant he and then Iron could be next! Hard went into each room, finding nothing while his paranoia mounted. “Ya alright there Hard?” Zapapple Strike’s distinctive voice came from behind him, the aqua stallion’s southern accent being instantly recognizable. “Boss!” Hard said, breathing a sigh of relief and wiping sweat off his brow. “Thank Celestia you’re okay. Listen, Smelting’s dead and I think Kiva is after the company’s employees.” “Well… yer not entirely wrong there pardner…” Zapapple Strike smirked, as veins that resembled stained glass began to appear all over his face, and he took off his Stetson and tossed it aside. “Bit unsightly, that there damned thing was anyhow. Never fit me properly.” Hard screamed at the top of his lungs, finding himself standing face to face with what could only be described as a walking sea star, mostly dark-colored but with various stained glass detailing in various places. He wanted to run, but his hooves felt like they were made of cement. He closed his eyes, either to concentrate or to prepare for the end he couldn’t tell. Then it happened, two transparent fangs appeared above his head and jabbed themselves into either side of Hard Knock’s neck. Hard Knock let out a strangled scream, his life feeling like it was being drained away before all went dark and he slumped to the floor his entire body seemingly turning into crystal. Meanwhile, Iron had heard the scream and was rushing to its source only to find the Seastar Fangire standing over what was left of Hard Knock’s body. “Well now, suppose we can’t have any witness to mah doings can we now?” the Fangire murmured. “Really bad for business if Ah were to be outed as a monster now, now wouldn’t it eh? Hopin’ Kiva would be able to attend the party, but guess we can’t always get what we want really…” Iron screamed, turning and running as fast as his legs could carry him. His mind was racing, unable to process what he had just seen. Sadly, not fast enough as the Seastar Fangire was right behind, firing off blasts of electricity from his body nipping at Iron’s heels as it were. Something moved in the darkness, and Iron screeched to a halt as he saw a figure, shrouded in shadows standing in front of him, a small bat creature hovering above the pony’s shoulders. “Kivat!” the stallion -At least, Iron thought it was a stallion, he couldn’t really tell in the darkness- ordered, and Iron’s brows furrowed. He’d sworn he’d heard that voice somewhere before, but he just couldn’t place it as to where exactly. The figure raised his/her arm, and the bat creature bit down on it before a strange sound -impossible to describe, maybe like a distorted violin- filled the air before the pony stated: “Henshin.” A strange wave filled the room, the figure’s silhouette distorting. In a moment, shards of what appeared to be glass shot out and Kiva stepped out from the shadows, his yellow eyes flashing for a split second. Iron swallowed nervously, and let out a murmur of: “Oh fu…” as he realized what he’d landed in the middle of and the gravity of the situation, the young pegasus being caught between Kiva and another monster of some sort. “...Please, by Celestia’s name spare me…” Iron prayed before the Seastar Fangire grabbed Iron by the neck and pulled him close, laughing all the while. “So, what’ll it be? Mahself, or the innocent bystander?” the Fangire asked. Kiva didn’t respond, looking rather indecisive for a moment. One moment too long, as it would soon turn out, before he finally made up his mind. Iron watched as Kiva began pulling something off his belt. Iron focused on it, swearing it resembled a green whistle of some kind. Before the pegasus could question how the masked figure could blow it, Iron felt a sharp pain in his neck before he fell to the ground dead, just like Smelting and Hard Knock before him. “Ah Kiva, it’s always your love for the innocent. That’ll be yer downfall, Ah think.” the Fangire chuckled darkly. Kiva didn’t respond again, but the crimson bat on his belt called out, “Basshaa Magnum!” A jazzy tune started to play from the whistle, and a window shattered. As the glass cascaded to the floor, a strange object flew into Kiva’s hand, chains wrapping around his arm. His body turned green, as his left arm gained a shoulder pad and Kiva’s formerly yellow eyes filled with some sort of green liquid. Kivat’s formerly yellow eyes were now a greenish color as well. The chains merged into Kiva’s armor, leaving no trace they had been there. Kiva brought up the object, revealing itself to be a gun of some sort, with what looked to have a sorta windmill with three blades around the gun’s barrel. The blades spun, Kiva pulling the trigger to fire a condensed ball of water at the Fangire, making him stagger back before Kiva kicked him in the creature’s midsection making it smash through a partially constructed wall. Kivat detached himself from Kiva’s belt and flew around the Fangire as it fired off blasts of electricity once more. Kivat was laughing all the while as he dived and swooped to avoid the bolts with Kiva continuously firing at the Fangire. Kiva ignored the bat’s antics, all too familiar with the cocky attitude he displayed when they were out hunting down the monsters. All that mattered was making sure the fangire stopped feeding on the town of Ponyville. “Kivat!” Kiva ordered with a snap of his fingers. “Time to change tactics!” Kivat nodded, with the crimson bat creature returning to his place on Kiva’s belt as Kiva produced another whistle device with this one sorta resembling a wolf. “Garuru Saber!” the bat boomed, a different tune from before playing, this one sounding like an organ. The gun flew off from where it came from, Kiva’s armor reverting to normal before a blue object crashed through another window and into his other hand, chains wrapping around his arm and Kiva turning a dark blue shade, his eyes along with Kivat’s earning a dark blue tint as a wolf howled in the background. Kiva crouched down, growling ferally. Springing forward, he slashed at the fangire’s chest. The fangire swiped at him, scoring a slash across the chest of his own. “Ya shoulda stayed using that there fancy magnum of yers, would've been more productive in the long run. Ya might have actually had a chance of beatin’ me then!” the fangire taunted as he scored several more strikes across the chest with his long razor-sharp claws. He raised his hand to strike again, before Kiva blocked and then parried the blow with his saber before punching the fangire making it stagger back. The battle continued across the construction site, till both fighters were at the edge of the building, narrowly avoiding a long drop from the scaffolding to the hard ground below. “What’s that old sayin?” the fangire taunted. “It’s not the fall that kills ya, it’s hittin' the ground!” he shouted, as he took a swipe at Kiva, who barely dodged. But this was what the Fangire had been counting on, as Kiva took a misstep and falling over the edge. “...Well, that was easy.” the fangire remarked dusting his hands off. “Oh, when the King hears of this, Ah’ll be rewarded for su…” he trailed off, before he heard the flapping of wings and whirled around to see two butter-yellow wings holding Kiva aloft. “Time to finish this…” Kiva thought to himself. He lowered his saber to Kivat’s mouth, the bat biting down on the blade. “Chomp!” Kivat cried, his eyes flashing as the full moon turned a deep shade of blue in the background before Kiva leaped into the air as Kivat shouted “Wake up!” and Kiva launched himself at the fangire before slashing him right through the stomach. The fangire turned to glass before he began to crack and then he shattered as a ball of energy appeared from his remains and rose up to the sky. Kiva crossed himself, as a nearby mountain shimmered before revealing a massive Gothic-style castle. But this was hardly any ordinary castle, as no castle that ever existed should by all rights have a dragon’s head and wings. But this one did, and it took to the skies and as it did so Doran -For that was the Dragon’s name- opened his jaws and devoured the fangire’s soul. “Be sure to brush your teeth with this one!” Kivat shouted at Doran before whispering quietly: “Now, may you find peace in another life…” Suddenly a powerful set of claws blindsided Kiva knocking him to the floor. “What? Another fangire?!” Kivat shouted, turning to face the attacker only for his eyes to widen as he saw a creature resembling a lion approaching. “Fl-Kiva, run! It’s one of the Checkmate Four!” Kivat shouted, quickly catching himself. It would not be wise to unveil Kiva’s real name to one of the most powerful Fangire alive. “Game start.” the lion fangire laughed, before launching a flurry of spikes from his claws at Kiva, who quickly picked himself up off the floor and began running for it. The fangire laughed all the while. “Oh, isn’t this surprising! Kiva running, instead of facing me! I’m rather disappointed frankly, I’ve heard the new Kiva was supposed to be all that!” Kiva faltered, taking to the sky to avoid the spikes. The taunt wounded him, but he couldn’t form a response. A part of him knew Kivat was right, even a lesser member of the Four was too much for him. Especially after having just fought one of the Four’s possible underlings. For now, he would have to rest, and heal. The next morning, the remains of the construction workers would be found by a guard patrol. Ever since Kiva’s presence had become known to Princess Twilight, she’d sent her personal guard out on organized patrols in hopes of catching the mysterious killer. They never did find Kiva, but they always found the remains of his ‘victims’. “We’ve got another one over here!” one Flash Sentry shouted, as he found the remains of Smelting. “Drained of his blood, just like all the rest of them.” he sighed, and shook his head with his purple and gold armor shimmering in the early morning sun. “That makes what? Three of them?” the Captain of Twilight’s personal guard asked. “And their boss, one Zapapple Strikes has conveniently gone missing as well. We must assume he’s probably dead as well.” Tempest Shadow chuckled to herself. A couple months or so ago, she wouldn’t have given a damn about any dead ponies really, or friendship or any of that rot. Of course, that was before the Storm King, and Twilight. “Now I truly am the Storm King! And the entire world will bow to my ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!” “Yes, yes, you are every bit as powerful as I promised. Sire, now, restore my horn and I swear to use my magic to serve you!” “Who cares about your dinky little unicorn horn?!” “But... we... we had an agreement!” “Get with the program! I used you! ...It's kind of what I do.” Howling winds and a great battle leaving Tempest narrowly avoiding death if not for one outstretched hand of friendship. “Hold on!” “Why are you saving me?” “Because this is what friends do.” Even a few months on, Tempest still really didn’t understand why Twilight did what she did, but she couldn’t argue with the results. She was still respected for her power, yes, but this time around nobody was afraid of her at the same time. Twilight had personally appointed Tempest as the leader of her Friendship Guard citing her leadership and combative abilities. A few ponies had balked at first, yelling that a former enemy of Equestria should in no way be anywhere near Princess Twilight till she shut them up by stating that Tempest was in no way a threat to the nation’s well being and that treating her as an enemy of Equestria would probably in the end result with Tempest actually turning against Equestria once more. “So…” Flash Sentry sighed, taking in a deep breath. “Shall we call it in Captain?” “Yes, that would be the wisest choice especially considering there was a blue moon spotted by everyone in Ponyville last night. And as far as I know there’s been no extra full moons planned by Princess Luna unless I missed any memos so…” “Alright,” Flash replied. “Calling it. At sometime around 8:00 PM last night, Smelting Pot, Iron Shaft, Hard Knock, and Zapapple Strikes were killed by the Masked Killer Kiva.” “Check the security cameras of the construction site, I want to see if any of them caught Kiva on film,” Tempest ordered to her second in command, a little hedgehog named Grubber and also a former servant of the late Storm King. Before all of this, Tempest wouldn’t have even given Grubber the time of day as she honestly hated him and found him annoying really. But now, she actually appreciated him for what he was, a sort of light in the Storm King’s darkness and a good friend. While she was hardly romantically interested in him in the slightest as her heart lay elsewhere, she appreciated his company and his bad jokes. Kept the mood light when needed. “Sadly, already did that,” Grubber remarked, the small hedgehog rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Something just ruined the camera’s internal electronics, and thereby ruining any footage they might have caught. If I had to guess, some sort of high pitched sound maybe?” “...Just like always…” Tempest muttered to herself. This was a recurring problem whenever the Guard investigated any site that Kiva had killed at. If any security cameras existed, they’d been found ruined internally somehow making footage reconstruction impossible. “So, what are we looking for here really?” Grubber asked. “I mean, what’s the connection between these guys, and the rest of Kiva’s victims? I mean, serial killers often have a type don’t they?” “Hmm, yes, they do really do they not. Could be racial, could be sex-related, could be their occupation, could be anything really,” Tempest mused, rubbing her chin in thought. “But that’s just the thing, isn’t it? None of the victims thus far we’ve seen, none of them have had any connections aside from being killed by Kiva.” “Wild thought here,” Grubber remarked. “But what if the killer isn’t Kiva? What if it’s someone else? Someone we’re not looking at? I mean, have we ever actually ever seen Kiva kill anyone? Sure, his emblem has always been left at the scene of the crimes but how do we know the killer just didn’t plant that there to frame Kiva?” “Kiva is ponykind’s enemy, you know that as well as I do,” Tempest stated firmly as she looked directly at Grubber. “Twilight says so, Luna says so -Luna’s even fought Kiva before she was banished to the moon- and just about every other source of information we have on Kiva says so. Kiva must be stopped.” With that, she walked off with her report to Princess Twilight in hand thinking to herself “I just hope that new power Twilight’s been working on will be enough to stop him…” Unknown to her, Grubber had thoughts of his own thinking to himself: “But what if everybody’s wrong? What if we’re all wrong and Kiva is ponykind’s ally?” All both knew for sure was that the fingers of fate and destiny were fickle ones indeed, and whatever they had in mind for Equestria one thing was for certain. There was a bad moon on the rise. > Part 2: Rhapsody - My Resolve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville: Fluttershy’s Cottage Fluttershy let out a whimper as she sunk down into her bed, the young mare fighting back a sob. More ponies lost to the Fangires, and to Kiva all because she simply didn’t get there in time! Looking down from his place in the rafters, Kivat sighed to himself and shook his head the little crimson bat giving an expression of pity. Honestly, he thought to himself as he watched Fluttershy sob to herself into her pillow, he wished this burden was given to someone else. Fluttershy shouldn’t be Kiva, even if her lineage demanded it. For years, her entire family lineage had kept the Fangires in check as part of the secretive Wonderful Blue Sky Organization, a secret branch of Celestia’s Solar Guard. But then that’s when it happened, Fluttershy’s father happened to fall in love with the previous queen of the Fangires, a mare named Posey. He wasn’t really sure of the entire story of what happened, and just how Fluttershy’s father had managed to wrangle three monsters from across Equestria into promising to protect his daughter. In order, they were Jiro the Timberwolf, Ramon the Siren and Riki, the legendary Frankenstein's Monster. As for how he did it, and how he managed to fight off the Fangires, it wasn’t like Kivat could just ask Fluttershy’s father really as he’d taken ill several years ago and passed away, unfortunately. “Fluttershy…” Kivat sighed to himself as he flapped down to her bedside table and stroked her with a wing. “You think you’re not the only one beating yourself up over this? I wanted to save those ponies just as much as you did. Sometimes we lose, we have to accept that.” “...I won’t accept that, I will never accept any ponies dying on my watch as acceptable losses!” Fluttershy hissed out at her sometimes friend. “Fluttershy, I wasn’t putting it like that!” Kivat stated, backing up a little from Fluttershy’s fearsome glare. “You must understand, not every battle will end in a victory, no matter how much we want them to. The Fangires, they’re fierce, relentless, and they will not give in until they are the sole remaining form of intelligent life on Equestria! Did… did I ever tell you what happened to Ramon’s race?” “N-No…” Fluttershy whispered, wiping away her tears and letting out a small sniffle. “Oh, it happened ages and ages ago, long before you and I were ever born, it was back during the time of my father, Kivat the Second. Back during the time of Starswirl the Bearded, actually. You remember what happened to the Dazzlings?” “Y-Yes,” Fluttershy stuttered out, nodding her head. “They… They wanted to rule all over Ponykind, so they used their voices to bring ponies under their control right?” “Yes, that’s true but that isn’t the full story. No, they were scared of the Fangires of that time. The King of the Fangires, he’d ordered the Siren race eliminated and the Dazzlings, they were on the run. They couldn’t fight back against the Fangires and their sheer power, nor could they go to the Princesses for help because all ponies distrusted the Siren race by pure instinct so the Dazzlings were forced to take matters into their own hooves,” Kivat explained. “So this is what they did, they used the only thing they knew how to use. Their singing, and the ability ingrained within it to bring ponies under their control to form an army to oppose the Fangires. The Blue Sky Organization, it didn’t exist back then so they were Ponykind’s only hope,” Kivat chuckled. “Imagine, Sirens of all creatures being the last hope of the pony race!” he stated in amusement at the sheer irony of it all before letting out a sad sigh. “So, what happened?” Fluttershy asked although she had a feeling she already knew the answer. “What do you think? It all went sour due to the actions of one pony. Sadly, Starswirl the Bearded, he misunderstood their intentions nor did he even know of the Fangires despite his great respite of knowledge. So, he did the only thing he thought just from his position, banish the Dazzlings to worlds unknown. Perhaps he did them a favor, sparing them from the slaughter that was to come, perhaps he didn’t if what you told me about Twilight’s experience with the Dazzlings in the present day is to be believed. Who’s to say?” Kivat shrugged. “I’d… I’d like to think he did,” Fluttershy whispered. “Starswirl, when I met him along with the other pillars, he was a good pony underneath all of that. He may have been a zealot in some respects but he didn’t understand everything such as friendship and the possibilities of there being more than one way to look at a problem as the situation with Stygian showed.” “Hmmm…” Kivat nodded. “Agreed. Once you put it that way, I suppose you have a point.” “So,” Fluttershy inquired with a raised eyebrow sitting herself on the foot of her bed. “If all of the Sirens were slaughtered, how did…?” she trailed off. “Ramon escape?” Kivat finished for her. “I have many theories, and I do want to bring them to Ramon, but to be honest I don’t think he’s willing to open up to me really. Perhaps you would have better luck really.” “I’ll… I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll pay him a visit sometime. Gosh, he must be getting lonely with only Jiro and Riki to keep him company…” she trailed off. “Oh, I doubt that. All of the Arms Monsters, they all play a mean game of poker,” Kivat replied. “I’ve joined them every so often, they always manage to clean me out!” he stated in a tone of indigence crossing his wings much like one would cross their arms. “...Dare I ask what you play with?” Fluttershy asked, with a small giggle. Kivat mumbled something under his breath, something Fluttershy couldn’t quite catch. “What was that?” she asked. “...Porn mags.” Kivat mumbled quietly. “What was that?” Fluttershy asked again. “I… I said porn mags!” Kivat sputtered out. “Riki and Jiro love them, and so do I, my my, those ponies with the long beautiful necks!” Next thing he knew, Kivat found himself smacked into a wall as Fluttershy huffed. Kivat groaned in pain and muttered to himself: “Damn pony hearing…” Fluttershy heard that too and threw a shoe at him. Later that day Fluttershy met up with her close friend Rainbow Dash at the local gym, with Rainbow found lifting weights and trying to improve her muscles. Or work off body fat, it depended on the day. Personally, Fluttershy knew Rainbow was just trying to impress her Wonderbolt comrade Soarin’ but Rainbow always denied it when asked if that was the case. “Celestia damnit…” Rainbow groaned out as she lifted some barbells that had to be at least fifty pounds or more. “Can’t shave off this extra body fat! I mean, I do not look good resembling a hog!” Personally, Fluttershy as she continued running on the treadmill she was on, didn’t quite see what Rainbow was on about. She wasn’t into mares -or at least she didn’t think she was- but even she could tell at this distance that Rainbow had a very flattering if somewhat boyish figure. Her sports bra and sweats definitely showed it off, and Fluttershy did take notice quite a few nearby colts had distracted themselves from their weight-shedding and were taking a few glances of their own at the Element of Loyalty’s figure. “Flutters, how do you do it?” Rainbow asked, momentarily putting the weights aside for the time being and looking over to her friend, who was dressed in just a simple gray sweatshirt and light blue jogging pants. “I mean, how? You’re barely out of the house as it is, except to buy groceries for your animals or whenever you get called on map missions, and yet you’re slimmer than me! And I’m in the Wonderbolts for cryin’ out loud!” Fluttershy overheard Rainbow’s pleading and secretly smirked before taking the earbuds out of her ear, deciding to tease her friend a little. The song that had been playing on her device was audible if you listened closely. “Your thoughts are all tangled up; They've been overcrowding you. Your strength produces weakness that you don't even realize... “Sharpen up, Wake up! I feel a special sensation! With a keen ear you can hear it, The future that is happening in the smallest moment…” If anyone had heard the full lyrics, they might have been caught off-guard by the song. Not exactly something they might have expected the sweetest pony in Ponyville to listen to really, a song called “Innocent Trap” for a very good reason. “I have my ways,” Fluttershy smiled as she adjusted the treadmill’s speed and slowed it down somewhat. “Trade secret, really.” “Aw come on Flutters, not even for your best friend?” Rainbow whined. “You gotta let me in on this, what’s your secret?” “Oh, come off it Rainbow dearie,” Rarity’s voice chimed in as she and Tempest walked in with a chiming of the gym’s front door, towels slung over their shoulders. Quite a few stallions cleared the room, not wanting to be in the same area as Tempest, whether it was due to her sheer stature and intimidating appearance or due to her past. Whatever the case, Tempest paid them no mind, and simply rolled her eyes. Pathetic, if she had to state her opinions on the matter. Simply and utterly pathetic. “And everyone wonders why I haven’t started dating anyone yet really…” Tempest thought to herself in a disgusted tone. “Simply because nobody is brave enough to even approach me or remember I put my past behind me. What do I have to do to prove to them I’ve changed? Kill Kiva? Is being part of Twilight’s personal guard simply not enough for them?” “Every lady is entitled to some secrets of their own, are they not?” Rarity asked, tying her curled dark violet hair back into a ponytail and sharing a glance with Tempest. She sighed, the poor mare had way too much pent-up stress. Needed to get out more, do more things aside from just chasing down criminals and guarding Twilight. Maybe she should set her up on a blind date? She knew plenty of stallions that could probably handle Tempest's… demeanor. “Unless…” Rarity thought to herself as she thought of Twilight and how close Tempest seemed to be with her friend. “Ms. Berrytwist’s tastes don’t run towards stallions… Hmm, I wonder. Nah, another time.” “Exactly,” Tempest agreed as she sat down at an arm curling machine and began using it to build up her already impressive biceps. “Leave the poor mare alone hmm? If she wants to tell you her little secret as to how she stays so slim, she will tell you in time.” As she sat to work on building up her biceps, Tempest smirked at Rainbow. “And another thing, you really don’t need to impress Soarin with your muscles or improve your figure. Pretty sure he’d like you just the way you are,” Tempest remarked. “I’m still new at this friendship thing, but even I know that.” “W-Who said I was trying to impress anyone?” Rainbow stammered out, and Rarity laughed. “Oh come off it dearie,” the fashionista smirked as she started up a treadmill next to Fluttershy. “Anyone with eyes can see it, the way you work yourself night and day here! Plus, you didn’t start coming to this gym anyways until after a certain birdie let loose Soarin’ occasionally came here.” Rarity remarked, and Tempest had to stifle a chuckle in the background. So busted. Rainbow was like an open book at times, anyone could read her. “T-That’s a lie!” Rainbow stammered out, her face flushed quite red. “And you all know it!” “Suurrrrre, whatever you say, darling…” Rarity trailed off, with a small smirk and a raised eyebrow. “Let us believe whatever you want. We know the real truth.” “I don’t understand why we’re here bantering about in idle gossip over Rainbow’s love life -or lack thereof- when there’s a real problem at hand, and we all know it,” Tempest huffed, as she momentarily stopped her bodybuilding. “Which is?” Rainbow inquired, with both Rarity and Fluttershy stopping whatever they were doing and listening in closely. “There’s been another… incident,” Tempest stated. “Another attack.” she continued, catching everyone’s interest at once and all eyes turned to her. “Y-You don’t mean…?” Rarity trailed off in a fearful stutter. “Yes, there was a blue moon seen last night, and several ponies at a nearby construction site were found by myself and some of the other guardsmen. Kiva’s struck again, I’m sure of it!” Tempest stated in frustration before swearing loudly. “Tempest, please!” Rarity admonished. “While I share your views on Kiva, this is a public space, so if you could tone your choice of language down a notch…?” “I apologize, Ms. Belle,” Tempest sighed. “It’s just… Well, Kiva attacking these ponies in the dead of night for no reason and then us being unable to stop him time and time again, it frustrates me to no end.” “Bastard…” Rainbow muttered to herself. “Ooh, how I’d like to give this ‘Kira’ or whatever he calls himself the old one-two!” “Kiva.” Tempest corrected. “I-I’m sorry,” Fluttershy whispered, but just loud enough for her three friends to hear her. “But how do we know it’s Kiva that’s attacking these poor ponies? I mean, do we have any proof of that?” “The insignia left by the killer, Kiva’s insignia is more than enough proof I say!” Tempest stated, with Rainbow nodding in agreement. Rarity stayed silent, seemingly lost in thought. “But has anyone actually seen Kiva doing these deeds?” Fluttershy asked. “How do we know he or she is actually doing it? It could be a frame-up.” Tempest briefly flashed back to a few hours before, with Grubber’s words which were remarkably similar to the Element of Kindness’s own. “Wild thought here,” Grubber remarked. “But what if the killer isn’t Kiva? What if it’s someone else? Someone we’re not looking at? I mean, have we ever actually ever seen Kiva kill anyone? Sure, his emblem has always been left at the scene of the crimes but how do we know the killer just didn’t plant that there to frame Kiva?” “Flutters listen,” Rainbow said as she walked over to her friend and put a hand on her shoulder. “I understand your kindness, and the ability to want to see the best in anyone more than anyone else here but you’ve got to face the facts here. Kiva’s a killer, and that’s the end of the matter.” “No, that’s just what you all believe!” Fluttershy replied angrily, and Rainbow took a step back. Whether it was due to shock or fear, Rainbow wasn’t exactly sure. “Because there’s nothing to say otherwise!” Rainbow argued back once she’d regained the capacity for speech, her voice raised to a shout. “Exactly, nothing to say otherwise. Nothing!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “If that’s the case, well, I’ll just have to find something!” As Fluttershy began to march out in a huff, Tempest laid a firm hand on her shoulder. “Listen, heed both my and your best friend’s warnings. Kiva is not to be trifled with, you should not and I repeat should not go even looking for him! He will kill you without a second thought!” “Well, we’ll just have to see about that won’t we?” Fluttershy stated, before taking her leave. She sighed. If only she could tell them… “So, that’ll be it then. My resolve, to prove to the world that Kiva is not a killer,” Fluttershy thought to herself. “But the question is… how?” Not far away from the gym, at a nearby playground sat a tan stallion in a black leather jacket with a chessboard and a rook as his Cutie Mark, an image of this Cutie Mark being stitched into the back of his jacket. His fur seemed to be covered in small scorch marks, and for a very good reason. Rook, AKA the Lion Fangire had this thing. These little games of his, which he called Time Plays. What he did, was find something seemingly of random and then attempt to kill ponies within twenty minutes. If he failed to do so, he would find some electrical wires and electrocute himself with them as punishment for his failure, as he had recently done for his failure to kill Kiva last night. “So, I failed…” Rook thought to himself as he approached a set of power lines and pulled them down, before screaming out in pain as the shock went through his body. “I must atone for my sins.” Eventually, he allowed himself release from this self-devised torment of his and continued on, wondering what his next ‘game’ would be. Perhaps it would be something truly fun indeed. If for whatever reason he won his little game, he would treat himself to some ice cream from Sugarcube Corner or wherever. “So,” he, with a distinct neighponiese accent asked a nearby mare who was out walking her dog. “Do you know of anything fun?” “F-Fun?” the mare stuttered out, all of her instincts telling her to just run from this man as fast and as far away as she could. But she swallowed her courage and answered anyway. “W-Well, I suppose there’s the gym. I mean, yummy right? Just watching those stallions build up their biceps and abs and whatnot!” “So that’s it,” Rook thought to himself, licking his lips in pleasure for what was to come. “My newest game.” “Arigato,” he stated before two green fangs popped out of nowhere and injected themselves into the mare’s neck before she dropped to the grass unseen thanks to the heavy cover of bushes between her and the playground. Rook looked towards his watched and pressed a button. With a small Beep! It set itself to a time limit of twenty minutes. “Time play…” Rook began. “Start. Gym goers, how explicitly interesting…” Later that day, Fluttershy paid a visit to Castle Doran using a secret underground tunnel from her cottage that led inside the Castle. As ever and true to Kivat’s words, Jiro and Riki were playing a game of poker using porn mags as the buy-ins. Ramon in his Siren form sat off to the right in a small man-made lake just shaking his head in disgust. “You know, you two are real pervs, ya know that right?” Ramon remarked, the green siren’s yellow eyes narrowed. “Clean up your act, the Lady’s entered the Castle!” Jiro let out a yelp of surprise while Riki just ate a corner of one of the magazines making a grunting sound, the legendary beast not really caring one bit. Wasn’t like he was raised to pony standards. How could you expect him to be, given he was a monster made out of various bits of old corpses and brought to life by a lightning bolt? Ramon facepalmed. “The creatures I put up with… I swear, even dragons are classier than you two. Even dragons…” he muttered. “Apologies for their behavior Lady Fluttershy, if I had known you were coming I would have taken the mags and drenched them making them unreadable.” “...It’s alright, I already knew about what they used instead of bits.” Fluttershy sighed, shaking her head, before giving a really nasty glare to both Riki and Jiro who tried to make themselves as small as they could, seeing a fearsome devil with horns of fire sorta resembling Tirek in a way instead of a sweet shy butter yellow pegasus. “Who blabbed?” Jiro asked. “Who do you think?” Riki muttered. “Had to be Kivat, he could never keep a secret from the Lady to save his life.” “...Fair enough,” Jiro admitted. “But I’m still blaming you, you walking pile of flesh.” “Timberwood.” Riki sniped back. “Jerk!” Jiro barked. “Bitch,” Riki grumbled. “Mutant freak.” Jiro sniped back, not really offended by the last remark because of how technically true it was but still he hated his compatriot all the same. And so the argument continued on, Fluttershy tuning it out rather used to the two’s little spats by now. “...Children, I’m surrounded by children,” Ramon muttered, using his fin to give the siren equivalent of a facepalm. Fluttershy didn’t both telling Ramon he was technically the youngest of the group. “Anyways, again apologizing for their behavior, I assume you came here because you wanted something my Lady?” the siren asked his Master of sorts. Long ago, Fluttershy’s father had managed to befriend the three oddballs and had turned them into his family’s retainers, asking them alongside Kivat to keep an eye on his little girl as she grew up should he fail to do so in any way. This sadly became true, as when Fluttershy was of a very young age, her father contacted a cancer of the lungs and passed away very shortly leaving this motley bunch alongside Kivat as Fluttershy’s adopted uncles and father figures. Her mother Posey knew none of this of course, nor did her brother and only assumed she was one of the sole constants in her daughter’s life family wise. Fluttershy, while turning rather meek after her father’s demise had taken a decidedly different direction from her brother who was rather outgoing. Pretty much the opposite of how things were when the two were children. Fluttershy, for her it had taken years to build up her confidence to even a small level of what it once was when she was a toddler, adventurous and willing to explore the world. She hadn’t quite reached those levels again yet, and she deep down inside suspected she never would but she would try her hardest if only for her father. Sadly, the constant put-downs in her life nowadays by people decrying Kiva as a monster instead of a savior -even if they didn’t know any better- didn’t help matters much. “Ramon, if I may,” Fluttershy asked nervously. “Can I ask you about your… past? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but…” “No, no. You have a right to know. You have a right to know,” Ramon sighed, repeating certain phrases as he had a tendency to do when he either got nervous or embarrassed. Which was more often than one might think, despite Ramon being a big scary siren which was a known pony predator. He was young, hadn’t grown into his full size and plus he knew the ongoing threat of the Fangires kept him confined to Castle Doran until they were dealt with. “How I escaped the slaughter I mean. The Dazzlings weren’t the only members of my brethren to escape the wrath of the Fangire King. No, my great-great grandmother managed to survive, and give birth to my mom who gave birth to me in turn, our family dodging the Fangires as best we could but in the end… Well, I’m the last of my race left as far as I know really…” “Oh, Ramon…” Fluttershy whispered, stroking the teenage siren’s facial scale. “I promise you, I will not let your race’s demise go unavenged. That is part of my resolve of Kiva.” “Fluttershy…” Ramon whispered, a small tear dripping from his eye. “Don’t make a kid a promise, not if you don’t know if you can keep it. The Fangires, they’re powerful, they’re numerous and Rook? He’s only the weakest of the Checkmate Four.” “Kid’s right,” Jiro stated. “Very right indeed. Rook’s dangerous yes, but not the most dangerous of the Fangires. The King, the Queen, the Bishop? You can’t possibly hope to take them all on alone.” “I’m not alone, I have you all don’t I?” Fluttershy asked, before taking on a deep sigh. “Plus, if I can get my friends to see reason, then you’ll have all six Elements of Harmony on your side alongside the Princesses.” “Good luck with that one kid,” Jiro muttered. “For all they know, Kiva’s just a mass-murderer. They don’t see ponies turning into their true Fangire forms, all they see is the aftermath we five leave in our wake.” “Hey, have some faith in the girl why don’t you, ya bundle of firewood?” Riki grunted out, the massive muscle-bound creature with skin hard as rock cracking his neck. This was something he did out of habit even if there was no real need for it except to possibly look intimidating which wasn’t hard for him really. “She’s a lot stronger than she looks. Anyone else forced to bear the burden of being the newest Kiva, they probably would have cracked under the pressure. Cracked like an egg. But the Lady here? She hasn’t.” “...At least not yet.” Jiro muttered, with Fluttershy’s thoughts going along similar lines unbeknownst to any of the three Arms Monsters. “He’s right, Jiro’s completely right. M-Maybe I’m not cut out for all of this, stopping monsters and saving pony lives. Maybe I’m just not the mare my father and Kivat would have wanted me to be… But for the sake of ponykind, I will try. I will try, that is the best I can do at this point.” She had a brief flashback to her father, laying in his hospital bed. “Flutters, for the sake of our family, and by Faust I know you’re far too young to take up this burden, you need to protect the world.” “P-Protect the world from what daddy?” Fluttershy asked. “After I leave, you will learn. I’m sorry my daughter, I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I wish I didn’t have to pass on the burden I should be carrying to you but…” “But? But what?” Fluttershy asked before she realized her father’s hand had gone limp, and the heart rate monitor had flat-lined. “Daddy! DADDY!” It was only a short fifteen years later that Fluttershy had taken up her first night on the job as Kiva, when the Fangires decided to reemerge. “Kivat!” A quick henshin and a few short minutes of fists landing blows later, Fluttershy decided to deal with the dark blue Kirin-themed Fangire that had decided to start sucking lives from a few ponies off exploring the Whitetail Woods and finish the job. “WAKE UP!” A scarlet moon was seen in the sky that night, and shattered glass lay on the street with a massive imprint of a winged logo smashed into the ground thanks to one Darkness Moon Break. And so the legend of Kiva, the silent killer in the night had begun. Fluttershy wouldn’t know this until a few weeks later till it hit the papers at last, but someone had apparently seen her escaping from the scene of the crime and had photographed her Kiva form along with her insignia. Granted, it was possible the story had hit the papers sooner and was highly likely it had in fact and Fluttershy was only seeing a reprint due to her distaste for the Ponyville Chronicle which had first broken the story. But all the same, Kiva was now known to the world, and not in the way Fluttershy would have liked really to say the least. Suddenly, Fluttershy’s thoughts returned to the present and her head whipped around to the sound of Castle Doran’s bell ringing loudly, and she let out a whisper of “Fangire…” Meanwhile, at Princess Twilight’s castle, Tempest had returned from her little outing with Rarity, thoughts running rampant. A few short weeks ago, life was so simple. Just guard Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and generally keep the town in order and stop things from going too insane. Well, too insane by Ponyville’s standards, considering she’d heard of a swarm of Parasprites chewing up the town a few years back only to be solved by the pink one serving as a one mare band chasing them off, or Twilight casting spells on everyone to make them fight over her childhood doll of all things just so she could have a friendship problem to solve. But then Kiva had to show his face, and she, along with the rest of the Elements of Harmony had to be formerly indoctrinated into the Wonderful Blue Sky organization considering all seven’s pasts experiences in fighting evil and kicking ass in general.  Apparently, if they were to be believed, they’d been formed centuries ago when Kiva first appeared and fought off Princess Luna and since then had devoted themselves to his capture if he ever were to appear again, fighting off various dangerous monsters such as hydras and bugbears in the meantime. “Grubber, what are you doing?” Tempest had to ask, seeing the little hedgehog chow down on a hoard of cake, probably doing Celestia and her somewhat large flanks proud. “What does it look like, I’m stress-eating! This whole Kiva thing’s got me out of whack, you know?” Grubber exclaimed through a mouthful of cake, Tempest grimacing in disgust. Grubber looked apologetic and swallowed his food. “You know, you really should try this stuff, it’s great! Seriously, Mrs. Cake? Makes the best vanilla oat sponge cake this side of Canterlot.” “No thanks, rots my teeth,” Tempest remarked. “Thank you Grubber, for trying to help but-” “I know, I know, you don’t need it. But seriously, you need to try and relax more. That intimidating look, -Yeah, that one right there with that big scowl!- always a huge turn-off for stallions. Or mares if you’re into that sorta thing. Not going to judge you,” Grubber shrugged. “Two things, cake and a good massage from Aloe and her sister. That’s what always manages to help me relax, calm my mind, enter my inner peace and all that.” Tempest sighed, Grubber, he meant well but he didn’t always know what was best for her at times. He was trying to make up for being such a bad partner over the years from their service to the Storm King, the invasion of Canterlot especially. After the entire friendship festival had ended, and all was said and done with the now free Storm Creatures returning to their homelands in the mountains of Yakyakistan, Tempest and Twilight had eventually found Grubber crying away from the judgemental eyes of everyone else. Apparently, he’d tried so much to put in a good effort in impressing Tempest and showing that he was cut out for the job, that Tempest’s constant rejections had finally cut him to the core. That big speech he’d prepared for Tempest’s entrance in Canterlot? Trying to impress her. His constant -Constantly terrible, Grubber himself admitted- jokes and offered pastries were attempts at cheering her up just a little as he always said that scowl never looked right on her face. And when the invasion truly began with the Storm King creating his long-awaited storm of the ages, he’d ran away and hid in fear and in shame of his constant failures. From that day forth, Tempest swore to keep Grubber by her side, laugh at his jokes no matter how bad they were and generally make him feel needed even going so far as appointing him as her second-in-command. “Oh, oh!” Grubber suddenly exclaimed. “I know that face, it’s your stressed about a problem face! Y’know, you and Princess Twilight seem to share that same face at times. That exact same face, that one right there!” “That obvious huh?” Tempest grimaced. “Yeah, I’ve been having trouble with-” “Kiva? Don’t worry amigo,” Grubber replied. “You’ll find the answer, I know you will.” “Were it so easy…” Tempest murmured to herself as she walked off. As she did so, she heard Grubber’s voice calling after her. “Hey, when you see Twilight, tell her the fridge is out of whipped cream!” Tempest sighed good-naturedly, a far cry from her former self indeed and met Princess Twilight in where else but the castle library. There the Princess was, clad in a midnight-blue dress amongst a veritable mountain of books all on vampires and killing them. Next to her sat some wooden stakes-possibly made of evergreen, Tempest had heard of its effectiveness- a silver cross and some holy water probably gathered from one of the nearby churches of Lady Faust. “You alright? Look like you’ve been up all night Princess,” Tempest asked, laying a hand on her friend’s shoulder. That much was true, Twilight’s face was baggy and her eyes were bloodshot with a nearly empty coffee mug saying ‘World’s Best Princess’ sitting nearby. Her face was resting in the pages of an open book, one very ancient tome probably pulled from Canterlot’s Archives if the subject matter was any indication. “No, Fizzlepop…” Twilight moaned, one of the few people Tempest actually trusted and allowed to call her by her real name. “Just… Just been combing through every book I can find on a way to deal with Kiva. Considering the bodies we’ve found, drained of blood, I think it’s safe to assume Kiva is some sort of Vampire.” “But the bodies we’ve also found, some of them have been shot or shattered like glass. Last I checked, Vampires don’t do that.” Tempest remarked, rubbing her chin in thought. For a brief moment, she considered both Grubber and Fluttershy’s words. Maybe they were right, maybe they were going in the wrong direction. She soon brushed those thoughts aside. No, Kiva was the primary culprit behind these serial killings. Maybe a few were copycat murders by some form of nutty worshippers, but Kiva had to be the main one doing this. “Like I said, some sort. Just what breed, I’m not sure yet, “ Twilight sighed. “I’ll figure it out.” “You always do…” Tempest smiled. “So, I presume you called me here for a reason?” Twilight blinked slowly in shock, not completely awake really before her eyes shot wide open and she muttered “Yes, yes. Now I remember. It’s ready, quite ready indeed!” She pulled an obviously fake book out from a shelf, and with a small click, a painting turned around to reveal what looked to be a belt along with a white and gold knuckle of some sort. “Fizzlepop Berrytwist, or Tempest Shadow if you prefer, I’d like to introduce you to the Intercept and Attack system or IXA for short. Version X, really.” “Wait, so this is the tenth version of a system, and from what I’ve been gathering about you remarking about a new power, I’m going to be the first one to actually use and test this system against Kiva?” Tempest asked in shock, caught off-guard as Twilight handed her the belt and the IXA Knuckle. “I… I don’t know what to say, this… this is an honor for you to entrust me with such a weapon.” “You, out of all the candidates the Blue Sky Organization went through, were the best choice for version 10 of the system,” Twilight nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. “However, I should feel free to warn you, while the IXA system has been refined over the years with various abilities being added or removed as time went on, there’s one problem that the Blue Sky Organization has always worried persisting as time went on. Namely, the toll this takes on the pony body. The first few users of IXA, back in its original state did wind up in the hospital from what they told me. Tempest, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to…” Twilight trailed off, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder out of concern. That had was quickly brushed away. “No, I have to. No, I want to, for the greater good. Even if it kills me, Kiva must be stopped no matter the cost.” Tempest stated as Twilight sighed once more. “If you say so…” she murmured as Tempest took notice of the little whistles attached to the belt’s holsters. “Can I just ask? What’s with these?” the mare remarked, holding up a white whistle with blue detailing. “Ah, yes. Those are my own little additions. I’ve taken notice in texts Kiva has used various whistles to activate various powers, so I decided to copy the system and give IXA the same ability. Technology to fight magic.” “Perfect,” Tempest smirked as she slung the belt around her waist. Kiva would not know what hit him now, he was no longer the only Kamen Rider in Equestria. “Fizzlepop?” Twilight asked nervously, kissing her friend on the cheek making them both blush in surprise. “Just… Just be careful okay?” “I will. Don’t worry Twilight,” Tempest stated. “And it’s Kamen Rider IXA now.” As she entered the darkened gym the tolls of Doran’s bells still ringing in her ears, Fluttershy let out a whispered “No…” as she saw several ponies already drained of their blood scattered about. None of them were close friends of hers nor had she ever even known their names but she let out a whimper all the same. More ponies attached to the trail of death she left behind. She then heard a harsh form of laughter as she saw a stallion with thick black hair laughing and rejoicing in this before squeaking in fear as she saw the emblem on his jacket. Rook turned and smiled as he saw the little pegasus quivering. “Oh, the perfect ending to my little game. Fluttershy herself! Yes, I will be treating myself tonight…” Rook smiled as his veins took on a stained glass tint before he changed with Fluttershy only able to watch in transfixed horror. Standing at least a foot tall above her in height was this leonine creature, with a pure white mane like death itself, two marble cupids blowing horns functioning as shoulder pads and legs covered in vine and brick. Fluttershy swallowed but did not let her fear consume her. She had a job to do and ponies to protect. “Kivat!” the pegasus called, with the little bat fluttering into the area. As Fluttershy let Kivat bite down on her arm, stained glass veins not unlike a Fangire’s covered her face and her eyes narrowed into bat-like slits as that strange distorted violin note filled the air only stopping when she had finished her transformation. Rook was so taken aback by this, with that being Fluttershy AKA Ponyville’s meekest resident actually being Kiva he just had to burst out laughing. “So, you’re the infamous Kiva, the Silent Killer in the Night?” Rook laughed. “I’m sorry, I just need a minute to recollect myself and rebuild the reality that you just shattered like my fellow Fangire.” “And you’re Rook, wanted by the Blue Sky Organization for the murder of 120 stallions, sixty mares, ten fillies, five foals, three goats-” “Not so silent now are we? Let me finish that for you. Oh yes, I know this last one! Five foals, three goats, and a rather nasty massacre of a certain species of fish! We all have our little problems.” Rook chuckled. “You’re going to pay for that,” Fluttershy growled, a whole new side of her coming to light now that she was behind the safety of Kiva’s mask. She was no longer the Element of Kindness, but Kamen Rider Kiva, the last defense of Ponykind from what lurked in the dark. “I actually have a few friends in that species you so delightfully slaughtered. Now normally, I’d just try and reason with you, hopefully take you alive to answer for your crimes against ponykind but in this case? I think I’ll make an exception.” Fluttershy remarked with a distinctly venomous and rather uncharacteristic snarl of rage. “So it seems perhaps punishing myself for my sins was a hasty mistake,” Rook commented as he bared his fangs. “For tonight I kill Kiva.” And so the battle began, with both combatants throwing powerful punches that sometimes landed, sometimes they didn’t. Rook threw a kick, but Kiva only caught it between her knee and her elbow before headbutting the leonine Fangire. “You know, you could help me if you were ever so inclined,” Rook offered as he fired needles from his claws like missiles with Kiva rolling out of the way. “I remember the original Kiva, what he was like. A real king of the monsters.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened under her helmet, before they narrowed. “I’d rather die before I submit to helping you in your sick games Rook.” “Oh, don't be boring. Everyone that says that dies,” Rook sighed in a bored tone. “And honestly, you really think you can keep this up forever? Endure the scorn of everyone you know and love, just to save a few measly ponies who don’t matter in the end?” he snarled, and Fluttershy faltered for a moment, long enough for Rook to kick her through the walls and outside into the small spot of woodland behind the gym. “Yeah, I thought so, you’re hardly invincible. A far cry from the original Kiva.” “Funny, I heard different,” Fluttershy stated in a sassy tone regaining a little bit of her confidence as she grabbed a tree trunk, and pulled it out of the ground before smacking Rook with it sending him flying into a boulder. The boulder was smashed into rubble as Fluttershy tossed the tree trunk aside with a loud thud. “The original Kiva, my predecessor? Princess Luna managed to draw him to a standstill. And she didn’t even have the powers of a Rider. Guess we know who the true ruler of the night is, huh?” “Lies!” Rook snarled out in rage before taking a swipe at Kiva, which was caught and Rook only earned himself a punch to the gut for his troubles. He staggered backwards but fired another volley of pin missiles at Fluttershy, who rolled to the left to dodge them. “I made a promise to Ramon, and the Siren race to defeat you, and avenge them. I do not break my promises,” the pegasus stated. “Tonight, you fall and your little time plays end,” she remarked, before drawing the Garulu Fuestle and placing it in Kivat’s mouth. “Garuru Saber!” the bat boomed, a different tune from before playing, this one sounding like an organ. A blue object crashed through the trees and into his other hand, chains wrapping around his arm and Kiva turning a dark blue shade, her helmet’s eyes along with Kivat’s own earning a dark blue tint as a timberwolf howled in the background. The object unfolded into a sharp gold-colored blade, with a wolf’s head as the hilt. Kiva crouched down, growling ferally. Springing forward, Fluttershy slashed at Rook’s chest. The fangire swiped at him, scoring a slash across the chest of his own. Kiva staggered, but looked unfazed. “Give it up, you can’t defeat me!” Rook snarled. “I am Rook, the hunter and one of the strongest of the Checkmate Four.” “And probably the most arrogant of the four, I’d like to think,” Fluttershy replied still in that sassy tone, before her tone turned softer. “I know my limits, I know I can’t defeat you as I am not. But by knowing their weaknesses, people can become stronger and surpass themselves. Break the chains that bind them.” “Well well, someone’s poetic…” Rook remarked with a dismissive snort as he and circled Fluttershy each other like the predators they were. “I read,” Fluttershy remarked with a small shrug. “But you yourself said, you’re weak. And you couldn’t defeat me in your current state.” Rook taunted as he ran towards Kiva triumphant arrogant laugher accompanying him. But Kiva smiled under her helmet and she only sidestepped out of the way and kicked Rook back through the hole into the ruined gym. “Maybe I was wrong,” Fluttershy remarked calmly. “You’re quick to anger, and anger leads to rash decisions. Just ask my friend Rainbow Dash, she could probably teach you a thing or two about that.” Rook roared in rage, before he charged once more at Kiva only for the Garulu Saber to strike him in the shoulder. Fluttershy backflipped away and spun once her boots touched the ground again taking advantage of the fangire’s shock to land another blow across the chest before kicking him in the wounded area making Rook stagger back. “This is my resolve, to defeat you,” Fluttershy stated as she landed another blow on Rook’s right shoulder. “And then once you are defeated, we’ll see who faces eternal judgment in the end.” Rook let out a nearly earsplitting roar of rage and swiped at Fluttershy again and again, who leaped out of reach of the attacks beginning to get a feel for Rook’s moves. Rile him up, and although he was dangerous in that state still, he managed to become much easier to predict. At least, that’s what she thought right up till the moment till Rook managed to flip her onto the ground sending the Garulu Saber out of reach as the fangire began stomping on her. “Who’s the big dog now?” Rook sneered before he let out a little yelp of pain as Kivat bit down on his foot. “Kivat is!” Kivat cried triumphantly as Rook leaped up and down in pain before Fluttershy recovered and scored a powerful blow to the gut making Rook stagger. “Tick tock Rook, clock’s ticking…” Kivat chuckled as the little bat returned to his roosting place on Fluttershy’s belt. Rook looked confused for a moment, before his eyes widened as he saw the little watch on his wrist click down to zero, his time play coming to an end. He snarled. “Another day Kiva, another day.” he warned, before turning tail and running off. Fluttershy, as she clutched her chest in pain managed to stagger out of sight as well and cancel her transformation resting up against a wall as Tempest arrived at about that moment dressed in full Friendship Guard armor. She’d heard the reports of a commotion coming from the gym, and so thinking it might have had something to do with her current quarry elected to take a look. For all she knew, it could have been some punk kids deciding to graffiti up the joint, but no lead was to be left open and no stone was to be left unturned. That was her resolve. “Damnit!” she shouted in frustration, stamping a hoof as she saw all of the dead lying about. “Kiva again!” She then heard a small whimpering of pain, and ran over to find Fluttershy resting up against the outside walls, clutching a bleeding chest marked by a series of slashes. From the safety of a nearby tree, Kivat watched as Tempest began bandaging Fluttershy’s wounds. “A-Are you alright?” Tempest stuttered out in shock, having never seen slashes like that before. They resembled a manticore’s but if that was the case Fluttershy had no right to be even alive. “What happened?” “K-Kiva,” Fluttershy whispered, knowing that if she blamed herself in a way it would throw her off the trail of suspicion from actually being Kiva. After all, nobody in their right minds would suspect her anyways, and they probably wouldn’t believe in Rook even if someone who was well-established in Ponyville’s community told them. “He attacked you? And you survived?” Tempest asked in shock, her eyes wide. “How did you…” “Played possum, made him think he’d killed me,” Fluttershy answered before she looked at Tempest’s belt. “What’s that? Doesn’t seem like standard Royal Guard issue to me.” “It’s nothing, nothing you need to worry about,” Tempest lied. “Hey, sure you’re going to be alright?” she asked kindly. “You look rather shook up.” “I was attacked by Kiva, I think I have a right to be a little shook up don’t you?” Fluttershy deadpanned as Tempest helped her up off the ground and began bandaging her wounds before a call came out from inside the gym. Tempest turned to another guard, a dark midnight blue pegasus named Star Hunter and asked for him to take care of Fluttershy as Tempest herself ran back inside the gym. “It’s okay Fluttershy, I gotcha. Nothin’ to worry about.” Star Hunter said kindly, helping Fluttershy walk to some nearby medical staff. Sure, Kiva usually left nothing behind to care for but everyone always held out hope there would be some survivors of his rampage. “Hey Tempest, come look at this!” Flash Sentry’s voice had exclaimed as he picked up the Garulu Saber, and Tempest ran over to see just a little of it before something crimson flew by in a blinding blur of motion and swiped it from the pegasus’ hands. “What the…?” Tempest murmured before she placed a hand to her chin and murmured: “Very interesting…” > Part 3: Eine kleine Nachtmusik - Her Will > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day in Ponyville, all seemed quiet. Well, as quiet as Ponyville got anyways. There was a minor trifle with Trixie striding into town and freaking out over something Starlight had done. Fluttershy wasn’t really entirely sure what had gone on there, nor was she inclined to ask. Whenever something was related to those two -Really, she just couldn’t quite understand why they couldn’t spit out each other’s feelings- she decided it was best never to ask and just nod her head. When she strode into the market that afternoon, whispers were already abound upon hearing of ‘Kiva’s’ latest crimes, with an increased Royal Guard presence now prevalent in the town upon Tempest’s request. Fluttershy sighed to herself, it was going to be harder than ever for her now to keep her identity under wraps. “I just don’t get it, why won’t Princess Celestia release the idea of blood-sucking stained glass monsters to the public? It would make it easier on all of us, wouldn’t it?” Kivat asked in her head. Ever since their first Henshin together the two had been sorta physically connected in a way. Kivat didn’t mind, he personally got lonely really at times, and Fluttershy knew Angel Bunny freaked him out for whatever reason. She didn’t know why really, as that rabbit was as sweet as could be. “Think about it, and this is of course assuming she even knows, would it be in your best interest to tell the populace that monsters who can look like ordinary ponies exist, and can change into blood-sucking creatures at any time?” Fluttershy asked. “For all we know, there could be a Fangire or two in the Royal Guard, they’re that good at hiding their identities.” “True, if Starswirl, her mentor from what you told me didn’t know a damn thing about them, I doubt she would know. But I see your point. It would be the Changeling scare all over again,” Kivat mused. “If I was a Fangire, and thank Faust I’m not, I would get some individuals poised to strike in high ranking positions close to the Princesses. Hey, maybe that’s why Tempest is after you so much, she’s a Fangire herself, possibly the latest Queen or Bishop and you’re a threat to her continued existence!” “Firstly,” Fluttershy replied with a small but still noticeable shudder. “Don’t ever scare me again with ideas like that, just the idea of Fangires in the Royal Guard…” she trailed off. “Secondly, Tempest is just doing her job. To her and just about everyone else if you may remember, I or rather Kiva do look like the mastermind behind all the deaths lately.” “I’m just saying,” Kivat stated. “Everyone has secrets, you can never be too careful. She could be just biding her time, waiting for the right moment to strike… That’s what the Bishops of the past have always been, cold and calculating and very, very patient individuals. That’s why they’ve always been so dangerous, not for their power but for their sheer intelligence.” “I honestly doubt Tempest is a Fangire, I just can’t see it. Think back to last night,” Fluttershy reminded her friend. “I was laying there bleeding, and Tempest could have easily killed me if she wanted. Me and the rest of the Royal Guard troops with her, and if asked she could have said Kiva did it.” “Hmm, yes that is true…” Kivat mused. “But still My Lady, I’m warning. Keep an eye or two on her. That’s what I would do.” “Well, let’s be glad I’m not your overly paranoid self hmm?” Fluttershy snarked at him in a sassy tone. “Let’s all be glad for that.” “Oh, you wound me My Lady!” Kivat replied, in a tone of faux pain. “But seriously, I’m just looking out for your welfare, as your father would have wanted me to do. And besides, is it really paranoia if they’re always out to get you?” “Yeah…” Fluttershy sighed, as soon as Kivat brought up her father. “I thank you for that Kivat, I really do, but at times I can look out for myself. I’ve dealt with much bigger threats than Fangires without your help, remember?” “Yes yes, Element of Kindness and all that,” Kivat commented in a sarcastic tone with a probable roll of his eyes knowing him. “I really must thank you, again for the umpteenth time by this point, for bringing Princess Luna back from the darkness that consumed her. Really, hearing Luna, the vanquisher of the King, had become that monstrosity Nightmare Moon was really quite a fright!” By this point, Fluttershy had stopped listening to him, and her eyes had begun to wander towards a very distinctive pure white pony wearing a rather form-fitting and frankly quite flattering silver halter top, shades over her crimson eyes and large headphones over her ears. She watched Vinyl order a few carrots from a nearby stall, and then beetroots from another, and finally an apple for good measure bobbing her head to the beat pounding in her ears the entire time and never saying a word. Kivat sighed, knowing exactly why Fluttershy’s distinctive silence aside from a lovesick sigh meant. He groaned to himself, not this again. It was really getting quite annoying. “Oh, it’s her again isn’t it?” Kivat remarked. “The one you’ve been nursing a crush on since… Oh, I don’t know, ever since you arrived in Ponyville? The one who likes the… what does she call them? The wubs?” he asked. “Honestly, I don;t understand why you haven’t asked her out by this point, really! Sure, her taste in music leaves much to be desired, but if you really like her…” “W-Well, I would, but…” “But what?” Kivat asked. “But what? You’re just too shy to go up and ask her? I mean, come one, don’t tell me you’re going to give me that same old excuse again! You’re a grown woman now! You’ve grown in confidence over the years, I’ve watched you! Surely you’ve got enough confidence to just go up and talk to one mare!” “It’s… It’s not that…” Fluttershy stuttered out. “It’s her friend, you know the one?” She turned her head to see a gray pony with long black hair wearing a nice suit and tie walk up to Vinyl, a violin case in her hands. “Oh yes, Octavia, her ‘supposed’ marefriend. I say supposed, because we don’t even know if they’re actually dating. I mean, sure they go everywhere together and pretty much do everything together and even collab on music together and even live together but that doesn’t mean they’re-” Kivat rambled, before hearing a soft whimper come from Fluttershy. “...I’m not helping, am I?” “Kivat… shut up,” Fluttershy told him. “And no, you weren’t helping. Fact is, you were listing off exactly all the reasons that make me and just about everyone else in town think Vinyl and Octavia are dating!” “Oh for crying out loud, if they’re dating they’re being really subtle about it. I mean, as far as I know, they’re not having sex at the very least.” Kivat remarked. “And how do you know that?” Fluttershy asked him in a warning tone. “...I… I may have spied on them through their bedroom window a few times. Look, don’t judge me, I only want what’s best for you and besides Octavia has this long, lovely gorgeous neck!” “...You’ve been spying on them exactly when?” Fluttershy asked, ever the more dangerously knowing there “...Maybe when Octavia or Vinyl’s been getting out of the shower or when they’re getting dressed in the morning?” Kivat asked nervously, and Fluttershy only groaned to herself. She was so depriving Kivat of his beloved Carrot Cake after learning of this. He was a perv, a loveable one maybe and a supportive friend, but still a massive pervert. Mind you, it couldn’t be helped she supposed but maybe she could teach him a lesson on spying on ponies and their private lives. “L-Look, this is all besides the point anyways! Why don’t you just go up and ask her up on a date, or at least talk to her? You’re never going to get anywhere with her if you just stay on the sidelines like Hinata Hyuga from that Manga about the Kitsune kid I’ve caught you reading at times.” And so, Fluttershy gathered up her courage and walked right up to Vinyl. “H-Hey, it’s Vinyl, right? I-I’ve heard music coming from your house at times, and I-I just think it’s simply lovely. The bass drops, maybe they’re a bit loud but…” Fluttershy stammered out. “Dude, so glad someone appreciates my music for once, at least someone in the neighborhood!” Vinyl remarked. “Do you know how many noise complaints I’ve gotten from peeved off ponies in the last month alone?” “Well, your music, especially that track of yours you oxymoronously called ‘Silent Shout’ is hardly very quiet, is it dear?” Octavia remarked in that very upper-class Trottingham accent of hers. “And don’t get me started on that new piece you’ve been working on, Build Up is it? Oh, I’m sorry Fluttershy, you having to me ramble on about my complaints about my housemate.” “N-No, it’s fine…” Fluttershy whispered. “I suppose I might be a bit annoyed as well…” “You two, you just don’t understand the power of the wubs!” Vinyl harrumphed indignantly, before marching off with a remark of: “Peace out!” “Well… That could have gone better I suppose…” Fluttershy murmured to herself hanging her head as Octavia called after Vinyl shouting her apologies. “Hey, at least you got a few words in right? You didn’t faint, which is an improvement from the last time you tried to ask someone out on a date.” Kivat said supportively, and Fluttershy whimpered in remembrance of that last piece of embarrassment regarding Twinkleshine. “Anyways, I’ve got an idea. We should head off to Canterlot, talk to Luna. Been meaning to catch up on my family’s history, and it could prove useful to you as well.” Fluttershy knew the previous Kiva and the previous King of the Fangires, the one that had proven to be so infamous had possession of Kivat’s father, so any information regarding him from Luna would be nice. So, that evening after booking a train to Canterlot she soon found herself outside of the doors of Luna’s personal chambers after a bat-pony guard named Galaxy Swirls had given her a few directions. “Fluttershy, it’s been so long since we’ve last spoke,” Luna greeted with a cheerful smile after she’d opened the doors. “Please, do come in. Now, I doubt you’d have come all this way unless something was bothering you and you had to see me in person, so please speak your mind.” the Princess of the Night remarked as she sat down on her bed, her horn glowing with a blue aura. “I’m sorry, you don’t mind if I open a window do you? I find the late-night air to be quite refreshing. Plus, it seems we have a guest.” Luna remarked hearing a small tapping on the window. “No, I don’t mind. Not at all…” Fluttershy replied, as Luna opened the doors with her magic, and in flew Kivat. “Oh, thank Faust! I thought you two would never hear me!” Kivat exclaimed, before bowing to Princess Luna. “Kivat?” Luna asked quizzically as the bat hung himself from the ceiling. “I… I don’t know who that is, or what he’s doing here. I assume he’s a friend of yours?” Fluttershy squeaked out, and Luna gave her a look. “You’ve always been a bad liar, dear Fluttershy,” Luna drawled before gesturing for her to sit next to her. Nervously, Fluttershy complied. “Relax, no need to worry, I know you’re Kiva and I will not call the guards on you. I know you will not misuse your power.” “H-How…?” Fluttershy stammered out. “You’ve had a few dreams about your double life, amongst a few others, even if you don’t remember them. Ponies, alas, rarely remember their dreams. I know what you’ve been doing, and I can only presume you and Kivat here are here to learn more about the previous Kiva am I right?” “Yes,” Fluttershy answered simply. “Well, I suppose you have a right to know…” Luna said, having already put up a few privacy spells as soon as Fluttershy had entered. “But be warned, you may not like the answers which you seek…” 1,500 Years ago: Equestria was at war, a secret war between pony and beast to see who truly ruled the night. This war had been going on for centuries, the balance of power exchanging hands equally. Back and forth it went, sometimes the Fangire winning and sometimes the Veil of Shadows, the predecessors to what would eventually become the Wonderful Blue Sky Organization after Luna was banished to the moon. It was truly a wonder in itself how this war had gone unnoticed for so long, but the Fangires and the Veil of Shadows were both clever groups careful to keep themselves out of the public eye thanks to a long upheld pact that both still remembered. Long ago, they’d been friends, both sides in fact, fighting against a powerful group known only as the Legendorgas and their leader, known only as Kamen Rider Arc. Maybe it was to save themselves from extinction, or maybe they truly did care for each other but eventually sometime after the defeat of the Legendorgas by the first Kiva, the first King of the Fangires that alliance… fractured. Many years ago, a few years before the time of Starswirl the Bearded and the Pillars of Equestria, a stone fell from the sky and was discovered by one Flash Magnus. It grafted itself to him, as the story goes, sensing his will, and changed him into the most incredible of beings. The second, and possibly the most powerful Kamen Rider ever to walk the face of the planet Equus, Kamen Rider Kuuga. Nobody ever really knew what Kuuga looked like, to be honest. Descriptions of his armor varied. Some described Kuuga as this massive towering stag-beetle like figure covered in gold and unleashing blasts of electricity, while others described him as a simple red and black hero. Only one thing was in common with the stories, he always wore this belt with the stone -Known as the Amadam- embedded within it and defeating any foe whom he came across. The Fangires feared Kuuga, and rightfully so as it was said that a user without a strong enough will to fend off the Amadam’s power would be corrupted and one day destroy the world. That was possibly when the alliance fractured. Ponies and Fangires split apart, with Kuuga’s belt, the Arcle, being destroyed in the crossfire. Perhaps if more explanations were given, and ways of calming the Fangires and their fears were thought of, what happened next may never have occurred in the first place. But sadly, nothing was done when the secret of the Arcle was uncovered and it was destroyed. It seemed the powers of Kuuga would be lost forever, and relishing in this newfound joy, the King of the Fangires went on a bloody campaign against Equestria. He, in secret, attacked and drained the life energy of ponies alongside his soldiers. Tragically, a newly discovered race known as the Changelings, who had a similar modus operandi but only took what they needed to survive were blamed and banished from Equestria forever creating a grudge that is still upheld by the former Queen Chrysalis today amongst other hardliners. But in a rare show of kindness from the King, or perhaps it was something else as he wanted ponies to fear what lurked in the shadows, he deliberately ordered his Fangires never to reveal themselves publicly unless absolutely necessary. The only hints of them existing in the first place were the bodies they left behind and one other thing, Kamen Rider Kiva AKA the King himself. The powers of Kiva had been passed down throughout the King’s lineage, the first Kiva being the one to seal away Kamen Rider Arc and his minions in the Legendorgas. Now, they had fallen to him, with Kivat the Second being the one to currently hold the powers of Kiva. And so, King as he was only known carried out his bloody slaughter of races all across Equestria and perhaps beyond. Any race that was deemed a threat to his rule, like the Sirens, the Thestrals, or the Timberwolves was systematically hunted down and slaughtered. Some races managed to find shelter for a time, such as the Thestrals or devolved out of pure necessity in the Timberwolves so they would not be hunted down and killed in the Fangire King’s mad quest for power and absolute control. Finally, someone, that someone being Princess Luna and the Regent of the Night had enough and uncovered ancient texts on the Amadam and was able to create a second Arcle. While it would never be as powerful as the first, finally there was someone able to stand against the King’s power and possibly topple him from his throne. King got wind of the news quickly, and send a message to Luna challenging her to a battle. Luna graciously accepted, and met him in what would eventually become the Whitetail Woods, known as the Whispering Hollows back then. “This ends tonight. For the sake of protecting everyone's smiles, and protecting Equestria and the lands beyond from your tyranny, I will become the next Kuuga. Henshin!” In a bright flash of red light with the full moon at her back, Luna transformed into a red stag beetle-themed warrior, with gold trimmings and two bright red eyes staring down the vampiric form of King. “Very well, so be it…” King growled. “Zanbat!” In a flash of flame, he summoned a powerful looking longsword that seemed to glimmer like stained glass. Marching forwards, he left singes of flame in his wake as he transformed into Kiva, black and red armor covering him as Kivat roosted himself on King’s belt. A long billowing black cape flowing from behind him, as two devilish blue eyes stared Luna down. “Guess it’s time for a little dance amongst the stars. Entropy may claim all things eventually, but rest assured I will not falter,” Luna stated as she summoned a sword of her own and the blades clashed, sparks flying off of them as metal met metal. “In fact, I assure you I will make sure of it Entropy claims you sooner, not later.” “Bold words from a Princess, while I am KING!” King shouted, and the shadows below him seemed to form into a symbol resembling a massive bat. The symbol flew towards Luna, shadowy tendrils erupting from the ground beneath her and binding her in place. The Symbol then rose up from the ground behind her, and soon she found herself pinned to it. King closed up his fist and pulled Luna towards him, before punching the Princess of the Night back towards the signal where volts of electricity were sent through her body. Luna screamed out in pain, agonizing shrieks echoing throughout the darkened forest. King smirked. “Checkmate.” he stated simply, before inserting a small whistle-like device into Kivat’s mouth. “WAKE UP!” Kivat boomed, and King leaped into the air launching a flying side kick at Luna, his boot glowing with a dark red energy. Luna, at the very last moment managed to free herself from the symbol, and managed to grab King by the leg and swing him around before tossing him into a group of trees flattening them and sending them flying like they were simply toothpicks. King managed to pick himself up from the impact crater he’d landed in, and snarled at Luna who was picking herself up off the ground. “How… How?” “I will pick myself up off the ground as many times as needed, all to defeat you. I will not rest until you fall, and Equestria is freed from your madness. I am Princess Luna, Regent of the Night and the Lunar Invictus. And you King, are nothing but a madman.” With that, her body began to glow golden before an anklet appeared around her left leg. Feeling new power rushing through her body with this new evolution, she picked up her sword and it charged itself with this new power as well. She slashed downwards sending a golden thrust of energy out from her blade just as King ran towards her Zanbat blade in hand. The slice cut through King’s body, and his armor, and before he had a chance to recover he was blindsided by a powerful right hook from Luna shattering the side of his helmet. “How… How dare you!?!” King roared, before sending multiple fireballs towards Luna. For whatever reason, she heard a voice in her head urging her to pick up a piece of nearby lumber and for whatever reason, she complied. Pure golden energy rushed through this piece, as Luna’s costume turned a pure midnight blue and the piece of wood was transmogrified into a bo staff. Spinning the staff in her hands, she managed to create a powerful gust of wind that sent all of the fireballs rushing back towards King. He was barely affected of course and his sword met Luna’s bo staff, the two dancing around in the moonlight. Strikes hit or missed, Luna thrusting her staff into King’s chest multiple times making him stagger while she herself felt the bane of the Zanbat Sword. The Sword, it seemed to growl every time it hit her, and Luna felt her power beginning to seep away inch by inch. “Why… how is that…?” “Possible?” King asked with a laugh. “You don’t get it, do you? How naive you are. Each slash of the Zanbat Sword, it bleeds away just that little bit of your soul’s energy. And as the Fangires learned along ago, the Amadam and the energy of the Soul are connected… Well, figure that part out for yourself.” With that, he slammed Luna against the shadowy Kivat symbol once more and she screamed out in pain. “I… I need more power. I need to protect… I need to protect everyone!” she yelled. “Give up!” King said. “You will fall, and the Fangires will reign. Darkness will creep across the land, and I’m sad to say you will not be a part of the new regime. So do yourself a favor, and stop this nonsense about protecting everyone. It’s impossible, nobody can do that.” “No, don’t you ever say that. Don’t you ever, ever say that. I am the Princess of the Night, one of the two Rulers of Equestria and letting my kingdom fall to a monster like you…” Luna stated and her now currently purple suit turned a black shade, anklets appearing around both legs this time as a newfound surge rushed through her. “Is not acceptable. So you give up, on saying I should give up!” With that, she rushed towards King in a blur of unfathomed speed, and he just barely raised the Zanbat Sword in time to block the blow. All the while, a voice, the same male one from before warned Luna to hold back. This power was new to her, and if she wasn’t careful she could become exactly what the legends about Kuuga stated she could be. The destroyer of the world. The Zanbat sword went flying from King’s hands as he was sent backwards by the sheer force of the kick. He roared out in rage, and the two once more began exchanging powerful blows, with King at one point leaping into the air and drop-kicking Luna into the ground, a massive crater being formed by the force of the blow. A powerful punch from Luna impacted King in the stomach and sent him flying skywards. Luna spread her wings, and summoned her sword once more before slashing King across the chest and then sending energy towards her right hoof and she unleashed a powerful golden electricity infused kick to King’s stomach sending him flying far beyond the bounds of the woodland. Trees for miles around were flattered and send flying with the force of a hurricane as King's body exploded with a bright flash resembling a nuclear explosion. Luna, panting and sweating lowered herself back to ground level, before noticing a crack in her Amadam stone, before both it and the belt shattered canceling out her transformation. Luna sighed sadly as she picked up the stone’s shattered remains. Perhaps… she mused it was for the best. Nobody should have had that kind of power anyways. “Looking back. I wonder if I’m still right about that,” Luna mused as she looked out towards the moon, a breeze rushing in through the open windows. “After all, you using the powers of Kiva, proves King’s lineage is alive and well and he was not destroyed that day.” “A-Are you really so sure?” Fluttershy whispered in fear, the sheer idea of a being that was able to almost overpower and nearly kill Luna still existing in some form being absolutely terrifying. “I mean, how do you he didn’t just father a child before you killed him?” “It is possible I suppose, but the Fangires have been growing in power as of late. The reappearance of a Rook is evidence of that. Be strong Fluttershy, for your true test of being a Rider has only just begun.” “I-I’ll try, and I will carry on your will, and if the time comes, defeat King once and for all.” Luna smiled secretly, as if at some private joke as she looked at Kivat hovering over Fluttershy’s shoulder and thought to herself: “Perhaps you already have…” > Part 4: When the Saints Go Marching In/Hunt or be Hunted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Agh, I don’t get it,” one Neon Lights growled out to another of his fellow Fangires, a member of the Apple Clan calling herself Brown Betty. Few years back, they’d been turned by the current Bishop and made to serve in his legions of Fangires all in preparation for the day the King finally returned to the throne. “Why aren’t we just going out and gathering more souls for the Fangire Army? Seriously, we have a whole town out there for us to go snicker-snack on and yet here we are, just sitting around waiting while Rook just goes and runs wild playing his pathetic little games.” “Easy, we keep up the ruse for a little while longer, gather up enough souls till we have an army not even the Princesses themselves could stop and then, and only then we strike!” Brown Betty lectured. “Granted, Rook’s little games are going to wind up being trouble for us in the long run if someone doesn’t reign him in…” “Bah, that’s for the Bishop to worry about! Not us!” another Fangire, the Rhino Fangire specifically joined before shifting back into his pony guise, a pegasus named Hoops. Like Brown Betty and Neon Lights, he too had been turned by Bishop. Bishop was an unusual Fangire in most respects. For one thing, in the King or Queen’s absence, he delivered out Fangire judgment, such as killing traitorous Fangires who happened to fall in love with mere mortals. Secondly, he, unlike most Fangires, couldn’t just sap you of your life energy, but actually turn you. “I’ll tell you what we really need to worry about,” Hoops continued. “Kiva! That’s what we really need to worry about! I mean, think about it, he could easily blow our whole ruse out of the water anytime he desires! If the ponies of Ponyville ever stop fearing him and wanted to listen to whatever he has to say about us then we would be in trouble. Big trouble. The Guard, they’re no slouch. They could easily sniff us out if they wanted to, and devise spells that could detect Fangires on the spot! Especially when Ponyville’s guard is commanded by Tempest Shadow herself, AKA Princess Twilight’s personal bed-buddy! We’d be dead within days! All of us, you hear? Every last single stinkin’ inch!” “I don’t think we need to worry about that right now,” Neon Lights remarked. “I mean, the ponies are blaming Kiva left and right for every death in this town now. Why, just last night I was talking to a friend of mine, and he was so bloody terrified that Kiva would come to call he was hanging up tons of garlic. Sure, it wouldn’t work as we’re not your average run-of-the-mill vampire breed, but funny as hell to watch all the same.” “Neon,” Brown Betty spoke up. “May I remind you of something? Your friend Vinyl, the one who’s so in love with her vubs or whatever she calls them, she’s Ponyville’s premier disk jockey and she runs a local radio show to boot! She could easily blow the whistle on us any time she liked, if she ever were to find out about our existence. Strong sense of justice, that’s what she has, and an obligation to tell the truth. She must be silenced if we are ever to progress forwards. If the Bishop is ever to progress forwards.” Neon swore loudly. Brown Betty was right, Vinyl would be a problem. “Yes, you’re quite right. I’ll deal with her shortly. She’ll never see me coming after all, but there’s something else we need to think about. King, and Queen.” he remarked, taking his signature shades off his face and turning into this massive bear-like creature with razor-sharp claws, mostly white but covered in the Fangire’s signature stained glass features. “Oh?” Brown Betty asked, turning to look at Neon with a curious look. Hoops was soon to follow. “Think about it. King, before he passed by the hands of Princess Luna or Kamen Rider Kuuga if you prefer, probably birthed a child. That’s the only possible way a pony could take up the identity of Kiva for this long without dying from the sheer strain the powers would take on the pony body. We’ve got a Dhampyr on our hands, and that means whoever Kiva is, he or she would be next in line for the role of King or Queen. Now, we can’t narrow it down who Kiva is, and obviously, there’s no chance of turning him or her to our side as it’s quite clear where Kiva’s loyalties lie so Kiva must be silenced if we are to survive,” Neon continued, no small trace of fear in his tone. “Think of it, if Kiva were to sit on the throne of the King’s old castle then he’d order us all annihilated. He’d ally himself with the Princesses, and they join forces and hunt us all down! Now, Luna may be smart enough not to break the news that life-sucking monsters namely us are hiding amongst her subjects possibly even amongst her guard but what if Kiva and Luna were to join forces? What then? We MUST stop Kiva in the here and now!” Neon shouted. Hoops scoffed. “Now that’s a task that’s easier said than done, really,” he deadpanned. “Are you out of it? I mean, look at how many of our brethren have fallen before Kiva’s power already!” “Rook’s still out there,” Neon pointed out, Brown Betty just sitting herself on a church pew and watching this exchange with no small amount of interest. “He, for all of his love of those sick little games of his, is still incredibly powerful. Seeing as how Kiva has yet to unlock his or her full power as far as we know, there is a chance Rook could easily do away with the problem.” “As far we know,” Hoops pointed out. “Like you said, as far as we know. Kiva could be already powerful enough to go Emperor on us and we may not even know it. But you’re quite right Neon, we must silence Kiva. That begs the question though, how to do it?” “I think I might know, actually…” Brown Betty smirked, before changing into a chameleon-like form. “I’ll shadow the next Fangire attack, and when Kiva shows up to stop him or her and if the Fangire manages to drive Kiva off or said Fangire gets killed I’ll shadow Kiva once he or she cancels her transformation. Follow them back to their dwelling place. They’d be exhausted, and that’s when I go in for the kill.” “You’re being awfully risky here,” Neon remarked, rather disturbed by Brown Betty’s plan. “And to be frank, I want no part of your particular slice of madness. You’d let a Fangire die?” “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Kiva needs to be dealt with, and soon. Like you yourself pointed out Neon, if Kiva and Luna were to align themselves then we would have a massive problem on our hands. Luna would no doubt gain the courage to finally break to the populace using some trick up her sleeve that the Fangires are alive and well,” Brown Betty pointed out. “It’s hunt or be hunted now.” Then, with a loud creak, the doors to this long-abandoned church opened and Rook in his pony guise stepped in eating a cone of ice cream. His every step made the old wood beneath his paws creak. All the other Fangires present tensed up at this leonine creature, knowing exactly the power and status he held and how completely insane he was. Hell, none of them would put it past Rook for them to be hunted down in one of his little ‘Time Plays’ if it amused him. If he got bored, he would always find some new type of game to amuse himself somehow, and it was always sicker or more disturbingly twisted than the last in some way somehow both amazingly and frighteningly enough. There was a very good reason no sane Fangire wanted to be even near Rook for any amount of time, lest he turn on them just because it would please him. Rook for his part, didn’t seem to mind the others in the room being scared out of their wits by him. In fact, he seemed rather amused by all of that. “So, how goes things?” He asked in a light-hearted tone, chomping down on the cone. “The usual bickering and in-fighting, I presume?” he snarked. Hoops growled, and shifted back into his Rhino Fangire form before Brown Betty held him back shaking her head. “He’s not worth it, don’t give in to his little jabs.” she told him. “Actually, we were just devising a plan to hunt down Kiva,” Neon Lights remarked. “King didn’t spend centuries of building up the Fangire race and hunting down Doran to build his castle around him all for his great work to be wiped out in one single stroke by one single damn pony!” “Well, aren’t you ambitious little life-suckers?” Rook laughed uproariously. “You three idiots, hunt down Kiva? What a laugh! I’d suggest you children step aside, and just do your job of feeding the Fangire race, and let the big boys handle the job of killing Kiva. You, in charge of killing Kiva? Now surely you jest!” Brown Betty narrowed her eyes. “Oh Rook, give us a break! You've never met anything you didn't instantly target for one of your games, have sex with, or make a boat out of. Then probably killed afterwards.” she deadpanned “Bigots! I like boats! I'm a damn' Viking! I'm supposed to make boats out of things!” Rook exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation. “I mean, that’s pretty much my whole life purpose, rape, and pillage and all that! What else am I supposed to do? Make a family with someone? Settle down and have kids, be a loving Fangire daddy?” “I don’t know, might be amusing if you ask me,” Neon Lights chuckled. “I’d absolutely love to see what sorta spawn you’d produce. Obviously, you raising them would be a concern considering you’d just raise them to your outdated Viking ideals but it’s still worth a thought. To be quite frank actually, having you produce some sort of offspring would actually be a good idea, given the fact that the spawn of a high-ranking member of the Fangire race is automatically in line to be King or Queen.” “Can you not act like children? I mean, at least pretend to act your age for once in your lifetime,” Rook growled out. “I’d be a perfectly capable father!” “Yeah, sure and the Kiva will return to our side any time soon. Eat shit and die,” Neon Lights snapped back. “Yes, screw you too!” Rook snapped back as Brown Betty rubbed her temples in the background. Children, she was surrounded by children in men’s bodies. No wonder she was only considering having offspring if all the other Fangire males in the world dropped dead along half the females. Along with possibly some of the animals at that. “Just thinkin’ aloud here,” Hoops remarked raising a finger. “But what if Kiva’s dwelling is surrounded by running water, like a river or say a moat? For all we know, Kiva could have taken Castle Doran for his own!” “So what? We still siege it, and then kill everyone inside,” Rook remarked with a shrug of his shoulders. “I've been told vampires couldn't cross running water.” Neon remarked in reply. “We’re not vampires, we’re Fangires! Learn the bloody difference!” Rook snapped. “Hell, I've been on boats. I've had baths.” “Since when?” Neon deadpanned. “When?” Rook blinked, rather confused by all of this. “But that’s beside the point innit? Baths aren't running water though, are they? I mean how can baths be running water? The water stopped being poured when you get in right?” “Oh for God’s sake…” Brown Betty muttered. “Here we are, arguing about running water, and yet all the while Kiva is hunting us down member by member! ...We’re all gonna die.” “Probably.” Hoops agreed. Castle Doran: Meanwhile, at the ‘Keep of Kiva’ if you will, Jiro found himself talking with a little gold mechanical dragon of all things. Tatsulot, he called himself, apparently an old family retainer like Jiro and his fellow Arms Monsters. “And we’ve never noticed you in the Castle until now why?” Jiro inquired, looking at the little thing curiously as it fluttered about above his head. “Amico, non hai capito bene?” (Man, don't you get right to the point?) Tatsulot asked, speaking in Calabrese of all things. “Simply put, I only show myself when I want to. I like the peace and quiet, really.” “Okay then,” Jiro remarked. “Second question.” “Fuoco via, lupo!” (Fire away, wolfy!) Tatsulot chimed in, Jiro groaning and feeling a rather sizeable headache coming on. He didn’t even know it was possible for Timberwolves to get such things. “Seriously, I’m like an open book!” “Right…” Jiro muttered. “An open book I wouldn’t mind throttling…” he grumbled, and Tatsulot winced. “Man, you really need to chill. All that anger, so not good for you. Seriously, I know this member of the Kivat species,” Tatsulot advised. “Real sweetheart, almost completely white. She could calm a raging Fangire with her voice so I’m told, and I’m willing to bet she could do the same for you, lupo!” Jiro growled, baring his fangs. “Sorry, just trying to help here…” Tatsulot sighed, rolling his eyes. “Anyways, your question?” “Fine, fine…” Jiro grumbled. “Anyways, how in the name of Faust did Lord Shy ever manage to get his hands on you?” “Tension fortissimo!” Tatsulot exclaimed. “Now that is a question, and quite the tale. But I’m sure a wolf such as yourself has no time for such things.” “Regale me.” Jiro deadpanned. “Well, you know how Fluttershy is Half-Fangire right?” Tatsulot asked. “I’m well aware,” Jiro deadpanned. “Giusto ... Scusa, domanda stupida! Stupido! Silly me!” (Right… Sorry, stupid question! Stupid! Silly me!) Tatsulot continued. “Thing is, Lord Shy in all his wisdom knew if there ever came a time when Fluttershy had to take up the Kiva mantle, she would one day have to have some form of accessing her full power. Without those chains of hers, the ones scattered about her armor in really gaudy fashion holding her back. So, he searched through a bunch of old books and eventually learned of yours truly. Made a contract, sealed it in blood as you do, and so I’m bound to this castle. Not that I mind, my beloved Kiva-la makes such good company -and so do you for that matter now that I think of it-  and I get to watch my Lord’s prized daughter learn and grow. “So what do you do exactly, when Fluttershy’s ready?” Jiro asked. “Ah, that would be spoiling now wouldn’t it?” Tatsulot asked, wagging a claw as he got right up in Jiro’s face, with the Timberwolf taking a swipe at the little gold dragon. Thankfully, Tatsulot was much too nimble to ever be caught. “But thing is, before dear Fluttershy ever will get to meet me, she’s got to earn my respect, show that she’s worthy of the power being the future Queen of the Fangires comes with.” “Q-Queen?” Jiro stammered out, taking a few steps back in surprise. “What, don’t tell me you didn’t know?” Tatsulot asked, and gauged Jiro’s reaction. “...Wow. You really didn’t. Look, it’s like this. Mrs. Shy, or Posey if you like, Lord Shy never told her but he’s the very direct descendant of the former King. So that means, in effect, Fluttershy is the next Queen of the Fangire race, the last hope of bringing the two races together once more. Bridging that gap between Ponyking and the Fangire race.” “By Faust…” Jiro whispered. “Yeah, it’s quite the burden. One I wouldn’t wish on the poor girl, but alas… Jiro, will you help me?” “Yes, yes I will. I swore an oath to Lord Shy before he passed to protect his daughter. Raise her. And I will not break that oath now no matter who she’s related to.” Sometime that next night, Vinyl was hard at work composing her next hit record. Or at least trying to anyways. To be honest, she’d been in a slump lately, not sure why. For whatever the reason, she just wasn’t feeling the wubs speak to her like they had in the past. She absentmindedly fiddled with her latest mix, and then groaned. “...No, this isn’t going to do it. Not, not at all.” she mumbled, sighing and resting her head in her arms. “Vinyl, are you alright?” Octavia asked, her distinctive upper-class accent ringing out through the home as she entered her roommate’s personal recording studio. Admittedly, at first Octavia was not a fan of Vinyl installing such a thing in their home, but after learning the acoustics were just that perfect not for just Vinyl’s ‘wubs’ but for her own classical styles, she’d soundly changed her mind. Granted, Vinyl got more use out of it than her given Octavia preferred to work with a good-sized orchestra but she admitted it had its charms. “You’ve been stuck in here all day, I’ve just been getting worried, that’s all.” “...I… I… I suppose it’s nothing really,” Vinyl muttered, though her tone and the fact that she wasn’t even wearing her distinctive shades betrayed her. A glass of whiskey sat beside her, and the mare was severely underdressed. It was like she hadn’t even bothered to care about such things. “Oh Vinyl,” Octavia sighed rubbing her friend’s shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. “Everyone experiences creator’s block, even me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of really.” “You say that, but lately, I dunno what it is… Newer artists are scoring more and more hits, and I dunno… just suppose I’m starting to feel… irrelevant I guess you’d call it?” “By Faust… This really is affecting her,” Octavia thought in shock. “She’s not even using any of her usual lingo, or even wearing her favorite shades for crying out loud! I’ve got to do something, but what?” She then snapped her fingers as an idea hit her. “You know something, Vinyl?” Octavia asked as she sat down beside her friend. “What you need, well I think you need some inspiration!” “But I-” “Tried everything?” Octavia asked, putting a finger to Vinyl’s lips. “I wouldn’t think so, oh no. Perhaps what you need is another pony in your life. Not just a friend, but a lover.” “Look Octy, I like you and all, but honestly I don’t really see you in that way.” “I didn't mean me. You’re an attractive mare, right?” Octavia asked, and Vinyl nodded. She at least liked to think so. “Don’t think I didn’t notice when you dragged me off to one of your shows that quite a few stallions and several mares for that matter were eying you. By Faust, I swear when one of them pretty much asked you to sign their breasts I about…” she trailed off, fighting back an urge to punch something. “But never mind that. Point is, I’m sure it’ll be easy enough for you to find some form of companionship. Everyone needs someone to love, right?” “I… I guess.” “Maybe there’s that Neon Lights fellow. You both are fellow lovers of the bass and drum genre right? I’m sure you two can make some good music together, if you catch my drift.” “...Well, now that you mention it, the guy is an attractive looking stallion and he has been eying me on occasion,” Vinyl mused to herself before smiling. “You know what, I’ll do it!” “That’s my girl,” Octavia smiled before she frowned. “Though... uh, Vinyl?” she asked, pressing her fingers together nervously. “Yes?” Vinyl asked. “...Wear something nice, if you please. I get you wanting to get Neon into bed with you, but I think it best if you not get thrown out of whatever restaurant you book for public indecency.” Octavia deadpanned, and Vinyl blushed. “Point taken.” That night, Vinyl found herself in front of one of Ponyville’s most prestigious restaurants, called the Green Gables wearing a silver strapless dress. She groaned to herself, so totally not her style but Octavia had insisted on making her look classy if she was going to ‘woo’ Neon Lights. Vinyl personally wanted to throw up, she didn’t do pretty or fancy. She wasn’t Octavia. Personally, if anything she highly suspected Neon would have rather had met her in a club. Maybe have a few drinks, then maybe a romp in a bathroom stall somewhere. But no, Octavia in all of her infinite wisdom had decided this was the ideal way to stir up some romance between the two. Vinyl chuckled as she walked into the restaurant. She loved Octavia, she really did, but that mare did not understand at times that the two were completely different ponies and that the two had completely different sets of tastes. Least she didn’t make her change her mane style, Vinyl had flat out refused when had Octavia tried that, and put her hoof down. Octavia had backed off fairly quickly, realizing it probably wasn’t a good idea to change Vinyl completely. Vinyl, as she was shown to her table hummed a song under her breath, one of Neon Light’s latest numbers. Shot right up to the top of the charts. More rap than his usual techno style and Vinyl deeply suspected his record company Thrasher-Horn (Responsible for putting bands such as Death to Celestia, and Burning Heart on the map music wise) had something to do with that, but it was infectious she would admit to that. “Breeze! Burn up, the heat is on! The soul of the city is in this hero! “In the cold night, freeze! We’re connected by our fiery hearts, these two pieces! This generation grasps a new wind The nation is born before it all wastes away. “Keep attacking with a variety of colors! Shut everyone up with your brightness! The Darkness is spreading in this city, so please moon shine a brilliant gold! “Move it down your finger Finger on the Trigger Set your selfishness free!” She didn’t quite understand the meaning of the lyrics, but like Octavia liked to say, sometimes true art was incomprehensible. Besides, it was a damn catchy piece to listen and dance to, as Vinyl was now demonstrating to the restaurant as a whole, the fancily dressed ponies staring at her with wide eyes. “Um, miss?” a pony with a slicked back blue mane and a curly mustache -a waiter, judging by his garb- asked Vinyl, with a tap on her shoulder. “Do you mind madam? Please, I’d like it if you weren’t so much of a disturbance. Me and the rest of the Gable’s patreons.” “Aw mou… Disrupt my flow will you man?” Vinyl grumbled. “But fine, fine! Rest assured though, I will be filing a complaint with your management!” “I have no doubt you will,” the waiter said through gritted teeth as he showed Vinyl to her table. “You seat, madam.” he continued, having to practically force the words out of his mouth. Neon Lights, he was already present and had probably attracted quite a bit of attention himself what with his “Death to My Little Corgi!” shirt under his nicely pressed jacket. “Seems the high life doesn’t suit you either Vinyl does it?” Neon laughed, having ditched his usual rave shades for simpler ones which rested around his neck via chain. Vinyl thought it made him look like some little old lady in some aspects but was polite enough not to mention that. Everyone had their own style, after all. “Granted, can’t say I blame you. These ponies wouldn’t know good music if it danced up to them completely in the nude. All they listen to is that classical crap.” Vinyl frowned. “Hey, I’ll have you know my sister in all but blood plays that ‘classical crap’ as you so kindly put it.” she stated, with a hint of warning in her tone and Neon got the message and almost immediately backed off. “Oh right, I’m so sorry. Forgot about that, I guess there’s an exception to every rule,” Neon apologized, although Vinyl was still rather miffed understandably. That was her sister he was talking about, she thought defensively. Her opinion of how this date was going to end was dropping rather low really, and rather quickly at that. “I apologize. By the way, I’ve always been curious. How did a pony like you, and a pony like Octavia actually meet really?” “To be honest, it’s exactly not that surprising if you think about it,” Vinyl replied. “Band camp, back when we were just about ten or so. They called it Camp Wolfgang, you know after the musician?” she asked, and Neon shrugged not really familiar with most of the great classical musicians which didn’t really surprise Vinyl really. Wasn’t his genre. “Anyways, believe it or not, I was the shy one of the two of us when we were younger, can you believe that?” “Not really, no,” Neon remarked. “I mean, you’re the mare who waltzes around every day treating life as some big party half the time, and the other half you are the party. Seriously, you give Pinkie Pie herself a run for her money in sheer outgoingness.” “Well, it’s the truth,” Vinyl shrugged, eating some of the spaghetti. Had nothing on a little quickly cooked Ramen, but it was nice enough she supposed. “I mean, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise at the camp, most of them thought I was probably mute I suspect!” “So what changed?” Neon inquired. “I mean, how’d you actually meet Octavia and all that?” “Well, heard what I admit was pretty bad music at the time being played from a corner of the campgrounds near this lake. There was Octavia, looking exceedingly frustrated trying to play Ave Maria I think it was. Had to do something, as I didn’t really like seeing a fellow musician in dire straits. Believe it or not, parents classically trained me in cello as well so I was suited to help Octavia. Walked right up to her, and helped her then and there, showed her how to play the notes. Pretty much the rest of the camp, we were inseparable. Musical tastes may have drifted, but that’s one thing that hasn’t changed. Even in school, we always tried to get the same seats next to each other and the same classes. Two peas in a pod, y’know?” “Hmm, that’s kinda awesome,” Neon replied, taking a sip of his wine. “How goes the music?” Vinyl’s groan and face slamming against the table gave him all the answer he needed. Neon winced. “That bad huh?” “Yeah, Octy thought putting us together and I mean together together would stir up some inspiration, but you know something? I’m just not feeling that jive, that buzz. You know what I mean dude? We’re just not really… clicking in that way she would want,” Vinyl confessed. “I love her and all, but I think this was sorta a mistake on her part.” “Yeah… same here,” Neon agreed, asking for the check. “I think we’re better off as friends. Least I can do is walk you home though, right?” “Yeah, that’d be nice. Catch up a little on old times, really,” Vinyl smiled. “It’s been a while since we last spoke, after all.” “Sure, sounds fun,” Neon replied. “But seriously, are you sure you don’t see Octavia as something more than just a sister?” he inquired. “I’m quite sure, really. Trust me, if I wanted to jump in bed with Octavia and give her a night she’d never forget, I think I would have done it a long time ago,” Vinyl laughed as the two walked out of the restaurant. “Seriously, I would have. Plenty of opportunities given we share the same household and all!” “But what about mares in general? You sure you’re not interested in them?” Neon inquired. “I suppose it’s possible, there are some pretty hunky stallions -I mean take Big Mac, for example, I mean woof!- but I’ve never shown interest in a lot of them really.” Vinyl replied with a small shrug of her shoulders. “Here, down this alleyway. Bit of a shortcut, and should keep us away from the main crowds and street traffic,” Neon suggested. Vinyl nodded, tired of getting practically beat up by the bustling crowds on a Saturday night. “Seriously, thanks Neon. May not be a good choice for a romp in the bed or wherevs but you’re a good friend dude,” Vinyl commented, not noticing the shadow of Neon behind her had changed rather considerably. At least, not until two fangs came out of nowhere, with Vinyl dodging them at the very last second. Vinyl then let out an exclamation of: “What the flying feather!?!” as she took in Neon’s new form. “N-Neon, is t-that you?” “In a sense. I’m sorry to take you away from your dearly beloved sister so soon, but not to worry, she’ll be reunited with you soon enough.” Vinyl tried to run, and to her credit, she did get somewhat far before tripping over a piece of wooden plank. Clutching her knee in pain, she fired off a few magical blasts from her horn that Neon caught in his claws, formed into an orb and gobbled up. He burped, and then patted his stomach. “Hmm, not as good as life energy from a pony but I admit it makes a nice substitute. Really, the fear creeping up your spine? Now that’s what makes a hunt worthwhile I think!” Neon grinned devilishly. “Shame I can’t take you as my bride, but let’s face it, things never would have worked anyhow…” Suddenly, before he could say anything more Fluttershy came out of nowhere and gave him a flying side kick to the stomach making Neon stagger backwards. “W-Who the hell do you think you are?” “The last face you’ll ever see… Fangire,” Fluttershy stated as she helped Vinyl up. Her tone, it was frighteningly cold. “Have you made your peace with Faust? Because you're about to meet Her. Kivat!” she barked. As Kivat fluttered down, Vinyl’s eyes widened as all the pieces began to come together. “No. way.” She thought before a smirk etched itself across her face. Whatever this thing was, -as it sure as Hell wasn’t Neon, at least not anymore- it was in for it now. “You sure about this Milady, unveiling yourself in public in front of her?” Kivat asked even as Fluttershy grabbed him out of the air. “Quite sure.” “Alright then. CHOMP!” he shouted, before biting down on Fluttershy’s arm, and her veins went all stained glass and her eyes slitted as a very distinctive form of distorted violin cut through the air and a belt wrapped itself around Fluttershy’s waist. Soon, standing in front of Vinyl was the infamous masked killer herself, Kiva. Though killer might not have been the right term, given what Kiva seemed to be doing. Fluttershy dodged a swing from Neon’s claws, before dodging another swing and catching it in-between her elbow and her knee. She then kicked the Polar Bear Fangire backwards, before Kivat spoke. “Power against power, only way to beat this guy Milady!” Kivat advised. “Right!” Fluttershy nodded, holding up a purple-whistle like device and placing it in Kivat’s jaws. “Dogga Hammer!” Kivat boomed out, as a foghorn-like sound cut through the air, and storm clouds boiled over before chains wrapped themselves around Fluttershy’s arms and chest before purple armor replaced it and a massive hammer appeared in her hands. “WAKE UP!” Kivat shouted, as Fluttershy swung the hammer over her head gathering electricity before she brought it down. Vinyl only now just noticed this hammer was themed after a giant fist, with an eye opening up on said fist as the Polar Bear Fangire shattered into a million pieces. Panting and sweating, Fluttershy canceled her transformation. “Come on Vinyl, let’s get you back to my place. It should be safe there,” Fluttershy said. “B-But what about Octavia? How do you know that thing doesn’t have friends? How do you know she won’t be targeted next?” Vinyl asked in a panic, and Fluttershy gave her a reassuring look. “Trust me, she’ll be fine,” Fluttershy stated, having already asked Jiro for a pack of his Timberwolves to keep a constant eye on Vinyl and Octavia’s home. Unknownst to them, even as Vinyl nodded weakly, a shadow kept them in her sights. This ‘shadow’ followed them all the way back to Fluttershy’s cottage, where even now the Element of Kindness was bundling up the now shivering Vinyl in a blanket. Brown Betty smirked, before revealing herself poised to strike before she heard a low growl behind her. She turned, only to see a Timberwolf clad in a leather jacket and wearing sunglasses of all things fangs bared and green eyes narrowed. “This is for my race…” Jiro growled out venomously before he pounced never even giving the Fangire a chance to scream. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was taking care of Vinyl. Having offered her a cup of tea, she’d begun explaining everything to the poor mare, whose eyes were now fully wide open to what lurked in the dark. “By Faust…” Vinyl whispered. “All this time, those…. those things were hiding in the shadows, and nobody ever knew?” she asked. “Probably a damn fine thing nobody ever did,” Kiva remarked, from his roosting place in the rafters. “After all, can you imagine the panic?” “Y-Yeah, I suppose. B-But why isn’t Princess Luna saying a word to the guard? Why isn’t she telling anyone in their ranks about who’s out and about?” Vinyl asked. “Think about it,” Fluttershy, taking a sip of her own tea. “I don’t think Luna or anyone even me would be able to trust the guard. We don’t know who’s a member of the Fangire Race and who isn’t really. They could have members, cells even, placed in any of the guards and none of us would be the wiser simply because we have no way of detecting them. No spells, nothing of the kind!” “It’s… It’s that bad?” Vinyl whispered out in fear. “Mhmm, sadly it is,” Kivat nodded. “Even when the King was defeated by Lady Luna long ago when she was Kuuga the Second, the Fangire race still found some way to survive. They always do, they’re like cockroaches in that respect. I wish we could foster peace between the two races, but honestly…? That would take the Fangires actually wanting to not want to suck us all dry. Basically, unless the Fangires suddenly change their tune, we’re fighting this battle day and night.” “Oh, Fluttershy…” Vinyl whispered before bringing the shocked mare in for a hug. “Arigatōgozaimashita. Faust… You shouldn’t have to go through this, any of this and yet…” “I know. I know, I don’t want to fight but I have to,” Fluttershy sniffled. “I do hold out hope that one day the Fangire race will be willing to foster peace between us, but honestly I can’t see it happening anytime soon.” “...Yeah, don’t look like it does it?” Vinyl muttered in distaste before stifling a sob. “Goddess, I can’t believe that Neon… For all this time… He was…” Kivat sighed. “Yeah, the man was a pony just like you or Fluttershy once. Once.” “You mean that…?” Vinyl whispered, fighting back another sob. “Yeah,” Kivat growled. “There’s a Bishop alive and well in this time. The only possible way for a pony to turn to a Fangire. That’s the only possible way. Trouble is, finding the Bishop, he doesn’t make public appearances that often.” “Then we’ll find him, together. And stop him, he’s got to pay for what he did to Neon, and Goddess knows how many other ponies besides,” Vinyl snarled, fists clenched tightly enough to draw blood. “Nobody messes with my friends and family. Nobody. Fluttershy, I don’t know how long you’ve been fighting this battle alone, but that’s going to change from here on in. I’ll help, in whatever way I can.” “But-’ Kivat and Fluttershy stated. “No buts. Nobody messes with Ponyville, nobody,” Vinyl stated, her horn crackling with magenta magical energy. She sighed, and then fought back another sob as she remembered what happened to Neon. “Fluttershy? Can you stay with me, just for tonight? I… I can’t…” she whispered, unable to finish the sentence. Fluttershy, although blushing nodded all the same, and let Vinyl snuggle up against her as Kivat pulled the covers over both of them. “Poor kids. They shouldn’t be fighting this war, none of us should be. But here we are… Damn you King, damn you to Hell. If you’re still alive somewhere, I hope you’re in such pain from Luna’s battle with you, and so afraid of her you’ll never crawl back into Equestria’s borders ever again.” he growled to himself. But life had to go on, and even with Vinyl now on her side it didn’t mean Fluttershy’s troubles were over. Far from it, as she found out one day while dealing with the Rhino Fangire. “Hey, hold it! Kiva, you’re under arrest!” a very familiar voice to Fluttershy’s ears called out, and she looked to see Tempest Shadow standing atop some giant drain pipes in full Guard armor. “Ah crap, just what we didn’t need right about now…” Kivat muttered, as the Rhino Fangire took this as his cue to leave. Tempest’s eyes narrowed, and she threw a belt around her waist before bringing out what looked to be a knuckle of some sort and pressing it against her own fist. “Henshin!” she bellowed. “Fist on.” the belt stated, as an alarm began to blare as Tempest clicked the IXA knuckle into place before a golden hologram was projected in front of her. Very quickly, the armor that the hologram displayed formed around her. It was mostly white, with a golden cross making up the helmet giving a Knight Templar aspect or theme to the whole thing. Then, the golden cross opened up to reveal two red eyes, as a wave of heat blasted itself out from Tempest. “Kiva, now it ends. Return those lives you stole to Faust.” Tempest stated, drawing a blade and leaping down from off the massive sewage pipes to Kiva’s level. Tempest’s broken horn glowed beneath her helmet, causing Fluttershy to brace herself out of reflex. “Of all the ponies to become Riders,” Kivat sighed. “It had to be her didn’t it? Why couldn’t it have been that wimp Flash Sentry?” he grumbled. Tempest charged, her horn sputtering bursts of energy and crackling with lightning her violent emotions at their peak. Fluttershy jumped back when she knew she was within range of Tempest’s explosive burst that was her trademark. However, instead of an explosion, a wild flash of light blanketed the area, turning Fluttershy’s vision white. Before her senses could be returned to her, a sharp pain rang out from her side. Fluttershy staggered backwards, clutching a bleeding arm, Tempest smirking with her sword in hand. “So you do bleed. Excellent.” Tempest grinned devilishly under her helmet. “Since when was she able to do that?” Kivat muttered to himself. “So, you let your bat do the talking for you? Guess it fits with the whole silent killer thing I suppose,” Tempest remarked, swinging again with Fluttershy leaping back to avoid the strike.  “This sword? It’s called Ixa Calibur. Made just for dealing with you, Kiva. May not have access to magic anymore for the most part, but I still figured out ways to fight.” When Tempest went to swing horizontally, Fluttershy dropped low and swept her leg out to knock Tempest off her hooves. Tempest leaped back, and formed a flaming orb in her palm, before launching a spout of flames at Kiva/Fluttershy, who just barely rolled out of the way to dodge it. Fluttershy then ran towards Tempest, and dealt out a flurry of fast punches to the gut, before rolling out of the way to avoid another blast of flames. “We need a way to douse those flames,” Kiva whispered, hoping Tempest wouldn’t hear him. Fluttershy nodded, before grabbing some wooden beams, and hurling them at Tempest like lances. “...Then again, why listen to me? I’m just the all-knowing bat here!” he muttered as Tempest sliced the beams apart before Fluttershy grabbed a girder and began using it as a makeshift bo staff. Fluttershy spun the girder around catching Tempest in the side making her grunt out in pain slightly, and Fluttershy let out a small whimper. “...What, are you really that afraid of me?” Tempest asked, as she switched her blade into that of a pistol, driving the blade itself downwards into the hilt. She pressed the trigger, and fired out a series of bursts from the weapon. “No… No, I just wish I didn’t have to fight you!” Fluttershy spoke up, and Tempest’s eyes widened under her helmet. Both from Kiva’s proclamation, and the voice. It sounded familiar in a way, but she couldn’t exactly place where she’d heard it before. As the two Riders ran through the construction site, Tempest pressed the trigger, again and again, sending out bursts of machine gun fire with some shots nicking Fluttershy in the side and others missing. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this. Milady, use one of them now!” Kivat ordered, and Fluttershy nodded, bringing out the Garulu Saber Fuestle. To her surprise, Tempest brought out a similar device even as she placed the Fuestle into Kivat’s jaws. “Garulu Saber!” Kivat barked, and the moon turned blue as a sharp howl cut through the air. Jiro, now in Saber form rocketed towards Fluttershy’s hands, blade extending with Fluttershy’s armor reformatting itself for the appropriate power limitations. That’s what the chains on her armor were for, to hold back her true power. She wasn’t ready for it, at least not yet. She had to prove herself worthy. Then, Tempest slammed the fake or knock-off Fuestle into her belt, and it made a mechanical sound that sounded very distinctly like: “Garulu Saber.” The saber shot out of Fluttershy’s hand as her eyes widened, her armor reshaping itself back into her base form. Before she could fully process things, the sword landed snugly into Tempest’s waiting hand. “What you can do, I can do better. Courtesy of Twilight Sparkle.” Tempest stated smugly as she twirled the blade in her hands getting a feel for it, and resting Ixa Calibur on her belt. “No, Twilight wouldn’t…” Fluttershy thought to herself. “Calm down,” Kivat mentally told her. “Twilight doesn’t know any better, and neither does Tempest. From their perspectives, you do look like a killer remember?” “I know, it’s just that…” Fluttershy told him. “You don’t want to fight your friend? I understand, and I’m truly sorry for this. Both for you having to fight Tempest, and having Jiro’s powers used against you.” Kivat told her softly. With the threat of her other weapons being stolen as well, Fluttershy would have to get creative. She rushed forward, Tempest quickly getting into a stance to meet her challenge. When she was a few feet away, she jumped up, beat her now bat-like wings to further increase her speed and let loose a bicycle kick towards Tempest’s head. Tempest’s eyes widened at just how brutal Kiva was willing to get, and at the very last moment as time seemed to slow down she dodged out of the way, and let Kiva smash a massive pipe in half. “Oh, that might’ve been too much,” Fluttershy thought, examining the broken pipe. “I just want to knock her out, not…” She couldn’t let herself finish the thought, pivoting on her hoof to return her attention to the fight at hand.. “Okay, you’re good. I’ll give you that much,” Tempest remarked. “You’ve got guts,” she stated, even while firing off more bursts of flame from her palm that Fluttershy rolled out of the way to dodge. “You’ve got quite a bit of nerve fighting me even after I’ve stolen your prized… Garulu Saber you and your bat friend called it? Anyways, even after I kill you I’ll make sure to give you some sort of memorial for lasting this long.” she remarked, jumping skywards, and flipping behind Fluttershy and landing on her hooves sword still in hand. Fluttershy and Tempest traded blows, metal ringing out throughout the construction site as Fluttershy either caught or dodged the blows, and whenever she did catch one she managed to land one of her own. Most of the time. At one point, she tried to knock the Garulu Saber out of Tempest’s grasp with a powerful kick, only for Tempest to grab her by the hoof, and twist her arm in such a way that Fluttershy was sent spinning onto the dirt below. Fluttershy managed to jump back to her hooves just in time, as if she didn’t Tempest would have scored a direct strike to the heart. But even back on her hooves, Tempest was still a very clear threat to Fluttershy, as shown when several powerful slashes from the Garulu Saber landed. Fluttershy decided to press her mobility advantage, flaring her wings and jumping backwards into the air. Tilting her wings, she shot forward and stomped a hoof onto Tempest’s head before darting out of reach of her stolen saber. “What was that supposed to achieve?” Tempest laughed, before her eyes widened under her helmet as she realized IXA Calibur was conveniently missing. “Damn you!” Tempest roared in rage. “One good turn deserves another, I say. Don’t you?” Kivat snarked, and as Tempest swung wide in anger, he flipped off his perch on Fluttershy’s belt and bit down on the sword while Fluttershy shut her eyes for she didn’t want to see what was coming next. Whispering a quick apology to both Tempest and Twilight she then pulled the trigger, firing the IXA Calibur at its former owner making Tempest stagger. A brief sword fight was to ensue next, both Riders using their stolen weapons against the other. “She’s really good,” Fluttershy thought, her chest heaving from her labored breathing. “Course she is,” Kivat remarked. “Didn’t you mention to me once this was the mare that held Canterlot hostage and then chased after you and your friends all just to get to Twilight?” “Kivat, we might have to figure out a way to escape. I’m going all out just to keep up. Waking up could hurt her too much.” “Might have to,” Fluttershy thought, even as Tempest swung again and again, the clashing blades ringing out in the night as sparks flew as metal met metal. “First things first, we’re getting Jiro back!” “Agreed. How do you propose we do it?” “Don’t worry, I’ve got an idea.” Fluttershy replied. “Always ready to follow your lead, Milady!” Kivat smiled. Tempest swung, and Fluttershy actually caught the blade in her palms. Now normally, this would shave fur from skin, and skin from skin but thanks to the armor this wasn’t happening anytime soon. In Tempest’s shock, she was caught off guard long enough to be kicked in the chest and then knocked into the dirt via a leg sweep. The blade clattered to the ground, with Fluttershy tossing IXA Calibur aside. Taking a dive, Fluttershy grabbed at the saber, pulling it close to her chest. “Welcome home, Jiro,” she whispered, sniffling softly under her helmet. “Can’t… Can’t believe she’s made it this far against me…” Tempest whispered, chest heaving in exhaustion. Fluttershy then took a running jump off a wooden plank high into the sky, with Tempest following after her eyes alight with rage. Both aimed flying side kicks at each other’s chest. “WAKE UP!” Both belts shouted in unison, as Fuestles were placed into belts. Fluttershy’s hoof slammed into Tempest’s helmet, and Tempest’s slammed into Fluttershy’s chest. Both were sent tumbling backwards, and Fluttershy picked herself up off the ground breathing hard and clutching her chest in pain. Tempest was in an even worse state. Her armor was blasting off spouts of steam, and she was just barely able to stand. Tempest’s eyes widened, thinking back to Twilight’s warning. “However, I should feel free to warn you, while the IXA system has been refined over the years with various abilities being added or removed as time went on, there’s one problem that the Blue Sky Organization has always worried persisting as time went on. Namely, the toll this takes on the pony body. The first few users of IXA, back in its original state did wind up in the hospital from what they told me. Tempest, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to…” “I’m such a fool…” Tempest thought as her transformation canceled itself and she fell towards the ground. Fluttershy let out a scream of fear, and canceled her own transformation and ran towards Tempest. “Is… Is she okay?” “I dunno kid,” Kivat murmured. “It doesn’t look good. We need to get her to a hospital, stat!” Fluttershy nodded, before picking up Tempest, hoisting her over her shoulders, and taking to the sky. > Part 5: For Whom the Bell Tolls - Her Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Emergency Hospital Fluttershy always hated hospitals, really. Always much too sterile for her liking, and then there was the multitude of bad memories associated with them really. Chief amongst which was the obvious case. “Flutters, for the sake of our family, and by Faust I know you’re far too young to take up this burden, you need to protect the world.” “P-Protect the world from what daddy?” Fluttershy asked. “After I leave, you will learn. I’m sorry my daughter, I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I wish I didn’t have to pass on the burden I should be carrying to you but…” “But? But what?” Fluttershy asked before she realized her father’s hand had gone limp, and the heart rate monitor had flat-lined. “Daddy! DADDY!” Fluttershy had pounded on the bedsheets with her tiny fists for what must have seemed like an eternity, till all her tears were finally spent and the doctors and nurses never did try to pry her away from her father. They’d just let her cry. After all, what else could they do really? Eventually, Fluttershy found herself waiting out in the lobby, her mother sadly had been far too caught up with work to learn of her husband’s passing until an hour after the tragic event and was currently en route to pick up her grieving daughter and her husband’s remains for a proper Cloudsdale burial. These generally consisted of spreading the ashes of the deceased to the wind, back to the gales from where the pegasi were originally rumored to come from. It was said long ago, the great creator Faust had breathed life into the winds and the very first pegasi had taken shape. Crude, and barely able to fly they eventually learned and evolved over the years into the modern day pegasus specimen. But that was neither here nor there. “I’m sorry Ms. Fluttershy, I truly am…” a voice said in Fluttershy’s head as a strange little bat creature with a coat the shade of blade and bright golden eyes said sorrowfully as he landed next to her. “W-Who are you?” Fluttershy squeaked out in fear at the creature’s sharp little fangs. They… They almost reminded of her of a vampire’s. She squeaked out in fear once more, a vampire bat! “St-Stay away!” she yelped out. “Relax, I’m not here to hurt you, and I never will. My name is Kivat. Kivat the Third at your service,” he introduced himself, doing a little bow. “I apologize for surprising you Ms. Fluttershy, I fully assure you that was not my intent. I wish meeting you was under better circumstances, I really wish it was, but-” “But what?” Fluttershy squeaked out, even as Kivat wiped away her tear stains with a wing. “...Like I said, my name is Kivat the Third, and one of your family’s personal retainers. I was instructed never to show myself around you, never to do so unless your father was to leave this world. He didn’t want you to meet with me, and I can’t say I blame him.” “H-How come?” Fluttershy whispered. “Because he knew if we were ever to meet, you would have to take up a responsibility that should have been his, and his alone.” “What r-responsibility?” Fluttershy whispered, not sure she really wanted to know. “...The responsibility of being Queen of the Fangires, a race Equestria’s best warriors in the Veil of Shadows or whatever they call themselves now have long been fighting. Your father was supposed to become King and stay in that seat till the day he died and peace was fostered when Luna returned from the moon, but sadly that seems that’s not fated to be.” “F-Fangires?” Fluttershy whispered. “Vampires, only made of stained glass. Your father, he was the previous King, in charge of keeping them in line but one Fangire, who I nor the rest of his retainers have yet to discover saw fit to it that would not come to pass,” Kivat explained. “They’re an unruly bunch, they don’t like to be controlled except by a Fangire of pure blood, and your father was anything but. He was only half-blood, a Dhampyr. While that technically counts as enough to sit on the throne, some would not see that, and conspired against him.” “Throne? Retainers? King, a Queen? Fangires? C-Conspired?” Fluttershy whispered, this all being too much to take in at once for the time being, and her head was beginning to hurt from all the thoughts beginning to swarm through it. “...I’m sorry, I really wish I didn’t have to dump this on you. I… I wish your father was given more time, so he could explain this to you in person, and train you in the art of defense. Make no mistake Fluttershy of Cloudsdale, no matter what position you found yourself in, you would have been targeted. ...By the Lady Luna, you’re only ten and now this…” Kivat whispered, sounding as if he was close to tears himself. “Damn that dragon. Damn him, he had to set things into motion far too soon! You weren’t supposed to ever become Kiva!” he hissed out, thankful the lobby was quite empty so nobody would ever learn of the long-held secrets being exposed. “Kiva?” Fluttershy whispered, her fear being replaced by another emotion common to that of a child her age. Curiosity. “Another title for the ruler of the Fangires. Old word, most know it as Kiba or simply Fang today in the common tongue but it was originally meant as the term for the armor worn by whoever ruled the Fangires. The bond between a member of the Kivat species such as myself, and one who Fangire blood running through their veins.” “And this… dragon?” Fluttershy squeaked out. “Unknown, long ago your father went out on an expedition to find a mysterious legend known as Tatsulot, free him from his captives accompanied by a member of the modern-day Veil of Shadows, a stallion known as Night Light,” Kivat continued to explain. “Somewhere beyond Equestria in this place known as Klugetown, if what I’m told is correct they encountered this dragon, who poisoned your father in a battle to free this ‘Tatsulot’. It was a slow burning poison, but it was fatal nonetheless. I… I just didn’t expect for it to catch up to your father this fast, only two years after he was bitten. I was hoping you’d have a little more time before, well… You know.” “I… I understand.” In hindsight, Fluttershy suspected this was what kickstarted her fear of dragons, and why when a certain red dragon came to roost in a mountain high above Ponyville for his hundred-year hibernation she was so scared to face him in case it turned out to be who she feared it to be. Spike was another story, he was a baby dragon and hardly dangerous, especially with such a wonderful mother. But she was terrified of every other dragon to exist on this earth, simply because they’d taken her father away from her. Maybe Ember and her little sister Smolder were exceptions, but they’d proven themselves to be hardly anything to be afraid of. Maybe a bit rough around the edges, but both bore hearts of gold underneath their rough exteriors. “But who is this we you keep talking about Kivat?” Fluttershy had to ask. Kivat blushed. “Ah, apologies Milady, if you permit me to call you that.” “I… I don’t mind,” Fluttershy replied with a small blush. If her father was a King of some sort, that technically made her a Princess right? It was only proper in that case for Kivat to refer to her as he did. “Okay then! Milady I shall call you from here on in!” Kivat declared happily before his expression turned serious once more. “Anyways, well I believe it’s best they explain in person. Well, not maybe person but you’ll see what I mean.” With that, the air around Fluttershy shimmered and she found herself inside a grand castle of some sort, moonlight shining through the massive windows. The Mare in the Moon stood watchfully from her position, as three creatures stepped out of the shadows. Fluttershy knew what they were, just from the many books about animals -even mythical ones- she’d read. “Jiro, Ramon, and Riki,” Kivat stated as each of the three waved a little hello. Fluttershy nervously waved back. Despite feeling no ill intent from these creatures, they were still rather scary in appearance and Jiro, in particular, was a member of a known pony eating species. “A Timberwolf, a Siren, and of course the legendary Frankenstein’s Monster, who needs no-RIKI! Get that damn filth out of your hands! There’s a filly present!” He’d smacked a piece of magazine our of Riki’s large hands and out a window with glass shattering and tinkling to the floor nearby. Fluttershy didn’t really see much of the magazine before Kivat had disposed of it, but it did depict a mare with very large flanks with very little covering them. “Honestly, honestly…” Ramon muttered. “Have you no class?” “Well, he was made from the parts of seven ponies, seven ponies already dead and brought to life via black magic, so what do you expect?” Jiro asked. “A world-class gentleman? I mean, hello Ramon, get realistic here!” Kivat facewinged, not the introduction he would have liked for poor Fluttershy. “For the record,” Jiro said solemnly, laying a wooden paw on his new mistress’s shoulder. “We’re very sorry for your loss. Your father… he was a great man. Rest assured, his death shall not go unavenged. We will track down the Fangire who did this to your father, and we will kill him.” Like that, a friendship was born, the two eternal partners. The pony and the timberwolf, two creatures which never should have met let alone become friends but because of their shared pasts, they overcame that barrier of predator and prey. “You don’t have to do this, you know,” Kivat stated. “We’re not forcing you into this battle.” “No, I want to find whoever killed my father, and avenge him. I want you all to train me.” she asked, and Kivat and Jiro shared a sorrowful look. “Then, starting tomorrow it shall be done. But for now,” Kivat stated, putting a claw to Fluttershy’s forehead and sending her into a dreamless slumber. “Rest. Luna knows you need it. Fast forwards seventeen years, and Fluttershy was ready. The Fangires had seemingly gone into hiding upon their King’s death almost as if in fear as to what was to come next. They had every right to be afraid, as shown when Fluttershy finally tracked down her father’s murderer. “You…” she stated coldly to the one who ruined her life. The dragon? He was none the wiser and just saw Fluttershy as another chance to feed. Just like that, the black dragon changed into a deep blue kirin-like monster. Almost as if in mockery of the very races Fluttershy was trying to protect. A fury filled her, and she bellowed out one simple name. “KIVAT!” Fluttershy shouted, and the Fangire’s eyes widened in fear as a strange little crimson bat fluttering down to Fluttershy’s side. “No, no… It can’t be. No, not-” the Fangire stuttered out in fear, his stained-glass coat showing his dragon form frozen in an expression of absolute panic. “Guess what, it is,” Fluttershy hissed out. “Have you made your peace with the Lady Faust, Fangire? Because congratulations, you’re about to meet her. You took my father away from me 17 years ago to this day, and now it’s time to pay the piper. Henshin!” “Biting!” Kivat nodded before he bit down on Fluttershy’s arm -A distorted violin’s strings filling the air- and a strange power began to fill her before she found herself clad in silver and red armor, two bright moon-like eyes adorning her winged helmet. Blood rushing, she stared down the Kirin Fangire and let out a low growl. This… This was what her father had died trying to protect her from, the responsibility of trying to take on these things alone. She was beyond mad, no she was furious her blood beginning to boil. Letting out a loud screech of unadulterated pure anger, the newly crowned Princess Kiva let out a flurry of punches not even the Fangire was expecting. The Fangire was on his last ropes, and Fluttershy was about to strike one final blow. She pulled back her fist, and just before she could shatter the creature something stopped her, something seemed to hold her back. She looked, and saw a figure, faintly shimmering in the crimson moonlight. The eyes of his helmet shone a bright green as he slowly became visible. win black wings stuck out of the back of the helmet He, as he could only be of the male gender via the build alone was dressed from head to toe in crimson armor with a black chest plate that like the wings of a bat, seemed to extend past him and into his black billowing cape. The figure resembled Kiva in all respects, but much more regal and missing a Kivat roosting on his belt. “D-Daddy?” Fluttershy whispered, and from his shocked expression on her belt Kivat seemed to see him as well. “Please Fluttershy,” her father whispered, in that warm loving fatherly tone his daughter knew all too well. “Restrain yourself, your powers… I never meant them to be used as an instrument of murder or vengeance. I only wanted the best for you, you understand? I don’t want you to become this cold monstrous creature. Don’t kill this beast out of simple rage, but just do it to save those who cannot defend themselves. That’s the duty of a Kamen Rider, not a warrior who strikes down those who oppose them out of simple fury, but someone who protects. Kill him yes, but do it not because of vengeance.” “I… I understand,” Fluttershy whispered, as her father’s armor briefly changed to this red phoenix-themed warrior before shifting back to that of the Kiva armor. “T-Thank you, Daddy, for reminding me of who I am.” Her father’s helmet faded away, and for one brief moment, Fluttershy was allowed to see her father’s smile again before he faded away into the dark once more. Her features hardened, and she placed a whistle-like device into Kivat’s mouth. “WAKE UP!” Leaping upwards, before rocketing towards the Fangire with the bloody red moon at her back, Fluttershy smashed into the unicorn monster before it shattered into pieces. Panting, Fluttershy canceled her transformation and looked at the massive imprint left in the ground by her kick, before walking away. “I understand now Dad. I will pick myself up as many times off the ground as possible, all to protect the smiles of the ponies I care for. My name is Fluttershy Breeze, and I am Kamen Rider Kiva.” The Present Day: Returning her thoughts back to the present time, Fluttershy nervously watched as Tempest was rushed to the ICU on a stretcher by Nurse Redheart and another pony. She sighed, and sat herself down on a nearby chair, next to this little hedgehog Fluttershy recognized as Grubber. Grubber, he was reading this manga about this skull-masked wearing character. The reader was getting a few strange looks, which was understandable as this ‘Skull Man’ was ruthless, almost to Kiva levels, in taking out his foes. “You alright?” she asked Tempest’s loyal assistant. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine, Tempest will be alright. She’s been through worse than this. I know she’ll be alright, I just know it!” he stammered out quickly, sounding like he was trying more to reassure himself than anyone else. To his surprise, Fluttershy then pulled Grubber into a hug. “It’s okay, you can say it. You’re worried about her, just as I am.” “...Yeah, I am. I promised myself to always be by her side, and now when she needed me most, I… I was never there to protect her!” Grubber whispered, his manga left forgotten. Fluttershy suppressed a wince, if only she could tell the poor little thing the truth. “Did… Did I ever tell you how me and Tempest met?” Fluttershy asked nervously, and Grubber shook his head. “Wait, didn’t you guys meet when Tempest was… y’know, consumed with rage, vengeance and all that?” Grubber asked. “Yes, I suppose, but I meant met as friends.” “Oh, in that case… no, definitely no.” “Hey, you okay?” Fluttershy asked as she walked up to the mare formerly known as Tempest Shadow. Behind them, fireworks exploded in the sky in a multitude of colors and music blared in the background, DJ-Pon3 showing off her stuff. “...Does it look like I’m okay?” Tempest asked in her usual sarcastic biting tone she reserved for just about everyone really. “Want to talk about it?” Fluttershy asked as she sat down beside the broken mare. “Not really, no,” Tempest replied grumpily. “But as I have a feeling you won’t leave until I spill my feelings or some such shit, I might as well tell you. The question I keep asking myself is… well, why? Why did I get sucked into the Storm King’s lies? Why did I want to believe so hard he’d restore my horn someday, even when I knew deep down inside that’s all his lies were, just lies.” “Because you did want to believe it, it’s as simple as that. Twilight told me what happened to you, you know that right? Between you, your friends, and that Ursa Minor.” “She shouldn’t have…” Tempest growled, her horn sparking angrily. “To be honest, and I can’t quite believe I’m saying this, maybe those friends of yours weren’t really worth the trouble,” Fluttershy sighed to herself, and Tempest stared at her eyes widened in shock. Fluttershy, the so-called Element of Kindness bad-mouthing ponies? It was unthinkable! “They left you Fizzlepop, when you needed their help and support the most. I can’t forgive anypony for that. That Ursa Minor… He crippled you. I don’t know a lot about unicorn culture, but I understand this much, magic is a way of life to you. Losing access to that… Faust above I can’t simply imagine wh-” She then heard Tempest sniffling, trying so hard to fight back the tears that had been threatening to break all night. Fluttershy pulled the older mare into a hug, and whispered: “Hey, it’s okay. Shh… It’s okay,” Fluttershy whispered, stroking Tempest’s back as the mare sobbed into her shoulder. “I won’t ever give up on you, I won’t ever leave you.” And through her tears, Tempest managed to choke out a small, whispered: “Why?” “My father, he had this saying. It went: “Because if there is a hand reaching for help, and I don't reach out my hand when I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead... I reach out my hand, because I don't want that.” I don’t want to see you become a shadow of yourself Tempest, you understand? I want to help you.” “T-Thank you…” Tempest whispered. “Holy cow…” Grubber muttered after he’d heard the story, the two now walking down the hallways to Tempest’s room. Eventually, they reached it, and inside they could see Tempest laying in a bad gently sleeping as if nothing had ever happened. “I… I wish I could have been like you, you know? Supporting Tempest all throughout her life.” “Silly-billy, you have been, you’ve been there longer then I have for her, ever since she first joined up with the Storm King. You’ve been trying to make her smile, and honestly, it’s you I should thank.” Fluttershy replied kindly. “Really?” Grubber whispered and Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, really.” Twilight rushed in about then, panting and sweating. “I… I heard what happened, is Tempest alright?” “I… I don’t know. I saw her in this strange form of armor collapse in front of me! I brought her here as soon as I could!” Fluttershy exclaimed in fear. “Oh, Faust… I thought… I thought I’d fixed those flaws, but I…” Twilight whispered out in what was a mixture of shame, self-digust and fear as she saw Tempest laying in bed in front of her. “Flaws? What flaws?” Grubber demanded. “The armor, the one used to fight Kiva, it had… issues. It wasn’t supposed to be used in prolonged battles, not until the flaws were ironed out and it became less of a danger to the user! Damnit Tempest, why… why did you have to be so stubborn!?!” Twilight exclaimed, fighting back tears. “Because she thought what she was doing was best,” Kivat’s voice said as he flew through an open window. Fluttershy’s eyes widened before she sighed. Guess there was no sense in keeping this secret any longer, at least from Twilight and Grubber. Tempest as well, once she woke up. “W-What do you mean? And who are you?” Twilight stuttered out at the strange bat-like creature. “Name’s Kivat the Third, so pleased to finally make your acquaintance Princess.” “How… How do you know Tempest?” “Because he’s my partner,” Fluttershy sighed as Kivat landed on her shoulder. “Because I’m Kiva.” “No, that can’t be true. It… It just can’t! Kiva’s a murderer, and you’re… well, you!” Twilight shouted, staggering back in shock. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong!” Tatsulot exclaimed as he alongside Kiva-La flew in through an open window like Kivat before them. “If anything, you owe Flutters here a thank you! Seriously, she’s been working her ass off fighting off Fangires day and night!” “Who are you?” Fluttershy asked. She knew Kiva-La from seeing her around Castle Doran but not this little creature cute as he was. “Tatsulot, at your service MIlady!” the little gold dragon exclaimed, doing a small little bow. “Tension Fortissimo!” “F-Fangires?” Twilight stuttered out. “I… I thought they went extinct years ago!” “...Seriously?” Tatsulot asked. “Per Faust, Princess, sei davvero cieco!” he exclaimed. “Seriously, surely Luna told you!” “N-No, she didn’t!” “She’s got a good reason not to, remember Tatsulot?” Kivat remarked, shooting a look at his fellow castle-mate. Unlike Jiro and the rest, he knew he’d taken up residence in Castle Doran. “I’m sorry Princess, Luna just didn’t want to incite panic. Fangires! Just imagine your classic vampires crossed with Changelings, they could be in your guard and you’d never know it!” “Y-You mean…?” Twilight stammered out. She’d heard brief references to things called Fangires in her books, but as they were so fleeting and far between she’d dismissed them. “Yeah, pretty much,” Kivat remarked. You’ve been chasing after the wrong suspect this entire time Princess.” “See, told ya,” Grubber said. At any other time, he’d probably be wearing a smug smile but given the seriousness of the situation at hand… “How… How do I know any of what you’re saying is true?” Twilight stammered out. “How do I know I shouldn’t just call the guard on all of you here and now?” “Because I actually have proof?” Tatsulot smirked. “And because I’m a genius who knows everything?” “No, he’s an idiot,” Kivat snarked, looking directly at the little gold dragon. Kiva-La looked quite annoyed at her brother calling her mate an idiot but said nothing. “But as this as his story to be told…” “Right, well! Here we go. Prepare yourselves, principesse, for I’ve got quite the tale of heroism and tension fortissimo to tell you!” Tatsulot exclaimed, flapping his wings ever the more excitedly. “...I swear he doesn’t really know what that phrase means…” Kivat muttered before his sister hissed at him to be quiet as Tatsulot began to speak… Groaning out, both Night Light and Sky Shy, the future King found themselves trudging through the desert wastes far beyond Equestria, a ramshackle city with air-ships attached to it via ropes off in the distance. “Kludgetown,” Kiva-La chirped. “Never will you find a greater hive of scum and villainy. Seriously, that place is chock full of ne'er-do-wells from the ground up. Can’t believe we had to wind up here off all places…” she muttered. “...Remind me again why we’re coming to this place?” Night Light asked. He had a newborn son at home, and yet here he was going off on some adventure with his friend. He understood the need for the Blue Sky Organization to track down any rumors of any potential Fangires and follow them up, but this was ridiculous even for them! “Aside from the rumor of this Fangire in the area,” Sky Shy explained as they trudged into town, eyes from every corner of the city and every alleyway watching them leerfully as dark chuckles came from various locations all around him. Night Light swallowed nervously as he saw a stall selling unicorn horns. “I’m here for someone. Both me and Kiva-La are.” He spied a cage, and a small gold dragon-like creature flapping about inside it trying to break free. “There!” Kiva-La shouted, and flew over to the cage only to be knocked aside by a massive black claw, belonging to this dragon that had two tusks jutting out of either side of his head and sharp fangs. Around his waist, he wore this strange belt that looked to have slots for three different medals or something similar. “Sorry, you’re not getting your hands on my little prize. This little thing, he’s been on the run for far too long, quite hard to catch I must admit. But now, he’s going back to Lord Torch where he belongs.” “Drop the act, I know what you are… Fangire.” Sky Shy said, holding up his palm and displaying a tattoo of the Kiva insignia on it. The dragon’s eyes widened in fear before he launched a breath of flame at his King. Market-goers screamed in fear as both Night Light and Sky Shy rolled out of the way to dodge it. Night Light brought out a little rod and swung it with it changing into this whip-like sword or jute. He struck the dragon several times, but didn’t seem to do much damage. “There’s… There’s got to be a way to beat this guy!” Sky Shy shouted before his friend spotted some very distinctive red medals on a nearby market stall. They seemed to call out to him, and the dragon -whom they would later know as Tiamat- shot a blast of flame at Night Light as soon as he realized what the unicorn had seen. Thankfully, Night Light was much too nimble for him. “Here, catch!” Night Light shouted as he tossed the avian themed medals to his friend. Tatsulot nervously watched as Sky Shy caught the tossed medals in his hands. Tiamat's eyes were soon to follow as a belt with three slots formed on Lord Shy’s waist, a golden scanner-like device also coming into existence with a flash of red flame. Tiamat snarled. If that’s the way it was going to be... “Shark, Whale, Seawolf: Sa~Ku~Oo!” the dragon’s driver proclaimed as water gathered itself up from the desert sands all around Tiamat and changed him into this gold eyed warrior, with a shark-themed helmet, with a chest plate themed after some sort of whale. In one of his claws, he held this massive red lance. “Call me… Kamen Rider Poseidon. I have to admit, for a Fangire -Yes, I know what you are- even you have nerve taking those medals and using them for your own, just to free that worthless winged rat.” Sky Shy begged to differ on that aspect. “It doesn't matter if I'm not a pony. Even if I have the same powers as you, I'm not like you. And if you say you want to destroy the world, I will use this power for love and peace. That's the kind of Kamen Rider I believe in!” the future Lord Shy stated, dropping all three metals into his belt, and running the scanner across them. “Hawk, Peacock, Condor: Ta~Ja~Dol!” the driver proclaimed, even as it’s user was turned into a bright red warrior with a winged helmet, a chest plate depicting all three animals used in the medal combo and a shield on the right arm. Six flaming wings erupted from the newest Kamen Rider’s back. “Who do you think you are?” the dragon/Kamen Rider Poseidon snarled. “I don’t know, guess I’m a Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider OOO, I’m above such titles like naming myself after ancient gods.” the newly coronated OOO remarked. With that, he rocketed towards Poseidon, a burst of hot air erupting from behind him before smashing him through several market stalls and into the interior of some poor sap’s apartment. “Okay, that is it, Verko is relocating! I am outta here!” some naked mole rat-like creature shouted as he grabbed a couple of cages full of exotic birds and ran out the nearest exit. “I should have listened to my mother and become a crime boss instead! Just you wait and see, I’ll be running this town within a few years!” Snarling as he slid back, wings flared, Kamen Rider Poseidon then leaped forwards to perform a corkscrew kick as water spun around his foot like a whirlpool. With a loud clang, it connected with the shield on OOO’s arm before Sky Shy grabbed his opponent by the leg, and slammed him into the ground, cracking the floor beneath him. Poseidon was quick to recover and launched a flurry of punches at his opponent some which were caught or blocked. Sadly, as Lord Shy was so caught up with trying to block this particular onslaught he didn’t exactly see what was coming next. Poseidon used this chance given to him to pick up his lance and slice Lord Shy across the chest with it several times before kicking him back out onto the street and into the dirt below, a small cloud of dust being kicked up where he landed. “For the current King of Fangires, I was expecting much more of a fight. Huh, guess today really is a day full of surprises,” Tiamat shrugged to himself as Lord Shy struggled to pick himself up off the ground. “Hmph, who knows. Maybe I’ll be able to take the throne for myself.” “Now see… That’s not going to happen, not in my lifetime,” the future Lord Shy replied as he stepped forwards, his boots leaving behind small flickers of flame in their wake. He smirked under his helmet, even he could tell Tiamat was intimidated by that by how he staggered backwards in fear, and was starting to rethink battling his King. “Not ever, you understand? No monster like you will ever be seated on the throne.” “Oh, we’ll see. We’ll see,” Poseidon remarked overcoming his fear even as he began to create a ball of scalding hot water in his hands. “See, the Fangire race has been on the downturn as of late. We’ve been hiding out, just trying to etch out a living on meager feedings here and there. Hikers vanishing on woodland walks, explorers never returning from their adventures. That sort of thing. Someday soon, we will RISE!” With that, he fired the blast of water right at OOO, causing him to roll to the side. Night Light’s eyes widened, before he threw up a shield of magic to block the attack. Sky Shy’s eyes narrowed under his helmet before he launched a series of flaming disks from the little shield on his arm. All three disks of fire hit, making the so-called Kamen Rider Poseidon stagger back. “Look at you, so selfish!” Poseidon snarled, as he launched a series of cyclonic winds from the tip of his lance towards Sky Shy, who was just barely managing to hold them back with his shield. “You could be so much more, with both the powers of the King of Fangires and these medals combined, instead you choose not to use either of them to their full potential!” “And you know why?” Sky Shy/OOO asked even as he began to slide backwards from the sheer force of the howling winds. “Because I’m not like you, a monster. I’ve heard of the power of the Greeds, and those Core Medals of yours? They’re consuming you, and soon you’ll just want more and more of that power until there’s nothing left of you.” At the time, the Future Lord Shy would think nothing of it, but he did feel a strange desire inside him as well, those three Core Medals he’d used calling out for more and more. Poseidon was actually more right on the money than he realized, he was dangerously close to mixing Fangire and Greeed genetics and whatever the end result would be, it would be a terrifying combination. “I’m going to take those Medals from you, and then seal them away where nobody else can ever find them,” OOO declared, pointing a finger at Kamen Rider Poseidon’s chest. He smirked when he saw the Rider visibly stagger back in shock, and slightly loosen his grip on his lance causing the howling winds to calm themselves somewhat. “And then, I’m coming to do the same with my own, and my driver so nobody will ever be consumed by these things and their lust ever again. Tiramat let out a loud nearly-earsplitting roar of rage, before unfurling his wings and rocketing towards his fellow Kamen Rider who flipped over him at the very last second, and launched another series of flaming disks at his opponent. However, it seemed Poseidon had anticipated this, and pulled out his lance and created a shield of more cyclonic slashing winds to block the attack. “This… This is getting too dangerous to wage this battle in this marketplace,” OOO thought to himself, as he looked around to see various Kludgetown residents scattering and hiding behind various stalls. He’d also saw the damage caused by the battle between the two Riders. “Time to take this battle to the sky.” With that, he rocketed towards Poseidon and fired another series of flaming disks, and the sea-themed Rider only chucked. “That again?” he asked, as he sidestepped to avoid the attacks. “You’re getting predictable. Try something-” “New?” Sky Shy asked. “Just what I was thinking, how about we take this elsewhere?” he asked, as he grabbed Poseidon by the waist before tossing him upwards. “We’re both flyers, right? Sure, you may be Overlord of the Sea, and me Overlord of the Flame, but we both understand the freedom of flight right? The appreciation the wind and the gales brings us, nobody to bother us but our fellow flyers.” With that, they began to clash over and over, leaving behind trails of blue and red in their wake becoming blurs in the sky above.  As the two rocketed above the skies above Kludgetown, both Night Light and Kiva-La watched nervously, before the little bat set herself about freeing Tatsulot. “Long time no see eh Tatsulot?” Kiva-La asked kindly, as she handed Night Light a lockpick and watched as the unicorn began trying to jimmy the lock open. “Kiva-La, surprised you even made it out this far,” Tatsulot teased. “But Molto Bene! So glad you came when you did, never thought I’d ever be free again with that monster about. He wanted to sell me to the highest bidder, can you believe it?” “...Considering he’s let himself be taken over by those core medals and become half-Greeed, I sorta can.” Kiva-La remarked. Eventually, blade and lance clashed, as OOO summoned the Zanbat Sword into his hands and met Poseidon's lance. Shy’s brilliant amber eyes stared down Poseidon’s own. “I’m right, aren’t I?” Poseidon snarled. “Everyone just wants to look out for themselves!” “No, that’s where you’re wrong. We just want to live without any regrets!” OOO shouted back in return before he kicked his foe in the stomach before slicing him across the chest with the Zanbat sword, the blade seemingly making a growling sound as the blow struck. It was almost as if it was waiting eagerly in anticipation for the next attack. Poseidon grabbed his foe by the neck, and threw him into a nearby windmill, wooden splinters flying everywhere before he was headbutted by the future Lord Shy who had rocketed towards him creating a miniature Sonic Rainboom. The wake left behind that was left behind began decorating the skies the color of crimson. Roofs were ripped off the top of houses by the sheer force of the blast. Metal rang out in the skies above, as the weapons clashed once more, both Poseidon and OOO coming in for a strike before flying away. This pattern repeated, contrails of red and blue left behind as the two met weapons again and again. “Why… Why do you persist!?!” Tiamat roared out in rage, and Sky Shy let his helmet retract briefly so his foe could see him smile. “Because… Because if there is a hand reaching for help, and I don't reach out my hand when I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead... I reach out my hand, because I don't want that. That’s what a King should be like, helping others when needed. My ancestor, the original King, the one who went up against Princess Luna failed to understand that. I intend to amend that mistake, and be the King of the Fangires he never could,” Sky Shy explained. “If I gave up, thinking “I’m weak” and I let regret accumulate I’d never be able to live with myself.” “Then… Don’t live at all!” Tiamat snarled, before retracting his helmet and then biting down on Sky Shy’s arm making him scream out in pain. “You feel that? That’s my venom running throughout your veins. Never did tell you what type of dragon species I was, did I? I’m a Vipertooth, we have a natural poison. Give it a few years, and you’ll be dead. I don’t know how long it’ll be, but it’ll happen. I wish I’ll be there to see it, I like to see how dramatic those deaths always are.” “Then, I’ll just have to make sure you never will be able to see it,” Sky Shy replied, forcing the pain down. If he died, so be it. He’d ready his daughter, and perhaps she could be the ruler of the Fangires he never could be. He deployed a set of talon-like attachments on his boots, and then drop-kicked Tiamat with a loud cry of “Prominence Drop!” shattering his armor and sending the medals Tiamat had used to transform flying out into the desert hopefully never to be found again. As for their user, he crash-landed into a building, knocked unconscious. “A-Are you alright?” Night Light asked his friend, as Sky Shy canceled his transformation. In the background, Tatsulot flew free of his cage, with Kiva-La nearby. “Been better, but I’ll be fine,” Sky Shy lied. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” “Wait, you’re saying just because my father helped your father I’m supposed to believe any of this crap!?!” Twilight shouted, and Fluttershy winced. “Believe what you want Princess,” Kivat stated. “But right now, Fluttershy’s one of your only hopes of defense against the Fangires, whether you refuse to believe in them or-” Just then before Kivat could finish, the lights all over the hospital went out one by one, and both Fluttershy and Twilight shared a nervous look before both swallowed as a loud growl came from one of the corridors. “Oh, Tartarus…” Fluttershy muttered, before she and Kivat shared a look. “You ready Milady?” he asked, and Fluttershy nodded. “Time to prove who we are.” she thought. > Part 6: Soliloquy - Lines in the Sand and Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s eyes darted from right to left, left to right as she heard the sound of chittering coming from somewhere above the darkened hallways. Almost like the sound of rats squeaking, and then she heard the sound of loud hoofsteps coming from somewhere down the darkened hallways. “Oh… I don’t like this Milady…” Kivat muttered to himself in a worried tone. “Not one bit you hear?” Twilight was hearing the sounds as well, a loud Thoom! Thoom! Thoom! coming from somewhere nearby. “What’s that?” she asked slowly, her horn lighting up like a candle. She swore quietly, even as the sounds began to grow louder by each passing moment, before casting a glance to Tempest who was still fast asleep in her hospital bed. She thought back to a few moments before and the conversation that had been exchanged. “Name’s Kivat the Third, so pleased to finally make your acquaintance Princess.” “How… How do you know Tempest?” “Because he’s my partner,” Fluttershy sighed as Kivat landed on her shoulder. “Because I’m Kiva.” “No, that can’t be true. It… It just can’t! Kiva’s a murderer, and you’re… well, you!” Twilight shouted, staggering back in shock. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong!” Tatsulot exclaimed as he alongside Kiva-La flew in through an open window like Kivat before them. “If anything, you owe Flutters here a thank you! Seriously, she’s been working her ass off fighting off Fangires day and night!” “Who are you?” Fluttershy asked. She knew Kiva-La from seeing her around Castle Doran but not this little creature cute as he was. “Tatsulot, at your service MIlady!” the little gold dragon exclaimed, doing a small little bow. “Tension Fortissimo!” “F-Fangires?” Twilight stuttered out. “I… I thought they went extinct years ago!” “...Seriously?” Tatsulot asked. “Per Faust, Princess, sei davvero cieco!” he exclaimed. “Seriously, surely Luna told you!” “N-No, she didn’t!” “She’s got a good reason not to, remember Tatsulot?” Kivat remarked, shooting a look at his fellow castle-mate. Unlike Jiro and the rest, he knew he’d taken up residence in Castle Doran. “I’m sorry Princess, Luna just didn’t want to incite panic. Fangires! Just imagine your classic vampires crossed with Changelings, they could be in your guard and you’d never know it!” “Y-You mean…?” Twilight stammered out. She’d heard brief references to things called Fangires in her books, but as they were so fleeting and far between she’d dismissed them. “Yeah, pretty much,” Kivat remarked. You’ve been chasing after the wrong suspect this entire time Princess.” “See, told ya,” Grubber said. At any other time, he’d probably be wearing a smug smile but given the seriousness of the situation at hand… “How… How do I know any of what you’re saying is true?” Twilight stammered out. “How do I know I shouldn’t just call the guard on all of you here and now?” Twilight let out a small squeak. Was it possible, was it possible that Fangires really did exist? And if so, was it possible she’d sent Tempest after one of her own best friends for no good reason? Sure, Twilight could rationalize that Tempest or herself for that matter didn’t honestly know that Fluttershy was Kiva but that still didn’t change the fact that Tempest as IXA had tried to kill her. And now here they all were, standing alone in a darkened hospital with no way out and what was possibly at least two Fangires of unknown capabilities surrounding them, boxing them all in for the kill. If Tatsulot and Kivat’s words were correct, then chances are Twilight, Tempest and Fluttershy were the only ponies left in this hospital. Living ponies anyways, considering a Fangire’s hunger was insatiable really. They just wanted their next meal, and they didn’t care how they got it or who from. “I’ve… I’ve been such a fool.” Twilight thought to herself as she fought back a sob. “Hey, I know what you’re thinking,” Grubber said to her in a soft tone of voice, and Twilight nearly let out a yelp having forgotten the little hedgehog-like creature was there in the first place. “Probably about how you were some kind of idiot right? Hey, just for the record I don’t blame you and neither does Fluttershy.” “She… She doesn’t?” Twilight whispered in shock, nearly at a loss for words. Even after all Twilight had done, she still honestly couldn’t understand why Fluttershy could find enough space in her heart to forgive her after all the mistakes she’d made, the manhunt she’d sent her Royal Guards on to find Kiva. Or rather as it seemed, Fluttershy Breeze of all ponies. “Course she doesn’t,” Grubber replied with a small laugh. Twilight failed to see what was so funny even as she gave him a look. “I mean… why would she? You didn’t know that the Fangires existed, and really all the evidence did sorta point to her. From the looks and sounds of it, Fangires don’t seem to leave much evidence behind after Kiva… No, Fluttershy deals with them.” “Still, you’d think we would have noticed something like say… shattered shards of stained glass!” Twilight whispered back. “I mean, small as they are, that’s kinda hard to miss!” “You can try and rationalize it all you want Princesa,” Grubber replied. “But the thing is, I hadn’t noticed much, and half of me did believe Kiva was a killer. It was those small shards of glass that I only saw every so often that tipped me off. Think about it, if me, a trained member of the Royal Guard can barely notice such things half the time why should you be able to?” “I… I suppose you’re right,” Twilight whispered before swearing again as she looked at Tempest. “Damnit! Likelihood of moving her?” “Not very high,” Grubber replied. “Not in this scenario. Don’t think we want to risk a teleportation spell. Even if you weren’t in such a worried and stressed state hermana mía, with Tempest’s current injuries we shouldn’t take that risk of something happening in transit.” “...Guess that means it’s all up to Kiv-No, Fluttershy.” Twilight murmured, even as she watched the Kamen Rider stand outside the room ready to defend against all threats. Twilight noted the normally green lights of the security cameras covering every inch of the hospital corridor had changed to red signaling that they were off. She was willing to bet that all other cameras in the hospital were in the same sort of condition. If she was staging a lockdown, that would be the first thing she’d do. Seems the Fangires wanted to keep the populace in the dark -both literally and metaphorically- about their existence a little while longer. Twilight’s eyes narrowed, not on her watch. “Fluttershy!” Twilight shouted, and the mare in question whirled around in shock eyes widening under her helmet. “Can you keep Tempest safe?” “So, finally decided to trust us?” Kivat asked in surprise. “Not much choice in the matter really, not when I guess you could say my eyes are wide open for the first time since this whole mess started…” Twilight murmured, no small amount of shame in her voice. “Trust me,” Kivat said. “The Lady and I have this covered. No Fangires are getting past us to your Mistress.” “She’s not my-” Twilight squawked, but decided it best not to argue the point. Least, not right now anyways. Besides, she had to admit if only to herself that she had felt certain… stirrings whenever she looked at Tempest. Recovering her composure, the mare smiled back at the bat-like creature. “Okay, me and Tatsulot… Well, we’re going to go ahead and try to get the generator started back up. Kiva-La?” she requested, taking charge of the situation. Grubber smiled in pride, that was the Princess he’d come to know and love. “Yes?” the little white bat asked. “Go to the barracks down near my castle, I assume you know the way right?” Twilight asked, and Kiva-La nodded. “Good. Go there and get ahold of the Royal Guard. Just in case we’re dealing with a large infestation here, which is a plausible scenario as I wouldn’t put it past the Fangires to deal with all of their enemies at once if they had a chance to, we’re going to need all the help we can get.” “On it!” Kiva-La exclaimed before flying out through the gaps of the bars now encasing each and every window towards Ponyville proper. “It’s up to you now, Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a small reassuring smile and teleported down to the generator room with Tatsulot taking Grubber with her to keep him out of danger. “Guess that means it’s time we draw our line in the sand, Kivat,” Fluttershy stated, now filled with a confidence she hadn’t had before as Kiva. Twilight believed in her, she didn’t think her a murderer anymore. It was all she could do to return the favor and protect her friend’s love. “Nobody passes us, understand? Nobody.” “Agreed. Let’s dance then!” Kivat cried as the Rhino Fangire smashed through a wall, sending pieces of plaster amongst other things everywhere. “As Tatsulot likes to say… Tension Fortissimo!” With a loud shriek resembling that of an angry bat’s, Fluttershy went right into Garulu Saber form and clashed blades with the Rhino Fangire a few times before whirling around to kick him in the face. Not a Rider Kick, just a regular kick making him stagger back before the Queen of the Fangires slashed him across the chest. “Father, I’ve finally accepted this responsibility and I will NOT let you down!” Fluttershy thought to herself as she continued her duel with the Rhino Fangire, the two smashing through a wall more plaster and wood splinters flying everywhere and into a lobby of some form. Fluttershy scored several strikes across the chest, before she faltered when she saw what exactly had happened to the nurses and doctors of the hospital. Each and every one of them, drained completely of life energy. “No… No…” she whispered as she saw the form of Nurse Redheart shatter to bits. All the while, the Rhino Fangire cackled up a storm. “Oh Faust,” he said, patting his belly. “There’s nothing like a good meal before facing off against Kiva, I say. And of course, I saved the best for last. Namely you, Tempest Shadow and that little Princess both of you look up towards…” With an indescribable shriek of rage, Fluttershy lunged out with her blade only for a gunshot to ring out and knock the Garulu Saber from her hands, as a rat-themed Fangire stood in the hallways, holding a shotgun of some sort. He fired several more times, catching Fluttershy in the chest and making her stagger back. The shots were so powerful in fact, that they cut through her armor and actually made Fluttershy bleed. “What, did you think I was this stupid to challenge you without some form of insurance policy?” the Rhino Fangire asked as a Grizzly Bear-like Fangire emerged from the shadows as well with claws bared. “Seriously, we Fangires have been dropping like flies right and left no thanks to you, so decided it was best we put aside our differences and personal squabbles for the moment just so we can deal with you.” “Smart move on our part, I have to say…” the Rat Fangire chittered out. “Tch…” Kivat grumbled. “So you’re not as dumb as you look. Here I thought you had the intelligence of mere horseflies. Granted, this will probably improve your longevity past their own, but not by much!” “Kiva, tonight you die…” the Rhino Fangire smirked, and Fluttershy briefly faltered upon seeing all the other dead ponies and the Fangires closing in -Much to the Rhino Fangire’s visible pleasure- but shook off her fear at least for the moment. No, there wouldn’t be any more death for ponykind… at least not tonight. For the Fangires, that was another story entirely. “Kivat…” Fluttershy breathed out, rolling to the left to dodge another shot from the Rat Fangire. “I’m going to need all the power you can give me.” “Dogga form then?” he asked, before Fluttershy shook her head. “No, more than that,” she stated firmly even as she blocked the Grizzly Fangire’s claws with her shoulder armor before tossing him over her shoulder with the Fangire cracking the floor upon impact, and Kivat’s eyes widened. “But… But the only power beyond that, at least that I know of at the moment that’s available to you is DoGaBaKi Form, and if you stay in that form for any sizeable length of time…” he trailed off in fear. “I know, but if it’s to protect the ponies I care about for just one more day, then I’ll gladly risk death because that’s what being a Kamen Rider is about, isn’t it? Protecting those who cannot protect themselves.” “But-!” “No buts Kivat,” Fluttershy stated even as she brought out all three of the Arms Monsters Fuestles. “We’re doing this, whether you like it or not.” “Okay then…” Kivat trailed off, not liking this one bit but his Lady’s word was law. “Garulu Saber! Next up is the Basshaa Magnum! And then Dogga Hammer!” he barked out. Through the pipes leading down to the basement, the sounds echoed through and down towards Tatsulot, who’s eyes widened upon hearing all three Arms Monsters summoned at once. “...So, she’s actually risking that?” Tatsulot thought to himself. “Well, I’ll give her this. If anything, she’s definitely earned my respect, and the next time she needs power to protect those she cares about… Well, she’ll get that in my abilities. It’s high time the Fangires bow down to their Queen.” Deep within Castle Doran, even as Riki and Ramon were all transformed to their Arms forms, a sword embedded deep within the walls stirred and the wall crumbled away to reveal it. Soon, the true power of the Queen would be revealed, and she would need to take up her sword to prove she was worthy of the throne. Meanwhile, Kiva felt even more chains wrap around her body as she gained both the arms of her Garulu and Basshaa forms, and the chest armor of the Dogga form, with both the Basshaa Magnum and the Garulu Saber flying in her hands smashing through a window while the Dogga Hammer rested itself on her back. “So, I guess anything goes from here on in right?” the Rhino Fangire asked, and although he didn’t show it, he felt more than a slight tinge of fear as he felt the sheer power wafting off of Fluttershy now. It was beyond anything he’d ever experienced. The only time he’d experienced this much power before was in the presence of Rook, and even then this felt somewhat stronger. Even as Fluttershy advanced forwards, the Rat Fangire finally lost his nerve and fired several shots from his gun that simple bounced off Fluttershy’s armor. He staggered back in fear, and began making duplicates of himself to try and surround Kiva. “Just like a rat…” Kivat muttered in disgust before Fluttershy inserted the Basshaa Magnum Fuestle into his mouth. “WAKE UP!” Even as Fluttershy pulled the trigger on the Magnum, the little propeller on the weapon spun up and created a powerful whirlwind of water sweeping up all the Rat Fangires and shattering them like glass, one by one. Well, almost all of them anyways. The original, he’d decided it was high time to take his leave and had vanished sometime during the chaos. “Damn her!” the Rhino Fangire thought even as he saw the Rat Fangire swept away by the Magnum’s Aqua Tornado attack. “Damn him as well for losing his nerve!” Fluttershy had realized something long ago about Fangires, that in some ways they were not that different from ponies really. Disturbing as it was, that was the real truth of the matter. That' was the thing about the Fangires for the most part. Really, they held no such illusions about what they really were, monsters. And quite a few of them with the odd exception, of course, reveled in that fact. Even as she smashed the Dogga Hammer into the ground sending out an electricity-infused shockwave that made the Rhino and Grizzly Fangires stagger back, she continued to think. One… Well, they probably could make a good-sized argument that some if not all Fangires were just doing what they did based on pure instinct alone. Instead of just being monsters for the sake of that, their desires were based on a need to feed. The rank and file Fangires, they were hungry, simple as that as opposed to malicious intent. They were simply predators whose prey just so happened to be ponykind. That old pony instinct of self-preservation, that was the reason why they didn’t have any real natural predators for the most part and that put them at odds with the Fangire race, at least in the modern day. Things were different in older times, such as when Kuuga was around but nowadays, it was simply because Fangires needed to feed like any other animal. It was when the real monsters like Rook, King, and the Rhino Fangire popped up that they -They being Fluttershy and the residents of Castle Doran- had a problem on their hands. Which led to a rather disturbing realization actually in Fluttershy’s mind. The simple reason Fangires are and were so terrifying, because they are in truth, the same as ponies were at times. Predators fed on species that they considered lesser than themselves, they were driven by simple ingrained instinct. Ponies… Nowadays and perhaps in the past, condemned the Fangires all because they held a stained glass mirror up to their faces, and they were afraid of what they saw looking back at them. So in that matter, Fluttershy could pity some of the Fangires. Not all of them, of course, but some of them. She took no pleasure in killing these creatures, they were acting out of simple instinct at times. Sure, even those that did it for sport like Rook, she took no pleasure in killing. She was just putting rabid animals down, that was all there was to it. With that, she swung the Dogga Hammer over her head the weapon crackling with lightning even as it entered its wake up mode and Fluttershy smashed it into the Grizzly Fangire, shattering him. “Just… Just you left…” Fluttershy panted out looking at the Rhino Fangire even as she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She knew what it was, the powers of DoGaBaKi finally getting to her. She really could only spend five minutes in that form, at least right now, before it started to eat away at her life energy. And she was getting very close to that limit. She had to end things, and fast… Meanwhile, unaware of just how close their friend was to courting death itself, both Twilight and Grubber worked tirelessly to repair the smashed up generator that powered the whole hospital. Faust only knew how many ponies had died by now, either it being due to the generator taking them off life support or the Fangires and their rampages. Their insatiable hunger. Twilight was cursing herself even as she slowly, little by little put the parts of the generator back into place. She’d only now just realized how single-minded ponies could be, and that included herself really. They were scared of what they didn’t understand, and Kiva and the possibilities of other monsters out there were counted amongst those things they didn’t understand. As long as ponykind was stuck in this stance, nothing would ever change. Tatsulot had informed her of the duties of a Queen of the Fangires, and that simply was to foster peace between the two races and keep them at bay. Twilight sucked in a breath, to think Fluttershy had been burdened with such a great responsibility and now every week she fought to protect Ponyville from the shadows never asking for a thank you or never even getting one. “Well, after tonight…” Twilight thought to herself. “That’s changing. If I can, I will be awarding her the highest honors I can possibly bestow upon her with my powers as the Princess of Friendship. Celestia knows she deserves them, and with Faust as my witness, I will see to it she gets that which she’s never been given.” “So, I have to ask,” Grubber commented from somewhere in the background of the darkened room. “Assuming if-no, when we get out of this,” he stated, swiftly correcting himself. “What next? I mean, now that we know our foe isn’t Kiva as we previously thought but these Fangire things, what do we do next? Inform the populace?” “No, I’d rather not incite mass panic, and if you may remember there may be Fangires in our own guard and we may not even know about it. Best we don’t alert them. No, what we will do is tell Tempest the truth, the full truth. Completely unabridged and have both Kamen Rider IXA and Kamen Rider Kiva working together to bring about a new age of peace between these two races.” Twilight stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. “I can see why you became an Alicorn with an attitude like that Princess,” Tatsulot complimented. “And why Fluttershy speaks so highly of you!” Twilight blushed before she turned to the small gold dragon. “T-Thanks, I guess. Now, I’ve got a question for you. How do the Arms Monsters become… Well, weapons?” Tatsulot was all too happy to explain even as Twilight continued to work. “Well, it started with Fluttershy’s daddy, Eiji ‘Sky’ Shy…” It was some years ago, Tatsulot couldn’t remember the exact date in time but he knew it took place only a few short months after he’d been rescued from Tiamat/Kamen Rider Poseidon. Since then, several more refugees from the Fangire’s culling had been found in Riki, Ramon and Jiro. Nervously, Night Light peeked out from behind Eiji’s backside at the sight of the legendary Frankenstein’s monster in the flesh. “He can really stop staring ya know, so rude…” Riki muttered to himself, crossing his arms with a small huff. “Is that a pony?!” Night Light squeaked out, trying to make himself as small as possible under Riki’s gaze. While he’d met the other residents of Doran before, this was his first time seeing Riki. “Actually, it's seven ponies - parts of them, anyway,” Eiji corrected him. “Found him wandering the old ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, me and Jiro over here did.” Jiro, he was one of the first refugees the twosome had found together. While it went against Night Light’s natural instincts to help a known predator of ponykind, considering both were hounded by the Fangires he figured it made logical sense for the two to band together for the time being. And, as it turned out Jiro had lost the taste for pony blood. So last season, as he put it. Much more interesting to socialize with ponies then try and kill them. He’d then stolen a leather jacket and some sunglasses for whatever reason -he’d claimed it was to help him better understand ponykind- from a shop a few hours later. As for Ramon, well Eiji just took pity on him thanks to his natural kindness. Well, that and a sense of pragmatism, as he’d heard a siren’s blood could cure all poisons. He’d hoped at the time Ramon’s blood would cure the Vipertooth venom running through his veins even now. Ramon after hearing of this was all too happy to help -which was rather strange for a siren, but given both Night Light and Eiji had rescued him from hunters he had a debt to repay Ramon felt- and offered a small sample of his blood but it seemed that the Fangire venom mixed in with the Vipertooth’s own was beyond even his powers to cure. “Now you understand why we’re all here, right?” Jiro asked, and both Riki and Ramon nodded even as Eiji went into his Kiva Emperor state with the help of both Tatsulot and Kivat. A week before, Jiro had been witness to both Night Light and Eiji combining the powers of unicorn magic and the King of the Fangires’ power to enchant the bells of Doran, make them detect whenever a Fangire went into their true form. “Yes… To help Lord Shy, although I wish he would elaborate,” Riki grumbled, before rolling his eyes at Night Light’s cowering. “Sadly, I was informed ahead of time exactly what our Lord plans to do with us. He plans to seal us away and change us into weapons to help his daughter in the future, knowing that he cannot continue as Kiva thanks to that damned Fangire,” Jiro explained. Riki stayed silent for a long moment, before he answered. “I… see,” he stated, before turning to Eiji who was pulling out three white fuestles. “Understand this, I do this not for you Shy, but for your daughter knowing that she will have to grow up without your guidance sometime in the future.” “I understand.” Eiji answered, before placing each fuestle one by one into Kivat’s mouth. “Garulu Seal! Basshaa Seal! Dogga Seal!” Kivat proclaimed, as each of the three was changed into a weapon of some form, before they changed back. “Now, so I understand this correctly,” Ramon asked. He, like Jiro had been informed of Eiji’s plans ahead of time. It only was because Riki had been so recently found that he couldn’t be told about this. “Using another type of fuestle, as you call it, your daughter whenever the time comes will be able to summon us to her aid?” “That’s about the size of it,” Night Light replied, holding up the Fuestles in question. One green, one blue, and one purple representing each of the Arms Monsters. “Worked all night to create these. ...I swear, I don’t know what King was thinking when he created these items, nor what I’m thinking following in his dark hoofsteps.” he muttered in self-disgust. “King, he was only thinking of subjugation,” Riki answered putting a hand on Night Light’s shoulders. “You however, you’re thinking of what’s best for your godchild. For that, I do have to commend you even if I don’t have to like either of you.” “T-Thank you…” Night Light whispered. “So, it was just like that?” Twilight asked. “Just using these fuestles my dad developed to create the weapons Fluttershy uses?” she continued, only now starting to get a real understanding of just how closely tied her family along with Fluttershy’s own was to the history of Equestria and the Fangire race. Made her sicker the more she thought about it, now that she knew who Kiva really was and who she’d sent Tempest after. “Pretty much…” Tatsulot trailed off. “And for the record, I’m so sorry you had to get dragged up into the Shy family’s mess. We should have dealt with the Fangire’s long ago, but we were far too weak…” he whispered in shame, Twilight looked him dead in the eye, even as the sounds of clashing blades echoed from above. “No, you weren’t. Never think that, okay? None of this, none of it’s on you. It’s all on those damn Fangires.” Speaking of those damn Fangires, Fluttershy despite her courage had canceled out her DoGaBaKi form before it ate her up and was now challenging the Rhino Fangire in her base state. And she was on the back foot, with the Rhino Fangire overpowering her with ease. Suddenly, a blast of hot air cut through the corridor and knocked the Rhino Fangire to the floor. Tempest, wearing nothing but a hospital gown and holding onto her IV Drip in one hand with a smoking IXA Knuckle in the other indicating it’d just used its Broken Fang attack. “T-Tempest?” Fluttershy asked in shock, her helmet partially shattered. Kivat's eyes widened in fear and he swore quietly under his breath before he sighed in relief upon seeing Tempest's expression. He smirked, leave it to Tempest Shadow of all mares to take... well, whatever she took with that strange system of hers and still have the ability to get up and fight. He had to admire that quality at least. And it seemed she was a mare worth trusting via actions alone just now. “That’s my name, don’t start wearing it out,” Tempest said with a smile of reassurance that said all was well. She’d seen enough to know who was who, and who to trust. “Now, finish that thing.” Tempest Shadow, now she'd had her eyes opened if you will. While she still fully didn't understand what was going on around here, seeing Kiva fight off this monster and actually seeing who was beneath the mask was forcing her to reevaluate her priorities. After all, if Fluttershy was Kiva, then something was definitely fishy here. Mare couldn't hurt a fly unless provoked, and that rhino-like thing did not look friendly at all. “Makes one wonder what else I've been wrong about lately...” Tempest thought to herself grimly, her whole ideology having been thrown for a loop. If Kiva wasn't a killer, then what the hell else didn't she know about the world. One thing was for certain though at least. After all this was over Fluttershy or at least somebody like that damn bat of hers she had as a partner owed her some explanations. Fluttershy nodded firmly, and pulled out a fuestle before placing it in Kivat’s mouth. “WAKE UP!” Kivat boomed before Fluttershy launched herself at the Rhino Fangire, who’d only picked himself up off the floor just in time for his body to get hit by the Darkness Moon Break. His body cracked little by little, before finally shattering. Fluttershy panted and sweated even as the lights came back on all over the hospital before her transformation canceled itself and she slipped into unconsciousness... > Part 7: Soliloquy Part 2: - IXA Rise Up/A Tempest Fury > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come morning, the papers had the whole sorry and sordid affair on full display, or at least what they thought was the truth as ever. Kiva, she was once again taking the blame for the massacre at the hospital sadly. The papers were running wild with theories and speculations as to what exactly went down that night, they differed in some aspects but mainly came down to the exact same thing in the end. And that was Kiva being responsible for the deaths at the hospital that night. As for one Tempest Shadow, she was in a bit of a bind honestly. One, she could tell the populace about what she saw that night even if she didn’t quite understand it herself honestly or two she could play the fool and pretend to know nothing -at least in public- and prevent mass panic from arising. Honestly, both sides made equal sense to her really. There was that part of her, the part that played the friend to Fluttershy to just throw back the veil and let the populace know of the Fangire Race’s existence and see what happened next. At the very least, it would throw a lot of heat off the poor pegasi as it is. But there came that second little issue. Namely, the part of her that was loyal to Equestria’s Royal Guard and the nation’s safety and security and keeping things under control. If the Fangire race’s continued existence was to be revealed, the only possible outcome Tempest could honestly imagine was mass panic and rioting. Not to mention paranoia. Ponies would be questioning their neighbors, and others would go even farther in their foolishness and perhaps get scared enough to try and kill whoever they believed to be a Fangire even if that wasn’t the case. Witch hunts, that’s what there’d be. Tempest groaned and rubbed her temples. She liked a more than just a smidgen of order along with a little bit of control to go along with that. Given she’d spent over half her life as the right-hand mare to a tyrannical dictator and was now personally guarding a mare whose mane got all bent out of shape if even one of her books went missing this should have come as no surprise to anyone. Taking a sip of coffee and then balling up and tossing aside the morning newspaper in disgust she continued eating her bagel. Tempest had found a liking for Ponyville’s mom and pop restaurants along with the local breweries, and while even she didn’t know quite exactly why she liked them she had a theory. She supposed places like this, the Cafe Du Monde kept her balanced. Made her remember what exactly she was fighting for in the first place. Safety, and solitude. The brewery bit, that was probably in no way related to her and Twilight’s shared love of late-night coffee. Right now though, even as Tempest listened into nearby conversations from the other cafe-goers she found herself wishing for something a little bit stronger than just a brew. “Heh heh… Well, can’t see how Kiva’s going to get out of this one really,” came one the voice of Silt Water, playing a game of chess alongside his friend Brick Dust. Tempest was surprised the two had enough intelligence between them to actually play the game. Faust knew she’d broken up quite a few bar fights between the two and thrown them in the drunk tank enough times. “I mean, killing over half the patients and staff of Ponyville General? I’m surprised there’s not a manhunt already!” Brick Dust nodded in agreement with his friend. “I’ll agree with you there, been wondering the same thing myself really,” he put in. “I mean, what is the Royal Guard doing? What, are they sitting on their asses waiting for Kiva to kill again? Who next, the Mayor? The Princess?” Tempest’s fist clenched. No, they were not ‘Sitting on their asses’ as Brick Dust so kindly put it, they just didn’t know what to do really. Suspicion was already running rampant that Kiva was one of them, given that he seemed to be able to get out the area right before the Royal Guard showed up. It was all Tempest could do to keep her soldiers from turning on each other. Briefly, Tempest’s gaze found itself wandering to the far side of the cafe, where she saw this scraggly black-maned stallion wearing this leather jacket eying everyone in this -Tempest really couldn’t describe his gaze as anything other than- predatory manner. Made her fur stand on end really. She’d ask Star Hunter and Flash Sentry to keep an eye on that one. Made her nervous really. Picking herself up off her chair, her bagel going ignored Tempest marched over to the two idiots that called themselves Silt Water and Brick Dust and slammed her hand on the table with a loud thud. “You two have something to say?” Tempest asked, going for Mean Look #4, AKA the one that she generally reserved for idiots or populaces about to be invaded by her former boss. “No, seriously. Please do continue. I’m ever so fascinated about your little powwow about the capabilities of my Guard and its troops.” she asked in the sweetest tone she could muster, barely holding herself back from electrocuting these two idiots with her magic. “Uh, no ma’am!” Brick Dust stated, shaking his head rapidly with his friend doing the same. “We were just discussing the competence of your men, that’s it! That’s all! Weren’t we Silt Water?” “Complete and total confidence in your troops Madam Tempest!” Silt agreed. In the background, Tempest had noticed the stallion in the leather jacket had vanished from sight. “Seriously, if there’s anyone who’s going to catch that bastard Kiva it’ll be you and your men!” Tempest barely fought back a growl when she heard what exactly Silt called Fluttershy. “Doing a Hell of a lot more to protect Equestria than you are…” she grumbled mentally. Whether it was to herself or to Silt Water, she wasn’t quite sure. “That’s Captain Tempest to you Silt,” Tempest corrected. “And that’s nice to hear you have such faith in us,” she stated, letting her horn crackle with sparks long enough to let the two idiots know she’d heard every word they’d said. Unsurprisingly, they very quickly paid their check and left the establishment. Tempest groaned once more. Yeah, she was definitely going to try and find something stronger to drink. Across town at Sugarcube Corner, life for Fluttershy wasn’t going much better really. Even while she met up with her friends along with Vinyl for breakfast a few of them were voicing their complaints about Fluttershy’s ‘other life’. As much as Fluttershy would liked to have held it against them, or get angry and decry them for being idiots, she just couldn't. It wasn’t like they knew any better, and it wasn’t like Fangires generally left any evidence behind to prove them otherwise. “Ohh…” Pinkie hissed out even as she placed a cup of coffee in front of Fluttershy and Rarity. “I’d like to get my hands on that meanie Kiva, and when I do…” She let out a few kiais and battle cries, before busting out a few terrible variations of kung-fu moves. Or at least what she probably thought were kung-fu moves. “He’s going to learn why you don’t mess with the Pinkie… Pie!” “Pinkie dear, please stop that before you hurt someone… or yourself,” Rarity commented, taking a sip of her tea. She then turned to Fluttershy, giving her a look of sympathy. “I’m sorry dearie, I know how you like to try and see the best in everyone and I adore you for that -I really do- but even I can’t see how this Kiva is a good stallion. Not after what he’s done,” she sighed and thought ahead to the many funeral dresses and suits she was going to have to make. If anything and as much as Rarity hated to think about it like that, Kiva was keeping her business booming. But she had to think of this as just another order to fulfill, it kept her distanced from the hard reality of what type of order she was actually fulfilling. “Yeah…” Fluttershy whispered, even as Vinyl placed a hand on her back in support. Both of them wanted to say something on how Kiva wasn’t a killer, and that it was the Fangires who were committing all these atrocities but neither of them had any proof to back up their claims. So, they just held their tongue. And as much as they both wanted to hate Twilight and Tempest for keeping their own mouths shut, they knew neither could say anything either really. Not without inciting mass panic anyways. “Celestia damn it!” Rainbow exclaimed even as she slammed a balled-up fist down on the counter cracking the countertop, and making more than a few patrons yelp out in shock. “Can’t see why we can’t just go grab the Elements and hunt down Kiva before going all Friendship Laser on his ass!” She continued to rant. “But no, Twilight says we can’t just remove the Elements of Harmony from the Tree just any old time we like and use them willy-nilly!” the pegasus yelled, throwing up her hands in the air in frustration. Fluttershy smiled to herself in relief, at least Twilight was supporting her in some way. Making up excuses as to why the Elements couldn’t be used. She just wished Twilight could do more. But the Princess hands, at least for the moment, were tied. She wanted to get angry, she really did at Twilight for being a coward and not saying exactly why Kiva wasn’t the real villain here but she knew Twilight was just looking out for the needs of the many, not just the one. Even if that one happened to be one of her best friends. And she knew deep down Twilight hated herself for doing it, having caught her crying more than a few times. And as much as Fluttershy even hated to admit that, she took a small form of pleasure in Twilight hating herself for being inactive in proving Kiva’s innocence as she was. “So Flutters, what was that you were saying about proving Kiva to be a good pony?” Rainbow asked. “How… How can you still maintain that Kiva’s on our side even after all of this?” “Security cameras were down that night, we still don’t know what really happened,” Fluttershy replied curtly. “For all we know, Kiva may not be behind this.” “Open up your eyes Fluttershy!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Ponies are dead, good ponies! And Kiva was found running away from the scene of their deaths! How can you still believe Kiva to be a good pony after that?” “Well, for one,” Fluttershy stated with her voice raising slightly in anger. “He could been running, hypothetically at least, from the Royal Guard.” “Yeah, who were out to get him!” Rainbow retorted before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. “I’m sorry Flutters, but I agree with Rarity. Unless you can come up with evidence to back your claim of Kiva being on our side like say someone else who could potentially be a killer, I still see him as an enemy.” “The trouble is Rainbow,” Rarity put in, after taking another sip of her tea. “Even if we were to take the Elements from the Tree, we’d have no way of tracking Kiva. He, or she for that matter only shows himself or herself at seemingly random times. No rhyme or reason to it really. Well, I suppose there’s a rhyme or reason to it all in Kiva’s head, but it’ll only make sense to them alone.” “Great, so you’re saying basically, either way, we’re screwed. Gee, thanks for nothing Rares,” Rainbow muttered crossing her arms. “Well, I’m not saying that exactly…” Rarity trailed off. “So what, you’re saying we’re supposed to just sit around on our butts while Kiva continues killing off ponies right and left? Twilight’s thinking of starting up this Friendship School y’know? How are we supposed to invite creatures from other nations if there’s a killer running loose?” Rainbow reminded her friend. “Not exactly a reassuring prospect to parents, sending their kids to a town where there’s this masked serial killer is it?” she asked pointedly. “Just ignore them Milady,” Kivat reminded Fluttershy, who was fighting back tears. “They don’t mean to be cruel. They just don’t know any better, that’s all.” “Doesn’t make it hurt less any though…” Fluttershy told her friend. “I… I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I know I have to, but is it really worth being a hero to Ponyville, when all you’re going to get is just scorn?” “Honestly, you’re a stronger mare than I probably would be in your place,” Kivat admitted. “Though it shames me to admit it, -shames me greatly- if I was in your position I would have just said: “Screw it!” and left these ungrateful ponies to rot. Father would probably lay a curse upon my soul or something, but I wouldn’t stick around in this town really. I’m only sticking with you because I have a debt to pay, and because it’s what my father would have done. That’s the end of it.” “I’m… I’m glad you’re here Kivat,” Fluttershy told her partner. “Just want you to know that. Without you, I don’t know what I would have done at times…” “Well, it’s what I’m here for at times,” Kivat replied. “I’m here not just to be your partner, but to be a friend and if needed a shoulder to cry on. Or wing in my case I suppose. But you get my point. No matter what happens, I will never leave your side. Long ago, I swore an oath to your father to see you through thick and thin, and I will never betray his memory. Because if I did, what kind of Kivat would I be? I’d bring shame to my species, and to the Kivas who came before me. Let it be said, you’re not the first Kiva, and nor will you be the last if I have anything to say about it!” “Have… Have any of the other Kivas before me ever had it like I do now?” Fluttershy asked, not sure if she really wanted to know honestly. “Well, yes to be frank. Excluding King, -the bastard- all of the other Kivas before you have had a rough go of it, always mistaken for the villain. There’s always been another Kamen Rider or two by their side, sometimes as a partner from the shadows. Sometimes as an enemy. But one thing’s always been consistent. They never gave up on protecting the ponies under their care until they were dead.” Kivat stated. Just then, the bell above the front door jingled and Pinkie Pie looked up from her waitress duties to see Octavia walking in. The cellist let out a sigh of great relief when she saw Vinyl, and pulled her friend into a hug. “Oh, thank Faust you’re still alive…” Octavia whispered, tears in her eyes before dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. “When you went missing, I was out of my head with worry.” “Relax Octy, I’m fine. Completely and utterly fine,” Vinyl stated. “Been staying with Fluttershy since Neon vanished in an attack by Kiva.” She sent Fluttershy an apologetic look, and Fluttershy gave a faint nod of understanding. Octavia was as likely to believe in Fangires as everyone else, after all. Meanwhile, all heads in Sugarcube Corner turned to face Fluttershy, and more than a few mouths dropped at the possible implications. “Ooh, secret lovers?” Pinkie asked, getting up much too close in Fluttershy’s personal space for the pegasus’ liking before she was gently shoved away. “Fluttershy, didn’t know you had it in you!” Rarity exclaimed in shock. “Really, you must tell all!” “Ha ha, looks like you’re finally growing up! So, when’s the wedding?” Rainbow laughed. “It’s… It’s nothing like that, I assure you…” Fluttershy mumbled, pressing her fingers together nervously. “She just needed a place to stay, was afraid to go back to her own house that night. That’s all…” “For one night maybe yes,” Rarity replied with a gleeful tone. “But for three? Now, don’t tell me there’s something going on there!” “Nosy little things, aren’t they?” Kivat muttered to himself. “And they call me a pervert!” Thankfully, before Fluttershy’s face could turn any redder Vinyl stepped in having had enough of her friend being embarrassed and put on the spot. “If there is, it’s none of your business,” Vinyl stated firmly. Truth be told, she wasn’t quite sure why exactly she hadn’t headed on back to her shared apartment with Octavia and felt rather guilty on making her friend worry so much. “So, can you just stop bugging us about it?” Rarity blinked, and sighed to herself. “Fair point. If anything’s going on between you two let it be said you have my support but I won’t ask for details.” “Lips zipped!” Pinkie added, and made a motion with her hands to imitate this. Then everyone turned to Rainbow. “Ugh, fine. I promise I won’t pry you for any information on your sex life Flutters,” Rainbow muttered before doing the sacred motions. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “I’ll be keeping you to that promise, and watching you…” Pinkie commented, doing that little motion with her fingers putting them up against her eyes and then turning them to Rainbow. “Because you never break a Pinkie Promise unless you want to lose a friend FOREVER!” Rainbow shuddered, not inclined to find out exactly what happened to those who actually did break a Pinkie Promise. She’d heard rumors of Pinkie chopping them up and using them for baking materials, but that was just a rumor… right? “Oh, that’s the pie I was baking for Green River’s birthday!” Pinkie exclaimed as a timer went off in the kitchen. “Be right back!~” she said with a small wink before dashing off. Twilight’s Castle: Tempest punched a wall in frustration, having had no end of comments questioning not just her and the Guard’s competence, but those kinds that decried Kiva as a monster that needed to be put down like a dog. She knew these ponies didn’t really know any better honestly, but it still made her mad all the same. Furious really. If they knew the actual truth, they’d be groveling at Fluttershy’s knees probably. “Tempest, any reason you’re picking a fight with my castle?” Twilight asked, making her presence known as she entered the hall. She had a weak smile on her face, hoping to bleed some of the tension out of the conversation. “Why do you think?” Tempest replied, not bothering to look at her Princess. “I’m frustrated. You’ve seen what’s going on outside, or at least heard about it right? I’m surprised we haven’t had a mob going up to our castle door already. Ponyville wants answers, and they want them now.” “Our castle?” Twilight repeated, giving the taller mare a slight bump to the hip, before her serious expression returned. “But even with Fluttershy’s help, answers aren’t something we have a lot of.” “Oh, don’t give me that. Tatsulot explained the same thing to you as he did to me. Fangires, long lost race out for pony blood once driven out of Equestria by Princess Luna AKA Kamen Rider Kuuga the Second now returning to try and reclaim Equestria for themselves. That’s what we were told, correct me if I’m wrong?” Tempest replied, raising an eyebrow. Her IXA Knuckle was attached to her hip alongside IXA Calibur. Twilight sighed, nodding weakly at Tempest. “Yes, that was what we were told. But how much of that can we tell without causing a panic throughout Equestria? Ponies would start becoming suspicious of one another. Mobs would likely form and innocent ponies could get hurt… or worse.” “Yeah, don’t you think I know that Twilight?” Tempest asked. “Just this morning, been thinking about that myself even as I had to chew out two idiots for questioning what we’re doing. But every hour, every day we spend keeping our traps shut…” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Well, you’ve probably seen the effect it has on Fluttershy’s psyche right?” “Of course I do,” Twilight replied, looking down as she thought about her friend. “I’ve heard my fair share of angry rants about Kiva too, even from the rest of the girls. But if we want to tell the truth about Kiva at the very least, we’d need her go ahead. She trusted us with her secret, we can’t just tell it to the world because we think it’s the best course of action.” Tempest sighed again. “You ponies always choose self-preservation over the greater good, most of the time, with the belief that self-preservation is the greater good. I’ve noticed how single-minded you can be, even if the best solution or the most obvious answer is staring you right in the face and you refuse to accept it,” she grumbled. “Decry me if you will Twilight, but personally… I think you’re being an idiot. Surely spells can be performed by any competent unicorn worth his or her salt, ones specifically trained to seek out fangire blood. You put me as captain of your personal guard for a reason, just this once can’t you trust my judgment?” Twilight’s look softened, her mind struggling to come up with an answer. “Fizzlepop, please don’t talk as if you aren’t a pony too. Almost sounds like you think you’re a robot or something,” Shaking her head, she continued. “You’re right, I did make you my captain for a reason. If we had fangire blood to study, we might be able to identify them while they’re disguised. Might even be able to find their current Bishop. But, it’s not yours or my place to divulge Fluttershy’s identity. She has to agree to this. Please don’t make me make that an order from your princess. I’m speaking to you as a friend,” Twilight said, placing a hand on the side of Tempest’s face. “Please, don’t make me speak to you as your boss.” “I… I understand,” Tempest mumbled, shuffling her hooves slightly before she grimaced. “But I’d say Fluttershy would be all too happy to let everyone know she’s Kiva, if the populace at large wasn’t so damn stupid. They so believe if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then… well, it’s probably a fucking duck. And right now to them, it looks like Kiva’s a killer. Something I might add you’re not exactly helping to discourage.” she pointed out “Hard to assuage worries when all the evidence of Kiva’s innocence is eaten by a dragon carrying a castle on its back,” the princess pointed out, retracting her hand from Tempest’s cheek. “I’m not one for emotional appeals, Fizzlepop. I like to be able to back up what I tell ponies.” “...I suppose you’ve got a point there,” Tempest grimaced. “Speaking from my position, I’d agree with you. It’s just speaking as both you and Fluttershy’s friend… well, I suppose I’m letting my emotions get the better of me. Hard to balance the two things, not when a case is this personal to me,” she sighed. “Emotions getting in the way of decisions?” the smaller mare questioned, an impish grin spreading across her muzzle. “Why my dear captain, that almost sounds like a pony flaw to me.” “Please don’t start…” Tempest muttered, blushing slightly under Twilight’s gaze. “Faust above, you know sometimes as much as I hate to admit it, I do long for the days when I was just Tempest Shadow, the Storm King’s right-hand mare. So simple then, just carry out his orders without question. Subjugate populaces left and right. Conquer this land, conquer that land and so forth. You get the idea,” she continued. “Yes, but did your last job come with the benefits this one does?” Twilight inquired, winking at the other mare. Tempest tried very hard to hide her blush, and to her credit, she mostly succeeded. “Simpler times, Twilight. Simpler times,” Tempest muttered, taking a swig out of a nearby bottle of whiskey. Twilight didn’t quite know where she got it but decided it was best not to question it really. “Honestly, that’s what I’m wishing for. Or at least, something easier than pretending not to know the full truth about Kiva and her doings. Almost long for when I was hunting her down. I knew right from left then, or at least I thought I did…” “You still do, Fizzle,” Twilight pointed out, gently taking the bottle and getting a swig for herself. “It’s good that things with fangire aren’t as simple. Fluttershy has shown us that not everyone with their blood is a menace. There might even be some who want nothing to do with harming ponies and following the Bishop’s doctrine,” Tempest smiled at the thought. “Ever the optimist, aren’t you Sparkle?” she laughed. “And drinking on the job? And here I thought you were more professional than that. At least stick to wine, not this cheap whiskey I bought from the nearest drugstore.” “Hypocrite,” Twilight commented. “You were holding the bottle and drinking from it first weren’t you?” “Point to Sparkle,” Tempest laughed before her expression turned serious again. “I… assume you’ve worked out the IXA system’s little flaw? Because if Fluttershy’s going to be fighting the Fangire, I want to make sure she at least doesn’t do it alone.” “I did you one better,” Twilight assured, puffing herself up. “I pulled the data off it from your last use and I’ve now tuned it to you. Not only is that little flaw gone, but now whenever you use it, it’ll feel like you’re fighting in nothing at all. Reaction time, the power behind your punches. Everything should be improved.” “Nice to know,” Tempest smirked. “Rest assured, next time one appears, I’ll be getting you that fangire blood.” “May not have long to wait!” Tatsulot exclaimed as the tiny gold dragon flew in through a window. “Spotted two ponies on the edge of town, at this warehouse. Behaving rather off I thought. Could be worth looking into.” “Well Tempest?” Twilight asked. “I assume you know what to do?” “Yeah, I do,” Tempest smirked. “Fluttershy may not be in any physiological condition to fight right now but I’ll be doing it in her stead. High time I redeem myself, and make a few things up to her.” she stated, before heading for the castle doors. “Good luck!” Twilight called out, hoping she hadn’t just overstated the upgrades she had made on the IXA system, nor had she overstepped her boundaries between Princess and her Captain of the Guard. “Celestia, why must friendship with her be so hard?” Twilight thought. “Come back safe Fizzle…” Tempest panted out as she followed Tatsulot to the location in question, beads of sweat trailing down her face. That little dragon, he was fast. She’d give him that much. She also hoped she was in fighting condition. It had only been the day before she’d gotten out of the hospital as it was. Twilight would have been right if she called her crazy really. But she had a job to do, and it didn’t involve any rest for the weary. No, not just a job. A duty to Equestria and the lands beyond. “I swear Fluttershy, if I’d known all of this to begin with,” Tempest thought to herself even as she neared the warehouse in question. “Things might have been so different. Hell, we might be fighting as allies even now, instead of foes. Celestia knows if you hate me, you’d have every right to. Put a manhunt on you, and nearly killed you. Consider this my repentance.” Kicking in the warehouse door, Tempest’s eyes widened when she saw two ponies change into a rat-like Fangire and a blue Sungazer lizard themed Fangire, with twin shields on either arm. Tempest winced even as she slammed the IXA Knuckle down on her palm making it proclaim: “Ready!” Those two shields looked like they’d be tough to break though. She’d make do though, she had to. “Fangires, return those lives to Faust,” Tempest stated as she fired a blast of hot wind at the two monsters, executing the Broken Fang attack. “Or I’ll be forced to help you along in that regard.” Even as the two Fangires rolled out of the way of the attack and Tempest slotted the IXA Knuckle into her belt, making it state: “Fist on.” they shared a laugh. “Oh look, a hero! My favorite!” the Rat Fangire chittered. “Hey, don’t you have better things to do, like laying in a hospital bed and thinking up new ways to kill Kiva?” Before Tempest could complete her transformation, she faltered and took a few steps back in shock. “What, don’t think we didn’t hear about your little fight with Kiva. Did us all a favor I say,” the Rat Fangire continued. “One, it put more pressure on our dear wannabe Queen, and two it let us know that we weren’t the only ones with power going after her.” he sneered. “I don’t do favors for those who harm the innocent,” Tempest replied, snapping out of her stupor. “Henshin!” She shouted. In a quick motion, she pressed the knuckle to her belt and an intense wave of heat blasted out of her body even as it was covered in IXA’s armor and the facemask opened up to reveal two gleaming red eyes. Even as the Rat and Sungazer Fangires circled her, the Rat Fangire continued to laugh. “Funny, that’s not the way I heard it. You attacking Kiva? I think she’s an innocent isn’t she?” “I’m done talking to you,” Tempest retorted, pulling IXA Calibur off her belt and firing at the two fangire. The Sungazer reared back his head, and spat out a few darts and Tempest leaped behind a metal container for cover, noting the slightly melted area where the darts had hit. “Right… Based on a lizard, some of which I know are poisonous. As if I didn’t have enough problems…” she thought to herself. In her mind’s eye, she saw how the Rat Fangire had escaped his destruction at the hospital. Fluttershy, a short time after Tempest had recovered from IXA going berserk had explained that this particular fangire had the ability to duplicate himself, so it wasn’t hard to imagine him using a clone to cover for his own destruction. Even as she leaped out from behind the container, Tempest fired IXA Calibur several times, the bullets bouncing off the Sungazer’s arm shields before Tempest forced him back with a blast of fire from her palm. She yelped when the Sungazer took a swing at her, the claws just barely missing her torso. Tempest pulled back a fist, and struck the Sungazer across the face and smirked when he was sent reeling from the punch leaving himself open long enough for Tempest to pump his chest full of shots from IXA Calibur. Seems Twilight had been right, IXA was showing a definite increase in strength. And if it was strong enough to keep up with Kiva before, Celestia only knew how powerful it was now. Guess she could consider this new fight a test run of this version of the system. She then backflipped across the room when the Rat Fangire pulled out what looked to be a shotgun, and fired several times. Tempest kicked a metal drum towards the fangire before diving once more behind cover. She couldn’t help but smirk beneath her helmet as she saw the dent in the drum. The armor was faster too. She’d give Twilight a full report of the battle when she got back to the castle. The purple bookworm would certainly appreciate it. Right now, Tempest reminded herself as a dart from the Sungazer nicked her in the shoulder, she had to get through this fight first. Fangires, Tempest had theorized had come into being as a natural balance between nature and ponykind. Ponykind liked to think themselves at the top of the food chain at times, and superior to every other creature considering they’d managed to cure almost every known form of diseases, get themselves out of their violent roots before any other creature and such. Fear of the Fangire race was simple self-preservation instincts kicking in once more. They’d finally found something that was as dangerous as they were, they just didn’t want to admit to it. Fangires had come into being as a natural balance to ponykind’s own arrogance. And yes, Tempest was quite well aware of her being a pony herself, but the simple truth was that’s what the Fangires were. Nature’s balancing act. Ponies, they had this inherent desire for control over every aspect of the natural world, and that even extended to their own celestial bodies if Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were any indication. Hell, it was even before them, considering Starswirl and four other great unicorn sorcerers whose names had been lost to history were any indication. It disgusted Tempest, really. Her own kind’s arrogance. Simple fact was, they weren’t any sort of superior race, they were just as infallible as any other. The Fangires served as a reminder of that. “Hell, even I acted so smug and superior to everybody else, and I’ve been paying for that ever since the Storm King knocked me off my little pedestal. For that at least, I can thank him. Probably the only thing I can thank him for really. Soon as he showed me just what kind of power any other race can hold over the other, my little arrogant streak broke,” Tempest thought to herself. “Good riddance to bad rubbish. As much as I hate to show support to that bastard, I think I now know what the King of the Fangires was supposed to do. Knock us off our pedestal, and keep us from evolving further or at least faster than we should have.” Tempest was brought back to reality when another poison dart from the Sungazer went just past her head, very narrowly missing her head by inches. Pulling out one of the fuestles from her holsters, she slammed one into her belt. “Dogga Hammer!” the belt exclaimed, and a shattering of glass was heard as the weapon flew into Tempest’s grip. She smirked as she gripped the weapon tightly. “Now, about those shields of yours…” she stated, looking at the Sungazer Fangire with a downright evil smirk under her helmet. With a loud battle cry, she swung the hammer into the ground, cracking the concrete flooring beneath her and sending out a wave of electricity towards the two fangires. Now normally, she’d probably be using her horn if she wanted such a thing, but the trouble was it was hidden directly behind the upper parts of her helmet’s head crest. Vaguely wondering if Twilight could fix that little issue at a later date, she watched both the Rat and Sungazer go flying backwards before hitting the ground. As the Sungazer stood up, Tempest noted one of his two arm shields being cracked and looking ready to shatter to pieces. Hefting her hammer over her shoulder once more, she charged running as fast as the weapon and its weight would allow her. When she closed in on the Sungazer, she adjusted her momentum into her arms and brought the warhammer down in a mighty swing on the weakened shield. A crack, and then it shattered as the Sungazer roared out in pain. Tempest smirked, and readied herself for the finisher blow, before her eyes widened as the Rat Fangire pulled out his shotgun again and fired blasting the Dogga Hammer out of Tempest’s grasp. “Right, forgot about you…” Tempest frowned, before whirling around and spinning in midair before throwing a kick at the Sungazer who raised his other arm shield to block. Tempest anticipated both this and the newfound power in the IXA armor working to her favor, and the gambit paid off as the other arm shield cracked and then shattered. Tempest smirked, she was always good with her legs as any one of the Princesses could attest to, but the IXA armor only just increased her kicking ability. “Damn you!” the Sungazer roared out, his arms smoking, and blood dripping to the floor. “Thanks, always love a good compliment,” Tempest chuckled as she met another of the Rat Fangire’s shots with a blast of her own from IXA Calibur. “Just wish it wasn’t from scum like you.” The Sungazer roared out in rage and slashed Tempest across the chest making her stagger and drawing blood. The fangire licked his lips in anticipation knowing there was more where that came from and watched as his fellow fangire surrounded Tempest with doubles of himself. Tempest rolled her eyes, and sighed. “Really, is that the best you can do? Seriously…” she sighed, before retracting her face mask briefly allowing her horn to become visible before she fired a veritable storm of lightning bolts all over the room shattering the clones. Her mask opening up again, Tempest shrugged. Guess that’d do for now. “Got any other little tricks?” Tempest asked as she summoned the Basshaa Magnum into her grasp. “Or are you two all out? I’m almost disappointed. Almost.” She let the two Fangires have it, pumping them full of a combination of pressurized water and machine gun bullets from her two weapons. “...This time, there’s no getting away. One drowned rat, coming up!” She then activated the Basshaa Magnum’s Wake Up feature, and letting the Rat Fangire have it sweeping him away into the roof with a swirling cyclone of water before he shattered, the shards tinkling as they hit the floor. “Now, there’s only you…” Tempest smirked at the Sungazer tossing the Magnum aside and pulling out IXA’s personal fuestle. Slotting it in, she pressed the knuckle to the fuestle. “IXA, rise up.” the knuckle stated in that electronic voice Tempest knew so well by this point. Tempest leaped forwards IXA Calibur in hand and in blade form, flipping in midair and for a brief moment the Sungazer could have sworn he saw a blazing sun behind her. Letting loose a battlecry, she used both hands to swing the sword down from the top of the Sungazer’s head to the bottom of his pelvis bisecting him clean in two before the remains shattered. Panting and sweating, Tempest canceled her transformation. It was so good to be back, she thought to herself. No, not just back. Better than ever. “Fluttershy, were you watching?” Tempest asked herself. “I hope you were.” > Part 8: Clair de Lune - Something Sweeter than Wine... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy walked home that night, quite solemn from the day’s events. Even after leaving Sugarcube Corner things hadn’t gotten much better for her really. As you could imagine, her friends weren’t exactly the only ones who’d gotten wind of Kiva’s ‘misdoings’ thanks to those newspapers. Or really, rather one newspaper in particular. The Ponyville Chronicle. If Fluttershy were in a better state of mind she might have cast a thought to how the newspaper suddenly popped up fifteen years ago exactly, the same year Fluttershy became Kiva but sadly she was too consumed with her thoughts on what Ponyville thought of her. “Did ya hear? Kiva struck again last night! Found that distinctive insignia inside the hospital, for shame of it!” Carrot Top whispered out in a hushed tone of voice, fearful Kiva was somewhere in the crowd waiting to strike. To be fair, she wasn’t entirely wrong about that at least but Kiva wasn’t really going to go after her. “The nerve of him!” another pony, somepony Fluttershy vaguely remembered to be Amethyst Star and Ponyville’s premiere organizer at least before Twilight came to town hissed out. “He returned to the scene of the crime, just to gloat! Can’t believe the Royal Guard aren’t doing anything about it, they’ve even got a branch in town for crying out loud!” Fluttershy had been walking through the local marketplace, hoping just to get some carrots and other salad supplies for Angel Bunny when she’d heard the first whispers. Seemingly inescapable they were really. Ponies she’d known for years, turned against her if not unknowingly. She wanted, and I do mean she wanted to hate them and never forgive them after this but she knew it wasn’t their fault and if she did hate them her father would probably never forgive her for that. He’d always preached that the unknowing were the truly unfortunate ones, the uninformed. They were the ones who were usually in need of the most help at times. So Fluttershy said nothing, at least for the moment. Someday, they’d learn the truth and all would be well. She only wished Night Light was here to help, but sadly like her father before her Twilight’s own dad had fallen to Fangire hands. The Sungazer Fangire, managed to kill him a few years before. She did owe Tempest a thank you for dispatching him, because if Fluttershy had faced off with the monster she honestly didn’t know exactly what she would have done. “Yeah!” Carrot muttered. “I mean, what are they all doing, sitting on their asses waiting till Kiva does something really major, like killing Princess Twilight? If you ask me, she’s paying them way too… much.” Carrot had stopped her grumblings and both she and Amethyst shared a look of fear as they saw in the crowd one Tempest Shadow giving them a particularly nasty look as she leaned up against a stone wall. Fluttershy gave her a grateful relieved smile, something Tempest was only too happy to return. That was another thing she owed the mare. Still, one mare wasn’t exactly going to change the ponies minds about what or who Kiva was. Honestly, Fluttershy suspected that at this point, she’d just have to fight from the shadows and endure the scorn of the townspeople. Luna couldn’t help, not really. Not if she wanted to be the cause of mass panic and rioting, possibly lynch mobs. Fluttershy had asked her once why she couldn’t do anything, and that was the reason she gave. It was much the same story as Twilight really, both of them were too afraid of the consequences of turning ponykind’s world upside down to actually take a stand for just one mare. The needs of the many, in this case, they outweighed the needs of the one. “Still…” Carrot trailed off. “Okay, let’s assume the Royal Guard is investigating the whole Kiva scenario. If so, why haven’t they said anything? How do we even know they have a suspect?” “For all we know, they don’t,” Octavia pointed out as she walked up, rolling her eyes and giving Carrot Top an annoyed expression. “Still, then again maybe they do. Think about it, if you were the Guard you wouldn’t want to exactly release to the public that you think you might know who Kiva is, unless you wanted to make him -or her- for that matter fleeing for their lives never to be seen again.” “Good… Good point,” Carrot mumbled to herself. “Still, what’s with this ‘her’ nonsense? I mean, unless there’s something you know that we don’t…” she stated before she and Amethyst narrowed their eyes at the cellist. “Hey, how do we know you’re not Kiva?” Fluttershy’s breath caught in her throat about then, as both Amethyst and Carrot approached Octavia, and she saw Tempest look nervous as well. This was exactly what they’d both feared if too much information got leaked, possible mobs leading to ponies getting either hurt or something much worse. “Please,” Octavia replied dryly. “If I, hypothetically was Kiva, I wouldn’t be so stupid as to drop hints in public. I’m just commenting on the fact that Kiva’s armor is so bulky, we don’t know who could be hiding under the mask. And considering Ponyville has a skewed number of mares to stallions…” “True enough I suppose... “ Carrot trailed off as both Tempest and Fluttershy let out breaths neither of them had realized they’d been holding. “I mean, the only way I know it’s Tempest under the IXA armor is it, is because of that cracked horn of hers. You know the one, looks like a chipped tooth. I mean, the point is Octavia you’re exactly right. That armor does hide a lot!” “And this mare with the chipped tooth horn as you so kindly call it,” Tempest stated dryly as she loomed over both Amethyst Star and Carrot Top from behind, making both jump in fear and let out little yelps. Tempest’s horn was crackling in anger, quite put off by today’s events. Bad enough she’d been dealing with Fangires full-time now, including another attack at the hospital. Now she had to pile on classic pony stupidity on top of that. “Would like to remind you that just because of the fact that Kiva may very well be a mare, doesn’t mean you should start ganging up on other townsponies.” Quite quayed by the intimidating Captain of the Guard, both Carrot and Amethyst silenced themselves for the time being even as Fluttershy took her leave. Fluttershy let out a small sniffle as she sat down on her bed, grabbing a handkerchief to dab at her eyes. “Why… Why can’t it ever end…?” she whispered to herself. “Why can’t I just find Rook and kill him, and make all this madness end?” “You know perfectly well killing Rook won’t stop this madness,” Vinyl’s voice sighed as the mare, dressed in only a tank-top and panties walked into the room and sat down next to Fluttershy before slinging an arm around her friend’s shoulders. She’d decided now to stay at the mare’s cottage full-time, given the recent treatment of her by her friends. Oh sure, they were blaming Kiva not Fluttershy for the attacks but that still didn’t mean the white-furred DJ couldn’t see what sorta affect their words were having on the pegasus. “He’s just one member of the Checkmate Four. Sure, he’s powerful amongst the Fangire Ranks, but there’s still the Bishop to deal with.” “Right,” Fluttershy whimpered shuddering slightly for the day that would eventually come when she would have to fight Rook once more. She’d barely lasted a few minutes in her last fight against the leonine fangire, and that was only with a touch of luck. Even then, she’d only survived the fight, and not won it. It was Rook’s own game rules that sent him into retreat. “But… But I just want this to be over, that way… I won’t have to listen to my friends think of me as some sort of killer!” she whispered, hot tears stinging her fur even as Vinyl hugged her friend tightly, placing a calming hand on Fluttershy’s back as the pegasus started to sob into her shoulder. Vinyl let out a low growl in remembrance at what brought this whole thing on. “Element of Loyalty my ass!” Vinyl thought to herself angrily as she remembered the words of Fluttershy’s supposed ‘friend’ Rainbow Dash a few days before. “Celestia above, I’d like to go ahead and punch that bitch in the face.” She sighed, it couldn’t be helped. Even as much as she hated Rainbow right now, she couldn’t do anything against her for two reasons. One, she was Fluttershy’s friend and she’d never hear the end of it if Vinyl put the mare in the hospital like she wanted to and two Rainbow didn’t know any better. Neither did the rest of Fluttershy’s friends for that matter. Well, exempting Twilight and Tempest. Fluttershy did tell her they were now wise to the pegasus’ little double life. Twilight had even been considering teaching hemokinesis or at least a form of it to Vinyl in hopes that she might become more than that mare who keeps the hearth warm for Fluttershy. Tempest had smacked her Princess about then, telling her paying evil unto evil -As hemokinesis was considered very dark magic- was something they never should resort to unless as a last resort. And even then, Tempest was against it. However, speaking of blood Twilight had poured into her father’s notes and had found a spell for tracking Fangires. She hadn’t perfected it quite just yet, but when she did finding Bishop and Rook was first on the agenda. But that was when she perfected it. Not if, when. Twilight had been quite specific on that matter, saying there was no spell she couldn’t perform or cast and she owed it to her father to complete this one. He’d taken the first few steps in striking down the current Fangire leadership by creating this spell, and Twilight as she put it intended to finish walking down that path. She’d told Fluttershy she wasn’t alone now, and she never should have been. It was only her own stupidity and short-sightedness that had caused that in the first place. “...I just don’t know Vinyl,” Fluttershy replied after all the tears had finally been spent. “I mean, let’s presume Twilight does finish her dad’s spell. What then? Rook’s powerful, even for a Fangire and Bishop even more so!” “Hey, they’re not unbeatable are they?” Vinyl replied. “I mean, you said it yourself. Luna took down the friggin’ King of the Fangires! If she can do that, I think Twilight and you, and Tempest for that matter can take down the last of the old guard.” “Yeah, but Luna… She had to use a power that could have destroyed the world to bring down King!” Fluttershy replied. “I… I’m nowhere near that level. Twilight’s powerful yes, but still…” “You worry too much, if you ask me,” Vinyl told her sternly. “You’re not alone anymore. I mean, Friendship is Magic, right? And between you, Tempest and Twilight I’d like to think that not even King, if he were still alive, would be able to stand against the three of you!” “You’re… You’re right. Friendship got me this far. With that by my side, there’s nothing I can’t handle.” Fluttershy whispered, hanging her head in shame for ever doubting herself. In Castle Doran, the embedded sword in the wall stirred a bit more, shifting slightly in the stone. “No, nothing we ca-” Vinyl started, before stopping herself as her breath caught in her throat. No, she’d said too much really. “Nothing we can’t handle?” Fluttershy finished blinking slightly in shock as her eyes widened in realization. “Vinyl, you…” “Yeah, I don’t know when it happened but I… I like you. As more than just a friend. Goddess above, I’m so bad at this.” Vinyl muttered in self-disgust. “For the record,” Fluttershy replied, her heart beating faster than the norm as she closed the gap between them. “So am I.” Lips touched, and with a small giggle Vinyl tossed her top aside as she and Fluttershy fell into the bedsheets, Vinyl taking extra care to shut the curtains as Fluttershy’s hands became entangled in her blue mane. Meanwhile back at Twilight’s castle quite unaware of how two of her friends were definitely more than just companions by now the Princess of Friendship had been contacted by a most unusual sort indeed. “A… A Timberwolf?” Twilight whispered out, her eyes widening in shock as she saw the animal pad into her room, limbs creaking out as it did so. Oddly, it seemed to bear no ill will towards her unlike most of its species and even more unusual it wore a pair of sunglasses and this leather jacket of all things. Twilight’s brain then remembered something as she tore herself away from her father’s old spellbook, setting her reading glasses aside for the moment. “Wait… You’re Jiro aren’t you?” Twilight had been introduced, with no small amount of vigor by Fluttershy to the inhabitants of Castle Doran. Like her father before her, she’d jumped in shock and fear at the sight of Riki -And that wasn’t even taking in her reaction to Ramon and his backstory- but eventually had calmed her nerves with a cup of tea the Arms Monster had handed her. Made a very good butler it seemed, even if Twilight admitted only to herself something a little stronger might have been required at the moment. “Yeah, what gave it away?” the timberwolf deadpanned, smirking and letting his full display of teeth become visible. Twilight yelped again. “...C-Can you please not do that?” she whispered out in fear. Jiro sighed and facepawed. “Right, Kivat does keep telling me I need to work on my social skills. A consequence of not leaving the Castle much except under special circumstances I suppose…” the wolf mused. Twilight harked an eyebrow. “And I’m assuming this is one of those special circumstances?” the mare asked. “Well, suppose you could call it that,” Jiro remarked. “What, wishing for a gentleman caller in the night? I heard all Princesses cooped inside their castles or towers love being serenaded, and rest assured I can definitely do that!” he teased. Twilight glared at him. “No thanks. Besides, my interests lie elsewhere.” she deadpanned in return. “So please, skip the howling.” “Fine, fine. But just saying, you’re missing a mean version of Suede Hooves’ Hound Dog!” Jiro laughed. “But then again, you really are quite caught up in that Tempest Shadow mare, edgeladiness at Esquire!” “You need better jokes,” Twilight stated, not really impressed by the timberwolf. “Who said I was joking?” Jiro returned. “Seriously, the sexual tension between you two is so thick I doubt even a knife could cut it! You two, one of these days need to stop bouncing around each other. It’s getting ludicrous!” he exclaimed looking skywards as if pleading to the deities for some help with these two. “C-Can we just get on with this?” Twilight stammered out blushing red as a tomato. “Yes, sorry about that. Needed to have a little bit of fun. Riki’s so serious, and he never gets any of my jokes. And Kiva-La, oh don’t get me started on her. Got a stick up her ass so far that…” Jiro trailed off before he cleared his throat. “Anyways, got to digging about in the castle library soon after your little visit and I found something that you might be interested in. Or not, just thought I should probably return this to you.” With that, he tossed six medal-like objects towards Twilight each with a different animal depicted on them before digging into his satchel and pulling out a very familiar belt that seemed to have slots for three of these medals. “This is…” Twilight whispered before her breath caught in her throat. “No, this can’t be. Can it?” she asked in shock as she looked over the belt and then the medals. Her eyes went back to the belt, and then the medals. This process was due to repeat itself several times. It was really all rather comical in a way. “Happy Birthday Twilight,” Jiro deadpanned. “Yep, that’d be the Taka, Kujaku, Condor, Same, Kujira, and Ookamiuo medals,” the wolf continued, counting them all off on his claw tips like one would do with fingers. “And this I presume, would be the infamous OOO Driver?” Twilight asked, gesturing to the belt in front of her and Jiro nodded in confirmation. “But why are you giving them to me? I mean, Fluttershy’s father Eiji was the one who wore the Driver and used these medals not my father!” Twilight exclaimed. Jiro held up a claw to stop her before Twilight went off on one of her by now well-known rants. “Yes, that may be true but your father was the one who recovered the Taka, Kujaku and Condor medals so they’re technically his spoils of war really if I understand pony laws correctly,” Jiro replied. “And anyways even if I have got the laws wrong and I probably do as I don’t really pay much attention to things like fine print, I’m doing this to you as a favor. I know you’ll track down Bishop eventually and when you do I think you’ll need that little extra help. Not that I don’t doubt your power Princess but call it a safeguard.” “Ah, I see…” Twilight nodded. “If it were anyone else, I’d suspect there was a catch involved but you’ve been so loyal to Fluttershy and her family for so long well… Yeah. But one thing I don’t get is why you’re so loyal to anyone even mildly related to Fluttershy. Just why? That’s the one thing I don’t get about you.” “Simple fact of the matter is,” Jiro replied. “Well, both your father and Eiji were able to look past my beastly instincts and appearance and were willing to take in someone who was almost constantly on the run from the Fangires. I owe them a debt, and I intend to see it repaid. There’s no catch to it, just simple kindness. Eiji taught me that,” “Right… Right, with his hand extended out and grasping for help thing. I gotcha,” Twilight nodded. “Yeah… Even if I never had the chance to meet him for myself so caught up in my studies I can definitely tell he was Fluttershy’s father with a saying like that…” she trailed off, wiping away a tear before raising a glass of water high in remembrance. Jiro was soon to follow. “To those lost,” he said. As he left the room, he turned back to look at Twilight who was getting back to work on finishing her father’s unfinished spell. “Just keep my advice in mind Princess in mind okay? Goddess knows you’ll need all the help you can get against Bishop.” “I… I will.” Ironically, a spell wasn’t even needed for Twilight to actually track down the Bishop. Despite his name, his job wasn’t a minister of some church as one might think his name would imply. No, that would be too obvious really. In actuality, the Swallowtail Fangire did something quite different. Remember that newspaper I mentioned, the one Fluttershy probably should have turned her suspicions towards a long while back? Well, Twilight’s eyes had wandered to the Ponyville Chronicle’s doings and more precisely to their boss’s dealings. Nothing out of the ordinary, no underhanded back-alley deals but the fact remained the paper had sprung up out of nowhere seemingly just in time to report on Kiva’s doings. Now of course they reported on other matters as well, probably to deflect suspicion, but the simple fact remained that whenever Kiva/Fluttershy appeared the Chronicle was the first to know of it. Maybe it was entirely possible they had good reporters and sources but there were too many coincidences lining up for Twilight to even believe that possibility for a moment. She, like her father simply didn’t believe in coincidences. So that was why she found herself marching into the boardroom of the building’s headquarters in Canterlot. She wasn’t alone, no. She wasn’t that stupid to do this if what she suspected was true. She had backup, hidden behind a disillusionment spell. When she gave the signal, they’d be there. One of those members of the Royal Guard with her normally would have been Tempest, but Twilight against her own better judgment had ordered her to stay in Ponyville. The town still needed protecting after all, and with Fluttershy currently in no mental state to fight the fangires Twilight was fighting a war on two fronts. IXA for the time being needed to stay in Ponyville. However, if a Rider’s power was needed then there would be a Rider. Taking Jiro up on his advice, Twilight had brought the OOO Driver and three little red medals along. Her horn aglow in a strange red light, Twilight followed a misty trail towards the boardroom as the completed version of her father’s spell sought out Bishop. Kicking the boardroom doors open, a stallion in a nicely trimmed black suit rose alongside two other ponies that presumably functioned as bodyguards. Their forms shifted, and were swiftly replaced by monsters that resembled a seamoon jellyfish and a beetle respectively. “Really should keep a better eye on your boys… Bishop,” Twilight commented, as the fangire in question let out a growl and shifted into his true form which was that of a creature resembling a swallowtail butterfly. He looked furious, and not just because of his bodyguards blowing his cover wide open. No, in her hands Twilight held the very same sword Luna had used to dispatch King all those years ago. The Kingslayer. It was a simple enough name, but it got its point across. “Also, if you’re going to play the lead villain you really should make yourself less obvious. I mean really, reporting on Kiva’s doings and framing her? You might as well have put up some big neon sign above your head saying: “Kiva, look here I am!” Twilight stated quite unimpressed by the current Bishop. As the Bishop blew a small cloud of gold dust that exploded in Twilight’s face, the mare lost her grip on the OOO Driver and the medals making them clatter to the floor. One of the medals rolled into a vent and fell down it. Wiping some blood off her face and swearing quietly to herself, Twilight snapped her fingers and the disillusionment dropped revealing Star Hunter and Flash Sentry, who pumped the seamoon and beetle fangires full of arrows. Bishop had pulled out a blade of his own and was dueling Twilight atop the boardroom table blades clashing and ringing out as sparks flew. Twilight got lucky, and slashed the Bishop across the chest several times before lunging forwards with Kingslayer and impaling the monster up against a wall sword going clean through his body. “The Fangires… They will rise again!” the Bishop coughed out. “Not under your rule they won’t,” Twilight stated before pulling out Kingslayer and the Bishop’s body shattered into a million little pieces. “Checkmate.” “What… What the hell were those things?” Flash Sentry stammered out in fear, the young pegasus looking at the glass shards littering the floor as he forced himself to re-evaluate who was the enemy and who wasn’t. “Fangires.” Twilight stated simply as she left the room. High atop a rooftop that overlooked the boardroom, a stallion in a leather jacket growled before letting out a roar as he shifted forms into Rook. “So, it’s a war she wants is it?” Rook thought to himself as his paws clenched and his gaze turned to Ponyville. “Well, if that’s the case then she shall have it. Both her and Kiva.” He let out another roar before leaping off the building. Twilight had heard this and gripped her blade tightly. So be it. > Part 9: Final Concerto: Checkmate - Queen's Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres: Twilight had yet to return to Ponyville, so perhaps it was needless to say her friends had feared the worst had happened to her. “Look, Ah’m tellin’ y’all, something’s gone wrong!” Applejack exclaimed slamming a fist on the dining room table. All around her, gathered in her room were the rest of the Elements excluding Fluttershy who had opted out of this meeting for unexplained reasons. “Seriously, Twilight just ups and leaves us without givin’ a good solid reason and we’re expected not ta worry?” “Darling, think rationally about this,” Rarity said laying a hand on her friend’s own and grasping it tightly. “She’s a busy mare nowadays, you know that as well as I do! Princess duties and all, she could have been called away to Canterlot Castle for whatever reason. “For whatever reason!?” Applejack shouted. “That’s… That’s not good enough! Excuse me for being worried, but there’s a serial killer about or haven’t ya forgotten?” “Trust me, I have yet to forgot,” Rarity replied sternly. “What do think I’ve been trying to forget about?” she asked, stifling a sob. “Oh my… those poor ponies…” “Damn it!” Rainbow shouted. “It’s Kiva, he’s got to be behind this! I just know it! And where the Hell is Fluttershy? This was an all Elements meeting!’ “She said she had things to do,” Rarity replied trying to stay calm. “Mentioned to me that her rabbits needed tending to.” “She’s starting to distance herself from us nowadays, Y'all know that right? Ah mean, seriously Ah couldn’t have been the only one who’s noticed this right?’ “Well, she’s been awfully dead set on proving Kiva is a ‘nice pony’ as she put it,” Pinkie remarked. “Fool’s errand if you ask me. Even I can see Kiva is a meanie mcmeanie pants!” “Yeah, but why is she so set on proving this?” Rainbow asked. “I mean, why? What’s she got to gain from all of it?” “Maybe nothing,” Rarity mused. “I mean, no offense to Fluttershy but the poor dear can be awfully naive and too trusting at times am I correct?” A few murmurs and nods were the others’ responses. “How do we know Fluttershy hasn’t been killed by…” Rainbow trailed off her voice breaking. “I mean, how do we know she hasn’t been nabbed by Kiva?” “Ah’m sure that’s not the case Rainbow,” Applejack reassured. “Trust me on this, if Fluttershy was dead by Kiva’s hand Ah’m almost certain the Princesses would have let us know am Ah right?” “But… But what if they haven’t found her body yet?” Pinkie whispered as her mane went limp. “She could be lying dead somewhere and nobody would ever know!” “Relax, the Royal Guards are everywhere,” Rainbow stated calmly for once. Even as she said this, she was trying to fight back the image her mind was giving her of a maimed and brutalized Fluttershy laying dead in some alleyway somewhere. “They’ll catch up to Kiva eventually, I know it. With Tempest at the lead, I know they will.” “But… But how many more ponies have to die before that happens?” Applejack asked. “Ah say we mount a full-scale search of our own for Kiva!” “And how Applejack are we expected to do that? Equestria’s massive! Searching it from end to end is an insane job!” Rainbow shouted. “I mean, a small town like Ponyville’s one thing, but…” “And that’s just it, isn’t it?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean, haven’t all of Kiva’s murders been centered around Ponyville? If he or she’s anywhere, it’s here!” “I suppose you’re right about that,” Rainbow murmured. “But if Kiva’s here, where would he or she hide? Somewhere remote, somewhere abandoned, somewhere like the…” she trailed off before her eyes widened in realization. The others were soon to follow. “Somewhere like the Castle of the Two Sisters!” “Well, aren’t you all intelligent?” a male voice asked, guttural in tone. Applejack’s head whipped around and she pulled a shotgun off the wall to face the newcomer. “And who the hay are you?” “Allow me to introduce myself. Sorry to say, but you’ve been looking at the wrong person for the killings,” Rook commented as he changed forms into the Lion Fangire. “Say hello to your real killer.” As Rook advanced, Rarity fired a few shots from her horn that only barely scratched Rook. He chuckled and pulled out a stopwatch. “Time Play, start.” “Move it!” Rarity shouted before she fired another blast from her horn and to her credit this one actually managed to make Rook roar out in pain as it hit one of his shoulders. The exact same one Fluttershy had struck with the Garulu saber not that many days before. As the group ran, far and away in Castle Doran Fluttershy had discovered the Zanbat Sword sticking out of the wall Even as the Arms Monsters looked on she managed to pull it out of the wall with no small amount of effort letting out a cry of triumph as she did so. Jiro smiled, finally, Fluttershy’s ascension was complete. His smile soon faded as the bells of Castle Doran began to toll before he shared a look with Fluttershy. Speaking of fangires, Rook had managed to pursue the rest of the Elements sans Twilight into the Everfree’s outskirts. “Well, it’s been a fun chase but… Heh, time for the greatest prize of all. Shame there’s two of you missing but I’ll make do…” Rook grinned. “Well, it’s been a good run Y'all. Guess this is the end of the line…” Applejack whispered as she braced for death. “Man, this is so not how I imagined I’d go out!” Rainbow whispered tears threatening to break. Seeing Equestria’s bravest reduced to such a sorry state only increased Rook’s pleasure. This had gone better than he’d hoped. The Elements, saviors of Equestria many times over cowering before him! “Any last requests…?” Rook chuckled. “Yeah, just one. You dying.” a familiar voice stated, and Rook turned around before his eyes widened in fear upon seeing her. Fluttershy looked furious at the sight of Rook, the full moon casting light upon her features. Just looking at Rook standing over her friends -Her friends!- with his teeth and claws just sent her into a fury. “Have you made your peace with Faust?” Fluttershy asked in this completely calm, cold voice. Because you're about to meet Her. Kivat!” she shouted, and quite a few eyes widened as the little red bat fluttered down. “Coming and biting milady!” he called as he bit down on Fluttershy’s outstretched arm. The ponies and Rook watched in shock as Fluttershy, filled with a newfound resolve gained a familiar set of stained-glass type veins. “Henshin.” Fluttershy stated as that distorted wonderful violin sound filled the air and even as chains wrapped themselves around Fluttershy forming Kiva’s infamous armor Tatsulot attached himself to her wrist. Tatsulot had smashed through the chains around her anklet revealing what lay underneath and on her shoulder pads making small wings of light rise up before bats of golden light fluttered about and recreated her armor, covering it shades of dark crimson red and black tones. Once the armor finished forming, Fluttershy flicked her cape behind her with the sound of a whip cracking and charged with her sword in front of her. “No… No,” Rainbow whispered as she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. “It can’t be. Fluttershy’s... Kiva?” “Not for much longer I assure you,” Rook growled out. “After I finish up with her, you Elements are next. My greatest Time Play yet, killing all six Elements of Harmony!” “Yeah… We’ll see about that,” Fluttershy stated calmly even as Rook sent needles flying towards her from his claws. Needles which Fluttershy simply swatted out of the air with her wrist, the Zanbat sword gripped tightly in her other hand. “Big talk from a little pony. You’ll never be able to defeat me!” Rook laughed. “You never have been. Queen of the Fangires you may be, but you’ve never had the nerve to defeat me! Me, the strongest of the Fangires! I’ve been around since the days of Rockhoof so that makes m-” “Not caring,” Fluttershy said as she slashed him across the shoulder. “As for your little statement, I’m going to have to correct that. The word strongest has no meaning. The me from today will be stronger than the me from yesterday. And the me from tomorrow will be stronger than the me from today,” she stated staring Rook down. “Point is, nobody’s ever the strongest forever. Not even you. And speaking of you, you’ve been around far too long for me to live and let be,” She followed up with a slash to the other shoulder, her eyes giving her famous stare beneath her helmet. “As I said before, you’re Rook, wanted by the Blue Sky Organization for the murder of 120 stallions, sixty mares, ten fillies, five foals, three goats and the massacre of the siren race. Normally Fangires have always just served as nature’s balancing act, but you?” Fluttershy asked as she struck Rook across the chest once more with her blade. “You’re different. You’ve always killed for the thrill of it. I made a promise to Ramon, and the Siren race to defeat you, and avenge them. I do not break my promises,” the pegasus stated all doubts and worries cast aside. She was Kiva, and she would always be Kiva until the day she died. “Tonight, you fall and your little time plays end.” Rook growled, producing his double ended club. “My games are not going to end!” With a motion, he brought the club down towards Fluttershy’s head. “Fangires don’t need a naive Queen!” “Naive? Perhaps,” Fluttershy admitted as she blocked the strike with Zanbat before forcing the club upwards giving her an opening. “But I like to think of it more as optimistic. Hopeful even, that one day our two species can coexist. My father had that same hope as well, until Tiramat snuffed it out. I’ve carried the torch he passed onto me since then. Sure, I’ve stumbled, but like I said the me tomorrow is stronger than the me from yesterday.” the Queen of the Fangires continued, slashing Rook across the chest with one powerful blow making him stagger. “Fluttershy…” Rarity whispered in shock. When all this was over, when she made it out alive of this as she had no doubt she would given Fluttershy’s newfound resolve and sheer power as Kiva, she had a lot of apologies to make. Looking towards Rainbow and Pinkie, she knew they were thinking the same things. Fluttershy feinted with her sword, forcing Rook to move to block. While his guard was up, she dipped down and swept his legs out from under him. “Don’t you get it yet?” Fluttershy asked. “Your time’s long since passed. Bishop, the King, they’re all dead. All that remains of the old guard is you, and just you alone.” She pointed her sword tip at his throat. “Rook, now is your last chance to make peace with Faust. Please,” she pleaded. “Just give up now. I don’t want to continue this form of violence any further.” “She’d never accept me, and you know it!” Rook shouted, firing a few of his claws like needles once more at Fluttershy making her stagger back and scream out in pain. He pulled himself to his feet, twirling his club and slamming it into Fluttershy’s side. The mare was knocked to the ground, clutching her side in pain as her sword clattered up against a rock. Rook began repeatedly kicking her in the side laughing all the while. “What… what was that you were saying about me not being the strongest?” he continued to laugh madly. “Go on, admit it! I’m stronger than you! I deserve to rule the Fangire race!” Suddenly, a cupcake hit him squarely in the side of his head. “Hey, meanie, get away from our friend!” Pinkie shouted as Rook wiped the frosting out of his mane. Huffing and puffing, Pinkie stood up off the ground with several other cupcakes in hand. Rarity was soon to follow, her horn crackling with magical energy. “Oh look, how attitudes change,” Rook chuckled even as Rarity zapped him with magical energy having very little if any effect at all. “Before you were all out to get her, now you’re trying to save her? Don’t make me laugh!” Rainbow tried to kick Rook squarely in the stomach with a powerful blow, but her leg was caught and she was simply slammed into the ground by an overhead fist from Rook. “We’ve… We’ve got a lot of apologies to make,” Rainbow said picking herself up off the ground and landing a few punches to Rook’s stomach. Didn’t matter whether they took or not. She just needed to buy Fluttershy some time until the mare could recover from Rook’s blows. “But we can start at least, by helping her right now. We can start by holding you off, till she picks herself up off the ground. We may not be able to do much, but sometimes just that little thing is just enough,” Rainbow said before shouting: “Fluttershy! Listen, I know this guy’s tough, but you can beat him. So stop sitting around doing nothing and get to it!” Fluttershy watched in wide-eyed awe, as her friends tried to fend off Rook. She balled up her fists, her knuckles turning white around the hilt of the Zanbat. They were willing to risk their lives, just for her. They didn’t entirely know what was going on, but still, they were willing to help. And what was she doing, laying in the dirt? “I… I may not be able to fight or at least damage this creep,” Rarity shouted to her friend. “But I can provide you with a handkerchief to wipe your tears. Celestia only knows how long you’ve been crying, and some of that has probably been our fault I admit, but the time for tears is over now.” “We, at least until you regain your strength can keep this guy busy!” Applejack shouted as she kicked Rook in the face actually making him stagger. “Now my Ma and Pa would probably be ashamed of mah behavior over the past few weeks, judging someone until Ah truly knew them but Ah’d like ta think Ah’m making up for it in some small way right now!” The words of Fluttershy’s friends’ bounced around her head. Her hands trembled with barely contained energy. She knew in her heart that she couldn’t just sit back any longer. With slow grace, she rose to her hooves, Zanbat held out at her side. “Girls, step back,” she urged, staring Rook down. “This is something I have to finish myself.” She stepped forward, letting the girls retreat before charging Rook. The Lion Fangire raised his club and readied to block the oncoming blow. Just as she was on top of him, she spread her wings and jumped over him. She flipped in midair, slashing Rook across the back before twirling back to her hooves with the help of her wings. “In the back?” Rook roared out in pain and indignation. “Low move from the Queen of Fangires! I thought you were above such things!” “Nothing you wouldn’t have done, I’m sure,” Fluttershy simply stated in response slashing him across the shoulder before kicking him through a tree. She noted how Rook clutched his shoulder in pain, and thought back. Rook roared in rage, before he charged once more at Kiva only for the Garulu Saber to strike him in the shoulder. Fluttershy backflipped away and spun once her boots touched the ground again taking advantage of the fangire’s shock to land another blow across the chest before kicking him in the wounded area making Rook stagger back. Fluttershy smirked in the present day as Rook clutched his shoulder pad in pain. “Looks like I hurt him there more than I thought...” she mused to herself before remarking: “Old wounds flaring up again?” “DAMN YOU!” was Rook’s only response before he came charging out of the woodland once more fangs and claws bared. Fluttershy stepped backwards to avoid the claw swings before blocking the next few blows with her Zanbat sword. She then flung her cape across Rook’s face a few times temporarily making the Lion Fangire drop his guard. She pressed her advantage, stabbing her blade into his wounded shoulder. Rook then headbutted her, making Fluttershy stagger back before he slashed her across the chest with his claws drawing a bit of blood. “So you do bleed. Excellent,” Rook smirked licking his lips for what he was sure to come. Suddenly, a flurry of shots hit Rook making him stagger back as Tempest stepped out of the shadows with IXA Calibur in hand. “Now why do you have to be so stubborn Ms. Shy?” she asked. “I’ve got a few sins to make up for myself, and besides Riders help other Riders out right?” she asked with a small smile before transforming into IXA letting a few erratic bolts of electricity fly each hitting Rook by some manner before Tempest went into Burst Mode as her face mask opened up. “T-Tempest?” Fluttershy whispered out. “So sorry I’m late, but you know how it is. Don’t have the luxury of a Fangire tracking system like you do with your Castle,” Tempest replied. “So, I have to make do.” Just then a familiar timberwolf leaped out of the shrubbery eyes aglow with green light as he latched onto Rook’s arm biting down hard. Even as Rook tried to fling him off, Jiro had no intention of letting go. “Mind you, I do have the usage of one very embittered Timberwolf. And… Oh yes, one other thing,” Tempest remarked as a blast of lavender magic hit Rook in the face cracking some of his skin. “One Princess. Friendship is Magic, right? Seriously, why you’re so intent on going this all alone is beyond me when in my mind, two Riders and their friends are better than one pegasus.” Tempest remarked. Fluttershy managed a smile beneath her helmet, her posture relaxing slightly. “You think I’d know that much by now,” she said to herself. “Looks like I need to wake up.” Reaching for Tatsulot, she pulled on his tail. “Oh, that is a terrible joke, Milady!” Tatsulot exclaimed in glee. “I’ve never been so proud! BASSHAA FEVER!” Tatsulot yelled out as Ramon was summoned into Fluttershy’s hands in Magnum form and combined with Tatsulot. Rook managed to fling Jiro off, but the wolf simply rebounded off a tree and landed in front of the girls, snarling protectively. A massive purple fist slammed into Rook’s chest making him stagger before a left cross was to follow as Riki stomped out of the woods. “Guess the gang’s all here, really…” Riki chuckled. “You forget Rook, Fluttershy’s not the only one with a bone to pick with you…” “Everyone,” Fluttershy started, green energy swirling around her like a whirlpool, “I can’t even begin to say how much I love you all. But maybe I can show it!” She rose into the air, the whirlpool growing in strength. “Yeah… you might want to back away right about now,” Jiro warned the rest of the Mane Six, who took the hint and scrambled out of the way. Fluttershy gave a battle cry, surprising everyone that she actually rose her voice. Her whirlpool swept forward, catching Rook up in its current before tossing him away. To Fluttershy’s surprise, Rook still had managed to find the strength to stand, clutching his shoulder pad. “Tempest, his shoulder! That’s his weak spot! I’ve hit him so many times there, it’s hurting him so badly he can’t focus on anything else!” Fluttershy shouted, and Tempest nodded changing IXA Calibur to its blade form as Fluttershy holstered the basshaa magnum and redrew the Zanbat sword. A loud whistling sound came from Zanbat, Fluttershy grabbing the crossguard and sliding it up the blade until it shone with red light. “WAKE UP!” Kivat shouted as this happened. Tempest removed the mouthpiece from her helmet, slotting it into IXA Calibur and pressing a sequence of buttons on the number pad. “R-I-S-I-N-G!” the mouthpiece turned transformation device stated as pieces Tempest’s armor flew off and her helmet crest rearranged itself her armor letting off an even more intense blast of heat than ever before. “Well… this is new?” Tempest murmured not really sure how to react as she studied her new form. “Didn’t know the upgrades would go this far…” “Well, I did say I did upgrade the IXA system didn’t I?” Twilight smirked. “You can admire it later,” Fluttershy chided, charging Rook and slashing him. Jiro came from the right side and tackled Rook before Riki came from the left and shoulder charged the fangire. “Point taken,” Tempest commented as she struck Rook across the shoulder making him scream out in pain. “Though a certain somepony is definitely getting a big thank you after this…” she trailed off looking at Twilight for a moment before she pulled out both IXA Calibur and the Ixariser and fired them at Rook making him stagger back from the sheer force of the gunfire. “I think you’ve been around long enough, gotten a bit bored of toying with you…” Tempest muttered. “Let’s finish this eh?” she asked looking at Fluttershy who simply nodded. “Agreed.” she stated, her palm glowing with the Kiva Insignia before she launched a massive version of it at Rook pinning him to a tree. She and Tempest then shared another nod before they ran towards Rook, leaped off the ground and flipped in midair both aiming a flying side kick at the Fangire. “RIDER KICK!” the two shouted before the kicks impacted with Rook shattering on contact. Panting and sweating, both Tempest and Fluttershy collapsed to the ground out of sheer exhaustion their transformations canceling. Twilight ran to Tempest’s side helping her up with Riki did the same with Fluttershy. “It’s… It’s finally over.” Fluttershy whispered feeling a sense of relief wash over her. “Uh, Milady?” Kivat asked before he looked upwards and Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror at what happened next. She watched Rook’s essence float up in the air. It appeared unstable, flashing erratically. In a matter of moments, a white flash came from it, blinding everyone watching it. When the flash died down, a massive Sabbat had manifested in the sky, letting out a mighty roar and tossing fireballs everywhere. “Oh… Oh my Celestia…” Twilight whispered as one deadly fireball came right towards her. She knew she would never have enough time to throw up a shield and closed her eyes waiting for what came. “TWILIGHT!” Tempest shouted, before something shoved Twilight out of the way in a red blur of motion. As the fireball died down, flames licking at her red armor stood Luna as Kuuga, her Arcle having repaired itself over the one thousand years she’d spent inside the moon. “It seems I was right to don this armor once more,” Luna commented, looking up at the massive glowing gold chandelier-like spirit. “I’m sorry for not having stepped in earlier, Fluttershy. Consider this my compensation on the matter.” As another roar cut through the sky, Castle Doran appeared and Luna leaped skywards and let out a shout of: “Cho-Henshin!” as her entire body crackled with golden light before her armor turned a sharp black color. Luna flapped her wings, rocketing towards the sabbat propelled by Doran’s flame breath, her left hoof crackling with golden electricity. “Begone foul beast!” she shouted, breaking out the Royal Canterlot voice. She shot through the beast’s neck, the thing shattering instantly. Each piece exploded in multicolored light, something that was likely seen across the country before the sky lit up like fire for just the briefest of moments night turning to day as Luna descended from the flames her armor seemingly untouched. “Now… Now it’s over,” she stated. She relaxed, her armor dissipating. “I forgot how tiring that was…” she sighed her transformation canceling itself out fully before she fell forwards into Fluttershy’s arms. “Yeah, it’s over…” Fluttershy thought even as her friends rushed up shouting apologies and bringing her into hugs. ‘ Sugarcube Corner: One Week Later Time passed, and still more apologies were to come as the truth came to light. The rest of Fluttershy’s friends apologized over and over for ever even thinking Fluttershy was this mass murderer and not stopping to consider any other alternatives. It was pleasing to her at first, and especially pleasing to both Tempest and Vinyl but after a while, even they got sick of it. “Seriously guys… This… This is too much!” Fluttershy stammered out as Pinkie shoved a slice of cake into her mouth. “Nonsense, this is your “We’re sorry for thinking you were a serial killer when in fact you were a hero party!” Pinkie babbled. “Now eat!” she ordered before shoving more cake into her friend’s mouth. “...You know, as rewards ceremonies go, this isn’t so bad really,” Kivat remarked nibbling at some cake that had been filled with wine made just for him. The closest thing to actual blood anyone was willing to risk. “I mean seriously, it’s about time you got recognized for your exploits, so why not enjoy it?” he advised before letting out a little burp. “I know I am! ...Hey, think anyone can find me a medal?” “Trust me, that’s being considered,” Twilight chuckled. “You and Fluttershy both have more than earned a few. I’ll talk to Celestia about it, and see what I can do huh?” “Party Fortissimo!” Tatsulot said, wearing a goofy little party hat and blowing on a tiny horn. Somehow Pinkie had managed to find both items in his size. Don’t ask how, but she had. Nearby, Jiro was busting out moves on the dancefloor -very poor dance moves at that- while a sea of cautious ponies looked on from afar. Nearby, Riki tried reaching for some wine before Rarity slapped his massive hand away. “Ep-ep! No, that’s not for you! Last thing we need is a drunk Frankenstein’s monster! Don’t think I haven’t heard what you get up to!” “Awww…” Riki sulked hanging his head comically. Fluttershy walked over to him, patting his side and whispering, “Don’t worry, I’ll sneak you some that you can have at the castle.” Nearby, Kivat fluttered about in a drunken manner before smacking right into a nearby beam and sliding down to the floor, little birds flying comically above his head. “...On the other hand…” Fluttershy reconsidered. “Oh, you wouldn’t believe the orders I’ve been getting as of late. Seems vampire-themed fashion is very très chic this season!” Rarity babbled. “Oh?” Fluttershy asked, looking away from Kivat. “Any chance you could make me something?” She turned her head down to herself. “I’ve been thinking that I should embrace my role as Fangire Queen. Openly and proudly.” “Well, hasn’t someone gotten a boost in confidence!” Vinyl said proudly as she wrapped her arms around her marefriend from behind and kissed her on the cheek. Overhead, Kiva-La fluttered about and landed on a rafter, watching the proceedings. “Watching my friends fight Rook for me made me think about things,” Fluttershy started, returning Vinyl’s hug. “If I want Fangires and ponies to coexist, I have to embrace that side of me and show the world that we’re not all monsters.” “Man, I’m still surprised at all of this. Fangires, you and Vinyl hooking up, Luna being an ancient Kamen Rider… The works!” Rainbow exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. “What next? Is Faust herself going to return?” “I find it wise not to tempt fate,” Jiro said in passing. "Well, if you ask me I'm in full support of the relationship," Octavia said. "It's about time you found somepony for yourself Vinyl." “Honestly darling,” Rarity stated. “I’m as surprised as anyone else about you and Vinyl. Didn’t see that one coming a mile away, and I’m normally on top of these things. I don’t mean to be rude, but Vinyl’s… well, Vinyl and you’re well… you!” she exclaimed. “Some things just work,” Vinyl offered with a shrug, pulling away from Fluttershy but leaving an arm around her shoulder. “Like pickle juice for a hangover. And if you keep on drinking that cider, Rainbow Dash, that’s exactly what you’re going to end up with!” she yelled looking pointedly at the mare in question. “Since when did you become my mother?” Rainbow shouted back. “Call this payback for treating Fluttershy like crap,” Vinyl stated, levitating the cider over to her in an aura of blue magic. “I said I was sorry!” Rainbow whined. “What do you want me to do, get on my knees and grovel?” “No,” Fluttershy said pointedly, cutting off any response from Vinyl. “Rainbow, you already did plenty when you and the girls fought Rook. I more than forgive you. Vinyl, lay off her please?” “Fine, fine.” the mare grumbled. Rainbow sniggered. “Well, looks like she’s got you on a leash!” Rainbow chortled, and at both Vinyl and Fluttershy’s shared blush she laughed only harder. “I didn’t mean literally you two! But damn!” “Guess it is always the quiet ones…” Tempest thought as she looked towards Twilight remembering last night’s… activities. Containing her blush, she walked out of the room trying to think of anything else. Why did friendship lessons have to be so damn hard with her? Unaware of exactly what her ‘student’ was thinking about Twilight was currently walking over to Fluttershy. “Hey… Uh, listen. I heard about what happened to the Dazzlings from Ramon. What really happened I mean,” she stammered out. “And I… Uh, well I got to thinking you know?” “Thinking about what?” Fluttershy inquired, tilting her head. “They had the best of intentions didn’t they?” Twilight asked placing a silence spell around the area so nobody would overhear them. “And yet, nobody’s ever thought about welcoming them back to their home now that the truth is out…” she murmured feeling rather guilty and ashamed of herself. She should have asked the Dazzlings about why they were so intent on gathering Equestrian magic, why they resorted to such desperate means. Instead, she simply just assumed they had villainous intent and had the Rainbooms along with Sunset friendship laser them. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Twilight!” Fluttershy beamed, her eyes twinkling at her friend. “When do you think we should try and get them home?” “Well, why not right now?” Twilight asked. “I mean, there’s nothing stopping us is there?” “An angry Pinkie that threw this party?” Vinyl countered, pointing at the princess. “Well, I wouldn’t say angry, more like apologetic but…” Twilight trailed off before realizing what Vinyl meant and her eyes shrunk to almost comical proportions. “Oh. Right… Yes, well… I um…” “You go girls!” Pinkie exclaimed, throwing her arms around Fluttershy and Twilight. “Go on, bring them home! I’ve got a welcome back to Equestria party to prepare! Yippee!” she exclaimed bouncing off. “How did…?” Vinyl asked. “That was a silencing spell you just cast right?” “Don’t question it,” Twilight groaned. “It’s Pinkie.” “Well, we have our blessing,” Fluttershy said, giggling. “Let's head to your castle and get going.” So with that, once preparations were complete the duo along with Ramon entered the human world in search of the Dazzlings. “You sure about this Twilight?” Sunset had asked upon hearing what Twilight intended to do. “I mean…” “Trust me, I’m sure,” Twilight smiled. “Well, in that case…” Sunset trailed off before taking a deep breath. “If you’re really sure, I’ve heard they’re living in a warehouse outside of town. Just be careful okay?” “Don't worry, we're not helpless,” Fluttershy assured. Though, she had no real idea if her Fangire nature translated onto this side of the portal. Eventually, after a bit of wandering around and some helpful hints from a few other hobos, the threesome found out exactly where Sunset had gestured them to. Twilight wished Sunset had come along herself, but given her history with the Dazzlings it was only natural so she wasn’t surprised she’d opted out of this. “H-Hello?” Twilight asked, pushing the warehouse door open making it emit a small creaking sound. “Aria, Adagio? Sonata? Anyone?” The trio scanned the derelict building, hoping to find signs of life. Eventually, Ramon stumbled upon the three girls who really looked as if they’d seen better days huddled up around a makeshift fire. “Over here!” he hissed out, and Twilight and Fluttershy came running with the Element of Kindness covering her mouth in shock to hide the gasp and fighting back tears at the state of the former Sirens. Twilight wasn’t far behind. “By Celestia…” she whispered. “I never knew…” The former sirens were shivering, smelling like something rotten and bore dirty disheveled hair that Rarity would probably faint at if she ever saw. Adagio, in particular, was coughing heavily. Her eyes narrowed when she looked up and saw Twilight. “Well, well. Look at what the cat dragged in…” Adagio practically snarled. “Girls, we know the truth,” Fluttershy started, sucking in a breath and putting on a brave face. “You never intended harm to Equestria.” “Yeah? Well, it sure as Hell took you long enough dumbshit,” Aria stated. “Do you know how long we’ve had to fend for ourselves after you rainbow lasered us?” “Far too long, I think,” Twilight replied guiltily. “Far too long…” she murmured before pulling out a sheet of paper. “Here, it’s an official Royal Pardon. See, it even has Celestia’s signature!” she continued, gesturing to a familiar stamp resembling the sun. Beside it, was Twilight’s own signature. “We want to welcome you back to Equestria,” Fluttershy elaborated. “I can offer you a place to stay until you find something for yourselves.” Adagio was studying Ramon curiously. “You’re… You’re one of us aren’t you?” the woman asked. “A siren, like me.” Ramon nodded. “Yeah, one of the last of them. Things have changed since you’ve been banished. The Fangires rose to power, before being defeated by Madam Fluttershy here,” he explained. “R-Really?” Adagio coughed out giving Fluttershy a look of abject shock. “You… you really defeated the Fangires?” she asked her eyes watering not daring to believe it. “Well, I had a bit of help but…” Fluttershy trailed off pressing her fingers together nervously. “...Yes,” she finally said, hiding behind her bangs. “Seriously, you of all ponies?” Adagio blinked out, before coughing once more. “God, can’t believe of all things, a simple human sickness is going to be what’s the end of-” “Don’t you talk like that,” Fluttershy said sternly reaching out her hand. “If there is a hand reaching for help, and I don't reach out my hand when I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead... I reach out my hand, because I don't want that. And right now, it looks like you could use a hand,” she continued, her voice softening. Sonata and Aria looked at their older sibling pleadingly, it wasn’t like they had a lot of options. Nobody would take them in, knowing of their reputation. And here was a golden opportunity, offering itself up on a silver Princess adorned platter. Swallowing her pride, Adagio finally relented. “Alright… Fine,” Adagio answered after a long silence. “But just one thing?” “And what’s that?” Fluttershy smiled. “Me and Ramon, well… He’s got to fill me in on what’s happened since I’ve been gone,” “I think I can do that,” Ramon replied. “Come on Adagio, let’s go home…” “Agreed.” Adagio smiled for the first time in what felt like centuries and walked the long walk home back to the mirror portal. As she did so, she passed a woman that looked strangely like herself tossing a strange red medal in her hand and blinked as their eyes met before thinking nothing more of it. She was finally going home, and that’s what mattered. The End > Encore 1: The Treasure Sniper Returns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far across the dimensional barrier, there existed plenty of other worlds, alternate realities that could be so readily different from each other that you wouldn’t be able to recognize them. Some, where life took a digital route or became simply and literally one dimensional instead of taking an anthropological route. Other realities, they just barely differed from each other, just minor and small what ifs changing things sometimes minute, sometimes dramatically. ZI-O’s world was one such timeline, and Justice’s was another. The AR worlds in Kamen Rider Decade again are an example of this. And speaking of Decade actually, let’s take a brief trip away from Kiva’s world to join up with a Rider who will play a great part in the events to come. Daiki Kaito, aka Kamen Rider DiEnd. Sometimes friend to Tsukasa, sometimes foe. Depends on what he wanted and how Tsukasa could benefit him. But I suppose you knew that already, right? Currently, the treasure thief was on the run, again, from the ‘Rider’ known as Shadow Moon. As ever, Daiki had attempted to steal this world’s ‘Treasure’, in this case being Shadow Moon’s King Stone. “Attack Ride: Blast!” Daiki’s Diendriver shouted before firing off a series of energy blast towards Shadow Moon, who only seemed marginally annoyed at best and continued striding forwards. “Kamen Ride: Saga!” the driver shouted before Daiki fired it, summoning up the Rider himself who despite not knowing -or possibly caring- why he’d been summoned, pulled out his Jacorder, a rapier-like weapon and met Shadow Moon’s own sword with it. To lend a hand, Daiki kicked Shadow Moon in the stomach and fired off another blast at him before pulling out another Rider Card. “Kamen Ride: Skull!” Skull fired off his Skull Magnum at Shadow Moon who managed to deflect or block the shots before whirling around on Saga and slashing him across the chest. “You’re a foolish man, and a foolish Kamen Rider. Why do you persist?” Shadow Moon asked, slamming a fist in Daiki’s helmet, cracking it slightly. “Because the grandest of treasures are irreplaceable, and your belt is quite the interesting one.” DiEnd replied, leaping backwards and firing off several more shots towards Shadow Moon that seemed to curve and arc, seeking him out. Shadow Moon did seem to stagger at this before he leaped skywards and kicked Daiki in the chest. “As I stated. Foolish. You almost remind me of him,” Shadow Moon remarked, before slashing Daiki across the chest with his sword. “Almost.” “Nice to know,” DiEnd stated in a bored tone clutching his chest in pain but still managing to pull out three more cards and place them into his gun one by one. “I’ll be sure to keep that compliment in mind.” “You won’t live long enough to think about that. Nobody steals from the Gorgom and lives to tell the tale.” Shadow Moon replied. “Want to bet?” Daiki remarked in a cocky tone. “Kamen Ride: Skull!” “Kamen Ride: Ryuga!” “Attack Ride: Crossattack!” This final card allowed both Skull and Ryuga to perform their respective finishers, the Skull Maximum Drive and the Final Vent respectively. Skull fired his Magnum in a burst attack, while Ryuga summoned Dragblacker and rose into the air with the serpent coiling around him before the dragon launched him towards Shadow Moon. When the smoke cleared, Shadow Moon stood there quite unfazed and laughing. “You’re almost amusing, but now it’s time for you to die.” he stated raising his Satan Saber making it glow a bright blood red shade. Knowing when to take his leave, and that for the time being this treasure was currently lost to him, Daiki leaped into another dimension the air shimmering around him like ripples across a lake as he did so. Tumbling into a dark moonlit forest as he fell into the next dimension, Daiki grunted out in pain as his transformation canceled out and sighed to himself. Not one of his finer ventures really. Tsukasa was probably laughing at him somewhere, wasn’t he? “Damn you Decade…” he muttered out of simple pure reflex as he picked himself up off the ground and sighed. He blinked a few times as he looked himself over. His attire was the same, and he could feel the weight of the K-Touch that he’d received from that Reiji Kurosaki man in his pocket but everything else about him was decidedly different. He was now an anthropomorphic midnight blue pony of all things, bearing the DiEnd insignia on his shoulders like a tattoo. “What… What the hell?” Daiki muttered looking about as if he was going to die out of embarrassment right then and there. He looked like a girl’s toy for crying out loud! Granted, a girl’s toy sporting a gun on his hip and wearing a jacket and jeans but still! Mind you, he knew whenever he jumped through dimensions, like Tsukasa, he sometimes adapted himself to the world at hand but this was out there even for him really. “Well, I’ll just have to roll with it I suppose. Every world’s got a treasure, and this world is no different,” Daiki decided. “Probably should start searching. Not much like I have much else to do these days.” Daiki admitted, if only to himself going around the various AR worlds and stealing treasures, even that was starting to get boring to him. Treasures were meant to be enjoyed, and to be honest over half the treasures he had stolen he couldn’t really enjoy, only admire from afar. The Orga Gear, for example, stolen from that alternate Faiz timeline. Yes, he could use it, but as he had no Orphnoch DNA implanted in him it would kill him outright. The only thing Daiki did nowadays was just going through the motions really. Just doing what he always did, hop from one world to the next taking items of value and as he wasn’t exactly the most popular man in his home world he couldn’t just return there. Walking along the path leading up to an odd dig site, Daiki just slipped into the crowd and tried not to draw too much attention to himself. He didn’t know much about equines, but he did know they were quite skittish and judging by the fact that these seemed much more intelligent than your average horse frightening them probably wasn’t a good idea. He blinked as he watched the dig site foreman supervise the whole endeavor. Was… was that a unicorn? Daiki quickly recovered, he’d seen stranger he supposed but still, this world just kept on getting weirder. He chuckled, somehow he suspected if Tsukasa ever found his way to this world he’d end up a unicorn himself, the arrogant bastard. He’d probably already know how to do magic, the show-off. Grabbing a pickaxe, he pretended to work still intent on not making a scene of himself. Daiki picked up scattered conversations from the ponies surrounding him. Apparently, if he was hearing correctly, some strange war criminals had recently returned from their banishment from some far off land, Royal Pardons and all. Apparently, ages ago these ‘sirens’ had caused a great amount of chaos and strife in their time here and had nearly raised an army up against the local Princesses for whatever reason. Perhaps unsurprisingly, nobody -Or should that have been nopony?- was happy about this happening. To add to that, for whatever reason one of their local heroes had recently unveiled herself to be the Queen of the Fangires and was currently trying to reunite the two races now that these creatures known as the Checkmate Four had all been dealt with. Daiki blinked at this, so there were Fangires in this world as well? Constants and variables he supposed. His pick striking something with a metallic clang, a great calamity rose up amongst the ponies as they rushed over and began digging up the area all around Daiki until the earth gave way and exposed a tunnel leading downwards. Daiki was one of the first to scramble down into that pit, knowing full well a deep dark tunnel despite usually never leading to anything good also usually lead to some sort of great reward. “And they say watching TV shows rots your brain…” he thought to himself with a small chuckle. “You first,” he said to a nervous looking unicorn stallion trembling in his boots before giving him a small little shove down the corridor. “After all, if there’s anything down there, I’d rather it eat you first!” he teased. “Not funny,” the stallion muttered. “Who says I was joking?” Daiki asked with a look. “By Celestia,” he muttered, not seemingly noticing the change in deity or if he did not caring. “You lot are so nervous. Need to gain a bit of courage! This is an adventure right? Finding long forgotten treasures!” “It’s archaeology,” the purple stallion corrected. “There’s a difference.” “Meh, not to me,” Daiki replied. “Both things can be worth their weight in gold depending on what you find. Never introduced myself. Name’s Daiki. Yours?” he asked the older stallion. “Firelight. Neighponise by the sounds of it, am I correct?” Firelight asked. “Eh, sure. I suppose,” Daiki replied guessing Neighponiese was the equivalent to Japanese here. “So, an adventure! Keep your spirits up, bound to be something interesting at the end of this cave!” he chirped. “Aside from horrendous things that want to make meals out of ponies?” Firelight deadpanned half expecting a manticore or something like that to leap out of the shadows, using his horn to light up the cave walls. Notably, the passageway was covered in ancient runes, unrecognizable at least to the present day. “Star Tracker,” Firelight barked, and a  young dark blue-coated earth pony about 16 at most with freckles covering his face rushed up. “You’re good with decoding languages right? See what you can make of this.” “Yeah, haven’t seen a language this old in a long, long time, Easily predates even Celestia herself,” Star Tracker murmured, running his fingers along the runes etched into the wall. “I’d say this dates back at least 1000 years before her birth judging by the age of everything.” “Lovely…” Firelight muttered, the chances of actually deciphering this language dropping lower by the moment. He should have called for his son-in-law, knowing he was possibly even more of an expert than his student at this sort of thing. Sadly, Sunburst was on his honeymoon with Starlight meaning he’d sent Star Tracker along to assist in the meantime. “Look on the bright side,” Daiki proclaimed. “Least there’s nothing that’s going to come out of the shadows, and try and kill you right?” “Golems are a thing,” Firelight remarked. “Run into a few of them at ancient tombs in Baladi pyramids. Not fun in trying to take down.” he shuddered remembering a particularly nasty one who was styled after a Baladi death god and had this massive bronze sword capable of chopping a pony in half with one fell swing. “Except this isn’t a tomb, or is it? Depends on your perspective really!” Daiki remarked gesturing to all around him. “The characters, they sorta remind me of a tribe called the Linto, with a few minor differences here and there. To you, they’d probably be your distant relatives. I’d say you’re looking at a related race here, perhaps a common ancestor.” For a brief moment, Daiki’s eyes widened in fear wondering if this was a Gurongi tomb but he relaxed his breathing and regained his composure realizing the scripture was just distinct enough from the Gurongi’s own. This was something entirely different. In the back of his mind, he knew he’d seen this language somewhere before, but he’d forgotten exactly where. “You’re certainly knowledgeable enough, if not a bit off,” Firelight remarked. “So, what brought you on this expedition anyways? Doubt it was just the thrill of it all really…” he trailed off. “It sorta was, actually…” Daiki admitted. “To be frank, finding treasure hasn’t interested me in months, I’ve only gone after stuff just to try and find that old spark as it were. But like I said, depends on your perspective. This is a tomb, and it isn’t,” he continued on not wanting to elaborate on his past. He wasn’t the touchy-feely type. Never would be. “See, it’s either a repository of treasure and historical artifacts that are ripe for the taking and that belong in some museum somewhere or it’s a tomb full of old bones. Fun, isn’t it?” “...You’re a real fun-killer aren’t you?” Star Tracker deadpanned before he went back to his translating, looking at the massive door in front of him. “Okay, think I’ve got something. Cross-referenced other languages and think I’ve found a cipher. It goes: “When the Seal is returned, the Kingstone is found they shall rise. I’m not sure who this ‘they’ is but if you’re asking me…” “Sounds like something to dissuade grave robbers. Anything here, long dead.” Firelight remarked. “Still, wouldn’t it be best to exercise a bout of caution on this really? I mean, for all we know this could just engage a booby trap!” Star Tracker warned, and needless to say, everyone took a few steps backwards from the door half expecting an axe to drop or something of that manner. Mind you, something did happen, but it was nothing dangerous. All that occurred was a wind rushing through the tomb and lighting up four torches on the wall, making them burn with an eerie green flame. “Did you do that?” Firelight asked Daiki, who shook his head. “No, you’re the unicorn here so if anyone did that it was bound to be you,” Daiki deadpanned. “Hell, it’s even in your name. Firelight anyone?” he asked. “Wasn’t me, I swear!” Firelight shot back, before their heads in unison both turned to look at Star Tracker and eyebrows were raised. Star Tracker laughed nervously. “Um… sorry?” he asked. “Look on the bright side, least we can see now right?” Both Daiki and Firelight facepalmed as Star Tracker continued to translate in hopes of getting the door open. Sitting himself upon a rock, Firelight turned to his new companion. Okay, be honest with me. You’re out going around the world collecting treasure for a reason right? Nobody just goes off on adventures for a reason, not even Daring Do. She does it to save the world, but you… I think you’re running from something aren’t you?” “You talk too much, you know that right?” Daiki grumbled, and Firelight smirked as he realized he’d hit a nerve. “Whatever your issue is, you can’t run from it forever. Just saying.” Firelight said, leaving Daiki to consider his words. Maybe the pony was right. He eventually, one day or another, did have to go and return to his brother. Return to his homeworld and settle things… somehow. Then, Star Tracker let out a shout of “Done!” as the center of the door lit up a bright sea-green. Daiki’s eyes widened as something filled him, something he hadn’t felt in ages. The lust for grabbing a treasure. He then remembered where the characters in this language had come from, and his eyes widened as Firelight walked towards the massive doorway. “Wait, don’t!” Daiki shouted, but it was too late as soon as Firelight removed the keystone from the doorway, the rest of the door crumbled away and a massive black mass filled the chamber before forming into a figure. It was sheerly massive in size towering over everyone else in the chamber with only two sharp yellow eyes visible, and the head seemingly had two massive horns jutting out from it. Daiki recognized the figure alright, he’d summoned it at least once and his hands immediately went for both his Rider Card and his Diendriver. “Kamen Ride: DiEnd!” the Driver shouted even as the beast let out a loud howl and charged right towards Firelight. “Henshin!” Daiki shouted and fired his driver skywards before becoming DiEnd. “Who… Who are you?” Firelight whispered before shouting: “What is that thing?” “Just a passing through Kamen Rider… Remember that one,” Daiki said, smirking a little at stealing Tsukasa’s catchphrase. “As for that thing… It’s just a specter about to be sent back to the grave!” “Attack Ride: Barrier!” An energy shield was flung up between DiEnd and the being but it simply smashed through it with a howl of “Fools! I will reclaim my kingdom! I will reclaim my race!” “Yeah, that’ll happen,” DiEnd muttered before swearing softly to himself. “Damnit, wish there was more room to move about in here. More room to fight!” Briefly, he considered summoning another Rider to his side like maybe Lupin or Sorcerer to even up the odds, but Daiki had never exactly figured out just how under his control they were really. They may have been puppets, as they never acted against him, but then again he always summoned them in situations where they had to fight. For all he knew, if they ever had the opportunity, a Rider like Ouja or Scissors might just turn on him. Opting to work on the safe side, at least for now, Daiki grabbed another Attack Ride card and placed it into his weapon before firing. “Attack Ride: Illusion!” Multiples of DiEnd sprung up and began firing at the shadowy mass but it created arms to defeat each and every one of them before it went inside Firelight’s outstretched mouth before he even had time to scream. A white version of Kivat formed around Firelight’s waist as the pony lifted himself up into the air. “Henshin! Now go to Hell!” the Kivat shouted before DiEnd grabbed Star Tracker and ran out of the chamber as an explosion enveloped the room. “What… what was that?” Star Tracker asked as he looked up at Daiki. “Not my problem. Best you contact your local Fangire Queen, Fluttershy was it? It’s her issue to deal with now…” Daiki said before the air around him shimmered and he vanished. Far away on a beach just a few short hours travel from Ponyville were the Dazzlings, Castle Doran keeping a careful eye on the threesome from atop a mountain peak. Even now, as the sirens reclaimed their old home and threw out anyone who had decided to make themselves a lodger, his ever watchful eyes observed them. “And stay out!” Adagio barked, using her tail flipper to throw out a massive shark who’d decided to take their feeding grounds for himself. “Huh… Think I just booted out the Meg. Fancy that.” she smirked noting the creature’s abnormal size. Sonata made a gleeful sound as she dived beneath the waves and just swam through a nearby coral reef smiling as she observed the rainbow of colors around her. Home at last. Hadn’t changed one bit, really. Sure, centuries had passed and apparently that meanie Starswirl was alive and kicking -somehow- but Equestria really hadn’t aged a day in most respects. “You ever get the feeling that we’re still prisoners in a way?” Aria deadpanned even as she lounged herself up against some rocks. “I mean, look up there. Even after she brought us back, that wimpy pegasus is still having her pet dragon keep an eye on us!” “Hardly call Fluttershy, at least this one anyways ‘wimpy’ if she somehow managed to give the Checkmate Four a real run for the money and is the current Fangire Queen,” Adagio pointed out before looking up towards Doran. “But yeah… I see your point. House arrest basically. But can’t say I blame her or Twilight for that matter for being cautious. And besides, they said it was only for the next few months.” “And you believed them?” Aria scoffed. “Hey, it’s not all bad!” Sonata remarked as she lay flat on her belly soaking up the sun even as a few brave ponies took a few photos of her. “We’re not exactly closed off from the rest of the world, and besides it’s not like there’s a whole lot of trouble we can cause, not without our singing voices anymore really…” “Yeah, and you don’t see a problem with this?” Aria muttered grumpily. “A siren who can’t sing or carry a pretty little tune, there’s something a bit wrong with that don’t you think?” “Okay, I admit it’s shameful,”: Adagio sighed. “But we grew arrogant and thought we could actually challenge Equestria even at low power and with an army of teenagers. I mean, what were we thinking? If we couldn’t beat the Pillars, what could we possibly do against four Princesses and the Elements?” she asked sardonically. A little child ran up to her in an attempt to stroke her muzzle much to Adagio’s pleasure, but a fearful mother pulled him away. Adagio sighed to herself. “...Guess some things never change, ponies are always afraid of what they don’t understand,’ she grumbled. True, she deserved this much but it still hurt when all she wanted was a life for herself and her siblings. After all, she started out with good intentions, even if they got diluted over the centuries just trying to survive and her own desperation catching up with her. “How… how can we prove we’ve changed, if they don’t even give us a chance?” she whispered. “Don’t bother, I say,” Aria remarked in a sarcastic tone. “After all, ponies have always been this way. If they don’t give us a chance, I don’t see why we should bother even trying.” Deep down inside, Adagio knew her younger sister was hurting. Both of them were. Aria tried to hide it with dry sardonic biting remarks and Sonata with her cheeriness, but Adagio both knew all they wanted to be was accepted once more. They wanted to be a part of Equestria as well, that’s why they’d jumped at the chance to be welcomed back and that’s why they’d fought the Fangire race oh so long ago. And after all, if a certain siren off the coasts of Prance could be accepted, what was stopping them? Oh right. Starswirl, the dick, still spreading stories of them simply being monsters who wanted to bring chaos and disorder to the lands. “How’d Sunset do it…?” Sonata mumbled, wiping away a small tear from her eye with a fin. “How…? Just how? Canterlot High, it hated her, and yet somehow she muscled on through.” “It’s because she had friends I guess,” Aria admitted letting the mask drop. “Far more than you can say about us really…” “It was oh so easy to cope in the beginning, wasn’t it? Back when we were first cast out,” Adagio sighed, and Sonata nodded in agreement. “Yeah, just seduce a man or a woman here and there and pretend their comfort was something akin to friendship. They left us in the end always, but for just those brief moments we had someone at our sides again…” Sonata whispered. “I suppose, in a way, it was good we never fell in love with anyone. It’d have hurt far too much.” “Suppose we should be grateful in a way Sunset robbed us of our immortality,” Adagio agreed. “Least this way, if by some chance we fall in love with some creature and they by some lucky chance return our feelings they won’t have to grow old and die while we stay like this forever. I honestly pity Princess Twilight, and Celestia and all the rest now. Never thought I’d say that, but I do,” she admitted. “Yeah, and to make matters worse for Twilight at least I heard she’s getting married in a few months,” Sonata sighed, almost wistfully. Perhaps there was a trace of that, she was a romantic at heart after all. “To that Tempest Shadow mare, you know the one right? The one with the IXA system?” “Yeah, I do. Odd choice really for a companion, but guess she sees something we don’t,” Adagio admitted. “And for a pony, I gotta admit Tempest is sexy as all hell, I mean woof! Never thought scars and a mohawk would look good, but on her…” she purred out and licked her lips. “If she wasn’t taken, I’d snatch Tempest up for myself really!” “I’m flattered, really I am,” Tempest’s voice deadpanned as the mare walked up the beach clad in a simple gray tank top and blue jeans combo. She crossed her arms, a dark violet jacket slung over her left shoulder. If one looked closely, they could see a small part of Twilight’s cutie mark on the back. “Come to check up on you, and find you gossiping about me and my upcoming wedding. Geez, Princess Twilight wasn’t kidding when she said you bunch were something else!” “Hey, that’s a good thing right?” Sonata asked. “I mean, who wants to be normal? Normal is B to the o-r-i-n-g!” Adagio facepalmed, or at least did the siren equivalent and chuckled good-naturedly. Her sister could be a ditz and rather childish at times, but she loved her and wouldn’t have her any other way. “True,” Tempest admitted as she took a sip of this fizzy drink she’d popped open, apparently cherry-themed if the label was to be believed. “But please, can you just not gossip about my love life? Please… just don’t. I get enough of that from my troops, you joining in makes it even worse!” she grumbled, rubbing her temples. “But it’s so sweet!” Sonata exclaimed looking as if she might melt into a puddle of goo. If Tempest had her way, just glaring at her might make Sonata do just that. “A former baddie hooking up with the Princess of Friendship herself!” “Yeah, you two shacking up is heartwarming enough to be on a Hallmark card,” Aria deadpanned. “Bleagh!” she gagged not particularly caring really. “You have no room in your heart for romance do you?” Sonata shouted, and the two would have begun to bicker like usual had Adagio not broke it up. She groaned to herself, sometimes it was like playing mother to these two instead of an older sister. Tempest just laughed. “And I thought I was bad when it comes to temper issues…” she chuckled shaking her head as she watched Adagio pry her squabbling siblings apart. “But listen, I managed to earn Equestria’s trust, and I was one of the most feared and hated unicorns in generations!” “Yeah, but you got assigned to Twilight’s Royal Guard,” Adagio pointed out. “And you helped save Equestria from Rook and the Fangires with the IXA system so…” “So what? I still had issues before that, some that needed ironing out with a little help from the Reformed Unicorns Club!” Tempest exclaimed and at this Aria burst out laughing while Sonata had to contain a few giggles. Adagio looked skywards as if to ask why did she put up with these idiots. “I’m sorry, but what?” Aria laughed. “You need some rum with that?” she joked. “It… it was Twilight’s idea!” Tempest stammered out, her face bright red and not helping her case as she did look as if she’d had a snootful only increasing the giggles from Sonata. “Basically, gather together some previously villainous unicorns like Trixie, Starlight, and Sunset and put them in a room together with me and try and iron out my… issues.” “She… She still should have chosen a better name though!” Aria laughed. “I mean, did it not occur to her at any point her acronym would say rum?” Tempest growled, her horn sparking slightly before she managed to recollect herself and took in a deep breath. “Listen, the point is if someone like me can earn back Equestria’s trust, you three idiots can as well. Am I not right?” Ignoring the slight against her, Adagio sighed. “Yeah, suppose you’re right there… Just easier said then done I guess.” “Hey, if it were easy, every villain Equestria’s ever faced would have just gone, “Ulp, no chance in me taking over so I might as well reform and befriend everyone!” and then things would get rather boring ‘round here wouldn’t they?” “...I thought you said you were reformed,” Adagio replied skeptically, an eyebrow raised and her front fins crossed. “Hey, I said I was reformed. Didn’t say ‘R.U.M’ worked out exactly all of my issues now did it?” Tempest remarked with a small shrug. “Plus, I like a good challenge every now and then, makes for a good chance of pace!” “Good point. I mean, if everything was all nice and dandy 100% of the time, things would get rather boring really…” Adagio mused. “So, guess I should think of this as a challenge. A challenge to show Equestria, and especially that old codger Starswirl the new and improved Adagio Dazzling!” “See now, that’s the spirit!” Tempest exclaimed with a snap of her fingers. “Huh, and I thought talking to you three would be hard. Never been the most sociable of ponies, me.” “Hey, guess it takes one former villain to know another former villain right?” Sonata asked and Tempest made a small noise of agreement. “Tell me you didn’t boast about your prowess in battle,” Tempest commented. “I mean, by Celestia, was the Storm King arrogant about his and I quote directly: Ba-ba boom baby!” she laughed. All three Dazzlings, or at least Aria and Adagio looked the slightest bit sheepish. “We… we may have done that, yes,” Aria laughed nervously. “But, we were young, idiots, and everyone was scared of us anyways especially when we served in the Roman legion or we were on the high seas as pirates. So you’d have to forgive us if we indulged ourselves a little… right?” “Meh, I have no room to talk,” Tempest shrugged again. “I mean, I introduced myself by asking for Princess Celestia’s -amongst others- complete and total utter surrender or something like that really.” “Did you dress up in armor and land your airship all intimidating like?” Sonata asked. “Sounds like you were a few steps away from being Darth Vader in pony form!” “Who’s Darth Vader?” Tempest asked quizzically. Sonata only laughed. Meanwhile in Ponyville proper, and quite unaware of what was about to happen both Vinyl and Fluttershy shared a dinner date. “...Feels weird you know, just going out for dinner like this after everything’s that’s gone on as of late. You know what I mean?” Vinyl asked, taking a sip of her wine. Normally she wasn’t interested in such things,- Octavia was the more classy of the duo after all- but when on dates with someone who was now a literal Queen Vinyl for whatever reason felt she had to clean herself up a little bit. “Seriously, Rook’s dead. Bishop’s dead. That Shinigami Fangire’s pushing up the daisies. It just feels weird to have an actual normal date for once!” “What, like our other dates weren’t normal?” Fluttershy teased, and Vinyl blushed. “We-Well, o-of course they were normal,” she sputtered out, much to Fluttershy’s amusement. The mighty Vinyl Scratch, the famed DJ-Pon3 laid low and reduced to a stuttering wreck by Ponyville’s shyest resident! Octavia was laughing at her now, she just knew it! ...Wouldn’t have surprised her if she and Rainbow decided to spy on them during their date now that she thought of it. Wouldn’t put it past Rainbow at the very least Vinyl mused. “But all those other dates, we always had this ticking time bomb hanging over our head so to speak! Always had to worry about when the next Fangire would strike! But now… Well, everything’s just different.” That much was true, given a few ‘ponies’ unveiled their Fangire blood without fear of the Bishop coming down on their heads to their counterparts. Star Hunter, for example, had taken his girlfriend on a night of the town, and apparently, they were happy. It seemed Twilight and Tempest’s earlier fears of Fangires being in the guard hadn’t been entirely unfounded, but apparently, the Fangires in Tempest’s command never would have revealed themselves always in fear of being labeled traitors by Bishop. It was only when Star Hunter heard from Twilight that they were staging a raid on the Bishop’s base of operations did he decide to finally get over his fear or at least put it aside for the moment. “Yeah, I suppose…” Fluttershy mused briefly humming a few notes of the soft jazz song in the background. “Vinyl, are you… intimidated by me?” she asked seriously. “Why?” Vinyl asked. “It’s just… Well, I’m a Queen now, and to you, that must mean you have to feel awfully low compared to me status wise,” Fluttershy murmured several old insecurities coming to the forefront once more. “I mean, not to sound rude or anything but you’re practically a peasant! You’ve started acting just that tiny bit more nervous around me, always striving to please me to ludicrous extents! I mean, just last week you sent me several bundles of flowers! Roseluck later told me you practically cleaned out your entire savings account buying those for me!” “Okay, I admit I’m more than just a tad intimidated by you really,” Vinyl sighed. “Or at least feeling a bit inferior to you. I mean, make no bones about it you’re a real badass now and I’m only your personal consort in a sense! A friggin’ concubine if you excuse the term!” she exclaimed slamming her hands on the table. “...Only reason I’ve ever been able to help you now is because of Kiva-La…” she sighed. Fluttershy put a hand on her shoulder, and Vinyl looked up in surprise eyes widening. “No, that’s not true, it’s never been true and you know it. Kiva-La or no Kiva-La, you’ve always tried to help me however you can. You always encouraged me onwards, even when I was at my lowest! To be honest, I always wanted to be like you, all confident and adventurous.” Vinyl chuckled sadly. “How times have changed huh…? Guess the horseshoe’s on the other hoof now!” she joked sardonically. “Vinyl, please! Don’t think of yourself as somepony lower to me,” Fluttershy pleaded. “Sure, I’m Queen now, but I’m still the same pony I’ve always been aren’t I?” “I suppose,” Vinyl agreed. “Celestia knows I’ve caught you flinching nervously whenever we go out on a date together at times. Like you’re expecting everyone to judge you, or the paparazzi to just appear out of nowhere and flash you with their cameras!” Fluttershy nodded. “It’s hard for me, actually, to be on a date with you. If I’m honest, I’m always feeling the inferior one compared to you. You earned your fame through hard work, honest to Celestia hard work while I only got mine through sheer luck and by birthright if I’m, to be honest.” “Okay, firstly, you know that’s not true as you worked your own flank off to finally get your reward and have Kiva finally seen as a hero by the townsfolk, that’s not luck at all!” Vinyl told her sternly. “And secondly, what you said before about us being equals? Keep that in mind. Sure, we’re both famous in our own rights but we’re still just ponies. And any paparazzi that tries jumping us, if Kivat or Tatsulot don’t get to them first I’ll be punching their lights out!” Fluttershy shook her head, although it was clearly obvious she was amused even as she said: “Please Vinyl, must you resort to violence?” in admonishment. “What? You don’t expect me not to deal with them? They flocked outside my house to get nude shots at times! I mean, my body’s great and all, but Octavia would kill me if she ended up on the front page like that!” Vinyl exclaimed. “I’m serious, I wouldn’t put it past them just to make up some wild story about me and Octavia being lovers just for a few more readers! Me and Octy are real good friends and all, but we’re certainly not bed-humping night and day!” “Could be worse I suppose,” Fluttershy agreed. “Could be that they’re getting ideas about us going in on threesomes…” “Actually, I’d sorta like to see that on the front page,” Vinyl mused before booping her lover on the nose. “If only for your reaction of course!” she teased. Vinyl could only laugh at Fluttershy’s furious red blush before Fluttershy joined in on that laughter. Dimensions away, Daiki had returned to his usual hobby and had stumbled across an alternate timeline of the Drive world. Apparently, Gold Drive had resurfaced in this world due to a strange series of events that Daiki would rather not remember and personally had no part in if you were to ask him. Nobody would have probably believed him if asked, but yet here he was with Kamen Rider Gold Drive pursuing him after his head even as he ran through the halls of the Kuruma Driver's License Center in downtown Tokyo. Gold Drive used his Golden Energy Manipulation powers to fire off a ball of sharp electricity towards DiEnd, who grabbed a nearby pipe and then summoned Kuuga who grabbed the pole and changed into Dragon form intercepting this golden power. As Daiki predicted, this turned him into Rising form and knocked Gold Drive back through some walls and into the Drive Pit. “I’ll be taking that belt,” Daiki said to the man formerly known as Tejura Banno, Kuuga having vanished back to his home dimension. “It’ll look good in a glass case. Besides, you disgrace the name of Kamen Rider anyways.” Gold Drive was having none of it, and even as he picked himself up off the ground he flew towards DiEnd and pinned him to a wall mid-leap. Gold Drive began punching him over and over until finally, Daiki managed to free himself and knock away the knock-off with a kick. “Kamen Ride: Riotroopers!” Summoning forth some of the rank and file mooks from Faiz’s time, Daiki ordered them to fire upon Gold Drive, who only blasted them out of existence with a gold energy wave before pinning Daiki himself to the floor with another blast. “Give up.” Gold Drive/Banno stated marching forwards charging up a golden blast in his palm. “Why… Why can’t I just keep on fighting back? And why can’t I have the will to keep the Riders I summon in this world for as long as I need?” Daiki asked himself. “What’s wrong with me?” Imagery came flashing towards him in his mind. That dark being, and those ponies he left behind to die. A voice that sounded suspiciously like Tsukasa’s filtered into his head. “Maybe it’s because you’ve lost the will to do what’s right?” the voice mocked. “That isn’t you Daiki. Even when you’re at your lowest, you always did have some sort of a heart.” “Again, what the Hell’s wrong with me?” Daiki mentally screamed out. “Maybe it’s this little thing called a conscience affecting you?” the voice mocked again. “I thought you had that!” “You’re… you’re right,” Daiki admitted clenching his fists. “I left those ponies to die by Arc’s hand. More will be killed if I don’t do something. But first, time to clean up this mess…” He went for his Diendriver quicker than Gold Drive could react and fired. “Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-DiEnd!” Firing off a green and black beam of energy, DiEnd reduced the body of Gold Drive to nothing but data, the belt clattering to the floor of the Drive Pit with a clanging sound. “Wait, you’re a Kamen Rider like me! Please, calm down.. Don't... Stop! Don't do it, don’t do this to me!” Banno pleaded as Daiki canceled his transformation and stepped over to him picking the belt up. “One, I do whatever I want,” Daiki stated as he tossed the belt to one very surprised Shinnosuke. “And two, you’re a disgrace to what it means to be a Kamen Rider.” With that, he stepped back between worlds Arc in his sights… Back in the DP World, Fluttershy and Vinyl were walking out of the cafe only by pure chance to see the Everfree Forest burning in the distance. Already, little flecks of embers were beginning to come down over the small town. “What the hell…?” Vinyl muttered before looking at Fluttershy. “Please tell me that forest fire’s natural and that someone didn’t obey Cynder the Squirrel's message.” A loud roar cut off any chance of that, before like wrappings flew out of nowhere and tried to bind Fluttershy like a mummy had Vinyl not changed into Kiva-La in the nick of time and cut them down with her sword. “...Well, wishing and hoping right?” Vinyl shrugged. Marching out of the forest, picking up trees like toothpicks and tossing them aside was this truly massive figure, demonic in theme with bright golden eyes. Chains wrapped themselves around his chest and two sharp horns jutted out of his helmet. By his side was this mummy monster, and to his left assembling himself from some rocks with a simple wave of the colossal Rider’s arm was a gargoyle creature. “One normal date, that’s all I ask for…” Vinyl muttered as Fluttershy called for Kivat and changed into Kiva. “Take them!” Arc roared. “Do not let anything impede me!” Fluttershy got skywards and rocketed skywards and then downwards with a single hoof aimed at Arc’s chest. The chains on her leg broke open revealing two red wings needed to perform the Darkness Moon Break. “WAKE UP!” At the very last second Arc grabbed her by the hoof before tossing Fluttershy though several houses. Vinyl’s eyes widened under her helmet even as she sliced through the mummy monster’s bindings performing a Wake Up Strike of her own taking the creature down. “From Fangires… to well whatever these are,” she muttered. “What a life eh?” She was then soundly punched in the face by the gargoyle monster. Back at Princess Twilight’s castle, she looked out to see the giant of a Rider, if that’s what he even was marching on Ponyville. “By Celestia…” she thought before she heard a rapid knocking at her door, ran out onto a balcony, looked down and saw Star Tracker at the front steps. “Star… Star Tracker?” she asked in surprise, not having seen him since the whole airship thing with Iron Will. Yes, she’d heard Sunburst took him under his hoof as an archaeology student and linguist but seeing him in person was something different. “Apologies Princess for barging in on you like this, but you need to know what’s going on,” Star Tracker said, giving a quick bow. “That massive… well, whatever you want to call it, it’s taken over Firelight. It is Firelight for the time being. I swear I’ve seen that creature before in my texts, but…” Star Tracker babbled ignoring Twilight’s little shocked exclamation upon hearing what happened to Firelight. Quickly regaining her composure, Twilight began pulling books off the shelves and within a matter of minutes found what she was looking for. “They’re called Legendorgas, and that would be their King, Kamen Rider Arc. He’s a spirit, sealed away by the first Kiva. Needs a body to survive. Firelight’s still in there, yes, but he’s trapped. Only way to free him is to destroy Arc’s body,” “So what’s Arc doing here?” Star asked. “Apparently, most of what Ponyville was built on was a burial ground for Arc’s legions. Granted, it wasn’t called Ponyville then, it was just a lot of dirt and land but judging from my calculations his most powerful warriors are right underneath here,” Twilight said, handing off the book on Legendorgas to Star Tracker. “How he’s reawakened I’m not sure, but get this to Vinyl, or Fluttershy. Hurry!” she shouted, now noticing the moon had some sort of eye on it seemingly awakened by Arc’s presence. Nodding, Star Tracker rushed off towards Vinyl only to see the Gargoyle Legendorgas getting the upper hand. Quickly kicking him in the side to distract the monster, Star Tracker watched in awe as Vinyl dispatched the creature with a Wake Up Thrust from her sword. Explaining the situation as Fluttershy ran up going into Empress form, Star Tracker then watched as Princess Twilight threw up a shield of energy around her castle. Arc roared out and in anger, bellowed: “YOU WILL LET ME BY!” “I think not. You shall not pass. I am the Princess of Friendship, and the Slayer of Bishop of the Checkmate Four. You shall not pass.” Twilight stated firmly as Fluttershy and Vinyl drew their blades even as Arc beat his chest in rage. “Yeah yeah, act like a gorilla all you want,” Vinyl stated with a roll of her eyes. “Still doesn’t change the fact that Twilight’s word is law. Take it up with her. Or don’t, we’re going to beat Firelight out of you, ya creep.” Arc lunged before a loud screech knocked him back and nearly toppled him as Adagio and her sisters flew overhead, Tempest in full IXA gear leaping off the eldest siren’s back. “I thought you said you lost your voice!” Fluttershy shouted, her ears bleeding slightly. Star Tracker meanwhile, had found some cover knowing this place was about to become a battlefield. “Said I couldn’t carry a tune,” Adagio winked even as Aria rammed Arc with Sonata soon to follow making Arc stagger. “Didn’t say anything about not being able to still kick a bit of ass.” “GO TO HELL!” Arc’s Kivat shouted as his faceplates fell away revealing nothing but wires and optics underneath. “Wait… His Kivat’s a robot?” Fluttershy asked in surprise. “Of course it is,” Kivat chuckled. “Hard to replicate, we are. Some might say impossible. We’re one of a kind!” “Yeah, you certainly are…” Fluttershy smiled before her eyes narrowed. “Now you Arc, you will give us back Firelight, even if we have to go through you by force! “Yeah, you might have to,” Daiki’s voice commented as he stepped into their world, Arc now absorbing the eye on the moon gaining two massive wings and two extra arms all burning with fire. Daiki meanwhile pulled out a smartphone-like device and attached it to his belt. “Don’t ask who I am, as it doesn’t matter. Consider this my compensation for accidentally releasing this creature upon you.” “Wait, what?” Fluttershy shouted upon learning of this little factoid. “You unleashed that thing?” “Got me in one I’m afraid…” DiEnd shrugged, and Vinyl practically had to hold her girlfriend back from pummeling DiEnd to a pulp. “Woah woah, as much as I’m all for kicking this guy’s ass here,” Vinyl replied. “Shouldn’t we be worried about big bad Arc up there?” she asked gesturing upwards. “Right… I’ll deal with you later,” Fluttershy said, giving Daiki a glare. “But for now…” “Yes, quite,” Daiki agreed as Arc flew skywards and seemed to blot out the moon and began tossing fireballs all over Ponyville, the screeches of the Dazzlings slowing him down but not by much. “This will have to be a collaborative effort. Agreed?” “What he said. Fluttershy, you take him high and we’ll take him low!” Tempest stated after a quick nod of agreement and Fluttershy leaped upwards atop Adagio. “Hey, no free rides!” Adagio shouted out in indignation before Fluttershy shut her up with a glare. “Fine fine… just hold on!” With that, she joined the battle. As Adagio and Arc engaged in an aerial dogfight above the streets of Ponyville, blasts of sound and fire being thrown about as they weaved between the buildings of the town DiEnd pressed a series of buttons on his touchpad-like belt device. “G4! Ryuga! Orga! Glaive! Kabuki! Arc! Eternal! Lupin! Final Kamen Ride: DiEnd!” A card appeared on DiEnd’s forehead representing him, while eight images of eight riders -presumably the ones his K-Touch had shouted off- appeared on his chest plates. “Attack Ride: Gekijyouban!” Summoning up all eight of these Riders, DiEnd snapped his fingers and watched G4 blast Arc with his missile launcher and catch the massive Rider off-guard long enough for Adagio to hit him with another sonic screech attack accompanied by a wave of blue energy from Eternal’s knife. Not to be outdone the summoned Arc lunged forwards, his counterpart’s eyes widening only to be punched in the chestplate before Adagio rammed this world’s Arc once more. Arc let out a roar of rage and led Adagio on another chest through the streets the two continuing their dogfight until they were well out of town and back near the Everfree Forest the battle continuing up above and below the treetops. At one point, Adagio surfed above a lake and rocketed skywards once more even as Arc threw fireballs at her, making parts of the lake erupt in explosions. “Going… Going to need some breathing room here!” Adagio panted out, and she got it as Dragblacker scored a direct hit with his flames on Arc’s chest. Arc roared out in rage and knocked the Contract Beast aside before charging forwards. Another brief aerial dogfight ensued and by now, the two were near the Castle of the Two Sisters. Kabuki was waiting for them atop a castle wall, and had readied a variation of his own finisher, the Ongeki Da: Gōka Kenran (Sound Attack Stroke: Gorgeous Strong Fire) which involved readying up a gong-like device and firing off a blast of cyan energy at Arc. The green and red Oni-themed Rider chuckled to himself as Arc roared out and turned his attentions to him only to be slammed into by Adagio. “Thanks!” Fluttershy shouted. “Riders help other Riders, isn’t that the saying?” Kabuki asked. Nearby, Ryuga just chuckled. The battle progressed back into Ponyville, but this time Arc found a surprise waiting for him as IXA and Kiva-La leaped forwards propelled by Aria and Sonata’s sonic blasts and smashed right through Arc’s new wings. “Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-DiEnd!” DiEnd’s driver shouted before he fired off a gold version of his Dimension Shoot with the other summoned Riders performing their respective finishers as well on Arc before they were pulled inside DiEnd’s weapon as cards. “No kill like overkill right?” Vinyl joked but her eyes widened in abject shock as she saw Arc getting up, his spirit leaving Firelight’s unconscious body and forming its own. “You gotta be kidding me! What does it take to stop this guy?” Adagio flew overhead, with Fluttershy pulling on Tatsulot’s tail. “Wake Up Fever!” “Well, let’s find out shall we?” Fluttershy asked as she slammed into Arc, leaving the Kiva insignia on his body before he exploded. “Now for… Oh for Celestia’s sake!” Fluttershy shouted upon seeing DiEnd had wisely taken his leave. “There go our insurance premiums… Again,” Tempest muttered as she looked at the destroyed town. “Yep, can see them climbing now. I really should invest in a beach house.” “Then maybe Twilight can see you in your swimsuit, eh?” Aria cackled, as Tempest blushed a furious red. Twilight was soon to follow even as she helped Firelight up off the ground. “Ugh, what hit me?” Firelight murmured before his eyes widened upon remembering the last thing that happened and seeing what had become of Ponyville, the small town laying in ruins. “Did… Did I do this?” Aria’s ears flattered, and so did Adagio and Sonata’s realizing that the Ponyville citizens may not have exactly appreciated their return and how exactly they defeated Arc. “Just another reason for them to hate us… right?” Aria thought. “No, you didn’t,” Fluttershy said kindly to Firelight reaching out a hand. “Remember that, you never did. Wait, is that… cheering?” Sure enough, it was, with the various inhabitants not only yelling out “Kamen Riders! Kamen Riders!” in joy but the Dazzlings’ own names as well. Adagio looked away, and if she was crying… well, it was a cold night wasn’t it? As for DiEnd… Well, what happened to him you may ask dear reader? He’d returned to his home world, ready to face his past. In front of him were Glaive and Blade, swords drawn before Glaive turned to his fellow Rider and looked at him lowering his weapon. Blade was soon to follow. “Welcome home… brother.” Glaive said taking off his helmet and embracing him in a hug which was soon returned. And so, all was well… wasn’t it? > Encore 2: Let's Do The Time Warp Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You know, one day I’ll be the best flyer there ever was, see?” Zephyr Breeze said, pointing at the Cloudsdale Stadium as he laid back on the front lawn of the Shy family home, wearing a loose-fitting denim jacket and some jeans. “I’ll be up there, doing stunts and tricks like there’s never been seen before!” “It’s a nice dream I suppose,” Fluttershy murmured, the young sixteen-year-old pegasus planting flowers in the house’s gardens, wearing a cyan sundress and a big floppy hat. “I mean, there’s nothing holding you back from chasing after your dreams is there?” “See little sis, you always ‘get’ me, you know what I mean?” Zephyr replied shaking his head. “Nobody else ever does, always calling me a dreamer and pushing me into things I know I’m not suited for, like say working in the weather factory. I don’t know if I’d be able to stand it, the banality of it all. Sure, old enough to get a job now, but working a 9 to 5 job in some place like that? It’s just not… you know, me. It’s so boring!” he complained, suddenly getting an image of himself working in some hayburger joint somewhere wearing an apron and a baseball cap before shuddering. That was so not a flattering image. “Sometimes boring works,” Fluttershy replied, and Zephyr looked at his older sis in shock the fifteen-year-old’s eyes wide open. “What… what do you mean?” Zephyr stammered out. “Surely you’re not serious, me working in something as humdrum as the weather factory!” “We need a bit of stability in our life at times,” Fluttershy replied as she continued tending to the garden. “Don’t say you need to work in the weather factory, but you need a job that doesn’t jump around so much, and working as a stunt flyer, you’d never get a moment’s rest right? I mean, look at the Wonderbolts, they’re constantly moving and from what Auntie Surprise tells me you could be called back to work at any moment. So you’d never get a good amount of peace and quiet, so maybe something doldrum is what you need,” she continued. “Forgive me if I sounded harsh, but that’s my opinion anyways…” she whispered, pressing her fingers together nervously. Zephyr rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, and chuckled softly to himself. “Meh, I suppose you’re right. It’s just I’m a free spirit you know. Doldrum just doesn’t work for me, but maybe for the time being…” “Maybe for the time being what?” Fluttershy asked raising an eyebrow. “Maybe for the time being that’s just what I need,” Zephyr sighed. “Ever since… well ever since dad died, haven’t been able to figure out what my place in life is. I’m not even sure if I’m the man of the house. Mom’s much more assertive than I am, or at least able to hold it together longer than I am to actually do something useful. Me… I don’t know, I just don’t know what to do anymore.” He then turned to Fluttershy, a questioning look cast all across his muzzle. “How… I mean, how do you do it sis?” he asked, and Fluttershy found herself at a loss for words. Truth be told, she wasn’t quite sure herself. Sure, Jiro and the others helped along the way, but there were times Fluttershy just wanted to break down and cry and yet somehow in some strange way she always found the ability within herself to keep finding strength and pick herself up off the ground as many times as possible. It was an odd thing, something she couldn’t quite really explain. Not even to herself. She knew they were grooming her for becoming the future Queen of Fangires, and she hoped and wanted to take up her father’s place and bring peace between the two races once more but at times she just didn’t ever know if she ever could. Not that she could tell her younger brother any of this of course. In hindsight, she supposed in later years maybe she should have as it might have made the burden a lot easier but Kivat always said it would make him a target. And she supposed he was right. Zephyr would never be able to defend himself against the Fangires. Hell, she wasn’t quite sure he’d be able to understand what they were or even believe her if she even told him for that matter! She loved her brother, she really did, but he still was young and Fluttershy didn’t want to get any more of her friends and family any more than she had to. Her father had given up her life trying to fight the Fangires and bring peace between the two races and she didn’t want any more blood of her family on her hands. In hindsight, Fluttershy and Kivat would both agree she needed more support than she was actually allowed or at least given, and maybe just maybe in those earlier years Zephyr was the thing she might have needed. A brother’s guiding hand and some familiar support. “Hey sis?” Zephyr asked, waving a hand in front of her face snapping her back to reality. “Yo, Equus to Fluttershy!” “So...So sorry, I was just… thinking, that’s all.” Fluttershy whispered shuffling her hooves sheepishly. “Yeah, you’ve been doing that a lot lately really,” Zephyr replied. “I mean, if you forgive the poor joke here, but you seem to have your head in the clouds a lot of the time lately!” “Right, sorry!” Fluttershy apologized. “Just a lot on my mind, I guess… That’s all I suppose. Not a lot to do up at here at times, least during the summer. Idle hands are Tirek’s favorites, really, and that’s what restlessness breeds. Idle hooves. And to be honest, there’s not a lot to do up here to keep myself busy. Sometimes I feel I’m just going through the motions and all of that, just trying to get by day to day.” “Yeah, with ya there sis,” Zephyr sighed. “I just need something to do, even a year on from dad’s death. It’s just… hard, really. I need something to focus my mind, and like you said before maybe a stable monotonous job at a place like the weather factory would suit me well. Give me something to focus on, creating and shaping our nation’s very weather patterns, thinking on what to give the ponies below each and every day.” “Yeah, but you’re right,” Fluttershy agreed making her brother’s eyebrows raise. “That doesn’t sound like you at all. You are a free spirit, and tying you down to a job like that just wouldn’t suit you. You need something creative, or at least relaxing. Something to ease the mind, really. A 9 to 5 job would probably just zap it free of any emotions. Or at the very least stress you out beyond reason.” “What’s with the sudden change of heart?” Zephyr questioned. “I mean, a minute ago you were saying I should get a job at the weather factory! Hell, I was going along with that line of thinking!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air in confusion. “And I got to thinking some more. I notice how much you value your appearance, and others appearances for that matter. Don’t think I’ve noticed you looking through magazines and providing your own commentary on ponies and their appearances, how you believe they can change so and so to look better. Maybe you should get a job as a hairstylist, or a fashion designer, just saying.” “That would suit me, no?” Zephyr agreed. “I don’t know what’s got into you lately big sis, usually you never give advice. Something’s changed about you, I just don’t know what really.” “Maybe I’ve got to take up dad’s slack in the family, dispense advice and all that. After all, if there’s a hand reaching out for help and I don’t take it and give that help I’d always regret it for the rest of my life.” Zephyr chuckled. “Wow, you really took dad’s saying to heart didn’t you? Well, can’t fault you for that I suppose. It’s a good saying at the very least. Always suited you as well, you and your seemingly endless fountain of kindness,” he remarked. “Oh, look at me. I’m supposed to be the man of the house and here I am being bossed about by my older sister!” “Well, I am your older sister, isn’t that part of my job description?” Fluttershy asked with a teasing grin. “Yeah… Yeah, I suppose it is really,” Zephyr remarked. “Say, isn’t Rainbow coming over later? She’s a nice gal, maybe I should ask her out on a date. Might be able to help give me some direction in my life…” Fluttershy chuckled. “I don’t know dear brother of mine, she’s my best friend and all but I’m not really sure she’s your type,” she remarked smiling softly to herself remembering that time she caught Rainbow kissing Gilda behind some bushes. Gilda had threatened to beat Fluttershy up if she told. Not that she ever would of course. Neither would. One, Rainbow would kill her and two Fluttershy knew it was their relationship and who was she to out them if they weren’t ready? “Of course she’s my type, what mare isn’t?” Zephyr exclaimed, and Fluttershy just giggled much to her brother’s annoyance. That was then, of course, and this was now. And now consisted of Fluttershy chasing after a rogue Fangire, themed after an earwig of all things. Nasty looking fellow, really, about as ugly as the bug on which the thing was themed after. Fluttershy rarely had negative things to say about animals, but certain insects like that bug she’d make an exception for. “Fluttershy, quit spacing out!” Kivat shouted as he flew alongside her, with Fluttershy having the Zanbat Sword strapped to her back. “We need to take this guy out already!” “Sorry, just… remembering.” Fluttershy muttered as she shook her head. “You’re quite right. Ready?” “Yes, as always milady!” Kivat shouted before he bit down on her arm. As that strange violin sound echoed through the air chains wrapped themselves around Fluttershy before she transformed into Kiva eyes cutting through the darkened alleyway. “It’s about your brother again, isn’t it?” Kivat asked from his roost on his Lady’s belt. Fluttershy’s eyes widened under her helmet even as she crossed swords with the Fangire. “How did you…?” she trailed off. “Know? I know you Milady, I have for years remember?” Kivat asked as Fluttershy kicked the fangire in the stomach. She sighed, Zephyr ever since that day had been unable to hold a stable job. At first, she chalked it up to his father’s death rattling him like it did the whole family, but then all of his previous employers always stated he vanished at the oddest, random of times always coming up with some weird excuse till they had enough of him and gave him the boot. “Fair point…” Fluttershy admitted as she caught a punch from the Earwig Fangire and changed to Basshaa Magnum form before firing a few shots of highly compressed water at the creature. She was about to hit the creature with an Aqua Tornado to shatter it before a loud howl cut through the air and this gray and blood-red furred creature resembling a wolf with a curved blade almost like a Baladi warrior’s khopesh leaped out of the shadows and off a rooftop to the ground below joining in on the battle. “Well, it is a hunter’s moon…” Kivat muttered to himself. “Never heard anything about a Wolf Fangire though. This is a new one. Though in theory, I suppose they could take forms based on anything.” Curiously though, Kivat noticed the Wolf Fangire if that’s even what he was lacked the signature features of a Fangire, namely the stained-glass skin. Or fur as the case may have been here. In any case, Fluttershy tossed the Basshaa Magnum aside and summoned Riki in Dogga Hammer form. She swung, and the massive warhammer hit the ground sending a shockwave nearly toppling both Fangires. Howling out in rage, the Wolf Fangire’s blade glowed a bright yellow before he swung it sending out waves of crescent-shaped arcs. Slow and heavy as the Dogga Form was, it was unable to dodge these shots and so Fluttershy had no choice simply but to tank them as they came. Of course, this left her open for a blade strike from the Earwig Fangire. The Wolf was about to strike again, seemingly unable to control himself for very long or having no idea of patience before another blade blocked it. Blood-red, and exceedingly sharp with a blade resembling flames with a demonic-like face on the hilt, it was wielded by this dark blue and silver warrior with bright red eyes like a bullet train’s front windows. “Ore… Sanjou!” the blade seemed to shout as the warrior struck both Fangires again and again driving them backwards. As he did so, Fluttershy studied him, the warrior’s chestplate seeming to resemble a turntable to continue the train theming with ‘rails’ jutting out seeming to function as shoulderpads. He bore a silver belt with an arrow as the buckle around his waist. “Calm yourself Momotaros, our fellow Rider needs help,” the new Kamen Rider said. His voice sounded familiar but muffled because of the helmet over his head. “Let me say this for starters you two,” he continued. “No more playing about and causing trouble for you! Time to put you in the doghouse!” “Aw mou, I’ve been itching for a fight, and you tell me to calm myself?” the blade snapped back, Fluttershy quizzically raising an eyebrow. Who named their sword after a Neighponiese fable character? “Besides, the Queen of Fangires should be able to handle two simple low-level idiots like these!” “Yeah, ‘cept the thing is,” the new Rider replied. “One of these two isn’t exactly a Fangire now is it?” “It’s not?” Fluttershy asked in surprise, and finally, she recognized the voice under that helmet. “Wait a moment? Zeph?” “Zeph? As in Zephyr Breeze, your younger brother? Since when the Hell is he a Rider?” Kivat asked, blinking slightly in shock. “Man, seems like everyone’s getting in on the act since Luna started the whole bloody trend!” “That’s what I’d like to know…” Fluttershy trailed off, ignoring Kivat’s mutterings about Luna. “Seriously, what the Hell’s going on?” “I’ll explain later, right now we need to deal with these two!” Zephyr shouted, before kicking the wolf creature in the face making him let out a howl of pain before using ‘Momotaros’ to slash the Earwig Fangire across the chest. “Uh, yeah… about that!” Momotaros shouted, as the Wolf creature leaped into the Earwig Fangire’s chest and vanished from sight. Zephyr swore profusely as he canceled his transformation, and a type of train ticket appeared in his hands a date across it. “January 29, 950 BNM. Lovely…” he muttered before a train horn shouted and a massive silver train resembling the helmet Zephyr bore in Rider form flew out of the sky and towards them on a set of golden rails of light. “You trust me?” he asked Fluttershy. “Always, but what’s…?” “Just hold on!” he shouted before with a flash of light the train rocketed into them. “Ooh, not going to want to do that again…” Zephyr muttered as he then hit flooring, train tracks ratting beneath him. “I always hate the uber-fast pickups. Okay, maybe, in this case, it was necessary but…” he muttered to himself. “Where… where are we?” “Welcome to the Den-Liner, Fluttershy!” a voice cried out, and Fluttershy looked up and her eyes widened before she let out a loud screech and quickly backpedaled up into a seat upon seeing this red demon creature with black veins and pitch black seemingly soulless eyes. “W-Who are you…?” Fluttershy squeaked out. “Oi, back off!” Kivat shouted as he got up in the demon’s face baring his fangs. “Want me to bite you? Because I will! And it’s Madam Fluttershy to you, Imagin!” Evidently, the two had a history. “Imagin?” Fluttershy asked slowly repeating the word in her mouth. “Yeah. Imagin. You know, like a combination of the words Imagine and Djinn. Say it with me now!” Zephyr stated Fluttershy blinking out rapidly in a moment of stunned silence. “I know how to say it Zeph,” she said. “But what exactly is an Imagin? And how do you know him Kivat?” “I’m not a him, I’m Momotaros!” Momotaros huffed in indignation crossing his arms. “Imagin are-” Zephyr stated to explain. “Momotaros is a dick,” Kivat snarled, as he and the Imagin stared each other down. “I beg your pardon?” Momotaros snapped, and was soundly ignored as Kivat continued. “Showed up a few years ago with this other Kamen Rider Den-O who always carried around a rod, always bolstering about his abilities and his combat prowess. Annoyed me and Jiro so much we soundly threw him out of the Castle. You weren’t there that day Madam, and we’ve never had any reason to bring him up.” “Den-O... “ Fluttershy whispered, chuckling at Kivat’s description of Momotaros, he actually sounded a lot like Rainbow Dash the way he put it. Ego and all. Slowly but surely, she began to lose her fear of him, and if her younger brother trusted him then she probably should as well. “So that’s your title, eh Zeph?” “And an Imagin, well at least a normal one is from what I can gather and from what Momotaros told me are beings from some distant future who lost their physical form due to some event in the distant past erasing their own timeline, causing them to lose their memories in the process,” Zephyr explained. “That’s… That’s so sad,” Fluttershy whispered, pulling a one very shocked Momotaros into a hug. “I’m sorry.” “Hey, hey, I don’t do hugs here!” he protested, though not very well it must be said. “Anyways, we Imagin, well most of us anyways except for the odd case here and there, have to possess ponies, griffons, Fangires, etc -Take your pick really- upon forging a contract, fashioning a physical form through their host`s imaginations. We offer them a single wish, and in exchange, we get to go to the past.” “Ugh, I hate time travel…” Kivat muttered. “Always a real pain in the ass.” “So that’s what happened with that Wolf Imagin back there,” Zephyr stated. “That Fangire wished for something, and forged a contract with wolfie. Now, you’re probably wondering how me and Momotaros met right Flutters?” he asked, and Fluttershy gave out a soft little nod. “That I admit, I’m curious to as well…” Kivat murmured. “Okay, I admit I arrived a few years back trying to forge a contract with your brother if only to gain a new body,” Momotaros admitted. “Ended up possessing him really, if only so to protect him from a trio of mole themed Imagin sent to kill him. See, believe it or not your brother’s important.” “Of course he’s important, he’s my brother!” Fluttershy shouted, and Zephyr’s eyes widened. “You… You really think that much of me Flutters?” he whispered, thinking back to their last conversation. “Even after how much of a screw-up I’ve been?” “I don’t believe you!” Fluttershy screeched out at Zephyr, who flinched under his older sister’s gaze, with her hands on her hips. “I… I finally thought you’d found yourself a stable job! Instead, here you are again, fired and living on instant ramen like a college co-ed!” Fluttershy huffed, looking at her brother’s apartment which was an absolute mess. Clothes were strewn out everywhere and empty cups of noodles lay on the dining room table. “Look, I’m sorry Flutters, I really am!” Zephyr pleaded out. How was he supposed to tell his sister that being Kamen Rider Den-O sometimes required him to drop everything to deal with some rogue Imagin? Actually, how was he supposed to tell her that he was a Rider in general, just like he knew she was? Oh, he wasn’t stupid. It didn’t take any sort of genius to connect the dots between Kiva and Fluttershy. All you had to do was look very carefully. Plus, occasionally seeing a strange red bat resembling the one that always seemed to be on Kiva’s belt flying around Fluttershy’s cottage on the rare occasions he was allowed to visit her helped. Nevertheless, being Den-O had a massive effect on one’s ability to hold a stable job really. “I’m trying, I really am!” Zephyr continued to plead. Fluttershy’s voice became softer in tone and she placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know you are Zeph,” she said after taking a deep sigh. “It’s just that sometimes… Well, you make it hard for me to believe you’re really intent on backing up your claims.” “Yeah, I know…” Zephyr muttered out in a bitter tone of voice. “I’ve always had faith in you Zeph, that’s what an older sister should do right?” Fluttershy asked having heard him loud and clear with her now enhanced senses. “Thank… thank you…” Zephyr whispered as Fluttershy wiped away his tears with a handkerchief. “He’s more important than being somebody else’s little brother. See, little Zephyr here is a Singularity Point,” Momotaros continued. “What that means is, he’s basically a being able to exist outside of time and know when the timeline’s been changed, unaffected by the changes in his own past. He’d remember what the timeline was like before. Am I clear enough about this?” he asked, and Fluttershy nodded though she still had many more questions. “Now, what’s going on here? Where are we exactly, what is the Den-Liner?” she asked. “Basically, it’s a time-traveling train, long and short of it without getting too complex,” Momotaros continued to explain and sure enough when Fluttershy looked out a window she saw the years passing by. She saw things such as the rise and fall of the reign of Tirek, Twilight leaping in after Sunset Shimmer into the Mirror Portal, Twilight’s coronation and the return of Nightmare Moon. Years began to go further back, and various other events Fluttershy could barely recognize such as the banishment of the Dazzlings, the fall of the Baladi empire after Queen Somnambula and King Flash Magnus’ disappearances fighting the Pony of Shadows alongside their fellow Pillars and Discord’s first appearance in recorded history. “Remember what I said about the Imagin granting a wish to travel back in time and create chaos?” “Yes…” Fluttershy murmured, still somewhat lost here. “Well, given the date on this ticket,” Zephyr stated. “I’d say that Imagin’s gone back to change the past via the Fangire’s desires to see his ‘King’ live to the present day.” “And how does he expect to change that outcome?” Kivat asked. “I mean, Luna’s…” His eyes widened about then in realization. “I… I can’t believe it, he’s going to try and kill Lady Luna!” Kivat stammered out in fear. “Exactly, and that’s why we’re going to the past and stopping him,” Zephyr stated as the destination point grew nearer. “Imagine if you will, a whole future changed. With King alive and well, and nobody able to stop him the Fangires would rule the planet. Ponies and every other race would be prosecuted, hunted down to extinction! We cannot let that happen!” “You’ve really grown haven’t you Zeph?” Fluttershy thought with tears in her eyes before she swiftly corrected herself. “No, you’ve always been growing. I’ve just been too foolish to see it.” “Damn well right we won’t let that happen!” Momotaros shouted, changing into his sword form and landing in Zephyr’s outstretched hand. “What about the Fangire?” Fluttershy asked nervously as the train continued to rocket through time. “You’re not the only Kamen Rider in your time are you?” her brother asked, raising an eyebrow. “Vinyl or Tempest or hell Princess Luna even, they’ll deal with him. Providing of course, this Imagin doesn’t change the timeline…” he remarked before a loud dinging sound cut through the air and lights on the train began to flash red. “Hold fast!” Zephyr shouted over the loud screeching and protesting of brakes. “The Den-Liner, it’s about to come to a full stop! We’ve reached our destination!” Then, the train stopped and the side doors opened and Fluttershy and her brother shared a look even as Zephyr went for his belt. “Let’s do this.” Fluttershy stated as she gripped Zanbat, in full Queen of the Fangires mode. “Now remember,” Zephyr explained his belt over his shoulder and Momotaros strapped to his back. “First and most crucial rule of time travel, don’t change a thing, and don’t let anyone know you were here. That includes Princess Luna.” “Wait, isn’t there that old theory if I step on a butterfly, I might kill my grandfather?” Fluttershy asked nervously, even as the lights of the Castle of the Two Sisters flickered in the distance through the darkened woods. The darkened and strangely silent woods for that matter. The Everfree was never this quiet. “Something’s wrong already, I just know it…” Zephyr thought even with hanging oil lamps from tree branches just barely illuminating the dirt footpath in front of them. “This is the Everfree, we should have been attacked by now! If not by highwaymen, but by wild animals! And I highly doubt the appearance of the Den-Liner just scared everyone else off.” “What have you got against butterflies?” Kivat remarked in confusion raising an eyebrow. “I mean, you’ve got three tattooed on your shoulder Milady!” “Just… Just don’t step on any butterflies okay?” Zephyr said cautiously his eyes darting from left to right as he scanned the area for threats. “You hear that sis?” “Hear what?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes narrowed as she realized. “...The Everfree, it’s silent.” “Exactly,” Zephyr answered, and then both of them found out why as they stumbled across a manticore, a huge slash resembling that of a crescent-shaped blade strike through its side. The monster had bled out just a few hours before. “...Looks like that Imagin couldn’t keep his bloodthirst down,” Kivat murmured sadly as Fluttershy closed the manticore’s eyes. “Never thought a beast like this could be felled.” “Apparently that doesn’t matter to Imagins,” Fluttershy muttered before realizing who she was in the presence of. “...No offense intended Momo.” “None taken,” the Imagin replied. “But what I’m curious about is how the Hell this Imagin plans to even kill Luna. I mean, surely he’s not stupid enough to think of besting her in combat! Even I’m not that dumb! I mean, she’s going to stumble across Kuuga’s belt soon, if she hasn’t already!” “Who said anything about combat?” Kivat theorized. “I mean, immortal they may be at least when it comes to matters of aging, but like anyone else they can still get sick and such. My best guess, poison in her wine. That’s what I’d do.” “Suddenly you just became very creepy, you know that Kivat?” Zephyr asked, taking a few steps away from the bat. “Hey, not saying I would do it!” he exclaimed. “She’s the Princess of the Night, the highest authority when it comes to what lurks in the dark, Kivats included!” “Kivat’s right, it seems the most intelligent solution and the one that would draw the least attention. Just a quick in and out, that’s all that it would take.” Fluttershy agreed. “Then we’d best pick up the pace!” Zephyr shouted, breaking into a sprint with his sister quick to follow. Eventually, they arrived at the Castle, and avoiding Royal Guards with Kivat creating various distractions to keep them from being detected -One particular highlight was him hiding inside a suit of armor and making moaning and groaning noises making two guards scream off in fear of ghosts- they found their way to the kitchens where sure enough the Wolf Imagin was standing over Luna’s food with a vial of poison in his claws. “YOU!” he barked out in rage. “Yes, me. We have arrived,” Zephyr stated flinging his belt around his waist before he and his sister transformed with shouts of: “Henshin!” Kicking the Imagin out a window towards the forest below, both Zephyr and Fluttershy followed after him leaping out the windows blades drawn and flew down to the forest floor before slicing the monster across the chest with Momotaros and the Zanbat. Socking the monster across the jaw as the battle progressed deeper into the forest, Fluttershy asked: “Did you really think your attempts to change time would go unnoticed?” “Well, I was hoping…” the Wolf Imagin trailed off. “Well, too bad!” Zephyr stated slashing the Wolf Imagin across the chest with Momotaros. “You rogue Imagin, you’re always the same. You desire nothing but to change the past and create chaos in the present! While we’re always thinking of the future, what comes next, what-ifs and possibilities on how to live our lives! You’re just repeating the same cycles, over and over!” Fluttershy leaped forwards doing a spin in mid-air her left leg armor opening up and blood red chains striking the Imagin before she placed the Zanbat’s whistle in Kivat’s mouth. “Wake Up!” Kivat shouted, before Fluttershy moved the crossguard of the sword upwards with a growling sound and made the blade glow red before moving the crossguard down. Next, she slashed through the Imagin’s chest with three quick slices. “Now… My Special Attack: Counter Slash!” Momotaros shouted before Zephyr slashed the Wolf Imagin through the chest before Fluttershy then delivered a Darkness Moon Break finishing off the monster making him fall forwards and then explode. “Your time’s up!” both Fluttershy and Zephyr shouted. Later, aboard the Den-Liner Zephyr gave a smile as he watched the timeline restore itself to normal. Luna defeated King as planned, and then Zephyr's eyes widened as he saw a new Rider come into existance. Celestia, AKA Kamen Rider Agito. No, the future hadn't just been restored, it had been changed for the better. “So, everything’s back to the way it should be, and all is well. Thanks, sis,” he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Never could have done this without you.” “No,” Fluttershy corrected him booping him on the nose. “I never could have done this without you!” “No, I couldn’t have done this without you!” “Hey, you both couldn’t have done this without us, and we probably could have handled that Imagin easily!” both Kivat and Momotaros shouted, much to both Zephyr and Fluttershy’s great amusement. “What? What’s so funny?” Kivat and his new friend asked as the two continued to laugh.