> Rainbow Blitz sucks cock. > by the frank > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The chapter. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Blitz loved a good glass of cider. He loved to have that good glass with one or more of his friends, and he loved it even more in situations when things were kicking back, jokes and playful jabs were thrown round the table and all was good fun and easy and awesome. All three was the best, but sometimes he had to settle for two out of three, like today. Now, two out of three wasn't bad, and these two was the best two’s. He had his cider, hey, he’d even had three already. He also had the company of Applejack. Strong, beautiful Applejack. Rainbow had tried to get over his massive crush on his best friend for a while now and it hadn’t been successful for a dime’s worth. He did his best to keep it hidden, and usually it went well. He had a tendency to talk a bit too much when Applejack was around, as well as being a bit too much “Blitz”. But it was usually drowned out by his other friends chatter. Not today though. They were alone, since Berry had to leave for a “pirate emergency” and Butterscotch hadn't even opened the door. Even worse, Applejack was in an awful mood and had so been since they arrived at “The Griffon and the Foal”. They hadn’t seen each other for a few days, so Rainbow had no idea what was eating his friend, but he simply assumed it was farming business which equalled lame. There would be no problem to pick him up from that! Eh, no. Nothing Rainbow said seemed to matter, and buying him drinks only made him gloomier. And Rainbow deciding to describing his latest hijinks in the sexual sphere… Well… “....And there, this Griffon chick right?… he he, get it? CHICK! Well, anyway, she was at the bottom, and I was in the middle, and then this Zebra mare just CLIMBS on top and starts licking her talons and she started to moan in this supercute way, right? And that unicorn dude was… Ehm… In the bottom as well, I think.. Anyway, then he unzipped his pants and I tell you, that dong was almost BLITZ-size! I just knew I wanted to put my mark on THAT but... “He took a drink, Applejack was still silent. “So, I was kinda busy, right? I had my tongue up in that Griffon and two fingers up the Zebra so there was nothing I could do really! But then he just start sucking me off like his life depended on it and…” "Alright, Blitz. Can it for a second, will yer?” Blitz stopped talking and looked a at his friend, really looked. Why was still he so damn gloomy? This story was awesome! “Apart from this being just as exciting as yer other cock- and bull, just six months ago or whatever, ya were almost stiff as a dead sparrow just thinking of another stallion touchin’ ya, and here ya go, bragging about banging stallions like it was eatin’ apples. Ah have to say, it’s a bit out of character for ya.” Rainbow got cold on the inside, but fired off a cocky smile and patted his friends head. “Applejack, Applejack… do I track a bit of traditional hick bigottery? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. You remember when Bubble was drinking with us that time back in spring, that time we got Dusk so drunk that he... Anyway, Berry told us about pansexuality and being open and all that jazz, and it got me thinking, you know? Ponies aren’t thinking outside the box! They’re keeping up this binary view of just to sexes and that we need to have more freedom and be more open minded.” Applejack was silent. He seemed to know where this was going. “So I thought to myself: why, just WHY? …should I limit myself, I said? Why should I deny the world the greatness of me? I said to myself: Somepony out there needs the salvation of the Blitz…and therefore they should GET the Blitz. Mare, stallion, Transgender, intergender, non-binary, non-pony, asexual… I’m your stallion. I’m pan-sexual now, farmboy. I got love enough for everypony. As I said, I was right here with my mouth between her legs, and... what she was doin' I have no idea, but his hands was all over my balls and up my ass and I just felt like shouting to him 'Stick it..Mmmmph! MMMJJJ!!.'” Applejack’s eyes had sunk more and more during Blitz tale, ending with him staring down in his glass. Now he had placed a hand over Rainbows mouth and spoke up. “Ya know what, pardner? When Bubble Berry talked about it, it was all love, unity and understanding, When ah listen to yer, all ah hear is ‘ah fuck anything with a pulse’.” He paused and frowned, “And that’s in SPITE of the fact that his story was even more hardcore than yer’s.” Applejack removed his hand and grabbed his glass, emptying it. “So, Pan or whatever yer wanna call it, ah just see the old Rainbow with a fancier title.” Rainbow glared at him. “Are you calling me a slut, Applejack?” “Ah was more thinkin’ of ‘harlot’ but hey, if the suits fits ya, wear it?” Applejack rose from the table to get another drink. Rainbow bit his chin. This wasn't going anywhere he wanted! Jackie was supposed to be cheered up, amused, um…. Envious… that he wasn't Rainbow’s coltfriend… not deadpanned and unimpressed. As Applejack returned with two fresh glasses Rainbow muttered ”… At least I make an entertaining company. Your turn.” “Beg ya pardon?” “Oh, come on! You know what I mean. Juicy stuff from the bedroom! You never share with me. I could use some inspiration!” Applejack’s face lit up in a slightly red tone. He mumbled something into his glass. “Oh, come on. I’ve seen you and Elusive, you can hardly keep your eyes away from each other! Your more than soulmates, his slot is figure shaped to fit your penny!” Applejack spit out his cider. “Darn it, Rainbow! That was the worst ah…” Rainbow kept talking. “I mean, you almost have the perfect relationship! “…Rainbow, ah don’t…” “Come on, AJ... You may be monogamous, but don't tell me you've become prudish! Now…” Applejack rose from his seat and towered over Rainbow. His eyes glew with anger. “We haven’t had sex for almost three weeks! Ah saw him last sunday leaving for Canterlot for some damn business trip, and the week before that, it was ‘bye’ in the morning, coffee with him in the evenin’, then ‘Sorry dear, Ah’m just so tired’ and then bed... Our relationship right now is like a sick sheep in a water sewer... There, happy now, yer damn wanker?” Blitz was not a pony without feelings. He had perhaps not the most diverted palette (Hungry, horny, competitive and bored were the usual ones) but he always wanted to be there for his friends, help them and support them in any way. Unfortunately, he wasn’t very good at saying this, and all he managed to say was “d-do you want to… talk ab-bout it?” Applejack looked away. “No.” “Oh. Um, ok.” Rainbow tried to navigate his feelings. Part of him wanted to just scream ‘I love you’ and hope Applejack was just so unhappy he would jump the chance to bone him. Part of him wanted to place a hand on his shoulder and just go ‘MAn, that’s so shitty! Hey man, just so you know, if you want to talk, I’m here’. What he did say was: “So, I was at practice…” Smooth brain… Smooth. Luckily Applejack didn’t notice. He made a face and interrupted him. “It’s just that… Yer supposed to be TWO ponies in a relationship and not…” Blitz spent the rest of the evening almost never getting a word in between. When Applejack decided to open the floodgates, he REALLY spilled. He had never got a such deep look into Applejack and Elusives relationship. Everything was there. The sex, the bitching every monday morning, the dinners, the all-nighters, that episode with the suit… All he could say was “Wow.” “That’s some serious shyte, man!” “Oh come on!” “Did he really say that?” and “Yeah, stallions… right?” or varieties of that. But at the same time as he felt like he was really being there for his friend, he felt himself breaking inside. Because no matter how much Applejack complained about elusive, he also more than once explicitly stated that he truly loved him and would never leave him or else he would go crazy. The last thirty minutes of the conversation, Blitz didn't listen. All he did was think He will never be mine. Never. I’m such an idiot. Why can’t I stop loving him? WHY?! And repeat. Also the cider’s kept coming. Applejack wanted to drink while he vented, and Blitz was not the pony to say no. It was also the only way for him to not start screaming out loud. And it ended as one could imagine. “...But that’s pretty much summons it… Gosh nelly, Blitz. It felt nice to talk about this with somepony! Thanks mate! Yer a real friend, ya know?” “Yerrsschecome…” “Rainbow?” “...school EJay...Ijuscht…” And then his head dropped on the table. “BLITZ!” When he woke up, it was pitch dark. He shot up from bed, only to fall down again when a headache from tartaros hit him. He lay down again and closed his eyes. He tried to orientate with his other senses. Taste. Blergh. Wool. So, a bed. Smell. Oh sweet Solaris this stinks! So… my bed. I need to wash. Hearing. Who snores? Touch. WOA! His hand had touched a warm body. A very toned body. A very muscular pair of buttocks to be precise. Blitz turned around and slowly opened his eyes. The hat was gone, but that blond mane and tail didn't fool anyone. Applejack. Blitz smiled. He didn’t have an all clear memory, but he must have gotten way to drunk, and AJ carried him home and stayed behind, and even slept in the same bed so he wouldn’t hurt himself. He sighed. Fuck you, AJ. Why must you be such a damn good friend. In that moment Blitz felt his physical needs catch up with him and slowly and very unsteady he left the bed for the bathroom. He almost slipped a few times. “Shit… did I really have that much last night…?” Then he froze. Applejack. Everything he had said came back to him and he almost collapsed on the floor. He was so very hungover and oh so miserable and he was almost on the verge of crying. But he still needed to pee. … A visit to the bathroom, a change of clothes and two huge glasses of water later (And placing some fresh salad in Tanks bowl) he sat in the kitchen. What the hay was he to do? There was only one answer. Nothing. Just… have a breakdown and move on. He knew now that there was nothing he could do to have Applejack as his coltfriend. It would hurt a bit at first but… He’d manage. He was THE BLITZ! He was a wonderbolt, he was an element of harmony. He could do it. Yep.So he went back to bed. As he lay down next to all those wonderful muscles he frowned slightly. Yeah. Should probably sleep on the couch. But you know what, buck you! I can have this very last time to just feel him next to me. Just on time… Just one final time. Yeah. That’s cool. One time, just to know. And then it’s over in the morning. Blitz felt how he slowly drifted away in sleep again. In the morning… it would all be over. And things would be normal. And then Applejack turned and put his arm around him. Blitz was wide awake in an instant. What the… Then he felt AJ’s muzzle in his neck, as he pulled him closer. “AJ…? AJ, what the…” “Mmmm...Lucy…” “AJ, I’m not… I’m not… It’s Blitz.” No. No no no. This was not happening. This was not how thing were supposed to be. He had to break it. “Blitz? ...He can wait a few minutes… It won’t be long, babe.” “No, AJ… really. It’s me. Blitz. I’m here with you.” “Blitz…Is that y’all?” “Yes. Yes, AJ, it’s me. He. I’m not Elusive, alright?” there. A little joke, no big deal. You just almost cuddled me in your sleep, but that’s nothing. You are awake now, we will laugh about this in the morning. “Blitz…” “Yeah, AJ. It’s me.” “Blitz...Well, ah’ll be damned…” “Heh. Yeah. I know I’m awesome and so but…” “...ure didn’t expect to see yer here. Now. Naked.” “What?” He looked at AJ’s face for real this time. AJ still had his eyes closed. Blitz gasped. AJ was still asleep. He was dreaming. His voice was low and a bit slushed. “...AJ…?” “Come over here, Blitz… Wanna get a real look at yer…” “Wow, AJ… you really know how to sweet talk a stallion, don’t youah!” Applejack had put a hand right on his crotch and started to have a party with his private parts. He spread his fingers, gently caressing Blitz through the fabric. A gentle play with his balls, a slow movement along his dick... “Yer sportin’ some nice body there… nice butt too… Ah always wondered though... 'bout yer pecker... can't help wondering how… it feels…” Blitz was silent, save for his breath getting heavier. On one hand, this was Applejack, his best friend who he definitely did not want to mess shit up with and who was getting married… soon-isch. On the other hand, this was APPLEJACK! The stallion with a butt made of steel and thighs like a bloody oaktree. Know what… screw it. Take me, Jackie. Now. Applejacks fingers kept doing their merry way over Blitz's briefs as he was getting himself more and more horny... “Mmm… that feels nice…”Applejack mumbled in his ear. “Nice and hard… yeah… just as ah want it…” “mmmmm… MMMM! AJ!” Exactly how Applejack could be so quick, Blitz didn’t understand, but in an instant his briefs were unbuttoned and his cock was out in the open with Applejacks hand all over it, gently rubbing him up and down. “Ah!” “Mmmm… Ah knew ya would like it… That’s some nice and hard thing ya got for me, right?” No! No no no don’t care anymore, This is wrong. Totally wrong. I should just wake him up, put an end to this, share an awkward laugh and wish Elusive good luck with everything SOLARIS DAMN IT AJ I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNA CUM JUST FROM YOUR TOUCH AND THAT’S TOTALLY LA-HEY! mmmmmmm... Applejack now held Blitz dick in a firm grip and began to jerk him of, slower and much gentler than Blitz would have guessed the farmpony was capable of. In his fantasies AJ always took him by force. But this… His gentle fingers caressing their way up and down, then forming a grip again, slowly pumping him up… Blitz felt like his dick was as hard as a bloody steel rod and it felt like his nethers was on fire. And all of this was because that JUST THIS stallion lay close to him and gave him the handjob of his dreams. Applejack's, HIS Applejack's big, soft hand up and down… up and down… And the feeling of an equally thick rod poking him in his back. Oh Solaris was he close... “AJ! AJ FUCK! Easy! Easy... ” “mmmmm...like it?” “Ah! Mmmmm….Jack… slow...slow for Solaris sake!” I don't want this to end! I don't i don’t I do…”AH! Unh….AH! AJ! Stahp...staaaa….mmmm…” It came from deep inside him, that warm, thick feeling of something growing, something moving, something getting closer. With every stroke he was getting closer. Now he didn’t care if he woke Applejack up, he couldn’t stop himself from moaning loud, breathing hard through his nose. Closer… Closer… Closer… “AH! FUCK! AH! AH! Aaaa….hhh AH!” He felt his whole body twitch as he came. It felt like a gallon of cum shot out from his dick and with every new stroke, another gallon shot out and painted the room white. He knew it was just his imagination, but it felt good imagining it. Besides, he had a cloud house. Nothing to clean anyway. Blitz lay still, waiting for his body to cool down, riding out the last wawes of the orgasm. Applejack still held his dick in a grip, but much softer now. Blitz could feel his gentle snores in his neck. He took a piece of his clod matress and carefully wiped off AJ’s hand. Ok. This was an experience. Odd as fuck. But nice. I think. So… back to sleep and wake up to a heck of an awkward morning oh my gosh is he still hard? Applejack’s dick was poking him even harder on his back. And there was still a gentle snoring. If I...just turn around… I can at least feel… and then Applejack moved over, probably laying himself on his back. Rainbow looked over his shoulder. Oh yes, on his back alright. Most of his body was covered in darkness so he couldn't see very much details. He did see the closed eyes and the slightly opened mouth though. Blitz stretched out his hand, trying to find where the mattress ended and AJ begun. Alright. That's the duvet. And there...oh shit he is ripped. Then… his leg should be...there… not his leg! Not his leg! ...gosh. The bulge in Applejacks pants was massive. Rainbow found himself having an out-of-body experience or something in that way as he felt his hand move on its own, beginning to unbutton AJs pants and… Applejack rarely wore briefs, that was a well-known fact, and today had been no exception. One button left… and already he could feel something hard and warm slipping out of the denim. One button left… no, to late to back down. I am so going to regret this tomorrow… But I am going to regret it more for the rest of my life if I don’t… For a moment, the moon shine through the window and for that moment he saw it all. The whole package was in his face. The veiny, throbbing cock, begging for a touch, almost on the brink of release. The huge, hairy balls, filled with... Elusive shaved, so did Blitz and Butters (for reasons he’d never know) but AJ was all natural. A bit to natural, he had to admit that at least ‘trimmed’ was his prefered way. But who cared about balls when he had all this dick to himself! He took a firm grip around the base of AJ’s cock with his left hand and opened wide. He let his tongue meet the gland and let it slide all the way around, getting as much taste as he could. He heard Applejack grunt somewhere in the dark. Blitz couldn’t wait to get his mouth filled with this giant, but the one place where he took it slow was in bed. His tongue made lap after lap around Applejacks fat gland. Oh the taste… Musky, and a bit sweaty of course. A hint of cider, no surprise and also a shadow of...cinnamon? Really? A dick that tastes cinnamon… I dig that. Blitz closed his lips around the gland, and slowly began to bob his head up and down, never breaking contact between his lips and the gland. In… and out .. in… and out… for every in, he went a little deeper. AJ had not made a sound, other than his snoring, but even those started to get faster. And when he had gone so far that half of Applejack’s dick was in his mouth, he started to stroke him with his hand. Applejacks body jolted, and his dick twitched. And when Blitz once again let his tongue loose over Applejacks rod he was rewarded with a bit of pre-cum. Oh, liked that, did you? Blitz continued to bob his head up and down, but faster and deeper now. He felt how AJ shuffled in bed, but he still didn’t make other sounds than grunts and mumbled snores. To bad you won't remember this in the morning, AJ… well, I will never forget it anyway. Mmmm… cinnamon. Without any audial or visual clues on how aroused AJ was, Blitz could do nothing but keep sucking. But perhaps he was going to slow down a bit. He had no real rush, now had he? He wanted to enjoy this for as long as he possibly could… and then he felt Applejacks hands grab his head as he forced his cock all the way in. Blitz was taken completely by surprise. Applejack started to rock Blitz head back and forth, his hard dick moving in and out of his mouth. He had also began to make that grunting sound, but more frequent and louder. And with a final push he forced his dick all the way into Blitz mouth and then he came. Blitz had felt like he produced gallons, but AJ apparently wanted to fill a bathtub! Blitz mouth was filled to the brim with cum and cock, and for every bit he swallowed down, there was more. And he wanted more. He wanted it all. Apples. Of course his cum tastes like apples. I love apples. Finally the eruption was over, but Blitz didn't want to finish. He let his tongue loose once again all over AJ’s rod not to lose a drop of his crush’s precious cum. Applejack had stopped twitching, and was now snoring more calmly. Blitz smiled, and gently placed his member back in the pants and buttoned them up. Then he went to the bathroom again. He needed to wash his hands and perhaps face. As he looked himself in the mirror, there was a slight pinch of guilt in his gut. What the heck had he done? How was he going to explain this in the morning? He shook his head, the headache was returning. “I need a can of coffee to deal with that… lets make this post-breakfastBlitz problem…” A few days later, Rainbow was walking through town, as casually as one could when you had been shagging your best friend in his sleep. The morning after had been surprisingly cool and chill. He had tried to act as casual as possible but he was on his hooves all the time, waiting for a comment from AJ about the night. But there had been nothing at all. AJ had acted like nothing was wrong at all, which had made Blitz even more nervous. Was he faking? Didn’t he remember? For real? And even if that was the case, there was still a chance that he would regain his memories... But with every passing day, the risk seemed to get lower and now Rainbow had high hopes that he was getting out of it Scot Free. And anyway, I will only have to deal with Applejack, not... “Rainbow Blitz! Come here! I want a word with you!” Elusive. I’m dead. “Hi Lucy.” Blitz was greeted by a finger pointing right between his eyes. “Do not call me Lucy. We have important things to discuss.In private!” Then he switched to his usual, cheerful voice, “I have some of that coltlumbian coffee you like, and I really want a cup right now. Let’s go to your house, shall we?” A dangerous look came to Elusive’s eye, and Blitz only swallowed and nodded. The walk was short and silent, and soon they were at Blitz place. The coffee machine was on and the two stallions placed face to face at the table. Elusive continued to say nothing as Rainbow cleaned the table, poured two cups, threw away a few dirty plates that he found in a corner and placed the coffee on the table. He was still silent as he tasted the coffee and made a face. “You can’t make coffee if your life depended on it, Darling. This was pearls for swine. “ “I know. The only thing mom can't cheer me on, on. But it gets me up and running. I appreciate the gesture. This is great coffee.” “Running. to the bathroom I assume.” “hey!” “Yes. Now, I have important business to talk to you about so let’s not waste anymore time. Did you sleep with my fiance a few days back?” That’s a shot straight at the goal! Will Blitz stand the pressure? Rainbow had been biting his tongue under Elusives whole sentence so he wouldn't lose his composure, and therefore he managed to avoid a spit-take when Elusive finished. Instead he replied casually, “heh, yeah. We were out drinking and I got a bit to much and AJ was kind enough to carry me home and stay the night so he knew I was alright.” Aaaaand he saves! “Perhaps I should use another word. Did you give him a blowjob?” Where did that ball come from? “No.” “Oh yes you did. Just drop it, there's no point denying it. I KNOW.” Blitz sighed. “Alright. Yeah, I...I…” Biting his cheeks or not, he had no idea what to say to Elusive. After a long silence he shook his head and muttered. “I’m… really sorry, lu...Elusive. I...” Elusive held up a hand. “Save your excuses. Just tell me what happened. Everything.” Elusive rested his chin on his fists and listened. When Blitz was done, he shook his head. “jackie...Jackie… You can be such an ass…” He looked up at Rainbow. “Well, Blitz… As you have noticed… Applejack has a few quirks when he sleeps….” Blitz nodded. “He is not aware of this, but when he is dreaming… he dreams very...very lividly. As I am sure you noticed.” Blitz nodded again. “Usually he dreams about me. And he is very quick to please so it's not that much of a problem. But sometimes it's others. I think I have been all our friends. But that is okay. I can take it that he calls me ‘Scotch’ or ‘Dusk’. I know he doesn't really care that way about them. However… when it comes to you…” But now Rainbow couldn't take it anymore. “Elusive, I’m sorry, alright? I’m really, really sorry. I… I couldn't control myself and… I’m… I’m sorry.” “You should be. Even if you have these feelings for him, you should know better then to take advantage of someone who’s not themselves. I would have been very disappointed in you.” Blitz head hang low. “yeah, I… wait a minute. ‘would have been?’” He looked up and stared at Elusive. “yes Darling, would have. Because usually… he just cuddles when he’s asleep. And you did wake him up when you called his name.” Now Blitz jaw decided it was time to hit his chest and he stared stupefied at Elusive. “What? Awake? But… that means…” “Yes dear. Wide awake. Which means that my dear fiance have been a very very NAUGHTY BOY!” “AJ? WTF?” “Yes, I feel pretty much the same. He blatantly took advantage of you. He knew all about your crush. Oh, close your mouth darling. You’re not the slightest bit subtle about it. I knew about it too. It apparently just took three weeks of blue balls for him to build up enough desperation to do something so completely reckless like this.” Blitz felt his cheeks get hotter, he was getting angrier and angrier. Apparently Elusive noticed, because he put a hand on his arm. “Rainbow, wait. Calm down. There's more. “ “more? He more or less outright… THAT BASTERD… How Can there be MORE?” “Rainbow. Sit down. I am furious at my dear farmboy, that he thinks he can treat a friend like this and when we are done, I suggest you go to the farm and have a long and good discussion about this. However…” Rainbow Blitz was still furious, but he couldn't help be a bit curious about what Elusive wanted to say. “Thing is… Jackie has a libido that's stronger than mine… Very much so indeed. There has been more than one occasion when I haven’t been able to… stay up to his standards. And I can’t be more than myself. Also, there is my business. It’s not going to go slower, my business is growing. I will have to leave for Canterlot and Manehattan and other places more than a few times a year. And I see how it affects him, the poor… Ehrm. However, this is the first time he has given in to temptation, but it won’t be the last. And if that happens… I’d rather have him messing with somepony I know and trust than some random floozy. He likes you, and you like him. Make no mistake, he will marry ME and nopony else. But… If you want, you can be his coltfriend.” “Coltfriend. You mean fuckbuddy.” “I would never use such a raunchy expression, Rainbow.” “Are you seriously…” “I am just giving you a suggestion. I have not talked about this with Applejack. I just screamed at him and ran here when I found out.” “How did you find out?” “He tried the same thing with me.” “Oh.” “Yes. He’s not subtle. Poor dear.” Blitz bit his lip. On one side… on the other side… “I’ll go talk to him. Not sure if I’ll jump on your suggestion but… I’ll need to talk to him. Thanks for the coffee, Lucy. I’ll need to…” Once again, Elusive held him back. “Ah ah ah. Just a second. This proposition or not, I am still cross with you. And your talk with Applejack can wait. Let him suffer a bit more. Before you go, I want an apology.” Blitz opened his mouth to speak, but Elusive placed a finger over his mouth. “not that kind of apology, darling.” Elusive unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, revealing a white, girthy rod. He looked up, and in Elusives face he saw the most wicked, wolfish grin he’d ever seen. He swallowed. “I like my apologies sloppy and wet, Rainbow dear. So down and go to work, Blitzy. And take your time. I have the whole afternoon free…” END.