
by Withania

First published

Withania accidentally clones herself while reforming from a night of fun. There can only be one, and Vore is the obvious solution.

Withania's first annual vore day was one hell of a night. Two days later and she's regrown herself using her plant-abilities - only to find that another Withania had already been reformed with the more traditional reforming magic.
Unfortunately her memories seem to be split between her clones - so they need to find some way of recombining. Although having a little fun a the same time seems to be the obvious thing to do...

Contains Soft Vore and Unbirth.
This one is a little silly even by my standards, but it was another Vorepone Art Jam entry I bashed out fairly quickly ^^;


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A pale coloured pony sat in her back garden with a very concerned look on her face. Two days previously she had unceremoniously dumped the remains of a green earth mare she’d consumed at a local bar. The red head was rather drunk and shamelessly looking for action to celebrate the eighth day of the eighth month, and this mare was only too happy to oblige.

But now in the spot where Withania Nightshade had been left to fertilise the garden, a very large flower with pale green petals had grown in just a couple of nights. The bud was about three feet across, bending the stem with its weight, and at the right angle a faint shadow could be seen inside.

To the white pony’s amazement the flower started to bloom before her very eyes, petals curling back from the tip and swinging out to face the sun - revealing the very same fern green pony with a terracotta mane curled up inside. This glorious spectacle was then ruined as Withania twitched in her slumber and fell out of the flower, hitting the ground with a thump.

Ow!” she grunted, now thoroughly awake, “Oh, hello Flash… umm… What day is it?”

Flash Dazzle hadn’t moved, and sat with her jaw open in confused shock at seeing the pony she had devoured casually remerge from a giant flower in her back garden.

“Friday?” she replied, sounding uncertain about it herself given the strangeness of her morning, “Do… d’you need help or anything?”

“Oh that’s not too bad,” remarked Withania, stretching her legs, “Last time I did this I got left on hard ground and it took a week to regrow. You have a great garden…”

“Uh. Thanks I guess?”

“No no, thank you for a wonderful evening, and on that note I’m gonna get out of your mane so… Yes. Thanks again… see you at the bar again I hope!”

Awkward reunion completed, Withania sidled over to the garden gate and with a wave goodbye she walked out and closed it behind her, leaving Flash to consider her morning experiences.

Yawning widely as she trotted across town to her home, Withania stuck to the sunny side of the street, soaking up the solar rays to get some of her energy back. Regrowing took a lot out of her, and she was half-tempted to call in on some friends to see if she could get a real meal, but her garden would need attention after being left for a few days. She couldn’t even remember what she’d last been working on, which was strange.

Her confusion only got worse as she closed the back gate of her own garden with a clatter and looked around. What were half the things she had here? She recognised the clematis in front of her - but what in equestria was the broad-leaved shrub next to it? Or the short tree growing over the compost heap in the corner?

Either I drank a lot more than I remember on Wednesday, or something is very wrong… she thought, walking up to the back door of the house. Put on the kettle and have some tea, that would settle her mind.

And as she opened the door she found herself face to face with another fern green earth mare with exactly the same terracotta mane as herself. She was holding a mug of steaming tea in one hoof, obviously about to come out into the garden. They stared at each other in silence for a few moments.

“Uh oh,” said the tea-equipped Withania.

The other Withania looked over her shoulder, checking her body over to make sure she was actually the pony she thought she was. Which she was.

“There’s two of us. Why is there two of us?” she asked, sleepily rubbing her eye with one hoof, “I just bloomed this morning. You’re not a dream are you? Somehow my hangover regrew with me.”

“I reformed from the backup potion yesterday morning!” explained the other Withania, “I figured the backup spell would’ve cancelled out my - or rather our seed?”

“Urrgh! Horsetail…” exclaimed the outdoor pony, sitting down to think, “I don’t suppose you’ve forgotten half the contents of the garden have you? Or is that just me?”

“That makes two of us. I mean, what’s that purple affair over next to the philadelphus? I have no memory of planting that.”

“That’s the clematis,” replied her counterpart, as if it were obvious, “Ah... You know all the stuff I’ve forgotten don’t you? I think our memories are split between us.”

“Urrgh… creepers…” exclaimed the indoor pony, “Come inside and we’ll figure this out…”

She moved aside and waved the other Withania into the kitchen. The kettle was still hot and with a practiced motion she made a second mug of white tea knowing that it’s exactly what she would want after regrowing.

“I think we’ll both agree that splitting memories is bad and we need to figure out how to recombine,” said Withania, the two of them sitting on opposite sides of the picnic table in the kitchen.

“Yes. Also since I’m thinking it you probably are as well, that this is going to end in one of us eating the other. Therefore I call pred because I’m starving,” said the other Withania.

“Well… I guess that’s how we got into this mess so it makes sense that it’s the key to a solution right? Bedroom?”

Withania nodded, and they both drained their tea at the same time, shifting off of the table with a creak of wood. She followed herself up the stairs to her bedroom, feeling rather odd staring at her own swaying hips and swishing tail. It was strange to consider that she was looking at herself - but that just made her all the more curious, she knew exactly what the mare in front of her wanted, and she’d get exactly what she loved the most in return.

As if to illustrate the point, the leading Withania twitched her tail to one side, revealing her arousal.

“I’m terrible aren’t I?” she said, “I should probably be less excited about this…”

“Who am I to judge?” quipped the trailing pony, “There’s an opportunity here and I’m gonna take it…”

They both climbed onto their bed and... just knew what to do. The hungry Withania lay down on her back, and her counterpart straddled her, threading one hind leg under her partner so their equally damp folds could press into one another, identical fluids mingling between them. She leaned down and kissed her clone, locking lips and gently grinding her hips to stir up the flames inside them both. There was no need for words, whatever came to one mind the other had most likely already thought of.

The lower Withania on her back kept her legs to herself at first, letting her partner do the work on top, and then after a few moments she broke-off the kiss and opened her mouth wide, stretching her jaw as far as she could without assistance, so that the other Withania could look down into a gaping maw, strands of the slightly sticky nectar that served as both her saliva and stomach juices on show. Withania was mostly a pony by appearance, but her flesh was nearly all plant matter, mimicking the giant Tegmen Flower that had transformed her some time ago.

She nuzzled her face into that open cavern, making sure to twist and thoroughly drench herself in saliva, giving her host a gratuitous taste in the process. She gave one last grind of the hips and then shuffled up to forge on into Withania’s throat, feeling the plush walls of the esophagus take hold of her head.

Withania now took hold of her clone, supporting her with her legs so that she could start feeding that familiar body into her mouth, taking steady gulps to draw her down. Head, shoulders, chest, then a brief break.

Inside, Withania moaned in a low tone, letting her voice resonate inside of her host while she slowly wriggled this way and that so the other Withania would feel the earth pony’s every curve. The half-swallowed pony gave a slight gasp as another gulp, and a new wave of contractions pulled her in up to her waist. Her flanks and hind legs now stuck out vertically into the air, the hungry mare almost pinned down by the weight and bulk lodged in her throat and chest, but loving every moment of it. She had reached down to her crotch and was administering her excited button as much as she could before her belly grew too big to allow it.

Not wanting to keep herself waiting, she reluctantly put both hooves on her doppleganger’s hips and gave a shove, timed with another big gulp, and took those earth pony hips into her cheeks. Withania’s head poked into her stomach plunging into a reservoir of sweet watery nectar, designed for holding onto living prey. As it flooded into her mouth, she felt her other self start lapping her tongue between her legs lovingly, licking and sucking the honey from her folds.

The predatory Withania was jealous of her partner getting to find out what it was like to be devoured by a plant-hybrid, but she made up for it by eating out the sweet nectar oozing from her meal’s pussy, as well as receive the rush of pleasure from a pony who knew exactly where to wriggle and press to stimulate her the most. She chewed on Withania’s sizable hips, using her flat teeth to dig into, but not piece, the soft outer layer down to the hardy muscles below.

With only her hind legs sticking out into the air, and the rest of her body held tightly in a warm massage, Withania tensed up with a fast approaching orgasm, and as her host’s nectar flooded her nose, mouth, ears, everything that had been dipped into the stomach, she climaxed. A puddle of viscous and sweet fluid flowed from her passage onto a greedy tongue, and then with a powerful gulp her rump and legs were quickly swallowed down into the waiting belly.

“Hoooo,” explained Withania, feeling her clone curl up in her distended belly, “Oh I taste really good… It’s so weird being able to taste myself, our body fluids are the same but you just taste wonderful!”

Entirely submersed in the watery nectar that filled Withania’s insides she was unable to speak, but she could rub herself up against the stomach lining to convey her pleasure to her host. Withania mixed her nectar with the pool she was suspended in, and where normally she was immune to her own fluids, complete submersion seemed to change this - she could feel the nectar inside her own stomach start to soak into her insides.

I’m dissolving from the inside… she realised Oh my stars it feels like I’m filling up like a balloon!

It was sensual, peaceful, her internal organs softening into mush, and then into more nectar while her outer skin and muscle took longer for the nectar to penetrate into. On the outside, a very full Withania lay spread eagle on the bed, writhing in pleasure as she felt the pony inside her saturating with her fluids, rubbing against every part of her stomach. She couldn’t reach her own pussy over her domed belly, but she was on fire with the internal sensations alone.

Unable to resist anymore, she used her hooves to feel out what position Withania was curled up in within her belly, and began to prod and knead her from the outside. A regular pony had plenty of space inside of them for her stomach’s nectar to flood, but having the second Withania with a second bellyful of nectar had just doubled her internal mass, and now she felt swollen like a water balloon, heavy and full of swirling liquid. With a shudder she felt her own orgasm break, her pussy contracting and winking as the tension she’d built up was released in a storm of hormones.

There was such an excess of nectar inside her that she could feel it pumping out from her stomach into her gut. An internal maelstrom of gushing fluid disintegrated the solid form of the consumed Withania, and she felt the pressure spread throughout her body as the waterways inside her distributed the excess across her mass, expanding her thighs, hips, belly, and chest until an equilibrium was found.

A now form-less Withania could no longer feel muscle or limbs, but just the soft warmth of being stretched across the curves of her host, reduced to pudge and padding, stored up to be burnt off as energy. The very idea of being prey to herself fogged her mind, causing a now much chubbier Withania on the bed to feel even more sexual afterglow. She hugged herself, kneading her new chub and massaging it, knowing that a dim consciousness was locked up in there, feeling every touch and caress.

“Best masturbation ever…” she said aloud, patting her now diminished, but pudgier belly.

Withania’s literal self-indulgence did not come without price. Where she usually acquired a nice fluffy layer of padding from a pony, adding her own plant-like self - along with all of her stored flower nectar - made her much heavier than her normal gain. Thudding around the garden was a lot of effort.

“Urrgh, you brought this on yourself Withania,” she said to herself as she laboriously lifted and carried bags of compost around the garden, “Work those hips now, burn it all off again…”

She did find that taking on so much extra liquid meant that her thirst had completely left her, and she didn’t eat or drink all day. Come sun down, she already felt lighter on her hooves again, and a pressure around her rump signaled that her body had something to get rid of.

Rather than waste, her body could metabolise an entire pony that had dissolved into her nectar, but the prey’s essense was preserved, being compressed and condensed down into a seed the size of an apple. Withania wasn’t sure what would happen with herself, but she suspected this might happen.

Sure enough, after perching on the green pile of pruned branches next to the compost heap for five minutes, she lifted her tail to find a lump resembling a giant chestnut - everything needed to regrow a pony that she’d devoured.

She was used to this function by now, but it was a strange sensation to know that this wasn’t just a regular seed her body had produced - it was her seed.

“Well, if there’s still two of us then the problem still exists… I guess we’ll have to try something else…” she said to the grain. She carried the seed over to an empty plot in the middle of the garden and with a practised motion buried it with a generous helping of water.

“See you tomorrow, Withania,” she added, and went back in for the night.

The next morning Withania walked back into the kitchen, stretching her legs, yawning, and feeling very hungry after a busy night regrowing from her seed. Her clone was already sitting at the table and gestured to the pot of tea she was brewing.

“Good morning, smooth night?” she said as her other self sat down and poured a mug of tea.

“Wonderful, thanks… I honestly think I’d finished growing half-way through the night, I just needed some sunlight to bloom. If it wasn’t for the annoying split memories I’d suggest we spend more time experimenting with how fast we can regrow each other.”

“Mmm. I think we’ve already had our money’s worth there though, I’m not sure what part of me thought yesterday was going to work - it was fairly obvious that either I wouldn’t be able to digest your seed, or I’d simply produce a new seed with you in it. We need a different way of combining…”

They sat in silence for a few minutes, each sipping their tea.

“What about up the cat’s maw?” suggested Withania, pointing her eyes downward at her counterpart’s crotch, hidden by the table, “Our womb just keeps going until there’s nothing left, doesn’t it?”

The other Withania slurped her tea thoughtfully. She hadn’t experimenting much with how her reproductive system worked since becoming a plant-hybrid, but she knew that it could melt down prey like her stomach did, but since there was no where else for the prey to go, her womb would even absorb any seed that might be left over.

“I’ve kind of been too embarrassed to try it… but while it’s just me, myself and you, sure I’m up for that… I guess it’s my turn to prey this time, you wanna get started right away?”

“I’d say ‘you have no idea’, but you do. So yes. Bedroom, let’s go.”

They scurried back up stairs like guilty teenagers and once again mounted the bed. Withania bundled the pillows up against the headboard and reclaimed on them with her hind legs spread wide, her flower already glistening with anticipation.

“Help me loosen up before you dive right in ok?” Withania affirmed, already rubbing her button with the tip of one hoof.

“Sure thing, but then I’m swapping around, I want to go in hind first so I can see everything…” she replied, leaning down and pushing the hoof aside with her tongue. She started with a series of long strokes from ass to clit, spreading a mixture of her sweet saliva and the thicker, stronger nectar congealed in Withania’s pussy over the folds of her labia. Once lubrication was achieved, she started dipping in, spreading her folds gently and flicking her nub on the backstroke.

Withania sank into the pillows, feeling quite vicarious at the sensation of having a pony work her over in exactly the manner she did to others, and within a few minutes, she felt her vulva wink, signalling her clone to change position.

Alining one leg a little behind the other, Withania experimentally poked the tip of her hoof into the moistened and wanting pussy before her. It easily stretched to accommodate, eliciting a coo of pleasure from her partner, and she slowly pushed forward, sinking in just past the fetlock. Using her first leg to pry the tight passage open a little more, Withania threaded her other hoof in, and was now fully enveloped up to her hocks.

Withania was pressing back into the pillows, her forelegs bracing against the bed posts, mouth open as she watched her love tunnel spread wider than she’d ever tried - and knowing that it was only going to go wider. Her eyes were glued to her doppelganger’s generous hips as they wiggled forward, hooves poking into the womb and pussy touching her fully exposed clit, sending a shiver of delight through both of their bodies.

Feeling herself stretched so tightly, Withania flexed her nether muscles, and with a squeak of bliss realised she could suck in her prey. She began to rhythmically contract her pussy, slowly taking in Withania’s hips inch by inch while the other pony watched with wide eyes, biting her lower lip with anticipation. Her own pelvis felt split wide, her hind legs pushed far to the sides to make room for those earth mare hips to pass between them, and with a shuddering gasp, her folds passed the apex of her prey’s curves, and Withania’s body suddenly slipped in by several more inches of its own accord.

“Oh my,” she said, reaching out to touch her host’s taut opening, “it’s so tight inside, and so hot! It’s like I’m being sucked into a hot water bottle…”

“Hoo,” panted her partner, “I feel so full already, I can’t believe I stretch like this, but… I need more, I need more of you inside me, the deeper you go the more it drives me mad - just, keep going!”

Withania was only happy to oblige, using her forelegs to push herself deeper into the slick band that was now up to her waist. Her hind legs inside where folding of their own accord, and a few pushes from her, and then a few more pulls from Withania, and it was time to tuck in the forelegs. Pressing into her own belly slightly to get under the tight labia stretched around her, Withania straightened her forelegs so they were aligned with the rest of her body, and with no further prompting, her host gave a iron-strong pull and her upper body slipped in up to her chest.

Withania was now using one hoof to knead her clit and relieve the tension, and even gave her prey a sly smile while she brought her hind legs together around her helpless head. With a squeeze from the strong thighs on either side, Withania was sucked in up to her throat, her vision filled with the green earth mare’s lap, and her engorged clit right at her mouth for a little appreciation.

“Aaahhh,” cooed Withania, curling her body up inside the soft velveteen chamber, “Withania, you have got to try this when you get the chance, if I don’t see you… I’ll be in your memories again, thanks for the ride…” She sucked hard on the clit in front of her, and with a moan of pleasure Withania winked her vagina again and her clone’s head was pulled inside with a squirt of sticky golden nectar.

Withania cried out, making the headboard creak with the force of her hoof bracing against it. Her lower belly was bulged out, blocking her view of everything for the past few minutes, but the sense of fulfillment, of expansion and possession almost blinded her with a rush of sexual pleasure. Her clone was curled up in her most sacred place, stretching it wide and cocooned in her embrace forever more. The heat of her body rushed to her middle and surrounded her catch, sapping the mass and energy for her consumption.

Inside, Withania felt more compressed than she’d ever previously experienced. Every part of her was squeezed by plush walls, and every gap filled with thick, rich honey like nectar. Rather than being eroded by her enclosure, it almost felt like it was pulling at her, sucking on her body as she was compressed into a ball. This would carry on until nothing was left, until every part of her down to her essence had been absorbed.

Once her body had rounded she felt the gentle kneading of her host from outside, and her senses began to pick up her emotions, her thoughts, the buzz of her dominant pleasure mixing with Withania’s surrendering mind. It was the most intimate connection she’d ever felt, and with a jolt of happiness she realised that her mind would meld with her clone’s rejoining their consciousness, and she would live on. And then one day they could bestow this experience on someone else, and absorb their very soul.

Outside, Withania rode the wave of an orgasm that lasted for as long as it took to melt down her prey. She was in a feedback loop of granting infinite pleasure to her partner, and receiving it back as she absorbed the diminishing pony. With one final cry of ecstasy, her womb compressed down to its normal size, and stars exploded in her mind. Her eyelids weighed down, her hooves dropped onto the mattress, and she fell into a deep slumber.

It seemed like only minutes passed, but when she opened her eyes, Withania could tell by the position of the sun that it was late afternoon and she’s slept most of the day away.

She didn’t care. She felt a serene sense of inner calm, all of the tension in her body had left. And she knew the name of everything growing in the garden.