> Sweetie's Punishment (The Sequel) [Commission] > by Midnight Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweetie's Punishment Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie’s Embarrassing Punishment Part 2 Written By: Midnight Shadows Snow Blitz Rarity pushed the two fillies through the busy market place, heading back toward her boutique to end her long shopping trip. “Are you still dry, Scootaloo?” She asked loudly, inspecting the filly’s diaper, pulling the back of it open slightly to check it in an embarrassing display. All the pegasus filly could do was blush a deep red, she technically was still dry of her own pee, but the diaper was also still wet from Sweetie Belle’s accident earlier. “I... I’m, D-dry.” She managed, not wanting to escalate the punishment any further, hoping to go along with the punishment so it would end sooner rather than prolonging it. “Sweetie, darling, are you dry or do you need a change as well?” The older unicorn continued with her questions as if it were an announcement to all those within earshot. She replicated the diaper check she’d just done, pulling the back of the diaper open to check for any accidents. “R-Rarity!” Sweetie squeaked, bringing her hooves to her face in embarrassment. “I’m f-fine, I promise.” She whined in protest, the filly did however have to go pee again. ‘I hope Rarity doesn’t notice I have to pee again…’ “Foals aren’t embarrassed about diaper checks.” Rarity scolded, pressing her hoof around the seat of Sweetie’s diaper intentionally drawing more attention to them. “You’re still dry, I’m sure that will change soon though won’t it?” She questioned the filly knowing the signs of her desperation. Squirming at the crinkling of her diaper Sweetie let out a small squeak. “Really! I’m f-fine! I c-can tell you when I go... I d-don’t need to be checked!” She protested, trying to hide her face in shame from any ponies that happened to be walking by. Strange feelings were starting to form in her diaper area from the touch of her sister’s hoof pushing the garment against her for the check, these new feelings for some reason made the young filly blush and feel a strange heat moving through her body and to her face. Scootaloo quietly giggled at the thorough diaper check her friend was getting, she stopped a moment later realizing her mistake. “Sorry…” She blushed remembering it was her in the soaking wet diaper right now and not Sweetie. “I know I shouldn’t have laughed.” “This isn’t a joke Scootaloo, this is supposed to be a punishment and if I see you’re enjoying yourself I’ll have to take more... Unique methods, of making sure this stays a punishment.” Rarity said with a sigh. “I’d really rather not have to do that to either of you.” The three ponies quickly made their way through the rest of the market, only stopping once more to pick up a small amount of fruit. The walk back to the boutique was short but equally as embarrassing for Sweetie and Scootaloo, several fillies they knew from school seeing them. Sweetie pouted the entire way home but part of her was starting to like the way she was being treated. “Rarity…” Sweetie trailed off, hoping that her sister would take her out of the foalish dress finally. “Can I take the dress off now?” She huffed, it was one thing to wear pretty dresses for tea parties but she hated how this one didn’t cover her diaper. Rarity let out another sigh. “If you’d rather parade around town without the dress in only a diaper like an actual foal.” She started, giving her sister a small pat on the head. “Besides the dress looks wonderful on you.” “I don’t want to wear it anymore!” The unicorn filly whined, “It doesn’t cover my diaper at all and ponies are starting to look at my butt.” “A-atleast you have something to sort of cover you...” Scootaloo said with a small frown as she tried to use her wings to cover her diapered rear. “I don’t have anything and I think other ponies can tell this thing is used...” She said, internally starting to enjoy the feeling of the now cool wet diaper rubbing against her fillyhood with each movement she made, the same heat building inside of Sweetie forming inside of her as well with every squish. “Foals do not get to choose what they wear, you will wear the dress until we get back to the boutique, and that’s final, and maybe once we’re there we can find something pretty for you to wear Scootaloo.” After some more minor protests followed by the threat of an escalated punishment, the three finally arrived at the boutique. As soon as the two fillies were freed they hurried in through the door, hoping to be inside before anypony else noticed them. Rarity cleared her throat catching their attentions, “Little fillies shouldn’t run, they could trip and hurt themselves and we don’t want that do we?” She asked opening the door to her boutique and letting the foals inside. “Sweetie, come here please. I don’t want you getting that pretty dress dirty while you play.” Sweetie Belle eagerly galloped to Rarity’s side, sitting completely still while the foalish dress was removed. She blushed realizing her diaper was on full display to Scootaloo who was intently staring at it. “W-What? It’s not wet back there is it?!” She cried in panic, quickly turning to try and see if she had wet herself without knowing. Letting out a small giggle Scootaloo replied. “I think you’d know if you were wet.” She said with another small giggle. “It’s just weird seeing you in diapers is all.” She frowned as she sat down on the floor, the wet diaper squishing against her causing her to blush a deep red. “B-but I guess it’s even weirder that I’m in a wet diaper.” “No weirder than watching your aunts put you in diapers every time we sleep over at your house.” Sweetie mumbled, not realizing she’d said it outloud. “H-hey! Y-you know I have problems at night!” The pegasus said defensively. “You know I can’t control it!” “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity shouted, shushing her sister immediately. “That was very, very rude. Go sit in the corner.” “But!” “Absolutely no buts, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity interrupted, pointing to the corner of the room. “Unless you want to extend your punishment by another week I suggest you go now.” Giving another huff Sweetie Belle stomped her way over to the corner and sat down on what was when she was little, the time out stool that hadn’t been in use for years. Every few moments she’d make a small fussy noise like a foal that was throwing a temper tantrum. Scootaloo just blushed as she watched what happened, her feelings had been hurt by Sweetie but she was also now getting to the point where the wet diaper taped around her plot was starting to get cold and clammy. “R-Rarity...?” She asked. The unicorn mare smiled sweetly at Scootaloo, she laid out a changing mat and patted it gently, motioning for the pegasus to lie down. “Let’s get you changed dear, I don’t want you getting a rash.” The filly gave a small nod, slowly making her way onto the changing pad and laying down on it, the idea of being changed like a foal seemed to make her wings want to stick out under her making it hard to lay comfortably on the mat. “Th-thank you.” She paused. “D-do I really need to wear another diaper?” She asked with another blush, seeing Rarity levitating a fresh diaper over to them with all of the changing supplies. “Of course you do, what happens if you have another accident? I can’t have you ruining my floors.” Rarity said unfastening the tapes on the filly’s diaper. “No wonder you were so grumpy, you’re soaked!” She commented pulling three foalwipes from the container, each wipe passed gently down Scootaloo’s fillyhood cleaning her of the pee smell. “Don’t worry dear, Sweetie won’t make fun of you anymore.” With each wipe Scootaloo felt a strange tingle shoot up her spine, the feeling of being wiped down like this something almost foreign to her, a distant memory from her foalhood which she couldn’t recall clearly. Something about the foalish smell of the wipes and the tingles making her feel even stranger, a shallow heat building inside of her fillyhood despite the coldness of the wipes. She blushed again as her wings stiffened further, odd emotions she couldn’t quite place forming around feelings she didn’t understand. The look on her face was clearly preoccupied enough for Rarity to notice. “Are you feeling okay Scootaloo? You look a little flushed.” Rarity asked drawing the last wipe across the filly’s diaper area. She balled the dirty diaper up and placed it off to one side, making a mental note to put it in the diaper pail. “Butterflies or hearts?” She asked holding up each of the diapers in her aura. Still blushing Scootaloo looked away. “H-hearts...” She managed, her breaths being rather shallow as the strange tingles continued inside of her lower half. “I-I’m fine... I j-just feel a little weird.” She said, feeling her heart pounding as she lay on the changing mat, legs spread. Normally she wouldn’t be embarrassed being exposed since she didn’t wear clothes any other time but for some reason the position and situation making her feel incredibly unsettled as her mind tried to make sense of these new feelings. The diaper change was nearly finished when Rarity realized she had forgot foalpowder and rash cream. “I’m sorry to do this Scootaloo but this cream will help protect against rashes.” She explained dabbing her hoof gently into the container of cream, with the gentle touch of a mother she spread the cream across her young charge’s diaper area. “I know it feels strange, just bear with it.” “It f-feels icky!” Scootaloo complained, she tried to cross her hind legs but Rarity only gently pried them apart once again. “Next you’re going to tell me I’d look cute in a dress.” She mumbled quietly hoping Rarity wouldn’t overhear. Rarity smiled as she began to powder the filly and rub both the cream and powder in. “I was thinking about putting you and Sweetie in some pretty little dresses I’ve been working on, a new line, unlike the formal dress Sweetie was wearing earlier, I need to test the play dresses and I couldn’t ask for two better models.” She said as she started to pull the front of the diaper up into place. “Thank you for being so kind as to volunteer Scootaloo.” Sweetie huffed angrily in the corner, occasionally stamping her hooves on the ground in frustration. “Stupid big mouth! Stupid diaper! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She whined angrily, growing bored and maybe just a little tired. From her position changing Scootaloo, Rarity let out a sigh. “The more you fuss and continue with that foalish temper tantrum, the longer your timeout will be.” She paused for a moment thinking back to when Sweetie was actually a foal. “Or does some little filly need an afternoon nap to keep them from being grumpy?” She looked back to Scootaloo as she finished taping the diaper. “What do you think Scootaloo, would you two like to take a nap? I believe the old play room for when customers bring foals with them still has a crib in it.” Scootaloo sighed knowing she was fighting a losing battle, “I don’t need a nap Rarity! It’s Sweetie that’s being grumpy, she should have to take two naps!” “What?! Two? That’s not even fair!” Sweetie Belle called grumpily from the other side of the room, her muzzle still facing the wall. “And I’m not grumpy.” She finished crossing her forelegs in a huff. “Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle! Stop arguing this instant, you’re both going to take a nap and that’s final.” The mare said sternly lifting both fillies up with her magic, bringing them to the room adjacent to her sewing room. “I’m going to place you both in the playroom that I keep around for when customers bring their foals, there is a crib in there and since both of you are acting like foals it seems only fitting.” “We’re not arguing!” Scootaloo huffed. “We’re just having a loud discussion!” Sweetie finished for Scootaloo, hooves still crossed in defiance. She squeaked when Rarity pulled the waistband of her diaper back closely inspecting the state of it. “I’m still clean!” “Well if you claim to not need a nap, I needed to make sure you didn’t soil your diaper.” Rarity replied, placing both of them into the crib. “But since you’re still clean, that means you need a nap.” She said, raising the side rails of the crib. “I’ll be in the next room, I’ll come get you both after your nap.” Scootaloo and Sweetie exchanged glances. “Is that a changing table?” Scootaloo asked pointing to the large piece of furniture off to one side, the bottom shelf stacked with diapers and other changing supplies. “I forgot about this room...” Sweetie Belle mumbled. “I almost never come in here unless Rarity makes me watch a foal if she’s too busy with her client.” She paused as she watched Rarity leave the room. “This is your fault.” “My fault!? How? You’re the one that had an accident with some stupid dress and made Rarity diaper you in the first place!” “But it wasn’t my fault! She didn’t let me have any bathroom breaks!” Sweetie Belle blushed, ears falling to either side of her head. “O-okay maybe she did but still!” She squeaked. “You’re the one that made me pee myself earlier!” Scootaloo rolled her eyes, “Whatever, I’m going to sleep.” She grumbled lying down and facing away from the unicorn filly. With a sigh Sweetie Belle turned away from Scootaloo and pulled one of the covers over herself in a vein attempt to hide her diaper from anyone who might show up in the boutique, knowing that while they couldn’t see out of the room, the small whiteboard was a one way window and anyone who walked in could see into the room. After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable and blushing from the subtle crinkles from both of their diapers and the plastic lining on the crib she drifted off to sleep. ***** Scootaloo woke, sitting up with a sudden jolt following a rather strange dream about her current situation. It had started as a normal dream but devolved into her being diapered by Sweetie Belle and then the last thing she could remember was her diaper growing wet from the filly’s touch. Slowly the pegasus looked down. “Great, It wasn’t a dream.” she mumbled to find a sleeping unicorn filly with a forehoof planted firmly against her wet diaper. “Sweetie Belle, wake up.” “Five more minutes.” The unicorn filly mumbled pulling the blanket she’d draped over the two of them off of Scootaloo. Her own diaper was still pristine and white, the heart wetness indicator had mysteriously faded slightly though. As Sweetie Belle moved her hoof pushed even further against Scootaloo’s diaper, pressing the soaked padding into the filly’s nethers. With a small squeak and a shudder she fell backwards. “D-don’t d-do that!” She said suddenly from the otherside of the crib. “How would you like it if I did that to you if you had-” She paused examining Sweetie’s diaper. “You wet the bed?” She said, pointing to the slightly faded hearts. “Sweetie Belle you wet the bed!” Sweetie shot awake sitting straight up in the crib, her hooves quickly covering her crotch in shock. “I d-did not! See all my hearts are still there!” She said quietly, feeling a strange wetness inside of her diaper. “Yeah but this one is faded.” Scootaloo replied, pushing Sweetie’s hoof out of the way to point to it. “Sure you didn’t pee a lot but you did, you had to have! Cause sweat doesn’t make them go away and there’s nothing else that comes out down there that’s wet!” She said innocently. “Sometimes more than pee comes out of there…” The unicorn filly trailed off, not bothering to explain further. “I don’t think it’s pee, it doesn’t feel like pee and even if it was, my diaper would be all swollen!” Swallowing her pride, Scootaloo retorted. “Take it from somepony who wets the bed, peeing doesn’t always make your diaper swollen.” She paused, giving Sweetie’s diaper a small pat. “So, if it’s not pee, what is it then? Mrs. Diaper and pee expert.” Sweetie Belle shrugged, “I don’t know what it’s called but it’s sticky.” She said gasping when the pats caused the padding to rub against her fillyhood. “D-Don’t do that, it feels f-funny!” Scootaloo pulled her hoof back. “S-sorry.” She said with a blush. “Sweetie?” She asked, looking down to the bedding, seeming embarrassed to continue. “Do you want me to call Rarity? She can change your diaper, she knows how and is always extra gentle!” The unicorn filly said happily. “N-no! That’s not.” She blushed further. “She changed me twice already I know that.” She paused again. “D-do you... feel g-good? L-like down there? Wh-when your diaper is wet?” She said with her face burning. Sweetie’s face flushed crimson, “Y-Yeah it does. I w-wanted to rub but I didn’t want Rarity to catch me.” She looked away from the pegasus, “When she put me to bed yesterday night, my clean diaper rubbed against my filly parts.” She looked around the room and inched closer to her friend. “A-After I knew Rarity had gone back to her workroom I rubbed my diaper and it felt really, really good!” She whispered in excitement. “S-sometimes,” The pegasus began, still burning with embarrassment. “When I sleep over at Dash’s, a-and I wet, since I know in the morning she doesn’t come to check on me like my aunts do, i-if I’m wet, I push my diaper against my fillybits too... A-and it feels really good but then it feels like I start to pee and even though it feels good I stop.” She frowned. “I’d like to try to keep feeling good but I get really tired and usually my nighttime diapers are close to leaking so I don’t wanna risk it... But these hold a lot more...” She trailed off. The unicorn smiled an idea occurring to her. “I have an idea. Let me help! I can rub you and then you can rub me after, to make up for me being mean to you earlier. I’ll keep rubbing even when you tell me it feels like you’re peeing.” Sweetie explained pushing her hoof deep into Scootaloo’s sodden diaper, she gently rubbed up and down the garment. “Like that or like this?” She asked pushing hard without rubbing. Scootaloo suddenly gasped loudly and her wings flared out as she felt the unicorn’s hoof rubbing and then just pushing. “B-both...” She managed through a few deep breaths. “D-do both.” Sweetie Belle nodded, continuing her ministrations. Slowly she rubbed her hoof up and down her friend’s crotch, kneading the wet material into her fillyhood. “It feels so warm…” She whispered, hooves rubbing and pushing into the diaper. The only reply Sweetie Belle received was that of Scootaloo giving another moan, her body was starting to tremble every few moments, every time the unicorn rubbed the diaper strange pleasurable sensations would shoot up Scootaloo’s spine causing her wings to try and flare out further even though they were already at full mast. “P-push harder... W-with both hooves.” The unicorn filly concentrated, the tip of her horn lit up with a light green glow. Slowly the magic aura expanded out from the tip, she huffed in concentration sweat forming on her brow, the aura began forming into a thin line. “Almost... “ She exhaled loudly, the small tendril reaching Scootaloo’s diaper, “Just a little more!” The magic wrapped around the tapes of the pegasus’ diaper slowly trying to unfasten it to no avail. “S-Sweetie you’ll get in t-trouble!” Scootaloo warned, desperately wanting the pleasure to continue. “Besides it won’t come off.” Sweetie’s concentration broke just as the tendril of magic slipped inside of her friend’s diaper. “Aww, no! I was so close.” She complained. Before Sweetie could continue however, Scootaloo let out a loud moan, just before the magic dissipated it briefly brushed across her fillyhood, sending the filly over the edge. “I... I’m p-peeing I th-think!” She managed as she felt a strange heat inside of her fillyhood. Her eyes closed tightly and she fell onto her back as she felt several squirts of strange sticky liquid pour into the seat of her already wet diaper. Just as Scootaloo innocently reached her first orgasm by the hooves of Sweetie Belle, Rarity entered the room and quickly used her magic to pull the two apart. “SWEETIE BELLE! SCOOTALOO!” She shouted angrily. “This is supposed to be a punishment! Two fillies as young as you do not engage in such improper behaviour! I was going to lighten up on the punishment but now it seems I need to punish you both more.” She stated, lifting them both out of the crib and placing them in two high chairs that were in the room, locking the tables in place so they couldn’t touch each other or escape. “It seems I’ll have to keep a closer eye on the two of you.” Scootaloo was in a daze as all of this happened, her diaper was now even more wet but the liquid was different and the feelings that swept over her body left her almost limp. “W-what’d we do wrong?” She asked through her breaths. “I’ll tell you when you’re much older,” Was all Rarity had to say on the matter, she turned her attention to the unicorn filly. “And you young filly, consider your punishment extended by at least another week.” “Another week!?” Sweetie Belle cried out. “Another whole week?! Why? I didn’t do anything I haven’t seen you doing with another pony!” Rarity huffed, face turning red. “Why, I never, Two more weeks now! And if I hear another word about this you’d best consider your potty privileges goodbye for such a long time that you’ll have to be potty trained again!” Sweetie nodded her face growing pale. “Yes, Rarity.” She looked at Scootaloo, who was still clearly coming down from the experience. ‘Scootaloo gets to have all the fun, it’s not fair!’ “Why are we in highchairs?” Scootaloo asked shifting slightly in her seat, the strap was pushed rather tightly against her diaper. “Well I was going to explain that before I caught you two pretending to be Lyra and Bonbon!” Rarity cleared her throat. “But I digress. It came to my attention that neither of you had lunch because of our outing. I thought it might be nice to have a late one instead.” She said, levitating two plates of food into the room from a table outside the door. Sweetie was the first to notice that the plates contained very small cuts of various fruits and vegetables. “How come they’re cut up so small?” “Yeah, Rainbow Dash doesn’t cut up my food this small!” Scootaloo blushed. “N-not that she still cuts my food up at all!” She added quickly. “Because you’re foals and this is how foals eat. We can’t have you two making a mess of the play room.” Rarity replied, placing the plates onto the high chair trays. “Bon Appetit.” “Don’t foals have to wear bibs?” Scootaloo asked curiously, picking up the small cubes of watermelon and examining them closely. “This is too small! Even for babies.” She whined dropping the pieces of fruit back onto her plate and looking away in defiance. “Normally yes,” The mare started. “But I don’t have any on hoof and I think I can trust you both to be mature enough not to get your coats dirty.” She paused. “I will feed you, if I have to.” Sweetie Belle frowned, “I think she means it Scootaloo.” She said as she started to eat her ‘meal.’ “I wouldn’t test it!” The pegasus filly turned her nose up and crossed her hooves. “I want to eat big filly food.” She huffed, “I’m not going to eat until I get bigger pieces!” Rarity frowned. “Scootaloo, I’ll let you have big filly food later if you eat this now.” She said, levitating a small spoon with pieces of food on it up to the filly’s muzzle. “I know you’re hungry, I can hear your tummy growling from over here.” The tone of her voice being almost foalish as she talked down to the filly. “Just try it, please? I don’t think Rainbow Dash would like it if you starved.” Sweetie Belle had eaten most of her plate, she figured if Rarity was going to make her wear and use diapers, she would act like the foal she was supposed to be. Her muzzle and most of her coat was covered in mashed up vegetables and fruits. “I’m done!” She beamed happily, juices dripping off her muzzle. “Sweetie Belle...” Rarity sighed. “I know you can eat like a big pony.” She said using her magic to open a nearby container of foal wipes and levitating it over to them, trying to wipe the filly clean of food. “I’m going to have to give you a bath aren’t I?” She asked, in truth, the sight of her little sister covered in food like a foal reminded her of when they were younger and she used to struggle to keep her sister under control, the thought made her smile a little bit before coming back to reality. Scootaloo continued her foalish tirade of protesting, admittedly she was really hungry but she didn’t want to eat the small pieces of food on her plate. She wanted a hayburger with fries and a milkshake, but she knew Rarity wouldn’t give that to her in this foalish state. “I’m not hungry.” She said pushing the plate away from her. “I think Scootaloo is just grumpy cus her diaper is all wet! Plus she didn’t get to have her favorite food for lunch, she always gets like this when we bring fruit for snacks instead of haychips.” Sweetie explained, trying desperately to dodge the foalwipe that was cleaning her muzzle and hooves of the mashed food. “I don’t want to have a bath.” She crossed her forehooves, sticking her muzzle in the air. With a heavy sigh Rarity pulled the wipe away from Sweetie Belle. “Well you’re going to have one once Scootaloo finishes her lunch, both of you.” She said, still levitating a spoonful of the fruit to Scootaloo’s mouth. Just as she saw the young pegasus open her mouth to reply she moved the spoon in. Scootaloo could only reply with an, “Mmph!” before her mouth was filled with fruit. After a moment she swallowed and opened her mouth again. “No fair, that’s cheating!” Rarity picked up the spoon again and pushed it toward the grumpy filly’s muzzle. “The sooner you eat it, the sooner I can change you~” She teased reminding Scootaloo of the state of her diaper. The pegasus’s muzzle turned several shades of red, the teasing from Rarity combined with the wet warmth from her diaper wrapped around her plot a constant reminder of her situation. She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly opening her mouth and letting the spoon in. Sweetie Belle sat in her highchair, her plate was empty of food and she was beginning to grow bored. “Rarity! Can I go play in the other room?” She asked hoping her sister would unstrap her from the chair without giving her a bath. “And risk you getting the mess of fruit in your fur all over the place? I don’t think so.” Rarity replied as she continued to feed Scootaloo. “There’s only a little bit left, be patient, you know what happens to little diapered fillies who complain.” She threatened. After the next few spoonfuls of food, Scootaloo had finally finished her lunch, still blushing embarrassed at what Rarity had said. Despite being fed, she still managed to get some fruit on her muzzle and coat. “I uh, I think m-maybe I should take that offer for a bath...” She said, moving one of her forehooves only to find her fur being stuck together by sticky remnants of fruit. Rarity unstrapped both fillies from the high chairs, she used several foalwipes to wipe off each of their hooves. “I can’t have you tracking fruit all over my floors.” She explained, making sure to keep both of them within eyesight at all times. “Really Sweetie, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were an actual foal with this mess you’ve made.” Blushing, the young unicorn looked away from Rarity as they made their way to the bathroom. “W-well I’m not a foal!” She blurted out. “Just cause you put me in a diaper and made me eat in a high chair doesn’t mean I’m a foal!” “I agree with Rarity, you always make a big mess when you eat. Remember that one time when we thought we could get our cutiemarks in baking?” Scootaloo asked, remembering the incident with a giggle. The two fillies talked back and forth, Rarity turned on the water for the bath, filling the tub before turning back to them. “Alright, let’s get these diapers off for your bath.” She said, lighting up her horn as she laid both of them on their back on the bathroom floor. Slowly she untaped the tabs on Scootaloo’s diaper, pulling the front down giving a subtle blush at the sight of the inside of her diaper. “Rarity! Stop staring at Scootaloo’s diaper, it’s weird.” Sweetie chimed in, although her diaper was barely damp she felt the strange tingling and wetness forming once again. “I am not staring, I have to look to change it.” Rarity said as she pulled the diaper away and lifted Scootaloo into the air with her magic to prevent any dripping of fruit or other fluids. She then turned to Sweetie and untaped her diaper as well, slowly pulling it down. “You’re not wet yet, so I’ll put this diaper back on you once your bath is done, it’s still clean.” She said, not noticing the mild fading on the wetness indicator. She then placed both filly’s into the bathtub together and started to soap up a washcloth so she could begin to clean them. Scootaloo sat still in the warm bathwater, while Rarity scrubbed every inch of her forehooves, then moving to her chest and finally down to her fillybits. “R-Rarity…” She trailed off blushing, her aunts usually helped with this part. “I don’t need you to help clean me down there!” Sighing Rarity continued to clean Scootaloo with the soapy washcloth, gently lifting the filly’s tail with her magic and scrubbing up and down her fillyhood and nether regions. “Normally you’re not diapered, I need to make sure you’re clean or you could get a rash or a bad infection.” She explained, rinsing the cloth before using it to wipe the soap away, now being a bit more rough to make sure she’d gotten all of the soap. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you Sweetie Belle.” She said, “I just can’t clean you both at once.” “Mom told me I was big enough to wash down there by myself, I don’t need you to do it.” Sweetie complained, splashing some of the sudsy water around in boredom. She wanted this bath to be over with so she could go back to ‘playing’ with Scootaloo, since their experiment had been interrupted. As the mare pulled the cloth away from Scootaloo, she noted that the filly had had a lot of other liquids around her nethers. ‘I need to remember to talk to her aunts and Dash about giving her the talk...’ She thought to herself before examining over every inch of the pegasus including her rear to make sure she’d gotten every bit of fruit and liquid. “Now sit still while I clean Sweetie Belle.” She said, soaping up the cloth again before going to her sister. “I know, but Mother didn’t account for you to be wearing diapers, if you got a rash I’d never hear the end of it.” She continued, gently soaping up Sweetie’s coat. “You’ve been shampooing my coat for five minutes, I wasn’t that dirty!” Sweetie huffed, intentionally making Rarity take longer. She crossed her forehooves in defiance, puffing her cheeks out like a foal would. “Hurry up~” She whined. “If you’d stop fussing I’d get done faster.” Rarity replied as she began to rinse Sweetie’s coat of the soap before moving toward her nethers. Slowly she began to apply more soap before gently rinsing it clear, using the cloth to make sure anything that might have been there was now gone. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to act like a foal.” “I’m not!” Sweetie replied quickly, she frowned. “I think I heard the doorbell, I thought you didn’t have anypony coming over today?” “You totally are Sweetie.” Scootaloo quickly retorted. “I still have customers Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said as she ringed out the cloth before placing it on a small rail to the side of the tub. “I’ll be right back, I trust you two won’t get into too much trouble.” She stopped at the door. “You’d better not get into trouble or I will have to find a way to make your punishment worse.” “So, now what do we do? We just wait for her?” Scootaloo asked as she laid back in the tub. “I’d rather be doing something else than sitting in a tub with you... It’s awkward.” Sweetie could only roll her eyes at that comment, the two of them had been friends for several years before meeting Apple Bloom. “We used to take baths together all the time, how is this any different?” She asked sticking her tongue out. “Although…” She trailed off a naughty idea forming in her mind. “We never got to finish our experiment earlier!” “If Rarity comes back and we’re doing that we’ll be in so much trouble.” Letting out a sigh the unicorn lit up her horn to pull one of Scootaloo’s hooves towards her fillyhood. “Well we should be fast then!” She squeaked as she awaited her friend’s touch. “J-just like I did for you.” Scootaloo let out a soft breath and nodded her head. “O-Okay but it has to be quick!” She fumbled her hooves around underneath the soapy water till Sweetie squeaked loudly. “You better not pee in the tub, I don’t wanna sit around in your pee... Again.” She gently ran her hoof up the unicorn’s fillyhood quickly settling into a rhythm Giving only a small moan and nod as a reply Sweetie felt a warmth rush to her nethers, the touch of Scootaloo’s hoof moving up and down sending small waves of pleasure through her body. “P-push harder Scootaloo! I did for you!” She said innocent of what she was asking. “K-keep going.” The pegasus filly was beginning to feel strange in her nether region again, the tingling was back but more intense. “Okay!” She said happily pushing her hoof into her friend’s fillyhood intently, she pulled it back when she felt a strange wetness on her hoof. “E-Ew! You pee’d on my hoof Sweetie.” “W-we talked a-about this!” The unicorn said through gasps. “It’s not pee it’s something e-else!” She managed as she rocked her plot against Scootaloo’s hoof trying to get as much of this strange but good feeling as she could. “J-just a b-bit mor-” “SWEETIE BELLE!” Rarity shouted. “SCOOTALOO!” She continued. “What did I tell you both about touching each other? Now I’ll have to wash you again!” She grumbled grabbing the cloth again, moving it down to Sweetie’s nethers and beginning to scrub rather roughly. “N-No you won’t, it’s fine Rarity, I’m not sticky!” Sweetie cried letting out a small huff, even moaning at the rough washing of her fillyhood. Before Sweetie could get too much pleasure out of the ‘cleaning’ however Rarity pulled the cloth away, pulling the plug in the drain to let the water empty out of the tub. “I’m very disappointed in both of you!” She said as she levitated them both out of the tub and onto the floor, quickly wrapping them both in towels. “Well I guess I’ll have to keep a much much closer eye on you two!” Scootaloo could only fidget as she was surrounded by a fluffy towel, her coat being dried rather quickly from the plush material. “W-we didn’t mean to do anything wrong!” She protested. “Not another word dear.” Rarity shushed both of the fillies. “Now let’s get you both diapered up, we can’t have anymore accidents on the shop floor can we, Sweetie?” She asked rhetorically. If she wasn’t strapped for time she would have further embarrassed her sister. Sweetie’s protesting was quickly replaced by embarrassment, her muzzle turned a deep red. “O-once! It h-happened once! Years ago!” She squeaked before she felt her diaper from before the bath being slid under her plot. She blushed further as she felt powder being applied before the diaper was pulled up into place and taped snugly on. The young filly could feel a slight stickiness inside the seat of her otherwise dry diaper as it rubbed against her fillyhood. Scootaloo didn’t bother trying to resist the diapering process, she lifted her plot off the ground while Rarity slid a thick crinkly diaper beneath her. ‘I hope she powders me too, the powder feels so good on my fillyparts…’ Rarity continued the diapering process, applying a thick layer of powder before rubbing it into Scootaloo’s coat. Once she had finished, she pulled the fresh diaper into place and taped it shut, the small lock symbol on the taping panel changing to show that it’s magic seal had activated. “Now then, let’s get you two back to the foal room, my client has her two daughters with her, her eldest will be in charge as she often foalsits her younger sister. I’ll just be in the next room working.” “What?! You can’t be serious Rarity! That’s not fair at all.” Sweetie cried angrily, stamping her hooves on the ground. “You can’t expect us to listen to some filly who we don’t even know.” The situation got worse however as they entered the foal room. Scootaloo immediately took notice that of the two fillies one was a foal wearing pull-ups, arguably a more mature garment than what they were wearing, and the other filly was clearly younger than both Sweetie and herself. “B-but they’re both younger than us!” She protested with a blush. “P-plus I think that filly goes to our school! I think she’s in the grade below us!” “You’ll do as I say or I’ll punish you more.” Rarity said, ushering both fillies into the room. “This is Jazz Blossom she’s in charge, and she’s been instructed to keep an eye on you two as well as her sister Glam Rock who’s currently being potty trained, you’d better be good for her or I’ll have to think of something even worse to punish you with.” With that final statement she left to help the mare in the next room. “I totally hate you for getting me into this Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said flatly as they were presented to the two new fillies. “No complaints, I’m your foalsitter now.” Jazz stated, absently playing with a few toys she had brought with her. “I see you girls at school all the time, you’re two grades ahead of me.” Her bright green eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief. “If you don’t listen to me, I’ll tell Miss Rarity that you were being mean to my sister!” “B-but that’s not fair!” Sweetie squeaked. “We didn’t do anything wrong!” “I don’t think we have a choice...” The orange pegasus said with a sigh. “So what do you want us to do?” She mumbled in defeat. Jazz brought a hoof to her chin in thought. “How about you both show me your diapers? I need to make sure you aren’t needing a change.” Both Scootaloo and Sweetie blushed deeply. “Y-you can see from there!” Scootaloo said, wings flaring out in embarrassment. “B-besides we’re both clean.” Glam Rock frowned, even though she was younger than the other three she didn’t want to feel left out. She stood up from her prior position and trotted calmly to her sister’s side, where she promptly presented her damp pull-up. “If I can do it, you do it too!” She said, thinking it was part of some big pony game, not at all realizing that the bigger ponies weren’t supposed to be wearing diapers. Jazz Blossom giggled at her sister’s antics, “Glam, you didn’t have to show me your pull-up! Although I do appreciate it since mom said I have to make sure you go to the big pony potty.” She sighed inspecting the damp garment, noticing several faded musical notes that adorned the pull-up. “Well you’re damp, but not soaked so I don’t need to change you yet.” Still blushing Sweetie Belle leaned over to Scootaloo and whispered. “D-does it make you feel funny that we’re stuck having to wear and use diapers while the four year old who can’t keep herself dry is in a pull-up?” Scootaloo gave a small nod, her own face red and warm with embarrassment. “Say it any louder why don’t you, that’s all we need is for her to hear and tell us we have to go in our diapers or something so she doesn’t say we were bad.” She hissed. “That’s a great idea, isn’t it Glam?” Jazz asked her younger sister, having heard the two older fillies entire conversation. “It wouldn’t be fair for my sister to be the only one with a wet diaper on would it?” She closely inspected Scootaloo’s diaper, then Sweetie’s, taking note of the faded heart on the unicorn’s. “I can keep dry!” Glam Rock whined, threatening to throw a tantrum like the spoiled filly she was. “I don’t wear diapers, I wear pull-ups, Mommy said there was a difference.” She said her eyes watering up in irritation. She was a big pony! “Sweetie should go potty first, cus she said I can’t keep myself dry.” Sweetie’s eyes went wide. Although she did have to pee, she knew that she didn’t have to do so very badly and that it wouldn’t be sufficient to entertain the filly. “B-but I don’t have to pee right now!” She said quickly without thinking. “S-so that means Scootaloo should go first!” “Gee thanks.” The pegasus said rolling her eyes, very much in the same situation as Sweetie Belle. “B-but I really don’t have to go right now either.” She said, frowning, knowing she was going to regret letting Rarity feed her lunch earlier. Glam Rock sniffled once, then twice. “R-” “NO! Don’t Cry!” Sweetie Belle shushed the filly with a gentle hoof pressed to her muzzle. She continued to blush and frowned. “I...” She hesitated, every word she said getting quieter and quieter. “I c-can go... i-in my diaper... I guess.” She frowned looking down at the floor in defeat. “Good! Why don’t you show, Scootaloo how it’s done?” Jazz asked eyeing the unicorn’s diaper intently. ‘This is weird but she does look cute in that poofy thing… And if it keeps Glam happy well…’ Frowning still, the unicorn turned away, facing the wall, the act she was about to commit too embarrassing to face them. She spread her hind legs and raised her tail, concentrating deeply to no avail at first. After a few more moments she was granted relief from any further need to go as she felt her diaper grow heavy and sag down between her legs. Just as she had finished, she felt what little was in her bladder empty into the diaper as well, her eyes tearing up slightly from the embarrassment. “Th-there... H-happy?” Scootaloo could only stand and watch, mouth ajar, she didn’t expect to see Sweetie fill her diaper just like that without resistance. She blushed even more and looked away from everypony in the room, something about the act of the unicorn using her diaper like an unpotty trained foal, a foal even younger than Glam Rock who just used their diaper seemed to make her fillyhood grow warm. Glam Rock smiled, her tears drying up, she sniffled again but it soon stopped. “Gross! Even I don’t potty in my diap… I mean I don’t do that in my pull-ups!” She blushed heavily, hearing the soft hiss emanating from her own padding. Her music signs quickly fading away to a blurry mess. “I can’t believe you pottied!” Jazz Blossom started to giggle, then burst into a fit of fillyish laughter. “I can’t believe you did that! That’s so gross, I didn’t think you would actually go, I was just messing with you the whole time. I wouldn’t tell your sister you were being bad if you weren’t.” She wrinkled her nose at the smell, “Well that’s one foal who needs a change, what about you?” Jazz asked turning her attention to Scootaloo now. “You still haven’t gone yet!” “B-but! You just said you wouldn’t say anything!” Scootaloo replied, still blushing. “I’m n-not doing it!” She protested, her gaze now locked on Sweetie’s diapered plot. “N-no way you’ll ever get me to do that in a diaper!” “B-But I just had an accident, that means you gotta have on too! Those are the rules of the game, if I have accidents everypony in diapers has to have one too.” Glam Rock said huffing, she sat down with her hooves crossed in front of her chest, muzzle stuck in the air. “I’ll tell.” She said grumpily, having missed her afternoon nap. Still protesting, Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, Rarity won’t believe you, I’m not doing it!” She said defiantly all the while Sweetie Belle stood in place, not wanting to move since her ‘accident.’ “We’ll both tell on you, Rarity might not believe Glam since she’s just a little filly but she will believe me. You don’t want her to find out you made my little sister cry did you?” Jazz said narrowing her eyes at the two fillies. With hesitation Scootaloo let out a sigh. “... Fine.” She said, turning away from them much like Sweetie Belle had done, bending her hind legs slightly and raising her tail as she let herself have an accident right there, filling her diaper up thoroughly and ending with a small hiss from her bladder before turning back. “Is the piddle pants happy now?” Before anypony could reply however Rarity chimed in from the doorway. “Jazz, Glam, your mother is leaving.” She said, ushering the two fillies out of the room before seeing them and their mother out the door. The mare frowned. “I’m very disappointed in both of you, picking on little Glam Rock like that! I guess I’ll have to think of something to make your punishments wor-” Suddenly the aroma of the room hit her muzzle. “That gives me an idea, if you two thought you’d had a punishment before you were sadly mistaken.” She said, ushering them both over to the changing table. “Up onto the changing table, both of you.” Scootaloo climbed up onto the table first, she knew Rarity was furious. The pegasus cringed, her muzzle bright pink beneath her orange coat. She could feel the heaviness of the full diaper press against her plot and nether region. “It wasn’t what it looked like, I swear!” She reasoned hopelessly. Sweetie Belle followed Scootaloo onto the changing table, she could only give a small shudder as she laid down on the table to be changed by Rarity, too embarrassed to say anything. “Well I saw enough to know you two were picking on Glam Rock and making fun of her.” Rarity said. “So now you’ll both have to endure another nap, in those diapers.” She paused, slowly untaping Scootaloo’s diaper lifting the filly’s rear into the air and pulling the messy diaper away, keeping her rear lifted. At the same time she also untaped Sweetie Belle’s diaper, lifting the filly’s rear into the air in the same way removing the full diaper. “I hope you both learn your lesson from this.” She said before switching the diapers, moving Sweetie’s under Scootaloo and Scootaloo’s under Sweetie before lowering their plots back down, pulling the fronts of the diapers up into place and taping them shut tightly before giving them both a firm pat on their diapered rears. Scootaloo felt her wings snap open from her sides due to the pat. It was one thing to be in a dirty diaper, but it was something entirely different to be in her friend’s dirty diaper. “S-Sweetie?” She whispered quietly watching Rarity leave the room. Sweetie frowned as Rarity left, both of the fillies having been placed in the crib before the door closed. “Y-yeah?” She asked, her face a crimson red clearly visible through her white coat. “I… I kind of like this.” Scootaloo said quietly, she pressed her hoof into the crotch of the full diaper, squishing it slightly against herself. “I’m… I’m feeling funny down there again.” The unicorn hastily replied. “Well you’re gonna help me first! Because you k-kept getting to get to the good part!” She said, moving around, in truth she was also aroused by her present situation, her friend’s diaper strapped around her rear. “W-we could do it together... L-like push ourselves against each other!” She suggested. The pegasus filly nodded in agreement. She made her way to the other side of the crib they were lying in, her muzzle bright red the whole time. Slowly she lowered her padded front to her friend’s, with a small sigh she pressed against the warm full diaper strapped around Sweetie’s flanks. She thrusted once, just one gentle thrust letting out a gasp at the pleasure shooting through her body, her fillyhood leaking strange sticky liquids into the diaper. “O-Oh… T-That feels really, really good!” She thrusted again, harder this time, riding into her friend’s diaper. Sweetie Belle was overcome with pleasure, suddenly she felt Scootaloo’s diaper pressing against her, every time her friend thrust it pushed against her fillyhood causing the strange tingling to get stronger. She started to rock her hips up and down to try and push herself against Scootaloo, to intensify the feeling as she felt more force behind each thrust. Her body beginning to shake slightly as she was brought closer to her goal. “I... I f-feel like I’m g-gonna pee.” She managed, her fillyhood winking under the diaper as it leaked fluids into the seat. Scootaloo smiled and stopped thrusting much to Sweetie’s complaints, “Don’t worry I’m going to try something else.” She slipped off her friend’s chest and spread her hind legs apart in the crib, she brought two hooves to the crotch of Sweetie Belle’s diaper and pushed hard. Each hoof pressing a mound of padding into Sweetie’s folds. With one final push she felt her friend freeze and shake violently, moaning and gasping as she achieved her peak. The unicorn suddenly cried out, her horn giving off small sparks as her body finally achieved that all important goal she’d be striving for, the ultimate feeling. With a loud moan she felt her fillyhood wink before sending out several jets of the strange sticky liquid, soaking her diaper further with the new liquid as she had her very first orgasm. The feeling overwhelmed her and she let out several loud squeaks before she began to come down from it. “”S-Scootaloo...?” She said between breaths. The pegasus was panting between breaths, her own sagging diaper full of sticky fillycum. “Y-Yeah? What’s the matter Sweetie?” She took a deep breath, her hoof still gently rubbing the full diaper, content on riding out the last of her orgasm. “Y-you think...” She paused. “H-how long you think we could get Rarity to keep us in this... ‘punishment’?” She asked, blushing, her body overflowing with pleasure and arousal as she started to doze off. The filly gave a soft sigh, she felt her bladder relax once more and soak the sticky diaper. “If we continue to misbehave, as long as we’d like.” Scootaloo said, snuggling into her friend’s soft coat. “We’ll just have to be extra bad from now on.” The End -