> Twilight of the Republic > by CrimsonCadenza > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Battle of Raxus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The War was going well for the Republic. At least thats what the clone and civilian officers kept saying. After the Battle of Coruscant and the abduction of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, I had my doubts about the security of the Republic. Still as I stared out the command bridge of the Victory 1 Star Destroyer New Dawn at the blue lines of hyperspace flying by; I couldn't help but hope that soon this destructive conflict would be over, and that the Jedi could resume their roles as keepers of the peace. It had been nearly two years since I had set foot in the jedi temple. I longed to return to the only place I could ever call home. Clone Commander Shinning approached me from behind. I sensed his presence as unique from his brothers, he was one of the null batch commandos that were breed to be more independent. This often manifested in null clones questioning authority, but it also made them excellent warriors. Like the Mandolorians of old. "General" The clone gave a sharp salute as I turned to face him. "Yes Shinning?" I asked. "Separatist droid ships have been identified on long range scanners, Battle Group Helios is reporting green across the board to engage." "How long until we come out of hyperspace?" I asked. "Fifteen minutes General." He paused then added. "I've heard Raxus has some of the hottest Pazzac tables in the galaxy. Wouldn't mind a go at one of them after this is over." I held back a laugh but smiled. "Tell you what Shinning if you and your men win this war I'll buy you all a round on the jedi." "Yes Sir!" He said and then walked the long ramp to the door just as my master Celestia entered the bridge. The clone gave her a hurried salute and met with a pair of other heavily armored commandos as the door slide closed. Celestia was a Tagruta female of middle age. She had lekku like me, but hers were wildly more colorfully with soft shades of yellow,pink,whites,and blues. Some of the Troopers under her command had painted their helmets and vehicles to resemble the Jedi Master. They had even gone as far as to paint an emblem of the Republic surrounded by a blazing star, on the bottom of the ship after its refit following the Battle of Coruscant. The Destroyer had been among a line of ships that had been instrumental in reinforcing the Open Circle fleet. During the battle it had been damaged by separatist bombers and forced to land, shortly afterwards the Jedi Sentinels had acquired it. Unknown to the Jedi Council, Jedi Sentinel agents had acquired knowledge of a secret hyperspace lane into Separatist space. Much like how they had attacked Coruscant, they were now leading a fleet of over seventy ships on a punch to knock out the Separatist government for good. "Master" I bowed as Celestia reached me. She looked deep in thought and didnt respond. "Master?" Celestia looked down at me like she just noticed I was there. "I'm sorry Twilight. I have received.. unnerving news. The Jedi Council has sent Master Kenobi on a mission to assassinate General Grievous." Celestia said stroking her lekku in thought. "Isnt that good news? He can kill that monster and end this war." Twilight said before she realized. Celestias eyes looked into hers. She felt in the bond her and her master shared that Celestia knew she was angry. "Maybe it is Twilight. Only time will tell. But that is not all I have learned. The Supreme Chancellor has made Anakin Skywalker his representative on the jedi Council. The Council agreed; but did not make Skywalker a master." Celestia said staring at the blue waves of hyperspace. I took a moment to digest that. Never in the history of the Jedi had someone been thrust into The Council by an outside influence. Never had a Jedi sat at the council who had not achieved mastery in The Order. "Why would Palpatine do that?" "The Chancellor has seen that many enemies of the Republic lie within your precious order." A man in an a grey Admiral uniform said. WIlhuff Tarkin the fleet commander entered the command bridge with a stiff but brisk walk. He stood uncomfortably close as he sized up the jedi. "Surely you have sensed it, the Jedi do not belong in a war." "I didn't see you stop us when we brought you the hyperspace lanes." Celestia said. "Make no mistake Master Celestia, the only reason I have allowed this operation to proceed under your supervision is because I have your absolute assurance that the Jedi High Council does not know about this. And I will say, I have quite a distaste for jedi philosophy; but some jedi such as Skywalker and yourself are more reasonable. I doubt however that the rest of the Jedi will feel that way." "The High Council will find out eventually what we have done. After this war is over I will accept the consequences of what I have done." Celestia said confidently. Tarkin raised and eyebrow. "You would submit to such sacrifice? Perhaps not all Jedi are the same after all." A comm tec suddenly sat up from the lowered command centers of the bridge. "Sir! We are about to exit hyperspace into the Raxus system!" He called out. "Bring quad turbo lasers to bare, ready to launch all fighters from Venator wings. Use our superior firepower to break a hole in their defenses." Tarkin said taking up his position on the bridge while Celestia and I turned to leave. We entered a turbolift that took us to the hanger below the ship. I suddenly got a knot in my stomach that felt like it would rip me apart. I felt Celestia's hand on my shoulder. "Do not be afraid my faithful student. Feel the force, what does it tell you?" She said. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. "I see... I see. A great Darkness, Like a hole in the force. And waves radiating out from it in all directions." I said. "But there is something else a light in the dark." Celestia stroked her lekku then placed her hand on my forehead. "I see nothing, The force is as calm as still water. Perhaps it is you who is unbalanced." She said. "No master, it doesn't come from me. But I can feel it." Our turbolift suddenly stopped at the hanger bay and I spotted Sunset already in her fighter uniform save for the helmet. Unlike most jedi Celestia had chosen to train two padawans at once. Sunset had been with the Tagruta longer but had yet to reach the aptitude in the force that Twilight had. Being in the Jedi Sentinels it was not as important to be adept in the force as it was to be well rounded. Sunset was a beautiful pilot force sensitivity or not. She carried her lightsaber with her however she preferred to use a blaster when fighting on the ground. For this mission Sunset would be piloting an experimental ETA-2 fighter with significantly ungraded Twin Ion Engines, she would be in charge of Inferno Squad, a sizable group of V-wing interceptors. Sunset told her R2 unit something then walked over to them. She was a young Zabrak with red tinted skin a rare trait among her species. She wore a dark black flight suit that looked like bantha leather. Her lightsaber and blaster were swaying from her hips as she walked over to us. "So, I see you couldnt stand being in the bridge with that womprat Tarkin any longer" She said. I smiled but Celestia answered first. "Admiral Tarkin may have his opinions on the Jedi, but he certainly knows how to perform a military action. We're lucky to have someone like that commanding the fleet. Raxus will not be easy to take from the separatists." She said. "Don't worry Master." Sunset said wiping some grease from her hands on her flight suit. "With you on the ground we got nothing to worry about" Sunset felt the Ship come out of hyperspace and a moment later was rocked back by forces as she accelerated out of the Dawn's hanger bay. Eight Venators and Six Acclimaters flanked the New Destoryer and they to were pooring fighters out every bay untill a solid screen of fighters was made. Sunset took control and headed for a formation of Arc-170 Starfighters taking up their rear. With her were two dozen Clone pilots in V wing interceptors. "This is Inferno leader, a craft set x foils to attack positions." Sunset said. In front of them a literal wall of metal. A dozen smaller Munificent class Destroyer ships and a line of four Half circle shaped Lucrehullk carriers spat laser fire at the Star Destroyers. Soon they were Engaged by droid fighters but her ace pilots quickly dispatched them as they tried to fire behind at the Arcs. Two Venators and one Acclimator broke the line and started toward the planet. "All ships be advised we have bombers set on intercept coarse." A clone officer said over general coms. "Inferno Sqaud lets make some scrap metal!" She shouted and took off towards the hyena droids that were targeting their land invasion ships. She got behind two and took them out in seconds then moved onto the leader which had broken through the laser defenses of one Venator. Instead of unleashing its payload the fighter strafed her fire and struck the bridge directly Causing a massive fireball that made the shields flicker. Sunset realized too late what was happening. One of the Lukrahulk ships had moved above them and was poring out droid fighters and bombers right over them. Inferno Squad managed to intercept most of them but the ones that got through were starting to collapse the shields. "Change of Plan Inferno. All fighters target That droid carrier's hanger bay, Im gonna do a little boarding action." "She cant be serious." One of the clones said "Oh shes serious alright. Lets give the General some cover boys!" Sunsets Modified ETA-2 avoiding the point defense of the large ship easily. Her Squadmates had their x foils down as the raced withen striking distance they opened fire on the hanger shields. Opening up the hanger to the vacuum of space. Droid ships suddenly flung past her as they were sucked out. Inferno Squad followed behind her as the door to the massive hanger bays closed. It wasn't long before she ran out of room. She ejected from the ship and used the force to slow down her decent. She landed in a crouching position and was soon surrounded by her clone sqaudmates who had come in slow enough to land safely. A line of battle droids began to recover from the hanger being vacuumed and began to fire on them. Sunset held her lightsaber in on hand deflecting blaster bolts back, and fired her holdout sidearm into the remaining droids. With the help of her squad they quickly cleared the survivors. The Clone pilots gathered around her when it was safe. "Well general we're here. Any ideas how to blow this rust bucket?" "Perhaps a few" Sunset said with a smile. Celestia sat Cross legged On the floor of the LAAT gunship. The Cabin shook slightly from the laserfire that streaked around them. Through the Force Celestia could feel the violence of the battle. The suffering of her own men, but on the enemies side she sensed nothing. Their droid army was as connected to the force as a rock. Twilight her Padawan somehow found the space to pace in the tight gunship. "Calm yourself Twilight. When those doors open you must be ready." Twilight stooped and looked embarrassed. Then she sighed. "Im sorry master, I always get jumpy before battles." she said. "Be mindful of your surroundings, but do not dwell on them. Move through the currents that force presents you." Celestia said. "I will master." Twilight said. Then she looked down and back up at Celestia. "Do you think this will win the war?" Twilight asked. Celestia shook her head. "This battle alone will not bring every separatist system back in line, but if Master Kenobi can defeat Grievous and the Separatist high council members can be found and captured.. yes I believe we will achieve victory in this war. But I wonder at what cost." "Master?" "Tarkin is right about one thing Twilight the Jedi should of stayed out of this war. We must end this conflict before we truly lose ourselves." Celestia said. She continued to meditate as they speed to the surface of Raxus. They had been deployed ahead of the main ground invasion to take Sepertist Congressman and current Head of State now that Dooku was dead Bec Wiseman back to the Republic to sign a Peace Accord that would unconditionally surrender the Confederacy of Independent Systems to the Republic Senate. The LAAT must have hit atmosphere because the engine hum that had been just a quit whisper in the cabin was now almost so loud that Celestia couldn't keep her focus. What was clouding her vision to the true nature of the force? With Skywalker becoming a sort of stand in for the Palpatine Administration on the Jedi Council how long was it before The Chancellor was deciding jedi affairs. The Jedi on Corascant had grown too trusting of Palpatine for her taste. The man played a good character, but Celestia didn't buy it. His actions showed he was at the very least, trying to consolidate his own power. And some of the things he did were so at odds with the Jedi it was a wonder that they didn't despise the man. It worried her that it was Skywalker too. At one point Celestia had been interested in training the young boy in the ways of the Sentinel, but her offer had been rejected on the basis that she already had a student at the time in Sunset, and that Anakin already had a Master in Obi Wan Kenobi. At the time she had accepted the wisdom of the council without question but when she had rescued Twilight from the Hutt clans of Nar Shadda when she was only an infant she felt something special in the girl that she couldn't ignore. The Force was very strong in Twilight, Her skills with a lightsaber were improving at a rate that only a savant of the force could do. All her free time was spent locked in her quarters reading the sacred archives of the Sentinel libraries; a recording of history all the way back to the Prime Jedi, or at least what survived. She had mastered levitation, force push, and jumps. But she still lacked the defensive training to really outmatch any adversary. She had never crossed Lightsabers with those taken by the dark side. And she hoped she never did. Celestia suddenly sat up drawing the attention of her apprentice who had started talking to one of the Null clones. "We are here" She said as a laser blast slammed into the side of the LAAT Tearing the door off in an explosion of heat that singed the Jedi's cloaks. "Hold On! Were going down!" The Pilot shouted in their ears. "Mayday Mayday this is LAAT two six charlie niner, we've been hit by enemy fire and are preparing for emergency landing in the City. We have Jedi Generals down repeat jedi gene-" Sunset blasted another group of battle droids that rounded the hall at them. Her and Inferno Squad had reached the turbolift that would take them to the bridge. Halfway through the lift stopped dead in its tracks. The Clones looked at each other then at their jedi general before the turbolift suddenly started to descend at incredible speed, Sunset was momentarily thrown off balance before she stood up and cut a hole in the top of the lift. She jumped through and her clones joined her on the roof of the lift and readied grappling hooks to their blasters. Sunset took her own Grapple out and aimed for the nearest door. The hook caught and started to repel her up with the rest of inferno squad. Below them the lift slammed into the bottom of the shaft in a fireball that Sunset could feel the heat from. The rappel took her to door and she quickly jumped out only to be met with a fury of blaster fire from perched Destroyer droids. She quickly pulled out her lightsaber and blocked the shots as her clones rolled droid poppers under and through their shields. A moment later the destroyer droids were disabled and they took off running towards the bridge. "Next time were taking the stairs general" One of the clones said. Suddenly he was hit in the face by blaster fire and dropped dead. B2 super battle droids rushed them with their wrist mounted blasters. Sunset felt a surge of anger at the death of her clones and without thinking she reached out with the force and felt a great energy sweep through her whole body and out her finger tips. An arc of luminous energy shot form her hands and into the droids which all spasmed and collapsed to the ground. Sunset suddenly felt very strange. She looked at her hand where the energy had come from. She thought that they should be hot from the bolts of force energy. But instead her hands felt very cold. Sunset realized what she had just done, She had reached into her hate in a moment of weakness and drawn from the dark side of the force. One of her clones brought her back to reality. "General we need to keep moving!" He said as a new line of droids began to chase us. Right, we still had a long way to go to reach the bridge. Still she would have to reflect on what had just happened later. Tarkin watched the battle unfold like a predator watching its prey. They had Boxed in the Separatists and so far intercepted their fighters before they could reach the Capital ships. But that couldn't last forever with the amount of fighters the Lucrehullks could carry. No. They had to destroy those ships first, but the line of smaller destroyers would make any attempted assault a suicide run. But perhaps that was what was necessary. "Order Captain Telliot to move to engage those destroyers. Deploy bomber squadrons to preform runs on the targeted destroyer." Tarkin watched as the Acclimator moved down the line drawing fire from the destroyers. Meanwhile Y-wings bombers bombed the hulls of the distracted ships. One exploded then another until the acclimator's shields could take no more and it was vaporized by the heavy fire. The Y wings destroyed one more destroyer before they were destroyed by droid starfighters. Tarkin silently regreted the loss of men but kept his composure for the sake of the living. They had opened up a hole in the Separatist battle line. He ordered the Capital ships in a arrow head formation and charged. "Heavy fire to all of our venators. Shields holding but they cant take much more!" An officer shouted. "Keep up the assault Target those carriers with everything we have." Tarkin said in a calm manner. A second after they had broken through to engage the giant carriers one of the circular ships suddenly thrust up behind the rest and began to open fire on the other separatist vessels. This must have confused the droid commanders as they momentarily stopped firing all together. Tarkin used this to his advantage and positioned the fleet to broadside the ships. The combined firepower of Tarkin's Fleet and the Lucrehulk that had apparently decided to help the republic forces quickly penetrated their shield and sent them tumbling down to the planet in a fireball of plasma and metal. Any remaining destroyers were picked off by Y-wings free of Starfighter fire. Tarkin Ordered the fleet to surround the last ship. He considered giving the order to fire when a comm officer sudden sat up to address him. "Sir the Separatist ship is hailing us." "On Screen." Tarkin said. A moment later a young Zabrak woman with red skin and a black flight suit appeared on the moniter with two clones on either side of her. "Evening Admiral, You looked like you needed some help." She said indignantly. Tarkin Did not take the bait but congratulated her instead. "An excellent used of tactics, I shall see too it that your master hears of this." To his surprise she actually blushed, or what could be considered a blush for her species. "Oh thanks.. But you might not want to include this last part. I kinda cut the main flight control station with my lightsaber while we were taking the bridge. We're losing control of our orbit." As she said that the ship began to tilt back and start to enter freefall. "Commander send a shuttle to pick them up immediately." Tarkin said to the the lead clone. "Thanks we will be in the hanger shortly. Did the ships get through?" Sunset asked. "The First invasion fleet accomplished your goal. We will construct a perimeter while your master carries out the ground assault. We will not be able to hold out if more reinforcements arrive. Make sure your master accomplishes her objective, or this battle will be pointless." He struck out an accusing finger. Sunset suddenly was pulled away from the monitor as one of the clones shouted. "They're cutting through the Door General!" "Lets get the hell off this ship boys. B- line to the hanger lets go!" A moment later the screen went blank and the transmission ceased. Tarkin looked at the carnage the battle had wrought. They had blasted their way through the heart of the separatists, but it would not hold long without reinforcements. He was taking an awful risk by coming here. But when Sheev had come to him with this plan, there was no way he could refuse. As if summoned by his mere mention Tarkin was informed that the Supreme Chancellor wanted to speak with him. Tarkin went to his ready room to receive the transmission. A dark figure huddled under a cloak stood their towered over Takin's desk. "Yes my lord." Tarkin said with as straight a posture as possible. "How goes the battle my old friend." Palpatine said. His voice that of a friendly fatherly figure concerned for his children. "We have broken through their defenses and have begun the planetary invasion." Tarkin responded with no hint of the pride he felt. "Gooood Goood. I trust that everything is in order for your true task to be completed." Palpatine said his face folding in a wide smile. "It will be done." Twilight Felt the crash before it happened. Through the force she was able to soften the impact. Many of her clone companions were not as fortunate as they were mercilessly slammed against the ground like rag-dolls. When it had finally stopped she was barley conscious, she felt the pain of the others. Their lives being cut out from the force all around her. The smoke that filled the gunship, a rising heat. And the voices, some cried out in pain others barked orders. She saw her master Celestia limp over to her and before she could say anything the Tagruta had picked her up and carried her out of the wreckage. She set her down next to a pair of clones who were bleeding from shrapnel that had pierced their helmets and embedded into their heads. Twilight had to hold back her disgust as one clone had a metal pipe that was stuck in his forehead. To her surprise the clone was laughing hysterically. "What do you got to be laughing about?" The clone medic said as he gave the injured clone medicine. The laughing clone suddenly stopped long enough to spit out. "Im... Im haha.. Im a Unicorn, becker hahah" "A what?" The Medic asked confused. But the laughing clone didn't respond. He was dead. "Ah Krayt-Spit" The Medic said before turning to look at her. "You okay Generals?" "I am fine, my Padawan needs attention." Celestia said. The medic moved beside her and scanned her once before physically examining her. "You have a Concision mamn. Should be fine, but you shouldn't be on your feet for a while. " He said. I turned to look at Celestia, through our bond I told her that I wanted to come since my lips did not obey my commands to form words. She felt it, and sent me a calm reassurance that everything would be fine. The force had a plan, and it didn't want them together on this mission. It wasn't good enough for Twilight but its not like she could go anywhere. In the distance she heard blaster fire and the sound of engines. Just then two Venator and one Acclimator star destroyer came down out of the clouds with a storm of starfighters supporting them. They crackled down like thunder unto the Separatist world. Whatever had hit their ship was probably destroyed in the barrage of firepower they rained down. Twilight could feel the pounding of the Turbolasers hitting the ground in her skull and suddenly cried out in pain. Celestia looked skyward as more LAATs circled their position and landed next to them. Clones hurried off it and began loading the injured. Before it touched the ground Sunset did a jump off of one and ran over to them. "Is Twilight hurt?" She asked her eyes wide. "Yes, She must rest. The taking of the city is up to you and me now." Celestia said putting her hand on Sunsets Shoulder. Sunset smiled but still looked sad at seeing Twilight like this. With Celestia's hand still on her shoulder she knelled down next to Twilight and her and placed her hand on Twilight's cheek. "May the force be with you" She said as they both reached out with a force heal. An Ability that Twilight herself struggled with, but that sunset and Celestia seemed to have a natural affinity for. She began to feel the bonds of the force healing her from the inside out. The pain was taken away and she drifted into a deep sleep as they loaded her onto the LAAT. Sunset Watched the LAAT take Twilight away then met up with the Republic forces that were emerging from the constant stream of troops and vehicles from the Star Destroyers. A column of hulking AT-TE Walkers marched toward the city proper through what felt like a ghost town. All around them garbage and objects strewn everywhere as if the citizenry had dropped everything and ran before they got there. It was good news for the Jedi as this operation was going to be hard enough to justify to the Jedi Council even without collateral damage. Sunset hated that word. But it was an accurate description of non combatants who were unlucky enough to get in the the way. The Separatists believed they were morally superior for using droids in their armies instead of flesh and blood. Sunset thought that was a cowardly way to fight. Celestia was using one of the AT-TE as a command center for their forces. When sunset walked into the cabin of the parked walker Celestia and Commander Shinning were looking at a holo-display of the city of Raxus Prime. "I say we take the walkers down the city square use trooper teams to clear the building along the way." Shinning was saying. "That leaves us too open to attack. A safer route would be the abandoned Aqueduct system under the city. We can enter it from this access tunnel" Celestia pointed to a location on the map. "With all do respect General if we get attacked down there we will get boxed in. There is no way out." The Null Clone said. "Its large enough to fit walkers if we take them in single file. When we emerge we will be within striking distance of our target, the force will provide cover for us." Celestia Said. Sunset saw the clone get frustrated. "Look we're on a timeframe here so we need to decide what to do not sit around meditating on it. I'll follow your orders; but if you lead us into a Firefeking trap then I will personally take you out." Shining said as he stomped off in his armor. "He doesn't mean that master. A lot of clones died today, that tends to really light a fire in the clones hearts." Sunset said. Celestia looked at the holo image and faded it out with a wave of her hand. She stepped out of the back of the transport with her apprentice and they both started moving to the position Celestia had indicated earlier. They reached it soon enough. A pipe that opened out onto what used to be a lakebed. Now dry from changes in the planet due to Civilization. Celestia drew her light saber and was the first to enter. Her Saber giving off a bright yellow glow that filled the dark expanse of the void. "It must run under the whole superstructure to the city" Sunset said looking at the seemingly endless tunnel before them. "Nobody has been here in a long time." The first walker came in and further lite up the tunnel as Celestia and Sunset lead the battle group into the unknown. Commander Shining had been right, the Aqueduct was a trap. They were attacked twice not by battle droids, but by flesh and blood Civilians armed with blasters. They hadn't been much of a threat with the Jedi here, but they had managed to destroy the lead ATTE causing the whole column to be stopped while the tried to move it. He was talking to the jedi when he got and urgent alert. Marked top secret from sector 000. Shining went to the side of the lead ATTE where his null brothers were attempting to move the wreckage. He taped the tiny holo projector and saw the face of the man he had been breed to adore. Only he was changed now. Scared, deformed. But it indeed was the supreme chancellor. His master. "Commander Shinning.. The Time has come." > Order 66 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corescaunt, Office of Princess Cadance of Crystonia When the images of smoke rising at the Jedi Temple started to be broadcast across the holo-news many traffic lanes slowed to stare at the flames that consumed the halls of the jedi. Directly above republic cruisers were locking down the area. Senator Bail Organa had left in a hurry to the Jedi Temple and to the Dismay of many senators he had not returned. Cadence herself could not sleep. Outside her office window she could see the orange flames, painting the sky like a new sunrise over Corescaunt. Her protocol droid interrupted the somber mood that had settled over her,when it rushed into her office. "Excuse me my lady, but a encoded transmission from Senator Mon Mothma has been received. She wishes to meet with the members of the delegation of two thousand aboard her starship" It said. "Tell the senator i'm on my way." Cadence said with one last look at the destruction of the Temple. One thing remained certain the jedi and possibly the republic were in grave danger. Raxus, Ancient Aquduct under Raxus Prime Sunset and her Master were leading the armor through the narrow straightway of the aqueduct. A dozen Troopers behind them. Commander Shining had fallen back to one of the walkers to attempt to contact Admiral Tarkin. They had little time to take the Senate building, locate the Seperatist leader and extract him. The irony that after the battle of corescant the republic would attempt a similar operation was not lost on her. Celestia had stopped for a moment and seemed to be lost in thought. "Master?" Sunset asked. "We are not alone." Celestia said, drawing her lightsaber. In the darkness up ahead a blaster bolt rang out and struck Celestia's lightsaber deflecting off back where it had come from. For a moment the light from the blaster showed a dozen shadowy forms. Behind them the clones took up a firing postion and opened up. The dark figures fired back, but were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of blasters pointed at them. Behind them more blaster fire but Sunset couldn't identify from where. While she was focused on that she saw a rocket propel forward into the lead walker. It exploded into a fireball that threatened to burn them all in the tight space. But Celestia and Sunset acted quickly using the force to deflect the fire away from thier troopers and and back at their enemies. The one who had fired the rocket launcher was now set ablaze. She screamed in agony and crumpled to the ground trying in vain to put the fire out. I looked at the sight shocked. The insurgent was a teenage Zebrak. They were not of the same lineage but that somehow made it worse to see her charred remains. She would not get the funeral rights they observed. Commander Sinning ran up behind them. "Generals, are you alright?" "Yes commander, it appears we have found the civilians." Celestia said with a hint of sadness. "They used access tunnels to hit us from behind too. These ones aren't dressed like military." He looked back at the destroyed ATTE. "KraytSpit this is gonna take awhile to move. I knew we shouldn't have gone down these blasted tunnels" He said as his holocommicator chirped. "I need to take this. The Admiral is growing impatient." Shinning joined his null brothers who were already setting up explosives to blow the wreckage in half and let the rest of the walkers through. Sunet joined her master who was hovering over the corpse of the zabrak who had fired the rocket laucher, her skin still smoked. "Tell me Sunset." The Jedi Master said. "How do we as defenders of the peace justify this?" "She fired on us first." Sunset said. "She was defending her home. I sense their are more of them through out the tunnels and underground. Yes many of the civilians have been evacuated to shelters." "Why wouldn't they just send more battle droids?" "I do not know." Celestia said gravly. "But to put innocents on the front lines the separatists must be desperate. I fear that by the end of this day we will have done many things that we will come to regret." Sunset put her hand on her master's shoulder when she felt a terrible impression from the force. Celestia felt it to and they both nearly collpased from the overwelling terror they felt. A great shift in the force had occurred. Many bonds she had formed with Jedi she had known her entire life were severed. Thousands of voices cried out in the darkness, and were silenced. Then they heard the voice they had heard in their nightmares. The voice that had so long blinded the Jedi from seeing the truth, in that moment it was unmistakable that the lord of the sith spoke words of power. "Execute Order Sixty Six!" What happened next happened so fast Sunset barley had time to react. Commander Shinning and the Nulls lined up with their brothers and surrounded the jedi on all sides. They all fired at the same time barley giving the Jedi a chance to draw their lightsabers. "KILL THE JEDI!" "GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS!" "EXECUTE THEM!" Sunset sent a blaster bolt back at a trooper and hit him in the helmet. She realized she had killed him but had no time to react. Her and Celestia formed a defense circle and kept deflecting blaster bolts. She felt an impression from Celestia and reached out with the force with her to create a whirlwind of force that knocked the troopers off their feet. They took advantage of the situation to sprint away from the homicidal clones. They had put some distace between them when they heard an exswplosion. A moment later the ATTE had cleared the wreckage and opened its heavy cannon on them. In the tight space they had nowhere to go. The blast through them both off their feet. Sunset hit the ground hard and struggled to recover. Celestia was up before her and was catching blaster bolts with the force with one hand and deflecting them with her lightsaber in the other. She stood between the clones and Sunset, as she tried to get up. She felt an intense pain in her chest, one of her ribs was broken. Celestia gave a valiant effort, but she was targeted by the ATTE's main weapon. It fired, and Celestia moved forward with all the power the force could give her. "Master! Get back!" I tried to stop her, but the blast exploded on her force shield before it broke. Celestia was flung like a ragdoll a landed with a sick thump. I Ignored the pain and hobbled over to her. She was badly burned and one of the horns on her regal Tagruta crest was bent at an unnatural angle "Cease fire! I cant see anything!" A clone called from behind. "Master! Master Please wake up!" Sunset said out of breath, behind her the clanking of armored bodies approaching fast. Celestia looked dazed but she focused on Sunset's face and looked into her eyes. She smiled that same sweet motherly smile that had greeted her when she first came to the Jedi Temple. Sunset felt tears falling down her face. "Do not cry my faithful student.." Celestia said, her voice a whisper. "Remember who you are Sunset, follow.. the.. force." Sunset screamed as Celestia's body disappeared in her arms. All that remained were her Jedi robes torn and burnt. Where had she gone? Had she become one with the force? "Over Here!" "There she is!" Sunset turned around to see the clones coming right for her. Without thinking she reached for Celestia's lightsaber with the force and ignited it with her own. The first clone that appeared out of the smoke she decapitated with a quick stroke. Two more saw her and opened fire. She reached out with the force around their throats. The clone troopers were lifted into the air before being dispatched as she snapped their necks. She felt the power building inside of her again. But this time, she had lost the only person in the world she cared about. The loss still fresh and new, combined with the betrayal of the clones sparked a white hot hatred inside of her. Jedi or not, She gave into her emotions and let the dark side guide her. Sunset deactivated both lightsabers and drew on the force. A line of troopers along with commander shinning were rushing her. She hated them, all of them. Sizzling bolts of energy were released from her fingertips and into the troopers. They all screamed in agony as she tortured them. She savored their pain and turned her attention to the roof of the tunnel. She grabbed onto it with the force trying to pull it down on the walker and caving them in. It gave way easily. Such power, it was incredible. Why had the Jedi forbid this? The Rocks smashed down onto the walker, hitting some of the remaining troopers and burying them. She turned to leave, but Commander Shinning ran out of the dust surprising her. He stabbed at her with his wrist mounted vibroblade, which she avoided with ease. "Traitor!" He spat. Sunset turned her lightsaber around and removed the Null Clone's hand when he got too close. He screamed and fell back. Sunset was about to finish him off when more clones opened fire on her. They had already started to break through the cave in. One of them tossed a thermal detonator, Sunset caught it in the force and through it back. Using the opportunity to escape. She was running on pure survival instinct and ran with the force. She ran for miles and miles of winding tunnels and pipes before she stopped for a moment to think. She slide her back against the wall and sat with her hands covering her face. Silently she cried there for a few moments before she found the courage to move on. Her master was dead, and the clones had turned on them. Her first priority was to find out if this had happened all across the galaxy. She had felt hundreds of Jedi be killed through the force. All of them violently. She looked at her comm unit and risked a transmission. "Twilight this Is Sunset do you read?" Sunset said. She waited for a response that never came. She wondered if it was just being underground. Or if she had been murdered by the clones as well. She had to get off this planet and return to the Jedi Temple. She pulled up the map that they had constructed through scans before entering the Aqueduct. There was only one way out according to this. The exist near the Separatist senate building they had planned to assault. Those people that ambushed us must have come from somewhere. I felt along the wall feeling through it with the force. I felt something hollow inside. There were creases in the wall too perfect to notice. I backed up from the wall and drew back a force assisted kick. Nothing. I drew both lightsabers and but them through the wall cutting a human sized hole. I removed the chunk of wall with the force. A narrow hallway barley big enough for her to squeeze through. A row of dim lights were on the walls leading off into the distance. I took a deep breath and entered. Raxus Orbit, Victory 1 Star Destoryer 'New Dawn' Command Bridge The Republic fleet had successfully repealed a Separatist counter attack when the droid ships had suddenly shut down. Reports coming in from around the galaxy confirmed this was not an isolated incident. It appeared that the clone wars had reached their conclusion with the droid army being mysteriously shut down. Tarkin had watch the declaration of the new order through secure channels. The newly crowned Emperor Palpatine had described a horrible plot by the Jedi to usurp the republic by assassinating him. The response? Complete destruction of the Jedi order. Tarkin admired the man's dedication to doing what was necessary. But destroying the Jedi tall task. As long as one Jedi was left in the galaxy their antiquated religion would persist. "Admiral, Commander Shinning hails us from the surface." A clone technician said. "Put him through." A miniature hologram of the null clone commander appeared at Tarkin's console "Admirial. We received orders to kill the Jedi traitors. The Master is dead but her apprentice disappeared into the tunnel." The clone Commander said. "Double your search Commander, but do not forget why we are here. Continue to your target but be advised we have a new objective for you. Once you reach the senate building infiltrate the security network and bring down the planetary shield that surrounds the city."Tarkin said. "Sir are we going to attack the city from orbit?" "All you need to know is that we need that shield down. Until then find the remaining Jedi, execute both of Celestia's apprentices or you will find yourself on the wrong side of the Emperor." Raxus Orbit, 'New Dawn' Medical Bay. Twilight awoke to singing. She hazily opened her eyes. She was back on board the ship; in the medical bay by the looks of it. A pretty human female with a long white lab coat and curly pink hair sung a song that i did not recognize as she changed my bacta bags. "How long?" I whispered my voice horse. I must have frightened her because she jumped back. "Oh you're awake! You startled me you know?" "How long have I been out?" I repeated. "Several hours, the bacta is healing the concussion you suffered but it need more time to take effect." She said. I noticed for the first time that my hands were restrained. I looked up at the doctor with an obvious question on my face. "Sorry we had to restrain you. Sometimes aliens regets the bacta we use and can induce spasms, this facility was made to treat clone physiology after all." "wonderful." Twilight said sarcastically. "Wheres my master, did they bring the Seperatist leader in?" I asked. "I'm afraid I wouldn't know such things. I'm only a field doctor and not really a part of the GAR. But I am an expert in alien biology so when you came in I knew I could help you. Although I must say its a once in a lifetime chance to study an jedi, your anatomy is different then the base-model of your species. Your muscles are stronger and your cells seam to be supercharged and regenerate faster." She said. Twilight didn't have time for this. She wanted to rejoin her master and the fight. But the restraints kept her from moving except for slight movements. "Look that's really fascinating but I have to get out of here so why don't you undue these restraints?" Twilight said. "I'm afraid I cant risk it until you've healed more. Don't worry the procedure should only take a few more hours." The prospect of spending a few more hours with this bizarre doctor who seemed to have an alien biology fetish disturbed her. She reached out in the force to her master. She felt it but there was something else that overwhelmed her all at once. She felt a great darkness sweep through the force and a thousand jedi lives all ending simultaneously. The lights in the medical bay turned off and were replaced with a red emergency light that winked on and off with the sound of the ships alarm going off. The ripples I felt in the force almost made me pass out from the sheer terror of it. My bond with Celestia too was severed. What had happened? So much death, so much darkness. All this almost took me away from the waking world and I barley noticed when the medical bay's door opened and a dozen clone troopers filed in. Without a word, they drew their rifles and fired.