> Diclonius Queen of Equestria > by Garnet Naturea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ok, say Grimm!” The man behind the camera says to us. “Grimm!” We say in unison as he takes the picture. It takes a sec before I get the flashes to disapear before my eyes, but through it all, I have a smile on my face. I look to my left at Adam as he rubs his eyes, his mask above his brows, then to my right as Alexandria, or just Lex straightens out her short orange dress. Oh! Sorry, let me introduce myself and the others. My name is Natali Basatin, but most call me Nat. I am the middle in terms of height when it comes to the three of us, being an average five foot eleven, a bit taller than my character but whatever. I am currently wearing a pink wig that sometimes covers my right eye, a red Ascot, a black dress, pink shoulder-less shirt, black and grey stockings, and black flat shoes. For those who couldn’t tell, I am cosplaying as the Diclonian Queen: Kaede/Lucy/Nyu from Elfen Lied, though I am missing a pair of horns. I made the mistake/choice of watching Elfen Lied when I was 16 and, even though the gore and nudity were a bit of a turn off, I really like Lucy/Nyu and her story, mainly cause I can relate to her. No, I do not have a crush that I would kill for or invisible hands or Vectors. Instead I have, well... ”Nat pay attention, the photos are done.” an agrravated voice said from nowhere. ‘Sorry, sorry!’ I think aloud. Yes, I have a voice in my head. No, I am not crazy. Legally anyways. But anyways, yes I have another personality living in my head. She calls herself Sorano, where she got that name I have no idea, and she has been with me for over 7 years now after I got hit by a truck. No, seriously I was walking home from the pool when some guy just comes speeding though a parking lot and sent me flying! I was out for a couple days, but when I came to, Sorano was just there in my head. My doctor thinks she was made as a defence mechanism for whenever a stressful situation arises, but I digress. Anyways, me and my friends are at San Diego Comic-Con getting a group picture of the three of us before we go to meet some voice actors and get some new merchandise for each of our respective fandoms. I am looking for some Elfen Lied or Pokémon stuff myself. “Hey, Nat. Ready to go to the merchandise booths?” I get my copy of the picture and look left at Adam as he asks. Adam was dressed as a rather appropriate attire of a black jacket with white markings and a red rose of its back, a red t-shirt, black pants and black shoes with a familiar looking mask on his face, covering his brown eyes. Yup, Adam is dressed as Adam Taurus from RWBY and has all but his weapon. “Yeah, c’mon Nat, I wanna see if I can get some more Celestial Keys for my collection! Or maybe a pair of Wind Reader glasses!” Lex exclaimed. She was in a blue wig with an orange band on it, a knee high orange dress that showed her back, where a familiar mark was shown. Lex was dressed as Levi from Fairy Tail. Rather appropriate consider she was rather short like Levi, but also ironic as she is the oldest. “Alright, alright were coming.” I said with a chuckle at Lex’s excitement. ”You know, there are some rather nice looking cosplayers around this place.” Sorano said teasingly, causing me to instinctively look around then blush as she was right. ‘Damn it Sora! Please don’t do that. You know I am not ready for anything yet.’ I thought to her embarrassed. “Hey, Nat you ok?” Adam asks, looking back at me. He sees my rather large blush and looks around, realizing what happened. “Sorano teasing you again?” He deadpanned. I merely nod and he sighs, before making sure no one was paying attention and looks directly at my forhead. “Sora, stop teasing Nat, we both know she’ll look for someone when she is good and ready.” He says in a scolding yet brotherly tone. I heard Sora sigh then go quiet as I take a breath of relief. “Thanks Adam.” I say now more relaxed. “No prob. You told me how much teasing Sora can dish so I just act accordingly.” He responds. “Hey! You guys coming or what?!” Lex yells impatiently from ahead of us. “Hold you horses, we’re coming. Just talking to Sora.” I reply, to which she goes ‘Ah’ and nods. I was really lucky to have these two. We’ve all been friends for almost a decade now, and aside from my family, they are the only ones who know and actually interact with Sorano. Though I did have to let her ‘take control’ for them to believe me. See Sora is not like me. I am rather shy around new people, I am rather childlike and, despite being a pretty good runner, I prefer to do ‘nerdy’ things like read, watch anime, and play video games on my off time. Like my doctor said, Sorano ‘comes out’ whenever I am in a rather stressful situation, ranging to tests to when some guys tried to take my laptop while I was outside the public library. Sorano is confident, focused and strong but also cold, violent, and aggressive. Hence why I like Elfen Lied so much. The three/four of us walked the isles of booths, ranging from comic stands, gaming booths, video stands, and everything in between. I even saw some booths with stuff from popular YouTube series like Glitchtale, RWBY, RvB, Death battle and so on. Of course Sorano’s comment from earlier made me eerily aware of all the cosplayers around, mostly those with ‘risqué’ costumes. That really shocks me that they even got through the front doors since I saw some kids around as well. Anyways we were all walking around, seeing some interesting merchandie, taking selfies with other cosplayser, and trying to haggle a sale from a few booths. We spent about half an hour just aimlessly wandering around the area when I heard Adam calling for me and Lex. “Hey girls! Come check this stuff out!” Lex and I immediately turn and go to Adam who is looking at what could only be described as a menagerie of merchandise. I mean seriously! There was stuff from practically every show and game I have ever seen and then some! I was so entranced by all the stuff I almost missed the merchant behind the beautiful madness. I have played plenty of games before, including some I was technically to young to play, so I was pleasantly surprised when The Merchant from Resident Evil 4 walked out from the back. His outfit was perfect, it looked like he had every bit of ammo from the game in his pockets. It only got better when he spoke to us. “Hello strangers. What’er You buyin?” It was at that point I had a grin that some would compare to the Grinch’s in size. “Hello merchant, I like the selection here.” Adam said with a bad impression of the merchant compared to his. He begins chuckling at his response. “Heh heh, thanks for the response, you have no idea how hard it is to use that voice.” he said in rather relaxed Texan accent. ’Hey, somthing seems off about this to me. I heard Sorano say. I barely raised my brow and thought, ‘what do you mean?’ ’Not 100% sure. Just be careful.’ she said cautiously. I look around the booth for a bit before my eyes fall on three certain object for us. I see a pair of Wind Reader glasses, Adams weapon: Wilt and Blush and finally, the item that drew my eyes: a pair of Diclonian horns on one of those head bands. I nudge Adam and Lex and point to the three items of interest, Adam lifting his mask to look at the katana/shotgun sheath properly. “Hey, how much for the Wilt and Blush?” Adam asks. “The Wind Reader glasses too.” Lex interjected. Before he could respond I raise my hand and point to the horns, silently asking for its price. “Heh, well, for the Wilt and Blush that’s about $250, the glasses I’ll sell for $100 and just for you, I’ll give you this.” He said, reaching into a drawer and pulling out what looked like a scroll with the Fairy Tail emblem on it. Lex raised her eyebrow at it and asked, “What’s that?” He responds in a rather calm voice, “This scroll has all the potential words for Solid Script Magic.” That caused Lex’s eyes to widen and for her smile to widen. “Deal.” They said in unison, taking out their wallet and purse respectively. I look at the merchant while pointing at the horns again, too shy to talk again. The merchant, even though he is wearing a bandana over his mouth, smiles at my shyness and brings the horns up from for me. “These little beauts go for $25 for you kiddo.” He said joyfully. I merely smile and nod giving him a twenty and a five before taking the horns and putting it on my head, the horns coming out on the sides of my head like little ears, while Adam loops his weapon onto the sides of his pants and Lex puts her new glasses on. “Alright, you three. Enjoy you trips.” He said as we turn to leave, making us confused at him. ’Natali! Something's wrong! Take off the horns!’ Sorano says in alarm. My eyes widen in panic and I reach up for the band, only to feel my hair. I feel around my head and actually feel my horns on the sides of my head. I look left and right as Lex and Adam seem to stubble, and I start to getting a headache. ‘Sora what’s...happen-’ I couldn’t finish the thought as I saw a bright flash and a sudden feeling of the floor disappearing beneath me. ”NATALI!” > Chapter 1: Everfree Arrival (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I faintly hear what could be the buzzing of insects or maybe a light? Either way while I am coming too, I can also hear a certain someone groaning in the back of my mind. With some effort I mange to pry my eyes open and am rewarded with a straight view of the canopy of a forest. The was some rays of light peaking through, but luckily non directly onto my face. I manage to regain some semblance of control and slowly sit up off the grassy ground and start to look around. All I see is trees, rocks, a small pond and some flowers. It take a few seconds for my senses to truly catch up, but once they do my eyes widen and I quickly jump to my feet. “The hell?!? Where are we?” I ask to no one, but I did get an answer. ”Looks like we were knocked out and transported to some forest, duh.” Sora said in what could be called and irritated deadpan. After Sorano said this I begin to frantically check our body to make sure nothing happened it us. ‘Ok feet with 5 toes each: check. Hands with 4 fingers and 1 thumb each: check. Legs clear so any scratches and arms still same length with no marks: double check.’ I take a deep breath, before check the places I was scared of. ‘Breasts: normal, no sign of groping or playing. Stomach: still thin and without any signs of problems.’ I gulp as i check to last area. ‘Groin:... no sign of use.’ I give a huge sigh at that observation and begin to rub my head to calm down. It was at that moment I noticed something off. I am supposed to be wearing a pink wig, but I don’t feel it. I take some hair and move it to my face and see the same shade as the wig and Lucy, but its not a wig. “The heck? Did someone decide to dye my hair while we were knocked out?” I say aloud. ”Uh, Nat? Feel around the sides of our head. Something feels off.” I hear Sora say in concern. Confused I begin to check the area from my ears to my temples, then freeze as I feel something. I feel around it and it feels hard like bone and curved into, what I image would look like, animal ears. I go blank with confusion before looking at the pond and deciding to walk over and look at myself proper. After I reach the pond and look at my reflection, both of our minds go blank at what is looking back at us. I should be looking at a young women with short black hair and blue eyes. Instead what we are staring at is a face all too familiar. Shoulder length pink hair and shiny eyes a deeper shade of pink to our hair. We were looking at the face of Nyu. I am not sure how long we sat there both trying to process what was looking at us, but once I got my senses back I jumped back but not with an ‘eep’, with something else. “Nyu!” I exclaim in alarm. After I realized what I say I quickly cover my mouth, my eyes as wide as dinner plates. Sora at that point ‘came back’ and I could here her mumbling to herself. I take a moment to stop and think. “Ok. So we look like Lucy, and I say Nyu when alarmed.” I say aloud. At that point I realize my voice is higher pitch. ”Nat, please tell what I think happened, didn’t happen.” Sora said in a surprisingly pleading voice. “I-I’m not sure. I mean we look like her and I sound like her, so maybe..?” I respond cautiously. Sora was silent for a moment before responding. ”Well, there is one sure fire way to see if we became them.” I raise my brow at her, then realize what she is thinking about. “Maybe, but how do we do it?” I say, more to myself than Sorano. I begin to think back to the show, and try thinking of the Vectors as arms, since look like arms. I expected to feel some pain or discomfort, but all I felt was a weird stretching sensation on my back. Looking back my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of their sockets. Looking behind me, I see the distorded outlines of four large arms with closed fists. I just sit there staring at the Vectors for who knows how long before Sorano decided enough is enough. Before I could react I had a feeling of being submerged and I look through what looks like a window. “The heck?!? Sora! A little warning next time!” I shout in our mind. ”Well sorry, but it looked like you wouldn’t be moving any time soon. Besides it might be safer for us if I stay in control till we are out of this forest.” she responds in a rather monotone voice. Sora looks around and we are about to move when we hear the rustling of a bush from behind us. Sora turns to look and we see a pair of glowing yellow eyes looking back at us through the bush. Sorano frowned looking at the eyes and says threateningly, ”Hey! Buzz off whatever you are! We are not in the mood for this.” This seemed to work as the eyes dissapear into the forest. This doesn’t last long as we heard a bunch of howls and turn just in time to just back from some swipe. Sorano looked back to fight only to pause as we see what is in front of us. We were looking at a pack of wolves, but they were not made of flesh and fur. They looked to be made of wood ranging from branches, twigs, leafs and grass. It was at this point I was glad Sorano was in control. I looked at the wolves through my ‘window’ from my mind and I just couldn’t stop from asking aloud, “WHAT THE HELL!?! What are Timberwolves doing here?!?” Oh yeah, that’s somthing I forgot to mention. Sorano and I are closet Pegasisters. Me for the characters and adventures, Sora for the lessons and situations. We started watching a year after my incident and its one of the few things the two of us enjoy together. Anyways after my exclamation, one of the wolves thought to capitalize on our distraction and tried to pounce and maul us. Emphasis on tried. Almost by instinct two of the vectors shot forward and hitting the wolf back through the air and through a tree by the clearing. The other wolves looked back at their fallen pack mate in shock before looking back at us in rage. Sorano looked back at the Vectors, then looked at the wolves with a menacing grin while cracking her knuckles and neck. ”Well, and here I though this was going to be boring.” she said with barely restrain bloodlust and glee. I just facepalmed and thought ‘these wolves are SO dead.’ The wolves decided to go into standard hunting positions with three of them circling us what two more stay in from hoping to keep our attention. Sorano merely crosses her arms and smiles at what the largest and probably alpha of the pack. Soon we were surrounded on all sides, but Sora didn’t look worried, in fact she looked exited at the prospect of a fight. We all stay there looking at one another, the wolves waiting for the perfect moment, Sorano merely waiting for the massacre to start. At the gust of a breeze, it starts. The Wolves to the left and right of us pounce forward, hoping to grab our legs to keep us immobile, but they barely get within two feet of our legs before being grabbed by some Vectors, lifted up, spun around and thrown away into some trees like garbage. The wolf infront of us thought we were distracted by its pack mates and tried to pounce and get a bite out of our throat or shoulder, only for three Vectors to shoot forwards and, with enough speed and force to act like blades, slice the wolf into kindling, its green saplike blood being splashed around the area. All the while the Alpha watched on in barely noticeable rage and shock, mostly the former. Meanwhile the one other Timberwolf that hadn’t entered the fight, the one directly behind us, just looked on, then began to walk back in fear for its own life. The Alpha sees this and growls a command to attack, but Sorano turns around and looked at the smaller Timberwolf, her hair covering her face and making it so they can only see their left eye. The young wolf is too scared to fight and before long, turns tail and runs away. The Alpha looks at Sorano, not even trying to hide its rage, before letting out a loud howl, with odd green wisps coming out of its mouth, the remains of its fallen pack being draw to him, just adding to its size before stopping as all the bits are collected. The wolf once only about 4-5 feet in length and reaching our waist was now easily triple in size! I read some fanfics here and there for MLP so I knew this would be a tough fight. “Sorano be careful! This thing can regenerate from the nature flora around us. We need to somehow either set it on fire or blow it up.” I say to Sora. We look on as the wolf seemingly waits for us, likely being cautious of our Vectors. We both begin to brain storm ideas on how to beat this thing, when one idea comes to mine. In the Elfen Lied manga, there was a point where Lucy got so mad, she hit an island with her Vectors with enough force to make a nuclear level explosion. Now we couldn’t go that strong but it could work. “Sora, I have an idea! Use the Vectors to launch us into the air above the wolf then focus on one Vectors to vibrate to explosive levels.” I tell Sorano. I could see her eyes widen at the thought. ”Are you nuts?!? We’ll get blown up along with it!” She shouts back at me. “Maybe, but remember, we aren’t human right now, we are a Diclonius. They have extreme durability. Remember when Lucy got shot, BY A MISSLE.” I say back to her. Sorano stays silent before having two Vectors boost us up and into the air well above the Timberwolf Alpha. ”If we die, we will be seeing if its possible for a ghost to kill a ghost.” she says in a rather calm voice. We begin to fall towards the wolfs head as it raises up, intent on catching us down its throat. We are barely 5 feet away before one of the vector, blurry due to the level of vibration, shoots forward directly between the eyes of the wolf. The result was a large explosion of force, loud enough to be heard for mile, and a big dust cloud being set up into the sky. Once the dust begins to settle, all that’s left of the Alpha is a few broken pieces of wood. Us on the other hand were merely levitating (Vectors holding us up) above the carnage we had cause, with only some dirt and sap on our outfit to show for the battle. We slowly go down to the ground, before carefully looking over ourselves and dusting ourself off. We both stayed silent for about a minute before a large grin broke across our face. “WOOHOO!!!” we yell victoriously in unison. We begin to look around for any sign of enemies before relaxing a bit. ”I cannot believe that worked! I will admit that was awesome!” Sorano says in excitement. I was silently squeeing in our mind. After we calmed down we began to think about to our current situation. “So now what do we do?” I ask lamely. Sorano doesn't respond, instead she just uses the Vectors to get us above the trees and begins to look around. “What are you looking for?” I ask in curiosity. ”Well if there are Timberwolves here, I figure we might be in the Everfree forest. If we can figure out where...””We could fine Ponyville or maybe Canterlot.” I finish. It takes a bit, but we eventually see Mount Canterhorn, where the royal palace was located. Then we fine the Castle of the Two Sisters, a bit to the east of us. Looking west we found Ponyville, but something was clearly off. The ground by in Ponyville looked like it was missing textures like in GMod, there were pink clouds and what look likes its being overrun by chao-. Our eyes widen when we think that and the realize just when we are in the timeline: Discord’s return, during the premiere of season two. ”Not good. Do you think maybe we should help?” I begin to think about what we could do, then gain a determined expression in my eyes. “Let’s go. We may be in Equestria, but that doesn’t mean this will follow the timeline of the show to the letter.” With that though in mind we began walking towards Ponyville to see if we can help stop a certain draconequus. Earlier in Ponyville a certain purple unicorn was all but dragging her so-called friends to her house to stop Discord when a large explosion went off a few miles in the Everfree. “What the buck was that?!?” She shouted in alarm. She thought about going to investigate but looking at her ‘friends’ she chose that she would look after that damned draconequus was back in his stone prison. > Chapter 2: Chaotic Introductions. (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took maybe half an hour, but eventually we finally managed to get through the forest and to the edge of Ponyville. At least we think it was the edge. It is kinda difficult to tell when the place looks like what happens when a bunch of Gmoders are given free rain of a map for a few hours. The ground had the ‘missing textures’ checkerboard-ness, there were cotton candy clouds flying around the place, and I think I saw a herd of rabbits with freakishly long legs running in the distance. Basically patented Discord chaos. ”Eh, seems pretty tame it terms of chaos. At least compared to what humans have done and made, in reality and fiction.” I hear Sorano say aloud. I just sigh and shake my head. “True, for us its childish, but you have to remember the ponies of Equestria like to control literally everything from the weather to plant growth and animal care. For them, this might as well be the wasteland from Fallout.” I point out before ‘taking control’ of our body again. “Now then we need to find the main six and see if there is some way we can help.” I say determined, beginning to walk into town. I look around the nearby areas of what used to be Sweet Apple Acres, just with six foot tall apples and popcorn fields. After I pass it I come to the town proper an begin looking for the group of six ponies. I barely look for five minutes before I hear a all too familiar voice shouting. “Fine! Leave! See if I care! I don’t need you guys either. With friends like you who needs...” the voice begins to get quiet and then pause so I rush past the building I was next to and see something I both was and wasn’t expecting to see. Barely a block away from me stood the current student of Princess Celestia and Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle. Only she doesn’t look like the one I know of. First of all she isn’t on four legs, she is bipedal, with legs ending in hooves, arms ending in hands, attached to a human like body, but with a pony muzzle complete with a horn. She is wearing a white dress shirt beneath a violet vest with her cutie mark on her shoulders, and a purple knee high skirt and the Element of Magic atop her drooping head. I stood just stood there, as mine and Sora’s minds try to process what we were seeing when she finished her sentence with “...enemies” and the colour seemed to be drained from Twilight, leaving her completely gray with a single tear falling down her face, splashing into a broken heart shape. My eyes widen as I realize when we are, just too late to stop Twilight from turning into her depressed opposite. ”Or maybe we are too early to help.” I heard Sora say as I begin to follow Twilight through the town. ‘What do you mean?’ I thought to Sorano, not wanting to be spotted yet. ”Well think about it. It may seem bad now, but if this is following the shows timeline, all we have to do is wait for Twilight to get home and see her old friendship reports from the princess.” She pointed out, my eyes widening as a plan begins to come together. ‘And maybe when she is back to normal, we can help them get back together and help take down Discord faster!’ I finish. If we were separate people, you would probably be seeing two huge grins. So with a sorta-plan in place I continue to follow Twilight through town, seeing all sorts of wieldness like levitating pies, a random pony walking at a 90 degree angle, and ”Oh hey! There’s Screwball!” Sora says in surprise and said pony stops and waves at us. I just shyly wave back before she continued on her way. Although, when Discord showed up and began to mock Twilight I did have to pull Sorano back to stop her from just sicking on him. Even back home just watching the show, Sorano hated when Discord mocked Twilight. That’s one thing Sora and I share, is our protective instincts when it comes to friends and family, but while I would try to moderate and talk things out, Sorano would be the first to pull a punch, or in most cases kick to the groin if it concerned guys. After a few minutes Twilight makes it to the Golden Oaks library, which oddly looks untouched from all the chaos around it. I began to wonder if maybe Twilight put some defensive runes on the tree to stop magical thieves or something. As I was thinking that Sora was watching the tree through her ‘window’ (my eyes) and notices a bright flash from one of the second story windows that she recognizes as Twilights room. ”Hey Nat! Looks like Twi’s back in action.” She says, retuning my attention to the waking world. ‘Well, time for introductions.’ I think as I walk to the front door to knock. Only for said door to fling open and for Twilight to literally run into me, sending us to the ground. “Oof/Nyu!” We say respectively. I open my eyes to find Twilights violet eyes staring back at me, our face only a few inches from each other. We stay there for a bit before both of our face erupt into larges blushes as she gets off me with a start. “Ahh! Oh, oh my gosh, I-I’m sorry! A-are you okay!?!” She stutters in a frantic tone. It takes a second for my mind to come back before I push myself up with a soft ‘Nyuuu..’ as I rub the back of my head. “Uh, here.” Twilight says, offering me a hand up. I pause for a second before reaching up and she pulls me up to my feet, noticing we are about the same height if you don’t count her horn. “Um, thanks.” I say quietly, damnit what does my shyness have to act up now! We just stand there, awkwardly staring at each other, before getting interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I look around before looking down to my right and see a more familiar face. Spike the dragon. He looks the same as the show just a bit taller, with a pair of ripped jeans and a green hoodie with Twilights cutie mark on the right part of the his chest. “Sorry to interrupt this amazing meeting between you two, but Twilight, we have to hurry and find the girls!” He says urgently. ”What the? Wasn’t Spike too sick from all the friendship reports being sent back to help Twilight in the battle with Discord?” Sora says in confusion. ‘I guess that this world isn’t follow the original timeline to the letter?’ I think back to her with a unnoticeable shrug. Twilight just gasps. “Your right Spike!” She turns to me, “Sorry about this be we don’t have time for introductions right now. Spike and I have to find my friends and remind them of who they were.” She says determined. I pause, then nod with a ‘Nyu!’ and a determined gaze of my own. “In that case, let me come with and help!” I tell them. The unicorn and dragon duo look at each other before shrugging at one another. “Ok then, let go!” She says before turning and jogging ahead, Spike and I soon catching up with her. While we are running she turns to me with a slightly sheepish grin. “Oh yeah, I never got your name. Mines Twilight Sparkle, and the little dragon is Spike.” She introduces herself, with Spike giving a nod and thumbs up. “My name is Natali, but please call me Nat.” I respond with a smile as we reach the outskirts of the chaotic Sweet Apple Acres. ”What? Not going to introduce me?” Sora says with mock indignation. ‘You can introduce yourself once this is all over.’ I tell her back with an unnoticed eye roll. The three off us begin to look around for the apple member in question, myself noticing and being slightly disterbed by the flying pigs, Big Mac acting like a dog and other oddities, before making it to the barn and seeing the greyed out apple farmer herself complaining with lies to... a tap dancing Granny Smith? ”Ok seriously, WTF? This is going past chaotic and into absurd.” Sora complains. ‘Agreed.’ “Applejack! I’m here fight for our friendship!” Twilight says, puffing out her chest in pride and determination. Before Big Mac shows up from the ground, startling her and giving her a lick. ”HAHAHA! Ok, that is even funnier in person!” Sora says between hysterical laughs. I just sigh and look back at AJ, then immediately cover my nose as what I am seeing. Even greyed out, AppleJack is wearing one of those classic ‘hot farm girl’ looks and making it work perfectly. A plaid shirt tied under her bust with her bra barely noticeable, a pair of short jean shorts showing off her muscular legs, with a lasso attached and, of course, her most noticeable and constant characteristic, her currently greyed out, brown Stetson hat. In the back on my mind I can clearly hear Sorano wolf whistling. ”Damn! And here I thought some of those cosplayers were looking good.” she says, seemingly genuinely impressed. All the while I am willing myself not to have a comical, anime-style nosebleed. I barely managed to get myself under control when I notice Twilight had tackled AppleJack and was placing her horn agains her forhead, reminding AppleJack of deeds and giving her her colour back. AppleJack get up a bit, shaking her head to clear it. “What happened? Twilight!” She says getting up a walking to her friend. “Ah saw a vision of us feudin and fightin. Ah couldn’t face the truth so, ah started tellin lies.” She takes off her Stetson and places it against her heart. “Can ya ever forgive me?” She asks, her voice full of remorse. “I already have. C’mon!” Twilight responds before running past me and Spike, AppleJack in tow. While running AppleJack notices me and asks, “Well, howdy there. My names AppleJack. Who are you?” I make sure to keep my eyes on her eyes as I talk, “My name is Nat, I offered to help Twilight get you and the others back to normal.” She nods with a smile, “Well thank ya kindly. I don’t wanna think what she mighta done had she not have help.” She says. “Well actually it was Spike and the princess that kept her from being discorded, I just offered to help after she ran into me.” I say, looking at the smaller drake, who was giving me an appreciative smile. I just nod back at him with a smile of my own. It took a while but eventually we found Fluttershy, flying around her house acting like a huge jerk to her animal friends. “Alright, this is going to be tough. I need to make direct contact with my horn for the spell to work.” Twilight tells me, AJ, and Spike. “Well, how are we going to get her down here? She doesn’t care right now and none of us can fly.” Spike points out. AJ was going to suggest something before I beat her to the punch. “I can get her down.” I say then look at the apple farmer. “Applejack, once she is down, use you lasso and keep her still as Twilight uses her spell.” The trio look at me in confusion, but before they can question it, I extend one of my Vectors and launch myself towards the normally shy Pegasus, leaving two ponies and a dragon to pick their jaws off the floor. Twilight turns and notices a hand print firmly placed in the earth where I once stood. ‘What was that?’ She thought to herself before snapping herself and her friends out of their stuned states. “C’mon, lets go get ready for when they land.” She tells AJ and Spike, the duo nodding and following the purple unicorn. We were in the air, maybe a dozen feet from the Element of Kindness when she turned and notices us behind her. “Oh, and what are you supposed to be. A flying monkey?” She says in a mocking tone and smile. What she didn’t know was I wasn’t the one in control at the moment. “Just don’t hurt her.” I tell Sora, who just rolled her eyes. ”Really? A ‘flying monkey’? That’s all you could think of? I expected more from the animal caretaker of Ponyville.” Sora said in an equally mocking tone. This makes Fluttershy do a double take and grind her teeth in anger. “What was that?” She says with venom. ”You heard me. Though honestly, I think calling you a yellow, bipedal pigeon works even better.” Sora says with a carefree yet mocking grin. I see Fluttershy’s ears flatten on her head and I could practically hear her teeth grinding against each other. ‘That’s it. Get mad.’ We both think. Not long after that though Fluttershy rushed at us, arms cocked back ready to punch. Too bad for her, we were ready. As she is about to hit us, we drop down faster than she can react, then come behind her and put her in a dual arm lock, and wrap a Vector around her legs and wings each. “Hey! Let me go you bitch!” She ‘shouts’ at us in rage. ”Sorry, but I think It’s best for all of us to go to your cottage and get you back to normal.” Sora said in a, paradoxically, mocking yet genuine tone. In Fluttershy’s cottage Twilight, Applejack and Spike were waiting for me and Fluttershy to come through. “Hey Twilight, do you have any idea how Nat suddenly went flyin like that?” AJ asks her friend. “I am not sure Applejack, but whatever it was, it seems really strong.” Twilight responded, causing AJ to raise a brow. ”What do ya mean strong?” She asks. “Well after she left I noticed a hand print in the dirt behind where she was standing. Whatever launchered her also had enough force to leave a rather deep imprint in the dirt, but I can’t think of anything that could do that.” Twilight explained, the two of them now scratching their chins in thought. Spike meanwhile was looking out the door for any problems when he notices me and Fluttershy ‘flying’ down to the door. “Girls, get ready their here!” He shouts to the two elements. They jump up from their spots, Applejack with her lasso and Twilight charging her spell. I come through the door with Fluttershy still struggling in my grip. “Damnit, stop struggling already!” I say in frustration. This just seems to motivate her to try harder as she starts thrashing her head and I could feel her wings were tensing beneath my Vectors. “Applejack get ready!” I shout to her before tossing a flailing Fluttershy through the door. Not even a second after she hits the floor Applejack has her hog tied and Twilight places her horn against the bound Pegasuses head. The yellow Pegasus slowly opens her eyes looking back at the four of us. “Oh No! Twilight, Applejack, Spike! I just had the worst dream.” She says as AJ unties her. She then turns and notices me and I can get a proper look at her. She is wearing a deep forest green jumper that go’s to her waist and a pink skirt reaching down to her ankles, her cyan eyes looking at me with surprise. “It wasn’t a dream, was it.” She says sadly. Before the others can react I am infront of her holding one of her hand and place it my other on her shoulder. “No, it wasn’t. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Your back to normal and now you can help us get the rest of your friends back and stop Discord.” I teller her softly, with as much reassurance as I can muster. She looks at me, eyes wide with surprise and soon get a small smile and nods in determination. “Right. Oh! We haven’t been properly introduced. My name is Fluttershy.” She says, her voice gaining a confidence we didn’t expect from her. I just smile and reply, “And my name is Natali, call me Nat. And sorry for those hurtful things we said to you.” I grin sheepishly at the confused glares from the other girls. “Oh, its ok. You were just doing what you had to to distract me.” Fluttershy says with a smile, one I couldn’t help but return. The five of us soon leave Fluttershy’s cottage, myself in the lead on the way back to town to find the other three element bearers. While I am ahead and looking, the others are questioning Fluttershy about what happened between us. “Well, we were in the air and I was insulting her, but she just started mocking me back. I got so mad I actually tried to hit her.” Fluttershy admits shakily, causing the others eyes to widen. “Wait, wait, wait. So that girl insulted ya to the point ya’ll would attack her?” Applejack asks hotly, causing Fluttershy to let out an ‘eep’ and hide behind her mane. Applejack takes a breath and apologizes to her shy friend. “Well, yes. But something seems different about her now compared to then.” She says in thought, again causing the others brows to rise. “What do you mean different?” Twilight asks. “Well, clearly she is nicer, but also her eyes seemed to have more life in them, and her voice isn’t as deep as before when it was just us.” Fluttershy elaborated. Twilight takes that begins to think about what she knows about the Diclonius. ‘Hmm... she clearly is stronger and faster than she looks, she has some weird magic of some kind that acts like arms, seemingly lets her fly and she also seems to have some sort of alternate persona when using them.’ She frowns thinking that she should know what is going on with me, but she just can’t think of what she can do. “Also I have never seen a creature with two sets of ears before.” Fluttershy added randomly. This causes Twilights head to whip back to look at her yellow friend. “Two sets of ears?” She questioned, Fluttershy merely pointing back to my head, the others just now noticing my human ears and my horns. “How are we just now noticing this?” Spike asked. A few minutes later we arrive at Carousel Boutique, the ground to the sides of it warping up into little checkerboard hills. “Great, now we have to deal with a greedy Rarity.” Spike said with slight disdain. ”Huh, little guy must be pretty pissed that his mare got turned opposite.” Sorano commented blankly. The five/six of us walk into the shop and I was in for a big surprise. Literally, the place was acting like a Tardus, it seemed pretty small outside, but the place was huge! Though there was a large boulder in the front room, the unicorn in question... talking to it? ”Ok what. Did Discord somehow turn Rarity into Maud or something?” Sorano commented in annoyance. “What are you doing here!?! GET AWAY FROM MY GEM!” Rarity shouted at us. “Now calm down Rares, we are just here to help.” Applejack says trying to calm the greedy mare down. While she does that I suddenly get a rather devious idea on how to distract her. ‘Hey Sora, you thinking what I’m thinking’ I ask with a mental grin. ”Oh yeah, time to play keep away.” Sora says with her own grin. As the three mares and dragon try to reason with the unicorn, the boulder begins to suddenly levitate into the air and move around. “What the? Who is doing this?!? Who is touching my precious gem?!?” Rarity demands impatiently. The boulder ‘levitates’ over to me and rests above my head. ”Oh, I’m sorry. Is this what you want?” Sora asks, pointing at the hovering rock. “How dare you! Give it back to me now!” Rarity demands in rage. Sorano gains a sinister smile. ”You want it? Try and get it.” Rarity yells and jumps to grab the ’gem’, only for Sora to move it to the side with her Vectors. Rarity recovers and tries again. And again. And again. This goes on for a few minute and, little by little, the mare is wearing herself out. On one last jump Sora positions the rock so when it moves, Rarity runs face first into a wall, causing all present to visible wince in pain, before she falls down on her back. I take this moment to drop the boulder away from us and quickly pin the tired unicorn just in case, wrapping on Vector around her horn for good measure. “Any time now Twi!” I tell her, knocking her out of her daze. After the spell is cast I can get a good look at the returned Element of Generosity. Her cloat and mane, dispite the game of keep away, is still near perfect. She is wearing a sky blue t-shirt with a royal blue overcoat, a matching royal purple dress skirt to go with and some rather ‘fabulous’ eyeshadow. Coming to, she locks eyes with me, before lightly blushing as I am still pinning her. “Ahem, could you please release me?” I just nod with a blank expression on my face while helping her up. “Thank you.” She said before opening the door to the boutique with her magic and teleporting the rock outside before throwing it clear across town. “Let us never speak of this again.” She says with finality in her voice, to which the others nod. ”Nope, going to be holding this above her head for eternity.” Right after we leave the boutique Rarity begins to look me over with a critical eye. “What?” I ask simply with a raised brow. “Well darling, I must say, if not for the dirt and grime, this outfit of yours looks absolutely fabulous. I didn’t think pink would work so well with black. So dark and mysterious, while also seeming joyful and upbeat.” She says swooning over my Lucy cosplay, causing me to blush lightly. “What? This? It’s just something I threw together. Now you should talk to my friend Lex. She is the one who designs most of my clothes after all.” I say with a smile, only to frown as I remember that I may never see them again. ‘Lex. Adam. I hope you two are ok.’ I think to myself, Sorano somehow taking control of a Vector to pat my back. Twilight noticed my attitude change, but chooses not to comment on it. ‘She must have been separated from her group during Discord’s chaos. Well, we’ll just have to help her find her friends after this is over.’ She think determined, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike having similar thoughts. After wandering the town for a bit we come across the discorded element of laughter Pinkie Pie, although with her mane flat like that, I can’t help but get flashbacks to a certain video with a very misleading title and shudder. This doesn’t go unnoticed by the others. “Ya’ll ok sugarcube?” Applejack asks in concern. “Yeah, I’m fine just a little chilly.” Not entirely a lie, as my outfit isn’t exactly well insulated. “Here darling.” Rarity says giving me her overcoat. “Thanks Rarity.” “Ok, now how are we going to keep Pinkie in one place?” Twilight thinks aloud, causing the others to think as well. I just look at them with a raised brow. “What do you mean keep her in one place. She is just walking around looking all grumpy.” I ask in confusion. They all look at each other, trying to think of a way to convey their thoughts. “Ya see sugarcube, Pinkie can be a wee bit...unpredictable, to put it mildly.” AppleJack explains. “Ha, that is severely understating it. At this point I think she might be related to Discord with how much she ignores reality and the laws of physics.” Twilight says in exasperation. I just raise my brow again and think, before a rather obvious though comes to mine. “So Pinkie doesn’t seem to follow the rules of physics and reality, right?” The group nods, Twilight begrudgingly. “And being discorded turns you into your opposite right?” I continue, the group nodding in confusion. “Then since Pinkie is her opposite, shouldn't she be forced to follow the rules?” I ask with as raised brow, everyponies eyes widening at the idea. “Aw nuts, now I am having second thoughts about turning her back.” Twilight said, earning a glare from everyone present. “Kidding, kidding!” she says quickly. “Ok then, lets just pin her or something and have Twilight use her spell.” I say aloud as we get closer to the grayed out mare. Before she can react, AppleJack uses her lasso to tie up the unsuspecting earth pony and after she falls I just sit on her back to stop her from rolling away. “What the!?! Hey, get off of me!” She yells in frustration and tries the wiggle around and get loose. “Huh, you were right. If she were herself we would have caught a balloon Pinkie or something.” Twilight says in surprise, before quickly charging her spell and casing it on the still bound mare. Once she gets her colour back I get up and get a good look at the famous party mare. I was honestly surprise at the simple clothing she was wearing. Just a pair of blue jeans, a white and pink polo shirt with a jean jacket with her cutie mark of three balloons on her breat pocket. After AppleJack helps her up she looks around a minute before locking eyes with me, her deep blue pools staring directly into my rose ones, before she lets out loud gasp, then suddenly her muzzle is pressed against my nose. “HiI’mPinkiePie!Ihaveneverseenyoubefore!Areyounewintown?What’syourname?Whatareyou?Whenisyourbirthday?Doyoulikeparties?Whydoyouhavetwopairsofears?Doyouwann-“ by the time she got to that question, I jumped in shock, landing hard on by butt with a ‘Nyu!’ Of pain. “Well, looks like Pinkie is back!” Spike said trying not to laugh at the situation before him. Fluttershy quickly comes over and helps me up. “Oh, are you ok Nat?” She asks in concern. “Yeah, I’m fine. I more surprised that anyone-“ “Anypony.” Fluttershy interjects. “-anypony can ask that many question that fast.” I finish. “Ah warned ya. Ah said she was unpredictable.” AppleJack said, her hand over the pink mares mouth. I just nod at her and she lowers her hand, Pinkie immediately taking a large breath to continue the barrage. Before she could, I raise my hand to stop her and talk. “I’ll answer your questions later. Right now we have to find the last element.” I tell her, causing her to nod in a way I think a bobble head would be jealous of. “Ok, where would a discorded Rainbow Dash be?” Twilight asks, each of us thinking on where she could be. “Maybe she is at home?” Spike suggests gaining all our attention. “I mean she is the essentially the element of betrayal now. So, maybe she would just go home and read a book or something.” He explains. “Huh. That’s a good point. Good job Spike.” I tell him with a smile, causing him to blush lightly and scratch the back of his head. “Alright. To Rainbows house!” Pinkie announces as we begin walking to the chromatic Pegasus cloud house. We finally make it to Rainbow Dash’s house, and Fluttershy goes to check when I notice something. ‘Hey Sorano? You ok? You’ve been awful quiet ever since we got Rarity back.’ I question my other voice. ”Huh? Yeah, I’m fine Nat. It’s just...where has Discord been all this time?” she responds, clearly in thought. ‘What do you mean? In the show he was just screwing around until the main six got back together.’ I ask, rather confused for at her worries. ”Yeah, but even then, Discord is a spirt of chaos. He should have felt the flux generated by the elements being restored, and yet I haven’t seen or sensed hide nor hair of him.” she responds. ‘Yeah but...wait sensed?’ I ask in confusion. ”You mean you haven’t felt it? Ever since we helped AppleJack I have been getting this weird feeling, like I can sense what is around us in terms of magic, even now. Its almost like I have a magical Byakugan or something.” she explains. My eyes widen as I have been getting this weird feeling, like that buzzing you get at the beginning of a brain freeze, but without the pain. I have to put that thought on the back burner for now as Fluttershy comes down from the cloud home. “She isn’t there.” She says worried. “Without Rainbow Dash we can’t use the Elements.” Twilight says. “She could be anywhere by now. We’re never gonna find her.” AppleJack says distraught. As the girls and Spike worry about what they are going to do, I think back to what Sora and I were talking about. ‘Maybe..’ I close my eyes and focus on the feeling I have in my head. “Nat, do you have any ideas?” Rarity asks, only to get worried and confused when she sees me with my eyes closed. “Natali? Are you ok darling?” She asks concerned, gaining the attention of the others. “What’s wrong Natty?” Pinkie ask in her normal bubbly nature, but before she could continue, I cover her mouth with a Vector without opening my eyes. “Quiet. I wanna try something.” I tell them calmly. I begin to block out all the sensations around me, just focusing on the feeling in my head. Suddenly, I see something odd. They look like streams, but going though the air, each with a different colour and flowing at a different speed. Looking around, I realize I am not using my eyes but my Vectors. They are vibrating at an unknown speed letting me interact and see the magic of the world itself. They continue to search, going this way and that, before I find what I’m looking for. A dull, almost rust-like red that I somehow know as the discorded Element of Loyalty. ‘Got it.’ Quickly opening my eyes, I am greeted by several pairs of eyes starring directly at me. “Nyu!” I shout in surprise, jumping back a bit. “I told you girls she was going to freak if you got that close.” Spike said from behind me. “Sorry Nat, but you wouldn’t respond to anything we said.” Twilight said as she helped me up. “It’s ok, I honestly wasn’t 100% sure of what I was doing before I was doing it.” I explain, though this causes Twilight to raise an eyebrow. “And what were you doing anyways?” I just smile and turn around before spotting a certain cloud. “Finding Loyalty.” I say pointing at the cloud. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yells up to the lounging Pegasus. “Hey guys!” She shouts back. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” “That’s nice.” “Discord is still on the loose. We need you to help us defeat his with you element: Loyalty!” she shouts up to her. “Loyalty, Shmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It’s a disaster! I’m staying here in Cloudsdale where everything’s awesome!” she announces, flopping onto her cloud. “How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is possibly Cloudsdale?” Rarity questions. ”The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a precious diamond?” Sorano says, taking control before I can stop her. “I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.” Giving me the stink eye. I just raise my hands in defence. “Time for plan B!” Twilight announces, looking at Pinkie who just salutes before vanishing in a Pinkie shaped puff of smoke. A few minute later we were floating above the snoozing Pegasus in the shows famous hot air balloon. “Ok Fluttershy, you grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down. Then AppleJack with lower me down from this ropes so I can cast the memory spell on her.” Twilight instructs the pink mane Pegasus. “Got it!” She whispered (said completely normally) with a salute before zipping down to Rainbow. “Are you sure it was the best idea to use Fluttershy to hold Rainbow?” I ask quietly, knowing what was about to happen. As she was about to respond Fluttershy just pokes Rainbow, waking her up. “Um, just wondering if I can hold you down against your will for a little bit.” She asks, which earned a facepalm from me, Twilight and Spike. “Nice try! Ponyville is your problem not-“ She didn’t get it finish before I interrupted “OH FORGET IT!!” I yell before jumping out of the balloon “NATALI!” The girls yell, but I am not the one in control at this point. ”Your mine!” Sora yells tackling the athlectic mare out of the sky, the two of us falling. “Let me go!” She yells before landing a hard kick to our stomach causing us to lose our grip on her. “HAHA! So much for th-“ she get interrupted by a Vector fist to the gut sending her reeling through the air. She looks around angered, only to be shock as she sees up less than five feet away from her. “What the? How are you doing that? You don’t have wings!” she yells confused. Sorano just gives her the ‘Lucy Glare’, causing her to flinch in fear. Somehow she knows she is in trouble and begins flying around, several Vectors tailing her by mere inches. “OK seriously, what are you?!?” She yells at us, only for her to turn then for her eyes to widen in fears as we are mere inches from each other. ”I am the one who is going to put an end to this.” Sora answered before wrapping Rainbow in eight different Vectors and slamming her to the ground. The balloon containing the girls and Spike lands just as Rainbow is slammed to the earth, the group cringing at the impact. Sorano slowly lowers us to the ground before turning to the others, causing them to flinch and shiver from the glare Sora is giving them. Twilight. Spell. she says coldly causing Twilight to nod quickly before running to Rainbow who is still conscious, but completely immobile, giving her back her colours. “Huh? What happened? ‘Gasp’ How’s Ponyville? Where are the Elements? Did we stop Discord? And why can’t I move?” Rainbow asks quickly. Looking at her she is wearing a place pair of jogging shorts, a black tank top with a red sports bra and black workout gloves. Sorano quickly releases her from the Vectors, only for her to be grabbed into a group hug with the girls saying welcome back to her in each their own way. But it short lived. “OW! Let go!” She yells holding her gut where the Vector hit. “Oh dear, are you ok Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, worried for her older friend. ”Whoops, our bad.” Sorano says, only to pause and look back at the group who were all looking at us. ”I was not supposed to say that out loud.” she says sheepishly as I face palm, but before I can takeover Twilight walks up and asks the one thing I was afraid of. “Who are you?” > Chapter 3: Spirit of Chaos VS Diclonius Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorano just stands there, staring at Twilight as she looks them dead in the eye, an unreadable expression on her face. ’Ummm...busted.’ Sorano thinks in worry. Natali quickly comes to her senses and takesover their body and tilt their head to the side with, what she hopes is, a curious expression. “What do you mean Twilight? I told you who I-“ “I wasn’t talking to you Natali. Who is She?” Twilight interrupts, giving them her serious Twi glare, causing Diclonius duo to flinch. “Umm, w-well, uh...” Natali stutter, trying to find a reasonable excuse. ”Whoa, tread lightly Nat. Tread lightly.” Sorano stresses, causing Natali make an annoyed face. ‘Ya think?!? We both know what she is capable of and her past experience with alternative personalities.’ Nat think back to her, remembering their encounter with Nightmare Moon. “Wait, what is going on?” Rainbow asks, just now managing to right herself and not cringe in pain. The others look at her, before Twilight explains. “Every time Natali helps with getting one of us back to normal, she is using some weird magic I don’t recognize and seemingly turns into someone else when she is using it.” Twilight tells her, Rainbows eyes widening as she remembers her ‘fight’. “Oh you mean those wierd invisible things right? The ones that let her fly, hit me in the gut and pinned me?” Rainbow says. Twilight nods and goes to explain more but gets interrupted, ”Vectors.” Sorano said, once again in control. “Pardon?” Twilight says. ”They are called Vectors. Think of them as invisible arms with incredible strength that can vibrate at different frequencies.” Sorano explains, Twilight looking at them with curious eyes. “Vectors. I have never heard of such a spell as that.” Twilight says in thought. ”That’s because it isn’t a spell. It is a natural ability of ours, the same as with Pegasi walking on clouds, or Earth Ponies with helping in agriculture.” Sora explains to her, Twilight poofing in a notepad and quill to take notes of what they say. “But you still haven’t introduced yourself, silly!” Pinkie says bouncing around the Diclonius. The others look on in shock as Sora wraps a Vector around the pink mares torso and lifts her up. “Hey! Let her go!” Rainbow shouts, prepping to launch herself to ‘save’ her friend. ”Calm down. I just told you. The Vectors are like arms, I am just using them to lift her.” Sorano explains coldly, Pinkie giggling all the while as she is being lifted off her hooves. “Wheee! This reminds me of when I was a teenee pie and my momma pie would lift me up.” This causes Sorano to give a small smile and rock and toss Pinkie around like she was a little kid, the pink mare enjoying it all the while. The others look on, Fluttershy, Rarity, AppleJack and Spike gaining smiles of their own looking at their friend play around. The group relaxes as Sora places Pinkie back down on the ground next to her friends, much to her disappointment. “Aww! I wanted to play more!” She whines with a childish pout, causing everyone to giggle. ”Maybe after we take down Discord, I’ll let you play with them some more.” Sorano says with a smile, patting the pink mares head with a Vector. ”But for right now, my name is Sorano. Think of me as a second, more confident Nat.” she says with pride, only for her eyes to gain more life to them as Nat takes control. “Yeah, more confident. But you are also pretty cold when it comes to fights.” Nat says, coming back with a smirk. The group look at the Diclonius with a slightly worried gaze, but before they can ask some questions, they are brought back to the situation at hand when a trio of buffalo in ballerina outfits dance by. “I promise, we’ll explain what is going on with us later. But right now we need to put a certain Draconequus back in stone.” Natali says, the group looking back at each other, still worried about their new friend. ”How about this. I will Pinkie promise that we will explain later.” Sorano says looking back at the group, who all nod at the Diclonius. ”Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Sora says doing all the motions. With all said and done the group of eight begin to run into Ponyville proper, intent on finding a certain spirit of chaos, unaware of a pair of red and yellow eyes watching them from when Sorano and Natali explain their powers. “Interesting, looks like I’ll have to careful for once.” It takes a few minutes but eventually the group finds the Spirit of Chaos atop his throne next to a literal house of cards, with pies falling from the sky and a glass of chocolate milk in his talons. “Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing.” He says aloud, going to take a sip of his chocolate milk. “Not as wonderful as friendship!” Twilight says, the other Elements standing beside her, Spike and Nat just standing off to the side. “Oh, this again?” Discord says in mock exasperation, before drinking the cup of chocolate milk. The glass itself, not the drink. Before tossing the chocolate behind him resulting in a random explosion. “That’s right! You can’t break our friendship for long!” AppleJack says in defiance, stamping her hoof on the ground. Discord’s claw glows gold and said aura surrounding AppleJack’s element, dragging her to the mismatched creature. “Oh, come AppleJack. Don’t lie to me.” He says mockingly before surrounding the other girls element and dragging them to him as well. “Won’t you ever learn.” Twilight prepares to use a spell to get her friends, but Natali beats her to the punch, by running forward and sending a Vector to wrap around each girl, while slapping Discord’s hand as though he had it in a cookie jar. He merely rubs his paw and looks on, soon gaining a dopey grin. “I’ll tell you what we’ve learned Discord! It is that friendship isn’t always easy. But there is no doubt its worth fighting for!” Twilight says in pride as the other come up beside her, Spike and Nat included. Discord just stretches his neck out to be face-to-face with the purple unicorn. “Urgg, gag! Fine, go ahead try and use your little Elements. ‘Friend’ me. Just make it quick.” He says before teleporting back to his throne. “I am missing some excellent chaos here.” He says, gesturing to the odd landscape. ’Hey, something is off here.’ Sorano tells Nat within their mind. ‘What do you mean? It is following the shows story right now.’ Nat responds, once again confused by her companion. ’I mean in terms of magic. Right now that Discord only has about half as much magical power as Twilight.’ Sorano explains. Natali’s eyes widen before focusing on her ‘Magic Vector Vision’ and looking around, finding that Sora is right. ‘But that means...’ “Alright ladies, let’s show him what friendship can-“ Twilight wasn’t able to finish as Sorano quickly rushes past them and towards the draconequus. “Sorano?!? What are you doing?!?” Rainbow yells at her. The others didn’t get a chance to comment as Sora jumped, closing the distance and sending a couple of Vectors at ‘Discord’ “Oh and who are y-“ he gets cut off by the Vector separating his head from his body. The others look on in shock as the Vectors cut the draconequus arms, legs, and wings off before slicing his serpentine body into thirds. Sorano landed softly and continues on to inspect the corpse. It was at this point both Fluttershy and Rarity fainted, Spike and AppleJack fanning the unconscious mares, Rainbow and Pinkie turning from cyan and pink to green and Twilight just numbly walking to the Diclonius in absolute shock. “Sorano. Why?” She asks in a numb disgust. Sora doesn’t respond for a few seconds before standing up with a angry scowl on her face. ”I knew it!” she yells getting everponies attention, Rarity and Fluttershy just now waking up. “Knew what?” Spike asks in disturbed confusion. Sorano turns back to look at the group. ”Look at this ‘corpse’. Anypony notice something missing?” she says causing a few to look at the mismatched pieces on the floor. They look for a bit before Spike’s eyes widen in realization. “There’s no blood.” He says in shock. This causes the others eyes to widen and look closer and realize he is right. “What the? So, what? Discord doesn’t bleed or something?” Rainbow asks confused, before AppleJack walks up and grabs the lions paw and immediately feels what wrong. “What in tarnation? It’s made of wood!” She exclaimed in shocked confusion. This immediately causes all those present to look at her in shock. “Wait. You mean to tell me this Discord was just a puppet or something?!?” Rainbow shouts in surprise. “Wow, even I didn’t see that coming!” Pinkie says, causing the others to raise a brow, before shaking their heads, looking back at the broken puppet. “B-But if this is j-just a p-puppet, wh-where’s the real Discord?” Fluttershy asks while trembling. This causes the others to tense up and begin looking around the area frantically. ‘This is not good. Where is Discord?” Twilight thinks worried. The group begins to get close to each other in fear. While looking around, Pinkies tail begins to twitch rapidly. “Twitchy Tail!” She exclaims, everyone looking at her then above them, then immediately paling. Above them a hundred swordfish were falling towards them rapidly. “What the?!?!” Rainbow yells in shock. ”I got it!” before the ponies and drake have a chance to react, Sorano sends half a dozen Vectors to act as a shield, blocking the swordfish and throwing them around in different directions. After the last fish was repelled, the group begins to look around for any sign of what just happened. “What the buck was that?!?” Rainbow yelled in a panicked voice. ”Swordfish. Looks like the Spirit of Chaos isn’t taking any chances.” Sorano says in a monotone voice. “Ya’ll mean to tell us that Discord just tried to kill us?!?” AppleJack shouts in alarm. While they were panicking at this information, Natali was using her MVV to look for any large sources of magic. It takes a second before finding what they are looking for, and quickly taking control. “Well? Are you going to just hide behind your cards? Or are you going to come and face us?” Natali says, looking at the nearby house of cards. Everypony then turns to look at where she is looking, being rewarded by a familiar laugh. “Oh, and here I thought I could keep myself hidden and turn you into a group of kebabs.” the voice says as the familiar mix mashed creature walks out from his hiding place. Looking at the draconequus, the group could immediately tell, something was wrong with him. His eye colours have been inverted, with glowing red sclera and pale yellow pupils. ‘Um what? Why is Discord looking borderline evil instead of just being mischievous?’ Nat thought to Sorano as they switch again. ’Yeah, something is definitely wrong with him.’ Sora thinks back. “Discord! Surrender now! We have restored the power of the elements and will not hesitate to use them against you.” Twilight says to him, seemingly full of confidence. It immediately turns to confusion and worry as Discord just laughs, but not the mocking or joyful laughter they had been hearing up to this point. This was a genuinely maniacal laugh, which caused all present to tense up and for a certain yellow Pegasus to begin to tremble in fear. “You think those multicoloured rocks can possibly stop me?” He suddenly stops laughing and gained a deadly serious expression. “Then it looks like I’ll just have to take you all out of the equation.” he says raising his lion paw before snapping and summoning several medieval era ranged weapons, bows, crossbows, and a few cannons, all of which are pointed at the group. The girls look at the potential barrage of weapons that were about be launched at them in shock. “Buck.” Spike says, the others not caring if he curses. ”Twilight! Shield! NOW!” Sorano yells at the unicorn who snaps out of reverie and begins to cast her spell. Before it can close, Sorano jumps outside the shield, much to the shock of the group. “Sorano, what are you doing!?! You can’t fight Discord alone! Just wait so we-“ ”Twilight.” Sorano interruptes her, causing her to shut up and listen. ”Can you guys charge your petrifying spell, while holding up that shield?” Sorano asks in a cold seriousness that demanded an answer. Twilight stops to think for a minute before answering. “Yes, but while splitting my attention, it will take twice as long to charge.” Twilight says, Sorano just nodding before looking back at the mad Chaos spirit. From here the Diclonius can see an almost unnoticeable, turquoise ring around Discord’s eyes. ’You see that Nat?’ Sora questions, feeling Natali nod within her mind. Getting into a combat stance, her right leg forward, bent slightly, arms up and tucked in near her chin, Sorano stares down her opponent. Discord looks on with a cold gaze, the floating weapons prepping to fire. Time itself seemed to freeze, the wind, clouds, all the chaos around them just stopping, seemingly scared at the stand off between the two titans of chaos. Then at the drop of sweat from Twilights brow, all the weapons around Discord fire at the Diclonius, causing a large dust cloud to kick up around Sorano, the girls looking on in shock and fear waiting for the cloud to clear. A few seconds later, all that’s left from where Sorano stood was a scorched crater with tons of arrows imbedded in the ground. “So much for that.” Discord says in boredom, looking at the group who all stood, eyes wide, looking behind him. Discord raises a brow in confusion, before getting a strong feeling of dread. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk9bxwE7t1Y&index=13&list=LL3W4-IEzkJeEIFB22Bbtwgw&t=0s (Loop) ”Agreed, I expected a bigger explosion.” Sorano said in a monotone voice, barely an inch from Discord’s ear. Before he could turn, Sorano launched a few Vectors sending him flying a few blocks away, barely able to right himself before Sorano was in front of him again. ”Then again, this chaos is childish compared to what we have seen back home.” she mocks, wrapping him up. “Hmm. I see your Vectors are a rather handy set of tools. I wonder what you would do without them.” He says with a maniacal grin. Sorano’s eyes widen as she quickly puts distance between the two of them, throwing Discord one way and launching herself another. Discord rights himself and summons a few candy cane trees with sharpened tips and throws them at Sora who just uses her Vectors to shatter them in midair. ‘Be careful, we don’t actually know how the Vectors would react to normal magic, let alone chaos magic.’ Natali says in thought, trying to think of a proper plan to stop this Mad Chaos Spirit. She is thinking back to every opponent Lucy has faced in her story and trying to think of any comparison to their current enemy. “Well now. Let’s see how you like getting wrapped up!” Discord yells summoning several plunder vines from below them to wrap and stab Sora up. Sorano uses the Vectors to punch back the vines around her, before two large ones take up position beside her. ”Get back!” she yells, using two large Vectors to crush the vines while lifting herself up into the air. Without missing a beat the vines begin to climb their Vectors, Discord thinking it would drain them. “I’m going to put you in the ground!” He yells threatening. Sorano just scoffs and vibrates her Vectors, causing the vines to explode into dust, Discord’s eyes widening in shock. “Impossible! My vines are supposed to drain you of your magic!” ”If you had been paying attention, then you would realize that our Vectors aren’t magical, and aren’t coming from our body itself.” she says, secretly slithering a Vector behind the Spirit of Chaos. While doing this Natali notes that the Elements rainbow blast looks to be about 5/6th charged, the only element not glowing being Twilights as she is still holding her shield. ”But explaining it would be useless on a soon-to-be pigeon perch.” Discord’s eyes widen and he looks back at the main six, seeing their elements glowing and Twilight lowering her shield. “No! I won’t allow it!” He roars in rage, snapping his fingers, intent on destroying the elements and their bearer. Only for nothing to happen. “What?” He asks breathlessly, snapping his claws again and again. He looks back a Sorano, seeing a smug and mocking grin. “What did you do to me?” “It is really simple when you think about it.” Nat says, taking control. “Our Vectors vibrate at different frequencies, allowing them to do different things, such as turning intangible.” Discord raises a brow, before thinking and realizing what they are saying. “It smart right? All we had to do was find the organ that generates your magic and move it just a little bit so it wouldn’t kill you, but blocks you from using your magic.” She explains, distracting Discord from the rainbow blast about to be fired. DIscord just looks at the young women in shock and awe, before giving a genuine smile at her actions. “Well done.” He says, moments before the blast hits him, turning him into a statue once more. After he is petrified all the chaos around that begins to disperse, the trees and earth straitening out, the animals shrinking back to normal, the skies clearing up. Nat walks up to the statue, sensing that whatever was corrupting his magic was being destroyed. (Stop Music) “Don’t worry Discord. You won’t be stuck in here for long.” She whispers in promise. Nat turns to walk away, only to be tackled by six ponies and one drake. “Nyu!” She shouts in alarm, the group falling to the ground in a big hugging pile. “Your okay! Don’t you do something that dangerous again, you here us!?!” Twilight yells with the others giving their own input. The Diclonius duo just stay there for a moment, before using their Vectors to lift everypony off them and standing up. They look at their new friends, all held aloft in their grip, before bringing them in and using their Vectors for a true group hug. “Sorry, but you should know that it will take more than a mad Chaos Spirit to take us down.” Nat says in pride and full of an unknown confidence. ”Yeah, we are made of pretty tough stuff, and we’re stubborn enough to give AppleJack a run for her bits.” Sora adds, the group now used to the alternate personality. “Hey!” AppleJack says, realizing the last thing she said. This causes all present to begin laughing. “Well, now that everything is back to normal, we should send a letter to the princess and tell her of your guys victory against Discord.” Nat says to the group. Before they can respond however, there is a flash accompanyed by a duck quack as something falls on Natali’s head “Nyu!” She exclaims. Looking down they see what it was that fell on their head. “My purse?” On the ground before them was a scarlet red hand purse with the image of a pair of horns on the front side. Attached to the purse was what looks like a letter, just that was made out of cut outs of magazines pieces. Spike picks up the letter and begins to read aloud. To whom it may concern, If you are getting this that means I have been defeated and you are getting you stuff back. Hooray for you! Anyways, sorry I didn’t return this to you, but there was just such interesting items in this little bag. A device that can hold hundreds of songs? Yes please! Also I like the picture of you and your two friends. Such an odd trio. Anyways, despite what some may think I hate the thought of stealing, so I am only going to hold onto this stuff until such time I am defeated or I find one of the three being in the photo. If it is the former, the bag has been teleported to the area I have been beaten in so the ‘heroes’ can find it and return them to their rightful owners. Anyways, I can only use so much space on a sheet of paper, so I’ll just finish up by saying good luck and may the chaos guide you. Sincerely yours, The Spirit of Chaos, Master of Mischief, and inventor of cotton candy clouds, Discord. After Spike finishes reading the others looks at one another in confusion before looking back at their new, pink haired friend, who was looking though their bag. Nat quickly pulled out their IPhone 5s, fully charged (Likely from Discord) with headphones, their wallet, and the one thing they wanted to see most. The photo of themselves, Lex and Adam they took before getting displaced. Both personalities smile and look back at the Now petrified spirit. ‘Not so evil after all” > Chapter 4: A Merchant’s gift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sora and I just smile at the now stoned draconequus, thinking back to how he really wasn’t evil in the show, he was just a prankster with the powers of a god. He wasn’t like Bill Cipher or any of those other supposed ‘chaos users’. I look back into our purse looking for anything out of place. Unfortunately something was missing. “Huh? Where..?” I quickly lower myself and the bag and begin to empty its contents. My wallet, phone, headphones, and a replica Aura Reader from Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness fall out, but one thing is missing. I begin to look deeper, not noticing how a small green and black orbs and a folded up note fall out as well. “Natali darling? What are you looking for?” Rarity asks, the others equally confused by my actions. As I go to answer, Spike feels something bump his foot. He looks down seeing the orb and the note in confusion. “I am looking for my Zorua plushie! I know I had it in my purse before I got here.” I tell them, the girls surprised by my answer. “Pfft, a plushie?!? HAHA, that is hilarious, the badflank Vector user losing her favourite toy!” Rainbow laughs, only to shut up and freeze as she feels several of our Vectors hovering around her. ”You wanna go flying higher than you ever have before?” Sorano threatens coldly, causing Rainbow to shake her head rapidly, before dismissing the Vectors and helping me think of where my Zorua could be. You see, before we got sent to Equestria, we had managed to haggle a hand made shiny Zorua doll, with the Aura Reader for only $75, which was good since together they could go for $150. Most would think it is childish, and they are not wrong, but the Plushie was made so realistic and I really was hoping it was still in here. I try to think back, but get interrupted by Spike poking my arm. “Hey, Nat. I think these are yours?” He says handing me the orb and Note. “What the? I don’t remember buying a miniature dusk ball.” I say in confusion. Looking at the orb, it is barely bigger that a cherry and can easily fit between my fingers. I see the button meant to expand the ball and just figure ‘screw it’ and press it, not expecting anything to happen. Imagine our surprise when the ball expanded into the size of a soft ball within our hand. “Whoa! How did you do that?” Twilight asks, her curious eyes taking in every inch of the Dusk ball and drawing it onto a sheet of paper she poofed in. Meanwhile, my mind was drawing a blank on how this happened. I know we didn’t buy this ball, so how do we have it? ”Hey Nat! Try checking the note. Maybe it has some answers.” Sorano tells me, brining me back to the present. Quickly unfolding the note, I find a rather well written letter, as opposed to Discord’s mess. Dear Natali, If you are reading this then you have found my little surprise gift for you. I saw as you were passing the dimensional barriers you had a couple of things that didn’t go with Elfen Lied. Normally I would just ignore it, but I figure, why not be nice for a change? Especially for someone as shy as you, you could use a small companion. Anyways, if you found what’s missing and what’s new, I am sure you could figure out what I did. Make sure to take care of her, it took a while for me to get her ready. Enjoy your new partner! Sincerely yours, The Displaced Merchant. This causes my eyes to widen as I reread the letter a couple of times to make sure I didn’t miss anything than look back at the Dusk ball in my hand. ‘No way...’ “Well Nat? What does it say?” Spike asks, unable to see the note. I look at him, then at the girls, each of which have varying faces of concern and curiosity, before looking back at the ball and gaining a small grin. “You guys might wanna back up. Also Fluttershy? Try to control yourself when you see her.” I tell them, much to their confusion, Fluttershy in particular. But they listen to what I say and back up a few steps. I take the Aura Reader and hook it around my ear, finding it fits perfectly, before looking at the ball one last time and smile. “Ok. Come on out Zorua!” I say as I toss the ball into the air. It does nothing in the air for a few seconds, before opening with the iconic pokeball sound and a small beam of blueish white light goes down to the ground. I hear several gasps behind me but ignore it as the light bursts away. Standing there, about three feet away was a gray fox-like creature with a black shoulder fluff, a tuff of gray fur with light blue tip on the end, with two similarly coloured dots between their red eyes, standing on blue coloured paws. A Shiny Zorua. The area was quiet, the group behind me likely having eyes as wide as dinner plates and jaws on the ground, (in Pinkies case possibly literally) me with the biggest grin ever. The silence lasts a bit before getting interrupted by an adorable yawn from the dark fox. Before anyone reacts, my Aura Reader begins to beep and activates, a screen covering my right eye. Looking though the screen, it shows Zorua’s basic info like in the games. Zorua: Level 5 HP 21 Atk 7 Def 6 Sp.Atk 6 Sp,Def 5 Spd 7 Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Shadow Ball. That last one caught my attention as Shadow ball is a really powerful move. Looking back at the the tiny Pokémon, it is looking back at me with curious eyes. ”Zorua Zoru?” it asks, tilting its head. Before I could respond, a text box appears in my reader. ”Are you my new trainer?” it reads. I realize that it was actually translating what Zorua says. “Um, I guess so?” I respond lamely. Zorua gets up and walks to me as I crouch down to be closer to eye level with it. She starts sniffing me and walking around before sitting in front of me again. ”You look and smell like a human, yet also different. What are you?” Zorua asks. I think for a second before choosing to tell her. “Well that’s because I am a different type of human, called a Diclonius. We are like humans just with better speed, strength, durability and these horns.” I tell her, pointing at my horns. Zorua looks for another minute before getting up and jumping onto my shoulder. “What is it with you Pokémon and resting on your trainers shoulders?” I ask with a small giggle, getting up. ”Hey, its comfy up here, and I can see better.” she says with a small chuckle of her own. I turn back to the others with Zorua resting on my right shoulder, only to be greeted by a pair of cyan eyes looking at me and Zorua. ”Who the heck?” “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I have never seen an animal like you before, what’s your name, what’s your diet, where did you come from, what’s-“ Fluttershy asks rapidly before getting cut off by Rarity covering her mouth. “Now now darling, you’ll overwhelm the poor dear. Though I will admit I am curious myself.” Rarity says, calming the exited Pegasus down. I look back at Zorua before processing Fluttershy’s questions, one in particular standing out. “Actually, now that I think about it, how would you like a nickname, so we don’t just keep calling you Zorua all the time.” I ask her, already thinking of tons of names that would fit her. ”Really? You want to give me an individual name?” she asks in surprise, likely from not having a trainer before. “Well sure, but first I wanna know, what did you used to do for fun before coming here? That’ll help.” I tell her. Zorua looks down for a moment before looking at the sky in thought. ”Well, I used to live outside of Littleroot town in Hoenn before coming here. I didn’t do much aside from play with the local Pokémon like Poochyena and Zigzagoon. Though I did watch the night sky a lot, hoping to see a shooting star so I could meet a nice trainer. she says reminiscing. ’Well she is definitely going to get along with a certain princess of the night.’ Sorano comments, helping me narrow down the list of names. “Ok, so you like the night?” I ask receiveing a nod from the fox. “Well how about we call you, Selene?” She looks up at the sky in thought, before jumping onto my head from my shoulder and nuzzling there. “I’ll take that as a yes?” I ask, giggling at the sensation. “Oh my, she is sooo cuuuuttte!” Fluttershy And Pinkie say in unison. I just smile at our group before Selene jumps down from my head and walks over, to all our surprise, Spike. “Um, hi?” He says awkwardly, the small fox looking at him with curious eyes. Spike just looks to me for help. I take of my Aura Reader and hand it to him. “Put this on, it will let you understand her.” I explain before he puts the A.R on one of his fins where his ears should be, before looking at the Pokémon, who begins to talk to him, Spike replying in kind. I just smile at the duo before getting a tap on my shoulder, turning to see Fluttershy. “Um, so sorry for going off like that. It’s just I have never seen a creature like Selene before.” She says in an apologetic tone. “Eh, don’t worry about it Futters. Honestly, if I didn’t have my Aura Reader, I would probably be acting ever crazier than you were.” I wave worries off, earning a smile from her. Before she can begin to question me, Selene suddenly jumps onto my shoulder again, and Spike comes by and gives me the A.R. “Thanks Spike. I hope you two got along.” I say with a smirk, earning a nod from the dragon and fox. Before anything else happens, Spikes stomach begins to growl and his cheeks puff up, before letting out a large belch and a small torrent of green fire turning into a scroll with a sun seal. Twilight quickly grabs the letter and reads aloud. My Faithful student, I believe congrats are in order for you and your friends. I can see all the chaos around the realm being dispersed, so I see that you have managed to defeat Discord and end his impromptu rule of Ponyville. I expect a full report, and for you and your friends to come to Canterlot as soon as possible for a reward ceremony in your honour. I cannot tell you how proud of you I am Twilight. I’ll be sending a group of soldiers to come pick up Discord’s statue in a few hours after you get this letter, and I hope you and your friends will be on your way to the royal palace after. Again, congrats and thank you. Sincerely yours, Your proud teacher and friend, Princess Celestia. “Oh my, I have to get home and pack!” Rarity says urgently before rushing off to her Boutique. The other’s quickly realize they have to get ready as well, quickly returning to each of their homes, leaving just me, Spike and Selene in the middle of town. I look down at the shorter drake with a raised brow. “Well I’m going to the library to help Twilight pack. Maybe you should head to Rarity’s to get your clothes cleaned.” Spike says, pointing at my dirt and grime covered outfit. I just nod with a smile before leaning down and giving him a quick hug before walking off, not noticing the blush adorning his face. At the Golden Oaks library, Twilight quickly teleports in, and begins to grab her traveling kit for their trip to Canterlot. Good thing she was already packing when she was Discorded, so didn’t take long for her to pack both hers and Spikes things for the trip. After all that is done, she grabs a new scroll and quill and begins to write her report of the events after her and her friends left to find the Elements at the royal palace. Though when she got to the part after she got Discorded, she was struck with a dilemma. Should she tell the princess about Nat and Sorano’s abilities? Princess Celestia is a fair and just ruler, but some may see them as a powerful threat. Considering they were able to hold off and outsmart Discord and has currently unknown abilities that could be used for the detriment of Equestria. After some thought she chose to merely tell the princess that she made a new friend that helped her in getting the others back to normal, and saying that they will explain in greater detail face-to-face. After all that is written out she rolls up the scroll and places a seal on it, ready to send. “Spike! I need you to send the letter please!” She yells out to her assistant, only to get no response. “Spike?” She calls out, before remembering she only teleported herself and facepalming in embarrassment. She quickly get up from her desk and prepares to look for her assistant, before the door to the front opens and the drake in question walks in. “Oh Spike, sorry about leaving you like that. I was so worried about packing, I didn’t reali-“ Twilight cuts herself off, looking at her young companion. He seemed to be lost in thought with a barely noticeable blush on his scaly face. “Spike? Are you ok?” She asks. Spike shakes his head and regains his bearings and looks back at Twilight. “Huh? What was that Twilight?” he asks. Twilight just looks at him before choosing not to continues her chain of thought and let him tell her later. “I asked if you can send this report to the princess for me?” She asks handing him the scroll. He just nods and lights it up with his fire, the smoke going out window and towards the royal palace. Spike just walks up to their bedroom to pack his stuff. ‘Spike, what happened after I left?’ After walking a bit, and running into a few familiar background ponies, we make our way to Carousel Boutique to see if I can get Rarity to clean my outfit before we leave. Entering the establishment we are greeted by the unicorn in question levitating a dozen suitcase and dresses around herself, seemingly looking for the perfect ones. “Hmm, no, no, not that one, wrong shade...” Rarity mumbled to herself. Selene looks at the distracted mare and soon gains a mischievous grin as she jumps of my shoulder. She crawls close and once close enough jumps and latches onto the unicorns tail. “Aaiiie!!!” She shrieks in surprise, before looking back and seeing me and Selene rolling around laughing. “HAHAHHAH! Oh my goddess that was hilarious! Her-her face!” I yell in between hysterical laughter, Selene in much the same position. Rarity looks at the two of us with an unamused expression, before cracking a small smile. “Ok, ok that was at least a little bit funny.” She says reluctantly. It takes a bit before the two (three) of us calm down from our laughter. “O-okay, I’m good, I’m good.” I say catching my breath. “Sorry Rarity, but now you know why Zorua are known as the trickster fox Pokémon. Anyways do you think you could help me wash my clothes before we leave?” I request, gestureing to my outfit. “Oh of course darling! Just take the second door on the right down the hall into the laundry room. You can borrow one of my robes till they are done.” She says pointing back down the hall. Placing Selene on the couch nearby, alongside her purse and finding the laundry room before grabbing a pale pink robe. Quickly stripping down, I place my clothes into the washing machine, making sure set it to ‘touchup’ and pressing the button before retuning to the front room, Selene immediately jumping onto my shoulder. Looking back into the room I find Rarity looking at me and Selene with a critical eye, all her suitcases and dresses packed up by the door. “What is it?” I ask. Before we could react, she suddenly levitates Selene off my shoulder and summons an armies worth of fabric, measuring tapes, rulers and sketchbooks. “Nyu?!?” I say in alarm as she starts to take my measurement, levitating different fabrics by my head and around Selene too. It is only when she starts to undo the belt holding the robe that I intervene with a Vector around her horn, cutting off her magic and causing her to let out a shout in pain. “OW! What was that for?!?” Rarity yells indignantly, before noticing that my face is as red as an apple. “What was that for?!? Rarity, you just acted and started taking our measurements without warning, and just tried to strip us in your front room where anypony can walk in and see us! If that were to happen I make no guarantee that you wouldn’t end up like the Discord puppet.” Sorano says, giving a glare that could freeze a windego solid. Rarity begins to shake violently, sputtering, trying to think of a way to apologize. This goes on for a solid minute before we get interrupted by a cough by the front door. Turning we see somepony I honestly wasn’t expecting. Rarity’s younger sister: Sweetie Belle. Her hair was the same two shades of pinkish purple, same pale emerald eyes, wearing a white and pink striped shirt, a hot pink jacket and a yellow denim dress. She just looks at the three (four) of us with a raised brow before looking at Rarity. “Big sis, are you measuring someone against their will again?” She asks with a knowing look in her eye and a hand on her hip. Rarity stutters for a few seconds before sighing and hanging her head in shame. Sweetie just nods and walks up to me and Selene. “Sorry about my sister, but there is little that can stop her when she gets exited with the prospect of new designs.” ’Oh I know one way to make her stop.’ Sora thinks before I give her a mental smack to the head. Literally. The last thing we need is for Sorano to be antagonizing one of the main six. I heard the beep from the washing machine so I quickly walk back with Selene and put my clothes into the dryer. Walking back into the the front room, I notice Sweetie walking up the stairs with some fabric in her hands. Looking down at Selene, I nod to the way Sweetie went and give her the A.R. She just nods and takes the A.R to Sweetie. Looking back I see Rarity sitting on what I recognize as her fainting couch. I walk up and sat on the opposite end just looking through my purse. We just sit in silence, barely hearing Sweetie and Selene talking. I look through my phone, finding that Discord had decided to take some selfies while he had my stuff with him. Kinda funny. I can clearly see Rarity fidgeting in my peripherals so I just sigh. ’yeah, yeah, I’m on it.’ Sora takes control and turns to Rarity, cutting the white mare off as she was about to speak. ”I’m sorry. For snapping at you like that.” looking at Rarity, she has an expression torn between curious and shamed. ”I know I may have gone a little over board with my threat, but it is a psychological imperative of mine to keep Natali safe and I tend to wanna make sure nothing happens to her.” Rarity just tilts her head, obviously not fully understanding. Sorano just sighs and turns to face the mare fully. ”I am not like most Rarity. I wasn’t born like a normal girl, nor was I created through some random chance or disease, I was made after Nat nearly died.” she explains, Rarity’s eyes widening in shock. ”I don’t really wanna repeat myself so please, just wait until I can talk to the others. Just know I was originally just a defence mechanism within Nat’s mind.” Rarity just looks at us with wide eyes before scooting closer and embracing us, something I made Sora return in full. After that was said and done I changed back into my clothes and go to get Selene, the Pokémon posing for Sweetie to draw. “Okay you two. Sweetie can I have the A.R back, and Selene get ready. We are going to Canterlot.” I tell them, Selene walking up to Sweetie and giving her a nuzzle, the filly hugging her in return, before jumping up to my shoulder, Sweetie giving me the A.R. Walking out the door, Rarity has all half a dozen suitcases on a wagon and was about to start pulling, before I stop her by grabbing it with my Vector. Rarity looks at me surprised so I just give her a smile and nod, turning to walk to the train station. Rarity soon follows walking beside us. “Even though Sorano said it first, I feel I still must apologize for how I acted earlier Natali.” Rarity says suddenly, an apologetic look on her face. “Like Sorano, I sometimes let myself go a little overboard when new inspiration hits, so I try to capitalize whenever it strikes, I just forget about some peoples personal space and preferences sometimes.” Not long after she says that I see the train station ahead, Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie waiting there already. “Rarity, I know you can sometimes go overboards, and please don’t take it personal how Sora acted. I just hope you realize that you need to control yourself sometimes.” I tell her, patting her on the shoulder with a smile. We soon join the others on the platform to wait for the others and the train, Pinkie vibrating on her spot. ”Is she ok? Selene asks, looking at the bubbly pink mare. “Don’t worry Selene, it’s just Pinkie being Pinkie. If she does something seemingly impossible, just remember that.” I tell her, the Pokemon looking at me and then to Pinkie in confusion. “Oh yeah! Nat, Spike, I forgot to ask. How is it you two are able to understand Selene. All we hear is her repeating or shortening ‘Zorua’.” Twilight asks, notepad at the ready. “Oh, its simple Twilight.” I says, unhooking the A.R from my ear and giving it to her. “This device is called an Aura Reader. As the name implies, it can read the aura of a creature, in particular Pokemon, seeing into their hearts. The way we are able to understand her is its translation feature.” Twilight looks at the small machine in her hands in awe, the taking notes with her magic as well as a very detailed drawing accompanying it. “May I?” He asks, to which I just nod. She smiles wide as she puts it onto her head, the visor covering her eye. “Now what?” She asks exited. “Zor Zorua” ”Now all I do is talk.” Selene says, the words being translated for Twilights view. “Incredible! I just wish I understood this tech better.” She says with a slightly worrying smile, so I use a Vector and take the device back, much to her disappointment. “Don’t even think about dismantling it Twilight. Even I don’t know how it does what it does.” Sorano says. After our conversation ends, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash show up, Selene jumping into the yellow Pegasus arms and snuggling up to her, much to her delight. Fluttershy had a simple yellow suitcase with her cutie mark on it, RD having a military style Wonderbolt duffle bag with her mark on it as well. I was while looking at the Zorua and Pegasus that I realized something. “Hey Twilight? What’s the trains policy when it comes to small animals?” I ask, slightly worried for Selene. “Well for most pets, they are normally kept in a cargo hold as to not run around the cabins and cause any problems.” She says, not seeing the problem. That is until she looks at Fluttershy and Selene, realizing why I was asking. “Oh...well, maybe we could convince to conductor to let us keep her with us?” I begin to think, trying to find a way to keep Selene close without causing any problems, when a rather obvious answer comes to mind. I quickly look into my purse for the Dusk ball Selene came in. “Howdy ya’ll!” I hear AppleJack say as she walks up, just as I find the ball. Fluttershy sees the orb and remembers what it was. “Oh-oh dear. Isn’t that the orb that little Selene cam from?” Fluttershy asks worried, to which I just nod. “Um, are you going to force her into the ball?” ”Don’t worry Miss Fluttershy. It’s actually pretty comfy in a pokeball. It’s like, taking a power nap when I am in it.” Selene explains. “Oh. Well if your sure.” She says to the fox-like Pokemon, Selene soon jumping to my shoulder as we hear the whistle of the incoming train. We wait by the platform for the train to stop and for the ponies to finish filtering out, more than a few casting passing glances our way. After the last passenger get off the conductor come out the front of the train. “Next train to Canterlot! All aboard!” He yells out, our group walking up to him and showing our tickets. The conductor notices Selene on my shoulder and stops us from entering. “I am sorry, uh, miss? But all animals need to be secured into pens and placed into the cargo hold.” I just smirk at him before lifting and activating the Dusk ball. “Selene, return.” I say as a red beam shoots our and onto Selene, the Zorua being sucked into the ball. The conductor steps back in shock, looking from the ball to me and back a few times. I shrink the ball and place it into my purse. “That work?” He just numbly nods letting me onto the train. Next stop, Canterlot. > Chapter 5: Road to Canterlot and Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once to train begins to move down the tracks I release Selene from her Dusk ball, the Pokemon nuzzling into my lap, intent of sleeping until we arrive. I just smile and scratch behind her ear, earning a purr in response. ’Heh, Zorua’s purr. Who knew?’ Sora says amused. Looking away from the gray and blue ball of fur, I see Twilight and Fluttershy looking at her, Fluttershy in a small look of longing and jealousy, Twilight just taking notes of her physical appearance, complete with pictures. I cleared my throat, getting their attentions, raising a brow. “Oh sorry Nat, it is just we have never seen a creature like Selene before. This could be one of the biggest scientific discoveries in modern Equestrian history!” Twilight says in excitement. “Well if that is the case, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you guys have to pass the time.” I tell them, immediately getting the others attention as well. Twilight and Fluttershy both get giant grins and both take out long lists of questions. ‘Oh boy.’ I think wide eyed, both mares prepared to speak at once but I stop them before they can. “Ok, obviously you both have a lot of questions, so we will take turns, Twilight first, then Fluttershy, and we’ll go clockwise with the other as well. Sound good?” I tell the groups, each of them nodding in agreement. I gently shake the small fox Pokemon awake, her eyes taking a second to focus. “Zor?” She asks looking at me. “Hey Selene, sorry to interrupted your nap, but the girls wanna ask some questions of the three of us.” I says gesturing to the others. She looks at the gathered group and nods, getting into a comfortable position in on my lap. I nod to Twilight to start us off. She quickly goes through her notes and finds a good question to start. “Ok, you refer to Selene as a Zorua, but also as a Pokemon. What are those?” “Well, Pokemon refers to a large and varying group of creatures, Zorua being a single species. Pokemon, again, come in varying forms, from animals like birds, fish, bugs, and everything else between, to being machine-like in appearance. Even mythical creatures.” I explain, Twilight writing down every word coming out of my mouth. “Incredible!” Twilight says in awe, the others agreeing in turn. I look to Fluttershy, mutely telling her its her turn. “Oh, um, Selene? What is your diet?” She asks the Pokemon, Selene just thinking for less than a second. ”I am an omnivore, but I prefer some Oran or Figy berries. You’d be surprised how hard it is to catch a Remoraid, even when there is three of us.” Selene explains, with me translating for the others. The others didn’t look surprised at the fact she was an omnivore, but they were confused on what Oran berries and Figy berries were. Selene sees their confused looks and elaborates.”Umm, think of Oran berries, as a cross between an orange and a watermelon, that’s blue. A Figy tastes like a cross between a pepper and an apple.” The girls and Spike slowly nod, still not a hundred percent on how these berries work. Rarity shakes herself from her confused reverie, realizing she is next in line. “Well, Nat darling, after we met you said I should speak to you friends for a proper opinion on fashion, what was their name again, and what are they like?” She asks, the others curious as well. I just smile before digging into my purse and taking out my photo of me, Lex and Adam and show them, the group surprised by the diversity of our my group. “The tall guy with the mask is my friend Adam, the shorty in the orange dress in my friend Alexandria, or just Lex. She is the one I was taking about Rarity. She can be a little impatient at time, and she can be a real grouch if you interrupt her when she is reading, but she is all sorts of reliable. She actually became my friend after some bullies tried to take my cookies during school, if you can believe it.” I tell them, a nostalgic expression adorning my face. “Oh my! These deigns for on Adams jacket and mask are marvellous! So mysterious and intimidating. And young Lex’s dress clashes perfectly with her hair!” Rarity says, swooning over our outfits. I just chuckle at Rarity’s reaction, causing her to raise a brown and frown. “And what is so funny?” “Well it is funny to me that most refer to Lex as young. Adam is actually the youngest of us if you don’t count Sorano and Lex is the oldest. Lex is 22, I’m 20 and Adam is only 18.” I tell them, the groups eyes widening in shock and looking back to the photo. Pinkie quickly raises and waves her hand. I just smile at her. “Yes Pinkie?” I ask, already expecting the question. “When is yours, Sora’s, Lex’s, Adam’s and Selene birthdays?” She asks quickly a notepad of her own at the ready. “My birthday is June 7th, Lex’s is September 15th, Adam’s is January 13th, Sora’s is October 20th.” I tell her, Pinkie taking the note as I say it. We then look to Selene to answer the question. ”I was hatched on the third week of April.” she answers, me translating as to not confuse them. Looking past her I see that Spike is next, he is clearly thinking hard on what he wants to ask. After a second he seems to get an idea. “You said that Sora is actually the youngest of your group right? What do you mean by that?” That caught us off guard. Before I have a chance to respond Sora takes control, the group tensing somewhat at the sudden change. ”It is like I told Rarity back at the Boutique. I was not born like a normal girl, nor was I created by some random chance or disease. I was created after Natali almost died.” The groups eyes widen in shock, Spikes jaw almost hitting the floor. Sora looks at our gathered group, and down to Selene. Everyone was looking at us with a mix of curiousness and worry. Sora sighs and gets into a comfortable position. ”When Nat was twelve, she was walking home from the local pool after swimming lessons. She was taking a shortcut through a parking lot. While she was midway through the lot some guys desided to speed through in his truck and hit her, sending her flying headfirst into a light post.” The group visibly paled at Sora’s storytelling. I quickly took over our body to continue. “I was left unconscious for nearly a week after the incident, the doctor in charge of me was honestly surprised that I didn’t appear to have any negative effects. I was released after another week of test, finding myself fine aside from the cracked skull. It wasn’t until almost two months later when I noticed something off. I was taking a test that I thought I was not prepared at all for when, during the test, I just hear a voice telling me the answers throughout the test.” I pause and look to the group, all but Pinkie appearing to get what is going on. “Well? What was it?” Pinkie asks innocently, all in the cabin facepalm/claw/pawing. I just smile at her question. ”That was the first time I ‘came out’ as it were.” Sora answered without missing a beat. “After that things began to change. Everytime I would be placed into a stressful situation, Sora would calm me down, comforting me. It wasn’t until a group of bullies tried to take my toys a few months later that Sora truly came to being. As the bullies were cornering me, I got this weird sensation of being submerged, like when you are taking a bath, and soon it seemed like I was looking through a window.” ”That was the first time I have ever ‘taken over’ of our body. While Nat was safe in our mind I stood up to the bullies, even giving one of them a bloody nose for scaring her.” Sora looks down in shame. ”Unfortunately, Nat ended up getting in detention for it. Mom and Dad immediately thought we were having some kind of delayed psychological breakdown from the incident and took us to a psychiatrist to determine what to do. “I was terrified at the prospect. I thought I was turning into some kind of monster. While talking to my psychiatrist about what I saw when I was cornered by the bullies, he decided to try to put me into a hypnotic sleep to see if they could find the problem.” “Let me guess. They found Sorano instead?” Rainbow interrupted, the rest of the group locked into our story, to which I just nodded. ”While Nat was in the trace I was still, ‘aware’ so to speak and thought she was in trouble. Our psychiatrist was about to do some response tests on us, starting with a reflex hammer when I grabbed his arm stopping him. Needless to say they were shocked as Nat was not aware, and they were told it was the same as being put to sleep. Sorano pauses, looking out the window at the passing scenery, thinking back to the event. ”I still remember it, it was the first time I was ever in complete control. The first time I was just me, not just a voice keeping Nat safe. I was so shocked, I didn’t notice I was still holding the doctor until he cleared his throat. I apologized, but then got serious and told him, ‘I won’t let you hurt her.’ After that he knew what was going on. Do you know what his response was?” Sora asks the girls, all of them thinking then shaking their heads, except Twilight who was writing down every word that came from our mouth. ”He asked, ‘what is your name?’ It was the first time I thought of myself as someone else, not something else. Needless to say our parents were all sorts of confused and scared. The psychiatrist quickly explained how I was a defence mechanism Nat’s mind made, like an imaginary friend, that somehow advanced into an alternate personality, someone entirely new.” Sorano looks at our gathered crowd, everypony fully invested in our story. I quickly take over to give her a mental break. “It was at this point I snapped out of my trace and was scared I died or something. I was in a completely blueish white void with a single house sized window in front of me, showing me Sora’s perspective. Our psychiatrist thought that perhaps putting the both of us in a trance would allow us to meet properly and maybe help. We agreed, Sora having already sensed that I was awake again.” ”After both of us were put into a trace, we both appeared in the void at the same time though I didn’t really have a ‘form’ so to speak. I just looked like a red silhouette with a cyan outline. At least according to Nat. It was kinda funny, we just stood there looking at each other for what felt like an hour before I asked, ‘are you okay?’” Sorano smiles as she retreated into our mind. “I was shocked, I had an entirely separate person living in my head. After she asked the question though, I thought about and asked the same question back. We stood their awkwardly for a bit before we both said we were ok in unison. After that I asked her name. The name of my new sister.” I smile thinking back on that day. ”It took a minute but, somehow the name just popped into my head. ‘Sorano’. After that we just talked, me asking what she has been having trouble with before I was around, and Nat just asking what I wanted to do after this. After a while, the void seemed to crack and somehow we knew we were ‘waking up’ from our trance. Before she left, Nat gave me a big hug, and said 4 words that stayed in my mind for a while.” looking at the group who were all on the edges of their seats, Pinkie and Selene literally, ”’See you soon, Sis.’” After she said that, Rarity, Pinkie And Fluttershy all awwed at our story, causing our face to burn in embarrassment. “So that’s what you meant by Sora being the youngest. She didn’t have a sense of self until after that visit!” Spike says with excitement, clearly amazed by our story. “That’s right. After I talked to my parents and our doctor about what happened, with Sora taking over to add her side, we decided to treat Sorano as an entirely separate person, unofficially making her my little sister, and making that day her birthday. So technically speaking, Sorano is only seven and a half.” I say with a laugh, Selene jumping up and nuzzling my head. “Aw man! That means I was taken down by a seven year old?!?! Totally not fair!” Rainbow says indignantly, causing all in the cabin to burst out laughing, herself included. After calming down from our laugh, the group looks at us smiling. “Ah have to say, that was one hell of a way to get a siblin you two.” AppleJack tells us, wiping her eyes. “Yeah, it is actual kinda funny actually. My parents have wanted to give me a younger sibling for almost a year beforehand, but do to a complication with my own birth, my mothers womb was damaged making it impossible for them to give me a younger sibling. After everything calmed down, they were extatic that they had another daughter, even if we share a body.” I tell them, the group keeping their smiles wide. I look out the window seeing that we are maybe ten minutes away from Canterlot, the castle in plain view. “Well, looks like we are almost there. I am curious, what are the princesses like?” I ask Twilight, slightly anxious about meeting the two or three most powerful beings in this world. “Oh don’t worry Nat. I didn’t tell the princesses about your powers or fight with Discord. I thought it would be best for us to tell them face-to-face what actually happened.” Twilight tells us. That really surprised me. I know how much Twilight looks up to Celestia. The fact she would keep quiet about the Vectors means a lot. I give her a grateful smile. “Thanks Twilight. The last thing I want is for the princesses to think I was some chaos born monster or something.” I look down at Selene in thought. “Though Selene? I’m going to have to keep you in your Dusk ball until we get to the palace. I don’t want you wandering off and getting hurt.” ”Ok Natali, but do you think the Princesses will like me too?” she asks tilting her head. I smile down at her and scratch behind her ear again, gaining a relaxed purr. “Don’t worry Selene. At the very least, a certain princess of the night will like to talk with someone who appreciates the night.” I tell her, quickly retuning her to her ball as the train whistles and we begin to slow. ’Well here we go.’ Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Royal gardens, there was a flash of light deep within the hedge maze, just bright enough to be noticeable by any who were nearby. Luckily nopony was. After the light died down a figure emerged from her spot. A creature the likes of which Equestria has yet to see. A bipedal pale yellow body with dark grey, three fingered hands, red eyes and what looked to be a thin Venus flytrap attached to the back of her head. “Maw?” > Chapter 6: Royal Introduction and a New Partner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the train pulled into Canterlot station, our group got all our carry on luggage and prepared to depart. The doors to the train opened and we were the first ones out. I don’t want anyone to think I am using some wierd magic with no aura so I grab Rarity’s cart and pull it behind us as we walk into the city. Canterlot looks like a combination of a renaissance era castle town in layout and a modern-ish era town in terms of technology. ’Wow. This place actually look pretty cool!’ Sora says within my mind. I look around us, seeing the residents of Canterlot. The ‘elites’ of ponykind. I fully expected to hear some sooty and snarky comments on our entourage. But... “Oh my, who is that young mare?” “Her outfit! So telling and dark. Nice contrast.” “Who knew pink and black would work so well together?” “Maybe young Miss Rarity made them for her?” I was shocked. Of course I did hear one or two snarky comments, but most were nice and mostly about my outfit. This was really surprising. I fully expected a city full of nothing but stick-up-their-ass nobles who only care for their own money and power. And yet... “Stop! Thief!” I quickly look across the street, seeing a unicorn stallion in a black jacket and blue jeans running with a navy blue purse in his hands. I quickly look to the girls and nod, Rarity taking the handle of her wagon, before I rush towards the theif. The thief banked down an alley with me following close behind. I see him stop around the corner, likely having noticing me and thinking I was an easy catch. Oh, how wrong he was. I step closer, my footsteps echoing through the alley, when he chose to try and jump me. Only to find an empty alley. “What the? Where?” He says aloud, not noticing me as I stay above him with my Vectors. Before he can do anything I drop down and grab the purse then kick him in the gut, causing him to stagger back. He looks to me in hate and rage. “You just messed up bitch. I am going enjoy having my fun with you.” He says threateningly, taking out dual pocket knives. ‘He should not have said that.’ I think, safe within my own mind. ”You just sealed your fate.” Sorano says coldly to the stallion with the Lucy glare, causing him to flinch slightly. Before anything can happen, Sora sends a few Vectors at him, resulting in two loud ’CRACKS’ as his arms are bent the wrong way. He screams in pain and shock, falling on his ass. Sora walks forward, standing above him in a very familiar scene. “You bucking bitch!” He yells, Sora wrapping two Vectors around his throat to shut him up, before going down to every males one weak spot, and stabbing in. The result was a high pitched squeal, one that more than a few stallions recognized and cringed at. Sora quickly thows the squirming stallion into a wall, knocking him unconscious. ‘Don’t you think that was a little much?’ I ask as we switch. The only response I get was silence and an odd feeling of accomplishment. I walk out of the alley with the unconscious and bleeding stallion over my shoulder, using my Vectors to keep his blood off my outfit. I am quickly greeted by a trio of shocked royal guards, one of each pony tribe. “Somepony looking for a purse snatcher?” I ask, gesturing to the unconscious stallion on my shoulder. The guards quickly take him, then cringe at his injuries. They look to me in complete shock. “What? A girl needs to protect herself against a knife wielding thief.” I say, handing the guards his weapons. I hear someone clears their throat behind me. Quickly turning, I am greeted by our group, most cringing in pain for the stallion, with two new addition, who I recognize instantly. An older couple, the stallion having a very well kept and fancy looking hairdo, moustache and monocle, wearing a business suit. Next to him is a mare with a white coat and flowing pink mane and light purple eyeshadow, wearing a light pink dress and a sapphire necklace. The two most respected nobles by both other nobles and commoners alike, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis. “Oh, hey everypony. I got the theif and the purse.” I say then look to Fleur. “I believe this is your madam?” I ask holding out the purse for her. “Yes, thank you dear.” She says taking her purse back and checking inside, making sure everything was still there. “Oh, where are my manners. My name is Fleur De Lis and this is my husband, Fancy Pants. What is your name?” She introduces them and asks. I do a small curtsy and introduce myself. “My name is Natali Basatin. Please just call me Nat.” The duo look at me with appreciation and then to my outfit. “I must say, your outfit is certainly unique. I have yet to find anypony who can pull off black and pink so well, aside from my wife of course.” Fancy says, earning a small nuzzle from the unicorn mare. I just chuckle at them. “Well it was nice meeting you two, but me and my friends have to head to the palace to meet with the princess.” I tell them, the duo not even looking surprised. “Of course dear. If you ever find yourself in Canterlot again, be sure to drop by for some tea. Thank you again for catching that ruffian.” Fleur says as I rejoin the group. “I’ll hold you up to it.” I say jokingly, both me and Fleur giggling and Fancy chuckling. “Farewell for now you two.” With that, our group continues on to the palace, luckily without furthur interruptions. The girls were asking what I did to that thief, and I had Sora tell them the truth. They were of course shocked, but changed their tune pretty quick when Sorano repeated what he said. After a few minute we arrived at the palace gates, and it was just as impressive in person as in the show. After a second of talking to the guards, the eight (nine) of us walk into the palace proper. It was all sorts of amazing, the carpets, the painting in the hall, even the damn pottery! ”Ok, I will admit. This place is pretty awsome.” Sorano says aloud, the other giggling somewhat at our reaction. A couple of royal guards come by and take the girls and Spike’s luggage to their rooms while we continue on into the palace. We walk for maybe five minutes before I literally bump into the last pony I wanted. ‘Prince’ Blueblood. He is wearing an expensive looking suit and pants with a blue tie and a golden watch, his blond hair still done up in the ‘better than thou’ way as the Gala. I fall down onto my rear with a ‘Nyu’ and look up to the spoiled brat of a prince that made fun of the main six at the Gala, which if the timeline is similar, wasn’t that long ago. The girls look to him in disgust, and in Rarity and AppleJack’s cases, hate. That’s what made the words coming out of his voice all the more shocking. “Oh dear. Are you ok miss?” He asks, in genuine concern. “Here.” He holds a hand out for us. I carefully take his hand as he helps me stand up. “Thanks?” I say, slightly confused by him. I look to the others, seeing most of them in the same kind of shocked confusion as me. He looks to where I am looking and locks eyes with AppleJack and Rarity. “Miss AppleJack, Miss Rarity. What are you two doing here?” He asks, the mare in question coming out of their shocked states and turning from him to walk back down the hall. I look at see Blueblood with a remorseful expression on his face. I quickly wrap a Vector around AJ and Rarity and turn them back to us. Blueblood looks to me in confusion. I just nod to the two mares held in my grip. He sighs, “I see I owe you two an explanation.” I put the two mare onto the ground and give them a ‘I’m watching you’ sign to make sure they don’t do anything. “Miss AppleJack, I apologize for how I spat out your confections and made a scene about it, but I didn’t really have a choice in the matter.” He says, the girl brows raising. “At least not the first part. I am allergic to cinnamon. If I had eaten your apple confection I could have gone into anaphylactic shock. If that were to happen after I had eaten one of the apple families products, what do you think the press would have done?” ”They would have thought AppleJack tried to poison you.” Sora answers before the girls can think, all their eyes widening at the implications. “Indeed. If that were to happen, the apple family could be arrested for attempted regicide at worst, or the locals may believe their products are dangerous for their health at best.” He continues, “and if I just spit it out, other may think something was up and would try to use it against me in the ‘game’ of nobility. The other reason I acted like that was to not break the ‘persona’ of the spoiled brat that only cares for himself.” Rarity’s eyes widen at the lat part. Blueblood turns to her to explain. “Miss Rarity, you are not the first mare to try and have a fairy tale romance with me. The problem is that most of the others that have tried that only want to be with me so they can get into the royal family and use their position for their own purposes.” He says, the others looking at him with pity. ”Damn, that has to suck. So you act like a complete and total cock as to make any selfish mare just looking for a quick ticket into royalty to avoid you.” Sorano finishes. Blueblood looks to us and nods. “Correct, I don’t want to risk any mare just pretending to be nice to get to me. I didn’t actually know who any of the Elements looked like before the Gala.” He continues, before looking away with a blush and rubbing the back of his head, “besides, I am...alreading taken.” All of us look at him in absolute shock, hearing that ‘the spoiled prince of Equestria’ was in a secret relationship. The girls are about to bombard him with questions, when a batpony night guard comes around the corner to us and locks eyes with Blueblood. She was wearing the usual silver armour of the night guards with a scalet mane and tail and dark blue fur with red slit eyes. I look from the guard and Blueblood a few times, noticing subtle blushes on both their faces, before turning to him and pointing the guard. He just looks to me and nods, the girls eyes widening in complete shock. “Umm...Sergeant Scarlet Sky reporting?” She says cautiously, looking between all the girls worried. I sent a few Vectors onto the girls to keep them in place. “You two might wanna leave. By the way, my name is Natali, and I have a second person in my head named Sorano.” I tell him with a carefree smile. He looks to me in confusion, before remembering when my voice and eyes change. “Right. Come on Scarly.” He says as he and the mare leave, the batpony giving me an appreciative smile. The group gets back to their sences and tries to follow before realizing they are being help by my Vectors. The group look at me indignantly, to which I just shrug and turn, carrying the group for a minute before putting them down. “Well, looks like you have to re-think your positions on the prince.” I say with an amused smile. The girls look to one another, Rarity and Applejack still shocked by his explanation for the Gala, the others from seeing his marefriend. After another minute we make it to the door to the throne room, the guard going in to announce our arrival. He comes back and tells us we can go in a meet the princess. We walk in, I see the literal red carpet leading up the throne and I see the window showing the girls defeating Nightmare Moon. Looking forward I see one alicorn sitting on the throne and one unicorn standing at guard next to her. Princess Celestia is as I expected to look like, her three toned mane flowing in the non existent breeze, wearing a long white and gold silk dress and white gloves. The unicorn next to her had a brighter white coat and a two toned blue mane. His armour was purple with gold accents. On his back was a steel trident, with a blue handle. Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal guard, and older sister of Twilight Sparkle. “Princess! BBBFF!” Twilight yells, running up to the two ponies, Shining going down and hugs her. “Twily!” He yells, giving his little sister a hug, the girls looking on confused. Twilight lets her brother go and walks up and hugs Celestia, the princess retuning the hug with her arms and wings. “My faithful student, I cannot thank you enough for defeating Discord.” She says, before Twilight backs up shaking her head somewhat. “No princess. I couldn’t have beaten Discord without the help of you, Spike, the girls, and Natali and Sorano.” She says, Celestia and Shining looking back at the girls and Spike, before continuing on and seeing me. “Oh. Is this your new friend you told me about Twilight?” Celestia asks walking up to us. Before she can talk I quickly raise my hand stopping her. “Just a moment your majesty.” I look to Twilight and the girls. “You guys think I can release Selene now?” The group tilt their heads in confusion, before nodding. I take out Selene’s Dusk ball and look to the princess. “You may want to back up.” Celestia listens and walks back to Twilight and Shining Armor, the captain in question tensing somewhat. “Ok, come on out Selene!” I toss up the ball up, Selene soon coming out an yawning. ”Finally! I was getting worried for a second there.” Selene says, quickly hopping up me, onto my shoulder and begins to nuzzle my cheek. I just chuckle at her and scratch behind her ears. “What.” I look to the princess who is looking at us in utter confusion and shock. “Princess Celestia, meet Selene the Zorua. She is a Pokémon. Twilight has the notes.” I say, the sun princess turning back to her student as she pulls out the notes on Selene she had been taking since Ponyville. Celestia quickly looks through the notes, in particular the notes on the Duak ball, Shining Armor walking up and looking at the Zorua. “Heh, she is kinda cute. So you are the new friend that Twily made that helped her with her friends?” he asks looking us over. He sees that we have no weapons and relaxes somewhat. “Well yes, but it wasn’t just me.” I say, the princess looking back at me. “Yes, Twilight said it was with the help of you and somepony named Sorano. Where are they?” She asks curiously, looking past us for anyone else. ”Right here.” Sora says with a smirk, the princess and Shining looking at us in shock. “Say what now?” The guards asks lamely, causing Sorano to laugh at his reaction. ”Hehe, you should see your guys's faces right now. But anyways, my name is Sorano. I am Natali’s second personality and also her unofficial little sister.” Sorano explains. Princess Celestia soon gets right in our face, looking at us with narrowed eyes. “Twilight?” She asks. “Don’t worry Princess! Sora is not like Nightmare Moon! She was created when Nat nearly died in an accident as a defence mechanism, like an imaginary friend, before somehow advancing into being her own being.” Twilight frantically explains, seeing we may be in trouble. Celestia’s eyes widen and she leans back in shock after hearing Twilight say I nearly died. “Is this true?” She asks the others, each of them stepping up and agreeing, Spike coming to stand by our side and Selene jumping down and getting into a defensive position in front of us. Celestia looks to us in sadness and walks forwards, Sorano tensing and getting ready to fight. She sees this and stops a few feet from us. “You said you are young Natali’s sister?” She asks. ”Yes, I am. And I don’t care what anyone says about me. But if someone messes with my big sis, than may the heavens above come to help them.” she says with determination, before I quickly take over and stare the sun princess. “That goes for me too. Anyone messes with my little sis, good luck getting away. And I mean ANYONE.” I tell her with a fierce expression on my face. We stay there for a new minutes, the princess of the sun staring into our eyes, the both of us staring right back, before a warm smile breaks across her face. “I see it. The two of you, in spite of sharing a body, know the warmth and meaning of sisterhood.” She droops her head and sighs sadly, “I envy you two. If only I was like the two of you a thousand years ago.” She says, likely thinking back to the Nightmare Moon incident. We walk up to the taller mare and lay a Vector on her shoulder in support. “That was the past princess. You have your sister back now. Just make sure the past doesn't repeat itself.” I tell her with a smirk, Celestia looking confused that she feels a hand on her shoulder, but we have both our by our sides. Before she has a chance to question it, the doors to the throne room bursts open and Blueblood runs in. “Auntie! Captain!” He yells running up to us. I see he is alone, and I begin to worry that something has happened to his marefriend. “Blueblood, what’s wrong?” Celestia asked worried. “One of the gardeners tending to the hedge maze said she say some kind of monster wandering around. She says it is pretty small, maybe two feet tall but with a large mouth that can take an arm clean off.” He explains quickly, everyone in the room shocked at the news. “Is it some kind of monster Discord Created to cause mayhem after his imprisonment?” Shining asks, to which the prince merely shrugs. “I don’t know, the gardener ran as soon as she saw it, and she said it ran back into the maze. I thought it would be best if I told you two first while Scarlet stays with the gardener.” He says, the girls looking worried, while I am just confused. ‘Discord didn’t make a chaos creature in the story, plus we would have felt something if he did. Chaos magic is very distinctive compared to normal magic.’ I begin to think and come up with a plan. “Everypony,” all eyes turn to me, “I think it would best for us to investigate. If it is a Discord construct, then we will need the elements to seal it.” I turn to the prince, “lead the way, we will follow.” He nods and begins to leave the throne room the rest of us in tow. After a few minutes we make it to the edge of the maze, the gardener and Scarlet with us too. The gardener in question, named Hedge Length, described the creature just like how Blueblood did, having calmed down a lot since then. “Alright here is the plan.” Twilight begins, a map of the maze in front of us, “we will enter the maze in teams as to make sure we have a fighting chance against this thing. The first team is me, Pinkie and Fluttershy. We will take the east of the maze. The second team is Natali/Sorano, Spike, Blueblood and Scarlet, you five will take the center. The last team is AppleJack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. You three will that the west section of the maze. Each team has a unicorn to send a magical signal flare to the others if you find the thing.” She turns to the princess and her brother, “You two will stay out here in case it comes by the front to trap it.” Everone nods to her and get into their teams and ventures into the maze, Blueblood taking the lead our group. After a few minutes of nothing we make it to the little garden at the center of the maze, complete with a fountain. Our group walks around, Spike going up to the fountain and thinks, trying to think of a way to find the unknown creature. “This thing said to be less than half my height. There are too many places for it to hide in this dang maze, let alone the castle. Where could it be?” He sits on the edge of the fountain and thinks, not noticing as a creature he has never seen before walks out of the maze and towards him. Spike sits there thinking as the rest of us look in some of the hiding places around the area, when he feels a light tapping on his arm. Turning, his slit green eyes meet red as he looks at a two foot tall yellow and dark grey creature with what looks like a giant second mouth attached to her head. They stay there, staring at each other for a second before Spike yells out, startling the creature. “AAAAHHHH!!!/MAAAAWWWW!!!” The duo yell out before losing balance and falling into the fountain. “Spike! What's wrong?” I yell out running out to the fountain as Spike jumps out of the fountain in a panic. “T-t-the creature! It is right there!” He yells pointing at the fountain. Blueblood get ready to launch the flare into the air, before being interrupted by a splash and the creature in question jumping out, panting for breath. Seeing it, my eyes widen in shock. “Mawile?” I say in shock, the other looking to me. “You know that thing?” Scarlet asks, tensing as the creature gets up to look at us. “Not personally. It’s a Pokemon, like Selene here.” I say, pointing to the fox in question as she looks from atop my head. “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said they come is varying shapes and sizes.” Spike says in surprise. Looking at the steel type Pokemon, I notice that it is shivering slightly, probably from falling into the fountain. I quickly dig into the first aid kit that was given to each team beforehand and take out a towel. Walking to the Mawile it tenses, likely expecting me to attack. “Don’t worry. I promise I won’t hurt you.” I say softly, Selene jumping down and nuzzling my arm as a show of trust. It relaxes somewhat, and I get closer and begin to dry her off. “Maw Mawile?” My aura reader beeps, before turning on and translating “Your not going to hurt me?” she asks, to which I shake my head before looking at her stats. Mawile: level 8 HP: 26 ATK: 22 DEF: 23 SP.ATK: 19 SP.DEF: 20 SPD: 14 Attacks: Astonish, Fairy Wind, Iron Defence, Bite. “So she isn’t going to attack us right?” Scarlet asks, coming up to me with the boys behind her. ”I never even attacked anyone! I just walked up wanting to ask where I am and suddenly that wierd bipedal Ponyta freaked out and scared me!” Mawile says with me translating. The others look surprised by this misunderstanding. “So how did you get here Mawile?” Spike, of all of us, asks, clearly curious. Mawile just walks up to a bench and sits down. ”I am not a hundred percent sure myself. I was in Glittering cave in Kalos, just hanging out with a couple of Geodudes and Cubone when a local Garchomp started going nuts, yelling that someone touched his hoard. He started attacking the area and we had to run and take cover. I ended up going into a section of the cave I never have before. After looking around a bit and ending up finding this weird sphere then there was a sudden light and boom! Here is was.” she explains, me translating and explaining the other Pokemon mentioned. “Do you still have this sphere you found?” Blueblood asks. Mawile nods, turning and opening her other mouth. The others tense slightly, before seeing what looks like a marble on her ‘tongue’. Blueblood picks it up the marble and looks at it though the light. “Do you recognize this Natali?” I take the marble from him and again my eyes widen. “Th-this is a Mawilite!” I say in shock, Mawile’s eyes widening as well, the others looking at us in confusion. I look to them and realize I have to explain. “You see, most Pokemon can go through spontaneous extreme evolution, increasing their strengths and changing their shapes. Some, like Mawile, can evolve even furthur than they normally can, increasing their powers and changing appearances, but only for a limited time.” I explain, the others eyes widening at the prospect. After they seem to get their minds back, they look to the newer Pokemon. “So what now? She isn’t causing any problems. What should we do with her?” Spike asks, each of us, Mawile included, think for a moment when Selene notices my bag glowing slightly. ”Nat, your bag is glowing.” she says. I quickly check my bag and find a new ball in it. Taking it out, it is black with with a red band around the top and the button and sides are bronze coloured. A Luxury ball. I look to Mawile with her looking back at me. “I won’t force you Mawile, but if you want, you can come with me and join my team.” I tell her holding out the luxury ball for her. Mawile looks to the ball and then to me with a thoughtful expression, before walking up and putting her hand on the button, the red beam coming out and retrieveing the new Pokemon. The luxury ball shakes three times before blinking and stopping. I smile and look to Selene, the Zorua smiling up at me before I toss the new ball into the air and releasing our new partner. “Welcome aboard Mawile!” I say, the newly captured Pokemon jumping into my arms for a hug. “So do you want a nickname?” I ask, to which she nods and we begin to think. “How about Topaz?” Blueblood suggests, Mawile thinking about it, before smiling up at him and nodding “Maw!” She says smiling. I smile to the small Pokemon and put her on my shoulders like a kid on their parents shoulder. “Welcome to the family Topaz.” > Chapter 7: Dinner, Pokemon and the Dicloni > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Putting Topaz onto my shoulders and walking into the maze again, our group just talks with one another, Spike talking with Blueblood with Selene on his shoulder and me talking with Scarlet. “So, how did a batpony like you get together with the ‘spoiled prince of Equestria’ anyways?” I ask the night guard. “Well, not long after Princess Luna’s return and the reinsertion of the night guard, the plan was for my family to come and move up to Canterlot so we could stay together as opposed to to my parents staying in the Hollow Shades while I move here.” She explains, “Unfortunately, due to the still common held fear for batponies, my parents couldn’t get approved for a loan to get a house. I couldn’t help them either as my salary was just enough for me to rent a good single room apartment and sustain myself.” She looks to the back of Blueblood’s head and smiles. “Then I was assigned as the princes personal night guard. At first I didn’t say a word to him, trying to be professional and also hearing from the locals his apparent attitude. After a week, I was talking to Blueblood’s personal solar guard, telling him about my parents situation. What I didn’t know was Blue was already awake and listening. Less than a week later I get a surprise visit from my parents, finding out they got an anonymous letter with a deed to a house on the edge of town, just down the street from Captain Armors parents. I happened to notice Blue walking by the hall when he looked at me and winked. I doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.” Me and Topaz had our eyes as wide as dinner plates at her story. ”Wow. That was really nice of him. Who would have thought a prince like him would be so nice to one of his guards just because he wanted to for now real reason.” Topaz says in surprise, me translating for Scarlet. “You’re not wrong Topaz. After that I stared to actually talk to him. At first both of us were cautious of the other, but after a while we both let our guards down around each other. We ended up going out after he took me out for some breakfast to some awesome donut place after placing an illusion spell on himself, changing his appearance. It was great until a trio of hungover stallions walked in and started to harass me. Do you know what he did?” He asks us, the two of us just shaking our heads. “He got up and threw his coffee into one of their faces. After that they tried to hit him, but he just pinned them with his magic before using them for target practice for donuts. A few other patrons and even Donut Joe, the owner joined him in making them a trio of pastries art pieces. After they were thrown out, Blueblood took Joe and me to the back and lowered his illusion and payed for the mess before walking me back to my apartment.” She says, a dreamy smile on her face. “Best first date ever.” She says with a smile, the two of us smiling with her. “Wow. That actually sounds awesome, aside from the harassing part. Who knew Blueblood would be so legitimately chivalrous.” I say, looking back to the boys and Selene, before hearing some voices ahead of us. “It’s no good princess. We can’t find the damn thing. There are just too many places for it to hide here.” Rainbow says, the other adding in their ‘reports’. I quickly get an idea on how to introduce our new team member. Quickly taking out her Luxury ball and Selene’s Dusk ball and placing a finger over my mouth for her and Selene to be quiet I return them to their balls and nod to the others. We walked past the corner and see that everyone but our group was gathered around a map of Canterlot Castle. “Ok it is rather small so there could be potentially thousands of spots for it to hide in. After the others get back we will talk to the guards and make some search teams for the castle.” Shining Armor said. I just smile to the others and they get my plan. “That won’t be necessary captain.” Blueblood says as we walk up. The others look to our group in curiosity and confusion. The other back away from me as I take out both of my Pokeballs. The others look confused as they see the Luxury ball in my left hand. “Selene, Topaz. Come on out girls!” I say tossing the two pokeballs. The flashes go off as my two partners come out. “Zorua/Mawile!” They call out as the light bursts away from them. Everyone looks at the new addition in shock, likely just from her defence mechanism (second mouth). “T-thats it! That’s the creature I saw!” Hedge Length exclaims, pointing to Topaz, said Pokemon looking at her then smiling and waving. She just stares for a second before waving back. I walk to her and pick up Topaz in my arms. “Everypony, meet Topaz. She is a Mawile, another species of Pokemon. She is a steel and fairy type.” I tell them, only to get several confused looks in response. ”Umm, Nat? We haven’t explained types yet.” Sora tells me, to which I blush slightly and rub my head. “Umm, Twi? Can I have a piece of paper and quill?” I ask, to which she immediately teleports in said items. I quickly take the items and begin to write the Pokemon types and their advantages and disadvantages to each other. “See, Pokemon are able to harness the powers of nature the same way unicorns can harness magic. There are 18 different types and a Pokemon can come in one or two of said types. Selene is a Dark type and, again, Mawile is both Steel and Fairy type.” I finish the chart and give it to the ponies to look at. “So these ‘Pokemon’ can use the powers of nature from fire, water, electricity and...dragon?” Shining Armor asks, to which the three of us nod. “Can you show us?” That request caught us off guard but we recovered quickly. “Sure, if you can get us some targets.” He nods and flashes his horn then two dummies appear a few feet from us. My two Pokemon nod to each other then to me as we get into position. “Alright. Selene use Shadow Ball! Topaz use Fairy Wind!” I tell them. Selene tilts her head back and gathered dark energy into a ball the size of her head and fires it off destroying her target. Topaz takes a deep breath and then blows out a sparkling stream of wind knocking her target into a nearby bench. I smile at the two and go up and rub their heads. “Great job you two.” I say with a smile, picking up Topaz and putting her on my shoulders and holding Selene in my arms. I turn back and see everypony with their jaws on the floor (literally for Pinkie). The three of us just laugh at their expressions. “Oh jeez, you should see your faces right now.” I tell them, causing them to come out of their stupor. Of all ponies Fluttershy is the first to respond to us. “Oh my! That was incredible! To think something so small can do so much!” She says looking between Topaz and Selene, the others agreeing. Before we could continue however, we heard the growls of three different stomachs going off. One from each Pokemon and Spike. “Well, I believe we have a lot to talk about over dinner.” Celestia says, to which everyone nodded. We begin to walk into the castle again when I speed up to talk to Twilight. “Hey Twilight? Can you do me a favour?” I ask, to which she nods. “Before we eat could you run the library and see if you can find a universal translation spell so me and Fluttershy don’t have to translate for Selene and Topaz?” She smiles and nods before teleporting away. Our group get to the dining hall after about five minutes and we all find some seats, Celestia teleporting in two high stools for Selene and Topaz to sit in with us. After a couple of minutes Twilight quickly comes in with a few tomes floating around her. I notice that there are two more empty seats at the table, and have a pretty good idea on who they belong to. A waiter comes by and begins to ask the girls what they want. “Oh, I almost forgot to ask, Natali, Selene, Topaz. What are your diets?” Celestia ask us. I look to Topaz as she just points to Selene. “We are all omnivores, but I can’t digest things like flowers, hay, grass, you know stuff like that. Same with Topaz and Selene.” I answer. Celestia just nods as the waiter comes to our side. “Oh, just a moment sir. Nat, I think I found the spell we need.” Twilight says before looking at Topaz and Selene. “Ok, I need you two to stay calm and still.” She says, the two Pokemon looking to me. I just nod and give an encouraging smile. They nod and sit up straight. Twilight lights her horn and closes her eyes. After a second two small pale purple streams of energy leave her horn and go to the Pokémon’s foreheads. The stay like that for about a minute before the three of them flinch back and begin to rub their heads groaning. “Urg. That was definitely not something that has happened before.” Twilight says rubbing her head near her horn. ”What exactly was that spell supposed to do again?” Selene asks aloud, causing all eyes to go to her. “Oh my! She just talked!” Rarity says in surprise, Selene realizing what just happened. ”I could always talk Rarity. You just couldn’t understand me. Though this will certainly be useful.” Selene replies, Rarity realizing her mistake and blushing lightly. ”So you all can understand us now? Topaz asks, to which everyone nods and she smile. The waiter clears his throat getting the attention of the two Pokemon. ”Oh, sorry! Umm, can I get a tomato soup with basil?” she asks to the waiter who nods then looks to Selene. ”I’ll take a fruit salad please.” he nods again and turns to me. “Can we get a Caesar salad please?” He nods on last time before taking the list to the kitchens. Before any could start talking the doors to the dinner room open again and a familiar alicorn walks in. Princess Luna, Princess of the night. Luna was as she was in the show, a dark blue, almost black coat and a mane that like her sister waved in the non existent wind, with what looked like the calm night sky in it. She was wearing a black and purple dress reaching down to her mid-calf and a onyx jewelled necklace. Luna looks to us and smiles at the main six, before noticing me, Selene and Topaz and tensing somewhat and putting on her neutral royal mask. Likely thinking we were foreign dignitaries or something. Celestia gives me a magical nudge, nodding to her sister. “Oh, right. Proper introductions.” I clear my throat before turning to the new princess. “Hello, my name is Natali Basatin. These two are Selene the Zorua and Topaz the Mawile. It is a pleasure to meet you Princess Luna.” I say, Selene and Topaz nodding to her as well. “Yes, well met. I am Luna of the night and-” “You don’t have to be so formal with us Princess.” I interrupt her, “I already know about you and honestly would prefer if you would relax around us. I am just a friend of the Elements after all.” Luna just looks to me in surprise before turning to her sister, who just nods with a smile. “V-very well, young Natali.” She says, slightly unsure of herself. “Please just call me Nat. Though there is someone else here who would like to meet you. But you must Pinkie promise you will do nothing drastic.” I tell her in a stern voice, Luna just looking confused. “Natali, is that really necessary?” Twilight asks me. “Need I remind you how Celestia acted when she met her?” I say back, the princess in question flinching slightly and hanging her head down in shame. Luna looks to her sister then to us and does the motions associated with the promise. ”Wait, what is going on?” Topaz asks, having not met Sorano yet. I allow Sora to take control, after waking her up from her impromptu nap in my head. ”Hello Princess Luna. I am Sorano. I am an alternate personality living in Nat’s head and Natali’s younger sister.” Sora introduces herself in a rather monotone way. Both Luna’s and Topaz eyes widen in disbelief. Looking at the night princess I see that she is almost unnoticeably lowering herself, her horn lighting up only a little bit. “Princess you Pinkie promised.” I tell her with a glare, causing her to flinch and shiver as Pinkie gives her a glare that could give Lucy a run for her money. We all stay there, seemingly frozen when Topaz suddenly jumps onto our shoulder and looks at us upside down. ”You have an alternate personality!?! That’s awesome! You two must never be lonely since you literally have a second person in your head.” she says exited. Both me and Sora chuckle at her, our voices overlapping one another. “You said it.” we say in unison. Looking back at Luna again, she is no longer prepping to attack but still has her guard up. A minute passes and a few waiters come by and give each of us our ordered meal, all of them sending wayward glances at me and my Pokemon. As we begin to eat I notice some of the girls glancing at Topaz. I clear my throat getting their attention and raise a brow at their antics. “You guys do know if you have questions you could just ask right?” I say, the offending ponies blushing for being called out. ”Actually, why don’t we have a continuation of the question game from the train?” Sora suggests, the main six and Spike nodding in agreement. The royals look confused so Spike gives them the rundown on what we did and talked about on the train ride here, the newcomers looking at me shocked from hearing how Sora came to be. “Alright, why don’t we start at the head of the table with Celestia and go clockwise. Feel free to ask any of the four of us any question you want.” I say to the gathered ponies. We all look to the sun princess to start us off. “Hmm, Topaz. I must ask, can that flytrap like protrusion be used to eat?” She asks the Mawile. ”No princess. If someone were to actually look into my second ‘mouth’ you would find it actually stops just short of the connection. It is used as a trap for catching prey, self defence and I also use it to carry things like berries and gems around.” Topaz explains, both Twilight and Fluttershy writing what she says down onto separate notepads. “That reminds me! Rarity?” She turns to me, “do you think you could make a necklace for Topaz using this?” I ask, tossing her the Mawilite. Rarity looks at the mega stone curiously, before summoning her sketch pad. “It will take a bit, however I should be able to make a wonderful necklace for Topaz within a few days.” she replies. I nod to her in thank with a smile before turning my attention to the younger princess at the table for her question. She sits there with her hand on her chin for a bit, and as I was going to say we could come back to her she seemed to get an idea. She looks to me. For some reason I got a bad feeling down my spine. “Young Natali, my question is this. What are you?” She asks. Immediately, both me and Sora were put on defence by instinct. The others don’t seem to notice as Twilight takes out some more notes. “Yeah, back in Ponyville I heard you mention to Selene that you were something called a Diclonius, and something about humans?” Twilight says, the others getting curious. I sigh and begin to gather my thoughts as Sora takes over. “Well if you want a scientific answer, Humans or to use their science name Homo sapiens are a race of being that are evolved from apes that look exactly like me but without the horns. Humans are beings of progress, they are never truly happy with what they have, making it so they progress in the fields of medicine, warfare, food production and most of all technology.” Sora takes off our Aura Reader as example. “Take this Aura Reader. This device would have been nothing more that a thought, a passing idea to some species, but to humans, if they can think it, eventually it will become reality. It is just a matter of time. Literally.” The others look at us in amazement, trying to think of the drive humans seem to possess to make these things possible. “But, wait. That is what a human is. What is a Diclonius?” Twilight asks. “That is what me and Sorano are. The Dicloni...it is a long and sad tale.” The ponies seemed interested and gather closer to the table. I sigh and begin the story. “A long time ago there was a child that was born unlike others. She was a mutant and as such was shunned for most of her life. Her name was Lucy. She was a Diclonius.” I look to the others seeing their enraptured looks. “Lucy was not like most children. Her mutation caused her to grow these horns and to gain the powers of the Vectors. Though she didn’t learn about the latter for several years. Abandoned as a child, she was subjected to constant bullying and discrimination. That changed when one night she met a stray pup and decided to befriend him. In spite of all the bullying, that little dog became her rock of stability in her life.” The ponies smile at the story so far, but I knew, they were going to be sick. “It was not to last however. One day Lucy’s bullies found out about her furry friends and decided to make her watch as they-as they...” I began to choke up so Sorano took over and continued. ”They forced her to watch as they beat it to death.” At this all the ponies present immediately paled, Fluttershy in particular turning as white as the fashionista beside her. “Why...?” She asked quietly, even for her. ”No one truly knows. What is known is after killing her only friend, Lucy lashed out, unleashing her Vectors for the first time. She tore those bullies to bloody shreds. After that she began to have a near insatiable bloodlust and killed whoever she wanted.” Sora says in disgust and anger. I quickly take over to make sure she doesn’t do anything rash. “After that Lucy ran away and met a boy named Kohta. Even though she was defensive at first they eventually became good friends with Kohta showing her that not all of humanity was bad. Even though they were kids and she was rather disturbed, she began to fall in love with him. Unfortunately, she mind was still fragile and damaged. Her past torment split her mind, creating a being who only wanted to kill. When she went to a festival to see Kohta off for the summer, she saw him comforting a young girl. His cousin Yuka. She didn’t know this girl and thought Kohta was just pretending to be her friend. After that, she just snapped.” ”After being allowed to roam her country for maybe a year or so, she was eventually captured and taken to a remote island alongside other Dicloni. They were kept in secret and experimented on, trying to find the reason for their mutations and with hopes of stopping it.” Sora stopped talking and looked down at our lap in thought. “Truly a dark and bloody tale for a species. But tell me, what does this Lucy have to do with you two?” Luna asks. We just think for a bit before choosing to tell the truth. I dig into my purse and find my photo from the con and show the ponies. “Look at this picture. Do you notice what’s missing?” All the ponies pass the photo along before it ends up in Spike’s claws and he does a double take before looking closer. “Y-you don’t have your horns...” he says in shock. The others eyes widen and look at the picture again and see that I am lacking my horns. “The Dicloni. Lucy. Their story is just that. A story. It was a work of fiction. While at the convention with my friends Adam and Lex, we were all dressed as someone else. We were cosplayers dressed as someone from a different story, a different world. I bought a pair of fake horns from someone called The Merchant and after a flash I appeared in the Everfree. As Lucy.” I tell them, everypony and mon looking to us in absolute shock. Twilight thinks for a moment before something pops into her head. “That explosion in the forest?” I nod. “That was us. We had a run in with a pack of Timberwolves and ended up having to get a little serious with our Vectors. After that we made our way to Ponyville and saw the chaos caused by Discord. You all know the rest.” The girls look to each other and nod. The royals on the other hand... “What do you mean? Twilights letter just said she would explain the details of her encounter with Discord face-to-face.” Celestia says looking at the main six and me. “That was because of me, princess. Twilight didn’t want to risk telling you about my abilities and such until you got to know the type of person I am.” I tell her and sigh. “Twilight, how detailed was your report?” “Up until our encounter. I didn’t tell her about the Vectors or how you actually helped get the girls back to normal.” Twilight tells me, Shining Armor and Luna looking surprised that Twilight with held info from Celestia. At this point all of us had finished our meals and were just talking. “Princess. I believe we should continue this conversation in a more private area.” I tell Celestia. She nods and our large group get up to leave. After a few minutes of walking, we enter a large room that I guess is Celestia’s study. Though, I was confused as to why there was a grand piano in here. I look to the sun princess with a raised brow while pointing to the piano. “Oh, well we all have ways to relieve stress. I sometimes play the piano to calm myself.” Celestia explains, to which I nod. Sorano and I actually learned to play the piano, as well as sing. Everyone got into a spot in the room, with me sitting on the bench in front of the piano with Selene and Topaz at my side. “Well, lets begin.” After she said that, Sora, Twilight and myself began to tell her the events after we literally ran into each other. She was rather surprised that I helped in my own ways to get the girls back to normal. Though she was shocked to learn what Discord tried to do and that I was able to hold him off. I then explained the Vectors in greater detail, the levels of vibrations, lengths, etc. Afterwards Selene and Topaz explained how they came to Equestria, with Luna being pleasantly surprised by the way Selene talked about the nights back in Hoenn. After nearly an hour of question and explanations we were all going to turn in for the night before I got an idea. “Everypony,” they looked to me, “before we leave, do you think I could play a song on the piano?” They all looked to me in surprise. “You play the piano?” Rarity and Luna ask at the same time. I nod to them. “Yes, Sora and I also sing. There is a song we want to play before we go to sleep. I find it helps me relax.” I turn to the princess. “Do either of you know a spell that would allow Sora to be heard while she is in my head?” The royal sisters look to each other before nodding. They both walk up and place a hand on the sides of my head, just below my horns and focus their magic. It feels like I get a bit of a brain freeze before they take their hands away. ”Did it work?” Sora asks in my head, to which the girls nod. We smile and turn to the piano and pause. “This song is called Reversion.” I begin to play and sing. My audience is utterly stunned by the beginning of the song, only being more caught up as Sora sings with me in the duet. The lyrics to the song seeming to hit a soft spot for Luna and Scarlet, the night princess being held by her sister and the batpony by Blueblood. The girls and Spike are all together in a bunch. The song bringing them back to how Twilight, Spike and I brought them back together. After I fade out the notes and my singing I sigh and suddenly feel two little arms and paws wrapping around me. Looking down I see Selene and Topaz looking at us with watery eyes. “What?” I hear sniffling so I turn and see Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy and even Blueblood crying. “That...that was truly beautiful.” Rarity says, the other agreeing wholeheartedly. I can feel both me and Sora blushing at the praise. I carefully pick up Topaz with my Vectors and place her on my shoulders and pick up Selene with my arms. “Well ‘sniff’ I believe that was a rather good note to leave you all to sleep on. Night court will be beginning so I must bid you all good night and safe dreams.” Luna says to us, quickly using her magic to repair her makeup and teleport to the throne room. “Well my little ponies, Pokemon and Diclonius, I believe my sister is right.” After she says this several of the girls yawn and then leave the room, heading to their assigned rooms. I ended up getting a room with Rarity so me, the unicorn, Zorua and Mawile walked the halls for a few minutes before arriving. Rarity gave me an extra pair of sleepwear and I quickly tucked myself in, Selene and Topaz snuggling up to me. “Good night you Rarity, Topaz and Selene.” I say aloud, the three beings responding in kind. I close my eyes and begin to drift off. ‘Good night little sis.’ ’Night big sis.” > Chapter 8: Tokens and Lesson Zero (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next day that the princess held a large celebration and award ceremony for the main six and I for our efforts against Discord. We all had dresses made by Rarity for the occasion and the speech from the princess was pretty much the same but with me and Sora in it as well. Celestia lit up her horn and showed a new stain glass window. It showed the girls at the bottom sending the rainbow beam at Discord, who had several Swordfish and sharp candy canes around him as he faced me and the image had several translucent arms behind me, showing my Vectors. The crowd cheered for us, Sora taking over and having a victorious smile on her face. After going outside I summoned Selene and Topaz who used Shadow Ball and Fairy Wind to cause their own fireworks. The ponies were amazed by the Pokémon’s attack made fireworks. Afterwards there was a big party for all of us, the nobles even accepting Selene and Topaz into the party. The next day, Celestia had sent a few flying carriages to send us back to Ponyville. We had decided that me and my team would live with Twilight so that we could learn what we can about Equestria and she can learn what she can from us about the Dicloni and Pokemon. Twilight had been giving me and the girls small pop quizzes on Equestria every now and then and has even been testing Selene and Topaz’s abilities. We learned that Selene’s Shadow Ball is about on par with one of Twilight mid strength kinetic blasts, and that Topaz had a bite force of almost a ton with her other mouth. When I am not with Twilight and my Pokemon, me and Sora are walking around town, introducing ourselves to some of the local populace. Like Mayor Mare, she was really nice. Kinda reminded me of Adam’s grandma. Also Cheerilee, and the Spa twins during a trip with Rarity. So far, things have been pretty good for us here in Equestria. Right now I am just wandering around town with Selene on my shoulder and Topaz by my side. After we arrived back in town we had commissioned Rarity to make some more clothes for us, mainly clothes Nyu wore in Elfen Lied. Right now I am in the outfit Yuka gave Nyu. A red dress with yellow frilled skirt reaching my knees and the red being held by frilly white straps, a pale pink t-shirt underneath and purple boots. I decided to forgo the green hat as there is no need for me to hide my horns here in Equestria. (Who knew the outfits for Nyu were so hard to find on google) We were walking around on our way to see the girls for a picnic, and for the life of us, me and Sora could not remember just what this reminded us of. ”Are you sure you’ve seen this somewhere before?” Selene asks us. I continue to think but I cannot remember. I groan out loud. “This is going to be bugging me all day if we can’t figure it out. What is reminding me of today?” I ask myself and Sora. As we are walking around, Topaz looks a bit past us to a tree and sees what looks like a tooth. Curious she walks over and picks it up, seeing it is a large (for her) fang. “Topaz? What is it?” I say, noticing she had wandered off somewhat. ”I am not sure. It looks a bit like a Feraligatr tooth but not serrated. Do you recognize it?” she asks, handing me the tooth. Looking closer it is almost as big as my hand in length and rather smooth. Suddenly we get a headache and hear a voice. I am Loki, Master of Chaos and Defender of Balance. If you fight for Balance, for Freedom, and for Good, know that I will come to your aid! But know this...if you fight for imbalance or for the forces of evil....be aware that there are many fates worse then Death! I yelp and jump back, dropping the tooth. ‘Sora, please tell me you heard that!’ I think to her. ”Kinda hard to miss that! But guessing from the expressions on Topaz and Selene’s faces, it was some kind of telepathic message.” she says back an I see the two Pokemon looking at me with concern and worry. “Ok, this is going to sound crazy, but it seemed this tooth had some sort of encoded telepathic message attached to it.” I tell them, Topaz tilting her head to the side. ”But if that is the case, why didn’t the message play for me?” she asks. I pick the tooth back up and the message doesn’t go off again. “I am not sure but I think we should test this out. Hang on.” I tell them before wrapping a Vector around each and then launching us into the air. The girls do as I say and hold on to their respective Vectors for dear life as I bound us out of town and towards the castle of the two sisters. If this thing is dangerous, I want it to activated as far away from town as possible. Getting the the ruins of the old castle I put Selene and Topaz down, quickly getting hit by a Tackle from the Zorua and an Astonish from the Mawile. The look to me with annoyed and shaken expressions. I take out the tooth and think for a moment. ‘Any ideas how to use it?’ I question Sorano, hearing her hum in thought as well. ”Maybe if we focus our ‘energy’ into the tooth it would do something?’ Sora suggests. I think for a moment on how to do this, then close my eyes and focus solely on the fang in my hand. ‘Loki if you here me, please come forth.’ Suddenly the tooth begins to glow and go out of my hand before bursting into light. Me and the others have to cover our eyes. Once our sight comes back we look to the room before us and see three new beings have appeared. One is a familiar unicorn with head of red and yellow hair and....wings? Another looks just like a certain spirit of hatred and ice but bigger, and the last is in a black cloak, but I can see a eagle talon, lions paw and familiar looking tail. “Discord!” I yell after seeing the last one and jump back summoning a few Vectors around me. The girls quickly gather next to me and gets ready for a fight. The windego sees us and....barks? “What is it boy?” The girl I can tell is Sunset Shimmer asks. She sees me and my Pokemon and gets a confused expression. “Oh man. That was a doozy. Been a while since we were summoned.” He muttered to himself. Getting up, I can see he looks exactly like Discord but somehow looking a little younger and obviously the cloak over his mismatched body. Sunset looks to him and just shrugs while the windego goes up to him like a dog would its master. He looks around and spots us, before sighing after seeing us all tensed and ready for a fight. “Let me guess, you just had a run in with Discord?” He asks in exasperation. I just nod. “Of course they did! It is never easy for us is it?” I blink in shock as a transparent Discord pops in next to this other one. “Because where is the fun in that?” An astral form of a Twilight said. I could tell just looking at her, this one is not very nice. “Well, time for introductions! I am Loki, Master of Chaos, God of Balance and Void Dweller. This is my companion Sunset Shimmer and pet/proxy Freiza the Windego Dragon. ” He says, clapping his hands and suddenly plastering a smiling face on his face. I raise a brow in confusion. “My name is Natali Basatin, ‘Queen’ of the Dicloni and up and coming Pokemon trainer. These two are Selene the Zorua and Topaz the Mawile.” I say introducing us all. He and the projections look to us all before starring at me in our eyes. “And who is the other one?” He asks. My eyes widen as he sees what most cannot. Sora takes control and gets defensive. ”My name is Sorano. Little sister to Natali and former mental defence mechanism.” she says. Sunset does a double take and Loki leans back a bit and smile at us. “I see. In spite of the fact you two share a body, and you are both very different, you are family.” He says to us and suddenly a light bulb goes off above his head, literally. Before we can react he shoots a rainbow and grey blast at me. It feels weird, like I am getting a rough message before it stops. We pant from the surprise and adrenaline, Selene and Topaz checking us over. “Loki! What the buck!?” Sunset yells at him. “What was that?” Sorano and I say together. Sunset looks to us and her eyes widen. I raise a brow at her. “What?” She just motions for me to look next to me. Looking left, I am greeted by a pair of dull rose eyes and pink hair. I am staring at a transparent Lucy. ”What the what?” Sora says, starring back at me. We just stay there then turn to this new draconequus. “I figure you two must be a little sick of having to switch control whenever the other wants to talk.” He says, summoning a few chairs for us and a table and tea set ala Bill Cipher. I carefully sit in the chair, Sora, Selene and Topaz following suit. “Well perhaps we should begin with some explanations. I can tell just looking at you, I am the first Displacer you have met aren’t I?” He asks. “Displaced? As in dimensionally misplaced?” I ask, taking a sip of my tea and finding it is strawberry tea for me. “Oh! So you have heard of us?” “Not exactly. My friend, Adam, is a huge internet nerd so he has heard about all sorts of things online. He told me about something about a trio of brothers being sent to another world, but at that point I stopped listening as I was driving him to Judo practice.” I explain. He hums in thought and nods. “I see. Well to explain, you had a run in with The Merchant, didn’t you?” I nod, pointing to my horns and then to Topaz mega stone. “Well, your friend is right. Every one of us had a run in with him and then were sent to alternate versions of Equestria.” He closes his eyes and his chest glows before what looks like a darker version of the Elements of Harmony that circle slowly around him. “I was dressed as Discord and bought these little beauties; the Elements of Disharmony. After that I appeared in my Equestria, chose to keep the balance, made my daughter Nyx out of the remnants of Nightmare Moons magic, saved the Crystal Empire and ended up marrying my Twi after dying from Tirek.” He gains a melancholy expression. “Unfortunately, I was forced to leave my timeline to fight an evil version of Twilight that was hell bet on destroying every alternate version of me. We fought with all we both had and in the end I was sent to the other side of the multiverse.” The astral Twilight flinches and looks down in shame. “I have been trying to get home to my wife and daughter ever since.” “I am actually the same Sunset as from his universe and I ended up tagging along after some other Void Dweller named Eris took Twilight after she turned into a dark form named Midnight at the friendship games. We are both looking for them and to see if we can get him home.” Sunset adds, idley petting Frieza. Me and the girls look to them in pity. Selene gets up and nuzzles the draconequus cheek in comfort while Topaz gets up and hugs Sunset. They just smile at the attempts of comfort. “I am sorry to hear that Loki and Sunset. I can’t imagine how that must have been like.” I say to them. “I was separated from my friends Adam and Lex as we each bought something. Those two were more like an older sister and little brother than friends. I have been trying to not think about it but I am worried about them.” “Well, we can’t really help that, but if we end up seeing them during my world hopping, I’ll be sure to tell them that you miss them. If you want, it has been a while since I have been summoned by another Displacer so how about you tell me what you have been up to as of late.” He says, turning his cloud into a marshmallow recliner and summoning some bags of popcorn, one each of them. I smile to them and look to the astral Sorano. Me and Sora begin to tell our tale, from buying my horns, fighting the Timberwolves and fighting Discord. Loki was very interested by the mention of the rings in Discord’s eyes. The girls are listening intently about what happened before they showed up, before they take their turns and tell Loki, Sunset and each other about how they ended up here. Afterwards the astral forms of Discord and Twilight ask about Sorano and they are all shocked to learn of her creation. “I must say, for your short stay here so far, you have made a very big impact. Being able to help the elements get back together and even having the stain glass depict you as well...color me impressed.” He says with a smile. “I am really surprised about how you two ended up being sisters. Never would have seen that coming.” Sunset says with a smile. The girls get up from their chairs and stretch from their stiff positions. ”This has been really interesting! Who knew there were so many multiple versions of the same world!” Selene says. ”You said it! I wonder, did The Merchant take something from the Garchomps hoard? Was he the one who let me come here from finding my mega stone?” Topaz questions with a laugh. Me and others just smile at the two as they go back and forth. ”Anyways, we should be getting back to town so we can get to the picnic and...Oh my Celestia that’s it!” Sora says in realization. The we all look to her questioningly. “What? What is it?” I ask Sora. “The want-it-need-it spell! That is what has been in the back of our mind! Twilight hasn’t sent a friendship lesson to Celestia for a week! It’s ‘Lesson Zero’ day!” she says in panic. Immediately both me, Loki and Discord realize what is going on. “Selene, Topaz, I need to keep you two in your pokeballs for a while. This is serious.” I tell them. The two Pokemon look to each other then nod. I quickly return them and look to Loki. “Loki, can you get us to town?” I ask him, getting a serious nod and a snap of the talons. We immediately teleport to the edge of town, in the back of Fluttershy’s cottage, startling some of her animals. Before I can say anything, Loki begins to glow and turns to a brown furred and white maned unicorn stallion with a pair of jeans and his cloak. Sunset also returns to looking like a unicorn but anthro with her clothes still on and Frieza turns to what looks like a German Shepherd. I raise a brow. “My pony-sona Best Seller. I showed up in my Equestria just as Discord was released so I needed a disguise. Plus I don’t think a random Alicorn and Windego is very subtle.” He explains quickly. Our group quickly runs into town to find the purple unicorn. We look for a few minutes and find her with crazy eyes, her hair frayed and looking around quickly. “Twilight!” I call out to her as we run up to her. She looks to us with her mad smile, but gains a confused expression when she sees Loki/ Best Seller, Sunset and Frieza. She shakes it off and looks to us with her mad look and twitch eye. “Ah! Nat and Sora! Perfect timing, do you have something you need? Sisterly banter? New friend drama? Worrying about Lex and Adam?” She asks quickly. I look to Loki with a worried expression and he shakes his head and sighs. “She’s gone.” He says. I just nod and sigh. Before she can react I hit her in the back of the head with a Vector, knocking her out. I catch her from falling and put her over my shoulder before walking back to the library. Some of the townsfolk see us and come to check on her. Loki waves them off by saying Twilight was having a bit of a panic attack. They nod and Big Mac, who came by to check on her, took her off my shoulder and carried her bridle style, Sunset saying that she didn’t expect Twilight to be carried like that for a few years. We all smile at this little joke. The nine of us arrive to the library with Loki keeping the door open as Big Mac carries Twilight up to her bedroom. He leaves and says he will come back with some of ‘Granny’s calming applesauce’. That is a thing? Spike runs in to the library in a panic. “Nat! The flower trio told me Twilight was having a panic attack! Where is she?” He asks worried. I sigh and rub the drakes frill on her head. “Relax Spike. I knocked her out before she could do anything overboard. But I need you to send a letter to the princess and the girls.” I tell her. “But I can’t send letters to others aside from the princesses yet. I don’t have the best contol over my magical fire yet.” He says. Before I can respond Loki steps up with a smile. “No worries little drake. I can take care of that part.” He says, pointing to his horn. I smile to the disguised unicorn. “Thanks Best Seller. I owe you.” He smile to me and Spike grabs six scrolls, one for him to write in, one for Loki to write in and the rest levitating around Loki via his magic. Dear Princess Celestia/RD/AJ/Pinkie/Fluttershy/Rarity, I have been forced to interject in a very serious problem. Today Twilight was going through a major panic attack for not being able to send a friendship lesson every week. She went to her friends/you guys to ask for help and they/you shrugged her off. I met a pony by the name of Best Seller and his friend, who said he used some tarot cards and discovered that Twilight would be using a very dangerous spell to cause problems so she could fix it and then send a letter to you/the princess. This would end badly so I was forced to knock her out and keep her and the town safe. I am very disappointed in the girls/you girls and would like for you to come to Twilight’s house so I can talk to you all. Sincerely yours, Natali Basatin. The boys nod and Spike send his letter via his fire while Loki teleports his letters to the girls. They both nod and Spike goes to get some tea ready while Loki just lounges on the couch and Sunset looks through the library for a good book. I walk up the stairs to check on Twilight. I enter her room and find her beginning to stir from her forced nap. I walk up and crouch next to her. “Urrg...what happened?” She groans. “I had to knock you out before you did something stupid and dangerous in your panic induced hysteria.” I say to her. She quickly looks to the side and sees me. She slowly sits up and rubs her head. “You...knocked me out?” “A firm hit to the back of the head will knock out almost everyone.” I tell her before sitting by the side of her bed. “Twilight. Are you ok?” I ask with worry. Unnoticed to us a certain astral unicorn was watching. “Umm, maybe?” She says unsure. She instantly sits up with her panicked face. “Oh no! I need to get out there and find a problem to solve!” She moves to get up only to find she can’t. I look to her with sadness, my vector holding her spine and keeping her nerves to her limbs frozen. “Twilight, you need to stop.” I tell her, pushing her back into her bed. She still looks panicked. “Twilight, you need to realize that this is stupid. You will not get in trouble for not sending a report every week. You will get in trouble for not taking care of yourself.” I tell her compassionately. She looks to me with sadness, a few tears in her eyes. I go down to her and giver her a hug, releasing my Vector, letting her hug back. “I-I’m sorry. I j-just don’t want to disappoint the princess. If I do then who know how she will react!” She says, crying a bit. The astral unicorn looks to the side in thought. I pull back and look to her in the face. “Do you really have that little faith in the princess?” I ask her, getting a shocked look and a rapidly shaking head. “Twilight, Celestia is kind, loving and protective. She is like a second mother to almost all her subjects. You most of all as her student. Any parent would not be disappointed for a child not completing a personal trial, they get disappointed that their child would not take care of themselves and may harm themselves and others.” Twilight lays back and turns her head in with sadness. I hear a knocking at the door downstairs and Loki opening the door. “Do you want to talk to the others, or do you want me to?” I ask her. She looks to me and sighs. “Can y-you do it. I am really tired and could use a nap.” She says. I nod to her and lean up and give her a small kiss on the head like my mother would when we have a nightmare. Getting up and turning to the door, I don’t notice the blush on her face. But the astral one does. “Oh yeah. Just letting you know, Big Mac will be stopping by later to deliver some of Granny’s calming applesauce for you.” I tell her and leave her room. Walking down the stairs I see the rest of the main six and Celestia sitting in the living room, the girls having worried expressions on their faces. They notice me and RD is the first to react and flies in my face. “Where is Twi?!? Is she ok?!” She says quickly. I take a Vector and place her back on the couch. “She is fine now. I talked her down. She is in her room and is going to be taking a nap so please don’t be too loud.” I say to them, the girls sighing in relief before doing a double take and tense seeing Sora appear with a serious expression. ”However, we are both very disappointed in all of you. You included Celestia.” she says to them, the girls flinching and Celestia raising a brow. We look to newcomers. ”Loki, maybe you should introduce yourself and the others first.” she says. Loki nods and he and Frieza begin to glow. The group of mares jump back and Celestia lights up her horn seeing Loki’s mismatched pieces and the feeling the rooms temperature drop a bit. “Dis-“ “Loki.” I interrupt Celestia before she can begin as I wrap a Vector around her horn. They look to me and Loki in shock and confusion, Celestia with a bit of rage. Before she can say anything though, Sunset walks next to us and lowers her hood and spreads her wings. Everyone, especially Celestia is frozen in shock at the new Alicorn in the room. “Mares and drake, meet Loki, Master of Chaos, God of Balance and Void Dweller and his companion Sunset Shimmer and pet Frieza. Loki was like me. He bought something from The Merchant and became a draconequus in his own version of Equestria.” I tell them calmly, the group looking to the new trio in shock. Celestia looks to me, Loki and Sunset then to AppleJack. “She’s tellin the truth.” She says. I unwrap my Vector from her horn and walked to a cotton candy chair Loki summoned, he and Sunset taking their own. I release Selene and Topaz and send Selene to Twilight to keep an eye on her and give her the comfort of a fluffy pet. “Sooo, long story short I am from a diffrent version of Equestria where I saw what Twilight would be doing today. Nat didn’t want that to happen so I told her what was going on and then helped her get Twi home. After that she had me and Spike send you girls the letters.” Loki explains. The girls all listening intently, Spike having brought in the tea for us. “Also, we wanted to be at least a little discreet so we chose to take these forms.” Astral Discord says, appearing alongside astral Twilight. The gathered ponies look like they are about to have a few aneurisms from the gathered group before them. “Ok, but how did you guys get here in the first place?” Spike asks. I answer by taking out the tooth I had with me, seeing it is the same as Loki’s singular fang. “That my friends, is my token. Basically any displaced like me and Nat here can make something that represents us and send it into the void to be found by any number of other Displacers. Speaking of, you don’t have a token yet, do you?” Loki explains and asks. I look to him and shake my head before thinking about what my token could be. ”Why don’t you use the Aura Reader? It represent you as mine and Selene’s trainer.” Topaz suggests, sipping her tea. I look to her and shug. Taking the AR off me and Sora immediately think of a message to send. We are the Queen Dicloni. Should you need protection of the Vectors, or that of our team, know that we will be there. However, know that should you follow the path of evil, of destruction or devastation, we will not hesitate to tear you to shreds. After thinking my creed a small black portal appears before me and I drop my AR into it, only for it to come back a second later. A similar portal appears by Loki and a copy of my AR appears in his claws. “Nice creed.” He says with a smirk. I just smile back to him as he and Sunset get up. “Well, it appears our work is done here. Nat if you could, take out my token and say ‘our contract is finished’ and we can get back to our journey.” I nod to him and take out the tooth. “Good luck Loki. I hope you get home to your wife and daughter soon. And Sunset, good luck with your Twilight. Our contract is finished.” I say with a smile as a multicoloured portal appears behind them and they walks in with smiles. > Chapter 9: Friendship Talk and a Nightmares Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Loki and his group left through the portal, I looked left and saw that Sora was still in her new astral form, just hovering in the air like Rainbow does on clouds. She looks kinda funny since her clothes are acting like she is standing normally and not moving around with the direction she is. “Looks like this is a permanent spell huh?” I ask her, Sora doing a backflip and hovering next to me. ”Looks like it. This is really nice, being able to appear to others instead of having to take control of our body.” she says, taking a seat in midair before smirking. ”Imagine all the pranking possibilities.” I just shake my head at that. We get interrupted by the princess clearing her throat and getting our attention back to the situation at hand. Me and Sora both get serious expressions. “S-so, what are you disappointed about?” Rainbow asks, clearly a little worried. The others also look worried and Celestia just looks curious. Me and Sora sigh. “When Twilights came to you girls early about her problem of the friendship reports, what did you do?” I ask the girls. They see where I am going with this. “W-we brushed her off and said it was no big deal.” Fluttershy whispers. I nod to her and Sora floats over to them. ”And why would you do that?” she asks the group, Celestia being curious as well. “Well, we thought she was just being silly! She was freaking out about not sending a letter every week? Why would that be serious?” Rainbow says and me and Sora sigh again and shake our heads. “To you, it wouldn’t be serious, but to Twilight, who has had a set routine and possibly mild OCD about practically everything to the point she has to have Spike triple check a checklist after double checking it? It might as well be the same as you getting a to chance to show off to the Wonderbolts, or for Rarity to be invited to a tea party in Canterlot by a group of nobles. It is serious to her.” I explain and the girls all look down in shame. Sora decided to add into it. ”How many of your guys problems has Twilight solved since moving here to Ponyville?” the girls all pause and think, not being able to find a definite number because of all she has done. Sora nods at their lack of a specific answer. ”And how many of her problems have you all helped with?” they all look to one another, but they can’t actually think of a single answer at the moment that would really count. Celestia looks surprised by this. “So Twilight has been helping this town and all of you so much, yet you cannot think of a single problem of hers you have helped with?” the princess asks shocked. The Elements looks down again and nod in shame. Celestia goes to continue, but I interrupt her. “Don’t start berating them princess. You are also responsible for this.” I tell her and she does a double take is confusion. “Pardon?” “Princess, how long has Twilight been your student for?” I ask her, Celestia barely thinking for a second. “About eleven years, she is twenty and Spike is eleven.” She answers and Spike nods. I am actually surprised as Spike looks like he is in his early teens. “And in her time as your student, Twilight has had a very tight schedule. Personal classes with you, regular classes at your school, time with her family, and just being Twilight and reading any chance she gets. She has put herself in a rut and routine and became complacent with it.” I explain and the others, expect Rainbow and Pinkie, see where I am going with this. ”Add on to the fact she has never really had any friends before, she doesn’t know what she should do. And that is terrifying to her. She is used to either having the princess or parents in control, till a few years ago when she was old enough to make her own decisions. But this is entirely new. It would be the same as if Applejack tried to farm an entirely new type of crop, or Pinkie trying to invent a new flavour of cupcake. It is out of her control.” Sora says. The gathered ponies all look to each other worried while Celestia looks a little ashamed of herself for not realizing this. ”Huh, this is actually reminding me of what happened with a duo of Kangaskhan cubs. They were so used to playing together in a certain part of the cave, that when they moved after a cave in from when an Onix went through, they were just too scared of the unknown to play for the longest time.” Topaz says. I quickly explain what those Pokemon are, the group surprised by what an Onix is. “That is actually a pretty good analogy. Twilight was so used to her routine back in Canterlot, yet she does realize the importance of her friendships with all of you, so she is trying to merge her routine back at the palace with a new routine here in Ponyville. Her focal point being her friendship reports. And the fact that her new routine was in danger of being incomplete, she panicked and almost started causing problems so she could report of the aftermath through the guise of a report.” I explain and the gathered ponies and drake all look ashamed for letting it get this far. Spike sighs and grabs his cup of tea and drinks it all in one go. He then gets up and goes to the stairs. “Where are you going Spikey?” Rarity asks. “I’m going to check on Twilight and talk to her if she isn’t asleep. She is basically my big sis and I should have talked her down instead of worrying about myself. This is as much my fault as the rest of yours.” He says. The girls go to talk to him before Sora stops them and hovers to him. ”Spike, from one little sibling to another, you can’t always stop your big sis. I know there a few time I would love to talk Nat down from doing something dumb, but they need to learn their own limits and how to overcome them themselves.” she says, placing a transparent hand on his shoulder, barely keeping it from going through him. ”That being said, when your sibling oversteps her strengths and falls, you should be one of the first to pick them back up.” She says with a smile at him. ”Get going, even is she is asleep, having her little bro nearby will help. I would know.” Spike nods and smiles at the astral Diclonius before turning and going up the stairs to his big sisters room. About a minute later Selene comes down the stairs with a smile on her little muzzle. She quickly takes her spot on my lap and curls up a bit to nap. I just chuckle and scratch her head. “Well, this has been a rather enlightening talk.” Celestia says, standing up from her seat and getting ready to leave, before turning to the rest of us. “As Natali stated, this is a mess that could have been avoided had all of us been more considerate of Twilights perspective. As such I want all of you to begin to send friendship reports to me when and only when you find them.” She turns to me and my team. “Natali, Sorano, can you two keep an eye on Twilight and send my apologies to her?” I give her a mock salute while Sora nods with a smile. She nods with a smile before walking outside and teleporting back to her castle. The others look to one another and nod. “Well, we better get Spike. We got some letters to send!” AppleJack says before I stop them by extending ten Vectors, five with a scroll and the others with a quill and smirk at them. They look to the hovering items and nod. Applejack starts, the others adding their own sentence. “Dear Princess Celestia...” “Today we learned a little something about friendship...” “We learned that you should take your friends worries seriously...” “Even if you don’t think she has anything to worry about.” “And that you shouldn’t let your worries turn a small problem...” ”into an enormously huge, Diclonius has to knock you out to protect the town and spell caster problem!” I decided to add a little thing of my own at the end. ‘And that you should know when you have to be there for the ones you care about, be they family, partners or friends.’ After I wrote all that down on the scrolls, I roll them up and place them on the side table for Spike to send later. After that, the girls all leave to do their own things, mostly think and I decided to stay home at the library to make sure Spike and Twilight are ok. I checked on them and found the duo fast asleep on her bed. I just smile and make sure they are covered up before placing a closed sign on the door and locking the library. I quickly and quietly make some dinner for me and my Pokemon to eat and then head down to the basement to continue some research. For the past few days I have been researching the Diclonius Virus I can produce with my Vectors. Turns out if I concentrate on the virus itself, I can cause it to be produced as a pink, translucent liquid like extremely watered down pink lemonade. I was a straight A student in almost all of my science classes, specifically biology and medical science, so I was extremely curious about how the Virus works. I spent the next few hours into the night researching and documenting how the Virus looks under a microscope as well as going over the notes of what I knew about the virus itself from the info given by Elfen Lied. I was curious, the Virus specifically infected human males and made it that their sperm could only produce Dicloni. Could it work the same way for stallions and make some kind of hybrids? Could it theoretically infect mares? These and many other questions I had written down on a separate sheet of notes. By the time I decided to stop, I saw it was around one in the morning. I spent the next few days taking care of Twilight. We decided that after a potentially dangerous panic attack like that one, she needed some time to rest. I kept her home and Spike took care of things in the library, with Selene and Topaz doing most of his chores. The two of us would talk, she would help me with my research and me and Sora would answer some of her questions about Pokemon and the Dicloni. After three days, I decided to take her to the spa with Rarity and Fluttershy. Turns out the Spa sisters heard what happened with Twilight having a panic attack and they offered to give her a full relaxation message so she would calm down. I all but forced her to take it, but she only did after I said I would join her. I noticed while we were in the sauna that my Vectors would actually become visible in the steam, which was odd as they are normally intagable. I also noticed Twilight glancing at me more than once. I figured she was curious about the physical differences between my body and that of mares. Considering I don’t have fur to cover anything, I was lucky it was only mares in today. Though Rarity was inspired to make some new undergarments for me from just seeing me naked, so there is that. Those two were just full of nothing but apologies to Twilight. Seems they needed this trip just as much as us with how stressed they have been after my scolding a few days ago. After that, things just went back to normal for all of us, just with the girls being a bit more considerate of Twilight and me and Twi spend more time together. So far I haven’t found any more Tokens aside from Loki’s and no more Pokemon have appeared, so the only problems we have dealt with were Equestrian in origin. Before I knew it, it was time for the next episode to come around. Luna Eclipsed. I had commissioned Rarity to make me a specific outfit. I know Adam would be proud. I got half of my hair coloured chocolate brown the night before and bought a single brown contact for it. Rarity made the outfit perfectly. The greyish brown jeans and belt were cut just halfway down my calf’s, where my long white boots would cover up. The mid length white and pink jacket and grey stripped shirt I had on fit just right to show a bit of my bust, being covered by a few black necklaces and my black gloves were just the right size. I even got a parasol that was near perfect. Just added a few details here and there and may have added an actual hidden blade for self defence for tonight. For once, me and Sora both agreed that we looked good. Who knew we would look so hot as Neo? Rarity was the first to see me in the completed costume and she almost fainted with how good I look. She was immediately inspired to make a ton of other outfits similar to it, so I made a rough sketch of the outfit of a certain convict and another of a cape wearing huntress from RWBY for her to use. She said they would work perfectly for some of her customers in Canterlot. I walked over to Fluttershys with a cloak over me so no one would see my outfit before tonight. She said she actually made little outfits for Selene and Topaz in spite of the fact she wouldn’t be participating in Nightmare Night. Getting to her cottage, I saw Harry the bear walking up to the door. He noticed me as I walked up the path and met me halfway and gave me a literal bear hug. This guy is a big softy and my Vectors being far stronger than even Big Mac came in handy when he threw his back out a few days ago and needed a rough message to get better. We entered Fluttershy’s cottage together and found the butter yellow pegasus checking over a list of things for the night. “Let’s see do I have everything for tonight?” She asks herself, before noticing as me and Harry walk into the living room. “Oh! Natali, your just in time. The costumes for Selene and Topaz are done and in the kitchen. I was just going over my supplies for the night.” I nod to her and enter the kitchen seeing the two outfit and I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of those two in them. The first was a little ninja outfit that was clearly for Topaz as it had two masks, one for her face and another for her other mouth. The other one took me a second to recognize, but it was a monarch butterfly outfit that would fit a tiny fox. I gather the two outfits in a bag Fluttershy provided before wishing her a safe night and giving another hug to Harry. Getting back to the library, I release Topaz and Selene from their pokeballs and help them put their costumes on. They both commented on my outfit choice as well and the three of us waited for Twilight and Spike to get back from some last minute shopping before the holiday starts. We didn’t have to wait long as they got back not five minutes later. I made sure to keep my cloak on as I wanted to surprise them with my outfit of choice. After a couple hours and Celestia lowering the sun, Spike walked out of his room in a dragon outfit. A dragon going as a dragon. Meta. Soon after we get a knocking at the door. Spike goes to open it and gets a certain jingle sung to him. “Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give me something sweet to bite!” Call out the CMC in their own little outfits. I laugh a little as I see Pinkie popping out behind them in a chicken outfit. “Pinkie? Aren’t you a little too old for trick or treating?” Spike asks, putting some candy in all their bags, getting a gasp from the chicken mare in response. “Too old for free candy?!? Are you loco?!” She asks, before pecking at the bowl, taking half of the candy in it. I just laugh at her antics. After they left Twilight came down in her Starswirl the Bearded outfit. The cape and hat were then same as in the show, but she also wore a old scholars robe and necklace around her neck. I whistled at it, while Spike was confused by it. “Well? What do you two think?” She asks, twirling a bit. Spike was still confused so I just saved him a little embarrassment. “Nice job Twilight. I am going to assume you got the numbers of bells exact for Starswirls sake?” I ask with a smirk, earning a sheepish blush. “Maybe...Anyways, are you going to show us your outfit now or what?” She asks excited. I just smile and have Selene and Topaz stand next to me and and pulled my cloak off like many, MANY movies and games do for reveals. Turns out, not that hard if it isn’t a sleeved cloak. While the cloak is going by I grab and extend my parasol behind me and put on a small smile. Both of their jaws dropped and I noticed Twilight gaining a blush on her face. “Oh. Wow.” She whispers and I can’t help but get a bit of a blush myself and hide behind some of my brown hair like Fluttershy. “Do you guys like it?” I ask shyly, and Twilight dumbly nods while Spike snaps out of his shocked trance. “Holy Luna! Nat, not to overstep my bounds or anything, but you look pretty hot.” He says, and I blush some more as a certain sister of mine appears beside me, laughing in the air. ”Hahahah! Thank you Spike! Finally someone other than me says it!” Sora says laughing. Unlike me she is actually in a different outfit. We learned we can manifest different clothes for ourselves in astral form so she is going as someone different. She has the roots and tops of her hair brown with the ends highlighted pink. She is wearing a pink and purple striped sweater with a hot pink skirt and brown boots, and holding a hot pink scythe. Again, Adam would be proud. Sora pulls off being Betty pretty well. “Nice look for you too Sora. So who are you two going as anyways? I assume chacacters from stories back home?” He asks and we both nod, me and Twilight having stopped blushing for the moment. Topaz and Selene said they would be watching the library for us tonight, so we walk out the library without them and Sora and I explain who our characters are as we go to the center of town where the others are. I notice as we are walking I am getting more than a few passing glances by the stallions in town. Before long we reach where the others are, Pinkie going by with the foals with large sacks full of candy, and AppleJack manning the bobbing for apples barrel. I see Rarity coming up from the way her boutique was in a pretty good Bride of Frankenstein outfit. The others notice as we walk up and Rarity actually does a double take seeing Sorano in her costume. “Oh my! Sora, you didn’t say you were dressing up yourself. This is a rather interesting choice, though I suspect the scythe has something to do with it?” Rarity asks as she walks to us. Sora smirks and decided to scare them. She closes her eyes and motions for them to get closer. They do and she opens her eyes, the pupils having turned slited like Spikes and her smile turns jagged. The mare jump back and shout in fright before Sora bursts out laughing. ”HAHAHAHAH! Oh, oh my Celestia, y-your faces! Ahaha!” she goes on with a few midair flips in her fit of laughter. While that is going on I quickly explain who Betty is in her story and Rarity understands reason for the fright and scythe. “Ah have to say, the two of ya’ll look real good as your characters. But ya may wanna be careful there Nat. You may get the wrong kind of attention with that much out.” AppleJack says, pointing to my bust. I rub my arm and nod before buttoning up a bit more. Sora noticed that Twilight got a barely noticeable defensive look on her face after AJ said that and raised a brow at her. We don't get to continue as Mayor Mare comes on stage in a clowns outfit. Me and Sora see this is going to be just like the show so we decided before hand to just enjoy ourselves before helping out Luna near the end of the night. After Luna arrived and then proptly left, Twilight went to comfort her while I got everypony to stop freaking out. Me and Sora just walk around for a while, playing spider toss and using our Vectors for the pumpkin launch, before passing an alley and hearing a muffled scream. It wasn’t of anyone I recognize but I could tell it was a mares. Me and Sora rush into the alley and carefully look around a corner. What I see pissed me off. Three stallions that I recognize as DumbBell and his friends cornering Derpy. They had put a muzzle on her and tied her wings up. It didn’t take a genius to know what was going on. Especially since her shirt and pants were ripped off. The three stallions were planning to rape her. “Well, it is about time you can be made useful. Maybe this will give you an actual job.” DumbBell says with a laugh. Derpy was crying on the ground and at that point something in me snapped as I remember something that happened to Lex a few years back. She wasn’t raped, but she did lose her virginity to some guy who only wanted bragging rights to his friends. Adam found him and put him in the hospital soon after. Now its my turn. I walk around the corner as Sora flies to get the night guards that came with Luna. The skinny one, Score, notices me and I made sure to keep my buttons lowered to throw him off. “Hey guys, looks like we got another one that wants to join in.” He says and the others look to me. Derpy sees me and silently begs for help. I just send her a soft smile before glaring at the trio, it wasn’t Lucy in terms of level, but it did make Score flinch. “I am going to give you to the count of three to apologize before I clip your wings and leave you to die.” I say with seriousness, but they just laugh. “You think a little mare like you can take us on?” Hoops asks, taking out a pocket knife. I don’t react and place a hand on the end of my parasol. “One.” I grab and twist the handle and a loud click goes out. The Pegasi look confused by the sound. “Two.” I slowly pull out the hidden sword with its sound of metal against metal. Hoops and Score actually flinch in shock. DumbBell does as the first part of his name says and does the dumb thing and takes out two batons. “What you think a little piece of metal is going to scare us? I am going to enjoy having some fun with you.” He says and rushes forward. I just close my eyes before opening them, my eyes dulled and full of anger. “THREE!” As the pegasus gets close I whip a Vector out, destroying his batons. He barely has time to recognize this before I attack, slicing cleanly through his wings and standing behind him. He doesn’t react for a second before screaming in pain and blood spurts onto my face from the stumps that held his wings. The other Pegasi step back, shaking as I walk forwards towards them. “Buck this! I’m out!” Score says, but before he can fly, I wrap a Vector around his neck and lift him into the air. He begins to choke and gasp for breath before I throw him at myself and as he is sailing by, cut his wings off too as well as an ear. I look to the remaining stallion as he grabs Derpy and places the knife against her neck. “Don’t move freak! Or this bitch gets it!” I don’t react and take a step forwards, Hoops putting more pressure on the blade, beginning to draw blood. I send two Vectors behind him. They slowly reach into him, but he doesn’t notice. I sheath my blade and he smiles thinking he has won, before seeing my ashamed face. “I’m sorry, but it looks like you will be the first to die from my Vectors.” I say and he looks confused before feeling an intense pain in his right arm. He looks and finds his arm is on the ground. Derpy quickly gets away as I vibrate my Vector within him, causing him to throw up blood and soon a huge hole appears in his torso. He looks to me for a second before falling over, dead. I walk over to Derby, taking my jacket off and giving it to her, not caring if a lot of my bust is showing from my tight shirt. She takes it before crying into my shoulder. We stay there for who know how long before we hear several hooves coming to us. ”Nat! I got the others! Are you two-“ Sora stops as she, Luna, Twilight and the Night guards come around the corner and see the carnage I made. I don’t react and help Derpy up, letting her lean on me the whole time. I wave a guard over and he tries to help only for Derpy to yelp and hold onto me tighter. I sigh and wrap my arms around her. I look to the princess who looks to the dead and bleeding stallions on the ground with disgust, but not because of their injuries. “Twilight, where does Derpy live?” I ask, Twilight turning back to me from almost losing her dinner. She just motions for me to follow. I look to a guard and nod for him to follow as well. I then look to Luna and silently apologize for the mess. She just shakes her head and spits at the body of Hoops. We walk out of the alley, a large crowd having gathered after hearing DumbBells screams. More than a few look in shock at Derpy’s state and the actual blood on my face. Sora and the other two Night guards keep the civilians at bay as the Elements and Mayor Mare walk up to us. “What happened!?!” She yells, only for me to cover her mouth and glare at her, motioning to the still terrified Derpy. She softens her gaze and puts two and two together from her lack of cloths and the blood on me. Me and the others walk past her and the Guards make sure no one gets into the alley besides the mayor. Several ponies come by and try to comfort Derpy, but I just push them all away with my Vectors and keep the mare close. We soon arrive at her house and Twilight grabs a spare key from beneath a potted plant and unlocked the door for us. I take Derpy to her room while the guard says he will go to Derpy’s workplace and tell her boss she needs time off from this. “Derpy?” She turns to me with puffy eyes. “Do you want me to stay here tonight?” I ask her and she sniffles and nods. I help her get washed up, cleaning myself from the blood as well, and get into some night wear and go to the living room with her staying close. I look to the mantle by the fireplace and see a photo of her, Dr.Whooves, Dinky and Sparkler all together. I take it off the mantle and smile at it as they all look so happy. “Where is the Doctor and your daughters?” I ask, Twilight coming into the room with some tea. “Time said he was going to be visiting Trottingham to see some colleagues about an experiment and the girls went with him to see what he has been working on.” She says shakily, taking a sip of her tea. I nod and think that may have been for the best. Dinky and Sparkler shouldn’t have to see their mom like this. “Twilight? Can you head back to the library and get some spare clothes for me and get Selene to come here?” I ask her, the purple unicorn nodding before carefully giving Derpy a hug and teleporting away. I stay next to the grey pegasus, letting her just rest her head on my shoulder. Before too much time passes there is a knock at the door and Sorano says it is Luna, Twilight and Selene. I use a Vector to open the door and let them in, not moving from my spot next to Derpy. Luna walks in with a neutral expression, only for it to fall as soon as she sees me and Derpy. Selene comes in and immediately jumps up to Derpy and begins to nuzzle the grey pegasus mare. Luna motions for me to talk to her in the kitchen and I ask Twilight to stay with these two. She nods and Derpy reluctantly lets me go. Going to the kitchen, Luna casts a silencing spell. “Sorano gave us a report of what happened. She looked through you memories and told us what happened between you, Derpy and those stallions. Ordinarily I would berate any who would kill or clip Pegasi wings, but I agree that they deserved it. My sister may not agree.” Luna says, only for me to take my brown contact out and look at her, dead in the eye, with defiance. What I was going to say next was very dangerous, but needed to be said. “If your sister tries to defend those sick fucks after what they almost did, then she doesn’t care about her subjects. I may not be a pony or Equestrian, but where I come from, there is a thing called karmic retribution. They got what they deserved. It will haunt me that I had to do it, but I would do it a thousand times more if it meant protecting my friends and even those I don’t know.” I tell the night princess. She looks at me for a minute before smiling at me. “That is a response I haven’t heard before in all my time ruling.” ‘Luna’ says in a different voice, one I know as well. I cross my arms and motion for her to cut it out. She nods and begins to glow, taking the form of Celestia. We stare at each other for a second before the sun princess sighs. “My sister called me after arriving at the crime scene. Like I said, I do not agree that you had to go that far, but I will not hold it against you for protecting one who needed it. Instead, I thank you for stopping three monsters in pony form from hurting an innocent mother while her family is away.” She says, bowing her head to me. I just stare at her. “Like I said, a thousand time over for my friends. Derpy is a sweet mare that this shouldn’t have happened to.” I sigh and rub my head a bit. “I’ll be staying with her till her family gets back to make sure she is ok. Can you get your sister to keep a close eye on her dreams to ward off her nightmares?” Celestia nods and lowers the spell, the two of us walking back to the living room. Not long after the princess and Twilight left, I take Derpy to bed and make sure she is comfy. I have Selene sleeping next to her and acting like a plushy for her to hug in her sleep. I took to sleeping in a small cot Derpy had in the Doctors lab after moving it into her room. I just lay there, wide awake and I keep thinking back to that fight. ’You did the right thing Nat. You don’t have to keep thinking about it.’ After Sora says that she appears and gives me a hug, laying in the cot with me. In her arms, in spite of being transparent, I feel a little better. It isn’t long before I fall asleep, nuzzling into the arms of my little sister. > Chapter 10: A Shocking Heart To Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sigh as I close the notebook I have been writing my theories on the Diclonius Vius in. It has been a little over a week since Nightmare Night and I am still bothered by it. The next day after the event I stayed with Derpy all day until her husband and daughters all but broke the door down to see her. Apparently Celestia sent somepony to tell them what happened. I gave the Doctor the full rundown and said I will be around for a while to help take care of her. He was endlessly grateful to me and Sora. But I felt like I didn’t deserve it. Even though everypony in town has been helping Derpy out and my friends have also been keeping an eye on the both of us, I just feel different. I don’t know what it is. I feel guilty for what I did to those stallions, yet I don’t at the same time. My emotions have been rather paradoxical lately. Sora keeps telling me that what I did wasn’t my fault, that it was in the heat of the moment and I didn’t have any real control over it. Mayor Mare has even agreed that I was acting through instinct and not logic. Then why am I scared and hurt when I think of it? Why was my first instinct to attack, cripple and kill instead of distract until the authorities arrive? Why did I....enjoy it? I have managed to keep Sora from finding these thoughts thus far. Sora and I had long since learned how to keep our thoughts seperated from each other if we want to. Plus, ever since Loki cast that spell on us to make it so we have an astral form, it seems the barrier between both of our minds is almost stronger. I can only imagine what she would be like if she learned of how I have been feeling lately. Sighing again, I put my things away and head back up to the living room from the lab. I have been checking on Derpy and her family every day for a whole week just in case, and I really like that pegasus mare. She is almost too sweet to other ponies and despite her clumsiness, she always wants to help out. She didn’t deserve to have this happen to her. And I once again go back to that ‘fight’. No matter what I do, my mind will not let me move on from that night. And it seems the others are starting to notice. Lately Sora, Topaz, Selene and Twilight have all been trying to get me to go out with them to do things like play in the park, train as their trainer or just for me to tag along when Twilight wanted to head to the Everfree to study the poison joke patch. Yet, every time I prefer to stay in the library and study my virus or to keep an eye on Derpy and her family. I even missed SisterHooves Social according to Sora. A couple of times Sora has tried to take control of our body and force me to go out with the others, but I have somehow managed to overpower her and keep her from doing so. I am not sure why I am being so closed off and negative, but I can’t seem to make these emotions and thoughts to go away. I have even been visited by Luna in my dreams, but since me and Sora are lucid dreamers, I wasn’t technically having nightmares so she couldn’t do much. I enter the living room and see Spike, Selene and Topaz cleaning up the house and Twilight is on the couch reading through...some psychology books? I just ignore them and head to the kitchen and grab myself a glass of apple juice. ”You really should spend a little less time in the lab you know. We don’t have as advanced research equipment as back on earth. Plus we only know so much about the virus.” Sora tells me, appear next to me as I sit at the table. I just ignore her and drink my juice in silence, running through everything I have learned about the virus thus far. It’s composition, the elements and minerals its made of. How it may work compared to other viruses or bacteria. So far I have found that the virus could theoretically effect stallions the same as human males, but I cannot and will not test it. The last thing I want is to find I am right and suddenly have a group of Diclonius-pony hybrids running around without a way to keep them secure or a surefire way to kill them. At that last thought I almost spit out my juice. There it is again, that cold killer mentality. Ever since Nightmare Night many of my thoughts have been cold, almost as cold as Lucy herself. I have been thinking maybe the DNA Voice was coming out, but so far the only other voice in my head has been Sorano. ”You thinking about the hybrid theory again?” Sora asks with a worried expression. I just nod. She sighs and takes the seat next to me, despite the fact she can float. ”I am really starting to think we should talk to the princesses about your theories Nat. Even if we don’t a hundred percent trust these scientists, they are better suited to this field of work.” I think for a second before walking to the door and grabbing my purse and a jacket Rarity gave me. I can sense that the others are looking at me. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back later.” I tell them without looking back and headed out the door. I can hear Sora sigh from our connection. ’You need to talk to someone Nat. I don’t like how you have been lately. But I will respect your wishes and leave you alone for now.’ Sora says to me as I walk away from the library. I just walk through the town in silence for a while, waving to some ponies who see me, getting some waves and smiles back. I just walk for a while, eventually reaching the edge of the Everfree. I am not sure why, but I really don’t care what happens so I just begin to walk into the forest. I just walk through the true natural forest of the Everfree, just listening to the bugs and birds and smelling the plant life. It is calming to me, all this untamed nature. I am not sure how long I was walking for before I find myself at the castle of the two sisters. I look into the gorge below me, seeing them faint light from a cave that I know holds the Tree of Harmony. I shrug and decide to take a look. Finding the stairs leading down, I soon reach the mouth of the cave and walk in. I can sense it, the massive source of Harmony magic. After a couple seconds, I turn a corner and see it. The crystalline tree. I go up to the massive ‘plant’ and take a seat on its roots. I don’t know why, but I feel safe here. I lay against the tree, just letting my mind wander, ultimately coming back to what it always has the past few days. “Why do I feel like this?” I ask aloud, gaining no response. “I know I wasn’t in complete control and I did what was right, but I am still scared by it. Why was it so easy to take a life and future like that?” I just lay there and close my eyes, not really caring about anything. “Because you are both pure and protective.” My eyes shoot open and I get off the root, looking around the area frantically. “Who’s there?!” I call out to the cave. I don’t get an immediate response before feeling something tapping my shoulder. Turning, I see something that confused me a little. I found a mare, looking to be a couple years older than me and the girls with a jet black coat and purple mane done in a similar style to Fluttershy wearing a beautiful blue dress. I raise a brow at the mare, seeing her turquoise eyes looking at me. “What? What do you mean I am still pure? And protective?” I ask her. She walks over to another root and pats the spot next to her. I cautiously sit next to her, trying to think of where I have seen her before. “You have a pure soul. I take it you never had any real life threatening problems back in your home?” I shake my head, not really thinking of anything I myself had dealt with that could be that dangerous. Sorano on the other hand....yeah. “Yet, in spite of your lack of experience with that, you are very protective of others. If one of your friends is in danger, you would do anything to protect them, to keep them safe.” She looks to me in the eyes. “It was easy, because your friend was in danger. You wanted to kill not for the ‘thrill of the kill’ but because you were willing to do what you had to to protect her.” She explains. I think for a minute about it and sigh. “But, why now? Why am I able to kill now when before I got squeamish just from seeing or reading things like that?” I question the mare. She puts a hand on her chin and hums in thought. “Perhaps, because you are growing and have the strength to do it now. I can tell you are a little childish,” I pout at her, inadvertently proving her point, “and you have been like that for a long time. You have someone who can handle these fears and problems for you, don’t you?” I rub my hands together and nod after a second. “My little sister, Sora. Ever since she was created she has always looked out for me, facing our fears head on, fighting and scaring the bullies and generally being a borderline badass. I am the one that normally talks people down, helps them get back on their feet, or hooves in this case.” I look to her again. “Then why did I fight? Why did I face those stallions while Sora went and got help?” She closes her eyes again and stands up, walking to the tree. “Because you could now. You don’t need to rely on your sister all the time now. You have taken one of your first step in growing up into a strong woman. Learning to fight your own battles and to help those who cannot do so.” She suddenly looks up and smiles a bit. “It seems there is another who needs to learn this.” I look up as well, seeing nothing but the ceiling to the cave and remembering that the castle ruins are above us. I look back to the mare to ask what she means, only to find myself alone in the cave. I raise a brow in confusion and look around, finding her hoof prints leading to the tree, but that is it. I am confused by this before looking to the tree again and then the ceiling, or more accurately to the castle above. I think for a second before heading out of the cave, intent on finding whoever that mare was talking about. I didn’t notice a rainbow coloured void portal closing from behind the tree as I left. Going out the cave and up the stairs, I begin to cross over the bridge to the ruins when I hear something calling out. It isn’t talking like a human, I can barely hear it saying the same thing, over and over again. At this, I realize I may have found a new Pokemon. Rushing across the bridges, I get to the other side and begin to open the door to the ruins. Walking in, I hear a frantic call of the Pokemon in question before seeing it. It’s blue fur merging into black in the back and a short black mane. It’s tail ending in a four pointed star. I activate my AR and get a read of it. Luxio: Level 20 HP: 60 ATK: 85 DEF: 49 SP.ATK: 60 SP.DEF: 49 SPD: 60 Attacks: Flash, Ice Fang, Wild Charge, Shock Wave. Wow, diverse move set. I see that the Luxio is actually a little hurt, probably a scratch, and that it is a he for a change. Luxio goes to call out again before he notices me and suddenly crouches down in a defensive stance. “Lux! Luxio!” He yells at me. My AR translates after a second. ”Who are you!? Where am I?!” I carefully put my hands up and walk closer. “Calm down Luxio. I’m not going to hurt you.” That just seemed to make him more defensive. ”That is what all you humans say. Mother told me never to trust any who says that. So, what do you want and where am I!?” he yells out, releasing some electricity around himself. I remain frozen for a second before I remembered what that mare said earlier. He needs to learn my lesson as well, to fight for himself. I sigh and sit down on the ground, confusing the Pokemon in front of me. “I see. You have always relied on your mother, haven’t you?” I ask him. Luxio barely flinches at that. ”So what? Mother takes care of us. She makes sure we are never hurt.” Luxio defends, getting a little closer. I just sigh a bit. “You and I are too similar.” I tell him, gaining another confused look. “I am the same way with my little sister. She may be younger, but she is always protecting me. I never really learned to face things myself, and just let my sister do it for me.” I look to his gold eyes. “You always rely on your mother, allowing her to keep you safe and never letting you get hurt, but never letting you learn as a result.” At this point Luxio was standing in front of me, looking me eye to eye. The look in his eyes were trying to be defiant, but it was ultimately admitting. I hit the nail on the head. Luxio sighs after a second sits down. “So to answer your questions in order of yelling them at me,” Luxio looks to me sheepishly, “my name is Natali Basatin, but most call me Nat. You are currently in the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree forest in the country/region of Equestria. And lastly, I heard from someone that someone else has appeared that needed to learn the lesson I am learning myself, to know when to fight for myself and others.” I explain to him. The Pokemon takes a second to process all this info before nodding in understanding. “So, I know a little about you, but not too much. How about you tell me about yourself?” I ask him. Luxio looks at me for a second before nodding. ”Well, there really isn’t that much to say. I was just another Luxio in a pride back on Ula’Ula island in Alola. I wasn’t much of a fighter, that went to my mother and some of the Luxrays of the pride, and I was a little timid. My mother is very protective of her cubs, even if we evolve, so I guess I am, as the humans say, sheltered from anything outside the pride. But I do know some strong moves like Wild Charge thanks to one of the Luxray who would play with us when we were Shinx cubs.” he explains. I nod to him and we both just sit there in sort of awkward silence for a bit. “Do you...wanna go for a walk?” I ask him. Luxio just nods and stands up with me. The two of us leave the building and Luxio looks around at the forest surrounding us. ”Wow. I have never been in an actual forest before. The pride normally stays in the mountains near the humans power plant.” he says. I just nod to him and lead him to where the bridge is. He looks a little unsure at first before seeing me as I casually walk across. He gulps and begins to cross as well. Soon after, the two of us are walking through the forest side by side, not really talking, but just enjoying each other’s company. ”Nat?” I turn to him. ”You said earlier that someone told you you needed to learn to fight for yourself and for others. Why is that?” he asks. I just sigh and proceed to tell him what happened on Nightmare Night. Luxio was shocked to learn what happened and that I could do what I did. I then told him how I have been feeling after it and how scared I have been. Luxio looks to the ground in front of us as we walking, thinking about all I have told him. ”That kind of reminds me of what happened to a Pyroar outcast our pack met once.” he says. I look to him with a raised brow. ”A few years ago, back when I was still a Shinx, I was out on a hunt for some Komala with my father when we ran into a Pyroar. He told us his story about how he left his pride after he ended up killing another one after they tried to hurt his mate. He was so scared by the fact he was able to kill another Pyroar so easily that he couldn’t trust himself anymore and left the pride and never went back. He said that he even stays away from trainers because he doesn’t trust himself not to hurt humans by accident.” That really made me think. Lately I have been both actively and subconsciously avoiding the others. I was thinking it was just a natural reaction after what happened, to be alone, but I just realized why that was. I was scared of myself. Of the power I possess and the damage I could do. I already knew the Vectors are dangerous and could kill, but Nightmare Night solidified the fact that I could be the one to do it. I could be the one to pull the trigger, so to speak. And there isn’t a one hundred percent certainty that it will be an evil villain I have to face. I sigh as we continue to walk through the forest together, both of us just thinking by ourselves. Neither Luxio nor I know what to talk about with each other, but we both feel more at ease with each other nearby for some reason. We walk for another couple of minutes before we arrive at the edge of the forest, seeing Ponyville clearly. I turn to talk to him before hearing a loud roar go out from the town. Immediately, me and Luxio tense before I begin to run into town, Luxio following soon after. We run of a minute before arriving in town and seeing the problem. A large Bugbear. I look to Luxio and see him staying back, afraid of this unknown creature. ”Nat!” I turn to the voice and see Sora, Selene, Topaz and Spike running up. “What is going on?” I ask them, staying behind a wall to avoid gaining the bugbears attention. ”That bugbear just showed up a few minutes ago. Fluttershy says it is rabid so she can’t talk it down so we need to knock it out and get it a serum the ponies have or just kill it, but I know that isn’t a popular second option.” Sora explain. I look to the beast again, seeing the foam coming from his mouth and then to my Pokemon, sister and Spike. I think for a second before putting my AR on and getting a determined expression. “Selene, Topaz, with me. We’re taking this thing down.” I say, the two smaller Pokemon nodding their heads. Luxio looks to us like we’re nuts. ”Are you nuts?! You three can’t face that thing! It is clearly a bug type and a Zorua will have the disadvantage, and it looks strong enough to be a fighting type, so Mawile will have a hard time too.” Luxio tells us. The others just now notice this new Pokemon and look a little shocked before I look back at him. “Luxio. Sometimes you need to face the things that look like they may outmatch you to know your limits. This thing is no different.” I look to my partners. “Besides, we are no pushovers, right girls?” The duo nod with determined grins. The three of us run out, much to Luxio and Spikes shock. I wasn’t lying to the newcomer either. Before Nightmare Night, the girls and I have been training on our time off and it shows. They are both level 25 now and have new moves. Selene has Shadow Ball, Faint Attack, Detect and Double Team now while Topaz had Bite, Iron Head, Poison Fang and Swords Dance. I learned that these Pokemon leaning moves are dependant on what they want to learn themselves and their trainers directions on how to learn them. The hardest to teach was Topaz’s Poison Fang since I had to explain how poisons work to her and then help her focus on her inherent energy as a Pokemon to learn it. Sorta like the way a unicorn first learns magic I am told. We quickly get the attention of the mad beast and all of us dodge out of the way as it tries to charge us. “Selene use Double Team and keep it distracted! Topaz use Swords Dance a couple times and get ready to hit hard!” I call to them. The two Pokemon nod and Selene rushes forward before suddenly dividing into over a dozen copies and running around the large beast, each clone dodging its strikes in turn. Meanwhile, Topaz does an odd dance and four transparent swords appear before sliding against each other, raising her physical attack. The bugbear gets mad and begins to attack more furiously, a few of the fake Zorua turning to smoke as they were hit. “Selene! Use Faint Attack followed by Detect to dodge its strikes!” She follows my direction and each clone attacks the beast, six of the eight being caught in its claws before the last two strike it in the face. It tries to swipe at her, only for Selene to roll in mid air, dodging the attack from the beast. She jumps on its back and holds on to the back of its neck, barely out of reach of its claws. Spike and Luxio watch the fight from their spot on the sidelines, awed by my strategy and how I have these two attacking. Luxio begins to think about what I told him, that we face stronger opponents to know our limits. Selene is suddenly thrown off by the bugbears flailing and into a nearby tomato cart. Topaz and Spike rush over and dig her out of the tomatoes she landed in, just in time for the bear to target me. I see as it begins to flap its wings, quickly rising into the air and charging at me. My eyes widen and I freeze. I then think of what I can do and crouch a bit, getting ready for it to get a little closer It gets closer, but before anything can happen it suddenly roars in pain and falls to the ground just half a dozen feet from me. Looking on its back I see why. Luxio is using Ice Fang on its wings, freezing them solid! “Luxio?! What are you doing?! You could get hurt!” I tell him as he jumps off the bugbears as it gets onto its hind legs and roars. I hear a bunch of hooves coming at us and see the girls, Nurse Redheart and the local veterinarian. ”You said that I need to learn your lesson too. To learn to fight both for myself and for others.” Luxio begins to spark with electricity, surprising the ponies. ”How about we make this lesson one!” I look to the electric Pokemon as he looks back at me, and I see the fire in his eyes. I nod to him as the girls come by. “Alright. Let’s do this!” The three Pokemon give off their respective cries as the bugbear roars. The four of us jump away as it tried to charge and maul us. “Luxio! Get in front of it and use Flash!” He nods and rushs in front of the beast. Before it can attack, Luxio begins to glow before becoming blinding. The beast covers its eyes and stumbles back, blinded. “Ok! Luxio use Shock Wave, Selene Shadow Ball!” I turn to Topaz and point up. “Ready to fly?” She nods and I wrap a Vector around her and lift her high into the air. Meanwhile the. Two other Pokemon are launching their own attacks. Luxio’s Shock Wave hitting and paralyzing the bugbears four extra arms while Selene’s Shadow Ball barrage is forcing it to back up. It roars in pain and anger as it it trying to both defend itself and rub its eyes to get its sight back. “Ok you two! Fall back a bit!” The two quadrupedal Pokemon listen and jump back as I release Topaz directly over the bugbears head. “Topaz! Iron Head!” I see that her head and other mouth turn a shiny grey indicating the metallic effect of the attack. A triple Swords Dance powered up Iron Head. This is going to hurt. I was right as the bugbear gets its sight back just in time for Topaz to slam her second mouth on its head with the sound of a gong, pushing it into the dirt. And I mean burying its head into the dirt from just the force of impact. The ponies all cringe at the impact while me and the duo look at the beast with smiles. Topaz gets up a little wobbly from the impact before shaking her head and walking over to us with a victorious smirk. ”Well that was fun.” Topaz says sarcastically. Me and the others just roll our eyes at her for that comment. We eventually break out laughing as Fluttershy, Redheart and the vet help out the bugbear while it is unconscious. Selene jumps up and onto my shoulder and begins to nuzzle my cheek. ”I see you’re feeling better. What happened while you were out?” Selene asks. I just smile at her then look to Luxio. “I had someone to talk to, then I ran into Luxio. He and I are a lot alike.” I tell her, walking up to the electric Pokemon and petting his head. He rolls his eyes and nuzzles into it. Just then I see as my purse begins to glow a bit. I raise a brow and look in, finding and taking out a certain something I was expecting. A pokeball with a green and yellow striped top and a white bottom. A nest ball. I look to Luxio again, seeing him look at the nest ball warily. I crouch down so I am eye level with him. “Like I told Topaz or any other Pokemon that my appear here, I won’t capture you without your permission. I am not a hundred percent sure how you got here Luxio, but if you decide to stay, then know that me, my team and friends will be here to help take care of you.” I tell him, holding the ball out. He look to me then the ball then the ground and thinks for a minute. ”I have been rather sheltered back home by mother. I don’t know anything outside of the pride.” he looks to me. ”Maybe being sent to a different region won’t be so bad, since I am a blank slate. Especially if I have a trustworthy trainer by my side.” he smile before pushing the button of the pokeball with his nose and the red beam goes out and captures the electric type. The ball shakes three times in my hand before dinging. I smile and toss the ball up, releasing the new member of the team. He looks up to me with a smile and I crouch down and give him a hug, Selene and Topaz joining in. “Welcome to the family.” I say to him before releasing him from the hug. “Now we just need to give you a fitting nickname.” The four of us put our appendages on out chins in thought. ”How about Chance?” Sora suggests, appearing beside me. We look to her with raised brows. ”This is a chance for him to learn about himself and his limits in a different environment than before. So I think Chance is an appropriate name for this little guy.” I look to Luxio who is bouncing the name around in his head before he looks to us and nods. ”I like it. Call me Chance!” he says happily. I just laugh a little and ruffle his mane. I look away from my team and see the others helping the bugbear, but one certain unicorn was documenting Chance. I think for a moment before sighing and walking over. “Hey Twilight?” The mare looks to me while I rub the back of my head with a sheepish smile. “Do you still need help studying those poison joke plants?” Twilight smiles at me and puts her notebook away before walking up. “I could use an extra pair of hands still. Plus we haven’t hung out in a while.” She says. I just nod and motion for my team to follow. We all walk together away from the others back to the library. As we are walking, I glance at Twilight and notice she was actually wearing some really nice clothes and her eyes almost look like they are shining. ‘When did Twilight get so pretty?’ > Chapter 11: Day to Day Life and Evolutions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ok Chance! Use Shock Wave!” I call out to my partner. He launches the electrical pulse at Topaz, the Mawile standing firm and taking the attack. It has been a little over a week since Chance joined the team, so me and my team are practicing in Whitetail Woods so we don’t hurt anyone. Right now Chance wanted a chance to battle Topaz while Selene and Twilight are on the sidelines watching. Sora smiles as Topaz tanks the hit and gets ready. ”Alright Topaz, use Swords Dance then Iron Head!” Sora calls out. The Mawile nods and quickly does her Swords Dance and gets ready. Lately Topaz has gotten faster and faster at using her stat booster move, to the point she can pull it off in under 10 seconds, when it normally takes over 15. I smile and nod to Chance. “Alright Chance, counter her head on with Wild Charge!” He nods and covers himself with electricity. After a second both of the Pokemon rush forward. They hit each other hard, the attacks resulting in a mini explosion of electricity and kicking up dust. The cloud of dust soon begins to settle, showing both Chance and Topaz out cold with the swirls in their eyes. “Topaz and Chance are both unable to battle. We have a draw!” Selene says like she is the referee. I laugh a little and grab Topaz and Chance with my Vectors and take them over to Twilight, where she was sitting with a first aid kit. I learned from training with Selene and Topaz that Pokemon have very fast regenerative abilities. All we have to do is make sure to disinfect and bandage any wounds of their and they should be fine within a day or two. It was difficult to train Topaz with Poison Fang because after she learned how to use it, I had to develop an anti venom in case she ended up poisoning Selene or Chance. Turns out Zecora is a really good toxicologist. While the duo are unconscious, Twilight and I begin to bandage them up, mostly their heads from that last attack. After Chance joined up with us, Twi and I have been hanging out like before, especially since she wanted to learn all about the Luxio line. She was honestly a little disappointed she couldn’t see a Shinx because of how cute I described them to be. That was a good laugh. Sora has also been testing how far our astral forms can go from our body. Turns out, she can go all the way to Canterlot before her form begins to flicker and she has to get back in my head. That knowledge will really come in handy if we need to get separated for whatever reason. Aside from that, a few episode events have already passed with me just doing my own thing for the most part. If I remember correctly the next episode event that is going to take place is ‘May the best pet win’ so Rainbow is going to be getting Tank soon. I smiled at that cause Twi and Fluttershy actually invited me and my team to join them on their pet picnic tomorrow. That could be fun since Winona actually like Selene and Opal actually likes to naps on Topaz’s Head whenever she can get the chance. I smile as the duo wake up again and shake their heads. They look to each other and shake each other’s hands/paws. “Wow, you two are getting stronger.” Twilight says to the duo. They nod and smile to her as Selene jumps onto my shoulder. “You said it Twilight. I am honestly surprised how much stronger they have been getting as of late. Not too much longer and they may end up evolving.” I say as Topaz stretch’s and jumps onto Chances back. Chance just rolls his eyes at this. Good thing Topaz is really light for a steel type. “You have mentioned that before. Evolving. What do you mean by that anyways?” Twilight asks as we head back to town. ”It is something almost every Pokemon goes through. Think of it like a growth spurt that changes a Pokémon’s appearance and makes the more mature as well.” Sora explains as we walk into town. The townsfolk have already gotten used to Chance and the rest of my team by now so none of them are scared of the lion like electric type. ”That’s right. Even though Topaz here won’t evolve, me and Selene have one more evolution in our lines before we are fully evolved so you could see an evolution with your own eyes!” Chance says. I smile at him as we arrive back at the library just as Spike was making dinner. I walked to one of the cabinets and take out the Pokemon food mix Fluttershy made these three and get their bowls ready. Turns out that she just needed to test what they liked and she could make their food like those little brown cylinders like in the show. All of us eat together in the main room and Twi and I go over some of her notes about each of my Pokémon’s evolution lines. After dinner me, Twilight and Sora head back down to the basement to go through my experiments with my Virus. We got permission from the mayor and the hospital staff to experiment with some ‘samples’ taken from the local populace to see how my virus would react. It was slow going since we didn’t have as advanced machinery as back on earth, but we were making progress. So far we have found the the virus does effect male earth ponies and Pegasi the same way it would effect a human male, we just haven’t gotten the ‘samples’ from any unicorn males. I think it should react the same way, and if I am right, I am glad that Sora castrated that one stallion we ran into when we first arrived in Canterlot. Though when we were testing on female DNA we were hitting a block. The virus seems to reject female earth pony and Pegasi, but it seems to react slightly to unicorns. I was curious about why that is so Twi and I spent most of the night throwing theories around. By the time we decided to call it a night it was nearly midnight and we went down around six thirty. We both laugh a little and head to our respective rooms to sleep. I was unaware of the fact Sora was watching my interactions with Twi the whole time and had her own thoughts on it. ’Those two really need a push to realize each other.’ The Next Day... I smile as my team, Twi and her pet owl all walk towards the park where the others were going to meet up. I was honestly excited for this, it has been a while since all of us had hung out together. Plus I really wanted to see how each of the girls pets would interact with my Pokemon. We ran into the others on our way to the park and each of our pets/partners ran ahead to a tree and stated playing around. “Weee! I am so happy! It has been a while since all of us have been together!” Pinkie says as she bounces next to us. “You said it Pinkie. It’ll be nice to get out of the lab for a while and just relax. Plus my Pokemon could use a break from all their training.” I say with my hands behind my head. “Ah have to say sugarcube, yer Pokemon are real strong. Ah saw some of your training the other day, Chance and Topaz must be some new kind of tough to battle each other like that.” AJ says as we go past the hill and see as the creatures are all by a tree. Looking into the foliage of the tree, I can barely see a blue hoof hanging off the branch Opal is on. We all walk up and our respective animals walk up to us. I grab a stick and throw it, Winona and Selene running after it. I just laugh a little as I see the little dog and pokemon trying to take the stick from each other in a tug of war. Chance just walks over to the tree and lays down against it, Owlowiscious landing on his head and nuzzling into his mane to take a nap with him. Opal does something similar and lands on Topaz’s head to take a catnap. The Mawile just rolls her eyes and lets the cat rest, taking a seat under the tree next to Chance and I toss her the Daring Doo book she has been reading through as of late. “I must say darling, your partners are really something to get along with our pets like this.” Rarity says to me. Sora appears beside me with a smile as she looks into the tree as Rainbow comes down. “Hey, what are you all doing here?” She asks, hovering over to us. ”Oh, the girls invited us to join them on a pet play date today. We figured our Pokemon could use a rest from all their training they have been doing lately.” Sora answers, floating up to the branch Rainbow was on and just sitting there. I look to her with a raised brow as the girls go through their lines from the show. “You know you could literally sit anywhere right? Why are you in a tree?” I ask my sister, a little confused. She just shrugs and lays back, resting. ”Cause why the heck not.” she says with a smirk. I just roll my eyes and go back to playing with Selene and some of the girls pets. It was really fun, just hanging out with the girls and their animals. I know that Selene was loving playing with Winona. Topaz really didn’t mind that Opal was sleeping on her head so she was relaxed and absorbed in her book. After a while though, Rainbow comes down again and goes through the whole ‘wanting a pet’ thing. After that, she and Fluttershy left to look for a pet. The rest of us just shrug and go back to enjoying our time together with each other. After about an hour, all of us head out to Fluttershys to see how it is going with Rainbow and Fluttershy. As expected things are going just like the show but without a musical number it seems. Good, I really don’t like some of the songs from the show. As RD go through the ‘tests’ of deciding her pet, me, Sora and my team just watch. The five of us just watch the events play out like the show, just in person. It took all day, but eventually we end up in Ghastly Gorge for Rainbows race test. The race begins, Tank in last place as expected. As the race goes on my team and Twilight look around the area, just to pass the times as the others look into the gorge for the ‘racers’. All of us just look around the area when Twilight goes by a pair of rocks and sees something shining between them. Looking closer, she sees it is some kind of multi coloured marble with the same symbol as the mega stone on Topaz’s necklace. “Hey Nat? Do you recognize this marble?” Twilight asks, bringing it over. I take the marble in hand and my eyes widen. “Twilight! This is a mega stone!” I say with excitement, my Pokemon and Twilight’s eyes widening. I smile and pull the unicorn into a side hug. “Twilight, with this stone Topaz has the potential to mega evolve into a Mega Mawile!” I say to her. “Really? What does a Mega Mawile look like?” She asks, taking out her notebook. I go to answer before we feel a rumbling and see some dust being kicked up in the gorge. “Avalanche!” Pinkie shouts in alarm. “Oh, I hope Rainbow and the animals are ok.” Fluttershy says in worry. ”Don’t worry, I’m sure their fine.” Sora says, looking at the canyon the race was taking place in. I look to the canyon as well and get a bad feeling. I am not sure why, but I feel like something worse has happened. “I think my team and I are going to check on the avalanche. I have a bad feeling about this.” I say, walking towards the canyon, Twilight and my team following suit. As we are walking to the site of the avalanche, the flying animals go past us. We continue of for a couple minutes before arriving at the site. Looking around it what we find is very very bad. The cliff side has fallen apart and onto the ground. Looking around the rubble, I see a small stream of blood leading from some of the rubble. Twilight looks extremely worried as we follow it. After a second we hear the sound of struggling and pain. Going past the rocks, we see as Rainbow is pinned by a few boulders, not just on both wings, but also on her left arm. “Rainbow!” Twilight rush over to the pinned pegasus and we see Tank the tortoise trying hard to move the boulders on Rainbows arm. Looking at it, the bone is clearly snapped and blood is freely pouring from her wounds. “H-help. M-my arm.” She says in pain. “Hold on Rainbow, we’ll just move the boulder then Twilight will close your wounds.” I tell her. I am about to use my Vectors before I remember what Twilight found a couple minutes ago. Taking out the mega stone, I look to Topaz and smile. “Hey Topaz, wanna try this out?” I say. Topaz’s eyes widen and she smiles at me and holds onto the chain of her necklace where her mega stone is located. We smile to each other and I focus on my mega stone. I feel as the marble in my hand is begin to feel warm. “Mega stone, please lend us the power to help our friend.” I say quietly and several streams of rainbow coloured energy goes out from the marble in my hand. The stone around Topaz’s neck beings to glow whitish blue and streams come out of her stone as well, connecting with mine. Twilight, Rainbow and the others look in surprise as Topaz’s form begins to glow the same colours as the streams and she begins to glow and change. Soon the energy around Topaz bursts away with the symbol of mega evolution in front. Her new form as the her legs widening with lines and changing into a maroon colour and looking like those large bottom pants, her arms also gaining the colour to look like sleeves. The biggest change was the third ‘mouth’, two flytrap like appendages on the back of her head, looking like flytrap pigtails. The girls and my other teammates look in awe at Topaz’s new form. She looks over herself with her own awe and nods. Topaz walks up to two of the boulders pinning Rainbows arms and uses her two rear flytraps and chomps down, getting a good grip before lifting the both of them. With a quick flick of her head, she throws them away. She does the same with two of the three on her wings, the last one being lifted by Tank. That was honestly surprising since the boulder was as big as me. Twilight quickly pulls Rainbow away from the rubble and Tank drops the rock and slowly goes over to the pegasus. “Ok, I need to reset your bone, so this is going to hurt like hell.” Twilight warns. I take off the ascot from around my neck and hold it out to Rainbow who nods. Folding it up, I let Rainbow bite down on it. Twilight covered the pegasus arm in her magic and looks to her friend who nods. Rainbow is tensed before feeling and seeing the tortoise nuzzling her good arm. “Ok, one..two...Three!” Twilight quickly resets her bone with a loud snap, Rainbows screams of pain muffled by the cloth in her mouth. She breaths heavily as I take my jacket and shirt off, ripping my t-shirt apart to use as a sling for her. At this point I don’t really care that I have just my bra and jacket on, Rainbow needs it more than me. Twilight looks to me for a moment with a blush before lifting Rainbow and throwing her good arm around her shoulder. “Let’s get you to the hospital. Your wings are still messed up and I prefer if an actual professional looks at them.” Twilight says, beginning to walk with Rainbow leaning on her. My team and I head back to the others while they go ahead to the hospital, Topaz picking up Tank so we don’t have to wait. I notice she was still mega evolved so I guess it works on a time limit. The five of us soon make it back to the others, the girls all looking in shock at Topaz’s mega form. “Sweet Celestia! Topaz? Is that you?” AppleJack says in shock. ”Yup it’s me. This is my new mega evolved form.” she says with a grin. I noticed that her voice has a slight echo to it in this form. Before they can question it, Topaz begins to glow again and shrinks back into her original form. So mega evolutions can last for a couple minutes then. She puts Tank down and looks herself over, seeing her necklace is still in place. ”Aw man. I wanted to see how much stronger I was.” she says with a pout. I just laugh a little and rub her head, the Mawile rolling her eyes with a smile. ”Uh Nat? Where’s your shirt and ascot?” Sora asks, getting everyone’s attention, all of them seeing that I just have my jacket and bra on. I quickly tell them about Rainbows injuries and Fluttershy suddenly flies off with Tank faster than I could track. Wow, I didn’t think she had it in her. The girls soon follow her, heading to the hospital to check on Rainbow. I quickly run by the library to grab a new shirt for me and some clean clothes for Twilight before going to the hospital as well. ‘Looks like that was another alteration to the timeline. That makes what, ten now?’ I think to myself as I rush to the hospital. Lately I have been keeping track of all the differences between what has been happening here and in the original timeline. So far, aside from the obvious things, I have noticed some smaller details that are different from show. Like Spike not acting like a love sick puppy with Rarity. He still helps, but doesn’t actively go over just to see her. He has also been spending quite a bit of his free time with Sweetie Belle. Also I noticed during the Cutie Pox incident that Zecora found out what happened sooner than in the show and Applebloom was able to stop herself through sheer force of will long enough for Zecora to make the antidote. Now there was this incident in Ghastly Gorge. Rainbow only hurt one of her wings in the show, but here she broke her arm and may have broken both her wings as well. She is going to be more restless than Adam waiting for a new episode of RWBY to come out if she gets stuck in the hospital. Though, we could introduce her to the Daring Doo franchise early. As I walk into the front room of the hospital, I see the girls and Tank all sitting in the waiting room. Looking to them, I see some blood on Twilights clothes and her fur. I walk up and hand her the bag I had with her clothes in them, just now getting the girls attentions. “Here Twi. I got you some clean clothes.” I say to her. Twilight nods in thanks and heads to the washroom to change. I take a seat on the chair across from the others, my pokemon sitting around me. “How’s she doing?” I ask the girls. “We’re not to sure. The doctor said she should be ok, but that was a while ago. Oh, I hope the poor dear isn’t hurt too bad.” Rarity says. I notice Tank looking at the door to the rooms while he is sitting on Fluttershys lap. “Guess you’re worried about her too, huh little guy.” I say to him, the tortoise slowly nodding his head. After a few more seconds Twilight come back out in her clean clothes and takes her seat. Our group begins to just talk amongst ourselves to pass the time, mostly me explaining mega evolution and what happened in the gorge. After about an hour one of the doctors come out and calls us into Rainbows room, the pegasus in question having both wings and her arm in casts. Me and Sora cringe slightly at her injuries, having broken our arm once after a rock climbing accident, we know how that feels. Rainbow complains a bit but thanks Topaz and Tank for the save, deciding to have Tank be the winner and her new pet. Topaz gives Rainbow the Daring Doo book she had just finished earlier and Rainbow went through the whole ‘books are uncool’ thing, ending in the same way, just with Topaz and Twilight telling her about the book. We are told we have to go since it was getting dark out so we head out, Selene, Chance and Tank giving the injured pegasus nuzzles before we all leave. Our group separates and heads to each of our respective homes for the night, Fluttershy taking Tank with her to keep till Rainbow is out of the hospital. “Looks like your intuition was on the money Nat. I hope Rainbow doesn’t spend too much time in the hospital. According to Fluttershy, she can get really irritable if she stays cooped up in one place for too long.” Twilight says as we make it back to the library. “I don’t doubt that. She is an athlete and a stunt flyer. I can’t really see Rainbow staying in a room for an extended period of time without going off the rails.” Sora says with a slight chuckle. The both of us just chuckle a little at her comment. Spike sees us come in and we give him a quick rundown of what happened to Rainbow. He was worried as well, but we all knew she would be fine after she has had time to rest. I go into the kitchen and start to make dinner for all of us. ‘Talk about a long day. Hopefully this is one of the only major deviation from the original timeline for a while. The last thing I want is Twi and the others to be in harms way because I couldn’t keep an eye on the current events.’ I think to myself. Even though me and Sora have been here for a while now, we haven’t told the others about the fact we know the future from the show. I am not sure why, but I am scared about how they will react and will try to learn about their future. But with all these little and big changes into the timeline, I can’t help but want to tell them, but that just makes me more worried. Sora was in the same boat as me as she both does and doesn’t want to warn the others about some of the major threats they will be facing like Chrysalis and Tirek. Most of all, I am worried about how Celestia would react to the fact we have this knowledge. She may be nice to her ponies, but she is still a princess and it’s her duty to protect them at all costs. I sigh and finish making our dinner of some spaghetti and wheat balls. It seemed my body and Vectors were being controlled by Sora as I was lost in thought, as seen by the fact I am back in our mindscape. ‘You heard all that huh?’ I ask my sister though thought. ’Yeah. I feel like we are both going to go stir crazy if we can’t figure out what to do. Maybe we should tell Twilight. She is the most sensible of the main six. Though, we would have to get her to Pinkie Promise to be quiet about it.’ Sora responds, taking all the food to the dining room. The other see that I am not the one in control of our body and get slightly worried expressions. ”Don’t worry, Nat is just taking a bit of a break from controlling our body.” Sora tells them, seeing their looks. The others all nod and shrug, but Twilight does glance at us from time to time. ‘Maybe we should summon a Displaced so we can talk to them. They probably are going through what we are.’ I say in thought. The past couple days we have found a couple other tokens aside from Loki’s. Like a Unitirx and an earring for someone called Zoro, probably the one from One Piece. I just sigh and retreat into our mind for a while, trying to sort out my thoughts. “Hey Sora? Are you and Nat doing ok?” Twilight asks. Sora looks up from her plate and shrugs. ”I am not sure how to answer that simple question. Nat and I have had a lot on our minds as of late, and it is starting to make us tired.” she responds, taking a bite out of our dinner. “You know, if something is bugging you two, you can talk to any of us, right?” Spike says. Sora just looks to him then sighs. ”Not about this Spike. Not about this.” Sora gets up from her seat and takes her dishes into the kitchen before heading to our room for the night. Twilight watch’s as we go to our room. ‘Natali. What is wrong? Why are you so worried?’ > Chapter 12: Unknown Feeling And A Pageant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I blow some breath out of my mouth, seeing it appear in front of me in the cold temperature. It has been a little over a month since Rainbow had her accident and she is back in the air just in time for Hearths Warming. I was honestly surprised by the speed in which she recovered but Twi mentioned that the medical ponies have some low-level healing spells for injuries like Rainbow’s, who’s life almost depended on being in the air. I was also surprised by the rate in which the ‘seasons’ change. Ponyville got hit hard by a scheduled snow storm a couple days ago so most of the air is nice and cold and there is a light snow scheduled for the next week and a half. I sigh again as I just absorb the nice cool air. I love winter. My favourite season for playing in the nice and cold atmosphere or to stay inside and drink some hot drinks. I am brought out of my musing as a snowball hits me in the back of the head. Good thing Rarity made me some winter gear last week, cause I would be an ice cube without it. I turn and see the offending Pokemon responsible. Topaz was making another ball to throw at the CMC who were against her and Spike in a snowball war. Chance and Selene grew some winter coats so they were fine with the change in temperature, but Topaz had to have Rarity make her a little winter jacket and a custom toque for the weather. “Careful you guys! You don’t want to accidentally hit the wrong person!” I call to them from my seat on one of the benches. The girls all had things to get ready for before the holiday, in particular practicing for the Hearths Warming pageant, so I offered to keep an eye on the fillies and Spike so they didn’t have to worry. I was kind of torn about how to feel about this holiday. I was a sad because I couldn’t spend it with Adam and Lex like we always do each year since we are separated by the multiverse, but I was happy because Twilight said I could spend Hearths Warming with her and her family. I haven’t met Night Light or Twilight Velvet yet, so I was curious about what kind of ponies they were. I check my watch and see it was a little past three so it was about time for all of us to head back to our respective homes. “Hey guys! Time to head back home!” I tell them, gaining bunch of disappointed noises from the fillies, drake and Pokemon. I just roll my eyes with a smile as they all come by and we head to each their own homes. While we were walking, I was thinking about what I was going to do for Spike and Twilight’s gifts for Hearths Warming day. Even though I had an idea of what to get them, I didn’t have the how. ’A little late to worry about that don’t ya think? The episode and everything is going on tomorrow.’ Sora points out as we say goodbye to Applebloom and Scootaloo. I sigh in my mind and try to think about what to do. I really wanted to do something nice for Twilight and Spike, but I was so distracted this last month so I wasn’t able to make their gifts. I begin to walk back to the library with Spike and Topaz by my sides in relative silence. I didn’t know why, but I had a really weird feeling something big was going to happen tomorrow. And considering so far my intuitions have been right, I was a little worried. The Next Day... I release a large yawn as I wake up from my slumber. For a lucid dreamer like myself, some sleeps are rough but most are basically like just turning my body off. I sigh and get out of my bed and grab my clothes for today. Twilight said that after the pageant we were invited to a private Hearths Warming party being hosted by the princesses, so I wanted to dress to impress. Luckily Rarity was on top of it and made me a few dresses in case I ever had a date or something like that. Like that will ever happen. Anyways, I dig through the closet before finding one I think would work well. It was a black, knee high dress with a red belt with a silver buckle around the midsection and a red front cover. I also had a pair of black heels that would fit perfectly with it. Once I had the dress and a few other pairs of clothing ready in a suitcase, I grab my outfit for the day and head to the washroom. I see that no one is out yet so I enter the washroom and get ready to take a shower. Once I get the water just right, I walk in and just let the water fall over me, the warm water relaxing my body and mind. ’So, any reason you decided to dress up for the party? Hoping to snag the eye of somepony?’ Sora thinks to me teasingly. I can’t help but blush at her comment and almost splash some shampoo into my eyes. ‘Shut up Sora! You know that won’t happen.’ I think to her as I finish up my shower. Even through the girls all agree I am pretty, I don’t really think I would end up catching the eye of any stallions any time soon. I dry myself off quickly and change into my clothes for the day, a long sleeve purple shirt and blue cargo pants and a purple bow like the ones Nyu wore when she went to the college with Kohta and Yuka. I smile as I finished getting dressed and head back out to the main room. Only to walk into and fall on Twilight as she was going to the washroom. “Oof/Nyu!” We say and I rub my head. Looking down, I see as Twilight is looking back up at me, only wearing a towel as she was going to take a shower. We remain frozen like that for a second, me getting déjà vu from when we met, before I blush and get off her quickly, making sure to keep Twilight’s towel on her with my Vectors. “S-sorry Twilight!” I stutter as I help her up. “N-no, it was my fault. I-I shouldn’t have been standing right behind the door.” She says as she makes sure her towel is on right. The two of us blush again and I head to my room as Twilight goes to the washroom. As I close the door to my room, I lay my head against it. ‘What is wrong with me?! Why do I act like that every time I am near her!?’ I think to myself with a large blush on my face. I don’t know why I am so embarrassed by it, I have seen her naked before when we go to the spa for Celestia’s sake! But lately I have been acting extremely weird around Twilight and I don’t even know why. Meanwhile in the washroom, Twilight was having her own problem. She blushed heavily as she remembers the feeling of my bust being pressed against hers when we fell. ‘Why?! Why am I acting like this?! Is there something wrong with me?’ She thinks to herself, taking her towel off and getting the shower ready. ‘Maybe I should talk to mom and dad about this. I have never felt like this before, but maybe they know what is going on.’ She nods to herself as she steps into the shower, a plan forming in her mind. About an hour later, and waking up Spike, all of us have our things in the main room, ready for the next couple days. While we are checking everything, I couldn’t help but glance at Twilight from time to time, memories of how she looked after spa or just during some research night flashing in my mind and making me blush again. ‘Seriously, what is going on?! Sora, are you doing this?’ I ask her as I double check our suitcase and hygiene kit. ’Hey don’t point the mental finger at me sis. This is all you.’ Sora states, appearing and walking over to talk to Spike. I sigh and close my cases, the question about what is happening not leaving my head. “Hey, are we all ready?” I ask the others. Spike gives me a thumbs up as he walks up with his own suitcase. Twilight just looks down and nods, and I can barely see a faint blush on her muzzle. I nod back and make sure I have my winter gear on before we all head out to the train station. I make sure my Pokemon are in their pokeballs until we get to where the pageant is taking place. We all walk in silence until we arrive at the station, finding AppleJack and Rarity already waiting there. “Morning girls!” I call out as we walk up. The duo turn to us and smile. “Mornin ya’ll!” “Good morning darlings.” “Hey girls.” Twilight says. Rarity looks to her and notices the slight blush on her muzzle, somehow knowing it isn’t from the weather. “Twilight darling, are you ok? Your face is almost red.” Rarity says, walking up to her friend as I talk with AppleJack. “Y-yeah, I’m okay Rarity. It’s just the weather.” Twilight says, lifting her scarf to cover her muzzle. Rarity raises a suspicious brow but chooses not to interrogate further. At least not for now. We wait for a couple more minutes before the others show up and the train begins to pull into the station. Our group gets on and the girls, minus Fluttershy, were all super excited to be part of the pageant. Rainbow goes over her lines a couple more times with Pinkie during the ride and Applejack and Twilight take out some books to read through. I just look out the window of the train and take out my phone, turning on my music to let me zone out for the ride. As I am listening to my music, I am trying to figure out why I have been acting the way I have lately. Ever since we beat that bugbear a few months ago I have been hanging out with Twilight a lot more than before. The girls all say it is just because we are good friends and that we are similar in our wants for learning, but I can’t help but feel it is more than that. ‘This is really bugging you huh?’ Sora says. I just nod to her and look at the passing scenery. I can hear Sora sigh in my head before she appears next to me with her eyes closed and arms folded. The others see her appear but see her contemplative look so they don’t bother her. ’Maybe you should talk to one of our friends in Canterlot about this. Maybe Scarlet or Fleur?’ she suggests. I think about it for a moment and agree that talking to some different females could give me a new perspective and hopefully some good advice. I guess I zoned out longer than I thought as I can see the castle coming up and guess we are maybe five minutes out. I grab my gear and get ready as the others do the same. The train arrives at the station and our group walks out, Sora appearing with a different outfit and walking with us, making herself as solid looking as possible. I saw many of the nobles from before looked to me and my sister in surprise since we looked almost exactly the same except Sora had one of her eyes covered by her hair. While our group was walking to the theater where the play was going to take place I was looking around the crowds on the sidewalks and I see as a familiar couple walks out of a cafe. “Hey Fancy! Fleur!” I call out as I walk up to the noble duo. They smile upon seeing me and I can tell that Sora disappeared so she can have a proper introduction. “Natali!” Fleur says as she walks up and we do the whole kiss on the cheek thing. “Oh, it is so good to see you again. We haven’t had a chance to talk in so long.” “Yeah sorry about that Fleur. I was really busy in Ponyville, what with the fact I live with Twilight and with the training my team goes through.” I say as the other catch up to us. Fancy walks up and kisses my hand as any gentlecolt does and smiles. “Good to see you again Natali. Like Fleur said, we haven’t had a chance to talk to you in a while. In truth this is good timing as we wished to tell you something in person. Something rather major.” Fancy says and I nod. I motion for the duo to follow us as we head to the theater. “Well, I guess it really is good timing because there some friends of mine that want to meet you as well.” I tell the duo, the other chuckling as they know who I am talking about. After walking for a couple minutes, with the girls talking to Fancy and Fleur, we arrive at the theater for the play. Our increased group walks in and we see as Celestia and Luna are directing the crew for getting things set up. The royal sisters hear as the doors open and see all of us walking in. ‘Ah, hello everypony. It’s good to see all of you again.” Celestia says and sees Fancy and Fleur with us as well. “Oh! Hello Sir Fancy Pants, Lady Fleur. I was not expecting to see you two until the party tonight.” The noble duo bow to her before responding. “Hello princess. It is good to see you. And we are here because we wanted to speak to Natali about something, but seeing as you are here, we may as well tell all of you now instead of later.” Fancy says, laying his arm around his wife’s shoulder. I raise a brow and I can tell Sora is using our MVV. I can hear her gasp at something, but she doesn’t say anything to me. “Well, before that, perhaps I can introduce you to the ones who wished to meet you.” I say to the duo. The couple nod and I smile, taking a few steps away. I take out my pokeballs and the noble couple look confused while Celestia and Luna look to my Nest ball in curiosity. “Ok, come on out guys!” I say before tossing the balls up. They open up and release Selene, Topaz and Chance. Fancy and Fleur look to my Pokemon in shock while the sisters look to Chance in in surprise. ”Finally! I was starting to wonder when you were going to release us.” Selene says, climbing up to my shoulder. ”You said it Selene. I was starting to think that something was wrong for a second there.” Topaz comments, taking off her little jacket. Chance looked around the theater with curious eyes. ”So this is a theater? Looks pretty nice.” I smile as my Pokemon stretch and everything before looking to the others. Fleur was looking at Selene on my shoulder while Fancy was looking at Chance as he was looking around the stage we were close to. “Fancy Pants, Fleur De Lis, meet my Pokemon teammates. Selene the Zorua, Topaz the Mawile, and Chance the Luxio.” I introduce while pointing to the pokemon in question. My team all greet the duo and they seem to snap out of their trances. “Oh my! These creatures look so incredible!” Fleur says, walking up to Chance and petting his head. The Luxio just smiles and nuzzles into the pets. I laugh at his greed for attention. “Well, get ready for another shock. These three aren’t the only ones I want you to meet.” I say, getting their attention again. I smile as they look at me and they do a double take at seeing the air next to me shimmer before Sora becomes visible. ”Hey there.” Sora says with a smirk. The duo’s jaws drop upon seeing her and Sora just laughs at that. ”Oh man. You two should see your faces right now!” she says, laughing. After a minute the duo seem to come to their senses again. “What?” Fancy says. I just smile and wrap my arm around Sora. “Fleur, Fancy, meet my little sister Sorano. She was originally a defence mechanism my mind created after I had an accident and she somehow evolved into another person all together. A couple months ago I met someone named Loki who cast a spell on us that would let Sora appear whenever she wanted instead of taking control of our body.” I explain. The duo look to Sora in shock before smiling at her. “It is very nice to meet you four. Now for our announcement.” Fancy says. I feel something odd and turn to see Sora with a big smile on her face. I raise a brow and look back to the duo as Fancy places a hand on Fleur stomach and the duo smile to one another. It doesn’t take a genius to know what that meant. All of us look to the duo in shock at the silent news, even Celestia and Luna are surprised. “You’re pregnant?!” I yell in shock, asking the question everyone was wanting to ask. Fleur smiles wide and nods. Instantly I gain a large smile and pull the two of them into a hug. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!” I laugh as I hug her and Fancy, the duo laughing as well. The others all come out of the shocked trances and begin to congratulate the two nobles for the news. My smile refused to leave my face, even as Sora comes by and bumps my shoulder. ‘You knew didn’t you?’ I question her mentally, looking as Fleur and Fancy are being swarmed by the girls. ’I sensed another magic core growing inside of Fleur. My guess she has been like this for about a month and a half.’ Sora responds and I just continue to smile. Sora laughs a little. ’Looks like Pinkie may have competition for biggest smile right now.’ After the others calm down and finish congratulating the duo they head back out to get ready for the party tonight. I smile as they leave, all sorts of excited for when their foal is born. After that the girls all go behind stage to get ready for the pageant. As the girls and Spike go to get ready, Luna walks up to me and my team as we find our reserved seats. “Natali, there is something I was meaning to ask you about.” She says. I raise a brow and nod before she lights up her horn and produces two items, both of them causing me to do a double take. One was a blue crystal pendent with what I recognize as the Fairy Tail symbol on it, the other I recognized as Adam Taurus’s mask from RWBY. I look to the two items with wide eyes, Sora appearing and looking surprised as well. “Luna, where did you get these?” I ask as she hands me the two items. Before she responds, Sora raises her hand to stop her as we hear the creeds from the items. I am the sword of equality and fighter for the weak. If you find yourself cornered and too weak to fight, call on me and I will be there to protect you. I am the Master of Magic, Leader of Fairies and Fighter for the Innocent. If you need the aid of magic, of the wizards, call on me and my guild and I will be there to protect you. I am the Fairy of Justice. I go wide eyed as I hear the creeds. Those voices sound familiar. I shake my head and focus back on Luna, the princess looking confused and curious. I motion for her to say what she was going to say before Sora stopped her. She clears her throat. “Well, our nephew found that mask a couple days ago when he was going to Pony Joe’s with Sergent Sky on her break. He said that he could sense some kind of energy coming from it so he brought it to me and my sister. The pendant I found yesterday as I was walking around the gardens. I too sensed a great power connected to it. I then remembered my sister mentioning about you meeting another of your kind, a Displaced I believe you said you were call. I thought perhaps you may know who these belong to.” Luna explains. I look at the two items in my hands before sighing and putting them into my purse. “I have an idea who these might belong to, but I prefer to test them out later. But if I am right, I hope you don’t mind if I invite a few more friends to the party.” I tell her. Luna raises a brow but nods none the less. After she heads back to her sister I find the reserved spot for me and my team, seeing I am sitting in one of the balconies with Shining Armor. I smile and get into my seat as some more of the audience comes in. My team and I are sitting there for about half an hour before Shining shows up, this stallion surprised by Chance and Sora. After I finished explaining how those two are here the play starts and goes on exactly like the episode. I really didn’t enjoy the show’s depiction, but seeing it in person was something else entirely. It actually had my attention, as well as the attentions of my group. I was honestly impressed by the effects they had, I could barely see past the stage as the princesses were using their magic for the windegos. I could almost feel the cold hatred of the characters depicted by the girls. Once it got to the song at the end the entire audience was cheering for the ponies. I smile and head out of my seat after the play finished, my pokemon following suit. I make it backstage and hear as the girls are all arguing about closing the window. I smirk and motion for Selene and Chance to get close. I quietly whisper in their ears. “I want you two to howl as menacingly as you can.” I tell them. The duo smirk and nod. We make it into the room, unnoticed by the girls arguing. I nod to my two friends. They both take deep breaths and release some bone chilling howls that causes the girls to yelp and huddle together. “Um, maybe I’ll get the window.” Rainbow says with nervousness. Before she makes it half way to the window I close it with my Vectors and laugh as I come out of my hiding spot. The girls all turn to me as my team and I show up. “Nat? When did you get in here?” Twilight asks. “About a minute ago. I could hear you six arguing from outside so my team and I decided to remind you of the purpose of the story you all just acted through.” I say, motioning to Selene and Chance who howled again. The girls were silent for a minute before Twilight began to laugh at the little prank. “Ok, you got us there Natali.” She says and walks up to me. I surprise her by bringing the unicorn into a hug. “You did great out the Twi. All of you did.” I say with a smile. I release the unicorn and hug the others, not seeing the blush on her face. But Rarity did, and began to look between me and her a few times. ”I know right?” Rarity jumps as Sora whispers that into her ear, barely visible. “Those two don’t realize it do they?” Rarity quietly asks, to which Sora just sighs and shakes her head. ”Those two are as dense as a couple of collapsed stars. It doesn't help they have literally zero experience with this kind of thing.” Sora answers. Rarity began to get several ideas while Sora floats over to me as I am helping Fluttershy get her outfit off. Turns out she was a little too big in the chest so it was a tight fit. Once I manage to get the armor and stuff off her she breaths a large sigh of relief as her breasts are no longer being crushed against her. “Thank you Natali.” She says graciously. I nod to her and look Fluttershy over a bit. Out of all the girls, she was the largest in that department, yet I didn’t feel embarrassed as she was changing in front of me. A little jealous sure, but not like when I am with Twilight. I sigh and put the girls outfits away for them as they are getting changed. I noticed that Topaz and Selene had actually pushed Chance out of the room because it was girls only, and according to Sora he went to check on Spike with Shining. After the girls all change into their regular clothes we all head out and seperate. AppleJack and Pinkie were heading to the train station to go to their respective farms and families. Rainbow and Fluttershy were heading to a hotel they are staying at for the night before the party and Rarity was going to her parents house where Sweetie and her parents are waiting, and me, Twilight, Spike, Shining and my team are heading to Twi and Shining’s old home. As we are walking I look to my purse and see my two new tokens and just pray they are for who I think they are. ‘Lex. Adam. Please let them be you.’ > Chapter 13: Reunion. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don’t know why, but I was getting more nervous the closer we get to Twilight’s parents house. I am not sure why, but it was reminding me of when I was going to meet Lex’s parents for the first time. Maybe it was some kind of psychological reaction to meeting new adults of authority, especially that of close friends or unknown family. I sigh to myself as we pass another street and arrive at the street Twi’s parents live. “So what made you decide to join us for Hearth Warming Nat?” Shining asks suddenly, making me jump slightly from how quiet everyone has been since we left the theater. “Oh, Twilight invited me since I can’t spend the holidays with Lex and Adam. Back on earth we have a near identical holiday called Christmas that all our families spend together. We would make a huge dinner, share stories and trade gifts. I was kinda bummed that I couldn’t spend it with them again, so Twi offered to let me join you guys so I wouldn’t just be spending my time at the library.” I explain. Shining looks to his sister who nods with a smile and light blush. The stallion just shrugs as we pass another couple houses before stopping at one. It was a relatively normal looking two story house with a porch, nice flower bed that was covered by snow, and a few windows around the front. Shining walks up and knocks on the door and I hear a woman calling from inside. “One moment please!” Our group waits a bit before the door opens, revealing a slightly older looking mare with a light grey coat, a purple and light grey, almost white mane and tail, and light blue eyes. She was wearing a blue blouse beneath a purple sweater and grey pants. As soon as she sees who is at the door, she smiles and pulls her children in for a hug. “Shiny, Twily, Spike! I was wondering when you three were going to show up.” She says with a smile before looking past them and seeing me and my team. I just smile awkwardly and wave. She just raises a brow at me and looks at her kids and Spike again. “So, anypony care to introduce me?” She says, motioning to me and my team. Before the other three could start I walk up to her. “Hello ma’am. My name is Natali. Twilight invited me to spend Hearth’s Warming with you guys since I can’t spend it with my family. Sorry if I am intruding on anything.” I say with a slight bow of my head. She looks me over, before looking at my team, in particular Topaz, before nodding with a smile and motioning for us to come in. “It is no bother Natali, just make sure your friends are well behaved.” She says as we each wipe our boots off on the entry mat, my teammates included. ”You don’t need to worry about us Mrs. Sparkle. We know how to behave ourselves.” Selene says after wiping her paws and climbing back onto my shoulder. Velvet looks to her with wide eyes. “You can talk?” She asks in surprise. ”Yes, we can, but you wouldn’t have been able to actually understand us if Twilight hadn’t used a translation spell of each of us when we met.” Topaz says, handing Spike her coat to hang up for her. Velvet looks to her daughter with a proud smile at this little bit of news. “Velvet? Who’s there?” We hear as someone is coming down the stairs, who turns out to be Night Light. He has a greyish blue, azure I think, coat, a dark blue mane and tail and dark gold eyes. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a blue t-shirt and had a brown overcoat on. Upon seeing his children, the stallion quickly came down and brought his daughter into a hug then shook hands with his son and Spike. “Twily! It has been way too long since we have seen you. And Shining I see you are keeping up with the training regiment I gave you a while back. Spike! You seem to have grow some since the last time I saw you.” He says with pride to them. As the Sparkle family all get back together I quietly make my way over to the couch in the living room and take a seat. They look so happy to have one another here. I frown as I remember that my family is all over the multiverse right now. My family by blood are back on earth, and my siblings in all but blood are in their own versions of Equestria. I sigh silently and take out the photo of me, Adam and Lex and just let my mind wander. Selene sees my sad face and begins to nuzzle my cheek for comfort, Topaz and Chance sitting next to me with slightly worried expressions. Twilight manages to break out of her fathers hold and goes to introduce me, before noticing me on the couch and then seeing my expression. The two parents see my look as well, but do a double take when Sora appears and places an arm around me. They both raise a brow and Shining and Spike tell them about Sora and my team as Twilight walks up. I don’t even notice her before she is sitting next to me. “You’re missing your family again, aren’t you?” She says quietly. I just nod to her with my sad face. She scoots closer and pulls me in for a hug, allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder as we both look at my photo. No matter how I try to ignore it, I can’t help but worry about them. I have summoned a couple other Displaced now and then to ask if they have heard anything about them, but I got no results. “So, her siblings are in other versions of Equestria?” Night Light asks in surprise. “The poor dear. I am glad she has Twily and her friends.” Velvet says with a sad smile. Shining nods to them and goes to talk more before being interrupted. ”Honestly if it wasn’t for Twilight and the rest of our team, I think Nat would be more closed off then after what happened after Nightmare Night.” Sora says, suddenly appearing next to them. Sora turns to the parents. ”Sorry for startling you. My name is Sora if Shining or Spike haven’t told you, I am Nat’s little sister.” she introduces herself to the couple. The duo nod as they turn back to me and Twilight. “Twilight seems closer to your sister than anypony I have seen before. Well, aside from us.” Velvet points out. Sora nods to her. ”Same with Nat. Those two are both really awkward and didn’t have many friends aside from their family. I just wish they weren’t so dense so they would hurry up and notice.” Sora says with a sigh. Twilight’s family look to her in confusion. “Notice what?” Night Light asks. Sora just turns to them with a blank expression before looking at me and Twi again. ”With any luck, you will find out soon enough.” She says vaguely before disappearing into my head again. Velvet, Night Light and Shining all raise a brow in confusion while Spike just sighs and rubs his eyes. I am not sure how long we just sat there on the couch, but I really didn’t mind. It was nice, just resting against Twilight like this. I felt relaxed, safe, like I didn’t need to worry. I just chuckle to myself at that feeling. Looks like I am going nuts again. Eventually I lift my head off of Twi’s shoulder and put my photo away. “Hey Nat? I forgot to ask, but what was it Princess Luna wanted to talk to you about before the play?” Spike asks as he walks up with Night Light and Twilight Velvet. I remember how Luna gave me the two tokens and I take them out of my purse to show the others. “Luna and Blueblood found these tokens earlier in the week and Luna decided to give them to me since I am collecting them. Actually I was going to see if I can summon the ones these tokens belong to to see who they are and offer my help.” I say, standing and grabbing my boots. It wasn’t all that cold, just sweater weather, so I figures opening the portals outside would be fine as there was only so much room in the house. “So you are going to open gates to other versions of Equestria to see who these tokens belong to?” Shining asks and I nod, going through the back door. I see as the others all follow me out, Shining having summoned his sword just in case. I nod and focus on the two tokens in my hands. “I call upon the Sword of Equality and the Fairy of Justice.” I say. After a second the pendant and mask both begin to glow and two different portals open before me, one of them having the Fairy Tail above it while the other had a symbol of a red and black eclipse with a wolfs head starring forward. Twilight and the others tense as we sense massive sources of magic coming from both portals followed by two other, smaller sources. I can sense that three individuals are coming from both portals, but two coming from the eclipse portal feel very familiar. Almost like Princess Luna’s and Rainbow Dash’s magic signature. I am not sure how long we waited there before the outlines of the people begin to form. Shining lights up his horn and puts up a shield around himself and his family as my Pokemon stand next to me and Sora taking control of my Vectors just in case. The first ones to pass through the portals were the ones from the Fairy Tail portal. The first to come through was a woman around my height with blue hair with gold stripes in it, one brown and one yellow eye, wearing a orange, knee high dress with a white and gold jacket overtop. Attached to her waist was some kind of a rapier with a blue Fairy Tail symbol on it, the tails acting as the guard and her token was around her neck. After her was a unicorn stallion the size of Shining Armor with a silver coat, shiny black mane, red eyes and was wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue t-shirt under a dark red jacket. This stallion looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I have seen him before. The last to come through that portal actually gave me pause. It was a purple cat with a pair of white wings coming from her back, wearing a blue and pink dress that fits her stature. She lands on the stallions shoulder upright and her wings disappear. Before I can focus on them, the individuals from the other portal come thought and I have to pause for a second. The three coming from the portal are all people I recognize. The first was, as expected, a version of Adam Taurus, his black jacket, jeans and red t-shirt being the same, as well has his Grimm mask. His sword and sheath were at his side and he had a pair of red and black bracelets on and a necklace with an odd red jewel around his neck. After him was a girls with curly orange hair, a pink bow like Applebloom, and some really nice clothes that I know fit her. It was Penny Polendina. Last was Rainbow Dash. No joke, their version of Rainbow Dash came through. She looked exactly like the one from here, but she looks a little more muscular. Not by much, but just enough to where I can see the difference compared to mine. “Oh man, I wonder who summoned us this time.” Adam Taurus says. “Yeah you said it dude. I wonder who would be the first to summon me.” The girl from the other portal says. At this, both of them pause and look to each other. Adam takes his mask off, showing a pair of shining silver eyes. While they are looking at each other, I am frozen. I know those voices. I sniffle a little bit, getting their attentions, and both their eyes widen. “Nat?” They say together, and this all but confirms it. “Adam? Lex?” I say as tears begin to form in my eyes. The duo nod and then turn to each other, as if they are just now noticing each other. “How..? Who..?” Adam questions. They don’t get a chance to react before I wrap the two of them in my Vectors and pull them to me for a hug. “ADAM! LEX! You’re ok!” I yell with tears in my eyes and tackle the two of them as they were being launched at me, the three of us falling in the snow. The two of them realize what is happening and hug back, the three of us staying on the ground, me and Lex crying as Adam struggles not to. I am not sure how long we stay like that, but eventually I lift us off the ground with my Vectors and give them both another, individual hug. I smile wide as they smile back. “Oh man! I can’t even tell you two how happy I am to see you again!” I say. “Same here sis. I can’t believe it. Though, in hindsight I shouldn’t be all that surprised, since the three of us sent out our tokens.” Adam says with a grin. I hear the snow crunching and see as Penny and Rainbow walk up to Adam and the other two step up to Lex. “Adam, is that?” Penny asks. Adam nods and we all stand side by side. “Penny, Rainbow. Meet my big sisters. Natali and Alexandria, or just Nat and Lex.” Adam introduces us to his companion. “Sonbā and Echo. Say hi to my little sister and little brother, Natali and Adam.” Lex says to her friends. I turn to my group, all of them looking both shocked and happy. “Guys, meet Adam and Lex.” I say simply. I smile as each of our group gets acquainted. ”Hey! Don’t forget me guys!” Lex and Adam look confused for a second before Sora appears next to me with a smirk. Both of they jaws drop at the sight of her. “Sora?!” They yell in unison. Sora just nods and flaoats up. ”The one and only. Who did you expect? Mrs. Hyde?” she says with a smirk. The newcomer all look shocked so Shining and Spike explain to them who Sora is. “How is this possible?! I mean I know you can take control over Nat’s body but how are you appearing right now?” Adam questions, and I see as Lex’s eyes light up green. I raise a brow at this but shrug it off. “Well the first Displaced we summoned was a draconequus named Loki. He found out about Sora almost instantaneously and afterwards cast a spell on us to let either of us have an astral form for whenever the other is in control of our body.” I explain. Adam nods after a second and turns to see Rainbow and Penny talking to Shining while Lex’s friends, Sonbā and Echo I think, were talking to Spike. “Ok that is cool.” Lex says suddenly, her eyes still lit up. “Looks like your astral form is the result of a combination of chaotic and Harmonious magic being combined properly to give you control over outside magic.” Lex explains. I look to her with a raised brow, wondering how she could tell that. She sees my look and elaborates. “After I had to deal with something in my Equestria I found a chest that was sealed by a powerful spell. Turns out one of the versions of Master Mavis, the founder of Fairy Tail, sent out the chest that was filled with info on Fiore magic. I unlocked it and gained way more magic than I had when I arrived in Equestria. I have been practicing with my different styles of magic for the past couple months.” “Yeah, Edward mentioned that you taught him Arc of Embodiment, but I was a little confused on how.” Adam says. I guess Edward is another Displaced they both met. ”Um, can someone please introduce us?” My eyes go wide as I realize my team has just been standing off to the side the whole time. “Oops, sorry Selene. I guess we got too excited.” I say as I pick up Topaz and hold her, Selene jumping up to my head. I look back at my siblings to find their jaws on the ground again. “You have Pokemon here?!” Lex yells in shock. I smile and nod at her, my teammates nodding along with me. “Guys, meet Selene, Topaz and Chance. They have been showing up in Equestria seemingly at random, and have each been great friends.” I say, each of my teammates greeting the newcomers. “Ok, those things look awesome.” Rainbow says as she flies over. “Agreed. These creatures are more adorable than me, and that is no easy feat.” Echo says, flying over as well. I laugh a little as Selene jumps into Rainbow’s arms and nuzzles up. Despite herself, the pegasus couldn’t help but go ‘awww’. She blushes upon seeing all of us looking at her. “None of you heard that.” She says sternly. All of us are silent for a second before we all burst into laughter. It took a while before all of us calmed down. “Don’t worry Rainbow. We’ll be quiet.” Twilight says with a grin. Rainbow looks to Twi before hovering over and looking her over more closely. “So you’re this world version of Twi huh? Weird. You look exactly like the one back home, but I feel there is something different about you.” She says, hovering above her. Twi raises a brow but shrugs. “So, any real reason for our summoning Nat?” Lex asks. “Not really. After I got your tokens I was just planning on summoning whoever they belonged to and to offer my token before we went to the party.” I answer. “What party?” Penny asks. ”Its Hearths Warming right now. We got invited to a private party by the princesses. Actually, would you guys like to come? We told Luna we might be inviting some friends.” Sora says. The six newcomers all think for a minute before nodding with smiles. “I’m in. There is no way I am leaving my sisters to go though this holiday without me.” Adam says with a smile. Penny and Rainbow nod behind him, agreeing. “But, not all of you have some outfits that would work.” Night Light points out. The group all look to themselves before Lex laughs. “No worries there. I can just use some of my abilities to make our outfits.” Lex says. “Oh! If you can just get me some material, I can use my alchemy to make myself a dress.” Penny says with a smile. “You have alchemy?” Sonbā asks in surprise. Penny nods and begins to go over how she and Adam met Edward. After a couple minutes and a lot of catching up, Lex, Echo, Penny, Rainbow and I are in the living room, changing into our outfits. Lex used Arc of Embodiment and made some rolls of material and she and Penny both used their alchemy like from Fullmetal Alchemist to make their outfits for the night. I was shocked and embarrassed when Lex said we could change in the main room, before she used her Kaleidoscope spell with her Mirror magic to make some mirror panes around us to act like some change rooms. Once we were ready Lex said we could just tap on the mirrors and they would disperse. While the five of us are changing in our mirror ‘rooms’, Twilight is up in her old bedroom changing with her mom. Shining, Spike, and Night Light are in changing in Shining’s old room, and Adam and Sonbā are changing in Night Light and Velvet’s room. Luckily Sonbā was Shining’s size so he was able to borrow one of Shining’s suits. I tap on my mirror as I finish getting into my dress and see as Echo and Rainbow are done as well. Echo was wearing a new light blue and pink dress with little black shoes for herself. Rainbow was wearing a white dress with red cuffs and a blue collar with her cutie mark on the center of her chest and a black hooded jacket. “Wow! You two look great! But what is with the jacket Rainbow?” I say as they see me. “Same goes to you too Natali. I am not really into fashion, but even I can tell that black and pink are a difficult combo to pull off. As for my jacket, I want to surprise this worlds version of me.” Rainbow says, lounging in the air. Echo flies around me and ends up sitting on my head like Selene. “What is it with you tiny creatures and sitting on my head?” I question with a smirk. Echo and Selene look to each other before shrugging. “You’re comfy.” Echo answers simply. All of us just laugh a little at this response. “You know you should be glad you’re head is comfy like that. I am pretty sure we all know a certain yellow pegasus who would be jealous by that.” We turn as Lex comes out of her changing ‘room’ and all of our eyes go wide. I watched through Fairy Tail before, so I recognized the dress she was wearing. It was the same one Erza wore at the beginning of the Tower of Heaven arc. Her hair was done up the same way as well, her hair being kept in a small bun with her bangs in front of her face, just on the sides of her eyes. She can really make it work now since she has ‘filled out’ along with growing taller. “Holy fashion statement! Lex you look awesome!” I say, grabbing her hands and smiling. She smiles back and does a few poses. I take out my phone and take a couple pictures before she hands me her own phone for me to do the same thing. “I should have expected you two to be taking photos of each other.” We turn to the stairs as we see Adam, Shining, Spike, Night Light and Sonbā coming down. Sonbā was wearing a rather nice white suit with a red tie that matches his eyes while Shining was in a black version of it. Adam was still in his regular outfit, but at least he was wearing a tie. I roll my eyes at his lack of caring about what he is wearing, but at least it was rather appropriate. “And we should have expected you to barely change anything.” Lex counters. We all chuckle at this again. We hear tapping and see as Penny’s mirrors disappear. All of us go wide eyed at her as her outfit looks really, really good. Penny’s dress was grey with light green symbols around the bottom, her brown straps around her shoulders, her boots being changed as well, turning them into high heeled versions that also reach near her knees. She also had a pair of black and green gloves on. “Um, how d-do I look?” She asks shyly. I immediately grab both mine and Lex’s phones and take a photo of her, surprising the girl. “Wow! Penny you look incredible!” Sora says, looking her over. Penny smiles and looks to Adam who is standing stock still, looking at her with wide eyes. They both remain frozen for a second and I look to Lex with a raised brow, earning a shrug in response. “Um, Adam?” I ask, shaking his shoulder. He shakes his head and looks back to Penny with a slight blush on his face. “Um, wow Penny. You look incredible.” He says, rubbing the back of his head. Penny blushes and looks at her dress, rubbing her hands together. I look to Lex and motion to the two of them with a grin. She smirks and nods in agreement. “Well, all we need now if for mom and Twily to finish and we can head to the castle.” Shining says. “You won’t need to wait long.” We turn as Velvet walks down in a rather nice looking pale blue dress with a sapphire necklace. I can see Night Light having a proud smile and blush at his wife’s attire. I chuckle at this and turn to the stairs again as I hear Twilight’s hoofsteps coming down. Once she gets in view though, I freeze. Twilight was wearing an almost identical dress as the one she wore to the Gala in the show, but it looked so much better in person. The lower part of the dress and the collar were dark indigo and the torso being light blue, the bottom of it having stars around the bottom and one star hair pin with her hair being in a bun. Twilight and I lock eyes and just stood still for a minute. We both looked each other over in silence, both of us tracing each other’s dresses, before Sora clears her throat loudly, getting both of our attentions. She just looks at us both with a raised brow. The both of our faces erupt into large blushes as we realize we have just been standing here for over two minutes. “Ahem, sorry. You look beautiful Twilight.” I say with a smile and light blush. Twilight blushes as well and plays with her hair a bit. “Thanks Nat. You looks great too.” She says with her own smile. The group stays silent for a bit after that before Lex let’s out a loud sigh and claps her hands. “Alright! If that is everything, can we get going?” She says and all of us nod. I quickly return my pokemon to their pokeballs before we all walk outside. But before we can go very far Lex stops and seems to get an idea. “Hold on everypony. How about I just teleport all of us to the main hall?” She says and the ponies from here look confused. “But a teleportation spell of that magnitude would take tons of magical power.” Shining says with a little worry in his voice. “Maybe for a teleportation spell with pony magic, but I am using a type of magic called Direct Line, which is used for fast paced teleportation. I have used it before, but this will be the largest group I have ever teleported before.” She says. I think about how Mest Gryder would use his teleportation magic and think it could work. I smile and nod before placing my hand on Lex’s left shoulder, Adam placing his own on her right one. After that the others all connect themselves, holding hands or placing them on the others shoulders. Once ready Adam and I nod to Lex who closes her eyes for a second. “Direct Line!” And with that, we are gone. > Chapter 14: A Party And Gifts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Castle Main Hall Celestia POV I let out a happy sigh as everything is finished getting ready. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity arrived to the party early and offered to help in getting everything set up for tonight’s festivities. It was odd in a way to see Rarity actively trying to be civil to my nephew, who was also helping along side his date. I smile as Rainbow and Fluttershy bring in the last of the food and drinks with the chefs and set them on the tables for later. I look to stage where Lady Octavia and her band mates have everything set up for the music, and am secretly grateful that Pinkie Pie left to her families rock farm. As funny as she can be, I would prefer that this party not be as chaotic as the Gala. I look to the doors as my sister walks in, wearing one of her formal black dresses with her sapphire and onyx necklace. She sees me smiling and smiles as well, seeing everything is set up. “I was wondering when you would arrive sister. Did you just not want to help?” I ask with a grin. Luna just rolls her eyes and takes a seat next to me on her recently made throne. We had thrones made for us in the main hall in case we held a meeting or event that would be too big for the throne room. “Come now sister. You know as well as we do that one must look their best for festivities such as this.” She says, and I can’t help but giggle. Rarity walks up to the two of us with a curious expression. “Excuse me princesses, but do you know when Twilight and her family are going to arrive?” She asks. I think for a moment, Twilight and her family should have arrived by now, and I know how Twilight hates being late, the near disaster Natali stopped coming to mind. “They should arrive any moment Rarity, we must be pa-“ I stopped and stood from my throne as I sensed several powerful magic sources suddenly appear nearby. My guess it they were a little down the hall. My sister rose from her own seat, likely feeling the powerful magic as well. Focusing on it, one of the sources seemed to almost dwarf our own, while another seeming similar to Luna’s but more wild. “Princess? What is it?” Rainbow asks as she flew over to us. I don’t get to answer as there was a knocking at the door to the room. I look to some of the guards nearby and nod. Four of them come to me and my sister, weapons at the ready, and two more went to the doors. The three elements, my nephew and his date all came to my side. Fluttershy looked extremely scared, Rainbow was glaring at the door, seemingly preparing for a fight, and Rarity looked worried. My nephew managed to keep the neutral royal face as I have taught him, and Scarlett was by his side. The guards nodded to each other and lit up their horns, wrapping the door handles in their magic and beginning to open the door. All of us tensed up, preparing to face a group of potential evil intruders who wanted to ruin our party. Imagine my surprise when the doors revealed Twilight, her family, Natali and another group with them. I saw Rainbow almost fall out of the air in surprise at this less than dangerous group. All of us watch as the large group walks in, and I made sure to get a good look at all of them. There was only two ponies in this new group, a unicorn stallion and a Pegasus mare, though I could barely tell she was a Pegasus due to her black hooded jacket overtop of her dress that was also covering her face. There was also, to our shock, three humans. One was a male almost as tall as me with red and brown hair, wearing black and red clothing, the only formal part being a tie, with a sword at his side, a pair of bracelets and a necklace. The other two were female, one having blue and gold hair done in a small bun, the other having orange hair with a pink bow that reminded me of AppleJack’s sister. The first two looked familiar, but for the life of me I could not remember why. Lastly was....a flying cat? She was in the air, a pair of bright white wings keeping her afloat with an odd sound. She had purple fur, with the areas around her paws and ears being white and she was wearing a, quite honestly, adorable light blue and pink dress with a pair of tiny black shoes. “Um, why are you all so tensed?” I am brought out of my examining of the group as the stallion asked this. I look and realize, despite Twilight being present, my guards, Rainbow and Rarity are still at the ready for a fight and Fluttershy is hiding behind Luna. I cough, getting their attentions and give a gentle smile, telling them to relax. Reluctantly, my guards relax their stances and Fluttershy come out from behind my sister. Rainbow on the other hand, remained on guard. The hooded pony noticed her and chuckled, making Rainbow glare at them. “What’s so funny?” She asks harshly. Before we could say anything, the mysterious pony walked forward and spoke, her voice causing all of us to freeze. “You know, I really should have expected you to be on guard. It is what I would do.” That voice...impossible. It sounded just like Rainbow Dash. I watch as she takes her hands out of her jacket pockets, revealing some cyan fur and raises them to her hood. All of us are in total shock as she lowers her hood, revealing a head of rainbow hair, cyan fur and a pair of rose eyes. “R-Rainbow?” Fluttershy asks quietly, in shock. I look at the Rainbow that has been here to whole time and find her on the ground, sitting in disbelief at this mare in front of her, her jaw almost on the ground. There was silence for a bit, before this new Rainbow bursts into laughter. “BWAHAHAHAH!! O-oh my Celestia! You g-guys should see your faces!” She yell in laughter, a couple of the group laughing as well. The tall human sighs and rubs his eyes after removing his mask. “RD, I don’t think that was a good idea.” He says, pointing to the original Rainbow, the pegasus seemingly having shut down in shock. The new one looks to her and shrugs. “Eh, if this version is anything like me she will-“ she doesn’t get to continue before she dodges out of the way of the original Rainbow rocketing towards her. “Alright copycat! Who are you?!” Rainbow shouts. I go to stop them before I hear an odd shimmering and suddenly both Rainbows are wrapped in with some kind of a green rope. “Hey!” They both shout. We look and see the blue and golden haired girl has some kind of spell matrix in front of her right hand. “Yeah, I am just going to stop you two before this becomes a problem. And just so we don’t end up mixing you two up...” she trails off before lifting her other hand, a different matrix appearing in it. I raise a brow before looking to the two Rainbows. Suddenly the fur of the one that dodged changes from cyan to cerulean and the order of the color in her mane reverses. The rope holding them is disperses and the newly changed pegasus looked herself over. “Huh, I always wondered how I would look if I dyed my fur.” She says to herself. I look to the human in shock before looking to Natali and Twilight. They both looked to each other and sighed. “It’s a long story.” They say together. I raise a brow and sit on my throne again, my sister following suit with a curious expression. “We have time.” Natali POV So after nearly an hour of talking, we finished explaining who the new group was and why there were two Rainbows. Needless to say the RD of this world was all sorts of shocked while Adam’s was enjoying the look on her face. I made sure to release Selene, Topaz and Chance while we were explaining it so I didn’t forget and leave them in their pokeballs all night. “So this is Adam and Alexandria. I had hoped we could meet one day, though I did not expect it during this holiday.” Rarity says with a slight flutter of her lashes. The three of us just look to her with deadpan expression, she immediately blushes and looks away. The duo sigh as Blueblood walks up with a smile. “Well, allow me to be the first to welcome the six of you to this realm. I am Prince Blueblood, but please just call me Blue.” he says with a smile, holding his hand out to shake. The others look to him in shock at his polite attitude. Adam reluctantly shakes his hand after a second. “Nice to meet you to Blue. I am Adam Taurus, leader of the White Fang squadron of the royal guard. This is my partner Penny Polendina and our realms version of Rainbow Dash.” He says a little awkwardly, Penny doing a curtsy regardless. “I am Alexandria Justine or just Lex, Faekage of the Fairy Tail guild. This is my friend Sonbāsutā and his assistant slash little sister Echo.” Lex says just as awkwardly, Echo doing a midair curtsy. Scarlet and I see how awkward they are being and we both sigh, but for different reasons. “Let me guess, your guys’s Blueblood’s are total asses aren’t they?” I ask. The group try to say no, but end up nodding. Blue just sighs. “I see, that seems to be a bit of a trend in the multiverse according to Natali. Well, let me just say that while I can act like a total prick, please be aware that at the very least it is only an act here in this dimension.” He says with a slight bow of his head. The group nods and I can see Celestia and Luna looking at Sonbāsutā with a curious gaze. “Excuse me sir? But, who exactly are you. You look very familiar.” Celestia asks, I was curious as well. Lex and Echo look worried before Sonbāsutā puts on a relaxed and gentle smile. He walks forward and gives a bow. “Hello. Like Lex said, I am Sonbāsutā, and I am the former king of the Crystal Empire.” He says with a smile. My jaw drops to the ground as I realize what he just said, Celestia and Luna being in the same boat. “King Sombra?!?!” The princesses and I yell in shock. The princesses barely light up their horns as I summon a bunch of Vectors and surround the stallion. Sombra gives a ‘sorta’ gesture with his hand in response to our reaction. “Yes and no. Sombra was the name I took after I became corrupted by evil magic. You see, when I was younger, I met a mare named Crystal Dust and foolishly fell in love with her. She pretended to love me in return and appeared to be a well mannered and respectable mare. But it was a lie, a cover hiding a greedy, egotistical and sadistic pony. She wanted to get close to me so I would marry her and she would all but take over my kingdom. After I learned of this, I blew up. My emotions ran rampant and because of this my magic became corrupted by my anger and sadness, turning me into the tyrant king Sombra.” Me and the others are all frozen in shock at this story. I know that Sombra from the show was evil, but now that I think about it, it just showed him as a tyrant and nothing more. This guy has way more of a backstory than the original. I get angry at this story and the others see me grinding my teeth. I can barely see that Adam is in the same boat as well. “Nat? Adam?” Lex says cautiously. We just look to her in anger. “Targets, now.” We say sternly. Lex nods and gets into what I recognize as Ice Maker stance. The matrix appears and after a second two large targets made of ice appear in front of her, which she promptly threw in the air. I growl and launch my Vectors, turning my ice target into ice shavings to vent while Adam takes out his sword and covers it with his aura and slash’s his into ice cubes. The others watch in shock as we turn ice into ice shavings and cubes, which I put with the ice sculpture and the cubes into the punch bowls. I pant for a second, reigning in my anger, while Adam twirls his sword in anger and sheaths it hard. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Sonbā looking at me and Adam with both a sad and appreciative smile. “Thanks. I know about how you both helped Lex after her experience with Ray so I appreciate the reactions.” He say. Adam and I nod to him before the others come out of their stunned states. “Wow! I don’t think I have ever seen you that mad before Nat.” Rainbow says. I just shrug and go over to the punch bowl. It was as Adam and I calmed down when some of the others that were here for the party begin to arrive. Of course they were all confused and a little worried when they saw Lex and Adam, but after seeing them talk to the princesses, they calmed down, seeing they were friends. I smile as the band nearby begins to play their music, Lyra being zoned in to her lyre, but I can tell she wants to talk to Adam and Lex. Octavia was equally curious, but she knew that she can talk to them afterwards. I release a happy sigh and take a drink of my punch. This is really nice, a calm, relaxed party. “Um, excuse me, Natali?” I look to the side and see as Penny walks up with a slightly nervous expression. “Oh, hey Penny. What’s up?” I question. She sighs and looks toward Adam as he is talking with Shining Armor and Night Light. “I would like to talk to you about Adam.” She says. I sigh and look her in the eye. “Did he do something stupid again?” I ask with a barely hidden smirk. “No! At least I don’t think so. I wanted to talk to you about something Edward said that has been in my mind since we left his world.” She says with a light blush. I raise a brow and look to Sora as she appear with an equally curious expression. I quickly use my Vectors and grab a cup of punch for the android-turned-human. “So what was it that this Edward said that has you all bent out of shape?” Sora asks, standing next to me. “Well, after Adam and Edward has a practice match against each other, Edward gave me and Adam some new powers we did not have before. He gave Adam the ability to augment his strengths with magic, letting him become stronger and faster. As you saw before, he also gave me the ability to use alchemy without a circle. But, after Edward unlocked this power for me...he said...” she stops, a blush overtaking her face. I raise a brow and have a very odd feeling about this. “H-he...called me Adam’s girlfriend.” She says quietly and I almost choke on my drink, Sora patting my back with a Vector. Once I get myself under control I look to her with a raised brow, seeing her face is almost bright red. “Are you?” I ask, earning a shake of the head no. ”Do you want to be?” Sora asks. Penny is frozen for a second before shrugging with a nod, saying maybe. The two of us sigh before laughing a little. “You have nothing to worry about Penny. Adam can be a little dense sometimes, but he is a hell of a lot better about relationships than I am. Granted neither of us have been in a relationship before, but Adam has always been better at seeing someone’s feelings than me or Sora.” I say, leaning on the table. Penny looks to her drink and just stands next to me as we look over the crowd. After a while of silence, I look to the huntress again. “How do you think you feel about Adam?” I ask suddenly. She looks to me for a second before looking down in thought again. “I-I am not sure. Ever since I was sent to Equestria, Adam has been there for me. When I first appeared, he was the first one to greet me and explain how I was now human. When I was overcome by emotion and cried for the first time, he was there, letting me cry on his shoulder along with our Princess Luna. When we found Pyrrha and she attacked him, I was angry, I wanted to protect him. Ever since then, he has helped me more than any of the others, teaching me how to cook, helping me with my tone, even just sparring with me. Then when we went to Edwards world and he got hurt after the fight, I was worried about him. I wanted to make sure I was there when he woke up from the duel. I am not sure if that means I like him or not, but I do care for him.” She says. I nod at this before Sora seems to get an idea. ”How about this. We will go over and talk to Adam and see his point of view. If things are as we think they are, we will make it so you two can do something to help you figure it out.” Sora says. Penny raises a brow, but before she can ask, me and Sora leave to talk to my brother. We make our way through the crowd to Adam who just finished talking to Shining Armor and Night Light, the duo looking impressed as they leave. He must have been talking about one of his fights. He sees us coming up and smiles. “Hey Nat and Sora. Thanks for the invite to this. It is really nice here.” He says, taking a bite out of some food he grabbed. I nod and grab a little plate for me and Sora. We just stand next to him for a minute, noticing him glancing at Lex and Penny sometimes. “So, anything significant happen to you in your Equestria?” I ask, trying to break the ice. “You mean besides becoming the leader of my own squad of the royal guard, discovering and living with versions of the characters from RWBY and fighting my worlds Luna to a draw, not in that order? Not really. Just me being the protective me I have always been.” I laugh a little at the last part, that is basically Adam in a nutshell, being super protective of others. ”So you been getting along with your new friends from Remnant?” Sora asks, hovering by his head. “Sure. I mean, it was awkward to say the least, especially with this new form, but me and the others have gotten used to each other by now. Ruby and I were the most awkward around each other, but we have gotten used to each other. Honestly, I am just worried for when the rest of their teams arrive.” He says. I look to him after a bit, seeing as he glances to Lex then to Penny. “What about Penny?” “What about her?” “I can tell you two get along really well, otherwise she wouldn’t have come along with you. From what she said, she even went with you to Ed’s world where you two got your new powers. Also about a certain comment the alchemist may have made.” I say the last part with a grin and see Adam’s blushing face. Good thing for me he took off his mask. “C-can we not bring that up? Edward implied some embarrassing things.” He says, taking a bite out of his food. Me and Sora just smirk at him. “Adam what’s the problem? Penny told us what Ed said, and judging from your reaction, you aren’t against it.” I say to him. He stays quiet for a second before sighing. “I mean, I have thought about it after what he told me, but I am not sure if it could work between us. My realms princesses are looking for ways to get the others back to Remnant, and I am sure Penny will end up going with them. I don’t want to give her something to cling to.” He says. Sora just rolls her eyes as I sigh. ”A little late for that Adam. Penny cares about you, and not just as a friend or teammate. You have been with her through all her hardships since she arrived in Equestria, so she is already attached to you. The question is, if you will let it grow, or cut it off.” Sora says. Adam sighs again and looks to Penny who is talking to Fancy and Fleur. He stays quiet and I look to the band and get an idea. “How about this?” He looks to me. “I’ll talk to the band and have them play some relaxing dance music. You ask her to dance, and the two of you can talk or just think about how you feel about each other.” I tell him. Adam looks nervous and blushes, so I give him some support. “How about this. You ask her to dance, and I will find my own partner so you aren’t the odd ones out.” He looks to me and eventually nods. I smile and pat him on the back before heading to Octavia and Lyra as they and their band are taking a break. ’Penny is a lucky girl to snag Adam like that.’ Sora says to me in thought. ‘I am pretty sure it was the other way around, but I agree. Sometimes I wish we didn’t see each other as siblings because he would be a really great guy to be with. Those two are lucky to be able to be with each other. I wish I could get as lucky as those two.’ I say back to her. I was walking up to the band so I didn’t notice Sora doing a face palm. ‘Damn it Nat.’ “Hey Octavia, hey Lyra.” I say, getting the mares attentions. “Hey Natali! So who are the humans that came by, I have been dying to meet them.” Lyra says with a wide grin, earning some eye rolls from her band mates. I just chuckle and point to the others. “The tall guy in the black and red is my surrogate younger brother Adam, the girl with the blue and yellow hair is my surrogate older sister Alexandria or just Lex, and the girl with the orange hair and the bow is Penny, basically Adam’s partner.” I say, Lyra looking more and more excited. “So you were able to bring your siblings to this party. Lucky mare. So what was it you needed Natali?” Octavia asks. I smile at the fact Octavia could tell I wanted to ask something. “I wanted to ask if you guys can play some slow dance music for Adam and Penny. Those two are a little....unsure of themselves.” I say. They look between Adam and Penny, seeing the duo glancing at each other and smile. They nod and the band get ready to play. I smile and head back to the others. I see as Lex and Sombra-er, Sonbā are talking to the princesses. I decided to head over and see if maybe he wanted to dance or something. “Hey Lex, Sonbā!” They turn as I walk up to them. “Oh, hey Nat. What’s up?” Lex asks. “Nothing much. I just talked to Lyra and Octavia and they are going to be playing some slow dance songs in a minute.” I tell them, Sonbā raising a brow. “Really, why is that?” He asks. I just smirk and point to Penny and Adam. Lex sees them and realized I asked. “Nice one Nat. I thought those two would need the push.” She says. “Oh yeah and Lex, can I ask a favor?” She looks to me and nods. “Well, I was really busy this last month so I wasn’t able to make or get presents for Twilight and Spike so-“ I get stopped by Lex’s hand on my mouth, seeing her smile and nod. She places her hand on my temple and I feel a static shock. She looks to me with a smirk and nods before turning to the stallion with us. “Hey Sonbā? Wanna dance?” I lean back a bit at how blunt and sudden Lex is being, but Sonbā just shrugs and offers his hand with a gentleman like bow. “Of course, Faekage Lex.” He says with a barely contained smirk. Lex giggles and takes his hand in hers and heads to the dance floor. I am just left with a dropped jaw for a second before I shake my head and release a large sigh. I head back over to the punch bowl and just stand there, looking to my siblings. I see as Adam walks up to Penny with a blush, rubbing the back of his head. Considering I see Penny blush as well and nod, I guess he was able to ask her. The duo head over to the dance floor as well and I see a couple of other couples heading there. I look to the band and see they are almost ready. I sigh again. Even I can’t help but feel a little jealous that those two have partners for a dance. “Natali? Is something wrong?” I look to the side and see Twilight as she asked this with a worried and curious expression. “Oh hey Twi. It’s nothing. It’s just, Adam and Lex have their own ‘dates’ to dance with in a minute, and I am getting stuck on the sideline. I mean, it is hard not to be jealous when your siblings have partners when you don’t.” I say, leaning on the table. I hear Twilight shifting on her hooves, so I look at her and see she has a light blush on her muzzle. Before I can ask anything, she speaks up. “I-if you want, I-I could be your dance partner. I don’t really know much about dancing, but at least you could dance.” I look to Twi with wide eyes and blush myself, before smiling and offering my hand. She smiles back and takes my hand as we head over to the floor as well. I can see the Rainbow’s looking over us and they both smirk as they see me and Twi holding hands. The both of us blush but don’t have much time to worry about it as Octavia and her band begin to play. The choice was a little somber but still it is a good song. The couples all bow to their partners and we get ready. Twilight is clearly nervous, looking at her hooves and my feet so I take a breath and grab her chin making her look me in the eye. “Hey, calm down. This is just a dance. Don’t think too much and follow my lead. Just be glad you aren’t human so I can’t step on any toes.” I tell her. Twilight takes a breath and nods putting her right hand on my shoulder and holds my hand with her left, while I hold her waist with my free hand. At that, everypony begins to dance together, each couple having smiles on their faces. As I am dancing with Twilight I take a few glances at my siblings, seeing Adam and Penny both looking a little nervous, but still smiling, and Lex and Sonbāsutā just having fun. I smile and allow myself to focus on my own partner, Twilight smiling after we begin as she is able to keep up with my steps and a couple of twirls. “Wow. I had no idea you were such a good dancer.” She says as I twirl her around again. “I needed some kind of physical education through high school. I always found dancing a little more fun than most sports. And not just this kind of ballroom dancing. I may know a thing or two about flamenco dancing.” I say with a smirk. Twilight looks surprised then blushes after a minute. “Oh, wow. I wonder how you would look in one of those dresses.” She mumbles to herself, earning a chuckle from me. “That was the only thing I hated about that style of dance. The outfits were too layered. It was near impossible for me to focus if I wore the dress because of how hot I would get in it.” I say with a laugh, Twilight giggling at the thought. “Thanks by the way.” She looks to me with a tilt of her head. “Even though I asked them to play so Adam and Penny could dance, I really wanted to get up and move a little more than I was. Dancing always seems to make me more relaxed.” “Heh, dancing, singing, playing the piano and being a scientist. You really are a jack-of-all-trades Natali.” Twilight says, taking a chance and twirling me around. I smile as she gets more confidence in her own dancing. On the sidelines, Velvet, Night Light and Shining are just watching as I dance with Twilight, the two of us now having smiles on our faces. The parents were very surprised about the happy expression Twilight had on her face, considering she was in the middle of a crowd dancing. Shining was just surprised that Twilight was dancing with me and not some other pony. Yet, it didn’t seem to bother him. “Looks like you guys know what Sora was talking about earlier huh?” Spike says, walking up with Sweetie Belle. The parents look back at us as Twilight twirls me again with a laugh and nod to Spike. “I’ll be honest, I never expected this from my daughter. But if they are happy, all the more power to them.” Night Light says with a smile. Sweetie raises a brow and looks as Twi and I continue to dance. “Wait, are Natali and Twilight together?” She asks innocently. ”No, but at the rate their going, and if they would stop being so dense, they will be.” Sora says, suddenly appearing next to them. Everypony but Spike jumps at the sudden appearance, the drake already used to it from having to live with us. “What do you mean Sora?” Velvet asks. Sora just sighs and looks to Penny and Adam, the duo having blushes and holding each other a little closer. ”Natali and Twilight have never been in relationships before, plus I doubt they have ever thought about looking for anyone inside of our gender before. Adam and Penny have also never been in relationships, but the difference is Adam is a lot better at reading another’s emotions. I can tell that Adam is probably going to be asking her out after they get back to their Equestria, but these two might never realize one another without some kind of push.” Sora explain. The group all look to us as the song begins to die down. “Damn, now I really wish Cadence was here. She could probably help them out.” Shining says. “Oh yeah, where is Cadence anyways?” Sora asks. “I think Celestia said she was spending Hearths Warming in Trottingham with some of her friends from before she ascended. She won’t be back until after you guys head back to Ponyville.” Shining answers, Sora snapping her fingers at the missed opportunity. Sora then looks to the band and sees the instruments, getting an idea about how to close out the night. Twilight and I give each other a curtsy bow before we both giggle and hug one another before heading back to the others. I look to Adam and see he is hugging Penny, the duo both have blushes and smiles on their faces. Lex and Sonbā just looked like they had a blast just from dancing. I go to talk before I feel Sora ‘poking’ me in my mind. ‘What is it sis?’ I ask her, motioning to Twilight to hold on a sec. ’Well, it is starting to get a little late, and I figure we have to sent Lex and Adam back soon. But first, I thought we could do like we used to back in the garage.’ After she says that, I look to the stage where the band was playing and get where she is going with this. I smile and turn to Twilight as she looks curiously. “Hey Twi. Remember what me and Sora did the night we met Topaz?” I ask. She nods and then gets what is going on. She gets an excited smile and heads back to her friends as I go to Adam and Lex, the two other Displaced and their partners talking to one another. “Hey guys!” My siblings look to me as I point to the stage. “How about we put on a bit of a show before I send you guys home?” I say. Adam and Lex smile wide and nod, Penny, Sonbāsutā and Echo looking a little confused. The duo smile and direct them to the Princesses and the girls as the three of us head up to the stage as the band are taking a small break. “Oh, hello Natali. And it is a pleasure to meet you two in pony. Adam and Lex, correct?” Octavia says as we walk up. The others nod and shake Octavias hand. “Pleasures all ours Octavia. Anyways, could we ask for a favor?” Lex asks, earning a couple of raised brows. “What is it?” Lyra asks, walking up. “Well, the three of us wanted to see if we could play a few songs before we have to head home.” Adam says. “Wait, you all play?” Octavia asks in surprise. I smile and raise my hand, followed by Adam and Lex. “Piano and vocals.” I say with a smirk, Sora appearing with her own smirk. “Practically any strings, violins and acoustic guitars are my best.” Adam states with a confident smile. “I am really just a singer.” Lex says with a sheepish grin for not being as musically diverse as me and Adam. The gathered band ponies look at the three of us in surprise before smiling and nodding, letting the three of us step up and get our instruments and everything. While we are getting ready, Lex uses her magic and makes one of those flying microphones like from Fairy Tail for us to use before going through some vocal exercises with me. “So, what songs are you going to be playing?” Octavia asks. “Oh it isn’t just us. A couple of the songs we have in mind need more than three people to play.” Lex says, making sure her dress is perfect. “But, how are we going to play with you if we have likely never heard these songs before?” The flute player whos name escapes me asks. “Simple, I will use one of my magic styles to implant the songs into your heads so you know how to play.” Lex says before placing two finger on her head and point out with the other hand. “Telepathy Magic: Broadcast.” A small purple beam goes out of her hand and into the heads of the band ponies whos eyes all widen as they get the info from the songs we have in mind. They smile and get their instruments ready. I walk up to the front of the stage and clear my throat, getting everyponies attentions. “Hello everypony. Are you all enjoying tonight’s party?” I get a bunch of cheers at this question. “Alright! Tonight, my siblings, Adam Taurus and Alexandria Justine and I are going to be playing three different songs before we leave to go to our homes, so I hope you all enjoy them.” I say with a curtsy, the crowd giving an excited cheer. I walk over to the piano and get ready. “The first song is going to be played by me. It is called, Kindness. And no Fluttershy, it doesn’t directly involve you.” I say the last part with a smirk, barely able to hear the pegasus eep. I smile and take a breath before beginning to play. I begin to play the notes slowly, letting them give a tone and echo through the song. I have my eyes closed and am absorbed into the music I am making. It has been a while since I have been able to play, the last time when I met Octavia and Vinyl a couple months ago. The crowd listens to my calming music, the notes floating though the hall. The girls and my pokemon who have heard my music before were relaxed and drawn into the music, while those who haven’t heard me before are awed by my skill. ”Wow. Since when was Nat such an amazing pianist?” Chance asks quietly. ”Nat and Sora were always great at playing the piano and singing. They played a song the night after we met, so I knew this was going to be good.” Topaz tells him. Selene just smiles at my performance as the girls all let themselves sink into music. Twilight looks at me as I am smiling, eyes closed, playing this song like it is instinct. She smiles and places a hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating faster than it should. She looks down for a second, wondering why it is like this, why does she feel so nice when she sees me smile like this? She then remembers some of what Cadence used to talk about when she helped ponies find out their feeling for each other. ‘Rapid heart beat, feeling of butterflies in the stomach, constant blushing, general enjoyment about being close...do I...like Nat?’ After a couple more notes, I slow down and eventually stop the song, being greeted by an uproar of cheers for my song. I smile with a bit of a blush and bow to the crowd. Adam smiles and claps me on the back, a violin in his hands and he goes up to the mic and gets a rather serious expression, one that caught everyponies attentions. “Alright. This next song is for those who...could not make it at this time. Those we have lost, and those who we will never forget.” He says, many of the crowd lowering their heads in respect. He looks to Penny and winks at her with a sad smile, Penny blushing at this. He takes a seat and motions for Lex to go up as I sit back at the piano and nod to the band ponies. “This song is called Cold, and may those who could make it, never be forgotten.” At this, I begin. As I begin to play the piano, the crowd look on in respectful anticipation, and when Lex begins to sing, they are all floored by the tone of the song. Just from the first part, many of the families and couples are tearing up, remembering their loved ones they have lost. Even Celestia and Luna are teary eyed. The families that are here, Rarity’s and Twilight in particular, hug each other close, crying at the lyrics and message of the song. Those who are alone allow themselves to remember all the ones they have lost, and allow all the memories, the good and bad, to flood their minds. I look over to my friends as I continue, seeing the elements all together with their families. I think I even saw both Rainbow’s crying into each other’s shoulders. As we begin to fade out, I allow myself to think about my family back on earth, and pray they are alright. Once we stop the hall once again erupted into tearful cheers, the three of us walking to one another for a hug and bow. We all smile to the crowd, seeing so many tearful smiles at our performance. I look to Penny as she and Adam lock eyes and see her smile and place a hand on her heart, a motion mirrored by Adam. I smile at the two of them and wipe my eyes. Lex looks to us and nods, going to the microphone, all the ponies looking to her after calming down. “Alright, after an emotional song like that, I believe we have the perfect one for our last performance. This one is for those who never give up, for those who follow their heart, no matter what. An Unwavering Heart.” She says, getting ready. I join her by the mic as it is a duet and Sora appears, using our Vectors to play the piano. We nod and begin. The crowd is immediately drawn in as Lex and I sing together. They listen in awe as the other instruments begin to play alongside our voices. The crowd all listen as we go one, remembering everyone who has helped them reach their goals. Twilight and the girls are once again brought back to when Twi and I helped get them back together after Discord did what he did. Celestia and Luna are brought back to their reunion during the Summer Sunset Celebration, and hold one another. The after we finish the lyrical part and just hum for the last couple verses, I see as the rest of the girls and my pokemon all smiling as the song get a little quieter and instrumental. I smile as we begin to fade out the music and our humming, letting the music echo through the hall. The crowd once again applauded us as all of us, the band ponies included, walk up to the front of the stage and bow. We all smile as my siblings and I walk off the stage to the others. Penny immediately jumps to Adam with a hug and a laugh, Sonbāsutā smiling and bringing Lex into a side hug with Echo on her head. I laugh as those two are hugged by the friends when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and turn to see Twilight with a smile. I smile back and hug her proper. We break and I can hear the Rainbow’s snickering. “Wow, at least I now know what is different about this realms Twi.” Dash said, Twi and I blushing at the implication. We both look away from each other and I glare at her. “Very funny Dash. I am sure your Twi would love that joke.” I say with a blush still on my face. What the heck is going on? “Oh calm down Nat. We all know that you don’t swing that way. That we know of.” Rainbow says with a smirk, leaning against her double. I just frown at her with my glare, Rainbow and Dash beginning to sweat. Lex stands in front of them with her hands up. “Relax sis. We all know how Rainbow acts. It’s a multiversal constant.” She says. I just sigh and rub my head. After that the princesses walk up to us for a farewell for the night. “Well, I guess its time for you guys to go huh?” I say to my siblings. Adam sighs and nods, putting his mask back on. Lex also nods but then smile. “But first things first. Meet you guys at Twilights! Direct Line!” After she says that she disappears, leaving us in confusion. We look to Echo and Sonbā with raised brows, only for them to shrug. I sigh and get my coat on and we all leave the castle for Twilight’s old home. “So, any idea what Lex is up to?” Adam asks after a couple minutes. “No idea. Though this was good timing as Lex was having some trouble deciding what magic to teach some of the guild members.” Sonbā says. “Yeah, Edward mentioned how she taught him Arc of Embodiment, but how did she do that?” Penny asks, staying close to Adam with Selene resting on her head. “Well, like Lex said earlier, she found a chest that contained a bunch of the magic styles from Fiore. She learned the style called Archive and used that to teach me and this Edward how to use the new type of magic.” He replied. I began to wonder, could Lex teach me some new type of magic? As I wondered this, our group finally passed by the last turn to Twilights. Walking up to the door, I can sense some kind of a spell going on, likely from Lex, but I couldn’t tell what the spell was. As we were about to open the door though, we hear a crinkling sound like wrapping paper. Walking in, we see Lex sitting on the couch, panting a little bit. “Lex? Are you ok?” I ask, going up to her after taking my coat and shoes off. She just nods and sighs. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just took a bit more energy than I thought to get the stuff ready.” She says, getting out of her seat. I raise a brow as she goes to the kitchen, then comes back with a couple of present boxes in her magic. I go wide eyed as she left early to make some presents for the holiday. She levitates one over to Penny, Adam and Rainbow before pointing to the tree in the corner of the room and we see a couple more presents that is for me and my versions. “Obviously, as per the rules of Hearths Warming and Christmas, you guys are not to open your presents until tomorrow morning.” Lex says. The others nod and grab their presents out of the air before putting them to the side. Lex snaps her fingers and suddenly brings up a screen with Archive. I raise a brow before she smiles and a slightly smaller screen appears. “Alright. Before we leave, I think we should have a group photo.” She says. I smile and nod, going over to sit in front of the couch, Sora appearing next to me. The others follow suit, with Chance laying next to me on the floor and Topaz sitting on my lap and Selene on my head. Adam stands behind the couch with Penny and Dash by his side and the Sparkle family all sit on the couch itself. Lex smiles as she and her group stand on the sides of the couch with Echo in the middle above all of us. “Alright, everypony ready?” We all nod to her. “Alright, on three. One...two...three. Say cheese!” We all smile and say cheese as the screen in front of us flashed like a camera. Lex hovers the screen over to her and types in a few commands into a keypad and summons a different spell matrix. After a second, the spell matrix causes four different versions of the photo to appear in her hand. She smiles and dismisses the screen, handing a copy of the photo to me, Adam and Twilight. We all smile and I bring my siblings in for another hug. “We missed you guys.” Sora say quietly before I grab my AR and hand one to Lex and then Adam. They smile and Adam gives his mask to Lex, another appearing on his face a second later. “Well, looks like we are done here. I won’t lie, this is a huge weight off my mind to know you two are ok. If either of you ever need any help against an opponent, don’t hesitate and my team and I will be there.” Adam says with a smile. We nods to him in thanks. “Same here. If you guys ever feel like popping by or need a place to stay for a bit, I can make you guys honorary members of the guild.” Lex says with a smile. I smile at the two of them before taking out their token. “It was great to see you two again. I love you both. Our business is finished.” After I say this, their portals appear again. Sonbā and Echo leave through theirs first and before Lex leaves she turns to Dash. “Oh yeah, that spell altering your color will dissapear in a couple days just so you know.” She finishes with a smirk and jumps into her portal back home. Dash goes wide eyed as she remembers her colours were changed. “Dang it! Hopefully the girls don’t freak out too much about me having a different color scheme.” She says to herself as she leaves through the portal with her present, earning a chuckle from the rest of us. Adam and Penny grab their stuff and leave as well, Adam turning back to give me a wave before he leaves. After he steps through, the portals close, and I am left with my pokemon and the Sparkle family. I look to the two tokens in my hands and smile, a couple tears falling from my eyes. I feel Twilight placing a hand on my shoulder and letting me lean on her again. The others smile at her comforting me. “Well, I think this has been a long night for us. How about we all head to sleep for tomorrow.” Night Light says. We all smile after a yawn from my pokemon. We all say good night to one another as we all head to our respective sleeping areas, Twilight and her family into their rooms and me and my pokemon into the guest room upstairs across from Twilight’s room. I was lucky that Velvet and Night Light made sure the room was ready for any guest. Laying down on the bed, I immediately get tired and lay back with my head on the pillow with my pokemon all jumping up next to me. Before long, I begin to drift off and let myself enter the world of sleep. Across the hall, Twilight was laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, letting everything she and I have been through to flow through her mind. She sighs and tries to sleep, but the feelings she has been getting the past couple months lately keep her up. With a groan of annoyance, she gets out of her bed and quietly heads to the kitchen to grabs a drink of milk. After she manages to get her drink, she just sits on the couch and sighs. “What is going on?” She asks herself. “Twily?” Twilight turns to see her mother at the bottom of the stairs with a slightly concerned expression on her face. “Oh, hey mom. Sorry if I woke you up. Couldn’t sleep.” Twilight says sheepishly. They stay silent for a second as Velvet takes a seat next to her daughter. “So, is something bothering you dear?” Velvet asks. Twilight stays silent for a second before sighing again. “I don’t know. Lately I have been feeling really weird and I don’t know why that is. But, I did get an idea at the party.” Twilight says, Velvet raising a brow but having an idea of what it is. “Well, what is it dear?” “I...I think I...IthinkImighthaveacrushonNat.” Twilight says quickly with a blush. Velvet looks to her daughter with a blank expression for a second, worrying Twilight, before she brings her in for a hug with a quiet squee. “Oh my goodness! My baby’s first crush!” Velvet says with a smile. Twilight was stunned for a second as she was being hugged by her mother before coming to her senses. “Wait, you’re ok with this!? You are fine with the fact I might have a crush on another female?!” Twilight asks frantically and quietly. Velvet just smiles and fixes her daughters hair. “Twilight. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex. I mean, I had a couple of marefriends before I met your father. What matters is that you don’t end up falling for the wrong type of pony, or person in this case. And I can tell you, even though I haven’t known her long, Natali is not like one of those ponies.” Velvet says softly, trying to calm her daughter. Twilight meanwhile was trying to wrap her mind around this. Her mother had marefriends and she was fine if she went that way. Twilight then let the events from when Discord appeared then about some of the comments Dash said on the way home. Twilight sighs again and takes a drink of her milk. Velvet sees her daughters torn look and sighs. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it.” Velvet says, Twilight nodding. “Well, this is something new for you. I can’t really help you about this one dear, but know that whatever you choose to do, your father and I will support you however we can.” Velvet says, getting up to go to her room. Twilight looks as her mother leaves and then to one of the presents under the tree, the one she got for me. “Looks like this is one more thing I need to learn about.” Twilight says to herself before drinking the rest of her drink and going back to bed. Unnoticed by her, a certain astral Diclonius was listening in with a grin. ”Looks like this isn’t going to be as hard as I thought.” The Next Morning... I slowly open my eyes with a yawn. That was a really great sleep. I hear three more yawns as my pokemon awake along with me and they move off the bed as I get up and stretch. “Morning guys.” I say to my pokemon with a yawn, getting three greetings in response. I hear a knocking at my door as I get my clothes for today. “Its unlocked!” I call out, the door opening to reveal Twilight Velvet. She smiles as my pokemon walk past her then looks to me. “Good morning Natali. Did you and your friends have a good sleep?” She asks as I grab my shirt for today. “Yup! It seems like I get better sleep here in Equestria than I did back on Earth. So, is the washroom open?” I asks. Velvet nods. “Second door on the left.” I smile at her as I head to the washroom to clean up. I made sure to keep my shower realtivly short as there were a lot of other beings in the house who would want a hot shower. Once done, I make sure my clothes are on right and head to the main room, barely noticing as Twilight heads to the washroom after me. Walking into the living room, I see Shining and Spike both on the couch reading as my Pokemon are sitting around them, looking over their shoulders to follow then glancing at the tree. I smile and head to the kitchen where I see Night Light cooking some pancakes. “Morning Mr.Sparkle.” Sora and I greet with a smile, grabbing some cinnamon that was out of his reach with a Vector before he can use his magic. He nods in thanks. “Good morning to you two as well. Though, you can drop the formalities. Just call me Night.” He says with a smile, finishing up the batter. I go over to the stove where he has the pans ready and grab them with my Vectors, holding them over to him. He smiles and pours the batter into the pans and I return them to the stovetop, making sure the heat was set right. “I have to say, those Vector things are really useful. Even though I would use magic, I have a limit on how much magic I can use.” Night says as we wait for the pancakes to cook. “Well the Vectors aren’t all that great. I have a limit on how many I can use at a time before I start to push myself too far.” I tell him, grabbing one of the pans and flipping the food. He nods and grabs another one, flipping it as well. We go on in silence for a bit before we have made about two and a half dozen pancakes. We smile and I hear steps and see as Shining comes down the stairs with a slightly damp mane. I guess he and the others took some showers while me and Night were cooking. “Breakfast is ready!” I call out, taking the stacks and putting them on the table for all of us. I smile as I hear a veritable stampede as the others all make their way to the dining room. I was glad that Velvet dug out some for my pokemon to all sit at as well, even if Chance and Selene couldn’t use utensils. After a quick thank you, all of us begin to eat our meals in a relaxed state. Luckily my pokemon were able to not make a mess with their none opposable thumbs. ”So, not to sound impatient, but when would we be able to open presents? I want to see what Lex left us.” Sora says, appearing above me. The others chuckle at the random appearance of my sister. “Well, after we eat we can open the gifts. In truth I am curious about what your sister left here as well.” Velvet says. Sora and I smile as I continue to eat our breakfast. After a couple minutes, all of us finish our food and my pokemon, sister and Spike all head to the living room while the rest of us wash the dishes. After about ten minutes we finish up all of us sit in the living room by the fake tree. The others look excited so I use my Vectors and organize the presents into who gets what. After organizing them, I hand the ones Lex left for us first. There was one for me, one for Twilight, one for Shining and one for my pokemon. All of us carefully unwrap our presents and I see that all of ours are in what look like simple cardboard boxes, but I see some kind of writing on the tops of all but my Pokémon’s. It looks like the enchantments from Fairy Tail, but what are they for? After we open up our boxes, I can feel some kind of burst of energy from mine, Shining’s and Twilight’s boxes. I look to the others and see they also sensed the energy. I look with my MVV and see that the boxes have some kind of powerful magical energy in them. I take a breath and see that there is some kind of lavender, pink and grey fire in my box. I raise a brow and look to the others, seeing Shining has a blue and gold one and Twilight has a bronze, silver and gold one. We all look confused as we look at the ‘fire’ in the our boxes before I take another breath and grab the fire. It quickly travels up my arm and around me, but I don’t feel any pain. The others look to me in worry as the fire covers me completely, before it fades into me. I open my eyes again as the fire goes out and look myself over. Physically I look and feel the same, nothing burned and nothing missing, but I sense that I have something new about me. I look into the box again and see a note in it. As I take the note out, Twilight grabs her own flame, allowing it to cover her as well, followed by Shining. I open the note and see it is from Lex. Sora looks though my eyes and begins to read aloud, the others looking to us as the fires around Twilight and Shining go out. ”Dear Natali, Hey sis. Nice to see you chose to trust me about leaving a ball of flame in a box for you. I know it must have been nerve racking to interact with it, but you won’t be disappointed by doing that. I know that Equestria might be nice place but I don’t want to risk you two getting hurt. I know that this might seem random, but when you have the power to aid your friends and family, one should use it. But I am getting off topic here. Just so you can protect yourselves and each other, I am gifting you guys the power of Fiore magic.” Sora stops as all our eyes widen at this. I look to Twilight and Shining as they realize they just got new types of magic. I look to Sora again and she looks to the letter again, continuing to read. ”For Shining Armor, I left one magic style and one spell for him to use to defend his home. I have left him the power of Mirror Water, a perfect reflect spell that can absorb and rebound even some of the most powerful of attacks. Aside from that, I have given him the same magic style I intend to give my realms Shining, Requip.” I look to Shining in surprise at this other style, while he looks to me with a raised brow, silently asking me what Requip is. “Basically Requip magic lets you store weapons in a seperate pocket dimension and lets you summon them whenever you need them with just a thought. Like if you were fighting someone and you wanted to use a spear, as long as you have one in the pocket dimension, you could grab it and use it.” I explain. He looks to me with wide eyes before looking to his hand and closing his eyes. After a second, a red spell matrix appears in his hand, glowing as his sword appears after a second. We all look to him in surprise that he was able to use it off the bat like that after I explain what it is. Sora looks back to the letter again. ”For Twilight, I have given her two different styles of magic, neither I will be teaching my Twilight back home. Firstly, I have given her the power of Teleportation magic or just Direct Line. Now she can teleport farther and faster than she ever could before.” I look to Twilight who looks very happy. ”I have also given Twilight Solid Script magic, the same style I started with after I appeared in my Equestria. In her box is a list of the words she can use this style of magic with, which allows her to write the words in the air and the words take on their property.” we look to Twilight as she pulls the list out of her box and beginning to read through it, seeing all the words. As she is doing that, Sora pokes me and motions to the letter as the others are distracted and I see a note at the bottom of Twilights powers. Nat, I have also given Twilight the power of Heavenly Body Magic, but I have made it so it will be sealed within her until she will need it. Inside the box is the release seal for the magic. I trust you and Twilight will not unlock her dark magic until she is ready or the situation calls for it. Even though she is powerful and I don’t think she would be corrupted by dark magic, it is better to be safe than sorry. I am really glad the others are distracted right now! Lex gave Twilight a type of Dark Magic?!?! I shake my head and quickly take out the release seal, making sure the others don’t see it. I glance at it and see it is the same as symbol as what Jellal has over his eye. After making sure it is in my pocket, Sora looks back to the letter. ”And lastly, my little sisters, Natali and Sorano. I have given you two three different types of magic. Since you watched through Fairy Tail with me, I won’t bore you with what the magic does as you should know. Have fun explaining to the others!” I frown at this little prank of hers The first magic I gave you two is Telepathy magic. I know you two could use a little help making sure you can keep in touch with your teammates if you get separated. Also, I gave you guys a small list of Telepathy spell I ‘developed’. (made versions of spell from other shows.) After that, considering how much you like using this element in your video games, I gave you Wind Magic. I know you will have a blast using the powers of the wind like I have.” I smile as she reads this and then Sora goes wide eyed as she reaches the last one. I raise a brow and read it, going wide eyed as well. The others look to us in worry before I shake my head and read for Sora. “Lastly, I gave you two one of my Lost Magics. Maguilty Sense. I know how you can be a little dense with emotions so I feel this one would be perfectly ironic.” I go silent for a second before laughing a little at this as she isn’t wrong. The others look to me in confusion as they haven’t got the slightest clue what Maguilty Sense is. “Basically, Maguilty Sense lets me summon a bunch of magical weapons and also lets me connect to peoples emotions far deeper than any others.” I tell them. The others nod and Shining looks excited at the prospect of practice with his new magic and spell. I smile then grab the other presents that Lex left. I see that the tag said from me to Twi and Spike and I can just hear Lex saying ‘you owe me.’ “Um, here you two. Lex helped me with these two, hopefully you like them.” I say, handing the presents to Twilight and Spike. They both smile and unwrap the presents, Twilight and Spike being all sorts of happy as they see their gifts. Twilights opens her present box and she takes out four large, paper back books, each with the image of a different coloured dragon on the cover. It was the Inheritance Cycle series, my favourite book series of all time. As soon as Twilight saw that they were books, she squeed like a little girl and hugged the four books like they were stuffed animals, getting a laugh out of all of us. She blushed bright upon realizing how she was acting. Spike opened his box afterwards and saw that it was a large chunk of Tanzanite, one of the most rare gemstones on earth. I wondered how it would taste for a dragon. Before Spike can marvel too long he sees a small note at the bottom of the box. Taking it out, he begins to read. “Dear Spike, Hey there little drake, its Lex. I know that the box says its from Nat, but she couldn’t find a good gem to give you, so I decided to do her a favor. This gem in the box is not only one of the more rare gems on our original world, but I made it so that it would regrow to the size it is at within a week if you leave a thumb sized piece of it. Have fun and enjoy!” We all look to the chunk of gem for a second, shocked that Lex was able to put that kind of spell on it, before Spike picks it up and takes a bite out of it. He goes wide eyed and smiles a huge smile as he chews the gem. ”Well? How does it taste?” Sora asks and Spike take a second to finish chewing before answering. “There....there are no words. I can’t even describe it!” Spike says with glee. All of us laugh again as those two are super happy with their gifts. Before I can react, the two of them hug me, leaving me a little confused. “Thank you.” They say together, and I am even more confused. “For what? This may have been my idea, but Lex was the one who made your gifts.” I say, the duo letting go and looking to me. “Maybe, but like you said, you wanted to give us these things. I know you have been really busy helping around the town the last month so you weren’t able to get our gifts, but the fact you wanted to give us these means a lot.” Twilight says, and I can’t help but blush a little. I was going all over town the last month, helping out at Sugar Cube Corner, helping AJ at her farm, helping the mayor with her paperwork, so I really was swamped to I couldn’t get them their peresents. I was planning on heading to the gem range at some point to get Spike a large crystal, and I was planning on going to Canterlot to find a rare book for Twilight, but I was too busy. I am really glad Lex has Arc of Embodiment and a photographic memory. I smile to the others, getting them to smile back. After that we turn to my pokemon as they finally get their box open, and they look...confused. I raise a brow and check their box and what I see is indeed confusing. The box just has a bunch of seed packets. The others look in confusion as I grab one of the little bags and look it over, before seeing a picture on the side. It took a second, but I reconize the fruit on the side, the red and orange berry with two green leafs on the top. Its an image of a Leppa berry! I go wide eyed before grabbing some of the other packages and seeing one for Oran berries, Iappa berries, even Lielich berries. I smile and look to the others who look confused at the image of the fruit. “Looks like Lex really outdid herself here. These seeds are for the berries from the Pokemon world!” I say to the ponies and drake, the five of them looking at the packages in shock. I begin to go through the box and see that Lex made seeds for practically every berry in the games and show! She has really out done herself here. My pokemon look extremely excited at the thought of being able to eat some of the berries from home. “Well, we can talk to the flower trio back in Ponyville and see if they can grow these plants for you guys.” Twilight says, my pokemon cheering for themselves. We all smile at their little celebration before Twilight looks nervously at me. “What is it Twi?” I question. Twilight just blushes and looks down before handing me a present box. I see that it is actually from her to me. I smile to her in thanks and I open up my present. I am shocked at what is in it. Looking in, I see a beautiful black and pink bracelet with a spot on the top for some kind of a round jewel. I realize what it is and go to my purse, digging out my mega stone. I carefully place the mega stone in the empty spot, and the bracelet glows a bit. “Twilight. I...I don’t even know what to say. This...this is...” I pause as I look at my new mega bracelet. Twilight looks nervous about this and begins to fidget before I shock her by bringing her in for a hug. “I love it!” I shout, hugging her tight. I nuzzle her cheek for a second before I feel a tapping on my shoulder. Looking over, I see Spike who is holding in a laugh and pointing at Twilight. I look to her and see her face is almost blue from lack of oxygen. I quickly let her go and she gasps for breath. “Ohmygosh I am so sorry Twilight!” I say, helping her back to her hooves. She nods with a weak chuckle after getting her breath back. “No problem Nat. Jeez, I forgot how strong you Diclonius are.” She says with a laugh, stretching a bit. I chuckle sheepishly before bringing her in for another, gentler hug. “Thank you Twilight. This bracelet is incredible. I can’t believe you were able to make it.” I say to her, Twilight rubbing the back of her head. “Well, I may have had a little help from Rarity in making it. I am a scientist and a magic student, not an accessory maker.” She says. I just giggle a little and pat her head, Twilight blushing from the childish contact. After that we all began to open the rest of the gifts, the Sparkle family happy with one another for their gifts. Once done all of us headed into town for some lunch before we would come back to play some games. As we walk to the cafe in mind, I steal a couple glances as Twilight, seeing her bright smile, her happy violet eyes, and let myself smile as well. ‘I guess this wasn’t a disastrous holiday after all.’ > Chapter 15: A Chilly Realization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I yawn as I get up out of my bed again. Even though I was tired, my team and I were excited for today. Not only because of the new magic I got from Lex, but because it was Winter Wrap up time. I decided to tell Twi before hand that she would be the best for organizing everything, since I really didn’t want her to get worried about not finding what she was good at. Even though I was worried about breaking the timeline a little bit, I felt that Twi didn’t need to go through all that. “You know, you have been thinking about that a lot since the party. I wonder how much you are going to tell her.” I hear Sora state as I get ready for today. I just roll my eyes at this. She and the others have been talking and borderline teasing me and Twi about our dance since the party. “You know that will get old really fast right?” I say to her, grabbing my sweater. I go out into the main room to find Chance reading in the living room, and Selene helping Spike with breakfast. “Morning guys.” I say to them, getting three different greetings in response. “Hey Spike, where is Twilight?” I ask, sitting at the kitchen table. “Oh, she went to town hall early to talk to the mayor about how things are going to be organized. I am still surprised that none of us thought about asking Twilight organizing this.” Spike says, grabbing some pancakes for himself and I. “I wonder how this is going to go today. I mean, ‘cleaning up winter’? That sounds ridiculous to me.” I look and see as Topaz walks out of the washroom with a towel around herself. “Maybe for people like us Topaz, but that is how things work here in Equestria. Remember that the weather is controlled by Pegasi and that the agriculture is controlled by earth ponies.” I say to her as she puts her towel into one of the hampers. Chance looks up from his book and walks over. “Yeah, speaking of, we still need to talk to the flower trio about growing these berries from Lex.” He says, taking a bite out of a pancake on his own plate. “Oh yeah! Well how about when we go with Twilight to go over everything, we find them and ask if they can start growing them after the wrap up is done.” I say, taking another bite out of my syrupy goodness. All of my Pokemon nod at this idea. After about an hour, me, Spike and Topaz grab our gear for the day and we all head out of the library to town hall to get our assignments for the day. I was really excited for this, wondering what I would be doing to help with this event. Even though we gained these new types of magic, Twi and I haven’t tried using them yet. Twilight is both excited and hesitant to use Solid Script Magic. I haven’t told her that she can use Heavenly Body magic, because it is a type of Dark Magic. Even with how much Celestia loves her like a daughter, I worry about how she would react to Twilight knowing dark magic. I just walk alongside my friends to town hall where the town would be meeting up to get our assignments for the day. I dunno why, but I had a weird feeling something odd was going to happen, and with my track record… After a couple minutes of silent walking, we arrive at the town hall building. Going in, we see about two thirds of the town is already here. I look around and spot the rest of the main six minus Twilight. Walking over, our group just talks to one another for another couple of minutes before Mayor Mare and Twilight walk out and onto the stage. “Hello everypony. Thank you all for coming here so quickly. Now, I will not waste time here. Twilight has put together a schedule and had written down who gets what assignment for today, so I will pass it over to her.” She says before stepping back, allowing Twilight to step up with her clipboard. “Alright everypony. I have organized which Pegasi will be working under Rainbow Dash today to take care of the weather for town. Applejack and Big Mac will be in charge of clearing the snow with the ponies I have written down on the sheets. Pinkie Pie will be in charge of handling cutting up the ice on the lakes and Fluttershy will be in charge of waking up the animals. Lastly, Rarity will be in charge of setting up the nests for the returning birds alongside Sparkler.” Twilight lights up her horn and summons some sheets of paper before attaching them to the tables where each of the teams vests are located. All of the ponies begin to look at the lists, finding their names and grabbing their vests for the day. After a couple minutes I get to the tables and look around the lists, only to get confused as I don’t see my name or that of my teams anywhere on any of the lists. “Um, Twilight?” I call to her. Twilight appears next to me in a second, but not through pony teleportation. “Yes Nat?” I look to her with a raised brow before shaking my head. “Hey, where is my name? I can’t seem to find it.” She looks over my shoulder before gaining a slightly mischievous smirk. She lights up her horn again and summons a purple vest. “That is because you aren’t on any of those lists. Spike is working with the CMC today at the lake, so today, you and your team will be working as my assistants.” She says, handing me the vest and summoning three more for Topaz, Selene and Chance. I look to my vest for a second before smiling and putting it on over my jacket. Topaz puts hers on as well before helping Chance and Selene with theirs. “Well then, let’s get to work.” I say with a smile, my teammates standing next to me with their own smiles. After that the five/six of us head out to Sweet Apple Acres first to check in with AJ and Big Mac about the snow clearing. As we are walking through the entrance I get a really bad feeling and stop. The others look to me with confusion, then worry as Sora appear next to me. “What is it? Something wrong?” Selene asks, looking around. I go to answer, before I something hits me hard in the head. “Nyu!” I fall face first in the snow. “Nat!” Twilight quickly rushes over to me, checking my head. Thank Celestia and Luna Diclonius have some serious durability, cause that would be a concussion to a human or pony. “Urg, what hit me?” I ask, lifting myself off the ground. I look to the side and see Sora looking at something on the ground before going over to pick it up. I see it is some kind of a hammer or a club? It looks pretty dangerous as well. Maybe another token? “What the heck is this thing?” She asks before grabbing it with our Vectors and we get a headache, signifying the creed from a token. “Thou speaketh to the lord of Dawn, lord and friend to the Olog and Uruk people! If thy wish is power, than thou hast found thy aim! If thou desire is domination of mine allies? Then may the gods have mercy on thy soul! Hold my Hammer aloft and strike it upon stone with intent twice, and thy call shalt be heard!” “Holy crap that was one heck of a creed.” Sora says as she keeps a hold of the token. I raise a brow at it, and barely notice as some ponies are going by with some shovels for the snow. I think I saw Fluttershy as well. I take control of our Vectors and get a proper hand on the token. I think for a minute before turning to Twilight. “Hey Twi, do you mind if I summon this guy? I think maybe we could use a hand if something happens.” I ask. Twilight looks at the object in my hand before nodding and stepping a few feet away, some of the ponies nearby stopping after hearing me. I lift the hammer above my head and strike it against the ground twice, two loud clunks going out. A large portal then opened up as, what looked like, a male demon walked through the portal, he looked around before nodding and whistling, a large behemoth of a creature covered in red crystal spikes and having massive horns made of the same stuff walking out shortly after. The demon smiled and was about to speak before the first pony screamed. “What the buck is that!?!??!” The pony screamed in fear. “Holy buck!” I scream as I jump back with my team, along with Twilight who teleported back. The large creature, seeming to sense hostility, hunkered down around the demon protectively as it made a soft snuffling sound. “What the bucking buck?!” Sora yells as well. I make sure to keep everypony back as I rise into the air with my new magic. Time to test this out! “Ok maybe this was a bad idea. Looking like I will have to fix it! Go, Storm Mail!” I yell, using my new magic and wrapping myself in a barrier of powerful wind. There was a red mist seeping out of the Creatures arms, which then solidified into the Demon. He frowned somewhat tersely. “Hey! Snuffles didn’t hurt anyone!” I look to the new duo and have a weird feeling he was not really a threat, but I can tell the ponies don’t believe it. I keep my Storm Mail on but I hover down to the ground, a glare present on my face. “So, you’re not here to fight?” I ask with trepidation. The demon shook his head “Nah, I made my hammer only go to the realms of friendlies. Although I might need to fine tune its targeting more...Anyway, The names Simon, and I’m pretty much only interested in making allies at the moment, some big stuff is starting in my realm… Big baddies working some stuff behind the scenes.” I look him in the eye, using my Vectors to keep a magic eye on the area, not finding anything wrong. I nod and go to dispel my magic before someone yells out. “What the buck is happening here?!?” I look up to see Rainbow and her team flying by, struggling in my wind. She spots Simon and ‘Snuffles’ and immediately goes to attack. “Rainbow wait!” I try to warn. Simon leapt in the way to stop Rainbow, becoming a swarm of red stuff I did not recognize that literally built a wall instantly between Snuffles and Rainbow Dash before Simon materialized in front of it, arms spread wide “Go on! Attack me! Be a bully! Just cause I look different I must be bad, yeah? Real tolerant there!” Rainbow doesn’t seem to care as she goes to hit Simon in the face, but I can’t allow that. I dispel my armor from around myself and wrap it around Rainbow, the pegasus falling to the ground as I focus the wind downwards. “Hey! What the buck Nat?!” She yells over my wind. “You need to stop Rainbow. Remember when I summoned Loki? He was nice and he was literally a draconequus with a pet Wendigo.” I tell her, releasing my wind, but keeping her wings pinned with my Vectors. She gets up and glares at me, then Simon and his pet. I go to talk again before I hear what almost sounds like a snuffling laugh. Looking to the new behemoth, I go wide eyed as I see Selene jumping on his head and Fluttershy standing right in front of it, seeming completely calm. “Fluttershy? What are you doing?” Right as Sora said that, the creature placed a hand on the ground, making a miniature red crystal statue of itself and the ponies form, them all having fun, Snuffles then tilted its head as if asking a question. I raise a brow and walk up to it, before getting an idea. I tap my wrist with two of my fingers, a pink aura covering it, before the aura sends out a beam and connects with the creatures own wrist. It stings for a second, the creature whining like a puppy, before it turns into a bracelet made of energy with a heart in a circle at the forefront. I focus on the Sensory Link and feel it. This creatures playful nature, it’s desire to help, it’s protective instinct. It’s kind of like me and Sora in that last department. The creature then looked at the bracelet curiously ‘why have arm collar? Is so ponies be nice?” I go wide eyed as I hear that. I look to Sora to see her equally shocked face before smiling back at the behemoth in front of us. “Sort of. The bracelet let’s me feel what you do, your sensations, your emotions, and apparently your thoughts.” I explain to him. I look around and see that many of the ponies still look scared, while a few just look curious. ‘Can magic pony persons translate spell Snuffles? Want talk to ponies… only sound like name though’ I nod and turn to Twilight. “Hey Twi, can you cast a translation spell on Snuffles here?” I ask. Twilight looks to me like I grew a second head for a second before looking to my pokemon that were around him and nodding. She walks up to Snuffles and motions for the behemoth to crouch down. He does so after gently helping the pokemon playing on him off, and Twi focuses on the spell. After a couple seconds, the stream of the spell appears, connecting to the behemoth. We wait with slightly baited breath for a couple seconds before the stream evaporates and Twilight nods with a smile. “Done.” She says, stepping back from the big lug. I smile and nod to him to start. Snuffles rubs his snout “Magic smell funny.” He then looks to my team “Little ones nice, though. Nicer than animals at home… not like having to fight other Graugs...but they usually mean to people, and try to nom. Not like Snuffles, snuffles nom rocks!” “So you are like a Goron?” I ask with a raised brow before Simon steps next to me. Simon then smiles “Big guy is basically a walking siege engine, he loves to help around Comraich, but he also gets really protective of the children, you should of seen the time a bugbear attacked, poor thing probably forgot what day it was.” I laugh at that and remember our own fight with a bugbear all those months ago. “It seems we both have had to deal with those creatures, though my team were more strategic about how we beat it.” I say with a smirk before something comes to mind. “Wow, I just realized we never actually introduced ourselves.” I say with a sheepish grin. My team all run up to stand beside me as Sora floats next to me in a sitting position. “Hi Simon, my name is Natali Basatin, this is my sister Sorano, and my partners, Selene, Topaz and Chance.” I introduce us all. He smiles before looking at Sora with a raised brow. “How are you doing that?” He asks. “Astral form. Only one of us can be in control of our body at a time.” Sora explains. Simon nods slowly “Okay, heads up, my body automatically consumes and assimilates any magic that touches it, so… don’t touch me, I don’t want another death on my conscience, especially someone nice like you.” I can barely see as Sora blushes behind her hair at that comment. Not many say things like that to Sora so she can dish out the compliments, but she can’t really take them. Though, his absorption ability got my attention. I raise a brow before snapping my fingers and summoning one of my swords. Simon sighed in an amused fashion “Let me guess, you either want a spar, or you want me to try absorbing your summoned sword? For a brawl, I recommend coming over to my towns fighting pits, enchanted to make death impossible.” “Maybe I’ll take you up on the latter later. I just want to see if you can get Maguilty Sense.” I say, hovering the sword over to him, hilt first. Simon shrugs “No idea what that is, but lets see.” He grabbed the sword and his hand seemed to blur as the sword started to sink into him. Eventually, the tip of the blade sunk into his palm. “Huh…. Maybe I could summon Valkyrie protocol javelins now…” He leapt up and summoned what looked like a huge flaming spear made of red crystal, which he smirked at before he dismissed it and flew back down. “Thanks.” “No problem.” I say with a smile before summoning a sword again. “Anyways, just so you know about the magic you just gained. Maguilty sense lets you summon weapons that actually stimulate a targets pain receptors when they strike, even if they are normally immune to physical attacks. You can also do what I did earlier and use Sensory Link to connect with someone, sharing their emotions and sensation, including pain.” I explain. Simon smiled “Well, thanks for the gift, you and your sister seem real nice. Let me think a bit on what to do to even the score…” He looked me over for a few seconds “You are a Diclonius, so… maybe something to give your vectors some oomph?” I raise a brow and look to him with skepticism. “If you can manage that, then by all means, I’m game.” He nods and holds his hands together as if they were holding an orb the size of a bowling ball, the same red mist forming what looked like an arm band made from red crystal and gray metal. He looked it over and began etching runes into it without even touching it, before long there was a flash, and the armband, once looking plain and clunky, now resembled a piece of art, the red crystal and gray metal flowing together to make a beautiful flower shape. “There ya go, an armband designed by yours truly, just think of an element, fire, water, ice, etcetera, and will your vectors to take on that element, then baboosky, ya got elemental vectors.” I go wide eyed as he hands it to me. I look it over in my hands before attaching it to my right wrist. I can just feel the magic power in it. I think about how to test it before thinking of the element of fire and summoning a Vector. Instantly the vector gets covered in flames, becoming visible and I wave it over the snow, the result being some slushy water. I smile at this and turn to Simon. “Thank you Simon. This is great.” He shrugs “Hey, you remind me of a friend before I became all I am now. I actually wanted to ask her out, but hey, life sucks sometimes. Besides, I’m unsure if the Chryssi back home would be stoked to share so soon.” My eyes go wide again and I speak quietly, thankful that Twilight and the others are distracted by Snuffles. “You know Chrysalis?!” He frowned “Back in my dimension, the morality is switched. Sombra, Discord, Tirek and Chryssi were good people forced to be prosecuted by a tyrant that banished her sister for trying to reason with her. Chrysalis back in my world is the way she was because of a godly curse made by Celestia’s father, Solaris. Sort of a beauty and the beast thing, with the addendum that she has to like herself again too.” At this point I feel like my eyes are literally going to fall out of my sockets, so Sora takes control of our body so the others don’t get suspicious. “Alright, but can you not bring them up while you are here. We just got finished with Hearths Warming and we are trying to keep the future as much as a secret as possible.” Sora stresses. He thought a moment, before sighing. “Okay, but if the changelings are acting out of desperation for food in this dimension… please call me? My world has a crop that is not only a viable love substitute, but plentiful as well… I know better than most, hunger is a painful thing to suffer through. And so is losing those you love.” Sora looks to him with a blank expression before nodding our head and letting me take over again. “We promise.” Simon smiles “Cool, so, anyone else I should not mention? Timelines differ between dimensions.” I think for a moment, remembering how the princesses know about Lex’s Sombra and nodding. “At the very least, don’t talk about Sombra or Tirek. Those two I am not a hundred percent on since we met a Sombra from another dimension already. Also, no Alicorn Twilight.” I say. He nodded, then paused as he saw how I mentioned Twilight, before smiling knowingly. “Ah, I see.” I raise a brow at him. “See what?” He looked to me like I was an idiot before looking at my sister, who looked the same. “Seriously?” “What?” I ask again. He shrugged “Oh, just contemplating if I should try hooking up this worlds Twilight with a main squeeze.” I honestly don’t know what came over me, but the next thing I know, I have Simon completely surrounded by my Vectors, each of the twelve being a different element. “Don’t even think about it.” He smiled knowingly. “Think about how you are feeling right now. How you are feeling at the thought of Twilight dating someone else. Now, Imagine if, say, it was you, instead.” I look to him with a blank expression before looking at my Vectors, barely noticing the others staring at me. “It won’t happen.” I say with mild annoyance, retracting my Vectors He smiled even warmer “I would not say so, perks of my love life, I’ve gotten the ability to sense the flow of love. You and Twilight, well, let’s say the flow is two way.” I look to him for a minute before sighing and looking to the ground. “That is why it won’t happen. I know Twi doesn’t swing that way. Honestly I am not sure if I do.” He took a deep breath “Okay, I tried being subtle, now for blunt. She likes you, romantically, she is not sure of her feelings, but neither are you. And not trying will only lead to bitter regret and, potentially, dying sad and alone.” I remain quiet, just thinking, before I do something I have never actually done before. I forced Sora in control and locked myself within my mind. “What the?! Hey Nat! Get out here!” She yells, I don’t respond. Twilight sees Sora in control and gets worried. “Sora? Is everything alright?” She asks, walking over. Sora looks to Twilight before sighing and shrugging. “Maybe. Nat is just being stupid about something right now.” She says in an attempted relaxed tone. Twi raises a brow before looking to Simon. “What happened?” She asks. Simon sighs “Well, I may have noted that I picked up on your latent emotions for each other.” Twilight raises a brow before remembering all the comments Rainbow and Lex were throwing out at the party and blushing. “YOU DID WHAT?!” She yells. He shrugged “Hey, better that she comes to terms with her sexuality than hides it, as a doctor, I’ve seen the psychological trauma that can deal firsthand.” Twilight continues to blush before looking to Sora, trying to see me, but can’t. She sighs to herself before glaring at Simon. “I swear if this ends up hurting her, I will make Lucy look like a pacifist in comparison.” She says, poking his chest. Simon smirked “So, you do care, step up to plate, and tell her. I have seen just how quickly a life can go kaput, my own sister was almost killed, and the man who loved her, a man I call brother now, saved her life. He literally ripped out part of his druidic plant heart to save her. I have seen love do some crazy shit. So… do you want to deny that to both yourself and someone who cares deeply about you, deeply enough to hide like this in fear of you rejecting them, and probably deeply enough to question their entire sexuality, judging from the way she’s acting. Besides, you’d be pretty hard pushed to go past what I have seen my own people go through. ” Twilight just looks to him with wide eyes, trying and failing to come up with a response, before groaning and looking to Sora. “Sora, can you get her out here?” She asks, earning a shrug. “Maybe, eventually. Natali has always had better control over her mind than I have.” She says before closing her eyes and entering our mindscape. Sora looks around for the void where our minds resided before spotting me sitting on the ‘ground’, my imaginary headphones on and she can hear my music. “What the hell are you doing Nat?” She asks, getting no response. “I know you can hear me sis, it is literally impossible not to when we are both in here.” I just look down at the mental floor. Sora sighs and tires to force herself into ‘my side’ representing my mind. She immediately gets pushed back. “Nat you can’t just keep me out. I will get through and then you and Twi are going to have a little heart to heart.” Sora says, trying to force her way in again. “Why would she like me?” I ask quietly, Sora stopping to look at me. “I am nobody. Just a random girl that ended up being tricked by a dimensional merchant. Why would the princesses protege, the element of magic, like me.” I couldn’t see it, but the more I talked, the darker my area became. Sora looked at my darkening mind with fear and worry. “NAT! Snap out of it! Something is wrong!” I can’t hear her. I hear nothing. Sora suddenly opens our eyes with a panicked expression, one Twilight instantly gets worried about. “Sora?” “Something’s wrong! Something is happening to Nat! I can’t get into her mind and it is getting darker by the second!” She yells in panic. Simon let his hands start glowing with light white-blue fire, before using the newly acquired sensory link with it to turn his body into a bridge into a link between my mind and Twilights. “Hurry please, really hurts!” Sora nods and uses three pronged Sensory Link, connecting all of them together. All their vision goes black before they appear in Sora’s mindscape. “W-where are we?” Twilight asks, getting to her hooves. “We’re in my mindscape, basically the area in the mind that we can interact with. C’mon, Nat is this way!” She says before rushing into the void, Twilight and Simon directly behind her, Simon a little slower as he was slightly limping. They run for who knows how long before they see a veritable wall of shadow. Looking into it, they can barely see me as I am in the same spot as before, darkness all around me, but I don’t really care. “NATALI!” Sora calls out, before running into the wall of shadow. “What even is this?!” Twilight walks up and bangs on the wall herself. “Come on, let us through!” She says, before stepping back and trying her own magic. “Solid Script: Light!” The word appears and gives off a blinding flash...that only pushes the shadows back a couple feet. Simon frowns “Twilight, could this be a kind of magic? Please by the gods say yes.” Twilight looks at the shadows closely, before lighting up her horn and trying a magic scan. She flinches back and holds the area behind her horn. “It is definitely magic in nature, but I don’t actually know what it is.” She says. Before they can respond, they hear something. Whispers. The words telling me I am not good enough, not enough for her. I need to fight, to infect, to spread. Sora’s eyes widen as she hears the voice. “The DNA Voice! It must have gained this new power from all the magic we gained since we arrived here in Equestria!” Simon growled beastially “I don’t care if it’s the voice of the multiverse fucking incarnate! It’s the reason she feels so shitty, so I’m sucking that magic crap out!” He walked to the wall and slammed his palms on the barrier, grunting and growling in pain as he began absorbing the shadows little by little. “Hey! Keep on the light, and try making her feel better, do anything to oppose this DNA bitch!” The duo nods and Sora summons a dozen Vectors making them all shine with light, the shadow pushing back as she launches them forwards. “Sora! Make a path!” Twilight yells. Sora nods and focuses her Vectors into making a path to me as I continue to just sit there, some of the shadows climbing my arms and legs. Twilight casts another light spell, making a clear path before running in. “Be careful Twilight!” Sora yells, Simon still absorbing and not being able to comment, his eyes and nose bleeding as he fought the urge to vomit. Twilight runs through the path, stopping right in front of me as the shadows continue to try and take me. She says nothing for a while. “Why?” I look up to Twilight, my eyes dulled, barely seeing her. “Why do you think so little of yourself?” I look down to the ground, my hands having turned black. “You have so much in your future. One of the saviours of an empire. One who would defeat impossible evil after impossible evil. I can’t do anything like that.” I say mostly to myself. Twilight shakes her head and holds one of my hands. “I know what you’re talking about.” I look to her with wide eyes, seeing her grin. “We both have a bad habit of saying our thoughts out loud.” I look down again. “Alicorn Twilight huh? Talk about a lot.” She says, taking my hand in both of hers. “But, who is to say it will happen?” I look to her, confusion evident on my face as a shadow crawls up my back. “But, you know. There is an old saying I heard a while back that really blows all this fear out of the water.” She looks me in the eyes and places a hand on my cheek. “The future isn’t set in stone.” I can feel my eyes widen again as the shadows seem to try harder to cover me, somehow being pushed back by Twilight’s mere presence. Twilight...the mare I like. Simon roared in pain as he began to walk slowly towards us through the dark, ignoring it cutting and biting at him. “We… we gotta go! Something’s up, too much dark magic in me! Twilight looks to Simon in worry before turning to me again, the shadow crawling up to my eye. She gained a determined expression and grabbed both my hand and threw my arms around her, making me hug her and she hugs me. “You say that you are not good enough, that I can’t like you, but you are wrong. No matter what happened, ever since we met you have been there. You helped me get the girls back together when Discord inverted them. You helped me with my studies into Pokemon and Diclonius, you stopped me from causing problems and making me realize I was being stupid over nothing, you helped me save Rainbow after that rockslide.” She pulls back and looks me in the eyes, her own eyes full of tears. “And it isn’t just me. You saved Derpy on Nightmare Night, you made Applejack and Rarity rethink about how they think about Blueblood, you made Sombra and Lex laugh and have fun during the party, and you gave Adam the courage to ask Penny to dance! You have helped so many people, and I say any of us would be damn lucky to have you!” She says before blushing and laying her forehead against mine. “You helped all of us and that is why...I love you so much.” She says. I can feel the breath being caught in my throat. The darkness stops and begins to shake, seeming afraid. I reach forward and hold Twilight’s face in my hand, the darkness gone from it. She looks to me again as tears fall from my eyes as well. “I love you too.” I say quietly, bringing her in for another hug. The darkness around seems to be in pain by this, beginning to evaporate like a Grimm or something. But I don’t care. All that matters right now, is the purple mare in my arms. Simon grunts tersely as he struggles to his feet. “I can’t hold it... any longer…” he then releases us from the mental link. I look around while holding my head, feeling like I just tried to solves a dozen algebra equations at once with only my mind. “Urg, what happened?” I say, before everything came back to me. I growl as I remember what that damn voice just did to me. I can feel as Sora is tired from the mental fight against it, and can tell that it is still there, just severely weakened. I look to Simon and Twilight, the duo looking tired. I sit cross legged with a determined expression. “Be right back.” I close my eyes and enter my mind, seeing what used to be the overpowering darkness, seeming to cower in the corner, now in the shape of something I easily recognize. The DNA voice, in the shape of a Diclonius with bandages all around it’s head. I frown and raise my hand above my head. “Please, stop. You need me...I am your purpose.” It says weakly. I just look to it with the same glare Lucy would. “That is where you are wrong, parasite. You are nothing, and that is where you shall return to! Maguilty Rays!” Several yellow swords appear around me before being launched at the voice, who tries to dodge, only for two of them to impale its legs. It screams in pain, but I don’t care. I look to it like it is nothing more that an insect, which it was to me. “No...I can’t...be destroyed.” It says, trying to crawl to Sora’s side. I walk forward and stand before it. I summon a single Vector and sword, and focus on light and my feeling for Twi and the girls. My Vector shines bright before the light is seemingly absorbed by my sword. The Voice looks to me with something it never thought it could experience. Fear. “Begone. Maguilty Shine!” I slash down at the voice, cutting it from the top of the head to the bottom of it’s waist, the slash shining bright as it screams in pain. It becomes a blinding light, but as it dies down, all that remains, is a single scrap of a bandage. I smile as it is gone, and place a hand on my heart. “Simon, Twilight, Sora. Thank you.” With that I open my eyes and regain control of my body as I sense Sora falling asleep. Simon grunted once before collapsing into the snow as I looked to him, his body oozing with a black liquid. “Simon!” Twi and I rush to him, Snuffles coming over at sensing something is wrong with him. “Jesus Christ, how much dark magic did you absorb?! And how was all that in me?!?” I shout in panic, seeing all the darkness oozing out of him. Simon mumbled “Worth it… helped a friend…” me and Twi look to him with frowns, a couple of the ponies nearby seeing Simon’s state and going to get help. “You are an idiot, through and through.” I say before smiling at him. “And Chrysalis is lucky to have you.” I say the last part quietly so only he could hear. Simon chuckled weakly before trying to force himself up “Can’t go to the hospital, need… need metal… gotta heal.” I think for a second before nodding. “Would iron work?” He nods “Any metal, rock even if no other choice… Just need to make more SIVA.” I nod and look to Twilight. “Solid Script him some iron.” I say and she nods. Twilight quickly casts the spell a couple times, four words made of iron appearing before landing next to him. Simon quickly became a pure mist and began absorbing, no, eating the iron. When the iron was all gone, he reformed into his demon form, and forced the darkness into a bow shape, then bound it into that shape with the extra SIVA by making it a crystal construct. “That… that felt terrible.” Snuffles then smacked Simon into a tree, him returning shortly after with a questioning glance to Snuffles. “No scare again! Worry about poppa!” “Yeah you deserved that one.” Twilight comments. The three of us are silent for a bit before we all burst into laughter. “Simon, I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I doubt I could have made out on my own. I guess I owe you one now, so…” I grab my AR from my purse and toss it to the demon, another appearing on my head. “If you ever need anything, don’t even hesitate for a second.” He smiled “I won’t, oh, and you can write me messages with the bottom of the hammer, it acts like a pen. So feel free to message me if you want to visit Comraich,  I’ll make sure to keep Grimgor outta the kitchen. Man can tinker the best magical tech anywhere, but his cooking is worse than a mouthful of sewage.” I smile at him and nod. “Good, just to let you know, the AR also doubles as, well, its namesake. It lets you view someone’s soul so you can see if they are corrupted or are being controlled.” He nods “Well, I had best get going, unless you think there’ll be trouble that you need a hand with?” I look to him then to Twilight and smile. “No, I think we can handle things from here. Our business is finished.” After I say this, another portal like the one he arrived in opened up. Simon grins as Snuffles steps through, waving goodbye as he says one last smartass comment “I better get an invite to the wedding!” Both me and Twilight erupt into large blushes. “Shut up jackass!” We yell together. He just laughs and leaves through the portal. Twilight and I sigh and I look around, finding ourselves alone. I raise a brow and look up, seeing that the sun was actually starting to set. “Jeez, how long were we in my head?” I question. I look to Twilight who looks just as surprised as me, before we lock eyes and everything we said in my head comes back. We both blush and stay quiet for a second. “So...was everything you said...true?” I ask, rubbing my arm. Twilight shyly nods, walking next to me. I just look to her and begin to chuckle before laughing out loud, confusing Twilight. “W-what’s funny?” She asks. “I-its nothing Twi. Just, why is it that it is always a life threatening event that makes two people realize their feelings for one another? Is it some kind of cosmic necessity?!” I say before laughing harder, Twilight thinking for a second before joining in, the two of us falling down next to a tree. I takes a little while before we both calm down from our laughter, and we just sit there, watching the sun lower. “So, what do we do now?” Twilight asks, laying next to me. I look down at her and move my hand over hers. “I’m not sure, but I know I don’t mind trying this out now. I am all sorts of shocked and confused, but I am known for being an analyst. I look at everything from almost every angle, and now that I can think clearly without that damn voice in my head, I can see this all too clearly.” I say with a smile. She smiles back with a blush, wrapping her hand around mine. We just look at one another, her violet eyes reflecting in my rose and move a little closer. I remember everything we have been through since I arrived here in Equestria, all the little adventures I have been on, and the friends I have made. And Twilight has been there every step of the way. We let ourselves drift closer, everything we have been through together over the months playing in our minds, and we let ourselves do what we both want. My very first kiss, taken by a mare. > Chapter 16: Truth and Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awaken from my room with a loud yawn. Even though it was only around eight when I went to sleep last night, Twi and I were exhausted when we got home. Of course Spike and my Pokemon wanted to know what happened to us, so I ended up playing story teller about what was going on. At first Spike was beyond shocked, but he jokingly gave me his blessing to date his sister. That memory made me remember that Twi and I needed to talk today. I wanted to know exactly how much she knows about this world future becuase of my damn speaking my thoughts habit. I knew she knew about her ascension to an Alicorn princess, but beyond that, what does she know? I sigh to myself and head out of my room to wash up before our important talk. Funny, I sound like I am about to scold her. ’So, how much do you think she knows?’ Sora questions as I begin my shower. ‘Who knows Sora. Aside from her eventual ascension, she might know about the empire, and she likely knows about Sombra because of Sonbā.’ I say, washing over my horns. ’Yeah well, depending on how much she knows, we can figure out how much we can tell her. Obviously we shouldn’t tell her everything.’ she says as I finish washing myself. I nod and get my clothes on before heading to the kitchen. I didn’t see anyone else so I begin to make a bowl of cereal and a banana for myself. I was just gathering my thoughts about how we are going to talk about this. Before long, I hear a pair of hooves coming down the stairs with another pair of claws. I look to the entrance to the kitchen as Twilight and Spike walk in tiredly. Spike comes into the kitchen to make some toast and gems while Twilight heads to the washroom. After I hear the shower start, I place two fingers on my head and focus my telepathy magic. ‘Hey Twilight, can you hear me?’ I can hear Twi yelping from here, Spike looking towards the washroom. “Nat?! What are you doing!?” She says aloud, her voice barely covered by the shower itself. ‘Relax Twilight. I am just using my new telepathy magic. Also, you don’t need to talk aloud, you can just focus your thoughts.’ I tell her, taking a bite of my banana. ‘Oh, well, don’t scare me like that! I thought you walked in while I was taking a shower.’ She says, and I end up blushing at the thought. ‘Sorry, no real way for me to warn you beforehand. Anyways, we need to talk after breakfast. Can you think of a way to get rid of Spike for the day?’ I question, drinking my milk from my cereal. ‘Yeah, he said he was going to keep an eye on the CMC today while AJ, Big Mac and Rarity are working today. We can talk after he leaves.’ She says, and I hear the shower stop so I figure she’s done her shower. ‘Alright, that’ll work.’ I clean both mine and Spike’s dishes when Twilight walks out of her shower and my pokemon come down as well. I begin to make some fruit salad for my pokemon while Twilight makes herself some toast and coffee. Spike seems to see the slightly tense air around me and Twilight, but to our luck he doesn’t dig. I head over to the couch and begin to read through the third Daring Doo book as Twi and my pokemon ate their food. “Kay Twilight, I am heading out. I’ll be back around two or so.” Spike says, grabbing a jacket. “Okay Spike, just be careful. I don’t want to find out you ended up in the hospital because of those three.” Twilight says, coming out of the kitchen. Spike nods and heads out of the door, heading to the CMC treehouse. I look to Twilight who sighs and comes over to me, sitting across from me in a chair. I sit up and try to gather my thoughts, Sora appearing next to me. “So....how much do you know?” I ask blankly. “Not that much. Most of the time when I hear you talking to yourself, I try to tone you out, but a few things stuck. My ascension, the Crystal Empire and something about a mare named Starlight. Aside from that most of what I know are incomplete, like Discord’s return and something about a tree?” She says, and I figure she was talking about the Tree of Harmony. Me and Sora sigh loudly, both of us trying to gather our thoughts. ”Listen Twilight. We want to start by saying, we’re sorry for keeping this a secret. We didn’t know how to bring up we know about some future events.” “Yeah, I guess that would be difficult.” Twilight says. “Yeah, and even though it is clear things are a little different here than the Equestria we know of, I was worried about altering the timeline. I was worried that some things would not happen, or things I didn’t know about would happen, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything.” I tell her with a worried tone. I look up to Twilight, and see she is not really angry or anything, but more intrigued. “That...is a really terrifying thought. I guess it makes sense you would keep quiet about it.” Twilight says, looking at her hands. “Can-can you tell me something?” She questions. “Um, maybe? I am not sure if I should tell you about certain events, especially ones relating to you.” I tell her warily. Twi nods and thinks. “Well, maybe this would work. Did the original Twilight find love?” She asks. “Not really. At most, the original just got a school filly crush on a guard named Flash Sentry. The original never looked for a relationship with anypony.” Sora says. Twilight blinks a second before giggling out. “Really? A school filly crush on a guard?! That is ridiculous!” She laughs out loud, me and Sora giggling in as well. I look to her after getting our breath back and see her smile with a blush. “Especially now.” I blush a little as she says that and Sora just smirks at us. ”Well, it is safe to say we have screwed with the timeline already, what with our fight with Discord and your new relationship. The question is just how much is going to change.” Sora says, floating around. “Yeah, I guess we should just keep an eye out. So far things have progressed just like the show, with the odd detail being different here and there.” I say. “You mention that a lot. The ‘show’. I assume you mean our world?” Twilight asks. I nod after a second and take a breath. “Good thing you are already sitting, cause this is going to take a while.” I tell her. I spend the next hour and a half explaining the show back home in proper detail, leaving out the future for the most part. Needless to say, Twilight is shocked that her world is an entertainment program. She didn’t try to take notes, she just tried to rely on her memory, not wanting anyone to find out. After I finish explaining, Twilight looks like she needs a minute, so I head over to the kitchen and grab some apple juice for us. Coming back, Twilight just sighs as I hand her a glass of juice. “That...that is a lot to take in. To learn that your life and adventure are for entertainment of little girls on an entirely different planet.” She mumbles to herself. I nod and sit next to her. “You see why I didn’t want to tell anyone? I really didn’t want you guys to go through some sort of existential crisis or something. Even though the show was just a show back on earth, the fact is you are just as real as me or Sora.” I tell her. Twi nods slowly and take a sip of her juice. “This is just a lot to take in. So, you said there was eight seasons of this show, and each episode or two is an adventure me and the girls go on? You weren’t kidding when you said I go through impossible feat after impossible feat.” She says with a chuckle. I just laugh a little with her. “Yeah, it is really ridiculous the amount of things you and the girls go through.” I then go quiet as certain events I didn’t like pop into my head, like the Mare-Do-Well incident or how the girls treated Twi during Shining’s wedding. “Just from that look on your face, I guess things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows?” She questions. ”Yeah, that would be a bit understatement. Obviously we are still going to keep quiet about certain future events, but, let’s just say you go through way to much crap.” “Damn. I guess I should just keep a look out then.” She says, and I am suprised she cursed like that. Maybe Sora and I are being a bad influence on her. “Anyways, I need to get my mind off this whole revaluation, so how about we head out for a bit?” She asks, getting up from her seat. I nod and motion for my pokemon to follow as we head out. Twi, my pokemon and I just walk through town for a while, not really having location in mind, but not minding it. We passed by our friends while they worked, and some of those we don’t know all that well, like Thunderlane and Cloudkicker. Though, while we were out I remembered to ask the flower trio if they could grow the berries I received from Lex. They were more than happy to try and grow them, and said they would tell me first if and when they bear fruit. ”Oh, I am so excited! I can’t wait until the Wepear and Shuca Berries are grown.” Chance says with an excited smile. ”You said it Chance. I do like the food they have here, but sometimes you just want a taste of home, ya know?” Selene comments from my shoulder. “Maybe we could ask AJ if she has any free space on the farm we could use for the berries. The trees should grow to be around six feet tall, so having them in a store wouldn’t work well. I know that Pinkie is going to want to get a bunch of them for experimental cupcakes or something.” I comment. Our group all just shrug and head through the town again. ”So, I know you two gained some new powers, but have either of you practiced them?” Topaz asks suddenly. Me and Twilight realize, aside from my Storm Mail and being in my head, we haven’t practiced our Fiore magic yet. “No actually. Aside from when we were in Nat’s head, we haven’t actually tried our new magic styles yet. But where would we practice?” Twilight asks. ”What about the castle ruins?” Sora suggests. I look to Twi who just shrugs. “Sure, why not? It’s out of the way, so there is no danger of anyone getting hurt by accident.” I nod and wrap her and my pokemon in my Vectors before flying up and towards the castle ruins. I glance at Twilight who looks a little worried, so I tighten my Vector around her a bit, making sure she knows she’s safe. She looks to me and smiles, holding onto the Vector. I nod back to her before looking forward and towards the ruins. After a couple minutes of flying, we land in the ruins. I carefully put my pokemon and Twi on the floor and look around, seeing plenty of places to practice our magic in. I look to Twi who takes out the list of words Lex gave her. I look around again and grab a couple pieces of rubble, setting them up to work as targets for me and Twi to use our spells against. I look back and see my pokemon all just sitting to the side with anticipation at our practice. “Ok, which spell are you going to try first Nat?” Twilight asks. I think for a second before allowing a pink aura to cover me. “I think I am going to try my Maguilty Sense first, since I already know how my Wind magic works.” I tell her, Twilight nodding and taking out her notepad. Not too surprising there. I look towards one of the targets and focus on making a dozen swords, each appearing in a circle above me. “Maguilty Sodom!” I point forwards and the swords are sent flying rather fast, imbedding themselves in the stone. I nod at the simple but effect use of the swords. “Your turn.” I say, stepping back for Twilight. The mare nods and goes through the words again before choosing one and getting into her stance. “Solid Script Drill!” The word appears before spinning rapidly and drilling into the target. After she dismisses the word, Twi smiles wide at her use of the spell. ”Nice job Twilight, but it will take more than just using the magic to master it.” Sora states. “Trust me I know. You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to master my teleportation spell.” She says, stepping back so I can go again. I look towards my target and try to think of what spell I wanted to do next. After thinking for a bit, I decide to us my wind again. I focus the gales around my hands and look forwards. “Magic Wind Palm!” I blast condensed wind from my palm that strike and shatter the target in front of me. ”Sweet Arceus! I don’t think even a rock type could stand that attack!” Chance shouts in shock at my power. “Obviously! That was insane Nat! The amount of power and the speed and density of that wind attack had to be off the charts.” Twi says, looking over the remains of my target as I look for another one. “Yeah well, some of the spells we both know are really powerful. So we are going to have to practice whenever we can.” I say, bringing another slab of stone over. Twi nods and gets back into her stance. “Solid Script Bullet!” The word appears and sends a multitude of rapid fire magic bolts towards her target. ’Looks like we are going to be here for a while.’ Two Hours Later.... Rainbow POV I was flying around, just finishing up with my weather duties for the day and I saw Spike and the CMC walking around. I heard how those three were trying to get their marks again, and Spike was keeping an eye on them for AJ and Rarity. “Hey guys!” I call to them, flying down. “Rainbow!” Scoots jumps up to me as I land. Man, I really love this little filly. Maybe I should talk to the others about my plan for her birthday later. “Hey guys, what’s going on?” I ask. “Not much. We tried tree climbing and painting, but no luck yet.” Sweetie says. “I have mostly been keeping an eye on these three so they don’t make any trouble.” Spike comments. I nod and see a couple paint stains on his shirt and a few leafs in Applebloom hair. I laugh a little and pick them out of her hair. “You defiantly did better than before, considering all your guys clothes are in one piece.” I say with a snicker. The trio blush a little and Spike rubs the back of his head with a sheepish expression. They go to talk again, when a huge wave of wind blasts past us. “What the heck?!” I look towards the forest and my jaw hit the floor. There is a huge black tornado in the Everfree! I am more shocked when two more seem to appear out of nowhere. “Rainbow Dash! What’s happening?!” I look back to the CMC and Spike, who have expressions torn between awed and scared. “No idea! But whatever it is, it can’t be good!” I say, trying not to sound panicked. I look to the others and decide we need to investigate. “You four, see if you can find AJ, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy! I am going to the library to get Nat and Twi.” The three fillies and drake nod and go seperate ways to get the others. I take another look at the stationary cyclones, before rushing into the air and towards the library. As expected it didn’t take me long to arrive at the library. By flying through the window....and into a bookshelf. ”Sorry Twilight! But this is an emergency!” I call from beneath a pile of books. Oddly, it is quiet as I dig myself out, no aura around the books, helping me up. “Twilight? Natali?” I call, looking around and seeing a clean and empty library. I guess it is closed today, but where are those two? I hear a knocking at the door, so I go over and reveal the CMC and the others. “Rainbow! Wanna explain why the hay there are a bunch of tornado’s in the Everfree?!” AJ asks in worry. “Hell if I know!” I say in worry, the others coming into the library. The group look around, and notice the lack of a certain duo. “Hey, where’s Natty and Twi?” Pinkie asks, popping around looking for them. “No idea. They weren’t here when I got here.” I tell them. “Maybe they went to investigate ahead of us? Those two are a curious duo.” Rarity says. “Maybe, they do have Nat’s Pokemon with them.” Fluttershy points out, seeing their empty bowls on the drying rack in the kitchen. “Well, whatever. We need to see what those cyclones are! Maybe-“ I get cut off by Scoots. “Um girls? The tornados are gone.” We all look to her as she is looking out the window. Rushing out the front door, we see that the cyclones are indeed gone, the only remnants being an unscheduled light breeze. “What the Luna?” “Hmm, maybe we should still go check it out. For all we know, it could be some kind of evil wind spirit or something.” Rarity says. Suddenly the CMC gasp and get together. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Storm Chasers!” They yell together. “Absolutely not!” AJ and Rarity shout at the trio. I go to scold them as well, when I remember how determined these three can be and sigh, the others looking to me. “I mean, is us saying no even going to stop them? They’re probably going to follow us anyways, it’ll be safer if they are actually with us as opposed to trying to sneak behind us.” The others try to respond, before sighing in defeat. “Wow Rainbow, and here I was thinking you could never find reason and logic.” AJ snarks, earning a glare from me. Before long our group is walking along the trail in the Everfree towards Zecora’s. We figured maybe the resident zebra of the Everfree might have an idea on what those cyclones were. At least Zecora was able to make the trail clear of things like the Poison Joke flowers. It only takes about five minutes before we arrive at the home of the shaman zebra. “Zecora? Are you home?” I call, knocking on the door. After a second we hear the door unlock and a familiar green eyed zebra opens the door. Though, she seems....hungover? “Oh, hello my friends. What brings you to my end?” She ask, rubbing her head. “Uh, you ok Zecora. You seem a little off today.” I ask with some worry. “Yes, I am fine miss supersonic, yesterday I was testing some new Tonics.” She says, going over to her table and grabbing some tea. “Oh, okay. Zecora dear, do you have any idea what those cyclones earlier were?” Rarity asks, all of us coming into her house. “I am afraid not, though they did give me a sore spot. I was having such a wonderful slumber, when the wind whipped around my home like a mad hunter.” She says, drinking the last of the tea in her cup. “Yeah, ah guess the wind rustlin the leaves and branches around would be plenty loud. I can’t imagine how annoying that would be.” AJ comments. “So if you don’t know what was causing the wind, do you at least know where it was coming from?” Scootaloo asks. “Indeed, the winds origins were found. The ruins of old are where they were bound.” She says, taking out a map and pointing to the old castle. “The old castle? ‘Gasp’ You don’t think it is the second coming of Nightmare Moon do you?!” Pinkie asks hysterically. At first I was going to say that would be impossible, but then I remember that the tornados were black, almost like the dark Alicorns coat. I look to the others who seemed to come to the same realization. “Thank you Zecora, hopefully we can figure out what’s going on and stop it.” AJ says. The zebra nods before yawning and heading to her room again. All of us head back out into the forest, this time with Zecora’s map and head towards the castle. Within about half an hour, we arrived at the gorge seperating the castle from the rest of the forest. I look at the outsides of the castle and so notice some pieces of rubble having been thrown around, likely by the wind. “Ok, let’s-“ Spike doesn’t finish before he drops to the ground, narrowly avoiding what looks like a magic sword that imbedded itself into a tree behind us. It looked familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger where I have seen it before it disappears. “Spike! Are you ok?” Sweetie asks in concern, helping the drake back up to his feet. “Y-yeah. But what the heck was that thing?” “Looked like a magic sword.” Pinkie says, bouncing around the tree. I look to the castle again and then to the girls, all of them nodding. Me and Fluttershy quickly fly over the gorge while the others rush across the bridge. We all carefully approach some of the missing sections of the walls to get a good look at what we are dealing with. “Solid Script Guard!” We all freeze when we hear Twilight’s voice. Quickly entering, yet remaining hidden, we see as a bronze word Guard appears in mid air in front of her. “Whirl Shock!” I go wide-eyed and see Nat sending a blast of wind directly at Twilight, my friends word keeping her safe. “What is going on?! Why are Natali and Twilight fighting?!” Fluttershy says quietly and in shock. I look to Twi and see her smiling before holding out her hand, her finger glowing. “Solid Script Heat Spell!” A blue word Heat appears in mid air before the wave of heat is sent towards Natali. Nat smile and points a hand down below her feet. “Storm Bringer!” We all go wide eyed as a huge cyclone appears around Nat, rising into the sky, the heat spell rising with it. I look back to Twi who is covering her muzzle as dirt and dust is being kicked up around her. I see her wave her hand before lowering her arm from her muzzle, the word Mask around her muzzle now. The tornado is dissipated, showing Nat who was panting a little, Twilight looking tired as well. Looks like these two have been going at it for a while now. “Well? How many more spells do you think you need to try?” Twilight asks. Nat chuckle a little before straightening up and stretching. “Not sure. How’s your magic reserves?” Nat calls out, Twilight laughing a little and the Mask dissapearing. I look back to the girls, all of them looking worried at the duo, but the CMC and Spike look awed by all this magic. At this point I think I was looking like a fish out of water because I was so lost on what the hay is going on. We all look back at the duo as they look set to fight again, so I decide to stop them before they get hurt. “WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU TWO DOING?!” I yell, coming out of our hiding spot. Nat ends up going ‘Nyu!’ and sent a couple of swords my way. I yelp and dodge the sword, barely, each of them being embedded in the wall behind me. “Rainbow Dash?! What are you doing here?! Don’t scare me like that!” Nat says, trying to catch her breath from the scare. Twi goes over to her and gently pats her back. “Seriously Rainbow. We could have killed you. Don’t you know not to scare someone when they are training with dangerous magic.” Twilight scolds. She then looks behind me as the rest of the gang come out from where we were hiding. I look to the side and see Sora and the pokemon coming out of a hole in the ground, I think they were using it as a trench against the wind. “Well, allow me to be the first to ask darling. What in Celestia’s name is going on here?!” Rarity asks. The duo look to one another with a raised brow for a second before looking back to us. “Magic practice.” They say in unison. We all look to them in confusion, especially to Twilight since she was Celestia’s magic student, so when does she need to practice her magic? “Rainbow, don’t you remember when I pinned you with wind when Simon came to our world?” Nat asks and I nod to her. “Well, during Hearths Warming, Lex gave me, Twi and Shining Armor some new magic. We haven’t had a chance to practice them yet, so we figure we could try them on our day off.” We all look to one another, all of us coming to a type of understanding. “So, those huge black cyclone that appeared a half hour ago...was you using a wind spell?” Fluttershy asks. “Yup. It was one of my stronger spells called Dread Spiral. Honestly though, I thought it would be stronger. Guess I’ll need more practice. We have mostly just been testing how the spells work, and we were planning on practicing with each spell individually whenever we have free time.” Nat explains. “Oh and Pinkie? I gave some seeds for the berries from the Pokémon’s world to the flower trio, so when they have a large stock, feel free to get some and experiment.” I turn and see Pinkie smiling wide before she took out her own notepad and began to write in it. Probably writing down potential recipes for the berries. I look back to the duo and notice their clothes look ok, aside from the odd tear or burn from their ‘spar’. “Well, if nothing is wrong, can we head back home now. I don’t want to stay here any longer than needed.” Fluttershy says, glancing back to the forest. Nat and Twi nod before Nat returns her pokemon to their pokeballs. “Hey Twi, wanna try your Direct Line magic?” “Sure, give me a sec.” Twilight then layed a hand on Spike and Sweetie’s shoulders before closing her eyes for a second. “Direct Line!” In an instant, their bodies seem to flicker before dissapearing. All of us look in shock at the spot they were at, before turning to Nat and Sora, silently asking for an explanation. ”That was a specialized form of Teleportation magic called Direct Line. It’s more advanced, but faster and more reliable than regular unicorn Teleportation.” Sora explains. A second later I hear a yelp from behind us. Turning, I see Twilight face down in the dirt. “Hey Twi? Are you ok?” Pinkie asks, helping the mare up. “Yeah, still not a hundred percent used to using Direct Line for long distances yet. Good news is we landed on my bed.” She says with a chuckle. She then walks up to AB and Scoots and teleports again. Looks like this will only take a minute or two for her to teleport us all back to town. Guess it is faster than me flying back. Nat POV It only took about two minutes for Twilight to teleport back and forth from the castle ruins to the library with two of us at a time, but she was near exhausted when we got back. She ended up falling asleep on the couch while I went over some of the spells me and Twi were practicing with the others. Of course all of them were completely lost when I started to go into the complexity of the spells. Also I learned that I know basic to advanced magic composition from the info and spells Lex gave me. After I finished confusing the hell out of the girls, they all left to finish their business and jobs for the day while I made lunch for me, my pokemon, Spike and Twilight when she wakes up. I was also able to act completely normal and not give any suspicious about me and Twi, even when I placed a blanket over her. ”So, what’s the plan now?” Sora asks as I take my seat on the couch next to Twilight with bowl of fresh tomato soup. “For now, we parctice our magic and see if Twi and I can’t learn a thing or two about being a secret couple.” I say the last part with a small blush, my mind unfortunately going to the more ‘sinful’ things we may end up doing in the future. I see Sora blushing as well, but smirking at me, which makes me blush even more. I immediately try and distract myself from those thoughts by picking my book back up with my Vectors, Sora shrugging and returning into my head. But I don’t notice the blush on the face of the mare next to me. > Chapter 17: Meet the Alchemist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edwards POV I woke up the next morning next to Luna. We slept pretty much all night but I'm not going into details. In my opinion, if someone wants to share what goes on in the bedroom then they can, but that also gives them the right to refuse to share as well. Anyways, as Luna was still asleep I wanted to continue to allow her to rest so I snuck out into the hallway to get down to my workshop. Now that the wedding was over I could focus on getting Malice's influences under better control. I noticed from my little outburst on Discord the other day that I don't have as good of control over my emotions as I did before I died. In order to correct this, I was going to need either a month of meditation while I was in demon form, or I was going to need someone that doubly specialized in emotional spectrum magic and Telepathy magic. I thought in my shop for a few hours as had noticed that Tia had already raised the sun for its daily movements across the sky. I heard a knocked at my door. It must have been time for breakfast as this was the only reason I could think somepony would be knocking on my door this early in the morning. I made my way over to the door and opened it expecting to see the usual morning maid when I was met with the sight of Polearm completely out of breath. “Morning Polearm, what's got you out of breath so early?” I asked in bewilderment. “Sir...Edward...I found this...strange...device... while I was... out on...my morning jog in...Canterlot” huffed my assistant. “Settle down and take it easy first off,” I said as I brought him a chair. “Yes sir” he agreed. “Now, what's so special about this device you found?” I asked as I leaned against the wall opposite of Polearm. “Like I was saying I found this thing while I was taking my morning jog. Thanks to the magic sensing technique I was drawn to it right away,” he said as he held out the machine to me. “Now that you mention it I do sense quite a bit of magic from it,” I said as I take the machine in my hand. “But it's not Equestrian magic that things giving off, it's void magic.” I begin to look at the device in my hand when I feel a pain shoot through my head. I hear a pair of voices in my ears and wince from the pain. We are the Queen Dicloni. Should you need protection of the Vectors, or that of our team, know that we will be there. However, know that should you follow the path of evil, of destruction or devastation, we will not hesitate to tear you to shreds. I thought this was a token of some kind but I wasn't sure. This could be a dangerous one though. Diclonius can be extremely dangerous, even the sane ones. The creed also mentions a team of some sort. This could be very bad if I'm not careful. The last thing I want is a whole load of these things running around Equestria causing problems, but this could also be a good thing. If they are in control of themselves maybe I could get them to help me with my own mental fortitude. I'll talk with Tia about it later today. I looked over to Polearm as he seems to have recovered from his run here. “Thanks for bringing this to me Polearm. If you find anything else like this, I want you to bring to me right away.” I said as I pointed toward my personal guard. I lead Polearm out of the room and look back to my workshop. While I would normally consult Tia about this I don’t think I will this time. The creed did say that these Displaced wouldn’t hesitate to tear me to pieces if I was evil. Although I’m not evil, I do have a lot of hatred inside of me, a hatred that’s not my own. If anyone could help me with this problem it would be a Displaced anyways and it’s better because a Diclonius have to ignore their own inner demons. I take the device in my hand and speak words. “I summon the Diclonius queen,” I stated. After I said this the usual void portal appeared and I could feel two magical presences plus an additional three souls that didn’t have magic but had power. I went ahead and activated my Arc of Babylon before they came through the portal completely. I don’t really like being armed when meeting new potential friends, but I still had to air on the side of caution. What kind of an example would I be setting if I didn't take the very advice I’d just gave Tia and Luna around a couple of weeks ago. I bring myself back to the task at hand as I could feel the presences drawing closer as I saw the figures that started to form. Both of them had massive amounts of magic. So much so, I was actually on my toes as I want to ask for a sparring match. I looked toward the portal and the first of the pair came through. It was a girl with horns and pink hair that fell just past her shoulders came out of the portal. Her outfit consisted of a blue tank top, black jeans, and black strap dress sandals and a short white and pink jacket. She was shorter than I was but still taller than I used to be. As I was looking her over I noticed the device on her ear, matched the one Polearm had brought me earlier. She looked around my shop with a curiosity that I simply hadn’t seen since the like of Twi’s early days of her studies of alchemy. The other figure drew closer now. I then got a better sense of who was coming through the portal next, because I knew who this magic belonged to. Out stepped another Twilight Sparkle, only this one was more of a pony than a human. She looked almost exactly like my Twilight. She was wearing the usual black skirt, a white t-shirt with her cutie mark on it but she was wearing a red ascot of some sort. After Twilight exited, the portal shut. The Diclonius girl was still looking around in wonder when I decide to break the silence. “Hello there Diclonius Queen and Twilight Sparkle and welcome to my workshop. My name is Edward Elric,” I said as I extended my hand. “Nyu!” said the pink haired girl in surprise. I noticed something was a little off about this one. I can sense living being powers and as a side effect, I can tell when someone has a lot of powers or abilities. Why is this relevant, because it also allows me to sense life force and this girl had two life forces inside of her. They were, in fact, one at some point but had since split in two. I was one to talk on the other hand as I had thousands upon millions of souls inside my own body. I decided not to pry. Then the duo began to speak. “Hello, my name’s Natali Basatin but you can call me Nat,” said the Diclonius. “Hello and as you seem to already know, I’m the Twilight Sparkle of Nat’s Equestria Mr. Elric. I just have to know where exactly are we?” asked the lavender unicorn. “Haha,” I laughed, “ You’re in Canterlot Castle Twilight and to be more precise, you’re in my workshop just little ways down the hall from Princess Luna’s bedroom.” The two of them immediately turned bright red. It was then that I started to notice the air around these two was mixed. Oh, how I love to mess with young couples. “So what’s going on between you two?” I asked with a smirk. “What do you mean?” asked Nat blushing even more than before. “Yea there’s nothing going on between us,” said Twilight, staring at the floor. Any bright and the two of these lovebirds could be used as lights that airplanes use to avoid running into things at night. “Okay, I’m putting a stop to this right now,” said another voice from nowhere. I looked around to see no else but us three. “Okay, who the hell said that?” I asked. “That would be me,” said another pink haired girl appearing out of thin air. She was transparent but I could tell right away this was the other soul I had sensed earlier. “Hi, I’m Sorano and you can just call me Sora. I used to be a defense mechanism in Nat’s head until I became my own person. You’re not wrong about these to being an item either Mr. Elric, these two are just too shy to say it to anyone out loud.” said the astral girl as she disappeared and took control of Nat’s body. She then proceeded to pull out a picture from her purse and she showed it to me. I took the picture for Nat/Sora and gave it a good look over. It appeared that it was taken rather recently. I was in total shock when I look at the picture. I saw Adam and Lex and a few others I recognized and a few that I didn’t. I quickly handed the photo back to Sora with a smile on my face and I notice Twilight wanted to say something. “Don’t worry you two, I may tease others on the relationships, but I encourage love in all its forms. It’s nice to see that Adam and Penny got together after they left here though and it looks like Lex is doing well in setting up her guild,” I said with a large grin. “Wait, you mean that you're the Edward that Adam and Lex mention over Hearth’s Warming?” Sora asked as she rematerialized alongside Nat. “When you put it that way then I am. So that means you're the Natali that Lex asked about when I was first summoned to her world. I owe your sister a lot. If she hadn’t given me the Arc of Embodiment I would have never gotten my automail shop up and running as quickly as I did.” I stated with another smile. “Lex did mention she taught you that in exchange for teaching her alchemy and Adam said you taught him magical strengthening. Penny said you also taught her alchemy as well,” Nat said with a glimmer in her eyes. “I did indeed. Like the original Edward, I still follow the Law of Equivalent Exchange, but I no longer use the standard alchemy of FMA. You see I came to the Equestria over two thousand which allowed me to develop a more advanced form of alchemy that mixes magic in with the materials when I’m using alchemy. I call it alchemagic and since my death a few days ago I can do it without even hardly thinking about it anymore.” I explained. “Wait a minute, what do you mean you died?” asked Twilight in shock. “You see, a few days ago during what was supposed to be my niece’s wedding. I went berserk and the collective hatred of the souls in one of my Philosopher's Stones took the opportunity to take control of my body. It was an entity that called itself Malice and in order to be stopped, I had to be blasted with the Element of Harmony. I didn’t survive and blew away like dust in the wind.” I said as I started to walk around the room. “But you’re standing here now,” interjected Sora. “Only because I gave up the life I had on earth to return here to Equestria,” I continued to explain. “Why would you give up the chance to go home?” asked Nat. “Like I said I’ve lived for a long time here already. Long enough that I came to accept that my family passed away long ago and I also so had my family here I had to think about too.” I said with a slight grin. “ But this leads me to why I summoned you. When I came back I reabsorbed the Stone of Malice and gained a new demon form and with it Malic’s influence once more. I thought another displaced could help me with my mental strain to better control myself. What do you say?” Nat looked to me with a blank expression before grinning. “I say you called the right girl for the job. I know a few things we could do that might help out. When Lex and Adam left after Hearth’s Warming, Lex gave me a couple magic styles. I could use Maguilty Sense and my Telepathy magic to help you out, but I am not that great at controlling the former yet.” “Maybe you two can have some kind of a sparring match?” We turn to Twilight as she says this. “I mean, when I was nervous about using the magic Lex gave me, I learned how to control it through experience. Maybe if you two spar against each other, you’ll learn to control them on the fly?” Nat and Sora both seemed to ponder this. It was a good idea, the problem was that I could go berserk again and Nat may not be able to stop me. “Well, before we do anything, I think we should go and see Tia and the others and make sure they know you three are here so they don’t end up thinking you guys are intruders or something,” I suggest, the trio nodding before Sora disappears again. Once said we all leave my workshop and head to the throne room where Tia should be finishing up with the nobles for the morning. I was wondering how the others would react to not only Natali/Sorano but also how they would react to another Twilight, one that looks more pony than human at that. Luckily I didn’t have to wonder long as we turn a corner and run into Shining Armor and Cadence. “Uncle Ed, I was wondering where-,” Cadence stops herself as she notices Twilight and Natali, the duo looking at the couple in surprise. They stay silent for a second before Nat leans up to talk to me. “You didn’t say the ponies of this world look more human than Equine. This is weird.” She whispers in my ear. I just rub the back of my head with a sheepish expression as Shining adorns a stern yet neutral face. “Edward, who are these two?” He asks and I see Twilight go to talk before Nat shakes her head. She then turns to Shining with an equally neutral expression. “Excuse me Captain, but could you gather the Elements of Harmony in the throne room?” She requests rather politely. Shining looks at her for another couple seconds before nodding. “Alright. I can tell this is important, so I will do that. But if this is a trap-,” “You don’t need to worry, Captain Armor, we aren’t a threat. We just wanted to meet the Elements before anything else.” Nat interrupts. The duo looked to me and I just nod to them. They both sigh and head out to look for the girls, and I barely see as Cadence looks back at us, or more accurately, Twilight and Natali. “Wow, so that was this world version of my brother and Cadence? They look...pretty good actually.” Twilight says as the duo get out of earshot. I just nod to her as we turn a corner and I see the doors to the throne room. Walking up, I see as two of the elites are stationed at the door. They do glance at Twilight for a second, the mare hiding behind Natali a bit before I wave them off and open the door. Entering the throne room, I see as Tia is talking to Luna with Polearm by their side. Perfect, at least we didn’t have to look for them. As soon as the three of us walk in, they turn to us. The trio smile as they see me, then get a curious expression or concerned in Polearms case, as they see Twilight and Natali. We all just stand in the throne room in silence for a bit, not really knowing how to break the ice before Natali coughs, getting the others attention. “Um, hello. My name is Natali. I am a Displaced that Ed just summoned. Nice to meet this worlds versions of the royal sisters.” Natali says with a slight bow, Twilight following suit. Tia and Luna smile as the duo bow. “Please rise. If you two are anything like the last Displaced that Ed summoned, then I presume you are going to be sparring?” Tia asks Natali, raising a brow. “You mean Adam?” She asks, the others going slightly wide-eyed as she knows him. “Indeed. Praytell, how is it you are acquainted with that warrior who faced my husband not that long ago?” Luna asks. I can see Twilight going wide-eyed in my peripherals and I can hear Nat in my head. ‘You will explain in a minute.’ I realized I didn’t tell them I was married to Luna. “Well, he is my brother.” The others go legitimately wide-eyed at this revelation. “He is your brother? Then why is it you do not look alike?” Polearm asks. “Well, he isn’t my actual brother by blood. But Adam, Lex and I have been best friends for nearly a decade to the point where we all consider ourselves siblings. Our families even spend the holidays together because of the three of us.” She says before digging into her purse and taking out the photo I have seen Lex and Adam have when I met them both. She hands it to Tia and Luna to look at, the sister smiling at it. “You three truly are an odd trio,” Luna says with a snicker, Twilight and Natali laughing as well. “There is definitely no denying that Princess. But, that is just what makes us be closer as a family, our differences just make us realize how much we truly have in common with one another.” Nat says, taking the photo back. It was as Nat was putting her photo away that the doors opened again and the others all walked in. I can see that Twilight, Spike and Shining were in the front with the others close behind them, Rainbow staying in the air as expected. As soon as Fluttershy finally entered, they all turn to me, Nat and Twi. I can see the curious spark in my Twilight’s eyes upon seeing the pony form, but she manages to stay quiet. “Well, the elements are here. Now can you tell us who you two are?” Shining asks with slight impatience. I couldn’t really blame my nephew for his attitude after what happened not that long ago. “Wow, what happened here to make Shiny so tense?” Twilight questions before covering her muzzle upon realizing she said that aloud. The others all look to her with wide eyes and Natali facepalms and sighs. “Dang it Twilight. We really got to see if we can get some help with thinking aloud.” Nat says, Twilight nodding in agreement. “Ok, what?” Rainbow says, breaking the awkward silence. Twilight clears her throat and steps up. “Uh, hey girls. I am Twilight, or at least the Twilight from Natali’s dimension. I decided to tag along with her for her first summoning.” She says with a slightly awkward laugh at the end. The others all look shocked and I can see Rainbow looks unconvinced. “Oh yeah? How do we know you two aren’t just some changelings?” She says, flying up to Twilight’s face. Before any could react Rainbow suddenly falls to the ground, her wings stuck to her back as though they were pinned. “What the heck?” She says, standing and trying to unfurl her wings with no results. Before she can try and blame anyone, Natali all but teleports in front of her with a glare. “Don’t talk. To Twilight. Like that. Again.” She warns and I figure out that she is keeping Rainbow’s wings pinned with her Vectors. I can see that Rainbow is actually shaking but Twilight walks up and places a hand on Nat’s shoulder. “Calm down Nat. You don’t need to protect me like that, remember?” She says. Natali looks to her before sighing and Rainbow’s wings unfurl. “Sorry. You know how protective I can be.” Twilight smiles and lightly nuzzles her cheek. “I know. And I appreciate it.” The duo smile to one another and I see the others have some dropped jaws as they know the implication of cheek nuzzles. I smile at this and barely keep myself from chuckling at their expressions. “Ok, how do we prove you are a Twilight then?” Polearm asks and Twilight and Nat think for a moment. “I know!” We all look to Cadence as she walks up to Twilight and I can see where this is going. Cadence crouch’s slightly, and I see the realization in Twilight’s eyes before she follows suit with a smile. “Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake! Clap your hands and do a little shake!” They sing together and my Twilight looks in shock as they do the dance in perfect sync. I look to Nat and see her blushing after the last part of the dance. I turn to my nephew and see him also blushing, but with embarrassment for them. Cadence smile and hugs the other Twilight. “Well, there is no doubt now, you are most definitely a Twilight.” They end their hug and Twilight smiles at her and then to the Elements. I can just see the ideas appearing in the head of my Twilight. “Well, now that we got the suspicions out of the way, Nat why don’t you bring out the rest of your party,” I said as Nat looked at me in shock. “ You can relax. I know you have more friends in your purse there, I could sense them when you were coming through the portal, and your creed said you had a team.” Nat nods with a slight sigh before digging into her purse and looking to my worlds counterparts. “Hey Twilight, Fluttershy, try to control yourselves when you see them.” She says, earning some confused looks from my friends and a grin from her Twilight. After a second she pulls out three odd orbs the size of cherries and presses the buttons on the front, the balls growing to the size of softballs in her hands. We look to the orbs curiously when Natali smiles. “Alright, come on out guys!” She throws the balls into the air and after a second they open up with a whitish blue flash. The beams reach the ground before forming and bursting away, leaving behind three creatures “Nat, are those what I think they are?” I ask in awe. “Well, if you’re thinking pokemon then you would be correct my fine alchemist,” commented Sora with a grin. “Everyone these are my partners,” she sang with a smile. “This is Selene the Zorua, Topaz the Mawile, and Chance the Luxio. I got them at different points since I came to my to my Equestria. Team, these are some new friends I like you to meet and before you ask, they have the same names as a lot of our friends back home but they aren’t the same ponies.” “Hello,” said the trio of pokemon. “Oh my gosh, they are so cute!” exclaimed the resident animal caretaker. “They can speak via a telepathy spell it what I’m getting. What type of animals are these Edward?” asked my Twilight with the usual glimmer of curiosity. “They're called Pokemon Twi, it’s short for pocket monsters. They are a large group of animals that vary from shape, size, type, powers, and abilities. Most Pokemon have the ability to change their form once they reach a certain power level. This is what is called evolving. Sometimes a pokemon’s mentality can go through drastic changes. Like with most displaced abilities their origins are apart of a series of stories meant to originally entertain humans. So technically they are fictional creatures from mine, Nat, and Sora homeworld. Aside from this from this basic info, I can’t give you any more details. I stop caring for the Pokemon series after I lost my games back home.” I explained as I crossed my arms. Luna pulled up a chair for me and I took my seat next to her. I looked at Fluttershy as she was staring at the pokemon with sparkles in her eyes. The poor pony wanted to nuzzle the whole lot of them but I could tell she was retraining herself as much as she possibly could. So much so she was practically shaking. “Hey, Nat do you mind if Fluttershy holds them for a bit? She’s pretty much having a nervous breakdown from the strain of holding herself back.” I whispered to Nat so no one could hear. “Honestly I’m shocked that she didn’t when I brought them out,” she responded. “Mental training my friend but I’ll take that as the all clear. Hey, Fluttershy, Nat said you could hold them.” The pegasus scooped up the creatures and began with the routine questions. I noticed that Twilight was still trying to analyze each of the pokemon. Looks like I wasn’t the only one as Nat’s Twi walked up to mine with a notepad. “Here, I think these should sate your curiosity for a bit. These are the notes I made with Nat about the pokemon and their evolution lines.” She says, handing the notepad to my version. Twilight takes the notepad and begins to read through the notes with an awed smile at all the likely information. Twi begins to giggle a little as she sees my version reading so carefully. “Wow, we really are adorkable when we are reading something new.” There was a slightly stunned silence as Twi says that, before the room bursts into laughter at her statement. “Wow, Twi never thought I’d hear you say That!” Natali says, laughing. The others nod in agreement, both Twilights blushing. “Ok, ok we’re good,” Selene says, picking herself off the ground with the others. “I’m sorry to interrupt this happy scene, but you still haven’t told us why you summoned these three or six, Edward.” Tia pointed out as she turned to me. “Sorry about that Tia. As you all know since my return from death I reabsorbed Malice’s Philosopher Stone back into my body. I gained his power and demon form from this, but I also took Malice’s negativity as well. Long story short I’m having trouble controlling those negative aspects of my mentality, whenever I get to worked up. Like when I threatened Discord the other day. Sorry about that Fluttershy.” “Oh that’s okay, you were just looking out for Cadance and I know you meant it, but you would’ve let him out after the wedding was over, eventually,” said the caretaker as she put Chance on the floor. “Yea, yea we all heard how Ed threatened to encase Discord in his antimagic crystal spell, but back to what Princess Celestia just said. Why did you bring them here?” said Rainbow as she was her hand in the air. “You see, Diclonius are known for having a few mental and emotional issues of our own, and I think Edward was thinking we could help him work through his own issues,” explained Nat like a teacher. “So, in exchange for helping the dude fix his head he was gonna spar with me and Nat in order to help us get a better feel for the abilities and magics we got recently from Lex,” added Sora. “Sir, you’re going to fight them?” asked Polearm in shock as everyone head turned to face me. “You can blame the Twilight with the red bandana for this. That’s why I wanted to come and tell Tia and Luna. So they could sign off on it first, but I also wanted to do this outside the Canterlot Coliseum. I didn’t want to risk hurting anypony over a mere training session. I still have no idea on how much my strength has grown and I could still be set off if they say the wrong thing to me.” “So you thought it would be a good idea to have and Anti-Malice team on standby and that’s why you came to here.” interjected Luna with a scowl. “Yes, and the location I had in mind can only be reached right away via Teleportation.” “And what is this location?” asked Tia in a curious tone. “The Badlands. They’re remote and unsettled so nopony can get hurt if something happens.” “Not a bad idea Ed. And even if you start to lose control of yourself there is the chance we can hold you off until you can regain control.” Nat says, looking at one of her bracelets. “You really think you can hold off Malice?” Twilight asked. The trio just chuckles at her question. “Twilight, we were able to beat Discord when something took over his mind and was actually intent on killing me and the girls. A demon made from collective negative emotions shouldn’t be too different.” Sora says. Everyone looks to the Diclonius duo in shock at this little revelation. “You two might be a little in over your heads this time,” commented Rainbow. “How so?” asked Sora. “Malice isn’t just a collective of angry souls. It’s was also formed from my own negativeness towards myself for not being there over two thousand years ago for Luna and Tia. You have to think about this too. If the Elements of Harmony turned a prankster like Discord to stone but destroyed the jealousy and hatred of Nightmare Moon, then what would the do to Malice?” I added. “Wait, you mean this Malice thing was blasted with the Elements of Harmony and survived!?” asked Nat’s Twilight. “Not just the Elements of this dimension but also the combined magics of all three alicorn Princesses and myself,” added Shining Armor. “How is that even possible?” she asked. “I sliced off its arm in the fight and it landed on the edge of the blast zone. Just within range to be blasted but just enough to survive it. As Nat can testify, we humans have adaptive immune systems to make sure we don’t get sick from the same disease twice and thanks to a Philosopher Stone kicking every aspect of my body into overdrive, I am now immune to the effects of these things. Unless these things are ramped up to an eleven then you’re screwed, physically anyway.” The displaced group merely stared at me as if I were just hit by a train. “What?” “How are you still alive after being blasted with the Orbital Friendship Cannon plus add-ons?!” yelled Sora. “I didn’t.” “ So, you’re what a ghost or a zombie?” asked the other Twilight. “No, I’m completely flesh, blood, steel, and etc,” I said as I stood up from my seat. “Look, long story short I did what I could to hold back Malice while the others used the Elements and magic on me. I died met up with the Truth was given the choice to either return to Earth or to Equestria at the cost of the other. As I’m standing before you know with the current situation you can deduce which life I chose to live.” “But you could’ve gone home, and been with your family,” interrupted Nat. “ Listen to me Nat, I may look young but as you already know time flows differently for a lot of Displaced. I arrived in this world long before the Castle of the Two Sister was ever built. It gave me plenty of time to come to terms that my family had passed. Sure, for the first ten years or so I looked for a way to go home, but it was a fruitless endeavor so I settled here. After a few hundred years of wandering, I returned and met Luna, Tia, Starswirl, so on and so forth. I was then betrayed by a pony I considered to be a very dear friend, turned to stone due to this and had my mind shattered almost beyond repair. You can figure out the rest for yourself from what Lex and Adam might have told you. Now, can we please get back to the sparring matter?” “Yes, everypony, as I think we are all agreed on the location as the Badlands, correct,” said Tia in agreement. “I believe I can teleport a portion of the group there if Luna and Cadance could take some of the others it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle for us all to go.” “Sorry, but if you don’t mind me interrupting Princess Celestia. I received Teleportation magic from Lex as a Hearth's Warming gift and I haven’t had a chance to teleport a large group very a large distance yet. I was hoping that you’d allow me to teleport us all to the Badlands, and this is also to help you three from using any more magic than necessary. We would need you all at full strength just in case something goes wrong.” explained Nat’s Twi. “Are you sure you can handle that? A teleportation spell of that magnitude would leave even my sister and myself drained.” Luna says with worry. “Well she was able to teleport from the library to Applejack’s farm, the schoolhouse, Fluttershy’s cottage, Carousel Boutique, the park then to Sugar Cube Corner within a couple of seconds.” Sora states. “That’s something I still can get quite right, and it usually takes me a few minutes to do several teleports back to back. So you won’t mind if i ask how are you able to do it so easily?” asked my Twi while she tilted her head. “Allow me to tell you and save up some time Twi, no offense other Twi.” I interjected, “But as we are still a little rush we don’t have time for a long wind explanation. She said she got her Teleportation from Nat’s sister Lex. See Lex is another Displaced and she is the one who gave me my own magic Arc of Embodiment. We Displaced can freely give our abilities to other Displaced without much effort really, but when it comes to Equestrians we can’t give you all of the abilities but of a downsized version of the skill.” “Which is why you still have to teach us on the more advanced stuff,” my Twi said as she started to understand. “But I don’t get why she can teleport so much easier than me.” “You see Twi, what Ed was trying to say my Twi’s magic and his magic have the same roots. As they aren’t from Equestria they aren’t bound by the same magical laws of this world. Which is why my Twi can use her Teleportation more freely than you can, and this magic was specifically created for the purpose we want to use it for.” Nat explained with a humble smile. “Are we done with the egghead stuff yet? Cause, not only is my head starting to hurt from being told stuff I didn’t understand in the first place, but I really want to so what these new girls can do. No offense Ed, your awesome in your own way and your training multiplied my awesomeness even more but I wouldn’t mind seeing you get on your flank.” mocked Rainbow. “Yea, so are we going to fight or what?” asked Sora with her own cocky grin. “Well, you heard the ladies Twilight. Let’s get out to the Badlands asap.” I said with a smile. “One moment please,” said Tia as she summoned one of the elite guards. “Please inform the staff and court that our group will be our attending to business for the rest of the day. Day court will resume by tomorrow at the lastest.” “This applies to night court also,” added Luna. “Yes, your highnesses. Will you be requiring any of the elite guards to accompany you during your trip?” asked the guard in the usual monotone voice. “No thank you. We’ll have Captain Armor and Assistant Polearm with us as well as the Elements of Harmony with us. So we’ll be in good hands for the time that we’re gone,” said Tia. The real reason she did this was to keep them out of harm's way. While I did train I didn’t bring them up to the level that Shining was at. It was better not to take chance, ‘Good thinking’ I thought to myself. “Let’s get this show on the road,” Sora commented. “Everypony ready?” I asked. “I don’t have an outfit,” lamented the fashionista. “No time,” said Spike. “Twi just teleport us now before something happens,” I say as I rub my eyes. “Yes, sir Mr. Elric.” answered the giddy unicorn. “Call me Ed,” I said. “Let’s go already!” yelled Sora. There was a sudden shift of colors as we faded from the throne room to our next destination > Chapter 18: The Internals and Externals of Fighting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd POV Badlands The group of ponies, pokemon, and Displaced all arrive in the Badlands just outside the fort that Edward had used for his training grounds. The group started to wobble as they started to separate from one another. “I must say, that is a very different aspect of teleportation from which I would never get used to dear,” said Rarity as she stumbles to get her bearings. “You said it,” says Spike with a face plant on the ground. “It was different, to say the least,” remarked Celestia. “I agree with you, sister,” added Luna while Edward held on to her to keep her from falling. “You two think this is bad, then trying falling through a void portal and usually landing on your back, or how about being blasted in the chest with a beam of magic while walking through one of those things. It really hurts you know,” Edward commented. “You fall through the portals whenever you’re summoned?” asked Sora with a confused look. “Please don’t ask me to explain, because not even I know how I screwed that up,” Edward said with a downturned gaze. “I’ve tried unicorn teleportation and whatever that’s called-” Polearm said as he wobbled forward. “Fiore magic” added Sora. “Thank you Ms.Sorano, I prefer unicorn magic over that stuff,” continued the guard pony. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?” asked Applejack as she rubbed her eyes. “Down here,” said the pegasus lying flat on her back. “Nat, Sora, other Twilight, and pokemon, let’s get everybody to my Fort over there and let them catch their breath. While their bodies readjust from the Teleport we can go over some ground rules for our spar. We can also set up some prep work in case things go south. I’ll head to the fort and get some help. You six stay here with the others.” Edward explained as he ran off toward the fort while he allowed Luna to lean on Celestia. Edward was only gone for a few moments. When he returned he was followed by the army of training golems he’d created for the training camp. When the group had left the fort Edward had reprogramed the golems to man the site and keep it in working order. They maintained the facility while no pony lived there. Nat’s group had been dead paned at the Edward army before them. “What are those thing and why do they all look like you?” asked Nat’s Twi with a rekindled curiosity. “I’ll explain what they are in detail later, for now just know they’re a type of smart golem I created for training purposes. They’ll take your orders no questions asked. Now let’s get these ponies into the fort for a bit of rest and some food. I bet we can whip something up in a flash,” said the alchemist with a smile. Natali smiles as well before digging into her purse again and taking out some odd looking berries. The pokemon look excited at the mere sight of the fruit in her hand. “How about an Oran and Lum berry salad?” Nat suggests. It didn’t take long to get the group together, but it did take a while to get everypony to the fortress as they were constantly tripping over themselves due to after effects of the teleportation. Once there Edward showed Nat and Sora to the mess hall so they could start to fix everypony a meal. The pokemon and their Twilight were left with the others to make sure they took it easy and for Twi to recover from the magic strain. “Is there anything specific any of you girls would want? Food has no limits thanks to Arc of Embodiment. I’m going with my usual fish and eggs.” asked Ed lighting a fire on the stove. “Yeah, can you summon some lettuce, celery, and carrots? I have plenty of berries we can use. I may cheat every now and then, but I prefer my vegetarian diet.” Nat says, grabbing an apron and her purse before taking out about a dozen of both types of berries. Ed raises a brow at this, Sora noticing his inquisitive look. “Twi enchanted the purse to be able to hold far more than spatially possible,” Sora explains. Ed nods and allows his magic to flow, creating the vegetables requested. Nat smiles and grabs several tools like knives, shredders and the bowls for mixing in her Vectors before beginning to cut up the vegetables and shredding and slicing the berries. Ed begins to cook his own food as well, staying a little bit back from Nat as she focuses on making the salads for everyone. Sora for her part just kept an eye on all the ingredients, checking to make sure none of them fell or got mixed up. After a couple minutes Nat makes a plate of the salad for each of the others and herself, one bowl of the berries for each her pokemon while Ed finished making his fish and eggs. Nat smiles once she finished making all the food before turning to the door to call the others and running into a stone Ed. “Nyu!” Nat says in alarm, falling over. “You ok there Nat?” asked Twilight, coming over to help her up. “Sorry about that. I pre-programmed these guys to patrol the grounds before we left this place empty.” Said Ed. “You said they were a type of smart golem you made for training purposes. I get having one by why make so many?” asked the lavender unicorn. “This was an old fort years ago. I took the Elements of Harmony, Shining Armor, Spike, Polearm and the now elite guards out here for training. As I couldn’t oversee every aspect of everyone’s training at once I made the golems to help with that. They were made to be a teacher slash practice dummy.” explained Ed. “I think I get that part,” said Sora. “What do you mean Sora?” asked Nat getting up from the ground. “Think about it for a minute. Ed is your teacher and he’s the one to drag you out into the middle of nowhere to whip your butt into shape. What better way is there to learn and let off a little steam then to hit the one who caused it all.” said Sora pointing at Ed. “Bingo. I made these guys for that very reason,” added Ed pointing back. “Of course their look is out of date but I’ll deal with that some other time.” “Sorry, but would you mind explaining how you made those things in the first place?” asked Twi. “Not at all Twi, but let’s bring the food out to everyone and I’ll explain while we’re eating. Sound good to you?” Ed said as he motioned a few stone Eds into the room the help distribute the food. The group all meet up with the others, the other ponies looking at the salads curiously as they have never seen the fruit before. They see as Nat give the pokemon their bowls of diced fruit and their happy expressions when eating. They then see Nat’s Twilight with a happy smile as she eats some of the Oran berries. They all begin to eat their salads as well, all of them enjoying the unique flavors of the berries, Pinkie all but wolfing them down. Nat chuckles and passes the pink mare a full Lum berry. “Thanks, Natty!” She says with a smile, storing the berry in her mane. The others barely even bat an eye at that. “So Edward, can you go over how these stone versions work?” Nat’s Twi asks, a notepad and pencil in her magic as she continues to eat. Ed smiles and begins to go over how they work, Twilight writing down nearly every word. The others laugh quietly at her attentiveness, even Ed’s Twilight. Natali just smiles and look to her mega bracelet. She didn’t even notice Ed’s Twilight and Cadence scooting closer. “So?” Nat looks to Cadence. “How long have you and Twi been together?” Nat is barely able to stop herself from choking on her food, Sora patting her back with a Vector. Nat fumbles for the right words, not really finding a good way to say it as everyone but Ed and her Twi are looking to her before sighing and taking a breath. “A-a week.” She says quietly, Cadence, Rarity, and Fluttershy smiling wide. “How did that happen anyways? I know for a fact I am not a fillyfooler, so how is it you and her are in a relationship?” Ed’s Twilight asks. “Honestly, I have no idea. I never thought of myself as a lesbian, or even bi really. It just sorta happened. Twi and I just seemed to fit. We’re both scientists wanting to learn all we can, I helped her in getting the girls back to normal after Discord switched them and after that, we just spent a lot of time together. Heh, we have had quite a few little adventures together.” Nat says, sighing and leaning her head on her hand with a small smile. “Come now, there must be more to it than that!” Rarity says, making sure not to disrupt Ed’s conversation. “Well, there is the fact she probably saved Nat’s life,” Sora says, the others going quietly. “Say what now?” Spike says after a second. Nat sighs and puts her fork down. “You guys remember how I said that Diclonius have some mental and emotional issues of our own?” The group nod. “Well, it is a little more complicated than that. You see, Diclonius, when they are born, actually have multiple personalities. It isn’t like me and Sora though. This other personality, the DNA Voice, is the natural instinct of a Diclonius personified. Their purpose is to spread a virus we are capable of producing into other humans, making it so they could only birth other Dicloni.” The group all look to Nat with wide eyes and scoot away a bit. “Relax guys. The Virus can only be administered by our Vectors, and even then, it has to actually come in contact with the target's bloodstream for them to be infected. You can’t get the virus just from being close to us.” Sora says. The group immediately turned to Applejack, who raised a brow at them. “They're telling the truth.” After a second everyone goes back to their spots. “Okay, but what is this about your Twily saving your life?” Shining asks. Nat and Sora both sigh. “I am really dense when it comes to seeing others emotions, and even my own. I was confused, and a little scared when I started falling for Twi, and I didn’t even know that was what it was, making me even more scared. After Lex gave me my magic, some of it was absorbed by the DNA Voice. A week after, we met another Displaced named Simon who straight up told me how Twi felt about me. I just couldn’t comprehend it. So I retreated into my mind to try and sort it all out. That is when the DNA Voice showed up. It started whispering about how I wasn’t good enough, how I was dangerous, how I don’t feel that way and would only hurt her..” Nat trailed off, clenching her fists. The others look worried so Sora took over. “After that, the Voice just fed on Nat’s negative emotions and insecurities, trying to take over completely. Luckily me, Twi and Simon were able to enter her mind to try and help. Simon and I were able to hold off the shadow that was the Voice while Twi talked Nat out of her weird negative trance. Twi ended up telling her some important information and snapped Nat out of it by telling her how she felt. After that Nat was able to destroy the Voice herself. I passed out before that so I don’t really know what happened after that.” The others turn to Natali and see her blushing while looking at her bracelet again. “I...I told her I wouldn’t mind trying this out. Neither of us had been in relationships before, so we both were unsure, but we were willing to try.” Nat gained a small smile as she remembered, Sora going wide-eyed as she sees the memories. “We...took each other first kiss.” “YOU WHAT?!?” “You and Twilight were in a similar situation to Edward and Luna many years ago,” said Celestia as she sat next to her student. “How so?” asked Nat, Sora, and Twi in unison. “It was the first time Edward went berserk, during the Minotaur Wars. He’d been tracking a band of raider that was burning villages in this area. When he came across them in the act Ed lashed out at them. He snapped and this is when Starswirl, Luna, and myself had to intervene. It took two weeks before we got word of the happenings that had transpired. During the two weeks, Ed created this wasteland that you see before you now.” “You mean Ed made the Badlands of your Equestria,” Sora said with shock. “Yes, he did Sora. Ed’s Philosopher's Stones take in the ambient magic around him whenever he wishes it, but when he’s out of control the ability acts more like biology and can’t be turned off,” explained Celestia looking out to the Badlands. “I get how that first part is similar to Nat, but how does Luna tie into this?” Sora asked again. “Luna admitted how she felt about Ed before we left the castle to deal with him, and it was only after we managed to wear Ed down enough to the point he recognized her that he finally stopped.” “So what you’re saying, princess, is that Luna had feelings for Ed and vice versa,” responded Sora. “Correct, Sora. Of course, it wasn’t until after Ed took on a whole army after fight our fight and managing to make it back here that he admitted he loved Luna as well. This fortress holds a lot of sentimental value for the two of them.” Celestia continued. “I understand what you’re saying now. Ed and Luna feel for each other like Nat and Our Twi did and just like them they were too afraid to admit their feelings for one another,” added Sora. “Ed must have thought he wasn’t good enough to be with Luna at the time,” interjected Nat as she fiddle with her food. “You’re more right than you know Nat. Because of the time, we lived end even if Ed hold told Luna how he felt it would have only made things harder for them to try and be together, but fate intervened and Ed became the next Minotaur King. With his new title, he not only stopped the war, but he laid the groundwork that allowed the Minotaur Kingdom to flourish as well as to allow them to integrate into Equestrian society. The best part that came from this was it finally allowed Ed and Luna to see each without having drawbacks, and eventually, this led to their marriage.” explained Celestia looking on at her brother and then to sister. “So, that’s why Ed was sitting next to Luna at the castle,” said Sora pointing to the sky. “It also explains why Ed has so many negative emotions towards himself and how Malice way created,” added Nat. “What you mean?” asked Twi. “Think about it this way Twi. Sora was originally a defense mechanism in my head until she developed into who she is today. Ed’s case is similar but very different at the same time. When he went berserk the first time the stone connected to his anger taking control of his mind.” “I don’t quite get it yet,” said Twilight scratching her head. “Malice controls Edward’s body through his negative emotions Twilight, and while his love for Luna helps him control Malice. It is also his love for Luna that created the hatred in his heart towards himself,” commented Celestia with tears in her eyes. “You’re talking about when he was sealed in stone,” interjected Twi while Nat handed a handkerchief to the Princess with one of her vectors. “Thank you, Nat, and yes Twilight. You see like with Discord Ed was still completely aware of what went on around him. It wasn’t until after his return that he told Luna and I of his bout of insanity. Fortunately, he was able to come back from this, but unfortunately, it was also before Luna became Nightmare Moon. Ed was forced to watch his wife succumb to her jealousy and hatred.” “That means he also was forced to watch you seal her away on the moon,” added Nat placing her hand over her mouth in shock. “Ed has gone through so much already. He’s only been free for six months now and things have only gotten worse for him since his return. In the past few days since his death and return from Truth, I sometimes find myself wishing he would have returned to his homeworld,” lamented the solar princess. “A snowball's chance in Tartarus that’ll happen.” All eyes turned to Sora. “Ed is strong, but he is also vulnerable. He is afraid of giving in to his emotions, his rage, his wrath, and because of that, Malice will continue to live on. He is clinging to this world and his loved ones while pushing away his darkness. What most don’t seem to realize, is without darkness, there is no light.” “She’s right. While obviously, wrath and other emotions are dangerous in excess, if used correctly, they can be the force to drive someone to do the impossible. I mean, look at me and Sora. We were able to beat Discord because we can control our anger and focus it onto a target. The draconequus in question was being controlled by someone else, so we knew we could just kill him. All Ed need’s to do is accept his darkness, and show how the light needs them.” “Easier said than done,” Selene says, wiping her muzzle. The others nodded as well. “Well, that is why we’re here. To help him through it.” Nat says, finishing her food. She grabs her plate, as well as those of the ones who are finished and bring them to the kitchen while Sora just stays at the table. “I can tell, you two have been through a lot,” Luna says suddenly, Sora nodding after a second. “Yeah. Even though I have only been around for seven and a half years, it feels like Nat and I have always been together. I would do anything for her. I am not sure if that is just my defensive origin and instinct, or if it just who I am as her sister.” Sora sighs and disappears, back into Nat’s head. ‘Love you too sis.’ By the time the Diclonius came back, everyone was done their food and Twilight had four pages worth of information written down and was brainstorming ways they could replicate it in her Equestria. “Okay I do believe that everyone feels a lot better now,” said Ed with a smile. “Now let’s lay down some ground rules for the match. First, I want to point out the is an all in no holds bar type of deal. So if you two were even thinking of holding back on me you better put that thought out of your right now. I took on your brother after all, and while Adam was as strong as I could only put him on the same level as the Minotaur King from over a thousand years ago, and that’s pretty strong by this Equestria standers.” “You got a better comparison. One that’s a little more current,” said Nat’s Twi. “Yes. I do actually. From what Nat has told me she can sense the magical powers and other similar powers that living things emit.” stated Ed pointing at Nat. “What would like you to to do is use your abilities to gauge Polearm over there and then compare it to what you got from Adam. You should probably take a look at the others for good measure too.” Nat nods and extends her Vectors, vibrating them to view their magic strength. She compares each of the others with the ponies and other Displaced she had met over the months. “Hmm, well. From what I could tell, Polearm and AJ would be a little bit weaker than Adam when I saw him last, but not by much. Rainbow is actually on par with Penny and that is rather impressive. Rarity and Fluttershy are a little weaker than Penny and Pinkie….yeah I can’t even get a read on her.” She then turns to Twilight and her eyes widen a bit. “Woah. You're actually as strong as Loki’s Sunset!” The others look a little confused while Celestia’s eyes widen. “Take it easy on that subject Nat. The empire still sleeps here.” Ed said placing a hand on her shoulder. “Same in my world” “Sunset?” Celestia questions quietly. “Long story short, the first Displaced I summoned was another draconequus named Loki, who travels the void with his version of Sunset Shimmer and a pet wendigo. The reason I am so shocked by your power Twilight is that Sunset was an Alicorn.” The others all go wide-eyed, especially Twilight for being as strong as an Alicorn. “I’m not surprised I told Tia something similar before I took Twilight for training. Around three months ago she was just below Luna when we first met over a thousand years ago,” said Ed patting his Twi on the back. “It wouldn’t surprise me if they ponies in this Equestria had a higher fighting potential than yours. We saw a few more wars and spats in the last few years before my stone nap. I am glad that it stopped though. Anyways, let’s get back to the power gauging.” Nat nods and focuses on Edward, only to fall back at the power she is sensing. “Holy Crap! I-I don’t even...I can’t even describe this level of power. Though, I guess having two philosophers stones would do that. You practically dwarf Celestia right now.” The others look to Ed with both pride and worry. “Sorry but I’m not one for boast on how strong I am because not even I know that at this point. Also, I try not to use my stones in order to preserve them. I’ve been around for a long time which let me pick-up many ways of fighting but I digress back to what we’re doing” “Well normally I would give you some info about me, but I can’t actually gauge my own power. I honestly have no idea how strong Sora and I are.” Nat says apologetically. Her Twilight nods as she pats Nat’s back. “Truth be told I am curious about how strong I am now that I can use my Solid Script Magic.” Nat looks to her for a second before nodding and viewing her magic. Nat has a slightly worried expression before taking a breath. “My gauge, right now you are a little weaker than Rarity. Though I can tell you, you have more power just waiting to be unleashed.” Twi raises a brow but still nods. “You’re both pretty strong as far as this world’s standards go. You could easily give our Discord a run for his money” Ed gestured as he pulled up a power chart with Arc of Embodiment. “Just remember that there will always be someone stronger. Especially when it comes to the Displaced.” “In terms of power Lex could’ve easily beat the crap out of me when we first met. Adam could’ve have won our match if he could’ve strategized more on his feet. I gained a few abilities from this demon summoner Oz that compliment Arc nicely and if I would’ve had more time to practice then I wouldn’t have had to try as hard as I did.” Ed explained. “Yeah, that sounds like those two. Adam always has been the best fighter out of all of us, and Lex is one hell of a mage.” Sora says. “ When it comes to fighting you have to remember that it’s not just power but also how you can best use that power to your advantage. Take me for example, while I have a ton of power I don’t throw it around. Instead, I use it in combination with my abilities and knowledge of various techniques for a chain of attack.” Ed said bringing up a few odd weapons. “I also used my alchemagic to come up with my own skills. As I only have Arc of Embodiment as a magic I tend to use a variant of elemental alchemagic. Like my crimson lightning and crimson flame alchemagic.” Ed said clapping his hands to conjure up a fire flame in his right hand and red electricity in his left. “I do this by modifying my clothing via elemental fibers i weave into them. All I have to do is spark the reaction. You should know I don’t need to clap my hands to do this either. It’s more out of habit than anything.” Nat nods in understanding and grabs one of the bracelets on her arm before moving it up and clamping it onto her right forearm. The others look in confusion before they feel some high heat above them. Looking up, they see three different arms made of fire. “That makes two of us,” Nat says with a grin, the others seeing the Vectors are coming from her back. They all look in wonder at the flaming arms before Nat retracts them back into their back. “ This is one of my favorite types of weapons to use, but these pair in comparison to the original back at the castle,” Ed said bringing up a crystal sword and throwing it to Nat, the Diclonius actually holding it properly. “So this is the magic-nullifying sword Adam told us about. Pretty cool. And kinda heavy.” Nat says. “And yet you don’t seem bothered by its weight.” Ed points out. Nat shrugs and places the sword on her shoulder. “Well Diclonius are naturally stronger than normal humans, plus I have a regular workout schedule back at home.” “Did Adam also tell you he faced the original Minos Claymore variant while it was charged with crimson alchemagic,” added Ed. “Yes for me, no for her.” Sora states. “Although, he mentioned something about how you said he had enough magic to overpower it if he had the proper training.” “Ok, not to sound impatient or rude, but can we get ready for the fight now. After hearing about what you two have done back in your world, I really want to see you two throw down now!” Rainbow says, munching on some of the Oran berry bits. “I just have one more thing to add. Adam was right about my sword if you have enough magic it won’t be able to completely nullify your magic, but you’ll still have one hell of a time trying to use it. I want you to know these things are more dangerous when I use my technique Sword Burial. I charge the blades with alchemagic and add my skill Mars Bane which turns one attack into four with one weapon. So the more weapons coming at you the more times you get hit.” explained Ed. “Well then, it looks like Nat and I are actually going to have to take out all the stops,” Sora says, walking to stand by the door. “Another heads up I haven’t told you all of my tricks and I told you two no holds bar. I want you to come at me as if you wanted to kill me. Cause you know I plan on doing just that.” Ed said with an evil grin. To the others shock, Nat let her hair cover her eye and gave a glare that sent shivers down their spines. “Very well.” “Then to quote Pinkie ‘Let’s get this Party STARTED!” Ed said as he charged forward with a punch. Nat POV Once Ed said that all of us began to head out to the field outside the fort. Honestly, I was kinda worried about this fight. I know that Ed may very well be the strongest person I have faced, yet I had to remind myself this was to help him get better control over his darkness. It was kinda funny really, me and my sister being summoned to help someone else with their alternate personality. ‘You think this is a good idea Sora?’ I ask her within my mind. ‘Whether this was a good idea or not, we are still going through with it. Besides, from what I could tell, this is probably Ed’s best bet for getting Malice under control.’ She responds. ‘Do you really think you can convince that thing to work with Ed?’ “Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that Malice isn’t just his namesake. And I will do what I can to make him realize that.’ I smile as we get to our area with my pokemon and Twi with us. “Be careful Nat. This is going to be tough.” Twi says in worry. I just smile and hand her my jacket. “I know Twi, but if fighting him means that I can help, then that is what I’ll do.” She still doesn’t look convinced so I get a little closer. “Hey. Don’t worry. I am not going to let Malice hurt me or Ed. Besides, we still have to figure out how to tell the girls back home about us.” Twi smiles a bit and gives me a light kiss on the cheek. “You so owe me after this.” I smile back as she and my partners head to the others. I stretch a bit and make sure my bracelets and AR are secure and focusing on my magic styles. I look across the field to Ed, the Alchemist talking to Luna. “Edward, I’ll do what I can.” Ed’s POV “Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Luna. “It hasn’t even been a week since the altercation with Malice.” “I don’t really have much of a choice Luna. This is how Displaced do things. Besides if Nat and Sora can help me get Malice under better control I won’t run the risk of hurting someone from just saying the wrong thing by accident.” “I can see there’s no point in talking you out of this, but just know we’ll do whatever it takes to bring down Malice if it comes out,” she said with her serious face. I could tell this thought was genuinely scaring her though. “I won’t let it come to that. I’ll only use the demon form until I feel its strain then I’ll deactivate it.” “I’d preferred that you not use it at all, but that’s pointless too as this match is to help you gain control of it. I’m going to go over and get the other Twilight so we can head back to the others together. I’m curious to see what else I can get out of her,” Luna said with a wicked smirk. “Alright, but don’t be too pushy about it. She might freeze up from to much pressure.” “ALRIGHT NAT, SORA,” I yelled out taking my stance. “YOU READY TO MEET MY DEMON!” Nat/Sora POV Sora and I look towards Ed and nod, getting into our stance. I knew that this would be intense. For the first time since I was Displaced, I was worried about who I am facing. Ed nods back before red lightning began to erupt from his body. His body starts to glow red as what seemed to body shadows started to erupt from his right side. The shadows started to cover Ed’s face but only halfway. The fabric of his right sleeve and glove was suddenly torn to shreds at the steel underneath started to change as it twisted and grew into a red demonic metal arm. The shadows now covered half of Ed’s form and eyes began to pat at us from across the field. But the most horrifying thing was the singular large eye that had kept a constant gaze on use since it had appeared across Ed’s chest. Sora and I couldn’t stand it so we tried to keep our own gaze on Ed’s face, but it wasn’t much better as the shadow covering the right side now had three eyes where on should’ve been, all the while it smiled with a sharp toothy grin. No matter what, I couldn’t think of anything I have seen before that could compare to this creature of darkness. Not Grimm, not monsters, not evil, just darkness. I furrow my brow and frown, regaining my focus. “Well, this is certainly surprising, I honestly wasn’t expecting you to look like that,” I say to him, Ed chuckling a little bit. Before he can speak, however, I become covering in a pink aura, my magic flowing through. I raise my arm above me, several of my swords appearing. “Maguilty Sodom.” I look to him with a glare. “Go.” I point my hand to him, the swords being launched at high speeds towards him. Ed doesn’t even bat an eye as his red lighting sparks, the stone beneath him rising to form a wall. The swords are blocked by the wall, barely even passing into it. I tisk at this failure. Should have known that wouldn’t work. ‘So much for that.’ Sora thought to me. Ed looks to me and smiles a wicked smile, crouching to launch himself. I barely have time to prepare before he does so. I can barely keep track of him! He appears in front of me and goes to punch back before I release a gale force wind in his face, launching him back again. “Nice one and here I was gonna say ‘to slow’,” Said Ed with a laugh. I don’t join in and allow the wind to wrap around my legs. I jump higher than any could normally and hover in the air with my wind. “Sorry Ed, but speed is something I know a lot about.” With that, I launch myself at him with my wind, one of my swords in my grip. He raises his arm and blocks my slash, the limb not even giving a little bit. I smile though and summon a bunch of sword behind him. “You know these eyes aren’t just to creep you out, right,” He said grabbing my leg and spinning around flinging me into my swords. “And jumping in the air, not your smartest move either. Especially since my Sword Burial attacks from every direction.” I frown as I get back to my feet and look at his eyes. I can see them all moving independently from each other, no clear blind spot. Good thing I made my swords intangible to myself. I look at him again and try my other style of magic. I focus, the matrix appearing beneath me as the wind begins to blow faster and faster, wrapping me in the air. “Storm Mail!” I rise a couple of feet into the air again, but I focus on my wind this time. I can see his eyes moving around, looking for my attack only for them to look straight at me. “You may be more experience in combat than me, but you have never faced someone like me before.” I summon a dozen swords around myself, all of them pointing to him. As I launch them, I make a tornado around him, the swords being tossed around him, covered by the dust and dirt in the cyclone. I fly above the eye and enter the cyclone myself, landing and staring face-to-face at Ed. “You said this was to help you control your demon form, but so far I don’t see you having any problems,” I say. “A two-minute scrap in this form is nothing. I’d hoped you were in this for the long hall. My stamina can outlast a normal human’s by leaps and bounds. Adam and I fought for around six hours before I was even remotely started to sweat.” he said as he continued to grin. I raise a brow, my AR showing his soul not even trying, but I could still see him holding back the darkness. I sigh and dismiss the cyclone, allowing all to see us. “You’re scared.” He looks to me. “You’re scared to go all out. You told me beforehand that this was a no holds back, fight. And yet, you continue to hold yourself back. I can’t help, if you don’t take this seriously.” “Okay, you got me there. I’m not playing by my own rules but just so you know this time I’m showing you a controlled form. Do you really want to 100% mode?” he asked in lament. I just look to him with a blank expression before grinning. “100%? What other way is there to go through life with?” I use my wind and appear a dozen feet away in an instant. I summon a bunch of swords again, but I keep them behind me. “Let’s go.” “Fine then. RAAAAAA!” he shouted as the area began to glow around him in a red hue. The red metal and shadows started to encased his body in a thick armor. Ed size grew to easily dwarf Celestia. Various weapons started to appear behind him. “Let’s see if you can handle my Arc of Babylon.” said the now demonized alchemist in a multi-toned voice, his head completely covered by shadows and eyes and a fanged smile. I lower my head somewhat, my hair obscuring my face. I tilt my head to the side slightly, before opening my eyes and giving my own mad smile. I barely notice the others shivering at the sight. “Two can play that game!” I raise my hand again, the matrix appearing beneath me as I summon a multitude of swords to match Ed’s numbers. We both smile to each other and lower our arms. “Go” at that, both Arsenal’s are launched at each other, not a single one getting past the others. The two of us continue to make more weapons that are repelled by the others. I look through the AR and see Ed is still dividing his focus between me and Malice. I frown and add a little more stress into the stalemate by launching blasts of wind at him. “OOOO. Drafty, guess I should light a fire, Crimson Flame!” Ed yelled as he launched a wave of red flames at us. I retaliate by focusing and making a more compressed blast of wind that seems to stall the flames. I look to him and see his grin had seemingly turned more demonic. Good. I smile and burst away with the wind, appearing behind him again. I knew he could see me so I blast the wind into the ground and make a dust cloud. I close my eyes and focus on my MVV. It wasn’t hard to find Ed, the alchemists magic being the largest in the area. I speed around the area, blasting him with wind and swords when I can while dodging his own blasts. I can see the souls within him becoming more restless as the battle goes on, and I try to think of a way to push him farther. “Try this on for size!” I send a small beam of magic at Ed that he blocks with his steel arm. But before he can try to hit me I blast more and more small bolts at him, each bolt moving faster than most can track. I can barely hear him growling in frustration and smile. He suddenly claps his hands, the dust in the area being solidified into blocks and getting rid of my cover. ‘Damn.’ “There you are!” He yells and I am barely able to get out of the way as he launches a torrent of fire at me. Unfortunately, I hear some screams behind me. I quickly open my eyes and turn to the sound, seeing the others behind Twilight as she summoned Guard with her magic. “Crap! You guys ok?!” I call out, dodging another couple of swords. “For now! I can only block so many of those attacks!” Twilight yells to me, keeping the word up. I nod and look back at Ed, seeing him actually grit his teeth beneath all the shadow. I fly into the air, Ed’s weapons following me. “Storm Shred!” I launch the high-pressure wind, the weapons being pushed back and Ed dodging the bolts of wind. I fly over him and focus the wind below him. “Rising Tornado!” A category 3 tornado appears around him, Ed somehow staying on the ground. I summon a bunch of swords and send them through the wind, Ed blocking or dodging in the limited space he has. He releases a roar and dissipates the tornado with his electricity. I frown and fly around him as he releases more electricity. I keep dodging through the air as Ed releases more power and electricity to try and zap me. I manage to keep up with the bolts and dodge them before landing and smiling at him. “Whirl Shock.” Ed quickly turns and raises his arms to block a fast blast of condensed wind. As he is turned I run up to him. I see the sparks of a transmutation and slide down, barely dodging a slash as he turned his right arm into a sword. “Oh, won’t you use those elemental vector little girls?” sneered the demonic alchemist. I just grin, confusing him. “Who said we haven’t?” Sora and I say. Before he can react, the ground beneath Ed collapses and he falls into a hole Sora had been digging whenever I was close to the ground. “HAHAHA! EXCELLENT, SIMPLY MARVELOUS!” yelled Ed from the hole, his voice becoming more splintered. “I want to try having multiple limbs to. Seal one Pride RELEASE!” I go wide-eyed as I hear this and zoom back. I see a shadow beginning to leave the hole before several eyes and saber-toothed mouths appear. I furrow my brow as Ed gets out of the hole, the shadow around him also having the eyes and mouths. I check my AR and see Ed is straining to keep the other souls back as he uses this power. “Alright. Let’s see what your shadows can do against my Vectors!” I call before summoning a dozen Vectors and vibrating them to become visible. He gains a crazed smile and the shadow begins to rush at me with near blinding speeds. I meet them halfway with my Vectors, pushing each bladed shadow back with a punch or miniature explosion. I begin to slowly walk towards him, my vectors continuing to protect me. “This is a match. Can’t remember the last time I used Pride’s shadow. Let’s throw some more powers into the mix, shall we? Seal six Wrath and Seal seven Sloth release.” Ed said as the pupils on the eyes dilated. I go wide-eyed and focus carefully as I see the shadow begin to retreat to the main body. I don’t react time, however, when Ed appears in front of me and lands a hard punch to my gut, sending me back. I bounce on the ground a couple times before regaining control and using the wind to reorient myself. I dodge right as Ed zooms towards me again, barely able to stay at a distance. I try to launch a few Vectors to wrap around him, but he manages to dodge or block them with his shadows. It took me a second, but then I remember what Wrath’s power was. The Ultimate Eye that can see nearly everything. Including the spatial disruption of my Vectors moving. “No chance to get away little girls. Seal three Lust RELEASE!” shouted the maddening alchemist. The nails on both of his hands started to extend to the length of swords. “ Let’s have some more fun,” said Ed charging forward at top speed. I can barely see that he is using both Sloth and Lust at once. I boost myself with wind and my Vectors, dodging to the side, his nail barely stabbing into the side of my shoulder. Not enough to damage, but enough to hurt as I rip it out with my dodge. But what I hear next makes me freeze. “TWILIGHT!” I look to the others and my eyes shrink to pinpricks. The nail went past me and straight through the Guard, stabbing into Twilight’s shoulder. She looks to me and Ed in shock for a second before the pain registers and she screams. “No!” I zoom over to her. I don’t even care about Ed and Malice at this point and focus my Vectors to explode, destroy the nail. I rush to Twilight as she is clutching her shoulder. “Twilight! Oh, my gods are you ok!?” I ask frantically. “Rule one in fighting never take your eyes off the enemy,” whisper the demonic Edward from behind my head. I quickly turned to only see a giant with glowing crimson eyes with its right-hand’s nails full extended in the air. He swipes down, only for the sound of metal banging against metal to go out. He looks at his claws and sees them stopped by a pair of Vectors. “You hurt her,” I whisper. He just chuckles a little and gives more strength to the slash, my Vectors beginning to give a little. “You hurt Twilight.” At this point, a dark pink and lavender aura began to cover me. I open my eyes again, both of them completely dull. “YOU’RE DEAD!!” I scream and punch the demonic alchemist in the face, sending him back. Before he can get up I am on him, a Vectors being launched and blowing up his left hand. “HAHAHAHA! MORE MORE FIGHT US MOOORREEE! WE WANT TO BE FREEEEEEE!!!!” yelled a chorus from the demonic being on the ground. There was a sudden whirl of red shooting in every direction coming from the demon. I cover my eyes a bit from the release of energy and frown. “Malice.” Sora states. I pause for a second before nodding, Sora taking control of our body. The demon gets to his feet again, but before the can even move, I see as one of Ed’s eyes come back to normal. “We… have… to … stop.” answered Ed with strain. “ I… can… hold … them. Back anymore.” “You won’t have to,” I say from behind him. The demon turns to see me, then back to Sora. “How?” “Astral form” Sora states before beginning to vanish. I quickly clap my hands, two different spell matrix appearing, and place them on Ed’s head. “Combination Magic Maguilty Invasion!” With that pink, red and blue lightning erupts from us, Malice roaring in pain, me and Sora yelling in determination. All our visions go white for a second before I sense it was complete. I open my eyes again and find myself not in the badlands, but in a white void similar to the World of Truth. I get to my feet and look around before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turn and am face to face with my sister. “I cannot believe that worked.” She says before frowning and slapping me across the face. “What the hell was that Nat!?! I thought we agreed not to hurt Ed, even if Malice took control.” “I-I, he just hurt...what..even happened? All I saw was red and then, I felt you bring me back.” I stumble a bit as I recover from the hit and the memories come back. “My guess is you were lost to the Diclonius Bloodlust for a second. That combined with our natural protective instincts caused you to go a little nuts there and blow up Ed’s hand after Twi got hurt. Thank gods he can regenerate.” Before I can say anything I feel the ground shake a bit. I look around and see a door that was the same design as the portal of truth but it was only regular sized and seemed like it was divided into three parts, each a different color. I look to Sora who nods and we enter the door, but not before setting up a link between us. Yeah, my wind magic seems like a literal breeze compared to this tempest of souls. Sora and I walked in and immediately felt an intense pressure as we see all the souls being tossed around. We remember to stay close and I focus on one of the souls in front of us. “Excuse me? Do you know where Ed and Malice are?” I ask it. The soul just looks to me before nodding to the left. I see that while it looks like it is constantly moving, the souls are actually forming what looks like a hallway. “Hey, thanks, dude. Or is it dudette?” Sora asks. The soul just looks at us before turning and going into the tempest. We both just shrug and walk through the hall of souls, each soul we go by seeming to ignore us, but I do notice a couple staring at us from time to time. I am not sure how long we were walking for before we hear a commotion ahead of us. We both rush past another corner and see Ed and who I guess is Malice going at it. Malice actually looked a bit like Father if he was using the Ultimate Shield. “I won’t let you out again you bastards,” Ed yelled at his demon. “We are already for thanks to you releasing the Seals like a drunken fool. You wanted power and we gave it to you and once we place you in our cage we’ll consume those humans first and then move on to those ponies you’re so fond of.” hissed Malice. “ “I WON’T LET YOU!” yelled Ed as he started to throw punches at Malice while the demon only laughs at his attempts. “Ed stop!” I call out as I wrap a Vector around him, Malice looking shocked as Sora and I are here. “What the? Nat? Sora? How are you two here?” He questions. “One of the spells I have been working on. It’s a combo of Maguilty Sense and my Telepathy spell Invasion. Invasion lets me and Sora enter a person’s mind normally, but by combining it with Maguilty Sense lets us go a step further and actually interact with their soul.” “Is it meal time already? You shouldn’t have come here little girls it only makes it easier to devour your souls,” laughed the demon. “He’s right you two need to go,” added Ed. “And you two need to stop.” We say together, confusing both of them. “Malice, humor me, but say you manage to get free and take control of Ed’s body. What exactly do you mean when you are going to ‘devour everyone’s souls’?” Sora asks and I barely notice a couple souls watching us. “We will allow you to know this before your deaths,” spat the demon with a snicker. “ We will continue to consume souls until we’ve gained enough power to break free of this pathetic human and be human ourselves once more or whatever we were.” “I’ve tried to tell you, you bastards. You don’t have bodies to return to and you can’t simply make new ones and or force your way into a body,” yelled Ed. “He is right you know. Even if you had bodies, there is a very real chance you wouldn’t bond with them, resulting in your untimely demise and one way trip to the afterlife.” Sora states. “And even then, why do you want to be human again? It is obvious you guys don’t want to say, see your loved ones, because they aren’t in this world.” I ask, and take note a couple more souls watching than before. “We don’t care if it's our world or another’s world. We want freedom from this bastard or keeps us chained up! And once we’re in control again we’ll make him suffer be forcing him to watch as we consume everything in this world that he cares about!” Malice laugh toward the nonexistent ceiling. The souls around us began to smile from every direction. I look around and have a feeling that the smiling ones are the ones that agree with Malice. But I do notice a couple of them frowning. I look to Malice before feeling my Sensory Link. I then look to Sora who nods to me. As Malice is gloating to the fake sky I use my Link and connect Edward with me and Sora. He raises a brow as he feels the connection and looks to me as I am looking at one of the souls. It was a smaller one than the others, one I could tell was young, and I could tell it was worried. “Don’t worry. Though, I may need your help.” The soul tilts before I face Malice and focus my emotions and magic. The demon could sense the shift and turns to me as a pink aura surrounds me, Sora and Ed. “You call yourself Malice, and say you are the embodiment of negativity. Well, since you have shown what and how you feel, I will show you the power of what we feel! Sensory Burst!” The bracelets on me, Sora and Ed begin to glow bright, each soul in the area stopping and seeing us. A beam goes out and connects to Malice head. “What’s this for? It tickles us. We don’t like it,” said the demon as it tried to pull off the cord from its head. “What’d you do to us, you bitch!” I begin to get a headache, but I ignore it and allow more magic to flow, connecting from soul to soul within Malice, allowing them to become connected to me and my friends. I focus harder, each soul seeming stronger than the last before I can sense their all connected. I then focus on my emotions and memories, letting each of them see what I have been through. The first thing I focus on is when I first met Lex. I was going out for recess at school when I was nine. I found a nice spot under a tree and got out all the food my parents made me. I pulled out some cookies when a trio of boys came by. They wanted to steal my food, but before they could do anything, Lex seemed to pop out of nowhere and bonked each of them on the head with her book. After that, we met up every lunch and became friends. “WHAT IS THIS!? STOP THIS WE DON’T WANT THIS! MALICE NEED ANGER, FEAR, GRIEF, RAGE. YES, WE SMELL IT IN YOU, THE RAGE!” yelled the demon. I can feel Malice trying to use the Link but Sora ‘gets in the way’ and pushes him back before they can do anything. I smile and switch quickly with Sora, letting her pick the next memory. I smile as I see it, the day we met. I was around thirteen, and I had a run in with a new group of bullies. I was so scared, I didn’t want to get hurt. That is when Sora took control for the first time and beat them, even giving one a bloody nose. After that, our parents took us to a psychologist where she was still trying to protect me when I was placed into a trance. After that, the doctor put us both into a trance and we met one another for the first time. It was so great to meet her, both of us becoming sisters for the first time. “NO GIVE US RAGE! THEY ATTACKED YOU YOU MUST LASH OUT! MALICE DEMANDS REVENGE! WE MUST HAVE HATRED! WE WILL FIND YOUR HATRED!” the demon screamed as it started to move towards us. “You two keep up whatever you’re doing. I’ll hold the bastard back as long as I can.” Ed said stepping forward to meet his demon’s charge. He called forth a large sword while malice extended is nails like in the physical plain. I nod, but before I can try and think of another memory, I feel someone else with the connection. ‘C-can I try?’ I look behind me and see the same soul as before. I smile and offer my hand, the soul wrapping around me. I allow her to go through the Link and into my mind. I can see it, a little girl, playing with her big brothers and their friends and them actually struggling against her. I laugh a little at the playful memory. “You dare turn on Malice. Fools, it matters not if you pull all of the passionate ones to your aid. We will continue to be for we are him,” hissed Malice. “ I understand you want freedom but you can’t have it any more than I can turn back time to stop Luna or Celestia,” said Ed as he fended off a slash from the demon. I smile and look to Malice with a grin. I focus and find an event that happened not too long ago. I remember the emotional tempest that I was in when Simon told me how Twilight felt. I was lost in my own negativity, my doubt. The Voice, it’s ensnaring whispers trying to control me. I don’t know how long I was in that state of turmoil before I heard them. Sora, Simon and her. Twilight. What she told me, how much she knew from our bad habit. When she said those words, that she loved me, I couldn’t even stop my own emotions if I tried. I smile with a blush as I let our first kiss play out in my head. “WE HAVE HAD EEEEENOOOOOUOOOGGGGGGHHHHH!” shouted Malice as it sent a surge of red electricity through the cord attached in its head. “ BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Ed yelled as he swung his sword at the demon. I saw the energy coming through the connection and began to panic before it just stops. I raise a brow before I hear screams echo around me. I see that several souls are screaming as well as Sora. “SORA!” I try to move, but I can’t. Looking down, I see a couple of souls wrapping around me. Before I can try anything, they begin to whisper. “We’re with you. The others and your sister will take the strain, but we don’t have long.” The one on the left says. “We will tell the others to hold him, then it’s up to you and Edward.” The other says. I look to my sister in worry, but she glares at me with the other souls with her. “GO FOR IT!” They all scream to me. I nod and allow the souls to cover my arms and summon two swords. “WHAT?!” Malice can’t react before I slash at him, sending him into the wall of souls. “I think I get it now. You won’t stop existing even if we beat you here. Like you said earlier, ‘We are him.’ There was no mistake the ‘him’ in that statement was me.” Ed said as he approached the pinned demon. “What you’re saying is as long as I continue to hate myself for feeling any type of negative emotions whatsoever you’ll still be here.” “So the fool finally understands why we even exist in the first place. Yes, you’ll never be rid of Malice, we will linger even if you manage to separate or confuse us.” Laughed the trapped demon. “The thing is I’ll never be able to completely forgive myself for what happened, but I will continue to be here for all of you and my family. If you can find it somewhere down the line to forgive me for keeping all of you prisoner then I’ll gladly accept it,” Ed said with an apologetic smile. I smile and allow the Link to dissipate before the brunt of the strain hits me and Sora. The two of us smile to the other souls as well let ourselves lose our connection. I could swear that they were waving at us. Ed POV I look to Malice as it was still pinned to the wall. I then looked to the souls swirling around me. “I meant what I said to all of you. If you ever want to talk I’ll be here for you no matter what. We’re family after all.” I said with the torrent around my starting to fade to white. “Oh and Malice your power is now mine to use as I see fit. So no more mind games for a while, okay.” Malice only smiled its evil smile back at my flashing its fangs it said, “Till next time Allan Ferris.” I came to, seeing Nat and Sora standing in front of me. “What the hell are you two staring at?” I ask in confusion. “Are two gonna stare at me cause the way I see it we have two options. We can either finish our little fight our we can stop.” The two of them start to falter a bit. “Hey, you two okay? Come on say something.” I said raising my voice a bit. As I do Sora shuts her eyes and fades back into nat’s body. Nat soon follows her sister’s example. I jump forward managing to catch the Diclonius Queens before they hit their head. “Take good long rest kids. Gods know you‘ve more than earned it.” I said smiling at them. I get up and carry them bridal style and walk over to our friend, “Let’s get back to the castle everyone some of us need medical attention and rest,” I say looking at Nat’s Twi. “Sorry about the shoulder Twi. I’ll give you a personal session in my workshop at the castle and Nat and Sora too. Malice did something to them and I don’t like the vibe I’m getting from them right now.” “You think that thing messed with their head or something, don’t you?” said Twi as she held her shoulder. “Yes but let’s hope it’s not to serious, okay,” I say with a slight smile. “Let’s go then,” Twi says as the imagery around all of us shifts back to the throne room. “Polearm, please take Nat and Sora to the infirmary and stay with her until she wakes up. Then bring her to the workshop after she’s had something to eat,” I said giving my assistant the sleeping Diclonius. “Yes sir,” said Polearm. I look to see Nat’s Twi start to follow them. “Sorry Twilight, I know you want to go with them but you’re coming with me to my workshop. That wound you have was caused not only by Malice but the Ultimate Spear charged with alchemagic, as well,” I said stepping in front of the unicorn. “Why can’t I go with Nat?” she asked with a quiver in her voice. “You were wounded with alchemagic and you can only be healed with alchemagic. Now let’s go and I’ll take you to see Nat after you’ve had your treatment,” I said leading Twi back to my workshop. > Chapter 19: Operations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed POV “Come on Twi it’s not much further and the sooner we get done with these tests and treatments the sooner you can join Nat in the medical wing,” I said guiding Nat’s Twi to my shop. “ I still don’t see why you can’t treat my wound in the Medical wing with Nat. Yeah it hurts like all Tartarus, but it’s not even that bad,” commented the interdimensional unicorn.     “As I said in the throne room, you were injured with alchemagic. It is not simple magic or alchemy but a highly complex technique that combines the two together. Alchemagic uses magic to strengthen the alchemy in both construction and deconstruction. Malice had charged its claws with a deconstructive charge in order to get through your shield. Which means you also got hit with that charge when the claw went into your shoulder. I don’t trust Malice in the slightest, that’s why I want to treat your wound myself, and there are only three to four beings that can treat a wound as such as this.” I explained while we arrive at the doors to my shop. “Why is it that only three to four ponies can treat this wound? Shouldn’t alchemagic be known throughout your Equestria?” Twi asked. “No Twi it’s not. Outside of myself, only Tia and Luna know how to use it and my Twilight is learning its basics, but  I haven’t started to let her use it yet.” I explain leading her into the shop. “Why isn’t alchemagic taught here?” she asks out of curiosity and fear. “Because I didn’t think it was the right time to introduce it into this world. We were in dark times back then Twi. Something these new generations of ponies don’t understand. Even with the return of the villains of old. I know Nat has given you information on future events and I must ask you to keep them to yourself while you’re staying in this world.” I stated seriously, directing her to a medical bed.     “Now things are going to get a little embarrassing but I must ask you to bear with it. Step over to there and take off your shirt then lay down on the bed. If you need some help I’ll go get one of the maids.” I said, pulling out a few instruments from one of my work tables. Then there was a knock at my door. “It's unlocked, come on in.”     The door opened to reveal none other the Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor. Perfect timing actually. I sent Cadance to the back to help Twi with getting onto the bed, and I had Luna and Shining help me set up the equipment. It didn’t take long for us to get started with the examination. It was all going rather smoothly until Luna and I started to look at the effects that the deconstructive charge had on the wound. It was still active and running through Twilight’s arm. If we didn’t put a stop to it before it reached back to her body then she wouldn’t survive for more than a few days at most.     The way I saw things we only had two options for her to live at this point. So Luna and I sat down with Twi and explained what was happening with her. I had Shining sit next to her for moral support. Even if she’s from another Equestria, she was still technically his sister.     “So why can’t you just stop the charge in her arm Ed?” asked Shining with worry. “ You see Shining, alchemagic is in equal parts alchemy and magic, as the names states. But unlike alchemy that utilizes the tectonic energy of the planet for the reaction, alchemagic uses the magic in the body for the process.” I began to explain.     “What exactly does that mean?” he asked in irritation. “It means Captain Armor, that unless the connection is severed before it reaches her body then young Twilight will undoubtedly die from this wound as the alchemagic works its way through her body using her own magic to do so,” said Luna in a stern voice.     “What are the options I have?” asked Twi in tears while she clung to Shining’s arm. “There are only two options Twi and neither of them leaves you with keeping your arm. The first thing we have to do is amputate your arm before the charge reaches your main body. If we don’t then we won’t be able to save you, period, and you’ll be dead in a week at most. The first option is after we operate you're left with nothing but a missing limb.” I said looking at the floor.     “What’s her second option Uncle Ed?” asked Cadance coming from the back of the shop. “The second option is this,” I say pulling up my sleeve to reveal my automail. “But I would do a custom set specifically tailored to not only your body but also to your magic. My magic weaving would allow me to map out magical pathways in your new arm which would allow you to use the magic through the arm much like your horn.”     “Well, that could give me better control over my Solid Script Magic.” she says quietly, sniffling a bit. She begins to sadly chuckle a bit. “Guess it is a good thing I am ambidextrous.”     “Don’t worry about having lessened motor skills Twi, automail functions in the exact same ways that a normal limb does. Tell you what I’ll do as a bonus. I’ve been working with prototypes of different versions of my crystalmail, and I found that amethyst conducts magic rather well. I intended to use these techniques to craft wings for the pegasi and horns for unicorns. Good news is that I can make you an amethyst arm that’ll not only boost your magical output but will be like your old arm in color.” I explain with a smile.   Twilight smiles back before cringing a bit and holding her shoulder. “Alright. If we are going to do this, we better do it soon. I think I am already starting to lose the feeling in my arm.” “Alright, Cadance and Shining Armor will stay with you while Luna and I teleport over to Ponyville to get the supplies I need for the operation. I’m also going to grab the local Time Pony as he is the only other doctor skilled in advanced automail mechanics. After we remove your arm you’ll have to heal up for around a day before we can implement the next series of the surgeries. You and Nat will be staying in this world for the next two to three weeks for your rehabilitation.” I said getting up from my seat. Twilight nods and lays back on the bed again, just looking to her arm. I sigh at her look but leave with Luna. “How do you think Natali is going to react?” Luna questions as we walk down the halls. “With any luck, there will be at least one wall left in the castle,” I respond. Luna nods and lights her horn, the magic energy of her teleportation wrapping around us. After a second, we find ourselves in the automail shop in Ponyville. I look around before spotting Time in the back, working on one of the wing prototypes. “Hey Time working on one of the prototypes I see,” I say walking over to Ponyville’s resident Doctor. “Oh, Mr.Elric, I wasn’t expecting an inspection today,” said Time Turner in surprise. “Not here for an inspection Time, we’re here for you. We have a pony back at the castle in need of serious and immediate medical care. Then we’re going to perform a crystalmail graft on her once she’s recovered,” I explained as I began to collect the various items from the shop. “But Edward the crystalmail is still in the prototype phases. The only successful trial run we’ve had was your own magic nullifying variant so far.” Time said in shock. “ I know that Time Turner, but I don’t have time to argue as this pony’s life is in immediate danger. So I must act now!” “Do you have what you need Ed?” asked Luna stepping forward. “Yea, now let’s get back to the castle, you to Time. Twilight needs us now,” I said, grabbing on to Time’s collar. “Very well,” huffed Time Turner. With a blue flash, we were back in the workshop with the others once more. Looking around, I see that Twilight has fallen asleep, Cadance next to her bed. I don’t see Shining anywhere but I hear the door open, Shining walking in with my versions of the elements. “Edward. Is she ok?” Twilight asks. I don’t give a response and put all the stuff I brought onto the work table. “I thought you said that this was for Twilight?” Time asks. I just point to the bed, Time going wide-eyed as he sees the other Twilight.  “No, absolutely not. I will not get involved with another version of Twilight Sparkle. I specifically told you I don’t mind helping you with your Displaced problems but as a Time pony I must stay out of the issues of other Displaced.” “Time Turner you won’t be helping in the first operation to save her life, but you will be helping me in the second to graft her new arm,” I said getting in his face. “All I want you to do is craft the necessary parts out of amethyst. You won’t be directly involved in the surgeries in any other way, shape or form.” “And if I still refuse?” snarked Time Turner. “Alright Time, if you’re that adamant about it then you can go home. I was hoping you’d at least help me out by crafting the amethyst pieces for me while so I can do the graft.” I lamented. “Haha. Alright, as long as I don’t have to deal with her directly then I’ll help, but I’ll only get involved in the surgeries if I absolutely have no other choice. Why couldn’t you have gone to one of your other engineers for this anyway?” He asked as he made his way over to a workbench. “Because you're the only pony who has the skill set even remotely close to mine in terms of automail mechanics and your also the only other pony in all of Equestria that knows how to craft crystalmail pieces other than me as well. But thank you for doing this for me my friend.” I sigh as I go to Twi’s side, she was still sleeping next to Cadance. I nod to signal it’s time to wake her up so I can perform the operation. “Wha. What's going on?” asked the drowsy unicorn. “It’s time to get you prepped for your operation Twi. Shining why don’t you and Cadence walk her down to the medical wing. I’ve got a few more things to take care of, then I’ll join you. Luna, make sure that the medical team is only the most trusted of doctors and nurses we have available. The ponies here know of the Displaced but they're not entirely comfortable with other versions of things. Even if they're only slightly different. Lastly, Time Turner, you’ll stay here and craft the amethyst pieces for the crystalmail.” I said giving everypony individual orders. “Come on ODLS,” said Shining Armor to the Nat's Twi. “ODLS? What's that mean?” said Twi tilting her head. “ It’s short for other dimensional little sister. You may be another version of Twilight but that doesn’t make you any less my little sister in my eyes.” “I think Uncle Ed is starting to wear off on you a bit Shiny,” Cadance says with a snicker. “So you two are married in this Equestria aren’t you?” asked Twi as they moved down the hall with the couple. “Yea Twily, we've been married for about two days now, and we have no doubts that your Shining and Cadence will get together too. Now let's get you ready for your surgery.” Shining said with a smile trying to easy Twilights nerves. “Okay, ODBBBFF,” said Twilight with a slight smirk. “What have I done,” commented Shining. The group all laughed aloud in agreement as they exited the workshop. “Glad that’s over with,” commented Rainbow Dash. “So Ed, what’s this about the other Twi having surgery?” “Yes, darling, do tell us, please. She seemed very put off by it,” added Rarity with concern in her eyes. “Yea, did somethin happen cause of her wound?” asked the worried farm pony. “She gonna be alright, isn’t she Ed?” asked Spike with a crack in his voice. “The poor thing was practically depressed when she left,” added Fluttershy. “Yea Eddie, Twilight's gonna be okay. Nothing life threatening is it?” asked Pinkie her mane already slightly deflated. “Look, girls, you know I’m not going to lie to cause there’d be no point in trying. Nat’s Twilight is in a very dangerous position. When she tried to block Malice’s last attack it went through her shield and straight into her shoulder. What you didn’t see happen was the alchemagic charge that the demon had used to get through the shield in the first place.” I explained in a somber tone, still gathering my medical tools. “Oh no, Edward you mean Malice was using a deconstructive charge when it attacked the other Twilight?!” gasped Twilight when she realized what was going on. “Yes Twi, and it’s exactly what you’re thinking too. Luckily the charge is contained solely to her left arm for the time being,” I say, checking to make sure I have what I need before heading to the door. “What going on Twilight? Why are you so serious about this all of a sudden?” asked Rainbow as she got in Twi’s face. “You see girls, the way alchemagic works is that it uses the magic in a pony’s body to strengthen to object big form, but this is also true for the opposite effect as well. Instead of strengthening an object you’re actually tearing it apart, and if you let the charge reach back into your body then you’ll end up tearing apart your own body in the process,” explained Twi as the girls and drake all gasp in horror. “And the worst part is since alchemagic is powered by magic it won’t stop until all of the magic in the body is completely used up. Even if the pony in question is already dead.”     The Element all began to plead and demand the I had to stop it from killing their new friend.     “Look, girls, you all need to go out for a bit and calm down. I won’t let Twilight die but with the being said her life won’t be the same either. Now, as time is essential I need to get out of here and down to the medical wing asap. Twilight come with me I have a few things I must discuss with you,” I say dashing out of the workshop with Twilight in hand. Hallway in route to the Medical Wing     “Ed what is it you wanted to talk about? Does it have something to do with the other Twilight?” Twilight asked.     “Yes and no Twi. I wanted to ask you a question. Do you know why I never opened your Gate of Truth and had you study alchemy instead?” I asked as we moved swiftly through the halls. “I thought it was because you wanted me to learn at my own pace and not take shortcuts before we moved onto alchemagic,” stated Twi as she tried to keep pace with me.     “You right about that Twi but I’m sorry to disappoint you. I never intend to teach how to use alchemagic.,” I said as we suddenly stopped. “But why? Am I not strong enough? Did I not study enough?” she started to rant frantically.     “Calm down Twilight. I didn’t intend to teach you alchemagic because your affinity with magic is too strong right now. I wanted to wait until you had better control over it so you didn’t end up in the same situation the other Twilight is in now. It’s the same reason I didn’t open the Gate of Truth for you Twi. It’s not that you didn’t study, or that you're not strong enough. If anything you're too strong right now Twi. Just take your time and learn what Tia and I have to teach, but don’t try and get ahead of yourself.” I said placing my hand on her shoulder.     “After seeing you come so far in your studies in the last few months makes me more than proud to call you my student Twi, but I'm also trying to look out for you and do what best for you as a member of my family. Now you should go and talk to Tia on getting to some more spell book for high-level magic. Especially ones the deal with detailing and finely tuned control.” I say with a soft smile.     “Okay Ed, and I’m sorry for overreacting there for a minute. You know how I can get when I think I’ve disappointed someone, especially one of my teachers,” She said smiling as she ran towards Tia room.     “All right time for me to get my ass to the OR. At the rate Nat’s Twi’s arm was being deconstructed I don’t have more than six hours to get that arm off before the charge reaches her body,” I say as a dash to the medical wing of the castle. Medical Wing     I met up with Luna, Cadance, and Shining as they were waiting for me at the entrance to the main OR. I asked them how Twi was holding up and things weren’t as bad as I had previously thought, but we still didn’t have as much time as I would have preferred. Cadence told me the Twi had lost all feeling in her arm just as they got to the doors. It was long after they found out that she’d started to lose motor control too. I looked at Luna and spoke.     “Are the doctors being prepped?” I asked in all seriousness. “Yes, they’ve all been sworn to secrecy with a binding spell. If they ever mention what goes on without your, my, or Tia’s permission they will be stripped of the medical licenses,” answered Luna “Good, for a moment I thought you were going say the spell would kill them,” I huffed trying to catch my breath. It seems the match with Nat and Sora was finally taking its toll on my body. I couldn’t let that stop me as I had somepony depending on me. I went to the changing room to scrub down. I wanted to check on Nat in the infirmary but there simply wasn’t enough time. I looked to Shining this time. “Have you heard anything on Nat from Polearm? Any change in her condition no matter how small must be reported to me, Celestia, or Luna immediately.” I said as I start to enter the OR in my surgeon’s garb. “Yes sir,” answered Shining trying to mask his fear with his captain of the guard mentality. I opened the door to see Twilight on the operating table completely sedated. The pony doctors had done what they could in my absence, but I was here now and it was time to save her from my own stupid mistake. “Alright Twi, just hang in there. Ed’s come to save you,” I said, entering the room. One hour into the surgery Things were running smoothly as I had begun to sever the skin and muscle tendons above the initial wound on Twilights arm. Thank Truth for giving me an update on current medical techniques. That thing might be a sadistic bastard but it seems to have a sympathetic side to it too. I glance over to Twi unconscious face and think aloud. “Doing great kid just hang in there a little while longer,” I said, trying to calm myself. Four hours into the surgery I’d managed to cut off the blood flow to the lower parts of Twi’s arm. There wasn’t a lot left to do, but I only had around two hours left to finish up. The hardest part of Twilight’s surgery was coming up and it was normally a process that took a couple of hours by itself. I’m referring to separating the bone and blood vessels in it. I had to rush this but I also had to be very meticulous in this endeavor. Not the best of combinations when someones life is in your hands, and that’s why I couldn’t focus on the negative aspects of this task. Twi was counting on me to get her through this and so was Nat and Sora.     I started to saw into Twilight’s bone when I came to the first set of blood vessels. I quickly had the doctors start to kremp the blood vessel while I continued to cut through the bone. Twi was incredibly lucky in the fact she’d only lose her arm and not part of her shoulder. She was still going to lose the whole arm though. I wish we could’ve left a stump at least. That would have made it a lot easier for Twi to regain her motor control, but it simply wasn’t doable. The damages from the deconstructive charge were too great and if I didn’t get the arm as a whole, then this would all be for not. Six Hours into the Surgery     The surgery was almost done now. I’d been successful in removing Twi’s left arm with minimal damage to her nervous system. Which would bode very well for her in the long run. I cut it extremely close towards the last few steps in the amputation. The deconstructive charge had begun to speed up as I was near the last few nerve endings along Twi’s back. I can only suspect it was because her body was going into a little bit of shock for losing a pretty good chunk of its magic.     “Alright Twi, you’ve done great so far. Now we’re in the home stretch,” I smile at my unconscious patient.     “We’re ready to start on the temporary stitching on her shoulder sir. Are you sure we should be doing temporary stitching though? Won’t her wound just open back up?” asked the doctor pony named Cross Stitch.     “We only need the stitching to hold up while she’s rested Cross. I plan on having her back in here after she recovers enough of her strength.” I said as the others started to work and closing up the rest of Twi’s wound. “Once you’re done with the stitching and she’s ready to be moved put her in the same room as the pink hair girl in the infirmary. Try to keep a steady stream of pain dampening spells applied to her so she won’t move around too much. I plan on watching over the two of them personally. That's all for now.”     “Yes sir,” nodded Cross Stitch.     I made my way out of the OR to the scrub station to wash the blood off my hands and change back into my regular clothes. I then met up with Luna and the others so I could give them all the good news.     “She’s going to be okay everypony. I’m going to watch over her and Nat through the night to makes sure nothing goes wrong.” I say with a smile. “Luna if you could please keep a close eye on Twi’s dreams I would really appreciate it.”     “Of course Ed. I was planning to do it anyways,” she answered.     “What are your plans for her now Ed?” asked Twi. “I’m just going to keep an eye on her, Nat, and Sora to makes sure nothing goes wrong. If everything goes well for Nat’s Twilight, then I’ll be able to graft her automail shoulder by no later than tomorrow evening,” I answered still smiling.     The group started to cheer but before the could get too loud they were promptly hushed by Tia. She quickly calmed everypony down and had them head out towards their individual rooms while she and Luna stayed behind.     “I’m so relieved that you were able to save her Ed,” Tia says with a few tears in her eyes. “It was my fault she got hurt in the first place, Tia. Just like Malice said when we were all in my mind. I wanted power and it gave it to me and like the drunken fool, I kept calling for more. In the end, my own stupid decisions got someone hurt. At least I was able to do something before it ended up killing them.” I said, plopping down on the floor against the wall.     “Ed, it wasn’t your fault. The only one to blame here is Malice and nopony else,” added Luna. “The fact that I bought into its bribes doesn't change the fact that I could’ve put a stop to the fight and I didn’t,” I said looking up to my wife and sister. “I’ll do what I can, for Twilight and Nat, for now, that’ll have to be enough. I’m not entirely sure of it but I’d like to keep a close eye on Sora and Nat. Malice did something and Sora took the brunt of the assault in trying to shield her sister from the demon,” I say getting up from my spot. “What do you want to do?” asked Tia. “Simply have the castle staff keep an eye on them for now. I would prefer a couple of the elite guard to stay close by, just in case something bad happens,” I explain. “You think Malice might have tried to brainwash them somehow?” asked Luna. “Malice did try and influence them in our fight with it. So I would keep a look out for this, but that's not the reason I want the elite to watch them,” I say as we walk towards The Displaceds’ room. “Could it be because you want to want to simply keep an eye out for a worst-case scenario, Ed, or is it because you'll be busy with making Twilight's new arm?” implied Tia. “I’ve got to agree with you on both fronts Tia, but it’s more that I’ll be busy with Twi’s rehab. Nat and Sora won’t be leaving her side through just about any of it but I know they won’t stay by her side all the time either. They're going to be here at least two weeks maybe three. I don’t expect them to stay cooped up in the castle the whole time they’re here. I was actually going to see if our Twilight’s parents would mind if they stay with them for the duration of their stay,” I explained. “I see, you think a more familiar environment might take some of the stress off Twilight,” interjected Luna. “Yea, but the real reason I want the elite guard to watch them is if anything bad happens to either of them, they can be brought to the castle immediately.” I continued as we arrived at Nat, Sora, and Twi’s room. I enter to see Nat’s three pokemon all asleep at the trainer’s bedside. I look over to see Twilight as she started to stir from the anesthesia. I looked to Luna and then Tia. We each took our turns to see how she was feeling. Twi could only stare at where her left arm used to be. “Look Twi, I’m sorry for what happened and I know I won’t be able to completely make it up to you but I’ll do what I can. For now, you need to get some more rest. I’ll be here to watch over you in case something happens and Luna will be here until it’s time for her to enter the dreamscape.” I say softly as I take a place in one of the chairs across the room while Luna takes the one next to me. “How are you feeling Twilight?” asked Tia with tears in hears eyes. “I can’t say, I feel okay but I also feel incomplete at the same time Princess. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel the pain but I still know its there. Ed, thank you for saving my life,” Twi said as she looked towards me smiling. I got up from my chair and walked over to the window and opened the drapes to reveal Luna’s night sky. The stars had a slight dazzle as if they were dancing while the moon had a pinkish glow to it. I looked to Twilight and spoke in an apologetic tone. “I’m sorry this happen Twi and you don’t need to thank me for something I caused in the first place. Now you must rest for your procedure for tomorrow. It will be very difficult on you, physically and mentally,” I say, pulling the blankets over her to tuck her in. “Princess Luna?” said Twilight looking toward my wife with the innocence of a young filly, “I don’t want to be a bother but would you mind sing me a lullaby to help me get to sleep, please?” “I would love to young one,” answered Luna with a soft smile. “How about a lullaby that my mother used to sing to me and Tia when we fillies. It’s called 'Fear Not This Night’.” Once Luna was finished a could tell Twi wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon so I sat back down next to Luna. Tia departed for her bedchambers after nuzzling Twi good night. I told Polearm to go and get some rest as well. The poor fellow looked like he'd been hit in both eyes by a couple baseballs. “You can’t keep blaming yourself for the things that happen around you just because of your involvement in them. You know I’m here for you Ed, whenever you need me. Tia is here for you too.” Luna says placing her hand on mine. “I know Luna and part of me has accepted that but there will always be a part of me that will blame myself for these things. It’s just how we living creatures are. And I’ll always be here for you and Tia too.” I say as I gaze into her teal eyes. I could help myself and leaned in to kiss her. We stay with our lips together for I don’t know how long. We broke off our kiss and looked back to the two sleep in the room. “I’ll watch over them for now. You should take your own advice and get some rest for yourself or you won’t be able to perform the operation tomorrow on Twilight,” Luna state with a sympathetic gaze. “I want you to wake me if anything happens and I mean anything,” I say in lament as I give into my own fatigue. I drift off into my dreams at the sight of my wife in her moonlight. Around Two A.M. in the Morning     I must’ve been out for around five or six hours, maybe even longer, but I do know I felt much better once I got out of my chair. I looked over to the two sleeping in the beds and not much had changed there. Except that the pokemon were now sleeping at Nat’s sides on her bed. Twi looked as she was having a sweet dream to. I looked over to Luna who begun to stir from her dream walking a bit.     “You felt me stir from my dreams, didn’t you?” I asked her with a soft smile. “I’ve been keeping an eye on all of you since I started my dream duties.” she answered in a grogey tone.     “What’s Twi dream about right now?” I ask getting up from the chair to stretch a bit. “I believe it was what she and the other Elements refer to as ‘Pet Day’. She was with her Owl and the others playing with their pets. Nat, Sora, and their Pokemon were taking part as well.” Luna chuckled. “Ed there is something that I was wondering about?”     “What is Luna?” I say walking over to the window. “Is it possible for an Equestria to be influenced by another Displaced influence if they stay in it for an extended period of time?” asked Luna curiously. “Honestly Luna, I have no idea if it’s possible or not. I do know that the Displaced can have subtle changes or drastic changes in the worlds in which they live in, but I would think that if another Displaced did decided to stay in another’s Equestria then the same thing could still happen. It’s only a theory for now, but it’s one we’ll all be testing over the next two to three weeks.” I say, going over to the other side of the room to check on Nat and Sora after I noticed a slight movement. Nat’s POV     I felt like someone put me in front of a stampede with my head pointed towards the crowd. I guess I needed to practice more with my Sensory magic. Even though our eyes were closed, I could tell we have been out for a hella long time. I could hear Sora groaning in my head, probably from taking the brunt of the attack Malice sent our way.     ‘Hey Sora? You ok over there?’ I question with concern.     ‘Y-yeah Nat. I’m fine, just a bit of a headache. And...a stomach ache.’ She says with another groan. I don’t really blame her for feeling this way, yet, I don’t feel all that bad considering. I guess Ed’s attacks healed up faster than I thought they would.     I can sense someone to our left so with some effort I open my eyes and see a blank white ceiling above us. I could feel that I wasn’t wearing my clothes from before, but something loose. I look down and see myself in a hospital bed with a gown on, some bandages around my stomach, shoulder and head. I guess I got sent to the infirmary after I passed out. I turn my attention left and see a familiar alchemist sitting next to me.     “Hey Ed. What’s up?” I ask groggily, still tired.     “Hey Nat. How are you feeling?” He asks with barely hidden concern.     “All things considered, I feel pretty good. My gut doesn’t hurt anymore and my shoulder feels better. Though, Sora has a bit of a headache.” I try to sit up, several cracks going out as I move from my spot I have been in for who knows how long.     “Easy Nat, you’ve been out for a little over twelve hours. You used up quite a bit of magic in our fight and then you’re probably still mentally drained from our confrontation with Malice too. Speak of which, what exactly did the demon try to do to you two?” Ed asked with worry.     “Honestly, I am not a hundred percent sure. My guess is he tried to control our anger to make us join him or something. Gods know what would have happened if he got control over us. Good thing Sora and I are far stronger mentally than most realize.” I say, looking back up to the ceiling. Something pops into my head a second later. “Hey, where’s Twilight?”     “She’s right next to you two and has been since we brought her in here, but there was a complication with the wound she received from when Malice pierced her barrier,” Ed said looking towards the floor. “I did what I could for now but….Look and see for yourself Nat and just know I’m sorry for allowing this to happen.” I start to get worried and to turn the other bed in the room and I could swear I hear glass shattering. Twilight. Her arm. It’s gone. She looks peaceful in her sleep, but….I am not sure how, but I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of my bed, my Vectors keeping me up straight. “Wait, don’t move so much Nat!” Ed tries to stop me. “GET OFF ME!” I glare at him, Ed flinching back. I get up from my bed, my Vectors holding me up. I slowly make my way to Twi. I kneel next to her bed, shakily placing a hand on where her arm should be. Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I continue to just stare at her. “No….”I lay my head on her bedside and begin to sob. “Malice put a deconstructive alchemagical charge in to its claws in order to get through Twilight’s shield. When she got hit with the spear that charge was then sent into  her arm via the wound. Luckily it was contained to her left arm. If I hadn’t operated when I did she wouldn’t be here now,” Ed explained as he place a hand on my shoulder. “Why? Why? WHY? WHY!?!” I begin to yell, my pokemon waking up. “Why did she get hurt!?! I am a Diclonius! I could have taken it! IT should have been ME!” “Listen to me Nat. If you would’ve been the one to take that blow instead of Twilight, then I can guarantee you’d be dead instead of just missing a limb! Once a deconstruction charge enters a living creatures body it won’t stop until all of that beings magic is burnt up while it slowly tears you apart at the molecular level!” Ed yelled with tears starting to form in his eyes. “Twi is incredibly lucky that I was able to save her and she’ll need you now more than ever if she’s going to get through this!” I stay silent as all this comes crashing down on me. It should have been me, I have better healing and control than Twilight. I am not sure if I would have survived, but she wouldn’t be hurt. I grit my teeth in a rage I have never felt before. I can barely hear Sora trying to talk to me. I don’t even notice as some kind of pink electricity is sparking around me. Without warning I turn to Edward “You can beat the crap out of if you need an outlet but know that I regret having this happen and I’ll take the punishment you deem fit for. But I don’t regret the actions I’ve taken to save the pony behind me.” Ed says as he places his hand on his chest. There was a two second beat before I appear in front of him, grabbing his face with my bare hands and slam him through two walls into what looks like an examination room. I don’t follow him after that, and merely return to Twilight side. I barely even notice as Luna goes to Ed. “I promise, I won’t let anything like this happen again.” I kneel myself next to her side again and hold her hand, letting my anger fizzle out along with my consciousness as I rest my head on her bedside. Ed’s POV     “Well that went better than I thought it would?” I said getting up with Luna’s help. “You think she’ll be okay?” asked Luna looking back at the couple.     “I think they’ll heal with time, and this will only make the love they have for one another all the stronger. Nat is going to have to step up with letting others know how she feels, though. Like me she buries everything. Trying to shoulder it all. I know there are things that even Sora doesn’t know about her sister.” I explained as I used my alchemy to fix the walls I’d been thrown through. “Isn’t that right Sora.”     A second later the girl in question appears, but her form is more transparent than she was before. “You said it. I could always force my way in her head and see what is going on, but that tends to piss her off.” Sora rubs her head with a slight grimace. “If mom and dad were here they would probably have called Lex’s uncle by now. He was our psychiatrist.”     “Luna is no psychiatrist but she is the Equestrian equivalent though. If you need help you can always come to her. While you’re here I wanted to give you the good news, seeing as Nat will probably beat my face in every time we meet for the next few days.” I say crossing my arms.     “I’ll try to restrain her. Funny, it seems our roles have been reversed. Anyways, what is the good news in all this Discord damn chaos. No offence Discord.” Sora says the last part to the side and I could swear I heard someone sneeze.     I go over to the wall and give it a hard punch. “OW!”     “You know we can both sense you. So there’s no point in hiding Discord,” I scoff. “Okay okay. I’ll come out,” said an all too familiar prankster.     “I got wind of another Twilight Sparkle and had to come see her for myself is all. Then I come by and see this delightfully chaotic scene,” says Discord as he pops out of the wall. “You’re going to want to watch your mouth Discord. Nat and Sora fought on par with me out in the Badlands. It’s nice to face off with someone who can match abilities for once. Next time no holdbacks due to fear though,” as I said this Discord winced back in fear as he laid eyes on the others.     Sora flew up to the spirit of chaos with a blank expression, Discord looking a little worried before she smiles and laid an arm around him.     “Relax Discord. Why would I want to fight such a master of chaos? Besides, this place is small potatoes compared to earth for chaos. Also, me and Nat may have been rather big fans of your humour back home. Just don’t mess with Twilight, AT ALL, and we will be good.” Sora finished with a somehow menacing yet comforting smile.     “Uh, sure thing.” Discord says with a nervous smile and tugging at his shirt. When was he wearing a dress shirt?     “You have nothing to worry of my dear. We, Discords, tend to play by most of the same rules by which the Time ponies do. Where we’ll help the Displaced of our Equestria, and tend to stay away from others, unless it’s absolutely necessary we get involved.” explained Discord. “Now that my business is done however I must depart. I need to update Fluttershy on this Twilight’s condition and the condition of her animals back in Ponyville.”     He finished speaking and with a snap of his claw he was gone. Sora looks back to her sister and Twilight with a slight frown, seeing their pokemon around the couple.     “So, what was the good news again? I think those five could use the info.” Sora asks, floating over and sitting on their bed.     “I told this to Twi before her surgery so no need to worry there,” I say removing my coat and upper jacket. “This is the good news I have for you,” I say, pointing at my right arm.     “Automail? I guess that would work. Though, it will take a while for Twi and Nat to get used to the fact Twi’s arm is going to be made out of….what, stainless steel? Iron?” Sora looks my arm over without trying to touch it. Before I can explain she seems to flicker and grabs her head again. “Damnit.”     “That’s right Sora this isn’t typical automail, but a new line that I’ve been working on for a little while now. I call it Crystalmail. This arm and my leg are mostly made of the same magic nullifying crystal that my swords are made of.” I say extending my arm out to let the moonlight shine through it.     “Damn, that is kinda awesome. I can only imagine how Spike and Rarity are going to react when we get back. Speaking of, how long do you think Twilight’s surgeries and rehabilitation will take? I can tell Nat in the morning and see if we can send a letter with our token.”     “The surgery will only take around six to eight hours. We did all of the prep work for the attachment grafting earlier. All that’s left to to connect the nerve ending to the circuitry. The rehabilitation will take roughly two to three weeks at most.” I explain putting my coat back on. Sora nods and begins to flicker again. “Looks like my time’s almost up. I’ll tell Nat everything in the morning and have her send a letter to our world. Hopefully, time doesn’t flow too differently in this world then back home. I’ll see you two tomorrow, later.” With that Sora vanished into thin air and back into their body. “They’ll be okay for now,” I say as Luna and I head out of the room. I turn to one of the guards outside, “When the pink haired girl has had a chance to wake up a bit bring her down to my workshop so we can run a few tests and I can explain where they’ll be staying while their here.” “Yes sir, your highness,” said the earth pony. Gods, I’ll never get used to that. “Luna I know you need to return to the dreamscape so I’ll let you go about your business and I’ll head to my shop for some more rest,”  I say with a yawn. “Sweet dreams Ed. I’ll see you in the morning,” said Luna with a smile. > Chapter 20: Fading > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed POV I woke up the next morning as per the norm. Tia had yet to raise the sun but I rolled back over and went back to sleep, as I was still worn out from yesterday’s hectic events. A few hours later I was awoken by the usual hard knocking on my door by the castle staff to notify me that it was time for breakfast. Good, because I needed to speak with Shining Armor and my Twilight about Nat and her Twi stay with my worlds parents. I just threw on my coat for mornings around the castle as it was too much of a hassle to put on all of my outfit in the mornings. Then I wandered down to the dining hall to see my family and the Elements of Harmony as sitting at the same table, so I take my place next Luna. It looked as if I was the last to arrive his morning, but I didn’t mind and I know the others didn’t either, especially from the events of the past week. “Morning everypony, and Discord. Sorry, I’m late. I guess I was worse off then I thought. Anyways let eat,” as I said this the server immediately started to dish out the meals.”So what’re the plans for you, eight, for today?” “Me, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Discord, and Applejack were planning on heading back to Ponyville with Time Turner by this evening after the other Twilight’s surgery,” answered Pinkie. “ Yea it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t stick around to support her through this,” added Rainbow. “Ya think she’ll ever be able to move past losin her arm, Ed?” asked Aj. “If she’s anything like the Twilight we have here then she’ll be able to overcome it and be stronger for it. Especially since she has friends exactly like you guys to support her back home,” I said with a small. “And don’t forget, she has Nat to look after her and Sora to dear,” added Rarity. “I’ll be staying here in Canterlot to help the other Twilight for a few days, and I wanted you and Princess Celestia to teach some more advanced spells and alchemy techniques. Plus I still need to study Nat’s Pokemon,” explained Twi as she munched on a sandwich. “I’ll be staying here in Canterlot to oversee the opening of my new boutique. So don’t be afraid to drop by and say hello. I’ll also check in with the other Twilight while I’m here,” said Rarity. “I’ll be staying with at her shop, but I’ll be here in the castle with Twilight when she’s won’t be studying with you or the princess. If you can’t find me with her then loo in the Training yard down by the barracks., “said Spike as he crunched on a sapphire. “Might want to have Polearm with you when your training Spike. I think he's the only pony that’d be able to give you a decent workout,” I said with a chuckle. “I’m ready to go whenever you are Spike,” project my assistant from behind me. “I’ll be in the library studying up on the cultures of Yakyakistan. I’ll pop in and check on Twilight, Nat, and Sora later on today.” I said Cadance. “I'm going to my periodic visits today. I was able to get on the Infirmary guard rotation for today,” added Shining. “Oh, Shining. Twi. I need you to go to your parents and have them come by my workshop. This needs to be done immediately after you're done here. I would like to speak with them on a few things and just meet them as well. They are my family after all,” I say as finish off my eggs and toast. “Polearm come with for the time being. We’re headed over to the workshop to see what kind of progress Time Turner has made on the amethyst piece for Twi’s new arm, ”I say before kissing Luna on the cheek to bid her to have a good rest. We left the dining hall and I started to go over what I had planned to today before Twi’s surgery. I also had to go by the infirmary to pick up Nat and Sora. I remembered back to last night when I was talking to Sora, she flickered a bit but I chalked it up to being the antimagic crystal of my arm for the time being. I still wanted to run a few tests on them to make sure they were okay. Of course, I’d have to have Luna help me with the mental tests as she was the only pony skilled in the realm of mental spells that, I trusted anyways. I also pondered if Twilight’s parents would even allow Nat, Sora, and their Twilight to stay with them. That's when I realized a crucial detail. I hadn’t even met them myself and I was asking them to do this. Gods have mercy on my soul, or souls, whichever comes first. We arrived at back at my workshop in no time at all. Polearm and I enter to find Time Turner hard at work crafting the amethyst pieces for Twi’s arm. I don’t even know if he slept last night or if he’d took a break since he started yesterday. The Time ponies certainly lived up to the reputations of completing the tasks the start. This was one of his greatest strengths and faults all at once, which is why I had him usually oversee the things at the shop and only work on prototypes. “Hey Time, how are things progressing?” I ask tapping the time pony on his shoulder. He set down the tools he had in his hands and turned to face me and Polearm while lifting his goggles from his eyes. “Things are coming along rather smoothly Edward. I should have all of the pieces ready by two to three this afternoon.” Time said with a proud smile. “That’s great news. I’ll be able to assemble it by no later than tomorrow. That’ll also give Twi a little bit of time to heal up and adapt to the graft.” I say leaning on the table. “Look Time, I’m sorry to drag you away from your family and pretty much forcing you into this. I know you Time ponies don’t like to get involved Displaced even just a little, but it means a lot that you did this. Why did you finally agree to help me out anyway?” “I’m a doctor first and foremost and if I ignore somepony in need of my help medically then I might as well not exist at all, even if that pony is a Displaced. Now if you excuse me, Edward, I must get back to the task you’ve entrusted to me if I’m to finish in the allotted time,” said Time Turner as he pulled his goggles back down and spun around to begin working again. “Okay Time we’ll try not to disturb you too much, but just so you know I’m expecting a visit from some family members I’ve never met before,” I said as I walked over to the other side of the shop while Polearm followed me. While we waited for Shining Armor and Twilight to bring their parents to the shop I decided to go through a few drills with Polearm to make sure he was keeping up with his training regiment. He was and I wasn't surprised at this at all. The pony prided himself on being a guard above all else, or at least he did before he met me. Now he took the utmost pride in being my friend and I wouldn’t want it any other way. We continued to run drills for around an hour when there was a knock at the door so I had Polearm get it while I put on my over shirt and gloves to conceal my arm.     Polearm came back with Twilight, Shining Armor, and two ponies I didn’t recognize. The first was an earth pony stallion ruffly around the same height as Shining and me. He had deep forest green eyes with a bluish foggy grey mane and beard. His skin tone was that of a very light tan leather. He was wearing heavy boots, dark blue jeans, and a black button-down long sleeve shirt. The other pony was as pegasus mare around Rarity’s size. Her mane was worn up in a bun and was a very deep purple that was could be mistaken as black in the wrong lighting while her eyes were a bright aquamarine color. She was wearing a lavender button-down blouse with a pink pearl necklace and a blue skirt that came down just past her kneecaps with a pair of tan strap heeled sandals. She had a light pink skin tone.     “Hey Ed we brought our parents by like you asked,” said Shining Armor as I looked on at the couple in confusion. This was definitely different from the show. “Let me introduce you. Mom and Dad this in my alchemy teacher slash uncle thought Shining, Edward Elric,” said Twi gesturing with her hand.     “Nice to meet you Mr.Elric, my name’s Mist Runner. I’m Twilight and Shining father,” said the stallion extending his hand. “Nice to finally meet you, my good sir,” I say taking his hand then we have a slight handshake. I then let go and looked over to his wife.     She noticed and immediately step next to her husband and introduced herself,  “Hello Mr.Elric, my name’s Twinkling Skies, and I’m Twilight and Shining’s mother,” said the mare. “Nice to meet you, madam. Sorry for the delayed and forced meeting and you don’t have to bother calling me Mr.Elric, Your Highness, or even Edward. We’re family so just call me Ed, and I don’t want to be rude, but-” I started to say.     “You want to know why two unicorns were born to a pegasus and an earth pony,” interrupted Mist Runner. “It’s quite alright Ed. We get asked that question a lot.”     “You see on both sides of our families we had unicorn grandmothers,” added Twinkling. “We think this has a great deal to do with this.” I looked to Twinkling and shook off my confusion enough to speak, “I’m meant no offense by it and I’m not one to judge either, as I’m married to Luna and I’m not even a pony myself.”     “It’s alright Ed, and we meant to come by and introduce ourselves at Shining and Cadance’s wedding, but you and your wife looked like you were having so much fun,” says Mist as he seemed to relax a bit more. “You have a good eye, my friend and I thank you for your courtesy. Now, I’m afraid I must cut this a bit shorter than I'd like but I’m on a bit of a time crunch right now, but you’d like to follow me on the way to the medical wing I’ll explain what’s going on and what I would like to do as a personal favor for me.” I say as I begin to gather the necessary material for Twi’s surgery later today. Natali’s Twilight POV I felt….weird. Like last night I couldn’t really feel all that much pain, but I knew it was still there. I mentally sigh at this feeling. I could only imagine how Natali and her sister would or have reacted if and when they see me. Even though she was unconscious, I should have thought about her perspective on this. I take a breath and notice several weights on my bed. Slowly opening my eyes, I let them adjust to the light within the room. The first thing to come to view for me was a small tuft of grey and blue fur. It took a second, but I saw the familiar Zorua on my chest, Selene sleeping rather peacefully. I smile and look to my left, seeing Topaz next to me and then to the foot of my bed where Chance in curled up by my hooves. I go to move when I feel a slight weight on my hand. Looking right, I see something that both warmed and broke my heart. Natali. She was kneeling on the ground, holding my hand in spite of her own injuries. I look to her face and see some dried tear stains and the sad frown on her sleeping face. “Nat?” I call quietly, managing to take my hand away and shake her slightly. I hear a yawn and see as Selene wakes up. “Twilight! Are you ok?!” The little fox asks in worry, jumping up to me. I giggle a little as her fur rubs against my snout. “Hey, Selene. I think I am ok.” I say with a reassuring smile, petting the little Pokémon’s head. “Now we just need to worry about Nat then.” I turn to Topaz as she slides off my bed. “What do you mean?” I ask with worry. Chance gets up and begins to nudge Natali. “She went a little nuts last night when she saw you like this. She actually ended up throwing Edward through a couple walls.” I look to my girlfriend in shock for her being able to do that. I knew she was stronger than most, but I doubt even Applejack could do that. I don’t get to question further as Nat begins to stir, a firm frown on her face until she sees me looking at her. “Twilight!” I brace myself as she all but lunges at me, only to feel a pair of almost hesitant arms wrap around me. “Nat?” I look to her in shock. She was crying. In all the time I have known her, I don’t think I have ever seen her cry before, not even when Rarity convinced us to read that sad romance novel together. “I-I’m sorry.” She says quietly, her head on my right shoulder. “For what? Nat this isn’t your fault.” I tell her, only for her to bury her head in my shoulder a little more. “I should have been faster. I should have protected you. You should have stayed home.” I frown and barely push her back, grabbing her face. “Listen to me, Nat. I knew the risks when I came with you. I remember what Lex and Adam told me about their Equestria’s, I knew that there was a danger of fighting and getting hurt, but I wasn’t about to let my first girlfriend go into a potentially dangerous situation alone.” I look her straight in the eyes and see even if I say this she still blames herself. I sigh and get a bit of a grip on her head. Before she can question, I pull her in and kiss her on her mouth. She freezes for a second before giving in. I break apart after who knows how long. “You don’t need to protect me all the time. I will get hurt, and so will you. But I know if we stay together we can help each other. So no beating yourself up while I am around, got it?” She looks to me with a sad smile. “I-I’ll try.” I see as her eyes shift a bit before another familiar voice rings out. “Besides, I will be here to make sure you two are ok too.” I smile at Sora before something pops in my head. “Wait, why are you taking control of your body Sora?” I see her brow going up, my guess from Nat. “Well, something is going a little screwy with our Astral form so I decided to put it on standby until Ed gets here.” I can see Nat take control and frown a little. I guess she blames both herself and Ed for this. I sigh and place my hand on her arm, Topaz holding the other and Selene jumping on her lap. “I know you are angry with Ed, but please just go through the tests. I heard about how Malice attacked you in the fight and I want to make sure you two are going to be ok.” Nat looks to me with a torn expression before sighing loudly. “Fine, but I don’t see the reasoning for it. So far I haven’t sensed anything different about me and Sora.” I go to talk again before I see the door begin to open and Ed walks in. “Good morning ladies. How are you feeling so far Twi?” Ed asked in concern as he pulled the chart from the base of the bed. “Nat. If you’re willing to put up with me then I’d like to so a few tests down at my workshop. It’ll only take around an hour and a half.” I see as Nat it trying, and failing, to come up with some excuse before sighing and nodding. She gets up and stretches before cringing and grabbing her shoulder. I look and see that her wound from before opened up again. To our shock, Nat begins to undo the bandages around in. “Nat, what are you doing?” I ask with worry. She finishes in getting the bandages un-tied, holding them in place before holding her hand out. I see as a Vector becomes visible before a familiar slime begins to drip out. The Virus. “What are you going to do with your Virus?” I question, wishing I had my notepad. Nat takes off the bandages, and before she can bleed much she begins to rub her virus on the wound. I look in shock as she actually stops bleeding and sees the wound closing faster than normal. “I learned during one of my examinations that my virus can work as a healing salve to myself and likely other Diclonius when made into its liquid form and applied to a wound.” She explains. “Interesting, it would seem that your virus acts in a similar way to stem cells,” Ed says while this is happening. “Still though, this is only a temporary fix for superficial wounds. I would like to use my alchehistry on you to see if you have any serious internal damage.” “I doubt it. This wound is more superficial than it seems. I say it would only take a day or two before it is healed completely. Plus my virus will only increase the speed in which it will heal. My stomach may be another story though.” I grab my stomach a bit as I feel it grumble from hunger along with Nat. “I understand, but it would give me peace of mind, and it looks like we need to get you two some food. We can stop by the kitchen on the way or I can pull something up with Arc if you want.” Ed said placing the chart back at the foot of my bed. “ And Nat there are a couple of ponies with me that would like to meet you. They’re already aware of what’s going on but you should try not to overreact when meeting them, okay. Twi your surgery for your attachment grafting is set for four-thirty to five and I’m going to warn your ahead of time you won’t be under for this but we will have a pain dampener spell on placed on. It’ll still hurt like all hell.” “Why won’t you be putting her under this time?” asked Sora. “Because the nerve endings need to be receptive in order to have the best installation for motor control.” explained the alchemist. “I get it. It similar to how you test to see if something still has feeling in your fingers by poking it slightly with a needle” interjected Nat suddenly. “Yes and no. You see like with any type of graft you have to have a fresh surface for anything to bond with which is why we usually have to remove scar tissue be for we can start to apply the grafts. This is why someone in Twi’s position has the best chances at recovering an moving through rehabilitation much quicker than someone who has had a limb missing for a few years. With automail, its similar to how the doctors on earth use computer chips for motorized limbs, but automail realize solely on hardwiring the prosthetic directly into your nervous system. It even allows the users to still feel pain in the false limbs if they're hit hard enough. Twi’s arm will be a lot more complex due to the detailed work I’ll be doing on it with magical weaving.” Ed continued to explain in a somewhat prod tone. “What are you saying Ed? That Twi’s new arm will function exactly like her old one did?” Nat says as she gets a spark in her eyes. “ Not exactly like her old one I’m afraid. She still won’t have too much feeling in it, but she will still have some feeling, at least much more than most. She’ll also be able to channel her magic through it like she does her horn. If this arm functions how it’s designed to Then I’ll be able to start laying the groundwork for crystal horns and crystalmail wings for the pegasus here.” continued Ed. “I really can’t thank you enough for all of the things you're doing for me Ed. It really means a lot too and I know it means a lot to Nat too. Now I think you three have spent enough time chatting here. Nat and Sora have some test that needs to be run,” I said softly. “You’re right Twi. I’m going to leave Polearm with you to keep an eye on you and to give you some company. And you three are staying here too,” Ed said looking to the pokemon. “But we want to go with Nat and Sora,” said Selene jumping on Nat’s shoulder. “I’m sorry but having more than one Displaced in a room with the tests I’ve got to run is problematic. I wouldn’t be able to get an accurate reading on Nat and Sora’s vitals, You three are attuned to her being from the same Equestria as he is. I’m won’t affect the tests as I’m attuned to this Equestria.” Ed says as he rubbed Selene head before she jumps back over to me. “You better not try anything funny on our trainers' buster or I’ll mega-evolve and kick your butt all the way to next week,” threatened Topaz. “Yea, that kind of goes double for me as I haven’t evolved, yet!” roared Chance. “You all have nothing to worry about these tests are only to confirm that Nat and Sora don’t need further medical care. There just to help give me peace of mind and then some for Twi and all of you. Now let’s get going Nat and Sora, need to get these done so you can get back down here as fast as possible before five.” Ed said turning back towards the door and walking out with Nat and Sora following him. Ed’s POV     After we left Twi’s room we headed for my shop, well the kitchen then my shop. We ran picked up Twi’s Parents a let ways down the hall from the room. It was really funny seeing Nat and Sora’s reaction when they introduced themselves to her. It was probably the same look I had on my face too. After a brief stay in the kitchen, we made it to the workshop. We bid Twilight’s parents farewell until this evening when they were scheduled to come and pick up Nat, Sora, and Twi after Twi’s surgery. Twilight stuck with me to help with Nat’s tests while Shining went off to perform his captain’s duties and rounds.     Now that everyone was satisfied I told Nat where she could change and apply some fresh bandages. Time Turner paid us no heed whatsoever and continued to work at his station. I had Twi stay in the shop with Nat while I went down the hall to Luna’s chamber. When I went in I was shocked to find her awake as it was still only twelve in the afternoon. She must not of been able to sleep very well form worrying about Twi.     “Hey Luna, you going to be alright?” I asked softly as i set on the edge o her bed. “I’m worried about the young sisters Ed. Their fight with Malice and outburst on you last night after seeing what happened to their Twilight. It seems as if to have undone something in their minds. Their bond with one another feels like it’s fading away somehow.” Luna says as she grabs her legs.     “I worried to Luna. After Sora’s flicker episode last night my concern shot through the roof. At first, I thought it might have something to do with my arm, but I don’t think so after talking with the two of them on the way to the shop. Neither of them made an attempt to use their astral forms at all. They simply switched their minds using Nat’s body.” I explained getting up from the bed then turning to face Luna who was looking at me with just as much worry.     “All we can do right now is these alchemagic tests and hope, we find nothing wrong and if there is something wrong we’ll do everything in our power to fix it. I’ll let you go back to sleep. Try to get some rest and I’ll see you later. Love you,” I say heading to the door. “Alright Ed, love you too and let me know if something happens with Nat and Sora,” Luna said as she laid back down.     I head back down to the shop and find Nat and Sora were laying on the bed ready to start. Twilight had put on n of the lab coats I keep for just such occasions. I honestly think it makes high feel more like a doctor or scientists, whichever she prefers. I walked over to Nat and Sora and started to explain what was going to happen.     “I’m sure you can put the electrodes on yourselves but if you want help just as Twi. Don’t bother to about the pony at the workbench, That’s Time Turner he runner my automail shop in Ponyville and he’s the only pony who has automail engineering skills that rival m own currently. He’s working on Twi’s arm. What we’re going to do here are the standard physical checks and a few mental scans. Mainly x-rays to see what’s going on internally. The mental test is mainly for Sora’s sake as she took the main brunt of Malice’s assault,” I explained before I walked off to set up the equipment only receiving a nod from the Diclonius. Natali POV Ed gave me the electrodes and I carefully put them on my head, my arms and a couple on my chest, right where I remember I had them put when I was with my psychiatrist back on earth. It was odd, but I had a weird feeling about this, probably because our Astral form isn’t working right. ‘Do you think it is because of Malice’s attack?’ I question as Ed begins going over some basic reflex tests. Turns out my reflexes are better than I thought possible for me. Though having Vectors that can move at supersonic speeds can do that. ‘Maybe. For all we know it could just be a side effect of being in another world.’ Sora responds, and I notice something odd. ‘Uh, Sora? Your voice is echoing.’ I let Sora take control and can tell our eyes widen. But what was odd is the ‘window’ that I look out from was slightly blurred on the sides. That can’t be good. We go through the basic tests Ed has set for us, finding nothing wrong physically aside from the obvious injuries. But when we went into the mental tests…. “Okay Nat I’m going to send a small alchemagic pulse through the electrodes to your mind alright,” Ed stated sending a small red pulse came down the wires. It reaches us, and I feel a small shock. Nothing happening to me in our mind for a bit, only for Sora to fall back and begin to yell in pain. “Sora!” I quickly take over to try and take the pain, only for her to stay in pain and nothing to happen to me. I quickly detach the electrodes and Sora pants in our head. “What the hell was that?!” “It’s exactly what Luna and I feared. Nat your bond with Sora is fading away. I think it has to do with the fact that my alchemagic is compatible with your Telepathy and Maguilty. It might have to do with the fact that our magic have the same origin source. I’m not sure what exactly is going on but I do know that Sora is in danger of fading away.” Ed said leaning on the machine in front of him. I just look down in shock before closing my eyes and entering our mind. Appearing in the void, I see Sora just sitting on her side clearly in shock like me. I quickly go over and force my way in. Sitting next to her, I bring her in for a side hug, feeling her shaking. For I think the fourth time in my life, I see Sora is scared. “Don’t worry Sora. We’ll figure this out.” She looks to me and buries her head into my shoulder, straight up crying. I can sense the tears falling out of my eyes as I hold my little sister. What happened next was actually really shocking. Sora began to shrink. “Sora can you hear me, you must not give into this despair. Look at your sister child,” said a voice in the dark. Luna appeared in a flash of sapphire magic. “Princess! Help!” I hold onto my sister tighter, Luna coming over and wrapping her wings around her.  I can feel whatever is causing Sora to shrink begin to slow to a stop. I pull back and look down at my little sister. Now it is literal. Sora looks like a kid! “She has regressed to her true self it would appear. Malice has done something truly horrible this time I’m afraid. Nat, you must hold on to Sora with everything you can muster right now or she will completely fade back into your mind and soul.” said Luna with worry. I look down to my terrified sister with a determined glare. “I swear on my life, my soul and virus I won’t let you go.” I tell her. Sora hugs me tightly with not just her arms, but her Vectors as I do the same, keeping her herself. I look to Luna and nod to her, Luna nodding back and disappearing in a flash. I look down at my sister again and begin to sing a little lullaby mom used to sing to us when we were kids. She smiles and lets herself relax in my arms. “Don’t worry sis. I promise I won’t let you go.” I lay a kiss on her head. She smiles up at me, reminding me of Nyu whenever she sees Kohta. It was not to last long, as I feel a sudden pain on my head and my eyes shoot open. I make sure to divide my attention into keeping Sora calm and herself. I look around in anger and see a certain alchemist going nuts. Ed’s POV     “DAMN IT ALL TO HELL! MALICE YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU USED THE SOUL CONSUMPTION TECHNIQUE ON SORA!” I yelled as I smashed my fist into the machinery in front of me. “RRAA!”     I started to throw anything that was in front of me. Once again my own action of asking for help had endangered another life. Malice had tried to devour Sora and Nat’s souls while they were connected to us through the link.     “Ed you need to calm yourself down,” said Luna as she flew to avoid getting hit by stray objects. “Edward please we’ll find a way to help Nat and Sora,” said Twi who was hiding on the other side of Nat’s bed.     “FUCKING DEMON!” I yelled as I now grabbed on to a heavy piece of equipment easily lifting it over my head. I then tossed it through several walls.     After this I was pinned to the wall, flailing like crazy. I look over myself, expecting a magic aura, but I don’t see anything. I look forward and see Natali a foot away from me with a glare that sent shivers down my spine. “Calm. Down. Now.” I gulped at her tone and I figure out I am being pinned by a Vector. One wrong move and I could be in serious trouble. I look to Nat again and see her sweating and gritting her teeth. “I’m calm down enough to think straight again Nat. You can put me down now,” I says trying to keep my cool. I could tell she was much worse off than me because she was only holding me back with one Vector. She put me down on the floor and fell back on the bed. Twi quickly came to her side and wiped her face with a dry cloth. I turned to Luna and ask her to explain what she saw in Nat and Sora mindscape. “Like I was saying Sora’s form has reverted to that of a seven-year-old child. Malice has eaten most of what made Sora herself. I can only determine that the young girl I saw inside Nat’s mind are her innermost thoughts. Memories, and feelings she holds dearest to her heart and soul,” explained Luna looking to Nat and Sora. “Are you going to be okay Nat?” asked Twi. “F-for now. I need to keep Sora calm or she’ll just go back into my soul. Easier said than done, but I won’t let my little sister vanish because of a stupid philosopher's stone manifestation.” She says with some effort, trying to keep her own composure. I can only imagine, she almost lost Twilight and now could lose Sora. I started to think of a possible solution. That’s when it hit me. In FMA Edward sacrifice his arm to bond Al’s soul to armor. I didn’t want to try anything risky right away though but with the right preparations in place I could perform something along the same lines but permanent. ‘Temporary’ was the key word in this sense right now and I needed it ‘now’. “That’s it!” I shouted running over to a bookshelf in the far corner of the shop. I tore through book after book pulling them all off the shelves while quickly flipping through them one after another. “Edward what are you doing?!” asked Twi still tending to Nat as she looked to Luna who didn’t have a clue either. “HERE IT IS!” I exclaimed in joy as I reached into the book I was holding pulling out a shining golden stone that lit up the whole shop. I quickly dash to the nearest table and grab some gold chain. I clap my hands and in a flash of reddish-orange light the stone and chain a now a glowing pendant. I dash over to Nat. “Here Nat, put this on quickly it can save Sora. At least long enough to where I can come up with a more permanent solution.” Nat doesn’t even hesitant and swipes the pendant from my hand and puts it around her neck. The stone begins to glow for a couple seconds before the light dims down and Nat opens her eyes again after a minute, panting a bit. “Well, good news, sorta. It worked, Sora is stabilized. Only she is still a kid and she can’t take over now.” She says, lying back down again and wiping her brow with the cloth. All of us sigh in relief, even if temporary. “Good but like I said it’s only a temporary fix. Now you can not and I mean absolutely can not take the pendant off. Not even for a second. It is the only thing that will keep Sora stable.” I say in relief.  “Edward, was that some new type of Philosopher’s Stone?” asked Twi with Nat wincing at this thought. “No Twi, this is a Sage’s Stone. Think of it as the Equestrian equivalent of a Philosopher Stone, but instead of being made of souls its made of pure magic,” I explained as I sat on the floor to catch my breath. “Ed you give it to Nat didn’t you?” asked Luna. “Yes Luna I did, because there was no other way to save Sora and I’ll make another if I have to,” I said pulling myself up. Nat looks at the pendant around her neck and holds onto it with a nod. “You said this was a temporary solution. Well, then I need to figure out a permanent one.” Nat said, getting up from her spot. “ I believe I may have one but it’s still only a theory at this point. I’ll tell you later though, for now, you need to go be with Twilight before her surgery okay” I say to the lonely looking girl in front of me. In all of two days, I’d managed to cause her so much pain. I couldn’t help but start wanting to beg her for forgiveness but I couldn’t. Not right now at least. “Now go on. She needs you, and bring her some lunch while you’re at it, okay”  I say point toward the door. Nat nods and goes to the door, but stops. Before we can ask, she rushes over and hugs me tight. “Thank you. For helping us.” With that said, she all but teleported out the door and towards the medical wing. “Okay I wasn’t expecting that,” said Time Turner as he comes out of the corner of wherever it was he was hiding. “Anyways, I finished up the amethyst as promised, but I’ll stick around until after the surgery just in case I’m needed. If any pony wants me, I’ll be at the local Joe’s Donut shop. Good day to you all.” With Time saying his goodbyes I looked over to his bench and sitting on was an array of deep translucent automail parts. “He did what he said he’d do. Now I have to do what I said I’d do.” I say walking over to the table place my hands on as I stare at the pieces before me. “Not before you come with me for a while you need to rest and relax after your little outburst,” Luna said pointing at the gaping holes I made. “If I’m not needed I’ll be in the library for the remainder of the day,” said Twi as she nudged open door and went on her way. I fixed the holes in the walls and followed Luna to her room and that’s where I stayed for the remainder of the day. In her arms I slept so soundly, it reminded me of when we would stay out and watch her stars back when we lived in the Everfree Forest. Four thirty P.M. the OR of the Medical Wing “Alright Twi, are you ready to get started on the next step to getting your new arm?” I asked the nervous unicorn. “Would you like to have Nat with you this time around?”     “Am I allowed to have them in while the surgery is going on?” She managed to squeak out. “I let ponies sit in on their loved ones all the time, but it’s up to you. I know it would make her feel at ease at least. Especially, after what we found out in the workshop during her test.” I said, scratching the back of my head.     “If it’s okay with you then I’d like her to come in with me.” lamented Twi. “ Certainly Twi. While I go get Nat, Cross Stitch is going to apply the pain dampening spell. It won’t stop the pain but it will lessen it to where you won’t pass out from the pain.” I explain as I’m heading to the door to get Nat. “Is it really that bad?”     “You know that I’m as Displaced so my arm was changed as I came here, so I don’t know how painful it is personal as I’ve never had the surgery performed on me before. But, whenever I have to change my arm or leg it hurts like all hell just broke out.” I said before stepping out. “Hey Nat, she wants to come and sit with her during the surgery.”     Nat nods and gets up from her seat, her pokemon looking at me with ranging expressions of anger. I can see that Chance is actually sparking his electricity before Nat turns to them with a glare, the trio looking elsewhere immediately.     “I swear, you three have bigger protective instincts than I do.” I hear her mumble to herself before she walks past me into the room. I grab her arm real quick and whisper to her, “Twi is going to be an unbearable amount of pain Nat. Whatever you hear you must stay strong and you can not let her see you cry from her state of being. I know this is a lot to ask of you but it for the one you love and for your future with her. Always keep that ingrain in your heart, okay.”     “You could have just said I need to be strong for her. I had to be there when Adam’s sister went through a different operation. But, I know what you said is right. I know that I need to take it for her, and I intend to.” She says determinedly. I nod and we both head back in. “You're a lot stronger than you know Nat.”     “Alright Twi, I’m going to do a couple of poke test to see if you can feel them to see if the spells have taken effect, then we’ll begin,” I say as poke a couple of times around her wound all the while she doesn’t even know I’d started. “Okay, we’re good to go on your end Twi. All you have to do now is squeeze Nat hand and bear with the rest. Nat do you want earplugs?”     “No thanks. I can just use my Vectors if needed.” She says almost nonchalantly. Even though she is doing what I said about being strong, I can tell she is internally freaking out. “Then let’s get started,” I say pulling up my face mask. Two hours into the Surgery     “AHHHHHH!” screamed Twi as I attached the nerve clusters to the grafts. “You’re doing great Twilight just bear with,” I said as Cross Stitch wiped my face from the sweat. “YOUR WEREN’T LYING WHEN OUT THIS HURTS LIKE ALL HELL!” she yelled out squeezing Nat hand.     “You alright there Nat?” I asked trying to keep focused on the grafting while Twi was thrashing her legs. Nat quickly holds her down with her Vectors while I see her biting down on another Vector, Twilight having a death grip on her hand. “As good as I can be right now!” She yells through Telepathy. “Hang in there, we’re nearing the halfway point but it’s about to get a thousand times worse. This is where we have to start the bone grafts. Sorry Twi, call me a bucking bastard and to go to Tartarus all you want. I’ll even let you sock me with your new arm when you have your strength back and that’s a promise,” I say as I put my full attention on the grafting.     Nat gets a determined expression and squeezes Twilights hand. Twi looks at her with tears but nods as well, taking a deep breath. I hated causing any type of pain to any living being, especially ponies, but if I didn’t do this Twi wouldn’t even be able to hold a simple cup of coffee. I dove into the bone apply the next graft. The duo both gulp and get ready for more pain.     “RRAHH! YAAHAH!” screamed the unicorn. “You bucking mother bucking son of a bitch!” I did tell her to curse me out. “Just a few more bone graft Twi. This pain will all be worth it in the end. If you don’t want to trust me then trust Nat,” I say trying to reassure her as best I can. Four hours after the Surgery begins Nat’s POV     I can safely say this isn’t a position I ever thought I would be in. Ed finally finished the surgery on Twilight and for the most part, she is just tired from the adrenaline and screaming. Me on the other hand….I am left with a left hand that was worse than most would think. After Twi was finished with, I asked Dr.Cross to do a quick X-ray on my hand. Turns out adrenaline can make even the physically weakest pony species do the impossible.     So here I am, using a couple of my Vectors to literally reset some of the bones in my hand as well as reset my thumb and index finger after being busted by Twi’s grip alone. Now, maybe it was my own adrenaline or just a Diclonius naturally high pain tolerance, but I just needed to bite down on my Vector to stop myself from screaming and then after I set the bones I applied my Virus on them. Of course I had a cast put on, but otherwise, I was not all that worse for wear.     “I….still can’t….believe I was able to….break your hand.” Twi manages to say between pants. Honestly, if I wasn’t the ‘victim’ I wouldn’t believe it either. “Yeah, well that makes three of us,” I state as Dr.Cross finishes with my cast. I grab the glass of water next to Twi with a Vector and raise it to her lips, Twi drinking as fast as I allow her to. The last thing I want is for her to choke on water after this.     “The worst parts are over you three and by this time tomorrow, you’ll have your new arm in place Twi. With everything in place, you’ll be able to do basic movements with it too, but you're not allowed to lift on anything at all.” Ed stress as he stood up from his stool.     “Well, I guess it is a good thing I have a girlfriend with an unknown amount of invisible arms huh?” She says with a grin. Despite the fact I have admitted it, I can’t help but blush whenever she calls me her girlfriend. I hear scratching at the door and look to Ed who shrugs and nods. I use a Vector and open the door, letting my pokemon and this worlds Twilight in.     “Hey, guys,” I say with a smile and make the mistake of waving my broken hand. The four look to my hand in shock before my pokemon look to Ed and Twilight looks to my Twi. “Don’t look at me you three. I might not be your favorite Displaced right now but I didn’t touch Nat’s hand. It was actually Twilight during the grafting. Shocked the hell out of me that a unicorn could break a Diclonius hand,” Ed said putting his hands up. The group looks to Twi, my pokemon in shock, and the other Twilight with intrigue. Twi just blushes with a sheepish expression.     “Um….adrenaline is a great power potion?” She says, to which me and Ed laugh at her description. “Well, do you think you two can walk? My parents want to meet you two. They are all sorts of confused yet excited at the prospect of meeting another version of me.” Ed’s Twilight says. I nod and grab my purse from the side table before going over and helping my Twi to her hooves. She stumbles a bit, probably from not walking for a day and a half, but she gets her balance as we make our way to the door. Shining’s POV Mom, dad, and I were all waiting to see how the other Twily was handling herself. Mom was a bit more excited than Dad was at meeting another version of their daughter. Dad was just worried sick at the aspect that Twily got hurt, even if she was from an alternate reality. The doors to the operating room opened up as Nat and both Twilights stepped forward.     “Mom, Dad, you remember Nat from this morning and this is the Twilight from her Equestria and she’s also Nat’s marefriend,” said Twily as she gestured to the couple supporting each other behind her. “Oh, it’s so nice to finally meet you, uh what do we call her when our Twilight is around?” asked Twinkling.     Nat and Twilight look to one another, seeming to talk with just their eyes before they look back at us. “Dusk.” They say in unison. “It is another word for Twilight, so it will work whenever your daughter is around,” Nat explains. “Plus this way there is no way to mix us up as opposed to if we decided to call me just Twi or something.” Twilight, or Dusk I guess, says a second after.     “If I may make a suggestion,” said Ed now coming out of the OR. “While you're here why don’t you take up the name of your crytalmail model as well. I was going to call it, shine, in ways. So you could call yourself Dusk Shine.”     “I agree there Edward, Dusk Shine sounds like a fine name for our second daughter,” commented Mist Runner. Dad had always wanted Twily to have a sister. “It’s entirely up to you Dusk, of course.” Dusk seems to ponder for a second before smiling. “It would be a good alias if I ever go with Nat to another world aside from this one. Dusk Shine, it is, for here at least.”     “Sir Edward, I have the items you requested me to get from your shop for our guests,” said a guard from behind me. Ed gave him the okay to hand them off to me. “What is this Ed? He said it was for Nat and Dusk.” I said tilting my head. “These, Shining, are a few things that Nat and Dusk will find very useful over the next few weeks during their stay here while Dusk is going through rehabilitation,” Ed said as he took the first item, holding it up for everypony to see.     It was a black coat similar to the one the Ed wore himself. The coat shimmered with different shades of purple sparkles when it moved in any way. “This is a special amethyst infused coat for Dusk,” Ed said placing the coat around Dusk. “And your mark is on the back of it too. It's practically indestructible, and these are a set of Alchemist watches for the two of you to stay in touch with me or one another. Not that you’ll be too far apart from each other right now.”     Ed hands the couple each a shiny lavender pocket watch with what looked like Twily and Dusk’s mark on the front of it, but they also had what appeared to be Nat’s horns on them. The duo looks them over before opening them up, Nat seeming to focus for a second before I see the clock on Dusk’s change to some kind of screen showing Nat’s side.     “Huh, I wonder if I could connect this with Lex and Adam’s versions of your tokens Ed,” Nat says aloud before putting her new watch in her purse. “Normally you could Nat but these won’t have that function until you return to your Equestria. I don’t understand it myself but I can always lone you the main watch I have back in the shop if you want to talk with them while your here.” Ed explained as he went past us to meet up with Princess Luna, they then walked off together. “Well enough stand around. Let’s get you to the house. I bet your both exhausted and would like a hot bath and a good meal,” said mom. “I agree, honey. Come on lovebirds lets show you to your rooms back at the house.” said dad as he took the lead. “As much as I want to join you guys I’ll be headed to meet Cadance for supper. Have a good night sleep Dusk and Nat.” I said as I bid my family farewell. We all called it a night and went our separate ways. > Chapter 21: Decision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Shine POV     I woke up from the guest room with a loud yawn. I guess sleeping in a medical bed for a couple days can make any proper bed extremely comfortable. After we got to Mist and Twinkling’s house, the duo made Twilight, Nat and I a really great salad dinner and they even managed to make a good fruit salad for the pokemon with the berries Nat brought. Unfortunately, we only have a couple of them left so they will have to make due until we can get home.     Nat also told me that after her checkup with Ed she figured out how to send a letter to our world by focusing on her magic. I just hope Spike got it and that he won’t freak out about that we got hurt. I can only imagine how my Shiny and the princesses are reacting.     I finish my reminiscing as I make it to the washroom with my new clothes, courtesy of Rarity of course. I am really glad me and Twilight had the same measurements too, Rarity dropped off some new clothes for me before anyone even woke up. Now we just need to pop by later to get Nat’s measurements.     I managed to finish my shower without too much trouble, having to rely on my magic only and made my way down to the kitchen. I saw Mist at the stove making some breakfast while Nat was at the table with her pokemon. I didn’t see Twilight or Shiny anywhere, but I heard the shower again so I guess one of them is in the shower now.     “Morning Mist, Nat.” The others turn to me with a smile. “Morning Dusk.”     “Dusk! How are you feeling?” Selene asks, jumping up to my shoulder. “Better. I guess sleeping in a proper bed can do wonders.” I say with a smile, petting the little Pokémon’s head. “You said it. Considering my less than great sleeping positions the last couple days, sleeping in a proper bed felt great.” Nat says, grabbing a cup of some hot drink and handing it to me. It was white and I saw it had some kind of a bag of tea in it. I raise a brow but take a sip. It tastes really good, kinda like cinnamon and warm milk. I look to her questioning.     “White hot chocolate and chai tea. It is a combo my mom thought of when she was a kid, and I have all but lived on that stuff. My mom said that the tea itself is good for recovering from sickness or injuries, while the hot chocolate can mask its almost overpowering taste and smell.” She says, taking a seat at the table with her own cup. I guess her mother is a creative lady. I would have never thought of combining something like this.     Before long the others all make their way down to the table just as Mist was finishing making some waffles. Eating was a little embarrassing for me since I had to have Nat cut up my food for me before I could eat. Aside from that, the mood was generally pretty relaxed. Though I could tell Nat had something on her mind. Probably trying to think of a way to keep Sora around. I can’t even imagine how I would be reacting if my brother was put in a dangerous situation like that.     Once we finished our food, Nat offered to do the dishes while I relaxed on the couch and told the others about my family. I guess it was a good thing Nat brought our Hearths Warming photo. The others were surprised when they saw my world's version of my parents as well as Adam, Lex, and Penny. Luckily Shining remembered Penny and Adam and Twilight remembered Lex so I didn’t need to explain who they were. This was nice, being able to relax after all the Discord damn craziness over the last three days.     Nat was just coming out of the kitchen after finishing the dishes when there was a knock at the door. We all look to it and Nat goes over and opens it up, revealing Ed with something slung around his shoulder.     “Good morning Sparkle Family, Nat, Dusk, Sora, and Pokemon. I hope you all are doing well the morning,”  said Ed as he came in the house. “Sorry for the intrusion so early in the morning but I wanted to get this to Dusk as soon as possible,” he said placing a case on the table. “Before I give it to you though, how are your grafts hold Dusk?”     “They feel fine from what I can tell. It was definitely awkward when I was taking a shower, but otherwise, they feel fine.” I say, sitting in front of Ed. “Well, this will remedy that in a couple of days as long you stick to your rehab you’ll be able to do basic motor functions by yourself by tomorrow evening at the latest. Nat, I’m counting on you to keep her on her regiment. Now, time for the reveal.” Ed said as he clicked on the latches on the case, opening to reveal a dark translucent purple crystal arm.     All of us just look at the crystal limb in awe at the design. It was barely a shade darker than my fur, almost unnoticeable if you didn’t look close enough. I look to Nat who looks like she may be broken. I wave my hand in front of her face, Nat shaking her head after a second.     “Holy crap. This looks incredible.” She says in awe. The others nod with her and Ed picks it up and seems to offer it to me. I nod and take off my shirt, letting him come to my left side. “Not going to sugar coat this Dusk whenever you or Nat does maintenance, take it off or it’ll hurt like all hell. There are three switches to flip in order to take it on and off. One on top, one in front here. And one in the back here See it, Nat,” Ed explained.     Nat nods as he shows us the switches and gently picks it up. I try and sit still with Twilight staying close as Nat lines the arm up with my grafts. “Ready?” Nat asks. I nod back to her and take a deep breath. “Yeah.”     Nat connects the arm to the graft and holds each switch with a Vector. “Ok. One….two….three!” She flips all the switches and I can’t stop myself from screaming as I feel the nerves connect to it. I try and bare through it before the pain slowly dies down. “Try and move your fingers Dusk. I want to see exactly how much movement you’re capable of if you don’t mind,” Ed said eagerly. I nod after catching my breath and focus on my new arm. I try to remember the feeling of it and I go wide-eyed as I see my index and middle finger twitching before I close my hand. I slowly close and open my crystal hand a couple of times before looking to Nat and Ed with a smile. “Excellent, Basic motor control no problems. As for your rehab just try picking small objects of various size and weight and slowly work your way up. Nat, how is sora doing?” Ed asked with a deep concern. Nat closes her eyes for a minute before sighing. “She is fine so far. Even with the pendant, I have been having her live through some of our favorite memories to keep her calm and happy. You still haven’t told us your idea yet Ed. Even if it is a theoretical solution, something is better than nothing.” She says, a stern expression on her face. “It’s still a theory, but it’s a more advanced form of alchemy or alchemagic from all of the steps involved. I only want you to know, Nat, it will be incredibly dangerous,” said Ed as he sat down across at the table across from Nat. “Would you like to hear it now?” Nat seems to talk with Sora before nodding with a determined expression. “Okay, I’m sure you’re both familiar with the Soul Bonding of the or FMA, or are you not?” asked the alchemist in a serious tone looking at Nat. “I want to perform a higher grade of this that I’m calling Soul Transmutation. Basically, I want to separate Sora soul from your body, Nat, and place it in a live body that we’ll create from your DNA. But I’ll only do this if you want to and if I have permission from Adam and Lex.” I look to Twilight and see her in shock. Nat looked equally shocked, but I can see the contemplative look in her eyes as well. I was kinda lost here since I don’t really know much about alchemy, so I was worried about what Ed was suggesting, just from the name. I place a hand on Nat’s shoulder and see her looking very contemplative about this option. “I-I can’t decide. I’ll need to talk to Adam, Lex, and Sora about this before anything. This is a family matter, not a me and Sora matter.” Nat says after a bit. “That’s why I told you I wouldn’t do it without their consent,” Ed says pulling a watch from his inner pocket and sliding over to Nat. “This is a functioning alchemist token that will allow you to contact Adam and Lex. They know what’s going on already as I informed them last night. Just know to take as much time as you need. That pendant is The Soul Stone. It is made solely from soul magic and as long as you don’t tap into it Sora will have a steady flow of that magic to maintain her form.” Nat nods and grabs the token before going to the door. “I’ll be back later. Hopefully, with a decision.” She then left the door and vanished with her wind. I sigh and look at the photo I had with me. I see how happy Sora looks in her astral form in it, and I can’t help but worry. Nat POV I am not sure why I left like that, but I knew I needed some privacy for this one. What Ed was suggesting could work, but if it was anything like from FMA, the danger was extreme. In the show, the original Ed sacrificed his arm to connect Al’s souls to the armor. What Ed was suggesting was more advanced, and he said it would be permanent, unlike Alphonse. I am not sure what could happen to Sora if she is separated from me for even a second, so there was that. Unless Ed had a surefire way to keep Sora stable outside my body, then it wouldn’t work. I go through practically every bad scenario in my head, so I didn’t even notice as I appeared on top of the tallest building in the city, just above the royal palace. I sigh and look at the watch Ed gave me before opening it up. “Call, Lex, and Adam,” I say and the clock begins to spin before turning into a split screen. After a few second the right screen changes from static to the insides of a house. After a second a familiar face with silver eyes moves into the frame. “Hey Nat.” Adam says, sitting on a couch. “Hey, Adam,” I say sitting on the edge of the roof. After a second the other half changes as well, showing what looks like an office. After a second Lex’s head comes into frame. “Oh, hey guys.” She says, sitting at her desk. There was a bit of awkward silence for a bit before I sigh. “So, Ed gave you two the rundown on what happened right?” I ask the duo nodding. “Yeah. I may have or not have turned a wall in the training hall into a pile of rubble when I heard what happened.” Lex says, laying back in her seat. “Yeah, I ended up finding a couple Grimm and turned them into mincemeat with my magic,” Adam says with a sigh. “So, did Ed tell you what his plan was?” The duo looks to me with raised brows and shake their heads. I sigh and quickly go over what Ed’s plan was. The duo seemed to be thinking of it as much as I was earlier. “Well, like Ed said it could work. But with all the variables in place, it would be more dangerous than trying to fight a pack of Beowolves with just your bare hands.” Adam says, rubbing his eyes. “Adam’s right. Ed said that he was planning to make a living body for her to inhabit, but that won’t be easy, even for someone like Edward. You would need all the proper components and an area in which the transmutation could take place without a problem.” Lex points in. “Plus there is the possibility of Sora’s soul not bonding properly,” I say quietly, checking on my sister to see her just sitting under a tree in the park I used to play in when I was a kid. “Well, maybe we could use more than alchemy.” I look to Lex as she says this, Adam looking curious as well. “I mean, using alchemagic would work on its own, but there are a ton of potential problems with that, like maintaining Sora’s stability after she leaves your body.” “So, what do you have in mind Lex?” Adam questions. “Well, Ed may be able to make a body for Lex with Alchemy or his Arc but controlling souls is always difficult. Unless you know how to control them in the first place.” I look to her with a raised brow when I see Adam’s eyes widen. “Seith magic?” Adam questions and I see where she is going with this. “Yeah. I could use my Seith magic to keep her soul stable as Ed uses alchemy to make her body, then we could use alchemy to bond her soul with it.” Yeah, that could work! I close my eyes and enter our mind, seeing Sora still just relaxing against the tree. “Sora.” She turns to me with a relaxed smile. “Hey, sis.” I smile and sit next to her, finding a little funny now that I am taller than her in our mind. Or, I guess it is just my mind. “So, what were you and the others talking about?” She questions. I sigh and place a hand on her head, letting the memories of what I was talking to Ed, Lex, and Adam about to flow into her mind. Her eyes widen and I shift the area so we are sitting on the edge of a lake like the one back in Ponyville. “Y-you really think they can do it? I can get my own body?” She questions in shock, looking at the water and not actually seeing her reflection. I sit next to her, my own reflection missing. “It is possible, but I don’t want to decide anything without you. It is your life on the line, and I don’t want to lose you.” She looks to me, then to the water again. I can tell her thoughts are almost tempest-like as she tries to wrap her mind around the possibility. “I-I want to be my own person, but I don’t want to be separated from you. I….I want to try. But if it does work, promise me something.” I look to her and nod. “Promise me….you won’t leave me.” I look at her in shock, before smiling softly and holding her close. “Why would I ever leave my favorite sister?” I say with a little laugh, laying a kiss on her head. She looks up to me with a little pout. “Promise me.” I laugh again and hold her closer. “I promise Sorano. I won't ever leave you, even if we don’t share a body anymore.” She smiles to me and I let her go standing back up. “I have to head back now, I’ll see you soon sis.” I say before bringing my mind back to control my body. I look at the watch and see Adam and Lex looking at me expectantly. “Well? What’s the verdict?” Adam asks. I smile and laugh a little. “Let’s do it. I am going to talk to Edward about going through with this, and he can stay in contact with you two to talk about how we are going to go through with this.” The others smile at this. “Alright, have him contact me later and I can tell him about each our parts. Later sis!” With that Adam closes his side and me and Lex nod to one another, closing our watches. “Alright, I better get back. Hopefully Dusk and Ed are still at the house.” I use my wind and quickly fly over the cloud layer and towards the house. After a couple minutes I fly up to the door, knocking. It opens after a second, Topaz looking up at me. “Oh hey Topaz. Where are Dusk and Ed?” I ask, my other pokemon coming over. “Oh, Ed and Dusk went back to the castle to do a couple more tests on the new arm in the lab.” I sigh loudly as I just came from the castle. “Well, I need to talk to them. Wanna come along?” The trio smile and nod so I quickly return them to their pokeballs and activate my magic again. Hopefully those two are not doing something too stressful. Ed’s POV     We went to the castle to do a few more tests as I wanted to see if Dusk’s magical pathways through her arm had bonded with her body. Twi came with us as she was curious to see if a magic variant of automail was actually possible. I wasn’t worried about Dusk regaining motor control at all, but if the magic weaving didn’t set then it would all be for not.     “Okay Dusk we won’t be going to my workshop this time around but my lab instead. It’s where I do most of my experiments with magic and other new forms of alchemy. This is where I want you to come in the morning after your physical therapy with Nat, alright,” I said as we walked through the halls of the castle. “Polearm can meet you if you want. He and Twi seem to have been spending a lot of time together lately.” Twi immediately turned bright red at the mention of Polearm. I know there was something between my students. How could there not be after three months of training together? I thought on this as we walked the the halls to reach my lab. It was in the lower levels of the castle, unlike the workshop. My workshop was mainly for the mechanical part of my work which was why it was above ground, but the lab was underground due to how dangerous some of the experiments were. This was also why only certain ponies could unlock this room. We reach the doors to the lab not too long after we got into the castle. The doors were large silver doors adorned with red decorative swirls and designs. I'd never brought Twi down here either as I had never had time. The girls only looked on in a deadpan expression on their faces. “This ladies is my lab,” I said placing my hand on the doors, a red surge of electricity shot up the doors as they began to open. “Okay, Twi, you help Dusk with getting hookup to the Magic reader over there and I’ll be in there back for a bit to get a few objects she can try to use her magic on. POLEARM!” “Yes sir,” said my assistant from the floor. “Get up, how many times are you going to fall asleep when you’re experimenting?” I asked shaking my head as he stumbles up. “Sorry, sir. Lost track of time again. How can I help you?” he asked. “Go down and wait for Nat and Sora at the maingate and bring them in here when they arrive. But first. Go take a shower in the barracks. You smell as if a Tatzlwurm ate you and spit you out.” “Yes, sir,” said the disgruntled guard in shame. “ Morning ladies. I’ll be on my way now sir.” I look at him with my arms as he heads out the doors another flash of red sealing the doors shut again. I looked back to the two unicorns now finish with their set up and I head to the back to finish my own task. I return with a few balls and various toys. “Okay, Dusk I just want you to try and levitated these and don’t worry if you can’t just take it at your own pace,” I say going over to the magic reader. “Twi, you keep an eye on her and try to keep stable if she starts to wobble okay.” Same Time Polearm POV     I went through the castle to get to the barracks. Everypony around gave a wide spread of space. I can only think that I really did smell as if I'd been eaten and vomited back up. I guess the fact that I stayed in the lab last night was a good thing. I was pulled from my train of thought when I saw Ms.Nat and Ms.Sora walking into the courtyard.     “Ms.Nat, Ms. Sora, over here!” I shouted at the duo as I waved my arms.     “You know you can just call us Nat and Sora Polearm, no need for the miss thing.” Nat says, before sniffing and covering her nose. “The hell?! Dude what happened to you!?”     “Sorry, but it’s the guard training for the first thing and the smell is from me experimenting with various materials during my alchemy training last night down in the lab,” I say, scratching the back of my head as I back away a bit. “If you wouldn’t mind the wait. I was on my way to shower in the barracks. Sir Ed asked me to bring you two to his lab.”     “In that case we can wait a bit. I needed to talk to Ed anyways. I can just practice my magic in the meantime.” After she says that Nat heads over to the range we have for the archers.     I headed into the barracks and straight into the showers. Safe to say whoever was in there wasn’t after I entered. I really had no idea I smelled that bad. After twenty minutes of ten scrub downs, I managed to stop the green and orange mist from coming off me. I got my armor on and headed to the archery range to fetch Nat and Sora. When I got there, gods, was I shocked. Every target either had a big hole in the center or a sword in it.     “I can see why you were able to give my teacher such a hard time in your fight, Nat,” I said as I walked up behind the Displaced. “I wish I could face you in a purely physical fight, even if you would still kick my flank to next Thursday.”     “Eh, maybe, but I can tell you are far stronger than pretty much anyone in the guard back home aside from my worlds Shining. And maybe Scarlet but whatever. So, where is Ed’s lab, I can’t find anypony who knows where it is.” Nat says.     “That’s the point, Nat. No other pony except for myself, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia know where it is. Besides Sir Ed, we three are the only ponies the can get in and Twilight can to but she’d never been there till today,” I explained to the sisters. “Follow me if you please. There are a few things I would like to talk with you about along the way but it won't take too long to get to the underground parts of the castle.”     The three of us walk for about two minutes in silence before Nat speaks up. “So, what was it you wanted to talk to us about Polearm?”     “Well, I wanted to get your advice on, personal feelings. See I spent a lot of time with our Twilight during training under Sir Ed while he was teaching us both alchemy and how to fight. I soon found myself drawn to her, and it’s become very hard to talk with her when we're alone,” I say as I feel my face start to heat up.     “Ooohhhh….well this is going to be awkward, considering we both like our versions of the same pony. But is it helps, I was going through the same thing just before Hearths warming. I can tell you are a soldier first so at the very least you would be able to protect her. Hmm, how are you in terms of science and magic?”     “As you can tell I'm an earth pony so I can’t use spells, but Sir Ed taught me how to enhance my body through the magical strengthen technique he uses on himself. As far as science goes, I can understand it and use it for alchemy but beyond that, I’m hopeless,”  I say lowering my head in shame as we turn a corner to the stair well that leads to the lower levels.     “Well, if Twilight here is anything like Dusk, then take it slow. She probably has never been in a relationship before so her only real ‘experience’ would be from asking how Shining and Cadence are doing. Also, try to understand her studies. Just because you are an earth pony doesn’t mean you can’t use your species natural magic in new ways. Maybe you and Twilight can develop Earth pony exclusive spells through your connection with the earth and plant life.”     “I never thought about that Nat, thank you for the advice and suggestions. This is your destination,” I say as we arrive at the entrance to the lab. I place my hand on the door as a blue pulse of lightning through the door to unseal it. “ Just go right on in Nat, Sir Ed is already expecting you. I have guard duties to see to for the next few hours. If I’m lucky maybe I’ll see you guys later,” I say as I send her in, I then reseal the door and head to my post. Dusk’s POV     So far things have been going well with practicing my magic with my arm instead of my horn. It was rather difficult for me to focus and not use my horn, but I managed to do it after about an hour worth of practice. Twilight was helping me focus my magic through my arm by using her own magic to block my horn.     “Do you still need the seal on your horn Dusk, or do you want me to drop the spell?” asked Twi. “I think I got it. Definitely took longer than I thought it would to focus through my arm though.” I say as she nods and releases her spell. I look towards one of the blocks nearby and raise my arm, focusing my magic to go through the arm instead of my horn. After a second my new hand begins to glow as well as the block and it begins to levitate off the counter. I carefully move it and place the block into the correct hole so it falls through no problem after I release the magic.     “Excellent Dusk, your magic is flowing into your arm with no signs of rejection. How does it feel?” asked Ed with a smile while he was looking at the readings from the machine. “A little odd I’ll admit, but it actually feels a little bit like when I was first got my Solid Script and Teleportation magic. A weird, warm sensations flowing through my arm as I cast the spells.”  I describe.     “That’s normal. Do you think you want to try a Solid Script spell or call it quits for today?” Ed asks going over a list on a table in front of him. I think for a second before looking to one of the empty tables and focusing on my newer magic. Ed looks at the monitors while Twilight looks at me carefully. “Solid Script Iron!” The word appears after a second and turns into iron, falling onto the table with a loud clang. I could just tell that it was heavier than before so I guess I was able to put more magic into it than before, making stronger. “That’s so cool Dusk, but why don’t you try and use one of your dark magics?” asked Twi as her eyes were the size of dinner plates. I look to her in shocked confusion. “What are you talking about? I don’t have dark magic. Pretty much every type of dark magic is banned and hidden back home.” I say. Twilight seems more shocked and lights her horn again. I raise a brow and turn to Edward, the alchemist just as confused as me. “That’s strange I know I sense you have access to dark magic. Dark magic is actually a pretty common practice here. Princess Celestia even helped developed a few dark spells. Though it was mainly Princess Luna that advanced its practice. Isn’t that right Ed?” explained Twi. “She’s right Dusk. Luna was the original Dark and Shadow practitioner over a thousand years ago. Even old Starswirl and I came up with a few spells of our own. I even made a Sage’s Stone of Darkness,” Ed added as he was still in shock from my reaction to the news.   I just look to the duo in shock before something, or rather someone, came to mind. Lex. During the Hearth's Warming party I was talking to her about magic composition and she said that dark and shadow magic aren’t inherently evil or corruptible, but it is the users will, emotional and mental stability that determines if they would become corrupted. I think she said something about some woman using a light magic called Angel magic becoming corrupted because she was too weak. But if that was the case, how is it I have some kind of dark magic in me? I am the Element of Magic and have always been taught neutral and light magic during my time as Celestia’s student. Maybe Nat has an idea. And speak of the devil, she just walked in the door. “Hey guys, there you are. I was wondering where the lab was. Good thing I ran into Polearm.” She says with a grin. “That’s why I sent him up and to get his stinking butt out of here. The stallion is one hell of a hard worker, so much so he’s on par with Twi and Dusk, but he can forget to get out of the lab when doing his own thing. He also does some strange experiment involving plants. That’s the only thing that I can think caused the smell. Anyhow, what’s the verdict, Nat?” Ed asked, turning to face Nat and Sora with worried eyes. Nat nods to him and tosses his token back. “We’ll do it, but not alone. You will be in charge of getting the necessary components for the transmutation, but Lex is going to be there to keep Sora stable after she leaves my body with her Seith magic. Adam is also going to help by letting us use his world for it since his Castle of the Two Sisters is a magic neutral zone.” “Perfect, I hope we can pull this off. I might have to have Lex bring her Twilight to help control the flow of magic need for this. What kind of a nightmare will that be? Four of you in one Equestria. I hope it doesn’t draw any attention from the more powerful void dwellers.” Ed said placing his hand on his head letting out a sigh. Nat just shrugs at his worry. “If needed I can summon Loki and ask if he can dampen the output with his magic. I wonder how he and Sunset are doing?” Nat says to herself. “Wait you have access to a token of a void dweller?” Ed looked to Nat in shock. “Yeah? He was the first Displaced I met, remember?” “Sorry I forgot from the happenings of the last few days. Nat, only summon Loki as last resort. I know he’s a good guy from what you’ve told me, but we’re already going to have four displaced in one Equestria. That is incredibly risky as we’re also bringing ponies from our own worlds to. Loki is a void dweller and void dwellers are pretty much gods in their own right. At least that’s what I’ve heard from a Zoro displaced, and he faced one and lost while the void dweller was just toying with him at the time.” Ed said as he fell into the nearest chair from shock and fear. Nat looks to him in slight shock before nodding. Guess Loki told her how strong he was or something. I don’t see what Ed is so worried about though. During the party we had three Displaced humans, two different versions of ponies and another new human yet nothing odd seemed to happen. Well aside from the annoyance of having two Rainbow Dash in one room. “Is there any things else you need Nat?” asked Ed recovering from the shock. “Not that I can think of. I’ll just help out Dusk and if you need some help with anything, feel free to ask.” Nat says, finding a seat and sitting back. I just chuckle at her relaxed attitude. I really missed it. Looks like I have a couple long weeks ahead of me. > Chapter 22: Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Days Later Ed POV For the past few days now Nat, Twi, and myself had been working with Dusk on her magic control with her arm. She was slowly making progress with her natural magic, but she was blazing her Teleportation and Solid Script. I was concerned about the dark magic sealed inside her though. I already knew who gave Dusk this magic, as its signature matched my Arc. It had to have been Lex, but if she saw it fit to give her this power I wouldn’t question it. There was a problem with the seal, however. Over the past few days of practicing with her new arm the Seal on Dusk magic had started to weaken and the more magic she used the weaker it became. I needed to talk to Nat about this and see if she would go to Tia to allow Dusk to become Luna’s night apprentice while they continued to stay in our world. I was brought out of my thoughts when I sensed a sudden surge of void energy wash over the area of Whitetail near Aj’s farmer. I look over to Nat. “Did you feel that?” I asked in concern. Dropping the clipboard I had in my hands I pull out the void stone from underneath my shirt. Sure enough, it was glowing. “Yeah, and whatever it was felt familiar. Almost like when….” Nat trails off and looks to Chance, the Luxio just sitting by Dusk with a curious look. The unicorn in question gets up from her spot as she finished her exercise for now. “So, is something going on?” She asks. “We just felt a mass of void energy come from Whitetail near the Apple Family farm. I don’t recognize the energy of what came through the void but whatever it is they were forced here,” I said put the stone back under my clothes. “Twi You go to Tia and tell her that Nat and I are going to investigate. Nat you think Dusk is well enough to teleport us to Ponyville at least?” Nat looks to Dusk, and I can tell they are having a telepathic conversation. After a minute Dusk lights up her hand, covering me, Nat and the pokemon. After a second the imagery shifts, and I see we are at the entrance to the farm. Dusk wavers a bit and Nat grabs her for support. “Does that answer your question?” Dusk says with a grin. Nat just rolls her eyes at her marefriend’s response. I noticed lately Nat hasn’t been as sarcastic or even just happy and seems a little tired. Must be the stress from keeping an eye on Sora. “Dusk you go to the Library to rest for now. Spike there with Owlowiscious and Peewee. He’ll take care of you while Nat and I deal with the Displaced. That jump took a lot of magic and you're tapped out for now.” I said with a serious look to her and then I looked to Nat. I clap my hands and red lightning spew over the nearby ground as a pull cart formed. “Get in Nat.” She raised a brow before looking to Chance. “Go with Dusk and make sure she rests.” The Luxio nods and they head out towards the library as Nat and her other two Pokemon get into the cart. “Hang on,” I say getting behind the bar of the cart as I take off at top speed to Aj’s place. “While I have a moment with you I want to know why you didn’t tell Dusk about her dark magic Nat.” I see her tense up and look to me with a blank expression. “It was not necessary at the time. Lex gave Dusk that power so she could protect herself and her friends if needed. However, we didn’t know how Celestia would react to her prized pupil having darkness magic. For all we knew, she could think Twilight was becoming the next Nightmare Moon. And I would not hesitate to destroy her if I had to protect Twilight. I’d rather not take that chance until I know Celestia’s position for a fact.” She explains. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news Nat, as that seems to be my new title, but Dusk is running out of time. The seal on that magic is breaking and the more she uses her Fiore magic the weaker it gets. Dark magic like all magic is neither good nor evil. All magic corrupts and I want you to know that Tia is very understanding when it comes to this concept when it’s explained to her in other realities. Here dark magic was never banned from being learned. So here’s what I suggest you do. Go to Tia and tell her what’s going on and while you’re here have Luna teach Dusk as a Night Apprentice. My wife is the only master of dark magic around these days, but she’d be more than willing to help,” I say as we come in sight of the apple farm. I can tell Nat is still a little iffy on the dark magic subject so I don’t press it any further. Once we stop on the outskirts of the farmhouse I let Nat and her pokemon get off the cart. We look around for less than a second before we hear loud barking and Nat sees a rainbow streak in the sky. “Celestia damn it Rainbow.” She mutters to herself. We quickly run toward where we hear the barking and see Rainbow flying around. We enter and see a clearing of trees where I see Winona, Applejack, Big Mac,  Applebloom and Rainbow facing off against….oh you have got to be kidding me. I can see Nat’s eyes widen as she sees what the others are facing. One was a quadrupedal feline with Snow White fur and black claws and skin, a part of its head in the shape of a scythe. The other was a type of bird that was bipedal, its wings a dark metallic grey, almost black with white spots and a Red Cross shaped crest. It also had dark forest green feathers on its head, looking like a hood that covered a darker green beak with a single white feather on the back of its head. “You have got to be kidding me. An Absol and a shiny Decidueye!?” Nat says in shock. “How the hell did those two get here. Not important right now Nat can Topaz and Selene take those two on?” I asked in shock and awe. “I’ll get those four out of the way. Pokemon for Pokemon aye Trainer,” I say with a smile. Nat nods and looks to her pokemon who actually look excited. They run up as AJ seems to get ready to attack. “Selene, Shadow Ball! Topaz, Crunch!” The others look to us and the orb of darkness hits the Absol in the head, knocking it back as Topaz chomps hard on the Decidueye leg and swings it around, sending back with the other one. I quickly run by and grab ahold of Applebloom and AJ, dragging them with me and behind a tree. “You two stay here. This is their fight. I’ll get Rainbow next. Big Mac, make sure they stay put.” I ordered in a stern tone. I look over to see Rainbow ready to charge in but before she can, I release Seal 7 Sloth. “This is going to hurt,” I say as I tackle the pegasus into the barn.   Nat POV     I cringe to myself as I see Ed tackling Rainbow into the barn with Sloth speed. That is going to leave a mark. I shake my head and focus back to my opponents, seeing the two pokemon get up from their spots.     “Sol, Absol.” My AR beeps and activates. “Impressive. That was a powerful Shadow Ball, especially for a none-evolved dark type.” It translates. I quickly check their stats while it is calm. Absol. Female. LV: 32. Attacks: Hyper Beam, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Agility. Decidueye. Male. LV: 36. Attacks: Spirit Shackles, Aerial Ace, Razor Leaf, Synthesis. Wow, those are some pretty good movesets. Considering how Absol is a special sweeper, Hyper Beam could be very dangerous. I look to my partners and get ready for a proper pokemon battle.     “So, are you two going to explain what you are doing here?” I ask the two new pokemon. The Decidueye walks forward with its bow wing drawn.     “Trying to get away from the likes of you humans. The moment they see me and my friend, they try to battle and capture us against our wills. You are the first to have tried to talk to us first in Arceus knows how long.” He says, still not dropping his guard.     “Yeah, I can see why. Considering how rare shinies are.” I say to myself, Decidueye nodding. I see as Selene and Absol are locked eyes, and I swear I can see a fire in their eyes. Decidueye and Topaz notice as well. We all can see where this is going.     “So, people are always trying to capture you immediately. How about we have a proper battle first.” I offer. I can see Absol grinning along with Selene and Decidueye just shakes his head with a smile.     “Alright. Let’s do it.” He says. I nod and step a few feet away as my pokemon stand a bit in front of me. The duo in front of me looks to my pokemon with excited expressions as mine look back. I place two fingers on my head and connect with Selene and Topaz mentally.     ‘Ready girls?” The duo nod to me as we all get ready. I smile and silently offer them to go first. Absol smiles and her scythe on her head glows before she sends a Psycho Cut at my pokemon.     ‘Selene, cover Topaz and take the hit!’ Selene jumps in front of Topaz and takes the Psycho Cut head-on, the psychic move doing nothing against a dark type. ‘Now use Shadow Ball on Decidueye.’ The orb of dark energy is created in a second and sent quickly at the grass type. Decidueye counters with is Spirit Shackles, stopping the orb halfway to him. Selene rushes towards them with Faint Attack, Absol countering and pushing her back with Night Slash.     ‘Topaz, Sword Dance then Iron Head on Decidueye. Selene Double Team and Faint Attack.’ They nod and Topaz uses her move, increasing her attack within seconds and rushes forward. The grass type tries to stop her by blasting several Razor Leaf at her only for her to rush through, Iron Head first and nail him in the gut sending him into a tree.     Selene multiplies and hits Absol multiple times with Faint Attack before she uses Agility and begins to run around so fast she leaves after images, taking out most of the clones with Night Slashes. They begin to go back and forth with Selene using Double Team and Faint Attack and Absol speeding around and using Night Slash.     I look and see Topaz doing a lot better against her opponent, using Iron Head and Poison Fang while he tries to counter with Aerial Ace and healing with Synthesis, but I trained Topaz to be relentless when she knows she has the advantage. With a dark type and a poison type move, she was having no problem with the grass and ghost type.     I look and see Selene struggling against Absol, both dark types not having good moves against each other. I see Absol looking annoyed and she jumps back before throwing her head back and energy gathers in it.     “Selene move!” The little fox manages to get out of the way as Absol released a Hyper Beam towards her, just barely missing her head. And now it is heading to me!     “NAT GET DOWN! SEAL TWO GREED RELEASE!” said Ed as he came flying from the barn taking on the full might of the hyper beam. I look at Ed’s greed form, looking just like the Homunculus, as his chest is smoking slightly from the blast but otherwise looking ok.     “Nat! Sora! Ed! Are you guys ok?!” Selene calls, running over to us. “Rule one never take your eyes off of the opponent Selene, FIGHT ON!” Ed yelled as the Absol charge at her. Selene turns on a dime and Faint Attacks her in the faces Absol not being able to do an actual attack because of recharge.     “How?! How are you so strong?!? You’re just a Zorua!” She yells, barely holding her ground. Selene growls and Shadow Ball’s her point blank in the face. “Did you seriously try to attack me when I was checking on my trainer?! How dare you!” Selene goes on to smash Absol again and again in the face with Faint Attack, Absol not being able to stop her.     I see as Decidueye fainted from Topaz assault, the Mawile panting from the effort. She turns and sees Selene going absolutely nuts against Absol. We look on as she continues her assault when she smirks and I go wide-eyed. “SELENE!” She doesn’t react in time as Absol releases another Hyper Beam, point blank and sending her through two trees, one of them falling on her.     “NO!” I go running over to Selene when they tree begins to shake and lift off. We all look in shock as we see a glowing white outline of Selene. She begins to glow brighter and grow, her hair on her head growing larger and into a ponytail, rising to her hind legs and becoming more bipedal, her muzzle and claws growing. Once the light begins to die down, Selene stands tall, revealing her grey coat, her purple hair darker than Twilight’s coat and her black chest fur.     Selene evolved into a shiny Zoroark. She manages to push the tree off of her and looks to Absol with anger, the rest of us just staring in shock. Before she can react Selene rushes forward with a Night Slash, slashing at Absol and sending her back. The dark type growls and attacks with her own Night Slash, only for Selene to smirk and raise her arms. I check her moves and see she learned two new one, this one about to be used going to be powerful.     Absol strikes Selene with her Night Slash, but then Selene spins and pulls her fist back. “COUNTER!” Selene lands a hard punch to Absol’s stomach, sending the dark type through a couple trees herself. I look and see that both Absol and Decidueye have fainted and Topaz has both jaws on the ground from the show Selene just put on.     There was a stunned silence in the orchard before a certain filly breaks it. “THAT WAS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!” We all look and see as Applebloom runs up to Selene with an awed smile on her little face. I smile as well and head over to my pokemon partners. “That was great you two. You showed why you don’t mess with the Displaced.” We all group up and I grab both the unconscious pokemon in my Vectors. I place them gently against a tree and begin to treat their wounds with a first aid kit AJ grabbed from the house. “What are you going to do about the other two Nat? I can’t have them roaming around Equestria. Something like this will happen again and either they or ponies could get seriously hurt. Do you have a few spare pokeballs on you?” Ed asks still in greed form. “No, my pokeballs just appear in my purse at random, or at least whenever I meet a pokemon that wants to join my team,” I say as the two pokemon stir and wake back up. “Jeez, you two are no joke. I think I may have finally met my match.” Decidueye says. Absol just looks to Selene with a neutral expression. Maybe it was just me, but I was starting to get a tsundere vibe from her. Gods I hope I am wrong. “So, wanna explain why you two were fighting Rainbow and AJ?” I ask. “Well, what do you expect?! We just pop up in this orchard after running from an angry Hydeigon and then these two nutcases start yelling and attacking us like they were a Haxorus we stole from!” Absol yells.     “What have I told you two countless times during training? BE READY BUT DON’T ATTACK UNTIL YOU FIND OUT BY ASKING!” Ed yelled at Aj and Rd as he proceeded to knock them both dead center in the head. That had to hurt even if Ed wouldn’t have been in Greed mode. “Back to those two though. I think you can use these,” Ed says as two red crystal pokeballs appear in a red flash of light, “If they want to join your team Nat then uses them. If not, tell them to go to the Everfree or come with us.” Ed says as he hands me the pokeballs.”NOW! I have students to chew out some more.”     I watch as he drags RD and AJ away by their feet and barely hold in my laugh at their situation. I then turn to the two new pokemon who are looking at the pokeballs in my hand with disdain. “Like I tell any pokemon I meet, I won’t force anyone to join up with me. In the end, it is your choice, so I will respect it.” I say. The duo looks to me and sees my serious expression. After a second Decidueye gets up and nods. “Alright, I’m in. If you can train that Mawile to fight.  like that, then there is no doubt you are a great trainer.” He says. I smile and turn to Absol. She just looks to the side and nods as well, placing her paw on the crystal ball, Decidueye doing the same. They both are absorbed into the pokeball which shake three times and ding. I smile and turn to Selene and Topaz, the duo looking excited. I quickly toss the balls up and release the duo. “Welcome aboard. Now we just need to think of some nicknames for you two.” Selene states. We all begin to think for a second before a voice I wasn’t expecting speaks up. ‘How about Pandora and Artemis?’ Sora asks. I actually jump because I thought she was asleep. I then consider the names she suggests and they would actually fit pretty well. “Good call.” I smile and see the duo look confused. Instead of talking I use my Telepathy magic and show them what is up with me. They look at my head in shock, before tearing up a bit as they see my memory of the last week. Artemis actually lowers his ‘hood’. “That’s rough. If there is anything we can do to help Sora, just ask.” I nod in thanks and our increased team goes over to the farmhouse where Ed is finishing his scolding of the two students. They see my new teammates looking calm and they look regretful. “Hey, sorry about that. Ah’m just used to critters comin by to take apples from the orchard without permission. Ah, guess old habits die hard.” AJ says with a bow of her head. “Yeah well, I am used to being scorned by people,” Pandora says with me translating. The others look confused at her statement. “Absol are known as the Disaster Pokemon because the horn on their head can sense vibrations in the world and they can detect when a natural disaster will occur. Unfortunately, it has become a common superstition that they actually cause the disasters themselves.” I explain. The ponies look to the feline-like pokemon with pity at her situation back in their world. “I’ve always had a soft spot for Absols myself. Like them, I was always judged before anyone would give me a chance. Although, it was because of my height. I eventually became the outcast of just about everything, but I never gave into the despair cause I had my friends. Eventually, we all formed our own group we called the ‘Outcast’ as we didn’t want to fit in with any one group of people. We embraced what made use different and it made us all the stronger for it. We welcomed any and all that wanted to join our group and if they wanted to leave we didn’t stop them. My point is I’ve been rejected a lot in life but I’m a better person for it,” monologued to the alchemist.  I wonder if he realizes he still in Greed form. “You must be an incredibly strong pokemon to take a hyper beam straight to the chest and still be standing,” commented Pandora in awe of the alchemist. “What, I’m no pokemon,” said Ed in confusion. “But you look like a pokemon to us,” added Artemis. “Ed, you’re still in Greed form,” I whispered to him. As we were walking through town, my mind kept going back to what Edward said about Dusk’s dark magic. I know I was probably just being paranoid, but with all the events that have been going on the last week, I can’t help but worry. I know that darkness doesn’t mean evil, just like how chaos doesn’t mean destruction and peace doesn’t mean harmony. Yet, I couldn’t get all the thoughts about what Celestia back home would do. I knew that Nightmare Moon was just Luna’s jealousy and anger controlling her, kinda like Malice now that I think about it. Plus according to Twilight all the dark magic knowledge is either destroyed or is kept in the royal vault where only the princesses have access to them. Just from what I have seen Celestia do back home, I can’t help but think about what she would do to Twilight if she learned she has dark magic in her. Celestia may be thousands of years old, but she has been shown to let her emotions control her, like when she let her pride blind her during the wedding invasion. Plus with what happened to Sombra and NM, I can’t help but see her banish them for just using darkness without hesitation. I-I can’t lose her, just like I can’t lose Sora. Before long we make it to the library with some of the native ponies looking at our group with curiosity and some fear, mostly towards Pandora, Selene, and Topaz. Entering the tree, we see Dusk relaxing on the couch with a book above her head in her aura and Spike just sweeping the floor nearby. They notice as we walked in and go wide-eyed when they see Artemis and Pandora. “Whoa! What are those things?!” Spike yells in shock. “Wait, are those more pokemon?” Dusk asks, getting up from her spot. I nod to her. “Yup. Meet our new team members, Pandora the Absol and Artemis the Decidueye.” Dusk smiles wide and takes out her notepad from her personal hammerspace and begins to quickly draw the two newcomers, the duo in questions looking at me curiously. “Yeah, this is my marefriend Twilight, but she is going by Dusk while we are in this world so we don’t mix her up with this realms version.” “Well, while I would want to get there fast, I don’t want you to strain your magic Dusk, so we can take the train back to the capital,” Ed says. I nod and turn to the dragon in the room. “Hey, Spike? Can you send a letter to Celestia and tell her we are on our way back? Also….tell her I need to talk to her.” I ask. Spike nods and quickly writes down the letter before burning it and sending it to the castle. Dusk looks at me curiously but I just look out the window, looking at the castle. ‘Well, here goes nothing.’ Two hours later Celestia POV I was sitting in the throne room, listening to the usual nobles complain about how they needed more funds and statues. Then as I was about to call for the next pony to start there doleful speech, a letter appeared in a wisp of green fire. At first, I thought it was an update letter for Twilight from Spike on the status of the of the library but then I saw my name. I unfurled the letter and read it.   Dear Princess Celestia, This is the update from Nat and the group in Ponyville. We were able to wrap things up with very little commotion. It turns out it wasn’t a normal Displaced but a pair of Pokemon. My team and I were able to settle things with them and they joined my team. Ed scolded Rainbow and Applejack heavily for jumping the gun. I don’t think I’ve seen them more ashamed of their actions. Afterward, we returned to the Ponyville library to pick up Dusk before we return to the castle. Ed said we would use the rune transporter at the automail shop to return to the workshop in the castle. If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to take with you on a very personal matter involving Dusk when we return to the castle. It is very important that I speak with you, Princess. Ed said you would understand if I explained what was going on. I really need your advice and I don’t have a lot of time on the matter that I mentioned. Sincerely. Natali Basatin ‘I do hope Nat and Dusk are alright.’ I dismissed the nobles as I’d had enough of their babble. Polearm was with me as I ordered him to stay with me in case I needed to send out a message to somepony else. “Polearm you are dismissed now. I just received a letter from Nat’s group from Ponyville. They will be arriving in Ed’s workshop, via his rune transporter. You can go and greet them if you like,” I said with relief, “Thank you, Princess, but I’ll be heading back down to the lab for time being. I have a few experiments that I must see to. I also want to have Twilight help me with them while she’s here in Canterlot,” he said as his face turn a slight shade of pink. Those two had grown rather close since their time together with Ed as their teacher. I wonder if they have feelings for one another. Perhaps I can set up a few scenarios for them. I do love to plan couples dates. I used to do it for Luna and Ed all the time. My attentions were redirected toward a pink haired girl that had been lead in by a couple of guards. I wish they wouldn’t treat Ed’s guest with such prejudice. I quickly dismissed the guards and turn my attention to Nat. She looked like she hadn’t been getting much rest. It would be understandable over the events of the past week, perhaps I should send her to see Luna after our discussion. “Good afternoon Nat. I’m glad to hear that you and Ed were able to settle things in Ponyville. Now, what is it that you’d like to discuss about Dusk?” I say tiling my head. “Would you like some tea and cake while we talk?” “Sure.” She says simply. I can tell already that whatever is going on is really bothering her. We quickly made our way to one of the side rooms that I use for personal meetings. I sent a quick letter to the kitchen staff who comes by not two minutes later with a kettle of tea and small snack cakes. “So, what was it you wished to speak to me about?” I ask, handing her a cup of tea. I can see her contemplative look before she digs into her purse and pulls out a piece of paper with an odd symbol on it. “What’s this?” I ask, taking the paper in hand. I can tell it has some kind of a spell on it, but it isn’t like any I have sensed before. “It’s a release seal. I assume Edward has told you about how things are going with Dusk’s rehabilitation?” She asks. “More or less. He told me that her arm is fully functional and that she has been making great strides in focusing her magic through it.” I answer. “So, he didn’t tell you about her other magic.” “You mean her Solid Script and Teleportation?” I asked, confused. I can see her tense up and even though she has a rather good neutral mask, I can see a look of fear behind it. “No. Her….dark magic.” I look to her with slightly widened eyes. “Dusk has dark magic? Huh, didn’t expect that. So, this seal is to release the dark magic sealed within her?” “Yes. Lex gave her a style of dark magic ironically called Heavenly Body magic. She gave it to her in case she would need the power to protect our Equestria. But she sealed it since it is an extremely powerful style and I was told not to unseal it until we thought she was ready. But….Ed told me that the seal on her is weakening the more she practices with her Fiore magic and with her arm.” I can see she is almost struggling to keep her mask on, her fear trying to take over. “Why are you scared?” I ask suddenly. She tenses up more and her mask almost falls. I walk over and sit next to her, draping a wing over her back. “Natali, what’s wrong? In all the time I have seen you here, I have never seen you look like this.” She is silent for a while just staring at her hands. “How do I know our Celestia will accept her?” She says quietly. “I must admit that dark magic did scare me when I was younger, but after seeing that it was the users and not the magic itself to blame for the corruption I had to seriously rethink my views on it. The Celestia of your world seems like she never had anyone to speak with on all of the good that dark magic can do,” I say getting up from and move over to the window depicting the defeat of Nightmare Moon. “I don’t know if I could do that by myself though Princess. My Celestia completely banned the practices of dark magic after what happened to our Luna. She didn’t want anypony to ever be tempted by its allures, I guess,” Nat said with a quiver in her voice. “What if Celestia decides to banish Dusk just because she can use dark magic, and I can’t protect her,” she said as tears started to form in her eyes from the very thought of losing Dusk. “I can tell you this Natali,” I say as supportive as I can as I walk over to her place my hand on her shoulder, “ you’re not alone in this. If your Celestia is at least similar to me she will listen to reason, and you’ll have Dusk, Sora, your Pokemon, and the support of all of your friends back home. Nat I can tell this thought has been weighing on your mind for some time. Probably sense Lex let you know about it, but she wouldn’t have given Dusk this magic if she didn’t think she could control it. Ed more than likely thought it wasn’t his place to tell me of Dusk’s condition because he wanted you to be the be the one to do it. Nat, I know it was hard to come to me about this but you still did it on your own, and that shows me you’re more than capable to talk with your own Celestia.” “But what if she tries to banish Dusk and I have to fight Celestia to protect her. I don’t know what will happen, Princess, I’m so scared right now, for Sora, for Dusk for what I have to do,” she said breaking down. “I’ve never had to make these types of decisions on my own or for anyone else’s sake before. I don’t want to lose Dusk or Sora but I don’t know what will happen.” “I can’t tell you what will happen either Nat, because I don’t know what’ll happen myself. I also can’t tell you what to do because that’s only something you can do, but I can tell you that you will have to face this but you won’t be alone and you will be prepared. If it still bothers you I recommended you speak with your sister as she had a similar experience in her Equestria with her Celestia from what Ed has told me. In the meantime, I would recommend you speak with Dusk on this matter Nat. She needs to know about her dark magic and this situation. It affects her just as much as it does you.” I say as I wrap my arms around her to comfort her. She really is a strong girl. I dried her tears with the sleeve of my dress before she cleared her throat to speak again. “Princess, if I might ask another favor of you?” she asked. “Certainly, Nat, if it is in my power,” I say helping her up from the ground. “I was told by Ed that Princess Luna once taught dark magic to others and-,” “You wanted to know if I would allow her to teach Dusk during your stay here as part of the rehabilitation. While I appreciate you asking me Nat, you should be asking Luna and Ed and not me. I have no problems with Luna teaching Dusk but you must ask Luna yourself. You must also tell Dusk of what’s happening to her,” I said as I return to my seat after helping Nat to set back down herself. “I’ll tell her Princess. I just need to think of a way to do it,” she said stirring into thinking on the matter of how to break the news to Dusk. That’s when I remembered my thoughts on Polearm and Twilight’s possible feelings for one another. “I can think of a few ways that might be possible, but I would like you to tell her on your double date with Twilight and Polearm tonight,” I said with a smile while Nat still stared at me with her mouth hanging open. “And that’s an order from the Princess.” “What!?” screamed Nat. “You heard me Nat, and don’t worry about anything except what to wear. I’ll plan everything out for the four of you. I used to do it all the time when Ed and Luna were dating. Of course, they didn’t know it at the time. Nat this will help the two of you grow closer and work things out, but it’s also to see if Polearm and Twilight have feelings for one another.” I say lacing my fingers together with a slight smirk. “I can already confirm that Polearm does have feelings for Twi, Princess. Dusk and I could also use this time to hash out a couple of other things in our relationship.” “Alright, then it’s settled then. Now, I believe you should go and talk with Luna about Dusk learning dark magic and you should also talk with Ed on how to release her seal without causing complications. I would prefer that it be done so it won’t cause problems,” I say getting up from the table. “Okay, then Princess. Guess I’m headed towards the Lunar wing now,” Nat said with a sigh. I hope Luna can help her with her other issues too. Nat POV I really should have seen that coming. Cadence told me a while ago that her aunt loved to play matchmaker. I check my watch and see it is only around two in the afternoon, so Luna would still be asleep. ‘Looks like I have some time to kill before I can ask Luna about teaching Dusk. I guess I should get a new outfit.’ I think for a second before heading to Ed’s workshop to use the teleporter rune. I figure Rarity would be my best bet for getting a new outfit. As I am making my way through the halls, I figure I need to tell the others beforehand or Celestia may make it embarrassing for them. I focus my telepathy and find both Twilight’s in the lab as well as Polearm and my pokemon. Perfect. ‘Hey guys, can you hear me?’ I hear as Twilight and Polearm yelp and Dusk just sighs a bit. ‘Hey Nat. What’s up?’ Dusk asks. ‘Well, I just wanted to tell you guys I am heading back to Ponyville for a bit to talk to Rarity. Also, I hope you guys have some nice outfits for tonight.’ I inform them from a couple halls from the workshop. ‘Why?’ Polearm asks cautiously. ‘Well, a certain princess decided to set the four of us up on a double date for some reason. So I am going to get Rares to make me an outfit.’ ‘SHE DID WHAT?!’ Twilight screams, all of us cringing. ‘In all honesty, I don’t really mind. You and I have been together for a few weeks now, yet we haven’t had an actual date yet.’ I stop right in front of the door to the workshop as I realize Dusk is right. ‘Huh, I haven’t even realized that. Well, since I am going to Ponyville I don’t think my telepathy will be able to reach you, so I’ll let you guys know when I am back. Pray that Celestia doesn’t make this too embarrassing for the four of us.’ ‘I swear, if the princess goes overboard, I am so telling Ed and Princess Luna.’ Twilight says. I chuckle a bit and stand on the teleporter. I focus my magic into the runes, each of them glowing brightly. After a couple seconds, I feel the magic flow across me and I appear in the automail shop in Ponyville. I go through the door to the main room, seeing the CMC and Zecora looking around. I just ignore them for now, seeing as they are actually invested in looking through the prosthetics. Walking through the town, I notice as I get a few odd glances sent my way, probably because unlike the locals I don’t have pony ears or a tail, but otherwise, I am left alone while on the way to Carousel Boutique. At least for a while. “Hey, Natali!” I look up and see as Rainbow flies over. “Hey RD. Are you doing ok? Ed went a little savage with his scolding of you and AJ earlier.” I ask. Rainbow sighs and rubs the back of her head. “Yeah. Me and AJ have a really bad habit of letting our instincts take over. And considering we live so close to the Everfree, we are used to a bunch of wild animals showing up.” “I hear you. I had to help my AJ a couple times back home, like when a pack of Timberwolves got a little too close to the border, so I ended up turning them into kindling.” I say, still walking. “So, what are you doing back in Ponyville?” She asks, hovering over me. “Oh, I have a date tonight and I don’t have a good outfit, so I figure Rarity would be my best bet.” “Really? Well, I guess you wouldn’t have many clothes since you aren’t from this dimension. I have to head over to Rarity’s too since she had to fix some of my shirts.” She says. I shrug and continue to the boutique. Not too much longer and the two of us arrive. Walking in, I see this worlds Lyra and Bon Bon looking around, with Rarity sitting behind the counter. “Oh my! Natali! Good to see you, darling.” She says, coming over to me and RD. “Hey Rarity, I need a favor.” She tilts her head and motions to continue. “See, tonight I have my first date with Dusk and I don’t really have a good dress so-“I get cut off as Rarity teleports myself and her into the back room and immediately she has a bunch of materials and her notepad in her aura around me. “Say no more, my friends. I will whip up something marvelous for you in just a minute. Now, what colors would you want it?” I am stunned for a second before looking at the materials floating around me. After a minute I grab two out of the air with my Vectors. “How about this gold and midnight purple,” I say handing it to her. She nods and begins to draw several designs on her notepad, a couple more held in her aura. As she is doing that I look around the room and spot a long roll of purple ribbon. I get an idea and take the roll before measuring my head and horns. I quickly go over the length and cut the roll, then wrap the ribbon around the front of my head and around my horns. I check the mirror and see I actually looked like Nana from Elfen Lied. “Oh my!” I turn and Rarity sees my ribbon on my head. She smiles and quickly hands me one of her sheets. I am floored by this design. It was of a beautiful sundress with the parts being labeled which color would be which. What was shocking to me was that she actually did a really good drawing of me wearing it. I look to her and nod with an excited smile. “Well, I should make and finish the dress in about an hour or so, so you will have time to see our version of Ponyville properly.” She says. “Thanks, Rarity. I so owe you after this, so you need anything before Dusk and I leave, don’t hesitate to ask.” I say, heading out the room. She smiles and shakes her head, brushing it off. I leave the establishment with a smile as I am actually excited for tonight now that Rarity can make me something great to wear. I can only wonder what Twi, Dusk, and Polearm are going to wear now. I just walk around the town, not really having any location in mind, when I find myself a near Fluttershy’s cottage. I wonder if Harry and Red exist in this world too. I decided to check on the shy mare as I haven’t talked to her much while in this world. I walk up to the door and go to knock when I sense someone nearby. It felt familiar, like…. “Hello dear.” I jump back with a ‘Nyu!’ and fall on my rump. Looking up, a familiar chaotic spirit is sitting in one of the birdhouses attached to the cottage. “Discord,” I say with a slight glare before sighing and getting back up. “What’s up chaos lord?” I ask. “Oh, just coming by for a tea party with dear Fluttershy.” He says, popping out of the birdhouse and blowing into his thumb, growing to his full size. “Cool, do you think she would mind if I pop in? I need to kill some time while Rarity makes me a dress.” I ask. “Well, only one way to know for sure.” He then snaps his fingers and teleports us into the room. I look around and see I am actually standing on the ceiling, my feet in a pair of plunger boots and my hair falling towards the floor. Good thing I am not wearing a skirt. “W-who’s there?!” I look to the kitchen where Fluttershy is coming with a tray shakily held in her hands. I am about to say something when a lion's paw goes over my mouth. I look to Discord with a raised brow, but before he can try anything I hear her sigh. “Discord, I know it’s you. What are you doing?” “Wow, how could you tell he was up here?” I ask. Fluttershy looks up and sees us standing there, going wide-eyed as she sees me. “Oh! Natali, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Canterlot with Twilight?” She asks. I quickly attach my Vector to the ceiling and take my feet out of the boots, lowering myself onto the floor. “Yeah well, I have a date with her tonight, but I didn’t have a dress. So I decided to pop by and ask Rarity if she could make me one. It will take a while for her to finish so I decided to just hang around till then. Discord said he was here for a tea party and I wanted to see if it was ok if I join in.” “Oh, well I don’t mind. I mean, if you want to.” She says quietly. I smile and nod, going into the kitchen and grabbing the other platters she has with my Vectors. She made mini sandwiches and some cookies, the tea I see is an herbal blend. Going into the living room, I see Discord and Fluttershy sitting in some floating chairs, another one is left empty. Discord goes to snap his fingers but I shake my head, lifting myself into the seat with my Vectors. “Um, Nat? If you don’t mind, can you tell me a bit about your pokemon friends?” Fluttershy asks quietly. Good thing I brought my purse. I kept copies of the info about my Pokemon in them so I hand them to the mare while explaining them in greater detail. We spent nearly half an hour just talking about pokemon types, their advantages and disadvantages, then about my pokemon, in particular, Fluttershy being most curious about Chance. “I must say, these are some rather chaotic creatures you have with you, Natali. Just imagine how things are like in their original world. Maybe I’ll plan a vacation there.” Discord takes a drink of his cup, and by that I mean he drank the cup and kept a hold of the tea. I giggle a little at his joking chaos. I look to Fluttershy and notice she actually has a very relaxed smile and an unnoticeable blush on her cheeks. I raise a brow at this and remember that most of the fandom back home shipped these two together. Oh, gods if Celestia finds out….may chaos have mercy on them. “So Natali, how is Dusk?” Fluttershy asks. I think for a good way to answer that, what with everything else I have on my mind. “She’s doing a lot better than she was before. She’s gotten used to her new arm by now and she can already lift some relatively heavy things. Plus her magic control is awesome.” “That’s good. But, what about you?” Discord asks. I look to him with a raised brow, silently asking him to continue. “I can tell just by looking at you that you haven’t been getting much rest, my dear. You’d think Lulu would be helping you sleep, but I guess she is snoozing on the job.” He chuckles slightly at his unintentional (I hope) joke. “Well, I have just been a little stressed is all. What with Dusk rehabilitation and the situation with Sora. It is only natural I miss a couple hours of sleep. But it isn’t anything I haven’t faced before, a couple times I lost nearly an entire night studying for exams and such.” I say dismissively. I can see Fluttershy and Discord don’t look convinced, but they don’t dig further. I spend the next while just talking to the chaotic spirit and the pegasus about random topics, like some of the local animals and some of Discord favorite pranks. Before I knew it an hour had passed, so I excused myself and headed back over to Rarity’s. Entering the establishment again, I see that now Berry Punch and Derpy are looking at some of the dresses, while Cloudkicker is looking at some of the shirts. I spot Rarity just coming out of the back with a proud smile when she spots me and motions me over. I nod and go around the back where I see she has a mannequin covered by a small tarp. “Well my dear friend, I am proud to present your new dress for tonight!” She says taking the tarp off. Yeah, she definitely beat my Rarity in designs now. This sundress looks like something Celestia would wear! The main parts of the dress were the gold I picked out while the highlights and laces were purple. I saw the ribbon I picked out earlier on the head of the mannequin as well, so it looked like me. I noticed she also picked out a pair of black heels that would fit my feet. I almost forgot she measured my feet too. “Rarity….I don’t….I can’t even describe how I feel right now.” I say with some tears. I quickly turn and bring the mare in for a hug. “Thank you!” I say, Rarity smiling and hugging back. “Well don’t just thank me, try it on darling!” I nod and carefully take the outfit off the mannequin with my Vectors and head over to one of the change rooms. It took a couple of minutes, but I finally managed to change from my regular clothes and into my new dress. I was just putting the ribbon around my head when my purse began to vibrate and ring. I quickly dig into it and see it is my alchemist watch. Opening it up, the watch spins before showing Ed. “Hey Ed, What’s up?” I ask, getting my heels on. “Hey Nat, Tia wanted me to tell you that Luna is awake now so you can talk to her when you get back.” He says. “Beautiful dress by the way. Luna will be in her chambers. All you have to do is come down the hall from the workshop.” “Thanks, I have a sneaking suspicion a certain fashionista is going to pass out when she sees it. Anyways thanks for the update. See ya!” I close the watch and make sure I have everything before stepping out of the change room. I see Rarity with her eyes closed so I just chuckle at her look before she opens her eyes. Her jaw drops as she sees me in the dress. “Oh, oh my! You look absolutely beautiful! If only you weren’t taken by Dusk and I would be trying to woo you myself!” She says dramatically. I chuckle a bit before her words actually register. “Wait, you’re a fillyfooler?” “In a way. I am attracted to both stallions and mares, but I am waiting for the right pony to appear for me.” She says with a light blush. “Yeah, that definitely sounds like you. Anyways, this is perfect Rarity, so if you can get it into a bag or something, I am all set for tonight.” She smiles and I quickly change out of the dress and back into my clothes. Rarity puts my dress into one of those outfit bags so it wouldn’t get dirty or something. I thank her and leave twenty bits on the counter since I know she wouldn’t accept them outright. “Well, looks like it's time to head back to the castle. I really hope Luna says yes to teaching Dusk.” I mumble to myself as I make my way back to the automail shop. I could tell the town was already used to my presence so I didn’t receive too many odd glances. I made it to the shop without any trouble and walked in, seeing no one in the front, but I did hear some tinkering of tools in the back. Walking back and past the teleporters, I see the workshop of the store, a familiar time pony at the tables working on some odd pieces of automail. Looking over his shoulder, I see it is actually a metal wing prototype with some different gems in them. “Wow, so that is one of the wing prototypes?” I say, startling Time out of his working trance. “Oh, Ms.Basatin you gave me a little fright there. What are you doing here? I thought you and your Twilight were staying in Canterlot.” he said calming himself. “We are, I just came by the town to get a dress for my date tonight. So, what’s up Time?” I ask, leaning on the side of the table. “Not much really, just working on the prototype wing Edward and I designed based of the research that he and our Twilight had done on his crystal arm. Which reminds me how is our patient doing? No signs of rejection of there?” he asked scratching his chin. “None so far. She has actually been making great strides in controlling her magic through her arm instead of her horn. Plus she has been getting good with lifting some relatively heavy objects with it.” I tell him. “Excellent. I was rather worried that her body would reject the piece, as she isn’t from our Equestria. You know Ms.Basatin, as a time pony I have met quite a lot of your kind. Some were extremely kind, some did what they could to help, and others were less than desirable beings. You though are quite the enigma as far as Displaced go. You have many qualities that others possess but some that many don’t,” he said as he turned back to work desk. “Well, I have only met a few Displaced aside from my siblings, so I don’t really know how others can be. At first, I just wanted to preserve the timeline and keep things as close to the original as possible. But, now with my relationship with Twilight and her injury, I think it is safe to say that is an impossibility. I am not really sure what I’ll be doing when we get back home, aside from being with Dusk and my sister.” I begin to really think about my involvement in the timeline back home. I already made a big impact by helping take down Discord as well as introducing some new scientific methods and the berries from the Pokemon world. “Cause and Effect my dear. To quote another time traveler ‘Timey- wimey wibbly-wobbly’. Even if we know what’s going to happen it can as was be changed by this slightest event. You saw this earlier today when your new teammates showed up.” Time said as he picked up his tools and began working again. “My wife said she saw you earlier by the way. She wants you to come over for tea and muffins when you have time. It was nice to chat with you, my dear. Please let me know if something happens with Twilight’s arm.” “Heh, it has been a while since I saw Derpy, in this world or at home. I’ll be sure to pop by before I go home. Also, my favorite muffins are blueberry” I say with a smile, heading to the teleporter. Before I know it, I was back in the castle and on my way over to Luna’s chamber. Arriving in front of her door, I see two of her night guards up front. I nod to them and they nod back and allow me to knock on the door. “Enter.” I hear from the other side of the door. I open the door and walk in, finding Luna at her desk with some paperwork in front of her. “Hey princess. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.” I say, standing near the center of the room. Luna looks back at me with a smile before motioning to one of the chairs by the coffee table. I nod and take a seat across from her. “How are you doing today Nat?” she asked with a small grin. “Quite all right Princess, but I was hoping to ask you for a favor,” I say look at her and then to her desk. ‘Man this is gonna be hard’ I thought. ‘You can do it, sis, remember it’s for Dusk,’ says Sora in a happy tone. “What is that the two of wish for me to do?” asked Luna, tilting her head. “Ed told me when we were in Ponyville earlier today that you used to teach ponies how to use dark magic. You see Dusk has a dark magic called Heavenly Body that was given to her by my older sister, Lex. Up until now, it was sealed but due to that past few day events, the seal was damaged in the fight with Malice. Now that she is using her Fiore magic again, the seal is starting to weaken the more she uses it,” I say look towards the floor catching my breath. “You would like me to teach Dusk how to properly use her dark magic before you return home, wouldn't you Nat,” Luna said ask she got up from her seat to look at a painting of her mentor. “Y-yeah. I know it is a lot to ask, but I really would like her to unlock and control her dark magic before it has a chance to get unlocked by accident and go out of control. I don’t even want to think about what could happen to her if that happens. But I will be helping out too since I know some of the spells for Heavenly Body, even if I can’t use them myself.” “I would love to teach Dusk how to properly use her magic Nat, but there is a problem with what you’re asking me to do,” Luna said in a serious manner sitting back down. “This magic is not Equestrian in origin. So I don’t know if I can help her use it, but I can at least help her understand its nature. Being a Displaced I know you have for knowledge of possible future and past events. So I’m sure you're aware of who Sombra is, correct.” “Yeah, I know about Sombra and the Crystal Empire from the original timeline and me and my world’s counterparts have actually met Lex’s version of him. He was actually pretty cool. What I don’t know is if he is redeemable in this or my world.” I say. “I’ll let you know the Sombra of this timeline was like the others at first. A kind-hearted stallion and benevolent king to his people. But he was not your usual pony. He was what we know now to be an umbran or a type of shadow pony. Eventually, his base nature took control of him and turned him into the tyrant you know of. After this, he started to delve into shadow and dark magic that further corrupted his heart, mind, and soul. My point being is you know all variants magic comes with is own corruptions, right,” Luna says looking me straight in the eyes. “I am aware of that. Lex tried to give me a whole lecture about that fact since she is the master of her own wizards guild, plus I have seen quite a few stories about how more than darkness can corrupt. In all honesty, it was just my fear of how others would react that makes me worried about Dusk’s darkness.” I tell her. “I can understand this all too well Nat. Ed was worried for the same reasons that worry you now. The reason I told you of the corruption leads back to the fact that the Dark magic is not one I’m familiar with. I will be counting on you to help Dusk with her spells while I help her with control. This will be very trying on both of you but will help you grow closer as lovers and partners,” Luna said as she looks to me with a loving gaze. I can’t help but blush and look down as she points all that out. “Please don’t call me her lover. I am just her girlfriend, we have only kissed a few times, nothing more. I seriously doubt either of us will be going that far for a long time to come.” I say in embarrassment. ‘Natali and Twilight sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’ I hear Sora chants in my head, making me blush more. “It looks as if some else agrees with me,” Luna says with a chuckle. “Speaking of which, I heard from Ed that you two have your first date tonight, courtesy of my sister, and Polearm and Twilight will be with you.” “Yeah. I honestly forgot that we haven’t had a date despite we were together for a week before coming here. After what happened with the DNA Voice, we just started being together. I just hope your sister won’t make too big a deal over this. The last thing I want is for her to reveal she reserved seats at a five-star restaurant or something.” I say, glancing at my dress on the back of my chair. “Nat I can promise you that while Tia likes to help push others together, she doesn’t go over the top like some hopeless romantic. Ed and I know it was her that planned out our dates when we were younger. Tia actually likes the subtle approach to things. Garden venues, long walk on the beach, and other sappy things of the sort. She was more than likely going to send you four to Ponyville,” she says getting up from her seat while moving to my side. “Now why don’t we talk about why you haven’t been sleeping at all these past few nights.” I tense up as I feel her hand on my shoulder. “I-its nothing Luna. Just stress-induced nightmares, maybe a side effect of keeping Sora happy.” I say with a worried tone. “Don’t lie to me, Natali. Sora has been very happy without a lot of your help and you know it. The Soul Stone has been giving her more than enough magic to maintain her form in your mind. I’ve seen your nightmares from what little bit of sleep you’ve gotten. They aren’t simply from stress. They’re from deep-rooted fear,” Luna said kneeling down to meet my gaze in a seriousness. I just keep quiet as I try to think of an excuse that would satisfy her, but I know that Luna isn’t the type to back down when it comes to helping with someone’s nightmares. “You’ve been suffering from these dreams since before you came here, haven’t you Nat?” she pushes harder. I try to stay quiet, but someone else pops up. ‘Nat. You need to tell her.’ Sora tells me, and despite she sounds like a kid, her serious tone matches her old self. “I-I can’t forget them,” I say quietly, Luna looking with a raised brow. “Even after I talked to Chance and that void dweller, I can’t forget what I did. How I took their futures and his life.” Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I remember that night, the alleyway walls, the shock on their faces. His dead eyes. “You're referring to the stallions you hurt and the one you killed in your Equestria. Dusk told me about the events of your Nightmare Night. I can tell you this Nat. You’ll never forget these events. You can only accept them and move forward. Like how you helped Ed and How you help that Mare in the alley. I can tell that neither Tia or myself know what it’s like to take a life because we have never had to,” she says as tears started to form in her eyes. “Princess. I-I don’t know what to do. I know I can’t forget, but I can’t stop them from coming up in my head. Before when Sora was still herself she was able to take some of the strain, but now….it won’t stop!” I cry out. “Do you want to know why Tia and I have never killed another sentient creature before Nat?” Luna says walking over to her desk. I look to her questioningly, wiping my eyes. “Why?” “Because Ed always took it upon himself to make sure we never did. I don’t know exactly why he did such a thing but he always did. No matter what we told him. He would do it anyways. This is also why my husband does what he does today. He is constantly trying to help make up for the lives he took over the years. Even if they didn’t deserve it or not. That’s how he moves forward. He took lives in order to protect others like you did Nat, and like you, he was plagued with similar dreams and still is to this day.” Luna explained as she picked up a picture off her desk. It was a photo of her, Celestia, Ed, and a few other ponies and minotaurs. The Ed in the picture was noticeably shorter than the Ed I knew now, but he had a much brighter look in his eyes. Luna set the photo back down and returned to my side. “I’m sorry Luna. I never even thought that you had to help Ed through this before. He probably has it was worse than me since he had to take down entire armies, while I only killed one pony. I guess he and I are way more similar than I thought before. It is honestly a little weird how close we are.” I say. The more I think about it, the weirder it is just how similar me and Ed are.     “Ed hides many things from others Nat. He has told you that he was imprisoned I take it,” Luna said drying her eyes. “Yea he said he was imprisoned due to the betrayal of some pony he trusted like family. He mentioned it when I first arrived here,” I say flashing back to the first day here. “You see Nat, Ed wasn’t imprisoned at all. He tells it like that so others won’t worry. He was actually into tombed in that stone. His mind was broken to the point that not even I could piece it together, and he remained this way for quite some time. I wasn’t aware he had managed to pull himself together before I became Nightmare Moon, and if I had I would have tried everything to free him. But alchemagical entombment isn’t easily dispelled,” Luna said as tears fell to the table. I look to her in sadness before standing from my seat and going to her side. She looks to me for a second before I pull her in for a hug with both my arms and my Vectors, letting her feel how protected she is. “I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to learn that about Ed. I know that I am allowed to come to you and your sister if I have a problem, so I’ll give you the same deal. If you need to talk to someone, and you don’t think it can be Ed or Celestia, don’t hesitate to find me.” “Thank you Nat. I want you to know you that if you ever need a home if things don’t work out in your Equestria you’re more than welcome to call our world home. Now, I do believe you should go and tell your marefriend that you two are the latest Night Apprentices during your stay here,” Luna said returning my embrace. I nod to her and let her go, grabbing my purse and dress and heading to the door. I look back to her before I leave and offer a thankful smile, one she returns in full. After I leave her room, I check my watch and see it was actually around four thirty already, so I really had to get ready for tonight. I make my way towards one of the empty guest rooms and use my telepathy to contact Celestia. ‘Princess Celestia? Can you hear me?’ I ask. I hear her yelp slightly before she seems to realize my voice. ‘Natali. Please do not startle me like that.’ ‘Sorry, I don’t really have a way to tell others I am trying Telepathy before I do it. Anyways, you said you were getting everything set up, so where am I supposed to meet the others for our date?’ I ask, finding an empty room. I make sure the door is locked before beginning to change into my dress. ‘You can meet up with everyone in the Gardens and you’ll be heading through Canterlot from there after your dinner. I was going to have a carriage bring you four to the outskirts of Ponyville from there. The rest of your evening will be up to the four of you from that point.’ she states with a suspicious tone. > Chapter 23: Date Night: Dinner and a Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's POV     I found myself waiting at the entrance to the for the others to meet up with me. I couldn’t believe that Princess Celestia set me up on a date with Polearm. I mean we’ve been pretty close since Ed’s training camp but I don’t think I have romantic feelings for him, at least I think I don’t. Nat and Dusk hadn’t even been on their first together and now I had to go on my first date to and with a fellow student. I know it was normal for ponies to date each other in school but I thought it was frowned upon to harbor feeling for other personal students, let alone date one another. Guess that that’s out the window, but I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t find Polearm an interesting pony to be around at least.     I waited for around fifteen minutes when Dusk came around the corner. She was wearing a dark pink long sleeve blouse with silver sequins fanning out from the neck down with a medium length dark navy blue skirt with a pair of slightly elevated black heels.     “Wow Dusk, you look amazing. I know you’re going to knock Nat’s socks off,” I say in awe of her outfit. “I didn’t have anything else besides what a Nat and I brought with us and none of it was nice enough for a double date. I had Ed help me out a little. He offered to make me some clothes using his alchemagic and naturally being the egghead I am. I couldn’t pass up the chance to see it close-up.” she said doing a slight turn. “Did it live up to your expectations?” I asked with a smirk. “It was amazing to see these being formed with magic and matter. Ed is definitely on to something with this technique.” Dusk said with fascination. “Yea, it’s incredible but I wish it wasn’t so dangerous for normal ponies to learn.” “You’re certainly going to get Polearm with your ensemble,” commented Dusk with her own evil smirk. I looked down at myself as I felt a slight heat in my cheeks. I had never really had an eye for fashion. So I went to Cadance for a little bit of help while nopony else was around. I was wearing a blue short sleeve blouse with a medium length silver skirt and black heels. I didn’t think I looked that great but I would take the compliments where I could get them. “Thanks, Dusk,  that means a lot coming from you,” I said as my face heated up a bit more. “I don’t know how I feel about Polearm right now, but I hope this date will help me figure it out. If only a bit more.” I looked up to the sky and started to wonder how I felt about the guard in question. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out tonight Twi. I’m sure Polearm will figure something out too. Even if he doesn’t have romantic feelings for you, I’m sure he’ll still be there for you when you need somepony to lean on.” she said looking upward too. “Why are we always the first one to arrive anywhere?” I asked as we stare at the sky as its colors showed a mix of reds, blues, and purples. “Don’t know. Why do we always make schedules only to break them?” Dusk said as we both giggled as we continued to wait on our dates to show up. Neither of us noticed the group of figures off in the distance behind us. We didn’t wait long before Polearm showed up after Dusk. He’d already finished his guard work earlier and had spent most of his time after Princess Celestia dismissed him in the lab. He was working on some form of earth pony magic to deal with stones and plants. At least he didn’t stink this time. As he made his way toward the two of us we could start to make out his outfit. He was wearing a dark red long sleeve button down shirt with black slacks and brown boots. I noticed that he was wearing a gold chain with some type of shield charm on it around his neck was showing from underneath his shirt. ‘I wonder what could be on it’ I thought to myself as he joined Dusk and me. “Good evening ladies. I see I’m the third to arrive. Sorry for my tardiness,” he said talking a familiar bow.  He really did respect Ed a lot. “You’re not late at all Polearm. We just got here early is all. Old habits are hard to break,” said Dusk with a slight laugh placing her hand in front of her mouth. “I wholeheartedly agree with you, Ms. Dusk,” said Polearm with a smile. “Just Dusk please, I know it’s the guard mentality talking, but it still makes me feel off,” Dusk said. I know what she means, I hate the whole formal thing. Luckily Polearm stopped it for me too. “As you wish Dusk. Now, Twilight I must say you look absolutely beautiful this evening.” My face felt as if somepony had cast a heating spell on it. I shifted my gaze to try and hide my eyes only to see Dusk laughing fairly hard at my reaction. I keep my eyes on the ground until I can think straight again. I look up to see Nat coming up to us with Chance and Artemis on either side of her. Nat was wearing a gold and midnight purple sundress with black heels and she had a purple ribbon around her head to hide her horns. Both Dusk and I were speechless while Polearm wasn’t. “Nat you look amazing, I’m guessing it’s one of Rarity’s designs with your influences. Why do Displaced have such an eye for fashion?” pondered the Guard. “We just come from a world where fashion played an important role in our day to day lives Polearm,” said Nat with a smirk. “Why are those two with you Nat? Don’t tell me you were going to bring them along on the date.” “Not originally but they insisted that they come along,” said Nat as she grabbed the bridge of her nose. “We’re here to protect Nat, Dusk, and Twilight from you, buddy,” said Artemis puffing out his chest. “Yea we’re here to make sure you don’t try anything with these ladies,” added Chance showing his fangs as he started to growl. “Excuse me little Pokemon but I can protect these ladies even better than the two of you combined. You may be Displaced yourselves but so is mine and Twilight’s teacher,” snorted Polearm. “Ha, that means nothing to us. Nat is our trainer and she fought on par with your master,” growled Chance as sparks started to sizzle from his body. “I’ll have you know, you electric cat, that Sir Edward is much stronger than he let on in his fight with Nat. He was scared of what would happen if he used his full power so he held back in their fight,”  Polearm says sneering at Chance. “That’s enough you two,” I said pulling on Polearm shirt with my magic. “Yes, Twilight is right. You two can come but don’t mess with our date,” Nat said to the two Pokemon. “Don’t worry Nat. I’ll take these two with me. I don’t want any unnecessary tagalongs. I spent a lot of time putting this together for the four of you and only the four of you,” said a voice from behind us as the pokemon were suddenly floating in a familiar golden aura. I turned around to see the face of my magic teacher. “Princess, why are you here?” I asked in shock. “I’m here to see you four off for the evening and to do a little bit of pick up to, apparently,” Celestia said looking to the Pokemon. Chance was struggling to get free while Artemis stayed completely still. “Let us go! We have to protect Nat and Sora!” roared the Luxio. “Please try not to struggle too much little one. This is an important night for your trainers and I’d rather not see it interrupted in any way. Now you four, run along to the garden maze. We have a spot set up were no pony will disturb you, except for the cooks of course. You two are coming with me,” said the Princess as she walked off with the Pokemon in tow. “Let’s get going before the others show up,” said Polearm. “Agreed,” we said in unison. Ed POV I couldn’t believe Tia dumped us with watch duty. This was her idea in the first place. Sometimes she could be very evil when it came to certain things. I see she came to see them off. Does she have Artemis and Chance with her? I look to my right as my gaze comes to rest on Luan. “You think we can keep things on track tonight?” I ask in the quietest tone I can muster. “Keep a double date between an interdimensional couple and your students. Yes, I believe we can keep it going but to do so and remain completely hidden while preventing total disasters.” Luna snarked. I looked to her and then pointed past her head to the bush across from us. “We can with their help,” I said with an evil smirk while pointing. Luna turned her head to see what I was pointing at. Her eyes come to rest on three distinct creatures a mere twenty feet away hiding behind a bush just out of sight. Not for us though. “Oh yes this could work out quite well indeed Ed,” Luna said in an ominous tone. Gods she is awesome when she thinks this way. Selene POV Those idiots. I told them that trying to guard Nat and Sora wouldn’t work well. What is it with males and their pride? I look to my right as Topaz and our new addition Pandora are watching our trainer and her marefriend walk towards the maze nearby. When Dusk told us she had a date with Nat tonight the boys decided to take it upon themselves to act as their personal guards. While those two were worried about Polearm and maybe the other males nearby, me and the girls were just worried about keeping things running smoothly for our trainers' date. Nat, Sora, and Dusk have been through way too much this past week, so we will do everything in our power to keep this date perfect for those three. As they begin to head to the hedge maze, the three of us silently begin to follow them. I really had the advantage here since now that I evolved I can use illusions on myself. Plus with Pandora with us, she can use her natural disaster ability to detect if something will go wrong. Topaz was mostly here since she wanted to watch how humans and ponies date one another since she spent most of her life in the Crystal Cave back in Kalos. As we are silently following the group, I happen to look over to the other side of the area and saw some golden hair moving past a tree, so I figure Ed and likely his wife are watching as well. These are the moments I really wished I had Telepathy like psychic types or Nat. Hopefully we don’t need to do anything. Polearm POV We got to the center of the maze in no time flat. Not surprised as everypony had been through the events of Discords trickery. I was still in awe of Twilight. She was absolutely smashing, I noticed she’d seen my family’s shield that I wore around my neck. I was still wondering why neither of the two Twilights had asked about is. If they ask I’ll tell if not I’ll keep it to myself. Right now somepony needed to break the ice and I was going to be that pony. “So Nat, what’s your Equestria like?” I asked both curiously and nervously. “Well, aside from the obvious difference in how the ponies look, the only real things that are different are your guys automail and medicine, and my world recently began to grow the berries from my Pokémon’s world. Also, we are farther behind you guys in time, since we just finished our Winter Wrap up a week before we came here.” “Interesting, it seems like the time flow here is our one day to your two days. Odd, I hope your friends back home won’t worry with you two being away for a whole month,” said Twi as she started to sip on some wine. “I’m more interested in these berries you mentioned Nat. They’re the same ones you brought with you, yes?”  I ask scratching my chin. “Yes. The two berries I brought are called Oran berries and Lum berries. There are actually 67 different berries in mine and the pokemon world, some taking far longer to grow than others, and each of them have different effects. For example, the Oran berries have a natural healing ability, while, say, a Pecha berry is a natural anti-toxin.” “Fascinating, I wish I could get a few of them for my experiments down in the lab. Perhaps Sir Edward could replicate a few for me using his Arc of Embodiment. What are your thoughts on this Twilight?” I ask my fellow scientist. “Oh what, sorry I was lost in thought there. The time gap thing still blows my mind. How will you two adjust once you head back?” Twi asks tilting her head. “Honestly, I am not sure. It really depends on what’s happened since we left. For all we know, when we get back, it could be my brother's wedding.” Dusk says, sipping her drink. “Yeah, plus there is how the others will react to….well, your arm,” Nat says. I notice she seemed to want to say something else, but stayed silent after that. “Dusk I would like to ask if you think it’s possible for earth ponies to develop specialized magic other than their natural connection to their strength?” I ask trying to shift the direction of the conversation. “I think it’s possible but it would probably be incredibly difficult though. You’d be better off asking Ed and not me. He was the one who taught you to how to strengthen your bodies magic,” Dusk explained. “Maybe something similar to some ponies Cutie Mark ability….” we all turn to Nat as she has a contemplative look on her face. “Nat? What are you thinking?” Dusk asks. “Well, I was wondering if maybe someone’s Cutie Mark could give them a new magic style. Take yourself and Twilight. Your marks are of magic itself, so you can use most magic far better than most unicorns. Then there is Shining Armor, who is best at defensive magic.” “You're saying our Marks could theoretically allow us to access a unique style of magic similar to how it defines our talents,” I add thinking on this more. “Exactly. Take Sonbā. He was a unicorn whose mark is of understanding crystals and gemstones in Lex’s world. Lex gave him the ability to use Maker Magic, but since she didn’t give a specific element to it, the magic linked with what he is most familiar with, crystals. Maybe an Earth Pony can find a way to focus their internal magic into their mark, letting them make a magic that is related to their marks.” “It’s possible Polearm. Take Ed for example. Before he had his Arc of Embodiment he was still able to use alchemagic and naturally channel the magic in his body. Even if he can use spells he was still able to access magic through his talent of alchemy. Eventually, it led him to create his own type of magic,” Twi said as she put her glass down looking over to Nat and Dusk. “Is this what you were referencing.” “Pretty much. I just wonder if Earth Ponies can do it since they have the most evenly spread out magic through their bodies, while Pegasi have the most of their magic focused through their wings, and obviously unicorns through their horns.” Nat states, taking a sip of her drink and realizing she actually drank all of her glass. “That’s odd. I know I have a terrible alcohol tolerance, yet I feel fine right now.” “Alcohol is only for the royal family here Nat. Or if you have your own brewery, like the Apple family. What your drinking is a substitute I derived from zap apples and poison joke leaves.” I said proudly. “Sorry I didn’t tell you three earlier and don’t worry about any side effects I’ve been testing it on myself for weeks now. It’s kind of the reason I stunk up the lab the other day” “I don’t know whether I should be impressed or worried about the fact you test stuff on yourself,” Dusk says with a blank expression. “Well, it isn’t like we have much to say about that, considering all the tests we’ve done with my Virus,” Nat says, giggling a little as she seems to remember something. “Do you remember RedHeart’s face when we went to the hospital to ask for ‘samples’?” Dusk has to actually cover her mouth as she struggles not to laugh at something they went through. “You two wouldn’t believe the trouble Ed gave us during training. He would literally stand over us during the meditation sessions and anytime he caught us breaking concentration he’d chop us in the head,” I said, impersonating my teach with Twilight as my example. The motion caused my family’s shield to pop out of my shirt. “Hey, I have been meaning to ask, but what is that shield thing?” Nat asks while pointing to my shield. “This is my family shield. It’s passed down to every generation as a right of duty to the order of the Crimson King. It ensures that our families of the order continue to serve faithfully. I am the current head of the Aries family and the last of the Knights of the Crimson Order.” I say show off the crest to the girls. It was a crimson sun with a black sword in front of it. The girls all just look at the crest with seemingly blank expressions before Nat and Dusk say in unison, “That is bucking awesome.” Twi looks to the couple in shock at their casual swearing. “I don’t understand. What is the Crimson Order? Who are the House of Aries? And how are you the last of a lost Knight order?” asked Twi in total confusion. “ Also who the buck is the Crimson King?” “You already know who the king is Twilight. You meet with him constantly.”  I say with a laugh, sitting back down as the cooks bring out our salads. “I think I would remember if I met with a king every day thank you,” Twi said in annoyance. “Should I tell her or do you want to Nat.” “Hehe, Twilight. Tell me, what makes someone a king?” Nat asks with a smirk. “Will the have to either marry into royalty or inherit it from being born into royalty,” said Twi as she pointed in the air. “Correct. And who do you know in royalty is married?” “Will there are only two who are married in the royal family in this Equestria. My brother and Edward. But neither of them have the title of king,” Twi said. At this point, Dusk sighs loudly and facepalms, luckily with her none crystal hand. “Damn it Twilight, what color is Ed’s electricity and fire?” “Crimson of course,” Twi said waving her hand in front of her face. “But if her insinuating that Ed is the Crimson King then you couldn’t be more wrong, he only has the title of Prince from his marriage to Princess Luna. And I have to add that Ed hates titles in the first place.” Dusk looks to me, then to Nat. “I don’t miss these many details do I?” She asks with slight worry. Nat looks to her and shakes her head no. “For Celestia’s sake Twilight. Ed told us part of his past before we left for training. It involved the Fort of Saunder, where we stayed during training. He was given the title the Crimson King by the Minotaurs when he officially took up the mantle of their king,” I said plopping back down in my chair. “The House of Aries, were his personal guard ponies when he would stay in the Castle of the Two Sisters. My ancestors were trained by Ed and the Minos elite to battle even hydra. We pledged loyalty to Ed even after he stepped down as king.” I just don’t get how the mare I fell for doesn’t even know who in Tartarus our teacher is. “Oh, that’s right. Sorry about that Polearm. My head has just been a miss for the past few days. I’ve been helping Ed with Dusk’s rehab while trying to study up on advanced alchemy for Ed and high-level spells for Princess Celestia. I guess it slipped my mind. Still, I find it hard to believe you’re part of an order that has served Ed since over two thousand years ago.” said Twi as she sipped some more of her drink while her face was red with embarrassment. “Are you really the only Knight of the Crimson Order Polearm, or could there be more of them out in Equestria?” asked Nat with sparkles in her eyes. “To be honest Nat, I have no idea. There could be others out there, but the only way to find out is for Sir Edward to send out a summons, or for somepony to go out and look for those who are still adhering to the pledge their ancestors took. I know there are a few descendants here in Canterlot but they more than likely forgot the pledges and locked the crested shields up in a family vault, crypt, or just lost it over the years,” I say as I dig into the salad the chefs brought us. “What about the Minotaurs? Are they still loyal to Ed as a past king?” asked Dusk as she swallowed a bite of food. “The Minotaurs are loyal to those who have strength. Which is how Sir Edward became king in the first place, but yes they’re still more than loyal to him. Partly because of his legacy as ‘The Crimson Butcher’, but mostly because of the legacy he left behind as a benevolent king. What most ponies don’t know is that he and Princess Luna adopted several of the original Knights of the Crimson Order when they were very young war orphans. So you could say Sir Edward is sort of our grandfather,” I said with a smile looking to the sky as it was now lit with the Princess’s stars. “Ed’s a grandpa,” laughed Nat. “It makes sense to me now,” added Twi with a realization. “What makes sense to you Twi?” ask Dusk tilting her head a bit. “Why Polearm is so devoted to Ed. He sees him as his grandfather of sorts,” continued Twi. “While you’re not entirely wrong Twilight, you’re still not right all the way either,” I said getting up to look at the nighttime flowers. “I do see Sir Edward as extended family, but I still see him as my king who I would die to protect. Second, I see him as my best friend and mentor. You might see it oppositely but that’s how I see and feel it.” I rejoined the others and we continued to have a wonderful dinner until we were informed by the staff it was time to move on to the next scheduled event. A stroll through Canterlot. Pandora POV Well, so far so good. My new partners and I have been watching our trainer and her date and friends for a half hour as they eat, and so far nothing has happened. We were hiding too far away to hear what they were talking about, but they seem to be having a good time. I haven’t sensed anything amiss, so we have mostly been hiding in the bushes. I turn to Topaz as she writes in a little notepad she brought, wanting to take notes on how these ponies and humans ‘date’ one another. I don’t really understand how such a strong steel type can be such a dork. I then check on Selene who is watching the group carefully, while glancing every now and then at the bushes across from us. I could sense some very powerful beings over there, so I guess the three of us aren’t the only ones watching the date. Before long the group rises from their seats and head towards the exit to the maze and then towards the city itself. This will be a little harder for me because of my coat. Guess we really are going to have to rely on Selene and Topaz for keeping them safe. Luna POV Ed and I watched as the four lovebirds exited the maze. Every now and then Ed would glance over to the other bushes. He knew the pokemon would follow their trainer. I still don’t understand how a group of colorful exotic creatures such as them had remained hidden for his long. It was going to be difficult for Ed and myself to move around in Canterlot. “Do you think you can maintain an illusion spell for the two of us?” Ed asked as we made our way out of the maze. “I can for a while but no more than two hours for the two of us. You have to remember Light bending spells were never my forte, Ed.” I said as we come to the entrance to the maze. “Maybe it’s time for a little team up in the costume department,” said Ed with a smirk. “I’m afraid a don’t follow what you're saying,” I said raising a brow. “One of Nat’s pokemon, Zoroark, is known for its incredibly accurate illusion. Pair that with her Absol’s danger sensing and we’ll have one hell of a combo for preventing even the slightest incident tonight.” “Do you think they’ll be willing to team up with us?” I say with a little worry. “If they don’t then that’s on them. It would be a lot easier on all of us if we just did it but I'm not going to force them,” Ed said raising his shoulders. “Then let’s catch them before they come out, and quickly.” Selene POV I double check the area ahead of Nat and the others and see they are heading into the city. This could be a good chance to try out my illusion. I had an idea earlier about how I would look, but this will be my first try with it. “Ok girls, since we are heading into the city, I think I should start hiding in plain sight to keep an eye on them,” I tell my teammates.     “And how exactly are you going to do that? None of us are very inconspicuous.” Topaz says. I gain a smirk on my muzzle before making sure no one is nearby. I quickly focus on the image in my head and jump up allowing my energy to cover me. I land and look myself over, finding it worked. I was able to cast an illusion to make myself look like a dark-skinned ponies with my purple and black hair and my hair band. I check behind me and see my tail out of a pair of jeans I made myself, and I made sure I wasn't very busty in the t-shirt and jacket I created.     “Yeah, I should have seen that coming.” Topaz states with a deadpan. “But how are we going to follow you? Sure you can follow on the ground, but what can we do?” Pandora asks.     “Neat trick Selene, guess the Zoroarks really can cast solid illusions, and I have a plan to keep track of our prey if you three are willing to team up with Luna and me,” said a voice from behind us. I hear Pandora yelp and turn. “Night Slash!”     “Hold up there Pandora. It’s only me,” Ed said as he comes forward while blocking the Night Slash with his right arm as it turned into a sort of black material. If I remember he used this ability earlier to block the Hyper Beam. “Sweet Arceus, don’t scare me like that Edward!”     “So you have a plan for following them?” Topaz asks after recovering from her scare. “Yes, little one. That is where I come in,” said the Lunar Princess stepping out of the shadows. “I can cast an illusion spell on Ed and myself to allows us to follow along with Selene.”     “While you can ride on Pandora’s back along the rooftops. Luna will also cast a basic Telepathy spell to let us all stay in touch,” continued the alchemist. “I mean, I guess that works. Good thing Mawile are the lightest of any steel type.” Pandora says. She carefully lowers herself and lets Topaz climb up on her back. Luna lights up her horn and I see some blue lines coming out of it and connects to each our head for a second.     “There you go, can you hear me?” asked Luna while her mouth never moved. “Yup! All good here.” Topaz says without talking. “Looks like it worked. Now, we should catch up with those four. Pandora, try to stay on the rooftops and warn us if you sense anything.” I tell the Absol who nods and begins to run, jumping along the sides of some buildings to the rooftops.     “You two keep an eye on them for now. We’ll join you on the ground after Luna’s cast her spell. We’ll have at most two hours. It should be more than enough time for them to walk through Canterlot before heading to Ponyville for the night's last event,” explained Ed.     Luna’s horn began to glow again and then she and Ed started to shrink. Luna’s formed changed to that of a young teenage unicorn with an indigo mane and blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a midnight blue top with a full moon on it dark blue jeans and black sneakers. Ed turned into a teenaged minotaur with a brown head of hair and bright green eyes, almost glowing. He was wearing a white button down short sleeve shirt with the top two buttons undone with a pair of khaki cargo shorts and brown sandals.     “Nice Luna, or Moonlit Path, I should say,” said the Minotaur Ed. “Why, thank you, Crystal Forge,” said Moonlit with a giggle. “Enough compliments. Let’s catch up, quietly and quickly,” said Forge moving out of the shadows swiftly. Dusk POV Well, as far as dates go, I think this was going well. The food Princess Celestia had made for us was great, and we were able to have some great conversations while we ate. I was wondering what Celestia had planned for us aside from just a stroll for town. I glance at Nat as we make our way through the city and can’t help but look her over more closely. I know Rarity made the outfit, but I couldn’t help but figure she had a bit of influence in it. I smile to myself as I remind myself she is in a relationship with me of all ponies.     “Dusk? Why are you staring at me like that?” I break out of my trance as Nat asks that with a smirk. I am sure my fur turned as red as Big Mac’s so I make sure to look down to not get too much attentions drawn to myself. “I-It’s nothing Nat. Just….happy that you are with me of all ponies.” I am actually shocked that I was able to say that. I look up and see Nat blushing as well, but she manages to smile. “Course Dusk. You know that I just don’t fit with anyone else.”     I smile back and look around where we are and see a new clothing store down the street, I think it is the one Rarity opened earlier in the week. “Hey, how about we check out Rarity’s new store?” I suggest, the others seeing the store ahead of us.     “I don’t see why not. I have been meaning to check it out.” Twilight says, pulling on Polearm arm. It certainly doesn’t look like he minds. I smile and grab Nat’s hand, pulling her along too. Entering in, we see the store is fully stocked, even this late at night, with dresses, suits, regular clothes, and I think I even saw an area for armor.     “Wow! This place is definitely bigger than the one back in Ponyville. Guess Rarity knows how to use space,” Nat says, looking at some accessories. “Indeed Nat. Ms.Rarity even has an armory for various styles of armor. Some of these a very exotic. I’ve never seen this type before,” said Polearm in excitement. “Twilight you wouldn’t happen to know what this style is called would you?”     “I believe is some sort of eastern variant. Beyond that, I have no clue what it’s called Polearm. Edward said the ponies that used this style often were skilled in martial arts and single-edged sword skills.” explained Twi taking a closer look at the armor.     “That actually sounds like the samurais from back on earth. They wore armor near identical to this, but with more metal on it. Though I would have to ask Lex for more details, she studied a lot of things about the country of Japan before she tried to learn to become an English teacher.” Nat says, looking around more. I decide to follow her and check around the accessory area. Unfortunately for us this place still has some business of the less than polite type.     “What is this pathetic piece of plastic?! Such cheap work, just as to be expected by a small town bimbo.” I turn with anger and see a mare with an extremely expensive looking dress, holding up a gem-encrusted comb. It was beautiful blue with a rainbow of colored gems along each part of the comb. I am about to go give that mare a piece of my mind when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I see nothing, but then I look to Nat who has a smirk on her face, so I figure it's one of her Vectors.     “AHHH! WHO TOUCHED ME?!” I look back to the mare who is now rubbing her flank. I raise a brow when a loud smack goes out and she jumps, holding her other flank. I go wide-eyed and realize Nat just slapped her flank with her Vectors. I cover my mouth as I struggle with all my might not to laugh out loud.     “Excuse me Miss but your daughter is running around the store wreaking havoc and wrecking the displays. She has one of our most expensive combs and simply won’t part with no matter what we try. I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you both to leave, NOW,” said the store manager.     Nat and I look and see a filly with the comb in question, and I can just see the spoiled attitude in that filly, it almost hurts. I look to Nat and motion to the comb, but before she can try anything, the filly throws it at Twilight. I am about to call her when a small ball goes by so fast I can barely see it and knock the comb out of the air. I look around but only see a couple unicorns, and all of them are looking elsewhere.     The filly looks like she is about to go on a rampage when she suddenly calms down. I raise a brow and look to Nat, who has a Sensory Link on her wrist. Guess she is forcefully calming her down.     “Thanks for the save there Nat. That comb would’ve hit me straight in the eye if you hadn’t stopped it” said Twi with a sigh of relief. “Uh, that wasn’t me.” Nat states. “Really? Then, who was that?” I look around again but don’t see anyone who could have done that. Though, I did notice a darker skinned earth pony with purple hair glancing at our group every now and then.     “Well, this place is cool and all, but maybe we should head out. Though I will definitely be coming back for actual shopping later. A few of those eastern style pole weapons caught my eye. I’ll definitely have to get one for myself.” Polearm says. We all nod and head out the door and down the street again. “I think we should continue to head towards the entrance of Canterlot. Don’t you agree, Twilight.”     “Yea, let’s get going before something else happens. I’d rather not have some other pony try and turn me into a cyclops. Let’s keep an eye out for anything suspicious. If it wasn’t Nat that stopped that comb then we might be being followed.” said Twi looking over her should at the earth pony that was in the shop with us. She had now joined up with a unicorn mare and a young minotaur and they started to have some sort of discussion. I really didn’t pay it much mind as they didn’t concern us. Pandora POV That was close. Good thing the princess was able to set up that telepathic connection for us. I could sense a small amount of danger coming from the shop and warned the others. According to Selene, some brat was having a tantrum and threw a comb at Twilight. Good thing Selene can alter the size of her Shadow Balls.     Although, according to Ed, the group was now keeping an eye out now, so they had to try and be more inconspicuous. It was actually easier for me and Topaz to keep an eye on them since there have been no bat ponies or Pegasi in the air, so no one has noticed us yet. The Mawile on my back was also keeping an eye out, not for the group, but for anyone she thinks might cause trouble.     I see the date group leaving the store and heading down the street, so me and my partner follow them as silently as we could along the rooftops, the gaps between buildings being no problem for me to jump over.     ‘You keep an eye on them, Pandora. I caught Twi and Dusk looking over at us. We’ll have to hang back for a bit, just keep us informed,’ says Forge pretending to converse with Selene and Moonlit.     ‘Roger that. Topaz and I will keep an eye on them and their surroundings. Hopefully, nothing happens.’ I inform, seeing the group entering what looks like an outdoor bar. I lay just beyond the edge of the roof of the building across the street and watch. Topaz actually takes out a pair of binoculars from her second mouth to get a closer look. When did she get that? Twilight POV     We stop in this neet outdoor cafe or bar. I really couldn’t tell the difference in between the two right now. It was too crowded and too dark on the streets. This would let us rest for a bit. We took up an empty booth across the way so no pony would bother us, I hoped. Nat and Polearm went to get us some drinks so it was just me and Dusk at the table right now.     “So Dusk, how are you adjusting to the new arm?” I ask just to pass the time. “Honestly, at this point it feels completely normal. Almost like I didn’t lose it in the first place. Plus my magic is much stronger than it was before.” She says with a smile. I notice Nat barely flinch for some reason, but I guess she stubbed her toe or something on the way back.     “You know, now that you two are literally right next to each other, but you seem different Dusk. And I don’t mean just from the obvious.” Nat says, taking her seat. “What do you mean?” We ask in unison, I am curious as well. “Well, you seem more confident that Twilight, no offense Twi. You have been fine with just telling ponies we are together, when before the only one we could tell was Spike back home. Plus, like you just said, your magic is a lot stronger.”     “You two have been through a lot together over the past few days. It makes sense to me that you’d be more confident in your relationship. I could take a page from your book Dusk. As for as your magic being stronger I think it has to do with Sir Edward magic weaving ability. It truly is an amazing skill,” Polearm said with a smile as he looked at me. I could only feel my face heat up again. “So when are those drinks going to get here? Maybe you two should go check.”     “Sure thing, come on Twilight,” Dusk says, getting out of her seat. I nod and follow her to the bar area where a blue-haired unicorn was making some drinks. “Excuse me? I wanted to ask what the hold up with our drinks are?” Dusk asks.     “Right, sorry miss. We are running low on some of the lemons and oranges so I sent one of the employees over to the local mart to grab some more. It’ll take another ten minutes for them to get back.” The bartender says with an apologetic frown.     “Okay, come on Dusk we don’t want Nat and Polearm to start trading our secrets now do we,” I say with a sigh. I still wasn’t sure if a had romantic feelings for the guy but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel anything towards him. My train of thought was broken when I bump into a unicorn stallion when I wasn’t paying attention knocking me to the ground.     “Twi, are you okay? You shouldn’t get lost in your own head in a place like this when it’s overcrowded,” commented Dusk as she helps me up off the ground. “Sorry about running into you sir, but you’ll have to excuse us. We’ve got to get back to our table and friends.”     The stallion turned around as Dusk said this and immediately turn his gaze to both of us. He wasn’t as tall as Ed or Shining. He was closer in height to Polearm, so about average. He was wearing a light blue and white striped polo shirt with black pants and black running shoes. After recovering from the sight of Dusk and I he began to speak.     “My bad ladies for being in your way in the first place. Can’t say I recognize either of you though. Did you both recently move to Canterlot?” asked the stallion. “No, we’ve both lived in here up until a few months ago. We just came back on what you’d call a business trip. Now if you’ll be so kind as to move.” said Dusk as she started to push past him.     “Now, now. No need to rush, at least let me make up for knocking your sister down by buying the two of you a round of drinks. The name’s Hot Stuff by the way. And if you wait, my buddy, One Liner, will be here and then we can all have drinks.” said Hot with an evil grin that I didn’t like in the slightest. “Come on Dusk let’s go. Nat and Polearm need to know that the drinks are going to be a little longer.” I say pulling Dusk away from the creep going back to our dates.     “Right behind you Twi.” She says, pushing the stallion out of the way. “Now hold on there,” said a pegasus stallion extending his right wing to block our path. He was wearing a black sleeves shirt with white jogging shorts and neon running shoes. A typical jock. I hated these type of guys. “I believe my friend just said to wait for me to arrive so we could all have drinks.”     “Look you two, I don’t mean to be rude, but we have to get back over to our dates. So if you will excuse us.” Dusk tries to go by again, only for One Liner to step forward again. “What could your dates be doing that’s more important than having a few drinks on us ladies”     “Hey!” We look past them and see Nat and Polearm with angry frowns at the duo in front of us. “What do you think you are doing to my marefriend?” Nat asks with a glare. “Yea, what are you two up to. The ladies said they weren’t interested. Now back off before we have to get serious.” snorted Polearm as he glare at the duo between us.     “Serious you say earth pony. Ha, don’t make me laugh. I could down you with one spell,” said Hot with a scoff. “And what do you have to say on this little mare, with your pretty little ribbon,” added One.     Nat didn’t take to kindly to that remark. She was starting to turn red in the face a bit. Polearm was clearly shaken too. I could sense him starting to give off some form of magic. Dusk and I stepped in front of Nat and Polearm.     “Come on you two this isn’t worth the trouble. Let’s just go back to the table and wait for our drinks to come,” I say pulling on Polearm while Dusk is trying to get Nat to come to. Suddenly I feel someone wrap an arm around my waist and move me to the side. Looking down, I see nothing, so I guess it is one of Nat’s Vectors.     “Listen here you pieces of shit. If you try anything with Dusk or Twilight, I swear I will tear you two to bloody shreds.” Nat warns with a terrifying glare. “Hold on there Nat I want a piece of them to. No killing though. I have a reputation as a royal guard to uphold. Mutilation is okay though,” commented Polearm as he moved to the pair with a glare.     “Ooo, a royal guard Hot. I’m so scared. What are you going to do? Stare at me till I submit,” laughed One. “What’s the little girl going to do? Cute us out the door down to the dungeons” chuckled Hot pointing at the door.     I look and see Dusk is also fuming angry now, I won’t say I was very happy either. Dusk looks to her date. “Nat. Mess them up.” I am actually shocked that any version of me would encourage fighting.     “With pleasure.” She quickly digs into her purse and takes out a large bit bag and tosses it to the bartender. “This should cover the damages.” The others look confused for a second, only for Nat to vanish and appear in front of the duo in an instant, both hands pointed at their chests. “Wind Palm.” She released a huge burst of wind, point blank, sending the duo through the wall and onto the street. “What the buck hit us?” asked One. “That pink haired one used some sort of wind spell, but I don’t see how. She’s not a unicorn,” added Hot as he got up from the ground. “Just cause she’s not a unicorn doesn’t mean she can’t use magic, idiots,” said Polearm as he lands a fist in both of the jerks faces. It was so cool. “You're just a lowly earth pony guard how are you faster than a pegasus,” asked Hot. “You really need to get out more. Earth ponies can be just as fast as a pegasus. I’m personal friends with none other than Rainbow Dash and she can move faster than you can blink. But here’s the kicker,” said Polearm with an evil smirk. “You’re going to help me with a little theory we came up with earlier.” “What are you droning on about you bucking asshole?” asked Hot helping One off the ground. “Is this really a time to be testing some sort of theory or is this a time for us to kick a guard’s flank back to the castle,” said One. “Good luck with that.” The duo turns to Nat, only to freeze as they see her covered by pink wind and half a dozen swords floating above her. “Nat is it okay if you make sure they stay put while I crack their skulls?” asked the enraged guard pony. “No problem.” She smiles a mad smile, but the duo just laughs a little. “So what? You can control the wind and make a bunch of fake swords? How terrifying.” Hot says with a mocking chuckle before lighting his horn and firing a beam at her. I begin to get worried, but Dusk looks perfectly calm. “Storm Mail.” The wind picks up faster until she is covered by it, the beam of magic bouncing off her armor. As soon as the beam stops, Nat dismisses her wind and looks to them with a glare. I get a weird feeling those two are not going to be leaving here in one piece. I look in shock as five of Nat’s Vectors become visible, each being a different elements of fire, wind, ice, stone, and lightning. “You don’t know who it is your dealing with,” Nat says with an evil grin of her own. I can see the duo are looking a little worried now. “Ditto,” said Polearm as he reached out his hand. I could sense him gathering the magic from earlier in hand. There was a flash black magic and bits of rock and dust start to fly from every direction to form some sort of weapon in Polearm’s hand. “Dusk are you seeing what I’m seeing?” I see the pony standing next to me in awe. “Yeah, but I don’t really understand what it is. I have a feeling it has to do with his mark, but other than that….” she trails off, watching the magic flow around Polearm hand. “He’s not just making a weapon. He’s making armor too!” The rock and dust started to form a shiny black armor around Polearm’s body. It was similar in design to his guard armor. The weapon looked like a cross between a spear and a big sweeping dagger. I recognized it as one of the weapons from Rarity’s shop. “A Naginata? Nice Polearm.” Nat says with a grin, her own weapons appearing in her hands. She lets the wind pick up again and cover her arms and legs, acting as her own armor. “Thanks Nat. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off, but it looks like I was even able to make armor. Shocking to say the least. I think I’ll call this new magic Talent Magic,” said Polearm with the largest grin I’ve ever seen. “What in the name of Celestia are you freaks!” yelled One. That did it. “Polearm, crack their skulls. I’ll castrate them.” Nat says with no emotion. The duo suddenly looks worried after she says that. Even as a mare, I can tell that would be the worst pain ever. Polearm rushes forward faster than they can react and lands two hard hits on their heads with the flat end of his weapon, sending them to the ground again. They barely picked themselves up when Nat sends her swords towards them, the duo barely managing to get out of the way. One tries to fly away, only for Nat to wrap her flaming Vector around his ankle and slam him back into the ground. At this point, a crowd had gathered and it seemed most were cheering for Nat and Polearm. “You bitch you burned my ankle!” yelp One. Hot was facing Polearm with his horn lit and firing beams at him only for Polearm to dodge every single one. Before he knew it Hot Stuff was face to face with the naginata. “You mother bucker! All this over a mare! Who the Tartarus do you think you are! You’re nothing more than a simple guard with a strange talent! You really stepped in it buddy! I’ll have your head on a spike in my house!” yelled the unicorn. “The name’s Polearm Aries buddy. And that mare is somepony very dear to me. And as for being a guard, that means nothing to me. So what if I lose that rank I hold in the guard. If it means standing up for what’s right in my eyes or for a pony that I like. I’ll gladly give that all up to punish a cocky bastard such as yourself,” said Polearm as he laid the handle of his weapon into Hot sending him flying into the wall of the bar. After I saw this I could only feel proud and concerned for Polearm as he continued his assault on Hot. I looked over to Dusk who was watching Nat and One Liner. Not much difference in what was going on there. Nat had him on the ground, barely standing with a burnt ankle and a busted right hand. Nat just giggled at his situation. “Wow, and here I was thinking this would be at least a little workout. Oh well.” She sighs mockingly. One looks to her with rage and roars, flying up to her. Nat remains in her spot until the very last second before vanishing again and appearing behind him. She goes for a hard kick in every man's weak spot. Every stallion in the crowd winces and covers themselves as Nat’s attack lands, One Liner falling to the ground in agony. “You done too, Nat?” asked Polearm walking over to Nat pulling Hot Stuff behind by the mane as he proceeded to toss him next to One Liner. “That was so awesome Polearm!” I shouted as I jumped to his side grabbing his arm. I hear a Dusk squee as she jumps into Nat’s arms with a hug. I laugh a little and smile as those two are becoming so open about their relationship. “It’s official. You are the best girlfriend a mare can get.” Dusk says, kissing Nat on the cheek. Nat smile and nuzzles her. “Guess I should call a guard contingent from the castle to pick up these two and bring them to the hospital. I really don’t want to though. I think they should rot like the pieces of crap they are. Guess I’ll have to call it a night, girls. Sorry, I really wanted to see this date through to,” says Polearm looking to the ground. “That won’t be necessary captain Polearm,” said a voice from the crowd. I turn to see the two ponies and minotaur from earlier. “What do you mean and who exactly are you three?” I ask moving closer to Polearm as he brought up his weapon. “We’ll take those two to the hospital to treat them, and as for who we are Ms. Sparkle. We are part of the royal black ops forces.  The Princess tasked us to follow you and make sure nothing went wrong on your outing. Sorry if we caused you any discomfort. We’ll be on our way now and you best head to Ponyville for the next leg of your night. Goodbye for now,” waved the minotaur as he picked up the injured assholes and brought them to the nearest infirmary. The two mares bow and followed suit. We look to one another and just shrug, heading out again. So far, best. Date. Ever. > Chapter 24: Date Night: A Dance and Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topaz POV That was awesome! I am constantly shocked just how strong my trainer in. Pandora could sense quite a bit of danger coming from the bar they went into so she warned the others, only for two stallions to be blasted out by my trainer a minute later. I guess those two insulted Dusk and Twilight or something because those two got their flanks handed to them by Nat and Polearm. I look and see the two beaten stallions being dragged off by Ed and the others when his voice sounds out in my head again. ‘Follow them into Ponyville, if you would. Stick to the shadows. Luna spell will only last for around thirty to forty more minutes. It’ll only be long enough to follow through with the next part of Tia’s plan. We’ll join up in the town. Selene will meet up with you two outside the train station. From there take a chariot with her to Ponyville.’ ‘Be careful you two. We’ll see you in Ponyville and enjoy your trip,’ said Luna. ‘We’ll try.’ I tell them before jumping back onto Pandora’s back, the Absol beginning to head to the train station. We made to the train station just in time to see the date group getting on some carriage. ‘How are we supposed to hide from them on those?’ asked Pandora in a low whisper. ‘We can always just ride on the luggage carrier on the back of them. We’ll just have to hang on as if our life depended on it, which they would.’ I commented. ‘I wish I could learn ‘Fly’ right now. Just know if I fall, I blame you.’ ‘You’re more than welcome to cause I'm blaming me to. If that happens.’ Dusk Pov We made it to the train station with a little bit of shoving. When we arrived there was a large carriage waiting to take the four of us to Ponyville. I wonder what Celestia could’ve planned for us. I was also curious what this Ponyville was like as I had only been there when Artemis and Pandora showed up, but even then I couldn’t explore due to exhaustion. We climbed into the carriage and were off to Ponyville. The guards told us it was going to be about an hour and a half flight. So we got comfortable when I looked over to Twi who was hanging on to Polearm. She didn’t want to admit it but she liked him. I had my own question and now was the time to ask them.     “Okay, Polearm I have a few questions I would like answered while we’re waiting to get to Ponyville,” I said summoning a quill and scroll. “What is it you want to as Dusk?” asked the confused looking guard. “What exactly was going through your mind when you used, ah-”     “Talent Magic,” interrupted Polearm with a proud grin. “Yea Talent Magic. What was it like?” I asked curiously getting my quill ready. Twi had summoned her own by this point too. “It was much different from the sensation I get from when I use magic strengthen really. But instead of feeling inside of my body I focused it on the outside mainly my hand. I found myself wishing I’d had a weapon to defend Twilight and your honor and that’s when that Naginata, as Nat called it, started forming. The only reason I can think the armor formed was out of my habit for wearing it in combat.”     “But what was it made of though? I could tell it was some form of stone or rock you’d gather from the surrounding area.” I asked, leaning in a bit. “I don’t know. Like I said I just did I normally do but tried applying it externally instead of internally,” said Polearm as he turned his attention to the window.     “That kind of reminds me of when I use my Invasion Kunai. I have to focus my Telepathy, a style of magic that is purely mental in nature, and make it physical.” Nat comments. “I’m guessing it’s the same concept behind the technique that Sir Edward taught us, but instead we focus the magic into our muscles this enhancing out us physically. Like I said the same technique applied in a different way. Wasn’t sure it would work really. I didn’t even know if the weapon would form from stone to whatever it made of.” added Polearm.     “You know Polearm that was incredibly dangerous to try. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for testing new magics and spells but what if wouldn’t have worked. What if it would’ve backfired and in a crowded are like that?” commented Twi with a little anger in her eyes. “Sorry Twilight. I was thinking more with my heart instead of my head,” said Polearm as his face turned red looking into Twilight's eyes.     “I wouldn’t mind trying to learn that trick myself,” I say curiously. “Not up to me Dusk. Sir Edward is the one who came up with this magic skill n the first place. I only changed it for my purpose. And even then I only changed its application by reversing it a little,” added Polearm. “I’m with Polearm Dusk. Maybe after you have a more stable hold on your regular magic you can give it a try if it’s okay with Ed,” said Nat with worry. “But why?” asked I.     “Think about it Dusk. If this ‘Talent Magic’ is exactly what its name implies and goes of our theory then it can be incredibly dangerous for certain talents, such as ours,” explained Twilight. “I’m guessing you're referring to magic based talents then,” I said looking down to my hand. “Exactly, and who knows this could’ve been just a one-time thing for Polearm. Magic is greatly influenced by our emotion as you know and him saying he his feelings and sense of duty were the only things I can think that brought his magic out,” said Twi as she snuggled up tp Polearm all the while the stallion looked out the window as his face was shining red.     “Hey what’s with the glow of in the distance?” asked Nat as she looked out the window confused. “I thought we were headed to Ponyville, not Manehattan.”     “Oh no,” said Twi. “You don’t think the Princess,” added Polearm. “What?” I asked. Still not knowing what was happening. “Princess Celestia scheduled our date to line up with the Candle Festival,” answered Twi. “I know for a fact that we don’t have this in our Equestria,” I say in confusion still.     “It’s not well known outside Ponyville and Canterlot either. No one really remembers how it was started either,” said Polearm as he dimmed the lights in the carriage and started to tell the story of the festival. “ Most say that long ago not long after Ponyville’s founding there was a creature in Everfree the would come out at night. It hated light and everything to do with it. So ponies would walk around with candles even during the day. Soon the candles began to run out to where there were only a few hundred or so left. Not wanting to go outside for fear of the creature the ponies of the times pooled the candles together until they could get more.”     “The thing is no pony wanted to make the trip due to the feat of the creature. Not even mail would run to Ponyville. Which is why Princess Celestia didn’t hear about things until after the creature appeared. By the time she got word of it the ponies of Ponyville were down to the last of there candles. So they decided to hold up the storehouse with the candles,” added Twi. “The creature couldn’t resist easy prey such as this so it attacked the storehouse. They ponies decided to light all of the remaining candles in hopes they would stave off the beast till morning, but the thing was for to willing to get food. No pony really knows what happened next, but it’s said that because of all the candles light that the Princess was able to see it in her castle.”     “The final moments of Ponyville’s residents were upon them and that’s when Princess Celestia arrived and fought off the beast. Some say she killed the thing and some say banished it to Tartarus. No pony really can say because they never saw what really happened. The only thing they do know is if it hadn’t been for their candles and togetherness then they wouldn’t have made it that night. And that my friends, is the story of the Candle Festival.” said Polearm as he readjusted the lights.     “So it's kind of like the origins of the jack-o-lanterns for Halloween back in mine and Ed’s homeworld. You would carve pumpkins and place candles in them to ward off evil spirits,” explained Nat while she scratched her head. “But this Festival celebrates how important something so small can bring us hope, togetherness, and protection. Even when all hope seems lost,” I added.     “You’re right Dusk and so is Nat in a way,” said Twi with a smile still hanging on to Polearms arm. He didn’t mind in the least, either. “Let’s enjoy the glow from the festival while we’re up here girls. You won’t be able to see it for a while once you two go home,” said the still blushing guard. “I agree, and we’ll probably be landing soon since we can see the lights,” said Nat as she snuggled up to me on my right side. I couldn’t help but feel as if she was bothered by something. She hadn’t been sleeping well the past few nights. Sometimes I would get up and see her tossing and turning in her bed at night when I would get up to get water at Twilight’s parents' house. Plus with how stressed she has been lately, she’s all but lost that happy and shy attitude I fell in love with. Hopefully, I can figure out and help fix what’s wrong with her. Nat POV Before long the carriage touched down along the edge of the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. I was honestly kind of excited to see a festival that is unique to this world. Once all of us step off the carriage and thanked the guards/drivers we began to head into the town proper. I was in awe at all the decorations and candles, it really was like Halloween. “Hey, guys!” We all turn and see the rest of the Elements and Discord walking up to us. “Oh, hey girls and Discord. What’s up?” Twi asks, finally letting go of her date. “Not much, just enjoying the festival. But what about you four? I thought Rarity said you four were on a date tonight.” RD says. “We are. The princess decided to make it line up with the festival. Apparently.” Dusk answers, the others nodding. They then notice me and Dusk looking around the town with intrigue. “What’s with those looks, girls? It’s just the Candle Festival.” The prismatic mare says. “Well we don’t have this festival back in our Equestria, so we want to make the most of it and learn what we can about it,” I tell her, looking at a couple decorations. “Really? Well then, just so you two know, we normally have a dance near the town center later, so I think that would be a great spot for you four to go.” Rarity says in sudden excitement. We all look to each other and realize this was what Celestia had planned for us. “Why am I not surprised there is a dance here? At least Dusk and I know how to dance, but do you two?” I ask the other couple, both of them looking elsewhere with sheepish expressions. “I was trained by the princess in formal dancing at the palace and I’ve had a few dances here at the Pinkie’s parties but I’ve never slow danced with another pony before,” said Twi as her voice died off. “No need to worry about me in that dancing department ladies. I was trained in formal dancing at the academy and by my family. I also spent a great deal of time at the local bars when I was off duty in Canterlot,” added Polearm. “I hate to cut this short, but Rarity have you seen Spike around? I wasn’t able to come the other day so I’m a little worried.” “No need to worry Twilight. Spike was fine when I was over at the library earlier. He was just doing what he always does, sweeping the floors, organizing the shelves, reading his comics, the usual.” Dusk says. “I know that part Dusk. You told me earlier. I asked Rarity because he’s been spending the night at her house and working at the library during the day. Wait you didn’t know?” asked Twi in shock. “No? I just assumed you let him stay at the library alone. He seems a lot more mature than my Spike, so I thought you allowed a little more independence.” Dusk responds. “How old is your Spike if I may ask?” asked the other unicorn. “Eleven and a half.” We say together. “Spike here is fifteen though he still looked elven before Ed’s training. Apparently, it had something to do with magically stunted growth.” Twi explained with a giggle. “Huh. I wonder if Lex’s Spike is the same since she is training him and the others to be wizards.” I mumble to myself. “If that is the case, I might need to perform a magic scan on my Spike when we get home,” Dusk says. “They could be. I heard Sir Edward talking about certain classes of dragons that were once known as mystic dragons. He said the could perform magic similar to unicorns and were pretty good friends with the just about any creature they came across. Sadly they are or were a very rare dragon class. They were feared among the dragons and were said to have been wiped out by a dragon lord due to this fear,” added Polearm as we walked toward Ponyville. We just made some small talk for the most part on the way to town, though I mostly stayed silent, trying to think of how I am going to explain to Dusk about her darkness and learning from Luna. I know I told Luna and Celestia I would tell Dusk about it tonight, but I still couldn't get rid of the worry in my mind. I knew where I wanted to tell her, I just didn’t know How to say it. I was pulled back for a second by Twilight, “When are you going to tell Dusk about the dark magic sealed inside her body Nat?” I look to my marefriend who was talking to the girls ahead of us. “Tonight, probably after our dance. I was planning on going over to a pond that is a bit into the forest. We go there a couple times back in our world to meditate and relax. I just hope it exists in this world too.” “It does. Just be careful, the Everfree here is more dangerous than yours, especially at night. I know you were just looking out for the one you love Nat but you should’ve told her right away about that seal. You didn’t see the fear in her eyes when Ed and I found she had dark magic in her body,” Twi said as she started to pick up the pace to catch up to the others. For what’s left of the walk to town, I was in the back and silent, trying to gather my thoughts and plans. “Hey! Nat! Come on we're almost to the town square and I here princess Celestia is here!” shouted RD. “Yes, do hurry darling! Everypony is saying that she’s going to sing the first couples song! I’m going to hurry to meet up with Spike girls. See you all later.” Rarity said as she shot off into the crowd of ponies. I am sure my Rarity would be rolling her eyes if she saw that. I quickly catch up with the others, seeing a large stage near the town hall has been set up and there are a few ponies with instruments on the stage. I see Derpy and her family near one of the food stands, the trio smiling and waving at us. I smile and wave back, happy to see any version of Derpy happy. Dinky starts to wave for me to come over. I make my way over to their stand seeing a rather cheery little unicorn. “Excuse me but are you Ms.Natali?” asked Dinky. I giggle a little as she is just like the one back home. “Yes, but you don’t need to put miss in my name, it’s just Natali or Nat. It’s nice to meet you Dinky.” I say, shaking her little hand. “Nice to meet you too Nat. I heard from my daddy that you like blueberry muffins, so me and mommy made you some,” she said pulling out a tray full of their from under the counter. I smile wide and grab one from the tray and take a bite. It was just like back home, guess all Derpy’s know how to make great muffins. “This is perfect Dinky. Thank you.” I say with a smile, rubbing her head. “I do hope you’ll come by the house and chat with us before you have to return to your Equestria Nat. Time may be a little stubborn when it comes to Displaced but he’s still more than willing to visit with them,” said Derpy as she nuzzled Dinky. “You should get back to your friends now. The bands all set up and the Princess is about to start speaking.” I nod to the pegasus and give the little filly a quick hug before heading back to the others, not all that difficult when my marefriend is the only one who looks more like a pony than a human. “Hey, Nat. I was wondering where you went.” Dusk says as I step up next to her. “Yeah, just went over to say hi to Dinky and Derpy, and I can say those two are almost exactly like back home,” I say with a small smile. “Anyways, the princess is going to be singing the first couple songs, right?” “That’s what everypony was saying on our way up here. It’s going to be a real treat. Other than when Princess Luna and Sir Edward sang at the wedding I’ve never heard of royalty singing at social events. What about in your world Dusk? Has the Princess ever sang there?” asked Twi. “Not really, the only royalty that’s sung to me back home at least is Cadence when she would tuck me in for bed when she foal sat me. I may not know how the princesses sound, but Nat and her siblings are really great in my opinion.” Dusk answers and I blush a little from the praise. “I know that Luna sang to you when you were in the hospital. It was simply amazing too. I think she missed being able to sing that lullaby,” added Polearm looking to the stars and then the stage. “Hey isn’t that the special ops team that was tailing us in Canterlot?” Polearm asked pointing to the group behind the stage. I look at the duo and silently sigh. I know Ed and Luna had been following us in those disguises from back when they took those two stallions away. I was able to check their magic signature with my Vectors and I wasn’t all the surprised. I chose to keep it to myself though since I didn’t really mind having Luna around. “Polearm I know I was acting dense earlier but even I could tell that the minotaur was Edward and the mare was Princess Luna in disguise. Princess Celestia probably had them tailing us to make sure nothing bad happened. Safe to say nothing bad that we couldn’t handle.” interrupted Twi. “Sorry but other than my stunt earlier I turned off all my magic sensing abilities,” laughed the guard pony. I look towards the area for the dancers as the others talk amongst themselves, seeing a bunch of couples going to it. As I am looking over the couple, I see a few I recognize after a second, like Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and Big Mac and Cheerilee. Though, I was getting a really weird feeling as I was looking past the dance floor and through the crowd. I look through the crowd some more and see the twins Cloudkicker and Flitter, and who I guess is Fleetfoot all together, seeming to be waiting for someone. I am about to ask RD if she knows who their dates are when I see three stallions going up and I swear I can hear glass shattering again. They may look more human and seem totally calm, but I would recognize those Cutie Marks anywhere. I begin to hyperventilate, the others not noticing as I just continue to stare at who those three mares dates are. DumbBell, Score, and Hoops. The next thing I know, I am back in the alley, on that night. The blood pooling at my feet and along the walls. “No, no, no no…” I clutch my head as it comes back again, the way my mind was so cold, the fact I couldn't care less what happened to them. I jump as I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I realize I was on my knees with tears flowing down my face. I look to the hand and follow it up to RD’s rose eyes. “Nat, what’s wrong? What happened?” I try to talk but I can’t get my breath. I feel as a pair of arms wrap around me, Dusk helping back to my feet. “Natali, what happened?” She asks both gently and sternly. I can’t answer, but I shakily raise my hand and point to the three stallions. Dusks eyes widen then she looks to me again before hugging me tightly. “Don’t worry Nat. Nothing will happen. I promise.” She carefully leads me towards a bench away from the crowd, not letting me go for a second. She then just stares into my eyes, seemingly looking for something. “You had another flashback, didn’t you?” She questions gently, the others nearby looking confused and worried. I let a few more tears fall as I nod my head slowly. “Hey, Dusk is Nat going okay? She looked like she saw someponies she knew and completely shut down there,” asked RD with concern. “She saw this world’s Hoops, DumbBell, and Score and is caused her to have a really bad flashback of what happened on Nightmare Night back home,” explained Dusk. “Those three are really bad news if they're here. They’re bullies and rapist. They tried to rape poor Derpy back in our world, but Nat stopped them before they ever got the chance. She did a few things that traumatized her quite a bit. We need to put a stop to whatever they’re up to now,” Dusk said as she held on to me stroking the back of my head. “Sorry, Dusk that’s a no-go,” said RD crossing her arms. “But why? They’re bad guys. We need to stop-” “NO! Look those three may be bad on your world but here the pretty swell dudes to hang around. They’re some of mine and Fluter’s best friends from back when we were kids. I can’t believe I’m giving the same speech Ed gave me this morning. Really puts it into perspective when it’s the other side of the coin. Anyways, those three are honest, hardworking, and all around kind-hearted stallions that would help any pony that asked for it. Sure their dates are a little airheaded but they’d defend them with every last breath they had. If you don’t believe me then go and as Aj, Flutters, or even Discord. Now, I’ve got to go find Soarin. We’re supposed to meet up at the fountain. I hope you’ll be okay not and I’m sorry for snapping at you Dusk. Man Ed’s really starting to rub off on me,” she said shaking her head as she walked off to meet up with her date. Dusk helped me back to my feet and I look to the trio in question. They did seem as if they had no ill intentions for the mares they came with. I decide to have a closer look with my Vectors. RD was telling the truth about them. If anything these guys were the polar opposites to our worlds versions. I shouldn’t be surprised though as the Blueblood here was a total ass and he wasn’t just putting on an act like the Blueblood back home. “I’ll be okay Dusk. Thanks for helping me up. Now let’s get to the dance floor and show these guys how we dance back home,” I said looking to my marefriend as she blushed. “Come on slowpokes!” shouted Polearm as he and Twi ran past us. “Hey, we’re not pokemon!” Dusk and I shouted with smiles as we joined our other dimensional friends. We danced for quite some time. I have no clue what time it is right now we’re just having so much fun. I hadn’t seen Dusk the happy in weeks. Not since she got her magic from Lex at least. It was nice to see a smile on her face. Polearm wasn’t kidding when he said he knew how to dance either. Before I knew what was going on he and Discord got into a dance-off and that lead them to lead the whole dance floor in some sort of split group dance battle. I’m pretty sure this had nothing to do with chaos magic as both Twilight and Fluttershy were standing off to the side with beet red faces. Dusk and I only laughed at this.         “Okay, every pony I hope you’ve all enjoyed that little battle between the Lord of Chaos and Sir Polearm because we won’t be seeing something like that for a while. Now, it's time for the moment all of you couples have been waiting for,” announced Mayor Mare. “Princess Celestia herself is going to sing the first couple's dance of the night. So all of you who came or have their special somepony with come down or stay on the dance floor. And I’m sorry, but for those who don’t have a dance partner you must leave the dance floor.”     The ponies quickly started to scramble to find dance partners as none of them wanted to miss the chance to dance to there Princess’s song. That’s when I saw Celestia start to come to the front of the stage. She wasn’t in her usual white gown but a golden sleeveless dress the adorned with diamonds and amber stone sand she was in golden heels. Her crown was gone only to be replaced with a shining tiara the had a large yellow in the center with opal in the shape of rays as if they were from the sun. Her hair had been pulled back into a ponytail with a white shining ribbon the flowed with her mane. ‘How the hell did she do all this into just a few hours’ I thought as she moves to the mic. “Good evening my little ponies. I hope you're all enjoying the Candle Festival. This is a time in which we come together to celebrate the sacrifice and togetherness. This is why I personally wanted to sing a special song this year. We have a few in this group that knows what it means to sacrifice for the one they care and cherish.” said Celestia as she looked into the crowd, but I knew she was talking about me and Dusk. “Now without further delay, I will be singing a song called ‘1000 Years’.” said Celestia as she began to sing. Her voice was so soft but powerful. Dusk grabbed my right hand and pulled me to the dance floor. I placed my left hand on her waist and my right in her left and we started to move to Celestia song. I stared into Dusk eyes for what felt like hours until a realized that the song was over and another had more fast tempo one had taken its place. We rejoined our friend on the sidelines. “Nice movement out there you two,” said Polearm. “I was so lost in Celestia song and Dusk’s eyes I didn’t really know what was going on,” I laughed. “It was like I was in a trance myself when I was listening to the song. I really let Polearm do all the work but I still really enjoyed it. I’ve never thought I would have this type of experience.” said Twilight as she looked at Polearm with eyes as big as saucers. “My that was certainly an interesting song from the Princess,” said Rarity while fanning herself. “You said it Rarity. I can’t remember the last time got lost in music,” added Polearm. “You think the Princess used magic in that song?” “Why yes, I did Polearm. It was a spell that awakens the feelings in your heart and allows you to connect to the one who you share those feelings for or with. But the spell can only be cast through a song of equal or stronger emotion. It was a skill that was originally used by the sirens for feeding on negative emotions and magic, but I was able to adapt and change it with the help of my brother to a spell that helps other connect and or heal,” explained Celestia with a smile coming over to our group. “Damn, I can think of a few other uses for that spell. Maybe you should teach it to Cadence to make her matchmaking easier.” I say to the Alicorn. She seems to ponder this before nodding. “I’m sure she could use it rather easily Nat. Cadence prefers allowing things to progress on there own though. I’ve offered to teach her the spell many times but she always turns me down.” “I heard from Ed and Luna that you and Polearm got a little rough with some stallions at a bar in Canterlot that tried to pick-up Dusk and Twilight,” said Celestia with an evil smirk. “We’re sorry about that Princess,” Polearm apologized hanging his head in shame. “It’s quite, alright Polearm. In fact, I’m very proud of the two of you. You both showed a lot of restraint in the matter as you both could’ve easily beat them within an inch of their lives. Yet you only left with them with a few cracked bones and bruises. Which is no less than what they deserved. Now, I must take my leave of you as I must attend to others but I’ll be back on stage for another song later. For now, I think you should enjoy the Festival and keep dancing. Luna is going to sing in a bit and then she and Ed will be doing a duet. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” said, Celestia, as she waved and walked away. “Even Luna and Ed are going to sing tonight. Man the Princess really pulled out all the stops for tonight. I wonder how she got Ed and Luna to agree to this?” I asked looking to the others. “Believe it or not Nat. Luna loves to sing to other and as long as he’s with her, Ed will sing with no objections. As long as the songs appropriate that is,” said Twilight. “Yea, when we were training, Ed told us that Luna would often sing for him when they were in the gardens together. He apparently taught a few songs to the Princesses from his homeworld,” explained the guard pony as he motioned towards the stage. Luna was now on it and headed toward the mic. Her illusion spell had been dropped for a while now as she looked like her usual alicorn self. She was wearing a silver gown that twinkled in the light of the festival. She was wearing a white gold tiara with a crescent moon on it that match a necklace she had around her neck. She reached the mic and spoke. “Good evening every pony I hope you’re enjoying the festival tonight,” she said as she looked to the entire crowd before her with a soft smile. “It brings my heart such joy to see you all couples dancing under my moon. Speaking of couples, I want to dedicate this song to a very special couple. I won’t say who as to give them privacy. Now if all would return to the dance floor with your partners.” As if some force pulled us all from our seats we were back on the dance floor. I looked over to see Polearm and Twilight in each other arms. They weren’t blushing at all. They were simply that in each other arms with Twi resting her head on Polearms chest. That confirmed to me how she truly felt for the guard. ‘Natali, bring Dusk to my chambers tomorrow morning after breakfast.’ said Luna vai telepathy. ‘You got it, Princess.’ I confirmed. ‘No doubt Tia told you of the Siren’s Heart Song spell. I will be using it for the two of you with this song. It will allow you to have an easier time with the events later on tonight.’ explained Luna. ‘Thanks, Princess.’ I said as I pulled Dusk in close. “Without further adieu. I will sing a song called Crossing the Field,” said Lunar Princess as she started to sing as Ed played the piano behind her. Everyone danced to the melody as Luna sang. I have to say this song reached me and Dusk more than Celestia’s did. I looked to Dusk who had tears rolling down her face. I knew it was the right time to have our talk. “Hey Dusk,” I whispered pulling her in close. “What is it Nat,” she answered. “When Luna’s finished singing let’s head over to the pool in the Everfree. Twi said it’s in the same spot as back home. I have something I really need to discuss with you, okay,” I said, looking to Luna as she nears the end of the song and I could feel her spell fading. “Okay, Nat let’s go then.” “Thank you everypony and hold on because my husband and I will be singing one more song towards the end of the festival and again. Thank you, my little ponies,” said Luna as she joined Ed as he got up from the piano. They exited the stage and met up with Celestia. “Let’s go before anyone notices us,” I said pulling Dusk along with me to the pond. She nods and follows me past the crowd and towards the edge of the forest. Of course, Twi’s warning earlier made me a little worried, but I just divided my attention with my eyes and my Vectors. After a couple of minutes of walking through the forest, we arrive at the pond in question. It was fed by a little stream and leads to a small waterfall, eventually merging with the river that goes through Fluttershy’s house. It was perfect timing too since there was a bunch of fireflies floating above the water, the lights reflecting across the water. Dusk was looking around the area with a nostalgic smile. “I really missed this place. It’s nice to be back, even if we are still in another world.” She says, sitting on the edge of the water. I look to her from the back by the woods before taking a deep breath. “Twilight.” She turns to me with a raised brow. I sigh and take a seat. “Listen, we really need to talk about something important.” She looks worried as I say that. “Nat? What’s going on?” She asks cautiously. I sigh again and dig into my purse, taking out the release seal. “What’s that?” I handed the sheet to her. “It’s the release seal...for your dark magic,” I say, looking at the water. I can see Twilight looking to me in shock through the reflection of the water. “You-you knew about that?” She asks in shock. “I knew since you got them. During Hearths Warming, Lex’s letter said that she gave you a very powerful style of darkness magic, ironically called Heavenly Body Magic. But she sealed it within you until such time as you were ready.” I say, still not looking to her. “Why didn’t you tell me!?” She yells. I still look to the water, not noticing as tears begin to fall from my eyes. “I-I was scared,” I say quietly. “Scared of what? That I’m not strong enough? That I can’t control it?” I get up from my spot and turn to her. “I was scared that I would lose you! I was scared that Celestia would see you as evil because of your dark magic and I wouldn’t be able to protect you!” I yell to her, Twilight flinching back. “Twilight, you told me how our Celestia basically went on a crusade to erase every scrap of dark magic out of our world. If she learned that you had a type of darkness she’s never seen before…Twilight. I can’t lose you.” I can see that Twilight is looking to me with wide eyes so I sigh and sit back down on the edge of the water, trying to catch my breath. I think that was the first time I have ever blown up like that in years. Before long, I feel as Twilight sits next to me again. “So, your nightmares the past few days. They were from this fear?” She questions gently. “Mostly. Before it was just from what happened during Nightmare Night, but then after you told me about Celestia’s ‘anti-dark magic crusade’, and I had all these fears just staying in the back of my mind. Before when Sora was herself, she was able to help keep them at bay. Take half the fear, you know? I have been sensing that your darkness had been getting stronger since we arrived here, but after Ed told me that the seal was fading….” I just shake my head and bring my knees near my chest, wrapping my arms around myself. I am not sure how long we were sitting there for, just staying silent, before I sense Twilight moving next to me. “I’m sorry.” I look to Twilight in confusion as she says that. “Sorry? What are you sorry for? After everything that has happened to you, I am the one who should be apologizing.” “No. Nat I am sorry for not being there. I know that Ed said you need to be strong for me and Sora, but as your marefriend, I should have been there for you too. I should have seen how you were struggling without Sora as your rock of stability and I should have been more considerate of your emotions. Instead, all I thought about was controlling my new arm and studying all I can in this world.” She looked to her new arm before giving a sad smile. “I’m a pretty terrible marefriend.” “No! Twilight you're a great pony and an even better marefriend. I was just being stupid and keeping all this a secret.” I say, grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face me. I see some tears in her eyes, and I can feel my own falling down my face. After a second, Twilight begins to chuckle sadly. “Guess we both are to blame for this mess. I should have been more considerate and willing to listen, and you should have been willing to talk.” She says to me, placing her right hand on my cheek. “Yeah. I guess we are pretty dysfunctional. But considering everything that has happened to us over the past week, it isn’t all that surprising.” I nuzzle into her hand as I say this. The two of us begin to laugh a little at our absurdity. After calming down, I look to the seal in her hand. “Even though it is sealed, the dark magic in you is yours to do with what you wish. Use that seal, and it will be unlocked. I am not sure what will happen when it is, but I will help you however I can.” I tell her with certainty, holding her left hand. She nods and brings the seal up to her face, lighter her horn to sense the seal. After a second, she sighs and places the seal into her pocket. “I think it would be best I use the seal when at least one of the princesses or Ed are nearby. Just in case.” She says, standing back up. I nod and stand as well, wiping some grass and leaves off my dress. Twilight turns to walk back through the forest, before an evil thought enters my mind. I smirk to myself before knocking Twilight’s hooves out from under her with a Vector. Before she can hit the ground I catch her in my arms and hold her bridle style, Twilight’s coat turning from lavender to red. “Nat, What are you doing?!” She shouts in embarrassment. I just chuckle and lift us with my Vectors, off the ground and over the canopy. “Hold on tight.” I say with a grin, beginning to walk over the forest with Twilight in my arms. I can feel her start to relax a bit after we get moving over the forest. “Next time, warn me before hand.” She says after a bit. I just giggle a little at her response, Twi lightly bonking my head. “Where’s the fun in that?” I say with a grin. Twi rolls her eyes, but rests her head on my shoulder, trying to be mindful of her horn. It took less time to leave since we were bypassing all the trees and other obstacles, so we made it back to town in no time. After I placed Twi back down, we headed back to town square where I could still hear the festival going on. I looked around and saw Rainbow with Soaring talking with the trio. I take a deep breath as we pass them, nothing happening to me this time around. “Hey you two, where’ve you been? You missed some really cool beats from Vinyl,” said RD as we passed. “Oh, we just had a few personal things we had to discuss in private RD,” I said with a smile. “Okay then, but we should really get back to the dance soon,” added the prismatic pegasus. “Why?” asked Soarin. “Ed and Princess Luna are about to sing the last couples’ song for to night.” “I almost forgot about that. C’mon Dusk. I could use a dance after what we just went over.” I say, taking a hold of my marefriends hand. She nods and follows as we head over to the dance floor. I quickly use my telepathy and find Luna and Ed behind stage. ‘Nat how can we help you this evening?’ thought Luna. ‘Did something happen between you and Dusk’ asked Ed. ‘Sorta. We talked things through, and she has her seal. She says she will only unlock her magic if either of you two or Celestia are near, just in case.’ ‘That’s certainly a wise move, Dusk.” Luna spoke with praise. ‘Why don’t we meet up with you two and Polearm and Twilight at the library after we finish our song. I know you and Polearm will be extremely exhausted after tonight. You can all spend the night and come back to Canterlot in the morning using the teleporter.’ said Ed in a happy tone. ‘Sure, that’ll work. I just hope Twi left some of her clothes at the library, since we only have what we’re wearing right now.’ Dusk says. ‘Don’t worry, I had some of the staff bring a change of clothes for you during the first dance.’ Luna says. ‘Well, we’re on. I hope you two enjoy this song. See you at the library.’ said Ed as I cut off the link. “Hello again everypony. The Candle Festival this year has been an overwhelming success. We have one more treat for you all. Princess Luna and her husband are going to sing one last couples song for all of  you. Enjoy,” said Mayor Mare as Luna Stepped to the mic again. “This is a song that represents the journeys that we must take in our lives as couples. You must know that a relationship is not a mere thing to be squandered but comes with up and down that we must work through together, my little ponies,” explained Luna. “This song is named At the Beginning, enyoy,” said Ed as the music began. I smile and grab hold of Dusk, holding each other close as we begin to dance together. I glance around and see practically every couple are holding their other close during the dance. I smile and focus on my own partner again. I can see the happiness in Dusk’s eyes as we dance together. During the middle of the song, Dusk gets a little closer and rests her head against mine, both of us with relaxed and happy smiles. I can hear as the song begins to slow and I look to Dusk, both of us having a blush and smile. “I love you.” We say together. Dusk POV We spent the rest of Ed and Luna’s song in each other’s embrace. Nat was trying so hard to be there for me and Sora at the same time while still dealing with her own issues. She was so young and so strong. I couldn’t help but admire her, but she didn’t need to bear everything by herself, at least not anymore. There are times when you need to rely on those around you but this was a lesson I too had yet to come terms with. I should’ve confronted Nat earlier today when Ed and Twilight had let me know I had dark magic in me. The song finished and and we met up with our friends and said our goodnights before heading to the library.     “How was the Candle Festival?” asked Polearm. “It was special. But I don’t think I’ll be going back to Canterlot tonight. I’m way to tired,” said Twilight with a huff. “I agree with you Twilight. I’m headed to the workshop and I’ll head to the barracks from the teleporter in the morning.”said Polearm as her stretched. “Why don’t you just stay at the library with us? Princess Luna had some of the guards drop of some clothes for the four of us. Plus Luna and Ed said they’d be stopping by after they wrapped up a few things at the festival,” said Dusk with a smile. “I’m sure it would make Twilight happy if you atleast slept in the basement,” added Nat with a smirk causing Twilight to turn red at this thought. “I’ll stop by to see Sir Edward and the princess, but I’ll only stay the night if it’s okay with Twilight,” said Poleram with a beet red face. “I don’t mind Polearm. There’s a pull out sofa in the basement, but I recommend that Nat and Dusk stay down there as the pullout is a queen size mattress. Spike’s room is empty as he’s staying with Rarity since I’ve been in Canterlot,” Twilight managed to say without a stutter. “Alright then, thank you Twilight.” As we finish up with hashing out those details Nat and I couldn’t help but turn red as we realized what Twilight had done. We got to the library and saw Ed and Luna out front waiting for us. Twilight unlocked the door and let us all in and we all entered. Spike was definitely doing his job as this place was spotless and organized, even more so than my own library back home. I guess it was the age difference.     The boys went to the basement to change while the girls stayed on the first floor. Once we were all in the more comfortable clothing we all gather in the living room. Except for Ed, who went in the kitchen to fix a pot of tea for everypony. The guy may be a scientist but he really reminded me of Princess Celestia in a lot of ways. His eyes though, whenever I looked into them they reminded me of Nat, but there was more to it than that to. He’s always trying to do the right thing and puts the welfare of those he cares for above himself, even if it means he gets hurt in the process.     I was pulled back to reality when Ed brought the tea tray in and put it on the table with a few snacks on it. That’s when Luna spoke.     “So Dusk I take that Nat has told you of your dark magic by now,” said Luna as she fixed herself a cup of tea. “Yes she did and she gave me the key to undo the seal on it,” I said looking to Nat. “I want you to know that Nat talked to both Tia and I on this matter earlier today and Tia and I spoke earlier on it before Ed and I came here. We came to the same conclusion that you should do what you think is right. Should you choose to unseal your dark magic I have agreed to help teach you how to harness and control it while Nat teaches you the spells that go along with it.”     “You’re really going to become my magic teacher?!”  I asked while I jumped up from my seat in excitement. “Yes, Twilight but I’ll tell you the something I’d told Nat earlier today. This is not Equestrian dark magic in origin so I’ll only be able to teach the natures of dark magic and how not to succumb to its corruptions. Thus you will be made the night apprentice while you stay here. It will also give you and Nat access to the dark and arcane section of the library in Canterlot.” explained the Lunar Princess in a serious tone.     “What exactly does that entail for Dusk?” asked Nat taking a sip of her tea with a raised brow. “It means that you and Dusk will have access to vast knowledge collection of every type of dark magic that has ever existed in our Equestria Nat,” Ed said as he put an oddly shaped black key on the table in front of us. “Why are you giving us such freedom on this?” I question.     “Because I want you to take this knowledge back with you and spread it to your Equestria if at all possible Dusk. I want you to become a Dark Archmage if you choose to unseal your power. I know it’s asking a lot of you and you’ve been through so much already but you’re the only pony I feel is worthy to have this knowledge and that is worth of the title Sage of the Night other than Twilight herself,” explain Luna with a smile as she took another sip of her tea and snayach a cookie.     “Nat has told us that you world has almost no knowledge of dark magic so we figured it be best for you to learn all you could while you were here. You’ve completed physical rehab and just a the level of magical rehab. I think your more than ready to start spell casting with your arm Dusk. But this option we’re giving provides the addition of Equestrian dark magic to help you better grasp dark magic in general. But the decision is still your and we won’t force you. I personally have things I still have to do involving Sora’s condition. So most of your time with me will be spent with when your not studying in the mornings after you first arrive here if you accept Luna’s offer,” said Ed with a dead serious look on his face. I looked to Nat and then I took the seal out of my pocket that she’d given me earlier that night then I look back to Nat who is smiling softly back at me.     “It’s your choice Dusk and I’ll be there for you no matter what decision you make” Nat says as she gets up and hugs me. “Dusk I’ve studied under Ed only for a few months but I can tell you that you can trust him and Luna’s choices, and I think you should go for it,” said Twilight as she put her tea cup down. “What I’m trying to say is follow your heart on this, because I’m going to start following mine.”     As Twilight said this she looked over to a certain guard pony that had fallen asleep in the chair he’d been sitting in. She got up and left the room for a minute to come back with a blanket and pillow. Twilight quickly threw the blanket over the sleeping Polearm and then gently place the pillow under his head. She the kissed his cheek. “Sweet dreams Polearm,” Twilight whisper to the sleeping guardsman. “I’ll leave you guys to your choices for tonight. I’m going up stairs. Have a good night.” We said good night to Twilight and Nat and I turned back to Ed and Luna who awaited my decision. I look to Nat again, who just nods to me. I take a breath, before a rather obvious problem pops in my head. “Um, how do I use the seal?” I can see Nat going wide-eyed and facepalming at this. It seemed we were in luck though, as I saw the back of the seal begin to glow, before some odd text became visible. It was written in some odd symbols that I couldn’t recognize, but Nat took a closer look, before beginning to laugh. “Seriously sis?!” She says while laughing. She calms down after a bit, seeing our confused looks. “Lex left the instruction on the back, but she wrote them in Wingdings! Thank gods I have a decoder on my phone.” Nat quickly digs into her purse and takes out her ‘phone’ as she calls it, and then goes through a few pages. I can see her grab a sheet of paper with a Vector, along with a quill before taking the sheet and beginning to translate. “‘To unlock the sealed magic, place the seal around right eye and focus your inherent magic into it. After a second the seal will merge with your magic before finding and unlocking the darkness.’ Damn Lex, you really wanted this to be dramatic didn't you.” Nat says. I look to the seal again and nod, placing the sheet over my eye. I can feel Nat taking the sheet and holding it in place, so I focus on the magic I have used since I was a filly, focusing it into the sheet on my eye. It began to feel warm, almost like somepony placed a warm towel on my eye. I can hear what sounds like the hissing of steam. I allow my magic to flow into the seal, even as I feel it getting hotter and let the seal merge into my magic. I grit my teeth at the heat and try to ignore the probing sensation its forcing upon me. I then feel like somepony placed a hot towel on the center of my chest, where my magic core is, and it's getting hotter. I just bear with it for about a minute before the heat begins to lower, and I feel like I just left a sauna. I open my eyes, panting, as the heat begins to die down on my face and my chest. I look to the others after I get my breath and see them looking with wide eyes at me. “What?” Rather than say anything, I see Nat bringing over one of Twi’s hand mirror and pointing to it. I raise a brow and look to the mirror, and gasp at my reflection. The seal, the odd red symbols, are now on my face, just around my eye like a tattoo. I gently guide my hand along the symbol, feeling that it merged with my fur. “Woah. I guess I got a tattoo. Heh, hopefully mom and dad don’t freak out too much.” I mumble to myself. I then look to the sheet that held the seal on the floor, and see more symbols on the front of the sheet now. I raise a brow before looking at the translation sheet Nat made. “‘To hide the seal, focus your magic and image how you looked beforehand.’” I raise a brow before lighting my horn and imagining how I looked before this. I can hear the spell activate before looking at my reflection again. Now the symbol is the same color as my fur, the outline only noticeable if you are close enough. “Twi?” I raise my head and look to the others, Nat looking at me with concern. “How do you feel?” I feel over myself, finding myself to be physically fine, before focusing inward and sensing my magic. “Stronger.” I say after feeling my core. “I can feel the seal is released, and that I am magically stronger, but that’s it. Nothing really different.” “That’s very good. It means you a 100% compatible with your darkness with no chance of corruption at this time. Only time will tell if you will be corrupted though. Remember Twilight that even those with an affinity for something can still become corrupted by it,” said Luna with a proud smile. “Now that your seal has been undone what do you say to becoming my apprentice while your here?” I look to Nat and smile as she nods with her own smile. “I say that you just gained two students, since I know Nat is going to want to learn too.” “Excellent girls, simply excellent!” Luna said as she pulled us into a hug with her magic. “I’ll start your studies right after breakfast tomorrow once you both arrive. Know you Twilight you’ll have the whole first bookcase read in under an hour. Nat there is a whole section of black wind magic if your interested.” I see Nat smile wide, and figure she wants to better control her Dread Spiral spell. “Thank you princess. This will be a blast.” She says. I nod in agreement before a large yawn breaks through my smile. “It looks as if my sleeping tea is starting to take its effect on you two. If that’s the case Luna and I will be heading back to the castle for tonight and we’ll be seeing you to a little after sun rise tomorrow. One more thing before we go though,” Ed said as he took what looked like a black gem with a purple outline from his pocket. “This is a Dark Sage Stone Twi. It’ll absorb and seal the excess dark magic that’ll be coming from your body while your training with Luna. Eventually you won’t need but you should carry it with you fo the time being. Nat how’s Sora and the Soul Stone flow?” I look to her and see her close her eyes, before they shoot open and she blushes brightly. “S-she’s doing fine. Unfortunately she has decided to imagine how my future with Twi will be like in….very detailed format.” I blush as well as I can’t even imagine what Sora could be imagining. “HAHAHAHA! That’s great but listen to me Sora. I promise I’ll get you out of this miss and into your own body no matter what it takes. Just hang in there a little while longer and keep teasing your big sis for me.” Ed said with a serious smirk, Nat responding by flipping him off. “Alright Luna, let’s get back home. I got a few things I have to get done before bed and you still have night court for a while too.” “Agreed. I’ll see you two tomorrow my students,” said Luna with a light chuckle as the couple got up and left the library for home. I look to Nat who is still blushing before she sighs and puts the cups and plates into the sink and heading to the basement, with me close behind her after I lock the door and windows. I see as Nat pulls out the bed for us and I can’t help but blush again at both Twilight’s trick and whatever Sora was imagining. “You know, I am too tired to even care about the implications of us sharing a bed.” Nat mumbles before getting the pillows and blanket for us and all but falling onto the bed. I sigh and lay onto my side, my blush refusing to leave my muzzle. ‘At least I am not in bed with a stallion.’ I think to myself, remembering all the warnings Shining and dad gave me over the years. I try to get comfy, but I end up laying on my right side, facing Nat, who is on her left. The both of us are all but stuck staring at each other in their dark of the room. After a second though, I hear Nat sigh and feel her getting closer. I can feel my heart beating faster as I can barely feel the heat from her body next to mine. I take a breath before going the rest of the way, wrapping my arms around her as she does the same. I can feel Nat’s fast heartbeat as well, but it begins to slow as she rests her head on the pillow next to me. She then begins to giggle a little, confusing me. “What’s funny?” I ask quietly. “You do realize your wrapping your tail around my leg right?” I go wide-eyed as I realize this, my tail is wrapped around her left leg. Before I can try to pull away, it feels like another pair of arms wrap around me, Nat wrapping me up in her Vectors. “There. Now we’re even.” I giggle a little as well as I look to her outline in the dark. I can barely make out her own smile as I get closer, Nat doing the same before we lock our lips again. Even though we have done it more often, it still doesn’t get old. We break apart after a minute, both of us slightly out of breath. “I love you Twilight.” Nat whispers, nuzzling my cheek. “I love you too Natali.” With that, both of us rest our heads on the pillows beneath us, letting the little light from the moon lull us into sleep. > Chapter 25: The Light of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna POV Today was Dusk and Nat’s first dark magic lesson. I was so excited to have personal students once again, even if they were from another version of Equestria. I didn’t want to put too much pressure on either of them but they seemed to be more than willing to learn. Tia offered to start their lessons to allow me to get some sleep but I was completely against it. I was too excited to sleep anyways. Ed was waiting with me in my chambers for Nat and Dusk to show up.     “I haven’t seen you this excited in quite some time Luna,” commented my husband with a smile. “I know, I can’t stay still. I just hope I don’t go overboard and expect too much from the two of them. It’s been a long time since I had my own students and one specializes in dark magic,” I said in a squee. “Ah, my ears Luna. You could stand to dial it back a bit on the volume. I don’t think Tia would appreciate the windows cracking from excitement and I know I don’t want to fix them after having only just done it only two weeks ago.”     “Sorry Ed,” I apologized place my hand over my mouth as I blushed a bit. There was a knock at the door. “Oh, they’re here. Come in!”     The door opened to reveal Nat, Sora, Dusk, and Twilight. I saw that Dusk and Nat were standing rather close to one another and Dusk had her tail slightly wrapped around Nat’s leg, and after checking with my magic, I sensed that Nat had a Vector around Dusk’s waist. Looks like Twilight’s little prank helped them out.     “Morning Princess, Ed.” Nat and Dusk say together with a bow. I chuckle a little at their formality. “Morning girls, I hope you three slept well. I’m guessing Polearm come with you but split off once you four got here to attend to his guard duties,” Ed said looking at the three new arrivals.     “Yup, he said that he had a couple rounds today so he couldn't come with us here. He is probably going into the lab to test out his Talent magic afterwards.” Nat says. “I wouldn’t put it past him. I guess I know how I’m going to be spending part of my day for a while. I leave you three with Luna as I need to Talent proof my lab now,” said Ed with worry. “See you three later, bye Luna,” Ed kissed me goodbye and he was out the door.     I looked to the girls who were only staring at me with large eyes, “What it there something on my face?” The duo shake their head after a second. “No, just waiting to get started. Are we learning here or in the library?” Dusk asks. “No, we won’t. Did you bring the key that Ed gave you last night?” I asked with a smirk. Dusk nods and takes the key out of her pocket, as well as the Sage Stone of Darkness.     “Good. Please follow me,” I said bringing the girls over to a large drape. I pull the cord to reveal a large mirror. “Can any of you tell me what type of mirror this is?” I ask looking to the three of them. Twilight and Dusk look over the mirror with curious expressions, while Nat seemed to focus on her Vectors for a second. “It’s a portal mirror,” Nat says suddenly.     “In a way yes. This is what’s called a Pocket Mirror. Starswirl was once able to create a portal to another world as you all know. This mirror takes the same concept but Ed restricted to only a pocket dimension with my help using mirror and mirage magic. Dusk place the key on the mirror to unlock the door the Dark Library,” I explain with a smile.     Dusk nods and places the key into the keyhole on the top of the mirror and turn it, the glass of the mirror rippling before turning into a reflective dark purple. I nod with a smile before stepping through the mirror with the trio close behind me.     “Now that you’ve passed through the main entrance with the key you can all come here by using it on any mirror you have nearby, but if you wanted to bring some other pony here it won’t let you. You’d have to use the original mirror in my room. A detail specific to you,” I said looking to Dusk and Nat as we come to the other side of the doorway. “You’ll be able to keep coming here once you go home as it’s in between worlds.”     “Sweet. I wonder if this is like the area Lex met Master Mavis.” Nat mumbles to herself, and I figure her sister met someone in the area between worlds in her own world. I smile and see the others gaining wide and excited smiles as they see the library itself. “This, my young students and niece, is the Library of Darkness. It holds the collected knowledge of every dark magic type from light consuming dark magic to dark portal magic. Most would kill to be able to get their hands on a single tome of this collection. Which brings me to my next subject. You can’t bring the books or scrolls outside of this place,” I said in a serious tone as I see Twilight raise her hand with a question. “But why can’t we bring them with us just to study for a later date?” “Dark magic is like gold to is too greedy ponies for mages. While Tia and I allow the dark magical practices we can’t trust them with these ancient spells due to corruptions. So, I place an object displacement spell on these tomes so if anypony tries to take one out of here it returns to its shelf. Over there you’ll find the practice area where I know you’ll be spending half your time while I’m resting,” I said pointing to a large open arena. “Alright. At least this way we don’t need to head to the training yard to practice some of our dark spells.” Nat says Dusk nodding in excitement. I can just feel the excited energy around these two, so I decide it would be best for us to get started. I light up my magic and bring over a dozen books for the trio to read through first. “Where for you three to start?” I ask with a large grin. “For you Twilight, I recommend that you start in the basic section just to be on the safe side.” She nods and grabs some of the books in her own magic. “Dusk, these books are on dark magic control and meditation, so you will be able to control it and not worry about corruption.” Dusk smiles and grabs them from the pile, reading immediately. “Nat, these three are for dark emotional control, so magically channeling anger, sadness, etc. I believe your Maguilty Sense magic would do well to learn them.” The Diclonius smiles and grabs them with her Vectors, opening all of them up to read. I watch as the three girls begin to read through their respective books, Twilight on one of the couches and Nat and Dusk leaning against each other, back to back. I can’t help but allow a couple happy tears to fall from my eyes as I remind myself. I have two diligent students, both wanting to learn all they can. I realize how Tia felt whenever she taught Twilight during my imprisonment now. Looks like I am going to have to ask for help with some lesson plans. Four Days Later Nat POV “Ok, one more try and then we can call it a day Twi,” I tell my marefriend, who nods and gets into her stance. She allows herself to be covered by a dark gold and black aura before flying into the air and placing seven magic circles into the air in the shape of the Big Dipper and then landing. “May the seven stars bring judgment upon you. Grand Chariot!” I watch as the spell circles glow before launching several magic bolts at high speed at the target. The resulting blast blows back my hair but luckily Luna put up a magic wall to prevent the blast from messing up the library. I know both Twilights would be losing their minds if that happened. After the spell finished, the target was left none existent. I smile and grab hold of my tired marefriend. “That was great Twilight. I think it is safe to say you have a firm grasp on the magic bolts, the Grand Chariot, Meteor and the Jui Leixing.” I say with a smile, helping her over to a chair while Selene brought her water bottle. “Maybe, but I am still having some trouble using Altairis. Plus you still haven’t let me practiced Sema or Pleiades.” She says, beginning to chug her water. “That is because those spells are too dangerous to use in a closed off area. We’d need to head to the badlands to practice them, and even then, they are very powerful so they are difficult to control.” I say with a sigh. Over the last four days, Twi and I spend almost all of our free time in the Dark Library, learning all we could about controlling our darkness. It took a while for me, but eventually, I learned to imbue my magic weapons with negative emotions like dread and fear, so getting hit by one of my swords would both hurt and would make you scared along with how to use certain Equestrian dark magic spells. Twilight took to the dark magic like a fish to water. After she read through all the material Luna assigned her, she practiced the mediation and control techniques for a full day. She learned how to channel her Equestrian Dark magic, then I began to teach her the Heavenly Body spells. She learned Meteor quickly since it was the tamest spell she had aside from the magic bolts. She actually stunned Shining Armor when he wanted to see the spell when we were taking a break in the training hall. After that we spent the next couple days going over what we knew about controlling each of our darkness with Luna, then the two of us would work on our spells in the training area in the library. Of course, I check in on Sora every couple of hours, and so far she is just bored, with not being able to control our body. She was excited when she watched me and Twi practicing our spells though. My pokemon have just been hanging around the castle for the most part. Artemis talked to Shining and started to help train some new recruits in archery. He was actually the second best if he was in the guard. Chance helped the recruits with learning how to subdue a wild animal, using himself as the target. Topaz has mostly just been hanging around the gardens and relaxing. Selene and Pandora, on the other hand, got permission from Luna to enter the library and watched me and Dusk whenever we practice our dark magic, the two dark types extremely curious about what we could do compared to them. After a while, I actually made my own version of the Shadow Ball, much to Selene shock and pride. I am brought back to the present as I sense the portal activating and this realm’s Twilight walks up with a couple books in her arms. She notices us as we get out of the training area and smiles. “Hey Dusk, Nat and Selene. Finished your training session?” She asks. I glance over to Dusk who sighs and nods, grabbing her regular clothes from a chair. We figured using these spells could be a bit of a workout, so we ended up getting some exercise clothes from the boutique. Dusk was wearing a black tank top with a blue sports bra and black shorts. I have to admit since we started working on our dark magic, she had barely gotten a little more muscular, her right arm beginning to show some muscles. I can’t even lie to myself about it, she was hot. “You three seem to be enjoying the library,” said a familiar voice from behind me. “Nyu,” I squeaked as I turned around to see Ed looking at the shelf that was behind me. “Sorry about the spook Nat. I came by to pick a few books few Pole on dark earth magic,” said the alchemist as he skimmed through the shelf. “But you can’t take the books out of the library. Luna said there was a spell that prevents it,” added Twi. “Correction Twi, you can’t take the tomes out but I can,” Ed said as he moved to the other side of the shelf. “But how?” asked Dusk tilting her, so cute. “I helped build this place, guys. So as one of its founders I’m not limited to the same restrictions you are. Oh, Nat, Adam says hi,” says Ed with a smirk. “You talked to Adam?” I said in surprise. “A little while ago through my watch. I told him to start prepping the castle in Everfree for us. I don’t want to run into any problems while we perform the transmutation. Seeing as how you and Dusk a progressing so well I thought we’d spend the last week of her rehab in Adam’s world. That way you can see Adam and Lex and Dusk can see how they use their variant of dark magic. Lex will be able to help out too. Can’t say I’m looking forward to seeing them under these circumstances though,” Ed said with a shake as he grabbed the books he pulled of the shelves. “FYI, girls,” Ed said as he looked to the smoking arena. “If you need more space simply ask the librarian and she’ll make more room based off what you tell it. See ya,” Ed says as he steps through the door mirror. “How are we supposed to tell the Library we need a bigger training area?” I asked in confusion. “Hey Nat,” said Twilight. “What’s up, Twilight?” I asked. “There’s a ball of light on your right side,” answered Twi pointing out the light next to me. “Hello, visitors my name is Dark Light. I am the Librarian to the Library of Darkness. I was informed by Edward to have the arena expanded for a more suitable size for your spell practicing. If you require anything else simply call my name,” explained the little ball of light before it popped and faded into nothing. The Lab Ed POV     I stepped through the mirror of the Library to the one I kept in my lab. I quickly looked round to see if Polearm was practicing his Talent Magic, as I didn’t want the books damaged. Dark magic scrolls are hard enough to come by let alone a whole book. Thank god he was working with his plants for the time being. The fella had a green thumb and could do just about anything with a plant. Had some of his brew the other night and it was fantastic and non-alcoholic to boot. He noticed me as I come out of the mirror and commented.     “Sir, how is it that you can use mirrors to travel?” Polearm asked scratching his head. “I can’t use them to travel in the way you’re thinking Polearm. I’m merely using the key in my possession to unlock a pathway to Luna’s private library,” I said walking over to his desk. “Here I want you to study these dark earth magic books when you get a chance. They’ll help you get a better feel of how to better control your baser dark type minerals. Like the onyx you used to make the armor and naginata the other night.”     “Ye-ss-ir,” He said as his face light up. “I can see that your time on that date was well spent my friend,” I say as i can’t help but laugh. It had only been four days since the date and three since Twilight told him that she like him and wanted to give a relationship a try. So the officially become a couple and ever since Polearm has been the one to get nervous just frome mention anything related to the subject. Even if it was just a minor detail. He still focus quite well on his studies to. I even had Twi come in and help me analyze some of the data I collected on Talent magic. She was the eager beaver on this but Polearm was eager to try out the new magic he’d invented. It was astounding. Talent magic was a totally new form of magic in its own right. It needed no spells or incantations to use it. You only need to channel the magic in your body externally instead of internally. After the magic reaches sufficient mass it starts to form around what the wielder’s talent is and based on what their think at the time. “Alright I need to speak with Adam to see if I can find the necessary elements for a human in his world,” I say as I look for my watch. “Why sir? I thought you were never going to attempt human transmutation,” stated my assistant. “That’s because this isn’t going to be human alchemy but alchemagical cloning instead. They share a same base yes but cloning isn’t trying to create new life, aka a soul, but just trying to make a copy off any already pre-existing body. The technique is going to rely more on my arc of embodiment magic then on my alchemy as a whole. So it will be much safer to use.” As I was looking for the watch Polearm had made his way to the books I brought him. “Sir if I may ask, why do you want me to study dark earth magic?” he asked picking up the first book on the stack. “Call it a hunch Pole. Don’t forget what happened on your date. When you used the Talent magic it first appeared as black lightning which is a man indicator of dark type magic. Ah-ha found you, you little bastard,” I said as I pulled out my token. “Anyway, I want you to study earth and dark earth magic because it seems you have an natural affinity for both types of magic after a while we can move on to plant magic. Now study and if you feel up to it use the key next to the books to go to the Library and practice with the girls in the arena. I’ve got an important call to make now don’t disturb me.” “Yes sir,” acknowledged my assistant I left and went to the back of the lab where no one would disturb me. I looked down to my token and thought for a bit then I closed my eyes to think. Everytime I talked to either Lex or Adam they always had the tone of distrust in their voice, and it was a tone I hated. They had every right to take it though. I won’t deny that it’s my fault, even if Sora and Nat agreed to the terms of our match. I open my eyes back up and look to the watch ‘Here goes, again’. “Call Adam and Lex,” after I said the the watch popped open and the hands started spinning violently. After around a second a split display screen popped up revealing a tall red and brown haired man with silver eyes on one screen and a woman with blue hair with gold highlights and mismatched eyes. “Hey guys. Sorry to bother you two. Especially you Adam since we just spoke a few hours ago,” I say nervously. Dark Library right after Ed left Dusk POV I plop down on the couch in the library after I finish changing and sigh. It has been rough, learning all this darkness. Especially since some of it is contradictory to what I was taught as Celestia’s student. The more I think about it, the more I can see why Nat was so scared about unlocking my Heavenly Body magic. If I was told before I had met Nat that I would become a super powerful dark mage in the near future, I probably would have sent a letter to the princess without a second thought. But know, I am starting to think about what I could do to spread this dark knowledge across my home, likely without Celestia’s knowledge. Wow, that sounded tyrannical. I look to Nat as she sits next to me and hands me one of the dark magic books I have been reading through. It was of Umbrum dark magic spells, but with my training I couldn't be corrupted by them that easily. Some of these are actually really helpful, like turning to mist or shadow and controlling my anger and sadness into beams of pure magic. There was a sudden pop again and the librarian was floating before us. “Sorry to interrupt your studying Ms. Dusk but I was informed by the mistress to monitor your thoughts as a precaution to prevent corruption and to inform you and the mistress of such signs. While you show no such signs, I had caught wind of your thought of tyranny. Please do be mindful that this is the state of mind you must not fall to. You have shown great progress over the past four days. Much more than any before you but do not let the success cloud your head,” said Dark with concern. I look to Nat and Selene, the duo just looking to me with raised brows, not appearing worried, but intrigued. “I was just thinking about how I am suppose to spread this dark magic knowledge though our home, probably without Celestia's influence if it ends up like I think it will. I guess I phrased it kind of tyrannically in my head.” Selene shrugs and lays against the couch on the floor while Nat scoots closer to me, taking a long look into my eyes before nodding. “Alright. I can tell you aren’t lying at least. Just remember that you aren’t the only one who would be spreading this info around our Equestria. Also remember our deal, you start getting tyrannical, I Invasion Link you.” “If I may make a suggestion Ms. Dusk and Ms. Nat. The mistress once had a school of darkness here in our Equestria. Why not found one of your own with help from your version of the Mistress. I must point out that all variants of the Princess of the Night use the same base dark magic. If anyone will help you two she would. If anything else then go to her before the sun princess when you return home,” explained the glowing orb. I look to Nat again as she seems to ponder this, something akin to a spark of memory appearing in her eyes. Then she blushed again. “Shut up Sora!” She whisper yells to her sister. Unfortunately for both of us Sora decided to listen to Ed and was teasing me and Nat constantly, especially now that she has new ‘ammunition’ from the both of us sleeping together every night since the festival.     “I must say Ms.Nat, that your sister is a rather enjoyable conversationalist. And the renovations to the arena have been completed. I also included a new series of Dark Crystal Golems that were used in the armies of King Sombra during the Crystal Wars. Please enjoy your new arena,” says Dark Light as she pops away once again.     I sigh again and continue to read through my book, Nat taking out her own book on dark wind magic. I am not sure how long the two of us were reading for when I hear the entrance activating again. I glance to the entrance and see our dark magic teacher entering, a smile on her face as she sees me, Twilight and Nat absorbed into our books.     “How are you three enjoy your studies today?” sung Luna in joy. “Very much so, Princess. This has really come in handy for controlling some of my powers, as well as making some new ones.” Nat says, marking the page she is at. “That’s great to hear Nat. How about you Twilight?”     “I found so many spells that I never knew could be used for such a variety of things. Then there are some of the training methods that have helped me in my alchemy studies for Ed to. It just so much-” said Twilight as she face planted in mid sentence. I look to her for a second before laughing at the perfect timing.     “Wow! I hope I wasn’t like that when I was younger!” I say with a laugh, Twilight looking to me with a blushing glare. “Come on Twi, you have to admit that was funny.”     “My mind scan shows that Ms. Sparkle has shorted out, mistress,” said Dark as she popped up next to Luna. “Oh dear, it looks like information overload again,” said Luna as grabbed the bridge of her nose. “Tia said she can get like this if she’s been up for too long, or if she’s constantly reading. I’m going to have to ask you two to move so we can ‘reboot’ Twilight as Ed would say.”     Luna picked her niece and brought her over to the couch where we’d been reading while Dark Light followed her closely behind. Nat and I move from the couch and grab our things while Selene helps Luna place Twilight onto the couch for her to rest. “I really hope this never happened to me when I was studying under the princess. I don’t remember it happening.” I mumble, trying to remember if this has ever happened to me. “I can scan your memories for you Ms.Dusk,” said Dark as she shot over to my face. “No, thank you.”     “This is reminding me of Sheila from RvB a bit.” I hear Nat mumble. What the heck is RvB?     “Anyways, was there something you needed princess?” I ask after a second.     “I came by to see how you three were doing is all. I haven’t had students since I returned from being banished to the moon, let alone personal students. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you three studying here. I wanted to see if I could help you with anything, but from what I’ve read from Dark Light’s reports and watching the recordings of your training sessions I don’t think there’s much I could do at this point,” said Luna as she turned to face us with tears in her eyes.     “Are you alright princess?” I ask, moving in closer to Luna who then pulls us into a hug. I can’t help but smile. “I’ll be fine Dusk. These are tears of joy is all. I think it’s time you two moved into higher the higher level spells,” Luna says as she dries her eyes. “I thought we were already on high level stuff. These spells a pretty strong in there own right. Then if you combine them with another spell they can do some pretty serious damage,” Nat comments.     “These are only the spells and techniques for basic control, Nat. You two haven’t even touched the spells that Starswirl created. There are also the ancient spells, the alicorn spells, and the ones I wrote myself. I think you might be interested in ‘solid state shadow magic’ in particular. Oh, before I forget, Ed asked me to tell you three to be sure to start getting ready for our trip to your brother’s world within the next three to four days,” explained Luna with joy.     “Did somepony say something about a collection of Starswirl spells?” asked Twi who popped back to life on the couch. “Tia was right when it comes to her recovery, whenever it comes to books,” Luna said jumping back from shock. “Have I ever been like that Nat?” I asked. “Not from whenever I was around. Maybe you did when you were studying under Celestia, but otherwise, no.”     “Mistress you can’t be serious about giving them access to the Forbidden section of the library!” exclaimed the librarian next the the princess. “I am very serious Dark Light and you will not hinder them in any way shape or form. Girls as long as you don’t try and take the tomes from the Library I give you the unlimited access to this place and if Dark gives you any trouble simply send me a scroll. No matter the time. Now you’ll have to excuse me as I’m going to checkup on Ed and Polarm’s training. Have a wonderful afternoon my students,” Luna says stepping back through the mirror.     I look to Nat who looks shocked that the princess would give us that much freedom. I have to admit I am shocked as well. First I was taught that dark magic is pure evil, now I am about to learn several forbidden spells in another dimension. Guess this come with the territory of dating a Displaced.     “Sooo….wanna head over to the restricted section?” I ask blankly. Nat nods to me and we head over to an area we saw was closed off earlier, the barrier in the way now gone. I gain a small smile as we enter the section, seeing tones of books, scrolls and tomes in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. I go through the shelves for a bit before grabbing one that is labeled as ‘Advanced Umbrum Darkness’. I look to Nat who grabbed one that didn't have a title, but the cover had a skull made of rubies with the eyes being sapphires.     “Hmm, dark healing rituals. This could come in handy.” I hear her mumble to herself, before glancing to the side, probably talking to Sora again. “Be careful with this tome in particular Ms.Nat. It was the one that lead to the downfall of the crystal king,” said Dark as she popped up next to Nat’s head. Nat looks to Dark with wide-eyes for a second before conversing with Sora and shrugging, grabbing the book anyways. “Thanks for the warning Dark. I can see what it is about at least, and then see what happens.”     “As long as you understand my warning. As you know, even the most evil of things can come from good intentions. There is a table and chairs around the corner. Now you must excuse me as Ms. Twilight is about to have another overload in the Starswirl section,” says Dark as she pops away.     “Selene! Be sure to keep and eye on Twilight please!” I call to the Zoroark. “On it!” I hear her call back. I smile and go over to the seat nearby and begin to read through the new book. I glance over to Nat and see her sitting on her Vectors like a chair, seeming to converse with Sora again before opening up her own book.     Looks like we have a lot more to learn before we head over to Adam’s world. I wonder what magic Lex gave him and Penny. > Chapter 26: Some Assembly Required > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Days After Gaining access to the Forbidden Section Ed POV It had been two weeks to the day that I had summoned Nat and Dusk. Things were in a much less desirable state then I would’ve like them to be but the two of them seemed to be happy with the results thus far. Luna had even given them access to the forbidden section of the Library, but this didn’t surprise me given Dusk and Twi are the same pony on a base level. Polearm had proven to be quite adept with dark earth magic and plant magic. I had even tried out my own techniques for applying talent magic with a few successful trials.     I had sent a letter to those who’s were coming with me to the next world. The team consisted of me, Luna, Polearm, Twilight, Nat, Sora, Dusk, and the Pokemon. When I had called Adam and Lex the other day I had told them to meet us in an open area. I told everypony we’d be departing from my lab. I’d managed to fix the issue with my summoning as well. No more falling through portals at random. I could now walk through no hassles We were all gathering outside in the gardens.     I told everyone to bring a few changes of clothes and nothing more. Anything else we’d need we could buy or make while there. I was going over my list of materials that I’d need to start gathering once I was there while Luna was sitting in the shade taking a nap. Reminds me of when she used to do the same thing in the old castle courtyard. I looked to the gates when I noticed our favorite couples coming through it. I went over and woke Luna up so she’d be ready to go by the time they reached us.     Nat was wearing the outfit she arrived in as was Dusk but with the addition of the coat, I’d given her. I didn’t see the Pokemon. I could only guess that they were already in their pokeballs. Twilight was wearing blue jeans with running shoes and a blue top with her mark on it. Polearm was wearing his onyx armor with his naginata strapped onto his back.     “Good afternoon everypony, I hope your travels here went well,” said Luna with a smile as our friends met us. “Everything went smoothly Princess. I explained to Spike that I’d be gone another week but he really didn’t seem to mind until I told him that Ed had sent him homework and it had to be done by the time I got back,” giggled Twilight. “Nat and Dusk, I have something for the both of you,” said Luna as she pulled out two necklaces with a shield and moon pendant on them.     “What are those Princess?” asked Twilight. “These are the official crest the school of the moon. They mark Dusk and Nat as graduates from my peerage and Dusk’s has the addition of stars on it to signify her as an Archmage of Dark magic,” Luna explained as she handed the pendants to Nat and Dusk. “I’m very proud of the two of you and your always welcome at the Library and here.”     The duo stares at their new necklaces in awe for a bit before they both smile and place them on, looking towards Luna with tearful smiles. “Thank you, Princess Luna.” They say together.     “It was you two that put forth the effort and time, just remember to always keep learning. No one is beyond this, even Tia and I. Ed is also a perfect example of this. Now, I believe all we’re waiting on is your brother to summon Ed,” Luna said looking to me. “I’ll call now that we’re all here,” I say as I pull out my token. “Call Adam.”     The watch popped open as the hands spun a screen showed from its face. It displayed a close up of Adam’s face. “We’re all ready on our end Adam. Just need you to summon me. Here Nat and Sora want to say Hi,” I say hand the watch to Nat. “Hey bro. Sora says hi too!” She says, Adam, waving back. “Alright, I am going to summon you guys, stand by.”     The display cut off and Nat throws the watch back to me. After a few more seconds I hear the words ‘I summon the Crimson Sage’ in my head and then a Void Portal opens in front of us.     “I’ll go, first guys, then you'll follow after Luna,” I say walking into the portal. “Let’s go girls and Polearm,” Luna said with an excited smile. “Come on guys a new world is waiting for us!” yelled Polearm as he and Twilight ran in hand in hand.     “You ready to see Adam and Lex again?” asked Dusk. “Hell yea!” exclaimed Nat. They then ran into the portal as it shut behind them. Adam POV I was waiting with Qrow, Rainbow, and Penny in the field near the Everfree for the others to come through the void portal. I was thinking about what I was going to do to help Nat and Sora through this situation. Ed told me about how Sora basically reversed in age within Nat’s head into her actual age of a seven and a half-year-old. I could only imagine what that did to her mind. When I ended up telling my friends what happened, Qrow immediately tried to take me to the local bar to forget about it. Penny ended up shocking him with her lightning magic. Pyrrha and Ruby agreed to help me and Ed gather the necessary components when they have free time. Rainbow just seemed to want to train more for some reason. I look towards the void portal as I sense several large energy signatures coming through. I saw as the changed Alchemist walks through the portal, the red coat he was wearing being changed to fit his new size. Ed was actually almost as tall as me now. Behind him was his wife, Luna. She was wearing a rather formal looking dress that seemed to work well for moving around. After her, was an earth pony stallion I guess was Polearm that Ed told me about, and his world's version of Twilight. The duo was running through the portal hand in hand, so I guess they got together. The last ones to come through were the ones I was worried about. Nat, Sora and her Twilight. They definitely changed. Nat had her Neo jacket and a pair of black jeans on, and she had an odd necklace with a shield and moon on it, as well as her purse and AR. Twilight looked the most different from the last time I saw her. She had a black coat like Edwards with some kind of purple sparkles in it. She also had a necklace, but it had an extra star on it. The biggest differences though were her left arm that was made of crystal and a red tattoo over her right eye, the same one Jellal has in Fairy Tail. As soon as my sister and her Twilight walked through, the portal closed. The group looked around a bit before they noticed me and my group standing off to the side. “Adam! Penny!” I can barely react in time as Nat jumps up to me and Penny, the both of us barely staying upright. “Salutations Natali! Good to see you again.” Penny says, all of us breaking the hug. “Hello everyone,” Ed says as he and Luna walked up to me and Penny. “It’s nice to see you again Ms. Polendina. How are your alchemy session progressing?” asked Luna from behind her husband. “Very good princess. It took a while for me to get used to it, but eventually, I managed to control the energy flow for the alchemy. I was able to fix some of the items my friends brought from Remnant, like Crescent Rose and Ruby’s cape.” She answers. As those two are talking, I am looking towards Ed with an impassive look on my face. Even though he explained what happened with great detail, a part of me couldn’t help but feel mad at him for hurting my sisters and Twilight. I hear some wings flapping next to me and turn to see Rainbow who is looking to Nat’s Twilight in shock. “I-I don’t….Twilight?” Nat’s Twi turns to Rainbow with a smile, waving her left hand. “Hey, Dash. It’s actually Dusk right now, so we don’t end up confusing me with the other Twilight.” She says, Rainbow just looking to her arm. She sees her look and sighs. “Yeah, a lot has happened since last we met.” “Ya think?! Tw...Dusk, if it wasn’t for the arm, what got you into this bad mare look? I mean, a tattoo!?” She says in shock. Dusk just giggles at her reaction. “Wow. If you are reacting like that, I wonder what my versions back home will react.” Dusk then lights up her horn for a second, and the tattoo changes from red to lavender, the outline barely noticeable. “So, is anyone going to introduce me?” We all turn to Qrow as he says this. “Right, sorry Qrow.” I walk up and place a hand on his shoulder. “Everyone who doesn’t know, this is Qrow Branwen. He is a hunter like me. Qrow this is Edward, his versions of Princess Luna and Twilight, Polearm, my big sister Natali and her version of Twilight, call her Dusk.” I introduce quickly. He just waves after a second and takes out his flask again. “Why am I not surprised that is his response.” Dusk mumbles to herself. “Not even halfway through the day and he’s already hit the sauce. So, Adam, I know you still really pissed with me so I’ll let you take a couple of hits out on me if it’ll help any,” said Ed as he came over to me passing Qrow. I look slightly down to the Alchemist and think of trying out my soul ability I have been training with. “Alright. I want to try something I have been working with.” I say, Penny, looking to me with wide eyes and stepping back a bit, the others looking worried. I step back a bit and focus my aura and magic. I then do as I have been practicing with Penny and focus my aura outside of my body and towards Edward, the alchemist looking intrigued. “What is that you're doing there?” asked Ed. “I think I might want to put up my shield,” as he said this Edward’s body took on the form of greed in full Ultimate shield form. “Okay go for it.” I smile and finish focusing my aura before slamming my palm on Ed’s chest. Nothing happened for a second before I twist my hand and focus my aura to the exact opposite wavelength as Ed’s, sending the alchemist flying back. He bounced on the ground a couple times before stopping, gasping for breath. “Ed!” shouted Luna as she flew over to check on her husband. “How could you send him flying like that Adam. Ed was only trying to let yet release your anger not send him flying!” shouted Luna at me looking over her shoulder. Then Ed grabbed on to her and started to laugh. “HAHAHAHA! That was great. I even felt it through my armor. Was that your aura?” asked the alchemist as he got to his feet with some help from his wife. “Sort of. It was a technique I have been trying over the last week. I essentially alter my aura’s wavelength to either match or become the opposite of my targets. Think Soul Eater. If I can master this, I think I could give Blackstar a run for his money.” There was a sudden rush of wind and I was standing face to face with the now human Edward. “You're not the only one who’s been practicing my friend. Since Nat and Sora helped me with Malice I can use my homunculus abilities without restrictions. Still got Envy under wraps but I wonder. Could you perhaps help me unlock my semblance while we’re here along with those soul techniques? In exchange, I’ll have a line of elemental clothing for you and your team.” I look to him for a second before nodding. “I’ll do what I can. Ozpin and Pyrrha are still better teachers when it comes to aura though. We still haven’t found Penny’s Semblance, so maybe this could help out.” I say in thought. Penny seems to perk up at the idea. She has been trying really hard to unlock her semblance, kinda like Jaune. “Well, now that you are done trying to beat the crap out of Ed, can we summon Lex?” Nat says from behind me. I look to her and nod before digging into my pocket and taking out Lex’s token. “I summon the Fairy of Justice.” We all turn to the new void portal with the Fairy Tail symbol and I sense three different magic signatures making their way through, one being Lex and the other two being new. After a minute, Lex walks through the portal, her rapier at her side, and two more wizards come out behind her. The first was a unicorn stallion with a white fur coat with some black stripes, a wild styled, sky blue mane and some kind of blue triangle on his cheek. He was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and black jeans and a white overcoat and a single black glove. Next to him was someone that took me a second to recognize. It was Spike, but he was definitely different. He was around the same height as Penny, his scales looking harder and the spines a little sharper. He also had a pair of wings sprouting from his back. He was wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts, a yellow t-shirt, and a black vest. The portal closed after the two males walked through, the trio looking to our crowd in surprise at all of us. There was an awkward silence for a while before both the last and first person I expected broke it. “Salutations Lex and friends!” Penny says after a bit, the others all snapping out of their trances. “Holy crap, Spike?!” Dusk says in shock, the drake looking to her and going wide-eyed. “Twilight?!” He immediately rushed over and looked Dusk over, her arm in particular. “Actually I have been going by Dusk for a while. I take it Lex didn’t tell you about my injury?” Dusk asks, managing to yank her arm away from the drake. “No. Lex just said she and Trace were going to a different world to help her sister. I am just tagging along to relax after a contract I just finished.” “Yeah, You can blame everything that’s happened lately on me Spike. I don’t know if Lex told you but I was the one that helped set up the course in Everfree. I think you were at the library at the time,” said Ed as he walked over to Lex’s group. “Well I know you want to do something Lex. Either blast my head off or punch me in the gut. Do your worst.” I can see Lex thinking, and since I know she has a ton of different magic, I was curious. There was a tense silence as we all watched to see what Lex would do. I then see her eyes light up and an evil smile crosses her face. “We might want to back up,” I say to the gathered crowd, everyone on edge about what Lex might do. She spreads her arms and two red spell matrices appear in her hands. “Requip! True Zangetsu!” I go wide-eyed as two blades appear in Lex’s hands, each similar in design but different sizes. It took me a second, but I remember the name of the swords being the same as Ichigo’s from Bleach, but I guess they are from the manga. “OH, CRAP!” yelled the alchemist as he realized what was about to happen. She connects the two swords and lifts them over her head. “Getsuga TENSHO!” She slashes the swords downwards, sending a concentrated beam slash of magic towards Edward. There was a beat, then Ed fell into two clean pieces. “HOLY SHIT LEX!” Me and Nat yell to our sister. “REALLY? YOU HAD TO CUT ME IN TWO! SOMEONE HELP ME REACH MY LEGS!” shouted Ed. “I gotcha Ed.” Polearm says, helping the two pieces of Edward into one again. “Thanks, Pole. Okay now that we all have the anger out of our systems. Adam did you tell the Princess we were coming here today?” asked Ed as he sat on the ground adjusting his leg. I go blank for a second before I facepalm hard. “I knew I was forgetting something!” I yell in annoyance. I go to grab a scroll from my bag, where I hear the pop of a teleportation spell nearby. All of us turn and see not only Celestia and Luna, but Cadance and Shining Armor have appeared, Luna and Shining in their armor. “Adam! We sensed several extremely powerful magic sources appearing! What’s-..” Celestia stops herself as she sees our large group. Ed POV     From the sudden running away to the sudden appearance of the whole royal family, except for Blueblood, of this world I can add up that we’re about to have a few issues on our hands. I get up from where I was sitting and return to my group.     “Let’s take it easy for right now guys. From what I can sense they’re more than a match for you three,” I say looking to Pole, Twi, and Dusk. “Luna stick close to me for now. Dusk and Nat stay on either side of her. If things get hairy I might have to bust out a few seals,” I say motion for them to form up.     “What should we do sir?” asked Pole moving in front of Twi. “I can take care of myself Polearm,” snorted Twi. “I want you two to stay back with Lex. She and I are the only ones here that can actually take on alicorns in a serious fight.” I say looking over to Adam and the royals.     They’re clearly shaken from our arrival here. One massively powerful Displaced is one thing, but in this case, we technically have four counting Luna. I thought he’d all of this taken care of all this. I started walking over to Adam’s group all the while making sure to keep Luna in between me, Nat, and Dusk.     “Nat, if things turn south, beyond all hell. Get Luna and the others to the nearest mirror and get the Library and stay there until I come to get you or have Luna bring you guys back to our Equestria. Got it,” I say a seriously as I can muster right now without looking back.     “Alright, Ed. But only if things go too far south. I am going to try and keep things calm between the royals.” Nat says as we walk up. “Hopefully it won’t. The only thing I’m worried about is them accusing Luna of being Nightmare Moon reborn.” I say hissing at the mere mention of that name. “Stay close to your teacher for now.”     I  look to Nat out of the corner of my eye and he nods to this. “Stay here. I’m going over to talk and to see if we can smooth any bumps out,” I say as I walk up next to Adam. I can see the Royals are all clearly weary of my presence. “Sorry, Adam. I wanted to come and introduce us if you don’t mind,” I say place my hand on his shoulder. As I did I noticed he was shaking just a little.     “S-sorry Ed. Guess trying to listen to their fears shook me up a bit.” Adam says after a second before turning back to the Royals. “Anyways, like I was saying, I am going to be using your old castle to help my sister. Sorry, I haven’t told you, I was busy with training and getting everything ready.”     “Yeah, a little warning might’ve been nice,” Cadence says reluctantly. “Sorry again, but I am sure you guys would have been doing the same thing if your siblings were placed in the same positions,” Adam says, mostly to Celestia and Shining.     “You need to calm down a bit my friend. You weren’t nearly this nervous when we fought in our sparring match a few months back,” I said trying to calm his nervous but I think I only made this worse. It certainly got his Luna’s attention as she came forward a bit.     “You two had a sparring match? So...you are Edward Elric, correct?” She asks cautiously. “Yes, I am Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist,” I say placing arm at my waist bowing to the royals of this world. “I was in a bit of a bad mood at the time and Adam helped me with a bit of stress relief with a match. I’d just found out that my niece's wedding was in a few days you see and I’d just got back from a recent trip. He was very helpful. Even if I was holding back quite a bit, he’s a capable fighter,” I say patting Adam on the back. He only stiffens up more. “Hey, Adam! You ok over there? You look like you did when you were caught in the middle of one of your sisters' arguments.” Nat calls from behind us, Adam looking to her with a face that screamed ‘I know, help!’ “Come on over here girls but slowly,” I call to Nat and the others. “Who have you brought with you Mr. Elric?” asked Celestia. “They’re my wife and her personal students/guards while we’ll be staying in your world,” I say in a serious tone. Nat took point while Luna remained next to Dusk. “I do hope things are going well you two,” Luna said as she looked to her students. “That makes three of us Luna,” Nat responded. They reached us in a few minutes and I could already tell that there were sparks flying. I saw the look in the other Luna eyes and it screamed rage. Celestia looked intrigued while Shining Armor had stepped in front of Cadence. I could see why after concentrating a bit hard. They were in their rights but I was in mine too. That’s when I saw the other Luna summon a sword, it looked like one of the ones Adam told me about from their duel. She lunged at my wife in a pure rage. “You will not be allowed to exist here MOON!” shouted Adam’s Luna flying at mine. “AHHHH!” screamed my wife frozen in shock. Before anyone noticed I had changed into half demon form and caught the sword in my right hand. “This is my wife Princess. Not Nightmare Moon and I will not let anything happen to her,” I say crushing the sword in my hand. Dusk immediately steps in front of our Luna and blasted the other with a lavender lightning bolt. The other Luna tried to stand firm, only for Nat to stand next to Dusk and send her flying with some powerful black wind. Luna bounced a couple times before stopping on her back. Before she can get up, Nat and Dusk appear in front of her, Nat pinning her arms to the ground with her wind magic, a fierce expression on her face. “Listen up princess. I don’t care if you are one of the rulers of this version of Equestria. You mess with our magic teacher, you mess with us. Right Twilight?” Nat turns to her marefriend, who had an equally fierce look on her face. “Yeah. Mess with that Luna, you can see what me and Nat have been learning the past couple weeks.” “Girls please stand down. I would like to prove that I am Luna and not Moon. Do you perhaps remember a pony from when you were younger by the name of SnowDrop?” asked Luna to her somewhat double. “SnowDrop was one of my closest friends over a thousand year ago,” answered the pinned princess. “What about the rhyme? Girls let her up please.” I watched them let the other Luna up. I reverted back to my base form then looked to Adam whose jaw was on the ground at this point. “Watch this. We’ll have to get a real for your bottom jaw afterward.” I say resting my arm on his shoulder. The girls let the other Luna sit up from her position on the ground and my Luna sat in front of her. The crowd behind us watch in rapt anticipation. I had a weird feeling this would be adorable, so I braced myself. The duo get on to their feet/hooves and crouch slightly, Cadence and both Twilight’s looking in surprise. “Moonlight, Moonlight fireflies awake. Make a wish and do a little shake!” We all looked as they did their own version of the greeting dance, but instead of a shake at the end, they place their hands on the others hearts and close their eyes at the wish part. After a second, the duo opens their eyes again and I can tell Adam’s Luna is torn on the issue while my wife had a smile on her face. “Well, that was adorable.” We turn to Dusk as she says that before she looks to some of the others. “Are all versions of me and Cadence like that when we greet each other?” There was a stunned silence before Spike and Rainbow burst out laughing. “Wow, you got blunt Dusk!” Rainbow says mid-laugh. The others begin to join in the laughter at Dusk’s bluntness, the mare blushing. Nat stops laughing after a bit and pats her back with a smile. Rainbow and Cadence then look between them a couple times before Rainbows eyes widen. “Wait we were right?!” She shouts in disbelief. Nat and Dusk blush and nod slowly, Rainbow smiling wide. “Woo! I was right!” “Yes, Rainbow you were right about Nat and Dusk. I’m sorry to cut this short but we need to explain in a little more detail why we have gathered so many of the Displaced in one place. I’m sure that every pony that just arrived after we did would like for us to do so in a very formal manner, as would I. Even if this is a different Equestria Luna and I must still adhere to the ways of politics,” I say as a flash comes from my hands as I repair my clothes from Lex’s earlier attack. “I for one would like to do it in the throne room or the library. Preferably somewhere where the likes of the Grimm won’t be a hassle. Our arrival here was like shooting off a magical typhoon to the bastards and then there were all of the negative emotions we all just had and still have.” I say looking to Adam. “Let’s head to my place then. Ruby and Oscar should be finishing their patrol soon if these magic attacks weren’t a warning to them, so we should be fine from the Grimm. They’ll call if they don’t think they can handle anything.” Adam says, beginning to head into town. Our now giant group follow the Huntsman, and we were quickly introduced to Legacy Tracer or just Trace, the stallion that came with Lex and had mostly just been hanging out on the sidelines. Lex told us she was taught how teaching him to use Reflector magic so he came by to help make sure the magic doesn’t exit the castle. Trace seemed like a pretty cool dude. We started our walk back towards Adam’s place on the outskirts of Ponyville. While along the way his Luna had decided to chat with me a bit. “So you were the one that Adam told me about,” said Luna. “Yea, sorry about dragging him away from his duties here. I couldn’t think of anyone that could match me in terms of strength in my world at the time that wasn’t related to the issues that was causing the stress at the time,” I say as a scratch my head while looking up. “It’s interesting to me that you were able to best Adam, but you were still able to seriously fight him without using your full power at the time,” added Luna in curiosity. “You see Princess, I’d just spent a three month training period with the Elements and various other ponies in my world. It was to make them stronger and to help me get back the strength I’d lost before a was entombed in stone. I had only been free for two months before it and I wanted to get my strength back. After the training in my Equestria, I ended up spending another week in another Equestria that was, like it is for most of my kind. Similar in many ways but different in many others. I trained a smart ass kid named Oz. He’d recently become a Displaced himself and needed some help with his powers. In exchange for his training, I helped him clear what they call a dungeon. He gave me a few abilities in exchange for giving him the use of alchemy,” I continued to explain as we neared the edge of the forest. “So it wasn’t long after you returned from this Equestria that you summoned Adam to our world for your stress relief,” Luna says raising her brow a bit. “Yes, it was also to see what I could do with my new skills, but the only one can be used for combat the other two let me regain any magic I use up. The last, let’s me dual wield any type of weapon in each hand, even two-handed weapons, except bows,” I say putting my hands behind my head as I look to my Luna who was having a discussion with Lex, probably about the Dark Library. “What are these abilities and can the be taught to others?” asked Luna as she leaned in close eager to hear my response. “Mars Bane is the attack skill that lets me turn one strike into for at once for a single weapon, but it’s not limited to a set number of weapons either,” I say looking to her Celestia. “So you can essentially use as many weapons you want to strike for times a piece,” she said as she crossed her arms. “Yep and the magic recovery is called Mana Regen 1 & 2. One lets me recover magic just by walking the other by attacking. On top of those, I have my natural ability to taken the magic from my surroundings and that does include ponies and other living beings. But don’t worry as I have it turned off whenever I don’t need it.” “And what was that form you took when you broke my sword earlier?” she asked with suspicion in her eyes. “That was a partial transformation of my demon form. I have a being the calls itself Malice that was formed of the collective hate myself and the souls trapped inside my body. They took over my body trying to free themselves a while back but was given a second chance by a void dweller after I died. I chose to come back to be with Luna and my family,” I say looking back to my wife again. “You love her to the point you’d do anything to keep her safe, even if it meant destroying part of yourself, wouldn’t you?” Luna asked with regret for her earlier actions. “Yes, I would. She and my family mean everything to me. I do what I can to protect them and Equestria of course. The reason we’re here is to help Adam’s sister because Malice tried to devour her soul when they were trying to help me control my new power.,” I say letting out a sigh as we arrive at Adam’s house. There was a very familiar Huntress and Hunter standing out front. “Hey Ruby, Oscar!” Adam waves to the duo, the young warriors looking to the group in surprise. “Hey Adam, what’s with the crowd?” Ruby asks. “You remember what I told you about my sister?” “Yeah. Oh! I guess the group is here to help?” Oscar asks. “Yeah, we’re all here to help my little sis,” Nat says, walking up to the duo. “How about we all get introduced inside?” Adam suggests, opening the door. Everyone agrees and enters the rather nice looking house, those with shoes being reminded to take them off first. “How about you guys head over to the living room and get introduced and give those who don’t know the rundown while I make some tea,” Adam says, placing his jacket and mask on the back of a chair and heading to the kitchen. Our large group all find places to sit, stand or lean. I look to Nat who seems to be thinking about something. I wonder what she’s up to. Nat POV It only took about two minutes for all of us to get properly introduced to one another, Ruby and Oscar being surprised that Lex and I are Adam’s sisters since none of us look alike, to which I countered with Ruby and Yang. “Touché.” The young huntress says. The group laughs a little at this, me and Oscar in particular. “So, what exactly happened to you two anyway. Adam didn’t really tell us.” Oscar says, leaning against his chair. Adam came in a second later with a large kettle of tea and a lot of cups for all of us. “It’s….kinda complicated,” I say to the others, grabbing some tea for myself and Dusk. ‘Hey Sis. If you want, I could explain.’ I hear Sora in my mind. ‘I’m not sure sis. I have gotten good at controlling the flow of the soul stone, but I am not sure how long I can keep you connected to my pool of magic and connected to the stone at the same time.’ I tell her in worry, the others confused by my silence. “Ms.Basatin? Is something wrong?” I look to Oscar as he asks this, and notice his posture is more professional looking, and his voice is a little different. I guess this is professor Ozpin. I sigh after a second. “Alright, sis,” I whisper and focus on my magic pool and the flow of the soul stone. “Nat? What are you doing with your magic?” Lex asks, her eyes glowing a bit. After a second, I connect to Sora and let her take control, our pink magic aura flashing around us for a second. “She’s letting me take control,” Sora answers, the others looking in shock. “Wait, Sora what are you doing? Trying to take control while using the soul,-“ “We aren’t using the soul stones magic. Nat connected to us to her pool of magic. Look, I don’t know how long I can stay in control so we will make this quick.” She says before turning to the group. “To make a long and complicated story short, Ed summoned me, Nat and Dusk to his world to help him gain control of an alternate entity called Malice, that had threatened to take control of his body. Malice is a collective consciousness of negative souls and Ed’s self-hate. Me and Nat fought him to help him gain control of Malice, but during our confrontation, the demon tried to use a technique to devour our souls. He failed, clearly, but a side effect was that the connection between our souls began to fade. If I didn’t have this necklace around my neck, I would cease to exist. We’re here to make me a new body so I could become ‘real’.” I begin to get tired from the strain of keeping Sora connected, so I ‘poke’ her with a Vector. “Looks like I’m out of time. I’ll see you guys later.” After she says that, she retreats into my mind and I can disconnect her from my magic. I take control and begin to pant from the effort. “That….that was harder than I thought,” I say between pants, Dusk letting me rest against her. “I can imagine. I was just keeping an eye on your magic flow, and that took a lot of energy to maintain.” Lex says, her eyes no longer glowing. “That would be the Soul Stone Lex. Think of it as an Equestrian Philosopher Stone. But I call them Sage Stone due to the fact they’re made out of pure magic. This one is made from strict;y soul magic and was the first successful one I made. It was the only thing I could think of that would provide Sora with a strong and constant supply of the necessary magic she needed to stay stable at the time. I don’t recommend tampering with it either,” Ed explained to my sister. There was still some tension there but she decided not to say anything on the matter right now. “Ok, so your soul connection is fading, and you plan to make your sister her own body. That’s what you needed help getting the ‘necessary components’ were for?” Ruby asks. “Allow me to explain Ruby. The ‘necessary components’ are not what you might be thinking. We are simply referring to the base elements found in the everyday human body. You can find them at any market really. The hard part is going to be in form Sora’s new body. I didn’t plan on just crafting it as it’s too dangerous if I were to simply use alchemy and too unstable if I were to use magic to clone her a body from Nat’s DNA. That’s where my special talent comes in. Over two thousand years ago I developed a combined technique I call alchemagic,” Ed pauses to see if anyone has a question before he continues. “But, if you could do this anywhere, why come to this world? Why not summon Lex and Adam to your world?” Cadence asks, having only listened for the most part. “Because of Malice, Cadence. Whenever I access my Philosopher Stone I access its magical absorption ability. I drained a considerable amount of the magic from the area in question back home not enough to do damage it, but enough to drain it for a while that it needs a sufficient amount of time to regenerate the magic,” Ed explained looking to Lex. “That is why you are using the old castle. Because after my fall into Nightmare and the double use of the elements, the castle grounds are neutral in magical energy.” Adam’s Luna says. “Yes. The reason we have so many Displaced is one because they’re family and this decision involved their input, and two, because Lex and I possess the necessary skills and power to perform what we are calling ‘soul transmutation’. It’s a highly advanced skill that involves bonding the soul in question to a compatible living body. I still don’t know how stable Sora will be if we- No when we succeed.” Ed says looking to me. “Lex. Adam. I wanted to ask you two if you’d be willing to contribute to Sora’s gene pool?” Me and my siblings look to each other and Ed in shock at this. We were all thinking we would just use me as the base for her form, but what would Sora look like if she had Adam and Lex’s DNA as well? Would she be human, Faunus, or a Diclonius? The three of us look to one another, speaking with just our eyes before Adam smiles to us. “Sora is already my little sis. I think adding my genes would just make it more official.” He says with a smirk, Lex nodding. “Same. Considering we all consider ourselves family, I think Sora being the bridge that makes it official doesn’t sound too bad.” “There is one more thing that could completely stabilize Sora’s form that I can do on my part, but it can only be done after the transmutation is completed. I’ll only do it if you four agree to it as well,” Ed says in a deadly serious tone as he walked over to the nearest window. Me and my siblings all look to one another, not knowing what Ed has planned, but I hear someone else give their input. ‘I think we should go for it.’ I jump a little as Sora suddenly says that, the others looking worried before I point to my head. I quickly send an Invasion beam to Adam and Lex so they could hear her too.‘I mean, even if this is partially his fault, Ed is still doing everything he can to help make me better. I know he wouldn’t do something dangerous unless he believes it would either do good or if he didn't have a choice. I think we should trust him in this.’ I look to my siblings again, and they both sigh and nod. “Alright, Ed. Sora says we’re in. So we’ll let you do, whatever it is you have in mind.” Lex says after a second. “I want to turn Sora into a Homunculus,” Ed said as he turned around to face all of the group. “I want to give her a piece of the stones of Malice and Compassion. To give her a balanced form. She won’t be a normal Homunculus either. Sora will have three of the Seals of Sin that I have. They would be Lust, Greed, and Envy. But like I said I’ll only do this if you four are absolutely sure.” Ed finished as his Luna came to his side. He told me he could make homunculus before but he’d never made one like this, but to see he’d be willing to part with a piece of himself to help Sora. I look to the others, those who don’t know what a Homunculus is are a little lost, but they seem to get the implication. My siblings, Twilight, and Polearm though all are in complete shock. I sense inward and can tell if Sora was in control, our jaw would probably be in the center of the earth by now. I think about it myself, running the pros and cons of turning my sister into a homunculus with three of the seven sin powers. The fact is there are a ton of unknowns right now about what will happen to her if- when we merge her soul. But….Ed was willing to go that far. I don’t know how much energy his stones are able to emit, but I know that taking pieces of them out to make Sora’s body is dangerous to him as well. I look to the ground a bit, rubbing the soul stone necklace as I try to wrap my head around this. “If you're wondering how much power my stones can emit, think of the comparison this way Nat. A Sage Stone is a lesser version of Philosopher Stone that is bound to a specific magic type. The Soul Stone is the closest to a Philosopher Stone a Sage Stone can get. If it’s output is a stream of strong soul magic then a Philosopher Stone is an ocean of every type of magic. If Sora gets a Philosopher Stone then she will also inherit a dampened magic absorption ability allowing her to never have to run out of magic. Unless she’s under a very certain set of circumstances,” explained the alchemist motioning in the air. I am not sure how long all of us just sat there, each of us running through the idea in our heads. I can tell Sora and Ed were all for the idea, but I knew Lex and Adam were torn on it, so I guess I was the tiebreaker. I try to run through the pros and cons again, thinking about how this would affect my sister and our family. After who knows how long, someone I wasn’t expecting spoke up. “I’d do it.” We all turn to Ruby as she says this. “I mean, I may not understand everything that’s going on, but if Yang, Weiss or Blake were in danger like this, and the one responsible seriously wanted to help, I would take it. Maybe I am just being naive, but Ed doesn’t seem like a bad guy like Tyrian or Salem. He was literally fighting his inner demons, and you two voluntarily stood in the crossfire.” “She’s right. I’ve met my fair share of heroes turned villains, and this guy is as legit as I can tell.” Qrow says, taking a swig of his flask. I think for about a minute before taking a breath. “Alright. Let’s do it Ed.” “If that’s your final answer Nat then I’ll do everything in my power. Now let’s start going over what I need everyone to do on their individual parts. First, we have to start on Sora’s new body and place where Lex and I can set up a lab for its construction.” stated Ed pulling a few books from the satchel he’d brought with him. “Adam, we going to need the castle Grimm free by the week's end. The Twilights will be in charge of helping with the mapping the flows of the magic around the castle. I’ll be the one to pull Sora’s soul from Nat’s body and to place it in her own. While Lex does the fine tuning with her Seith magic I’ll be doing the same with my magic weaving to set up Sora’s body to accept the Philosopher's Stone. Then we step back and I give her the Stone and we see if you can overcome it,” said Ed, letting out a sigh. All of us nodded at the plan, Dusk and Twilight taking out their own scrolls and beginning to write out the plans. Ruby, Oscar, Rainbow and Penny group up to talk about how they are going to defend the castle from the Grimm while Lex, Spike, and Trace all talk about how they are going to help. I am left with my sister in a sense, letting my mind wander. ‘No matter what happens, I promise I’ll protect you Sorano.’ ‘Ditto, sis.’ “This starts the operation. Lex, You and I have materials to gather. Nat, you go ahead and prep a lab setup for drawing blood, hair, and etc. If you don’t mind Adam we’ll be borrowing the basement for the time of our stay.” Ed says assigning us our various tasks. Once ready, we all decide to start tomorrow as it was already getting late. The princesses gave us permission to stay at the town hall, where the basement doubles as a shelter for our stay. We all head into town, except for Ruby, her uncle, and Oscar, who remained home. We were lucky in that there weren’t that many ponies out at the time, those who were only slightly shocked at our group. We made it to townhall without any problems. The princesses talked to Mayor Mare, giving her an abridged version of what’s going on, and telling her we are all staying in the basement. It didn’t take long for all of us to get situated in our respective sleeping areas. I am not sure how long I spent just sitting on my bunk when Dusk walked up and sat next to me, concern evident on both our faces. “Hey. It’ll be ok. Ed won’t let us down. We just need to do our part, and we can get your sister her body, and head home.” She says, bringing me into a side hug. I smile slightly and nuzzle her cheek. “Thanks, Dusk.” “Alright, I think we should all get some sleep. We have a lot of work to do the next couple of days, so we’ll need all the energy we can get.” Polearm says, having changed into his sleeping clothes. Everyone agrees and got into their beds, some alone, some with their respective others. Dusk and I rest next to each other as Twilight turns off the lights, letting all of us rest. We have a lot of work ahead of us. > Chapter 27: Aura, Darkness and War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days after arriving Ed POV     It had been around two days since we all gathered here in Adam’s world. Nat, Lex, and I had begun working the next day in Adam’s basement workshop. We got the equipment all set up and running. Albeit, we had to modify the gem generator to run off an Electric Sage Stone to get the power we need to keep everything running around here. I was down here checking to make sure things were stable with the gestation tank that contained Sora’s new body. The same day we set up we had the component we need for the basic fetus. She was around the three-month stage if I had to take a guess, Lex and Nat could tell. We were still missing a few rare elements that were essential for the later stages of her growth but they weren’t needed as of yet. The princesses said they would get them for us. I was glad things were going smoothly.     I looked to the baby floating in the pink glowing tank. She had already taken on a few of her siblings’ distinct characteristic. As Nat was the main contributor of the DNA here, Sora’s body took on her appearance as a Diclonius for the most part but her hair was more of a sunset pink with blue streaks appearing in it. I can speculate the darker and mixed colors are due to Adam and Lex’s DNA. Sora’s Diclonius horns were significantly smaller than Nat’s were too. This had to do in part to Nat already being the Diclonius Queen. One of Sora’s eyes though, was definitely from Adam’s part of the gene pool. Silver and I mean this kids eye was shining silver. Probably due to the magic she inherited from Lex. I leaned in a bit more to get a better look. Really makes me wish I had a kid of my own. Sure, Luna and I had adopted some of the orphans of the Minotaur War, but it was only the ones that wanted to come. I wasn’t going to force anyone of them to come. I had no doubts some of their parents were gone because of me but that why I give them the choice. I do miss looking after kids. But there’s no way to express how having a child of your own flesh and blood would feel. I told Luna I would love to start a family and I know she's more than willing to have one right now but again its just not the right time. Maybe we can try and start one once things have returned to more of state of normalcy back home.     My thoughts were then interrupted by the open of the basement door. I see Adam and Oscar coming down the staircase. I look over to them and only smile. Adam looks back and starts to ask a question.     “Hey Ed, how my little sister’s body coming along?” asked the Huntsman in excitement. “She’s doing just fine. Why don’t you come down and to see her?” I say waving them down. “You Displaced a really an amazing bunch. To think that only yesterday she was nothing more than a pile of raw everyday materials with blood mixed in and now she’s a living being” commented Ozpin as his eyes flashed.     “You said it, professor. I am still amazed that we were able to get this far in two days.” Adam says, keeping his gaze on his little sister’s soon-to-be body.     “I thought it would be better to allow her to age rather than just build her from the ground up. This way the body can be more acclimated to her magic and other abilities. Lex agreed with me on this. Maturing is something that we must go through as living beings,” I say walking around the tank. “If we can get the rarer materials by the day after tomorrow we’ll be right on schedule and Sora’s transmutation can take place a scheduled. Now, in the meantime why don’t we get out of here and go somewhere where we can do some training. Know of any places nearby Adam?”     “Sure. There is a small field near the river that runs by Fluttershy’s house that I go for meditation. We can go over there and train in aura and my soul powers. Pyrrha has the day off so she said she wouldn’t mind helping out.” Adam says, giving one more glance to the body before we all head out of the basement.     “How skilled are you two with hand to hand combat?” I ask as we walk into the living room. Guess everyone's out doing their own things right now. “I would be a black belt in judo if I stayed in the dojo for another year, and I have all the muscle memories of the original Adam, so I am pretty good I think.”     “I got that feeling of you from our fight but you still seem too mechanical in your movements.I take it when you’re fighting you’re trying to rely more on your own skills than Adam’s correct?” I asked placing my chin in my hand. “Yeah, it may be a little irrational, but I learned before my duel with Luna I possess Adam’s memories, so I was worried about his personality taking over my own, not unlike you and Malice. I am still a little worried about that, but I have been learning to work with that bastards skills.”     “Let me tell you this Adam. You’re in no danger of his personality taking control of your body. As Displaced we gain the powers, memories, abilities and some tendencies of our characters. I’ve lived as Edward for over two thousand years back home and the only times I ever acted like the orginal were when I’d get pissed off. I still have some of his speech patterns two. Malice was something entirely separate from this as well. My point is that you shouldn’t fight the battle instinct you have but use it and combine with your own. Only then will you become Adam Taurus the Displaced,” I say clenching my right hand. “Now where is Pyrrha at?”     “Present!” We turn as the Huntress in question walks up to us from the back of the house, her spear and shield on her back. “Hey, Pyrrha. Wanna come with and help me teach Ed in aura usage?” Adam asks, the huntress smiling and nodding, motioning for us to lead on.     “Excellent, but I need to ask,” I say point to the ceiling. “How would you feel if I undid my seals?”     “Seals? As in something is restricting your power?” Pyrrha questions.     “Yes, my dear. You see I’m not human anymore. I died about two months ago and gave up my human life so I could remain in my Equestria. It’s a long story but I’ll say I have always had the seals but was too afraid to undo them because I didn’t want to hurt those around me. The more seals I undo the more abilities I gain access to and there are a total of seven seals. Each with its own unique powers. I can use these in combinations as well. The only seal I haven’t undone is Seal four Envy. But I don't want to go into why. If not the seals then I can use my true form. Up to you three really.” I say moving toward the door.     I can tell the trio are a little worried, but Adam takes a breath before stepping up. “If you want to control your aura, you’d need to be able to do it when you are at your most powerful so you can control it easier when you are at your base form.”     “True form it is then but we need to get outside first,” I say opening the door. “I don’t want to put a hole in your roof or destroy your home altogether.”     The three of them just stare at me for a few minutes in disbelief. Before long Adam shakes his head and follows me out the house, the other two right behind us. Our group heads out towards the river, Adam in the lead with the three of us behind him. Luckily it didn’t take that long for us to get there, a small area in the field clear of any rocks or branches.     “Hope Fluttershy and her animals won’t mind the noise and light show,” I say, walking next to our guide. I clap my hands together placing them on the ground in as a flash of red lightning come out form a solid wall behind the cottage. “Just a safety measure if things get intense.”     “How intense do you plan on getting? That wall is at least two feet thick!” exclaimed Oscar.     “Only as intense as they need to be my friend. Now hold on to ah? Something I guess,” I say as I walk a good ten feet from the others. “RAAAAAAAAA!”     I roared as my body became engulfed in a pillar of red light while you could on make out me as a black form. Suddenly I became covered in eyes, red metal, and shadow as my body started to grow. I now stood at least three feet taller than Tia back home. The column of light died down to reveal my true demonic form. I could see with the eyes on my back that the trio was frozen in place from the transformation. I turned to face them and made my way back to Adam. Pyrrha was clutching her spear ready to strike at any moment.     “Well, what do you think guys? This is what Nat and Sora faced in their fight with me,” I said in a multitude of voices. I can tell that Oscar looks like he is about to faint and Pyrrha may have some nightmares for a while. Adam though… “Holy Crap that’s awesome!” He yells before a spell matrix appears beneath him and he seems to sink into his own shadow, quickly merging with mine to be eye level with me. “Nat and Sora had to fight this?! Damn! Didn’t think they would have it in them.”     “You’d be proud of your sister’s man. They encouraged me to go all out into this form. I can access all my powers in this form to, and FYI, if you don’t want to be eaten then don’t stand or merge with my shadows,” as I say this a giant smile come out next to the faunus. He yelps slightly before the matrix appears again and he jumps off me.     “Alright then. How about we start with some meditation?” Adam says, the others nodding, but clearly are still on edge.     “Fine with me,” I say sitting on the ground with a bang. My body gains a lot of mass Envy is released. I can the others are fidgeting a lot. “You guys are going to have to calm down or I’ll get nervous and then things will really get weird,” I say laughing. I think I made it worse.     “Not exactly easy when you are sitting next to a giant demon that makes Salem look like an angry housewife,” Oscar says, Pyrrha nodding. Adam didn’t seem all that affected though, much to the duo’s confusion.     “Trust me, kid, if you really wanted to see evil then you should look at the things in my head,” I say extending a number of my eyes over to Oscar. “Interesting magic you got there.”     “Well, it isn’t exactly my magic. It belongs to Professor Ozpin. I still don’t actually know where he got it, or why he was cursed with this reincarnation thing though, he won’t say.” Oscar replied, lighting his eyes and levitating his cane in front of him with a contemplative look on his face.     “That is really a good question Oscar. I want to know as well, but do you know why the professor is so secretive?” Pyrrha asks the young boy, who just shrugs. “It makes sense that Ozpin would be secretive when you think about it. He has wandered the world of Remnant for centuries, maybe millennium, so he has seen and been through things no one should have.” Adam comments.     “I know your past Ozpin and it is similar to my own, but I will not say it as it is not my place,” I say transferring my gaze to Pyrrha. “ You young lady have a familiar feel to you too. It’s almost the same as Oscar, but stronger. It might be because you have had more recent contact with the brothers of Grimm.”     “Yeah, maybe, but unlike Ozpin and Penny, I can’t seem to access any magic. I know I have it, Adam and Princess Luna said I do, I just can’t seem to connect to it.” Pyrrha says sadly, using her semblance and placing her shield and spear on the ground behind her.     “I can see all things with my ultimate eye Pyrrha even spacial distortions. I am not limited to the flow of magic in the body either. I can see it has to do with your scar,” I say point to her chest with my shadows. She raises a brow and looks to her star-shaped scar curiously.     “My scar? Why would a scar from an arrow be blocking me from using magic?” She asks, Adam and Oscar looking curious as well.       “You still hold on to your previous life in Remnant Pyrrha. I hate to tell you this but unless you can come to terms with your life in Equestria and move forward then you will never be able to learn magic. I can use magic but I can’t cast spells with it and this is because I wasn’t able to accept my life in my own Equestria. I was only able to fully gain this power after I returned from the void a second time but I’m still unable to cast a spell unless it’s one of my own design,” I explain as I retract my eyes from the young girl.     Pyrrha seems to understand but is still torn on the issue, probably thinking about her team from Beacon. “Pyrrha, remember, your team is probably going to be showing up here in Equestria eventually, so you don’t need to worry about them,” Adam says. She nods and gets back into a meditative stance. Oscar soon follows suit, Adam already with his eyes closed and breathing in. I can see his magic and his aura flashing around his body as he sits there.     I look to Oscar who has his own magic and aura around him, his magic seeming both weaker and stronger than Adam’s. I try and focus my own magic and energy, trying to emulate their flow, without very much luck. Having multiple eyes is very distracting at times like this. I just decide to shut them all and let my mind relax and wander. As I do I can feel the souls within my body start to come to my side. I start to see their memories as if they were my own. The good and the bad. Before I realize it I feel an external energy pouring from my body. I don’t know how long I was sitting there for but I am pulled from the trance by a yell. I opened my eye to see Oscar grabbing his chest. “What’s up with you kid?” I asked, extending an eyeball his way. “I am not sure, it felt like someone was tapping on my soul or something.” He says, and I notice he is in my shadow before his eyes light up again. “Indeed. I can safely say I have never felt whatever that was before.” Ozpin adds. “Sorry about that. Sun must have caused my shadow to shift and connect with yours,” I say shifting my shadows away from Oscar/Ozpin. “Um, Ed?” I turn to Adam who is looking at me with wide eyes. “What?” He just points in front of me with a slightly shaking hand. Confused, I look before me and my eyes widen. My shadow is lifting off the ground, taking the form of humans. They seem independent, as they look themselves over before they turn to me and immediately return to my shadow. We all stay in shocked silence for a while before Oscar broke it. “What was that?” “I-I’m not sure. I felt some sort of energy flowing through and off me, then you snapped me out of my trance.” I explain, Adam and Pyrrha looking intrigued. “Can you do it again?” Adam asks, earning a shrug from me. “I can try.” I started again concentrating on how I felt during my meditation. I start to feel the energies come from my body once more. “What’s going on out there? I can’t really see from having the eyes all shut,” I say trying to keep the energy flowing. “Ed,” Adam says getting my attention. “I don't know what's going on but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with  your semblance.” I open a few of the eyes on my back to see exactly what’s going on. My gaze was met with a similar scene from just a few minutes ago. There were several independently moving shadow figures. This time they were more solidly formed. “That’s freaking awesome!” I say stand up from my spot on the ground trying to keep my mind focused. “I must say. This is a most unusual semblance. And I’ve seen a lot of them. Ed there was a huntsman during the Vital Festival that could make up to three other copies of himself, but yours seem to be on a much larger scale.” said Ozpin via Oscar. “I don’t seem to have as much detailed control. I guess that more shadows I create the less control I have over them,” I say walking over to one of my puppets. “I think this has to do with the souls in my Philosopher Stone.” “That’s what aura control is basically. Controlling the soul in your body and harnessing it to turn it into outward power. Of course, in your particular existence that would be souls. I have to say though, I’m kind of jealous. To be able to summon others to you from your shadow. That’s it, we can call it Shadow Split,” explained Adam in excitement. “Just how many souls do you have in your body?” asked Pyrrha with a dumbfounded look.” Not even I know that Pyrrha. I recently gained more after my return from the Truth. I can tell you there is no way to count them all. I do know that a good portion of them hate me and a good portion don’t. Now, how about we move on to combat techniques,” I say as I release my summon my puppets back into my shadow. “Adam, I have to say something before we do any kind of combat at all,” interjected Oscar with a hint a fear. “What is it Oscar?” asked Adam as he got up. “How the hell are we going to spar with a twelve-foot tall demon the can summon a small arm from it shadow!?” “ I have to agree with Oscar on this Adam,” added Ozpin. “Ed’s power and size do make for a rather larger issue. He won’t be much more than a hindrance if we’re just trying to spar.” “You know I can hear you two right,” I say appearing right next to Oscar/Ozpin. “Rah! You can teleport to?” asked Oscar now on the ground. “Nope. This is my speed of Sloth. I used to only be able to move in straight lines, but I found with just a slight movement I can move in a much more controlled way.” I explain pulling Oscar up. “I bet you could give Ruby a run for her bits.” added Pyrrha with a chuckle. “I have no doubt that I could but that’s a focus for another time. Back to the sparring with aura. I can see why Oscar and Oz would be concerned with the whole size thing but that where Envy comes in,” I explained as red lightning starts to crackle from my body. “Changelings got nothing on me,” I say as I take on my previous form. “I thought I told you that it’s best to remain at your strongest when you’re doing this type of training,” Adam says shaking his head. “Oh, trust my Adam, I’m still in demon form but I’m just using Envy to disguise my form while I remain at the peak of my power,” I explain. “Sorry if I don’t get why you don’t just do this all the time,” stated Oscar. “Power is scary Oscar. Just because I have power doesn’t mean I need to flaunt it. Another thing is you’ll learn as you grow and gain control over your own power is that there is a time and place to show it off. Like when I first transformed here. I changed to my true form because I need to get the hang of aura while in that state because I won’t always be able to maintain the form under certain circumstances.” I say as I walk around the trio. “It similar to how I when I use my semblance, Oscar. Power is a good thing when used correctly but it can be a bad thing even when not intended to be,” Pyrrha says remembering her fight with Penny. “Take the ponies of Equestria. Their often wary of things they don’t understand even if that thing is a very kind-hearted dragon like Spike” explained Pyrrha. “The saying goes ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, well that can be applied here as ‘just because you have power doesn’t mean you should let it be known’. In order to protect, somethings are better left unsaid Oscar,” Ozpin added. I wholeheartedly agreed. “I think I understand a little,” Oscar says looking to me. “Even though you’re strong you don’t let others know to keep those around you safe.” “Yes, my young friend. He can be taught,” I say point to Oscar. “Now, Adam, remember how I asked about you about hand to hand combat earlier?” “Yea, but wasn’t that to just to give me advice on how I fight and adapt, though?” said the faunus tilting his head. “It was but it was also to see if you could I could take you on without a weapon in a fair fight. You have the Ember Silica which requires a proficiency in hand to hand combat but you only took judo but you said you weren’t relying upon you natural battle skills as a Displaced. Well here’s what I want to do,” I say as a can see a gleam of curiosity in his eye. “I’d like to spar with you to learn how to control my aura and to help you rely on your instincts a bit more. I’ll give you a few of the hand to hand technique from back home to help you use the Silica a bit better,” I explain extending my hand. “Deal, but don’t come crying to me when you lose an arm,” he said taking a hold of my hand. “That’s why I have this,” I said lifting my left hand in the air activating the ultimate shield. “I think I’m going to enjoy the next few days,” Pyrrha says with an evil smirk. “Yea I’m not so sure about that,” Oscar adds. “Things will definitely be interesting,” interjects Ozpin. At the same time in the Dark Library Lex POV     “WOW! The is awesome Princess and you said this was all of your Equestria’s dark magic you’ve collected,” I said as I stepped into Luna’s Dark Library. “Yes, Lex. and you can call me Luna. My library contains all of my worlds collected dark magics. Tia didn’t want to deny our world the possible good that darkness was able to bring. So that’s when Ed and Starswirl began constructing this place to house that knowledge. It was originally the center of my school until Sombra’s fall of course. It was then that Tia and I decided that some dark magics were, in fact, just too dangerous. So we gather every piece that we thought could bring harm to our ponies and locked it away here. We then had Starswirl use his mirror portal magic to lock this Library in the world between worlds. Or what you Displaced call the Void.” explained Luna while she looked around the Library.     “Yea Lex, me and Twilight spent the last few weeks here studying under Luna as her Night Apprentices. They even have a training arena that can be changed to better suit your needs. You just have to let Dark Light know what the specifics you’re looking for are,” Nat says with a twinkle in her eyes as she and her marefriend ran off to do their own thing.     “Who’s Dark Light? It sounds like the name of a pony,” I asked before I hear a pop behind me. “That would be me, Ms. Justine,” says a voice. I turn to see a little ball of light floating next to Luna. “Lex this is the Librarian and at one time my personal assistant, Dark Light,” Luna says holding her palm under the glowing orb. Something in the back of my mind was telling that we weren’t going to be the best of friends.     Luna started to tell me how Dark was originally designed to be a type of return system for the books here but gradually evolved into a type of Dark Tome Fairy. The students of Luna’s school were the ones that had originally named her due to the fact that she was a light in a dark magic school. She was just called Light until some of the students started to joke around with her being a sort of night light and eventually this lead to dark light. From there the name apparently just stuck. After Luna finished her story came back to the reason we were here. The fact that I need to learn dark magic for the trainees back home. Right now there were only four, them being my Luna and then the CMC, but I know we’d get more in the future too.     There were a lot of tomes, scrolls, and even a few stone tablets. I knew there had to be multiple volumes too. It was a good thing I had my Wind reader glasses with me, but I doubt that I’ll be able to get through have of this knowledge in only a few days.     “You’re allowed to read anything you wish Ms. Justine. Except, for the forbidden area. There is a barrier in place that only allows those who have the Mistress’s permission to enter it. They are only Ms.Nat, Ms. Sora, and Ms. Dusk at this time. If you try and read any of the books they bring out they will be sent back via displacement spell or and illegible spell,” explained the annoying book fairy. I could already tell she was really going to annoy the crap out of me, just from listening to the sound of her voice.     “Don’t worry Lex you have my permission to read anything you want while you’re in here. But that’s all. You won’t be able to bring the anything out without my permission. I can already guess you suspect why,” said Luna in a serious manner. “The knowledge is too dangerous to leave out for others who might not have the best intentions,” I say crossing my arms as a shuck my head up and down in agreement.     “Yes, now you best get to reading, and if your interested Ed gave me permission to instruct you in alchemagic. We can head to the arena once you reach a good stopping point in your studying. In the meantime, I will be in personal study hall getting some rest. If you need me simply have Dark Light show you the way,” Luna says before she starts to walk through the bookshelves. Man Ed wanted me to learn alchemagic. That was awesome but I remember him telling me back when we first met that it was incredibly hard. Still, if Luna knew how to use it then there was no reason that I couldn’t learn it either. First off I needed to read, a lot, and I didn’t have the time to waste either. So I took out my glass and got to work. One Hour Later     I’ve literally spent the last hour reading three bookshelves worth of info on umbran spells and shadow manipulation. I couldn’t stop myself. I was tearing through the books as if the were my favorite candy bar. Could anyone blame me though, Celestia had made it quite clear on where she stood on dark magic before I showed up. This info was really going to help back home. Who knew that Ed had married such an awesome scholar in dark magic. Made me think on what other things the alchemist was hiding. I won’t push him for the info if he wants to tell he will. I went back to my book ‘Obsidian Weapon Enchantments and Forging’ when I heard a pop above me. Great, the library fairy is back. She’s probably here to tell me to reshelve the books.     “Ms. Justine, I know you’re excited about bringing this information back to your own students but if you don’t slow down you’ll end up as Ms. Twilight did on her third day here,” stated the little glowing sphere above me.     “Look, I’m not Twilight and I can handle reading three times this many books on a day when I’m not even feeling good at all. So, back off and let me get some work done. I’ve don’t have a lot of time and I have a ton of other materials that I need to get to. Preferably some of the other elemental-based spells. Not to mention I still have alchemagic lessons with Luna later on to. Now shoo, your twinkling is really getting on my nerves and I’ll reshelve those books in a minute,” I say trying to bury my face in the book I was currently holding.     “Ms. Justine I must still insist that you take your time when reading these tomes. Many of them are extremely old and valuable. They cannot be replaced and the Mistress would be extremely upset if any of them were even stained by water,” exclaimed the annoying light orb. “While I know you can handle more than the average pony I still don’t want another incident where somepony will literally stop working from reading to many books. Slow and steady Ms. Justine, slow and steady.”     “And your concern is appreciated, trust me, but as I said, there is only so much time I have here. And I’ll have you know that thanks to my glasses and my Super Archive I can memorize and understand written information at several times that of even Twilight. So like I said, shoo.” I say in annoyance. I really don’t like getting interrupted when I am reading.     “As you wish and do put the tomes back when you’re finished. When would you like to meet up with the Mistress for your lessons on alchemagic? She will be waking from her nap soon so I must inform her,” asked the fairy. I look to my pile of reading materials, then to the other bookshelves for a second. “Wake her up once I finish these two shelves, so maybe another half hour.” I respond, levitating another book, ‘Dark Mentality and Healing Techniques.’     “Very well and Ms. Nat and Ms. Dusk wanted to let you know that they’ll be in the training arena for the next few hours after they finish their ‘lunch date’.” said the light ball in a huff before it popped away. I roll my eyes and go back to my book before something registers in my head.     “Lunch date?” Same Time. Everfree Castle Ruins Ruby POV This was weird. I am not even going to try and lie. I know Adam explained how the Displaced worked, but the fact that there are two very different versions of Spike with me and a stallion from another dimension was just all sorts of odd. Also Twilight, but I was used to the mare, what with her basically being a more energetic and less mysterious Blake.     “So the magic you use is called Dragon Slayer magic? Isn’t that a little….grim?” This world’s Spike asks his counterpart. I decided to just refer to the bigger one as Drake. Not very imaginative, but whatever.     “Yeah, I know right. According to Lex, Dragon Slayer Magic was a magic style given to humans during some kind of a dragon war to help turn the tides. It sounds interesting, but needless to say, things went south since dragons are all but extinct in Fiore.” Drake says in agreement. I look to Trace, the stallion looking around the ruins with a curiosity I haven’t seen before. Well, aside from Nora.     “Sooo Trace! What’s up?” I ask the stallion, trying to break the awkward silence around me. “Not much. I had never seen the ruins before Faekage Lex turned it into the training hall. To think she turned this place into such an amazing gym is really a testament to her prep work for the guild.” He says, picking up a piece of rubble with a picture of a moon on the back of it.     “Really? So what does the training hall look like?” I ask in curiosity. Trace digs into his backpack and takes out a picture of what looks like the ‘guild’ in front of the training hall. It was actually really cool, all the familiar as well as new ponies and other creatures.     “Heh, cool.” I handed the photo back to the stallion. I look to Twilight who is going over some sort of magic scan or something around the grounds of the castle. It took a while but eventually Twilight explained what we are going to be doing here in a way I could understand since I don’t really get magic. Apparently, this place was a neutral zone for light and dark or something, and because of that, we can use it to conduct the ‘transmutation’ to bond Adam’s little sister's soul to a new body.     I look over to the other side of the runes to see Polearm exploring the the area he was in. He could do alchemy just like Penny could, which was awesome, What really stuck out about him was his special talent though. He was proficient with any type of polearm weapon and he’d developed his own type of magic,even though he was an earth pony. So cool, maybe he could teach me but then again he said it was a recent development and I’d have to learn a special technique from Adam first.     That’s when we feel the ground start to shake a bit, “What the heck is going on?!” As I was looking around I noticed a column of red off in the distance outside the forest towards Fluttershy’s cottage. “Looks like we got trouble guys,” as I say this all of the others see the column too. “Don’t worry Ruby that’s just Sir Edward. He’s probably just training with Adam right now,” Polearms says as he goes back to exploring with Spike.     Just who is Ed anyways? I mean he shows up with Adam and all these others, not to mention the whole royal family, who is shaking in their boots when they arrive. They're doing this whatever project to save Adam’s little sister. Now you’re telling this guy is the cause of a giant column of red light off in the distance. Let me get this right. You have Ed who is some sort of alchemist, Lex who is an extremely powerful mage, and Nat/Sora who are some sort of mutant superhuman. Not to mention each of them is more than powerful to enough take on one of the reigning rulers of this world in a one on one fight and still not even break a sweat while doing so. These people are absolutely terrifying. And Ed is married to a different version of one of the said rulers, wait doesn’t that make him royalty too? “ URRRAAAAHHH! MY BRAIN HURTS!” I yell while I grab my head. “Let me guess, you are trying to wrap your head around Lex and her families power?” Drake asks, coming up beside me. I just nod and take a sip of some water I brought with me. “Trust me, you aren’t the only one. Quite a few of the guild have been trying to wrap our heads around them, especially Luna and my Twilight. Some of us don’t care, but a few of us try to at least make some sense of the Displaced. Not with very much luck I am afraid.”     “Trust me you two there’s not much sense when it comes to the Displaced. I’ve tried to make the most back home but every time I get close to some sort of answer, Ed always throws my theories for a loop,” says Polearm as he joined Drake and me.     “Jeez, I don’t even want to think about what would happen if those three met my dad or Dr. Oobleck. I feel like those two would need to find some beowolves to fight, just to get their minds back to normal.” I say, leaning against the wall. “Even though I don’t get what you said, I agree. Luna had to take on a couple quests just to get her mind off trying to figure out Lex.” Drake adds.     “I always find solace in my experiments. But Ed said you huntsman fight these Grimm things. To bad you’ve cleared them out here. I’d love to have the chance to take on one of those things,” says Polearm with sparks in his eyes. “I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you Polearm. Grimm are by no means safe, even ‘newborns’. Plus you have to factor in the species, the skills in their arsenal, their size, their abilities for either up close and ranged combat. Even if you are far better than the royal guards here, you would have a hard time taking down, say, and Ursa.”     “Adam didn’t go into the details of who I am did?” he asked with a cocked brow. I just shook my head. “No, he just said you were Ed’s assistant and you were better than the royal guards. He mentioned that you would actually be a pretty high ranking member of his White Fang squad if you joined.”     “Think of it this way Ms. Rose. I’m not just Edward’s assistant but I’m also his student in alchemy, magic, and combat alongside our version of Twilight. Who is also my marefriend by the way,” said the guard with pride. I look to the mare in question, who is continuing her scan, but I can see a distinct blush on her cheeks.              “Huh. You know, now that I think about it, there are a lot more couples around here than back at Beacon. Sure there were some odd couples and students dating each other, but I think this is the largest concentration of actual couples I have been around. Especially now with Adam and Penny. Still can’t believe that.” I comment.     “How blind can humans be to love any way? Course I say that and it took and elaborate date night set up by all of my teachers before I admitted how I felt about Pole here,” Twi says with a flushed face as she joins us. I shrug to them.     “I can’t say for others, but for people like me, our studies and protecting our world came first. Remnant isn’t like Equestria, the four kingdoms don’t all live in harmony. As much as I hate to say it, Cinder is right. Our world was on the brink of war well before I was attending Beacon. With that in mind, love really didn't seem all that important. Though there are the exceptions like Pyrrha.”     “You know, there is something that I have been meaning to ask. But why did you want to become a huntress Ruby?” Spike asks. “Well, there is no one answer to that. I want to be like my mom, Summer Rose, she and I are basically the same, silver eyed scythe wielders. When I was a kid my sister used to I read stories to me before bed, stories of heroes and monsters, and I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books. As someone who fought for what was right, and who protected people who couldn't protect themselves. I just….wanted to make my home like this world.”     It was funny in a way. While Dr.Oobleck had asked the rest of my team the same question, he didn’t ask me, and I didn’t ask myself. But now….why did I want to be a huntress?     “That, rather ambitious for a child. But I can tell the real world isn’t the same a one of your fairy tales.” Trace adds, and I can’t help but giggle a little, the others confused. “Sorry, it just….one of my teammates, Blake, said the same thing when I told her.     “If anyone can tell what the horrors of the world are like and how to overcome them it would be be the princess Ruby. They might not look it but they’re both over a thousand years old. I mean I often turn Princess Celestia for advice back home and not just because she’s one of my teachers. Heck if you really want to some advice on war you should see Ed and Luna. They both fought in wars. But you should be careful around Ed with it. He’s fought on the frontlines of the Minos Wars but its not one of his favored memories from back then,” Twilight says as she turns around her voice carries off before she starts to walk away.     “Pole what does she mean by that? I know a lot of veterans have issues but they eventually overcome them. If Ed really is as old as you guys say shouldn’t he be over them by now?” asked Spike as he cocked his head to the side. “Our Spike asked Twilight the same thing too. See Ed was entombed in stone for over one thousand. He’s went through a lot when this happened up to the point he was able to return only a few months ago,” said Pole as he looked to the direction that the light came from earlier.     “What happened?” I asked in worry. “I’ll tell you what I know Ruby, but nothing more. If you want details you’ll have to ask Sir Edward yourself. See, after the Ed stepped down as King of the Minotaurs he refocused himself on his research. During this time a pony he considered family betrayed him and the ensuing incident in entombed his body in stone and broke his mind.” He paused for a bit. “You mean he went crazy?” I say in shock. “Yes and no, I mean he was still there but he wouldn’t have been coherent but his body would have been move as if by instinct. Luckily he was turned to stone. Later on he was able to fix his mind on his own. But no pony knew or they would have freed him if they would have been able. Ed was imprisoned by alchemagic. Something that he developed and only three others understood at the time but not enough that they were willing to risk the life of the one they cared for in a slim chance to free him. So, time went on and Ed witnessed many things that he regrets not being able to be there for. This all lead him to hate himself deeply. That hate lead to the creation of the demon Malice and in turn leads us here.” “My teacher has been through much and I think he sees a younger version of himself in Nat and Sora. He’d do what he could normally on his own for someone in this situation but he is literally going out of his way to do everything in his power to make sure they don’t have to lose the ones that matters to them. Even more so when he asked Princess Luna to teach them dark magic. But I’ve said enough let’s finish up here and head back to town,” Pole says as he walks off. When he was talking about Ed’s past, they way he spoke was both sad and proud. “Spike, this situation has a lot more riding on it then what Ed originally let doesn’t it?” I ask the dragon at my side. “I think so Ruby. But I wouldn’t go into too much detail. Ed and the others know what they’re doing.” answered Spike. “ I’m sure they do. Now, lets flow Pole’s example.” Behind Fluttershy's Cottage Ed POV     We’d been sparring for a few hours now. Everyone looks pretty worn out and could use a break so I think it’s time to head back for dinner and some rest. Adam took the forefront of the punishment then you had Pyrrha and Oscar was last but that was expected. I look to the others and then back to myself. Its at times like this that I really feel guilty about being a Philosopher Stone.     “Had fun so far guys?” I say with a little laugh. “Dude, you aren’t … even a bit… winded.” commented Adam as he tried to catch his breath. “Nope. But you have to remember, not human anymore. Even before I died though, a work out like this was nothing. How are you two fairing over there?” I say looking to Pyrrha and Oscar.     “You make Professor Oobleck look like he was standing still.” said Pyrrha as she checked on Oscar. “Once your learn how to strengthen your body with magic you’ll be able to move as fast as he can easily,” I say waving the air. “I never want to face you whenever you’re mad.” added Oscar. “Just out of curiosity. On a scale of one to ten, how seriously did you fight Adam when you summoned him?” asked Ozpin     “Do you seriously want to know Oz?” I ask reactivating my seals with a red flash of light. “Completely,” said Ozpin in a deadpan tone. “On how serious I was it would be a six. On the amount of power I used, it would be a two or three. I wasn’t really sure of myself at the time as this was still when I was afraid to use my true power. To date there is only one person, technically two, that were able to match me in a fight,” I say as we start to walk back to Adam’s house. I lower the wall that I brought up with some alchemy.     “Nat and Sora is who I’m guessing,” Adam said as he rolled his eyes. “Yea, and I was still holding back due to fear of Malice at the time. Your sister’s amazing Adam. She’s a lot stronger than she gives herself credit. She’ll  have to accept that now though,” I say looking a head of us. “I take it you’re referring to Sora. Sora was always Nat’s rock for situations like this. I guess it’s time she started to fight on her own. Like you said Ed. Nat’s strong and I have no doubts that she can support Sora,” He said with a supportive tone, but there was just  a hint of concern in it to.     “Let’s get back to the house. I’m sure that everyone will be returning from the own adventures today. Between me, you, Nat, Sora, and Lex, we’ll be able to whip up one hell of a meal,” I say with a smile.     We arrived back at the house just as everyone started to come back from their own trips. Ruby’s group was the first to make it back. They’d been there for around an hour. Certainly took some flack from Ruby about my light show earlier. Pyrrha told everyone about my demon form and I got bugged all the hell to see it. I had to insist on not destroying the house to get them to stop. I also warned them all that it might cause us to take a little hell from the Princesses and everyone was to far gone for that. It wasn’t to long before Luna, Dusk, Nat and Lex came back from the Dark Library. This scared the hell out of Pyrrha when they all came out of the hallway mirror. I decided to go down stairs to check on Sora body. I got down there only to be met with a familiar family sight.     “Hey guys, guess you’ll had the same idea I did,” I say to Nat, Sora, Lex and Adam. “This is amazing Ed, I never would’ve thought of using alchemagic in varying stages of alchemy then magic to create Sora’s body. You really have taken thing way beyond just trying to save Sora from deterioration,” Lex says with a smile placing her hand on Sora’s tank. “You’re actually trying to give Sora a chance to live her own life, aren’t you Ed?” asked Nat with a few tears in her eyes. I look to the younger baby floating in the liquid magic. “I’m doing this to give Sora a chance at a life she never had a chance to live on her own yes, but the original reason still stands to. It’s my fault for not being able to control the demon inside of me at the time, and it's thanks to you that I can now.” Adam looks to me then to Sora’s body. He smiles and turns his gaze to me again. “You’re also do this as a thank you aren’t you. You shady bastard,” says Adam as he walks over to me. “Yes my friend I’m doing this for all of those reasons. But I know what it’s like to be on the outside looking in. I was an outsider back on the version of earth I came from. So you can say I’m doing this because I feel a sort bond with Nat and Sora,” I say noticing Luna was standing just out of sight at the top of the stairs. She was doing her best to mask her presence but we all knew she was there. “I don’t know what will happen after we all leave this world guys, but I would like you three to know that I consider you all family. I know I have no right to ask anything of you after we’re done here. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you three never wanted to see my face.Wouldn’t blame you if you destroyed the watches. Just wanted to tell you my thoughts,” I say turning around to face away from the others. “Now, let’s get up stairs we have a large group of mouths to feed.” I start to walk away as I here a creek behind me. I met with Luna at the top of the stairs. She had a slight lok of concern in her eyes, but I simply smiled as I walked past. She followed me past the kitchen until she got to the living room and started to converse with  the others. It wasn’t too much longer until Adam, Lex, Nat, and Sora came up from the basement and started to help cook supper. Thus the rest of the night was filled with joy. After we all fininised eat we all went our separate ways until the next day. > Chapter 28: The Meeting of Monsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Days Later     Things were progressing rather and rather along. Sora’s body was now in its final stages of development. She was around the four to five years old stage now, and we were just waiting on the rarer elements needed for us to finish her development. I wish we could’ve aged her body up more to around the age of a teen but her soul wouldn’t have been compatible with her physical form. Thus, the chance of soul rejection would’ve had almost a one-hundred percent chance of occurring.     Currently, everyone else was having their breakfast upstairs before they all venture off to do their own things. To my knowledge, Lex was going to be heading back to the Library with Luna. Nat and Dusk were going to be training with Rainbow and Adam. Pyrrha was teaching today. Ruby and Penny were going out with Pole and Twi to show them the town. Trace and the Spikes’ were going into Everfree to explore the castle and to clear out any Grimm that have moved in. I was going to head up to Canterlot pick up the elements for Sora’s body. Since Oscar wasn’t doing anything to my knowledge I was going to invite the lad to come along. Maybe I could talk with Ozpin on why he won’t allow Oscar to start training with magic.     Qrow was going to be Qrow. To be honest, I didn’t really know what he’d been doing for the past five days. I hadn’t seen too much of the guy. Except, for the few times we went out for drinks. After I had my feel of alcohol, I’d usually take off from the bar or where we went for drinks to get back to town hall to crawl in bed with Luna. I might not be human anymore but I still enjoy a drink like everyone else, it’s just a lot harder to get drunk, perk and curse at the same time. I must say Qrow is a pretty level-headed guy when drunk. I really did enjoy our talks. He was really the only other adult I could have a relatable type of conversation with, other than Luna of course. I made my way up the stairs to meet up with the site of everyone doing their parts to help clean up the kitchen and table or wherever the managed to find a spot to eat. There were over around twenty of us coming here in the morning if you counted the occupants that were already living here. I look to Luna who was helping Penny dry the dishes. Those two seem to have formed a bond since they met in our world. Luna was the first to notice me standing in the doorway. “Good morning Ed. How’s Sora’s body fairing today?” asked Penny who saw Luna attention was on me. “She’s doing great Penny. Is there any coffee left?” I ask with a soft smile. “I just made a fresh pot actually. We found Qrow in the tree across from the house again and I knew he’d want some when he came in,” Penny said as she showed me a full pot of coffee on the stove. “Thanks, Penny. I’ll have some then I believe I see if he and Oscar want to come with me to Canterlot,” I say making my way to the morning gasoline. “Celestia and Luna were able to get the elements to finish of Sora’s body?” asked Ozpin as Oscar walked into the room proceeding to fix himself a cup of coffee. “Yea, That’s my goal for today and I was going to see if you and Qrow wanted to come with me. That’s only if you two or three don't have anything else planned for today.” “I don’t have anything going on unless Oscar had plans,” Ozpin says as his eyes glow for a moment indicating Oscar is in control. “I wasn’t planning to do anything but some aura training but I can do that on the train when we’re on the way to the Castle. So, it looks like we’re with you today,” says Oscar as he sips on the coffee Ozpin fixed. “Great, now all we need to do is ask Qrow and I don’t really feel like waiting for him to fall out of the tree so let's go see if he wants to come before the train gets here.” “So, Penny said the tree across from the house. The question is which tree is it?” says Ozpin as we walk out the front door. “It can’t be that hard to find him can it. I mean the guy wears a red cape everywhere he goes, but he can change into a bird so it could be harder than I originally thought,” I say with a thermos of this morning’s coffee. “Has Qrow ever been drunk as a bird before?” Oscar as we make our way to the Everfree. “I can say he’s tried to change into one on a few occasions when we went out the past few days but he never successfully changed into his bird form. It was fun as hell to watch too,” I say with a laugh. “Let’s start the search and hope we can find him before he wanders off again,” says Ozpin with a sigh. The three of us separate a bit to look around the small gathering of trees before the forest, looking for either a red cape or a black crow. It was harder than it sounds since the leaves of the trees were darker than you’d think, so if he was a bird, he would be almost perfectly camouflaged. I spent maybe ten minutes looking around before I hear several curses and grumbling from the left of me. I look over and see Qrow sitting as a human in a tree rubbing his head with Ozpin’s cane levitating above him. It didn’t take a genius to figure out how Oscar woke him up, the grin on the boys face betraying him from secrecy. “Want some coffee you drunken bastard?” I say with a chuckle. “Oh, ha ha ha. Where’s the damn stuff at?” Qrow said jumping down from his branch. I hand him the thermos and he quickly adds his own ‘cream’ from his flask. “Penny must’ve brewed this. That girl certainly knows her way around a coffee pot. Adam is lucky to have her as a girlfriend.” “I am still trying to wrap my head around that one. I know I didn’t know Penny personally, but from the professors and Ruby’s stories, she didn’t seem like the kinda girl to fall for a bad boy like Adam. Then again he isn’t the same as back home….Gah! This hurts my head.” Oscar finishes, rubbing his temples. “Trust me, Oscar. Adam is the total opposite of the Adam Taurus from Remnant. And don’t forget that Penny has gone through some major changes herself. But back to why we’re out here. I’ve got to head up to Canterlot to pick up the rest of the elements need for Sora’s body. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us today?” I asked staring at the hangover Huntsman. “Eh, why not. It’s not like I was gonna do anything productive anyhow,” he answered as he started to walk to the house. “I recommend we make him take a shower before we depart. Especially if we’re going to meet up with the Princesses,” Ozpin whispered to me. “ I agree,” I say nodding my head. Once we got to the house we all but ordered the huntsman to take a shower, and not in the bird bath, they have in the back of the house. He was about to argue before my wife reminded him that he has had one in two days. Her tone all but shook him out of his hungover state and into the washroom. It didn’t take long for the three of us to find ourselves on the train to the capital. I noticed that while Rarity was an open source of clothing, Oscar still wore clothes fit for a farm boy and Qrow’s outfit was near identical to his original, just with a lighter shade of grey and more black. As the train began to get underway towards Canterlot Oscar got into a cross-legged position on his seat, intent on meditating till we arrive. It was good for him to practice here since he can focus on the rhythmic sounds of the train moving to help.  Qrow just nodded to the young huntsman and took out a small book, I think I saw him reading it from time to time, but it didn't have a title so I didn't know what it was. “So, Qrow why is it you took my side when we first showed up in this?” I ask leaning into my hands. “Don’t really know Ed,” he said turning the pages of his book. “As you know I’ve had my fair share of bad luck and you seemed to have had the same. You’re not a bad guy but just one that’s had a hard time as of late,” He says turning another page. “A thought just occurred to me.” “What is it?” I say raising a brow. “How exactly do you plan to pay for those elements the Princess got for you. They aren’t exactly cheap, ya know,” He says looking up from his page. “I don’t know. Bits don’t exactly all the look the same in every Equestria. I’m sure that we’ll be able to work something out though,” I say leaning back on my bench. “Well you might want to start working on that cause we’re about to be in Canterlot,” he says put his book down to take out his flask. He took a quick swig of it before offering it to me, I decline though. We roll into the mountain tunnel so I decide to break Oscar’s meditation. I walk over to the young farmhand and slightly jostle him a bit. When that doesn’t work Qrow comes over and knocks him over the head with his book. “OW! Damit Qrow you didn’t have to hit us so hard!” says Ozpin. “No, but it sure as hell was fun to do it,” he says with a laugh. “You agree with me don’t you Ed?” I look to Oscar as he rubs his head, “ Not gonna lie. That sure was funny to watch.” “Consider it payback for this morning. Now come on, this train rides stating to put me to sleep, and we still have to walk through Canterlot to get to the castle. I’m already in a bad mood from the wake-up call this morning and I don’t want to be in another so let’s go,” Qrow says using his thumb to point towards the door. “Why don’t we stop by Joe’s Donut shop on the way? I know Ozpin needs another cup of coffee and we could all use something to eat. Or at least Qrow and I can?” I say as the train comes to a stop. “I heard about that place from some of the guys at the bar back in town. They’re supposed to have pretty good donuts. I wouldn’t mind stopping as long as I get to a dozen to myself,” Qrow says as we get off the train. “Not opposed to that idea myself. What about you two?” I ask looking to Oscar. “Sure, I could go for some donuts,” agreed Oscar. We stopped in the shop for a box of donuts as none of us were sure we could finish off a whole box of donuts and keep it down while facing the princesses. Qrow already looked like he was trying everything he could before we left the shop. We were then on our way to the castle. It’s a good thing that I brought Qrow and Oscars because I doubt the guards would’ve let me pass through the main gates to get into the castle and then I would’ve caused a scene. That’s really the last thing I needed, was to cause an incident in another world. Anyway, Qrow got us through to meet up with Celestia and Luna, surprised me that she was up right now. We were led by a duo of royal guards, and I could tell they were suspicious of me, considering I looked like a new human. I couldn’t really blame them though, from what I heard any new humans are normally escorted by Adam. While we were walking the halls, I saw a couple of guards in the training yard from the window, the trio all having the symbol of the White Fang on the back of their armor. “So Adam was serious when he said started his own White Fang,” I mumble to myself. “Yeah. Even though we were still skeptical about him, Adam decided to have each of us join up as honorary members. Obviously, things with his squad are different than the one back in Remnant. I think that what he’s trying, is what the White Fang was supposed to be.” Qrow says. “It’s true, and Sir Taurus has almost made it an incentive to find those that he ‘can see hidden potential’ in.” One of the guards ahead of us mentions. “Even though he only comes by every week or two for training and recruitment, he seems to pick those that are a little new. The most experienced member he’s picked has only been in the guard for seven months.” “Sounds like what I did back on my Equestria too. I spent around three months training the Elements of Harmony, Spike, Shining Armor, Polearm and eighteen hand selected guards out in the Badlands. They all improved immensely. I didn’t train the guards as harshly as the Elements but the got up to Shining Armor former base level,” I say look onto the guards. They share a look of confusion before shaking their head and muttering something like ‘multiversal weirdness’. After that little exchange, we made it to the throne room, one of the guards heading in to inform Celestia and Luna of our arrival. He came back not a second later and gave us the go-ahead to go in. Entering the throne room, I see that there is the usual contingent of guards stationed near the thrones and the doors, but I do notice two that are part of Adam’s squad. Sitting on the thrones were Celestia and Luna, the latter clearly tired. “Ah, Edward, Qrow, Oscar, and Ozpin. Glad to see you four again.” Celestia says, stepping down from her seat, followed by her sister a second later. “Likewise your highnesses. It’s good to see you two without there being a potential threat or misunderstanding.” Ozpin says, bowing quickly with Qrow. Guess the drunk still understands respect. “It’s good to meet you two again. I’m sorry for the intrusion but as soon as Adam had informed me that you were able to obtain the necessary rare elements for Sorano’s body I thought there sooner we got them the sooner we could begin infusing them into Sora’s body. I would also like to go ahead and discuss what you would like in a form of payment for said elements,” I say taking my usual bow. “That shouldn’t be necessary Edward. After Adam told us the whole situation over one of his letters, we agreed to get the elements for the sake of helping. I cannot imagine the pain Adam’s sisters have gone through, and any chance to end it should be taken.” Luna says in determination. “I understand this Princess Luna but I must insist on repaying you in some form. It is not my way to simply allow things to go unexchanged for. As an alchemist, I live by the law of Equivalent Exchange. Do you understand what this means?”  I asked raising my head as I look the sisters dead in the eyes. “To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.” All eyes turn to one of the guards, a unicorn mare in the White Fang, who looked around sheepishly. “I uh, overheard Lady Polendina say that a couple times when she practiced with her powers.” “Exactly Miss. It is not only the philosophy by which my order lives by but it is also the law by which we derive our powers,” I say nodding to the guard. Perhaps I will give Penny the next step in her powers later. I look at the duo, who sigh after a minute. “I know that look in your eye, that is the same one as when Adam explained why he was making the White Fang. Stubborn and hell bent of making it work. Very well, let’s head to my study and discuss our business there.” Celestia says, beginning to head to the doors. “Shall we follow the Princess gentlemen,” I say to Qrow, Oscar, and Ozpin as I follow Celestia out of the room. The two humans follow a second later, then Luna, and then the guards who escorted us to the throne room. The walk to Celestia’s study was silent, none of us daring to break the silence aside from our steps. I saw Oscar with a contemplative look as we walked, his mouth moving sometime, and I figure he is conversing with Ozpin. Qrow was content to just watch the halls go by as we went through them. Most of the halls looked the same as the ones back home to me. The route we took to get to Celestia room was nearly identical, but there were a few more turns than the one I was used to. We got to her room in about fifteen or twenty minutes after we left the throne room. There we two Solar Guards stationed outside the door when we arrived, normal procedures for all worlds I’m guessing. Celestia opened the doors and we all entered taking seats around the table she had for her tea time. Celestia must have been very serious about this discussion because she immediately started on making tea for everyone before she joined us. I can tell Oscar/Ozpin and Qrow had caught on to the nature of our discussion, so they both grabbed the pillows provided for seats and got comfortable. Luna meanwhile, grabbed the chair from her sister's desk and spun it around to face us before sitting down. Once Celestia finished making the tea, she carefully poured out a cup for each of us. The atmosphere was rather tense, to say the least. “Alright.” Ozpin begins. “Edward, as you have gone by this law of equivalent exchange the longest, I believe it would be best for you to hash out the details proper with the princesses, as Qrow and I can only help so much on with a style of life we know next to nothing about.” “It’s simple Ozpin. The Law of Equivalent Exchange simply states that nothing can be gained or lost without something of equal or greater value being offered up in its place first,” I say taking a sip of my tea. “In layman's terms in order to pay for the rare elements, we need for Sora’s I must make a payment of equal or greater value in some way shape or form.” “That isn’t exactly easy to measure Ed. I may not be the smartest when it comes to science, and a complete idiot in magic, but the fact is those elements are some of the rarest things we have back on Remnant.” Qrow says, taking a sip of his own drink. “If we could simply use the elements I could create with my Arc or my Philosopher Stone I would, but they’re too unpredictable in the reaction process to break them down. I need the raw naturally occurring forms to go the safest route to ensure Sora’s body survives the transmutation,”  I say putting on a serious look. “And I’m willing to pay any price necessary to obtain them.” I can see that both Celestia and Luna are almost at a loss in what to do. Almost. I can all but see the gears beginning to turn in Celestia’s head as she tries to think of a way that I could pay for these elements. I am not sure how long we were all sitting there, each of us almost lost in our own thoughts, when something seemed to click in the solar princesses mind, and an almost evil smile crossed her face. One that slightly unnerved the others, but looked almost familiar to me. Like the one, Tia gets when she has a stupidly ridiculous idea. “I know that look in your eye Princess, all too well. It’s the same look, the one my sister gets in her eye whenever she gets an idea that she won’t back down from. It would be better for all of us if you just laid all the cards out on the table right now,” I say taking a long sip of my tea as I then set the cup down as I look Celestia dead on with the most serious look I’ve had yet. “I said I would pay any price and I meant ANY price.” I can see Luna looking between the two of us a couple times in worry, along with the huntsman duo, before Qrow keeps his gaze on Celestia’s eyes, and his own widen. “No way, absolutely not!” I look to the normal charismatic and calm huntsman as he gains a look of shock. Celestia only smiles. “Very well Edward. You see, the day Adam arrived, he was issued a duel requested by my sister. It was something I was scared to watch, but as I did, it woke something in me. This kingdom has known peace for a thousand years, and as much as I hate it, not all of the peace was done through peaceful means. I can tell you know. As much as neither of us would admit it, Adam wouldn’t last a second against me or my sister if we truly got serious. At least when we met. You on the other hand…” she trailed off, the meaning behind her words painfully obvious. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I know all too well the paths to peace sun princess. You think your hands are the only ones that have shed blood in the name of peace in this room. NAHAHA! Let me tell you this. I never let Luna or Tia spell blood back home. Never. I didn’t care what their reasons were. Yes, I’M A MONSTER AND I’VE KNOWN IT FOR A LONG TIME!” I exclaim to Celestia and Luna and the huntsmen. “The Minos of my world named me The Crimson Butcher in our war. Do you have the metal to face a creature that needlessly slaughtered armies by itself, Princess Celestia?” I look to Celestia as an almost mad smile broke across her muzzle. “The Crimson Butcher huh? Interesting. Almost as deadly sounding as mine.” She leaned a little closer. “The Scorching Slayer. That is what they called me during the war against the Griffins in this world. Luna was all but put in charge of the kingdom while I stood by my troops. That was the last time I have ever had to fight seriously against an army. I wonder if I still got it?” I can see the fire in her eyes, one that used to be just smoldering embers, roaring brighter than her own sun. “Can your actions match the fires I see in those eyes, my dear. Tia back home was never able to defeat me even when she had Luna helping her. Of course, this was before I started my combat for the wars. My powers have grown far beyond that now and thanks to Adam’s sisters I now have complete control over all of my abilities that I was always too scared to use back then and a few I got from other Displaced too. I didn’t fight Adam on my best day but I’ve been DYING to test my power on a real opponent!” I shout as silver aura and red lightning start to hum around my body. Celestia’s response was for her mane and tail to turn from a trio of colors calmly flowing in the unseen wind to a blazing inferno, her rose eyes turning orange and her fur to become an almost blinding white. I am not sure how long the two of us were standing there, staring each other down for, when a nervously cleared throat interrupted us. “So uh, I guess you guys know what you want?” Oscar asks reluctantly, a hand on his cane. The two of us calm down, becoming normal once again and sheepishly grin while rubbing the back of our heads. I can hear Luna facepalm from her seat. “How in the hell did your Luna fall for someone like you?” “I’m not some battle crazed moron. Thank you. I do appreciate the finer things in life such as music, science, dancing, singing, and the night and all of the beauty in it as well as my wife’s stars and moon. Luna and I feel for each other because we talked to one another and formed a bond. It originally stemmed for being outsiders if you must know,” I say looking at the lunar princess with an insult in my eyes. “Anyways, shall we gather the others. I’m sure we’ll want a buffer for our match.” “Indeed. I hope your wife will be able to attend. Though, I guess she would if she shouldn’t anyway.” Celestia says with a giggle. I chuckle along with her, the other three in the room looking to us with varying expressions. “When I said this week would be interesting, I did not mean this,” Ozpin comments quietly. “Oh trust me, Ozpin, interesting won’t begin to describe what’s about to happen,” I say laughing as the others only look at me with concern. “More along the lines of thrilling,” I whisper to myself. “The only problem we have right now is how are we going to gather everyone together. I know I’d never hear the end of this from Luna, Adam, Leax, Nat, Sora, and just about every huntsman and huntress that here. Not to mention those that were brought with us.” Then a light bulb went off in my head, “I can use my watch for those who have one and you two can use that scroll spell.” “Wait a minute,” said Qrow as we headed to the door. “Are you serious about facing off with one of the leaders of another world? I mean, I know there’s no stopping you two at this point. But you two were literally just giving off enough killing intent while smiling, to bring down a whole pack of giant alpha level Grimm. That’s a good sign to keep as main civilians away as possible. Don’t you agree?” says Qrow with a concerned look in his eyes. “I must agree with Qrow on this sister. On both matters. Even when we kept the fight between Adam and I under wraps, the ponies where still endanger from it. We need a location where you to can ‘duke it out’ without worrying about others that can’t protect themselves,” added Luna in a serious manner. “Already decided on that,” I say opening the door. “And what location have you decided for us?” asked Celestia with a snort. “Your Badlands of course. Remote, isolated, and no population to worry about whatsoever. If they’re at all like the ones back home. Course I made our Badlands when I got to pissed off. But they should do.” “Wait did you just say you made the Badlands on your world? How?” asked Ozpin. “Simple. I got really mad and kicked my magic absorption into overdrive and wandered around for two weeks straight in a berserk rage. I feel bad for the area, the magic still hasn’t recovered enough to support anything other than small plant and animal life, but it’s a good sign.” I say taking out my watch. I called everyone that had a watch and told them to meet up at the house immediately and not to dilly dally. Celestia and Luna did the same on their end with the scrolls. After all, was said and done we decided to head back via the train. This way we could give the others time to all gather at one spot back in Ponyville and Luan could get a good nap in to recover a bit of energy. Gods know she’ll need it.     We were now on the train back to Ponyville after making our way through Canterlot again. Luna was lying down sleeping already. Celestia and sat in the middle of the car while I sat across from her with my arms crossed and head down with my eyes shut. I was merely thinking this was for Sora but I couldn’t help but be a little excited have my first serious fight since Shining Armor’s match a few months back. Qrow and Oscar were sitting in the back of the car while Qrow having a ‘conversation’ with Ozpin.  They thought we couldn’t hear them, wrong. Heard every word but didn’t care in the slightest.     “What’s up with this Oz? Couldn’t they have just as easily just negotiated some form of a deal instead of a fight?” Qrow asked in concern. “While I agree that’s what should’ve happened Qrow,” Ozpin paused for a minute letting out a sigh before continuing. “Those two a prominent power in their respective world and in more ways than one. I saw it in Ed’s eyes and Celestia’s too. I wondered Remnant long enough to fight many battles. What I saw in their eyes was a fire that I see in many young huntsmen and huntresses’ back home when I recruit them.”     “I think I get what you’re saying, old friend. The will to fight and not the one to simply the one to slay monsters. But the one you get when you meet a strong opponent that can push you,” Qrow says as he takes a swig from his flask. “I can understand that, but I still think this is a bad idea. Those two are monsters in their own right. There’s no telling how bads thing could go if the squared off in a fight to the death.”     “I agree with this completely, Qrow. But do you honestly think there’s anything we could do stop them?” Ozpin asks looking out the window. “Like you said they’re monsters. I saw what Ed’s power could do first hand when we were simply training the other day. That’s when he was playing around with us too.”     “Is that guy really that strong?” Qrow says leaning forward. “More so than what he lets on. He truly isn’t human. The fear I felt when he released his power. Oscar and I couldn’t stop shaking. Then, when his shadow was on us, he was somehow able to tap directly into our souls. We played it off like it was nothing but the connect was a two-way street. What I saw in his soul, let’s just say the when the man said he had a similar to mine. He wasn’t exaggerating.” Ozpin says as he looks back to Qrow. “That bad, ah. Well if you say so I’ll take your word on it. For now, let's just sit back and enjoy this peaceful ride before all hell breaks loose,” Qrow says leaning back in his seat. We got to Ponyville in about an hour and a half. We then set out for Adam place. Some of our friends were there already and other had yet to show up. Lex and Luna were among those to still arrive. They were still in the Dark Library if I had to guess. Nat, Dusk, Rainbow and Adam showed up next then it was Pyrrha turn. Soon followed the Everfree group. Adam’s Spike looked especially displeased.  Ruby’s group was already there due to having only been in Ponyville. So I called Lex and Luna on the watch. They came through the mirror which stunned Adam’s Princesses. “Why is that you all called us together?” asked my wife. “Celestia and I want to have a fight,” I answer nonchalantly. “YOU WHAT?!” she shouts in the royal Canterlot voice. Everyone but me and the alicorns quickly covered their ears. I look over to the others as they get their hearing back and Lex steps up calmly. “Excuse me you two, but I would like to quote Pinkie for a second.” She clears her throat. “ARE YOU TWO LOCO IN THE COCO?!?!” She yells, trying to resist shaking both of us with her magic. “Seriously! Are you two nuts?! I know first hand how strong you are Ed, and I don’t even what to think about how strong Celestia of a world filled with Grimm is!” Nat shouts. “First off, don’t ask me if I’m crazy, because been there done that and never again. Second, this is happening and you are just as pumped as the rest of this group to see a real fight take place. Third, we’re going out to the Badlands of this world to make sure no one gets hurt and I know Lex’s barrier is more than enough to protect the group. So, yea, this thing is happening,” I say crossing my arms. “ Finally, this isn’t my idea but Celestia and this is to pay for the elements needed for Sora’s body.” That shut everyone up, all eyes turning to the sun princess who just smirks. I can see Dusk’s look of disbelief that a version of her teacher would actively look for a fight. Nat looks like she wants to argue more before she pauses and rolls her eyes. “Again, not helping Sora.” She says to her sister, and I could swear I heard Sora laughing. Lex looks torn. I could see the excited look in her eyes, mixed in with worry and shock at this decision. Ruby just looks stoked, almost vibrating in excitement at the prospect of watching Celestia and I battle. Everyone else just looked either shocked or torn on the subject. “Look, even though this would be even more epic than an all-out battle between Natsu and Acnologia, are you two serious about this? I know that you two are beyond powerful to the point I doubt I could even stop you, but I need to know so I don’t end up having to break out some of my grand spells.” Lex asks wearily, trying to contain her torrent of emotions. “Trust me, Lex. There is no stopping these two when they get like this,”  said Luna as she scowled at me while I stared at the sky whistling. “If Celestia is as stubborn as Tia. This fight was bound to happen before we left. Especially, since Luna gave me the details of her fight with Adam. It would be best if we let the two clash and let off steam.” After trying to come up with a response, Lex relents with a sigh and gives a weary thumbs up. Ruby squees loudly and darts around with her semblance, acting like a certain pink pony. The others chuckle a little at her excitement. “Alright, if you two are serious then just give us a few minutes to get ready. I would prefer to have my armor and weapons on my person, just in case.” Pyrrha says, heading to her room. Ruby nods in agreement, heading to her and Penny’s room to get her scythe. “You know Lex, while we are waiting for those two to get ready for the fight, you could show Ruby some of your weapons with Requip. I know you have more than just your rapier and Zangetsu.” Nat says, everyone else getting what they believe would be needed to watch the fight. After about ten to fifteen minutes of everyone gathering or changing their clothes or equipment, we were almost ready. I got Luna to help me change my arm and leg from the crystal variants to a ruby based arm and a diamond leg. I didn’t want any handicaps, period. Changing out my arm and leg shocked some wowed other but when it was done we were ready. We all gathered in the backyard and Lex and Dusk focused on their magic, while Adam’s Luna allowed her memories of where the badlands are to flow into their minds. “And away we go!” shouts Lex as the imagery shifts from a grassy backyard to a rocky desert-ish scene. We let go over each other's hands and start prep work for the fight while letting those who need time to recover did so. The newcomers to Direct Line take a second to re-adjust themselves after the teleportation, Oscar, and Ruby supporting each other. I can see the faint blush on the young huntsman cheeks, and Adam and I smirk at them while the others don’t notice. I went over my things once more to be sure I everything in place. I remove my upper clothing as I didn’t want it damaged. I still take pride in the clothes I made. Luna got a gleam her until she saw the large scar the Chrysalis had left from the fight with Malice, after which she quickly turned away. I could see everyone else was staring at it or my ruby arm. “Come out with now while I’m still getting ready and can answer questions,” I say as I start to stretch. “Ok, where did you get that scar? It looks just like the ones Adam and our Luna have but bigger and longer.” Spike asks, coming over with the others. “In a fight with the Queen of the Changelings, and yes you can eat my arm because its made from gems. Just know if you try I will backhand you through that mountain over there,” I say, pointing off to a plateau around fifty yards away. Spike pales a little while the other Spike, Drake Ruby said she refers to, just shrugs. “Eh, Emerald Dragon Slayer, I’ll stick with those gems.” He says nonchalantly. I noticed that everyone else had tensed up a bit when I mentioned Chrysalis, except for the Remnant group. Fortunately, she was pretty much a wreck after her fight with Malice. It allowed the changelings to think freely with the hive mind broken. Through cooperation, we were able to integrate them into Equestria. Many of them actually change into more colorful forms.Some remained their old bug like forms but looked completed instead of a half-dead pony corpse. “So, how did you lose your limbs?” Ruby asks quietly, and I remember how her sister lost an arm. “I didn’t lose them in a fight or accident. They were changed when I was brought to my Equestria as a Displaced. I can change them out for various things. This ruby arm allows me better access to fire alchemagic and my leg allows better access to lightning. I don’t need them but it makes it easier. Whenever my limbs are damaged enough or ripped off my body they’ll regenerate, but as steel.” I say as I walk over to the others. Lex POV While Ed and Celestia were getting ready and talking to the others, I was setting up a viewing area nearby so all of us could watch these two titans go up against each other. I really have to thank Luna again for those Alchemagic lessons, way easier than Alchemy in my opinion, though that may be because of my huge pools of magic. Once I found a good spot, I cut down a couple trees and turned them into small bleachers for all of us to get a good view and evened out the ground so it wasn’t slated. I then began to write my strongest defensive enchantment around the bleachers. I had been practicing my enchantments around the guild and Ponyville so this wasn’t the hardest thing I have written, but it was up there. If I was right, this enchantment could take two spells of my Crash magic, and maybe even Grimoire Law, though I haven’t been able to test that spell yet. I put a lot of magic into keeping the enchantment perfect, so I needed a small break after I finally finished writing it. I could see Ed talking to some of the residents of this world and my Spike while Celestia was talking with Nat, both Twilight’s and her sister. Polearm and Trace were both just off to the side before seeing I finished the viewing area and taking their seats. I noticed those two have gotten along really well, Trace even have shown Pole his corrupted hand. Before long the groups all finish their conversations and come over to us, Celestia still talking to her sister and Ed to his wife. I am really glad I am not those two right now. Sure I can be hot-headed and end up being scolded by Emerald and Sonbāsutā, but I would never enjoy the fury of a worried sibling or significant other. “So Lex.” I turn to Ruby as she comes up beside me. “Natali says you have some really cool weapons aside from your rapier?” She looks super excited. I smirk and lift my hand in front of me, using Requip and summoning Hidan’s scythe. Ruby looks like she is going to blow. I smirk and hand her the immortal ninja’s weapon, Ruby looking over the design the same way Rarity would a new dress. “There-there are no words.” She says softly. I laugh a little and dismiss my weapon, before using another Requip, the Gunner Requip, to summon Black Rock Shooters arm cannon. The young huntress looks like she is going to lose her mind as she looks over the weapon on my arm. I laugh again at her expression, the others Remnant natives looking over to me in shock at my weaponry, when I look back to the battling duo as the Lunas come over to us. I dismiss my weapon and double check the enchantment for the fourth time, nodding that it is still good. “Good now, to quote a certain pink party pony ‘LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” Ed says as he jumped into the plateaus as Celestia takes off into the air. > Clash of the Monsters: The Crimson Butcher VS The Scorching Slayer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nat POV Ok! I knew this Celestia had to be strong but what the hell?! As soon as Ed and Celestia met each other’s rushes, the shockwave of air hit all of us, blowing our hair back in spite of the shield Lex put up. Good thing the only ones wearing skirts were Ruby and Pyrrha, the two huntresses skirts not rising from the wave. “Holy Crap!” I hear both Spikes’ yell as the wave hits us. I see the two fighters separate from a short stalemate and Celestia takes to the air while Ed begins to move on the ground, hiding himself by changing the color of his coat. Ed POV I know Celestia was strong and the question was how strong. Tia had always held back when we sparred from fear of harming those nearby back home. The same for me but Celestia was far more battle harden like me so she knew we could let loose. That's just what I wanted. I took up a spot where Celestia couldn’t see me. When it comes to fighting I’m usually the strategist in war’s but when it came to personal, on the spot matches like this one I like to my opponents to surprise me so I can think on the fly. Not says that I don’t have something of a strategy already formed either. If Celestia fought like Tia then she specialized in two types of weapons. What they were, I had no clue. I really didn’t want to start out with my weapons anyway. I plan on releasing a few of my seals in combinations to see how she can handle me in hand to hand first. Tia was never really skilled in this aspect of battle and maybe I could use this to throw her for a bit of a loop for a bit before I bust out my Arc of Babylon. Of course, since I was able to create my latest weapon I was able to unlock the next step in my arsenals evolution. I wonder if she can make me use it.         “There she is,” I whisper to myself in my hidey hole as I see Celestia flying overhead. “Wrath, Greed, Lust, and Sloth should be more than enough to start things off with. The only problem is that once the seals are undone I’ll be broadcasting my location. Gonna have to strike fast.”     I watch as she flies around a little more before coming closer to the ground, this was my chance. I release Sloth and Wrath and rush over to her at a speed that Rainbow would blush at. To my shock, Celestia turned to me and blocked my punch without missing a beat.     “Nice try, but it’ll take more than-” I cut her off by opening my hand and releasing a torrent of crimson flames at her face that….barely faze her. Should’ve seen that coming. I can see her smirk from under her helmet she was wearing, and prepared for some pain. Nat POV The audience cringes slightly as Celestia give a hard knee to Ed’s gut before backhanding him away, the alchemist bouncing a couple times before righting himself, and dodging a couple magic blasts. All of us watch the duo fight, filled with excitement despite the fact they just started. “WOOHOO! GO EDWARD!” Ruby yells before looking to Celestia. “TAKE HIM DOWN, PRINCESS!” “Ruby, are you seriously cheering for both of them?” Oscar asks in confusion, not turning from the fight. “Duh! Pinkie isn’t here so I have to pick up the slack in the cheering department.” I roll my eyes and look to my Pokemon, the five of them having been brought out after the shockwave and given the rundown with my Broadcast spell. Artemis and Selene are watching the fight with critical eyes, Topaz with awe and Pandora and Chance with pure unrestrained excitement. ‘Hey! Turn back to the fight Nat! I don’t want to miss a second of this!’ Sora says, causing me to roll my eyes and turn to the fight. I have to say, I haven’t heard her this excited in a long time. I smile as I watch the duo going back and forth. Ed POV I wonder if I should try out my new move on her. Fire, did jack, as expected. Lightning probably won’t do much else either. Worth a shot though. “Seals Greed and Lust Release,” I say as my nails extend and I armor my body. “Lightning Drill!” I shout launching myself into the air in a lightning spiral straight at Celestia. “What the hell!” yelled the solar princess as she brought her shield up to block my assault She managed to knock me back to the ground. I looked down at my hand noticing half of the spear was now gone and this was with my armor covering it. What was that damn shield of her’s made of? I think it’s time we stopped this pre-game show and got serious. “Hey, Celestia it looks like the crowd really enjoy the prequel. Why don’t we drop the actting and move into the main event now?” I asked dropping my shield and throwing off my upper clothing. She smirks and barely nods, dropping her shield and placing her hands on her hips, two sword sheaths appearing in a flash of light. She grabs the handles and unsheathes two ornate looking sabers, the blades so sharp they look like they could cut molecules. “Indeed, lets.” She says before launching herself with her wings faster than any other pegasus I have met. But not as fast as Nat. I bring up my arm, blocking one of Celestia’s saber and do the same with my leg, blocking the other one. “Impressive. You actually blocked them both.” “Oh, you call this blocking,” I say activating my shield on my free hand. “This is merely a fight prep stance,” I say taking my free hand thrusting it the palm into her gut sending her flying back into a plateau behind her. “When I said the main event I meant it, Princess.” I activate Arc of Embodiment bringing out two chainsaw blades. “Let’s see if how long that armor will last you. Or can you force me to bring out the real me.” I say shooting at her. In a clash of grinding and sparks, our swords met each other. Left swing right parry. Swiped jump. So much dust was being flung if I hadn’t activated wrath I wouldn’t be able to see her. “Intriguing, I am shocked that those weapons of yours haven’t been sliced by my sabers yet. These swords were made by the best blacksmiths and enchanted by the best sages over one thousand three hundred years ago.” She says between attacks. “These playthings, I never expected them to do any real damage to those. I made them out of magic. See how to tell when I use aura or magic the energy is silver. Alchemy is red. Alchemagic is a bright crimson like the fire earlier. But if you really want to test those blades I have a weapon you might find rather interesting. If you’re willing to let me release it?” I ask the princess as she has a confused look under her helmet. “A secret weapon you say. It better not be a gun.” She says with a small chuckle, barely glancing to the audience, the humans from Remnant in particular. She then focuses her magic and both sabers are covered in it, the two swords slamming into my chainsaws and pushing me back a dozen feet, which she closes in a second. “Oh, Princess did you even ask your sister about my ability called MARS BANE!” I shout as my chainsaw each land a series of four strikes on both of her sword breaking us apart. “Now I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAIN. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS THE THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!” I finish my incantation to have a large dual handled key shape form in front of me. I take a hold of my weapon bringing it to point at Celestia. “This is my Keyblade. The Baku. This weapon it made to defend the lights from darkness and the hearts of friends, Not to mention the dreams of my subjects.” Celestia is silent as she traces her eyes over my weapon, likely feeling the magic and power flowing off of it, a power that almost rivals my wife in creating dreams of happiness. “I see. Well then, shall we continue?” She says, getting into her dual wielding stance. I nod and grip my Keyblade with both hands and charge. Nat POV I really wish I was part snake right now. Just so I could unhinge my jaw and make it drop farther than it is. I cannot believe what I am seeing right now. Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, the Crimson Sage, my friend and husband to my magic teacher, has a fucking Keyblade. “You’re wondering where he got that aren't you, my student?” asked Luna with a smirk. “Hell yea, Keyblades are extremely powerful weapons that are used to defend the realm of light from darkness! How does Ed have one? Did he get it from a Displaced?” I asked picking up my jaw from the floor. “Not at all. The Baku was a weapon that appeared to Ed after our wedding many years ago. It gave him the ability to dream walk and help me defend the dream realm from nightmares He keeps it sealed away because he doesn’t want more wielders to show up in our world. Keyblades can bring calamity if you’re familiar with its lore. And it would seem you are but it would seem your friends want to know,” explained Luna as she turned her attention back to her husband with bated breath. “Ok, seriously, I knew Ed was holding back but what the hell?” Lex mutters to herself. She and I knew about the lore of the Keyblades and the ridiculously complex story of Kingdom Hearts, but Adam, and clearly the others not from earth, were a little lost. Some of them look to me and Lex for a second, silently saying they are listening while watching Ed and Celestia fight. “Long story short, Keyblades are weapons that can unlock anything, most wielders falling into the path of light or darkness respectively. They are weapons that can open the hearts of others, allowing them to be purified by light, or absorbed and buried into darkness. It is incredibly difficult to earn a Keyblade, you can’t just make one or steal on. You have to earn it.” I quickly explain, watching as Ed blocks Celestia’s sabers. “Those things come with a variety of powers, each almost as unique as their wielder, so no two keys are the same in the end,” Lex adds, seeming to trace the key in Ed’s hand, trying to memorize its design, and more likely, its magic. “Cooool,” Ruby says with an awed smile. Oscar looks to the weapon with an odd look of respect, the others still watching the fight and not the weapon. “Damn, he had to earn a Keyblade to dream walk? I feel like I cheated now.” Adam mumbles to himself. Both Lunas’ and his friends laugh a little at his remark before we all turn our full attention back to the fight. Ed POV I block blow after blow. Most think a Keyblade is a cumbersome weapon because it’s a bigass key but it really isn’t. I fought with my buddy here plenty and after the first time I used it I quickly found that keyblades are personalized in their base form to better support its wielder. I earned the Baku to because I wanted to help Luna do her job and support her as her husband. This guy has really helped us both. Which is why I think it has two handles. That and it can split apart.     I pull the blade into it separate parts to better match Celestia’s sabres. Sparks were flying every direction as the magical blades clashed with each other. I was having a blast and we were still in our base forms. We broke apart again catching our breath.     “You’re in excellent form,” I say taking in a good breath. “Can’t say Baku has ever had a dance partner like those two. What are their names? If I may ask.”     Even though her helmet, I can see the slightly embarrassed blush on her muzzle. “Solar,” she lifts her right sword, “Flare” she lifts her other sword. I just look to her with a deadpan expression. “Hey these were made halfway through the war, I didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a clever name for them.” She defends.     “HAHAHA! I’m sorry about that Princess. Their good swords but there’s a special move from a show back home that uses the same name. Surprised Adam hasn’t taught to you,” I say reforming Baku into one piece. I then place it in the air and it returns to its place in the void.     “Allow me to show you. SOLAR FLARE!” I say bringing my hands up to my face closing my eyes as a bright red flash blind the pony in front of me. Can’t do the actual move but my imitation does good enough job. I close the gap between us reactivating my ultimate shield on my arms quickly knocking the sabers from Celestia's hands. I then began to lay in a fury of punches before landing a good kick sending her into the air. She managed to stabilize herself with her wings. “Ow.” She says blankly, looking at me from above. I can only give a cheeky smile as she hovers there for a second before reaching behind her back. In a flash, a new weapon appeared, a gold and black halberd, the middle of the blade being adorned with five different gems, a ruby, sapphire, emerald, topaz, and onyx. “Oooo! Nice Halberd. My turn!” I exclaimed raising up my right arm. I punch the space next to me cause the very area to shatter like glass. I reach into the void pulling out a large two-handed sword. It hard a sweeping red blade and was adorned with phoenixes for flangs. On either side of the cross-section, the was a brass adornment with a jewel that was an eye while there was a single rudy in the pommel with a star in it. “This is my Di-sword. I swore I created through my perception of reality,” I say with a large smile on my face. “Don’t think you’re safe in the air either,” I say placing my sword above my head. “Meido Surasshu,” I say bringing down the sword, a slash of galactic energy towards Celestia. To my shock, however, she simple raises her weapon parallel to the slash, blocking it, and barely being pushed back through the air before teleporting to the ground. I can almost hear the smirk. “Surprised? I would be too. This is no ordinary weapon, Elric. This weapon was forged by me, my sister, our teacher Starswirl the Bearded, and my dear friend at the time. Discord. My sister and I made the weapon with materials derived from the Draconequus homeland, the metal making it all but immune to reality warping attacks. It was the last thing my sister and I did with Discord before he lost himself to his rage and madness, and taking over Equestria. I swore to myself I would never use it until I was sure my friend could be brought back.” She says. “Reality was not warped, my friend. Yes that is how the Di-sword is forged and it allows the wielder to do so, but my attack is literally a portal to hell,” I say with a smile while Celestia simply smiles back. “Seeing as how my sword is currently of no use I’ll return it,” I say as I let the sword fade to light particles. “Shall we move to the next phase and show each other the face of monsters that lie beneath the masks?” I ask looking back to the solar pony. She smiles wide and takes off her helmet, and her arm guards. She turns her head to the sides a couple times, cracks sounding out before looking to me with a smile that would set nightmares in the minds of her subjects. “Let’s.” Luna POV I haven’t seen Ed pull out the Baku at all since his release from stone. I must say I never even seen that sword or technique he used on Celestia either. This fight was getting very interesting and I wish I could get down there and fight alongside him. Ed was so excited, more excited than I’ve seen him in a while. It was understandable to, as he was only ever able to pit himself against me and Tia back home. I looked to the others and they seemed to be caught in between in a storm of emotions as well. I got the sense that Ms. Rose really liked the weapons. If that was the case then she’d really like to see Ed pull out his last trump card. I just hope he has the sense not to and only uses the Arc and if need be the Gate. My attention turned back to the fight as something shimmering caught my eye. It was Celestia. She was removing her armor. Ed was just standing there with a smile on his face. An evil smile was on Celestia's face at the same time. They seem to be agreeing to something. “Oh no,” I say shaking my head. “Well, we’re screwed.” My counterpart says as we feel the heat begin to rise. The others all begin to sweat before Lex goes to the enchantment and adds something, the writing turning icy blue and the air around us cooling down. “Luna, what’s going on? I’m getting a really bad feeling from the area coming from down there,” says Penny looking out to Ed and Celestia. “Damn it. I knew this was gonna be a bad idea when I saw the intent those two were putting out in the palace. I never thought they would be this powerful though,” added Qrow with a scowl. “Ed never showed this type of attitude when we fought,” Nat said in shock with eyes glued forward. “I haven’t seen Celestia like this in over a thousand years. Luna just what kind of power does your husband have?” asked the other me with fear in her eyes. I noticed the air was starting to hum and vibrate. “Adam, what is going on?” asked Ruby as she looked to the faunus who had a smile on his face. “Those two are finally taking this thing seriously,” Adam says with clenched fists. “I think we should get out of here,” added Oscar. “The best place for us right now is where we are, Oscar,” interjected Ozpin. “Those two are putting out enough power to fry anything outside Lex’s protective seals.” “I had to strengthen them just make sure they would hold up. This is getting scary. I knew Ed was powerful but this is on a whole nother level of power. This must have happened because he gave up his old life,” Lex said as she stood up and looked to the field. “It would really help if you released your own seals, sis,” Nat mutters, the others looking to Lex in confusion, the mage looking to her sister in shock. “How do you know about that.” Nat’s response was just to make a Vector visible and wave it. “Oh yeah.” “Wait, what’s this about seals?” Trace questions. “During my training, in the months before the guild was opened, I realized my magic has several seals on it that I can release to increase my magic power and unlock some of my grand spells. I only figured it out after trying to use Fairy Glitter.” “It likes the Seals of Sin that Ed has I’m guessing. You can release them at will but there in place to make sure you don’t go out of control. You might have to release them to stop this, Lex. The fight could go on for some time given the amount of power these two have,” I say with concern. . “There something you’re not telling us, Luna,” said Qrow still scowling. “What is it?” asked Ozpin. “That would be Ed magical absorption. Am I right?” said my counterpart. “Yes, when Ed activates his power on this scale. It automatically kicks in. Those to could fight for days if not weeks possibly even years if we don’t put a stop to them before it gets out of hand. I’m saying this for not only my husband’s sake but also your sister’s Luna,” I say looking at my group of friends. CRACK. BOOM.     There was a sudden eruption of light from the field. I looked to see two large columns of light. One red and the other was yellow. In the columns, I saw two black figures, each at the center of their respective starting points. They both had white circles for eyes and quarter moon smiles as they looked to each other. Then their forms began to change.     “Looks like we finally get to see what the monsters were hiding under those masks,” said Qrow as he crossed his arms. “Just my luck.”     “Oh, sweet Dialga and Palkia we’re screwed.” I hear one of the pokemon mumbles before we all watch the two monsters before us. 3RD Person POV The two pillars of light continued to climb high into the sky as the two fighters allowed themselves to change. They allowed themselves to take on the look of the monsters they swore to fight against. Within the red pillar, Edward allowed his body to reconstruct itself, growing larger than Celestia and become the thing on nightmares.     In the pillar of yellow light, Celestia allowed the heat of the sun to race through her veins, her own form changing to accommodate. Her once bright and soft white fur changing to a dangerous light red, her mane and tail becoming infernos of white and blue fire. She smiled as she felt all the power she kept locked up come rushing back through her body and soul.     In an instant, the two pillars burst outward, sending an unbelievably powerful wave of magic energy around them. The barrier Lex put up began to bend slightly from the wave, before Lex took out her rapier and focused on the enchantment, adding to its power, and allowing the power of Nullification magic to surround it, stopping the magic wave.     The dust kicked up by the wave began to settle a bit, allowing the audience to see the two fighters. Needless to say, they were stunned stupid.     Ed’s Luna, Nat, Twilight, and Dusk stare in awe and worry as Edwards full demon form stood there, the shadows covering him seeming more malicious than ever before. Ed’s form had changed from when he’d fought Nat. Now that he’d gain full control of Malice’s power he fully embraced the demon he was.     The shadow’s of Pride now formed a cape the draped down his back. Ed had gained a tail of red still and shadow. The large eye on his chest now supported the Oroborus in its center. While his torso was much more muscular from Sloth. His nails were also much longer thanks to Lust. His left eye yellow on a black background. Ed now stood his full twelve foot tall. Ed was now the Embodiment of Sin.     This realm’s Luna, the Huntsman, Adam, and Lex, stared in awe at the transformed look of the sun princess. Her once soft looking hands changed to claws of red, her mane and tail looking like they would burn the sun itself. Her halberd was held in a single hand, the other merely staying at her side. She had grown as well, now an intimidating eight feet even. While only two thirds the height of Edwards form, she was still more than scary enough to send an enemy running from mere proximity.     It had been a long time since she had used this form. After the war, she swore to herself she would never use it again, it’s power was like a drug that she barely managed to keep in check. Now though, she remembered when she first unlocked its power, and how she swore to use it to protect her subjects from the Grimm and from their enemies.     “Nova form is it, Princess?” asked Ed with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. “Tia was only ever to pull that form a few times before she ran out of magic. How long can you last, I wonder?” Ed said as he flicked his tail on the ground kicking up a small cloud of dust.     Celestia, or Nova at this point, chuckled a little, an almost mocking grin and a glint in her eyes. “Well, Elric, I can tell you something I have that your sister likely does not. Just from your explanation, she can only use her own magic to maintain this form. I, on the other hand, have a different source.” She says, pointing to the sky. Or more accurately, to the sun. Her sun.     “Oh no. She draws her power from the sun too but I made her promise to use that power only if necessary. I’ll give you a guess where my power comes from,” said the demon alchemist as he points to himself.     “You drain the magic around you. Your wife told my sister, who told me. I know you could go for a long time as long as there is magic here, but so long as the sun exists, I can go just as long.” She brings her weapon above her head and crouches, ever so slightly.     “Your right about that Princess but did she tell about my ability to self generate magic through simple movements and fight,” Ed says as once again hit the space behind him cause it to shatter as he pulled the Di-sword from its closed space of the void. The sword had grown to now match Edward’s new massive form. Ed placed both hands on the handle raising to point at Nova. Placing one foot forward and taking up his stance one more as the red blade began to glow. In the next second, the two weapons of the monsters met in a clash of red and gold. Blow for blow the sword and the Halberd clashed again and again. The wielders each had a smile as evil as the blackest heart. Nova was able to knock back the alchemist to give herself some striking distance as her weapon was more for distance combat than close quarters. Edward raised his high as it started to glow a bright red. “CRIMSON ONSLAUGHT!” shouted the demon alchemist as he swung the Di-sword in a series of sweeping slashes in an array of red energy at Nova. The alicorn dodges the energy with grace and ease. The alchemist shot for bringing his sword down with enough force the shatter the surrounding plateaus as Nova met the sword with her Halberd once more. The overall force of the strike created a small crater underneath the sun princess. “Your strength is truly something to be wary of, Demon of alchemy. Nraa!” said Nova as she pushed Edward off. “You still have more to offer me though. Adam told me of your wide array of techniques and weapons skills. Why don’t you pull out some more magic?” As she said this the pony shot a highly concentrated beam of solar magic at the demon. He took it straight to the chest earning a hole through to his back. In a flash of red, the demon’s body repaired itself to full condition. Nova stood there wide-eyed for a moment. She was quickly snapped back by laughter. “NAWAHAHA! Force of habit taking a beam to the chest. Been awhile since I took one that strong. Now magic time,” said Edward as a silver spell matrix formed behind him. In the next moment, Edward was moving from side to side using a flash step technique. Nova was having trouble keeping up with the alchemist random movements. In the next second Edward’s palm land straight into her side. He quickly twisted his hand and pushed forward into Nova send her flying a few feet. This attack wasn’t meant to do external damage but internal as Nova got to her feet she noticed she had blood coming from her mouth. She looked to the demon who was staring at his hand in thought. Nova took this time to shoot at Edward at blinding speeds. She brought her Halberd up with enough force to clear the clouds from the sky. Edward blocked the swing with his sword without even removing his gaze from his hand but he was still sent backwards at least twenty feet from what could be seen from trenches his feet had dug. Nova felt a sudden pain in her gut. She quickly dug the end of her Halberd in the ground to catch herself. She started to cough up blood on the ground. She didn’t understand what was going on. She had attacked Edward but she was the one that took the damage. “Didn’t think I pulled it off correctly but it looks as if I did something right,” said the alchemist as he closed his fist and looked to the princess. “What the hell did you do? I’ve never seen an attack like that before.” Nova said as she recomposed herself. “You can thank Adam for this one Nova. He used it on me when we first got here. After he taught me aura and unlocked my semblance we started practicing how to use it. What I did was basically hit you with my soul. Not great for sending someone flying but great for dealing damage,” explained Edward as he ready for another attack. “Don’t think I’ll use it too much more though. Don’t really have a handle on its output,” Edward said as various weapons formed behind him. “I can handle it. Going to see what new weapon to pick from ay?” said Nova as she recomposed herself getting into another stance placing the Halberd in front of her expecting anything from the array of weapons still appearing. “Let’s see if you can not only dodge and attack me but my Arc of Babylon too,” Edward said charging at the pony with the weapons following behind in mid-air. Then without warning a sword shot at Nova. She deflected it with her Halberd. One after another the weapons started to fire at the solar princess while the alchemist closed the gap. In the next moment, they were face to face grinning to each other as their weapon met with sparks. “Haven’t had this much fun since my fight with my nephew,” grinned the alchemist as his sword held the Halberd’s head in place as sparks danced from the blades. “You don’t think you’re cheating by launching random weapons at me?” smirked Nova as kneeing the demon in the gut causing him to almost lose his lunch. The fight between these two went on. Edward would launch weapons to keep the alicorn from getting too far away and if she got to close he’d use his Mars Bane to knock her back one more. It seemed as if Nova wouldn’t be able to gain any sort of a foothold to go on the offensive other than her magic beams. These still didn’t help much either unless she took the time to charge them but the alchemist’s regeneration speeds were something in their own right. She was truly back into a corner in this fight and she reveled in it. “Come on alchemist! Push me to the edge! I want to see all of your powers!” shouted the excited pony. Edward simply looked to the Princess then smiled evilly, “NAWHAHAHA! AS YOU WISH! YOUR HIGHNESS!” As Edward said this more and more weapons began to appear behind him. Then his shadow expands to cover a great are behind him while the weapon fell into it. As the weapons stuck into Edward’s shadowy hands began to reach out from it and grasp on to the weapons that had landed in the shadow. Large figures began to climb up from Edward’s shadow. They all looked like the demonic alchemist himself but were made of shadow. Soon Nova was facing an entire army of shadowy demon alchemist, each with its own distinct weapon. “This is my semblance in its fullest form. Shadow Split Army. Normally I don’t like to use such tactics in a one on one fight but I think you’ve earned the right to face my army, Nova Star!” smiled the Alchemist as the shadows marched toward the smiling Princess. “Bring it on Crimson Butcher!” yelled the Solar demon. “ONWARD!” yelled Edward as the shadow army broke into a run. They converged on the princess one after another. Each shadow fought with Nova using a fighting style after fighting. With each varying weapon, Nova had to think of a different strategy with each new opponent she faced. Edward continued to shoot weapons at Nova as well. “Looks like fun. I want fun,” said Edward as he launched himself from where he stood into the frays of the shadow army “Twelve shot anti-magic sword. MARS BANE!” As Edward said this twelve of his anti-magic crystal swords charged with red alchemagic appeared behind him and proceeded to fire on Nova and the shadows. Each sword landing four blows on whatever it hit. “Firing on your own soldiers, Edward. That’s very low,” commented Nova wiping the blood from her brow. She’d deflected the blades with her wings. Even though she had enough magic to negate some of the swords effects it still greatly affected her as these were an exact copy of the original claymore. BRING. “Not if I’m firing on myself Nova,” added Edward as he brought his sword once more meeting face to face with Nova and her weapon with a smile With a quick shift in stance Nova was facing the main demon and his army all at once. Nova and Edward started exchanging blows quicker and quicker. A strike here. a slash there. Edward would cut Nova would block it. She pushes him back and flows up with a hack. Ed would block with the flat of his sword. It was just as they and their friends had said earlier. Neither of them showed any signs of letting up. Their fight had already drastically altered the landscape. Most of the area was now a flat desert-like landscape. All the while the fight was going on those on the side could barely believe that this was merely a bit of fun for those on the field of battle.     The demons continued to fight each other as alchemy and magic started to cut through the air. Techniques and magic that hey had never revealed to those they knew weapons that had never been released to the world littered the landscape. Nova had managed to get Solar and Flare back from where they’d landed earlier in the battle. They allowed her for much better maneuverability in fighting her multitude of shadow opponents and their leader.     “Must say you are one hell of an opponent Celestia. More than earned the name ‘Scorching Slayer’,” said Edward as he walked across to Nova, picking up his pace with every step. “You two Edward. I can see why you earned the name ‘Crimson Butcher’. Even if it’s a title of fear it’s still one that earned you the respect of your people,” says Nova as she walks toward her opponent gradually picking up speed.     Quicker and quicker they raced at each other. Clashing as their weapons met again and again. Each blow cracked the air with thunder clearing the dust. Neither side showed any signs of fatigue. Edward had abandoned his Di-sword and was now using a set of entrick golden single handed longswords. They then shifted into bladed tonfa. Once in this state, Edward was able to utilize his martial arts and sword skills in tandem. These weapons quickly shifting from one form of the weapon to the other to better suit Edward’s needs as the fight progressed, but there was still on more form these swords could take on.     “You’re hiding something from me, Alchemist,” said the princess with her swords pressing down on Edwards tonfa as sparks sizzled from the magical blades being held to one another. “True Solar Queen. And I believe it’s time to reveal it,” says Edward as he pushed Nova back off him. He quickly jumped backwards put quite a bit of distance between him and his opponent. While he did this he deactivated his ‘Gods Hands’ skill and reverted his tonfa to their sword form.     “Running away, Edward,” Nova smirked at her adversary. “Not at all your highness,” Edward says as he turns the swords to face opposite directions from one another while connecting the two handles at their bases. The blades then slightly curve back while a string of light connects the two tips. Edward turns the new weapon to be vertical, revealing a type of golden bow. He pulled back on the string of light causing an arrow of the same light to appear. “Don’t know what’s going to happen Nova. but I can say either dodge or block the arrows. MARS BANE!” shouted Edward as he shot the arrow of light at Nova. The arrow split into four separate red beams in mid-flight to the princess. “Solar Waves,” Nova says sending out a pair a magic slashes that met the arrows in mid-air causing them to explode. Edward meanwhile kept firing keeping Nova at a distance as she either dodged or did her best to destroy the arrows before they hit. “This is getting quite old, Alchemist. Stop using these cheap magic arrows and face me,” Nova said as he chopped away at the arrows. “I do suppose you’re right Nova. I do have one last weapon I’d like to bring out of my collection though,” Edward says smiling as he dismisses his blade bow to bring out an intricate silver dagger size key-like object. “Another keyblade Edward, I don’t think you’ll have as much of a reach with that one,” snarked Nova with a chuckle. “ You just wait and see what this key can do, Nova,” Edward said as he raised the key above his head a rotated his hand causing it to click. In the next moment, golden branches started to extend from the key to the sky. “What are you playing at alchemist?” asked Nova as she looked to the golden tree in front of her as the branches began to retract back down into the key from whence they came. Once the key had completely absorbed its branches it was no longer a dagger, but some sort of close quarters lance. The blade was a cone that spine with intricately embedded gold line on it, that was tipped with a shining silver winged spiral like piece. The guard came up in a cone was also silver but was adorned with red reflective metal that matched the handle. This was a weapon that Edward had pour a lot of time and effort into creating as it made based on the original key to the Gates of Babylon, Ea. As Edward had created through his strongest alchemagic it took on some of his traits, such as its color scheme. The change in the color called for a name change to so Edward called the weapon The Sword of Enlightenment, Abed-Nego,  Babylonian for The Shining Star. After Edward had created the Abed-Nego he gained access to The Shining Gates of Babylon. A great noble phantasm that allows access to any noble phantasm that has or will ever exist and has existed. ‘I don’t like the looks of the new weapon Edward pulled out. If on par with any of the others I’ve faced against in his hands, then I’m in some serious trouble. I know that thing outclasses everything else he’s used so far, except that Keyblade. He could actually kill me if he unleashes that lance’s power. I’ve had to go into this fully open to ending him before he ends me.’ Thought Celestia as she sheathed her swords and pulled out her Halberd once more. “This sword is called Sword of Enlightenment, Abed-Nego. It translates to Shining Star. Though not the original weapon I did my best to forge it. Know this Celestia. This weapon is by far the most powerful one in my possession. The only one more deadly would be my Keyblade due to its abilities but this one much more powerful in terms of strength,” said Edward as he held the blade up to Nova  “You are the first to face this blade Nova and having this in mind you should know that not even I know what it’s capable of.” “I honor that you would want to test such a weapon on me Edward, but I simply won’t roll over and let you run me over with that sword,” Nova says as she prepares to face the next wave of attacks from the demon before her. “Know this Celestia. The games are over and now you face the full power and killing intent of the Crimson Butcher,” said Edward as the look in his eyes changed to that of warrior set to face his end with fire in his eyes. The alchemist charged forward with his full force behind his weapon. He thrust it forward in an attempt to impale Nova while she moved to the side narrowly avoiding. This time Edward’s attack was more than just attack, this time there was killing intent behind it. Nova was now facing the true ‘Crimson Butcher’ and not the playful fighter from just a moment ago. She realized she’d have to get into this mindset herself if she had any hope of bringing down this creature. In the next second Nova found herself in the midst of an onslaught of repeating thrust and jabs from Edward’s lance. Its small size made it incredibly easy for Edward to recover from this type of attack. Nova couldn’t even dodge the attacks at such a close range. She had to rely on her shield spell and even she was having a hard time maintaining due to the multiple attacks. That's when cracks started to form in the shield. The lance began to glow as Edward thrust it dead center into Nova’s spell causing it to shatter sending her flying backwards. “I do believe you’ve earned the right to see the most powerful spell in my arsenal Butcher,” said Nova as she took flight. Her wings were now flames as her mane and tail flared. She placed both hands on her Halberd as the head of the weapon began to emit bright golden and orange magic. “Then I will show you the same courtesy, Slayer,” Edward says as he raised Abed-Nego above his head fully extending his arm. As he did the lance’s blade began to spin and glow with silver and red magic. The rubble that littered the landscape started to float from the amount of power the two monsters were summoning to their sides. The whole area started to shake from the the amount of magic that Nova and Edward had built up. “SOLAR INFERNO!” yelled Nova as she unleashes a gigantic hell wave of magic and fire upon the alchemist below her. Edward stood in place still hold his weapon above his head as its blade kept spinning as it gathered more tectonic energy and magic around it. Edward then looked to the oncoming hellstorm coming for him. He placed one foot forward and the other back as he brought down Abed-Nego into a thrusting stance. Edward started to say a chanted as the massive solar storm encroach. “Darisam Mulki!” shouted Edward as he thrust Abed-Nego forward the weapon’s blade spinning as it unleashed a tempest of red and silver alchemagic twisting and whirling into Nova’s Solar Inferno. The two fighters poured the magic and energy into their attacks as neither was showing any signs of backing. There was no telling if either was winning or losing. In fact, the area began to shake violently from the output of the clashing attacks. Nova and Edward kept pushing forward while those on the sidelines looked on in fear, but not fear for themselves but fear for what these the two fighters were not aware of. The safety of the pony of Equestria. > Chapter 30: The Consequences of Power > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours after Edward and Celestia’s Fight     Edward and Celestia awoke in their base forms to find themselves in a massive crater in what had once been the Badlands of Adam Taurus's Equestria. They both looked around wondering what had happened. The last thing they remembered what that they were both holding back the other’s final attack with neither side show any signs of backing down. They spent the next few minutes to recompose themselves as they got off the ground. Then Edward walked over to Celestia and started to speak.     “Do you remember what happened? Because I don’t,” said the alchemist raising his brow in confusion. “Sorry to say this Edward but I’m in the same boat as you are currently. I remember holding back your attack and pouring all my magic into it and then there was this bright flash and the next thing I know is I’m waking up in this crater, across from you,”  explained Celestia in her stated of confusion.     “I think we might’ve really started getting into warrior mode in the last moments of the battle. I’m like you. I remember pouring all my power into that attack and just keeping it going and then there was a flash of bright light and poof. Here we are,” Edward says as he raised his shoulders. “If I had to guess what happened, then I think either Nat, Lex, my wife, or your sister intervened somehow. My money is Lex, as she’s the only one on par in terms of power with us. She’s also the only one with enough magical power and knowledge to combine several spells need to contain so much power.”     “Is Adams older sister really capable of this?” asked Celestia she examined the crater walls. “Oh, yea. Lex gain all knowledge of the world of Fiore and she has the power to back it to boot. I’m guessing that she used the Grand Spell, Fairy Sphere,” Edward explained as he knelt down to get a closer look at the ground. “What is exactly does it do? You used the term Grand Magic. So that means it has to be an extremely strong spell if that’s the type of magic it is, right?” Celestia says as she crosses her arms with worry. “Your right, Celestia,” Edward says standing back up. “It’s one of the three Great Fairy Tail magics. It’s an absolute defense spell that draws on the user's bonds with their friends and converts them to magical power. A downside is that the sphere is that it acts as a time suspension chamber. So there’s no way of telling how long we were in it before our power ran out.” “You're saying like had to stop the flow of time in order to stop our fight,” Celestia says in shock as she stopped in her tracks. “You’re half right about that. Time stops for those inside the sphere while time flows normally for those on the outside of the sphere. My guess is that we used up all the magic inside of the Sphere that we had access to. That’s why we stopped fighting. After that, we took the full brunt of both attack until they were completely burned out. We reverted back into our base forms as our bodies used up whatever energy we had left to protect and heal ourselves during and after this.” Edward says as he helped Celestia out of the crater. “If we’re out of the spell doesn’t that mean the Lex has dispelled it or run out of magic?” Celestia says tilting her head. “Yea, I think it’s the first one seeing as how she’s running at us with some pretty pissed off Moon Princesses to back her up right now,” Edward said as he looked to the group of spectators that had come with them. “OH CRAP!” exclaimed the alchemist. Before he could anything else Edward was nailed dead in the center of his chest with a beam of blue magic. Not strong enough to put a hole in him like earlier with Celestia but strong enough to knock him off his feet. He was then sent tumbling straight back into the crater rolling the whole way to the bottom. His wife now standing at the edge of the crater staring daggers at the alchemist as he got up off his back. “Now, Luna. Let’s not do anything too brash,” said Edward as he started to back up. “OH, WE’RE FAR BEYOND THAT, EDWARD ELRIC! WAY BEYOND THAT!” yelled Luna in her Royal Canterlot Voice. She quickly flew down to Edward and shot another beam of magic at him. “OW! LUNA HAVE MERCY, PLEASE! TIA, SOMEONE, HELP ME! AHHH!” Edward screamed as his wife began to physically assault him. The alchemist undid his seal of Sloth and tried to outrun his angry wife as best he could at this time. “GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT EDWARD! WE’RE FAR FROM DONE WITH YOUR PUNISHMENT!” yelled the fuming Lunar Princess. “OWOWOWOW! I’M SORRY LUNA! I DIDN’T MEAN TO GO OVERBOARD! PLEASE! MERCY! SOMEONE HELP ME! YAH!” screamed the terrified alchemist as Luna continued her rampage. Meanwhile, at the top of the crater, the other Luna was busy chewing out Celestia with Lex next to her. Celestia could only look at the ground the whole time. She knew her sister had every right to scold her. She had put her ponies in danger over a mere chance to have some fun at her own expense. That’s when Edward, lying on the ground next to Celestia, and his wife were then next to the others. That’s when Lex stepped in to say her piece. Lex POV “Jeez, you two are lucky that I was able to contain your power. I was forced to undo all of my seals. I had to put everything I had into that Fairy Sphere. Luckily, I view you both as friends. I know there was no way I could’ve contained you both if I didn’t,” I said shaking my head in disappointment. “You, Celestia, are incredibly lucky that Edward didn’t take the fighting with weapons seriously from the start. If he had then you could have been seriously been hurt,” says Luna as she looks to in dead serious manner. “What do you mean, Luna? Edward did fight me seriously the whole time.” Celestia said as she scrunches her face not believing her sister's word. “Well, not entirely. See when Edward fights he can use multiple weapons as you’re already aware, but what you didn’t know is how dangerous everyone of those weapons actually is,” said Ed’s Luna sternly. “The keyblade alone can allow it’s wielder to destroy worlds if they know how to use it and seeing as how Ed does know how to use it you could’ve been in serious trouble if he was evil. And that thing wasn’t something that he made either but was earned,” I interjected looking to the burnt and grungy alchemist still laying on the ground by his wife. “We’re extremely lucky that Ed didn’t recreate Ea. I thought he did when he pulled out that key,” I say with a sigh. ‘Man I didn’t think Ed could use Arc of Embodiment to create actual Noble Phantasms. He did say since he came back from Truth that his Alchemagic was much stronger and if he can use it with Arc it makes sense. Especially if he really focused and if he used those magic weaving skills of his. Sheesh.’ “So what you’re saying is that Edward was taking the match serious enough to use devastating weapons on me but not using them serious enough to where I would severely be wounded,” Celestia says in both and honored and horrified manner. ‘Can’t blame you for that tone Celestia. I’m glad Ed’s Luna didn’t tell them about the Void Stone and I’m glad Ed has it sealed so its magic absorption isn’t active either. My gods this place would be nothing but ash if it wasn’t.’ I look down to Ed to see he’s starting to stir. “Come on Ed you got a few ‘fans’ that have a lot of question and I think you owe it to them to answer a few,” I say bending down to help the Baka of an alchemist. ‘To think your willing to fight Celestia to help out Sora and Nat. I’m proud to call you my family. Thanks, Ed. But you are a serious Baka.’ “Allow me to help you out, Lex. It’s my fault he’s in this state anyways but he deserved what he got,” Luna says as she supports the other side of her husband. “So Ed, how long have you had that keyblade of your’s?” I asked as we walked over to our friends. “I got over a thousand years ago Lex. I have no idea where it came from. It just showed up in the gardens one day after I’d wished I could help Luna in the dream realm. I’ve used it to help her ever since then but I have to unlock it from its bindings first. And before you ask yes I can perform the Inheritance Ceremony. But there is a drawback for you guys if you want the Keyblades,” Ed explained as he started to walk on his on but still rested his head on his wife’s shoulder. “And what would that drawback be?”  I ask raising my eyebrow. “The same drawback that all keyblade wielders face of course,” Ed says with a smug grin. “You can only use them when needed or to be a little more precise. You can only start to use them after they present themselves to you at the right time. Keyblades are fickle things. The can be wielded by anyone they deem worthy of them. Which is why I have the Baku. The blade chose to be with me. I never went through the Inheritance Ceremony myself or the Mark of Mastery. I simple wield the blade because it wants me to. Nothing more, nothing less,” Ed says as we reach the other. “Edward, that was so awesome. What was the name of that last weapon you used? How’d you summon that shadow army? How many weapons can you use? How many weapons do you have?...” Rudy immediately bombarded Ed with questions. This went on the whole rest of the day. We got Dusk to bring us back to Adam house. The Princesses had the Royal guards bring the Elements by while we were out. Ed went to work right away downstairs. Ruby was right on his coattails the whole time as he hadn’t yet answered her questions. They both stayed in the basement for quite some time. Ed came up and called me, Nat, Sora, and Adam down. Ruby was then promptly kicked out, quite literally at that. We all came down and saw Ed was working on what looked to be some of the others outfits. Then we looked over to see Sora’s body floating in its tank. She no longer looked like a four-year-old but a seven-year-old instead. “Ed, does this mean Sora’s body is completely aged up and ready to go?” asked Nat in glee as she ran over to see our little sisters body. “Yes to the aged up part Nat but no to the ready to go part,” answered the alchemist as he moved over to the tank. “I thought as much,” I say as I make my way to the machinery we set up. “Why isn’t it ready yet Lex?” asked Adam with a look of confusion. “Sora’s body might be ready age wise but it’s not biologically and magically stable yet. You have to realize Ed is doing everything he can as fast as he can while still trying to keep things in the green for Sora’s sake in the long run. He is literally working with several components that have an unknown number of effects.” “What Lex is saying, Adam is that Sora’s body is half ready. Now we're just waiting for its biology to stabilize from all of the components that were used in its construction. Then we’ll be able to perform the Soul Transmutation once it's finished,” explained Nat as she looked to our brother. Ed POV     “There was another reason I called you all down here, though,” I said as I crossed my arms.     “I told you guys a few days ago that I consider all of you to be family. Hell after what all of you have done for me in my times of need how could I not. I know I won’t be able to completely make up for what I’ve put Nat and Sora through but as part of it I wanted to give you four your own Keyblades. As you know they’ll only appear when needed, Adam I think yours will appear sometime shortly after I return to my own world. Seeing as how the Grimm a fairly similar to the heartless. But for you three, the blades will only appear when you’re about to face a great evil or any enemy that only you can overcome through the friendships and connections you made on your journeys,” I explain as I turn around and place my hand out in front of me as I start to recite the release chant for the Baku.     “I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAINS. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!”     I finished the release chant causing the Baku to appear before the five of us. The keyblade still wrapped in chains of light. As I grasped the handle the binds on the sword faded away. I quickly tossed the massive key into the air spinning it so that I caught it by the blade. I then held out the handle to the four standing before me as I recited the Inheritance oath.     “In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder, you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend. No ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love,” I say hold the Baku out to my interdimensional family. The one by one, take the Baku’s handle into their grasp. Each time this happens I can feel a new power in their hearts. A power that connects us all and that will grow in each of them as they make new bonds. “Ed, what were you doing over there when we came down here?” asked Adam while pointing to the table I’d been standing over earlier. “I was making a few modifications to your team's clothing and armor. Ruby, I add fire threads to the red areas and to her cloak that way she can use fire in tandem with her semblance. Pyrrha has ice filaments embedded in her armor, spear’s blade, and shield. Penny has lightning threading in her dress and in the wires in her backpack and filaments in the swords. They’ll help with a much smoother control of the blades,” I explain as I walk back to the table and pull out a few books and place them in front of Nat and Lex. “Nat, these are an entire set of manuals on Twilight’s arm model. They detail how to make everything. Even the amethyst parts should they need to be replaced. If can even apply this to other gems to create varying effects of elemental magic,” I say pointing to the stack of books in front of me. I then turn slightly to face Lex. “These are a set of manuals on alchemagic and magic weaving. Lex these are for your eyes only. Literally, no one else will be able to read these not even your Celestia and Luna. I had my wife use a special type of dark impression magic that Dark Light took of you from the Dark Library. These manuals also detail how to make the element clothing.” “Back to the clothing, Adam, I infused your clothing with obsidian and black moonstone threads to promote the flow of your dark magic. Oscar was a little bit difficult as I had to you a few more of the uncommon gemstones in his clothing. I used a bit of everything but mainly focused on light magic type gems with a few that deal with mind, also to help him and Ospin have A better balance mind-body connection while the switch,” I said as I walk around to the other side of the room as I go up the stairs leaving the others to converse amongst themselves. A few hours later at the local bar “So,” said Qrow as he downed his latest glass of cider. “Ya got Sora’s body all to put together and all you gotta do now its put her soul in it. Have to say though.” he took another hit from his glass and continued. “you’re one hell of a guy to go as far as you have to try and fix a something that was only half your fault.” “You’d be better off saying it was all my fault Qrow. I was the one the summoned Nat and Sora in the first place,”  I say taking a drink of my own. “Being able to drink in public without being judged is certainly one of the few things I’ve missed.” “What, can’t you in public drink back home?” asked Qrow with a puzzled look. “Not exactly, when you're married to one of the lands two rulers. Not to mention you can only sell alcohol if you own the means to make it. Like the Apple family. They make cider but only deal it out on special occasions.” Qrow asks for another glass and tells the barkeeper to leave the bottle. He simply shrugs and leaves it and pulls out another putting it next to the other. “Yea, I definitely won’t be visiting your version of reality anytime soon,” he said pouring us both another glass of spiced cider. “Don’t blame ya for that my friend. The time I’ve been here is the most I’ve had to drink in many moons. Sure Luna and I have the occasional glass of wine but nothing more than half a bottle between the two of us. Even when I was still human I still did drink very much,” I say look to my glass. “Trust me as your friend and a drunk. Don’t start down the path of the bottle Ed. It’s hell. We all have our reasons and I’m sure you have more than your fair share from what you’ve been through Ed but it only dulls the pain, not stop it. Even with the pain dulled it’s still there and after the booze wears off it hurts all the more,” Qrows says with another gulp. “Good thing that booze never really held any sway over me then. It still nice to have access to though even if it’s just for pleasure,” I say taking another long swig on my glass this time. “Speaking of pleasure-” burp Qrow. “No, not going there man. Luna and mine’s love life in the bedroom is our business and no one else’s,” I say cutting him off slamming my glass down as I stare daggers at him. “Relax, I just wanted to know if you to had any plans to try and start a family now that you have everything in your lives pretty much straightened out,” he said as he rested his head on his hand. “Oh, sorry about that. I can’t say we haven’t thought about it lately, but it’s just that we’ve been really busy since the Cadance and Shining’s wedding. I had planned on taking her on a honeymoon and then this crap happened,” I said as I downed the contents of my glass in one go. “I’m still gonna do it of course but I’d be happy if we could just spend a few weeks, just us no guards no paperwork or crisis, having a quiet getaway.” “I hear ya, but back to the family thing. You two never had any kids before you were entombed in that stone prison of yours?” the Huntsman asked as he poured me another glass. “Tried, whenever we would have the time but it was always rare that we got to spend more than an hour together due to our duties we were just too tired. And we were just happy to be with each other. We did, however, adopt a few of the war orphans of the times. Talk about taking flak from every noble under Tia’s sun,” I laugh then take another hit. “Turns out my assistant Polearm is a descendant of one of the ponies we adopted. He the head of The House of Aries.” “Hahaha… You’re a… hahaha… grandpa…hahaha. How many … hahaha… times over… hahaha,” Qrow managed to blurt out as he fell out of his seat laughing. “Yea I’m a grandpa, but who’s the one on the floor flailing around laughing looking like a jackass,” I say with a smirk while pouring another glass of cider. “Yea, ya got me there Ed. It’s still no funnier than if I was talking to a guy nearly twenty times my age. Oh wait, that’s exactly what I’m doing. In fact, that’s something I do on a daily basis now that I think about it. Heh,” Qrow says as he gets back to his seat. “You know Qrow those kids really depend on you. Adam especially looks to you for guidance, when you're not hammered. I doubt Ruby would be able to stay sane if you weren’t here,” I say taking a large gulp of my liquor. “I’m pretty sure the others of your group will be showing pretty soon too. It’s not just the arrival of so many Displaced in a world at one time but my fight with Celestia and what will be done in the next couple of days are definitely going to throw the balance of this world out of whack. Adam is a good leader but he’s young and can get carried away like when he saw my transformation the other day. He jumped into my shadow and almost got himself eaten by it.” “You're saying I need stop drinking and get serious about training these kids. If something that bad is coming then why don’t you stay here and take care of it, Mr.Demon of Alchemy?” he asked while he opened the second bottle and poured another glass. “There are rules that we Displaced must adhere to Qrow,” I say interlacing my fingers in front of my face. “Interference outside the reason we’re summoned isn’t totally out of the question as our contract can be very vague when we’re summoned but the contracts can also be verbally changed at any given time. We also have to be careful on how long we stay in a world as our presence can start to change that world if we stay too long. And the definition of ‘how long’ can vary too. As Nat only lived in my world for a week before she started to affect it. Now I have to watch out for pokemon showing up back home.” “So basically what you’re saying is that you can’t do too much without causing some big ripples in a small pond,” Qrow said putting down his glass without even taking a drink. “Is that why you're doing all of the extra stuff for those kids while you’re here? You’re telling me that you want me to prepare these kids for something that could possibly overwhelm them and maybe even kill them if it wanted to without even trying.” “That’s precisely what I’m saying Qrow. Yes, I’m trying to give them the best edge I can. But, I can only do some much for your friends and family Qrow. I can do more for Adam and his family because they're Displaced. But there one more thing I could possibly do for you as my friend, but only if your willing to accept the consequences that come with this boost in your power,” I say pouring another glass of cider. “If it’ll help me protect Ruby and the other’s I don’t see any reason to say no. You’re a good guy Ed and I trust you. You’ve been doing everything you can to help Sora and on top of that, you’ve been doing what you could to help the people I care for deeply. So, I’m more than willing to accept a gift of power from you,” he said as he stared into his drink. “Okay, the last thing you should know is that you will no longer be human after the process is complete but a being called a homunculus. I’m going to make it so that you’ll still age like a normal human if I can. There are a few powers you’ll have access to. You have the ability to heal from normally grave injuries like losing your head. Your six senses will be heightened beyond a normal human, more specifically your speed, strength, and reflexes. But most of all you’ll have the Ultimate Eye.” I say putting down my empty glass as I stood up from my seat. I undo my seal of Wrath and activating it in my right eye changing my golden iris to the oroborus and allow Qrow to see it. “Cool, trick. Guessing that’s one of the powers you used in your fight with Celestia. What exactly does that thing do Ed?” Qrow asked. “The Ultimate Eye does exactly what the name says. It allows you to see anything and everything in its line of sight. You’ll be able to see how your semblance affects the environment around you. It even has the ability to see through lies and deceit. Not even spatial distortion can hide from this eye. But in order to possess it, you’ll have to be bonded to a Philosopher Stone, ” I say picking up Qrow glass and pour a half a glass of cider. I release the rest of my seals and open my main eye on my chest and it begins to cry a tear of what looks like blood. This wasn’t blood but a small colloid Philosopher Stone. I caught the stone in the half-full glass of cider and twirled the glass while using a bit of alchemy to mix the stone and the liquor together. I then place the beverage in front of the Huntsman. Qrow pours cider into my glass till it was full and hands it to me. He then picks up his glass and holds it out towards me. “Here’s to friends and family. Cheers,” we say in unison as we clink glasses and down our drinks. As soon Qrow finished his ‘Hell Writher’ as I called it he hit the floor as his body started to deconstructing and reconstructing itself while cursing and writhing in pain. I did try and warn him of the consequence but his stubbornness won outright. Hopefully, that’ll be enough to get him up off the floor. I sat back down at the bar and continued to enjoy the drinks the keep kept severing me. After around an hour and a half, the screaming behind me stopped. I then moved my eyes to look to my left side and saw Qrow pulling himself back into his chair. “Keeper, your strongest drink that’ll anything on it ass,” I say to the bartender, whose name was Peace Keeper come to find out, ironic. “Ed those things knock me on my ass after just having two of them,” Qrow said in shock. “Sorry to tell you this Qrow but as a Homunculus, you can no longer get drunk as easily as you use to. In fact, you could drink all the booze Keeper has in stock and still barely have a buzz,” I say taking one of the drinks Peace Keeper brought and quickly downed it before I left some bit to cover the drinks of tonight. I then head toward the door but stop and look into Qrow’s new considerably horrified eye. It was the Oroborus of the Ultimate Eye. “I’m sorry Qrow. But, I did tell you that you would have to face the consequences of accepting this power. One of them is that you will no longer be the drunken bastard that you were. Ozpin was always telling you that drinking would kill you someday. Looks like he was finally right.” I say as I leave the bar to join my group at the town hall. I turn my head looking back over my shoulder to see my friend, or former friend, sitting at the bar staring at the drink I had ordered for him. I could have sworn that he was crying. “You can’t run from the truth Qrow. I know that better than anyone and with that Eye, it will always come to you no matter what. Again, I’m sorry if this has caused you pain, my friend, but I did warn you. Before I leave Qrow, I’ll tell you one of my favorite quotes from my homeworld that pertains to your new power,” I say turning around where I’d stopped. “A knight is sworn to valor.” “His heart knows only virtue.” “His blade defends the helpless.” “His might upholds the weak.” “His word speaks only truth.” “His wrath undoes the wicked.” I recited the old code but said one last thing to help him understand why I said this. “Truth often leads to Wrath and in turn wrath reveals the truth. This power will make clear all paths you can take Qrow, but I know you can take the true path to what must be done,” I say my peace and then walk through the door of the bar. > Chapter 31: Breaking Ties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day at the Castle of the Two Sister I got up early the next morning and had headed into Everfree to the ruins to lay down the proper circles and runes for tomorrow’s transmutation. I also wanted to see if Qrow was doing okay. I’d left him on a bitter note last night at the bar. I went around to the usual spots we’d found him over the past few days we’d found him since coming here. It was safe to say he was in none of these places so I went ahead and came here to the castle. I also wanted some time to myself to do some thinking but it wasn’t long before I arrived at the ruins. Other than finding a few small Nevermore in here it was pretty quiet.     Adam and the others had done an excellent job clearing this place out. I used my Arc to make up some large barrels of liquid black ink. I then kicked them over spilling them all onto the floor. I used my alchemagic to embed the ink deep into the stone floor in the patterns of a human transmutation fused with the of an advanced soul transmutation circle. I left certain areas in this pattern open so I could insert the ancient magical runes to accommodate for the flow of the magic. I set the runes in their proper places and headed back to town as I figured Adam’s group should be starting to stir by now.     As I made my way back toward Adam’s place I started to hear yelling of the small red hooded variety. Then I start to here a replied yell from my family. That’s when I figured out where Qrow had been all morning. He must have gone to Adam’s house last night after he left the bar to sleep on the couch. I don’t know if he even has a room of his own in that place. He only seemed to sleep wherever his drunkenness took him by the night end. Can’t do that anymore though. ‘Again, sorry Qrow’. I let out a sigh then heard Ruby again.     “This is the last time I’m going to ask you two. WHERE… IS… EDWARD?!” yelled a very angry Huntress at Polearm and Twilight.     “Ruby, calm down and listen to us. We have no idea where Ed is. We got up this morning and he was already gone or he never came back last night. He most likely with your uncle or training somewhere,” answered Twi with a worried look on her face.     “Oh no. He’s not with Uncle Qrow cause he’s in the house on the couch,” yelled the angry silver eyed girl.     “Then why are you looking for Ed. Did something happen to Qrow that was Ed’s fault?” asked Polearm as he placed an arm in front of his marefriend. “That’s exactly what happened. Qrow came in this morning complete sober and hasn’t touched his flask at all. Then I go over to ask him if something is wrong. When he pulled his head up to me our eyes me and I saw one normal eye and that snake symbol that Edward got when he used his powers in his fight with the Princess,” Ruby yelled as she stomped the ground with both of her fists clenched in rage. “Edward better have a good explanation as to why my uncle is now half blind!” ‘I’ve got to step in before she hurts someone or attracts the Grimm.’ I put my hands in my pockets while I walked out of the forest and made my way to the trio and open my mouth to explain things. “Your uncle isn’t half blind girl. In fact, he can see more clearly now than he’s ever been able in his whole life. That eye is The Ultimate Eye that sees all things even truth,” I say as I make my way over to the group. “What did you do to Qrow?!” shouted Ruby as she charged at me pulling out her Crescent Rose with flames coming off her clothes as she activates her semblance. I let out a sigh as I activate my partial demon arm. Ruby propels herself faster firing off a few rounds to jump in there air and then again to come back down bring the blade of the Crescent Rose down upon me. I simply catch the blade of the weapon between my thumb and forefinger causing a small crater to form under me from the force of the attack while the girl holding it glares at me in pure rage. I only have a straight face on at the moment but I let out another sigh and I begin to speak. “Qrow willing accepted the power of the Ultimate Eye last night at the bar. I told him that there would be consequences and one of is that he would no longer be the drunken bastard he was Ruby,” I say as she takes in what I say her clenched teeth start to disappear and is replaced with a look of shock as tears roll down her face. “In time he’s going to be a better man for accepting this power I gave him. Yes, his eye and body have changed becoming much stronger and gaining new powers and abilities. But, he is still very human. I was able to withhold much of the immortality of the Philosopher Stone I gave him.” “What does that mean?” she asked as her grip tightened on the scythe. “It means he’ll still age normally for the most part if only slightly slower,” I say tossing the scythe to the right causing the young huntress to fall with her weapon. Qrow came outside of the house to see what the commotion was. He saw Ruby getting up off the ground and then he looked to me and started to grit his teeth a bit. He then pulled out the Harbinger from off his back and charged at me in a rage much like Ruby did. I saw him coming at me the second I heard my name. “ED! YOU BASTARD!” yelled Qrow as he thrust the sword forward. He immediately started wildly slashing at me causing a whirlwind to start to form as I dodged them. ‘Have to admit I’ve always wanted to fight in an epic battle with Qrow Branwen. This could work out for him seeing as how his head is finally clear after years of drinking. I’ll help him get a handle on his new powers, let him get out some rage, and get to fight one of my favorite anime characters. Win-win for us and triple win for me if he still considers me his friend.’ I block a hit with my demonized arm and was pushed back a few feet. “Okay Qrow, I know you have mixed feeling about me right now so come at me and let them out. While you’re at it use your new powers. Push past everything that’s happened and move forward,” I say waving my arm off to the right. I lung forward giving a punch with my right hand and he blocked it with the flat of his sword pushing him back a few feet. He only glared at me with his Ultimate Eye. “If you don’t want to talk that’s understandable too but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to stand here and just let you beat on me Qrow,” I say as I pull Enki in its bow form before a separate it into its dual sword form. “What did you do to Ruby you bastard?!” he hissed at me. “Not a thing, actually. She was pissed off and worried about the state she found you in this morning and wanted to find out what I did to you last night. So she started looking for me to find out what happened and came across Twilight and Pole in the process. She thought they knew where I was but they didn’t and she kept asking and this kept giving the same answer. Which pissed her off even more. That’s about the time I came out of the forest and she attacked me. I caught her scythe and then let her fall off to the side and that’s when you came out,” I say as I run forward. CHINK. Our blades met in an exchange of back and forth blows. Qrow then changed his sword into its scythe form and brought it down upon me. I crossed Enki’s blades to catch the Harbinger. The force of the blow caused another crater to form under me. Qrow was certainly putting his new strength to good use. I was so focused on the scythe I didn’t react as the Huntsman kick me into the nearest tree. I was knocked back and quickly hit on the head with a fallen branch. “OW!” I yell, jumping back to my feet. ‘Damn that hurt. Looks like he’s starting to us use that eye and his semblance in tandem. That's very good.’ I looked over to Qrow as he charges forward he swung the scythe coming in from my left, so I jumped and as I did I saw he had a few tears in his eyes. ‘Crap.’ I land behind him and started to speak. “Qrow it’s like you said last night. The booze only dulls the pain and even then it’s only for so long. It’s time you stop denying yourself the truth.” I turn to face him and him to me. “Why did you give me this power Ed?” asked Qrow with a softened face. “I give you those powers to help you move forward, Qrow. I did this so you could help those kids. They’ll need a teacher. Especially Adam, if not Ruby most of all. Oscar needs to learn how to fend for himself since Ozpin’s hold on him isn’t nearly as strong in this world as it was in Remnant,” I say, sending Enki back. “I didn’t give you those powers to cause you any more pain than you’re already in Qrow but to help you move through the pain. Remember the code I gave you last night and stick to it. Now go and explain to Ruby what’s going to happen from now on. And once you have better control over those powers you’ll be able to turn your eye back to normal. Now I’ve got to go and check on my wife. Pole, Twi come on.” Adam POV I release another sigh and I head back home from the schoolhouse. Pyrrha and Cheerilee had asked me to come in and help them set up for some kind of lecture about certain types of Grimm that Pyrrha was going to be holding later, and they needed an extra pair of hands to help get everything set up. It really helped that I was able to use my shadow as hands to organize everything faster. I was kinda at a loss of what I should do today. According to Ed, everything was on schedule and we could go though Sora’s transmutation tomorrow, so all the prep was done, we just needed to actually go through with it. Though, I was worried about Qrow. He showed up back at home last night before I fell asleep and from what I could tell, he was completely sober. I just chalked it up to Ed using some kind of alchemy, but even then, it seemed off to me. Then there was the gunshots I heard a couple minutes ago, but I think Ruby just found a couple Grimm or something. I really needed to get back to practicing my soul attacks though. I really wish Ed’s wife gave me permission to enter the dark library like my sisters, but I guess learning about my own dark magic is a sort of hands-on thing. Though, I have mostly just been copying things I saw in media, like Shikamaru, Betty, and Pride. Maybe I should see if I could develop my own abilities aside from my soul attacks? That thought about my abilities brought me back to something I have been trying to figure out. Me and Ruby, how do we use our eyes? It has been bugging me since before I was brought to Equestria, but every time Ruby used her eyes, it was to protect her friends. Pyrrha, Jaune, maybe she would have used it more is she and the others stayed in Remnant. Yet, despite all the theories and posts I have read online, there was never a definitive answer as to how to use them. And now I was in the same boat as the red hooded huntress. How do I petrify or vaporize monsters with my eyes? I guess I could ask Ozpin, but I have a feeling he would try to dance around the answer than just tell us outright. I do trust him and Oscar in a fight, but in a truthful conversation, I could tell he almost always is lying about his past, or at the very least, he is leaving some things out. Even though I understand some of it, what with his being a millennium of years old, some things need to be said to uproot the seeds of doubt. I am brought out of my mental rambling when I see Edward, Polearm and their Twilight going by. I notice the latter two look a little shaken up from something, maybe they saw some nasty Grimm? “Hey, guys, what’s going on?” I ask, walking over to the trio. “Well, not so good Adam. Ruby was in a bad mood after seeing the state Qrow was in. After she got a look at the emblem in his eye she was able to chalk it up to Ed’s handy work,” explained Pole. “After running into us she tried to find out where Ed was at, but we kept trying to tell her we didn’t know. After say twenty minutes of yelling Ed came out of the forest and that’s when Ruby went nuts and attacked him. There were a few gunshots as she shot herself into the air and another shot as she launched herself at Ed. I saw a lot of flaming rose petals go everywhere as she tried to hit Ed with the Crescent Rose only for him to catch like it was a baseball,” added Twilight with a little bit of shiver. “I let go of the scythe and let them fall to the ground. That’s when Qrow came out of the house, saw Ruby on the ground and attacked,” added Ed. “What did you do Ed? Qrow thought a lot of you and it would take a lot to have just attack out of the blue like that. Even if you did get in small scuffle Ruby,” I asked in shock to my statement. “I was getting to that. Last night at the bar we got into why I was doing all the extra work while I was here. Then I told him there was a way I could help him. I warned him there would be consequences if he accepted the Philosopher's Stone but he said he trusted me and you know how stubborn the bastard can be,” Ed said as he crossed his arms. “Wait a minute. You turned Qrow into a Homunculus?!” I asked in disbelief. “Not entirely. I turned him into a half Homunculus like Wrath. He’ll still age if not a little more slowly than a normal human. He has all the usual benefit of the Homunculi even their metabolism,” Ed explained but paused to take a deep breath. “That means he can’t drink anymore. Well, he can still drink but like me, he won’t be able to get drunk nowhere near as easily.” “You mean Qrow was sober because you gave him a Philosopher’s Stone,” I say as I was still in shock. “Why the hell would you do something so stupid?! That man is in some form of pain and you took away the way he deals with it.” “He said it himself last night at the bar Huntsman. Drinking only dulls the pain and even then it’s only for so long and it makes it worse!” Ed shouted at me with a few tears in his eye. “I gave him the Ultimate Eye as a means to not only help my friend face his pain but to move past it. He has people and family here that are depending on him and your one of those people. You need a teacher that has a clear head not just some of the time but all of the time if you're ever going to properly lead the Equestrian White Fang,” Ed says getting in my face. “I tried to talk him out of it to no avail. So you tell me, Adam Taurus. How would you have dealt with that situation,” Ed said as he backed away from me. “I…” I started to say but then I quickly shut up and thought it was best not to piss off Ed anymore than he already was. “One of the last things I told to Qrow was the Old Code, Adam. It was the only thing that I could think of to help him understand the situation he’s in now. I suggest that you take it up to as your order would do well if they could learn to understand its meaning as well, Huntsman, ” Ed sais as his group started to walk away. I didn’t get why Ed was talking like this. He’d always been so friendly with me and the others. It like he turned on some sort of formality mode. I think has a lot to do with Qrow and him becoming a Homunculus. I think he really regrets doing it. Qrow is pretty stubborn and once he has his mind made up you can’t change it. I can’t really try to understand how Ed’s mind works but I do know that everything he does has a purpose behind it. He’s willing to take the blame and hurt for things if it’ll help those he cares for. Ed’s even willing to sacrifice part of himself if he can help someone just a little. He turned Qrow into a Homunculus to force him to face his pain but he tried to talk him out of first. The man was truly deserving of his title as The Crimson Sage. I’m proud to call him my friend and even prouder to call him family. Ed suddenly stopped and looked to the sky and let out a large huff and then started to speak. “Sorry for biting your head there Adam. Let me make it up to you. I can let you have access to the Dark Library to learn a few dark spells,” said Ed in an apologetic tone. “ It what you’ve been wanting right? You should know my wife isn’t the only one who has access to it. I did help build the place. I can even teach how to use your shadows while we there. My semblance is shadow clones after all. We could also work on our soul techniques. Perhaps there’s a way we could even channel them through our weapons. Come with me as today is the only day we can do so. I must speak with my wife before we go to the Library it won't take long.” Twilight POV     After Edward’s discussion with Adam, he tagged along with us as we went to find our Princess Luna. Ed said she’d really been enjoying her downtime of not having to raise and lower the moon or dream duties. She still helps Adam and his Luna to keep herself from getting bored apparently. We told Ed the last place we saw her was after breakfast. Luna had said she wanted to get Rarity to make her a new dress for some reason. Personally, I think it’s for a date with Ed. He’s been under a lot more stress than what he let’s everypony see. Gods know this recent skirmish with Ruby and Qrow has only added to it.     ‘Stupid Twilight. Now I remember what I wanted to ask Pole and now is just as good a time as any. Good thing I was thinking of dates.’     “Hey Pole, can I ask you something?” I say as my face heats up. “Sure Twi, what do you want to know?” he replied looking to me from the corner of his eye.     “Well, we’ve been dating for a while now and I know you’re really busy between your studies for Ed and your guard duties but I was hoping that you might start staying over at the library in Ponyville once we’re back home,” I say with my face burning up as I look over to my coltfriend who was blushing red enough to make an apple jealous.     I could tell he was giving this some serious thought from the look on his face before he answers.     “Listen Twi, I’d love to spend a few nights at the library with you,” Pole said but with a serious look. “That’s great, I can put an extra bed in Spike’s room. He won’t mind as he spends most nights over at Rarity’s now anyway.” I squeed with joy.     “Ed, did I just hear her right?” asked Adam in shock. “Spike sleeps at Rarity’s house in your Equestria. How the hell did that happen?”     “My timeline is a little bit different as you already know. Back home Discord was freed and reformed before the wedding,” Ed explained to Adam as we walked along. “Rarity needed a date to said wedding and asked Spike. Though the got pretty close in training camp too. Since then they started seeing each other. Especially since Twi has spent a pretty good portion of her time in Canterlot with me on her alchemy studies since the whole Malice incident.” “Spike runs the library in Ponyville when I’m not around during regular business hours but he stays over at Rarity’s after closing and cleaning. I don’t really know the specifics of what’s going on between them but I do know that they’re very happy since they started dating. I even saw a kiss when we were at the Candle Festival,” I say sheepishly. “Sorry about interrupting you Pole, please go on.” “Yes, well, I was gonna say that I really would like to start staying over Twi but I can’t. My job as a guard and Edward’s assistant slash student won’t let me. I mean, I stay at the guard barracks or in the lab whenever I get to into my research and you remember what trying to figure out that drink formula experiment did. URM” Pole explain with a sorrowful tone looking down. All of a sudden he was nailed in the head with a small stone knocking him down straight on his flank. I looked around to see who threw the rock only to see Edward was facing us while tossing up and catching a handful of similarly sized stones in his hand. I looked back to Pole who was rolling around on the ground while holding his face. That’s when Edward gave his bit of inquiry. “Dumbass students the lot of ya. You can stay in Ponyville and use the Rune transporter in the shop to go and forth from Canterlot Castle’s workshop to the Ponyville Automail shop. That is why I developed the thing. How do ya think Twilight’s been checking in on Spike. And it’s not like you’re not going to have downtime Pole. I’m not going to have you constantly in my lab or my workshop all the time or sparring. I get enough fight with Luna in as is without having you bugging me. And no but either. You’re going to start putting forth more effort into your relationship with my niece,” Ed said as he started to throw more rocks at Pole. “OW! Okay, I get it.OW! I need to put effort into my OW! relationship with Twilight. Twi I’m sorry. OW! Now can you please stop your uncle. OW!” Pole say as Ed continued to flick rocks at him. “Yes, Edward, speaking of putting forth more effort into relationships. Maybe you should take some of your own advice,” said a dark and ominous princess of the night, aka Ed’s wife, from behind him. That’s when Ed froze in terror and very mechanically turned around to see a smiling Luna with her eye twitching ever so slightly. “Oh, hey, Luna,” Ed says as he smiles in fear. “Why did I wake up to alone this morning my dear husband?” asked Luna clearly angered. “I was trying to back before you woke up but the laying of the final marks at the castle took longer than expected. Then, kinda I got into a little skirmish with Ruby and then another one with Qrow,” Ed clapped his hands to together while he bows his head. “I’m really sorry Luna. What can I do to make it up to you?” Luna let out a sigh then smiled while placing both hands on Ed’s face pulling it up to meet her gaze as she then kissed him. Adam, Pole, and I all blushed at the sight while trying to look away but couldn’t. When Luna pulled away I swear Ed’s eyes were spials while Luna only chuckled at his confusion. “You and I will be having a date later on this evening. One, you need a break and haven’t stopped since we got here. Two, we haven’t spent practically anytime together since our arrival either. Now, I must go and help Lex, Nat, Sora, and Dusk with there dark magic lessons. I’ll meet you at Townhall by five this evening. See you later Ed,” Luna said waving goodbye as she was off to see the others. “Yeah see ya later Luna. Love ya,” Ed mumble out still in his daze from the kiss before shaking his bringing him back to reality. “Okay, guys that went a lot than I thought. Let head to the Library now.” We walk with Ed till we reach a mirror shop. Adam looked at Ed while scratching his head. “Ed this is a mirror shop, I thought we were going to the Dark Library,” Adam said in disappointment while Pole and I laugh. Ed then pulled out his black key and placed it on the mirror causing a ripple effect to occur in the mirror. “Alright Adam in ya go,” Ed said as he grabbed Adam by the jacket and threw him through the doorway. “See you guys in there if ya wanna come.” Ed the step through the door and we followed suit The Dark Library Ed POV .We arrived in the Dark Library within a few seconds of me tossing Adam through the mirror. I was met with an angered faunus who hadn’t yet looked at his surrounding but was looking to the doorway waiting for me to come through. As I did he was right in my face just as I’d planned for him to be. “What the hell Ed I know you’re still in a bad mood from earlier but that doesn’t give you the right to go tossing people through mirrors,” Adam spat in anger as Twi and Pole came through the doorway. “You two decided to join us, good,” I said looking of my shoulder before turning back to the angry faunus, “Before you throw off on me anymore you might want to look where you are my friend. Dark Light come out and meet our latest addition to your roster of patorns.” POP! In a quick burst of light, there was a small orb of light about the size of my head now float in mid-air now floating next to me. Adam only looked at it with a raised borrow questioning what the orb was. Then it started to introduce itself. “Greeting Adam Taurus and welcome to the Dark Library. My name is Dark Light and I am the Librarian of this place. I take it you are the brother to Lex, Nat, and Sora. I do hope we get along while your stay in my Mistress’s domain.,” Dark Light said introducing herself in her usual polite but monotoned manner. “Wait, where did you say we were at?” asked Adam as he look quickly changed to that of confusion and awe as he looked around at the massive collection of dark magic tomes. “You three can take a crack at the books while I take a nap and maybe get something to eat. Adam, just ask Dark Light if you have any questions about anything you’re curious about or don’t understand. Don’t bother trying to get into the restricted section cause you need my permission or Luna’s to get in there, and I don’t plan on giving it to until you’ve proven yourself to my wife that you can control your magic beyond a certain point. She’s the expert on this part of the magical spectrum. Adam, be ready because as soon as I say so we’re going to the training arena to work on shadow and soul techniques. See ya after while,” I say as I walk to Luna’s private study while waving to the others. “Have a decent rest Master Edward. Now, Mr. Taurus shall we begin with your studies,” chirped Dark Light. A few hours later After I’d eaten a few pieces of fruit I sat in the chair I kept in the study for such occasions as this. Sure there was a bed but that’s Luna’s and I never really liked it anyway. I don’t know how long I was out but it couldn’t be more a few hours, four at most. When I woke up I felt so much better. Now that my head was clearer I thought it was time to train Adam in the proper use of shadows. “Dark Light inform Mr. Taurus that it’s time for training. Please guide him to the arena and configure it for an open field around high noon if you please,” I say as I make my way through the bookshelves to the arena. “I would be my pleasure, Master Edward. If I me add I rather like Mr. Taurus so please don’t be to rough with him in your sparring,” said Dark Light with some concern in her voice. “Don’t worry Dark. I’m only planning on a minor session,” I say laughing. The Arena     I made it to the arena in fifteen minutes. I got the with Adam in it already waiting from me. I released Pride and activated my demon armor for my arm. I smiled the Huntsman as my shadow expanded behind me in. It took on a large shape with multiple eyes a mouth with razor sharp teeth in the shape of a smile and multiple appendages.     I quickly used a few shadow hands to grab on to Blush & Wilt pulling it from Adam’s grip catching it with my right hand. He was clearly shocked that I was able to so easily take his weapons. I could only smile.     “Lesson one Shadows are some of the most versatile things on this planet. Whether for showing off or stealthily stealing your opponent’s weapons,” I say shaking his weapons at him. “I’m going to teach you more or less the how to make use of your shadows as weapons.”     “Sweet, now can I have Blush & Wilt back?” Adam asked extending his hand waiting for me to return his weapons.     “You can have these back when we’re done with your training. Until then I’m putting them in my vault,” I say as I open the Gates of Aries placing Blush & Wilt in it.     We sparred for a quite a while. Adam would try various attacks and techniques from various show and a few from the Library with little to no avail of even coming close to me.  I was really disappointed that he was trying to use his own attacks.     “Adam, what is a shadow?” I asked as he rubbed his chin pondering the meaning of my question. “I’m afraid I don’t really follow Ed. Shadows have a lot of different meaning. Especially since we’re Displaced,” he said with a huff sitting on the ground to take a breather. “You’re right but think of it this way. A shadow is a reflection of whatever it cast. As such it has all of the same attributes of whatever cast it. A shadow can also be a weapon sharper than the sharpest sword but as fragile as a dry leaf. A shadow can also be the gateway to your soul. Take my semblance for example,” I pause to see him staring intently at me. “My semblance allows me to summon forth replicates of myself that operate independently from me but it represents my want to give the souls trapped in my body a form separate from me. My point is Adam, you shouldn’t try and copy things you’ve seen but come up with your own techniques like how you developed your other techniques. Enough of a break now we move on to the other techniques or more specifically your eyes.” “You know how I can use my eyes?” Adam said jumping to his feet in excitement. “First off Adam you already know that the Grimm are destroyed when the gaze of the silver-eyed warriors. You must understand that this means they were a direct countermeasure created by the god of light to counter his brother’s beast of darkness, aka the Grimm. You, Adam, are a very special case in this manner because you have silver eyes but you can also use dark magic,” I explain to the Huntsman. “I’m afraid I don’t understand Ed,” Adam says scratching his head. “I’m saying you are the one being in this world that has a balance of light and dark. The one being that can never fall to either side. Who will always walk the line in between them. But that’s only if you can learn you can learn to use them in the entirety. You already have a handle on the dark aspect of yourself as per the markings that appear on your body when you invoke it but you have no concept of how to invoke your light aka your eyes,” I said as I used Arc to make a few bottles of water tossing one over to Adam. “Great, but that leads me back to me to my earlier question Ed. How?” he said then take a swig of his water. “That brings me to my question for you Adam. What is your first and foremost responsibility as a Huntsman, a leader, a brother, a friend, and to those you hold dear?” I asked in a serious tone. “I don’t follow. Ed what’s the point in that question. It has several different answers for each subject and many that can tie into each other,” Adam said in total confusion. “I didn’t want to bring this up but it looks as if I have no choice.,” I say with a darkened tone. “You once told me how Lex ‘lost her innocence’ remember.” “Don’t go there, man. You know none of us like to talk about what happened,” Adam says as he starts to growl at the very mention of the incident but there was also a flicker of white light originating from his eyes. ‘Looks like I’m going to have to play the asshole again, but if the helps him understand how to unlock his powers than I’ll be the bad guy.’ “Oh really what the hell are you gonna do to stop me, Mr.Taurus. Maybe I should just go talk to Lex about it. She’d be able to give a better description of exactly what happened. Nat could tell me exactly what of mind she was in after it all went down,” I said with an evil grin. ‘Gods please forgive me. I hate being a douche.’ “You better stop right now Ed. I’m warning you if you don’t I’m going to beat the ever living crap out of you,” Adam said with his fists clenched in rage but his eyes now had a steady flow of light coming from them. ‘Sorry Adam but I have to do this.’ “You beat the crap out me, you mean like you beat the living hell out of the guy who defiled your sister. Don’t make me laugh kid. In fact, HAHAHA, the idea, HAHAHA, of you trying, HAHAHA, is absolutely hilarious, HAHAHAHA,” I say laughing maniacally. Adam was now positively fuming with the light coming from his eyes. One more push and I had him. “I still find it funny how a fifteen-year-old but the crap out of a twenty-some odd-year-old adult. Doesn’t really matter in the long run but I think I’ll go ahead and call Lex and Nat up on the watch now,” I say reaching into my pocket. “YOU BASTARD!” yelled Adam as a blind light came forth from his eyes bathing the whole library in the brilliant light of protection. ‘Finally’ A couple hours later in the lobby…     Adam passed out from invoking his eyes so I brought him to the lobby to rest. Not surprising, it like using muscle you never knew you had. I looked over to the faunus who was starting to stir.     “Oh my head, what in the Gods was names happened?” Adam asked as he grabbed his head sitting up. “Easy, Adam. they egging on I did earlier, got you to use those eyes of yours. Have some water and sit back and relax. You’ll start to feel better in a minute. I want to apologize for those comments I said but it was the only way I could get a reaction out of you,” I say as he takes the glass of water from my hand then taking a huge swig of it.     “What exactly happened? The last thing I remember was you fixing to call-” He immediately stopped talking and jumped up and grabbed my shirt his eye began to emit light again.. “You bastard! I thought we were family and then you go and pull a stunt like this.”     “Easy Adam. You’re still weak from your outburst, and I never had any intention of going through with that threat. Makes me sick that I had to sink so low as to use one of our family member’s worst experiences as a weapon against you just to unlock your powers. If I had more time I’d have done thing differently. But let me ask you a question. In that moment before you blacked out, what exactly did you feel?” I ask as he holds on to my shirt before releasing me. “All I was thinking I had to protect Lex and Nat from what you were about to do and anything you were about to ask,” Adam say as he stumbles a bit. I poked him in the chest causing him to fall back into the couch in his weakened state as I asked another question, “And what is your first and foremost responsibility as a Huntsman, a leader, a friend, and to those you hold dear?” “To protect them at all cost. Even if I know that I have no chance of winning,” He says as he soon starts to realize what’s going on. “Exactly my young friend and that is the key of how to unlock the power of your eyes. You want to protect those you hold dare to you. Although your power is a little bit different from     Ruby’s,” I said refilling his glass with water. “How so?” he says taking another gulp of his drink still visibly pissed at me. ‘I don’t blame you for that.’ “The power of your eyes takes the form of your keyblade,” I say standing up from my seat. “I only saw it form for a slight moment in your hand when your eyes activated. It wasn’t long enough to give it a defined form but it was definitely there. Now I hate to cut our training short but I have a date with my wife that I must keep and you’re completely spent for today,” I say walking over to the door while Adam follows still scowling at me. We walk through the portal returning outside the mirror shop from earlier. I wasn’t worried about Pole and Twi as they can enter and leave as they needed. We were met with Luna who was wearing a midnight blue dress embroidered with diamonds in a night sky motif with her hair in a ponytail while she was wearing black high hill shoes. She also had a long box hidden behind he back. “Right on time. Ed would you mind going on ahead while I speak with Adam for a bit,” Luna says with a smile. “Sure,” I say going on to the restaurant. Luna POV     I looked to the shocked but angry Huntsman. Ed had contacted me through Lex’s watch and let us know what had happened. While Lex, Nat, and Sora were a little mad with what Ed did they were more worried about his emotional state. He’d broke down crying during his apology to the trio of sisters for his use of their past and for the way he went about pushing Adam to unlock his power. After we got Ed to calm down we noticed Adam was starting to stir in the background so we decided to end the call. Afterward, I explained how Ed was always doing what he could for others no matter the cost to himself.  He’d always been this way he’d help others even if it meant losing someone he cherished for good. Always saying ‘I will always do all that I can to help those I care for. I don’t care if they end up hating me in the end because of it’.     I was pulled back to the present when Adam spoke.     “What did you want to talk about Princess?” he asked in a rough tone.     “Adam I know you don’t have the best opinion of my husband right now but I want you to know he is truly sorry for his actions in the Library earlier. One thing you must’ve realized by now is that Ed only does things like that is one he has a good reason to,” I say looking to the ground.     “I don’t care for his reason’s Luna. He had no right to use one of my family’s darkest times against us. I thought I considered him family but after this stunt, I’m not sure I want to ever have anything to do with that bastard again,” spat Adam in fury.     “Let me tell that Ed understands as a similar situation was what caused him to be entombed in stone,” I say as I pull the box from behind my back. “Edward has wronged everyone of you that he has called his family and he doesn’t take that word lightly Adam. Ed has major trust issues due to his entombment and for him to consider you and your sisters family after a few months is something remarkable. He was in tears earlier. Something the I rarely ever see outside of him being around me and Tia.”     I give the box to Adam and he looks to me in confusion. He then opens it and his eyes widen. In the box lay his weapons Ed had taken from him earlier and placed in his vault. They had gone through some type of evolution when he put the Blush and Wilt in the Gate of Aries. What the vault did to them I didn’t particularly know apart from what Ed had told me to tell Adam. All I know is that when a weapon is placed inside Ed’s fault it evolves to its peak of proficiency and this state is maintained for the rest of the weapons foreseeable future.     “When Ed put your weapons into his vault and they became what is called a Noble Phantasm. In other words, a legendary weapon that can only be wielded be a true hero. You no longer have to build the ammo for Blush while Wilt can generate a reality slash called Meido Surasshu. It’s an a reality warping attack that sends whatever it hits to a place Ed calls Hell,” I say as Adam runs his hand over his new weapon.     “Adam, I know Ed has already said he wouldn't blame you four for never wanting anything to do with him ever again but that he’d still considers all of you family. Just know that no matter what you do when Ed says something like this he truly means it. You all have qualities that remind me of Ed when he was younger and maybe that’s what he sees in all of you too. I think he’s doing his best to help you four in order to keep you from making his mistakes and to help guide you as best he can. Ed never had a Displaced there he could turn to, in fact, the closest thing Ed had to a teacher was mine and Tia mentor, Starswirl,” I said as I walked over to the young warrior placing my hand on his shoulder.     “Please don’t judge my husband’s actions to harshly Adam. I can also predict what he might do before we leave to return home,” I say turning as I start to walk away. Before I get to far Adam catches me by the shoulder.     “What do you think Ed is going to do Luna? I might be on the fence about how I feel about him right now but I have the right to know if he’s planning something,” Adam said in a serious manner.     “I believe Ed will try and alter you and your sisters’ watches so that you’ll never be able to reach him. Or at least only under dire circumstances. You’ll have to excuse me now as I must join Ed at the restaurant for our date. I know he really needs this right now. I will see you tomorrow for your sisters ceremony. Goodnight Adam,” I say as I leaving Adam with his thoughts. > Chapter 32: The Weirdest Family in the Void > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day at  the Castle of the Two Sisters Ed pov     I got everyone up just before sunrise at townhall and then head over to Adam’s place. Safe to say I had a lot of malicious looks pointed at me. After the entire group was alert and focused we made our way through the Everfree here to the castle where we met up with Celestia and Luna. Once here I started to direct everyone to their assigned spots. Adam, Qrow, and the rest of his team we the outlying defenders against any outside threat that appeared. The trio of Twilights are in the castle with Oscar, Trace, and RD. My Twilight and Dusk were helping with the flows of magic by channeling them into the circle and Runes. While Adam’s Twilight, Oscar, Trace, and RD helped defend them. Lex, Nat, Sora and I were setting up things in the old throne room. The alicorns and pokemon were on standby in case something went awry. I was doing some final prep work on the calibrations for Sora body while Lex was placing a few protective scripts around the room to form a barrier as a last line of defense should everyone have to fall back here. Nat and Sora were staring at Sora’s body as it still floated in its tank. I walk over to them and speak in a soothing voice. “It's time to get her out of this thing Nat and put her in the circle. I think you should be the one to do it,” I say as I start to purge the liquid magic from the pod. She nods and walks up to the pod, holding Sora’s body upright as the last of the magic is purged. She takes a breath and carries the child to the center of the circle, being more gentle than I think I have ever seen her be before. “Nat you stay next to Sora’s body and Lex you need to stand across from me. Have your Seith magic ready,” I say as Lex takes her spot on the opposite side of the alchemagic circle. “Twilights start channeling the magic of the land into the Runes in front of you. Lunas and Celestia be sure to keep that magic steady. Nat, Sora take off the Soul Stone and place it in your inventory.” Everyone started to do their jobs as they were directed. When in a few seconds of giving everyone their orders the circle and Runes began to glow with a multitude of colors. “Okay. Nat, Sora, prepare to meet your next Void Dweller and Trust me when I say he or she is way scarier than Loki,” I said clapping my hands together hand then placing them on the edge of the circle. Red lightning started to fly in every direction. Then in the center of the circle, a monsters eye appeared and started to engulf Nat while I followed here into as well. In the next moment, I could see I was flying through a firestorm and whirlwind of random images as my body was deconstructed as it passed through the Portal of Truth. Then I could see that there was a light at the in the distance. ‘Just like last time. I’m coming Sora, just hold on a little longer.’ In a flash of white, I once again found myself in the home of the Void Dweller that called itself Truth. I was laying on my face so I got up and started to walk around until I came across three Portals of Truth. One I quickly recognized as my own while the other two I could guess belonged to Nat and Sora. They were both standing in front of their respective doors. Their doors had what appeared to be trees on them with the branches on them being labeled with Friends and Family and there were specific names and symbols under each category. The doors were mirrors of each other but Nat’s also had an extra branch labeled Lovers with a single name on it, Twilight.  I then laid my eyes on the bastard that I was there to see standing in the center of the Gates with its usual toothy smile, on its none existent face, Truth. It quickly notices my presence walking over to me and starts to speak. “If it isn’t my old friend Edward Elric. What brings you to my part of the void. No wait, let me guess, hmmm, you’re here to exchange these two souls for more power, as they are quite strong in many areas like magic. I know you want their abilities for yourself. Oh, you want to trade them for a new arm and leg,” laughed the Truth as is smile showing off its teeth to me. I stood there gritting my teeth as I balled my teeth. “Shut up you damn bastard. You already know why I came here. And you also know that I wouldn’t come here unless I absolutely had too.” “Let me ask you this, Allan. Was all of what you’ve done for these humans and others really worth it? All they’ve done so far is nothing but scorn you for trying to help with the exception of these two, of course,” Truth stated as it pointed to Nat and Sora who were still staring at their gates in some sort of trance. I swung my fist with everything slamming it into Truth cheek sending it flying through the air landing on the near Nat sending a shockwave throughout the white void. Nat was quickly brought out of her trance and turned to lay her gaze on Truth. It simply evilly smiled as it stared back at her with none existent eyes. I used Sloth the put myself right in front of her getting Truth’s attention back on me. I kept looking at the Void Dweller while I whispered with Nat. “Ed is that thing what I think it is?” Nat asked softly as she could. “Yes it is Nat, that’s the Truth or at least the Void’s equivalent and it’s just as much of an asshole as the one in the shows and manga. You need to get to Sorano and snap her out of the trances you were both placed in.  I’ll occupy Truth as long as I can,” I whisper seriously over my shoulder. “Ed, I can help. I was able to keep up with you after all,” Nat says as she starts stepping out from behind me looking to the white smiling figure in front of us. I put my arm in front of her. “Ed?” “No, you might have fought equally with me when I was too scared of my use my full power Nat, but there’s no way you could keep up with me now that I can utilize my full strength without fear of losing control. Even if you used Queen Mode, besides you’re in no shape to fight when you’re the only one hold Sorano together. You need to get to Sora as she's still connected to you and she needs her big sisters to help her face the monster that’ll save her life,” I say changing into my full demon form. “Now go!” I say as I speed toward Truth in a flash of crimson as I unload a fury of blows on the bastard. Truth simply laughed at my assault on it as it moves to and fro dodging my attacks. It summoned orbs of white light and started to fire beams at me. I dodged them one after another but I knew Truth was just toying with me. “Come on Allan, show me what you can do with all of that power you've acquired since the Merchant first sent you to Equestria,” Truth says flying down at me at whistling speeds with a balled fist landing directly in my gut sending me flying. “How about we see what you can do without that alchemy of yours,” it said as Truth snapped its fingers. Red circles proceeded to move up and down my body. The next thing I know my demon form crumbled away as I was back in my human form but something was off.  I was no longer wearing my usual attire but I now was had shoulder length messy brown hair, hazel eyes, and a very pale complexion. While my attire consisted of a red T-shirt, a dark grey trench coat, black dress pants with an adjustable cloth belt with a skull emblem on it, heavy black steel toe boots, and a fedora that matched my coat with a purple and electric blue band on it. “What the hell did you do to me Truth?” I asked in shock. “I simply sealed your powers as Edward Elric. HeHe. I guess doing so also returned you to your original human form aka Allan Ferris. HAHAHA!” laughed Truth. “NAHAHA!” I laughed at the Void Dweller who was visibly shocked at my reaction even without most of a face. “What so funny?” it asked a little ticked “You’re stupid. I don’t define myself by my Edward Elric character you idiot. I define myself as me that’s why I never fully took on Ed’s persona. So go ahead and seal away my alchemy and just know that I gained more power thanks to my friends and my family,” I explained with a smile. “What powers do you have other than Arc of Embodiment, a Philosopher’s Stone, and a few magic techniques?” Truth asked with a smile. I placed my hand out and started to recite the Baku’s release phrase summoning forth the keyblade. I also smash the air behind me and pull out my Di-sword. The Truth was shocked again as I cross my blades across my chest and look at it with killing intent. I then activated my semblance summoning my shadow army while I use Arc to weaponize it. “Thanks to Luna I was able to find love in Equestria. Thanks to Lex I was able to move forward with my dream of helping the people in Equestria and helped me understand magic even more. Thanks to Adam I was able to walk my niece down the aisle on her wedding day. Twilight, Spike, Polearm, The Elements, and Shining Armor all gave me a chance to be a teacher again.  And most of all thanks to Nat and Sora, I was able to overcome my own self-hatred and my personal demon!” I shout jumping up launching myself at the Truth bring my swords down as it converts to of the light orbs into light blades and blocks my slashes. “What does any of that have to do with power?” it asked as the swords scratched sending sparks flying. We went blow for blow as our blades clash in a fury of sweeps and slashes. I didn’t know how long I was going to last against Truth but I was going to give it as much hell as I could bring. We clashed back and forth as it fought me and my shadow hoard. Truth still wearing its signature smile the whole time. I continued to dodge its light blades and light blast while staring into where its eye should be. Void Dwellers are Displaced that have amassed enough power to leave their Equestria and wonder the Void. They’re basically on par with gods in their own right. I don’t care though I had my family, friends, and subjects back home to think of. Nat, Adam, and Lex were counting on me to bring Sora back through the Gate and that’s exactly what I’m doing. “You don’t get it Truth. You wanted to know what the powers I’ve gained since I became Edward are but I never gained Edward’s power other than alchemy and the Philosopher’s Stones. The thing is, I may have taken on his look and name but I was never Edward. I was always Allan and as for my power. MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE THAT POWER!” I yelled. “CRIMSON FLAME DRAGON STRIKE!” A burst of red fire came from my blades and rose upward transforming into a massive dragon made of flames. “Crimson Lighting Tempest!” While Truth was distracted by the dragon coming for it I jumped up and brought my heel down connecting it with Truth should be face. Sending straight down into the awaiting shadow army. They immediately started to have a free for all with the Truth. Not long after, the fire dragon struck where the Truth landed burning everything to ash. I’d landed a ways away. The Truth came out of the red inferno and toward me as I took up another fighting stance. “You have grown strong Crimson Sage,” Truth said as it snapped its fingers causing another series circles to pass over me returning me to my Edward Elric form. “You would give your life for those two over there and the ones on the other side wouldn’t you?” “Yes, I would. They’re my family after all. Even if they ended up rejecting me and if I met my old family someday, if they're still alive I’d do the same for them,” I say as I reseal away my weapons. “You pass with flying colors. Come on we need to go see those two over there,” Truth said as we walked over to the Diclonius sisters. “I’m sorry Allan, I had to see if you were ready to have access to the full power of the Stone of Compassion.” “What are you talking about?” I ask cautiously. “The seals I placed on you were meant to restrict your Stone of Malice solely. When I saw your demon from I was skeptical that it was you in control. Now that I know you truly have conquered your demon I'm giving you access to the stone I gave you when you were last here,” Truth said with its toothy mouth. ‘Gods it’s creepy as all hell.’ “What’s the exchange?” I asked stopping for a moment. “No exchange as you already paid the toll last you were here, with your life as I human. When I sent you back to Equestria, that toll was not going back to your old world. The toll for the stone was living as a human. Of course, You can still turn back into a human if you separated your stones from your body, but that would mean giving up your immortality and being with your precious Luna. You don't have to worry about dwindling soul power either whether from using the stone’s or creating Homunculi. You will always have a constant supply of them from the Void when you need new ones, so long as you’re wearing the Void Stone,” the Void Dweller says as it walks toward Nat and Sora. “What can I do for Sora?” I asked with worry in the back of my throat. “Absolutely nothing. You have done all you can by bringing them here to meet me. Opening the Gate is the only thing you can ever do for those who wish to see the Truth. They must pay their own tolls now. As missing organs or limbs were enough from you while you were Human, but that is no longer the case. I’m not a being for apologizing but it is the Law of Equivalent Exchange that governs this part of the Void and it must be followed by those who come here for something. Now come,” Truth says in its usual voice as we began to come upon the Gates and the sisters. ‘Nat & Sora I’m sorry but it looks like I won’t be able to do anymore. At least until we return.’ Nat POV I quickly rushed over to my sister as Ed, or I guess Allen as his original name is, started to fight against Truth. I was really worried about him considering how much he stressed how strong Void Dwellers are. I can only hope he could either hold it off or convince the entity to let us go through with this. I ran up to my little sis, noting that her appearance is actually that of her new body. She was still just staring at her portal, so I ran up to her front and gently shake her shoulders. “Sora? Sora, wake up.” I say, stressing to keep my voice calm. She doesn’t react so I try to think of something else. I go through my magic powers, my Sensory Link not working, my Wind not fazing her, not even some of my dark magic was affecting her. I then get an idea. When I ‘woke up’ here, I got a weird feeling in my head, kinda like when the DNA Voice first appeared. I focus on the feeling in my head and am able to visualize what looks like a web, with one bright pink and silver thread leading to an orb of energy. I guess that is my connection to other Dicloni as the queen, almost like a hive mind. I focus my mind into the link and am able to break through some kind of fog that was around the orb. A couple seconds later, some light comes back into Sora’s mismatched eyes and she blinks a couple times. “Nat?” I smile and hug my little sister with a smile. Sora looks to me for a second before returning my embrace. “Hey, Sora,” I say with a smile, breaking the embrace. She smiles up at me, noticing the portals in front and behind us. “Hehe, so, looks like Princess Luna was more correct before your date then you’d admit.” She says. I raise a brow and looks to my portal, noticing the area that is marked as Lovers and I end up blushing brightly. “Why? Just, why?” I say exasperation. I can’t complain any longer as there is a small explosion in the distance. I think it could the distance in this damn void. The two of us look over and see Truth fighting….Ed?! He didn’t look like Edward Elric anymore. Is that what he looked like before he was displaced? “Is that Ed?” Sora questions, eyes wide as we see him using his Keyblade, his Di-sword and his Semblance to fight that silhouette of a creature, and actually seemed to catch it off guard. “Sorta? I guess that is Allen, who Ed was before he was displaced. Though, I am pretty sure he is the same man anyways.” I explain as the duo stop their fight and talk for a bit. I couldn’t hear them, but considering Truth’s sadistic smile, I was a little worried. As the duo approached, I subconsciously placed myself in front of Sora and summoned my Maguilty aura around myself. “Well?” I ask Truth, and blank glare present on my face. “Well, what? You two are the ones that came to me for help and I know you know the Law that governs my world. So, tell me what you want and I’ll tell you what you must exchange in order to have it. Though I must say, I’ve never seen one soul split in two the way you and your sister’s has. Now tell why it is that you’ve come or leave,” Truth says crossing its arm as is kept its smile the whole time it spoke. I look to Sora who can seem to read my mind in spite of us not using Telepathy. “We’re here to separate our soul completely, so I can live in a new body. Our soul connection is already fading so if we don’t complete the transmutation, I vanish back into Nat’s head and heart.” Sora explains. “And I refuse to let that happen. So take whatever you want, I don’t care as long as my sister gets to live.” I state. Truth gets right in my face with its smile and staring dagger from where eyes should be. “There are two way to do this but seeing as your sister never had an original body to return that only leaves the one option. Normally all you’d have to do is offer up your Gate for her body if she had one to return. But this time you’ll have to give up everything that binds and connections you two together as one entity to become two.” I gulp as he explained that. The question is how much does he mean by that. We were already planning on splitting our soul, but would I lose Sora’s memories? Would I lose our mental connection? I glance at my little sister as she holds onto the side of my shirt and shake my head. Even if we lose our connection, that will just make her like Adam and Lex. We aren’t connected, but we are still family. I sigh and nod my head, looking back to the silhouette before me. “What do I have to do? I assume sacrificing my portal is at least a part of it but is there anything else?” I ask the Void Dweller. “Not this time your highness. If I took your Gate then your sister would simply fade away. No, all you must do is leave through the Gates at the same time in order to sever your connections to one another. As a bonus, you will gain a small amount of universal knowledge and be able to perform alchemy without circles. Sound fair to you two?” Truth says as it walks past Ed. “Fair warning, it hurt like hell.” Looks like we are getting an upgrade with this. I guess it’s fair, since everyone that has passed through their portal would end up getting that ability. I look to my sister and nod, the younger Diclonius nodding as well and walking towards her portal as I head to mine. I glance at her over my shoulder just before our doorways open up. “See you soon Sora. I love you.” I say as the arms from the portals begin to grab me. “I love you too.” I hear her say as I begin to get pulled into the portal, and I can only assume Sora is as well. I can barely hear as they both are slammed shut. Lex POV All of us had to cover our eyes as the light from the transmutation almost blinds us. I can only hope things are going well for my sisters and Ed on the other side. I am really glad I had Trace with me as he was able to use his reflector magic to keep the lightning bolts from the transmutation from hitting anyone. I could sense that the magic in the air was being used up rapidly, and I was beginning to worry that the neutral zone wouldn’t have enough magic to sustain the transmutation. Then I sense something, like glass breaking against my soul. I look towards the circle and use my Seith magic to see what is going on. What I see is both hopeful and terrifying. Nat’s and Sora’s soul was split in two. Looks like it’s my turn. I focus on the smaller portion that I could tell was Sora with my magic and keep her stabilized as she leaves Nat’s body and towards her own. The transmutation was taking some of the strain of keeping them both stable, but it was still very difficult for me to help out. I am not sure how long I had to use my magic for when Sora’s soul finally bonded with the new body. I deactivated my magic as the circle suddenly bursts, covering the area in a cloud of dust and obscuring everyone’s view of the trio. “Come on Ed. I know you won’t let us down.” I look over to my brother in shock as he mutters this. Even after all that bull, Ed put him through with his eyes, Adam still had faith in that alchemist. There was a tense couple of seconds as everyone enters the throne room with worried painted on all their faces, but none more so than Adam, Dusk, Ed’s wife, the pokemon and myself. I shake my head and use a small amount of wind magic to make a breeze to blow away the dust cloud. Once the cloud is blown away, all of us see as Ed is on the edge of the circle, laying on his stomach while Nat was laying next to Sora’s body. I am not sure how long all of us were waiting there for, when Chance and Selene rush towards their trainers, quickly followed by Topaz, Artemis and Pandora. “Nat, Sora, wake up!” The Zoroark all but yells, carefully laying Nat’s head in her lap while Artemis does the same for Sora. “Hmm, five more minutes Selene.” I can barely hear Nat mumble that. The response was immediate, Adam, Dusk and I rushing to my sisters as Ed’s Luna and Twilight rush to the downed alchemist. “Nat, snap out of it!” Dusk says, shaking her girlfriend's shoulders. “The … Soul Stone… give it… to… Sora… NOW!” shouted the huffing Ed as his head lay on his wife lap. I remember the next part of this and grab the soul stone from around Nat’s neck and rush to my youngest sisters side and clap my hands, blue electricity sparking out as I use my own alchemy. I place the stone in the middle Sora’s chest and can feel as the stone begins to merge with the child’s body. I watch in terrified fascination as the soul begins to merge with her body, deconstructing and reconstructing it with pink lightning sparking around her. The electricity didn’t seem to affect the Decidueye holding her, but I did see him grip his beak, so it was harming him, but he ignored it. “Adam… Take these too… Lex. Now is the … best time to merge …. the Philosopher’s Stone… with Sorano’s body… with as little difficulty… as possible,” Ed says taking three vials of crimson fluid from his coat pocket handing them to my brother. “The rest is up to you guys and Sora.” Adam nods and grabs the vials before looking to the gathered crowd around us. “Penny, Twilight, we could use a couple more hands on this.” He says, Penny and Ed’s Twilight rushing over. He hands them both one vial before tossing the last one to me. At this point, the alchemic sparks have stopped around Sora’s body. The two other girls kneel next to me, I nod to them and we each take out the Philosophe’rs Stones from the vials. The three of us take our positions around my sister and clap our hands as one, placing the stones on Sora’s chest. The triple transmutations were brighter than the one I did myself, so everyone but Adam had to look away. Good thing his mask works like sunglasses as well. I watch in awe as the stones sink into Sora’s body and began to merge with her. I make sure to keep an eye on her magical pathways and see they are still fully functional with no signs of blockage, or other problems. I then hear something that both scared and brought hope to me. Sorano was yelling. “OWWW!! DAMN IT THIS HURTS!” She yells as the stones begin to deconstruct her again. I cringe as I remember how Qrow described his own deconstruction, and now Sora’s was triple the strength. I barely react as Nat suddenly gets up and uses me as support and grabs our sisters hand while Adam grabs the other. “We’re here Sora! You can get through this! We can do it!” Nat yells as the reconstruction seems to speed up, Sora continuing to yells and curse. ‘Note to self, scold the seven-year-old for her language later.’ The three of us continue to just hold onto our sister as the transmutation continues, before I notice something I was expecting. An ouroboros tattoo began to appear on Sora’s right shoulder as the sparks from the transmutation began to die down. Once the sparks finally stop, all of us just wait with bated breath as my little sister pants in exhaustion. “That….that sucked.” She says, finally opening her eyes. I can’t help but feel a little happy that I am not the only one with mismatched eyes now. “Happy Birthday kid. How’s the body feel other than the immense pain you're in, of course?” Ed asks as he and his wife join the main group. “Gonna have to have a certain pink party planner do her job when we get back.” “Same,” Nat says. I laugh a little at this and snap my fingers, summoning a change of clothes for the still naked child. It was actually a child version of the Cross Academy uniform from Vampire Knight. She tries to sit up before almost falling back down with a groan. Chance runs over and supports her so she can sit up. “Here sis, let me,” I say, helping her get dressed. I saw Nat looking over the others and hear some feet moving from one spot to another. I glance over my shoulder and see Nat had sent all the boys aside from Adam to the back of the room with her Vectors. It took a bit, but eventually, I managed to get the outfit on her before Artemis and the other pokemon come over and begin to help their trainers to their feet. Nat got up with a slight stumble, but Sora had to be supported by Topaz and Pandora. I guess it is going to take a bit for her to get used to her new body. I guess I can wait to give her her new magic. “Hey, you ok?” Ruby asks Sora, coming over with the others. “I...I guess? I feel really weird, like my whole body fell asleep for a couple hours and the obvious feeling of being attacked by a dozen tiny Lancers.” She says, Ruby and the others from Remnant wincing at the analogy, Qrow especially. “Well, I believe my job is done here. Now if you would all hand over your watches so I can modify them,” Ed says as he stretches out his hand. I am about to grab mine before Adam speaks up. “Yeah, no way in the Void that’s happening Ed.” I look to him with a raised brow, along with the others as he walks up to the alchemist. “Like it or not Ed, you’re a part of our family, so I won’t be letting you alter the watch to where I can’t contact you.” I go wide-eyed along with the others as we all turn our attention to the blonde alchemist, who looks a little surprised. “Luna told you what I was gonna do didn’t she?” Ed asked as he looked over his shoulder to his wife who was staring off into space. “I swear. If you guys are willing to accept me as family I’d be more than happy to do the same. I think I’ll leave it up to Sora to decide what type of family member I am though, as children often have a better understanding of this sort of thing.” “Already done.” We all look to Sora as she lifts herself with her Vectors, or more accurately Vector as she only summoned one. “The four of us already talked about it a while ago. After everything that happened and what we knew about you, it seemed a little weird to consider you a brother or cousin. So we came to a sort of agreement.” We watch on as Sora lifts herself over to Ed and wraps her arms around his waist, shocking the alchemist from the sudden contact. “After everything you’ve done for us, I say you earned the title, Uncle Edward.” “Fine with me. I’m already a grandpa so why not an uncle. Thank you Sora,” Ed says returning the hug. “I’m for the hell I’ve put you all through this last month.” I smile and look to my other siblings, motioning to Ed. The duo nod, though Adam was a little reluctant but I knew he needed to know about it. “Ed, Luna.” The duo look to me as he continues to hold the Diclonius girl. “There is something else we wanted to ask the two of you. As we said before, you’re a part of our family, and Sora is the bridge that makes me and my siblings really related. We wanted to know if you would like to make it so you two count as well.” “Oh, how so?” The princess asks, walking next to her husband. We all look to one another before Nat steps up to them. “We want to know if you would allow Sora to have Elric as her maiden name.” They were shocked at this question. Ed bent down and picked Sora up and held her in his arms giving her another hug while Luna joined in wrapping her wings around the duo. They were crying while smiling at the same time. “I would love for Sora have my last name as her own,” Ed said as he let Sora down. “Yes, welcome to the royal family my dear niece,” added Luna. I smile as I see Sora giving a smile brighter than Celestia’s sun, happy tears running down her face. I glance around, seeing everyone else in varying states of happiness, Qrow holding onto Ruby, this realm’s Celestia holding her sister, and everyone else just enjoying the show. “Man, my family is weird. I have an older sister who is the queen of our species, a brother who is the captain of his own squad of the royal guard, another sister who is the master of her own guild, and now the princess of the night and former Minotaur king as my aunt and uncle.” Sora says with a laugh, everyone beginning to laugh at the absurdity. “Lex before I forget I have one last gift for you. See if as I given everyone else something you are the only one left,” Ed says walking over to me and clapping his hands together he then places his hands on my temples like when he first taught my alchemy. “This may sting more than the last time.” I feel the shock running through me and he was right, it felt stronger than before, but I managed to actually stay standing this time. Thank you training with the guild members. Getting his with all those magic attacks really helped build my pain tolerance. The sensations finally stop after a bit, and I stumble but manage to stay on my feet. “Woah, that was seriously stronger than last time,” I mutter, rubbing my head. “So, what was that?” “That was all the knowledge on Noble Phantasm of the Fate multiverse. Ranging from divine weapons to demonic scripts. Since you now poses alchemagic and Arc of Embodiment you can use them in tandem to recreate the Phantasm for your guild or you can forge your own,” Ed explain as he gestured with a smile. “Look, I know Fiore magic is great and all but you still have no true demon or holy magic in Fiore while in Fate you do. This is just in case you need an extra edge in your upcoming fights.” “Wow. Thanks Ed. I guess that is true, especially since I can’t just walk into Tartarus and ask some demon to teach me something. Well, looks like it is my turn, Equivalent Exchange and all that.” I say, snapping my fingers and bringing up my Archive screen. I type in a few commands, those who have yet to see this magic intrigued at what I am doing. After a second, the progress bar appears above Ed’s head like last time and fills up, albeit slower than last time. “And there we go. I figure giving you Super Archive would help you connect and sort through all the souls you have running around in your body.” I say, dismissing the screen. “Holy Crap! Did you just give me everything on Fiore’s magic?” asked the shocked alchemist. “Talk about a head rush. I can actually do spellcraft now, sweet!” “Don’t get too excited Ed. I only gave you the information about the magic. It is up to you to actually make the spells. Also just an added bonus I learned about, the Archive will do as its name suggests and keep a record of everything you have ever read, seen, heard, smelled etc. If I am right, that will also include the souls in your philosopher stones.” I explain. “Also you lack the info on the Grand Spells and my forbidden magic.” “Nope don’t need those things, have enough of it in the Dark Library. Next time you won’t be able to be so lucky when using them on me. One last thing,” Ed say as a holds up his hand as a book appears. “I saw you using a Zangetsu knock-off, I know they’re not the same thing but as a Di-sword is produced by will your perception of reality into taking on a physical form may be by studying this manuscript you can produce a true zanpakuto someday.” “Sweeeeeet. I wonder what mine would look like though, considering all the versions I have seen in Bleach.” I mumble to myself, taking the book and sending it into my Requip dimension for later. “Hey, not to be rude or anything, but I think we should get out of here. The less time in the Everfree the better.” Oscar says, looking into the forest. “Agreed. Come on everyone, lets head back.” Pyrrha says, heading to the door. The group begins to follow the huntress to head back to town. I look over to my sisters and find Sora being carried by Nat, much to her apparent displeasure if her pout is any indication. I smile as I follow the others out last, before glancing at the castle once more and using my Nullification magic to get rid of all the remnants of magic we used while we were there. I smile and catch back up to the group. > Chapter 33: Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorano POV The walk back to town from the castle may as well have been a Grimm repellent with how much positive energy was surrounding us. I was annoyed that Nat wouldn’t let me try to walk on my own, but I guess it makes sense, considering I needed Lex to dress me. Gods that is embarrassing. I guess I have some serious child instinct though, cause I barely caught myself as I started to nuzzle into Nat’s arms, a small smile on my face. I glance to my big sis, who just smiled down at me and nodded. I smile a little more and relax into my sister's arms. This, this was nice. Sure we ‘held’ each other before, but it was either in our head or when I was intangible. This, this was real. I can’t even describe how happy I am right now. I am real! I have my own body! Though, while we were walking I found I don’t have any of Nat’s memories, only my memories. That will definitely take some getting used to, since before I could just enter Nat’s ‘memory warehouse’ as we call it, and find what memory I was looking for. I wonder if I can still do that for myself. I guess I was more lost in thought, then I realized because I soon had to shield my eyes as we left the forest and stood on the edge of the entrance to Ponyville. “So, what now?” Trace questions. “We should probably find Pinkie and the girls. I know they are going to want to see Sora now that she has her own body.” This realms Twilight says. “We won’t have to look far,” Ruby says, pointing down the road. All of us look and see this worlds AJ, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, followed closely by the CMC, walking down the road towards Fluttershy’s house. “Um, Nat? Can you let me down now?” I request. My big sis seems to ponder, stopping after seeing my deadpan glare at her, and gently places me down on my feet. I took a deep breath and tried to take a shaky step, and my legs gave out again. “I gotcha.” I hear before feeling a fluffy mass beneath my arms, keeping me up. I glance at Chance who has a bemused smile on his face at my struggle. “Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I’ll get used to it in a bit.” I say with a pout. Man, I really sound like a child. “Guess it is going to take a bit before you can get your motor controls back.” Penny points out. “Yeah, probably, but it kinda feels like when Nat and I broke our arm after rock climbing and couldn’t use it for a month. I guess I just need to keep trying and my muscle will get used to the daily strain.” I say, leaning on Chance and taking a couple of careful steps. I stop as I hear giggling and turn to see Ruby and Penny trying not to laugh, the Spikes in the same boat. “What’s funny?” I ask with a raised brow. At that point, the two huntresses and dragons burst out laughing. I raise a brow and look to the others, who are equally confused. “S-sorry Sora. I-its just ‘giggle’ you sound so mature, and it just doesn’t work with your voice!” Ruby struggles to say, falling on her back and laughing out loud. “What?” I go wide-eyed and cover my mouth as I realized my voice was actually almost a higher pitch than Sweetie Belle, and I am sure my face turned a shade of red that would make Big Mac jealous. How am I just now noticing this!?! “Huh, I didn’t even notice how high her voice was. She kinda sounds like you did Nat.” Adam says. “WHAT’S FUNNY?!” All of us jump back and I end up falling as Pinkie suddenly materializes next to us. Also, I figured out I got the ‘Nyu’ response whenever I am startled. I look past her and see the rest of the girls looking around in confusion before spotting us. “PINKIE! Don’t do that! You nearly gave us heart attacks!” Pandora says to the pink mare, her scythe on her head glowing with a charged Psycho Cut. “Sorry. So what’s-” she cuts herself off as she finally notices me. I lock eyes with the pink mare and gulp, trying to get up, only to fall again. “Um, can somepony help me up?” I ask sheepishly. There is an awkward silence before I hear some hoofsteps and see this world Screwball and Scootaloo. The duo carefully grab my arms and help me to my feet again. “Thanks.” Gods this is weird. These two are taller than me now! I can only imagine how the others back home are going to react. “So what’s….woah.” I look past the two fillies and see as the others finally make it over and notice me, Applejack stopping her sentence as her eyes widen. “Um, hi?” After a second, a very loud squeal sounds out and I feel like I am being stuck in a vice. I barely am able to move and see, to my shock, Fluttershy is hugging me like a teddy bear. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! You are so adorable!” She says pretty loudly, much to all of our shocks. I feel her nuzzling my head and blush as I am stuck between her rather generous rack. “Hey Shy, you mind not smothering my little sister?” Adam asks with a grin. She looks to him for a second before seeing me and I am sure I was beginning to turn blue from lack of oxygen. “Oh my!” She lets me go and I fall on my back, gasping for air. “Why….do guys say….that is….a good way to go?!?” I yell while trying to get my breath back, the boys all laughing at my question. After a second I hear some more footsteps as Selene walks up, gently bringing me to my feet again. “Thanks, Selene.” The Zoroark just nods and stands by me as I get back into the feel of standing on my own two feet. I take a breath and then take a step forward, followed by another….and another….and another. Before long I am walking in a small circle, everyone smiling at me. “Alright. Looks like you got the hang of walking again.” Artemis says. I nod with a victorious smile. I carefully walk over and stand between Nat and uncle Ed. “Way to go sis! I know we have always been fast healers, but this is very encouraging.” Nat says with a smile. I just grin and roll my eyes at her congratulatory tone. “Now all I need to do is get used to my abilities again. At least I can summon a Vector.” I say, summoning said arm and straightening out my clothes. I hear a gasp and look to Nat who is staring at me in surprise. “What?” “I-I can see your Vector.” I go wide-eyed and look to the others, who shake their heads no. I raise a brow and look back to Nat, shocked as I see her summon a half dozen Vectors behind her. They look like they would in the anime, transparent and like the space around them is distorted. “Huh, guess Dicloni can see each others’ Vectors. Makes sense considering the fight between Lucy and Nana.” Nat says with a hand on her chin. I nod and retract my Vector, before glancing at my shoulder where the Ouroboros Tattoo is. “Now I just need to figure out how to use my Homunculus powers. I really wanna shapeshift into an adult.” I say, thinking about how to use them. Unfortunately, FMA and FMAB didn’t really give much information about how the Homunculi use their powers. I know how they work, just not how to use them. “You know you could just ask.” I turn to Ed as he says that with a grin, some red lightning sparking from his hand. I just sheepishly blush and grin as I forgot that Ed can use the powers too. I go to ask before I hear what sounds like a quiet jackhammer behind me. Turning, I see Pinkie again, but she is vibrating so fast she looks like she is constantly in two places at once. I look past her and see that Adam and his team were giving the girls the rundown on what we have up to all morning. “EEEEEEEEE! I can’t believe it! I get to throw a ‘Congratulations-on-getting-a-new-body-and-happy-birthday-party!’ Oh, I gotta go bye!” The next thing I know, there is a pink cloud where the mare once was that quickly dissipated. “Oh boy here we go.” I hear Ruby mutter. I nod as I couldn’t trace the pink mare departure before the rest of the girls came up. “Oh my! This outfit of yours is spectacular darling! Who made it?” Rarity asks, looking over my Cross Academy Uniform. I really do not like that show, but I will admit the outfits were sick. “Actually, me and my Rarity made it. I copied the design from a story I read and drew it out for Rares, who then adapted it to fit ponies. Once Ed and Nat told me we were making a body for my sister, I had her make the uniform to fit a kid.” Lex says before reaching into a book bag she brought and taking out a sketch pad and handing it to Rarity. “These are some other outfit designs I drew a while back. If you want, you can copy them and make the outfits here.” While those two go on about fashion, I turn to my new uncle and aunt. “So, can you explain how I use the Ultimate Shield, Spear and shapeshifting?”     “Certainly, Sora,” Ed says with a smile. “Hmmm. Where to start?”     “Where not start with the spear Ed,” added Luna while pointing to my hand.     “Good idea Luna. First things first, Sora you should know you're what I like to a superior or Alpha Homunculus. What this means is were a normal Homunculus as for greater attributes than a human you have thirty times this and more thanks to your Diclonius and faunus natures,” Ed explained as we walked. “In short in terms of raw physical power and senses you have an extreme edge over everyone else and this includes Nat except for when she’s in queen mode.”     “You’ll have to be a little more careful when you have a better motor function. I recommended you have some weight training with the royal guards and gradually work your way up,” added Luna.     “Just like any natural ability, they can be triggered by wanting to protect yourself or others. In your case, though it is activated via Seal of Sin release since your an Alpha Homunculus. You have Seal Two Greed, Seal Three Lust, and Seal Envy. They will stay activated as long as you want or until you run out of energy. All you have to do is say ‘Seal of Sin Lust release,” Ed says holding out his hand as his nails grow into long sword-like claws. “Simply say the phrase ‘Lust I bind thee’ and the seal will reactivate. If you want to extend the claws more simply think so.”     “How does Envy work?” I said as I couldn’t wait to transform.     “Envy is the trickiest of your Homunculus powers to use and maintain as it requires the most concentration to use and maintain the forms you take. But, just like any muscle in your body the more you use it,” Ed says retracting his claws.     “How long before I can use my powers?” I say a reserved.     “You can use them all now if you want to but I don’t recommend it as cause you to be in some serious pain. Even if you have a high pain tolerance it will still linger for a bit. Now, for your shield pretty much the same premises as Lust and Envy but it would be the easiest of the three to use and maintain. Greed is also the most versatile of your powers as far as combat goes. The really hard part is when you start to combine your powers but you’ll have to figure that part out on your own.” Ed said as we start to get to town. I sigh and rub my head in slight disappointment. I really want to practice with my new powers, but I guess I should wait a bit. Maybe I can set myself up a training regiment when we get home. I glance to the crowd with us, seeing Trace and Lex heading off with Rarity to her store, Adam and his team heading to their house for a bit, and the others just scattering to do their own things before Pinkie’s party tonight. “I guess we should head over to townhall and grab our things. You know, it is going to be weird going back to our original world after staying in alternate ones for so long.” Dusk says, stretching her arm. “Yeah, hopefully, things have been cool back home. I could only imagine how our Celestia, Luna, the girls, and Shining reacted after I sent that letter a couple weeks back.” Nat says. “I don’t recommend doing that right now,” Ed says crossing his arms as he starts to head to Sugarcube Corner. “I’ll have to agree with my husband and this you two’” added Luna while smiling. I raise a brow and look to Dusk and Nat, the duo also a little confused. I mean, we know that Pinkie is going to be throwing me a party, but wouldn’t she wait until later tonight. I know she can basically break reality, but even she has limits. I hope. Either way, I was getting a little hungry and we decided to follow the duo towards the bakery. I could almost feel the energy coming from the store, full of anticipation. Once we arrive at the door, I reach for the knob with my Vector and turn, revealing the darkness of the store. I smile and we all walk in just as Pinkie hits the lights. “SURPRISE!” All of us smile as we see that almost everyone in town and all of our friends are in the room, even this world Celestia and Luna. I saw the banners on the top with ‘Congratulations on getting a new body!’ And ‘Happy Birthday’ on them. “You know, I shouldn’t be surprised, yet I am!” I say with a smile as the pink mare bounces over to us. “Well? What are you just standing around there for silly?” She says before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. I had a feeling this was going to be a really fun one. Nat POV I watch as my little sister plays Pin the Tail on the Nightmare with Pinkie and some of the school colts and fillies of this world. I could tell she was cheating a bit by using her Vector, but the others didn’t need to know that. The party had only been on for about half an hour and already most of the crowd had gotten the gist of what the party is about. They were shocked to learn about Sora’s transmutation from this morning. This was really nice. It had been a while since we had gone to any version of Pinkie’s parties, either back home, in Ed’s world or just here. It really helped take all the stress of the past few weeks off my shoulders. I can’t believe I went so nuts back in Ed’s world. Speaking of, I managed to glance towards the alchemist in question, who was laughing with his wife and this world’s variants. I frown as I see what they cannot. I know he puts on a really strong mask, but even it has some cracks in it. I go over to him as his wife walks off with this worlds royals, casually leaning on the table next to him. “Hey.” I start. “Hey, Nat.” He says, taking a sip of some punch. An awkward silence descended on the two of us as the noise from the party seems to fade into just white noise. “Ed. Are you ok?” I question with concern. “For the most part yea, I’m a little winded from opening the Gate of Truth and then having to fight a void dweller without full access to my powers. It really takes a lot out of me just opening the portal alone. I’ll be fine after a days rest. Anyway, there’s something else on your mind that pertains to Sora, isn’t there Nat?” Ed asks leaning against the wall behind him. I nod and take a quick sip of my drink. “Yeah, I know how the homunculi work, but I have a sneaking suspicion there is some uniqueness to Sora as an alpha. As her big sister, it is my responsibility to take care of her and to know when there is a problem. So, what do I need to know about Alpha’s?” “Your right, my perceptive niece,” he says winking at me. “You see, an Alpha, as the name suggests is a superior Homunculus in every way to other Homunculi. They're just below the parent Homunculus in terms of the picking orderer. Think of them as the queen to a king. If they give an order then the only other Homunculus that could override her order would be another Alpha with a larger stone or the parent. Look at it this way if she would order Qrow to do something he’d have to it and I’m the only other person who could override said order.” “Damn. I guess it is a good thing she will be the only Homunculus back home. I don’t even want to think about the pranks she would be able to pull if there were others.” I shiver slightly as I remember some of the pranks she pulled when she was just using her astral form. Cheerilee had to take a few days off work to calm down from the scare. I glance around the party again, seeing my siblings all having a fun time with their friends and each other, before looking to Ed again. “You know you can’t hide it forever.” He glances to me with slight confusion. “Your feeling and thoughts. You and I have a problem with bottling everything up. You need to practice what you preach and talk to someone about it.” “About what Nat? There are many things in this head of mine. You know that better than anyone. Which brings up the next point. Don’t let Sora end up like me and have a demon form from those souls in her stone. Oh, and she can create other beta level Homunculi like Qrow but I think you should tell her when the time is right, but back to what you’re referring to,” Ed says looking to me in concern. “Yeah, defiantly going to keep that secret for a while. But, as I was saying, you should really talk to your wife or your sister about some things. They know that you have some pretty bad nightmares according to Luna, and they do want to help. I may have some slight PTSD from nightmare night, but I imagine yours is a million times worse. You don’t have to hold everything in.” I place my cup down and turn to him fully. “We’re family now, and family looks out for each other. If not me and Sora, you could talk to Lex and some of her guild members, or Adam and his teammates. You don’t have to isolate yourself anymore.” “I know PTSD is something I have Nat but it not in the way you’re thinking. My past is filled with death as I know Luna has told you. She is your teacher after all. But as far as my head goes I also have the memories of people I’ve never even met before so I’ll tell you this for Sora’s sake before the same thing happens to her. Use you Maguilty Sense and help her get to know the souls so they don’t create a second Malice Seed. You’ll have at least a year before the nightmares will start. You’ll have to excuse me as I’m going to take your advice to heart and talk with Lex. Good luck,” Ed says finishing of his punch before walking off to leave me with my thoughts. He is over thousands of years old, has been through wars and countless battles. Ed was messed in the head, but he knew it and was unwilling to place the burden on his family. I smile a little as I remember how messed up he was over the call about what he did to Adam to unlock his eyes. Even after all this, Ed was still a living man, even with countless numbers of souls living within his body. And I had a feeling, Adam’s, Lex’s, and my parents would have welcomed him into our family with open arms had they met. I leave the table I was next to and head into the party again with a smile. Our newest family member was definitely one hell of a warrior and an even greater sage. Ed POV     I made way through the party and couldn’t help but smile as Polearm was now the one with the blindfold on. He wasn’t doing too well with this. ‘Gonna have to incorporate some blindness training for him when we get back home.’ My Twilight was laughing at her coltfriend so hard she was holding her sides. I shook my head and couldn’t help but laugh at this myself.     “Ed why don’t you join in the festivities too?” asked Qrow who came out of nowhere.     “Hey, Qrow. No not gonna do that. I’ve always been more of the one who gets joy from just being able to see others in their own happiness. How are you holding up with the whole, well you know?”  I ask looking off to the other side back at the party.     “Not being drunk is gonna take some getting used to along with the whole Ultimate Eye thing but my eye seems to have reverted back to normal like Adam said it would. Guessing it’ll only activate when I need it to or if I say that phrase you told Sorano right?” He asked me still a little ticked at me from the sounds of his voice. ‘Don’t blame ya man.’     “Yea but say ’Wrath’ when you say it. Eventually, you won’t need to say the phrase but just think it. Alright, Qrow I’m headed over to chat with Lex for a bit if ya need anything just give me a shout or come over and see me,” I said as waved bye as Qrow rejoin some of the older members of the party. “Um Ed, can I talk to you for a bit?” asked a small red-hooded Huntress nervously.     “Sure Ruby, what’s up?” I said. “Well, I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for the way I was acting yesterday. I was really upset with what had happened between you and Qrow and then I was so angry with Twilight and Polearm because I thought they were hiding you,” Ruby says looking at the floor in shame.     “Look at me in the eye when you’re speaking Ruby,” I say crossing my arm as her gaze meets mine. “I’m not at all upset with you and what you did to me. It’s perfectly normal to have that kind of a reaction when it involves someone you care about. But that didn’t give you an excuse to be mad at my friends. You’re still very young and it’s harder for you to control your emotions but you need to learn when it’s okay to lash out with them.”     I kneel down to get eye level with her. “In fact, it’s those very feelings of wanting to protect those your care for that allow you to use these,” I said pointing to her eyes. “You and Adam are the only ones with the light that cuts through the darkness in the world to my knowledge, but while Adam walks the path in between the light and dark you must walk the path of only light. But you must keep in mind that all things come with corruption and that even the best of intentions can lead to destruction. Now, go have fun as we have won a major victory for Sora today.” ‘Back to talking with Lex I just hope she’ll be able to contend with Malice even if they’re both in weakened states. My nightmares have been getting to the point to where even poor Luna can barely dispel them. I hope this isn’t a sign that I’m developing a split personality or even worse. Another damn demon in my head.’     “Hey Ed what you thinking about?” asked Lex.     “Oh hey, Lex. Finally made it over to you. Guess I was lost in my own head there. I just wanted to know if I could help me out with something in my head?” I asked pointing to my head. Lex POV I raise a brow at Ed’s request. He wants me to help with something in his head? What does he mean? “Is Malice bothering you again?” I question, leading him to the kitchen and away from the party. “Not exactly. I have been having some pretty bad nightmares,” I look to him in a deadpan fashion, “ok worse nightmares lately, and it has gotten to the point that even my wife can’t stop them. I can sense that Malice has been getting weaker as I am accepting my sins, but I worry about what these nightmares mean.” I look to him with an intrigued look on my face. Why was Ed having worse nightmares now that Malice is weaker? Sure he has been through a hell of a lot with my siblings the last few weeks, for him at least, but that shouldn’t be magnifying his nightmares. So why? Well, there is only one way to find out. “Alright. I’ll see what I can find in that head of yours. Just a heads up, this is going to feel really weird.” I inform him before closing my eyes and placing my hands on his temples, two beams of blue magic looking like blades connecting my hands to his head appearing. I focus for a second, selecting the three forms of magic I will need to use for this to work, my Seith magic, Maguilty Sense, and Telepathy, and combining them. “Solo Triple Unison, Mind and Soul Invasion,” I whisper and my eyes shoot open, glowing green as I lock our eyes and a sensory link is connecting us. In that instant, I see and feel as my mind and soul are sent into Edwards, leaving my body as my lifeline. My vision goes white for a second, before coming back in something I wasn’t expecting. I heard from Nat about how Ed’s mind and soul were like a tempest of tortured souls just like Pride in the show. But it almost looks like what was once a whirlpool of torture, has calmed into a stream of contentment. Looking around, I still see the souls all floating in the space, making up the ‘wall’ but they aren’t screaming, yelling, groaning in pain or anything of the sort. In fact, I could swear I saw a few with smiles on their ‘faces’. They were all just, sorta doing their own things, I think I even saw a couple of them floating side by side. I raise a brow at this drastic change of pace before one of the souls floats closer to me. “Um, hello?” The soul tilts to the side before glancing behind it, two more souls coming over. “You are Natali and Sorano’s sister, are you not?” I’m momentarily shocked as one of the larger souls asks this. I nod after a second, still a little shocked. “We owe your siblings a lot, miss. I am not sure how much they told you, but the three of us were the ones who aided in their battle against Malice.” The other large soul, sounding like an older woman, says. “Oh! I guess you two are the ones who gave Nat the strength to attack Malice.” I look to the smaller soul, and I swear I could see her flicker into the form of a little girl with blond hair and green eyes. “And I guess you were the one who went through the sensory link and used your happy memories against him.” The smaller soul nods and floats behind the other two, clearly a little shy. I smile nonetheless, before remembering why I am here. “Anyway, it was nice to meet you three, but I need to find Malice and have a chat with him. Do you know where he is?” I ask. The trio before glance to one another, and I see a couple souls looking at me in my peripherals. They float to the side and the souls make what looks like a hallway, with a soul ‘door’ at the end. “Thanks.” I say before ‘walking’ towards the door, a cool mask of neutrality adorning my face. Gotta remember to thank my Luna and Emerald for the lessons on having such a poker face. I walk to the door and turn the ‘knob’, entering a room that looks like how I expected the ‘outside’ to look. Sitting in the room, no not room, cell, was what I guess was what was left of Malice. His arms and legs were chained to the wall by the wrists and ankles, the chains looking like a bunch of interlocking spell matrixes. He was almost thin, looking like if Father was using the Ultimate Shield, but without any energy in his body. I guess Ed accepting his sins was having more of an effect on Malice than I thought. I shake my head after a second and close the door with a resounding ‘CLANG’. The demon finally looks up to me as I am standing before him, and I can’t help but get some déjà vu to when Meliodas met Ban in Seven Deadly Sins. “What do you want with us mage? Can’t you see we’re busy trying to feed off of what negativity the alchemist has been producing for the last few days,” Malice says as it starts to suck in a red mist like energy into its mouth? “We can’t be bothered with your trivial acts. Either tell us what you want, free us, or leave.” Malice then got to its feet which cause a rattling and clunking sound to reverberate through the chamber we were in. That’s when I noticed that Malice had chains around its wrist and ankles. “You can’t leave this room? Odd, I would think you would still have free mobility to cause the nightmares that have been plaguing my new uncle as of late.” I say with intrigue, getting a closer look at the shackles. Each time Malice absorbs negative energy, they seem to almost get heavier and give off an odd archaic shine. “NAWAHAHAHA! While we would love to claim to be the cause of the weakling's nightmares we are only partially responsible. The main source lies deep in this place and we no longer have free rain to move around since your sisters’ involvement with us. We must add, their souls were delicious,” smirked the entity of living anger. I looked to him with my neutral mask still on, even as I wanted so badly to beat the ever living tar out of him. I nodded and closed my eyes, thinking what could be causing Ed to have the nightmares, when it isn’t Malice. It wasn’t Ed’s self-hatred but maybe, some kind of self-punishment like with what happened with my Luna and the Tantabus. Maybe…. “Would you like our help, mage?” asked the decrypted demon. I look to the demon with well hidden disgusted. “Ordinarily I would sooner ask Master Zero or Blue Note if they wanted to help than ask you. But, it seems I have little choice. I am not leaving until I can find out what’s up with Ed, and you are my best bet.” I walk to it and light my hands with my Nullification magic, before turning a glare at the grinning demon. “If you try anything, I will use one of my forbidden spells and erase you from existence.” With that, I use my magic and destroy the shackles around the demons limbs. “Much better and we don’t recommend trying to erase us. If you do there would be no telling how your precious uncle would react, but to show we bare you and your family no ill will we will give you this in good faith,” Malice says extending its hand as a pair of pink orb form in it. I raise a brow at the orb before him, sensing something familiar about it. “What are those?” “These two orbs are the piece of your sisters’ souls that we took in our battle. We will give you one now and one at the end of the journey to ensure you don’t try any as your kind say ‘funny business’, ” Malice says handing me one of the orbs but reabsorbs the other. I look to him, then to the orb before me a couple of times before lighting my right eye with Seith magic and absorbing the soul fragment, almost looking like I am using Kamui. I nod as I sense that the orb was indeed part of Nat, before turning to the door and opening it up. I step to the side and give a mocking bow. “Monsters first.” “One moment if you would please, mage. According to the alchemist’s knowledge, you can also make a type of ‘soul contract’ gaining a what is called takeover form,” Malice says as a contract appears before me. “We will give you a new form as an insurance policy. Do we have a deal mage?” I look between the contract and the demon beside me a couple of times. That was one of the few magic styles I have yet to be able to use, my Satan Soul Takeover magic. Kinda difficult when you can’t even meet a demon unless you want to take a vacation in Tartarus. I haven’t even met any Displaced that could count for it. I think for a second, remembering how terrified Mirajane was when she first unlocked that magic, but also how powerful she was compared to Lisanna and Elfman. An insurance policy huh? After a minute of deliberating, I snap my fingers and summon a pen, writing my name at the bottom of the contract, rolling it up and holding it out for the creature before me. “Thank you mage. You now have the Malice Soul Form. We’re don’t have to tell you it will be similar to the alchemist’s true demon form. One more thing must be added to your body,” Malice says ripping off its own right arm and then proceeding to hold it out to me. “You must accept our flesh into your own to complete the contract as our body is not a physical one.” I roll my eyes as it was just like Mira being ‘possessed’ by her demon before learning to control it with magic. I grab his arm in my hand and take a breath, laying it overtop my own and feel as it covers mine. It feels like I hit my funny bone a dozen times before making it fall asleep as the arm takes over my own. After a couple seconds, I feel as it is done and flex my arm. I am sure my body’s arm was taken over as well, but dismiss this worry for the time being. “Alright. Now, let’s find what’s causing Ed these nightmares.” I say, taking the lead and heading deeper into Ed’s subconscious, Malice close behind, much to the shock and worry of the other souls nearby. “They are afraid you and us will try and absorb them.HaHa. Feels good to see them cower once more. It nourishes our form,” Malice says as I look over my shoulder as the demon starts to regain a more muscular form. I quickly stop, Malice almost bumping into me and turn to him, making sure that all the souls nearby are watching us. “What?” it asks. I just sigh and look at my new arm, before smirking. “Alexandria….CHOP!” I say before chopping him in the center of his head, Malice yelping and falling onto its ass. I laugh out loud as the feared demon of self-hatred, fell for an underused anime joke. “HAHAHAHA, oh, oh my gods that was awesome!” I manage to say, many of the souls nearby joining into the laughter, and I swear Malice was blushing in embarrassment. “Whatever, let’s just find whatever is the cause of this so I can go back to my cell.” it says with an attempted pout, but it just doesn’t work with the way his face is. I finish laughing and head out again, the souls nearby not minding the two of us now. “Why have you entered my home little ones?” boomed a voice from every direction. “I was sleeping rather well until you decided to start stirring up the souls Faekage Alexandria Justine.” I look around in worried confusion, Malice standing back to back with me. I only see a bunch of souls floating around really fast. “Who’s there?!” “Compassion, Solace, Peace, Kindness, Positivity. Whatever a good thing is called is what I am. I am the opposite to the demon behind you young mage. You may call me Somber,” Said the voice as a golden-robed hooded figure appeared before us. “Somber? That is ironic.” Malice says, earning an elbow to the gut from me. “Not now Malice. So, Somber, are you the reason Edward is having such serious nightmares as of late?” I question, placing my neutral mask back on. “You can shed you false face young guildmaster I mean you no ill intention. But unfortunately, I am the main cause of my dear host’s worsening dream state. He gained me not long after returning to life. I am the Embodiment of Edward’s Stone of Compassion. Only now have I gain my form after your sister’s transmutation. It was after the battle with the Truth when I was unsealed,” explained Somber. “Edward is punishing himself for his past transgressions as he thinks he is undeserving of this power.” “Oh boy not again! I just dealt with this with my Luna!” I yell in annoyance. What is it with banished millennium-year-old beings punishing themselves?! “Neither Alexandria. It was the strife he put his family through during the time he was entombed and the negativity he recently put your sisters and brother through. You must understand that the man you call your uncle, Edward Elric, is a shell. His true name is Allan Ferris and it was always his nature to do for others he cared for,” Somber explained as it pulled up images from Ed’s battle with Truth. “Damn Truth, and its power over the void,” snorted Malice. “Agreed. It looks like Allen is like Adam in terms of protective instincts, but is a lot like Nat’s parents with self-blame. I guess I can only do so much for him, at least by myself.” I say, watching the battle unfold, and hearing about how each of us has helped him. A light bulb suddenly goes off in my head as I hear all we have done to help him. “Wow, he really is a bigger Baka than some anime protagonists. He knows how much we have been able to help him, but he can’t just ask for some help.” I say with a grin, Malice and Somber nodding. “He never was one to ask for help even back on his Earth,” Somber added. “That’s what I gleamed from his memories. He always would make props for his friend at their request and work day and night and never ask anything in return.” “Hehe, I know a few potential members of my guild who could learn a thing or two from him,” I mutter with a smirk, remembering some less than reputable ponies I met that may end up working with me in the guild hall. I quickly turn to Somber as the events with Truth finish. “So, is there a way to help Ed with these nightmares? I may know a thing or two about dream walking and manipulation, but I need to know the underlying problem before I could look for a solution.” “The underlying cause of most of the nightmares is he own unwillingness to accept that the consequences of his actions are not just his own. If he would be more willing to accept the help of others, such as yourself, then he would be able to rid himself of the majority of the effect of the nightmares. The problems mainly lies in the fact that he is more then willing to give but not willing to accept compassion in return. It also stems from the Law of Equivalent Exchange,” explained Somber. “It’s why I was born in the first place,” added Malice. “It the one aspect of the original Edward and Allen share. Self-blame and an unwillingness to ask those around him for help. All because he doesn’t want to involve the ones he cares for out of danger. That’s also the reason he was entombed in stone a millennium ago,” Somber says looking to Malice. He seems to want to tell me what happened to Ed but can’t bring himself to do so. “The alchemist has harbored this habit long before I came to exist but it has grown worse since coming here and since he married the Moon Princess. He ultimately doesn’t realize he is the cause of his own nightmares. They were just kicked into high gear since obtaining Somber over there, because he doesn’t think he is deserving of the Stone of Compassion or the Powers that come with it,” smiled the demon as it explained. “Either way, we don’t really care as it doesn’t really affect us in any negative way. As long as, Allen stays this way we gain more power by feed of the negativity and grow stronger. Sure as for now we can’t do anything but bide our time and wait. The alchemist will screw up sometimes and when he does, we’ll be there to take over once more.” “What the ball of anger is saying is unless you can get our host to simply start asking for a little bit of help every now and then, then he’s doomed to have the nightmares for the rest of his foreseeable life and they will continue to worsen over this time. He must realize he can’t be everyone's’ sins on his shoulders alone, that’s why he has friends and family after all,” Somber says as I see him smile softly under his hood. I nod at this and think for a second, before glancing at my right arm and remembering my new form. I smile as I think of a way to snap this Baka out of it. “Alright. I guess that was everything I needed to know. Now then, I should head out, but first.” I turn to Malice and snap my fingers, summoning an orb of green and blue magic. “What’s that?” He questions, slowly smiling at the orb. “My repressed anger and rage at Ray.” I hold it out to him. “Take it. Even though you may get stronger, I feel like you and Ed could make better use of it than I can.” Malice and Somber are actually shocked as I offer the one who made Ed mad, more power. “Why would you give me this?” He questions suspiciously. “A couple reasons. One: despite my own advice, I have had trouble letting go of my past. It is why Sonbāsuta and I have yet to do anything after that dance on Hearths warming. Maybe it is just because you are part of Ed, but I feel you could be the one I can unload this on.” “Two: even if you are an evil abomination that should probably be sent to the deepest part of Tartarus, you’re still a living being, and if all goes well, your negative energy food source will be lost for a while.” “Lastly: Equivalent Exchange. You are giving me the parts of Nat and Sora you stole, as well as my first Satan Soul form. I just feel like I owe you a bit.” “Very well. I will not turn down negativity of any kind. If this concludes your visit to our home then I believe I have one last thing of yours,” Malice say holding out its hand as the other pink orb reappears in it. “This is the piece of the I took from the one called Sorano. It is yours to do what you will with. Do not cross me mage or I will revoke your contract.” “I don’t cross on my deals Malice. One of the things I learned in my life, is to always stand by your word. It’s why I am such a good guild master.” I say, swapping the orbs. I quickly absorb Sora’s soul orb while Malice takes his time in absorbing the one I just gave him. “I’m leaving to return to my area of the room do what you will with … urah the Compassionate one over there,” the demon says in disgust as it walks away. I shake my head as I take a breath and bow to Somber, ready to head out. Somber bows back, a smile on his face as I begin to fade back into my own body. My vision takes a couple of seconds to come back, my sight revealing the alchemist as his eyes are still dulled from my spells. I glance at my arm, seeing it is still taken over. “Judging from the look of your arm you made a takeover contract with Malice. I take it from that, you were somewhat successful in your endeavors to root out the cause of my nightmares?” Ed asked with a concerned looked on his face. “ And I’m sensing a ‘but’.” “Yup. I know what is causing your nightmares, and it has a simple solution, but it is still something that you will have trouble with.” I say without pause, before hitting him upside the head with my demon arm. “BAKA!” I feel like if this keeps up ponies will start calling me a tsundere. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!” shouted the shocked alchemist. “These nightmares are your own damn fault, Allen! It barely has to do with Malice, and just barely more to do with Somber. You are subconsciously punishing yourself with these nightmares. Your damn inferiority complex in not believe you deserve these powers, and that you need to carry all of our sins is what is causing this!” I yell at the man. “So you're saying I’m punishing myself for reasons beyond my control and that I should stop trying to do everything on my own,” Allen says with a deadpan look on his face. “And who the heck is Somber?” “Your Stone of Compassion personified. He showed up after the transmutation. Nice guy, defiantly more fun than Malice. And yes, you really need to stop doing everything yourself. If I tried that in the guild, we would be shut down after the first month.” I soften my expression and lay a hand on his shoulder. “You have more than just Luna, Twilight or Polearm too. Even after all the crap, we have been through, you do have your Displaced family to lean on now too.” “Thanks a lot Lex. Oh, I see Malice isn’t completely without reason now,” Ed smiled as he looked at my eye. “I’m gonna go chat with the rest of the party and I believe you have a couple of things to give to Nat and Sora.” I smirk and am about to leave, before remembering my arm and focusing my magic, the yellow digital-looking magic covering my arm and turning it back to normal. I nod and smile, heading back into the party with Ed right behind me. “I’ll talk with you later Lex and Thank you,” Ed says walking off towards his wife. “And keep the real name to yourself.” I smirk as he heads off towards his wife, an idea popping into my head about how to end things. ‘Looks like I am going to have to ice my voice for a bit. It has been a while since I last sang. But first things first.’ I head over to the pile of presents for Sora and pick up my own, carefully adding the portion of her soul into the magic within. I smile and head over to Spike, intent on enjoying myself for a while longer. Adam POV I release a small sigh of relief as I saw Lex and Ed leaving the kitchen. I saw them heading in a while ago, and was worried when we all sensed a small spike in magic power, but Spike and Trace said it was likely a Triple Unison Raid. The fact that Lex could do a unison raid by herself was really impressive. All of us took a breath after they explained it, but we were all still a little worried since we didn’t know why she used that much magic, but we all decided to leave them to themselves just in case. I could tell all the other magically inclined beings in the room were relieved when they came in, more or less the same. I was wondering what they were talking about, but I figure it has something to do with Malice or something along those lines. I really wish there was a way for me to help Ed with his inner demons as my sisters have. I guess just being a huntsman and a faunus I could only do so much for someone in terms of psychology. From what I know, I could only give some many things, one of them I know is necessary as family. I smile as I hear Pinkie whistling to get everyone’s attentions. “Alright everypony! It’s time for the new Diclonius to get her presents!” She yells, Sora smiling and all but teleporting to the pile of presents. I shake my head and laugh as Sora is reminding me of my little brother Tai back on earth whenever its his birthday. “Alright Sora, I think you’ll like this.” Lex says, handing her present box to the girl. I could sense that it was enchanted like the ones she gave me, Penny, and Rainbow for Hearths Warming. I watch in my own excitement as Sora tears open the box, revealing an icy blue, orange and white flame in the box. While most were confused and a little worried, us Displaced knew what it was and we all smiled. Sora smiles wide and grabs the fire, allowing it to cover her, much to the shock and worry about her catching on fire. After a couple of seconds, the fire goes down and Sora smiles after opening her eyes. She seems a little confused for a second, before raising her hand, a red ball of fire appearing. “How you feel Sora?” Ed asks as he puts one of his own gifts in front of the seven year old. “Warm and….chilly?” She says in slight confusion, before dispersing the fire and focusing again, the air around her hand suddenly becoming mist and cold. “Well, that is because I decided to give you two somewhat opposite elemental magic. And also another lost magic. Rainbow Fire magic, Ice Maker magic, and Arc of Time.” Lex explain with a grin. I am actually surprised she gave her those magic, considering how they all work. “No way! You gave me Arc of Time? Oh this is going to be great.” She says with a grin, and now I am worried about her own Equestria. Her pranking record was worrying. “My gifts might help you out with some of that magic,” Ed says placing the rest of his gifts in front of his niece. Sora smiles and takes the gifts apart and opening them up, revealing an alchemist watch that was a shade of pink darker than Nat’s, with a red Ouroboros and Diclonius horns on the front. The second one had a ruby red and aqua bow that looks like it would go in her hair. And last was a necklace with a white and silver stone in the center, and I could sense that was one of the Sage Stones Ed make. “Whoa.” Is all Sora can say as she picks up her presents. “That’s exactly what you think it is Sora. But as it like the one that held you together that makes it extremely powerful. I know you’ll be able to handle the Time stone for three reasons. One, you're fused with the Souls stone. Two, you are a fighter, Three, you're my niece,” Ed explained as he knelt down and tousled Sora’s hair. “Adam, your turn.” I grin and snap my fingers, summoning my present box from the back room. “Hey Nat, sorry, but I think Sora could use these.” I say, much to the confusion of everyone but Ruby, Penny and Pyrrha. I give the box to Sora, who opens it up and actually gasps at what I made her. She looks between me and the box a couple times before squeeing loudly. “What is it?” Nat and Lex asks in unison. I smile as Sora reaches in and takes out a pair of red and white gauntlets. They have a different design than my Ember Celica, and she grins after putting them on than then taking out a belt of daggers. “What. Adam is that what I think it is?” Nat questions sternly. I just grin as Sora stands up and motions for the others to get back. She makes sure the weapons are on right before extending her fingers, the gauntlets shifting as five daggers extend to look like claws on the gauntlets. “That’s exactly what I know it is Nat. Hey, you think we might be able to make the jacket?” asked Ed with the fires of creativity burning in his eyes. “Edward!” Nat says sternly, but I could tell she is still thinking about it. I laugh as those two have a mini stare down, Sora just looking over her new weapons with an excited smile. “What, I like the jacket. Elemental weapons are cool. But if I really wanted one I could do it any time Arc of Embodiment, remember. I really think Sora could benefit from having one too,” Ed says not backing down while his wife and students could only shake their heads. “Why do I even try? Though, I guess I am not a really a good position to talk about that, considering I have a Neo coat.” Nat says in defeat. I laugh a little as Ed wins that argument. I grin as I kneel before Sora and focus my aura. “Oh yeah, there is something else I wanted to give you. Now, I need you to close your eyes and concentrate.” I say, laying a hand on the side of Sora’s head, just below her horn. She nods and closes her eyes as I focus my own aura onto hers, my eyes glowing slightly. “For it is in passing that we attain immortality. Through this we become a paragon of strength to rise above all, endless in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulders protect thee.” I see as Sora’s aura surrounds her, looking a mix of blue and pink before I lower my hand, slightly out of breath from the use. She opens her eyes and looks at her hands as her aura begins to dissipate. I could see Pyrrha smiling in my peripherals, knowing I basically just copied her. “Wow, so this is what that feels like. Thanks bro.” She says, giving me a hug. I smile and hug her back, happy that most of her strength is coming back. “I do believe that's everyone,” Ed says looking to Pinkie. “Cake and song time would you agree, Pink party planner pony.” “If you don’t mind I would like to sing a song for my new niece,” said Ed’s Luna stepping next to Sora with a smile as she looked down to her. “You got it other princess Luna!” Pinkie says, zooming around, setting up a small stage near the back with a bunch of instruments and microphone for Luna. I grin as Pinkie somehow grabbed my violin, though I am pretty sure that was back in my room. I motion to my elder sisters and they nod, heading over to the stage area with our Aunt Luna. It is going to be odd referring to her like that. I grab my violin as Nat sits by the piano (how did Pinkie get that here?) and Lex takes a quick drink of water and stand next to Luna by the mic. “Sora I hope you will always stay strong because you are a warrior. But you have to be strong for yourself now as only you can. That doesn’t mean you have to do it alone though either, don’t be afraid to let others now,” Luna said as we started to play our instruments. I smile as Lex and Luna begin to sing, perfectly set to Nat’s piano. I glance to my little sister, who is smiling with some tears in her eyes, sitting in Ed’s lap and between Dusk and Penny. I could only wonder how all our parents would be reacting to this. Maybe it is my imagination, but I swear I could see Nat and Sora’s parents smiling from the back of the room. I could all but see Sora’s emotions as she listens to us play and sing, her smile refusing to leave her face. I give her a quick wink as we begin to fade out, the crowd gathered all applauding loudly for us. I smile and place my violin away as we all walk back to Sora and Ed. I could immediately feel something wrapping around me as we get close, Sora pulling all of us in with her Vectors for a group hug. I couldn’t help my own tears from falling for my little sister. I could feel as Nat wraps her own Vectors around us, a smile on her own face as we all hold Sora. “Ah got to say, ya’ll are one hell of a family.” I hear AJ say as she and the others give us some space. I look to her and nod in agreement, the others finally letting one another go. “That reminds me,” Luna says reaching into her bag on the table pulling out four silver chain with what appears to be some type of shield pendant on them. “These are the crests of the royal family that adorned Ed’s flags so long ago. The very same crest that Polearm wears now. I wanted you four to have them. They’re infused with my magic so we can keep in touch should you ever need me. Even in other realities. Simply hold the shield and you’ll instantly be connected to me wherever you are.” I am shocked as she gives them to us. I guess that makes the four of us pseudo-royalty? They looks similar to the graduation necklace Dusk and Nat have, but they have the weird shield symbol that Polearm necklace. “I hate to cut the festivities short but I do believe we should all return to our own realities. Nat and Sora can attest to a summoned Displaced staying a week in another’s world can drastically alter it. We’ve got Pokemon popping up left and right back home now,” Ed says standing up from his seat. I could tell he didn’t want to leave but the was also telling the truth at the same time. Nat had told me of the happening after her battle in Ed’s world. “Hold on Ed. There’s something else. I’m sorry I acted the way I did in the dark library. I know I was a little Argo back there when you brought up Ray. So, even if it is just a promise, you have my word as a huntsman. If you ever face an opponent you think you need help with, don’t hesitate to summon me. Kay?” I say, holding my hand out. “I know you’ll keep that promise nephew. But I don’t need it. We’re family after all. Next time I’ll see you under better circumstances. The same goes for me as well,” Ed says taking my hand. I could almost hear the others grinning as I shake Ed’s hand, before taking out everyone’s tokens from my bag. I give Sora a quick kiss on the head and hug Lex and Nat, before stepping back as the others all get into their groups. “I’ll see you guys later. It’s been nuts. Our contracts are finished.” Three different portals open up, everyone making sure they all have their stuff. Nat, Lex and Sora give Ed and his wife a hug each before stepping through their portals. Ed gives one more glance to us before nodding, walking through the portal with his wife, Twilight and Polearm. Once the portals are closed, I take a good look at the three tokens in my hands, a smile worming its way on my face. ‘See you soon, my family.’ > Chapter 34: The Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike POV I release a sigh as I finish organizing the mystery section of the library, sliding down the latter to the floor. It had been a little over a month since Nat, Sora and Twilight left, and I couldn’t help but still be worried. The day they left they told me they would hopefully be back within a few hours, but when they didn’t return by the morning I began to get worried. It only got worse when Rarity and Fluttershy popped by to see if Twi wanted to go to the spa. After that things just went downhill with Fluttershy and Rarity being worried for Twi and Nat’s safety and wellbeing, while Rainbow and Applejack were confident they were all fine. Pinkie was oddly silent when I told the girls about it, only saying that, ‘those two are in good hands for now’. While confused, we all chalked it up to Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense. Then the next day came to pass, I remember it vividly. Sort of. I was visiting Sweetie Belle at the boutique when some kind of portal opened above me and a letter fell out. Confused, Sweetie and I read through it, and I am pretty sure I blacked out for a while because the next thing I knew I had sent a letter to the princesses telling them to come to Ponyville with Shining, Velvet and Night. After that I had run around town and gathered the girls, and then waited for the Canterlot ponies to arrive. Once they all arrived at the library, I showed them the letter and the worry in the group skyrocketed. Rarity, Velvet, Night and Shining began to panic, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Luna and Fluttershy began to truly worry, and Celestia began to think about trying to summon one of Nat’s siblings for help, but I knew that wouldn’t work since Nat learned only those with even a speck of Void magic can even use a token. So only other displaced, or those who have abilities not from Equestria. But then the last pony any of us expected spoke up. I still remember the faith in Fluttershy’s voice when she told us all to calm down, stating that Nat would be there for Twilight, and that they would be home safe and sound before we knew it. With only those few words, while still worried, everypony calmed down and began to think about what we would do next. While they were worried about it, Celestia and Luna said that they themselves would be able to deal with whatever force may appear while Twi is away, and if necessary they would ‘go all out’, whatever that means. Shining agreed, and said he was going to be doing some extra training with his magic at the castle for when they get back, so he can see about having a sparring match with Nat and Sora. Even though I told them it was unnecessary, Night and Velvet decided to stay in the library for me so they would know first when their daughter came back. So I spent then first couple of days going over what chores I do here, the two adults shocked about how much I do. In response to their shocked confusion, I just showed them the lab where Nat, Sora and Twi have been experimenting, so they understood that those three can be a little absentminded about things like cleaning sometimes. After the fear and worry began to settle down, things returned to a sort of normal routine, just with the girls popping by more to see if Nat, Sora and Twi have made it back yet. Night and Velvet have been a huge help here in the library, so now I have a ton of free time to myself. Though, that doesn’t really help when I have read all my comic books thrice over, and if I am not reading I am sleeping or cleaning. With another sigh, I head up to my room and try and relax on my bed, before glancing over to the nightstand and seeing the letter. With a small amount of hesitation, and a huff in annoyance, I grab the letter and read through it again, seeing if there is something I missed in the message that could tell me when the girls would be back. Dear Spike, Luna, Celestia, Shining, and elements, Hey, it’s Nat. I am not sure how much time has passed for you guys, but it has only been about a day since we have been summoned by Edward, the Displaced. Anyways, as much as I want to tell you some good news about our adventure in this world, that is not the case. I am not going to beat around the bush here, Twilight got hurt. Badly. I ended up having a sparring match against Edward so he could overcome his inner demons, literally, but it wasn’t a simple fight. Anyways, Twilight’s injury was a physical one, and it isn’t a simple painkiller problem, so we are going to be spending a few more weeks, at least to us, in this world while she recovers. I know some of you will want to do something like summon my siblings, but please, be patient. This kind of ordeal is one that is personal, so you guys really can’t do much. Just know that Twi, Sora and I will be home before you know it. And please, for the love of Harmony, don’t try and open a void portal yourselves to come here. I don’t even want to think about what kind of monsters you would inadvertently summon. Anyways, like I said, we’ll be home before you know it, and hopefully, we’ll be stronger for it. Sincerely yours, the Diclonius Queen, Natali Basatin. I must have read through this letter a thousand times now, trying to find something, anything, that could tell me when they would be home. I miss them. With a sigh, I head out of my room and towards the door to the outside, just as the door opens and Velvet and Night come in, groceries in hand. “Oh, sorry Spike. Almost didn’t see you.” Night says, stepping around me. I just nod to him and taker some of the groceries off of them and head to the kitchen, organizing everything almost automatically, not noticing the worried looks the two older ponies were sending my way. “So Spike dear, how was your day so far?” Velvet questions with a warm smile. I just shrug. “Fine I guess.” I reply half heartedly. The duo sigh, earning my attention. “What?” “Sorry Spike. We just don’t like seeing you so down. I know you miss Twilight and Natali, all of us do. But we need to be patient, and to let Twilight recover from whatever injury she sustained.” Night says, patting my shoulder. I just shrug and sigh again. “I know, I know. But knowing that doesn’t make me any less anxious.” I reply, looking over to the Hearth’s Warming picture we have framed on the wall near the entrance. “How about this?” I turn to Velvet as she smile to me. “What do you say to going out for dinner tonight. The walk could also help keep your mind off things.” “Uh dear, its only 3.” Night points out. Velvet just shrugs it off. “So? That gives us plenty of time for a walk around town.” She says optimistically. I just couldn’t help but smile at her upbeat attitude and grabbed my vest from the coat hanger. “Alright. You wanna get going?” I ask, seeing that we put everything away already. The duo nod and grab their own things, Velvet grabbing her purse and a thin coat while Night grabbed his bit bag and coat. Walking out of the library, I breath in a small sigh as the slightly chilled air fills my lungs. We had been getting hit by a pretty bad heat wave so we had to bring in some leftover winter clouds to compensate. Walking around the town, we pass by the market as some of the stands are closing down for the day. Not sure why, but I am brought back to when Nat and her team faced that bugbear. That was one hell of a show they put on, considering Nat could probably kill or incapacitate it in a second. Passing by the apple stand, I see Big Mac and Applejack putting away the leftover apples from today before spotting us and waving. The three of us wave back and AJ locks eyes with me. I could all but hear the silent question like telepathy, and shake my head no. The mare sighs and nods, going back to putting things away. After that the three of us continued on our way, just wandering aimlessly around the town. We did pass by the rest of the girls, but had to let them know there has been no changes as of yet. They were understandably disappointed, and I could tell Rarity was really worried. Makes sense. While I was hanging out with Sweetie Belle she mentioned all the plans Rarity has been making to help Nat and Twilight get together. A little late, but I didn’t want to tell anypony else without the girls permission. Before long it had begun to get dark so we headed back to town and headed towards one of the restaurants that had opened up recently. It was nothing extravagant, just a small family run business from what I had been able to learn, but they did serve a few items fit for dragons ever since the son came back from a visit to the dragon lands. I kinda wish I could go see the dragon lands myself, see how other dragons act compared to me. The dinner was pretty good, with some bouts of silence as the three of us ate, but otherwise not anything Equis shattering. Though, while I was looking out the window next to our seat, I could swear I saw a flash of black and purple go by one of the houses. Probably my imagination. Before long our dinner ended and the three of us headed back to the library. We did our closing chores and Night and Velvet began reading through the second book of the Inheritance Cycle. They decided to start reading it after they arrived and immediately got hooked just like Twilight. I was thinking of having them make copies for the library itself, but not for now. Once I finished reorganizing the lab again, I went up to my room while Velvet and Night locked up and went to bed. I stared up at the ceiling for a while my mind not letting me sleep, before I hear a familiar ‘Hoo’. “What is it Owlowiscious?” I question the bird, who replies briefly. I sigh and respond. “Not sure. For all I know they could fall out of the portal tomorrow, or they could be gone another week. Right now, all we can do is wait.” “Hoot.” “Yeah, I’m worried too. But I know Nat will take care of Twi.” I yawn and sigh. “For now, I need to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” Little did I know that night, someone stopped by without us knowing and left just as silently. The Next Morning... 3rd POV The early morning sun slowly rose into the sky across Ponyville. The quiet tranquility of morning before- “WHAAAAATTT!” Oh, never mind then Pinkie. “Sorry! But this is important!” .... ...... ...ahem. A certain Pink mare raced out of her home in Sugar Cube Corner, rocketing across the town towards the library, somehow not kicking up any dust as well. Once she made it to the door of the library she wound up her fist....and processed to calmly knock on the door. After a few seconds, a slightly tired Twilight Velvet answered the door, a cup of coffee in hand. She rose a brow at the pink mare before shaking her head and smiling. “Good morning Pinkie dear. Did you need something?” The older mare questions. Pinkie just smiled. “Nope! I just got a letter this morning telling me to meet everyone here!” She responds, confusing the unicorns as she didn’t send a letter out. “Oh, well why don’t you come in. We were about to have breakfast and you can go wake up Spike.” Pinkie nods happily and bounced into the library, bouncing higher into the air to reach the second floor and made her way to Spike’s room. Velvet smiled, and was about to go back to the kitchen, when there was another knock on the door, she checked through the peep hole and found it was Rarity and Fluttershy. She suddenly had a good idea that there would be a few guests this morning. Making her way to the dragons room, Pinkie, somehow, silently slammed the door open, not a squeak coming from the hinges nor a shatter from the door hitting the wall. She spotted the green spines of her little dragon buddy and bounced towards him. She was about to wake him, before noticing a note taped to his chest. Confused she was going to check it, before seeing Spike shift, his eyes slowly fluttering open. With a yawn, the young drake opened his eyes, only to be met with seas of blue. “AhhhHH!” He freaked out, falling out of his bed and onto the floor with a groan, Pinkie looking over the bed with a grin. “Morning Spike!” He groans as she greets him, rubbing his head. “Hey Pinkie. What are you doing here?” He questions. She just smiles before pointing to the note taped to his chest. He tilted his head and took it off, seeing it was a letter addressed to the element bearers, the royal sisters and Twilights family. He was confused and looked to Pinkie but she took out a sticky note that said to come to the library ASAP. Pushing his confusion to the side for a minute, Spike grabbed a shirt and pair of shorts for the day and made his way downstairs with Pinkie, hearing several voices coming from the kitchen. The duo arrived to the scene of the remaining Element Bearers and Twilights parents all spread out with their own breakfasts in the process of being eaten. “Morning Sugarcube, bout time Pinkie gotcha.” Applejack greets, walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal. “Morning girls. Um, not to be rude, but what are you all doing here?” Spike questions, nodding thanks to Velvet as he got his bowl of cereal and gems. In response, everyone produced identical sticky notes to the one Pinkie had, but with their names on it. “Wait, you three weren’t the ones to send these?” Rainbow questions the residents, who all shake their heads negative. That earned several confused head tilts as everypony assumed the notes were from Spike, Night or Velvet. “Nope. Though, I did have this taped to my chest. Maybe it has some answers?” Spike points out, holding up the letter. The girls all look to one another and shrug before going back to their food. Once they were all done Spike sent a letter to the princesses, telling them about the letter and notes and to see if they have some time to come over. The response was fast, two blinks of magic appearing the library as both princesses and Shining Armor teleported. A quick bow from the ponies and everyone was in the living room. “So, none of you know where the notes and the letter came from?” Luna questions after everything was properly explained. “None whatsoever. I just woke up with the note attached to my sleeping mask. At first I thought it was Sweetie Belle, but this isn’t her handwriting.” Rarity points out. They all looked a little closer, but none of them recognized the writing style. “Well whoever it is better not mess with us!” Rainbow announced, hovering over the others. The others all just shake their heads and turn to Spike as he opens the letter. “Well, here goes nothing.” Hello Element Bearers, Royal sisters, and Sparkle Family. If you are reading this then it means you decided to actually wake up. Now then, there is little we wish to say in a letter, so simply come by the pond on the edge of the Everfree forest. All with be revealed there. NB, DS, SE There was silence in the library after Spike finished reading, but it was an awkward silence as the ponies expected more. “What, that’s it? Man what a cop out.” Shining comments, taking the letter and reading over. He was just as confused as everyone else. “So whoever left these notes wants to meet us at the lake by the forest? Why there?” Velvet questions. The others all think for a moment before Spike took back the letter and looked at the bottom, more accurately the initials. “NB, DS, and SE?” Questions mentally before something clicks in his head. “NB? Natali Basatin!” That announcement made everyone jump as they saw Spike rush over to the closet and grabbed his vest. “Woah hold on there partner.” Applejack says while grabbing the back of Spike’s vest, holding him off the ground. “What was that y’all were goin on about Spike?” “NB! That’s Nat’s initials! That must mean the notes and letter are from Nat and Twilight!” That got everyone’s attention, and less than a second later everypony had their gear on and were rushing out the door. The morning goers of Ponyville were surprised when some of them saw the small crowd of ponies and a dragon racing through town towards the forest. But most just shrugged and chalked it up to Ponyville being Ponyville. The first to arrive at the lake was, of course, Rainbow Dash, who began to almost frantically look around the area for her friends. Applejack arrived a second later, followed by everyone else as they all began to look around. “NATALI! TWILIGHT! SORANO!” Spike called out, looking for his surrogate sister, her girlfriend and said girlfriends sister. The others were all spread out, Rainbow and Luna above the lake while everyone was around it. “Twily! Are you here?!” Shining calls out, receiving no response. The others all begin to group up, when a new voice entered the picture. “Jeez you guys are loud. I couldn’t even hear myself think!” Everyone turned on a dime to a nearby tree, and froze. They...had no idea who this was. They were human in appearance, but the two horns on their head showed otherwise. They were a teenager around Rainbow’s height, with sunset pink hair reaching down near the small of their back with a couple blue stripes. They were wearing a pair of knee high black combat boots with black socks, black short shorts with a silver belt slightly slanted, and a black tank top under an white off-the-shoulder shirt with what looked like a blood splatter on the chest with a couple crescent moons accenting her small breasts. She lastly had a black, fur-rimmed jacket with the hood down. (Futaba Sakura’s outfit from Persona 5) They looked over everyone, showing off their heterochromatic silver and pink eyes. Immediately everyone got into defensive position, Shining summoning a sword to his side while Luna and Celestia summoned their magic as the three royals noted the odd white and red gauntlets around the strangers forearms. “Oh, I see now, your the one who called us all here.” Rainbow states, shadow boxing in place. “Uh, duh? I mean, I guess we could have just walked through the front door, but everypony was already asleep when we arrived. I figured this could be a little more dramatic and fun.” The woman states, calmly leaning against the tree. The group look to one another in confusion before Fluttershy speak up. “W-what do y-you m-mean, we?” “She means herself and us.” Everyone turned around, ready to fight, only to freeze as they see who is it. A familiar unicorn and Diclonius were standing side by side, shit-eating grins adorning their faces as they saw everyponies reaction. Before long, it became too much and the trio burst out laughing. “Oh, oh my gods your faces!” Twilight yells, struggling to stay on her hooves as she laughs. She was wearing a long sleeve jacket over a black tank top and a pair of ripped blue jeans along with an odd medallion around her neck that looked familiar to Luna. To end it all, she had a single black leather glove on her left hand. “Ok, I admit it Sorano, this was perfect!” Natali laughs, her younger sister laughing along with her as she walks over, shocking the group at the reveal of who she is. Nat was wearing a deep purple sweatshirt and pale blue skirt and had a similar medallion on her neck as well. “Told ya it would be hilarious. And you two doubted me.” Sora states with a grin, throwing her arm around her sisters shoulder. “Hold on one second!” Pinkie yells. Everyone was silent as Pinkie pulled out a cup of water from her hammer space and took a sip, just to do a spit take that barely missed the Diclonius duo. “Sorano!?!?” “Hey everypony. Good to see you lot again. I mean we have been interacting with alternate versions of you guys, but you know, its just not the same.” Sora says with a grin, hands in her pockets. Everyone was stunned for a second, before the trio was tackled into a pile from the Element bearers. “Welcome home!” Was called out as they were all being hugged. The girls all laughed as they reunited with one another, everypony else just standing back and watching with smiles as the group had fun. Eventually the group untangled themselves and stood up, the last of the group coming over. “Welcome back sweetie. Did you have a nice adventure?” Velvet questions her daughter as she was hugged by her father and brother. “Hey guys, yeah I had a blast. Though it was kinda touch and go there for a bit.” Twilight admits sheepishly. The others look to her with worry, though Shining was confused why his sister only had one glove on. “Yeah, Nat mentioned you and Sora got hurt? But you two look almost perfectly fine.” Rainbow questions, hovering around their heads as usual. The returning trio awkwardly scratch their heads in embarrassment. “We can talk about that later. Right now I wanna know why you three didn’t come by the library yet?” Spike questions, the trio shrugging to one another after a second. “Do you want the long answer or the short answer?” Twi questions, taking a seat below the tree nearby. The others all follow suit, making a circle. “We’ll take the easy answer for right now.” Luna says, a small smile on her muzzle. The trio nod to her and look to their friends. “Well...” Several Hours Earlier... Nat POV Walking out of the portal, the three of us take a deep breath and each sigh in happiness. This is it. We’re home. I look over to my marefriend, who is stretching her arms with a grin, before my eyes wander over to my sister, who is just looking to the sky. I follow her gaze, and see it is actually pretty late in the night right now. My guess is it would be around ten or so at night. “Wow, its later than I thought. We better hurry up and see if the others are still awake.” I mutter, earning nods from the others. I saw we were on the edge of town near Fluttershy’s place. The three of us look over to the cottage of the pegasus, and see as the last of the lights go out. “Looks like Flutter’s is heading to bed.” Sora mutters. The three of us head towards the town, and we can see as more and more of the lights are going out, showing that everypony was heading to bed for the night. “Hmm, do you think we should come back tomorrow? It would be rude to just barge into the library, even if we have been gone for a while.” Twilight questions. Sora and I just shrug and continue to make our way to the library. We arrive soon after and see all the lights are out. Twilight tries the door and see that it is locked. “Hold on, I got a key.” Twi said as she dug through her bags. As she was going through her stuff, Sora suddenly grabbed us and began leading us away. “Sora? What are you doing?” I question as we leave. She turns to us with a mischievous smirk before she led us into an alley. “Everypony is asleep. It would be rude if we just woke everyone up in the middle of the night. So, how about this? How about we get everypony together in the morning, and reveal ourselves then?” She says with a grin. Twi and I look to one another, both with concerned expressions on our faces. Considering Sora’s pranking nature, I wasn’t a hundred percent on board with this. “Well, what do you have in mind then sis?” I question, trying to keep myself neutral. “Well, we can just write some notes asking everyone to meet us by the lake in the morning. Knowing Pinkie, she would grab everyone herself anyways, so it isn’t like we’d be asking everyone to wait for us in Tartarus.” She says with a shrug. I spare a glance at Twi, and see she is actually nodding. “Sure, why not? It could be fun to see how the others react to us. Especially how they react to me and you Sora.” Twi says before walking back to the library. The three of us walk back, and once we reach the door, Twi is about to use the key again, before I grab her hand and she rose a brow. I motioned her to follow my lead. With a deep breath and a focus on my magic, I turn into dark mist and seep through the bottom of the door. I waited a couple seconds as mist on the inside of the library, before Twi appeared as well as mist. I nod to her before after reforming and as silently as possible I made my way down to the lab while Twi let Sora in. Twi and I were surprised when we saw just how clean the lab was despite our absence. I guess we shouldn’t underestimate Spike when it comes to cleaning. Sora went ahead of us and grabbed some sticky notes and a piece of our notebook to use as a letter and began to write out the messages. Once she was done, I looked to Twi and grabbed the letter and the notes for Fluttershy and Pinkie, while she grabbed the ones for Rarity, Rainbow and AJ. The three of us nod to one another and mentally agree to meet up at the edge of the forest. With that done, Twi and Sora leave through the front door and I lock it behind them and I silently make my way up to Spike’s room. Quickly and quietly phasing through the door, I see the young drake asleep on his bed and make my way over. I take a small piece of scotch tape and tape the note to his chest, before smiling a little and pulling the covers over him a little bit. With that done, I made my way out the window, before beginning to head towards Sugarcube Corner. I knew I had to be extra carful about this because....well, Pinkie Pie. As silently as I could possibly manages, I made my way up and through the second story window that led to Pinkie’s room. This was the moment of truth. Quietly, like a silent predator, I made my way around the candy wrappers, the stuffed animals and cooking tools, giving Gummy a small scratch on the tummy as he turned in his sleep, I made it to the pink mares bedside. Well, more like above her since Pinkie was half sprawled on the bed, her upper half laying on the floor while the rest of her was on the bottom of the bed. Barely withholding a giggle at Pinkie’s ridiculous sleeping expression, I took the sticky note, and stuck it to the end of her muzzle, before leaving the room out the window, closing it silently behind me. It wasn’t till I was nearly at Fluttershy’s cottage did I allow myself to calm down a bit. I made my way down the path to Fluttershy’s, silently greeting a couple of bats that had taken up residence nearby, before smiling as I made it to the bridge separating the cottage from the surrounding area. With a breath, I began to silently levitate over the area towards Fluttershy’s bedroom window. Looking through, I see the canary yellow mare asleep in her bed, clutching a familiar devil in her arms. I remembered I had to be quiet here too because of the juxtapositional named rabbit. Like a panther in the dark jungle, I made my way through the window and into the room. I glanced around a moment, finding all the nearby animals, mice, ferrets and the like, were all similarly asleep in their own beds. Taking the note from the bottom of my shirt, I gently place it on the edge for Flutter’s sleeping gown. (Though, I did pause for a small moment to frown in jealousy as I saw Flutter’s boob size again. Seriously how can someone so shy and timid have a rack that big?!?) With that, I made my way out, luckily not waking anyone up, and made my way over to the entrance to the forest were Sora was waiting. I was silently flying over the area with my Wind magic, when I saw a now familiar gold glow heading to the entrance from the nearby cloud neighborhood. I smirk and boost my wind, spotting a head of pink hair before making my way down at the same time as Twilight. “Well that was easy. But now what? Where do we sleep?” Twilight questions as I lift Sora onto my shoulders for a piggy back as she yawns. “What about the old castle? With our alchemy we can repair some of the old beds in an instant.” Sora sleepily mutters. I glance to Twi, who thinks for a moment, before nodding. I nod back with a smile. Twi grabs her singular suitcase while I grab mine and Sora’s before the two of us use our respective magic to fly above the tree line and make our way to the old castle grounds. It didn’t take too long for us to make it to the old castle, but by the time we got there it was nearing midnight and a certain homunculus was already asleep. With a glance to Twilight, the two of us made our way through the castle towards where the bedrooms were. Luckily Twi and girls came by some time before as a ‘mission’ for Celestia. Before long we arrived and I saw the dilapidated bed in the room. I smirked. An easy fix. Carefully handing off my sister to my marefriend, I made my way to the bed and clapped my hands before placing them on the bed, the sparks of alchemy flashing by as the bed went from barely recognizable, to fairly modest in a few seconds. Even the pillows were salvaged. With a smile, I took my sister back and layed her in the bed, tucking her in with a kiss on the head as she smiled in her sleep. I motion for Twi to follow and, after leaving Sora’s suitcase, we made our way to the next room. A quick transmutation and change, and Twi and I were cuddling in the extremely comfy bed. “See you in the morning Twilight.” I said with a quick peck. She smiled back to me. “Night Nat.” The next Morning.. With a wide yawn, I slid my shirt over me as I was getting dressed, Twi right behind me as she put her jacket on. She said she wanted to surprise the others with her arm. It was a little before dawn, so we had to make our way to the lake before the girls show up. Don’t want them to wait for too long. “Got everything?” Twi questions. I nod as I grab our suitcase and made our way over to where Sora was sleeping. “Sora! You up yet?” I question, knocking on the door. There was no response for a moment, and I look to Twi, who shrugs. I knock again. “Sorano, wake up! It’s time to go!” There was again silence, and I am about to open the door myself, when I the knob turning and the door slowly slides open. I looked down reflexively, and was met not by eyes, but by an A-cup. Confused, I raised my head a bit, and found the eyes I was looking for. It took a couple of seconds for my mind to catch up with me, and I let our a near Pinkie worthy gasp as I booped my sister on the nose. “You’re a teenager!” I announce in surprise, Sora just looking cross eyed at my finger before huffing and pushing my hand away. I then got a better look at Sora’s new form. She looked like I did a few years back, a couple inches shorter than myself, but her straight hair reached near the small of her back with two long bangs framing her face and she was wearing the same outfit as Envy; What looked like a black sports bra and shorts with a odd wrappings around her feet. “Woah. When-what-how?” Twilight stutters before I gently close her mouth and Sora motions us in. “So, I woke up stronger.” Was her only response before receiving a dual dose of the ‘explain-further-dunce’ look. “I don’t know how else to explain it. I just woke up and my body felt like I chugged half a dozen Red Bulls but without the actual rush. Just the sensation. So I figured I’d try out my shapeshifting while I still had the energy.” She looked over her form. “So far, no complaints for my first attempt.” “Yeah, but even I can say this look doesn’t work for you.” Twilight states, an intrigued look on her face. I nod with her in agreement. Sora just rolls her eyes and begins to think of something else to wear. She suddenly perks up as she thought of something. “Well, how about Futaba Sakura’s outfit Nat?” That got my attention and I nodded rapidly, excited to see if she could actually pull it off. She smiled and took a breath before clenching her eyes shut in concentration. Slowly, red and pink sparks began to appear at the bottom of her feet, before moving up, creating boots, a belt, some new shirts, before ending with a large fur trimmed jacket. She opened her eyes and looked at herself in the nearby mirror, nodding to herself in satisfaction. I just laugh a little before walking over and grabbing her shoulder, snapping her out of her self musing about her appearance. “Sorry to cut this short sis, but we should probably head back to town. No doubt everypony is awake and looking for us.” I tell her, earning an nod as she grabs her suitcase and we made our way out the building. Once we were in the main courtyard, and Sora put on her weapon presents from Adam, Sora and I grab Twilights shoulders, and nod to her. Twi nods back and focuses her magic. “Direct Line!” Current Time.... “...After that Twi teleported us nearby and we saw you guys running and flying around like headless chickens. Sora got ahead of us by the time we got ready.” I finished explaining with a smile, the girls looking to one another in surprise before their eyes landed on Sora, who looking back and forth between them all in confusion. “What?” “So that’s not your true form?” Rainbow questions from her perch in the tree above us. Sora rolled her eyes again and just focused her energy, sparks appearing at her feet causing everyone to jump back as she shrunk down to her eight year old form. “Nope.” She simply replied in her now slightly squeaky voice, causing the girls and even Night Light to coo at the sound. Sora’s face immediately turned bright red as she shifted back into a teen. “I swear to the mare to my left,” she pointed at Luna, “If you try and force me into that form I will freeze you into ice blocks.” She finished her threat with a raised right hand, showing off a misty affect as her Ice magic was used. “Whoa! What is that!” Pinkie questions with a smile, Sora realizing what she just did and looked to her misty hand as well. “Well, this is Ice magic. Lex gave it to me along with some Rainbow Fire magic and Arc of Time magic. Pretty simple stuff in retrospect.” She says, extinguishing her frosty hand. She leaned back against the tree with a sigh of complacency as she rested. I rolled my eyes and smiled before seeing the others look to Twi. “So, how were you hurt Twily? I mean, you look pretty much them same, if the slightest bit stronger.” Shining says. Twilight looked to me and Sora nervously, a look we returned as we weren’t too sure how the others would react. Twilight scratched the back of her head in worry. However before she can try to explain, we froze as several wild birds suddenly burst from the tree line above the forest. While the girls were questioning what that was, Sora, Twi and I were already standing, listening for what it was. The others saw how quiet we were being and followed suit, clamping their muzzles shut. Twilights finger began to glow, Sora’s right hand began emitting frost as her left produced smoke, and a small, invisible cyclone began to circle around my hand. The others began to tense up as we heard hurried steps, snapping branches, and crushed ground rapidly approaching our location, some birds that were resting in the trees taking to the air as whatever was coming disrupted them. Before too long, whatever was coming towards us neared the border to the forest. Everyone got ready for a fight...before a familiar zebra burst out in a hurry, almost falling to the ground as she raced out the forest. “Zecora!” Twi and I rush past the others to our herbalist friend. Zecora noticed us and a relieved expression appeared on her face. She ran over to us, all but falling into my arms as her legs suddenly gave out, likely from exhaustion. “Z! Are you ok?” Rainbow questions as I supported the tired zebra. Zecora took several deep, but panicked breaths as she kept trying to say something, before closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Chimera....this way comes....need to get everypony....to safety.” She managed to say between breaths, completely forgoing her usual rhyming. But she got the point across as everyone tensed up. “A chimera!? But, why would it come to Ponyville?!” Rarity questions in fear. “I am pretty sure you just answered your own question there Rares. This is Ponyville, the ultimate nexus of weirdness in all of Equis.” Sora remarks, her answer causing most to nod. Twi looked to me with a questioning look and I knew what she was asking. ‘No, a chimera had never appeared in Ponyville in the show back on earth. Applebloom met one though, but that wasn’t for a long time yet, well after you ascended into Alicornhood.’ I tell her telepathically as I helped the now unconscious Zecora on AJ’s back. “AJ, get Zecora to the hospital just incase. Fluttershy and Rarity, go with her.” Twi orders, the three mares nodding and taking off before Twi turned to the others. “Rainbow, gather all the Pegasi and warn the town, get them to town hall, Pinkie and Luna you help her out.” “You got it Twi!” Rainbow says before zipping away, a pink blur following behind as Pinkie ran off. Luna looked to Twilight in surprise for a moment before listening and flying off as well. We nod to one another before turning to the rest. “Everyone else, grab hold. I’ll teleport us to town hall.” Twi said as I lay my hand over her left hand. The others all grab hold together with Shining holding her right shoulder. Twi nods to everyone before a quick Direct Line had us standing outside the town hall building. “Celestia, go warn Mayor Mare about the Chimera. Shiny, I need you to set up a barrier around the building for when it gets here. Mom, Dad and Spike, I want you three inside and out of harms way.” The others were slightly stunned by Twilight’s tone, shocked she called the princess by her name without any decorum, but nodded anyways. “Wait, what are you three going to do?” Spike asks as the others walk in. In response, we just smirk and Sora even cracks her knuckles. “Take a wild guess Spike.” ***** Before too long pretty much the entire town was making its way inside the town hall, being calmed by the presence of both Royal sisters, as well as my Pokemon once I let them out. Of course Artemis and Pandora were being swarmed by curious fillies and colts about what they were, but as long as they keep them distracted, then that’s fine. Not a moment too soon as the last of the residents were led into the building, a loud roar echoed across the town alongside the sound of snapping wood and falling trees. “Here it comes.” I heard Shining mutter as the trees from the border suddenly burst outwards and a large quadrupedal form walked out, menacingly. It had three heads, two on the front and one on the end of the tail. The ones up front were those of a large tiger and a mountain goat, while the tail was scaled like a recipe before ending in a cobra’s hood and fangs, its orange eyes looking towards the town as it made its way over. Twi, Sora, Shining and I walked past the now very scared crowd, making our way to the front along with the princesses as the beast past the town barrier. “Pandora, Topaz, Artemis, Chance and Selene! Stay here and form a perimeter, make sure nopony leaves!” I yell, my pokemon nodding and doing so. Twi walked to Shining and the princesses while keeping an eye on the advancing chimera. “Shiny, Luna and Celestia. Can you three make a magic shield over the town hall?” She questions. The trio nod with some confusion. “Of course we can young Sparkle, but we wouldn’t be able to aid in fighting this beast if we do so.” Luna says. “Don’t worry.” The trio turn to Sora as she walks up with a smirk. “Twi, Nat and I can take care of it. You three just focus on keeping the townsponies safe.” That caught everyone who heard it off guard. Not the Sora and I part, but the Twilight fighting too part. “Whoa whoa whoa, what? Since when can Twi fight?” Rainbow questions brashly. Her questions just got her caught in a magenta magic aura before being slammed face first into the ground. Twilight looked down to her with an annoyed expression. “Next time? Think before you talk Dash.” Was her only response before walking past everyone and up to me. I couldn’t look away for a couple seconds before shaking my head. ‘Damn that was hot.’ Twi, Sora and I ran off before the others could protest farther, seeing the chimera nearing closer to the hall. I could see Sora smirking in my peripherals, and I knew she would be fine. Twi might have some trouble since she can’t use her dark magic with Celestia nearby. But I just shook my head and focused on the here and now. “Hey freakazoid!” I yell, the chimera turning to us and roaring in anger. Huh, I guess this one isn’t all that smart compared to the one AB met later. It bounded towards us and pounced, each of us avoiding it in our own ways. The three of us regrouped as Twilight lit up her finger. “Solid Script Hole!” As the chimera pounced towards us, Twi made the word appear where we were standing, so while we jumped away, the chimera fell into a ten feet deep hole. I nod to her with a smirk before turning to Sora and motioning to the hole. She smirked as lit up her left arm with rainbow fire. “Rainbow Flamethrower!” The beast roared in pain as Sora lit it up, an evil smirk on her face, but it was wiped away as she leapt back from the snake tail trying to bite her and the chimera managed to jump and drag its way out. It was now covered in several burns, some patches of fur missing here and there, yet the snake head looked totally fine. Must be its scales. “Well that worked out like a charm.” Sora quipped, but I just shook my head and elevated myself away with my Vectors as the hybrid tried to get me. I guess it was annoyed at how I was ‘flying’ because it roared and tried jumping at me. With no success. “Solid Script Bullet!” The bullet bolts of magic stuck the chimera on the back, causing it to stagger, and turn to Twilight in anger. That was all the opening I needed. As it turned its back to me, I wound up a quartet of Vectors, and swung them down, slamming the monster to the ground hard enough for the vibrations to be felt from the town hall and for a small cloud of dirt and dust to be kicked up. The others at the build watched in awe at all this happened, completely stunned by our teamwork. The princesses and Twilights family and friends were most shocked by Twilight’s confidence in ‘battle’. Though in my opinion it was more of a slaughter. Checking the chimera closely, it is not getting up again anytime soon, so I look to the others and wave with a smile, signalling the all clear. The royals all released the shield and everyone began to leave, and I had to stop from laughing as I saw Chance and Pandora giving a bunch of fillies and colts a lift. “Well....that was easy.” Rainbow said. I nod with a grin, stretching my arms out a bit and sighing as I feel them pop. Twi was looking over the unconscious form of the chimera with a researchers look in her eyes. I guess it was from there is little actually known about chimeras since....well....chimera. As I was talking to the ponies and Twi was looking over the creature, none of us noticed as it was not like we thought. Until... “TWILIGHT MOVE!” We all turned at Shining’s shout and saw the tiger head was still awake and moved towards Twilight, likely to try and either bite her head off, or rip a limb off. Twilight’s reaction was just to raise her arm to defend herself. The others moved as the tiger head bit down on her arm hard. But Twilight didn’t scream, and the chimera didn’t get a taste of blood and bone. Rather, it felt like it tried to bite stone and Twilight clenched her fist as she managed to pushed back, shocking the others in the process. “What’s the matter? Don’t like the taste?” She mockingly questions as she managed to push the chimera back a bit. “Well too BAD!” She preformed a perfect high kick under the chimera’s chin, causing it to reel back in pain just for Twilight to smash her left hand on its exposed stomach, making it cough up some blood and pushing it onto its back, fully unconscious. Time slowed down for the ponies as Twilight pulled back. The sleeve of her jacket had been torn off and now everyone had a clear view of Twilights left arm. Twilight’s AMETHYST arm. The mare herself looked to her arm and sighed. “Damn, that was one of my favourite jackets.” She said as she took her jacket completely off, all but two pairs of eye locked on her left arm. Though her friends did take some moments to go over the rest of her, more specifically her now rather athletic looking and lean back and right arm. I walked over and looked at the damage to the jacket with a small grin. “Relax Twi, it’s an easy fix with alchemy.” She perked up and blinked a couple times. “Oh yeah, I forgot you and Sora can do that now.” I just laughed at her lack of a memory, not noticing as everyone else was frozen as they saw what the nerdy element of magic had become. Sora did, and she just sighed and rubbed her head. ‘This is going to be a long conversation.’ > Chapter 35: Readjustment and Humility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grab Twilight’s ruined jacket and fold it up for her, the mare herself sighing as she stretched her arms out again, not paying attention to the attention she was earning from the ponies nearby. I’ll admit I missed their initial reactions, but their faces right now were both priceless, and a little worrying. I shared a glance with my sister as Twi lit up her horn and teleported the chimera far away, and she nodded. I sighed and tapped my marefriend on the shoulder, directing her attention towards the gawking ponies nearby. Twilight looked back and forth among the crowd rapidly, taking in their stunned faces before turning back to me and tapping her temple. I nodded and set up our telepathic link as we leave the area. ‘Should we tell everypony everything? Or should we just tell the girls?’ She questioned as we walked past everyone, the crowd giving us a wide berth as we looked at everyone. ‘Your call babe. This isn’t my secret to keep, plus everyone can see your arm. Obviously we should keep quiet about certain things, but I think they all knew you were hurt beforehand from my letter.’ I reply, looking towards the stunned element bearers and royalty and motioning for them to follow. They do so silently. ‘I say we just tell the girls the abridged version of what happened to us now, and if somepony asks, we explain.’ Sora added her two bits, holding the door to the library open for us. ‘Yeah, Sora is right. Alright, we’ll give the girls and my family the abridged version and wing it from there.’ Twilight decided. Sora and I nod to her as she walked to the kitchen to put the kettle on while Sora and I got everyone to sit down. A few minutes later, Twi comes back with a large tea kettle and several cups floating in her magic. There was an intense awkward silence as everyone got their own cups and filled them with tea, Twilight taking a moment to add some honey to hers, trying to remain nonchalant despite the fact almost everyone was looking at her arm only. ‘Should we show them your tattoo?’ Sora questions as she walked in with some apple slices and pokemon food. Twi placed a hand on her chin in thought for a moment before silently sighing while Sora layed out the food for my Pokemon. ‘Fuck it. Why not?’ Twilight looked to everyone before sighing out loud. “Can you guys stop staring at my arm? Your making me uncomfortable.” That was the moment everyone went nuts. “What the hell happened?” “Who did that to you!?” “Someone is getting their legs broken!” “Nat open the portal! Whoever did this to my sis is dead!” Sora, Twi, my pokemon and I were silent as we drank our tea and ate our apples while everypony else in the building was going crazy with yelling, accusing, raging etcetera. After about five minutes, they all calmed somewhat, seeing the three of us still just sitting here, minding our own business. Once everyone finally got quiet Twi looking to them all. “Are you guys done?” She questions, the snark in her tone shocking the group as she took the time to giggle at their expressions. I admit I had to hold it in as well, and mentally shivered at Twi’s new sadistic attitude showing up. God why was she so much hotter to me now? I watched with a smile as her friends and Celestia repeatedly opened and closed their mouths, trying to say something, while everyone else was stunned into silence as Twi’s remark. Click All eyes turned to Sora, who had my phone in her hand and was smirking as she saved her new photo into my favourites folder. “Nice.” Pandora said, looking over Sora’s shoulder. The solar princess clasped her hands and took a deep breath, exhaling loudly as she looked to her student. “Before we begin, is there anything else you three feel the need to show before tell?” She questions. I look to Twi and nod my head, laying my arm around her shoulder. Twi lit up her horn, and the others watched in disbelief as her tattoo became red. She smirked at their looks and leaned into my shoulder a bit. If she were human, I swear Twi’s canine would be glinting. “That’s about it.” Silence. I admit I got a sick kick out of seeing Twi’s family and the royals starring at Twilight in pure, unrefined disbelief, Velvet and Luna actually rubbing their eyes and looking again at Twilight. The mare herself just grinned and snuggled up to me as I adjusted myself so we could be comfortable. A quick glance over to the element bearers showed mixed reactions. Rainbow and Rarity were looking over Twi as a whole, seeing her demeanour and appearance, Rainbow likely thinking she looked sick while Rarity was probably thinking about how new outfits to fit Twi’s new look. Fluttershy had a hand over her mouth and wide eyes as she looked at Twi’s tattoo and arm, glancing back and forth between them rapidly. Pinkie and Applejack seemed confused. They probably were still processing the fact that this was no longer their shy, demure bookworm of a friend. The group was silent as they recomposes themselves, just staring as Twi took a sip of her tea and relaxed against me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Velvet moving her hands, pointing to me, then to Twi, and then pressing them together. I just grin and give a mostly unseen thumbs up, one she returns. “Uh,” we turn to Spike, who looked around for a second before sitting next to Pandora. “Story? Please.” Three Hours Later.... ‘My throat.’ I mentally whine taking a drink of some herbal tea as Twi and Sora worked on a late lunch. I was the one who spent most of the past couple hours telling the others about what happened while we were gone and now I needed to rest my voice. My habit of not breathing and trying to say so many things quickly has really come back to bite me in the ass this time. “So....” I turned to Rainbow as she had a mischievous smirk on her face, “have you and Twi done the deed yet?” Half a second later, the pegasus was imbedded in the wall from a triple Vector punch. “Next time, think first, run your mouth never.” I scold. Rainbow ended up being the only one of the girls to stay back after everything was said and done, and I have a feeling it was just to say that. “I still can’t believe you took some magic lessons from Princess Luna of all ponies.” Night Light said in surprise. “I mean, I know Twily got a great education from Princess Celestia, but combat magic? That was one branch she never had an interest in. And now she can be considered an actual fighter? That’s a shock.” “How do you think I felt?” Twi called from the kitchen, bringing out some sandwiches. “I never once though of trying to learn anything other than the basics as Celestia's pupil, but with everything that has happened to me and my friends, I figured that learning some more magic to defend us was worth the risk.” “Well still, try to be careful dear.” Velvet said, grabbing her sandwich. Twi just nods as she grabbed her own food. I noticed her parents were taking several glances at Twi’s new additions, but I know she didn’t really mind anymore. “Hey Twi, wanna head to Rarity’s later. I could use an update to my wardrobe and Sora needs some new clothes instead of just transmuting them all the time.” I ask. Twi looked to me and nodded, gulping down the last of her food. “Sure think babe, let me just get my coat.” She said, heading to her room. I just smile and shake my head before turning to the other two unicorns. “So, are you three planning to stay now that we’re back? I know Twi wouldn’t mind reconnecting after what happened.” I said. “Well, I was thinking that all of us could go out for dinner tonight to do just that before Night and I head back to Canterlot.” Velvet said, smiling a bit at my attempted calm face. “Yeah, that sounds good mom. I can go with you and dad since I have some things to finish up in Canterlot as well.” Shining added, gulping down his sandwich. I managed to stop a frown from appearing on my face as I realized he was talking about his wedding. I still don’t know if we should intervene before Chrysalis shows up or not. Well, that’s future Nat’s problem. “I’m in, but no alcohol for Sora.” I said sternly. “What? Why not?!” She yelled from the bathroom. “Because you are eight! You may have the body of a teen but you are still my little sister!” I yelled back. “Screw you!” “Sorano do I have to come in there!?” I responded with a grin, and I knew my sis was smiling as well while the ponies looked to me in confusion. “Try me!” “Is that normal?” Shining muttered to himself. “Yes but you have to remember most of those conversations were only in Nat’s head.” Twilight responded, coming down the stairs in a black tank-top, shorts and blue jean jacket. “Wow, way to make me sound crazy babe.” I said to her, smirking as Twi threw a pen at me, which I caught with a Vector. “I always forget how OP your psychokinesis is.” Twilight muttered, plopping herself back on the couch and taking a sip of her tea. “Quite.” Sora and I responded as she walked out, drying her hands. “So, if we’re heading out for dinner, what do we do for now?” Sora questions, leaning on the wall. I looked to Twi before shrugging. “Wanna go for a run?” I asked, earning contemplative looks then nods. “Yeah, sounds good. I wanna get moving. Who knew training under Luna would make me restless when I am just sitting around.” Twilight said, grabbing a couple water bottles and a small bag that she slung over her shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll even get used to my daughter being athletic.” Night muttered to himself as I grabbed my shoes while Sora transmuted herself into a pink and blue tracksuit. “Well, we’ll see you guys at dinner!” I called out as we headed out the door with Twi in the lead. Had I stayed a minute later, I would have seen the proud looks on Velvet and Night’s faces. The Next Day.... “Seriously Rarity, you don’t need to pay for this trip, we can handle it.” Twilight said for the sixth time. She, Sora, Rarity, Fluttershy and I were making our way through the afternoon sun to the spa. Rarity said she wanted to treat us and help us relax after our battle yesterday, but I knew she just wanted to try and get some info/gossip from us about our trip to Uncle Ed’s Equestria. “And as I have said, perish the thought darling. You three more than deserve a day of complete relaxation after all the hardships you likely faced while you were away.” The white unicorn replied with a flourish as we rounded the last corner to the spa. “I still don’t understand why I have to be in my child form though.” Sora pointed out from her spot on my shoulders. I decided to give her a piggyback ride since it was completely impossible for me to do it before, and to be honest, I like the feeling of having my little sis with me and not in my head. “Well that because this is your original form. I think you will pleasantly surprised by the variety of treatments they have for little fillies.” Rarity said with a smile, before it lessened somewhat. “Though, if it does make you uncomfortable you can change into your teenage form.” “I never said this was uncomfortable.” Sora quietly muttered with a pout, causing us to giggle as we made our way in. “Why hello darling! What brings you here today?” Aloe greeted, smiling to us, especially Twilight as we walked up. “Hmm, I believe we shall be having a deluxe time today. These three need it after everything that went on.” Rarity said, grabbing some robes for all of us. Aloe nodded and called her sister to let her know what was going on. We were about to go to the change room, when Twi stopped and turned to the twins with a serious expression. “Before we start, there is something I have to know.” Then duo looked at Twi curiously along with Fluttershy and Rarity. “Should I take off my arm?” “WHAT?!” “My arm.” Twi pointed out her left arm. “It’s made of amethyst, not flesh, muscle and bone, so I wanna know if I have to take it off for you two to work your magic.” There was stunned silence as the other ponies attempted to process what Twilight just said with a tone that was heard as completely serious. Which was suddenly broken by Sora, Twilight and I bursting into laughter. “Oh, oh sweet Luna your faces!” I screamed, rolling on the carpet of the entrance. My sister was giggling like the child she was, trying and failing to stop as she kept seeing the others faces. “That was so worth it!” Twilight yelled, trying to keep herself from face-planting. She eventually managed to get herself under control, wiping her tears away. “Hooo, oh man, that was nuts.” She giggled. “But, seriously, what’s your girls policy on prosthetics?” “Um,” Aloe looked to Lotus who shrugged. “I believe you should be fine with your arm attached.” “Sweet.” With that all of us headed into the change room and put our clothes away, expect for Sora, who just transmuted herself into Envy’s clothes. Once we were in our robes, and Rarity stopped going over and feeling up my marefriends new muscles, we made our way into the main area where the hot tubs were. “So, um, I do not want to rude darling, but was that really a necessary question to ask the twins?” Rarity asks, walking into the tub. “Sorta. Like I said, I don’t know their policies on prosthetics.” Twilight shrugged, sitting down on the edge with her hands behind her head and a smirk. “Besides, you have to admit, it was pretty funny.” “You got that right! I was thinking I was going to suffocate for a bit there.” Sora added, before smiling as she let herself lower until her nose and up were the only things above the water. I just giggled to myself and submerged to my neck in the water. It was only through the feeling of something on my leg was I made aware of Twilight sitting next to me. “Since when did you have active control of your tail?” I question without opening my eyes. “I thought that was Pinkie’s thing.” “Yeah, I kinda figured it out.” Twi responded, leaning against my shoulder and letting her tail wrap around my waist. “Still pretty weak, but at least I can move it on my own instead of letting it do its own thing.” “Huh. Neat.” We lapsed into a comfortable silence after that as Twi, Sora and I enjoyed our time in the tub while Rarity and Fluttershy were having their own conversation. I mostly tuned them out and relaxed before I heard the bell ringing signalling its time to move on. “Welp, I could go for a full body message. What about you babe?” I question Twilight as we towel off. That last part I noticed made Rarity freeze with her back to us. “Eh, might go for the same. My right arm has been feeling a little off since I got my prosthetic. Probably over stressed.” Twi responded, taking extra care to dry off her left arm so no water got into it. “I am still surprised by the selection they have for kids like me.” I heard Sora mutter as she was looking through a list of treatments for herself. I nodded to myself as we were about to make our way over to the message tables, when I noticed Rarity was still frozen. “Uh, Rarity?” I question, getting the others attention onto the frozen unicorn. I wave a hand in front of her face with a frown. “Hellooo? Equis to Rarity?” Nothing. I looked to the others, who all shrug before I sigh to myself. “Whatever, she’ll unfreeze later.” We decided to leave the Bearer of Generosity alone while we got our own messages, the mare staying still for at least ten minutes before she finally rebooted. She was about to yell or something, but once she saw us all relaxing on our tables, she clamped her muzzle shut and shook her head. I managed a glance at my marefriend, and she wore a matching grin that all but screamed, ‘we are so going to screw with her.’ The Next Day...again.... With a smile, Applejack looked over the orchard of her family’s namesake with pride, watching as the sun slowly made its was over the hill nearby. With a grin, and a shout of excitement she ran ahead of her brother, who was just coming out the house, and made her way into the orchard proper to get started on her daily apple bucking. Once she made it to the designated spot, she stretched out a bit before getting ready to start. Once she was all limbered up, and a couple buckets were in place, she wound her leg back and kicked the tree in front of her. What she didn’t expect was for there to be a soft rumbling through the ground that nearly made her topple over. “What the hay?” Looking around, she found the source from a small dust cloud nearby. Curiosity and worry got the better of her, and she left her post and made her way over to the cloud. I am guessing she was shocked when she saw me, Sora, my pokemon and Twi as Twi blocked a Shadow Ball from Selene. “Come on, you can do better than that!” I yelled to my Zoroark who just rolled her eyes and armed herself with Night Slash to attack my marefriend. Twilight herself stood ready with a wooden sword Sora had transmuted from some leftover wood nearby. The duo began to go through a very fast and potentially dangerous clash of claws and wood, before a new voice interrupted us. “What the hay are ya’ll doing here?!” All of us turned our eyes to the orange earth pony as she made her way over to us. “Oh, hey AJ.” Twi greeted with a smile, wiping some sweat from her brow. “We’re just going through a morning sparing session.” “Sparin session? Uh, no offence Twi, but since when could ya’ll use a sword and not yer magic?” She questioned as we grouped up. “None taken, and about a couple weeks. Princess Luna decided that I should learn to use a sword and not solely rely on my magic in combat while I was her student in Ed’s world. Apparently I am a natural since I got the hang of it after a couple days.” Twi explained, nodding in tanks as Artemis handed her some water. “Eh?” I guess AJ is still trying to wrap her head around Twi’s new experience. “Anyways, thanks for the break, I figured it was about time for us to switch anyways.” Twi said, grinning as she took a seat on a stump while Sora, in her teenage form, adjusted her Razorbolt gauntlets as Pandora and Artemis readied themselves. “Eh?” “So, not to be rude or anything AJ, but shouldn’t you be apple bucking right now?” I question as my sister began training with the Absol and Decidueye. “Ah was, when I felt ya’ll trainin. Why are ya’ll here anyways? Why in mah orchard?” She questioned, tilting her head as a feather arrow from Artemis went by. “Mostly for space.” I explained. “There aren’t a lot of area’s nearby where we could train without animals or ponies getting in the way. We could have gone into the Everfree, but that place has even more dangers so we probably wouldn’t get much done.” “Plus here we could actually get some privacy.” Twilight added. “At least, that was the idea, but we didn’t know you or the others would be out this far.” “Well it is mah family’s farm. Of course we were going out this far.” AJ said with a sigh, before glancing at the sun and turning around. “Ya’ll are fine to keep training, but next time at least tell me or Big Mac so we don’t end up getting caught in the crossfire.” “No promises!” Twilight called after her, catching a dagger from Sora that nearly hit her without looking. AJ just sighed and made her way back into the farm, but not before sending another worried glance at us, especially Twilight. I frowned to myself as I could sense she was a little worried about the change in her friend. ‘Don’t worry AJ. She hasn’t changed, just gotten stronger.’ I think to myself, half tempted to telepathically tell her that, but I decided against it and to let AJ come to that conclusion herself. I wasn’t all that worried, I knew her friends would realize this themselves. The question was what would they do before that? Transition!!! “I still don’t think that’s a good idea Twi.” I said, sipping my shake. “I mean, its obvious you’re a little faster, but challenging Rainbow to a race might do more harm than good.” “You mean her ego? Yeah I think losing to a bookworm nerd like me would take her down a peg and help her out in the long run.” Twi responded, sipping her own shake. “I have to agree with Twi here sis. Rainbow has started to get a little too big for her britches.” Sora said, glancing at said prismatic mare as she basked in the glory after saving somepony. “I guess, I mean she has gotten a lot more arrogant.” I muttered to myself. “Hey, if we intervene, then we won’t have to go through one of the worst episodes of MLP at least.” Sora said. “Worst episodes? You mean we tried to stop Rainbow in your guys show?” Twilight questions. “Yeah, and it was a stupidly convoluted plan that could have easily backfired in the worst way possible.” I muttered. If it wasn’t obvious, I hated the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well episode. “That bad huh?” “You and the girls tried, and succeeded, in upstaging Rainbow’s fame to the point she tried to cause problems to fix, and got so jealous she attacked your guys persona of Mare-Do-Well during a parade.” I explained with a frown. “Hell, you guys basically turned Scootaloo against Rainbow by making Mare-Do-Well her hero instead.” Twi stood still for a minute, just blinking and occasionally taking a sip of her vanilla shake before sighing. “Yeah, that’s pretty stupid when you put it that way. I mean, I know Rainbow is stubborn, but we could have just physically sat her down and talked to her.” “I know right?! And I have read so many stories about how it could have gone south. I mean, Rainbow embodies Loyalty, and you girls basically betrayed her.” I exclaimed, thankful nopony nearby was paying attention to us. “That alone could lead to the Elements becoming useless or for RD to try and get revenge.” “Damn.” “Right?!” I sighed, calming myself down as RD zoomed away, before motioning for us to leave. “So, if we aren’t going to make Mare-Do-Well, what do we do?” Sora questions, walking backwards in front of us. “Simple, we do what Mare-Do-Well did, but as us.” I said, earning raised brows. “The problem was that the girls in the show hid their identities and then purposefully sounded like they were enamoured with the super pony. The fact is they were secretly stroking their own egos in an attempt to break Rainbows. So what I propose, is that we prevent the ‘disasters’ that Mare-Do-Well prevented, but we do it as us and not some unknown pony, and we’ll just be ourselves about it, not some mysterious stranger or arrogant brat. Afterwards we’ll scold Rainbow for making things worse if she doesn’t get the message.” “Alright, I’m down.” Sora instantly agreed, before we turned to Twi who nodded in agreement as well. “So, what ‘disaster’ did the girls and I stop first?” Twilight questioned. Her question was answered as we all heard a distance call for help slowly getting louder. The three of us looked up and saw a hot air balloon quickly falling to the ground with a mare screaming for aid. Looking around, we saw as RD was just signing freaking autographs, waving off Snips as he questioned about helping. “I got this one.” I muttered before slamming my Vectors on the ground and launching myself into the air, surprising the crowd below. “HELP!” The mare called again before I wrapped her in a Vector, hovering the two of us in the air with my Wind Magic. “Don’t worry, I got you.” I told her, lowering us to the ground. I noticed RD looking at us with wide eyes, which I matched her gaze and glared, before focusing on getting down. Once we were low enough, I used my Vectors to lower us so I don’t use up my magic. “You ok?” I question, lowing the mare to her hooves. She just nodded, slowly getting her breath back as her adrenaline stopped flowing. “Wow, nice job Nat!” Bonbon called from the crowd. I just shrugged. “Eh, it was nothing. Anyone would have done the same if they wanted.” I said, ignoring the crowd as I made my way over to Twi and Sora, who just nodded with smiles. “Hey wait!” I turned to the mare I saved as she walked up. “Thank you so much. I genuinely thought I was going to die there. Natali Basatin, right?” I nodded. “If you ever want to go on a hot air balloon ride, just come by, free of charge.” “No no, I can’t do that. I may have saved you, but that doesn’t make me anything special. Any pegasus with half my speed could have helped.” I brushed off, the mare nodding in thanks again before going to check on the remains of her balloon. I walked over to her and saw it was actually a simple fix. Gently, I pushed her back a step before clapping my hands and transmuting the balloon back to the way it was before. “There we go.” “Wow, thanks!” “No problem.” I dismissed, walking over to my sister and marefriend, purposefully ignoring the prismatic pegasus who watched everything with wide eyes. “What the?” Sometime later.... “Alright, I got the next one. You said it was a runaway cart right?” Twilight questioned. “Yup. RD would be too focused on stroking her own ego to actually help, so AJ as Mare-Do-Well stopped it with her bare hooves.” I explained. “Remember the originals are quadruped.” I elaborated at seeing her confused look. “Ah.” The three of us were just hanging around when we all heard the screams of fright and looked to a nearby hill down the road as a cart with several ponies went by, followed closely by a rainbow streak. Twi nodded and lit up her Heavenly Body magic and took off. Rainbow easily caught up and with a smirk, flew next to the cart before clearing her throat. “Never fear, you’re friendly neighbourhood Rainbow-” “Not now Dash!” The pegasus looked next to her in confusion, only to see a gold and purple streak go by and then stop revealing itself to be Twilight in the middle of the road. “Twilight?!” Before she could say more, the cart collided with the unicorn, who dug her hooves into the ground. Twilight growled to herself before pointing her right arm behind her. “Solid Script Cotton!” The word appeared behind her, letting her crash through it, slowing them down a bit. She cast the spell a couple more times, going through the walls of thick cotton, before they slowed down enough for Twilight to dig into the ground more. They finally stopped a dozen feet away from the cliff. With a sigh, Twilight lift her hooves out the ground. “Is everypony ok?” She called out, the group in the cart nodding before slowly getting out. Twi nodded to herself before looking to Rainbow with a glare, the pegasus flinching at her stare. “Oh thank you miss Sparkle!” One of the mares called out, earning a cheer from the other others. Twilight just waved it off. “It was nothing. What I want to know is how you guys got so much speed before I showed up?” She questions. “Bad luck and a lot of downhill areas.” One of the stallions answered as Sora and I walked up. “Ah, that explains it.” Twi said with a good natured chuckle, ignoring the stunned Rainbow hovering above her. “I have a quick question Twilight.” One of the mares questioned. “How were you that strong?” “Oh that?” Twilight rolled up her sleeves to show her arms. “I was training a lot while I was away for part of my rehabilitation. It’s only natural I would gain more muscle mass. That’s just how things work.” Sora and I chuckled as Twilight helped the ponies. The two of us glanced up the hill as Rainbow was just standing there talking to herself. Probably about how strong Twi has gotten, before storming off. ***** “So I got the falling constructing site huh? This’ll be fun.” Sora said, watching from one of the nearby buildings rooftops with us as we watched the ponies construct another apartment building. About time too, I was thinking this little town could use a motel or something. Before long things began to go south as the crane began to malfunction, waving around and toppling several support beams in the apartment complex. I saw Rainbow in the air above us before she flew down at the same time as Sora running in. “Have no fear you’re-” Rainbow couldn’t finish as she had to dodge a stack of wooden beams flying past her and into another support beam for the building, causing it to shake and begin to collapse. Several ponies began to run away as Rainbow was still trying to say her opening line. As they were running about, several ponies were suddenly in the air as Sora ran through and picked them up with her Vectors before gently tossing them outside the area where Twi and I were waiting. Rainbow actually managed to stop in the air and watched as Sora ran around, smacking falling debris out of the way and leading several ponies around. The four of us looked and gawked slightly as a large cube of brick fell from the top of the building heading right towards a pinned stallion. While RD flew in to try and grab them, Sora placed her hands together as magic flowed through her. “Ice Make Knuckles!” The spell ran across the ground and round the stallion, before several fists of ice burst from the ground and slammed the bricks away from him. “Over here!” Sora called out, the stallion nodding and skating across the ice left by her spell. “T-thank you!” “Don’t mention it.” Sora responded as Twi and I finished patching up everypony that got hurt. “Seriously?! What the hell?!” The three of us jumped as RD flew down to us. “How did you do that Sorano?” “Uh, RD? I’m a Diclo-homunculus with ice, fire and time magic.” Sora stated. “I know what might happen with my Vectors reading the magic in the air, and my ice makes for quick getaways when I need it. It isn’t all that hard.” With her piece said, Sora went over to the crane to look at what went wrong. “Yeah, though it probably would have gone better if SOMEPONY, wasn’t actively trying to boost their own ego and instead, oh I don’t know, helped because its the right thing to do?!” I scold the pegasus who flinched at my tone and Twilight shaking her head. “Seriously Dash. You’ve been lucky Sora, Nat and I were around, or things could have been much worse.” Twi added her own two bits. “Ok ok, I get it! I was being a little over the top!” Rainbow admits. “A little?” I raised a brow. “Okay way over the top! Look, I just let the attention and glory stuff get into my head.” she said with a frown. I walked up and pat her on the shoulder. “I know. Rainbow its fine to like being liked, but you can’t let it cloud your judgment. I mean, what if say, the dam outside of town broke and you decided to try and fix it yourself?” I questioned. Rainbow opened, and then shut her mouth before sighing. “Ok, I see your point.” “Look we aren’t trying to be mean, we just want you to understand your limits.” Twi said, patting her friend on the back. “There are just, some things that the fastest pegasus in Equestria can’t fix.” “Yeah yeah, I know.” She pouted before sighing again. “Well, I guess if I find something I can’t fix, I‘ll try and find someone who can.” “Good. Now that that’s over and done with, who wants smoothies?” Sora questioned, pointing towards a smoothie stand nearby. “I’m in.” Twi and I said together while RD nodded. “Hey Dash?” Rainbow looked to my marefriend. “Wanna go for a run later?” > Chapter 36: Castle Crashers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLANG I managed to roll with my fall and got back to my feet a second later, before blocking with my two swords as Sora tried to skewer me with her claws. I grinned to my sister, who returned to look as, while it looked like we were in a simple stalemate, to the unseen eye six of my Vectors were quickly fending off Sora’s attempt at using her own four. With a triumphant shout, I pushed Sora off of me, ‘shattering’ her Vectors back into her body, using her pained grimace caused by a headache to pin her with one Vector on each limb, followed by a bunch of Sensory Blades floating above her. “Ha....ha...that makes....how many now babe?” I questioned my marefriend, who was sitting nearby with a book in her hands. She looked up for a moment, looking to my pinned sister before taking out a small sheet of paper. “Alright, that’s Nat-10, Sora-7, myself-9. You’re falling behind Sora~.” Twilight sung, passing the two of us some water bottles. It had been a couple of days since our return, and we have been doing what we do normally back in Ed’s world; sparring. Though Twilight’s friends were still weirded out about Twilight being so strong and stuff, they understood, at least I think they did. It was nearly nightfall and we decided to get a couple more matches in before dark. “RRRAHHHHH!!” I turned to my annoyed sister as she yelled to the heavens. “I don’t get it! I have the Ultimate Shield, The Ultimate Spear, Shapeshifting, Vectors, Ice, Fire and Time magic and freaking Aura, AND I AM STILL LOSING!” I looked to her with a blank expression as she went on another tirade, the fourth one this week. One of the apparent side effects of turning from a child into teenager at once was all of her hormones were acting up so she has been really moody as of late. Well, better now than later. But still, her mood swings were starting to get annoying. I swear she’s just like mom when she was pregnant with me, if dad is to be believed. I just stood next to my unicorn mate as my sister began blasting her magic around in her fit, before deciding enough is enough and wrapped her up in my Vectors...again. This is quickly becoming a very common occurrence. Sora struggled in my psychokinetic limbs for another minute or so, before she finally ran out of breath and noticed our expressions. I swear, how do creatures faces turn so red so quickly? “Um, I did it again didn’t I?” She questioned in embarrassment, to which we just nod and began our treck back home. The ponies that saw us just sighed, knowing what had happened as I kept a firm wrap on my sister behind me. I glanced to the house, a second after the door was opened by a bemused Selene. I just shook my head to her, telling her not to say anything as we walked in, and I ‘gently’ threw my sister onto the couch as I made my way to mine and Twilight’s room. A quick change later, I was in a pair of sleeping shorts and a purple tank top. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Sora questioned, once again in her child form, petting a sleeping Chance. Twilight passed me on her way to our room, and I smirked to her over my shoulder as I felt her tail on my behind. “Well, I was thinking we could use tomorrow to explore and try and fix the old castle in the Everfree. I mean, it would be cool to try and repair some of the history in that old place, at least then Twi could learn where all the tricks and traps are before the girls decide to do their own thing.” “But aren’t the girls going to do that after Twilight’s ascension?” My sister questioned. “Yeah, but at this point we can safety say ‘screw you’ to the timeline of events.” I responded, passing my sis an orange as I grabbed an apple for myself. She nodded in agreement and I saw her use her Vectors to peel and slice the fruit, managing to not spill on the Luxio on her lap. “So, Everfree Castle, how about after lunch?” Twi asks, walking down in a pair of shorts and a sports bra. I nodded, before looking around again. “Hey, where’s Spike?” “Oh, he said he would be sleeping over at Applejacks since he and Big Mac are playing their Oubliettes and Ogres game with the CMC, Selene, Artemis and Topaz. Pandora is sleeping down in the lab.” My sister said, carefully maneuvering herself out from under Chance. That made sense. With a quick nod, I grabbed one of the books I was reading recently, about simple magic spells, and continued reading from where I left off earlier while Sora and Twi grabbed their own books to read. A shame we don’t have any video games, I would kill to be able to play through some Fallout, Pokemon or Persona right now. Hell, I would take playing through FNAF or DDLC if it meant I could have my PC, 3DS or PlayStation with me. Before I knew it, Luna had fully risen the moon outside while the three of us were lost in our respective books, the clock chiming 12 telling us to go to sleep. I wish I knew what tomorrow was going to bring to us. The Next Day.... “Are we there yet?” Sora questioned....again. I am starting to think she is turning into a kid specifically to annoy me like a sister and to make up for the years she couldn’t. “No, Sora.” I muttered, slapping my face as we flew above the canopy of the Everfree. “I mean, for Luna’s sake you are sitting on my back, you can see where we are!” My sister adjusted herself to look at me upside down from my back. “So?” Was her only reply as she smirked. I could hear Twilight laughing behind us as I flew us ahead of her. I rolled my eyes and allowed a pout to cross my face before looking ahead, seeing the aged and dilapidated castle another minute out from our location. “So, what exactly are you expecting us to find?” Twilight questioned as she caught up. I shrugged to her. “Not a lot honestly. In the show the only thing of real note you and the girls found was Celestia and Luna’s old journal and library. The girls went through a large serious of unfortunate events and ended up scaring each other all night.” “I still can’t believe the sisters built so many traps and tricks into their own home.” Sora muttered. “That would drive me nuts if I were one of them and they didn’t have their shared journal.” “Agreed.” I muttered, slowing down my flight as we came in for a landing. I let my sister off my back before she shape-shifted back into her teen form, in a pair of baggy black cargo pants, a pair of matching black boots and a plain purple tank top. I motioned to the doors and my sister and I opened them up, revealing the rundown entry hall with an old carpets, some large banners that Rarity scared herself with, and the branching hallways. Not going to lie, this place looks both better, and worse in real life than on the TV. Better because it looks like a real ruined castle with damaged cobblestone and other items, worse for the same reason, especially the smell of mold and still, old water puddles. “Soooo...which way first?” My sister questioned, looking around with curious eyes. “Well, we should probably look for Celestia and Luna’s study to find their journal before anything else if this place is as booby trapped as you described.” Twilight suggested, already walking up the stairs. I nodded along with my marefriend and we made our way through the ruined castle. A couple times while we were walking through the halls, I couldn’t help but get a weird feeling on my mind. Like there was something here that I just wasn’t seeing. And seeing the look on Twilight’s face, I think Sora was the only one who wasn’t thinking like that. ‘What is that feeling? You feel it too, right?’ I mentally question the mare. ‘Yeah, it feels odd. It feels...almost like Princess Luna but...not at the same time? I also feel this weird tingling in my chest, like my magic is telling me something.’ She responded. Oookkayy? I don’t feel that second part myself. I shrugged it off for now, staying next to my sister as we made our way through the halls, eventually finding a pair of slightly ornate doors, which I recognized as leading to the study. A quick push and we were in, seeing all the, surprising well maintained books and furniture. My sister and marefriend took the lead, looking around the room with intrigued eyes while I searched one of the bookshelves, searching for anything interesting. “You know, for being over a thousand years old, this library isn’t all that bad.” Sora said, grabbing a seat at one of the tables while Twilight lit up a candelabra. “Yeah, honestly I expected this place to be full of rats and stuff.” I muttered back, taking out an old book, but the ink was so smudged I couldn’t read the title. “I remember Celestia saying she sometimes came by here to clean on the very off times she had free. Even then, I honestly thought this place would be worse maintained. I mean, look at this!” I turned to Twilight as she pointed out an old couch, which was actually completely clean, likely dusted off recently. “Um, Twi? I don’t think Celestia did this.” I said warily, looking at the old couch, notching it actually wasn’t all that old, only a couple years. Actually, now that I though about it, I think I saw a couch similar to this one being thrown out by one of the carpenter ponies back in town last week. ..... Eh, it’s probably just a coincidence. My sister turned to us as well, before putting too much weight on her chair, causing it to tilt. She waved her arms with a small shout as she nearly fell, before it stopped and we all heard a loud click followed by the shifting of gears. Twilight and I noticed the mechanism connected to one of the legs of the chair before having to catch our hair as the bookshelf next to us opened up revealing a hidden door and caused a inward draft. “Huh, so that’s where that was.” I muttered, now remembering what the opening trick was. Once the door finished opening, the three of us got a look in, Twilight writing and using her magic to make a light source, revealing an old bedroom with a crescent moon and sun shaped beds, with two stained glass windows depicting Luna and Celestia as well as a large bookshelf with several ornate seat cushions nearby. In the middle of the room, was a pedestal, with a large book resting atop it. “‘The Journal of the Two Sisters’. Sweet, we found it.” Twi muttered, taking the book and hopping onto Celestia’s old bed. It was as my sister was settling next to her, that I noticed something. “Hey girls?” The duo look to me as I was looking over Luna’s old bed. “Is it just me, or does this bed looked like it was recently used?” My sister and marefriend walked over, and saw the creases and half-hazardously made sheets, along with a couple of pillows near the end that was clearly from nearby and not the bed itself. “Hmmm, do you think maybe somepony is squatting here?” Twi questioned, keeping a firm grasp on the book. “Possibly. It isn’t like somepony would need to pay Celestia or Luna rent or something. Plus this place is actually pretty well preserved and clear.” I replied, taking a seat on the Lunar mares old sleeping spot. I admit, this was a really comfy bed for being a thousand years old. “Yeah, but I hope whoever they are, they aren’t all that aggressive. The last thing we need is to start a fight in a place that could collapse on us at any moment.” Twi responded, taking a seat next to me while my sister did the same to her. “Well, there isn’t much we can do about it now. For now, let’s just read through this journal so we know where all the hidden doors are.” We nodded and Twi began to read aloud. I admit, some of the stories in here were great, like the time Luna set up a small trap in the Hall of Hooves so when Celestia tried to use one of the doors, a bucket of red paint would fall on her. But the response clearly made it clear that Luna was the one of the receiving end of her own trap, along with some pony named Eclipse. I am not sure how long the three of us were there, reading through the old diary, but eventually we got to a part that was worrying. “‘Why don’t you let us help!? I don’t understand at all! Eclipse is sick taking a bolt for me and you won’t let us do a thing! We CAN heal him! He is my best friend Tia, more than that! Just let me-‘. It cuts off after that. Looks like Luna was interrupted before she could finish.” Twi said, a frown on her face. She turned to me and Sora, her question obvious, but we just shake our heads. “We’ve never heard of anypony named Eclipse in the show back on Earth. It’s possible he was a night guardstallion, but that’s all we’ve got.” Sora said. “But whoever he was, he was clearly precious to Luna. And from what we can gather, he took a bullet for her.” I said swinging my legs lazily through the air. “Hmm, I wonder if Luna even remembers Eclipse.” Twi muttered to herself. “She should. I mean, I am not sure how being stuck on the moon worked, but it was clear she wasn’t conscious the entire time. Even an immortal Alicorn isn’t immune to the mental and emotional damage of total isolation.” I said, sitting up. “Well...I was more so thinking about her time as Nightmare Moon. I am not sure how it was showed back in your world, but Nightmare Moon caused a civil war for half a decade before she was banished. It’s where Celestia first began to go on her anti-dark magic crusade, originally believing Luna was possessed by something caused by her tampering with dark and acult magics.” Twi said, placing the book on the nightstand. “I’m guessing that line of thinking didn’t last long after confronting Nightmare?” Sora said, earning a slightly disappointed nod from Twi. Sora scoffed, “Figured as much.” “Yeah, one can only lie to themselves for so long before reality sucker punches them in the teeth.” Twi said, stretching her arms before glancing out the window towards the slowly darkening sky. “We should probably call it and head back to town, its starting to get late. I’m sure Spike and the pokemon are back by now anyways.” My sister and I nod, stretching ourselves out from our spots on the bed. It was as I was bending down to stretch my back, that I noticed something we missed. “What’s this?” Crouching and then reaching under the bed, I grabbed what looked to be a small notebook, like the ones from the local surplus store, but it had a bunch of stars and the night motif all over it. The girls tilted their heads as I tried to open it, but I could tell almost immediately when it didn’t give that it was magically sealed. “Hmm, looks like we found the squatters diary. I think.” I stated, toss the small notebook in the air a couple times. The duo shrugged as we left the bedroom, placing the stool back down and allowing the secret door to close. “So, wanna do anything else before we head out?” Sora questioned, reading through Luna and Celestia’s journal again. I looked to Twilight, who just shrugged. I was going to suggest walking back for the hell of it, when a cold chill flowed through me. And I wasn’t the only one as I saw Twilight and Sora shiver themselves, our breaths becoming visible for half a second. Out of the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw something dark duck behind the corner of a nearby hall. “W-w-what was that?” Sora questioned, lighting herself on fire, but just barely as to not catch any of the nearby books ablaze. “That....that was not natural. That was almost an eerie, ethereal cold.” Twilight stated, warming herself up with my sisters flames. “Yeah, but am I the only one who felt like we should follow whatever that shadow was?” I said, pointing down the hall. Twilight looked down the hall with a narrowed gaze, silently telling me I wasn’t the only one who saw that. “What shadow?” I turned to my sister, seeing her adorably confused face on her tilted head. “You didn’t just see an odd, almost cloaked figure ducking behind the hall?” Twi questioned, earning a shaken head negative from my little sister. “Hmm, whatever it was, it may hold some answers. To what questions, I am not sure, but something is generally better than nothing.” I said, taking another glance around the room before heading down the hall, followed by my sister and Twilight. “So, what did you girls see? Also watch your step Twi.” Sora said, nudging Twilight away from another pressure step. “Not sure really. All I saw was a dark figure. I can’t make heads or tails of what they looked like.” Twi said, ducking under a mounted pair of antlers. “Same.” I muttered, looking around as we turned the corner. The three of us paused a moment, Sora flipping through the old journal and pointing out the traps in the area with small balls of fire hovering over the spots. The three of us just continued down the paths, Twi and I just following our instincts for now. “Ok, I can’t be the only one feeling like we’re being watched right?” Sora broke the silence. “Yeah, I’m with you there sis.” I agreed, catching myself before I stepped on yet another pressure pad. “Yeah, but am I the only one who feels like this is a familiar gaze?” Twi questioned, earning our attention as we finally made it into the main hall. “I don’t know, but I can’t help but feel like I have felt this before. Like, whoever is watching us, I know.” I just hummed with a hand on my chin, before we hear the shifting of stone and saw someone run down another hall. “Hey!” The three of us run down the stairs and into the hall, catching the tail end of the pony in question, following as they ran down and other hall. “Who is that?” Sora questions, hopping over some debris as we turned another corner, seeing the figure go through a pair of doors. “Not sure, but whoever they are, they aren’t getting away.” I replied, seeing the doors led to a large staircase. With a small nod, Twilight made a light and the three of us made our ways down, seeing the pathway split into a T. A glance around, and a wave of light, showed the left way had long since collapsed, so with no other alternatives, we made our way right, seeing it lead to another corner. I placed my back to the wall, Sora and Twilight following suit, before I took a breath and rushed the corner. What greeted me was a short corridor leading to a collapsed doorway. Confused, I walked over, seeing through the broken door that whatever room was there had been long destroyed. I could barely see in past the fallen rock and dirt. “What the, where did they go?” Sora questions, looking around the hall in confusion, creating a couple balls of fire to light the area. “Maybe they teleported out?” Twi muttered before shaking her head. “No, we would have seen a flash or heard a pop.” I frowned as I looked around, feeling along the walls with my Vectors and feeling nothing but solid stone, no secret passages, no doorways, nothing. ‘What happened? Where did that person disappear to?’ I thought to myself. ‘And....what is this familiar feeling?’ “Twi.” My marefriend turned to me. “Do you feel that?” She rose a brow. “That...dark essence. The encompassing darkness.” “Uh sis? Are you just trying to be dramatic? I don’t feel a thing.” My sister replied behind me. I just shook my head, seeing Twilight place a hand on her chin. “No, I feel it too. Honestly it is a familiar feeling. The feeling of dark magic. You probably can’t feel it Sora, because technically you have never learned a thing about it. Only Nat has.” She said, looking at the debris again before pausing. “I wonder. Sora, snuff the lights.” My sister rose a brow but complied, extinguishing her fire and leaving the three of us in pitch blackness. I could sense the magic in the area clearer now that there wasn’t any fire to distract me. I looked towards the rubble again after my eyes adjusted to the dark and widened my eyes, nudging Twilight to look as well. Now that there was no light in the area, the rubble almost looked like it had a heat haze around it. “What is that? Some kind of illusion?” Sora questioned, standing next to us. I slowly nodded my head. Twi suddenly walked forwards, a look of determination on her face, before she closed her eyes. My sister and I watched as black and purple bubbles of dark magic began to appear on her horn, followed by sparks of magic electricity, before her eyes snapped open, revealing them to be completely green with purple and gold wisps coming out of the sides. With barely a moments hesitation, she pointed her horn forwards, sending a beam of dark magic at the rubble. The rubble seemed to wobble, almost like it was made of a bubble, before like a bubble, burst, revealing a hidden, darkly designed door with two crescent moons as the door handles. As the illusion dropped and Twi deactivated her magic, I noticed some shattered chains on the floor, showing this door was once sealed off. Keyword being was. “Okay? Looks like we found wherever they went.” Sora muttered, earning a nod from me and Twi as we walked up. After a moment, I grabbed the doorway and slowly opened it, a wind blowing back our hair as the door opened. Looking around, we saw a large, for lack of better comparison, apartment. It had a main room with a couch, a tall bookshelf, a hallway leading to a bedroom and archaic bathroom, and another door, sealed off. Walking in and closing the door behind us, Sora and I took the lead, looking around and taking note of the overbearing night and space decor. All without an inch of the sun anywhere. The girls and I carefully make our way in, seeing the place was actually pretty nice, definitely better than the apartment Adam was going to be moving into when he was going to leave for college. “Ok? So, what’s behind door number 1?” Sora questioned with a grin, grabbing the handle to the only closed door. Almost immediately she let go with a yelp as a bolt of magic electricity shocked her into the wall. “Sora!” I run over to my twitching sister before she got herself under control, red sparks appearing as she healed herself. “You good?” She slowly nods her head, clutching her hand as it healed. “Okay, looks like this door is sealed with another dark magic seal.” Twi said, looking over the door with a critical gaze. “Yeah, but how do we get in? I don’t think the same spell is going to work twice.” I replied, scratching my head. ‘Fools...’ Twilight and I jumped, but I kept us all rooted in place with my Vectors to not give anything away. ‘how can they hope to get in here? They have no royal blood. I just have to stay here until they leave. Yes...I just have to wait...nothing new...’ The voice trailed off with a sigh, it almost sounded sad. I glanced to my sister and Twilight, seeing the former looking around, while Twi was looking to me with wide eyes. A tap to the head and I set up our telepathic connection. ‘You heard that right?’ Twi questioned, to which I just nod. ‘That voice, it...almost sounded like Luna.’ Everything suddenly came into focus as I heard her say that, my eyes opening wide. “Gods I hope I’m wrong.” I muttered, catching the girls attention as I grabbed the handle. Unfortunately, just like Sora I got shocked, but not nearly to the same degree as Sora, just like a static shock. Taking my hand back and shaking the pain away, I frowned, before glancing to Twi. “You wanna try?” I questioned with a frown. Twilight frowned as well, before sighing and walking over. Sora and I stood behind her, prepared to catch her should she get blasted away. Twi shook her head and took a breath before raising a shaking hand to the handle. A moments hesitation passed before she closed her eyes and grabbed the handle. Sora and I tensed and waited, but after a couple seconds of nothing, Twi finally opened her eyes to see she wasn’t getting shocked. “Umm, alright?” She muttered, turning the handle and slowly opening the door. It revealed another set of stairs leading down to than other room, a light showing it wasn’t just a random room. “Ok, why did that work? Could the seal not interact with your arm or something?” Sora questioned, looking at Twi prosthetic arm. Twi and I were silent, looking down the stairs before simultaneously walking down. Sora caught up after a second before we made it to the bottom. Entering the room, our eyes widened at what could only really be described as a trophy door or armoury. Several weapons like swords, spears and bows lined the walls while several ponyquins of different armours stood at attention. Walking over to one, my eyes winded as I realized this armor was the same that Rainbow Dash wore when Twi went to the Timeline where Nightmare Moon took over. “Whoa, these are old night guard armor sets. But...what are they doing all the way down here?” Twi questioned aloud, earning a shrug from us as we made our way through the room. I noticed a large bookshelf off to the side with several old and dusty books and scrolls. I walked over to grab one, only to stop as I heard Twi gasp. Looking over, I see her looking to the back, and following her gaze, I saw what she was looking at. It was a sword, but it looked way more dangerous yet beautiful than any other I have seen here. It was double bladed with the blade itself being straight and the black metal composing it giving off an odd, almost glowing blue reflection. Slowly trailing up the blade, I saw the cross guard looked to be fashioned after bat wings, with them both being retracted around the connection, almost like a bat folding its wings around itself. The handle was wrapped in some beautiful white and black cloth that I think would make Rarity pass out, some of it still had some hanging off the rest, almost like a scarf. The pommel was rounded with an onyx stone resting in the centre, and I noticed there was a bright blue sapphire in the centre of the cross guard in the shape of a crescent moon. The sword was stabbed into a slab of cobblestone, almost like it was trying to be like Excalibur, and I noticed a gauntlet was resting next to it. The glove was made of some black metal like most of the armor here, it had sharpened fingers, giving the illusion of claws, and several small onyx, sapphires and even aquamarines lining the knuckles down to the wrist like it was highlighting where the wearers right hand bones would be. It also had some black cloth that would reach up to ones elbow at the opening. “Woah, that is one hell of a sword.” Sora thought aloud. I nodded in agreement as Twi walked over to the blade, summoning her notepad and quill and beginning to sketch it. “Remarkable. I have never seen this blade in any books back in the castle.” Twi said, looking over the blade from every angle before looking at the gauntlet. “I think there is an obvious reason for that.” Sora said, looking around again before whipping out the journal. “Yeah, its clear these pieces are from Nightmare’s era.” I said, looking at another set of armor with a critical eye, noting the holes both on the back and in the centre of the forehead to signify it being for an Alicorn. “Honestly, I am not sure if Celestia even knows about this room.” “Probably not, there isn’t any notes about the hallways leading here in the book. It’s obvious this room and the hall were created after Nightmare showed up.” Sora said, flipping through the sisters journal before slamming it shut with a sigh. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back to the blade, before blinking and looking closer. “Hey, am I the only one who senses an odd aura around the sword here?” I questioned, earning my sisters attention as well as Twilight’s. “Yeah, I feel what you mean. This blade is...cold. Strong. Dark.” Twilight muttered, looking it over carefully. “I don’t see it.” Sora finally said, crossing her arms with a frown. “I am really starting to dislike my lack of dark magic.” I rose a brow at her and frowned before turning to Twi, and noticing she almost seemed mesmerized by the blade. I tilt my head before looking to the glove and shrugging my shoulders. Picking up the gauntlet, I am about to put it on, before pausing. ‘Lack of royal blood. But Twilight got us in. Maybe...’ I frowned before sighing and holding the glove to my marefriend. Twilight just blinked and tilted her head. I motioned to the sword then the glove, before it clicked in her head. “Are you sure Nat?” She questioned, taking the gauntlet from me. I just nodded, helping her get the large hunk of metal on. Sora just looked to us with a raised brow. Once the gauntlet and gloves were one, Twi flexed her fingers, before it suddenly glowed black and shrunk to properly fit her. I tilted my head at that. “Alright, that’s odd.” Sora muttered. I nodded in agreement while Twi just shrugged and went over to the pedestal. Sora and Twilight kept their eyes on the blade, while I discretely kept an eye out. As Twi wrapped her hand around the hilt, I saw movement from the corner of my right eye. Without moving, I glanced back, and saw a misty shadow just out of direct sight behind the Alicorn armor. Then I saw it. Those burning bright turquoise eyes. Their pupils slit like a cat or dragon. They view barely regarded me and my sister before locking on the form of Twilight as she took a breath. ’Foolish mare. Only one with royal blood and dark essence can even hope to-’ The voice I could barely hear was cut off as Twi grunted with effort, slowly retracting the sword from its stone placement. The shadow’s eyes widened in shock as the metal scraped against stone, slowly passing the threshold before, with another tug, Twi pulled it free and above her head. Sora and Twi looked to the blade in awe now that it was released from the stone, while I just smirked and turned to the shadow behind me, who just stared in shock. “That enough for you Nightmare?” The girls turned to me as I turned my body to the darkness, the bright eyes finally turning to me and seeing my smirk. They blinked, then Twi lit up her hand while Sora burst into flames. “Nightmare Moon!?” The shadow scowled before coming into the light, the shroud of darkness giving way to the form of an Alicorn as tall as Celestia with pitch-black fur and a violent purple and blue nebula for a mane, as opposed to Luna’s calm night sky. She was adorned in a dark blue and purple dress that reached her ankle and a black over coat with white fur lining. I also noticed a couple of starry strips in her mane. “How are you doing that?” The Alicorn questioned, earning a raised brow only. She pointed to the blade. “That is my most prized blade, one I used against my sister on more occasions than any other weapon. That blade is especially enchanted so only one with my royal blood and a connection with dark magic can hold it, let alone wield it.” Sora and I turned to Twi, who looked just as confused. She lowered her hand and dispelled her attack before looking at the blade in her other hand. “I...don’t know.” Twi muttered, not lowering her guard. “This blade...it just felt like...like it was calling to me, I don’t know.” “Hmph,” the Alicorn scoffs, “well it is obvious you have some connection to my sister. So what are you? Her daughter, granddaughter? Descendant? Seventh bastard child from a drunken romp?” “Oi!” Twi shouted with a scowl. “I don’t know what I am to Celestia aside from her personal student, but I am NOT her child or grandchild!” She frowns. “Honestly I would prefer to be Luna’s anyways.” That caught the mares attention, her eyes snapping open. “You would...what?” The three of us looked to one another, frowning before Twi sighs. “I said I would honestly prefer if I was Luna’s descendant if there is that connection. Not to be rude to her, but my respect for Celestia has been on a steady decline ever since I lost my arm and gained some dark magic.” Nightmare’s eyes opened wider as Twi rolled up her sleeve to show her her crystalmail arm. I blinked, and then turned to Twi as Nightmare seemed to teleport to her and took her arm in her hands, looking it over with wide eyes. “Remarkable! I have never seen anything like this!” The mare exclaimed. I looked to Twi, who just rose a brow, before looking back to Nightmare. Sora and I looked back and forth a couple times before my sis started talking. “Huh, that’s...odd. You two have nearly the same look in your eyes when you find something new.” That threw the duo for a loop. I looked to my sister before going back and forth between the two again, and nodding. “Okay? Now that I am properly looking at you two side by side, you actually look a lot alike.” I said with a frown. And I wasn’t kidding. Nightmare and Twilight had the same body proportions, the stripes in their manes were in the same spots, hell, even their eyes looked similar aside from the colour. Nightmare blinked a couple times before turning to Twi, who just frowned as well, her head tilted to the side. She then got her arm free from the alicorns grasp and reached up. Nightmare didn’t move aside from a raised brow as Twi began messing with her face like a child. “Weird.” We hear her mutter. “The more I look at you, the more I see my mom.” That got our attention as Twi released the other mares face, said mare taking her turn to feel up Twi’s face, much to her amusement. Nightmare was silent, looking over every part of Twilight’s face, before she groaned and grabbed her head. “Eclipse.” The three of us look to one another, confused, before a crazy theory popped into my head. I narrowed my eyes as Nightmare released her head and blinked a couple times. “Nightmare.” The Alicorn turned to me. “Just, who is this Eclipse?” Nightmare blinked a couple times before sighing, taking a seat near the stone that once held the sword. “Eclipse Divide. He was a thestral guard back a thousand years ago. He was only a teenager when he joined up as a guard, so bright and cute despite his species stigma. He was so nice, but respectful and obedient, nearly to a fault when Luna wanted a laugh and pranked him.” Nightmare laughed a little, a fond smile on her face. “He joined nearly a year before I took over. Despite being so respectful, he wasn’t afraid of Luna, he just wanted us to be happy. He and Luna became friends, really he was her only friend. They were...content I suppose, in their solely platonic relationship.” She frowned, a sad and angry look passing into her eyes. “But then, on a return trip from a thestral village that had been hit by a while storm, some of Celestia’s ‘cultists’ attack, intent of making sure she is the only ruling body. But they were weak, no match for Luna and I, let alone our contingency of guards.” She frowned, more sadness than anger in her eyes. “But then, we got distracted. As I was comforting Luna about having to slay ‘her little ponies’ an archer we missed took a pot shot at us before anypony could react. But Eclipse saw it.” The three of us frowned, nodding to her as we realized what happened. Nightmare gave a shaky sigh, reigning in her emotions. “The arrow was poisoned specifically to turn the ponies magic and body against itself. He made the body think the magic was an invading virus, making it tear itself from the inside out. There was a relatively rare cure, but we were out after our latest attack from the griffons and Celestia decided that saving one more guard was too much since the plant needed only grew deep in Griffonian territory.” She took a breath, calming herself. “Luna didn’t like that because she didn’t want to lose a friend.” She blushed. “I didn’t want to lose him because I didn’t want to lose a love.” “Wait Wait Wait.” Sora interrupts. “So, Luna just liked Eclipse, but you had a crush on him? How does that work?” “Well, believe it or not, Eclipse already knew of me. I had some control over the dream realm without Luna knowing, and had been visiting him for the past couple months. Obviously he was confused at first, and to be honest so was I, but eventually he actually accepted me as me and not Luna.” She blushed a bit brighter. “And, I won’t deny I used his dreams to have some....fun.” “Oh? OH, oh my.” Twi muttered, a blush appearing on her face as she realized what was going on. I coughed into my hand after a minute, getting the others attention on me. “Alright, so Eclipse was poisoned, Celestia refused to treat him, Luna and yourself didn’t like that. I take it that was the spark that started the power keg explosion that was your takeover?” I questioned, earning a nod from Nightmare. “And I take it you used this time to grab the cure for Eclipse and secret got together with him?” She nodded again, a loving smile on her face. “Am I the only one getting Minato and Kushina vibes, or what?” Sora added. I blinked a couple times and slowly nodded, seeing the similarities while Nightmare and Twilight were lost. “Kinda.” “Alright, back on track.” Twi broke in, earning our attention. “That still doesn’t explain why we look so alike. I mean, I seriously doubt its just a coincidental case of similar genetics.” “Wait. Genetics.” I muttered, a hand on my chin, an idea slowly forming in my head. “Whatcha thinking Nat?” My sister questioned, while I smirked. “Be right back, I need to grab a book from the library.” I said, summoning my wind and flying out the door at high speeds. I could barely catch my sister questioning what I was doing before I was zooming through the halls and towards the library. Once I arrived, I began looking through the shelves at a quick rate, using my Vectors to grab any books to high up from me, going through them all, searching for something I knew was around here. I knew, because I saw it earlier but couldn’t remember where I put it. After a minute or two of taking down practically every book from the shelves, before, much to my embarrassment, I finally found the book. On the table from before. Oops. I chose to ignore the mess I made, intent on cleaning later, and grabbed the old medical magic book. I flew through the pages, looking for something specific, before stopping two thirds through the book. A smile broke across my face as I found what I was hoping for. Bookmarking the page, I flew back to the secret room, tossing old armor and decorations out of the way with my magic. Once I arrived, I found a rather amusing sight. “How are you so small and adorable?!” “Damn it let me go!” I had to hold in a laugh as I watched my eight-year-old sister struggle to escape her fate while she was being glomped by the ‘pure evil and menacing’ Nightmare Moon, her muzzle nuzzling the child’s hair. Twi had to cover her mouth to prevent her own laughter, but an occasional snicker escaped her muzzle. Finally Sora managed to angle herself and saw me, an adorable glare on her face as she saw my expression. I finally lost it at that moment, Twi following suit as the two of us fell to the floor, an angry Sora and confused Nightmare just looking at us. “Oh haha, NOW STOP LAUGHING AND HELP ME!” my sister screamed, surprising Nightmare enough with her outburst to let the girl go, resulting in an unintended face plant. Twi and I lost it again. “OH OH GODS THAT IS FUNNY!” My marefriend screamed, kicking her hooves into the air as she clutched her stomach. I would have agreed, but I was took preoccupied trying to get oxygen into my system. Nightmare chose to ignore us as she walked over and grabbed the book I brought, flipping through it to the marked page. I looked over and saw Nightmare’s raised brow, before I managed to motion to Twi, who just managed to get to her hooves. “Why would-” Nightmare’s eyes shot open, before she whispered so quietly I nearly missed it. “Nebula Heart.” Sora and Twi looked to one another, then to me in confusion, while I frowned, taking the book from Nightmare. “Nebula Heart huh? I take it, that was your filly?” I questioned, looking over the book, while Sora and Twi looked to Nightmare, said mares eyes wide in shock. “Surprised? I was actually kinda easy yo figure it out once I put some pieces together in a different order. You have too many similarities to Twilight and her family. Your random attempts at placing what Twi was to Celestia showed you, Luna and her aren’t above a couple rolls in the hay. And, maybe its just me, but I get this weird maternal vibe from you, especially when you were glomping Sorano. You remind me of my aunt Chiho on my surrogate elder sister’s family.” I walked over to Twi, still reading the book and quickly cut a hair from her head with my Vectors, surprising her as it hovered in front of her. Nightmare sighed, ignoring as I took one of her hairs as well. “I knew that our fight couldn’t last forever. Celestia and I had both lost so many of our subjects, too many. That mare was a stubborn as a boulder and I wasn’t any better. We both were preparing for our ‘final battle’ so to speak. We planned for it, but it didn’t happen till nearly a year after. That night, the night I was prepared to meet her, I decided to got all in with Eclipse, not really caring about the ramifications. I was prepared to either win or lose, I wasn’t that far gone that I lacked anything other than anger and hate. I was my own pony, I just happened to be inhabiting Luna’s body and mind.” She took a breath, a small blush on her face. “That was the night I gave him my everything, prepared to make him my king should I win.” She then rubbed her head sheepishly. “Unfortunately, thing’s didn’t go to plan and Celestia and I wouldn’t be having our fight until nearly a year later.” The three of us just deadpanned her, before I went back to the spell, making sure I understood everything. “So, I guess it goes without saying that he planted her in you?” Twi added bluntly, her remark making Nightmare blush and then glare at her before nodding. “Yeah, you have no idea how hard it was to keep my pregnancy secret, but when you are a master of dark magic, a couple dozen illusions is nothing.” She boasted, earning an eye roll from us. “Wow, way to sound like Trixie.” Sora stated, earning a Vector hit to the head. She frowned and looked to me while I just narrowed my eyes to her, finishing drawing the spell formula on the ground. “Anyways...not long after Nebula was born, I had Eclipse take her away from here since I knew Celestia was actually coming this time. I didn’t want either of those two to be hurt. Last I heard before we were sealed on the moon, Eclipse and Nebula were on a boat heading out of Equestria.” “And it looks like either they or their descendants came back.” The others look to me while I frowned, looking at the blue flame before me. “Uh, what is that?” Twi and Sora asked. I held out the book, not looking away from the floating flame. “A magic DNA test basically. It was developed by Clover the Clever to help with those that were orphaned or lost during the reign and aftermath of the Windego’s to help find their family. It would take two pieces of DNA, and magically cross reference them, becoming red fire if they weren’t related.” I explained, Sora taking the book, her eyes widening as she read through it quickly. “And...becoming yellow if they were distant relatives.” Sora said, finally handing the book to Nightmare, who looked near the end, before tears began to form in her eyes. “And...finally...blue if they were...direct descendants.” Twilight’s eyes shot open and she took the book from the now tearful mare, reading through the spell again. She read it through four times before frowning and taking off a piece of her mane, doing the same to Nightmare before casting the spell herself. The results were the same, the two hairs floating up in a white aura before twisting around each other faster and faster before they burst into a ball of blue fire. There was silence except for our breathing at the ball of flame before it slowly went out, Twilight slowly dropping the book. Once it hit the ground, Sora blinked a couple times before looking back and forth between the two ponies. “Well...damn.” > Chapter 37: Legacy of Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sooo.....” I trailed off, taking a sip of my tea. I glanced to my sister who just kept her eyes anywhere but the two ponies. Nightmare and Twilight were sitting across from each other, each just staring. Twi still had the gauntlet and the sword, now strapped to her back. Nightmare said she needed a minute to compose herself, and Twilight agreed, and decided to brew some tea with the set Nightmare kept around. The silence seemed to drag on and on and it was driving me up a wall, but none of us knew how to breach it. This...monumental bombshell. Twilight, and apparently Shining Armor, were Nightmares direct descendant! Not Lunas. Not Celestia’s. Nightmare Moon. I frowned and shrunk in my seat as both ponies fixed me with almost matching stares, like it was taboo that I break the silence. I winced and slowly placed my cup down, looking back and forth between the duo with worry. The duo were just silent, grabbing their teacup and drinking in unison. It was...unnerving. Now that they were face to face, I could easily see a resemblance, and that should be very difficult since Nightmares genetics were a thousand years old in Twilight. Silence re-entered, Sora managed to give me a nervous stare and mouthed ‘what now?’ I frowned and shrugged my shoulders. I can’t even imagine what was going through Nightmare or Twilight’s minds. I know I would be going crazy if I found out I was related to, like, Joan of Arc or something else that massive. I watched in rapt attention as Nightmare leaned forwards, narrowing her eyes. Twilight didn’t flinch, not even as Nightmare reached forwards and began to turn her head around. “You certainly look like her.” The Alicorn muttered. Twilight rose an amused brow as Nightmare relinquished her face, crossing her arms over her chest. “And you look a bit like my grandmare on my dads side, so at least we know which side you’re related to.” Twi replied. Nightmare giggled a bit as Twi took another sip of her tea before sighing. Twi and I rose a brow as Nightmare frowned with soft eyes as she took a proper look at Twilight’s prosthetic. “You, have been hurt quite a bit.” The Alicorn muttered, before laughing a little. “Heh, a true Nocturna through and through though, becoming so strong in spite of this. Especially with the darker side of magic.” “I guess.” Twi shrugged before looking at her hand. “It certainly took a while to get used to. Even now, sometimes I feel like this has been a dream and I’ll wake up again right before Discord escapes. Never to meet Nat, Sora, her family, Edward and everyone else.” She chuckled a glanced to me and my sister. “It’s been pretty surreal this past half year.” “Tell us about it.” Sora and I spoke in unison. We all giggled a bit, before something clicked in my head. “Wait, Nocturna?” “Yes. My name. Before I ended up with the title of Nightmare Moon, and after I managed to split from Luna, I decided to take the name of Nyx Nocturna.” She replied, surprising us. “I just thought the name fit, right? Besides, considering your reactions only my loved ones and truly loyal advisers knew my name.” “I mean, I can see it.” Sora muttered. I nodded as the two relatives shared a moment of happiness with one another. “So, what happens now?” Sora questioned. “Not sure.” I replied, standing and stretching my back. “But I think we should head back to town. Celestia is going to be raising the sun in a couple hours, and we should be home before the others realize we have been gone in the first place.” “Yeah, you got a point babe.” Twi said, taking all the cups to Nightmare, or I guess Nyx, kitchen. “But, what do we do about grandmare Nyx?” “I have to stay here.” We turned to the Alicorn who frowned and rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me those looks. I know if I randomly showed up in a town I would cause a panic and more trouble for Luna. Besides I can’t actually leave.” She frowned. “For some reason my spirit and magic is tethered to the castle, so I can’t even leave the gorge let alone the forest. For all intents and purposes, I’m just a ghost stuck haunting the castle.” I frowned as we made our way through the old building. “That really sucks. Do you have any idea why that is?” “Aside from karma making it so I just replaced one prison for another?” She replied sardonically. “My best guess is that something happened with the Element’s of Harmony since I wasn’t just destroyed, or turned to stone, or sent back to the moon.” “Maybe. What about the Tree of Harmony?” I asked as we made it to the lobby. “I went down the gorge into the cavern a couple times to check, but nothings happened to me. Although I did sense some odd disturbance a couple months ago.” “Uh, that was probably me.” I said. “I like to go down there from time to time to think. The place is just really relaxing.” “Luna and I did the same thing when we were still one.” Nyx said with a nostalgic smile. She then perked up a bit, catching our attention. “Hmm, answer me this. How are you three with combat?” The three of us turned to each other. “I mean, we studied, my interdimensional aunt Luna taught us quite a bit about dark magic and combat, and we spar, but we have never really had any formal training for extended periods of time.” I answered. Nyx nodded, before smirking. “Alright how about this? You three can come by every now and then, and I’ll train you three how to fight properly. And while we do that, we can also look for a way for me to leave the castle.” She turned to Twilight. “Besides, you need to learn how to wield that sword like a proper fighter. No descendant of mine is going to be a novice in swordplay!” Sora and I blinked a couple times before we glanced to Twilight, who had a hand on her chin, before glancing at her new gauntlet and taking out her sword. She thought for a moment, before smiling mischievously and nodding. She then began to giggle. “Ehehehe, I can only imagine my brothers face when I beat him in a duel.” That surprised us, but then Sora and I began to think about it as well and began to laugh along with her. “Hoo boy Shiny is in for it next time we see him!” Sora said. I nodded before something else popped into my head and I frowned. “And, we could use the training to prepare for the Changeling invasion during his wedding.” That made my marefriend and sister stop laughing and get serious. Nyx looked between us, surpised by the sudden shift in mood. “Oh right, that.” “Um, can somepony fill me in here?” The Alicorn questioned as we made our way outside. “Long story short, a large army of Changelings will be invading Canterlot during my brothers wedding to my old foalsitter Cadence, Alicorn Princess of Love. The changeling queen Chrysalis is going to replace Cadence to make sure things go her way. From what Nat and Sora told me, after I tried and failed to expose the faker, she sent me to the old mines under Canterhorn Mountain where I found the real Cadence, we fought off the changelings, get captured again, Cadence and Shiny use their love for one another to cause a massive wave of magic that launches the changelings away.” Twi summarized. “Um, ok? If you know all of this, why don’t you just let things take their course?” “Because that was the original timeline. This is a very different world since Twi has so much more magic and confidence. Plus that fact my sister and I are here already changes things. Long story short, we need all the power we can get to be prepared for anything.” I explained. “I see.” The Alicorn rubs her chin and nods, before smiling. “Well then, I guess I won’t be pulling any punches with you three. So prepare yourselves for some intense training.” Twi, Sora and I smirked before we turned to the Alicorn. “As you wish, Mistress.” We all said with smirks. And then we began to laugh at Nyx pout. “I am already beginning to regret this decision.” 2 Months Later.... “Again!” I took a deep breath as Twilight and I stood across from one another, a sensory blade held firmly in both my hands as Twi clutched her own blade. With a nod, the two of us rushed forwards, clashing blades. Mine shattered after two or three hits, but I just summoned another one as Twilight kept up her firm defence, pushing me as I jumped, slashed and moved about. I managed to get behind her to slash at her back, but she twirled and blocked with her crystal mail arm, before catching the blades and crunching them in hand. She then went on offence as I reinforced my blades with more magic, making them last longer as I blocked and dodged around my marefriend. Sora stood on the sidelines, sitting legs crossed as she meditated and worked on her magic, the burn marks on one side and frost on the other showing her progress to changing back and forth. She also had her aura surrounding her, the pink and silver energy constantly in motion as she flexed the energy. Twi and I kept up the spar, slowly speeding up as we went back and forth between who was defending and who was attacking. Before long, we locked blades, before Twi pulled back and tried to punch me. I managed to block with a swirl of wind, before the burst of air sent up both back. We both flipped back to our feet/hooves, and got back into our stances. There was a snap of the fingers, and Twi and I collapsed on the ground. “Gods....dammit.” I muttered, trying to get my breath back as my adrenaline cut off. Twi wasn’t in much better shape, barely able to get her coat off and face planting into it. Sora was silently snickering at mine and Twilight’s condition. “You two have come far.” I managed to turn to Nyx as she said that, sipping some tea with a smirk. “Before your forms were rather rusty and full of holes. Now you two can compare to my captains of the night guard a thousand years ago. Most impressive for only a couple months worth of official training.” She paused for a second. “Then again, you three did have a head start thanks to Natali’s Displaced family.” “Still, we still have a long way to go before we’re ready.” Twilight said as she managed to get up. I followed suit a second later, walking over to a nearby bench as she passed me some water. I raised the bottle above my head and shivered as I felt a blast of cold air pass my hand. I then took the cap off and sipped the now ice cold water, turning to my sister with a nod as she lowered her arm. “Not bad Sora. You managed not to freeze it solid this time.” I praised, sipping my water. My sister smirked before taking out a small skewer from a case, with undercooked chicken meatballs stabbed on it. She narrowed her eyes, before lighting up her other hand and torching the skewer with a burst of rainbow fire for a couple seconds before she stopped, revealing a dark and cooked meatball skewer. She smirked again before munching on her snack. “Your control has been skyrocketing lately Sorano. I have to say I am impressed.” Nyx said, looking to the moon with a smile. “Thanks Nyx.” “So what now?” I question, putting my stuff away. Twi tapped her chin before shrugging, picking out some dirt from her prosthetic. “Not sure, we should probably head back to town. Spike has been wanting to see how much I’ve improved with my standard unicorn magic.” Twilight said, sheathing her sword and putting on her coat from Ed. I nodded and grabbed Sora, who just yawned and hopped onto my back. We waved to Nightmare again, before we took off into the night sky. “So, how much longer do you think it is going to take before my brother tells me he’s getting married?” Twi questioned as we made our way into Ponyville from above. “Who knows? No offence to you Twilight, but your brother isn’t very active minded at times.” I replied as we made our way to the library. Twi and I nodded to Owlowiscious as she opened the window for us. I looked to my back as I heard Sora lightly snoring and placed her on the bed before tucking her in as Twi and I quietly made our way to our room. I sighed as I stripped off my clothes to the minimum before flopping onto the bed. Twi followed suit a second later, making sure not to hit anything with her left arm. She still hadn’t found a spell to give her arm full sensory connection to her nerves so she can feel. Ed’s random arrival with that Kairi Displced a couple weeks ago defiantly helped in increasing our repertoire of abilities, but just allowing Twilight to feel with her crystalmail is proving to be a task and a half. I yawned and decided to actually get into the bed, holding the blanket up for Twi to crawl in, the unicorn sleepily moving in and nuzzling onto my chest. Apparently she likes sleeping on my boobs better than sleeping on a pillow. I just rolled my eyes and let her do her thing, the two of us beginning to tangle ourselves as we held each other. I smiled as I allowed my eyes to droop into sleep. Later That Afternoon..... “Oh don’t be scared little friends. Twilight is really wonderful with magic.” Fluttershy said to her animal friends before she turned to my marefriend with a surprising glare. “Anything happens to them Twilight, and so help me!” Twi just raised an amused brow and lowered Fluttershy’s hand from her face. “Relax Shy, this is just a simple levitation test.” “Seriously Flutters, Twi has been making leaps and bounds with her magic lately, even with her injury. If anything replacing her arm just made her stronger.” Sora muttered, sipping some water. Fluttershy had the decency to blush sheepishly at that. The four of us plus Spike were all outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, a group of animals all waiting for Twilight to do something. Said unicorn stretched her arms as she walked up with a confident smile. “You have nothing to worry about Fluttershy. This is going to be fun. Right guys?” She turned to the animals, who all clapped and jumped in excitement. I could still see the pegasus next to us was scared so I just pat her shoulder. With a grin and narrowed eyes, Twi lift her left arm, her horn and hand glowing with her magic as she surrounded all the animals with her magic, levitating them into the air. Fluttershy was biting her nail with fear, while Twi was just smiling, levitating the animals around into a figure eight and like they were dancing in the air. After a few minutes Twi gently lowered the animals back to the ground, wiping a bit of sweat from her forehead. Fluttershy was kneeling on the ground covering her eyes, but Sora and I tapped her head and she looked at all her animal friends as they were crowding around Twi with excitement. She managed a sheepish smile as the animals all left for their burrows. “That was great Twilight! Your magic has really improved a lot since we came here. Princess Celestia is going to love seeing your progress!” Spike cheered. I saw Twilight’s smile twitch a bit, likely thinking about Celestia. “Thanks Spike. I do have to be at my best at all times, especially since she is bringing a bunch of delicates from Saddle Arabia. I’m surprised she is trusting me with the entertainment.” Twi muttered that last part. “You really shouldn’t be Twi.” I said, laying my arm over her shoulder. “You have so much unique magic it is only natural for the princess to ask you.” I reassured before looking forwards and pushing Twi out of the way of a rainbow blur. Rainbow turned around as she saw she missed. “Twilight, Nat, Sora come quick! It’s an emergency!” She yelled, hovering in the air before zooming off. I looked to the others and shrugged my shoulders before we made our way into town. The run was silent before we came to the town centre and saw a crowd of ponies surrounding something. We managed to shuffle our way through the crowd in time to hear a zap of magic before we heard Rarity scream. We managed to make our way through and saw Rarity wearing a very ugly dress of bright green, brown, orange and hot pink frills. “Oh, you beast! This shade of brown should only be used for accents!” She wobbled on her hooves before AJ ran up and caught her, tossing her over her shoulder as Pinkie ran up. “Come on Applejack. We gotta get her in a nice soothing pink. Stat!” Pinkie said as they ran off. Twi, Sora, Spike and I walked up looking over the crowd. “What the hell is going on here?” Twilight questioned with a frown. “Well well well.” We turned to a mare with a grey cloak covering their person. She raised her hood to show a familiar face. “If it isn’t, Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie said with a grin as her eyes flashed red. “Trixie?” Twi muttered before glancing to me. I just shrugged. “She isn’t supposed to show up until after the invasion. At least in the normal timeline.” I whispered to her. “What’s she doing here?” Spike questioned with narrowed eyes. Rainbow flew above up before glaring at Trixie. “You call that great and powerful?” Trixie didn’t respond verbally, but just used her magic, the aura and her eyes turning blood red as she blasted Rainbow, the puff of smoke showing one of RD’s wings bigger than herself. She wobbled around, nearly slamming into Snips and Snails, before I decided enough was enough. With a wave of my hand, the wind whipped around and caught Rainbow before lowering her to the ground. She looked to me with a grateful grimace. “Thanks for the save Nat.” “No problem RD.” I replied before jumping as I saw Trixie zap Sips and Snails so their horns were stuck together. Ok, that’s a lot weirder in real life than on the TV. “Stop picking on everyone Trixie.” Twilight demanded, her hand glowing. Trixie looked nonplussed, but did raise a brow at her glowing hand and lack of glow on her horn. “We have some unfinished business. My magic has gotten better since I was here last. And I am going to prove it.” She pointed to Twi with a confident smirk. “Me and you. A magic duel. Winner stays. Loser leaves Ponyville, forever!” “Forget it!” she glared, before it melted into a grin, confusing the others. “At least, for that last part. I would never abandon my home without a legitimate reason beyond a silly bet. However, if its a duel you want, I am more than ready to oblige.” That caught Trixie off guard. “Um, what.” “Yeah that was really stupid of you.” Trixie finally took notice of me and my sister as we walked up. “Twi has gotten way more powerful since the last time you have met. And she doesn’t even need that amulet to do it.” I pointed to said amulet around the other unicorns neck, catching her off guard. “Wha-how do you-?” “Know about the Alicorn Amulet?” Sora finished, once again surprising Trixie. “It’s surprising what things you can learn if you know where to look.” Trixie looked between the three of us in surprise, before clearing her throat and attempting to take control of the situation. “So, you accept my challenge for a magic duel?” Trixie questioned Twi with a glare. Twilight placed a hand on her chin, looking like she was thinking hard, which caused a couple chuckles from the crowd, before she grinned. “Yup. Meet me at the park in one hour.” Twi said before the three of us turned and began to walk away, leaving Trixie to gawk at our lack of respect. After a moment, she growled and teleported away in a flash of red as the crowd made their own ways to the park. Once we made it to the library, there was a beat, before Sora and I burst out laughing, Twilight trying and failing to hold in her own giggles. “Oh, oh did you see her face! Priceless!” Sora yelled, rolling on the ground. “I know! You totally stole her thunder babe! That was great!” I yelled, barely catching myself onto the couch before I fell. Twi I nodded, managing to keep herself steady as she made her way to her books. “Thanks for the cheering. Now, I just need to find that book on the amulet. I know I saw it a couple days ago.” Twi muttered, levitating several books around herself, before cheering as she found it. Twi began to study the contents of the book, noting everything down, while I went and grabbed Twilight’s gear. I figured she didn’t need her sword or gauntlet, but she should still look good. One Hour Later.... Walking up to the park, I saw that Pinkie and Applejack had set up some bleachers and an apple juice stand around the park. Sora and I walked up, looking around the area and saw Trixie walking in a circle around the tree, grumbling to herself and glaring at any ponies that got too close. I heard an alarm ring from my pocket, which meant it was an hour. Trixie and the others noticed me as I walked up with a grin. “Oh, its you two. Whatever you are. Now, where is Twilight. Did she chicken out?” Trixie mocked, but I just rolled my eyes. I held my hand out to the side and Pinkie appeared, a microphone in hand, which she handed to me. I tapped it a couple times to test it before nodding. “Fillies and gentlcolts!” I began, catching everyone’s attention. “Welcome and a fine afternoon to everypony. Today, we are here to witness a duel between a master of magic and a magician!” I smirked at Trixie’s glare and the laughter from the crowd. “On one side, we have the magician, Trixie Lulamoon!” All of the boos, all the yells! I laughed to myself as Trixie ground her teeth together. I cleared my throat, turning serious as the wind began to pick up. “And next to me, the defender, the unicorn you all love, the Element of Magic herself and my beautiful marefriend, Twilight Sparkle!” I mentally smirked as I used my magic to make the wind pick up, causing some to cover themselves from the dust and dirt, before I looked up, causing the crowd and Trixie to follow suit, their eyes widening in surprise. Twilight was hovering a dozen and a half feet in the air, her hooded coat from Ed on as well as a pair of simple black slacks and a long sleeve, black and purple striped shirt. Her tattooed face was blank as she lowered herself onto the ground, before she suddenly twisted her neck with a loud crack. Trixie shivered at the crack, seeing Twilight not flinch at all at what she did. Said cloaked unicorn just grinned like a cat that caught a canary, before she stretched her arms out. “Well, now that I am here, how about we get this over with.” Twi stated more than asked. I nodded and rushed over to the tree nearby for cover. Trixie shook her head and gave a haughty smirk, full of confidence as her eyes flashed red again. I glanced back and forth, seeing Twi lower her stance and pull back her arm, confusing Trixie for a moment, while I smirked. “And....begin!” Trixie went to talk, only for her eyes to widen and to dodge left as Twi almost blasted her with a kinetic blast. She went to complain, only to teleport away as Twi appeared before her and tried to punch her, striking the ground and causing a small tremor. “Hey! What are you doing?!” Trixie demanded, a little scared at Twilight’s sudden attacks. “What? This is a magic duel right? A fight.” Twi responded in a ‘no duh’ tone. “What?!” Trixie yelled, before she had to dodge several energy bolts from Twilight’s hand. She growled to herself, eyes turning red before she tried to blast Twi back. “Solid Script Guard!” The word appeared out of thin air, easily stopping Trixie’s attack. That caught her off guard, long enough for Twi to write again. “Solid Script Thunderbolt!” The word Thunder appeared above Trixie, who began to run around, barely dodging bolts of electricity. She couldn’t move in time to avoid a haymaker to the face, feeling her teeth rattle as her opponents fist felt like it was made of rock. “Damn, Twi’s going in!” Rainbow exclaimed, munching on some popcorn. The others nodded, seeing the ferocity of their once nerdy friend as she launched spell after spell against Trixie, who was just trying to avoid being creamed, let alone fight back. I was just leaning against the tree, watching my marefriend put Trixie through the ringer with her own powers. I’ll be the first to admit, this level of dominance is really hot. “Hey sis, your nose is bleeding.” I jumped and immediately dabbed at my nose with my sleeve, sending a glare to my sister that was undoubtedly ruined by my blush I could feel. She just laughed at me and jumped up to a branch before leaning back to watch the show. “Solid Script Bullet!” The word appeared before launching a stream of magic bullets at Trixie, who just managed to raise a red shield in time, though she did nearly get hit by a stray bolt flying past her neck. Trixie’s eyes were constantly red now, but her expression was one of worry, annoyance, frustration, and most of all, fear. I didn’t even need to use my telepathy to know Trixie was screaming in her head about how strong Twilight had become, clearly catching her off guard. The constant offence Twilight was taking was clearly taking its toll, Trixie was slowing down, breathing heavy, and I saw her eyes twitching in pain from a clear migraine from magical overbearing. Twilight meanwhile barely had the faintest of hitches in her breath before she got it under control, and her hand was glowing a little bit from residual magic use, like the leftover heat from a bullet. She smirked to herself as Trixie lowered her shield, panting hard to get her breath back, red magic fizzling out from her horn, which was smoking a bit. “So, are you going to surrender, yet?” Twi questioned calmly, hand on her hip. Trixie just growled like an animal, her eyes and the amulet around her neck glowing bright red, as an orb appeared on her horn which began to grow. Twi’s eyes widened a bit, before she frowned and adjusted her stance, legs shoulder length apart, while she crossed her arms above her head. My eyes widened as I recognized that stance. “Oh shit.” I muttered, before turning to the crowd. “TAKE COVER!” The crowd proceeded to hid behind the bleachers, Pinkie placing hard hats on several heads, while I grabbed my sister and flew into the air. Trixie roared as she launched the large orb of red magic towards Twilight, who just smirked in response. Time seemed to slow as the crowd saw the light bending towards Twilight, who seemed to have an orb of space itself above her head. Once Trixie’s spell was ten feet away, there was a pulse. “ALTAIRIS!” ***** “Seriously?! You know how dangerous that spell is Twilight!” “Alright alright I heard you the first twenty times Nat! I got too into the fight!” “Haha! That’s my descendant! You take no insults from those below you!” “You’re really not helping Nyx!” We had been having this argument for the past few hours after Twilight knocked Trixie out with her spell, which I know she weakened by an incredible degree, but that wasn’t the point! We did stop when Celestia showed up, and I managed to convince Trixie to help with the festivities, though she did have to take it easy from the magic overload of her trying to stop the Altairis spell. But, Sora and I picked up the slack with my wind and Sora’s fire and ice magics. With a sigh, I stretched out against the bench I was laying on, before taking out the Alicorn Amulet. Trixie gave it to me before she left, once I showed her the book Twi had, seeing all the side effects of the magic. She didn’t want to run the risk of going crazy, so she gave me the amulet for safe keepings. I figured I could ask Nyx about it and maybe see if we could use it ourselves without the side effects. I turned to the two ponies here, Nyx wanting to go through a quick spar with Twi before anything else. Sorano was back in town, sleeping because she didn’t really want to come out tonight. I agree, she shouldn’t be up this late at her age. Another clang and a grunt later, I saw Twi laying next to me on the ground, clearly being thrown back from Nyx in the spar. I didn’t even look away from the sky as I grabbed her water bottle and placed it in her outstretched hand. She proceeded to drink some, while dumping more onto herself. “So, what do we do with this?” I questioned, holding up the amulet. Nyx walked over and pulled it from my grasp, looking it over while rubbing her chin. “Well, I would normally suggest destroying this since even Luna and Celestia couldn’t resist its corrupting effect, but I actually have a different idea.” Twi and I turned to Nyx as she sat on the bench. “This amulet was made by infusing large amounts of not just dark magic, but also a small portion of chaos magic from an old pony named Q. Never did figure out what happened to that old unicorn, but he was a good friend with Clover and Starswirl. The three of them are actually the ones who made this, with the intent on increasing the power output my normal unicorns so they could move the celestial bodies more easily. Remember this was before my sisters became Alicorns. Anyways, from what old Swirly was able to figure out, is that the inherent nature of chaos, and thus chaos magic, is the reason behind the amulets corrupting effects. Normal ponies can’t handle the inherent nonsense and randomness from chaos. Which I think is the reason that Q disappeared. It was not long after that Discord first arrived, so Celestia and Luna both decided to try and destroy this thing, but before they could, it was lost, likely from Discord taking it.” Twi and I nodded along, before Nyx lit up her horn. I blinked, and then looked around as I saw we weren’t at the castle anymore, but in a very familiar cave. I helped Twilight to her hooves as she looked around very quickly, noting the large staircase that reached to the top of the gorge we were in, and then in the cave she saw the light around the bend. I looked to Nyx with a raised brow as Twi looked to me, but the Alicorn just grinned and motioned to follow. I shrugged to my marefriend, and we followed the ancient being through the cave. I grinned a bit when I heard Twilight gasp, seeing the Tree of Harmony for the first time can be pretty surreal. Especially for an element bearer. I walked up to the magic tree and jumped, taking a seat on one of its lower branches like I always do when I come here. Twilight just walked up to the tree, almost in a daze, her stunned expression not being repressed at all as she gently laid a hand on one of the roots. “Incredible. It’s so....warm.” She whispered in awe, before she turned to Nyx, who was calmly laying against one of the roots. “Why are we here?” “Ah, one of life’s great mysteries. That is a good question my dear descendant.” I gave Nyx a ‘seriously?’ face as she managed to keep herself from laughing. I knew showing her those RvB clips was a bad idea. Nyx shook her head before taking out the amulet and tossing it to Twi. “Put it on.” “Say what?” “You heard me, put it on. If anypony can use that as intended, its you my dear.” Nyx clarified. I frowned before glancing to Twi. I was worried, who knew how that things magic would react to Twilight’s, as well as being so close to the- My eyes widened as I looked to Nyx, who just smirked at my look. C-could that work? The magic from the Tree of Harmony fazing out the Chaos magic in the amulet so Twilight doesn’t get corrupted? I looked to Twilight, who seemed to be having a debate with herself, but eventually she just sighed and placed the gem on her neck, clicking the metal clasp together on the back, and just waited. I blinked a couple times, staring at Twilight. She kept her eyes closed, breathing calm. I glanced to Nyx, who rose a brow, before I looked back. “Um, I don’t, feel any different.” Twilight finally said before she opened her eyes. I am pretty sure I blacked out for a moment, before I inhaled loudly. “Twilight your eyes!” I took out my phone and set the camera to selfie mode, before shoving it in my marefriend’s face. Twilight’s eyes had changed, not drastically, but noticeably. They remained the same shade of violet as before, but now her pupils had narrowed into slits like a cats and the pupils themselves had a red dot in the centre. That was very noticeable, and Twilight jumped a bit before taking the phone and looking her eyes over. “Whoa. I look way more like Nyx now.” Twilight muttered, the faint glow of the Alicorn amulet and the red dots in her eyes pulsing in time with her heart. She blinked a couple times, before glancing to the tree. She tilted her head, her ears flicking around almost like they heard something, and walking up to the trunk. “Twilight?” I questioned, not receiving an answer as Twi walked up. I glanced to Nyx, who looked just as lost as I was, and just walked over to Twilight as she looked at the tree. After a minute of just staring, Twi seemed to know what to do next, and laid a hand on the trunk of the tree, before closing her eyes. Nyx and I watched as Twilight’s magic came to light, her horn and her hand glowing a deep maroon mix of red and purple, along with bits of gold and black near the ends of the the aura. I stepped back and jumped as the tree seemed to come to life, glowing brightly as the areas where the elements once resided pulsed in time with Twilight’s heart. My eyes widened greatly as the magic surrounded Twilight’s form, rings of red, purple, gold, black and white surrounding her and spinning in different directions, creating a sphere of magic around her, before she began to rise into the air. I could barely see her lips moving like she was chanting and her eyes were pure white like when she was having a magic overload as a filly. “Twilight!” I screamed in fear, and took a step. But Nyx grabbed me and shook her head. I was about to yell at her, before I noticed something. She was...crying. But she was also smiling. Her smile was wide with pride and joy. “Nyx?” “She did it. heh, I guess Celestia knew she could reach this point.” Was all she said as she watched the orb Twilight was in begin to spin rapidly. I closed my eyes, barely feeling as Nyx magic covered me. And in once more burst, we all vanished. > Chapter 38: Heir of the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Person POV Sight returned to Nat in an instant, alongside a quick inhale of air. Blinking a couple times, she was confused as she found herself on her side, on the ground. With barely a sound, she lift herself up and looked around the figure out where she was. She didn’t see much that would help. All around her was space. Near the ‘ground’ where she sat was a light fog that got thicker the farther away it was, darkening the distance. All around her looked to be nothing by space, the dark voids being lit up by a multitude of stars, constellations, nebulas and galaxies. She blinked a couple times, getting her bearings as she managed to get to her feet. It was only when she heard her feet hit the ground that she noticed her shoes were gone. Along with her shirt. ....and pants.... And underwear. “WHAT THE HELL!?” The Diclonius immediately crouched into a ball, covering herself as she did, before noticing she didn’t feel anything. She wasn’t cold, or hot, she just felt normal. “Ok, calm down Nat.” She mumbled to herself. “First, figure out where you are. Worry about your lack of clothes later.” She frowned as she got back to her feet and began walking in a seemingly random direction. She didn’t know how long she was walking for, but she didn’t let herself get bored as she began to think about her currently situation. ‘Alright, let’s backtrack for a minute. Before I woke up, I was with Twilight, Nyx and Sora at the Tree of Harmony. Twilight put on the Alicorn Amulet, then her magic seemed to resonate with the Tree. After that, there was a large build up of magic, and then I am here.’ With a second to pause, something seemed to click in her head, before she proceeded to facepalm. “Duh, this is the astral realm.” She muttered. Knowing this, Nat didn’t allow herself to be self-conscious with her apparent nudity, and allowed herself to wander with more confidence. “Alright, so this is the astral realm, then....that would mean-” “Twilight went Alicorn.” Nat turned to her right as she heard her sisters voice, said girl walking through the hazy fog. Like Nat, Sora lacked any clothes, but she was also in her original child form. Oddly, Nat wasn’t really bothered, just running up and grabbing her sister. “Wait, Nat wai-” She couldn’t finished as Nat proceeded to smother her little sister with her proud chest. Nat knew what she was doing, but did it anyways. Mostly to annoy her sister. Sora’s squirming continued for a minute before she finally rolled her eyes and stopped, before hugging her big sister back. Nat smiled as she let the younger Diclonius down as they looked around the foggy area. They began to wander, no knowing where the other two who would be there are specifically. Sora looked around with a raised brow, before blinking at a faint light in the distance. Tapping her sisters arm, she pointed to the light, earning a smile and nod from Nat. The duo walked towards the area with a slightly fast gate, wanting to meet up with the others and return to Equestria as soon as possible. Nat and Sora raised a brow as they got close, seeing Nyx standing still, just as naked as the sisters, though she had her fur to cover her. What confused them was that the Alicorn was standing in front of a large orb of magic. It was black, red, purple, blue, gold and white, with all the colours alternating as the magic shifted. Nat and Sora just walked up silently, looking at the orb with curiosity while already knowing Twilight was in it. Nyx saw them walk up, but stayed silent and smiled as the orb kept shifting. “I didn’t think I would be here to see this.” The Dicloni turned to Nyx. “Aside from that Cadance mare, I truly didn’t think there would be another Alicorn this generation. It had long since just been me and my sisters.” “I suppose this is a very momentous occasion.” Nat muttered, just watching the orb her marefriend was within. “Though, she will need to wear an illusion after this to hide any changes.” “True. I don’t even want to think about how Celestia will react to this.” Sora muttered to her sister. Nyx nodded, before smiling as she laid a hand on the girls shoulders, carefully dragging them back a bit as she sensed the magic sphere beginning to finish the transfiguration on her descendant. The orb began to alternate colours faster, the magic within finishing up what it was doing. Nat and Sora took an extra step back as the magic began to pulse. The orb began to shrink, before the magic turned from solid into gaseous, the multicoloured mist quickly beginning to evaporate, before there was one more pulse of magic and the orb exploded outwards. Nat and Sora had to shield their eyes from the flash, the wind in the empty world making them stumble back a could steps before it quickly died down. Nat was the first to step forwards as the fog began to clear, making her eyes widen as she got to see her marefriend. At first Twilight looked exactly the same as before, but as the mare slowly got to her hooves from the ground, a couple things were more prevalent. First was a large pair of purple wings sprouting from her back, the new limbs unconsciously flexing as Twilight tried to get her bearings. Second was something that made Nat blush, Twilight’s chest had grown at least a full cup size. Thirdly, Twilight’s horn had become slightly longer and sharper than before, with the swirling grooves of her horn having a darker, nearly black, tint to the cartilage. Finally, when Twilight looked at Nat, the latter managed to get a look at her marefriend eyes, seeing that the pupils had narrowed into a slits like her ancestor with a red dot in the centre of her pupil. Nat’s own eyes widened at the change in her marefriends appearance. “Nat? What’s wrong?” Twilight looked slightly down and blushed. “And why are you naked!?” She then looked at herself. “Why am I naked?!” Twilight crouched, wrapping her arms and wings around herself. The moment she felt her own feathers though, she froze and slowly looked at the pair off wings wrapping around herself. “Twilight, no freaking out now.” Nat said, carefully taking her marefriend into her arms as Twilight unwrapped her wings. Nat carefully rubbed Twilight’s head, before getting a mischievous grin and lightly rubbed her new wings. Immediately Twilight’s wings sprang open, her face turning red through her fur as the new pleasurable sensation ran through her body. Sora blushed and turned away, remembering the biology book she and Nat read when they were still in one body and knowing just how sensitive a mare’s wings are. Nyx eyes went wide at her descendants girlfriend did that right as Twilight came out of the orb. The princess took a moment to try and regain her composure as Nat was smirking at the red Twilight as she carefully rubbed her wings. “Um, Natali. Can you please stop that for a moment so we can get this over with and leave.” Nyx interrupted, making Nat pout as she let go of her marefriends wing. Twilight barely managed to keep herself on her hooves as Nat supported her. Once she managed to regain her composure, Twilight looked at her wings in awe and confusion, lightly flapping the new appendages as Nat, Sora and Nyx gave her a moment to get used to her new additions. “Are you alright dear?” Nyx questioned. Twilight nodded as she got herself back together. “So, I ascended to an Alicorn.” Twilight muttered. “I...I know it was possible from what Nat said about the original timeline.” “Quite. I didn’t expect this myself, but somehow I knew you would be able to do so. You are my descendant after all, so if anyone could ascend, it would be you.” Nyx said with pride, looking over the new alicorn with a maternal touch. “You really look like my daughter you know.” “Heh, I guess your genes are strong.” Twilight replied as they duo shared a quick hug. “So, how do we get out of here?” Nat questioned as the duo let go of one another. “Well, there should be an exit nearby that will take us back to the castle. We will have to go through some of Twilight’s memories first.” Nyx said, but Nat didn’t believe that second part for a second. “Do we need to?” Nyx looked back and forth quickly, before sighing with a small smirk. “Alright not really, I just want to see my descendants adventures.” Nyx revealed. Sora and Nat rolled their eyes with matching grins while Twilight fondly shook her head before turning to her ancestor. “Lead the way granny.” “Don’t call me that!” The quartet all laughed as they made their way through the area. Not long after they began, what appeared to be several screens appeared above them, each screen showing a scene from Twilight’s life in each screen. Nyx was particularly interested as she made sure to glance at nearly all the screens they past to see her great-something granddaughters adventures. Nat smiled with a small blush as she saw the screen showing the first time she met Twilight, the blush coming from just how close the two of them were when Twilight fell on her. Sora smirked as she saw her sister and Twilight go on a couple of dates after they returned, making mental notes of things she can use as teasing or blackmail material. Nyx smiled, then grimaced as she watched Twilight, Nat and Sora’s first major Displaced adventure, especially when she watched the mare go through physical therapy. All the while, Nat stood beside her, making her truly thankful for the Royal Diclonius. Her last descendant was in good hands it appeared. The four spent another couple of minutes walking through the halls of memories, many of them causing them to smile as they remembered themselves what they went through. Once they reached a certain point, they stopped. Near the end was the most recent memories, those of their recent training with Nyx and Twilight’s fight against Trixie. Past that, was what could only be described as a white Doorway of Truth. The white stone making up the door had purple stained glass near the top, acting like a window to the outside. It had many names engraved on it, the clearest being those of Twilight’s family, the other Element Bearers, Spike, Nat and Sora and higher up, barely in sight were the names of the other Displaced they have met like Adam, Simon and Edward. Nyx placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, before noticing Nat looking at the door, then her hand with a curious expression. Nyx, Sora and Twilight looked where she was looking, and saw what appeared to be a black keyhole on the door. “Why is there a keyhole on the exit?” Twilight questioned. Even Nyx looked confused. “I am not sure. The Astral Plain tends to shift and change depending on the individual who comes in. The doorway is clearly meant to represent you Twilight, but I am not sure about the keyhole.” She turned to Sora. “Can you think of anything dear?” “I got nothing. Or, at least, I can’t really remember. There is something, just on the tip of my tongue that makes me think I have an idea, but I just can’t figure it out.” The youngest person in the room stated, scratching around her horns to try and think. “Nat can you-” Sora stopped as she saw her sisters expression. It had changed into one of realization, then to determination very quickly. Nyx and Twilight raised a brow each as Nat simply held her right arm out, fingers spread and took a breath. Their eyes then widened as what appeared to be pure light gathered in her hand before she closed her hand to grab it. The light darkened until a black handle appeared, a pink and gold cross guard that appeared to be shaped after the winds wrapped around the handle to the back, there it was locked in place with an upside down pink heart at the bottom. The shaft was straight like a blade, mostly being gold with several pink and black details and outlines of handprints. The teeth were standard trio of triangular shapes, with a gold, black and pink outline. What appeared to be a translucent keychain made of glass in the shape of a hand with a pink heart in the centre was connected by an invisible glass chain to the guard. Nat didn’t react visibly as she swung around the newly summoned Keyblade, but if one were to look into her head, they would see her doing a small excited dance as she summoned the legendary weapon. With a small swing of the blade, the fog around the area shifted away form the breeze, before Nat pointed it at the doorway. Form the tip of the keyblade, a tiny ball of light appeared, before shooting at the keyhole. The beam of light lit up the keyhole before the sound of old hinges echoed through the area as the door slowly began to open, nearly blinding everyone from the light within. Nat placed her keyblade on her shoulder and looked to the others, who were wide eyed at the suddenness of the act. “Time to go home.” The trio shook themselves and nodded, walking towards the doorway. Nat glanced back into the astral plain right before she entered the door, and smirked as the memories began to disappear, making it so no one would know they were there. With that, Nat walked though, allowing the light to encompass herself. Castle of the Two Sisters Nat POV As we appeared in a large flash of light, I was infinitely thankful that the castle was in the middle of the Everfree. I felt my now boot covered feet hit the ground lightly as we appeared back in this reality, now fully clothed to boot. I smiled as I still felt the slightly warm metal of my new keyblade in my hand, while Sora took a second to turn back into her teenage form. Twilight immediately took her coat off though as her wings couldn’t break the fabric and became tangled up. Once they were released, the mare released a thankful breath. “Hey babe? You think you can help me here?” I nodded as I took Twilight’s coat and clapped my hands, using some alchemy to make some wing slits on the back for her. I noticed as I hand it back, she still had the Alicorn Amulet around her neck. “Well, I suppose starting tomorrow I will be going over the ins and outs of being an alicorn my descendant.” Nyx stepped in, before sighing and lighting up her horn. “For the time being I am going to have to use an illusion on you to hide your new changes until you can do it yourself.” With a flash of her horn and the covering of Twilight in her aura, the mare appeared to go back into a unicorn. But considering she was flexing her shoulders a couple times, it was only a visible illusion. Nyx then frowned before lighting up her horn again and the amulet around Twilight’s neck changed into a blood red choker with the red jewel at the centre. “There, now hopefully nopony will realize you are wearing that old trinket. Though, I wouldn’t recommend taking it off for a while so that your magic can properly acclimate to the dark and chaos magic stored within it.” Nyx advised, earning a nod from us before I looked up. “Looks like we should head back. It’s already after two in the morning.” I said, earning a nod from the others. “We will be upping your training in a few days. For now, try and relax and get used to your new changes dear.” Nyx said as she gave each of us a hug before we headed out. I nodded to her as we made for the exit, using the wind as usual while Twilight lit herself up with her Heavenly Body magic. I barely reacted as my sister hopped onto my back again. At least tomorrow Twilight’s wouldn’t need to hide while we go to another timeline. > Chapter 39: Fairy Tail Magic #2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lex POV A loud yawn escaped me as I made my way through the empty halls of the guild, the night sky outside showing just how late it is. I knew I shouldn't have had so much to drink the night before, so now I was behind on paperwork, particularly for property damage a couple of Element Bearers caused.  I sighed as I finally arrived in my room, seeing a certain someone fast asleep in her little bed. I was honestly a little worried at first when I had to by another bed for Yoru, but considering how big she’s getting, it couldn’t be helped. I really wish I knew why her having Alicorn DNA alongside my magic energy is causing her to grow so fast.  Magic and science don’t really agree with one another on things like this. I shook my head and smiled to myself, gently tucking Yoru back in as she was sprawled out, watching her clutch her Eevee doll with a smile on her face. I felt myself relax as I made my way over to the washroom, giving myself a quick rinse before changing into my nightgown.  As I was making my way to my bed, I saw a light appear at the bedside, my phone vibrating with an alert. Grabbing the cellular device, I smirked as I saw the reminder I set for myself, adding a few things into the list I had. Once I was done, I went to bed, using my magic to appear in my mental warehouse to practice some more abilities for the guild.  ‘Good thing I have been keeping an eye on the newcomers, their magic is ready to learn. I also need to talk to Cheerilee about enrolling the kids.’ The Next Morning.... With a grin, I entered my office, keeping my other daughters occupied as I grabbed my Gummy Phone, looking through the contacts before finding who I was looking for. A quick click, and the screen showed four different images, one of a white wolf on a red eclipses, another of a pokeball held in a transparent hand, an alchemist symbol surrounded by an ouroboros symbol and the last of a familiar keychain, the former being at the forefront. After a few rings, I could see the screen light up with my brother's face without his mask. He blinked a couple times, and I noticed he had a piece of toast in his mouth. “Oh, hey Lex.” He muttered around his food, swallowing quickly as he saw my glare. “Sorry, you caught me just as I finished making breakfast.” “Clearly.” I responded with a grin as Adam put his food down. “So what’s up sis? Not that I am complaining, but I don’t normally get a call from you this early in the morning.” Adam questioned, sipping some coffee. I noticed Penny behind him as she took a seat next to him at their table. “Well today is the Fairy Tail promotion and placement exam, and I was wondering if you and anyone else from your world wanted to come, be it to join the guild as an honorary member, or if just to party.” I explained, smiling as Adam’s eyes widened and he smiled. “Alright! Hold on a sec, let me call Ruby and Pyrrha.” Adam said as I saw him going through a couple things on his scroll, before my perspective changed so I was looking down slightly through the screen? “Holoscreen mode, comes in handy for talking face to face.” I heard Penny explain as I could see her, as well as Oscar and Qrow in the shot now. After a moment, I heard a couple of beeps and two more screens popped up.  The first was Pyrrha, who looked to be doing her hair in her room, while the other showed Ruby and, to my surprise, the rest of her team eating breakfast. “Adam? What’s up?” Ruby questioned, munching on some strawberries.  “Yes, is everything ok Adam?” Pyrrha added before she seemed to notice me. “Oh, Lex! Good to see you again.” “Hey Pyrrha, Ruby, good to see you two again too. Hi, Qrow, Oscar, Penny!” I greeted, getting some equal greetings in return. “So, like I just told Adam here, today is a placement and promotion exam for my guild, and I was wondering if any of you wanted to come for the party afterwards.” “Really?! Yes!” Ruby cheered. “That would be lovely Lex.” Pyrrha agreed.  “Wait, slow down a second here!” I turned to Ruby’s screen as that Weiss girl walked up. I blinked a couple times to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me as I saw a small dragon resting in her arms. “Who the heck are you!?” I noticed Blake and Yang, I think those are their names, looking over Weiss’ shoulder. “Sorry, my name is Lex, I am the dummy Faunus surrogate sister.” I ignored the annoyed ‘Hey!’ As I introduced myself. “Oh, you’re one of the other Displaced that Ruby talked about.” Yang added. I nodded, and then I noticed Yang tilting her head. “Nice hair.”  “Thank you.” Was all I replied, lightly brushing my hair. I just realized how similar our hair styles are, only mine is a little spikier. “So, anyone else aside from Ruby and Pyrrha wanna come?” “Do you guys have any Strawberry Sunrise?” I nodded. “Then I’m in.” “Well, I suppose it could be fun.” Weiss aquiested quickly, and I could see a smirk on her face. Blake just shrugged and nodded.  “Thanks for the invite Lex, but I have some lessons to teach at the schoolhouse later today.” Oscar politely declined.  “I have some more recruits to whip into shape, so I’m out too.” Qrow stated, sipping some coffee before turning back to the screen. “Try not to have too much to drink Yang, and Ruby, keep a lid on your excitement.” “Like you’re one to talk Qrow.” Yang fired back. I grinned at their quick back and forth before snapping my fingers to get their attention. “Alright, I’ll call you guys back in a couple hours, be prepared to go through a Stargate.” I told them, earning nods from everyone before I hung up on them with a quick wave. With a sigh, I worked out a kink in my neck before swiping the screen and selecting the pokeball symbol. A few rings later, and my sister's voice was coming through the speakers.  “Hello? Lex?” “Hey Nat, morning.” I greeted with a smile, hearing my sister's drowsy voice.  “Hey, what’s up?” Nat questioned, and I could hear her Twilight groaning next to her.  “Not much. Just wanted to ask if you, Twilight and Sora wanted to come by today for the guilds placement and promotion exam and party.” I stated, and I could imagine my sister's eyes widening as I heard her sit up. At least I hope that is what is making the bed squeak.  “What, seriously!? Hell Yeah!”  “Babe, can you keep it down?” I smiled as I heard Nat quickly apologize to her marefriend. I could hear her getting out of their room before hearing her knocking on another door.  “Nat, what’s up?” I smiled as I heard that other voice. It sounded older, but I knew who it was. “Hey Sora! Good morning!” I called through the phone. “Oh, morning Lex!” I hear my littlest sister respond. “So what’s up?” “Well I wanted to know if you, Nat and Twilight wanted to come by for the guilds promotion and placement exam and the party afterwards.” I repeated. “Alright! I’m in. I’m sure Nat can convince Twilight to come by too.” Sora responded. “Sweet, I’ll call you two later when it's time to come by.” I smiled as the two agreed before I gave a quick farewell and hung up. A couple of swipes later, I selected the image of a keychain, hearing the phone ring a couple of times before I heard the receiver pick up. “Hello? Lex?” I heard Kairi answer. “Hey Kairi, been a while. How have you, Luna and Haley been?” I asked.  “Good, good, actually, you called at a pretty good time,” Kairi replied. “Not much of anything going on, which, while pretty good, is highly suspicious. What’s up?” “Well later today is the promotion and Placement exam for the guild, and I was wondering if you, Haley and Luna wanted to come by and stay for the party afterwards. My siblings are already coming, so this could be a good chance to introduce you to Adam.” “Oooh! That sounds great!” came the eager reply. “Will I be participating in the exam?” “That’s the plan. I know Ed knows where the locations for the totems are, so I plan on omitting him, but you and the others are free to join in since you're honorary members. Afterwards we will just be showing off our magic to see where you land, then I’ll be explaining what magic some of the newcomers will be learning while the rest of you relax at the guild.” I explained. “Sounds like a plan to me!” the Keyblade Wielder cheerfully replied, before continuing in a more serious turn. “On a more serious note, I have two jobs I want to register with your guild. One of them S-Class.” “What happened?” I questioned with a stern voice. If this was S-Class, then it was beyond serious. “Well, you remember how during your last visit, we all inspired my Trixie to go in a new direction?” Kairi questioned. “I take it she has something dangerous in mind?” “No, no, nothing like that,” the girl quickly dismissed. “No, she started a theater company, and after the first show, the creator of my world, Faust herself had a little talk with me about an IMMENSELY serious threat, not just to my world, but ALL worlds.” “Talk. Now.”  “His name is Tash. He is the literal embodiment of death and destruction, and he’s been masquerading as The Master of Masters,” Kairi quickly explains. “He’s the one who first convinced Luna that extracting her heart was a good idea. There is a trail of dead worlds in his path, and he has his sights set on mine currently, but I have it on VERY good authority that he’ll go after yours right after.” “Well….shit.” I replied with a frown. “I can ask Ed or Loki for a hand if need be, but there is only so much I can do.” I sighed as I sat in my seat. “As sad as it is, I think I am starting to stagnate with my strength. I’ll help out however I can, but there is only so much I can do.” “What I really need are mages, and Keyblade wielders who can stand with me and the Elements when he comes.” Kairi sighed. “As it stands, I’m the only person who can actually fight here, and with the amount of time we have before Tash gets here, its simply not enough time to train the Elements.” “Alright. We’re in. I’ll tell the others tomorrow, and we’ll select who will fight. Obviously Dawn and Trixie are in, but can’t allow Sonbā to join.” I sighed. “In case things go south, I won’t let my girls grow without their father.”   “I have a failsafe ready, in case things go south to evacuate everyone other than the user from the battlefield,” the voice of Melissa chimes in. “If you’re familiar with Final Fantasy XIV, its Louisoux’s spell that sent all the fighters during the Seventh Umbral Calamity off the battlefield as he fought Bahamut.” “Sweet.” I stated. “But I am still not letting my boyfriend participate in the fight. I’ll need him here to take care of the guild.” I sighed again, not liking how serious this got, before perking back up. “But all this is Future Lex’s problem. For now, how about we set things up for you guys? Are you coming too Melissa?” “Of course, it’ll be fun!” Melissa chuckled. “Plus, I need to run a diagnostic on the three Figure 17 units I sent with you. There’s a minor glitch that makes them repeat the last thing they said for about 5 minutes. Figured you wouldn’t want that left in the program.” “Oh yeah, I honestly was wondering if that was just a quirk you added for the lols.” I replied with a laugh, earning some back from both girls in the call. “Anyways, I’ll call back in a bit for when you can come over. There are a couple things I have to finish before then. See you girls later.” “Later!” both girls replied. I smiled as I hung up on Kairi, sighing as I checked the clock to see I had been at it for a while, but I still had one more person to call. Swiping around, I found the number to call, and quickly dialed in. After a bit, I heard the call pick up.  “Hello,” came the voice of a little girl. Soon the display showed a little alicorn girl. “Hi pretty lady My names Morning Star!” She giggled. “What’s your name?” “Oh, hello there little one. My name's Lex.” I replied sweetly, though I was really confused that a little Alicorn girl was answering. “I don’t mean to be rude honey, but is Edward Elric available?” “Edward Elric?” She tilted her head. “Um… I think that's my daddy's name,” My eyes got wide. “I think he is teaching right now, or in the throne room with Auntie Tia… There are a lot of daddies running around usually.” “Morning why do you have Ed’s watch?” Came a new more adult female voice. “He let me borrow it,” She said looking up. “Let me see it honey and you go play with Eclipse,” Said the voice. “K,” In a quick blur the watch shows a dark tan skinned woman with a gnarled black horn and green hair and eyes. “Hello, who is this?” Said the woman. I blinked a couple times, getting the fact that Ed has a daughter through my head, before looking at this new person and for some reason I knew she was. “Chrysalis?” “Yes that’s my name, who are you?” She narrowed her gaze at me. “I don’t really care for my baby cousins to talk to strangers. Had I known Ed gave Morning his watch I would’ve been watching her more closely and so would please identify yourself.” “I am Alexandria Justine, Master/Faekage of the Fairy Tail Guild. I’m Ed’s eldest Displaced Niece.” I responded sternly. “Now, mind telling me why the person who attacked during Shining and Cadence’s wedding is hanging out with my little cousins?” “Excuse me, I happened to live here and I often look after the twins while their parents and aunt are busy,” She scowled at me. “I know I did wrong back then but here things are different. As I said, they are my cousins and I look after them a good portion of the day, Nyx to sometimes if Twilight’s parents can’t look after her. Now what do you want?” I stared hard at the human/changelings face, before taking a breath and putting my screen on the table so she could see all of me. I then surprised her by giving a formal bow. “I deeply apologize for insulting you. It was wrong to assume, and I hope this doesn’t do anything to negate your opinion of me.” I stated, before sitting down again. “Anyways, I called because I wanted to ask Uncle Ed if he wanted to come by later for the guilds promotion and placement exams.”  “Give me one second and let me see if I can catch one of him,” She sighed. “I might get lucky and find one in a hallway. I’ll leave you with the twins for now,” She walked over and in another blur of images I saw the twins. “Stay here you two. I need to track down one of your father.” She walked off leaving the kids staring at me, one of them looked almost exactly like Luna. “This is bubby his name is Solar Eclipse,” Morning pointed at her brother, it looked like he was trying to hide behind his sister. “You called daddy uncle, are you our aunt or cousin?” “I seen you before,” Eclipse finally spoke up from behind Morning. “Daddy has a picture of you in his and mommy’s room and in his workshop.” “Well, I suppose you could call me your aunt.” I replied to Morning with a smile. “I have some little girls of my own I know would love to have some cousins.” I then turned to Eclipse. “I am glad your father is remembering to have something to remind him of the rest of his family.” I perked up as I heard my baby monitor beginning to rumble. “How would you two like to meet one of your cousins?” I smiled as the duo immediately began to nod. Leaving my office, I entered my room and smiled as Yoru’s eyes opened from her sleep, immediately reaching for me. “Morning, Eclipse, meet your little cousin Yoru.”  “Pretty baby,” Morning giggles. “She look like you,” Eclipse finally came out from behind his sister. There was a door opening and the Twins cried out, “Daddy!” and rushed off. “Hey there guys are you being good,” I heard Ed off screen and the twins giggle. “Let’s see here,” The display showed Ed. “Hello Lex, long time no see.” He looked at me as the Twins were hanging off his shoulders. “I see I wasn’t the only one busy in the bedroom since the last time we spoke. What can I do for you my dear niece?” I blushed a bit at Ed’s middle comment, before smiling as I set my youngest on my lap. “First off uncle, Sonbā and I haven’t gone that far….yet. It was a real mess with Yoru here showed up.” I clarified, earning a laugh from the alchemist. “Secondly, I wanted to see if you or anyone else from your world wanted to come by for the guild’s placement exam and party.” I gave a sheepish grin and rubbed Yoru’s head. “Though I will have to omit you from the searching part of the exam since you know where the totems are.” “True but I would still be eligible for the other parts at least,” Ed chuckled. “I sure would like to come. It's been awhile since I’ve seen you and seeing as it’s the placement exam I also assume you’re also bringing your brother and sisters as well as their friend too?” “Yup. Adam, Nat, Sora, and Kairi have all agreed to come by with some of their friends, though Yang just wanted a strawberry sunrise.” I smiled as I let my youngest crawl onto the bed. “And besides, it would be nice to have another full family reunion, especially with the additions we both have had lately.” “Yes it would be,” Ed nodded. “I’ll have to see if Blue would be up for running the country while we’re away,” He stroked his chin, I raised an eyebrow. “Don’t look at me like that. He is the current Captain of the Guard here seeing as he is the only one on par with Shining’s power level and with my training beside Polearm. I think we can bring Twilight, Nyx, Pole, lord knows Tia needs some vaca time too since we got together,”  My eyes went wide. “Yes, Tia and i are together now. I love both of them dearly Lex, and herds aren’t uncommon here. Anyone else is welcome that wants too. Spike is another definite. Now I have a question for you my dear niece, what else is on your mind that you’ve been holding back?” He set the twins down and they ran off to play. I check my youngest, seeing her curling up on my bed, before sighing. I told him everything Kairi informed me of, allowing some fear to appear on my face as I talked about how serious this was. Ed’s own face shifted into a serious look as I continued to almost rant at him about what Kairi told me.  “It’s a good thing you told me,” Ed leaned forward and interlaced his fingers. “Having a keyblade I can help. I can also share a few of my powers that don’t rely on magic as well. Still this big. If I didn’t have Truth’s power I could possibly even die for good this time. How are we getting to your world? Are there any specific things that you need from me to bring along as well?”  “Uh, I don’t think so. I am planning on using the Stargate that Kairi and I set up in the basement to get you guys here. I don’t think Adam has one, but Nat and Sora do, so it would be easy to connect to all of you.” I sighed, looking at my daughter as she slept, and smiled. “Right now, I just want to have time to be with my family, not worry about the end of the world.” I wiped my eyes. “It would be nice if you could bring Morning and Eclipse, they should meet their cousins.” “I have a stargate we can use, I helped develop the ones Nat and Kairi have so it’s simple to connect them,” Ed leaned back and I mentally face palmed. “As for us getting there I’ll just use my Rinnegan to open a portal. I have your world coordinates already and I really don’t want the twins to go through a gate. They’re only a few months old after all.” He stood up as my eyes widened again. “From that expression I can tell you aren’t familiar with an alicorn's rapid aging. I’ll explain it once we’re over there but for right now I have de spawn and convey this message to the Ed network. We’ll be ready whenever you want us Lex and thanks for the call. Until then later,” He waved and poofed into a puff of white smoke. I blinked a couple times, sighing as I hung up on my phone, before grabbing Yoru and helped her change into her own tiny kimono. She immediately began to suck on her fingers, smiling at me as I went back into my office. There were still some things to finish for later. “Now if only you would start talking.” I muttered with a smile, quickly writing some things down at my desk while Yoru was drinking from me. She just let go and wiped her mouth before nuzzling up to my chest. Only two and a quarter months and she looks nearly a year old now. “Ed can’t get here fast enough, Luna and Celestia have been no help with her.” I muttered as I finished the last request sheet from this world, before making one for Kairi. My frown didn’t leave me as I made the sheet, marking as SS-rank as a precaution.  Nodding, I grabbed the quest sheets, posting the S-Class quest first before heading down and posting the rest of the quests. By now some of the early risers and the staff have come in, so I didn’t need to worry about opening the guild.  I smiled as I saw Sonbā and Echo leading a groggily trio of creatures into the guild for breakfast.  “Morning girls, Echo, honey.” I greeted, getting a trio of ‘morning mama’ and two more energetic greetings from the exceed and Alicorn. “Morning babe.” I smiled as I kissed the Alicorn on the cheek, before our youngest was out of my arms and in his, squealing in happiness as Sonbā tossed her in the air a couple times.  “Alright, do you five know what today is?” I smiled as Echo and Sonbā nodded while the girls began to wake up more, excitement overpowering their sleepiness. “Today’s the placement exam!” Ammy cheered.  “That means you’ll be teaching us our magic afterwards, right?” Kuna said, and I nodded. “Not just that, the rest of my family will be coming from their worlds with some of their friends for the party and for a family reunion.” I stated, making the girls excited for the chance to meet their Displaced family. Echo looked surprised while Sonbā just nodded, keeping a hold of Yoru.  “I guess you’re going to go pick them up?” I nodded at my coltfriend, before deciding to try and get things along for us. Giving Yoru to Mei, who had been silently looking at her Tarot cards, I turned and gave Sonbā a kiss. Not going to lie, it took awhile to get used to kissing someone with a muzzle, but I got the hang of it. His surprise didn’t last long before I felt him return the kiss. I smiled as I released the Alicorn, ignoring the embarrassed gagging from our daughters.  “What was that for, not that I am complaining.” I smiled and nuzzled the slightly taller stallion's neck before grinning. “Can’t a girl show her appreciation for their other half?” I barely restrained a laugh as Sonbā tried to hold in a moan as I bit his neck. My canine apparently helped me find the sweet spots on his neck.  “If you two are going to try anything, can you not mentally scar your daughters in the process?” I laughed a little at Echo as I released my dazed stud, seeing the girls cover their eyes while some of the others in the room had red faces.  “Hey, I’m just staking my claim. Don’t want any of the newcomers to get any ideas.” I said with a cheeky grin before lightly bopping my stallion on the head, snapping him out of my spell.  “Seriously?” Echo deadpanned, but I just grinned, taking my youngest back before handing her to Sonbā.  “I have to go check a couple things for the tests and then I’ll be picking up the others from their timelines. I’ll be back in a couple hours.” I stated as I headed to the door.  Once I was out, I made sure I was ready and envisioned the locations of all the safe houses. “Direct Line!” A Few Hours Later…. With a nod, I checked the large portal in the basement, double checking my Archive screens to see everyone beginning to arrive. The test was in an hour and a half, so I had plenty of time to grab the others.  I double checked my outfit, wanting to look my best for the day. I had decided to go with a more free feeling outfit that was based on Homura Kōgetsu from Edens Zero. It consisted of a sleeveless orange kimono with a light blue floral pattern that was loose around my forearms, a pair of thin dark blue fingerless gloves and finally black knee length leggings, black biker shorts under the kimono and red tabby sandals. It had many hidden pockets, so I wouldn’t lose anything.  Taking out my phone from my sleeve pocket., I opened up the Stargate App and selected three different coordinates, Adam’s I set to appear where he is via his token since he doesn’t have a Stargate yet. Once the coordinates were locked, I went back into the phone app and dialed Nat’s number first. “Hello?”  “Hey sis, you, Twilight and Sora ready?” I asked. “Just one sec, we’re on our way through the castle to the portal right now.” Nat answered, grunting as she spoke.  “Well, when you’re there, text me and I’ll light up the portal before I go grab Adam and his crew.” I said, earning a positive reply before hanging up. I dialed Adam’s number afterwards, hearing him a moment later. “Hey Lex, good timing. We just got everything and everyone ready.” Adam stated, and I could hear Ruby excitedly talking to her team in the background. “Alright, well I am going to be opening a Stargate by you, so Adam, get somewhere you don’t mind a very large portal appearing. Make sure you’re not near anything important so it doesn’t get destroyed.” I started and heard a confirming grunt from my brother. “Alright, I’ll open the portal in a minute after Nat and Sora get here.”  Hanging up, I waited in the basement for about a minute, before my phone went off and I saw the text from Nat saying they were ready. Opening my App, I sent in the command for the portal to open to Nat’s world, and a second later the water-like portal opened up.  A few moments later, Nat, Sora and their Twilight/Dusk walked in. I was surprised when I saw that Dusk was an Alicorn, I am going to have to make a note of that for later. Sora was in her child form still, but that didn’t last long as she almost immediately shapeshifted into a teenage form, wearing what I recognized as Futaba Sakura’s outfit. “Hey girls!” I greeted with a smile, hugging the trio. Sora and Nat managed to return the hug while Twilight was stuck in the middle and couldn't do anything. I laughed as I took a better look at my sister's marefriend, seeing she was wearing her medallion from aunt Luna, but she had some new additions. First and foremost being the gauntlet on her real hand and the sword at her waist. She also seemed to have bulked up a bit. Not so much that it was distracting, but she now had a swimmers build hidden under her coat. She also had a dark red choker with a red gemstone embedded in it. Odd. “Hey Lex, been a while.” I nodded to Nat as she said that before taking out my phone and setting the coordinates for Adam’s world. “Well, going to have to hold off on the reunion for a second sis, Adam and his crew will be using the Stargate for the first time, so we should probably be ready to catch them.” I stated as the portal shifted around before stabilizing. The trio nodded and stood near the portal as it shifted around a bit, signaling its use. I blinked as the first thing that came through were a couple of rose petals, before I had to duck as a certain huntress zoomed over my head. I blinked as I heard a soft yet loud ‘Thump’ as Ruby ran headfirst into one of the couches I had down here. “Ow.” I turned as Ruby managed to right herself on the couch, shaking her head a couple times to get rid of the cobwebs.  “Ruby Rose, what have I told you about running ahead!” I turned back to the portal as the rest of team RWBY came through, though Weiss was ahead of the other two with her dragon on her shoulder, marching to her team leader while Yang and Blake were getting their bearings. I just let the ex-heiress walk by as she began to scold her younger leader. “Woah, nice automail.” I turned as I saw Yang and Twilight/Dusk comparing prosthetics. Though I could see a flash of sadness in the huntress's eyes. I wasn’t the only one as Blake pat the blond on the shoulder while Dusk apologized.  “You alright Ruby?” Nat questioned as Weiss finally finished scolding her. I smiled as I sensed the next batch come through. “I am going to go out on a limb and say Ruby just ran through once the portal was open and her team reflexively ran after her.” I turned to Adam as he walked up with Pyrrha, Penny and Neo. “Right?” I noted with surprise Pyrrha and Penny had an egg each strapped to them. [“That about sums it up.”] Neo signed to me. Thank goodness I had Nurse Redheart teach me and Mei sign language. “Alright, I guess this is all of you?” I asked, giving my taller brother a hug.  “Yeah, like Qrow and Oscar said, they had to stay behind and none of the girls wanted to come by.” He replied, walking over to Nat and Sora as I smiled and gave the others a hug as well as introducing myself properly to Team RWBY. “Alright, only two left.” I muttered aloud, going through my phone to Kairi’s number. After a few rings, she picked up and the screen showed herself, Melissa, Haley and Luna along with Chirithy. “Hey Lex, everyone’s ready over here.” “Alright. You and Ed’s group are the only ones not here yet, so feel free to come on through while I call him.” I replied, earning a nod from the keyblade wielder as I hung up then dialed Ed’s number. I smiled as the three humans, filly and shadow all walked through a minute later while Ed’s number was ringing. "Hey Lex, Blue and Chrissy are handling affairs here so we're good to go. I've got everypony is ready to go and I do mean everypony." I smiled as my uncle said this. “Alright, just lock onto my signature and come over. I’ll have the others make room for all of you.” I said, hearing a small cheer as I hung up. Apparently Ruby was now fawning over Chirithy while Haley was talking with Pyrrha. “Hey guys, mind heading into the safe room? I wanna make sure there is plenty of room for Ed and his group.”  The three groups all nodded and entered the panic room next to us, Adam, Sora and Nat staying at the door to wait for our uncle. My senses picked up a slowly building pool of void energy, so I ran over to the door, watching as a ripple in the air began to grow before I blinked at the large flash. Regaining my sight, I saw Ed, Aunty Luna, Aunt Celestia, my apparently new niece and nephew Morning Star and Solar Eclipse, Polearm, Twilight, and somepony I have never seen before. She looked like a filly Nightmare Moon, around Arakunia’s age. This must be that Nyx girl. The next through were Spike and Rarity followed by Rainbow Dash and that was it as the portal closed. "Sorry for not using the gate," Ed said. "I find using my own portals much easier on the stomach. So good to see everyone again." “Hey Uncle Ed.” Adam greeted as he walked up with his group. The three other groups then noticed all the new additions to Ed’s aunturage. “Uh, what’s with the kids?” “Well, these are mine and Luna’s kids. Nyx over there is Twilights.” He stated it was no big deal. Since I already knew about it, it wasn’t a big deal, and clearly Nat and Sora knew too, but Adam was definitely surprised.  “Sweet. I was wondering if you guys would have kids.” I rose a brow at Kairi as she said this, but shrugged before noticing she was looking at me. The keyblade wielder pointed to the kids with Ed, then to me and my siblings. I knew what she was asking, and smirked as I shook my head. Her eyes widened with a grin.  “Alright everyone.” They all turned to me. “Now that you’re all here, let’s head upstairs.” They all nodded and followed me as we walked the several flights of stairs.  ‘Oh this is going to be fun.’ 3rd POV “Welcome to Fairy Tail!” Lex allowed herself to feel a good amount of pride as all the newcomers looked around in awe at the guild. Ruby and Haley were looking around quickly with childlike wonder at the guild and its members. The rest of Kairi’s group all smiled as they remembered the last time they were there.  Nat, Sora and Twilight/Dusk all looked around with wide eyes, smiling as several members greeted them warmly.  Adam and the rest of his group all looked around in surprise, the humans and faunus earning some surprised, but no less enthusiastic greetings from the members nearby. Blake in particular was surprised by all the different species in one place. She was thinking about how this would be like in Remnant, with all the none-ponies being Faunus to the ponies humans. ‘If only this place existed back home.’ She thought to herself, before having to reign in her instincts as she noticed all the Gem Hounds around. ‘Oh crap, this is going to be harder than I thought.’  Ed led his largest group over to one of the tables, smiling as this world's counterparts to his friends immediately began to talk to their other selves. The Spike’s seemed really interested in one another, as well as the two Rainbow’s.  “So Lex?” The Faekage turned to her uncle, while the others perked up. “Where is the little one I saw earlier?”  “Little one?” Adam questioned. Lex smirk impishly, before it turned to a warm smile at something behind her brother. “Mom!” Most of the Displaced crowd froze as Amaterasu, Arakunia and Unmei ran past them and proceeded to glomp the mage. Lex allowed herself to laugh as she held her daughters in her arms. Her smile only widened as Sonbā flew over the others with Yoru in his arms, who immediately began to reach for her mother.  “Hey girls, sorry I was gone so long. I had to get everything set up.” Lex apologized as she placed her three daughters down and grabbed her youngest, giving her Alicorn a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for watching them babe.” “Hey, I am their father. Kinda comes with the territory.” He said, grinning widely while clearly trying not to laugh. As was most of the guild as they saw the Displaced crowds stunned expressions.  Unfortunately, some like Pinkie, Maddie, Verdant and Rainbow couldn’t hold it for long and burst out laughing at the crowd.  The laughing infection seemed very contagious as before long, the entire guild, Displaced included, was on the floor busting a gut. Even Dawn was quietly chuckling to himself.  A minute or so later of pure laughter, everyone manages to get themselves under control. Lex allowed herself a bit of satisfaction, seeing the results of her impromptu test of one of her newer Aroma magic spells.  Who knew just a little laughing gas aimed at Pinkie’s group would make everyone bust a gut.  Once everyone calmed down, Adam, Sora, Nat, Ed and Luna walked up with widened eyes as Lex was sitting on the bar while bouncing a drowsy Yoru on her lap while her other kids were hanging out next to her along with Sonbā. “How….when did….how did you…” Adam couldn’t fully finish his sentence, trying to wrap his head around what he was seeing, and the realization that he was now an uncle. “About a month after the Hearth's Warming Party for these three.” She began, pointing to the changeling, kirin and gem hound. “Black market slave traders. Not a problem for the guild. Yoru here was actually the Tantabus before we did a huge transmutation on her.”  “Girls.” The quartet turned to their mother, who smiled and pointed to the group. “I’d like you three to meet the rest of our family. These are my sisters, Natali and Sorano.” Said Dicloni were smiling wide, the former looking a second away from glomping the kids while the former was carefully studying them. “The redhead with the sword is my little brother Adam.” The faunus was still slowly computing what he just learned, but still smiled and waved. “And last but not least, my uncle Edward and his wife Luna.” “Hi!” Was all the three eldest girls said as they heard their mother finish. Lex waved her youngest daughter's hand for her, the infant just smiling as she chewed on an apple slice.  “EEEEEEEE!!!” Nearly everyone had to cover their ears as Natali, Ruby and Haley all squealed at the absolute adorableness that was sitting at the counter.  “RUBY!/HALEY!/NAT!” Everyone called out to one of the girls responsible, loudly telling them to stop.  Blake, Adam, the gem hounds and abyssians appearing to be the ones in the most pain. Weiss couldn’t hear anything anymore as she used her hands to cover Boreas ears instead of her own. Maddie was being held by Verdant and Pinkie while rubbing her ears, glaring at the three humans responsible for her ringing ears. Lex was fine since she just cast a quick silencing spell around herself and the girls, Ed’s kids and Sonbā. Once they realized what they did, the trio all rubbed the back of their heads sheepishly.  One of the only ones not affected was Sora, who was just shaking her head. Then her ears sparked as she shapeshifted her eardrums back to normal after essentially turning them off after seeing her sister’s expression. “Saw that coming.” “Tell me about it.” Kat muttered, taking some earphones she got from Vinyl out of her head, turning off her music from the MP3 that had recently started coming out from Manehattan. A gift from some of her fellow Abyssians and Gem Hounds after she was finally discharged from the hospital. But even through her music she could hear the girls squealing.  ‘Sometimes I hate having hearing twice as good as a normal abyssian. And I really have to ask Lex for a few new songs to listen to.’ She thought to herself, rubbing her ears as they flicked about.  Once everyone was calmed down again, several sending annoyed glares to the three girls, Lex teleported to the second floor, standing atop the railing with a smile.  “Hello everyone! Great to have all of you back together in one place. Now, I know many of you know what today is, but for those who don’t. Today is the annual Fairy Tail Promotion and Placement Exam. Not only are those of you who are new going to be going through the Everfree in search for a totem, but you will also be assigned a primary magic that you can now use.” Lex paused as everyone soaked up what she said. “Now, as many of you have noticed, we have several guests here for the exams today.” She waved towards the crowd of newcomers near the bar. “These are Displaced, more specifically my family and friends. Many of you remember Kairi and Luna.” The aforementioned duo waved. “But they also brought their friends Haley and Melissa along too.” “Hello!” The duo greeted with a smile. “Now for my family, some of you remember Uncle Edward from when we were building the guild.” The aforementioned alchemist smiled at Twilight, Echo and Spike. “He brought along some of his friends and family as a vacation of sorts. I don’t think I need to tell you who is who aside from my niece Morning Star and my nephew Solar Eclipse.” The two Alicorn smiled and waved. “And Twilight’s little girl Nyx.” The little one just hid behind Twilight.  “Next is my little brother, Adam Taurus and his friends Penny, Neo, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang.” The eight hunters all waved, Ruby and Penny being the most enthusiastic. Yang was just sipping at a smoothie.  “Last but not least, my sisters, Natali and Sorano, and Natali’s marefriend Dusk.” The two Dicloni smiled at the crowd and Dusk just nodded with a grin. The main Displaced could tell some were a little unnerved to see three Lunas and Twilights. “Now that introductions are done, those of you who are new, meet me at the teleporter in the back. Those of you Displaced who want to join in, come along too.” Lex handed her youngest to Sonbā, who nodded as she led the crowd to the teleporter. She noticed Kairi and her friends, Adam, Penny and Pyrrha, and Nat, Sora and Dusk decided to come along as well.  “Now then. Before all of you gain your magic and placement, you must go through the Everfree forest and retrieve one of these totems.” Lex made said item in hand with Ice magic. “Once you find your totem, make your way to the Training Hall, once there we will continue with the examination. Are there any questions?” No hands were raised. “Good. Best of luck to you all.” With that, the Exam was on.  Two Hours Later…. “That didn’t look so bad.” Yang muttered, watching the newer guild members and Displaced easily make their ways through the forest with Lex’s Archive Screen. The Displaced that were only here to relax stayed at the guild hall while Lex went with the other members and waited for the second part of the exam.  They were definitely surprised when Lex showed them what she could do by using what she nicknamed the ‘Ultimate Paperwork Destroying Technique’.  Or as it was actually called, Clone Magic: Kage Bushin. Yes. Lex recreated the Kage Bushin Technique from Naruto, and it worked exactly like what it was based on. And Lex’s comparing her magic container to Naruto’s chakra reserves became more apparent when she visibly struggled to make twenty five clones, only to dispel twenty four of them. When asked, she mentioned that she could easily summon a hundred, and any less than fifty is a struggle at times.  Anyways, back on track. “It may not be difficult for trained huntresses, but you have to remember most of the members lived pretty mundane lives before becoming members here.” Lex’s clone explained, going through the archive screens to keep an eye on everyone.  “It looks like your girls have made it. Impressive.” Melissa pointed out one of the screens showing the three sisters making their way through the forest towards the training hall after they found their item.  “Was there any doubt? The boss's girls are a trio of prodigies.” The clone bragged, clearly acting like an overly proud mother. Everyone rolled their eyes with smiles as they watched all the members make their way through the forest towards the old castle where Lex, Ed and the rest of the guild was waiting.  “I am honestly surprised Pyrrha and Penny decided to join in.” Blake muttered, watching her friends and Adam make their way to the crevice where the training hall was separated by.  [“Well they have said they need some more practice with their magic.”] Neo signed, taking a sip of some Pyro Whiskey, freshly imported from the Dragonlands, and coughing up a small wisp of fire afterwards. Neo has had plenty of drinks in her life, but one that lets her cough fire is definitely new. [“Adam said he mostly just went with them to keep an eye on Pyrrha incase her magic goes out of control.”] “Well we all know that won’t happen!” Ruby cheered enthusiastically, before pouting at her sister as she still wasn’t allowed to have a drink even though the legal age in Equestria is 16. ‘So not fair!’ Fairy Tail Training Hall “Welcome back everyone!” Lex smiled as she saw that everyone had arrived, the ‘newcomers’ waiting on the other side of the bridge. She and Ed were levitating over the crevice, smiling towards the group. “Now then. I can see all of you have your totems. If all of you would care to join us in the training hall proper, we can continue the exam.” Lex smiled before turning and flying into the training hall, her uncle close behind while everyone else took the bridge. “Hey, what exactly are we doing?” Adam questioned as the groups all got together and made their way through the training hall. “Well first the newcomers, IE yourselves, will be taking the MPF test to determine your magical output, thus deciding your placement.” Raine began. “After all of you are done, the members who have been here before will do the same to see who would get a promotion.” Spike continued. “Lastly, Lex will be using her Archive magic to transfer knowledge of the primary magic each new member will be learning, along with potential granting some of us new abilities if she thinks it would be best for us.” Zen finished.  The Displaced all blinked a couple times, not knowing beforehand how this was going to work. They turned their gaze to the blunette leading them, who just smiled and nodded.  “This should be fun,” Ed’s Twilight clapped. “Calm down Twi,” Polearm placed his hands on his marefriend’s shoulders. “The only reason we didn’t take the first course is cause Ed told us where the stuff was. I know you're excited but you can already do great stuff on your own.” The others, even Lex’s Twilight and Dusk, rolled their eyes at Twilight’s excitement. But they couldn’t help the smiles as they were just as excited.  Before long the large crowd made it to the range. Lex had moved several things around, making it so there were several targets set up in case the members try and use AOE attacks, while also connecting the modified MPF to a platform scanner, making it even more accurate than before. Many of the targets were made of wood, straw or other softer material, but some were made of stone, crystals or even metal.  She figured since they have Displaced for today's test, they should be more accurate for the guests to see how strong they are.  Lastly, she renovated the actual room so its roof was ‘retractable’, in that the seals nearby used Transport magic to make the roof disappear if needed.  “Alright!” Lex clapped her hands, earning the attention of everyone. “As had been mentioned on the way here, how this is going to work, is that we will be having the newcomers to the guild go first, more accurately the once that originate here first, followed by the Displaced, then finally the previous member to see who has become strong enough for a promotion.” She looked around, seeing several nods and hearing several hums of understanding.  “Now then. Shall we begin?” She snapped her fingers and summoned an Archive screen, tapping at the magic keyboard a couple times to link up with the MPF. With a nod, she stepped to the side and gestured to the platform.  The first one up was the eldest new member, Aspen. The towering Abyssian walked up and allowed herself to be scanned, nodding as it beeped before stepping towards the nearest target. Getting into position, she proceeded to spin quickly, shattering the target with a hard roundhouse.  Lex sweat dropped as she saw the feat of strength, mentally reminding herself not to get on the feline’s bad side. Her eyes then widened as she stepped back onto the MPF, scanning her to show her output.  An impressive 432, more than some of the unicorns when the guild started up. Clearly Lex wasn’t the only one impressed, shown by the several wide eyes as the score appeared above the MPF. Her daughter was the loudest when they started cheering.  “Alright, a great example Aspen.” The Abyssian bowed slightly before going back to the group, chuckling as her daughter jumped onto her back with a smile. “Shall we continue.” The next one up was Cobalt, who followed Aspen’s example and gave a super strong right hook to the repaired dummy, shattering the torso to splinters.  Lex was mentally asking herself how the hell she managed to beat him and a second Minotaur when they met. Without magic, she was sure she would be a large stain on the ground right now.  Though, when she was watching, she noticed that the Minotaur was actually increasing his strength with inherent magic, much like Earth Ponies did at times.  His score was a larger 501, very, very impressive. His cocky smirk directed at Aspen was returned twofold. Lex was mentally paling at the thought of those two acting like Gajeel and Natsu or Erza and Mira. After she got herself together, she motioned back to the stage, Capper choosing the go up. The tomcat didn’t expect himself to reach the same level as the previous two monsters.  He extended his claws and slashed at the dummy, making it to the inner wood support before stopping. He did gain some laugh as he realized his claws got stuck. Once he was free, his score showed a decent 109. He knew he wasn’t close to the strongest, but was surprised he made triple digits.  After those three, the newcomers went through like clockwork. Maddie popped into the scanner before appearing behind the dummy and using it like a scratching post. A decent 127. After her was Sythe, who’s skill in spear combat showed as he skewered the dummy, earning 122. Next was Bertha, the teenage cow giving a strong but sloppy punch and earning 78 points.  The ponies began next as Red came up and gave a strong left kick, earning 126. Violet decided to go next, giving a hard back fist after a spin, earring 110. Her sister was less impressive, trying to kick it and nearly falling over. She got 89 points.  Lastly was Dawn, who gained curious looks, many wondering what he was going to do. Choosing to forgo his keyblade combat, he got into his Gale King fighting stance and focused his magic into his hands, creating miniature tornados. He then zoomed to the dummy and delivered a cyclone enhanced punch that shattered the dummy and embedded some wood into one of the targets behind it.  He earned several wide eyes from those who did not know the colt, only to increase said eyes in size as he score showed a very respectable 234, almost 10 times greater than Applebloom at the start of the guilds existence and 13 times greater than Sweetie Belle, a unicorn the same age as him!  His face didn’t appear to change to the newcomers, but those that knew him, mostly Kairi and her friends and the current members, could see a small smile on his muzzle.  After Dawn’s impressive show, it was apparently silently decided it to be the Dragon Slayer’s turn. Fizzle stepped up with a grin, tapping his claw against his chin before choosing what he was going to do. With a nod to himself, he crouched, then flew into the air, before falling to the target.  “Lava Dragon Mantle Crush!” With a lava covered double hammer fist, Fizzle both smashed, set fire to, and broiled the wooden target, smiling as his attack left some leftover lava on the ground. He needed to work on not leaving any behind. Lex gave him a silent stare, telepathically telling him to work on his control.  She didn’t need more complaints to start coming in about leftover lava around a town! Fizzle grinned wide as his score of 568 points appeared, knowing he still had a ways to go to catch up to Spike.  Amber walked up next, knowing she could use a spell she developed some time ago. “Plasma Dragon Hard Shell!” She placed her fists against one another, knuckle to knuckle, and an orb of hardened plasma surrounded her, the glow showing whoever would touch her would be zapped and burned. The MPF showed her score as 393, impressive for a defensive technique.  Reni came up next and took a quick bite of some Bits she brought with her before choosing a medium distance target.  “Gold Dragon Pillar!” Her right arm transformed into an ornate golden pillar that extended towards the target, smashing the wooden target before retracting. She kept her arm transformed as she was scanned again, and only made her arm go back to normal after her score of 482 was shown. Laruma walked up with a determined scowl, waiting as she was scanned before flying into the air, black clouds and wind appearing around her right hand. She whirled her arm back a couple times before spinning it.  “Storm Dragon Cyclone Strike!” Punching forwards, a cloudy black tornado left her fist and spell seal, the wind causing many hairs to fly back as she sent the targets flying into the wall. She was internally happy at her score of 571.  Next up was Kathrine. Many in the guild were curious about this girl, some of the more magically adept members seeing the hidden potential just waiting to be unleashed in her. Kat looked a little nervous before steeling her expression and running up to the dummy and delivering a jumping kick. Unexpectedly, she kicked the dummy’s head off.  Lex and some of the other Displaced could sense she was using her inherent magic to increase her strength, but because of how surprised she herself appeared, it was clear Kat didn’t do it on purpose.  Lex had been told by some doctors that looked over Kat when she first came to the guild that she has an unnaturally large, if strained and drained, magic container, even surpassing some teenage unicorns. And it showed as her simple attack showed a strong score of 192.  After Kat was Willow and Wisp, the two parts of one person stepped up before the lantern glowed brighter and launched a small, slow ball of magic at the target, burning it. 124 points, but they had only started practicing for a week and a half. The four new Exceeds decided it was their turn next and stepped, or rather floated, up. They each decided to just fly and tackle the dummy, knowing they didn’t have many attacks aside from that right now.  Gil got the highest score of 62, then was Marnie at 57, Joy at 52 and finally Saya with 43. Not bad for some flying cats, but they knew they needed to do some extra training with Echo later.  Finally, it was time for the last four and the youngest members of the guild. Maeve, reluctantly went first, shyly going to the dummy and proceeding to try and claw and bite it. Unfortunately it was too cute to be taken seriously and many had to muffle themselves lest they laugh or coo at the kitten and make her feel bad. Her score was 23.  After the Snow leopard was the sole changeling in the guild. Arakunia took a second to breathe, before purple flames erupted from her hooves, and standing on the scanner is a little human with dark brown/black skin, lavender hair and purple eyes.  Lex’s eyes widened at her daughter's shapeshift, not knowing she was working on a human form. She still smiled as her second youngest was scanned, showing her rather small score of 30. After Arakunia was the eldest of the three, Mei. She thought for a second before shrugging and focusing her magic to her horn, sending out a small beam of magic like a unicorn. She scored 38 points.  Finally, last of the newcomers, Amaterasu. The gem hound crouched a bit before pouncing at the target, knocking it over as she bit at the head of the dummy, actually going rather deep. Her score was 31. “Alright!” Lex clapped a bit, gaining everyone’s attention again. “Now that the newbies are finished with their test, we are going to have the Displaced who are or wish to be honorary members take this test.” The group nodded and got themselves organized.  Up first was Adam, who stepped up before widening his stance. His hand began to glow and eerie green and black, before swirling around itself as he got the spell ready. “Dark Capriccio Scream!” A large beam of green, black and orange magic left Adam’s hand, piercing through the dummy, the target behind it, and then flying through the wall behind it and out the building.  Lex and the members of Fairy Tails eyes blew open at the strength of the spell. Lex was looking at her brother in awe and surprise. Until she saw him nearly fall to his knees as he began to try and get his breath back. “You tried using as much magic as you could in one attack didn’t you?” Was her rhetorical question as her brother nodded, getting his breath back and making his way back to the scanner.  That showed the difference in her guild, as all the members would be using attack they can hit you multiple times and not their strongest at the risk of self-harm and rapidly draining magic.  But it showed Adam’s potential as his score appeared and blew everyone out of the water. 3,732 points. That was more than Luna when the guild opened and about a quarter of Lex’s original score.  While some of the creatures from this world were trying to get their jaws off the ground, Penny took place at the scanner, a peppy air around her as she hopped on the balls of her feet.  To the surprise of many present, Penny waved her hand and summoned her keyblade, before charging it with crackling green electricity, the sound of a thousand birds chirping as she ran forwards.  “Chidori!” The electrified keyblade easily slashed through a stone target like a hot knife through warm butter. Lex allowed herself to be pleasantly surprised by her brother's girlfriend. She knew the redhead could keep her brother in line, especially if she just decided to shock him. Penny’s score showed her strength in that regard. 2,791 points. Very, very strong. It was clear the former android had been training hard after she was given her lightning magic.  Lex looked towards Pyrrha, who was clearly reluctant to go up. She didn’t need to wonder why. Lex, as well as some of the other guild members, watched through RWBY some time ago so she knows her story. Adam mentioned while they were waiting that Pyrrha has some of the Fall Maidens magic, but is still reluctant to use it. Not much of a mystery why.  Pyrrha glanced to the guild master, who just shrugged. She couldn’t tell her to go up, she was a guest right now. Adam and Penny gave their support, holding the redheads shoulders, but she just took a breath and shook her head.  Oh well, it was her choice if she wanted to see how strong she is compared to other mages.  Nat decided to get things moving as she stepped up, smiling as she got scanned before stepping up. Wind immediately began to swirl around her, causing Lex to raise one of the shields around the range or some would go flying. Nat then raised her arms, summoning several sensory blades, which were then covered by the wind. “Solo Unison! Maguilty Whirlwind Blades!” With a forward gesture, the wind covered blades zoomed towards the targets around the area, hitting bullseye on all of them but not stopping as they followed Adam’s example and went out the building before hitting the shield around the training hall.  Lex gave her sister a blank look, knowing that she only did that much damage because Lex could rewind it back to the way it was before. She sighed and turned to the scanner as Nat hopped back up.  Again, the Displaced show they are far stronger than they seem. Nat score was an astounding 4,034.  Lex’s theory on the inherent void energy in Displaced increasing their magical output seemed to be proving itself true. Nat has had her magic for several months and had been practicing constantly either in her own world or during her time in Ed’s world. She knew that she herself was several times stronger than her siblings, but the amount seemed by a lower amount than she originally anticipated. Choosing to just continue to monitor, Lex watched as Sora stepped up to the plate, cracking her neck as she got into her magic stance. “Ice Make Thousand Demon Mirrors!” A large dome of ice appeared around the range, staying up for several moments as everyone could hear something happening in the barrier. Most of the Equestrians were confused, but the Displaced knew what this attack was based on.  After a few moments, the dome shattered and revealed nearly every dummy and target was riddled with ice senbon needles, making them look like frozen pin cushions. The Equestrians were impressed by the spell, while the Displaced just grinned at their youngest member for the feat. 3,928 for Sorano’s score. She pouted as she got a lower score than her sister, but it couldn’t last long as Ed began to mess with her hair. Lex shook her head fondly at her family as the next one stepped up. Dusk. The heir of nightmares took a moment to breath as she was scanned, before allowing her magic to flow over her, letting her levitate and then placed her hand on her other open palm, two fingers up for the latter.  “Seven Star Sword, Grand Chariot!” And from that, seven large bolts of magic came down in the shape of the Big Dipper, before detonating on the range. Once again Lex was thankful for her own foresight as knew from experience how destructive that attack is. Thank the void for overpowered seals and enchantments. The training hall did shake a bit, but nothing aside from the annihilation of the dummies in the range happened. While Lex was repairing the damage, Dusk was scanned again, and showed her very strong score of 2,718.   With a grin, and a crack of her knuckles, Kairi stepped up as she summoned Way to Dawn. “Angel of Black and White!” she cried as the white angel wing and black demon wing sprouted, before calling out, “Shadow Dragon Full Cowling!” The shadows of the room drew up around the Keyblade wielder, covering her in shadows, leaving two glowing eyes peering out towards the scanner. Kairi took a stance, conjuring a murky orb of magic; a mixture of light and shadow magic. “MEGIDOLAON!” she cried, launching the orb at the scanner in a spectacular burst of destruction. Again Lex was thankful for her foresight, sending another pulse of magic into the protective barriers, making only some wind hit the audience.  ‘Okay.’ Lex thought to herself. ‘Good thing these are set to defend against anything except full powered spells or Crash magic.’ The scanner beeped through a couple times before showing Kairi’s score. 3,823. Very impressive.  Lex allowed herself a smirk, knowing that Kairi’s magic isn’t as high as her physical skills in some regards.  Once the dust settled, Filly Luna stepped up, Oblivion appearing in her hand. “Double Form!” The filly’s clothes darkened, with white star designs, and in her left hand Oathkeeper faded into existence. “Ultimate Finish!” Beams of light and darkness arced from the two keyblades, impacting the scanner simultaneously. Lex nodded to herself along with the other Luna’s in the room, seeing one of the smallest Alicorns doing a very strong looking attack.  Another scan later, and little Luna’s score appeared. 2,242. Only about 700 less than this world's Luna. Very impressive given the physical age and magic difference.  Up next, Melissa stepped up, handing her glasses to Kairi as she went. “One for All: Full Cowling!” Green electricity arced off of her form as the artificial Quirk channeled itself through her body. With a cry of “Equestrian… SMASH!” the techie shot forward, nailing the scanner with a full power punch. Many a grin appeared in the audience, several guild members having read the My Hero Academia manga that Lex managed to recreate. Lex in particular was grinning like a loon at the use of OFA. The scanner went over Melissa again and popped her number up top.  2,973. That was actually around this world’s Luna at the guilds beginning. Melissa took a breath and smiled at her score, taking her glasses back from Kairi. Lex took a glance at Haley and Chirithy, seeing them shake their heads with smiles. Lex shrugged to herself, if they didn’t want to try, no harm done.  Ed’s group all talked to one another for a minute, before Rarity took a seat next to her counterpart. Lex nodded to the unicorn before waving a hand to the scanner, offering Ed’s group to go next.  Aunty Luna decided to start off, wanting to see how she compares to this world counterpart. Like Twilight, Trixie and Luna have done in this world before, she just built up magic at her horn before launching it once it is finished. Once again Lex added a bit more magic into the seals for reinforcements as her aunt's magic blew up the range before fizzling out.  Aunt Luna’s score of 10,728 made many eyes widen. Lex herself wasn’t as surprised as one might think, knowing her uncle made sure his group was exceptionally strong, so that would extend to his lovers as well. Still, it was surprising just how much stronger her aunt was compared to this world version of her.  Aunt Celestia, as Lex referred to mentally, was after her sister, and decided to follow her example, only instead of a beam of pure magic, it was with a magical beam of pure white fire. Lex took a breath as she added a bit of ice magic to the seals to cool down the group from the intense heat. Her score of 9,927 was expected, though it was surprising that it was smaller than her younger sister. Polearm decided to walk up next, wondering himself just how strong he was compared to the Displaced in the room. He summoned a magic sword to himself, surprising many as they didn’t know he knew Requip magic. They were further surprised as Polearm sent his magic into the sword, making it extend with a blue blade before he ran up and sliced through three different targets that were near each other. His score showed 4,532, revealing just how strong he is with his magic. And making Adam grin, clearly wanting a match. Ed’s Twilight decided to go after her boyfriend. She knew she was way more powerful than both of her counterparts, because she was curious by just how much. She learned this world focused on Dark Ecriture magic while Dusk used Heavenly Body magic, and both were very different from each other, so she was excited to test herself. With a grin, she chose to copy Luna as she gathered magic in her hands, cupping them above her head as she continued to gather more and more magic. A large purple orb of magic appeared above her head, slowly growing  as she fed it more energy. Lex had a mental squeal as she realized Twilight was unintentionally making a magical Spirit Bomb.  Once she thought it was ready, Twilight threw the now eight and a half foot wide magic orb at the range. The backlash from the spell made Lex, once again, increase the magic input to the seals. Many were wide eyed in surprise at the apparent magical strength she has at her fingertips. Her score of 8,823 definitely proved their surprise and awe justified.  Ed’s Spike helped the tired mare back to her seat before stepping up himself, grinning as he remembered the power of the other dragons in the room. Unknown to all but those from Ed’s world, he had been working on his own form of Dragon Slayer magic himself. He dug into his pockets and grabbed some items before munching on them, making sure to hide them from the others, wanting it to be a surprise. Once he was ready, he took a deep breath, a familiar spell matrix appearing before him, causing many to jump in surprise at the spell.  “Mineral Dragon Roar!” The spell made the room shake a miniscule around from the kickback, causing many to jump, again. Many were thinking just what kind of training Ed's friends went through. Though his score of 3,138 was smaller than what they honestly expected, it was still more than large enough for them to seriously question Eds in his teaching methods, effectiveness aside.  Rainbow Dash was honestly feeling a little intimidated. She knew she wasn’t as magically strong as Spike, her speed and physical strength being her greatest parts of herself. A little unsure of herself, Rainbow took a breath before crouching and zooming up to the cloud layer, before turning around midair taking a half moment to enjoy the cold air before dive bombing towards the training hall. Her trail behind her lit up as she picked up more and more speed, before exploding behind her in her trademark Sonic Rainboom, causing many to smirk as they knew this was all Rainbows pride and joy.  The prismatic mare’s counterpart zoomed into the room, before performing many sharp turns that let her hit as many targets as she could before she was forced to pull up and avoid hitting the wall before slowing down. Letting herself breath as she scanned again, she smirked to this world's counterpart, who apparently could sense the magical build up and release of the skill, which was way more than her own. The revealed 2,832 score just made her smile as she saw how strong she was, though it was a blow to her ego that she was the weakest of her group at the moment.  Edward walked in front of everyone and cracked his neck. "My turn," He said with a smirk. "Crimson Dragon Roaring Inferno!" He reeled his fist back and punched sending a massive red spiral flame at the sensor. Lex’s eyes widened as her uncle's magical output began to strain the wards around the area. The Faekage immediately began to send her own magic into the wards to reinforce them to beyond maximum, while also erecting several shield spells around the audience, mostly her daughters.  “Jesus Christ Uncle!” Lex and her siblings yelled, seeing the destruction their uncle caused. The entire wall behind his attack had been melted into molten slag, each target on the way likewise meeting the same fate. Lex could even sense the protective seals outside the training hall being damaged.  Lex’s eye began twitching rapidly, knowing how difficult this would be to fix. Repairing destroyed objects was one thing, rewinding molten stone was another thing altogether!  With a sheepish grin, Edward got scanned again, mentally going over how to fix all this, when his score popped up.  THUMP Several jaws hit the ground as the alchemist's score appeared, and they processed it. It was difficult since his score was 99,999, maxing out the MPF. Everyone was quiet for quite a while, the Displaced being less shocked than the Equestrians, but still shocked anyways. Edward took this time to use his own alchemagic to repair all the damage he did to the range, rebuilding the walls, floor, targets and dummies.  Eventually, Lex and many others managed to get their bearings again, the Faekage nodding in thanks to her uncle for fixing everything while she was in La La Land. She cleared her throat after a moment to fix the seals and enchantments. “Now then.” Everyone turned to Lex, many of the members now picking their jaws off the ground. “Those that are already part of the guild during the first time can now test themselves so we can update their strength and see who is now strong enough for a promotion to go on higher ranking jobs.”  Stepping to the side, Lex let the members organize themselves, deciding to go from the previously weakest to the strongest. First up was Fluttershy, many encouraging her to try her hardest. The pegasus fluttered up before taking a breath.  “Full Body Takeover, Animal Soul, Bat!” Fluttershy began to glow before her body began to shift around, revealing her new form. Her arms and wings had merged and become bat-like with bony protrusions on her fingertips. Her ears had become more feral-looking and two large fangs popped out of her muzzle. Her eyes turned from bright blue, into an even brighter blue with deep slit pupils. Her mane became messy and wild, and her fur darkened a shade or two. Seeing her take a deep breath, many covered their ears, just in time for the former pegasus to release a sonic screech that sent the target flying into the wall. Once it was done, Fluttershy immediately hid herself behind her wild pink mane as she noticed everyone’s looks at her.  Many wide eyes were prevalent as the pegasus stepped back to the scanner, her score shocking many. 142, 35 and a half times greater than her original score.  “Holy crap Flutters!” Gilda and both Rainbows yelled at once. The Takeover mage blushed sheepishly as she went back to normal and hid behind Gilda, said griffon rolling her eyes, but some could see a blush on her beak.  With that impressive display, the members started to get the line moving. Sweetie Belle walked up next, using her Snow magic spell Total White Out to create a mini localized blizzard. Her score increased to 74. Applebloom went next and decided to copy Adam’s Darkness magic. She used the Dark Delete spell, hitting several of the targets, though it didn’t seem to do too much damage. Her score was 82. Scootaloo stood next, before crouching down and High Speed jumping to the roof, then with a boost of Freerun, towards the target with a cry of ‘Falcon Sword!’ Her score was the highest of the CMC at 97. Echo floated up to the scanner, before taking a breath as she used her Transformation magic, which covered her with pink and purple pixels before bursting into pink smoke. Now in her humanoid Neko form, she zoomed towards the target with her Aera magic and used the Wind magic spell Gale Palm on the dummy, sending it splintering into the wall. Being rescanned, her score showed 152, just over triple her original score.  Next was the second Element Bearer, Rarity. Rarity used her Mirror magic to create four mirrors, before using Shattered Hail, shattering them and sending the shards flying towards the targets. This was one of the few offensive spells Rarity knew. Her score was an impressive 144. Silk walked up next, the short Earth Pony allowing herself to become water before it began to spin with her Water Jigsaw spell, her water body laying waste to the target. Her score was 157. Raine took a breath as she was scanned, thinking of which spell to use, before deciding on an often used one. Once she was ready, she wrote in the air with her Solid Script magic, casting Solid Script Fire and burning the targeted dummy. Her score was revealed as 136. No one present really knew when Pinkie went up, they just knew they heard her yell ‘Wave Pound’, and suddenly one of the stone dummies was stuck head first in the ceiling. Lex couldn’t help but allow her eye to twitch as she saw the pink party pony bounce up to the scanner, showing her score of 204. Nate was next, the effeminate male sighing as he crossed his hands before the four containers of sand he always kept on him opened up, several litres of sand swirling around him before he launched it forwards like arrows via Sand Arrow Barrage. He hit both bullseyes on the targets and debilitating non-lethal points on the dummies. He smiled at his accuracy, his control being the main focus of his training with his magic. His score of 180 wasn’t bad either.  Swift went up next, the young mare smiled as she was scanned before extending her wings, which held several sheets of paper. She cast Red Dance at the dummies, making a cyclone of flames and red paper. She smiled at her spell, before showing her control as she made the flaming paper into a pyramid and spinning it around like a drill. Her score of 161 was better than she was expecting. Spark marched up to the plate with a grin, knowing his control was the main thing he was practicing in since he got his magic, so he wasn’t expecting too big of a difference. Despite this, he was prepared to go all out. A wave of his hand, the red seal of his Fire magic appeared with a spew of Purple Fire. The line of dark purple fire attached onto one of the dummies without burning it, before tossing it into the air as he launched a Red Flare. The target burned and shattered, not in that order. Spark’s score of 268 surprised him, not expecting it to be over double his original score. Next was Zen, who looked very excited to test himself, bouncing on the balls of his paws. Once he was scanned, he walked up to one of the dummies and got into his new stance. Silverish yellow magic, the colour of his aura, began to appear around his hands, before he rushed forwards with a yell of ‘Eight Trigrams: Twenty-Four Palms!’ Zen’s arms moved like a blur as he struck the wooden dummy twenty-four times within a couple seconds, each strike set to a pressure point he had been reading up on. Lex had a big grin on her face, seeing someone use the Hyūga clan signature fighting style, Juken or Gentle Fist. She saw how studious Zen had been with his studying in his free time, this show only proving what she needed to know. His score of 192 also played into her choice.  Gilda tried to stay nonchalant as she walked up, but one could easily see the excitement in her eyes. Since beginning to hang out, and subsequently moving in, with Fluttershy, her active Ice Make magic has been getting plenty of inspiration. For the test, she decided to go all out with one of her stronger spells. She got into her stance, and slammed her talons on the ground, using Ice Make Frost Hydra to create a large ice construct of a five headed hydra that attacked the range. She smirked to herself at the spell, a smirk that just grew as her score of 231 showed itself.  Master Sergeant Azure Skies flew over, her recent promotion not leaving her mind as she prepared herself for this test. Her use of Dark Regulus has been most helpful in Luna’s Night Guard, so she had been practicing a lot lately. Once she was ready, she focused her magic into her right arm, and suddenly flew forward towards one of the stone targets, shattering the dummy with Pitch Black Punishment. Azure shook her hand as she felt the slight pain from hitting a stone target. Her score of 321 made up for the pain a bit. Flora hopped up to the scanner next, the hen hopping on her paws as the scan finished its scan of her. Walking up, the female prepped her talons around each other before opening them, the air distorting around her as her Aerial Phose sending several wooden targets flying back. Her score of 242 was around what she was expecting.  The Element of Honesty herself was next, the farm pony cracking her knuckles as she got ready. She knew her magic could be rather destructive, especially in the build made of stone, so she went with one of her more controllable spells. She turned the stone floor into mud with her Earth Magic, before using Mud Dragon Bullet making the head of a dragon out of mud and stone, before telepathically controlling it to aim and launch blobs of mud and stone at the targets in rapid succession. She smiled and stomped her hoof on the ground, turning everything back to normal, minus the muddy and damaged targets. Her score of 280 made her smile.  The Element of Loyalty flew to the scanner just as AJ finished, determined to outdo her Earth Pony rival. Unclipping her retracted staff from her belt, and extending it, the pegasus let herself levitate in the air without flapping her wings, summoning dark storm clouds at the roof. With a wave of her staff, and a cyclone of wind, lighting and rain launched from the tip of her staff. The destruction to the dummies made her smile as Laruma decided to eat up the rest of the leftover clouds. Rainbow Dash smirked at Applejack when her score showed 281 points. Her grin was returned by the Earth mage.  Bladed Wind allowed himself a small smirk as he was scanned, before Requiping a yellow broadsword with a lighting motif, before slashing the dummy with the sound of distant thunder. The rumbling made many jumps, not expecting that from a simple sword, but Blade’s training in Sword Magic really came into play. His score of 304 showed just how much work he put in. Star Burst held his arm out summoning his magic revolver with his Gunner Requip before using Guns Magic: Spark Shot to electrocute and shatter the crystal target, using all six shots in rapid succession for the attack. He smirked as he reloaded his gun before sending it back into his pocket dimension. His increased score of 328 made him especially happy. The apothecary and medic of the guild, Zecora, silently walked up next. The zebra spent most of her time not on jobs making potions and herbal remedies, her Green and Plant magic making ingredients gathering a breeze. The zebra took a breath before placing her hand on the ground, her fingers extending into large roots that ripped up the ground and surrounded the target, before suddenly sprouting deadly black and blue thorns and retracting, acting like a chainsaw in the process. Many flinched at the damage done to the targets, but agreed Zecora’s score of 362 was well earned.  Trace was up next, the unicorn taking a breath as he was scanned before holding his hand out, spatial distortions visible as he gathered energy, before tossing his newer attack, Spiral Pain Grenade. The attack worked, looking like some kind of odd bubble before landing on the target and exploding with warping wind, severely damaging several dummies. His score shocked many but his teammate and guild master, 731 being an impressive display of just how strong the unicorn has become since joining the guild.  Emerald walked up with a determined march, cracking his knuckles as he was scanned, before using the Archive buff Clock Up which increased his magical output, and then summoning several screens that attacked every target once with Overload. The bursts of magic damaged all the targets to a considerable degree. His score of 602 was a little smaller than he expected, but he shouldn’t be too surprised since he spent most of his time doing financial work as opposed to the others who actively went out on quests.  Trixie walked up to the plate next, stretching her muscles as she was scanned to loosen up. Once she was, she grinned and placed her index and middle fingers on her head, summoning the red and gold spell matrix behind her for her Memory Maker magic. Forest of the Frost was a spell she developed by combining the two Ice spells Bufudyne, and Demonic Ice Mirror, along with the Great Arc of Trees spell Nativity of World of Trees. Numerous dead-looking trees made of ice appeared around the range, before shattering and the shards flew towards the targets. Trixie smiled at her spell, her impressive score of 849 just made her happier.  Spike was up next. The Emerald Dragon Slayer smirked as he got ready, igniting his hands in emerald flames, before turning up the output, green electricity sparking around him in a similar manner as Melissa. With a burst of speed, he appeared behind one of the iron dummies, punching and shattering it with his Emerald Dragon Bolt Strike. He smirked as he was scanned again his score of 925 making him smirk wider. The Element of Magic herself was next up to bat. She took a moment to adjust her hair, having let it grow out a bit so it covered her right eye. She drew her sword and several magic runes appeared along the blade. Behind her hair, her Dark Eye glowed as an enchantment appeared on her back and she began to change, her hair being pulled into a high ponytail as an outfit of dark armor appeared around her. Dark Ecriture Absolute Shadow. She zoomed into her own shadow, before appearing behind the crystal dummy and roundhouse kicked it into pieces. 992 was her impressive score after she dispelled her enchantment.  Shining Armor stretched his neck as he was scanned next. He had commissioned several blacksmiths from the Crystal Empire to make more suits of armor and outfits for him to use with his Knight Requip, so he had plenty of choices of what to use. After a moment to think, he decided on one of the armours Lex gave him at the beginning. His Lightning Emperor Armor looks more like that of a Japanese shogun's battle armor than the priestess-like outfit of its female counterpart. He summoned the lightning spear that naturally comes with the armor, and smirked as he let loose with a large blast of lightning, shattering many of the crystal targets he aimed for. 1,493, makes sense since the room shook with a thunderclap after Shining fired his weapon.  The Princess of Love, Cadence, was up next. The Alicorn was seemingly in thought, tapping her hand on her chin, before nodding to herself. Once she was in position, she launched herself into the air with her wings and summoned several sensory blades with her Maguilty Sense magic before continually launching them with Maguilty Rays. She continued to shoot the gold sensory blades until every single target had three bullseyes. Her score popped up as 2,351, honestly not that surprising since she had been shooting for three minutes straight, even hitting some of the hidden targets Lex left around. The former crystal king Sonbāsuta walked up with a determined smirk. He knew just what spell he was going to use. He had been practicing for a while now. Getting into his stance, he flapped his wings to send himself into the air, and targeted the range. “Crystal Make Ame-No-Nuhoko!” From his position in the air, Sonbā made a crystal naginata that struck one of the targets before going through it and hitting the floor, which quickly was covered with blue and purple crystals before said crystals rose from the ground and extended spikes to the other targets before retracting into the shape of, to some of the humans surprise, Japan.  Lex smiled warmly at the flying alicorn, knowing subconsciously that attack was for her since she mentioned multiple times her love of Japanese folklore, history and mythology. That attack was based on the legend of Izanagi and Izanami, who used said spear to create the first island of Japan where they lived. His score seemed to reflect how powerful his spell was as well, 3,341. Definitely worthy to be named after that legendary spear. Luna gently flew up the scanner next, wanting to prove herself with her guildmates. The Princess of the Night had a determined glare on her muzzle as she flew towards the range. Once she decided she was close/far enough to the range, and warned Lex to prep the barrier seals, before gathering magic on the tip of her horn. At first, it was blue and white, twisting itself like a nebula, before she grimaced and the orb grew to three times the size while also turning black, blue and red, looking like a black hole.  Lex kept an eye on the princess, sensing she was using the more dark sided part of her magic to use this spell.  Once she was ready, Luna opened her eyes, which were pitch black, before rearing back and sending the now ten foot wide orb towards the target. Once it left her horn, the orb rapidly began to shrink before it was barely the size of a fist. It was barely an inch from the target before Luna launched another blast of magic at the orb, which then detonated into a large orb of magic, causing the sealing enchantments to flare to life at the backlash. 3,452 was the eventual score once the magical explosion generated wind died down.  Lex let herself grin, knowing this was the result of Luna accepting the darker half of herself. She wasn’t completely over her ‘Nightmare Phase’ as Lex called it, but she was healing quickly, especially without the Tantabus in her head. As a precaution, Lex had been hopping into Luna’s dreams every now and then. Most of them are rather unique landscapes where the Princess is just napping.  Sleeping in a dream. Meta.  Lex was about to announce the plan as everyone finished, but she couldn’t even get a word out as she felt several arms wrap around her and lift her to the scanner. She raised a brow at her sisters, who just grinned and raised a brow each. Her brother was the same, all conveying the same message. ‘You’re going up too.’ With a sigh and a nod, Lex telepathically told her uncle to connect to the enchantments, making sure to keep them up. The alchemist nodded as the Faekage thought about what spell to use. ‘Let’s see. I could just unlock one of my seals and use either God Slayer or Demon Slayer magic. That would be kinda boring though. Hmmm….maybe one of those spells. Yeah, those could work. Not anything about number sixty-five though….that should work.’ With a deep breath, Lex summoned a recently finished katana, and unsheathed the ocean blue blade from its golden sheath. Though she wouldn’t use it, just having the sword made this feel more authentic. She then took another breath and jumped until she was near the ceiling and right above the range and, to the confusion of the crowd, began to speak in Japanese.  “Scatter beast bones! Spire, Crimson Crystal, Steel Wheels! The wind if it moves, the sky if it stops, the tone of the spire striking fills the lone castle! Hadō #63: Raikōhō!”  From the palm of her hand, an orb of bright yellow lightning was generated, magical energy being built up during the incantation. Once it was ready, Lex released the attack at the range, the attack looking reminiscent of a lightning strike.  Edward sent his magic into the seal not a moment too soon as the attack caused a massive detonation that shook the building, the enchantments becoming visible as they held back the effect of the spell. Part of the wall closest to the spell was destroyed, letting the resulting smoke out of the room, much to the relief of the audience.  Lex landed without a scratch, rubbing her wrist to ease the soreness from the kickback of the spell. Not too much, just like one-handing a revolver. She did sweatdrop as she saw the destruction of the range similarly to her uncle's attack.  Lex let herself relax as she stepped up the scanner again. She herself was curious how much stronger she’s gotten since the last time they did the test. Her eyes widened in shock at her score though. 27,152, over double her original score, much like many others in the guild.  She honestly didn’t expect to go that high. Most of her time in the guild has been for managerial work, artwork, testing and recording new magic, and helping the members of the guild with their training. She had only developed her Kage Bushin a couple of weeks ago, so she had been using only the regular cloning magic before then, and that has mostly been for doing one thing at a time. So most of her proper magic training had been maybe twelve hours a week prior to using Kage Bushin.  ‘I guess cloning magic really is as overpowered for training as its original equivalent. Good to know.’ Lex smirked to herself at this. She used Arc of Time one last time, resetting the range, before sighing and taking a seat on the bench nearby.  “You alright sis?” Lex looked to the side as Adam offered her some water, smiling to her brother.  “I’m good, just tired. Using Arc of Time a bunch of times can be really exhausting. Not to mention that last spell.” Lex took another deep breath, turning to the crowd as many were wondering what was next.  “Alrighty then.” Everyone turned to her. “The Displaced, and those of you that already have magic, please head back to the guild. We are going to be having our party in a bit. Those of you without Fiore magic, stay here.” She turned to the guild bartender. “Zen you stay too. There is one form of magic I had recently developed that I think would be perfect for you.”  Everyone was a little confused, but most of the guild immediately listened, knowing their guild master was the best to listen to when it comes to teaching the guild. Sora, Nat, Adam and Ed raised their brows, but she just smiled and shook her head.  “Come along everyone.” Auntie Luna led Ed’s group, giving a quick hug to her niece.  “Don’t take too long sis.” Adam said with a grin, motioning for his friends to follow. “We wanna start this party the Fairy Tail way.” Nat and Sora started with matching grins. The two Dicloni followed at the back of the pack. Lex nodded to herself before turning to the smaller group with her.  “Alrighty then. Now that all of you have seen what we can do, I am going to show you what magic each of you are going to specialize in, along with what you can do with it. Some of you will be learning from and training alongside with other members of the guild that have either the same or similar magic abilities. But first things first. “Zen.” The Gem hound stepped up with a grin. “I noticed you have managed to make a magical version of the Juken fighting style, so this is actually perfect timing for this magic I managed to recreate.” Lex waved him forwards, before placing her hand over his eyes. “Now, this form of Eye magic will feel a little off at first, and you’ll need to learn to turn it on and off. Keep your eyes closed until I say so.”  From Lex’s hand, a bright white glow covered her hand and Zen’s eyes. Lex used her free hand to use the Archive spell Download to send the information about his new magic to Zen’s head. Though she thought he might not need it. After about thirty seconds, Lex felt the spell finish connecting and removed her hand, seeing the veins on Zen’s cheeks leading to his eyes visibly distending. She took out a wrap of bandages and wrapped it around the canines eyes.  “Now Zen, you have to keep your eyes closed for a bit, but your eyes should have activated.” She took a step back. “Can you tell me where Maddie is?”  The members looked visibly confused as Zen nodded and turned to the group, pointing to Maddie, who was hanging out on top of her mother’s shoulders.  “Wait, how can I see her if my eyes are closed and wrapped up?” Zen questioned as he turned back to Lex, who just grinned. “What can you see, specifically?” Lex questioned back. Zen frowned, before looking at Lex through his eyes and bandages. “I see, blue. And red. Blue and red lines running across your body.” He turned to the crowd. “Each of you have them. There is a large blue orb at the centre of your chests and a red one on the left. There aren’t as many blue lines compared to red ones.” “What you are seeing are the magical pathways and blood lines of the body.” He turned to Lex, who just smiled. “The blue orbs as you described are the magic containers, and the red are likely the heart. The red lines are the veins and arteries of the body. Zen, you have the magical equivalent of the Byakugan.” “Say what.”  “The Byakugan, the first form of Eye magic I have managed to successfully develop. When I saw you studying pressure points and the Juken, I knew what you were doing, so I figured I could step up the testing for this magic. I just finished all the trials on it a few days ago.” She turned serious. “Now, like I said earlier, you are going to have to learn how to turn it on and off, so I blindfolded you so as to not overwhelm your eyes since they are more sensitive to light now. You can still see, clearly, but your sight isn’t as ‘All-Seeing’ as the Hyūga clan thinks.” “Right. There’s a blind spot right at the back of my head.” He replied. “So I have, what, 340 degree vision?” “Pretty much yeah. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get rid of that little niche in the magic.” Lex was a little put off by the fact she couldn’t get rid of that weakness, but figured everything needed some kind of weakness. With a soft hand, Lex led the gem hound to the bench. “While I am teaching others their magic, you can practice turning your eyes on and off.”  “Sure thing. Gives me something to do before the party.” He replied before going cross legged, palms up and meditating. Lex nodded before turning to the waiting members of the guild.  “Ok! First up, Luna.” The princess stepped forwards. “Your magic I figured out during the first exam, but I needed time to figure out how to unlock it. After some time, and an admittedly scary encounter, I managed to get access to your magic.” Luna looked excited. Lex smirked back and dug into her backpack that she brought with her that had an enlarging enchantment, essentially making it into a bag of holdings. After rooting around for a minute, she found what she was looking for. Luna was excited, then confused as Lex brought out a square dark blue pouch, before opening it up and taking out a key ring. There were two gold keys, four silver keys, and three bronze keys.  “Here we are. I knew they were in there somewhere.” Lex muttered before handing the pouch and keys to the confused princess. “These, Luna, are what are known as Celestial Keys. You are the Princess of the Moon and Night, so it would only be natural you have a magic that connects to the other part of the night, the stars. These keys allow you to summon beings known as Celestial Spirits to your side to aid you in battle, as well as lets you have access to several powerful spells.”  She motioned to the golden keys. “The golden keys summon the spirits of the Zodiac. There are twelve in total, and are considered among the strongest around. Right now, you have access to Leo the Lion, and Ares the Ram.”  She pointed to the silver keys. “The silver keys summon some of the lesser spirits. While they are weaker than the zodiac spirits, they can hold their own and have their own unique abilities. You have Crux the Southern Cross, Polaris the Bear Cub, Caelum the Chisel and Nikora the Canis Minor.” “Finally the Bronze keys summon ‘spirits’ that aren’t actually sentient beings, but rather tools and weapons. Since they aren’t actually living beings they don’t cost as much magic to summon them, but they also can’t act on their own, so it will be up to you to use them to their fullest potential. I didn’t actually know they existed till I had a talk about Celestial magic with Grandpa Crux. You have the Gate of the Revolver, the Gate of the Spear, and the Gate of the Scimitar. Now, I want you to summon Leo.” Luna raised a brow, but listened as she took the key off the ring and held it out. While she was explaining, Lex had sent the summoning phrases into Luna’s head.  “I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirit! Now! O Spirit, answer my call and pass through the Gate! Open, Gate of the Lion! Leo!”  DING DONG Below Luna a gold spell matrix appeared, before another appeared before her, and golden particles began to appear. Quickly the particles came together and took form. Leo looked like a very handsome twenty-something year old human at first, with spiky orange hair, two spikes having the patterns of ears, and hazel eyes. He was wearing a very elegant black suit with the jacket being unbuttoned that showed his white dress shirt and red tie. He was also wearing a pair of blue tinted sunglasses and three gold rings on each hand.  “Well now, this is a surprise. I honestly thought old Crux was joking when he said someone managed to create the bridge.” Leo said as he looked over the crowd with a grin.  “Hey Leo. Good to see you.” Lex greeted with a smile, earning one back.  “You must be Lex right? Crux told us about you.” The lion spirit greeted back.  “Yup, that’s me. And this is Luna, the guilds new Celestial mage.” Lex introduced the stunned princess.  “Well, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He took Luna's hand and kissed it formally, making the princess sigh. “It is great to meet you as well, Sir Leo. But, please don’t act so formal around me. I get enough of that at home.” Leo raised a brow at that. “I am an actual princess. More accurately the Princess of the Night.” “Really now? Well Virgo is going to love you.” Leo replied with a grin, before rubbing his shoulders. “Well, if you want, I can go over the basics of Celestial wizardry with you while your friends do whatever it is you’re doing.” “That would be most appreciated Leo.” Lex replied with a grin before turning to Luna. “Luna, I want you to go with Leo as he explains the basics. Tomorrow you will be making the contracts with your spirits, and after that I will be teaching you some of the spells you can use.”  “Perfect! This will be most fun.” Luna exclaimed enthusiastically. Lex smiled as the alicorn led the lion out to another room, while she turned back to the crowd, who looked shocked at the magic that was just shown to Luna.  “Ok, now that that is done. Aspen.” The large Abyssian stepped up after placing Maddie on the ground. “What I have in mind for you, is a lot like Cadence’s magic in that it is a form of Lost Magic. This magic, as I explained before, requires a certain amount of discipline and training so as to not suffer from the side effects.  What I am going to teach you is a form of nature magic called the Great Arc of Trees.” The feline looked intrigued, but got serious as Lex didn’t smile or anything. “This magic is far more powerful than Zecora’s Green or Plant magic. It focuses on the control and manipulation of the power of the trees. You can summon trees to control and battle opponents. Additionally it allows the user to have a firm connection with the earth, and use the earth's natural power through either the caster, or a type of ‘fruit’ the trees produce. Most of the effects are very….explosive, in nature.” Lex took a breath before turning to the range. She raised a hand, and the ground began to rumble as a large swirling tree grew right next to the human.  “Bleve.” From the tree, many sparkling yellow orbs appeared, before flying towards the targets. Once they made contact, they detonated, causing many to brace themselves from the resulting wind. Aspen didn’t budge an inch, just standing with her arms crossed as she saw the effects of her new magic. ‘Definitely going to need a lot of practice.’ She thought to herself as she nodded to Lex, who motioned back to the benches.  “Cobalt, you’re next.” The towering Minotaur walked up with a grin. “Now, the magic I have in minds for you is actually one that works with your strengths in weapons and metalworking. Iron Maker magic.  Like Sonbā and Gilda’s Crystal and Ice Maker magics, Iron maker lets you give your magical energy tangible form, in the form of iron. You can create weapons, barriers, traps, basically anything you can think of. It is all up to your imagination and skills.” Lex turned back to the range again.  “Iron Make Barb Shots!” From the spell matrix’s around Lex, iron barbs the size of her arms flew out and stuck to several targets, turning them into large pincushions.  The soon-to-be Iron Mage nodded, remembering all the things the alicorn stallion and griffon hen made with their maker magic. He was visibly excited as he made his way back to the group.  “Dawn.” The pegasus seemingly teleported next to the Faekage, who didn’t seem surprised at all. “The magic I will be teaching is a little more nuanced than your Gale King fighting style, but I think it should fit perfectly for you. It’s called Airspace magic.  This magic is invisible, so opponents won’t actually be able to see it. It revolves around manipulating the airspace for offensive, defensive and supportive spells, like teleportation.” Lex looked back to the range and raised her hands, twisting them slowly. To all but Lex’s eyes, there was nothing, but to the human there was visible distortions near her hands and the targets.  “Airspace Zetsu.” Around the targets, the air turned visibly purple before detonating only a second later, causing many to jump at the suddenness of the attack. Dawn looked nonplussed, so it was hard to gauge his excitement about learning this new magic. It was about the same as when he learned he was staying with Gilda and Fluttershy. Content. The colt nodded to his Faekage and zoomed back to his seat, not even reacting as many jumped at his sudden appearance. Lex looked over her list via Archive and nodded to herself again. “Maddie.” Again Lex didn’t react when the Abyssian kitten suddenly jumped out from behind her. “Your magic is a fair bit more dangerous than most, and also requires a certain amount of discipline. But I think you can handle it if you work alongside your mom. The magic is called Terrain Effect magic.  As the name implies, it revolves around altering a certain area and making it into a specific effect. For example.” Lex turned to the range and placed her hands on the ground. “Iceberg Zone!” Around the range several large spires of ice appeared, creating something of a wall of icebergs, while below the range far more ice appeared. “Now clearly this magic is dangerous as it can change the terrain into a number of different ‘zones’, all with unique effects, many of them borderline deadly.” Lex turned back to the frozen range.  “Scorching Wind Zone!” The ice began to melt rapidly as the burning wind swept over the area. The crowd definitely felt the heat, making them know it was easily enough to burn someone. Once all the ice had evaporated, Lex turned to Maddie with a serious look in her eyes. Maddie just nodded, knowing she had a lot of work ahead of her “Kat.” The hybrid walked up, a curious look in her eyes. “This was actually a tough one. You have just recently recovered, but despite that, I think I know what magic would be perfect for you.  To put it bluntly, you’re something of an untapped prodigy. I saw how much work you have been putting yourself through to catch up to everyone else. Physically, mentally and magically. You seem to be able to retain information to an incredible degree, and the doctors and I have noticed you have an abnormally large magic container. Much more than some unicorns your age.  So, I think these forms of magic would be perfect for you. But first.” Lex reached to the air next to her, her hand disappearing into a black void before pulling back with something in hand. It was a katana. The blade was sheathed in an emerald green Saya sheath with pale purple wrappings. “Take this.”  The hybrid took the blade cautiously, looking at it was an intrigued eye. Lex nodded to her, and Kat unsheathed the sword. It was beautifully made, clearly not something that Lex just made or a whim.  Kat’s eyes widened as the sword seemed to glow before it began to change colour from the handle up. The blade went from original grey/silver, to a deep white, then clear lemon yellow, then emerald green. It seemed to alternate between these three colours, before seeming to stabilize. The back of the blade took on the emerald shade, while the blade itself was white and the center was yellow. The three colours seemed to fade into one another so seamlessly, it was near impossible to tell where one colour stopped and another began.  Kathrine looked to Lex with a confused look, while Lex just looked over the sword with a critical gaze. “White, emerald green and a bit of yellow. Interesting. That aura enchantment I placed on it during forging is interesting.” Lex turned back to Kat as the hybrid sheathed her new sword. “Anyways, I want you to try and learn swordsmanship with this katana. It will give you more options than just spamming spells. Plus, I believe you can pull it off.  Now, for magic, we are going to be working together for this. I am going to be personally teaching you how to use a group of magic referred to as Kido. It is separated into five separate disciplines. Bakudō which are binding and battle support spells, Hadō which are destructive offensive spells for direct attacks, and Kekkai & Fu which are barriers and seals respectively. And finally Kaidou, which is mostly healing spells.  That attack I showed during the exam was a Hadō spell. Hadō and Bakudō spells are numbered based on difficulty and strength. But don’t think that #99 is the most powerful. With enough training and mastery, even #1 could become more powerful than the last ones. Each spell requires an incantation to focus through at first, similarly to how we all call out our attacks, though eventually with enough training one can learn how to cast without an incantation, though there is a decrease in strength. Through a bunch of tests, I found that saying the incantations in Japanese makes them much easier to control than trying to say them in English or Latin or whatever. So, you are also going to be working on mastering the Japanese language. I know this seems like a lot but-” “I can do it.” Lex looked at Kat with a raised brow, seeing the hybrid's determined glare. “This may be a lot, but I know I can do this. I am going to catch up and surpass my guild mates. So I won’t ever be weak again.” Lex smiled at the fire in her eyes, knowing Kat would be doing everything she could to master her new magic.  The hybrid walked back to the group, keeping a firm hand on her new blade, while Lex went through the Archive lists again.  “Red.” The earth pony walked up with a grin. “The magic I am going to be teaching you is a little destructive, but it seems to fit with your personality. You’ll be learning Explosion magic.” “Seriously, that’s a type of magic?” Red stated with a deadpan, quickly learning how diverse the guilds magic is.  “Yup. Though it is more complex than you’d think. Firstly, the magic allows you to make different types of explosions, clearly. For example.” Lex turned to the range. “Explosion Spiral!” In the range, the air began to distort, before quickly igniting into a spiraling explosion that sent many of the audience back. “With Explosion magic you can use it for long range, short range, and even support spells with remote detonating spells. You can even set traps. Like this.”  “Exploding Mine!” Several gold circles appeared around the area, which many were weary of. Lex quickly made a Kage Bushin, who sighed and walked onto one of the mines, causing it to explode and the clone to poof out of existence. “Now, since this magic is very dangerous, the first thing I am going to have you practice is controlling the power of the explosion. I personally separate them into levels ranging from C1 to C10. The last of which I used well beyond the badlands and….let’s just say there is a surplus of glass over there now.”  “I was wondering why there was a report of a small earthquake near the Badlands guard outpost.” Luna piped up from the crowd, having finished talking with Leo for the moment.  With a final nod, the earth pony made his way back to the audience, taking out a notebook to write a ‘workout plan’ of sorts for his magic training. Lex waved the next member over, who was Sythe. “Now Sythe. From what you have told me in the info sheets that you are knowledgeable in spear and knife fighting. You also studied to be a, uh, political advisor.” Lex reflexively shivered as she remembered several ‘nobles’ she’s had to deal with. “So, I plan on you learning both Archive and Blade Requip magic. The former so you can help me with dealings with politicians and business partners.  The latter I think would be handy for you since I know you have a collection of knives in your flat.” The canine had the decency to look surprised at his boss's knowledge. “Plus I can commission and give you some other blades that have elemental properties. Just don’t overdo it. Archive can really give you a headache if you’re not ready for it.” Sythe nodded and headed back to the group.  “Adria, you’re up.” The elder Riftwall walked up with a curious gaze. “So, what I have in mind is actually three different forms of magic, but two are technically related in that they are the same element. Water Maker magic, Aqua Aera, and finally Transport magic.  The first is fairly simple. Like Sonbā, Gilda, and Cobalt, your maker magic is only limited to your imagination and skills. However a few unique nuances of Water Maker magic, is the ability to control most liquids and alter them, so long as they have water in them. For example, the water mage Juvia Lockser was able to use Water Maker magic to move, manipulate and change her blood to match Grey Fullbusters when he needed an emergency transfusion. This will be most helpful for you I think when you’re working behind the bar with Zen, even if it is just for tricks.” Lex took a breath as she got into her maker stance, again. “Water Make Bleach Blade!” In Lex’s hand water began to form, before its chemical makeup changed from simple H2O, into bleach. Adria nodded, thinking about how useful this magic would be for laundry. Lex tossed the bleach blade away before continuing. “Aqua Aera is a special magic in that it allows the user to warp between dimensions to go very far distances near instantly. The only requirement is the medium of water being present. With this you can go back and forth between the guild and your families tavern if you ever want to talk to your family or if they want to visit or something.  The last magic I am going to teach you is specifically for emergencies. It’s called Transport, and it is similar to Requip magic in that it allows you to access a personal pocket dimension. However instead of tools, or weapons, Transport Magic lets you capture and contain People. When ‘captured’ the individual's presence is completely erased so they can hide, and you can carry as many people as you want in your pocket dimension. I am teaching you this just in case there is a major threat to the guild, the town, or your tavern, so you can grab everyone and use Aqua Aera to evacuate.”  Lex's eyes turned serious, into a glare that Adria has had on her own face several times. “I am trusting you to not just help the innocents of the guild, or the town, but I am trusting you, as a mother, to take the kids and run, if something seriously bad comes our way.” “You don’t even need to ask.” Adria replied, smiling reassuringly at Lex. The Faekage nodded with a smile as Adria went back to the group. Some were surprised by the sudden turn during the Abyssians turn up, but many had the same thought.  ‘Hell hath no fury greater than a mother scorned.’ “Exceeds. You four, fly up here.” The quartets of felines flew up, wondering what was next for them. “Now, you four will clearly be training with and alongside Echo as she has the most experience in both Aera magic, which is letting you fly, and Transformation magic, which you have seen her use to make her Neko form. Echo had begun training in Wind magic not long before she ran into you four and Kat, so she won’t be able to work with you all the time.  For individual magics, Gil, I am going to have you working alongside Reni and Cobalt in using Gold maker magic. I don’t think I have to explain that magic at this point.” Lex went back into her stance. “Gold Make Battleaxe!” The golden axe appeared and sliced through one of the targets with ease, before Lex destroyed it. “Gotcha.” The sandy Exceed nodded, excited for the chance to use magic besides his wings.  “Marnie, I am going to have you both working with Zecora in learning Green magic, but I am also going to have you learn Healing and Support magic to help during fights. Call it intuition, but I can tell you aren’t one to be on the front lines of a fight.” “Correct. I won’t let you down Lex.” The green feline replied, mentally going over some books she plans on reading after all this is over with.  “Joy, you’re going to be working with me and Spark in learning Rainbow Beam magic. It is similar to Spark’s Rainbow Fire magic, but it is technically a form of Light based magic as opposed to fire, so you’ll be working with me most of the time.” To show this, Lex simply whipped out her arm, rainbow light appearing around it as she launched it forwards like a bullet, which tore through a target. The pink Exceed, if she wasn’t flying, would be bouncing in excitement at being able to learn how to use this magic. “And finally, Saya. What I have in mind for you is mostly a form of non-dangerous magic called Wool magic. It allows you to summon large puffs of wool in either solid or gaseous form. The wool is mostly for entanglement, defence and distractions. The wool is stupidly comfortable so anyone who gets caught will reflexively relax and get distracted so you or your teammates can use more offensive spells afterwards.” “Mini Wool Shot!” Lex smirked as she sent the small ball of blue wool at the floating maroon kitten, causing her to blink before she was covered by the comfy wool. “Woah, this is, so nice.” Saya muttered lethargically, shifting and snuggling into the wool, letting herself rest in the ball of floating wool. Everyone was surprised by the effectiveness of the wool.  Lex grinned as Marnie led Saya back to the group, the youngest Exceed now sleeping on the cloud of wool. “Capper, you’re up.” The tomcat walked up with a grin, wondering what he could use. “Now, what I have in mind for you is actually a few forms of magic. I have had you working to set up my information network, but sometimes I might need someone to look in on things of a more….morally questionable nature, even if it is just to make sure there are no serious threats to the guild and Equestria. So for that, I am going to be teaching you Shadow magic, Stealth magic, Transformation magic and Teleportation magic.  Shadow magic is fairly simple when you know how to use it, it’s actually the first magic you saw me use.” Capper nodded, remembering her swiping his bit pouch. “Not only can you control shadows, you can also use it for a multitude of attacks, make shadow barriers, and even travel quickly via shadows.” Lex looked over the range and chose her targets. “Snake Shadow!” Multiple snakes made of shadows jumped out of her own shadow and bit into the targets multiple times, before swinging them around.  “Stealth magic is easily one of my more useful magics, and I pray you don’t misuse it.” Lex glared at the tomcat, who just raised his paws in defence. He then blinked, and Lex was gone. The audience looked around as well, not knowing where she went. “Stealth magic allows you to erase your presence completely and utterly. Sight, hearing, smell, everything that shows you are somewhere. ” Everyone looked up as Lex used her Gravity Change to make it so she was sitting on the ceiling. “Not only is this great for espionage, it allows you to see things that are invisible to normal eyes and even make items you want to carry invisible, though the latter will make it invisible to you as well.”  Suddenly Lex began to blur before she was suddenly back on the ground again. “You’ve seen me use Teleportation magic countless times, and you have experienced it with the seal by the entrance, so I don’t think I really need to explain it to you at this point. Finally you will be learning Transformation magic just in case you run into someone who only works with another of their species like some unicorns up in Canterlot.” Capper nodded, knowing many ‘nobles’ would get on his case for simply being an Abyssian so using Transformation magic would be perfect for blending into the crowd.  Lex nodded to herself, taking a breath as she felt the strain from showing all the different forms of magic begin to affect her. Luckily she only had a half dozen more members to go through. She took another breath before turning to the crowd.  “Violet, come here for a sec.” The earth pony mare stepped with a raised brow. “So, for you, I actually have a form of magic that is more complex than you think. It’s called Aroma magic. It allows you to release different forms of gas that have different effects, such as poisoning, causing hallucinations, healing and numbing pain, even increasing one’s strength and speed. Like this.” Lex grinned as she raised her hand to Violet's face. “Knockout Aroma.” A quick spurt of bluish gas hit the mare in the face, almost immediately causing her eyes to droop before Lex caught her. “Awakening Aroma.” Another burst of a slightly different blue cloud made the mare’s eyes snap open as she saw she was in Lex’s arms.  “Ok not going to lie. That is going to come in very handy incase any of my exes come by.” Violet stated as she righted herself. Lex gave a slight grin at the mare's own mischievous smirk.  “Verdant.” The teenage mare hopped up with an excited smirk. “What I am going to have you learning and training with Zecora on is a form of magic called, I kid you not, Vegetable magic.” The mare's eyes turned wide before narrowing. “Yeah, I know. Really specific. Though it does allow you to use some forms of fruit, so not really accurate, but I digress.  Anyways, in the info sheet I gave you, you said that you and your mom were in charge of growing most of the produce for your guys' tavern, so I figured this would be perfect. The veggies are technically edible, but they don’t have any nutritional value and taste super bland, so don’t use them for cooking. But they are very strong and oddly good for fighting with.”  With a grin, Lex ran up and jumped above one of the targets. “Smashing Pumpkin!” From the seal in Lex’s hands, a large jack-o-lantern shaped pumpkin appeared which smashed the target into the ground with enough force to crack the stone flooring. Lex then jumped back and used another spell. “Carrot Missiles!” Several sharp carrots were launched through the spell and hit many targets, embedding themselves deep into the hit spots.  Verdant looked with wide eyes, clearly not expecting simple fruits and vegetables to be able to do so much damage. Lex grinned at her expression, and took a breath as Verdant headed back to the crowd.  “Maeve.” The youngest Abyssian perked up but didn’t leave her mothers side. She liked Lex, but didn’t like crowds still. Lex didn’t mind that, walking up to the kitten. “So, the magic I have in mind for you actually has to do with your love of swimming and digging. Earth magic, more specifically a type called Diver magic.  It allows you to dig holes and tunnels through the ground extremely fast, and even move through the dirt and stone like you are swimming. Not only that, but I am going to have you working with Applejack to use Earth magic spells. Like this.”  Without actually moving, a matrix appeared below Lex before, with the sounds of a jackhammer, she dug into the ground. Lex tunneled through the ground below as though she was swimming through a pool before appearing in the wall nearby. “Spica Lock!” Nearby stone debris from the broken targets began to float into the air before converging on a single target, trapping and crushing it.  The little kitten looked at the spell with awe, wondering if she could be that awesome as to use magic like that. “Bertha.” The only other Minotaur in the guild walked up with a tilted her head. “What I have for you is similar to Gilda’s magic, but not exactly the same. Standard Ice magic, not Ice Maker magic. You mentioned your love of winter and all the things that go with it, so this magic I think is perfect. Ice magic allows you to supercool the water particles in the air, as well as any at the time existing water into ice for spells. It is a little more restricted than Maker magic, but it does have its benefits. Now, many of the spells are similar to Maker magic in nature, but they are their own thing.” Lex turned to the range again and took a breath, before getting into an odd stance, crossing her legs over themselves like she was doing a curtsy. “Thousand Frozen Petals.” All around Lex, the air turned cold, forming many flower petals made of ice, before they spun around the Faekage, creating a cyclone of blue ice petals, before they rained down on the range, many petals hitting with the force of a rifle bullet.  Bertha went wide eyed, not expecting the power of simple ice that was so small as opposed to Gilda’s Ice creations.  Lex took a deep breath, feeling just how low her magic reserves are. She knew this would take a lot, but not this much. Luckily she only had the ones she was most prepared for next. “Girls, come here please.” The ‘Fairy Heirs’ as they had begun to be called walked over to their mother, excitement brimming in their young eyes. Lex smiled, before sighing as she dug into her bag again.  The trio looked curiously at the bag before Lex released a small cheer as she pulled out four things….well, technically two since the first three were the same things.  The first were necklaces with magatama beads, three on each side of a larger one at the centre of each, which had a faint glow. While they looked simple, having spent so much time with their mother taught them that these necklaces were not normal jewellery.  The other thing was a leather holder full of magic cards. The small belt attached to it was clearly meant to wrap around either a person's waist or their thighs if wanted. Lex smiled and crouched down to her daughter's level. “Now, you three will be learning not only a personal magic that I want you to use more often than not, but, I am also going to have you three gain and learn a form of Lost magic.” The human held up the three necklaces. Without needing to prompt, the trio reached forwards, grabbing one of the necklaces each that felt right to them, green for Arakunia, orange and red for Amaterasu and dark pale purple for Unmei. Lex nodded to herself as the trio looked at their new accessories. “Those aren’t just to show you three. You may remember when Kairi came over the first time, I gave her access to Shadow Dragon Slayer magic via a lacrima implanted in her.” They nodded. “Well, this is similar to that, only it isn’t painful. Those rosary beads are actually a lacrima I managed to remake to make them more stylish.  Instead of giving you access to the magic right away, and causing severe pain from the implantation, these necklaces will slowly merge the magic inside of them over a short amount of time. This way you will have more time to study and practice with your other magic as the lacrima increases your reserves and allows access to the magic.” “Um, mom?” I looked at Ammy, who looked a little curious. “You keep dancing around it. What type of magic is in these lacrima?” “I’m glad you asked. As my daughters, I figured I would give you guys a form of magic that is very powerful, but requires a certain level of discipline. Slayer magic.”  “Like Spike and the others?” Arakunia added with an excited buzz of her wings.  “Yes and no. See Spike and the other dragons are what we could call Generation Zero Dragon Slayers. Their magic is mostly for fighting against dragons and since they are creating their magic from scratch. What you three have is Slayer magic, but it isn’t dragon slayer. It’s something a little more….divine and destructive. What these lacrima will do is make you three First Generation God Slayers.” That made their eyes snap open and their jaws drop. “Yeah, big title right. Anyways since you are gaining the magic from a lacrima, that would normally make you a Second Generation, but since the magic itself is fusing with your magic containers as opposed to having a lacrima implanted in you, it makes you three, technically, First Generation.  Now, like I said before, Slayer magic, particularly God Slayer magic is very difficult to control. It is more directly tied to your emotions than nearly any other form of magic so you three will be working with me personally on it when the merger is complete.” “What’s our elements?” Mei questioned telepathically, now rolling the bead in her hand where it rested around her neck. Lex smiled and pointed to Mei, then Ammy and then Kuna in turn. “Ocean God Slayer. Earth God Slayer. Sky God Slayer.” Lex smiled as the trio looked to one another, then their necklaces. “Now, like I said, it is going to take some time for the magic to stabilize internally, so for the time being you three will also be learning another form of magic.  Mei, you already have Telepathy, but I wanted to give you these after seeing how great you are with fortune telling.” The kirin took the pack of cards and looked through them with wide eyes. “Card magic is incredibly diverse. It includes not just tarot cards which have their own effects, but also elemental, utility and summoning cards. What’s unique is you can mix and match your cards for different spells, instead of simply using singular card effects.” Lex showed an example by summoning three cards for herself.  “Lightning, Reverse Tower, Lovers! Bane of Lightning!” From the cards several powerful arcs of lightning burst forth, striking and burning many targets at once. Mei looked extremely excited, looking over all the cards in her new deck.  “Oh oh, me next!” Ammy bounced up, the canine barley keeping her body still. Though her tail was another story as it whipped back and forth quickly. Lex smiled at her canine daughter. “Ammy, what I have in mind for your other magic could be seen as the opposite of it.” The puppy stopped her tail wagging and tilted her head. “It’s a form of Spacial magic called Territory. It allows you to manipulate space itself for a multitude of tricks. You can cause spacial explosions, make gateways, teleport, make shields and a bunch of other stuff.  One of its most useful tricks is the ability to switch places with someone instantly. Like this.” Ammy blinked, and the next second her mother was gone and Capper was standing in her place. The Abyssian and Gem Hound looked around in confusion before hearing someone clearing their throat, and turning to see Lex sitting in Cappers spot on the bench nearby. A second later, Capper and Lex switched again. “Handy right?”  The canine nodded quickly, wanting to start immediately. She calmed herself though, going over to her eldest sister and smiled as Lex moved over to the only changeling in the guild.  “Kuna, what I have for you is actually rather tricky to use. It’s called Thread magic. It lets you shoot thread, similar to that of a spider, from the seal to entangle the opponent. Nothing too dangerous on its own, but, what I recently discovered is you can change the makeup of the webs to have different effects.” Arakunia looked very intrigued.  Lex turned to the range again, and summoned a pale gold spell seal, which launched several thick strands of webbing. The changeling nodded to herself at the example of the regular magic. Lex then smirked and waved her hand, thin strands of webbing appearing at her fingertips. “Steel Thread.” With a wave of hand the threads flew through the air and sliced through the nearby stone target like a knife through butter. “Electro Thread.” Another seal and a yellowish web flew towards the target, before Lex flicked her wrist and multiple arcs of electricity ran up the webs.  The changeling looked with wide eyes, before calming herself and showing a maturity above her years, by just nodding with a thoughtful expression before heading over to her sisters.  Lex took one last breath, wiping some sweat from her brow, before smiling to the group. Many nodded to her, knowing what was next for them. With a smile, Lex opened a couple of Archive screens and tapped a couple commands. After another nod to herself and the crowd, Lex pressed the enter button, ignoring the headache it gave her as several progress bars appeared above the newer members' heads.  Once all the progress bars finished, Lex stumbled a bit before Leo caught her. She was surprised that the lion was still here and not back in the Celestial World. Luna just smirked at her new partner. Lex nodded in thanks to the human-looking spirit as she got her breath back. “Alright. Now that we’re all done, time to head home. Hopefully the others haven’t either robbed the bar or destroyed the pantry yet.” Lex said with a grin, leading the crowd out the door and back to the teleporter.  ‘This was fun. And things are only going to get crazier.’ > Chapter 40: Party Time! Fairy Tail Style! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd of newly minted mages smiled as they made their way back to the guild, already seeing that the building is luckily intact. Lex in particular was half expecting the large building to be shaking from a fight, what with her luck and how Fairy Tail can be.  The crowd entered the guild, watching as the current members and Displaced all hung around one another, spotting Flora and Nate manning the bar in Zen and Adria’s absence. The duo took the position as Lex hugged her Displaced family before teleporting to the second floor, sitting on the railing with her legs crossed. “Now then. Now that we are all gathered, it is time to announce who will be getting a promotion to their next rank, as well as the ranks of the recently tested members.” She turns to the Displaced. “The Displaced have their own rank and title, Displaced obviously, which is equal to that of an S-Class wizard. Any objections to this rule?” No one raised a fuss, knowing just how strong the other dimensional beings are.  “Now then, let’s see here. We are going to start with the newer members and where they are ranked. The new Genin mages of the Guild are; Maeve Riftwall, Arakunia, Amaterasu Shiranui, Unmei Gaidancu, Saya Source, Joy Fleese, Marnie Daisy, Gilded Breeze, Bertha Will, and Verdant Tavernda.” Lex allowed the guild to applaud the new youngsters, officially, to the guild as mages.  “The new Chunin mages of the guild are; Capper Dapperpaws, Violet Tavernda, Adria Riftwall, Sythe Slain, Willow Wisp, Scarlet March, Madness Marigold, Kathrine Spot, and Dawn Lightwing.” Bigger applause as there are more people clapping.  “The new Jounin mages of the guild are; Amber, Aspen Marigold, Reni, Cobalt Will, Fizzle, and Laruma.” Even more clapping with more people! Lex smiled before looking back to her Archive list floating next to her.  “There are no new Kage or Rai mages as of yet, but I just know that will change during the next examination. So with that out of the way, the following mages have been promoted from Genin to Chunin; Raine Jewel, Fluttershy, Rarity Belle, Echo, Silk Song, Swift Service, Nate Quartz, and finally Pinkie Pie. The Chunin who have now been promoted to Jounin are; Bladed Wind, Azure Skies, Star Burst, and Zecora.  Jounin Promotions to Kage are as follows; Emerald Blizzard, Legacy Tracer, and Trixie Lulamoon. Finally, there are no promotions to Rai.” Lex smiled as everyone cheered, now being able to enjoy their new ranks and such.  “Now that all the boring stuff is out of the way, what do you guys say we show these Newbies how Fairy Tail party’s!” The cheers were near deafening, making Lex glad she had a clone put Yoru to sleep in her room and soundproofed it. “For those who are feeling up for it,” Lex pointed to the stage near the back, where many now noticed several clones of Lex setting up instruments, microphones and stage lights. “Who wants to have some karaoke in the guild hall!”  “Hell yeah!” Nat and Sora yelled out. Adam smirked wide as he saw Lex had an electric guitar and amp set up as well. Ed and his group all cheered as well. Lex smirked as a few of her clones popped, before Lex raised her hand, index finger up. “Alright Fairy Tail! Let’s party!” Natali POV I released a held breath as I finished my drink, the second of many to come for the night surely. Only twenty minutes into the party and already many are starting a ruckus. I let myself relax near the back of the room, not really one for crowds, especially if they are as rowdy as the Fiore Fairy Tail. And considering I saw the Minotaur and that giant abyssian armwrestling each other, I knew a fight was going to break out at some point. I managed to convince Sora to go over to the other kids with the excuse to hang out with our niece and nephew a bit more, this time actually doing so as her original form.  My sister really needed to learn to act her age sometimes, and not just to spontaneously act like a kid one moment, and then act like an adult the next. I saw my marefriend breaking off to hang out with her counterparts, clearly having a better connection to Ed’s Twilight than this world. Though that was only because the two have hung out before this, so Dusk knows her more, even if it had been a few months since we last saw Ed’s counterparts.  I glanced around, seeing all of the guild enjoying themselves, especially Ed’s group as they hung out with this world's version of them. The RD’s seemed to click, no surprise there.  I admit, I was curious about this place for the longest time, but seeing it in person. Seeing all these different creatures, not just ponies but the canine, felines and even the individuals of the species was incredible. Lex has made Mavis proud I think.  I chugged the last of my third mug, the light alcohol in the cider being less distilled than some things I have had, but it was perfect for a simple drink to relax with. I nodded to the canine, Zen, as he took my mug away and I got up from my seat. I may be a little shy with crowds, but I knew I could at least hang out with people I knew. There was one person I wanted to talk to in particular. Luckily she wasn’t that hard to spot despite her pension for stealth.  “Hey Blake!” The faunus turned away from two of the other felines, Kat and Willow I think, and turned to me. “Oh hey. Um, Natali right? Adam’s sister.” The amber eyes girl greeted with a small nod. “Yup, nice to finally meet you in person Blake.” I greeted back, patting the faunus on the shoulder. “So, how has my brother been? Admittedly I hadn’t been in as close contact with him as I want to some times.” “Oh he’s...fine I suppose.” She replied. “He’s been training with Penny, Ruby and Pyrrha a lot and has been taking the time to give me and the others our own fights. Though...now that I think about it he seemed to be a little distracted lately.” “Distracted?” “Yeah, like there is something on his mind, but he can’t seem to get it out.” That was worrying. Adam didn’t really like keeping secrets, if anything he was the one who helps people admit things. “It started about a month ago.” “That is...very odd.” I admit, sipping some water I brought. “He normally isn’t one to keep secrets, especially to his friends.” I tapped my chin in thought, but whatever was going on with him, I trusted him to tell the others when he was ready. “So aside from my brother, how have things been with your team?” “Oh, we’re fine. Weiss and Ruby have been having fun with each other like when we were back at Beacon.” I raised a brow as she stopped. “And….Yang is..?”  “Um, Yang is Yang?” To the unobservant, Blake would appear confused, but I could see the slight shift in her eyes as she tried to think on another topic to talk about. I narrowed my eyes, placing my drink to the side. “Really. Yang is Yang?” I raised a brow, watching the feline faunus squirm a bit. “Come one Blakey.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “You can talk to me about stuff. You know, one Bi to another.” “You’re Bi?” “I am pretty sure.” I relied without a pause. “Honestly it was only after my Displacement that I thought about stuff like that, but looking back to Earth, I’ll admit I have found a bunch of girls back home attractive, and a couple guys.”  “Um, TMI.” “Oh, sorry about that, I was rambling. Anyways, you know you can talk to me about your obvious attraction to the blond.” I grinned at her blush.  “I-I don’t-” “I am just going to stop you there.” I placed a finger on her lips. “Blake. You like Yang. Yang likes you. Pretty much everyone can see it, even Weiss and Neo.” I blinked a couple times. “Well, maybe not Ruby. That girl has matured a bit, but she is still a little too innocent.” “Um, can we please not talk about this?”  “Eenope!” I quote with a grin, before it fell into something a little softer. “Blake, you really shouldn’t try hiding it anymore. I admit I was a dense dummy with my own relationship at first, but I can tell you want to try but can’t get the courage to try.” “Yeah well if you went through what I did you would do the same thing.” She muttered angrily, making me frown as she tried to stop the conversation. I gently grabbed the mug she was trying to drink from, lowering it from her face. “You’re right. I probably would. At least, if I didn’t have my siblings.” She turned to me. I have my big sister, even if I had to take care of her sometimes, my little sis, who is arguably a problem child herself, and I had Adam, who is more than willing to throw the first punch.” “So what’s your point?” “Well, you have people like that too, even if you didn’t want to see it.” She looked a little wide eyed at that. “Ruby would be more than willing to just hug you to make you feel better, maybe share her cookies with you. Weiss would scold you and try and make you face whatever it is head one, but she would still be standing beside you. Pyrrha and Jaune would be giving you a ton of moral support, even if the latter needed to open his own eyes. Nora would probably just do something crazy that would force you to step in. Ren would give you some sage advice about listening to your inner self or something like that. Anyways, I’m rambling again. The point is, you’re not alone like you think you are.” I took her hand and smiled. “Even when you were in the White Fang, there were those that genuinely cared about you. Like Ilia.”  “Yeah, and you saw where that went.”  “Yeah, I did. You saved her.” She looked at me again with wider eyes. “Even when she allowed herself to get caught up in the dogma and wrong message of your people, you dragged her back to reality. You inspired Menagerie to stand up against the other Adam, you're willing to risk it all to see your ideals through. You made some bad decisions, that much is true, but no one is perfect. Everyone needs a hand every now and then.” I smiled as she looked completely stunned. “You’re no coward Blake. You are not a failure for wanting to step back from the conflict for a while. You are brave, strong, and I admit, I can see what Yang would find so attractive about you.”  I gave a small grin as I scooted closer and let my hand lower. “Plus this is always a bonus.” I laughed at her mewling yelp as I managed to get a good grip on her rear. All the fans were right, she had a great ass. “Oi!” I managed to avoid her swip as I laughed at her blush. I giggled more as she tried to look menacing, with her slit pupils, but her red face completely ruined it.  “Come one Blake, you have to admit, you do fill those out really well.” Her face just went reder and I swear steam should have been coming out of her four ears.  “Can you leave my body out of this? Please?” She all but begged, more embarrassed than angry at this point.  “Alright alright, sorry. Anyways, you really don’t need to try and prove yourself to anyone. You are just, you. And I know Yang wouldn’t want anything less.” I glanced around, smiling as I saw a certain blondshell having a likely similar conversation with my uncle. “So, how about we see you and Yang hanging out.” “I...I’m not sure that is a good idea right now. She looked like she wanted to be alone.” Blake muttered, not looking up from the table.  “Well, I don’t think you’ll have much choice in a minute.” She looked at me with confusion, but the clearing of a throat on her other side, brought her attention away and towards a slightly nervous looking Yang. “Uh, hey Blake, Nat, how’s it going?” I smiled at the lame attempt, but didn’t hold it against her.  “Eh, nothing to complain about. How are you Yang?” I started, nudging Blake’s leg with my foot.  “Eh, I’m fine. Your uncle decided to give me an upgrade.” She motioned with her prosthetic.  “Let me guess, you can feel things properly with it now?” She nodded, a little surprised. “Yeah, he did the same thing to my marefriend a while back. It has been really helpful.” I mentally frown and nudge Blake in the ribs with a Vector as she tried to shrink away from me, inadvertently going closer to Yang.  “So, what are you two talking about before?” Yang managed to question, clearly a little nervous. I grinned at the faunus, making her squirm a bit more. “Oh, nothing much, just talking about our families and friends.” I stated. “Oh, cool. So, how have things been with your sister? Ruby and Penny told me about what happened before Weiss, Blake and I showed up.” The blond looked genuinely curious. “Hehe, she can be a pain sometimes, but what little sister isn’t?” Yang nodded sagely, clearly remembering her younger years with Ruby. “Sometimes it seems like she is bipolar. One minute she acts like a mature teenager, the next she is no different than a child.” “I hear that. Ruby used to be similar, only more on the childish side.” Yang added, laughing a little at her memory. “I don’t doubt that.” I grinned as I turned to Blake, who looked a little relaxed as she wasn’t the centre of attention. “Hey Blake, have your parents ever talked about giving you a sibling.” “No, oddly enough.” She answered, surprising me. “I admit I have wondered what it would be like to have a sibling sometimes, but mom and dad both agreed that one was enough for them considering how busy they were with their respective positions.” “Oh yeah, your dad was the one who originally founded the White Fang right?” Yang questioned, earning a sad nod from Blake. “He must have been really cool. Sun talked about how stoic he was when you two were in Menagerie.” “I think that was just because he didn’t like Sun.” Blake replied with a small smile. “I hope he’s okay.”  “I wouldn’t worry. He was heading back to Vacuo with his and Coco’s teams wasn’t he? He’ll be fine.” Blake nodded. I did not know that SSSN and CFVY were in Vacuo.  “Here’s hoping.” I added. “Hey, who knows. With that Stargate in your backyard, you guys might be able to head back to Remnant.” “Really?” “Yeah, but don’t get your hopes up. There is an infinite amount of timelines out there, so it might take a while before you guys find your original timeline.” I warned, earning a resigned, but relieved nod from the huntresses. “Well, I’m going to go play with my sister, you two have fun.” I grinned and walked away, not looking back, but I heard Yang startup conversation with Blake again. Those would be just fine I think. I walked around a bit, greeting and talking with a bunch of this world's members, especially the people that I have never seen before back in my timeline like the bartenders Zen and Adria. I am not a hundred percent sure how long I was just talking and greeting with the members, but eventually I made my way back to Yang and Blake, the duo hangin out near the back table.  “Hello again!” I quoted Pyrrha, catching them by surprise. “Oh hey Nat, what’s up?”  “Not much, I am not really much of a crowds person so I just talked with a bunch of the members that don’t exist back in my timeline.” I admitted, sitting across from them. “Yeah, I hear you. If Ruby wasn’t with the others she would probably just be hanging near the bar since there is no punch bowl here.” Blake joked, earning a small chuckle from myself and Yang.  “Sorry about coming back so soon, I just wasn’t really comfortable talking with anyone else since I don’t really know them.” “What about your Twilight?” I leveled a blank stare at Yang, and pointed my thumb towards the table of Twilight’s, the three mares talking about some experiments they can do in their respective worlds as well as comparing personal experiences. “Okay, yeah. I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of that.”  “Yeah, I love my marefriend, but sometimes she needs a chance to go all nerd mode with someone who can actually keep up. I am more of a medical scientist and not a magi scientist.” I admitted.  “So, what are you planning on doing when you get back to your timeline?” Blake questioned. “Not much honestly. Twilight, Sora and I have spent most of our free time lately training with Grandmare Nyx in preparation for Shining’s Wedding.” “Oh, that’s the one with the changeling invasion right?” I nodded to Yang again. “Yeah, Twilight and some of her friends told us about that.” “Well we can’t be a hundred percent sure the wedding will go the same as the original timeline, that is nearly guaranteed since Sora and I are here and Twilight is already an alicorn.” “Well, hopefully things go well for you.” Blake offered her support. “If things get really bad, I am sure Lex and Adam will let you and Sora crash in their worlds for a while.”  “Of that I don’t doubt.” I stated, before sighing. “Honestly I am not worried about the wedding itself but what might happen if we’re forced to reveal Twilight’s heritage and form.” “Yeah, Adam mentioned you said your Celestia was a bit more paranoid than ours.” Blake muttered. “Understatement, she is legit scared of dark magic, anything she sees as dark, and even blames said magic for a large portion of turning Luna into Nightmare Moon.”  “Well that’s stupid.” Yang deadpanned. “But, I think you can handle it if everything Adam told us about you is any indication.”  “Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence Yang.” I smiled a bit. I then blinked as I heard the tapping of the mic up on stage.  The three of us turned to the stage, all three of our eyes widening as Adam walked up with a guitar in hand, a sheepish grin on his face. While Blake and Yang were looking at him in surprise, I looked around and spotted the rest of his friends, the huntresses cheering him on in excitement, except Weiss.  I guess WBY doesn't know my brother can play.  I grinned and made my way closer to the stage as Adam began his song, Reluctant Heroes was one of his favourites. I took a seat near the stage, before glancing to the side as I felt the bench shift. “So we are going up at some point right?” I didn’t turn, merely raised my arm and pulled my teenage formed little sister closer to me.  “No question on that front sis.” I grinned, one that matched the teen homunculus next to me as our brother played his heart out.  Not long after his first song came to an end, I was treated to the pleasant show of Blake and Yang gloating Adam on to do another song, my brother's red face making Sora and I laugh before she started his metal song.  “So, what songs do you have in mind sis?” I questioned as Adam sang loudly. “Oh, I have a couple ideas.” She grinned, tapping her head. I nodded and placed my hand just below her horn, reading her mind and grinning at what she wanted to play.  “Alright, we should really thank Screwball again for letting our phone connect to YouTube back on earth. That was such a good song.” “Too bad all we can do is watch videos. I wonder how anyone would react if they saw our channel posting vlogs from Equestria.” “They’d probably flip their shit. And the government or the Merchant might get involved to stop us.”  “True, true. Speaking of, wanna watch the last season of Rick and Morty later?”  “I really should say you’re too young to watch that, but I know you’ll just steal my phone to watch it anyways.”  My sister just grinned like an imp and laid her head against my shoulder as Adam left the stage, heading to his friends table. Sora and I just enjoyed each other’s company for a while, watching as a bunch of other members went up, before we decided it would be our turn. “Let’s go Sora.”  “Right behind you.” My sister and I made our way to the stage, and we’re not really surprised when we saw all the clones of Lex running about with the instruments and equipment. “Hey Lex!” The clones turned to me and Sora, before one walked up with a grin. “Hey sis. I take it you two want a turn onstage?”  “Is it not obvious?” I grinned at her laugh, before using the Broadcast spell to send the information on what songs we have in mind. The clones all grinned, one of them bringing over a small keyboard, before using some magic to make it into a full sized one. With a nod, Sora and I sat at the piano while Lex moved the curtains. “Alright everyone! Time for another couple of songs. For now, we have a special treat as my little sisters Natali and Sorano are going to play a very close number on the piano. Give them a cheer will ya?!” The crowd cheered again, making me and Sora smile as we cracked our knuckles before using our Vectors to pick up a couple of different instruments ourselves.  Sora grabbed a violin, cello and a couple of dumb sticks for the drumset she sat at, while I had my Vectors act as a couple extra hands on the piano. “Alright everyone. My sister and I are going to play a small number that is rather close to our hearts, but doesn’t have any lyrics. Still, I hope you enjoy, Our Last Charade.”  My Last Charade I allowed myself to relax, letting my fingers and Vectors to fly across the piano as we started, my sister beginning with her violin and cello. The song was calm, yet melancholy, one of a person facing their inner demons and choosing to fight after running for so long. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into the perspective of the person this song is meant for, and all he went through because of that Hate and Spite. Sora, I knew, was in the same boat, the both of us sympathetic to the ‘Demon Child’ who was just angry and scared.  A shame Frisk couldn’t stand next to them in the end. The song was a short one, but it was emotional, one that makes the audience feel for the person it was meant for. I sighed as I finished the last note, letting the piano to reverberate the tone for a couple seconds.  The guild broke out in a polite, but no less excited applause, more whistles than cheers, but I knew it was because of the nature of the song. Not something you specially cheer for, but one you applaud. I glanced at the guild members, a couple actually misty eyed, while some smiled sadly. I glanced towards Adam’s table, the huntsman nodding to me while his friends all looked a little shocked, memories flying through their eyes.  I glanced at my sister, who sighed and nodded to me, and I saw how small her smile was. She honestly enjoyed the story, and sympathized with Chara and Asriel.  I cleared my throat into the mic, gaining everyone’s attention again, before I sighed with a smile. “Well that was a downer huh?” I joked, the small laugh from the crowd easing my soul. “How about next, my sister and I play something a little more upbeat, and personal to the guild.” The crowd cheered in approval, making me smile as I used a Vector to move one of the mic’s over to Sora as she still sat at the drumset.  “Let me ask you guys something Fairy Tail. Who likes snow?” My sister questioned, earning some confused mutters, but some members raised their hands, making us smile. “Well, for the guild, who knows if during winter, we might just find the guilds namesake.” I smiled and let Sora take the lead while I sang backup for once. Snow Fairy English “Fairy, where’re you going? We’ll gather the light along the way And make it shine upon a brand new day Oh yeah! Can you hear the voice that’s calling you yet? Oh yeah! It’s raw and hoarse from screaming out to you Oh yeah! But it won’t give up until you can answer it Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Though all this time has past, I still remember  The sun and moon and how they shine together It feels so strange when you are not here with me I need your smile just to keep me going In my heart, it’s snowing I’m trying my best to smile Slowly it’s warming As fate is linking your heart with mine Fairy, where’re you going? We’ll gather the light along the way And make it shine upon a brand new day Oh yeah! Breaking like the waves on the shore of the ocean All my feelings ebb and flow away The orange sunset fades to white and grey Oh yeah! Cherishing that rainbow we saw together All the colours in my memory Are turning into snow with every day It’s strange but when you smile I feel much stronger But when you laugh It lifts me so much higher In my heart it’s snowing I’m trembling but now you’re here And tightly you hold me And its warming me right down to my core So now Fairy Slowly but surely You’re walking your way Just hang in there (Why? X7 Oh yeah x7) I’ve forgotten how it goes, teach me how to laugh Because your smile is like a magic spell You could change the world I know ‘Cause you’ve surely changed mine And that’s why You are my fairy In my heart, its snowing I’m trying my best to smile Slowly, it’s warming As fate is linking your life with mine Fairy, where’re you going? We’ll gather the light along the way Shine on a brand new day In my heart, it’s snowing I’m trying my best to smile Because it was you Because my fairy, it was you It’s snowing Snow fairy Oh, here my hands I’ll hold you gently Carrying all the light you gave  Snow Fairy Don’t say goodbye.”  I grinned as the Lex clone played out the guitar and synths, the ending making the crowd cheer loudly again. The positive cheers seemed to always follow the Displaced performances, mostly because it seems every Displaced in the building are amazing performers. My sister and I stood near the edge of the stage and bowed, before heading back and making our way through the tables. I spotted Dusk near the back, grinning at me with a small mug in hand, which she promptly chugged.  “What are you standing here for?” I looked to my sister, who rolled her eyes and shrunk to her original form. “Go hang out with your marefriend. I am going to hang with Auntie Luna and the twins.” “Oh, alright. Have fun sis.” I departed, almost missing my sister roll her eyes. I wonder why she did that. “Hey babe, fun party right?” I nodded to my marefriend, seeing she is a bit tipsy, but from my experience she can be pretty lucid despite alcohol.  “Yup, I am so glad Lex invited us.” I then frowned a bit. “Are you doing ok?” Dusk tilted her head, but I just lay a hand softly on her new wings. It hadn’t even been a full twenty four hours since her ascension, so I was worried about her.  “I’m fine? I mean I knew this would happen eventually. Still feels weird, but at least here there are plenty of other alicorns I can talk to.” She admitted, shrugging her shoulders. “This world’s Luna was originally a unicorn too, so she gave me a couple pointers about handling my new earth pony strength and a couple exercises for my wings.” “Oh, that’s helpful.” I added, earning a nod from Dusk as she looked at her mug. She then offered it to me, making me realize how thirsty I was actually. A quick swig later, a mouthful of apple cider was sliding down my gullet. “Thanks.” “Anytime.” I looked at Dusk confused, she was blushing for some reason. “So, I was walking around and spotted the library earlier, wanna check it out?”  “Sure, I was wondering what Lex had back there.” I replied, letting her take my hand. She’s being a little clingy for some reason. I was in for a treat I think. A Little Later…. “Fuck...yeah, right there.” I grinned, lightly scraping my canines against my girl's neck, feeling her pulse quicken under my teeth. I could tell her prey instincts were telling her to get away from the sharp teeth, but she stayed still.  I let my hands continue their light message under her undone shirt. I was right earlier, she was bigger than before. Now we match! At least in terms of pure size, hers were softer than mine.  I stopped scraping my teeth and bit while applying some suctions, making my mare moan louder, making me grin wider. I let go of her neck, seeing the skin under her very light layer of fur turning red. I couldn’t do much else as a prosthetic arm latched onto the back of my head, forcing my face against Dusks, not that I minded.  I am not sure how this happened, but after maybe two hours or so of wandering the library, the next thing I knew, Dusk and I were on one of the tables making out with each other.  Good thing everyone else was in the guild proper.  I placed everything else out of my mind as I rubbed myself against my beautiful marefriend, groaning into her mouth as my bra-clad chest rubbed against hers. I mentally grinned, knowing she has way more pleasurable parts than I did, something I took full advantage of as I moved my hands from under her shirt to her back, gently preening her wings.  Immediately they sprung open to their full wingspan, while I muffled Dusks very loud moan with my mouth. I rubbed the joint between her shoulders and wings, while using a Vector to lightly caress her horn, making her back arch and her eyes to shoot open in a silent scream. I pulled back and caught my breath, grinning at the mares thoroughly spent expression, her face was completely red through her fur. I grinned wider, before glancing to the clock nearby, seeing we had been gone for a while now. “Heh, come on babe, we should probably get back.” I stated, pulling my shirt back down as she moaned in disappointment. I then moaned myself as I felt her lips on my neck and her hands on my chest. “Can’t we continue? You didn’t get a turn.” I grinned as she muttered that against my neck, her flat tongue making small circles around my right artery.  “I would love that Dusk, but I don’t want anyone to have to come looking for us and walking in the middle of the fun.” She groaned sadly, but nodded against my neck, before letting go and buttoning back up her shirt. I was oh so tempted to rub her wings again, but I knew she would just try and jump me. I helped her to her hooves, she was a little wobbly, but she managed to get her footing as we made our way back to the guild.  I am sure everyone who saw us come out of the back knew what was going one since our hair was a little disheveled and Dusk still had a dopey grin on her muzzle. “Alright everyone, I think this is around the time to call it a night.” I glanced to the stage, seeing Lex, the real one, up on stage with a small apologetic grin on her face. “However, I think there is still time for one more song.” I raised a brow, watching as my sister made several new clones while Dusk and I made our way over to where Sora was hanging out with Auntie Luna and the twins. “I hope this will help some of you relax for the night.” ‘Hotaru? Lex and Sora love this song.’ I thought, grinning as I saw my younger sister smiling and relaxing against our aunt. I was silent as I sat next to them, my aunt barely sparing us a glance as we let the music wash over us. I raised my arm and wrapped it around Dusk, who didn’t resist and rest against me as the second verse began. I carefully laid my head against hers, being extra careful to avoid her horn.  “This song always helped you sleep, remember?” I telepathically asked Sora. “Yeah. You used to play it on your phone at night so I would fall asleep before you.”  I grinned to her, lightly nodding against Dusk’s head as Lex’s song began to come to an end. I glanced around after getting my bearings back from the trance I was in from the music. I glanced around as the members began to head to the door while Lex popped in several new clones. I glanced at Kairi who sat nearby, seeing her raised a brow as well, before we spotted the door to the basement light up a bit. I locked eyes with the keyblade wielder, who nodded to me as well. Guess it's time to go home. 3rd POV “Thanks so much for the invite sis. This was a lot of fun.” Adam grinned, helping Penny as she yawned and stumbled, the alcohol going through her, but now making her sleepy.  “We have got to get together more often.” Nat stated, stretching with a yawn, causing Sora to do the same. That just caused a chain reaction as everyone in the room below the age of twenty yawned as well, starting with Ruby and ending with Kairi.  “We are in complete agreement on that sis.” The Faekage agreed, sighing as she set up the portal for Kairi’s group first. Her daughters were just hanging out on the couch in the bunker with their alicorn of a father, who was seeming to doing stock of the room.  “So, not to bring down the mood, but are we all in agreement to fight when the time comes?” The keyblade user asked, earning serious nods from the others. “We’re in. I know Penny won’t leave Adam when the time comes.” Ruby stated. “Dawn and Trixie are all ready for the fight when it comes. They are willing to go all out for the fight.” Lex stated, nodding as the portal began to spin.  “You’ll have a hell of a time trying to keep us away from the fight.” Nat stated, a nod from her girlfriend and sister all the agreement she needed. Kairi smiled, knowing her Displaced friends were ready and willing to fight.  “Before you go Kairi.” Lex stopped the group before they left, holding up her phone. “Group photo?” “Hell yeah.” The Displaced all grin, Edward taking over the cloning duty and summoning a few of his own so the group could all have their own photos. Adam and Blake managed to wake Penny and Yang up, though it was only through Lex’s Aroma magic.  “Sorry Penny, I know you want to sleep, but we have some last minute photos to take.” Adam apologized, earning a rolled eyes, but a bright smile from his girlfriend who was slowly gaining her first hangover. Yang was more vocal about being woken up, but relented as she admittedly wanted her own photos. “Alright everyone. On Displaced! One, two, three,” “DISPLACED!”  The snapping of several cameras filled the otherwise silent bunker, earning smiles from everyone. “I’ll call you guys if something comes up. Until then, stay safe guys.” Kairi smiled, hugging her friends and fellow keyblade wielder before entering the portal with her sleepy friends.  “Family photo?” Sora muttered, earning a nod and pat on the head from Aunt Luna. Ruby and her friends grabbed the phones/scrolls from the Displaced. “Ah, no you don’t Penny.” Ed stopped the ginger from walking to the others, earning a tilted head. “Hey, you’re my nephew's girlfriend, you’re as much a part of this family as I am.” “Indeed Penny.” Aunt Celestia said, holding the sleeping Morning and Eclipse as Luna quickly fussed over Sora, Kuna, Ammy and Mei. “We’re family, whether you like it or not.”  Lex rolled her eyes but smiled, having always wanted a large family. She quickly made a clone, who teleported away, and a minute later was walking down with an awake Yoru in her arms. “Hey sweet pea.” The bluenette whispered, bouncing the tired but giggly infant in her arms. “Sorry I had to wake you but, I knew you would just be waking up a bit anyways. Now, I need you to be a good girl and smile for me when we take the photo.” All she got was happy gurgling and coos, but Lex knew her youngest was agreeing with her.  “Alright, RWBY, Neo, Pyrrha, you guys got the camera features ready?” Adam questioned, earning a nod from the aforementioned females.  The large Displaced Family got themselves ready on a couch Lex levitated over. Edward sat on the centre of the couch with Luna on his left and Celestia on his right, Morning Star and Solar Eclipse sitting on his lap. Lex sat on the floor with her daughters surrounding her and Sonbā on her right with his wings wrapped around her, the infant Yoru in her arms. Nat sat on the right armrest, the child formed Sora sitting on her shoulders while Dusk stood next to her with her arms wrapped around the Diclonius sisters. Adam sat on the left armrest, Penny smiling as she sat on his lap, the faunus wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.  “Alright. Everyone ready?” Lex questioned, earning a couple positive noises in response. “Alright Ruby, on your mark.”  “Alrighty. Everyone, look at the huntress!” The reaper grinned as the kids focused their attention on her. After a couple moments, the huntresses began to snap the pictures. Several snapped photos later, the large family smiled at one another and dispersed.  Adam grinned at his friends as he set the family photo to his Home Screen. Lex grinned as her sibling hugged their nieces as the portal was set for Adam’s world. With a mischievous grin as she went over and used some Sleep magic on Penny, causing the former Android to fall asleep on her boyfriend. Lex grinned at her brother, who rolled his eyes, lifting the ginger onto his back and attaching Penny’s dragon egg to his chest. She then did the same thing to Yang. Blake sighed, but still smiled to the Faekage as she managed to lift the blond onto her back as well.  “See you later Lex. Feel free to call anytime.” Adam said, going through the portal with his friends. They all sent their own farewells, Ruby zooming around and hugging everyone in the room in the span of twenty seconds. The former heiress gave a quick bow, her dragon companion copying her. Pyrrha and Neo gave their own waves goodbye before entering the portal. Blake sent a thankful smile to Nat, and a still-not-completely-asleep Yang sent the same to Edward. Lex smiled at her sisters, the youngest finally allowing herself to succumb to sleep as the Diclo-homunculus was picked up by the elder Diclonius.  “We’ll talk later Lex. If you ever need a hand on anything here, even if it is just babysitting, don’t hesitate to call.” Nat stated, hugging her nieces and sister before heading to the portal with her marefriend.  “Stay safe you three.” Lex parted, watching her sister's forms become distant as the portal worked its magic. Nat POV I yawned as I carried my sister on my back, walking through the sleeping town with my marefriend to her library/house. Twilight yawned as well, the crescent moon above us told us it was a little after two in the morning right now.  Sora fell asleep on the flight home, Nyx was also asleep in her own room in the castle. Twilight and I were trying to be as quiet as possible as we made our way through the town.  The lights were out in the library, so Spike was asleep. He said he was going to hang with CMC while Twilight and I were gone, so he should have had a fun day.  Twilight unlocked the building first, letting me in before locking the door behind us. She lit up her horn as a light as we made our way through silently. Entering the spare room Sora had been using as her own room, letting me lay her down on her bed. A quick storm with my Vectors, and Sora was in her pyjamas under the covers, nuzzling into the bed.  I smiled and placed a small kiss on her horns before I closed the door to her room. Twilight had gone ahead and was checking on Spike’s room, the snoring coming from the open door being all the info we needed.  I yawned again, heading to the bathroom and brushing my teeth and washing my face. I heard the pipes from upstairs going on so I knew Twilight was doing the same. A few minutes later, I was making my way up the stairs, being careful of the squeaking boards.  Once I opened the door to the room, I glanced around quickly, seeing Twilight out of her cloak and outfit and now in a see through blue nightgown with her purple underwear visible under it. She had her back turned to me, placing her sword and gauntlet in a hidden compartment in her closet. I frowned as she closed the compartment, sighing as she rubbed her prosthetic arm. I hugged her gently from behind, being mindful of her wings. “What’s on your mind babe?” “Nothing. Just….thinking about the wedding.” I frowned at her tone. It was clear she was worried, probably about revealing her wings. I turned her around and gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead, just under her horn. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out when it comes up. For now, try and relax, and come to bed.” I gently grabbed her arms and dragged her to the bed, moving the sheets with my Vectors. Twilight blinked a couple times before going over to the nightstand, where a folded up piece of paper was sitting. “Alright, lets see here. ‘Imagine you have an extra set of arms on your back, and you want to have them behind your back.’ Seems simple enough.” I raised a brow, grabbing the paper as Twilight tried to move her wings around. I saw it was a list of things she can do with her new body that can make things easier, at least according to Lex’s coltfriend and Luna.  I watched as I sat on the bed, as Twilight first extended her wings to their full lengths, before rolling her shoulders a couple times for them to flap before they closed and rested against her back.  “Guess I can’t sleep on my back for a while.” She said, sighing as she made her way over and sat on the other side of the bed. “You haven’t slept on your back since we started dating.” I pointed out with a grin, making her blush with a sheepish grin as it was obvious she forgot that. With a small shrug, I laid down and opened the sheets for Twilight to shimmy in, curling up against me as I acted as the big spoon, being mindful of her now sharper horn.  I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her, while her tail wrapped around my leg like normal. It said something that I got used to the prehensile limb wrapping around me.  I felt her wings shifting a bit as she tried to get comfy, so I lifted the bedspread a bit so she could move her wings easier.  “Thanks babe.”  “Anytime.” I held her closer, nuzzling into her hair, inadvertently bumping our horns against each other. It didn’t hurt, it just gave a small buzz down my back. Twilight shivered a bit from the contact, but relaxed against me afterwards. “Tomorrow you have your first wing based flight lesson with Grandmare Nyx. So let’s try and get as much rest as we can. Ok?” I felt her nod against me, lightly kissing my collarbone, making me smile as I returned it on her cheek, before she shared a proper goodnight kiss.  ‘Things will kick up soon. Please, just let us enjoy what time we have left together.’