> The Man of The Shadows > by KamikazeKawaii > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location-Limbo Time -???? At least a year had passed after the pillars of Equestria were freed from the place. Limbo. Where The Shadows stayed for eternity. This, “eternity” The Pillars and The Mane 6 had trapped it was only temporary. Even though losing its host proved inconvenient, it still had a lot of power. It took some energy left by the two teams and siphoned it into magic.This magic, he intended to use to create a rift into Equestria, and take over from the inside. “It seems to be time to create the rift.” It talked to itself. It normally talked to its host, but ever since its last ones turn to the other side, and it’s sudden surge of power, it was unlikely it would require or trust another host. Perhaps one to use as a body to gather supplies?Or one to sneak into the Royal Guard? Either way, his objective was clear, Get out of here. It paused. It slowly transformed into a pony like shape. From the black smoke, came a large structure, that became some part of the body. The first time it did this, it went too fast and each part swiftly collapsed. This time, however it slowly rose. You couldn’t tell which parts were taking shape, and if you guessed it turned out to be something else. Hoof by hoof, Molecule by molecule, Atom by atom. It took its form. Now all that was left to do was get out. Location- Manhattan Time- 17:09 Military time. The convoy neared closer into the war zone. “All right ladies, stay sharp. The SPEKTERS are close.Keep your weapons primed at all times. We are the dominating force here.” Cyrus Miller looked at the battlefield. He could see five different positions where they could be ambushed, blown up by a land mine, sniped, trapped or have an entire building blown on them. But he kept quiet. He didn’t want to argue with his Leading Officer. That would get him into trouble. “Miller! Do you have more of your ‘tactical plans’ as you always do?” “No, Sir.” “Good, move in on my mark.” “One, Two, Three, GO!” The convoy split up. The split part Cyrus was a part of was with the commanding Officer. They searched everywhere for a sign, a glimpse of The SPEKTERS so they could be found and apprehended. As Cyrus thought, they were ambushed. By all the things he had thought of. “Ambush!” “Land Mines!” “Get down, Snipers!” And the building. A chunk of concrete fell to the ground. “AAhhhHHHaH!” Private Green yelled as he could do nothing but wait for the cold swift death. Cyrus ran over to attempt to save him. “I’m coming!” Cyrus grabbed the chunk. “Nnnggrrhhh.” He collapsed, the concrete trapping them. “SPEKTERS INBOUND!” The Officer was shot. The SPEKTER walked over to him. “Good night, Private.” He said, a pistol in Cyrus’ direction. “Deactivate Training Simulation.” It was the Commanding Officer. Location- Classified. Time- 12:09. “On your feet, Miller.” He commanded. “Yes sir!” “Green! Off your ass. Move it.” “Sure thing, Sir!” “Miller. Follow me.” They walked through the military base. Dawn Base. Thousands of people joining up to serve their country. Cyrus Miller was one of those people. Physically, he was not what they had in mind. The 17 year old was only 5’6 and weighed 130 pounds. Not much muscle at all.He could barely carry a gun and the armour put on them during training. He had light blue eyes, bland grey skin and frost white hair. He joined the Dawn Program 1 year ago. 1 year offered a chance for him to work out, become more muscular. That 1 year wasn’t used in the way he thought. He had very bad asthma. 5 pull ups and he could be having an asthma attack. 3 weight lifts he could’ve stopped breathing. You get the picture. There were a couple of things he brought to the table, though. Tactical knowledge. Courage. Bravery. And the will to do whatever it takes. Like risking his own life to save a friend. But it remained clear to Officer Northwood he couldn’t let him go into battle. “Miller, you know why you can’t remain here.You’ve got some great talent, but your physique lets you down. Your dismissed.” “Please. Give me a chance. A chance to save lives a chance to…………” “A Chance to die. That’s it. You got a promising future. Don’t let what could be go because you think you should be something more. Now get out.” He walked through the gates. He was on his own now. > Awakened. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dawn Program was an idea that sparked during a Government conference.The idea was originally to give youngsters a chance to fight for their country. But the Government was also worried about the outbreaks of magic. This started with multiple incidents at Canterlot High and and another with the mysterious Gaea Everfree.Then, a man named Iron Grey had merged the two ideas, to create, the Dawn program.This organisation grew to be more powerful than the Government itself, as they need all the fire power they can get. Grey had become one of the most powerful people in the country. And with that kind of power, he makes sure to completely eradicate any sort of uncontrollable magic for people’s safety. He became a heroic man. Dealing with any magical incidents they found on their radar. Believe me, they didn’t miss any. Dawn....Cyrus thought. Magical control... Canterlot High.... It was clear. Everything. He would go there. Inform dawn of any magical anomalies anonymously. It’s the perfect plan. He could be a magical researcher! A plan for his future, and a chance to shine to Dawn! Anonymously. So he wouldn’t shine. But that wasn’t the point. Doing this could save lives! Also get him an education. And where else would he go? That was the only place close to him. So, whatever. Location- Canterlot High Time- 3:36 The first day of school for Cyrus in at least a year. Was over. He had seen the 7 Highschool students he’d read about in Dawn’s files. “Potential danger to those around them.” “Seem to have control over their abilities, for now.” Sounds like a prison data base to me... He thought. Three of there names were Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie. Pinkamena Diane Pie. God, he hated her so, so, so much. “Element-Laughter.” He enjoyed a little giggle from time to time, but the extent she took it to was just too much to be considered normal. “Throws parties a lot. I mean, god knows how many by now.” The man doing the file actually put that. No joke. He thought she must be annoying as hell. So, he kept his distance. Sunset Shimmer was fine if you considered her as a person, and not a magical unicorn from another dimension that became a human stealing a magical crown from a magical alicorn princess, which in this world for unexplained reasons, turned her into a reality bending demon. Normal if that’s normal for you. Twilight was a nerd like him, but the only ‘slight’ difference was that she became a reality bending demon to. Who funded those repairs, and how the hell is that place still open? There were four others, which were less annoying and reality bending. Fluttershy, was shy (as if you couldn’t tell from the name.) Rainbow Dash was sporty and loyal. Applejack was a country and hard working individual. And Rarity, which element was Generosity. And she loved ‘FASHION!’ Her personality was quite simple,so she was using her element of Generosity to the guy writing the files. All of the Elements are Magic, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, and godawful Laughter. Other than possessing magical abilities, their actually pretty normal. Well, Pinkie Pie is still a little annoying, but she’s fine to. He left through the glass doors, the warm air brushing on his face. First one out. Well, then the other thousand people came out. Then he was getting pushed one way, pushed another. And someone ran into the back of him. That’s when he tripped down the stairs. “Goddamn It!” He yelled as he tumbled down the concrete steps, his jaw hitting the floor. “My goodness...Are you alright?” It was Fluttershy. “Uh..ahh..Yeah! Yeah..yeah..yeah I’m uh.. I’m fine...” A thin smile appearing on his face. Brushing himself off. “Ok.. Then...uh..bye.” She walked to her friends. Well..He thought. That was awkward. He walked away from the School and started to make his way home, but as soon as he walked away from the statue... A surge of power. Energy rippling through the air. And at the centre, A rip. The black anomaly was the start of this. The Shadows started to leave the rift. As he did so, The Main 7’s abilities went haywire. Things blew up, animals swarmed people, people were being thrown around by diamonds, and Rainbow Dash was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was chaos. Unfortunately, Cyrus got caught in the crossfire. Rainbow Dash zoomed straight to him. He flung into the air, and in the matter of a second was inside the Rift. Into Limbo. “Nnngg...dammit! Where am I?” He looked around ,the empty purple void staring him down, and trapping him. He was alone. Or so he thought. The black smoke grew closer. The Shadows was not at all delighted to see someone enter the rift. It saw its body. Not a pony. It was in another world. If it had any chance of learning anything about this world, it was with a host. It grew closer. Cyrus panicked. He was separated from humans or any help! He could die here! Closer. Claws clinging to the floor growing closer to its target. It started at the foot. It grabbed him by the ankle dragging him inside. “Ah crap!” It was like quick sand. If he struggles he’ll get sucked in faster. He was a helpless child in an unknown dimension getting dragged into black smoke. He couldn’t fight it. He had no help. He let himself get dragged down into the dark abyss. “Where am I?” He lay on a rooftop. “What the hell is this!?” He looked at where he was and at his clothes. How did he get there? > Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He gazed at the black silk robes that covered his body. Throughout such robes were weapons tactically placed wherever they could be placed. Shurikens, lock picks, knives, you name it. The same silk covered his entire face except the eyes, which were now a bright red. “How did this happen?” “I..feel..better than ever!” He thought. “I.. feel invincible!” He said looking to the next roof top. “Let’s test this, NOW!” He leapt off the ground propelling himself over towards the roof, landing silently. “That was awesome! I just leapt 15 feet! I could not have done that before!” He was overwhelmed by what he could do even now. “I think this is better thought out eating. Where is Joes Place?” He reminded himself. “Right, Joe is in another town. Where I live.” “ Okay, there’s a diner right there. I could stop and take a bite. But I doubt they’d serve for a menacing Ninja.” “How do I take this of?” Cyrus walked through the door and greeted to a casual restaurant. Nothing out of the ordinary. Looking around he found one place to sit. Walked over to the red leather seats, and sat down. Nothing unusual at all. At least he thought. “Hi! May I take your order?” He heard the squeaky voice and immediately knew who it was. Pinkie Pie... He looked up. He could barely speak before she immediately started to talk. “Hey, aren’t you that guy Fluttershy helped up earlier? Fell quite hard there. You all right?” He didn’t want to answer but he didn’t want her swarming him with questions. “Uh.. yeah I’m fine.” “You kind of disappeared after our powers went COO-KOO! Where were you?” He had to answer, but if he told the truth she might start worrying. He had to lie. “Oh.. uh..well .i um..uh yeah I kind of um..uh.” Pinkie Pie listened intently. “I..uhm..” More intent on knowing. “I hid.. in a.. uh .. portaloo.?!” Hid in a portaloo?! That was the stupidest lie he had ever told. “Oh. Okay then.” She actually bought it. A wave of relief went through himself. But he couldn’t let it show. Which was harder than you would think. “So. Whaddya want?” He looked at the menu and made his order. Location-Greenville Time- 6:05 Greenville. His hometown. Grown up in an orphanage and gained money to buy an apartment. 1 year since he was here. He wanted to greet an old friend. He turned right, the cold breeze brushing on his face. He looked at the corner shop and walked in. Joes Donuts. His first job as a delivery boy. “Well well Well! Look who it is. Cyrus Miller! Haven’t seen you in a while! How are you?” “Good Joe. How ‘bout you?” “Well, emotionally I’m alright. Business I’m bloody terrible! Past three months employees leaving. Sales have plummeted. With you gone everyone who ordered them stopped buying any. But with you back we can rise again and continue going to the city!” “Expanding your brand huh Joe?” “Yes. You are vital to this plan. So what you say, you in.?” “Deal. College ain’t gonna pay itself.” “Good. We open 4:00. Don’t be late.” “Won’t be. See yah!” “Good bye.” Cyrus walked into his apartment. He lived by himself after his parents disappearance. He took his shirt off. He was tired. As he was going to sleep. He noticed something. He wasn’t skinny at all. He was muscular. He had abs. And big arms. There was one thing he said. “Black smoke gave me abs?” He stood at over 6 feet tall. Then something he could not explain happened. “Yes. The black smoke is now bonded to your body.” “Who said that?!” “I am the Pony of Shadows. And if you try to get me off of you. You. Will. Die.” “What the...? I have split personality disorder?” Location-Canterlot High Time-12:35 “What are you? What do you want?” “I simply want to take over Equestria. That’s all.” “Equestria? The pony world. Your from there?” “Correct.” “Okay, I don’t know why you chose me. But you better stay out of my life okay?” “I could take control now if I wanted to.” “I have a life. I have desires. But that will not be used and thrown away by your desires.” “You have many abilities. Who kno..” “Shut the f*ck up, okay.” He grabbed his plate and made his way to a table. “Miller.” It was Funky Green. He was humiliated in front of his commander in training by Cyrus. Now he wanted payback. “Get out of my way.” “Ooh. Feisty.” “Get out of my way.” “You got any money! Give me some you peice of sh*t” He hooked him right in the jaw. Cyrus bled from the mouth. “Back off.” It was Rainbow Dash. Brown grabbed him by the collar. “I will get you Miller!” “I said back off.” He dropped Cyrus on the floor. “Next time.” “Here, get yourself off the ground.” She offered her hand and Cyrus used it to get up. “You okay?” “Yeah. I’m fine.” “Do you wanna sit over at our table? Its a lot safer.” She teased. “I’ll pass.” He went back to his table and sat down. “What were you saying? What do I have as an ability I don’t know about?” “That knowledge will come in time.” “Whatever you say.” He picked up his spoon and started to eat the rice he made that morning. He put the spoon down. Well, tried to. The spoon was floating. “What the hell?” “My f*cking spoon is floating in mid air?” “Am I dreaming?” He moved the spoon underneath the table. “Well. That’s that.” He stood up and walked away from the table. He couldn’t move after at least one foot. He pulled. The table nudged. The spoon was caught under. He pulled harder. It moved with him. He pulled hard enough that the table flipped over and flung the spoon through the table and hit someone right in the back. That person just happened to be Green. “AARGH! Miller!?” He ran out of the cafeteria. He navigated through the hallways. Through the locker rooms. And finally got a conclusion at a circular point at the entrance where a crowd of people were. “Good. I can lose him in here.” He had entered the crowd and tried to fit in. “Miller!!” Everyone backed off leaving Cyrus in the middle of the room. “Yeah! Thanks for the help guys! I appreciate it.” “Come here you..” Green hooked to Cyrus’s head again. Cyrus just ducked. “Oh? You think you’re funny?” He left jabbed this time. Cyrus moved to the side. “Right time to die..” Right jab. Cyrus was not in control. He had been watching through his eyes what was happening. The Shadows were in control. He grabbed Greens jab, and then broke his wrist. “ARGHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!” He fell to the ground. The crowd cheered. Cyrus could not believe what he had done. He ran away to get to the roof. Rainbow Dash walked through the hallway and went to see what happened. “Woah! What happened to Green?” “Cyrus Miller kicked his ass!” “You sure it was him?” “Yeah dude! He grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Bam! Broke it!” She shook her head in disbelief. Cyrus paced up and down the rooftop. “What the hell did you do?” “We broke his wrist. You saw what happened.” “I was dodging him. And not WE. YOU did that. This is YOUR fault.” “Even though. Don’t you see? You are powerful. You can be perfect. WE can have fame and fortune.” “I’ve seen the horror you call a home. If you...” “If I what? Entered a competition with money as a prize?” “Possibly. Look. You are new here. If you left the teachers would turn a blind eye. Then, we could, arrange something.” “I don’t know about you, but I value my education. NO THANK YOU.” “I didn’t want to do this.” “Do wha.. ARGHH!” The Shadows bonded further. To his nerves. Cyrus’s blue eyes glistened once. Then immediately turned black as night. The Shadows were in control. > Combat Arises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location-Cyrus’s Apartment Time-1:09 Cyrus flipped through a magazine. “Look. I don’t think there’s anything here.” He threw the book across the room. He used telekinesis to grab the next. “Ha! There.” WRESTLING. OPEN TO NEWBIES WANTING A CHANCE TO BECOME STARS. SIGN. UP NOW! Reward- $4000 for 2 mintutes. “Huh. I think I’ll get my money from there.” “We need a name.” “Oh fun.” DOCTOR PHANTOM “Well, having Doctor in my name would be kinda Strange.” “How about Doctor Str..” BLACK CONDOR “That’s taken, I think.” “How about this?” “I have nothing to do with Bats.” “How about Baton?” “Not what I thought you meant.” THE BLACK SMOKE “I feel like that would be your title. But you already have one.” “What is that?” “The Pony of Shad...” “Shadows...” THE MAN-SHADOW. “That works!” “Eh. It’s alright.” “Yes! I shall step into the ring as The Man-Shadow!” “Could be shorter.” “ARGHHH!” “AND MASK-FACE WAS DESTROYED BY THE ANNIHILATER! SEE HIM DESTROY ANOTHER IN A SHORT TIME!” Cyrus walked to the desk. “What’s your name Ninja? Make it quick. There are real men behind you waiting.” “The Man-Shadow.” “Really? That could use some serious work.” “Hey announcer. Change this bozos name from Man-Shadow to whatever you can think of in..” She looked at the guy fighting The ANNIHILATER. “Hmm. 15 seconds.” Cyrus stared at her. “Go!” He headed past the crowd and over to the curtain. “Ooh. AND THE..what was his name? Astro?uh. ASTRO WAS DESTROYED BY THE ANNIHILATER! SEE THE NEW FACE THAT MAY, but probably won’t. DEFEAT THE ANNIHILATER!” “Hey kid.” “Uh. Yeah?” “What’s your name?” “The Man-Shadow.” “That is trash.” “Um. NOW THE ANNIHILATER GOES AGAINST. THE INVINCIBLE. THE INCREDIBLE. THE SHADOW!” The curtain dropped. The crowd booed. “BOOOO!” “HEY! YOU! GET OUT THERE!” The employee told him. “You got my name wrong.” “No-one cares dammit. Move.” He walked over to the ring. Just as he got through the ropes, the announcer told him. “Hey kid. Break a leg.” “Thanks.” “in more ways than one.” He muttered. “Hey little man! What’s the matter? You need your mommy?” “That’s a first.” Right hook. Duck. Right jab. He jumped up and propelled off his arm, sending him over his front and behind him. “Hey! Stop jumping around like a monkey and fight!” “Don’t. Hold. Back.” The Shadows told him. He charged towards the beefy giant, and kicked off him to the ropes. He catapulted himself over and punched him in the face. “ARRGH. YOU ARE GONNA..” Cyrus didn’t care. He roundhouse kicked him in the side of his head, proceeded by a outward-high crescent kick. “AARGH!” Now to finish him off. He stepped back giving himself more momentum, and used it to channel energy into his uppercut, which sent him flying 2 feet in the air. “THATS WAS INSANE! THE SHADOW WAS THE FIRST IN 3 YEARS TO DEFEAT OUR CHAMPIONS, NONE HAVE DEFEATED THE ANNIHILATER! THE NEW CHAMPION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” He won. “I WON! YES!” “Here you go.” He handed Cyrus his money. “Get out” “Wait. This is $100. The ad said 4 grand.” “Yeah. Read carefully. Look. 2 minutes. You destroyed him in 45 seconds.” “I need that money.” “You ain’t getting it. Out.” He stormed out of the office. The door opened again. “Entries for the competition at the front desk.” “Money in the bag now.” “No way bozo.” The man wore a black hood. “Get out!” An ice blade came out of his hand. He put it to the Managers neck. “In the bag. Now!” The Manager pushed the alarm. A security guard came in the door. “Everything all right here sir..” The man in the hood shot an ice beam right at the guard. He froze to death instantly. “NOW!” “Stop him! Thief!” He ran through the hallway to the elevator. The only thing in between him and freedom was Cyrus. He wanted revenge. He stepped away and let him go. “Thanks.” The door closed. “What the hell! You could of destroyed that guy! Why’d you let him go?” “Not my problem.” “Asshole.” Location-Cyrus’s Apartment. Cyrus turned on the TV. BREAKING NEWS. MANGER OF WRESTLING COMPETITION WAS ROBBED EARLIER TODAY. “Serves him right.” THE ROBBER WENT ON TO KILL 5 CIVILIANS AND TAKE 3 HOSTAGES. THE POLICE CAN ONLY WATCH AS HE HOLDS THESE PEOPLE HOSTAGE. “5. People. Dead.” “Yeah, so.” He rubbed his eyes. The black as night eyes were gone. Thus came his blue ones. He leapt through his window. “Wha are you...” “I’m doing what’s right.” He ripped his shirt off. His robes underneath. The Shadow was fighting for those people. Location-The Yet to be built Canterlot Tower. Time-7:56 “Hands up! We don’t want any troubl...ARRRGHH! The officer was thrown off the building. “AAAAHHHH!” A Black Figure leapt and grabbed him, leading into a safety roll. The officer was alive. “Huh. Thank you.” “Get any civilians evacuated now. I’ll handle Ice Hood over there.” Cyrus jumped to a ledge and climbed over. He walked sneakily. “End of the line. Let the hostages go and I won’t hurt you.” Ice Hood turned around. “Wait. You’re that kid from the wrestling competition.” “Let them go. Now.” Ice Hood shot an ice beam straight at Cyrus. He rolled out of the way. Cyrus charged at Ice Hood. “ARRGH!” Ice Hood threw an ice blade at Cyrus. Cyrus caught this and threw it back at him. “ARGHHH!” It slit his chest. This was proceeded by an uppercut. And a grab to the throat. “Ckkk..ckkk.ckk.” He passed out. Cyrus dropped him on the floor. He walked over to a brick pillar to leap off of. “Who are you?” It was the officer. “I’m The Shadow.” He leapt. > The Black Mystery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location-Canterlot High (closet) Time-12:34 Dawn Research has been done on the Ice Hood. The subject seems to be affected by some sort of magical substance. I will be informing you on findings about The Shadow as well. From djhdushduis He stumbled as someone knocked on the closet door. “Is anyone in there? Hello?” Sent. Damn. “Well, I guess I’ll be informing them as djhdushduis.” “Hello?” He walked out and put his laptop in his bag. Sunset Shimmer was there. “Um. Not my finest moment.” “Lunch has started. Come on.” He walked over to the cafeteria, took out a lunch box, and ate. The 7 friends were in front of him. “Did you see the news last night?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yes. The Botanical Gardens are finally adding Birch to their collection. About time.” Cyrus replied. “Not what I meant. I mean The Shadow!” “Yeah! He went up behind that meanie man. And WAH-BLAM! Knocked him out and saved the hostages!” Pinkie Pie replied. “He saved those people.” Fluttershy added. “And he was darn tootin strong!” Applejack said. “And those silk robes were simply beautiful.” Rarity added. They all stared at her. “What? They looked nice.” “I think he needs to be put in check.” Sunset Shimmer shot back. “What?” “You heard me. He’s a vigilante. Not a police officer. There is no code he abides by like the police. He choked that guy! Could have killed him. He needs some way we can trust him. Otherwise we should track him down and arrest him.” “Gee, thanks for the vote o’ confidence.” Cyrus thought. “What do you think?” They asked. “Huh?” “ What do you think of the robe wearing vigilante?” “Uh. Well. While Sunset brings up reasonable arguments, and he did save those people. But I have my own view on the subject.” “NO! Please..” The woman was being robbed. “A guy who runs around in robes punching criminals..” Cyrus punched the mugger and threw over a dumpster in the alley. He saved her. “Well, he clearly has issues.” “Okay. I need to head to the bathroom. Bye..? I guess.” He stood up walked away and went outside. And on to the roof to test his abilities. Dawn After further research, I have been led to believe that I know the abilities of The Shadow. Heightened Reflexes. Telekinesis. Able to carry at least 1 ton. Agility. Acrobatics. The Ice Hood was able to create anything out of ice. Will be in touch. djhdushduis. Sent. He closed his laptop, and went down the stairs in time for class. “Cyrus. You got out of my control. How?” “Wasn’t too hard. I was inspired by my failure too stop what I could have earlier. My anger got the best of me.” “I want to know. How will I die if I take you of of me?” “I bonded to your nerves. Too much. If you stop me from being bonded, they will shut down.” “Killing me instantly. Well done. You win a million dollars for being an absolute idiot.” Location-Joes donuts. Time-4:04 Cyrus rushed through the door. “4 minutes late man! C’mon! You have 1 big order.” “What is it?” “12 boxes, all boxes half a dozen. We have a 15 minute guaranteed order arrival.” “How far?” “80 blocks. In 15 minutes. Your bike is ready.” He stared at him. He rode through the streets trying not to be run over. Going smoothly so far. A taxi opened their door. “Oh god!” He grabbed the donuts and leapt off the bike, it soaring into an alleyway. Perfect landing. “How’d you do that?” A kid asked. “Uh, eat your broccoli!” He ran trying not to be late. “Says the guy with a bunch of donuts.” He put on his mask. 36 blocks. He was very fast. The costume appeared out of nowhere. “It only takes the mask to be put on?!” He jumped off the ground and onto a lamppost. And dropped down onto a car. “Hey can I get a lift?” The car honked. “I’ll take that as a no.” He leapt off and ran as fast as he could. 8 blocks. 2 minutes. “Almost there..” He skidded to stop. He was there. He knocked on the door. “How much time?” 4:23 “4 minutes late.” “C’mon, answer! I’m gonna get fired!” He looked at himself. “I’m wearing my costume.” He took off the mask. In his ordinary grey hoodie, blue jeans and brown shoes. The door opened. “Sup. I’m sorry for being a minute late. Here are your donuts.” “Boy! Thanks!” It was Pinkie Pie. “Wait. I thought you could bake?” “I can. I accidentally blew up the baking powder.” “What’s the occasion?” “My sister Mauds’ birthday!” “Hoo-ray.” Maud said in the background. “Wanna come? It already started.” “Gee, I mean, I got my shift though so..” “Please?” He thought. What the hell? “I’m in.” He sighed reluctantly. “YAAY!” He walked inside. The 7 friends were all there. He walked over to Maud. “So, hows the birthday girl?” “Do want to meet boulder?” That was out of the blue. “Uh. Sure.” “Here he is.” She pulled out a rock from a bag. “I like rocks. Considering I grew up in one. An orphanage, I mean. Built from granite from Lundy Island at the Griffish Isles.” She didn’t reply. He awkwardly walked off. She went up onto a wooden stage. “Hello? I have a song.” “Here goes.” “Now this is a story all about how. I started to like rocks and anyhow, I’d like to take a minute just sit right there, I’ll tell you how a rock became my friend in the middle of nowhere. (instrumental) In West...” “Well, that was, something.” “Get ready! We have the donuts now! Let’s sing happy birthday!” “I’m sorry, I gotta go.” “Aww. Can’t you stay a little longer?” “Um. Not really. I don’t wanna be fired, what’s the time?” 4:27 “I really have to go. Bye..?” He had never felt so awkward. He closed the door and ran fast! > Threats > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 months later. “Hot pursuit. Suspect has gone 80 miles over the speed limit.” “Suspect appears to have some sort of powers.” “Completely white. Almost blinding.” “Has a crew. Repeatedly shot our vehicle. No casualties.” “What the? Oh my god..” The transmission cut off. He stood on a rooftop of The Diamond Tea House. (Name of it not material) The Shadow was going in pursuit. He dropped down, crashing on top of the suspects car. “What the hell? Boss!” “I don’t care what it is, SHOOT IT!” The man nodded and grabbed an AR-15. He looked out the window and prepared to open fire. Cyrus was ready. He grabbed the gun, pulling it away, and knocked him out with the blunt end of the gun. “One down.” He went backwards, and crept to the front of the car. He punched through the car roof and grabbed the wheel. “What the f*ck!” The man yelled. He turned it into the wall. They crashed. “Okay. Both down. Let’s see what they were holding.” He back flipped off the car roof onto the ground, and opened the boot of the car. Drug stash. “Dealing drugs, eh? Not no more.” “Hey! Boys in blue we got a stash here!” “Don’t move!” The cops prepared to shoot him. “I think you misunderstood. I stopped these guys! I’m a good guy..ARRGH!” He was blasted in the back, and blasted forward. “Ow. Damn. It.” He got up. “Nowhere to run now little man! Ha ha!” A man completely white walked over to him, spilling energy everywhere. “You shot a lazer at me? So, I’ll call you, The Lazer.” “Time to die!” Cyrus rolled out of the way, but he wasn’t fast enough to escape light. “ARGHHH!” He tried to throw a shuriken, but it got electrified. “Cyrus? Throw the pellets!” “What pellets?” “The grey ones. Now!” “Alright, here goes...” He threw them at The Lazer. Smoke surrounded him. Smoke Pellets. Brilliant. “Where are you?! Come out!! Now!” “No thanks.” He climbed up onto a lamppost. “The beams! They run on electricity. That’s why my Shurikens only power him, because metal is a conductor!” “If I use a water tank and throw it on him, it might give me a better chance of getting to him.” He grabbed the tanker of water. He threw. “ARGHHH! What the hell?” Cyrus leapt over to The Lazer, and kicked him in the jaw. “ARGHHH! Damn it! You bastard.” He turned around and jabbed Cyrus, but he grabbed his fist and moved it to the side, and clenched his throat with the other hand. Then, Cyrus put his arm over his shoulder, and threw him into the concrete, knocking him out. He burned the stash with a match. Police sirens came. Cyrus ran away. BREAKING NEWS. THE SHADOW HAS TAKEN OUT OVER 25 SUPER POWERED BEINGS IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS. WE INTERVIEWED THE POLICE LIEUTENANT ON THE SUBJECT. “He’s a vigilante. And if he doesn’t have any respect for the law he must be taken into custody.” WELL, CRIME RATES HAVE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED AFTER HE HAS BEEN FIGHTING CRIME. BUT IF THERES ONE THING EVERYONE IS WONDERING IS: WHO IS THE SHADOW? “Well, it is a bit weird that’s what comes on as soon as Sunset installed the new TV monitors, huh?” “Ha Ha. Very funny Cyrus.” Sunset replied. “Well, you gotta admit. He does some good. And he’s earned a reputation for being a hero.” “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” WE ALSO INTERVIEWED A YOUNG LADY NAMED RAINBOW DASH. “I think he is really cool.” “And a reputation for being cool with Rainbow Dash.” “C’mon. Class starts in a bit.” They walked to the hallway and made there way to the classroom. “All available units. We have a robbery in progress. Send over a S.W.A.T team to find the suspects. Over.” End of transmission. “Uh. Sunset. Wait up. I gotta go to the bathroom.” “Um. Okay. Class starts in 15 minutes. Don’t be late.” He ran to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him. Put on his mask, and leapt through the window. He ran to the bank. Cyrus crawled through the vents. Rats scuttled next to him. He opened the other end with a kick. “Alright. Stay sharp. The boss doesn’t want anyone getting to the vault.” “Well, fellas. You already failed.” “Jackpot! Let’s roll boys.” Cyrus dropped down in front of the man. The man was floating in the air, and wore white robes. He had green, menacing eyes, and pale skin. “Not where you’re going, mister..” “Elkatov. Call me, Elkatov. Everyone does.” “Surrender now.” Elkatov threw a stone fist at Cyrus, making The Shadow flying through a wall. Cyrus lay on his back. “Grab the loot and run. I have, ‘business’ to attend to. HAHAHA!” Cyrus put his arms behind his head, and pushed himself up onto his feet. “Stand down. I fought bozos like you before buddy.” Cyrus punched him repeatedly in the chest. He prepared to deliver the final blow. Elkatov caught his fist. “Hand to hand. Mano a Mano.” Elkatov let go, and jabbed. Cyrus blocked with his left arm, and tried to kick him in the jaw. Elkatov grabbed his leg, and held him above the ground. “Sorry kid. We can tango later.” He dropped Cyrus on the ground and hopped into a white Mercedes Benz. “Not today.” Cyrus ran out of the bank, and threw a shuriken at an electric wire. He grabbed the wire and put a knife on the end. The Mercedes started to move. He threw the wire at the car, piercing the end. He skidded on the road. “Friction proof shoes, eh?” Elkatov turned around. “Hello, again.” He cut the wire. “And bye.” Cyrus leapt as far as he could and grabbed onto the end. “I did it!” “Think fast kid.” As soon as Cyrus looked up, Elkatov stabbed him in the hand. “AAAARRRRRRHHHH!” “SEEYA!” Elkatov kicked Cyrus in the face, sending him flying onto the ground. He rolled over the ground. He stood up, bleeding from his nose and hand. Friction burns everywhere. “Gotta...catch him... now....” His phone vibrated. It was a text from Sunset Shimmer. Where are u? “Class!” He limped through the road. “My back...god damn it my f*cking back.” He climbed through the window. Surely they wouldn’t suspect blood on the window? He took off his mask. He was in his ordinary clothes. Surely they won’t suspect a teenager with a hole in his hand, burns on his face, a bloody nose, a limp leg and a black eye? Surely. He silently walked inside. The could not see the face of the teacher the teacher was reading a book. So was the rest of the class. He walked to his desk, and began to read. The bell rang. As soon as he got in. “Okay, class dismissed. Read chapters 45 to 56.” “Mother f*cker. I was late.” Too late. He walked to the door. “Ahem.” Principal Celestia was not pleased. Damn. He turned around. “Cyrus. I didn’t see you come in. You know you’re very...” She looked at his face, the burns, blood, and black eye. “My god! What happened??!!” “I...I....” His back was in agony. “Argh, ahh.” He breathed out. He collapsed. “What are his injuries?” “7 broken ribs, stabbed in the hand, broken teeth and nose. Several friction burns.” She looked into the room. “His face, he had friction burns on his head. They’re gone? How?” “He healed quickly. He was in intensive care, but then most of his body healed.” She walked inside the room. He saw Celestia. “Sorry I was late.” “That is the least of my worries. How do you feel?” He looked at himself. “Like I fell out of a car.” “From the look of things you could have.” The TV turned on. THE SHADOW FAILED TO APPREHEND THE MAN ROBBING THE RED EMPIRE BANK. POLICE ARE SAID TO APPREHEND THE SUSPECT AFTER THE SHADOW SHOWED HE LACKS THE POWER TO FIGHT THESE PEOPLE. FOR MORE ON THE SHADOW, STICK WITH CNN. “CYRUS!” It came from outside. “What is that?” “Cyrus. Are you there?” It was Sunset and the others. “I’m sorry girls, but you can’t be here.” “Cyrus!” They saw him laying in the bed. “Hey there..” “Are you okay?” Sunset asked. “My goodness gracious. What ever happened to him?” Rarity asked. “We don’t know.” “Well I being the one who got this being done to him, kind of do. I was in the bathroom, and I walked outside and blacked out. I woke up and went over to class. I went inside. And I sat down. Only then I realised that I was injured. I tried to leave and I collapsed. I passed out shortly afterwards.” “Is he going to be okay?” “Well. We’re not sure. He’s got 7 broken ribs. It may take time for the injuries without broken bones to heal. I’m trying to be optimistic but he looks like he won’t get out of here until a couple months.” “Well, Get well soon.” “I’ll tell you something, from the looks of things I won’t be able to walk any time soon.” Fluttershy walked over to him. “I.. uh got you a gift.” She put down the wrapped box on the table. “And I got you one to.” Twilight said. She put down a book. “Wow. The Art of Robotics. Thank you both.” They left. “Can I get you anything? A glass of water?” “No thank you.” “Alright, I’ll be outside.” Celestia walked outside. A doctor walked in to keep an eye on him. “WWweeEEEEaaAkKK.” “What?” “YYyoOOuuU, aArRRe TtoO WWweeEEEEaaAkKK tO Sstopp Hhim.” “TtiImme to tTake control.” The Shadows went deeper. Cyrus was gone. The Shadows was all that remained. He had a seizure. “Get help! SOMEONE!” The doctor grabbed a defibrillator and started. “Clear.” The Shadows grabbed him by the throat, and threw him into the wall. He leapt through the window. Celestia ran in. “What happened?” The doctor was unconscious, and there was an empty hospital bed. Cyrus was gone before he leapt through the window. The Shadow was in control. And that is not a good thing. > Corruption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He landed on both feet. He looked around. He was confused. What was this? “Stand down!” A doctor came downstairs and yelled to him. Cyrus kicked him in the face. “What are you doing? STOP!” Cyrus pleaded to The Shadow. “What needs to be done.” He ran to Greensville. Looking around he was fascinated by how they were, different. Independent. He wanted to be better. Better than Cyrus. He knew he could. He himself would be independent to Cyrus. He ran. The door closed. He was in Cyrus’ apartment. His apartment. This was his now. He was disgusted by how someone with so much power, and potential to rule them all, lived in a dump. Upstairs he saw his dormitory. The suit was in his pocket. He was better. More powerful than them. And he was going to show the world what he could do. What he could. Not Cyrus. Him. The police move in. He saw a man in chains. Graffiti next to it. THE SHADOW IS BACK. “Heh. Welcome back.” The Shadow viewed from above. Next crime. He leapt over the rooftops. Into the next alleyway. He jumped down. A man was mugging someone. “Please no!” He grabbed the mans back and knocked him int the brick wall. Again. And again. And again. He was sure the man was knocked out, he left. “Everything is alright.” The police walked in. He saw the man on the floor. “Jesus Christ.” Cyrus walked in to the doors of Canterlot high. Celestia started the class. “Hello class. Can anyone recall what happened in the chapters you read.” Cyrus snored. Celestia looked over. “Cyrus?..” “No. Please carry on.” “Okay... Can anyone reca...” Snoring again. The class sniggered. “Cyrus. Stop please.” “Right right.” He put his legs on the desk. “Carry on.” Celestia tried to shake off what happened. Maybe it was her imagination. No. Definitely real. The Shadows thought. ‘I’m to intelligent to be here.’ Lunchtime. He left easily unnoticed. He went inside the cafeteria. He jumped onto a table and walked along it. Sunset looked across. “Cyrus?” He walked into the middle of the room. He made finger guns at a group of girls. “Ladies.” He smiled at them and winked. “You like magic.” “The Great and Powerful Trixie specialises in the subject.” Cyrus rolled up his sleeves. A knife appeared in his hand. “How did you...” “A magician never reveals his secrets. I thought you knew that.” She became angry. “Rrrrghhh!” He walked over to the door. “What’s wrong with Cyrus?” Sunset asked the group. “He’s, weird.” Rainbow replied. “He was in hospital yesterday.” Twilight was confused. “Now he’s making weird finger guns at girls. ” Twilight said. “Let’s keep an eye on him, shall we?” They followed him. Elkatov pulled up at Canterlot High. “This is the place they say Shadow is boss.” “A high school?” “There’s magic coming from here. Must be.” They got out. “Set the explosives!” They blew down the door. “Nobody f*cking move.” They had M-16s. “Do you know where Shadow is?” Cyrus stepped into the crowd. “He’s gonna get himself killed! Let’s go.” The girls followed. Celestia looked at the situation. “Come here everyone.” “I said don’t f*cking move. Your Principals life depends on it.” He pointed at Celestia. “Girls. We need to use the magic of frien...” “That’s enough.” Cyrus walked over to Elkatov. “Oh no. He’s gonna die.” “You gotta get through me. To get to them.” Elkatov punched him. Cyrus grabbed his hand. “Woah. This kid is him.” Cyrus punched him. They fought outside. Cyrus disarmed the men threatening them with a knife to the back. “Your The Shadow.” Elkatov threw Cyrus into a wall. “Goodbye kid.” The Shadow threw a tracker onto Elkatov. Elkatov ran to a rooftop. A henchman grabbed a gun and grabbed Twilight. “I’ll blow her f*cking brains out!” “No please...” She cried. Cyrus grabbed him and threw him outside. He took chains and tied him to the floor. He took a coin in his hand. Cyrus was in the mans eyes. “What is this?” “You were to weak to do this before. You will get the same pain.” He put the coin to the mans head. “Don’t do this. No. NOOO!” He put it through his head. “NOOOOOOOOO!” Deeper. “STOP PLEASE NOOOO!” Out the other side. “AAAAHHH!” He put the man on the wall and threw shurikens to his hands. He stayed there. “Let that be a lesson to you.” He walked away. Fluttershy cried. Sunset comforted her after what they had seen. “Some hero you are.” The Shadow found Elkatov on a rooftop. “Time to end this.” “Let’s go.” They fought. Cyrus repeatedly punched him in the jaw. He rolled out of the way of Elkatov. He charged into him. “Ow. Man, you upgraded.” “But time to di..ah.” Elkatov fell to the floor. “Move in! Go go go!” Dawn soldiers went in. “We’l take it from here.” “Wait. You're Iron Grey.” “The one an only.” “Honour to meet you.” “Listen I think you and I can really help each other.” “How could I?” “Hehe.” “By taking a little sleep dart.” Cyrus was shot in the neck. “Phase 1 complete. Move on to phase two.” He was loaded onto a plane. > Even the best of us become insane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrus was back in control of his body. But that was the only good news. They moved him through the Dawn facility. Thousands of people were taken in because they had abilities. He looked around. They were also people he fought. “Stand down. In your cell.” “No one arrests Tempest Shadow. NO ONE!” “Shoot her!” She fell to the floor. The door closed behind him. That was the last of her. They opened up the test chamber door. “Our guest, has arrived.” They loaded him up onto a testing chamber lifting him 2 feet off the ground. Iron Grey entered the room. “Hello there, Cyrus.” “What are you doing?” “Well, I am doing what needs to be done.” “What are you talking about?” “All these people with magic. They have shown time, and time again that they are incapable of keeping themselves under control.” “You know what’s strange? All this magic all came from you. This is all your fault. The surge of energy at Canterlot High, was what started all this. People had reported a black rift outside. We knew someone there had to be The Shadow. But we didn’t expect was, scrawny weak Cyrus Miller. You know it’s funny, everything you’ve sacrificed and yet you are the one to blame.” Cyrus tried to break out. “Ha! Able to withstand, how much? Oh yeah! 1000s of pounds of force. Thanks for telling us, djhdushduis. Wasn’t that you?” “F*ck!” “That’s right.” “Why are you doing this?” “I will take their abilities and put them in a reactor. I will take it and become a God.” “Prepare extraction.” “Your insane!” “Power does things to you. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!” “My god..You were driven insane by the surge.” “Sedate him.” The door closed. “5 hundred volts.” “ARGHHH!” Cyrus yelled. “1 thousand vol...” The scientist was hit in the back of the head. Someone in a hood deactivated the chamber. Cyrus fell to the ground. Crawling on his knees. “Who are you?” “My name is Zecora, I’m going to get you out of here.” “Come on, before the guards hear.” They ran. “Your the Shadow?” “Yes. Yes I am.” “But I want to know. Who sent you?” “You’ll learn later, let’s go.” They crouched down. They looked around the wall. “5 men. All armed.” “The vents. You can use the vents. I’ll distract them.” He nodded. He was going to crawl up the wall with his claws. But he realised that he didn’t have his suit. “Sh*t.” He slid into the vent and went behind a man. “Hello? I need help.” “What’s the probl..” He couldn’t get out the words. Cyrus grabbed him and threw him into the other men. “That was easy.” “Well. You are the Shadow.” “C’mon. Let’s go!” They ran through the halls. “THIS IS AN INTERMISSION TO ALL GUARD PERSONNEL.” “Hello. This is Iron Grey. The Shadow has escaped. Find him. And KILL HIM!” “Great.” “Zecora?” They haulted. Elkatov was behind bars. “Elkatov! How did you get here?” “Well I went to eliminate the Shadow. He proved an inconvenience to our mission. He beat me!” “Let’s go.” They unlocked his cell. “Thank you. Who’s this?” Cyrus took off his hood. “Well well well. Why did you release him?” “He’s a good person. He can help us.” “I know the password to every panel in this facility. If we get to the main control panel we can release the inmates.” “Sound like a plan. We can do good things.” “Let’s go!” They ran. “Where is the main control panel?” “Down that hall.” “Well let’s go.” “No. If we go there it’s suicide. Hundreds of men will be there with shoot to kill granted.” Zecora looked at them. She opened a tile on the floor. “We can take the sewers. It’s the only way.” “Like that’s less suicidal. I’m in.” The jumped down and crawled. “Cyrus. This is the Shadows.” “Who is the Shadows?” The two asked. “You can hear that?” “Listen. If you get to the control panel, and release the inmates. You need an escape plan. The helicopter training starts in 5 minutes. You can hijack one if you jump through the window.” “Great. Let’s do it.” They crawled through. He opened the tile. He put in the password. “ALL INMATES RELEASED.” A helicopter flew past. He leapt through the window with Elkatov and Zecora. “Sorry, training session is over.” He threw them out of the helicopter, and the cadets fell to the water. “Are they gonna be okay?” “They have parachutes.” They landed the helicopter. The inmates ran outside. They ran to the plane. “C’mon. Get to the plane.” “You know how to fly?” “I was in the military. Yeah.” They ran and jumped inside. “So you were taking money to help these people?” “Yes. They’re my kind.” “What does Zecora do?” “She makes the medicine and is a great fighter. Shes a genius.” “That’s how she got me out of the chamber. Where’s my suit?” “There.” He walked to the crowd around his mask. They scattered away. He picked up his mask. He put it in his hoodie. He walked over to Elkatov. “I don’t think there is a way to make you trust me. But I think if I get the Magic of Friendship on our side, it will shift the balance of power.” “Who can activate it?” “7 teens.” “Oh boy.” “Well. Don’t stand there. Go!” He left the shelter. > Help us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrus looked at almost ruins of his high school. He walked through debris, and saw a dead man on the wall. “Look at what you’ve done. Would you have done it if you knew he was helping us?” “No. He was actually a good man. Just trying to get rid of me. Because I was a danger to them.” He walked into the high school. It was almost empty. He heard someone talking. He walked over to the cafeteria. The 7 friends were cleaning the debris. “Hello.” They were startled. They looked at him. Sunset led the group. She punched him in the face. “I deserved that.” Then Twilight punched him. “And that.” Applejack hooked him at full force. “Ahh. And that.” They all took turns. Fluttershy hooked him very hard. Very, very hard. “ARRGH. Mother f*cker.” “Look. I know there is no way to get you to trust me. After what I did.” “You killed someone.” “I need your help.” “Not a chance. We don’t help killers.” She hooked him in the face. “Is this a game to you all? People’s lives are at stake because you won’t trust me. Because... I killed someone. F*ck.” “Get out.” “Look I need your help.” “GET OUT!” They shouted at him. He walked outside. “Do it.” “Do what?” “You know what to do.” He turned around and walked back into the cafeteria. “You leave me no choice.” He took of his mask. “Cyrus?” “Yes.” “You’re a killer. Why?” “Because of me..” “Who’s that?” The Shadows head came out of him and talked. “I corrupted him.” “During the surge, I was knocked inside the rift. The energy gave people supernatural powers. And gave me. That.” “When he was injured it was when he was fighting Elkatov. At a bank. I thought he was weak for failing. So I took control over him to not hold back.” “Who’s people’s lives are at stake?” “Yours, and at least a quarter of the entire country.” “My god.” “It falls on us to stop Dawn from taking their powers, putting them in someone essentially turning them into a god. It will take more than you to stop them.” “If you’re doing this. We group at the Church.” He left. “So. Do we trust him?” They looked at each other. He opened the door to the Church. “Kid, c’mon. We need to move in. Where are they?” “They will come. Maybe.” “F*ck. C’mon. Let’s go.” They marched out of the Church. Dawn forces moved in. They knew they were coming. They were ready. The soldiers were on the other side. The men walked onto the muddy fields. “We are not going to be their subjects. Today, we fight for our freedom. We are not specimen. We are alive. And we are free!” “YEAAAHHH!” They charged into battle. Cyrus jumped up and kicked the soldiers. He grabbed their gun and threw it into their head. Cyrus grabbed Zecoras arm and threw her leg first into someone’s face. “Nice.” A helicopter was flying above them. The police lieutenant was armed with a sniper rifle. “Get The Shadow in my sights. I’m killing him.” Cyrus ran through the battlefield. He ran to the boarded off section of the facility. “The reactor is near. Get the explosives.” “3,” “2,” “1!” It created a great sphere of fire. “Let’s go!” They ran through the facility. The ceilings exploded. “We’re open to fire.” A man fell down through a hole. Cyrus caught him just in time. “I got you.” He pulled him up. “No one move!” A soldier walked inside. He pointed his gun at Cyrus. “Let him go.” “What?” The soldier turned around. A pink beam was shot at him. He fell to the ground. The 7 walked through. “You came.” He pulled up the man. “Just in time.” “A couple minutes ago wouldn’t of been so bad.” The helicopter was above them. The police lieutenant aimed at her. “No!” He pushed her out of the way. The gun fired and Cyrus took the shot. The police lieutenant walked over to his body. “Night night, Shadow.” He pointed a gun at his head. “Don’t shoot, lieutenant.” He turned around. A police officer was going to shoot him. “This man saved my life. I’m repaying him.” “Does repaying him include shooting him in the face? If so, I’m in.” “Don’t do it.” “Yeah? Fu..” Cyrus grabbed him and smacked him into a wall. “Thanks.” “No problem.” Cyrus ran. “The reactor is powered. Elkatov. We need to get there and deactivate it.” “Right.” They opened the door. “Well, well well. If it isn’t The Shadow and Elkatov. Quite a duo. HAHAHAHA! So, trying to deactivate it?” Soldiers moved in. “Sunset! Hold them off!” “My pleasure.” Cyrus threw an shuriken at Iron. Iron caught it. “Let’s see how well I taught my student, eh?” He jumped down. Cyrus fought off Iron. He grabbed his arm and threw him into the wall. Cyrus got up. Elkatov kicked Iron in the face. “I’m ending this. Now!” He threw an explosive at the reactor. “NOOOOO!” Iron jumped in the way.He blew up the reactor and Iron.He was knocked backwards by the energy.It surged into Elkatov. The Facility was obliterated. “Elkatov? ELKATOV!?” He saw him laying on the floor of the debris. “Wake up.” “Ahh. Kid. I could use a.. uh what’s the word. AH! A car.” He clicked his his fingers. A Mercedes Benz appeared behind him. “Did I do that?” “Yeah. You did.” “I have more powers.” “Do you have a name?” “No.” “Well. I was looking through names. I feel like this would suit you. How about, Discord?” “That works. Very well.” “It’s over. We did it. Saved a quarter of everyone in the country.” “They got their powers back.” “I’m not done yet.” Iron stood up. “Time to die.” Iron fell to the floor. “Die.” It was Joe. “You destroy my home, I kill you.” “Joe? From Joes donuts?” “Well. I guess I saved the day.” They all said in reply, “WHAT THE FUU....”