> Jolly Sailor Bold > by AntiBronyBenSwolo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crazy Light Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nighttime quickly covered the skies in Canterlot as people were thriving beautifully with some of it's best restaurants, and kindest citizens. But even the best cities have a dark underbelly. And unfortunately for you, that's where you live. You've been living in a run down apartment as long as you can remember running away from your home to live in Canterlot. You didn't have any money to go off of, so this would have to do. Good thing for you, the water was nice, the plumbing worked, and the electricity was working, so you had no choice but to call it home. The only thing you brought with you when you left was a portable DVD player, and a collection of your favorite movies, so all you could do in your free time was watch your favorite movies. You would sometimes imagine yourself as the main character in the movies you watched, and it would feel as if you were there with the characters. It wouldn't last all day though, as you still had to look for food. "Hey Charity" you ask the owner of the run down apartment building you live in. "Can I borrow some money to buy myself grocery's?". Charity is a sketchy, but kind man with blue-ish skin with violet freckles and red-violet hair turning grey. He may not look trustworthy, but he really is a nice man. Even in the sketchiest part of the city you live in. "I don't see why not. It's a dangerous world after all." He replies, as he gives you 25 dollars. You take the money, with the promise you'll give him the change, and head off to the grocery store, where you buy a bag of chips, a bottle of soda, and some fruits to balance out what else you got. However, one night, while you were walking home from the store, you saw flashing red lights glowing over Canterlot High School. "Is there a rave going on over there?" You ask yourself, as you walk a little closer, but not too close, to see what's happening. There, you see 3 giant monsters, an orange one, a purple one, and a blue one, all flying around the school, fighting off lasers of many different and beautiful colors. But something else was weird. "This doesn't sound like a 'fight' fight" you thought to yourself, as the laser blasts didn't hear like gunfire, like what'd you hear in Star Wars or something. "It sounds more like...music." You deduced, as instead of fighting, you were hearing singing instead. What was going on? Whatever it was, you weren't staying long to find out, so you ran back to your apartment as if you were being chased down by a bunch of monsters, or a military force, or something. "Hey, what's wrong?" Charity asked, as you handed him the change to the groceries you got. "I got a little...sidetracked." You said, as you take your food and head on back to your apartment. As you packed your things and headed to bead, you could still hear it though. The singing from the battle. It can't get out of your head. It won't let you sleep. What's going on? The next morning, you wake up and take a quick shower, hoping you could wash away the song that was going in your head. Unfortunately, there wasn't such luck. But hey, at least you smelled better than you did before. Regardless, once you got all dressed to face the world for the day, you heard a loud scream. You peered outside to find a girl with blue skin and hair being chased by the Grocery Store owner. You saw, in the girl's hand, you saw a bag of chips and a small bag of apples. You ran downstairs and met up with Charity, who was fixing up a cup of coffee for himself. "Charity, can I borrow another 20 dollars?" You asked him with a lack of breath. "Sheesh kid, what's the rush? At this rate, I'm gonna be more broke than you." Charity taunted. You were more concerned about the chase you're gonna miss. "I'm not gonna buy much, I promise!" You said, and Charity quickly hands you another 20$ bill, and you run outside and chase after the grocery store owner. After a while, you take a shortcut, and intercept the chase so both the girl and the store owner run into you. "Hey, kid, what's wrong with you?" The store owner asked "This kid stole some food, and now she has to pay". You walk past the girl and hold up the 20$ bill for the store owner to see. "How about I pay for her food?" You ask. The girl was about the sneak off with you as the distraction, but stopped when she heard you ask to pay for her. Nobody ever thought about her like that before. "A 20 dollar bill is a bit much considering what little she stole. How about the two of you come with me so you could have some change?" The store owner asked, calming himself. The store owner started heading back to his shop, with you following close buy. You stop for a second, and realize the girl isn't following you. She's nervous about all of this, considering she was being chased a few seconds ago. But there was something else. You just couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Hey, come on." You tell her, extending your hand asking for hers. She was still pretty nervous, grabbing hold of her long pony tail as a stress reliever, but after a few seconds, she finally grabbed hold and followed your lead. The two of you headed back, and you paid for her apples and chips, and got around 15 dollars in change for the food. The two of you finally left the store Scot free, and the girl felt relieved. So relieved, she might as well warm up to her new friend. "You...want an apple?" She asked you, with one of the apples in her hand. You smiled and accepted her gift. "So you do speak." you joked. You even got her to laugh a little. It was kind of relieving to see, considering that you've only seen her terrified up until now. "So, what's your name?" You ask her, as you make it to the apartment building doors. "I'm Sonata." She answers, stroking her hair again. She was nervous again, but at least she was smiling. "Sonata? I think that's a beautiful name." You say, as you get closer to her. Though you two don't know it yet, it was the start of a beautiful relationship. Maybe even something more. > Home, Sweet Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You open the door to the apartment building, and let Sonata in, leading her to your apartment door. As you lead Sonata into the building, you hear Charity booming with a hearty laughter. "Hey kid. Who's the girl?" Charity asks, scaring Sonata to hide behind you. You see Charity looking on, and decide to introduce your new friend. "Charity, this is Sonata. I kind of paid for her food when she attempted to rob the grocery store." You say, as Charity walks up to her, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "Well, you're lucky you stopped her and paid the food. Lord knows what would have happened if she got caught. Her parents must be so upset." Charity said, accidentally causing Sonata to tear up. You see a single tear and decide to hold her tight to prevent her from crying a river. "Sonata, what's wrong?" You ask Sonata, as she starts to feel at least a little better. "I don't have any parents." Sonata answered, causing her to tear up some more. You and Charity felt remorse for the poor Sonata, as the two of you felt there was only one thing to do. "Well, if you're orphaned, kid, you could always stay here with us." Charity proposed to Sonata. He eyes lit up with joy. She never heard anyone felt so generous to her before. Well, maybe she has, but it wasn't directed at her. Sonata jumped up and gave you a graceful hug. You haven't felt this way since you first ran away, causing you to tear up a little. "Thank you." She said though her tears. She finished hugging and went up the stairs to see where your apartment is. You just stood there, looking on as you saw her as joyous as she can be. "Oh, she's a keeper all right, kid." Charity quipped, causing your face to turn a bright red. As you walked back up the stairs to let Sonata into your room, you stopped yourself, as you almost forgot to give Charity the change for the groceries. You got the 15 dollars from out of your pocket, and handed it to Charity, who closed your hand. "I don't need this money, but if you're saying you don't want it, I say you should give it to your friend. She needs it more than either of us do at this point." Charity said, heading back to his room to watch his TV shows and whatnot. You walked up the stairs to find Sonata Dusk confused by the many doors. "Which one's yours?" Sonata asked you. You lead her to your room, and the two of you enter. Sonata was less than impressed when she saw it. You did very little to take care of your apartment, and even if you did, it would still look shabby. "I know my apartment isn't the best in the world, but at least it's home." You said. Sonata felt less disgusted and a little better by that fact. She remembered how every apartment and hotel room she slept in wasn't really good either, so it shouldn't really have mattered anyways. "Hey, it could be worse." Sonata joked. The both of you chucked, as you grabbed a couple plastic cups and poured some soda into it, and handed Sonata one of the cups. She took a sip of her drink and saw your DVD player. Curious, she walked over and pulled it out. She's never seen a device like the one you have "What does this do?" Sonata asks, holding it up. You take the device from her, like a mother would a child. "It's my portable DVD player. I use it to watch movies in places without a TV. Like here for example. Sonata looked around and realized there really wasn't a television anywhere in sight. You sat down on your mattress and plugged in your player. Sonata decided to sit next to you and examine it's screen. "What kind of movies do you watch?" She asks, as you get up, putting the DVD player next to Sonata, and pulled out your movie collection. "I've got tons of interests, and I don't know where to start." You saw, with a giddy chuckle in your voice. "What do you wanna watch?" You ask Sonata, piling the movie collection next to her, as she examined movie after movie after movie. From Star Wars, to Jaws, to Indiana Jones, to Lord of the Rings. She was amazed by your movie collection, but there was one that really caught her eye: Pirates of the Caribbean. She places the movie on your lap. "Can we watch this?" Sonata asks, pulling off a puppy dog eye look. "With a look like that, how could I possibly say no?" You said, as you started up the movie. As you watched the film with her, and pretended like you were in the film with her, Sonata was perfectly entranced by the movie, almost as if she was hypnotized. As the film went on, she held onto you when she got scared by the intense scenes, either it being action or scary. Near the end of the film, you watched over Sonata to see her reaction, only to find her asleep. So you moved over the DVD player and laid her head on your lap, and covered her with an old blanked of yours. It was kind of adorable to see her sleep in this position. You were no psychic, but you could tell that this never happened to Sonata before, and she wanted it to always be like this. And in the sketchiest part of Canterlot, no doubt. Then suddenly, without warning, a loud banging sound can be heard on the door. Whoever was banging woke Sonata up, and you got up to see who was there. Before you could answer it, the door flung open, knocking you backwards. Suddenly, a girl with purple skin and hair with a green outfit grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and just started yelling, threatening to punch you. "WHO ARE YOU!?!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO SONATA!?!?" The purple girl said, as an orange skinned and haired girl with a purple outfit ran over to Sonata and comforted her as if you were about to attack them. "Sonata, are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" The orange girl asked, only causing mild discomfort to Sonata. "Adagio, I'm fine. What are you doing?" Sonata asked, as Adagio and the purple girl looked at each other. "We've come to rescue you. Last we saw you, you were gonna get some food, then you just disappeared." Adagio explained. "Well, technically, I rescued her." You said, still suspended by your shirt. The purple girl got annoyed really fast. "Nobody asked you, you little..." The purple one threatened, until Sonata interrupted her. "Aria, could you please put him down? He's been nothing but nice to me all day." Sonata asked, giving Aria the same puppy dog eyes as she did to you. Aria sighed and put you down. "Fine. My arms were getting tired anyways." Aria said, as you coughed for air. Sonata walked by your side and comforted you. "I take it these are your friends?" You asked, as you got back up. Sonata was nervous about all of this, but nodded. You walked over to your bed and settled back down. "Well, yeah. I'm Adagio Dazzle, and the one who was gonna punch your teeth in is Aria Blaze." Adagio answered, as Aria grumbled. She felt so mad she really wanted to punch something. Or someone. After all that happened, you realized one thing very important: Sonata's friends are just as homeless as her. "So. You girls need a place to live? I think there's a spare apartment down the hall, though you have to ask Charity if you could stay." You offered to Adagio and Aria. Sonata smiled, and was exited to live in the same apartment building as her new friend. Adagio and Aria, however, were confused. "Where is this 'Charity' guy again?" Aria asked, and Sonata jumped down and led her two friends down the stairs to ask if the three of them could live in an apartment, and if you know Charity long enough, it's that "No" could not be in his vocabulary. And people call these parts the sketchiest place in all of Canterlot.