> Growing Market > by Macro Zecora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Growing Market > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright and shining day in the tiny village of Rainbow Falls. Not a cloud in the sky. The weather was perfect for a bit of frolicking in the late fall. There was also a massive bazaar in town, where all manner of magical items and curiosities were being sold and traded. But most of the ponies in town were not in a cheery mood. In fact, most of them were rather discontent, or happy for the wrong reasons. Most ponies would have easily admitted that the trader’s fair had gone downhill in recent years. What was once seen as an event to trade interesting items had devolved into cheats and swindlers trying to take advantage of each other. Most normal ponies had learned to avoid the town, as it had become a hotbed of crime, corruption and misery. A red earth pony clad in a brown cloak sighed as she walked down the streets. She was rather unhappy with how her life was working out, she had recently lost her job in Canterlot and was now struggling to get by. It seemed like no matter what she tried things always got worse for her. She looked at a crowd of traders there for the annual bazaar and waved at them. “L-looking for a good night?” She opened her cloak slightly to show a little cleavage. “Only 75 bits…” The two ponies just laughed and rolled their eyes. “Pfft. Didn’t know they let in harlots now. Just goes to show how downhill this town has gone.” The mare hung her head and sighed. “Darn it, Elie… You blew it again…” She shook her head, hearing the voice of her sister in the back of her mind. But she pushed those thoughts aside. She wanted to get really mad about it. But she kept herself calm. She knew what happened when she got too upset. Suddenly, a cart sped past her, splattering her cloak with mud and her eyes flashed purple for a brief moment. “You dickless no-brained sons of mules! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!?” She roared before her eyes flashed back to green as the caravanners gave her an odd look. She sighed and hung her head. “I mean… sorry… N-need a nice n…? Oh forget it…” She walked into the crowd and started to root through her back for a lollipop. Not only because they were her favorite sweet, but because they greatly added to her sex appeal. And she could use a little less stress. But Elie wasn’t the only unscrupulous character in the Rainbow Falls bazaar looking to make some quick bits. There were many others who saw it as an opportunity to snag any number of small magical items whenever the shopkeepers weren’t looking. One such pony, clad in a dark cloak wandered close to a stall full of magical rings and grinned when he noticed the shopkeeper was not paying attention. With a quick hand, he wrapped his palm around a jade and copper ring, glowing with magical energy and stuffed it into his bag. But while the shopkeeper may have been unaware, the bazaar guards were not. A loud whistle pierced the crowd and a voice cried out. “Halt! In the name of the law!” “Shit…” Swore the thief, he immediately turned to run, pushing traders and other members of the crowd out of the way as he attempted to evade the guards. His footwork was quite impressive, and he was able to shake the guards for a time, but his eyes were on the confused guards, not what was right in front of him and he ended up running into a cloaked mare, dropping his bag of stolen items in the process. “Gyah!” Elie gasped as the thief slammed into her, sending her and her bag flying backward. She groaned and rubbed her neck before looking up at the pony who had slammed into her. “Hey!” She growled. “Why don't you watch where you're going!?” She snipped, before remembering to keep her anger in check. “Sorry…” The thief scampered around for his dropped bag of stolen goods. “I’m just a little distracted.” He picked up a bag and chuckled. “It’s such a beautiful day after all…” Elie looked around for her bags, as they contained the only items she owned since she had been thrown out of her apartment. “Well, in the future just be more caref...” She noticed the guards yelling and pulled down her hood to get a better view. “Wait…” She said timidly. “You’re a thief, aren’t you!?” She turned back around, only to see the thief was gone. “You, halt!” Ordered the guards, marching up to Elie with a stern look on their face. “We've heard reports of there being a string of thefts from some of the traders here. Mind if we inspect your bags?” They crossed their arms. “No. Not at all.” Elie opened the bag up, only to see a pile of stolen gems, potions and other magical goods. A gasp escaped her lips. “Th-this must be a mistake…” “Are you sure?” The head guard raised his eyebrow. “Yes. I'm sure. This stuff in here isn't mine.” She tapped her fingers together. “Well, that’s the problem, now isn’t it?” The guard smirked and opened up Elie's, pulling out the jade and copper ring. “Well, well... What do we have here? Looks like a really powerful one to me.” The guard glowered. “N-no…” Elie gasped. “It wasn’t me… I don’t even know what that is or who owns it.” “Neither do we.” Said the captain. “Which is why we’ll have to process everything in here.” He shook his head. “You know, it’s sad. Some down-on-their-luck harlot resorting to petty theft to try to make a living? Couldn’t cut it with looks alone, could you?” He grinned, almost glad he now had an excuse to remove such a nuisance from his beloved bazaar. “Wh-what!?” Elie gasped. “N-no... It wasn't me... I swear...” The thief panted, realizing that the guards were no longer after him. He chuckled and started to open up his bag to see what treasures he had scored, only to see instead and few dozen bits and a handful of suckers. He gasped and realized his mistake, pocketing the change and tossing the bag aside just in time to see Elie being dragged away by the guards. “No!” Elie pointed towards the cloaked pony as the guards took her away. “It was him! He's the thief! You've got to believe me!” She yelled, her green eyes welling up with tears. The thief stalked the guards closely, noticing they were taking in the bag of stolen goods in as evidence. Usually when goods were reported stolen they would give them out to whoever reported them missing, but unfortunately for the thief, he was only vaguely aware of what it was he had stolen. He would have to wait for an opportunity to break in and retrieve his loot. But he more than trusted his skills to get the job done. Meanwhile, Elie sat in a cell, sobbing her eyes out over the injustice of it all. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the painful memories. But she couldn’t escape them. As she grew more and more upset over her mistreatment, the anger inside became harder and harder to hold back, and she began to hear her sister’s voice in her head once again. “It looks like society has screwed you over again, Elie…” The voice said. “This is what you get for being a so-called ‘nice girl.’” “S-shut up…” Elie sobbed. “I don’t want to talk to you…” “Well, who else are you going to talk to?” The voice of her sister escaped her lips. “There’s nopony else around.” Elie just sobbed and curled up into a ball of her straw bed. “Just leave me alone, Blackberry…” “You know how corrupt the guards here have become, Elie. This isn’t the same town you would visit when you were a filly. No… this town is rotten to the core. It’s honestly my environment much more than it is yours.” Blackberry purred. “Wh-what are we going to do?” Elie sniffled. “I don’t want them to…” “Rape us?” Blackberry grinned. Elie just nodded. “Oh… That might be fun. It’s been forever since I’ve had a stallion be really rough on me.” Elie’s eyes flashed purple and she rubbed her crotch for a brief moment, before they flashed back green and she pulled her hand away. “N-no…” Elie shivered. “Pl-please…” “Ugh… Fine. Don’t worry, sis. I’ll find us a way out of here. I pro-” Suddenly, the there was a loud slam and the guard captain came down to the dungeon and looked over at Elie. She was the only prisoner at the moment, meaning the two were alone. And the thirsty look in his eyes just said it all. “Hello, whore…” He grinned. “N-no…” Elie whimpered. “G-go away…” “Aww…” The captain mocked. “That’s no way to speak to an honorable guardpony now is it?” He waggled his finger at her. “You’re never gonna get out of here with an attitude like that. As if thievery wasn’t bad enough. There’s resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, disturbing the peace. Lots of charges we could pile up on you.” “I did none of those things!” Elie growled, her eyes flashing purple. “Yeah? Well, it’s our word against yours. And who do you think the judge is going to believe? The honest, hardworking guardponies of Rainbow Falls, or a disgusting whore like you!?” He laughed. Elie shook with anger and rage. She hated the pony standing before her. She hated the thief for framing her. She hated the assholes who had splashed mud on her. She hated the merchant who had sold her lollipops with sand in the middle. She hated the pony who had undercut her the night before. She just hated this entire fucking town! She mumbled to herself, spitting out curses and bile that made even the horny guard captain behind her back up a little. Her left eye turned completely purple and turned to a gleeful expression, while her remaining green one was contracted with rage. “Good, Elie… Good…” Blackberry purred. “Feel your anger… Feel your hate! Elevate my mental state!” She sang. The stallion backed up a little in concern. “W-what are you doing?” He blinked. “You some sort of crazy bitch?” Elie stood up and rolled her neck and shoulders, opening her eyes up and revealing they were now both deep purple. A sadistic grin came across her face. “Oh, you don’t know the half of it.” She removed her prison uniform and tossed it aside, revealing her curvy body. Her freckled boobs bounced around, and her wide hips sported a trio of lollipops on each side. The captain chuckled. “Mmm. You really know how to turn a stallion on with that act of yours.” He said nervously and walked up to the bars, fiddling with his belt. “Oh, it’s not an act.” Blackberry got on her knees and reached out to help him with his belt. “I’m 100% crazy.” Hey!” The guard smacked her hand, leading to a vicious growl from Elie. “What? You think I’m stupid? That I’ve never done this before!?” He pulled his dagger out of its holster and tossed it aside. “There we go. Can’t have the crazy bitch trying to kill me, now can we?” Blackberry smirked and undid his belt, dropping his trousers and seeing his erection spring to life in front of her. “Oh my…” She cooed. “You are a nice specimen, aren’t you?” She ran a hand across his member. “I’d love to be able to destroy something like that…” “Heheh. Well what’s keeping you from doing that, baby?” The captain put his face in close to the bars, smiling intimately. “I promised my sister I wouldn’t.” Blackberry kissed his nose and closed her eyes. And with a swift motion, she wrapped the belt around the stallion’s neck and pulled his throat up to the bars. “Hey! What the-Gurk!” He gasped as Blackberry pulled him with all her might, strangling him with his own belt. The stallion gasped for air and tried to pull away, but Blackberry held him fast. She could feel him growing weaker and weaker as he failed to draw breath, while she gulped down air as fast as possible in order to maintain her strength. At last, the stallion’s erection spurted out a little trickle of cum and his eyes rolled back in his head. The struggling stopped and Blackberry let go of the belt, the stallion falling to the ground. Dead. “Well, at least you died happy.” She gave his erection a little kiss, before pulling the keys off his neck and unlocking her cell. “Ah… Freedom!” Blackberry laughed. “Both from my physical prison, and my mental one!” She looked around the prison. “I suppose my boring alter ego would want me to simply escape. To skip town and never look back.” She looked out the window at the bazaar, almost amused with how corrupt it was. “Well too bad! That’s not how Blackberry plays!” She declared. “I’m gonna make this town pay for fucking us over! Blackberry style!” She made her way to the evidence room to see if any of the items that were being sorted through were worth anything. Certainly at least one of them would be a powerful magic item. It looked like the guards had gotten partway through sorting them and Blackberry began to look through the items. “Fake diamond dust… Forged scroll of fireball… Counterfeit bits… Celestia! Is there anything in this fucking town that’s genuine!?” Her eyes were drawn to the glowing jade and copper ring in the center of the room that was labeled ‘Ring of Growth(?)’ and below that was a note that read ‘activation trigger unknown.’ It would figure those meat-headed guards wouldn’t be able to figure out how to work a potentially magic ring. Blackberry picked the ring up, slid it onto her finger and thought about herself being huge. Massive. More than large enough to get the revenge she desired! She put all her passion and anger into it. She wanted it. She wanted it more than anything else. She closed her eyes and imagined it. She could feel it working… Excitement overtook her. She opened her eyes and… Nothing. She was sitting there in the middle of the room exactly the same size. “Stupid shit!” Blackberry swore and tossed the ring down to floor in a huff. “Wasn’t even that comfortable anyway! It barely managed to fit on my… finger.” Her eyes lit up as she saw the ring sitting next to her toe. An epiphany hit her, and she knelt down and fastened the ring around her middle toe, wiggling it and hearing it clack against the floor as she stepped down. She concentrated and imagined herself getting bigger, and instantly felt the results. Her skin stretching out and expanding, her lithe muscles becoming thicker and more powerful, and her bones becoming longer, thicker and denser. A smile escaped her lips as she realized just what sort of power this ring gave her, when suddenly, the door opened up and a guard approached her. “Umm… I don’t think you’re supposed to be in he- Oh Celestia!” He gasped as Blackberry dove upon him with a crunch. The thief prowled through the streets, looking for a way into the fortified compound of the Rainbow Falls’ guards. He came across a window to one of the cells. He climbed up to the window, trying to see if the cell held a prisoner. But much to his shock, he saw the bars of the cell had been ripped straight off. Still, he wasn’t going to question the convenience of it. And silently hopped inside, landing in some sort of liquid. Something red… It took all of his willpower not to scream right then and there. It was a town guard, or at least the top half of one, laying there in the corner with his guts spilling out, blood splattered all over the floor. “What the hell?” He drew his knife. It was flimsy. But it was better than nothing. He started to follow the trail of blood to the barracks. As he approached them, he could hear sobbing and growling inside, with dismembered guards laying all around the main hall. He could hear a feminine voice quivering. “C-celestia... W-we killed them all...” The voice went. “T-tortured them to death...” “And?” The same voice said, but much angrier. “Are you saying they didn't deserve it, Elie? You know what they were planning to do to us!” The thief gasped. He recognized that voice. It was the voice of the mare he had framed earlier. But one of them was much angrier and full of spite. “Y-yes... B-but they didn't d-deserve this...” The first voice cried. “You're right. They deserved worse! Far worse!” The second laughed cruelly. “We were too merciful. Some of them actually died too quickly!” She stomped her foot. The thief felt something drip down on his forehead and looked up to see a disemboweled guard hanging from a chandelier above him, dripping blood all over the floor. And the worst part was, he was still slightly alive from the looks of things. “H-hurry… R-run…” He said weakly. The thief couldn’t suppress himself any more. A terrified scream escaped his lips and the naked mare turned around and stared at the rogue, with one eye purple and the other green staring right at him. “You...” Her voice purred, a grin coming across her face. “N-no!” He quivered and turned to run. “G-get away from me.” “You need to run!” The mare spoke in her softer voice. “You’re just putting everypony in danger!” “What’s going on?” Asked the thief, dropping his blade and backing up in fear. “What are you doing?” “You don't understand... I'm not just any ordinary pony...” She whimpered, transitioning from her scared to confident voice, her remaining green eye starting to turn purple. “There’s two of us in there. And you have no idea what kind of power I wield!” She grinned and stood up, revealing she was ten feet tall. The thief didn’t stick around to comment at all. He immediately broke out into a mad sprint, in total fear of his life. Despite the many tense situations he had faced throughout his career, he had never felt so afraid. Blackberry pounced towards the thief with an almost animal-like amount of ferocity. “You little shit!” She snarled “I'm gonna tear you limb from limb!” Blackberry let out a loud growl and reached towards him, but the thief was too quick and dove out the window, which the large mare was too big to fit through. “Aaaah!” The thief screamed as the crashed through the window, slamming into the dirt outside with a loud thud. Shards of glass bit into his green fur coat, but he found himself mostly protected by his thick cloak and leather armor. Even still, a feeling of relief washed over him as he felt he was now safe for the time being. He turned up towards Blackberry and started to curse her out. “You crazy, fucking bitch! You're a bloodthirsty monster!” Suddenly, a magical barrier rose out of the prison complex and surrounded the town, making ponies murmur in confusion. Some of them even stopped running their current scam to examine the strange pink energy that now surrounded the town. It was odd. Normally magic like that was only used in case of changeling attacks, so they had no idea why the guards would activate it now. But they would find out very quickly. Without warning, the keep in the center of the town exploded into massive chunks of stone and wood, some of which flew through the air so hard it looked like they had been fired out of a trebuchet. They slammed into the village with a devastating amount of force, no doubt causing many casualties. As the dust cleared, left standing in the place of the jail was a 300-foot-tall naked mare. “Hello, Rainbow Falls.” She smiled sadistically, wiggling the toe which contained her precious ring. In her growth spurt, Blackberry seemed to have lost track of where the thief was. But it mattered little to her. At this point, she saw basically everyone in the village of being guilty of contributing to her misery. She saw a prostitute kissing a stallion on a park bench only to raise her foot over them, making them scream before she brought it down, snuffing the two out in an instant. “Worthless maggots...” She growled, before indiscriminately stomping more ponies. Blackberry laughed manically with every step she took. She saw an older mare trying to escape being pushed down by a young stallion. She wasn’t impressed by the lack of chivalry at all and picked up the younger one, opened her mouth, and slurped him up alive, swallowing him whole right in front of the mare. Blackberry grinned, taking in the mare's horrified expression. The mare looked up at Blackberry and returned the grin, hoping it would convince Blackberry to spare her. She was incorrect. Blackberry was amused for about five seconds, before she grew bored and decided to crush the older mare as well, smearing her between her fingers before continuing on her merry rampage. The mare crawled over to the bazaar and loomed over them. “Oh my… Look at all you tiny little merchants. Peddling your wares, which you all claim are magical. Well then let’s see just how good your goods are. Fight off the big, evil giantess with your magical items. At least one of them is bound to work, right? You’re not all a bunch of con artists, are you?” She chuckled and wiggled her tits over them. The crowd broke down into a panic as they pulled out their supposedly magical items, trying to get them to work, bringing a smile to Blackberry’s face. “Pathetic… There’s not a single honest pony among the entire lot of you! I get the feeling the only reason I was able to grow like I have is because this magic ring’s previous owner was too stupid to figure out how to use it.” She raised her foot over the crowd and wiggled it. Suddenly, one brave mare ran to the front of the crowd, sporting some sort of magical wand. “Remove Enchantment!” She waved her wand at the ring, only for a shower of flower petals to fly out instead on a beam of magic. She turned to a wand salespony, who could only give her a nervous look. “Pathetic…” Blackberry smirked and crushed the wand salespony under her finger. “You ponies have done nothing but cheat, lie and steal your whole lives! I can’t even pretend to feel bad about crushing you. You’re all parasites, sucking Equestria dry!” The giant mare sat down in front of the crowd, crushing many of them under her ass, but leaving a good number of them alive. “You scumbags have done nothing but bring me misery! But I think it’s time for a change of pace...” She spread her legs wide and picked up the unlucky wand mare. “I think it’s time you gave me a little pleasure…” She shoved the mare head-first into her pussy. The merchants screamed and started to flee towards the bridge, the only was out of Rainbow Falls for ponies that were confined to the ground. But they found the exit blocked by the force-field, despite the best efforts of the ponies to try to use their allegedly-enchanted wares to try to dispel it. Blackberry also noticed that the bridge was flooded with carts, taking up valuable space that could have been used for ponies. Those on the bridge pushed and shoved for a position, causing some to plummet off the plateau to their deaths. Even though their efforts were fruitless, Blackberry had no intention of even giving them a chance of escaping. She straddled the bridge, looming over it with her leaking pussy right above it. The bridge devolved into complete chaos in an instant. Blackberry giggled before slamming her pussy down on the bridge, feeling the warmth of the ponies who were crushed under her marehood, mixed with the coolness on the crystal bridge. It was a lovely sensation, and the smoothness of the crystal and the screams of the ponies just made it all the more enjoyable. Blackberry moved her sex forward, gliding it over the smooth crystal, which was made even more slick from her sexual juices and the remains of the ponies she had crushed under it. She pushed her marehood against the forcefield, which crushed or swallowed the last group of ponies who had been trapped on the bridge. Her eyes were drawn up to a few pegasi, who were frantically beating on the field as pegasi outside the field watched the giant mare’s rampage. Blackberry stood up and lunged at the pegasi, pressing her boobs against them and purring as she felt the little ponies liquifying against her boobs as they were crushed in full view of the ponies outside, who gazed in horror as they saw the ponies turn from screaming swindlers to red stains on Blackberry’s hide. The ponies outside weren’t willing to stay around. Not out of any concern for the ponies’ in the town, but out of fear the giant mare might come after them next. The thief could only look on in horror as Blackberry started smearing ponies on her finger and began writing the words ‘everything must go’ across her house-sized butt cheeks with the grisly remains. He was a nervous, shaking wreck. A far cry from his usual smug, sly, confident self. As the giant looked down and reached down for a handful of ponies to consume, she spotted the thief hiding under a card, which she casually tipped over, an evil grin coming across her bloodied muzzle. “Hello, little one...” She giggled. The thief just looked up at her in abject horror. He wasn’t sure what to say he was so scared. “Are you proud of yourself, thief? Look at the destruction and misery you've brought to this village.” She brought her finger down on a pony, recognizing him as one of her old clients who constantly shorted her. She crushed the pony under her finger. “Consider your debt to my sister paid in full.” She cooed and sucked the blood off her fingertip. “P-please…” The thief cried. “Th-this wasn’t my fault!” “Oh, but it is. You allowed my weak alter-ego to take the fall for your crime, and now thanks to you, I'm free to do to these people what she's secretly wanted to do for a long time. In a way, I suppose I should be thanking you...” She picked him up and placed him between her boobs, gently massaging the mounds of flesh so massive they could have easily crushed him. The thief didn’t respond to her at all. He just sobbed in her cleavage, too scared to even be aroused by her glorious tits. “Aww... What's wrong? Not gonna talk to me now that I'm big? Do I intimidate you?” She squeezed him even harder. “Ahhh!” The thief screamed. “I… I was going to break you out of jail!” He lied, desperate for any sort of excuse to save himself. “T-that's why I was near the cells! I wanted to help you!” He squirmed as her pressed down on him from all sides “Bullshit!” She scoffed and pressed hard, hearing a gentle crunch and a scream from the thief, who she picked up by his now-broken leg and held him in the air, letting him dangle in front on her nuzzle. “You just wanted your loot back, didn’t you!?” “N-no… It’s true…” The thief wailed desperately. “I swear to Celestia!” “What's wrong?” Blackberry gently shook him. “Did you feel a bit guilty about what you did? Had a little bit of a change of heart?” She purred. “I know what that's like. Though in my case, it's less feeling guilty and more... well, I'm sure you've seen my handiwork.” She gestured towards the burning town around her. “P-please… You don’t have to do this…” He sobbed. “You and the rest of this town didn’t have to be a bunch of corrupt little shitstains, did you!?” She addressed the town as a whole, seeing those who were still alive getting on their hands and knees, feigning repentance. “Let's face it...” She raised her hips “You were a complete asshole to me earlier today.” She wiggled her hips around in front of the surviving mob. “But it's okay...” She smirked. “I know where to put assholes.” She raised her tail. “N-no! Please! I'll do anything!” The thief gasped as he saw her tail lift up, looking down at the panicked mob below. “Help me! Somepony do something!” He wailed, begging those he had previously stolen from for help. “Awww. Looks like nopony wants to help you. You’re all alone. But don't worry. I'll send some of these ponies down to meet you in through the main entrance. But I'm warning you, they might not be very talkative by the time they get there.” She laughs and began to press the thief against her tight anus. The thief screamed, struggling in vain as she pressed him against the muscular opening. Some of his bones snapping in order for him to slide inside. As he inhaled, his nose was overwhelmed with the scent of Blackberry’s rectum, which smelled slightly cloyingly sweet as a result of all the suckers she consumed. “Ooooh.” Blackberry purred as the wounded thief slipped into her tight pucker. From all his screaming, he hadn't made it in there unharmed, not that she cared. He felt good. As he writhed around in agony, he stimulated her sensitive nerves, so in a way, his pain became her pleasure. “You feel so good in there.” She put her hips in the air, crushing more people under her breasts as she lovingly rubbed herself, making sure to consume a few ponies to become friends with the thief. She wiggled her hips and pulsed her anus, feeling the thief clawing at the inside of her sensitive pucker in a desperate bid to escape. The merchants below started to hide, hoping Blackberry had forgotten about them, but she wasn't going to let them get away that easily. “Aww... You're all so cute, thinking you can hide from me. It's almost adorable.” She tossed a stallion into her mouth and messily devoured she, she then uncovered a trio of mares who went right down to her nethers, where they were ground against her pussy. The Thief could hear their screams and Blackberry’s moans of pleasure every time her anus fluttered open. But the pulses kept getting tighter and tighter as the giant mare neared her climax. She was so horny, feeling so turned on by the power she held over the tiny ponies as she used them as fodder for her pleasure. A moan of sadistic bliss escaped her lips as she felt the popping of the ponies inside and around her pussy, feeling their blood running down her legs. It was too much for her. And orgasm welled up inside her, and her asshole began to clench tightly. A scream escaped the thief’s lips one last time as the muscles of Blackberry’s rectum closed in around him, crushing his ribcage into a bloody pulp. Blackberry’s cum splattered down into the empty market, along with the blood and guts of the dozens of ponies she had sacrificed to her pleasure. At this point, nearly everyone in the village was dead or dying, save for the giant mare who now lay in the middle of it, basking in the joyous glow of what she had just done. “Dayum…” Blackberry groaned. “That was amazing… We got our revenge…” She stared at the fields of bodies beneath her. “Our monetary problems are fixed.” She picked up a crate of bits from one of the caravans. “And we got off in the most satisfying way possible…” She shivered. “Mmm… I’m still tingling…” She wiggled her toes and smiled fondly at the magic ring on her toe. “Oooh.” Elie purred, one eye now green again. “As much as I hate to admit it, that was a good orgasm, sis… It almost makes me wish you would take over more often.” She gave a gentle yawn. “Heheh. Maybe in the future, sis.” Blackberry stretched out and reclined. “But for now, I’m gonna rest. Have fun running the body for me. Call me if you ever need any other towns destroyed.” She teased and retreated back to the depths of her sister’s subconscious. A few days later, news of the massacre reached the rest of Equestria. Many ponies were outraged by the sheer brutality of the attack, but others were less sympathetic, saying the scammers of Rainbow Falls got what they had coming to them. Regardless, Equestria wasn’t willing to just abandon the village. Restoration teams were sent to clean up and rebuild Equestria’s historic trading outpost, and a year later, the Rainbow Falls’ traders fair was back. A blue mare handed off a dual-flavored lollipop off to her customer, looking over at massive footprint shaped crater that had been partly filled in. “Hard to believe it was just a year ago.” The mare shook her head. “After that horrible night, it’s amazing how much this town has cleaned up, don’t you think?” The customer lowered her hood and happily plopped the sucker into her mouth, checking it for any trace of sand or sawdust. “Oh yes.” Elie smiled. “I still remember it.” She gave a satisfied nicker, detecting nothing inside the candy but sweet, high-quality flavored sugar. “Are you worried that something like that might happen again this year?” Asked the candymaker as Elie tossed down some bits onto her counter. “They never apprehended whoever or whatever perpetuated it.” She said, pouring a generous amount of flavoring into her confections. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that.” Elie wiggled her toes and chuckled. “Like you said, this town has really cleaned up.” She happily walked away towards the footprint crater, savoring the flavor of the succulent candy. “Mmm... It’s cleaned up very nicely.”