Fallout Equestria: Crusades

by XxQuindieselxx

First published

Discontinued story I was writing before Newshire.

Supposed to be the story of orphaned children emerging from a stable. Its experiment, kill all adults through use of magical gas. With the adult dead and quickly decomposing within the stable. Rogue, Styng, Daemon and Stardust leave the stable in the chaos, only to be met with the harsh equestrian wasteland.

Chapter 1

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Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 1


By Quinton R. Johnson

Black, it was all I could see, all I could feel. The darkness enveloped me, like a cold, heavy blanket. Then there was light. Slowly creeping along the walls of my room. Soon my room was full of soft, blue light. I could see my blankets, no longer of darkness, but of cloth, cotton, and fabric. My walls, no longer void of color, now shown of posters on concrete walls. My pip-buck started to cry, telling me to get up. My body felt heavy, as I tried to lift my head. I turned off the alarm and rolled out of bed. I swung my hooves over to the edge of my bed, and proceeded to pull myself closer to the edge. All... Most... There. My body fell to the floor with a thud. My mother rushed in, "Are you okay? I heard a loud noise."

"Yeah I'm fine mom, just getting out of bed.” I said with a smile, as I lay sprawled on the floor.

When I got up, I shook myself off and went to put on my stable 68 jumpsuit. Blue with yellow trim, accompanied by burn marks and stains from my past inventions. I looked over to the mirror on my dresser. The suit was a little off center so I straitened it and looked again. Perfect. I'm a unicorn, dark grey with a black and white mane. I didn't have my cutiemark, but I was pretty sure I was close. I'm an engineer, I build, modify and customize just about everything. I got my tools and went to my workbench. Then I started to work on my latest project, a laser pistol, with improved beam accuracy and heat exchange allowing for more damage. However, I ran into a little problem. "Garrh! What am I missing!?" I growled as I tapped my head.

I heard hoof-steps outside the door and my mom walked in, "Sweetie, Daemon is here."

Right when I heard that name, I tossed my tools onto the bench and rushed outside yelling back to my mother "Bye mom, see you later!"

"Be back by 6 o'clock!" She yelled back.

I opened the door to see a young slate and black male griffin, with red eyes, standing on the balcony. "What's up?" I asked as I gestured for a hoof-bump.

"Nothin' much. You?" He raised his claw, pulled his talons into a fist and tapped my hoof.

"Meh, usual. I can't find a component for my pistol though."

"Have you tried looking in maintenance?"

"Not yet, but I will later." We started our usual routine.

Walking along the second floor balcony towards another of our friends rooms. We saw children below in the stable gardens, laughing and playing in the huge atrium floor covered in grass. There were wooden benches and a colorful playground. I started to think of past memories, of when me and my friends did the same. But we were older now and weren't allowed. We walked up to the third floor to room 3-20. The last room on the floor. Styng's room. Daemon and I knocked on the door. Styngs's mom came and opened the door.

She looked at us and pulled her head back around the threshold

"YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!!!" Then she turned to us. "He'll be out shortly."

Daemon and I nodded and sat down by the guard rails. While we waited I looked at Stable 68 from where we sat. Our stable was big. An entire acre, just for the atrium. 40 meters high, plenty of flight room for Griffins and Pegasi alike. 60+ residents within the stable itself. We had our own school, library, cafeteria, bathrooms, (of course) and recreation field.

Stable 68 was probably the best stable of them all. Then I heard a door open behind me. I turned to see Styng standing before the doorway. He was a young black Pegasus with a gray and black mane with matching tail. Daemon and I greeted him. He smiled and nodded his head. "The gangs all here." I said as I held my hooves out to my sides

"So what's the plan for today?" Styng asked before we all started for the stairs going to the second floor.

"First we're going to the cafeteria, next we're going to the Rec. room for some hoof-ball, and later we'll hit the gardens to chill out. How's all that sound?" I said, looking for faces of disapproval or confusion, as we came to the stairs leading to the first floor.

"I'm game as long as you can stay alive during our hoof-ball session. That asthma really does exhaust you pretty quick Rogue." Daemon said only glancing at me a few times, watching his step on the stairs.

"Let's do this!" Styng said raising his voice a little.

We finally reached the ground floor and headed for the cafeteria. I looked at the menu as we passed. "Sheeperd's pie with a biscuit, peach cup, sweet potato fries, and a drink." I read aloud.


"Really! That slop they call food? Why don't they ever have some nice meat or fish, Huh! Griffins live here too!" Daemon said in disgust.

"Whadaya mean! They had fish two days ago as the entree and meatballs as the side yesterday." I said matter of factly. Styng had no input he was already in line two ponies and a Griffin ahead of us. Daemon and I got in line, picked up our treys, and sat at our usual spot, closest to the doors and the trey return.

"Hey did you guys here about what happened!?" Styng said looking at us.

I put my hoof on my chin trying to think of something important. "No not really" I said coming up with nothing. Daemon just shook his head as he passed me his trey.

"Okay, get this my mom was at work yesterday and said she was working on a patient who came in with a viral infection that was eating away at her flesh like maggots on a corpse." He said actually trying to ruin my appetite.

"Dude really I'm eatin'." I said with a huff.

"Mom came home and she said she wasn't cooking tonight and just went to bed." Styng said with his mouth full of fries.

"Hmm weird, doesn't she usually cook every night?" I said with my hoof on my chin.

Styng clopped his hooves then pointed one at me. "Exactly!"

"Well I don't really see anything other than she must have gotten ill just looking at the body."

"Meh, maybe but I hope she didn't catch that virus." I was just about to tell Styng something when Daemon finally spoke.

"Are you two done eating? I'm ready for some hoof-ball!"

Styng and I gobbled up the rest of our food and tossed the treys in the return. After lunch we walked over to the stairs and rose to the second floor and proceeded past the library towards the double door that led to the field.

The field was just as big as the atrium but more spacious. Around the outside ran a track that a few ponies were flying or running around. Towards the center was a huge grassy field with white paint acting as hoofball lines. There were a few Griffins, Pegasi and Earth ponies about to pick teams. Styng, Daemon and I hurried over just in time to get picked. The Mostly Griffin team chose Daemon while me and Styng got picked for the other team. They made me the quarterback since I had a pretty strong telekinetic throw and Styng was a running back due to his agility and speed. After the coin toss, team Iron Beak chose to receive the ball first. My team, Lightning Dust, went to the other side of the field and set up for a kick towards the Beaks. I held the ball in my telekinesis and bucked it clear across the field. Team Dust started to gallop towards the other side as the Beaks' receiver caught the ball and started to run across the field while being guarded by his teammates. Beaker clashed with Dust as both teams converged on the 30th meter line. The runner took off to the left and was stopped by Styng at the 33rd. After the down both teams huddled together to make a plan. Jack, our team captain told everyone to, "Take a man and stick to 'em" The huddle broke and I looked for some-Griffin who was close to my speed and 'took em'. He was a dark brown with lighter brown on his stomach and neck. His golden eyes glared at me. Anger in them as he waited for the ball to be hiked. "Hut hut... HIKE!" It was chaos. The defending line ponies clashed with the offending line Griffins as the wide receivers ran to their assigned routes. I was following my 'man' a few paces behind him to lure the QB to throw it to him. My effort was in vain as he passed it to the one pony on there team. Stardust, one of the fastest unicorns in the stable. But one of the weakest with magic. He broke away up the middle and jumped over the defensive line. Styng ran towards him, but he was just too fast, and took off with the ball in his violet magical grip. "Point Iron Beaks! Scored by Stardust Galaxy!" An intercom called overheard. Some fan-fillies off to the sideline screamed and cheered for Stardust. Now it was our turn. Daemon kicked the ball over to us and I caught it. I sheathed the ball in my telekinesis and started my run. I dashed towards the right and cut in just before both teams clashed. I ran to the left and saw that two Griffins were closing in I knew I couldn't jump over them they were able to double jump with a boost from their wings. Then Styng came and gave me some help by blocking one of them now it was one on one. I charged towards him and stopped instantly in front of him. I used my telekinesis to propel me to the left as I circled around him and ran for the end zone. Then out of no where Daemon swoops in a touches me with both claws. I was down. Both teams huddled again and started to plan. Since I was QB I needed to know where everyone was generally going to be so I started dividing up the field. Far left, left, center, right and far right. All divisions had a far and close range added as well. I told everyone the plan and the huddle broke. I trotted behind my defensive line and hiked the ball. "Hut... HIKE!" I held the ball in my white magical grip and looker for an open receiver. Jack was open so I threw it to him out in far left field. He caught it and started to run but was touched by one of the Beaks. Second down on the 34. No huddle this time we just stuck with the same play. "Hut... Hut... HIKE!" I pulled back again and looked for another receiver. No pony. I saw my defense start to crumble. I yelled out to Styng as he circled around me and took the ball. It was all up to him he was going. 30. 25. 20! Down. Tagged by the Beaks' captain. The teams went to their huddle. I was about to start telling the plan, when out of no where it started raining. I heard a loud ringing noise coming from around the room. Some pony pulled the fire alarm. The game was cancelled due to the soggy conditions. Styng, Daemon and I regrouped and headed for the locker rooms for towels and water. Both team captains stood in the center of the room calling out commendations and when the next game would be.

I dried off my mane and hide then went towards the water fountain. I took a few sips and left the room following Daemon and Styng. We entered the hallway and congratulated each other. We walked over to the balcony and looked over the atrium garden. It was pretty much empty. My pip-buck told me it was 3:32 PM. So we had plenty of time to just chat. We walked down the stairs and went over to the bench beside the pond. Deamon and Styng chose to crash on the bench while I chose a small flat stone. I pulled out my pistol blueprints and a pencil and started to think. "Hey you guys, what kind of metals are good at conducting electricity?"

"I thought they all were" Styng said mockingly. "No, I need one that's particularly good at it." I countered.

"Well, have you tried iron?" Daemon asked.

"Yeah, but it's too heavy for the specs I'm going for."

"What about aluminum?" Styng asked.

"That just might work. I just need to get my hooves on some."

We spent the rest of the afternoon just talking and tossing stones into the water while listening to the "kerploop"

Soon it was 5:45 PM, we all said goodbye and went back to our rooms. I took off my jumpsuit and tossed it towards my closet. I jumped into my bed and threw the covers over my head. The light slowly faded from my room and the darkness took its place. Covering me in a shroud. Everything was dark. I closed my eyes and nothing changed. I started to drift off to sleep in the cover of night.


I was in front of the stable door. It towered over me like a great barrier, unbreakable, and forever sealed. Yellow lights lit up the room as a siren bellowed. A giant hydraulic arm swung down from the roof and latched itself to the massive gear shaped door. A piston contracted and pulled the door free of its hole. Dark tendrils started to slither from the other side. I ran to the control panel and pushed the lever upwards to try and stop the huge metal arm. It slid effortlessly and fell back to its original position with a 'clang'. The arm didn't stop as more darkness seeped into the room. Crawling along the floor, walls and ceiling. Everything it touched started to melt. I pressed the lever again, but it fell once more. The tendrils continued to ravage the room. I ran away, leaving the controls and door to be devoured behind me. I pressed a switch beside a door to get inside the stable atrium. The light flashed red and the door locked from the inside. I turned only to see the black tentacles form a mass and start to slide towards me. The entire room was covered with black. The mass before me formed a gaping mouth with thousands of razor sharp teeth. I banged on the door... No answer. I turned as the creature lurched forward and devoured me whole. I felt its teeth perforate my hide. I saw blood splash everywhere. This was it, I was going to die. I was alone, in the darkness. I thought of my friends and family, how each of them cared for me, and how each became important in my life. Now I would never see them again. Then a small hole of light spread across me. I saw a hoof and claw extend towards me. I reached for them as my eyes adjusted to the light. I saw my friends, Styng and Daemon. They... were saving me. They pulled me through the darkness. I emerged bruised and cut. Blood seeping from my wounds. I looked down only to see dirt and sand. I looked up and saw a lifeless desert. The trees burned and bare. The ground dried and cracked. The stable door was behind me. Sealed and burned. I looked to my friends and they looked at me. We were outside, alone.



I awoke to my pipbuck's cry telling me to get up. Usually the lights are on before my alarm, but my room was still dark. I turned on my pipbuck's flashlight. "What's wrong with the lights?" I growled as I crawled out of bed.

I called out to mom... No answer. When I got out of bed I put on my stable barding as I walked into the living room, it was also dark. I looked out of the window beside the door to the balcony. The emergency flood lights were on brightening the atrium. There were bodies on the balcony on every floor. Blood was smeared on the window. What the heck was going on, some kind of riot!? I left the living room and trotted to my mother's. I pressed the button to open her door, it slid open and a horrific stench burst out of her room. It threw me back as I gasped to find fresher air. I lowered my head, about to throw up, it was unbearable, but I had to know if mom was okay. I called to her, "Mom... you okay?" I said with an unsteady voice.

I looked inside and held my pipbuck before me. What I saw would scar me for as long as I drew breath. I saw my mother laying on a blood soaked bed. Her body was chunks of flesh, held together by slivers of meat. I began to throw up, as tears swelled up in my eyes while I collapsed and began to cry. "No! No! No! This isn't real!" I shouted in denial.

I laid there, sobbing for what seemed like an eternity. I tried to clear my head and look at what was around me. The cries of other children, the green haze swirling in the room, and the sickening odor that I smelled. I got up, rubbed my eyes, and went to the door leading to the balcony.

I opened the door and trotted out to the balcony. My eyes widened, staring at what had become of Stable 68. Bloody limbs and corpses were strewn across the entire atrium. Bodies lay at the sides of others, lifeless and still. There were corpses against poles and walls. On a few floors they hung over the railings. Each of them decayed and rotting. I sat there in shock. “What... happened.” My voice trembling. I had to pull myself together. I shook my head and closed my eyes, trying to cope with my surroundings. I looked up and around for anything that wasn't a corpse. The green haze was seeping from vents and into thick pool on the lowest floor. The emergency lights were on, providing blinding light that glared off of the thick haze. I heard my name being called from above, a familiar voice shouting at me, begging for aid. I looked up to see Daemon yelling at me from across the atrium. "Rogue! Look at me darn it! Get up here and help me!"

I finally pulled myself together and started to yell back as I ran to him. "I'm coming Daemon! Hold on!"

"I'm going to find a doctor or something. Just try and help them." Daemon yelled, as he flew downstairs towards medical.

I ran as fast as I could over to where he had been before. His room door was open, bloody paw and claw marks on the floor. I looked inside and saw his parents laying in a pool of blood in the living room, gasping for air. Their eyes locked onto each other. They knew this was it. His father broke eye contact to look at me. He opened his beak and let the blood drip out as he coughed and said, "You and I...both know we won't make it." He coughed up some blood. "I want you to make sure... our son stays strong. Don't let him... lose hope." He put his claw to his chest as he coughed some more.

"Yes sir." I said feebly.

"You have to make... a promise." He said with a smirk.

I looked him in the eyes and said, "I promise I'll watch out for your son." with as solid a voice I could.

"You're... a good kid. I hope my son will... be like you." He said as he laid his head back down to look at his dying wife. He nodded to her and she did the same, and they both closed their eyes. Their chests rose and fell. Rose and fell. They rose and fell, then never rose again. They were dead. I sat there, my eyes started to blur as tears enveloped them. I closed the door and left the room with tears on my cheeks and went to the balcony.

Daemon flew back with a first-aid kit. "Okay I got some stuff and I think it might help...” He looked at the expression on my face. “Rogue... you okay?" He asked as he looked at me in worry.

"No I'm not, and I'm not sure if anyone else is, but I know we can't stay here any longer." I said as I looked at the decaying atrium.

Daemon looked at me with a surprised expression. "You mean like... leave the stable. But we don't have a code."

"Yeah, but the Overstallion's office computer has it and I'm pretty sure I can hack into the he office terminal.” I said matter-of-factly. “Go get Styng and meet me somewhere after I get the code.” I said as I tried to remember the layout of the stable.

“Okay, but if we really are leaving, we need to get some supplies. So after you get the code run down to the armory and help us get some weapons.” Daemon said as he started to lift off.

“Okay i'll try to be quick." Hopefully this wont be too difficult. I trotted upstairs to the third floor and found the Overstallion's room. The terminal beside his door glowed with a faded green. I pulled out the keyboard, booted up the system, and screen of gibberish, random numbers and symbols loaded up. I started to get to work. I had to back out two times, but I found it.


The password was Lilian.

The door opened with a hiss, as thick green mist flowed out from the opening. I trotted in to see the Overstallion laying against the computer with his jaw hanging on one side. Really why did he have to die RIGHT in front of the thing!? I grabbed his chair and jabbed him with it, pushing him away from the keyboard. I booted up the much bigger computer and was faced with the huge screen of randomness again. I looked for the last password and found it in the upper left corner. I clicked it and was rewarded with they 'ACCESS GRANTED' text. The random text slid down to the bottom of the screen and the home screen fell from the top. The home screen was filled with neatly organized folders. I looked for one that held passwords. Well I didn't find a 'Passwords' folder but I found a 'Misc' one, and clicked it. More folders, Really how many folders could one pony need. I found a 'Passwords' folder and was rewarded with... more folders. I growled, and looked through a few more folders. I finally found it, the code was '7GF4NFY'. I downloaded the code to my pipbuck and raced to meet with Daemon and Styng.

The screams from others was still echoing throughout the stable and the green mist was still pouring out of vents. I wondered if everypony's parents were dead, and why had all the children been left to suffer the loss. I ran down to the second floor and proceeded to the armory. I saw Daemon, he had a saddlebag laid across his flanks and he was loading a few guns and some ammunition. I looked for Styng and saw him in a corner, shaking. I walked over to him and patted his shoulder. He slowly turned to look at me. His eyes were red, he had been crying, a lot. His eyes met mine and he turned back around to look at the wall. He showed signs of traumatic stress. He probably wouldn't forget what happened today. “Rogue help me out will ya'!” Daemon called out to me as he tossed me a saddlebag. I looked around and saw a dead guard his body rotted and bleeding. There wasn't many other ponies here, probably either sobbing over corpses or raiding other areas. I started to gather weapons and ammo. Two batons, an assault rifle, two pistols, a few boxes of 5.56 and 10mm ammunition. “Okay when you think you have enough lets head to the clinic, we're probably gonna need some healing potions and bandages.” I said.

“Alright, I’ll carry Styng.” Daemon responded. We walked out of the armory with a whole assortment of weapons and ammo. We looked at our pipbucks and tallied up our supplies as we ran over to medical. “Hey Daemon, how did you get into the armory anyway?” I asked with a little suspicion.

“Oh that, it was already opened, that guard in there, was probably doing inventory or something. He was dead when we got there.” He said evenly. We walked into the clinic and saw that most of the other supplies had been taken, probably to help the already dying parents. We looked for anything that wasn't already taken. I found a locked, metal cabinet, but only Styng knew how to pick locks. Guess we would have to leave it. “Hey Rogue!” Daemon called out. “I found a terminal over here. Think you can hack it?”

“Yeah, be over there in a sec.” I called back as I took one last look at the cabinet and trotted over to the terminal to boot it up. The random text loaded onto the screen... this might be difficult. The possible passwords were over ten letters long! I was good at hacking but not even close to this. I closed the terminal. “Sorry dude, I can't get this one.” I said with a huff.

“Dang. Well I guess well just search the boxes on the wall for anything left.” He said with a growl. We started to look through the boxes and found a few assorted chems, Med-X, Rad-Away and Buck. I guess that's as good as we're gonna get. “Okay lets head to the door and get out of here. I don't wanna sit around and find out what happens next.” I said looking at my pipbuck's map of the stable.

“Alright, I’m gonna find something to help Styng stay on, he'll fall off if I move too much.” Daemon said looking at Styng. He walked over to a restraint table in the room, tore off the restraints and walked outside. I heard some faint hoof steps from the hallway, so I trotted over to the door to the opposite hallway to check. Pain shot through my head as something hit me. I fell back on the floor and held my throbbing head. I opened my watery eyes and saw a blur of purple and white. Stardust? He was rushing to each of the emptied medical boxes. His face was covered in tears, his eyes pleading for something to be able to help him. He reached the last box and looked inside, empty. He smashed the metal box, denting it, and then let out a whimper and fell on the floor. He looked at me and my gear, and pleaded. “Please, please give me something for my mom. She's dying and I don't know what's wrong. Please.”

I looked at him, his face dripping with tears, as he looked at me with his reddened eyes. I trotted over to him and put my hoof on his shoulder. “I'm sorry Stardust, but nothing can stop whats happening. We're leaving the stable, you should just come with us.” I said as I looked at his pleading face.

He looked at me in disbelief and then let his head fall. He sat there a moment, probably thinking of his options. "Ok, I'll come with you." Stardust looked up at me. "Just let me say my goodbyes and get some stuff." Stardust said as he wiped his tears.

"Alright, but try to hurry, we're leaving soon." I said as I walked back to the door. "You know how to get to the big door right?" I asked.

"Kinda, isn't it somewhere on the second floor?"

"Yeah, just follow the signs and you should get there. Daemon and I will be waiting."

After that I met up with Daemon, who was outside with Styng harnessed between his wings. "You alright, you got a mark on your head." Daemon said looking at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, I ran into Stardust and convinced him to come with us."

"Okay, well we need to hurry, I really don't want to stay here much longer." Daemon said as he started to walk down the hall. I trotted after him and we walked down the balcony towards the stable door.

After walking through a few hallways and smashing a few roaches, Stardust caught up and we arrived at Stable 68's door. After we passed through, we would likely never return. I walked over to the control panel and entered the code, 7GF4NFY, and pressed the button. The yellow lights started to flash and the giant arm began to swing down. Flashes of my dream started to mix with reality and I drew a gun and pointed it at the door, ready to fire at the black creature behind it. The mechanical piston retracted and pulled the door free. Light pierced the room through the sides of the door and we shielded our eyes. The stable vacuum pulled in fresh air as the door pulled free. The door started to roll to the side and the room was flooded with light. I looked to my friends and they looked to me, waiting for my move. I trotted towards the door and they followed. We were going outside.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 2

Beyond The Wall

By Quinton R. Johnson

The outside will never be what I expected. I knew that some catastrophe occurred during my great, great grandparent's time, that caused a war between ponies and zebra. As the death toll rose, so did their ambitions towards more destructive ways of defeating the enemy. Soon, huge combat spells, known as megaspells, were cast and the world as we knew it was destroyed. I half expected everything to be a little greener after 200 years. I looked up towards the clouds and saw they engulfed the entire sky, only a few rays of light broke through. Stardust was disappointed as well. Daemon just looked around and took in the sight. Styng was finally starting to come around. He looked around. "Anyone mind telling me why I'm strapped onto you like some kinda saddlebag?" Styng said.

Daemon looked back and started to untie the straps that held Styng. "Oh, you kinda blanked out on us and got traumatized by the whole stable poison thing." Daemon said bluntly. "You wouldn't walk so I had to carry you."

"Hey guys I'm gonna go scout ahead and look for... something we can set as a waypoint." I said as I started to climb the hill surrounding the stable door. "Make sure we have enough supplies to last a few days."

I was beginning to ascend the hill and started to see a few roads in the distance. When I reached the top, the sight was breathtaking. The wasteland was a huge desert, full of sanded over streets, destroyed towns, and broken down wagons. We were right beside the ruins of an old town, there were people walking around in it. They had old wagons piled on one another to form a makeshift wall around the perimeter. The inhabitants looked to have some sort of leather barding on. Their weapons looked pretty beat up, but still working. I also saw some kind of two headed cow thing walking towards the settlement. It was pulling a cart with boxes inside, a pony was sitting atop the boxes, probably the owner of the beast and its cargo. The armed residents looked at the beast and its master and aimed their rifles, they didn't fire, they just... watched. I heard faint shouts, too far to make out, but then the gates opened and the stranger strolled inside.

I trotted back to Daemon, Styng and Stardust, they just looked at me while I came back. "What did you see up there?" Styng asked, now on all four hooves.

"There's some kind of encampment over behind the hill. The people look mean but they seem nice. Some guy with a mutant cow thing walked in without any problems." I explained. "I didn't see much else though."

"So, I guess our only option is to stop by town and check to see if we can get some directions. How far did it look?" Stardust asked as he stood beside Daemon.

"It looks a few hundred meters but it looks relatively safe. That doesn't mean it is though, so be on your guard." I said drawing a sort of map in the dirt. I looked at my pipbuck and checked out the mapping, the area around us was blank, other than the geographical lines. The only marker was a little gear labeled "Stable 68" but we knew we weren't going back in there. So we walked around to the back of the hill and went south towards the small town. We walked along the street leading towards the town and saw the gates open back up and the cow thing passed through with a few less boxes in the cart, but still carrying the pony operator. They started to walk down the road towards us. I looked to my friends. "Ok everyone don't fire unless fired upon. Got that?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me and nodded in agreement. We got within shouting distance and the stranger started to wave at us and we waved back. We walked up to the stranger and he slowed the cow thing's pace and hopped off of the cart. "You fellers looking to trade? I got plenty of stock." The old beige stallion said with a grin.

I looked at him. "Umm, I don't think we have any money but we have other supplies. So what are you selling?" I asked politely.

He looked at the little group of kids and put his hoof on his chin. "Well it depends on whacha' need. I got food, medicine, a few guns and some assorted ammunition." He said with a pat of each of the boxes in the cart. I asked about the food and he opened the crate. The crate contained some bundles of dried hay, a few stacks of daisy sandwiches, and... some kinda meat? "If it's ok to ask, what kind of meat is that?" I asked pointing out the slabs of meat.

"Well that there is some fine cuts of radigator. Acquired from the town of Arbu by yours truly. Those will be five caps a piece. The hay bundles are eight caps, and the daisy sandwiches are twelve caps." I looked over to my friends as we discussed what we would need. We bought three bundles, two sandwiches and three cuts of Radigator. We traded a 10mm pistol and twenty 10mm rounds for them. "Thank ya for yer business." He said coolly.

"And thank you mister..." I looked to the side of his cart and saw a faded logo. I couldn't make out many words but 'apples' was on there. "mister Apples." I said with a smile.

"Oh please, that's my fathers name. The name's Crabapples, nice to meet a few Crusaders out here."

"Come again. Did you say we were, Crusaders?" Daemon asked in confusion.

Crabapples looked at us again. And then hit his head with his hoof. "Aww crabapples! Sorry youngsters, since your so young I just assumed you knew of 'em, but now that I look at cha, ya'll are some stable folk. My apologies." Crabapples said, rubbing his hoof on the back of his head.

"Well, I'm Rogue, the Griffin is Daemon, the unicorn is Stardust, and the Pegasus is Styng." I said pointing to each of my friends.

"What 'is' a Crusader anyway." Stardust asked.

"Well, the Crusaders are a big group of youngins who go around the wasteland and try to help as many other kids as possible. They don't too much like adults though. Their main headquarters is up north towards Hoofington. But you won't catch ol' Crabapples up there, no sir ree. Hoofington's a death trap." He said as he shook his head.

"Are there any Crusaders around here?" Styng asked in curiosity.

"I think there are a few camps of 'em round here. The closest one is back down this road south a few miles. I'm actually heading by there right now. I can give you s ride. I don't think Hank and Daffodil would mind any." He said pointing at the cow thing.

"What is that anyway?" I asked.

"Well this here is a Brahmin. They used to be cows till the magical radiation mutated 'em up." Crabapples said matter-of-factly. I trotted over to the Brahmin to get a better look.

The left head looked at me. "Are you gettin' on or not. We got deadlines to make." Hank said in a deep voice.

"Wha! What! You can talk!" I shouted in surprise.

"Sure can, but Daffodil over here don't do much." Hank said, nodding his head over to the second. "So you riding or not" Hank said with a huff. I looked to my friends and they nodded.

"I guess we are."

"Well then hop aboard." Hank said. Everyone piled into the back of the cart and got comfortable. Daemon and Styng would fly ahead to see if

the road was safe every once and awhile. We spotted a broken down gas station up the road. "Half way there, best make a pit stop and see what we can gather here before we continue." Crabapples said before dismounting. Everyone hopped off and looked around the station.

"Daemon, can you fly me up onto the roof? I want to keep an eye out." I asked.

"Sure. Hold on." Daemon's said as he hoisted me up with his claws and started to flap his wings. He lifted and placed me onto the roof, then went back down into the store. There wasn't much up here, a chair with a table beside, it looking towards the south end of the road. A footlocker sat beside it. I trotted over to the footlocker and opened it up. Twelve caps, a few 10mm rounds and a magazine, [name of science mag.] I opened it up, sat on the chair and started to read.

A little while later I heard Crabapples call out to everyone. "Alright everyone, we're about to leave! Mount up in two minutes!"

I trotted over to where Daemon had dropped me off and called out to him. "Daemon, I'm ready to come down now." Daemon came from inside the store and flew up onto the roof.

"There was actually some pretty cool stuff in there." He said as he grabbed hold and flew me down. He held out his pipbuck and showed me a few of the things he got; Leather barding, a 10mm SMG, and some scrap metal.

"I found a magazine up there, something about terminals and stuff. I didn't learn much, but every little bit counts. Also did you find any caps." I started to whisper. "Crabapples will probably charge us for the trip."

"Oh yeah I got at least twenty in there. Hey, you want this barding I got? I'm not into the lighter stuff." Daemon asked as he pulled out the barding. I took it from him and looked it over, it was in pretty good shape. I'd probably reinforce it with some scrap or something. "Sure, thanks dude." I said as I equipped the new gear. After everyone got back onto the cart, we started to move south once again. We passed a few other wastelanders and traded with them. We were at least a third of the way there, when we were swarmed by mutated parasprites, bloatsprites, is what Crabapples called them. There were at least ten of them surrounding us. They started to shoot little stingers at us. Crabapples pulled out a lever action rifle and started to shoot off the pest's wings. Daemon grabbed some SMG's and started to fly back and forth over the bugs, he fired as he went overhead. Styng and Stardust grabbed batons and began to hit and run. I took an assault rifle and took a few well placed shots at the creatures' abdomens. One of the stingers came flying my way and stuck into my leather barding. Thank you Daemon. I pulled the stinger out with my magic and continued to shoot. Soon the bloatsprite were few in numbers and scattered. Daemon walked over to one of the downed bugs and put parts into his saddlebag.

"Hey Daemon, what are you doing?" I asked

"Oh um, Crabapples said they were edible, so I'm gonna try it." Daemon said as he stuffed another into his bag.

"That's, disgusting." I said flatly.

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it." Daemon said mockingly.

"Well, does you pipbuck say you have them?"

"Well, actually yeah, it does, says all its effects and how much it's worth."

"Wow, these things are just full off surprises aren't they." I said looking at my pipbuck. When we got onto the wagon I looked at Styng and Stardust, they had bloatsprite guts all over their faces and were trying to wipe it off. I think I saw some in their mouths. That made me cringe. We continued down the south road. I could see makeshift wall ahead about two hundred fifty meters up the road. I could hear faint gunshots. As we got closer, everyone could hear shouts and gunshots coming from the other side.

"Alright youngins stay put till ol Crabapples comes back." He said as he trotted over to the wall's side. He snuck around into a hole and crawled through. He didn't come back out till about thirty seconds later, as he trotted back out and over to us. "Ok the Crusaders are getting attacked by raiders. When we get up there I want you to shoot as many mad ponies as you can. Friendlies are anypony with little blue badges on their barding. Everypony grab a weapon and follow me quietly." Crabapples said as he loaded his lever action.

Daemon grabbed his SMG's, I grabbed a primary Assault Rifle and a secondary10mm pistol, Styng grabbed a baton, and Stardust grabbed a 10mm pistol. Everyone called out that they were ready and we set off to the wall. The shouts and gunshots muffled our approach as we squeezed through the hole. We climbed onto a roof that had a half wall around the edge that gave us some defense if we were to be seen. Crabapples crouched down by the wall and motioned for us to stay low. "Alright here's the plan. Daemon you be careful and try to draw the raiders attention. Stardust sneak around and try to take out the distracted." A bullet smashed through the wall and created a hole clean through. "Ok gotta hurry, Rogue you stay put and take out as many as you can with your rifle. Styng you fly by and hit them as hard as you can. Any questions?" He said as he peeked through the little bullet hole. No questions. So we started to move. Daemon flew off to the left and landed on a to the right of the building that the raiders were shooting at, probably holding Crusaders within. "Hey ugly!" Daemon shouted.

The raiders looked at each other. "He's obviously talking about you Jerrycan!" One of raider mares called out in a slight Manehatten accent.

"Oi! I'm not ugly! E' was 'alkin about you ugly! I'm guessing Jerrycan yelled back.

"Can somepony shoot that little

F#%K!?" One of them yelled. Daemon realized they were about to shoot and started duck back behind the building and run around the back. The raiders started to walk over to where he had been and I fired a single shell. The bullet hit a raider and tore off his jaw. He screamed through the blood starting to pour from his mouth, but he didn't go down, so I fired again and the bullet tore through his skull and blasted brains onto the ground. The other raiders heard their friend and fired were my head used to be. Daemon got into a window and started to fire at them. Bullets hit three raiders and only one wasn't fatal. They all turned and fired at where Daemon had been but he was already crawling out the back. Styng came from the sky and bashed one of the raiders heads in with a baton. The raider's face caved in as he fell and squirmed, the life leaving his body. Styng was already flying back up and out of range for any of the raider's guns. I popped back out and shot one in the leg, bringing him to his knees, then I finished him with a bullet to the head and ducked back down. Crabapples popped up and shot three rounds off into two raiders dropping both. He held his rifle so... awkwardly. Styng came in for another hit and this time hit two raiders, one in his temple, and the other in her eye. I peeked over and saw Stardust hiding behind a few stacked boxes taking out raiders as they looked the other way. We had a half a dozen left, but then I heard the loudest scream I'd ever heard coming from the other side of a wall. A giant raider, equipped with a twin minigun battle saddle, and armor at least two inches thick, came crashing through and started to shoot wildly. He shot building and raider alike, shredding uncovered flesh in a flurry of 5mm rounds. Well, that's just great. There were two more raiders and the boss raider in the courtyard now. Crabapples popped up and started to shoot the boss's torso, but the armor around him just sparked as it deflected the bullets. I looked over the lip and used SATS to slow down time and survey the area. Daemon was on top of the building, Styng up in the sky, Stardust behind the boxes, me and Apples here. I looked at the boss raider, his armor had very few openings; his eyes, backs of his legs and his... other parts, but they could be hit with a well placed shot. I checked the other two raiders and queued up two shots for their heads and set off the spell. Time sped back up and the bullets hit the raiders and they both fell. That only left the big guy. I heard more gunshots and looked over to the shot up building and saw muzzle flash and an array of red beams being fired from the windows. The boss's armor deflected a few bullets and the beams only burned a few spots. He turned to look at the building, this was our chance. I pulled up my rifle and looked down the sights, his miniguns started to spin, I aimed for the holes where his eyes should be and fired three rounds. Two sparks later a bullet hit home. He screamed in pain and looked to where the bullet had came from with his one intact eye. Another bullet hit behind his left forehoof and he dropped to his knees. The miniguns roared as they fired into the ground. Thank you Stardust. The raider tried to get up but Styng came down so fast the impact of the baton cracked the helmet and sent the baton flying out of his mouth. The raider boss stumbled over and tried to get back up again but it was too late.

"FIRE!" Was all I heard before the gunfire from the building roared just like the miniguns and tore the bottom of the raider to pieces. Crimson laser beams and hundreds of bullets were hurled into the raider's soft underbelly. His armor started to break apart and fell to the ground. The bullets ripped through flesh and bone alike. Then the roar stopped and the smoke started to clear. The raider was just a half hollow shell of armor. His organs spilled out onto the ground and blood soaked the dirt around him. He let out a moan and then his last breath. He was dead and we had won.

Cheering erupted from the building as twenty or so colts and fillies came running out. Styng had recovered the broken baton, which was bent so far it looked like it would would snap just holding it. Daemon had hopped off the building to meet some of the fillies and colts who were thanking us for the help. Stardust came from the back of the boxes and just floated the pistol into his saddlebag as some kids came over to thank him. Crabapples and I hopped off the building and joined the celebration. A blue and yellow colt trotted up to me. He kinda looked like lightening.

"Thanks for the help, I'm Flash, the leader of these crusaders; who would have died if not for you and your friends." Flash said thankfully. "You and your friends can definitely hold your own in a fight. You mind if I talk with you and your group in my office, I would like to discuss a reward for your assistance." Flash said as he pointed over to a bigger shack.

"Hey guys come here a minute!" I shouted to my friends.

They all joined me, we introduced ourselves and walked into the shack. Flash was sitting behind a slightly worn desk that reminded me of the Overstallion's. "I want to offer you safe haven here. We've lost a few of our own and now their houses are vacant. If you accept, you and your friends will become full residents of Turntable. Their is also the chance to become Crusaders, but you may decline if you wish. Any questions?"

"What does it mean to be a Crusader?" I asked.

"A Crusader is anypony, or Griffin or other, that has chosen to help other colts and fillies around the wasteland." Flash explained.

"Any pros or cons?" Styng asked.

"Well, pros are you always have support from other Crusaders, we have very few enemies, and you always have somewhere safe to go in the wasteland, since we have two other camps around the area. Cons are the Finders will always fight over scavenge grounds, and once you become eighteen years of age, I'm afraid you have to leave the Crusaders, but you all look young enough to be here for a good one to four more years." Flash explained.

I turned to my friends. "Well guys, we have a choice, stay here or leave." I turned to Flash. "You mind let us step outside to think this over for a few minutes?" I asked.

"Sure, take your time."

Everyone, but Flash, left the room and regrouped outside.

My look passed from each friend to the next. "Well guys, what do you think?" I asked my friends. We each looked around at the little encampment we were in, it wasn't the best, but it definitely was something. "If we stay, we'll be relatively safe, we'll have a new home and be able to learn more about the wasteland. My vote goes to staying." I said.

"Well, if you're staying then I

guess I'll stay too." Daemon seconded.

"I'm in too." Styng thirded.

"Same." Stardust fourthed.

"Now about this Crusader business. Anyone want to. It wouldn't be a bad choice if we're already staying here." I said matter-of-factly. Everyone nodded and I turned to the shack. "Well let's go talk to Flash and tell him were staying."

We walked in and Flash was sitting in his chair reading a Guns and Bullets magazine. He looked up at us. "Well friends what's your decision?" Flash asked.

"We're staying Flash, all of us, and we'll become Crusaders." Flash put down the magazine and stood up. He pushed a button on his desk and a novice rang out. He trotted over to a pedestal on the other side of the room and put his hooves on the top of it. A few seconds later two other ponies trotted in, the first a white unicorn filly with a curled gold mane and gold eyes, the second a citrine earth pony colt with a slick black mane and brown eyes. They both took their places beside Flash.

"Everyone ready?" Flash asked as he pulled out a sheet of paper. Everyone nodded. "Let's get started then." Flash cleared his throat. "We, the Crusader Congress, elect Rogue, Daemon, Styng and Stardust to join us as family, comrades, and fellow Crusaders! With this new title you must uphold what being a Crusader means; support fellow Crusaders, and never kill, steal from, besmirch, or betray a fellow Crusader. Breaking any of these rules will result in permanent banishment of the violator from any and all Crusader camps. Do you understand all these rules as they have been read out to you?" Flash announced.

"Yes." We said in unison.

"I would like to welcome you all to the Crusaders friends, please follow me to your new homes." Flash said as we trotted out to the courtyard. A few groups were still celebrating, others were cleaning up the mess and taking anything useful. The citrine colt and white filly followed us out and split up after we got half way. "The raiders killed a total of four. We have two homes and a workplace that need occupants. The raiders killed our scrap smith, had his soundproof helmet on, poor colt. The others were a few of our scavengers who were quite gifted in their profession. The homes are furnished and but have other decorations from the previous residents, those are now yours. Everything you find within those walls belongs to you. Make yourselves at home and if you need any help, just ask around and I'm sure you'll find what you need." Flash said as he walked back to his office. "If ur looking for work, I suggest asking around camp. There's always something somepony wants done around here."

"We'll see what we can do." I said as my friends and I made our way to the empty homes. Daemon and I got the left house while Styng and Stardust got the other. I would check out the scrap smith's place tomorrow.

The sun was setting above the top of the wall now. The clouds just made the sky turn a dull Crimson. I walked away from the window down into the living room. Daemon was sitting on the couch looking at our supplies. "Hey, we need to check out what others need done around here. I can't sit here and do nothing." Daemon said dully.

He was bored I could see it. I bet everyone was bored, but after the fight earlier; I'm not sure what could make this life more interesting. Well, unless there's some super secret organization doing some super secret operation or something.

"Hey, wanna check out the scrap smith's place? It'd give you something to do." I said nodding toward the door.

He looked at me, and then back to the supplies. "Sure, I guess." He mumbled.

We walked over to the empty shack. The outside looked barely rusted. I also saw a small symbol, painted onto the door. I turned on my pipbuck lamp to illuminate the area. The symbol was a wrench above some metal plates, gears and other scraps. Daemon and i opened the door and walked inside. In the center of the room was a rounded scrap covered table. To the left beside the door was a window with a single bullet hole in it. I lined up the bullets path and followed it to the blood splatter on the wall. I looked down and saw a small helmet with earmuffs on the sides. A bullet hole ran clean through and dried blood stained the other side. I picked up the helmet and placed it on the table. Daemon was looking at the creations that were hung in the wall. I trotted over to get a better look. We saw a set of metal plated barding, two makeshift pistols, and a incomplete rifle. I surrounded the rifle in my magic grip and carefully pulled it down. The rifle had some dust on it, that I blew and rubbed off. RG-32 was etched onto the side. The barrel had some kind of chamber towards the end and the scope looked suited for medium to long distance. I put the gun back onto the rack and looked around for a light source. I found an old prewar lantern, hanging from a pole, and lit it with the match box built into the bottom. The lantern gave off a bright yellow light around the room, much more than I anticipated. I looked at the lantern again and saw a badly weathered brand name. It read, UltraBright. Hmm guess that's some kinda enchanted lantern or something. Daemon was looking at a case, which had the same symbol from outside in place of the padlock. I trotted over and looked at it. The case was a matte black, no scratches or dents, the handle had the same finish as the rest. I picked up the case with my telekinesis and tried to open it, it didn't budge. I put my hoof onto the padlock, and a slight glow of yellow overtook the lock and I felt it heat up my hoof. I quickly pulled away and I heard a hum from the case, suddenly the padlock reshaped into a wrench with a lightning bolt behind it and popped open. Daemon and I looked at each other in surprise. He nodded for me to open it. Inside were the blueprints for the RG-32 and other various creations, and a note from somepony named Scrap n' Craft. I began to read.


If you are reading this, then the inheritor has passed on. The case has deemed you worthy of knowing the secrets within. Inside are the belongings of me, and the past inheritors of this case. Very few are able to open it, but you have a gift, the gift of creation. You can create anything if you put you mind, body, and soul into your work. You are the new inheritor, use your gift wisely, goddesses only know what you can create. But know this, if this case may be lost, or you pass on to the afterlife, the secrets will be locked again, until the next inheritor finds it. Go forth with your gift and build to your wildest dreams.

Scrap n, Craft


Well now I don't know what to think right now. Daemon was just as surprised as me. I looked into the case and pulled out a few blueprints, a few for some traps, armor, weapons. These would be helpful. There were also other personal belongings inside. A few pictures, maybe of the past inheritors and some other items like special tools and such. "Well this is... interesting." Daemon said hesitantly.

"Yeah it is, looks like my special talent is to make things." I said as a warm glow surged through me from horn to hoof. I turned around to look at my flank and saw it, my cutiemark! The same symbol from the case, the wrench with the lightning bolt behind it. "Daemon, I got it! I got my cutiemark! This is amazing!" I screamed in joy.

"Yeah, really happy for you, but try to keep it down. It's getting dark and I don't want anypony to think we're being attacked again." Daemon hushed.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said as I tried to contain my excitement. "I'm gonna stay in here and look around a bit more. You can leave whenever."

"Ok, just try not to blow anything up while you're here. I don't want to come in to your guts splashed onto a wall." Daemon said playfully.

"Yeah, ok mom." I joked back. After saying that a tear came to my eye.

Daemon started to leave the shack and I began to look around through the case a bit more. I pulled out the RG-32 blueprints and gun from the wall and placed them onto the circular table. I cleared off the scrap metal and electronics and set them aside. I looked around and saw a tool rack and levitated a few of the tools off. Plasma torch, wrench, screwdriver and all the other necessary tools to complete the rifle. I took a few looks at the blueprints and trotted around the workshop to find the components. I stayed up all night working on the rifle. Some time around midnight, Daemon walked in to check on me. "Hey Rogue, you ok in... is that the railgun!?" He asked in amazement as he looked at the almost complete RG-32.

"Yeah, just need to put on some finishing touches and it will be fully operational, with a technically infinite amount of ammo. It uses scrap metal to create new railgun shells. This chamber here has a melting talisman and a recombobulator matrix inside, which makes the scrap into shells. Pretty cool huh?" I said as I pointed to the quite impressive weapon.

Daemon walked around the table gazing on the beautifully crafted gun. "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Were you up all night?"

"Yeah but I'm not all that tired, I guess time flies when you're having fun. I'll be back at the house after I'm finished."

"Ok, and tomorrow, when you're done, you wanna head outside the camp and fire it?

"Yeah, it'd be a great test run for it." I said excitedly.

Daemon watched me work on the gun for a few minutes, asking questions about which doohickey did what. He left about fifteen minutes later and I finished the gun around twelve thirty. I put up my tools, put the rifle back on the rack, blew out the lantern, and left for the house. As I got closer I started to realize that now that I'm away I actually do feel really tired. I walked inside the house, went to my room, and hopped onto my bed. Time for a well deserved rest. I closed my eyes and thought about tomorrow. I started to doze off and finally fell asleep. Tomorrow is a new day.


Level Up: Rogue has acquired the Telekinetic Sonar spell!

Level Up: Styng's mental state is now unstable. -1 To all SPECIAL stats.

Level Up: Daemon

(Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Crusades. I'm new to writing books and if you find something wrong, don't hesitate to tell me. I want to thank Kkat for making the original Fallout Equestria series and inspiring me to write my own, Hasbro for making the MLP series, Bethesda for making Fallout, all my friends and family who encouraged me to go further and for helping me proofread this chapter. There will be more chapters to come, but each may take a few weeks or so to finish since I'm working alone. I could really use some help. Be sure to email me at :momo7759@yahoo.com: Thanks everypony!)

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 3


By Quinton R. Johnson

My dream started like most of my others ; blank, no color, no sound, nothing. Then everything started to fill itself in. The buildings came together from all the parts they composed of, slowly forming the structure. I was in the courtyard of Turntable. I looked around and saw the last of the buildings piece themselves together. The last was the workshop. The symbol outside slightly glowing, bringing itself to notice. I trotted over to it and opened the door to the workshop. The RG-32 sat assembled on the round table and beside it stooped a slightly transparent colt.

"Hello, Rogue." He said calmly in a slightly echoed voice.

I on the other hoof almost had a heart attack at the sight, rearing back and falling onto my backside.

"No need to be frightened friend, I can not harm you." The apparition said.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect anyone unfamiliar to be here." I admitted. "So, who are you anyway?"

The ghostly figure started to glow, blinding me of the view. The light faded and I was met with a teal stallion with a blue to green gradient mane. His cutiemark was the same as the symbol from outside. Could it be. "They called me Scrap n' Craft, and I was the creator of the case, the one you found a few hours ago." He said in a deeper voice than before.

"So why are you here and not on some holotape or something?"

"Because not everyone has the means to view a holotape, but everyone sleeps, and that is why I occupy this dream." He said matter-of-factly.

"That makes sense, but 'why' are you here?" I asked again.

"I'm here to see who the box has chosen. You see the real Scrap n' Craft died over two hundred years ago. I'm just an A.I. created by him to assist those who inherit the case and its contents. That is 'why' I am here." He corrected.

"Ah, okay, I see. So what do I call you and what would you like to know?"

"You may call me anything you please, within reason of course. First, I would like to know your intentions for the use of your gift. Next, I would like to know what you may or may not be getting yourself into. Lastly, I want to know of your friends."

"Well to answer the first one, I honestly have no idea what exactly my intentions are. I've always lived in a stable, so the wasteland is a completely foreign concept to me and my friends. Next, I really don't know what I'll be getting into, but the worst I know of are raiders. Finally, my friends, Daemon; the griffin, is more headstrong and confident. He doesn't let things intimidate him easily, which can make him a bit cocky at times, also he's pretty good at talking his way out of trouble. Styng; my pegasus friend, is the more athletic of us, but he lacks self confidence and tenacity, but when he has positive encouragement, he can go far. Stardust; the other unicorn, is quickest on the field but not so much in magical comprehension. I don't really know all that much about him though." I tried to recall anything else but came up empty hoofed. "I think that pretty much covers everything you asked."

"It does and I'll review this information later to see what I can do, but until then, I will gift you a telekinetic enhancement to help you on your journey. You have three choices; the first allows you to send out a telekinetic pulse. Technically like a short range sonar that can provide a tactical advantage on the field. Next an enhance allowing you to change the particle energy of an object allowing you to slow, speed up, heat up or cool the particles within an object. Last an enhance that will triple the strength of your telekinesis. Take your pick and I will send you into a memory providing the knowledge on how to preform your new enhancement."

I started to think of which enhancement to take, this is a difficult choice. "I think I'll choose the second enhancement." I said reluctantly.

"Very well. Here is your memory and we will continue our conversation at a later date." He said as he floated a blue-green orb towards me.

"Makes sense. Okay, is there anything else you need?" I asked as I held the orb within my telekinesis.

"That seems to have given me all the data I need. Thank you for your assistance Rogue." He said, starting to fade away.

I placed the orb on the ground and focused on making a connection with it. A spark lanced across the distance between me and the orb and my dream world swirled away.


I woke up in a small facility with metal floors and walls. The ceiling high above me with pipes stretching across. Across from me stood a dusky colored unicorn stallion. He was bulky and wore a green jumpsuit with three small golden chevrons on the right shoulder.

"Welcome to boot camp maggot!" He yelled. "My name is Lieutenant Haze, and I will be teaching you how to use your telekinetic pulse ability!" He said as he approached.

"Ummm, okay?" I said slightly frightened.

"That's 'Yes sir, Lieutenant Haze, sir' for you maggot!" He yelled in my face.

Okay, now I was scared. "Yes sir, Lieutenant Haze, sir" I said weakly.

"What was that maggot I can't hear you!?"

"Yes sir, Lieutenant Haze, sir." I said a little louder.

"WHAT MAGGOT!?" He thundered in my face.

"YES SIR, LIEUTENANT HAZE, SIR!" I finally yelled.

"That's better maggot. Now, on to orientation."

The entire room began to vibrate and roar with the sound of machinery. Suddenly the floors and walls transformed into a true boot camp. Rope swings, trenches, even an obstacle course, flipped over from the underside of the paneled floor.

"Welcome to Camp Fantasy, recruit." He said as he motioned his hoof around the new scene. "For the next couple of hours you will be here learning how to preform new spells or practice old ones. You can come here anytime you choose whenever you're asleep just by thinking about it. That orb you used to get here will then reconnect you to this dreamscape." He said as he pointed to the blue-green orb. He continued, "So, knowing all you need to know about this place, are you ready to begin your training?" He asked finally.

"Sir, yes sir!" I yelled.

"Good. Time for lesson one. The basic principles of casting this spell are simple. While using your telekinesis, try to form a bubble around yourself first, after you complete that expand the bubble around yourself. These are my assistants, Corporal Dean and Private Heart o' Gold, Dean will show you the most effective ways of performing any spell while Heart here, will show you what not to do." He said as two new ponies formed from thin air. Dean I'm guessing was the more decorated unicorn soldier while Heart was a recruit like me but had a dirty uniform; covered in dirt and soot.

"Corporal Dean, please demonstrate the perfect Tele. Pulse." He asked.

"Sir, yes sir!" He said as his horn began to glow a bright green.

A small mote of light pushed from his horn and floated above him, then it expanded over his body, growing in size exponentially. After about twenty yards of expansion it faded and Vet's horn stopped glowing.

"Good work Corporal. Private, you're up. Demonstrate the Tele. Pulse and its potential dangers."

"Sir, yes sir!" Heart yelled. His horn began to glow a faint blue and the orb floated above him, but instead of rapidly expanding it only expanded a short distance then rapidly shrunk, causing magical feedback, making him to go limp and fall over.

"Good work Private." He said to the still body.

"Is he dead?" I asked, tempted to poke the body with my hoof.

"No, just unconscious, he'll be out for a while. That's what happens when you don't provide enough power to sustain the pulse. The recoil knocks the user out cold and renders them defenseless."

Heart began to wake up. His eyes opened and he blinked rapidly. "I can't move sir." Dean said, lying on the floor.

"Ah yes, the temporary paralysis is also a lasting counter effect of the spell. While Private Heart recovers I'd like for you to cast the spell. Don't worry you won't have to deal with the paralysis multiple times, but you will know what it feels like the first time you fail. Okay recruit, begin." Lieutenant Haze said.

I took a deep breath and concentrated. My horn began to glow as I cast the spell. The orb floated above me and began to slowly expand. I added more power and it expanded more rapidly. I could see through the floors and saw the machinery that flipped the floors. I felt the strain of the spell beginning to take hold, so I stopped casting. The orb faded and the X-ray effect stopped.

"Well done recruit, got it on your first go." He said with surprise. Dean and Heart; who was now standing, also congratulated me. "Alright recruit, time for something a little more advanced." Haze said. The room collapsed as one and the panels flipped back over. The engine growl grew and large concrete walls seemed to grow from the floor. The walls free until they almost reached the ceiling; which has transformed into a grid based crane system. Some smaller panels around us flipped over and revealed glowing platforms. They began to project transparent images that slowly rotated. "Okay cadets, time for the maze challenge. In this course you will be using the Tele. Pulse spell to navigate through the maze. Within this maze are traps and robots equipped with paralyzing agents. The paralysis will only last a few seconds but it's enough to slow you down significantly." He explained. The small holograms showed the robots and traps firing off in different ways. An underground trap that sprayed the gas upwards. Another trap was a pressure plate that revealed multiple turrets that fired a single volley of darts. The robots were the same as protectaponies but were encased in a white enamel armor. Their slim, lightweight design allowed them to maneuver around the maze easily. The holograms faded and revealed a mostly blurred out maze with only a few areas being clear. Three spaces in the corners and another in the center. "This area in the center is your objective. If you find each other inside the course you may stifle your opponent with a single dart from this rifle." He said as he teleported some rifles in front of him. Each of them with a pneumatic pump and a gas canister attached. "Are their any questions?" Haze asked.

"No sir." We said in unison.

"Good, hold still and prepare for teleport." He said as his horn glowed. He passed us our rifles and we slipped them onto our backs.

In a flash we were placed into our separate areas with a large metal gate preventing progress. A loud crackle and a squeal overhead caught my attention.

"Ok cadets, everyone ready?" Haze asked over an intercom.

I nodded and the gate began to rise. I ran as fast as I could and passed right underneath, ducking my head. I began to cast my pulse spell and slowed my pace. The outline revealed a large multitude of paths to take. I followed one of the paths to my right. It kept going and then turned left twice until hitting a dead end. I looked left and saw the path split into two more. I ran left and stopped at the conjunction. I looked left and saw a robot slowly walking down the hall towards me. The path behind it went on towards another split, while the other path lead to a dead end and another path. I chose the right path and went passed the dead end. I used the spell again and saw blocks on the walls and underneath them I saw the turrets from the hologram. I looked down at the floor and saw that I was about to step onto the pressure plate that activated them. I halted instantly and corrected my hoofing, trotting around the pressure plate and avoiding the trap. As I walked along the path a robot walked out from the left and turned its head towards me. The eyes flashed red and it began to walk towards me. I pulled out my rifle thinking it was my Rig and fired. The dart bounced off its enameled plates and ricocheted into the ground.

"Ineffective." The robot said in a monotone voice. "Firing." It finished as it began to shoot darts at me.

I dodged the volley of darts and began to run towards it.

"No use in running." It informed. "I will stop you." It fired another volley but I used my telekinesis to grab it's built in rifles and shifted them upwards. The darts flew up into the ceiling. "Impressive." It said. As I ran past it, I slid and kicked it's legs from beneath it. The robot clattered to the floor, it's head still tracking me. "Increasing drone difficulty." It said. Then it rose to its hooves and began to run after me.

"Oh, come on!" I shouted.

"Here I come." It responded.

Well at least the robots had a sense of humor. I began to run faster as the robot trailed after me. It fired a dart and it whizzed by my ear. I bobbed and weaved across the hallway trying to make myself a harder target. I felt a sharp pain in my side and my body complete shutdown. I tumbled to the ground as the robot caught up with me. It looked down at me and its eyes returned to the bright green. "You used the same evasion pattern to often and are now immobilized." It informed. "Shutting down for ten seconds." It said as the eyes winked out and it slouched over. I laid there on the ground for a few more seconds as my body slowly regained mobility. I got up and stretcher out my legs and quickly got back to running through the maze. I used my spell after I turned left and saw that the left pathway was a dead end and the right pathway lead into another trap. I went right and slowly approached the whistling floor. The smell seeping from the floor quickly made me lightheaded. I pulled back and inhaled the fresher air, held it in, and ran across the floor. Small circles opened up and a plume of green smoke pushed out of them. I kept running as the smoke clung to my hide. Once I got clear I let out the air and began to breath again. I checked my surroundings for more traps and robots, nothing. I cast the Tele. pulse again and I looked along the available paths. The right led to a dead end. I checked the left one and saw another robot; it was turned around, but that didn't mean it wouldn't get me. I went along the left path and saw the robot standing in the center of the hallway. It's robotic ears flicked and its head began to swivel. "I hear you, and I will find you." It announced. It began to patrol the hall aiming every so often as if it saw something. Suddenly a shimmer of light slid underneath the drone from the side, flipping it onto its side. The shimmer coalesced into an equine form. Dean appeared and looked down at the drone. It looked at him and said, "stealth capabilities, fascinating."

"Thanks." Was all Dean said before he smashed the drone's head in one powerful kick. "Now, back to completing my objective." He said as he began casting the Tele. pulse spell.

(I could shoot him now and run past him or I could follow him until he finds the finish and shoot him then. Dang it, if I did that I'd feel bad for stealing the win, but would he do the same in my position? I guess I'll only follow him for a short while.) I thought. So I started to follow Dean for a few minutes. He took out a few more robots and avoided some traps. He started casting the spell again and before he could complete it, I took aim and shot him in the side. His magic halted and he fell to the floor. I ran passed him, making sure he couldn't see me, and went left. I used the Tele. pulse spell and could actually see the completion area. I went right then took the second left. I felt a vibration reverberate through my body and turned around. I didn't see Dean, so I kept moving. I took another right then a left and could see the center. It was a straight shot. I looked back around the corner and saw Dean turning the corner in a full sprint. I started to run to the center as fast as I could. I was half way their when a dart whizzed by my shoulder. I glanced back and saw Dean with his rifle trained on me. I levitated my rifle backwards and took pot shots at him without breaking my stride. A quarter left and I hadn't been stopped. I looked back and didn't see Dean anymore, probably using an invisibility spell. I kept running, only a few more seconds and I'd be home free. I looked back and saw Dean again, but this time he was running at top speed. He was gaining fast. I turned around and fired a few more shots. Dean dodged and jumped over each of them. I kept running as I blind fired a few darts. I ran across the last panel of the hallway and jumped onto the finish. A shield formed around me and a couple of darts bounced off. The large walls began to recede back into the floor. Lieutenant Haze teleported into the room.

"Congratulations recruit, you actually beat Dean; even if by a few meters." He said as Dean trotted over.

"Hmm, guess I finally have some real competition." Dean said as he looked at Heart, who was running over to us.

He had at least five darts stuck in him. "Repertin fee duty sa." He blabbered.

Haze smiled and shook his head. "Now Private, you know you have to remove the darts right?"

"Ohm, relly? I tought dry looked perty cool." He said as he poked the darts.

Haze grabbed each of the darts and pulled them out in unison. Then turned to me, "well cadet, it seems you've passed your training. Feel free to come back anytime." He congratulated.

"Sir, aren't you forgetting something?" Dean asked.

"Hm? Oh yes." He stammered. "I present you with your new rank, Private First Class."

A small pendent formed in the air and floated over to me. I grabbed it and placed it on my chest. It began to glow and the world began to swirl away.


Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 4

New Bonds

By Quinton R. Johnson

When I woke up, I slowly opened my eyes to the room around me. Sturdy wooden frames held up slightly rusted metal paneling, the floor made of planks of wood and the window made of a scavenged window frame with shards of glass still inside it. The bed I laid in was an old child's bed, rusted metal groaned as I rolled around. I got out of bed and shook myself off. I felt a little dusty. (I wonder if they have showers out here) The wooden floors whined and croaked as I trotted across them. I went downstairs and saw Daemon asleep on the old couch. The bed looked a little more comfortable but I guess he didn't mind. I trotted over to him and tapped him. "Hey Daemon, wake up." I said shaking him a bit.

He groaned, "five more minutes." as he waved his claw dismissively.

"Ok fine, I guess I'll just shoot my gun without you." I said enticingly.

His eyes opened slowly and looked at me, "ok fine, I'm up, I'm up." Daemon stretched, hopped off the couch and looked at me sourly for interrupting his sleep. I was up until somewhere around midnight and still woke up before him. Maybe it was a Griffin thing. I trotted over to a chair and sat down. I looked at my pipbuck and checked the time, it read, 1:01 PM, and it was Saturday. I had a new icon on my map and a few tasks but wasn't sure how i got the latter. It said to 'Ask around Turntable to see if anyone needs help.' (Strange, I didn't put them in here, did it just... show up. Well I'm doing something else right now, so I'll hop onto that one later.) Daemon was finally ready to go. He had gotten a little bit of food before we left; some of that bloatsprite meat that made me cringe. (Eyeck) We went over to the workshop and picked up a few things; my portable workbench, some tools for on-the-fly adjustments on the RG-32, and some scrap metal for ammo. We set off towards the camps front gate, where Stardust and Styng were talking to a few of the guards. "Hey you guys, wanna see my new gun?" I asked.

Everyone looked suited up for battle. Atleast four other Crusaders were gathered near the gate.

"Later, but first they need some help with some radigators, you can show us on the way." Styng said. The guards were getting their guns and armored barding together and began to head out. "Hurry up, lets go!" Styng said.

I looked at all the extra stuff I had. "One sec, I'll be right back." I said.

"In case you take forever we're in a ravine to the southeast, between two big boulders." Stardust said.

"Alright, Daemon you can go ahead, I'll catch up." I said starting to run towards the house.

"Alright, but try to hurry, I don't want you to miss out." Daemon said continuing with the others.

I trotted over to the shack we were staying in, grabbed my inhaler and tossed all my extra stuff inside. I raced over to the workshop, grabbed a lot more scrap metal and I raced back over to the group. Once I caught up, we started to move a little faster.

~​​​ ~​​​ ~

"Hey what's this place called anyway?" Styng asked the orange colt. We had seen him before, he was the colt who was attending our Crusader initiation.

"Gator Gulch, and for an obvious reason." He grumbled.

"Hey, what are your names?" I asked.

"Castro, I'm the chief of defense for the Crusaders in Turntable. I specialize in melee combat. The dark blue colt is Cliffjumper, he's good at getting around enemies and navigation. the yellow colt is Glade, shes a long range specialist. And the red-orange filly is Jasper, she's out survivalist. They are the best guards under my command. Now, are you done asking questions?" Castro asked.

No one answered. We finally got to Gator Gulch, which wasn't actually that far, we got there in about fifteen-twenty minutes and getting here wasn't even that dangerous. Guess I spoke too soon though since getting down into the ravine was another story; well unless you had wings. Daemon and Styng just hovered around the group as everyone else jumped, slid, and fell down. I was behind Cliff Jumper and he was jumping down like a mountain goat. He sure did live up to his name. Daemon helped carry some of us down some farther drops. After this I was DEFINITELY learning a teleportation spell. Everyone was finally down the cliff side and we started to go up a slight incline that overlooked the nest full of radigators. I had pulled out my railgun and floated it out in front of me. Castro was one of the more decorated guards, he was holding on to a larger version of a sledgehammer, but it had a piston like hammer head and a small ruby on the other end. Two of the other guards had battle saddles equipped with an SMG on one side and semi auto rifle on the other. Castro stood close to the edge and turned to the group. "Alright everyone, we'll have two teams of four. Glade, Jasper and Cliff Jumper are with me. Rogue, you and your friends are together. the plan is that both teams take up opposite sides of the ravine and take out single targets. No shooting the matriarch or the alpha, we don't want another incident like last time. Everyone got that?" Castro asked, looking directly at my team with a scowl.

"Yeah sure. We'll try to appropriate." I said with a scowl. "Let's go team we take left side." We began to move, but Castro stopped us.

"Sorry that's not happening, my team is already going left." Castro said objectively.

"Are you serious!? What difference does it make?" Daemon questioned.

"That difference is that I'm leading this Op. and that means I choose sides and I say we got left side." Castro

"Well then team, looks like we got right side." I corrected sourly. This was going to be a long day.

We started to move along the right side and took up positions a few meters away from each other. Castro's team was opposite of us taking up positions behind a few raised rock walls. I looked down into the ravine and saw a small group of radigators over in a pond with a few barrels in it. I looked over into a cave down near the far end and saw two piercing orange eyes hovering inside the cave; probably the alpha. On the outside I saw a big radigator laying in a crater outside the cave with some large eggs; probably the matriarch. I pointed them out to my friends and we aimed our weapons away from their direction and towards some gators in the pond. I whispered, "okay everyone, we'll fire on my mark. There are five total gators in that pond so someone will have to kill two. My railgun doesn't have a high rate of fire so I won't be able to do it. I'll go for the furthest away, just on the lip of the pond. Call your shots."

"I've got the closest." Daemon whispered.

"I got the one towards center." Stardust whispered also.

"That means I got the two over by the barrels." Styng finally whispered.

I looked across the ravine over to Castro and his team, but I couldn't tell if they were ready or not. They looked down at the gators and back to Castro. "On my mark." I said as lifted my right hoof. "Ready? Aim. Fire!" I said quickly as we sent speeding lead into the radigators. There were a few quick splashes as the rounds pierced their targets and hit the water. I looked to see if any of them were still moving as I looked down my scope. Nothing. "Good job guys, now let's see how good Castro's team can do." We looked over to Castro's side and saw them about to take aim towards a few gators that were basking in the slivers of available sunlight. There were at least six that I could see and... did those rocks just move? Nah, I must be seeing things. I looked back over to Castro's team and they were lining up their shots. Castro lifted his left hoof as he put the battle saddle bit in his mouth. His hoof shot down and flashes erupted from the barrels of their rifles. Three gators were taken out in the first volley and the others had begun to react when the next volley fired off. The rest went down as well. Glade whistled and pointed over to where we had gotten in. I waved back and we started to move towards each other. Those rocks started to move a lot more as they slithered over to the were Castro's team was walking and slammed itself into the wall underneath, shattering it. The cracks crawled up to them and the cliffside began to give out. Glade and Cliff Jumper started to fall down into the ravine as the moving rocks backed away from the collapsing rubble. Castro and Jasper got clear and were able to stay on the uncollapsed part of the ridge. Dawn and Cliff Jumper had fallen to the bottom and Glade had been pinned underneath a boulder. Cliff Jumper was knocked unconscious from the fall. The moving rocks started to close in on the helpless ponies. Sparks started to fly off the creature and I looked over to Castro and Jasper as they fired as fast as they could at it. "Hey, let's get down there and give them a hoof!" I called out to my friends. I triggered S.A.T.S. and time slowed. As the world crawled around me I thought of what this creature could be, trying to remember all the books I read in the stable. I remembered one of them and mentally flipped through the pages. Cragadile flipped into view; a creature that was known to live in the Everfree forest. Thick rocky hide along the top of it, two-hundred pounds of bite-force and the strength of ten bison. I queued up two shots to the Cragadile's head as Styng and Daemon took to the skies. Stardust was sliding down the embankment, slowing himself with his hooves. One of my shots hit and pierced it's thick armor, crippling it. The creature slowed down to refocus itself, but before it could Daemon had landed on top of it and fired into the weakened armor. The creature reared back and threw Daemon off. He readjusted himself and recovered before hitting the ground. Styng passed over the creature and landed a powerful kick into its head. The creature's rocky hide shattered and revealed its bare head underneath. The Cragadile roared calling the others to its aid. Stardust had snuck around the gator and started to pull the rocks off of Glade. Castro had slid down into the war zone and started to carry Cliff away from the Cragadile. I aimed for the it's head and charged a few shots. Two shots later the last one pierced its skull and destroyed its brain. The other Cragadiles and Radgators didn't stop though as they crawled out of puddles and burrows. Glade had been freed but Cliff Jumper was still unconscious, so Castro was carrying him on his back. Now we just had to get everyone out alive. Styng and Daemon were covering Castro and Cliff as they clambered up the destroyed cliff side. Jasper and I shot from the tops, firing at anything that got too close, some of them were even trying to climb up to us. A few more Cragadiles showed up and Castro was only half way up. "Daemon! Carry Cliff on your back. Styng! Cover us while everyone climbs out." I shouted. Daemon and Styng nodded and went to work. Daemon flew over to Castro and picked up Cliff Jumper in his claws, Castro started to hurry up the rubble Glade and Stardust coming up behind, Jasper and I started to move back to the entrance. Styng landing a few swift kicks into some of the gators' muzzles. I looked back to the cliffside we hopped down to get in here and saw that some of the jumps were either too far or high to make without wings. I went into SATS to think, time slowed but I had to be quick. Okay let's look around; at least five gators and two crags, the main entrance was obsolete, and we have two wounded with two flyers to carry them. I looked around for a secondary exit option, the gators had to have another way out of here. I looked down into the ravine and scanned the rocky floor below. The small pond had a pipe that had a small stream running through it. The gators weren't guarding it but would try to block us off if we didn't get their fast enough. I checked my pip-buck and saw that my pipbuck's SATS meter was halfway drained; I needed to hurry. I queued up a single shot to a Cragadile's head and set off the spell. The shell missed and I slung the railgun over my back. "Hey everyone, down their!" I yelled as I pointed to the rusty piping. Everyone looked and started to dash and glide down towards the exit. I slid down the embankment down into the ground below and levitated my rifle from behind me. The gators closed in on our path and blocked the exit. I fired my rifle into a Gator on the left and sent it flying backwards into a few of it's friends, clearing half of the path. Glade, Castro, Jasper and I took the opportunity to run into the tunnel. Styng and Daemon flew over the gators and followed us in. The gators tried to crawl into the tunnel all at once and blocked up the entrance. They frenzied and started to claw and bite the walls and each other. We began to move down into the tunnel and Daemon, Styng and I turned on our pip buck lamps to illuminate the area. The small stream ran between our legs and swirled with silt glistening in the light. The water was cold and our pip bucks slowly clicked as we waded through it. There were scratches and dents on the inside of pipe. The gators' growls echoed through the tunnel as we walked through, now up to our knees in water. I turned and looked to everyone and did a head count. Styng, check; Daemon, check; Starldust, check; Castro, check; Glade and Jasper, double check; Cliff, unconscious but here. That was everyone.

We kept walking further and further into the dark tunnel, the growls of the gators had grown quiet. A light at the end assured us we were getting closer, so we started to walk a bit faster. The light grew larger and soon into an entrance that led to an exposed pipe hanging from a cliffside overlooking a bubbly, green pond that smelled of sulphur. The clicking on our pip bucks quickened as we drew near. The left side of the pipe had been ripped off and wooden planks formed a ramp down to the dead wasteland soil. I looked at my pip buck's map and saw we were quite a ways off from our original entrance point. A little arrow marker pointed off into the direction of Turntable.

"Everyone okay?" I asked.

"As okay as we'll ever be." Castro muttered.

"Cliffjumper is still unconscious though." Daemon said matter-of-factly .

"It'll be dark soon. We need to set up camp." Jasper said.

Castro looked over towards the horizon and nodded his head. "Yeah, I agree. Glade make a fire. Jasper, try to get Cliffjumper awake. Daemon, Styng you two check the area; don't want anything killing us in our sleep. And Rogue, I want to talk with you."

"Yeah, okay." I said. We started to trot over to an area farther from the group. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I want to thank you."

Well this is a surprise. I thought he would get mad about something.

He continued, "I wanted to thank you, for saving my team. Those Cragadiles weren't there last time we went. Most people thought them extinct after the mega spells dropped. Anyway I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being mean to you before." He said sincerely.

Wow, I hadn't expected this turnout. Maybe this would grow into a lasting friendship. "Apology accepted."

"Well, now that that's over, let's get back over to the camp."

I nodded and we trotted back.

Camp had finally been set up, Styng and Daemon's came back with reports of a few bloatsprites around. Glade had finally gotten Cliffjumper to regain consciousness and Jasper's fire burned brightly in the center of camp. The dimly lit rusted crimson clouds rolled slowly across the sky as everyone started to gather around the fire. Everyone looked very tired from the fight in Gator Gulch, especially Daemon. Castro started issuing guard shifts to everyone. Me and Styng got chosen to guard the earliest. Jasper and Daemon next, then Castro and... where's Stardust? I checked my E.F.S. for his pipbuck tag and followed it, Daemon and Styng trailing behind. We came up to a lonely purple stallion looking off the edge of steep cliff from the top of a boulder. He just sat there gazing out into the dark abyss.

His ears flickered, "What do you want?" Stardust asked sullenly, turning his head so only one eye was barely visible.

"Checking on you, since you left without telling anyone." I said with slight concern.

"Just leave. I left for a reason; to be alone." He murmured. I started to climb up the boulder and he stood up. "Don't get any closer." He growled as he looked at me with a sharp glare. "There isn't anything you can do to stop me."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about!?" I asked, my heart rate beginning to increase.

He just turned, looked at me coolly and grinned. "You know, I always wanted to come out here," he said as he looked around. "but now that I see the outside is nothing but a wasteland, I don't think there's anything left for me out here." He said as he stepped closer to the edge.

"Stardust! Think about what your doing. What does killing yourself actually accomplish!?" Daemon asked from beside me.

He just chuckled as he took another step. "You know, I've asked myself the same question ever since I left the stable, and now... I know the answer. I get everything I lost from the stable back. I get to see my parents again. I'll get to be happy again. And all I have to do is jump off." He said as he took another step.

"Stardust don't!" Styng yelled.

"Don't do this." I insisted, my heart about to leap out of my chest.

Stardust looked at me sharply and screamed, "And why shouldn't I! Huh, I have nothing out here but you guys and I don't even really know you. Following you out here was a mistake! You wouldn't understand though since you've always had true friendship. You guys grew up together and have common interests. What did I have?! Fake friends and a false identity. I still don't know who I am. All I want is to be HAPPY!" He yelled as he brought is hooves down onto the rock, cracking it.

"You can be happy with us. We can all be friends, theirs no need to kill yourself. We can work this out. Just step down. So we can talk." Daemon said.

Stardust dropped his gaze and looked down at his hooves. He closed his eyes and a faint shimmer fell from his eye. "You guys really don't get it, do you?" He looked at each of us and began to smile. "I really can't understand why you guys insist on keeping me alive. What do you have to benefit from my existence?" He questioned.

"..." Silence fell upon us all. Nothing came to mind besides the easy way out. Because he was our friend, maybe not Styng's but he was still somepony we knew. We can't just let him end his life. I thought hard a moment; it felt like forever that he waited for out reply.

"Well, I guess you don't have an answer. Guess I won't be seeing you." He said as he turned around.

"Wait!" Styng yelled.

Stardust stopped, but didn't turn around.

"I know you don't feel like any thing is going your way right now. I don't really remember what happened in the Stable, but I do remember what I saw when I woke up yesterday." His head fell as his eyes began to water. "So don't you dare think you're the only one here who's been going through a lot of crap lately!" He yelled.

Shocked by Styng's outburst, Stardust hesitated to move or even speak. He turned his head to look at Styng, then looked back into the dark abyss he was about to throw himself into, then looked back to us. "I don't know why you guys care so much." He huffed as he shook his head.

He began to step down but the cracked stones rolled apart and caused him to slip. He lost his hoofing and started to teeter over the edge as he screamed. I threw my telekinesis around him but he weighed more than I could stop. "Guys, I can't hold him!" I yelled as my horn's glow began to flicker.

Daemon and Styng launched themselves at Stardust as he fell over. My grip vanished and he began to plummet, Styng and Daemon right behind him, their pipbuck lights illuminating the space. I heard his scream turn from fear to panic, as they began to lift him from the darkness. They came back over the edge and landed on solid ground. Each of them breathing heavily, Stardust more so. Once he got his breathing under control he looked to us and said, "Thanks... for saving me..."

"It's what friends do." I said lamely.

His ears flickered at the sound of that word.


We went back to camp and didn't tell the others about what happened.

"You guys look tired, if you don't think you can take first shift, me and Jasper will." Glade suggested.

Now that the adrenaline had worn off I was actually really tired. "Thanks" I yawned, "I'll take third shift if that's okay." I said, my eye lids becoming heavier. I went over to a spot closer to a rock face, cleared out some stones and lied down.

Styng on the other hoof wasn't so inclined to sleep just yet. "No, I can take first shift. I can stay up all night." He said with obvious gusto.

Jasper wasn't buying it though. "Nah, I think we got this. You guys should get some rest." She insisted. He tried to reassert himself but was cut off. "No really, you need to get your sleep. I'm not going to be the one carrying you back to Turntable."

Styng stood their, unable to counter. He just gave up and cleared an area to sleep.

Daemon had flew onto a boulder and went to sleep.

As I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep I heard Jasper and Glade speaking.

"You would really leave Styng here?" Glade whispered.

"No, I just wouldn't carry him. I'd probably drag him back." She joked. They shared a hushed laugh and started their shift as I slowly dozed off.

My dreams were halted as I was awoken by Jasper. "Get up, it's time for your shift." She said as she walked over to Daemon and began to wake him up.

I began to rise and shook the dust from my hide as well as from my eyes.

Jasper walked back over to me, "Your friend won't wake up, you should try I'm going to sleep." She said as she lied down beside Glade and went to sleep.

I trotted over to Daemon who was sprawled across the boulder he had perched himself on. I kicked the rock a few times, nothing. I climbed to the top and shook him till he woke up. "Come on b, time to wake up." I said as I shook.

He mumbled something to himself and began to rise.

"Time for our shift? Already?! Agh, how long do we keep watch?" He asked as he stretched out his wings.

"Yeah, I think we stay up for around an hour or so." I said as I hopped off the rock.

He growled as he hopped off the rock aswell. "Really?! Well dang, I was really hoping to get a little more sleep in. So how are we doing this?" Daemon asked as he shook off the urge to fall asleep.

"Well, I got this new spell that I'd like to try out so I guess we'll just sit around somewhere while I use the spell every so often." I responded.

"When did you have time to learn a new spell?" Daemon asked.

"Ugh, it's... a long story. Not sure you'd want to listen to me ramble on about nonsense." I said honestly.

"No b, I really want to know. Tell me about it." Daemon insisted.

"You're sure you want to? It not too interesting." I dissuaded.

"Yes, I want to hear it. I don't know why you'd not want to talk about it." He said.

"Well alright, but first let's find a good vantage point." I added.

We walked over to a few stones that were within yelling distance but out of the reach of the fire's light. I focused on casting the spell. My horn began to glow a faint white as I sent out a pulse of telekinetic energy. An outline stretched out around everything around me, revealing a few equine skeletons within the ground, some bloatsprites, and in the farther distances; the faint outline of a road.

Daemon shook his head and brushed his head feathers. "Dude, I actually felt that. So did it work? Or was that something else?" Daemon asked.

"Yeah, there's a few bloatsprites out there but nothing too serious." I said, leaving out the part about the skeletons. "I can see through stuff too, it's got quite a range, revealing things that are far away. Like the road about 30 meters out. One sec, let me cast it again." I said, charging up for another cast. My horn glowed again and another pulse was sent out. I looked over towards camp and saw some of the supplies that we had. I could barely see the radiated pool in the distance. I cast the spell again and looked at Daemon. I could see his muscles, organs and bones all overtop each other. It was actually kinda cool but still gross. The way they'd squirm every time his heart beat. I pulled my hoof into view and saw its muscles and bones within; contracting and expanding as I moved it. It was really cool, but still really gross. I also noticed that I could hold my concentration on a certain object and prolong the X-ray effect.

Daemon interrupted my concentration by shaking my shoulder. "Cut it out, you're making my insides vibrate." He said, as he felt around his torso.

I began to explain what I had experienced last night to Daemon. I told him about how I got the new spell and that Scrap n' Craft made an A.I. to guide the new inheritor in their efforts to master their gift; to guide me. He looked quite intrigued by my story as I explained.

"Wow, that's some story. Do you know if he can teach me a thing or two? I'd really like some new skills, maybe one that allows me to fly with my eyes closed. Wouldn't that be something." He fantasized.

"I'm not sure how it works but I'll check next time I see him." I assured.

Some time later Styng woke up to take a leak and spotted us. He came over and sat down beside us. "So what are you two up to?" He asked

"It's our shift, nothing yet." Daemon explained. "Oh and Rogue learned a new spell."

"I bet it's really lame." Styng scoffed.

"Gee thanks," but did I really have to explain everything over again. (Sigh) I retold my story.

After another long six minutes of paraphrasing my story and the occasional interruption by Styng, I was finally done.

"You're lying." He accused. "There's no way you're some chosen one. Why aren't I the chosen one huh?" He denied.

"Well don't complain because you didn't get something cool to happen to you." I teased.

"I swear if I'm the only one here that doesn't get something cool, I'll..." He stopped, seeming to choose his words. "I don't know, but it won't be good." He finished as he walked back to his bed and fell in.

I used my pulse a few more times before Daemon and I went back and camp and woke up Castro and Cliff for their shift. They got up, picked up their equipment and got to their posts. I lazily went over to my bed and lied down. My eyes began to get heavy as I fell asleep.

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 5


By Quinton R. Johnson

A slight irritation in my nostril caused me to wake up sneezing. I rubbed my nose and still felt the dust clinging to the inside. I opened my eyes and saw that Cliff Jumper and Styng were waking everyone up. I checked my pipbuck and looked at the time. It read 1:50 PM, Saturday. Castro and Jasper were getting up as I stretched and began to gather my things. I saw a few dead bloatsprites out in the distance, probably killed by Styng due to the lack a shell casings on the ground. Some time passed, everyone was awake and ready to return home. We left around 2:45 PM, making sure we left very little behind to minimize detection. Even though we didn't have any problems last night didn't mean we should let our guard down. Upon arriving in Turntable, we heard a shout from the top of the gate announcing that we had returned. The gates opened with a groan of rusted metal. Flash walked out of his office to personally greet us. "Welcome back, friends. I hope you didn't have too much trouble in Gator Gulch?"

"Not at all" Castro said. "But it was only because Rogue and his friends were there. If they hadn't been there we may not even be alive."

"Well then, it turns out you and your friends are more

durable than I had first anticipated." Flash said. "Follow me to the mess hall, I'm assuming you're all very hungry."

"Nah I'm good. In trying to keep my figure." Styng said flexing his wings.

I heard Jasper snicker as we made our way to the mess hall. I looked back to check out what she was laughing at, but she saw me and stopped immediately. I smiled and she smiled back as we continued to the mess hall. The double saloon doors swung open as we walked in. A few heads turned to look at us and then returned to the pub

games and conversation

Flash asked us what we wanted to eat insisting it was on the house. I didn't want anything too big, so I ordered the Daisy Sandwich with water. Daemon, walked over to the counter and asked if they could heat his bloatsprite meat up, they gave him a smile, and a nod. Stardust said he wasn't hungry and left for the house. Styng on the other hand disappeared to a table full of fillies. I noticed that Jasper was also sitting at the table. We sat down at a open table and waited for our food to arrive.

Some unicorn waitresses came out with our food and placed it on the table. Styng whistled to one of the waitresses, her cheeks flushing as she hurried back to the kitchen. Another colt didn't take to kindly to that and approached Styng with another colt following behind.

"Hey you! You do that to my girl? You better not have or were gonna have some trouble." The dark green colt said.

I stood up about to intervene but Styng had already started talking. The conversations around the room ceased as they looked on.

"Yea, I whistled at your girl, so what?"

Oh crap.

"Now I know I didn't just hear you say that. Cuz I'm this close to breaking your scrawny looking wings in two!" He said placing his hooves about an inch apart from each other.

"Oh no, I'm so scared, put one hoof on me and that'll be the last thing you do."

"That's it!" He screamed as he charged.

Styng flapped his wings and caught the colt off guard with the sudden burst of speed. Styng slammed into him and sent him skidding across the floorboards, but he didn't fall down. I used my telekinesis to trip up the colt's friend but that didn't stop him from charging Styng with a pool cue.

As the colt swung the cue, Styng grabbed it in his mouth and shifted his body to the left, causing the colts momentum to carry him into a table of bystanders. He crashed into the table, breaking it as leftovers poured onto him. After that fall he limped away from the fight. Daemon cheered on in the background as the earth pony charged Styng once more.

Styng had a slight grin on his face, knowing the odds were in his favor. As the earth pony charged, Styng flew into the air and summersaulted over him, landing a fierce kick to the back of his head. The green colt was definitely mad now as he grabbed some nearby silverware and launched them towards Styng. The silverware sped towards him as he flew to evade them. One of the knives grazed his hind leg, sending a spurt of crimson onto the floor. Styng grimaced at the wound but didn't let it slow him down. The earth pony smirked as he waited for Styng's move.

"Who taught you how to fight, your mother?" He said with a smirk.

Styng's head suddenly dropped his ears flickered a few times and his hide twitched. His head came back up and his irises were almost nonexistent. Styng screamed as his wings snapped and he flew like a bullet into the colt. Tackling him and sending them both through the pub's wall. The crowd inside moved to the outside, as the fight continued. Styng pounced onto the dazed colt and began to fire off rapid fire kicks to his head. The pinned colt didn't even have enough time to react as the blows kept connecting. Blood began to drip from his face as Styng's onslaught continued.

At this rate Styng would kill him if he didn't stop. I tackled Styng off and pinned him to the ground. "GET OFF ME! I'LL END HIM, LET ME GO!" He screamed as he thrashed.

"Styng, get a hold of yourself!" I shouted.

But he didn't. He thrashed can squirmed trying to pull free but I had him beat. After a couple minutes he began to calm down as he laid on the ground. "Agh, my head." He groaned. "Wh.. What happened? He said as I got off of him. He looked over to the bleeding and unconscious colt. "Did I do that?" He asked.

"Yeah, you mean you don't remember anything?" I said, taking one last look at the colt before some medical ponies pushed through the crowd and picked him up. They carried him through the crowd and out of sight. The crowd itself stood stunned by the display of Styng's unnatural strength and speed.

"No! What'd I do!? Why's everyone looking at me? Was it that bad?"he said looking back at the broken wall.

Obviously not wanting to incite Styng's rage the crowd backed off and left the scene. Flash emerged through the crowd. "Well damn, thats some fight you got in you." He said enthusiastically. "But try to keep it under control. I know I said the food was on the house but someone's going to have to fix that wall." He said as plank breaking from another and falling to the ground.

"I'll start working on it immediately." Styng said, realizing what he had done.

Daemon walked out of the pub, "Styng did you win?" He asked a smile on his beak.

"I guess you can say he won." I said.

Some other ponies trotted out of the pub behind Daemon and showed faces of anger and sadness as they passed small bags of caps over to Daemon. "I told you he'd win." He called out.

"Yeah, whatever." One of them called out.

"We have to fix the wall." I said.

Daemon looked at the wall and back to us. "Shouldn't take too long. Just get some stuff from the shop and I'll clear out the busted scraps. Hey Styng, help me out would ya?"

"Yea, give me a second though, I'm a little lightheaded."

"Mkay, I'll be right back." I said trotting off to the shop to get some tools. I found some spare planks in the back room behind some old boxes. One of them fell over and a small picture frame tumbled out. I picked it up and examined it. Their was a picture of a brown colt asleep on the round table in the workshop; drool coming out of his mouth. A small contraption laying in front of him. I turned it over and read a small not on the back.

Don't know when to quit do you?

I turned the picture back over and looked at it again. I wondered who the colt was, since no recognizable features were presented. I picked up the box and placed the picture back inside. When I got back, I had brung about twenty planks and placed them beside Styng and Daemon. I placed the toolbox down and we began to fix the wall.

"So um, what happened to me back there?" Styng asked with a concerned expression.

"Even I don't know. But if I had to guess, that colt said something to cause you to lose control and technically go into a frenzy." I explained.

"That's...unusual of me. I guess I haven't really felt like myself since the "incident" in the stable.

"What about you Daemon, you feel any difference since the stable?" I asked.

"I mean not really, besides missing my parent and out old life. But there's nothing we can do to change what happened. What about you Rogue?"

I thought for a moment, "I miss our old life too and I understand what you're saying; that we can't go back, but that doesn't mean we have to bottle up our emotions. We have to stick together, it's the only way we'll survive out here."

"What about his girl though?" Styng said mockingly.

"I don't know, I think she's still inside if you want to go check." I said.

"I'll be right back." Styng said as he put down the planks and walked into the kitchen.

As Styng walked back into the pub Daemon and I finished up the last of the wall. The colors didn't match up, but there's nothing we could do about that. I checked my pipbuck's time. It read 3:53 PM. I heard some talking from inside the pub.

"Uh...sorry about what happened back there." Styng said apologetically.

"It's okay, he gets mad whenever someone flirts with me. He wants me all to himself." The filly said in a light voice.

"I can see why, I could imagine how he would feel losing someone as beautiful as you."

Daemon nudged me and we both began to pay more attention to the conversation. The filly giggled. As Styng continued.

"Maybe we could hang out sometime?" Styng said with a little hope.

"That'd be nice. I don't have anything planned after my shift. So I guess I'll see you at your place later today?"

"Before we get to that, mind telling me your name?" Styng said with a slight smile.

"Harmony, my name's Harmony."

"What a lovely name for a beautiful filly like you."

"Okay charmer," she said with a giggle, "and what may your name be?"

"Everyone calls me Styng."

"Mmm, Sounds like a tough name... I'm into tough colts and you've certainly proved such." She said in a slightly seductive voice.

"Well, what time would you like to come over?"

"I'll be over later tonight. See you then, Styng." She said as she trotted off.

Daemon and I walked over to Styng once the coast was clear. "Heyy, Styng, I see you." Daemon said.

"Good job, making your move, but are you really going to steal his girl like that?" I asked.

"I wasn't, but I'm pretty sure he won't be waking up anytime soon."

"That's mah boy, pulling them girls like a pro." Daemon continued.

"True true." I agreed.

After that, we went back to Styng and Stardust's house. Stardust was already inside sitting on the couch looking at some of the supplies they had gathered.

"About time you got back, I was wondering why you were taking so long. So what happened? I heard others talking about a huge fight, apparently Styng won."

"Yea, it was pretty brutal." Said Daemon nudging Styng's shoulder.

Styng's ears folded back as he looked towards the ground. I could tell he felt a little sorry for what happened. I put my hoof on his shoulder and smiled. He smiled back but returned to looking a little glum.

"Huh, I'll be sure not to get on your bad side." Stardust said.

"Hey later tonight we should have some kind of house warming. Invite a few others and just chill out. What do you guys think?" I asked.

"As long as I get to spend some time with Harmony." Styng said with a smile.

"I'm up for meeting new people." Daemon said. "Allows me to make connections, learn new things, know what I'm saying."

"It's up to you guys. I'm all for a party. But just don't shake the house apart." Stardust said sullenly.

"Then it's settled. I think this house is a little bit bigger than ours so we'll stage it here. We need food and drinks. Probably need to move some stuff around for a little extra movement space." I said as I planned.

"I'll go see if the kitchen has any food they'll prepare." Daemon said as he tossed a bag of caps up and down.

"I'll follow Daemon and get drinks." Styng said.

Daemon and Styng walked outside and went to the pub while Stardust and I rearranged the living room, prepared a few areas to support multiple groups. Daemon and Styng returned with a few crates of food and drinks. The living room was well spaced and looked more like a lounge than a living room. I went to the workshop and started to make fliers for the party.



Party starts at 8:00 PM and continues until midnight.

Bring your friends.

No need for an invitation just show up.

Located at Styng and Stardust's house. I



I grabbed some duct tape and began to attach them to posts and walls around the camp. Sometimes I just passed them out to others for sake of convenience. Most smiled and told me they'd try to make it. Some passed me back the flier and told me they wouldn't be able to make it. I'd have to retrieve the taped fliers tomorrow. While we waited for the party to start, Deamon, Styng, Stardust and I went outside the walls. I had set up some old rum bottles in a firing range. I had brung my RG-32, which I was really thinking of shortening to Rig, and a stand for non-unicorns to use the weapon. I started first. Lifting he gun in my telekinesis, I aimed down the sights and spotted one of the bottles down range. I concentrated and steadied the my levitation's natural bobbing. I focused down range and fired, the recoil of the shot made the gun float backwards an inch or two. The round had already pierced the bottle and tore it to pieces. The smoke trail of the round slowly faded away from view.

"Okay, who's next?" I asked turning to my friends.

Styng stepped up, "Hey, I wanna give it a try." He said enthusiastically.

I handed him the Rig and slung the strap around his head. Her trotted over to a firing table and extended the bipod. He slouched over and braced the stock against his shoulder. He looked down the sight and rotated the gun to find a target. Once he had found one he slowed his breathing to steady the gun, then pulled the trigger. The blast sent a vibration through the ground and made some dust bounce around on the table. The recoil threw his shoulder back and made him slide back some as the smoke trail dissipated.

"Geez Rogue, how do you shoot this without having it fly away. It kicks like a bison." Styng said as he massaged his shoulder.

I looked down range to see if Styng had hit the target. I didn't see the bottle, but I also didn't see the railing it was positioned. He missed but it was close enough to take out the intended target.

"I'm up next." Daemon said as I retrieved the gun from Styng.

I passed him the gun and he positioned himself as Styng did, but held the barrel of the gun firm in his claws.

"Better hold on to that thing." Styng informed.

"I got this." Daemon said casually as he braced the gun against his shoulder. He sighted, slowed his breath and fired. His shoulder body shifted backwards as the recoil pushed into him. The round went flying straight into a bottle and shattered it. "Oooh, you weren't playing around when you said it had some kick." Daemon said as he cleared the gun and handed it back to me. "Hey Rogue, you think you could make me a gun? Not anything like this; it's not my style, maybe a few sub machine guns.

"Hey I want a weapon too!" Styng added quickly.

"Hold on hold on, one at a time. First off; I need to either have a weapon like the one you want, or a blueprint of it. I don't know how every weapon is built ya know." I began. "Secondly if I'm making weapons for you guys then the whole camp will want me to and I don't have enough staff to fulfill orders if I did." I finished.

"I could help. I know a thing or two about mechanics." Styng said.

"I guess I could record orders and keep them from piling up. Set up a budget and a schedule." Daemon said.

"But, I'll need somepony to work the store if we're gone." I replied.

"I'm sure you'll find someone." Daemon said. "And besides, it's not like It'd be impossible right?"

"It's your call Rogue." Styng reminded.

"I'll do it. As long as this doesn't become a problem for any of us." I said.

"Alright, I'll be on the lookout for any weapons that catch my eye." Styng said checking his pipbuck.

"I'll tell you the specifics on those SMG's later." Daemon added.

I nodded, then checked my pipbuck and looked at the time. It read 5:43 AM. We had a lot of time to kill before the party actually started so we fired the Rig until about 5:54. We went back to camp and asked around for something to do. It took a while before we got any leads but then we found someone. A young earth pony. He had pale blue hide and reddish green eyes. He didn't have a cutiemark. He carried a long tube on his back connected by a strap. He said he had been looking for willing ponies. To deliver something for him. His name was...

"Harvey." He said happily as he shook each of our hooves and claw. "It's really great to finally find someone to deliver this package for me. The caravans don't goto Bekton and no pony here's willing to go out that far." He explained.

"So what do you need delivered?" Styng asked.

"Just this scouting report to Angelfire, she runs Bekton."

Harvey replied.

"Where's Bekton?" I asked.

"It's about a mile and a half south of here. Across a small river that passes through what's left of Oaktown." He began. "But no pony goes to ol' Oaktown, they say raiders are holed up there."

"We'll keep that in mind." I said.

"I'll pay you once the delivery is complete. Around three hundred-seventy five caps. Just make sure the note gets there soon. Bekton really needs this information." Harvey handed me the note and I placed it in my bags. We began to leave but Daemon stopped us.

"Hold on," Daemon interrupted. "I think we should get a little bit more than that. I mean you obviously need this delivered a soon as possible and were the only ones willing to do it." Daemon persuaded.

Harvey thought for a moment. "You make a fair case and I shall compensate. Here's an extra hundred-twenty five caps for your troubles. Hope you get there safely. Thanks again." Harvey said as he walked away.

After we got our destination and the package we went back to tell Stardust we were leaving.

"That's cool. I'll be alright here. Still trying to figure stuff out." He said solemnly.

"Okay, well hope you find what your looking for." I said.

We walked back out side and continued towards the gate.

As we were walking towards the gate, the voice of Harmony called out to us. We turned and saw a [Description of Harmony].

"Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"We're on ourselves way to Bekton to deliver a report to Angelfire." I replied.

"You must be Styng's friends. I'm Harmony. Nice to meet you." She introduced.

"I'm Rogue. Nice to meet you too." I replied.

"Daemon, nice to meet you. Styng speaks fondly of you."

She blushed as she looked over to Styng and smiled. You mind if I... tag along? It's so boring here and I need something to do." She said.

Styng's face said it all as he looked to Daemon and I. We looked at each other and nodded. "Sure you can come." Daemon said. "Are you any good with a weapon?" He asked.

She turned her head and looked into her backpack. After about a minute of rummaging and repacking she pulled out a small pistol. It didn't look like a 10 millimeter though. It had a revolving cylinder and a sleek dark finish. The mouth grip fit around her mouth as she saw a bottle sitting on a barrel. She fired and the round shattered the glass bottle with little effort. She placed the gun in a leg holster she had pulled out and flipped her mane back into place.

"Impressive." I said. "What model is that?" I asked.

"12.7 revolver. I got it from some traders a while back. Hasn't failed me since." She replied.

"I'll have to look at that later, but we really should go if we want to be back in time for the party."

"Right. Okay lead the way." She said as we began to make our way south.


Styng and Harmony talked for a majority of the trip. A few giggles and laughs shared every once and a while as they became closer and closer. I didn't want to listen in on the conversation, but of what u heard consisted of "you're pretty," and "I like you."

We had finally got to the river that Harvey mentioned. The bridge had a few old wagons on it. The wheels pulled off and bullet holes covering most. I didn't pick up much on my EFS besides the few bloatsprites we had passed earlier. It'd been that way all the way up to the bridge. Something was bound to happen. We cautiously crossed the bridge. The metal supports' low groans only made the situation that much more ominous. As we got about halfway two red bars popped up on my EFS. I halted and so did everyone else. "You guys see that?" I asked.

"Two enemies up ahead?" Daemon responded.

"I got 'em too." Styng said aswell.

"What do you see?" Harmony asked.

"There's two stationary hostiles up ahead. Daemon take right. Styng, Harmony take left. I got center move up on my mark." We fanned out and took up positions behind the old wagons. I looked to both teams and waved my hood forward. The more we moved up, the more red bars appeared. There were atleast seven up their now. I started casting my Tele. Pulse, the orb floated above me and expanded all around us. The outlines of a makeshift wall and some small barriers formed down towards the end of the bridge. It looked like there was a gate in the center. The,now apparent, ten guards were wearing spiked armor; most likely raiders. The first two red bars were small tripod machines that swiveled left and right. They had barrels like guns, so I assumed they would do something bad. I felt the spell about to fade so I stopped casting. I looked to my friends and whispered, "Ten raiders, two mechanicals. Don't let those spot you, they might shoot or something. They have a wall set up with a gate in the center. Heavily fortified, stay sharp."

"Those machines are machine gun turrets. They fire 5.56 rounds with a high rate of fire. Those look like Mk. II's so they shouldn't be too much of a problem." Harmony said.

Styng looked at Harmony with a shocked expression. "How do you know all that?"

"When you've been out here all your life you pick up tricks. You stable dwellers really don't know much, do you?" She asked.

"Hey when you're born underground and grow up not knowing anything about the outside, you need to figure out all the in's and out's of this place." Daemon said.

"All girls out here are more than a pretty face. We'll have to exchange experiences after we get back." She said.

"Sounds like a plan." I said.

"What's up Styng? You haven't said anything for awhile." Daemon asked.

"Harmony's just so smart." He flirted.

"Save it for later lover boy. We got to stay focused." She said, ceasing Styng's attempts to flirt.

We moved closer to the checkpoint. I could barely hear the raiders conversations. I overheard one, something about quitting jet and not thinking crazy. I told everyone to get ready to start shooting and to aim for the turrets first. I sighted down the barrel of my Rig and held my breath. I pulled the trigger and sent the round strait through the turrets hull. Styng and Harmony fired at the second turret and weakened the tripod enough to make it collapse. Daemon rushed up and hid behind one of the wagons adjacent to the gate. The gate opened and three raiders ran out. Two with combat knives taped to sticks and the other with a battle saddled hunting rifle. Daemon shot the battle saddle raider in the legs. She collapsed and screamed as her legs crumbled beneath her. The other two raiders turned to run at Daemon but Styng, Harmony and I cut that run short with some well placed shots. Two more raiders got onto the top of the wall and began to spray down Daemon's wagon with battle saddled assault rifles. I hopped into SATS and time slowed. I queued up a shot for both, but only one connected. It hit the raiders shoulder and he barely flinched. He pulled out a red inhaler and took a puff. He hopped over the railing and dashed towards us screaming, "I'm going to enjoy ripping out your insides!" He moved super fast as he fired down towards us. We took cover and I took out my assault rifle. I levitated it around the corner and blind fired.

"He's moving to the right. Watch your right!" Styng yelled.

I turned to look right and went strait into SATS as I saw his barrel start to appear around the corner. I aimed my rifle where u thought his head would be and waited for it to appear. He moved slightly faster than everyone else than when I went into SATS, but it didn't matter. I pulled the trigger as his head appeared and blew chunks of his skull onto the metal supports. He collapsed and rolled past me. Daemon was still suppressed by the other raider, so I sighted and sent a round into her spine. The hunting rifle raider had pulled out a stimpak and was about to jam it into her legs, but Daemon said, "Oh no you don't." and sent a few rounds into her skull. She collapsed and dropped the stimpak onto the ground.

We waited a minute for any more raiders to come running out, but they weren't stupid; just insane. I cast another Tele. Pulse and saw the outlines of the last five raiders guarding the front entrance, hidden behind barrels and other barriers. I stopped casting the spell and called out. "Daemon, pull back! We'll cover you."

He nodded and began to fly back towards us. Once he got back I told Styng and Harmony to come over to the center.

"Okay they're waiting for us to rush in through the gate. So what we're not going to do, is that. What we are going to do is, Styng and Daemon will fly below the bridge and flank the raiders on the opposite side, while Harmony and I move towards the front and distract them." I said. "Stay coordinated so they don't get any time to try and return fire. Everyone ready?" I asked as I reloaded my guns.

Daemon reloaded his SMG and nodded. Harmony moved her hair out of her eyes and checked her 12.7 then nodded aswell.

Styng checked his magazine and then nodded.

"Alright let's move." I said as we split up.

Daemon and Styng flew over the railing and began their flight behind enemy lines. Harmony and I moved forward with the distraction. We moved up behind the gates doors and waited about ten seconds more to allow Daemon and Styng time to get ready. I cast my Tele. pulse and saw that the raiders hadn't moved. I narrowed my focus and looked on the biggest of the raiders. She had a large rifle on one side of her battle saddle and a thick barreled gun. Great something else I had no clue as to what it did. I whispered the positions of the raiders and their armament. She nodded and we began our attack. I shot at the biggest raider and blasted her thick barreled gun. In a flash she exploded and sent guts and metal shrapnel everywhere. Two other raiders got hit but didn't go down. The ones that remained were surprised by the sudden explosion and distracted for a split second. Long enough for Harmony and I to take cover within the walls. Daemon and Styng had hidden themselves atop the rusted supports and began firing down at the raiders. One of the injured ones looked up to warn the others but a bullet lanced through her eyes and through the back of her skull. The others refocused on the fight and began to fire blindly at the sky as they ran for roofed cover. I pulled out my assault rifle and began firing at those too slow to make it to safety. Three rounds later, one crippled raider and another one dead. Harmony had pulled out a studded ball and threw it. It landed near the raiders underneath the roofing and exploded. Only two more raiders left now. They had ran into a small hole in the bridge and had locked themselves inside. I used my Tele. pulse again, starting to feel the effects of burnout, and saw something I hadn't before; hostages. The raiders were holding them at gunpoint beneath the road. Daemon and Styng flew down and regrouped. They bumbed hoof to claw and Styng asked, "Is that all of them. We still got two red bars right underneath us."

"HEY! IF YOU COME IN HERE WE'LL BLOW THEIR F$ING BRAINS OUT!" One of them screamed from beneath us.

"They've got hostages down there. We need a new attack plan." I said.

"I think I've got one. If that railgun is as good as you make it out to be, I'll load some armor piercing rounds into my 12.7 and we can shot through the roof. How thick is the ground?" She asked.

"It's about three inches with a few rows of rebar every so often." I replied.

"Show me."

I pulled her over to a spot and pointed straight down, "there's one right here. Don't move your aim from that spot."

"Got it." She said as she loaded her AP rounds and put the barrel of her gun to the ground.

I trotted back over the position over top the other raider and pointed my Rig down towards him. "Harmony," I whispered, "ready?"

"Yeah." She responded.

"Styng give us a count down."

"On three. One... Two.. Three." He said as we sent bullets through the ground.

Scared whimpers and screams escaped through the bullet holes.

"Daemon, get that trapdoor open. Styng follow him in. Both of you try to calm them and escort them out." I told them.

They nodded and went down into the hatch. "Hey, it's okay we'll get you out of here. Come on follow us." I heard Daemon say.

"Sh... She can't move." She whimpered. "They shot her in the leg since she wouldn't do what they wanted."

"Harmony," Styng called out. "You know anything about medicine?" He asked.

"One second." She said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a small pink box with a yellow cross on it. She hopped into the hatch as I followed. The two trapped ponies were both very skinny and dirty. I'm not sure what most of those stains were on there hides but I didn't feel like finding out. "Let me see where they shot you." She said kindly as the injured pony lifted up her front left hoof. She examined the bullet wound and sighed in relief. "At least the bullet went all the way through. Okay let's wrap this up." She said opening the box and pulling out a small rag and some peroxide. She opened the bottle and covered it with the rag, turning it upside down in one quick motion in her hooves. "This may sting a little." She warned as she began wiping the wound. The pony whimpered but didn't scream. "At a girl." Harmony said tenderly.

"How'd you find us?" The other pony asked.

"We were on out way to Bekton and had to cross the bridge to get there." Daemon said.

"Well, thanks for the rescue." She said gratefully. "But I need to ask one more favor you." She paused. "Do you mind taking us with you. We need to get back somewhere safe so that we'll be able to get back home."

"Of course. Where do you two live?" I asked.

"New Appleoosa." She replied.

"Hey, we should to hurry up. The raiders from the ruins have probably sent a group down here." Harmony said.

"Alright, loot up and let's move out. Only take the essentials." I looked to the uninjured mare, "Do you think you can fight?" I asked.

"I'll try." She said weakly.

"Grab supplies before we leave. Don't want the other raiders to have what they had." I announced. "Daemon, carry her."

He nodded then carefully hoisted her up between his wings.

Everyone then trotted off to loot the bodies of the dead. The first body I checked, was that guy who rushed us. His barding didn't look like it was any better than mine, but I could modify it or add it to my leather barding. I took his 5.56 ammo and assault rifle. He had some weird chems on him; another one of those red inhalers and some glowing rainbow stuff inside of a rocket shaped injector. I took both just to have them for later. I moved back to the checkpoint with my friends. Daemon flew in a few seconds behind me. I went down into the cellar area and found they had stored some stuff in a large red crate. Only the problem was that it was locked. I castes my Tele. pulse spell and focused on the lock. I could see the pins within and where they needed to be. I slowly levitated them up one at a time until they could be turned. The lock opened and I pulled out a few more items; three-hundred and fifty caps, several stimpaks, some 10 millimeter ammo, and some old food. Some other meat I hadn't seen; looked like it came from something big, and some corn chips. After I was done scavenging, I climbed back up the ladder back to the group. Everyone was ready, so we continued making our way to Bekton. We didn't have much trouble for the rest of the way. We ran into a crossroads and saw a few buildings built up along it. We walked in and tried to find a merchant. The pony we found (at least it kinda looked like a pony) was running a general good store. She looked at us and smiled.

"What brings you kids here." She said in a dry raspy voice.

"We're trying to get to Bekton, got a package we have to deliver." I said.

"Well Bekton his to your left down that road. If your looking for Far Point, you go right." She directed.

"Thanks." I said as we started trotting to the left.

"Y'all be carful now, Wasteland's a crazy place." She called out.


After about ten more minutes of walking down the road, we finally found Bekton. The outside was surrounded by old wagons and huge plates of scrap metal. The buildings' windows were all boarded up and dusty. Some of the roofs had barbed wired surrounding the perimeter. I could barely see the glint off a few rifle scopes.

"Hold on you guys." I said, halting them in their tracks. "Try not to provoke a reaction from the snipers." I warned. "Stay calm, and no sudden moves."

We started moving again. As we got closer to the gates, we heard a whistle from behind them. A small door opened on the left of the gate and a dark green filly with a charcoal mane trotted through. She had a small pistol holster tied to her left forehoof.

"State your business." She commanded.

"We're from Turntable, we were told to deliver a message to Angelfire." I said.

"They lost?" She said pointing o the two mares.

"We only need a few days rest then we'll be out of your mane, promise." The mare said.

The filly whistled and then another whistle responded. The gates slowly began to open. "Welcome to Bekton." She said. "The names Grassblade, and since its your first time here, I'll be showing you around. But first to deliver that package. Follow me." She said as she turned and walked into he town.

The streets were populated with ponies of all ages, majority of them being younger. They walked and talked, even played a few games here and their. Some of them had small battle saddles on, as they patrolled the town. The buildings inside didn't have as many boarded up windows. Shops and inns were spread out inside of the old buildings. I heard a crier who was advertising Moe's Weapon Emporium, saying they had the best guns at the best prices.

We arrived at a fortified museum. The front was barricaded and had turrets on the tops of scaffolding. Their motors hummed as we walked through the archway. We walked up some steps towards a big double door. Thick pillars held up the overhanging roof. Two guards stood by with dual battle saddled assault rifles. Grassblade opened the door and said, "okay you all wait here somepony will be with you shortly." She looked to the two mares, "If you two would follow me please. I'll take you to the clinic to get you patched up."

The two mares followed her out and closed the door behind them.

We waited in silence. With nothing to talk about, besides the mission.

After about five minutes of waiting, a metal pony trotted over to us. "Follow me to see Ms. Angelfire." It said in a fillies voice. We followed the strange robot and went up some stairs, down a hallway and into an office on the second floor. "Ms Angelfire is waiting inside. Have a nice day." It said before it trotted back down the hall.

We opened the door and were welcomed a semicircular room with a domed roof. The floors were covered in a carpet that hadn't been too badly ruined. In the center of the room sat a white Pegasus filly who had a white coat and a fire colored mane. She looked at us and smiled. "I'm guessing you're the delivery crew I've been wai'in for?"

"Yes ma'am." I said formally.

"Please, just call me Angel. No need for formali'ies 'ere."

"Okay, Angel. Well we have your scouting report." I said taking out the package and floating it onto her desk.

"Take a seat." She said pointing to the chairs laid out for us.

We sat down and continued the conversation.

"What are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Rogue." I said.




We said one after another.

She pointed at us and moved her lips as she moved her hoof to each of us. "Okay, I'll 'ave a look at this and then we'll discuss your payment." She said as she opened the envelope and pulled out the report. She hummed as she read. Her ears folded and she put the report down. "I'm glad I got this." She murmured. "Now, onto your payment. 'eir are four of ya so split your pay accordingly, fifty caps each." She said as she passed us each a bag of caps. "I was 'old that ya came 'ere with two others. Two adult mares one injured. Where did ya find 'em?"

"We found them in a cellar, beneath the bridge leading up to the intersection before here. We killed at least ten raiders in the process." Daemon responded.

"I see. And ya recused them... why?" She asked.

"Well, what do you mean. We saved them because they needed to be. We couldn't just leave them back there." Styng said sounding a little cross.

"I don't mean ta be rude. I just wan'ed ta know your mo'ives; ta see if ya were just a couple of mercs looking for some extra caps, or... some'in else." She responded cryptically.

"What do you mean, 'something else'?" Styng asked.

"I mean like 'eroes. You know, others oo 'elped change the wasteland into a slightly be'er place. I've been told I'm too easily impressed by good deeds, so I could be wrong and your just some 'elpful wastelanders, but theirs always that chance"

Heroes? Us!? We just got out of a stable and now we're (almost) being called heroes. "Why, don't you get many heroic types around here? It seems pretty easy to just go out and help." I said.

"Of course it is. It's just that we don't have the materials or ponies to keep it that way." Angel turned around and stood up. She walked over to a dusty window and looked out at the decimated city. "Look at what we've done 'ere. Built in about a month and 'as been in'abited for a couple a generations now." She turned her head towards us. "It's a wonder we even got this far." She said looking back out the window. "Everyone else is 'aving more trouble than we've ever go'en inta ourselves. These people 'ardly even get to see any real combat. They're 'ardly trained enough to defend against a raider assault team. We need good ponies like yaselves." She finished and returned to her desk. "So, if your loo'ing for some more work, you can check around town. Theirs usually a bounty board over by the bar. Don't worry about me, I'm quite alright up 'ere." She informed.

"Thanks Angel, we appreciate it." I said.

"Don't mention it. Now, excuse me, I 'ave a 'oof full of work to get done." She said as we left her office.

The robopony escorted us back down into the main lobby and opened the doors for us to leave. How polite. The outside air was as dusty as ever as a small gust of wind swirled around us. After everything that happened today I knew everyone was tired. We walked through the dilapidated streets and discovered an hotel of sorts. Ferrie's Place, it read above in neon lights that were remolded from something else. The outside bricks were caked in sand and dirt, making the outside look like a solid slab of concrete. The glass windows shown brightly as the clouds had parted allowing the sun to cast a brilliant organ hue on everything. We pushed open the old doors and we met by a ghoul mare.

"Welcome to Ferrie's Place," she called out. "My name's Ferris. We have almost anything you unrested bodies could ever need."

"Have any rooms for four?" Daemon asked as we neared the counter she was sitting behind.

"Well of course. That'll be 45 caps per person. That doesn't include fees for meals and.. extras." She said reluctantly.

"What do you mean by extras? I asked.

"Let's just say that there are some ponies here who like to keep people company for a price." She said as she flicked her eyes towards her left.

I looked over and saw a scantily clad mare leaning against the wall. She made a kissy face towards me and winked. My cheeks burned and I looked away. Ah... that's what she meant.

"Oooh. Gotcha." I replied.

We each passed Ferris our own caps for the room. "Shallow! Can you come here?" She called out to someone.

A full black stallion trotted from a room I hadn't noticed before. He was dressed in an old grey suit. "You need something Ms. Ferrie?" He asked.

"Can you show these fine ponies, and Griffin, to their rooms please?"

"Of course. Right this way." He said as Ferris tossed him some keys.

We walked behind the counter and went up some stairs that lead to a long corridor. Sounds of other ponies echoed through the halls; moaning, groaning, arguing, and laughter. More mares and stallions stood along the walls. Each of which wore less and less clothing. Some of them called out to us, wondering if we wanted to "have a good time." We walked passed a side hall that had two mares kissing inside. They looked like twins. One of which spotted us and paused a moment to look. A string of saliva bridging the gap between her mouth and her partners. She winked before I could completely get around the corner. Why is it so freaking hot in here!? We finally made it to our room and Shallow unlocked the door for us. "Here you are, room 149, enjoy your stay." He said, placing the keys on a dresser. "If you need anything, only ask and we'll see if we can help you." He said before leaving.

The hotel room consisted of mainly a bedroom that had two double beds, a bathroom and a rather spacious closet. The cracked, marron, wallpaper covered the room, a brown fur carpet, that was peeling in some places, donned the floors. The air smelled stale, as if this room hadn't been opened in a few weeks. The dusty window filtered the golden rays of the sun into the room. I tried to wipe away the dust but it was on the outside. Everyone had already picked out their beds. I was in the same bed as Daemon. Atleast the beds were big enough for a Griffin or else I'd be on the floor. Styng and Harmony sat together on their bed. I laid my saddle bags on the bed and sorted through all my stuff using my Pip-Buck. I had my RG-32, some transmuted rifle rounds, my armor and my stable barding, about 300 caps, that magazine I got from the gas station awhile back... "Wh... where's my gun?" I asked aloud.

"It's right there." Daemon said pointing a claw to my rifle.

"No, no my gun. The one I was making in the stable." Realization had set in. I had left it in all the rush. "Argggghh I fr... fu... ARGHH! I left it back there." I said finally, my head dropping aswell as my mood.

"You can always make another. It shouldn't be hard with ur new skill." Daemon said matter of factly.

"Yea, that was my first build. It's got sentimental value." I responded.

Styng and Harmony overheard the conversation and desired to chime in. "Dang that sucks, you should really just make a new one." Styng said.

"I'm not sure why you all left in such a hurry. But if it was as bad as I'm assuming, then yea, you should probably make a new one." Harmony said, pinning the final nail in my coffin.

Outvoted and unmotivated, I gave in to my friends decision and buried the memory of my old laser pistol and like a Phoenix raised a new and better prototype in my head.

~ ~ ~

The sun had set and cast a purple hue into the room, making it even darker than the colors already made it. A few lamps had been turned on and the meager light managed to illuminate a part of the room. The radio in the room whistled its tunes from one of the last few remaining stations available. The tune slowly died out wth the hum of a violin and a voice crackled to life. "Gooooood afternoooon Newshire, hope your enjoying the music because more will come after our regular news broadcast of the night." The Griffin said in his songbird voice. "So, according to my totally not pre-made script, there's been a number of different happenings around the island. First off, the last of those stables opened up, and the inside, as far a as I'm told, is completely inhospitable. There's this green mist you see, that kills you only a few minutes of exposure... but get this! There are kids in there. You heard me right. About 36 or so are there. Too scared to leave or just plain out gone insane. We haven't been able to rescue any of them, but it's not like we really can. I'm not sure how that gas hasn't affected them but I hope they come to soon. In other and less depressing news, the Taurobauro out in the deserts south of The Wall have become more aggressive towards travelers, so be on the lookout. This has been DJ-Remiz, bringing you all the news from around the island. Here's a couple of songs to end our night here. Starting us off, Dolly Llama with Spittin Image." A saxophone began to play as a piano chimed in to accompany the melody.

"I'm guessing that includes you guys?" Asked Harmony, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yea, it does." I said, hardly audible, even in the quiet room.

It had hardly been two days since we left and the event clung to us like a parasite. It's not like forgetting would get us anywhere. Any vague connection to it easily brought back up the horrific memories. The flooded my mind all a once and I winced at the pain they brought back. With my mood completely shattered and my eyes ready to burst, I took my lace underneath the ancient blankets and slowly dozed off.

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Fo: E The Crusades Chapter 6


By Quinton R. Johnson

The morning light piercing through the thickened windows lit up the room. The darkness behind my eyelids faded as the light reached the other side, causing the black to turn a dull red. I turned over then slowly opened my eyes. A black mass of feathers lied almost motionless on the other side of the bed. I rose slowly, the fatigue not having fully left my system, and got out of bed I looked over to Styng and Harmony and saw her cradled within his hoof and wing as they lied front to back. I smiled and made my way to the door.

As I approached, I heard a light knock, "House keeping," a mare said. I noticed her voice wasn't at all trying to be seductive like the other mares. I looked through the peephole and looked at her. She looked younger than the rest of the mares; almost my age. Her deep purple hide complemented her electric blue eye; the other hidden behind her mane which was mainly black, with a blue streak at the beginning. She looked to the left down the hall and her mane reflected the light, making it shine a dark purple. She knocked again, "Hello? Housekeeping, I'm here to clean up, can I come in?"

Realizing that I hadn't even answered her, I opened the door. "Sorry, I just got up." I said lazily, rubbing the back of my head. Finally seeing her whole body I noticed her hoof tips where also electric blue. I didn't dare a glance at her flank to see her cutiemark.

"So do you need me to come in or no?" She asked again, flipping the hair from her eye.

Again, realizing I hadn't given her a straight answer, "I, umm... yes, er, no... maybe?" I stuttered.

She looked me over quickly and took a peek into the room. "You're new around here, aren'tcha?" She asked in a much more seductive tone. "I could show to around, maybe a lil extra if your interested." She teased. I didn't know what to do, I froze up and just nodded my head. She giggled cutely and took my hoof, pulling me through the doorway. "C'mon, I'll show you around." She led me down the halls and through the front doors. The outside are was cool and crisp, the smell of the sea mixed throughout. My stomach forked and my trail of thought redirected. "There a place ta' eat just around he corner, c'mon!" She said racing ahead.

"Hey wait up!" I called out as I galloped behind her. I caught up to her and we ran side by side. She looked at me and giggled, running even faster. She whipped around the corner with me right on her tail. I could see a shop sign that looked like a kebab of some sort. I had caught back up to her side as we raced down the road, neck and neck. We ran so fast everything around us seemed to blur together. We were almost to the sign and the mare ran right next to me, looked over to me, and kissed me on the cheek. My grey cheeks turned cherry red as I stumbled to the finish, tumbling to a stop. I sat there speechless, I hardly even gasped for air even though I had just run at full speed.

As I sat there, the mare stood in front of me and took a seat. "My names Dex, what's yours?" She asked with a sly grin.

"...um Rogue," I answered.

"Well it's nice to know you can keep up Rogue, cuz I tend to move a bit fast." She said with a wink. "Now then, let's eat."

She helped me to my hooves and we both walked inside the diner. "Welcome to the Great Kebab, take a seat and a server'll be right with you." A hostess pony said as we trotted in.

We took our seats over by the window and a waiter pony came over. "Good morning, my name's Egg White, what can I get you two today? The special today is a sliced Vernaval fruit with a lettuce and onion bedding." The unicorn asked as he floated out a pen and notepad.

"I'll have a double stack salad, with the Vernal sauce, and a Sparkle Cola please." Dex responded.

I glanced over the menu while she ordered and found something. "I'll have the Daisy sandwich with a side of fried Dryspud wedges. I'll take a water to drink, thanks." I said.

Egg White finished writing, "Alright, I'll be back soon with your food. If you need anything give me a shout." He said before walking away to check on a few other tables.

Suddenly Dex put her front knees on the table, resting her head on her hoof. "So Rogue, tell me about yourself."

I wanted to... but what would I say. All I really have is my tragic past and what little I have out here. I sighed. "You really want to know?" I asked sullenly.

He attitude changed almost in a heartbeat. "Well, yea. Is something real matter?" She asked with mild concern.

"Were you listening to the radio last night by any chance?"

"No, but somepony told me about it. Something about a stabe... sweet Celestia!" She said with the sudden realization of where I'd come from. "Are, are you ok?" She asked slowly.

"I want to say that I am, but I know I'm not. The memories will always be with me. I just can't let them pull me down. I, appreciate your concern Dex. I may have only been on the surface for a few days, but, I've already met so many others that I've grown to know as friends, even if only barely." I chuckled, "It's funny, in the stable they always told us that there wasn't anything out here. Just a barren, lifeless hellhole. My grandparents used to live up here. I don't know exactly where but that's what my parents told me..." I explained. "My parents always told me how nice it was outside. All the green and the bright colors." I recalled. I looked back to Dex and saw a small tear roll down her cheek. I floated a napkin over and wiped it away.

"I'm... so sorry." She whimpered.

"What for?"

"I, it's just... when I first met you, I thought today would finally be the day that I cleared my debt."

"Well what do you mean." I asked.

"I'll tell you later. I promise."

Egg White returned floating plates of food onto our table. "Here we are, I hope you enjoy." He said as he placed the plates.

"Thank you." Dex and I said in unison.

The food smelled amazing, even more so now that it was actually in front of us. We savored every bite and finally finished. Only a sandwich pin and a few crumbs were left on my plate, my water; half empty. "That was the best meal I've had since I got out here." I said before drinking some water.

"Oh boy, you haven't even had the best of what we have to offer!" Dex informed me. "We got this fruit out here that tastes like no other! They call it the Icarian Fruit. It looks kinda like a cloud with wings." She exclaimed. "But they're kinda rare and highly valued. I've only seen two in my life." She continued.

"Wow! I wonder if I'll find one." I thought aloud.

Egg White came back with a makeshift bill; written on an old, blank, piece of paper. "Here you are." He said floating the bill to me. "I hope you both have a nice morning." He said before leaving.

"Here," Dex said before passing over 35 caps. "It's for my food."

"But don't you have something else to pay?" I asked leaving the caps in the center of the table. "I can pay for the whole thing." I said politely.

"No it's ok, what I thought of doing was... I'll tell you later." She said looking a bit embarrassed.

"Umm, ok." I didn't want to fight her, but I didn't want to take the caps either. She didn't give me and option. I took the caps and tossed in the 25 I owed. "You ready to go?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yea." She said, coming back from her deep thought.

We left the caps on the table and left the diner. Dex and I walked slowly through the streets. She looked distracted by something. I followed her eyes but only saw the buildings. "Something the matter?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh... I did say I'd tell you later." She said to herself. "C'mere," she said, trailing off to a nearby alley. We neared the center of the narrow alley with clutter and boxes scattered sparely throughout. She stopped to turn and face me, "So I told you about a debt I owed, but not the specifics. Well, I'm in debt with Ferris. A few years back I used to live on the streets, jumping from one old building to the next, stealing from anyone to get what I needed to survive. It wasn't easy some days I'd have just enough to get by. But other days..." Her ears folded back, "I've even... sold myself a few times." She said with watery eyes. "That's when Ferris found me, one of her whores snitched on me; said I was imposing on their business. So when they finally caught me, Ferris forced me to sleep with as many ponies as possible, saying that I worked for her now. Said it was all I was good for, but when she said that, I lost it! Turns out they just wanted me for my body, so I broke a few muzzles and cracked a few teeth. Now she won't let me go until I work up a thousand caps and the only way I can make that is by playing into her hooves." She growled grievously. "I didn't mean to tell you all this, im sorry, but I feel like you're someone who needed to hear. I heard what you did on that bridge. I just thought that maybe..."

I quickly pulled he close to me and into a deep embrace. She felt cold even though it was warm outside. I felt her hiccup as she vainly tried to hold in the tears. They fell from her eyes like a stream, they rolled off of her and into my chest. Her sobbing lightly echoing through the alley. We sat there for what felt like an hour as she sat between my hooves. Her sobbing had died down to a small whimper and she finally recomposed herself. "You okay?" I asked.

She pulled her head away and looked at me, still wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm usually not so emotional," her voice trying to laugh. "But I'm glad you're here. I've never actually opened up like that before." She said, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. She laughed as my face reddened.

An idea came to mind, "What if I helped you out with your dept, helped you pay it off. Then you could leave!" I suggested.

"That'd be amazing, but, I don't know if that's realistic. I owe two thousand caps! I've only hardly gotten to five hundred. It's almost impossible!" She blurted.

"Almost impossible." I said with a grin. "Besides, even if I can't get the caps, you could always just run away with us." I suggested

"You're either brave, or stupid to suggest that. But you're definitely something special." She said in disbelief. She came back into my chest, she felt lighter, but maybe that was just me. "If we run then you know she'll send someone after us for sure, most likely someone to kill us." She said quietly.

"Most likely, but that's after she figures out were gone. Then we'll just have to be ready when whoever she sends finds us." I said.

"You're awfully level headed about this, you sure you lived in a stable for the most of your life?" She questioned.

I chuckled, "well sometimes life screws you over and you've gotta live with it. Then you've got two options; give up," I said as I held up my left hoof, "or get up," I said raising the other. My hooves stuck out behind Dex and I saw images in both. On the left I saw myself crying myself to death as I waited inside the stable. On the right I was with my friends outside walking along the old dusty roads of the wasteland. I smiled at them then wrapped my fetlocks back around Dex. "I've had to make my own decisions, decisions that could've got me and my friends killed. I've only been outside for a few days and it feels like trotting through hell." I said trying to relate.