> Making A Splash > by TheOneAJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Or making the most of a hot summers day... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rather hot Tuesday for May. Supposedly not record breaking, but it was hot enough that, if you were a student in the Canterlot area, you’d either be indoors, or in a pool. For Juniper Montage, it would have been either, save for the one girl who could make her brave the summer heat. “Don’t worry, guys!” Wallflower cried, rushingly pouring buckets of water on the CHS school flower beds. “You will be saved. The nasty sun won’t burn any of you today!” “Don’t you think they’ve had enough?” Juniper asked, wiping sweat from her forehead. “This is like our tenth round!” Wallflower looked over to her with a sad frown that melted Junipers heart. “Oh, um, I mean,” the green girl stammered. “If you want, you can sit in the shade while I finish up, June.” She looked away. “You’ve already been a big help, June. You... you didn’t even have to come out here.” The lime green girl crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “And trust you not to exhaust yourself like last time?” Wallflower blushed. “Don’t remind me.” She looked down to the well watered flowers. “Don’t worry, guys. No one is going to dehydrated on my watch!” “Including you?” Juniper asked, shoving a bottle of water into Wallflower’s face. “And I If I catch you giving it to the flowers, I’ll make you marathon my first attempts at movie making with me, twice!” Wallflowers eyes widened as she downed the bottle, additional grateful for the liquid going down her throat. Juniper rolled her eyes. “But seriously, we almost done? There is such a thing as too much water for plants you know.” Wallflower though on that for a moment, having actually forgotten about it. “Maybe, but...” she looked from her flowers to her hot friend and flowers. Knowing Juniper wouldn’t stop until she was done. Juniper put an assuring hand on Wallflowers shoulder. “They will be fine, sweetie. You’re the best gardener in all of Canterlot. ” Wallflowers faced burnt at that. “Well... Yeah, just give me a sec and we’ll call it a day.” “Great!” Juniper beamed. Happy to be helping her best friend, but just as happy to be done. And with that, Wallflower got onto her knees to wish her friends well, while Juniper took the opportunity to marvel over her friends backside while she was busy. Not that it was weird or anything! Yeah she was into girls, or at least one girl. Plus, maybe there was some chance she was into her? She allowed herself to believe anyways. After all; who else would willingly stomach her old cringey videos not one, but seven times just to spend a weekend together? Or would even want a someone like her as a friend to begin with, let alone— “Alright!” Wallflower said, standing up as Juniper managed to look anywhere else that wouldn’t have suggested her being perverted. “Let’s go!” “Great!” Juniper nervously smiled. “So, you want to head to my place for the day?” Wallflower smirked. “You mean the one with the pool?” She asked as they left the gardens. “Well,” she started, “it’s not like there’s any reason my house wouldn’t suffice with the AC—” “... flower girl?” The two girls paused and turned to the voice. A couple of guys were out in the parking lot, when the one who likely said flower girls eyes widen. Clearly not expecting to have been heard. One of his buddy with spiky blue hair gave him a hand to the head. “Come on!” Juniper said, grasping her friends shoulder to lead her in the opposite direction. She at least politely nodded to the young man while glaring at his idiot friends. The boy looked concerned, but figured it was best to let them be and stay out of their business “You, me, bikini, pool now!” Juniper tried to encourage, although Wallflower continually clung tightly to her backpack for the rest of the trip. **** By the time they had arrived at Junipers house, Wallflower had at least relaxed enough to having kept her head down. Not much of an improvement, but a small step nonetheless. Juniper had tried small talk here and there, but when that didn’t work, she was content to let her friend be. They’re been through enough situations when someone would tease her to know Wallflower worked best. Much as how Wallflower knew the best way to get Juniper out of a funk was to pick a movie and then let June babble about all the behind the scenes nonsense for awhile. “Alrighty then!” Juniper said, forced smiling. She unlocked the side gate, granting them access to her backyard. Not that the front door wasn’t optional, but it just felt more natural to go that way. Plus, maybe the sight of the pool and her own backyard garden would lighten Wallflower up. “I’d say we’ve earned a nice cool dip, and then we can order pizza and watch whatever movie you like! How’s that?” Wallflower shrugged. “Sure.” Juniper frowned. Not that it was odd for Wallflower’s depression to last this long, but something about this mood swing had Juniper on edge. “Hey! There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about what you love, or have odd things regarding them. Why! Did I ever tell... Hey!” She shouted as Wallflower turned her back to her to head inside. “Come on, I just—“ she reached a hand out to her when Wallflower smacked it away. “Ouch!” Juniper cried despite feeling no pain. “Rude much?” Wallflowers mouth feel. “Oh, no!” She babbled dozens of apologizes before Juniper hushed her up. “Hey, it’s fine, really! Let just get changed and take a dip, alright?” Wallflower said nothing at first. She did however, look to the side a mumble something. Juniper tilted her head. “Pardon?” “I SAID WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?!” Wallflower shouted more loudly than she intended. “Sorry, I just, i....” when Juniper didn’t say anything back to that, Wallflower sighed and said. “Just... well.... You shouldn’t hang out with me.” Juniper gasped. “Wait, what? Why?!” Wallflower took hold of her left elbow. “It’s just... im so worthless and pathetic!” She started to cry a little. “I think back to when nobody noticed me and, as bad and nice as that was, I can’t help but think if I could still make myself invisible I wouldn’t have meet and dragged you through the mud.” Juniper blinked. “Wait, is that all?” She laughed, though was a little touched. “You think I’m one to talk after becoming a giant green eye bitch?” “This isn’t a joke—“ Wallflower started, before remembering how that actually happened. “No I mean...” Taking a deep breath, Juniper took her friends hand. “Hey! It’s okay,” she said fighting back tears of her own. “It’s okay.” “No it’s not! I... I...” Wallflower dropped her backpack and sat by the pools edge. Juniper doing likewise setting besides her. “Yeah,” Juniper said, looking into the water at themselves. “How did we become best friends again?” Starting to smile at last, Wallflower chuckled, “This story again?” Heart pounding, and reasoning to herself personal contact might help, Juniper rested her head on Wallflowers shoulders. “What? I like the classics.” To her delight, Wallflower wrapped and arm around her and, to Juniper surprise, ran a hand through her hair. “Let’s see... Sunset and her friends were hosting some friendship festival thingy or something for the CHS and CPA students. Something about all of us making new friend magic or something.” They giggled. “Anyways, me being content to just socialize with the other Gardeners of CHS, and even then, I mostly kept to the back and let them talk like always, when Pinkie Pie pops in.” She paused at the memory of the gravity defying girl. “Next thing I know, she shoves this nerdy girl into me, and—“ “Hey!” Juniper protested. “I thought I told you I hate it when you tell it that way!” Beaming, Wallflower suggested, “Okay then. Why don’t you tell it then, missy?” “Gladly!” Juniper rightened herself up and look Wallflower causally in the eyes. Hard to do when her smile back. It really did compliment such a beautiful girl. “Pinkie takes me as I’m minding my own business, shoves me to this random Canterlot chick, and says we’d totally be perfect for each other.” She blushed at that and tugged at her pigtails. “We were then awkward to each other at first, just saying our interest, and then...” she frowned, always hating how such good stories had to have such horrible things happen before the happy endings. “Then someone from my school called me a flower freak, and someone from yours said amazon bitch?” Wallflower added, face to the side. Juniper cringed. “Yeah. But...” she skillfully took Wallflowers hand, “if they hadn’t, we wouldn’t have bounded like we had. We wouldn’t have mentioned both our magical mishaps, wouldn’t have gotten those lemon lime smoothie, exchanged out numbers or... “Realized how much we had in common?” Wallflowers offered. Her smile turning her legs to jelly. Not wanting to be upstaged, Juniper instead answered; “Well, I was going to say not have to spend hours watering over-watered plants on a hot summer day, but,” she booped Wallflowers noise. “Saying I meet my best friend in the whole world works too.” “Hey! I told you you didn’t....” the lights eventually clicked and, to Junipers delight, Wallflower got angry, but clearly a playful anger. “Oh you are so dead!” She then dipped her hand in the pool and splashed Juniper. “Hey!” Juniper screamed, backing away. Once away from the pool, she smirked and said, “You known what they say; you have to catch me to kill me!” One stuck out tongue later, Juniper found herself being chased around the pool. Sadly, they discovered just why most pools had a no running policy in the following steps; Firstly, to avoid being caught, Juniper rushed towards a table to put something between her self and her ‘vengeful’ friend. Second, the table being of the light plastic variety, and not nailed down. Third, full of adrenaline from their chase, Wallflower pushed the table out of the way and, in a surprise move, wrapped her arms around Juniper. “Got cha!” Fourth, while the table wasn’t nailed down, there was a hole used for an umbrella whenever the situation called for it underneath. Not seeing it, and having been more focused on capturing Juniper, she didn’t see the hole, tripped on it and, arms already tightly around her friend, then both started to fall. Lastly, still in the mindset of their keep away game, Juniper tried to back away from the forced bear hug. However, she realized too late that they were falling backwards, and tried to stop the fall. This simply allowed the wet concrete to do its job as she lifted one foot, only to leave the other unable to support both of their weight. Fortunately, rather than landing on the hard cement, they steered themselves into the water instead. There was a splash, and a moment later, the pair stood up, their regal clothing drenched. “Gah! Look what you made me do!” Juniper moaned, pushing her glasses back onto her face. “Hey!” Wallflower protested. “You started this, you cute little nerd!” “Oh it’s on!” Juniper declared as she started to splash. Wallflower held up her hands, before laughing and splashing back. The two carried on for several minutes before exhaustion overcame them. Wallflower, being slightly less fit, leaned over, to which Juniper caught her. “Hey...” Juniper said with a smile as the regained their breaths in each other’s arms. “Maybe we should... put on more appropriate clothing?” Wallflower chuckled and looked up to her friend. “What? And ruin such a beautiful moment.” They both shared a laugh while looking into each other eyes. Then in the moment, seeing it hundreds of times in thousands of movie, though inexperienced, Juniper closed the distance between them with a kiss. She then realized a moment too late that this was no more a dream than a movie and recoiled in horror. A million explanation running through her head, sure she had just made the biggest mistake in her life, except Wallflower kept her in place and kissed her too. Until she also realized this wasn’t a dream and pushed back. Eyes wide. “Um... well...” Juniper tried to mumble. “How... how long?” Wallflowers asked. Face red as a carrier as she scratched her neck. “Being into girls? Or just—” To her surprise and dismay (surprismay?... ) Wallflower turned away. Fortunately for Juniper, she said, “You should probably find someone else. Someone more pretty? I’m sure an emotional broken case like me will just break your style. Juniper sighed happily and waded over, wrapping the green girl in a hug. “Hey! None of this self-loathing. If anything, I’d think you wouldn’t want someone bad messed up as me.” She frowned and held Wallflower close. “You’ve been nothing but a light for me since you came into my life. No matter what we do, it’s always better when it’s with you... if you still want me...” Crying, but this time, head held high and smiling, Wallflower turned around, held Juniper's chin, and brought her best friend... her girlfriend, into another kiss. Bodies pressed to each other, the two girls continue to kiss until Juniper pointed out, “Maybe we should get out of these clothes at least?” “Hehe, yeah,” Wallflower added, an evil smirk rising from her. “Bet you like that?” Face beat red, it was Junipers turn to chase Wallflower into the house. Where they ended up spending the rest of their day together.