
by Emerldminer

First published

I come from the net and ended up here mainframe. Where everything is possible... including pones turns human trying to find a way back home, and also Brogan a user trying to get back to earth.

We come from pony vill.
Through systems, peoples, and cities
To this place:

Our format: We don't have a format
We ended up here
now we are trying to get back to pony vill

They say The Gardein lives inside the Net
And protects people from the games.
No one knows for sure, but we intend to find out!


This is bast off the First fully 3D SGI show named ReBoot. The main 6, Starlight Glimmer and the CMC got stuck in the Reboot universe for over 2 years now, along with a human named Brogan that has been living there for over 5 years trying to find a way out. Megabyte and his sister Hex are always making trouble for the mainframers.

The Tearing

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I come from the Net. Through systems, people, and cities, to this place - Mainframe. My format, Guardian: To mend and defend. To defend my new found friends, their hopes, and dreams, and to defend them from their enemies. They say The User lives outside the Net and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out.


Bob and Brogan are flying through the skies on there hoverboards, high above the city of Mainframe, being chased by Hack and Slash, two dum robots that work for a virus named Megabyte.

"There they are!" Hack and Slash yell at the same time as they dive toward the city.

"Can't they give us a break?" Brogan asks no one in particular.

"Look there getting away," Hack says to Slash,

"ao!" Slash replies.

"Charge!" Hack yells flying toward Bob and Brogan. They get into the city, Bob and Brogan stop on a road.

"Slow clock speed or what?" Bob asks Brogan, Brogan just shrugs in response. Then Hack and Slash line up on either side and charge at them.

"They're confined?"

"They're confined!"

"They're trapped!"

"Yes, they're trapped!" Hack and Slash yell at each other.

"I don't think so," Bob says as the two Fly up just enuff so the two robots crash into each other, their parts flying every ware.

"I hate this!" Hack yells at Slash.

"Where's my arm!" Slash yells as his arm falls right next to his head.

"Sary guys, end program, better luck next cycle," Brogan says with a big grin. Then out of nowhere a vid window appears in front of Bob.

"Bob all I ask is a simple faver and you put us through all this... why?" Megabyte says, he is a big purple like human, but also looks like a robot.

"Because I never do favors for slime? I don't know, it's just a theory," Bob says shrugging his shoulders. Megabyte sighs,

"You're only making things difficult for your friends," he says looking away.

"My friends!? What do they have to do with anything?" Bob asks starting to get concerned.

"Think about it," Megabyte replies making Bob and Brogan mad.

The next cycel in Bob's hotel room

Bob is sleeping in his bed so peacefully when an alarm clock goes off, waking him up. He gets showered and his hair combed automatically. Then (again) out of nowhere a vid window pops up with Enzo, a green-skinned little boy with a red hat that has his icon on it.

"Bob! We need you at Dotts and Rarity's Shop! It's terrible!" Enzo yells pushing his face up against the vid window.

"There's a new one, D and R is down," Bob says as he rides out of the hotel on his hoverboard.

Bob is getting close to D and R shop and dinner when Brogan and Rainbow Dash, both guardians, and with key tools named Glitch. They also both have rainbow hair, the only difference is the length, and there faces.

"Hi Bob, we got a message from Scottalloo that D and R is down," Dash says as they fly toward the shop.

"Ya! and from the way it looks, it's not good," He says as they land in front of the shop/dinner, which looks like it got robbed. Bob tries to step over the dog, which is sleeping in front of the door, the dog growls.

"R-right," Bob says nervously.

"This situation, she is ridiculous! I am a server not a made!" Cecil, the server for the dinner says madly as he moves on his rails. Right when he passes Dot and Rarity, Bob climes throw the broken window.

"You know there's a door darling," Rarity says to Bob, he turns to look at them.

"Have you ever hird of a frisket?" He asks as his hoverboard flyes in all chewed up. Brogan and Dash chuckle as they walk into the dinner.


"Dash!" yells Enzo and scootaloo respectively as they run and tackle down dash and Bob.

"at least it was dash and not me," Brogan said smiling.

"We tried to quit filed them dud!" Enzo says making big arm gestures.

"But it seriously defaulted, a bunch of goons started to completely offline the place!" scootaloo says shaking dash.

"I mean trash, crash, delete, back slash.." The pare says at the same time getting up and standing on them. Dot walks over to Bob and Enzo.

"Enzo.." She says to her little brother.

"Scottallo.," Brogan says to scootaloo

"What?" The 2 say at the same time.

"I think Bob get's the picture," Dot says looking down at Bob who is flattened to the ground.

"I think Dash get's the pitcher," Brogan says looking down at dash.

"That's for sure," Dash and Bob say at the same time.

"What I want to know is who and why?!" Rarity says helping to put the table back up with dot. Bob and dash get up and walk over to the group with Brogan and scootaloo following.

"It's got to be Megabyte! He did it to get to Bob! But it's our problem, we will handle it," Brogan says looking at Dash and Bob, they both nod.

"If Megabyte want's something from you guy's it's all of our problems," Dot replied looking strict.

"Ya! Bob!" a Binom yells.

"Ya! What's up Bob!" another binom yells.

"We can deal with it," Dash says.

"Ya but I can't deal with the downtime, come on Bob what is it?" Rarity asks.

"Megabyte want's some little fave, but he didn't say what," Bob says sitting down by the table. Then Cecil comes over and pats him on the shoulder.

"Just a little faver hu? Then maybe you should do it if it means we can stay online," He says to Bob.

"No Way! look this isn't the supercomputer, around here we main framers stick together and when it comes to Megabyte the answer is always no!" Dot says shaking her head, Rarity nods her head in agreement.

"Copy and past that!" a binom yells as they other's join in until it dies down.

"Ok, ok no favors for mister mega virus, I am going to file my self right here to make sure he doesn't trash this place again!" Bob says as Dash and Brogan walk to either side of him and pat his shoulder. Then Cecil goes back to cleaning, as all the binoms scream in celebration.

"Can we help you guys! hu! this will be cool! we will show him what you gardeans are made of!" Scootalo yells then turn to Rarity to see a vid window appear. Scootalo run's and hid's behind Dash's back as Megabyte appears on the screen, Enzo completely oblivious.

"We will edit, cancel, backslash his command! I am not afraid of old mega breath," He says confidently turning around to see the vid window. "Bail!" He yells running and hiding behind Dot.

"My, my, what a messy establishment," Megabyte says smiling.

"But we are still in business!" Rarity and Dot say to Megabyte sternly.

"Why don't you place an order... to go!" Dot says, getting all up into the vid window.

"Such hostility, I only want to know if there is anything I can do to help the cleanup efforts?" He replays still smiling.

"You could erase your self, that would help," Scootalo says, poking her head out from behind Dash.

"Charming, you know guardians, all you need to do is input one small faver and I might be able to keep this from happening again," Megabyte says seriously.

"Don't concern your self Megabyte, I may be new here but I am staying right here to make sure nothing happens," Dash says crossing her arms. Then a warning sound's from the sky, they all look outside to see the sky turned pink.

("Now That's my color!"

"Pinky! I told you not to interrupt the story!"

"Ops, sorry mister narrator, carry on.")

now where were we... o ya. Then they saw a big pink block falling from the sky, with a voice saying "Warning in coming game!"

"What a turn of events," Megabyte says leaning back in his chair. "as usual they will all do so badly inside the game, how gratifying, I want 3 legends in the sector to watch for the guardians if they tried to get in,"

"yes master!"

"Yes, your evilness!" Hack and Slash go on for a little bit before stopping.

"Sorry Gardens, you can't play any games till you finish your work for me," He says smiling.

"we got to get into that game," Bob says, as the 3 fly of toward the game cube.

"Dash, Bob, Brogan what!" Rarity and Dot say trying to stop them but it's too late, the left on their hoverboards.

They fly by on the street to the game, when 5 ships appear all have megabits symbol. The 3 get surrounded by them, attempting to stop the trio.

"Hay!" Dash yells as one ram into her. Then Hack and Slash riding on a ship that blocks them. The trio slams into the ship and starts to fall as the hoverboards keep flying. Then out of nowhere, Dot, Enzo, and Scootalo catch the three in a car.

"I had a feeling Megabytes goons world be here," Dot says to the two kids.

"Did we make it?" Brogan asks in a drunken tone. Then, without answering they fly back to the diner, as the game cube lands and the sky goes back to normal.

Back at the dinner

"," Brogan says looking at his key tool, which has stats of the games energy level, the higher it is the more likely they are losing. Bob and Dash are also looking at there key tools. Dot, Enzo, and Scootalo get out of the car.

"Can they win without them?" Scootalo asks as they walk over to the guardians.

"I hope," Dot says, but right then the Game cube disappears with the narrator saying,

"Game Over, the user wins," When the game cube is gone they see... nothing, the whole sector nullified.

"The whole sector's nullified! Of line!" Enzo says looking in shock.

"They.. lost!" Dash says as Bob and brogan look down in despair.

"Well it wasn't your guy's fault, there was nothing that you... or we could do," Scootalo says looking at the guardians.

"If we just had done Megabyt's Faver! none of this would have happened!" Brogan yells in anger. Brogan, Bob, and Dash are ready to head to megabyte until Dot stops them.

"Wat! Before you do anything, why don't you talk to Phog and twilight," Dot says to the three, they all nod and fly away on there hoverboards.

They stand in the principle's office, where Bob is playing pong with Phog. The others stand to the side with Twi.

"Tell me again why we had to do this?" Dash ask's Twilight.

"Two reasons, one he likes to challenge sprite, and two because it's his favorite game," She says plainly. They watch on to see it's 3-3, one more score and they win. Phog has the puck and is bouncing it between his hands.

"Uuu... Begin!" Phog yells as he hit the puck to the wall, it bounces off the wall and Bob hit's it back. Phog can't get to it in time so Bob wins. Phog is a wise little robot that most sprites turn to. "You have won my game and my knowledge.. what did you guys want to know," He says as everyone walks up to him. Brogan is shaking his head.

"Megabyte asked them to do him a "Faver"... remember?" Twilight asks the old sprite.

"A... Megabyte, my advice is to stay away from him, the command com has tried to erase him at every up grade, but failed," he says looking at the guardians. "What is this "Faver" he want's?" Phog asks Bob.

"He won't say," Bob replies shrugging.

"Aa... I see, there is an old readme file that says, keep your friends close and your enemies closer," He says as twilight walks over to his side.

"Megabidrean Idea," Dash says looking away and smiling like a dork.

"o.. but do be careful Dash, I have seen that look on young sprites before," Phog says pointing a finger at Dash, who, in response blushes. Brogan just rolls his eyes,

"Come on let's go talk to the other's," Brogan says as Bob and Dash walk with him.

"We're not going back are we," Dash asks Brogan. Brogan shake's his head,

"We are taking this to Megabyte!" Brogan says determinedly.

The three land in front of Megabyte's tower and knock. Then a vid window of Megabyte appears.

"O my! guardians, do please, come in," he says as the door opens and they walk in.

Back at Dot's and Rarity's shop and Dinner

They just cleaned up everything. Enzo, Dot, Rarity, and Scootalo are standing inside finishing up. They sit down at the bar and call Phog. He answers with the vid window showing his whole face.

"Yes? My child?" Phog asks Rarity.

"Phog... Darling, are the guardians still there?" Rarity asks as both Enzo and Scootalo gag at her wording.

"You mean, they aren't with you?" Phog ask as they shake there heads no. "o dear... Then I am afraid they might be at megabytes!" He answers in distress.

"!" Scootalo yells.

"Back at Megabytes tower"

"I am glad you guys finally came to your senses," Megabyte says as they step onto the platform. It starts moving down.

"oo.. cozy," Bob says sarcastically.

"you have to forgive me and Brogan, we aren't from here. So we don't know the advantages of having a.. friend." Dash says sarcastically of course and also saying that last word with disgust.

"a wise desition Guardians," Megabyte replies as the platform stops in what looks to be an armory.

"Well... that's a big army," Dash whispered to Brogan as the platform moves forward. They eventually stop at a big door, it slowly opens to reveal a Tear.

"a tear, it leads to the supercomputer," says Bob looking at his key tool.

"It's a class 12, normal pulse, above average alterity," Dash says looking at her own key tool which shows the status of the tear.

"You guardians sure know your tears," Megabyte replies.

"That's the Idea," Brogan says looking back at him with disgust.

"It's simple Brogan, all you need to do is stabilize the tear into a portal," He explains to Brogan.

"That's your fave? That's what you need us for?" Dash asks Megabyte.

"Precisely, you know only Guardians and games can only stabilize tears," Megabyte explains like is talking to a child. Which makes Brogan mad.

"and what about the binoms?" Brogan asks pointing to the army of binoms.

"o.umm.. just some colleagues to watch," He replies back.

"Wait, let a virus like you into the supercomputer, I don't think so," Brogan says walking forward to the computer keeping the tear from going crazy.

"O, you know you just making this harder," He says as a vest raps around Brogan and puls him back. Then he comes face to muzzle with Chrysalis.

"Chrysalis! what are you doing here!?" Dash yells at her as she walks to the computer with Brogan in hoove... eh magic?

"I'm just trying to get back to our world by helping Megabyte over here," She says lining Brogan up with the tear and shoots him toward it.

"Glitch! Key!" Brogan yells as Glitch attaches it's self to the tear stabilizing it, he gets shoved throw and is pulled back out. Then Glitch returns to him. "What are you trying to do erase me!" Brogan yells at Megabyte.

"If necessary," He replies back.

"Hi everybody," Sweety bell says being held by Hack wile Scootalo is being held by slash.

"They started a riot,"

"Ya! they started one!" The two robots say.

"Riot? there harmless," Megabyte says looking mad. Then dash walks over and kicks down the computer making the tear unstable. "The tear! lock down the tear!" He says as Brogan is thrown to the side by Chrysalis and Hack and Slash drop sweety and Scootalo. The Binoms start to explode as a warning siren goes off. The giant doors close stabilizing the tear. Then the Guardians, Sweety bell, and Scootalo ride the platform up the tower again.

"That was some plan!" Dash says to Scootalo and Sweety bell.

"What plan? I new if Hack and Slash capture us, they would take us to you guys. We are making up the rest as we go on," Sweety bell explains.

"I think you have been hanging around us too long," Brogan says trying to get the vest off. Then all of a sudden he gets pulled down by Megabyte. Scootalo runs over and pushes the button, releasing Brogan and making Megabyte fall.

"It was that simple?!" Brogan says standing up. The group looks over the edge to see Megabyte scaling the sides like a cat.

"o boy!" Bob says nervously. When they finally stop at the top Megabyte is there. They all scream in surprise and shock.

"Leaving? So soon, How rude!" Megabyte says smiling. Then out of nowhere a game starts to fall on them.

"Warning, incoming game," Says the announcer.

"Well, how convenient? I guess I won't need you guys after all," Megabyte says running off into the shadows as the gang gets engulfed in the game.

In The Game

They are standing on a big launch pad in space.

"A space game? Cool," Brogan says as they line up, along with other Binoms.

"ReBoot!" They all yell as they double tap there Icons over there heart. Then they all turn into astronauts.

"Look out!" Dash says ducking with the others as the user comes by and destroys all but 20 of the ships. They get up and look at the user. "Wow, that was close,"

"ya, no kidding," Brogan replies looking at dash.

"We shouldn't be worried about the user, it should be mega breath," Scootalo says running up to them, with Sweety Bell behind her.

"Ya! were is he," Bob asks as they look around.

up in the air, the user is coming back for a second round when Megabyte climes on to the ship and takes over.

"There! with the user! but what is he doing?" Sweety asks pointing at the user as they fly by.

"Viral take over, he is infecting the user, this is not good, bummer, now we have a Mega user," Brogan explains as The Mega user flies by.

"He's heading for the tear!" Dash yells.

"It will be in the center of the planet," Bob explains.

"Then we got to beat him there," Brogan says as they all climb into the remaining ships and take off towed the planet.

"Alph wing clear of deck, preceding to head 1138, Stay frosty!" Dash says getting a few weird looks. "What! I all was wanted to say that," She says blushing.

"The tear is now a stable portal at the end of the third level, we have to nail Megabyte before he can get to it," Brogan tells they others as they fly toward an asteroid belt.

"asteroids dead ahead!" Scootalo says as they come into view.

"he's trying to lose us, maximum shields, follow my lead," Bob says going into the asteroid belt with the other's following. They get to the halfway point.

"Keep it tight people," Dash says still following Bob. After a little will on of the Binoms crash.

"we lost Alpha 4, 6, and 10!" Bob yells as he heads straight for an asteroid.

"Bob! look out!" Sweety yells at him, he turns to see the asteroid.

"I don't think so," Bob says as he shoots a hole into the asteroid and flies throw with the rest following. "That was easy enough," He says getting a dirty look from Scootalo as they keep going.

"There he is!" Dash yells as they exit the asteroid belt and head to the Planet.

"That's trouble," Brogan says as a giant ship with Megabytes logo on it.

"eras those meddlings fallowing me," Megabyte says to his minions. Then all guns point to the group as they get closer. Megabyte heads toward the planet as they start firing on the group.

"And make that double!" Scootalo says as Sweety just shakes her head.

"Hit the target Icon on the bridge," Bob says to everyone.

"Target in range," Brogan says as the sensor picks up the icon.

"Cover me I think I have a shot," Sweety says as Brogan goes in front of her. "Pull, now!" She yells shooting as Brogan pulls up. The hull thing explodes and withers.

"Nice shooting," Dash says as the group heads into a tunnel.

"wherein the third level now," Brogan says as they keep flying, dodging all the rocks.

"This place is making me dizzy," Scootalo says shaking her head. They keep on flying until Brogan targets Megabyte.

"I think I got him!" Brogan says firing at him but missing. Then behind them, the cave starts to crumble.

"o boy," Dash says as they fly faster. They fly out into a clearing wich holds the portal. Then Megabyte flies behind Bob.

"Time to shut you down Bob," he says.

"He's on your tale!" Brogan yells at Bob.

"Ya right," Bob chuckles as he then slows down and flies behind Megabyte. He then proceeds to shoot him, destroying his ship. Then Megabyte grabs onto Bob's ship ripping the glass protection off.

"you don't have to fight me, Bob, think about it, we could be a great team," Megabyte asks Bob, who is getting mad.

"I would rather be erased," He replies.

"your choice," Megabyte says as he jumps off, cutting off one of Bob's wings sending him spinning. The peace crashes into the others, deleting their ships.

"Glitch! safety harness!" Bob says as glitch makes a rope attaching it's self to the ceiling, saving Bob.

"You had the chance to join me, Bob! but now I am going to infect the supercomputer, and no one can stop me," He says to no one. Then the group falls to the ground, Megabyte catching Dash on accident.

"umm, just dropping in," Dash says before he drops her. Bob grapples to the portal and then yells,

"Glitch! disengage!" He falls into the portal finishing the game and returning them back into Megabytes tower.

"It's unstable again, You want to see how much I hate to lose," He says to the group standing by the tear. He then shows off his claws scaring Scootalo and Sweety out of there minds, but before he can do anything Bob comes back throw the portal.

"Hi, I'm back..." He says as the portal disappears."Did you miss me?" He asks, he gets an answer with Scootalo and Sweety smiling.

"The tear it's gone! but how!?" Megabyte asks them.

"Just a little command I picked up at the armory, like these ones," He says as 5 yellow balls float above them.

"What are they?" he asks.

"you will see, or better yet, not see... by," Bob says as the group disappears.

"It must have been a return command! they went back to the diner!" He says walking away.

"Hiden file command... you got to love these," Brogan explains.

Back at D and R's Dinner and shop

Enzo is tocking to The little group of friends.

"once we convince them that you guys weren't at the dinner, Megabyte split," Enzo says finishing up.

"you know guys, Megabyte will never forgive you for this," Rarity says, Dot agreeing.

"Whatever, I just hope he has it straight when he messes with one of us.." Dash starts.

"He messes with all of us," Brogan says finishing her line.

"Uuu... I don't get paid enough for this! clean up is not my function," Cecil says as we see the Dinner/Shop all broken again.

Rasing the clock

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We see Enzo sitting in a booth at D and R's diner and shop. There are Vid screens pointing to him saying Enzo's override delivery. Brogan walks over from the counter to Enzo.

"Slow day," Brogan says leaning on the booth.

"Just you what! I will be as good as Dote some cycle!" Brogan rolls his eyes and walks away. Then, as Enzo was a gusting one of his vid windows. The one on his right starts flashing and ring. "No Way! a call!" He touches the screen to be met with a binom. "Enzo's override delivery services, anyone, anywhere, anytime, how can I help you?"

"Hi, it's Jone luke, is this Dote's date compression take out?" Jone aks, Enzo shakes his head in frustration.

"No, wrong number," He says hanging up and sighing in defeat. Cecil grabs one of the vide windows pointing to him and goes over to Enzo.

"Is this the sign of things to come?" Cecil asks putting his arm around him and showing him the vid window. Enzo is a little annoyed at this, but before he can retort Bob and Dote are walking towards the dinner. Cecil opens the door for Dote then slams it when Bob is going to walk in. He opens the door rubbing his nose and looks at Cecil with anger.

"Hay Enzo, how your new delivery service coming along?" Dot asks as Cecil clears some of the vid windows.

"O! Great! gust hug!" He replays pulling down a vid window showing some fake data. "Seriously active, I was written for this format. I'm going malty, quality, major even!"

"Enzo," Dot interrupts her little bro.


"we're glad to hear it," Bob says smiling.

"Ya, we will be downstairs if you need us. Bob is going to repair a tear that appeared after the last game," Dote says.

"Ok, cool," Enzo replays as they start to walk away. "We are talking high density here, you'll see one day I will be as successful as you sometime Dote!" He yells to them as they walk down the stairs. "*Sight* as soon as I get some order," He whispers.

Enzo is asleep in the booth as one of his vid windows rings. It turns on to reveal Megabyte in his chair tapping his finger with hack and slash next to him. (Note: Megabyte when sitting in his chair doesn't have legs on.)

"Enzo's override delivery services, anyone, anywhere, anytime, how can I help you?" Enzo says sounding depressed.

"ENZO!" Megabyte yells snapping Enzo out of his trans.

"Mega Breath! I mean Megabyte!" Enzo says sitting up in shock.

"I understand that you have a new delivery service," Megabyte reply ignoring the somewhat clever insult.

"Well, it's not exactly new if you call 31 nanoseconds new, but it was a way to be just like my awesome sister Dote." Enzo continues on his rant as Megabyte gets angry by the millisecond.

"Enzo!" He yells getting the attention of the spirit.

"Yes?" Enzo asks looking back at Megabyte.

"What a... persuasive sales sprit you are. You convinced me to use your serves for all my deliveries,"

"Alpha new marik Do you mean it!" Enzo says putting his face up to the vide window, sending it forward towards Megabyte. He's not fazed as Hack and Slash stop the vid window. "All of your delivers for your hull evil empire!"

"Wow, coolness, that must be a lot!" Enzo says as Hack and Slash push the vid window back. "Wait till Dote hears about this! o, what, she'll say no, she hates your guts,"

"Very well," Megabyte sighs, looking down in disappointment. "I guess I could always find someone else to prosses during delivers to exotic places,"

"No, no, no, no, no, I will just um... tell her later, ya! that's it," Enzo exams.

"Perhaps, I have to see how you handle a test, program," Megabite replies. Hack grabs a box raped in wrapping paper and huffers over to the vid window.

"You can count on me! this may be my first after-school function, but I'll show Dote I'm big enough to handle... oof!" Enzo gets cute off when Hack shoves the package through and right into Enzo's chest.

"Take this package to hexadecimal, but whatever you do, DON'T TELL HER HOW SENT IT," Megabyte explains, emphasizing the last statement.

"Ooo, it's a surprise?" Enzo asks, leaning closer to the vid window. Making sure to keep his voice down.

"Precisely," Megabyte replies, smiling.

"No problem mister bite," Enzo says as the vid window shuts off. Unknown to them Scuzzy, Hex's cat, was spying on them.

In the Basment

"Any luck?" Brogan asks, walking down the stairs.

"Not yet," Bob replies. His glitch has a scanner like atenas sticking out. "What! there it is, here it comes," They look to see a box in the corner shake.

"Wach your eyes," Brogan says as the box explodes, leaving the tear. Bob, Brogan, and Dote cover there eyes. Bob's glitch turns into a raygun looking thing.

"Glitch, mend," He says as yellow light comes out of Glitch and hits the tear, shrinking it into nothing. Glitch returns back to normal as Enzo comes running down the steps.

"Dote, Bob! I did it!" Enzo yell. Everyone turns to see Enzo with a package in his hand.

"Nice work Enzo," Brogan says, smiling. He walks over to Enzo and pats him on the back.

"O, hi Brogan," Enzo says in the most deadpan voice. Brogan gives him the "Seriously" face as the other two walks over to them.

"Congratulations," Dote says, proud of her little brother.

"Got to zip, can't be late to Hexadecimal for my first delivery," Enzo says, turning around and running up the stairs.

"Ok, see you," Bob yells up the stairs. After a few seconds, they realize what he said.

"Hexadecimal!" They all yell.

Out side the Dinner

Enzo throughs down his hoverboard and steps onto it, but before he can go anywhere, Dote grabs Enzo and yanks him off the board.

"Did you say Hexadecimal?" Dote asks, hoping it wasn't true.

"Yes, yes he did, I mean he only said it 5 paragraphs before," Brogan whispers to himself.

"Ya," Enzo confirms the suspicions.

"Who sent this package?" Dote asks, letting go of him.

"It was.. um.," Enzo says, looking away from there gaze. "It was some guy named... Sean Luke, ya!"

"Why would anyone send a package to Hex is what I want to know," Rainbow Dash asks, stepping off her hoverboard. Brogan jumps a little from the surprise.

"What's in it?" Bob asks.

"I don't know? It's a surprise," Enzo whisper the last part.

"It's a bomb," the three gardens say at the same time.

"Better access what's inside, just to be save," Bob says as Brogan takes the package.

"Glitch, x-ray," Brogan says, but instead of his going off. Bob's goes off. "We really need to change our things names," Brogan says, extending his hands so that Glitch could x-ray it. All they see is a white mask with a clock on it.

"See, it's not a bomb," Enzo says, pulling the box away. "Can I go now?"

"I can't let you go to Hexadesimels Island, it's too dangerous," Dote explains. Enzo sighs with defeat and hands over the box to Dote.

"I should just give up," Enzo says.

"Compile up, act your age, there's a simple solution to every problem, Bob will do it," She says, shoving the box to Bob. "Enzo can continue his business, don't quit file so easily," She walks back into her dinner.

"I can't do this right now, I have to talk with Phog about something... Brogan you do it," Bob says, slamming the Box into his chest. Before he can reject, Bob gets on his hoverboard and zips off. Brogan looks to Dash, but she is long gone.

"Gosh dang it," Brogan says, reluctantly dropping his hoverboard and zipping away.

Hex's Island

"So many modes, so little time," Hex says, placing a mask on her face. Hex is a tall woman, dressed in all red and always wheres a mask. She is sitting in the middle of a big room. With one light shining on her. Scuzzy her cat rolls in from nowhere. "Scuzzy, how dare you interrupt me while I put on my face!" She says. Her mask turns one of anger.

The floor under scuzzy disappears and he falls down. Almost instantly Hex looks sad.

"I should not have done that, I was glad to see him," She says, waving a hand over the hole. Scuzzy stops falling, almost right into the water. He is flung right back up, and the ground is replaced.

"How good to see you scuzzy, What do you've got for me?" She asks, with a face of curiosity. Suzzy tilts his head, so you can see the green gem on top of his head. It shows Megabyte putting the mask in the box.

"It's a delete command disguised as a mask, she will never know what erased her," He explains, laughing manicky. Hack and Slash join in. "Stop it you two, it's not funny when the henchmen laugh,"

"Delete me will he?!" Hex yells in anger. "Time to calculate a surprise for our dear Megabyte,"

On the brige to Hex's Island

Brogan zips down the twisted bridge. Enzo drops out of nowhere and looks at you. He sighs to himself before talking.

"This is the way it always goes, I miss all the cool stuff!" He says to you. Brogan is zipping through the Island. He goes underneath an arch and is teleported back a 10-feet, but he's upside down.

"See! Well, if I can't make the delivery, I can always watch," Enzo says. Zipping down the bridge.

Brogan dodges building and a light post trying and succeeding in flipping himself back over.

"Why do I always get lost in lost angles?" Brogan asks himself, turning around. Enzo following a foot behind. Brogan looks down to see a bunch of nulls following him. They are colorful, but they are biomes that have lost in the games, trying to find energy.

"There's nothing worse than asking a null for directions," Brogan says, turning a corner. Then, out of nowhere, a giant bomb blocks his path. "Ok, almost nothing," He says, turning around to see the nulls under him. "Shoe, get! go find someone else to drain energy from,"

The nulls back up as a hull appears under Brogan. Brogan and the hoverboard are sucked in. All the nulls run away as the bomb disappears. Brogan slides down a... well slide, right into the lair of Hexadecimal. Brogan lands on the ground with everything intact. Well, probably not his sanity.

"Brogan," Hex says, appearing behind him.

"Hexadecimal," Brogan says, turning around.

"PINKY" They both jump from the sound. They look to see Pinky Pie standing there, with her hands outstretched.

"How?.. never mind," Hex says, snapping her fingers, sending Pinky pack where ever she came from. "I never expected the delivery person to be you, Brogan," Hex says, walking slowly over to him.

"Well, sorry, I've always been me," He says, doing his best to smile. "I have a package for you, Enzos override delivery," He says, handing her the box.

"A package! for me!" She says, putting an arm over his shoulder. "Whatever could it be?" She brakes the box in one fell swoop and grabs the mask. "A Mask!" She says, trying to act surprised. "What a shame, I already have one, you'll have to return it to Megabyte, with my regrets," She says, shoving the mash into his hands.

"Megabyte sent this!" Brogan says, pushing away from her and looking at the mask. "You know returning thing isn't part of my function, have a good one," He says, handing the mask back and walking away.

"I said take it back!" She says, shoving the mash onto his face, and in one fell sweep of her hands. He rockets out the lair.

Enzo is flying over the hole when Brogan shotes out of it. He screams, but then as the hole closes, places his hoverboard so it can't close. Enzo gets off and gets close to the ground to hear Hex talking.

"Brogan should get to Megabyte's tower just as the clock reaches zero," Hex says, not knowing Enzo is listening in. "so clever, to hid a delete command inside a mask, I wish I had thought of that,"

"Dud, Brogan is in major trouble, and it's all my fault!" Enzo yells, standing up.

The Dinner

Applebloom walks out of the dinner with an apple in hand. She takes a bite of it as she looks up at the sky. Brogan goose flying by, trying to get the mask off.

"Strang, that looks like Brogan," Applebloom says. Enzo runs up to Applebloom in a panic.

"Do you know where my sister is?!" Enzo asks. Applebloom shakes her head.

"Why do you need her?" She asks, taking another bite of her apple.

"Brogan is in trouble, and it's all my fault. We need to warn him!" Enzo starts, but Applebloom shoves the core of the apple into his mouth.

"Will ya slow down," she replies, Enzo spits out the core.

"Megabyte gave me a package to deliver, and it was secretly a bomb, but it was disguised as a mask. He could blow up any nanosecond," Enzo explains. Applebloom places down her hoverboard and so does Enzo.

"Well, then what in tarnation are we waiting for?"

Brogan is flying through the air towards Megabytes tower. He finally gets the mask off.

"Deliver a package from Hex to Bite, I don't think so," Brogan says to himself. "Glitch, rodder," Glitch turns into a mini propeller, stopping Brogan from moving forward, or falling.

"There he is," Enzo points out, as the two zip towards him.

"Thank goodness he slowed down," Applebloom replies. The sky turns a dark pinkish purple. "O, no, not now," They see a big pink block falling from the sky, with a voice saying "Warning incoming game!"

Brogan looks over to see the game. He points the rodder to it, and he flies that way.

"He's steering towards the game!" Enzo yells.

"He would," Applebloom replies as they to steer to the game. Brogan makes it under and into the game. Enzo and Applebloom get there too late. You are unable to enter the game from the sides.

"Curse and crashes, we lost him," Enzo yells, Applebloom is thinking of an idea.

"Maby not, come on," Applebloom grabs his rest and pulls him with her. They go flying down words when they have barely reached the game. Applebloom turns a har left, right underneath the game. The game hits the floor, and the sky goes back to normal.

In the game

Enzo and Applebloom are at the eg of the game cube.

"Applebloom, you almost got us erased! deleted! offline!" Enzo yells, Applebloom flinching back. "Can we do it again?" Applebloom shakes her head.

"We have more important matters, like warning Brogan," Applebloom turns around to see a raceway.

A The Raceway

"Look like a formula one," Brogan says, looking around. He smiles and laughs to himself. "Good thing we know the formula," He says, looking at some binomes. The all rush and take their places at lines. Brogan walks over to a free one. "REBOOT!" Brogan yells, taping his insignia.

Out of nowhere, a formula one race car appears around him. He also is dressed like a formula one racer. The only thing that's different then everyone else is the mask on the front of his car. The user car appears as the announcer speakers. Brogan looks over to a binome and gives a thumbs up.

"Gentlemen, start your engine!" The announcer yells. Brogan pushes a button to start the car, then rev it a few times. The flag is waved, and they take off... well except for Brogan who spins out. He finally gets it to go and he's off.

"Brogan!" Enzo and Applebloom yell, run just late of him taking off.

"Brogan is racing against the clock, and the clock is going to win, you know what that means," Enzo says. Applebloom nodes as they stop at the start/finish line.

"REBOOT" They yell and tape their insignia. Making a car appear around them. Then Applebloom takes off down the track as Ezno goes backward. He corrects his mistake and fallows Applebloom.

"Excuse me, pardon me, no just passing by, just taking the lead," Brogan says, passing Binome after Binome. He turns the corner as a binome and the user speed by him. "WOW! I could be wrong,"

The user car slams right into the binome car, sending it flying at Brogan.

"This is fomula one, NOT bumper cars!" Brogan scream, nearly missing the flying car. He spins out, facing the opposite direction. "I hate when that happens,"

Then a binome falls to the ground. He looks at Brogan then looks down the track. His one eye gets comically large. Brogan looks down to see the other binome racers racing right at them. He screams and covers his face, like that would help. They go around him and the binome.

"That was close," He says, cranking the weal and turning around. He passes a binome holding up a sign that says 18th place. "18th place! wow, I'm really back here, of course, that's what nitro's are for," He hits the button for nitro, sending him into a two-wheel, wheelly, and blasting him forwards to second place.

"Enzo, how did he do that?" Applebloom asks.

"Nitro, push the button on your steering wheel," He says, doing it himself. She follows suit. The user pushes a button, which makes a ramp behind him. Enzos nitro runs out right when he gets to Brogan.

"Enzo!?" Brogan says, confused.

"Brogan! your car is a bomb!" He yells.

"You're telling me!? This thing only comes with one nitro!" He yells back.

"No, the mask on the car is a..." Before he can finish, he hits the ramp and goes flying. Applebloom looks up.

"Cool," She says. Brogan and the user passes the level two gat, making their cars into hovercraft.

"So she made it to level two hu, let's see who makes it to level 4," Brogan says. Applebloom drives underneath the tent Enzo landed on. He falls down into the hovercraft.

"You ok Enzo?" Applebloom asks.

"I'm fine, just hit it!" He yells, she does indeed it the gas pedal, sending Enzo falling onto the ground of the craft.

"There they are!" Enzo yells, following Brogan and the user. They drift around some corners before the user lets out a bunch of spikes.

"Minefield! slalom," Brogan yells, going back and forth, weaving between the mines. All the binomes hit the minds, erasing their crafts.

"Breaks!" Enzo yells.

"No, time, well take the hi road!" Applebloom says, doing what Brogan just did, and making it out alive.

"NIce," Enzo says, Applebloom looks back at him.

"It's all in the reflexes," she replies. Enzo points to a min right in front of them. They run into it, blowing up their ship. and sending them off the track.

Brogan and the user race to level three. Turning their crafts into airplanes. Brogan has some trouble getting off the ground at first, then pulls up on the controls, sending him into a loopty loop. He started out and head down the track.

"You haven't lost me yet," Brogan says, to the user, following close behind him/her.

"Brogan!" Enzo and Applebloom yell as he and the user pace over.

"Now what," Enzo asks.

"I think I have an idea," Applebloom says, running down the track, with Enzo close behind her.

They climb into a truck and drive it onto the track.

"This should get his attention," Applebloom says. They drive down the track towards Brogan and the user. Applebloom turns the wheel.

"Now Enzo!" She yells as the thing they where haling detaches and goes towards Brogan and the user. They drive by as Brogan is head for the thing.

"Glitch!" Brogan yells. Enzo and Applebloom get out of the truck to see the user and Brogan blowing up.

"Brogan!" Applebloom yells in disbelief.

"Dud, no way?" Enzo says. Right where the crash happened, a blue tear looking thing appears. Then an announcer says,

"Warning, game corruption," Brogan's helmet falls off of him as he lands safely to the ground. Enzo runs over to him and hugs him.

"Yes, Brogan! you're ok," He says, letting go as Applebloom walks over.

"Not good, this is not good," Brogan says, pointing to the ball of corruption. "It's infinite data flow," He says calmly.

"What does that mean?" Applebloom asks.

"It means, RUN LIKE YOU'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!" He yells running away himself. The hid behind a set of bleacher as things start to get sucked into it. A binome comes flying at them, Brogan grabs him and sets him down by them.

They look to see the game cub its self is being sucked into the corruption. After a while, the game disappears, leaving the group and some binomes on top of a building. Brogan sighs to himself.

"Brogan!" Enzo yells, tackling Brogan to the ground. "Megabyte hid a delete command in the mask, will you ever forgive me?"

"Enzo," Dote says, zipping in with Dash behind her.

"Dote, me and Brogan are sharing a comradery after the game," Enzo says as Brogan smiles. Dote just shakes her head.

Outside the Dinner/Shop

"You guys are cool, you rescued your own lives to save me," Brogan says to Applebloom and Enzo. Applebloom and Brogan walk into the dinner as a vid window pops up in front of Enzo. Megabit is shown on it.

"Enzo, you have failed me completely,"

"Why thank you," Enzo replies, smiling from ear to ear.

"You're fired,"

"You know I'm sooo disappointed," Enzo says, sarcastically.

"I have found someone else to deliver my packages," He replies, turning around and turning off the vid window. Hack and Slash are standing there with a comically large bomb in hand.

"Hex, she said, she said, she already has one," Hack and Slash say, talking over one another. The bomb goes off, destroying everything in there but them.

"HACK! SLASH!" Megabyte yells at them.

"U o," Hack says.

"I think he means us," Slash replies.