Love Is Spreading All Around

by SeleneMizutani

First published

Because of a dare, Rainbow Dash is forced to wear super sexy clothes and walk in Canterlot Mall. What will happen?

In a sleepover, Applejack dared Rainbow Dash to wear super sexy clothes and walk in Canterlot Mall. With her daring nature, Rainbow agrees. In the mall, she attracts the attention of Soarin and Zephyr Breeze, who are instantly in love with her. Soarin even transferred to Canterlot High School to be with Rainbow Dash. In the meantime, Zephyr started doing favors for Rainbow in hopes of being noticed. Who will Rainbow choose?
(Even though the cover art is pony version, this is a Equestria Girls fanfic.)

A Special Sleepover (Part 1)

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Applejack POV

" Hey, Twilight! It's your turn! Truth or Dare?" cried Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle replied," Truth!"

" Ooh! Ooh! I've got a good one!" squealed Pinkie Pie, the forever energetic one," Are you in love with Timber Spruce?"

Twilight blushed a bright crimson. She looked away.

"Um...I...I do love him." she whispered softly, as if she was imitating Fluttershy.

Rarity gushed," Ah-dorable!"

" I didn't mean that...It's just that he's super smart, kind, and he has a sense of humor..." said Twilight dreamily, her mind wandering off elsewhere.

We were at Pinkie's house this particular Saturday evening, having a sleepover, and we were playing 'Truth or Dare'.

I clapped my hands loudly.

I cried," Twilight! Earth to Twilight!"

" Oh! Sorry, I said too much." said Twilight, returning to her senses.

Rainbow Dash called," Okay! Who's next?"

She spun the empty plastic soda bottle in the middle of the circle we formed.

The bottle spun for a moment, then came to a halt, the point pointing at Fluttershy.

" Oh, Fluttershy! Truth or Dare?" sang Twilight.

Fluttershy shrank back. She really hates games of this sort.

" Um...truth." said Fluttershy softly.

Rarity asked," Let me do it this time! What is your greatest fear?"

We all knew that Fluttershy was scared of practically everything, from her own shadow to the slamming of doors.

" Scared of someone suddenly barging in without warning and frightening me to death." she said with certain.

Sunset looked confused.

She started to say," But we always barge in on each other all the time. Why would you..."

She was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

" Pizza! Woo-hoo!" exclaimed Pinkie, then she and the others charged out the room.

Only I stayed behind. The bottle from our game was still lying on the floor, neglected.

I kicked it and it went spinning, making discordant sounds.

Suddenly, a thought came into my head.

Rainbow Dash loves a dare, right?

Well, I'm going to give her one she'll never forget for the rest of my life.

I just need to find Rarity...

A Special Sleepover (Part 2)

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Rarity POV

We were downstairs in the dining room, having pizza with extra cheese.

I asked,"Hey, is Applejack coming? The pizza's getting cold!"

Just then, Applejack came down the stairs and took a seat between me and Rainbow Dash.

She asked playfully,"Have you saved some for me?"

Fluttershy passed her a plate with three pieces of pizza reserved for her.

At that moment, Sunset and Twilight put down their plates.

"Well, we're going back to Pinkie's room. Any of you coming?" asked Sunset.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy stood up and left with Sunset and Twilight.

Once they left, Applejack moved her seat closer to mine's and I turned to her.

I asked,"What do you want?"

"You know Rainbow's daring nature, right?" she said.

I replied,"Of course, why do you ask?"

"I want to dare her to wear super sexy clothes and walk in Canterlot Mall." she continued.

"That's not much like your nature...but it's a great idea!" I said excitedly.

She asked me,"Rarity, could you make the clothes?"

"Sure! I'd be honored." I answered.

Applejack smiled and we walked back up the stairs to Pinkie's room.

A Special Sleepover (Part 3)

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Rainbow Dash POV

Back in Pinkie's room, the five of us were sitting casually in different positions on the floor.

I asked,"What should we do next?"

Sunset, Twilight and Fluttershy shrugged, while Pinkie said,"We could bake cupcakes! I've got strawberry, chocolate flavors, and rainbow sprinkles, cinnamon, dried cherries..."

She kept talking about the cupcake flavors. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone.

There were about 80 messages.

Scrolling through them, some headlines caught my eye.

"Latest Gossip: Superstar's Secret Revealed"

"Wedding of Two Celebs: A Happily Ever After"

"Breaking News: Young Teen Dies Of A Dare"

Huh?! How could someone die of a dare?!

I said,"Hey, guys! Look at this!"

Sunset looked at my phone.

"Young Teen Dies Of A Dare? A little too extreme for my taste." she commented.

Just then, Applejack and Rarity walked in.

Twilight said,"Hi! We were thinking of what to do when you came in."

" What about resuming 'Truth or Dare'?" suggested Applejack.

I said doubtfully,"But the news said that a teen died of a dare."

"Those news must be exaggerating. How could someone die like that?!" replied Rarity dismissively.

Pinkie stopped her chanting of cupcake flavors and snapped to attention.

"'Truth or Dare'? A good idea! I'll get the bottle."

We sat in a circle again as I sighed.

Rarity got up and spun the bottle very carefully.

I must have imagined it, but i saw her winking slyly at Applejack.

The bottle stopped, the point pointing at me.

Sunset asked,"Rainbow? Truth or Dare?"

I think she knows I'm never one to refuse a dare, right?!

"Dare!" I replied.

"Good, you're the first to choose that option tonight. Rainbow, I dare you to dress in super sexy clothes and walk in Canterlot Mall!"

'Dare' was definitely the wrong choice.

My mouth hung open in utter shock.

I sat rooted to the spot as her dare kept on ringing in my mind and the world was very blurry around me.

I must have blacked out at some point, because all of a sudden I felt someone shaking me hard.

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Sunset and Twilight leaning over me, sighing with relief.

"Dash, are you okay?" asked Twilight concernedly.

I asked,"What happened?"

"When Applejack said her dare, you just collapsed and we tried to revive you." replied Sunset.

I sat up and looked around. My other friends were right behind Twilight and Sunset, anxious expressions on their faces.

Applejack walked over to me. She knelt down and whispered in my ear,"Are you still going to do the dare?"

I answered,"Even though everyone who knows me knows that I really, really hate dressing up, but you all also know I could never resist a dare, so I'll do it!"

Carousel Boutique

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Rarity POV

The next day, which is a Sunday, we headed over to my house, aka the famous Carousel Boutique.

Rainbow Dash still looked uncertain about the dare.

Once we arrived, I took her into a separate room, leaving the others outside, waiting.

I said,"Rainbow, stand on that stool over there and I'll measure you."

She obeyed, and the measuring took about five minutes.

Once I got the data, I sat down at my sewing table and started working on Rainbow's clothes.

She leaned against the wall, fiddling with her skirt.

She clearly looked nervous.

As I made her clothes, I chatted casually to her, to try to ease her nerves.

After an hour, her clothes was finished.

I gave the clothes to Rainbow Dash.

"Put these on, they really suit you. It got some of my best work in there." I said.

She nodded, and entered a dressing room. Strange sounds came from it, along with sounds of exasperation.

Fifteen minutes later, the door of the dressing room opened, and Rainbow walked out.

I gasped in wonder. She looked, but this style is unique on her, it really suits her, I mean, really.

I exclaimed,"Rainbow Dash! I had absolutely no idea that you could look so beautiful!"

The Dare

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Rainbow Dash POV

"I look beautiful? I don't believe it!" I said.

Rarity pushed me in front of a full-length mirror, so I could see my own reflection.

I almost didn't recognize myself. I was wearing an open-shouldered, deep-V shirt, with elaborate sewing and style. The colors were matching too, pink, purple and blue.

For the skirt, it was super-short, dark blue, embroidered with a pink rose, and topped off with lace around the hem.

"I have never worn this kind of clothes before. That's why I spent so long in the dressing room." I said.

Rarity replied,"Nonsense! You look picturesque, my darling!"

She opened the door of the room, and the others filed in.

They all stared at me like I was a stranger.

"Oh my goodness! You look stunning!" gushed Fluttershy.

Rarity said," And that's not all! Try these on."

She gave me a pair of fashionable boots.

They were cream in color, with leather strips hanging down, the heels four inches high, and totally not my style.

I put them on, and instantly wobbled slightly. Walking in these was so not gonna be easy.

"Be careful! Don't fall, or you'll get hurt!" warned Twilight. Such a worryworm.

I looked at Rarity anxiously. Was it really alright to go out this?

She nodded and said,"Add this, and you'll look perfect."

She took out a pair of earrings from her jewelry box.

They were red in color and shaped like my emblem, which is a lightning bolt.

Rarity helped me with them, and turned me around gently to face the others.

Applejack looked particularly enthusiastic.

"Great, now let's set off to Canterlot Mall!" she said.

I answered,"Okay."

The others, including Applejack and Rarity left the boutique, but Sunset Shimmer stayed behind.

She walked over to me and said,"Rainbow, don't push yourself too hard."

I replied,"Why would I?! I'm perfectly fine."

I smiled at her, but little did she know, the smile was forced.

Sunset sighed, and we left the boutique, hurrying slightly to catch up with the others.

They were waiting outside, seated in Rarity's convertible, and she was impatiently tapping the wheel.

We got on, and she started the engine.

Along the way to the mall, a lot, I mean a lot of passers-by gawked at us, especially at me. I looked ridiculous.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at Canterlot Mall, the most crowded and busiest mall in the city for 100 miles around.

Rarity parked her car in a parking lot and we got out from the car,

Suddenly, she gasped loudly, startling us all.

"Oh, no! I forgot to do your hair!" she cried.

Rarity frantically rummaged in her handbag and found a comb and a bottle of hair spray.

She ordered,"Rainbow, sit down on this bench, and stay still while I'm doing your hair."

I sat down obediently, and the others stood and watched.

Rarity started combing my hair, and a few times she accidentally pulled my hair too hard, and I shrieked with pain.

"Be quiet!" she told me.

Luckily, there was no one else in the parking lot except for us, or I would become a laughingstock.

Another five minutes later, she was done.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket and examined myself with the selfie camera.

My hair was prettily combed back, flapping gracefully in the soft breeze.

"Thanks, Rarity, but can we go now? The sooner we get it over with, the sooner I get to take these clothes off." I said.

Rarity replied,"Then what are you waiting for? Just walk through the mall, and go, go, go!"

Twilight said,"We'll meet up at the lifts on the other side of the mall."

The seven of us walked along to the entrance of the mall.

"I'll go first, then you guys follow. Is that okay with you?" I asked.

Applejack said okay, so I took a deep breath, readied myself, and walked in through the automatic doors of Canterlot Mall.


The cold blast of air-conditioners hit me, and I shivered. Sexy clothes most definitely has its disadvantages.

I walked along the mall, looking around curiously.

I saw a good-looking teenager seated at a coffee shop, gazing adoringly at me.

He had wild navy blue hair, cyan blue skin (like me), and he was wearing casual outdoor clothes.

I winked at him playfully, and continued on my way.

All of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of Zephyr Breeze glaring at that teenager from behind another shop.

But when I looked again, he was gone.

Zephyr Breeze was an annoying boy who had a crush on me. He kept on doing idiotic things to impress me, but they never worked.

Finally, I arrived at the lifts, where me and my friends arranged to meet.

I looked back at the coffee shop, but that teenager was gone.

I saw him talking earnestly to my friends, who were approaching me.

Something's off.

Just then, the teenager rushed off, and my friends came over.

"What took you so long? I'm freezing in these clothes!" I complained.

Sunset answered,"That guy just asked something about you."


"Anyway, you accomplished your dare. I really admire you for that." said Applejack.

We left Canterlot Mall and back to the Carousel Boutique, where I left my usual clothes.

I finally changed out of the sexy clothes. Thank goodness.

My Newfound Crush

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Soarin POV

It was another normal Sunday morning.

I followed my normal routine and headed to Canterlot Mall, found my usual coffee shop, and sat on my usual seat.

I went to the counter and ordered my cup of morning iced latte ( with whipped cream on top ) and walked back to my seat.

I slowly sipped my latte as I daydreamed of playing soccer back in Cloudsdale Academy, my school tomorrow at PE lesson.

The automatic doors of the mall opened, and in walked a beautiful girl.

She shivered, but continued walking towards my direction.

Her rainbow-colored hair was cascading down her shoulders to her hips, she was wearing super sexy clothing that suited her.

At the first sight of her, I thought she was an angel, she was so pretty.

I stared at her adoringly. Her clothes effortlessly showed off her slim figure, and the constant tap-tap of her four-inch high heels was echoing in my mind.

I felt my heart beating faster and faster, my eyes almost popping out of my head, my soul fluttering in the air in a heart-shaped pattern...

I was in love...

The girl winked at me and left.

I stared at her leaving figure dreamily, lost in thought.

After five seconds, I started to continue drinking my latte, but my cup had vanished into thin air.

All of a sudden, I found that my feet were soaking wet.

I looked down and saw my cup of latte spilt on the floor, the cover overturned, and latte everywhere.

I must have dropped it on the floor without realizing it when I was mesmerized by that girl.

I sighed, knelt down and cleaned up the mess.

Six girls waltzed in, chattering loudly.

The girls were a lively bunch, smiles on their faces as they talked.

I walked over to them. They stopped talking.

I asked politely,"I'm Soarin from Cloudsdale Academy. Do any of know who was that girl over there with the rainbow hair?"

A girl with hair the color of fire replied,"That must be Rainbow Dash, with her trademark hair. We're best friends with her and we go to the same school together, which is Canterlot High School. She's the captain of, like, every sports team there."

"Thanks for the information. Lately, I've been deciding to transfer to another school. Sounds like CHS is the perfect choice for me. By the way, what are your names?" I said.

Another girl with purple wavy hair answered,"I'm Rarity, and this is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you, Soarin."

Sunset Shimmer was the girl with fiery hair, Twilight Sparkle had plum hair with pink and purple highlights, Fluttershy had pale pink hair, Pinkie Pie had tousled pink curly hair, and Applejack had blonde hair in a ponytail.

Applejack said,"Well, maybe we'll see you in CHS one day."

"Thanks so much, but I've got to go. Bye!" I said, and rushed off back to Cloudsdale Academy.

I had transferation documents to fill in.

To tell a secret, actually I wasn't planning to transfer at all, I just wanted to meet Rainbow Dash formally instead of eavesdropping in her conversations or spying on her.

The New Student In CHS

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Principal Celestia POV

Four days later...

On a normal Thursday,I was sitting in my office arranging some dusty old documents, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I called.

A handsome boy whom I have never seen before walked in the room.

"Have a seat. So who are you and what do you want?" I asked.

The boy sat down tentatively and said,"Principal Celestia, I'm Soarin from Cloudsdale Academy, and I wish to transfer to this wonderful school. I filled out all the paperwork already, I just need your signature of agreement."

I stared at the stack of papers he placed on my desk.

"Oh, Cloudsdale Academy. Famous for its sports. That is a splendid school, isn't it? Why do you want to leave?" I asked.

Soarin replied,"I'm...I'm in love with one of your students, Principal. I want to see more of her by transferring here."

He blushed a bright red.

I said,"I'm just arranging name lists of students here before you knocked. Take a look and tell me which one."

I passed him a magenta file, which is very thick.

He took the file and started reading.

He stopped when coming to the middle of the stack of papers.

"This one, called Rainbow Dash." he said, blushing again.

I took back the file and looked at the page he turned to.

There was a detailed account of Rainbow, along with assorted pictures.

I said gently,"I've never been a medium to lovers before, but I could ask Rainbow to welcome you and show you around, so you could express your feelings to her..."

Soarin looked excited and enthusiastic.

"Thanks, Principal Celestia! I won't let you down! When do I start school?" he asked.

I answered,"Next Monday. I'll get things ready and inform Rainbow by then."

Soarin said,"Thanks again, Principal! I must go back to Cloudsdale Academy and pack my stuff. See you then!"

He left my office, a big smile on his face.

I sighed, and signed the paperwork he had given me.

Informing of the Welcoming

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Rainbow Dash POV

A day later...

It was Friday, a school day.

I woke at 7:15 am, and packed for school.

At 7:30 am, I left my house and took the usual way back to Canterlot High.

I turned a left, and saw Twilight and Sunset chatting as they walked.

"Hi guys!" I called.

Sunset waved to me and said,"Hey Rainbow. What about going to school together?"

"Okay,let's go!" I replied.

We continued walking and arrived at the school twenty minutes later.

"Oh no! We're going to be late!" cried Twilight after checking her phone.

Hearing this, we hurried on our way to first period to meet up with the other four.

We rushed through corridors and past classrooms, and stopped in front of the nature lab, which was opposite Principal Celestia's office.

The door of the office opened and Vice-Principal Luna walked out.

She said to me,"Rainbow Dash, Principal Celestia wants to speak to you."

Oh no! What have I done this time to warrant a trip to see the principal?!

I said," Twilight, Sunset, can you explain to the nature teacher why I'm late?"

They nodded and walked in the classroom.

I sighed and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" called a voice.

I quietly opened the door and saw Principal Celestia writing on a huge stack of papers.

I walked in and shut the door behind me.

Principal Celestia said,"Sit down."

I did what I was told.

"A new student is transferring to CHS on Monday. Can you do me a favor and help me to welcome him and show him around?" she asked.

I replied,"Sure, I would love to."

Inwardly, I was very happy, because the principal had chosen me, above all people to welcome a new student!

"Can you tell me more about him?" I asked.

Principal Celestia said,"Soarin, former student of Cloudsdale Academy, 18 years old. Talented in academics and soccer."

Good! I'm also good at soccer. I could make a conversation with this topic.

She gave me a list and a timetable.

"Here is the schedule for Monday and Soarin's class timetable." said Principal Celestia.

I said,"I won't let you down, Principal. But now I must get to first period. See you later!"

I tanked her and left the office, smiling.

Cloudsdale Chaos

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Soarin POV

It was 5:00 pm. I was back in my dormitory in Cloudsdale Academy, packing my belongings, when a knock came from the door.

I opened the door, and Spitfire, my roommate stormed in.

"Soarin, what's the big deal?!" she asked.

I replied, shocked,"I don't understand, Spitfire. What do you mean?"

She looked like she was about to explode.

"You don't understand? Cloudsdale needs you! And now you're packing your stuff and going to that so-called 'Canterlot High' for some unknown reason!" Spitfire shouted.

I answered,"You're the genius, the superstar of athletics. Cloudsdale will be doing just fine with you here."

"'Will'! You said 'will'! I couldn't! I need you to stay with me. Soarin, please don't go!" pleaded Spitfire.

I looked at her, confused.

"You're always so harsh to me at training. Why do you don't want me to leave?" I asked.

Spitfire flinched. She looked away from me and said,"I...I...I have a crush on you, Soarin! We're the perfect pair! Stay here with me, and we can be together, forever..."

I stared at her, stunned.

She continued,"I know this may be difficult for you to digest in such a short time, but we are destined for each other. Is it just a coincidence that we're the star players of the soccer team?

I saw you in the mall on Sunday. I saw everything, about you and that rainbow-haired girl. Give up on her and stay with me, just like life planned us to be..."

How did Spitfire know about me and Rainbow Dash?!

"Don't stick your nose in MY personal business! You have no right to spy on me on Sunday! My heart belongs to her already, so will you please give up on me and let me go?" I shouted.

Spitfire's gaze hardened.

"No matter what it takes, I will make you love me!" she cried.

She left the dorm, slamming the door shut behind her, but once outside, I could hear her burst into tears.

I sighed and flopped onto my bed, exhausted.

Rainbow Dash and CHS is waiting for me! I thought.

I stood up and continued packing.

CHS awaits!

The Welcoming (Part 1)

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Rainbow Dash POV

Monday has arrived! I wore my usual clothes and headed back to school.

I reported to Principal Celestia's office and the secretary told me to go to the main hall at 10:00 am.

I left the office and ran into my friends, who were waiting outside.

"Hi!" I called.

Twilight asked,"Were you in trouble just now?"

"Of course not! I was asked to welcome a new student called Soarin." I replied.

Pinkie squealed,"Ooh! Ooh! Did you make any welcoming cupcakes? I can help with that!"

"Okay,okay. I need to go now. Bye!" I said.

-TIME SKIP (two hours)-

The bell rang for third period, and everyone rushed out of the classroom.

I walked to the main hall and leaned against the wall, waiting for Soarin, the new student.

About five minutes later, the boy I saw in the mall walked in, carrying a shoulder bag.

I approached him and asked,"Are you the new student I'm supposed to welcome? I'm Rainbow Dash, and it's nice to meet you."

He replied,"I'm Soarin. Nice to meet you too."

We shook hands.

"Would you like me to show you around?" I asked.

He answered,"Sure!"

I started walking, showing him the 'sights'.

"This is the computer lab, this is the science lab..." I said.

The Welcoming (Part 2)

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Soarin POV

I stood at the entrance of CHS.

The school was spectacular! It was even more beautiful than Cloudsdale Academy.

Holding my shoulder bag, I stepped through the doors of the school, my school.

Just as I expected, Rainbow Dash came over to welcome me. We chatted for a while and she started showing me around the school.

All of a sudden, I found out Rainbow wasn't wearing the clothes I saw her in at the mall.

Instead, she was dressed in a sporty style, to match her multi-colored hair.

That makes me love her even more.

Just then, we arrived at the soccer pitch.

"This is the soccer pitch. Principal Celestia said that you were talented at soccer. Were you the best in your old school?" Rainbow said.

That triggered my mind to what happened in the dormitory.

I replied," No, but Spitfire was. She was so harsh to me in training."

"Don't worry, I won't do that to you. I'm the captain of the soccer team here, and I'm known for getting the best out of people." she said encouragingly.

She's kind, too.

I said,"Actually, are you the captain of all sports?"

"Yes. By the way, if you want to join the soccer team, there's an audition today afternoon. Will you be there?" Rainbow asked.

I answered,"Okay."

She was passionate, too.

Rainbow stood up and said,"Well, I must take you to the other places in the school."

She continued walking. She took me back indoors and we walked through hallways when an unexpected thing happened...

The Bouquet

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Zephyr Breeze POV

I have a crush on Rainbow Dash for, like, forever. Ever since I met her at Fluttershy's house five years ago at a lunch gathering, feelings in my heart had stirred for her, and haven't stopped.

She was so attractive in the outside and in the inside.

Back to the main story. A week ago, I was casually shopping in Canterlot Mall, when I saw a handsome (less than me) teenager staring at Rainbow Dash, who was in sexy clothing for an unknown reason, with hearts in his eyes.

He winked at Rainbow and she winked back.

Could Rainbow be in love with that person?

A fire ignited deep inside of me and I glared at that boy.

"No. I would do anything, ANYTHING, ANYTHING to have Rainbow as my girlfriend!" I muttered to myself.

I walked away and started planning on how to win Rainbow's heart.

Which brings me to today.

I was hiding behind a wall, sneaking peeks every now and then.

I was told by an anonymous person that Rainbow will be welcoming that teenager in that mall today, because he transferred to CHS today.

That's why I'm skipping third period today to give a little something for her.

All of a sudden, I heard Rainbow and that teenager heading along the corridor in my direction.

Clutching my bouquet of two dozen red roses (meaning romance), I took a deep breath and readied myself.

As the duo approached me, I jumped out from behind the wall.

They gasped and the teenager asked,"Who is he?"

" Um...he's Zephyr Breeze, a classmate." Rainbow replied.

What?! She only thought of me as a classmate?!

I took out the bouquet from behind my back and knelt down.

"Please accept this with my best wishes." I said solemnly.

Rainbow replied,"Um...thanks? Anyway, got to show Soarin around."

She took the bouquet and continued walking with Soarin.

Soarin. That's his name.

I saw Soarin whisper something to Rainbow.

"I don't care! Rainbow will be mine!" I said to myself with determination.

Declare For War

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Soarin POV

"Rainbow, actually...are you single?" I asked timidly.

She stared at me.

She replied,"Yes, of course! Love is for girly girls, like Rarity. I think love is so soppy."

I asked again," Who is that Zephyr Breeze? Why did he give you this bouquet?"

I motioned to the bouquet she was holding in one arm.

"Oh, Zephyr's so- annoying! He thinks I'm obsessed with him but actually I don't like him at all! I think he just wants to impress me." she answered.

Good! I still have a chance.

Rainbow said,"Anyway, quit talking about me! Over there is the chemistry lab, and the fashion lab is a little over to the right..."

Honestly, I was very surprised when I saw that Rainbow Dash didn't wear her girlish clothes.

But her tomboyishness makes me love her even more.

My thought went back to Zephyr Breeze.

No! I must do something! Zephyr couldn't win this battle! Rainbow will be my sweetheart, fair and square!

Over Lunch

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Rainbow Dash POV

Sigh. Why did that jerk Zephyr had to give me that bouquet?

I had to hold it as I took Soarin around CHS. Until now, I have been teased by Trixie Lulamoon, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, etc.

They all said I had a secret lover and I should love him back. So annoying.

I finished showing Soarin around and took him to his locker.

"Your first class starts after lunch, at 1:30 pm. The subject is chemistry, and I'll see you in the chemistry lab!" I said.

I walked away and back to my fifth class, which was science.

I slid slowly into my seat, feeling all the stares resting upon me.

"Today, we are going to learn all about density. Can any of you tell me..." droned on Miss Cheerilee.

A gruelling hour later, the class dismissed for lunch.

Along with my bouquet, I went with my friends to the cafeteria and we sat down at our usual table.

Rarity asked,"So, how did the welcoming go?"

"Good, but that annoying Zephyr gave me this bouquet in the middle of our schedule." I replied.

"Oh, Rainbow and Zephyr sitting in a tree, K-I-S-" chanted Applejack.

I cried,"SHUT UP!"

Twilight and Sunset stared at me.

"Rainbow Dash, are you all right?You look a little under the weather today." said Twilight, concerned.

I answered,"I'm okay! Don't worry about me."

Just then, Soarin walked over to our table.

"Hey, Rainbow. I've got a surprise for you." he said, blushing.

He took out a box of chocolates from behind his back and gave them to me.

Ugh. Not again.

But it would be rude to refuse him.

"Thanks?" I replied.

Soarin smiled and left.

"Ah-dorable." gushed Pinkie and Fluttershy.

I shouted," QUIT IT!"

They stopped, thankfully.

I said,"I need some time alone. Bye!"

I left the cafeteria.


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Rainbow Dash POV

Half an hour later...

My eyes fluttered open.

The first thing I saw was Applejack and Fluttershy by my side.

"Hey everyone! She's awake!" cried Applejack.

Rarity walked over to me.

She said,"Oh, darling! We were so worried about you!"

"Actually, where are we?" I asked.

Twilight, who had just came over, replied,"The hospital."

"The...the hospital?" I gasped.

Pinkie Pie said,"Yeah! You fainted because of that bruise you've got, then we sent you here! The rest you know."

I looked down and saw bandages wrapped around my stomach.

"How are Soarin and Zephyr?" I asked.

Sunset answered,"Back in CHS. Principal Celestia has a few words to say to them."

Twilight narrowed her eyes and asked," Why would you even be in a fight anyway?"

I forced a smile and replied,"I'll explain that later."

Nurse Redheart walked in and said,"Rainbow Dash has been checked and can leave the hospital after a stay tonight."

I sighed, It was going to be a long night.


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Principal Celestia POV

"This is unacceptable!" I cried,"The two of you getting in a fight!"

Soarin and Zephyr Breeze hung their heads in shame.

I continued talking,"Most of all, you two injured someone who wasn't even part of it and she's now in hospital!"

Zephyr asked timidly," Who did we injure, Principal?"

"The nerve! One of you kicked Rainbow Dash in the stomach! The hospital just sent a report for me and it said that Rainbow had to use crutches for a month!" I shouted.

The boys both gasped.

"Principal. did we really hurt Rainbow Dash?" asked Soarin, concerned.

I replied,"Yes. She's in the local hospital and will come back tomorrow. Twilight Sparkle just told me. You two should be ashamed of yourselves! Soarin, you're supposed to be the bright new student, and Zephyr, you're the experienced one! What is going on in your minds?!"

Zephyr said sincerely,"We're sorry, Principal Celestia. We will do much, much better from now on."

"Me too. Please, Principal, forgive us!" said Soarin.

I answered,"That apology is acceptable. Tomorrow you two will apologize to Rainbow, okay?"

They nodded.

"Good. You may leave now." I said.

Zephyr and Soarin left my office.

At least that's done with! I thought.


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Rainbow Dash POV

Twilight's gaze bore in mine.

I started to say," It''s because...I can't do it!"

Everyone stared at me.

"I...I..." I stuttered.

Sunset asked,"Are you really alright?"

"Okay, fine! I was just sitting under the Wondercolt statue when Zephyr sat beside me and asked if I were okay. Then Soarin came too and they started arguing. Next, before I knew it, the fight started. I tried to stop it but got injured, as you see. The rest you know." I said.

Applejack said,"Aw, that must have been a lot."

I sighed.


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Soarin POV

I left Principal Celestia's office and turned left, leaving the school.


At the fight...

I was just about to give Zephyr a well-deserved kick, when I felt someone putting an arm over my shoulder.

Thinking that he/she was Zephyr, I kicked him/her away.

That must be Rainbow!

Oh no...

I make it up to her somehow.

-TIME SKIP (one day)-

The next morning, I went to school as usual.

Across the street, I saw Rainbow and her friends coming over.

I prepared myself and walked over to them.

I said,"Rainbow, I'm very sorry for what happened yesterday. Can you forgive me?"

"Sure!" she replied.

Her friends all glared at me angrily.

"You kicked her! Why should she forgive the likes of you?" cried Sunset Shimmer.

Rarity continued,"Yeah! She has to use crutches for a month now!"

I stared at Rainbow and found that she was leaning heavily on a pair of blue crutches.

"Rainbow told us everything. We'll never speak to you again!" shouted Twilight.

They stalked away, leaving Rainbow behind.

At this moment, we were already in front of the school.

I held open the doors for Rainbow.

And as she passed me, she whispered,"Don't listen to my friends. I forgive you. Really."

I beamed.

She, of all people, forgave me!

I must give her something in return!

Decorated Locker

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Rainbow Dash POV

Actually, now that I think of it, Soarin is...pretty nice.

The way he said sorry was very sincere, that's why I chose to forgive him, even though I couldn't do exercise for a month.

Anyway, using my new crutches, I was walking back to my locker, when that annoying Zephyr Breeze blocked my path.

"Sorry, Rainbow. I promise never to get into a fight again." he apologized.

I replied,"Okay."

He gave me a handmade card.

Zephyr said,"Then I'll be leaving for class. See you around."

He turned around and walked away.

I opened the card. It was decorated with countless hearts.

It said: Very, very sorry for what I did. Please forgive me! xoxo Zephyr.

I sighed. Ugh. Kisses again. So childish.

I finally arrived at my locker and opened it.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?!" I gasped.

My locker was decorated in bows, lace and roses.

I found yet another card in the locker.

It said: Thank you for forgiving me! xoxo Soarin.

I sighed again, exasperated.

Love wasn't as easy as it seems.

Lunchtime! Finally!

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Rainbow Dash POV

Lunchtime! Finally!

In order not to be seen, I excused myself to the bathroom.

Where I really went to was the soccer pitch, my favorite place.

Luckily, I brought my own lunch today, so I don't have to go back to the cafeteria.

I opened my lunchbox and found- you guessed it- another heart-shaped card.

This time, it said: Can we meet in the park on Wednesday? xoxo Soarin.

Sigh. I couldn't even eat my lunch in peace without love's presence.

I closed and put away my lunchbox.

Actually, why do Soarin and Zephyr love me so much that they would fight for me?

I don't know.

Should I just choose one of them and get over with it?

No. If I choose any one of them, the other will be upset and devastated.

But when I think carefully, Soarin is kind and sincere, and he's talented at soccer, like me.

Should I give him a chance?

No. As I think Zephyr is annoying, I still don't want to crush him.

So much to worry about.

I need someone to tell. My friends!

I got my crutches, which were beside me all the time, and walked to the cafeteria.

Twilight waved and called,"Hey, Rainbow! What took you so long? Come over here!"

I went over to their table and found a seat, putting my crutches on the floor.

"Have you got lunch? Today's disgusting! It's broccoli and pea soup, blech!" said Sunset.

I confided,"Actually, there's something I didn't tell you about."

"What is it? You're holding a surprise sleepover? Or maybe you're in the top eight of a inter-school soccer competition?" squealed Pinkie in her usual irritating manner.

"Shush!" Rarity glared at her,"I'm trying to listen!"

I continued,"Um...there's a problem among me, Soarin and Zephyr Breeze."

"Aw, don't you fret, sugarcube. It's gonna be alright." reassured Applejack.

"No, you don't understand! They both have a MAJOR crush on me and I want to choose Soarin but I don't want to hurt Zephyr's feelings!" I burst out.

Fluttershy asked,"Oh. That's too bad. Anything we could do to help?"

"Wait just a minute. Rainbow, I remember you saying that love is soppy?! And now you love Soarin?" Rarity interrupted.

I blushed a bright crimson, like Twilight in the sleepover.

"Um...I think he's kind and sincere." I whispered.

I sighed.

Applejack left her seat and walked over to mine.

She said,"Follow your own heart instead of others'."

I nodded.

Just then, Soarin walked over to our table.

"YOU AGAIN?!" shouted Sunset.

Soarin explained,"I'm just here to confirm my invitation to Rainbow Dash to go to the park."

They all stared at me.

"Okay!" I replied casually.

Soarin smiled a knowing smile and left.

Applejack asked,"Wait, you are planning to go out with him? He kicked you and made you use these!"

She gestured to my abandoned crutches on the floor.

"It's okay. I just couldn't exercise for a month." I said.

Rarity exclaimed,"Why, darling! That's a month! A month!"

I shrugged.

"Well, I'll be going now. See you guys later!"

I stood up, fastened my crutches and left.


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Soarin POV

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

The Legendary Rainbow Dash agreed to go with me to the park!

I must prepare a little something for her!

-TIME SKIP (one day)-

The next morning, I found a letter addressed to me in my mailbox.

It was from Zephyr Breeze.

The letter said:


The world is not big enough for the two of us.

It's either you or me to have Rainbow Dash as his sweetheart.

So, what about fighting fairly?

We do a favor for her today, and see who'll she choose.

Signed by Zephyr Breeze.

I stared at the letter.

"Well, okay! Let's fight!"

I packed my backpack and set off to school.

About a few yards away, I saw Rainbow Dash crossing the street, leaning heavily on her crutches.

I felt a pang of guilt.

That's why I approached her cautiously.

"Hey, Rainbow. This is for you." I said.

She asked blankly,"What is it?"

I handed her a homemade lunchbox. In it was sushi I cooked myself.

"Um...thanks?" she said.

Rainbow said goodbye and continued back to school.

Yes! I nailed it. Take that, Zephyr!

Chocolate Disaster

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Zephyr Breeze POV

Unbeknownst to Soarin, I was watching his each and every move from behind an oak tree.

He did his favor, so it's the golden time for me to do mine!

So, at lunchtime, I waited for Rainbow by her usual lunch table.

She arrived with her friends.

She asked impatiently,"Zephyr, what do you want this time? To pick another fight?!"

I gave her a box of chocolates, wrapped with pink paper with hearts and a frilly edge.

"Rainbow, I hope you like my gift." I said.

"What are you and Soarin doing?! You two already gave me two boxes of chocolates. Are you trying to make me fatter?!" she yelled at me.

I lowered my head in shame and embarrassment.

I stuttered,"Well...I'll...I'll be go...going now."

"And take this." she added.

Rainbow thrust the box of chocolates back into my arms.

I slunk away, devastated.

Epic fail on this, huh?!

Romantic Relationship

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Rainbow Dash POV

Back home, I went into my bedroom, flopped on my four-poster bed and sighed loudly.

Zephyr is so-annoying.

But, when he left, I saw tears welling up in his eyes.

Should I be softer on him back then?

Never mind. With his don't-carish personality, he'll get over it.

Anyway, tomorrow is time for me and Soarin to meet in the park!

I know it's not a date, but boy I am excited.

What should I wear??

A hot dress, or seductive miniskirts?

On second thoughts, I think I should be myself, that's what he likes about me.

My carefree nature.

Actually, now it comes to me, I think I am ready for a proper relationship.

I'm already 17, so I could start without any worries!

Don't think me mushy.

-TIME SKIP (one day)-

It's time.

I dressed in my usual clothes and headed to the park.

Halfway there, I felt that there's someone watching me.

I spun round, but there was nothing to be seen.

I shrugged it off.

Honestly, I don't care.

I went through the main entrance of the park, then set off to our meeting spot, the flower garden.

Soarin told me this by text.

I stepped through the arch and gasped.

The garden was decorated for some special occasion, I guess.

There were roses planted simply everywhere, and heart-shaped streamers were hung all over the place.

At that moment, Soarin walked in the garden and smiled.

He was dressed formally in a suit and looked nervous.

This was it. He's going to ask me if I could be his girlfriend.

"Like the flowers? I told the gardener to decorate this place for the two of us." said Soarin.

I blushed.

Stupid feelings...

I asked,"Why do you want to meet me here?"

He started to say,"From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew right there and then that you were something special.
Since you welcomed me to CHS, a feeling in my heart grew...and now I know it was true love. I even rejected someone else to be with you.
Your consideration, kindness, sincerity and loyalty have touched deep down in my soul.
Rainbow Dash, will you accept my formal request and be my special somebody?"

Soarin knelt down like Zephyr did on that day and handed me a stunning bouquet of three dozen red roses.

If I was blushing red then, now I was blushing a shade of crimson.

"Yes, Soarin. I will!" I replied.

He got up and we embraced.

Just then, my friends popped out from a tree and rushed over to us.

"Soarin invited us here. We wanted to see the ending!" said Applejack.

Rarity gushed,"This is as adorable as Twilight and Timber Spruce!"

Twilight glared at Rarity.

Suddenly, beautiful fireworks exploded high up in the night sky, highlighting us.

I continued hugging Soarin like I could never let go.

In the background, my friends cheered.

Epilogue: Heartbroken

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Zephyr Breeze POV

While all of this drama happened, I was secretly watching from behind a rose bush.

Yeah. I was the one who was spying on Rainbow Dash.

I just wanted to know what's going on.

If I know then what I know now, I wouldn't have set my heart on her in the first place.

When I saw Soarin and Rainbow embracing, I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

Why did she choose Soarin instead of me?

I win him by five miles in looks, grades and personality.

At least that's what I think.

"I don't understand!" I muttered, devastated and in despair.

A tear rolled down my face.

I fought back the desire to burst into tears like a baby and turned to leave.

Behind me was a cloaked shadow.

It said,"Heartbroken, huh?"

"Go away!" I cried.

I don't want anyone to see me like this.

"I understand. Rainbow Dash is my worst enemy. Of course I feel pain when I see my enemy having a boyfriend and me still staying single. So, I come to give you the biggest opportunity in a lifetime." it continued.

I asked, suddenly interested,"What?"

"Revenge. You can have your vengeance on her, for all the pain she caused you." the shadow replied," I already have five other members. They are also enemies with Dash. Care to join 'We Hate RD Club'?"

I said,"What do I get to do to her?"

"Anything you wish. So long as it hurts her, no matter physically or mentally." it answered.

I said,"Okay! When do we start?"

"Tomorrow. Meet me back here at 9:00 pm. I'll be there with the rest of the team."

I asked,"By the way, what's your name? Mine's Zephyr Breeze."

"Call me...Lightning Dust." the shadow replied.

THE END (or maybe not)