> Equestria's Assassins > by XXXScale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologe: In the boots of others. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I once originally had a normal, boring life. From waking in the morning going to work, then returning home to spend what little time I had available to play Assassin's Creed online and watch TV for the rest of the night. But that was my old life back when i was on earth now I'm more then just a normal man, my name is Todd Lee, and this is my story. Why did I decide to do it? Leave humanity and planet earth? when I was born, I was put into an orphanage. I never knew why probably because they didn't want a baby or there were more unknown reasons why. But never the less i was alone but not for long. Over seven years I was being raised by the orphanage and making some great friends. When I was growing up I made eight friends that were a little older than me that I saw like family. They had to leave because they were adopted. It was later that it was my turn, i was adopted by a nice family that loved me more then ever. I had everything I could ever want as a child. I had a loving mother, a caring father and a brother who was ten years older than me. It was peaceful for a while but that's when tragedy struck and oh boy was it a bitch. At the age of ten, when my mother and i were going to see a movie, a speeding car hit her. It is a memory that i will never forget when I held my mom's broken body in my arms, see my mother taking her last breath and died in my arms, no child should see or witness what i had. Even later, when the paramedics arrived, they had to drag me from her cold body. Death is something in the stories, a pinnacle event where the character is no longer in the story or in the world of the living but i knew for a fact she was in a better place. When my family heard the news, they too were unable to comprehend as well. After the funeral, things didn't get any better, they simply got more worse and painful. The world i once knew came crashing down when my father lost his job and soon found himself comforted by the warm embrace of alcohol. My brother, Zack, started to push me away and began to hang out with thugs and gangsters. I still loved him as a brother, but at times, when we fight it's like he's this new man that I've never met before a man with so much pain and anger, my father was even worse he'll beat me down until i bled and was unable to stand. But deep down i knew it was killing him inside. I endured all of this for five years, five long, painful years, and when I couldn't handle it anymore, I left, left everything and everyone behind. My home, family and few friend's. Now i earned money by working at the local shopping mall, where I spend most of my day as an assistant for the management who owned the complex. The three three years after, things were starting to look up, I actually managed to impress enough people and earn enough respect that I became the general manager of the shopping mall, and with that, the opportunity to Improve my life even further. I was even considering the option of pursuing a business or commerce degree at college, the higher-ups were willing to sponsor me once I was old enough. That didn't mean that I did not miss mother, father and brother. I still haven't forgotten over the incident. Most night's i visit her grave while on some i stay awake from nightmares of death and pain. One day while browsing through the channels of my TV, I stumbled upon a show called "My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic". At first, I watched the show to pass time. And later on, began to love every second of it. I even wished to spend the rest of my life in the world where I would never again be alone or fear death and pain and will always be surrounded by friends and family. Where every day was an adventure filled in a colorful and lively world. Each day I lived with the hope for a better tomorrow, while I would spend each waking moment, in reality, rebuilding my world little by little with hard work and spirit. However, when I turned eighteen, that bitch tragedy struck me once more, I found out about the death of my dear brother, through my father. I could tell in his voice he was even more broken then before. A few weeks ago my brother came to me for help and so i did, gave him a place to stay and help him get over his drug addiction and thirt for violence. I gave him money and a job to get him back on his feet even if we didn't share blood our souls were contacted as brothers. According to the information, the information I had to get from the local police station, my brother and his gang had heat with a rival gang that appeared. Not much is known what initially happened, how it escalated, but words became fists, and fists became guns. They started killing each other, and in the end, dear brother was among those who had been killed in battle. My heart broke once more, all of my kindness was replaced with unbridled fury. Anger towards the world that allowed these atrocities to happen to innocent people, who did not deserve such pain to suffer. Anger towards the people that had taken away those I loved. But the anger i felt for myself to not stop them to weak to save those who i have lost. Mother, Father and now Brother. I hated myself because of this, enough that I wanted to put a bullet in my weak brain. But again, I was too weak to do the deed. I remembered the time working in the shopping mall, I had heard some rumors about people disappearing during conventions that take place every few mouths. Some of these people I had actually met, and even work with. All of them had lifes like mine painful and suffering. All vanishing one after the other with no trace nothing left of them but memorys. I thought about this for days afterwards. And came to the realization, if someone can vanish, disappear without a trace, then I can as well. It was then that I withdrew thousands of dollars from my savings, almost all I had. To me, if the rumors are correct their disappeared is the result of purchasing items and related material. This item then would make the person vanish from the convention, while the person who would sell the item would as well, leaving nothing but a memory. To vanish would bring opportunity, I hoped. I could find refuge perhaps or at least peace. There was really nothing to lose, I had nothing but mild memories of happiness. I went to the convention dressed up as an Assassin from Assassin's Creed, why? you my ask. Well for one they are really badass and honorable in there own ways. Well trained men and women to uses there abilities to take down others with grace. Wearing the outfit of the assassin known as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. When I got to the convention center, I saw many people moving around wearing different outfits, from anime, movies, games, comics and television. Stores selling and promoting all sorts of things. But I was not interested in that stuff, I had a mission. After searching for hours, combing the convention center for anyone who would be remotely connected to the rumors, my effort was paid off. I found a shady store with a shady individual working at it who resembled "The Merchant" from the game "Resident Evil" patiently waiting, calmly tapping the glass counter he stood behind. He waved me over to come to his shop, a shop devoid of any life besides the merchant, the few shops that were set up around him empty and bare, as if no one who had bought the space had even shown. I complied with his wish, and when I got close enough for him to start speaking. "Well hello my friend, I am sorry to take time out of your day, but is seems like your searching for something" he stated his eyes contact with my own. "Perhaps something to complete your costume and a few other stuff, or maybe something...to ease your pain" I stood there, looking at the merchant for a few seconds, my face hidden behind the white hood i wore. My attention then fell on the goods he was selling. There were several different items on display, whether in the glass counter or the glass shelves that surrounded me, but there were only a few that caught my interest. I replied each word I considered with scrutiny and respect "Yes my good man, I see that you have a magnificent collection of items and I'm considering purchasing a few" The merchant's eyes lit with glee and his fingers softly drumming against the glass. He followed my vision to a bunch of his items that rested on the glass counter and the wall right behind him. He let out a long sigh, and my eyes turned up to see him slowly gathering the items. That's when i felt a hand on my shoulder that drew my attention, i came face to face with the only best friend that i kept contact with since the orphanage and can call brother, his name was Hector Navarro. We both grew up together in the orphanage and even back then we both knew we were brothers not by blood but by soul and spirit. His life was just like mine full of pain and death nothing but a scar that burns deep into his heart but like me he got over it and became a grown strong man. I had told him about my plan and wanted to know if he would like to come with me and so he agreed, he too was in outfite of an assassin from the game Assassin's Creed he was Ezio Auditore Da Firenze. "It looks like i found you brother" he said as he let go of my shoulder. "And by the looks of it you have found the man" he finished while looking at the Merchant. "It will be $60,000 dollars, sir" The Merchant announced as he placed the items on the counter-top, and heading towards the nearest shelf to my right. "For all of this stuff?" I asked. "For all you're getting plus more along the way, the items that you wish to embark your journey on" he replied "What are you talking about?" Hector asked. He ignored him while placing more of the figures in a bag. I picked up the paper and on its surface that was a list of my item's. -Summoning cards -All bioahock plasmids -All call of duty zombie perks -Discord lion glove -Green lanterna ring After reading the list my eyes shot up in surprise, those items were everything that I was going to buy. I looked at the merchant with eyes filled with shock and respect while he simply chuckled. "Usually people don't seek me out" he said while Hector stood behind me "I'm no usual kind of person" i replied back. "Well then it seems your right" It was then I realized, this was the person, this was the individual I was looking for. If I was unsure before I was sure as hell sure now. Without stopping, I had literally handed my wallet to him. As the money was exchanged, the Merchent smiled with happiness. "So where are we going? What happens now?" I ask with uncertainty while Hector watched with no fear in his face. The merchant eyes quickly glanced up to look at us with critical eyes, before going back to count the money. "You know where you're going, and what happens, even I don't know" After a few more moments of counting satisfied with the money on hand, he stuffed it into the cash register after the cash register closed he passed Todd the items he had bought. Todd then saw the merchant giving him a smile and waving goodbye to him and saying "Enjoy your new lifes!" both were confused from what he said then he snapped his fingers then everything went white then black. Two Years Later Equestria: Ponyville Princess Twilight Sparkle sat at her desk, writing a letter to her beloved mentor and teacher, Princess Celestia on today's lesson on how friendship will never end with her friends and others. Twilight had her magical radio on as she wrote the letter to her mentor. Then some news she heard that interested her came on. The radio host spoke loudly "And in today's news involves the unfamiliar creatures that have been saving pony's from danger struck again, I'll let my co-hostess here explain." There was pause before a feminine voice spoke up. "Thanks Sugar. Yes, today there was a report that a pony was walking through canterlot last night by themselves and a stallion appeared out of no where and attacked her, she said he tried taking advantage of her until the unknown creature saved her, she claims it was taller than the princesses themselves! And that they wore white hoodies with many weapons and items on there clothing. The creature supposedly knew very well about fighting methods and fought off the stallion with very little effort. The mare made it very clear that the savior had no intents on hurting the innocent, because she claimed after it's heroic deeds, it disappeared into the night like a shadow" The mare finished with a loving sigh. The male host came back "Thanks Lily. This story is so heart warming simply because we've had multiple reports of the creatures saving lives! The ponies that were protected even formed a club for the creature, they all have agreed on calling the creatures for now Shadow Watchers" He finished. Twilight stopped writing and sat there, very curious about the news. "Those creatures have been all over the news lately, it really has gotten a big following. I wonder why they keep protecting ponies?" She went deep into thought while mumbling to herself "Hmm... I wonder if I'll ever see it" She then shrugged it off and finished her letter. After she finished, she called Spikes name, which resulted as a young dragon running into her room while wearing an apron. Spike ran up to her "What is it Twilight?" He said with his usual tone. Twilight levitated the letter to him "I just need you to send this off to the Princess" She gave him a warm smile. Spike grabbed the letter and blow on it sending the letter off to the Princess by pitting out a green flame. After he finished sending it he spoke "was there anything else you needed Twilight?" He asked curiously. Twilight shook her head "No, that'll be it thanks Spike!" She said as she turned around to her desk. The young dragon nodded and walked back downstairs, most likely to finish what he was up too. Twilight tuned to the radio again and heard the same news hosts as before. The male host was currently speaking "The Shadow Watchers has definitely made it clear that it only has good intentions, they fought off many criminals that are probably highly skilled in robbery and magic. The only things we know about the two creatures that they are both male, at there 20's and are single!" He finished with a chuckle that she knew that he had a smile. Twilight thought about the creature again, "Maybe me and the girls could solve this mystery, definitely be a interesting journey, it'd also answer a lot of questions too." She said before getting up "I need to call the girls and talk about this" she said before walking out of the door. Then in the coner of the room that Twilight was currently in, a tall figure walked out from the shadows along with another figure while both chuckled. "Looks like we're become hero's to the poines Todd" the man known only as Hector said to his brother while he leaned against the wall next to him. Todd looked out the near by window watching the purple anthro alicorn walk to her friends houses "Indeed we have, to bad they don't know the truth" Todd said as he turned to his brother "The Templar is near"