> Tiny Robits > by Sgt_Metz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Awakening Ch. 1 [FIXED] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke from my deep sleep, After I slowly made my way out of bed, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I then proceeded to go down to prepare a nice meal for myself. I got in my car and started to pull out of my driveway, suddenly out of nowhere a giant Semi-truck came hurling down my country road, the last few moments of my life were spent staring perplexed at the front of a Semi-Truck. *SMASH* == *integrating new AI matrix* ERROR *Universe "Planetary annihilation" not found* *redirecting to a random multiverse* *universe found* *activate* PAIN "AHHHH" I screamed in my mind as I was flung through the multiverse, my soul was being flung at unimaginable speeds. Suddenly blackness covered me. == “aah my head” I groaned, I was too distracted by pain to think. “initiating landing sequence.” “Hello, I am your automated assistant AIHS, also known as the automated intelligence help system.” I quickly started back into consciousness after hearing a foreign voice inside my head. After looking around I noticed something, out of my *bottom_camera_module* I appeared to be quickly approaching a forest from above but something was off, the trees were HUGE. As I was almost to the forest floor, the height difference became more and more apparent. Then suddenly a *SMASH* rang out inside my head as my pod impacted against the forest floor, as the dust cleared I surveyed my body and the surrounding area. As I examined my ‘body’ I found out that it was more like a very blocky robot, most definitely not as I left it. I then examined my area, the grass around me was scorched, but not by much probably because I was from according to my sensors, 1 foot tall….. huh. Well from the info I have gathered so far I seem to be a PA commander, you know the 20 feet tall planet destroyers. Except I seem to be 1 foot tall now…. oh great, I'm now a Chinese rip off of a civilization-destroying von Newman device. ERROR “I'm sorry to inform you I cannot find any units in my database,” Said the voice. After a bit of thought, I decided that that may not be good. I then proceeded to see a small gear icon on the top right of my overlay appear. “That is a unit designer used for making new units and buildings,” said AIHS, I then I pressed it, because, who wouldn't press a shiny button. As I gasped as I was transferred into a large white box. On my right hand, there were icons that represented materials and What seems like weapons and lasers. As I was examining this I saw even more rows of different materials items and other bits and bobs, “this is a Unit designer Used for creating different units and items.” said AIHS As I realized the possibilities I started to get very excited. There were almost endless possibilities. There seemed to be items that I could break the universe itself with. But before I get sidetracked I need to design some sort of Mass extractor or power generation unit, because why would a (small) planet-destroying robot be dropped here without anything to fight, there must be some sort of threat. I started to get to work, first on the power genera- what? Instead of the infinite power generators I expected, I saw Solar generators And every other sort of non-physics breaking power generation you would imagine, but better, like a LOT better. I decided to get back to that later. I went to work designing my first Metal extractor, along the way I found an assistant to help me, because well I'm not a rocket scientist, and this was advanced stuff. The metal extractor itself was covered in progenitor armor. I had the basic part of any Extractor, the resource core, the assistant guided me the basics so I could build it without it blowing up. It seemed to break every law of physics but I wasn't one to complain. I made it look like a small Dome With an antenna on top for communication. Next, I started to get to work on how I would generate power. It seemed like the easiest and most efficient way was with solar generation, Keep in mind it is Way Beyond any sort we have In the modern-day world. The design that I went with was The solar cells on top And a metal rod to prop it up. After I finish the two basic designs I had, I scaled them down to my size (Which is about 1 foot) And I went back to my main body. Now it's time to get the show on the road! “Sorry to inform you but there seems to be no show to get on the road,” said AIHS, I responded with *facepalm*. r armor. I had the basics of any Extractor The Resource core, And an extractor. And both seem to break every law of physics but I wasn't one to complain. I made it look like a small Dome With an antenna on top for communication. Next, I started to get to work on how I would generate power. It seemed like the easiest and most efficient way was with solar generation, Keep in mind it is way beyond any sort that i had on earth. The design that I went with was that the solar cells were on top And there was metal rod to prop it up. After I finish the two basic designs I needed to have, I scaled them down to my size (Which is about 1 foot) and I went back to my main body. Now it's time to get the show on the road! > Build up (Chapter 2) [FIXED] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once my conscious transferred Back to my main body I immediately got to work reclaiming the shrubbery and other miscellaneous items and plants around me in a 3-meter radius. That filled up my Mass Storage to about ¼'s full. I had Just enough Mass to place a metal extractor On the ground near me. Once I finished fabricating it I started to produce a slow yet steady income of mass that was being directly being deposited into my internal storage. My internal array was going to fill up quickly though so I went back into the unit design And created a small storage unit that I could place Underground. Once I finished that I built the 'small storage unit Mark 1 Underground version'. then Directed my attention towards energy Production. There wasn't much sunlight on the Forest floor So I had to improvise and climb a tall tree that was nearest to me. I started drilling the solar panels mounting bracket into the tree branches. I then extended the mounting pole a little higher so it could reach above the branches and get the most sunlight possible. I had to fabricate 50 Solar panels To cover the whole entire treetop. After that, I started placing Metal extractors In a large area around me. Once I got most of my economy down I started thinking about unit Design. First off I needed some sort of universal Factory Since I don't know much about this Planet that I was catapulted into. I decided to go to the Stealthy route. In the unit Design, I started thinking about designs I could use Without getting noticed By anyone or anything. I decided to go to -the underground path. First I needed some stabilization so that nothing will collapse out on my buildings or factories. Once I created a small box with adequate support I added fabricator arms on each side. Then I added a ramp-up to the surface And a Metal hatch So that nothing could get in while it's fabricating. Now that I've created the basics of a base I need a Workforce to support it And that Workforce Would, of course, be robots, Tiny robots, but robots nonetheless. The reason behind Keeping the robots small Was that first I would have to build a huge economy On my own To support such large bots And second that would be highly noticeable Some degree my size was an Advantage! I thought of what bot style I should design and the first thing that initially came to me was a spider bot Their obvious advantages were the ability to climb Steep Terrain And be quiet while moving. Plus the spider legs that my unit design had were very advanced. My first obvious design To make Would be a construction spider bot. The creature I made had four legs With three joints And a boxlike body and a camera on the front. The odd thing about this design is that there is a small box on the back Of the spider. Inside of the box were four fabricator arms, Each of them could get damaged easily so I put them inside the container where they could unfold when Constructing. It was as half as tall as me so it was pretty small but it had a very cheap construction cost. The most expensive thing about it Is the back Fabricator arms stored inside of the box. Next, I made two more Designs One was a scout bot. This was a very interesting design, It was made so I can be shot long distances Into enemy territory with a launcher. It looks like a small Grenade Except it could unfold. The four sides of the grenade-looking object deployed into four legs plus had a camera in the middle, and The resource core to power it. The extra building that came with this Was a Box with a tube sticking out of the top. The Box was a bit more expensive but it was worth it so that they could be manufactured Inside of the box In shot out through the top Into other Territory. In the last design, I made was, of course, A soldier bot It had four legs like all the other bots And it had a rectangle Sticking out the top and two antennas pointed outwards. There is a Camera at the front and on the sides were two Plasma weapons. After that long session, I decided that nothing else is needed. Once I finished up with the unit designer I started to manufacture five Construction Bots Mark 1s. Once they finished building I sent all five to build two scout Launchers Underground with only the Launcher Barrel Sticking out. At the same time After the construction Bots Finished Building, I was creating 20 Soldier bots. My main strategy was to overwhelm with numbers. Once the soldier Bots Finished constructing I buried My commander body Deep in the ground with a stairway down And on the top there was a hatch. I started to set up my command center I created a Plug that I could Insert myself into And I would have a 3D view of all my units. Once I was completed I now had complete control Overall of my units. Now decided to make use of my scouting units. I launched one Scout unit To the maximum height And Unfolded it At its peak height. I took a 360-degree photo At that time. Once it fell and smashed back into the ground I started reviewing the photo that it took. I seemed to be inside Of a large Forest But about half a mile away Was what looked like a medieval town. At first, I thought I was transported back in time As I zoomed in I saw Multi-colored blobs in equine shapes. But the problem was that they seemed Like my commander unit Would only reach up to their ‘knees’. As I was musing on how small I was an observation came across my processor. Their society appeared to not have much technology, And the most advanced thing I could see Is a steam train. interesting, very interesting