Compliments To The Chef

by Withania

First published

Huckleberry Bleu is working at Mulberry Tart's bakery, hoping to get a taste of her clientele, and today is his lucky day. CW: Soft Vore

Huckleberry Bleu is working at Mulberry Tart's bakery, a place where most of the ponies who walk in don't leave in the same way. Hoping to get his own taste of her clientele, several ponies will teach him to be careful what he wishes for - and then wish for it again.

Contains: A lot of Soft Vore and some feeding.

Compliments To The Chef

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“Okay Bleu, I’m putting you in the kitchen today,” announced Mulberry Tart as she magically fastened an apron about her curvy pink figure. Huckleberry Bleu sat on his own pudgy rump and pouted.

“But you’re better at baking than me,” he said, “Also you’ll steal all the customers… if you know what I mean.”

“Now now, I’m not going to steal anyone,” teased the unicorn, “I know what you want and you’re going to get plenty of practise today. I’ll just be supervising and doing the cleanup later on.”

Bleu watched her walk around the bakery, opening blinds, turning over the door sign, and… By Celestia, her flanks are hypnotic, he thought, staring at Mulberry’s swishing tail. Of course she knew he was watching. She was deliberately putting on a show for him, taking her time and rolling her weight from side to side like she was dancing to a silent rumba.

“The kitchen, Bleu! Go!” she cried suddenly turning around to catch him gazing slack-jawed at her. The earth pony jumped and lumbered through the swing door into the back of the bakery. Mulberry could be genuinely frightening when those kitchen-eyes of hers lit up. But that just made her even more appealing to Bleu, his eyes glazing over again as he thought of his partner and her voracious appetite. He was bigger than she was, however size was not a deciding factor here.

Bleu had only recently started working at Mulberry’s bakery - he knew what she got up to at work and having done a little dabbling in pony meals himself, he was desperate to participate more. But she teased him with mundane jobs and customers that were off-limits because of one reason or another. She was probably taking the front counter today so she would have first dibs again.

A lack of pony meals aside though, Bleu really had been enjoying his job. Mulberry’s second favourite past time was to finish off anything that wasn’t sold at the end of the day, so the more that Bleu could bake this morning, the more there would be later for them to feed to each other. There was even a cake today if he found the time to ice and decorate it. However, first the apple turnovers needed to go in the oven.

Out the front, Mulberry was writing special offers onto the chalkboards that adorned the walls of the bakery, complete with colourful illustrations of her favourite treats. She could hear Bleu clattering around in the kitchen now. He had been extremely patient recently, she had to give him that. Today was going to be his reward day she had decided, although she was still taking the front desk to ‘filter’ the customers, so to speak. Mulberry had discretion down to a fine art, but Bleu was sometimes a little to eager, and liable to get himself into trouble if left unchecked.

The front door suddenly opened with a clatter and the jangling of the bell. “Good morning! Welcome to Mulberry’s Baker–”

“Good MORNAAAAAAANG!” sang a sky-blue pegasus as she barged through the door, cutting off Mulberry’s greeting. “Like, I was in here the other day, y’know, and there were these pastries that I had some free samples off and they were like, just the BEST, so like, I just HAD to come back for more and see how these little pieces of a miracle were made, alright, yaah.”

Mulberry leaned back on her stool, quite stunned by this verbal assault, and then composed herself.

“I must have missed you…” she said, smiling sweetly, “I’m sure I’d have been quite eager to better make your acquaintance! I’m Mulberry Tart, by the way...”

“You can call me Cirrus, okaaaay?” replied the pegasus, brushing her styled mane behind one ear in time with the mention of her name, “Now I want to place a big order of your most fabulous cupcakes, and I want you to tell me how you make them so that when my friends ask me I’ll be like ‘Yeah I know all about baking and stuff…’”

“Well I’m sure that can be arranged,” said Mulberry, magicking a pen and paper in front of her, “Let’s start with your order, I’m afraid I do require a deposit for larger requests, but as you already know our, service, is top notch!”

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Bleu heard the murmuring of voices on the shop floor – Mulberry’s dulcet tones, and a shrill voice of some apparently over eager customer. He had loaded up an icing bag with lucious frosting and with a slight quiver was decorating the top of the unfinished cake, having already completed two dozen cupcakes that sat on the counter next to him. Two regular dozen, that was, since he’d already eaten the odd ones in anticipation of a spectator’s day.

The kitchen door burst open, making Bleu accidently squeeze a mountain of icing onto the cake instead of a nice even spiral.

“That’s the pony you want to talk to,” said Mulberry, following a pegasus who was presumably the high-pitched chatter box, “Bleu why don’t you show Cirrus here how we make the cupcakes so delicious?”

“Huh? Oh… umm sure I guess…” replied Blue, putting the icing bag down. Cirrus trotted over to look eagerly at the trays of cupcakes, leaning slightly too close for comfort. Bleu proceeded to explain the baking process, along with the fancy oven with a built-in fan that ensured even cooking no matter where the tray was.

“Yah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh,” repeated the pegasus.

I wonder if we’ll still be able to hear her through Bleu’s stomach… mused Mulberry, rolling her eyes.

She caught her partner’s eye as he obliviously continued to drone about baking, and nodded toward the patron peering through the oven window. Bleu’s eyes widened as he realised what she meant, and he nodded back to her mouthing; Aren’t you going to take her?

Mulberry made a face and stuck out her tongue, before nodding vigorously back at him. Bleu raised his eyebrows, apparently not believing his luck, and inched his way behind Cirrus, who was still gazing at the apple turnovers in the oven. He blew out his cheeks in a quick snort of determination and then threw his forelegs around the pegasus’ shoulders and neck. He leaned back to drag her off balance and plunged his mouth over her head.

Mulberry sat down to watch with a look of great satisfaction on her face, her tongue just peeking between her lips as Bleu forced his throat downwards, the light blue pony turning into a outline in his dark blue neck. A muffled yell could be heard, but surprisingly this pegasus wasn’t putting up much of a fight – probably too surprised to actually act, thought Mulberry, that was the usual case. A tinkle behind her signalled the front door opening again, and she reluctantly retreated from the kitchen, ensuring her ample frame blocked Bleu’s meal from being seen through the door while it was open.

Blue paused for a moment to rest. He was past the hardest bit now, he had the forelegs and wings pinned at the back of his throat, which meant his meal was more or less helpless unless she had some proper applebucking thighs – and he’d already seen her slender legs when she walked into the kitchen. The twitching feeling in his chest as she tested her confines blew up his senses. His tongue lolled on her back, tasting the gap between her wings. Spreading his back legs for a better stance, he leaned forward to bear down on the pegasus and used his weight to press down over her flanks.

Nearly there, he convinced himself, feeling the burn on his lungs. The trick was not to tense up – just as the prey would be squashed into his body, he had to expand to accomodate them. He felt the barrel of his chest stretch out over his meal as Cirrus’ head pushed into his stomach, that end-game goal of filling all the space in his body becoming real once again. Lips reaching her hind hooves, Bleu leaned back, pivoting on the large bulge about his midriff, and gave a mighty swallow to clear his mouth and throat.

“Aaaahhhhh,” he exclaimed, taking several deep breaths, “That… that was good.”

Spreading his legs to let his belly fall between them, he sat back on his rump and rubbed his swollen stomach, feeling the erratic movements within. Faint noises could be heard, but thankfully the annoying voice of the pretty pegasus didn’t penetrate Bleu’s comfort padding.

Better get back to work, I need to work her down quickly, and maybe I’ll get two in one day! he thought to himself, wading back onto four hooves again. He went about tidying the kitchen, moving dirty pans and bowls to the sink and returning the clean and dry equipment to the cupboards. The constant motion and walking was good for his belly, and he felt his stomach making quick work of his early lunch. She hadn’t lasted long, but that was a good thing – he didn’t really fancy talking to an unwilling meal and having to listen to them try and talk him into throwing up. An unconscious meal would digest quicker, as they were unable to push back against the stomach muscles kneading their body into a soft ball.

“Bleu!” called Mulberry, leaning her neck around the kitchen door, “Can I borrow you again?”

Gosh he works quickly, she thought, noticing how all the lumps in his belly had already been ironed out into a smooth curve. She walked in, holding the door open with her magic for two customers to follow.

“This is Spring Meadow and Arctic Willow,” she said, allowing a yellow earth pony and a maroon pegasus to pass her and see the kitchen. “They’re celebrating their anniversary and are planning a special night together. I thought we might be able to help them out. Miss Meadow, did you say Mr Willow is partial to a good cake?”

Bleu hesitantly pointed toward the mostly finished cake, “We make cakes… which you might like” he said stiffly, somewhat uncertain about how exactly he was supposed to take on two ponies at once.

“Bleu, don’t be rude, introduce yourself to Arctic Willow,” chided Mulberry, although with an amused look on her face. At the same time she prodded the other pony, Spring Meadow, who turned to face her. Her horn suddenly lit up like a camera flash bright enough to dim the lights, and the earth pony’s face glazed over.

Not wasting time, Bleu dived head first onto the pegasus in front of him, using the same method as before of letting his body weight push down over his prey. This pegasus was a fighter, although Bleu had managed to get half way down his body on the first gulp, Arctic Willow’s legs bucked wildly.

“Let me help you out there, Hon,” said Mulberry, casually side stepping the dazed Spring Meadow and seizing the legs of her pegasus boyfriend. Lifting them up, she stood on her hind legs and pushed the twitching pegasus firmly into her partners overstretched mouth.

Bleu went slightly cross-eyed as the pink unicorn stuffed the not-undersized pegasus stallion down his maw, before letting out a sigh of unexpected pleasure. He couldn’t swallow that quickly on his own. Mulberry wasn’t finished yet though, and wasting no time she pushed the dazed girlfriend across the tiled floor and hoisted her off the ground. Bleu kept his weight back on his rump and opened wide to accept the hind legs of another pony.

Mulberry guided the earth pony in, making sure her forelegs were down - and luckily so because she came-to just as her shoulders went in.

“Wha… what happened? Why can’t I move? What in Tartarus is happening?

“Shhhhh, shhh…” cooed Mulberry, placing her hoof on Spring Meadow’s muzzle, “You’re about to be reunited with Arctic Willow, and you’re about to have a wonderful evening ‘in’ together. You’ll be closer to him than you’ve ever been before, and possibly ever will be again - so ‘thank you’ are the words you’re looking for, and yes, you’re welcome. Have fun!”

At this she gently pushed the muzzle into Bleu’s open muzzle, and he swallowed hard, the outline of her head descending down his throat with a muffled yelp. The squirming and prodding from Bleu’s gargantuan belly suddenly slowed as she collided and mingled with her partner.

“Spring? Is that you?” said the muffled voice of the pegasus, sounding like he was under several thick blankets.

“Arctic? Yes… sorry I think I came in flanks first…”

“Err, it’s fine, stay there…” replied the first voice hurriedly.

Mulberry fetched some water to help wash everything down while Bleu wallowed in his own indulgence. He’d eaten two ponies in a day before, but three - with two in quick succession - was a new zone for him. His new guests were interlocked with each other, both seeking a comfortable position that aided in massaging his huge belly. There was no way he could get up in this state. He was a pony attached to a huge ball of pudge and undulating bodies, but it was all part of him and he could feel every movement. It was exhilarating, satisfying, and intimate in equal measure. Intimate to him at least, sharing his personal space in the most literal sense.

And it was at this precise moment that the kitchen door swung open and another customer walked in, an earth pony with a fern green coat and terracotta mane.

“Hello?” she called, nudging the door open with her head, “Mulberry? Oh… oh my...”

Clearing the door enough for it to swing shut behind her, she stopped dead at the sight of a very large and rounded Bleu taking up a large portion of the kitchen. Bleu raised one forehoof, which couldn’t really reach anything, as if about to explain the entire scene in one perfect sentence.


A few maroon coloured secondary feathers popped out of Bleu’s mouth and spiraled to the floor - not exactly the explanation he was planning. He have expected the mare in front of him to turn heel and run out the front door screaming, but she appeared to be rooted to the spot, eyes wide, transfixed on the bubbling surface of his vast belly, mouth slightly ajar. It was all slightly awkward, but Mulberry returned from the utility room next door to save him.

“Don’t worry Bleu, I’ll get this one for you…” she said, and just as the earth pony reacted to her presence in the room, Mulberry placed her forehooves on the green mare’s shoulders and enveloped her head with an audible OOHM sound.

Bleu, already smitten with his food-euphoria, watched in awe as Mulberry surrounded her prey with her magical aura and effortlessly picked her up off of the ground. Expertly sampling as much of the earth pony’s flavour as possible, she smoothly devoured the rest of her meal in several gulps, seeming to tower over Bleu to give him a perfect view of the entire process.

The bulge in her throat slipped down her front, between her forelegs, and took shape as her own belly bulge. It paled in comparison to Bleu’s condition, but the ease in which she dispatched a mid-sized earth pony lit a fire in his heart.

“Wow,” he gasped, “Thanks for the help there, I thought I was in trouble then…”

“Not at all, this one’s a regular,” replied Mulberry, prodding her stomach with one hoof, “I think her knees gave way as soon as she felt my breath on her face.”

“Not surprising, looking the way you do…” mumbled Bleu dreamily.

“Okay now you’re getting sweet. I think there’s still some space in you that we need to fill…”

Mulberry waddled around her mostly immobile partner and picked up the cake he’d frosted earlier on and a cake slice. Cutting out an eighth she levitated the slice up to Bleu, who obediently popped open his mouth, and shoved it in. “Less chewing now, our customers still need to sample our work… if they’re able to…”

In went another slice, making a much smaller bulge that sank down Bleu’s gullet, and then another, and then another. Mulberry watched him consume the cake with hooded eyes, seeing his immense belly smooth out as the cake was spread around into any remaining gaps. Bleu had little time to speak or object - but he didn’t want to. He moaned with pleasure as the apex predator of the room pushed hunks of cake into him. Eventually she ran out of slices and he was offered a rest.

Mulberry placed her hooves atop his heaving chest and jiggled it to see how much progress was being made. There were definitely still pony shapes in there, but they deformed under her prods with a satisfying squish. She pressed her own belly bulge up to Bleu’s to compare. She was making faster progress because she was moving around, and possibly due to practise as well.

Being on the receiving end of this attention was driving Bleu to new heights. There was something about the way Mulberry was assessing him that drove him crazy. He’d eaten three ponies to her one today, but the difference between them was like night and day. He was starting to envy the green earth pony melting down right there in her stomach.

“Huckleberry Bleu you’ve eaten the entire cake,” she scolded in her liquid honey tones, “How selfish of you. I wanted some of that.”

“S-sorry, Mulberry, I-”

“Luckily I can think of one way I can still have some.”

She was standing over him as she said this, her kitchen eyes on full beam and her tongue between her lips.

“Do it,” said Bleu without the slightest hesitation, “Please do it!”

Mulberry smiled seductively as he begged. She placed one hoof between his ears and gently inclined his head forward. She started taking deep breaths as she did so, preparing herself - apex predator or not, Bleu was huge and she was in for a marathon here.

Making sure to give him ample view of her wide open throat, she descended her mouth over Bleu’s muzzle and head, and then wasting no time started to push down over his shoulders. Using her magic to massage her lower jaw and throat, she gently but steadily expanded almost snake-like to cover her overencumbered meal in a wall of pastel pink. She moaned in sympathy as Bleu played the perfect prey role of turning this way and that in her gullet, making sure he didn’t hitch or snag, smoothing out the process of being swallowed whole.

Bleu felt his sagging belly compress as she worked her ravenous jaws over it, the remains of his previous meals now truly pressed into a smooth pulp and forced into an almost tubular shape to pass down the big unicorn’s esophagus. Her familiar heart beat surrounded him, currently urgent and pounding as she drove her muscles to their limits. As his head reached the stomach, he began to expand it further, displacing a green, dough-like mixture as he did so.

The process took longer than he’d ever witnessed as spectator or participant, and for a moment he grew genuinely concerned that Mulberry couldn’t last this long without a breath. But while some preds mistook a body-count as experience, Mulberry’s experience was in masterful control of her body, and she was in no danger.

Finally and with a few decisive gulps, she swallowed down Bleu’s rear hooves and spent a minute catching her breath again. She was blimp sized, hind legs off the ground and pointing out at angles.

“Phew,” she gasped, “Bleu I never thought I’d say this, but I am full.”

“I’m glad I got to be the one to get you this far,” he replied, voice now muffled through the pink pudge, “I hope that earth pony doesn't mind, I sort of smushed her out in all directions on entry. I think she might still be conscious…”

“Oh don’t worry, that girl has more kinks than a broken slinky. I’d wager she likes it.

“In any case,” she continued, “we’re sleeping in the kitchen tonight, so get comfortable.”

Sticking out her tongue in concentration, she magicked open a cupboard across the room and levitated out a large pillow and a blanket almost the size of a tarpaulin. The pillow wouldn’t be much use for a while, but at least she could cover her four poster bed-sized body with cute clouds and rainbows.

Inside Bleu felt Mulberry’s heartbeat slow down to a steady thump-thump, and his own heart fall into sync, a calming and hypnotic release after the mad frenzy of the day.

“Haah,” she sighed, feeling the post-food coma approaching, “Well, happy birthday Bleu. My compliments to the chef.”