> "Don't Touch my Wingboner!" > by An Intricate Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rigid Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight?" "I'll be down in a second! Just make yourself comfortable!" "Yeah, whatever. Just don't take all day!" Rainbow fell into the nearby couch, allowing exhaustion to take over. The sitting room below Twilight’s bedroom was fairly cosy—crystalline walls and oaken bookshelves adorned the place, the couch was a red satin, the whole room a mishmash of colours that Rainbow might have appreciated more if she wasn’t so damn tired. She pushed herself back on the couch, considering putting her hind hooves up on the nearby coffee table but thinking better of it. Her eyes trailed the spiral staircase that led up to Twilight’s room. Her ears twitched as she tried to make head or tail of the weird noises coming from upstairs. She thought she caught the pulling of elastic at one point, but that made no sense whatsoever. She could hear Twilight fumbling about, yelping a couple of times, though for all of her curiosity, she had no clue why. Twilight had asked her over just yesterday, saying she needed help with something ‘Wonderbolt related’. As cryptic as it was, Rainbow hadn’t had a chance to press the question, and now here she was, giving up her nap time to help her friend. She could only hope it’d be worth it. Rainbow stretched out on the couch, fighting the temptation to lay down. In truth, traversing the huge building alone was tiring as hell. Pair that with the intensive work day she'd had, and she was just about ready to hit the hay. Rainbow groaned, catching herself and sitting up straight before she could give in, slipping her legs off of the table. Friends came first, after all, and Twilight deserved her full thirty percent attention span. Still, as the time passed, that number was beginning to dwindle into the low twenties, Rainbow's eyes drooping. Her ears twitched as she heard the ruffling of fabric, the fastening of zips from upstairs. She raised an eyebrow, perking up in her seat as she felt her hooves digging further into the cushion “What the heck’s she doing up there? ...Twilight? Are you alright? “F-fine! Just wait there, Rainbow! I told you, I’ll be down in a—nghh, damn buttons—second!” “Okayyy?” Rainbow stroked her chin, eyebrow still elevated. Was Twilight getting dressed up for something? Were they going out somewhere? Rainbow hadn’t even peeled out of her work uniform yet, let alone thought about putting anything on. A small part of her was growing eager to see Twilight wearing something nice, but that thought was quickly trounced. Rainbow grew tempted to go upstairs and ask already, her interest piqued, but against all notions of impatience she stayed sat where she was. She heard the light flutter of wings, another series of movements, and finally, the sound of Twilight’s bedroom door closing. Rainbow could feel her heartbeat, steady and anxious. After what felt like a millenia, she saw a single hoof fall on the spiral steps. The lone clack pierced the silence that accompanied Rainbow’s shallow breathing, and her eyes flicked directly towards it. Twilight was definitely dressed up, but in what? It was some kind of grey, fluffy thing that started just above her fetlocks, seeming to cling to her fur, and as Twilight ever so slowly descended, Rainbow found herself wanting to see more and more of her outfit. She leaned forwards in her chair, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever came next. A couple more steps, and more of Twilight came into focus. She was wearing a tight, fluffy bomber that hugged her figure, and as she slowly came into view, Rainbow saw that it ended at her midriff. It was sexy as hell, it was teasing, but what was it for? Rainbow forced herself not to leap up and get an early look at the rest, but the agonising slowness of Twilight’s descent was driving her absolutely crazy. When she’d finally stepped far enough around to make a turn, Rainbow caught a hint of an anklet on her bottom right hoof, grey also with a little pattern on it that she couldn’t quite make out. When she finally came into full view, rounding the corner and descending the last few steps, her steps slow and measured, Rainbow received the shock and pleasure of seeing Twilight’s full outfit in all of its glory. The last marble steps were hopped down by an alicorn princess wearing a cap with a Wonderbolt insignia, along with an old uniform that her tight, gorgeous body had effortlessly managed to revitalise. It left Rainbow on the verge of panting. She pawed at the cushion in an effort to distract herself, to not give away just how into this she was finding herself. Fuckkk, she looked good. Like, really good. Stuff of Rainbow's dreams and deepest fantasies good. The kind of good that made Rainbow wish she could think of better synonyms for the word 'good' that would describe just how damn good Twilight was looking right now. Unfortunately, Rainbow's brain was functioning a little slower than usual, right then. Needless to say, her attention span was off the charts, her pupils almost dilated from how intensely they were focussed on Twilight's sexilicious figure. "...Rainbow?" Twilight waved a hoof in front of Rainbow, shocking her out of her rolling thoughts before they could reach the gutter, and she shot up with a nonchalant 'gahh!', cheeks burning. "Thoughts?" "Uhh... I..." Come on Rainbow holy shit just say something you really can't go wrong with a compliment just compliment her for shit's sake Rainbow come on. "You look..." Twilight leaned in, her eyes wide. "Historically accurate!" Rainbow announced, perhaps a little too proudly. Twilight's lips curved upwards, but Rainbow completely ignored this, throwing her head back against the cushion. "Argh, that wasn't what I wanted to say... you look good, great even! I... What's this all for?" Twilight was prancing back and forth before Rainbow, parading the uniform, her tail swishing as she spoke, almost inviting Rainbow to come over and give it a tug. "I'm going to be hosting a summit at the end of the month in Canterlot, and the theme is the EUP! And I figured what with your eidetic memory and the fact that you drilled all of these uniforms into your head—that and you being the only one around here honest enough to tell me if the uniform looked terrible or not—that you could tell me whether I was getting it right!" Something she said there pulled Rainbow's thoughts away from the improvised lapdance she was imagining. "Hold on, why didn't you ask Applejack if you wanted an honest opinion?" "I figured you were the best of both worlds! Rarity would tell me I looked gorgeous in anything so long as it made me happy, and Applejack wouldn't have the first clue about whether my outfit was butchering ancient tradition or not, so I settled for a happy middle." Twilight turned around, twirling her tail as she looked back at Rainbow, a smirk on her face. "Sooo, what do you think? Are you sure it looks good?" Good enough that Rainbow was about to supernova, that was for sure. "H-hell yeah, but what's with the anklet? Pretty sure that wasn't standard issue uniform over a thousand years ago." Rainbow could feel her face heating up as she looked down at her legs, eyes travelling back up to her smooth, rounded flanks. "Just trying to bring a little modernity to something traditional, I guess! Rarity insisted. Plus..." Twilight looked back at her hind hooves, twisting her body as she bit her lip. "I do think it looks pretty nice, I've got to admit. You think it's too much?" Too much? If there was any more, Rainbow was sure she would have fainted by now. "Too much? N-nah, don't be silly! It's snazzy! It's grey! It's... what's that insignia?" Rainbow squinted to get a closer look, but Twilight had already turned to give her another eyeful, one different to the private viewing of alicorn ass that she'd appreciating already, but just as shocking all the same. "Is... is that my cutie mark?" "Yeah!" Twilight grinned, looking pleased with herself as she began to pace again. "I know it clashes a little with the rest of the colour groups—well, I didn't know, Rarity told me that—but I thought it'd be nice for there to be something in my uniform that not only linked the old Wonderbolts and the new, but carried a link between me and one of my best friends. Do you like it?" "Like it? I love it!" Rainbow was barely able to speak through her slacked jaw, and every turn that Twilight made only drew Rainbow's eyes towards more of her curves, her soft fur and neatly folded, preened wings as she paraded around the room like a catwalk model. "You're gonna have some serious eyes on you at this summit thingy, that's for sure." And she'd have an extremely worked up pegasus on life support in moments if she didn't stop teasing already! Did she even realise how sexy she looked?! Rainbow caught a slight blush on Twilight as she continued to walk back and forth, but her ears pricked all the same, and there was a giggle in her voice. "Well, the point of the uniform isn't really to attract anypony, but I appreciate the compliment all the same!" Twilight stopped pacing, slowly turning to face away from Rainbow, rotating on the spot. "Thanks, Rainbow. So, you're sure you wouldn't change anything at all?" "Uh-huh, one hundred percent, absolutely not!" Sooner Rainbow agreed to everything Twilight said, sooner she could go home and furiously masturbate over a fantasy she scarcely realised she had until two minutes ago. Helped that she wasn't lying, either. "I'm really glad to hear that! I—" Twilight stopped mid-turn, finally facing Rainbow again, and for a second, so did her words. "...Rainbow?" Rainbow wilted under the eyes of her friend, wondering if she'd made her arousal obvious somehow. "Wh-what is it, Twi?" "N-nothing, it's just..." Twilight's eyes seemed to hit the floor for a second, but she quickly found her conviction. "Your wings, Rainbow. They're all, uhm, flared, and stuff." Oh jeez. Ohjeezohjeezohjeezno. Rainbow glanced behind her, only aware of the rippling, stiff sensation when she was pointed towards it. On her back stood the proudest, most wingbonery of wingboners, and she was displaying it like a freaking beacon to all the horny and debauched in the land. Spectacular. And still, Twilight was looking at her, looking at them. Whelp, chips are down, Rainbow, time to do what you do best. Bullshit. Bullshit like a fucking pro, your friendship depends on it. "I-It's not what it looks like!" Smooth. No, seriously, great cliche there, Twilight won't see right through that. "Rainbow you could cut glass with those wings right now, you're definitely displaying all the signs of aviary arousal." "I'm... huh?" Tutting, shaking her head, Twilight took a couple of steps closer, only causing Rainbow to scoot back against the couch as far as she could, trying to distance herself. Problem was that her intensely engorged pair of wings were blocking her from getting too far. She wasn't sure what was worse, the borderline ache she could feel shooting through them or her growing embarrassment as Twilight continued to move closer. "Stay still, Rainbow. You shouldn't move them too much." Rainbow blinked, tilting her head. "Why? It's only a wingboner, Twi." Fuck, said that out loud, didn't she? So much for bullshitting. “Look, I’m just gonna go home, and we’re gonna pretend this never happened, okay?” “No, Rainbow.” Twilight’s face was stern; Rainbow couldn’t help but squirm beneath her. “What do you mean, ‘no’?! I’m fine, okay? Seriously, I’m really freakin’ embarrassed that this happened, so let me just get out of your mane, take care of it and—” “Are you even listening to yourself, Rainbow? How heavy do your wings feel right now?” Rainbow tried for an experimental flap. Nothing happened. They remained in place, rigid and unmoving. “Like they’re made out of lead, what’s your point?” “You live in the sky, Rainbow. Do you really think you’re going to be able to get back up there like that?” Twilight had a good point, but… “Well, what do you expect me to do about it?! It’s hardly my fault, you come down here, parading your skimpy outfit and expect me not to get turned on?!” Twilight’s parted lips and rosy cheeks displayed something between shock and embarrassment. Her tongue hung on a syllable as she looked for words, but it was a long time before anything came. “...you think I did this on purpose? You seriously think I wanted you to feel like this?” Oh shit, big mistake. “Wha-no! I didn’t mean that at all! Besides, it’s not even because you look great, or anything, it’s—” Twilight’s brow furrowed, her teeth pressing together. Backtrack, backtrack! “I mean, fuck, you do look great!” Instant change in facial expression, major crisis averted. “But like, I don’t know… I think I might have a thing for uniforms—or rather, cute mares in uniforms…” Okay, breathe. Voice modulation. Stop squeaking. “L-look, I… Celestia, this is so embarrassing…” Twilight raised a hoof, and Rainbow couldn’t help but flinch. She felt fragile, exposed, and all elements of rational thought were becoming increasingly difficult to control. “Rainbow, stop. It’s alright, really.” Rainbow took a breath, looking away. “I’d believe that more if your cheeks didn’t look like cherries.” “The why and how isn’t important,” Twilight continued, drawing a little closer. This time, Rainbow didn’t flinch away, but she looked ready to lash out like a cornered animal at any moment. “What’s important is that we get your wings under control, and that means dealing with this right now. No running off, no delaying it.” Rainbow couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Just what was Twilight trying to suggest? That they… dealt with it right here on the couch? “You’re out of your mind. There’s no way I’m doing… that on your couch, Twilight! I’d rather just deal with the stiff wings, thank you very much.” “Rainbow, seriously, you’ve got it bad right now.” One look at Twilight’s face was enough to show that she was completely serious. “If we don’t take care of this, stiffness is going to be the least of your worries. You could get a blood clot if we don’t deal with this, or muscle and artery damage from the blood pouring to your wings right now!” “Hold on, are you serious?” Rainbow’s eyes tore away from Twilight’s tail—which she hadn’t even realised she was looking at again—blinking hard. She wore her concern openly, but by now, it was pretty hard to conceal anything with the spread, rigid wings on her back. “Completely serious. Think about how large your wings are, the muscle groups that are constantly working away. If anything, this could be worse for you, considering how often you use them. You really don’t want to put your wings in danger in any way, do you, Rainbow?” The thought of it was enough to send fear shooting through her, but the alternative was just… Hold on. “What did you mean ‘if we’ deal with this?” Twilight gave her a small, friendly smile. It was her usual caring, understanding look, one Rainbow had grown used to over the years, one that did a very good job of calming her when she needed it most. “I’m saying that I could help you, if you’ll let me.” “Twilight! What the hell?!” Calming her, yes. Leading her to insanity? No. “Just because I got worked up from looking at you doesn’t mean that I wanna do it with you! Seriously!” Trying and failing to scoot further away, Rainbow threw both of her forehooves up, taking a defensive stance. “Listen, I’m flattered, and stuff, but there’s no damn way I’m letting you touch me like that, you got it?!” Twilight scowled, pressing a forehoof into her face. “Get over yourself, Rainbow! First off, calm down, and second, I didn’t mean it like that! If you’d let me finish before freaking out on me, I could have said that I know an easier way to deal with a problem like this. It’s a form of chiropractic stimulation that reduces the pressure in your wings, and it usually works quite well.” Rainbow was silent for a few moments as she contemplated what Twilight had just said. “And that isn’t just fancy talk for getting another pony off, is it?” “There doesn’t need to be a ‘happy ending’, if that’s what you mean. I’d rather not make this any more awkward than it already is.” Slowly, Rainbow’s hooves lowered, though her reservations remained. “And you’ve done this before, right?” Twilight pushed her cap back, taking a seat next to Rainbow. “Well, no, but I’ve read all about it, so it should be fine.” “Oh, yeah, because reading about flying really panned out for you before, didn’t it?” “Look, do you want my help or not?” Rainbow considered her options. On her left was a trusted friend that was offering her an opportunity to deal with her problem, a problem that wasn’t her fault whatsoever. Refusing, acting all weird about it, Rainbow felt guilty for that… but the idea of Twilight touching her, it just made her shudder in all the wrong ways. Still, this was for her wings. Even if it was difficult, even if she really didn’t want it, Twilight was being kind enough to offer help, and this did sound like an issue that needed resolving now. Rainbow grit her teeth as she prepared to answer, praying that she’d be able to get through this without alienating Twilight further. Through her thought, Twilight sat patiently and calmly, waiting for an answer. Rainbow nodded once, and Twilight leapt from her seat, landing in front of Rainbow. “Great! Oh, Rainbow, I’m so glad you’re listening for once. I promise that I’ll make this all better for you, okay?” Well, at least someone was enjoying this. “Sure, sure, let’s just get it over with.” Usually, Twilight’s chipper attitude was infectious, but right now, Rainbow just couldn’t get hyped. Come to think of it, why was Twilight so happy about it? “So... what do I do?” “Well, first off, your uniform’s going to need to come off.” “Whoawhoawhoa, come again?” Rainbow suddenly found her hooves against the fabric of her Wonderbolt uniform, and she clung to it as if it was armour. “Is that really necessary? You can’t just do it through the clothes, or whatever?” Twilight shook her head. “It’s going to be difficult enough for me to do this as is, and some of the pressure points I need to work on are going to be difficult to stimulate if you’re covered up.” Twilight placed a hoof on Rainbow’s cheek, encouraging her to look up. “I’ll make this as comfortable as I can for you, I promise.” Rainbow batted the hoof away, nodding. “Alright, alright. You can unzip me a little if you need to, but don’t take the whole thing off if you don’t have to. I’m not really comfortable with the idea of you getting all, uhh, touchy feely with my whole body…” And she really wasn’t, not one bit. “Okay, just lay down on your stomach—the rug would probably give us more space, come to think of it—and I’ll begin.” Rainbow reluctantly rose from her seat, ambling over to the snow white rug and laying atop it, her wings as prominent as a flag on the end of a fuzzy blue pole. As she tried to settle in, shuffling her body, she felt Twilight coming over her, their proximity growing increasingly noticeable with each moment. “Twilight?” “Yes, Rainbow?” It was hard for her to choke out, but she managed. “Be gentle, please.” “I’ll try my best, okay?” Rainbow could feel Twilight looming over her, and the odd sensation of magic crept down her spine as Twilight used a spell to unzip her uniform halfway. Rainbow wanted a rag to bite down on for what came next. It was so irrational, so stupid, but every second of suspense as she waited for Twilight to touch her was twisting knots in her stomach. Combined with the heightened state of arousal she was in and the sensitivity of her body, Rainbow had no clue what to expect. She felt the soft brush of hooves against her back as Twilight parted the uniform, gently threading her wings through. Fuck, she really was sensitive right now, and even the lightest touch made her squirm in place. The feeling of her wings being pushed down was constricting as they were threaded through the uniform, though it was accompanied by liberation once they were out. “Alright, I’m going to start now, Rainbow. You ready?” Rainbow gulped; Rainbow nodded. She wasn’t ready. The most alien feelings are those someone isn’t used to, and Rainbow Dash found the feeling of Twilight sitting over her alone incredibly strange. She’d perched herself atop Rainbow’s flanks, presumably for better positioning, and was now beginning to rub her hooves over the blades of Rainbow’s withers in small, circular motions. Rainbow could feel a tightness in her body, radiating from her spine, and her worry and discomfort only heightened it even as she found herself begrudgingly appreciating the feeling of Twilight’s hooves. She just needed to close her eyes. Close her eyes and pretend she was doing it herself. It was fine. It was all going to be fine, just relax. Telling herself that helped a little. Rainbow slowly slipped into serenity, focussing on the tingle of her body, the tightness of her muscles slowly being released as Twilight stroked and kneaded at her back. She had to admit, even if she absolutely hated it, Twilight seemed to know what she was talking about when it came to the pressure points. Not that it relaxed her. Not one bit, she hated it. “Mmh...” Twilight popped a particularly delicious kink in her withers, her entire body feeling looser from the feeling, and Rainbow found herself smushing her cheek against the comfy rug as she rolled her neck in search of that satisfying click. It came eventually, but she barely had a chance to appreciate it before being inundated with the feeling of fire coursing through her body as Twilight finally made contact with her wings. She slowly stroked and pressed against them, and it was like pressing a button inside of her designed to send her body’s reactivity directly to eleven. Rainbow suppressed a giggle, biting down on her lip. Twilight continued to massage her wings, taking one in both hooves and pressing down on the bone, running through the individual feathers and making sure that each one of them got the attention it deserved. It was like magic, bewildering and electric, and Rainbow’s body responded of its own accord: a sharp intake of breath, a groan, and she found herself spreading her legs further apart as she submitted herself to the feeling, more through force than choice. Rainbow told herself that she wasn’t enjoying this, that she’d never be able to enjoy this, that her body was just reacting the way that any pony’s would, that it meant nothing. But whatever she told herself, it didn’t assuage the heat in her belly, nor the knowledge of how slick she was growing downstairs as Twilight continued to work on her. The massage had meant to help her with her wingboner problem, but if anything, it only felt more prominent now, if such a thing was possible. She considered asking Twilight if that was supposed to be the case, but she was just so rela—no, she couldn’t be relaxed, she was distracted—so distracted that any words she attempted to dream up came out as a fluttering breath, her eyes not even managing to open. The sound had been a distant thing at first, so unnoticeable that Rainbow hadn’t paid it thought, but she was beginning to pick up little hums from Twilight as she carried on. Every now and then, Rainbow felt the sleeves of Twilight’s uniform pushing through her fur, and it only reminded her of the sight of Twilight earlier, leading to her body clenching up. She could feel a pulse running through her, culminating just under her belly, and the burn was beginning to grow stronger with every touch as Twilight’s hooves travelled lower. Rainbow didn’t have the power to argue or debate—whatever Twilight was doing, she was clearly doing a good job at it. Rainbow heard the sound of the zip again, felt the tug of magic as it was pulled the rest of the way down, and it was enough to shake her. “Wh-whoa, you okay up there?” “Yes, Rainbow, it’s just…” For a few moments, Twilight was silent, and the pressure against her body was light, withdrawn. “I don’t think what I’m doing is working, so I’m going to try and innovate.” “Okay… just, uhh, leave my ass covered?” “And if what I’m going to try next doesn’t solve it either? Your wings are really stiff, Rainbow. I think we’re going to have to start entertaining the prospect that you do need some kind of sexual release.” “I… Look, we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it, okay?” “I’m hoping we don’t! It’s just…” Twilight pressed against the small of Rainbow’s back, pawing her way back up in light, incremental movements. “I just don’t know if I’m helping right now, or making the problem worse.” “S-so much for books again, huh?” Twilight’s hooves were moving faster—each part of Rainbow’s body felt muted as she continued to push down on her, only to be ignited by Twilight’s touch, one spot quickly forgotten for another until they formed an interconnecting web of intermittent delights. “L-look, just do what you’ve gotta do. If what you’re trying doesn’t work, that is. I-I don’t really wanna talk about it any more.” Twilight acquiesced by not responding, though Rainbow liked to imagine she nodded. Rainbow shuddered from the lightest brush. They were interspersed with heavier pushes against her spine, her wings, her sides, different pressure points, erogenous zones being pressed down on and manipulated in tandem by Twilight’s attentive hooves as Rainbow’s breath caught. A shudder travelled from her withers to her loins, where it persisted, buzzing incessantly. But she didn’t like this: there was no way she could. Even if it felt this fucking good. Rainbow was biting down on her lip, biting hard. She knew she was suppressing a moan now, the disparate sensations inside of her building and yearning for some form of vocal release. They instead found solace in a steadier stream flowing from downstairs, which she was beginning to feel sticking to her flight suit, surely leaving a noticeable wet patch. This was the most embarrassing day ever and she hated it. And she loved it. And she hated loving it. Her concentration slipped as Twilight switched up her motions, and a single, gutteral groan slid from her throat, the sound echoing across the spacious room. She felt Twilight’s touch hesitate at the sound, but she quickly became more confident. Her hooves began to move lower, becoming more adventurous, more salacious, following the cues of Rainbow’s body and heart, even if her mind said the opposite, and her lips said nothing. Nothing coherent, at least. She was panting, she was shivering with need, her leg was twitching as she felt Twilight move back and finally peel off the last of her flight suit. She was naked, she was exposed. She was usually naked, of course, but not soaking wet with a wingboner on her friend’s floor with her legs spread. There was something oddly erotic about it, even through her worry she knew that. She could feel it. The agreement to go all the way had been a silent one. Twilight had initiated it, or had Rainbow by reacting in such a way? Whichever was the case, it was clear to both of them that they weren’t going to solve Rainbow’s issue with a massage alone. If anything, it only seemed to be intensifying the problem. So, it was time to break barriers, cross bridges. And there were really no words for something like that. What were either them meant to say? Still, it was a mutual agreement, there was no doubt of that. Rainbow needed this, and Twilight had already made it clear that she was happy to provide. Her pussy was clenching hard from where she sat beneath Twilight. She could feel her eyes on her, and briefly covered her folds with her tail if only to preserve some semblence of modesty. Twilight brushed it aside with a hoof. No time for games, Rainbow guessed, better to just get it over with. Maybe she didn’t want it over with just yet. Twilight’s touch was gentle, as it was every other time, but there was something special about this time. Maybe it was the intense burn between Rainbow’s legs, maybe it was her heightened sensitivity, or maybe it was the intimacy of the situation. All she knew is that a single touch was enough to elicit a strong gasp from Rainbow. She looked back, mouth agape and panting, and found Twilight with a grin on her face, apparently satisfied with her progress. Apparently, they were both enjoying themselves now. She returned to her task in earnest, and Rainbow jerked her head back down by instinct—she couldn’t bring herself to watch. She was paralysed by sensation, her body convulsing with pleasure as Twilight continued to manipulate her folds with small strokes, sensual and sliding touches. The pressure in her body was only building as Twilight continued, making her body increasingly stiff as she began to appreciate the scent of her surroundings. It smelt of sweat, of flowing juices, and the sound of mutual pants permeated the air. The feeling of soft fur tickling her labia lingered even as it left, and a rebellious part of Rainbow’s mind begged for it to return, to give her more… Her prayers were answered, but not in the way that she’d anticipated. A single press against her clit sent her into frenzy, and she began to shake her hips like a desperate filly, needing the sweet sensation of release above anything else, wanting so badly to cum right there and then. It felt as if Twilight was drawing it out, intentionally torturing her just as she had been earlier in her sexy, wonderful outfit, and the thought only made Rainbow want to finish more. “Twilight…” “You close, Rainbow?” “Y-yeah, I’m on the edge…” Wordlessly, Twilight dipped her head, disappearing from Rainbow’s view. Before she could even comprehend what was about to occur, she felt the most heavenly flick against her clit she could have ever imagined, better than she thought even possible. It was the soft caress of a tongue, driving her over the edge, yearning for her to explode, attempting to coax her juices out of her… And she did. With a single spurt, she erupted over Twilight, clenching hard as she dribbled a heavy amount of her juices down onto her best friend’s tongue, lost in bliss as she twitched and cried out. Her body shot out all of her pent up frustration in the form of pearly, clear liquid, and each moment of it felt more rapturous than the last. Her wings felt as if they were about to break, they were so strained, but at once, as the last of her orgasm ebbed out, the last wave of feeling crashing against her nerves, they began to finally wilt. It was as if a torrent of splendour had just subsided, and an influx of endorphins was here to wash everything away. Somewhere, Rainbow was briefly conscious of Twilight’s panting behind her, but she couldn’t bring herself to think just yet. Slowly, it began to come back to her. Everything that had just happened, the impossible surreality of the situation, the crossing of self-imposed limits that she’d never compromised on, and now to find that she’d managed to… what, trick herself into thinking that she’d liked it? There was no way, she can’t have, this didn’t feel right. This was all wrong, she would never enjoy another pony touching her, she couldn’t. The afterglow she was experiencing right then, it was just her body reacting to an orgasm it desperately needed, it wasn’t her satisfaction with the events. It’s why she looked away, after all. She couldn’t bear the thought of being touched by another. Rainbow’s thoughts were snowballing rapidly as she began to shudder in discomfort, unsure what to do next, what she could do. Twilight, meanwhile, seemed estatic. “It worked! I mean, I guess it was kinda obvious that something like that would work, but still, look! No more wingboner! I’ll bet you feel tons better.” Yeah, no more wingboner, great. “Still, that was, uhh, interesting, but I think I could devise a couple of other ways to make you feel better! I mean, they’ve gone down a little, but they’re still pretty stiff. Hmm… I’ll bet if we tied you up, I could work on each of them individually without you being able to move them, and we could gradually get them under full control!” Rainbow wasn’t even listening at this point, she felt sick. “What do you think, Rainbow? I think I’ve got something sturdy enough to do the trick upstairs, but I’ll just take a little look at them first to be sure…” Suddenly, Twilight was placing her hooves over Rainbow’s wings again, uninvited, right after what had just happened, as if it wasn’t a huge deal. As if Rainbow was okay with it, or something. “Get the fuck off of me!” Twilight flinched. What made it worse was that Rainbow physically felt the flinch, but she was too worked up to care. “Why’d you just shout at me? I’m only trying to help!” “Don’t ever touch me again, Twilight. That was a one time thing and I wasn’t very fucking happy about it, so take your ideas about tying me up and whatever and stick ‘em, alright?!” The hurt in Twilight’s expression could shatter glass, but Rainbow was unwavering. “I… I don’t know why you’re reacting like this. You seemed to enjoy it, and I’m only trying to help, I—” “I don’t care, I don’t like it. I don’t enjoy being touched, and definitely not by my friends! So if you could just give me some damn space then I’ll..” Rainbow’s throat caught, but she quickly shook her head. “I’ll be out of your mane, like I said before. I’m sorry for all of this.” “Y-yeah. Fine, it’s no problem.” There was no venom in Twilight’s voice, only disappointment, and when Rainbow looked up, her back was turned as she walked away, back towards the stairs she’d came from only minutes before. And it hit Rainbow like a truck, what she’d done. Her issue had caused all of this, her selfishness had led to Twilight’s upset, her stupid fucking outburst. She couldn’t keep herself contained, and now? Now Twilight hated her, and it was all her fault. She was leaving. Why was she leaving? “Twilight, wait.” No answer, she kept walking. “Twilight, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow up like that.” The afterglow she’d just snuffed out, the joy robbed from Twilight’s expression, the horrifying admittance that she had genuinely, fully enjoyed contact with another pony, though all of her thoughts told her it couldn’t be the case. It was all coming together to form a single realisation, one she’d never been able to entertain for more than a moment, and now she knew it was true. “Do what you said.” Twilight stopped. She even turned. There was an air of bemusement about her, mixed with upset and intrigue. “You were talking about tying me up before, right? Do it, right now.” Twilght sniffled, inhaling deeply. “Y-you don’t need it anymore. You can probably fly home like that. I don’t want to make you more uncomfortable.” It wasn’t just Twilight.”Trust me, Twilight. I need this.” “Why?” The question hung like a statement, it was pointed and accusatory. Twilight deserved answers, after how she’d just been treated. It was difficult to talk about, it made Rainbow ball up like a fetal mess. “Look, I’ve… I’ve never liked physical contact with other ponies. Wh-why do you think I’m always avoiding Pinkie’s hugs, and I’m always on the edge when you girls decide it’s time for a group hug? It’s uncomfortable for me, a-and it’s suffocating, and I… I just don’t feel right. It scares the hell out of me.” Twilight’s face slowly went through multiple emotions: wide eyes of understanding, a hung mouth of astonishment, a welling of tears at the implications of the issue. “How long have you been like this?” “A pretty long time, honestly. I’ve never wanted to say anything, and I honestly hate it, but it’s always been how I lived, you know? I dealt with the problem, day in and out, even if it meant that the only intimacy I ever had with other ponies was… in my head. But...” “But?” Rainbow was putting herself out now. She felt like an animal that could be carved up and devoured at a moment’s notice. One step too far, all she had to do was say too much and she’d be doomed. No, she was brave. She could be honest with herself, maybe for the first time in a long time. “But after just now, I’m starting to wonder whether I was wrong all this time after all… I need to know, Twilight, and that’s why you need to tie me up.” Suddenly, Twilight was the one that was reluctant. “You need that to know? We couldn’t just, I dunno—” “I’m scared that I’ll lash out again otherwise… Look, what we had just now, it felt special to me. I know that sounds, like, super mushy and stuff, but it’s the truth. But I just don’t know if that’s because I was so pent up, or if it was because…” Deep breaths, Rainbow, you can do this. “Because maybe I just needed the right pony to touch me.” The hint of a smile appeared on Twilight’s lips, cracking through the ice on her features and birthing new life, replenishing what was previously an endless pit of excitement. “You really mean that?” “I do, I honestly do.” Rainbow looked away, imagining her own body with Twilight’s pressed against it, and it was true. As much as it almost hurt to admit, as oppositional to her sensibilities as it seemed, it was a fact. “I can picture you here, with me, and I should be repulsed, like I would be with anypony, but I’m… I’m not. I want that again. I want to feel happy like that again.” There was moisture against her cheeks, and it wasn’t sweat. “Please, Twilight.” She felt the tears being wiped away. It was the soft brush of a hoof, like earlier, but this time she didn’t bat it away. She let the feeling rush over her, tingle through her skin and crawl over her body. It was comfort, serendipity. She knew then what had to happen next. She just knew it was right. She looked up to Twilight, a strong part of her telling her to grab the mare and kiss her, to really push her own boundaries, but she was dismayed to find that she was no longer there. She was walking away again. Had she done something else wrong? “Twilight?” Her voice sounded weak. She persisted. “Twilight, where are you going?” When Twilight turned, it was with a grin so palpable that Rainbow could almost taste its mischief. “To get some rope, of course. Sturdier the better, right? Oh, and I’ll make sure to keep the uniform on, seeing as you like it so much.” Rainbow watched the swing of Twilight’s hips as she walked away, beginning to wonder how in the fuck she hadn’t found this idea so appealing sooner. Thank you, Twilight.