> The Secret Show > by TheEveryDaySparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Secret Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the end of the day for one Ms. Cheerilee, and she was looking forward to a day of relaxation. Not to say that she didn't love her job, and certain recent events had made absolutely sure she was all the more excited to come to school, but she still had her stressful days. Foals, what could you do? But even so, as she sat on her haunches outside the school building, watching the students run around and play on the playground, she had a smile on her face. And that smile soon widened when her gaze landed on eight students in particular. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Button Mash, Rumble, and Tender Taps were all passing a ball around at the playground. You'd think this would get boring eventually, what with them being foals and all, but surprisingly, despite their young, easily distracted minds, it didn't. In fact, they seemed so happy to be playing together that it was almost like they weren't there for the ball at all. Rather they were just happy to be in one another's company. And they were right to be so. Over the past week, these eight students had become practically inseparable. There wasn't a single moment when they weren't together, save for when they all went home for dinner. She saw them eating together at lunch, working together on projects, hanging out together outside, and yes, playing together on the playground. They had all become friends so quickly, it was almost like magic. Not to mention the change in attitude. Where the CMC used to be three adventurous little troublemakers, they were now perfect little angels. Well, save for the occasional foray into the Everfree to have a little fun, naughty or otherwise, and for Apple Bloom to take her potion lessons with Zecora. The girls had all told Cheerilee about it, and they agreed that it was okay for them to go as long as they all looked out for each other. Kept each other safe. The girls downright screamed their agreement. Even Diamond Tiara, who was downright terrified of the place, flat out vowed to protect them with her life should they encounter something. And as for the colts, they had gone from voyeuristic liars, to well behaved little gentlecolts. Well, they didn't open doors for every mare they saw or anything, but they were kind and sweet and all around adorable little foals who treated everyone with love and respect, as it should be. Speaking of Diamond Tiara, however, ever since she started her relationship with Silver Spoon, she's been nothing but a little sweetheart. She was behaving better than ever, even compared to when she first started being nice. Whenever they were alone, Cheerilee would spot her giving her friends little pecks on the cheek when no one was looking. It was all so adorable it made her heart swell up with joy. And don't even get her started on their grades. Given that Diamond and Silver were the most studious of the group lately, they had opted to tutor everypony, and were doing a stupendous job at it to boot! Looks like all those lessons at home really paid off. The girls were catching on faster than the boys however, and soon, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had all joined in tutoring their respective crushes as a team. She had even sat in on one of their study sessions together, and even through all the distractions, the love sick gazes, and even the rampant sharing of tongues, they still managed to catch up in time for the exam that was scheduled for today. Needless to say, they aced it with flying colors. They had all grown so much in such a short time just from being together with each other, and it was all because of...Ms. Cheerilee could hardly believe it. It was all because of... 'Sex.' She said in her mind as she watched them laugh and play. The thought was enough to bring tears to her eyes. She wiped them away with her hooves and looked up from her covered face to see... "Are you okay, Ms. Cheerilee?" Sweetie Belle was standing there in front of her, her hoof outstretched. In it was a small handkerchief. Cheerilee took it and wiped her eyes before fixing her gaze upon two out of her eight favorite students in the whole school. "It's fine. I'm okay. Just got a little emotional is all." "Why were you crying?" Diamond asked, coming up to nuzzle Ms. Cheerilee's cheek. The purple coated mare returned the display of affection with a nuzzle of her own. "It's nothing to worry about, Diamond, I promise. I'm just...so proud and happy to see you all doing so well. It fills me with joy to know that I was the one who helped this happen. To see you succeeding makes me so happy. And all because of sex, of all things." Diamond backed away, giving her teacher a kiss on the cheek before she did so. "That's right. It's all because of sex." Sweetie Belle spoke up this time. "Diamond's right. If it hadn't been for us coming together, and well, cumming, together, then well, I doubt we would've ever been able to get this close." She blushed, her face taking on a shade of light pink that Cheerilee had to admit she found both adorable, and unfathomably attractive on a filly as small as her. "You got that right!" Came another voice from behind them. They all looked back to see Apple Bloom and the others coming up to meet them. "What's goin' on, Sweetie Belle, Diamond?" "Oh, nothing. Just cheering up Ms. Cheerilee." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah! We're putting the cheer back into Ms. Cheerilee!" Diamond joked. At that they all laughed, including Ms. Cheerilee herself. "Ohohoho, Thank you, girls. I really appreciate you doing this for me." "No problem!" Apple Bloom said, giving a mock salute with her hoof. They returned to their laughter as the school day ended proper, leaving the eight of them to wonder just what they would do for the rest of the evening. But Ms. Cheerilee had a plan... "So, What did you girls have in mind to do today? Any plans?" Ms. Cheerilee asked as they all walked their way through the Ponyville market place. "I don't know. I was hopin' you girls did!" Apple Bloom stated, with a worried expression. "Aww, Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo gave an exasperated sigh. "Sorry, girls. I was havin' so much fun today I forgot to figure out what we would do when the day was over..." Apple Bloom's expression changed to one of sadness. "It's okay, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle said, wrapping a hoof around Apple Bloom's neck. "We'll figure something out." "Well, if you girls don't have any ideas, I think i've got something we can do." Ms. Cheerilee said with a smile. "What is it? What is it?" The five girls immediately rounded on Cheerilee and the boys, their expressions hopeful. Cheerilee was so taken aback that she almost forgot what she was going to say. Luckily she caught it in time to tell them before they nearly imploded. "Let's all go to Twilight's for a visit." And so, it was with unanimous agreement and a shout of "YAY!" that the group headed over to Twilight's castle. It wasn't any sort of pressing matter or anything. Cheerilee just wanted to pay her a visit. Two adults spending time together, as friends, like always. Although she actually briefly wondered if Twilight would be okay with joining in their fun times. That thought got her rubbing her hind legs together in a -thankfully- successful attempt to stem the flow of her rising desire. She couldn't afford to ruin a perfectly platonic meeting with talk of...that. Besides, who knows how Twilight would react. She had already gotten several stallions and even mares' attention from the article, all of which she took up on their offer of course, but... this was Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship and former student of Princess Celestia. What would happen to her if she even dared mention such a thing to her. But still, the thought was...enticing... They made their way to the Princess' doorstep, Cheerilee taking in upon herself to knock. As well as fan herself before her hormones started to leak the scent of her arousal. She hoped the foals wouldn't notice. Otherwise the resulting orgy would be much more intense than the one outside Diamond's house. Especially with how close they were these days. They were so in sync they could practically tell when the other was horny with just a glance. And as much as she loved the idea of showing off just how much they all loved each other again, this was neither the time, nor the place. Some moments later, Cheerilee heard a muffled, "I'm coming!" From behind the castle doors. She stepped back and patiently waited for the door to open. When it finally did, out stepped Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, and multiple times the world's savior. Cheerilee briefly wondered just why Twilight and her friends weren't as famous as they should be. That thought was stopped however, when Twilight said, "Oh, hello, Ms. Cheerilee! To what do I owe the unexpected visit?" Ms. Cheerilee gathered herself and took a deep breath before answering. "Oh, nothing too special. We just came by to visit." "We?" Twilight stepped forward, and Ms. Cheerilee stepped back and out of the way so that she could see the eight foals behind her. She looked over to the teacher and asked, "Are you sure this isn't a tutoring session? If it is, I can help, you know? You don't have to hide it." Twilight smiled at her, and she found herself smiling back. That mare's smile was infectious these days. "Oh, i'm sure! To be honest, we were all a little bored, and thought coming to see you would be something fun to do." Ms. Cheerilee said. "Bored, huh?" Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought before out came that infectious smile once again. "Well, I think I have just the thing to clear that right up! Come inside. I'll have Spike make tea!" With that, she turned and walked back inside, the group of eight ponies following close behind her. "It's nice to see you, Ms. Cheerilee. I was a little surprised when you of all ponies said you came to visit me, but I welcome you nonetheless. Please, make yourself at home." Twilight said with another smile. Ms. Cheerilee could swear that every single one was genuine, honest, and sincere. Like she just loved getting company, and would do whatever it took to treat them well. That sentiment was shared by Cheerilee of course, and she admired Twilight for her selflessness and compassion. "Thanks! We will. Once again thank you for allowing us into your home." "Oh, it's not trouble at all. Although, I don't know if Spike can keep the kids entertained for long." Twilight pointed over to wear Spike was balancing on a ball and juggling while breathing fire all at the same time. The poor dragon looked stressed beyond belief, and he was sweating bullets at this point. "He may be my number one assistant, but he needs his rest as well." Twilight said with a sad smile. "Oh, the poor dear!" Ms. Cheerilee said. "Don't you worry, Twilight. I have my own ways of keeping them occupied, so don't work poor Spike too hard." "I would never dream of it. Speaking of that, Spike and I have to go run an errand. Could you maybe keep an eye on them while we're gone? Make sure they don't cause trouble?" Twilight asked, a sort of pleading look on her face. "Relax, Twilight. They're not little foals anymore. I'll keep an eye on them, don't worry." Ms. Cheerilee waved her off. "Oh, right, sorry about that. Thanks!" With that, Twilight went to get Spike so they could go and finish their errand, leaving Cheerilee with the kids once more. Now alone, Cheerilee could feel her desire rising again. All those thoughts about sex with her foals had sparked a neverending tidal wave of passion she could no longer hold back. She looked down at her seat, only to see that it was wet with her juices. Luckily it was only a small puddle, so Twilight wouldn't notice if she just left it there for now. Being around Twilight in that state had just made matters worse. After thinking of her joining in, she couldn't stop looking at Twilight as a potential sex partner no matter how hard she tried. And it made her so horny she could barely stand it. She smiled a devious smile and went over to the foals...only to see them rushing each other with everything they had. It was a tangle of hooves, tails and horns as they each picked a spot and did the deed. Sweetie Belle was being rutted by Button Mash, with Diamond Tiara on the bottom making out with her and grinding against her abused snatch. Apple Bloom was in much the same position with Tender Taps and Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo was being rammed by Rumble. The thought that these foals could barely contain their lust long enough for Twilight to leave made her shake her head and smile, but the sight of these foals throwing caution to the wind like that sparked something inside of her. Why was she holding herself back when her foals, her herd, was right there? Was that what they were now? A herd? If so, then she didn't mind. In fact, she loved the idea of being in a herd with those she loved. Especially if it was them. And so, with nary a glance back, she galloped into the ensuing orgy and took her place under Scootaloo, who was once again begging for attention like a starved changeling. The passionate, love fueled, lust filled look in her eyes was enough to melt Ms. Cheerilee's heart, and she began kissing the adorable pegasus with everything she had, her hooves reaching further down to tease her clit, making her moan into the kiss and buck her hips involuntarily. She soon replaced her hoof with her own dripping snatch and the two began furiously grinding upon each other. The nine of them kept this going for some time, and the only thing one could hear from this castle were the sounds of moaning and pleasure, and the only thing one could smell was the intense scent of sex as it filled the room. Soon, each of the resulting trios cried out in unison, releasing their respective fluids, into, or onto, each other with all they had. They didn't even bother to speak, and simply changed position to continue going. Diamond was licking Sweetie, with Button Mash ramming Diamond, Silver was licking Apple Bloom, with Tender ramming Silver, and Ms. Cheerilee was licking Scootaloo, with Rumble ramming Cheerilee. They didn't need to speak. All the words they could've said were conveyed through looks alone, and the kind, caring, loving looks in each of their eyes never left, not even once. This continued for quite some time, and they never noticed that Twilight had entered the room. Twilight had no idea what was going on. One minute she's gone to the market to buy groceries with Spike, and the next she comes home to see Cheerilee and her students fucking in her living room. The sight was, honestly...very arousing. She found herself slowly sinking down to the floor, one hoof snaking down to her crotch as she began to rub slowly, letting out shaky breaths as she secretly spied on them. Once one had finally cum, they would switch positions, while the colts just kept ramming away at their respective mares, no matter who switched. The mares on top eventually climbed further up, no longer wanting to simply give pleasure, but wanting to experience it as well, so after each one had had their turn, the mares returned, or in Twilight's case, began, to grind upon each other, their teats rubbing together, and their pussies dripping once more. Wild, unrestrained yelps of pleasure assaulted Twilight's ears over and over as she put more pressure on her clit, eliciting a lewd moan which she had to restrain in order to stay hidden. The idea that a mother would teach her child something so vulgar should've made Twilight feel disgusted. Instead, it made her feel even more aroused, rubbing away at her clit even harder and even plunging her wet hoof inside. Every now and then she would involuntarily buck her hips as their scents drove her further and further to the edge. She tried to keep her eyes trained on the sensual display before her, but she could barely hold on as it was, and eventually, she gave in to her desires and drove herself up, over and beyond the edge with pleasure she had never felt aside from her brother shining. It seemed that the others were doing much the same, for as Twilight's voice rang out across the castle, nine others soon joined hers in a harmonious cry of primal, carnal pleasure. And with one loud, lust filled scream of, "Aaaaaagh!" from all present, the deed was done. All were satisfied, all were happy, and all were content. There was only one problem. Twilight had screamed too loud. The nine ponies stood looking at her, shocked expressions on their faces. The first to speak, was Sweetie Belle. "Um...Twilight? Were you...spying on us?" A completely spent and downright tired Twilight stood, wobbled, righted herself, and spoke. She couldn't lie, as she'd just been caught. Nor would she try to, so... "Yes, I was." "Why spy on us when you could've just joined in?" Ms. Cheerilee asked, genuinely curious. "Because that kind of thing is wrong! You don't even have a herd!" Twilight exclaimed, trying her best to convince herself that she hadn't just been apart of it. "Um..." Cheerilee seemed to think for a moment. "I...don't think so." Twilight and everyone else stopped. "WHAT?" "This was never wrong. Never in Equestria's history has this been wrong. I know. I've checked, I teach a bit of every class in school you know? It may have gone out of style from when I was younger, but it was never outlawed. This is perfectly legal believe it or not." At this information, Twilight could only think of one thing to say. "I might need to talk to Celestia about this." With that, she walked away and opted to go to bed. "It was nice seeing you here, Ms. Cheerilee. Don't mind me, just need a bit of rest is all. Feel free to come back as you like!" She headed up the stairs and laid in bed, leaving the others to wonder just what had happened. Meanwhile, Twilight couldn't help thinking, "Oh, what does it matter? After all, that was the first orgasm i've had in years!"