Afterparty With Pinkie

by MassDriver

First published

After Pinkie throws another perfect party at Friendship Castle, Twilight shares her insecurities with the cheerful pony. Pinkie helps Twilight to feel attractive... and it ends up going farther than either pony expected.

After Fluttershy and Rarity got together, Twilight Sparkle began to ask herself uncomfortable questions: is she attractive? Is she desirable? Now that the meek pegasus is in a relationship, what does Twilight's lack of a partner say about her?

After a party at Friendship Castle, Twilight pours out these insecurities to Pinkie Pie. And Pinkie does more than listen: she tells her just how beautiful and special she thinks Twilight is. And as they share their feelings, it starts to look like the affection Twilight was looking for might be closer than she expected...

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Chapter 1

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“Thanks for sticking around, Pinkie,” said Twilight Sparkle, magically plucking streamers from the high walls of Friendship Castle’s map room.

“No problemo!” said Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie provides a full-service party experience, from planning to cleanup. Everything you need to make your evening perfect!”

“Well, it’s not necessary,” said Twilight, “But it’s nice of you to stick around. This castle feels kind of empty when it’s just me and Spike.” With her magic, she wound the streamers back into tight little rolls and lined them up at the table’s edge. They were almost like new, and the sight of them pleased Twilight’s orderly mind. She stared at them for a while, silent - and Pinkie, as she often did, opened her mouth to fill the silence. But before she could speak, Twilight found her voice again.

“Pinkie, am I pretty?”

It wasn’t the sort of question Pinkie expected to hear from Twilight Sparkle. Twilight seemed to realize how unnatural it sounded coming from her own mouth, and she amended the question. “Am I attractive? Am I a… good-looking mare?”

“Sure you are!” said Pinkie.

“I never paid much attention to my appearance. I mean, I… take showers…” said Twilight, laughing at herself. “But I don’t wear makeup and I always just let my hair sort of… do what it wants to. I know I’m not…” She sighed. “I’m not pretty like Fluttershy is.”

“Twilight, look at me,” said Pinkie. Twilight didn’t turn around at first - she just kept rearranging the rolled-up streamers on the map table - but Pinkie’s silence made her stop and look over her shoulder.

“You’re beautiful, Twilight,” said PInkie. When Twilight turned away again, she insisted: “I mean it! I guess I don’t go around telling ponies they’re beautiful, but that’s really how I feel!” She trotted closer to Twilight. “And when you came to town, you made everybody’s lives brighter! You’re not just a princess, Twilight, you’re special and beautiful and… there’s just no reason for you to feel bad about yourself, Twilight!”

“That’s nice of you to say, Pinkie,” said Twilight. Still turned away from Pinkie, she levitated a cup to her side, then brought over two bottles and poured herself a vodka cranberry. “You want a drink?” she asked, then started pouring a second cup before Pinkie responded.

“For a while,” said Twilight, “I said to myself that… as long as Fluttershy and I are both alone, we could be losers together.” She took a sip from her drink, and levitated the other cup in Pinkie’s direction. “Uh, I don’t really think Fluttershy’s a loser. But I’ve never been with anyone either, and when Fluttershy and I had that in common, it made me feel less like… like there was something wrong with me.”

Pinkie took the drink Twilight offered, tucking it into a curl of her mane - which somehow held the cup securely, dangling it at mouth level. “Twilight, there’s nothing wrong with you,” she said. “You care about learning, and magic, and friendship, and making Celestia proud, and protecting Equestria… all this time, you kept yourself so busy, doing so many things for so many ponies! And if that meant you didn’t have time to find a special somepony, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you!”

Pinkie leaned her head back, downing about half her drink in one gulp. “In fact, I bet there were plenty of ponies who saw you doing so much good, that… even though they liked you, they thought maybe you were too busy for a relationship.”

“So I blew my chances at love by being unapproachable?” said Twilight. “That sounds about right.” She finally turned to face Pinkie, and her wry smile suggested that Pinkie’s words had brought her a little comfort.

“No, that’s not what I mean!” said Pinkie. “I just mean that you were putting your mind to other things before now! If you put your mind to finding a special somepony, then you’ll do great, just like you always do!”

“Maybe you’re right,” said Twilight. “Romance seems dauntingly complex from the outside, but I’m good at tackling big problems step by step.” She began to pace, levitating her drink beside her as she trotted in a circle. “I’ll plot out the first steps before bed tonight, I’ll schedule some research and some practice in the field… I’ll take notes, I’ll keep logs, I’ll iterate…” She gulped the rest of her drink and tossed her disposable cup into the nearby trash can. “Whoo! Thanks, Pinkie. I feel better about this already!”

“Well, that’s good,” said Pinkie, stifling a chuckle. “Making schedules and taking notes wasn’t exactly what I was trying to suggest, but… if that’s what makes you comfy, then I say go for it!”

There was a crack of thunder, and both ponies stared upward, listening as the patter of raindrops gradually grew louder. “Golly!” said Pinkie, “I thought I was being pretty smart, but then there was an ominous thunderclap! What do you think that means, Twilight?”

“I think it means it’s raining,” said Twilight. “I don’t want my party planner walking home in the rain - come on, let’s toss out the garbage and I’ll get you into a guest room, okay?”

“Okey-Dokey-Lokey!’ chirped Pinkie.

“Here you go!” said Twilight, magically fluffing up the pillows on the guest room’s single bed. “You’ve stayed here before, right? You know where the bathroom is…” She trotted to the door - then paused and turned to look at Pinkie. “Pinkie,” she said, “How do you do it?’

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “...Are we still talking about the bathroom?”

“No, I mean.. Flirting. Romance. I’ve seen you do it, and it seems like it just comes naturally to you. You’re interested in ponies, you’re cheerful and encouraging... I don’t know if I can match that kind of energy.”

Pinkie laughed. “Well, you don’t have to do it my way, silly!” she said. “Ponies who like you will be attracted to your brains, and your magic, and the way you inspire your friends, even when you’re afraid… so you need a way to put those qualities forward!” She hopped onto the bed and patted the covers beside her with her forehoof. “Come on, we can practice!”

“No harm in that, I guess,” sighed Twilight. She joined Pinkie on the guest bed, and the two of them bounced as one mare’s weight joined another on the mattress. “So what do I do?”

“Well, I guess it depends what you’re looking for,” said Pinkie. “If you want something serious, or something fun, that’ll change how you approach!”

“I think I get you,” said Twilight. “So when I see someone I like, I should go right up to them and say ‘I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I’m sick of being a virgin. I wanna get laid as soon as possible so I can stop feeling like a loser. What’s your name?’”

“Twilight, is that really how you feel?” asked Pinkie. “You don’t have to be in a hurry to get laid, Twilight. Sex is great, but it’s not as big a deal as some ponies make it sound.”

“Well, if it’s not such a big deal,” said Twilight, “All the more reason to get it over with! I used to imagine my first time being special, but at this point I’d like to just have it behind me so that the idea doesn’t seem so scary. You know?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” said Pinkie Pie. “I was super nervous before my first time, and looking back on it, it just seems silly! I could help you find a one night stand, if that’s really what you want. Just think it over, and-”

“Oh, I’ve been thinking it over,” sighed Twilight. “I’ve been thinking over how nice it would be if I didn’t have to embarrass myself with my inexperience… go through a gauntlet of rejection… make myself vulnerable… if someone would just...” She went silent, staring down at herself.

Twilight suddenly felt herself falling backwards onto the bed. It took her a moment to realize that she’d been pushed; one minute she was sitting upright on the bed, the next she was flat on her back, with Pinkie’s hooves pinning her shoulders and Pinkie’s face looming just inches above hers. “Just what?” asked Pinkie. “Push you onto the bed and do you? Like this?”

“Uh… yeah, kinda, I guess…” laughed Twilight nervously. She blushed and turned her head aside - but the little smile on her face encouraged Pinkie to keep pressing forward.

“You don’t really want someone to just ‘do you,’” said Pinkie, bringing her face a little closer to Twilight’s. “You want someone to show you a good time. It’s just like planning a party, Twilight! You want something quick and fun… but with the right touches, something quick and fun can be really, really special.”

“The right touches?” said Twilight. Her laughter had gone from being nervous to nearly manic… but it seemed to Pinkie that Twilight didn’t mind being beneath her. “Like… streamers and confetti?”

“Those are great for parties,” said Pinkie, “But in the bedroom, it’s a little more like… this.” She put her mouth next to Twilight’s ear - not difficult, since Twilight had helpfully turned her head to the side - and breathed a slow, hot breath into her inner ear. Twilight shuddered, moaning softly - and then let out a tiny gasp when Pinkie began to nibble at her ear, softly stimulating the tender flesh.

“Hhhah,” breathed Twilight, “Are we still practicing? Is this… practice?”

“Sure!” said Pinkie. “Your first time will be way easier if you practice for it!”

“Yeah,” said Twilight. “That makes sense.”

“Of course, it is pretty late and I just sprung this idea on you,” said Pinkie, “So if you get tired, just let me know, and we can stop! But if you want, I can take you through the whole experience step… by… step.”

Pinkie brought her mouth down to Twilight’s collarbone and kissed her way up her neck. “Every little step,” whispered Pinkie. “We’ll see how you feel… what you like…” She stroked a forehoof through the fluff of Twilight’s chest, making the princess whimper. “We’ll see what your body reacts to…” Her kisses made their way to Twilight’s chin, and she brought herself face-to-face with her friend again, their lips nearly touching.

“So how’s it going so far?” asked Pinkie. “Is your body reacting?”

“Yes,” gasped Twilight. “I’m definitely… reacting.”

“Great,” Pinkie whispered. “How about this?”

Pinkie planted a kiss on Twilight’s lips, and Twilight melted into the covers, falling almost limp as she surrendered to the kiss. Pinkie went deeper, pushing her tongue past Twilight’s lips, tasting her.

Pinkie hadn’t planned on taking things this far; when she pushed Twilight onto the bed, she told herself she was just playing around. She’d said the same thing to herself when she’d nibbled on Twilight’s ear, and when she’d felt the softness of Twilight’s lips against her own - but with every touch, she made Twilight Sparkle gasp or shudder or whimper with delight… and it only seemed natural to go further. Twilight had said she wanted to get laid… and then she’d practically said she wanted someone to push her onto the bed and just do her.

Well, that was what she seemed like she was going to say… and Pinkie Pie always trusted her intuition. Right now, her intuition was telling her to do something a little scary, but she trusted it, even now.

Still exploring Twilight’s mouth, Pinkie blindly sent her forehoof down the soft curves of Twilight’s belly. She drew circles on Twilight’s thigh, each circle a little closer to her marehood. Twilight moaned, her limbs quivering as the gentle touch of Pinkie’s hoof drew agonizingly close to the intersection of her thighs.

Pinkie lifted her head, putting a hair’s breadth between Twilight’s lips and her own. “Are you having fun?” she whispered.

“Hahh… fun is… not the word I’d use,” gasped Twilight.

“Are you excited?” asked Pinkie, bringing her hoof just a little bit closer to Twilight’s marehood.

“That’s… more how I’d put it.”

“Do you want me to touch your pussy, Twilight?” Pinkie’s whispered words were the quietest thing Twilight had ever heard her say - but they were loud and clear to the princess’ ears.

“Yes,” groaned Twilight, “Yes, Pinkie…”

“Okey-Dokey… Lokey,” whispered Pinkie, sliding her hoof over Twilight’s slick lips. “Ooh, you’re wet, Twilight! Do you know how wet you are? You’re one horny pony, that’s for sure…”

Twilight bit her lip, holding her eyes tightly shut as her body reacted - for the first time - to being touched in this way by another pony. “Pinkie,” she groaned, “Don’t tease me…”

“I’m not teasing you, silly!” said Pinkie. She lifted her head away from Twilight, sitting back on the bed as her hoof stroked Twilight’s slit. “I’m talking dirty! But if that sounded too much like teasing then…” Pinkie paused thoughtfully, and her hoof wandered up Twilight’s pussy until it touched her little pink clit. Twilight whimpered, her limbs rumpling the bedsheets as she writhed.

Pinkie seemed to arrive at a decision. “How about I tell you how beautiful you look right now, Twilight? With your face all blushy and your body all sprawled out on the bed? What if I said you’re the most beautiful pony I know, and how making you smile was always super-extra-special to me, and making you cum would be a dream come true?”

“Ahhh…” gasped Twilight, “Pinkie…”

“Ooh, I think maybe that hit the spot!” said Pinkie. “Or maybe it was the way my hoof is literally hitting your spot…” She slowed her hoof slightly. “Twilight,” she said, “If you’ll let me get a teensy bit more intimate, I can make this really special…”

“Yes,” groaned Twilight, “Yes, anything, I just need to cum…

“Great!” said Pinkie. “Pinkie’s gonna give you everything you need.” She slid down off the bed and buried her face in Twilight’s thighs, letting her mouth take the place of her hoof. She sighed happily as the taste of Twilight’s marehood hit her tongue, and she plunged deep, lapping the wetness from Twilight’s folds.

“Pinkie…” moaned Twilight, “I’m close, Pinkie…”

Pinkie smiled - although no one could have seen it, with her lips so close to Twilight’s pussy. She wasn’t too far from climax herself; the enchanting musk of Twilight Sparkle’s marehood was filling her nostrils, and Pinkie’s pussy had been growing gradually wetter ever since she’d pushed Twilight onto the bed. She put one hoof against her pussy, touching herself with the same frantic energy she was imparting to Twilight’s cunt.

Twilight’s legs twitched and her whole body shook as she drew closer to climax. Pinkie focused her tongue squarely on her friend’s clit, lapping it at a pace that few ponies could match, and she felt Twilight’s quivering thighs shake faster and more violently. With a stifled grunt and a wordless cry, Twilight Sparkle came, her pussy pouring its fluid over Pinkie’s open mouth and nimble tongue. “Pinkie,” shrieked Twilight, “I’m… ah, ah, Pinkie-!”

Hearing Twilight scream her name was all Pinkie needed - and it didn’t hurt that she had a faceful of Twilight’s musk. Her hoof strummed across her clit one last time, and she came as well, collapsing into Twilight’s crotch as her limbs and her tail twitched uncontrollably. Through Twilight’s skin, Pinkie felt her friend’s pussy tensing and releasing again and again, until both of them lay limp and panting.

Pinkie crawled back onto the bed and wrapped her front legs around Twilight, spooning the other mare. “It was good, right?” she asked.

“‘S good,” mumbled Twilight, and seconds later she was softly snoring. It took Pinkie a little longer to fall asleep, but it was a pleasant way to drift off: warm and cozy, feeling Twilight’s chest rise and fall with gentle breaths.

Chapter 2

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“What are you thinkin’ about?” asked Pinkie. Her face was buried in Twilight’s mane, and her whispering voice tickled the back of the princess’ neck. The sensation made Twilight shiver, and Pinkie, all four legs wrapped around her, tugged her a little closer.

“Some spells act like fluids,” said Twilight, mumbling into her pillow, “and yet there’s been little research into how fluid dynamics could apply to their use. It wouldn’t change much for the average spellcaster, but I think there’s potential for commercial and industrial applications.”

“Neat!” chirped Pinkie. “I was thinking about how soft your hair is, and how nice it smells, and I was wondering if you’re going to grow a flowy ethereal mane like Celestia or Luna, now that you’re a princess!”

“...Oh,” said Twilight, sounding a bit more alert. “I guess I should have been thinking about you, huh? Geez, you’re right here cuddling me and my mind’s a million miles away…”

“Don’t worry about it!” laughed Pinkie. “I really just wanted to know what you were thinking about, I wasn’t fishing for compliments or anything.”

“...Now that you mention it, though,” said Twilight, “The princesses’ manes do seem to have fluid properties. I’ve always wanted to study them, but I never had the nerve to ask…” she paused, lost in thought once again - and then she caught herself. “There I go again!” she said. “Okay, now I’m thinking about your sweet breath in my ear, and how nice it feels to fall asleep when you’re holding me, and your soft lips when we kiss…”

“Oh Twilight, you're such a smooth talker,” purred Pinkie Pie. “I can't help myself when I'm cuddled up to such an irresistible seductress…” she kissed the back of Twilight’s neck, and the princess giggled.

“Well, I'm trying, anyway,” Twilight laughed. “I think I'll always be a nerd, but I might eventually learn how to be, you know… a girlfriend…”

“You're already a pretty good kisser, Twi,” said Pinkie, rolling the alicorn over so the two of them were face to face. “So that's a good place to start!”

She closed her eyes and pressed her mouth to Twilight’s, locking lips and embracing her once more. She didn't wait long to bring her tongue into it, probing Twilight’s mouth and moaning softly as she tasted the princess.

She pulled back from the kiss and met Twilight’s soft lavender eyes - which were surprisingly wide open. “Twilight!” laughed Pinkie, “were your eyes open this whole time? Do you always keep your eyes open?”

“I like looking at you,” said Twilight, blush and turning away her gaze. “So, uh… you said kissing was a good place to start. What’s a good place to go next?”

“Ooh, there's that seductress again,” said Pinkie Pie, stroking one forehoof down Twilight’s belly. But then she stopped - and met Twilight’s eyes with a gentle smile. “You know what?” she said, “I think I'd like to stay right here, if that's okay.”

Twilight blinked once, briefly wrestling with confusion - but she let it pass, and gave Pinkie a little peck on the cheek. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s both stay right here.”

It had been like that almost every night since the first. Kisses and cuddles, and not much more - but those were warm, happy evenings for both of them. Twilight occasionally prodded for a little more intimacy, but quickly backed off when Pinkie refused.

And over the next few weeks, their cozy nights became less and less frequent. And then, with a shocking abruptness, they stopped entirely. Pinkie stopped inviting herself to the castle, although she knew she was always welcome. When Twilight tried to ask her over, Pinkie was always ready with an excuse; she was busy with party planning, or having dinner with Maud, or taking care of Gummy while he was molting.

Twilight didn't know what was wrong, and didn't have the courage to ask. But she could feel the distance between her and Pinkie growing wider, and the nights felt lonelier than they ever had before.


“[alligator noises],” said Gummy, flopping onto his back beside Pinkie.

“Well I know that, and you know that,” said Pinkie, reaching over to rub Gummy’s belly, “but I just figured Twilight wouldn't know anything about alligator molting.” She frowned at herself, then grabbed a pillow and held it over her face. “Awww, who am I kidding?” she groaned. “Twilight knows everything!

Gummy just lay on his back, legs kicking in the air, saying nothing - but his silence said more than alligator noises ever could.

“That's just the problem,” said Pinkie. “Twilight’s different from other ponies! She's not super comfortable with social stuff, and when you're like that, ponies can take advantage of you. That's why I had to take care of Maud when we were fillies! Twilight's gotten way better at making friends, but sex… and having a girlfriend… those are new to her, and…” Pinkie groaned, flopping over on the bed. “I don't know! Did I come on too strong? Did I pressure her? I know I can be a little push...”

Gummy indicated, via a protracted yawn, that Pinkie’s description of the evening didn't suggest that Pinkie had violated Twilight‘s consent.

“Well, that's just it!” said Pinkie. “When I told you about that night, it was all from my perspective! But what was she thinking? Did she think I'd get mad if she didn't let me… do that? Did she just go along with it because she didn't want to be alone? She's been trying to, uh, initiate… but does she just think I expect it now?”

“Why don't you just ask her?” said Pinkie, out of the side of her mouth, as she puppeteered Gummy’s lower jaw.

“Oh, Gummy, you beautiful naive fool,” sighed Pinkie. “Ponies can't just talk out their feelings in plan language the way alligators do! If I don't find the right thing to say and the right way to say it, I could make things worse! Twilight was, y’know, vulnerable that night, and… I need to be more careful this time.”

Pinkie sighed. “...If we don't start off on an honest hoof,” she said, “then the whole thing's gonna explode sooner or later.” She sniffled, blinking tears from her eyes. “And I'll lose her. As a friend, too. That's just too scary…”

A moment of silence, broken up by little choking sobs, followed those last whispered words. And then there was a knock on her bedroom door - soft, and a little hesitant, as if the pony on the other side of the door knew what they were intruding upon.

Some ponies, in Pinkie Pie’s emotional state, might have preferred to stay in isolation. But Pinkie thrived on interaction, and she welcomed an opportunity to distract herself from her dilemma. The only ponies likely to knock on her door would Mr. or Mrs. Cake, who she'd be happy to see. Maybe the long-married couple could even offer some advice, if she could work up the courage to ask. Wiping tears from her eyes, she rolled off the bed and opened the door.

“Hi, Pinkie,” said Twilight Sparkle, who looked like she was fighting back some tears of her own.

“Twilight!” yelped Pinkie, fighting the urge to slam the door shut in a panic. “I wasn’t - uh, when did you… why are you here?”

“Well, uh…” Twilight drew a deep breath. “If the two of us want to start things off on an honest hoof, then… I should probably let you know that I could hear most of what you were saying.”

Pinkie’s face paled. “I didn’t come here to try and listen in!” said Twilight. “I came by because I wanted to talk, and Mrs. Cake let me in, and just as I was about to knock… I heard you talking to Gummy, kind of having a moment…” Twilight sighed. “Well anyway, Pinkie, I’m sorry. Can we just talk?”

“Uh… yeah!” said Pinkie. “I guess we better!” She stepped aside and let Twilight enter. “You really heard all of that?”

“I heard a lot,” said Twilight, still a bit embarrassed.

Pinkie winced. “Maybe my bed should be farther from the door,” she said.

“Maybe,” said Twilight. “Anyway, I have a lot to explain, so…”

“No, I have to explain!” protested Pinkie. “Me first!”

“No, I promise I have more to explain,” said Twilight, using her back hoof to push the door shut behind her. “You see, I grew up in Canterlot-”

“That is so true,” said Pinkie.

“And Canterlot kind of considers itself the jewel of Equestria, you know? And jewels are beautiful, but they’re also… rigid. Unchanging.”

Pinkie nodded her head, silently in awe of Twilight’s facility with metaphor. She really was perfect.

“Canterlot thinks of itself as a bastion of Equestrian tradition. Food and fashion and music and, uh, sex… attitudes change slowly.” She chuckled ruefully. “Some fillies get to grow up in forward-thinking cities like Manehatten or Fillydelphia. And when they figure out they like other girls, they get an absolute tidal wave of validation. Or so I hear. Even little towns like Ponyville are so accepting…” she paused. “How was it on the rock farm?”

“Not bad!” said Pinkie. “My dad had a pretty serious boyfriend before he settled down with Mom, so he was cool with it! But, uh… your family… wasn’t?”

Twilight shuffled her hooves. “I think they’d be okay with it eventually,” she said, “but I never knew how to start that conversation, so I just… never did. I just threw myself into my studies. I told myself I didn't need a girlfriend, that magic was the only thing that mattered. When I got a crush on another mare, I would avoid her, because I'd convinced myself that those feeling were dangerous. Before long, I’d cut every pony I could possibly fall in love with out of my life.”

“You and the girls taught me that I could make friends,” Twilight went on, “but when I thought about falling in love, there was just this nebulous fear hanging over me. Ponyville’s full of happy lesbian couples, but I just felt like if I ever kissed another mare, my life would just start to crumble around me.”

“The truth is, I'm a coward,” sighed Twilight. “All I ever really needed to do was to sit down and talk with my parents… and be honest with the mares I had crushes on. There are lesbian couples in Canterlot, they just need to be brave and... honest… and I was neither.” She took a step towards Pinkie. “And I don’t want to lose out on anything again… just because I was afraid to talk to someone.”

Pinkie laughed weakly, though tears were starting to fill her eyes again. “But… it was me who was afraid to talk,” she said. “That’s… not like me…”

“I know,” said Twilight. “I think I might be a bad influence.” She leaned forward and kissed Pinkie on the cheek, and Pinkie laughed again.

“So I didn’t… push you into anything?” asked Pinkie. She blinked away her tears, and Twilight kissed the rolling tears off her cheeks.

“I think you gave me the push I needed,” said Twilight. “That’s what great about you, Pinkie! You love to make ponies smile, and you’re not afraid to shake them out of their sadness. When you push them, you push because you care… and I’m happy that you care that much about me.”

She lifted her foreleg and put it around Pinkie’s shoulders, pulling her into a long kiss. When their lips separated, Twilight threw herself onto Pinkie’s rumpled bed - frightening Gummy away in the process - and beckoned Pinkie Pie to join her. “Now come on and let me seduce you, Pinkie. We’ve got to make up for those days we spent apart… and I’ve got years of lonely nights to make up for.”

Pinkie sniffed, holding a trembling smile on her face for just a moment longer - and then, with a quick little shake of her head, the smile expanded into a wide, toothy grin and her watery eyes were shiny and bright. “All right!” she said, bounding onto the bed.

“Wow,” said Twilight. “You really know how to shake off a bad mood, huh?”

“Of course!” said Pinkie. “I love putting smiles on ponies’ faces, and sometimes you gotta lead by example!” She tittered. “Besides, I have a lot to be happy about right now…” she flopped down next to Twilight and snuggled up to her. “Oh, Twilight, let’s literally never ever spend another second apart!”

“Sure,” chuckled Twilight. “But first…” she wriggled downward on the mattress, squirming her shoulders out of Pinkie’s embrace and grazing the fur of Pinkie’s belly with her descending snout. “I never got to repay your kindness from that night. Now, uh… I’ve never done this before, but I’ve been reading up on it, and… I don’t expect to be perfect, but I’ve got a solid theoretical grounding in technique, which should be a good foundation to start learning from!”

“Ooh, I love that dirty talk!” said Pinkie, her tone conveying no obvious sarcasm. “I’m all wet ‘n’ ready for you… just get started, I bet you’ll do great!”

Even with Pinkie’s encouragement, Twilight hesitated, pausing with her face mere inches from her marefriend’s pussy. She was trembling, faced for the first time with the glistening core of another mare; she breathed in its fragrance, rich and sweet.

She'd imagined this moment hundreds of times throughout her lonely life, but she hadn't anticipated what a sensory feast it would be. The warmth of Pinkie’s marehood, the gentle rise and fall of her furry belly, the scent of her oussy and the taste it promised… so much of this experience was new that Twilight couldn't help but feel suddenly unprepared.

But she'd spent the past few weeks hesitating, and it hadn't brought her any happiness. She was safe with Pinkie Pie, no matter what her anxious heart told her. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue up Pinkie’s pussy, tasting it from bottom to top. The glistening marehood served up a tantalizing taste of Pinkie's sweet nectar, and Twilight felt her doubts being smothered. She'd been anxious about how well she'd perform down there… but now that she had Pinkie’s nectar on her tongue, she was greedy for more. She dove in, lapping hungrily, selfishly at Pinkie’s cunt.

“Ooh! Ooooh!” squealed Pinkie, squirming atop the rumpled sheets. “Oh, Twilight, you're wild! You've got a busy tongue, a naughty tongue! Ooh, you're gonna make me cum big time!”

Now Twilight was ready to accept Pinkie’s encouragement. She probed Pinkie’s pussy with her tongue, sinking it deep into her wet folds and drinking in her rich nectar. She wrapped her forehooves around Pinkie’s rump, feeling the wonderful roundness of her marefriend’s flank. Pinkie was such a gorgeously round pony, her jiggling curves perfectly augmented by the sugary treats she sampled at the bakery. Hugging Pinkie’s bottom tight in her forelegs, Twilight swirled her tongue deep inside her marefriend’s cunt.

“Ooh, Twilight Sparkle,” moaned Pinkie, her hips trembling, “ooh, you're a real princess, aren't you, Twilight? You’re Pinkie’s very own princess… ahh…”

Growing ever bolder, Twilight switched to a more goal-oriented strategy. She withdrew her tongue from the depths of Pinkie’s pussy and attacked her marefriend’s clit, teasing it with the tip of her flicking tongue. Pinkie shook, but Twilight held her steady, tightening her hold on the pink pony’s big round rump as she lapped at her clit.

“Ah-” Pinkie gasped, “ohh, Twilight, you're hitting my little clitty…” Twilight circled the little nub with her tongue, thinking back to the times she'd touched herself. She'd never used her tongue on herself, of course - just toys and gentle motions of her hoof - but she did her best to apply what she knew about mares’ bodies.

It was a challenge, though; Pinkie’s body trembled, and her mouth moaned, but she didn't seem to be ascending towards a climax. Twilight’s sexual performance has plateaued, or so it seemed - and after a couple minutes, Twilight pulled back and addressed Pinkie. “Uh, am I doing okay?”

“You’re doing great!” said Pinkie. “But if you’d like an example to learn from, I can lead the way…” She suddenly launched herself into the air, making the mattress shudder - and when she landed back on the bed, her body had flipped into a sixty-nine position. “Try doing it like this!” she said, plunging her tongue into Twilight’s pussy.

Twilight groaned, trying to hold her body steady as Pinkie’s tongue set off waves of pleasure in her core. “Ahh, Pinkie, you really know what you’re doing down there…” she moaned, “I’ll try and pay attention to what you’re doing… and learn on the fly…”

Even Twilight’s powerful mind had a hard time focusing. Her body was lit up with sensual bliss, which poured over her mind and drowned out any complex thought. Diving back into Pinkie’s thighs, Twilight did what she could to duplicate Pinkie’s technique. Slow strokes, she thought. Tease the labia with your hoof. Run your tongue along the spot just above the clitoral hood, the uh… commissure…

Twilight was pleased with herself for remembering the name of that anatomical feature - but she was more pleased with the way Pinkie reacted when her tongue touched that furry little spot. She flicked her tongue down to tickle Pinkie’s clit, and she felt the other mare’s thighs clamp down on her head. Now this was what she was after. All those years, she’d fantasized about being a master of pleasure, with a technique that could make mares beg. Once a lonely virgin, now a powerful seductress who could play a mare’s body like an instrument.

But as good as Twilight felt about herself, Pinkie still had the advantage of experience. The more time the pink mare spent between Twilight’s thighs, the more she demonstrated her mastery of marehood and the closer Twilight came to climax. Twilight felt the quality of her own technique slipping; her tongue became frenzied, undisciplined, desperate, as her body shook with pleasure. When Twilight came, she let out a muffled cry into Pinkie’s crotch - and her own pussy poured with nectar as her thighs clenched.

But Pinkie was still out to get hers. She wrapped her legs around Twilight’s neck and pulled her head closer, locking Twilight between her thighs. Twilight, her mind and body pounded by waves of climax, did her best to focus on her efforts, lapping at Pinkie’s clit, desperate to make her cum. She attacked Pinkie’s clit furiously, as the other mare humped her have, spilling fluid over her snout - and finally Pinkie came, her thighs clamping down on Twilight’s cheeks as her body quaked.

And once they’d both fallen still, their furry chests rising and falling with long, deep breaths, Twilight raised her forehoof lazily and turned her body around, so that she was face to face with Pinkie. “So… how did I do?”

“Twilight!” giggled Pinkie, pulling the covers over both of them. “You don’t hafta be all goal-oriented when we’re foolin’ around. I don’t need a marefriend with flawless pussy-eating technique! I love ya because you’re pretty, and you’re smart, and you care about everybody!” She snuggled closer to Twilight and kissed her cheek. “But for the record, you did great.”

“Aw, thanks,” said Twilight. Then she ran back Pinkie’s words in her head, and a blissful smile spread across her face. “I love you too, Pinkie.”