> CyberDash > by Admiral Q Ponyform > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Accident (Unedit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postville General Hospital was big for the town of Ponyville, however do to being next to the Everfree Forrest and home to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony it was just the right size when crap hit the fan. The day was pretty quiet for the staff taking the opportunity to relax for their shift when there was a sudden burst and Twilight Sparkle, the resident princess appeared with her friend Rainbow Dash in tow. Rainbow didn’t look good. Her wings were mangled and her legs at odd angles and blood all over. “By Celestia what happened!?” The nurse asked. “A stunt that went all wrong.” Twilight replied. “Doctor Stable!” The nurse tell as Rainbow was placed on a gurney and raced to the emergency room. Twilight and the others waited for news for hours before the doctor came out. They looked on in hope. The look he returned was grim. “She is stable for now, but it’s not good. All we can do is delay the inevitable and make her as comfortable as possible.” The girl held each an sobbed. A week after she got the news of Rainbow’s fate Twilight poured over her library to find anything to help Rainbow. “No.” She tosses a book. “No.” She tosses another one. “No, no, NO!” She was frustrated to no end. Then she grabbed a book from the Crystal Empire, well a copy of one and began reading. She found something. It wouldn't heal Rainbow, but it could by time. She practiced for a couple days before. She was ready and called the girls to Rainbow’s room. In minutes they were all present. Rainbow looked so weak on her bed with the medical equipment removed. “Twilight darling, why have you called us here?” Rarity asked with a curious look. “I found a spell, it won’t heal her but will by us time. Watch.” Twilight lit her horn and a beam hit Rainbow and there was a purple flash and when it faded away they saw Rainbow encased in a purple crystal. “What in tarnation have you done Twi!?” Applejack demanded. “This was the only way Applejack. Like this I can have the time to find a way to help her. She is paused in time like this.” “Yer sure dis is the only way?” Applejack asked. Twilight nodded solemnly. “She only has days at best Applejack. This way we have all the time we need.” They all looked at there incased friend uncertain for the future. > Rebuilt (Unedit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I watched as Princess Twilight recovered in a hospital. Once again she has save the world. And once again get injured from it. She will be spending a week at Canterlot Castle’s medical wing for her latest batch of injuries. Thankfully being an alicorn she will have no physical scars but this was getting annoying. The Royal and even the Lunar Guard were inadequate to serve and protect her when she is called to such world saving and dangerous missions again. Twilight needed something that could keep up with her. My processors ran hard thinking of a solution. I am the Holographic Analytical Reciprocating Digital Computer, HARDAC for short. Princess Twilight’s greatest creation and thus should be able to solve this problem. I went through the inventory of the castle when I stumbled upon something that has been in the castle longer then I existed. A pegaus mare encased in crystal. I studied the mare. She was in stasis and badly injured. However I had the technology to repair them and her features matched a pegasus mare that broke records centuries ago and judging the mare she was in top shape for an organic. With some improvements she was exactly what I needed. I readied the lab to make what I need. **** **** **** She woke up with a groan. She couldn’t remember anything. Who was she? What was she? Why did she even consider herself a she? She opened her eyes and saw a room. At a glance she saw equipment that identified this room as a lab. Everything was tinted red. System check:......ok Armor:..................100% Weapons:............100% Life Support:........100% All of that showed in front of her eyes but what was she? Who was she? The words answered that quickly. Unit designation: Cyborg Sentery-001 Gender: Female Listing Prime Directives: 1: Serve the public trust 2: Protect the princesses 3: Uphold the law She blinked and wordlessly acknowledged her directives. She was then prompted to go into the next room. Their she found a target practice field. Begin hoof blaster testing. She leaped into the air and her wings kept her aloft. It was a familiar feeling for some reason but she worry about that later. She gazed down at the targets before her and soon brackets appear on them and she opened fire. Four targets destroyed and barely any power loss. New targets appeared and began moving in random patterns. Sentry observed the targets movement before firing. She still hit them but not as cleanly as before. She frowned at that but message appeared. Accuracy in acceptable range. Proceed with back blasters testing. She acknowledged again and landed and her armor shifted to reveal two blasters that were attached to her back near her wing joints. They moved with her eyes as new targets appeared. She took aim and with even faster blasts she obliterated the targets. From there her strength was tested and she was stronger then the strongest earth pony and the wind tunnel clocked her top speed at mach two with the hoof blasters in thrust mode. HARDAC, her directing AI was please with her performance and she smiled that she passed. Sentry-001, you are the greatest creation. You will protect Princess Twilight as she protects Equestria. I have given you all tools you need to fulfill your purpose. She preened at the words then she felt an alert from HARDAC. An event has occurred. Rogue pegasi gang is attacking the Winneanapolis museum. Princess Twilight was there for the unveiling a new ancient artifact. You are to be deployed. She nodded and was directed to the elevator and brought her from the sub lab to the upper levels of the castle. As she moved through the hallways she felt the odd sense of familiarity from it. It confused her but her directives override on and when she got to the balcony she took to the air. * * * Twilight was concerned. The day started normal. Well as normal as a day can be for a Princess of Equestria. Unveiling an old artifact from the founding of Equestria as something she enjoyed doing. But these clowns showed up to try to take it. She managed to drive them away from it but this wasn’t the run of the mill robbers if their high tech suits gave any indication. She had already taken down two of them but there was still six left and her guard were all down….again. she was waiting for them to make the next move when a barrage of red bolts hit one of them. The pony managed a short scream before plummeting to the ground. A streak of rainbow colors zoomed passed them before whirling around and taking a form of a white pony as it stopped to grab another and put its hoof to the ponies head and there was a large hole in the ponies head. The remaining pegasi fired at the white pony who used their dead comrade as a shield. That was then that Twilight noticed things about the pony. First it was a mare, that she wasn’t white but had white armor on and she had a rainbow mane and tail. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. It couldn’t be but it was. There in front of her was Rainbow Dash. She last saw the mare mangled and encased in crystal, but here she was. Out, alive, and kicking flank. Kicking flank with gusto. She spun to dodge the fire from the remaining four robbers and returned it. They dodged most of hers but one did get clipped and spun out of control and collided with another send both to the ground. The remaining two fired again and Dash weaved around. Twilight moved and knocked out one pony just as Rainbow finished off the last pegasus. Rainbow looked at her through a red colored visor. Twilight flew over and hugged her. “Rainbow, I missed you so much. How did you get like this?” “I have always been like this ma’am. More importantly are you okay ma’am?” Twilight was surprised by Rainbow’s words. It was Rainbow’s voice and that was Rainbow’s face in front of her but Rainbow wouldn’t call her ma’am nor sound like she had never seen her before. “I’m fine Rainbow but what about you?” “All systems optimal ma’am. Ready for your commands.” Twilight blinked. “Do you not recognize me?” She asked. “Of course I do, you are Princess Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn of Magic and Friendship and a co ruler of Equestria.” Twilight was silent for a minute. “And who are you?” “Sentry-001 ma’am.” “Well I am going to call you Dash. Stay by my side as I meet with the security chief.” “Acknowledged ma’am.” With nothing more to say for now she flew down to the museum with Rainbow in tow. After a few minutes of talking with the security chief of which she only paid half attention to. The other half was focused on Rainbow. Rainbow just stood there at attention with on her eyes moving. Certainly not the Rainbow she knew, to disciplined for the energetic mare of her past. What happened to her? She headed for home and Rainbow took the wingmare position. And easily stayed there bit then again Rainbow was always a good flyer. It was well into night when the two mares entered Harmony Castle. Twilight walked into the map room and with an authoritative voice she said. “Hardac, show yourself.” In moments a hologram appeared. The image was a metal pony head with a glowing red light in the center of it’s face was the only feature on it. It brighten when ever the AI spoke. “Yes Princess, how may I serve?” it asked in a mare’s voice. Twilight pointed to Rainbow. “You can explain what you did to Rainbow. You are the only one that has access to her besides myself.” “Yes princess. Your safety concerns me. Majority of the troubles you face the current guard are useless for. Even tonight they couldn’t assist in defeating the pegasi gang you encountered. You NEED a better guard and I have provided one. I found her encased in crystal and scanned her injuries. They could have been repaired twenty years ago. And you did nothing with her. I rebuilt her, improved her, gave her a purpose. And with the nanos in her to preserve her organic components she can be your eternal guardian.” Twilight flinched at the did nothing part. Admittedly she had almost forgotten Rainbow. She let her friend down. She wasn’t going to do it again. Resolved she glared at Hardac. “Yeah, I dropped the ball with her. But explain why you erased her memory?” “Besides from flight and marital skills they were not necessary for her function.” “They are more important then you think Hardac. No more using ponies this way.” “Yes your highness. Is there more you need from me?” “No, unless it’s an emergency.” “Very well princess.” The hologram vanished and Twilight looked at Dash. “Follow me.” Twilight ordered. “Yes ma’am.” Dash responded clinically. Twilight lead them to her personal lab. Once they arrive Twilight pointed with a wing. “Stand there and take your armor off. I want to see what all HARDAC did to you.” “I will comply." With a hiss Dash’s armor shifted and she piece by piece removed it. Soon it was done and Dash stood at attention. Twilight looked over her friend. Dash was buff, much more then what was usual for her. Closer to Applejack. Then Twilight saw the scars running down Dash’s legs many having no fur over them. Twilight whined at the sight. Twilight moved a scanner over and scanned her friend. Looking over the readouts she saw that many of Dash’s organs had been replaced her wing bones reinforced, her leg bones were completely replaced with titanium with muscle grown over them, and finally a implant that connects a wireless device to her brain. Twilight had to admire the work. It was genius in its design. She wish it wasn’t done on her friend. She looked over to Dash and in her eyes. While not soulless that fire she always saw was gone. Twilight approached Dash then hugged her. “I am so sorry Dash, I let you down. But I promise to not do it again and restore your memory.” “As you wish ma’am.” Dash replied sounding confused. Twilight then noticed a smell coming from both of them. “Let’s go get cleaned up…um are any of your implants sensitive to water?” “No ma’am I am completely waterproof. HARDAC designed me to be in any scenario.” “Right.” Twilight said deadpan and lead them to her private bath. It was the same size as pool on the roof but had more functions like a hot tub setting. Twilight turned that on as well and climbed in and just relaxed in it for a few minutes and observed Dash. The mare was clinical as she washed her body. Getting every nook and cranny. None of the playfulness she remembered when the girls bathed together. Restoring Dash was going to be hard but with those nanos in her Twilight had time to figure out a way. Twilight eventually washed as well and both dried off and Twilight lead Dash to a room. Inside was a lot of Dash’s old stuff. The rest were still in the old cloud house that now served as a museum for Rainbow Dash and her exploits as both an Element of Harmony and a Wonderbolt. “This will be your room Dash. Mine is across the hall.” Dash seemed to scan the room but made no comment. “I am heading to bed so good night Dash.” “Good night ma’am.” Dash responded. Twilight headed for her room and plopped on her bed and as soon asleep. She dreamed of the Dash she remembered. Sentry 001 meanwhile checked out the room she was given. Everything's was secure and acceptable minus the odd items in the room but they were no threat and somehow comforting. While having great endurance her organic parts benefited from rest and with her charge asleep and safe in the castle she indulged in rest and dreamed of flying. > Standard Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentry- 001 or Dash as her charge called powered up after a rest period. Sunlight came through the window and the cyborg got up and checked her stats. Her cybernetics were fully functional but her organics desire food. She headed for the kitchen. The princess would require food as well, she was pure organic. Once she got into the kitchen she looked up her database for proper food for breakfast. She chose what food and began the task. She took out a pair of frying pans and poured pancake mix in one and haybacon in the other. As they cook she got the coffee maker going. When the time was right she flipped the pancakes and haybacon. Her sensors picked up the princess just outside the kitchen. The door opened. “That smells good Dash. Since when did you cook?” “I have a cooking database ma'am. Need to be able to take care of my organics. It will be ready in five minutes.” Twilight frowned a bit at the ma'am bit but headed to the dining room. As promised five minutes later Dash came out balancing a pair of trays on her wings. Dash placed one tray in front of Twilight and took the other to the nearby seat. Twilight lifted the cover and saw pancakes, with a separate plate of haybacon with a cup of coffee. “Where's the..” Dash grabbed a bottle of syrup from her back and placed it on the table… “syrup?” Twilight finished dead panned. She grabbed it and poured it before giving it to Dash. Breakfast was a silent affair for the most part. “Hardac, what's my schedule for today?” A hologram appeared in front of her and she read as she ate. In minutes the meal was gone and after dishes cleaned Twilight lead them to the library and began reading the latest books. Dash staying by her side at attention. After a bit Twilight closed her current book and looked down at Dash, she had grown a bit in the past two hundred years. “You don't have to stay here Dash.” She looked up at Twilight. “Yes I do princess. I was made to protect you.” “You weren't made Dash, you were born.” Dash looked at her confused. “You must be mistaken ma'am I was made a day ago to protect you.” Twilight grabbed her. “No! You were born over two hundred years ago and given the name Rainbow Dash. You were the fastest pegasus alive. Able to do the Sonic Rainboom, became an Element of Harmony, a Wonderbolt, and one of my dearest friends. One I lost once.” “My databanks don't support that ma'am. You must be mistaken.” Twilight then hugged Dash and cried leaving Dash confused. The cyborg didn't know what to do. Ten minutes passed before Twilight broke the hug and stop crying. Twilight wiped her eyes. “Let's head to Sweet Apple Acres.” “Of course ma'am.” They got up and Twilight lead the way. Dash got her first look at Ponyville. It had paved roads and sidewalks. The buildings were two to three stories high with a few exceptions. Ponies were everywhere greeting each other and the princess. It was a very informal way to address the princess bit she seemed to like it. Ponies seemed curious about Dash and she answered the best she could. Slowly the buildings got smaller then disappear till they were in front of a wooden fence with a sign with the orchard's name on it. They now followed a dirt road and headed in the nearest group of trees. Dash started to hear something hitting wood. She scanned the area and found the source. It was an earth pony mare with red fur with a orange mane and tail with a green apple cutie mark and had an old Stetson on her head. She was a pretty buff mare as well. “Hey Redjack!” Twilight called out and the mare looked in their direction. “Twi!” Redjack ran over and got tackled by Dash. “Dash! She was coming to hug me not attack me!” Dash looked between the princess and the earth pony mare frowning at her. “That true?” Dash asked. "Yes, Twi is an old family friend. She's practically family.” Dash let her up. “Apologies ma'am, protecting the princess is in my directives and I take my directives seriously.” Dash explained. “Apology accepted.” Redjack brushed herself off. “Twi, who is this?” “This is my old friend Rainbow Dash. She was in stasis for the past two hundred years till Hardac took her out and made her my guard with her memories erased.” Redjack looked at Dash. “By Celestia! The poor mare.” Redjack looked intently at Twilight. “Twi, am concerned about that there AI of yers. If it did this to a friends of yers then it can do it to anypony.” “I am not thrilled with what Hardac did to Dash but it will obey me.” Redjack frowned but keep quiet. “Well anyway I came to see how the preparations for Summer Sun Celebration coming?” Redjack smiled. “We'll be more then ready for the day Twi. We'll have a wide selection for the main party and my fellow farmers have got the major party spots. Unless Princess Celestia is coming?” Twilight shook her head. “No, she is doing it in the Crystal Empire this year. Skyla is handling Canterlot in her and Luna's absence.” “Still surprise she left the Empire.” “Well with her mom an alicorn and her older sister Flurry second to the throne she didn't have much if a role in the Empire while Luna and Celestia always needed help dealing with the nobles and the high number of court petitioners.” “I guess that makes sense.” Dash was looking up the other princesses mentioned and looked over there records. Luna impressed her the most with her logical approach about security and keeping herself fighting fit. Her charge was basically a scholar only with limited attack and defensive spells and while fit she wasn't in fighting form. Thus why she was made. To be Twilight's sword and shield. ******************* After a lunch and some small talk they left the farm. And headed back into the city. And back to the castle. Once there Twilight headed for her office. Despite her efforts she found herself in charge of Ponyville. While there was still a mayor but the work load was halved, given to Twilight. Celestia was no help either saying that Twilight needed administration experience. So here she was doing paperwork as Dash sat by her side. After a few hours Twilight got up and stretched. “Come Dash, we are getting dinner.” “Of course ma'am.” The pair left the castle again and Twilight lead them to one of the oldest buildings in the city. A gingerbread house theme café called Sugarcube Corner. Smiling Twilight walked in and was greeted by a pair of earth ponies. Both mares, one with yellow fur and a poofy pink mane called Cheese Pie and the other had light blue fur with an orange mane done in a swirl and called Cup Cake. “Twilight! It's been a week since you last came in, what gives?” Cup asked. “Sorry girls, been busy and out of town. This is Rainbow Dash, my guard and really old friend.” Cheese gasped and was suddenly next to Dash who flinched at her sudden appearance. “Oooooohhhh! I knew it. I knew I would meet a new pony today! My Pinkie sense told me!” Even two hundred years later that sense was as strong as ever. “Hi! I'm Cheese Pie, nice to meet ya!” She stuck her hoof out. Dash looked at it confuse. “You shake it silly.” Dash took it and shook the mare. “Wow! Quite a grip there. So what can I get ya?” “Two chocolate shakes and two small cakes.” Cheese nodded and hopped off again confusing Dash. Twilight directed them to a table and they sat down. “That Cheese Pie, she is a strange mare.” Twilight giggled. “That she is, she is a Pie and directly descended from my friend Pinkie Pie. Just as Redjack from my friend Applejack. I am close to all my friend's descendants. You will meet them all in time.” Dash had no comment to that and in minutes Cheese Pie return with their meal. They ate in silence and Dash admitted the food was sweet tasting. After dinner the two head back to the castle as the sun was setting. Dash was more alert as things got darker. The sun had fully set as they walked in the castle. Twilight headed for her room planning to do some stargazing tonight when her computer beeped. A call? She headed over to answer it and Celestia's imaged appeared. “Celestia, what are you calling?” “Can't I call my former student every now and again?” “Of course but odd time to call.” “Well I heard a rumor that Rainbow Dash was back.” “She is, somewhat. Hardac worked on her so she is a cyborg now.” “I like to see her before me and my sister head for the Crystal Empire.” “We can come tomorrow.” Celestia smiled. “Good to hear, we will be looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow.” Celestia hung up and Twilight stargazed as Dash looked for threats till Twilight turned in. > Meetings and Missions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyborg unit 001 or Dash as the princess preferred reactivated after a sleep cycle. She stretched and felt her organics set in place. She check with Hardac for today’s schedule. It seems they would be visiting the other princesses. Understood. She headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. She worked efficiently much to the pleasure of Hardac that let her know. Her nose took the scent of the hay bacon. Her sensors told her that the princess was heading her way. She prepared the plates for them. Soon the princess walked into the dining room. When she saw unit 001 she spoke. “Morning Dash.” “Morning Princess.” I served the meal to her and ate mine as well. It was a silent meal. “How was your sleep?” That last statement was an error. “I slept fine.” “That's good. Any dreams?” “I do not know. I rest for my organic parts. They got there rest.” The princess frowned at that but said nothing. Soon our meal was done. After a clean up we headed out. The princess took the train so she could read. She even used old books rather then the PADDs everypony else did. I scanned for threats with Hardac giving her some updates on things she might need to know. Hardac was a comforting presence in her mind. Hardac had her back and she will fulfill her directives. * * * * Eventually the train arrived and we headed out with me in front scanning the crowd. Looking for threats to her princess. Some ponies gave her odd looks, then raised their heads to the sky. That seemed a flawed mode of travel. Easily can run into something. I noted the city and how the inhabitants moved about. But after ten minutes we were at a gate. There was a pair of guards. Scanning their armor it was quite inferior to her own but would do the job of protecting their vital organs. Just not as well not as capable. She strutted pass them as she escorted her princess. In minutes they were in a large throne room with a pair of thrones. One gold and one blue. Both had large mares that were the other princesses of Equestria. They both smiled and greeted Twilight Sparkle then observed me. I stood at attention. I was going to show them what a true guard was. “So this is what your Hardac did to Rainbow Dash.” “Yes she repair or replaced the damage organs and tissue.” Twilight Sparkle replied. The dark one Luna came down and circled around me. It was an intest and scrutinizing look. I would not disappoint. “Quite impressive work. Certainly a fine suit of armor.” “It’s more then that. It’s a part of her. It protects her weaker limbs.” Luna winced. Then looked at me. “And what say you Rainbow Dash?” “I am designed to be the perfect bodyguard and I will fulfill that role.” “A bold statement.” Princess Luna commented and looked over to Princess Twilight. “I would like to spar with our recently returned Rainbow Dash.” I was eager to test myself but it was Twilight who needed to give permission. “Are you okay with this Dash?” “Yes princess. I await your orders.” Princess Twilight was silent for a minute. “Very well, you may spar with Luna.” I gave a nod and waited to follow Princess Luna. Said princess smiled and lead away to a training area. The princess pressed a button and my sensors detected wards being activated. Luna directed her to the ring in the middle. I stood at one end and she the other as the mare donned armor. My scans of the armor reveal it to be near equal to mine. She stretched her limbs and soon took a combat stance. I replied in kind. “Remember this is a sparring match Rainbow Dash.” “Acknowledged, weapons are in training mode.” Princess Celestia with Princess Twilight were outside the dome. As soon as they were settled Princess Celestia signaled to start. I immediate sweeped left. Princess Luna couldn’t dodge so she blocked. And countered blow. Next was a series of blows, blocks and counters blows. We seemed evenly matched in speed burn was not matching her in power. I repeatedly had to break off a grapple and get her on a flank but she made it hard. Time to break out the hoof blasters. With settings on stinging she opened up with one. It hit and moved Luna back a bit. I pressed the attack as Luna was surprised and launched another hoof blast. But she dodged that and counter attacked. I blocked the attack but not the hidden one. She connected with my chin, forcing me back. Before I could rebound she pushed her advantage with several more blows and I was soon on my back with a hoof on my neck. “Well fought Rainbow Dash. I have not had such a match in ages.” She lifts her hoof and I stood once more checking my armor. No damage, very optimal. “Glad I preformed to your satisfaction.” I replied to her and she gave me a small smile. Organics were weird. Agreed unit 001. Hardac replied. I resumed my position by Princess Twilight. “I think we should break for lunch.” Princess Celestia suggested. “Sounds good, I'm famished.” Princess Twilight commented. We then followed Princess to a dinning room. I sat beside my charge. A servant came by and took orders. I gave money without much processing it and Princess Twilight gave me a slight smirk and I was confused why. The princesses engaged in what Hardac called small talk. Talking about the lives of certain ponies. Most were not of interest till the other princess were mentioned. They jointly ruled the Crystal Empire. Seems while look wise Flurry Heart took after her mother but she worked out like her father and had some muscle on her body. She sounded interesting to me. A tough Princess. I felt Hardac processing in her. Running calculations using her brain to assist. It…was….odd. Then after a bit it felt right and normal…she…she was Hardac’s vessel. Enforcer of its will. Her hybrid processor to be used by the control unit. She..no..it felt Hardac modifying its files. Making it more optimal. And given a mission for tonight. * * * * After Princess Twilight fell asleep after returning from their visit to Canterlot. And that freed Unit 001 for her mission. It left the castle and flew into the might scanning the street for a target. It found one in and alley. An earth pony mare setting up a cardboard box to sleep in. Hardac when through the databases and found a match. The mare was jobless and no close family. She was perfect and Hardac gave the command. 001 dove and readied its hoof. Before the mare could even act 001 knocked her hard on the head. The mare collapsed unconcious. 001 picked her up and headed back to the castle. Hardac let them in and 001 went to the lab and laid the mare on the table. 001 then stood back as the arms lowered to begin their work.