> Sunset > by GorisTheDeathclaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sunset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The glorious sunset illuminates everything before you in a beautiful, orange glow. You can see for miles and miles from your vantage point here on the Canterlot Castle balcony. You see the stone path leading out of Canterlot and down through a forest, over to Ponyville. You see a pink hot air balloon flying high up into the amber skies. It’s all so picturesque and perfect. It’s a truly beautiful sight… second only to the alicorn perched on the cushions next to you. You met Princess Celestia some time ago. You were alone in Canterlot gardens, feeling quite depressed about something… you can’t remember what though. It involved a lost watch, you seem to vaguely remember. As you sat alone on a park bench, you felt a comforting presence next to you. “Something appears to be troubling you,” Celestia had said. You responded, and got on very well together. You arranged to meet again for lunch. What started as an acquaintance-ship quickly flourished into a friendship, which strengthened with each passing day. Soon, the Princess had granted you access to Canterlot Castle, allowing you to come and go as you pleased. Obviously, such an honour was rare for a civilian, but the guards never questioned Celestia’s judgement. You never quite knew why Celestia seemed to have taken such a liking to you, but she had once remarked that she liked how you treated her as an equal instead of some kind of goddess (even though she technically was one). You never addressed her as “Princess”. You always simply called her Celestia. Princess Luna, of course, had some theories as to why Celestia had taken such a liking to you. They all revolved around some kind of sexual tension, of course, and Luna made sure to tease you and Celestia about it every single time she saw you together. You’d never even spoken to Luna – all your conversations with her were literally just her teasing you for either “being in love with” or “wanting to get in bed with” her sister, and you immediately rejecting her implications. You always dismissed Luna’s lighthearted teasing as mere playful banter, but now as you sit next to Celestia, silently watching the sunset together, you can’t help but wonder if there’s some truth to Luna’s seemingly unfounded ideas. You turn to Celestia. The orange glow of the sunset that envelopes the land shines brightly on her pure white coat. The light shines in her deep pink eyes. “Hey… Celestia…” you say. “Hmm?” she replies, acknowledging your presence but not quite turning to face you, seemingly captivated by her own sunset. “I was thinking about what Luna said,” you tell her. Celestia laughs slightly and turns to look at you. “Oh, she’s always like that. Don’t let her bother you.” “No… I was thinking… maybe the stuff she teases us about… maybe it’s true?” you state. You immediately regret saying it. Why did you say that? Why didn’t you just stay silent? You’ve completely ruined the moment, and your friendship, and- Celestia cuts off your self-destructive, anxious train of thought. “Really?” she says. You can’t pick up on any emotions in her voice. “Yeah,” you simply say. Celestia stares at you for a moment, and then smiles. “Hah. Maybe. My sister is more perceptive than perhaps we give her credit for.” The ambiguity of Celestia’s response agitates you somewhat. All ambiguity is removed completely, however, when Celestia shuffles closer to you and stares into your eyes. Her eyes radiate comfort and love. You hope your own eyes show similar emotions, but they’re more likely showing anxiety, panic and self-doubt. Celestia cranes her neck and moves her head slightly closer to your own. You respond by moving closer to her, and in an instant you’re kissing the sun princess. Celestia pushes you down onto the cushions you’re sitting on. Soon, you’re lying down with her on top of you, although the fact that she’s about twice as big as a normal pony makes it somewhat uncomfortable. She realizes this and remedies the situation by rolling over, so you’re on top of her. She smiles at you and stares at you with a lustful glare, and that says more than a thousand words. Your penis is fully erect (how could it not be with a gorgeous alicorn lying beneath you?) and you slide it into her waiting moist vagina. You begin sliding in and out. You’re actually doing it! You’re having sex wi- “Uh, is it in yet?” You look back up at Celestia. “What?” “I, uh… I asked you if you’d started yet.” This makes you rather angry. “Yes, I’ve fucking started. What the hell did you think the object moving in and out of your pussy was?” She stares at you with an unknown emotion. “I-I can’t feel anything.” You start thrusting in and out of her harder. Her facial expression doesn’t change. “WHAT THE HELL?!” you squawk. “LOOK! I DON’T GET WHAT’S WRONG! I’M FUCKING YOU BUT YOU AREN’T EVEN REACTING!” “Well… go a little deeper,” she says. “I can’t go any deeper!!! The whole thing is in!” you say, staring in dismay at your tiny wang. Celestia stares at you and speaks in a calm, controlled voice. “Listen, please don’t take this the wrong way… but are you sure your penis is large enough?” You glare at her with rage-eyes. “Yes! Why wouldn’t it be?!” Celestia speaks in the same calm voice as usual. “Well… I just can’t feel anything.” “Yeah, and that’s YOUR FAULT!” you say. Your rage is powered by the insult against your penis size. “What…?” she replies, confused. You think for a moment. How can you blame her for this disaster? You scream out the first thing you think of. “Look at the goddamn SIZE of you! You’re huge! You’re an alicorn! No wonder you can’t feel my dick inside you! It’s not my dick that’s small! It just looks small inside your CAVERNOUS VAGINA.” She actually isn't that much bigger than a normal pony, but you'll say anything to defend your cock. She stares at you. Her calm expression cracks into an annoyed one. “Look, there’s no need to-“ You interrupt her once more. “Look how HUGE YOU ARE! You’re like 50 hippos! 50 obese hippos! My dick is fine! My dick is HUGE! It’s all your fault for being a heffalump!” “…get off.” Celestia says, a stern annoyance leaking into her tone of voice. You frantically thrust in and out at a ridiculous speed. “WHY WON’T IT WORK?” you whine. “CAN YOU FEEL IT YET?! Please! Tell me you can feel SOMETHING!” “Get. Off.” Celestia says again. You barely hear her. “Wait! What if I shoved my arm in too! Would that make it better! I could, like, masturbate using my left arm, and you could pretend my right arm was, like, my monster-cock or something!” “GET OFF.” This time, the harsh tone of voice she uses snaps you out of your ‘how-can-i-make-my-dick-seem-larger’ tirade. You realize you’ve spent the past 5 minutes or so yelling a continuous stream of completely untrue insults about Celestia’s weight/size to defend your small, completely ineffective penis. “Wait! No! I didn’t mean it!” you squeal as she levitates you towards the door. The doors swing open, and you’re thrown out of Celestia’s chambers. You immediately pick yourself up and charge at the door, banging your hooves against it. “Celestia! Please! We never tried the arm idea! WE NEVER TRIED PUTTING MY ARM UP THERE! I KNOW MY COCK IS TOO SMALL! I KNOW THAT! I KNOW IT'S ALL MY FAULT! BUT CAN'T YOU JUST... TOUCH IT?” You hear a snickering laugh behind you and turn to face Luna. “Hahaha! Your ARM? What were you thinking?” “Man, whatever! I don’t have to take this” you screech at Luna before barging past her in a fit of annoyance. Luna speaks out in a mocking imitation of your voice. “ “Celestia! Wait! Let’s try my arm! That’ll mask my shit cock!” Hahaha! Seriously… wow…” Luna collapses to the floor in laughter you as you walk away in a mood.