> Heart of Iron > by Enclave2277 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart of Iron by Enclave2277 Chapter 1 March 15, 1945: Berlin, Germany The sounds of distant artillery salvos filled the air sounding much like a spring thunderstorm as an SS staff truck made its way towards the Berlin Museum of Archeology. The sounds of war were quite familiar to the newly promoted Lieutenant Johann Fritch. Johann sighed glumly staring out the window of the truck contemplating just how he had wound up getting assigned to this particular post. Just six months ago he had been Master Sergeant Fritch, commander of a squad of tanks belonging to the 503rd Heavy Panzer Division. His squad was responsible for defending the retreating infantry from the Russian advance near eastern portions of Germany. While the Germans had excellent tanks, the Soviets had more of them and they were not flimsy in their own right. While trying to defend his position Johann had stopped two Soviet T-34 tanks personally with his own tank but there were still six more that met his remaining four tanks. Unfortunately for Johann the Soviet T-34s fired a devastating barrage of armor piercing rounds against the squad of tanks, including his own. One of the rounds had pierced the side of the tank, effectively crippling the machine and spraying shrapnel into anyone inside. Johann had the misfortune of getting a rather large piece stuck into his left leg. Luckily for Johann he could still drive his crippled tank and managed to escape back to German lines due to a last minute aerial bombardment on the Soviet tanks. Johann spent six months in a hospital undergoing rigorous physical therapy to treat his wounded leg. Near the end of his therapy a high ranking SS staff officer had visited him and presented him with three things. “Good day to you captain” the SS colonel chirped. “Ah and good day to you as well sir. What brings you to my humble hospital bed?” Johann replied politely. “A man who likes to get straight to business, I like that. Very well master sergeant I have some good news for you. I read the report on your heroism on the battlefield and you are to receive the Iron Cross first class for your dedication and valor in service to the Third Reich.” “A lot of good men died trying to defend that position…they deserve the medal more than I sir.” “Well master sergeant they are dead and you still live, which makes you infinitely more useful. I have been giving medals to war heroes throughout the entire war and I find that many soldiers share your opinion, however dwelling on who earns a medal and who does not simply isn’t healthy.” “Hmm very well sir I suppose you are right.” Johann sighed. “Good I’m glad you understand, now onto the next order of business. You are to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant and accompanying that promotion a new post.” Johann just sat on the hospital bed flabbergasted. After gaining some of his composure he began to ask the colonel some questions. “Sir what kind of posting will I receive and where?” “Lieutenant I’m sure you’re well aware of the current threat the Reich faces from the marauding hordes of the allies and the soviets. Consequently, we need someone to help us coordinate the evacuation and eventual storage of historical artifacts from the many museums in Berlin.” the colonel replied. “I read your dossier and it indicated that you had attended the University of Hamburg and earned a degree in Anthropology. Is this true lieutenant?” “Yes sir I did attend the university prior to the war, but wouldn’t I be of more use in a panzer unit?” Johann inquired. “Perhaps, if you were in top physical condition. While your leg injury has improved significantly over the last few months you are hardly fit to drive around in a panzer” the colonel explained. “I just feel like what I’m doing isn’t very useful. I…I want to defend the fatherland with my own hands anything else just feels insignificant.” The colonel smirked and nudged Johann in the ribs. “Oh come now lieutenant it’s not so bad. A nice cushy job away from the front lines is just what you need. Think of it as a gift from the Reich for all your hard work and dedication hmm. Your posting should be miles away from any Russian soldiers and all you have to do is load up antiques onto trucks, think of it as preserving the history of the fatherland for future generations.” “Thank you sir, I will accept the post and I hope that I can still be of service to the Reich.” The colonel responded with a tip of his hat and a quick salute. “Excellent I’m glad you did. We simply can’t have you sitting around collecting dust like some relic now can we? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other business to attend to.” The truck finally stopped in front of the Berlin Museum of Archeology. Johann gingerly exited the passenger side of the truck to find that two guards awaited his arrival. One of the guards appeared to be a sergeant and the other a corporal. Both guards were sporting the German army’s most common sub-machine gun the MP-40. Johann approached the two guards and they stood at attention with a crisp salute. Johann returned the salute giving them a polite smile. “At ease gentlemen, you don’t have to be so formal with me.” The two guards both had a combination of shock and confusion on their faces. A few seconds later the sergeant began to speak. “I’m sorry sir it’s just that we aren’t used to dealing with war heroes and in my opinion they deserve the utmost respect. Anything less would be an insult to you and the Reich.” Johann mentally sighed but still maintained a polite smile. “Ah yes so everyone has been telling me. I appreciate the sentiment but a lot of good men died that day and…” The sergeant gently interrupted Johann before the conversation turned dark. “I’m sorry sir I didn’t mean to hit a nerve. Corporal Dietrich and I will do our best to aid you and of course try to be a bit more casual.” Johann let out a small chuckle. “It is alright sergeant I know you were just trying to be respectful. I just haven’t come to terms with my status as a war hero yet…it’s just very strange. I never would have thought I could go from commanding tanks to shipping dusty old relics.” The sergeant made a clicking noise with his tongue. “I certainly can understand sir. You are a warrior at heart and wish to be on the front lines defending the fatherland. Oh I don’t believe I introduced myself yet sir. My name is Herrman.” “Alright Sergeant Herrman what’s the first thing on the agenda for today?” Johann inquired. “Well sir we were told by command that there are some Norse artifacts from Sweden on display on the second floor of the museum that need to be packed and shipped off to the north near Denmark.” Johann couldn’t help but feel somewhat guilty. Once again artifacts from another country were decorating the interior of a German museum. Sweden of course could not demand they give the artifacts back at this point but Johann decided not to dwell on the blatant act of thievery, after all he had work to do. Sergeant Herrman and Corporal Dietrich led Johann up the long set of marble stairs to the second floor of the museum. Sure enough there was a large display of various Norse artifacts arrayed in long, glass cases. Apparently the artifacts belonged to some minor Swedish noble named Yungvar the Frost Beard during the 1200s. Most of the objects seemed to be mundane in nature including chain mail, goblets, a rusty sword, and a battered helmet. One object caught Johann’s eye. It was a silver amulet with two unicorns on both sides holding a large sapphire in the middle. In all his studies at the University of Hamburg he had never seen Norse jewelry depicting a unicorn. Sure Norse people had believed that animals were important and certainly horses were considered valuable assets but never had he seen any depictions of unicorns. Unicorns were simply not part of Norse lore. Herrman and Dietrich were busy packing other artifacts into crates while Johann picked up the amulet to further inspect it. Just then a strange sound broke Johann’s revery. It was a sort of grating mechanical sound agonizingly familiar. Johann couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Out of frustration he listened closer and to his horror he realized what it was. “My god…it’s a tank. Not just any tank but a T-34” he whispered to himself. Johann rushed over to the window and his worst fears were realized. Outside barreling down the street were two T-34s accompanied by roughly thirty Soviet infantrymen. “Shit” Johann swore under his breath. Realizing the imminent danger he and the two guards faced Johann rushed over to Sergeant Herrman. In a strained voice Johann yelled “Herrman, Dietrich we need to get the hell out of here RIGHT NOW!!!” “What’s wrong sir you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Herrman asked with a look of confusion. “You could say that Herrman, a group of two T-34s and about thirty Soviet infantry are about half a kilometer from the museum. We need to get out of here now; there is no chance that we can beat them back without mechanized support.” “Shit…alright sir I will grab Dietrich and we can make our way out the rear exit of the museum.” Just then the T-34s open fired on the museum collapsing part of ceiling near where Herrman and Johann were standing. Johann was knocked to the ground from the concussive force of the blast temporarily stunned. As he regained his composure Johann looked around to try and find Sergeant Herrman who was standing only a meter away from Johann. It was then that Johann looked over at a pile of rubble that collapsed from the ceiling to find a large red smudge and a severed hand next to the rubble. Johann had seen this kind of destruction far too often on the front for it to sicken him. Instead he focused his efforts on trying to find Corporal Dietrich. Johann shouted in a raspy voice due to the dust kicked up by the roof collapse. “Dietrich are you still alive?” “Yes sir I still live but I noticed the Soviets are closing in on our position. What of Sergeant Herrman sir?” “Dietrich I- I’m afraid…he’s dead, crushed to death from the ceiling collapse” Johann replied in a strained voice. Corporal Dietrich looked at Johann with the same kind of eyes that men showed right before they met their death. It was a mixture of sorrow and hardened steel resolve. “Sir if you ever see my sister Berta, please tell her that I love her and wish her well for her baby boy. I will hold off the Soviets for as long as I can. Please escape while you can sir.” Johann gritted his teeth tears beginning to form in his eyes. “Damn it Dietrich you don’t have to do this…just come with me who knows we might just be able to…” Corporal Dietrich held up his hand to silence the major. “Sir I’ve spent the entire war as little more than a guard going from one assignment to the other without much action. This is my opportunity to do something worthwhile. It would be my honor to defend the life of a true hero. Now go sir.” Johann watched as Dietrich began to position himself near the staircase that lead to the first floor. As Dietrich positioned himself the front doors of the museum burst open and 15 Soviet infantrymen poured into the building. The Soviet soldiers immediately noticed Dietrich on the top of the stairs and sprayed him with small arms fire, effectively tearing the corporal to shreds. With his nearest escape route to the first floor blocked off by Soviet troops Johann scrambled to find another access point on the second floor. To his horror he could hear the clatter of combat boots on the marble floor coming from the other side of the room. Johann realized he could take cover near the bullet proof display cases of the Norse exhibit. It was then he heard a voice call out to him in heavily accented German. “We know you are in here you filthy fascist pig! You cannot hide forever. If you come out now I promise we will end your miserable life quickly” the Soviet commissar said in a sing song voice. Johann sat behind the display case in a state of pure fear, knowing that he would be shot as soon as he even dared to move. He then noticed he was still holding the strange silver unicorn amulet in his hand. “Such a beautiful work of art, meant to last through the ages…unlike me. I only wish that this terrible war was over. I still wanted to do so much. I guess this is the end.” The silver amulet started to glow in Johann’s hand bathing the room with a deep sapphire light. Johann could feel some sort of strange energy pulsing through it almost like a tingling sensation. The amulet continued to shine even brighter when suddenly there was an explosion of light and then darkness. In the darkness Johann heard a faint whispering voice almost a hiss. “Rise warrior you yet live.Heed my warning this is not the land of your birth. We shall meet again soon.” Johann felt something…something like grass. It was cool and wet from the morning dew. Johann slowly opened his eyes to find he was lying face down on a grassy plain. A few seconds later after gaining more of his composure back he continued to survey his surroundings. He was indeed sitting on some kind of grassy plain near the edge of a large forest. “How the hell did I end up here? The last thing I remember was waiting for my death in the museum. I don’t think I’m dead.” Johann then remembered the strange voice that had whispered to him before he awoke. It had mentioned that he was not dead and something about this place not being “the land of his birth”. Johann went to rub his head and realized to his horror that he no longer possessed any fingers. He stared at what had once been his hand only to find a hoof. Panicking he looked down at himself to find his body was no longer human but covered in a thin coat of black fur and his feet had turned to hooves as well. On top of all that he was completely naked. Johann trotted over to a small pond mainly to quench his thirst but also to get a better look at his new form. The reflection in the pond stared back at Johann showing a muscular stallion with a jet black coat. The mane and tail were a brilliant silver color and the eyes were green much like when he was a human. Johann turned to view himself from the side and noticed he had a strange tattoo on his flank. It appeared to be an iron cross. As he turned back to look at his face again he noticed that the amulet he had grabbed at the museum was hanging around his neck. Judging by the position of the sun it was a little after midday. Throughout the entire commotion Johann hadn’t realized how hungry he was. Food would have to be his first priority. Johann drank a bit more water from the pond and decided to head out in search of food. Johann had his doubts about heading into the forest. First of all he had no knowledge of the local fauna or flora and there was a distinct possibility that he could become lost in the depths of the great evergreen forest. So he decided to travel towards the grassy plain, perhaps there might be a stream or a lake he could fish from. As Johann continued to travel he noticed a large grove of trees. The trees appeared to be apple trees. Apples were an excellent source of simple sugars which is exactly what Johann needed. As Johann approached the apple tree he noticed that off in the distance was barn accompanied by a small farm house. “Perhaps there is civilization here after all. Maybe this is a farm of some kind?” Johann mused. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind, his hunger getting the best of him. “Even if these apples belong to someone I’m sure they won’t mind if I take a few.” Johann decided to put his new legs to use and bucked the apple tree and sure enough several apples fell to the ground. Unfortunately there were some birds in the apple tree and they squawked loudly and flew away. Out of the corner of his eye Johann swore he saw a light brown blur headed towards his position. Just then the light brown blur came into shape. It appeared to be another horse sporting a light brown almost tangerine coat with a blonde mane and tail. It appeared to be wearing a hat and had a lasso in its teeth. Before Johann could react the tangerine colored horse threw the lasso around his legs and he hit the ground with a thud. Once the shock of hitting the ground wore off, Johann witnessed something even more incredible the horse began to speak. “Stop right there ya apple thievin’ varmint. Those apples belong ta Sweet Apple Acres.” Johann attempted to speak to the irate farm pony. “Miss I apologize for stealing your apples. I did not realize they belonged to anyone. I’m afraid that my hunger clouded my better judgment.” The farm pony just gave Johann a strange look then started to chuckle. “Well butter mah flank and call me a biscuit. Yer the most polite thief I ever met. Well ah guess ya can have an apple or two, consider it Apple family hospitality. Come on I’ll show ya to the house.” After the farm pony untied Johann’s legs they both walked towards the small farmhouse that Johann had seen earlier. “Sorry fer hog tying ya earlier. Ah just don’t like seeing mah hard work being vandalized, the name’s Applejack or AJ fer short.” “I appreciate your understanding Ms. Applejack. Sadly, I find myself in a dire situation you see.” Johann thought for a moment. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to give his real name in this strange world considering how strange this farm pony’s name was. He noticed that this horse had a tattoo on her flank as well and sure enough it was a trio of red apples. “Maybe their names have to do with those strange tattoos” Johann mused. “Oh I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Iron Cross.” “Can’t say ah ever heard anypony with that kind of name. You ain’t from around here are ya?” Applejack asked. “No, you could say that I am from a distant land, hence the problems with food. I’m afraid that I became lost traveling here” Iron Cross replied. “Ain’t that a shame…it would certainly explain yer strange looks an’ accent. Kinda reminds me of them soldier fellas from Germaneia. How about ya stay the night Iron Cross, I’d feel mighty bad fer leavin’ somepony out in the cold.” “You would do that for me Ms. Applejack? I...I can’t leave this act of generosity go unfulfilled. I feel obligated to work out my debt. From now on I shall help you run your farm.” Applejack blushed slightly. “Well alright ah don’t see why not if yer willin’ to work. I reckon we can accommodate ya. By the way Iron Cross it’s alright if ya call me just Applejack or AJ. I ain’t real keen on using fancy titles.” Iron Cross laughed nervously. “Thank you M-errm…Applejack. You were correct on the observation earlier. I am or at least I was a soldier from the land of Germaneia. Let’s just say that there was an accident involving magic and I ended up stranded here, wherever here is.” “Hmm ah see. Well it’s alright Iron Cross the Apple Family will help ya get back on yer feet until ya can find yer way back home. Hay, ya might even like it here in Equestria, besides mah brother sure could use the help ‘round the farm.” “I see so you have a brother. Does anyone else live on the farm besides you and your brother?” “What the hay is an anyone? Ah think you must mean anypony. Anyway ah live on the farm with mah brother Big Macintosh, mah little sister Applebloom and of course Granny Smith. We’ve been running Sweet Apple Acres fer years.” Applejack and Iron Cross finally made it to the small farmhouse in what had only seemed like minutes. It was actually a matter of two hours. The sun had already set and it was at least early night perhaps around 8 o’ clock. Applejack slowly and carefully opened the door to the farmhouse. “We usually turn in about this time of night because we gotta git up early the next mornin’. Iron ya can use the guest bedroom on the second floor but be real quiet-like. Ah promise I’ll introduce ya to everypony else in the mornin’. G’night.” “Pleasant dreams Applejack” Iron Cross whispered. Iron Cross tucked himself into the guest bed and wondered how he had gotten himself in this situation. Just hours ago he was staring death in the face in the war torn city of Berlin, now he was cuddled inside a warm bed in a land called “Equestria” inhabited by strange colored sentient horses. Strangely enough he too was one of those horses. “Maybe this new life won’t be so bad. At least I have a warm bed and I’m not dead. This land also seems quite peaceful. It’s nice not have to worry about getting shot at or blown up.” With those thoughts Iron Cross drifted into a deep sleep, the dawn of a new day and a new life on the horizon. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Iron Cross wandered through the streets of a ruined town, the stench of death and smoke heavy in the air. As he wandered through the ruined town he came across many of its dead citizens. Some of them were mere charred husks of their former selves others lay on the ground torn to shreds by small arms fire. One of the bodies appeared to be a young woman no more than twenty years old clutching the form of a small child. She had been gunned down by a machine gun, her body riddled with holes. Her face was wrinkled in an expression of pure agony and terror. The scene brought Iron Cross to tears as he stroked the silky blonde hair of the young mother. Iron Cross whispered to himself. “Why…why must such atrocities exist? I joined the army to prevent these horrors. A young life so full of hope and promise, extinguished before it could blossom. If only I hadn’t been wounded.” A familiar rasping voice spoke to Iron Cross, the very same voice that spoke to him while he was unconscious. “It seems that you know much of death warrior. Do not despair it defines you, much like it did to me.” With a haggard choke Iron Cross yelled. “Who are you and what do you want from me!!???” The rasping voice merely let out a long hissing chuckle. “Listen well warrior for I shall only say this once. Dreams and the unconscious mind are the only mediums with which I can communicate to mortals. Whether you like it or not it seems you and I have formed a telepathic bond. I assume this resulted from your use of my amulet.” Iron Cross sat on the ground dumbfounded. “I knew something was off about that amulet, the Norse never represented unicorns in their legends. Do you mean to suggest the amulet is magic?” “I do not merely suggest it warrior, it is fact!” the disembodied voice snapped. “I suppose I can forgive your ignorance considering you came from the disgusting human world of Mundus. It amazes me how you can live in a world with no magic. I spent seven centuries on that dirtball of a world and finally I am back in Equestria. I can feel my magic returning to me.” “Wait, so that amulet wasn’t even made on earth…that would certainly explain its strange design” Iron Cross responded. “Of course it wasn’t made on Mundus. You hairless apes know nothing of magic and your world is devoid of it.” “How did it get on earth in the first place, I’ve never heard mention of any sentient horses in any of the historical records?” “That is a simple question to answer warrior. I used the amulet to teleport to Mundus but to my utter dismay it worked similarly to when you used it. When I arrived in Mundus I discovered I had transformed into a pathetic magic-less human. The amulet had another unforeseen side effect. Not only did my mortal form become human but part of my spirit was trapped within it, thus my spirit continued to live on despite my mortal body crumbling to dust. It matters not for soon I shall be resurrected and I can be rid of this accursed prison. Farewell warrior we shall speak again.” The strange hissing voice dissipated leaving Iron Cross in the ruined town to contemplate his thoughts. The town started to shake and the colors became distorted and Iron Cross heard a faint accented voice saying “Git up sleepyhoves, it’s time fer breakfast!” Iron Cross bolted up from the bead consciousness coming back to him. He was drenched in sweat, and there next to the bed stood Applejack with a concerned look on her face. “Somethin’ wrong sugarcube? Ya look like you’ve seen a ghost” Applejack politely asked. “Sorry Applejack I just had a bit of a nightmare. I’ll be ok I think.” “If ya say so Iron. How’s about ya come down to the kitchen and eat some o’ mah famous apple pancakes? I reckon that’ll fix ya right up, plus ya can meet the rest of mah family.” The rush of adrenaline that Iron Cross experienced immediately after his nightmare was beginning to wear off, replaced by grogginess and hunger. As Iron Cross made his way down the stairs with Applejack in tow he could smell the heavenly aroma of pancakes and coffee wafting through the air. He made his way to the kitchen to find a heaping stack of apple pancakes and a cup of coffee waiting for him at the table. Just as he was about to dig in he noticed a small filly sitting at the other side of the table. She had a butter colored coat with a bright red mane and tail. There also appeared to be a rather large bow on top of her head. The filly gave Iron Cross a confused look bordering on fear when suddenly she began to speak. “Applejack who is this stallion and whut is he doin’ here and why is he eatin’ our food?” “Be nice Applebloom, this here is Iron Cross and he’s gonna be helpin’ us round the farm from now on. Ah found him the other day lost as a foal in the Everfree Forest. Ah couldn’t in good conscience leave him to starve with nowhere to go.” “Oh alright sis ah guess if ya think he’s friendly then ah don’t mind him” Applebloom answered with a hint of suspicion in her voice. “Hi there Mr. Iron Cross mah name’s Applebloom, I’m Applejack’s sister.” Iron Cross offered his hoof to Applebloom and she shook it furiously. “Why hello there Applebloom it’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope that we can get along from now on.” “Mah sister says yer gonna help out around here. Whut’s she got ya doing?” “Ermm…well I actually don’t know yet, your sister didn’t exactly say.” A maniacal grin spread across Applejack’s face. “I’m gonna have ya buck apple trees of course. Why yer almost the same size as Big Mac, so ah reckon you can buck trees just as hard. Now Iron ya best eat up cause yer gonna need the energy fer all the work yer doin’ today.” Iron Cross continued to eat his breakfast when a thought occurred to him. “Applejack you mentioned that you had a big brother and his name was Big Macintosh right? I see only Applebloom here, where is he?” “Oh that big lug has been out in the field fer at least an hour. Mac likes to git up early and try to git everythin’ done as quickly as possible. Ah reckon you’ll meet him soon enough sugarcube.” Iron Cross was just finishing up his cup of coffee when he noticed Applebloom had gobbled down all her pancakes. She looked as if she was in a hurry to go somewhere. Applebloom then went up to her sister and nuzzled her neck. “See ya later Applejack I’m off ta school.” Applejack smiled and waved goodbye to the little filly. “Have a nice day at school Applebloom.” Iron Cross raised his brow inquisitively. “Excuse me Applejack but did she just say school?” “She most certainly did Iron. She’s just a filly so it’s important that she receives an education. Why most of the fillies ‘round here go to the schoolhouse in Ponyville.” “Not to sound crazy Applejack, but what is Ponyville?” Applejack proceeded to give herself a facehoof. “Oh right ah forgot ya weren’t from ‘round here. Ponyville is the nearest village from the farm; it’s where we sell our apples and such. Ah don’t think we’ll be goin’ in town today Iron but ah promise we will soon.” Iron Cross sat at the table deep in thought. “Hmm...well it does make sense that these horses would have some kind of education system, otherwise how would they learn to speak and know about the world around them. They are sentient creatures after all.” “Uh heeellooo Equestria to Iron Cross anypony home in there?” Applejack asked as she waved a hoof in front of his face. “Oh…umm yes sorry Applejack I was just thinking about something.” Applejack let out a chuckle. “Ha alright sugarcube ah was just teasin’ ya. Ah think it’s high time we got started on the apple buckin’, considering all them apples ain’t gonna buck themselves off the trees.” A few moments later Applejack and Iron Cross made their way out to the apple orchard. On the way Iron Cross noticed a large stallion with a deep red coat, not unlike the apples around them accompanied by an orange tail and mane. He appeared to be pulling along a plow, indicating he was working the fields. Applejack gave a slight jerk of her head towards the red stallion, so Iron Cross decided to follow. “Iron Cross ah want ya to meet mah brother, Big Macintosh. Big Mac this here is Iron Cross he’ll be workin’ with us for a while, helpin’ to tend the fields and of course apple buckin’. Big Macintosh simply stared at Iron Cross sizing him up continuing to chew on a piece of straw. Iron cross went over to the red stallion and offered a hoof. “Good day to you Big Macintosh I’m Iron Cross, I hope that I can be of service to your beautiful farm and your family of course.” Big Mac slowly took Iron Cross’s hoof and shook it firmly, saying one simple word in response. “Eyep”. “Don’t mind Big Mac he doesn’t like to talk much. Always been the strong silent type, but he’s mah brother and ah love him. C’mon I’ll show ya where we’re gonna be buckin’ apples.” Applejack led Iron Cross over to an orchard full of (ironically) Macintosh apples. The trees looked strong and healthy with vibrant, shiny red apples dangling from the branches. Iron Cross noticed a series of wooden baskets underneath some of the trees; he supposed those were for storing the apples once they fell off the trees. “Now Iron Cross ah gotta go to the other side of the field and harvest the Granny Smith apples. Ah reckon ya know what to do with the apples, just make sure ya don’t buck the trees too hard or it’ll damage em. If we git done quick enough there might be time to go in town ta git a treat.” As Iron Cross began to work on bucking all the Macintosh apples from his side of the field Applejack began to trot over to her side of the field. Applejack got through bucking about five trees when she heard a strange sound. It almost sounded like snoring. A grin formed on Applejack’s face as she realized the source of the snoring. Applejack proceeded to buck the snoring tree with a quick kick. As Applejack bucked the tree a cyan colored pegasus with a multicolored mane and tail fell out of the tree with a hard thump. The cyan pegasus glared angrily at Applejack. “Hey AJ I was having a nice nap, what did ya do that for?” “Ya sure are a lazy varmint Rainbow Dash. Don’t you got more important things to do, like ah dunno controllin’ the weather?” Rainbow Dash merely rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Pfft, it’s not like I have to do that stuff immediately. I’ll have you know my nap is a very important part of my schedule. It’s essential to be able to perform my weather duties.” Applejack shook her head with making a clicking noise with her tongue. “Well alright sleepin’ beauty if that’s how ya like to run yer day ah ain’t gonna put up a fuss about it. Just try to nap somewhere other than mah apple trees alright.” “Oh fine AJ I’ll try and sleep on a cloud next time” Rainbow Dash replied. Recovering from the pain to both her pride and rump, Rainbow Dash took a look at her surroundings and noticed a large black coated stallion bucking apples in the adjacent orchard. He was about as large as Big Mac but his muscles seemed to be more toned, and on top of that he had an exotic color scheme. His coat was completely jet black, both the mane and tail were silver. Rainbow Dash also noticed his deep emerald colored eyes set in concentration to the task at hand. She couldn’t help but stare as the black stallion continued to buck the apple trees. It took a few seconds for Rainbow Dash to regain her composure and she proceeded to ask Applejack about the mysterious handsome stallion. “Uhmm…AJ who’s the stud?” “Wait RD whut did ya just ask me?” “Who’s the stallion over there bucking the Macintosh apple trees?” Rainbow Dash inquired. “Oh that there’s Iron Cross, ah found him tryin’ ta steal some apples yesterday. He’s apparently from some far away nation called Germaneia and he got lost. He’s extremely polite and offered to work for Sweet Apple Acres to make up fer stealin’ the apples. “Ah know RD why don’t ya go over there and introduce yerself, I’m sure Iron wouldn’t mind meetin’ ya.” Rainbow Dash moved a pebble around with her hoof. “I dunno AJ it would be un-cool to interrupt a stallion from his work. I mean he looks pretty busy over there working up a sweat…using his big legs to…buck apples.” *Pomf* As Rainbow Dash was talking her wings stood straight up, a slight blush spreading across her face but her eyes were that of a predator sizing up its prey. “I’ll bet he’s good at bucking more than just apples” Rainbow Dash said huskily. “Whut the hay? Yer friskier than Fluttershy’s rabbits durin’ spring. Dang it RD.” “Oh come on AJ he’s totally HOT. You can’t mean to tell me you didn’t think about it once this WHOLE time?” Applejack stammered. “Well…uhh ah…didn’t really…” “Take a look at him AJ. I mean really take a look.” Applejack watched as Iron Cross continued to buck the apple trees. It was then she noticed just how muscular he really was. Applejack had to admit that he had exotic coloring for an earth pony but it wasn’t in a bad way, it was simply stunning. Applejack’s tail started to twitch and she blushed slightly. “AH HA! I knew it. You totally think he’s hot too AJ” Rainbow dash remarked smugly. “You know what AJ; I think you should give him a go. He seems awesome from what I can tell and besides you need to do something for yourself at least once and a while.” “Ah don’t know RD. There’s so much to do ‘round the farm, I’m not sure if ah have the time fer all that romance nonsense. Besides, ah ain’t the prettiest mare in Equestria. Ah mean Iron could have any mare he wanted, like Rarity who is a might prettier than me and she loves gentlecolts.” Rainbow Dash trotted over to Applejack and gently wrapped her hooves around Applejack’s face. “AJ I won’t hear any of that load of horse feathers. Sure, you might be a bit rough around the edges but you are absolutely beautiful, which I’m sure Rarity has told you. I know that you have your farm but AJ you only have one life to live and you owe it to yourself to at least experience love once. I think you and Iron would make an awesome pair.” Rainbow Dash then gave Applejack a quick hug and started to fly again. “Sorry AJ I gotta bolt, I just remembered I have to move a rainstorm towards Ponyville. Later!” Applejack finished bucking the rest of the apple trees when she noticed that Iron Cross had finished his side as well. He was sitting near one the trees having a drink of water from a canteen. “Ah must admit Iron ya did a fine job buckin’ those trees. Why yer almost as fast as ah am.” “Thank you Applejack, I just decided to take a bit of a break. All that bucking has worn me out a bit.” Applejack blushed slightly remembering how Iron Cross looked while he was working. “I’m certain it did…” “Ah bet yer mighty hungry Iron Cross, how’s about we head out to Sugarcube Corner fer a treat. Ah think ya deserve one fer all the hard work ya did.” “Sugarcube Corner…is that some kind of bakery or perhaps a candy store?” Iron Cross asked. “Yeah it’s a bakery in Ponyville run by mah friend Pinkie Pie. She can make one mean cupcake.” “Very well Applejack lead the way. Eating a cupcake sounds lovely right now.” As Applejack and Iron Cross made their way to Sugarcube Corner, Iron Cross noticed that Applejack seemed to be a little bit more distant and seemed to be staring off into space. This wasn’t the Applejack he had met yesterday something was off. “Applejack are you alright? You seem to be depressed about something.” Iron Cross’s question broke Applejack out of her revery. “Oh I’m sorry sugarcube, just thinkin’ about some things. Ah have a tendency to git lost in thought on occasion.” “You know Applejack if you ever have any problems you can talk to me about them. I am more than willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. It is the very least I can do.” Applejack’s eyes softened slightly. “Thanks Iron, ah appreciate it. Alright enough of this mopin’ around let’s git some cupcakes.” Applejack and Iron Cross had finally made it to what Applejack had referred to as Sugarcube Corner. It was quite possibly the most gaudily decorated building Iron Cross had ever seen. It looked like a giant gingerbread house with a huge pink cupcake on the top. Iron Cross hadn’t seen anything like this since the Christmases of his childhood. Despite the décor, the building left no doubt as to what goods it purveyed. They entered the shop and it appeared to be a normal bakery at least on the inside with display cases full of various baked goods. One cupcake in particular caught Iron Cross’s eye. It was a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing. The vanilla icing sported small pieces of coconut and cherries. It appeared to be a Black Forest cupcake. Iron Cross couldn’t believe his luck, here in this strange land of ponies there was a piece of his homeland staring right back at him. Just as Iron Cross was about to ask about the cupcake a strange pink colored mare showed up behind the counter, seemingly out of nowhere. She had incredibly frizzy hair, blue eyes and a tattoo of balloons on her flank. Iron Cross couldn’t help but cry out in shock. “Hiya there mister stallion. Oh I noticed that you were looking at the super duper yummy Germaneian chocolate cupcakes. I just baked those yesterday.” The strange bouncy pink pony suddenly gasped and appeared to levitate a several centimeters above the floor. “A NEW PONY IN PONYVILLE!!!!” The pink mare produced a large cart also seemingly out of nowhere and pressed a button on it. The cart opened up and started playing music. Then she started singing a jaunty tune. “Welcome, welcome, welcome a fine welcome to you. Welcome, welcome, welcome how do you do? Welcome, welcome, welcome I say hip hurray. Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville today!!” The strange cart then exploded with confetti. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie what’s your name Mr. Stallion?” “Uhmm…greetings my name is Iron Cross.” “Ohhhhh that’s a nice name. I’m sorry I bet you wanted that extra special super awesome Germaneian chocolate cupcake. That’ll be 3 bits please.” Iron Cross looked over at Applejack in desperation. “Sorry Pinkie Iron is new in town, he ain’t from around here. I’ll pay fer his cupcake.” Pinkie Pie bounced up in the air a few times. “Oki doki loki!” Applejack and Iron Cross left Sugarcube Corner and made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Iron Cross had just finished eating the delicious Germaneian chocolate cupcake when he started asking Applejack some questions. “Just who was that strange Pink gypsy? She appeared to defy the very laws of physics. And what was that whole welcome song about?” “Well that was Pinkie Pie Iron. She’s a bit whacky but that’s why we love her. As far as the song went she does that for anypony new in town, it’s kinda her thing.” Iron Cross let out a huge yawn. “Alright Applejack I’ll take your word for it. I’m glad that we’re heading back, I must admit I am extremely tired.” “It’s been a long day sugarcube. Ah reckon some sleep would do me some good, besides we gotta git up early tomorrow mornin’.” Iron Cross crawled into his bed the covers feeling like the softest of clouds on his sore muscles. He was just about to drift to sleep when he noticed Applejack standing in the doorway. It was dark but Iron Cross swore he could see a slight blush on her face. “Ah know a cupcake wasn’t much in the way of showin’ gratitude so I wanted to tell ya in person. Ah really do appreciate yer help Iron and I’m glad yer here.” Iron Cross smiled. “Thank you Applejack that means a lot to me. I’m glad to be here as well because if you hadn’t taken me in, who knows where I would be now.” “G’night Iron hope ya sleep well.” “Goodnight Applejack.” Iron Cross made himself comfortable once again thinking how pleasantly the day had gone. It was so unlike his previous life full of constant death and destruction. Applejack had been so kind and willing to take him in and while she was a horse he couldn’t help but feel attracted to her. She was a bit rough around the edges but was beautiful in a natural sort of way like a golden sunflower in the middle of a field. On that note Iron Cross slept as peacefully as a babe. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Iron Cross rose from his bed with a feeling of refreshment and contentedness that he hadn’t felt in ages. The warm rays of early morning light shone through the window, promising a bright new day. It was then he smelled something, it was the slightly spicy aroma of cinnamon. Iron Cross decided it was coming from downstairs so he proceeded to investigate the source of the scent. Sure enough, the scent originated from the kitchen. As Iron Cross walked into the kitchen he noticed Applejack stirring a pot of oatmeal on the stove. She was wearing a cooking apron and had decided not to wear her trademark hat. Her golden hair was loose, missing were the utilitarian hair ties she used to keep her mane and tail from getting tangled during work. She was humming some sort of lullaby. Iron Cross just stared at her for what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds. His concentration was broken when Applejack turned around to greet with a warm smile. “Good mornin’ stranger. Ah thought since Applebloom was off school today I’d make somethin’ special. It’s Granny Smith’s famous cinnamon sugar oatmeal. If ya want somethin’ ta drink there’s apple juice in the ice box. Once I’m done with the oatmeal I’ll fix up some coffee.” “Good morning to you as well Applejack. That oatmeal smells wonderful. I think I’ll have some apple juice for now. Is Applebloom up by any chance?” “Not yet but ah reckon she’ll be down here fast as lightning when she smells the oatmeal. It’s her favorite breakfast food after all.” “I don’t mean to intrude but what was that beautiful song you were humming earlier?” “Oh ya heard that? Well that was a song mah ma used to sing to Big Mac and ah when we were foals. She sang it when we were scared or cryin’ or we just needed to git ta sleep, always would calm us down. Ah sing it now to remember the good times and ta remember her.” “What happened to your mother?” “She died, it happened ‘bout ten years ago. Big Mac and ah were just young-ins and Applebloom was a baby foal. We stayed on the farm while mah ma and pa set out in their wagon to deliver some apples to Appleloosa. There was a storm the night before and it made the roads on the trail ta Appleloosa mighty unstable. While ma and pa were drivin’ their cart ‘round a sharp turn on a cliff, the ground underneath gave way and the cart crashed into a gorge. Neither one survived.” “Oh Applejack…I’m so sorry I had no idea.” “It’s alright Iron, Ah made mah peace with it a long time ago. Ah still got Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applebloom ta look after. Speakin’ of Applebloom ah can hear her now.” Applebloom waddled blearily towards the kitchen rubbing her eyes when she suddenly perked up. “Ah smell cinnamon, Applejack did ya make mah favorite oatmeal?” “Ah sure did sugarcube and ah thought Iron here might like it too.” Applebloom trotted over to Applejack and gave her sister a big hug. “Thanks Applejack ah love Granny Smith’s oatmeal!” In a quieter voice she added. “Ah also needed a pick me up from what happened yesterday.” Applejack didn’t appear to have heard the second part of Applebloom’s statement, but Iron Cross did. He had honed his hearing during the war to listen for any kind of suspicious noises such as airplane engines, tanks, or bullets being fired. “Ah better git crackin’ on that coffee I’ll be back in two cracks of a whip” Applejack said while grabbing a can of coffee. Applejack’s absence left Iron Cross and Applebloom to share the table. After a few moments of silence Iron Cross could see the slightly pained expression on the little filly and grew concerned. Iron Cross was the first one the break the silence. “Applebloom, do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?” Applebloom thought about lying to Iron Cross but remembered what her sister said about lying. It would just make things worse and besides Iron Cross looked like he cared and maybe she would feel better if she talked to someone other than her sister. “Well…yesterday at school ah got made fun of by a couple of fillies in mah class. They called me a no talent blank flank. Ah tried to ignore it but…ah ended up cryin’ later on the way home. It really hurt mah feelings…ah just want ta hurry up and git mah cutie mark.” Iron Cross sat silently contemplating what exactly a blank flank was. He then remembered that most of the ponies he had seen (including himself) had a tattoo on their flank. As he looked over at Applebloom he noticed she didn’t have one. “Perhaps the strange tattoos on their flanks are called cutie marks and they represent some rite of passage into adulthood. Hmm I understand now, Applebloom still has yet to find one for herself. Ha ha she’s just like all the hotheaded teens back home.” Iron Cross got up from his side of the table and sat next to Applebloom. “Applebloom let me tell you a story from my youth; it might make you feel better. When I was young my Father worked as an archeologist funded by a university. He would often go out on expeditions looking for some lost cities or artifacts but he always had time to come home and tell me all about his adventures.” Applebloom’s eyes lit up. “Oooh so he was like Daring Do, the famous explorer and treasure hunter?” Iron Cross had no idea who this “Daring Do” was but decided to agree with Applebloom. “Yes, my father was very similar. I loved my father very much but he always tried to make me be like him. He would always teach me about ancient ruins and old cultures and I was fascinated by them, but I had never really wanted to be an archeologist. Later my father had given me a scholarship to the university he worked at and I studied archeology. I did this mostly because it made him happy, not because I really wanted to.” Applebloom interrupted Iron Cross. “But how come ya ain’t got an excavation cutie mark if ya were so good at archeology?” “I’m getting to that part Applebloom. Now when I graduated from the university I had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, when suddenly my country went to war. I loved my country and wanted to protect it, so I joined the army. I found that being a soldier was much more satisfying than being an archeologist; consequently I realized I was good at it too. That’s how I got my cutie mark.” “So ya went and did somethin’ that ya never tried before and got yer cutie mark?” “Yes, that’s correct Applebloom. The point is you don’t have to be good at what others want you to be good at, nor do you have to figure out right away what that talent is. In my case it took me till I was an adult to figure that out.” “Wow…ah didn’t know it took ya that long ta git yer cutie mark.” Iron Cross chuckled. “It’s all part of growing up Applebloom. You needn’t be in such a hurry to do so, enjoy your childhood while you can. No matter what you choose to do, remember that your family and friends will always be there to support you.” Applebloom ran over to Iron Cross and gave him a tight hug. “Umm…thanks Mr. Cross ah feel a lot better now. Ah promise ah won’t let the bullies git me down anymore.” Applejack came back into the kitchen with a pot of fresh coffee and had a smirk on her face. “Well now Iron ya should count yerself lucky, Applebloom doesn’t usually warm up to strangers that quick. Hay, she even gave ya a hug. Ah dunno what ya did but ah approve.” Iron Cross sat at the kitchen table finishing up his cup of coffee when he decided to ask Applejack a question. “Applejack you seem rather relaxed this morning, aren’t you worried we won’t be able to get everything done?” “Hmm…neh. Today ain’t about doing things on the farm. Ah got errands ta run in Ponyville. Yer welcome ta come along if ya like Iron.” Iron Cross considered this for a moment recalling what had happened the last time he went to Ponyville. Maybe there wouldn’t be any more strange pink reality bending ponies this time. “I suppose I can tag along, but what exactly do you need to do Applejack?” “Ah gotta go over to mah friend Rarity’s boutique to git fitted for a winter vest, ah suppose ya could introduce yerself to her while I’m there. Then ah gotta go to mah other friend Twilight’s house fer a book on pulleys so ah can install some in the barn.” “You certainly are one busy pony.” “A mare’s gotta do what she can to git things done.” Applejack and Iron Cross cantered side by side into Ponyville stopping by Rarity’s boutique first. It was just like Sugarcube Corner, decorated in a gaudy manner to the extreme. The boutique looked like it had been built by carnival folk. This left Iron Cross to wonder if all ponies in Equestria had such terrible taste in architecture. Whoever this Rarity was Iron Cross hoped she would be more down to earth than Pinkie Pie. Applejack proceeded to knock on the boutique’s door and what could only be described as a snooty accented mare answered. “I’ll be right with you darling.” Rarity opened the door and gave Applejack a curt hug. “Applejack dear, how wonderful it is to see you. It has been far too long. Who is this dashing stallion you have along with you?” “Hiya Rarity this here is Iron Cross, he’s helpin’ out at Sweet Apple Acres.” “Why hello Iron Cross enchanted to meet you, my name is Rarity and I run the Carousel Boutique here in Ponyville.” “Greetings Ms. Rarity, I am Iron Cross the pleasure is mine.” Rarity let out a high pitched giggle. “Well I say Applejack; he not only is dashing but has the manners of a gentlecolt.” “Applejack darling would you please come with me to the fitting room, we must discuss the matter of your vest.” Iron Cross started to accompany Applejack towards the fitting room when suddenly Rarity stood in his way. “Oh I’m truly sorry Iron Cross, but I’m afraid this is strictly mare’s business and it’s going to take quite some time. You know it can be rather boring, nothing that could possibly interest a stallion.” “Uhh…Iron how’s about ya trot on over to Twilight’s house fer mah book. Ah reckon this might take a while. Her house is across the street, it’s the big ole tree house. Ya can’t miss it.” “Very well Applejack, I shall do that. Do you want me to come back here to check and see if you’re done?” “Neh I’ll come over to Twi’s house once I’m done.” Iron cross just shook his head and went on his way to Twilight’s house. From what he could tell she was some kind of bookkeeper or maybe a librarian. Perhaps she was well educated. In any case Iron Cross knew that women’s tasks often took far longer than they ever should. “What in tarnation is goin’ on Rarity? Ah thought ya said mah vest was ready?” “Oh I finished that vest ages ago Applejack but that’s not important right now.” “Not important!? The vest was the whole reason ah came over here. Now tell me what the hay is goin’ on.” “What’s important darling, is that we go to the spa.” “Rare, ya know ah don’t like gettin’ all gussied up at that spa. Why in the name of Celestia do we even need to go there?” “Applejack the spa treatment itself is not the primary purpose, although it is a pleasant side effect. We are going to the spa to discuss your current relationship to Iron Cross.” Rarity and Applejack (begrudgingly) made their way to the spa where they were greeted by the spa’s owners. “Lotus! Aloe! We shall have the usual.” “Ms. Rarity it is not yet Thursday and where is Ms. Fluttershy?” Lotus asked. “Oh sorry darling this is an emergency situation, you know the kind that involves stallions.” “Ah right away Ms. Rarity” Lotus replied. Rarity sank into the sauna in a state of utter relaxation. She had placed cucumbers over her eyes and had applied a mask of avocado, along with a towel wrapped around her head. Applejack sat across from Rarity, also with a towel wrapped around her head but a scowl on her face. “Ah can’t believe ya dragged me into this Rare.” “Darling just enjoy the spa and relax, and then we can talk about your situation.” “Exactly what situation are ya talkin’ about Rare?” “It simply isn’t ladylike to discuss…oh who am I kidding I always have to spell everything out for you in matters of romance.” Applejack slid deeper into the hot tub blowing a few bubbles. She turned a deep shade of red and not just because of the hot water. “W-why in tarnation is everypony so interested in mah love life?” Rarity let out a squeak. “Oh my word…I suspected you…you really do like him. I’m sorry Applejack but you have always been the stubborn type, someone who fancies work over everything else ESPECIALLY romance.” “Don’t worry dear he’s absolutely gorgeous and quite the gentlecolt to boot. I just didn’t expect you to have such excellent taste in stallions, why if you weren’t pinning for him I’d snatch him up myself.” “Dang it…is it really that obvious that ah like him?” “Oh yes dear its written plain as day across your face. You have that look of longing in your eyes and you seem so comfortable around him.” Rarity assumed a dramatic pose. “Of all the possible things that could occur, THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE THING!!!” “Rare, I don’t mean ta interrupt yer little drama display but ah got a serious question.” “Of course, darling ask away.” “I’ve had relationships before but they were usually just one night stands, ya know the kind where ya got a nice colt and go for a roll in the hay. Ah just never considered havin’ a deeper relationship. I’ve got Sweet Apple Acres to worry about after all. Ah certainly am interested in Iron Cross, but what if he doesn’t like me?” Rarity chuckled. “Applejack I don’t think you need to worry about that. I noticed the way he looked at you. I may not have had many good relationships, but I know desire when I see it. It’s rather uncouth sometimes I must admit, to always to have your flank ogled when you walk anywhere. Ugghh I swear some of the stallions around here can be such ruffians.” “Ya really think he might like me? Ah really haven’t done much in the way of makin’ mahself more lady-like.” “Now Applejack stop that nonsense. You are most certainly a beautiful mare, why any stallion would be lucky to have you. I’ve always thought that if you took care of yourself just a little bit more you’d be simply stunning.” “Rare, ah talked to RD the other day and she said somthin’ along those lines. I’m glad that ah got such good friends to back me up and cheer me on. Rarity gave Applejack a quick peck on the cheek. “Whatever are friends for? You just need to be a bit more confident darling, that’s all. Lay on the Applesauce as it were.” “Ya know what Rare, I’ve decided I’m gonna give it a shot. Ah might not ask Iron right away but mighty soon ah reckon. Sorry that ah was such a mule about comin’ into the spa, ah actually do feel a lot better now. Thanks, Rare.” “Well, now that we got that out of the way I’d say it’s about time to get you your vest and trot off to the library.” Iron Cross found Twilight Sparkle’s residence without a hitch; after all it was a giant tree. He knocked on the door expecting to see some old mare with glasses and her mane tied in a bun, but instead a dragon answered the door. “Hi sir can I help you?” the small purple dragon inquired. “Errmm…yes I was told that Twilight Sparkle lives here. I need her to help me find a book on pulley systems.” “Twwiiiligghtt you have a visitor!” As Iron Cross stood near the doorway, a lavender colored mare with an equally purple tail and mane trotted down the stairs to greet him. What surprised Iron Cross once again was the age of the mare, she was not some old wrinkly thing but rather young from the looks of it. She, like Rarity appeared to be a unicorn as well. “Hi my name is Twilight Sparkle and I am Ponyville’s chief librarian. What can I do for you today sir?” “Hello Ms. Sparkle my name is Iron Cross and I was told that you have a book on pulley systems available.” “Ah yes that should be in section three, shelf twelve under engineering marvels of Equestria.” Twilight shot Iron Cross a confused look. “Oh wait I seem to be forgetting something…oh right I’m sorry sir but I have that book reserved for somepony else.” “I’m sorry Ms. Sparkle the book isn’t for me, it’s for Applejack. She sent me here to retrieve it.” “I see. You must be the new farmhand she mentioned. Welcome to Ponyville by the way. Oh and from now on you can just call me Twilight.” Iron Cross noticed that Twilight’s eyes got bigger and she seemed to be staring at the amulet around his neck. A few moments of awkward silence followed. Iron Cross hated silence in conversations and once again decided to break it. “Umm Twilight can I help you with something?” “Oh…huh? I was just looking at your amulet. It seems so familiar; I can’t quite put my hoof on it. It looks to be an antique, possibly medieval era…maybe…” Twilight had already retrieved the book on pulley systems and proceeded to get another book. While the book on pulleys looked new with a glossy cover the other book Twilight took out looked positively ancient. It was a thick dusty tome with a picture of a unicorn sorcerer on the front. The sorcerer reminded Iron Cross of Merlin, the legendary wizard in King Arthur’s court. The cover of the tome read “Starswirl the Bearded: A Complete History”. Twilight stood in front of the tome magically flipping through the pages until she stopped about a quarter of the way through the book. The page she stopped on had a large illustrated picture of two unicorns, one was the Merlin-like pony who must have been Starswirl the Bearded and the other was a completely white unicorn with sapphire blue eyes. Normally this picture wouldn’t have been very interesting, but it was what the white unicorn was wearing that caught Iron Cross’s eye. There around the white unicorn’s neck was the very amulet he was wearing. Apparently Twilight had come to a similar conclusion. “Sweet Celestia…how on Equestria did you get that amulet, it’s seven hundred years old.” Iron cross read the passage below the picture and it chilled him to the bone. Starswirl the Bearded and his son, Frostmere the Fierce, convene at the great hall in Castle Canterlot. “We need to show the amulet to Princess Celestia right away. It belonged to one of the most powerful sorcerers in all Equestrian history. There’s no telling what kind of magic might still be imbued in it.” A hissing voice whispered in Iron Cross’s mind. “One of the most powerful sorcerers indeed. Clever little mare, I was hoping to keep my name a secret for at least a little while longer. So much for surprises.” Iron Cross’s face paled. “Yes, I think that would be for the best.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Applejack casually walked to the Ponyville library, sporting a shiny coat and a newfound feeling of determination. The talk with Rarity at the spa had been exactly what she needed. Applejack reluctantly admitted that the spa treatment itself had been strangely fun and relaxing. Perhaps she would ask Rarity to go to the spa again someday. She had to admit the treatment made her coat shine like the outside of a freshly picked Macintosh apple, which might end up impressing a certain somepony. All of her thoughts were shattered when she opened the door to the Ponyville library, noticing the frantic look on her friend Twilight’s face. “Howdy Twi, is there somethin’ goin’ on ya look all outta sorts.” “Oh…uhmm…hi Applejack, yes I’m having a bit of a situation right now.” It was then that Applejack noticed Iron Cross was also in the library and he too was wearing a look of concern. Applejack couldn’t imagine that such a commotion could be caused over picking up a book. It was just a book on pulleys, not some ancient tome bound in pony hide containing the darkest of magic incantations. “Umm Twi, do ya mind bringin’ me up to speed, cause I’m mighty confused right now.” “Sorry Applejack, Iron Cross and I were just doing some research on the amulet he had around his neck. It turns out that it belonged to a powerful sorcerer seven hundred years ago.” “So a fancy magic caster decided he wanted to accessorize, why in the hay is that so important?” Applejack asked. Twilight facehoofed and made a grunting noise. “Applejack you don’t understand, this sorcerer was the son of Starswirl the Bearded. He was personally tutored by one of Equestria’s most powerful magic casters. I haven’t tried to use my magic on it the further analyze it, because it might be imbued with powerful ancient magic. We must go straight to Princess Celestia and give it to her for safe keeping; she may be the only pony in Equestria who understands its nature.” Twilight’s horn lit up with a lavender glow and suddenly all three of the ponies were standing in front of Canterlot Castle’s main gates. Applejack and Iron Cross both looked like they had been on a tiny sailboat in the middle of rough seas, the feeling of nausea threatening to make them spill their breakfast. Twilight let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh sorry guys, I should have warned you I was using a teleportation spell, it can be disorienting to anypony who isn’t used to it.” “Ughhh…ya don’t say Twi. Ah reckon we just need ta git our bearings fer a second.” “Don’t worry about us Twilight; you did the right thing by teleporting here. I am as eager to know what kind of power this amulet has…and to keep out of the wrong hooves” Iron Cross replied. As the three ponies approached the throne room, there were two guards standing at attention in front of the doors. Neither guard appeared to be willing to let anypony through. Most of the time when anypony wanted to see Princess Celestia they had to schedule an appointment; these appointments would often be scheduled months in advance. Celesita was a very busy ruler after all. It would have been difficult for just about anypony to request an impromptu audience with the solar princess, anypony that is except Twilight. Twilight generally didn’t like throwing her status around like the Canterlot aristocrats did, but this situation demanded it. It was well known around Canterlot that she was the apple of Celestia’s eye and even the guards knew better than to deny Princess Celestia’s protégé. Twilight hated being bossy even if it was to serve a purpose. “Excuse me gentlecolts, but I have an urgent matter that I need to discuss with the Princess. It concerns the safety and well-being of Equestria, so could you please let us through?” The two guards saluted and opened the doors for Twilight and her two companions. “Proceed Ms. Sparkle; the Princess is currently on the second floor enjoying her daily bubble bath.” Twilight went up the stairs with Applejack and Iron Cross in tow and proceeded to the rather large bathroom where the guards said Princess Celestia was in. The door was slightly ajar, suggesting that Celestia did not expect any disturbances, let alone visitors. Celestia sat in a large porcelain tub filled to the brim with bubbles happily playing with a rubber ducky. Twilight couldn’t help but feel embarrassed seeing Celestia playing with her rubber ducky. “Umm…excuse me Princess I don’t mean to disturb your bath but I have an urgent issue I need to discuss with you.” The princess just smiled with poise practiced over a thousand years. “Hmm it seems that I will have to play with Mr. Quackers some other time. Now what is you need my faithful student? “Princess, I found an amulet that might contain a large amount of magic and its very old you see. I figured if anypony knew about old magic it was you. I didn’t want to try using my magic on it because it might cause and accident.” Celestia daintily lifted herself out of the tub and used a spell that made her body glow with the sun’s energy, thus drying herself off. “Why don’t we take this conversation into my private chambers?” Celestia sat on a large ornate bed that had carvings depicting various horses running around. “Ah Twilight I see you brought a couple of your friends as well. Hello Applejack and I don’t believe I’ve met you sir.” Iron Cross gave a quick bow. “No, your majesty we have not met. My name is Iron Cross and I am the one who found the amulet in question.” “I make it a point to know all of my subjects Iron Cross. I do not know you, so therefore you must be new to Equestria.” “Yes your majesty, I hail from a distant land and came to Equestria by accident. Despite being new to this land I have started working for Sweet Apple Acres, so that I may become a productive citizen.” Celestia appeared to be thinking something over. “You hail from a very distant land indeed, far more distant than the borders of Equestria. I suspect the amulet has something to do with it.” Iron Cross couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t told anypony about his true origins, out of the fear that ponies would think him to be crazy. He had to admit this Princess Celestia was extremely perceptive, perhaps it was because she was such a powerful magic being. Iron Cross decided that if anypony was going to understand his true origins, Celestia would. “Your majesty, Applejack, Twilight, I have a confession to make. It’s probably best if you sat down for this.” Iron Cross explained that he had once been human and was transported to Equestria via the amulet he found. He tried to omit as much of his military experiences as he could, not wanting to frighten or upset his new equine friends. When he finished explaining his story he felt oddly relieved, as if a weight off his chest had been lifted. Celestia was the first to speak. “That would certainly explain your unusual cutie mark. I have never seen such a symbol here in Equestria. I have always wondered if the fabled human world of Mundus existed, now we have living proof. Many a crazed unicorns would claim to have visions of a world dominated by strange two legged creatures that used machines to do their bidding. Often times they were dismissed as lunatics, now I see there was some truth to their visions.” Applejack despite hearing the strange news had steel resolve in her eyes. “Ah can’t believe ya were a human Iron, now ah know why ya didn’t understand things just like a little foal. As far as I’m concerned yer still as Iron Cross as ya ever were and it don’t make one bit o’ difference ta me. Mah offer still stands.” Twilight mulled over the information, but didn’t appear to be upset either. “Well stranger things have happened in Ponyville. You seem like a perfectly nice stallion to me, so I see no reason not be your friend.” “It seems you’ve made some powerful friends Iron Cross. You may have come from a different universe, but now Equestria is your new home. I welcome you as one of my subjects, so long as you promise to cherish and protect this land.” “Thank you, your majesty this means a lot to me. I’m sorry that I had to keep all this information from you…it’s just I didn’t want to upset anypony. I felt terrible having to lie about my previous life, I’m just glad that all of you were so understanding.” “If you don’t mind Iron Cross, I’m going to have to insist that you give me the amulet for safe keeping. I sense that there is a large amount of dark magic pulsing through it, which could be hazardous to you and anypony near it” Celestia replied. Celestia got off her bed and stared out the window. It looked like she was reminiscing about something; she also seemed a bit pained as well. “I do recognize the amulet. You were correct Twilight, it belonged to the sorcerer Frostmere the Fierce. Frostmere was the adopted son of Starswirl the Bearded, one of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived. Starswirl was my court mage and trusted advisor at the time. I often took his advice for he was extremely wise for a mortal. It all happened so many centuries ago. They got along so well…but then the invasion came and it all fell apart.” Tears began to well up in Celestia’s eyes and her voice became strained. “Forgive me, my little ponies it’s just such a tragic tale and I remember it as if it were yesterday. Perhaps I shall tell it to you another time. For now I believe I shall place the amulet in the Canterlot Gardens under guard for safe keeping, away from prying ponies.” Applejack, Iron Cross and Twilight teleported yet again back to the Ponyville library. After saying their goodbyes Iron Cross and Applejack started heading back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack seemed to be concerned. “Woo-wee, this has been one hay of a day. First we got a dimension travelin’ human who turns into a pony and then some ancient evil jewelry that’s got Princess Celestia’s feathers in a ruffle. Ah have to admit though ah ain’t never seen the Princess upset like that before.” “Applejack I’m so sorry for having to lie to you. I feel like I’ve betrayed your trust. I…just couldn’t say what I really was, there was no way anypony would have believed me.” Applejack just smirked. “It’s alright sugarcube, ah would’ve thought you were nuttier than a squirrel if ya had said what ya really were. Ah believe honesty is the best policy, but sometimes ponies can’t handle the truth. Its real sweet of ya ta consider mah trust as somethin’ important.” Applejack trotted closer to Iron Cross and gently grabbed his face with her hooves. She proceeded to give him a deep kiss. Iron Cross was initially shocked from the kiss but returned it in kind by using his tongue to wrestle hers. After a few moments Applejack pulled away wiping a trail of saliva from her mouth. She blushed slightly from the heat of the moment, but nonetheless had enough composure to speak. “That was mah personal thanks fer all the things you’ve done. Judgin’ by the amount of tongue I got, I’d say ya were mighty pleased with it.” Iron Cross stood there completely at a loss for words. Never in his wildest dreams did he think Applejack would do such a thing. That kiss was no ordinary thank you, much like how women would give a quick peck on the cheek for helping with some menial task. There was passion in it, a longing. Iron Cross was very much attracted to Applejack by this point, but he’d feared it was one sided. The kiss they shared suggested otherwise. Maybe there was hope that he and Applejack could be together, after all it wouldn’t be difficult to maintain a relationship considering they lived in the same house. Iron Cross decided he wanted Applejack but perhaps it would be better to ask her out when they weren’t so caught up in the heat of the moment, it had been a decidedly crazy day. “Aww horseapples ah forgot that the east side of the field needs to be weeded. Ah promised Big Mac it would git done today. He can’t do it right now cause he’s tendin’ the potatoes and carrots.” “Don’t worry Applejack I can come along and help. There’s still a few hours before dinner time and with my help we could easily get it done within two hours.” “Hmm well alright, ah reckon two ponies are better than one. Just as a warnin’ it’s mighty hard work and dirty too.” Iron Cross laughed. “Believe me Applejack I’ve been covered in far more disgusting things than dirt.” Applejack suddenly looked ashamed. “Dang it, I’m sorry ah forgot ya were a soldier back in yer world. That was mighty insensitive of me.” “Don’t worry about it Applejack, you said nothing wrong. You must understand that if I didn’t try to make light of my experiences they would tear me apart. I saw many men who could not cope with the horrors of war and it broke them. They were nothing more than hollow shells of their former selves, dragging their bodies around day to day. The important thing is that I’m here in Equestria now and there is no war, and even if there was I would protect everypony with my very life. That is what it means to be a soldier, to be willing to sacrifice yourself for what you care about.” “Ah didn’t realize ya felt so strongly about us, after all ya just got here.” “Applejack I loved my homeland and was proud to serve in its army, but now Equestria is my home and everyone I care about lives here. I do not care to go back to my homeland, if it even exists anymore because I have everything I ever wanted right here.” “Alright, I’m glad ya feel that way. We sure are lucky ta have ya here then. Now ah reckon it’s about time we do some weedin’.” On that note Applejack and Iron Cross made their way to their way to the left side of the apple orchard to do some weeding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 725 years ago: Castle Canterlot, Kingdom of Equestria The throne room of Castle Canterlot was absolutely massive with its high arched ceilings made of marble, decorated with pegesai and suns. There were several hoof woven tapestries that adorned its walls depicting the glory of Celestia and her Solar Knights. Large panes of stained glass showing various stages of Equestrian history were set in the walls, also allowing light into the chamber. A lone unicorn stallion entered the chamber, he was dressed in dark purple robes adorned with stars and sported a pointy wizard’s hat. He had been summoned by Princess Celestia herself, for what reason he did not yet know. One never questioned a summons by the Princess. Princess Celestia sat on a carved ebony throne inlayed with various jewels. She was dressed in her full regalia of polished gold armor and a red cape. Her armor bore the royal crest of the sun on the breastplate; she had her hair coiled in a single long braid off to the side. The robed unicorn knelt beneath the throne. “What is your bidding Shining Majesty?” “Rise Lord Starswirl, I have an important task for you.” “Of course milady, I am but your humble servant.” “Late last evening I received a disturbing report from one of my scouts. They tell me that one of the cottages outside town caught fire. Normally I would dismiss this as a simple accident or a possible crime of arson, save for one detail. The fire that consumed the cottage was blue.” Starswirl furrowed his brow in thought. “Do you think it to be the work of pyromancers milady?” “Yes, Lord Starswirl I do. Know that I would not send you to investigate if I didn’t believe there to be something out of the ordinary. I trust your wisdom concerning the ways of magic. If this is indeed the case, then I cannot allow crazed pyromancers to terrorize my kingdom. As a precaution I shall send a contingent of my personal guards to accompany you.” “Shining Majesty you surely cannot mean…the Solaris Oculatus?” “I do, Lord Starswirl. They are the best soldiers I have to offer. It is well within their duty to investigate matters of state security.” A few moments later two pegasai clad in orange-gold armor appeared before Starswirl. The emblem on their breastplates was an eye with flames around it, symbolizing that they saw everything that went on in the kingdom as Celestia’s elite guard and reconnaissance unit. Starswirl bowed again and directed his attention back to Celestia. “I shall investigate the matter with the utmost care and haste milady.” “I expect nothing less Lord Starswirl. Now be gone with you, I have other important matters to attend to.” Starswirl the Bearded and the two Solaris Oculatus agents galloped towards the edge of town. The stench of charred flesh and wood clung heavily in the like a dense fog. In front of them they witnessed a small cottage burned to cinders. Any normal pony would have assumed it was a normal fire, perhaps and accident caused by an overactive fireplace. Starswirl knew better, for one the burning embers of the wood glowed blue and the distinct trace of magic was in the air. Amidst all the chaos Starswirl heard something. It sounded almost like crying. This was completely unexpected because in situations where magical fire was involved there were usually no survivors. Starswirl trotted over to the source of the crying to find a foal bundled in a rough brown blanket. It was a unicorn foal; the poor thing must have belonged to the peasants who lived in the cottage. Noticing that the Oculatus agents were busy examining the wreckage, Starswirl decided to attend to the orphan foal. Starswirl cradled the foal in his arms and spoke in a soft, reassuring voice. “Shhh everything is alright little one. It must be hard for you to lose your parents in such a horrible way. I know what will calm you down.” Starswirl’s horn glowed a deep shade of brown. The magic he poured into the air vibrated it, producing a rich melodious tone akin to a flute. The sounds of his music lulled the foal to sleep. While the foal was asleep he decided to examine it closer to determine its sex and color. He pulled the blanket back to discover it was a unicorn colt. The colt’s coat, mane and tail were completely white, extraordinarily rare for even a unicorn. His eyes were a deep shade of blue, not unlike a sapphire. It was then that Starswirl noticed some strange things. The foal already had a cutie mark; it was a large blue colored burst of magic surrounded by stars. The foal also reeked of magic, the very same magic he felt in the remnants of the fire. Starswirl then looked up into the night sky noticing an incredibly large, blue comet. Starswirl looked in horror back at the foal as he collected his thoughts. “By the Solar Goddess…you are star-born. It was you who started the fire, there can be no doubt. Being but a foal you have no control over your immense magical strength. Her majesty would certainly put you to the sword if she found out what you are. Do not worry child I shall claim you as my own and train you to use your magic so that you never accidently slaughter ponies again.” One of the Oculatus agents called out to Starswirl. “Milord, are you finished with your investigation? We have finished our sweep of the building.” “Yes, I am done investigating. I have found an orphaned foal beside the wreckage. It would be barbaric to leave a foal to die so I will claim him as my son.” As Starswirl and the agents galloped towards Canterlot village, Starswirl smiled and whispered to the foal he held in his arm. “From this day forth you are my son, but know this little one your life will not be without its challenges. Why your coat reminds me of the first winter frost. I believe I shall call you Frostmere.” > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 725 years ago: Starswirl the Bearded’s cabin near the Everfree Forest, Kingdom of Equestria It had been a very long and eventful night for Starswirl and his new son, Frostmere. Starswirl usually liked to get up early so he could eat his breakfast and go into the Everfree Woods to find alchemical ingredients for his various experiments and healing poultices. Frostmere was still sound asleep next to Starswirl’s bed, curled up in a small crib Starswirl had magically fashioned out of a large stump. Starswirl, being an almost lifelong bachelor was adept at such household tasks as sewing, cooking and cleaning. He learned the crafts more so out of principal rather than necessity. His status as the court mage entitled him to many luxuries that normal ponies couldn’t even dream of, but he had refused to take any servants preferring instead to live a simple life. Starswirl was just one of the ponies who liked to do everything with his own hooves because it gave him the satisfaction of being self-sufficient. Starswirl began to cook some oatmeal porridge for both himself and Frostmere. While milk would have been ideal, Starswirl just didn’t have access to a nursemare and even if there were some they all lived in Castle Canterlot, a half day trek from his cabin. He knew enough about pony physiology to know that the foal would likely be able to digest the oatmeal because it was already cooked and didn’t need to be chewed. Starswirl decided to add some blueberries to the mix, adding a bit more nutrition to the meal and of course some flavor. Starswirl could hear a very faint yawn and noticed that Frostmere had woken up. He went over to the crib to bring Frostmere over to the table. Frostmere had a big grin on his face and giggled as Starswirl picked him up. As Starswirl picked up a bowl of oatmeal, Frostmere looked at it expectantly with his deep blue eyes. “Oh my you’re a hungry little one aren’t you? Ha ha ha I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t either. Eat up son; we both have a big day ahead of us. Quite frankly, I was worried you wouldn’t eat my porridge.” Frostmere seemed content and was looking around the room. He spotted a big crystal ball on the top shelf of a large bookcase. As is the case with many babies, shiny objects are a constant source of amusement and wonder. Frostmere’s horn glowed sapphire blue as he levitated the ball in the air. He continued to play with it until his horn started glowing even brighter, then the crystal ball disintegrated in a blue, fiery explosion. Starswirl couldn’t hide the shock in his voice. “Sweet Celetsia’s teats child, you a bundle of destruction! I suppose you can’t help it though, but perhaps I can. Your mana levels are astronomically high, so much so your body has to siphon off some of the power so that it doesn’t destroy you. If there was only some way to bleed some of your power off and help you control it better. Ah ha! I know just the thing. I’ll craft you an amulet that will absorb some of your mana each time you cast a spell, that way you’ll be able to cast without devastating everything around you.” Starswirl decided to skip his usual herb gathering routine and go straight into town for the supplies he would need to craft Frostmere’s amulet. While not a jeweler by trade Starswirl knew how to craft magical items, rings and necklaces in particular. It was a very lucrative venture for mages to construct such items because there were always hapless nobles that wanted a good luck charm or something to protect them. He found another blanket and wrapped that around his shoulder, using it as a makeshift papoose for Frostmere. Starswirl then teleported to the Canterlot market district. Canterlot market hummed with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, hooves clopping on cobblestones and smiths working their hammers. The Kingdom of Equestia was one of the largest nations in the world and thus one of the richest. Practically anything a pony could want was available for purchase; this was due in no small part to Princess Celestia’s tireless efforts to broker peace treaties amongst the other nations. Such treaties allowed the flow of trade between nations, making all involved rich with edible and material goods. Starswirl made his way over to one of Canterlot’s best smithing shops, the Golden Hammer. The Golden Hammer not only produced quality weapons but also served as a jewelry shop as well. It was run by Golden Sparkle and his wife Ruby Sparkle. Golden was the master smith who made the jewelry and weapons, while Ruby found all the gems. Starswirl approached the Golden Hammer to find a stallion working the forge. He was a normal sized earth pony, but extremely muscular from having to work the forge constantly. His coat was dark blonde in color, the mane and tail a sandy brown. The cutie mark on his flank showed a gold bar crossed by two hammers. He stopped his forging to greet Starswirl. “Good day Milord, what brings you to my humble shop?” “Greetings Golden Sparkle, I have come to purchase some supplies for crafting an amulet.” “Is that so? I didn’t realize you were into making trinkets for nobles. I guess a pony’s gotta make a living somehow.” Starswirl laughed. “Oh no my friend I’m crafting an amulet for the little one over here.” Golden Sparkle gave a quick smirk and whistled. “Well now it looks like you got yourself a new companion. You know my wife and I just had our child nary a week ago. I couldn’t be more proud. Ruby, dear could you come out for a minute and bring our daughter.” The front door to the shop opened and a mare holding a foal appeared. She was also an earth pony but her coat was blood red, her mane and tail were blue with purple highlights. The cutie mark on her flank depicted a large, red, ruby. Ruby gave a quick curtsy. “Greetings Milord, how do you fare this day?” “Very well Ruby Sparkle. Who is the little foal you have there?” Ruby cradled the filly foal and had a large smile on her face. The foal’s coat was a light shade of purple and her mane and tail were blue, much the same as her mother’s highlights. “We named her Amethyst for she is the jewel of our lives and her coat much resembles one.” Starswirl patted the little foal on the head and she giggled in response. “It seems I have forgotten my own little bundle of joy. His name is Frostmere, I found him near a burned cottage. I’m afraid his parents were killed during the blaze, so I took him in as my own.” Ruby had a somber look on her face. “Yes such things happen in this world, but it is fortunate that you found the babe when you did otherwise he may have perished.” “Hmm yes fortunate indeed. That reminds me of why I am here. I need to purchase a bar of silver, a chain and one of your finest sapphires.” “Ah looking to craft an amulet Milord?” “Indeed, I need to construct an amulet that can better attune a unicorn’s magic.” “We certainly have all the materials you require Milord; however the sapphire you need will be expensive.” “I figured as much. It’s not as if I can use a sub-par sapphire, it needs to be of the highest quality to ensure stability otherwise the gem would break.” “For the whole kit, I’m going to need 200 bits.” “Thank you Golden and Ruby, hopefully I shall see the both of you again soon.” The Sparkles waved goodbye to Starswirl as he teleported back to his cabin. When he got back he decided to put Frostmere to sleep so he could work on the amulet. Due to the high quality of the materials, crafting the amulet was pretty straight forward. Starswirl managed to finish crafting it in about half the time he expected and best of all Frostmere was still sound asleep. The amulet was circular, silver and had two unicorns on either side holding the sapphire in the middle. It went perfectly with Frostmere’s eyes Starswirl thought. A dark but practical thought came to Starswirl’s mind. “I may have to place a spell on this amulet just in case Frostmere’s magic truly gets out of hoof. As much as I hate to do it, the possibility exists that he may become extraordinarily dangerous. This hex should drain all of his magic, but it won’t take his life at least.” Starswirl knew that magic was a large part of any unicorn’s life. There were a few spells developed to strip a unicorn of his or her power without killing them, but it was a punishment reserved for only the most heinous criminals. He would only activate the hex in the most dire of circumstances; however he would try his best to train Frostmere not only to be a diligent magic user but an up standing citizen as well. Starswirl walked over to the sleeping foal and ran his hoof through Frostmere’s mane. Frostmere stirred from his nap but was not upset. He looked into Starswirl’s eyes with a look of utter contentedness. Frostmere then propped himself up crawling over to Starswirl. The little foal fidgeted around to get himself comfortable and snuggled Starswirl’s chest. Starswirl couldn’t help but smile as he kept stroking Frostmere’s mane. A determined look burned in Starswirl’s eyes. “Don’t worry little one, I will always look after you no matter where you are or how old you become. I swear it, Celestia as my witness.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Day: Sweet Apple Acres, Equestria Iron Cross and Applejack had finally made it to the left side of the apple orchard. It was about two in the afternoon and the sun was still high in the sky radiating a fearsome heat, making the already strenuous task of pulling weeds all the more difficult. Applejack was feeling guilty for both forgetting to do this chore earlier and for dragging Iron Cross into it. While she would rather just go back to the farmhouse and enjoy an iced tea on the porch, the sooner they got this done the better. Weeds if they weren’t pulled would ruin the trees when it came time for the harvest and that would not bode well for the Apple family. Applejack stopped weeding to wipe sweat from her forehead. “Holy horseapples is it hot. Ah guess we ain’t used to the heat on account of bein’ inside most of the day.” Iron Cross pulled out another dandelion and looked Applejack’s way. “You can say that again. Where I came from we had only mildly warm summers, but never was it this hot. Perhaps this is Celestia’s doing?” “Ah guess so, but the Princess just wants us ta have a good growin’ season is all. The more the sun shines, the healthier the apples git. Of course too much sun can be a bad thing but that’s why we got rain.” “I couldn’t help but notice that the weather here in Equestria seems to be unnaturally convenient at times.” “Most of the time it is Iron. The pegasai control the weather ‘round here and make it rain or shine on certain occasions. We still got all the seasons ‘cause Celestia thinks it’s unnatural fer the climate ta always be on a single season. Ah think it would be mighty unnatural as well because plants need time to grow and to rest. If it were summer all the time, why all the plants would die.” “You make it sound as if Celestia controls the seasons…how is that possible?” “Well sure she does. She controls the rising and settin’ of the sun. Her sister, Luna, controls the moon. They keep Equestria in balance, makin’ it a pleasant place to live.” “Now I understand why she is your princess, which would also explain why she is so adept at magic. The only thing I am still confused over is if she and her sister control the heavens and seasons wouldn’t they be extremely old? Celestia didn’t seem very old when I met her.” “Yer right about that sugarcube. They are what we call alicorns. It’s a mixture between a pegasus and a unicorn. Most ponies don’t live real long, maybe about eighty to a hundred years but alicorns are immortal. They are immune to sickness but they ain’t invincible. They can be hurt and die from their injuries, but under normal circumstances they live fer thousands of years. Ah reckon Princess Celestia is over a thousand years old.” “Wow…I never knew that. You see on my world Applejack, humans would rarely live to one hundred. Human kind never had any immortal rulers, but I guess that’s what makes them so special. Humans have a strong desire to achieve their goals quickly due to their mortality, so they do great things in very short periods of time. You must also consider that Earth is a place devoid of magic, so humans needed to be clever in how they got things done. That is why humans invented machines. While some of the machines were used to improve people’s lives, others were used to destroy and kill. That is the one thing I don’t miss and I hope that Equestria never uses machines to wage war.” “That’s a darn shame, although ah reckon it was bound to happen. Someponies round here do the same things with magic and inevitably there’s a pony who wants to weaponize simple spells. Ah will say one thing though, Celestia tries her hardest to keep Equestria peaceful and that’s why we love her.” “It’s always a good thing to have a benevolent ruler. Sometimes leaders lose sight of what’s really important and that is the safety and security of their subjects.” Applejack surveyed their handy work. She had to admit the weed pulling had taken a lot less time with Iron Cross helping her, not to mention the talk they had seemed to speed things up as well. Applejack belatedly realized that both she and Iron Cross were filthy and covered in sweat. She didn’t really want to show up to dinner all sweaty and covered in muck. A thought occurred to Applejack, there was a small lake nearby that she and Iron Cross could cool off and wash up in. “Ah was wonderin’ Iron Cross, since we’re dirtier than a cowpony on the open range, why don’t we go off ta that lake over yonder an clean up a bit.” Iron Cross tentatively sniffed himself and grimaced. “Uggh I smell like a pig stuffed in a barrel filled with fish guts. Alright I don’t see why not Applejack.” Applejack and Iron Cross made their way over to a small lake that was on the way back to the farmhouse. Iron Cross had to admit it was a beautiful little lake. The lake was a pristine dark blue, free of any kind of pollution, not even algae grew there. He remembered such lakes being pictured in postcards from the Reich, of course now even if those lakes were still there he bet they were polluted by all sorts of unmentionable things. While Iron Cross was staring off into space with his thoughts Applejack was already taking her hair ties out and took off her hat. She placed them near an old willow tree a few meters away from the shore. A sudden splash shook Iron Cross from his thoughts. “Well ain’t you gonna join me slowpoke?” “Oh…uhh yes just a second Applejack.” Since Iron Cross wasn’t wearing anything he just jumped in. Applejack had already gone underneath the water and surfaced again floating on her back. Iron Cross decided it was good to dive as well to get all the dirt out of his hair. He surfaced again in about thirty seconds, noticing Applejack had a playful smirk on her face. She then splashed his face with some water. “Ha ha gotcha Iron!” “Oh no you don’t, it’s my turn now!” Iron Cross splashed Applejack with twice as much force. She ended up looking like a drowned rat. Iron Cross chuckled. “You should see yourself…sorry Applejack I just had to do it.” Applejack just laughed. “It’s alright the water feels mighty fine anyway.” In a quieter voice she added. “…and even finer that yer here too.” “What was that just now Applejack?” Applejack had a choice to make. The kiss she gave Iron Cross earlier was no simple thank you. She didn’t know what his response was going to be when she gave it, and to her surprise he returned the kiss with an equivalent amount of passion. She was no expert in matters of romance but that had to mean he was interested. Life was just too short, and she wasn’t about to let Iron Cross slip through her hooves. Rather than shrug off her comment she steeled herself and went straight for the killing blow. “Ah said today is an even finer day because yer with me. Ya know what it’s even more than that. I’ve grown ta like…no hay with it, love ya Iron. All mah friends have been tryin’ ta set me up with a stallion fer years and ah never had much luck with any of em. Then you just show up outta nowhere and change mah life. With the farm and everythin’ going on ah thought I’d never find love, but ah realize that ya were willin’ ta stay on the farm to help all of us out. That’s more than ah could ever ask for. There ah said it, and even if ya don’t feel the same way it sure as hay feels good to git that off mah chest.” Iron Cross let out a hearty laugh. Applejack’s mouth dropped open and she stared at him with disbelief. She was on the verge of tears. “What the hay…ah lay mah feelin’s on the line and all ah get back is a laugh. Is this some kind of cruel joke, cause if it is I’m buckin’ yer face into next week.” “No, no Applejack you misunderstand. I’m just very happy that’s all. I too found myself attracted to you for some time now and I wasn’t sure if the timing was right to ask you out after our kiss. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t something that was spur of the moment.” “Aww horseapples we both liked each other and were bein’ complete mules about it. Iron, I’m sorry ah got upset. Ah was just afraid ya didn’t like me that way, especially when I heard ya used to be a human.” “Funny that you should mention that Applejack. I didn’t think I could find horses attractive either, but I guess since I’m now a horse it makes sense.” Applejack’s mouth turned into a predatory grin and her voice became husky. “Ya know what ah think makes the most sense now…is we take our relationship to the next level.” Applejack swam over to Iron Cross and grabbed his hoof dragging him over to the willow tree where she had stashed her hat and hair ties. She tackled him to the ground pinning him on his back, then hungrily gave Iron Cross a kiss. The two of them fought for supremacy with their tongues each writhing around like a pair of coiled snakes. Neither one breaking except for the occasional gulp of air. Applejack broke off the kiss with a long trail of saliva hanging off her lips. She didn’t even bother to wipe it off this time. Applejack then began to slowly kiss Iron Cross’s chest making her way down. Iron Cross making a small grunt of pleasure. She then found her target. By this point Iron Cross’s stallion-hood was fully erect. She playfully massaged his balls with her hoof, eliciting a shudder. Then she began to kiss the shaft making her way up to the head. “Applejack that feels…ughhh.” Applejack proceed to put his entire cock into her mouth and began sucking gently. Iron Cross wasn’t sure just how Applejack managed to fit him inside her mouth, after all he was a lot bigger as a horse than he ever was as a man. She continued to suck at a quicker pace sending ripples of pleasure through Iron Cross’s body. He knew he was just about at his limit; after all it had been quite some time since he had sex. Iron Cross grunted in a strained voice. “Applejack…I-I…don’t think I can hold it much longer.” Rather than get discouraged, Applejack continued to suck even faster when finally Iron Cross released himself. She simply stopped sucking and swallowed with a lopsided grin on her face. “Mmm well ya ah was expectin’ ya ta taste a might more bitter, but it wasn’t so bad. Now it’s mah turn.” Applejack positioned herself on top of Iron Cross and took a look at his stallion-hood. She gently poked it to find it was still hard, making Iron Cross gasp slightly. “Yer still ready to go, of course ah expected nothin’ less from an earth pony.” Applejack grabbed his cock with her hoof and positioned her crotch above it, slowing inserting him into her. She let out a slight moan of pleasure as she fully enveloped him. Applejack began to grind her hips up and down in a methodical, rhythmic manner trying to maximize the amount of pleasure she could experience. After about twenty minutes both she and Iron Cross climaxed together, letting out primal moans of ecstasy. Both of them collapsed on the ground utterly exhausted. Applejack just inched closer to Iron Cross and wrapped one of her hooves around him, using the other to stroke his mane. She gave him one long, sloppy kiss before resting her head on his chest. “That was amazin’ sugarcube, ah haven’t had a good buckin’ in ages. Ah forgot how good it felt. Maybe next time ya can ride me instead.” Iron Cross let out a weak laugh. “I must say you are amazing Applejack. I never experienced such wild sex when I was a human. I’m sure that comes with being a Stallion.” “Oh I’d say ya certainly are one hay of a stallion alright. Ah almost couldn’t fit yer stallion in me.” Iron Cross’s face turned bright red. “I was wondering about the whole size thing. I mean I saw horses in my world and they certainly seemed rather endowed, but to actually experience it was a bit odd. I felt so much bigger than when I was human…so I was afraid I might have hurt you.” Applejack giggled. “Neh, us earth ponies are designed fer stamina and big fellas like you. Ah do appreciate the concern though, it’s sweet of ya. That’s why ah love ya Iron.” “I wish we could lie here like this forever Applejack, but we should probably get back before your family sends out a search party.” “Yeah ah reckon we ought to head back, but we should probably take another dip in the lake. Ah don’t want to show up at dinner smellin’ like sweat and sex.” “Ah yes you have a point there, alright a quick dip then we head back.” After Iron Cross and Applejack cleaned up a bit, they went on their way back to the farmhouse. Applejack was smiling the whole way back occasionally nuzzling Iron Cross’s neck. She couldn’t wait to tell everypony about her new stallion-friend, after all her friends had tried to play cupid for years to no avail. The irony was not lost on Applejack; she had found Iron Cross on her own without any intervention from her friends. The competitive spirit within her decided that was something to be proud of. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Present Day: Canterlot Gardens, Equestria Spearpoint, a lieutenant in Princess Celestia’s palace guards, trotted out to the garden of statues accompanied by two other guards. The Princess had commanded them to bring a silver amulet out to the gardens for safe keeping. Spearpoint had no idea why the Princess would need such a thing to be guarded, but it wasn’t his place to question the authority of wisened millennial alicorn. He held the amulet in his hoof staring at it, while it was certainly beautiful and might be valuable why in Equestria would it need to be placed in the gardens? Spearpoint remembered that only the most dangerous or rare items were kept in the gardens. One such example was the statue of Discord, but surely this amulet did not pose a threat. He did have to admit that while he held the amulet it seemed to give him the chills…it almost was as if there was a malignant entity whispering to his subconscious when he gazed into the sapphire. Maybe the Princess was right to keep it under guard here. He placed the amulet on a pedestal next to the statue of Discord and cast the charm that the Princess had instructed him to place. Suddenly, a golden barrier sprung up from the charm, shielding the amulet from any would be thieves. The other two guards stood at attention near the entrance of the statue garden as Spearpoint made his way back to the castle. Spearpoint looked back at the pedestal muttering under his breath. “Glad to be rid of that creepy little thing, but now at least it’s safe.” The amulet began to glow with a faint blue aura. “Well now it seems the warrior has found a new companion, how very amusing. I shan’t complain, for his love and passion for the mare fuels my magic. I can feel the seal slipping away this very instant.” The amulet began to glow with white hot energy making the ground beneath it quake. The two guards noticed the disturbance and quickly came on to the scene. To their horror the amulet began to levitate and suddenly burst into pieces, dissolving the barrier as well. Standing only a few centimeters from the pedestal was a snow-white unicorn staring back at them with blue eyes deeper than any ocean. The white unicorn merely showed them a defiant smirk. “Why good evening gentlecolts, it seems you have barred your weapons against me. Is that any way to greet a guest?” One of the guards stared at the unicorn in disbelief, but still managed to keep his voice steady. “Halt, who are you and what was that strange magical disturbance? Identify yourself!” The white unicorn simply scoffed. “Is this how you greet a pony’s first homecoming in seven hundred years? I guess I should have expected this, but seriously you ponies have no manners. Very well, my name is Frostmere and I have finally returned to Canterlot after a bit of an extended league of absence.” “Fine…Mr. Frostmere, we are going to have to ask you to come with us. The Princess will want to see you.” Frostmere let out a long cackle. “Oh I’m afraid I won’t be seeing anypony tonight, you see I am quite famished. That tends to happen when you don’t eat for seven hundred years.” Frostmere’s horn glowed blue as he levitated the guards in the air, incapacitating them. His eyes also began to glow as he started sucking the very life out of the helpless guards. A few moments later the guards were nothing more than dried out husks covered in armor. “Hmm not much magic in these fellows, but I suppose a snack is better than nothing.” Frostmere surveyed his surroundings; it appeared to be some sort of garden filled with various statues. One statue that seemed rather out of place caught his eye. It was a statue depicting a draconequus, an ugly one at that. Frostmere had no idea why anypony would want a statue of one of those misshapen miscreants in such an otherwise beautiful garden. He saw the throat of the statue glow a faint red color. “Why hello fellow bringer of chaos” the statue chirped. Frostmere was suspicious of the talking statue but also intrigued, so he decided to indulge the thing in conversation. “I am hardly an instrument of chaos, draconequus.” “Ah, but that’s where your wrong my snowy unicorn friend. You dispatched those guards as if they were mere flies under your hoof. Violent deaths aren’t really my style but they cause quite a bit of chaos.” “The guards just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Their deaths satisfied my hunger that is all.” “Pragmatic, I like that. You seem to be a bit on edge, perhaps there is a reason for it? No, wait I think I can guess. YOU HAVE A GRUDGE!!!!” “Yes you could say that, but why does it concern you?” “I suspect we share a common enemy, Mr. Snowball. You are new to Equestria; however I was just recently imprisoned by those twerps of harmony and their cheerleader, Celestia. I desire revenge just as much as you.” Frostmere hated it when creatures had ulterior motives. “Let me guess you want me to free you from your stone prison so that you can “help” me get revenge on Princess Celestia.” “I knew you were a clever pony. Just think with your brains and my chaos magic we can take down Celestia and rule Equestria with an iron fist. It will be such great fun!” Frostmere had dealt with draconequus before and knew he couldn’t trust them whatsoever. They always were schemers, cheaters, and liars tempting ponies with earthly desires. This particular one seemed to be down on his luck; evidently he was defeated by Celestia and her cohorts. Frostmere decided the draconequus could be of some use to him. “I shall release you draconequus, but before I do you shall tell me your name.” “I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos, at your service.” Frostmere shot a bolt of blue energy at the statue and it began to crack. After a few moments the stone had completely crumbled away revealing Discord in all his natural glory. The spirit began to fly around cracking his bones in a comical manner, when he finally hovered in front of Frostmere. “I can tell this is going to be the start of a beautiful…” Discord’s words were cut short as Frostmere cast four rings of magic from his horn. Each of the rings clamped themselves onto Discord’s hands and legs. The rings pinned Discord to the ground, leaving him helpless. “What is the meaning of this…I thought we had a deal!!” Discord spat. “Those rings are a spell I learned, they cancel chaos magic. You won’t be pulling any of your usual tricks draconequus. As for the deal: I fulfilled my end of the bargain by releasing you, I never said I would actually help you. You will be of great use to me, to help recharge my magic.” Frostmere’s eyes and horn lit up again, pulsing with dark blue energy. As he leeched the very life out of Discord, there was only gargling screams of agony coming from the draconequus. After a few minutes Discord’s body became a mummified husk, much like the guards. Frostmere grinned in satisfaction, his entire body rejuvenated by the massive amount of chaos magic now flowing through him. Despite his new found well of power, he still needed to be careful. He was not quite strong enough to face Celestia and her elements of harmony. Frostmere decided to teleport to the Everfree Forest so that he could hide in seclusion until the proper time. Even during his era the Everfree Forest was a dangerous and forbidding place, very few ponies would bother him there. As he sat near a large oak tree he let out a hearty laugh. “Soon Celestia, I will rule all of Equestria and you will regret what you did to me!” Applejack and Iron Cross entered the farmhouse, the smell of cooking food assaulting their senses. At the table sat Big Mac wearing a pair of reading glasses reading a copy of Essays on Thought and Philosophy by Neighschel de Montaigne. Big Mac put the book down to give Applejack a “come here I need to talk to you” look. In order to emphasize his look he waved his hoof. Applejack knew exactly what this was going to be about, she was about a half hour late for dinner and despite everypony thinking Big Mac was just another oaf that worked the land, he was actually quite intelligent and perceptive. “Iron, sorry ta leave ya hangin’ but ah gotta have a chat with mah brother. Why don’t ya try and find Applebloom, she’s probably mighty hungry right now.” Big Mac stood across from Applejack letting a small grin to grace the side of his face. “It seems y’all had a fine time pullin’ weeds. Ya ain’t never been this late fer dinner before, except that time ya ran off to the barn to roll around with that scrawny colt. What was his name…hmm ah think it was Haybailer wasn’t it?” Applejack turned beet red. She had thought Big Mac forgot that particular incident. She was a rather frisky filly in her youth and thought she could get away with a quickie before dinner. As in the case with Iron Cross, she had a nasty habit of losing track of time. Big Mac suspected what she was doing at the time and had caught her in the act with Haybailer in a particularly embarrassing position. Big Mac had admonished her for being so reckless, but now she was an adult and things were different. “Hehe…is it that obvious?” “Eyep.” “Alright ya got me. Iron Cross and ah decided ta hook up. Ah had my reservations at first, but he’s been so helpful and sweet. Ah just couldn’t help but fall for him, besides ah thought it was high time ah got a stallion-friend.” Big Mac gripped his sister in a big hug and ruffled her mane. “I’m real happy for ya Applejack. Ya deserve a good stallion like Iron. Before ya start worrin’ about it, ah approve of him one hundred and ten percent. Ah ain’t gonna go ‘round town tellin’ all yer friends about it, because it ain’t mah place. That’s yer responsibility, but ah reckon they’re all gonna be over the moon when they find out ya snagged yerself a stallion.” Applejack returned Big Mac’s hug. “Thanks Big Mac, it really means a lot to me that ya feel that way. Ah guess we should start on dinner, after all ah was a half hour late.” As the siblings made their way to the table they noticed Applebloom was already bouncing up and down excitedly as Iron Cross served the carrot casserole. Iron Cross ruffled Applebloom’s mane and she bounced up and gave him a hug. Both Big Mac and Applejack smiled at the sight. It seems that Applebloom treated Iron Cross just like family, which was just as well since he would soon be part of it anyway. Iron Cross gave Applejack a smirk. “So did you two have the talk?” Applejack fidgeted a bit with a slight blush on her face. “Dang it, nothing gits past ya either Iron does it? “I know a concerned sibling when I see one. My cousin used to look after me like that when I was younger. A pity I won’t see her again, but I hope that she survived the war and is well. I will continue to wish her good tidings even if I can’t see her. I’m honored that Big Mac thinks so highly of me and I’ve grown fond of Applebloom as well.” Big Mac smiled and gave Iron Cross a hearty hoof shake. Appleboom was sitting at the table happily munching away at her casserole when she had a look of confusion on her face. “Would somepony tell me what is goin’ on?” All three of the adult ponies laughed. “Huh? What’s so dang funny?” Applejack was the first to answer. “Well sugarcube ah just wanted to let everypony know that Iron and ah have decided to hook up.” Applebloom’s eyes got huge and she had a big smile. “Oh ah knew y’all were perfect fer each other. Iron’s been real nice ta me as well and I’m proud to call him mah honorary brother. I’m so happy for ya sis!” After dinner the Apple family and Iron Cross sat out on the porch of the farmhouse enjoying some iced tea, gazing idly at the night sky. Big Mac was the first to retire since he had to water the fields the next morning. Applebloom, usually a little ball of energy, suppressed a big yawn. “Ah think it’s time fer a little filly ta git some shuteye.” “Ah ain’t tired sis I swear!” “We both know that’s a lie sugarcube. Now come on I’ll tuck ya into bed, ya got school tomorrow anyway.” Applebloom groaned. “Awww alright ah guess ya have a point sis.” Applejack tucked Applebloom into bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Night sugarcube and pleasant dreams.” Applejack was heading out the bedroom door when she heard Applebloom call out for her. “Sis I’m really glad ya found Iron Cross. It’s nice ta see ya so happy, cause ah was getting’ worried ya wouldn’t find yer special somepony.” “Me too Applebloom, me too.” Applejack made her way to Iron Cross’s room knocking on the door gently. He was just starting to get settled in for sleep. “Is there room fer one more in there sugarcube?” “Of course there is, and there always will be.” As Applejack snuggled up to Iron Cross, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “Goodnight Applejack.” “Night, Iron.” Applejack and Iron Cross drifted off to sleep, comforted by each other’s warmth. The next day would be the start of their new life together. It was the most peaceful sleep Iron Cross ever had. The following morning was rather uneventful, Big Mac had gone out to the fields to water the crops and Applebloom left for school. Applejack and Iron Cross sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. “So Applejack what’s on the agenda today?” “Well there ain’t too much to do on the farm right now, but ah gotta go over to Fluttershy’s house ta pick up some feed fer the cows. She’s kinda our resident animal expert ya could say.” “Fluttershy you say, I don’t believe I’ve met her yet.” “Ah reckon ya didn’t on account she’s very reclusive and shy, hence the name Fluttershy.” Applejack and Iron Cross made their way to a small cottage on the edge of town. Iron Cross thought it looked like something straight out of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. The entire property was surrounded by various types of woodland creatures and enclosures designed for them to live in. “And so we made our way to the Shire…” Iron Cross mumbled under his breath. “What was that sugarcube?” “Oh nothing Applejack, do you think Fluttershy is home right now?” “Ah sure hope so, but she does have a tendency to go out in the wild and take care of her critters.” Applejack knocked on the cottage door. “Fluttershy its Applejack! I’m here for mah critter food!” Iron Cross heard a slight pattering of hooves. The door of the cottage opened slowly and the head of a pink maned, butter colored mare poked out. With her large blue eyes and skittish demeanor she reminded Iron Cross of a scared little bunny. “Oh…h-hello Applejack, the food you requested is just inside. It’s a bit heavy so…I couldn’t lift it to the door. You should probably come and lift it yourself, that is if you don’t mind.” “That’s alright Fluttershy I’m plenty strong enough to lift it. Even if ah weren’t ah got Iron Cross with me.” “S-so that’s his name. I was wondering who he was. I’ve n-never seen him before but Pinkie Pie talked about him. Hello my name is f…f…fluttershy.” Iron Cross swore he heard Fluttershy make a slight whimpering noise as she looked at the ground, hiding her face under her bangs. “Am I really that intimidating? The poor thing looks like she’s about to cry.” Iron Cross spoke in the most gentle voice he could muster. “Why hello Fluttershy my name is Iron Cross, a pleasure to meet you.” “Umm…Mr. Cross I have a question for you. It’s kind of a personal question, y-you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.” “Sure Ms. Fluttershy go right ahead.” “Ok. How long have you been you know…dating Applejack?” Iron Cross was stunned at how fast this seemingly shy and reclusive pony had put two and two together. He suspected Fluttershy was a lot more perceptive than she appeared to be. So much for the whole innocent little bunny persona. As surprised as he was, there was no shame in admitting his love for Applejack and her friends were going to find out eventually. “We decided to start dating yesterday, but I’ve known Applejack since I arrived in Equestria.” “Oh how wonderful. I was always worried that Applejack might not find her special somepony. She would work in the fields all day and ignore all the stallions hitting on her when she was in town. It was very sad. Applejack I am so happy for you.” Fluttershy trotted over and gave Applejack a hug. “Ermm well thanks Fluttershy ah guess there ain’t no pullin’ the wool over yer eyes.” “How rude of me Applejack, I haven’t made any tea. J-just give me ten minutes and I’ll brew some up and of course I’ll make some for your stallion-friend as well.” As Fluttershy was brewing the tea a small, snow-white rabbit appeared in front of Iron Cross. He looked rather upset about something. The rabbit then gave Iron Cross the stink eye and crossed his arms, thumping his foot against the floor. “What’s wrong little guy, are you hungry or something?” The rabbit nodded his head and then pointed to Fluttershy. He then gave Iron Cross another dirty look and pointed to the rabbit food sitting across the room. “Oh I see you were about to be fed by Fluttershy and I just happened to arrive and now she’s busy making tea. How about I get you some food, would that make you feel better?” The rabbit slightly softened his stink eye and nodded yes. After Iron Cross was done pouring the rabbit food into the snow-bunny’s bowl, the rabbit stopped eating for a second and offered his paw. Iron Cross gingerly shook it. Fluttershy returned with a tray containing three teacups. “Oh my, it seems Angel Bunny likes you Iron. He hardly ever warms up to strangers. You must have done him a big favor.” Iron Cross couldn’t understand why Fluttershy tolerated Angel Bunny’s sour attitude. If he had any say in it, the annoying little creature would have become a good-luck charm hanging on a keychain. Perhaps it was just because Fluttershy loved all of her animals. In any case Applejack and Iron Cross finished their tea and Applejack hoisted the cow feed on her back and they were on their way. “Ah almost forgot ah need to go to Sugarcube Corner ta buy some cookies fer Applebloom’s lunches. We ain’t real far from town so we might as well go now.” “How in the world do you remember all these things Applejack?” “It comes with bein’ the responsible mare of the family. Since Applebloom doesn’t have a mother so ah gotta try mah best to make up for it. Iron Cross wasn’t looking forward to meeting the dreaded Pinkie Pie again. Maybe this visit would be different. At the very least he could get another one of those delicious cupcakes, if nothing else Pinkie was a very professional baker. “Hi Pinkie, Iron and ah are here ta buy some cookies fer Applebloom.” “Hiya AJ, IC!!!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down and began to shake in a violent manner. “MY PINKIE SENSE IS TINGLING!” “Something super-awesome happened didn’t it? Oh wait I know lemme guess, you won the lottery or maybe…you invented a new kind of toothpaste. I would love it if you guys made chocolate toothpaste or maybe spicy toothpaste, but then you’d need to put it on nacho chips.” Pinkie Pie let out a dramatic gasp. “YOU GOT LAID DIDN’T YOU!!?? Iron Cross and Applejack just stood there with their mouths open in disbelief. Applejack turned a shade of red somewhere between rage and mortification. “Why in tarnation are ya yellin’ that so dang loud Pinkie?” “Beeeeecause it’s so wonderfully wonderful super special awesome. It’s been forever since you got laid Applejack, no wonder you were so cranky. I mean every mare at least clops every once and a while but you would just be like: “Ah am Applejack and ah am just swell doin’ work all day looooonnnggg, no fun fer meeeeee! I know let’s have a party. We can call it the Applejack got some cock party!!!” Applejack groaned and facehoofed. “Dang it Pinkie why do ya always gotta have a party for everything, especially fer something like that?” “Applejack it’s because you finally got laid and you found a new stallion-friend silly. Isn’t that important to you?” “Alright ya got a point but just make it somethin’ less raunchy soundin’. Ah reckon the other ponies need ta know about it so a party ain’t such a bad idea.” “Okie doki loki, but I’m going to need some time to prepare. Oohhh there’s going to be balloons and lots and lots of booze, maybe I can make my secret blend of punch. I should make a cock shaped cake. It’ll have strawberry icing and of course I can’t forget the filling.” “Fer the love of Celestia…Pinkie this ain’t a bachelorette party.” “Awww alright, the cock cake would have been more fun. I’ll just make you a heart shaped cake instead.” “Well ok that’s a bit more down ta earth. Just put somethin’ simple on it like congratulations.” Applejack and Iron Cross made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres with their bounty of cookies and cow feed. Iron Cross deduced that this so called “hook-up” party was a good thing. Some things in life just needed to be celebrated and often times there was little opportunity to do any kind of celebrating during his old life. The war had robbed him of that. He had already met most of Applejack’s friends with the exception of some pegasus named Rainbow Dash, so at least he would be seeing familiar faces. A devious thought occurred to Iron Cross, there might be alcohol at the party and it had been quite a long time since he had a stiff drink. He smirked while Applejack was filling the cow troughs. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 715 years ago: Outside Starswirl the Bearded’s cabin, Kingdom of Equestria By all accounts Starswirl couldn’t have been more proud of his son. Over the past ten years he’d trained the colt in various forms of magic and not surprisingly Frostmere was more gifted as a ten year old colt than his adult counterparts were at twice his age. Not only was Frostmere incredibly gifted in magic but he seemed to have a knack for learning, he loved to read and acquired knowledge at a frighteningly fast pace. He was reading works at the Canterlot University level at only ten. Despite his gifts and with the help of the amulet, Frostmere still had some difficulty controlling his raw magical power. On more than one occasion the colt had accidently destroyed things due to a loss in concentration. One time he had accidently set fire to a poor earthpony’s barn while trying to help the farmer make hay bales. Luckily, Starswirl had been there as well and put out the fire before it could consume the entire barn. Oddly enough the farmer seemed to appreciate the help despite the accident and he forgave the colt, knowing that magic could sometimes be an unpredictable force. Starswirl had set up a long row of candles outside so that Frostmere could practice lighting them with magic fire. In this instance he wanted Frostmere to light only the wicks of the candles without burning the entire candle itself. This would teach the young colt how to exercise greater control. “Magic can sometimes be a sword to destroy your enemies or it can be a needle to sew your cloak, however one can never sew a cloak with a sword. Frostmere, the reason I have brought you out here is because you need to learn how to use your magic in a more concentrated manner. While you excel at destruction magic, sometimes there will be instances where you need to be more subtle. I want you to light only the wick of the candle, without destroying the rest of the candle.” Frostmere grinned. “This shall be easy as stealing candy from a foal.” “I wouldn’t be so sure my child, it is far more difficult to limit the amount of magic you use than firing it in aggressive bursts.” There were five candles lined up on an elevated wooden platform, Starswirl had erected a barrier around the area just in case of any magical mishaps. He really didn’t want to have to explain to Princess Celestia why half of the Everfree Forest was burned to the ground. Frostmere’s horn glowed blue as he concentrated on lighting the first candle. The candle exploded into a giant blue fireball. Frostmere gritted his teeth in frustration. “Hahaha, see child I told you it wasn’t so easy. You’re concentrating too much power on the candle, just imagine your magic as a giant ball of gas then condense it mentally into a ball of water.” Frostmere tried to light the second candle, this time the wick lit but it melted half the candle down due to the intensity of the flame’s heat. “You’re beginning to understand the minimization property but you still need to dull the flame’s heat. One you compress the magic imagine a cool breeze or a winter morning’s frost.” Frostmere did as his father commanded and concentrated on the third candle. A small blue flame lit the wick. The flame was hot enough to burn the wick but did not melt the candle. Just for good measure he lit the remaining candles in a similar manner. Starswirl came over to Frostmere and ruffled his mane. “Excellent my boy, you’ve got it! Son, you never cease to amaze me with your natural affinity for magic. I swear you shall become a court mage by the time you are fifteen.” “It was as you said father, I just imagined a frosty breeze and after that it became easier.” “I’m so proud of you; how about as a reward we go into town and buy you a treat?” Frostmere’s eyes lit up. “Ooohh I would love that! Can I get one of those zebra lollipops?” Starswirl laughed. “Of course son, pick any kind you want.” Starswirl and Frostmere teleported to the Canterlot Market District and found the local confection shop. It was a rather plain looking building but it sold the finest sweets in the whole kingdom. The candy shop was run by an eccentric zebra by the name of Zel’ kek. While contact with the zebra nation was not entirely unheard of, it was unusual to see one take residence in Canterlot. Initially Zel’ kek was looked upon with suspicion and even fear, but eventually the community warmed up to him especially its younger residents. Zel’ kek was standing behind the counter filling some glass jars with various hard candies, whistling some exotic tune. He heard the doorbell ring as Frostmere and Starswirl entered the shop. Zel’ kek spoke in a deep guttural accent. “Ah a fine day to you Milord. What brings ya to my humble shop?” “Hello Zel’ kek, I came here to buy a treat for my son. He’s been doing very well with his magical training and I felt he deserved a bit of a treat.” Zel’ kek let out a booming laugh. “Glad to hear the lad is doin’ well in his studies. What will he be havin’?” “Oh I believe he shall want one of your famous lollipops. You know his favorite flavor is raspberry, I suspect he loves raspberries because I put them his oatmeal from time to time. He wouldn’t touch the oatmeal if there wasn’t any fruit in it. He comes by it honestly; I hate bland food as well.” “One raspberry lollipop comin’ right up!” Zel’ kek went over to a display case full of various lollipops and selected one that was dark purple. It was circular and had a large swirl in the middle. He handed the lollipop to an excited Frostmere. “Don’t eat that too quick lad, wouldn’t want ya to break your teeth, and don’t worry about the bits Milord it’s on the house today.” Starswirl bowed slightly. “Are you sure I can’t pay you, that lollipop certainly took quite a bit of time and love to craft.” Zel’ kek grinned. “Nope, it’s yours. I’m just doin’ my good deed for the day. It’s zebra tradition to commit at least one act of charity a day, it invites good spirits.” “Thank you again Zel’ kek, I promise the next time you need herbs they will be free of charge.” Starswirl and Frostmere walked down the cobblestone street entering the open market. It was around midday and many of the merchants were hawking various foodstuffs. A pink coated mare with red-blue highlights in her mane and tail sporting a cornucopia cutie mark was selling fruits and vegetables. Her stall was almost empty, suggesting that she had sold quite a bit of her wares to the hungry ponies of Canterlot. Suddenly, her shouts of advertisement were transformed into shouts of terror as a raggedly dressed earth pony came at her with a knife in his hoof. “Give me your bits or die wench!” The food vendor tried in vain to resist the thief as he dodged all of her kicks. Whoever the thief was, this was not his first attempt at armed robbery. He then kicked her in the mouth and slashed her leg so she couldn’t get up. The thief then stole her bag of bits and began to run. Through sobbing cries the merchant yelled. “Somepony please help me, I’ve been robbed!” Most of the ponies in the square noticed the struggle but did nothing to stop the theft or help the injured mare. The guards seemed to be nowhere in sight. Frostmere noticed the thief run into the alley and he pursued. Frostmere then blasted the thief’s leg with a blue fire ball, causing him to stumble onto the ground. A look of pure hatred filled Frostmere’s eyes. Frostmere growled in a voice that should have belonged to a monster not a ten year old colt. “How…dare you do that to her, you filthy slug. I should roast you alive for what you did.” The thief had a look of terror on his face. “Alright I-I’m sorry…here’s the bits just take them. I swear I won’t do it again.” The thief’s cowardice further fueled Frostmere’s rage. His horn glowed dark blue as he levitated the thief in the air. “You are the absolute worst possible gutter scum, attacking an innocent mare. If that wasn’t bad enough you turn into a coward as soon as someone stands up to you. What a waste of flesh…” Frostmere started slamming the thief into the wall of the alley repeatedly. The blunt force of the impact breaking bones and causing blood to spill out the thief’s mouth. The thief cried in agony for several moments until Starswirl arrived on the scene. Starswirl shot a concussive blast at Frostmere to stun him, while using the Canterlot voice to augment his shout. “FROSTMERE STOP THIS AT ONCE!!!” Starswirl cast a stasis field around the thief so that he wouldn’t die from the shock of his injuries or blood loss. He then summoned the guards to take the thief away, in order to treat injuries and incarcerate the criminal as well. Starswirl trotted over to a slightly stunned Frostmere and put his hooves on the colt’s shoulders. “Why did you do something so reckless? You could have been stabbed, maimed, or worse yet killed. Not only that, but you very nearly killed that earthpony!” Frostmere scowled at Starswirl. “That wretch deserved it. He robbed an innocent merchant and a mare no less.” “Frostmere, I appreciate that you wanted to help that mare and see justice served but that thief didn’t deserve to be killed over it.” “Didn’t he father? Nopony else seemed to care about the robbery. The guards seemed content to do nothing as well. I took action because I had the power to stop him! His death would have served as an example so other ponies…” Starswirl interrupted Frostmere. “The guards can’t be everywhere at once, you know that. As for nopony doing anything, that is unfortunate but the thief had a weapon. It was simply a matter of ponies wanting to avoid injury.” “That’s just the point father. We shouldn’t need to fear criminals. If Princess Celestia just had more harsh laws and greater guard patrols this wouldn’t happen. It amazes me how soft she is sometimes.” “Frostmere, a sovereign who rules with an iron hoof is just a tyrant. Kings and queens need to temper their laws so that their population isn’t constantly living in fear. Running a country is all about balancing justice and mercy. Princess Celestia tries her best to run this kingdom and we should be grateful to live here.” “She doesn’t try hard enough. If I ruled Equestria there would be guards in the streets to ensure no pony is ever robbed and I would enact punishments to enforce the law.” Frostmere spat. Starswirl sighed. “Come Frostmere, let’s give the merchant her bits back and go home. It has been a taxing day. I’m sure once we get back to the cabin you will cool off; I’ll even make some herbal tea.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Present Day: Sugarcube Corner, Equestria Iron Cross and Applejack made their way to Sugarcube Corner for their planned “hook-up” party hoping that the celebration wouldn’t get too out of hoof. Supposedly only Applejack’s closest friends were invited. They included: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash. Iron Cross was glad that so few ponies would be attending, because he wasn’t much of a party animal himself but he did enjoy his alcohol. While he wasn’t always the life of the party he could hold his liquor like a sailor on shore leave. He would drink like a fish tonight that much was certain. The outside of Sugarcube Corner was decorated with a large banner showing a picture of Applejack on one side and Iron Cross on the other. In the middle of the banner was a huge pink heart and in multi-colored lettering above, it said “Congratulations to AJ and IC”. As they entered the parlor Iron Cross heard a large bang and instinctively grabbed Applejack by the neck and threw himself to the ground. All of the ponies in the room stared at Iron Cross and Applejack with looks of confusion and horror. “Iron, why in tarnation did ya do that for?” Iron Cross blushed. “Oh…I’m sorry it’s just a force of habit from the war.” Pinkie Pie was standing next to a silver cannon with pink wheels, confetti covering the floor. Her usually frizzy pink mane was completely flat, she wore a look of regret on her face. “That was super mean of me Iron, I forgot about the whole war thing. We ponies don’t usually get shot at so…sorry.” Iron Cross let out a nervous laugh. “It’s alright Pinkie I know you were just trying to have fun. Just warn me next time you use a party canon.” “I’m gonna go over yonder and chat with Twi, why don’t ya go introduce yerself ta Rainbow Dash?” Iron Cross made his way over to the counter, usually used to seat customers in the bakery but today it was fashioned into a makeshift bar. A cyan coated pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail sat fidgeting on one of the stools. He looked over and saw Applejack downing a tankard of what looked like hard cider while chatting with Twilight. This was probably going to be awkward but he might as well chat with Rainbow Dash. “Hello my name is Iron Cross. I presume you are Rainbow Dash?” The cyan mare grinned. “Yeah I’m Rainbow Dash, the most awesome flier in all Equestria, inventor of the sonic rainboom, and future member of the wonderbolts.” “Applejack told me about you Ms. Dash, I’m sorry that I didn’t introduce myself earlier I was busy working at the time.” Rainbow Dash snickered. “It’s alright, me and Applejack were plenty entertained then.” Iron Cross shot Rainbow Dash a confused look. “Ah that’s a relief. You’ll have to excuse me but I’m just not much of a party animal and I don’t know Applejack’s friends very well.” “Pfft don’t worry about it. Consider yourself lucky to hang out with such a cool mare. All Applejack ever talks about is farming and Twilight is about as exciting as moss on a boulder. Rarity and Fluttershy tend to chat amongst themselves too.” “At least I can drink. It’s been ages since I had some good whiskey.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up. “I bucking love whiskey. I didn’t think anypony around here liked it as much as I did. PINKIE GET YOUR PINK FLANK OVER HERE!!!” Pinkie Pie bounced over from the party canon and threw on a bowtie, seemingly from nowhere. “Hiya Dashie what’ll it be?” “Iron and I want a bottle of your finest Red Stallion whiskey.” Pinkie ducked behind the bar producing a large glass bottle with a picture of a Red Stallion on the front. On the bottle it read: “Red Stallion, the finest spiced whiskey in all Equestria. Made by Trot Beam Co. Ltd.” “Now that’s the stuff, thanks Pinkie!” Pinkie giggled and bounced away. “Noooooo problemo” Rainbow dash grabbed a couple of shot glasses and poured a round for herself and Iron Cross. Without a moment’s hesitation they both downed the shots. Iron Cross whistled. “That is some damn fine whiskey. I have to hand it to you Rainbow Dash, you have excellent taste.” “Well duh of course I do. By the way just call me Dash, it’s shorter.” “Say Dash, how’s about we have ourselves a bit of a drinking contest?” “You’re on!!! First pony to puke or pass out loses.” Iron Cross and Rainbow Dash were on their tenth shot. Iron Cross was a bit tipsy but not quite drunk yet. “Hmm I guess alcohol affects me even less now that I’m a big ass horse. Dash on the other hand looks drunker than a skunk. She is lighter and smaller than me after all.” Rainbow Dash was clearly drunk, her eyes were glossy and her wings seemed to sag off to her sides. If that wasn’t proof enough her speech was extremely slurred. “I’mm…not drunk off my fffflank yet. *Hic* You just…want….me to lose. I HATE LOSING!!! I’m mother bucking Flier Dash, the greatest rainbow in aaaallllll Equestria.” Iron Cross bellowed in laughter. “You sound like one of those damned cocky Luftwaffe pilots, always thinking they were best thing since pork paste. If their dicks were anywhere near the size of their egos they could fuck an elephant.” “W-what did…you call me? I’m an ELEPHANT NOW?? That’s it you’re…*Hic* asking for a fight buddy.” Rainbow Dash despite being smaller than Iron Cross and completely drunk, threw a sucker punch at Iron Cross’s face. The hit surprised Iron Cross but he wasn’t upset. He loved bar fights and Dash looked like a scrapper. Iron Cross cracked his neck in anticipation. “Oh it’s on sister.” Rarity and Fluttershy were over by the punch bowl watching the drunken brawl between Iron Cross and Rainbow Dash. It didn’t seem like anypony cared to stop them, even Applejack was busy chatting with Twilight chugging down another hard cider. Rarity let out a groan. “Uggh I swear Fluttershy those two can be such ruffians sometimes. Why can’t we just have a normal party for once?” “Umm well Rarity…this is one of Pinkie’s parties so aren’t they always like this?” “Oh I suppose you’re right dear. They just wouldn’t be Pinkie parties without the eccentricities. I dare say I would be bored without the usual antics.” “Fluttershy did you have any of this delicious punch? It’s the cat’s meow, the flavor is divine with its blend of orange and a slight licorice aftertaste.” “Oh yes Rarity I had three cups already. I think we really should thank Pinkie for making such delicious punch.” “I suspect you’re right darling. Oh Pinkie Pie would you please come over here for a moment?” “Hiya Rarity what’s up?” “Hello Pinkie Pie you simply must tell me what is in this fabulous punch.” “Oh that’s Gummy’s favorite punch. I like to call it Green Parasprite Punch. Hmm let’s see it’s got about one fourth orange juice and three fourths Green Pegasus.” Rarity gave Pinkie Pie a confused look. “Pardon my ignorance dear, but what is Green Pegasus?” “It’s Absinth silly. It’s a super duper licorice flavored booze that makes you hallucinate. I wouldn’t drink too much punch or you might starting seeing some pretty weird stuff. Ya know it’s weird for as strong as that stuff is, it sure takes a while to kick in. Anyway I gotta go do some dancing. Bye Rarity!” Rarity stared at her glass of green colored punch in horror. “Sweet Celestia, Fluttershy we’ve already had four glasses of this sludge we really should…” Rarity was interrupted by Fluttershy nibbling on her hoof. Fluttershy’s bright blue eyes were glassy and she seemed to wobble around while walking. “Rarity you know I’ve always thought you looked like a marshmallow. I bet you taste like one, all soft and squishy.” “Hahaha I don’t think so darling I assure you that I am one hundred percent mare. I think it’s about time we….OHHHHHH my what are you doing Fluttershy?” Fluttershy began to lick Rarity’s neck, and then proceeded to nibble on her mane. After she was done nibbling she gave Rarity a long sloppy kiss on the lips. Fluttershy giggled. “You do taste like marshmallows.” “Now Fluttershy dear, I do respect you as a friend but I’m afraid I don’t swing that way.” Fluttershy ignored Rarity and continued to give her sloppy kisses, making her way down Rarity’s body. “Oh my there’s a little marshmallow down here, I bet it’s soft and squishy too. I should give it a quick nibble, just to see.” “Hold on Fluttershy that’s a lady’s most secret…UGGNNNN SWEET CELESTIA!!” Applejack and Twilight continued to chat observing their friends erratic behavior. “Ah reckon this is the most fun at a party I’ve had in ages Twi.” Twilight clinked her wine glass with Applejack’s mug. “You said it AJ.” > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Present Day: Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia’s Chamber It was early in the morning and the sun was just about to rise as Celestia stood outside her private chamber on the balcony. Celestia would raise the sun just like she always had for over a millennium, a smile crept on her face. This day was going to have a beautiful sunrise, one that would bathe Equestria in a warm comforting light. As she was raising the sun her sister, Princess Luna, flew over to her side. The lunar goddess gave Celestia a quick hug and stood next to her sister to watch the sunrise. “Alas, dear sister we find thy sunrise resembles the beauty of a newly blossomed flower.” Celestia giggled. “I must say Luna I never get tired of sunrises; they always make me feel at peace. I’m surprised you haven’t trotted off to bed.” Luna pouted. “We would not miss such an opportunity to convene with our sister, and make merry banter.” Celestia nuzzled Luna’s neck and returned to her magical duty. It wasn’t as if she really had to concentrate on raising the sun, after all she had over a thousand years worth of practice. If she so chose she could multitask, but Celestia felt that the sunrise deserved her undivided attention and respect. “Luna…I’m sorry that we don’t get to spend much time together, ancestors know I have quite a bit of time to make up for.” Luna patted Celestia’s shoulder with her hoof. “Do not despair sister, we understand and we forgive thee. Despair only leads to melancholy, be like thy sun and shine happily each day. Thou hast much to be thankful for.” “Ah of course sister you’re right, it’s just I have a bad feeling that something terrible has happened. It feels as if something unnatural has invaded Equestria, something that should never have come here.” “Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Worry not dear sister, we shall aid thee and rid Equestria of any offending villains. Tis our duty to protect the realm, be the threat of the earth or of the mind.” Celestia burst into laughter. “Oh Luna, you still have yet to learn modern Equestrian. You sound like one of those old William Hoofspeare plays during the summer festival.” Luna usually navy blue coat turned a noticeable shade of red. “We…I have been trying to speak the commoner’s tongue but it has proven to be most difficult. Tis hard enough not speaking in the Canterlot Voice, lest the pony folk cower in fear of us.” “It’s alright Luna I was just teasing you. If you didn’t speak that way I would be worried, since that’s what makes you unique.” Luna was about to reply when a frantic looking guard burst into the room. He appeared to be one of Celestia’s guards and by the looks of his armor he was a lieutenant. The cutie mark on his flank depicted a small spear that had a wooden shaft and a sharp iron point. Luna was about to scold the insolent guard for interrupting their private time when she noticed the fear and panic in his eyes. The guard threw himself onto the ground out of respect for the two rulers. “Your majesties please forgive my intrusion but I have urgent news.” “Rise lieutenant Spearpoint. I understand the need to convey sensitive information, no matter what the hour of the day it may be. It is your duty as part of the guards to do so.” Spearpoint collected himself and cleared his throat. “The amulet that you sent to the gardens has been destroyed and both of the guards protecting it are dead. I also found what appeared to be the corpse of a draconequus as well. All three bodies appeared to be…desiccated.” “Lieutenant I shall investigate this matter personally. Come over to me and we shall teleport to the gardens at once.” Celestia along with Luna and Spearpoint arrived at the Canterlot Gardens. It was just as Spearpoint said, near the now empty pedestal of Discord’s statue lie three bodies. Their faces twisted in horror from an agonizing death. Spearpoint was correct; all the bodies appeared to be desiccated almost like mummies. Celestia has seen changelings suck the love energy from victims but that was a slow process that took months even years to complete. The victims here had been sucked dry of all their life energy and magic, almost instantaneously. She had never seen such a horrible magic technique in all her years of living. Celestia was especially horrified at the body of Discord. While she may not have liked him very much, she did not wish him dead and despite Discord’s attempts at spreading chaos he did not deserve such a cruel death. Clearly she had been right about the amulet, it was evil. What she hadn’t known was that an entity had lurked within its confines, waiting to be released. Whatever this creature was, it was not to be taken lightly. Luna walked over to the bodies and visibly paled. She then went over to some bushes and vomited profusely. It took her a few moments to regain her composure and then she began to speak in a whisper. “What monstrosity caused this? Sister, we cannot allow such a creature to run amok in Equestria. Our little ponies are in grave danger.” “I fear you are correct Luna, I must inform Twilight Sparkle and her friends at once. Lieutenant Spearpoint, fetch me some parchment I have a letter to write.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in the Everfree Forest, Equestria Frostmere sat on a log munching on the haunch of a roasted manticore. Living in the Everfree Forest wasn’t nearly as difficult as he expected. Certainly there were wild beasts lurking about but after he vanquished that manticore, the animals seemed to avoid him now. They sensed his magical power and knew he was not to be trifled with. “Intelligent creatures, at least they know power when they see it.” He had skinned the manticore and magically wove it into a makeshift cloak to better conceal his dazzlingly white hide. It was simply a bad idea to walk around in a forest full of dark colors and stand out like a sore thumb, so the cloak acted as a sort of make-shift camouflage. The last thing Frostmere wanted was to attract attention. Frostmere stared into the fire pit he had created lost in thought, when he heard a strange noise. The Everfree Forest contained many sounds, usually the cries of animals and various insects. This cry sounded different…almost like a pony. Frostmere finished his roasted manticore and trotted towards the sound, casting a spell that muffled his hooves from making any sounds. Frostmere came upon the source of the offending sound. Lying on the ground was a mare, she had a light green coat, her mane and tail a shade of light blue. The mare was an earth pony and she bore a cutie mark depicting two crossed machetes with a fern in the middle. Her leg was pinned underneath a mossy log. “What a pitiful creature this is, she should have known better than to venture into the woods without a guide. Hmm something seems off though. I can’t quite put my hoof on it. Where are her supplies, she carries none. I must approach with caution.” The earthpony noticed Frostmere approach. “Oh thank Celestia you came, I didn’t think anypony would be this deep in the forest. I was surveying the jungle and this log fell on my leg, I think it might be broken.” Frostmere looked at her leg, it was indeed underneath the log but it did not appear to be broken. Something fishy was going here and he would get to the bottom of it. He opened his magical sense to scan the area and caught a whiff of a strange magical sent. It reeked of both love and hunger. It was a sent he had not smelled in centuries. “It seems you are quite the unfortunate little earthpony. A poor surveyor just trying to do her job and who also just happened to fall right near my camp. You also have lost all of your supplies, that’s very irresponsible, you could easily starve out here. I don’t think you need my help at all your majesty.”’ The earthpony looked back at Frostmere in disbelief. “W-what…I don’t understand. I’m not a princess. I just want to get out of this place.” “Oh I never said you were a princess. You’re a queen and I am quite certain you would want to get out of this accursed place, as soon as you rob me of all my love energy. Stop playing coy with me changeling, I smelled your magic as soon as I came upon the scene.” The earthpony’s frightened demeanor transformed into a scowl. “Hmmph very well it seems we have an intelligent unicorn for once.” The earthpony transformed with a glow of green magical energy. She was a large black colored insectoid pony with green glowing eyes and a jagged horn. Her hooves, both front and back were covered in holes. She glared at Frostmere. “Ah that’s more like it your majesty. That was quite a clever setup, but you must understand I am no ordinary pony.” Queen Chrysalis snorted in frustration. “How is it that you know of me unicorn?” “I don’t personally know you, but I knew of your predecessor: Queen Thoraxsis I. She was a rather fierce changeling queen but she had a tendency to stay in her home territory in the high mountain peaks between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom.” “You speak as if you know of this firsthand. How could you possibly know of Queen Thoraxsis’s hive, she ruled over seven hundred years ago!?” “Like I said your majesty, I am not an ordinary pony. Oh and before you go on tricking me, I can sense your little changeling minions hiding in the brush. I understand you need to feed them as well as yourself. You seem weak and certainly changelings wouldn’t lower themselves to hunting in the Everfree Forest unless they were desperate.” Chrysalis growled in anger. “How dare you insult me! I couldn’t help it, I was so close to achieving ultimate power!!! It was those wretched elements of harmony and Princess Cadenza’s disgusting love magic that nearly destroyed me. I have tried to survive in these woods both to protect myself and my brood. Soon I shall rise again and conquer all Equestria.” Frostmere clicked his tongue. “That is where you are wrong your majesty. I simply can’t have a rival running around ruining my plans you see.” “Insolent worm you will regret crossing me! Go my changelings attack!” Out of the brush about twenty changelings appeared, their faces were rapt with hunger. Two approached Frostmere as he began to cast blue fireballs. He shot fireballs at the two rampaging changelings, they both were incinerated in an explosion of blue flames. Four more changelings came from the left, when Frostmere noticed they were near a large willow tree. Frostmere channeled his magic to the tree giving it life. The tree’s branches tightened themselves around the hapless changelings squeezing the life out of them like a python did to its prey. Two more changelings attacked from the right, Frostmere just barely dodged their attacks. He concentrated on his horn and it began to glow dark blue. He then charged at one of the changelings and stabbed the creature right in the chest with his augmented horn. The changeling yowled in pain as its green blood sprayed all over Frostmere. He concentrated once again and slashed vertically at the remaining changeling, his horn severed the changeling’s throat spraying yet more of the green blood. The remaining changelings swarmed together and piled themselves on top of Frostmere. Frostmere summoned as much magic as he could and shrouded his body in blue flames, which expanded into a fiery blue explosion incinerating the rest of the changelings. When all the carnage was done Frostmere stood across from Chrysalis in a fiery crater, his coat drenched in changeling blood. “Face me now changeling queen your minions are defeated!” Chrysalis’s horn glowed a vibrant green as she unleashed a concentrated beam of magic straight at Frostmere. Frostmere’s own horn glowed blue as he countered with an equally deadly beam of magic. Within moments the two magic beams clashed filling the air with the stench of ozone as the magic ionized the oxygen. “You have killed my subjects, you will pay with your life whelp!” “I surprised you can even maintain a magic stream this powerful, your power is severely depleted where I have just obtained a vast quantity. It is only a matter of time until you slip.” Chrysalis’s magic beam began to falter and she staggered at the strain. The unicorn was right she couldn’t sustain this for very much longer. Frostmere then increased his concentration, his eyes glowing with power as he strengthened his beam. In an instant Frostmere’s beam pushed Chrysalis’s beam all the way back, she dodged but not without injury. Her left wing had been incinerated. The changeling queen howled in pain as she stumbled to the ground. Frostmere using magic jumped over to her and grabbed her by the mane. He then dragged her over to an ancient oak tree and started slamming her head against the trunk. Frostmere continued to do this until she began coughing up blood. In a ragged voice Chrysalis remained defiant. “You…bastard…you have destroyed…e-everything. What kind of monster are you?” Frostmere pulled Chrysalis up to his mouth and whispered in her ear. “A monster…no. I am a god, a god who will forge Equestria into her true form. Neither you nor anypony else shall stop me, not the elements not even Celestia herself. Goodbye Queen Chrysalis, may your soul find rest in Tartarus.” Frostmere’s horn and eyes glowed as he drained the life out of Chrysalis. Even while dying an agonizing death her eyes still remained defiant. Frostmere chuckled. He enjoyed opponents that didn’t cower before him like foals. She had been a worthy foe. Her changeling magic increased Frostmere’s own vast reservoir of magic tenfold. Out of respect he cremated the changeling queen’s remains and scattered them to the winds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, Equestria Iron Cross had spent most of the morning in bed nursing a rather nasty headache. He didn’t think it was the whiskey, it had to have been the brawl he got himself into with Rainbow Dash. He had been in many bar fights when he was human but never anything like the one last night. Dash was a feisty scrapper when intoxicated and she had taken his punches like a sandbag. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, Iron Cross was a lot tougher and stronger than she was so he ended up winning the fight. Iron Cross looked into the mirror near his bed and whistled at his newly acquired black eye. Despite how fun the fight had been, he felt bad about hurting Rainbow Dash. She had to be hospitalized after the brawl, due to a black eye and a sprained wing. Iron Cross decided he would visit Rainbow Dash at the hospital later today with an apology gift. Applejack had told him she liked a book series called “Daring Do” so he figured buying the newest volume of the series wouldn’t hurt to earn him some brownie points with Rainbow Dash. Applejack entered the room and kissed Iron Cross on the cheek. She had just gotten out of the shower and her hair was still slightly damp. Iron Cross could smell the faint odor of cinnamon and lavender, it was quite a pleasant smell if not a tad unusual. To her credit, Applejack didn’t appear to phased at all from last night’s wild party. Iron Cross had noted that she chugged at least three pints of hard cider, but he supposed since she was a rough and tumble farm pony that she could hold her liquor. “Ya look a might upset Iron, what’s eatin’ ya?” Iron Cross sighed. There was Applejack’s sharp intuition again. “I just feel really bad for hurting Dash, I like a good brawl but…it’s never a good thing to hurt a lady like that.” Applejack laughed. “It’s sweet that ya feel that way Iron, but RD ain’t never been a lady. Ah think she enjoyed the fight just as much. Her pride is what’s really hurtin’ right now ah reckon.” “Still, I feel like I have to make it up to her. You mentioned that she liked these Daring Do books? Perhaps I should get her the newest volume as a sorry gift.” “She sure does and that will probably earn ya quite a bit of dashie points. Don’t worry about her hatin’ ya she just has a strange way of showin’ affection. I’m sure Twi has the latest volume in her library fer sale.” The conversation between Iron Cross and Applejack was interrupted by a rapid knocking at the door. Applejack hurried down the stairs to answer the door. To her surprise it was Rarity. Even more surprising was how Rarity looked. The fashionista’s usually pristine curls were frumpy and unkempt. She lacked any kind of eye shadow and her eyes were swollen and puffy, suggesting she had been crying. Rarity’s voice lacked its usual cultured Manehatten accent as she spoke to Applejack. “Hello darling…I was wondering if you and I could go to the spa. I…really need a friend to talk to.” “What’s wrong sugarcube ya look terrible. Did somethin’ bad happen?” “Yes it has to do with Fluttershy. We had a bit of an incident last night at the party and we were supposed to have our spa date today. I went over to her house and she had locked the door and barred the windows. I can’t help but worry about the poor thing, oh she must be absolutely mortified. Maybe she thinks I don’t want to be her friend anymore…but nothing could be further from the truth!” Applejack gave Rarity a quick embrace. “It’s alright sugarcube, if ya need somepony ta talk to I’ll go with ya to the spa.” “Oh thank you Applejack I’m so glad that I have you as a friend.” Iron Cross came down the stairs to see what the commotion was all about and found Applejack comforting Rarity. He usually didn’t get involved in the affairs of mares but even he could tell this was serious. “Iron ah gotta go to the spa fer a spell. Why don’t ya go to Twi’s house and git that book while I’m out, then ya can visit RD.” “Alright, I can do that. I’ll let you two sort things out.” Rarity and Applejack made their way to the spa and as usual they were greeted by the spa’s owners Lotus and Aloe. Both of the spamares noticed how bad Rarity looked and immediately knew something serious had happened. It was also Thursday and Fluttershy had not accompanied Rarity into the spa. “Hello girls, I’ll take the usual. Oh and Fluttershy won’t be attending , I brought Applejack instead. Just put it on my tab.” Aloe was the first to speak. “Nonsense Ms. Rarity today’s treatment is on the house. You are like family to us and we want to help you with your problems, whatever they may be. The least we can do is pamper you.” Rarity stifled a tear. “Thank you Aloe that means a lot to me.” Within a few minutes Applejack and Rarity were sitting in the spa with towels wrapped around their heads. Rarity had forgone her usual avocado mask and cucumber eye coverings and still had a look of sadness on her face. “Now what’s wrong sugarcube? Sittin’ here feelin’ sorry fer yerself ain’t gonna fix the problem.” “I know Applejack, it’s just this is a very complicated problem. It’s one that doesn’t just involve Fluttershy. I’m going through some rather strange emotions…” Applejack placed her hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Now listen here Rare, ya helped me when ah was worried about Iron. Ah promise ah won’t judge ya or nothin’. The least ah can do is lend an ear, so speak yer heart out.” “Very well I suppose I should start with the incident itself. I’m sure you know what happened since you were there yourself Applejack and I should have just chalked it up to Fluttershy being heavily intoxicated. The problem is…why would she have done that unless she really wanted to? I’ve heard that alcohol doesn’t force ponies to do things they don’t want to do, it merely allows them to voice their subconscious desires. I consider Fluttershy a dear friend but…what if she considers me to be more than that?” Applejack nodded sagely. She knew exactly where this was going but she allowed her friend to continue. Rarity’s normally marshmallow white face turned bright red. “What if I want her to be more than that? I’m ashamed to admit it but Fluttershy was absolutely amazing with her tongue. There was so much passion in her kisses, they were not the kisses of a friend but a lover. All this time I’ve dreamed of finding a prince in shining armor to sweep me off my hooves and so far all of the stallions I’ve met have failed miserably at it. Maybe…maybe all this time I shouldn’t have been looking for a prince but a princess. Applejack is it wrong for me to be a…f-f-fillyfooler?” “Now cut that out Rare, ya clearly love Fluttershy and ah ain’t never been one to judge a pony on who they love. Ah reckon she loves ya just as much but she’s Fluttershy and ah bet she’s havin’ just as rough a time comin’ ta terms with it. The best thing ta do is steel yer resolve and march right on over ta Fluttershy’s house and tell her yer feelin’s. Sometimes the princess has to act like a prince.” “My word Applejack you’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t have even been doubting myself. I acted like a complete foal and it hurt Fluttershy. Well no more, once we finish this bath I shall march over to Fluttershy’s house and confess my love to her!” Applejack patted Rarity on the back. “Atta girl, that’s the Rarity ah know and love.” Applejack and Rarity made their way over to Fluttershy’s house. It was exactly as Rarity had described, the house’s windows were locked shut and the door was closed. It was extremely quiet, even the animals seemed to sense that Fluttershy was upset and did not bother her. Rarity knocked lightly on the door. “Fluttershy dear, it’s me Rarity I just want to have a talk with you. May I come in?” A barely audible pattering of hooves could be heard as the door cracked open. The inside of Fluttershy’s house was completely dark. Fluttershy’s hair was a tangled mess and her eyes were redder than a fire ruby. In an extremely quiet haggard voice she spoke. “Oh hello Rarity. I didn’t think you’d want to…see me again. I did such a terrible thing last night, it probably humiliated you and…*sniff*” Fluttershy’s whimpering cry was enough to break Rarity’s heart. She couldn’t stand seeing Fluttershy like this so she threw open the door and hugged her as hard as she could. Fluttershy seemed a bit taken back but returned the hug with as much force as she could muster. The two mares sat for minutes silently crying, still in each other’s embrace. “Fluttershy, you know I could never hate you for anything you do. That’s how much I love you. Our friendship has lasted through worse things than this, and of course I forgive you. It just pains me that you had to put yourself through all of this just for my sake.” Fluttershy let out a slight hiccup. “Y-you really mean that Rarity? Thank goodness I…thought I ruined our friendship with my silly…desires.” Rarity put a hoof to Fluttershy’s mouth. “Now stop that at once! You ruined absolutely nothing darling. It is I who was acting like a foal. At first I was very upset and confused at what you did, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that it felt right. I enjoyed what you did…even if it was a tad bit embarrassing. I’ve made up my mind Fluttershy, I’m done with trying to find my prince in shining armor. It’s time that I rescue my princess in despair.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock as Rarity grabbed her by the head and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Tears of happiness streamed down both mares’ faces as they kissed. When they finally broke the kiss, Applejack stood in the doorway with tears of her own welling up. “Fluttershy I love you, and I feel like an ass for not telling you earlier. I promise I will love and protect you with all of my might I SWEAR IT!!!” Fluttershy giggled and in her best Rarity impression she said: “Of all possible things that could occur, this is the best possible thing.” The two mares hugged again as Applejack left Fluttershy’s house to make her way back to Sweet Apple Acres. She took out her hanky to wipe the tears streaming down her face. She smiled as she talked to herself. “Defiantly the best possible thing.” > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 702 years ago: Starswirl the Bearded’s cabin, near the Everfree Forest The early morning light shone through the windows of Starswirl the Bearded’s room as he packed some provisions in a satchel. He was packing for a long trip, a trip that involved a summoning by Princess Celestia. Under normal circumstances Princess Celestia ruled Equestria without the assistance or opinions of others, but occasionally she would summon a council of lords to convene on important matters of state. Such affairs could be as mundane as tax collections or waste management. Sometimes there were state emergencies that required the nobles’ support to field armies or fund projects. Starswirl was the court mage of Canterlot and as such he was required to attend, much to his chagrin. This particular summons involved the issue of grain storage, which was used during times of famine or pestilence as a secondary food supply. Princess Celestia was a benevolent ruler and as such she did not resort to seizing the grain of her subjects. She instead would hold a council and report how much grain she needed, the nobles would then give her various amounts of grain depending on how wealthy they were. Celestia would then give them tax breaks, land or titles. Despite how easy the system sounded there was always endless bickering about who would contribute the most grain. Starswirl knew this visit would take quite some time, possibly up to a week. He slipped one of his favorite satires into the satchel titled The Lusty Alicorn Maid. Starswirl threw the satchel over his shoulder and made his way into the main room of the cabin. He saw Frostmere near one of the counters studying a book on alchemical herbs, using a mortal and pestle to grind up some concoction. “Good morning Frostmere, I trust you slept well.” “You know me father, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to try and brew up some herbal remedies. The one I’m studying now is supposed to heal wounds twice as fast as naturally possible. It’s far more practical than healing magic and lasts quite a long time in storage. I’ve tried several combinations but I lack a key ingredient, a white cross orchid. The book says they grow in the Everfree Forest so I will likely have to take a bit of a trip to get some.” “A trip you say? Well what a coincidence, I just happen to be going on a trip of my own.” Frostmere raised his eyebrow. “A trip eh? Going off to Canterlot to have some fun with one of the mares of the night?” Starswirl let out a hearty laugh. “If only son, but sadly I must attend one of Princess Celestia’s dreaded councils. Uggh I swear there’s enough hot air floating around in the council chambers to turn Equestria into a desert. I shall likely be gone for at least a week, so I left some bits on the table so you can purchase all the necessities. Oh and good luck with your healing paste.” “Thank you father and good luck not falling asleep.” Starswirl gave Frostmere a wink. “Oh don’t worry I have my favorite book to keep me company and if all else fails I can always start playing magical pranks on those stuffy nobles.” Frostmere waved his father goodbye and began to pack a satchel of his own. He needed to venture out into the Everfree Forest to find a few white cross orchids and it would likely take at least one or two days to find some. In most cases Frostmere would teleport where he needed to go but it was extremely dangerous to teleport to the Everfree Forest, considering how easily it was to get lost and disoriented. Instead he relied on years of foraging knowledge and hoof drawn maps to maneuver through the forest. While most ponies would avoid the forest at all costs due to its dangerous denizens, Frostmere was a very powerful mage so he could fight off or avoid many of the animals. His magical skills allowed him to observe the forest in all its natural glory, it truly was an amazing place if one got over the fact that bloodthirsty creatures called it home. There was a small stream near an outcropping of rocks so Frostmere took the opportunity to fill his canteen with water. Frostmere nearly dropped his canteen when he heard a blood curdling scream. It was not from any animal that he knew of, so it had to be a pony. Judging by how high pitched it sounded; it could only belong to a mare. “Why in the seven hells is there a pony this far out in the forest?” Frostmere approached the sound of the scream and found a trio of timber wolves surrounding an injured mare. She was an earthpony with a light purple coat and a navy blue tail and mane. Her cutie mark depicted an amethyst. The timber wolves must have bit her, for she had a large circular shaped wound on her left leg and it was bleeding heavily. Frostmere rushed over to the mare, the timber wolves taking notice of his presence. His horn glowed as he began to summon three fireballs. With the grace of an experienced caster all three of his fireballs hit their marks incinerating the flammable timber wolves. They burned so quickly they didn’t even have time to yelp. Frostmere then turned his attention to the bleeding mare. By the looks of it she wasn’t very old, probably close to his age but Celestia knew why she would need to be out in the middle of the Everfree Forest. The mare breathed heavily due to the adrenaline and the pain, teetering on the edge of consciousness. Frostmere knew he had to act fast or she would bleed to death. In a soothing voice he spoke to the mare. “Listen to me, the only way I can save your life is to cauterize your wound with fire since I don’t have any bandages with me. It will hurt like hell and leave a burn but I can heal it later when I have the proper supplies.” The mare spoke in a strained voice. “Ok…I feel…so very weak but…” Frostmere went up to a tree and ripped off a piece of bark. “Shhh save your strength. I’m going to need you to put this piece of bark in your mouth or otherwise you might bite your tongue off. I promise I’ll do this as quickly as possible.” The mare bit down on the bark while Frostmere concentrated on making a small, controlled fireball. He positioned the fireball over her wound as the mare let out a cry of agony. After a few seconds the deed was done but she had passed out due to the pain. Frostmere wasn’t really surprised; she had sustained an injury and was probably exhausted as well. “Looks like I’m going to have a guest tonight. Good thing I’m practiced in healing.” Frostmere noticed that near the tree where the mare had been standing there was a small patch of white cross orchids. As he picked the flowers and hoisted the mare onto his back, he contemplated how the universe was full of strange coincidences. It had only taken him about two hours to make his way back to the cabin, which was amazing considering the extra weight he was lugging around. Frostmere laid the unconscious mare in his bed and started to work on the healing paste. It would insure the wound would heal properly but in order to prevent scarring, he would have to apply healing magic as well. After a few minutes the paste was ready and he applied it carefully to her wound, his horn glowed blue as he applied healing magic and finally bandages. The mare was still breathing heavily but at least she was in no danger of dying. Frostmere sat next to the bed for a few moments silently watching her sleep. She was stunningly beautiful with her neatly combed magenta coat. Her mane and tail were worn in a long, flowing style which drove Frostmere crazy, not to mention they were a rich dark blue color. She had a lithe figure for an earthpony, suggesting that she wasn’t a farmer but still got plenty of exercise. Frostmere scolding himself for ogling her and decided to start making some soup and tea, both for himself and his guest. She would likely be hungry when she woke up anyway. Within an hour the mare began to wake, Frostmere noticing this trotted over to the bed to greet her. “Don’t get up too fast now, you might aggravate your injury.” The magenta mare looked around blearily. “W-where am I? The last I remember I was sitting next to a tree and what is that delicious odor?” “You’re inside my father’s cabin; I carried you here to help you get back on your hooves. You passed out due to your injuries. It’s not really a surprise; you took quite a nasty bite to the leg. I’m glad that I arrived in time or otherwise you might have bled to death.” The mare’s eyes widened. “You carried me the whole way here…oh I’m so sorry I caused you so much trouble. I feel like such a foal being nursed like this.” Frostmere chuckled displaying his most roguish grin. “Don’t worry about it, I enjoy saving beautiful mares in distress. As for the smell, it’s my homemade carrot and basil stew. I also have some tea brewing if you’re interested.” The mare pulled the covers up to her nose and blushed profusely. “Oh…ummm soup sounds good and t-thanks for saving me I would have died if it weren’t for you.” Frostmere brought over a bowl of stew blowing on it slightly so that it was the right temperature. “Do you want me to feed you the stew or are your hooves up to holding a spoon?” “I can handle that on my own thank you; after all you’ve done so much for me already. I wouldn’t want to burden you any further.” “I was just making sure. My name is Frostmere by the way; I’m a mage and herbalist by trade. I live here with my father and we occasionally sell our herbal remedies in the market district.” “My name is Amethyst Sparkle; I’m the daughter of Ruby and Golden Sparkle. My family owns the Golden Hammer.” “I couldn’t help but notice you had an amethyst as your cutie mark, does that have anything to do with your family’s business?” “Yes as a matter of fact it does. My mother is adept at finding jewels and she taught the skill to me. When I was a filly I helped her find gems in caves and that’s how I earned my cutie mark. Your cutie mark is rather odd, what is it exactly?” “It’s a magic cutie mark. I must admit it’s not a very common one. Only the most powerful unicorns obtain magic cutie marks, it means that I’m skilled in all forms of magic not just a single spell. I also feel lucky that my father is Starswirl the Bearded, since he is the kingdom’s foremost expert in magic.” Amethyst gasped. “Lord Starswirl is your father!!?? He’s one of our best customers; I’ve seen him on many occasions. My father and him have known each other for years; they banter back and forth almost like brothers. It’s strange that I haven’t see you before.” “Ah well I don’t really have much need to visit a smith. I tend to dabble in herbal remedies and potions. I’ve been meaning to ask you, why on Equestria were you out in the middle of the Everfree Forest?” “Well you see there is a cave near where the timber wolves attacked me that contains extremely rare and high quality opals. It’s one of the few places in Equestria where opals can be found; otherwise they have to be imported from the southern zebra nation.” “The Everfree Forest is no place for an unescorted mare to go hunting for jewels. You’re lucky I happened to show up when I did, but you’re safe now and that’s what matters. Next time you decide you need help finding those opals just come find me, I’d be glad to help you anytime.” “Thank you Frostmere, that means a lot to me. In the future I might just take you up on your offer. You’ve been so kind to me and I’ve done nothing to deserve it…I really should try to get back home so I can get out of your mane.” Frostmere made a mock pouting face. “Aww you want be rid of my ugly mug that badly? Well I must insist that you at least stay one night; you’re in no condition to travel. You need some fluids as well so I’ll go get the tea.” Amethyst took a peek at Frostmere while he was pouring the tea. She noticed how his entire body was white colored, it reminded her of snow. His eyes were the deepest shade of blue she had ever seen, next to sapphires. While not built as ruggedly as an earthpony, she noticed he was quite toned for a unicorn. It was probably because he hiked a lot. Amethyst’s father had always tried to match her with all of his merchant or smithing friend’s sons. All of them had been chauvinistic brutes as far as she was concerned. Here was a unicorn that she had never met and was willing to do anything for her out of the kindness of his heart. Amethyst concluded that Frostmere was quite the catch. She was glad that she had the covers over her because her tail began to twitch. Frostmere returned with a cup of tea in his hoof. “Watch out it’s still pretty hot. I wouldn’t want you to burn your tongue.” Amethyst turned a deep shade of red as she took the tea. “Umm…about earlier I don’t think you’re ugly at all…and I don’t mind being around you either.” Frostmere choked on his tea. “Erhmm what? I was just joking around…you seriously don’t mind?” “No not at all in fact I think you’re rather dashing. You see my father always tried to set me up with the sons of all his business partners, without much success. I hated all of them; they all would treat me like little more than a maid. It doesn’t hurt that you saved my life either.” Before Frostmere could form a response, Amethyst propped herself up from the bed and gently placed a kiss on his lips. “Consider that my personal thank you and my invitation.” Frostmere grinned. “As much as I’d like to go for a good bucking, you are still in no condition to be engaging in such…rigorous activities. Could I possibly take an IOU? Amethyst giggled. “You’re right I really shouldn’t be letting my loins make all the decisions. Once I recover my offer still stands. Anyway your culinary skills are simply divine, how did you learn how to cook like that?” “My father used to live by himself and so he decided it would be a good idea to learn the domestic skills needed for living in seclusion. He ended up teaching me all of those skills as well and it also helps that I mix alchemical ingredients all the time.” “Well Frostmere it seems that you are well on your way to becoming the perfect housemare.” It was now Frostmere’s turn to blush; the effect was more comical due to his white coat. “Oh come on now it’s only practical, now I feel like less of a stallion and more of a maid.” “I don’t know Frostmere; I think it’s refreshing to know that a stallion can take care of a mare. I would even go so far as to say it’s sexy.” “I’m glad somepony thinks it’s sexy. I can’t really see how boiling stew is anything remotely close to sexy. Maybe if I wore one of those maid outfits that might do the trick.” Amethyst put a hoof up to her mouth in mock consternation. “Roleplaying now, oh my we’re getting into the kinky department.” Frostmere bowed. “I would wear a chicken suit if it would please milady.” Both Frostmere and Amethyst shared a good laugh and continued to enjoy each other’s company for the rest of the day. Frostmere decided that this day was a happy accident, because he had finally found a mare he could connect with. She had an excellent sense of humor and spoke her mind when it counted, and Frostmere found that refreshing. He noticed that she too was interested in him and not just because he happened to save her life. Frostmere sipped his tea, yet again contemplating how strangely the universe worked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present day: Ponyville, Equestria Iron Cross knocked on the door of Twilight Sparkle’s tree house. Once again the little purple dragon answered the door. He didn’t look too pleased at the intrusion; it was still morning so Iron Cross figured that the little guy must have just woken up. The purple dragon let out a yawn. “Oh well if it isn’t Applejack’s new stallion-friend. What do you want?” “Hey there little guy, I came here to check if Twilight had the newest copy of the Daring Do series.” “My name is not little guy, it’s Spike. I really don’t keep track of that series you’ll have to ask Twilight. If you want I can get her, but it might take her a minute since she likes to make check lists in the morning.” “Umm ok Spike I’d appreciate it if you did that.” “Twwwiiiligggghhtt Iron Cross is here to pick up a book!” Iron Cross heard the telltale pitter patter of hooves on wood. He continued to hear the sound for several moments, until Twilight finally rushed down the stairs to greet him. Twilight seemed a bit out of breath when she finally spoke to Iron Cross. “Hi Iron Cross, sorry about the wait I uhhh had to tidy up my checklists. They’re VERY important to getting the day started.” “Yes I’m sure they are, anyhow I was wondering if you happened to have a copy of the latest Daring Do book.” “I believe that came in yesterday. Hmm what was it called? Oh I remember it was called Daring Do and the Spear of Destiny. Gimme one second and I’ll go get it from the storage room.” When Twilight reappeared she was levitating a brown colored hard cover book. The cover depicted a mare that wore adventure gear and was using a whip to latch onto a tree branch. The mare looked remarkably like Rainbow Dash with the exception of her coloring. Daring Do sported a black-gray highlighted mane and tail with a gold colored coat. Maybe just maybe Rainbow Dash felt a connection to the archeology mare. “Twilight I have a question. Rainbow Dash doesn’t seem like the type that enjoys reading books. She strikes me as more of the sporty type, unable to rest for even a minute. This might be an adventure series but why would she read it?” Twilight laughed. “It was a while ago. Rainbow Dash got hurt in an accident and she was bedridden for a few days and by Celestia did it drive her nuts. I brought over a copy of the first volume of Daring Do and she secretly loved it. She went on and on about how books were for eggheads, but she eventually admitted that some books could be cool. From that point on she started devouring all the other volumes in the series. I admit it’s not the best written or intellectually stimulating book series, but it certainly is entertaining. Besides, I think Rainbow Dash really relates to Daring Do.” “Funny you should mention that Twilight, I thought the very same thing as soon as I saw the front cover.” “You know what they say Iron, great minds think alike.” “Indeed they do.” “Iron, I should mention that Rainbow Dash might be a bit difficult to deal with when you visit her. She tends to be very stubborn and prideful and might not warm up to you right away. Just be patient with her, once she warms up to you she’ll become your friend for life. She is the element of loyalty after all.” “I’ll keep that in mind but I think we already share a bond of sorts.” Iron Cross made his way to the Chancellor Puddinghead Memorial Hospital. It was an absolutely comical name for a hospital, but he’d expected nothing less from Equestrians and their silly naming schemes. Despite the ridiculous name, the hospital seemed to be on the cutting edge of medical science. It was clean and the doctors and nurses who roamed the halls looked much the same as the ones he knew from Germany, albeit being horses. Iron Cross went up to the reception desk to find a brown coated mare wearing glasses. “Excuse me Miss but which room is Rainbow Dash located in?” “Ms. Dash is located in room 102, just go up the stairs to the second floor it should be near the end of the hall. Oh and good luck, from what the nurses told me she seemed to be very grumpy today.” Iron Cross made his way up to Rainbow Dash’s room to find the door slightly ajar. She was busy looking out the window with her forehooves crossed and a grumpy scowl on her face. While normally the cyan pegasus didn’t wear anything, she was sporting a green hospital gown. Her left wing was in a splint and her right eye was black and swollen shut. “Umm…hey Dash it’s just me Iron, I just wanted to come check up on you. I also wanted to say that I’m sorry about our fight getting out of hoof, I bet not being able to fly is driving you crazy.” Rainbow Dash’s scowl softened as she looked at Iron Cross. “It’s alright I knew what I was getting into. You hit like a freakin’ mule on steroids, but I’m still glad you decided to visit. It’s just SOOOOOO boring in here. The fight was totally awesome by the way, it’s been years since I got a black eye like this.” Iron Cross let out an amused chuckle. “Hey now, it’s not like you didn’t fight back. I have you to thank for my new black eye as well. You’re a lot tougher than you look, punching you was like hitting a damned sandbag. I thought you might be bored so I brought you a gift.” Iron Cross reached into the paper bag he was holding pulling out the brand new volume of Daring Do. Rainbow Dash’s one good eye lit up and she smiled from ear to ear. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH!!! This is SO awesome!!!” Rainbow Dash leapt out of bed and tackle hugged Iron Cross. “Whoa now I know you like the gift but you might want to take it easy, you don’t want to injure you wing any further.” Rainbow Dash calmed down a bit and cleared her throat. “Hehehe yeah you’re right, but you don’t understand. I’m totally gonna read this book right now. You saved me from being bored out of my wing feathers.” “Listen Dash, I'm really glad that you forgave me so easily. I felt really bad about hurting you and I didn’t think you would be so…understanding.” Rainbow Dash slapped Iron Cross on the back. “We’re brawlin’ buddies now Iron, and even though it’s gonna be annoying to be grounded for a week I still had fun. You came here and apologized when you didn’t have to, that more than proves to me that you’re a true friend. Of course it also helped that you bribed me with the latest volume of Daring Do.” “You know what Dash, I was going to go back to Sweet Apple Acres but I think I’ll stay and read Daring Do with you for a while.” Rainbow Dash giggled. “Sweet, this is gonna be AWESOME!!!” > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Twilight Sparkle checked her to do list with renewed vigor, slightly annoyed by the brief interruption caused by Iron Cross’s visit. She couldn’t stay mad at the stallion for very long, after all he was just trying to make amends to Rainbow Dash for his supposed slight. Twilight merely shook her head. She knew that in all likelihood Rainbow Dash had heartily enjoyed the fight rather than be upset by it. Dash was the kind of mare whose competitive spirit burned brighter than Celestia’s sun; as such she enjoyed any kind of competition, whether it was of the athletic kind or otherwise. Maybe it was because Iron Cross didn’t know her as well as Twilight did, or maybe it was just simply because Iron Cross was the sort of stallion who felt honor bound to make up for his mistakes. In any case Twilight felt she could respect that and understood why Applejack liked him so much. “Hmm it probably doesn’t hurt that he’s handsome too. He kinda reminds me of Big Mac, but sexier. Ohh and that dark coat and his shiny silver mane, I can’t even imagine how big his…” Twilight’s dirty thoughts were interrupted by Spike. “Umm hello? Equestria to Twilight are you in there?” Twilight replied with an audible squeak. “Eep! Oh sorry Spike I was…ummm just thinking about all the things I needed to do today. You know like…color coding. Heheheh…you know how I looooovvee to color code things.” Spike shot Twilight a look of suspicion. “Yeah sure whatever. I just wanted to ask if I could have some bits to buy one of those new cupcakes Pinkie Pie made. This week’s new flavor is orange opal crunch.” Twilight laughed awkwardly as she fished around for some bits in her change purse. “Here Spike why don’t you just go ahead and buy a dozen while you’re at it?” Spike’s eyes lit up with greed. “Really? I can get that many? Oh wow thanks Twilight!” “That should keep Spike occupied for a while. Now where did I put that colorized version of the Pony-sutra?” Just as Spike was about to walk out the door, when he let out a large belch accompanied by green flames. A few seconds later he handed Twilight a letter addressed to her by Princess Celestia. Most letters the princess sent Twilight were rather plain looking with a single seal in the middle. The letter that had just been sent was sealed in a metallic tub bearing the sigil of the sun. Twilight knew from experience that Celestia only sent sealed letters if the information was sensitive. Whatever was contained in the tube was only on a need to know basis and being Celestia’s protégé and element of harmony meant it entitled her to privileged information. Twilight opened the tube and as she suspected a letter was contained within. It was written in Celestia’s typical flowing style but in a darker ink than normal. It read as follows: My most Faithful Student, An incident occurred late last night involving the amulet that Iron Cross brought from his world into Equestria. While I’m sure you’re aware that the amulet itself was Equestrian in origin, what was not so clear was the magical power it possessed. I ordered the amulet to be stored under guard in the Canterlot Gardens to prevent its theft and to ensure its magic would harm no pony. Much to my dismay, the amulet possessed far more power than I had anticipated resulting in the deaths of two guards and Discord. I can only assume that the amulet contained some sort of creature or entity, which was powerful enough to drain living beings of their life force. Twilight, this is highly sensitive information so you are not to discuss it with anypony else other than myself and Iron Cross. When you find the time please visit me so we can discuss this matter fully. May the sun always guide your path. -P. C. Twilight stared blankly at the letter. She couldn’t believe that Princess Celestia would try to keep something so dangerous a secret. Twilight really hated keeping secrets from her friends, especially when it might put their lives in danger. The only thing that gave Twilight comfort was that Princess Celestia was extremely wise and benevolent. She wouldn’t have made this information secret unless it was for the benefit of her subjects. If ponies found out that some ancient evil entity was lurking about in Equestria, there would likely be widespread panic. Twilight steeled herself and prepared to teleport to the hospital. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chancellor Puddinghead Memorial Hospital, Equestria Iron Cross watched Dash’s eyes light up as he read the latest volume of Daring Do, she really did like these books as much as Twilight had said. Dash herself couldn’t read very well due to her swollen black eye but that was fine with Iron Cross, he found that he rather enjoyed the book too. He had always been an avid reader during his youth, it carried over from his family being educated. “Daring Do found herself surrounded by the guards of the sheik as she tried to exit the palace. With a crack of her whip she launched herself onto a ceiling beam avoiding the hapless guards…” Iron Cross was interrupted by a knock at the door, he put the book down to see who was at the door. He looked up but found no one until he heard a voice. As he looked down he was greeted by an orange coated pegasus filly. Her purple mane and tail were frumpy and unkempt, much like Rainbow Dash’s hair. He noticed she had a brown paper bag clutched in her mouth, concluding it must be a gift for Rainbow Dash. The pegasus filly had an annoyed look on her face. “Excuse me but is this Rainbow Dash’s room?” Before Iron Cross could answer Rainbow Dash shouted at the filly. “Hey Scoots, nice to see ya again. Did ya come to the hospital to see my awesome battle wounds?” Iron Cross noticed how this “Scoots” looked at Rainbow Dash. It was a look he’d seen before when he was a boy. The look was one of pure adoration, one that children gave to fighter pilots from the first world war. They were national heroes and every child in Germany wanted to be one, sadly he knew the grim reality of a fighter pilot’s job but children never thought of things in life or death terms. “Hiya Rainbow Dash, I just wanted to check up on ya after school. I stopped on the way over here to get ya some hay fries.” Rainbow Dash rubbed Scootaloo’s mane. “Thanks squirt, I was beginning to get sick of all this trashy hospital food.” As Rainbow Dash happily devoured her greasy snack Scootaloo began talking again. “I see you have a splint on your wing and a nasty black eye, how did you end up doing that? Was it a super bad flight accident?” “Nah, I just got into a fight. I may have been a tiny bit drunk when it happened. As far as the wing goes yeah I’m gonna be grounded for at least a week, but it’s no biggie.” Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Wow that must have been one hay of a fight for you to get so messed up!” Rainbow Dash laughed nervously. “Yeah I guess it was a pretty awesome fight.” “I bet you taught the lug who dared challenge Rainbow Dash a lesson didn’t you?” “Well I…didn’t exactly win the fight.” Scootaloo puffed up in anger. “You didn’t? Where is the jerk that beat you up…LEMME AT HIM!!!” Rainbow Dash pointed at Iron Cross as Scootaloo began to run full charge at him. Before she could body tackle Iron Cross, Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the wing. “Scoots, it’s ok really it is. He didn’t beat me up just because he wanted to be a jerk. I may have kinda started the fight anyway, but I still had fun so don’t worry about it.” “Ok if you say so, but why is he even here?” “He wanted to apologize to me so he came to visit and even brought the newest volume of Daring Do, that makes him cool in my book.” “I guess if you think he’s cool then I can too. I gotta go meet Applebloom and Sweetie Belle back at the clubhouse for some crusading, see ya later Rainbow Dash!” “Later Scoots.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she looked at Iron Cross. “Scootaloo isn’t a bad filly, she just has a tendency to be defensive when it concerns me. I guess you could say she’s my number one fan. At first it was nice because it inflated my ego, I mean do you see the way she looks at me? It was like that at first but now she’s almost like a little sister to me. I don’t think she has any siblings so it’s nice to play the big sister.” “You love her like family don’t you?” Rainbow Dash started to tear up. “Ya know years ago I would’ve denied it, because I couldn’t stand fillies and colts but I guess I’ve started to grow up a little. I should say that crying over Scootaloo is totally uncool but that’s a load of hay. Yeah I do love her and I just want to protect her, be there for her when she needs somepony to talk to or a shoulder to cry on…to me that’s what loyalty is all about.” “This situation reminds me of my comrades during the war. Many of them were younger than I was, so it was my responsibility to look after them. I was both their elder and their commanding officer. At least you are able to look after Scootaloo properly because it is so peaceful. I lost three men under my command…they were all so young. I’m glad that you have the chance to be there for her Dash, make sure you treasure her because the love she gives you is worth more than all the gold in Equestria.” Rainbow Dash’s voice became slightly hoarse. “Thanks I’ll do that. I’m starting to see why Applejack likes you so much. You guys both think along the same lines concerning family. It’s funny ya know, for some reason it’s just really easy to talk to you. I talk to Rarity and Applejack about my problems sometimes but they have a tendency to add their own two bits to the situation. When I talk with you, it seems that you listen better than they do without trying to butt in. I guess I can’t really explain it.” The conversation between the two ponies was interrupted by an abrupt magical flash. There standing in front of them was Twilight Sparkle. She had a look of worry on her face, but it wasn’t frantic looking enough to warrant immediate concern. The look on Rainbow Dash’s face suggested that it was extraordinarily unusual for the unicorn to just teleport into a hospital. Twilight flashed Iron and Dash her best smile. “Sorry Dash but I need Iron Cross for a minute, well actually more than a minute. Urgent business from Princess Celestia I’m afraid.” Rainbow Dash pouted. “Aww what the hay Twilight, why do you always gotta take the fun outta everything?” “Well Rainbow Dash, it’s called being responsible because somepony around here has to be.” “Hey I can be responsible!” “Yeah, responsible enough to take a nap three times a day.” “I’ll have you know that taking naps is a completely responsible way to maintain your physical and mental health.” “So is that what laziness is called nowadays?” Iron Cross knew that the two mares were good friends but this argument was getting a little ridiculous so he decided to step in. “Dash, I’m sure you can be responsible when you need to be and Twilight just because you happen to have strict standards concerning discipline, not everypony can nor should be held to the same standard. Now I’m sure the Princess doesn’t like to be kept waiting so shall we be on our way?” Twilight looked down at the floor shuffling her hooves. “I guess you’re right. I’m sorry for making fun of your habits Rainbow Dash.” “Yeah I’m sorry too Twilight. I just hate being bored that’s all.” “Ok Iron, hold on tight because I’m gonna teleport us out of here.” In a single gut wrenching moment Twilight and Iron Cross were inside the Canterlot throne room, where Celestia was sitting on her throne waiting. No matter how many times he teleported, it would always make Iron Cross sick to his stomach. “Guhhh I will never get used to this, sorry your majesty I just need a second to collect myself.” Princess Celestia merely smiled. “Of course, Iron Cross take your time.” “The reason I called both you here is because I suspect there is a new threat to the safety of Equestria. The two of you have the most knowledge concerning the amulet so that’s why I summoned you and not the others. Perhaps in time I will share my findings with the other elements, but for now it must remain secret.” Iron Cross rubbed his chin with his hoof. “Excuse me your majesty but didn’t you tell me that you were going to seal the amulet away for safe keeping?” “Yes I did Iron Cross. It was sealed safely, at least for a time. The magic contained within the amulet broke the seal and released some kind of creature or entity. I cannot be certain what that is but it most certainly dangerous. I was wondering if you knew anything else about the amulet, anything that you didn’t tell me before or what you thought to be inconsequential.” “I might have some new information regarding the amulet. When I first used the amulet there was a whispering voice that spoke to my sub-conscious. I thought it was just my imagination, but then I had a nightmare and it spoke to me again. It can’t be a coincidence that it was the very same voice both times. Do you think there was some kind of evil spirit trapped in the amulet?” “I believe it is something more than that Iron Cross.” “What exactly do you mean your majesty?” “I believe it is a living, breathing creature that was released and now roams Equestria. I’m sure you’re confused so I shall explain. Thousands of years ago sorcerers would try to achieve immortality by fusing part of their spirit into a vessel. These vessels were enchanted inanimate objects designed to hold the spirit within them and so long as the objects weren’t destroyed the spirit contained in them would last indefinitely. Do not be fooled, this is one of the most dangerous forms of dark magic and it was outlawed even long before my time. I don’t believe that the amulet itself was designed for this purpose, but it is possible that it was a secondary effect from its original purpose. Back when Starswirl the Bearded was alive he created the amulet to help his son, Frostmere, siphon some of the magic contained in his body. While magic in small quantities is not the same thing as a pony’s spirit, it does contain the said pony’s essence. If there was enough of Frostmere’s essence poured into the amulet, it is entirely possible that a second spirit was created. This spirit would have experienced everything the original Frostmere did and it would also share his personality. I believe that a version of Frostmere has physically manifested itself from the amulet.” “That would make sense your majesty, but then why didn’t he materialize while the amulet was in my world?” “That is a simple question to answer. The human world of Mundus is devoid of any magic, so he had no means to rejuvenate his physical form. As for how you managed to get the amulet to work, that is a different matter entirely. You see most magic reacts to strong emotions such as fear, anger, jealously or love. The amulet must have been buried away from physical contact and when you came in contact with it exhibiting a strong emotion you were able to activate it.” Twilight raised her hoof to ask a question. “I can understand the underlying function of the amulet but why would anypony want an amulet that drains their magical power?” “Twilight, sometimes there are unicorns whose magical abilities and reservoir of magic are far beyond what their bodies are able to handle. Pegasai and earthponies tend not to have this problem because their magic manifests physically. Frostmere was an extremely powerful mage, so much so that if he didn’t siphon some of his magic it would release itself in dangerous ways. In most cases the sudden release of magical energy would result in a fire or an explosion. Starswirl must have known how powerful Frostmere was and created the amulet to help his son deal with his immense power safely.” “Your majesty do you have any idea of Frostmere’s whereabouts and what he is exactly?” “I’m afraid I do not know where he is currently. As to what he is, he is likely a unicorn at least for now. Over the millennia I have become quite skilled at aura detection, but he too is an expert magic user so it will be difficult to find him unless he wants to be found.” Both Twilight and Iron Cross looked at Celestia and asked the same question. “What do we do?” “The only thing we can do my little ponies. We must be patient and wait.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 702 years ago: Starswirl the Bearded’s cabin, near the Everfree Forest It had been a few days since the incident in the Everfree Forest and it was driving Amethyst Sparkle mad because she had relied so heavily on Frostmere’s kindness. Her personal code demanded that she pay him back somehow, even if he had been a willing host the entire time it still bothered her. This was the fourth day she had spent at the cabin; all things considered she had only thought that she would stay for at the most a day or two just to regain her strength. It turned out that her injury was more severe than anticipated, but to Frostmere’s credit the healing paste had done its job and she was able to use her leg again. What was even more amazing was how faint the scar was on her leg, she had expected it to be rather large however it was due to the quick response from Frostmere that spared her of such a blemish. It was mid-morning and she had just gotten up but she could tell that Frostmere was already awake because the smell of blueberry oatmeal filled the cottage. Amethyst had to admit she was becoming quite spoiled from all the delicious meals he continued to cook. “He might even be a better cook than I am. By the Celestial Goddess I never thought I would be made to feel inadequate by a stallion and a unicorn no less!” Frostmere came over to the bed with a bowl of blueberry oatmeal and a cup of tea. He was wearing a green apron. “Look who decided to wake up! Did you have pleasant dreams milady?” Amethyst couldn’t help but giggle. “So you finally decided to wear an apron eh? I didn’t think I’d be served breakfast in bed by a maid.” As Frostmere set down Amethyst’s breakfast he gave her a regal bow. “Ah but of course milady, I live to serve you.” “Oh stop that you know I am not some high born noble and you also should know that I hate being waited upon so much.” “Think nothing of it; I was more than happy to wait upon you. Now let’s take a look at your leg shall we?” Frostmere pulled the covers back to inspect Amethyst’s injured leg. There was a slight scar there but otherwise the wound had healed well. He began to prod the scar tissue to test its strength, eliciting a laugh from the ticklish Amethyst. “It seems to me that your wound has healed rather splendidly. I’m going to need you to put some weight on it just to be sure you didn’t lose too much muscle mass.” Amethyst complied with Frostmere’s request and took a few ginger steps around the room. She then stomped her hoof down a few times and jumped to test the muscles further. “Excellent it seems that you have completely healed. I think a celebration is in order.” Amethyst rolled her eyes. “Oh really and what did you have in mind?” “It’s nothing special, just a picnic near my favorite spot by the forest. My father used to take me there to train on occasion. It’s an absolutely lovely spot with rolling grassy hills and a big oak tree, you’ll love it.” “Good I really need to get some fresh air, being cooped up in this cabin for a few days has made me stir crazy.” The two ponies made their way to the picnic spot and as Frostmere promised it was a quaint little spot with rolling grassy hills and a large oak tree in the center. Frostmere laid out the picnic spread underneath the oak tree so they could enjoy its shade. The food that Frostmere had brought along was simple, just some dandelion sandwiches with a bit of lettuce and two canteens of water. They both enjoyed their picnic neither one saying a word, just enjoying each other’s company for several minutes the only sounds were birds chirping a slight breeze blowing. Amethyst was the first to speak. “Hey Frostmere, I really wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done. I was serious about what I said earlier, any mare would be lucky to have you. I’m surprised you don’t have mares clawing onto you everywhere you go.” “Ah well I just haven’t really found one I could really relate to.” Amethyst sighed. “I know exactly what you mean.” “When you said any mare would be lucky to have me…does one of those mares include you?” Rather than verbalize her answer, Amethyst stroked Frostmere’s mane with her hoof and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. He returned the kiss but with twice as much force, wrestling his tongue with hers. Amethyst’s face flushed red as she broke away from Frostmere’s kiss. Her voice was slightly strained. “Solar goddess above, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do this. I admit it, I’ve longed for your touch since the first night you cared for me.” Frostmere grinned. “Well then, far be it for me to deny you any longer.” Frostmere nibble on Amethyst’s mane and then concentrated on kissing her stomach. After he was done doing that he began to make his way over to her leg. He licked his way up the inside of her leg until she let out a whimper of pleasure. Frostmere began to slide his tongue across her mare-hood, twisting it around to give her the maximum amount of pleasure. Amethyst groaned in ecstasy, her whole body convulsing in waves of pleasure as Frostmere nibbled on her nub. Amethyst suddenly pulled away and trotted over to the oak tree, bending down while wiggling her rump in the air. “You’re such a tease how much longer are you going to keep me waiting?” Amethyst grunted in shock as Frostmere suddenly mounted her from behind. At first it hurt her, but as Frostmere began to move inside her in a stead rhythm her pain began to melt away. Soon the entire would around her was beginning to blur as her body began to feel like melted butter. Both ponies could no longer contain themselves as they climaxed together, letting out a primal scream of pure satisfaction. Frostmere and Amethyst, both sweaty and exhausted collapsed upon the soft grass with smiles brimming from ear to ear. Amethyst nibbled on Frostmere’s ear as she whispered to him. “My goddess that was amazing. You weren’t like all the other stallions; they all just wanted to mount me without any concern as to what I wanted.” Frostmere chuckled. “I wanted you to have some fun too, and besides you look adorable when you’re being played with.” Amethyst blushed and nudged Frostmere’s chest with her hoof. “Well I guess if you like my adorable face so much you’ll just have to keep on seeing it more often.” “Is that an invitation milady?” Amethyst grabbed Frostmere’s face and gave him a sloppy kiss. “No, it’s a promise.” > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 700 years ago: Frostmere’s Herbal Shop, Canterlot Market District It was early in the morning and Frostmere was busy making a healing potion for one of his clients. Over the past two years he had decided to become an herbalist so that he could have a profession and support his new wife, Ameythyst Sparkle. While his father was extraordinarily wealthy, Frostmere wanted to earn bits with his own hooves. This was a lesson that had been drilled into him by Starswirl over the years and it had appealed to Frostmere. It had been a complete surprise to Frostmere that herbalists were in great demand, so his business grew prosperous rather quickly and he was filling orders on a daily basis. As he was finishing his potion, there was a loud knock on the door. Frostmere opened the door to find two royal guards standing outside. They both gave him a quick salute. “Good morning milord, you have been requested to attend our Shining Majesty’s council this afternoon.” Frostmere cocked an eyebrow. “Council, what council…why on Equestria am I being summoned? That is my father’s responsibility not mine.” “Aye sir you are Lord Starswirl’s son, so you have quite a bit of experience in dealing with the current situation.” “I still fail to understand why I must attend. What exactly is this council discussing?” “Peace talks sir, the barbarian tribes have united and sent an envoy to her majesty to discuss the cessation of hostilities against the kingdom.” Frostmere shook his head. “The barbarians have united…HAH! Tartarus would sooner freeze over. Now I know why you need me at the council. I helped save some villages from those savages with my father a few years ago. I guess that counts as having experience with them.” “Aye sir, her majesty said you might be able to give some insight into their behavior.” “Very well, tell her majesty that I shall attend as soon as I can.” The two guards saluted again and left for the castle. In all the commotion, Amethyst was woken up and she shuffled slowly down the stairs rubbing her eyes. “Frost, what in the seven hells was all that racket about?” “Royal business Ami my dear. Her majesty has summoned me to one of her councils.” “Why would her majesty summon you? Your father should be the one who takes care of all the political business.” Frostmere let out a sarcastic laugh. “That’s exactly what I told the guards. Apparently this council has to do with some newly formed barbarian nation and they sent an envoy to broker peace. I was summoned because I helped defend villages against their hordes years ago.” Amethyst looked somewhat ill and waddled over to a chair near the fireplace. A few beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she sat down. Frostmere hurried over to his wife to hold her hooves. “Ami are you still experiencing morning sickness, don’t worry I’ll grab some wormwort extract to settle your stomach.” “Ah yes the babe is a live one, at least that means it shall be healthy. Thank you Frost, your herbal remedies always work wonders.” Frostmere smiled as he ran his hoof through her mane. “I can’t have my beautiful jewel losing her luster. I also have a little one to look after as well.” “Such a wonderful father you shall be. You’ll have to teach her how to make potions, and I can teach her all about jewel making.” “Her? How can you be so sure I don’t have a strapping son on the way my love?” Amethyst purred. “Hmm I can just tell. Call it mare’s intuition.” “Sorry Ami but I really must start preparing for my council visit; I suspect it will take quite some time. All the lords of the upper house will be absolutely thrilled to deal with a confederation of barbarians.” Amethyst gave Frostmere a quick peck to the cheek as he returned to finishing his potion. “How long do you expect to be gone?” “Considering how unusual this is I suspect quite a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was gone for over a week.” Amethyst frowned. “That long huh…well I shall miss you terribly.” “I know you will and I too shall miss you, but don’t worry I have more than enough bits for you to survive on your own for however long I’m gone.” “I guess I should let you get on with your packing Frost.” Frostmere packed his saddle bags with some provisions even though there would most likely be food provided to the council on Princess Celestia’s tab and some reading material as well just in case the proceedings were boring. He doubted that the environment would be quiet enough for him to enjoy any of readings if the House of Lords had anything to say about it. When Frostmere arrived at the council chambers he was escorted by two guards into the main hall. The inside of the hall was mostly comprised of ornately carved dark wood with a semi-circular table in the middle of the room able to seat the various lords of the land. A larger chair was in the middle of the table in order to seat Princess Celestia and a slightly smaller chair to the right for her court mage/advisor to sit in. Frostmere knew who would be sitting there. Most of the lords had already taken their seats, when Frostmere noticed his father near the back of the room. Frostmere went up to his father and gave him a quick embrace. “Greetings father, I trust you have been faring well.” “As well as one can during council meetings. How are things going with your wife son?” “She is doing fairly well, but often has the morning sickness. It’s nothing a little wormwort can’t fix. She seems to believe we are going to have a filly. I can’t say otherwise, for the intuition of mares is a magic I have yet to master.” “Indeed one can never truly understand their wiles. I suspect this council meeting may get quite heated; the nobles will hate the idea of a united barbarian clan. Perhaps some will see sense and bend their hooves to the proposition but there’s no telling what might happen.” “Father, I for one can’t see how her majesty even allowed an envoy to visit. All those savages have ever done is destroy and take whatever they want.” “I know son, but sometimes you just have to give peace a chance. War is costly, both in terms of bits and the lives of ponies. Princess Celestia is just trying to look out for the welfare of her subjects.” “I still don’t like it. I’ve seen enough of their work to know they can’t be trusted. For all we know this might just be a trap to lure us into a sense of false security.” While Frostmere and Starswirl finished their conversation the official court herald appeared announcing all of the important guests. “All bow for her Shining Immortal Majesty, the Ruler of Equestria, Goddess of the Sun, Princess Celestia!” Celestia was adorned in her usual gold plated armor, her hair braided into two strands that went down to her shoulders. She was wearing her crown today, as she often did during formal occasions. As the herald began announcing the various lords in attendance she took her seat on the large wooden chair in the middle of the table. Starswirl took his seat beside her and motioned Frostmere to take the seat on the other side of Celestia. Frostmere shot his father a bewildered look as if to question if his father was serious. Starswirl merely nodded. As soon as all the lords were seated the herald finally announced the arrival of the barbarian envoy. “Her Immortal Shining Majesty bids welcome to Ambassador Fenric Mountainhoof of the Mountainhoof clan, visiting under the authority of Chieftain Gallerix Mountainhoof of the Mountainhoof Confederation.” Ambassador Fenric was a pony of average build; he wasn’t muscular in the traditional sense but was wiry from years of woodworking. His coat was similar in color to the trees he cut down, an earthy shade of brown. His mane and tail were black with steaks of white mixed in, a telltale sign of his age. His cutie mark depicted a woodcutter’s axe crossed against a log. The dark green eyes that stared at the council suggested that despite his profession in the clan, we was a creature of cunning and guile. He wore a simple woven vest and a small jade pendant that depicted a shrub. Fenric stood in front of the Queen and bowed slightly. “I bear you greetings from the Mountainhoof Confederation your majesty.” Princess Celestia gave Fenric a small nod. “Welcome to Canterlot, Ambassador Fenric. I hope that our nations can find a measure of peace this day.” “Of course your majesty, the confederation desires nothing more.” Celestia turned her attention to the rest of the lords surrounding her. “Now let us discuss the matter at hand, how many of you desire peace between the kingdom and the Mountainhoof Confederation?” Most of the lords in the council chamber began clambering amongst themselves debating the pros and cons of peace between the two nations. The usual questions were how many trade deals could be brokered, potential military contracts between the nations, currency exchange and other mundane issues. Many of the nobles seemed willing to accept the peace between Equestria and the Confederation simply because the raids against their lands were costly and they simply wanted peace. Since Canterlot didn’t really have a professional standing army, the lords fielded their own armies which could be very costly to maintain. Princess Celestia only maintained the palace guard and her personal guard the Solaris Oculatus. They were highly trained but their numbers were few. When the discussions had quieted down Celestia cleared her throat. “I sense that the deliberations are a more or less complete. Let us come to a vote then. All in favor of a peace treaty between the Kingdom of Equestria and the Mountainhoof Confederation say aye. All how oppose say nay.” Of the nine lords present eight including Starswirl (an entirely separate vote), said aye. Frostmere and another Unicorn lord said nay. Princess Celestia spoke once more. “We have a majority vote, however due to council rules the nay-sayers have the right to express their reasoning. Mage Frostmere, Lord Firebrand do you wish to express your reasoning?” Frostmere was the first to speak. “Yes your majesty, if it pleases Lord Firebrand I should like the honor to speak first.” Lord Firebrand spoke in a commanding voice. “The honor is mine, Mage Frostmere speak as you will.” “Your majesty if I may be so bold, I must be the one to say that this alliance is utterly ridiculous. This so called Mountainhoof Confederation is nothing more than a guise for the clans to array their forces against us under a common banner. How many times in the past have they raided our crops, rapped our mares and burned our homesteads? I witnessed their raids firsthoof, I even killed some of them with my own hooves, they desire nothing more than the destruction of my beloved kingdom. I have a wife and an unborn foal to worry about; I will not sit idly by while the safety of my loved ones is threatened by these sliver tonged snakes!” Lord Firebrand was an aging grey coated unicorn with a white mane and tail tied into a ponytail. He wore a red cloak covering most of his body, including his famous orange flame cutie mark. His family hailed from a long line of renowned weaponsmiths, his cutie mark was earned when he was a young man by inventing a type of weaponized chemical fire. His eyes were the same color as fire rubies, which was appropriate considering his name. He stood up after Frostmere was finish speaking and slammed his hoof against the table. “Mage Frostmere is correct; we mustn’t let our guard down! This treaty will be the end of our kingdom. Do all of you wish to become their slaves?” One of the younger lords scowled at Lord Firebrand adopting an arrogant tone. “Milord you are merely an old warmonger, what of the rest of us who do not wish to fund armies against the confederation? I for one am tired of spending countless bits on protection; my retainers are also tired of raids as well. Perhaps the earth clans have changed and they desire peace as well.” Lord Firebrand’s voice cracked as he shouted at the younger lord. “PEACE!!??? You think they want peace? Those earth clans were the same savages who burned my land, stole my crops and…ravaged my daughter. She was nothing to them but a plaything. Those savages tied me up to a tree and made me watch as they had their way with her. After they were done they…they…cut her throat. I WATCHED MY ONLY DAUGHTER DIE IN FRONT OF ME! All you arrogant little colts care about is your money and your petty titles, this is about more than that this is about the safety of our kingdom. If no one else will support Mage Frostmere then I will. He is the only stallion here with half a shred of sense.” Princess Celestia let out a heavy sigh. “I grieve for your loss Lord Firebrand and I understand your resentment, but I’m afraid that I must side with the majority vote. I will not jeopardize this treaty by sending armies across Equestria to stamp any nation who desires peace. Anypony or nation should always be given a second chance no matter their past indiscretions. I hereby officially ratify the treaty between the Mountainhoof Confederation and the Kingdom of Equestria. Everypony is dismissed until the summoning of the next council.” Ambassador Fenric gave Princess Celestia a dramatic bow. “I’m glad to see that we could reach a diplomatic solution to our little situation. May our two nations prosper together in peace. Milords I apologize on behalf of my people for their past transgressions, and I do hope we can get along eventually. Now if you excuse me your majesty, milords, I must be getting back to my chieftain.” After the ambassador left the council chambers, Lord Firebrand trotted up to Celestia and looked her strait in the eyes. “Shining Majesty if you shall not field an army to stop these savages, then I will volunteer my own men to scout their camp. If they truly have peaceful intentions then my men will share my wealth with them, if not then we wage war. I shall take Mage Frostmere as my battle mage and healer.” “As you wish Lord Firebrand, however be warned that if you start a conflict with the confederation I shall have your head to decorate the castle gate.” “Aye milady I would expect nothing less, come Mage Frostmere we have work to do.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mountainhoof Confederation Camp: about 20 km from the Kingdom of Equestria’s border Fenric entered his leader’s tent, it was not a fancy one like many kings or nobles would have but made of plain tarp. It was however, a very large tent in order to accommodate all of the chieftain’s advisors and a battle map. Chieftain Gallerix Mountainhoof stood over a large map of Equestria speaking with several of his advisors, all of whom were dressed in various forms of armor. Gallerix himself was a large earthpony stallion, towering over his comrades by an entire hand. He had a green gray coat, his mane and tail were brown but cut extremely short as to not hinder him in battle. A large scar crept across his whitened left eye from a battle wound he suffered years prior. At present he wasn’t wearing anything, showing his mountain shaped cutie mark in its full glory. Gallerix used his one good eye to notice Fenric entering the tent. “Ah brother, how good it is to see you back. I expected your negotiations to take far longer than that.” “As did I my chieftain, however the negotiations went over better than expected. Only two of the lords opposed the treaty.” “Only two brother? Ha this just goes to show how truly weak those milk-drinking Equestrians have become. They only care about fattening their bellies and purses. Their arrogance and weakness shall make conquering their lands all the more satisfying.” Fenric cleared his throat. “I should warn you chieftain, Lord Firebrand is sending a vanguard of his troops against our camp. I do not know how many. He also has enlisted Lord Starswirl’s son to aid him in battle. I warn you, he is an extraordinarily talented mage.” “Do not worry so much brother, I have our finest druid priests working on magic canceling hexes. The mage’s magic should not be much of a problem. I even have the priests working on my armor as we speak. Did you contact the second army before you came back brother?” “Indeed I did chieftain. They are camped well behind Castle Canterlot and await your signal to strike.” “Excellent, I shall have them attack during the dead of night and breach the castle. Once the castle is breached I will march the first army strait into the city, forming the perfect pincer attack. Due to your excellent diplomatic skills they shall not suspect a thing. The false solar goddess’s head shall decorate my tent by the end of the siege.” Fenric bowed his head and began reciting a prayer. “May the earth spirits guide us to victory as we claim the land of our forefathers from the heathens who occupy them. Guide our great chieftain to rule these lands of our ancestors with a firm hoof. O winds give our warriors swift hooves, earth let us stand firm.” Gallerix’s eyes burned with passion. “Soon brother we shall rule the land once more. The false sun worshipers and their supposed goddess shall fall. Mark this day brother, for it is the dawn of a new era for our people and the death knell for another.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frostmere’s Herbal Shop, Canterlot Market District Frostmere stood in the middle of the common room packing yet more supplies for his military excursion to the border of Equestria. He made sure that he had plenty of healing potions, more for the soldiers than himself as he was an expert in healing magic. Frostmere donned a white battle mage’s cloak, designed to reflect physical damage as well as magical. Starswirl had designed it years earlier to so that mages could wear lightweight protective armor. Starswirl walked over to his son, his eyes sullen. “Frostmere why do you have to do this? I know that you want to protect your wife and unborn foal but this is dangerous. What if you get killed?” “Father that’s just a risk I’m going to have to take. I…just can’t trust those barbarians, they are up to something. I can feel it in my bones.” Frostmere quietly embraced his father, neither pony spoke for several seconds. “Listen, I trust you more than any other pony to protect my wife and foal. I know you can do it. I can go onto the battlefield without worry knowing such a capable mage has my family’s back.” Starswirl wiped a tear from his check. “Ha you’ve always been like this, always willing to sacrifice your own personal safety for the sake of others. For what it’s worth son I sincerely hope that you are wrong about the confederation. I voted with the nobles because I want nothing more than peace, peace so that you can raise your family properly. I just want you to know that whatever happens I will always love you and be proud of you. No amount of bits or political intrigue can take that away from me. I promise I will protect Amethyst and your foal with all of my strength.” Frostmere and Lord Firebrand rode in front of the army that Firebrand had mustered. It was mainly comprised of his elite infantry units, which were celebrated throughout Equestria as crack troops. The army numbered around one thousand strong, not an extremely large army but enough to stand a chance against a minor attack. All the troops wore blood red armor and carried broadswords accompanied by circular wood and steel shields. Their armor bore the mark of the eternal flame, the symbol of house Firebrand. It was not dissimilar to Firebrand’s cutie mark. It would take at least two days for the army to reach the border. Lord Firebrand lifted his hoof to signal his army. “Halt everypony we shall set up camp here.” “I suppose this is a good a place as any to set up camp milord. Do you suspect the confederation is still in camp or on the move?” “Mage Frostmere, I suspect that they are most certainly on the move by now. The one thing about these barbarians is that they are very mobile, likely due to their nomadic nature. If Gallerix has half the brain I think he does, it would bode him well to strike as quickly as possible. Ahead of us are open plains but behind us is a small wooded area. I shall position the troops near the forest’s edge so that his warriors will have a harder time charging at us. Don’t worry my troops are well trained to fight in any condition, they have seen worse. My scouts tell me that they could be here within half a day, so we must rest as much as we can.” “Milord I just wanted to thank you for supporting me. It just seems that all the nobles are content to accept the confederation as a peaceful nation. We both know that cannot possibly be so. You honor me with your dedication.” Lord Firebrand let out a harsh laugh. “Mage this has nothing to do with honor or glory. I do this because the fire of revenge burns deeply in my belly. I want a spike for each one of those heathen bastard’s heads so I can make a garden out of them. A garden of death to show all of world not to trifle with me or Equestria’s citizens. Don’t get me wrong though, I do appreciate your help in this matter. Most of those petty nobles don’t know what it’s like to have to protect their own flesh and blood that is why they are so content.” “Yes milord family is indeed a great motivator. If you will excuse I believe I shall try to get some rest , it will be a long day ahead of us.” “Aye mage, but keep one of your eyes open they could arrive at any moment.” The sun had just begun to rise when Frostmere was rudely awakened by the sound of a blaring war horn. He had gone to sleep in his clock but still needed to grab his bag of supplies. Wiping his eyes he saw a terrible scene unfolding before him. An entire army of the Mountainhoof Confederation was methodically marching towards the camp. The earthpony warriors were clad in a motely array of leather and chainmail armors, but what they lacked in uniforms they more than made up for in discipline. They marched to the steady beat of a large drum, the war horn blasting different sounds to indicate the direction they needed to move. The confederation appeared to have around fifteen hundred to two thousand troops by the looks of it, but true to Lord Firebrand’s word his own troops had already taken position in front of the woods. Frostmere noticed they formed a shield wall with some of their swords poking out. They formed three rows, the first two were infantry while the third seemed to have some kind of clay pots on the ground with torches next to them. Frostmere quickly took position behind the third row of Firebrand soldiers. Lord Firebrand rode in front of his troops giving commands and rallying them. “Grenadiers wait for my signal to fire your weapons, the enemy must be closer for them to be at maximum effectiveness. Infantrymen stand your ground, let the enemy tire themselves upon your shields then strike them when they let their guard down. Mage heal any of my soldiers who need it, and if you can try to cast fire upon the enemy infantry. The confederation has likely used enchanted armor to repel magic, so your strikes must be indirect.” The first wave of confederation troops began charging at the Firebrand position, they all gave another worldly shriek to scare the life out of anyone who dared oppose them. The Firebrand troops stood fast in their position, after all they had seen this before. When the confederation infantry were about ten meters away, Lord Firebrand gave the order for his grenadiers to fire their weapons. The clay pots were hurled into the air smashing into confederation infantry as they came back to earth. Fire began to erupt where any of the pots had landed, burning the hapless soldiers. The soldiers tried to put the fire out with water but to no avail, it merely intensified the flames. The screams of the burned joined the symphony of sounds in battle. Frostmere stared at Lord Firebrand in disbelief. “What in Tartarus are those?” “My secret weapon, it’s my family’s greatest invention. They are essentially fire projectiles but the catch is the fire inside them cannot be put out by water. It is alchemically produced fire.” “I should ask for the recipe, it seems rather handy.” “It is, I might let you have it assuming we live through this battle.” The soldiers who had not immediately been burned surged towards the shield wall formed by the Firebrand troops. It was like a watermelon hitting a brick wall. The Firebrand troops efficiently blocked the confederation infantry while slowly whittling down their ranks. Frostmere made sure that he cast an anti-fatigue spell to bolster the soldier’s strength as well as a little bit of healing magic to mend any wounds. The war horn blared again and the confederation troops fell back towards the plain. Frostmere looked over at a very dirty looking Lord Firebrand. “Did we win milord?” “Nay, they’ve just pulled back to regroup and lick their wounds. Old Gallerix didn’t think we’d be that much of a challenge. I think at least a quarter of his troops were killed in that charge of his.” “How many dead on our side milord?” “It’s not as bad as I would have thought, only about forty. Another twenty wounded but with your healing magic they should be on their hooves in no time.” The war drum on the other side began to beat quickly as a large column of infantry began to rush towards the Firebrand line. At the front of the assault Frostmere saw a large stallion, covered in chainmail armor with a pair of spiked steel hoof boots. Lord Firebrand gritted his teeth. “Argghh that clever bastard, he was using those infantry to soak up my grenades so he could make a massed infantry attack. Brace yourselves lads this going to be a rough one!” Once again the highly trained Firebrand soldiers held their ground, but they were beginning to weaken. Gallerix Mountainhoof hit the ground with his hooves causing boulders and solid earth to come crashing down on the weary Firebrand troops. Lord Firebrand noticed how dangerous Gallerix was to his troops so he decided to take the chieftain head on. Charging forward with all his strength Lord Firebrand swung his broadsword at Gallerix. Gallerix dodged the blow and punched Firebrand in the chest with one of his hooves, knocking him to the ground. Lord Firebrand had been hit so hard that he was coughing blood onto the ground. In between coughs and heavy breathing Firebrand spoke to Gallerix. “You hit like a damned bison…*cough*. I think at least three of my ribs are broken. *cough*…I hope the mage finishes you off like a dog.” Gallerix smiled. “Do not fret old man; you are being given a warrior’s death. It’s more than you deserve but at least you will die like a true stallion rather than rotting away in your keep like some soft princess.” After Gallerix was done speaking he took his hoof and smashed Lord Firebrand’s skull. He loosened a primal yell that could have woke the dead, sending fear into his enemies. Despite their lord being slain in battle the Firebrand soldiers did not falter, instead command was taken over by one of Lord Firebrand’s most experienced generals. Frostmere was saddened by Lord Firebrand’s death but he knew that he had a job to do and continued to bolster the troops’ moral and heal anypony that needed attention. He saw one trooper hurtled across the battlefield and hit a tree with a sickening crunch. Two more were crushed with boulders leaving only piles of red meat and organs behind. There in front of him was none other than the chieftain himself, oddly though the warrior chieftain did not attack right away but it appeared as if he wanted to talk. “By the earth spirits, if it isn’t Lord Starswirl’s son…Frostmere was it? Ah yes it’s you alright no other pony has such a sickeningly white hide. I have to give you credit, you’re one of the few ponies who had a shred of sense amongst those addle brained milk-drinkers.” Gallerix pointed to Lord Firebrand’s mangled corpse. “It’s a shame the old pony didn’t last longer but I gave him a good death. I’m not sure it was exactly wit that led him to the battlefield this day, but at least he had the courage to face me.” Frostmere looked over at the corpse and sighed. “I suspect you’re right chieftain, he was consumed by hatred and thoughts of revenge. Still he was the only lord who openly opposed your false treaty, so I believe he had some sense in him.” “Perhaps mage, but that didn’t save him from my hoof crushing his skull. Tell me what is it you fight for?” “I fight for my family. I have a wife and an unborn foal to look after. Princess Celestia has never been a truly terrible leader but she never puts her hoof down when it counts. I couldn’t just stand by while a barbarian horde threatened everything I love.” “You’re fighting for the most noble of reasons, I can respect that. Most of those high born unicorns in Celestia’s court only care about their own hides or bits. Family makes a stallion do strange things, sometimes mighty things. I wager that you and I aren’t so different mage, but sadly I must destroy you. Before we fight I’d like do a bit of storytelling, it’s never a bad thing for a stallion to hear a good tale before his death.” Gallerix took a deep breath. “Do you even know what you are lad?” Frostmere gave Gallerix a confused look. “A unicorn…is this some sort of trick question?” “It’s not a trick, but no you are much more than any mere unicorn. You are a star-child. Lord Starswirl probably never told you that did he? Star children are rarely ever left alive past birth because they have uncontrollable, unfathomable powers beyond this realm.” “What…what are you talking about?” “Your strength in the magic arts lad, why do you think Starswirl himself decided to teach you? My people have an ancient legend, one concerning the star children. Every two thousand years a foal is born under the great blue comet, as such the star bequeaths them with unimaginable powers. The comet is known as The Eye of Tartarus, because it so resembles the flames of the underworld. My druids calculated its last appearance to be twenty five years ago, exactly how old you are lad. If that weren’t proof enough you stink of ancient magic, I could smell it on you the moment I stepped onto the field.” “That can’t be…my father told me he got me from the orphanage” “Not likely lad, he probably found you near whatever wreck you caused. I imagine you killed your real parents but you were just a foal so of course you’d have no memory of it. I do hate it when stallions have daddy issues but I really must be on my way to killing you I have a kingdom to take back.” Frostmere concentrated as his horn glowed firing a beam of dark blue energy at Gallerix. The beam should have burned a large hole in his body but it merely fizzled to no effect. Gallerix merely laughed. “Despite your power mage, your magic will not affect me. My druid priests ensured that my armor was hexed to cancel magic.” Gallerix punched Frostmere with one of his hooves, hurtling him into a nearby tree. After that Gallerix hit the ground with his other hoof, sending a small rock hurtling towards Frostmere. The rock found its target, slamming into Frostmere’s leg. Frostmere howled in pain as his back leg was broken from the impact. Gallerix slowly walked over to Frostmere and grabbed him by the mane. “Good lad you aren’t even begging for your life. I can at least give you a warrior’s death. If I find your wife I shall take good care of her, who knows maybe I’ll even let the foal be my servant.” Gallerix was about to crush Frostmere’s skull, when the mage’s eyes and horn began to glow furiously with a surge of magic. Frostmere began to suck the very life out of Gallerix. The chieftain’s only reply was to let out a pained gurgle. After a few moments Frostmere had felt more alive than he had in years and strangely his broken leg was healed. He gasped in horror at the body of Gallerix; it had become nothing more than a shriveled husk. Frostmere swallowed back the bile that threated to come out his mouth. He steeled himself knowing that he had a battle to win. Without Gallerix to lead them the confederation troops dissolved into chaos, it took another two hours for the Firebrand troops to completely rout them. Frostmere treated some of the wounded and asked the Firebrand general if he required any further assistance. The general was reluctant to send away the mage but he concluded that any other issues could be handled by the medical staff. Frostmere wished the general luck and teleported back to Canterlot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Market District, Kingdom of Equestria The scene that greeted Frostmere as he arrived in Canterlot was something out of a nightmare. The entire town was on fire; buildings were destroyed and looted, dead bodies strewn across the streets in varying degrees of dismemberment. Quite a few of the bodies belonged to confederation soldiers, which meant that Gallerix had planned a two pronged sneak attack against the unsuspecting Equestrians. The one good thing he saw was that some of the palace guards were roaming the streets trying to restore order. This meant the sneak attack had failed but still caused widespread death and destruction. Gallerix had likely intended this smaller force to soften the Equestrian forces, so that his main army could come in for the killing blow. The larger force never came to join their comrades because it had been routed by the Firebrand army. Frostmere’s thoughts immediately went to his wife and unborn foal, so he quickly made his way to the shop. When Frostmere arrived at the shop, there was little left of it. Where a shop once stood only charred embers took its place. The shop had to have been on fire for a few hours for so little to remain of it. Frostmere rummaged through the debris trying to find anything but it was a wasted effort. He sat in the middle of the wreckage covered in soot and began to sob. Everything he had worked for, everything he had loved was burnt to ashes. His father had lied to him and his ruler had failed to protect the kingdom. There was only one thing he had left to do. He would prevent this from ever happening again by killing Princess Celestia and usurping her throne, making himself the new king. Only when he became king would Equstria achieve order and harmony, never again would it’s lands be tarnished by filthy invaders. Clutching a piece of burnt wood Frostmere made a vow. “Celestia will fall this day; I swear it upon my ancestor’s graves. Anypony else who dares stand in my way shall perish as well. Today begins the dawning of a new age in Equestrian history.” Frostmere teleported to the Canterlot Castle throne room to find Princess Celestia sitting on the floor. Her once majestic golden armor was battered and crusted with blood. She had a large gash on one of her legs and her hair was a tangled mess caked with dirt and soot. Celestia looked up at Frostmere with saddened, tired eyes. As she spoke her normally regal voice was but a mere ragged whisper. “Frostmere, it seems that you have survived your ordeal. I believe an apology is in order. I’m ashamed that I let those savages trick me into thinking they wanted peace…I…I just wanted to do what was best for my subjects.” Frostmere laughed. “You think an apology to me is going to make up for your arrogance and ignorance? The ones you should be apologizing to are your subjects! You are too soft Celestia and therefore unfit to rule this kingdom. My wife and my daughter died because of your incompetence. Well no more! I hereby denounce your rule and claim the Canterlot Throne as my own. If you cannot protect your subjects then I will.” Frostmere eyes began to glow with a deep blue light as he summoned a myriad of fireballs to his command. Without hesitation he hurled the fireballs straight at Princess Celestia, when they were intercepted by a brown colored barrier. When the smoke cleared he saw Starswirl in front of the princess. “Stop this madness at once son! I understand that you are in great pain but do not let that cloud your judgment.” “My judgment has never been more clear. That bitch deserves to die for her negligence! She was complacent with those savages; she never even questioned their motives. Her negligence is directly responsible for Ami’s and my daughter’s deaths.” “Frostmere listen to me. I saved Amethyst from the fire. That was the first place I went to as soon as the invasion began. She was badly burned but lived. She’s just resting in the infirmary wing of the castle right now.” “You expect me to believe your lies? I saw the shop with my own eyes, it was burned to nothing but cinders.” “Son I’m telling you the truth, both your foal and wife still live. Please calm down and just trust me.” “Trust you? Why should I? You seemed to have been content lying to me all these years about what I was. You never told me that I was a star child. I was just some monster that you needed to control, nothing more than a pet.” “Look son…it is true that I lied about your birth but it was only to protect you. You were never a pet to me. Frostmere you may not be of my blood but I love you and nothing can change that. I just wanted you to live a normal life…I couldn’t let you be killed for something you had no control over.” Hot tears ran down Frostmere’s face. “I’m sorry father but I have to do this. Stand aside or be destroyed along with your ruler.” “I really hate to do this to you my boy but you leave me no choice.” Starswirl’s horn began to glow as he recited an ancient Equestrian chant. The amulet on Frostmere’s neck began to glow with a dark brown energy, sapping Frostmere of all of his magical energy. Weak and helpless, Frostmere lay on the ground. Starswirl began to concentrate his magical energy into his horn preparing to vaporize Frostmere in a single blast. “NO!!! It can’t end like this. I must fulfill my destiny. I MUST LIVE!!!” As Starswirl unleashed his magic beam the amulet began to glow blue. A second later an explosion of blue light filled the throne room, blinding everypony present. All that was left where Frostmere had been sitting was a scorch mark. Starswirl collapsed on the floor barely containing his anguished cries. Princess Celestia limped over to him and nuzzled his neck. At this moment they were not advisor and ruler but just two ponies trying to comfort one another. “Your majesty what shall be do with Amethyst…and the foal?” “Worry not Lord Starswirl; I shall look after them personally. The bloodline created by your son will be magically gifted for many generations. I will mold them into outstanding citizens, willing to protect and cherish my kingdom. It is the least I can do to atone for my mistakes.” “Yes your majesty we all make mistakes. The best thing we can do is admit that we make them and try to atone for them one day at a time.” > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 Princess Celestia’s Throne Room, Canterlot Just as Iron Cross and Twilight were about to exit the throne room, Celestia trotted after them. “I’m sorry Twilight, Iron Cross; I forgot to mention something to the both of you. I realize that we were just discussing matters of state security but it’s just as important to have fun sometimes. I was thinking of holding another gala, more specifically a Hearts and Hooves Day Gala. It’s something new I thought of. Oh and don’t worry it’s not going to be like the Grand Galloping Gala, I assure you it will be much less formal…just something for fun. All of your friends will be invited of course. I promise there won’t be another ticket situation like the last gala.” Twilight blushed heavily when she heard mention of that particular incident. “Hehehe of course Princess but may I ask why you decided to do this out of the blue?” “Twilight I am hardly doing this at random. It has been rather stressful as of late here at the castle and I thought that everypony could use a breather, including Luna and I. It is important that even during times of stress and strife that we try our best to handle the situation without having a mental breakdown. In other words Twilight, it’s essential to have fun to help relieve the burden of stress.” Twilight simply nodded in agreement, remembering yet another incident where she went mental because she didn’t write a weekly friendship report. She wondered if Big Mac still had her stuffed animal, perhaps she would visit him later to find out. Twilight added that to her mental checklist of things to do. Iron Cross winced at the thought of a big party, remembering what Pinkie’s party was like. If the crazy pink party mare was invited then trouble would certainly ensue. It’s not that he hated Pinkie Pie, but rather she scared the living daylights out of him. Being a soldier for so many years had taught him to appreciate and even grow found of daily routines. He had a deep rooted paranoia of the unpredictable, it wasn’t that he couldn’t adjust he just didn’t like it. Pinkie was the very avatar of unpredictability…that and she had a fondness for breaking the laws of physics. Celestia giggled as if reading Iron Cross’s mind. “Oh don’t worry there won’t be any alcohol served at the gala. I banned its consumption ages ago…due to a rather embarrassing scandal involving me, ten bottles of wine and griffon prince.” Twilight’s eyes grew to the size of saucers not being able to comprehend the pure shock of imagining her princess and mother figure flat on her flank drunk. She looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown. Iron Cross let out a wry chuckle. “It seems our majesty knows how to have some fun on occasion.” Celestia adopted a look bemusement. “What can I say? I was young and quite the party pony. As I recall the griffon prince was extremely handsome so…I just took the initiative that’s all. For all the scandal we caused with our romp I didn’t hear a peep of complaint out of him. After the dust settled I would occasionally go to Griffania on diplomatic missions but I always managed to squeeze in a quickie with Prince Talon. Ah those were the days.” Iron Cross gave Celestia a knowing wink. “Youth is such a wonderful thing is it not, your majesty?” “Indeed it is Iron Cross. Do you wish me to send the both of you off? I have a carriage waiting outside.” “Why yes your majesty that would be lovely, besides I think poor Twilight is too flustered to use teleportation magic anyway. Have a pleasant day your majesty.” Celestia giggled and waved. “A pleasant day to the both of you as well, and I expect to see you at the gala!” Iron and Twilight entered the stagecoach plopping down on the plushy lavender seats. They sat across from each other; Iron was looking out the window with a hoof placed on his chin staring at nothing in particular while Twilight sat fidgeting with the same look of disbelief she had in the throne room. “I can’t believe this…THE PRINCESS a-aand a GRIFFON!!??? I mean I know that hippogriffs exist but for her to f-ff…fff…forn-icate with a griffon? She is a pony after all but she’s also a goddess…OM MY GOSH what is it like to have sex with a goddess? Books…yes books I bet I could find out more about this from books ehehehehehe.” Twilight’s muttering rant broke Iron from his musings. “Umm Twilight are you ok?” She continued to mutter for couple more minutes until Iron got sick of it. He slapped her across the snout with his hoof. “Sorry about that Twilight but it was the only thing I could do to snap you out of it.” Twilight rubbed her snout suddenly jolted back to reality. “Sorry Iron I have a tendency to freak out sometimes. Thanks for slapping me back to my senses.” It was going to be a little while till the carriage reached Ponyville so Iron Cross decided to chat with Twilight for a bit. He didn’t really know her very well other than she was the town librarian and the star pupil of Celestia. “Look don’t worry about the Princess too much Twilight, she may be the ruler of Equestria and a solar goddess but she has the same desires as any of us. I remember back when I was a human even political leaders had lovers on occasion. If anything you should be happy that Celestia admits to her mistakes and wants.” Twilight looked down at the floor in embarrassment. “You’re right Iron…it’s just hard for me to imagine the princess doing things like that. I’m sooooo sorry I freaked out.” “It’s alright Twilight I forgive you but let us move on to more stimulating conversation topic hmm? Actually I was wondering if I could ask you a bit a personal question if you don’t mind.” “Umm sure Iron go ahead and ask.” “I assume this Hearts and Hooves Day thing is some kind of romantic holiday right?” “Yes…why do you ask?” “Ok that’s what I thought. So if this is indeed a romantic holiday, then I must ask. Do you have a special somepony you intend to take along to the gala?” Twilight rubbed her hooves together still looking at the floor. Awkward silence filled the carriage for several seconds. Iron Cross let out a heavy sigh realizing he must have hit a conversational land mine. What was with this crazy bookworm mare? She was one of the most socially awkward creatures he’d ever seen in his entire life (human or stallion otherwise). She had plenty of friends that he knew, but the mare acted like she’d hardly experienced life outside the library. “Alright sorry I asked. I guess I must have hit a nerve. At the very least are you even interested in finding somepony to be with?” Twilight responded in very Fluttershy-esque voice. “Well I do like stallions.” Iron Cross laughed. “Well now we’re getting somewhere! I thought you were some bookish asexual creature whose only love was studying.” Twilight shot Iron Cross an icy glare while gnashing her teeth. “Grrrrrrr WHY DOES EVERYPONY THINK THAT!!??” “Oops sorry Twilight I didn’t know that was such a sour subject for you.” Twilight calmed down a bit before answering in a slightly annoyed tone. “It’s ok…I’m just not very good at being social. I kinda came onto the scene pretty late. Just so you know I really do like stallions but I’ve never really been in a relationship before.” “Ah I see well everypony has to start somewhere Twilight. Who knows maybe this gala will be an opportunity for you to find your stallion in shining armor.” “Maybe but I really don’t have much of an idea who would be suitable for me. I mean I’m not as picky as Rarity but I do have some standards. It’s so easy for you to go to the gala Iron. You already have Applejack.” “Trust me Twilight things weren’t always so smooth with Applejack and I. There was point where we had a very awkward phase but it worked out in the end. You just have to get your hooves dirty and try. Don’t think about the millions ways you could fail, but what you have to gain. You’re a very attractive mare Twilight, don’t sell yourself short. I’m willing to bet there are plenty of stallions who would want to be with you. Twilight looked like she was on the verge of tears. “Y-you really think that…I’m…b-bbeautiful?” Iron Cross nodded. “Yes its plain as day. You are the element of magic, Princess Celestia’s star pupil and of course extremely adorkable. Calling all stallions heeeerreee is Ponyville’s most eligible bachelorette.” Twilight kicked Iron Cross in the leg. “Adorkable??? What the hay does that mean? Oh sweet Celestia does that mean ponies think it’s cute because I’m dorky?” “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing Twilight. I say it’s just part of your charm.” “Ok Iron I’ll try to be more assertive and just so you know I do have a stallion in mind.” Iron Cross looked out the window of the carriage and noticed that they had arrived at Twilight’s library. As the steward opened the door for Twilight, Iron gave her a quick ruffle to the mane. “Atta mare, I hope everything works out for you. Later Twilight.” For the first time since they left the throne room Twilight smiled. Iron Cross somehow reminded her of her brother, Shining Armor. He joked around sure, but underneath all of the humor was genuine concern and friendship. Twilight’s eyes burned with a new type of determination, she was going to find a stallion. Oh yes, she would if it was the last thing she ever did. Now all that was left to do was make a check list of all of the eligible stallions in Ponyville. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carousel Boutique, Ponyville Rarity let out a squeal of joy when she received the invitation to Princess Celestia’s Hearts and Hooves Gala. She couldn’t wait to design the perfect dresses for her friends and especially her new fillyfriend Fluttershy. How long had it been since she went on a date with somepony she was proud to show all of Equestria to? It had been far too long that was certain. Rarity slumped onto the floor cuddling the invitation and drooling as well. Sweetie Belle came trotting down the stairs to see what all the giggling and squealing was all about, only to find her sister looking like a madpony. “Umm Rarity what’s wrong with you? Did you drink too much wine again?” Rarity’s slobber fest was interrupted by her sister’s question and she immediately composed herself, albeit with a slight blush. “Why hello Sweetie Belle, I’m sorry you had to see me in such a state but you must understand that I just received some wonderful news. Princess Celestia is going to hold a Hearts and Hooves Gala. Oohhhhh just imagine how romantic it is going to be! Why I just can’t contain my excitement!” Sweetie Belle cocked her eyebrow. “Oh it’s one of those things. Seems kinda boring to me.” “Now Sweetie Belle, I don’t expect fillies to be into that sort of thing just yet. Perhaps when you’re older you shall understand, and before you get any ideas do not go crusading for a romance cutie mark. I shall have none of that. Perhaps if you’re well behaved I will arrange for you, Applebloom, and Scootaloo to have a pizza party sleep over during the gala.” “Ok Rarity that sounds nice, but if you’re going to the gala who’s gonna watch us?” “Oh you just leave that to me darling, I’m sure I can conjure up a fillysitter somewhere.” Just as Sweetie Belle was about to complain about having a fillysitter, there was a slight knock at the door. Rarity in her typical dramatic fashion hurried to greet her guest. When she opened the door, Fluttershy was standing outside with a bouquet of roses. “Fluttershy my sweet how nice of you to visit and you brought my favorite, red roses. Oh how thoughtful!” As soon as Fluttershy dropped her bouquet of roses she gave Rarity a quick kiss to the lips. Rarity a bit taken back by Fluttershy’s newly found directness blushed slightly because Sweetie Belle was still in the room. Sweetie Belle eyed her sister with a slight bit of suspicion, not quite sure what to make of the kiss. Fluttershy nibbled on one of the roses and smiled at Sweetie Belle. “Oh hello Sweetie Belle how are doing today?” “I’m ok Fluttershy. How’s Angel Bunny doing?” “He's doing just wonderful. I think he finally is taking a liking to normal bunny food. Ohhh I would just get so mad when he wouldn’t eat anything but fancy salads. I had to give him the eye a couple of times since he was so naughty.” Rarity cleared her throat. “Well Sweetie Belle I’m sure that Fluttershy is happy to see you but she has some private business with me that she has to attend to. I’ll give you some bits so you can go buy a milkshake at Sugarcube corner, doesn’t that sound good?” Sweetie Belle shuffled her feet. “A milkshake is always good but I still don’t understand why Fluttershy kissed you like that. I know that friends sometimes kiss each other but that was going a step beyond. I know how you work Rarity; you can’t expect me to just forget what I saw by giving me a milkshake.” Rarity facehoofed. Sometimes Sweetie Belle could be very perceptive. She was a chip off the old block as far as Rarity was concerned. “I guess there’s no getting anything past you eh Sweetie Belle? I might as well tell you even though you might be a bit young to understand. You see Sweetie; I got tired of trying to find my prince charming so I decided to find my princess. As you may well know Fluttershy and I have been friends for years…so we decided to take our relationship to the next level. In other words Fluttershy and are fillyfriends.” Sweetie Belle stood staring for a moment and then her eyes became bigger than saucers. “Oh…MY…GOSH!!! I’m so happy for you Rarity. I just knew it would only be a matter of time before you two got together I mean you’ve been friends for sooooo long.” Rarity awkwardly accepted Sweetie Belle’s embrace not quite sure how to take this. “Ehem well yes darling it took me quite a long time to sort this out but I assure you that the feelings of love that Fluttershy and I share are mutual. How may I ask do you know of such things Sweetie Belle?” “You promise you won’t get mad if I tell you Rarity?” Rarity let out a chortle. “Oh of course not dear, why would I get mad?” “Umm you say that now but…I’m pretty sure you’ll get mad.” Rarity grit her teeth. “Now Sweetie Belle it’s extremely rude to lie to your sister so go on and tell me how you know.” “Well I may have read some of your romance novels on how mares…umm…get together?” Rarity’s left eye twitched. “Grrrr…now Sweetie Belle how many times have I told you not to read my private book collection? Those books are not meant to be read by fillies, if you want to read something more appropriate then read Daring Do.” “Rarity you keep telling me that I shouldn’t be into that kind of stuff, but the truth is…well I sorta…do like that stuff.” “Sweetie Belle, dear could you please speak up I can barely hear what you’re saying.” Sweetie Belle began to blush heavily. “I do like that kind of stuff…” “Oh well you are beginning to reach the age where you start becoming interested in colts. It’s only natural.” “NO! That’s not what I umm meant.” “Well Sweetie Belle it’s quite alright if you read some romantic novels from time to time there is no shame in it. Perhaps I was wrong about you not being mature enough to read them. I’m sorry darling, if I seemed angry but from now on you’re welcome to read more, of course you must ask my permission first.” Sweetie Belle eyes started to well up and she began shuffling her hooves against the ground. “Rarity I wasn’t talking about the books. I meant that I like that kind of stuff as in what you and Fluttershy are doing.” “YOU WHAT??? I mean I was rather surprised that you accepted us a couple so easily and now it makes perfect sense. You’ll have to excuse me Sweetie Belle; this is just very shocking to me. If you don’t mind darling, could you tell me how this came about?” “You think what I’m going through is shocking? Rarity, you always talked about how you wanted to find your prince but instead you hook up with Fluttershy. I guess I can’t blame you since most of the colts you’ve dated were horrible.” “My word Sweetie, I had no idea you were so perceptive. I just assumed that you had no interest in such things or even cared about my romantic flings. Well from this day forth there will be no more of that. I swear to you my dear sister that you can come to me and talk about these kinds of things whenever you want.” “Thanks Rarity that means a lot. Anyway it’s not that I hate colts or that they treated me badly, it was just one of those things that sort of happened. I guess I should start at the beginning.” By this point Fluttershy was completely enraptured by Sweetie Belle’s situation. Fluttershy normally didn’t try to stick her hooves into other pony’s business but Sweetie Belle’s situation hit close to home, for it was similar to her relationship with Rarity. Fluttershy also firmly believed that love could take any form and it was the heart that mattered not the plumbing. She gave a short sigh as Sweetie Belle started recounting her story. “About four months ago the CMC decided to have a sleepover at the tree house. Applebloom said she couldn’t make it because she had a lot of chores to do, so it was just Scootaloo and I. It was kinda boring without Applebloom but we found a Vanity Hoof magazine and decided to read it, you know just out of curiosity. There was an article about kissing and at first we laughed at it, but then we got curious about what it was like. Scootaloo and I kinda…kissed. At first it was weird but then we started to like it and we…did it a couple of times. I never really realized how cute Scootaloo was, well in a sort of rough messy way. *Sigh* She has such a wonderful purple mane and when I’m near her I swear she smells faintly of oranges.” Rarity’s mouth looked like it was going to unhinge as she stood there listening to her sister. “Oh my you really are in love with…ermm…Scootaloo aren’t you? Well this is certainly a surprise but not entirely unexpected. Friendship is often the foundation for romance, I mean look at Fluttershy and I if you need any further proof.” Sweetie Belle wrapped her forehooves around Rarity in a tight embrace. “Thank you Rarity. I was so scared to talk about this. I thought you were going to be mad at me. I was just confused and I didn’t know if it was right, but I feel so comfortable around Scootaloo.” “Hush darling it’s quite alright. Now I don’t mean to be a soil-sport but you will need to tell Applebloom about this, she is one of your best friends after all. I understand that you love Scootaloo but please don’t try to take your relationship too fast. At least now you have a date for the Hearts and Hooves Gala. I’ll make sure that I make an absolutely fabulous dress for you and your new fillyfriend.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville Applejack was finishing up rooting some weeds in the carrot patch when she decided to take a break. It wasn’t a particularly hot day, but weeding was hard work and nonetheless she still worked up a thirst. She went in the house to grab a glass of iced tea and as she came back out she noticed Big Mac sitting on the porch reading a book. He was slowly nursing a glass of lemonade when he noticed Applejack had come over to sit next to him. “Woo wee weedin’ sure is hard work. Ah reckon ah worked up a mighty thirst.” “Eyep.” “Whatcha readin’ there Big Mac, is it somethin’ about farming?” “Nope.” “Aww come on now Big Mac ya can tell yer sister what it is. Ah know you like to read all those fancy books on thinkin’ and such.” Big Mac sighed knowing how stubborn his sister could be when she wanted something. “Fine…it’s a book on how ta properly treat a mare on a date. Before ya start laughin’ at me just know that while I’ve had relationships before they were kinda like yours. Ain’t too many mares that can stand a stallion who works a lot.” Instead of spitting out her tea or laughing Applejack just let out a grunt of acknowledgement. She knew all too well that the Apple family was practically married to their farm and consequently neither her nor Big Mac were ever very good at keeping up relationships. Applejack knew she got extremely lucky with Iron Cross because he lived on the farm, so that eliminated some of the problem. Hay, he even came to the understanding that she was a busy mare and he didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Applejack let out a soft chuckle, realizing just how good of a match she and Iron Cross really were. “AJ I have a plan fer this Hearts and Hooves Gala. Ah know exactly how to break the ice with the mare I’ve got mah eye on.” “Just how in tarnation are ya gonna go about doin’ that?” Big Mac pulled out a ragged looking stuffed animal from underneath the chair he was sitting on. It appeared as if he had attempted to make some repairs to it. It took Applejack a few moments to register why her brother had the stuffed toy, when it dawned on her. The stuffed animal belonged to none other than Twilight. It had been a while since the little incident involving a love spell and the said toy but apparently Big Mac felt obligated to not only repair the doll but give it back. Applejack whistled at her brother’s clever plan. “Ah see how yer gonna do it ya big ole’ Casanova. Ya figure that you can use the doll as an excuse ta go over to the library and butter up Twilight. Ah approve of the plan, but ah just never figured she would be yer type…well except fer the fact y’all both enjoy readin’ so much. Ah guess it makes sense. She is quite pretty if ah do say so mahself and she’s sooo adorkable sometimes. Never mind, it makes perfect sense now. Only thing is does she like ya back?” Big Mac scratched his chin in thought. “Ah know most of the mares in town think I’m some kind of stud. It’s possible Twilight thinks so too, but ah ain’t too sure she’s got a whole lot of experience with stallions. Ya know with her bein’ a bookworm and all.” “Pfft ah didn’t know ya realized all the mares thought about ya that way.” “AJ ah may not talk much but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. It’s plain as day seein’ all them mares staring at mah flank. Ah can’t even go on a normal shoppin’ trip without somepony like Carrot Top givin’ me a discount or even freebies sometimes.” Applejack laughed spitting out some of her tea. “Well ain’t that a barrel of apples? Mah brother the stud-muffin!” Big Mac rolled his eyes. “AJ don’t ever mention the word muffin like that again. Ah already had quite the experience with Derpy talkin’ about wantin’ ta squeeze mah muffins. Most ponies think she’s crazy but ah know she ain’t, hay she was downright flirtin’ with me and knew damn well what she was talkin’ about.” Applejack rolled on the ground barely able to breath between her spasms of laughter. “Hahahaha Derpy oh lawrd that hilarious…hahahaha DERPY!!!!” “Ah knew it was a bad idea ta talk to ya about this.” “Sorry Big Mac ah just couldn’t help mahself. Ah really do hope that this plan of yours works out. Twilight might be a bit of an egghead but that don’t mean she’s a bad mare. Ah love her to bits ya hear and ah don’t want ya breakin’ her heart. If ah so much as hear ya even mildly upset her, I’m gonna buck yer face into last week.” “Don’t worry yer little orange hide AJ, ah know how special she is. I’ll treat her like she deserves.” Applejack spit on her hoof and shook hooves with Big Mac. “Alright it’s a promise then.” > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 Ponyville, Equestria Big Mac began his trek to Twilight’s tree house feeling a mixture of dread, excitement and a fluttery butterfly feeling he couldn’t quite put his hoof on. Maybe it was just because he was nervous, it wasn’t as if this was his first time seeing Twilight Sparkle after all but it certainly was the first time he intended speak with her beyond the “friendship” level. Mac was often times a soft-spoken stallion, preferring to give ponies a simple one word answer. He firmly believed that if answering a question didn’t require a complicated response, then a simple “Eeyup” or “Mnope” was all that was needed, after all talking too much wasted energy. In Big Mac’s mind wasting energy was just plain stupid, unless of course you were Pinkie Pie who just happened to have a seemingly limitless source of energy. Being such a big stallion, Mac could cover more ground with his massive gait than most ponies so it took him less time to get from place to place. Before he knew it, he was already at Twilight’s house. “Alright Mac ya got this. It’s just Twilight…I’m sure she wouldn’t mind yer company right? Just knock on the door. Aww horse apples what if mah breath stinks? Dang it now ah think mah mouth is all dry. Why the hay am ah shakin’ like a leaf? WHAT IF SHE’S STIL MAD ABOUT THE DOLL???” Twilight had just finished her shower and started reading a new philosophy book that had arrived a few days prior. She was familiar with many of the pony philosophers from the ancient Greek ponies all the way up to modern era. The particular book she was reading had been written by a Prench author by the name of Neighchelle de Montaigne, titled Essays on Thought and Philosophy. It was a rather mundane title to be sure, but if Twilight was certain about anything it was that you never judged a book by its title. The book was quite thick so maybe this Montaigne guy had a lot to say, hopefully not all of it was just hot air or entire discourses on “Oooh look it’s a butterfly…I wonder if butterflies have souls?” As she was just about to finish the third page, she heard a slight knock at the door. Normally Spike would be the one to open the door but he was gone for the week at some Neighponese Animare convention. Spike had always liked Animare and Manega probably because he envisioned himself as one of the ridiculous characters. He would always go on about transforming into “Super Stallion Three” probably so he could beat up the bad guys and save Rarity. She allowed herself a sigh, dragons will be dragons. Twilight opened the door to find one of the last ponies she expected to see at a library. “Oh good morning Big Macintosh what brings you to the library?” “Uhhh well howdy there Twilight. Fine weather we’re havin’. What the hay Mac is that all ya can talk about is the weather?” “Yeah it seems like Princess Celestia really outdid herself today. Not a cloud in the sky.” “Ah know this might sound a bit outta the blue, but I’ve been meanin’ ta give somethin’ back to ya.” “Hmm really? I don’t recall you ever borrowing any books.” “Nah ah don’t mean a book Twilight. Ah was referrin’ to yer doll. I’ve been meanin’ ta give it back to ya fer some time now, but I’ve just been so busy. Ah even went and patched it up fer ya.” Twilight let out an audible squee. “Oohhhh my gosh Ms. Smartypants I thought I lost you!!!!” Without thinking Twilight glomped Big Mac. It was a good thing that Mac’s coat was red because he blushed fiercely. “Errhemm…well…uhhh…yer welcome Twilight. Ah reckon that was mighty important to ya huh?” Twilight realizing that she just shamelessly glomped Big Mac, quickly began to turn red herself. “Grrrr stupid Twi, stupid…STUPID STUPID!!! Big Mac was just trying to be nice to you and you just had to go do something completely dorky. Not to mention he’s one of the hottest stallions in town. Oh he had such big muscles…NO NO NO! Twi get your mind out of the gutter. “Hehe sorry Big Macintosh I was just glad to have Ms. Smartypants back. Tell you what, how about I brew some tea and get out the scones? It’s the least I can do for you, so come on inside.” Big Mac found a pillow and planted himself in the middle of the room while Twilight fetched the tea and scones. “Holy horse apples! Ah never expected to get pounced on just fer repairin’ a little old doll. Ah gotta admit though it felt kinda nice. She also smelled mighty good…hmm almost like lavender.” With a distinct lack of anything better to do until Twilight returned, Mac looked around at all the wonderful books lining the walls. One book in particular caught his eye; it was sitting on a coffee table next to a lounge chair. He could tell right away what book it was, having read it himself. Mac had no idea that Twilight was reading Montaigne it was almost as if destiny was giving him a nod and a wink. Just as Mac was staring at the book, Twilight returned with a silver tray filled with assorted scones and a silver carafe full of green tea. “I see you found my newest book Big Macintosh. It just arrived yesterday. I haven’t really read much of it yet but it seems like a decent book, hopefully that Prench guy will have some interesting things to say.” “Well ya don’t say Twilight. Ah just happen to have read that book mahself not but a week ago. A mighty fine book ah must say, although Montaigne tends to ramble on a bit at certain parts. Ah guess that comes with bein’ part of the landed aristocracy.” Twilight’s mouth looked like it was going to drop to the floor. Several seconds of awkward silence followed as she tried to regain her wits. “Wait. A. Minute. Big Macintosh, you mean to tell me that you read…philosophy?” Big Mac let out a slightly annoyed sigh. He was used to ponies underestimating his intellect, but it still got on his nerves. “Ah reckon ah do. Spendin’ yer whole life farming can get a might boring, besides ah have a lot of time on mah hooves to think when I’m workin’. Ah read other books too like histories and occasionally botany. The botany books sure do help with the crop productions but philosophy is mah favorite. Oh and by the way Twilight ya can just call me Mac, cause Big Macintosh can be quite a mouthful.” Twilight was dumbfounded. She had never expected such a blossoming intellect to be hidden behind such an austere farm stallion. He was brains and brawn all in one sexy red package. She blushed realizing that she had put poor Mac on the bottom of her “Eligible Bachelor” list. There was also a shred of anger in her blush with the knowledge that she had broken one of her cardinal rules. Twilight had judged a book by its cover. “I’m sorry Mac I didn’t mean to be rude…I just didn’t expect you to be into reading so much. Most ponies only occasionally read or they just obsessively read a certain action adventure series involving an archeological pegasus mare. I must say I am pleasantly surprised.” “Mah pa always said that anypony is capable of learnin’ no matter his age or station in life.” “Your father seemed like a very learned stallion. I’m just lucky that my father was always supportive of my education, that’s why I was able to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns.” “It probably helps that yer family lives in Canterlot and has got some high connections. Oh and I’m also forgettin’ that yer the personal protégé of the Princess. Helps ta get the bits rollin’ fer all the books and such am ah right?” Twilight giggled. “Well yeah that certainly helps but I never really considered myself to be that important. I mean I realize that my parents are fairly wealthy and my brother is the captain of the guard but I just want ponies to recognize me for being Twilight not some rich aristocrat’s daughter. I’m just plain old Twilight Sparkle.” “Now wait just an apple buckin’ minute yer anything but plain Twilight. Ah can’t say that ah enjoy it when ponies let their ego get the best of em’ like yer friend Rainbow Dash, but ah hate it even worse when they put themselves down. Ya got plenty of talent, yer the element of Magic fer Celestia’s sake. You’ve saved Equestria on several occasions and yer probably the smartest pony since Starswirl the Bearded. If nopony else is gonna say it then ah will: Yer one special, amazin’ mare Twilight. I’d be lucky if ah was even half the pony you are. Dang it that sounded an awful lot like a confession…ah sure how she doesn’t get too upset.” Twilight sniffed and using her hoof to wipe away a few stray tears. She grabbed Big Mac’s hoof with both of her hooves and looked at him straight in the eyes with a warm smile spreading across her lips. Maybe it was a bit too forward to be having so much physical contact with Big Mac despite barely knowing him, but Twilight was never a pony to do things half-flanked. Besides she couldn’t help the fluttering sensation in her heart. In truth it was a feeling she had never felt before but knew what it was, having read it in so many books. Big Mac was taken aback by Twilight’s lack of inhibition concerning physical contact. Mac himself was not a pony who minded it in the least because his family was always the type to unabashedly give out bear hugs or kisses regardless of who was watching. He had always figured Twilight to more of the skittish type but maybe he was just jumping to conclusions. “Aww great ah made her cry…but wait she’s smiling so maybe she’s happy? Ah I guess it wouldn’t hurt ta ask.” “Twilight are ya alright? Ah didn’t mean ta upset ya…not that ah mind ya holdin’ mah hooves or nothin’.” Twilight shook her head. “It’s ok Mac I’m not upset, I’m just happy that you care so much. You might have…umm…just possibly have made my heart melt like a puddle of butter. Rarity might like her knights in shining armor but sometimes even simple farm stallions can sweep you off your hooves.” Big Mac shuffled one of his hooves on the floor taking a moment to think of what to say. “Ah didn’t realize ah had such a way with words and…wait a second. Did ya just say that ah made yer heart melt like butter?” “Well yeah it almost sounded like a confession to me, not that I read any of those trashy romance novels Rarity is into. I mean I wouldn’t mind if…” Twilights ramblings were interrupted by Big Mac’s laughter. “Ah didn’t think this would turn out this way. I’ll be honest with ya Twilight. Ah came over here because ah was interested in askin’ ya out and ah was of the opinion that ya wouldn’t be interested in me.” Twilight started laughing again and gave Big Mac a peck on the cheek. “Mac I’m glad you like me because the funny thing is I started making a checklist of all the available stallions in Ponyville. When Iron Cross and I were coming back from Canterlot we had a talk about my…uhh non-existent love life. I guess everypony figured that I was only interested in books but you know what’s better than books? A stallion that likes books as much as I do. I just never expected you to even think of me in that light…I mean you’re Big Mac! Almost every mare in Ponyville would drool at the chance to be with you. You could have any mare you wanted but you chose me. Why?” “Ah reckon ah could have any mare as you said but you ain’t just any mare. Ah like ya cause yer pretty and ya got a good head on yer shoulders. Ah want a mare ah can talk ta and read with and who can appreciate who ah am rather than just what ah am.” Twilight gave Big Mac a light embrace. “I’m sorry Mac I…I may have judged you at least at first I did. I thought there was nothing more to you than just a simple farm stallion but you proved me wrong and I’m glad that you did. You know I’d like to make it up to you. How would you like it if I was your date to the Hearts and Hooves Gala” “Really? Are ya serious? You’d want to take somepony like me to the Gala?” Twilight pat Big Mac on the shoulder. “Of course I would, in fact nothing would please me more. So what do you say?” “Twilight ah imagine you’ve just found yerself a date!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMC Clubhouse, Sweet Apple Acres It was a sunny morning, not a cloud in the sky. The perfect day for crusading, but as Applebloom made her way to the clubhouse she couldn’t help but shake off a feeling that a lot things, possible life alerting things, were going to happen today. Call it Apple family intuition, it was something that every Apple had. It was kind of like the Pinkie sense but less intense, just a gut feeling if you will. Rarely was it ever wrong and sometimes Applebloom wished it was. Applebloom put on her best smile and trotted into the clubhouse. “Hiya girls what are we gonna do…WHAT IN THE HAY ARE Y’ALL DOIN’?” The scene that greeted Applebloom was not something she was prepared to see. Despite being mature for her admittedly tender age she knew about the birds and the bees but that knowledge did little to harden her to what she was witnessing. There right in front of her sat Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo disengaging from an extremely sloppy Prench kiss. It was enough to fry Applebloom’s brain, and no she did not want to try her hoof at getting a fillyfooling cutie mark. She hoped that this was all just some joke or a silly misunderstanding, but it sure didn’t look like it. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at Applebloom with nervous grins accompanied with deep blushes that would put tomatoes to shame. Sweetie Belle was the first to speak. “Umm…so…yeah, Scootaloo and I have something important to tell you.” Applebloom glared at her best friends with a look that could cut diamonds. “Oh well I’m sure whatever y’all got ta say is important enough ta stop swappin’ spit. Don’t mind me I’m just here ta do some crusadin’. Ah just sure hope this ain’t some stupid gimmick ta try out fer a fillyfoolin’ cutie mark, cause ah ain’t havin’ no part in it.” Sweetie Belle looked like she was on the verge of tears when Scootaloo gently brushed her mane and stood in front of her. “Look Applebloom I know I’m not usually the one for mushy stuff but this is kinda different. Sweetie and I have been meaning to tell you about this but…we weren’t sure how you would handle it. Before you ask, no it’s not a gimmick, and no we aren’t trying to get fillyfooler cutiemarks. It’s sort of a long story you see…” Applejack crossed her hooves still glaring. “Well seein’ how it’s still mornin’ ah got all day long.” Scootaloo sighed and began again. “Alright then just remember that you asked for it. Do you remember that day about four months ago when you had to stay at the farm and help Applejack with some chores?” “Yeah ah remember that just fine, and woo wee was it nasty ta clean out the pig pen. Ah also recall that y’all decided to come to the club house that day too.” “Mhmm that’s right. Let’s just say that Sweetie and I got bored so we decided to go to Rarity’s house to find stuff to do before we came to the clubhouse. We ended up finding Rarity’s stash of magazines and she had the usual stuff. You know like some fashion catalogues, home decorating and Playmare that sorta stuff. We happened to find a Vanity Hoof magazine buried under all of em and decided to give it a look. There…was an article about how to kiss a colt and we…sorta tried it out and…liked it.” “So lemme get this straight. Y’all decided to try Prench kissin’ because it was inside a magazine and liked it? Ah ain’t an expert in romance but the way you two were kissin’ not but a minute ago sure looked a lot further than just simple likin’.” Sweetie Belle finally decided to speak up. “I know this is gonna sound weird but the kiss just felt so right Applebloom. Scooty, you and I have been best friends for a long time Applebloom. We were just hoping that you would understand. At first we didn’t understand what it was that we were feeling but I now know that it’s…love. Believe me Applebloom this came as a surprise to me too. I had to talk about it with my sister who just now started dating Fluttershy, so at least she knew what I was going through.” Scootaloo gave Sweetie Belle a tight embrace. “I…may not be good at all this mushy stuff but I can say with one hundred percent certainty that I love Sweetie too.” “Alright ah believe ya Scoots. It’s just gonna take me a while before ah get used to this…arrangement. Anyway why don’t we try and do some crusadin’ after all day light’s a wastin’.” Sweetie Belle started jumping up and down. “Oh oh oh I know what we can do! Why don’t we try our luck at spelunking in the Everfree Forest? There’s bound to be some caves there!” “That sounds totally awesome Sweetie!! Count me in.” “Sounds alright ta me Sweetie but we better wear some helmets or mah sister will kill us.” “CUTIE MARK SPELUNKERS!!! YAY!!!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everfree Forest, Equestria Frostmere was busy trying to wash his coat in a small pond when he heard the telltale noises of squeaky, excited fillies. Despite their annoying tone, he stroked his chin in thought realizing that it was unusual for any ponies to be this far out in the Everfree Forest. He then remembered the trick Chrysalis had employed to lure him into a trap. “Hmm this may present me with a unique opportunity to blend into the community. They are young, impressionable fillies it should not be difficult to gain their trust and friendship. I believe it is now time to put some of that changeling magic to good use.” “Seems all I have to do is change myself into a colt. I think a unicorn colt should be appropriate, probably shouldn’t have a cutie mark either that would be too complex to simply make one.” Frostmere’s horn glowed as his entire body was engulfed in blue flames. He stared at his reflection in the pond. He had been transformed into a dark green unicorn colt, roughly about the age of the three fillies he saw. His mane and tail were a combination stripe pattern of white and navy blue. Frostmere grinned at his reflection, pleased at the transformation. He had no idea how useful changeling magic was, of course he had never been a changeling prior to sucking the life out of Chrysalis but that was beside the point. There was only one small detail he had left to attend. He would have to make up some kind of back story as to why he was in the Everfree Forest. Frostmere levitated some mud and mixed it into his mane and tail to make himself seem disheveled. He then ripped a tree branch in half and scrapped it against his left leg to make some cuts, giving the impression that he was injured. It was painful, but the more realistic he made his cover story the easier it would be to gain the fillies’ trust. Frostmere noticed that they were heading towards a rather large cave, gods knows for what reason but he realized the best story he could formulate was that he too wanted to explore the cave and had fallen, becoming injured. Frostmere chuckled while teleporting himself into the cave. “Oh yes, this plan will be just perfect.” Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom crept their way into the depths of the cave. They were all wearing orange helmets and saddlebags to carry all their climbing equipment. The cave itself was deathly quiet, the only sounds were the occasional drips of water and the fillies’ hoof steps. The CMC had gotten far enough into the cave that there was no longer any natural light from the surface and Sweetie Belle had to resort to using her horn as a source of light in order to guide the way. Scootaloo and Applebloom huddled close behind Sweetie Belle as they kept trotting along. Scootaloo spoke in a hushed tone, almost a whisper. “Umm I d-don’t mean to sound like a-a chicken but this is getting kinda scary.” Sweetie Belle yelled in response, her voice cracking. “OH COME ON! Just a little scary you say!!?? IT’S DARK AND WET AND SCARY and…I…just want TO GO HOME!!!!” “Now girls ah don’t think we should get ourselves all riled up, after all it’s only a cave.” Sweetie Belle continued to shake on the verge of tears. “Applebloom I’m not like Scooty who won’t admit to being scared. I-I’m commm-pp-letely terrified. I hate the dark. Do you know that I can’t even sleep in the dark…I haven’t since I was a foal. I have to sleep with a night light. P-please j-just…can we please just go? I don’t care if we don’t get our cutie marks today.” Scootaloo embraced Sweetie Belle from behind while stroking her mane. “Shhh it’s alright Sweetie, I’m with ya on this one. Applebloom let’s call it quits for the day, even I think this is starting to get creepy.” “Alright ah guess we should get…wait did y’all hear that?” Sweetie Belle stopped shaking and looked at Applebloom. “Yeah it almost sounded like somepony crying for help.” “Hello is anypony down here? Mah name is Applebloom and me and mah friends are just doing a little explorin’ down here. If ya can hear me we can come git ya.” The crusaders heard a strained voice answer them back. “Hello? Oh thank Celestia I thought I was going to be stuck down here, I’m so glad somepony decided to go exploring! I-I am afraid that while I was exploring I fell so I think I hurt my leg.” “Ok just stay where ya are mister. I’m gonna come down there and hoist ya up with mah ropes. We’ll get ya outta here soon ah promise.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle slowly lowered Applebloom down to the injured colt. His coat was caked in dried mud; his eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles under them. The colt also appeared to have sustained some cuts on his left leg. Applebloom couldn’t figure out why this brash colt decided to go cave exploring all by himself, of course this particular line of thought was entirely hypocritical coming from a group of fillies who decided to do the same thing. Applebloom pushed such thoughts to the back of her mind, realizing that the colt just needed her compassion. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to add another member to the CMC. The three fillies gave beaming smiles to the injured colt as Sweetie Belle tended to his injuries. “Hi my name is Sweetie Belle; just hold still while put these bandages on your legs. Scooty I’m glad you packed a first aid kit.” Scootaloo blushed slightly. “Oh well it’s not really a big deal. I thought it would be a good idea. I always find myself getting cuts and bruises from riding my scooter.” The injured colt nodded his thanks. “I’m glad your friends are so well prepared. My name is Emerald Gleam by the way. I was actually exploring this cave hoping to find some rare mineral deposits but no such luck. For all I know there still might be some down here but I can’t possibly hope to look for them in this condition.” “Ah got an idea Emerald. Why don’t ya come back to the clubhouse with us? I’m sure mah sister wouldn’t mind us brining ya over, ya know considerin’ yer condition. Not ta be rude but ah couldn’t help but notice ya don’t have a cutie mark.” Emerald gave Applebloom a roguish grin. “Yes…I have yet to earn mine but I’m not worried about it.” “Oh well that’s fine, because we’re called the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we’re tryin’ ta earn our cutie marks too. Mah name is Applebloom and the pegasus over there is Scootaloo and ya already met Sweetie Belle. How would ya like ta join the CMC?” “Why Applebloom it would be my pleasure to join.” All three fillies jumped up and down excitedly, rubbing the mane of their newly inducted member. Frostmere smiled, reveling in how easy it had been to befriend them. He would join this club of theirs and when everypony was content that he posed no threat, he would strike. If the past seven hundred years had taught him anything, it was that subtly and patience were his greatest allies. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville The ride from Canterlot had been a long one for Iron Cross as he stepped out of the carriage onto the dusty ground of Sweet Apple Acres. Taking a deep breath and cracking his stiff neck, he approached the farmhouse to find Applejack leaning against the doorway looking at him with a smirk on her lips. He had to admit that he missed Applejack even during the short time he was away in Canterlot. In his previous life he never had the time to pursue a steady relationship, due to the war and his studies. It was nice to finally have someone or in this case somepony to come home to. As he concluded these thoughts a warm smile spread across his face, while advancing towards Applejack’s welcoming hooves. Applejack nuzzled Iron Cross’s cheek as he approached the doorway. “Mornin’ sugarcube. How’d yer meetin’ with the Princess go?” “Oh you know the usual hush-hush politically sensitive stuff. The Princess seems to be more open about the affairs of the kingdom to her subjects, but it seems that she keeps some information from the public. I can certainly understand why, however at least she isn’t as fond of keeping secrets as the Reich was.” “Ah don’t know Iron, it ain’t right ta keep secrets all the time. That’s just mah opinion though, ya know bein’ the element of honesty and such. Ah trust Princess Celestia with mah life and if she thinks it’s a good idea to keep some information from the public, then ah ain’t one to question her.” “I’m sorry that I can’t discuss the matter further Applejack, but I gave the Princess my word. Perhaps in time she will at least notify the other elements of the current situation, I’m sure you mares will be able to handle anything life throws at you. You beat Nightmare Moon and Discord after all.” Applejack frowned slightly. “Yeah ah reckon we took care of them just fine, but we didn’t kill nopony. From what ya were sayin’ about yer world with all of that killin’…ah can’t even imagine what that must have been like. I’m real sorry ya had to deal with all that sugarcube.” Iron Cross stroked Applejack’s mane gently. “Shh its ok Applejack there’s nothing to be sorry about. If anything all of that killing has steeled my resolve to prevent it in the first place. I may not have magic or wings but I will lend my strength and my knowledge to all of you.” Applejack giggled. “You might be givin’ Dashie a run fer her bits as the element of loyalty.” “Well then I guess Equestria will just have to have two elements of loyalty then, that is if Rainbow Dash can put aside that terrible pride of hers first.” Iron Cross noticed that the farm was quieter than usual. In fact he hadn’t seen Big Mac or Applebloom. Both apple siblings would normally have been doing their morning chores by this point, but were noticeably absent. Iron furrowed his brow in thought. “Somethin’ wrong sugarcube?” “Oh sorry Applejack, I was just noticing that Big Mac and Applebloom aren’t around.” “Eyep yer right they ain’t here right now. Big Mac is off in Ponyville takin’ care of some personal business with Twi and Applebloom is off crusadin’ with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.” “You can’t possibly mean that you’re the only one to take care of the entire farm?” “Hmm…nah. Ya see Iron ah got me a nice strappin’ stallion ta help me out. Ah can take care of the normal stuff but ah got me a problem that you might be able to fix. Remember that book ah told ya to get on pulleys?” “Yes I remember that but what does that have to do with the farm or me for that matter?” “Well ah need ta install a pulley system in the barn ta help move hay bales around. With all yer experience in fancy human gadgets, ah figured ya might be able to get it set up for me.” Iron Cross laughed. “Is that all? Here I was thinking that you were going to have me lug around a plow all day.” Applejack trotted closer to Iron Cross and wrapped her fore hoof around his neck. “Ah imagine that can arranged, but fer now ah need yer brains not yer brawn. I’m gonna fetch the book, go on ahead to the barn and I’ll meet ya in there.” Five minutes later Applejack appeared with the book in her mouth setting it on the ground next to Iron Cross. She then pointed her head towards a large trunk sitting next to a couple of hay bales inside the barn. Kicking open the trunk revealed a neat bundle of ropes and a few steel pulleys. Applejack gingerly pulled out the rope while Iron Cross handled the pulleys. “Ah know yer not used to using yer mouth so I’ll loop the ropes through the pulleys. It’s up ta you ta hang them up. While yer doin’ that I’m gonna water some of the fields and fix us some lunch.” Iron sat in front of the pulleys, his eyes screwed in concentration. “It never ceases to amaze me how these little horses can go about their lives without fingers. I guess I’ll just have to get used to using my mouth a bit more. Oh if ONLY they had electricity and machines, it would make this so much easier. All that damned magic makes them less technologically savvy. Hell I would be less inclined to use technology if I could use even half the magic unicorns could. Perhaps one of these days I can try to get the Princess to make me minister of technology.” Philosophical ramblings about the magic versus technology debate aside, within a half hour Iron Cross was finished installing the new pulley system in the barn. He stood back admiring his work when heard the barn door make a slight creaking noise. He turned back to find Applejack standing in the doorway with a rope in her mouth and her hat worn at a jaunty angle. Applejack threw the rope she had in her teeth over her back. “Well now I’ll say ya set up everythin’ up real nice Iron. Seein’ as how ya did such a good job ah reckon a reward is in order, if ya catch mah drift.” Before Iron could respond Applejack lassoed his legs and hog tied him to the ground. He hit the ground with a heavy thud and bewildered look. Try as he may, Iron could not unite the ropes. This situation was of course, unsurprising because Applejack was a champion rodeo pony. “Applejack what the hell is the meaning of…” Before Iron could finish his sentence Applejack grabbed him by his mane and shoved her tongue down in his mouth. After a few seconds she allowed him to breathe again and started peppering his chest with kisses. She spoke to him in a strained husky voice. “Sorry sugarcube but I’m hornier than a jackrabbit in spring right now. Plus ah figured you could use a little break too.” Despite initially being angry, Iron couldn’t help but crack a smile. Everything was always an adventure with Applejack or perhaps a competition. Whatever it was called, it was one of the many things he cherished about her. She was always honest and gave one hundred percent of herself to everypony and everything. Although he couldn’t move very well at the moment he gave her the gentlest kiss he could muster. “Now Applejack, not that I mind a joke here and there but these ropes make it very difficult to move…so perhaps you could untie me?” Applejack smirked. “Well now ain’t that a shame? It’s as if ah were tryin’ ta stop ya from movin’ in the first place.” “What?? I don’t understand. If you don’t untie me we won’t be able to do anything.” “Correction, you won’t be able to do anythin’. Ah ain’t ready ta untie ya yet. Like ah said before, this here is a reward for you. Don’t worry about me, ah can wait mah turn. Ah wanna make ya beg fer sweet release, but ya won’t be able to do anythin’ about it.” Applejack once again began to pepper Iron’s chest with kisses, then she started to slowly lick her way down to his inner thighs eliciting a soft moan from Iron. She then nibbled on his tail, making her way up and tugging on the root with just enough pressure to be on the verge between pain and pleasure. By this point Iron’s erection became so stiff that it practically quivered, much to the absolute delight of his mare. “You want me…to beg?” “While yer mind is tryin’ ta resist mah charm, I’d say the rest of ya is rarin’ ta go.” Iron Cross blushed heavily from the betrayal of his lower half. “Damn it. You’re going to try and break me like a stubborn mule aren’t you? I shall have you know that the German Army trains all of its officers to resist torture.” Applejack licked her lips. “Hehe well now ah don’t think all that fancy trainin’ of yours will help one bit. You ain’t never been interrogated by me before.” Applejack maneuvered her rump in front of Iron’s face and swatted his face playfully with her tail. She then moved her tail up ever so slightly to give her stallion a good view of her orange furred lips. Iron’s face flushed as he caught a whiff of her scent. It was a mixture of musky earth, sweat and carried a fruity undertone. Later when he thought about it, he would swear it was apples. Applejack spoke in her best southern belle impression. “Pardon me Mr. Cross, but I do declare that I am exhausted from the day’s work. Certainly a gentlecolt such as yourself is obliged to take care of a lady.” Iron Cross snorted. “You a fair lady, HA not likely and since when do you get exhausted so easily? “Oh but I do insist Mr. Cross. I’ve spent my whole morning watering the plants and I am most certainly in need of a strong pair of hooves to massage all…this…stress…out of my poor muscles.” “You’ll have to try harder my little apple tart.” “Goodness me then I shall have to just massage myself then.” Undeterred by her lover’s stubbornness, Applejack took her hoof and began to slowly rub it against the top of her sex causing her outer lips to swell and spread ever so slightly. Iron Cross’s pupils dilated to the size of pinpricks as a few drops of her essence fell onto the tip of his nose. His stallionhood swelled even more, if that was even possible, begging for release. Applejack noticed this and grinned. She broke out of her southern belle impression to whisper in his ear. “Ah bet yer just dyin’ ta mount me to the wall…” Applejack shifted her position until her face was directly over his throbbing member. Without any warning she began to slowly lick her way up from the base upward, giving the tip a gentle kiss. She could hear Iron gasp quietly, then when he was about to say something she plunged his cock into her mouth and began sucking rapidly. Iron whimpered helplessly at the intense stimulation, pushing his hips reflexively towards her mouth wanting desperately to release himself. Just as suddenly as she had started sucking, Applejack released him with a slick pop, leaving him achingly hard and desperate to loosen his load. Iron Cross shuddered, panting for breath. One maddening thought raced through his mind: Why didn’t she finish? Applejack smiled and bent down to lay a gentle kiss on the tip of his cock, one hoof slowly stroking up and down, keeping Iron on edge but offering no more stimulation. “Stop this madness!!!” Applejack gave his member another slow lick across the tip. “Sorry sugarcube, but yer gonna have ta beg.” Iron Cross’s pride as man (wait no, stallion) demanded that he not give in so easily. It would be too easy to simply give in but hot damn did he ever want to screw her brains out. Just as he was about to regain some composure, Applejack started nibbling playfully at his balls. She then swirled her tongue around the shaft, evoking yet another whimper. Iron’s ears splayed back while he let out a frustrated grunt. “Shit…alright. Applejack please…” “Please do what sugarcube?” “Please let me cum already! I can’t take it anymore you win!” Applejack leaned over to kiss him on the lips and proceeded to untie the ropes. “Atta boy, now was that so hard?” She barely completed her sentence when she was shoved to the ground. Somewhat stunned she looked over her shoulder only to find Iron grabbing her flanks and pinning her to the wall. Although she was initially shocked, she was not particularly surprised because all that teasing had made her wet and ready to go, not to mention her lover as well. Iron Cross thrust himself into Applejack with ease, at first with savage desperation but then he slowed into a rhythm. Applejack couldn’t help but moan loudly as her lover continued to push himself deeper into her. With each gyration they came closer to release, when finally after about ten minutes they climaxed together falling into an exhausted heap. As they lay on the ground, their essence leaked onto the dusty ground. By that point the entire barn smelled of sweat, sex and hay as the two lovers cuddled on a near-by pile of hay. They both let out a contented sigh, basking in the afterglow. Applejack snuggled closer to Iron Cross’s chest using her hoof to stroke his mane. “Whoo boy that was about the best damn romp ah ever did have! Ah still don’t understand why ya resisted so much.” “Well excuse me for having my pride. Although I will admit your little game proved to make this experience more enjoyable for me as well. Perhaps we could do it again sometime?” “Mhmm sure thing darlin’. Ah gotta admit though, it was real tough for me ta try and resist too. Ah was already frisky ta begin with and you were just so adorable. I’m sorry if ah drug it out a bit.” Iron Cross leaned over and kissed Applejack on the cheek. “Don’t worry about it, I forgive you. I just never did anything like that before so it took me by surprise.” “Sugarcube, that’s why ah love ya, because of that big forgivin’ heart of yours.” “The reason I love you sugarcube is because of your honesty…and of course it doesn’t hurt that you are an absolutely stunning blonde.” Applejack giggled and nuzzled Iron, both of them drifting off into slumber’s gentle wings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMC clubhouse, Sweet Apple Acres The Cutie Mark Crusaders along with their new friend, Emerald Gleam, made the short hike to the clubhouse from the edge of the Everfree Forest. They had walked a little bit slower than usual due to Emerald Gleam’s injury but it gave the crusaders the opportunity to converse with their new comrade. Applebloom had some trepidation about Emerald’s injury, believing they should have made their way strait to the hospital to get it looked at. Emerald, however had told her it wasn’t serious. “Ah don’t mean ta sound like a broken record Emerald, but ah really think ya should get that wound looked at. It could get infected after all.” Frostmere internally sighed, slightly annoyed but he couldn’t fault the filly for being concerned. “I assure you that I will be just fine. In fact I’m going to use a healing spell to fix my leg.” Frostmere’s horn glowed blue as he concentrated on lifting off the bandages. The wound itself had scabbed over and was no longer bleeding but it still looked nasty despite not being very deep. With a few more seconds of concentration the wound glowed blue and mended itself. Frostmere wiggled his leg to test it out and sure enough his leg was good as new. Applebloom’s jaw dropped. “Ah ain’t never seen anypony do that before. Ah don’t even think Twilight could do that and she’s the element of magic!” “Oh it’s nothing; I’m just pretty good with magic I guess. The element of magic…perhaps these fillies know of all the element bearers. This could prove quite useful, although it seems I should be more careful about the magic I use, it might be more advanced than a colt should naturally be able to perform.” “I’m tellin’ ya Emerald it ain’t normal. Hay, ah think ya might have a good chance at getting’ into Celestia’s School fer Gifted Unicorns.” Frostmere cast an inquisitive glance. “Oh I’m sorry ah didn’t mean that you were weird or anythin’, ah just meant that ya have a real special talent.” Frostmere put a hoof on Applebloom’s back. “It’s quite alright I know you didn’t mean anything about it. How about we go to the clubhouse now hmm?” Applebloom looked away failing to hide her blush. “Alright let’s get goin’.” While inside the clubhouse, the first of the crusaders to speak was Scootaloo. “Soooo…what are we gonna do now? I sure as hay don’t ever want to go cave exploring again that’s for sure.” Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. “Oh I know what we can do! How about we go over to Sugarcube Corner for a late breakfast?” “Hmm that sounds like a good plan Sweetie. As awesome as I am, I need to eat too. What do you think Applebloom?” It took Applebloom a few moments to answer. It was apparent to all in the room that something was distracting her, as for what only the farming filly knew. “Yeah…umm that sounds like a mighty fine idea Scootaloo. Plus I’m sure that Pinkie Pie will want to meet Emerald.” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS BAKERY RUN YAY!!!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville The crusaders trotted their way into the pastry shop, the bell on the door ringing as they came in. The only pony present in the shop was Mrs. Cake who was busy filling some chocolate éclairs. The mare’s concentration was broken when she heard the doorbell ring and turned her attention to the group of four young ponies arranged in front of the counter. “Why hello girls what can I do for you today?” “Howdy Mrs. Cake! We were just stoppin’ by ta pick up a late morning snack, since we got up real early this mornin’ ta go explorin’ a cave.” Mrs. Cake rubbed a hoof to her temple. “Oh…I see well I can certainly help you with that dear. What’s this? I see you three brought a handsome young colt with you. What’s his name?” Applebloom blushed slightly, scuffing her hoof against the ground. “His name is Emerald Gleam; we met him inside the cave. He was lookin’ fer gems and he got hurt so we fixed him up and decided to make him a crusader. Ah was wonderin’ have ya seen Pinkie Pie anywhere?” “I believe she is upstairs looking after Pumpkin and Pound. How about I get you your treats and then you can make your way upstairs to see her hmm?” “Alright, we’re pretty hungry anyway. We’ll just have four of yer finest blueberry muffins please.” “An excellent choice dear.” The three young ponies plus one really old pony ate their muffins quickly without so much as a peep of conversation. They were all simply too hungry to bother with something as trivial as talking. After they were done consuming their baked goods they trotted up the stairs to meet Pinkie Pie. They found the bubbly pink mare holding Pumpkin and spinning her around, the little foal giggling with delight. Pound was busy flying around the room for no other reason than to amuse himself, maybe save for getting used to his wings. Pinkie Pie heard the crusaders open the door and gently put Pumpkin down in her crib. “Oh hiya girls I was just foal-sitting Pound and Pumpkin. They were being really good for old aunt Pinkie. So what can I do for ya?” Sweetie Belle was the first to respond. “Hi Pinkie! We were just finishing up our late morning snack so we decided to give you a visit while we were over here.” Pinkie Pie ruffled Sweetie Belle’s mane. “Aww that’s so super thoughtful of you. OH! WAIT!!! Who’s your new friend? I’ve certainly never seen him before.” “His name is Emerald Gleam, we found him at the bottom of a cave that we were exploring.” “You mean a big, dark, scary cave? I can giggle at ghosties but no way in Tartarus is anypony gonna make me go in one of those!” Applebloom whispered to Scootaloo. “Gee Pinkie afraid of the dark…now that’s a surprise.” The pink mare bounced her way over to the green coated colt eyeing him over. “Hi I’m Pinkie…” Pinkie’s greeting was interrupted as her whole body began to convulse in horrific spasms. She immediately dropped to the ground shaking, drool dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. Her irises shrank to a third of natural size. To the crusader’s horror this display continued for about a minute. When Pinkie finally composed herself she no longer had a poufy mane, but her hair had flattened out along with her tail. She backed away from the group of ponies, shivering in a corner of the room. Applebloom approached Pinkie Pie with a concerned look. This kind of behavior was strange for the usually bubbly and happy mare. “Pinkie are ya alright?” Pinkie began muttering in a low voice. “It can’t be…it just can’t. I’ve never had a doozy of this magnitude before. Oh by Celestia’s regal teats, this is bad. Reeeeaallly reaaallly bad!” “Pinkie what in the hay is wrong?” “WHAT’S WRONG!!?? Well your little colt friend is what’s wrong! He’s…he’s not supposed to be here. He shouldn’t exist. That colt is the dreaded spawn of the Eye of Tartarus, blight to the land of Equestria. He is here to exact his revenge so many centuries in the making.” The other two fillies had worried looks on their faces and began heading towards the door. Applebloom was the only one who managed to find the courage to speak to Pinkie further. “Pinkie what in tarnation are ya goin’ on about? Stop this nonsense! Even fer you this is just…crazy. Now are we gonna have ta take ya to the hospital, because ya ain’t acting right in the head. Ah really hope it doesn’t come ta that but I’ll call the guards in ta haul ya there if ah must.” Pinkie Pie grabbed Applebloom by the shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. “You must stop him at ALL COSTS!!! Have the Princess lock him away, hay you might as well have him turned into stone while you’re at it. He already controls the power of discord and the changeling queen. I CAN FEEL IT!!! It will only be a matter of time before he moves against Princess Celestia.” Applebloom was on the verge of tears. “Pinkie…yer startin’ ta scare me. I’m mighty sorry but ah think it’s best if we get ya to the hospital. Scootaloo alert the guards.” A few minutes later two royal guards magiced a strait jacket onto Pinkie Pie. She didn’t even resist when they did it. Just to be on the cautious side they injected her with a mild sedative to help calm her down. The party mare’s mane was still flat and she spoke one more in a calm, almost cold voice as she was being taken to the hospital. “You have doomed us all.” > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 Cloudsdale, Equestria It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and Rainbow Dash felt it was as good a time as any for her afternoon nap. While normally she would go outside to sleep on top of a cloud, today she felt extremely lazy. She had ordered a large cheese pizza with extra crispy hay, delivered to her apartment. The empty pizza box lay on the floor haphazardly as she let out a rather long yawn. She scratched her belly snuggling underneath the sheets of her bed, ready to drift into contented sleep when she heard frantic knocking at the door. Grumbling to herself she pried her cyan carcass out of bed to see who would dare interrupt her nap. Dash was surprised to see a frantic Scootaloo on the verge of tears standing in her doorway. Before Dash could say anything she was tackled to the ground by the hysterical filly. “Umm hey squirt what’s going on?” Scootaloo’s only reply was to bury her face into Rainbow Dash’s chest, sobbing heavily. Through sobs she let out a muffled reply. Rainbow Dash patted her surrogate sister on the head trying to calm the filly. “Hey now, its ok Scoots. You’re with me remember, only the most awesome sister in all Equestria! Why don’t ya calm down a bit and tell me what’s going on?” Scootaloo hiccupped a few times before replying. “It’s awful sis, just terrible! We went over to Sugarcube Corner for a snack and Pinkie Pie went crazy. The guards came and took her away…” “Wait hold on a sec. Why did Pinkie go crazy and what’s this about guards?” “Well…we went crusading earlier and found this colt trapped at the bottom of a cave, so we decided to patch him up and make him part of the CMC. He came along with us to Sugarcube Corner to get a snack, but when we introduced him to Pinkie, she freaked out.” “Are you sure she wasn’t ya know just being Pinkie?” “No, this was way worse than what she does usually. She was being really mean to Emerald, saying that he didn’t belong here and that he was a blight to Equestria. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Pinkie say such things.” “So…you’re saying that Pinkie freaked out so bad that you had to get the guards to come in and drag her to the hospital?” “Yeah, pretty much.” Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh, not quite sure how to handle this new bit of information. She certainly had never heard Pinkie doing anything like this, except for that one time they were planning a surprise party for her. Pinkie had been a bit on edge and believed her friends abandoned her, but in this instance she started calling a little colt harsh names. That was completely out of her normally cheerful nature towards making new friends. As the element of loyalty, no as a friend, it was her duty to try and help and support Pinkie. Despite her strong need to comfort her friend, she also realized that she would need to be the one to spread the word, considering she was the fastest pegasus around. Who better to be a messenger? Rainbow Dash gave Scootaloo another quick hug and made her way to Canterlot Castle as fast as her wings could take her. If anypony should know of Pinkie’s condition it was Princess Celestia. Even if Celestia wasn’t an expert on psychosis or that she had the experience of dealing with ponies for over a thousand years, this was still a matter of national security. After all, Pinkie Pie was one of the Elements of Harmony, only the greatest weapon and national treasure in all Equestria. It would not bode well for the ponies that lived in Equestria to suddenly be robbed of their greatest weapon and a national hero no less. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hall of the Two Sisters, Canterlot Castle Rainbow Dash had nearly crashed onto the balcony leading up to the Hall of the Two Sisters. She rushed over to the ornately decorated gold doors and banged her hooves frantically, trying to get somepony’s attention. She was met by a pair of golden armored pegasai a few seconds later; both of them did not look amused to see Rainbow Dash. She explained to them that she needed to see the princess immediately, because something was wrong with Pinkie Pie. Both of the guards realized how serious this was but informed her that Princess Celestia was busy holding an important cabinet meeting. Rainbow Dash was about to groan in frustration until one of the guards mentioned that Princess Luna was available. She hesitated to call upon the lunar princess because she wasn’t as familiar to her and of course not so accustomed to dealing with state emergencies. Dash shook her head, no a princess was still a princess and besides Luna was also over a thousand years old she had to have at least some wisdom right? The guards led her to Luna’s personal chamber. Rainbow Dash knocked on the large ebony doors of Luna’s chamber. “Hey Princess Luna, its Rainbow Dash do you mind if I come in? I need to speak to you about something important.” Princess Luna was sitting on top of her bed combing her mane while humming some kind of ancient tune. “Yes, of course. Please enter.” “What is it you wish to speak to me about my little pony?” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her mane. “You see your highness, Pinkie Pie isn’t feeling well right now and I think it would be best if you…ya know kind of, went to go see her.” “Hmm I see and what aliment afflicts dear Pinkamena?” “She freaked out a little while ago. She’s normally really kind and lighthearted but she just lashed out at this new colt that the CMC found. You have to understand she would normally want to become friends with anypony she sees…this just isn’t like her.” “So you are seeking my advice on the situation. Is this on a personal level or does it have to do with the elements?” Rainbow Dash fidgeted slightly. “Well sort of a bit of both I guess. I’m actually really glad that I got to see you instead of Celestia because she…” “Please continue my subject, I promise I shall not be offended.” “…because she never had to deal with her dark side. Honestly Princess I’m not trying to be insensitive but you actually had an evil manifestation, who better to talk to Pinkie Pie?” Luna looked slightly annoyed but then smirked. “Yes it is true that I was once a tyrant and I appreciate your forwardness Rainbow Dash. Very well then, I shall make my way to the hospital. While I am there could I perchance ask you to inform the rest of the elements of Pinkamena’s condition?” Rainbow Dash saluted. “Of course Princess, you can count on me.” “I should certainly hope so, after all you are the element of loyalty.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chancellor Puddinghead Memorial Hospital, Ponyville Princess Luna made her way to the reception desk, eliciting stares from the ponies that were going about their daily business. Alicorn princesses rarely ever visited hospitals, unless it was for the opening ceremony and even rarer still was when their visits were unannounced. She put on her best smile asking the receptionist which room Pinkie Pie was housed in. The receptionist pointed to the second floor room two hundred. Luna slowly opened the door to Pinkie’s room and found the pink mare lying on her bed with an utterly bored look on her face. Pinkie’s normally frizzy pink mane was flat but that wasn’t the most unusual thing Luna observed. Her irises were notably smaller, almost beady. She trotted over to the hospital bed and put a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder hoping some physical contact would ease the tension. What happened next took Luna completely by surprise. “Greetings to you your majesty, I was wondering how long it was going take them to send me somepony important. This is a serious matter after all.” Luna noticed something was off about Pinkie’s voice as well. It was an octave lower than usual, and she normally didn’t speak so sarcastically. “Yes dear Pinkamena I have come to aid you in your recovery and perhaps lend an ear for your troubles.” Pinkie scoffed. “Troubles indeed fair princess. If you’re already lending me your ears then I should clear something up first. I AM NOT PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!” “You most certainly are my little pony. What madness has befallen your mind?” “Oh I assure you it is not madness. Pinkie’s mind still exists in this body, but it is not she whom you speak with. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Zog extra dimensional being nonpareil. I am at your service, your majesty.” Luna scanned Pinkie Pie’s body with her magic finding that whoever she was speaking with was not lying. “Umm very well then Mr. Zog, how exactly is it that you came to reside in Pinkamena’s body?” Zog gave Luna a theatrical grin. “A very good question, but alas it requires a long answer!” “Very well Mr. Zog I am immortal, so I have all the time in Equestria. Please do entertain me with your tale.” “Ah yes of course, immortal alicorn princess of the moon. How could I forget? I suppose I should start at the very beginning. Eons ago when I first traveled to this dimension I may have been…oh a bit naughty. The locals didn’t like this of course, so one enterprising unicorn stallion decided to imprison me inside a jewel. I was trapped inside the jewel for thousands of years…IT WAS SOOOO BORING!!! Anyway about two thousand years ago a bubbly little stallion baker named Raspberry Torte (aka Razzy Torte), found my jewel. I promised him if he allowed me to inhabit his body that I would give him some of my fun extra dimensional powers.” Luna cleared her throat. Even she had to admit this was getting a bit silly. “This still doesn’t explain why you are here.” Zog giggled. “Well of course it doesn’t, be patient you silly mare I’m getting to it. I couldn’t just shake hooves with good old Razzy, no this deal required a contract. We drew up a magical contract stating that I had limitations while inhabiting his body, because I was still kind of cursed from my imprisonment. My spirit as it were can exist in mortal bodies, but I am not allowed to completely erase the host’s consciousness. As such I am bound to the host body, because currently I cannot manifest my original form. It really is quite a tiresome limitation. The contract stipulates that I am able to inhabit the body of each first born foal from Razzy’s bloodline. How do you think Pinkie is able predict things through her “Pinkie Sense” or be able to break the fourth wall? YOU GUESSED IT!!! It is all my doing, my wonderful dimension bending powers.” Luna wasn’t quite sure how to react to this information. It was disturbing to say the very least. Who knew that Pinkie Pie was hosting an extra dimensional being inside her? She still had one question though. “I am still confused as to why any mortal would willingly bind themself to you.” “It’s called we were both desperate. He was on the verge of death, having traveled with his bakery cart in the woods and getting lost and I being trapped in a jewel for several thousand years. Know this my little princess; I cannot command dear Pinkie’s mortal form for much longer. If I speak for much longer she will suffer severe brain damage because mortal bodies just can’t handle the strain of housing higher beings. Despite what you may think, I care very much for her safety so I shall allow her to explain the rest of the situation. Toodles!” Pinkie’s eyes returned to their normal size and her hair instantly became frizzy once again. She leaned over towards Luna and gave her a great big hug. “Hi Princess!!!” Luna not used to sudden displays of affection from her subjects blushed slightly. “Good day Pinkamena, how nice it is to see you back to your errrmm…old self.” “Oohhh I see. You met Zog didn’t you? He’s kind of silly but I still love him. It was really weird having him take over my body but I know he was just trying to protect me. I hope I didn’t upset anypony too bad.” “From what Rainbow Dash told me, you upset the Cutie Mark Crusaders quite a bit.” Pinkie winced slightly. “Yeah Zog told me about it. We usually experience things together but he can block me out if he really wants to. I think that’s what he did at Sugarcube Corner. It was for a good reason though. That new colt that’s hanging around with the crusaders isn’t what he seems to be. I think Zog said he was a really nasty, meany pants from a long time ago.” “You believe this new colt to be evil?” “Well I dunno the details exactly, but I think he’s at least somepony you should keep an eye on.” “Very well Pinkamena I shall consult my sister about these new developments. I shall also send all of your friends a letter explaining your condition so that they may understand you were not responsible for the outburst.” “Oh and one more thing Princess. You can just call me Pinkie Pie because we’re friends right?” “Friends indeed…umm…Pinkie.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville Applejack was rudely awoken by a loud explosion, she swore she had heard it before but couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. Ever the hardened soldier, Iron Cross had immediately woken up as well his eyes alert and scanning the area. Applejack knew that she and her lover had to wake up at some point but it still wasn’t exactly pleasant to wake up to the sound of explosions. She yawned loudly and brushed some of the hay still in her mane, trotting over to Iron. “What in tarnation was that?” Iron Cross’s expression grew serious. “I’ve only heard that type of explosion once.” “Was it some kind of new-fangled gunpowder weapon?” Iron Cross shook his head. “No, I’ve heard those before. That was the kind of sound I thought I’d never hear in Equestria. It was the tell-tale echo of a sonic boom. A sonic boom only occurs when something breaks the sound barrier, or in laymen terms an object goes faster than sound itself.” Applejack scratched her mane. “Sonic…boom hmm. Sonic…Oh wait a sonic rainboom! Ah think ah know what caused it. It had ta be Rainbow Dash! She’s the only pegasus ah know that can go that fast.” “Hold on a minute. You mean to tell me that she can achieve speeds greater than 1,236 kph? That is impossible; the g-forces involved would tear her body apart. My country’s military had aircraft that could fly at about 870 kph, but never anything past that.” “Uhmm sorry sugarcube ya lost me with all yer egghead talk.” “Oh right…I forgot you Equestrians aren’t familiar with human technology or modern physics. The bottom line is Rainbow Dash shouldn’t be able to fly that fast.” “Ah know it sounds crazy but I’ve seen her do it mahself, twice in fact. The sonic rainboom is her specialty, which is what her cutie mark represents.” “Perhaps the laws of physics here are a bit different, or pegasai’s bodies are specially adapted to handle high levels of g-force. I shall have to ask Rainbow Dash later then. The only question remains is why would she do that right now?” “Ah don’t rightly know. The only reason ah can think of is she must be in an awful hurry ta get somewhere.” As if on cue Rainbow Dash burst through the barn doors, her eyes screwed in concentration. Both Applejack and Iron Cross stood, staring at her with their jaws hanging open. After the shock wore off, Applejack was the first to speak. “Well tan mah hide, look who decided to drop by.” Rainbow Dash’s serious look quickly transformed into a furious blush. “Oh…uhh…hi guys sorry to drop in un-announced.” “Dashie why in tarnation are ya blushin’ for? Ya got our attention, so if ya intend on sayin’ somthin’ important now’s yer chance.” Despite having one of Equestria’s biggest egos, Rainbow performed quite the credible Fluttershy. “Oh it’s n-nothing important really. I probably shouldn’t tell you…” “C’mon RD get on with it! Ah promise ah won’t get too upset.” Dash blushed even harder. “Ok but promise you won’t buck me into last week.” “Fine, Ah promise.” “Hehe…well have you guys been in front of a mirror lately?” “What in the hay does a mirror have to do with anythin’?” “Y-you guys still have ermm…well…you know stuff still on ya.” “Fer land’s sakes RD quit beatin’ around the bush.” “ALL RIGHT FINE!!! YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE YOU SCREWED EACHOTHER’S BRAINS OUT!!!” Applejack took a moment to inspect herself and sure enough she was covered in straw and stallion funk. Her mane probably looked like it had been through a tornado as well, but she didn’t have a mirror to confirm. She took a look over at Iron Cross who was messy as well. In response to Dash’s reaction he sat on the floor crossing his lower legs, a rare blush lighting up his cheeks. Applejack herself was having a competition with her very own apples as to how red something could get. She remembered with vivid detail that the both of them were too wrapped up in the afterglow to bother cleaning up. “Hmm well uh…ah…I’m mighty sorry ya have ta see this.” Rainbow Dash let out a nervous laugh. “It’s alright I mean that’s what you do with a stallion-friend right? Although AJ if I might offer you a tiny bit of advice, you should probably air out the barn for a couple of hours. It smells real hot and heavy in here.” Before she could speak any further, Rainbow Dash’s wings betrayed her as they shot out with a resounding POMF. The entire sordid scene was too much for her imagination to take in. Plus it didn’t help her case that entire room was flooded in pony pheromones. Applejack merely face-hoofed. “Alright ah guess this time it’s our fault fer not cleanin’ up after ourselves, but dang it RD did ya have ta go and have a wing boner?” “Sorry AJ I can’t help it. Bucking in a barn is so…awesome.” “Oh ah know how ya operate alright. Ms. Rainbow Dash normal to horny in ten seconds flat!” “Come on AJ you gotta admit this situation would make anypony horny. In fact you should feel honored that you gave the great Rainbow Dash a wing boner.” “Ugghh there’s yer patented larger than life ego again. Ah swear ya use that ta cover yer own stupidity sometimes. Ah wish ya would just be more honest with yerself on occasion.” Rainbow shuffled her fore-hooves. “Actually I wish I could too sometimes.” “Sorry fer mah outburst sugarcube, it’s just mighty embarrassin’ ya know? I’d give ya a hug but well I’m a bit messy right now.” Dash giggled. “Yeah. How about I give you guys a minute to freshen up, then I can tell what I was originally gonna say.” “Fair enough. Just meet us inside the farmhouse. Feel free ta help yerself to some lemonade.” After a ten minute shower, Applejack and Iron Cross trotted their way down the stairs to meet Rainbow Dash down in the kitchen. They found her sitting at the table happily enjoying an apple turnover and downing a tall glass of lemonade. “Since you guys look freshened up, I’ll tell ya the news. Earlier today the crusaders went to Sugarcube Corner for a snack and they brought over a new friend. He’s apparently some unicorn colt they found while they were exploring a cave. When they went to introduce him to Pinkie, she freaked out. To make a long story short, the guards had to take her to the hospital it was so bad. I talked with Princess Luna to see if she could help Pinkie and she told me to inform everypony else about it.” “Wow it must have been one doozy of a freak out fer the Princess ta get involved. Is Pinkie gonna be alright?” “I’m not really sure. I haven’t been to the hospital yet, but she’ll pull through.” Iron Cross banged his hoof on the table. “Pinkie Pie usually scares the bejesus out of me, but I still do not wish her harm. Applejack if you so wish it, I shall accompany you to the hospital to see her. In fact I insist on getting her a get well gift too.” “Sounds like a mighty fine plan Sugarcube. RD we’ll be makin’ our way over to the hospital in two wags of a mare’s tail. Just make sure ya tell the rest of the gang about it.” Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a hug and Iron a brohoof. “Don’t worry guys I promised the Princess the same thing, just make sure you don’t have any get well parties for Pinkie without me.” With that Rainbow Dash made her way to Ponyville to spread the news. > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville Sweetie Belle, Frostmere and Applebloom stood in front of Sugarcube Corner nibbling on their cupcakes, contemplating what to do next. Scootaloo had already rocketed her way off to Rainbow Dash’s house in Cloudsdale to spread the news of Pinkie’s “condition” leaving the CMC short one member. The contemplative silence was broken by Sweetie Belle. “Umm sorry guys but I really don’t feel like doing any crusading right now. I should probably go see Rarity, she’ll freak out if I don’t.” “Yeah ah reckon that’s a good idea. Ah got chores ta do back home and ah gotta stop by Zecora’s house to pick up some herbs. She’s been teachin’ me how ta make healin’ potions and what plants make the best medicines and whatnot.” Sweetie Belle pointed her hoof at Frostmere. “What about Emerald? I don’t think he would want to come with me, ya know considering he’s a colt. Colts and dresses don’t exactly go together.” “Alright ah guess he could come with me…unless he finds pickin’ plants boring. How bout it Emerald ya wanna come with me?” Frostmere flashed his trademark smirk. “I’d love to come along. Why foraging for plants sounds downright tame compared to spelunking and insane mares. I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day anyway.” “Well then we’re off to Zecora’s hut! See ya later Sweetie.” “Bye, try not to get lost on the way!” “Don’t worry none ah know the path to her hut like that back of mah hoof.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carousel Boutique, Ponyville Sweetie Belle approached her house with a slight bit of trepidation. She wasn’t sure if her sister had heard the news of Pinkie’s recent episode or the CMC’s misguided attempt to explore caves. Most likely Rarity was too busy designing dresses or she was just used to Sweetie Belle’s constant antics. Sweetie Belle swallowed a lump in her throat and knocked on the door. “Rarity are you home?” A singsong voice answered. “Coming darling~” Rarity opened the door to find her sister standing there completely filthy and smelling a bit like wet dog. She scrunched her nose and grit her teeth, unsurprised at her sister’s dreadful appearance. “Sweetie Belle you know we’ve had this conversation many times. Why must you always get so dirty while crusading? A lady must always keep herself clean and presentable. You march your hooves straight up to the bathroom and get yourself clean this instant young filly!” “But Rarity I…” “NO BUTS, BATH NOW!!!” Sweetie’s ears splayed against her head as she shuffled her way into the boutique. “Yes ma’am.” Rarity used her magic to turn the knobs of the bathtub faucet, adjusting it so as to make it the perfect temperature. She then levitated Sweetie into the tub and began to rub some strawberry scented shampoo into her mane. Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but feel relaxed, as embarrassing as it was to have her sister bathe her. She secretly enjoyed it but would never admit it to her sister; instead she merely let out a contented sigh as she sank further into the warm bath water. Rarity giggled. “Oh Sweetie this reminds me when you were just a foal. Mother and I would wash you and the smile you had on your face could have lit up all of Equestria. *Sniff* I’m sorry I was so abrasive earlier darling…it’s just I was worried about you that’s all. I don’t want to see you hurt and dirty, surely you understand? You’re the only sister I have and no matter how many jewels I find or dresses I make, you’ll always be my most precious possession.” Sweetie’s voice cracked slightly. “I-I…I’m sorry for making you worry Rarity.” “Shh it’s alright Sweetie I know you don’t do it on purpose. Now why don’t you tell me what kind of dress you want for the gala hmm?” “The gala what gal…? Oh that gala. Sorry I haven’t really given it much thought to be honest.” “That’s perfectly fine darling, there will be plenty of time to make you a beautiful gown. After all we want you to look ravishing for your date!” Sweetie dipped her face deeper into the water blowing some bubbles. “Do you really think Scootaloo will like me more if I dressed up? She just…well she doesn’t seem to be into girly stuff.” “I think you’ll find that Scootaloo is more feminine than you give her credit for. Why she wouldn’t have chosen to be with you if that were not the case darling. Who knows perhaps she might be eager to show her own feminine side to you.” “You really think so?” “I know so Sweetie. Scootaloo takes after her idol after all. You can’t imagine how difficult it is to get Rainbow Dash to take care of herself. She would be absolutely gorgeous if she styled her mane and dressed up a bit from time to time. Such is the life of a tomcolt.” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “I hear ya on that one. It took her forever to just to warm up to the idea of even holding hooves. She thought kissing was worse than having her primaries ripped out, one by one. She’s getting better at it now though.” “Hmm yes sometimes it takes ponies a while to truly understand what they want out of life myself included! While you are a bit young, romance is still a wonderful thing. Try your best not to hurt Scootaloo ok?” “I would never do that Rarity! She’s one of my best friends, I could never hurt her.” Rarity patted Sweetie Belle’s head. “Oh I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose, it’s just that sometimes we hurt those we love without knowing it. All I’m saying is that you should always put your relationship before your pride.” Sweetie Belle nuzzled her sister. “Ok…thanks Rarity. Umm I don’t have to Pinkie promise do I?” “Hah! No that’s hardly necessary, besides this is more of a promise to yourself rather than to somepony else. Now why don’t we get you out of the bath before you turn into Sweetie Prune?” Rarity and Sweetie Belle trotted their way up to the dress workshop. Inside the mannequins were lined up ready to showcase the newest fashions, bolts of cloth lay neatly arranged on top of a table. Rarity levitated her red working glasses onto her snout and nudged Sweetie onto an elevated wooden platform. Sweetie’s voice cracked in surprise. “What are you doing?” “Isn’t it obvious dear sister of mine?” “Umm…would you be mad if I said no?” Rarity clicked her tongue. “Why I’m fitting you for a new dress of course!” “Oh yeah I guess that makes sense. It’s for the gala right?” “Yes of course darling why do you think I mentioned earlier? We can’t have you attending a gala in the nude after all.” “But Rarity we don’t normally wear…” Rarity stuffed her hoof in Sweetie’s mouth. “No, No NO!!! I shall not have another pony tell me that. Yes darling I know we do not normally wear clothes. This is a special occasion, therefore it is prudent to look one’s best. No sister of mine is going to attend a gala prancing about in her birthday suit, how utterly uncouth!” “Now let’s see what colors suit you best. Hmm perhaps I should use a bit of pink. Purple is more Twilight’s color. Maybe…OH! IDEEEEEEEAAA~” “Rarity what exactly do you have in mind?” “This may seem a bit bold at first darling, but please hear me out. Rather than go with colors that match your coat and mane, why not use the colors of your special somepony?” “Use the colors of my special somepony?” “Yes, isn’t it just brilliant?” It took Sweetie Belle a moment to process what Rarity was implying. A few seconds later it dawned on her and she adopted a bashful expression. “Oh my gosh…that would mean I’d be wearing orange but then that would mean Scootaloo would be wearing pink and purple. E-everypony would know we…we were a c-couple.” Rarity let out a squee, grabbing Sweetie by the cheeks. “Precisely darling!” Screwing up her courage Sweetie stomped a hoof on the floor. “Ok I’ll do it for Scootaloo!” “Oh these dresses will be the most A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e I’ve made yet. You two shall be the crème de le crème of the gala.” Rarity began to levitate her scissors and sewing needle, cutting the orange fabric for Sweetie’s dress with ease. While she started her word she began to hum, getting into the zone. ♫ Stich by stich sewing Sweetie’s dress together! Thread by thread, it will only be first rate, It shall surely impress her date! I’m sewing Sweetie’s dress. ♫ Orange hues for the base, it matches a lover’s feather! Purple for the trim the color to show my sister’s beauty, A pink and white ensemble for her dearest Scooty! Such heartfelt emotions, tears coming to my eyes…oh no I bet I look…like a mess. Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but giggle at her sister. She had the strangest tendency to sing while she worked. While it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it was still a bit embarrassing because the subjects of her songs tended to reflect what she was feeling at the moment. Rarity wasn’t as prone to belting out Broadway numbers as Pinkie Pie, but it was still a bit much for Sweetie’s taste. Despite all that she loved Rarity not only for her personality quirks but also for the generosity she always shared with both her sister and others. After about ten minutes Rarity finished creating the dress. Sweetie Belle hopped off the platform and looked at herself in front of a large mirror. The dress she wore was stunning to say the least. The style was late Victorian period, complete with frills on the collar and hooves. The frills were a sort of translucent magenta, which matched Scootaloo’s mane. The dress itself was orange, not dissimilar to Celestia’s setting sun on a summer evening. It was too much for the filly to handle, she immediately began to tear up. Rarity noticed this immediately and grew concerned. “Sweetie is there something wrong? Do you not like the dress?” Sweetie sniffed quietly. “No, nothing is wrong. The dress is perfect, I love it. I…I’m just really happy that’s all.” “Oh I see, well I’m glad you like it so much darling.” Sweetie cantered over to her sister and wrapped her in a tight embrace. “Thank you Rarity. You’ll never know how much this means to me.” Rarity smiled. “Don’t mention it; I’m only doing what’s best for my sister. It’s what siblings do.” “No…Rarity this isn’t nothing. I don’t know how to repay you…” Rarity ran her hoof through Sweetie’s mane. “Now stop this talk of repayment. Sweetie seeing you smile is the best payment I could ever receive. Of course it wouldn’t hurt if the dress knocks your fillyfriend off her hooves to boot.” “Don’t worry I’ve got that covered sis.” “Ha! Good to see you’ve inherited the old Belle charm.” The two sisters laughed heartily for a few moments, then went downstairs to enjoy a cup of tea. They sat at the dining room table, sipping their tea, neither saying a word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora’s hut, near the edge of the Everfree Forest Applebloom and Frostmere trotted along the narrow cleared path to Zecora’s hut on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Strange sounds could be heard from inside the hut, such as chanting and what sounded like drum beats. Applebloom had been to Zecora’s hut many times before but was always wary of interrupting any important incantations or spells the zebra may be preforming. Swallowing the lump in her throat she knocked on the door. “Zecora! It’s me Applebloom are ya busy right now?” The drumbeats immediately ceased and a few moments later the door creaked open. “Who is this that visits my hut at noon? Why if it isn’t my dearest Applebloom!” “Hi Zecora ah was just visitn’ with mah friend Emerald. We’d like to go out and help ya with yer foragin’ if ya don’t mind.” “It is good that you two just came by, for my ingredients are in short supply.” “Alright that’s good. Is it alright if ah take Emerald with me?” “Take your friend if you will, for he shall be useful with his arcane skill.” “So where do ya need us ta go for yer plants?” “Upon a difficult path you shall forge, for the plants lie in Ghastly Gorge.” Applebloom’s eyes widened in shock. “What!? Ya can’t be serious? All kinds of nasty critters are livin’ there.” “Yes the beasts are violent, how tragic but your friend has great prowess in magic.” “Look Zecora ah understand he’s a unicorn but he ain’t no Twilight Sparkle. He’s just a colt for Celestia’s sake. Uhmm no offence Emerald.” “None taken. Your zebrine friend has a point though; you stand a much better chance at getting the ingredients with me along.” Applebloom shuffled her hooves. “But…I’d just hate mahself if ya got hurt. Applejack would tan mah hide if anything happened to ya. Heck I’d tan mah own hide if anything happened to ya. Ah can’t put a pony ah just met in that kind of danger. Ah know the CMC gets in to all kinds of danger with our adventures, but ah think it’s time we put a stop to that…at least doin’ the more dangerous stuff.” A smug grin crept across Zecora’s face. “Your concern for the unicorn, my heart it does rend. It seems however you care for him as more than a friend.” Applebloom plopped down on the floor, blushing furiously. “ZECORA!! Ah-ah…I’m just concerned about his safety that’s all. Ah mean the first time we found him, he was hurt and ah just don’t wanna see anythin’ bad happen to him.” “Your lack of honesty is quite humorous if I must say, however time is wasting so be on your way.” “Yeah yeah…alright ah guess ya have a point. C’mon Emerald let’s get Zecora’s herbs.” The journey to Ghastly Gorge was about a two hour hike on hoof. Getting to the gorge wasn’t particularly dangerous because the trail to it was the least wooded area of the entire Everfree Forest. The tricky part was traversing the inner walls of the canyon itself, which was where the plants Zecora needed. Some of the dangers included giant rock eels, sudden rock collapses and a rumored and consequently rare burrowing hydra. Despite all the danger the pair continued to trek through the gorge knowing that the plants they were about to collect could potentially save lives and maybe grant a certain apple filly her cutie mark. Applebloom looked over at Emerald; he had his brow scrunched in deep thought. “Hey Emerald are ya alright? If yer tired we can rest a bit.” “No I’m quite fine thank you. I’m just wondering where we might find a moon lily down here.” “A moon lily? Ah don’t think I’ve ever heard of that flower.” Frostmere rubbed his chin. “I’m not surprised; it’s an exceedingly rare flower. It only grows in certain types of soil, mainly soil that has rich mineral compositions such as here at the bottom of the gorge. That is why the flower takes on a silvery hue because it absorbs the minerals, not because it has a nocturnal growing cycle.” “Wow that’s mighty interestin’. How’d ya learn so much about plants?” “You could say that it’s a passion of mine. I hope to become a botanist someday, helping cure aliments and whatnot. I’m surprised you are so interested in plants, most ponies find them boring.” “Ah don’t understand either, but then again ah was raised on a farm so we take pride in what we grow. It still amazes me how Granny Smith knows how to make Zap-apple jam.” “Ah ha I see, that certainly explains a lot. Earth ponies would naturally have more of an appreciation for the bounties that nature provides us. Many pegasai and unicorns simply don’t appreciate what you do. Magic makes unicorns arrogant, thinking they can do anything. Flight makes the pegasai obsessed with speed and in their haste they forget that others cannot do the same. They both must understand that Equestria would be a barren wasteland without earth ponies.” “Ah never thought about it that way but yer right. How’d ya get so smart Emerald? Ah ain’t never heard anypony say somethin’ so smart other than Twilight or maybe the Princess.” Frostmere chuckled. “You could say that I’ve had a rather unique perspective.” “Ah don’t get it…did ya study at Princess Celestia’s School fer gifted unicorns?” “No, I’m afraid my schooling had little to do with her highness’s public education system. Let’s just say that some mysteries are best left unsolved ok?” “Alright if ya don’t wanna talk about it, I'll let it go.” Applebloom suddenly noticed a small cave a half kilometer in the distance, as the duo approached she noted that there was a dull glow emanating from deep within the cavern. “Emerald do ya see that?” “Yes, it appears as though we’ve found our moon lilies. Unfortunately they are located deep within this cave.” “Ya mean we gotta go in there?” “I’m afraid so.” “Sorry I’m just a bit hesitant ta go in there. Ya know cause of what happened before.” “It’s alright Applebloom; I’ll use my magic to light the way.” The ponies made their way deeper into the cave, Frostmere’s pale blue aura lighting the way. Before them was a large antechamber glowing in silver light, the ceiling coated in hundreds of moon lilies. Applebloom merely gaped at the sight, forgetting she was in a dark cavern. Applebloom immediately began climbing up a ledge in order to grab one of lilies growing closer to the ground. “Applebloom what are you doing? If you fall you could seriously get hurt!” “Don’t worry I’m fine. Just gimme a minute and I’ll have a few lilies in two shakes of a mare’s tail.” Just then Frostmere heard a low pitched rumbling noise as Applebloom was attempting to wrench her botanic prize from the clutches of the rocky outcropping. It seemed that the rumbling became more pronounced the harder Applebloom struggled. It was unlikely that the gorge was experiencing any seismic activity as of late so what possibly could be responsible for the tremors? “Hold on Applebloom I think I hear something.” “What is it ya hear?” “I…I think the ground is either unstable or we might be some very unwelcome visitors in somepony’s lair.” “Now that ya mention it, ah think ah felt a bit of rumblin’ earlier.” With a quick tug Applebloom yanked out three moon lilies from the ledge. A few rocks loosened from her harvest crashed onto the floor of the cave with a resounding crack. It was then that the rumbling became louder until the very floor of the cave collapsed inward, revealing a large worm like creature standing taller than a three story building. It was in fact not so much a worm as it was a worm-like reptile. The creature’s eyes were gray and milky, suggesting it was blind due to its sub-terrain living conditions. Its body was covered in glossy brown scales, segmented like armor so that it could burrow into solid rock. The most fearsome aspect of the creature was its maw. The mouth of the creature was segmented into two halves that separated, revealing dozens of rows of razor sharp teeth and a long snake-like tongue. This fearsome beast was none other than a burrowing hydra. Frostmere gazed at the beast in alarm. “By the seven rings of Tartarus why did it have to be a burrowing hydra?” Applebloom shouted in a shaky voice. “W-what in the hay is that thing?” “It’s a burrowing hydra, first one I’ve ever seen. They are the rarest of reptiles and can live to be thousands of years old. They live underground and feed off minerals, but even though they don’t eat meat they are fiercely territorial. Judging by the size of this one, it must be at least four thousand years old and we’ve just disturbed its den.” Applebloom let out a blood curdling scream as the hydra slammed its head next to the ledge she was standing on. Undaunted, the hydra was about to strike the ledge when Frostmere levitated Applebloom safely to the floor next to him. The hydra’s fierce attacks had loosened part of the ceiling and a large boulder the size of a house came crashing down. “Applebloom you have to get out of here. Hurry put the lilies in your bag and run.” “B-b-but…ah can’t just leave ya here by yerself.” “No arguing, I have magic you don’t. NOW GO!” With tears in her eyes Applebloom ran as fast as her hooves could carry her towards the entrance of the cave. She could hear the hydra letting out a guttural roar as it attempted to punish the unicorn intruder. Applebloom finally made it out of the cave and immediately collapsed onto the sandy ground, convulsive sobs wracking her tiny body. Frostmere’s eyes glowed a deep blue. “Alright worm, now that the filly is gone I can unleash my full power.” The hydra lunged at Frostmere, as he deftly dodged and flung a fireball at the creature’s face. It howled in annoyance but didn’t seem to be hurt very badly from the blow, the hard plating absorbing much of the damage. Realizing that fires wasn’t going to be enough Frostmere ripped a stalactite from the ceiling and began channeling his magic into it. As magic flowed through the spear of rock it began to glow a brilliant shade of blue, to the point of almost becoming molten. With a haggard yell Frostmere hurled the glowing projectile right through the beast’s neck and into its brain. The hydra let out an ear piercing roar as it entered its death throes. Satisfied that the creature would no longer be bothering him nor his charge, Frostmere teleported outside the cave as it began to collapse. Frostmere appeared before Applebloom with a bright flash of blue and a resounding pop noise. When he came upon her, she was splayed on the ground sobbing hysterically. He went over to her and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Applebloom, everything is going to be alright I made it out. The hydra won’t be bothering anypony ever again.” Applebloom’s sobbing quieted for a moment as she tried to register that Emerald was still alive. She opened her reddened eyes staring at him for a few seconds, and then tackled him to the ground in a fierce hug. “Thank Celestia!! Ah thought you were dead. Don’t ever do somethin’ stupid like that ever again!” Frostmere patted her on the back. “Don’t worry I won’t. We have the lilies and everypony is safe. I’d call that a good day.” “Ah suppose yer right. Sorry ah got mad at ya…ah guess what ah mean ta say is that I’m thankful for ya savin’ me back there.” “You’re very welcome Applebloom. Now just hold on to me while a whip up a teleportation spell to get us back to Zecora’s place ok?” As Frostmere’s horn glowed preparing for the teleportation, Applebloom let out a hiccup and sighed. Before he could react she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and proceeded to grab onto his neck. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 Zecora’s hut, near the edge of the Everfree Forest Zecora was happily humming to herself as she placed her hoof inside a small teakettle to test the temperature of the water inside. She decided it was the perfect temperature for tea, and placed a few leaves in the pot along with some cinnamon sticks. Zecora knew that it would be a while till her young assistants would be back; even so she decided they would be in need of a hot drink after their excursion. What she didn’t know was that the two young ponies would appear out of thin air in her kitchen. A brilliant flash of blue along with a resounding pop heralded Applebloom and Frostmere’s arrival into Zecora’s kitchen. “It seems you two have returned from your quest, although I sense you both could use a rest.” Applebloom ran up to Zecora and gave her a firm hug. “Boy am ah glad ta be outta that cave. Ah thought we were goners, but Emerald here saved our lives!” Zecora ruffled Applebloom’s mane. “My prediction earlier was proven fact, for you both returned to my hut intact.” “Ah had no idea that Emerald was so good with magic. He not only fought a burrowin’ hydra but teleported us all the way here. Ah reckon he might even be on par with Twilight.” Frostmere reached inside the saddlebags and pulled out a few moon lilies. “I expect that five of these shall be sufficient for your needs Ms. Zecora.” “Correct you are that five I require, but let me ask what use of the rest do you desire?” “To put it simply Ms. Zecora moon lilies are quite valuable, both monetarily and medicinally. There are many ponies who would love to get their hooves on these. Considering the amount of effort Applebloom and I went to fetch them, we deserve to keep some at the very least.” Zecora nodded. “You may have the rest as you need, but be warned do not use the lilies to fuel your greed.” “I do not need them myself; I intend to give them all to Applebloom. She can make at least a thousand bits off of the remaining five flowers I have. Surely that will help her family.” Applebloom stared at Frostmere dumbfounded. “One t-t-t-housand bits? That’s crazy! Ah ain’t never heard of a bunch of plants worth that much. What exactly do they do?” “Moon lilies are known to have two distinct properties. When ground into a paste and refined it makes an excellent healing salve and can heal diseases and even mortal wounds in an instant. This alone makes it worth its weight in platinum to the medical community. The second property is not so altruistic.” Applebloom’s eyes widened into saucers. “Wow no wonder ya were so desperate to get em. Ah sure am glad ah get to help sick ponies, but what else does it do?” “I’m getting to that Applebloom. Moon lilies are also known as a super conductor for magic. If the moon lilies are refined with electricity, they can amplify a unicorn’s magical power tenfold. A unicorn would essentially be able to harness magic powers equivalent to an alicorn. They must not fall into the wrong hooves.” “Are ya really gonna give mah family all of the bits? I’m sure mah sister would let ya take some of it for yerself.” “I don’t really need them. Most of the time I live off the land and if I find any herbs worth selling I sell them to dealers to make a living. Don’t worry about me.” “You mean to tell me that you don’t live in a house? Ya saved mah life the least ah can do is let ya stay on the farm. I’m sure Applejack won’t mind. As an Apple ah can’t let ya live out in the forest like some wild critter, it wouldn’t be right!” Frostmere rubbed the back of his mane. “Alright I suppose it would be nice to sleep in a bed for once. Speaking of your family, why don’t we teleport to Sweet Apple Acres? I’m sure your family is worried about you.” Zecora grinned. “Both of you may take your leave to the farm where apple trees loom, and allow the blossom of young love bloom.” Applebloom face flushed. “Ah-ah never said ah I liked him that way. He just doesn’t have anywhere ta go that’s all. Granted he might’ve saved mah life and well…that’d sweep any mare off her hooves b-but…” Zecora’s grin was so wide it made her look like Opal. “Deny your feelings all you want, but I know mare that’s on the hunt.” Applebloom growled in frustration. “Oh fine think whatever ya want! Bottom line is I’m still gonna help him no matter what, whether because ah like him or just wanna pay him back.” “Excuse me Applebloom but are you ready to go yet?” “Yeah I’m ready ta go, just clearin’ some things up with Zecora.” “Ok just make sure that you hold on tight because if you don’t it could get messy.” “Messy? What are ya talkin’ about?” Frostmere rubbed a hoof across his temple. “You haven’t been teleported much have you?” “Now how do ya figure ah ever teleported anywhere? Hello I’m an earthpony fer Celestia’s sake.” “Ok sorry. I just figured one of your unicorn friends might know how.” “Well Twi knows how but she doesn’t usually take on passengers. Somethin’ about it puttin’ too much strain on her horn, ah don’t know it’s a unicorn thing.” “Hmm that’s interesting, have you met any other unicorns that know how to teleport?” “Nah, only Twi knows how ta do it. She mentioned that only high level unicorns can do it.” Frostmere’s brow furrowed in thought. Its seems that just as it was in my time, unicorns who could utilize teleportation spells are quite rare. I shall have to investigate who this Twi is. “In any case I need you to hold on tight because if you lose contact with my magic part of you might not teleport correctly.” Applebloom swallowed a lump in her throat. “Ya mean that ah could get lost?” “Well that’s one possibility. There are many other things that could go wrong for instance: you could lose some of your body parts or get teleported straight into solid matter. Trust me it’s not pretty.” Applebloom rushed over to Frostmere grabbing his neck, practically chocking the poor stallion. “Ackkkk-Ap…guhhh. Not…so…tight…can’t…breath.” “Oh sorry Emerald ah didn’t mean ta grab ya that tightly. Just a bit nervous is all.” Frostmere coughed a few times. “It’s alright; most non-unicorns get nervous about teleporting. I promise you I’m completely competent with this spell, no harm shall come to you.” “O-ok ah trust ya, but make it quick alright?” As Applebloom clung to Frostmere, his horn began to glow bathing Zecora’s hut in a deep sapphire light. With a flash and pop the two ponies made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville Twilight and Big Mac were enjoying a cup of chamomile tea as they sat near the fire place, reading a book titled A wizard’s guide to magical botany. Both of them had gotten over their initial awkwardness pertaining to physical contact. They now were cuddled together in front of the fireplace, enjoying the book and each other’s company. Big Mac donned a pair of reading glasses, which he rarely wore except while at home. He seemed hesitant at first to wear them as if he was embarrassed to be seen in them. After making a quick Pinkie promise, Twilight assured him that she wouldn’t laugh at him and it was nothing to be ashamed of. Much to Twilight’s relief she didn’t laugh but rather blushed. She could only stare at Big Mac in disbelief. The glasses didn’t make him look foolish at all; they made him look even sexier. It took all of Twilight’s willpower not to drool all over the floor and produce a squee loud enough to shatter window panes. Big Mac arched his eyebrow. “Pardon me Twilight but is there somethin’ wrong with mah face, because ya seem mightily entranced by it.” Twilight blushed lightly. “Oh umm not I didn’t mean to stare. I-it’s n-n-not like there’s anything wrong with your face…I oh horseapples!” “It’s mah glasses ain’t it? Ah knew ah looked ridiculous in ‘em. Well ah appreciate ya tryin’ ta be polite and all but go on and tell ya think they look stupid.” “Grrr no that’s not what I meant! Sorry Mac it’s just well…you look really sexy with them on. Like a stud-professor ready to teach his naughty student a lesson. OH CELESTIA DAMN ME!!! I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUTLOUD!!!!” Big Mac bellowed in laughter. “Is that what ya really think? Here ah thought ya hated mah glasses. Well alright ah guess ah could stand ta wear ‘em more if they suit yer fancy so much.” Twilight hid her face underneath her hooves. “Sorry I’m kinda new to this whole relationship thing. I know I have a lot of friends now but they’re all mares. I never really had much experience with stallions. Plus when I get nervous I blurt out what I’m thinking.” “Twilight ta be honest I’ve had very little relationship experience mahself. Back when Applejack was a filly ah dated a few mares but they weren’t what you’d exactly call meaningful. Sure ah I got ta roll around the hay a bit but that’s all ah was to them, just a piece of flank. They never tried ta get ta know me for who ah was, but you’re different. You accept me for all ah am, and besides ah thinks it adorable the way ya act all flustered.” Before Twilight could apologize further she was interrupted by a bright yellow flash in the library. There standing behind Twilight in all her regal glory was none other than Princess Celestia. A slight smile crept on the solar monarch’s face as strode over to her student. “Good afternoon Twilight I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Twilight’s jaw almost dropped to the floor. “P-princess what are you doing here…I mean how nice it is to see you.” Celestia giggled. “Oh don’t worry my faithful student you aren’t in trouble. I just stopped by in pony to give you an important assignment.” “Hmm I see. Umm sorry Princess but I’m kind of busy right now.” “Ah yes I can see that, enjoying Big Mac’s company to the fullest no doubt. I’m terribly sorry to interrupt your date but I have an urgent matter that needs attending to.” Twilight put on her best pout. “Fine, I guess you wouldn’t have come to me if it wasn’t important.” “You see Twilight an essential part of the gala I’m hosting involves diplomacy. While the primary function of the hearts and hooves gala is to promote love, friendship and harmony it also functions as a summit for other nations. It essentially is a gesture of good will to the nations that surround Equestria. “ “Wait so let me get this straight. You mean to tell me that foreign dignitaries are going to be attending the gala?” “Yes Twilight that’s exactly what I’m saying. The reason I’m here is to ask if you could act as my liaison for foreign procession.” “Why would you want me to do it Princess? Certainly you have a highly trained, fully professional ambassador at your disposal right?” “Normally that would be the case. My ambassador is a unicorn stallion by the name of Peace Broker. Ambassador Broker would normally lead the procession and do all the greetings but he has fallen gravely ill. I believe it was some kind of magic flu.” Twilight shuffled her hooves. “Oh my, that is pretty serious. I had that as a filly and I was sick for two whole weeks. Alright I’ll do it.” Celestia gently nuzzled Twilight. “Thank you Twilight this means a lot to me. I’m sorry I had to bring it up on such short notice.” “That’s ok princess I’m always willing to help. Now, if I may ask just one question: When is this procession supposed to occur?” “Why it’s tonight my faithful student.” Twilight’s eyeballs almost shot out of her head. “WHAT!!?? B-b-but I’m nowhere near ready. I don’t have a checklist made up. No, no, no this is bad! What should I wear, should I even wear anything?” “Worry not I have everything covered. All that is required is your presence. Perhaps you would like to take your stallion-friend with you as well?” Twilight took a deep breath. “If you’re ok with Mac going, then that’s fine with me. When will we be leaving?" Celestia levitated a banana up to her face and began to chew on it slowly. “Hmm in a few minutes, please allow me to eat I become quite famished after teleporting. Care for a banana?” Both Mac and Twilight shook their heads. “Yer highness I’m ok with goin’ but ah might need some formal attire, seein’ as ah ain’t got any right now.” “I shall have a suit ready for you as well Big Macintosh, it is not a problem. Now then, both of you touch my back and we can be on our way.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guest Chambers, Canterlot Castle Big Mac and Twilight stood inside the one of the many guest rooms located inside Canterlot Castle. Mac was dressed in a white tuxedo with gold trimming along with a red silk scarf tucked around his neck. The cufflinks he wore bore his cutie mark, a single green apple. Twilight was wearing a matching white and gold pantsuit, along with crystal slippers. She wore a pin on her chest that matched her cutie mark. Once the chamber maids had done dressing them, they met Princess Celestia outside the door where she was levitating a scroll. “You two look wonderful in those matching suits, it seems my colors suit you both very well.” “Princess why aren’t I wearing a dress? I just figured since I wore one the last gala that it was best to wear on this time as well.” “You two are both representing me as my ambassadors; as such you are required to wear the official uniforms. As Luna would say tis tradition!” “Ok, but what do we do first?” “Simply accompany me to the main chamber of the throne room. I shall sit on the throne and you two shall stand by my side. We simply meet and greet the diplomats and representatives as they arrive. Mind you the gala isn’t for another few days, but I wanted to have them stay here and relax for a while beforehand as a gesture of good will.” A blonde manned, tan coated earth stallion trotted up to Celestia. He wore an older cut suit, red in color with gold trimming. It reminded Twilight of her brother Shining Armor’s dress uniform, but more refined. The stallion had a scroll in his mouth and bowed to the princess as he neared the throne. “Ah why if it isn’t Mezzo Forte, my favorite herald. Are you prepared for the ceremony my little pony?” Mezzo spoke in a light Trotalian accent. “Yes, your grace. I am as always, ready to serve.” “Excellent, inform the guards to start escorting our guests into the throne room.” Mezzo cleared his throat and spoke in a melodious tone. “Her majesty, Princess Celestia of Equestria has now declared the diplomatic procession open!” “The first of our guests to arrive come from the Crystal Empire. Announcing Empress Mi Amore Cadenza, protectorate of the crystal throne. Also announcing acting commander of the Grand Crystal Army, General Shining Armor.” Empress Cadence and her husband trotted their way to the throne. Cadence was clad in a light magenta dress, sparkling like amethysts along with a sliver crown adorned by diamonds shaped like a snowflake. Shining armor wore a similarly colored dress uniform adorned with four stars on each shoulder. A medal shaped like a snowflake hung from his neck, a crystal sabre hung at his side. Twilight ran up to her brother and gave him a bone crushing hug. “Twiley it’s good to see you! How do you like my new uniform?” “It’s wonderful Shiny; I didn’t know that you got a promotion. Why don’t you ever tell me these things?” Shining Armor rubbed the back of his mane. “Oh I guess it slipped my mind, what with all of the drama concerning Sombra and trying to reform the GCA into a formidable fighting force. At least the crystal ponies are tough, also their weapons and armor are top rate.” Twilight bonked Shining Armor lightly on the snout. “Don’t you dare make it a habit, I want to know what you’re doing no matter how trivial it may seem. I worry about you ya know.” “Alright, alright I got ya. Well I’m gonna make my way to our quarters; it’s been a long train ride. See ya Twiley.” Cadence immediately dropped her regal expression and gave Twilight a hug. “Oh it’s so good to see you Twilight. Anything interesting happen lately…anything to do with a finding a nice stallion?” Twilight blushed. “Umm well you see Cadence; I think I might have found my special somepony.” “Really? Seriously? Oh my gosh who is it?” “It’s Big Mac, in fact he agreed to come with me and greet the delegation.” Cadence poked Twilight’s flank. “You sly mare you, who ever knew you had it in you to nab such a hunky stud.” “Yeah…I guess he’s really handsome, but he also is really smart too. I honestly didn’t expect him to be an intellectual, but hay here we are.” “I wish you both the best of luck Twilight, oh and don’t forget to write to me when you guys have your foal. I have to give my blessing you know.” Twilight began to stutter. “Cadence t-t-t-hat’s too much we’ve barely even kissed!” Cadence merely chucked as she followed her husband. Once Twilight regained her composure the herald was ready to announce the next set of guests. “Our next set of guests hail from the southern lands of Saddle Arabia. Please welcome the Grand Mufti of Saddle Arabia, Hassan of the house Silverstar. He is accompanied by his wife, Tranquil Oasis.” The Saddle Arabian ponies were at least as tall as Celestia and they wore intricately designed saddles and mouthpieces. Tranquil also wore a thin veil over her face, as was custom in her land to protect her modesty. Hassan had a chocolate mane and a sliver coat, while Tranquil had an aquamarine coat and a viridian mane. Both ponies came up to Celestia and gave her two kisses, one to each side of her cheek as par the customary greeting. They did the same with Twilight. Hassan gestured to one of his guards. “Your majesty it brings me great joy to visit your beautiful kingdom, and as a token of my gratitude I present you with a chest full of our finest candied dates. Please enjoy them.” “Thank you Mufti Hassan. My sister and I share quite the hefty sweet tooth, they shall be enjoyed I assure you.” “Our next guest hails from the Kingdom of Griffania. Please welcome Crown Prince Tywnn Sharpclaw.” Prince Sharpclaw was in his mid-twenties, prime breeding age for griffons. Unlike most griffons he had mostly black feathers instead of caramel brown. His crest was a vibrant white, his amber eyes burned with passion. He had chosen to wear a simple green military tunic, adorned with a small dagger. With a flourish he bowed to Celestia. “Good evening Princess Celestia, I am overjoyed to have been invited to your little soirée. I do hope I’m not making any of your poor guards nervous, I tend to have that effect on…less predatory species.” “Worry not Prince Sharpclaw, my guards were informed of your special diet. They also know you mean no harm. I also had my chefs prepare some dishes more to your liking. Please enjoy your stay.” “Ah thank you your majesty. Kind, thoughtful and accommodating as always. Now if you’ll excuse me I believe I shall rest for a while.” Other dignitaries filed in as the evening went by, such as a few Zebrican chieftains and the president of the Diamond Republic. The Diamond Republic was one of the few countries on the planet that hosted a representative democracy. Diamond dogs had come a long way since their days working in gem mines. The current and visiting leader of the DR, President Dirtmound, was a stalky little diamond dog with salt and pepper fur. Despite looking unassuming he was quite popular with his constituents and was one of Equestria’s prime allies in the gem trade. Once all of the dignitaries made their way to their rooms, Celestia signaled the guards to shut the doors to the throne room. She cupped her hoof over her mouth and let out a long yawn. “Oh my it’s getting late. I’d forgotten how tiring it is to meet and greet guests. By the way Twilight I arranged for you and Mac to share the luxury guest suite next to my bedroom, so you don’t have to worry about traveling anywhere. As for me I believe I shall trot off to bed.” Big Mac noticed that poor Twilight had fallen asleep. He smiled at how beautiful and serene she looked, quietly snoring. Mac swore if he looked at her any longer he’d die of diabetic shock, this coming from a stallion who regularly enjoyed Apple family cooking. He gently hoisted her onto his back and trotted off to the suite that the Princess had given to them. Once he took Twilight’s uniform off, he tucked her in bed gently brushing a strand of mane away from her face. Her only response was to give a cute little snort. Mac finally took off his uniform, showered and crawled into the bed. It was a large bed so he had plenty of room on his side. While he was very much attracted to Twilight he felt it would be best not to get to intimate at this early stage of their relationship. Despite his best efforts, Twilight almost immediately snuggled up to him. Mac let out a light chuckled and ran his hoof through her mane and drifted off to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville -earlier that day- Applejack and Iron Cross were sitting at the table in the kitchen discussing what they would give to Pinkie Pie as a get well gift. Iron mentally scolded himself for the lack of desire to visit the bubbly mare, she terrified him after all. Applejack took another swig of coffee from her mug, then pounded her hoof on the table, which surprised Iron to the point of him letting out a yelp. “Oh sorry Sugarcube, didn’t mean ta scare ya. Ah just came up with an idea fer Pinkie’s present.” Iron bit his lower lip. “So what exactly did you have in mind?” “That mare can’t get enough sweets ah tell ya. So ah reckon we should bake her a nice apple cobbler, complete with all the fixins.” “Seems like a pretty solid plan to me. Sorry if I’m not overly enthusiastic about all of this, Pinkie just freaks me out. I know that I should try to be friendlier to her but…it’s just so damned difficult.” Applejack patted Iron on the back. “Ah know yer tryin’ yer best Iron, maybe someday y’all will come to an understandin’. At least yer honest about it and that counts fer a lot in my book. “ While Applejack was preparing the oven a bright sapphire light flashed in the kitchen followed by a pair of young ponies. Both of their manes looked like they had been dragged through a muddy riverbed, the same could be said of their coats. The dirty filly ran up to Applejack and attacked her with a rib crushing hug. “Applebloom where in tarnation have ya been? Ya look like you’ve tangled with a hydra in the middle of a swamp, and ya darn near smell like one too.” “Applejack I’m so glad to see you! Ah promise I’ll never go to Ghastly Gorge ever again. Ah thought ah was a goner fer sure.” “Now hold on a minute Sugarcube, ya mean to tell me that ya went ta Ghastly Gorge? Why in the seven hells would ya need ta go there?” “Well…ah was just tryin’ to help Zecora get some moon lilies. Plus it’s not like ah went there alone. Ah had Emerald with me.” “Who the hay is Emerald?” Frostmere cleared his throat. “That would be me Miss. I accompanied Applebloom into the gorge in order to protect her, since I am quite adept in magic.” “Alright that earned ya some brownie points, but it still doesn’t explain why a bunch of young ponies would go to one of the most dangerous places in Equestria. Ah think I’m gonna have a long chat with Zecora when this all gets settled.” “Umm sis there’s one other thing ah forgot ta mention. Emerald saved mah life and well…ah thought it was only proper that we let him stay here.” “Listen here Applebloom, ah appreciate that he saved yer hide but that doesn’t mean he gets ta stay here. He’s probably got a family worried sick about him so it’s best that he gets home as soon as possible.” Applebloom twiddled her forehooves. “About that…he ain’t got a home nor a family ta go back to. He’s an orphan.” Applejack gritted her teeth due to her major faux pas. “I’m sorry ah didn’t know. Well this certainly complicates things. Ah guess he can stay, but he’s gonna have ta stay in the attic seein’ as Iron uses the guest room.” “I appreciate your kindness Ms. Applejack, I require very little in the way of living arrangements.” “Heh, well shoot Sugarcube it’s the least ah can do for ya considerin’ ya saved mah baby sister.” Applejack led Frostmere to his new living quarters, but just as the two ascended the stairs Frostmere shot a glare at Iron Cross. Iron wasn’t sure but he felt like he was having déjà vu. Shrugging it off he continued to mix the ingredients of the apple cobbler. > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville Iron Cross had just finished mixing the apple cobbler, placing it in the oven to bake when Applejack made her way down from the attic. She trotted her way over to the oven and gave a whistle of approval. “Ah reckon you’ll make a fine baker yet sugarcube. Ain’t never seen a stallion take ta cookin’ before, except Mr. Cake.” Iron ran a hoof through his mane. “Hmm as much as I enjoy your compliments, I am used to being able to cook for myself. While I was in the army I had to be able to cook for myself because soldiers didn’t always have access to the barracks. Not only that, but I used to help my grandmother cook during my childhood so you could say I have a knack for it.” “It’s a good thing too because mah brother can’t cook worth a hill of beans.” “Speaking of your brother, I haven’t seen him in a while. He’s not usually away from the farm this long.” “Ah think it has ta do with a certain librarian if ya catch mah drift.” “You can’t possibly mean…Twilight?” “Ah do. He’s been sweet on her for ages. Most ponies don’t realize how much alike Mac and Twi are. Mah brother is kind of an egghead; he likes his philosophy books and whatnot. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with him wantin’ ta be educated and Celestia knows that both of those ponies don’t see too much action in the romance department.” Iron bellowed in laughter. “That sly dog! I had no idea he was an intellectual. Well good for them. I’m not much into philosophy myself but perhaps I could warm him up to mechanical engineering. I’m sure Twilight would love to learn about human technology.” Applejack bonked Iron on the nose. “Now don’t get ahead of yerself. That crazy mare will end up blowing a crater in Ponyville if ya give her too much information at once.” “I suppose your right. I promise I won’t rupture her poor mind too quickly, soldier’s honor.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Everypony’s a comedian.” “My honor aside, did you notice anything strange about Applebloom’s new friend?” “I’m not sure ah follow sugarcube.” Iron rubbed his chin in thought. “It’s as if I…know him somehow, I can’t quite explain it.” “Ah don’t see how ya could possibly know him. There aren’t a whole lot of colts in Ponyville let alone one with his unique colorin’. Although, when ah looked at him he kinda gave me the willies.” “That’s it! That’s what I’m talking about. Well in any case we should probably head over to the hospital and see how Pinkie Pie is doing; the cobbler is almost done anyway.” “Sounds like a plan. Ah better talk ta Applebloom and make sure she doesn’t get herself in trouble while we’re gone.” “Very well, I will prepare the cobbler and wait outside for you once you’re done.” Applejack made her way to Applebloom’s room and found the little filly sitting on her bed looking out the window. She gently placed herself next to Applebloom and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “What’s wrong sugarcube?” Applebloom sighed. “It’s nothing…nothing ya need ta concern yerself with.” “Sure don’t seem like nothin’ ta me. C’mon sis ya can tell me anything.” “Well the gala is right around the corner and ah don’t have nopony ta go with, well at least until now anyway.” “Uhmm pardon sugarcube, but what do ya mean at least until now?” “Ah…think ah might want ta go with…Emerald if he wants to that is.” Applejack ruffled Applebloom’s mane. “Oh so that’s what this is about! Sis there ain’t nothin’ wrong with havin’ an eye for a young colt.” “It ain’t just about the looks Applejack. Ah mean sure he’s easy on the eyes but, it’s more than that.” “Just what do ya mean?” “He saved mah life without hesitation, kinda like one of those knights in Rarity’s stories. Ah dunno it sorta made mah heart flutter a bit.” “Hooo wee mah sister’s got a knight in shining armor complex. Who’d have known?” Applebloom stuffed her face into the pillow. “It-t-s not a complex! Ah thought it was sorta romantic. It’s so hard ta like girly stuff, with havin’ ta run the farm and getting’ dirty all the time. I’m so used ta doin’ things on mah own…it was just nice for a change ta have a stallion come to mah rescue.” “Hush now ya silly filly. It’s alright that ya wanna feel like a mare sometimes. Celestia knows ah love it when Iron sweeps me off mah hooves and treats me like a mare. Ah know farmin’ is hard work and we Apples don’t get much time to pretty ourselves up and act like mares. Look Applebloom all I’m sayin’ is don’t feel ashamed about things like that, it’s perfectly normal for ya ta feel that way.” “Ya really think so?” “Eeyup ah know so. Now why don’t ya quit yer mopin’ around and gimme a hug?” After the two sisters embraced for a few moments in silence, Applejack spoke first. “Iron and ah are goin’ ta see Pinkie at the hospital. Ah want ya ta stay outta trouble ya hear? After what happened in the caves, no more crusadin’ for a while alright?” “Don’t worry sis I’ve had enough crusadin’ for a while. Make sure ya give a hug to Pinkie for me.” “Ah will don’t you worry about that. How about ya grab some bits and get yerself a nice dress for the gala while we’re out? Oh and take enough ta get Emerald a nice suit too.” As soon as Applejack and Iron Cross made their way to the hospital, Applebloom climbed up to the attic and softly knocked on the door. Emerald answered that it was ok for her to enter; he was sitting on a blanket busy reading a book. “Hi Emerald ah hope I’m not interuptin’ anything important. Ah just wanted see how you were doin’.” “I’m doing very well, now that I’ve had a chance to rest. I was just catching up on a bit of reading. Was there anything else you needed?” Applebloom pawed at the floorboards. “Ah was wonderin’ if you’d be willin’ ta g-g…go with me to the gala…maybe?” “A gala you say? I assume it must be in Canterlot. Will Princess Celestia be there?” “Yeah I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be there, why do ya ask?” “Oh well I’ve never seen her majesty in pony before, so yes I shall go.” “Really? Ah finally have a date…ermm ah mean we have a date to keep with Rarity. It’s for our clothes…yeah clothes. Ya can’t go to a gala without fancy clothes.” “Hmm yes you’re right. Very well then, once you are ready then we can make our way to your friend Rarity.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carousel Boutique, Ponyville Rarity went about her afternoon routines, finishing up the gala dresses for her friends and cutting open a can of cat food for Opal. With her magic she levitated a crystal bowl from the top shelf of her dining room cabinet, the outside inscribed in gold lettering the word Opal. The bowl was expensive but Rarity figured that she had to get only the very best for her pampered feline. With a soft splat, Rarity placed the cat food in the bowl and placed a sprig of parsley on top. “Opal darling, mommy put out your lunch!” Opal awoke from her nap on the couch with a long yawn. She stretched out her back and tiptoed her way over to the kitchen. She gave her master an irritated look as if to say: What took you so long? Regardless the cat began to daintily nibble her lunch. “Ooohh who’s a good kitty? That’s right Opal you are! Now make sure that you eat wittle bite so you can grow up nice and healthy. Mommy wouldn’t want you to lose the luster from your gorgeous white coat.” Just as Opal was finishing her meal, Rarity heard a knock at the door. She was surprised to find Applebloom and a unicorn colt with a dark green coat standing outside. “Why good afternoon Applebloom are you here to see Sweetie Belle?” “No ah ain’t here for her. Ah came here ta get a dress fer the gala. Oh and if it ain’t too much trouble could ya make a suit for mah friend?” “Ah yes the gala, so many have come to me for their attire. I suppose I could whip up some outfits. I didn’t think you were going to the gala darling, in fact if your sister didn’t have a stallion friend I doubt she would have gone either.” Applebloom whispered into Rarity’s ear. “Well yer right ah normally wouldn’t…but ah have a date now. He’s that colt over there, his name is Emerald.” Rarity donned a goofy grin. “Oh soooo much love in the air~ to be young. Don’t worry darling I shall do my very best to make you stunning outfits for your little date.” “Mah sister and Iron went to the hospital ta see Pinkie so is it alright if we just stay here until the clothes are done?” “Why certainly Applebloom, just so long as you don’t interrupt me while I’m in the zone.” Applebloom and Frostmere sat on the couch while Rarity worked, Opal making her way over as well to continue her nap. The white cat purred while Applebloom groomed the fur on her back. She then turned her attention to the dark green colt sitting next to the filly. Opal felt that something just wasn’t right about him. She hissed a warning and he just ignored her. Feeling rather annoyed at the colt’s arrogance she scratched his snout. “Ow! You filthy beast how dare you strike me!” Frostmere bound the cat’s arms and legs with magic and levitated her so that he could see into the feline’s eyes. His own eyes began to glow as his anger rose. Rarity upon hearing the commotion rushed into the living room to see a bloodied Emerald and a floating Opal. Frostmere, realizing that levitating a cat was likely a bad idea dropped Opal with a soft thud. Rarity rushed over to Emerald with a white handkerchief to dab the blood. “Oh darling I’m terribly sorry for Opal’s behavior. She normally doesn’t lash out at strangers like that. Do you need a band aid, at least let me disinfect the cut.” “It’s quite alright Ms. Rarity I can sterilize the cut with my magic. It seems I’m not very good with animals.” “I just don’t understand why Opal attacked you like that. Certainly she can be an obstinate creature at times but she’s never attacked a stranger before. Please allow me to make it up to you!” “It’s alright Ms. Rarity, after all you have no control what your cat does. What exactly did you have in mind?” “Well since you and Applebloom are going to need clothes, I shall just simply have to make them for free as an apology. No arguing my decision is final.” Two hours later Rarity had finished their clothes. She made Applebloom a simple yellow dress with bright red lace frills and white apple blossoms decorating its entirety. Frostmere received a silvery blue tuxedo adorned with a magically dyed green rose in the pocket. The pair thanked Rarity for the clothes as Frostmere teleported them both back to Sweet Apple Acres. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chancellor Puddinghead Memorial Hospital, Ponyville Iron and Applejack found Pinkie sitting in her hospital bed, a bowl of sloppily eaten bowl of jello lying on the floor, her face covered in whipped cream. The couple couldn’t help but giggle at the pink mare as she turned around and gave them her best pirate impression. “Arrrggh maties I be Pink-beard the pirate, ye better bring me some treasure.” “Howdy there sugarcube how are ya feelin’?” Pinkie used her tongue to lap up all the whipped cream on her face. “Mmmm that was the yummiest beard I ever tasted. Oh I’m doing alright AJ…but it’s sorta boring in here.” “Iron and ah decided ta bring ya a get well gift, ah reckon you’ll like it on account you’ve been eatin’ hospital food all day.” “Yay! I looooovee your apple cobbler. You know even Princess Luna came over earlier to see how I was doing. I’m happy to see that everypony is so worried about me.” “Well tan mah hide, the princess ya say?” Pinkie began wolfing down the cobbler. “Mhmm shw waf all wurred but et waffen’t a big deal. Nofe not at all!” “Uhh sorry Pinkie but would ya mind not talkin’ with yer mouth full?” “Okie Dokie Loki! Well I was done with it anyway. It sure was yummy. Princess Luna thought I was all crazy but nope it was just my old pal Zoggy! He doesn’t usually talk to anypony but me, but he had a good reason to say hi. I dunno I guess figured I was in danger or something like that.” “Ya mind tellin’ me who this umm…Zoggy is?” “He’s been my bestest, closest friend since I was a filly. He talks to me inside my mind.” Applejack rubbed her hooves together awkwardly. “Well…now ain’t that somethin’. I’m sure ya were just stressed out from all the anticipation fer the gala. It’s a good thing ya got some rest here at the hospital even if it was a bit boring.” “Why does everypony think I’m CRAZY? One day AJ I’ll show you that Zog exists I know it! He’s as real as my very hoovsies.” “Whatever ya say sugarcube.” Pinkie leapt off the bed and grabbed Iron by the mane. “You believe me DON’T YOU!?” “I-I…I’m not sure. I guess so.” Pinkie then crushed poor Iron in a powerful hug that would make a dragon flinch. “I knew you picked a keeper AJ.” Applejack blushed lightly. “Yeah ah suppose he’s ever the gentlecolt, at least when he wants ta be. Ah reckon we should get goin’ soon, gotta pick up our clothes from Rarity.” Pinkie gave Applejack a quick nuzzle. “Aww do you guys really have to go so soon?” “Afraid so Pinkie.” “Ok I’ll see you guys at the gala then!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville -the following day- The Apple sisters and their dates were all dressed up and ready to attend the gala, starting in just under an hour. A knock on the door signaled that the carriage had arrived to take them to Canterlot. Princess Celestia had seen fit to send a personal carriage to each of the elements, which also extended to any family or friends they wished to take as well. A well-dressed stallion in a black tuxedo escorted them into the back seat. Iron and Frostmere sat on one side, while Applebloom and Applejack sat on the other. The elder apple wore a lime green dress in the Victorian style, complete with red ruby cufflinks. Her trade mark Stetson was left behind in favor of an elegantly styled mane set in a coiled bun. The younger apple wore the dress she received from Rarity, her mane tied in a simple pony-tail with a red bow. Frostmere wore his silver-blue tux, while Iron Cross wore a more militaristic looking grey tunic overcoat. It resembled a German dress uniform. Applebloom looked out the window in awe. “Hey sis how many ponies are gonna be there?” “Ah reckon quite a few. Don’t worry none, I’m sure you’re gonna have a wonderful time.” Iron ran a hoof through his mane. “I heard that the princess invited dignitaries to gala as well. That should make for an interesting evening no doubt.” “Hmm Twi was tellin’ me about that. Ah guess it’s just the princess’s way of extendin’ the old olive branch.” “Well this whole holiday is based on love and understanding, so why not use it to your political advantage?” “Aww now don’t think of it that way Iron! I’m not gonna have ya ruin the whole evenin’ with yer talk of politics. This is a holiday meant fer enjoyin’, so not another word.” Iron let out an annoyed snort. “Fine…but that still doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” “Hush sugarcube, we’re almost there.” The carriage pulled up to Canterlot Castle, the reception area was decorated with an assortment of red and white banners adorned with hearts and arrows. Two royal guards stood at the entrance waving on the incoming guests. Most of the guests who were arriving were the wealthy Canterlot aristocrats and business ponies. Just inside the reception area stood Rarity, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, all of them were excitedly chattering amongst themselves. Rarity stopped chatting and trotted over to Applejack. “Good evening darling, I hope all of you had a pleasant carriage ride. All of us certainly did.” “Thanks Rare, we did as well. Boy howdy there sure is a lot of ponies here. Ah guess I’m gonna have ta put on the old Orange family charm, since most of these folks ain’t used to simple farm ponies like mahself.” Rarity chortled. “No need to fret Applejack, we are Equestrian national heroes after all. Besides if anypony so much as dares to insult any of my dearest friends, then they shall rue the day they were born.” Applejack whispered to Iron. “Remind me not ta get on her bad side. That glare of hers could stop a cockatrice dead in its tracks.” “Oh where are my manners? How are you doing this evening Iron Cross?” Iron bowed slightly and kissed Rarity’s hoof. “I’m doing exceptionally well Ms. Rarity and yourself?” Rarity giggled with a slight blush. “Such a gentlecolt. I shall have you know that I’m looking forward to a marvelous evening with my lovely companion. Fluttershy darling, would you come over and say hi.” Fluttershy glided over gracefully in front of Applejack. She had a glass of punch and spinach puff pastry in her hoof. “Oh hello eveypony, I was just enjoying a snack before dinner.” Once all the greetings were out of the way the group of ponies made their way to the dining hall. The hall had white marble flooring, Corinthian columns and a large glass dome on top. In the middle was a buffet table lined with the finest cuisine Equestria had to offer, ranging from simple hors d'oeuvres to crème brûlée. Behind the buffet table was a sculpture of a crystal pegasus with an arrow quiver, shooting water out its mouth into a fountain below. The Canterlot Philharmonic Orchestra, led by Octavia, played a waltz to entertain the guests. Some of the pony couples danced out on the larger more open area of the dining hall that in effect served as a dual purpose ballroom. At the top of stairs that led up to the Royal chambers, stood Princess Celestia flanked by Big Mac and Twilight. Both were wearing gold and white uniforms with Celestia’s solar insignia patched on the shoulders. Twilight’s was more of a dress suit, accompanied by gold slippers. She had her mane tied in a side braid. Big Mac wore a suit more akin to Iron’s selection, his hair uncharacteristically slicked back. Pinkie Pie was busy eating deserts at the end of the buffet table with reckless abandon. The gang made their way up the stairs and was greeted by the sun princess. “Good evening everypony, I trust all of you made it here safely?” “We sure did yer highness. Ah hope ya didn’t tire out mah brother too much, he ain’t the most sociable type.” “I’m certain he had a grand time, especially considering the company he kept.” Celestia said with a wink. “Well it was nice seein’ y’all but Iron and Ah are gonna hit the dance floor.” “I believe Fluttershy and I shall grab a bite to eat. Enjoy the reception your highness.” As the older couples left to go about their business, both Applebloom and Frostmere stayed behind to greet Princess Celestia. “Good Evenin’ yer majesty ah just wanted say hi and introduce mah new friend. His name is Emerald.” Frostmere bowed not being able to conceal a smirk. “It is an honor to meet you your…majesty.” “Hello my little pony, I do try to know most of my subjects but I cannot say that I’ve ever seen you before.” “I haven’t ever been to Canterlot, so it’s no wonder you’ve never seen me.” Celestia put a hoof to her muzzle and chuckled. “I noticed that young Applebloom has become quite taken with you. You best take care of her or else you shall have a very angry sister to deal with.” “Ah yes…that. Saving a filly from a life-threatening situation usually does the trick.” “You are modest as well, that is good. Do not sell yourself short Emerald; she certainly adores you for your looks as well.” “Excuse me your majesty, but might I ask you a question in private?” “I suppose it couldn’t do any harm, but make sure that you ask quickly I have many more guests to greet.” “Of course, this won’t take long.” Celestia motioned her guards to stay behind while she led Frostmere to a balcony outside. Once the doors shut he couldn’t help but laugh. “What is so funny young one?” “Oh Celestia how utterly gullible you are! Have you learned nothing over the centuries?” Celestia’s eyes screwed in confusion. “What on Equestria are you talking about?” Frostmere’s body burned in blue flames as he transformed back to his original form. “Perhaps now you recognize me Shining Majesty?” “It…can’t…be. You perished; I saw it with my own eyes!” “Yes I did perish, but not in the way you believe. The amulet dear princess was what saved me. It teleported me to Mundus, the world of humans, where I lived as one for the rest of my natural days.” “If you died there, then why are you here now?” “You may thank the farmer mare’s new stallion friend for that. He found the amulet I used on Mundus, transporting both himself and it here. Since the amulet stored so much of my magic, it essentially created a doppelgänger of sorts. Complete with all of my abilities and memories.” Celestia frowned. “You have no idea the pain you put Starswirl through that day. He was devastated when he thought you died. You may not have been born to him, but he loved you as if you were. He was never the same afterward.” Frostmere sighed. “He made his choice; it was either me or you. The fault was not mine.” “Your anger clouded your judgment Frostmere! You had to be stopped at any cost. Know that I ordered your death with a heavy heart." “Tsk Tsk…but in the end your sentiments mean nothing. The time is now Celestia. It is time to finish what we started so many centuries ago.” Frostmere’s horn glowed blue as he teleported himself and Celestia into the throne room. Igniting his horn once more he sealed the doors into the chamber. “There now nopony shall interrupt us. Finally a new age shall dawn upon Equestria!” Celestia’s horn glowed with a brilliant yellow flash as she summoned a magic blade above her. “I allowed one of my subjects to fight in my stead before; I shan’t make that mistake twice.” Frostmere ignited his own sapphire blade. “Hahahaha! Excellent. I shall enjoy crushing you.” Celestia lunged forward, her blade crackling sparks of magic as it clashed with Frostmere’s. Frostmere kept his blade locked as he performed a midair summersault above Celestia, planting a swift kick to her back legs. Celestia grunted in pain blasting him with orange colored fireball. It hit Frostmere straight in the chest. Frostmere spat some blood onto the white marble floor. “What power! I expected nothing less from the avatar of the sun. Unfortunately for you I have a few more tricks in my arsenal than when we last met.” Summoning the chaos magic deep within him, Frostmere’s body glowed in a dull yellow aura. The burned flesh on his chest began to bubble and reform as it healed itself. He let out a cackle and spun his blade in a long arc trying to break Celestia’s guard. She concentrated, her horn glowing as her own blade buckled against his onslaught. Frostmere jumped back ripping a chunk of marble from one of the columns breaking it into thousands of little pieces. He then began to pelt Celestia with the magically enhanced bullets, trying to disrupt her concentration. Celestia erected a yellow tinged barrier. “How did you become so powerful? Your powers are on par with an alicorn that cannot be so!” “Ah but it is. I tricked the draconequus you imprisoned in stone. He was already weak, so I absorbed his powers, along with the changeling queen’s.” Celestia spat in disgust. “You monster…you are nothing more than parasite. In all of my years of living I have never seen such a magical technique.” “I admit it came as a surprise to me as well. It was one of the powers granted to me by the comet. The first time I realized I could use it was when I fought those filthy barbarians, whom you failed to stop.” “Please Frostmere I beg you lay down your weapon. The chaos magic has corrupted your mind. Let this madness cease.” Frostmere spoke with snarl. “My mind has never been clearer! This can only be solved through violence, besides I am more powerful now than ever.” Frostmere’s body took on the yellow aura once again, this time he directed his energy on the floor where Celestia stood. The ground began to bubble becoming like quicksand. Celestia let out a gasp of surprise as she began to sink into the floor. Frostmere formed a blue fireball in his fore hooves, unleashing a stream of fire at Celestia. She blinked in surprise when the flames did not burn her, but she did suddenly become tired. “What is the meaning of this? You cannot hope to harm me with fire, it is my natural element.” “Once again Celestia, all is not what it seems. These flames are not meant to burn you physically. They are meant to burn your magic away, so that you can’t defend yourself.” Celestia’s magic saber began to fade as she desperately tried to ignite her horn. Her mouth dropped in horror as she realized she could no longer cast magic. Frostmere put out his blade, levitating himself in front of Celestia. He placed his hoof under her chin. “Go ahead you monster, KILL ME!” “Oh no my dear, death is far too simple for you. Your punishment must be more severe.” Frostmere’s horn glowed blue as he began to drain Celestia’s power. Her coat began to lose its white sheen and her mane transformed from its usual pastel colors to pink. The wings on her back began to shrink and atrophy; her horn cracked crumbling into dust. Frostmere broke her out of the melted marble floor, throwing her against the wall. She lay on the floor weak, no horn or wings adorning her once taller body. Celestia was now an ordinary earth pony. Meanwhile Frostmere’s body glowed with god-like power, levitating him above the throne room. He let out other worldly gurgles of pain as he body began to transform. His body began to lengthen and become larger. Majestic wings sprang out of his back with a fleshy pop. The horn atop his head grew twice its length. His mane and tail began to look like wispy fog as it flowed around his body. Finally his usually equine pupils became draconian slits. When he hit the ground his voice boomed with a power that could shatter mountains. “BEHOLD EQUESTRIA YOUR NEW GOD HAS ARRIVED!” > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19 Canterlot Castle, Ballroom Many of the ponies were ambling about enjoying the company, food or music provided to them. The guests that Princess Celestia had left behind were becoming impatient as she had been gone for more than fifteen minutes. What irritated them more was that it was all for the sake of some unknown colt. Luna, who was enjoying a cocktail over at the bar, decided to calm the guests. She too was curious as to what was taking her sister so long. With a deep sigh she slugged the remainder of her martini and flew over to the grand staircase. “Remain calm ponies; I am certain that my sister shan’t take much longer. In the mean time I will take her place in greeting all of you.” Luna’s words seemed to calm the irate guests at least for the time being. The lunar monarch motioned for one of the guards to come to her side. “My sister usually does not delay so long in such affairs, it begins to worry me. Take Twilight Sparkle and investigate the matter.” The guard nodded as he made his way to the dining area. Twilight was sitting at a table, busy enjoying a slice of blueberry pie a la mode. Rarity and Fluttershy were dancing to an upbeat tango. Iron was at the bar chugging a few beers down, while Applejack was talking shop with Carrot Top. The guard gingerly tapped Twilight on the shoulder to get her attention. Twilight immediately dropped the spoon she was levitating. “Oh umm hi can I help you?” “Ms. Sparkle I require your assistance in finding Princess Celestia, it seems she has been absent for quite some time now and Princess Luna has become worried. If you would be so kind as to aid in my investigation, I would greatly appreciate it.” “Princess Celestia went missing? I hope she’s alright. Should I bring anypony else along?” “I don’t believe that will be necessary.” Twilight teleported both herself and the guard to the top of the stairs where Celestia was last seen. She made her way over to the balcony and caught a strange smell in the air. It almost smelled like the air after a thunderstorm, almost as if the air had ionized. She gasped recognizing the smell. Somepony had recently teleported. The guard looked at her, a look of confusion on his face. “Excuse me Ms. Sparkle, is there something wrong?” “I think I have an idea what might have happened to the Princess. A teleportation spell was just recently used here. What bothers me is that very few ponies can perform that spell. I’m not even sure if Princess Celestia can do it herself, or at least I’ve never seen her do it before.” “So whomever was with her majesty must have been a powerful unicorn.” Twilight rubbed her chin. “It certainly seems that way. Give me a minute so I can conjure a tracking spell. I should be able to trace the resonance of the spell to pinpoint it’s secondary location.” Twilight concentrated and after a minute a smirk appeared on her face. “I got it, but she teleported to such a strange place.” “Where exactly did she go?” “The throne room. I’m not really sure why she would be there. Grab onto my hoof, we have to get there as quickly as possible.” They both arrived in front of the throne room, not expecting to find both of the doors sealed from the inside. The guard went up to the doors and tried to open them, but was hurled back by a wave of blue magic. “What in the name of Faust is going on?” “Hmm it looks like whoever abducted Princess Celestia didn’t want anypony to get in. It’s quite a powerful hex spell. I’m not even sure I could cast something like this. Stay here; if the spell sealing the door is this complex I’m going to need Princess Luna to assist me.” Twilight teleported back to the dining hall. “Princess Luna I’m going to need your help. It’s about Celestia; I think she’s been foalnapped.” Luna bit her lip. “It is as I feared then. Did you discover her whereabouts?” “Somepony sealed the throne room with a powerful hex, she’s probably in there. Whoever the culprit is they certainly know some very power spells. I’m sorry but the hex was too strong for me to disenchant, that’s why I need your help.” “Very well Twilight Sparkle, gather the remaining elements and we shall punish this whelp who dares to foalnap my sister.” The Mane Six and Luna stood in front of the throne room, each of the six mares baring their regalia. Luna was in the middle siphoning extra magic into them so a canceling spell could be used to break the hex. Twilight’s eyes glowed white as she levitated, channeling the remaining five elements into a rainbow colored beam straight at the door. Within seconds the hex shattered. Luna and the six gazed in horror at the scene that greeted them. Celestia was lying on the ground next to the throne, her coat dirtied and her mouth covered in blood. She was much smaller than before, her mane and tail back to their original pink color. On the throne sat an imposing white alicorn. His man billowed like a thick cloud of fog, his blue draconic eyes scanning the room. Luna rushed over to her fallen sister. “Tia…can you hear me? Are you alright?” Celestia eyes opened slowly. “Luna is that…you? Thank the creator. Frostmere…we must…stop him.” “Is that the scoundrel who has dared harm you?” “Be careful sister, he has my powers along with Discord’s and Chrysalis’s. I doubt that you can stop him.” Luna kissed Celestia on the forehead. “Please rest Tia. I have brought the elements with me. Together we can smite him.” Frostmere summoned a fireball to his hoof and began juggling it. “What a touching family reunion. I must say it is an honor to finally meet the illustrious lunar princess. Oh and it seems that you even brought Celestia’s pep squad.” “I have never seen you before but my sister seems to know you. Your empty insults do little to provoke my ire, for with the elements behind me we shall defeat you.” Frostmere clicked his tongue. “You seem to forget who has all the power, little Luna. I’m bored so I’ll tell you what; I’ll give you one chance to use your little toys against me. What happens afterward is entirely in your hooves.” “Twilight Sparkle gather your friends and stay behind me! We shall blast this arrogant fool into oblivion.” The six mares gathered once again, as they did when fighting Nightmare Moon. Luna erected a barrier to protect both Celestia and herself from the aftershock of the blast. Each of the elements glowed unleashing a powerful rainbow colored column of magic toward Frostmere. The white alicorn simply smirked as his body was consumed by the spell. There was a brilliant flash of light as the element bearers waited to see the result of their spell. Twilight stood panting. “Princess did we do it? Is he defeated?” “Certainly no creature could survive such a blast.” The throne which the white alicon sat upon was in ruin; however standing there perfectly calm without a scratch on him was Frostmere, with a grin on his face. He began clapping his hooves. “What a brilliant display! Too bad it didn’t work. A shame that you used your trump card at the very beginning of the battle. Shocked? Surprised? Well you shouldn’t be. I have far too much power coursing through my veins for those flimsy things to work on me.” Growling in anger, Luna took flight. She concentrated her magic into the tip of her horn and fired a navy colored beam at Frostmere. He in turn threw up a lighter blue colored barrier, which absorbed her attack. He teleported behind Luna to strike her in the face with a fireball, but she flew underneath him and bucked him in the chest with her hind legs. Luna heard a sickening crack as the kick connected, certainly breaking a few ribs. A few seconds later he teleported again, grabbing her by the wing and tossed her into a column. A sharp tendril of pain shot down Luna’s back as her wing broke on impact. Frostmere spoke through labored breathing. “Hahaha so violent! Desperation really brings out the best in everypony. You sister might have had all the grace and skill, but you have all the raw power and brute strength. I love it!” “We shall see how much you love this, you disgusting masochist!” Luna’s eyes glowed with a white flash as gathered the clouds from outside. The clouds became shrouded in her navy blue aura as they channeled pure electricity into her hooves. After a few moments her entire body crackled with electric power, after concentrating it into a ball she loosened a bolt strait at Frostmere. The bolt struck him at full force, frying the very flesh off his bones. The air was filled with his screams of agony as well as the stench of cooking meat. He lay on the ground minutes later, his coat charred and bloody, the feathers on his wings burned off. Luna hovered over Frostmere, her own magic blade pointed at his throat. “You are defeated. Any last words before I send you to Tartarus?” “Surprise…” Frostmere croaked. A dull yellow aura encapsulated his body as his flesh and bones began to mend, within seconds he was back to his full glory. He head-butted the surprised Luna, this temporarily disenchanted her blade as she reeled back. Before she could recover, he took in a deep breath blowing out a breath colder than the frozen north. Luna was frozen almost instantaneously. “Well that’s two regents down and one pep squad to go.” Twilight eyes narrowed in pure hatred. “What have you done…I don’t care who you are! You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my friends.” “I would choose your words more carefully, for I could smite you in an instant. Your rulers are nothing more than palace decorations and playthings. Celestia will make a fine pet don’t you think?” “Don’t TOUCH HER!” Frostmere ran his hoof through Celestia’s mane. “Now, now there’s really no need to get upset. You are the illustrious Twilight Sparkle I’ve been hearing about aren’t you?” “Yes I am she why does that concern you?” “Why my dear it means everything to me! Do you not realize what you are?” Twilight’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I-I…don’t understand. What do you mean?” “Oh Celesita you clever little foal you hid the truth from her didn’t you? Go on now tell your precious student what she truly is.” Celestia looked at Twilight with all the strength she could muster. Her eyes were hollow and dead, those of a pony whose spirit was utterly broken. Tears ran down her cheeks as she croaked out a reply. “Twilight…I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me for what I am about to tell you.” “What? Princess why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Please…tell me.” “No, Twilight you’ve done nothing wrong. It is I who has done you wrong.” “That can’t be! You’ve always looked out for me, been there for me. How is that wrong?” “Twilight everything that has happened in your life occurred because you are special. The fact of the matter is it was no mere coincidence that you became the element of magic. It was your destiny and I knew it from the day you were born.” “I thought the elements chose their bearers when they exhibited the proper traits?” “No…element bearers are born with them. All of you got your cutie marks at the same time because you magically bonded. You are the cornerstone of them all.” “How did you know?” “It’s because I’ve protected your family for centuries Twilight, ever since the very first of your line was born seven centuries ago. I did it to make up for the terrible mistake I made.” “What happened?” “I…I failed to protect my subjects. My cowardice blinded me. I was naïve in thinking that I could stop a conflict through negotiation. In the end I was betrayed and one of the few ponies that told me it was a trap…I failed him as well.” “I still don’t understand what this has to do with me being the element of magic.” “Twilight, the alicon sitting on the throne right now is your ancestor. He was born under the auspice of a powerful magic comet, which gave him extraordinary prowess in magic. Your bloodline ever since has always been adept with magic. That is why both you and your brother can cast such powerful spells; it is also why you are the element of magic.” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “You mean I was born to wield magic…all this time and you never told me?” “You have to understand it was for the best, it was for your safety. I didn’t want you to feel like an outcast or a monstrosity.” Twilight began to sob. “I…need some time to process this.” Frostmere bellowed with laughter. “Just how many ponies are you going to use in your twisted chess game Celestia? You just can’t help yourself can you? By the creator you even betrayed your own sister!” Celestia laid her head on the cold stone floor, her hot tears forming a puddle next to her dirtied mane. The rest of the Mane Six gathered around Twilight to help comfort the poor mare as she sobbed with reckless abandon. Frostmere hovered over to Twilight holding her by the chin. “My dear you have an opportunity. Come, join me and I shall teach you everything about magic you’ll ever want to know. You shall become a sovereign princess of Equestria and I the emperor. Your friends would also become nobles in my court, safe and happy. You are my great granddaughter, so it is only befitting.” “I’m sorry but I can’t. As upset at Celestia as I am right now, she’s still the rightful princess. I know she did what she had to do to keep me safe. I know she cares about me and I forgive her. That’s what friends do.” “That witch hardly deserves the affections you show her. Very well then, do not say I never gave you a chance to end this peacefully. My grudge was with Celestia, not you or your friends. However, I’m afraid that you are now my enemies. A truly retched turn of events.” Frostmere concentrated his magic, firing a blue tinged beam at the ceiling. A large hole was created from the blast, from which he flew into the open air. He gathered magic until his horn was glowing in ethereal sapphire light. He fired the beam straight at the sun. “Sun hear my cries, feel my presence, bend to my will. Celestia is broken, no longer able to control your might. It is I, Frostmere, who hereby take control of your majestic glory. Obey my beck and call, my will is yours.” After a few minutes the entire planet shook, the sky pulsing with magical energy. The sun then began to shine brighter and brighter until it pulsed with a great white flash. Once the flash had died down the sun glowed with blue flames instead of its original yellow. Frostmere’s mane immediately transformed into blue flames, his cutie mark depicted a magic burst encircled inside a blue sun. “Good now I am formally your new emperor. The sun belongs to me, as well as the moon. I think as my first act I shall imprison the six of you in the deepest, darkest dungeon of the castle.” Twilight was the first to attack. She shot a flurry of purple bolts at the new solar alicon. He allowed most of the bolts to hit him, the bolts only slightly burning his coat. Laughing he teleported behind Twilight giving a swift kick to her gut, launching the mare across the room. Not wasting a moment Rarity ignited her own horn and levitated a few shards of broken glass leftover from the collapsed ceiling. The shards hurtled towards Frostmere, one of them embedding itself in his eye. He howled in pain shooting a blue fireball at the offending mare, only for her to be saved at the last minute by Rainbow Dash. “Grrahhhghh you will pay for that you insolent bitch!” Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to fly at the snowy alicon at full speed, knocking a few of his teeth out. Summoning his chaos magic once again, the wounds began to heal. With a flick of his horn he captured Rainbow Dash in his aura transforming her wings into stone. Dash screamed in pain and horror as she plummeted to the ground. As she struggled, Frostmere shot another beam of energy from his horn that completely turned her into stone. “Two down four to go. But just to be sure…” Frostmere wrapped the unconscious form of Twilight in his blue aura, turning her into stone on the spot where she had collapsed. Tears of rage formed in Rarity’s eyes. “How dare you! You are nothing more than a callous brute. Even if Princess Celestia wronged you, it does not give the right to be so cruel. To my very dying breath I shall never call you my ruler.” “Don’t worry you’ll be joining your friends soon enough. I’m sure all of you will make lovely lawn decorations for the new Canterlot gardens.” In a state of blind rage Rarity’s horn glowed a pale blue as she began to levitate summoning more magic than she ever had in her entire life. The ground beneath her began to split as hundreds of diamonds swirled around her. They began to coalesce and form a giant shimmering spear, glowing in pale blue light. Rarity hurled the spear with all her might, slamming it straight into Frostmere’s chest. The spear hit with enough force to pin him into a nearby wall. Coughing up globules of blood Frostmere cackled. “Well now what a surprise. I didn’t think you had that much magic in you. I suppose anger makes us do incredible things. Too bad, I could have honed your skills. You could have become a powerful mage.” Calling on the power of the sun Frostmere set his body ablaze in magical blue flames. The flames burned so hot that it melted Rarity’s diamond spear. The solar magic also rejuvenated his battered flesh as he unleashed a bolt of dark blue energy straight at Rarity. Rarity cringed as the bolt raced towards her. She was about to accept her fate when she saw a yellow blur fly out in front of her. Before she could react, she was pushed to the left. Much to Rarity’s horror she recognized the stone figure in front of her. Fluttershy had jumped in front of the beam to save her life. Rarity trotted over to the statue planting a soft kiss on the cheek. “No…why did you do that? I never got to say goodbye. I promise my love, I will avenge you. Sleep well my sweet…sleep well.” “So you two were lovers hmm? I am not so heartless as to separate you. Be still for you shall be eternally entwined with your lover.” Before Rarity could react she was petrified while embracing Fluttershy, a few of her tears clattered against the ground as they too became stone. Pinkie howled in rage at the sight only being held back by frightened Applejack. She knew that neither her nor Pinkie had any magic of their own to fight the powerful alicorn. Physical attacks were just having absolutely no effect and the magic that was used merely irritated the monstrosity, like a gnat trying to punch a bear. Applejack wished that her family and her lover were here, so she could hold them one last time. For now though she had to keep a clear head for her own sake and for Pinkie’s. Frostmere once again sat upon the throne. “Poor earthponies. You have no magic to fight me, no wings to escape, yet here you stand. I commend you for your bravery. My wife was an earthpony you know. For that reason alone I feel pity for you. Surrender and I may consider sparing you the fate of your friends. I am not without mercy.” Applejack glared at Frostmere. “Do ya honestly think after all ya did to mah friends that I’m gonna lay low like a snake and surrender? You got another thing comin’ to ya!” “I admire your honesty but you still reek of fear. Do not be ashamed, I shall not judge. Fear is a healthy emotion to have, for it allows us to survive. You have family and lover do you not? If you cannot surrender on your own terms, then do it for them.” “Ah do and the reason ah ain’t surrenderin’ is for their sake. Yer a tyrant and ah can’t rightly let ya go on imposin’ yer will on everypony else. I’d hate mahself even more if I surrendered to your slimy hide.” Frostmere rose to the celling. “Then you have chosen your fate. So it was wanted, so shall it be.” > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20 Throne Room, Canterlot Castle Applejack’s ears flattened in equal parts sadness and anger. There was nothing she could do to help her friends. Never before in her entire life did she feel so useless. She did the only thing she could and that was to say goodbye to her good friend Pinkie. She trotted over to the pink mare and wrapped her in a gentle embrace, stroking her mane softly. “I’m so sorry that ah ain’t of more use sugarcube.” Pinkie’s normally excitable tone was quiet and subdued. “Applejack, listen to me. You did not fail any of us. Just being here makes you the greatest friend I could ever ask for.” “Thanks ah needed ta hear that. No matter what happens know that ah love each and every one of ya.” Pinkie wiped away a few of Applejack’s tears with hoof. “I know but don’t be too sad. You know how I was talking about my friend Zoggy…well you’re going to meet him very soon.” Before Applejack could protest Pinkie’s apparent insanity, her normally fluffy mane became flat and her coat darkened a few shades from its normal vibrant pink. Her pupils began to shrink as well, looking like pin-pricks. Pinkie spoke in a decidedly more masculine sounding voice that took AJ completely by surprise. “Oh my I do apologize for greeting you in such a hasty manner, but the situation calls for it.” “Whu-wu-what in tarnation is goin’ on?” “It seems you did not believe dear old Pinkie. She did tell you about me, didn’t she?” “Well…she might’ve mentioned ya once or twice but ah thought you were her imaginary friend or somthin’.” “I assure you that I am quite real. I only show up during the direst of circumstances. The name’s Zog by the way, extra-dimensional gentleman extraordinaire at your service!” Applejack offered her hoof. “Uhmm…nice ta meet ya ah guess. What exactly do ya plan on doin’?” “Why the answer is simple, I distract the power-hungry tyrant over there and you go get help.” “How do ya figure that sugarcube?” “Well I can transform, use magic, make physics my bitch…ex cetera. You get the idea.” With a bright pink flash Zog transformed Pinkie’s body in an instant. Her coat glowed like a tacky neon sign hung in front of a restaurant. Pinkie’s mane and tail turned into pink flames, while her eyes became blue orbs of light. “Land sakes, what the hay is goin’ on?” “Pinkie and I share her body. It’s a long story but suffice to say I can only maintain this transformation for a short period of time. It consumes a lot of energy and if I stay like this for too long she might die. Mortal bodies are always so fragile…ugh.” “You meant ta tell me that you can hold him off all by yerself?” “Yes, now I would advise that you get as far away from here as possible. Oh and I should mention that I’ll try and be as careful as I can with Pinkie’s body.” Applejack bit her lip. “Alright ah can tell ya ain’t lyin’ but just…be careful.” Zog winked. “Right-o now run along let old Zoggy take care of his royal crankiness.” “What’s this? I had no idea the pink one harbored another being. Are prepared to face me? I certainly hope so, I could use some entertainment.” Zog cracked his neck. “It’s been centuries since I last transformed, but I’m not here to amuse you. I’m afraid if you want to fight we’re going to have to settle this like gentle beings.” “Ha! Very well then, name your terms dimension-ling.” “My terms are simple really. We fight in the dimension of my choosing, after all we can’t have you destroying your new kingdom it would upset all of your new subjects.” “As you wish, let us begin then.” Zog’s hooves glowed neon pink as he ripped open a hole in the space/time flow. On the other side of the hole was an entirely different world where large chunks of rock were floating around in a black void. He clapped his hooves and both of the ponies were sucked into the space. Zog sat on a large craggy rock floating above the rest with a grin on his face. “I picked a rather scenic dimension don’t you think? It’s absolutely lovely this time of year.” Frostmere chuckled mirthlessly. “A pocket dimension eh? I figured as much. You wanted to buy as much time for your comrades as possible. Why mere seconds in here could be hours in Equestria.” “Bingo! I should add that while you are correct, I am short on time…one of the many drawbacks to inhabiting a mortal body.” “I care little for how you got into your strange situation. If you had such great power, then you were blinded by your own foolishness by being bound to mortals.” Zog sighed. “Yes I made some mistakes in the past. I abused my powers and paid the price for it. Well no more! Pinkie Pie and generations of her family taught me how to appreciate the mortal way of life. I will defend the Equestrians as if they were my kin, especially from the likes of you.” With a bright pink flash Zog disappeared, mere moments later he stood on another rock ten meters away using his magic to levitate a few floating fragments of rock. With a wave of his hooves he hurtled the debris towards Frostmere who put up a shield spell to deflect them. Frostmere let out a grunt of surprise as he was grabbed by the legs, seemingly out of nowhere and tossed into a jagged outcropping. One of the stalactites on the outcropping pierced his left wing, shooting a bolt of searing pain down his spine. “It seems I underestimated you dimension bender, a mistake I shall not repeat.” Zog shrugged. “Well I can break the fourth wall ya know. I thought it was kind of obvious.” “No matter, I will just simply have to adjust to your…unusual tactics.” Frostmere concentrated allowing chaos magic to flow through his body. A thin yellow aura surrounded his body as he healed his injuries. With a single thought he teleported behind Zog and performed a spiraling kick to the back, sending the being into a boulder. A sickening crunch echoed across the void as Zog lay in a crumpled heap, his pupil-less blue eyes scrunched in pain. Zog concentrated forming his own pink aura, mending his shattered bones. “You pack quite a kick, I must say. Lucky for me I can do the same healing trick with my magic.” Ignoring Zog’s irritating banter, Frostmere summoned several fireballs and hurled them at full speed. Zog deftly dodged several of them, but still managed to get hit on the leg. Shaking off the injury he appeared behind Frostmere to strike, but to his surprise the alicorn anticipated the move and punched him in the snout. Zog once again tried to appear on top of Frostmere and again his efforts were thwarted with a kick to the stomach. “What in the seven hells is going on? How do you know where I’m coming from?” Frostmere grinned. “I adjusted the chaos magic so that my body vibrates on the same wavelength as yours. The ability to bend physics to your will is now useless.” “Grrr damn it this is not good. I thought I could buy more time. Please forgive me Applejack.” Zog’s body glowed with pink hued power. “Hehe I guess if I can’t out maneuver you, then I’ll just have to blast you to pieces!” With a thundering crack Zog released a powerful pink energy beam straight at Frostmere. The alicorn’s eyes widened in shock as he tried to dodge it. The width of the beam was far too vast to be avoided altogether. It ripped through Frostmere like a knife going through paper. The heat was so intense it vaporized his lower body and cauterized the wound. His mutilated form hovered in space. “Finally…got…him. I’ve used…so…much power. Need…to…rest.” Zog croaked with labored breath. Zog sat on a rock for several minutes trying to gather his strength. Just as he was about to open a portal back to Equestria he heard the telltale pop of teleportation. He turned around and to his horror, there stood Frostmere unscathed. The alicorn grabbed Zog by the throat and hoisted him into the air. “There’s no way you survived that. I blasted you with my full power. I saw your corpse!” “I may not be invulnerable Zog, but what I do have is vast amounts of magic flowing in my veins. As long as a single shred of my body remains, I have the ability to regenerate. What a pity, that was quite an impressive attack.” Frostmere ignited his horn, ripping open a new portal back to Equestria. He stepped through it with Zog firmly in his hooves. They were back in the throne room. “You have vanquished me…please find it in yourself to spare Pinkie, she has done you no wrong.” “That much is true, but she still bears the element of laughter. I have a better idea.” Frostmere enveloped Zog’s body with his magic chanting in an archaic form of zebrine dialect. Zog suddenly started to feel weaker, his vision becoming blurred. He felt lighter somehow, the room beginning to swirl. The sight that greeted him as the room stopped spinning was Pinkie’s unconscious body lying on the floor. What confused him was he could still feel Frostmere’s hooves wrapped around his neck. “Surprised? I simply separated you from the mare’s body. If anything you should be thanking me. Now, I’m probably going to have to seal you in something so you can’t escape anywhere.” Frostmere looked around the throne room and found a chunk of broken glass. He cast a spell on it and levitated the chunk near Zog’s face. He began chanting once again and the glass glowed with a neon green hue. When the glass shone at its brightest, Zog was sucked into it. Frostmere tapped the shard. “Not as intricate as a lamp but it shall do for now. I do hope you find your new accommodation suitable; you’re going to be staying for a very long time.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ballroom, Canterlot Castle Most of the evening’s festivities were cut short due to several unusual circumstances. First off, both princesses had been missing for over an hour and the guests began to worry that something was wrong. The situation was even more frightening due to the sun suddenly coming back into the sky and taking on an eerie blue shade. The castle guards did their best to calm the crowd, but some ponies were beginning to panic. Iron let out a melancholy sigh while sipping a glass of peach schnapps. He had naïvely hoped against all odds that this kind of trouble wouldn’t follow him to Equestria. Just as he was about to take another swig of his drink, Applejack came barreling towards him at full gallop. Iron was knocked to the floor by a frantic tackle hug. He was surprised to see his marefriend with tears in her eyes. “Thank Celestia yer alright Iron! Ah thought I’d never see ya again. It was awful…if we don’t stop him soon he’s gonna plunge Equestria into a new dark age.” Iron rubbed AJ’s mane. “Applejack, I’m glad to see you too but do you mind slowing down a bit? Try starting from the beginning and take a deep breath.” Applejack blushed. “Oh right sorry sugarcube. What ah meant ta say was there’s some kind of crazed unicorn who stole Princess Celestia’s powers. He petrified everypony but Pinkie and I and…she was tryin’ ta hold him off while ah escaped.” “What of Princess Luna was she defeated as well?” “Afraid so, as far as ah know I’m the only element left standin’.” “I see so I assume that Princ…” Iron was interrupted by a bright sapphire burst of magic. There along with the petrified ponies and Princess Celestia was Frostmere I all his alicorn glory. He levitated down to the floor and began to speak in the Canterlot Voice. “Fear not ponies for I am not here to harm you, so long as you swear fealty to me. Your princesses have been subdued, the elements of harmony defeated. I hereby claim the Equestrian throne as Emperor Frostmere the First. Any who oppose my rule shall be eradicated swiftly.” Many of the ponies in the room looked on in confusion. Some relieved themselves upon the floor in pure terror, while others saw opportunity. One of Princess Celestia’s guards trotted over to Frostmere. He immediately noticed a white coated, pink maned earth pony chained to the wall next to the alicorn. He grit his teeth noticing the distinct cutie mark the mare had. It was Celestia. “I don’t know who you are but you have no right to claim the throne. You treat our princess as if she were but a mere dog. I will never swear allegiance to an Emperor who treats his subjects like chattel.” Frostmere grinned. “What a wonderful display of loyalty. It is truly a pity that I have to kill you, such bravery and commitment is rare.” Frostmere levitated the guard into his hoof and began to drain the life out of the poor stallion. His pained cries could be heard throughout the entire ballroom. Many of the ponies looked away in disgust except for a brave few. Celestia openly wept onto the floor. “Let this be a lesson to the rest of you how dare oppose me. Know that I did not enjoy killing this stallion, he showed courage. Now should I assume that the rest of you aren’t feeling quite so brave?” A very frightened looking Applebloom ran up to her sister, wrapping her in a tight embrace. Applejack stoked her mane softly, trying to calm her younger sibling. It took her several moments to regain her composure. “Applejack I’m scared what’s goin’ on? Where’s Emerald? Ah haven’t seen him since he went ta talk with Princess Celestia.” “Now Applebloom what I’m about ta say, ya probably won’t like, but listen anyway. That alicorn ya see over there he’s Emerald. His real name is Frostmere and he used changeling magic ta disguise himself. I’m sorry sugarcube but he tricked all of us.” Applebloom was devastated her voice barely a whisper. “What…that can’t be him. That ain’t the colt ah knew. He saved mah life…it can’t be.” Before she could console her sister, Applejack was levitated in front of Frostmere. The alicorn’s draconic eyes bored into her soul as he stared at her. Frostmere teleported over to a balcony so that everypony in the room could see what he was about to do. “I can see the defiance in your eyes. I did not wish this fate upon you or your friends but I had to do, the elements are far too dangerous to be left unchecked. While magically you pose little threat to me, you are still potent symbols of the old regime. The last thing I need is for ponies to rebel during my reign. I will make your petrification quick that is the small mercy I can grant you.” Frostmere tossed Applejack to the ground and quickly encased the mare in stone. Even as a statue Applejack looked defiant to her last breath, a testament to her courage. Iron slumped to the floor far too shocked to even react. He simply stared straight ahead as Applebloom ran into his arms wailing like banshee. Iron looked down at the filly and allowed her to bury her face in his coat, stroking her on the back. “Let it all out little one. I know it hurts but you must remain strong for your sister.” Applebloom looked up at Frostmere, he expected to see pure hatred in her eyes but instead saw sadness mixed with disappointment. She spoke with in a ragged breath. “Why did ya do it Emerald? Ah thought you were better than that, ah thought ya cared.” “Applebloom…at one time I did. Long before you were born I had a family. I sacrificed many things to protect them, but in the end it wasn’t enough. Princess Celestia, in her arrogance, decided to ignore my warnings about the oncoming conflict that threatened the kingdom. In the end my family paid the price. I took the throne so that nopony else has to suffer what I went through.” “How can ya say that? Just surrender and give the princess her power back, I’m sure she can forgive ya. Please…can’t we just go back ta how it was before?” Frostmere shook his head. “It’s too late for that; I’ve come too far to stop now. I treasured your friendship while it lasted…you were like the daughter I never met.” Iron slammed his hoof on a table. “You bastard…not only did you take Applejack away from me, you manipulated an innocent filly! Creatures like you disgust me, always twisting others to further their own selfish goals. I will resist, I will fight. I don’t even care if I die, never will I bow to you!” The inside of the ballroom resonated with power, the smell of ozone permeating the air. Iron’s body crackled with sparks of silver electricity while his mane flowed freely. Each of the Mane six’s bodies glowed while he began to slowly walk towards Frostmere. Each piece of their enchanted jewelry floated over to Iron and they began to swirl around them. Slowly, one by one, the jewels absorbed into Iron’s body, once the element of magic became absorbed he levitated several meters off the ground. In front of him appeared a pendant bearing a strange symbol. It was a shield crossed by two swords and in the middle was his cutie mark. As soon as he took the pendant it shrouded him in brilliant silver light. Iron reappeared, decked out in a full suite of silver armor, a picture of each element adorning the breast plate. In the middle was the shield with crossed swords. Applebloom had cuddled next to Celestia both for comfort and safety. Celestia nuzzled the distraught filly, wiping some her tears away. She stared at Iron’s dramatic transformation in awe, not believing what she saw. “It cannot be…” “What the hay is goin’ on princess, why does Iron look like that?” “He looks like that because he has been chosen. I never thought I’d see this come to pass.” “What do ya mean chosen, I’m confused…” “Quite simply, he is the last element. An element I thought lost to the ages.” “But that’s impossible there’s only six.” “Originally there were seven. The final element, the element of power, was last used when I was but a mere filly.” “How long ago was that yer highness?” “It was thousands of years ago my little pony. The elements were originally created as weapons of mass destruction to destroy Equestria’s enemies. The element of power was meant to serve as the conduit for the remaining elements, to form the ultimate weapon. It was banished from this realm because of its immense power.” “Ah don’t get it…how can that be true? If the elements weren’t complete, then how did mah sister defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon?” “The element of magic can act as a substitute conduit; however the elements were not at full power when they were used against my sister and Discord. That is likely why they were not killed outright.” “Why does Iron have the element of power?” “The element only shows itself to those who are worthy of wielding it, as for how it came to be is a story that began thousands of years ago…” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10,000 years ago: the fortress of El-Almane, Saddle Arabia A stallion garbed in a cream colored cloak and niqāb paced within the cramped war room. The arid climate in the Great Northern Desert of Saddle Arabia was difficult to bear for a pony such as himself, who was used to the temperate weather of Equestria. Around the stallion were a few unicorns and pegasai wearing similar clothing as himself, in order to protect themselves from the harsh desert. A large black coated Saddle Arabian stallion stood across from him, pointing out positions on a large map rolled out onto a large oak table. The Saddle Arabian Stallion spoke in a deep baritone. “We cannot hope to hold out much longer, your highness! The queen’s army approaches ever closer, the fortress will surely fall within a week’s time.” The cloaked stallion removed his niqāb, revealing a white coat and a fiery orange mane highlighted with pink streaks. Atop his head was an elongated, spiraled horn. “Please I beg of you Qibla, have patience. The mages should have the weapons ready within a few days.” Qibla snorted. “You ponies always put so much faith in your magic. Any stallion worth his salt lives and dies by the sword! At least you have the rocks to resist that witch who claims all in her name alone.” The cloaked stallion rubbed his temples. “My mother is a tyrant, I couldn’t allow her to make all of the creatures on this world suffer under her reign. She would have made your people slaves!” “Yes I know this your highness. That is why we stand as brothers against the vile one. The diamond dog clans have also sworn fealty to your cause. I still can’t believe the minotaurs and griffons could be so blind as to join forces with the vile one, it is blasphemy!” A leather armored pegasus guard whispered into the cloaked stallion’s ear. “Excuse me your highness but your daughter and wife have arrived. Should I send them a message that you are busy?” “No, that won’t be necessary. I think we all could use a break from this war council anyway. Everyone take an hour to rest, eat or do whatever you see fit to relax. We shall continue the council after that. Go in peace my brothers.” The cloaked stallion made his way down two flights of stairs to the living quarters. It was a large communal area with a dome at the top to allow light into the building and a small decorative fountain in the middle. The walls were adorned with the beautiful hoof writings of Saddle Arabian poets, mostly in gold and turquoise trim. On one of the floor cushions sat a navy blue pegasus mare. Her mane and tail were a pleasant shade of aquamarine, her eyes were magenta. Upon her flank was a cutie mark depicting a full moon shrouded by several clouds. She immediately ran to the stallion, grabbed him by the mane and the two shared a deep kiss. “Thank the creator! I’ve missed you so much Helios!” cried the pegasus mare. “It has been far too long my sweet Selene.” Amidst all the commotion a little white coated alicorn filly with a pink mane trotted over to see what was going on. Upon seeing the cloaked stallion she squealed with joy, attacking him with a fierce tackle hug. “Daddy I missed you soooo much!” Helios laughed ruffling the filly’s mane. “How’s my little sunflower doing?” “It’s been really lonely without you daddy. Mommy was really sad, but everything’s better now that you’re here!” Selene giggled. “She’s been a handful dear, such an energetic filly. She takes after her father no doubt.” Helios gave the filly a stern look. “Now Celestia you haven’t been giving your mother a hard time have you?” Celestia’s eyes began to water. “I-I please don’t be mad daddy. We move around so much that I don’t have time to make many friends and mommy’s guards are no fun to play with.” Helios gave his daughter a hug. “Don’t worry I’m just kidding. I know this has been hard on the both of you but I assure you that the weapons are almost ready, then we can end this wretched war.” “How long will it take dear?” Helios rubbed his chin. “The mages say they will be ready within a few days. Hopefully the fortress will hold until then. Certainly mother won’t expect it…at least I hope so. You have to understand Selene I’m doing this so that you two can live in a more peaceful world.” Selene nuzzled Helios’s neck. “I know, I want what’s best for Celestia too. It’s just so hard not seeing you for months at a time and…sometimes I don’t even want to think what would happen if you died.” Helios heard a knock at the door. A unicorn stallion clad in gold armor stepped in. He gave a quick bow and pulled the prince aside. “Sorry to interrupt milord, but the mages say that the weapons have been completed.” “Excellent news, inform our allies. Sorry my love but I’m going to need to adjourn a new war council.” Six ponies, a diamond dog and Qibla stood around a large ebony table with a map laid across it. Prince Helios banged his hoof on the table to get their attention. He dug out seven amulets from a saddle bag and splayed them across the table. “Comrades I have some wonderful news. My courier informed me that the mages have completed our ultimate weapons. I present you with the elements of harmony!” Qibla stared at the amulets in disbelief. “What is the meaning of this? You ask my men to give you time, bought with blood for a bunch of trinkets!?” A tall black coated diamond dog spoke as well. “We help ponies, only to have ponies make pretty baubles? Razortooth mad at ponies, ponies lie!” “Please everyone I assure that these are not mere trinkets. They are magically enchanted jewels meant to harness enough power to defeat my mother and her armies. I’m going to give six of these to my trusted generals assembled here today. As for the seventh, I shall be taking it as it difficult to control for non-alicorns.” Qibla rolled his eyes. “I still don’t trust your vaunted magic, but I suppose I have no other choice.” “Good now that we all agree, I’ll explain how they work. I have seven elements: honesty, laughter, magic, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and power. These elements are represented by my generals and they also stand for everything a proper kingdom should have. They are in short, the very antithesis of what my mother brings to bear. While each element is powerful in its own right, together they form the ultimate weapon. I intend to destroy my mother with this power.” As soon as Helios was done talking a set of horns sounded. Soldiers in the room began to scramble. A Saddle Arabian mare dressed in steel armor burst into the room. “Lord Qibla! Queen Lamia’s forces approach from the north.” “That witch she barely gives us time to prepare. Very well, tell everyone to assume positions. Prince Helios I hope you and your ponies are ready to fight.” “Don’t worry my friend just stick to the plan and I’ll rid Equestria of my mother forever.” Helios, his generals and Qibla stood on top of the highest wall of the fortress. About a kilometer away they saw a mighty army of minotaurs, griffons and changelings marching towards their position. In front of the army flew a large, female alicorn. Her coat was blood red, her mane and tail a shiny viridian. Two translucent insectoid wings sprouted from her back, a long curved horn atop her head. She scanned the battlefield with her glowing golden eyes, never betraying any outward emotions. A cutie mark depicting two crossed sickles with an eye in the center adorned her flank. Queen Lamia gently landed in front of the fortress, bellowing in the Canterlot voice. “If it isn’t my prodigal son and his merry cohorts. Stop this foolishness at once! I have already beaten you out of Equestria, you are desperate and in retreat. Your pitiful band of rebels cannot hope to destroy me.” Rather than say anything at all, Helios ripped off his cloak and waved his pearly white plot towards the queen. Lamia growled in frustration taking flight once again. “You ignorant foal, if you choose death then so be it!” Qibla drew his scimitar. “Forward my brothers kill the witch queen!” The gates of the fortress burst open as the Saddle Arabian cavalry charged forward, steel armor gleaming in the desert sun, swords drawn. Behind them were unicorn archers who lobbed magical projectiles and arrows towards the enemy lines. Earthpony spearmen charged from the sides trying to flank Lamia’s army. The two armies clashed moments later, kicking up a large cloud of dust, mimicking a sandstorm. After about two hours the rebel forces were beginning to lose ground as they were pushed back to the fortress. A group of minotaurs followed by the queen herself bashed open the gates. Changeling and griffon soldiers poured into the compound slaughtering any creatures in their way. A bloodied and limping Qibla made his way over to Prince Helios. “Hahaha those demons have yet to kill me. I shall continue to fight until my dying breath. Although I am afraid this battle is lost my friend.” “Do not despair Qibla, I know how to corner my mother. She grows bolder and will try to attack my position herself. When she does this, I will unleash my weapons upon her.” Queen Lamia hovered above Qibla grinning manically. She charged him at full speed, goring him in the chest with her curved horn. The alicorn then callously tossed him aside as she strode closer to her son. “NO QIBLA!!” Helios cradled his dying in his hooves. “Damn it Qibla don’t die on me! We’re so close to victory.” Qibla coughed. “Do…not…concern yourself with me. Her death is all…that…matters. I have met a warrior’s end. It is a good…death.” Trembling with rage Helios’s body glowed with a silvery aura. Each of his six general’s amulets too glowed with the colors of the rainbow. They all faced their prince and fed him magical energy as the beams poured into his body. In a brilliant flash, his entire body was sheathed in shining silver armor emblazoned with the symbols of the elements. Helios summoned a large ethereal claymore into his hooves, pointing it at his mother. “I will end you. For my family, for my friends and for Equestria!” Lamia looked on in horror as her son split the ground beneath her, revealing a rocky burning wasteland. He had opened a portal to Tartarus itself. “For your crimes against pony kind I hereby sentence you to be banished to the very deepest pits of Tartarus. May you repent for eternity.” Helios threw the claymore straight at Lamia’s chest. She screamed while plummeting into the vast crevasse created by her son’s magic. Helios then used his magic to seal the portal with a thunderous roar. Summoning his strength, he shot a beam of silver light into the clouds above. A gigantic bolt of lightning struck the queen’s army, vaporizing them instantly. Once that was done, he fell to the ground and the rest of his generals collapsed in exhaustion. Before losing consciousness himself he uttered a few words. “Peace at last.” > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21 10,000 years ago: Palace of the Sun and Moon, Everfree City Prince Helios sat upon his mother’s throne deep in thought. The six generals who had helped him defeat Queen Lamia only weeks prior were appointed as his new advisors. The fate of Equestia was in his hooves now as well as its most powerful weapon. Helios could have claimed the title of king; he was the legitimate son of the queen and heir to the throne. Despite this, he decided not to take the title as to seem humble towards his new station. The weeks prior to his coronation had been bloody, as was often the case of regime changes. He had been forced to raze entire cities that had once been loyal to his mother. Ultimate power now rested in his hooves. “My friends I have called all of you here today to discuss a very serious matter. As you may know we bear the greatest weapon ever created in Equestrian history. We hold the power to smite entire nations; it is only a mere thought away. I have decided to seal away my own element, as to rid ourselves of this temptation.” An enormous armor clad pegasus bellowed in protest. “Milord you cannot be serious! What if more loyalists rise up what do we do then?” Helios raised his hoof to silence the pegasus. “General Skyquake, I am aware of this. I am only sealing away the element of power; it is far too dangerous to fall into the wrong hooves. The rest of the elements will remain and I shall cast a spell to make the element of magic the new anchor. They shall function much like they did before but not quite as deadly.” Skyquake snorted. “I still do not think this a good idea. Why not just keep the element upon your breast at all times Milord? It worked well the first time, what harm is there in using it again?” “You are a pegasus Skyquake so I do not expect you to understand the intricacies of magic. While the element may have worked well the first time, I fear that if I used it again it may very well damage or weaken me. Such power is not meant to be wielded many times.” A yellow coated unicorn stallion spoke up. “As the element of magic I would be honored to lead the elements in your stead Milord.” Helios patted the stallion on the shoulder. “I appreciate it Morningstar. The ponies of Equestria must understand that I can rule without the use of extreme violence. I ended my mother’s reign because she stopped at nothing to keep her power, I won’t be making the same mistake.” Skyquake thumped his chest. “If milord appoints Morningstar as the new leader, then I have no choice but to abide. Hopefully I can train these new guard recruits into a respectable fighting force so we won’t need the blasted elements.” “Oh Skyquake ever the element of loyalty, I’m glad you decided to change your mind. I shall begin the ceremony shortly.” Helios’s eyes glowed with a deep orange hue as he focused on the dormant element of power lying on the ground. It floated and began to fill the room with silvery light. The rest of the elements began to glow in response. Helios walked up to the element to touch it with his hoof one last time. Summoning as much magic as he could, Helios sent the element to another universe barren of magic. He knew it would be safest there, because no creature would understand what it was or how to use it. “It has been done. The element will only appear to a being it finds worthy. It shall light Equestria in its darkest hour. As for now I must rest this spell has been…taxing. All of you are free to go.” Helios made his way to the bath complex, ready to soak away the day’s weariness. Inside he found two earthpony chambermaids ready to attend to his every need. He told them to leave the soaps and oils and gave them the rest of the day off. The alicorn prince slid into the large porcelain pool, sighing in delight as the wonderfully warm water soothed his aching muscles. He was applying some scented oils to his mane when he saw Selene canter into the room. The navy colored pegasus smirked and wiggled her rump a bit as she slid into the pool next to her husband. She gently pulled her husband towards her mouth and began to pepper his neck with a few kisses. After that she made her way up, locking him in a passionate kiss. She began to maneuver her tongue inside his mouth in a gentle game of wrestling, eliciting a surprised grunt from her stallion. Selene pulled away suddenly, forming a trail of saliva between their lips. Helios chuckled. “Well now, somepony’s happy to see me. I take it you put Celestia to bed?” “She’s sleeping like a log. One of the maids was kind enough to play with her this afternoon. The poor little thing was so tired, but I’m sure she had a fun time. Helios there’s something I want to tell you.” Helios nibbled her ear. “Oh really…I think I might know what it is you want.” Selene splashed some water in his face. “Stop it, I’m being serious!” Helios pouted. “Fine…just when things were getting good too.” “Lighten up dear its good news. We’re going to have another foal!” “Selene that’s wonderful! Did the court physician say what sex it was? Am I going to have a strapping young colt?” “No, you’re going to be the proud father of another beautiful filly.” “Thank the creator! Celestia’s going to be so happy when she finds out. She’s going to be a wonderful sister.” “I couldn’t agree more dear.” Helios poked Selene’s flank. “Now it seems to me that we have some unfinished business.” Selene giggled. “Hmm I wonder about that. It would be a shame to let such an opportunity go to waste…” Selene let out a sharp gasp as Helios started to gently nibble the small patch of skin connecting her wings to her back. He worked he way up rubbing his hoof against her primary feathers. Selene blushed profusely when her wings opened up suddenly with a loud *pomf*. They flung out so quickly that they almost smacked Helios in the snout. Chuckling at this wife’s sudden arousal, he began to plant kisses along her back. While he kissed her back, Selene began to swirl her tongue around the base of his testicles. She grinned when his already half erect member stood at full attention. Selene began to suckle one of his balls inside her mouth, slowly moving her tongue in circles to gently massage it. Within moments Helios’s own wings spread out to their full glory. It was Selene’s turn to giggle at her husband. The alicorn stallion merely gave a grunt, continuing his ministrations. While his wife was continuing her massage, Helios made his way to the root of her tail. He grasped the end and began to tug on it slightly. Selene let out a quiet whimper, her lower lips began to moisten. Helios reveled in the musky lavender sent of wife’s arousal as he sucked on her nub. He continued to roll his tongue inside her fleshy folds until he could feel her clamping onto his tongue. Selene let out a throaty moan as the electric shock of an orgasm shot through her body. Helios was rewarded with a torrent of his wife’s cum. He eagerly lapped up the tangy tasting fluids with a satisfied grin. Selene grabbed the edge of the pool, lifting her rump into the air. “I can’t stand it anymore, enter me now!” Helios grabbed his penis rubbing the head against her outer lips. This made her legs buckle in response. He then lifted her tail and planted a few kisses on her anus. Selene flapped her wings in annoyance. “Ugghh stop being such a tease! MOUNT ME ALREADY!” Without any warning Helios jammed his member into her and began thrusting violently. He did so with such force that wet, fleshy slapping noises could be heard. Selene began to drool onto the floor while she gripped the edge of the pool. She could feel the head of her husband’s cock beginning to flare, signaling that he was close to his climax. With all of the teasing and rough mounting, she too was very close to her own. After a few moments the two moaned together as Helios emptied his cum into her. He slowly pulled himself out and slumped to the floor of the pool. The two sat for a few minutes cuddling each other, enjoying the afterglow. Helios brushed away her mane and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “I promise that I’ll make Equestria safe for our daughters. They shall never want, nor experience the tragedies that I went through.” “They are lucky to have you as a father, as I am lucky to have you as a husband.” Helios scratched his head. “A thought just occurred to me. What are we to call our new daughter?” Selene smiled. “I already thought of a name. I’ve always loved the night so I think I’ll call her Luna.” “Luna, my little moonbeam.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present day: Ballroom, Canterlot Castle Iron Cross stood in the ballroom, the air around him crackling with magical energy. His entire body was encased in ethereal silver plate armor complete with a coalscuttle helmet and facemask. The middle of the breastplate showed the six elements of harmony set in a circle with the seventh element in the middle. He had a small silver ball of magic formed in his right hoof as he slowly made his way to Frostmere. Frostmere quickly lit up his own fireball. “Oh ho what do we have here? This is certainly unexpected! I knew there was something special about you. I felt it even while we were on Mundus. No matter, your toys were hardly a match for me, so what difference does one more make?” The snowy alicorn summoned five more fireballs; they all floated around his body in circles. With a flick of his hoof he sent all six fiery projectiles towards Iron, hoping to immolate the poor stallion. As the smoke and flames cleared, Frostmere was surprise to that not only had Iron survived but he was holding a giant magically conjured shield in front of him. Out of frustration he shot three more fireballs, all three were also intercepted. Frostmere ground his teeth. “What sorcery is this? You are but a mere earthpony, such high level conjuration techniques should be beyond your skill level.” Iron spoke in an otherworldly voice. “What you say is correct usurper. The element of power allows this mortal to wield my ultimate weapon. The magic contained with the elements allows it’s user to case any weapon he desires. The earthpony mortal is aware of what he is doing but I have melded with his consciousness to help him cast the magic.” “More secrets, there’s always more secrets and lies! I don’t care what you are or if you claim to have Equestria’s most powerful weapon. Anything can be destroyed with enough force!” Frostmere opened himself up to the sun, allowing the star to fuel his rage. His entire body became engulfed in blue hued flames as he charged toward the armored stallion. Iron quickly hit the floor lying on his back while he pushed forward with his forelegs. As he slid underneath the blazing alicorn he summoned a battle-axe, cleaving off a leg. Frostmere howled in pain as he crashed through a wall and into the courtyard beyond it. He got up slowly from the smoldering crater looking at the stump where his leg had once been. Since a magical weapon had been used it was cauterized. Calling upon the reservoir of chaos magic once again, he reformed his leg. Iron focused on his armor willing it to sprout a pair of glowing sliver wings. With a few flaps he took flight going as high as his body could tolerate. When he reached a suitable height he angled his wings and began to dive towards Frostmere. As his body began to pick up speed, a telltale mach-cone formed near his face. An earsplitting sonic boom soon followed as he slammed into the hapless alicorn below. Frostmere was buried further into the ground as he activated a magic barrier. Frostmere concentrated magic in his horn until it shone like the midday sun. With a grunt he fired a magic beam across the courtyard towards Iron. The beam struck Iron straight in the chest and flung him into a nearby oak tree. The tree was impacted so hard that it erupted in a flurry of splinters. Iron lay on the ground feeling like his chest had gotten hit by a wrecking ball. His tried to focus his vision but found that it was still blurry along the edges. He was pretty sure that several of his ribs were broken, perhaps even a punctured lung. Just as he was about to give into blissful unconscious, a voice rang in his head. No need to worry Iron Cross, the armor’s magic will protect and heal you. Iron shook his head violently. “Oh great yet another voice inside my head, must be wishful thinking from my subconscious.” Iron was surprised when the voice laughed. I assure you that I am not a figment of your imagination, I am quite real. Perhaps I should introduce myself, considering that you are wielding my weapon. “Well I must say you certainly are well mannered for a hallucination.” Iron swore he heard the voice make a grunt of frustration. I understand your skepticism but you must trust me. My name is Helios; I was the original bearer of the element of power. Each of the elements contain a small amount of magical essence left over from their original users. In a sense the elements are self-aware. I have fused my magic with your own so that you can wield the element of power. “Wait so the elements are like Frostmere’s amulet?” Yes, that would be an accurate description. The only difference with Frostmere’s amulet was that it consistently absorbed his magic, thus allowing for a larger pool to form. That was the reason why he was able to take physical form. The elements only take a small portion of magic from their bearers once they form a bond. I fear that in his case, the magic that was absorbed became corrupted by his negative emotions. He is not quite the same as he was while flesh and blood. “Who were you, when you were alive?” I used to be the ruler of Equestria. I was a prince at one time, but that was many millennia ago. It is doubtful that very many ponies remember who I was, perhaps with the exception of my daughters. “Your daughters…surely you can’t mean Celestia and Luna?” The very same, I assure you. All alicorns have extreme lifespans compared to mortal creatures. Our species can live up to hundreds of thousands of years. Alicorns are similar enough to the three species of ponies that we can mate with them. In most cases the foals turn out to be alicorns. Both Luna and Celestia’s mother was a mortal pegasus. “What about you then, are you still alive somewhere?” No, I’m afraid not. I perished thousands of years ago. My lifespan was shortened due to using the element of power. It drained too much of my magic, thus weakening me. I essentially became a mortal pony afterward. “I’m not going to die if I keep using this…am I?” Do not fret; my essence along with the other bearers is fueling the armor now. Your life is not in danger. Right now you need to concentrate on defeating Frostmere. “Point taken, but how exactly do I use this?” The elements of harmony were intended to be Equestria’s harbinger of destruction. They transform its user into a living weapon. You need only think and the magic will mold to your will. Iron concentrated and thought about a sword. A glowing silver-colored orb appeared in his right hoof, forming into a claymore. He swung it around experimentally to test its balance and found that it practically felt like an extension of his hoof. Willing a pair of wings to his back, he rocketed above the courtyard to face Frostmere once again. The alicorn smirked, igniting a magical blade of his own. It was about ninety centimeters long and was bathed in deep blue flames. “Oh good you’ve finally recovered. I’m so glad that I actually have a worthy opponent.” Iron lunged forward, his silvery blade parallel to his shoulder. He suddenly twisted back, trying to strike a blow to Frostmere’s neck. The blow was intercepted by the fiery blue blade with a resounding crackle of energy. Pulling back, Iron raised his blade overhead. He swung down with all his might to try and cleave the alicorn in two. Instead of blocking the blow, Frostmere simply teleported out of the way placing a firm kick to Iron’s back. The strike was so powerful it sent Iron plummeting to the ground where he proceeded to crash into a marble fountain. Iron’s head rang from the impact but before he could collect himself several fireballs rained down from the sky. Instinctively he covered his face with his hooves preparing for the worst. He was surprised to find that his body was very much intact, noticing that a glowing silver barrier encased itself around him. Taking advantage of the temporary lull in battle, Iron launched himself into the air focusing magic into his right hoof. The magically augmented blow caught Frostmere in the jaw, instantly breaking it. With a sickening snap he was sent into a nearby tree, breaking it in half. The momentum continued to drag him across the ground, leaving a shallow ditch in its wake. The armored stallion wasted no time, tucking in his wings and diving towards the stunned alicorn. Focusing all of his magic to his hooves he began to viciously beat Frostmere into submission. Bones broke like twigs in the magical onslaught, but Frostmere refused to lose consciousness due to his immense power and pride. Iron grabbed him by the throat looking at him straight into the eyes. “Why are you so hell-bent on revenge? You can’t possibly enjoy all of this destruction and chaos.” Frostmere let out a gurgling noise. “There…is much you fail to understand. Many things were taken from me, things that cannot be replaced. Thoughts of hatred and revenge are the only things that have kept me going for the last seven centuries. I know you humans are far more hateful than ponies ever could hope to be. You relish in the slaughter and destruction of your own kind! I am only exacting the price I deserve, nothing more.” Iron slapped a hoof across his mouth. “Anger and violence only lead to death and tragedy. Just think about all of the suffering you’ve put the entire element’s family through! I thought that ponies were better than that…it’s the reason why I never want to go back to my world. I’ve seen true peace and tranquility here; nobody’s trying to kill each other over petty grudges or conquest.” Frostmere spat onto Iron’s face. “You think my grudge is petty!? My wife was taken from me…we were supposed to grow old together and laugh at how stupid we were during our youth. It was because of Celestia’s foolishness that my family paid the price. I-I…never even got to hold my own daughter.” “I know how hard it is to face loss, and for that I sympathize with you. Celestia may have made some mistakes but everyone makes them, even goddesses. I’m sure that she feels terrible about what she did to you. She even took it upon herself to protect your bloodline.” “What would forgiving her accomplish? It wouldn’t bring back my wife, or my child. She cannot send me back in time to see them either. Besides I have done some terrible things, things that may even be beyond redemption…” Before he could finish his sentence, a distraught Applebloom came running into the courtyard. Her mane was messy and frayed and her eyes were bloodshot from constant crying. She latched herself onto Iron’s fore hoof with all her might, whispering to him in tired voice. “Please Iron, stop all this. Ah can’t stand to see you two destroy each other, it just ain’t right.” Iron gave the filly a sad smile. “I’m sorry Applebloom, but Frostmere is far too consumed by his own hatred to be saved now. He must be punished.” Applebloom started to sob. “What would mah sister think if ya killed him? That would make you no better than he is. Ah know he still has good in him, ah just know it. Luna used to be bad, but the elements made her better. Why can’t we just give Frost a chance…ah think he’s been through enough.” “I know you want to do the right thing Applebloom, but how can you even stand him after what he did to your sister?” “It’s because he’s hurt and he needs somepony to be there for him. I’d be his friend even if nopony else will. Ah know what it’s like to lose ponies ya love. Come on don’t ya think he at least deserves a chance?” Iron looked into the filly’s pleading eyes, trying to look away but found that he couldn’t. Deep down he knew that what she had said was true. He was tired of death, war and destruction. Even so, there was no denying that what Frostmere had done was terrible. With a heavy heart he let go of Frostmere, hoping he had made the right choice. Iron replied in a soft tone. “As much as I hate you right now, Applebloom is right. If it were up to me I would end you, right here right now. I would become the very monster I seek to destroy. If you surrender now, then I will try to use the elements to purify you. All of your powers will be stripped and given to their rightful owners.” Frostmere sat on the ground in his disheveled state, wondering if just maybe however small the chance, that he could achieve some level of redemption. Could he find it in his heart to forgive Celestia? It would take time, but perhaps he could. It had been so long since he had a normal life, the last seven hundred years were spent obsessing over how best to snub Celestia. He was tired so very, very tired. Frostmere’s thought process was thrown for a loop as a little yellow filly gingerly wrapped her hooves around his neck. He could feel her hot tears staining his coat as he gently stroked her mane. The two remained that way for what seemed like an eternity, until he looked up at Iron with a sigh. Frostmere’s eyes flashed. “Alright…I shall submit. I hope that Celestia finds it within herself to forgive me. The spell I just cast released all of your friends, including Luna. I assume that once the elements are used on me, then Celestia’s powers should return to her. In case that I don’t survive this…I want to thank you Applebloom, for believing in me.” Iron took off into the sky concentrating on the life force of the other bearers. The symbols on his chest plate glowed as a ball of rainbow colored energy formed in his hooves. He levitated the ball of energy until it took the form of a cannon. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, he aimed it at the alicorn below. Seconds later an intense glowing rainbow colored beam shot out of the barrel, engulfing Frostmere’s entire body. The sun immediately reverted back to its normal shade of yellow as the prismatic explosion began to clear. Lying on the ground was a completely unharmed Frostmere. His mane and coat had returned to their normal color, but his body had shrunk down to that of a colt’s. Frostmere rose, rubbing his bleary eyes. “I’m…alive, but how?” Iron Cross’s eyes glowed with mystical power and he spoke in an echoing voice. The voice was one of authority and confidence. “The element have seen fit to grant you a fresh start, Frostmere. Use your time wisely young one, for this is the last chance you shall get.” “I suppose that would explain why I’m a colt again. What about my magic and my cutie mark?” “You shall retain those, however you no longer have changeling or chaos magic to aid you. I have stored those within the element of power. As for me, I must leave this plane soon as I am no longer needed.” Frostmere scoffed. “I take it you’re not the human are you?” “No, but he is aware of what I am doing.” “Thank you…for sparing my life. I will try my best to atone for what I’ve done.” “Farewell Frostmere, may you find peace.” Applebloom ran over to Frostmere and embraced him in a bone-crushing hug, nuzzling him along his neck. Before he could utter a single word, Applebloom pulled him towards her muzzle giving him a passionate kiss. Frostmere’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks as he stumbled back with a slight blush brightening up his cheeks. Applebloom shuffled her hooves in the dirt. “When ah said I’d be your friend ah kind of lied. W-with you bein’ so close ta death ah couldn’t stand bottlin’ up mah feelings anymore. It’s…ok if ya don’t like me back right away…” Frostmere embraced Applebloom in a hug of his own. Tears ran down his face, wetting the filly’s coat. “It’s alright…I just never expected anypony to love me again. Are you sure you’re alright with somepony as awful as me?” “Ah now you’re sorry for what ya did. Everypony makes mistakes, but ah knew there was always good in ya. Just give it some time.” Iron glided over towards Celestia, who had gained back her original form. She had witnessed the touching scene in the courtyard and couldn’t help but shed a few tears. Celestia had always felt bad for what she did to Frostmere, and despite his harsh actions she wanted him to finally find happiness. She felt somepony tap her on the shoulder, when she turned around Iron Cross was standing next to her. “Hello Celestia, it has been far too long.” “Daddy is…that you?” “In a manner of speaking, the element contains some of my essence but I’m afraid our reunion won’t last long.” Celestia embraced Iron in her wings. “It has been so many millennia. Must you really go?” “I’m afraid so, my little sunflower. You know as well as I do that the element cannot remain here. Say hello to Luna for me.” “Daddy will I ever see you again?” “Someday sunflower, once you join the great herd.” With a brilliant flash of silver, the element of power detached itself from Iron. The remaining elements soared through the air, returning to their bearers. Iron plopped to the ground with a soft thud, rubbing his temples. All of the ponies watched in awe as the glowing element grew as bright as the sun and vanished in a dazzling explosion. Applejack finally made her way out to the courtyard, tackling Iron to the ground with a fiery kiss. “Thank Celestia you’re alright. Ah was worried sick that you wouldn’t make it out alive.” Iron chuckled. “It takes more than a crazed unicorn to take me out.” Applejack bonked him on the muzzle. “You’re mighty lucky ah put up with that attitude of yours.” Iron kissed her on the cheek. “Love you too Applejack. “