Unexpecting Rainbow

by Sky Slicer

First published

After a freak accident with experimental magic, Rainbow Dash finds herself pregnant with no idea how to handle the situation. With her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts on the line, she begins to panic, like any reasonable pony would do.

*Pregnancy, Season 1 & 2 Universe*
After a freak accident with experimental magic, Rainbow Dash finds herself pregnant with no idea how to handle the situation. With her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts on the line, she begins to panic, as any reasonable pony would do. She is not ready to be a mommy, to have a huge belly, to change diapers, to give b-…yuck. It’s undeniably, unquestionably, uncool! Will her friends be able to help her through this trying condition?

Note: I wrote this back in 2012, so it follows Season 1 and 2's universe. Twilight is a unicorn and what not. Chapters 1-3 have just been sitting on my hard drive for 6 years now, thought I'd put it up.

Chapter 1: Fallen Angel

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The pegasi have held many sunny days in honor of the Summer Sun celebration. After the week of clear dry weather, it is now time for replenishment of the earth. The weather team conjures up a massive storm before sunset, that continues with ferocity into the night. Luna has raised her moon, but it remains unlit by Celestia’s sun. This makes the night an all-encompassing darkness, besides the occasional flickers of lightning. With a flash of light, thunder crackles in its wake. The rain pattering down on the roof of the Golden Oaks library.

Twilight is busy reading one of her books in bed. Her covers are strewn about from the fidgeting of her legs that comes from a long night of reading. She lies on her back as the book levitates above her surrounded by a magical purple aura. She turns to the next page when she hears knocking at her door.

“Twilight! Please... Help me!” cries the familiar voice of Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Twilight closes her book, setting it aside, and hopping out of bed in one quick motion. She rushes over to the door and opens it. In front of her is a very wet and dirty Fluttershy. Her mane has flopped down over one eye, and her hooves all covered in mud. A bundle of drenched blankets lies in front of her.

“Are you alright?!” Twilight asks with concern in her voice. She eyes Fluttershy up and down for possible injury before her eyes come down to the blankets.

“No... I mean, um, yes I’m fine but Angel...” Fluttershy’s eyes fill with tears, “...please help him...”

Twilight unwraps the blankets. With each peel, she sees there is more and more blood. She is getting very nervous but tries to stay collected for Fluttershy’s sake. At the bottom, she finds Fluttershy’s wounded companion, completely still. He is covered in gashes and what appear to be wood splinters.

“Oh dear Celestia! What happened?!” Twilight exclaims as she carries the bundle to a table with her magic and sets Angel down softly. She looks at the pitiful state of the creature in disbelief.

Fluttershy frantically tells Twilight the story, “It’s all my fault!...if only I had gotten his carrot cake, if only I had been watching him! He doesn’t know the dangers of the Everfree Forest. I heard him cry out, and I flew as quickly as I could... I was too late. He was just lying there. I don’t know what happened! Twilight, is he going to be okay? Please let him be okay!”

Twilight looks at Fluttershy then at Angel horrified. She swallows hard, and proceeds to get a book on anatomy, on medicine, on pet care; anything that might help. She flips through her books and takes out a stethoscope, and listens to Angel’s chest. She then cleans the wounds and pulls some bandages out. She wraps them over Angel’s gashes and applies pressure with her front hoof to stop the bleeding. Fluttershy has tears streaming down her face, but continues to watch, unblinking, at her friend.

“I...I think I hear a heartbeat, but it’s faint. His injuries are severe. He has lost too much blood. I could try to stitch him up, but I don’t think that would help without a transfusion. We got to get him real medical attention, right now,” Twilight explains.

“If- if you think we can get him to the hospital...” Fluttershy says hopefully.

“The hospital is far...too far,” Twilight ponders as she looks over Angel bunny. He has maybe five to ten minutes with this much blood loss; the hospital is thirty minutes away from the library, minimum. Even if her numbers were a little off, there is too much discrepancy. She comes to the realization, “I don’t...think he’ll make it to the hospital. Fluttershy, you might want to say your goodbyes to Angel...”

“No, please, please don’t say that. Twilight...this can’t be happening,” Fluttershy says as her eyes stream with tears. She lets out a loud gasping sob. Her body shivers. She runs a leg under her pet’s head, “I love you...Angel...”

Twilight looks over her friend. They have been through so much; they have stood by each other’s side through small problems and through cataclysm. Fluttershy is not the strongest pony by all appearances. She looks over Fluttershy’s, quivering, muddy body. However, her heart was strong. She would do anything for her friends. She would do anything to save a life, no matter how small. Twilight cannot bear to see her like this. There must be something to be done...Twilight then comes up with a plan.

“Fluttershy...we can try something. I’ve been working on ways to channel some power of the elements’ harmony into new magic. I haven’t been able to practice it by myself, but I have you here now. It might be possible to make a spell with my element and yours. Your kindness, the kindness that respects all living things across Equestria, to protect the ones you love, to burn away hatred and evil in any heart. With your kindness, we might infuse Angel with enough life for us to carry him to the hospital. It’s not much, but it’s hope,” Twilight says with a faint smile.

Fluttershy looks up, still shivering. She nods silently and weakly gets up on her four hooves. Twilight walks over and hugs her. Pressing her head against Fluttershy’s, with her head tilted slightly so her horn goes over the top of Fluttershy’s head.

“Now I want you to think about all your animal friends. Think of the times you’ve had together, what you do for them, the miracles they bring, how the spirit of kindness can bring harmony to the world and banish the darkness,” Twilight says compassionately.

Fluttershy closes her eyes and tries to imagine these things. Her mind keeps drawing blanks. Visions of Angel lying there, still and mangled, keep flashing in front of her.

“...I can’t, I can’t...I’m so scared,” Fluttershy cries.

“You have to; if you don’t Angel will die! He needs you to do this. He needs you to stare at death and make it back away in fear for trying to take a loved one from you,” Twilight says with more confidence herself.

Fluttershy nods with resolute. She halts her crying, standing up strongly. She closes her eyes and envisions the power the element of kindness holds. Twilight looks for a moment at Fluttershy reflecting the strength she is capable of when others depend on her. Twilight holds onto Fluttershy and concentrates. Her horn surrounds with a purple glow.

“For Angel,” they both say in synchronization.

The glow of Twilight’s horn expands out and sparks. Her horn hums with power. The mystic winds swirl around the two scattering papers and flip books. Twilight opens her eyes, glowing white with power. Facing Angel’s helpless body she releases the power from the tip of her horn in a helix of purple sparkles and pink butterflies.

Rainbow Dash bashes through Twilight’s door frantically looking around.

“Is Fluttershy here?! I’ve looked for her everywhere. I heard her calling for help but I couldn’t find her. I heard some noise in here, is she here?” Rainbow says with determination. Spotting a pile of curiously placed blankets she flies toward it.

Just then, Rainbow Dash is blasted back into the bookcase from the swirling magic before flopping onto the floor with a thud. The shelves unload their contents on top of her. She pops up from a pile of books, dazed.

“What ... The hay was that?” Rainbow says confused.

Fluttershy opens her eyes and looks shocked, then defeated...and falls to the ground.

“Do you know what you’ve done...?” Fluttershy says with mild anger and frustration in her voice.

“Uh, heh heh, I’m guessing I didn’t help with whatever you were doing,” Rainbow says sheepishly, “but I’m glad to see you’re not in danger or anything.”

“No wait Fluttershy, this is good!” Twilight says then turning to Dash, “Rainbow Dash, Angel bunny needs to be at the hospital NOW! He’s going to die!”

Rainbow looks shocked for a second, then quickly flies over and snatches up Angel in the pile of blankets.

“I’m on it!” she salutes Twilight and is out the door just as fast as she came.

“I’m going to follow her...as best as I can...” Fluttershy says as she flaps her wings and takes off out the door.

Twilight walks to the door and looks out into the darkness after her friends.

“Celestia, watch over them...”

Twilight hears a loud crack then the sound of an explosion in the sky that she knows is not thunder. Strangely, it may seem, this is a soothing sound to her. She goes back in her home and lies in bed. She looks at her book she was interrupted from reading.

“I don’t think I’ll be finishing that tonight.”

She lies awake, staring at the ceiling for the rest of the night.

Chapter 2: The Next Morning

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Twilight walks into the hospital room. She has bags under her eyes and looks exhausted. She had been studying hard all day yesterday, and the dilemma with Angel made it hard to sleep. As she walks down the corridor she sees Pinkie bouncing up and down behind Rarity and Applejack. This is probably a good sign.

“Hi girls, what’s the update on Angel’s condition?” Twilight says weakly.

Applejack is the first to answer, “Well, sugar cube. It seems like Fluttershy’s pet got in a big ol’ scuffle with a creature of the Everfree forest.”

Rarity adds, “Some dreadful beast took a bite out of the poor dear.”

“Ah, bet mah hindquarters it was a Timber Wolf. Ornery beasts that have an equally nasty temper,” Applejack continues.

Rarity says softly, “They did find an awful lot of splinters in Angel, that would make sense.”

Pinkie ponders out loud, “I guess their bark is just as bad as their bite...” Everyone looks at Pinkie for a moment. “What? I’m just glad he’s alright. We’ll throw him a big get well party when he’s better!”

They enter the room where Angel’s resting on a pony-sized bed. Twilight looks around the room with a quick glance.

Twilight, “So where’s Fluttershy?”

Rarity responds, “She’s right there.” Pointing to the side of the bed, where Fluttershy has fallen fast asleep on the floor. Dried mud on the floor and stuck to her fur.

Applejack looks over her with compassion, “Poor thing tired herself out bein’ up all night, and worryin’.”

Rarity shares the concern, “She didn’t even want to leave Angel’s side to clean herself up.” Rarity looking herself over, “I hope I could be that dedicated to Opal if that ever came up. It would be hard though to stay that dirty.”

Twilight looks around the room again, “And where’s our hero Rainbow Dash?”

Applejack and Rarity look at each other confused.

Applejack looking puzzled, “You haven’t seen her either Twi?”

Rarity reassures, “She’s probably just tired from racing here to the hospital. And then getting Fluttershy’s things from her home. She’s earned her rest.” Rarity gestures to the towels and brushes next to Angel’s bed.

Applejack adds, “Ah suppose she has. She’ll probably be here after she takes one of her naps. You know how she is.”

Back in her cloud home floating above Ponyville Rainbow Dash stirs in her bed.

“Nmm must save...Angel....counting on me...oh...” talking in her sleep.

Rainbow sleeps for another 10 minutes before she blinks awake, and lets out a loud yawn.

“What a long night....urk...I don’t feel so well. I guess it’s from being out in the rain all night,” She mumbles to herself as she struggles to her hooves eyes half closed. She feels so slow and heavy, a feeling she’s not used to.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m never like this. I mean ever.” She thinks to herself as she wiggles her legs, they seem loose and strong as usual. “Ugh, whatever, I’m sure it’ll wear off with the grogginess. I should check on Fluttershy and Angel.”

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings but only lifts up a small distance before she plops back down, and she feels something else. She flaps her wings up and then down and they hit something.

“Huh?!” she exclaims out loud. Looking back and her eyes widen. “WHAT IS THAT?!” she blurts out.

She has huge bulges coming out from her sides and stretching downward. She twists herself back and forth trying to shake herself clean. The bulges on her side twist and bobble with her.

“Is this some joke?!” She says panicked as she rolls on her back.

She presses around with her hooves. It’s real and it’s pretty solid. It’s part of her body, it’s really her belly. Before she even has a chance to comprehend what’s going on, a bulge pushes ever so slightly from the surface of her stomach.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Rainbow Dash’s screams echo into the distance.

Twilight is back at home sorting her books from the mess last night.

“’Magical Remedies and You’, goes under medicine and M. ‘Caring of Breezies’ goes under C,” Twilight mumbles as she sorts the book, picking up the next one in the process.

There is frantic pounding on the door, which makes Twilight drop her book.

Twilight grumbled, “Can’t I even have a moment to clean up this mess!”

Rainbow Dash sounds frantic behind the door, “Twilight! I need your help! Now! This is bad, like really bad!”

Twilight walks to the door, “Be right there Rainbow.”

She is knocked backward as Rainbow Dash blasts through the door.

Rainbow is extremely frantic, “What’s happening to my body Twilight?”

Twilight’s eyes spin around in her head, “Ugh, you girls do know I’m not a doctor right?” Twilight gets her bearings and her eyes focus on Rainbow Dash. “Oh my, what has happened to you indeed!”

Twilight looks over Rainbow Dash with wide eyes. She walks around her in a circle before stopping at her side and pressing into her bulge with one hoof causing her belly to swell out a bit more on the other side.

“Would you mind not doing that?” Rainbow says with annoyance in her voice.

“Oh. Sorry,” Twilight responds sheepishly, as she pulls her hoof back. Rainbow Dash giving her an irritated look. “You wouldn’t have happened to have eaten a whole watermelon without chewing would you?” Twilight says with a giggle.

Rainbow Dash puffs, “No, Twilight, I didn’t. Can you be serious, please.”

Twilight looks Rainbow up and down and finally says, “Okay, well. No offense but you look like a pregnant mare.”

Rainbow has shock and fear in her voice, “Uhh...come again?”

“I’m just saying you look like a pregnant mare, like a really pregnant mare,” Twilight says flatly.

“I’m not a bookworm like you Twilight, but that makes no sense. I’m sure we both know how these things work and it’s impossible. Completely utterly totally impossibly impossible.” Rainbow says frustratedly.

Twilight responds, “I didn’t say you were, I’m just saying it ‘s the only thing it looks like. Why don’t you go to a doctor? Because you know I’m-”

“-you’re not a doctor. I know, okay. Can you come with me though, I need you queen eggheadedness to help figure this one out.” Rainbow pleads.

Twilight scoffs, “I don’t like when you call me that.”

Rainbow snickers, “Okay okay, I need my brainy friend to solve this mystery. Better?”

Twilight smiles, “Of course I’ll come Rainbow, I can finish cleaning this up later.”

The two friends depart Golden Oak library. Rainbow’s belly swaying from side to side heavily as she walks. Twilight tries not to stare, but she is curious. Hopefully, they’ll find out answers soon.

Chapter 3: Ponyville Hospital

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Twilight and Rainbow Dash trotted toward Ponyville Hospital. Twilight has been curiously eyeing Rainbow Dash’s girth for a while. She swears she could see the surface of Rainbow’s belly move whenever Rainbow stopped and grunted, but she couldn’t be sure. Rainbow looks back at Twilight who quickly averts her gaze.

“It’s been a strange day today, huh?” Twilight says to quickly change the awkward moment.

“Duh, ya think?!” Rainbow says annoyed starting Twilight at her sudden rudeness. “Sorry, I’m just not feeling myself. UGH! I need to fly!”

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings and awkwardly wobbles through the air. She zips back and forth above Twilight. She still can move fast, that’s for sure.

“Mayyyybe you should relax on the daredevil flight maneuvers until we find out what’s wrong with you,” Twilight says nervously.

Rainbow Dash joins up next to Twilight again and hovers in the air next to her, “I guess you’re right Twilight.”

A bump pushes out from Rainbow Dash’s side. Twilight looking over to the side doesn’t notice. Rainbow Dash twitches from the odd sensation.

“Ohh~” Rainbow moans while rubbing her side with one hoof.

“What’s wrong?!” Twilight asks concerned.

“Uhh...uhm...nothing I guess. Cramp or something. Don’t worry about it! Is Angel and Fluttershy okay?” Rainbow says showing concern while also changing the subject.

“Oh. Yes! We can go see them after you’ve got a checkup,” Twilight says smiling.

“I’d like that,” Rainbow says with a smile back.

Dash and Twilight arrive at the hospital. A white cross with hearts at every corner adorns the building. They walk in through the main entrance and up to the counter. Twilight handles checking Rainbow in for an emergency check-up. Rainbow looks around nervously, blushing all the while. She hates being seen like this.

“Can we hurry this up?!” Rainbow Dash says worried and impatient.

“It’ll just be a few more minutes Rainbow,” Twilight assures, smiling back at her. The pen glowing the same color as her horn as she fills out the forms.

Dash looks around the room. No ponies are staring at her, which is a major relief. However, she does notice a pony being carted by who looks similar to her current state.

The doctor yelling, “This mare is having her foal now, we have to get her to the delivery room immediately!”

The nurse replied, “Of course, doctor.”

“Ohhh~” the pregnant mare moans, clutching her belly with both hooves.

Dash stares amazed at the sight. She idly rubs her own belly with one hoof for a moment before realizing what she’s doing. She blushes.

“It...can’t be.” She mumbles.

“The doctor’s ready to take a look at you,” Twilight says putting a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder, startling her out of her daze.

“Oh yeah....cool.” Rainbow trots off down the hallway with Twilight and a nurse.

The two ponies enter the doctor’s examination room, the nurse heading off down the hallway after showing them the room. The doctor is a unicorn evident from his checklist floating in front of him. He looks up to see Rainbow and Twilight and ushers them to sit down next to him.

“Hell, I’m Doctor Sound. What brings you in today Ms. Rainbow Dash?” the doctor asks while reading the name off the clipboard.

Rainbow flops unto her butt letting her belly rest between her hind legs, “Uhh, this thing?” Pointing a hoof at her belly.

“Is there something wrong with your foal?” the doctor asks flatly.

Rainbow Dash gets horrified look on her face and goes silent turning her head away. A few awkward seconds pass by. Twilight looks at Dash and then the doctor.

Twilight interjecting, “You see...she’s not sure she’s...pregnant.”

“Oh come now. It’s quite clear she’s-” the doctor explains, before being cut off.

Twilight interrupts, “Well she wasn’t like this yesterday.”

“Like what? So quiet?” the doctor looks puzzled.

“She’s never been this quiet, but that’s not what I’m saying. She didn’t have that...large bulge in her midsection yesterday.” Twilight explains.

The doctor looks more confused, “That’s certainly odd, perhaps she’s swelling up. Maybe she’s retaining water...a lot of water.” He looks over Rainbow Dash puzzled.

“Perhaps,” Twilight adds.

“Let me examine her and see what I find,” the doctor asserts.

Doctor Sound gets his tools out and examines a reluctant Rainbow Dash’s eyes and mouth. Examining her abdomen with magical touches, and nods seeming sure of himself. He then asks Rainbow to get on a scale, which she complies with minor resistance. The scale tips over much heavier than Rainbow is used to. She blushes deeply again.

“I’m not normally this high...I mean I exercise.” Dash says trying to explain herself.

“No, no, that’s good for your...condition.” the Doctor says, looking Rainbow Dash directly in the eyes.

Rainbow looks away and huffs, “Why does everypony keep saying that! It’s freaking me out!”

The doctor looks at Twilight with a shrug, “I don’t know what to say. I feel like you two are pulling my leg.”

Twilight looks surprised for a second but asks, “Can you, just for the hay of it, see if she’s pregnant? She just wants to make sure, she’s paranoid that she might not be.”

Dash looks at Twilight with wide eyes, “What?!”

Twilight shakes her head at Rainbow. She just looks at the doctor and lets him look at her again. The doctor pulls out his stethoscope, and he can be seen rolling his eyes like this is a waste of time. He puts it on Rainbow Dash’s abdomen. He moves around listening for a second in a few different spots. He seems to find a good spot and takes the stethoscope off his head and then hands it to Twilight urging her to put it on. Twilight puts it in her ears and listens.

“Hear that, it’s a heartbeat, two heartbeats. There’s one separate from her own. Pregnant.” the doctor explains flatly, seemly annoyed at this point as there are other patients to tend to.

Twilight’s eyes widen, and she looks slowly at Rainbow Dash. Dash is shaking her head like she’s trying to tell herself ‘no’ more than Twilight. Twilight lifts the stethoscope off her eyes and nods at Dash before putting it into her ears.

“You need to hear this, I’m sorry Rainbow,” Twilight explains with some remorse.

*bum BUM bum BUM bum bum BUM bum BUM bum bum*

Rainbow Dash’s eyes tear up from the fear welling up inside her and the gravity of the situation. She lays down and covers her hooves over her head. She wants to scream, but she just can’t.

Dash panicking now, “This can’t be happening to me, my life is ruined. RUINED!”

Twilight looks down at her, she’s seen two of her friends break down into tears in the last 24 hours. She never thought she’d see either in such a pathetic state. It’s truly heartbreaking.

“What would cause a pony to get pregnant so quickly?” Twilight asks in total confusion, just as baffled as Rainbow had to be at this predicament.

“You two can’t be serious. Is this some kind of joke you two are trying to pull? If not I’d be seriously concerned for your sheer naivete.” the doctor says exasperated, clearly frustrated now.

“We are serious...there’s more to this than-” Twilight tries to explain.

“Tell your friend she’s due for delivery in the coming week or two. She should be prepared for her foal’s birth. Now I have ponies with real problems that need to be attended to. So would you both please leave. Contact your regular doctor for cases like this. Emergency room doctors are just that, for emergencies,” the doctor exclaims with frustration.

Twilight tries to continue, “But-”

It’s too late and the doctor shoos them out. Twilight drags the defeated Rainbow out by her tail, leaving her on the side of the hallway. She rushes to her friend’s side, looking concerned. Rainbow tries to look away from her gaze.

Twilight whispers, “Are you okay?” Rainbow Dash remains silent for several seconds. “I don’t know what to say Rainbow, I mean you had to suspect?”

Rainbow mumbles with tears streaming down her face, “I did...it’s different when you hear it put so clearly...with so much evidence so.”

Twilight tries to reassure her, still unsettled herself, “You have your friends Rainbow. I will help you through this. I’m sure the others will gladly help as well.”

Rainbow snaps, “I don’t want to talk about it, okay Twilight!”

Twilight ponders, “We still have to figure out how this happened to you though. Were you with a stallion? You can tell me, I won’t judge.”

Dash fumes, “NO! I WASN’T! UGH! Gross. Stallions.” Dash’s eyes widened realizing she’s said more than she wanted to, “Look! I said I don’t want to talk about it so let’s not talk about it!”

Twilight shyly asks, “You want to see Angel?”

“Sure,” Rainbow Dash responds.

Rainbow struggles and gets up on her hooves heavily and waddles down the hall with Twilight.

Twilight stops in front of Angel’s room. She ushers Rainbow to stay back.

“I’ll go in first, you just wait here a second. I’ll smooth things over.” Twilight explains.

Rainbow tilts her head then nods in agreement. Twilight enters the hospital room. Angel is still unconscious laying in his bed. Rarity and Fluttershy are in the room. Applejack must have gone back to work. Rarity is combing Fluttershy’s mane. Fluttershy is awake and clean now, back to looking like her old self.

Twilight walks in nervously, “Hi girls...”

Rarity looks over at Twilight with a smile, “Oh Twilight darling, you’re back!”

Fluttershy looks up contently, “Hi, Twilight. Thank you so much for everything! Angel and I will be forever grateful for what you have done.” She looks so happy and pleased knowing her pet child is okay.

Twilight blushed, “I didn’t do anything, it was all Rainbow.”

Fluttershy says sternly, “No don’t say it was both of you. You bandaged him up and gave Angel enough time!”

“Rainbow brought Angel here so quickly, we can all thank her for that,” Twilight nods.

Fluttershy interjects, “Also your magic is what brought Rainbow Dash to us, she heard your spell being cast.”

“OF COURSE! The elements! The magic! That must be it!” Twilight bursts out in excitement as she typically does when her brain clicks together with a solution to a problem.

Rarity raises an eyebrow, “What are you talking about darling?”

Twilight blushes from her outburst, “Oh, uhm, we’ll have to discuss the details later.”

Fluttershy asks with concern in her voice, “Where is she? She stayed with us for a while, but I haven’t seen her since. She said she wasn’t feeling well and went home. I would have checked up on her, but Angel needs me here.” She puts a hoof on her bunny friend’s head.

Twilight urges Rarity and Fluttershy in closer, and with a whisper, “Something happened to her.”

Fluttershy in her normal voice, slightly louder than a whisper, “Oh no!”

“Oh dear, what happened?” Rarity whispers with genuine concern in her voice.

Twilight groans trying to figure out how to explain this, “It’s not...life threatening exactly. She just has an issue we’re not quite sure how to solve right now. And she’s sensitive about it so be careful what you say.”

Fluttershy unquestioningly answers, “I’ll be careful.”

Rarity looks at Twilight with confusion, “Well, what exactly is wrong?”

Fluttershy leaning in curiously as well.

Twilight looks down, then between both her friends with a sweat drop forming on her brow, “She’s kinda...sorta...with foal.”

A long silent ensues between the three ponies.

Rarity glares at Twilight, “She’s...expecting?” Twilight Nods. “Expecting a foal?” Twilight nods again. “You’re serious right now?”

“Yes!” Twilight exclaims, almost losing her whisper.

Fluttershy looks at Twilight, “How is that possible?”

“Magic,” Twilight responds.

“Oh come now Twilight, really.” Rarity whispers with disbelief and annoyance.

Twilight sighs, “I’m not kidding, it’s magic!”

Clopping of hooves on linoleum resonate, and the door opens a crack and Rainbow’s head pokes in. They all look at her.

“Can I come in yet?” She asks shyly, unusual for her.

Fluttershy whispers, “Oh, she’s here?!”

Twilight sighs, “Yes. Now she looks different, like pregnant different, please don’t make a big deal out of it.”

Fluttershy exclaims, “Got it!”

Rarity is not so sure, “...alright.”

Twilight raises her voice to a normal tone, “Okay you can come in Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash sykes herself up. She’s the mare who saved this young bunny’s life. She can do this. Just pretend like nothing’s different and no one will care right? I mean it’s not that noticeable, right.?

Rainbow Dash bursts in strutting her stuff like she normally would in other circumstances. Her large tummy bobbing side to side slightly.

“Mare of the house coming through, make way!” Dash proclaims.

Rarity and Fluttershy’s mouths both drop. They both stare in shock. Rainbow Dash wasn’t just pregnant, she was pregnant. Like totally ready to deliver, pregnant. She was enormous.

“Make way indeed!” Rarity blurts out before realizing it.

Dash snaps, “And what is that supposed to mean?!”

Rarity frantically tries to correct herself, “Oh, heh heh, nothing nothing, here have a seat so you can rest.” Rarity gesturing to a bench next to Angel’s bed.

“I don’t need to sit,” Dash huffs.

Fluttershy has been staring at Rainbow the whole time. Rainbow turns to look at Fluttershy. She blushes when being caught staring.

“Your....looking cute today,” Fluttershy says smiling.

“Uh, yeah you look... Radiant my dear.” Rarity stumbles, faking a smile.

Rainbow Dash grumbles angrily, “I’m not cute! I’m not...what...radi- UGH! You girls are ruining my awesome entrance!”

Fluttershy grows quieter, “Oh we are? I’m sorry...”

“Need we forget how I HEROICALLY saved a young bunny’s life?” Rainbow proclaims proudly.

Fluttershy brightens up, “Oh no, I’d never forget that. Not ever.”

Rainbow clears her throat, “I searched high and low for Fluttershy’s cries for help. I heard a noise, and looking down I see a glow coming from Twilight’s tree. SHWOOM! I darted quickly to the rescue in Twilight’s home. Where I got hit by something...from Twilight’s horn...some kind of sp-”

Rainbow Dash’s expression goes from deep thought to shock. She stares blankly for a second before her expression turns to rage, and her head cocks toward Twilight.

You did this to me didn’t you...” Dash growls, anger seeping out of her voice.

Twilight looks terrified, her voice trembles, “I...might have...

Before she has time to think about what’s going on she has the wind knocked out of her. Rainbow Dash lunged with lightning speed and tackled her to ground. Her nose pressing against Twilight’s. Twilight feels like her organs are being crushed under Rainbow’s additional weight.

Rainbow booms, “So when exactly were you planning on telling me it was you who ruined my life.”

Twilight almost crying, “I just figured it out...I was going to tell you. It was a complete accident!”

“That’s what they always say, it was an ACCIDENT. But I’m the one whose futures at stake!” Rainbow fumes.

Twilight, trying to explain herself, “Fluttershy and I were just trying to use the power of our elements to infuse life force-”

“Fluttershy too?!” Rainbow looks over at Fluttershy with surprise.

Fluttershy draws circles in on the floor with her front hoof, “This is awkward...”

Twilight, trying to ignore the kick she felt from Dash’s belly, “The life force infusion worked, but it was infused inside of you Rainbow!”

Rainbow shifts her weight off Twilight and walks to the side. Twilight lets out a gasp for air and wiggles onto her side. Rainbow Dash looks back on them with anger and hurt.

“I’m out of here!” she huffs.

Dash walks up to one of the windows and opens it, she flaps into the air and tries to leave. She gets stuck when her belly mass wedges between the frame. She wriggles around until she can squeeze her girth through the window and proceeds to fly off into the distance.

Rarity stares, then turns to Twilight laying on the floor, “Anything else interesting you want to tell me?”