> The Monster they Made 2.0 > by Muei-Tou > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Final Words > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The words started to slow to a snail's pace after getting nearer to the final pages... I fought the swelling pain that constantly started to worsen the further I went…. Tears started to consume my vision until I begin to fall apart; I’ve always told myself that all of this would have gotten easier as time went along and the blood I’ve spilt would wash away… But that was something I would tell myself to keep the pieces together through this whole ordeal…. So many have died by my hands to the point I could fill a small pond… I never wanted it to come to this, but she always kept pushing me to the edge until one day I snapped…. Once a tortured sufferer enduring horrors… ㅡI clawed, I endured, until at the end of it all I saw something corruptedㅡ This corruption offered me a hand when no other would… It brought me into the darkness, morphed me, taught me…. But at the end I’ve grown into a monster… It was always mine… My choice… My responsibility… My evil Putting the ink quill down I closed the leather worn journal in which harvard my journey, my sins, and my life story into insanity. Patting the journal I shed my final tear before placing it into a box, then burying away my history for another to stumble upon. For I wished to be remembered in someway upon this world not of my own. Saying my finally goodbyes I picked up my equipment then headed out for my finally moments in this world. Celestia... > Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No!!!...no!!...no! Let me out of here! I’m not just some creature you can cage like an animal! I’m a sentient being for christ sake…Please don’t leave me in this cell. Sadly my plea’s never reached the ponies and instead all that graced me was this eerie silence filling the empty space excluding my breathing. I crawled toward the corner of the small cell trying hard to control my claustrophobia, but nothing no matter what I did; I just couldn't lessen my fear instead it continued to rise until I finally snapped. I was beating on the door until my knuckles were pale and soaked in blood, started clawing the walls trying desperately to escape, then when nothing worked I screamed my lungs out while bailing like a kid. Before I knew it I was awaking in the center of the cell feeling a stinging pain. Looking toward my hands I almost lost my contents upon seeing the horrible state they were in, so I ripped my shirt to bandage them hoping they would heal. Though I knew deep down they were never going to get any better. Then my head was throbbing constantly. I decided the best course of action would be to just to sit there waiting for something to happen. Before I knew it time passed without me realizing it. I lied on the ground un-moving trying to build my strength up. No matter how many times I’ve tried I couldn’t find it within myself to bother; instead the floor felt more welcoming. Closing my eyes I tried to imagine a place more pleasing, though no matter what I always seen the same gloomy environment. I sighed for what little fragments remained within my thoughts that hadn't been forgotten to time. As more time passed on I found it harder each second that went on to remember who I was? I’ve made sure to leave behind engraving within my cell to try and remember the little things that would matter to me. Of course I made sure to leave out my previous life. I saw no reason to remember my family, friends, or life when it would do me nothing more, but cause me suffering. Every time I awakened I would seem to have lost more memories along with how I was within a cell instead I would go on believing my cell walls were the entire world, while I would be the only creature within it. Each time I would feel my strength seeping away; leaving me weaker; while pain constantly stabbed at me. Hunger ate at me reminding me at times that I needed to get something in my stomach and at times it would leave me awake not allowing me to get any sleep whatsoever leaving me in a whimpering mess. At some point I would imagine myself balancing on a tightrope between life or death. I laughed at my dismay not bothering to care whether or not I live or die. Since I’ve longed outlived my sanity in caring. If anything it would have been a blessing within itself if I were to never awake again to see this fucking place! What I’m I saying "slipping out a small chuckle," It’s like I’m wanting another soul to listen to my ranting… to hold me tightly and say that I matter. Forever alone to die by myself, here in this box of a shithole. No soul to remember this depraved unforsaken person. Cursed to suffer and crumple apart piece by piece into the depths of insanity until my hands decide to end my pitiful existence. I started to stir awake when I begin to hear some rather out of place noises coming from one of the walls. I would have gotten up to investigate, but I no longer had the drive to care anymore. So I decided to put off as any other nonsense that my mind was making up once again. Continuing to lay their waiting for sleep to consume me once more; until suddenly I heard a loud slam from behind me then muffled noises before all too suddenly I felt a tinge upon my legs. I had no time to react or even the strength to before I felt a strong pull with enough force that slammed me against the wall until my eyes landed upon a small miniature creature of some kind. When I was about to speak a word toward it I felt a sudden blow contact toward my head. I let out a pained scream from the piercing blow then after I could recover I felt another and another until it started to come rapidly. I started to gurgle upon my own blood while my vision started to become fuzzy relaying to me that I was going to die at any moment. I accepted my fate waiting for the final blow, but it did not come instead I felt my body being dragged upon the floor leaving me to deal with the aftermath. I started to stir once again to realize I’m no longer being dragged on the floor, but instead I’m sitting in a chair with my arm and legs restrained. I could still make out the same raspy voices from before coming behind me. I tried to struggle against the binds, but it was fruitless endeavor instead it caused my capturers to know I was awake. They slowly appeared within my vision. The first one was right in front of me while the other was slowly entering my vision with a set of tools laid out on a metal tray. I struggled against the binds with more force I could produce though it was not enough. The more I tried to escape my binds the more my soon to be tortures were being to get a kick out of it before one of them grabbed hold of what I could make out to be pliers. My eyes widen with fear. The time that passed by I’ve had my nails removed individual one by one, both of my ring fingers cut off, and minor bone fractures inflated upon my body with a mullet. There was no mercy spared upon me instead they got a kick out of my screaming and squirming. I couldn’t handle this anymore. Why? Why didn't they just end me! Didn’t I already suffer enough. A thought appeared in my head whispering to me there was no such thing as enough. I hanged my head down waiting for them to continue on, but I felt the restrains being undone and once that was over I fell forward smacking upon the solid floor before getting dragged back to my cell left to hang while leaving behind a blood trail. I was certain that I was going to blood out and die a slow death. Oh, how wrong I was…. This continued on back and forth making it seem like entirety. Until during one torturing session I began to hear a angelic voice whispering in my ear telling me “If I was going to accept defeat and let this continue on?” I replied back telling the voice that there was no reason to continue on. “Is that what you think? Because I see a person that is stronger than that! Someone who has a flaming desire burning brightly!” I hate to say it, but you're barking up the wrong tree foreign voice. I’m a lost cause...Just leave me to die in this place. “Hmph, Your not a lost cause...You’ve just needed guidance...Someone to grab your hand and tell you that they care. I know you still feel it, the more you push it away, the more you try and fight it. What if I told you I care and that what they are doing to you is wrong. I want to be that person who pulls you out of the abyss and guides you. If you give me the chance; I can free you from your binds...all you have to do is allow me in” I was at a lost for words...does this voice actually care...I couldn't be certain, but what if it was speaking the truth. I know that allowing it in is a possible danger, but I had nothing more to lose and this voice offered me a chance to be saved from this hell. I feel so weak, my will is fading, and I need another to lift this burden. So under the situation I was facing I did the best decision for my survival. I accepted it’s offer. “I will not make you regret this. Now I need you to look around your surrounding. Try to find something of use that could be used against your tormentors before you and these binds that restrain you to this chair are nothing to impressive if you have a understanding of what is required. Also it helps that these straps aren’t engineered for us, but more so ponies.” I started to look around my field of vision to see what was present within my vicinity and what I saw was the tray they had with all there tools displayed. I eyed each one to see which would better suit a lethal but also quick kill since I really didn’t have the energy to spare. Once I had something to go on I heard the voice telling me to force my hand on the restrains until I dislocated my thumb. I started to apply pressure against the restraint when the ponies were not looking in my direction. It went back on forth until I was finally able to dislocate my thumb which turned out to be the easy part since now I had to pull it through the strap while it peeled off some of my skin at the same time. I screamed within my mind while tightly biting down to keep myself from voicing my pain. When I was about to free my hand I began to hear terrified voices echo through the tunnels and then silence. The two ponies were distracted by the sound so I quickly ripped my hand out and worked on the leg strap before one of the ponies slammed their hoof against my head making me dizzy, but I still continued on. The pony was readying for another strike, but I quickly reacted in seizing the death blow with my hand and using my now freed leg I kicked the pony back. The pony was dazed from the kick so I quickly grabbed the scalpel in reach then proceeded to cut the straps just before the pony came at me once again. Reacting quickly I put out my foot then did a ninety degree angle using my leg making sure to use his momentum which sent him flying toward the wall making a sickening crack telling me that he snapped his neck. Getting out the chair I was about to check on the corpse, but before I could the other pony who went to checkout the noise showed up terrified until he seen the scene. The terrified look he spouted quickly morphed into rage then before I could react he tackled me to the ground before beginning to deliver strikes toward my face. I was beginning to lose consciousness so in desperation of a last resort I started to scratch at his face letting him lit up a little before I brought him in then proceeded to bite down on his ear cleaning biting it off then placed my hands near his eyes. Once my hands were near position I pierced my thumbs into his eye sockets. His screams filled the room while he started to squirm about crying in pain hitting nothing, but air. I used this as leverage over him then pushed him off. Once up on my feet I seen the sorry display of the pony that was confident in ending me; now wailing in pain; then he went so far as to ask me for mercy. My teeth grind-ed together from him even asking for mercy! He didn’t spare me from my misery when I asked for the same, so why should I! I grabbed hold of him and started to drag him toward the fountain where I proceeded to dunk his head into the water. I held him under the water while he tried with all his might to squirm free, but I didn’t let him budge a inch. Finally not two minutes later he downed. I slowly slid to the floor feeling exhaustion consume me. It was done and yet I couldn’t know why I felt hollow...Like I finally killed the ones who caused my torment though I wasn’t happy instead I felt dirty. I was about to dive deeper into this foreign feeling until I started to hear the voice again. “Clap,clap,clap, Bravo! You sure did splendid work I must say, though there could be some slight improvement here and there. For your first time though I’m rather surprised this was your handy work. I see a bright future for you yet, my apprentice.” “Hm, oh. I wasn’t present during your ordeal since I wanted to see what kind of training I would need to teach you, but seeing this you are far from ordinary. So I won’t be needing to start you at novice instead competent. You did after all start questioning your actions. I need you not to feel anything for the likes of them instead you need to treat it as water under the bridge.” “Now I know you wouldn’t like this one bit, but I want you to feed upon one of them since your body wouldn’t be prepared for whatever we might encounter during our escape. You do need the strength after all judging by your boney figure. It’s your choice though. Die in this shithole or eat that ponies flesh and have a high possibility in escaping from here.” Chose Your Fate > Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slowly made my way down the tunnel while leaning on the wall for support. Nothing struck me out of the ordinary so far unless you count my misfortune of having to eat another in need of survival. I could still taste the irony flesh; even after rinsing out my mouth multiple times. It was something that would never disappear completely. I still couldn’t believe what I did though...since the moment that flesh hit my tongue something unnatural happened. It was like my instincts shut off and what replaced them was pure blood-lust mixed in with hungry. In a blink of an eye the skittishness I had all but faded away while the need to feed consumed my thoughts. When I returned to normal I found my hands covered in blood along with bones scattered around me. Looking passed it I seen the horrid scene of what was once a pony. Shaking my head I knew there was no point in thinking about it any longer since the voice told me not to show them pettiness; instead put myself first before others if I was wanting to survive. When coming back to reality the first thing to catch my eye was a lifeless pony along with another I could not describe which was something of a hybrid between a pony and a bug, but sported a strong exo-shell with green soulless pupils. Humming to myself I was at a total loss on what was happening, but from what I could make of the situation before me it had to have been a enemy of some sort to the ponies. I possible could use this as a distraction to escape from here if whatever these strange hybrids are still here. Hopefully this was the case because it would mean I could have an opening to escape. Continuing forward I soon started to approach a large room which I could identity as a lobby if the counter tucked in the corner along with stairs ahead were anything to go by. Scanning the room I could tell a slaughter fest happened here with bodies being littered about. Poor fuckers...Possibly their last stand. Ready to head toward the stairs I caught something in my peripheral vision which happened to be a door tucked away. Feeling curious I redirected my route toward the door. Upon looking inside the door I seen it was a medical ward. It was in utter chaos with beds turned over and papers scattered about; deciding to further investigate I walked toward a desk to look at the medical papers of what appeared to be other prisoners and what I found out was rather disturbing. They were experimenting upon them. My eyes soon fell upon a file of which could only be identified as my own. Picking it up I shuddered with fear at what they did to me. I was supposed to be a by product of an immortal recipient experiment they were trying to develop since my bodies natural adaptability. Investigating further I seen the experiment was a complete failure, but the rest of the document was torn off enabling me from continuing further. Turns out all I was some sick guinea pig they experimented on (ha,ha,ha-ah) beyond all that suffering, I was driven to become a immortal form from a gene infusion. Though I suffered unfathomable pain I survived the depths thought impossible to these monsters…! In the end I was just a toy. Dropping the file I walked over to one of the medical cabinets to hopefully find some useful items to treat my injuries. Turns out they held quite a few useful items. After patching myself up I popped some pills then picked up some alcohol jugs. Pouring the alcohol around the room I then proceeded to lead myself toward the records behind the counter. After covering everything I grabbed whatever little information on me. I pulled a lantern off the wall then tossed it on the ground to watch everything burst into flames traveling throughout the lobby. I watched the flames dance about consuming everything in their path before turning around making my way up the spiral staircase. When I reached the top I soon was faced with those hybrid creatures backs turned to me. Letting out a swallow breath I pulled out a adrenaline. Steady your breath, empty you mind, and focus whats in front of you. Take out the one on the left with a swift slash across it's throat and be sure to apply some strength behind your strike since these creatures skin seem thicker then those tortures you faced. After you've done that deliver a quick punch at the slash wound then said creature should be out of the equation. Once finishing it off the element of surprise you've had is no longer in effect so you are going to have to react quickly to your other attacker that's going to be right on your ass. Now I've added my two cents its your turn on how your going to face that outcome. I'll be watching. Hearing out the plan from the voice I quickly acted out the plan of execution which felt like slow-mo since of the adrenaline pumping through my vines. Everything went as planned and the other one was on my ass as the voice said. Using my heightened reflexes I was barely able to dodge in time from the creatures blade. I quickly went on the defense dodging side to side while using small openings to strike my attacker. Each time I inflated a strike the more my attacker started to slow until it was no longer able to strike fiercely. I let a smirk appear on my face knowing the outcome of this one on one session. It's strike impacted my arm allowing me to rope in the hybrid stab it in the eye before quickly grabbing its hind legs then tossing it over my form sending it toward the stained glass. I heard its piercing scream fill the area until I could no longer hear it. Looking out the shattered glass I was shocked at the sere height. Definitely tossing jumping out the window though; I do see a exit within the distance on the other hand just have to make my way toward that direction. New objective insight I started to head toward the direction while the adrenaline was still in effect or else I'll be a sitting duck once it wears off with that in mind I picked up the pace. Running for what felt like hours I finally reached the area I was staring at from before strangely enough I didn't encounter others though I have a feeling they maybe somewhere else within this castle, so chances are I lucked out actual scratch that I may have said that to earlier because outside the doors I could see within the distance those hybrids patrolling and rounding up ponies. Well shit...It never is that easy in the first place right? I let out a sigh trying to come up with something though nothing seems to pop up until once again the voice throws in her two cents. Wait...wait you want me to do what? Are you crazy! I can't jump off who knows how high of a fall and expect to survive the fall into the depths of a waterfall down below. Their has to be like another way! Fuck...,fuck.., Fuck!!! Alright fine you win though I still think this is a unreasonable plan and my chances of survival are zero. On the other hand you've been helpful so far so this shouldn't be no different. OK, know that's settled I just got to get their without being spotted...easier said then done. They have the whole place covered. Hm, maybe the alleyways are a safe bet I after all just need to make close enough to the waterfall then jump. I have to be quick since I'm starting to feel the adrenaline wearing off. I made a beeline toward the alleyways when none one was looking and quickly did a double take to make sure none of them seen me. Once I was sure I was in the clear I started making my way through. Finally reaching my destination I was cursing my luck since there was no more alleys to take instead the only option that lay before me was to make a made dash about two in a half miles in the open where I'll be priority target number one with a big bullseye on me and on either side their was hybrids posted. "Shit!," was the only word going through my head at this moment in time. I was screwed no matter what since I couldn't handle multiple enemy's at once and the adrenaline ran out half way through my alley jumping. Either decision I chose it would end in the same result, so I sucked it up and told myself I came to far to give up now and I wasn't just going to lay here pitiful. Getting in a running stance I breathed a long breath before I sprinted the hell out of the alley way like a bat out of hell and tried focusing on my goal while trying to push aside the growing pain. Like I an anticipated the hybrids were right on my ass in a instance. I forced what little energy I had into my legs hoping for some unholy miracle that I'll make it. Not a few yards away now I was starting to believe I was about to achieve it until three hybrids appeared right ahead of me; with barely enough time to slam the brakes I stopped just a couple of feet away. The pain started to hit me full force and my posture started to slump from exhaustion letting them know I was an easy picking. The one ahead of the two others started to make its way toward me and with each step I tried to take a step back but unfortunately my legs were no longer functioning so I started to freak the hell out since I was no shape to defend myself against the creature. I was at its complete mercy. It was now standing in front of me with this sinister smile apparent on its face. I tried to make my body do anything to defend myself but it was fruitless. I soon seen it pick up its hoof then not a moment later the damn fucker started taking swings at me. My screams started to fill the area after each strike of its hoof. I squirmed trying to crawl away though it only made it worse. Is this where I die? Is this the end...? Finally within a a arm reach of freedom and sadly it stays out of my reach taunting me... Laughing at my misery... Maybe it was never meant to be after all... Well I accept this- Oh, your not done yet mister! I promised you freedom and that's what I'm going to give you after all we made a contact. I can't have you dying yet without fulfilling your part. I'll be taking control now I was at lost at what was happening until suddenly I noticed I was no longer being beaten upon and instead to my shock what I saw was unnerving. The scene felt like a dream since I was suddenly upon my feet and my hand was around the hybrids neck then all to quickly a loud crunch. Suddenly the hybrid squirming in my hand was limp before being tossed aside like trash. A sinister laugh started to fill the eerie silence left behind after snapping the wind pipe from the main hybrid and now the two combatants left took on a fighting stance while shaking. Standing at a stand still nobody made a move instead we just stared at each other waiting for an opening to present itself then out of nowhere a loud explosion could be heard coming from the castle. The hybrids where distracted by the noise so quicker then my eyes could follow my body started sprinting toward the right hybrid then quickly delivered a knee towards its face before following up with a blunt smack repeatably toward its skull. It craved in its skull from the blunt smacks of the shivs back end. When it finished it looked to the side to handle the other though the hybrid was no longer present instead it ran. My body wasn't having any of it so it quickly channeled energy toward my legs making up ground while taking a quick glance behind I could see a pink bubble sweeping out toward the outskirts of the city sending hybrid's left and right. Knowing that my body throw the shiv toward the hybrids leg halting its progress then getting within proximity it slammed the creature toward the ground grabbed the shiv then preceded to stab it repeatably. After the stabbing it picked up the barely alive hybrid and sliced open its gut. The time it finished the pink bubble passed over us. At first it felt like nothing until suddenly my form fell down to the ground from this tremendous weight. The voice screamed at me to crawl toward the ledge while I could hear her pained screams piercing my mind giving me a headache. Struggling with each push I felt the weight increase the more I resisted and the voice was starting to get more distance. I finally made it to the ledge then tossed myself toward the depths below before losing consciousness. "Hopefully this isn't the end," I spoke before I blacked out > Interlude 0.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sapphire Note,” would your report for casualty and damage control be complete.” Celestia spoke without taking a glance away from her task. “Why yes princess. It would appear that twelve guards were kia during the conflict while nine others are being treated for injuries. -For damage repairs it would require little attendance for minor things here and there. Besides those nothing else expect a guard wanting to converse with you about a breach within the dungeons about a missing prisoner. He’ll be waiting for you at the captain's office.” Sapphire finished up then took a bow before heading off. Celestia put her quill down then started making her way towards the captain's office. She was rather pleased with having something to distract her from her task even if it was for a short period of time though she hopes it's just a simple problem over a problematic one. Humming down the halls Celestia enjoyed her small time of freedom which was becoming small and short lived in between. Finally reaching the captain’s office she put up her mask then proceeded entering to see the captain seated behind his desk with a guard seated in front of him. “Captain, to which kind of trouble is apparent for my presence to be required that you could not carry out within your own position? After all I have much to handle after the attack” Celestia spoke while looking at the captain with disinterest. “Well princess this private here has some news about a prisoner I feel like you should hear. Afterwards I’ll be able to proceed to carry out the situation more appropriate.” The captain spoke. “If that's the case then I’ll hear out the matter at hoof and see if it was worth my time in the matter.” Celestia spoke once more in disinterest on the situation. The captain gulped and nodded for the private to speak his part. “Princess I have grieve news to report about a specific bipedal prisoner who is labeled as the human you’ve imprisoned about a year ago. It killed two guards who were watching it at the time when the changelings attacked. The first guard had his neck snapped against the wall from impact and the seconds face was clawed while his eyes were pushed into his sockets then to finish it off the creature drowned the guard.” The private spoke after his captain give him  permission to speak. “The human you say escaped while easily killing two of my guards and this information is now just barely reaching me!” Celestia slammed her hoof into the wall. “Captain! I want you to send out a small search party of at least five high ranking guards with the sole purpose in bringing in this human either dead or alive! Don’t disappoint me captain or else you’ll have another thing to fear than death.” Celestia turned around and proceeded to walk out with a scowl on her face. Your starting to get on my nerves human. You’ve should have died long ago within the dungeons below, but surprisingly you lived throughout the ordeal of your torturing. I’m rather impressed thus far though I can’t let you go wandering around equestria freely. I rather have you erased from here without others knowing of your species so I might have to kill you myself. Your race as a whole is most dangerous and from what I've heard from the guard you’ve finally grown into what you're capable of to which I should have seen coming. No matter; You’ll be dead soon enough. It's only a matter of time... after all you've got no where to run and I know every little detail about you from our one sided sessions. > Truly Free? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awaken, while my eyes take some time to adjust to the light source illuminating the small space. My body was rigid and straight without no wiggle room to move. Deciding to see what held me in place I looked down to see my hands, legs, and neck wore chained down. I tried to figure out the situation I found myself in until another light within a few yards flicked to life. The other light source illuminated the space enough for me to see that I was locked within a cell, but the next thing was hearing faint footsteps echoing within the distance making their way closer to my current position until the figure stood one step away from revealing themselves in the light. Looking ahead I waited patiently for whoever awaited before me. My breathing started to slow to a halt from the tremendous pressure being applied towards my throat slowly choking me, but at that moment it was the least of my worries since I started to see who was in front of me. It was the inhumane carnation that caused my suffering. I growled toward her trying my best in keeping my fears buried. In the end it hardly fazed her instead encouraged her to strode forward leaving me to struggle against my binds in hopes of freeing myself. All in that moment in time the only thought going through my mind was to flee. “Her soft facial smile which radiated a mother's warmth, her violet purple iris’s gave understanding/forgiveness, and her aura made you feel secure in her presence.” It was all ploy in the end that she used to gain an advantage over her prey. That loving personality was merely an illusion to hide what she really hid behind the mask! Nothing, but a sadistic murder. She slowly approached her way toward me, while drawing energy toward her horn before firing off javelins towards my body. One after another pierced critical arteries leaving me no time to scream in pain instead gurgle upon my blood. My head hung barely having any strength to move, but still I tried with little effect in moving my limbs which soon met the same fate. My head began to be lifted to met her eye to eye. She started to mouth off something in which I could hardly understand from the pain throbbing throughout my body, then memories began to resurface from my earlier times during imprisonment that I would have rather forgotten...Though no matter how hard you try to bury the memories it will always follow. I soon felt weightless after coming to see that I was being thrown deeper into the darkness. No sooner I found myself back in a 4x4 cell with no escape in sight.  I find myself lost in time, searching for something- Blinded by grief and depression- My pain continues to abuse ------- The monster laughs- She plays her twisted games- Tormenting me, leaving me hollow- While she feeds off me ------- The darkness closes in, Daring to consume me- It overwhelms, destroys, and buries- My heart and soul play to it’s melody- Refusing me freedom ------- Weakened and exhausted- I tell myself to escape- This mustn't be the end- Though my burdens bury me- Struggling my existence I suffer in my nightmares burdened by her torments. Locked in a never ending loop force to endure.... “That’s where you're wrong…” Caught off guard by the voice I wasn’t ready for an embrace. When I opened my eyes I seen a figure with it’s arms wrapped around me hugging my form. It felt welcoming like all the pain I've endured vanished being replaced with warmth and suddenly tears started to stream down my cheeks. “Now...now, Little one. You are safe from her.” She patted my head, while comforting me. Everything just seemed normal in that moment. There was no more pain, no more monsters, and the abuse. All that was left was this figures soothing warmth, but I knew she would not be there forever because she’ll leave just like the others...they always do. “Are you better, now? Good, because I can’t hold back her any longer for each second I spend here she breaks through the barriers. I’m sorry if I must leave, but I feel myself becoming weaker the closer she gets. So I'll leave you a chance to heed you in your escape and remember you're never alone.” When those last words left her mouth she vanished and the darkness once more took control. I heard glass being shattered behind me and when I looked I seen her. Fear started to return reminding me of what awaits. Until the binds simply shattered and I began to hear a voice within the distance screaming “Wake up!” Getting upon my feet I struggled in trying to ran from my injuries still being present, but hearing her behind me screaming my name I pushed the pain behind while slowly getting into a rhythm picking up my pace running toward the voice. I dodged and weaved from javelins being shoot toward me and having to dodge obstacles she placed ahead of me. I kept telling myself I was almost there trying to keep my moral up. When I was finally a few yards away a javelin pierced my leg making me smack against the floor. I started to crawl knowing that she was getting closer after that set back. Reaching my hand out toward the ripal I felt pain shot through from her hoof applying pressure on my leg keeping me from escaping. I strained in my fruitless endeavor get free. In the end I couldn’t reach it again for another blocked my path, even still I pushed until I no longer could. The darkness consumed my bottom half slowly crawling toward my head daring to throw me back into my prison until something unexpected happened. A hand grabbed my outreached arm then slowly tugged me into the ripal while the darkness fought back to take control. It was a tug of war going back and forth with no question who would win before the final draw. A beam flashed toward the darkness quickly throwing me through then sealing the darkness behind. I gurgled trying to throw up something blocking my airway while my head was pulsing with pain. Starting to get leveled I opened my eyes to see that I was face first in dirt along with feeling my bottom being submerged in water. Then words started echoing in my head until I sorted it out to “Wake up!” “Final for fuck sake's your awake. I’ve been trying to get through to you for half the day now and that’s not counting the time we've been unconscious for since the jump. Still you were pretty out of it with a pained expression written on your face and saying someone's name...if I recall it was “Celestia,” or something. Anyway you good?” Ugh...Yeah I'm good just a terrible nightmare from which I never thought I was going to wake up from. Thanks for the worry. Now let's try getting a grip on where we are. "Must have been some nightmare if I couldn't wake ya from yelling. Yeah, sounds good. Just putting it out there, but let me know if you need an ear; I'm a good listener after all."