> On Brand > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Swallowing Your Pride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stomped along the dirt path of Sweet Apple Acres, face fixed in a lopsided frown unbecoming of the soothing dawn that was breaking along the horizon. Normally a new day would fill her with energy, hope, and the promise of endless possibilities. But today? Today only filled her with exhaustion, despair, and the fear of the inevitable. She grunted as she dragged her hooves, kicking up dust from the cold dirt. She knew! She knew being a sore loser reflected poorly on the whole Apple family. They’d made a wager and lost, fair and square. She should be able to look the winners in their eyes, smile, and congratulate them. That’s what she’d cobbled together for a friendship letter to send to Princess Celestia, at least. But it was nigh impossible for her to even pretend to feel good about what had gone down yesterday. Despite all her talk, despite her friends coming in to help, despite all her hard work, the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 made more cider in the end. Flim and Flam didn’t even have to sacrifice quality for quantity. In the end, they’d barely won by just a single barrel, and that had been enough. And now, the Apple’s had to honor their agreement: the Flim Flam brothers would get the lion’s share of the profit for selling apple cider this winter. Her stomach boiled at the thought. It wasn’t even at how the two had gloated in their victory when all was said and done; rather it was the simple fact that the farm was doomed now. Without all the cider profits this season, they were set to go under. Way under. Applejack shuddered; each time she closed her eyes she could see a swarm of bills drowning her in red ink. The possibility that they could lose the farm… that they’d have to leave... That couldn’t happen. Applejack wasn’t about to let it happen. She marched, albeit begrudgingly, down to the Flim Flam brothers that very instant, intent on negotiating with them. How? She wasn’t exactly sure yet. That definitely contributed to her sour demeanor as she plodded along to the outskirts of the southern orchard. The sight of the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 came up sooner than she would’ve liked. The infernal contraption made her wince when she saw it, reminded of the failure that put her in this spot in the first place. The sight of the brothers wasn’t much better. Flam sat at the driver’s seat of their machine, a mug of cider to his lips. After a few gulps, he pulled it away and let loose a sigh of relief. As she got closer, Applejack could see a layer of foam coating his mustache. Flim was at least working, carrying a few empty barrels with his magic around to the Squeezy’s tap for refilling. Though he set them down when he saw her approach. “Well, brother,” he said with a smug look. “It appears we have a visit from our business partner this fine morning.” “Oh?” Flam looked over, waving at Applejack. Partner? Applejack snorted. A seventy-five to twenty-five split can hardly be called a partnership. Keeping her biting comments to herself, Applejack forced a smile that she hoped didn’t look too pained. “Howdy there, fellas.” Flam slid out of the driver’s seat of the Squeezy, touching down on the ground next to his twin. “And what can the Flim Flam brothers do for you on such a fine, and surely profitable, morning?” Listening closely, Applejack’s ears flicked as they picked up distinct murmurings from the other side of the Squeezy. A line had already formed, no doubt. “Listen, I can’t…” Her brow twitched into a furrow. “The farm ain’t gonna survive this winter if we only get twenty-five percent of the cider profits, okay?” The brothers gave simultaneous “Hmmm”s with squinted stares and shared looks. “Seems like you’ve found yourself in quite the predicament, eh?” Flam pondered aloud, tapping his chin. “Indeed she has,” Flim concurred, equally chin-tappy. “But if this is true, why would you have ever made that wager in the first place?” Cause Granny’s a dangerous mix of gambling addiction and stubborn pride. Applejack bitterly thought. No, that wasn’t right. As much as she’d like to shift the blame on this one, Applejack’s own hubris had caused this just as much as Granny Smith’s, whether she liked admitting that or not. “We… I thought we could win,” Applejack admitted, head sinking. Whether that was from her own shame, or an act of apology for underestimating the Brother’s machine, she couldn’t say. “I see,” both brothers chorused, demonstrating their symmetrical eyebrow raising skills. “And what do you have to gain by burdening us with such a sob story?” Flim asked, his tone a breath away from taunting. “Surely you can’t expect us to share our rightful winnings with you,” Flam picked up. “After all, we had a deal. And a deal is a—” “A deal, I got it,” Applejack grunted. “Look, I don’t like bringing myself down to this level, but without this Sweet Apple Acres is as good as gone.” The brothers just looked between themselves, stone-faced. Pity was not going to stir them, something Applejack wished she could be thankful for. “Please!” she persisted. “Even if we just had twenty… no, fifteen percent more, we could get by.” With about a hundred odd jobs and some cutbacks, she added mentally. Not happening. Flim and Flam’s unwavering indifference matched her pleas blow for blow. They even seemed to be growing bored. Applejack was afraid it would come to this, but had known all the same. These two weren’t the types to do something unless they could see a benefit to it. “Whatdoyawant?” she mumbled. “Hmm?” Flam cocked his ear to the side, feigning his struggle to hear. “What. Do. You. Want.” Applejack forced out through clenched teeth. “What can I do that’ll be worth fifteen percent to you?” Flam snickered into a disgusting smirk. “Well dear Applejack, I’m afraid there’s just nothing you have left to offer—” “Hold on just a second there, brother,” Flim interjected. Flam shot back a curious glance, still in mid-gloat. “Uh… yes?” “We do have one thing that could make our cider gig here blossom into a full on, out and out, honest to goodness business, don’t we?” An eyebrow rose. “We do?” “What is it?” Applejack tried not to sound too desperate, but she’d sensed a faint glimmer of hope and was ready to pounce on it. “Yes,” Flim nudged his hoof back to the Squeezy, almost surreptitiously. “We do.” Understanding dawned on Flam’s face, though only confusion did on Applejack’s. All she could see was what looked like a small compartment pinned underneath the Squeezy; the significance was lost on her. “Oh-ho-ho. Well thought, brother o’ mine! Well thought indeed!” Flam turned back to face her, still smiling, but for a noticeably different reason. “Applejack I believe we can make an arrangement, just for you.” “Really?” She still had no clue what was happening, but the fact that she’d made it this far into negotiations was more than she’d ever expected. “What do you need me to do? I’m ready for anything.” “It’s funny that you mention that.” Flam’s smirk grew bigger. Applejack felt a distinct flop in her stomach. Flam motioned for Flim to get ready while he swung a fore leg around Applejack, leading her in the opposite direction of the Squeezy. “Applejack, do you want to know what the first feature of our cider business that we thought of was?” She resisted the urge to push his hoof off her shoulder. “Uh… the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000?” He tsked in a way that suggested he was disappointed, even having expected that answer. “No, no, no. Flim and I weren’t thinking productivity in the early stages. What do you take us for?” Con artists. “Uh…” “We were thinking marketing,” Flam answered for her. Eeyup. Definitely con artists. “We needed a way to sell our cider to the average consumer, something that would connect with everypony, something that could be related to cider without being uninspired, something that keeps ponies around, even after they’ve purchased their drink. So we thought up a mascot.” “A… mascot.” Applejack almost stopped walking out of confusion. Who uses a mascot to sell cider? “It had to be cute, and non-threatening, and fun to be around. You know something on brand, so to speak.” “Uh-huh.” Applejack still wasn’t sure where this was going. “So we had a costume commissioned for—” Flam stopped suddenly, spinning the two of them around to face the Squeezy again. “Ta-dah!” Flim said. Applejack gawked. Suspended in the air by Flim’s magic was easily the worst mascot costume she had ever seen. It was a white and green dress, with a matching bonnet and booties. Despite being sized up to be worn by a grown mare, it looked suspiciously made for a filly. The fluffy skirt with a gold, frilly trim, the puffed sleeves, the white swirl patterns and accompanying apple designs stitched in. Applejack was no fashion expert, but even she could tell this was overdoing it a bit. None of that was the particularly bad part, however. That dishonor went to the diapers. While Flim held the dress and accessories to his left, the diapers he held to his right. A whole pack of adult sized diapers, their fluffy padding straining to escape the plastic wrap that held them. Even as her brain short-circuited, Applejack was able to put the pieces together. The mascot the Flim Flam brothers had in mind was a foal. Specifically, a filly. “So whaddaya say, Applejack?” Flam tightened his hold on her ever so slightly. “Want to be the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000’s mascot?” Nothing came out of Applejack’s agape mouth. Her mind had only barely begun rebooting when it heard that question, and it made her blood icy. Her? In that dress? And diapers!? Applejack knew she said she’d do anything, but stuff like this was understood to be outside the realm of anything, right? Surely they didn’t actually expect her too— “It’s a one size fits all,” Flim called out, shaking the outfit and accompanying diapers. “So don’t worry about that.” They actually expected her to wear it. All of it. And not just that; undoubtedly they’d want to parade her around in front of the customers too. In front of all of Ponyville. “U-Uh…” She retreated from Flam’s friendly side-hug. “No.” He didn’t react surprised in the slightest. “A little bashful, eh? Not to worry Applejack. Why, this costume was practically made for you!” That only made her want to wear it less. Applejack resisted the urge to slap Flam’s mustache off. And she would have too, except… “There’s gotta be something else,” she muttered, refusing eye contact with either brother, or the outfit hovering nearby. “If you don’t want to,” Flim leviated the outfit away. “That’s fine. Flam and I didn’t come to you asking for money, after all.” Applejack cringed. There was nothing else. The Squeezy alone made basically all of Applejack’s skills useless to the two of them. “Wait!” she cried, voice cracking. Flim halted the dress in mid-air. Flam let a smile slide onto his face. As for Applejack, she was too surprised to follow up right away. She hadn’t expected to say that. Was she… actually willing to do this? No. No no no no no no no no no! Were the first through tenth thoughts that ran through her mind, followed by a more timid, ...maybe? She needed the money, that much alone was the reason she hadn’t left in a huff right now. But was it really worth swallowing her pride? Just putting on that outfit alone would be bad enough, but needing to parade herself in front of the townsponies for a few extra sales? It was pathetic. It was beneath her. It wasn’t worth it. No amount of money was. “I’ll do it for twenty-five percent more,” Applejack heard herself say. Flam’s smile evaporated. “T-Twenty-five percent?” Flim’s eyebrows shot up as his brother sputtered in and out of coherence. “Now Applejack, just earlier I heard you say you could get by with just fifteen. You wouldn’t be trying to take advantage of two start-up businessponies, now would you?” There was no going back now, even as her heart thumped in her throat. “I know what I said, but y’all are asking for a bit much, don’tcha think?” Flam’s tightening lips were the only response she needed. “I’ll be your stupid mascot for no less than that, you hear?” Flim and Flam exchanged looks, going back and forth in silent debate the way only twins knew how too. Applejack may not have understood their wordless conversation, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to guess. Probably something about how beggars can’t be choosers, how greedy she was being (nevermind them) and how little they were actually asking her to do. Though, strangely, the debate seemed to get more and more heated as angrier looks were exchanged. And then finally: “For Celestia’s sake, brother!” Flam erupted, unable to contain the conversation any longer. “A fifty-fifty split? Outrageous!” “Didn’t we agree that a lack of a mascot was the only thing holding our little venture back, Flam?” Flim challenged. “By my estimate, we’d make more with this deal’s fifty than the previous’ seventy-five. And if that’s all she’s asking for to make this happen then we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” “You—” That stopped Flam dead. More money was hard to argue with, after all. Especially when you were like these two brothers. “You better be right about that,” he sneered. Applejack’s heart sank at the realization that they would accept. Sure, it had been her idea, but that didn’t mean she was looking forward to what was to come. But still, she should be happy. If they were right then Sweet Apple Acres would get by just fine this way, and that’s what mattered the most. Flam turned back to her as he slipped into a faux smile, stepping forward with an outstretched hoof. “Well then, Applejack. It would seem you have yourself a deal.” She bit the inside of her cheek. “Would seem so.” She took his hoof, sealing everything with a firm shake. “Excellent!” Flam’s hoof curled away. “Now then, let’s get you all dressed up and start selling some cider!” So soon? Applejack was hoping she’d get a chance to come to terms with everything first. “Uh… alright, I guess.” She glanced at the costume with twitchy eyelids. “Just give me a minute to get dressed.” Green magic wrapped around her fore hooves, dragging them apart and forcing her head to the ground. Applejack barely had time to let out a “whoa!” of surprise before grass was tickling her chin. Her hind legs remained untouched, but all that left her with was her plot sticking up in the air. “I’m afraid we don’t have much time for that,” Flam said as his brother jogged over, clothes in tow. “We’ve kept our customers waiting quite a bit already, as I’m sure you can imagine.” “What the hay!” Applejack called out, struggling to take back control of her splayed legs. Flam kept his magical hold on them, however, refusing to let her move. “Luckily, you have two unicorns here to help out,” Flim said. A diaper floated out of the pack, unfolding in mid air, much to Applejack’s scrunched face of displeasure. “I can do it myself!” She insisted, wiggling her hips to try and find enough strength to escape Flam’s hold. Heat rose under her cheeks as the humiliation sped from potential towards very, very real. Flim and Flam disappeared behind her, taking that infernal outfit with them. As her eyes lost track of them, Applejack turned her head, but was only able to catch the frills of the dress at best. “Let’s see here.” Magic gripped the tip of Applejack’s tail, lifting it high into the air. “Hey!” Applejack squeaked, cheeks pink. Suddenly she was feeling very exposed back there. She felt her tail be pulled through something, soon coming to understand that was a hole in the back of the diaper. The crisp fluff slowly encompassed her rear end. Her pink cheeks dipped to red as she felt the padding nestle her plot, and they only burned more when the diaper folded around and pressed against her marehood. The tapes pressed themselves down and were magically smoothed out, trapping Applejack to her fate. Flam released her tail, letting it fall back down and smack her padded rear as the two stepped back to admire their work. Applejack was left to get used to her new article of clothing. She already hated it. It was like a perpetual, soft hug against her flanks. The invasive floof smothered her inner thighs, and crinkled with every slight movement of her hindquarters, adding an extra layer of humiliation to this whole thing. Applejack closed her eyes, breathing deep breaths. Put up with it for the sake of the farm. Just be glad it’s not too big. “Hmm…” Flam circled around her once, observing her padded plot. “Flim, do you suppose that’s enough?” Applejack’s eyes popped open. What? “Hmm…” Flim poked at the padding, startling her. “It’s not really all that… poofy.” Not all that poofy? Applejack felt like she was wearing a freaking pillow already, what more did they want? “Yes, I agree,” Flam poked her diapered butt too. “It’s not quite as cute as I was hoping it’d be.” “Well I have a solution to that,” Flim said. Applejack couldn’t see what the two were up to, but she felt her tail rise up again. And what’s more, the telltale sounds of crinkling padding soon filled the air. Oh no. The duo slapped another diaper onto her butt. It squeezed the air out of the first, wrapping around it tightly and pressing its soft interior against her even more. “H-Hey!” Applejack called out as the tapes locked it in place around the first. “I dunno.” Flam tsked in annoyance. “It still doesn’t look quite right.” “I agree,” Flim said. More crinkles followed his voice, undoubtedly a new diaper flying free from the pack. “It needs to be bigger if she’s going to pull off a cute filly look.” “Exactly! Here, allow me.” Magic locked around Applejack’s hind legs now and pulled them apart to make room. Even though she put up some resistance, Applejack found she wasn’t stronger than the brothers’ magic. “Hold on there, fellas!” Applejack protested as the third diaper made its way to her flanks. She shook her hips, trying to throw it off as it curled around her double-diapered butt. Her face went scarlett before the tapes were set. A third diaper. She was wearing three of these accursed things at once. And her ears perked at the crinkly approach of a fourth. “Oh come on!” she cried, wiggling her butt in a pathetic escape attempt. Her legs were spread out even further as the brothers didn’t hesitate. “We’re almost there, Applejack. Just you wait, you’ll have the poofiest flank in Equestria when we’re done!” Flam assured her. That’s what I’m afraid of, she bitterly thought as the fourth diaper slipped around her. The size was becoming a bit of a problem now. The girth of the first three diapers was making it a challenge to squeeze this one on. Applejack winced as the diaper was taped down, squishing the three beneath it against her plot even more. A formerly snug hug was becoming pretty tight. “Hmmm…” The two harmonized as they inspected the padding so far. “One more?” Flim asked. “One more,” Flam decided. Applejack groaned. She didn’t try to fight this last one. It latched onto her defeated flanks, locking her in her fifth layer of padding. The tapes only barely managed to stay down, the mountain of poof strained to break free beneath them. “Perfect!” Flam’s magical aura evaporated, finally freeing Applejack. Now able to move, she tried to stand back up. Tried. Her hind legs were forced apart thanks to the poofy invaders on her plot. As she struggled to get to all fours, Applejack found herself forced into a semi-split. Biting her lip, she fought the sudden urge to whimper. They’d only barely begun dressing her and she already couldn’t take it. “Need a hoof?” Flim asked, appearing to her right. She glared at him, face burning. “No!” Certain she could stand on her own, Applejack gave one more push against the ground, propping herself up. For a moment, however wobbly, she was standing on all fours. Applejack gave a premature grin of satisfaction, thankful she was still capable of this much. And then she fell. POOF! crinkle crinkle Her padded plot smacked the ground before she even had time to react. Applejack winced as the layers of padding compressed under her, shoving swaths of floof against her inner thighs. Her face glowed with an anguished red. “Consarnit!” she cried. Applejack moved to sit up, ready to try and stand again. Unfortunately, the Flim Flam brothers had other plans for her. The second her forelegs left the ground, booties ambushed them. The frilly green shoes of the foal costume locked onto her hooves, shaking themselves on before Applejack could protest. Two more dove for her hind legs. With them so spread out, Applejack had nowhere to move them to avoid the clothes. In mere seconds, all four of her hooves had been jammed into the booties. “Ergh,” she groaned. She tried waving her hooves to shake them free, but the booties were stuck snuggly in place. The most infuriating part is that they were actually kind of comfortable. “Almost done,” Flim assured her. With a flick of magic he knocked her hat off her head, the dress levitating above. “Hooves up.” Applejack crossed her forelegs in protest. She still wasn’t used to the diapers hugging her plot; no way she was ready for the filly dress to be plopped on top of it. Her resistance was overridden by Flam, whose magic returned to her hooves, forcing them to reach for the sky. “H-Hey!” Applejack yelled. Anymore quips came out muffled as the dress leapt on top of her. “Hurry up!” Flim called out. “We’ve still got a crowd waiting for us.” Don’t remind me, Applejack thought as the dress’ built in petticoats smothered her. She struggled against the dress as it continued to climb down her body. Eventually her hooves found the sleeves, popping free. Her head soon followed and Applejack gasped for air as the dress settled against her body. The brothers continued to fuss with it for a few more seconds, magically fluffing up the skirt and adjusting the collar to be centered. Applejack could only grumble and wait for them to finish as she was finally allowed to lower her forelegs. “And the finishing touch.” Flam levitated the bonnet into view. Applejack groaned. “I’ll leave this one to you, brother,” Flim said. “I’ve got just a few more things to set up before we open.” Flam nodded as his brother moved back over to the Squeezy. Applejack narrowed her eyes as she followed him off. “Set up what?” she asked, getting a bad feeling about that. They already had barrels of cider stocked up. Between that and the Squeezy what could honestly be left? Flam’s magic worked on her hair, pulling off the tie and letting her golden mane spread out. “Oh, nothing important.” Applejack frowned. “You not telling me what it is means it’s something I’m gonna hate, right?” Flam tilted his head to the side, considering his options. Eventually he just nodded. “Yes.” The bonnet wrapped around her head, sealing off Applejack’s peripheral vision with a row of gold frills. Her ears poked through little slits in the top, before folding down to show her discomfort. Before tying the whole thing in place, Flam brought her hair around and tied it into twintails that came to rest on the front of her dress. Applejack barely paid attention as Flam finished tying up her bonnet. Instead, her mind was on whatever it was she was going to be subjected to next. She couldn’t see Flim anymore, and only had vague sounds to go off of for what her future torment was going to be. A few wood on wood thuds, Flim’s grunts of exertion, and the sloshing of a cider barrel. Flam finished tying up her bonnet, tightening the knot just below her chin with one final tug. He took a step back to admire the finished product. Applejack just grunted, feeling stupid as she turned her eyes to the ground. She squirmed, trying to shift her diaper into a less awkward position, but was only rewarded with crinkles and invasive floof. The skirt of her dress swished delicately, each little movement of hers only serving to make her look more dainty than what the outfit alone could manage. “Ready, brother?” Flam called back. Flim poked his head out from behind the Squeezy. “Just about, brother!” “Well then, go ahead and start the introduction.” Introduction? Applejack frowned. She knew she had no chance of being discreet in her get-up, but she at least was hoping to avoid the spotlight right away. “Fillies and gentlecolts!” Flim started up from the other side of the Squeezy. “The Flim Flam brothers have a very special announcement to mark the start of our new business venture.” “Come on,” Flam motioned for her to stand, pointing to the Squeezy. They weren’t even hesitating. “Fine,” Applejack muttered through her blush. She struggled to make it to her hooves, her five diapers putting up a noisy fight against that. Her hind legs couldn’t gain a grip on the ground, so spread out that they were basically vestigial. “We’re proud to announce…” Flim continued. “Hurry up!” Flam sent a jolt of magic to tug her tail skyward. Applejack let out and “eep” of surprise as her plot was dragged into the air. She was quickly set down on all fours, before another slap of magic pushed her diapered rear, making her waddle forward. She struggled with even just that, though. Her steps were wide and awkward, like a foal still learning how to walk. She was forced to toddle after Flam toward the public eye, all the while chased by the chorus of crinkles her five diapers made. “The mascot of the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000!” Flim extended a hoof to reveal Applejack as she waddled into view of the crowd. “Jackie!” She winced, both at the childish name she’d just been christened with, and at the line of ponies now staring her down. Word of the cider-off from the other day must have gotten around, because the line was even longer than usual for the second morning of cider season. Just looking at the seemingly endless, colorful line of ponies stretching to the horizon, Applejack estimated that at least half the town must have turned up. And now they were all staring at her, confused, wide-eyed, and jaws to the dirt. Applejack gulped as her face burned. ...Here we go... > Choking Down What Remains of Your Pride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dead quiet, save the crinkling of Applejack’s diapers as she shook with embarrassment. She could only imagine how she must look right now. Excessive padding bursting from underneath her short and frilly skirt. Mane tied in a foalish style to accommodate her bonnet. Gait spread wide enough to saddle an Ursa Major. Face redder than the apples dotting the orchard around them. Yeah, she must’ve looked ridiculous. And she wasn’t alone in thinking that. As the crowd before her finally started blinking free from their shock, stifled giggles and chuckle-riddled murmurs rippled through the line. Eventually, the ponies in front dropped all pretense of hiding it and just started laughing. Eeyup… sounds about right. Applejack’s head lowered, ears flopping down. Her stomach churned, just knowing the waves of laughter kicking up would soon drown her in a tsunami. She turned to look away, but then jolted at what she saw. Just behind Flim was a foldable high chair all set up, and disturbingly sized to fit a grown pony. Right next to it rested a gigantic foal bottle, easily a third the height of the chair. It was filled to the brim with a bubbly golden liquid: cider. Applejack’s eyes fluttered at the sight, before it finally clicked that this was the thing Flim had been setting up not moments earlier. She groaned internally. Really? The laughs thrown her way where still going strong, but it seemed Flim and Flam were ready to move on. “Okay, everypony!” Flam strutted over to the front of the Squeezy where several barrels worth of cider was just waiting to be poured. “Feel free to spend some time with our new mascot all you like. After you partake in the Flim Flam brothers mouth watering apple cider, of course.” Applejack shot a death glare after him. One that was probably more cute than scary given what she was wearing. Your cider? Her churning stomach boiled. The crowd wasn’t nearly as angry as she was. Their building laughter transitioned into roaring cheers as the apple cider officially went on sale, now with the promise of not running out before everypony got some. Being the butt of the joke Applejack had expected, but this made her feel a little betrayed. “Alrighty, let’s get you in your chair.” A green aura wrapped around around her body. Flim lifted her off the ground, angling her towards the high chair. Applejack furrowed her brow. “Uh…” Her eyes darted from the chair, to the massive baby bottle next to it. “C-Can’t I just—” FWOOMP! crinkle crinkle She was plopped into the chair, cringing as the padding against her plot compressed under her weight again. Applejack squirmed in discomfort, but soon found little room to do so as the highchairs table was closed, trapping her in place. She hadn’t even brought up her forelegs, leaving them pinned by her sides and smothered by her fluffy skirt. “Hey!” she cried. Kicking her legs and squirming, Applejack tried to break free. Unfortunately, all she managed to do was squish her diapers around, making a lot of noisy crinkles in the process. Looking down, she saw her massive padding poking out from below the table. If she could see it from her angle, no doubt anyone passing by the high chair would get an eyeful too. “Oh don’t be such a fussy filly, Jackie,” Flim said. “At least we aren’t having you waddle down the line to greet all the customers.” That made Applejack freeze up. She hated to admit it, but her current situation was a little better than that, at least. “Now then.” Flim’s magic sparked to life, lifting the baby bottle off of the ground. “Oh come on!” Applejack cried. Were they not satisfied enough with her humiliation yet? “You didn’t think this was a prop, did you?” Flim asked coyly. “How else is our mascot supposed to show our customers how tasty our cider is?” “They already know!” Applejack indignantly scoffed. “Cause the Apple family’s been sellin’ it for yea—MMmmph!” Applejack’s little rant was smothered before it got going. Flim casually shoved the rubber end of the bottle into her mouth, silencing her. She winced at how big it was. The amber nipple was sized appropriately to the bottle, and that made it  massive. The bulb forced her jaw open wide, even as her teeth dug into it to fight back against Flim’s pushing. He held it in place with his magic, nodding at a job well done. His attention was pulled over to his brother, who was already facing a swarm of ponies practically throwing bits at him. “Guess that’s my cue,” he said, giving her a faux salute as he trotted over to lend a hoof. “You just look adorable and keep ponies drinking, alright?” “Eerrfph!” Applejack managed through the bulb in her mouth, sending her hind legs flopping after him.. Even as Flim retreated from kicking range, his magic stayed in place, keeping the bottle in the air for her and all but forcing her head to tilt back. A dribble of cider escaped the nipple and dripped onto her tongue with a familiar sting of flavor. Left alone in public, Applejack could only moan in anger. Prying eyes were still sneaking glances her way, with plenty of chuckles following now that the celebration had died down. As the first ponies walked away from the Flim Flam brothers, cider in hoof, Applejack knew she was in for a whole other world of embarrassment. And regretfully, Strawberry Sunshine made it to her first. Applejack winced as she saw the yellow and red mare approach. Their infrequent but heated arguments over apples and strawberries hadn’t fostered much friendship between the two, which made her presence here all the more unwelcome. More apple cider dripped onto her tongue, and she whimpered with the impending need to swallow. “Having a good time, Applejack?” Strawberry asked through a not-even-stifled laugh. “Mmmmhhh…” She grunted back through her rubber nipple and blush respectively. Strawberry snorted, bringing up her cup of cider to cover her snickering snout. That actually made Applejack raise her eyebrow. “It’s certainly…” she snickered into her cup again, her eyes darting lower to get a full picture. “It’s certainly a bold new look you’re rocking, that’s for sure.” Applejack grunted in reply, brows lowering even as she blushed deeper. She tried in vain to cross her legs, but the diapers she was desperate to hide were still too large to overcome. Even more cider dripped onto her tongue before sliding down her throat. Applejack finally couldn’t take it anymore and had to swallow. Strawberry Sunshine just laughed harder. “Wow,” she said when she noticed. “Guess that bottle isn’t just for show, huh?” “Mmmmrrhh.” She chuckled, starting her strut away. “I’ll have to come back later and see if that diaper isn’t just for show too.” Applejack’s ears flopped down, her entire face red now. “MMMPH MMR HMMPH!” She cried indignantly after her. Her legs kicked uselessly after the laughing mare. She dug her teeth into the rubber bulb of the bottle, furious. It had only just begun, and already Applejack felt this degraded. Today was going to be a long one. Ponies started forming their own small crowd around her now, with more joining after receiving their cider from Flim and Flam. Whispers, murmurs, and flat out giggling now surrounded her. Applejack squirmed, despising the limelight. “You, uh… you look cute, Applejack,” Lyra giggled at her. “Really.” “Bit of a curious choice for a mascot,” Time Turner noted with a sip. “I like it,” Minuette chimed in. “I think it's fitting.” “Uh… in what way?” Came a confused Thunderlane. A debate soon sprang forth, questioning whether a giant foal was an appropriate mascot for apple cider or not. Applejack felt incredibly lucky to be witness to it, to say the least. She shifted it her seat, struggling to find a more comfortable place to let her forelegs rest. Her noisy diaper protested each movement until she eventually just gave up. With a huff, Applejack let her head flop against the back of her highchair. The bottle floated with her, not letting her escape the amber nipple wedged in her mouth. More cider dripped into her mouth, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she’d have to swallow again. The only solace she could find in her situation was that the farm would be okay. Certainly a light at the end of the tunnel, but given that she was only five minutes into the day it seemed like it was a long and dark tunnel ahead of her. Minuette and Thunderlane’s debate grew more heated in front of her, but Applejack couldn’t find it in her to pay attention. She really was just hoping to avoid— “APPLEJACK! HEY!” Near the front of the cider line, and pink pony bounced up to wave at her. Pinkie Pie… great. Of course she’d be near the front of the line; she always was. Applejack groaned into the rubber nipple. Her eyes darted away from her friend, only to fall on a familiar rainbow-maned pegasus snickering into her hoof. Oh Celestia no. Rainbow Dash was in line too, right next to Pinkie. Applejack felt her stomach flop. Just Pinkie would’ve been bad enough to deal with, but as Applejack saw both of them advance to the front of the line, she just knew they wouldn’t make this easy on her. She squeezed her eyes shut, hooves curling in anxiety. More cider dripped from the bottle. She grunted, refusing to swallow. If she could at least make it look like she wasn’t drinking from her gigantic bottle, then maybe a sliver of her reputation would remain in tact. It was more likely Winona would learn to use an outhouse, but Applejack would take those odds at this rate. “Hiya Applejack!” Her eyes popped open, seeing Pinkie Pie just before her. The crowd had parted to let her through, on account of her cider order. Fifteen mugs were stacked in an inverted pyramid that Pinkie held steady with just a single hoof. Applejack grunted. Only Pinkie. “Didn’tcha see me?” Pinkie asked. “I was all like, ‘HEY APPLEJACK’!” She threw her forelegs up in reenactment, her cider swaying but not falling down. “I thought you’d at least wave.” “Mmmph.” Applejack tried to shake her forelegs. “Oooh, that explains it.” Pinkie smiled as set her cider pyramid down on top of her head to free up a hoof. “So… how do you like being a mascot?” Her face switched shades of red and Applejack looked down. “Hmmrph hhrrrrmmm.” “What? You don’t like it?” Pinkie gasped. “But it looks so fun! You get to wear a pretty dress and drink all the apple cider you want! Plus, your butt can’t possibly get numb from sitting too long thanks to your diaper.” Applejack narrowed her eyes, very grateful that Pinkie had systematically pointed out all of the most humiliating things about her predicament. “Don’t listen to her Pinkie. I bet she’s totally in love with it!” Rainbow flew over, cider mugs in each hoof. Applejack couldn’t feel her cheeks through the blush. Oh boy, Rainbow finally made it. Hooray. “I mean…” Rainbow sputtered, barely containing her laughter. “She’s a giant foal for Celestia’s sake. That’s what AJ’s all about. AHAHAHAHA!” She doubled over in the air, howling. Applejack bit down on the invasive nipple in her mouth. Kicking her legs, she cried, “mmmph eerrgh hmmrmph!” “Oh you don’t have to explain anything to us,” Pinkie assured her with a wave of her hoof. “Flim and Flam already told us how happy you were when they offered you the job.” Her brows furrowed. “Hrmmph.” Rainbow had to wipe a tear from her eye when she finally calmed down. “Man, I still can’t believe you said yes. I mean, I know you needed the money and all…” “Mmmph mrrmph phrrm!” Applejack protested. “Hey, relax. Everything worked out in the end, didn’t it?” Rainbow couldn’t hide a snicker. “I mean, it sucks that we lost to those two, but you’re making up the difference, right?” “And we’re helping too!” Pinkie chirped, pointing to her wobbling cider haul. “We’re gonna be buying cider all season just for you! Isn’t that great?” “Hmmm…” Applejack couldn’t deny that she could use the money. “Would’ve got some for you too,” Rainbow smirked. “But it seems you’re already covered.” She gave Applejack’s bottle a good smack, sending more cider squirting into her mouth. Laughter rippled from the crowd behind her, only rubbing salt on the wound. “Mmmhh!” Applejack kicked her legs, but Rainbow didn’t even have to try to avoid her pitiful attempt to hit her. “Have to say, I’m almost jealous,” Rainbow jokingly admitted. “You get all that cider for free...” “Oooh! Maybe you could take over for Applejack then, Rainbow!” Pinkie gleefully suggested, missing the sarcasm. Applejack grunted her agreement. Oh, she would pay to see that. “Uhh… no.” The humor drained from Rainbow’s face faster than the cider from her cup. “Not happening. “Awww.” Pinkie turned back to Applejack. “I guess we’ll see you around then. Oh, and say hi to the girls when they get up here!” Applejack’s brow furrowed. So more of her friends were in line? That was just great. Pinkie waved goodbye as the two left. Rainbow tried to, but found herself wracked with giggles at the attempt. Even after they disappeared into the crowd, Applejack could see the tower of cider mugs wobbling away. Ponies mobbed in to fill the void left by those two and the argument about the legitimacy of a foal as a cider mascot came back into focus. “I just don’t see how a foal is supposedly better at selling cider than a… I don’t know, a fruit bat?” Thunderlane threw out, earning head nods from his side of supporters.” “Cause foals are cute,” Minuette countered. “You don’t need any deeper reason than that to be a mascot.” Applejack just groaned. Five seconds back into this conversation and she already longed for another distraction. Just about anything would be better than listening to Minuette listing off all the cute things about her filly dress. Her ears flopped down as she tried to figure out what that could be. Between the mascot debate, and all the other stifled laughter, it didn’t feel like there was any good place to divert her attention. Chewing the tip of her bottle, Applejack struggled to come up with anything to keep her preoccupied. Her hooves were starting to ache from stiffness at her sides. She tried moving them, but could barely manage that. At most, she could smooth down the sides of her skirt. Her hind legs were starting to fall asleep too. Kicking them pitifully, Applejack tried to shake the feeling of pins and needles. How long was this going to be again? Looking past her onlookers, Applejack still couldn’t see the end of the rainbow-colored line that stretched beyond the acreage of her farm. She didn’t doubt Flim and Flam would stay open as long as it took to milk every last bit from it. She was really going to need something to keep from going insane. More cider dripped onto her tongue. The splash of flavor being the only good thing in this nightmare of humiliation. “Hmmm…” Applejack furrowed her brows at a dawning idea. Would it be the worst thing in the world to take a drink? After all, her situation couldn’t be made more humiliating; Flim and Flam had seen to that. And what Rainbow had said earlier was caught in her head. She did have all the cider she could ever want... What did she have to lose? Hesitantly, Applejack tightened her lips around the amber nipple, and suckled. The bottle, already akin to a leaky faucet didn’t need much persuading from her to burst the dam. Cider spilled into her mouth, so much so fast that she almost choked. “Hrnnf!” She swallowed, letting the golden-brown drink wash over her tongue and chase down her dry throat. Her eyelids lowered as the euphoric taste, having consistently tantalized her until now, finally overtook her. She suckled again, finding a less dangerous rhythm to settle into. Her head rested against the back of her chair, lips bobbing back and forth as she soaked in her favorite drink. “Awww,” came scattered sighs from the crowd, some feigned and others genuine. Applejack’s blush deepened, and given how red her face already was that was a feat. “See?” Minuette turned to Thunderlane. “Cute.” “Yeah, okay,” he admitted defeat. “That’s a pretty cute mascot.” Minuette brought her own cider mug to her lips, only to pull it back and tip it over. Empty. “Guess I already need a refill.” She politely grimaced, having not realized how much she’d sipped away during her debate with Thunderlane. “Same,” he said, nudging his head to the line. “Join me?” “Sure.” The crowd shuffled as some ponies left, and others arrived. A surprising amount seemed eager to get back in the long line for seconds. Applejack unfortunately knew she’d see them again, but she didn’t pay those thoughts much heed. She was suckling away at her bottle, enjoying every last drop she could get from the one pleasure of her predicament. She shifted in her seat, finding a more comfortable angle to rest her hooves, and earning a few crinkles from her five diapers in the meantime. She groaned as she suckled, but put up with the necessary evil around her plot. She had to, after all. And to think the day had only just started... The day was dragging. Applejack had expected as much. Time didn’t exactly fly when you were mocked endlessly with nowhere to go. She could feel the warm glow of sunlight beaming against the back of her mane, letting her know it was still morning. Sweet Celestia it’s not even noon. She found herself begging the ruler of Equestria to call it a day and lower the sun already. Silently, of course, as her mouth was a little preoccupied at the moment. Lips suckling once more, Applejack blinked in surprise when no new cider flowed into her mouth. Her attention turned from the crowd to her bottle, confirming what her mouth was telling her; she was out. Somehow, in barely an hour, she’d managed to completely drain the oversized bottle. A few snickers rumbled through the crowd before her. She looked up accusingly, only to see amused faces staring back. Biting down on the rubber nub, Applejack’s face burned once more when she realized the crowd had been waiting for her to finish. Great. Applejack had been harboring a faint hope that her suckling wouldn’t be all that noticeable, but now she’d gone and proven to everypony watching that she’d been drinking from a foal bottle. Facing the mounting humiliation, Applejack at least tried to spit out the amber nipple in her mouth, but found that the magic still holding it in place. She could only grunt angrily while a few teases about her “empty baba” came rolling in from the ponies before her. Her ears flopped down as she tried to make herself as small as possible in the high chair. It didn’t even feel like she’d been drinking that much. “Mmmm…” Applejack furrowed her brows. Now that she thought about it, she felt water-logged. Cider sloshed about inside of her stomach whenever she struggled to move. Maybe I did drink a little much. Applejack realized. And then she felt the ache in her bladder. It wasn’t a big ache. In fact, it felt more like her body giving her a little nudge, letting her know she’d need to use the bathroom soon, but that alone was enough to light a spark of worry in her. Eventually, she’d really have to go to the bathroom. Soon even, if her bladder was to be believed. She whined into the nipple, brows furrowing with worry. Renewing her struggle against the highchair, Applejack squirmed, kicked, and grunted harder than ever before. Unfortunately she was no match for the cheap wooden chair that held her, but she did get a reaction out of her audience. “Aww,” Lyra Heartstrings cooed from down front, barely keeping it together. “I think Jackie’s a wittle upset her baba’s empty.” Giggles erupted across the crowd. Applejack found herself blushing yet again in the face of it all, even with the immunity all her time dolled up like this had created. To think that her struggles were so meaningless they actually looped back around and hurt her reputation even more was a sobering, if not depressing, thought. Her rowdiness calmed down by the time Flam looked over and saw her predicament from the Squeezy. She refused to meet his eyes, but caught movement from her peripherals as he started trotting over. Great… That couldn’t be good news. The worst thing that could happen was him suddenly deciding to call off their deal, unlikely though that was. But the best thing? Applejack wasn’t sure what that could be, but she knew she wouldn’t like it anyway. “Seems you had a thirst to quench, Jackie,” came a jovial poke from Flam. She was about to retort with an annoyed grunt, but got a pleasant surprise when the amber nipple was finally pulled out of her mouth. “Gah!” She gasped, finally able to breath through her mouth. Her jaw was sore as she finally closed it. But her lips only buzzed with anticipation, as though she wanted to keep suckling. But this was good. As Applejack tightened her hold on her bladder, she realized she had a chance for relief. “Flam, I need—” “I know, I know.” He offered a dismissive wave, lifting something into view with his magic. Applejack’s eyes bulged at the sight of a new, full bottle floated into view. It was as big as the first, with cold, crisp cider sloshing about inside. Her bladder ached at the sight. “You’re still thirsty, aren’t you?” Flam grinned. “That’s not what I—MMMPH!” The new bottle snapped into her mouth, silencing her. Applejack grunted and kicked, fighting the amber nipple as it slid deeper into her mouth, pushing her tongue down as it entered. Another bottle was the last thing she needed right now. Flam darted to her side, covering his snout from the crowd as he whispered. “The cider’s selling like hot cakes right now, so keep it up. The crowd loves you.” “Mmmrr.” Applejack narrowed her eyes at him. She was half convinced he was lying just to see her humiliate herself even more. Seemingly picking up on that, Flam turned to the crowd. “Whaddaya say, everypony? Who wants to keep drinking apple cider with Jackie?” Cheers and whistles erupted through the crowd. Ponies raised their mugs to the sky, most chugging soon after. Flam gave her a nudge, waggling his eyebrows. “See? They love ya.” “Mmmhmm,” came Applejack’s unconvinced reply. “Well, keep up the good work,” Flam told her as he trotted off. “At this rate, we’ll all be neck deep in bits before closing.” Applejack found that hard to get excited for. She was busy struggling against the new bottle in her mouth, already feeling droplets of cider escaping into her mouth. All the while, she could feel her urge to pee growing. She tried crossing her legs, hoping to nip that issue in the bud, but she definitely should’ve known better. The bulk of her diapers was just too great. Even with all her effort, Applejack couldn’t even get the tips of her hooves to touch. Legs dropping, she let out a grunt of defeat. Her chance to let Flam know what was going on was gone. Unless she wanted to drink down another bottle of cider, she probably wasn’t going to get another anytime soon. No way I’m doing that, she thought. It’ll only make things worse. Stuck at an impasse, Applejack tried to think of something she could do. Maybe if one of her friends showed up soon, she’d be able to get through to them and asked to be freed, but it was a long shot. Assuming they even showed up soon, how would they even understand her with the foal bottle in her mouth? But if she didn’t get help soon, her problem would only get worse. She’d had a lot to drink already; it was only a matter of time before her bladder would be bursting. Just thinking about it made the pressure in her hips build even faster. Applejack squirmed and whined, trying to ignore all the watching eyes of the cider-drinking crowd. It was only going to get worse from here. She’d have to go at some point and just waiting around would ensure it would be in front of all these ponies instead of in an outhouse or something. Wait, and probably soil her diapers. Drink, and maybe soil her diapers. Not the best options in the world. But Applejack took a deep breath, recognizing that they were her only choices. And it didn’t take her long to see the lesser of two evils. She could down three mugs of apple cider lickety split, another one of these bottle couldn’t be that big a deal, right? And once Flam or Flim came along to replace it she could get a bathroom break. Hopefully. That’s… probably the best bad idea I’ve got. She gulped, staring down the veritable tankard of cider right in front of her. Whelp, here goes nothing. Applejack started suckling once more. Applejack had made a big, big mistake. She didn’t know what kind of hubris had made her think it was possible to finish off that whole bottle, but she was paying the price for it now. Halfway through she’d had to stop. Her stomach had practically been filled up from the first bottle already and she'd only made it worse. It’d been foolish to assume these giant bottles were comparable to a cider mug; Applejack chalked that up to desperation, not that it made anything any better. In fact, it had only made her desperation worse. Her bladder was done giving her warnings. It ached, putting her on the verge of peeing herself. If she couldn’t get out of this chair soon, she wouldn’t have a choice. And just thinking about the possibility of using her diapers made Applejack’s heart sink. Ponies were still gathered around her, though fewer in numbers. Most had either moved on, or returned to the line for refills. The smattering that remained were mostly chatting amongst themselves, or cracking jokes at Applejack’s expense, but they could still see her nonetheless. Applejack winced as the pangs of pain in her bladder intensified. Against her will, a small dribble of pee escaped, greeted by the absorbent embrace of her diaper. She actually whimpered. It wouldn’t be long now. She forced herself to suckle again. Another mouthful of cider, another barely managed gulp. Applejack knew it was pointless, but she had nothing else she could try. Again, she tried to suckle, but as the bubbly drink entered her cheeks, Applejack found she had barely had any will left to swallow. What was the point? Drinking more now wasn’t going to solve anything. At best it would make her stomach ache and at worst it would ensure she’d have to go to the bathroom again later, if she wasn’t already doomed to that fate. Letting the drink sit on her tongue, Applejack couldn’t even concentrate on the fizzy sensation it brought. She was pressed to deal with a different kind of liquid right now. Groaning, she tried to cross her legs, hoping that would buy her a little time. It didn’t work. It didn’t even come close to working, actually. Five diapers worth of girth wasn’t so easily overcome; her pitiful attempt could easily be mistaken for her legs twitching. At least it wasn’t enough to push any padding up against her crotch. “Erph!” Applejack winced as her ache grew more acute. How much longer could she keep this up? She eyed the Flim Flam brothers, trying to catch one of them with a pained glare. If they just looked over for a second—a half second—she knew she could communicate her urgency to them. C’mon, she begged, straining against her confines as she tried to reach them. Look over here! The brothers remained stubbornly focused on their sales. Now, of all times, they had to be hard workers. If only she could— “Applejack?” “Mmph!” The jolt of a familiar voice caught her off guard. Her eyes snapped towards the sight of Rarity, just in time for it all to fall apart. Hissss. It was a subtle, but unmistakable sound. It was soft enough to get lost in the background noise of ponies chatting, but Applejack couldn’t escape it. Even if she couldn’t hear it, she’d know. She was peeing herself. Her bladder hadn’t hesitated. It released a torrent of urine, flooding her diapers in a single instant. The feeling of relief was so palpable, Applejack could barely contain a moan. Hot pee hit her padding, only to find the diapers unable to compensate for the speed she was wetting herself at. The first wave was easily absorbed, causing the crotch of the padding to swell. But after that? Her diaper just couldn’t take it. With nowhere to settle up front, Applejack’s accident looked for drier real estate down south. It sloshed between her thighs and down to her plot, spreading that warm, wet feeling anywhere it could. Applejack’s ears flipped down as her face flared up. Whimpering into her bottle, she tried to fight back tears. “Applejack, darling.” Rarity waved her hoof. “There’s no need to be so embarrassed. It’s only moi.” She just winced. Rarity had no idea what was actually happening right now. Pee was still waterfalling out of her, to the point where she could feel her plot sink into damp padding. Even through her shame, Applejack nearly went cross eyed. The relief... She blinked through the euphoria, coming to her senses. No no no! I’m not gonna start thinking that wetting myself feels good! Her eyes darted back to Rarity. Any distraction was welcome right now; it couldn’t be worse than the feeling of her own piss against her coat. “I heard about, umm… this,” Rarity gestured to the whole setup. “And I figured the least I could do was come by and offer my support.” She held up a mug of freshly-poured cider that was brimming with foam. Applejack’s hind legs twitched at the sight of more liquid; that wasn’t something she needed to be thinking about right now. At least her bathroom break was nearing its end. She could her body go from broken dam down to leaky faucet. Only a little urine dribble out of her now, joining a yellow ocean in her padding. Whatever diapers the Flim Flam brothers had sprung for, they were certainly cheap. Applejack could feel her pee refusing to settle. There was a lot still sloshing around, looking for a dry patch to absorb it. The feeling made her uneasy, and she shifted. squish squish. She winced at the feeling. Her soggy pamps were going to take some getting used to, because at this rate she wasn’t getting out of them anytime soon. “Darling, please,” Rarity said in response. “There’s really no need to feel humiliated. I know you’re only doing this to save your farm and I’ll have you know that’s a very noble reason to… snirk… wear a diaper.” Applejack just narrowed her eyes. Rarity shoved a hoof to her mouth to hide her tightening lips. Even so, evil sparks of humor dotted her eyes. She cleared her throat of laughter, managing a bubbly, “sorry.” Applejack grunted at her. “However, I must say,” Rarity started as she circled around the high chair. “This outfit is not very becoming of you.” Applejack rolled her eyes. Tell me something I don’t know. Magic gripped her skirt, lifting it up to help expose an already not-so-hidden diaper. “I mean, really? This much green only clashes with your coat.” Rarity huffed into fashion police mode. “And frills? Frills are so last season, darling. And don’t even get me started on—” Applejack tuned her out, preferring the sensation of warm pee against her plot. Any distraction was welcome right now; it couldn’t be worse than Rarity’s ramblings. Still, “couldn’t be worse” didn’t mean “better”. Each little shift in weight sent a shiver down her spine now. She couldn’t sit still against her piddled pampers, but moving in them was even worse. The constant reminder of her accident could only weigh on her mind now, not allowing her to think about anything else. But the worst part about it was that she was far from out of the woods. Peeing herself was a terrible solution to a repeating problem. Sooner or later the cider drowning her stomach right now was going to need to work it’s way out of her system and more wettings were looking like her only option, lest she wanted to try and finish off her bottle again. A groan from her fully belly let her know how well that would go over. Great… I can’t get out until the day is over, can I? Her forelegs tried their luck against the high-chair’s table once again. And failed, once again. Her brows knitted together with worry as she pressed against her soggy padding. The warm feeling against her crotch was not pleasant, and she had a feeling it would only get worse as the hours dragged by. At least nopony can tell, Applejack somberly thought. Then she jolted. Nopony… knew, right? Her eyes looked over to Rarity, who was still holding up the skirt as she rambled. That right there was a front row view of her diapered crotch. If Rarity wasn’t acting disgusted by the sight of a yellow stain, then that must mean she was safe, right? I guess it must be hard to leak through so many diapers, Applejack thought. For the first time, she was somehow glad she was wearing five of these things. “And is that a blanket stitch? My word.” Rarity’s indignancy brought Applejack back to reality. “Why, I could make a better dress in my sleep!” “Are you offering?” Flam’s mustached grin appeared, making the two mares jump. “Oh…” Rarity paused, eyes darting about in thought. No doubt a hundred designs were flashing across her mind right now. “Well… I suppose I could—” “Mm mmm! Mm mmm!” Applejack shook her head, flinging her half-finished baba around as she did. “No,” Rarity amended. Flam shrugged, his magic propping something new down in front of Applejack. Her eyebrow rose at the sight. Three wooden legs dug into the dirt, all converging near the top to hold… something. A white sheet covered its top, but the square shape it had settled around gave her some concern. Gaze drifting around, Applejack saw that the crowd had dispersed. No, that wasn’t right. Her mockery mob had shuffled into a brand new line, just behind Flam. Had he organized this when she wasn’t paying attention? “Step right up, ladies and gentlecolts,” Flam yelled out. He yanked the sheet from his new device, and Applejack’s heart sank. A camera. Flam had set up a camera right in front of her. “Only five bits to have your photo taken with the one and only Jackie!” He declared, to the cheers and laughter of the lined up ponies. “Mmmph?!” Applejack thrashed against her chair, anger overpowering her disgust. This wasn’t part of their deal! “Umm, I don’t believe ‘Jackie’ is quite on board with this,” Rarity spoke for her. “Mmhmm!” A crooked smile wiggled onto Flam’s face. Without missing a beat he sauntered over to Applejack’s side and whispered into her ear. “At five bits a pop, we’re looking a doubling today’s profits. Naturally, half of this will be yours as well.” He pulled back slightly. “Of course, if you want to risk losing your farm just to preserve some petty dignity, I understand.” Applejack chewed the amber nipple in her mouth. Were they still at risk of that? She had no idea what the sales were, but even if they were through the roof that didn’t guarantee anything for the farm at just fifty percent. But double that? She brought her thighs together instinctively, wincing at the damp squish her diapers gave her. She couldn’t suffer through all this for nothing. Her ears drooped. “Mmrpf,” came her reluctant agreement. “Excellent!” Flam clapped his hooves before turning to Rarity. “Well, little lady, would you like to be the first to get a picture with Jackie?” “Me?” Rarity glanced back at all the ponies behind her, realizing she was technically at the front of the line. “Oh… well…” Applejack squeezed her eyes shut. No, no! C’mon, please no! “I suppose as long as it’s helping support the farm,” Rarity decided as she fished for the bits. “Mmmrrr…” Why did she have to be so generous? “Besides,” Rarity said as she handed over the money. “How often to I get to see you in a dress, ‘Jackie’? Even if it is an unflattering one.” “Thank you, ma’am,” Flam tossed the bits around in his hoof, then darted behind the camera. “Now get ready.” Rarity primped her mane, before finding a pose. Holding her cider in one hoof she leaned against the high-chair’s table and gave a smile. Applejack did her best not to cringe. “Saaaaay, ‘cider’!” With a flash, Applejack’s humiliation was immortalized. With a flash, Applejack’s humiliation continued to be immortalized. “Perfect!” Flam said as he appeared from behind the camera. A polaroid slowly printed from the side. Strawberry Sunrise brought her hoof away from Applejack’s shoulder, but her slick smirk remained. “So glad I came back to check on you, Applejack,” she said as her photo levitated over her way. “What do you think? Should I get this one framed?” Applejack grunted, not even dignifying her with a look. “Definitely framed.” Strawberry giggled as she turned to walk away. “Have a good one, ‘Jackie’.” She could only huff. She hadn’t actually expected Strawberry Sunrise to make good on her threat of returning, but now she had, and had gotten a photo for her trouble. At least it couldn’t be used as blackmail or anything; at this rate the entire town would have their own copies. Her one solace was that Strawberry hadn’t noticed she’d actually used her diapers. The cold, clammy feeling of her pee clinged to her plot. It felt even worse now that time had passed, not that it hadn’t already been miserable. It was just that the squishy sensation of her used diapers had aged more like spoiled milk than fine wine. But she had a sinking feeling they were going to get warm again. More cider had made its way through her system, leading her right back to where she was before she’d piddled her padding. A strong, dull ache dominated her bladder, even harder to fight back than before. It was practically a given that she’d have to wet herself again, but Applejack refused to come to terms with that. Just because she’d done it once didn’t mean she wanted to have another accident! Especially considering this one might just push her diapers over the edge and make a very visible stain. Who cared if she couldn’t get away, couldn’t speak, and had who-knew how long until she got free? She could hold it… Whimpering into her bottle, Applejack tried to ignore the urge to go as the line shuffled forward. How many ponies had gotten their photo taken with her now? Forty? Fifty? More? She’d lost count amid all the bit exchanges and bursts of light. But it must’ve been a lot by now; another hour or two had slipped away just judging by the sun. “Hi Applejack,” came a chirpy voice to snap her back to Equestria. Looking down and squinting through the spots in her eyes, Applejack recognized Derpy standing before her chair. Her next photo buddy, it would seem. She sighed into her bottle. Flam counted Derpy’s bits as he scuttled back behind the camera. “Ooh, do you think you could drink from the bottle for the photo?” Derpy asked. She squeed, hooves pressed against her cheeks. “That’d be so adorable!” Applejack glared. Another pang from her bladder told her that would be a bad idea, and she already wasn’t in a hurry to embarrass herself more anyway. “Oh come on,” Derpy begged with puppy-dog eyes. “Please?” Applejack shook her head. “Aww,” she pouted. “Alright ponies, strike a pose,” Flam said as he fiddled with the camera. Applejack defaulted to her usual state. Slouched shoulders, annoyed glare, and kicking legs. Even if she was making money off of this side-venture, it didn’t mean she had to like it. Derpy clearly thought the opposite. Practically bouncing up and down, she pranced around Applejack as she tried to find the perfect spot for the photo. The left? Too sunny, apparently. The right? Not sunny enough, she guessed. Down in front? Derpy positioned herself ahead of the high chair, struggling to find the perfect pose. Applejack felt her bladder screaming, begging for release. Biting down on her bottle’s amber nipple, she grunted. Would you hurry it up? She seethed, as if getting Derpy’s photo over with would mean anything for her much needed bathroom break. She was down to the point of constantly holding back her bladder; one slip in concentration would break her. “Anytime now,” Flam said as he tapped his hoof. “Uhm…” Derpy’s eyes darted from Applejack to Flam to the line of ponies behind him. It was hard to tell who was most impatient. Her eyes settled back on Applejack and lit up, albeit in two different direction. “Oh wait!” She scuttled behind Applejack, disappearing out of the farmer’s sight thanks to her accursed bonnet. It didn’t take her long to guess what Derpy was doing, at least. The high-chair squeaked and buckled as new weight joined it. Derpy climbed onto it from the back, clinging to the back of the chair as she proudly spread her wings. “Cheese!” she declared. The front legs of the high-chair left the ground. Applejack traded in her annoyed glare for one of shock. The camera flashed right before they crossed the point of no return. “Whoa!” Derpy wobbled, but had the foresight to flap her wings and escape certain doom. Applejack wasn’t so lucky. The high-chair crashed to the ground, sending a jolt through her whole body. Her skirt and petticoats flew up into the air, and she flashed the town with the full glory of her poofy diapers. But the worst part? The shock to her system created a lapse in focus. And her bladder took full advantage. Fresh pee escaped her, leaping into her already soaked diaper to warm it up. Having been to this rodeo once before, Applejack had hoped she was at least prepared for the sensation. But reality knew how to twist in the knife in new, unexpected ways. Wetting an already flooded diaper was like dumping turning the faucet on for a filled tub. Things overflowed. At first, her pee had nowhere to go, met with soggy walls of padding on all sides. It splashed about, looking in vain for dry corners in her padding. But then, it found an alternative: escape. It leaked out, spilling over into her next diaper in the layered cake of poof that was her backside. Undoubtedly, part of her early accident had already seeped through to it, because the overflow sloshed around between the soaked wall of floof and the damp one. It wouldn’t stop until something absorbed it. All this while she continued to pee herself. It wasn’t quite as much as her first accident, but that didn’t mean much. Her plot was practically drowning. Hot piss slapped her inner thighs with each jostle, making her already sticky coat down there even worse. Applejack could only squeeze her eyes shut as she desperately, desperately, tried not to think about how foalish this all was. Mere seconds had passed. Flam was only just starting to raise the high chair back up. Derpy’s “I just don’t know what went wrong!” washed over her without being registered. A low hiss as pee kept escaping was all she could hear. Could this be more humiliating? Did she even want to know the answer to that? Derpy soon fluttered away with her picture, profuse apologies trailing. Flam turned to the crowd to lay down new “No climbing on the mascot” rules. Eventually, Applejack stopped peeing herself, unsure of how many diaper’s she’d soiled. Just the two? Three by now? Maybe the fourth was starting to get damp? Or could it be… No pony pointed out a deep yellow stain. No more laughter than usual fell upon her. Cracking her eyes open, Applejack took comfort that she at least maintained the facade of dryness. “Um… hello, Applejack.” “Mmph!” Her eyes shot open all the way in surprise. A last squirt of pee dribbled out of her as she met the gaze of Fluttershy. Oh Celestia no. Have mercy. Were none of her friends going to stay away today? As the line shuffled in the background, Applejack realized Fluttershy had been right behind Derpy that whole time, getting a front row seat to watch the show. And the mug in hoof, thin, frothy mustache at her lips, told Applejack that she’d spent some time waiting for cider too. Fluttershy had waited in two lines just to get to her. Did she want a picture that badly? Applejack winced. She hoped not. “So… how are, things?” Fluttershy managed, eyes flying around to avoid acknowledging the dress, the chair, or the diapers. Applejack snorted. At least she’s trying. “Mmr phrrt.” “Oh my, that terrible?” Fluttershy frowned. “Well, umm… at least the farm will be safe, right?” Applejack nodded her head to the tune of shrugged shoulders. That one bright side looked less and less bright with each diaper wetting. “Good, I—” “Alright, miss.” Flam returned to the camera and nudged Fluttershy forward. “Let’s get your photo taken.” “What?” Fluttershy’s brow furrowed. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding, sir. I just wanted to talk—” “Talk is cheap,” Flam waved dismissively. “But the pictures are cheaper, just five bits!” “Oh… but—” “What?” Flam cocked his salesman eyebrow to the moon. “Are you telling me you can’t afford five bits to help out your friend with her financial woes?” Fluttershy bit her lip. Applejack gritted her teeth. C’mon Shy, you can do it. Be assertive. “Okay.” Applejack groaned. Not one of those days it seemed. “An excellent choice, miss.” Flam snatched the money and beelined over to the camera. “Alrighty then, get ready!” Fluttershy awkwardly stood by the high-chair, trying to blend into the background. Applejack wished she could do the same, but unless she was at a nursery that’d be pretty much impossible. “C’mon now, scooch in real close,” Flam said, smushing his hooves together in demonstration. Fluttershy crept a half-step closer. She snuck at sideways glance at Applejack and looked away. “Liiiiittle closer,” Flam said. Another half-step. Another awkward look. “Closer!” Flam called. A quarter-step. Eyes darted her way. Flam rolled his eyes in a “that’ll have to do” sort of way. To appease him, Fluttershy took another quarter-step in, her eyes observing the oversized filly next to her again. Annoyed, Applejack grunted. “Wert?” “Sorry,” Fluttershy squeaked. “Noooow smile!” Flam demanded. “It’s just…” Fluttershy kicked the dirt. “If it’s any consolation, you look really c-cute is all.” Flash. Flam timed it just right, catching Applejack’s biggest blush of the day. Awkwardness hung in the air like the scent of fresh and stale urine. It seemed Fluttershy realized how that came off immediately, and just slammed her lips closed. Applejack couldn’t offer a response either, and not because of the giant bottle in her mouth. When the photo printed, Fluttershy ripped it from Flam’s hooves and bolted. With any luck, they’d never have to speak of this again. “Next!” Flam called out, as a new mare approached with her bits. Applejack didn’t bother paying attention. Even after her shock left and her blush returned to normal—by today’s standards—levels, she couldn’t muster the energy. She was starting to cramp up from sitting for so long. Her twice-soaked diaper continued to squish below her. Her dress swished in the gentle breeze. And then her stomach rumbled, piling onto her list of complaints. It wasn’t a surprise; she hadn’t had a lunch yet today. Now that she’d pissed away all of the cider she’d drank, there was just nothing left in her stomach. There wasn’t much she could do about it, either. Flim or Flam or whoever was responsible for holding the bottle in her mouth wasn’t going to let go until it needed a refill. “Hmmm…” An unpleasant thought wormed its way into her mind. Even knowing how badly she’d flooded her diapers, even knowing they might be pushing their limit, Applejack still had the thought of drinking more cider. It was stupid, definitely stupid, but really, what did she have to lose at this point? She peed herself. She’d peed herself after peeing herself. How much lower could she conceivably go? And if she was only going to be left with pangs of hunger otherwise, what reason did she have to not drink? It was basically guaranteeing one more layer of misery to her day. As she debated it over in her head, Applejack barely noticed she’d tilted her head back, letting the cider pool near the nipple of the bottle. When she finally did, her choice had really already been made. She suckled, letting lukewarm cider fill her mouth once again. The crowd “aww”ed mockingly, but she didn’t care. Let her reputation sink lower; there was literally nothing left that could affect her at this point. It was the home stretch. She was almost there. So, so close to freedom she could taste it! Celestia was lowering the sun. Pinks, oranges, and golds draped Sweet Apple Acres with the day’s final goodbye. The photo line that had plagued her all afternoon was nothing now. Barely a trickle this past hour. As for the cider line, there was nopony. The last thirsty tongue had been quenched not five minutes ago. The Flim Flam brothers looked ready to pack it up, too. At this point the exhausting work day had sapped their salesman demeanors. Applejack almost wanted to laugh at the sight of the two con artist forced through an actual day of work. They pretty much only stayed open now for the slight chance at a final sale. But soon night would fall and they’d have to stop. Applejack was practically relaxed at this point, suckling mindlessly on her full bottle. How many had she gone through today? She didn’t know. It wasn’t important to count, just like it wasn’t important enough for her to count all her “bathroom breaks” either. Yes, Applejack hadn’t stopped at just peeing her diaper twice. The steady intake of cider she’d used to keep her belly filled had resulted in a number of accidents. It should’ve humiliated her into a puddle, but the hours had eroded that feeling from her mind. Her squishy, sodden padding was starting to feel natural at this point. The shift from warm to clammy to warm again was just… fine. She didn’t like it, but at this point there really wasn’t any room left in her to hate it either. Miraculously, nopony noticed. The stench of urine would’ve been maddening under normal circumstances, but the constant parade of apple cider today had been overwhelming. Even Applejack hadn’t needed to wrinkle her nose, and she was the pony wearing the stupid diapers. And apparently there was no sight to behold either. Five diapers must’ve been the right amount, because nopony had noticed anything all day. And Applejack could tell her pampers were soggy right now. They had to have been, but still they handled each and every wetting just fine. They could probably handle another too. Applejack could feel the familiar urge to pee welling up inside her once again. She was in no hurry to go this time, at least. Not with freedom so close. At least it’s over. Applejack thought. Sure there’d be an entire town of ponies tomorrow to deal with. She could hear the snickers already. The snide remarks as she went to the store, the baby cooing whenever she’d be selling apples. It was going to be hard to live down… but hey, it was Ponyville. Tomorrow a giant monster may attack and that would be all anypony would talk about for a while. She wouldn’t be the center of attention forever. And again, for today it was at least over. “No, come on! You gotta see this!” Her lips froze mid-suckle. Rainbow’s voice. Of course. How could she forget her friend’s promise to return? “You’re gonna love it!” Came the bouncy tone of Pinkie Pie. Applejack couldn’t see them, but she heard them; they were close. And… talking to somepony else? “Girls, I really would rather not. Just giving Flim and Flam the time of day is only going to hurt Applejack’s chances of selling cider again, you know.” Twilight. Applejack’s pupils shrunk. The one pony who hadn’t shown up today. The one friend who might not have witnessed her humiliation in real time. Of course—of course!—Rainbow and Pinkie would drag her all the way over hear. She pinpointed them just behind her now. Turning, she had to strain to see passed her bonnet, but caught a glimpse of the three approaching from behind her high-chair. “Twilight, just look for Celestia’s sake!” Rainbow declared, pointing as she held back her laughter. Twilight finally obliged, turning forward. Her eyes met Applejack’s for a brief second, before the farmer whipped around, heart pounding. Oh no… “Wait, is that…?” Twilight’s surprise hit her ears like a train. “Yupperoni!” The three of them came around a lot faster than they should have. Applejack wanted to whimper all of a sudden. It seemed she wasn’t as numb to embarrassment as she’d hoped. “A—” Twilight sputtered, bringing a hoof up to mask her smiling snout. “Applejack?” “Mmmmrrr,” she groaned. Rainbow doubled over in the air, laughing. Pinkie just gave her a wave, happy to see her again. Twilight… struggled. “O-Oh… Okay, wow. Uh-huh-huh.” She fought down her urge to cackle well. Clearing her throat, Twilight tried again. “Applejack what are you wearing?” Her ears flopped down, teeth digging into the amber nipple. “Get this!” Rainbow cried. “She’s the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000’s mascot!” “Ha!” Twilight slammed her hoof over her mouth, but it was too late. Involuntary or not, that sharp laugh said it all. Cautiously, she freed her snout. “W-Why?” “Mmpf.” Applejack groaned. She kicked her legs, but winced at the squishy feeling that produced. “She’s making money for the farm,” Pinkie explained. “Flim and Flam are paying her to be their filly.” Applejack wanted to scream; that was not how she’d describe it at all. “Okay… uh, wow…” Twilight fanned herself, trying to keep it together. “Isn’t it hilarious?” Rainbow asked. “Isn’t she cute?” Pinkie supplied. Twilight, mercifully, took neither option. After choking down more laugher, she took a deep breath before responding. “I think it’s very big of you, Applejack. I know it’s not easy to do… this, for your farm.” Applejack nodded. At least one of them could be respectable right now. Because as she pinched her bladder, Applejack knew it wasn’t going to be her. Seriously, just get outta here so I can pee already. “You know what else is easy?” Flam sauntered over to the group. “Being in a photo with the one and only Jackie for just five bits! Whaddaya say?” Applejack just groaned. Really? There’s no way they’re gonna— “Totally!” Rainbow said. Applejack could only hear the sound of glass breaking. Seriously? You’re paying money for this, Rainbow Dash? “That sound great!” Pinkie said. “I can start a Jackie picture book!” Who in Equestria needs a book of me in diapers? “I think I’m good,” Twilight said. Oh thank Celestia one of you is sane. Applejack struggled to hold back her bladder; she’d gotten too used to just peeing herself over the past day. “Nah, come on Twilight, you gotta get a picture with us!” Rainbow passed 15 bits over to Flam, who winked in understanding. “I said I don’t—Waah!” Twilight found herself pulled to the high-chair by Pinkie. They practically tackled the chair, sending Applejack wobbling. Rainbow hopped to the other side to steady it, sandwiching the humiliated mare between the three of them. Feeling her bladder sloshed about by the motion, Applejack couldn’t hang on anymore. With a grunt of regret, she peed herself yet again. As new urine sprang into her leaky first diaper, it quickly found it’s way forward to newer and drier territory. As it did, Applejack let her eyes roll back a little. This sensation had proven to be a little more than relaxing over the past few hours; she just couldn’t help it. “Hmm,” Flam said from behind the camera. “I think these will be better if Jackie can give us a big ole smile.” The bottle popped free of Applejack’s mouth. “Gah!” she cried, still feeling pee rush out of her. The trickling noises of her wet diapers did wonders for her incentive to smile for the camera. “Come on, everypony,” Flam demanded. “Big grins here.” Rainbow and Pinkie were doing so from ear to ear. Twilight at least mustered up something. Flam still didn’t snap the camera though. It seemed he was waiting for her. Applejack forced a smile across her face, just in time for a bright flash to hit her. Then another. And another. All the while, she peed. It slowed to a trickle by the end, but she was definitely wetting herself for all of her friends photos. “Hooray!” Pinkie scooped up the printed photos from Flam and divvied them up. “This is great! I can’t wait to show everypony my very own picture with Jackie!” “Please don't,” Applejack groaned. “Oh ho ho, we will,” Rainbow hooked a foreleg around Pinkie. “This is too good not to share.” Applejack narrowed her eyes. “You better not, Dash.” “She won’t,” Twilight cut in, a hard look at her friends. “I’ll see to it.” “Thank you, Twi.” She offered a smile, but when her eyes glanced down it quickly faded. “Uh… Okay, girls, we should go now.” “What? But I—Hey!” Rainbow found her tail being pulled by a lavender aura. Twilight was trotting too fast for her to resist and she found herself pulled along. “Twilight!” “See ya, Applejack,” Pinkie bounced happily after them. “Bye,” she croaked out, her bathroom break finally ending. Boy was she glad Twilight got them out of here. Who knows how long Pinkie and Dash would've hung around otherwise. As the three disappeared behind her, Applejack saw a green aura wrap around her chair’s tray table. It swung open, freeing her. She landed on the ground with a thud and several squishes. “Great job today, Jackie,” Flam told her as his magic folded up high chair. “Thanks,” she grumbled into the dirt. “Now—” she caught herself. Applejack had just about asked him to get all this off of her, but realized that would mean revealing her wet diapers to Flam of all ponies. No way. “N-Now if’n y’all don’t mind, I’m gonna head home now.” “Really?” Flim cocked his head. “And leave behind your share of today’s bits?” “Just send ‘em to us later,” Applejack mumbled. Pausing, her brow rose and she looked back. “Outta curiosity, how much did we make today?” “Only eleven thousand.” Flim tapped his hoof to his chin. “Hasn’t really taken off yet. I’m thinking merchandise might—” “E-Eleven thousand?” Applejack felt faint. In just one day? That was… phenomenal. Easily triple some of the best days of last year’s cider season. Even only getting half was a boon. “Don’t worry,” Flam assured her. “We’ll really pick it up tomorrow. At the rate the Squeezy can go, we might have to look into selling in bulk.” “Right,” Applejack said absently. Eleven thousand… “I, uh… I should let my family know. They all still think we’re goin’ under this season.” “Sure, sure,” Flam waved her off. “Just be sure to come back already dressed for tomorrow.” Her whole body stiffened. “T-Tomorrow?” “Of course,” he said. “We have another big day of cider selling. Gotta have our mascot for it all.” Her heart sank. Applejack should’ve known. Of course they’d want her around for more than just this. Why would they trade away half of cider season’s profits for one day of work? And right now, she was too tired to argue. Maybe if she was lucky she could convince Big Mac to sit in for her for the next day… and all the days after. She’d basically saved the farm with this deal so he owed her, right? Sitting up, she watched the brothers pack away all non-essentials for the night. Her plot sank into her squishy padding and she shivered. She was going to have to walk home in this tonight, wasn’t she? Better than ripping it all off and having Flim and Flam smell her well used diapers. She started to stand, but froze when something caught her eye. Just below her skirt… the front of her diaper… it didn’t look white. Oh no… oh no no no no no! She ripped the skirt up, revealing a dark yellow stain on the crotch of her fifth diaper. It look fresh too, still seeping as the pee settled there. Her last wetting had over done it. Thankfully it had been at the end of the day. Nopony had seen… it… The pictures! Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight had had there pictures taken right as she’d done the deed! There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that they showed a timelapse of her diaper growing wet. And of all ponies, Rainbow and Pinkie had to have them! Panicked, Applejack jumped to her hooves, diapers jostled by the motion. What should she do? Run after them? Destroy the photos? With how far her legs were spread, she doubted she could catch up to Twilight, let along Pinkie or Rainbow. She’d just be waddling into town like an idiot if she did that. Great… Applejack wanted to sniffle. Her one solace was that nopony would know she’d peed herself today and now even that was taken from her. She couldn’t prevent the three of them from figuring it out, but she could hope Twilight would be true to her word and make them stay quiet about those photos. She should. Twilight was always good for her word. There shouldn’t be any more cause for alarm on that front. Outside of endless, endless teasing that was to come, of course. Rainbow and Pinkie wouldn't be able to keep their mouths shut all of the time, and then would come a parade of snide remarks and playful cooing. Just thinking about it was exhausting. Applejack’s eyelids sagged almost as much as her diapers. She felt so… so very tired all of a sudden. This long day was finally over, despite that last scare. Right now all she wanted to get home, get free of her horrifyingly cute costume, and go to sleep. She shuffled toward the direction of her house, knowing there would be an endless amount of questions from her family when she sauntered inside in this sorry state. They better be grateful. With a deep breath, she began the sopping wet waddle home and mentally prepared herself for the rest of cider season.