A Mirrored Perspective

by Zerris

First published

The last of her people, refugee in a world not her own. Mirror Flash steps through the looking glass and finds where the other path could have gone.

Hello, I am Mirror Flash, for ten years I was the star of the Mirror Flash Show. A reality show where everything was recorded, everything watched. I wasn't just that I was also in quite a bit of Porn. I loved every second of it, but there was always something off, something missing. That turned out to be my memories from before the show. Shows over now and the memories are back.

I'm still Mirror Flash, nothing is recorded anymore, free from the restrictions my Show required. There are times I wish I still was without my memories. But I wouldn't have met my new friend, a Shimmer of hope in a world of nothing but ashes.

My name wasn't always Mirror Flash... I wasn't always a Porn Star either. Once long before the Show, I used to be a Princess. A broken world, a broken heart, I have only one thing to ask.

Would you be my friend...


Mirror Flash is the sole survivor of a now Dead Equestria. A world where there is only stone, ruins, and ashes. She only survived due to falling through the cracks of reality to land in another. One where very different rules applied. For ten years she had no memory of her life before the Show.

For a time she was quite happy, but then the show ended and her memories returned. This is her story.

This story is a crossover between MLP verse and the Slut Life CYOA v3.0.3. As such it is not intended for younger readers.


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Ten years ago.

My first memory was the box, the feel of the foam as it surrounded my torso and head, keeping me from sliding around it as it was moved about. Admittedly most of what I could feel came from the sides of my head and neck due to my torso being clad in what would look to the outside observer as a form-fitting leotard over which was a chastity belt. The lower half of my face was fitted with some kind of mask likely meant to keep my cheeks from bulging from whatever was filling it. It wasn't the only place I felt overly full either, down below I felt like I was stretched almost to my limits in both the front and rear.

As for who I was, and how I got in the box as only a torso and head. At the time I had no idea of the answer, only that I was in the dark without any kind of clue. That and I was in a constant state of awareness that the leotard wasn't a leotard. Inside there were these little nubs, that never stopped teasing me. Rubbing at every inch of my torso that they had contact with.

If I had been able to move, I'd have likely been arching or writhing. Instead, I was stuck without any limbs to give me the needed leverage. None of them were attached so I was at the mercy of whoever had placed me in the box. I had to wait for someone, anyone to open the lid. Worse was I wasn't able to do anything to let those outside the box know that I was awake.

That thing stuffed in my mouth effectively muffled any moan or whimper I could have made. The damn thing went deep enough down my throat that it was a wonder I could still breathe at all. The box must have had holes or a vent somewhere that I couldn't see through given that I had air.

I wish there was something, anything to distract me right now. My torso ached badly, no doubt whatever this suit was it absorbed any liquid I might have given off. Otherwise, at least one part of the box would have been a wet soppy mess by the time anyone thought to check on me.

Abruptly all awareness I had cut off.

When it came back I was no longer in the box. My torso was attached to some kind of harness that kept it upright a few feet above the floor. There was some kind of work table in front of me, on top of which were four limbs, two looked like legs clad in stockings and ended with what looked to be hooves instead of feet. The next two were slender arms not clad in anything. All of them ended in metal bits that looked like they would slide into some weird socket.

There were several people present either working on said limbs or at terminals doing something important. None of them though were paying any attention to me.

I really really need to cum.

They all simultaneously jerked in surprise before turning in my direction. One scrambled to grab what looked like some kind of remote. A moment later once again as far as I was concerned everything ceased.

Things resumed and my surroundings were different yet again. This time I was laid out on a bed, I could feel the latex blanket under my fingers. My mind was no longer blank anymore either. I now knew my name was Mirror Flash, and I was an anthropomorphic unicorn ponygirl. From what I could see, however, I was closer to a human than a pony at least in overall body structure. My skin though was covered in a light lavender down like fur.

Sitting up proved somewhat difficult, the two items filling my lower holes shifted as I moved. I whimpered at the sensation, wishing that I'd woken up without anything either in me or on me. At least then I'd have a chance to be able to think straight.

Between the bed beneath me, the bureau and vanity against the walls it became obvious that I was in a bedroom. One where everything was either red or pink and if it could be latex was latex. There was also a small desk next to the bed with a laptop folded closed on top of it.

I also wasn't alone, standing next to the bed was another anthropomorphic ponygirl pure white down covering her skin. Her hair didn't have one single color, no it was almost entirely made of streaks made up from every color in the rainbow. The horn poking out from beneath her bangs, however, made it clear that she was supposed to be a unicorn as well. She was wearing a pair of form-fitting latex shorts that covered from just below her waist to mid-thigh. Her full C-Cup breasts were wrapped in a latex halter top and I could see the hint of a tail whose colors matched her hair.

Damn, she is cute.

"Good Morning Mistress, I am Spectrum Melody." She stated quite eagerly once she saw my attention was focused on her. "I'm your new Personal Assistant. My job is to assist you in any way I can while ensuring that you keep to your daily schedule, as well as helping enforce all the various restrictions that apply to you."

She must have noticed my confusion as she continued to explain. "You are now a Contestant in a Reality Show that will live stream every moment of your day to viewers from across the Multi-verse. While I'm not permitted to tell you how long your run in the show will last, I can tell you that you agreed in Contract to everything that will happen in the show, which included a total wipe of your memories from before you became a Contestant."

"You were also given all the basic knowledge you'd need to function as a teen-aged girl. Your new identity as Mirror Flash was also part of the Contract which you can choose to keep or discard once your time as a Contestant is complete."

That explained why my mind had been a complete blank before and now wasn't. "Before I outline the rules and restrictions that now apply to you, I must give you one warning. One of the terms you agreed to in the Contract put a significant limit on your Free Will until your time on the Show ends. Simply, if you are given a Direct Order you will be unable to disobey it, with the only exceptions being fatal harm to self or others."

While the idea of being able to ignore orders that would have me kill anyone was reassuring. The fact it implied I'd have to obey anyone without any other apparent restriction was quite frankly terrifying on its own. I had to wonder what could the me from before the Contract have been thinking to agree to that.

Chapter 1: Dreaming

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Present Day

I was quite limp while being extracted from the pit. My body coated with slimy goo, and sexual juices, some from the mass of tentacles I'd spent several hours at the mercy of every night. Thankfully the portal was set up so that my room was usually outside their reach. The trap door only opening at bedtime to drop me in and then opening again when it was time for Melody to use the mechanical tentacles that she controlled to fish me out again.

The trap door sealed shut once I was clear before Melody set me down so that my hooves touched the floor. After a stretch to work out any kinks my night with the tentacles had left me with, I made my way into the bathroom and bee-lined for the shower.

Yesterday had been Funday, which meant today was Monday. Funday was the one day a week I was required to take a bath immediately after washing off the fluids from the pit. After the bath where I'd have to soak for while in semen I wouldn't be allowed to wash again until it was Monday. It was also the day I'd spend eight hours stripped of any clothing or toy stuck in stocks while anyone and everyone who went by to have a chance of playing with me.

In short, I'd end up positively filthy by bedtime, and likely the only reason I haven't gotten pregnant was due to Mother's insistence that I am on the pill since my Contract didn't forbid it, and I didn't have any mods that made it ineffective.

If it wasn't for the sexual fluids of others I likely wouldn't have to take showers at all. My body was highly optimized to the point I'd likely be able to get away without needing a bathroom at all. At least if others weren't so determined to get me absolutely filthy on a regular basis. Still the feel of water cascading down my body as I rubbed the special body wash shampoo I needed to clean my fur was good enough that I'd probably shower just for the pleasure of it alone.

Also didn't hurt that the mirrors in here let me have a chance to get a good look at my own body. A well-toned lavender form that my viewers seemed to really enjoy. My breasts were currently at their default size when filled with milk, Cs slowly edging into Ds. An ass that attracted slaps like flies to honey, and legs that ended in hooves rather than feet. Thankfully my arms ended in hands so I can use them and not have to rely on others for every little thing.

One thing that always puzzled me was how they managed to get the tattoos on my hips to show on or maybe through my fur. A slightly darker lavender six-pointed star over a white one, and surrounded by a few smaller ones. My hair was long and a dark shade of purple with both lavender and pink stripes going down the middle with them parting around my horn at the bangs. My tail, of course, matched my hair with the same stripes lined up perfectly with each other.

One thing I found amusing though was my eyes also matched, on the side with the lavender stripe my eye was the same shade, on the side with the pink stripe again my eye was the same shade as the stripe. Of course with all that hair and fur it took a combination of a towel and blow-drying to get rid of the moisture leftover.

Melody was, of course, waiting by my bed by the time I had finished, dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top she'd no doubt gotten from my closet. We both had the same default dimensions and body type and given she was pretty much a highly advanced sexbot, I had no problem with her sharing my clothes. I had plenty, plus she looked quite cute in them. Even with her multicolored music note tattoos were half-hidden by the shorts.

And like always we shared a kiss that had our tongues dancing together before I smirked at her. "Mmm. Morning Sis, are you here to help me get ready for the day?"

She nodded with a smile. "Yes Mistress, there have been some schedule changes for today though."

I arched a brow at her as I leaned over the edge of my bed, shifting my tail to one side as she moved behind me. "Oh?" I let out a soft moan as she fitted my lower holes with the plugs I loved so much. They quickly expanded to leave me feeling pleasantly full.

"Your work time slot has been switched to an appointment at the Main Office." She placed a black ball onto my back which collapsed into a mass of tendrils before they began to wrap around my body. Crossing in such a way that when they were finished it looked like I was wearing what has become my trademark black leotard. I just loved the feel of those tendrils as they ran through my fur and slid against my skin.

"My ratings haven't dropped have they?" I asked concerned as I straightened up so I could step into my chastity belt. It was a valid question considering, I hated the idea of disappointing either my fans or my caseworker to the point she needed to spank me.

"No Mistress, I think it has something to do with it being your birthday."

My birthday? Oh damn, I forgot. Due to my lack of memories from before the Show, it had been decided that my birthday would be the day I first woke up and met my family starting with Melody. That meant it was also the anniversary of my show. How many years had it been?

Well, they had me start physically as a ten-year-old, making me be the youngest of the family. Melody had been physically sixteen when I first met her and had stopped aging when she'd hit twenty-four. The same had held for each of my three other older sisters.

Secret Surprise, who loved to spill nearly all my secrets had started at two years older than me. Admittedly she like the rest of the family hadn't been pony morphs like Melody and me at first. Secret had originally gone by the name Cassie. And I had to play with her for ten hours every Thursday. It had been a surprise when she had one day returned home as a dark-haired and furred unicorn trying to get used to her new hooves.

The twins Sunny Breeze and Sweet Delights were two years older than Secret, looked both completely identical and completely different at the same time. Sunny had been an Angel who decided it would be fun to go bright-colored pegasus. While Sweet had been a Succubus who had thought a dark bat pony look would be much more fun.

I never really got to learn what their original names had been as both had insisted I call them Mistress on the days I played with them each in turn. It was only after they decided they two would also be my older sisters that they let me call them anything else.

Nick and Valerie, the couple who had originally been selected to be my parents at the start of the show also decided to become Unicorn morphs at one point. They had been unable to have kids before the show and desperately wanted me as their daughter, only to get tickled pink as the other girls who lived with us also ended up their daughters. They've since started calling themselves Night and Velvet when at home since they still go by their original names at work.

Pretty much the only one who isn't a pony morph in my home now is Crystal the little Fairy that lives with us. She pretty much spends her time as a fashion designer when not hanging out, or trying to convince my sisters or me to be her models.

My mouth closed around the gag that was normally hidden behind my mask as Melody fastened it into place. She didn't inflate it or attach the mask yet due to how close it was to breakfast time. Still had to have it in my mouth most of the time. It did help keep me from embarrassing myself with moans when she pushed back the tendrils covering my breasts to attach the milking cups.

I let out a happy sigh of relief as the pressure I felt in my breasts began to decrease as all my milk was being sucked out. No doubt those watching saw my pupils turn into pink hearts a different shade from what my eye normally was.

As I was distracted by being milked Melody slid special stocking up my legs. They covered mid-thigh down to just before my hooves. It was pretty much impractical for me to wear regular shoes which meant I technically was always walking around barefoot.

Given that it was Monday that meant it was Mommy and Daddy's day to spend time with me, and as per their wishes I was soon fitted with a pleated skirt and a white blouse. The blouse didn't get buttoned up though until after every last drop of milk was drained. That was followed by a tie that matched my hair as well as a simple jacket that was buttoned shut. A pair of fake glasses would be slid onto my nose and my hair pulled back into a ponytail.

By the time Melody and I were done, I looked like I was still a sexy schoolgirl, specifically the naughty nerd I had been. Sure as of today I was now physically twenty, but my parents still wanted me to be their precious little girl. Who was I to deny them?

Breakfast was a family affair, it was the one time of day when all of my family were guaranteed to be in one spot. All other times depending on the day, they would be scattered pursuing their passions. Officially I owned the apartment for the duration of the show and they were all merely my roommates.

Apparently despite it being all red and pink latex in the common areas as well as my bedroom. I had opted for all the options when it came to where I'd live as far as the layout was concerned. So even though I was on the Replicator, we still had a full kitchen that could be used to make our meals.

My mother was already up by the time I joined her, sharing a hug and quick nuzzle before we started about making breakfast. My helping her had given us a bit of Mother-Daughter bonding time that I enjoyed immensely. At least once we got my cooking skills to the point I no longer lit water on fire by accident. The funny part was my kitchen mishaps had been quite popular while they lasted, yet my caseworker had come and spanked me after the fourth time we had to replace the stove.

Now, however, I could be trusted to be able to cook well so long as I either had the recipe memorized or had a cookbook available. Still, though cooking well took quite a bit of focus, and one ear perked for any instructions Mother decided to give.

So I missed when Father showed up, no doubt giving her the kiss he always gave her. I only became aware of his presence when I felt his hands on my waist before they slid up to squeeze my breasts while his lips pressed against the side of my neck. "Good Morning Princess. Rest well?" If my nipples hadn't been hard already from my special leotard, then they likely would have hardened at the sound of his voice.

Yes, Daddy. I gave a blushing nod making sure not to drop the pan I was holding. Nearly biting the gag as his hands then wandered before Mother handed him his coffee and he left the kitchen. Smug bastard did that every morning, and like every morning it would take several deep breaths through my nose before I was able to resume my task.

Eventually, Mother and I would be finished and the food would be set on the table. I would be strapped into a chair that left me immobilized. While my family would dig in Melody would pour 'special sauce' all over my food, before proceeding to feed it to me as if I were a baby. I'd barely have a chance to chew or swallow before the next bit of food was pushed in my mouth.

It prevented me from talking during mealtime, the only sounds I tended to make were half-muffled moans from the taste. Much like how Sweet Delight insisted on drinking a glass of my milk every morning, the sauce coating my breakfasts were always provided by my Father. He had a very distinct taste, so I always knew when it was his cum I was consuming or not.

One of the nice rules of our Home, was if you were the cook, you didn't have to clean the dishes. Which when combined with it being Monday meant that my sisters were the ones who ended up having to clean up once we had all finished. While they did that Melody slipped my gag back into my mouth, before it was inflated to fill my mouth. Puffing my cheeks out cutely before the mask was snapped into place and pushed them back into their normal shape.

It would be only then that the straps holding me to my chair would be released allowing me to head to the living room where my Father had retreated to watch the Morning News. The only noise came from the Television and the clop of my hooves on the hardwood as I made my way to where he was lounging on the couch.

Hi Daddy.

He glanced at me and smiled. "Hello Princess, come to keep your old man company?"

I gave a nod, which caused him to shift on the couch and give me room to join him. Before I sat though, his hands reached up under my skirt to unclasp and pull down my chastity belt. Stepping out of it I settled down next to him, my bottom pressed firmly against his lap and the rest of my back against his chest. My jacket loosened a bit and his hand ended up idly playing with my breast as we learned about yesterday's highlights.

The latest bitchy Magical Girl got captured by her nemesis and was now being forced to help him against the very girls she kept snubbing all the time. It confused me as to why would they take that job if they didn't intend to do it right? Considering how many manuals and guide books there were on the subject you would think that they would do a bit of research.

Daddy, Melody told me I'll be going to the Main Office later today. Any idea why?

"Well, it is your birthday Princess, which means your Contract is up." He replied giving me a pleasant squeeze and a light kiss in my hair. "So you'll likely be meeting to find out what happens next."


That was going to be strange, especially given I was never told just which reward I had picked. I hoped it had not been New Game Plus. Given that would have meant starting over again as a little girl and having to go through puberty again. And as much as I enjoyed playing with my family, I also hoped that I had not taken the Sex Slave or Here Forever options.

It would be nice to be able to go without restrictions anymore. The yearly vacations where I could do whatever I wanted were something I looked forward to every year. Still, hopefully, I could keep -

My thoughts halted as the hand not teasing my breast slid under my skirt, pushed through the tendrils, and began to play with my naughty little slit. His fingers deflated and extracted one of the toys filling me, before replacing it with themselves. My eyes couldn't help but partially roll back as I arched in response.

I could feel the hardness growing against my bubble butt, no doubt that pony cock of his would soon be poking out of his shorts and end up pressed against my back as his fingers worked to stretch my ever tight depths. Not that I objected given the only thing keeping my moans quiet was the gag in my mouth. Much like my Mother, I had ended up addicted to Daddy's cock. Especially after he went full-on with his pony morph.

His hand slid from my wet slit to grab my leg pulling it up before I'd feel it. The flathead as it pressed against me. The tendrils retracted out of the way leaving me exposed as with a long slow thrust he pushed into me.

Once he started he did not stop until his thick balls were pressed against the back of my thighs. Through my blouse and lower half of my jacket, my viewers could see the bulge from being filled so completely. It was funny how Daddy always made me look pregnant when we played together, yet Mommy made sure I wouldn't be birthing any of my own younger siblings.

That didn't stop her from enjoying the sight of me being pushed back and forth with Daddy's thrusts. She was after all my number one fan, watching every time anyone played with me. No doubt she was watching now even though I didn't see her in the room. One of the perks of having every moment of your life on camera.

Daddy though, loved making me writhe in his lap as he bounced me up and down his length. Knowing that people were watching when he undid my blouse and exposed my breasts to the world. The tendrils retreating from them so that his fingers slid through the fur just barely hiding my hard little nubs.

I was never allowed to touch him with my own hands when we played, those had to be kept at my sides, fingers curled into fists as I panted around my gag. My juices coating that dark flesh as he pushed me higher and higher. It would be ten hours before he'd use his remote and let me finally cum.

I tightened the straps of my gag, feeling it re-inflate pressing my cheeks against the inside of my mask I finished the last task scheduled before I'd have to head off to my appointment. I was currently clad in only my leotard and chastity belt. My legs still slightly shook from how enthusiastic Daddy had been today, he'd left me filthy enough that I'd needed another shower after I'd recovered enough to walk again.

Still, that left me unable to wear what I wore this morning when I left the apartment as my schoolgirl uniform was now in my laundry basket. Once inside my closet, though I paused unable to settle on just what I wanted to wear given all the choices I had to pick from.

Even though today wasn't the day of the week where it was required a mental command had a poll appear with the title. 'What should Mirror Flash wear?' It had a five-minute timer counting down before the voting would close again. No doubt I had likely sparked a raging debate among my viewers even as votes started coming in.

Hopefully, things would not devolve into a flame war. That had happened a few times over the years, only ended by my looks of teary-eyed disappointment when Melody would inform me about it. Sad puppy eyes were even more effective on a ponygirl than one would expect, or maybe it was just me.

When the counter hit zero I glanced to the corner of my vision where the results were shown, before giving a smile with just my eyes as it seemed today my viewers were getting along enough to help me without issue. The outfit they picked was fairly simple if form-fitting.

Wiggling into black leather pants was an experience, especially when you have fur and a body that is very sensitive when aroused. And thanks to my leotard, I was usually always aroused. Next was the matching jacket that I zipped up until just under my breasts. The last item they picked caused me to pause a moment before turning to look at the case it was kept in when not in use.

It had been dubbed the Rainbow Belt by my fans after an old cartoon, and apparently, they wanted to see me in it today. I didn't wear it all that often, but I've had it for as long as I could remember. It was the one piece of clothing I was explicitly forbidden from wearing when I was with my Saturday Owners.

I opened the case before lifting it into view. The belt itself wasn't anything special, it was the seven gems embedded in it that gave it both its name and the restrictions that went with it. Six of them looked identical in shape and cut with only the seventh being different. Each gem was a different color quite literally from a Rainbow, hence the name it had been given.

The seventh gem though was a perfect match in shape and color to the star that was the centerpiece of my hip tattoos. That one was attached over the buckle and thus tended to sit just under my navel whenever I wore it. One reason I rarely wore it and why it had restrictions is because it was an insanely powerful magic amplifier, and had innate magic that was intrinsically hostile to Things From Beyond.

I'm just glad it stopped reacting to Sweet when the two of us became sisters. Still, while the Main Office had made the belt holding the gems, I'd already had the gems with me when I became a Contestant. Old Me had a been very tight-lipped about them, beyond the fact she made it part of the Contract that they had to stay in my possession.

I could feel the tingle run through my body as the belt was snapped about my hips before I made my way out. I grabbed my board as I made my way onto the balcony attached to my room. Taking a deep breath of sweet fresh air, before with a hidden smirk I vaulted over the railing.

The rush of free-falling hit me as I twisted in the air to get my hooves to lock into the board. Speed increasing with each story I passed. Of course, I kept one eye locked onto the altimeter that popped into my vision when I had jumped.

At one thousand meters, I had both hooves locked into the specially made slots in the board. At eight hundred I'd angled myself so the board was a few feet away from the building I was falling from. I'd then crouched to lower my wind resistance and fall even faster.

Six hundred meters is when the board activated giving me significantly more control as I continued to drop. The altimeter numbers dropping faster and faster the closer I got to the ground. One might wonder why I was doing this, rather than take the elevator as I tended to prefer.

The Rainbow Belt had a few quirks that only became apparent when it was worn. Each gem except the one beneath my navel either required or induced certain personality traits in the one wearing the belt. The large one though seemed to balance the rest so I didn't end up going from one extreme to another.

There were times I suspected the gems all had minds of their own based on those traits. For instance, the one influencing me right now seemed 'happiest' when I acted like a daredevil speed freak adrenaline junkie. Occasionally giving in to the impulses the gems caused kept them 'happy' and made it easier for me to use them when I needed to.

The Altimeter hit ten meters before I shifted my weight to bring the board under met. Forcing its systems to compensate for the change in direction, I'd be down to one meter above the ground by the time I leveled out and shot down the path to the streets of the city.

I started to steer myself to the nearest transit station while I activated the GPS route to the Main Office only to blink when the route skipped it. A check on my restrictions showed Bypass over two specific ones that tended to crop up whenever I had to go somewhere by myself.

Well, that was a nice change of pace for once, rather than taking the train I redirected my bath to the city limits. Now normally when I get a bypass, I'd take the first teleporter I could find. However given I was wearing the Belt, had another option. My board normally had a top speed of two hundred miles per hour when not under the effects of free fall.

Falling from high enough let me exceed that at times, but eventually the excess speed would bleed off until eventually, I'd be at the speeds the Board was designed for. However, with the Belt, I could be a cheater who cheats. Still to keep the gems that encouraged being nice and helping others happy I had to wait till I was outside the city before I did so. Not to mention it kept the City Officials happy with having me live there.

Once I was clear, however, I focused on the gem that had caused me to jump, to begin with, before filling myself with the NEED to go FASTER. The large gem began to glow first before the rest pulsed and glowed as well. The magic flowing through both me and my Board, before with a very loud boom I went from a mere two hundred miles an hour to hypersonic in ten seconds flat.

I'm told I tend to leave a glowing contrail the color of my hair and tail whenever I do this, leaving behind a glowing ring of magic in matching colors at the point where I break the sound barrier. I have no clue why it causes that effect, I just know that it is exhilarating going at these speeds. I'm able to also go much higher when like this and make turns that shouldn't be possible.

I blame the impossibilities on Magic, the things it can do are just bullshit. The fact it lets me keep pace with a bullet train going across the planet only cements that fact. One would think with the ability to use magic Old Me would have picked Magical Girl as my job. However, I suspect it was too similar to the life she had before as she'd chosen the one where it guaranteed she would get laid.

Not that I had any evidence beyond the Belt and the gems it contained. I had practically no information of who I had been before becoming a Contestant. Just that I had been female and in such bad shape they had needed to build me an entirely new body before transferring my soul into it.

Even at the speeds, I was going, it took me a couple of hours to reach the Main Office. It wasn't just one single office building. It was an entire Arcology, one dedicated to producing one thing. Erotic Entertainment. Their research and development were here, as well as housing for all the support staff they needed. And yes it had the offices needed to administrate both itself and all the Contestants they currently had on the roster.

It was connected to the rest of the planet by a single bullet line, as well as teleporters. I bled off-speed and magic as soon as it came into view. By the time I reached the external security gate, I was just within the upper-speed limits imposed for the area around the Arcology. It required me to come to skid to a stop before the automated security booth.

Thankfully I managed to stop in time, which made me quite happy. There were a few times where I had not where I ended up crashing into the booth. Given it was built to withstand much than a girl slamming into it at high speed one could guess the results. I ended up needing my limbs reattached more than once.

The booth scanned me the moment confirming my ID, my appointment authorizing me to be here, and that I was not carrying anything I was not supposed to. A flash signaled both the completion of that as well as my being transported to my destination.

My caseworker was very attractive and looked close to my current age. Admittedly she likely had a few hidden mods given she looked the same as the day I first met her. Dark flowing hair, dusky skin, and she always wore the same blouse and slacks whenever I saw her. She also always had a dark crescent moon pinned to her blouse's collar.

Hello Luna.

She smiled as I sat in the chair before her desk. "Hello Mirror, let me get that for you." She gestured for me to lean forward and when I did she removed both my mask and gag.

"Thanks." I smiled after working my jaw a bit before settling back in my seat. "As much as I like the mask, the gag can get annoying at times."

"If you like we can get you a version without the gag after we finish." She replied with an enigmatic smile as she adjusted the placement of a few folders on her desk. "Now let me wish you a very Happy Birthday. Since you've been with us ten years your Contract as a few last details that need to be handled before your time with us as a Contestant is over."

"Which are?"

"Your memories from before you joined the Slut Life family. Back when it was written up, you originally wanted to forget everything permanently. However, we managed to convince you to take Dissonance and gain the credits in another way. Which considering those gems and what little we were able to find out about you will likely be a good thing."

"I thought background checks tended to be very thorough."

"They are but it tends to be a bit more difficult when you're dealing with the last survivor of a dead world." She sighed softly. "Especially one as clearly traumatized as you were when we first met." She meant when she met Old Me rather than when I remember meeting her.

"Those memories are going to be painful, aren't they?"

"Most likely, but they are still who you were and are. Whether you use Mirror Flash or your old name is up to you once they are restored." She bit her lower lip before continuing. "Plus those memories will likely help with a situation that has come up."

I arched a brow in question. "We've detected a single life sign in your old world. We don't know how it got there, however."

"Just that something alive is now stuck there?"


"Fuck it. Let's get it done."

She nodded and quickly walked me through the final paperwork. In the section about the reward, I learned let me keep the family I'd made as Mirror Flash. Then came the very convoluted process of removing the restrictions I'd been living under, something I'd gone through before for my vacations.

"Really?" I asked staring at the last piece of paper I was given written in my handwriting.

"It was the password she picked for the memory restoration."

I sighed before speaking that single word. "Godslayer."

The memories flooded in, Old Me's life passing before my eyes as fast as I could process them. It wasn't all bad thankfully but I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my cheeks. My heart feeling as if it was breaking as I watched a world burn all over again.

I had won the battle but lost the war. I had failed to save those who needed salvation. Even with the help of my Mentor, my only and truest friend back then, sacrificing himself to hold that Madmare in place so that I could finally use the Elements to stop her once and for all.

In the end, she had been stopped but I'd been left alone, a world filled with nothing but ashes around me. Only a last spell cast on me by my dear friend when I hadn't been looking brought me to this world.

For the first time in a decade, Twilight Sparkle, Battle Magus, Former Princess of the Solar Imperium opened her eyes and wept at the loss of the world she failed to save.

A world where a single life sign had been detected.

My eyes narrowed in determination as that thought alone allowed me to pull myself together far faster than I would have otherwise. I likely didn't have time to break down at the moment. "When was the life detected?"

"A few years ago and then only briefly. We plan to time-shift you to shortly after it had arrived."

I nodded before rising once more. "Then let's get it done."

Things had not gone to plan when she'd tumbled out of the portal it hadn't spat her out of the Mirror she had passed through the last time. Instead, it had been another copy of the Statue, one half-buried in black ash. Once she had gotten her hooves under her and was it nice to be able to walk on all four legs again. She took the stock of her surroundings.

Nothing had been like what she had expected to find. What few structures she could find looked as if they had been charred by immense heat. What stones that weren't outright melted were blackened and cracked. Not to mention the black ash was simply everywhere making it somewhat difficult to breathe.

She first tried to find anypony who could explain what had happened but found nothing. Did not help that neither the Sun nor Moon were in the sky leaving everything in darkness. Forcing her to use a half-remembered light spell just to be able to see anything.

It would only be a few hours before the shaken mare made her way back to the Statue and attempted to go back through the portal. Only to smack her head into the hard stone.

The portal was gone, no matter how she struck at it, or shot spells at it. The portal remained firmly closed. Eventually, though it would sink in that she was stuck here unable to go back at least for now. So she set out to search again, this time not just for somepony, anypony else, but for food and water.

She found nothing. Just more broken stones, and the black ash that seemed to get everywhere. There were no trees, no grass, or animals. There was no life here as far as she could see thanks to the light at the end of her horn. She made it down what her memories said had been Mount Canterlot to the ruined remains of some kind of town.

A few of the stone buildings were intact, the architecture unlike anything ponies would have made. All straight angles, even the streets were perfectly straight, with no curves everything seemed to set as if to some invisible grid. Inside one she thought might have been the town hall she'd find a clue that maybe she'd ended up in the wrong place.

A partially broken bust, one with the words, 'The Empress is Always Watching' engraved on the base. Fitting the pieces together she would be shocked to recognize Princess Celestia's face. If only wearing that stern expression her former mentor had when she had been caught trying to learn forbidden magics. Yet she wouldn't be able to shake an almost sinister quality that she couldn't just place.

Shaken even more the young mare left that building, and ash filled town as quickly as she could only to find a massive crater where she would have sworn the Everfree Forest should have been. Her rump just hit the ground as she stared in shock at the clear sign that some massive and very destructive spell had gone off sometime in the past.

It would only be as her spell started to flicker that she would notice that her reserves weren't replenishing like they were supposed to. Puzzled she extended her senses to try to feel the flow of magic only to come to a startling discovery. There was none, no ambient magic to draw from. Only that which she had possessed on arrival. And that was rapidly diminishing by the moment.

Just as she was starting to feel the true terror of her situation...

A loud and very large explosion of magic rocked her nearly off her hooves. Her attention snapped to the source as floating above the epicenter of the crater was a rapidly expanding ball of light that was giving off massive waves of magic and wind.

A cyclone of black ash rose then blew outward nearly burying her before she took cover behind a broken wall. The winds soon subsided allowing the unicorn to poke her head over the wall. Lavender wings would be the first thing she'd be able to make out along with a glowing horn as the figure settled down at the bottom of the crater.

She might not know what was going on, however, she was not alone as she'd feared. All her senses were telling her a mother bucking Alicorn had just appeared out of nowhere. Sure she was coughing from the ash, but she didn't let that stop her as she scrambled as quickly as her tiring body could to where that figure had landed.

My feet touched the ground as the transport spell faded, and I couldn't help but grimace at where I'd landed. Figures it would be the site of my failure if only my Friend had survived he might have been able to repair the damage She had caused.

Sensor readings showed that there was enough atmosphere to breathe if only just. At the rate of dissipation, I was looking at it would be another year before even that would be gone. Good thing I had worn a breathing mask and had brought a spare for whoever or whatever I found. The spare was currently hanging from the Belt while my hands were carrying a small crate.

I set it down, pressing a button before stepping back a few feet to give it clearance. A few moments later it unfolded into a teleporter capable of transporting anyone who used it to the medical section of the Arcology back on the other world.

It meant that once I was finished here, I wouldn't have to ever come back again if someone else ended up stranded here. Its power source should last a while and Corporate would likely use it as a relay to detect future life signs. Most likely they would try to rope whoever it was into a Contract.

My ears perked at the sounds of hooves clopping against stone coming from behind me. If my sense of direction was correct from the direction where Ponyville District had been. Turning I caught sight of a unicorn mare rushing to get to me. Well, that made finding her easier, the sensor scans showed that she was suffering from mild oxygen deprivation and her magic reserves were worryingly low.

However, as she got close enough for me to make out more details I froze. The dual-toned mane, and if I wasn't mistaken duel colored sun on her flank was a shock to see. I immediately ran scans to confirm yes she was there, no she was not some kind of necromantic construct back from the dead.

It was the quantum scan that gave me the answer, more significantly the fact it came up reading as a mismatch. I was staring at Sunset Shimmer. Just not the one native to this dimension. That would creepy as all hell considering I'd lit her pyre myself after I'd found what happened to her, and all the other Imperial Princesses before me.

She had a confused expression as she came to a stop panting from both the exhaustion and lack of enough air. Before she had a chance to say anything I was in motion. The spare mask in my hand as I knelt next to her and pushed it onto her face. She started slightly, but my other arm wrapped around her barrel and held her in place as the mask adjusted itself to fit. Once it was sealed and the indicator light lit showing she was receiving oxygen, I released my hold on the mask before running fingers through her mane.

"Settle down and breathe. You were barely getting enough air."

It took her a few moments before she relaxed and took several deep breathes. My grip turned into a loose hug once I was sure she wasn't going to bolt in fear.

"Thanks... Thought it was just the ash."

"Atmosphere is failing, if you arrived just a year later you'd have suffocated on arrival."

"That.. doesn't make sense.." I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"Don't know where you were intending to be, but somehow you shifted to a dead Equus. You aren't this world's Sunset Shimmer." I stated before standing and releasing her from the hug. "So tell me how did you get here? Did you screw up a teleport spell that badly?"

"No, I'm not that bad at magic." The slightly sarcastic tone meant she would recover in time. "Princess Celestia had a Mirror that went to a dimension populated by creatures called humans who had a similar body structure as you."

I gave a nod after a moment. "Well I've been living with humans for a while, my body is the result of their medical advances. But quick question. Who is Princess Celestia?"

My question seemed to have seemed to stump the mare into silence for a moment or two. "Princess Celestia. Princess of the Sun. Ruler of Equestria. Alicorn.."

"Oh, Sunbutt." My tone was irreverent as I used my old Friend's nickname for Her. "She didn't go by that name here. Here she was Empress Daybreaker, Ruler of the Solar Imperium."

"You're kidding?!"

I gestured around at the crater we were in. "Welcome the Imperial Capital.. Or least what's left of it after she dropped the Sun on it."

"But Celestia would never do that!"

"Maybe yours wouldn't, but mine sure did." I rubbed at the base of my horn before sighing. "So let me make an educated guess you tried coming back to your home dimension from the Human World and ended up here instead?"

At her nod, I unhooked my board from where I'd strapped it to my back and dropped it down. "Well, then you're going to show me where you arrived so I can have some friends examine it. As once I leave I'm not coming back ever."

"What is that?"

She asked as I locked one of my hooves into it before scooping her up into my arms and activating it. "Hover Board, how else do you expect a unicorn to fly without magic?" My wry tone seemed to confuse her. "Now which way was your arrival point."

She pointed a hoof and I shifted our weight to send us off in that direction. For now, just keeping to the Board's max speed as I wasn't sure she would be okay or go splat if I used my cheat. Her body was significantly less durable than mine.

Her arrival point it turned out was a Statue, specifically of a rearing Stallion. It was located halfway up Mount Canterlot right where Starswirl's tower had stood over a thousand years ago. At least until he'd blown it up and destroyed all his work shortly after Daybreaker declared herself Empress.

I was crouched down running scans while Sunset sat to the side. I could barely stop the twitching in my fingers while I resisted the urge to pull apart the magic inside. This was something that was new, well old really, but I had never known it was here.

Considering the Imperium never invaded other Dimensions it was obvious that Daybreaker had no clue about it either. It was however very similar to the spell my Friend had used to send me to, let's call it the Porno World. Only his didn't have a polymorphic aspect that would change the traveler into the nearest Sapient life form on the other side.

"Why did you call yourself a Unicorn?"

The sudden question from Sunset caused my train of thought to come to a halt before turning to look at her. It took me several moments before I realized she was serious about the question.

"Because I am one?"

"No, you're not.." She moved closer reaching out with a hoof only to touch something at my back. The thing was I could feel her hoof as if it were against my fur at that spot. But considering the jacket I was wearing at most, I should have felt just the pressure through the jacket.

Twisting about I could see part of what she had touched. I blinked unable to process what I was seeing. Even as a flex of my muscles caused it to spread open. A wing, it had not been there when I had gotten up this morning. Or when the time shift had been initiated so that I would arrive eight years into the past.

It was a much darker shade of lavender, nearly matching my hair with the shape that reminded me of some kind of predatory bird. It wasn't the wing of a pegasus or thestral. The only one who had wings even remotely similar had been Her. The Alicorn Bitch who had destroyed my world.

"No... No. Nononono!" I was speaking before I even processed what I was saying "Why now... I couldn't save anyone. Why you damn world? Why give me wings when everything here is dead!?!" It started as a whisper only to end with me screaming up at the empty sky.

I grabbed it and pulled trying to tear the damned thing off of me. Unlike with my arms or legs the wing would not detach from my back. No matter how hard I pulled it. To my shame, I honestly forgot anyone else was with me in my panic. Sunset tackling me onto my back reminded me in a very fast manner though.

She didn't say anything, just kept her forelegs wrapped around me in a tight hug with her head resting on my shoulder. We laid like that for a while, her body pinning mine only because I did not want to risk hurting her. It helped though.

It reminded me that I was not alone right now. There was a young, very mortal, mare right now that needed my help. Once I got back home I would have my family to turn to. Most likely it would end with a naked cuddle pile on my bed. I could just imagine it now.

"Um. Princess?"

I jerked slightly at being called that before reality reasserted itself. At some point, I had returned the hug. Only one hand ended up resting on her flank just over her Sigil while the other hand had begun to idly caress along her spine. The breathing masked no doubt hid the resulting blushes from both of us.


"Are you okay now?"

"Honestly? No, I'm far from okay. I'll deal though." I paused for a moment or two. "Thanks... Thanks for snapping me out of it."

She gave a nod before moving off of me. Still close in case, I needed another hug but I could get up again. At least the scans I had started before my mini-meltdown had been completed. They told me why Sunset hadn't been able to turn around and go back.

It was surprisingly simple, administrative lockout. Whoever had made these likely had taken one look at my world, turned around, and left before locking the door behind them. Sadly it wasn't a complete one, right now it acted as an emergency fire door. You could go out of it but once it swung shut again you would be shit out of luck.

Sunset was lucky that Corporate had detected her when they did. Otherwise, she would have died of dehydration if not starvation. I quite literally smacked myself when the connection was made. From one of my pockets, I pulled out a bottle of water and held it out to her.

"There is a slot in the mask that this should fit into. You should be able to unfold the feeding tube with your tongue."

With a quick thanks, the bottle was snatched from my fingers before she tried to follow what I told her. I failed to mention though that the feeding tube in the mask could double as a dildo gag and that you needed to suck on it to get anything. She seemed to be able to figure that out on her own, without me having to embarrass her more than I had to.

While she re-hydrated, I went over the scan results more closely. Examining the spells before deciding on using the same spell I had used the sleep cycle before Ascension Day. The magic coiled around one of my fingers, a dark tendril that caught Sunset's attention before I jabbed my finger into the stone.

There was the audible sound of something shattering before the stone rippled. I poured a bit more magic into it to stabilize the now open portal. Before turning to look at Sunset, sadly she wasn't able to see my smirk. "Alright, Sunset you should be able to get back to the Human World now."

"You're not going to use the portal are you?"

I shook my head. "Nope" I popped the 'p' just for amusement's sake. "I have no idea how the polymorphic spell will affect my body. Your mask has a tracking beacon so I'll be using my own method to follow you." At her hesitance, I sighed. "At the very least I want to make sure you have some semblance of a life there before I go home."

She nodded giving back the empty bottle before stepping through. The stone rippling around her as if she were stepping into a liquid. I waited a few moments before speaking once I knew the mare was safely through.

"Melody can you send a message to Luna and ask her to have this portal anchor moved to a much more secure location?"

Of course Mistress.

I smiled a moment before casting the spell that would send me after Sunset. The transport spell snapping into existence before the dead world warped away in a chaotic mess. I did not bother to track how long the trip took, however colors seeped into the chaos around me before gaining definition.

I touched down a few feet away from another copy of the Statue. This one seemed to be in front of a. High School? Quite a few teenagers were picking themselves up dressed in outfits that would make sense for going to a prom or some kind of school dance.

The front of the building though was missing a huge chunk where one would expect the main entrance to be. The Sunset I rescued still wearing the mask, was now in a leather jacket of her own as well as a cute outfit underneath. The problem was there was another Sunset, looking much worse for wear yet not covered in ash like mine was.

There was also another winged version of me getting back on her feet. With a crown that had another Element of Magic in it. Rubbing my horn I moved to assist Sunset to remove the mask even as I ran a comparative analysis on scans from both her and the other Sunset.

Their quantum signatures were an exact one hundred percent perfect match. Which meant something screwy was going on with the portals. I turned my attention toward my obvious currently human-shaped counterpart before removing the mask covering my face.

"Could someone please explain what the fuck is going on?"

What the fuck going on turned out to be somewhat complicated. Sunset the original favor had stepped through the portal not to simply return home. But to steal her world's Element of Magic. Also apparently they called the full set the Elements of Harmony over there. My counterpart had arrived to retrieve it, and rather than take the simplest of solutions.

She had jumped through so many unnecessary hoops to get it back only for Sunset to get her hands on it anyway. Get hopped up on Battle Magic overload, what other Twilight had called Dark Magic. And then proceeded to turn the students into zombies which she planned to invade Equestria with. Odd to hear that name outside of really old history texts.

Even I could tell that it was a plan doomed to failure, of the epic variety. If she'd tried that with my world as the destination she would have been reduced to an ash pile by Daybreaker. At least if she did it before said world's destruction.

"I would like to know how there are two Twilights and two Sunsets." One of the girls with my counterpart asked. From her tone and hair, I think I'll call her Prissy Purple at least in my head.

"And furry!" One of the pink-haired girls, without wings, practically bounced as she spoke. "You are definitely a Twilight but you look so furry compared to her."

"I think for my counterpart and I, it would be kind of obvious that we are from two different Parallels of the same World. As for my body well I ended up in a place where being Anthropomorphic is fairly common." I responded before pulling the bacon haired girl ash coated girl I shall now dub Sunset One into a loose hug with her back toward me. "I have no clue how there are two lovely girls when there should only be one. I just know that this cutie ended up stuck in my old Dimension when she tried to go her Equestria." I pointed a finger just under Sunset One's chin at the other one. "And that cutie if you filter out the Light Magic she just got blasted with has the exact same quantum signature as this one."

"Not that I mind but why are you hugging me?" The Sunset in my arms asked once I had finished answering Prissy Purple's question.

"Because hugging you is helping me avoid another freakout or as humans would put it. I have an urgent need to kill a bitch." My head turned to lock onto the local Da- Celestia, and I gave what I hoped was a polite smile. I don't think it worked as everyone who saw it took a significant step back. "Since I know in my head you aren't Her." I could barely suppress the loathing in my voice enough to keep my tone civil. "I'm doing my best to suppress that."

"Why would you want to kill me?" From the expressions of everyone, they seemed quite horrified by the idea.

"Tell me have the humans of this world studied psychology enough to understand the term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?" Her eyes widened and nodded so I gave another smile. "Good... Then you'll understand if I ask you to go somewhere else as your causing Flashbacks every time I look at you or hear your voice. And I am having to tell myself that you are not Her... Even if technically you are another version of Her."

Thankfully this version seemed nicer than mine had been as she moved away and I turned my attention back to my counterpart as she asked. "Just what happened to you?"

I could hear the genuine worry in her voice, either for me or those around us if I snapped. I hugged Sunset a little closer to my chest as I sighed drawing a blush from her in the process. "Too much to go into tonight. I know you like to have hundreds if not thousands of questions bubbling in that sexy head of yours. I'll answer them later just not right now."


Quite a few voices as the question at once, so I let go of my Sunset and straightened up before gesturing at my body in its very form-fitting outfit. "Raise a hand if you find this body sexy."

Quite a few teenaged hands of both genders, but with a vast majority being boys, went up.

"I am one sexy Princess, which means being a younger alternate version of me. You Twilight are also one sexy Princess." I smirked as she blushed. "Even if the exact nature of our sexiness is distinctly different in flavor."

That got me a light elbow to the gut from the Sunset causing me to snap my attention to her. "You also seem to have a really big ego."

I pouted at her for a moment or two before pouncing and pulling her into another hug that had me nuzzling her cheek. "Says the adorable snuggly unicorn who had planned to steal and eat an energy field bigger than her head."

"Can you please stop treating me like a plushie?"

I froze, then blinked a moment before slowly letting Sunset One go and taking a step back from her. "Sorry I didn't mean to," I stated in a very small voice before walking to where the other Sunset had been trying to stack bricks. And I just watched for a few moments even as I could feel the others watching me.

"Sunset step back a moment." Sunset Two looked like a tear-stained wreck as she obeyed my request. My Elements began to glow before I held up a hand and snapped my fingers like my old friend used to do. From those fingers erupted a rainbow-colored shock wave of magic that passed over everything.

Torn tuxes and Dresses were instantly mended and cleaned. The crater in the lawn rapidly filled in with grass growing to cover it. The building's entrance took a bit longer, the broken pieces flying from where they had landed back into their proper position.

When the magic faded everything was repaired, pristine even. "Mind showing me to a bathroom I need to freshen up a bit." With her nod I let her lead me inside the building.

Twilight didn't know what to think, questions upon questions filled her mind regarding the other visibly older and darker version of her. She was worried and horrified by the other Alicorn's comments and reactions. Especially in regards to Principal Celestia.

"Girls. What's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?"

"Um. You might know it has Shell Shock or Battle Fatigue." Fluttershy was the one to answer. "My Grandfather had it." The girl expanded at her friends' questioning looks.

"What causes it?"

"Most commonly, being surrounded by violence for extended periods. It is usually seen in war veterans, but it can result in response to extreme forms of abuse too.." The pink-haired girl paused a moment. "There are more things that cause it I think, but those are what I can remember off the top of my head."

"She tried to rip them off.." Everyone's attention turned to the second Sunset. "Her wings I mean... When I met her she hadn't even noticed they were there. And when she did, she tried to rip them off."

"Why?" Twilight had not felt ready for her wings but she had not wanted to rip hers off either.

"Her world. It's dead. No Sun, no moon, no stars, no magic. Just rock, charred ruins, and ash." Sunset seemed to just stare off visibly shuddering as she spoke. "Where the Everfree Forest is in our world? Massive crater she said was once the 'Imperial Capital'."

"Sugarcube what do you mean by massive crater?"

"Just what I said. A massive crater. Which according to her. Celestia, her Celestia, dropped the sun to make that crater."

Twilight stared at the girl in shocked horror. "She.. she wouldn't do that."

"Ours wouldn't. The one here definitely wouldn't either, even if she had the power to."

"She was scared.." Everyone turned to look at Pinkie. "When you asked why she was treating you like a plushie. It scared her."

Twilight paused thinking it over, for a brief moment, her counterpart had been acting almost like Pinkie. After Sunset's question though it was almost like when the Pinkie back home had thought everyone had forgotten her birthday.

"Might I suggest girls that you leave her be for now?" Vice Principal Luna's voice cut through the silence. "At least in regards to pressuring her for answers." She looked toward the newly repaired entrance. "If she were a student here, I would be required by law to initiate an investigation into her home life, due to how many red flags she's been raising. As it is it might be best for you all to get to the Formal."

"Why would we? She needs help!" Twilight half-shouted before blushing in embarrassment at Luna's arched brow.

"Indeed she does, however, I don't think you are the ones able to help her at this time. At the very least it would give her a much-needed distraction from her problems."

The girls sighed as Luna started herding them into the building with the others.

I'm wondering if the inhabitants of this Dimension are crazy. Because instead of going home and dealing with being turned into Zombies, if only for a few minutes. These people are having a dance party. Worse my counterpart can not dance, yet thinks she can. Quite frankly I am embarrassed enough for both of us.

"Excuse me, Twilight?"

I sighed and turned to the barely audible voice, my gaze falling on a cute girl with pink hair and yellow skin. She also due to the Elements being trolls currently has pony ears and wings.

"Please call me Mirror Flash, it will save on confusion and I just prefer it over my old name."

She gave a nod before speaking again still barely audible. "Why aren't you dancing?"

"Mostly because while, unlike Peppy Princess over there, I can dance. The dances I know aren't appropriate for this kind of setting." At her confused look, I expanded just enough without going into details. "My dances involve poles." The deep blush that erupted on her face told me that she had made the connection.

"Oh... If you don't mind me asking what is your world like? You seem just so different from.."

"Currently? It's dead." I had turned my attention to watch the horror that was my counterpart's dancing. "If you mean before it got destroyed. Well, the closest human term would be Orwellian."

The next thing I knew I was on the receiving end of a hug from the girl. It was over as soon as it had begun but it took me by surprise. Figures the girl that seemed to resonate with the Element that encouraged compassion would be the kind to initiate hugs even with how shy she seemed.

"Where are you living now?"

"Another world of humans. It's a place where both science and magic are highly advanced. Managed to make myself a family there, one I plan to return to once all this is resolved." I shared a small smile with her at that. My thoughts though turned to the two Sunsets, wondering how the portal had managed to twin the girl.

"What's going to happen with the other Sunset?"

"You mean the one that didn't get a Magical Rainbow in the face?" At her nod, I sighed. "Whatever she chooses. Neither seems ready to go back to their Equestria, either one or both could make a life here. The one I rescued might choose to join me when I leave. If she does then she'll be out of touch for quite some time."


"Because I had to jump back in time to be able to save her. And once I leave I'll be returning to that future."

The girl went silent at that, eventually wandering away when it seemed the conversation was over. I couldn't help but tilt my head at how badly the other me kept spasming on the dance floor. How the hell was she not embarrassed?

Once the dance was over and the horrifying spasms of the other Twilight were over, I was at the portal with my finger poked into it while she was saying goodbye to her friends. When heard footsteps approaching I turned to see her making her way with that purple and green dog following at her heels.

They slowed as they reached me, a simple application of magic and a binder appeared in my hand which I held out to her. "Little research project for you when you get home. This is the raw data for the scans I took of both this Statue and the one in my Dimension."

She blinked before taking the binder. "Not that I object but I would think you'd want to do the research."

"I won't have the time or access to the Primary Anchor which you will. Plus once I know what the Sunsets decide I'll be releasing the anchor keeping me from snapping back to my time."

"Star Swirl's spell only let me go back a week for a few seconds." I could see the question in her eyes.

"I ended up with some friends who use a much different method it comes to Time Travel. Anyway, you won't be hearing from me for a least five years giving you plenty of time to figure out how Sunset got twinned."

"Your planning to visit?"

"Eventually once I have my head on a bit straighter. Just when I do please keep your Celestia as far away from me as possible."

"Because of that Stress Disorder you mentioned?" Her voice was filled with concern.

"If yours was nothing like mine then consider yourself blessed."

She didn't seem to know what to say to that so I used magic to create a very large book I had once memorized. I handed that to her as well. "That may answer a lot of the questions you have. While it leaves out quite a few things, that is the official History of the Solar Imperium. Or at least the most recent edition I was able to get my hands on."

"Solar Imperium?!?"

I glanced at the portal as I answered. "It was originally called the Empire of the Eternal Day. But it got shortened after a thousand years." I stated, just before my hand slipped to the small of her back and I pushed her into the Portal before she could respond.

I glanced down at the talking dog who was giving me a surprised look. "Portal is about to close." Before using my foot I gently pushed him through as well. Three seconds later the Portal was closed, and the girls who had been given pony bits seemed to be quite disappointed when they vanished.

I didn't pay much attention to them as I made my way over to where the Sunsets were. Thankfully Da- Celestia was nowhere in sight. "Hey, girls have you come to a decision?"

Sunset Two gave a nod after glancing at her new twin. "I've decided to stay here. Make amends for what I did. And hopefully, build a better life."

I gave a nod before looking to Sunset One. "And you? Staying here with your new twin sister or coming to the Dimension I live in now?"

"With you, it's really strange seeing another me and I'd rather put Canterlot High behind me." She sounded a bit more confident than Two.

"Aright then decision number two, do you want to stay the same age as your twin or end up being younger than her?" I sighed at her confusion. "I had to hop back in time to help you, which means if you want to be the same age as I am, or don't want to be younger than her. I'd have to leave you with that world's Luna until after I snap back to my time."

"What would happen then?"

"She'd likely set you up with a job that would let you make a living and further your education while you wait to catch up to me the long way. You'd also have time to adjust to the social norms of that world."

"How different can they be?"

"Everything there runs on Porn Logic," I said low enough that only the pair heard.

"WHAT?!?" I winced at the stereo effect the two girls had made as they processed that little tidbit. Both gaining deep blushes, especially when simply everyone turned to look our way for a moment.

I couldn't help but be amused as I sat between the pair and pulled out my cellphone. "Let me show you. This is a clip from this morning from one of the more popular Reality Shows." The clip, of course, was from this morning showing me getting fucked by Daddy, though I had muted the sounds so no one would hear.

To them, it would look like I was being fucked by some random Unicorn Stallion morph while dressed as a naughty school girl. Both Sunsets were bright red as they saw what was on the screen. "This was my day job for the last ten years or so since I arrived in that world," I whispered to them before hitting the button that would switch it to the live feed. Which showed me sitting between them showing them something on my cellphone.

"How is it showing us right now?" One hissed into my ear as she stared at the screen.

"Magic and highly advanced recording systems. Today is my last day doing this. Once I go to bed tonight the feed will end. Once that happens I'll get my prize."

"What's the prize?"

"It's how they get people to consent to shows like this. They offer a prize that is worth going through insane challenges for. For me, it's the chance to explore, really explore what's out there in any dimension I like." My tone likely sounded wistful to the pair. But the opportunity to see living worlds especially ones where not everyone was an asshole was very appealing.

I looked to the Sunset I had saved before asking again. "So after learning about this, still want to go?"

At her nod, I slid my arms around her and pulled her into a very deep kiss. One that had my tongue exploring her mouth before I ended it. "So straight to my time or do I drop you off with Luna first?"

She was still blushing as she thought things over. "With Luna. I think I want to check out that education you mentioned."

"One thing about where we are going to. Consent is Absolute. Even if it doesn't appear that way on the surface at times. Everything that happens has always been agreed to ahead of time." At her nod, I stood with a glance at the other Sunset. "Good luck, I hope your life will be happier in time."


She had a weak smile that I returned before turning to my Sunset and leading her to a spot clear of anyone else. One hand would slip up into her hair and pull her face against my breasts while her body was pulled flush with mine. My wings wrapped around her shielding her from view while also blocking her ability to see beyond them.

The transport spell rose around us, likely drawing attention even as the world around us dissolved into a chaotic mess. The whole time I held Sunset close enough that she likely could hear the beat of my cybernetic heart. The world eventually flowed back into focus though Sunset didn't seem to notice.

I smirked before the hand on her back slipped a bit lower and gave a light squeeze as my wings pulled way to fold at my back. She gave me an adorable squeak of surprise before smacking me as she jumped from my arms with a light glare.


"We've arrived."

Around us was the Terminal, a large specially designed chamber meant for use when legally Time Shifting or Dimensional Jumping. It was quite literally the only place it was allowed on the planet. Thankfully the automated systems registered and confirmed my ID, especially with the marker showing that I was Post Contract. That meant that the restrictions the Me of now was under did not apply to me while I was here.

That of course though meant the next step, Decontamination Protocols. I led Sunset into a smaller room that had a chute door on one wall and two air-tight doors at either end as well as a sealed box opposite the chute. The one we entered through closed behind us before I looked to Sunset.

"You are going to have to strip."

"What? Why?"

"This is a Decon Room it won't let us through with clothing on. Don't worry you'll get it back, the chute leads to an extremely efficient clothes washing system."

I had already slipped off my belt and put it aside before starting to wiggle out of those form-fitting pants. Sunset, of course, was hesitant at first but soon was slipping out of her clothing as well. My Jacket proved to be a problem as the back caught on my wings. With a sigh I turned to the box on the wall and hit the release button, extracting a pair of all-purpose clothing sheers.

"Sunset I'm going to need your help."

When she looked over I handed her the sheers and turned my back to her. She got the hint and carefully cut the leather, turning the bottom of the jagged holes my wings created when they formed into long enough slits that I could slip my new appendages through them.

"What is that anyway?"

I glanced at what she was pointing at even as I reached down to loosen it for removal. "Chastity belt. Was required to wear it when not with very specific people or very specific places."

"Like the Stallion from the clip?"

I blushed before nodding. "Yes, he was one of those people."

She seemed quite surprised when I extracted the two dildos filling my lower holes. Since I'd pushed my fingers through what looked to her like a leotard to get them.

"How did you do that?"

My answer was to take her hand and press it to my stomach, letting her fingers sink into the tendrils before ending up in my fur. "Despite appearances, this isn't a piece of clothing. It's a very special creature."

She blushed before yanking her hand back and our clothes were dumped down the chute except for my belt which I slung over my shoulder. "The Rainbow Belt as a security exception," I explained at her questioning look.

Hidden panels popped open through which mechanical tentacles soon exited from. I pulled the startled Sunset into a light hug to calm her before taking a step away from her and up to the tentacles. They slid around me without actually touching me, releasing a decontamination spray that covered me from head to toe. One picked up the Belt before another sprayed it down as well.

When they finally pulled back I stepped forward, and the same thing happened once again. Only this time I was being thoroughly rinsed off. Another step forward and the next set had soft fluffy pads on their ends which they used to rub me dry. Once done I moved next to the door before turning to Sunset who had watched the whole thing.

"It looks worse than it is. Your turn."

After a few more moments of hesitation, she moved into position giving out a few gasps and blushes due to how the spray felt as it was applied. By the time she was done, she had a very deep blush on her cheeks. "That wasn't bad. Other than the drying ones they didn't do anything."

I nodded at her agreement. "Mmhmm. You have no record on file and thus no recorded Consent for anything yet. So you don't get pervert mode."

"But you do have a record here."

"And the AI controlling the tentacles is smart enough to know that using pervert mode on me would make it harder for it to do its job with you." She seemed to relax a bit so I continued. "Quite a bit is automated here. Though there are still plenty of people."

"So next room we get our clothes back?"

"Yes though I find it amusing you picked up the human nudity taboos of that century."

"Hey as a Unicorn I had fur to keep me warm as a human I don't!"

I just smirked at her as we passed into the next room. Which indeed had her clothes cleaned and sealed in plastic baggies. All I did to get dressed was to clip the belt back around my waist while Sunset worked on getting her clothes out of the baggies so she could wear them again.

"Where's your clothes?"

"Decided not to wear them so my AI had them rerouted. Since I'll have to go through this procedure again, it's easier to just walk around in my fake leotard."

It took us about an hour before we ended up in Luna's Office, which considering she was an executive when not being my caseworker was fairly quick. When I finally recalled back to my proper present, Sunset had been hired as a part-time maid, to pay for a small place while she adjusted and caught up to the level of education a girl her age would have in 2165.

In short, she got a deal that did not require her to become a Contestant, but she would have to clean up after some. So it was quite a surprise when I got to my darkened home, I found a bacon haired unicorn pony morph in a latex maid uniform kneeling on the floor of my bedroom. Bound in place with a ribbon and a card hanging from the bow that covered her mouth.


She nodded looking quite smug even with the bow effectively gagging her. I plucked the card which wished me Happy Birthday from both Luna and someone named Cadence. I arched a brow before untying the bow and starting to unwrap what I had been informed in the card as my new pet.

"How did this come to pass?"

"This world's Cadence was very persistent once she discovered I existed." At my blank look, she explained. "She's the Alicorn of Love back in Equestria. The one here started bugging me because I was in her words perfect."

"Perfect for what?"

"Her Shipping Chart."

I rubbed my horn as Sunset helped me remove my leotard, which attempted to attach to her before I did the trick Melody used to make it curl into a ball. Once in its storage container, I turned to regard the fetish maid in my room. I reached out to caress the collar that was now firmly around her neck.

"And you don't object to this?"

She shook her head before I pulled her into a deep kiss, one she returned just as deeply. My hands sliding to unzip her dress. Drawing soft moans as I slid it off her before drawing her to my extremely comfortable bed. She seemed to be quite happy to learn how deep my tongue could go, and her attention made me dislike my new wings a bit less.

Chapter 2: Awakening

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For the first time in a long time, I actually got to sleep in my bed. No more restrictions meant no more having to spend every single night getting ravished by tentacles rather than sleeping. Not that I minded the tentacles or the ravishing. Normally I only got to enjoy it once a week every year, just how sinfully comfortable the bed was. Thankfully only the outer layer of blankets was actually latex. Under that layer, it was all silk sheets and down comforter.

I tended to spend the first days on vacation just snuggled up in the bed simply enjoying it. Only leaving it for urgent needs like food or to retrieve something to read. Though having a new pet meant waking up to an interesting wrinkle of my first day of planned schedule.

Even Melody my Personal AI and Number One Assistant knew I preferred to sleep in on the first day and tended to get a tad snappish if I didn't get to. Sleeping in was the first thing on my checklist damnit. Sunset, who had been somehow convinced to become my personal slave, did not seem to know that.

What with the weight on the back of my thighs as I found myself waking earlier than I had intended. It was not the weight that woke me up though, no that was the sensation of nails raking slowly through fur and feathers as the girl straddling my thighs preened my new wings. I wanted to tell her to let me sleep, what came out of my mouth though was a moan.

I turned my head not even bothering to lift it from the pillow to peer back at her. She had been very pretty as a unicorn, so huggable and cute as a human. The naked morph running her hands over my wings was older than the girl I'd left in the past. As a perfect blend of human and pony, well I couldn't help but find her new look gorgeous. Did not hurt that the collar around her neck marked her as mine.

I wondered what my counterpart's reaction would be when she got to the part of the book that outlined how slavery had worked in the Imperium. For the most part, it was expected for a pony of the appropriate Caste to eventually own their own slave. Usually, they were non-pony's whose ancestors had rejected Daybreaker's initial attempt at annexation through diplomacy.

Which meant they had gotten invaded and then enslaved to serve more productively than their inherent chaotic tendencies had allowed. Mind you those who accepted the Annexation offer got to join the Imperium with their cultural identity mostly intact, save for where it conflicted with Imperial Doctrine.

The only ponies that were slaves were either those who had reached adulthood without earning their Sigils and thus were Casteless. Or those who had broken the law and were lucky enough to be sentenced to slavery rather than execution.

Much like the pegasus who I had always called Nanny back when I was growing up. She had never found her Talent but had actually enjoyed watching over foals. I paused actually wondering how many foals she had been Nanny too. As I had once bumped into while she was with the latest filly she was watching over at the time. Admittedly this had been before I became the 'Traitor Princess'.

That filly had been quite a little brat until I had stepped in actually nuzzled the older mare in a show of rare public affection and started asking how she was doing. Nanny had of course been thrilled that I actually cared about her enough to stop and say hello. The little brat had been shocked into silence when the Imperial Princess showed up and ignored her in favor of the Casteless. My words when she demanded we pay attention to her had likely been a major part of that silence.

"Why would I want to even acknowledge a rude filly that refuses to learn even the most basic manners when I can chat with my old Nanny instead?" I'd given the foal a very cold smile that day. "It's not our fault if you refused to learn from the very mare who taught me how to be a proper princess."

Another moan escaped me as Sunset continued to preen my wings. She was surprisingly very good at it. "Mmmm.. Where did you learn..?"

"When I was still my Celestia's student." My eye twitched at the mention of that mare. "We were very close at one point, and one of our bonding activities involved me helping her preen her wings."

"I see.." Normally I would likely not want to hear about anything related to Her or an alternate of Her. But those fingers just had me too relaxed to care at the moment. "But wouldn't that have meant using your mouth instead?"

She leaned down and nibbled on the wing before tugging a bent feather out with her teeth. She smirked down at the sight of my eye having partially rolled back and I blushed from the whimper that had been extracted from me.

"One of my Owners was really happy to find out I knew how to preen wings even if it was just with my mouth." Sunset began to work as she started massaging the base of my wings with her fingers. "So she had me preen hers, eventually I learned how to do it with my hands as well. Another taught me how to give massages."

My back arched under those fingers, most likely that was why I wasn't feeling so snappish, even though she woke me up earlier than I had planned for. "I'm surprised you took the slave prize."

"Actually I didn't. My prize wasn't slavery even though that is part of it." She leaned down and nuzzled my cheek. "The prize for my Contract was you."

I twisted about beneath her, though not as easily as I would have without the wings. My hands moving to grasp her thighs and run my nails through the fur of her Sigil. Her moan was muffled by the tongue that snaked out of my mouth and into hers. Even without our lips in contact, I could fill her mouth with it. Much like I had one of her other holes last night.

My wings wrapped around her, encasing her body in the soft feathers she had been tending to moment ago. She seemed to really enjoy how they tickled her skin through her fur. And I found myself wishing for a moment that I had been given a spaded tail instead of a pony one. Then I could use it to molest her much like how Sweet had molested me with hers. Eventually, though my tongue retracted back into my mouth allowing us to properly kiss until it was time to get up.

"I have to admit I didn't expect that tongue last night."

I smirked as I slid from the bed and made my way to my closet humming happily. "With all the modifications that were done, I'm pretty much a Discount Succubus now." I started poking through outfits as Sunset joined me. "All that's missing is being an actual Demon."

"Really?" She asked as I pulled out a costume and held it up to her body.

"If you're going to be my harem girl," I said with a barely straight face. "Then you are going to dress like my harem girl. For today at least."

The sight of her wiggling into the mostly transparent pants and the halter top was quite nice. As I turned to find something to wear, and given the wings it would have to be open back.

"Where did you get this?"

"Crystal.. She designed at least two-thirds of everything in here. That outfit is from when she had my sisters and I do a genie cosplay themed photo shoot." I eventually pulled out a simple dark blue dress and slid it on. The skirt didn't go passed mid-thigh and it was only held up by buttons on the back of my neck. It had been designed to show off my entire back, so there was plenty of room for my new wings.

When I turned back to her, Sunset had put on all the parts of the outfit. From the bangles above her hooves to the large bracelets on her wrists. Her hands were moving away from one of the earrings that went with it. While the costume did not come with a collar normally, on Sunset it looked perfect.

"You look good enough to eat my Pet," I stated with a smile as I stepped close and nuzzled her cheek. My arm slid around her waist and I led her out to the rest of the apartment where my family was just settling down. They were, of course, surprised I was both awake this early due to having no restrictions, and in a very good mood as I had Sunset take the chair next to me.

"So enjoyed your birthday present Sis?"

I blinked at Sweet's clearly smug tone and truly took a moment to see how they were all reacting to Sunset's presence. "You sound like you met her before."

"Oh yes... Fun little toy to play with when I had the chance. Sunny likely would have tried to keep her for herself if she hadn't been already slated for you." I looked to Sunset with an arched brow.

She pointed at Secret and both of the twins. "They were three of my Owners while my Contract was in effect.. I was scheduled to be here on the three days of the week you weren't." That was a surprise, apparently, everyone but me knew about Sunset prior to her ending in my room last night.

"Shimmy really liked it when she had her face pressed into your dirty laundry though."

"Hey! You were the ones who kept pushing my head into that basket."

"Doesn't change that you liked it."

I blushed as Secret spilled a secret that was for once not one of mine, even as Sunset glared at her for it. One that only deepened when a hand lightly grasped my neck and pulled up my chin before I was given a deep good morning kiss from my Daddy. His stomach pressing against my back while his other hand stroked the feathers of one of my wings.

He released me after a moment without a word before moving to his usual seat. Leaving me having to reclaim my senses for several moments before breakfast was served. I arched a brow as I saw what ended up in front of Sunset.

"Baby Food mixed with really yummy Milk." She had already grabbed a spoon and begun to eat it.

My eye twitched even as I was for once able to start feeding myself during meal time. "I'm going to be checking what restrictions you have left. I can tell you as your Mistress you have my permission to eat anything you like from my replicator."

She smiled even as she continued to eat her current breakfast. My eye though twitched, even more, when I had Melody bring up the file in question. Apparently, Sunset also had the special sauce requirement only hers was altered to be breast milk. Specifically, mine, which she had been eating for the entire length of her contract. It was authorized by Mi Amore Cadenza. A check showed she also went by another name.


Just how far would this lady go to Ship someone?

Further reviewing as I ate, gave me a clear picture of just what kind of experience Sunset had gone through. While in ways not extreme as mine, there were a few things I wouldn't have thought of. At least she didn't go for the Mind Control I had picked to help keep me restricted. She did, however, go for the same memory wipe and restoration I went through.

"Sunset why does it say that all your financial assets were transferred to me?"

"Well, I am your slave now so it is hoped you'd take care of me. It's not like I can really spend it without your permission anyway." Her brow arched at me after she'd licked her spoon.

"Well with almost four point three million in my account now. I definitely have the means to do that. Already planned on keeping all my roommates. Thank goodness I can convert an empty room into a room for you though."

"I'm not sleeping in your bed?"

"Oh you are, just figured you'd want your own personal space as well."

That seemed to please her as I checked my schedule out of habit. Noting that now it was mostly blank which meant I'd likely have to come up with a new schedule myself. However, there was one appointment on it for later. The info in it was odd, it just had a name and time. No location. The real oddity was the name had only one single letter in it.

Who was Q?

After breakfast, we all went our separate ways, had I still been under Contract then I'd have likely been dragged by Sweet Delight to her room. Instead, she was now just my sister and no longer my Owner. Which meant she was now able to take on new Contestants to train for today.

Which meant I had plenty of time to plot out a few things. Like how to arrange for Sunset to eventually get fucked by Daddy. One might wonder why I would want the girl who was effectively now my girlfriend to end up riding that particular Stallion. The reason was really simple, every female that lived in my Apartment had already ridden him at least once.

Mother was, of course, his favorite due to being his actual wife. I was next, second only to her in his affections. Then came the rest of my sisters, followed by Crystal. Of us she was the only one who didn't get to ride his dick, she had to settle for his finger instead. That was mostly due to the sheer size difference.

Which meant at some point Sunset would end up bent over, stuffed until she looked pregnant while his hips pounded his length into her. The image alone was hot enough to make me squirm, especially I would likely involve as well. However, it was not something to bring up to her just yet.

Merely something to add to the checklist of things that will happen at some point in the future. No doubt I would likely need a checklist for each item that was listed on my checklist. After a moment of thought, I added that to the checklist too, only a bit higher up.

Have I mentioned that I love my cellphone? Especially the App that lets me make sort and reorganize all my checklists. Without needing massive stacks or rolls of paper in order to do so. The App that lets me take control of all of Sunset's subdermal vibrators and variable body mods is also something I've added to my quick bar.

Have not actually used it yet, however, she does know I have it. And as my pet, I now have master access. Much like I can now choose which restrictions apply to her or not. I also scheduled that everything she'd had in her hotel room would be moved into one of the empty rooms at my place.

Which means my apartment will soon have a Clothing Printer. That will likely drive Crystal nuts with all the possible outfits she could make with it.

"Just what are you up to?"

I glanced to where Sunset lounged on the blanket next to me. "Nothing much, just revising my checklists." She really did look good dressed up as a genie. We were currently enjoying our mutual free time by relaxing in the Gardens that Contestants and former Contestants had access to.

She was peeking over at me over the rim of her shades, with an amused expression on her face. She had apparently managed to keep that leather jacket of hers as she was currently wearing it with the sexy genie costume. "Why does it sound like you have more than one of them?"

"Because I do, sometimes I need checklists to help me complete my checklists." I blushed at her incredulous stare. "We all have our little coping mechanisms to get through the day. For me that is checklists."

"She will if you let her try and schedule every little thing. And can and will become hilariously chaotic if she realizes she forgot to schedule something important."

I froze at the sound of that voice. And turned to see a man lounging in the branches of a tree. Dressed in a simple outfit that likely came from the 1800s. One hand was heavily bandaged while the other held an apple the man was in the process of eating.


"Hello my dear, it's been awhile." He vanished from the branch in a flash only to reappear between Sunset and I. "Sorry it's been so long but I had to wait until you got both your memories and your wings back before I could visit."

"But... I killed you." I reached out to poke him to see if he was real and I had not just gone mad.

"It takes more than a few pesky Elements to kill moi." He held up the bandaged hand. "Admitted you gave me a very nasty burn but that was about it."

I launched myself at him, with tears streaming down my face as clutched his chest. One of his arms wrapped around my waist and stroked my back as I cried. These were not tears of sorrow or despair though. No, I was ecstatic that my first and at one point the only friend was in fact alive. A bit singed maybe but alive none the less.

Still, though I had felt quite a bit of pain and guilt believing that I had killed him by accident. All of it had been bottled up inside me. Even when I had no memory of him, or of being anything other than Mirror Flash. With him here, I could not keep it contained anymore and it came out as tears and sobs that soaked his shirt.

"Who are you?" It was Sunset who asked, a visible frown due to how upset I appeared to be.

"My name Q, however you ponies know me as Discord."


"Yes and no. While Discord is me, he is but a small fraction of Q." He sighed a bit before creating a sphere in the air. Inside one could see all of Equus. "Let's say that this is your world." His good hand closed into a fist with only his pinkie left up. He then poked the pinkie into the sphere where it detached and formed into a miniature draconequus who took the time to wave at Sunset. "I am Q, and that small bit of me is Discord."

"Oh.." Sunset seemed a bit shocked as she stared at the tiny Discord. The little guy was causing merry havoc inside the sphere as she watched.

"And while I may be an unrepentant Troll, I'm not a complete asshole." He paused a moment. "At least now I'm not. I still have quite a reputation from my younger days."

"So no Chaos?"

"Not unless it would cheer up our mutual friend here." He patted my back. "Or at least not today anyway."

"Missed you," I mumbled into his shirt as my tears started to slow.

"I know, even without your memories it's hard to be without the magnificence that is me."

I pulled back before smacking him without any real force. "Did not miss your ego though."

"Feeling better?"

"A bit.." My attention turned to the sphere. "Why is a mini you terrorizing a mini Equus?"

"Ah, I'm just showing Sunset here a replay of how I'm both Q and Discord."

I peered at it for a moment before looking at him. "That's a window to the past isn't it?"

He grinned giving a nod. "Indeed. What you two are seeing sped up a bit is what happened when I noticed some unpleasant things trying to get into Equus and intervened. Coincidentally I timed it so as to happen so I could have it look as if I did it specifically to answer your friend's question."

At Sunset's look, he explained. "In order to give you ponies a chance to avoid getting eaten by things you'd rather not meet. Mini Me caused everything he did. It scared them away until a pair of young heroines were produced who could take up the job of protecting your world instead."

Inside the Sphere, it showed two Alicorns appear and turn the mini Discord into a Statue.

"The only reason Harmony could do that is that I made a rule when I poked my finger in that it was the only magic that would be able to truly stop me at all, there at least." We watched the Alicorns settle and become the rulers of the ponies. "The plan worked spectacularly well until it didn't."

Abruptly there were two spheres showing a single event but with two different outcomes. One showed the older of the two blasting the younger with the Elements. The other however showed the older sister decapitating the younger with a sword.

"In your world Sunset, things eventually got back on track leading to the history as you knew it." He sighed while looking at the other image. "In Mirror's World, the guilt of actually killing her sister caused Celestia to lose all her marbles."

"It doesn't excuse everything she did," I stated with a frown.

"No, it doesn't." He agreed. "And had you not stopped her, she would have gotten what she wanted. Eventually, she would have invaded either the other Equus or the Human World. She was ever so fond of those New Foals of hers."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused as to what the New Foals were.

"Nothing important, at least anymore. Just know that you are an inherently good pony and that's why you got your wings."

"Since your alive can you fix the Dead Equus?"

"No my dear, I cannot. Well, I can, but I won't. It's not my place to restore that world." He pulled out a cloth and wiped away the mess that covered my face. "The only reason it still exists is that it has one Alicorn left."

"Are you saying she can restore it?" Sunset it seemed was losing her fear of him.

"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But eventually? It's possible after all the two of you have all the time in the world to figure out how." He sighed. "I can't visit all that often so I'm trusting you Sunset, to take good care of my friend. Otherwise, I will be very upset with you."

And the tone he just used put it back again. I frowned and smacked him. "Don't bully Sunset."

He laughed for reasons only he knew before giving me a hug. "Don't worry Princess, your dear Uncle Q won't hurt your girlfriend. Ta ta for now though. I can't visit often but you won't be able to get rid of me either."

"Bye Dissy," I muttered before with a flash he was gone leaving me alone with Sunset once more. A moment later she pulled me into a hug. I don't know how long we laid there in the Gardens, I just know I was very grateful that she was there.

My hooves shifted the dirt with every step as I made my way into the cave. Half expecting to see stone slabs around me as I reached my destination. It was a wonder this place was left open to anyone who could find it, unlike how it was in my memories.

The last time I'd been here, I'd had to crack open the vault that had been constructed around the sole attraction this cave had. A cave that seemed to be hidden only by the fact that no one bothered to look for it who did not already know the location.

The sight that greeted me left me breathless. Whole, completely intact, glowing with magic and life. The counterparts to the gems in my belt all in the places they were meant to be. Admitted only six of them were actually visible. This world had not needed the seventh it seemed.

I sat down among the roots not caring if it was proper or not. My back leaned against the trunk of my spine and between my wings. I closed my eyes, opened my senses, listened, and silently wept at what I heard. I am not sure if my counterpart knew, but the tree did not just glow with the magic. If you knew how to listen, then it sang.

The song from my world had been soft, filled with sorrow. While it soothed it also brought a sadness that could not be forgotten. This tree though, her song was joyous, happy and just brimming with all possibilities. She was also well aware that I was not her Twilight, that the bond I had with my Elements was different than the Peppy Princess'.

It was just as obvious though that she cared not one wit, nor did she attempt to take what her other self-had given. My Elements did, however, glow in time with hers, hesitantly adding their voices to the song. They and I were welcomed, them to join in and me to relax against her and listen in.

I am not sure how long I remained that way, only that at some point there was a surge of magic at the edge of my awareness. Followed by the rushed clopping of hooves and then someone panting for breath. When I cracked open an eye I saw my counterpart looking a bit frazzled, obviously having gotten here in a rush. Not all that important, so I closed my eye and resumed listening to the song.



"What are you doing?"

"Listening." I could just imagine the bewildered look she had from the sight of me, clad in an actual black leotard, wearing shorts that were small enough to almost be considered a belt on their own. They allowed one to see a good portion of my Sigils, or as Sunset called them Cutie Marks. I even had boots that went up to my calves, that Printer had allowed us to make footwear that actually worked with hooves.

"Listening? To what?"

I opened my eyes and gave her a look I usually reserved for idiots or those who are acting like idiots. "Sparkle, you and I will likely disagree on a great many things. That doesn't mean we can't be friends, just that we aren't identical." I pointed a gloved finger a the ground beside me. "Now get you flanks over here and sit."

"But -"

"I said SIT!"

She jerked a moment before closing her mouth and came over looking very confused. Still, she sat down next to me. "It's best if you're in direct contact like I am. Lean back with your back to the trunk." I watched as she complied before continuing. "Close your eyes and empty that pretty head of yours of everything in it."

She opened her mouth.

"Especially the checklists."

She closed it again with a blush.

"Now open your other senses. You may need to tilt your head so your horn is touching the trunk but you'll know it when you hear it."

I closed my eyes and resumed listening, after a few minutes though she gasped. "Is that..?"

"She's singing. Light, well you'd probably call her Harmony. Is always singing, the song changes on her mood. She's really happy right now."

"How can you tell?"

"Because I heard what it sounds like when she sad or when she's dying."

I heard her shift position a bit, but the silence of the physical world was kept for quite a while as we listened to a concert only one who knew how to listen for could hear. Eventually, though she was the one who spoke up first.

"I read the book you gave me."

"I expected you to."

"Were things really like that?"

I sighed softly. "That was the official history. So while all the events inside were accurate, there was a bias toward making the Imperium look good to those who didn't know different."


"Shiny was officially assigned to the Frontier at one point. Sounds good on paper but what it really meant was that he outlived his usefulness and was either killed or sent on a suicide mission."

I did not have to look to know the shocked horror she likely felt at hearing that. I had gone through that when I had first discovered the truth of that phrase myself.


"He cared too much and learned more than he was cleared to know. The last time I saw him he was trying to warn me I was in danger." Tears formed at the memory. "At the time I didn't believe him, after all, I was the Imperial Princess, Daybreaker's adopted daughter, and best student."

"Adopted?!? What about Mom and Dad?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her. "You mean Night Light and Twilight Velvet?" At her nod, I sighed. "Oh, they died when I was a little filly and too young to even remember them. Amusingly the second time around I got adopted by a Nickolas and Valarie Light. A childless couple who weren't able to have children of their own. And just happened to be that world's version of them."

"What do you mean by the second time around?"

"The human world I ended up is way more advanced than the one Sunset went to. To the point, they were able completely to reconstruct my body to the way it is now. However, they also reduced my age to a fifteen-year-old. And gave me a complete memory wipe."

"Why would they erase your memories?!?"

"So I could have a childhood without my memories messing things up." I gave her a smile. "The day you and I met, I'd only had gotten my memories back less than six hours before hand."

"Is that why you prefer to be called Mirror Flash?"

"Eyup, it's the name I had for ten years. Plus saves on confusion unless you want to do the twin prank."

"Twin prank?"

"Likely work better if we still had identical bodies. But it's when two twins dress up so they look exactly the same, act exactly the same. And sometimes even speak in perfect unison."

She blinked a moment before actually giggling as she thought over the image that would produce. "I've actually done something similar with the human world's Twilight."

I pondered a moment before smirking. "You know in the human world all it would take is the right glamour and we could likely pass as triplets if she and I get along."

"Why not use a polymorphic spell?"

I paused a moment. "Not actually sure how such a spell would work with my body." At her questioning look I hummed. "Basically my original body was so badly damaged that the only thing keeping me alive were my Elements. The sexy bod you see before you now is a fully cybernetic android, constructed using my genetics as a template, that my mind and soul got transferred into." Her eyes went wide as dinner plates as what I told her hit her. That.. that smile was really creepy.

The next thing I was grabbed by her magic just before I found myself teleported from the Cave into a room made of crystal. "SPIKE! I need you to take notes!" She galloped along with me being dragged along mid air behind her. I was slowly starting to realize that I may have triggered our inner Mad Scientist.

Well crap.

"TWILIGHT!" I yelled out cutting through her mutterings as she was getting various instruments ready no doubt to do all the tests and scan she wanted. "I'm finding myself very disappointed in you right now." We were in what was no doubt her lab, reminding me I really needed to set up one back home.


"You forgot the first rule of any scientific endeavor. Reducing the number of variables that may skew data and thus create erroneous results or conclusions." At her puzzled if slightly manic look I gestured at my body. "Give me a few minutes to remove anything that's not absolutely required before you perform any tests."

She blinked a moment before giving me a sheepish look and nodded still bouncing excitedly while Spike, who turned out to be an adorable bringer of flaming death, set up a child-sized scribes table. From his expression, he had likely been her assistant long enough to be used to a Twilight in full 'MAD Science!' mode. "How about some baseline questions while you prepare?"

"That is more than reasonable," I replied while I started to slowly strip off my outfit that no doubt had the little dragon staring at my ass for more than a few moments.

"It's been a few years since I last saw you. How long as it been for you?"

"Little over a month," I replied carefully setting every item on me that could safely be removed without affecting my mobility on a nearby table. "No time shift this time so we should be synced up as far as age is concerned."

"What happened to the other Sunset?"

"She decided to take the long way to catch up with me. So I dropped her with that world's Luna before returning to my time."

"Is she doing okay?"

"She's been living with me for about a month now. She'd be here if I hadn't been testing an experimental revision of the spell that allows me to travel between Dimensions." At her look, while I set the last item down and moved to the stool she'd originally set me on I expanded the explanation. "She told me on about how big a magical boom and cyclone the original brought up so I spent most of the last month revising it when not spending time with her or my family."

"Why is there an amethyst in your belly?"

"Navel piercing, permanent one so not taking it off. I have one other piercing that I'm not removing but you'll have to look for it yourself if you want to see it."

"Do you eat?" She began to attach sensors to parts of my body.

"Yes though I don't have to so long as I can find a compatible source of electricity. I do however prefer eating over getting plugged that way." I smirked as she missed the pun. "You can also cross off urine, stool or sweat samples from your list. My body is optimized to no longer produce any waste products."

She blinked a moment before pouting, going to her checklist, and actually crossing those items off. "How many calories do you intake a day?"

"Hmm around eight to ten thousand, though I can get by on a little over two thousand. I can pretty much eat anything I want and not get fat."

"I see. Does being an android mean you can't have foals?"

"I can get pregnant, by humans, ponies, other pony morphs, tentacles monsters, certain breeds of animals, and other creatures too numerous to list at this time." I paused a moment. "And I won't feel any pain when I give birth either."

She blinked for a moment as she tried to process that. "Have you gotten pregnant?"

"No Mom insists on me taking really effective birth control." I then smirked a moment. "However I have ended up looking as if I was pregnant quite a few times."

She gave me a bewildered look as she tried to figure out how that would even work. Spike thought he was barely holding in snickers even as he recorded her questions and my answers. I, however, kept a perfectly straight face as I was answering all her questions honestly. She was just lacking a key ingredient to understand most of my answers.

She did, however, make the mistake of squeezing one of my breasts while examining me with her face a bit too close. This resulted in her getting a high pressure, high volume blast of milk. She recoiled sputtering before hunting for a towel to wipe it off. "What was that!?"

"Due to a lack of cows where I currently live, quite a few females are modified to be able to produce the needed milk. I tend to hook myself up to a milking machine twice a day back home." Does not hurt that getting milked was an extremely enjoyable experience. I noticed the little dragon was biting on a claw to keep from laughing.

Next came the tong and tongue depressor, I opened my mouth wide without prompting. She placed the depressor on my tongue and used the tongs to no doubt pull the tongue out off the way so she could examine my teeth. "Hmm. Not primarily a herbivore anymore?" I shook my head even as the tongs tried to pull my tongue taut. The problem was though that would take a bit longer than she would have expected it to.

She still was mostly focused on my teeth however so she hadn't quite noticed just how long my tongue was getting. Spike did however and he was looking at it in amazement. "Uh, Twilight?"

"Not now Spike." She muttered. "Not jagged enough to be a carnivore. Most likely omnivorous."

"But her tongue!"

"What about.." She trailed off now seeing what would seem to be an impossibly long tongue. The tongue flexed popping out of the tongs before snapping back into my mouth, which snapped shut with a click of my teeth.

"You act like you haven't seen a tongue before."


"Luna talked me into getting it that way."

"Anything else like that?"

"Need your hoof to demonstrate one of them."

Her confusion warred with her curiosity but in the end, as always her curiosity won out. She moved closer and raised a hoof toward me. I slipped off the stool to sit on the floor before taking the hoof and slipping it into my mouth. It wouldn't be all that impressive on its own until I sucked hard. One moment it was just her hoof in my mouth then the next her foreleg was down my throat. She let out a surprised squeal when it happened. As soon as I stopped sucking she pulled her now saliva coated foreleg out.

"Did you just try to eat me?"

"No just suck on your foreleg." I returned to the stool as she used the towel again.

"But that doesn't make any sense."

I was half tempted to quote Dissy in response to that line. "My body was designed so I could get maximum enjoyment out of it. No sense in having a body that makes you miserable to be in."


"I am very stretchy in certain places."

"What places?"

"Do you really want to know Twilight?"

"Yes I do, it needs to be documented! The scientific ramifications of your body are amazing. Even if some of it is really odd."

"Alright. Imagine Spike there if he was a full sized adult dragon." She nodded after a moment. "Now dragons in my current world have an interesting trait that I'm not sure if they have here."

"What trait is that?"

"They are double dicked." I continued as she sputtered in shock. "Now let say imaginary fully grown Spike has that trait. They would be fairly massive at that age. I would be able to stretch enough that I could be able to ride both of them at the same time. Admittedly it would still be a fairly tight fit."

"How is that possible?"

"As I told Sunset, with the way this body is set up I could pass as a Discount Succubus. Only without being a Demon."

She blinked a moment before frowning. "How would you even begin to know that?"

"I have several adoptive sisters. One who actually is a Succubus, whose twin sister is an Angel." I gave an amused smile. "Makes my home life very interesting. Though we might want to wait a bit to continue."


"Spike's still in la-la land due to the image I just put in his head." I pointed to the blushing little dragon who likely now had an image of an alternate version of his older sister figure that was likely not what he normally saw when thinking of Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight looked at him and sighed in exasperation. "Might be best to continue later. Though I can't believe how your body could end up like you say it is."

"That's because you're trying to make sense of things without one important thing."

"And that is?"

"Context." I smiled softly as she arched a brow at me. "First what you consider normal social norms is different from what I consider normal social norms." I paused a moment so she could consider that. "Second thing is what is logical in one Dimension isn't always logical in another."

"Well, that makes a bit of sense."

"Third, my first friend was the one who taught me how to laugh. And as such my sense of humor tends to be a bit closer to his."

"Why would that matter?"

"My first friend is someone I affectionately call Dissy."

She blinked a moment until I snapped my fingers in a very distinct manner. Not that anything happened but it was a familiar enough action that she would make the connection. "Wait you're not talking about Discord are you?"

"Yes, and for the longest time, he was my only true friend. One of the reasons I was so twitchy back when we met is I thought I'd accidentally killed him at one point. Thankfully it turned out I was wrong on that front."

She blinked before moving closer and sharing a hug with me. After all, if anyone could imagine how I would react to losing a friend like that, it would be another me. "I do have to ask were all those answers you gave actually true?"

"Oh yes, all truth. You're just still missing the full context."

"And what is the full context?"



"I privately call the world I live in Porno World because everything runs on Porn Logic."

Her blush was utterly spectacular and well well worth having to put up with her in 'MAD Science!' mode if only to watch as everything clicked into place. Of course, now I had some idea of what I put others through when I was in that state.

"I'm half afraid to ask what you do for a living there."

"Under the name Mirror Flash, I am a very popular, if now retired Pornstar." At her look, I smirked. "Be happy I chose to have a new Identity created with my contract. Otherwise, it would have been under my original name."

"Thank you oh so much." She half muttered since she shared my original name. "May I assume that most if not all your body features relate to sex in some way then?"


"Did Sunset end up like you?"

"When I left her in the past she was only supposed to be a part-time maid and student. When I returned to my time I found out some lady named Cadence convinced her to sign a Contract similar to the one I had only I was the prize at the end."

"Cadence?" She blinked for several moments. "Was her full name Mi Amore Cadenza?"

"You know her?"

"Yes I do, she's married to Shiny. She was also my foalsitter."

I blinked a moment. "I hope you don't take offense. But that's kind of really creepy. So how are the scans coming?"

Reminded of them she let go of me and went to check the readouts from the various magical sensory equipment she had set up. "A lot of these readings are similar to what I would expect of either a pony or human. But some of these aren't like anything I've seen before."

"Well, the base technology was designed to be indistinguishable from a normal human. Much more advanced than what is used for your average sexbot."

"Of course they have sexbots." She mutters in exasperation.

"I take it you spent a bit more time in the human world if you understand that term?"

"Mmmm. Oh yes. A situation required that I be able to open the Mirror Portal much more often."

"Speaking of which.."

"Time Travel and the Portals do not mix well." She stated before looking at me. "I had a student, but before she became my student she was a bit revenge obsessed. To the point, she improved one of Star Swirl's spells linked it to the Cutie Map. And then tried repetitively to prevent the event that gave me and all my friends our Cutie Marks on the same day."

"May I assume that you managed to talk sense into her eventually rather than just killing her if she became your student?"

"Yes, I did." She frowned for a moment. "I still don't like how casually you seem to think killing is an answer though."

"I'm a trained Battle Magus, You were trained for Peace and Diplomacy from what I can tell. I was trained in War and Aggressive Diplomacy. Of which killing is a necessary evil. Doesn't mean I like doing it, however, when other options are exhausted sometimes it is the only option."

"I don't agree with the idea that killing should ever be an option."

"Then that will be something we will have to disagree on. I don't want to get into an argument about something I doubt we'd be able to convince the other about." I crossed my arms as I spoke. "That said, I will state that I prefer trying all other options first, and I am much happier when I don't have to kill something."

She sighed after a moment and nodded. "I don't like it, but I can agree not to argue about it. On a different topic though something has been bugging me. The eye, why is it pink?"

"A wannabe Magus with a massive ego didn't like I was better at magic than her. So she gouged out my eye." I pursed my lips. "Ended up having to implant the Element of Kindness into the socket to be able to see on that side afterward."

Twilight turned a bit green at my explanation. "Who would do something like that?"

"Some bitch who kept calling herself the Great and Powerful Trixie." Twilight actually facehoofed at the name for some reason. I wonder if this world's version was as annoying as mine had been. "Sad part was I had been seriously considering taking her on as a student at one point. After the eye though, I wanted nothing to do with her."

"She's friends with my former student."

"Former as in dismissed for incompetence or graduated?"

"Starlight graduated with flying colors thankfully."

I actually returned the smile Twilight had at that. "Well, congratulations on being a successful teacher."

"Thank you.." She hummed a bit as she read a bit more of the data coming from her machines. "I think a polymorphic spell would work on you."

"You intend to test one on me, Don't you?"

"If you don't mind."

I sat there for a moment thinking things over before speaking again. "Make sure you get my limbs. I'd rather not have them fall off or end up mismatched."

"I highly doubt your limbs would fall off."

I arched a brow at her before grabbing one arm, a mental command later and I had it detached and resting on my lap. "Considering they can actually fall off as is. You may want to double check your assumptions."

"How? Why?"

"Retired Pornstar remember?" I smirked. "Some people get off at the idea of having a limbless girl stuffed in a duffel bag. So, of course, there is porn for it. The less extreme versions usually have them finding a girl missing any single limb as really sexy." Very carefully I reattached the arm. "I can play that fantasy in any variation if I want to without it being permanent."

"So long as you don't misplace the actual limbs?"

"Mmhmm. So any spell you're thinking of trying would have to factor that all my limbs can be detached with the exception of my wings."

She nodded and her horn lit up. I could feel her magic wash over me, which was so similar to my own. Only it felt lighter than mine did somehow. When it ended my arms were both shorter and ended in hooves. A moment later a large mirror was brought in front of me allowing me to view myself.

And I found myself staring at a very sexy Alicorn, only as a pony rather than a pony morph. There were marked differences between her and myself. For one I wore darker makeup than she did if she wore any. My wings were still darker and still much more predatory than hers. My body was significantly more athletic than hers was.

I shifted off the stool and landed on all four hooves for the first time in years. Scans of myself showed nothing wrong. I was still a fully cybernetic android, only now I was an android pony rather than anthropomorphic pony girl. "I guess you were right about the spell. How long does it last?"

"It lasts until the counterspell is used."

"Mind bringing the spell matrix for both the spell and counter spell to the forefront of your mind?" At her questioning look, I smiled. "One of the perks of being as I am is that I'm a Telepath. Meaning I can link my mind to yours and learn the spell that way, with your permission of course."

"Why didn't you mention that earlier? I could have gotten all my questions answered that way couldn't I?"

"First because two-way communication requires you to also be a Telepath. And second, you never asked." I chuckled at her groan before she gave a nod. A moment later I was in her mind and quickly copied the two matrices that were the spells I needed.

Thank you.

She jumped slightly at the protected thought before realizing it had been me. "Your welcome."

"So question, why did you want to try the spell? Besides just to try it."

"Well I want to show you around Ponyville, and you won't draw as much attention this way."

"Twilight, I'm an Alicorn we draw attention by default."

"Yes, but you'll draw much less attention this way than as a biped. Not to mention Pinkie would be really upset if you left without her getting a chance to meet you."


"One of my friends, I take it you never met her in your world or in. Porno World?"

"No, I haven't." I frowned not really wanting to go out in public here yet. It was only supposed to be a test of the spell, a visit to see this world's Tree and then return home. "Do you have a spare set of saddle bags I can borrow to store my stuff? Really not want to risk losing any of it."

"Oh yes, I have a spare I can lend you."

"Great all that is left is to remember how to pick shit up with my hooves."

"Language please."

"My point stands."

I think I should start referring to Sigils by the name that Sunset uses from now on. As it would ease the confusion of any Equestrian I crossed paths with. Even if Cutie Marks sounds quite a bit sillier, and a bit more chaotic than the term I was raised with.

The reason I made the decision was that the saddlebags I had my Mark on them, which made sense since that was one of the few bits where Twilight and I were identical. Once all my things were in the bags I had turned and asked where the nearest bathroom was.

"Didn't you say you don't need to use one anymore?"

"Twilight, if I'm going to join you out in public. Then I'm not going to do so without draining my breasts first. Unlike when bipedal they aren't the most comfortable when full as a pony." Considering their placement was very different in this form getting them empty was a priority.

She had blushed at the reminder and showed me where one was. Once inside I hopped onto the toilet and started milking myself the old-fashioned way. Which was an interesting task when I was using my hooves. Eventually, though they were completely drained empty. Once I finished the final tasks of any visit to a bathroom I rejoined Twilight.

The first thing I found out was that this crystal castle that we were in, was also on top of a large crystal tree. One that was clearly connected to the Tree back in the cave. The second was that this world's Ponyville looked nothing like the District I remembered. I ended up following Twilight with wide eyes as I looked about.

There were no perfectly aligned grids of roads. No buildings completely and utterly identical with only a variance of height being permitted. The street was dirt for Light's sake. More it was extremely colorful. Actual plants around where ever my gaze wandered.

The ponies were also very different too. No trudging along scared of being deemed too chaotic. No these one were going about with nary a care of what they might find. Much like the people back home did when not an area where a monster attack was being fought off.

Of course, Twilight and I drew attention. Not at first mind you, but two Alicorn mares would draw the gaze of most even if only briefly. However, the oddity of there being two versions of the same Alicorn mare drew more interest than if I had been a different Alicorn.

I mostly ignored them, much like I would those with cameras back home unless directly approached. There is no harm in them looking, and it was not like I would have to stop and accept the requests of anyone I met anymore.

"So different.." I muttered softly.

"How so?"

"Everything is just so. Unplanned. Curved roads rather than an organized grid. While mostly similar not all the buildings are exactly the same." I paused a moment. "Not to mention the ponies, they aren't afraid someone might show up and drag them away for Re-Education or worse."


"As an example, humor was outlawed. If you giggled you got the switch on your flank. If you actually laughed you'd either spend time in Jail or get whipped depending on the Judge."

"That's horrible!"

"I know it was something I had planned to change if we'd managed to successfully oust Her from power." I sighed. "That and help Daring to actually publish her journals."

Twilight's ears perked up. "Do you mean Daring Do?"

I nodded. "Annoyingly stubborn mare who only started helping me find my Elements after I promised to help her get them published," I smirked at the memories. "At least once it wasn't illegal for her to publish them.."

"So no Daring Do books in your world?"

"No just unpublished journals." I pondered a moment. "Maybe I should try and find her alternate at some point. See if she wouldn't mind having them published."

"Wait... You still have them?"

"Yes, I may not have been able to save those who lived in my world. But I did manage to save quite a lot of the books. Those journals included."

I was suddenly nose to nose with Twilight. "You have to let me read them."

I arched a brow before giving her nose a quick lick causing her to jerk back. "The books or the journals?"

"Both." She replied with a blush as she realized how she'd been acting.

"I'll think about it." She pouted but didn't press as it wasn't an outright no. I, however, came to an abrupt stop as I stared at what had to be the largest gingerbread house I had ever seen. "What the fuck?"

"Mirror Language please."

I pointed at the building. "Why does that building look like it was made from gingerbread?"

"Because it's Sugarcube Corner, our destination actually." She said with a smile.

"Please tell me that's not actual gingerbread and just looks like it?"

That drew an amused giggle from her. "As tasty as it looks it just looks like it."

As we entered I noticed a pink mare who perked up as the bell chimed. "Hi Twilight, Hi.." She froze a moment before the next moment she was nose to nose to me like Twilight had been earlier. "Mirror read my mind right now!"


Twilight seemed confused, however, I did as requested, then blanched at what I saw. I stepped back from her before charging my horn with magic. With a flash, I was no longer in Sugarcube corner I was instead behind some bushes in Ponyville.

I could hear repeated yells of "FUN!" coming from all around as I plunged through the bushes grabbed a pink mare that was giving off waves of depression. Which I shocked her out of by kissing her hard enough to get her attention.

"Hello Pinkie, I'm an alternate future version of Twilight Sparkle. You can call me Mirror Flash, I'm here to help you with your little clone problem. I need to you Pinkie Promise you won't tell anyone I was ever here until after I show up in Sugarcube corner with your version of me someday. Where the first thing you must do is get me to read your mind, so I know to come back and fix this."

"Really?" Her teary eyes started to brighten and her hair started to poof up.

"Yes, now Pinkie Promise."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

I yanked the Rainbow Belt from the saddlebags and snapped it on. Pinkie's eyes if anything grew wider. Then I pulled her into a hug before the gems glowed and I let out my spell. All of Ponyville ended up covered by a massive bright flash. All the Pinkie clones causing havoc were hit at once, and all of them had the magic forming them shattered. They didn't get sent back to the Mirror Pool, they simply ceased to exist.

"Remember to tell no one about me, and make sure you get your friends to help seal off that Pool so this doesn't happen again." I gave her a nuzzle before letting go. Another flash and I was back where I had started from, seconds after I left. The only difference was the belt around my hips. Both Pinkie and Twilight were rubbing spots from their eyes.

"What just happened?" Twilight demanded once they could see clearly again.

"Sorry," I said while removing my Belt and slipping it back into the saddlebags and winked at Pinkie. "But it's covered by a Pinkie Promise not to tell."

"But you two just met!"

Pinkie giggled and just hugged me before saying. "Sorry Twilight but Mirror is correct there is a Pinkie Promise involved."

My counterpart gave us both an exasperated look. "You told me you never met Pinkie before."

"And today is the first day that I met her." It just was not the first day she met me.

She rubbed her hoof against the base of her horn and sighed. "Just Pinkie being Pinkie?"


I nodded in agreement. "Her mind is a really strange place to visit though."

"I bet it is." Twilight paused a moment before continuing in a fond tone. "It's hard to make sense of her the best of times."

I blinked at that. "Really? She makes perfect sense to me.. But then I've also bonded my version of Laughter so that might help."

"You can understand her?"

"Not really all that hard, she's even more Obsessive Compulsive than we are when it comes to making the perfect party."

I was suddenly grabbed and shaken. "And the Pinkie Sense?!? You understand that?"

"Yes, I can. After all, I just read her mind. However, the Pinkie Sense is not something that can be explained in the limited vocabulary that makes up Equish."

"Limited vocabulary?"

"Yes, our language just doesn't have the words necessary to convey all the concepts that compose it. The closest you can get is." I paused for dramatic effect. "Pinkie Sense," I said those words as if they explained everything much to Pinkie's amusement and Twilight's frustration.

"There there Twilight, why don't you have a seat and I'll get you and Mirror some cupcakes."

After a moment Twilight released me and made her way to a table and sat down and I followed her and sat as well. "If it helps I've come across a few things that are even harder to explain."


I nodded. "I used to be sacrificed to an Old One every Saturday. Which meant I got to see glimpses of the underlying framework of all existence for ten years straight."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Well, it does if you consider I was the virgin who ended up getting offered up so an Ancient Cult could learn the secrets of existence, in exchange for my virginity every time."

"Mirror you can only lose that once."

"Not if your virginity resets every night. Every time I wake up in the morning I'm a virgin again."


"I could say 'It's Magic don't have to explain shit.' However, it's also that I have nanobots that restore it every night."

"Language please."

"Sorry but that is the actual quote. From quite a few different books." I smirked at her expression at that.

Pinkie returned with the cupcakes and joined us at the table. "So Mirror what brings you to Ponyville?"

"Twilight kidnapped me, ran experiments and then used a spell to make me look like a normal pony." I paused a moment or two. "Thankfully Spike went to la-la land before she started to probe me." Twilight bit into a cupcake blushing at how I made what had happened sound.

"Ahhh. So classic Twilight."

"I'd do the same thing probably if I was in her place. Only I would definitely get the probing done first." My counterpart choked as I started to enjoy my own cupcake. "She also nearly kissed me when I told her I have books."

"Would that qualify as narcissism?"

"Yes, it would."

"You are enjoying this way too much."

"Yes, I am. After all, unlike you, I don't need to play proper Peppy Princess."

"Peppy Princess?"

"My nickname for you. Since you're a much Peppier version of me."

"Ooooh... I can see that. You're the Metal Twilight and she's the Peppy Twilight."

I snorted in amusement even as my alternate sighed. That was true in more than one sense of the word. "By the way, what is the Cutie Map you mentioned earlier?"

"It's a magical map of Equestria, every time there is a friendship problem it picks those who are best to solve it and then shows their Cutie Mark over the location they need to go to. The Marks usually flash when somepony is summoned and when they fix the problem. It's how I found you, my Cutie Mark appeared over the location for the Tree of Harmony."

"So your flank flashed and you came running?"

She paused a moment before. "No, actually it didn't only showed my Mark."

"Mirror's flank flashed like it normally does when the problem is solved while you were still wiping the spots from your eyes." Pinkie piped up before swallowing another whole cupcake in one bite.

All three of us looked down to my flank where a Mark visually identical to Twilight's was located. Her eye twitched and she started to rub the base of her horn. "But she didn't solve any problems."

Pinkie gave me a look as if to ask. "Can I tell her?"

Yes, you may.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle as Pinkie smiled widely. "Actually she jumped back in time to save us all from the army of Pinkie Clones."

Twilight froze before looking at the pair of us. My smug smile and Pinkie's cheerful one. "I told you I have a sense of humor very similar to his. And not once has anything I have told you today a lie."

"Just not the whole context?"

I nodded and grinned at her. "I had figured you'd guess something was up when I put the Belt back in the Saddlebag. But you got distracted by the Pinkie Sense." I leaned over and gave my other self a deep kiss on the lips one that left her blushing by the time I pulled back. "Hope you liked the consolation prize. Anyway, I need to get home. Mind if I give the bags back next time I visit?"

Still blushing she shook her head. "No, keep them. I can always get another spare."

"Thanks see you both again sometime." I moved from the table and then jumped back to my current Home Dimension. I smirked as I imagined Sunset's reaction to my current form, or when I used the spell on her as well. I licked my lips as I entered the Decontamination Chamber.

Disappointingly Sunset was not home when I arrived back. Apparently, she had decided to go out and have some fun without me. While the without me part was annoying, I really could not hold it against her. While she was my loving slave, I treated her more like a girlfriend than one. So it should not be a surprise that she would go do things on her own.

So I used the counterspell, before casting the spell Twilight had used again. Then I did it again several more times. Testing the limit of what it could do, while reverting myself to my default form between each test. I found so long as the form was even part Pony that I would always have my wings. However, going pure human in form left my back as wing free as it had been prior to last month.

I was currently nude in human form sitting in a runic circle of my own design. It was in one of my apartment's empty rooms. The circle was made of concentric rings. Each one meant to contain whatever was within, with the sole exception of me physically leaving. Much like I had basked in the light of the Tree of Harmony, I had done so so for another aspect of who and what I am.

The room I was in was currently dark, the door closed leaving me in near total darkness. Where I had opened all my senses to the tree I didn't open them all now. I instead seeped my magic out of me and into the air around me. The circles keeping it contained to the area around me. Since this was an exercise I had not done in many years I went slow. The magic outside my body getting thicker until the shadows began to roil. I could feel it sliding against my skin. Tendrils of magic and shadows sliding around me, and in places over me.

Many might think that my first real lover had been my adoptive father when the show began. And in a sense that would be true, but in a sense, it also wasn't. Before the Show, before the Contract, before Dissy I had had a lover even Daybreaker did not suspect. A lover that had been with me since I was born, always at my side and assisting in anything I did. Even though she likely didn't realize it the other Twilight had the same lover even if she had never realized it.

That lover was my own Magic, the first time I ever did this, it came at me in a rush. Filling my younger self in a way that was so heady I had come back crawling for more. The Elements had only added that, though I was doing this without my belt for now. With age, however, had come control, over myself and over my magic. I could feel the tendrils caressing my skin, along with the curves of my body. Admittedly before the Contract, nothing had ever actually penetrated my depths. Not even my magic.

But ten years of being used, abused, forced to be fucked, of being made into a dump for anyone who wanted had changed me. Now when I felt a tendril sliding across my lips, they parted allowing it to slide into my mouth. My hips arched just enough to allow tendrils to enter me from below. The feel of it curling around my breasts as I suppressed a moan.

Shadows sliding along, coating and even staining my skin. My tongue sliding against both the tendril and my teeth, hips rocking back and forth seemingly to nothing. But I could feel it slowly thrusting, and stretching with each passing moment. My breath came faster even as I suppressed another moan. Feeling as I rose from the floor, held up in the loving tendrils.

The pupils behind my lids turning into pink hearts shadow so thick that they were a dark mass wrapped around me, holding my legs apart and my arms above my head. I sucked and fucked, losing track of the time as I floated within the circle. No doubt it if this were the pit I would be full of seed swelling from the sheer volume. Even with the lack of seed I was enjoying myself immensely. So, of course, I get interrupted, the door opening letting in a bit of light to disturb me.

Enter and close the door or leave and close the door.

I didn't bother to use my voice as my mouth was stretched around a thick tendril of magic as my dear pet stepped inside wearing shorts and a t-shirt. The collar was ever present on her neck, and I knew she would have no underwear beneath that one layer of clothing. After all I hadn't allowed her to wear any today.

"Mirror why is it so dark in here?"

I gave her a slightly fanged smirk as I answered by giving another order.

Because I want it dark, just as I want you stripped.

The tone I used even mentally was one she had been trained and conditioned to obey before being gifted to me. The reaction was immediate, "Yes Mistress." Soon I could hear the sound of what little clothing she had on being removed and dropped to the floor. "I have stripped Mistress."

Good, come to the center of the room. Be careful though I have runic circle down do not break the lines when you enter.

To help her I focused a bit of magic to the side causing the lines to glow just enough that she would be able to see where they were. I could hear the pair of hooves getting closer only to stop before the edge of the circle.

"It's safe to enter?"

As long as you do not break the lines yes. The circle is meant to contain magic, not bar physical passage.

A moment later she stepped within and I could feel her with my magic. Once she was in fully she was hit with a spell that shifted her into her pure human appearance. Just before tendrils wrapped around her and pulled her off her feet.

"Mistress what.."

Quiet, what you feel is simply my magic running free within the confines of the circle. Plus a little spell I picked up from the other Twilight today.

"Mmph!" One of the tendrils shoved into her mouth before she had a chance to close it. She was pulled through the mass surrounding me, her legs pulled wide like mine, and her arms pulled up above her head. Her torso ended up pressed up flush against mine. My own arms were released so I could slide them around her waist hugging her tightly as tendrils pushed into her lower holes. Soon the only sounds where her very muffled moans as she too was slowly taken by my magic.

My nails raked across the skin of her back adding in a real physical sensation in addition to the phantom ones we were subjected to at that point. Once again I soon lost track of all time. The pair of us floated in that room, caressed and filled with my magic. Eventually, though we would be lowered, legs brought together so that she would be in my lap, her legs wrapped around my hips.

I could feel her body spasming against mine as I slowly reeled in my magic. The tendril slipping from my mouth before I began to lick and nibble on her shoulder. My hands squeezing her firm bottom as the shadows around us still. Soon leaving the pair of us all that was left within the circle. "Mmmm.. Have fun my pet?" I purred into her ear.

"Oooh. What was that?"

"My magic, mixed with the shadows. A little trick from before my world died." I smirked softly. "Haven't done it in years. Admittedly this is the first time I've actually penetrated myself or another with it."

"And that spell you mentioned?" She murmured back.

"You now look like your sexy human self. And so do I." I nibbled on her lower lip. "It lasts until I use the counterspell." And then I kissed her deeply our tongues dancing together before mine pushed down her throat. Leaving her gasping once broke the kiss and pulled my tongue back.

"So your transit spell worked?"

I nodded nuzzling her cheek. "Oh yes. Dropped me right next to the ruins that were the Imperial Palace in my world. Paid a visit to a very special place before the other Twilight showed up."

"What place?"

"Just where the Elements originally came from. The Tree that produced them is still alive in your old world. So I listened to her sing. And then messed with my counterpart until I came home." I nipped at her ear with a smirk. "Was left so horny that when I got home and found you were out. Well, I had to find a way to amuse myself."

"So you masturbated with your magic?"

"No."I murred giving her a light bite on the shoulder. "I made love to my magic."

"Mirror sometimes you're really weird." I gave a chuckle at that. "Why does it feel like you have fangs."

"Side effect of using shadows as the medium, they fade eventually. If you check with your tongue you should have some too."

Her answer was a light love bite on my shoulder letting me feel that yes she did have a set cute little fangs. Slowly I rose to my feet carrying Sunset as I did make my way out of the circle. Very carefully I stepped over the lines, passing through the barrier without breaking it. I would be able to feel what shadows still clung to me get stripped away and left behind in the circle until the magic completely dissipated.

Pausing by the door I reached out and flicked the light switch, bathing the room in light before opening the door and carrying my pet to our bed.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today it finally happened, the other Princess Twilight Sparkle I told you about when I returned from the Human World the first time actually visited Equestria. Sadly the spells I set up to detect the magic surge she put off when she arrived at Canterlot High turned out to be useless. She seems to have refined the spell that allows her to travel between Dimensions to the point her arrivals may now be either undetectable, or possibly easily missed if somepony isn't watching for it at the right time.

It is only thanks to the Cutie Map that I even discovered she was in Equestria at all. When I checked it this morning as per usual. I saw my Cutie Mark being displayed over the location of the Tree of Harmony. The odd part is my Mark had not started pulsing to summon me to the map, but at the time I had not noticed. Considering how rare it is for the Map to send me on a Friendship Mission I lost no time in getting to the Tree's Cave.

Only once there I discovered that the Tree was not alone. Sitting in a gap of the roots with her back against the Tree of Harmony's trunk was the other me. The odd part was she seemed to be treating the Tree of Harmony like it was any old tree in a park. The kind you would sit under on a sunny day while either napping or enjoying a good book.

She looked like she was napping, while I would soon find out that wasn't actually what she was doing. She looked significantly calmer, and had such a peaceful expression with tear tracks down her cheeks. I was for a moment hesitant to interrupt whatever she doing. The Tree was glowing as it had just before it had unleashed the Rainbow Power to allow my friends and I to defeat Tirek. The Elements in the Tree were also glowing extremely bright, as were their counter parts in the belt the other me wore were also glowing just as brightly.

I had no idea just what was going on, so using the what the Human Fluttershy told me was her preferred name I asked. She opened her left eye, the pink one and gave me a one word answer. Listening. She seemed to get annoyed at my confusion and had me sit down next her her put my back against the Tree and then walked me through just what she was doing.

I can't find the words to describe what I experienced. Did you know that the Tree of Harmony can SING? It is not audible to normal hearing, you have open your magical senses in just the right way to hear it. It was just so beautiful I nearly found myself crying from it. More when we eventually started chatting the way she talked made the Tree sound fully Sapient. I had always suspected it was sentient since quite a few of the things that have happened over the years give a clear indication in that direction.

However Mirror Flash, the name the other me prefers using, talked about the Tree as if She, the Tree, were another pony. She used gender pronouns, called what I believe is the Tree's mind or spirit as Light, though she said we would probably call her Harmony. She words and tone made it sound as if she was a dear old friend she hadn't seen in a very long time.

Considering the current state of her world, I can only postulate that her corresponding Tree of Harmony did in fact at one point die. Which makes me wonder how her Elements are even still functional, which adds to the list of questions of how can she use all the Elements instead of just one. Though the fact she had never met Pinkie Pie before today may mean she never met her worlds version of my friends.

She then let slip that the reason why she looks Anthropomorphic is because the body she currently has was NOT the one she was born with. The world she had gone to after her world's destruction is apparently very advanced in at least technology and one hinted at form of magic. Apparently she was so badly injured on arrival that the only thing keeping her alive where her Elements.

The humans of that world then using her own genetics as a template then constructed an extremely advanced android body that they then transferred her mind and soul into. I have only really encountered this concept before in some of the Science Fiction I was exposed to when visiting Sunset. They call the concept Tran-humanism. When you transcend a mortal organic body by uploading into a machine one. Androids being extremely advanced golems created without use of magic in any way.

What this means is that if it is common enough that Immortality for the average pony might be reduced to an optional medical procedure you could get at any hospital. I am embarrassed to admit that the fact I had an actual working example sitting next to me. Well you can guess what happened. I snatched her in my magic teleported home and rushed to my lab.

It was only when she admonished me for forgetting really basic scientific procedures that I actually realized what I had gotten a bit carried away. Thankfully she was more amused than upset by being on the receiving end for once. She did not seem to mind my enthusiasm so long as I waited for her to strip off her clothing an any item that would interfere with my examination of her.

I have attached Spike's Notes and Transcription of the interview we had during her preparation before and during the examination. Spike thoughtfully switched certain words to our worlds equivalent. Those are the ones he put in brackets, as Mirror seemed to like using the human variation of some less than polite language at times. I found out later, she does that because she does not have to be a proper princess anymore. Admittedly I am surprised Spike managed to transcribe that last bit before he drifted of, to quote Mirror, "la la land" requiring us to adjourn earlier than I had hoped for.

I also discovered who ended up taking up the role for her than my friends do for me. I'm half afraid of what might happen if she was in the same room as Discord. Or as she calls him Dissy, the one who taught her how to laugh. Which considering the Imperium outlawed humor to the point giggling was a punishable criminal offense might be why she seems to have a sense of humor similar to his.

To borrow a human term, she was Trolling me the entire time we were together, telling the truth in such a way that unless you knew the full context you would make erroneous conclusions. Quite a few things she says only made sense after she pointed out that I was operating on assumptions based on what I considered normal and logical. At one detaching her own limb and then reattaching it just to prove the point.

The context to make sense of how her body is set up the way it is, is that what is normal and logical in the world she lives is so out of left field that she need to explicitly point it out to me. And that the name Mirror Flash was in fact a stage name she had created so as not to have the name Twilight Sparkle associated with her former career as a Pornstar.

A Pornstar being somepony who is paid to not only have sexual relations with somepony else that is also being paid to do so, but to do it while on camera with the intent of then selling that footage to anypony who wants it. In the Human World it is only legal for those over the age of eighteen, thus legal adults, to participate, or view such content. At least in the country where Canterlot High is located. The irony being that same country also bans prostitution while allowing Porn.

However the version of the Human World that Mirror and Sunset's Portal Twin live. Mirror calls it Porno World because very thing there runs on what she calls Porn Logic. And after she left Sunset with that world's Luna, it seems Cadence showed up and talked Sunset into some sort of Contract, one that ended up with her living with Mirror.

Back on topic, after going over the results I was able to determine, that despite her fears, a polymorphic spell would have a less than five percent chance of triggering a negative reaction, with another five percent margin of error. While not one hundred percent those were very positive odds and with her permission I tested such a spell on her. To make it easier I focused on shifting her to full pony at that time.

I know I am not fat, I am at a healthy weight ratio for my age and level of activity. However Mirror quite literally has the body of a Wonderbolt or an active member of the Royal Guard, specifically to the standard that Luna keeps the Night Guard to. Which given that Mirror told me she was trained for War and Aggressive Diplomacy clearly indicates that she was a military soldier at some point in her life. Clearly that is also possibly why she believes killing is an acceptable final option to situations.

I still believe killing shouldn't be an option at all. She however did not want to argue her position, citing it would be something we could agree to disagree on. That point was a valid in that you do not have to agree with everything in order be friends. Since I think she views me as a potential friend, I let the issue drop. Especially after she admitted she prefers not killing if she can find any other way to solve a problem first.

Eventually we made our way to Sugarcube corner as I wanted to treat her to cupcakes as a partial apology for my earlier over enthusiasm, and of course introduce her to Pinkie. It quickly became obvious that she was barely restraining herself from that same over enthusiastic examination of every little thing in we passed in Ponyville.

It makes me wonder what her version of what has become my home is looks like in her world. While the lack of roads being laid out in grids and that the various buildings did not look all exactly the same surprised her. It was the ponies going about their lives in varying degrees of happiness that seemed to shock her the most.

It was then I found out things like humor were outlawed. Since what held her attention was that "they aren't afraid some one might show up and drag them away for Re-Education or worse." More that it had been something she had "planned to change after ousting" your counter part from power. And I learned a bit more of her society that was left out of the book she gave me.

Speaking of I know both you and Luna currently have it. I discovered that the phrase "Assigned to the Frontier" actually means to have been deemed no longer useful and either killed or sent on a suicide mission where you are not expected to return from. Can either of you double check on how often that phrase popped up and when it first appeared in the text?

On a much happier note she may have been friends with her version of Daring Do without having realized it. Given she still has a complete set of unpublished adventures that Daring undertook. Apparently her books would have been deemed too chaotic and thus illegal to publish in that world. Something Mirror had promised to change if that Daring Do helped her find the Elements of Harmony.

If she needed Daring Do, I think maybe your alternate scattered and hid the Elements all across the Imperium so that nopony could use them against her. Which means her adventure to find the Elements may have taken much longer than what my friends and I went through. Here is the thing though, she promised to help her Daring publish those journals, and she kept them even though her Daring likely died when her world did. Along with other books she managed to save.

That promise though seems important enough that she's considering having them published here, if she can get our Daring to give permission. I am planning on sending her a letter about it as well. Hopefully she will agree and we will get to find out just what the other Daring got up to, and how different or similar she was to ours.

The meeting Pinkie with Mirror in tow was strange, even when you account for the Pinkie Factor. She greeted me as normal, I expected her to react like she normally does when she meets a new pony for the first time. Instead she ends up eyeballs to eyeballs with Miror, and using Mirror's preferred name demands for the other me to read her mind.

Oh yes turns out the other me is a Telepath, I found that out when she asked to copy the polymorphic spell and it's counter spell directly from my mind. Once I gave permission for that I didn't feel anything you would expect from a mental intrusion at all until I heard her mental voice say "Thank you" in my head. Sadly she can only have full two way communications with another Telepath that way.

Back to the point, Mirror suddenly blanches after likely complying with Pinkie's demand. Her horn lights up and there is a flash bright enough to blind me for a few seconds while I blinked the spots from my eyes. She then end up with an easy yet frustrating to understand banter with Pinkie. While seeming to think Pinkie makes absolute perfect sense.

More she seemed understand the Pinkie Sense. And when apologetically explained that Equish simply did not have the vocabulary needed to explain the concepts. The closest you could explain Pinkie Sense was the words PINKIE SENSE! Then as a consolation prize she kissed me. Not a friendly peck between friends, or the kind you would give say a sister. No it was a full on lip lock where her impossibly long tongue not only invaded my mouth but slid down my throat for a second before she pulled back again. It left me first breathless then utterly embarrassed while the three of us chatted over cupcakes.

Just before she returned home she asked me what the Cutie Map was, after I explained. Pinkie pipped up that when I had been blinded Mirror's Cutie Mark had signaled that she had solved a friendship problem. Apparently it turns out the Map hadn't been summoning me, it had been summoning Mirror. As that earlier flash had been Mirror jumping back to when Ponyville had been under attack by the Army of Pinkie Clones.

Pinkie apparently had Pinkie Promised Mirror not to tell anyone just what happened until Mirror returned to the present and gave her permission to. She had apparently arrived, immediately zeroed in on the Original Pinkie, shocked her out of a really bad depression using the same kiss on Pinkie that she gave me. Then pulled out her Elements of Harmony before using them to fire off a spell that vanished all the extra Pinkie's leaving only the real Pinkie untouched. Only to immediately return to the present before the flash from her jump back had faded.

Signed you really confused former student,

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Please don't tell Cadence, but how do you deal with another version of yourself who makes it blindingly obvious she finds you and at least one of your friends sexually attractive? Because that is the only thing I can think of to explain those kisses.

Princess Luna snerked as she set down the scroll that contained Twilight's latest letter to her sister. Only to pick up the papers of Spike's notes and transcribed interview only to giggle as she got to the part where Spike had likely fallen into daydreams related to what Mirror had described using him, only full grown in the imagery, to explicitly answer Twilight's question after asking if the Princess of Friendship really wanted the answer.

She then glanced to where her sister was sipping tea with a wry smile on her lips. "Thank you, Sister, for sharing this.."

"You can tell just between the lines that the other Twilight was having fun winding up ours," Celestia admitted after a moment. "At least when she wasn't dealing with the culture shock."

"Indeed, reminds me almost of what it was like after being away for a thousand years." Both sisters gave a sigh at that. "Only for her, I suspect it would be worse considering how different our two worlds seem."

"Indeed. Between the book, the letter, and the interview." Celestia sighed as she spoke. "It makes me glad I chose to use the Elements to banish you. Especially when the alternative..."

"The alternative turned your counterpart into a monster." Luna finished moving to give her sister a hug and nuzzled. "To think, that in one world Starlight's nightmare actually came true.."

"The problem is the list of names.."


"When I was trying to find a way to save you, I wasn't just looking for those who could be mere Bearers. But the true successors for each of the Pillars to be those Bearers."

"I take it you believed they would have the best chance to save me?"

"To save you, as well as surpass their predecessors. Both us and the Pillars. Mostly in hopes that what happened between us wouldn't repeat itself."

"Twas a noble goal. And I have no doubt the Bearers would not be overly upset if you explained that to them."

Celestia gave a soft smile. "The problem though my dear sister, is that several times I tried to train ponies to fill that role. Never had a signal true success until Twilight. Sunset was the closest but even then I failed her, to the point she needed to run away to another World before she could eventually find her way."

"And the others?"

"Eventually all left using their bright minds to advance their chosen fields. Each and every one I still cherish to this day. But none of them was our old mentor's successor."

"Until Twilight?"

"Until Twilight, whose Cutie Mark was quite blatantly the Element of Magic surrounded by the rest of the Elements. The one day I sit down to take a break from looking for her, there is a sonic rainboom and the roof of my school is getting knocked off by a gigantic baby Spike and a little filly having the biggest surge I've ever seen." The white Alicorn gave her sister a wry smile. "Once I restored everything to order I was nearly as giddy as Twilight when I pointed out her new Cutie Mark. But I was also terrified I would screw something up and fail her as a teacher."

"Clearly you succeeded despite your fears."

"Yes but that was more due to Twilight than me at times. But back to my point. That list of names scares me. Every mare on it was one I taught while specifically trying to find Starswirl's successor. After all, if the other me didn't need to save you, then why would every Imperial Princess on that list up to Twilight be somepony I had thought had potential to be the Bearer of Magic."

"Tis troubling." Luna agreed after a moment of thought. "Especially as this Imperium seems to have been designed to make sure no pony could ever wield the Elements against your alternate. If what we could glean from the text is true."

"Still." Celestia looked back to where the letter lay. "I would like to meet her at some point. Not right away mind you, battle fatigue is not something to joke about."

"Very true.. Especially given that this Mirror sounds like how we had to be before Discord's defeat. If a bit more high strung." Luna nodded. "I too would like to meet her as well. And Sister you did well in that Twilight, our Twilight, grew up not having to be a hardened warrior in order to protect those she cares for. We did not have that option until well after we became Princesses."

"Thankfully the world is a much more peaceful place than it used to be. I just wish I had realized my mistakes back then. Maybe we could have gotten to this point without the many many rough patches we both had to deal with."

"Alas, twas a failing of us both." Luna agreed. "Thankfully we have very good friends to help keep us grounded and point out when we are being truly foalish."

"To good friends."

"Aye, to good friends."

Two cups clinked together before the pair resumed their tea.

Chapter 3: Calm

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I eyed Sunset with an arched brow, a week after the visit to Equestria. She was currently wearing a simple halter top and leather skirt. However, she was also wearing fishnets under the skirt and boots. And regardless of whether she was under the polymorphic spell or not. Sunset in fishnets was highly distracting. Did not help she had learned to show her body off to its best advantage during her Contract. "Can you say that again?"

"You didn't take me along when you tested that new transit spell."

"Yes because at the time it was untested and I didn't want to risk anything happening to you."

"Which is why I didn't complain and made other plans for while you were gone." She smirked at me as she settled into my lap. "Now though it's a tested spell so I would really appreciate it if you could take me somewhere with it?"

I slipped my arms around her waist as I sighed. "I'm afraid to ask, where is it you want to go?" I took a moment to look over her body making it clear I knew she was laying it on a bit thick even though I was enjoying it.


I closed my eyes. "Why? Last I knew you didn't want to go there."

"It's been years and well I want to visit with Celestia."

That explained the highly distracting outfit and actions. "You don't expect me to visit with her too do you?"

"No, I figure you can drop me off at near the Palace and then do something like Troll Twilight and her friends."

My ears perked up at the idea which would be more fun than just waiting around bored while trying to avoid being near Her counter part. I narrowed my eyes at Sunset giving her an annoyed look. "Things would be so much easier if I were the type of Mistress to demand absolute obedience."

"I'm not hearing a no."

"Fine but once there I'm dropping you off and then getting the hell away from where ever the Palace is. You're also required to wear this outfit for the duration."


"No outfit, no trip," I said with an amused tone at her embarrassed blush, no doubt from the idea of dressing like this in front of her Celestia. "So where did the Capitol get moved to as Everfree Castle was in ruins when I visited there." I used the original name for the Imperial Palace figuring that was the name likely still known by.

"Remember where the Portal Anchor was in your world?" At my nod. "While there wasn't a city there in your world, there is in mine. It's named Canterlot and the Castle there is the current Royal Palace."

I blinked at the information. "Why would they build a City on the side of Mount Canterlot?"

"My guess better view, that and bad memories at the old Castle."

I gave her thigh a squeeze before nodding for her to get up. "Send me a good teleport landing zone." I moved to my room picking up what I would need, the saddle bags from last time had become a belt with fairly good sized hip pouches when I was humanoid. I snagged the Rainbow Belt as I'd likely need the stabilizing effect it had if I caught sight of Her alternate. I also grabbed my Board because I decided flying would be nice and I haven't yet actually learned how to use my wings to fly yet.

Once done I hit Sunset with the spell to shift her into full pony form, since with the way the outfit shifted it would likely be a bit less embarrassing for her. Strapping my board to my back I picked up the adorably snuggly unicorn. And then activating the transfer spell while using the images she had sent me to the landing zone.

My wings of course wrapped around to shield her eyes from the mess the world became. While she did squeeze her eyes shut during the spell, she never objected to having me wrap her in my arms and wings. The world snapped back into focus and my boot covered hooves dropped onto the grass. Any one who could tell you that performing any kind of spell similar to a teleport you aways want to go a few inches above your target while being in an area clear of obstructions. That is so you do not materialize inside another object.

All things that Sunset knew so she gave me landing coordinates that met those restrictions. Of course place she picked, as one where she would have easy access to Celestia as soon as I dropped her off. Which of course meant I had landed in the current Royal Gardens. My refined spell had all the subtly of a standard teleport spell on the receiving end. So glowing sphere of light snapping into existence before dissolving away to reveal the traveler.

Much less dramatic than the original version which had also added a shock wave and cyclone according to my pet. Which meant anything that was meant to detect teleporting via magic would likely also detect my spell. It would take a really powerful and experienced Unicorn, or another Alicorn to tell that it wasn't actually a teleport but a Dimensional Jump.

Since it was day time, I would give anyone five guesses on who was poking her head out of one of the glass doors nearby as I set Sunset down. The first four tries would not count. "Call me when it's time to pick you up."

Sunset nodded as I grabbed the Board dropped it down before hopping on it. I only waited until I was a safe minimum distance from her before I tapped Loyalty and went hypersonic to get the hell away from Celestia even as my pet went to her. Do not care if the resulting boom damaged any of the statuary or shattered a few windows this time.

I kept my wings firmly folded against my back as I shot up and away from the mountain city no doubt the violet and pink streak startled more than a few birds and pegasi as I went by. While I did though take care to clear of any other fliers that I could see. I did though go high enough to get a very good view of the landscape below.

Then I dove straight down when I was above Twilight's Castle. I made sure to keep enough distance so I did not to more than rattle her windows before swinging about to shoot off along the ground. I also made sure that I avoided going into the town proper. Keeping to the fields, roads, and lake outside the town. Still, I likely startled more than a few ponies before I heard the sound of a boom. A glance in the direction showed a rainbow-colored version of the rings with matching contrail.

One that seemed quite determined to follow mine most likely to try and catch me. Well, I was not going to make that too easy. I sank deeper into the Element, a smirk forming on my lips as I began to lead the other flier on a merry chase. All the while the other trail matched mine, a bit higher off the ground than mine, but matched every turn I made, and gaining inch after inch.

Eventually, the flyer was close enough for me to make out that it was a rainbow-maned blue pegasus. Soon enough she was alongside me likely at the minimum safe distance to avoid collisions as we flew. We kept at it for a few minutes before I dispersed my magic, shattering the spell allowing me to go so fast after pointing myself straight up.

This resulted in the mare over shooting me, she had enough time to slow down and turn about. I waved at her still smirking before I vanished via teleportation. I reappeared out of view of anyone in a spot I had gotten from from Pinkie during my last visit. Her mind had been chock full off all the best places to not only hold parties, but where to hide if you wanted to play pranks. I doubt anyone knew the town better than she did. Where I picked to land was a spot completely surrounded by apple trees. I then pulled out a set of headphones before slipping them over my ears as I settled to sit against the nearest one.

Hello, Twilight just to let you know I just finished pranking a rainbow-maned pegasus who seemed to resonate with the Element of Loyalty the way Pinkie does for Laughter. I assume she's another friend of yours.

No doubt I had startled her when I projected my thoughts at where I sensed her to be. Still, it was the easiest way to inform her I was around somewhere. Starting my playlist I settled in for a nap. One that was eventually interrupted by a hoof on my left shoulder. My eye snapped around before swiveling in the socket just enough to see a young mare with a giant bow holding back her red mane. She looked to be at that awkward point when your not quite a filly anymore yet are also not a fully mature adult.

In short a teenager.

I pulled the headphones down from my ears after pausing the current track. "Yes?"

"Howdy, might ah ask who you are?"

"You can call me Mirror Flash?"

"Are ya some kind of Changeling or something? Cause if you're trying to look like Twilight yer really off in parts."

"Or something. I look like Twilight because I am Twilight." I gave her a friendly smile. "Just not the Twilight you likely know. Unless I use a spell she gave me last week, this is how I normally look in the World I live in."


"Ever been in a room full of Funhouse mirrors?" I asked after a moment, continuing when she nodded. "You know how each mirror shows your reflection but rather than like with a normal mirror the ones in a Funhouse are always warp your reflection so it looks different that it should?"


"It's like that with me and the Twilight you know. It's one reason I prefer using Mirror Flash since it also lets me know which version of me you're speaking with if we both happen to be in the same room."

"You're not an Evil Twilight Ah hope?"

I giggled at the question. "No, I'm not Evil. Maybe a tad bit darker in some ways and a bit more willing to get to my hands dirty in a fight. But I'm not a bad pony, just different. So you know my name now, what's yours?"

"Ah sorry, Ahm Apple Bloom, this here is Sweet Apple Acres. Where we grow apples." She gestured at the trees around us. "We don't mind none if ya want a take a nap under.. or like Rainbow in our trees. So long as ya don't damage them."

"Or likely take some without paying or asking first?"

"That too. But we also don't like letting anypony go hungry." She then frowned looking at my waist. "Sorry, but can ya tell me why that belt is bugging me for some reason?"

That caused me to blink. "Well aren't you the observant little pony. My belt has what could be called a Somepony Else's Problem.. let's say enchantment that I had added to it since my last visit here. It is not actually an enchantment but that's the closest concept you'd be most easily able to understand."

"What does it do?"

"Makes ponies ignore anything odd as it would be Somepony Else's Problem and not something they need worry about." I paused a moment. "To the average pony my belt would at the moment merely be a belt decorated with some pretty gems and that would be it."

"And it ain't anything bad?"

"No just something I figure Twilight and the other Princesses wouldn't want on full display all the time. It is something that belongs to me, but would draw a lot of unwanted attention at least here in Equestria."


"My belt has all my world's Elements embedded in it. And unlike Twilight who is strangely only bonded to one. I'm bonded to all of mine."

"How did ya manage that?!?"

I paused a moment. "Well, it all started when I was around your age. I got sent on a mission by my Celestia to find an ancient legendary weapon known as the Thunder Staff. According to the legend it's part of, a being known as the Rainbow Queen once used to drop a full-grown dragon with one hit. At the time I hadn't thought much of the mission since such a thing could make everyone safer and back then I idolized my Celestia."

"Did ya find it?"

"Yeah, but in order to get to it, one needed a key to reaching it. You had to find a very specific locket and open it to form the key. Took me a while before I found it. But when I opened it to get the Staff. I got bucked in the face by a rainbow." At her expression, I smiled. "Not any pony with Rainbow in their name. But and actual magical rainbow that was kept inside that locket."

"What happened then?"

"Don't know where that rainbow disappeared to but after I woke up from getting bucked in the face. I found myself seeing things differently..."

"There hasn't been any definitive proof that the myth of the Rainbow Queen had any basis in actual fact." That statement by my counterpart stated when Apple Bloom had asked if she had any books on the subject, caused my eye to twitch. She did manage to retrieve one book from her library. "This the only book that I have mentions her, and even then as only one of several old mares tales."

My tale had captivated the younger mare to the point she had practically dragged me to Twilight's Castle in order to find more on the subject. This had led me to end up meeting Bloom's two friends, a unicorn named Sweetie Belle and a pegasus named Scootaloo. Those two had also gotten excited at the parts of the tale their friend had relayed.

So there were three very disappointed sighs when their Twilight seemed to think that not only was the Rainbow Queen a myth but that the mention of her in the book she gave them barely filled four pages. Admittedly it told the tale of the Queen saving ponies from the jaws of a dragon using her Thunder Staff. And it made her out to be a pony herself which wasn't accurate.

"Eh, More tales about the Thunder Staff, least among the pegasi." The rainbow maned mare who I had been racing earlier in the day had finally caught up to me as I was been herded by Bloom and her friends. "You'd think something like that would shoot lightning, but no from our tales it did damage with just Thunder without any lightning."

"And it has been proven repetitively that you can not make Thunder without lightning."

As the two began to argue over the story I gave the three teens a wink before holding a finger to my lips. With a discrete burst of magic, I summoned the first weapon I had ever wielded that had not been given to me by Daybreaker. I also summoned a single cartridge to load into it. One crank of the lever at it was ready once I flipped the safety off. I mouthed 'Cover your ears' to the three teens before with a dry look pointed the weapon at the ceiling above Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Once the three girls had their hooves safely covering their ears I squeezed one finger on a specific spot.

The other Alicorn and her pegasus friend were interrupted by the sound of Thunder filled the library before a bit of the ceiling rained down on their heads. They ended up clapping their hooves over their ears. Once the ringing stopped I spoke up after flipping the safety back. "This is a Winchester Model 9422 Lever-Action Rifle, or as our ancestors called it the Thunder Staff. I retrieved this when I was their age." I glanced at the three teens who were now watching wide-eyed. "From the Tomb of the Rainbow Queen. When handled properly it is an extremely deadly weapon to anything you point the business end at.

"And yes it can drop a fully grown dragon, so long as your willing to get within point blank range so you can shoot said dragon right in the eye or through the soft tissues of the inside top of his mouth. They are the only spots not covered in scales strong enough to stop the shot. If you wanted to be able to blast through a dragon's scales then you'd need to use this."

A flash summoned an even bigger rifle that dropped onto the table with a loud thud. The ponies all boggled at the sheer size when compared to the one I was holding. "When I was the Star of my Show, I had quite a few fans. And one day a week they got to pick what I got to wear for the day." I paused a moment. "Sometimes they had me dress up as fictional characters. I got this due to quite a few military Otakus wanting me to dress up as a very specific character, and then fire a fully functional recreation of her preferred weapon one of the times I got called in to help against a Dimensional Incursion."

"Just what is that?"

"It's called The Harkonnen, it is a portable anti-armor cannon. When loaded it makes a very big boom, and very big mess of whatever you shoot with it." I dismissed the rifle and stood before picking up the much bigger weapon and then setting the butt against my hip. "I'm surprised you didn't make the connection considering Pinkie and her Party Cannon works on similar principles as both weapons if only a lot less deadly."

"Was it really necessary to fire off that other one?" The other now very rattled Alicorn demanded.

"Yes." I narrowed my eyes at Twilight. "I do not appreciate being called a liar even if indirectly."

"When did I call you a liar?"

"There hasn't been any definitive proof that the myth of the Rainbow Queen had any basis in actual fact." I quoted mimicking the same dismissive tone she had used when retrieving the book for the teens. "Considering I've been in my world's version of her Tomb, and they were asking because I told them she had been real. Then that means by your statement I lied to them." I dismissed the Harkonnen before turning to walk from the Library.

"Hey, where are you going?" Rainbow finally spoke up moving to try and follow.

"Anywhere other than here right now," I replied before teleporting away before said mare could catch up to me again. This time I arrived in a darkened chamber, currently shielded against any daylight from entering it. As Sunset was still busy with Her alternate, I had focused rather on a place than a pony. Said pony, however, was currently asleep though.

I was simply too annoyed by Twilight to think anything of climbing onto the nearby bed and curling up against the sleeping form. I did at least stay on top of the covers. Before closing my eyes to wait for Sunset's call so we could head back home.

Several hours later.

An Alicorn awoke, blinking a moment as she noticed something off. A glance to side she felt a weight against her revealed that unlike when she had gone to bed, she was no longer the only one in her bed. The sight of a both familiar yet very different face, not to mention body gave a clue as to whom it was. While waking with somepony in her bed was a bit startling, examining the positioning and fact the other Alicorn was on top of the blankets rather than inside them at least told her nothing untoward had happened.

Slipping from the bed before wrapping her unexpected guest in the bedding without waking her did not prove all that difficult. Donning her regalia, Princess Luna did have to wonder just what prompted Mirror Flash to end up where she did. It would be something she would have to discuss with her Sister when she went to break her fast after raising the moon.

I woke to find myself partially cocooned in very soft bedding. It was wrapped around me tightly enough that I couldn't get all that much leverage to move, beyond wiggling about that is. That and rolling, I could roll about as well. I do not doubt I likely could have gotten free if I didn't care about the state of the bedding afterward. Since I did care it meant I ended up rolling off the bed with a hard thump on the floor.

Eventually, I ended up rolled under the bed from my attempts to free myself from the blankets wrapped around me. I was half considering if detaching my arms to see if that would give me any leverage when I heard the door to the room open and hoof steps which soon came to a stop. "Could I have a little bit of help please."

"And how did you, Mirror Flash, end up wedged all the way over there?" Well at least she was amused, I felt a light tug on the blankets, sadly it had no effect. A moment later the bed was lifted a bit and with a stronger yank I ended up out from under the bed, to being under the pony to had just rescued me from where I had wedged myself.

"With a surprising bit of difficulty considering I was trying to get out of these blankets." I grumped even as I was unwrapped.

"Why did you not use your magic to free yourself?"

I blinked before lifting my head before smacking it back against the floor as I realized I could likely have done just that. "I forgot I could do that." I sat up as a very amused Princess Luna finished unwrapping me from the cocoon I suspected she had put me in, to begin with. "I blame the ten years of being only Mirror Flash for that."

"Oh, and why would you do that?"

"Because I have to relearn many of the habits I had from the previous existence." I half muttered as I rose up to stretch my limbs. I noticed that my hoverboard and bags were set next to and on a chair respectively. "Did you put those there?"

"Nay twas likely one of the Night Guard."

I blinked before smacking myself. "Oh yeah. Sorry, the Luna I'm used to doesn't have a Personal Guard."

"May I assume you are used to sleeping in her bed?"

"A few times. Usually only when things when bad enough that she had to clear my schedule for the day." I sighed giving her an apologetic look. "Sorry if it upset you, just did not want to ruin Sunset's visit when things went sour in Ponyville."

"The surprise while unexpected was not unpleasant." She gave a wry smirk. "At least once I realized that you were above the covers and fast asleep."

"What time is it?"

"Two hours past Moonrise. And an hour after mine Sister has gone to bed."

"Good, then I won't need to deal with her," I said with relief, giving being in Luna's room meant I was likely in the same castle as Celestia, which was bad enough.

"Did you truly perform a Sonic Rainboom to avoid Celestia?"

"Sonic Rain..." I blinked a moment. "If you're asking if I went hypersonic as soon as I was fair enough that it wouldn't hurt Sunset then yes. I may know she's not the Empress here." I pointed at my head before then pointed to my heart. "But here. All I can see is the mare who adopted me as her daughter with the intent to turn me into a doll once I was old and pretty enough."

"A doll?"

"It's what she did to all my predecessors. Turned them all into a life-sized plushie.." I shuddered at the memory of finding the room those dolls had been kept in.

Only to find myself being hugged by the other Alicorn. "I can assure you that mine Sister would not do such to you or anypony else. While she would like to meet you, she wishes it to be at a time and place of your choosing."

"Well don't count on that being anytime soon," I replied after returning the hug. "Though there is one thing I always wanted to know."

"And what would that be?"

"The first time I experienced night time was when I arrived in the World I currently live in." I let go before stepping back. "So once I learned of you, I wondered just what your Night looked like."

That drew a very genuine smile from her. "Why don't I show you, hmm?"

She led me from her room to a place we could lounge as she showed just how much of an artist she was. I have to say, she can make the night look a hell of a lot better than normal when she wants to.

"What is thy World like? The one you currently live in not the dead one."

"I assume my alternate shared some of the information I gave her last week?"

"Indeed. She did not share everything I suspect but she did share that you were a Porn star." She said with amusement. "Before proceeding to explain what one was."

I nodded, "An actress or actor who exclusively performs in films meant for adult audiences. Sometimes with a plot, sometimes little more than pure smut." I replied with equal amusement. "I'm honestly surprised she hasn't discovered romance novels yet."

"I suspect her friend Rarity would have more interest in those than Twilight."


"Fashion obsessed overly dramatic diva at times, but a very generous mare. At least unless you deliberately go out of your way to trample her good will."

"Huh, I have a roommate whose obsessed with fashion but her tastes are more to Cosplay." At Luna's arched brow I continued. "It's where you dress up in costumes." I pondered for a few moments. "Back to your question though, it's much more advanced in both technology and magical knowledge. However, they also have to deal with other things trying to invade their Dimension often. Which means while you can jump Dimensions leaving there from anywhere. All legal incoming jumps have to arrive at a specific location."

"Do they deal much with other Dimensions?"

"Quite a lot. Which is why they have strict rules for incoming transit."

"What happens if somepony ignores those rules."

"If part of an invasion force, well they get jumped on by Magical Girls working alongside military units. If not, and is just a single random traveler. Then they get hit with the equivalent of a two hundred thousand bit fine." I pursed my lips a moment. "Which is what I got hit with when Dissy's spell sent me there."

"That's quite a big fine."

"Yep, it's also the exact value for the harshest variant of the Contracts they like to use. They have Contracts where if you sign one you can get interesting prizes on completion."

"Such as?"

"For me, it was the ability to travel to different Dimensions on my own power." I pondered a moment before pulling out my cell phone and bringing up the copy of my old Contract that I had gained access to once it was complete. "Now this is a cell phone don't know if you have the exact tech needed for it or not in this world. Tap this these two arrows to scroll up and down." I pointed at the spots on the screen before letting her take and then read what was on the screen.

She blinked as she read it tapping the down arrow with the tip of her hoof a few times. "What is this part?"

I looked over at it and chuckled. "New Body means my old body wasn't viable so this is the default shorthand notation for how my body would look."

"And these numbers?"

"They use a credit system. One credit equals one thousand bits. As you can see I started with a deficit of two hundred. That was the fine for arriving illegally. These numbers help track the credits taken or given by certain options. For a Contract to be valid the remaining credits have to be either Zero meaning everything is paid for or with a positive balance which then can be converted back to bits once the contract is over.. Depending on certain modifiers."

"And dollars?"

"The actual name of their currency, I'm just using bits make the explanation easier."

"Ah.." She continued down. "Um..." She pointed at the next bit.

"Those are the exact modifications my body is set up for. Basically, a lot of those allow me to either fulfill fetishes or gave me traits that ensured I'd have certain fetishes. That specific one made some of the penalties I had to take much less bothersome."

"And the ones under it?"

"Help make me a Discount Succubus."

She actually blushed a bit as she continued to read. Only to stop as she noticed one set of options. "What is Genetic Modification?"

"It means if I have a kid, I can use the system used to make this section to choose how my kid will turn out at least when it comes to the body."

She then blinked. "Timeless?"

"Means I stop aging after a specific age, connected sub option here means I do not age at all. While this final sub option means my apparent age is variable." At her look, I smirked. "Basically I can regress my age anytime I want and grow up again."

"And that's on top of being an Alicorn?"

"Yes given that this was for a Unicorn Pony Morph. I've only had these wings for about a month and a half."

"And you can already fly with them?"

"No." I shook my head. "I have a hoverboard, I can use it to fly. I haven't learned how to fly with my wings yet."

She turned back to the Contract. "I assume this option here is why your an android?" At my nod, she continued reading. "I'm assuming the Apartment you have nice from what these notations?"

"Very." I pointed. "This next section determines what kind of clothing I was permitted while the Contract was in effect."

"What is a Food Replicator?"

"It converts energy into any kind of food you can think of that it has a recipe for." When she arched a brow at the next section. "Your alternate thought it would be funny if I wasn't allowed to feed myself during meals."

She merely arched a brow at the next bit. "See that little pony that's prancing around the edge of the screen?" She looked before nodding. "Her name is Spectrum Melody, she is to me what Spike is to your Twilight." The tiny pony waved as attention focused on her. "That option gives her an actual body."

"She doesn't have one normally?"

"Nope, she's an AI, think artificial spirit. She can only possess certain things I own, or the body this option gives her. Her options are all listed under Entertainment."

"Public Property?"

"Basically anyone could ask me to play when I was out an about during my free time." At her incredulous look. "Consent is Absolute over there. So this is all stuff I had to agree to when I signed it."

She blinked as she read further and opened her mouth to ask only for me to say. "Discount Succubus. I can get aroused very fast, make others more likely to want to play with me. Last longer at strenuous activities and can boost my strength. Though there is a chance they will fail on me."

"And these?"

"First four became my adoptive family, this one and this one were due to how I was mentally at the time after killing the Empress and thinking I had killed Dissy too."

"And the Cult?"

"Needed the credits and it was either that or a dragon play toy one day a week. And the next section is all the penalties I took to help pay for everything."

She went through actually blushing at some of the items on the list only to blink. "Absolute Obedience?"

"I was incapable of disobeying an order with limited exceptions while under Contract."

"And thee agreed to that?" She asked once again incredulous.

"Actually I had insisted on it. Even with the temporary memory wipe, at the time I didn't trust myself."

She went quiet for a few moments before she finished reading and returning the cellphone to me. "And no pony abused that?"

"Oh, plenty did. They were limited though due to the fact that every second was broadcast live as well as recorded in the archives. So if they went too far they'd have some very angry people after them. But after ten years of being punished, I don't feel the need punish myself anymore."

"I can understand believing in needing to punish thyself. I did something similar though nowhere to this extent. It is good you no longer feel the need to. How similar was Sunset's Contract?"

"Many of the same body mods, however, hers was half as long. And she chose different punishments. I only found out after it was completed."

"Just what kind of prizes beyond what you received are there?"

"Well, there's money, being able to jump Dimensions, be forever bound to the Contract, a new home, and finally your own personal planet. Mind you anything can be a prize. So there are few limits so long as you have enough credits."

"How long do such Contracts last?"

"Well as long as you don't take Here Forever, it defaults to one year, with you able to take more."

"Do you plan to offer it to others?"

"If they really need it? I may arrange for them to meet with the Luna back home."

Luna, it seemed had not asked because she was interested in such a Contract, even when she found out Corporate can return someone to the exact second after the Contract is signed if it is one of the terms in said Contract. No, she had been asking as a Princess in regards to her subjects, given while many ponies might not be interested. There were those that would, in short regardless of what my counterpart naively thought.

This world did have its own version of a porn industry, and related businesses even in Equestria. It was just much better hidden than in the Human World Twilight had visited. A prime example would be the building she took me to that was hidden right in Canterlot itself. On the outside, it looked like a normal shop even sold normal goods. However through a hidden door and you would find yourself descending in into a dimly lit place where certain ponies could play certain games that they'd be too embarrassed to play anywhere else, especially if they had roommates who were not in the know.

Luna and I ended up lounging on cushions sipping drinks as I watched ponies play much tamer versions of the games I knew. Which made sense, given Ponies were a lot more emphatic than Humans by default. They were herd animals even if highly evolved ones, while Humans were descended from primates who had become the Apex Predators of their world. And I was technically a hybrid of the two now.

"I'm surprised there is a Bondage Club in Canterlot," I stated amused as we watched the activities through a one-way mirror.

"Twas quite the surprise when I stumbled upon it." She was also just as amused. "Let us just say everyone was tripping over themselves to explain when I appeared believing someponies were deliberately causing harm to others."

"Yeah even with stuff as tame as this, it is not something you'd want to be dropped in the deep end all at once."

"This is Tame by thy standards?"

"Very, this would be considered softcore in any Human World, which isn't bad in and of itself. The hardcore variants can be downright terrifying and dangerous if done wrong, or seen by somepony who doesn't know what is really happening."

At her arched brow, I found a nice example on my cell and showed it to her. The image showed a girl strapped into a machine that was utterly ravishing her while milk was extracted from her breasts. "What pray tell.."

"Girl working as a 'cow' at a Dairy Farm, as you can tell from her expression she is really into it." A finger swipe showed a similar image only with a pregnant girl getting fucked by a male. "And this girl was hired as a 'breeding cow' so not only is she milked but she is allowed to be played with by the staff or anyone who had been hired as a 'bull'."

"I would agree that in that is much more extreme than anything practiced here."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah and that just covers one theme fetish with several smaller ones mixed in. I found that Humans are an extremely Chaotic species. When provoked they can be downright monstrous to each other or anypony they view as a common enemy, which given they've spent thousands of years refining the Art of War makes them very scary if they decide they don't like you. Conversely, if you don't provoke them they can be as friendly if not friendlier than any Pony you might care to meet."

"So they can make good friends but have a definite darker side?"

I nodded with a chuckle. "Yes and luckily most adore anything that pings cute and adorable. An Equestrian Pony visiting would likely get swamped under a cuddle pile by their version of foals. While the adults would have more self-control... Usually."

The image that invoked drew quite a few giggles from the Princess. "So not much more different than most ponies in that respect."

"Doesn't hurt that we also resemble a non-sentient animal that lived alongside them for thousands of years, in work, play, and in war."

"So they would be inclined to treat us as friends so long as we did not betray their trust."

"The ones who aren't complete plotholes at least."

She chuckled. "The plotholes are everywhere it seems sometimes. I am curious though what was it that prompted thee to crawl into mine bed?"

"Twilight pretty much called me a liar, which pissed me off enough I actually wanted to do more than scare her like I did."

She blinked in surprise. "What pray tell happened?"

"She dismissed both the Rainbow Queen and Thunder Staff as foal tales and impossible." I pursed lips. "So I summoned the Thunder Staff and used it to put a dent in her ceiling before leaving before she made me any angrier."

"Truly thee possess the Thunder Staff?"

"Yes in my World your Sister sent me to track it down and retrieve it. Given it was in the Rainbow Queen's Tomb."

"Then both pony and the weapon existed."

"Not a pony."


"The Rainbow Queen is not a Pony."

"You speak as if she were still alive yet there was a Tomb."

"She wasn't from this world, and eventually she went back to the world she came from. The Tomb is more like a gigantic Time Capsule than a grave. And given how time can flow differently in different Dimensions. It's possible that the individual behind the legend might still be alive."

"If this is true, then what was she?"

"A human foal who was ironically a Farmer's Daughter. The Thunder Staff is, in fact, a weapon she was given to help protect her family's farm. After she was taught how to use it safely. However, to our ancestors who didn't know better, they would hear it going off, then see that she used it on drop dead."

"And think it was the thunderous noise that killed? What is it really then?"

I summoned the rifle so that she could see. "These were invented when somepony wondered if they could get cannons working on a scale that could be used by infantry soldiers. Then refined and reinvented many times until you get to this one."

She took it in her magic and examined it, thankfully she knew enough about cannons to spot the firing end and avoided pointing it at anyone. "And this was in her Tomb?"

"That one was. I have another bigger nastier version made to take out heavily armored targets. This one can drop a dragon but only if your close enough or really good enough markspony to get them in a weak spot. My other one would just punch through the dragon's hide. Depending on the size of the dragon it would either seriously wound them."

"Or kill them." Luna finished after handing the rifle back allowing me to dismiss it again. "Hopefully thee will not have to put such to the actual test here in Equestria."

"Maybe not against living targets but it can be very fun making big enough booms when there isn't the risk of injury."

"Just how big can humans make these explosions?"

"Extremely big. Some are comparable to your Sister dropping her Sun deliberately. However, the restrictions on that pretty much require direct authorization from a Nation's Ruler to be used."

"I pray those Rulers are level-headed enough not to use them."

"For the most part, they are but given they don't have an Alicorn of the Night to keep the asteroids away. They keep those in reserve for when they have to blow one up rather than letting it hit a planet they are living on." I nodded in agreement even as I pointed out one reason why they wouldn't get rid of said weapons.

"I can see the reasoning in that. Having a mountain fall from the heavens would give everypony a very bad day."

"The most common use though is in building demolition. Some of the ones they make are so tall that in order to keep it from damaging the ones around it. They use many very tiny explosives to cause the building to collapse in on itself. Then move in to clear out the rubble so they can build something new there. That and of course fireworks."

"So what ponies use magic for they found other alternatives?"

"Many many alternatives," I said while reaching to pour us a bit more wine before leaning back against Luna's side. "That World, magic is a lot less obvious and a lot harder to get access to initially. It was only after they discovered the secrets of Faster Than Light travel that they figured out how to unlock their own magic. Your alternate is actually the Director for Planetary Operations for the SL Corporation for our Colony. At least when she wasn't also being my case worker."

"So the humans of that Dimension have spread to multiple planets?"

"A few, they've only been able to do that for little over the last century or so."

"Wait. Would that mean they've only had magic for the same amount of time?"

"Yes, and they are very curious about things and are always asking questions. So they tend to poke their noses into everything." I paused a moment. "Imagine an entire species with the same thirst for knowledge you'd have witnessed in my counterpart."

Luna froze before her pupils became pinpricks at the image of an entire planet filled with nothing but Twilights in full research mode. "Please tell me they aren't as bad.."

"Some aren't." She relaxed a bit. "Some, however, are even worse." I ended up having to fill her drink yet again.

"We doth love her dearly as our friend, dear Niece. However, we would likely hide under our bed if we had to deal with a planet of nothing but her, and more her as far as the eye could see."


"Did you not mention mine Sister's counterpart adopted thee as her own Daughter?" I nodded slowly in response to the question. "Even it if wasn't mine version, I still consider it valid to declare you as mine Niece." She nuzzled my cheek as she spoke. "Lest you object to it of course."

"Oh.." I did not know what to say to that.

I'm not sure how she managed it, but Luna had managed to convince me to extend my visit. Mostly so that I could learn to actually use my wings for flying. Which led me to have to deal with a very fidgety Sunset come morning. She'd shown up just before it was time for the Sun to be raised. Visibly quivering in place while giving me a pleading look as Luna was about to go join her sister for their version of changing the Guard.

It had resulted in me having to ask Luna for a private room with a lockable door. Sunset managed to maintain her control once we were in a guest room with the door locked. Returning her to her normal form did not put a stop to the quivering or pleading look, merely had her kneeling in front of me as I settled down in a chair.

"Please.." She practically panted.

"Please what?

"Please, may I have some Mistress?"

I gave her amused look as I watched her. "There are so many things I may let you have, you'll have to be a bit more specific."

She actually let out a whimper. "Milk! Please, Mistress, may Pet have some of your Milk!"

"Let me think." Enjoying how she blushed and squirmed before sliding down the shoulder of my leotard, baring one of my breasts to her. "You may."

She quite literally pounced into my lap, her lips latching right on onto my breast. A moment later she was sucking on it, letting out a moan once the milk filled her mouth. One of my hands slid up and began to lightly stroke my fingers through her hair as she drank what she needed directly from the source. It wasn't like I would have denied her anyway, she loved my milk quite a bit, even once the restriction was lifted she kept drinking it daily.

Normally there would be plenty available due to my getting milked every day. So she usually had it in a glass, or with her cereal. So she rarely got into a state where there was none readily available needing her to beg me for it. I slid the other side of the leotard down to bare that breast, allowing her to switch to it once she had the first one drained.

My free hand then slid along her back, unzipping the back of both the halter top and skirt. Slipping them off her to leave her just in panties stockings and those boots. "My you must have been quite thirsty."

She nodded pausing in her sucking long enough to answer. "Mmm. Yes.. very thirsty."

"I'm going to need you to keep me nice and drained for the next while," I stated while raking my fingers along her back drawing another moan from her. "As Luna has convinced me to stay awhile until I learn to use these wings to fly. Which means you'll have to drink all my milk every time I get full till we leave." The way she shuddered and gave out another moan told me how much she liked that idea.

"Thank you, Mistress." She muttered around the nipple in her mouth.

"Also I'm lifting the restriction on the outfit given we are staying a bit longer." I paused a moment as I felt her smile against my breast. "Also Pet tell me, have you ever heard of the Midnight Society?"

Her sudden blush told me she had. "Um. Yes though please don't tell Celestia. I don't think she knows about them."

"Luna does," I replied with an amusement. "So were you in good standing with them?"

"No. They asked me to leave at one point, at least until I wasn't so much of a bitch. How do you know about them?"

"Luna took me to visit the Canterlot Branch last night." I caressed her cheek before tugging her up into a kiss. "Mmm. I assume if I were to ever take you there you'd be a good pet?" She gave a nod before we kissed again much deeper this time. Our tongues dancing for several minutes before I gave her a playful spank. "Now feeling better?"

"Yeah, Thanks, Mirror. I'm curious though. How are you doing?"

"A bit better, though eventually, I'll need to find a stallion to suck off since Daddy won't be here to supply me." I blushed as I considered I'll likely end up a bit like Sunset had been eventually.

"The Guards look cute enough that you might be able to corner one." She smirked at me.

"I'll save that idea as a last resort." I could just imagine having to explain why I was molesting the Royal Guards. 'Sorry Princesses but I really need to have a stallion empty his balls in my mouth regularly. And yes I have to suck and suck until he can't stand if he doesn't naturally produce enough.' That would go over just so well. Well, Luna might get it, but I would rather having a willing partner to play with rather than pouncing the first stallion I saw. "So did you enjoy your visit?"

"Mmm. It was nice to see her again. Nice to be back in an Equestria, I really missed it."

"Well then help me undress and then once your nude as well I will make us both full ponies for a while." The smile she gave was definitely worth it, as was how she looked nude in only the collar. Both before and after I used the spell to make us full ponies. As for our clothes, I stuffed them into my saddle bags for now.

"So what are you thinking of doing today?"

"I assume you want to spend more time with Celestia?" At her nod, I gave a small smirk. "Then I'll be finding a library and researching just how this Equestria is different than mine."

"I know the perfect place for you to start." At my glance, she smiled before pointing with a hoof. "The Royal Library and Archives are this way. As long as you avoid the restricted sections it should fine for you to research there."

"Well lead on Sunset and then you can go visit Celestia more."

It did not take long for her to trace old paths and lead me into the Library. I stared about as I noticed one fact that made one thing very different than my world. There were so many books. I distractedly gave Sunset a kiss in thanks before trotting in and finding a comfortable place to sit. I wonder how long it would take me to read all of them.

The bacon haired unicorn trotted into the dining room, while she really would rather have Mirror with her during the rest of her breakfast. The fact her Mistress would be in the same room as Celestia rendered that idea as a no go. At least she had been allowed out of that outfit, she was so glad she had not gone for the even naughtier one. Even if Mirror would have enjoyed seeing her in it, it would have been no trip as that outfit would not have been one to be worn in front of anyone but Mirror.

"Morning Princesses." She stated as she slid into the seat at the table between the two Alicorns.

"Morning Sunset."

"Good Morn Sunset, was Mirror able to help you with that you needed?"

The unicorn blushed at the Night Princess's question. "Yes, she was."

Celestia blinked as she ate, even as a plate of food was set in front of Sunset. "Was there something wrong earlier?"

"Not really, I just really needed something that I could only get from Mirror. Normally it isn't bad since back home there is plenty for me to get without having to um. Beg her for it."

The white Alicorn frowned. "Beg her for what?"


"If you needed milk we could have gotten you some."

"Wrong kind of milk Princess."

"I think, she means a specific kind of milk mine Sister." Luna looked at the unicorn with an amused expression. "Is that not the case?"

"Yes, I specifically need Mirror's Milk." Sunset paused a moment. "Basically one the penalties I had to pay in exchange for becoming an immortal. So I could be with Mirror without her ever having to worry about losing me to old age. Was an addiction to her Milk, it was Cadence's idea."

The two Princesses were stunned into silence for a few moments before Celestia spoke. "You are actually immortal?"

"Only in the sense, I don't age anymore. Neither does Mirror. Though what age we appear is a bit variable. Anywhere from a teenage filly to a fully grown mare."

"She mentioned that when she was showing me her Contract night last."

Sunset nearly spat out her drink on hearing that. "Full Contract or the short hoof notation?"

"Twas the second one, I take it there is a significance to seeing it?"

"It means she trusts you to a point. Normally only two maybe three individuals ever see the full Contract. The caseworker, the Contestant themselves before the Contract goes into effect, and if it specifies either permanent or temporary memory loss, after it ends if it ends." She pursed her lips as she thought. "Or in some cases the final Master or Mistress the Contestant ends up with if they chose to become a slave on completion."

"Why would anyone choose to become a slave?!?" Celestia's tone was clearly shocked.

"Sometimes it's the only way to get what you want. It's what I chose so that I could be with Mirror sooner rather than later." At Celestia's look Sunset explained. "Mirror does not trust all that easily. The collar I'm wearing tells her that I trust her completely and without reservation, which in turn bypassed her normal distrust of others beyond a select few. She even asked when she first saw it if I wanted this. She did not accept me as hers before I told her I did."

"She treats you well then I hope?"

"Yes Celestia, most of the time she treats me as her special somepony."

"And other times?"

"Happens in the privacy of our bedroom."

The entire time Luna listened on with clear amusement as she ate her dinner. "Dearest Sister, How they choose to pursue their relationship is less important than they are both happy with it." She then glanced at the blushing unicorn. "We trust thee are happy?"

"Very happy." Came the instant response. "Though if you even saw the notations, Princess Luna, then you may want to make sure there are some Stallions within easy range when Mirror starts stalking for one. Preferably ones that wouldn't mind getting pounced on by an Alicorn Princess."

"The addiction listed was for Stallions?"

"Something like that. Given you seemed to convince her to extend our visit. It means she won't have easy access to the Stallion that normally helps her. Which means she'll need to start hunting for a temporary replacement, or two, possibly three." She taps her chin thoughtfully as both Princesses boggled at her words. "Depends on if the local ones can produce enough of what she needs or not."

"What happens if she doesn't."

"Tell me has the local Twilight ever gone oh off her rocker? Where the stress of a situation causes her to for a short time just snap and do things she'd be very embarrassed or guilty about later?" At their slow nods, she continued. "The addiction usually prevents my version from ever getting that bad, unless she ends up really stressed out or in a room filled with plushies."

Luna grimaced at the mention of plushies. "Yes, mine Niece vented quite a bit due to how upset Twilight made her and made me aware of her issues with those."

Celestia gave the other Alicorn a questioning look even as Sunset asked. "Niece?"

"Seems Sister, that your counterpart had a habit of adopting orphaned fillies as her own Daughters only to turn every single one before Mirror into life-sized plushies once they were of a certain age," Luna answered with a very unhappy look on her face even as Celestia gained an utterly horrified look in return. "While I can not stomach the later part of those actions. I've decided Mirror shall be my niece due to the first part of that statement."

"So. She sees not just a mentor or teacher. But a mother who betrayed her when she looks at me?"

"Indeed. The more I hear, the more I'm glad you chose differently Dearest Sister. Tell us Sunset where is thy Mistress now?"

"Royal Library, she wanted to research just how different Equestria is from the Imperium. She was quite distracted when I left her."

"Attempting to read everything I would assume then," Celestia stated after a moment to regain her calm. "She will be likely there most of the day. How did you manage to convince her to stay longer?"

"She uses a shield of flying instead of her own wings. Thus I pointed out rather than Jumping daily for lessons it would be easier to just stay until she can fly on her own power."

"It's called a Hoverboard, and considering the protocols she would only have to go through them once rather than every day."

"Protocols?" Celestia arched a brow as she asked.

"We can depart the dimension from anywhere, incoming travel, however, requires arriving at a specific place, and go through specific procedures to ensure nothing hitches a ride with us."

"Yes, she mentioned the two hundred thousand bit fine that is issued for illegal transit if you're not part of an invasion force." Luna mused before sipping her drink. "Speaking of which how often do such occur and how often did she get called in to help?"

"Fairly often for the first, some are even semi-legal in that they are meant for the local defenders to have somepony to practice on. Those ones are more a relatively benign dark kingdom wanting to test their newest toys without actually having to go to war. Which means they only send a set number of forces as agreed per Treaty."

Both Princesses blinked as they considered the implications of that.

"It's usually some sort of monster with a Dark General type to control it and observe how effective it is. Once the local Magical Defenders destroy it, said Dark General 'flees' home until the next time. Both sides tend to give over the top speeches to make it entertaining since it's all broadcast live for anyone to watch."

"So treated more like a sport than actual battle?"

Sunset nodded. "At least with those ones, the one's Mirror would get called in to help with were the ones that were actual invasion attempts. It would have all the Defenders plus any nearby military called in to fight them off for real. Those don't happen all that often thankfully. When it does, however, the humans take off the foals gloves and go all out."

"And thy Mistress."

"Only gets called in when normal forces aren't working well enough. Mostly because of her ability to shatter any barrier that might get in her way. If the situation requires her to start releasing her Seals, then she gets downright scary in battle." At her hosts looks she explained. "You both know how powerful you are if you were to unleash your full power right?"

At their nods, she continues. "Well, Mirror has a set of Seals that restrict her power so she can't do that by accident. She has to deliberately release them in order to go beyond a certain limit. However she rarely if ever goes passed level three, very few things require that level of power. I suspect she's only unleashed her full power once."

"When was that?"

"When she ended up having to kill her Celestia."

The three sat in silence before the white Alicorn spoke. "On the one hoof, I'm glad she cares enough to not want to accidentally harm those around her. On the other, I have to wonder just what she went through."

"Especially given she was at least sixteen when it happened." At Celestia's look, she explained. "Mirror is between twenty-six to maybe twenty-eight right now. Her Contract ended a month and a half ago. It was a ten year one, which means she was at least sixteen when she signed it."

"Up to two years before Twilight and her friends saved Luna."

"And is ironically the right smack in the prime age bracket for a Magical Girl."

"Methinks you should explain this Magical Girl concept."

Sunset gave a nod and proceeded to do so.

One nice thing about my cybernetic body was I could take in information a lot faster. Unless I wanted to slow down and enjoy something fictional, I only had to glance at a page in order for everything on it to be saved in my memory. So this meant that I could flip through the pages in a book much faster than my counterpart could. Combine this with a magic spell, and you have a train of books from the shelves to in front of my face and back.

And since I was reading everything in order as they were on those shelves it was very easy to put them back where I got them. My ear flicked at the sounds of hoof steps but my attention remained on the book even as whoever it was clopped over to my table.

"Excuse me Mirror..."

My ears flattened at the sound of that voice and one eye glanced in her direction while the other continued to scan the books. "What is it Sparkle?" My tone flat as I was still annoyed by our last encounter.

"I'd like to apologize for what happened yesterday. I hadn't intended at all to imply that you were a liar. I genuinely believed that the Rainbow Queen was a myth." Her own ears were flat and she was looking at me with apologetic eyes.

I sighed after a moment pausing my spell before looking at her fully. "Sorry for losing my temper and the ceiling. So how did you know I was here?"

"Celestia sent a letter asking Rainbow to help you learn to fly this week. And when I got here Sunset told me you were researching." She gave a wry smile. "And this would be the best place for any research."

"Tsk." I shook my head before resuming my spell but stopping the book retrieval at the end of the current bookcase. "One of the times where the question of 'Now where would I go' would be quite literal."

"However there is one thing I was hoping to talk to you about."

"What would that be?"

"A few weeks before you came to visit, Equestria got invaded." I froze a moment before turning my full attention to her and gestured for her to continue. She then proceeded to give me a detailed story of what had happened. Both the triumphs and the failures. By the time she was done my eye was twitching.

"Okay first off, that thing with the pearl was pure idiocy," I stated with a flat tone. "You are supposed to be the expert on Friendship. But from a Military standpoint, you do not try to screw over potential allies especially if they say no to your first proposal. So long as they haven't turned hostile to you or told you to leave, there is still another chance to try to persuade them."

"I realized that after the fact." She said softly. "Nearly drove my friends away over it."

"Good learn from that and don't do it again. You're very lucky they only kicked you out. You could have turned potential friends into outright enemies." I sighed as her ears drooped. "So while I don't mind hearing what happened, why tell me?"

"After your visit, I realized you might be able to help Tempest. I was planning to ask you the next time I saw you, only yesterday happened."

I gave her a flat look as the last book shut and floated back to its proper place. "You do realize that had I been there I likely would have done my best to kill her and all her troops. Why would I want to help her?"

"She's a friend now and it would be the right thing to do."

I rubbed the base of my horn as I tried to make sense of her logic. "Friend or not, she should be punished for what she did. You are much too forgiving."

"Please Mirror."

I sighed a moment before I gave her an annoyed look. "There is only one way to do what I think you want. She'll end up going through the equivalent of Tartarus if I help her. As I will punish her for what she did, and she'd have to agree to all my terms in order to for me to even consider it."

"It can't be that bad can it?"

I just gave her a look before shaking my head at how naive my other self-was. "Whether I do it or not ultimately depends on her. More the exact terms will have to be between me and her, you can't sit in on that meeting. If she wants to share what happens afterward that would be her decision."

"Why I can help -"

I cut her off with a hoof to her mouth. "There is this little thing known as Client Confidentiality. Look it up if you don't already know about it. It kind of applies in this situation. If you are her friend you will respect that. If she wants to tell you after she will if she doesn't then just let it be."

"But you will help?"

"Despite my better judgment, I will offer, whether she accepts or not is on her." I pursed my lips. "It will take me about an hour to get everything set up. Have one of the Guard show her to the Guest Room I will be using. I will meet with her there alone."

"I really can't help with this?"

"No the best you can do is send her to me and then wait. This is a matter of both Tradition and Trust."

"And breaking trust is a fast way of losing a friend."

I nodded in agreement as I rose from where I had been sitting and stretched before starting to leave the Library. "Oh and Twilight. If you haven't already, don't tell her anything about me beyond the name Mirror Flash and that I might be able to help." At her worried look, I smirked. "It would take all the fun out of her reaction when she sees me the first time."


It took me but a short few moments to retrace my steps back to the Room I had used to deal with Sunset's need for milk. Once inside I closed the curtains and made sure any form of lighting was off before setting up two chairs beside each other.

I sat in one and pulled out my cellphone, messaging Director Luna about the full situation. After confirming that I intended to have the possible Contestant read the full Contract I was crafting she agreed to handle things on her end. An hour later there was a knock on the door.


The door opened and the mare in question entered pausing as she noticed just how dark the room was. "Hello?"

"Forgive my flair for the dramatic," I said in a dry tone that made me sound a bit less like my counterpart. "But please close the door behind you."

She seemed to stand there a moment before closing the door behind her. I had my phone held ready as with a spell opened the curtains allowing light to stream in. I gave her a slightly fanged grin as she caught sight of me, only for end up blinking away spots from the flash as I caught her expression.

"Sorry, your expression was so priceless I just had to take a picture."

"That's some kind of camera?"

"No, but it has one built in. Come take the seat we have much to discuss." I pointed a hoof at the empty chair.

"Why do you look like Twilight?"

"Because I am Twilight, just not the Twilight of this World. I'm a friend of hers from the other side of the Mirror so to speak." I sighed as she settled into the other chair. "Had I been there. I would have been destroying your airships and killing every one of the invaders. You included. I'm a lot less naive and forgiving than she is."

"Just how different are you?"

"She's a peace-loving diplomat. I am a Battle Magus, a former military commander much like yourself. One who will do anything to protect those I care about. However Twilight seems to like you, and since I don't want to disappoint a more idealistic version of me." I spread my hooves to indicate the current situation.

"She said you might be able to help me."

"Indeed depending on how willing you are to go through basically Tartarus in order to get that horn back," I admitted. "And yes I know a way to get it back it just will not be easy, and no unlike with that idiot of a Storm King it doesn't involve any invasions, theft, or even combat."

"And what does it involve."

"You agreeing to work for me after signing a really binding Contract that will guarantee you a new horn, however after signing you'll end up spending a subjective year in another Dimension before being returned seconds after you left."

She was silent as she thought it over. "And what's to stop you from just reneging on it?"

"Said Contract, while it will only bind you for the duration of that year. One of the terms will result in you having your horn restored. The Contract is separate from working for me. Unlike with that plothole who used you, you get your payment first then you work for me."

"And just what would I do for you?"

"I'm not here all the time. I'd like someone to keep me apprised if say another invasion happens, who can also help the ponies here until I show up to help. Other than that you can do whatever you like, just if you do agree to this I expect you to serve me loyally."

"And if I say no?"

I pointed with a hoof. "The door is right there. However I'll only make this offer once, and only because my counterpart pleaded for it."

We sat in silence as she thought it over. "Just what will happen if I sign?"

"Given I believe you should be punished it won't be all that easy. You will wake up with no memory of who you were prior to the Contract for the duration, the memories will be restored once it's completed, however. You will also be under a very powerful geas until the year is up."

I hummed a moment. "You will have no privacy at all, your life for that year will literally be entertainment for the inhabitants of that Dimension. They are the ones with the knowledge on how to actually restore that horn."

"How can you be sure of that?" She asked still listening and not yet heading for the door.

I pulled up a picture from my own file that showed how I had looked when I had signed my Contract. Half my face had been burnt away, I had an eye missing and only one leg left with parts of my body crystallized or with visible burns. And my horn had been in even worse condition than Tempest's.

She turned a bit green when she saw the image. "That was me before I signed my own version of the Contract I'm offering you. Mine lasted for ten years. Now once we finalize a few details the individual I am in contact with right now will teleport in a copy of the full Contract.

"You need to read every last line on it. It will tell you exactly what will be happening during that year. As well as exactly how your body will end up modified. Including when your horn will be restored. Once you sign it, there is no going back at all."

"So you went through this?"

"Yes though not the exact specifics, I tried to balance things out so as harsh as it will be you will at least have company during the year with a few other perks to make it not all bad. The geas will ensure you don't do something to forfeit the prize I selected for you."

"What prize would that be?"

"Three million bits plus whatever you earn during the required work parts of your days. That and you get to keep all the improvements to your body, which would include the restored horn." I smirked as she actually boggled for a moment at the amount of money the contract would potentially give her.

"Just what kind of entertainment pays that much?"

"I call that Dimension the Porno World." Her eyes went wide as she stared at me. "So yeah you'd end up having quite a lot of sex while there. All if it was shown live to any who cared to watch. In this world, Friendship is Magic defines things. There Consent is Absolute, it is also the place I make my home even though my Contract is over."

"So what details are there to finalize?" She asked after a few moments of seriously thinking things over.

"Well, for one do you want to keep that scar? I think it gives you character making the rest of you look better." She blinked at that and we were soon deep in going over the miscellaneous details. Once that was done a tablet flashed into existence.

I showed her how to use it so she could read the Contract in full. I explained the difficulty I had set as her fine for leading the invasion. And used the App I was using to make her contract to show her the even worse difficulty I could have chosen for her.

A few of the things did get changed around so she had some input on what would happen. Eventually, though I hit finalize on my App which locked me out of the Contract so she could read through it again in full. "I guess I'll be seeing you in a year."

"Will be three seconds for me but yes a year for you."

She tapped the green 'I Consent to these Terms' button before an instant later her chair was empty, neither her or the tablet remaining. I counted to three and then she was back in the chair without the tablet.

"Welcome back, hows it feels to have your free will once more?"

"I don't think I will ever take it for granted again." She currently looked much the same only bipedal and with that horn of course now completely intact. "Though I am curious how we are going to explain this." This being her new body shape.

"I have a spell that can shift you back into full pony form if you wish."


I hit her with it and she shifted about to rest more comfortably. "Thank you. So now I guess I'm to swear service to you?"

"Mmhmm... Please note though I expect you to be loyal, I do not want you to betray your friends even for me." At her surprised look, I continued. "If you can betray them, then you can betray me. I'd rather be told no then one day have you stab me in the back."

Her expression softened with a small smile. "I swear to use my magic in service to you My Princess. And thank you even though you only did it because the other you asked."

"Your welcome." I smiled at her. "Just watch over our mutual friends when I am not here, they are much too trusting and forgiving for their own good at times. Even if works more often than not for them, there is always a risk that next time it won't. You can use your cell to contact me whenever you need to."

"You are a lot more cynical than she is aren't you My Princess?"

"War is Magic." I recited the old phrase to her confusion. "That was the Maxim of my side of the Mirror. I think like this side's version better, however that doesn't change the fact I am an Imperial Princess, not an Equestrian one."

"What's your side of the Mirror-like?"

"Dead. The entire world is dead on that side."

We fell into silence once more before I gestured to the door. "As much as I appreciate the company, I assume you want to test out your new horn."

She nodded before slipping off her chair. "Very true. Call me if you need anything My Princess." At my nod, she left the room leaving me with a bit of time on my hooves.

Twilight Sparkle sat with her friends, lounging on pillows in what had been her tower at the Palace before her first trip to Ponyville. Now it served as her own private Guest Suite that she and her friends could use whenever they stayed overnight in Canterlot. Sure she could always stay with her parents, but there was more room in the tower. And it was a lot less expensive than her friends staying at a hotel.

"Sugarcube, why are you so tense today?" The others all nodded in agreement to Applejack's question.

"Sorry girls, I'm just worried right now."

"There isn't anything wrong is there Darling?"

"I managed to get Mirror Flash to accept my apology for upsetting her so badly yesterday." She began with a sigh. "Then told her about the invasion we had a few weeks ago." Her ears flattened at the memory. "She pretty much called me a complete idiot in regards to what happened in Seaquestria."

"Well, you did kind of buck it up with the Pearl," Rainbow replied with a snort. "I'm just glad you realized it by the time we caught up with you."

"I can't say enough how happy I was you all came to save me."

"Of course we did, you are our friend! None of us are perfect." Twilight found herself hugged tightly by Pinkie. "We sang a song about that and everything. So please turn that frown upside down." Twilight found her cheeks tugged up by her party obsessed friend's hooves.

"Pinkie Please." She still ended up with a smile anyway. "She pretty much told me the same thing you girls did right after it happened. Only from a more militaristic mindset, then told me to learn from it and not do it again. It could have resulted in me turning potential friends into enemies."

"Um... Normally don't we do the opposite?"

"I wasn't thinking, at the time I thought we needed the Pearl. And forgot to trust in you girls." Twilight admitted.

"We have all forgiven you, Darling," Rarity smiled at her. "I think even Queen Novo will forgive you eventually if she hasn't already. I hope that isn't what has you so worried."

"No, it's Fizzlepop." She sighed. "I kind of begged Mirror to help her."

"Ah take that it was a hard sell?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, it was. I just wish Mirror would have let me sit in on the meeting."

"She didn't?"

"She invoked Client Confidentiality after saying that if Fizzlepop accepted her help she was going to be put through Tartarus." Twilight sighed. "Basically she was convinced that our new friend needed to be punished for what she did." Further discussion was interrupted by a knock. "Who is it?"

"Fizzlepop Berrytwist."

"I just love that name!" Pinkie practically bounced as Twilight opened the door with her magic allowing the mare in question to enter.

The scar on her eye was still here, but what drew Twilight's attention, drew all her friends was something else entirely.

"Oh, my."

The mare in question gave a small smile. "I thought I should thank you, Princess."

"How?" Twilight had thought that Mirror could help Fizzlepop but hadn't expected it to be so quickly.

She closed her eyes for a moment. "Much like when I met the Storm King I was offered a deal, unlike before this time I did not have to try to invade or steal. And unlike with him, she has already kept her side of it."

"Just what are the terms of this here deal?"

"And how? I highly doubt she took you to the spa for that."

"She herself did not have the knowledge on how to actually restore my horn," Fizzlepop explained softly. "What she did have however was a connection to the ones who had restored hers." The mare visibly shuddered. "She showed me a picture of the state she'd been in prior to them helping her."

"How bad?"

"Half her face gone, the bones of her skull visible through the charred scraps of flesh remaining on that side. One eye missing, with a pink gem in its place."

"Kindness..." Twilight half muttered then at her friends look. "She told me about the eye when I asked her why one was pink. Her Trixie gouged it out, and she had to implant the Element of Kindness in the socket to avoid being blind in that side." Every pony in the room seemed horrified by that revelation.

"Her body was either crystallized or covered in burns. She had only one of her legs left, and I could make out the charred remains of a wing. Her horn wasn't just shattered it was scorched." The tall mare shook her head. "I'm frankly surprised she survived that level of injury.

"As you can imagine, seeing that was both at once disturbing, yet clear proof that if I agreed to her terms she would arrange for me to meet the ones who saved her from the life of a crippled Alicorn." She glanced at Applejack as she continued. "The terms of the deal were that I would sign a very binding Contract. Even now the year I spent in the dimension she calls Home seems like a very vivid dream."

"How are you here then?"

"I was returned seconds after I left. My Princess set it up, a year in what was tantamount to Tartarus to restore my horn. And in exchange, I would serve her for the rest of my life."

"Doing watch?"

"At the moment just keeping watch and alerting her if somepony else decides to invade Equestria. Between that and a demand for Loyalty, I have free reign to do as I wish."

"What if she wants ya to choose between yer friends and her?"

"By her orders, my friends will win out." She gave them an amused smile. "Apparently she believes if I can betray my friends, then I can betray her. To quote her, 'I'd rather be told no then one day have you stab me in the back.'"

"Such an oddly cynical yet pragmatic view of things I should think." Rarity commented after a moment.

"Considering her world's Maxim, it fits both in that she was a Military Commander and her view on having loyal agents." At the others confused looks, she explained. "Here in Equestria everypony lives by the idea that Friendship is Magic." At their nods of agreement she sighed. "As an Imperial Princess, she was raised to believe War is Magic."


"She seems to think the ponies here are too trusting and forgiving for your own good. And in many ways you are." She glanced at Twilight. "She only offered because you asked, so thank you, Princess. For all her cynicism she seems fond of you."

Twilight couldn't help but blush and drop her head onto her hooves. Her mind going back the kiss a week ago, fond seemed to be putting things likely. "What was it like there? In the world, she's been living in I mean." All the others perked up and focused on Fizzlepop.

"Are you sure you girls want to know?"

"Yes!" The mares all spoke nearly at the same time.

"Alright fine, I will give you girls an example of a typical day in My Princess's current Dimension." She gained a far-off look in her eyes before speaking. "I usually woke to the feel of hands caressing my body through the suit I was made to wear. It was form fitting, tight against my body that it felt almost like a second skin. It was made of a shiny material called latex and it never came off. Not to mention the very tight corset that wrapped about my barrel giving me an even more feminine figure by human standards."

"Humans are bipedal like Mirror is without the spell I gave her," Twilight stated at her friends looks. "Might I assume your body was modified to a similar shape?"

"Yes. She used that spell to change me back into a normal pony on my return." Fizzlepop nodded with a small smile. "It's nice to be on all four hooves again. Continuing though, My head was fully encased in a helmet that was lined in such a way that kept it comfortable even when I was sleep. Like the suit, it conformed to the shape of my head and horn. It blocked all sight and sound. Only the part that gave direct access to my mouth could be removed. The hands I was given, were kept in mittens that limited how well I could use them."

"Just what kind of suit is was that?" Rarity seemed shocked just by the description.

"One that provided complete and total isolation from all of my senses, except for very limited touch." She actually blushed for a moment. "I could feel when one of my roommates ran their hands over my body. The only times I was permitted to see or hear anything was if a challenge or work required it. Even then my helmet was not removed, there were tiny screens in front of my eyes that would turn on and speakers next to my ears."

"Did you have a Safeword?" Fluttershy seemed to ask out of the blue.

"Hmm? Why yes Fluttershy I did have a Safeword, that I could use if things were too much for me. However, I had to be very sparing when I used it because otherwise, I would lose the right to use it at all. However, I don't think I ever actually had to use it." By now Fizzlepop had sat down as she spoke."You have to understand I was there for a year and no memory of anything before I signed the Contract that My Princess offered me. Those memories were only restored just prior to my being returned. All I knew was that the hands and bodies of my roommates felt very good, and I had to live like a pet for one of them. Which meant all my meals were from a bowl on the floor."

"A pet? What kind of hay an option is that?"

"Actually, that was the nicer of the two pet options, the other one would have had me living with a very large predatory animal that would have viewed me as a mate and spent all it's time just mating me. Had My Princess been even more upset about the invasion she could have combined that or forced impregnation with hyper-fertility."

"The hay? How could she have done that?"

"When we were going over the exact terms to finalize the Contract." She looked over at Rainbow as she spoke. "I saw the options she didn't select. And some of which synergize with others in very scary ways. While others make some of the penalties actually enjoyable. Now where was I, oh yes, now the last part of that suit was mechanical underwear. Basically, a device that made it feel as if I was being mated by two stallions front and back every second of every day."

Fluttershy let out a quiet squeak and squirmed in her seat while Rarity. Rarity went into shock. Her eyes wide, pupils dilated, her breathtaking on an odd hitch.

"That wouldn't be so bad, however, if I also didn't have an implant that made it so I could not cum, ever without explicit permission from those who had the remote control for it. Thankfully those watching the feed also had the option to give that permission. So there were times when I would just randomly end up a quivering cumming mess because they took pity on me." Fizzlepop commented even as Fluttershy buried her face in her mane while listening to the other mare speak.

Twilight and the others though were now shocked into silence at what they were hearing and yet the mare continued to speak. "I think My Princess knew how strong-willed I am, and how I may have broken the rules without realizing it. And that's why she had me placed under a powerful geas, one that rid me of all thought save for mating or pleasing those around me. It prevented me from breaking the rules, so I wouldn't forfeit my new horn due to my own pride."

"Wait you could have forfeited your horn?"

"Oh yes, they would have sent me back with everything reverted to before I signed if I had broken the rules. It just means I now understand how valuable Free Will is. And why they put so much emphasis on Consent there. A choice is a precious gift that can be so easily squandered away." She looked at each of them as she continued. "Even though you all believe and spread that Friendship is Magic, in that world, it is Choice is Magic. What you do there for good or ill, it's your Choice, and you if Choose something you have to accept all the consequences of that Choice."


"Even when I was listening as she was explaining things, My Princess made it clear that had I walked out the door or accepted the Contract I would have to Choose. She also made sure that it would be a fully informed choice and even altered a few things when I asked." She then smirked as she relayed the next tidbit. "For example one of the things she used to balance the contract initially would have had me the bed toy to an adult dragon one day a week. Instead, she switched to being a test subject for a scientist and that suit I ended up in made up the difference. The Contract works on a point system, perks cost points, while penalties give them. In order for it to be valid, you can not have a negative balance of points."

"Eep!" Fluttershy seemed to quiver at the mention of an adult dragon.

"Now the first thing that happened every morning once the girl who was assigned to watch over me woke, would she would lead me by the leash, with me crawling along behind her to a set of holes in one wall of our hotel suite."

"You were in a hotel?"

"Yes, My Princess while highly tempted to put me in either a Dungeon or Prison Cell instead set me up in a very nice hotel suite. Now there were four holes in that wall at kneeling height for a human, I and my roommates all had the same penalty in that once a day, Stallions would stick their shafts through those holes." Applejack's eyes were the one to turn into pinpricks this time. "The four of us would each have to lick and suckle on one of them, not allowed to stop until they ejaculated. I'm not sure about the others but I was also required to drink down every last drop. The stallions, of course, were modified so that they would produce enough to fill me up to the point I did not need any other breakfast."

"I'm afraid to ask what happens next."

"The next part would be determined by what day of the week it actually was." Fizzlepop gave that small smile of hers."One of my roommates, the one who actually took care of me most of the time, had picked the job that made her an Owner for other Contestants. Owners in this context being the ones who are charged with giving Contestants Daily Challenges. They choose just what you are going to be doing, sometimes it is extremely sexualized sometimes however it isn't."

"So sometimes it wasn't so.." Twilight trailed off.

"I have heard of some really sweet Stallions who use that status to try and find a Contestant that will actually decide to marry them. They that worlds version of Gentle Stallions who won't sleep with a girl unless she's his wife. Complete and utter romantics in a world seemingly filled with hedonistic sex obsessed maniacs. Mind you that sounds a lot worse than it actually is."

Rarity blinked a moment attention snapping back into focus. "There were actually Gentle Stallions there? Where you lucky enough to have one of these as an 'Owner'?"

Fizzlepop shook her head with a sigh. "No Rarity I did not get one of those types as an Owner. I did have one as my fitness trainer though, he wasn't interested in me that way." She paused to figure out how to describe him. "Think a male version of Rainbow Dash who is only interested in making you as fit as possible sometimes during your free time."

"A male me?" Rainbow blinked in surprise. "He must have been awesome then."

"He was, and with my geas making me so sex-obsessed I tried to jump him quite a few times." She blushed. "He had to use a remote to put me asleep every time that happened."

"Anyway if it was Monday then it would be that roommate that decided what I would do next. On Tuesdays, I was in the care of a Dominatrix," Fluttershy shivered as she listened to Fizzlepop's words. "Who enjoyed finding very creative ways of torturing me. Nothing that would leave any permanent injuries, however. On Wednesdays I ended up working at a Zoo, helping the keeper care for all the animals there. A few times ending up playing living incubator for some of the more endangered ones whose eggs had very specific requirements."

"How the hay?"

"Ovipositer that was used to fill me with their eggs usually." She explained before resuming. "Thursdays had me as a Test Subject for the scientist I mentioned before. He and his colleagues are the ones who come up with all the body modifications, experimental medical treatments. They are the ones who reconstructed Mirror's body and who were the ones to actually restore my horn. However in order to do all that they need willing Subjects for anything that is ready for testing on actual Sapients."

"What where they like?"

"They put the word MAD in 'MAD Science!'" Twilight's friends all looked at her for a moment, Fizzlepop barely paused. "Fridays had me in the care of a Unicorn Morph, an extremely powerful telepath called Secret Surprise. Apparently, she's one of My Princess's adoptive sisters. Her name is ironic because she likes to surprise you by teasing you about one of your secrets in front of others. Though she at least sticks to the minor and simply embarrassing ones rather than the ones that would actually hurt you."

"Just what did she do?"

"When she's not plunging you into extremely vivid dream worlds of her own creation, she tends to psychoanalyze you. And will genuinely help you work through any mental problems you may have. Which are some of the few things she will keep quiet about."


"Saturdays were the days I was with Tyrone. He was a big very muscular Stallion that will turn any mare he's asked to deal with into a little Bitch. You did what he said, you called him Master. He used you without any regard for your feelings on the matter, however, while you were with him you were His Bitch. Meaning no one else was allowed even spit in your direction." She blushed as she started describing Saturday. "The best reward you could expect from him if you did really well was head pats. Where those large fingers of his would really work into your scalp and leave you mewling with your head in his lap. Just begging for more, begging for him to treat you more like a Bitch so that you could get another head pat. At least if you weren't gagged like I was, I was stuck having to plaintively whine when I wanted more, and I did want more."

"And Sunday?"

"According to Secret, My Princess had apparently decided to share part of what had been called Funday in her Show."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

Fizzlepop smirked. "Locked into a set of stocks, the part of my helmet that gave access to my mouth detached. My legs would be then locked spread wide as they could with me standing bent over. The mechanical underwear would be removed leaving my lower holes completely exposed." She spoke slowly making them listen to every word. "Then for the next eight hours, I would be mated hard by anyone who entered that square. Sometimes I would be forced to lick off other females. By the end, I was completely stuffed covered in the sexual liquids when they didn't decide to cum inside one of my holes. I am so glad My Princess had it listed in my Contract that I would be on contraceptives otherwise I would have ended up with a foal likely after the first week."

"Um... Was that everything?"

"Those weren't everything they were just the Daily Challenges. After those, I had time to get cleaned up before sent to one of three part-time jobs. The first two required that I was allowed to see and hear for a few hours in order to actually do them. Which is why the helmet had screens for my eyes and speakers for my ears."

"So you had to work? What kind of jobs? Were they good or bad?"

"Well depends on the job." She glanced at Pinkie. "One of the options was quite literally Party Planner."

"Really!?!" Pinkie really perked up hearing that. "So humans like Parties too?"

"They take any excuse they can to party. That wasn't one of the jobs I took though."

"What did you end up doing?"

"What did I do?" She hummed a moment. "Well, the first job was being a Secretary, yeah nothing sexual happened really much at all. I had to run around fetching drinks or food, taking notes and doing mundane office work. It was remarkably normal compared to everything else."

"What was next?"

"Prench Maid, cleaning up after others, sometimes cleaning up really big messes. Other than the uniform and the occasional groping of my flanks, it was mostly just hard work." She smiled. "Admitted I did get mated hard from time to time on that job, requiring me to clean up the resulting mess."

"You were... In a Prench Maid uniform?"

"A very skimpy Prench Maid uniform."

"And the third job?"

"The final job," She started. "The final job however made up for the lack of sex in the first one. One of the ways the Contract can end is if the Contestant chooses to become a sex slave so of course there is a job that synergizes with that. Two actually, Sex Slave Trainer and Sex Slave Trainee. I ended up getting stuck with the Trainees. What I learned there actually helped me please my various Owners to the point they were very happy with me."

"Just who would want to be a slave?"

"Don't know you'd have to ask somepony who chose that option."

"Please tell us that was everything."

"There were the two more things I had to do that weren't part of the normal schedule." She spoke blushing. "The first would pretty much a meet and greet. I would have to show up, say hello to my most avid viewers and sign autographs."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"It was actually fairly nice," Fizzlepop replied. "The second was in a Raffle, and I had to service the winner."

"By service you mean?"

"I had to mate with them however they wanted me to."

"You really had to?"

"Remember at the time I was under a geas." She pointed out. "The thing is even with the geas now gone and my mind once again completely my own. When I look back on that year, yes as My Princess told me I was put through Tartarus. While I am so happy to have my horn back when I look over that year I lived and everything I went through. I can't help it but I loved every second of it then, and I still do now."

"I notice you keep calling her My Princess."

"Because she is." Fizzlepop smiled and closed her eyes. "Twilight is my friend, but Mirror Flash is My Princess. A mare who while she clearly disliked me treated me with respect and made sure I knew what I would be agreeing to. I have sworn myself into her service. Anything she would ask I would do for her."

"All that for your horn?"

"That and the over three million bits I now have because of her."

"OVER THREE MILLION BITS?!?" The mares shouted in shock.

"Yes, those jobs? They were all paid ones, and the reward money for the option she picked for me, gave three million bits as prize money." She gave them a wry look before turning her attention to Twilight. "So again, Princess Twilight I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for asking My Princess to help me."

"Your welcome.."

"If you ever need help with anything please contact me." Stunned silence followed Fizzlepop as she left the room.

"Twilight, Ah have ta ask. Did you know just what you were askin' when you asked Mirror ta help?" Applejack was fanning herself with her stetson. "Cause as happy as Ah am for Fizzlepop getting her horn back without anypony being hurt this time. That was one hay of a doozie Ah just heard, and the worst part is Ah think she was understatin' what happened."

"Mirror told me that Dimension ran on Porn Logic, but I never imagined that," Twlight started slowly before blinking. "Oh Porn is-"

"Twilight Darling, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we already know what Porn is." The white unicorn interrupted. "Frankly I am surprised you know about it. Given how disinterested you seemed to be in those novels I once tried to show you."

The lavender Alicorn blinked at her before looking at each of the other blushing mares. "You already know.." Each gave a nod as she looked at them before she turned her attention back to Rarity. "What novels?"

"Why some of the tamer romance novels in my collection. Had you enjoyed them I would have introduced you to some of the ones that could be considered.." She paused a moment for saying. "Raunchy to put it lightly. The moment I used the word romance well you just closed off so I dropped the subject."

Twilight turned to look at Rainbow who in turn shrugged. "Even before becoming a Wonderbolt I turned down offers for certain types of photo shoots. Mostly because I was worried about how the foals might take it if they got their hooves on the type of pictures the photographers wanted."

She looked at Pinkie who giggled. "I sometimes get asked to help plan Anniversary Parties. It's the one type of party I don't stay to see. They are most certainly not always foal friendly like all my other parties."

Applejack sighed. "What she described at the beginning were clearly Glory Holes, now Ah may not have seen one, but Ah sure have heard of them."

"Fluttershy?" The unicorn half begged.

"Sorry, Twilight.." The pink maned pegasus was slightly squirming in her seat. "What she described was kind of... " She buried her face in her mane. "Hot."

"Fluttershy dear, I must ask why did you ask her about what was it... A safeword?"

The shy pegasus peeked out of her mane at her friends. "If I explain do you girls promise not to stop being my friends?"

Twilight blinked at her for a moment along with the others before asking. "Fluttershy why would you think we would ever stop being your friends?"

"Because it's happened before. Not to me yet, but to other ponies." She spoke with a sigh. "They would work up the courage to tell a close friend. Said friend would freak out and call that pony a deviant or monster and they wouldn't be friends anymore. Leaving a very upset pony who just wanted to share another part of their life with someone they thought could be their special somepony."

We were all soon hugging the pink-maned mare. "I think we can agree even if we don't understand or like what you want to tell us we will still be your friends." Twilight's words were met by a chorus of agreements from the others.

"Kay... I'll tell you." She returned the hugs with a smile. "Now in order to understand... I'll need to go back a little way... I assume you all remember let's call it the Flutter Bitch incident with Iron Will?" She half-joked even as everyone nodded.

"My dear while I wouldn't so far as to call it that, I remember that incident of which you speak." Rarity replied.

"Okay, a few days afterward a member of a very exclusive invite-only club who lives in Ponyville approached me. Now don't ask me who it was... I Pinkie Promised not to tell." They all nodded though still curious. "This pony told me of another set of seminars that could help me be less of a doormat. To Quote this pony. 'Without unleashing the Bitch again unless I wanted to.' I was given a card with an address written on the back. If I was interested I would go to the address shown during the day, show the card to the lookout and the ponies there would allow me to sit in on the seminars."

"So you were invited to join?"

"No, not at that time at least. The club while they like their anonymity does not mind helping ponies who need it. That's why the pony specifically told me to go during the daytime." She brushed her mane from her eyes as she relaxed. "Basically the club is divided into several layers. During the day they do certain activities like the seminars, organizing all the things they need to keep the club functioning. Stuff like that. It's also the when with an invitation non-members can come in and get help or taught a few things. So that card was an invitation but only to the Dayside if you will."

"And the Nightside?"

"I'll get to that in a bit." She waved off the question. "Now Ponyville is too small to have a Branch of the club, but they have branches in every major city of Equestria. If you live someplace too small for one. Well, then you have to take a trip to the closest Branch to where you live."

"So there is a Branch here in Canterlot?"

"Yes, that's the one I went to when I decided to take the offer of help. Now even if you only visit the Dayside like I did for the longest time. You have to obey their rules. Rule One being 'Do not tell Celestia'."

Twilight half recoiled in shock. "Why?"

"As it was explained to me, she would only see the surface of the club night time activities and likely ban us. Which would be bad on so many levels. In short, she simply would not understand. So Rule One is to keep her in the dark."

"Sugarcube why would it be bad if your club was banned."

"Alright here is an example... There are two Stallions, let's call them One and Two. Both have grown up to have similar desires which involve tying a mare to a bed and then utterly ravishing her." She lifted her right hoof. "One goes through a hundred potential mares, dating them until he asks if can tie them to his bed and ravish them. Ninety-Nine of those mares slap him, call him a freak and storm off leaving him each time utterly heartbroken."

They all listened quietly as their soft-spoken friend spoke. "Finally he meets the Hundredth Mare he goes through the whole process again. Fully expecting to be slapped and left heartbroken again. She pauses when he finally asks her only instead of freaking out like all the previous mares she says. 'Sure but only if I can do the same you afterward.'"

That actually sounded while creepy a fairly happy outcome then Fluttershy lifts her left hoof. "Now Two does the same thing only after the first mare dumps him says 'Buck it'. Instead of persisting until he finds a mare who says yes, he just grabs a random one off the street ties her down and then ravishes her without bothering to ask this time."

The other mares couldn't help but feel horror at the second example, which was reflected in their expressions. "The club I'm part of, one of our main goals is to find ponies like One, make it easier for them to find a partner who will definitely say yes. While minimizing the chances of ponies like Two popping up. And when they do fast track them to prison as soon as possible."

"So you're a club of matchmakers who like to tie each other up?"

She smiled slightly. "Yes, that is part of it. The Nightside is well. There is a lot of sex involved." She blushed deeply as she admitted it. "Even that is only a small part. Not everything revolves around sex. Rule Two of the Club though is... The Safeword is Law."

"Like what you asked Fizzie?"

"Yes, quite a bit of what she was describing matches the ahem... Games played at night. Though nowhere near as extreme as the humans apparently do it. We also do not do anything out in public because well... First Rule. That and we have a strict No Foals policy. Either as members or merely being present during activities."

"And in public, there be a chance of them blundering in ta it."


"When did you start in the Nightside?" The Alicorn asked curiously.

"Shortly after the whole... Flutterbat Incident." She admitted blushing again. "While I am really sorry I how I acted while not in my right mind. It was kind of fun not being well... You girls saw what happened."

"So what do you do in the club?"

"Dominatrix." She whispered so quietly we didn't catch it.

"Um, what?"

"I'm a Dominatrix!" She half shouted before blushing sheepishly.

Twilight blinked at her in shock. "Like the one that tortured Fizzlepop!?"

"There are several different types. I prefer denial play. Keeping the Submissive on the edge of release for hours at a time. I really don't like causing pain." She sighed softly. "She likely ended up paired up with a Sadist. Which if she was a Masochist would be not all that bad a match. So long as the Dom had strict ethical boundaries on how far she'll go."

"What are-"

"Sadist enjoys dishing out pain, and a Masochist, if things are done correctly, gets off on pain." She gave a wane smile. "Things like that is why we have Safewords. A word if spoken or, if gagged, a bell that's rung which brings everything to a grinding halt. When that happens the Submissive is immediately released from any bindings and checked over for injuries. And the Overseers, the ones whose job is to make sure everything stays safe, come in and investigate to find out what the buck just happened."

"So when you asked.."

"Your friend Mirror set up the contract, which means she knew exactly what Fizzlepop would be getting into. There are some who can and do like to play without Safewords. The fact Mirror likely made sure she had one even if it didn't need to be used. Shows the kind of mare she is." She smiled. "She gave her a safety net."

"Might Ah ask, what's this here club is called?"

"We call ourselves the Midnight Society." She then looked at Twilight. "And really would appreciate it if you didn't... Um you know tell Princess Celestia about us." The Alicorn hesitated a few moments before she continued. "Princess Luna already knows about us. Technically she's considered a very high ranked member."

"Alright, I won't speak of this to Celestia... But I can speak of this with Luna?"

She nodded clearly relieved. "Mmhmm. Just not when her sister is present."

I breathed in deeply before letting out a long slow breath of annoyance. I had left the Guest Room to work off a bit of excess energy. Maybe head back to the Library to continue the research that had been interrupted. Instead, I had acquired a barnacle while was making my way through the halls. I looked at one of the very harried looking castle servants who had been chasing my new barnacle much to her amusement.

"Where are the parents of this little bundle of havoc?" I asked softly as I eyed the foal that had latched herself onto me. "Since I'm from an alternate world, I would appreciate being told who this little barnacle actually is."

"The.. parents are currently having a day off from her.." The maid replied. "And she is Princess Flurry Heart. The other you is her Aunt."

"And you lot got stuck as the patsies to foalsit her?"

Several of the Palace servants were present, setting to right the mess this little Alicorn foal had been causing before she caught sight of me. I pointedly ignored how the little daredevil poked at one the fangs that were visible when I spoke. After all, they were not sharp enough to cut her. Or how she was using my ear as a teething ring.

"Yes, Princess. That is the case."

"I also might assume you all have been briefed on at least the basics of who I actually am?"

"Yes Princess, we've been instructed to make sure there are no plushies in any room you might pass through. Though we weren't told why."

My eye twitched at the word causing me frowning slightly, which caused the maid to cringe in response. "Don't worry upset, and I really appreciate you lot are doing that. In my world, Sunbutt was.. crazy to put it lightly. If I hadn't run away when I found out, she would have turned me into a life-sized plushie, which is why I don't like them."


I waved a hoof. "Different world, different Sunbutt. Doesn't make dealing with the local version any easier mind you. Now, do you know where my alternate is?" At her nod, I gave her a smile that didn't bare the fangs. "Good mind giving me directions then? While I doubt my barnacle was in mind when the saying, it takes an Alicorn to stop an Alicorn was first said. It still applies and unlike her parents, I'm not going to foist her back on you."

The look of utter relief from the staff was really sad. So I very quickly acquired the directions from multiple sources. I snagged the obvious bag of baby supplies with my magic before leaving those ponies to finish cleaning up the disaster Flurry Heart had caused.

I honestly wondered how my Fans would react to see, Mirror Flash idly bouncing a foal on her shoulders using her wings to keep the little one from falling off. I at least managed to find her pacifier and gently gagged her with it rather than let my ear suffer any longer.

After all, that's what they were for, to gag little ones while giving something to chew and suck on. Which was a surprisingly effective little trick so long as something else didn't set them off. They were like bombs in that way, normally happy giggling little things that would go off without warning if something went wrong. At least the ones in any world save the one I grew up in.

"Shh." I placed a hoof over my lips once we got to the door, drawing a curious look from the baby on my back. I knocked once before opening it and sticking my head through. Twilight and, what I assume, were her friends were currently lounging arrayed around a yellow pegasus. I had likely interrupted whatever conversation they may have been having. "There you are!" I stated with a flat tone once my eyes locked onto my alternate.

She blinked. "I take it you were looking for me?"

"Oh yes. Considering what I just got a face full of, I was definitely looking for you." I kept up that dry snarky tone. "Quite a few of my plans for the rest of the day are now tanked." Her ears went flat while her friends all looked at me with various expressions.

"Is this about Fizzlepop?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p' before stepping fully into the room and nodding my head in a very specific direction. "I seem to have acquired a barnacle that I believe mistook me for you." I walked over and set the baby bag down next to the white unicorn even as Twilight's eyes lit up at the sight of the little one on my back

"Flurry!" She was at my side and nuzzling the foal before I could blink.

"Apparently her parents are taking a day off and left her with the palace staff today. Getting a face full of Alicorn foal is soooo not what I expected when I went for a walk after the meeting with Tempest." I stated as the barnacle was soon in Twilight's forelegs getting nuzzled even more.

"Twilight didn't expect it either first time she met that there little ball of terror." One of the other mares chimed in as I nodded in understanding.

"I take it she makes a habit of causing the kind of havoc she was up to when she latched onto my face?" All the mares nodded even as the other me sighed before nuzzling her niece again. "The staff looked so pitiful that I decided to take her to her actual aunt."

"My dear, wouldn't she be technically your niece too?"

I paused at that. "Well unless she has more blood siblings than I do. Then this little barnacle I assume is Shiny's?" At the nod from Twilight. "My Shiny didn't live long enough passed becoming a Sergeant, let alone find a marefriend. So no baby Alicorn nieces in my past."

"That's sad."

"That's life," I responded as I turned back toward the door, given the little barnacle was now latched onto Twilight. "It's not always happy."

"Where are you going?"

I paused glancing back. "To go maybe finish the research you interrupted earlier or something." Most likely it would be the or something this time. "After all, I was only halfway through the nonrestricted sections of the library when you came to apologize, tell me about the whole Storm King Invasion and ask for that favor with Tempest."

"How long were you in there?"

"Oh, just most of the morning," I said with a wave of my hoof as if it were nothing.

"That's faster than it would take me to go through that many books."

I smirked striking a pose as I turned to point a hoof at her. "Just think of me as an at least twenty percent cooler version of you. Hell considering the personality traits you'd need to be able to bond to the Elements it's always a question. Are you awesome because your bonded to them, or did they bond with you because you were already utterly awesome, to begin with?" There was a snerk and then her friends were all giggling causing me to blink and look at them in confusion.

"Sorry, my dear but that.." The white mare who sounded like Prissy Purple. "Was quite literally the best Rainbow Dash impression I've seen from someone who isn't.."

"Isn't me.." Rainbow agreed also snickering. "Sorry, but to see Twilight, any Twilight actually act like that is funny as all hay."

"I assume you can be described as a daredevil speed freak adrenaline junkie?" I asked after a moment of thinking it over. At her nod, I shrugged. "Well makes sense you heavily resonate with Loyalty, given your also able to go hypersonic, or as Luna called it Rainboom."

"What do you mean?"

"Well as I just said, the Elements all have personalities of their own, they will encourage you to act certain ways that make them happy. For you Rainbow, it would be can you Rainboom because you got picked for Loyalty or did you get picked because you could already Rainboom."

I gave them a smile even as Rainbow got a thoughtful look on her face. "That applies to all the Elements. Again using Loyalty as an example in order for me to go hypersonic on a Hover Board with a max speed of two hundred miles per hour. I need to drop myself into the correct mindset and then fill myself with the need to go faster."

"Do you do that often?"

"Hmm do what?"

"Switch mindsets."

I hummed a moment. "To be honest I don't even notice anymore unless I really need something related to one specific Element instead of all them. Unlike in this world, I did not have anyone else to help take up the burden and bond with the other six elements."

"Don't you mean other five?"

"No." I shook my head in amusement. "The fact you haven't needed all Seven Elements is actually a good thing. Since all seven are required to activate them in Kill mode."


My ears flattened before I started rubbing the one that had been closest to Twilight to deal with the ringing even as she had to turn her attention to calm down the very startled foal in her forelegs. "Yes, every time you fire off the Rainbow Cannon let's call it with all seven Elements. Then you don't get the normal purification beam. You summon the Ancient Power the Rainbow Queen used to kill an extremely powerful Demon Lord that was terrorizing Equis.

"Anything that you use it on dies, no exceptions. It may not die immediately, it may actually survive initially but with a couple months max it will be dead. It is what I had to use to kill my Celestia after she burnt my world to ash."

"But the Pillars created the Tree of Harmony."

"All they did was create a living vessel for an Ancient Power that once was used by that Queen to protect our ancestors. Many of the things she taught us we cast away when we broke up into the Three Tribes and allowed the original Fires of Friendship she lit to go out." I gave a wry smirk. "Which worked out so well when the Windigoes came. Thankfully some really bright ponies figured out how to create a new Flame of Friendship to drive them away again."

"Sugarcube how do you know all this?"

"You learn a lot when you're having to hunt down ancient artifacts first for my Celestia and later alongside Daring when you are trying to save your world from a power-mad tyrant."

"Back to the killing issue.." Twilight spoke up now that Flurry was no longer on the verge of tears. "Can all seven be used without killing?"

"Only the Rainbow Queen herself can unleash the full power and not have it kill. Very few things are immune to the Power. One of them being called the Smooze. Then you'd need to hope you can find any surviving descendants of the Flutter Ponies. Their magic was the only thing able to banish the Smooze when it was on the verge of swallowing the world."

"Um. Are the Flutter Ponies anything like Breezies?" The pink maned pegasus asked before I finally just sat down.

"Nope, a different kettle of fish. Basically, they are big pure white insectoid ponies according to the stories. They fed off honey collected from all the flowers that simply filled Flutter Valley. They also needed a specific form of magic put off by an artifact similar to the Pearl of Transformation known as the Sunstone."

"What would happen if they lost it?"

"They believed they would die if it wasn't charged up on the longest day of the year by the Sun. According to what I read it was only stolen once requiring the Rainbow Queen and her allies to retrieve it. They managed to get the stone back to them in time thankfully. Reversing the sickness that had disabled the Flutter Ponies when the stone was stolen."

"Just what did the sickness do?"

"They were crippled with intense pain, hunger and their carapaces started turning black with small holes beginning to form," I said as surprised looks appeared on their faces. "Anyway if someone is stupid enough to bring the Smooze back to the world, well they are the only ones who can stop it as far as I know. Thing is they kind of dropped off the map during the Discordian Era." I shrugged before relaxing on the pillow I had chosen. "At least that's how it was in my world. Which I have from a very good source was identical up to the whole Nightmare Moon incident."

"What source is that?"

"I was told by Q."

"That doesn't make sense." Several of them spoke in unison while others nodded after all Q sounded a lot like 'you' to those who didn't know better.

I looked at a spot over my shoulder. "Oh, it makes perfect sense, especially given I know your here." The others seemed confused as I apparently talked to thin air.

A moment later I had a very amused Draconequus lounging half wrapped around me. "Twilight my dear I simply love your look. It's so chaotic compared to the vanilla flavor."

The other mares looked tense for a moment with the exception of the yellow pegasus, before they relaxed after realizing it was him. I reached up grabbing his goatee and tugging his head down to my level. I then promptly gave him a kiss on the cheek before nuzzling it. "Thanks for the compliment Dissy nice to know you appreciate my good looks."

The others looked gobsmacked again with the exception of that single pegasus at how I was reacting to him before releasing his tiny beard and just leaning against his side.

"Ooh. That's a nice nickname for him." Said pegasus came over and gave him a friendly nuzzle as well before sitting on his other side.

"I take it your friends with him too.." I trailed off.

"Fluttershy and yes. We tend to have tea parties nearly every week."

"Ah. Reminds me what I fondly call Cthulhu Saturdays. Only without the tea."

"Oh, what happened?"

"Basically I was the designated virgin sacrifice to an Old One every Saturday. Only with less tea and more getting rutted by a cosmic entity. Dissy technically qualifies as such an entity himself so switch sex for tea and me for you. And pretty similar I think."

Everyone even Dissy was blushing after I finished that comparison.

"Alright, but how does that make sense with your earlier comment?"

I countered the spell keeping me pony shaped, and a moment later they all got to see me in my sexy Morph form. This actually lets me lean a bit more comfortably against my friend's serpentine body. "There is a being known as Q, as in his name is that single letter." I held up a hand and spread my fingers. "This is my hand." I then closed all the fingers into a fist leaving up only the pinkie. "This is my Pinkie. As Q explained when Sunset asked, Q is Discord, however, Dissy here is only the equivalent of Q's pinkie finger when compared to the rest of him."

"Q may know everything I do, however, I only remember what he did up to the moment he poked that pinkie into the world and became my own Draconequus. Most of that though is a bit muddled after all this time."

I glanced at him with a sigh. "So I assume you don't remember all the little things I used to do with my Dissy?"

"Sadly no my dear."

"Drat." I pouted before smirking and giving him a hug anyway even as the others were reacting to just how I had made it sound. "Well hope you don't mind if I hang out with you sometimes then, as Uncle Q can't visit me all that often."

"As long as you don't mind sharing my magnificence with Fluttershy here."

I snapped my fingers creating a sewing needle which I then poked him with. "I don't mind if she doesn't." There was a pop and then he deflated like a balloon.

"I don't mind but what did just you do?"

"His ego needs deflating every once in a while. So I tend to pop it whenever he gets a bit too much."

He slapped on a visible band-aid where I had poked him. Then sticking his thumb in his mouth he proceeded to re-inflate himself. "Definitely more Chaotic than vanilla flavor."

"Hey, I didn't even know what Laughter was before I freed my Dissy from the statue. If I'm more Chaotic then you can only blame yourself as you were the one who taught me how to laugh. You were my first and for a long time the only Friend."

"What about us?" Rainbow asked.

"I never met your counterparts in my world. Most likely if things happened here were similar enough. Then you were likely 'Assigned to the Frontier' as fillies."


"She means killed," Twilight spoke up from where she sat with Flurry napping against her side. "In her world 'Assigned to the Frontier' is code for being killed." The others gasped in shock.

"Yeah, Sunbutt only kept me around so she could turn me into a plushie once I was sexy enough for her tastes." I shuddered at the memories. "So you can imagine my reaction when I saw a living Sunset. I had lit the pyre to burn the remains of her and my other predecessors myself."

"Hmmm, doesn't that mean you're legally speaking now dating your own sister?" Discord commented causing me to look at him.

"I assume you overheard something that let you make that connection?" He nodded. "Yes, it does mean in the Imperium she was legally one of Sunbutt's Daughters just like I was. So yes technically I'm in a very naughty relationship with my own sister. Incest isn't a taboo where I've been living given they fixed the problems that normally crop up with that. And she is only legally my sister anyway."

"What do you mean it isn't a taboo?"

"Mom and Dad's counterparts are very different in Porno World. Mom is a voyeur who loves to watch Daddy rut other mares that she picks for him. It gets her all hot and bothered to the point she actually wears him out once he gets to her." I watched as Twilight's jaw dropped and she started to blush.

"Sadly in that world, they were unable to have kids. So no Shiny and definitely no native me. So you can imagine they were thrilled to adopt me since I was their daughter from another dimension. Now Daddy likes to rut mares, doesn't matter who so long as they are willing. He only limits himself to Mom's picks due to how much he loves her and she is his absolute favorite mare to rut silly."

"Sugarcube how does this relate."

"I'm the second favorite mare he loves to rut." Again I got to enjoy their gobsmacked expressions and blushes. "Now I don't know if the local versions share these particular kinks. And the ones who are my actual biological family died when I was a little filly. So wouldn't be able to tell you if they shared them either."

"How is that possible. I mean.."

"Incest becomes less of an issue when you can have a free cleansing of any genetic problems. Then it just becomes, is your sibling or parent hot. If so are you all old enough to give consent? If the answer is yes, and everyone agrees. Family Game Night becomes very interesting."

"Does that mean you'd do your brother?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"Well, not when he was the lanky colt I remember." I tapped my lips in thought. "If he grew up was either single or in an open relationship like with Mom and Dad are back home. Well then yes I'd likely do him if he was hot enough. Likely do his marefriend or wife too." I then smirked. "Hell, I do each an every one of you girls if you were interested right now if the little barnacle over there wasn't present. And yes that means I'd do you too Twilight."

All the girls were blushing almost atomic red by the time I was done speaking and Dissy had an amused look on his face as both Fluttershy and me pretty much cuddled up to either side of him.

"Are you okay?" I turned to look at the mare leaning against Dissy's other side and arched a brow. "I noticed you've been slowly getting twitchier the longer you've been here."

This time was my turn to blush. "Ah. Well, I've been trying to distract myself from that."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Side effect of Princess Luna convincing me to stay until I learn how to fly with my wings." I sighed softly. "Just going to have to find a willing Stallion for something, lest I end up snapping and pouncing any of the Guard Stallions I see."


"Has she." I pointed at the other me. "Ever gone completely and utterly bonkers at the drop of a hat?"

"Oh yeah."

"A few times."

"Quite spectacularly too."

As Twilight gave her friends a mildly betrayed look without much heat in it, I nodded. "Well, I have a way to mitigate that to the point it's usually a non-issue for me."

"You do? What is it please tell us!"

"It involves a very specific bit of Stallion anatomy, and the reason why I was able to swallow Twilight's foreleg up to her elbow without issue."

"You don't have a gag reflex do you?"

I blinked before looking at the yellow mare and shook my head. "No I don't, and as I told Twilight last week I am very stretchy. The only reason I didn't swallow her entire foreleg was that of the bend in her elbow at the time."

"I may be able to help you find some nice Stallions to help." The mare smiled softly.

"Thanks that would be great."

As it was still daylight out I wore a simple cloak mostly to not draw attention that I was a slightly off double of Princess Twilight. It had not mattered during the night when I had been with Luna, or back in Ponyville. Mostly because she had teleported us straight to the shop that hid the entrance. And the ponies in that town were used to the strange and bizarre.

If it was not attacking them then they had learned to ignore insanity especially when those three Teens who had dragged me to Twilight's Castle had been involved. Again so long as they were not being attacked or not having to avoid getting crushed by something, or blown up. They pretty much were meh when it came to benign crazy.

Not so much in a place like Canterlot during the daytime. So, of course, I would be in pony form and under a plain cloak that hid most of my features from view. You know the kind of thing that would normally draw attention save for the fact pony's would pull the cloak trick for any number of reasons.

So someone going by in a cloak, that gets noticed. Likely reason for why? Bad Mane Day. Three simple words which apparently caused quite a few ponies to be too embarrassed to show themselves in public even when they just have to get errands done. Thus they would cover their bad manes with cloaks until at least they could get it fixed.

After Fluttershy had noticed how twitchy I had been getting, and how even with my willpower it was getting worse. She had decided to fast-track helping me finding the willing Stallions she had mentioned. She had started to explain about the club when I had stopped her with a hoof before speaking softly.

"Midnight Society?"

"Yes. Um, how?"

"Luna had me in her little private viewing area as we chatted over drinks last night. So I know of the place." I paused a moment. "However in the World I live, you usually don't get to participate if you just walk in off the street even with a member the first time in a Bondage Club."

"That.. that is usually true."

"Though I wish my Pet had thought to suggest it rather than just saying the Guards were cute."

"You Pet?"

"She used to be a member."

"She was? May I ask what happened?"

"Asked to leave until she wasn't so much of a Bitch."

Fluttershy had gone quite a moment. "I see, well that doesn't happen all that often. As long as she wasn't permanently banned, and is no longer as much of a 'Bitch' anymore she'll likely get allowed back in." She paused as we walked. "By pet what do you mean?"

"She signed a Contract like Tempest and I did. Hers lasted five years at the end of which she had arranged to be sold to a specific pair of individuals who in turn gifted her to me as a sex slave." I said softly with a wry tone.

The other mare boggled for a moment. "So."

"She never takes her collar off and neither of us uses Safewords given our Contracts didn't have them," I explained. "Funnily enough your Rule Two is usually Rule One for humans that do use them."

"Princess Luna told you the rules?"

"No, I noticed the signs."

"Why didn't your contracts have them?"

"They cost twenty-five credits to be allowed them, which translates into twenty-five thousand bits. I took the yearly one week vacations instead."

"Why not both?"

"Mutually exclusive."


"Kind of surprised your friends aren't tagging along." After all, it was just the pair of us together at the moment.

"Well they only just found out, so they need time to process it. Plus Twilight needs all the help she can get with Flurry."

"Had to gag the little barnacle with her pacifier just to get her to stop using my ear as a teething ring."

"Why do you call her that?"

"Because she latched on to me like a barnacle does to a ship or pier." I gave a snort of bemusement. "Kind of hard not to make the comparison when she introduced herself by pouncing my face." The shy pegasus actually giggled at the mental image of Flurry quite literally on my face. "And those poor servants I think she scared years off their lives."

"You know as scary as you can look your actually quite nice."

I rolled my eyes. "Dark does not always equate evil, just as Light does not always equate Good." I paused and lifted a hoof creating an illusion of a yin-yang on it before showing it to her. "This is a symbol that the humans use. Light and Darkness as two parts of a single whole. Notice the two dots?"

"Yes, I see one white in the black and a black one in the white."

"Light in Darkness and Darkness in Light. The idea being everyone has both in them. And you can not have one without the other. The concepts of Order and Chaos also can be represented in the exact same way." I canceled the illusion and continued on. "Even Harmony is the same way, such as the idea of being cruel indeed in order to actually be kind."

"Like with the Breezies." I arched a brow at her. "They needed to get safely to their home but they refused to leave mine. Until I let the Bitch out an itty bit."

"Thus scaring them into leaving so they could get home?"

"Yes, not happy I had to do that but. They were on a time limit."

"So how did you know end up in.."

"Their training seminars. Basically, I used to be a bit of a doormat everyone took advantage of." She gave me a wry look. "I'm a bit better now in that I can assert myself without going crazy about it like I did a different seminar."

"Bad teacher or just bad fit for you?"

She pondered a moment. "He genuinely wanted to help I think, but he was trying to well use the Minotaur method with me with a no payment guarantee if I wasn't satisfied. So while it did give me a confidence boost at the time. It also caused me to hurt my friends." She pondered a bit. "So I think it was more a bad fit but my being dissatisfied kind of really disappointed him."

"In that, he didn't get paid or he didn't actually help you?"

"Both I think." She stated as we entered the shop that served as the entrance to the club. They sold various herbal remedies, which included acupuncture which allowed an excuse for ponies to head to a hallway where the hidden door was. Fluttershy waved in greeting to the clerk at the counter before we went into the club proper.

Once passed the secret door I pulled the hood back before running a hoof through my mane. "I'm glad I don't sweat otherwise this cloak would have been uncomfortable."

She blinked as she continued to lead me. "You don't?"

"One perk of where I live, you can get your body really optimized for quite a bit of thing. The only time I need to use a bathroom at all is to clean off messes others cause."

"Can anyone get those?"

"If your in that dimension and have at least sixteen thousand bits for the Metabolism tune-up, both digestion optimizations and the cleanliness option. But if you going to do that, then I'd also recommend Magic Hair meaning you never need a haircut, menstruation control which removes all the drawbacks for that. And of course Genetic Cleansing. Which brings it up to twenty-eight thousand bits. Another two thousand if you want to deal with both the Refractory Period and Gag Reflex too."

"How do most ponies pay for that?"

"Either they have a job that pays enough that they can afford it. Or they do a Contract. Which they have to take penalties on in order to pay for everything."

"Like the suit Fizzlepop described?"

I blinked a moment and looked at her. "She told you about that already?" At her nod, I then nodded in return. "That was several combined options. Complete Sensory Deprivation, Pet Play with a Bitch Suit, and the maxed out anal plug option tree with the mechanical underwear instead of just plugs only." She was actually squirming a bit by the time I finished explaining. And I just smirked at her.

"I like denial play." She answered the unspoken question. "And well that suit sounds nearly perfect for that."

"Oh it is, just needs the Climax Control Chip with Edging or if you want to make it so they can never cum Prohibition." She blushed deeply. "Most, however, cancel out nearly all the credits that the last one gives."


"The last option makes it so Prohibition is removed at the end of the Contract."

"So I take it the reason you need the Stallions is because some of the penalties persist?"

"Mmhmm. Basically, I need male cum regularly. It doesn't have to be strictly Stallions so long as it ultimately comes from a male. You can guess from my chat back with the girls who I usually get my fix from." Said with a blush. "It's a hard-wired addiction which when combined with another option makes it so I'm usually a lot more mellow."

"And less likely to have a Twiplosion?"

I paused a moment thinking over the term. "Yes very less likely to have a Twiplosion. Yet going to long without causes one focused on pouncing Stallions to drain their balls."

She blinked then giggled as she pushed open a door and led me inside. "Well, let's see if we can prevent that."

Inside was a simple office with an Earth Pony mare behind the desk. She glanced up and gave the pegasus a smile. "Hello, Fluttershy." She then glanced at me. "And hello, you were Princess Luna's guest last night I assume?"

I nodded even as Fluttershy started to speak. "Hello Overseer Melon Drop, this is Mirror Flash. She's from another Dimension and is visiting for a while. However, we kind of have a little emergency. She needs access to a willing Stallion or two as soon as ponily possible."

The Overseer blinked a moment before arching brow. "May I ask why?"

I pulled out my cell before selecting one of the tamer streams currently being broadcast. "In my Dimension, there is a similar organization to the Midnight Society known as the SL Corporation. Similar in that they both have their roots in Bondage Play. They produce a Multiversal Reality shows like this one." I put the phone on the desk with the screen oriented to show a human girl getting fucked by a very large animal. "And yes what your seeing is happening live in another Dimension right now."

Both Fluttershy and the other mare boggled at what was shown. "Unlike the Midnight Society, they are entirely public about what they do. However, they operate on the maxim Consent is Absolute."

"So everything that happens is agreed to beforehoof?"

"With a very binding Contract yes, and prizes worth going through Tartarus level bondage challenges. By that girl's species standard your Society would be classified as a Softcore Club. They also have what would be considered Hardcore versions of everything."

"What makes us that?"

"Safewords are automatic, and can not be revoked from overuse. I doubt you do actual body modification beyond maybe piercings or tattoos. Ponies are by nature are a lot more empathic then this girl's species is." I tapped the screen with my hoof. "There isn't anything wrong with being Softcore after all, different ponies have wildly different tastes sometimes. I spent ten years on under one of the hardest variants of the Contract. One of the side effects though is I need to suck off preferably willing males on a regular basis."

"Think Twilight's Want it Need it Incident only with her pouncing on stallions if she doesn't get to in time," Fluttershy stated making me give her a confused look.

"And I assume in that Dimension the males are all aware, ready, and willing?"

I nodded. "Especially the one who is one of my roommates. However, I'm temporarily cut off because Luna convinced me to stay in Equestria until I can fly using my wings. So I need a willing alternative before I have what Fluttershy called a Twiplosion over it."

"How often do you need to suck them off?"

"At a minimum, it needs to be Daily. However, my internal clock is set to thirty-two hour days instead of twenty-four."

She nodded a moment. "That will make things a bit easier. When was the last time you.."

"Got what I needed? About thirty-eight hours ago. If it helps the Stallions will really enjoy themselves." At the Overseer's questioning expression I gave my own horn a lick while barely moving my head at all. "Between that, lack of gag reflex, and ten years of experience I should be able to get them off."

"How did you..?"

"Extremely optimized and modified body, admittedly I'm using a spell to shift into pure pony form at the moment."

"What do you look like without it?"

I countered the spell and then removed the cloak once I was in my Morph form. "This is my default appearance when I don't have that spell active."

"Given your body is now similar to this one." She also tapped the screen. "I take it that's the overall body template for their species?"

"Mmhmm, the males find it easier to rut somepony who is at least bipedal."

"How big can you take?"

"I'm stretchy enough to take an average adult dragon and still feel tight afterward to a pony." That caused both mares to boggle at me for a moment or two.

"Major turn-offs?"

"Anything related to Plushies, or Dolls, is a complete no go. I will have a Twiplosion if you put me in a room with any of those things. I also don't like anything that deals with bodily waste."

"Why plushies or dolls?"

"Have you ever seen a life-sized plushie?"


"One that was originally another pony?" Melon Drop slowly shook her head clearly dreading what I was about to say. "I have, back in my native dimension. To say the least I can't look at Dolls or Plushies without seeing that. I'm so glad that doesn't happen in my current home."

"I'll list that under phobias." The clearly disturbed mare replied. "No Dolls, Plushies, or golem play."

"Actually that last one will likely be less play."

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't my original body it's an Android I had my mind and soul transferred into due to my original body being so badly bucked up it could only serve as the genetic template for the pony part of this one."

"What's an Android?"

"Extremely advanced, hyper-intelligent fully sapient golem that does not run on magic at all. It also doesn't prevent me from using magic either."

"So those with a golem fetish.."

"Would be in effect with a mare stuck inside an actual golem body."

"So you won't need birth control?"

"This body is advanced enough that it mimics everything an organic body can do only more efficiently. To the point, you can't tell the difference unless I tell you. Which means I can get pregnant, and am on Birth Control already."

"Alright, I'll put a mark for that if your current supply runs out before you go home."

"Do you agree to abide by the rules of the Midnight Society?"

I nodded given that was easy to agree to. "Yes, I'll simply operate under softcore rule sets which should match more or less what you have."

"We'll give you a full list later so you can confirm if that is the case or not."

"One thing due to a very interesting chain of events I have an actual sex slave of my own. I need to confirm that she did not get banned as she was at one point a member."

"How did that happen and who was she?"

"Portal mishap ended up with her effectively twinned, one stayed to make her life in one world and the other came to my current dimension as being twinned kind of crept the pair out. Fast forward five years and I find out that she arranged to be trained then sold to someone who would then gift her to me as my Pet." I gave her a sheepish smile. "As for who she is, her name is Sunset Shimmer."

Melon drop nodded before going to a cabinet and starting to go through files until she stopped at one and pulled it out to read. "Hmm.. asked to leave due to arrogance and inability to follow instructions. No other real offenses. No, she's not banned. She will likely need a new interview though if she wants reinstatement. Basically to confirm she has indeed lost the oversized ego."

"Well she's a bit snarky at times, but she was put through a Hardcore Training regiment before she ended up as my Pet. And the humans, once you give full consent to the Contract, are a lot more strict and will force you to learn what you agreed to. Especially given the Contracts default to no Safeword."

"Just how strict?"

"They will break you, then remake and mold you however they see fit if you agree to it in the Contract," I replied. "Whenever I use my Mistress tone though she goes total Submissive on me until it's clear any playtime is over."

"Hmm her file listed her as wanting to be a Dom." The mare commented as she returned to her desk.

"They are very good at what they do, especially as when they are done you tend to thank them for it."

"How can they be so effective."

"Because they have had a lot of practice doing this."

She nodded after a moment. "Do you mind being put in one of our safe rooms until we can get a stallion or two to you?"

"Nope just as long as the only stallions who enter will be willing."

"In case you've gone bonkers enough to pounce them on sight?"

I nodded very quickly rather than giving a verbal answer this time.

"Fluttershy please show her to a safe room." She picked up a clipboard and ran one hoof down it before stopping. "Thirty-four, it's currently both empty and clean at the moment."

I barely suppressed an amused snort at the room number causing the pair to look at me. "Sorry Humans, the species I live with, have a bunch of satiric rules. One of them is called Rule Thirty Four. If something exists and it is possible to sexualize it, then it is guaranteed somewhere someone will make porn of it. Further, if it exists and it is something that normally cannot be sexualized it also be guaranteed that someone will still figure out how to make porn of it."

That actually drew amused smiles from the other two. "Like?"

"There are ponies who can make even holding another pony's hoof extremely lewd just by how they describe it," I said as I collected my phone. Turning off the feed that had been running the entire time. "Or they can do something like this."

And then I gave the pair of them a Look, one that caused them to take a sharp intake of breath. Their eyes widened and their pupils shrank even as I merely shifted how I was standing and slowly licked my lips. I could smell the sudden spikes of arousal just hit booth, see how their breaths soon just began ragged pants in a matter of seconds. For a moment, it was not Fluttershy and Moon Drop in the room but a pair of potential pets to play with. Who would do anything I wanted if only I played with them.

And then I closed my eyes, relaxed into a more normal stance and let them regain their senses while allowing my pheromone production to drop back to normal levels. It took a few moments for the air vents to dissipate what I had hit the pair with.

"That.. was intense."

"Mmhmm. That's something that would also be running full blast if I hit critical mass on my need. It's something I normally suppress when not playing. Anypony who sees me when I'm like that will go from Hello Stranger to Buck Now Talk Later very quickly."

"And you can only suppress it?"

"When I'm in my right mind yes."

"Fluttershy please get her to Room Thirty Four as quickly as you can."

The pegasus nodded. "Yes, Overseer."

"Thank you," I spoke with a smile, that was return if a bit shakily by the other two. Ten minutes later I was in a room, by myself that had a wall full of sex toys and an extremely comfortable bed. One which I settled on my eyes locked on the door as I settled to wait.

"Thank you for coming at such short notice." The pink maned pegasus mare spoke as she led him down to where the safe rooms were. "Especially given your on vacation leave."

"The message made it sound important."

"It is, you'd probably end up briefed once you leave was over. But Equestria is currently playing host to a fairly friendly if somewhat intense visitor from another World right now."

His ears perked up at that. "Really?"

"Mmhmm. An Alicorn from another Dimension where things really didn't go so well." She sighed. "She ended up a refugee in yet another Dimension. Which leads to a slight emergency issue which is why we requested your help."

"Just how bad of a problem is it?"

"An alternate Princess Twilight is a hairs breath from Twiplosion because she accepted a request from Princess Luna to extend her visit a bit longer than one day. And the only way to prevent it is to have a male empty his balls down her throat."

He froze for a few moments. "So.."

"At the minimum this other Twilight who prefers to go by Mirror Flash. Will be giving any Stallion, who goes in the room where she is currently waiting in, one hay of a blowjob. Given she is currently cut off from the Stallion who normally helps her due to being in our world for a while."

"And I was picked because?"

"As a Guard, you have a lot more stamina than most Stallions, as a pegasus, you'll also know how to properly deal with her wings. Now you may find yourself hit with um. A lust aura as soon as you step in. It's apparently something from her current home that well rubbed off on her. It's something she actively suppresses when in her right mind and not in that Dimension."

"How bad?"

"She stopped suppressing it for a few seconds in Overseer Melon Drop's office." The mare replied with a shaky breath. "Think of, Want it Need it, as the closest thing in our world, only focused on sex to the point a public orgy might break out." She gave a wane smile. "Thankfully she has a lot of self-discipline."

"But she's getting close to the limit."

"Visibly close."

He pondered a moment before nodding. "Anything I should avoid."

"Any mention of Dolls or Plushies." The mare shuddered. "She has phobias related to them."


"Instant Twiplosion bad if she is exposed to them. Only likely more her in hysterics than the current one we are trying to head off."

"Also in the world, she's been living in, you have to um.. Pay for the privilege of a Safeword and it can get revoked if you use it too much. However, they have the same view of Safewords we do for those who do have them."

"They are just not an automatic given?"

"Exactly. Also, she has not only raptor style feathered wings but also small fangs like those on a Thestral."

"So a bit more predatory likely than our Princess."

"Mmhmm. Kind of like the difference between Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon only a lot less dramatic. Think Twilight if she'd gone through Tartarus while in the Guard herself."

"So she has the air of a veteran?"

"One with Battle Fatigue bad enough she currently cannot be in the same room as Princess Celestia. Don't be surprised if she refers to her as Sunbutt. She has zero respect for the Princess as a Princess. Her version had been.. insane to put it lightly. Thankfully she knows ours and hers are different mares in her head just not her heart yet."

He nodded. "So avoid mentioning her unless I want a rant at the minimum."

"Pretty much. That said as long as you avoid those topics you should find yourself really enjoying helping her."

They came to a stop at the door with Thirty Four on it. "Oh?"

"She's still a kind mare if much more cynical and snarky than our Twilight. She just also spent ten years in a world running on Porn Logic. Now due to that, her body is a bit different unless she uses a spell to change it she's bipedal by default. She may have chosen to use the spell or not. I don't know since we've kept this door locked since she went inside."

"She hasn't teleported out?"

"No, the monitoring spells show her as still in there. Again she has quite a bit of self-discipline but she'll likely notice you fairly quickly."

He nodded straightening his shoulders. "Alright, I think I'm ready to let me in."

The mare nodded before hitting the door release, the door opened and he was hit in the face with a very enticing scent. He quickly passed through, the door sealing closed behind him as he looked around the room. There on the bed laid out on her stomach was the mare. her forelimbs were folded and with her chin resting atop her entwined digits. Her eyes were currently closed so it was likely she'd taken a nap while waiting.

He moved toward the bed letting his eyes drink in what was visible, the slender form in ways similar yet also slightly alien in shape. The way her lips were actually painted black and other subtle clues made her a distinct contrast to Princess Twilight. She was definitely much more exotic in her beauty, her scent was quite definitely filling the room.

He found his own desires stirring at both that and the sight of her. Her nose twitched as he got close enough and one of her eyes opened, and he found himself staring into an intense pink orb before the other opened with the familiar lavender hue. Very slowly with her muscles visibly coiling, she pushed herself up and shifted until she was kneeling on the bed.

This gave him a nice view of the underside of her body. The orbs of flesh on her chest as well as the gem glinting at her navel. Much like how he had appraised her, her eyes ran up and down his body. "Mmmm... Hello Stud." She half purred out her greeting.

"Hello, Princess Mirror." He could see the minute twitches under her coat, she was clearly restraining herself from just pouncing on him. She blinked in surprise only to smile at what he'd called that.

"Princess Mirror?" She tapped a digit against her chin. "I think I like the sound of that. So might I have a name to go with such yummy eye candy?"

"Thunder Charge."

"Might I ask what you do for a living if that's not too personal?"

"Day Guard, though currently on vacation leave."

She actually giggled in amusement at that before leaning close until her nose was almost touching his. "I have a lovely Pet, while she doesn't have the equipment I need right now. She did suggest pouncing on the Guards. And lo do I find myself with one."

"It's hard work having to watch over some of the hottest mares in the Kingdom." He admitted.

"So I take it if any of the Princesses wanted you to rut them until they couldn't walk you would?" She smirked slightly as one of those digits caressed his neck.

"They would need only ask at least for me." He stated as his desires increased just before she kissed him. He, of course, kissed her back, her lips easily parting for his tongue which soon was sliding against hers. Her forelimbs slid up and around his shoulders and tugged him up and onto the bed.

"Mmm.. Once I get what I need, you will get to rut this little Princess as a reward." She purred once the kiss broke. "Now, please... Lay down I really need a taste."

He rolled onto his back resting on his back careful of his wings. He watched as she sank back down only to stalk very cat like to lay between his legs. He was already semi-hard, poking from his sheath when she began to nuzzle against the orbs beneath it. She took a very deep breath and let out a happy sigh before kissing them as well.

She gave them and the base of his shaft short little licks when not nibbling or sucking on the orbs. Drawing out more of his length. She actually gave out a soft little moan when her tongue slid along the smoother flesh that was revealed. The entire time though, those mismatched eyes remained locked on his.

He could barely restrain the urge to grab her head and force it onto his cock. It was only when he was fully flared that she slid herself a bit closer and rose up to kiss the head before opening her mouth enough to allow her tongue to snake out and slowly slide down around the shaft. Then with only her tongue started to pull that head into her mouth followed by the rest.

Her head kept lowering slowly engulfing the large dick without pause until her lips met the ring of flesh that most mares tended to stop at when sucking on a stallion. She gave him a mischievous look before she actually sucked hard, making him groan out as her head slammed down to bury her nose into the fur of his coat. Her throat felt like a velvet vice stretched around him.

And then to make things worse, or better depending on your view, she started humming as she sucked, her tongue sliding around his shaft even while it was in her mouth. Her head slid up until only the head remained before slamming back down once again taking his entire length into her throat. It became the start of a pattern, her taking him deep into her throat several times humming all the while. Before switching back to the teasing licks that very soon had him on the edge and kept him there.

His hips bucked with need and desire, his loins burning even as she drew out moans and groans from him. Eventually, though he would not be able to keep it in any longer. He didn't know how she knew because it was only then that she broke the pattern. Her mouth wrapped around the tip while her tongue traced circles against the flaring flesh.

His climax hit and her cheeks visibly bulged before she let out one of the sexiest if muffled moans he'd ever heard. Her body which had been tense as a coiled spring seemed to just relax as his seed flooded over her tongue. The mare seemed determined not to spill even a drop, the digits now joining in as she began very effectively and very enjoyably milk him for all he was worth.

She greedily guzzled and sucked her face soon falling into an expression of utter bliss. The kind any stallion would want to see on a mare in his bed. He reached down and ran a hoof through that oh so familiar mane. With eyes closed, she nuzzled back against it without pausing in her milking or drinking of his seed. "Feeling better.. Princess?"

She smiled around the cock and nodded before her tongue tried to enter his cock in an attempt to get the last bit out. "Mmmm. Much, thank you.." She murmured as she nuzzled his still hard length.

His hoof hooked under her chin and he tugged her up into another kiss. Her exotic body sliding up against his with those orbs of flesh soon resting against his chest. His other hoof would caress one, finding the hard nipple hidden in her coat. Seems that in this form her breasts were much higher up. "My turn?" She nodded at his question and he pointed to a pair of cuffs hanging from the headboard. "Then put those on. I have always wanted to rut a captive Princess."

"Naughty." She replied even as she shifted position on top of him, rising to straddle his barrel as she placed a forelimb into one cuff, snapping it closed before feeling about a moment to find the quick release. After testing it once she snapped the cuff closed again. She then snapped the other cuff onto her remaining forelimb. A moment later both resized to a much more snug fit much to her surprise.

"They are enchanted to fit anyone." He answered her unspoken question even as he slid out from under her. "I saw you found the emergency release." His hooves traced along her flanks as he nuzzled the back of her neck.

"Mmmm. Novel to actually wear a pair that has them." She replied only to give out a soft moan as he began to nibble along one of her wings. They were soon flaring to their full extensions as his tongue traced along one. He didn't just tease them, he began the slow process of preening them. Slowly and sensuously as only a pegasus or another Alicorn would know. Bad feathers were soon removed, good ones straightened.

Her wings soon glistened with the mix of saliva and natural oils his mouth produced just for preening. As for the Princess, she was arched low on the bed beneath him, quivering from the pleasure. "Keep them spread." He would command with a final lick at the base of one wing drawing a whimper from her.

His hooves caressed down to her flanks as he moved back and pushed her tail to one side. Revealing a positively dripping marehood. His tongue slid out and he licked along those pouting folds. Dear Celestia did this mare taste divine. If his cock wasn't already hard and aching her taste alone would have made it so. "I didn't think such a slut like you would have this still so fresh." He commented as he spread her open enough to really lick her.

"Mmm. It resets. Every thirty-two hours after I sleep." She moaned arching her hips back at him. "While stretchy, being tight enough that it always feels... Ahh.. like the first time.." She gave him a heated look over her shoulder and wings even as he continued to lick. Hunting for that little nub mares had only to furiously attack it with his tongue and lips the moment he did.

The result had her jerk and nearly buck him off the bed, only the fact he had his hooves firmly holding her rear limbs in place preventing it. Her cries of passion and pleasure soon filled his ears, and like she had with him, he brought her to the edge and kept her there. Only he did so much longer than she had, pausing every time she seemed about to cum, only to let her cool off just long enough for her to let out a whine before he would resume. Edging her more and more until she became a mewling drooling little mess.

And when she was about to burst, at her absolute limit he stopped licking completely. Shifting position to press the flared head against that burning pussy. He couldn't help but smirk as with a single powerful thrust of his hips he buried himself in her. So deep that his balls slapped against her inner flanks.

The captive Princess let out the sweetest scream as she climaxed right then and there. Her already wonderfully tight channel clamping down even harder on his length. Her body arching even more as she quivered beneath him, wings still flared wide open. He was honestly surprised that she wasn't glistening with sweat from how hot she currently was.

He waited long enough for her body to adjust to his girth before pulling back until just the tip remained within her and thrusting hard into the needy slut. Triggering yet another orgasm in the mare, he pulled back and thrust again. Easily settling into a pace he could maintain for as long as he wanted to. Even with her body trying to milk his cock with every thrust. In fact, he noted, she didn't seem to have any delay between one climax and the next.

Every hard thrust it seemed to trigger her into cumming. Which in turn made it harder for him to keep himself from release before he had satisfied himself as well as the mare beneath him. He idly wondered if Princess Twilight would feel as good speared on his cock as Princess Mirror did. It wasn't all that hard to imagine any of the Princesses as the Alicorn he currently was plowing so hard.

Eventually, even a Guard like him had his limits he would slam hard one final time, pushing as deep as he could possibly reach. Even as he leaned down to lick and then bite down on the spot where her neck shoulder and wings met. Locking his legs as he emptied his balls once again. This time deep inside her most intimate of places. His forelegs wrapped about her barrel just under those breasts as he laid atop her collapsed body.

He nuzzled her as she panted for breath, "You know Princess. My leave only lasts one more day." He gave a light thrust drawing a moan from her. "Wouldn't mind helping you again." He meant it too, it really sated the desire to buck a Princess. The naughty minxes always strutting around the Castle was really hard to ignore.

The lavender eye opened and peered back at him with a visible pink heart in place of the pupil as her face rested on one of the pillows. Her forelimbs still cuffed and hanging above her. "Mmmm... I have no objections to that..." She purred out tiredly. "I'll likely have to investigate some soundproofing spells though.."

Chapter 4: Realizations

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An Equestrian Day in a half. That's how long I ended up cuffed to the bed with Thunder Charge rutting me with breaks in between sessions. Given how curious he was about the spell that let me switch between pony, morph and human forms he would release me from the cuffs long enough to cast the spell before snapping the cuffs back on my wrists.

Apparently, the cuffs are able to block most common forms of magic. I could probably overpower them if I wanted, but they stopped casual casting for most. The emergency release meant I could pop them off at any time I wanted. Basically, they were meant to level the playing field. It's what allowed a pegasus even as one as fit as him to keep me pinned down during that first session so I didn't accidentally buck him off the bed.

So he ended up rutting me as a morph, a pony, and as a human girl. And I got to enjoy him as a pony, a morph, and as a man. The exact species combinations didn't always match between sessions. And I had to teach him just how to properly use his hands when he had them. I now have a new set of accessories to wear, a set of bracelets that look just like those cuffs as a souvenir only minus the chains and enchanted to resize depending on which form I am in.

So one can imagine just how good a mood I was in when I finally returned to the Castle wearing my new bracelets as well as a pair of shades to hide my eyes. The Pink Hearts that showed up in reflection to my mood were still there. They used to only show up when I was aroused, now they still do that but they also pop in when I'm really enjoying myself regardless of the reason.

Of course, given how long I had been separated from Sunset the first thing I did was zero in on her. It didn't take long as I could sense her barely contained need. I entered the room she was in, not even noticing who else might be present. Thankfully I had thoroughly showered prior to leaving the club, so there wasn't any visible hint or scent to give away what I had gone through. Besides the shades and bracelets that was.

I slipped my arms around her and nuzzled her cheek from the behind. "Morning Pet." I purred softly into her ear. Her body which had been tense before I had made my presence known relaxed and she leaned against me. I was currently in my morph form having teleported back rather than taking pony form to walk back.

"Morning Mistress." She murmured back. "Where did you vanish to?"

By this time I had actually taken note of who else was present. "Will tell you later Pet, after breakfast. You'll get both the milk and explanation then okay?"

"Okay." She glanced at me and noticed that my breasts were currently Ds and were almost halfway to Es. She licked her lips at the sight given it meant there was a lot of milk waiting for her. I let go of her before settling into the seat next to her.

"Good Morning Luna, Sunbutt."

"Good Morn Mirror." The the two eldest Alicorns where also present and as they were our hosts they were to be greeted first. My tone was very warm toward Luna and was flat toward her sister.

"Thee seem to be a good mood."

"To use a human term, I am currently as high as a kite." I smiled at her. "Enough so that even your sister's presence can't bring me mood down right now."

"What?" I turned my attention toward Peppy Princess and smiled widely as Sunset rolled her eyes and answered for me.

"It's another way to say she's heavily drugged or intoxicated right now."

"She's been drugged?"

"Not really but it's the closest analogy at the moment," I commented. "Think about the last time you saw me before I left with Fluttershy."

"She was going to help you..." Twilight trailed off and her eyes bulged.

"I see you made the connection." I was still smiling even as the food was set in front of me and I began to happily eat it. "Yes Peppy Princess, I got completely and thoroughly rutted by a very willing stallion with the stamina and skill to leave me an Alicorn Princess completely and totally satisfied."

The three other Alicorns present all blushed at that statement before Sunset asked. "Just how long?"

"Well, you know how Daddy can keep rutting me with a few breaks for eight hours before he's too worn out?" I happily asked, to which Sunset nodded. "Well, Fluttershy helped me find a Stallion who was able to go for a full day and a half with rest and water breaks mixed in. We'd likely still be at it if we didn't need to stop so he would be rested for work today, and I needed to come check on you."

Twilight was staring at me like I had multiple heads, Luna was snickering around her fork. And Sunbutt was blushing stunned speechless. No doubt the gossip would spread among the servants and one very specific Day Guard who would feel very smug at the praise.

"Who could do that?" Twilight eventually asked.

"Not telling, right now keeping him for myself and Sunset if she wants a turn with him."

"Wait you want me to get bucked by him too?"

"Pet I want you to eventually get bucked by Daddy as well, Mom already approved it and you're the only girl at the apartment that hasn't slept with him yet," I commented around a mouthful of eggs. "So I have no problem sharing any guy with you so long as your interested."

She blinked a few moments as she processed that. "Mind if I get back to you on that Mistress?"

"Take all the time you need to think it over."

"Might I ask why your wearing sunglasses indoors?"

I paused mid-sip and looked over at Celestia before shrugging and taking off the shades to reveal the current state of my eyes. Namely the still quite visible Pink Hearts in place of my pupils. "Because of how my eyes are right now. They are a clear indicator of when I am either very aroused, or like right now high as a kite."

"Magic isn't involved is it?"

"No why do you ask?"

"There are a few spells that cause a similar visual effect. They tend to be ones that bypass free will."

"One thousand bits gives a pony the ability to do this at will, another thousand bits makes it so it's tied to specific emotions instead." I chuckled. "So thank you for your concern but my mind is currently my own. If still riding a massive endorphin high at the moment."

"What pray tell are endorphins that they can put one in this state?"

"Just the chemicals that your brain produces when you experience pleasure. And the things that cause that to happen the most are Chocolate and Sex with an eager and willing partner. Combine that with the fact I can get high off Cum anyway. Well, I'm too happy and relaxed at the moment to care about anything that would normally cause a Twiplosion."

"Twiplosion!?!" Three guesses on who just said that and the first two don't count.

"Yeah Sis, apparently our tendency for Epic Freak Outs where we go completely bonkers is so well known and impressive that it now has its own word to describe it. Admittedly it is still a slang word at this point but we may just make the dictionary yet."

"Dearest Sister, might we consider getting Twilight laid if it has this much effect on her alternate self?"

"Tempting Luna, so very tempting."

Twilight turned a bright scarlet even as I hummed a bit. "If you want her to achieve the same level of high I do she'd need all the same body modifications I have. But even in an unmodified body, she'd probably enjoy it with the right stallion or mare."


"Just have to make sure they really know how to treat her wings right." I visibly shivered and outright purred at the memory. "If hers are anywhere near as sensitive as mine are before one of my mods kick in then she just might get off with a really good preening."

"What's the mod do when it kicks in?"

"Nothing much just turns every inch of my body into an erogenous zone when I get sufficiently aroused." One hand idly moving to caress through Sunset's mane after I had finished eating. She was soon leaning fully against me, her eyes closing with a happy sigh. "I am curious about one thing... When is the last time either of you two got laid yourselves." I looked at both the Sun and Moon Princesses as I asked the question.

"Most recently twas in the last few months, though it did not last a day and a half," Luna admitted with a blush.

Celestia was also blushing from the question. "I honestly don't remember the last time.."

I paused before looking at her in surprise. "It's been that long? That you don't remember?" At her nod, I couldn't help but feel a wave of pity for that fact. My horn lit up before a bolt of magic shot from it and hit Celestia square in the chest.

Three seconds later she collapsed, ending up half laying on the table. Guards began to move from their positions before she lifted up a hoof. "I'm... alright back.. your posts." She panted out the words before slowly pushing herself back up.

"What did you just do?!?"

"Sister are you alright." Celestia barely able to speak just nodded at Luna's question.

"I have perfect recall."

"What does that have to do with what you just did?"

"Simple... I just condensed every sensual experience and sensation I have ever had over ten years up to Today. Then fired it off in a memory sharing spell. Sunbutt just experienced it all in three seconds. Just the sensations though no actual personal memories." I frowned at my alternate. "Even I wouldn't want my worse enemy to be subjected to such a dry spell that she can't even remember the last time she got laid."

"Thank you, a bit of warning would have been nice though." Celestia finally managed to regain enough composure to speak.


"Could thee hit me with that spell?"

I blinked a moment before nodding. A few seconds later it was Luna collapsing after I fired off the spell with a moan escaping her. "Do you want a turn Twilight?"

"It really didn't hurt them?"

I shook my head before I watched as curiosity warred across her face eventually she nodded and again another Alicorn Princess collapsed against the table a few seconds later an expression of utter bliss slamming over her features. I turned my attention back to Celestia. "Again sorry for the lack of warning.."

"Twilight has jumped the gun plenty of times with other subjects," Celestia spoke after a moment. "Considering your feelings for me when you're not 'high as a kite' I'm glad it wasn't something worse." She shifted a bit in her seat. "That said I'm going need to bathe before Day Court and likely need a new seat cushion."

"Yeah, I left out a specific set of sensations since I don't know if you're a Masochist or not," I admitted. "Those would only feel good if you were. To anyone else, it would simply be the pain."

She rose and then gingerly walked over to me before nuzzling against the side of my head. "Please be careful with the spell you just created." I found myself wrapped in white feathers and pulled against the older Alicorn's chest. "I do though hope there will come a time when you don't need to be in an altered mental state to be near me. What happened to you was terrible, and I hope you will eventually accept I'm nothing like her. I refuse to ever let myself become Daybreaker."

Even in my current state, I had tensed as I found myself in her embrace. But found myself unable to pull away. I blinked as I realized something, why were there tears streaming down my face?

I'm not sure if Celestia is taking advantage of three of four Alicorns being present needing a bath, or what. I just know that I'm currently in a large tub. Sunset is curled up on my right side in morph form suckling on one of my breasts. Twilight was still out of it from the spell I had hit her with when we arrived in the bathroom so I decided to prank her, as such she is also now a pony morph. I have her still dazed self up against my right side, with her mouth on my other breast. In her current state, she is also sucking on that one just like Sunset.

I have an arm around each of their waists and my hand firmly on their bottoms. All three of us though are soaking right up against a distinctly white coat with an amused Luna watching from across the tub. All three of us are wrapped up in Celestia's forelegs making quite the amusing picture no doubt.

My eye twitched even as I rake my fingers through the fur of both the girls currently draining my breasts of milk. The back of my head was pretty much against Sunbutt's neck. "How long do you think it will be until my twin realizes just what she is doing?" I muttered softly.

"Who knows, it is quite adorable seeing her like that though."

I nuzzled the top of Sunset's head even as I continued to watch Twilight drinking my milk and helping reduce the current size of my breasts. At the moment due to the fact Sunbutt had actually been using a cloth to clean the three of us, I had none of my make up on. Which meant other than my eye, wings, and fangs I currently looked completely identical to my other self. "I'm half tempted to put a collar on her neck and train her to be a sexy little Pet alongside my Sunset."

"Twould indeed be an amusing sight mine Niece. Mayhap you ask her when she's on her right mind."

"Luna I'm not sure that would be a good idea," Sunbutt stated with a shake of her head.

"Tis not like she would actually be a slave mine Sister if it just played. Could even be a reason for Mirror to move here indefinitely. Our world is closer to that of her lost home, yet nowhere near as terrible."

"Small problem with that," I stated. "What is Equestria's official policy on Demons."

That question caused both sisters to pause and look at me before Celestia asked. "What does that have to do with such a decision?"

"Because anywhere I permanently move to, I'm taking my family with me. One of them happens to be an actual Succubus. Or as more commonly known a Sex Demon." I hummed a bit my fingers moving to stroke over the Cutie Marks of both girls against my sides. "So I won't permanently live anywhere, where she is not welcome." Sunset gave out a soft moan in response to my fingers while Twilight ended up squirming. Cutie Marks were quite sensitive if you caressed them just the right way.

"That would likely take some serious discussions then. As we tend to confine Demons to Tartarus."

"We would also have to meet this Demoness thee call family. And ensure she would not harm anypony."

"She feeds off lust and doesn't kill any of those she plays with. After all can't get more Lust unless there are those who can feel it." I replied as I continued to stroke the girls.

"Mmmm..." The voice was partially muffled by having my breast in her mouth. Twilight seemed to be finally starting to come out of it. Though from the noise she just made it was clear she was either enjoying the taste of my milk, or the feel of my fingers on her Cutie Mark. That hand caressed her side before slipping into her hair. Gripping gently yet firmly I pulled her head back and just as she was able to have a coherent thought kissed her deeply.

Her squeak of surprise was muffled by the kiss as my tongue invaded her mouth. I moved my thigh causing it to lightly grind between hers, this caused her eyes to widen even as I deepened our kiss. She could have pulled away but she didn't, merely blushed deeply as my tongue drew hers into my own mouth.

I released her hair once she began to tentatively kiss me back, the hand sliding down to her waist and pulling her a bit more firmly on my side. Sunset who has by now finished draining the breast she had been sucking. Turned her head and latched her lips onto one of Twilight's. This drew a startled gasp from her and caused her to blush even deeper. Eventually, however, I broke the kiss and smirked at her. "Welcome back from la-la land Sis."

"Wha... What happened?"

"Well, you were out of it after the spell. So we brought you with us to the bath. And since Sunbutt here wanted to snuggle all three of us at once. Well." My hand slid down further and squeezed her ass drawing another squeak from her. "You make a really cute Pony Morph."

"Mistress is right you're quite cute like this." Sunset piped up as she pulled back from my twin's breast to rest her head on mine.

Twilight blinked as she processed what she had been told. Only to blush deeply as she noticed just where we were and who we were with. I had to smirk at her. "Don't worry I didn't start molesting or kissing you until after you woke up. You've been just sucking on my breast drinking my milk for a while."

"Twas the most adorable sight," Luna said even as her sister nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe I did that."

"You're not finished yet though." At her look, I glanced down to the breast in question. "There is still milk in there, you're not done until it's all drained. So back to suckling if you please."

She froze a moment before looking at me and then at my breast. No one said anything at all as we watched. Watched as she came to a decision and lowered her head back down. A moment later she was nursing again this time more awake to enjoy the taste.

A hoof tilted my chin up so that I was looking directly at Celestia's face as she looked down bemused at what just happened. "I'm quite surprised you managed to get her to do that."

"That's the thing about us Twilights, our curiosity almost always wins," I muttered up at her still not sure how the pair had gotten me in this tub even if the two girls snuggled up against me felt very nice. "It's how the other Luna convinced me out of wanting to die when I ended up in Porno World." I saw and felt the kiss on the base of my horn before my chin was released.

"Well, then I'm glad it won that time. I'm curious though, why do you and Sunset have fangs even as small as they are."

"Side effect of one of my ways of expanding the control of my magic."


I sighed. "Basically I created an exercise that works for me that causes a few cosmetic only shifts in my appearance. Sunset here got caught up in it the last time I did it. The fangs will fade eventually."

"One thing I am curious about if you don't mind answering." Celestia began as I glanced at her. "What caused you to turn on Daybreaker?"

"Well if I could narrow it down to when I started questioning everything it would have to be when I went to the Rainbow Queen's Tomb to retrieve the Thunder Staff and as I told Apple Bloom. Got bucked in the face by a rainbow that sprang out of a very old locket." The statement caused eyebrows to go up with the three native Alicorns.

"What happened to the rainbow."

"No clue it was gone when I regained consciousness." My hand moved and squeezed Twilight's ass drawing another squeak from her before I looked at her. "I've decided to make you into my play pet."

She blushed even as she asked. "Play pet?"

"Sunset here is my Permanent Pet. The collar on her neck never comes off." The mentioned girl smirked as she relaxed against me. "Your collar though would only be worn when we decide to have fun." I murmured before giving Twilight's ear a light if playful bite.

She blushed yet again. "Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do. But aren't you curious?"

She gave me a mildly annoyed look even as I smirked back at her. "Damn Mirror."

"That's 'Damn Mistress' if you decide to play."

Her face ended up on my shoulder as she grumbled to herself. I wasn't making it easy for her as my fingers massaged her bottom.

"Aren't you being a little mean to her?"

"Mm. Considering the spell likely awakened her libido, and if it is anything like mine she'll need a guiding hand to keep her from going overboard. Plus I like the idea of teaching a twin sister all the naughty ways she can enjoy herself without harming anypony."

"Twin sister huh?" Twilight half mumbled.

"Yes, obviously you're the Nice Twin and I'm the Naughty Twin."

She blinked a moment. "Wouldn't that be Good Twin and Evil Twin?"

"Well considering I'm not Evil that wouldn't quite work. Naughty however that I will admit. So Naughty and Nice and we both love lists."

Her head raised and she gave me a half exasperated look as she realized the reference I was making. "Fine Mistress." She finally muttered before I pulled her into another kiss, which Sunset soon joined in.

A sigh came from above us causing all three of us to look up at Celestia. "As fun as this is I need to get the Day Court started." She then nuzzled each of us. "Until I see you each again." I scooted a bit forward as she rose from the water and started to dry off.

"Mine Sister is correct in that this was fun. But it is quite a bit passed mine bed time."

I slipped from both my pets and moved to give Luna a hug which she returned. "Sleep well and pleasant dreams." Only to return to the two as she left the bath as well. Soon the three of us were all that remained in the chamber. "So we are going to need to get some proper supplies for you Twilight."

"I'm afraid to ask that what are they?"

"Well, a cute collar for you to wear when we are playing is kind of important. Plus there are books you'll need to read." She perked up at that one. "And the various toys and learning aids needed to teach you how to actually enjoy sex. And actually be good enough to get your partner off as they work to get you off."

"Which is going to involve quite a bit of practice Princess," Sunset stated in agreement with me. "And don't forget the naughty outfits that Mistress will likely make you wear from time to time."

"You're also going to be joining the Midnight Society, just as Sunset will be doing what's needed to get reinstated," I stated firmly to both. "Sunset and I personally don't use Safewords because we tend to be easier going and rarely go so extreme that they are warranted. So when you with us you won't either. However, I do want you to learn about them and learn what you can from the Society."

"Not that I mind learning but why?"

"Simple if I am your sole trainer then I'll mold you into my personal tastes. However, this will give you a way to bond more with Fluttershy since I think she'd like having one of her close friends join. And you'll get a greater understanding of being a Pet. The only other way would be via a Contract and I'm not sure that you'd want to be away from everyone for a subjective year."

"You're right about that." Twilight nodded. "I wouldn't want to be away that long even if only seconds passed here. And you think Fluttershy would like it?"

"Mmhmm. Considering you're going to be an adorable Pet. She might be a good one to practice with when I'm not available." I smirked at her even as I caressed her Cutie Mark again drawing another blush. "Another thing is as your Mistress I have the right to tease and play with you anytime I like."

"What do you mean?"

My hand slid from the Mark over her thigh and cupped her sex before lightly rubbing it. She gave out a startled gasp as I did so. "Meaning I can do things like this. At any time and you'll have to take it." I purred as my fingers found her clit and began to gently tease it. "I might do this with my fingers or with invisible magic spells."

She squirmed in response giving soft gasps from my touch even as Sunset pushed her firmly into my lap. My other hand slid up to caress and squeeze her breast, letting her nipple slide between my fingers. "When we play, you are mine. Especially when you are wearing the collar. You do what I say when I say it. Much like I would do the same if we ended up doing something where you are the Expert."

Her arms slid around my shoulders as she continued to squirm in pleasure. "That.. sounds fair.." She gasped again as Sunset began to nibble on her wings, the bacon haired girl's fingers starting to stroke through them as she tended to do to mine.

"If you are a really good pet I may introduce you to the stallion who rutted me so hard," I smirked as I nibbled on her lip. "After all he thinks adult Alicorn Princesses are the hottest of mares. So I suspect it wouldn't be too hard to convince him to rut you like he rutted me." Her blush became almost atomic after I said that.

"Still can't believe there is Porn in Equestria.." She muttered softly.

"I'm surprised you never bothered to look." I countered. "After all there are many different forms of Friendship, and some can be very very naughty." I licked her nose before leaning back. "One thing though is No Foals can find out until after they have become old enough to be considered fully grown."

"The type of play we will be doing is not for them. Even if they get their Cutie Marks, that does not make them old enough for these kinds of Games." Sunset whispered into her ear as she continued to massage those wings. "So if Mistress decides to tease you when you're in public, you'll have to do your best to keep from reacting in anyway that somepony might notice."

"Public but-"

I cast a spell on her clit before pulling my hand away. A twist of my finger interrupted her with a massive spike in pleasure filling her. "I placed a little curse on you just now. Allowing me to tease you from a distance without anyone seeing." I demonstrated my words by holding the finger in her view and making the little twist that would send pleasure to her clit.

"Ahh!" She squirmed jerking in response to the twist before giving me a heated look. "Why.. are you.."

"Because you're my friend and it's fun. To tease you, to make you squirm, and you obviously like it since you haven't walked away." Her blush and burying her face in my shoulder were confirmation enough of that. "That's one thing you'll learn, you can always just walk away at any time. Well unless you are literally tied up but the idea is there."

"She's right in that it's fun to watch you squirm. Usually, I'm the one in your seat." I smiled at Sunset as she pressed up against Twilight's back sandwiching her between us. "She's also right in that it's better for you to learn from the Society than the Contract. As with the Contract, there is no option to walk away."

Between Sunset and I, we teased my twin, making her squirm. Pushing her arousal up until she was whining in need. Keeping her like that for a time, not letting her have any release until she was well and truly quivering in my lap. When it finally came her cry was muffled by a kiss, one that had my tongue dancing with hers.

We let her out of our little sandwich, climbing from the tub and helping to dry each other off. I countered the spell on Twilight that made her into a morph before turning Sunset and me to ponies as well. "Remember.," I whispered into Twilight's ear as we left the chamber. "You are mine."

"So Mirror what is on the agenda now that you claimed her as your pet?" Sunset asked as we made our way with Twilight in tow to the Guest Room.

"Good question. I had meant to get my first flying lessons done yesterday but was distracted."

Twilight gave a slightly confused look as Sunset called me Mirror instead of Mistress. Causing me to chuckle softly. "If you are curious Twilight I don't do the whole Mistress Pet thing twenty-four seven."

"Oh.. I take it I'll eventually learn when it is and isn't the right time for that?"

I nodded with a smile. "You'll learn to recognize the tone I'm using or if I'm actively teasing your body somehow."

"So when it's not playtime you have permission to call me Mirror. Doesn't change that your my Pet just that it isn't playing time and thus you either can do what you like. Or do your homework." I did though give her a light kiss not the deep ones from earlier. "And if I know you, you'll love it all."

She returned it with a blush. "And the first thing will be books?"

"Yes, Sis the first thing will be quite a lot of books. All about Bondage and how to do it safely which all considered is the most important bit."

"I'm curious where did those bracelets come from?" She asked glancing down at the items in question.

"Gift and souvenir from the Stallion who cuffed me to a bed and rutted me after I got what I needed by sucking him off."

She blinked even as Sunset smirked. "Why did he cuff you to a bed?"

"One reason was he always wanted to buck a captive Princess, even if it was all play. And second, the cuffs were limiters so I didn't accidentally buck him off the bed in the throes of passion. Which would have seriously hurt him."


"Yes, one of the things we will be getting you are limiters, that you will wear whenever you are in your collar. This way if you play with somepony who isn't either an Alicorn or have cybernetic bodies like Sunset and me, you won't be at risk of hurting them."

She blinked a moment before looking at the pair of us with wide eyes. "You mean you both became Transhumans?"

"I got injected with nanobots that converted my body into what it is now," Sunset admitted. "I didn't go the whole new body that Mirror did. But yes we both have Done the Evolution into Androids just different methods."

"Tempest also got the conversion option rather than a new body," I commented with a smile. "So she's just as ageless now as Sunset and I. Which means she'll be my Agent for a very long time."

"Whose Tempest?" Sunset asked.

"She invaded Equestria pretty much won everything only to get betrayed and then convinced to try Friendship by Peppy Princess over here." I chuckled softly. "Put her through the Contract to give her a new horn and now I'm her Liege."

"You're going to have us buck her aren't you?"

I paused in thought as we entered the room. "Hadn't thought of it, but will probably happen at some point. She is kind of hot." Made my way to my saddlebags and began tugged out my makeup only to pause and look at Twilight. "Come here."

At her arched brow, I pulled out my lipstick, using it on myself as she approached. "Have you worn makeup before."

"Whenever Rarity goes all out with a makeover."

I nodded before turning and bringing the lipstick to her lips even as I grinned. "Well, we are going to be wearing the same makeup today." She blushed as I started doing her face up the same way I did mine. When combined with a glamor to make my wings match hers and to hide my bracelets we now looked completely identical on the surface.

A glance at Sunset showed a small bit of drool escaping her lips at the sight of us like this. "Well, Twilight let's go prank your friends and see if they can figure out which of us is which."

That drew a smile from her. "This is going to be fun."

The first of Twilight's friends we sought out after our preparations were complete, was of course Fluttershy. After I really needed to thank her in regards to Thunder Charge. Since it was a day and a half after I had last seen her and the other girls, then it meant, unlike Twilight they'd gone back to Ponyville.

A quick series of Teleports with Twilight doing the driving had the three of us outside her little cottage. Sunset had wanted to come watch all the fun we were about to have. In order to pull things off, we had agreed that Twilight would find it easier to act like me, than me acting like her. Still to get things just right we used a spell that synced us up.

It was, of course, temporary, a mental link that would allow Twilight to experience and share my thought patterns. Not the ones in my deepest core that defined who I was. But the ones that flowed on the surface, in effect it made her into just enough a copy of me mentally to pull off our prank. She could if she needed cancel things from her end. After all her core self-was untouched and her normal mind was also still conscious just in the backseat at the moment.

I still can't believe I agreed to this.

Shush my Pet you know we are going to have fun. And you can free yourself from my control anytime you wish.

The spell also allowed us to effectively chat with each other mentally. Well more like she was able to chat with the mental me in her head, and I could hear it. Our hooves rose and we knocked on the cottage door just firmly enough that anyone inside could hear it. The moment the door opened we leaned forward.

"Oh, Hi Twi-"

And promptly gave the yellow-maned pegasus a deep very loving kiss, in full stereo. She, of course, was surprised and promptly flushed scarlet only to kiss us back when we pulled her into a hug as well. "Thank you for the Stud you found us." We purred before each nuzzling one side of her face.

"Um, your welcome but what's going on?"

"They decided to play a harmless prank, basically you and the other girls will need to figure out which Twilight is which," Sunset explained with a giggle. "They are using a few cosmetic spells and makeup, to look identical."

We nodded still hugging Fluttershy. "Mmhmm. We are also synced up mentally a bit to help us act the same exact way and make it a teensy bit harder to tell. One of us is of course Mirror, the other is Twilight willingly placed under a very weak geas that overlay the way we think over her. She's still there, watching and able to shrug it off anytime she wants."

"And it won't hurt her?"

"We wouldn't have done this if it would actually hurt our new pet." We replied in unison at Fluttershy's widening eyes we smirked. "Mirror is the Dominate Twin, while Twilight is the Submissive Twin. So she's actually enjoying what is happening."

"How did you get her to.. well you know."

"We found out Celestia had such a dry spell that she couldn't remember the last time she had gotten laid." I refrained from calling her Sunbutt as a concession to my twin while we were like this. "It was such a horrifying discovery that we created a brand new spell on the spot and then hit her with it before we realized what we were doing."

"What did it do?"

"Mirror has perfect recall since we signed the Contract. Which means we remember everything we experience. We simply took all the sex we had over the course of ten years until today. Stripped it of everything other than the sensations themselves and compressed it so it hits the target all at once over three seconds." Fluttershy's mouth dropped open in shock as we relayed the information.

"So she felt everything all at once?"

"Given we didn't know if she was a Masochist or not like us, well we left that out."

Wait you get off on pain?

Yes, Pet, I'm an extreme masochist meaning I feel both pleasure and pain if I get say whipped by someone who knows what they are doing. Now given I wasn't one before the Contract you didn't get those sensations either.

Oh, thanks.

"Wow.. that's.."

"After Celestia partially recovered from collapsing against the table, Luna asked if we would do it to her. Twilight was curious enough that she agreed when I offered her a turn which had her off in blissed out la-la land for nearly an hour."

Exactly how long was I out of it.

Forty-seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds. We could have done a lot more than merely snuggling in the bath while you nursed on my breast. Sunbutt bathed the three of us after having cleaned herself up.

"We suspect the experience jump-started or at least made it much harder to suppress her libido. So we have claimed her as our Play Pet, to help guide her into the joys of pleasure without her going overboard."

By now Fluttershy had ushered all of us in and we found ourselves drinking tea with her and Sunset. "After we parted ways with Celestia and Luna, we explained a few things to our new Pet. One of which means she will be joining the Society and when Mirror isn't available we will be leaving her in your care."

Fluttershy really perked up at that. "Really? You really going to be joining?"

"Yes, Fluttershy we are." Our tone had shifted from my amused snark to her normal one. We gave an embarrassed smile. "Mirror told us that if she was our only teacher we'd be molded to her tastes rather than really understanding things. She also seemed to think you'd like the idea."

She gave a small smile. "That is true, I do like the idea of you sharing that with me. I also see that you can shift which one is in control?"

"More Mirror is actually a Telepath so she's able to read our mind and the copy in my head at the moment is allowing us to speak with a few restrictions."

"The whole stereo Twilight thing you're doing?"

"Exactly. This would be actually a lot easier to pull off if we were both Telepaths."

"How so?"

We glanced at Sunset and she giggled before giving a nod. This time it was all three of us speaking in unison. "Telepaths can sync up without needing to use very weak forms of mind control magic to pull off this trick. Both parties have to be willing though."

Sunset then desynced from us before speaking alone again. "Its kind of fun when done right. And like Mirror I can also hear Twilight's comments to the Mirror Construct that is currently driving her."

"So she is actually enjoying herself?"

"Oh yeah, considering the spell has a built-in safety release she can trigger anytime she wants." Sunset leaned over and kissed Twilight who returned the kiss as I would before doing the same to me. "They are both enjoying themselves a lot right now."

"And because that Stud you found us managed to rut us for a full day and a half. We decided we'd visit you first and thank you for it. Hence the kiss earlier."

"Um, your welcome I take it you enjoyed yourself?"

"We were left in such a good mood that we were able to be in the same room as Celestia without any flashbacks happening." We paused. "Imagine Pinkie when she has had a massive amount of sugar and you'll have an idea of how Mirror was acting when we hunted down Sunset so we could check on her."

We lifted the shades we were both wearing to reveal the Pink Hearts in our eyes. "We are pretty much still high as a kite right now." We smirked at her confusion at the Hearts. "These show up when Mirror is either aroused or in an extremely good mood. A cosmetic spell is allowing us to mimic the look on Twilight."

"And making Mirrors wings look like Twilights?"

We nodded with a giggle. "Eyup. Our next stop is Rarity's since Twilight needs a cute collar for when she plays. And from what we are gleaning from her, Rarity would be the best one to make it look good." We set down our cups and them moved to snuggle up to either side our pegasus friend. We gave her ears a light playful bite. "So will you be joining us or do you have other plans?"

She whimpered in pleasure before snuggling us both back. "I'd love to join you two, but today is the day I focus on my Animal Sanctuary. I was just about to head out when you arrived."

"Well, then which is which and please don't tell the others until after our prank is done."

She ran her hooves down to rest on our flanks looking at us as we snuggled up to her. "I would say this one." And she promptly showed her choice by kissing one of us deeply. That twin blushed deeply even as I smirked. "Seems you got the right Twilight. Mind if I have a kiss too?" A moment later lip-locked with Fluttershy before my tongue pushed deep into her mouth and partially down her throat as was my habit.

She would be left blushing and breathless as we gave her the last snuggle. "Remember your free to play with Twilight however you like when you both have time to play," I smirked even as my twin blushed even deeper.

Fluttershy blushed just as deeply before nodding. "Don't worry I'll take very good care of her when we play."

"We know," I said as Twilight and I fell back in sync once more. "You're one of the few mares we would trust unrestricted with our lovely Pets." That had Sunset blushing too. "You'd likely get along great with Sunny Breeze."

"Who is that?"

"We have several adoptive sisters back home, one pair is a set of twins who are both identical yet totally different at the same time. Sunny became a Pegasus Morph while her twin Sweet Delight became a Thestral Morph. Sunny, however, is quite literally an Angel, while Sweet is a Demon. They tend to like tag teaming those they meet with the whole Angel and Devil routine."

"You mean where one tells you to be Nice and the other tempts you to be Naughty?"

"Pretty much."

She giggled even as we made our way out of her cottage. We waved as we parted ways before walking along with Sunset between us. We didn't do much as we trotted along beside giving Sunset the occasional nuzzle from both sides at once. Which she was happy to receive as she was getting attention from two Twilights.

"Howdy Twilight and.. Mirror?" My twin and I both turned to see Applejack leaning on the fence that bordered the road going passed her farm.

With a mischievous smile, we both waved before trotting up to her. "Hello Applejack been having a good day?"

She blinked as the stereo effect before really taking in our appearance. "What the blazes are you two up to?"

"A harmless prank." We replied before taking a moment to explain what was going on to the confused mare. Much like we had with Fluttershy earlier. By the time we were done the confusion had melted away into amusement. "Imagine if we did this with the Human World Twilight then we'd be triplets." We finished with Twilight's tone of voice.

"Only you would use mind control on yerself for a prank."

We shrugged in response. "It has a fail-safe, it only lasts as long as we want it to."

Are we going to make her kiss us too?

Yes unless you really don't want to kiss her, the same will apply to all the others.

"So I just point at the one I think is Twilight?"

"No you kiss the one of us that you think is your Twilight, on the lips with tongue." As her brows went up we smirked. "In short the hottest kiss you could give us, and you have fifty-fifty odds of it being the right one. But to keep it fair you'd then have to kiss the other one after we confirm if you picked correctly."

"And Twi is okay with that?"

"She isn't objecting or breaking the sync on her end. So yeah she's up with it if you are. We've already done this with Fluttershy so far."

"Not that Ahm complaining but why her first?"

"She set Mirror up with a very virile Stallion with lots of stamina. So, of course, we had to thank her for that."

"That good huh?"

"We are still high as a kite from it. And we're actually able to have a conversation with Celestia without freaking out." We admitted with a blush as the blond mare chuckled at our expense.

"Buck it." She muttered before hopping over the fence and promptly kissing one of us. That one reached up and pulled her close deepening the kiss as our tongues danced before said tongue thrust down into her throat. I only permitted the kiss to end when I saw her close to needing air before pulling back with my tongue visibly between our mouths before it retracted back into mine.

"You taste quite nice Applejack now give Twilight her kiss." The mare blushed at getting the wrong mare before following through and kissing her friend just as hard as she'd kissed me. Both were blushing quite a bit by the time it ended.

"Ah can barely believe Ah just did that."

"Nothing wrong with kisses between friends." We stated. "Whether anything more comes from it beyond it having been a dare. That's up for you to decide, we won't mind either way."

"Still friends."

"Always." Twilight's tone was used for that one. "We were on our way to Rarity's have time to join us or do you have things to do like Fluttershy did?"

"All my chores are finished for the day. Ah, think Ah'll come if only to see Rarity's reaction."

"Fine but she has to figure out which is which on her own just like the others."

"Yer gonna kiss her too?"

"We will kiss all of our friends until Twilight breaks the sync on her end. Or we've gotten them all whichever comes first."

You're enjoying embarrassing me way too much.

Of course, Pet, making you squirm is fun. We can stop at any time you want.

The mare shook her head in amusement as she joined us on our way we couldn't help but comment. "By the way, how often does the name Applejack get used for orange coated blond mares in your family?"

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason besides we once saw a very old portrait of a mare who looked almost exactly like you. Only with seven apples as her Cutie Mark instead of three. The nameplate for it was written in Old Equish but translated into Applejack."


Yes Pet, in the same place there was a portrait of a mare named Twilight who was the spitting image of our birth mother.

"Well near as Ah can tell there have been a few Applejacks before me."

"Just like how Twilight tends to pop up in our line fairly often then." We commented even as I listened to Twilight trying to figure out the odds in her head. We giggled softly. "Twilight is going a bit bonkers in our head at the moment."

"Oh, why?"

"Cause there were more portraits and one of them had just enough of a resemblance to be clearly our own ancestor as well."

"What looked just like ya'll?"

"No spitting image of our birth mother complete with identical Cutie Mark." Twilight's mental ranting ground to a halt at that revelation.

"Any other interesting one ya could name?"

"Oh just one with a purple dragon with green frills in a wizard's robe and hat, labeled Spike."

I was suddenly grabbed by Twilight. "Please tell me that isn't a joke."

I kissed her until she calmed down before answering. "No Sis that wasn't a joke. Humans have many sayings on how history tends to repeat itself. Most likely is that your Spike is a descendant of that Spike. They don't look exactly the same as that one had wings and yours doesn't. The only thing the same is the coloration of their scales and frills. Who named him anyway?"

She sighed softly. "I did when I was a filly. So just pure dumb luck on it being the same name?"

"Most likely. You could have easily named him Barbara or something. And then the only thing he'd have in common would be both have the same coloration and both lived in peace with ponies. The Spike in the portrait was a Chronicler and Historian, he recorded every major event that happened while he was alive. He wasn't any pony's number one assistant."

"Then there are.."

"He left behind a horde worth of books. That he either collected or wrote himself." She was visibly squirming much to everyone's amusement. "Now Sis, we have a prank to finish."

"But we will retrieve the books at some point?"

I nodded with a smile before my horn lit up causing her eyes to glow before she relaxed against me and then blinked when I did. "Yes, we will retrieve the books eventually."

"Now that be plain freaky."

"It's only working because she is permitting it to and she trusts us." We stated once again in unison. "Were there any danger or she did not trust us. Then the spell would require much more magic to cast or maintain. And there would be a visible detrimental effect on her. As you saw when she got too excited it snapped like a twig."

"So she's alright?"

"Yes, so long as everyone is willing there is nothing wrong with a little mind control between friends. The spell I'm using won't make her do anything she doesn't actually want to and she can free herself at any time." We paused a moment. "If you like we could show you what she is experiencing minus our synchronization."

"That would mean castin' that spell on me wouldn't it?"

We nodded, "But only if you agreed to it like she did. It won't touch your core self, you'll still be fully conscious just not in the driver's seat. But the reigns are in easy reach to take it back."

"And it won't make me do things I don't wanna?"

"You'll do things you don't normally do, but nothing that your actually opposed to. I assume you are related to Apple Bloom?" At her nod. "I could make you dump a bucket of ice cubes over her on a hot day but I wouldn't be able to make you actually harm her." Well, I could but it would take a lot more magic than I was willing to invest for some harmless fun.

"Mistress.." We turned to a blushing and squirming Sunset. "Please put me under.." We blinked before the spell was cast and my Pet's eyes glowed for a few moments. She relaxed and soon trotted up to nuzzle against Applejack to the farm mare's surprise.

"Fine but no funny business."

"Does being naughty count?" Before my horn glowed again and Applejack was ensnared by the spell. Twilight and I licked our lips before we trotted off with two enthralled mares in tow.

Just what are you going to do?

Some harmless fun that they can break free of at any time just like with you.

I had Sunset and Applejack nuzzling and nibbling on each other's necks until we were in sight of town then I had them act as their normal selves to a point. Twilight, of course, provided the directions that allowed us to arrive at Rarity's Boutique fairly quickly. One nice thing about the current situation is it allowed me to pluck the names of those I didn't know out of initially Twilight and now Applejack's minds.

A bell at the door rang as we entered. "Be a moment Darling." The voice of Rarity who I had been calling Prissy Purple in my head prior to actually getting her name. Her back was to the door, her horn alight as she worked on making an outfit. I directed both the enthralled girls to sit on cushions where they could watch. While Twilight and I quietly stalked up to the distracted mare with mischievous smirks on our faces.

What are you planning?

Watch and see.

Both of us would open our mouths before licking across the three diamonds on her flanks. As she gave a startled squeal we slid up to sandwich her between her giving her a kiss on each cheek just below her eyes. We each wrapped one wing around her before purring to her. "Hi Rarity, what are you making?"

She looked at one of us before the other holding a hoof to her chest as she calmed down from our little prank. "Twilight? Mirror?"

We nodded with grins. "Yes oh, maker of fabulousness. One of us is your Twilight the other is her Mirror. The question of the hour, however, is which is which."

"Is this some kind of prank, Darlings?"

"Yes but one where you get four little models to help you for a while. So long as you're willing to play along."

Oh, that's not bad at all.

See and you were worried for a moment.

"Four models?" We pointed to where the other two were. They waved when she looked before she shook her head in amusement. "Just what is this prank?"

And like twice before we explained just exactly what we were doing as far as the prank went, and the current state of both Applejack and Sunset. "They can free themselves at any time just by wanting to. Our spell isn't all that strong and is only intended for a bit of harmless fun. And other than having them kiss each other we thought having them join us as models for you would be a fun thing to do."

"Are you intentionally rhyming or is that a happy accident?"

I paused a moment. "Accident really, Mirror is still high from her time with the Stallion Fluttershy introduced her to. And Twilight as a result of her curiosity ended hit with a spell that resulted in her experiencing, every carnal sensation Mirror has felt in the last ten years compressed into three seconds. So we have taken her under our wing to give her the education she lacks with Fluttershy's help."

She boggled at that information. "Just where did you get a spell that could do that?!?"

"Created this morning when we found out just how bad a dry spell Celestia has had. She got hit with it first, then Luna asked for a turn. And then Twilight agreed to a turn as well when we asked."

"I'm afraid to ask, but how bad are we talking about."

"She could not remember the last time she'd gotten laid. And considering how long she's been around." We sheepishly smiled. "We kind of overreacted created the spell and fired it off before we realized just what we did. Thankfully she wasn't upset about it. Just asked us to be careful with our new spell."

"And you're still both pressed against me why?"

We smirked before kissing her this time each on half of her mouth. She had a bright blush by the time we stopped. "You are a friend and a very beautiful mare why wouldn't we want to snuggle up to you? Also, we hope to have you make a collar that would look divine when on Twilight's neck when it's time for play and those carnal lessons she now needs."

"You don't have to be models for something like that Darlings, I love to help my friends."

"Generous though you may be, sweet Rarity. Even Friends should not trample over it for a favor after favor without giving something in return. Let us be the generous ones today and help you for a change." We both smiled softly at her. "Tell us where and how you want us and we are yours for a few hours at least."

She blushed again at the innuendo. "Very well, to be honest, I could use a bit of help. Though would you please cancel the spells I would rather my friends be of their right minds even if you say they can free themselves."

"First you must pick which of us is your Twilight, then give her your hottest kiss. Then after you find out if your guess is right and kiss the other. We will then end our spells for now since you asked."

She shook her head. "Oh, my." Before looking at us both carefully before she kissed one of us deeply. That one pulled her closer returning it in kind.

"Mmm... Like Fluttershy, it seems you guessed correctly." I stated as I started canceling the spells, Twilight was soon blushing up a storm even as I claimed my kiss from the white mare. Like the previous times, I would give her the deepest kiss I could before pulling back and letting that long tongue slowly retract.

Applejack blushed deeply as her enthrallment ended though Sunset pouted. The glamors faded allowing Twilight and I to look completely ourselves save both wearing the same make-up. "Better?"

"Much thank you. So the rest of you are okay with what I assume was Mirror's idea?"

The others all nodded causing the fashionista to smile. "Wonderful then... Onto the fitting stools, please. I have some ideas you can help with."

"You know Darling, I have been wondering about something?"

I was currently as motionless as I possibly could be. Rarity was using me as the only one present with wings to help with a dress line meant for pegasi. Which meant there were pins holding the various pieces together where she hadn't yet finalized the design. "And what would that be?"

"Fizzlepop mentioned something called latex was used to make that suit she had to wear."

My horn lit up and retrieved my cell phone, thankfully I could simply send mental commands to Melody and have her the functions for me. "And you're curious a to what latex is."

"Quite so."

"Have the ponies of this world discovered rubber?" At her nod. "The milky fluid extracted from certain plants which are used to make rubber is called Latex by humans. Some use it to make protective clothing, while others use it to be able to look naked while actually being clothed."

"Why would that matter?"

"In most Human Worlds public nudity is taboo."

"Why would they do such a thing."

I glanced over to where Twilight was, she was currently resting after her turn, and more importantly not wearing anything. I smirked before launching a spell at her, a moment later she would be not only in human form but without any kind of clothing.


"Take a look at Twilight and you'll see why." I nodded my head toward the now blushing Princess. "Lack of any natural coat means they need clothing or you see everything."

Rarity looked over only to blink in shock. "How?"

"A spell I got from her, and amusingly she's unable to really use controlled magic very well in this state."

"Mirror please use the counterspell."

Rather than doing as my counterpart asked I closed the curtains of the shop before twisting my hoof just so causing my twin to gasp and blush. "No, not yet my Pet." I sent a text with an amused smile on my lips. "I'm having something sent here and you are going to model it as you are."

"Then you'll turn me back?"

I nodded still smiling. "Then you'll be turned back. For now, Sunset help my twin assume the proper sitting position." I turned her into a morph again so that she would be able to properly do what I had just ordered. She grinned mischievously before moving to push Twilight onto her knees and start pushing the girl's limbs and body.

"There is a proper way to sit for humans?"

Twilight soon found herself sitting on her heels, thighs spread open, her back arched while Sunset pulled her arms down to her sides and forced her to push her breasts forward. "Oh, many different ways to sit. Sunset is showing her how a Pet sits. Looks better when the pet is wearing a collar though."

My words caused blushes on not just Twilight's face but Rarity and Applejack's as well. A flash though marked the arrival of a metallic suitcase. "What the hay is that?" Applejack asked once she got over its sudden arrival.

"A latex suit that Twilight going to be wearing for a short while. Go ahead Sis try it on."

Twilight reached over and pulled the suitcase over to her before she opened it. A moment later she lifted a very shiny lavender suit out. One that had our Cutie Mark right where they would be if either of us had been in Morph form. "Do I really have to wear this?"

"Yes, Sis. If you need help Sunset is right there. I'd do it but." I glanced down at the unfinished dress. "I know better than to move anything other than my head when a fashion designer hasn't finished yet."

She rose to her feet and then stepped into the suit carefully pulling it on one leg at a time. It was tight enough that she had to wiggle her hips to get the material over them. She had to do the same for each arm requiring Sunset to step in behind her and zip up the back from her ass up to the back of her neck.

The latex hugged Twilight's curves even as she pulled out the first one and then another thigh length boot each a darker shade of lavender compared to the suit. Followed by matching gloves which stopped just above her elbows. The next item she pulled out was a ball attached to straps which she gave me a confused look. "What's this?"

"The ball goes into your mouth and the straps hold it in place." All of us watched as she followed those instructions fitting the ball into her mouth only to have Sunset take the straps and secure them in place for her. And then she removed the last item, a mask which I took from her hands with my magic. And brought it up to her face, where Sunset would fasten its straps. The mask was featureless save for holes for the eyes and nose.

"Now walk about the room with a slight sway to your hips," I stated with clear amusement. "Show off just how hot you look in that." No doubt beneath the mask my counterpart was blushing, even as she complied.

"That Rarity is a latex bondage suit. All it's missing is the collar to go around her neck when she's in it." I smirked at the white unicorn.

"Where did you get it?"

"I messaged a friend of mine who does work similar to you. I asked her to make it and then send it here, the nice thing is I also had her enchant it." I said before hitting Twilight with the counterspell like I had promised. She as once more in full pony form yet still clad in the suit. Her wings though were the few things not covered in latex.

"Was that part of the enchantment?" Rarity as she moves closer to examine Twilight as she is dressed so.

"Part of it... Basically, the enchantments are simple. There is the one that makes it change depending on her current body shape. As well as the one that prevents her from taking off all but the gag and mask." I smirked in a amusement as Twilight's eyes jerked to look at me wide-eyed through the eye holes. "And the enchantment which will make the suit invisible once activated."

"Wait a hay does that mean she's stuck in that there thing?"

"Yes, at least until I let her out of it. She can remove the Mask and gag herself. just not the rest." Before she had a chance to try to remove the mask, however, I activated an app on my cell phone. Twilight abruptly let out a muffled moan. "It also though has built-in hidden toys that make it really enjoyable to wear."

"Do you plan to let her out?"

"Eventually, I have a remote control to it. So I can play with her whenever I like if I set the suit to invisible."

Almost as if in a trance Rarity rubs a hoof over one of Twilight's flanks. "What is this zipper here for?" She points at the one that would have been along Twilight's crotch in human or morph form.

"Gives access so she can either go to the bathroom. Get fitted with certain toys, or a few other activities without removing the suit." I smirked. "Though if you are going to start licking her flanks could you remove this dress full of pins first?"

She blushed even as Applejack chuckled at my request. A moment later I was freed from the dress and hopped off the stool to where Twilight was panting through the gag. I gave her ear a light bite before nuzzling her neck. "Drop those flanks to the floor Pet." I purred softly to her. She gave out a whine a but was soon seated.

I deactivated the hidden toys before slipping my foreleg around her and pulling her into my side. Letting her come down from the experience she just had. My free hoof then gently removed the mask and followed by the gag. "So what do you think of your new suit Sis?"

"It really won't come off?" She asked once she had managed to catch her breath.

"Nope, not unless I take it off you." I made a show of tapping my cell's screen with my hoof. And the suit became completely invisible. Leaving her looking as if she were wearing nothing as usual. "But no one will know you're in it save us."

"Are you sure you are not evil Mirror?" She asked in a wry tone.

"No just very very Naughty when I want to be."

"How could you have gotten something like this made so quickly?"

"Hmm in your visits to the Human World have you heard of 3D Printers?" At her nod. "Well, Sunset and I have a Clothing Printer, which works in much the same way."

"So you just had it printed out and then delivered?"

I nodded with a chuckle and nuzzled her cheek before whispering to her. "Yes, Sis I did. Now, why don't you give your two friends a kiss each... Given how they are blushing I think they want one."

She blushed again before looking at Rarity and Applejack before sighing with a soft chuckle. A moment later she was giving Rarity a deep kiss followed soon by Applejack getting one too. Sunset slid close and stole one from Twilight as I watched.

The sound of a bell, however, prevented any more kissing as everyone turned to look at the entrance. Rarity recovered first giving a smile to the teen that had just entered. "Ah, Sweetie Belle did you have a good time at school?"

The younger mare nodded at her sister. "Yep, my friends and I have a project we are going to need to do. Is it alright if they come over?"

"Of course Darling, just please try not to make a mess."

"Ah'll let Granny know Bloom is going to be here." She glanced at the clock before nodding. "Ah should be gettin' back anyhow."

"Thanks, Sis, and you too Applejack." She tilted her head a moment. "Is something important going on?"

"No your sister just needed models for a few of her designs," I replied hiding my exasperation. "Sunset, Twilight and I were about to head off anyway."

The teen nodded before heading toward the living area above Boutique. Once she was out of sight I turned giving both Rarity and Applejack kisses of my own. "Take care you two."

"You as well my dears." Rarity smiled blushing lightly even as the farmer nodded in agreement. With a wave goodbye to them, I gave Twilight a nudge and we were soon on our way out of the Boutique.

Twilight visibly bit back a moan as I watched in amusement. My twin was currently laid stretched out with Sunset straddling her flanks, the unicorn it seemed had decided to give the other Princess a treat. Nibbling and licking her wings removing bad feathers and straightening out the good ones. In short a very thorough and very slow preening, with the only pauses being her coating her lips with an oil that non-pegasi could use to keep their mouths from getting chapped while helping a friend.

We had, of course, returned to Canterlot, with me providing the teleport spell to bring us to the Guest Room that Sunset and I had been using. I was lounging on a few cushions I had set up on the balcony connected to the room. The door between it and the room was wide open. The angle at which I sat gave me the perfect view to watch as my two pets bonded over Twilight's wings while I read a book.

"Dear... Celestia... So good.."

The princess's latex bodysuit was also currently fully visible again. Since the three of us were in relative privacy at the moment. I smirked having been on the receiving end of Sunset's attention like this many times over the last month and a half. "You can thank Sunbutt, and an Angel named Sunny Breeze for her knowing how to really preen us."


"Sunbutt taught her initially, and my sister Sunny tends to beg me to let my Pet care for her wings again after Sunset's Contract was up. Sunny was one of her Owners while the contract was in effect and ended up Sunset's practice dummy for preening more often than not." I turned the page actually taking the time to read this book the old-fashioned way. It was a book all about the basics of Pegasus Magic, full of pictures and diagrams, and was meant for ponies much younger than I was. "Only one who ever surpassed her even when she's in a form with fingers was a pegasus."

"Only because they have wings," Sunset commented as she put a bit more oil on her lips. "So they have an edge on knowing what feels good. I, on the other hoof, had to learn by trial and error."

"Mmmm... Please... Don't... Stop..." Twilight half begged, half panted. From the way, her wings were extended it was quite obvious that she was in the same state Sunset, or more recently Thunder Charge had put me into.

"No intention of stopping unless Mistress orders it or you beg me to," Sunset replied with a smirk of her own before continuing her self-appointed task. Which resulted in the Alicorn under her biting her lower lip to keep from moaning too loudly.

"Hey, there you are!." A voice spoke to me, causing me to look up from my book to see Rainbow Dash swooping in to perch on the balcony railing. I let the book rest on my chest as I gave her a friendly smile. "Where were you yesterday?"

"Getting royally bucked by a Stallion Fluttershy introduced me to," I answered with a smirk at Dash's resulting blush. "Sorry I missed what would have been the first lesson but I seriously lost track of time. The only reason we aren't still at it is I needed to check on Sunset, and he needed rest so he could to go work without being utterly worn out."

"That good?"

"All I'll say without his permission is, he was a Pegasus with a lot of stamina."

"Well, you do look a hay of a lot more relaxed than the last time I saw you." She commented even as I watched Twilight blushing deeply out of the corner of my vision. She had stuffed the ball gag in her mouth to keep from making any noise. Sunset was kind enough to fasten the straps for her. "So what are you reading?"

"Well between the serious preening and rutting he gave me. I was on such a high I was actually able to chat with Sunbutt without freaking out." I tilted the book so she could see it the title, Pegasi: The Foal's Guide to Flight. "Since I missed our lesson I figured I'd do a bit of homework."

Dash snerked as she read the title. "I haven't seen a copy of that since I was a filly. Even Twilight didn't think to try reading that one."

"Let me guess our friend went for the grown-up variant that was much more complex and assumed you had read this one first?" Dash nodded and Twilight looked a bit more embarrassed if that was possible.

"Oh yeah, nailed it right on the head. I had drilled her on proper wing care quite a bit as a result." The mare hopped down onto the balcony proper. "Speaking of, I like to check the state of yours."

I set the book down before rolling onto my hooves and spreading my wings as wide as they would go with my back to Dash. "They should be in decent shape considering Sunset just loves preening my wings, and the Stallion spent a lot of time on them too."

"Have you done it yourself yet?"

"No, however, that was one reason I went for the Foal's Guide first." I shivered as she began to run her hooves over them. I felt a few tugs as she made sure none of the feathers were loose enough to come out. "I know I'm going to have to learn how to preen them at some point."

"Okay, you can fold them again." She stated as she finished, which I promptly did before turning to face her. "They are in very good shape at the moment. And you are correct, you really should learn how to care for them yourself too."

I slyly pointed a hoof. "Just kind of hard when I have a Pet who really loves preening them for me." She turned and I had to stuff my hoof in her mouth to keep her from saying anything. Her eyes bulged before a deep blush formed at the sight of Twilight currently under Sunset's attention. The latex body suit encasing her form and the gag in her mouth and her wings splayed wide open. The princess's eyes were currently closed as she arched in response to the hooves massaging the base of her wings. "Sunset can make it really enjoyable. So do you have a spot picked out for the lessons?"

Dash nodded and I made a shushing motion with my other hoof removing the other from her mouth. Very quietly we made our way through the room and out leaving Twilight alone with Sunset. It was only when we were a far enough distance down the that Dash spoke again. "What the hay was that?"

"This morning Twilight got hit with a spell that I created to help Sunbutt before I realized what I was doing. It compresses ten years of constant sensual and carnal sensations into being experienced over three seconds by whoever I hit with it."

She blinked a moment before looking back the way she came. "And what happened?"

"Sunbutt was able to recover within a few minutes from going from bad dry spell to needing a new cushion. Luna then asked me to hit her with it. Twilight was curious enough to agree when I offered." I smirked. "Of the three Twilight ended up blissed out for nearly an hour. And I've pretty much taken her under my wing to teach her one of the few subjects I am an expert on that she isn't."

"I assume you mean sex. What about that outfit?"

I nodded still smirking. "Very special rubber suit she'll be wearing for a while. It has an enchantment to make it invisible she's not in private. Fluttershy will be helping her when I am not around because if left on her own well she might try to turn learning about sex into a full-blown research project."

Dash grimaced. "Yeah doing that could potentially turn out really bad."

"Which is why she's now my Play Pet for as long as she wants to be." I gave Rainbow a nuzzle while rubbing up against her. "I have also been pretty much directing her at her friends as potential playmates. So don't be surprised if she ends up kissing you at some point."

She blushed but didn't pull away. "Why are you doing that?"

"Because I highly doubt you girls would take advantage of, or deliberately hurt, her. So you five are the best ones to help her enjoy herself if your willing to." I then smirked at her. "Doesn't hurt your all very hot mares either."

That got me a playful shove on the shoulder. "Did you ever wear something like that?"

"Hmmm... Oh yes, only my suit was actually alive and kept me on the edge every moment of every day for ten years. When I wasn't getting rutted hard by someone at least." I whispered to her as she leads me out to the Royal Gardens.

Her nose actually flared a moment before she shook her head. "That sounds intense."

"Yes, it was very intense."

She took a moment to breathe in and out before speaking again. "Now the first thing we want to do is some wing exercises to get you used to move them while in flight. And also make sure you have sufficient wing power..."

I sat and listened intently as Dash began the lesson. And I can tell you just from her expression that she took teaching someone to fly very seriously. Enough that I did not try and flirt with her at all during my lesson. They were first focused on my wings, keeping them in shape and how to properly move them beyond what little I could already do.

Once she was satisfied I grasped at least the basics and would continue the regiment she started me on, did we switch to other topics, such as cloud walking. For that, she had snagged a cloud and brought it into the Garden where it hovered a few feet off the ground.

It turned out to be a wise precaution as the first time I tried to step onto it from a step later. I fell through and landed flat on my face much to her amusement. It took about ten tries before I was able to stand on that bucking cloud not end up falling through or slowly sinking into it.

It took, even more, tries to do anything other than just standing on it. Take a step, crash into the dirt. Get startled, crash into the dirt. Get upset enough to yell at the bucking cloud, crash into the dirt. Dash is very good at getting you motivated to trying again, however, she also has a hard time keeping in snickers or outright laughter sometimes.

Eventually, though I got to the point I could walk, hop, or even just lay atop the cloud. And when you are not falling through them, clouds are very comfy. It was very hard to hate the bucking cloud after I discovered that tidbit. Currently, I was snuggled up to the point only the tip of my horn peeked out from the cloud.

"Come on Mirror there is still more to do."

"No," I muttered from where I laid in the cloud. "Not getting up again, at least for awhile. As the humans say Rome was not built in a day. I may have finally gotten a handle being able not falling through the cloud." My horn lit up before shooting off a beam at the frame of the nearest castle door. "But I'm done with lessons for today... I can only crash in the dirt so many times."

I gave Rainbow a wave as using that beam I reeled myself and the cloud to that door. "Please come get me tomorrow for the next lesson." The guards at that door who had been watching my attempts at cloud watching were clearly amused even if they maintain the professional stoic expression they had while on duty. No doubt the barracks would be filled with gossip of my mishaps once their shift was over.

At least they were nice enough to open the door for me. I fired off the beam again and reeled myself through. Only to realize that I had picked the wrong door given there was Sunbutt sitting on her Throne next to Luna's empty one. Thankfully the beam hadn't latched onto her big butt, only onto the far wall. It left me on a path where I ended up fairly close to her.

"Mirror is that you?"

"Hi, Sunbutt." I tiredly muttered. "Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing?"

"Fleeing from Rainbow Dash while too comfy and tired to actually get up," I said in a dry whisper that caused her to lips to twitch in amusement. "I've only just got cloud walking down enough that I can possibly nap in this thing. Without crashing face first into the dirt."

"Are you still 'high as a kite'?"

"No just too tired to give a buck right now."

"Excuse me Princess but what is going on?" Cue loud pompous sounding voice stage left.

"This is Princess Mirror Flash," Sunbutt began and I poked out a hoof to wave in the general direction the voice had come from, before pulling it back in again. "She is visiting us from beyond Equestria." In more ways than one. "She has a very odd sense of humor, and has very different social customs to that is considered the norm here."

"Why is she currently in a cloud?"

I answered loud enough for my voice to carry. "Rainbow Dash's idea of a work out regime. At the moment I am much too tired to actually walk anywhere." I then directed my next question at Sunbutt. "So Princess just what I have I reeled myself into in my attempts to flee while too tired to move." See I could be polite when I wanted to be.

"Right now I am preceding over Day Court when ponies come to have me listen to proposals or arbitrate disputes." She replied still amused.

"Wait you do that yourself? You don't have Magistrates to do that on your behalf?"

"Oh we do, I still however set time to handle the more serious cases, sometimes ponies just want to meet me."

I parted just enough cloud stuff to peek out with only my eyes showing. "That is quite a line.." Indeed it was, there was a very long line of ponies leading from a spot in front of the Royal Dias where the thrones were all the way out the doors at the other end of the room.

"Indeed it is." Both my cloud and myself were engulfed in magic and I found myself being lifted up and over her before getting dropped into Luna's Empty Throne. Well, I was technically above it and the cloud was what was actually in it. "I'm curious as to your opinions on matters."

"You just don't want to deal with them alone do you?" I muttered softly enough only she heard. I sighed at the barely suppressed snicker. If I was going to do it might as well do it right. Fore Hooves go up, snatch onto the top of the cloud and pulling myself up and out off it. I took a moment to stretch in a cat-like manner before settling back down this time on top of the cloud.

The fact that I was another Alicorn sent ripples through the crowd and given my very strong resemblance to Twilight I got more than a few confused looks. I yawned before looking at Sunbutt. "Fine but I'm not getting off this cloud for a while."

At Sunbutt's nod of acceptance, I laid my head down on my hooves and closed my eyes. My ears though were still perked up and alert, showing that I had not in fact just settled down to nap. It pretty much turns out to be as boring as I suspected it would be. "Princess I have a question."

"Yes Mirror?"

"How many are daily repeat visitors? Because I've noticed a few seemed like they had already met you several times before." I spoke without opening my eyes.

"It is true I see quite a few who tend to get in the line fairly often." Her tone was amused as she then asked. "I'm curious however on how you noticed them with your eyes shut."

"I have something similar to the Pinkie Sense and it tends to go off if certain types of ponies are nearby," I stated with a smirk. "Of those you recognize having already successfully visited you say anytime in the last week. How many of them would qualify as an Aristocrat?"

"A more than a few."

"And how much further up the line are they to ponies who haven't had a chance to exchange greetings with you even once?"

"Much further."

"May I suggest implementing a rule when it comes to visiting the Court? A required minimum amount of time before a repeat visit is allowed if the pony has already managed to speak with you during Court, with required exceptions being those who have critical information you need to know?" I opened my eyes and peered at the line. "It would give those ponies in the back a much better chance at actually meeting you."

"And what minimum of time would you suggest? If such a thing was done."

"Anywhere from a week to a month. With the exceptions being those with direct invitations or someone with vitally critical information, or someone explicitly authorized as being allowed for repeated visits within that time period."

"Just why are you suggesting this?"

I pointed at a random-seeming pony. "Snob." Then another. "Snob." Then another. "Provided funds to renovate an orphanage." And I spent the next ten minutes pointing to ponies at seeming random and saying either "Snob" or something they did to help other ponies. However, the vast majority of the best-dressed ponies came up as Snobs.

"Back in your Imperium what did you tend to do with... Snobs?"

"Oh, we summarily executed them as the useless wastes of time and space they are. And in order to separate them from the worthwhile ponies, we had to develop ways of detecting them. Wasting the Empress's time was considered a Capital offense." I paused a moment. "Since this is Equestria and not the Imperium my suggestion is to just ban Snobs from attending Court within a set time limit. And have when they are next allowed to attend be staggered so you don't have Mobs of Snobs descending on the Palace." She had arched a brow through my statement so to as not to hip off the Snobs I sent her a telepathic message.

Yes wasting Daybreaker's time was a Capital Offense, however, as a Telepath, the snobs are giving me a migraine. The Imperial version tended to kill each other off long before they bothered the Court for Her to incinerate them.

"I see." She answered before turning her attention. "Thankfully this is Equestria and we don't execute snobs, no matter how annoying they tend to be. They try even my patience sometimes. I also notice your suggestion didn't specify which Court."

"If they get banned from Day Court it should carry over to Night Court. And if banned from Night Court they should be banned from Day Court." I replied. "It's simpler to say you are banned from attending Court period for a set time. Plus I wouldn't want to have them all dumped on poor Princess Luna."

"She probably is thrilled to meet those who hadn't had a chance to meet either her or me, however." Celestia nodded after a moment. "Everypony who was pointed out as a Snob by Princess Mirror please leave as you will not be seeing either Luna or myself today unless you are here for a Hearing. Everypony else is welcome to stay and meet us."

The effect was quite an amusing as those had called snobs were shocked by the turn of events and easily herded out by the Day Guard on duty. This, in turn, resulted in the queue to meet Celestia moving forward by a significant margin. It also allowed me to relax with the lessening of self-entitled assholes in my immediate proximity.

I could easily tolerate the Aristocrats who weren't snobbish. But I spent awhile lazing on the cloud, watching as Sunbutt interacted with the common ponies who had come to see her. She genuinely seemed to delighted to talk with those who had come from far and wide. Few if any greeted me beyond a simple, "Hello Princess."

"Why do you look like Princess Twilight?" I glanced down at the source of the question. A young filly had moved from her parent's side as they chatted with Celesta. She had moved over to climb onto the throne my cloud was on top of. "Because Princess Twilight ended up with a magic mirror. One lets you step into the reflection and see what kind of world is behind mirrors. I happened to be one of the Twilights she met on the other side."

"She didn't get stuck in the Mirror did she?" The little one asked innocently.

"It was very close, she nearly got trapped before I pushed her back through to this side."

"How did you get here then?"

"I found a way to travel from mirror to mirror, which was nice since my mirror shattered when I was fifteen long before I met the Twilight you know of. Eventually, I figured out which one she came from, and so I'm here to visit."

"What was your mirror like before it broke?"

"A land where no one laughed, where no one played, where no one had any friends at all," I said softly. "It was a very sad place to live. And then it broke, it's still there just empty and no pony is left save me."

"Do you have friends now?"

"I do, Princess Twilight happens to be one of them."

"How did your mirror break."

"Well, I'm a Mirror Twilight right?" At the little one's nod. "Well, Mirror Celestia wasn't as nice there as she is here. In this Mirror she's a very good pony. In my mirror, she was a very bad pony. She did not like laughter, she did not like to let anyone play, she did not like friendship. So she outlawed it. And when we all said no. She broke the mirror." I leaned down and gave the filly a nuzzle. "You are very lucky to live in a mirror where she is a nice princess and not an evil empress."

"Mirror Celestia won't come here will she?"

"Nope... When she broke my mirror I broke her so she couldn't hurt anypony ever again."


"The Elements of Harmony, are a lot more powerful than anypony thinks," I smirked sitting up and glancing down at my belt and giving her a wink. The filly looked puzzled before her eyes widened as she saw the Element of Magic on the buckle. "If there isn't any good left in you, then there won't be anything left when they all are used."

"But Princess Twilight and her friends used them and they didn't do that."

"The Elements of Harmony have emotions just like you or me. It's what allows them to bond with ponies. It takes a lot to get them angry, and they were very very angry at Mirror Celestia."


"She made a promise to them, and broke it."

She paused a moment before looking at Princess Celestia. "Did you make a promise to the Elements?"

"Yes I did, a very long time ago," Celestia admitted. "It was to be Kind, Generous, and use my Magic to help more than I harm. There have been times when it's been very hard to keep that promise. But there were always good friends who helped me."

"Promises are that important?"

"Yes which is why you shouldn't make a promise you do not intend to keep," I smirked. "The Storm King learned that the hard way. He promised Tempest Shadow he would give her a new horn, had he kept it. Then he would have won, the moment he broke it, however."

"He lost." Celestia finished.

"What happened to her?"

"Tempest?" At the filly's nod, I smiled. "I helped her fix her horn and she works for me now. I like the ponies here, so if another invasion happens I will find out as it happens rather than after the fact."

"Do you think there will be another one?" The mother asked this time.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum," I spoke after a moment of thought. "It's a saying from the mirror I currently make my home."

"What does that mean?"

"If you want peace, prepare for war." I gestured toward one of the Guards. "It's why we have ponies like that one. Another saying is 'Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst'."

"So your hoping there won't be one but preparing in case there is one?"

"Indeed, I don't doubt Princess Celestia, or Luna are doing the same with their respective Guards."

"We are." The white Alicorn admitted. "However the exact details are classified."

The small family smiled before they departed. More ponies came and left and I just lounged on the cloud. Eventually, the tedium that was Court ended. Before I had a chance to do anything my cloud and I were tugged along by Celestia as she made her way from the throne room.

"How are you doing Mirror?"

"Tsk." I just rested my head on my hooves. "Well enough. What time is it anyway?"

"Almost time for dinner, Luna should be up soon."

"Hmm.." I sent a text to Sunset to ask her about what she and Twilight were currently doing. Only to chuckled at the picture I received in return.

"Something amusing?"

"Oh, just the current state my Twin is in." At her arched brow, I explained. "Due to the spell, I made this morning I took her under my wing to make sure she doesn't turn learning about sex into a full-blown Research Project."

Celestia actually stumbled slightly before sighing. "That would have been a complete disaster."

"Mmhmm. So made her my Play Pet. And after a while managed to get her into a very special suit."

"Just what does it do?"

"Well, it's made entirely out of rubber. Fits her like a second skin, and if I tap this." I tapped a specific app. "Then this." And activated the suit's hidden toys. "It makes her feel very good. It's enchanted so it will fit her regardless of what form she is in. It can turn invisible. And she can't take it off herself."

"I assume you can?"

"Yes, and eventually I will, however, it helps in a game I'm playing with her. She can stop any time she wants but so far she doesn't want to." I smiled. "When I left for my lesson with Dash. She was pretty much laid on the bed with Sunset preening her wings to the point she needed the gag herself to keep quiet."

"I want to see this suit."

"She and Sunset are currently still where I left them in the Guest Room I've been using."

I tapped the setting again turning off the toys, then messaged Sunset to have Twilight gagged and masked. That Twilight was to be properly seated as best she could be as a pony when I arrived. Celestia and I arrived a few moments later. I finally dispersed the Cloud before heading into the room with Celestia following me.

The sight that greeted us was just perfect, Twilight knelt leaning back against Sunset whose forelegs were wrapped about her barrel. Her head tilted back against the unicorn's shoulder as Sunset slowly licked her neck right where the suit ended. Her entire body shined in the room's light due to the latex encasing her. And we could hear muffled whimpering moans escaping through the gag beneath the mask.

Celestia came to a surprise stop at the sight of her two former students in such an erotic position. "Hello, Pets did you two have fun while I was away?"

"Oh yes, Mistress," Sunset stated before giving Twilight's ear a light bite. "It was fun playing with a much more submissive version of you."

"Just what kind of suit is that?" Celestia finally spoke causing Twilight to jerk in surprise and straighten up so she could see Celestia standing right there. I found the waves of embarrassment coming from her amusing.

"Latex Bondage Suit. As much as it embarrasses her, she is still very much enjoying wearing so far. Given there is no danger, no crisis to resolve, she can let out another side of her. So long it's with those she trusts." I came to a stop next to the pair and stroked a hoof through my counterpart's mane. "Notice as embarrassed as she is having you see her like this, she isn't moving to any other position."

"Just how enjoyable is that suit?"

I hummed a moment. "I could show you if you like... But that would mean having you put one on yourself." Finding myself actually liking that idea. "In order to get it on, I'd need to temporarily shift you into a human form. It's how she got into this one. Then shift you back to normal once you're fully dressed in it."

She blinked before looking at me. "Did you plan to try and get me into something like that?"

"No just thought of it now," I stated honestly. "Admittedly I do like the idea seeing you in your own version of that suit now that I have thought about it."

"But this.." She waved a hoof at Twilight's suit.

"Trust." When she looked at me again I spoke. "The game I'm playing with Twilight? It's all about trust. Yes, I will embarrass her like hay. I will tease her, I will push her out of her comfort zone. I will also make sure she is completely safe while I'm doing so. It ends the moment she tells me to end it. Right now she doesn't have any of the stresses of being a Princess. She's just Twilight in a really hot suit. No more no less."

I removed the mask to reveal her blushing face, then removed the gag before nuzzling my Twin. "If you don't believe me. Ask her." I then moved away and climbed onto the bed before laying down with a sigh.

"Twilight are you alright?"

"Very embarrassed right now but otherwise fine." She replied while Sunset continued to hug her. "I do wish I had been warned that you'd be coming."

"You'd have had the suit invisible," I commented from the bed. "She would have noticed you squirming fairly quickly I think."

Celestia sighed softly before sitting down on a nearby cushion. "This is not how I imagined things might turn out when I learned of Mirror."

Twilight shifted position causing Sunset to release her before my counterpart made her way over to her mentor and hugged her. "I don't think any of us expected this."

"I sure as hell didn't plan any of it. The only reason for this visit was to let my girlfriend visit the closest thing she had to an actual mother. As the selfish bitch that birthed her doesn't count." Sunset smiled and joined me on the bed, soon I was the one being hugged to her. "Who just happens to be the non-evil doppelganger of my mother."

"Think of it this way Princess." Sunset began as she snuggled up under my wing. "You want to understand Twilight, either version. Both enjoy the same game if playing different roles. If you learn the game and play it with them. Then maybe you'll understand them better."

"And just whom would teach me this game?"

Twilight, Sunset and I gave the same answer in near perfect sync. "Luna."

Celestia looked stunned for a moment. "How would she know about this?"

"She is the Night Princess, her job as the Guardian of Dreams would have her exposed to every kind of naughty dreams a person could have." I listed the reasons why Luna would know the game. "These kinds of games are usually associated with a Night Theme. So they fall under her purview."

"You know, could have it so all four Alicorns in the Castle are in bondage suits," Sunset smirked from my side. "Celestia, Luna, both Twilights." She shivers. "Just the thought of you all in latex is hot as hell."

"Damn Sunset." I ground out as the image hit my imagination. Twilight and I in near matching suits, Luna in dark latex with Celestia in white. I couldn't help the groan that image caused. Given the way, the other me was blushing she was also getting hot due to a similar image.

"I know you want a connection with a sane Celestia." She murmured into my ear. "Just think of it as the twin thing only naughtier."

"You just want to see me in latex," I muttered back even as she nibbled on the base of my wing. I glanced at the clock before tapping at a setting causing Twilight's suit to turn transparent. "Let's go get dinner, Luna should be up by now."

A whimper escaped as my tongue slid along the horn disrupting Twilight's attempt to use magic. I smirked at her picking up the bit of food she had tried to lift with her magic before pushing it gently into her mouth. She was currently sandwiched between Sunset and I, at the table where we had shared breakfast with our hosts that morning.

Luna had indeed been up, and the sisters had already changed Day into Night. And all of us were together enjoying dinner. My twin was currently being restricted from using any magic or her own hooves during the meal. With Sunset and I alternating who would disrupt her instinctive use of magic with our tongues on her horn, and feeding her each time she was ready for another bite.

"So a beam of light shot by within inches of thy flank, and then Mirror inside a cloud used it to pull herself into the Throne Room?" Luna asked with clear amusement as Celestia filled her in on the events of Court.

"Yes Luna, it was quite amusing to see. A cloud with only the barest tip of her horn poking out. Apparently, she wanted to get away from Rainbow Dash that badly but also didn't want to actually move from the cloud."

"I spent most of the time crashing face first into the dirt in my attempts to learn how to cloud walk," I stated in a dry tone after swallowing my own food. "However while I may enjoy pain, I just reached a point of enough was enough for today. Picked the wrong door to flee through and ended up tuck with my Cloud in your Throne me on the cloud or the rest of the day."

"Mine Sister, are we to expect a damp cushion this evening?"

"No, I left enough clearance so your Throne didn't get wet," Sunbutt replied with an amused smile. "She also gave me an excuse to kick out all the Snobs for today. Admittedly I'll have to smooth over quite a few feathers at some point. But it was nice not having to deal with them for once."

"I still think you should implement the ban. The man reason someone ends up a Snob is that they believe they are entitled to be. If you make it so being a Snob causes them to lose their privileges like say access to you or Luna. Then they are possibly more apt to start doing what those other Aristocrats I pointed out were doing."

"What were they doing?"

"What one of their positions is supposed to. Using their wealth, power, and influence to help those in need. Even if they have an annoying attitude at times, they are easier to tolerate then self-centered plotholes." I grimaced. "Especially for a Telepath when you have a massive number all in one place."

Luna leaned over and nuzzled me sympathetically, which I was more than happy to return. "Must have been bad indeed if thee managed to get mine Sister to kick them out for the day."

"Aloud she spoke of how Snobs were executed as useless wastes of time and space. Privately to my mind, she told me that while wasting my counterpart's time was, in fact, a Capital Offense. That they were giving her a migraine, and that they tended to kill each other off in the Imperium." Celestia sipped at her wine as she spoke. "And considering I had just made her join me for Court a short time before. I had those she had pointed out as Snobs removed."

A surprised squeak drew all our attention to Twilight, Sunset had apparently finished her food. Then turned to really snuggle up with my Twin. Her forelegs wrapped about Twilight's barrel while she nibbled on one ear. My newest Pet was blushing up a storm but did not pull away. "So when are you going to share my latex idea Mistress?"


"Sunset thinks all Alicorn Princesses in the Castle should prance around in tight form-fitting rubber suits. Much like the invisible one Twilight is wearing right now." I answered with an amused chuckle.


My cellphone found its way toward Luna, on the screen were two images. Both of Twilight, and both showing her in the full suit. The only difference was one image was her in human form, and the other being her in pony form. Luna's eyes widened at the images with a blush appearing on her cheeks. "As you can see she looks quite hot when it's visible and when she's wearing the gag and mask that go with it."

"It was quite a shock seeing her like that," Celestia spoke with a light blush of her own. "And another when they all said you would be the best one to teach me about the Game they are playing."

"Which game?" Luna asked before looking at me.

"Due to the spell from this morning, I claimed Twilight as my Play Pet. I should be able to steer her to avoid making learning about sex a full-blown Research Project. Which would be bad if she gave in to our 'MAD Science!' tendencies."

"Truly it would." She nodded in agreement. "I assume she can end the Game anytime she wishes?"

"Yes Princess, I can," Twilight answered herself even as I leaned close and licked her blushing cheek. "I've never been so embarrassed, but it's kind of fun."

"When played correctly it can be." Luna agreed before turning to her sister. "Yes mine Sister, I know which Game they play well. Enough so that I am very tempted to try one of these rubber suits myself."

"You would need to pick who would be able to take it off you," I commented while snuggling my pets. "Since once on the only part you'd be able to remove would be the gag and mask." I hummed thinking it over. "If Celestia got one too then the ideal set up would be. You being able to remove each other's suit."

"And how would we don these?"

"Well, the spells Twilight gave me last visit. Turn you human long enough to pull it on and seal you in. And then shift you back to normal." I paused a moment. "However given your connections to the Sun and Moon it would be best not to have both of you human at the same time. Your magics are still there but your horns wouldn't be."

"We only truly need to use our horns when we are changing Night to Day or Day to Night. Tis easier to have everything else set to run itself." Luna explained after a moment.

"Didn't know that," I admitted. "I take it you want the suit then?"

"Yes... And mine Sister is the one able to take it off as thee suggested my dear naughty Niece."

I nodded before retrieving my phone and then gesturing at her regalia. "You'll need to take those off then stand where I can get a good full body scan of you."

The items in question were soon set on the table, with her moving a few steps away from it. I took first the scan of her as her self, then hit her with the spell to change her twice. This allowed me to get scans of her as one sexy morph and as a distinctly nude human woman. She had stumbled slightly at the shifts in balance the first change had caused but managed to maintain her feet.

"It feels a bit colder." She commented after a moment.

"That's the lack of coat to keep you warm from the breeze coming in through the windows," I explained while setting up for her suit to be made and delivered. "Now will I be doing the same for you Sunbutt?"

"Sister, how are you feeling right now?"

"A bit more chilled than normally. I can feel my magic just under my skin, yet don't seem to be able to access it."

"That is normal, the human body defaults to no magic use. You need specific training and or items to be able to access magic safely." I explained while still looking at Celestia to see what her decision was.

Luna also gave her a look and after a moment she sighed. "Fine, I will try it." She removed her own regalia and moved to stand next to her currently human sister. I repeated the process, only to freeze at the sight of her as a morph.

"Something wrong?"

I turned to look at Sunset who had also been staring. "Are you seeing a MILF too?"

"She is definitely a MILF."

I then turned back to a confused Sunbutt and a very amused Luna. "Nothing wrong at all just surprised."

"What's a Milf?" Twilight asked from between us as I finished the process of getting the scans.

"It means Mother I'd Love to Fuck," Sunset explained to my twin even as I focused on setting things up. "It a compliment to how hot Celestia looks like a morph or human." Her words had both Celestia and my Twin blushing.

There were a flash minutes after I had completed and on the floor were three suitcases each labeled with a Cutie Mark. Celestia's, Luna's and mine. I moved away from my pets after shifting myself to human and removing both my belt and bracelets. From the smile Sunset had she realized that I would be in latex soon as well.

"I'll be showing you two how to get into one of these." I knelt down next to the one for me and opened it. "Now unlike with Twilight's yours both have some optional extras that she isn't ready for yet." I pulled out an anal plug. "While I will be wearing them, you can just leave yours in them in the case or not as you choose."

"What is that?" Twilight asked coming over to look anyway.

I pulled out a tube of lube and began to coat the toy. "Anal plug, to put them here." Once it was sufficiently slick I bent forward so that Twilight and the Sisters could watch as I slowly inserted it right into my ass. "Reason I left it out for you... Ahh... Is these can hurt.. if you don't insert them properly." Once it was firmly set in place I pressed the stud that caused it to inflate inside me, drawing out a moan.

I pulled out the dildo next. "This one... Goes into the other hole." I started rubbing a bit of lube on it. "It's called a Dildo." I purred out before slowly inserting that into myself as well. I bit back a few of the moans, especially once I inflated it. I gave Twilight a deep kiss before murmuring. "Don't worry Pet once you're ready I'll be plugging you up just like this too."

I smirked at her blush before rising to my feet and pulling up the body suit that looked identical to the one she had. I looked over at the Sisters and smiled. "This is where Twilight started, and where you will start if you don't want to use the plugs." With a very slow wiggle, I began to slide into the tight form-fitting bodysuit. Pausing only long enough to hit Sunset with the counterspell so she could pull up the zipper and seal me inside.

"The color is an exact match for my coat when a pony or morph." I caressed a hand over the Cutie Mark printed on the suit at my hips. "And it feels as if my skin is now made of rubber while wearing it." I pulled out the first boot and made a show of stepping into the foot before zipping up the side. Careful to make sure it was smooth as possible once finished.

Each glove worked the same way, slip my hand in then zip up the side to passed my elbow. Then with Sunset's help, I pulled back my hair and started put it onto a long braid down to the middle of my back. "There is also more than one mask you could wear. And yes I'm skipping the gag for now."

The first mask I picked up was the one I had Twilight end up with, covered just my face and was featureless save for the eye and nose holes. "This is the simplest one and what I gave my Twin. Lets you see while hiding any expression that doesn't involve the eyes." I set it up and picked up another. "This one is the same save it covers the entire head. And there are versions where the mouth is exposed as well." I slid it on without sealing it. "I didn't think you'd put this one on yet Sis."

"No, I don't think I would have."

I pulled it back off before pulling on another that only had nose hoes while leaving my mouth uncovered, leaving me unable to see. "This one leaves the wearer completely dependent on someone else. Someone you trust quite a bit." I then removed that one as well. "There are also full cuff sets in your cases. So if one of you wants to tie the other up you can but I'm not going to demonstrate those now."

"So which one first?"

Luna smirked before giving her sister a push forward. "Tia most definitely. I would recommend she wear the plugs too."

I slid over to where her case was before opening it. "So Tia, it's up to you if you wear the plugs or not. Regardless what Luna wants." Like when in Court I refrained from calling her Sunbutt aloud. "If you want to wear them. I'll have to hit you with a hygiene spell."

"What spell would that be?"

"Instant Enema. Basically cleans your back door completely in a second. Without the mess, a normal one would cause."

"Why would the normal one make a mess?"

"Well, it's where you take a tube, push it in then flood you with a liquid meant to clean you out. You would have to hold it in for awhile before then having to really use the bathroom." I paused at the green tint that appeared on her face. "The spell just vanishes everything in there. My body is optimized to the point I don't produce any waste at all. So I'm always clean unless someone else makes me filthy."

"Why make a spell like that?"

I glanced at my Twin. "Because not everyone gets that optimized and I really really don't like the stuff that ends up in there. So spell to eliminate the issue."

"Don't tell me there is porn for that."

"There is." I shuddered. "There are individuals who like playing with that stuff, I'm just not one of them." I sighed before looking at the MILF in the room. "So yes or no on the plugs?"

"Are they enjoyable?" She asked after a moment.

"Takes a bit to get used to them but yes very enjoyable."

She glanced at me, then a widely grinning Luna and back before sighing. "I'll try the plugs."

"Alright to do this properly." I blushed now. "You are going to well... Have to be in a position very similar to what you'd assume to present yourself to a Stallion." I glanced about. "Unless you don't mind them watching you may want to dismiss the guards and staff from the room."

Celestia ended up with a nearly full body blush. "Yes please everypony who isn't a princess or Sunset... Out. And please lock the doors behind you." She waited until all the guards and servants departed and we heard all the doors locking before she with Sunset's help ended on her knees. "Thank you for the warning."

One she was correctly positioned I moved behind her. "Here comes the hygiene spell. You'll feel a bit of tingling until its finished." At her nod, I cast it and waited a full minute for it to do its thing. "Now there is only one real way I know to stretch you enough for the plugs that don't feel uncomfortable."

"What way?"

My hands slid up her thighs as I leaned close before pulling those cheeks apart. "Oh, you'll find out, trust me though it does feel really good." I could definitely say that this wasn't Daybreaker, Celestia was a lot more trusting and willing to put herself in a very vulnerable position. I didn't give any warning before burying my nose between those cheeks as I gave her a lick from the top of her slit all the way to the pink rosebud.

"Ahh... Mirror?!?"

I didn't answer instead I started to focus on her folds while Luna moved to hold her in place. "Relax mine Sister. The other methods are nowhere near as enjoyable as what she has chosen to gift you." I had to admit she tasted very good, as my tongue teased and parted those tight folds. I smirked when she finally started to give out moans before plunging my tongue deep into her. Teasing and twisting it in and out pushing at the tight velvet walls that had for so long gone unattended.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sunset nibbling on Twilight's neck as the blushing Alicorn watched me ravish her mentor with my lips and tongue. Luna was definitely enjoying her sister's reactions to my ministrations. It was only once Sunbutt was completely soaked her body shuddering after a climax that my fingers started to get involved.

Pushing in and working them to spread her open more, finding and teasing the nub which caused the greatest reactions in her. Then with my tongue coated with saliva and her juices, was pressed against that rosebud and start working its way in. So long as my partner was clean, this was something I actually enjoyed doing. For several minutes I fucked my second mother's counterpart with my tongue in her ass and my fingers in her sex.

Eventually, I snapped up the dildo and pushed it into her while my tongue kept working to widen the other hole. Once inside, it inflated to fill her fully. The nice thing about this one was it had been sized specifically so it would fill every inch of her. And once she was a pony it would make her feel as if she were being stuffed by a Stallion. Once I deemed her ass sufficiently loosened I pulled back. Allowing her a bit of a breather as I picked up the plug and began to thoroughly lube it up.

"Mm... Mirror.."

"Yes, Tia?"

"Just.. what was.. that."

"I take it because of the dry spell you never got eaten out before?"

"No.." She was blushing even as Luna giggled.

"That was oral sex, got you wet an relaxed enough for the dildo and this plug," I stated as I teased the tip against the hole it was to fill. "Now I'm going to put this toy in this delicious ass of yours. Please don't tense any of the muscles or it will hurt even with all the prep I just did." At her nod of understanding, I slowly began to work it into her. Taking my time to do this right both so she wouldn't be hurt, and so that it would plant a seed in Twilight's head. One that would eventually grow and make her curious enough to want this too. Once it was seated in place fully, I pushed the stud to inflate it to fill her even more full drawing a moan from her in the process.

I caressed my hands down her back, leaning over her before I whispered into her ear. "Well does Mommy need a break and I get Auntie all plugged up or are you able to continue?" She glanced at me in surprise. "After this, I can definitely say you aren't Her," I whispered again before she had a chance to ask.

Her eyes softened a bit as she processed those words. "I think... A breather please."

"Well then," I smirked and turned to Luna. "Now it's your turn to assume the position, and Tia can hold you down."

She squawked in surprise as I knocked her over, but was quickly in the same position as Celestia had just been in. And Sunbutt did manage to move so she could sit and hold down Luna. Much like with the Sun Princess I hit her with the spell that thoroughly cleaned her without mess or fuss. While using the spell in my own mouth as well. I found she wasn't nearly as tight as her sister had been, and had a distinctly different but no less good taste.

And while I didn't need to work as hard to stretch her, I gave her just as much attention as I gave Celestia. Lapping, suckling and spearing her with my tongue and fingers. Before stuffing her with the dildo and plug form her own case. A glance at the other pair in the room showed Twilight in human form sitting in Sunset's lap while the bacon haired girl rubbed between the lavender thighs. The other hand holding Twilight's chin making sure that she had watched everything.

"So Tia ready for your suit?" I asked moving to pull out a pure white latex suit that had her Cutie Mark on it after giving her a bit of time to cuddle with her sister.

"Yes, I believe so."

"Alright, the insides are these are pre-oiled. So they should with a bit of work just slide on." I showed them the zipper. "This must be in back, as the suits are molded for your bodies and will be uncomfortable if you put them on backward."

"I notice no slits for wings."

"It is enchanted to adjust to your form at the time. So if you don't have the wings there is no slit for them." I smiled softly. "Basically one of my roommates back home is just as crazy about fashion as Rarity is. She also happens to be a Fairy. Which means very small but very magical creature. She is the one who enchanted these so you can wear them all the time if you want and no one will know."

I held the opening of the suit while knelt in front of Celestia. "Now it's easiest to step in like I demonstrated before." She nodded and slowly got to her feet and stepped into the suit, waiting until I had adjusted the fit of the first leg on her calves before stepping into the other leg. Carefully I pulled the material up her legs and over her hips. My fingers caressing the material to make sure it was in place and there would be no air pockets.

I actually cupped her sex at one point to make sure that particular zipper was properly placed. I helped her get her arms into the sleeves, the latex ending at her wrist leaving her hands bare for now. It took a moment to get those natural Ds into the curved cups of the suit. Those zippers were very carefully concealed. "Luna mind doing the last step? Pull up the zipper on her back and seal her into the suit."

Celestia had been blushing the whole time, but it increased as Luna grabbed the tab in her teeth and tugged it up. She had not been idle while I had helped Celestia, she had her own suit on mostly correctly. And took me only a few moments of pressing and caressing at the suit to get it as smoothly fitting her as the one on Celestia did. Amusingly as a human, her breasts were the same relative size as my default Cs. Celestia was the one who took the tab in her teeth and pugged it up to seal Luna into her suit.

Rather than black like Luna's, or dark lavender for Twilight's and mine, Celestia's boots and gloves were golden yellows in color, and it took but a moment to get them on and zipped up both women. "Now be careful as you walk, the heels aren't all that high but you need to be careful to not twist your ankles. In pony or morph form you don't have to worry about them. Now, do you want the gags and masks on now or later?"

"Methinks we should wait on those for now," Luna stated after sharing a look with her sister.

"Then mind walking around so I can take pictures for the one who made them?" That they nodded to and took both pictures and video of them walking around carefully on the four-inch heels built into the boots. Sunset paused playing with Twilight long enough to take some of all four of us like this.

This was repeated when I made us all into morphs and let them get used to walking around in latex covered hooves. The heels I as I said disappearing once we had hooves. And the impromptu photo shoot resumed once all of us were ponies once more.

"So what do you think of the suits?"

"This is surprisingly comfortable," Celestia answered after a moment.

I nodded before tapping my phone causing the all the suits to become invisible. "And when like this ponies won't know you are wearing them." I snagged their regalia off the table with my magic and placed them back on their proper owners. "However unlike me, you would need to remove them to clean re-oil them inside every once in awhile."

"Is there an instruction book or guide?"

"Yes in each case is a booklet of instructions on the use, care, and tips on the suits."

Luna gave a slightly wicked smile as she spoke. "Night Court is soon to start. So I will leave mine three Nieces to you, Dear Sister. Make sure you do not tire them too much once in your bed." She left leaving all four of us blushing.

"I feel I must apologize for my Sister's antics," Sunbutt stated a short time after Luna had left us. "She has always been something of a prankster." The three of us had been led from the empty dining room to her private chambers. Twilight was currently laid next to her one white wing over her in a semi-hug. Sunset was in front wrapped in the eldest Alicorn's forelimbs while running a brush through the unicorn's mane. To say that Sunset was enjoying herself would be a mild understatement.

I, however, was poking my nose around the room. One that was similar in ways yet different in others from what Daybreaker had in her bedchambers. "She had Laughter didn't she?"

"Yes, as well as Loyalty and Honesty."

I waved a hoof in dismissal. "Then I'll give her the same leeway I would give Dissy. So long as the pranking doesn't go too far."

"How much leeway is that?" My twin asked as I poked at one of the decorative carvings on the fireplace molding. There was a click and a section of wall next to it slid open. I poked my head through only for my pupils to shrink to pinpricks once I pulled my head out and slammed my hoof into that spot. Sealing the room of horrors I had found once more.

"I was all work, no play and didn't know how to laugh at all when I first met him." I slowly made my way to the other two and hopped onto the bed. I then immediately snuggled up to Sunset, taking slow deep breaths as I worked to calm myself down.

"Mirror are you alright?"

"She found where I keep my collection of stuffed toys." The white mare stated with a concerned sigh. "Unlike my counterpart, mine was made in toy shops or factories with fabric and stuffing from the start. Every time a new line comes out I end up receiving the first one as a gift."

"So.. many.. plushies.." I half muttered while breathing in my Pet's scent.

"I ended up with so many I need a room dedicated to just storing all of them." The brush started to go through my mane as she spoke to my counterpart. "My sister and I used a similar method to store things back in the Old Castle."

"I may... be able to handle being around Tia without freaking. But.." I sighed. "It's not easy especially when I spot things like that. Even if it's much more innocent in this world."

"I noticed you watching me like a hawk during Court." She replied with a giggle. "Though the bored manner in which you just lounged on that cloud before the filly showed up likely masked that from others."

"What happened?"

"Well, I placed Mirror's cloud over the seat of my Sister's Throne. A very curious little filly wandered from her parents as they chatted with me and climbed up to where Mirror was without any of us noticing until she asked why Mirror looked so much like you." The brush continued to run through my mane as I closed my eyes. "The story she told to answer her was worded like a foals tale that the little one could easily grasp."


"Yes, Her guard dropped completely while speaking with the filly." Celestia nuzzled Twilight. "For a moment she was all you. Patiently explaining to a young filly, I have no doubt if she had a either a white or blackboard she'd have drawn illustrations to go with it."

"Well.." I piped without opening my eyes or lifting my head from Sunset's shoulders. "Illustrations allow a much better way to transfer concepts than words alone. Course then the issue is simplifying things to the point they actually understand. I do have issues on that, but the whole Magic Mirror you can walk through made it much easier this time."

"I noticed you started calling her Tia. Why?"

I opened an eye to peer at Twilight, who was still in her latex suit, much like both I and Sunbutt were. Only Sunset wasn't in one at the moment. "Compartmentalization. Basically, I have a mental box I stuff everything involving Daybreaker into. Today I created a new box labeled Tia, it's helping keep them separate in my head."

"That doesn't sound all that healthy."

"Long term it isn't. Short term until I can work things out with a psychiatrist, it's helping me deal with stuff." I gave them both a wry smile. "I'm well aware of my many, many issues. And while my cybernetic brain may let me process things much faster than an organic one, there is only so much I can deal with at any one time."

"Just how fast?"

"Well, I don't become a blur unless I tap into Loyalty," I stated. "But my body would be considered a military combat model. Which means the peak of what a very fit Unicorn Soldier could do, before factoring in the boosts from being an Alicorn." I smirked at her. "I meant it when I said I at least twenty percent cooler than you."

"Ego much?"

"Better than being a nervous wreck all the time," I muttered in response.

I felt magic engulf me before getting tugged under the same wing as Twilight, ending with me up against her side. A moment later Sunset joined us leaving me and my Twin the filling off a sandwich with two mares who have Suns on their flanks on either side. The wing covered all of us while I felt Sunbutt rest her own longer neck over the backs of ours. My eye twitched slightly but I kept myself relaxed enough that soon I was laying in a pile of three sleeping mares.

Chapter 5: Lessons

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I let out a sigh as I sank into the mud up to my chin, after another failed attempt at flying. The lessons had been moved from the Royal Gardens to the lakeside near Ponyville. It made them both easier for Rainbow Dash to get to, and safer then say trying to jump off a mountain.

"Come on! Get up and try again. You made it one hundred feet this time."

"In a straight line," I muttered in response to Rainbow's words even as I pushed myself back up. The underside of my body was caked in mud from the various times I had crashed into the mud along the shoreline. It would likely have been a nightmare to clean it from my coat if I wasn't still wearing the latex suit while it was invisible. As it was I just had to make sure I didn't get any on my wings.

"Turns come later," Rainbow smirked at me as I trudged back up the hill that served as my launch point. "Right now is more about getting off the ground. Feeling the air currents with your wings and magic, and remaining airborne as long as possible."

"At least I haven't had a repeat of the first time I went hypersonic on my Board, yet." At her raised brow I explained. "Ended up slamming into a wall. Had to wait for somepony to come, reattach my arms and legs before I could move again."

"That had to hurt." Rainbow winced at the idea of slamming into something at those speeds.

"Yes, it did, in both a good and bad way." I shook my head before getting ready for the next attempt. "Thankfully I had a really good medical plan. So they were able to put me back together." I began to mentally adjust variables in my head, too much force or magic and I launched myself too fast and lost control and crashed into the mud. Too little and I ended up flat on my face in the mud again.

"You're overthinking it again." She commented no doubt using what she knew of Twilight to read my expressions.

"Not all of us are naturals at this like you," I responded without any real heat as the sound of something landing behind me was heard. Most likely it was Dash, watching as I stretched my wings out once more and gave a few test strokes with them. My nose twitched as I started to run forward toward the drop off that I would launch from.

"Hows her flying coming?" A distinctly male voice sounded causing an ear to flick back just as I gave the launching flap. My head turned slightly in my distraction causing me to see who had spoken. Wings came down and I ended up launched leaving behind hard winds as I noticed Thunder Charge in his armor.

Next thing I knew was that I was half embedded in a cloud. My eye twitched pulled myself slowly up on top of it before spitting out a wad of cloud stuff. A moment later both Dash and Thunder were settling down on each side of me. Dash snickering up a storm while I just blinked at Thunder. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"

"Do you two know each other?"

We both nodded even though it was Thunder who answered her. "Miss Fluttershy introduced us. As for why I am here." He then focused on me. "I was assigned to guard a very important pony while she is in Equestria."

"Who?" I asked dumbly.

"Why you Princess. Lieutenant Thunder Charge reporting for duty Princess Mirror."

I groaned and half buried my face back in the cloud to hide my reaction. "And how did you get that job?"

"As soon as it was announced I volunteered." His hoof lifted my head up by the chin revealing the blush that had appeared. "After all, I did offer to help you again."

"Help her with what?"

I glanced at him and he gave a small nod. "Rainbow Dash meet the Stallion that rutted me so thoroughly that I was left 'high as a kite' nearly all yesterday. And as a result, didn't Twiplode when I ended up face to face with Celestia." She blinked before eying the grey coated and black-maned Day Guard that was still holding my chin.

His answer to my statement was a very enjoyable kiss on my mouth before letting go and stepping back with a smirk. "So back to my earlier question. How is Princess Mirror's flying coming?"

"She was managing to get a hundred feet in distance," Dash smirked as well. "Though she seems to have set a new personal height record."

The altimeter in my vision read one thousand meters up. Showing just how startled spotting my new bodyguard had made me. I walked to the edge of the cloud and peered down. "Going to have to aim for the lake."

"Not good on landings yet?"

"The hoverboard I used tends to handle stuff like that automatically. All I had to do was shift my weight around. At least the suit will keep my limbs from scattering if they pop off."

"What suit?"

I glanced at Dash before with a shrug had Melody disable the invisibility of my suit. "This one," I stated impishly as they both took in the sight of my form clad in shiny rubber. "While not specifically a flight suit it has been helping keep the mud off me."

"Is that rubber?"

"Eyup, what are your flight suits made from?"


I gave a nod having my suit go invisible again, before stepping off the cloud with my wings spread. Soon I was falling even as my wings caught the air. No doubt the pair were darting after me as I dropped while aiming for the middle of the lake. My mind making calculation after calculation. Somehow along the way, however, I found myself overshooting my target. I had jumped off the cloud and ended up missing the ground.

Sadly the elation of actually managing to fly did not last long, as rather than ending up in the lake like I wanted. I ended up coming to a stop tangled up in the branches of a tree. I made a mental note to work on both my steering and landings. Ending up hanging upside down in a tree wasn't what I wanted at all.

"Are you okay?"

I blinked and looked to see a whole bunch of fillies and colts crowding around the base of the tree. Further examining my surroundings showed the sight of an actual red schoolhouse. "I jumped off a cloud and missed the lake I was aiming for." My wry tone drew quite a few giggles from them.

"Why are you so muddy?"

"Before she ended up face first into a cloud, she kept crashing into the mud a lot," Dash stated as she came to over by the tree.

"Hi Rainbow Dash!" All the foals greeted her with smiles.

She waved at them even as Thunder arrived and started to help extract me from the tree. I gave him a grateful look even as I sighed. "Yeah, flight lessons are tough."

"You managed a new personal best."

"I merely missed the ground until I collided with a tree." I half grumped. "I can't wait until I can learn how to actually steer."

One thing you have to love about pegasi and weather control, having one jump on or wring out a cloud over you is a great way to rinse the mud off even it resulted in you having a soaked mane. Another good thing is the school stocked towels, usually, to help dry off foals on rainy days.

"Thank you Miss Cheerilee," You smile while using the towel she gave you to dry off.

"Oh, it's no problem Princess." She returned with a smile of her own.

Rainbow was entertaining her fans with air stunts, while Thunder was nearby standing at attention. The cute part was a few of the younger colts were mimicking him. Standing there looking like adorable little puff balls trying to be Guards. "So this School has only one classroom? How do you handle a class with such an age mix?"

"Very carefully." She nodded with a giggle. "That and some of the older students like to help the younger ones. Some lessons can be taught regardless of age. Mostly, however, it's scheduling, really young ones I get earliest in the morning. With each age group coming for a class at different times over the course of the day."

"I assume your not the only teacher?"

"There are a few of us, I mostly handle the core subjects. We have other Teachers who specialize in helping students as explore as many possibilities as possible. Both for a well-rounded education and to help them find their Special Talents."

"I noticed a distinct lack of Casteless so you and your colleagues must be doing something right."

"Casteless?" She asked puzzled by the term.

"In my native world, we had a rigid Caste System based on Cutie Marks. Basically, if you became an adult and were still a Blank Flank, then you'd be labeled Casteless. Which was one of the only two methods that would result in a pony becoming a slave."

"That sounds horrible!"

"It was, my Nanny was a really sweet mare who loved taking care of foals. Sadly she was Casteless so once I was old enough to no longer require a Nanny, she was sold to another family."

"Did you ever see her again?"

"Once." I pointed at one of the teenage fillies that were in the schoolyard. "Crossed paths with her when she was taking care of that one's counterpart. I think she was six or seven at the time. Worst brat I have ever met."

"Diamond Tiara?" She named the filly after looking over. "She was something of one until recently. The Crusaders helped her stand up to Spoiled Rich." At my arched brow. "Her mother and sadly Head of the School Board."


"That obvious?"

I gave her a nod. "Your expression is one I have seen on those who've had to deal with Snobs and weren't able to just order them removed," At her look, I gave a sad chuckle. "Nopony can waste the time of ponies like a Snob."

"Oh, Celestia..." She nodded in full agreement. "For a time I was really worried Diamond grow up to be one. Thankfully though she has gotten better. Her father is now aware, and she only has to put up with her Mother for another year."

"She planning to move out?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did as soon as her next birthday hits."

"Well then," I gave an amused smile. "Let's help cement her new outlook." Handing the towel back to the teacher I made my way over to where the filly was currently with one of her friends. A grey filly in glasses that had a spoon on her flanks. They didn't quite notice me so engrossed they were on the whatever topic they were conversing about. "Diamond Tiara."

The pair jumped slightly before turning to me. "Oh... Hello Princess."

The filly seemed a bit nervous with my full attention on her. My face was currently blank of any expression. "You might be interested to know that I recognize you from my World. Though I never bothered to learn your name until today. Your alternate was the one of the few that stuck in my mind."


I nodded. "I only spoke to her once. That day I told her the following. Why would I want to even acknowledge a rude filly that refuses to learn even the most basic manners when I can chat with my old Nanny instead?" The filly's eyes went wide. "She has always been in my mind. The Brat." I then smiled at her. "So you can imagine my surprise at hearing such good things about you from Miss Cheerilee."

"I'm trying to be better than I was."

"That fact impressed me and I've decided to do this." I took a step back.

"Imperial Authorization Approved.
Restrictions on Level Four Release!"

The effect was instant, a spell array lit snapped into existence beneath me. My eyes lit up while my horn started crackling with power. Wings spreading wide as winds snapped up around me and every Element in my Belt also began shining brightly. To say that I drew the attention of everypony around me would be an understatement.

I could feel through my connection to the Elements, Harmony's amusement. As I began firing off a beam from both my horn and the Elements into a single spot above Diamond's head. Forming a sphere of pure raw magic, one that I definitely did not want to lose control over.

Slowly it condensed as I poured more power into it. Eventually, though it hit critical mass and a smoothly polished gemstone began to form. It was the same color as Diamond's eyes once it was complete, a simple silver setting formed on one side. A chain formed attached to the newly created amulet before I finally cut off the magic save for that which kept it aloft.

"Restrictions Restore to Level Five Lock!"

The array vanished and the winds subsided as I returned to normal. I then lowered the new amulet down around the neck of a very wide-eyed filly.

"What.. What is this?"

"A reward for choosing to become a better mare than your mother." I smiled softly as she took the amulet in her hoof to look it over. "It is also a Test."

"What kind of test?"

"What better way to test a pony than to grant them power and see what they will do with it." I leaned in closer. "That wasn't just made from magic it is also magic in and of itself."

She blinked before looking up at me. "What does it do?"

"Wishes," I said with an amused smile. "Each day it shall grant a single wish, with some restrictions of course. They can't be used to kill directly or indirectly. They can not bring back those who have died. And they can not bypass Free Will, or change the fundamental nature of a thing." She and her friend boggled at both it and myself. "Also it's linked to the Virtues of Harmony. So if you were to do something truly wrong, it will Prank you. At least until you atone for whatever you did."

"What if my mother gets her hooves on this?" She asked truly worried about the idea.

"These rules will apply to anyone who gets their hooves on it. However, it is also enchanted so only the wearer can remove it. After all, if you ever have foals you might end up wanting to pass it along someday." I winked at her. "So if your mother did somehow manage to steal it. She would be Pranked mercilessly until she returned it."

"What gave you the idea for this?" She asked in wonder.

"It was the Special Talent of my own Ancestor," I replied as I straightened up and folded my wings once more. "I hope you use your wishes as wisely as she did. Just be careful of the wording lest the wishes go awry." I then smirked. "So do you have an idea for your first one?"

She turned to her friend and there were rapid whispers between them before Diamond Tiara nodded. "I wish everypony had a tub of their favorite ice cream with a spoon so they can enjoy it."

My eyes widened slightly especially given I had set the spell matrix to treat the word 'everypony' as 'everyone'. There was a flash before a tub of ice cream appeared before everyone present. There was, of course, a spoon taped to the lid. "My that was quite the generous wish."

"Well thought everypony here would like some too." She replied as she picked up her tub.

"Ah, but you didn't say everypony here," I smirked snatching my tub up and opening. "You just said everypony. So every Sapient on Equus now has a tub of their favorite ice cream and the spoon to enjoy it with."

The filly froze as what I said sank in. I gave her another smile before turning to head to the other adults. Opening mine and taking a taste. Yum. It was quite literally the best ice cream I ever tasted.

"Oh, Goddess!" I couldn't help but moan as I lounged on Thunder's back, he was a very tall well-muscled stallion. Not much different from what I had seen of Applejack's brother in terms of size. As such my pony body could easily catch a ride like that. If I didn't mind the feel of his armor under me.

I was currently enjoying my tub, idly using magic to feed him his tub. The taste was such that I had only managed to keep my composure just long enough to get out off the sight of the school. My legs then gave out from the literal orgasm in my mouth resulting in my current position.

"You're really enjoying that aren't you, Princess?" He stated in amusement between bites of his own.

"My little addiction allows for two variants. Either Milk from a non-bovine mare, or cream from a stallion." I muttered softly into his ear. "My tub has both in it, and my tongue is sensitive enough for me taste everything."

"So any mare's milk could work?"

"Any but mine... But Stallions like you are both easier to find and milk." I smirked I nuzzled the back of his neck even as I took another bite and moaned again at the taste. "Though the ones as good in bed as you are really hard to find. Especially all natural like you are."

"All natural?"

"Before you, all stallions I ended up having to fuck were modified to enhance them to extreme levels." She replied softly as they passed through the streets of Ponyville toward Twilight's Castle. "Admitted back then if you had seen me on the street. You could have pushed me to a wall, pushed down any shorts I was wearing and then rutted me hard." He half-stumbled at the image and I smirked.

"And what if you hadn't wanted me to?"

"Mmmm. Wouldn't have mattered unless I had specific orders otherwise, I was considered public use when my Contract was in effect. And at the time I was under a geas that made it so I couldn't disobey nearly any order." I lightly bit his ear. "So if you had caught me back then, I would have really been your captive till you let me go."

He barely kept his wings folded at his side. "Princess you're making it very hard for me to carry you."

"Sorry," I blushed. "The semen in this is acting as an aphrodisiac for me. So I get high off it." I muttered back as I settled down once more.

"Not complaining." He said just as softly, after another bite from his tub. "Just very hard not to drag you somewhere and just rut you again." I blushed and spent the next few minutes just eating my ice cream and trying to keep the moans down. Eventually, though we were in the Castle and I pointed to where I could sense others.

"I'm not saying I'm not enjoying mine, I'm just wondering where these all came from." My Twin's voice sounded as we entered a room, with a large table surrounded by Thrones each with the corresponding Cutie Mark of the mare sitting in them. Only Rainbow Dash wasn't present as she was enjoying her time with the foals at the school.

"They are the result of a filly gaining access to a magical Amulet that grants infinite wishes. Surprised you didn't notice the magic surge just before." I spoke up as I took in the eerily familiar room.

"Dear Celestia! We are going to have to get it before something terrible happens." My alternate started to freak out slightly at the meaning of my worlds.

"TWILIGHT!" I shouted in a very firm tone causing her to freeze. "You will not attempt in any way attempt to take that amulet from that filly."

"Why not?"

"Because I gave it to her. It's perfectly safe, even if the wishes can go a bit awry due to poor wording. Nothing bad will happen as I placed hard-coded restrictions in when I made it."

"You made.."

"That surge was me making it before giving it to the filly as a reward and a test."

"Darling why give anyone, let along a filly infinite wishes?"

"She only gets one per day, and there are restrictions on what she can ask for." I then smirked. "It's not as if it hasn't happened before. After all the Twilight who walked with Rainbow Queen had that as her Special Talent. As for why? I just said it was a reward and a test."

"Which filly?" Fluttershy spoke up from her chair where she as nursing her own tub of ice cream.

"Diamond Tiara, for choosing to become a better mare than her mother is."

"And she asked for everyone in Ponyville ta get ice cream?"

"No. She asked for everypony to get ice cream. So every Sapient in Equus now has a tub of ice cream and the spoon to go with it."

"Every.. the magic needed for that..."

"Was provided by me and my Elements. Which links the Amulet to the Virtues of Harmony. And encourages good behavior in whoever has it." I had kept up feeding Thunder and as of yet had not gotten off his back. "Harmony was very amused by what I did."

Twilight finally started to relax. "So no crisis then?"

"Not this time." I then looked at the ceiling and asked. "Also could I have a lounge chair big enough for me and my new bodyguard to rest on?"

"Who are-"

The sounds of grinding were heard before a section of floor rose to become the piece of furniture I requested. "Thank you." I slipped off Thunders back before giving him a smirk and making my way to the seat.

"How the hay did you do that?"

"I didn't. I just figured since this looks like a smaller version of what I've seen before, that I might be able to ask for a seat." I settled down leaving enough room for Thunder to join me. Which he did before snatching his tub from my magic and starting to feed himself.

"So who is the Guard?"

"This hunk happens to be Thunder Charge... The Stallion that Fluttershy introduced me to. He managed to get himself assigned as my bodyguard while I'm here." At Fluttershy's look, I smiled. "And yes I cleared it with him before I started admitting he's the one who rutted me so hard." His wing slipped over my barrel as I watched them all blush. Barely containing the moan of pleasure as I had another bite. "So Sis, did you get Sea Salt ice cream?"

She nodded. "Yes I did is that what you got?"

"Not quite, I got Extra Creamy Semen Salt," I replied with a giggle.

"You're high again aren't you."

"A bit."

"And if you know any soundproofing spells I'll likely need them tonight," I commented with a blush only to pout as I noticed my tub was now empty. "So is this your War Room?"

"No, it's the Cutie Map room. Why do you ask?"

"It just reminds me of something I saw before is all," I said with a sigh before giving my twin a look. A moment later both our bodysuits became fully visible.


"Tell me, girls. If I or Twilight were to go out in public like this. What would be the reaction?"

Twilight, of course, blushed deeply while the others looked us over. Rarity was one the one who finally spoke. "Mm.. not much worse than a Wonderbolt's suit visually."

"Really? Hmm, Maybe I should put you in touch with Crystal then. You can help her design a version that doesn't need a pony to be put in a biped form to slip it on."

She paused for a moment. "May I assume that she is the one who designed the current ones?"

I nodded. "Yes, she is an expert on biped fashions, not pony ones."

"Wonderful, I would be delighted to share notes with her." She smiled brightly. "Also I managed to finish what you requested though it's still at the Boutique."

I smiled at her. "Thank you. Twilight can pick it up later. I'm giving her a bit of time off from lessons after yesterdays activities."

"Does that mean I can get out of this suit?"

"Nope," I smirked at her. "You still have a bit longer before I'll let you take it off." I actually had to suppress a laugh at the whine she let out at that. "Won't be too long since you will need to bathe and re-oil the inside after cleaning it as well. Unlike me, you still sweat."

"Thank goodness." She definitely sounded relieved before blushing. "It was embarrassing having to ask for help this morning."

"You now know where that specific zipper is. And it is one of the ones you can use your magic on."

She froze before looking at me. "Why.. why didn't you or Sunset tell me that?"

"You never asked." My twin thumped her head against the table. Much to everyone's amusement.

Getting Rarity in contact with Crystal had been a fairly simple affair. I needed to only lend her my phone, with the promise of her returning it before she left the Castle. And then have Melody set up a video conference with the two. I then, with Thunder in tow, fled the room.

I ended up curled up atop cushions, with Thunder's forearms and cannons wrapped about my barrel. A book open with pages flipping before my face, and him nuzzling my neck when not nipping at my ears. There were definite times I liked the effect my pheromones had on others. Having a big stallion curled up against me rather than standing Guard in a corner was a definite plus.

His helmet had been removed, though the rest of his armor remained in place. He was likely enjoying the fact he had an Alicorn Princess, who didn't mind having him pressed against her back, or his habit of wandering hooves. There was also the fact I had unzipped a specific zipper, pulled out a specific toy. And was snuggled up in such a way to hide the face his hard shaft was currently buried inside me.

I had forbidden him from moving his hips or thrusting, only when I shifted my hips did he have to bite back a moan. It would be not at all hard to guess I had a wicked smile on my lips the whole time. When I wasn't mercilessly teasing Thunder, I was reading. Using a variant of the spell I had used in the Royal Library, only one that skipped books I had already read copies of. I once again had a small train of books floating around.

I did glance up at the sounds of hoof steps on crystal floor, spotting a pair of mares entering the library. One had a slightly grayish coat and a main with from what I could tell two shades of purple and the rest aquamarine. However, it was the mare with her that caused my smile to drop from my face. Even with the addition of that ridiculous hat and cloak, there was no way I'd ever forget that face.

As they noticed us, I pointed a hoof at her. "Only warning, if you start that whole Great and Powerful bullshit around me I will turn you into a newt." I barely was able to keep the hostility from my voice. "And I will do so every time you utter those words around me. As long as you accept that then I can ignore your presence."

The mare in question recoiled even as the other one moved in front of her. "May I ask why you are reacting to my friend like that?"

"I assume you are my alternates former student?" I shifted my attention from Trixie to the other mare, at her nod I explained. "The last time I saw her counterpart, it was after she had her horn sliced off and was sentenced to a lifetime of hard labor as a slave on a rock farm as punishment for her crimes."

Trixie shuddered at the mention of the words 'rock farm'. "Trixie wonders just what did other Trixie do warrant that?"

My eye twitched at the mare's habit of speaking in the third person but it was a lot easier to deal with than her full ego. "Attempted murder, grievous bodily harm, and disfigurement of an Imperial Princess." I paused a moment. "In short, she tried to kill me, managed to serious wound me, and gouged out my eye."

"So she was sentenced to having her horn chopped off and became a slave on a rock farm?"

"That was actually the nicer punishment. The ponies wanted her publicly executed by slow incineration." They both turned a bit green at that. "So please for your own safety... no Great and Powerful Trixie antics around me. I will likely react before I realize your this world's Trixie and not mine."

The pair looked at each other before the mare in the hat replied. "Trixie thinks she can do that. It is, however, part of Trixie's act as a Showmare." At my arched brow. "Trixie is an entertainer, not a criminal... anymore." She admitted. "Trixie tries to keep her ego from getting away from her off the stage."

"We are both parts of the reformed villains club." The other mare spoke. "I'm Starlight Glimmer."

I sighed and leaned a bit more back against Thunder who had gone still during my little mini freak out. "You both can call me Mirror Flash. Sorry for my reaction but... Somethings still trigger flashbacks, and your friend's face happened to do so since I wasn't expecting to see her."

"And the Guard curled up to you?"

"This is Thunder, assigned to be my bodyguard and the only reason I just did not get up and attack Trixie on sight." I half murmured as I wiggled ever so slowly for a minute. "After all, he just so feels wonderful." He actually growled before biting my ear and giving a light thrust into me. I gave out a soft moan before kissing him deeply.

"Are you two.." The mares blushed as they realized just what I had meant.

"Am I getting slowly rutted while I read books?" I smirked as I looked at the pair. "That would be a definite yes." I found myself being rolled onto my stomach with him pinning me to the couch. A very hard deep thrust pushed me into the cushions. "Mmm... Seems being watched really turns him on too."

"Shut up and take it, Princess." He growled as the two blushing mares made their way out.

In fact, they were practically galloping in their need to escape their embarrassment. My moans chasing them from the Library even as I resumed my little book train. A wicked smile returning to my lips as I teased him even with this way. Thrusting my hips back against him even as I read the books, arching my back to invite more from him. I had wondered how long he'd be able to go before finally just snapping and taking over. Now I had the answer, my wings brushing up against him even as the last book went by.

My inner walls gripped at his length, juices coating it as I finally glanced back at him. "Ahhh... You know... Eventually, once she is ready... I plan to watch as you do this to my twin." The thrust I got was harder, telling me he liked that idea.

"Oh really?"

"Mmmhmm. Once she's willing to of course. Not a moment before."

I felt him flood me, stuffing me full with both cock and cum. His teeth biting into my shoulder before he growled into my ear. "Would not want her unless she wanted it."

"Same applies to my Pet. Though she knows I intend it, Twilight doesn't yet."

He chuckled before laying on me and nuzzling my mane. "So has she agreed?"

"Not yet, I'll let you know what she decides when she does."

He nodded before I felt him beginning to preen one of my wings. Well, the books were done, now to start on whatever newspapers Twilight may have stored here.

Sunset pulled her helmet off and ran fingers through her hair to straighten it before looking about as she dismounted her motorcycle. Of all the places to track her quarry to, Sunset did not expect to have ended up in a horse ranch of all things. Yet here she was in what Applejack had confirmed was considered the premier place to house your horse if you didn't have the land to do it yourself.

Dream Valley Ranch was not a place she'd expect find the Dazzlings. The place was bright, cheerful, several large clearly well-maintained stables. Even now she could see people moving about, caring for the horses, riding them, learning to ride them. And that was in the part that had buildings.

The lands that actually made up the ranch included the entire valley that it was in. Full of fields, woods, and large tracks of land ideal for horseback riding. Or even to allow the horse's chances to just run free during the warmer months of the year.

"Hello welcome to Paradis Es... Omigosh, Shimmy is that you?" Sunset started to turn only find herself half grabbed and spun to find herself face to face with Sonata Dusk dressed up as a farmhand. "Oooh, it is you!"

"Eeh... Hello, Sonata mind letting me go?"

The Siren blinked only to realize she'd been hopping down up and down excited while pulling Sunset up and down with her. "Oops... Sorry." She let go with a sheepish expression.

"I'm surprised you seem happy to see me."

"Oh more surprised than happy." She admitted. "Um, though I would avoid Dagi and Aria if you're going to be here for a while."

"So all three of you are actually here?"

"Mmhmm. We all work here."

"I'm actually glad to see you."

"Why? I mean, after everything that happened I wouldn't blame you for hating us, like at all."

"Well, Princess Twilight got some information that implied the three of you might have died after we beat you." Sunset paused as she noticed the amethyst gem hanging from Sonata's choker.

"Oh? That. Yeah, we nearly died... Till this really scary girl showed up, and I mean really really scary. Then dumped us here with a letter for Miss Williams, the nice lady that runs this place."

"I see, and that gem?"

"Hmm? Oh, this? The scary girl gave us new Hearts, cause we would have died without them."

Sunset froze for a moment at that. "So are those exactly the same?"

"Um. Sorta, still let us feed, just from... Different sources than before." The Siren blushed for some reason.

"Just what sources?"

Sonata actually went quiet for several moments before answering "Happiness and Lust." Leaving Sunset with no clue on what to think.

"Trixie cannot believe they were... Doing that right there!" The showmare was still blushing now that they had gotten far enough away so they didn't hear the moans coming from the Library anymore. They had intended to spend some time bonding over helping Trixie come up with a new twist to her act while Starlight studied a few tomes.

Starlight was also still blushing. "Me either. Though it did work in your favor."


"She was enjoying him too much to get up and attack you during her flashback."

"Ah yes. Trixie was trying to forget how much of a monster Other Trixie sounded like." She actually reached up and caressed her horn to confirm that yes it was still there. "Trixie does not want to imagine life without her magic."

"The other punishment sounded worse." Starlight pulled her friend into a hug. "I'm just glad she was able to realize you're you and not the other one."

"Me too," Trixie admitted as she returned the hug.

"She said she was giving me a break for a bit." Twilight's voice was heard as they entered the kitchen. Only to freeze as they saw their version in the same exact suit as the other one was in.

"Yeah that just means no new stuff, you still need to practice the current stuff." Replied a visibly collared Sunset Shimmer as she put together some sandwiches. "Remember one of the main points of the lessons is so you don't go all Research Project on it."

"Um, Twilight.." Starlight started only to pause as the pair turned at her voice. "What is with the suit."

The Princess blushed. "Due to a slight mishap yesterday, I'm stuck in it until my counterpart Mirror lets me out of it."

"Technically I could let you out of it too," Sunset replied with an amused tone. "But you look too good in latex for me to want to."


"It's the liquid from some plants that make up natural rubbers. Since Humans have so many different types they call this type latex rubber. Or just Latex if they want to be lazy." She then waved at the pair. "Hello I'm Sunset Shimmer and you two are?"

At Starlight's confused expression Twilight sighed. "Our time battle resulted in Sunset being twinned. One version made it here and stole my crown. You've already met her, this one though got shunted to Mirror's Equestria."

"Ah, so that's what you meant when you told her Time Travel and Portals do not mix well?"

"She told you that?"

"My Marefriend and I do not keep many secrets from each other." The bacon haired unicorn replied with a smile. "We may not tell each other everything, but we always tell each other anything that relates to the other."

"Are you aware that she is currently getting bucked by a Guard in the Library?" Starlight asks confused.

"Hmm? She has a few itches I can't properly scratch. Not to mention she wants that same Guard to rut both me and Twilight here at some point."

"WHAT?!?" Twilight gained a shocked blush as she heard that.

"You were still out of it when she mentioned in front of Celestia and Luna." She then held out one of the plates she made to Twilight. "Sandwich?"

"Trixie wonders why you seem so calm about this?"

"First she's my Mistress, I am legally her sex slave where we live," Sunset replied even as Twilight took the sandwich. "Second I've spent the last five years living in a Dimension that runs on Porn Logic. Even a year there will burn out any objections to the idea of having an open relationship. So I'd only care about my Marefriend having sex with other ponies if she lied to me about it."

"Trixie just has to hear the story behind this." The showmare moved to the table.

"Sure, either of you wants sandwiches too?"

"What are you making?"

"Daffodil and turkey bacon sandwiches." She replied with a smile. "Good taste with a very nice crunch as you chew."

"Alright, we'll try some."

Sunset smiled and started making a few more, even as she started to share the story of how she ended up Mirror's willing slave.

My eyes twitched as I stared at the headline and picture. It did not compute. To the point I slid off Thunder, pausing only to plug myself with the inflatable toy once again. A quick application of magic and I was zipped up before I teleported out of the library.

That single teleport became the start of an entire chain of me popping in and out of various rooms. Taking a second only to see if my chosen target was present or not before moving to next. I eventually found him, laying back on what was likely an extremely durable beanbag chair. A bowl of gems in arms reach, and an empty tub of ice cream next to that. There was also a bunch of comic books he was in the process of reading. The newspaper was shoved into his vision as soon as he looked up.


He winced even as my voice caused the very walls to vibrate. I have to admit to a little guy he can sure move when he needs to. He had my mouth clamped shut with his claws around my muzzle before I could continue asking more questions.

"Twilight stop! Take a few deep breaths," He admonished with a dry expression of someone too used to what happens when any version of me loses our calm. "First things first, the Changelings with likely only a few exceptions are not a threat anymore." Cautiously he removed the claws from my mouth.

"Not a threat?"

He shook his head. "Not since my buddy Thorax became their king." He pointed to one of the pictures that decorated one wall of his room. "That's him when he still lived in the Crystal Empire." The imaged showed a black chitinous insectoid pony, limbs covered in holes. With him is the young dragon next to me, and the Barnacle latched onto his neck and gnawing on his ear. Looks like I wasn't the only one she did that too.

I couldn't help but stare at the picture in shock however as he continued to speak. "Changelings are shapeshifters who feed off of Love. Until Thorax became their King, they were ruled over by a crazy evil bitch named Chrysalis. Under her, they constantly had to steal the Love they needed. She had them invade twice, the last time, however, had her ousted as Queen when the Hive chose to follow Thorax instead."

"Did she at least get killed or imprisoned?"

"No, she managed to escape before she could be captured. So she and maybe a few loyalists are still a threat but the rest of the Changelings aren't."

He pointed at another picture showing a whole bunch of very colorful bug ponies, they were no longer covered in holes. "He figured out how to stop the constant hunger his kind were subjected to. Since then they have been much more friendly."

"And the picture?" I stabbed at the paper with a hoof.

"That's Cadence, Shining's wife."

My eye twitched as several connections were made. Any further questions were interrupted by a knock. The door opened and my alternate poked her head in. "Spike? Have you seen Mirror? I heard her using the Royal Canterlot Voice a moment ago."

"Yeah Twi, she's right here."

"Oh good I.. EEP!" I snatched her in my magic and yanked her over to us. Pulling her into a very close and very tight embrace that had my chin resting against her shoulder. She was effectively straddling my lap as my hooves slid down to press against her flanks.

"Sorry for being so loud Spike," I stated even as I enjoyed making my twin blush.

"No biggie, I get you'd be worried about what happened."

I sighed and pulled him into the hug as well. "I am curious on what kind of relationship two have other than you being her Number One Assistant."

"Twilight Sparkle, no matter how crazy she gets, has always been my big sister." He replied enjoying getting hugged by two Twilights at the same time.

"Love you too Spike." She murmured nuzzling the top of his head. "What do you think of him Mirror?"

"Not sure, I do like the adorable little bringer of flaming death," I replied after a moment drawing a chuckle from both of them. "Not sure if I love him like a brother like you do."

"Yet." She restated firmly, at my arched brow she continued. "You don't love him as a brother yet."

"You seem sure I will come to like him that much."

"He's Spike, our little brother whether you admit it or not. He's been that ever since I hatched his egg."

"You hatched his egg and you didn't end up the Mom?" I asked incredulously.

"I was four at the time, much too young to be the Mommy to a Baby Dragon. Legally he's Celestia's adopted son."

"Prince Spike sounds nice but rather ponies like me for things I did." He commented. "Being Spike the Great is better than having respect only because of who my Mom is."

"Then using Luna Logic he really is our brother then."

"Oh?" The little dragon asked looking up from the hug.

"Daybreaker, the evil Celestia, adopted me as her daughter after my birth parents died. As such Luna has declared herself my Aunt." I muttered wryly to their answering snickers. "Which means you have even more sisters you haven't met yet."

"Are they nice?"

"If they like you, then they can be very nice." I looked down at him. "Hmm... So your about twenty-four then?" I his nod I gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "Then your nearly to your next growth spurt."

"Not another greed growth I hope."

"No just entering the next stage of a dragon's lifecycle." I then giggled softly.

"You know about dragons?" He asked really perking up.

"I know that in your next life stage you will be a bit taller, and start bedding any willing females you get your claws on. At least if your anything like the dragons I've seen."

He blushed deeply. "Really?"

"Well, your instincts won't care if they are willing or not," I commented as he pulled from the hug. "Just that they are females, it will be your sense of right or wrong that will determine which ones you end up with."

"So I'll have to check myself like with my greed." He thought it over before giving a nod. "Thank you for the warning, really would not want to experience a Lust version of Greed Growth."

"That's technically a defense mechanism to allow you to protect your horde."

"I don't have one." I arched a brow at him. He then spent a few minutes explaining the whole Greed Growth Incident. "To avoid Greed growth I gave it up."

I looked at him and snickered. "No, you didn't. To a Dragon, anything they consider truly valuable is their horde." I gave him a light boop on the snout. "From the sounds of it, you decided that Rarity was more valuable than any treasure. Which means she became part of your horde. Which means Twilight and any other pony you care for are also part of your horde."

"So by protecting my friends, I'm also protecting my horde?" He then looks down at himself. "Then why am I so small?"

"One your age in dragon years, two you don't need to be big to protect them. However, I would suggest collecting treasures anyway for a secondary horde."

"Why? That only caused trouble before."

"Because at the end of a dragon lifecycle, a dragon will always devour most or if not all of their horde." I paused to let that sink in. "Given I doubt you'd want to start devouring ponies one day. Having a secondary horde you can direct that urge on would be a good idea."

"That... That would be bad."

We both pulled him into another hug as I spoke. "In ancient times there was a dragon who had three hordes. One was ponies he was friends with like you, one was books much like Twilight and I collect. The final one was filled with treasures, of the three he only ate the treasures."

"Really what was his name?"

"The Great Wizard Spike."

"Wait there was another dragon named Spike?" He looked at me in surprise.

"Mmmhmm... As I told Twilight, he even had purple scales and green frills. So I would not be surprised if you were a many times great grandson of his. Pure luck in that you ended up with the same name." I smiled. "He also lived in peace with the ponies of his time and became a wizard to help protect them. At one point he was considered very wise, and very kind."

"Wish more dragons were that way." He muttered softly. "So far only Ember is nicer, but she doesn't always get it."

"There are more. They just aren't all that easy to find most of the time." I replied with a smirk. "Tell you what if I find one I'll direct them to come visit you."


"I promise." I let go of him. "Now I likely need to spend time in 'Girl Talk' with my twin, I assume you want to finish your comics?"

He actually shuddered at the words 'Girl Talk' before nodding. "Yeah, that would be nice. But thanks for coming to visit even if it started with you freaking out."

"Thanks for helping calm me down." My horn lit up and I teleported both myself and my twin to another room. We were in the air a moment before we dropped onto a bed.

"Not that I'm complaining but why are we in my room?" She asked looking around once we settled.

"Our room." I corrected while nuzzling her cheek. "I decided that Sunset and I will be sleeping in bed with you for the rest of our stay."

"Do I have a choice in this?"

"Yes, but are you really going to say no?"


I kissed her deeply and pushed her back onto the bed. Our tongues dancing for several minutes. Only to have an odd buzzing noise interrupt us. I sighed in annoyance even as I asked. "What is buzzing?"

Twilight, whose hooves had been caressing my flanks, responded with a blush as she glanced at her nightstand. "Sunset, the other one, messaged me?"

I followed her gaze to the book, that was not just buzzing, but also glowing and vibrating in place. I rolled to one side as Twilight retrieved the book with her magic before opening it. A look of relief passed over her features as she read it.

A few minutes earlier.

Sunset sighed as she entered her darkened dorm room. Her jacket got dropped on a hook and her helmet left on a stand as she made her way to her room. She tugged off her boots once in her room, followed by her pants. By the time she reached the bed, she was clad only in a tank top and panties. Slipping partially under the covers she snagged the Message Journal and opened it to a blank page.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I just got home after managing to track down what happened to the Sirens. They are indeed still alive, though from what Sonata told me they came very close to dying. I only actually spoke with her, since she warned me that her sisters would likely not be happy to see me. But she was able to confirm they are all currently okay.

They currently work as farmhands at Paradise Estates, which is part of Dream Valley Ranch. It's pretty much considered the place to house horses or ponies if you don't have the land to do it yourself. The place was huge and the equines there look very well cared for and clearly loved by the humans.

Thing is, those gems we destroyed during the Battle of the Bands? They weren't just foci for their magic, they were apparently required to keep them alive. According to Sonata, an extremely scary girl showed up, gave them new Hearts, what they called their gems, then dumped them at the Ranch with a letter for a 'Miss Williams' who runs the place.

Your friend,


An arm snaked about Sunset's waist pulling her further under the covers and into a kiss with a very sleepy if a beautiful young woman. She set the book aside before wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and returning the kiss. The kiss continued for several moments in which Sunset rolled atop the other girl and had her pinned beneath her.

A buzzing from the Journal interrupted them. "Mistress you probably should answer that."

Sunset groaned even as she eyed the collar the other girl was wearing. "So tempting to ignore it."

"Could be important, we can resume playing after."

Sunset rolled off the other girl and retrieved the book. Even as Twilight rose from where she laid and snuggled up to her back. "Still can't believe how lucky I am."

Hello Sunset,

My twin is a tad bit tied up at the moment so I'll be answering for her. She was very happy to learn that the Sirens are still alive before I snatched the Journal to write this. Given the information you have provided, I think I know why they are still alive. If the first name of 'Miss Williams' happens to be Megan, then congratulations on finding the current location of the Legendary Rainbow Queen.

The Ancient Protector of Ponykind who is the only one I know of who could use the Rainbow the Elements give off at full power and not have it kill unless she wanted it to. She is most likely one of the reasons the Sirens are still alive.

Now I'm going to go back to teaching my twin how to properly kiss her Mistress, which means this Journal will be locked in a soundproofed drawer until morning. Hope you have fun and rest well.


'Mirror Flash'

"Sunny, who is Mirror Flash?"

"A version of you from a World that runs on Porn Logic. She's currently visiting Equestria and apparently decided to play with Princess Twilight." She replied with a blush as she also put her Journal into a drawer before turning to her girlfriend. "Which means she's at least as kinky as you like to be."

"I see. Well, Mistress shall we resume? After all, it's my turn to be the pampered pet tonight." Twilight replied after several moments of thinking it over.

Sunset took her wrists before pinning her on her back again. "I love hearing you call me that Pet."

"Mmm... I love hearing you call me that too when it's your turn." The other girl responded before being silenced with a very deep kiss. Sunset was very happy she had agreed to be roommates with Twilight. Even if the college classes took up most of their time.

Chapter 6: Discovery

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Three weeks, that is how long it took me to be able to consistently miss the ground whenever I jumped or launched myself into the air. That time also was spent learning how to make basic turns and landings. At the moment I still favored water landings due to only needing a towel when I was done. My ground landing still needed a quite a bit of work, at least if I didn't want to leave furrows with my hooves.

Of course Tia, Luna, and Twilight ended up having to slip out of their suits after three days of wearing them. It took them a day to be properly cleaned and prepped for the next time they wanted to wear them. Twilight turned out to be very happy to remove hers.

Only to get embarrassed each time Sunset or I teased or kissed her. That was the level we kept it at with her. Teasing caresses or deep kisses whenever one or both of us were alone with her. The idea was to get her used to us touching her however we liked, and to allow her to practice one way of pleasing me. True it didn't get us off, but sharing a kiss with someone who knew how to properly do it? That was priceless fun, even more, when it's your twin whose tongue is dancing with yours.

"You want to what?" I arched a brow at Twilight as I rested in this time heated mud up to my chin. I had gotten invited along for a spa date with Twilight. She and I were currently soaking in a mud bath.

"You can fly with your own wings now." She stated after a moment. "Even if not perfectly. So your agreement with Princess Luna is finished mostly."

"Given I'm having to act as a charger for my phone, I'll have to head home soon anyway."

"And I would like to go with you when you do."

"That's what I'm not getting," I replied. "Why do you want to go there?"

"First I will get to meet your adoptive family, and second I'll get to see what that world is like firsthoof."

I slid closer, shifting until I was partially over her, nose to nose. "I'm not sure you realize just what you are asking." I half purred before kissing her firmly, smiling slightly as I felt her tongue dance against mine. "If you go there you will get fucked. Pinned to a wall while our Daddy does to you what he normally does to me."

She blushed scarlet at my words. "But..."

"Then there are my sisters. Each one of them would want to fuck you, but most especially Sweet Delight. She might even take her male form just to play with you." Her blush deepened as I whispered into her ear. "And that's just my family."

"And the rest?"

"You'd have to wear a collar marking you as my Permanent Pet at all times while there. And you'd have to wear what I picked out for you. Because there, a naked female walking around without a leash. Well, she's pretty much-asking anypony who sees her, to rut her hard right there in the street."

"Really?!?" She asked as I caressed her flanks, settling against her as we soaked in the mud.

"Mmmhmmm. So I'm going to have to say no to you going there for a visit this soon." I gave her another deep kiss. "You are nowhere near ready, Sunset and I have only kept to petting and kissing you. Until you are able to happily present yourself to a male and ask him to fill you with his hot spunk, you just won't be able to mentally handle the social norms there."


"So lots more Sex Lessons until you are ready," I smirked. "And Sis, your not allowed to present yourself to a male like that until after I have thoroughly enjoyed every last bit of you."

Still blushing she nuzzled my cheek. "So you are not, saying no visit at all."

"Just not right now." I then gave her a mischievous look. "Though I wouldn't object to meeting your version of Mom and Daddy."

"I doubt my version of Dad will fuck you." She said only to blush as she realized she actually swore. Only to gasp as I twisted my hoof just so. "Wha... What was that for?"

"Every time you talk dirty you get a reward," I replied after giving her ear a light bite.


"How many are in this room right now?"

She looked about before answering. "Just us."

I nodded. "You can be the proper Princess all you want in public, however when it's just us. You don't have to watch your language. We are effectively sisters after all."

"So just us?"

"And anypony you trust enough to accept you completely," I smirked. "Even I watch my language during formal events where I am required to act like a Princess."

"Why only then?"

"Because usually, I don't give a shit about what anypony thinks of me. You notice I only call Tia by her title when in the Throne room, and only when Court is in session." I paused. "One of the first things I researched was the Laws of Equestria. So I know exactly how far I can buck things without getting legal trouble."

"Oh? Why was that the first thing?"

"An example is, in Porno World the Age of Consent is lower than it is here. I won't say how low, but well in that world the Crusaders would be considered old enough to play." At her look, I shrugged. "I'm deliberately ignoring those three until their next birthdays when they turn eighteen and are no longer Jailbait."

"So glad you have ethics even if they are a bit twisted compared to normal." She muttered before kissing my cheek.

"I did notice however a distinct lack of one mandatory health class law that is in any Human World," I admitted. "So I am kind of worried about them having a substandard education one regard."

Twilight froze before pulling back. "What class is that?"

"The actual name is Biological Reproductive Processes and Diseases." I gave her a smirk. "Or more simply Sex Ed."

"Wait they teach Sex in schools?"

"No, it's pretty much a standardized version of 'The Talk.' At around fourteen they start making them aware of the biology of sexual reproduction, and all the risks associated with it if you don't do it safely. Or have a hyper-aggressive immune system like mine." I giggled at her. "They don't actually teach how to actually have sex, but they do give proper demonstrations of certain methods of protection using bananas or cucumbers as a stand-in."

"Even in Porno World?"

"No, they do it a bit differently there." I blushed. "But the idea is to let them know about it. As well as all known diseases. With the climax being usually watching a film of a female giving live birth. The hope is that they'll wait till they are mature enough, but if they decide to do it anyway. Then they will do it safely."

"And the lack of such a law?"

"Is worrying on so many levels. Why do you think I warned Spike about his next life stage? I assume he's already had the Talk?"

"Yes, he got it the same time I did from Mom." My twin blushed in embarrassment as she recalled that particular memory. "You really think such a law and class is needed?"

"Yes, I do. Not every parent or guardian of a foal can be relied on giving them the Talk."

The door opened and one of the employees stuck their head in. "Hello Princesses, is everything to your liking or would you care for any refreshments?"

I paused turning my attention to the mare before speaking. "I think I wouldn't mind something to drink, think it's time we got out and rinsed off before trying whatever they have in store for us next?"

Twilight after a moment of thought nodded. "Yes if you could have somepony come and help us rinse off that would be wonderful."

"Your usual drink then Princess Twilight?" At her nod, the mare then looked to me. "And you Princess Mirror?"

"While some of my tastes do differ from my counterpart, I think I'll at least try whatever her usual is."

"Very well Princesses. I will make the arrangements at once."

We had less than a minute to wait before a pair of attendants entered, helping to help us rinse and dry us before we found ourselves on massage tables. Sipping juice through straws. I let out a sigh and just relaxed under the skilled hooves of a professional masseuse.

"Please divide this evenly to all those who attended us today," I stated with a smile as I dropped a sack of bits on the service counter after Twilight had signed the bill.

The mare behind the counter eyed the large sack before giving a nod. "As you wish Princess, may the both of you have a pleasant day."

"You too," Twilight stated before the pair of us left the Spa. She glanced at me as we walked along the street. "It's nice to see you so relaxed."

"You say like that as if I don't spend time relaxed."

"I meant, relaxed where sex wasn't involved in some way." She nuzzled my cheek. "Not to mention I think you look better with your makeup like this." This being, my makeup wasn't the tones of black I tended to favor. Instead, the Stylists had gone for darker shades of lavender, closer to the color of my wings than I normally had it. She had gone lighter shades with her makeup, making us still look like opposites but a bit more subtly than before.

I muttered softly. "It probably wouldn't hurt to do my makeup this way more than one day." The next thing I knew was Twilight giving me a hug. One I ended up leaning into, even as I rolled my eyes. Hugs were quite literally one of the few weaknesses that I hadn't tried to eliminate in myself.

Growing up only one mare had ever risked giving me hugs as a filly, Nanny. She apparently ended up both an Alicorn Princess and married to my brother in this World. Her meddling counterpart had set up Sunset as my slave girl. This, of course, meant that I was very picky about who I let really hug me. My Twin happened to be near the top of the list of acceptable huggers, right after Sunset.

"Happy to hear that. Now if I timed things right then we will be able to meet a friend for lunch."

"Oh who?"

"Her name is A. K. Yearling." She said with an amused look at my lack of recognition. Still, I followed her to an outdoor Cafe, where we were soon seated with tea. Eventually, however, we were joined by a mare in a purple cloak, grey bonnet and the gaudiest pair of red glasses I've ever seen.

She had barely sat down after exchanging greetings with my twin before I spoke. "DeeDee, that has to be one of the most outrageous disguises I've ever seen any version of you in. And trust me I've seen quite a few doozies over the years."

The pair looked surprised, Twilight even pouted as it became obvious I wasn't fooled in the slightest. "DeeDee?"

"Well it's what I called my version, I think it was the second or third time I had trapped her that I started calling her that," I stated in amusement. "After all you never forget your first, truly worthy, Nemesis."

"WHAT?!?" Twilight eye twitched while I focused my attention entirely on the disguised Daring Do.

"So I take it my twin wrote you about my intent to track you down at some point?"

"Yes, she did," DeeDee replied with an odd expression on her face. "She seemed really excited about the idea of an alternate take on my books." She paused to give the waiter her drink order before asking. "So you were one of my enemies in your world?"

"Mmhmm... Seems you really got a bee in your bonnet after the first time we met." I tapped my chin a moment as I recalled the details. "You were posing as a local male trail guide, that I hired to help an expedition of mine. Given we were the only two females on the expedition I dragged you to my tent every night."

"Just what did you do to Daring?"

"That time? Nothing just let her sleep inside my Barrier spell. Admittedly she got ribbed like crazy by the idiots we were surrounded by who were too stupid to see that she was a mare, not a stallion." I said with a sigh. "She was quite literally the only source of an intelligent conversation I had on that little adventure."

"Just what was the expedition for?" DeeDee asked after a moment.

"Just some random trinket that the Empress wanted," I replied with a smirk. "At that point, I still idolized her and was one of her most loyal agents. However given the level of stupidity I tended to get stuck with back then, I tended to put DeeDee through some of the most amusing death traps I could devise once she made it clear we were enemies."

"Then why did you imply you were friends?!?"

"When did I do that?" I asked Twilight genuinely confused.

"When you said you needed her to find your Elements of Harmony and had promised to help her publish her books in your world." My twin stated clearly trying to make sense of things. "To the point, you were considering on having them published here as soon as you got her okay on it."

"Twilight just because I used DeeDee to find my Elements did not make us friends," I stated with a wry tone. "She from what I could tell utterly despised me. I found her various attempts at stopping me amusing as all hell, even when I ended up having returned to Daybreaker empty hoofed." I visibly shuddered. "Even with the punishments, I got as a result. I always left a flaw in my traps, and she never disappointed me by failing to find it."

"Then why did you make that promise to the other me?" DeeDee asked after a moment.

"She may have hated me, but I did not hate her. She didn't seem to realize I could see through her disguises, and enjoyed her antics to the point I never sent the Conformity Guard after her." I then gave the pair an amused smirk. "On my side of things, she was the closest thing I had to a marefriend by the time I made that promise."

"Wait are you saying that?"

"DeeDee was my first crush? Yes though I was too young to realize it then." The mare in question actually blushed. "Sadly it never worked out. Even after I turned on the Empress, she did not trust me at all. Not even the fact I was the only one able to even touch the Elements changed that."

"I tried to stop you from getting them didn't I?" She asked with a wry tone.

"Ended up zapped every time," I replied. "Laughter actually put you in a clown costume. The only time we actually worked together was to get into the Vault built around the Tree of Harmony."

"And you still have her journals?"

I nodded. "Yes if you like I can give you copies to read, though I personally have never read them."

"Wait you never read what she wrote?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Not a word, these were her personal Journals. Not the fictionalized adventures she writes here." I looked at my Twin. "There is a bit of difference between the two. One is her private thoughts, the other is what she doesn't mind the public knowing about."

"Thank you on her behalf," DeeDee replied after a moment. "There is quite a lot I tend to leave out of the books. I hope though you don't plan on taking up with me where you left off with her."

"Why would I? That was over a decade ago for me." I replied as our food arrived. "Before I ended up the Princess of War." At their confused looks I sighed. "In this world, Friendship is Magic, thus Twilight is the Princess of Friendship. In my world, War was Magic, as such, I am the Princess of War."

"You don't plan on starting any do you?"

"I never intend to start a War. I only do my best to finish them as quickly as possible." I started to eat my salad as the other two thought over my words. "In fact, I would be happy if I never had to step onto a battlefield again."

"What would have happened if you were here when we got invaded?" DeeDee asked over a hayburger.

"I would have been doing my best to kill the Storm Kings forces while extracting as many ponies as possible to this worlds version of Sanctuary."

"Still not happy you'd have tried to kill them." Twilight half muttered causing me to stick my tongue out at her. "But what is Sanctuary?"

"A hidden Fortress created by the Ancient Equestria before it collapsed into the Three Tribes," I stated after a moment.

"Ancient Equestria?"

I gestured around us. "This kingdom is at least the second attempt at Equestria that I know of. Ancient Equestria was a Republic ruled by a Senate before its collapse. I would not be surprised if the Founders picked the name from the records that remained of when the Tribes were last unified."

"How do you know this?"

"Sanctuary is accessed through a specific tomb. It's the part that doubles as a Time Capsule."

"It's where those books and portraits you mentioned are isn't it?"

I smirked at my twin. "Indeed. From what we could tell in my world, it's slightly out of phase with Equus."

"Where is it?"

"The Fortress is if I remember correctly directly over Mount Canterlot, higher than pegasi can fly."

"And the Tomb is the only way to access it?"

"The only other way is through a very specific teleportation spell."

The two mares looked at each other before Twilight asked. "Please tell us you know that spell."

"I do, why?"

"Simple," My twin leaned close. "If you aren't going to take me to visit your current home. Well, then you are going to take us to Sanctuary."

Anything I would have said was interrupted by a hug from Twilight. I sighed. "Fine. Just not right at this moment." The pair smiled even as the hug from my Twin ended. "Just be nice to the Caretakers when we get there."

"So somepony is living there?" DeeDee asked with a tilt of her head. "What are they like?"

"Yes, a race of adorable little fuzzballs called Bushwoolies. Though I have never seen exactly where in the Fortress they make their home." I answered with a fond smile. "They are however very friendly as long as you are nice to them."

I hummed as I created a temporary runic array in an unused room within Twilight's Castle. My Twin was off to the sides taking notes of everything as she and DeeDee watched me move the chalk to form specific runes and lines. "So what is this array for?"

I glanced at them a moment before looking back to the circle. "Anchor point will allow transit to and from the Fortress once complete."

"Wouldn't the chalk get scuffed?"

"Yes if I didn't use a spell to convert it into something a bit more permanent," I replied while making a last few markings on the floor before pulling back and carefully examining the full array. Double and triple checking everything to make sure there were no errors and that it had been correctly adjusted for this world. Seeing no errors, my horn lit up before my magic shot into the array, the chalk lit up before slowly burning the circle into the floor itself. Once the spell ended I turned and smiled at the pair. "There that should do it. There is a thirty-second delay before the array will teleport us into the Fortress."

Twilight jumped in glee much to my and DeeDee's amusement. "Then we can go right now?"

"Once we do one last thing," I replied with a smirk as I moved close to Twilight and then nuzzled her neck. "In order for you to be allowed there, you are going to need to wear something."

"Um, the suit?" She asked blushing even I shook my head, a flash of magic and I retrieved what I wanted her to wear from where it was kept in our room. Her eyes widened, and her blush deepened as I slipped it on and locked it in place around her neck.

I loved how the dark lavender material and the amethysts looked as I took the small key that allowed her collar to be removed. Rarity had really outdone herself even with how it was locked in place. "No my Pet, when in the Fortress you are to wear your collar at all times."

"You two are into that?" DeeDee asked with a blush of her own.

"Mmhmm... I think both my Pets look gorgeous in collars." I stated before giving Twilight a deep kiss before moving toward the array again. "To the point, I'm half tempted to enchant Twilight's so it's only visible to those who already know it's there."

"You want me to be a Permanent Pet like Sunset don't you?" My twin asked as she and DeeDee joined me on the array.

"Yes Sis, I do want you as mine forever just like with Sunset," I admitted after the moment as the array began to charge up the spell. "The question though is if you want that."

Her response was cut as a flash engulfed the three of us. One moment we were in a small room with crystal walls, in the next we were in a much larger chamber made of a similar crystal. We had appeared atop a dais, one in which a single Throne rested. I promptly sat in it letting out a tired sigh as the array had taken most of the magic from me for the first trip.

The room was initially dark at our arrival, but enchanted torches had begun to ignite as soon as I had sat down. The dais wasn't the only thing, there was a long purple carpet going from it to a set of double doors. On either side there were alcoves filled with statues, some were of ponies, some were griffins, some dragons, in fact at least one statue representing each major species of the Ancient Era were represented.

I used the counterspell to revert to my bipedal state and sighed as the Throne became just that much more comfortable. My attention went to my two companions for this trip and suppressed a giggle at how gaga they were getting over what was currently present.

"Who are all these statues of?"

"From what I understand, some are the ones who combined their magic to make this place. Mostly at his request, the Great Wizard Spike." I pointed at the Statue of a large adult dragon that was also on the dais, curled almost protectively around the Throne I was sitting in. It was one of the few statues or images of him that did not have the wizard hat or robes. "Others were the Rainbow Queen's closest companions."

The doors to the Throne Room burst open, and a literal tide of fuzzballs flowed into the room. "She's back! She's back!" The rolling forms seeming to flow over and under each other like a wave as it filled the room, the swell causing both Twilight and DeeDee to end up pushed off to the side. All the Bushwoolies spoke in unison even as they ended up burying me in furry hugs. "The Princess is back!"

"What? But I haven't been to this version before.."

"Silly Twilight." The ones in direct contact with me were the only ones who spoke. "There are many Equestria, but only one Sanctuary." Then the rest began to speak again. "She's Back! She's back! The Princess is back!"

I looked at them in confusion only for my ears to flick at the sounds of galloping hooves, my gaze just turning back to the open doors only to freeze at the sight of what, no who, just ran in after the Bushwoolies. A blonde white-coated unicorn stallion, one with a patch over one eye half covering the scar from an old wound. In the black uniform worn by Imperial Officers, only where Daybreaker's Mark had been, there was mine alongside Lieutenant bars.

"How..." I muttered as he took in the sight of me on the Throne and much different appearance than he'd have remembered. "Are you alive?"

Another chorus from the Bushwoolies occurred even as they parted enough to let him approach a foot from the dais. He bowed before speaking, "Lady Sundancer left a third message, Princess. A final failsafe activated and saved many of us, many feared you had perished but the Bushwoolies kept saying you were alive."

"How... many...?"

"Six Full Legions, and twice that in a mix of Civilians and Slaves."

One hundred and eight thousand survivors. I... I wasn't the only one left. The little fuzzballs hugged me tighter, a moment later followed by my Twin wrapping her forearms and wings about me. The Unicorn seemed surprised as he noticed her, at the sight of her collar though I made a decision.

"Captain Blueblood, as of this moment, Forced Slavery is abolished." My voice coming out firmer than one would have expected given my emotions. "Only those who choose to wear a collar, and choose who their Masters are will still be Slaves. And even then those with a Collar are to be given all the rights and privileges of a Full Citizen. I expect them to be helped fully in adjusting to their new lives as free Sapients. Anyone who objects can come and kiss my ass for all the good it will do them."

"I will relay your orders at once Princess." He had gone immediately to attention as I had spoken.

"First tell me what this failsafe was."

"A self-contained biosphere in orbit of Equus, Princess." He answered. "Lady Sundancer called it Elysium."

I found myself boggling at him. "The Ancients really didn't do things by half did they?" I asked wryly. "Oh and this is Princess Twilight of Equestria, my Dimensional Twin. She is to be accorded the same respect as is given to me." He gave her a nod of greetings. "I tend to go by Mirror Flash when in other Worlds."

"It's good to see you back, Princess."

I smiled and gestured for him to come close when he did I pulled him into a hug. "It's good to see you too Cousin." He stiffened at the contact only to relax and awkwardly return the hug. That reminded me of something, I'd likely have to implement a mandatory hugging policy until everyone was used to them.

It is not every day you learn that, yes the world is actually flat. Not Equus mind you, that's a giant sphere free floating in a sea of stars. Orbited by two smaller spheres, Celestia's Sun, and Luna's Moon. The Sun actually in a higher orbit than the Moon. And floating between the Moon and the atmosphere of Equus was Elysium. Out of phase and nearly invisible to anyone below.

For thousands of years, there had been one star that had never moved position, not even for Luna. It had become long known as the Compass Star, one of the fixed features that travelers relied on. The Three Tribes had found the lands that would become Modern Equestria, or the Imperial Provence, by following that star. A star that had shown brightly over Mount Canterlot itself. Turns out that Star had been Elysium the whole time.

Fortress Sanctuary existed at its very heart. In the exact center of a continent, our Ancient Ancestors had somehow detached from Equus. Along with a section of the sea around it. And lifted up into its current position. Protected from the cold vacuum and solar winds by a massive crystal wall encircling everything and a glowing shield dome of pure magic to cap everything off. It was like the Crystal Empire in a way, only on a much larger scale.

And it teemed with Pre-Discordian Era flora and fauna. Nothing Sapient, but many creatures long thought extinct were thriving here. Both predator, and prey, in a self-balancing ecosystem floating among the stars. There were even places that could be exploited for materials to build an actual Colony. Which with the help of the Bushwoolies who were the Caretakers of everything, the Imperial Remnants have been doing for the past ten years.

The city that had popped up around the Fortress was a prime example. Sure there was a clear order to everything, but it wasn't the perfectly square grids that Daybreaker had insisted on. No the boundary wall they had made was a curved circle around everything, and the streets were laid out in a grid of straight lines and actual angles. All of which led ultimately back to the Fortress.

It wasn't the only settlement either, those who had been saved had spread out. Founding settlements, and building homes anywhere there was a resource that could be exploited or places that were just beautiful to live. More they had apparently found my old notes, and thus many of the reforms I had been planning were in effect. Including the stricter regulation and protection of Slaves from abusive Masters. That one was now partially moot given my new decree, but it would still be in effect for anyone who chose to remain a Slave.

There is was also quite a lot that the Bushwoolies were definitely not telling me or anyone else. However, given how helpful and friendly the little fuzzballs were I was not going to push them on anything they did not want to share. I reaffirmed, that deliberately harming any of them was considered a very serious crime. Simple fact, you do not fuck with the ones keeping you alive, be they servants or chefs giving you food, barbers grooming you, or doctors treating you for illness. For the Remnants, Bushwoolies were added to the very top of that list.

I sighed as I set down the various reports that had been brought to me, bringing me up to date with how things currently stood on the macro scale. Twilight was ensconced in the Archives, much like I had been when I had first seen them. DeeDee had opted to explore Elysium, with a single Pegasus Legionnaire as both escort and guide. I was stuck having to deal with politics.

I leaned back into my seat in the War Room, which really did look like a much larger version of the Cutie Map Room in Twilight's Castle now that I can compare the two. "First things first," I stated to the various Ponies and other Sapients that had gathered. "Thank you. Thank you all for stepping up during my absence. For doing what I would have done if I hadn't been convinced that I was the only survivor of the Fall of our World."

"If you don't mind my asking Princess, where were you?" One of them asked.

I sighed again. "An alternate version of the Rainbow Queen's Dimension. One where time flowed faster and the Humans are building an Interstellar Empire. If we build a ship, it would take us thousands of years to reach the nearest star." I paused a moment. "They can cross the same distance in a week."

That caused quite a bit of murmuring of surprise. "You can imagine how comparable their weapons technologies are. They make Thunder Staff Rifles look like obsolete antiques. I look the way I do now because they had to build me an entirely new body due to how badly injured the backlash of killing Daybreaker left me."

"A new body?"

"Yeah apparently mind and soul transfers are common enough that you can get them done in any Hospital. So they created me a new body using my own genetics as the template. Admittedly took ten years to pay off the resulting bill, and fine for illegal Dimensional Transit."

"They have a fine for that?"

"They tend to fight off Dimensional Invasions enough to warrant such a fine for anyone who doesn't arrive at predesignated locations." I gave them a wry smile. "So yes they could have likely swatted Daybreaker like a gnat had she figured out how to invade one of their planets."

"Right now I'm very popular with them. So we might be able to get a few of their nonmilitary advances to help us out." I then gave them all a cold look. "So under no circumstances are we going to do anything to piss them off. They are to get the same regard as we give the Bushwoolies, for the exact same reasons. Especially as these guys turned War into a literal Art form, and are descended from Apex Predators."

There were quite a few wide eyes around the table. "Princess what do you intend to do regarding them." I glanced at the speaker, a griffin I did not know the name of yet.

"Play nice, at the very least a Mutual Non-Aggression Treaty, and possibly buy some technologies from them." I summoned the Harkonnen and let it drop onto the table. "I got this as a gift from some of their civilians because they wanted me to dress up in a specific costume during one aforementioned Invasion. And yes this is a fully functional military grade anti-armor rifle cannon."

"Wait... Civilians gave you that?"

"By Imperial Doctrine, the entire species would be considered bat-shit insane, and so damned Chaotic that they could surpass Discord when it comes to sheer Chaos, and that's before you add magic to the mix. Conversely, at the same time, they are some of the friendliest Sapients you could meet, so long as you do not provoke them. They are quite literally walking talking Paradoxes. And the Rainbow Queen was barely a teenage foal of that species when she visited Equus."

"Daybreaker would have taken one look at them, and declared them Evil to be Purged." I finished. "Which would likely have resulted in our extinction. We are better than her, we do not buck over Humans. We play up being cute, adorable, enjoy their affections and stay on their good side."

"Princess... Forgive me but how the buck do we do that?" Captain Blueblood asked from his seat next to mine.

"I assume everyone noticed the other me walking around?" At their collective nods. "She is from a version of Equus where Daybreaker never became Daybreaker. Princess Celestia, her original name, rules jointly with her sister Luna, the Night Princess. While their World is far from perfect, it's a lot better off than we were under Daybreaker. They don't have any Casteless, my old Nanny? The Alicorn of Love there." I closed my eyes. "And they have been helping me a lot, just because it's the Kind thing to do."

"They have everything we should have gotten. They are too trusting and too forgiving for their own good at times. However, they mastered everything that these reports tell me we have only just started experimenting with. Art, Culture, Music, everything we lack. And more importantly the Alicorns there are willing to share it with anyone who accepts an offer of Friendship."

"So we are going to exploit their naivety?"

"No, we are going to accept their Friendship genuinely. We are going to send some of our young to the school my Twin is constructing. We are going to put up and be civil with a significantly more benevolent version of the Solar Alicorn. And if any idiot tries to invade them, we will come down like the fist of an angry Goddess in their defense." I stated standing and smacking the table with my fist. "We are Warriors, we will always be that at our core. They, however, know how to live in peace and happiness. We will watch, we will learn, and we will choose what lessons they have to share that we will apply to ourselves. So we can find our own path out of the Darkness that Daybreaker cast us into with her lust for power."

I tapped the reports. "You have already taken steps out of that Darkness. With Equestria's help, I think we can make that journey a bit faster. We are Dark, we are not Evil. The Light isn't something to be feared, not anymore. That said I do not intend to have us be doormats or vassals to them. We will treat them as Equals, and take no less from them."

I paused to allow them time to seriously consider my words. "So say I." I began the hymn of the Rebellion.

"So say we all." They responded after a moment finishing it in unison. Thankfully they had all spoken it. It meant they at least saw value in what I had told them. They would play ball at least for now, and if any had any misgivings they would likely speak to me privately about them later.

The teleport spell dispersed as I reached my destination. Much like had three weeks ago, I focused on teleporting to an individual. Unlike that time, the mare I teleported in on wasn't asleep in bed. She was, however, sitting at her vanity running a brush through her mane. She stated slightly only to see it was my reflection as I stepped up and promptly draped myself against her back between her wings. My arms loosely wrapped around her neck as I let out a tired sigh against the white coat. "I don't know how you do it."

She gave me an amused look using the mirror. "Not that I mind, but you don't seek me out all that often. Usually, it's Twilight or Luna."

"Twilight is currently in a Library filled with thousands of books she hasn't read yet," I muttered back even as I glanced at the stone bust that currently held Tia's crown and regalia. "Which means we won't be hearing from her for a few days at the soonest. Luna is currently busy with her duties. The only one else I could talk to about an issue I have found myself in would be Cadence, but she's either busy chasing around the Barnacle or trying to find a chance to rut Shiny."

"What issue?"

"I wasn't the only one," I muttered, only to continue at her arched brow. "I discovered other Survivors of the Imperium today."

"That's wonderful." She smiled and I returned it. "How many?"

"Somewhat over a hundred thousand," I replied with a chuckle at how her brush just stopped in its path through her mane. "Yes, I was kind of in shock... Then buried in reports... And now pretty much stuck having to make sure that they don't do anything stupid."

"How bad?"

"I just got out of a very long meeting with the High Council they formed in my absence. The end result is, you can expect quite a few more tourists popping up. Some of the youngsters will be getting sent to Twilight's School once it opens. And we will likely need to set up at least one Treaty at some point."

Her brush resumed after a few moments. "Well, that doesn't sound too bad."

"I had to explicitly shoot down any idea of exploiting the naivety of your subjects before we got to that point." I sighed. "I managed to get them on board with my ideas so far, however, I am going to need a bit of help from you and your ponies to keep them on board."

"Just what kind of mindset are they coming with?"

"Your value is determined on how well you contribute to the Imperial War Machine." I recited softly. "They have already implemented many of the reforms I had planned after finding my notes. But your counterpart kept us at each other's throats, yet unified just enough to keep the Windigoes away."

"And that Treaty you are thinking of?"

"Mutual Defense Pact, the best way I can think of to get them to view Equestria as allies."

"And then friends?"

"Hopefully, but considering the one big upset I already made I will need to pick the best times for each step." I reached over and snagged one of her wing brushes before starting to run it through her feathers.

"What did you do besides finding them?"

"Abolished forced Slavery, and made any that choose to still be collared slaves full citizens with the right to choose their Master," I smirked. "After all can't have anyone disrespecting my Pets."

"I still find it hard to believe Sunset did that."

I smirked for a moment. "Twilight enjoys it too. So, Mommy, have you been taking lessons on the subject from Auntie?"

She blushed and glanced back at me. "Yes just hard to believe at times."

"Everypony has needs, desires, and kinks. Twilight enjoys being a sexy little submissive pet, Sunset enjoys switching from being my pet and dominating Twilight. I have more kinks than I care to list."

"Oh and what about me?"

"Your Students and Incest," I stated without any hesitation, grinning as she sputtered slightly and turned to look at me. "Not the younger ones, the ones that have grown up fully. While different from Her in all the ways that matter, you are still the same Mare. Just you choose good, she chose evil. So your kinks are the same, just tempered compared to hers."

"And how do you know that is true?" She asked turning around completely.

"By how hard you got off when I plugged you up while Luna pinned you down," I smirk. "Admit you enjoyed having a Twilight Sparkle doing that for you before you got to pin Luna down for her turn."

She pulled me into a hug with her forearms and wrapped her wings around me. I felt her nuzzling my hair and I relaxed against her chest after a few moments of going stiff. "You don't need to do things like that in order to get friends."

"I know, but it's easier for me to see the real person inside when they climax." I nuzzled her check. "Remember I am a Telepath, and for an instant, you were a completely open book to me. So I saw you, all of you."

"Not many can withstand seeing all of me." She replied after a few moments of pondering just what I said.

"I can stand seeing the full you for the few seconds your guard drops." At her look, I giggled. "It's only been a few months since I spent my Saturdays as a relatively benign Elder God's cock sleeve while getting nibbled on around the edges of my soul."

"I'm surprised that didn't have any side effects." She sounded concerned.

"Oh, it did. It's one of the reasons I started Sealing most of my Magic. My mana reserves went through the roof." I stated with a sigh. "Though I'd not recommend it for just anyone."

"How much through the roof?"

"The bleed off doesn't just affect my mane." I sighed. "Not to mention I end up looking darker and darker the more I power up. It takes a lot of willpower to not let the magic go to my head when partially unsealed enough."

"Just what did the other me teach you?"

"She started me off on Necromancy if you must know. Once I mastered that to her satisfaction, then she started teaching me all the other battle magic."


"We treated Light Magic like you treat Dark Magic," I stated. "There is a reason I don't go anywhere without my Elements since I got my memories back." I tapped the belt around my waist. "Or that I like to go and listen to Harmony singing."

"Would you like help?" I glanced at her and arched a brow of my own. "From the sounds of it, you were taught only dark magic for the longest time." I nodded slowly. "Well, I could teach you how we do magic. It may help you in maintaining your control enough that you won't need those seals eventually."

"I'll never be exactly like your Twilight," I stated after a few moments.

"You have lived a very different life, little Twin game with her is most apt. Rarely are twins identical in every little detail."

"Fine, I was planning on asking for help on dealing with being an actual Ruler anyway. That was one thing She never taught me. Beyond giving orders and expecting them to be obeyed." I smirk. "I still plan to make it so Snobs do not get a foothold."

"How do you plan on that?"

"Possibly going full Meritocracy. Rather than merely a Military one." I stated with a wicked smile.

"Might I suggest checking all possible options before implementing such a system."

"If they aren't going to use their wealth, power and influence to help those who need it. Then they don't deserve any of it."

My head was tilted up by a hoof and then I felt Tia's lips pressed to mine for several moments before she spoke. "You will find it is not that easy. And yes I admit I do have a thing for some of my former students." She then booped my nose with a hoof. "Now if I remember correctly Sunset went to visit her Twin, correct?"


"Then you Mirror won't mind keeping me company a bit?" She asked even as she rose, I was engulfed in her magic after I nodded. "Well then if you don't mind, I'd like you to be my pillow for the night." She giggled softly as I was lifted and carried to the bed.

"So sex?"

"No just sleeping." She shook her head before pulling me into the bed with her. I soon found myself resting on the bed with her head on me. This would likely be a fairly long night.

She gave a happy sigh as she nuzzled the smaller bipedal alicorn in her bed. The younger mare's face resting against her chest, even as her own head rested against Mirror's back. Her forearms and cannons wrapped around her and holding her against her stomach. A brush floated over from her vanity and she began to slowly brush Mirror's mane as she lifted her head.

The mare murmured in her sleep and nuzzled her chest, causing the Solar Alicorn to smile. She was acting as much a pillow to her companion as the mare had been one of her. She glanced at the door as it opened and lifted a hoof to her mouth as she saw her secretary entering. Her wing lifted enough for the mare to see Mirror before it lowered back into place.

"Good Morning Princess," Raven spoke softly. "You're up a bit early."

"Only by a few minutes." She replied just as quietly, setting the brush down before taking a moment to raise the Sun. "Anything I need to know for today?"

"No Princess, nothing has cropped up that would interrupt your day off."

The Alicorn smiled, "Good, I'll be able to spend time with Mirror without interruption then."

"Did you get her to sign the papers?" The mare asked with an arched brow.

"No, I haven't had a chance to bring them up yet."

"What papers?" Mirror's voice was half muffled but her ears had gone from flat to perk up at attention.

"Paperwork to grant you full legal status as a Princess of Equestria," Celestia answered with a sigh.

The smaller alicorn rose so she could peer up at the larger one. "And how did you intend to do that?"

"By making what has Luna calling you her niece, valid here." She stated after a few moments. "In effect transferring the adoption by Daybreaker to me." She gave a worried smile at the younger Alicorn's silence, and the sudden shifting and conflicting expressions that appeared on the mare's face. Before Mirror seemed to go slack into unconsciousness.

"Sorry Mistress just Blue Screened." A mare's voice came from the back pocket of Mirror's shorts. "It will be a few moments before she wakes up again."

The other two mares blinked at the voice before Celestia spoke. "Who is speaking?"

"Please removed the flat rectangular object from Mistress's back pocket." The voice replied, it took but a moment for Celestia to find the object and fish it out with her magic. She'd seen in before, usually in the hooves or hands of Mirror depending on which form she was in. On the screen, a small animated unicorn waved up at her. She looked almost identical to Vinyl Scratch, only with a rainbow mane and a multicolored version of Vinyl's Cutie Mark. She even had her own version of the DJ's shades. "I am Spectrum Melody, Mistress's Number One Assistant, and one of her adoptive sisters."

"Not the Succubus?"

"No that would be Sweet Delight, to use terms you would understand. I am a hyper intelligent, fully sapient, artificial consciousness. Created for the purpose of ensuring the health and happiness of my Mistress. Or as she put it before. I am her Spike, the roles we play are very similar. Think of me as a self-aware spell that requires very specific reagents, hardware like this device, to perform my functions several billion times a second."

"So you would be able to perform my job?" Raven asked with an arched brow.

"Yes, one of my core functions allows me to act as a Secretary. However I only do that for Mistress, and some of Mistress's actions indicate that at some point I will not be her only Secretary." The animated pony responded with a smile. "It will be nice because as efficient as I am, her having more ponies she can rely on and trust is better for her mental health than relying solely on me."

"And what does 'Blue Screened' mean?" Celestia asked as she relaxed while listening to the friendly little being inside the device.

"Critical System or Logic Error. I was forced to sedate Mistress before it got bad enough that she would require medical attention back in Porno World." Melody frowned softly. "The inner conflict caused by what you proposed was about to hit 'Twiplosion' level. Given the high probability of a destructive magic surge, I intervened."

"So it was a bad idea?" Celestia couldn't help but feel disappointed despite herself.

"No, in fact, depending on how you proceed it is potentially a very good idea," Melody replied almost instantly. "However it needs to be done in such a way as to not invalidate her adoption by Nick and Valarie Light. They are the Dimensional Analogs of her birth parents. And most importantly, the Imperial Remnants can not become a Vassal State to Equestria like the Crystal Empire is."

"What happened to her birth parents?"

"During her admissions test to the Imperial Academy of Magic, she was startled into Magic Surge, that resulted in her both gaining her 'Cutie Mark' as well as permanently transforming her parents into potted plants."

"What startled her? And why do you say permanently?"

"She was startled by what you call a Sonic Rainboom, and she was told by your counterpart that the transformation was permanent. It is one of the memories her mind actively suppresses." Melody stated to the shock of both mares. "It's bad enough she had to kill Daybreaker, who she called mother for many years. But the knowledge that she was responsible for the accidental deaths of her own parents is something even her brother kept from her."

"How do you know this?"

"The information was acquired during her Intake Evaluation after the signing of her Contract. One test is a complete mind scan by a Telepathic Psychiatrist. It results in a very extensive Psychological Profile of a Contestant. This precedes any memory backups and or wipes if specified in the Contract."

"Raven, tomorrow please start revising the adoption papers." The Princess stated as she nuzzled the unconscious mare in her bed.

"I could get started today, Princess."

"No, it is the Day of Rest. It's bad enough you come in the morning, you are not spending the rest of your one day off a week stuck in the Palace." Celestia stated with a smile before giving her Secretary a nuzzle as well. "The only work I do on Sunday is raising and lowering the Sun. If I can have a day off, then you do not have an excuse. I will be very annoyed if I see you again before tomorrow morning and you aren't out somewhere enjoying yourself."

"Yes, Princess. I'll get started on it tomorrow then." She gave a soft sigh returning the nuzzle a moment before with a nod at Celestia she departed to begin her own day off.

I awoke the second time that morning to a wonderful sensation, one I had definitely not expected. Yet good enough to distract me from anything else as soon as I regained consciousness. The feel of latex encasing my curves as I partially laid on my stomach. Both my lower holes being completely stuffed full, along with the familiar sensation of an inflatable cock filling my mouth.

My vision was blocked by a blindfold, and the sensation of a very familiar mask encased the lower half of my face. My arms were pulled straight and bound together by a series of cuffs. My legs were folded under me, thighs cuffed to my calves. My ankles spread apart due to what was no doubt a spreader bar. My wings were in a harness that forced them to remain partially open.

But most damning of all was a collar firmly wrapped around my neck.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Mom? It took me a few seconds to place the voice. The brush stroking my hair really did not help in forming any coherent thoughts. Eventually, I would realize it was Celestia speaking.

"Oh yes, Princess." Melody practically chirped out. "Whenever Mistress wasn't being rutted hard by Night Light." The traitorous little minx explained. "Twilight Velvet would have her bound and collared just like this on Mondays. The only better option would have her go through her old Funday schedule."


"Every Sunday, Mistress would have to bathe in cum for four hours. Then be taken out in public, put in a set of stocks, and be used by anyone who passed by for eight hours. Finished up by getting dropped into a pit full of very naughty tentacles. That last one happened every single night." The mask and blindfold hid the deep blush that appeared on my cheeks as I listened in. My ears were still flat against my head. "She enjoyed it so much that she started calling it Funday."

"That wouldn't be conducive for her as a Princess even if such a thing were legal here," Celestia replied with a flat tone.

"It's why I recommended this option. Admittedly it would be closer to what she was used to if you were bipedal and had her head in your lap." The brushing stopped and I detected a burst of magic. Fingers slid into my hair and lifted up my head, a moment later lowing it onto a pair of very firm thighs. "Perfect use those fingers instead of the brush and she'll be very happy."

The fingers began to stroke, and I barely suppressed a moan before it could escape. My eyes rolling back as I felt them massage through my hair. "And this was considered a Mother-Daughter bonding ritual back in Porno World?"

"Mmhmm... And once those papers are revised to reflect my suggestions, I doubt Mistress will object to signing them at all. The main issue though was the whole possible Vassalage, had she not found out about the other survivors then she likely would have signed the current papers so long as they did not invalidate her current family. At least once she had thought the idea over long enough."

"I'm surprised you're being so free with this information," Celestia commented even as her fingers continued to turn me into goo in her lap.

"I'm not actually. I am passing on only the information that will aid in ensuring my Mistress's health, physical and mental, as well as her ultimate happiness. I capable of overriding her own orders when they conflict with my prime directive." Melody answered all playfulness dropping from her tone. "She knows this, she also knows I'm incapable of actually betraying her. She is the one who requested I be able to act as I see fit in certain situations."

Didn't stop me from thinking of her as a traitorous little minx from time to time. "So how long until she wakes up do you think?"

"Oh, she woke up quite a bit ago." Melody no doubt had a wicked smile to match her tone. "She's been listening to us talk for quite awhile." No doubt Melody had been the one to wake me the same way she'd put me to sleep.

The fingers stopped. "Is that true?"

D-Don't stop. I whined plaintively at her. Please Mommy don't stop!

I finally perked up my ears and let out a muffled, whimpering, moaning against the gag as the fingers resumed. I could feel her shock even as I could imagine Melody's smug smile. "Told you, Mother-Daughter bonding ritual. There are only two mares who could do this with her on the receiving end. You and Twilight Velvet. Even this World's Velvet would be able to do this."

"What about.."

"Even She would have had this effect. If She hadn't taken that one fetish to its absolute extreme in such a gruesome manner. Most likely Mistress would have worked to merely purify Her rather than outright oust Her." Melody paused for several moments. "If She had genuinely cared for Mistress, then I doubt Mistress would have turned on her so completely."

My ears flattened again as I listened to that. The massaging fingers in my hair and against my ears kept me from doing anything but nuzzle those thighs. "Your trust is quite fragile at the moment isn't it?" My ears perked up once more, even as I let out a whine as those fingers caressed my cheek. "I'm not perfect, but I do promise to do my best not to break that trust."

I found myself tugged up by the collar and then pulled close until I was straddling that lap. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. My chin ending against her shoulder and my cheek against her neck. I sighed as her hand caressed my back, not in a manner that was in anyway sexual, despite the current circumstances. It was comforting in a way that had me completely relax against her.

Even though it was currently invisible, it was hard not to think about the collar I could feel around my neck. After a few hours of being held in Tia's lap with her hand caressing my back. She had eventually removed the blindfold covering my eyes. I promptly shifted my position just enough to bury my face between those large firm globes currently on her head and nuzzled.

My wings were ever so carefully extracted from the harness trapping them, and the cuffs on my arms and legs were all undone and removed. Allowing me to wrap my arms around her, even as she floated the spreader bar back to the case with my Cutie Mark on it. I bet Melody had the thing delivered.

The mask and gag were left in place, and Melody had activated the invisibility function of the collar that came with my latex suit. That meant, of course, the suit and everything under it was also left in place, and unlike when the other three had worn them, my suit was very clearly visible as I trotted alongside Tia.

"I find it amusing just how much that suit is relaxing you."

"Ten years of extreme training and conditioning Mommy." I replied with a blush that was only barely visible over the mask. "It is missing one bit to having it be an exact match to what I always wore."

"What's missing?" She glanced down at me.

"Snuggles," I replied with a hidden smile. "A parasite that wraps around a female host and feeds off very specific fluids. When attached it looks just like a rubber leotard, or bodysuit."

"Why would anypony want to wear something like that?"

"It has all these little nubs that constantly tease you, keeping you in a constant state of arousal. Which for me meant my body was kept in a state of near-constant edging."

"What is edging?"

"In a general context, it's anything bordering at the very edge of what is considered safe, sane, and consensual." I stated. "It sexual play at it's most extreme, and if not done correctly can be very dangerous. However in the context, I'm speaking of, it's keeping a mare on the very edge of orgasm and not allowing her to cum at all. Using a special device that makes it so the longer she goes without cumming, the more powerful the orgasm is when it finally is permitted."

She blushed deeply at the second half of the explanation. "Why is it you sound like a little filly at the moment?"

"New spell I'm making to allow me to talk when gagged like this." I replied with a giggle. "It still has a few kinks to work out as at the moment I sound either like this. or like this when using it."

Celestia and the few Guards standing on duty in the halls as we passed all shuddered. "Please use the first voice."

"Yes Mommy," I replied with another giggle. "Going to keep the other one too, could come in handy someday." We left the Palace itself for the Royal Gardens, where Tia had arranged a small picnic for lunch.

"So how long will you be wearing that?"

"The suit? Since you are the one who put it on me, it stays on until you take it off." I hummed around the gag at her arched brow. "Normally I seal myself in, which allows me to take it off whenever I like. With Sis, Sunset sealed it, and the enchantments recognize my ownership of Sunset. So either of us could take that one off."

"So that is why you unzipped the ones Luna and I wore?"

I nodded at her question even as we settled on the blanket. "Yes, they are bondage suits. Normally I trigger the self-bondage setting by zipping it up myself. However, right now the spells recognize you as Mommy."

"Well then Daughter, remove the mask and gag. It's time to eat." She stated before opening up the basket and starting to pull out food.

I nodded before triggering a few hidden catches that deflated the gag before undoing the straps holding everything in place. I was soon licking my lips after setting it down. "Ahh... Thank you, Mommy. Question is it off for just the meal or for the rest of the day?"

"The rest of the day, as adorable as your filly voice sounds, I'd rather speak to you without the mask."

"There has been one thing I've been wondering." She stated while handing me a plate of finger sandwiches as I nestled against her side under a wing. "How is it you and Luna find it so much easier to... well..."

"Get laid?" I answered after swallowing a bite, at her nod I sighed. "Mostly it's a case of your own reputation working against you." At her arched brow, I hummed. "Basically there are quite a few who would just love to leave you a mewling, dripping little cumdump on your bed. Problem is they are too terrified of you to even hint at it."

"They are terrified of me?" She asked ears actually drooping.

"Pretty much, I can't go into specifics. That's something you'd need to go through Luna for." I nuzzled her neck. "But I think a good part of your dry spell is due to your Public Relations team being too good at their jobs. Whether you intended it or not, quite a few view you as the penultimate prude. They think if somepony were to approach you with an offer of a romp, you would banish them in a dungeon somewhere and toss away the key."

"Why does everypony think I'm going to lock them in a dungeon all the time?" She asked with plaintively.

"Think of your track record without the proper context. Luna banished to the Moon for a thousand years. Various things banished and locked up in Tartarus. You go and fight Sombra, and an entire nation is effectively banished outside of time for a thousand years." I paused a moment to just nuzzle her shoulder. "Even if you weren't the one doing the banishing at the time. You were present in most of those instances."

"So too good PR with many things blown out of context?"

"And how most ponies view their beloved Princess Celestia, all combine to mean you not getting laid."

"And you're different because."

"I have zero respect for you as a Princess." I bluntly stated. "What respect I have gained, is to you as a mare, and..."

"A possible mother?"

"Yes." I found myself hugged tightly to her side at that. "Combined with my normal, I don't give a shit, with the fact you are a total MILF. Well, the only time I'll treat you like a Princess is during formal events like Court. Any other time your just Tia."

"Thank you." She murmured into my mane as I rolled my eyes and ate another finger sandwich.